HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-02-23 - Orange Coast Pilot• * * • • • IUICI CUil 111111111111 llllY PIPll TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 23. 1982 ORANGE COUNTY. CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS baJD, zap; P ·ac ·Man wins round WASHINGTON CAP) -The U.S. Supreme Court backed out of deciding what it called a "novel" legal question today: whether children under age 17 have a consitutional right to play video games in shopping mall arcades. -Sy a 7-2 vote, the justices sent back to a federal appeals court for further explanation the lower court's decisioq striking down a Mesquite, Texas, city ordinance banning such game-playing by youngsters not accompanied by a parent. The justices said they were uncertain whether the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals relied on state or fedecal criteria when it struck the city ordinance. "No reason for hasty decision of the constitutional question presented by this case has been advanced," Justice J ohn Paul Stevens wrote for the court. He s aid the circuit court should explain more specifically the basis for its decision so "we can then discharge our responsibiltities free of concern that we may be unnecessarily reaching out to decide a novel constitutional question." If the circuit court decides that the Texas Constitution gives teen-agers a greater right in this Instance than does the federal Constitution, the Supreme Court will be prec luded from reviewing the case. If the lower court says its ruling rested on the federal Constitution, the case likely will return to t he Supreme Court. Only Justices Byron R. White and Lewis F. Powell dissented, stating it was unnecessary to send the case back without deciding the constitutional issue. The court did rule on a subsidiary question in the case. It s aid the appeals court was wrong when it found to be too vague the wording previously c_ontained in the Mesquite ordinance barring video game arcade licenses to owners known to have "connections with criminal elements." The Mesquite ordinance was one of the relatively few that eat into the profits of video eame owners in any substantial way. Industry estimates indicate that between 50 percent and 75 percent of the-game players are 18 or younger. Americans spend an estimated $9 billion a year on coin-operated video a nd (See VIDEO, Page AZ> Red tape up in smoke 2 ,000 bid/or 300jobs Carpenters torch coast panel rul~s after long hassle By STEVE MITCHELL OI .. DMly " ... SUff Want to hear a good belly laugh? Just ask developer Chuck Smyth to name one good thing about the State Coasta l Commission. "You've got to be kidding," the jubilant Newport Beach developer said Monday in front of Carpenter's Union Local 1648 in Dana Point ' About 75 union carpenters gathered.at the small, one room local on Street of the Golden Lantern this morning to witness a call for union workers for Smyth's $100 million Lantern Bay project, to be built about 100 yards down the street. And while only two jobs for concrete form work were up for grabs today, union officials said. "This is just the beginning." Journeyman carpenter Bruce Bynes, 32, shouted, "I'll take it," when his nam e was announced during roll call. "I haven't had a job since Thanksgiving," the Capistrano Beach carpenter said. "It's only for a couple of weeks, but it's a hell of a lot better than nothing." By nes joine d bis fellow carpenters in front of the locaJ a few minutes later to watch union business representative Bill Molnar set fire to a pile of coastaJ commission regulations. As he poured lighter fluid over the s tack of rules and regulations, Molnar expolmded on what he termed the damage caused by the commission. "They (the commission> have been the cause of inflation in the housing industry and the reuoo wby a lot of you are unemployed ," be told the assembled , ~merican flag-waving carpenters. As the regulations -fed with s tringers of "red tape" - e rupted into flames , the carpenters erupted into cheers and hoots. A smiling Chuck Smyth, who with his brother Ed owns Smyth Bros.. Inc., stood at the side, watching the staged ceremonies. The two builders have been trying to develop their 76-acre parcel overlooking Dana Harbor for the past 22 years. Plans caJI for 112 townhouses. Suspec t testifies: 'man not murdered' Testifying in his own behalf, Willie Ray Wisely told a jury Monday that be is innocent of killing hi s stepfather by compressing the man's body between the tilt-away cab and frame of a truck tractor rig. "Mr. <Robert) Bray was not murdered by anyone," Wisely told the panel seated before Orange County Superior Court Judge Kenneth Lae. Wisely, 29, testified that the March, 1981, death of Bray, 61, of Huntington Beach, was an accident. Police claim it was a murder m ade to appear accidental. Wisely a lso testified that another defendant in the case, James Dunagan, 26 , was not DIANGI COAST llATHll Low clouds ~d fog in late night and early morning hours through Wednesday . Hazy and variable high clouds late this afternoon . Fair Wednesday afternoon. Highs 62 to 69 both days. Lows tonight S2 to 57. 111111 TlllY UC Irvine's Jennifer Chandler, .an Olympic gold-medal diwr in 1'16, goe• /or big buckl in Svfldoy'• 1uper1tor1 compdUfon. StOf'JI, photo& P.oce Cl . 11111 ............... ~ c:: & .. ..:: fi::-5 • 1 1 I .. ..... . .. ... 43111 •• .......... u ....... ........... C4 ............. ...... ....._DI .... CM ==-~ ~ .. ..... A.I .......... , tel ling the truth when he implicated Wisely in Bray's death. Dunagan testified in January against Wisely after being permitted to plead guilty to lesser charges of voluntary manslaughter and conspiracy to commit second-degree murder. "He (Dunagan) didn't have anything to do with it ... nobody did," Wisely testified. Wisely, who is acting as bis own attorney, was articulate as questi~ were posed by Daye Shinn, a Los Angeles attorney who is serving as Wisely's "edvisory" counsel. Wisely prepared the questions Shinn posed. Wisely. appearing at ease and speaking without hesitation, said certain inconsistencies with early s14tements given to police investigators and later recollections were simply "mistak~." •' U I was trtlng to set up an alibi, I would set up an alibi. It would have been completely airtight," Wisely said. Bray's body was found pinned between the cab and the frame of the tractor of the 1001-haul rte he used on transcontinental trucking runs. Death was ruled to have been caused by suffocation. Dunagan, the alleged accomplice, bad testified that be drove Wisely to the lntenec:t.loa of Springdale Street south of Edineer Avenue Jut March I where Bray bad parked tbe rte and wu repairin1 tbe eqlae with the truck's cab elevated above him. Duda1an Hid Wisely wu can'yioa a hypodermic syriue and a bandlUD wben be ltrode over to tbe truck. Recalllnt a f'lCbt be bad wltb Bray oo Jan. 121 WlHly told the (8" DENfAL, Pase AJ) • 46 s ingle family homes. two major hotels, a shopping center and two parks that will be constructed and maintained by the company. "It's a gre at relief to be through the coa s tal com mission," he said. Smyth blames the commission for "contributing directly to the increase in costs" for the project. "In 1.972 we intended to sell these units for around $40,000," he said. Smyth won't even say what they'll be going for when the project is completed in three to five years. Does he have anything good to say about the coastal watchdog? .. Absolutely not. Their goal was to enable more people to enjoy the coast, but because of their delays and regulations they have increased the cost of projects to the point where only the very rich can afford to live here ." "I'm just glad we're finally through that entire ridiculous process,'' he said. The Lantern Bay project is expected to cost between $100 and $150-million before its com pletion a nd ho lds the potential for providing hundreds of jobs to the local carpenters' union the smallest in Orange County. "There were only two jobs handed out today," said Molnar, the union representative. "But that's just the tip of the iceberg." "Happy days are here again," he sang, drawing more applause from hard·hat carpenters. .,..., ............ UP IN SMOKE -Carpenters Local 1648 representative Bill Molnar sets fire to Coastal Commission regulations during ceremonies in Dana Point celebrating the hiring of carpenters for the much-delayed Lantern Bay development. LONG BEACH (AP> -Phil Goerl, office manager with California 's Employment Dl! velopment Department, surveyed the crowd of 2,000 applying for about 300 paid s hipyard a pprenticeships and allowed, "It's a very poor labor market." Lines began forming at dawn and stretched six people deep; four blocks long as job seekers flocked to try for the program advertised in local newspapers over the weekend. The Long Beach Naval shipyard and Long Beach City College are joint sponsors of the four-year training program with in-school wages from $6.53 to $6.96 an hour plus federaJ civil ser vice benefits. Graduates will become bla c ks miths, machinists, electricians, molders, painters, typesetters or s killed c raft workers in 13 other trades. "What's especially attractive a bout these jobs is that no experience is necessary," Goerl said. "One only needs a high school degree or the equivalent, a Social Security number, phys ical capability and a proficiency in math." The 2,400 applicants chosen Monday and today face a four-hour math test Saturday which Goerl predicted will "screen out a good portion. It's not an easy test. There's no trigonometry. but there's some algebra and so me logic questions." 'Onion Fie ld' conv ict freed Applicant Michael Brillo, 37, was laid off last week from a maintenance job aboard the Queen Mary. a cruise ship refurbished as a hotel. The sole s upport for a 4 'Ai -year-old daughter and a 69-year-old mother, Brillo lined up for an application at 5 a .m . He got one at 12:30 p.m . LA district attorney fails to prevent Smith's parole SOLEDAD (AP) -J immy Lee Smith, one of two men convicted in the "Onion Field" murder of a policeman that became the subject of a best selling novel and movie, walked away a free man from the state prison facility in Soledad today, officials said. Gene Perez, spokesman for the Soledad Correctional Trainine Facility 20 miles south of Salinas, said Smith, S2, was delighted to be leaving the Institution. He was greeted by his wife and filmed by a televlsloo crew on his departure, Perez said. Smith, whose release came after the Los An1eles district at- torney failed to prevent his parole, was convicted for bLa role ln the March 9, 1963, slaying Juron selected in Corona ret rial HAYWARD (AP) -Jury selection went forward today in the retrial of Juan ~orona, . accused ot the wont strtq ol murder in U.S. history -25 farm laborers. No Jurors were selected on the openln1 day Monday .· QuaUOnnatre1 were itven to ia protpeetlve Juron. of Los Angeles police officer Ian Campbell. However, District Attorney John Van de Kamp of Los Angeles County, who asked the state Board of Prison Terms to rest'ind Smith's release date, said he still has •·some hope" of blocking the scheduled June release of Gregory Ulas Powell, Smith's partner ln the murder in an onion field so uth of Bakersfield. Powell, now at the Vacaville Medical Facility, is scheduled to have a "progress" hearine there Thursday before a parole panel. Smith and Powell ort,mally were sentenced to die in the gas chamber for the lddnappln1 and murder depicted in the book and movie, "The Onion Field," by Joseph Wambaugh, ol Newport Beach, then a Los An1eles police sergeant-tumed·novelilt. The convictions aubsequdly were overturned on appeal. The men were retried and coovieted separately, with Powell 81* sentenced to death and Smltb recelvtn1 a Ufe sentence. Both received parole dales alter Calllomla '1 deatb la• wu declared uncouUtutloDal. Van de Kamp, wbo ii nmDinl for 1tate attorney 1•neral1 hand -delivered letters Wednesday ur1in1 parole olflclall to revoke the ac:bectuled • iJ - release or Smith and Powell. But Board Chairman Raymond C. Brown telephoned Van de Kamp on Monday to inform htm that no steps wOUJd be taken to block Smith's release today. · "I've never seen it this bad," the Long Beach man said. "Reagan's the one who's doing this to the American workers. Explosions kill 12 in tebanon market BEIRUT, Lebanon <AP> - Two cars packed wltb explosives blew up ln ah outdoor market ln mostly Moslem West Beirut today, and police sources said l2 pepple were kllled and 40 wounded , Including 1choolchildren. Wit.neues said the first car bomb went off at 1:20 p.m .• drawtnc crowds to the acene. 'ten minutes later, a second car esploded near the crowd, apparmUy aff0Untin1 for mOlt of the cuualUes . The bluts Ht off a ftre that trapped people In flamln1 natne, and tbl IJOlice IOW'oel Hid the cuualty hsure eauJd rtae. Bet.rut at.ate televllion Wd • bbel'to --.. ...-p calliq ltHU tbe "Holy Stru111,, ... Organlaatlon'' claimed responsibility. But a Western news agency in Beirut said it received a telephone call from a 1roup which calls itself the "Front for the Liberation of Lebanon from Foreigners ," c lalmlog responslbllity. It. said the group threaten.cl to "continue a series of operaUou mosUy lb Lebanon and abroed until April 28 ." It dld nQt elaborate and the slplftcance of the date could bot be determined. The front is believed to be rt1ht wtn1 and has uld in previous communlqute tbat it want1 to rld Lebanon of foret1n•rs. an apparent <8"90llll8,PapAI) • • 4 • • • TAK19'0 A LICIUNG -Denise Ashton of Laguna Beach and her dog Brewer find a pe rfect way to cool off on a warm day with Delly l"tlet ....... Illy C--. Starr some ice cream. Debbie enjoys her cone while Brewer cleans out a dish. From PageA1 VIDEO GAME STATUS UN~EAR. • • electronic pmes, three times the amount spent on movies. The • M~quite controversy dates to 1976 when Aladdin's Castle Inc. became interested in opening a c oin -operated amusement center in the Dallas suburb's Tdwn East Mall. Tbe Mesquite City Council amended two ordinances to allow such a business location - includiq a change speeifically to al)ow ~en under 17 to use the m,a~hin es in s u ch establiahments. AlaCtcb's , owned by the Bally Manuf~ring Corp". of Chicago and the operator or about 100 amusement centers nationwide, entered into a 10-year rental contract with the mall and spent $80,000 preparing its center. The c ity manager subsequently refused to grant a license, relying on information from the city police chief that Hally allegedly was closely linked to organized crime. After a stale court ordered a license granted, the councU revived the 17-year-old age limit. Aladdin'~sued, and the.circuit court ruled that the a1e limit "violates the federal and Tens Governors cautious on New E ederalism WASHINGTO N CAP > - Democratic governors told President Reagan today they a re willing to work with him' toward a "new federalism" but warned that the whole project "will ring hollow" unless be first strai"htens out the economy. The t.ougb-worded resolution by the.Democratic caucus of the National Governors Association was adbpted unanimously as Republican governors, meeting separately, were endoraiDg a milder bipartisan plan taken to President Reagan at the White House on Monday and expeeted to be approved by the overall conference at its closing session today. Senate majority leader Howard H. Baker Jr., R·Tenn., meanwhile told the governors he will push for Senate a cUon on Reagan's "new federalism .. proposal this year, probably in late summer or fall. constitutional guarantees of equal protection or the law ... Noting that the Supreme Court "has never ruled directly on the application of the right or association in a social context such as the present one," the appeals court nevertheless ruled that "for minors as for adults. t he ordinance impermissibly and unconstitutionally infringes on freedom of association." Several cities and towns across the country have tried to limit youngsters' access to video games arcades, usually voicinc concern about drug trafflckin1 or other social ills. Fuel operations of shuttle tested CAPE CANAVERAL (AP) - Puparations for the space shuttle's third mission continued as technicians. readied for a two-day test of the fu el-loading operations. More than a half-million gallons of supercold liquid hydrogen and oxygen will be loaded into Columbia's external tank Thursday in the same way the propellants will be loaded on . launch day, Sjlid Kennedy Space Center spokesman Rocky Raab. The fuel will then be emptied from the tanks . SUR~ -These five Russian crewm en. who suoi~ed the sinking of the Soviet contaim?r-ship M ekhanik T arasov, were oroncxmced extremelv fit and were preparing .......... io leave St. John's, Newfoundland. for Russia today. Of the 37 men aboard the ship. six were rescued alive, but one died later. -~--- a. ................ 11..-aM11 All otlMr d1p a 11•*• M2..tU1 .. , FromPageA1 DENIAL. • • court1 :·u Mr. Bray haJ seen me near rum , be would have chued me down the road with whatever be bad." Of Duna1an '1 testimony, Wisely ~akl. "It's all fabricaUon . . . racta fed to htm by hll" attorney or the police.•• Wtsely was scheduled to under10 crou·examinatlon today from Deputy Dl1trict Attorney Ecl1ar F""man. t Major &>anks drop lenc.ting charge to 16.5 percent NEW YORK (AP) -Several major banks lowered their prime lendlq rata today to 18.5 percent fr1>m tbe 17 percent level the banldnf ladu1try adopted only alx days a10. lt wu the third prime rate chan1e t.bll month and the ftnt decreue 1loce early December. Cltlbank lo New York, the nation's aecond·lar1eet bank, lnllltated the cut to 18.5 percent. Monday it aold about $4.9 bfJUon ln six.month bills at an lnterelt rate that was more than l~ percenta1e polnu lo\yer than last week. The rate paid on six-month certlficates sold by banks and aavlnp lnalltuUons ls pe11ed to tbe hi1her of two fl1urea: Monday's yield on six-month Treasury bills, or the avera1e yield on such bills at the four m ost recent auctions. This time the tour-week avera1e was hl1her. The recession took lta toll on the stock market Monday. Tbe Dow Jones avera1e of 30 industrial stocks fell to U .04 polntl to 811.21, ltl lowest fln1ab ln 21 months. Traders blamed the aelloff on mountin1 recession worries. Today, the slide continued. The Dow Jones index was down 3 more points in early tradln1. • It was followed by No. 1 Banlt ot America , N o . 5 Mor1an Guaranty Trust Co .• No. 7 Continental Illinois N allonal Bank & Trust Co., No. 8 Bankers Trust Co., No. 9 First National Bank or Cbica10 and No. 14 Marine Midland Barut. Last week , increasing open-market Inter est rates provided the pressure for banks to raise the base charge to 17 percent, but on Monday a sharp decllne in rates lowered banks' cost of obtaining funds for investment and lending. Guilty pleas heiird in OC fraud case Rates on 13-week Treasury bills skidded more than two percentage points Monday, and rates on new short-term bills auctioned Mo nday by the Treasury posted t he largest week-to-week declines in recent memory. The average rate on new J.3..week bills fell to 12.43 percent from 14. 74 percent, and six-month bills dropped to 12.695 percent from 14.36 percent. The interest·rate declinu were spurred by a large $3.1 billion decline in the nation's basic money supply reported Friday and continued sluggishness in the economy, credit analysts said. The prime rate -the base fee ba nks ch a rg e their mos t c r editwo rthy corporate borrowers -fell from a peak of 20.5 percent last July to as low a s 15 .5 percent In late November. But it again rose early this year, reaching 16.5 percent on Feb. 2 and 17 percent last Wednesday. The prime hit a high of 21.5 percent in December 1980. A number of regional banks, preceded Citibank's move by lowering their prime lending rate to 16.5 percent on Monday. The beleaguered savings industry is getting some relief from the-high cost or money as a result of the government's latest auction of Treasury bills. Starting today. the interest rate savers may e arn on six-month mo ney market certificates drops to 13.958 percent frpm the previous 14.61 percent. That also lowers th e government's borrowing costs. The Treasury Department said There.'s Hope for male /an. LOS ANGE LES CAP > - Robert B. Arnold won his fight for equal rights when pro<iucers of a .Bob Hope television special rescinded a women-only rule for the taping audience and gave the sign-toting protester a seat. The 27-year·old Los Angeles man was among six picketing with signs demanding "Equal Rights for Men" outside the Burbank studio where Hope's s pecial "Women I Love - Beautiful But Funny,·· was being taped for telecast Feb. 28. A predominantly female audience had queued for tickets Sunday. The National Broadcasting Co .• which runs the studio, gave the men tickets -all in the rear of the audience. The 32-year-old president of an Orange County Investment firm faces a possible six-year prison term ,rter ·pleading guilty Monday to three felony counts in connection with charges that he misled Investors. Entering the guilty pleas before Superior Court Judge Richard Beacom was Steve Rice, who ran Placentia-based Rikor In vestme nt and Development Co. before his arrest last year. It was alleged that investors -including two Costa Mesa r esidents -were promised high-interest returns on their money -up to 20 percent within a rive-month period. FIT -Brig. Gen. J a-fnes Dozier. held prisoner 42 days b y Ita l ian· t e rrorist s. appears on NBC"s .. Today .. show. rested after two weeks of relaxation . Body throwing charge denied ATLANTA <AP) -Wayne B. Williams returned lo the stand in his murder trial today and denied throwing the body of a yo un g bl ac k man off a Chattacboochee River bridge where a police stakeout team spotted him last spring. "I d1d not throw anything off that bridge," Williams said in his second day or testimony. But he said one officer who stopped him near the bridge told him, "We're tired of all this mess. We know you \hrew a body in that river." GIVE ntE WATCH EVERYONE'S LOOKING FOil ROLEX. However. prosecutors said the investors never got their money back from Rikor Investment Co. and that the firm did not invest the funds as promlsed. , Sente ncing for Ri ce is scheduled for April 12. The charges on which be · entered pleas Monday were gra nd theft, for ger y and misleading investors. In r eturn for these guilty pleas. prosecutors agreed to dismiss two other charges of grand theft and failure lo register securities with the slate. T he charges against Rice · in volved three business ventures and 12 people. The investments totaled $216~. From PageA1 BOMBS. • • refe rence to Palestinians and Syrians. Scores of ambulances went to and from the seafront Rawche district while militiamen fired automatic weapons into the air to clear away traffic. Some of the wounded were youngsters caught walking or riding buses home from school through t h e usuall y overcrowded shopping area. Associated Press reporter Scheherazade Faramarzi, who happened to be at the scene of the blasts, said the two car bombs explode d within 10 minutes of each other. The cars were parked on the side of the road and Faramarz.i said it was difficult lo determine which were the car bombs because "there were several cars on fi re and "there is so much smoke you can't breathe.·· A thick pall of smoke rose above the capital s~rtly after the two explosions. which were heard throughout the city: It was the first car bombing in West Beirut this year after a string of car bombings last year. A total of 18 bombings in Beirut b etween Septe m ber and December last year claimed more than 200 lives. Tower leap 'real blas(' SYDNEY. Australia (AP) Wayne Allwood, a 28-year-old parachutist, said he jumped onto lhe top of Australia's tallest structure from a helicopter "just for the blast." , Landing on the l ,OOO·foot Sydney Tower was "the tricky part," he said Monday. The helicopter hovered at a height of 3,000 feel while he jumped. Everyone wants a Rolex Oyster. A. LadyDate, 14 l<arat yellow gold and stainless steel, $1.475. ' B. Man's ~ Date. 14 karat yellow gold and stainless steel, $1, 750. C. Lady's Perpetual Date, • stainless steel. $845. SLAVICK'S ,.,. ~ Slra 1917 Whttt ~ btn surprises btgin. FllNon lllnl (714) 144-1380 • "-Poft IMdl .-C".lwtllr Los Ang..• Sin Dllgo •IM ....... } ............ BURTON AT BALL Actor Richard Burton. daughter Maria and son-in-law S teve Carson. right. were among those attending the Opera Ball in Vienna recently. Burton has a nnounced t hat he and his third wife. Susan, have filed for divorce. • Tyrone Power.'• lcin a hit in Italy aomlm1 Po_.r, dau1hter or lhe late American movie 11ctor TJroae Power, domlnate lla ly's popular muslc charta with three hit alngles In the Top Ten. T he 30-year-old singer , who llve11 ln the Adriatic seaport town of Brindisi with her hus band, Italian alnaer Al lhao, and two children, became popular while co-h osting th e It a lian television series "FantasUco 2.'' On the s how, s h e introdu ced her first hit sl~gle, "Ballo del Qua Qua," a dance-step song for youngsters. She t ea m ed with h e r husband for a second record, a r qmantic ballad titled "Sharazan." Another joint release, "Felicita," was lnlroduced a t the San Remo son g festival and moved from 75th to 10th in the Italian listings. Ms . magazine founder Gloria Stebaem proclaimed a "second wave of feminism" • at a 10th an n iver sar y celebration in Fresno for the founding of a chapter" of the National Organization for Women. "We have at least another 90 years to go," she said. "T he change is clear ly there, and the majority is clearly there. And the worst danger Is that we allow ourselves to belie'Ve . . . t hat it is not there." The band bus of Doug Kershaw, the country fiddler who calls himself "Louisiana Ma n ," was stopped for spe~ding on Inters tate 10 about ~ miles from his old homestead of Sulphur, La., police say. It cost $155 and a stack of autographs. • State police clocked the bus •going 71 mph a s it headed toward San Antonio, Texas, for a concert. The trooper escorted it lo the Sulphur courthouse. where the signs on the side of the bus made it clear the local celebrity was inside. John Quincy Adams says he's getting into politics. ... ,,........ TAYLORED COAT Elizabeth Taylor tries on the "Amazing Coat" from the play. "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat." a s members of the cast strike a pose backstage in New York Liz recently announced separation from her fifth hus band. Sen John Warner. Adams, 32, a Carson City, Nev., pharmacist and direct descendant of two American presidents, said he'll seek the Assembly District 37 seal rep resenting northeast Car son City and extreme · southern Washoe County . Coastal F•lr lhl\ •lternoon P•tcrw low cloud• lonlgnt and Wednod•V morning. Fair Weclnesd•V arte,.,,_ Co••tal l\lgl\ •5 Wtdn••dav o ... rnl9'11 -" Extended forecast F•tr ••<tot v•t••btt tl9M •'1d morn1no low clOUO\ in lhe '°"st•I art~•s HiQM in the 60s w tlh ovtrn19.ht low• o to S7 1n1and high .s weonud•v Cal•forni·a Onrn1Q11t low 55. "' Ehewhere. ov•r outer waters. nof1h-1t wtndS near t5 to U knob ton19hl with ..,., tiullclfno to 5 to 7 feel. C_ .. wlndS lfgl\t and variable lllrough tonight becoming wttsl to IOUlh•••I 10 to 11 knot• lhl• •lier-. WHle<IY •-II ' lo l fHI L-<._ ctM rlnQ o ... r nortMm Mo\llY f•ir t11r0U9ll Wednodev P11chy morning fog in ,.,,... Inland valley\ Gusty,_,,.,.... .. w1n<1> "'- Ille co .. 1 and •n 1ne S~c,.,,,.nlo Valley ••l•rs tOdey, Partly cloudy on _,.,,.,n .,...,, •hb •"•moon•"". Te mperatures "'"'' -. ·U.S. summary •y T ... _la-~fts Snow and colder temptr•tvre\ spread acrou Montan• 1nc1 onto North Dakota on Monday. while In llW NortNMt • -!WHJUre arN pH the Allanlk COMI contlnlled 10 b<Tng IUllertld ·-to Hr.or Enot•nd. There •llO _ ... M>"'9 IUll•r•d .,.as ol "'°"" ...,,er ll'le ..-1aln1 of Vlrolni• and Wnt Virginie -In -••ern..._v_. Rain fell -ttw OVter &enfo\ of Nortll Cerollne, end lh••• were clOuds lrom Ille G•HI L.tkH r09lon throuol\ muc:ll of Ille Appelachlan\ and Ille notllern ~third\ of the AllanlkCoeil MICMl.ry rHCllnos were In tne 60\ and 70s from the G"'f Co1111 lo the central •ncl ~hem Pl•I~ wttlle to the nortto mu<h cOOlef rNdl"9\ In ltw JOI were r_.iecl tn Soulll Oe"ot• Temperalurn amund the netton renoecl from • hiQlh ol '° el Gii• .. ,,.,, Arlr .• 10 • -of t *9< .. .. fow ...-oat Gunn!-., Coto. All><lny AlbvOue Amarillo Ancl'OOr- A•heville AUanll AU•nlc CIY &alllm..,. Blrm1nolvn Bltmorek Boise Boston Brownsvtle &ulf•IO Cl\athln SC c ... rlllnWV Cheyenne Clll<A90 Cincinnati Ct••tl•nd Col um~ 011.Ft WU\ Denver Des Moina. Oetr·olt Oululh El P•IO Falrbellk\ H•rtford ........ NATIOH HI Le ll 26 10 Jl ., 31 10 00 .. 35 $7 J1 41 J7 .. 11 •2 ll 19 n '3 ?'I l7 JO ... .. lS JI SS 4$ 19 )A u 30 •• n ,, l7 JI Jl '° lO 11 u 71 40 .. JS 19 ~ " ,, " )1 11 ·J7 37 32 3' ?'I 11onolulv HoiKlon tnOn•pfl• Jachnvllo Juneau Kan• City LHVeQH Little Rock LO•A"99~ loulsvlll• Meme>llh Miami Mllw•ukee Mpfs-St P NaY!vllle HewOrl- HtwY- Hortol" Oki• City Om•h• OrtanOc> Phlladplila P-nl• Plltst>vr9'1 Piiand, Me Piiand, 0.-e Repld City Reno Rk- S.llLAIJ.e San01"90 Sen Fr"" s .. 111. Adams. a Republican. says he is a descendant of Joha Adams, the country's second president, and his nam esake. John Quincy AdaJns, the sixth president. 1' 13 41 .. 15 7J ,. ., 71 51 " 71 40 •• 56 " '° .. u 71 70 u 17 ,. JO ., 50 ., '1 u 6S se 0 •7 St Loui\ '1 SIP·Ta~ ll Sf Ste Marie 0 Spollane 07 TuClon n Tutu 4' WHlllnotn 41 Wlcllll1 57 JI CAU"OllNIA 3' APl)fe Vall•y ~! B•ktrsfleld 25 ::::,:,,. !: Big &or 81~ 3' Blythe ~ Calaflr\41 40 Eur.-a 51 Fresno ,. LAnc•ll•r 51 Lono Beach l~A11991H f. Mary1vll1t ,. Monterey 30 Ml. Wiison .u Needles ,. Newport 8Mch .. 08111-» Ont•rfo $0 Palm 59<1"91 "::~o:... lllv.,.00. Red llufl *•emefllo 56 .. Jl )'I ... '° 4' 75 HI ,. se '° 74 n 70 .. .. 50 Sol 71 ., 71 .. 5e ., as u " 71 .. '° •S 71 to St for tOdtv, snow wu foreca st •< rou lh• Oakol•• to upper Mlchlo•n and over northern VennoM, •1111 r .. n K•ll.,.ed from Ntbru ... ltwOUgl\ the rest of the Great LaltH r99lon. A <~nee Of tllow•rs WM lor«HI In, ... northern Pacllk ,..ion, wltll partly cl tlllet -tlle Mt11\em Rockies. SURf REPD9l 'S.llnas San .. r-oino SanG .. 1rlel San f r-..:hco SanJ- SanlaAna 51 n " 5t '2 7S Hltlle In the IOw IOI_,. llndktecl for IOlllMnl Arizona and o ... r lhe 1 IOVtllern PltlM; In the tos -70& lnNn c.tlforftla ftlllO -.them Nev-' t fld lrom 111• 1outhern Roc1tte1 Uorouoll Ill• lower hall of the Ml"IHIPPI Vtfley lo Ille IOUtllern Atllfltk c.st: In t11e 20s and >Ot lrom central Montane encl t lle 0.119tn lo ,,._.,,,., -In Ille 40s -th for~ of the'"' of Ille netlOfl. lliilliii .............. ~ .................... ""'!m! ,.., .. ........ -Sa11ta Crw ._.. ...., Swelt Saftta MMla a,.. MH IMr Saftta Moftke .. .. ..., ... hl•wy ............. .... ..... " ,. IJ It ' ' w "°'"''°" I 2 W Tel\oe Vattev I 2 W Tllef'mal 2 2 NW TorreftC• Y11rne We're Listening ••• u .. " SI .. 67 " What do you like about the Dally Piiot? What don't you like? Call the number below and your me11a1e wlll be recorded. transcribed and delivered to the appropria(e editor. The same 24-hour anawerin1 service may be used lo record let· ters to the editor on any topic. Mailbox contributors must Include their name and telephone number for •ermcauon. No circulation calls, ptease. Tell ua what' a on your mind. 30 St " ,. Sol • 41 JI lS la .. SS se •S 26 JS SJ 50 ,. 50 u Sol SS 41 " " " n 41 SS SS .. .. 411 .. oM .. 47 .. ,. " S2 " ,. St SI ., 41 .. • SS • - Orange Cout DAJL V PtLOTfTuelda~. February 23, 1982 s CARVINGS IN THE SAND These four youngsters enjoyed this week's hot spell by carving sculptures in the sand on Balboa Deltw ,. ............. ., .... ....,_ Island. The artists <from left> are Matt Hurray. 12: Alice O'Kieffe. 12. and 9-year-old Jack Hogan and his 5·year·oid broth~ Brian UCI clinic to become hospit~l Cam-pus facility won't m~an phase-out of Medical Center By RICHARD GREEN Of t ... o .. .., Pli.t s .. tt The proposed UC Ir vine outpatient clinic, approved late last week by the UC Board of Regents. will be designed for future expansio n into a full-fledged hospital, said a UCI administrator. Dane Hoiberg. assistant executive vice chancellor, said this design approach is in keepi n g with t h e UC I adm mistration 's long-s tanding desire to have a broad range of clinical facilities on the Irvine campus. The university's primary clinical facilities are in Orange at the UC Irvine Medical Center Development of the C'linic and possible eventual construction of other medical facili ties on the Irvine campus doesn't m ean that UCI is i-;lowly phasing out of its facilities in Orange, said Hoiberg. It m ight be possible , for example. for UCI to operate hospitals both in Orange and Irvine, said Hoiberg. The relations hip between researchers ana scientists at the UCI College of Medicine on the Irvine campus and practitioners at UCI MC in Orange 1s som ewhat s trained b y the distance between the two facilities. ............ CLEAN SWEEP -Good sweepers are hard to find in curling. but it may be a bit much to ask for a four-legged helper Norm Matt.son was caught in this pose in Edmonton. Canada. but it's Roger Johnson with the other pair ol legs behind him. ca SOUTH COAST Pl.A2A Ho iberg s aid that is why UCI administrators are so anxious to have clinical facilities on the Irvine campus adjacent to I.he · College or Medicine . H e said the UC I clinic 1s e xpected to open in 1984. offering a broad range of outpatient services mcluding treatment for cancer patients and a 24·hour "urgent care·· room . Hoiberg said there are 121 acres of land s urrounding the m edical school on which UCI adm inislrators would somect_ay like to bui ld a "m e dical complex ... UC:I Chancello r Aldrich has said he would Lilte to eventually s ee up lo a half.dozen hospitals built on or around the Irvine campus. While UCI adminastr-ators move ahead with their p~.for · medical facilities, most maJor hospitals surrounding Irvine are proposing lo build hospitals in • fast-growing Irvine. which city : officials say is the largest city in -the state with no hospital ~n its bdrders. ' • • Dave Baker. president of: People for an Irvme Community · Hospital, said his group feels that the logical place for Irvine's first hospital would be in the central city near Jeffrey Road and Barranca Parkway. The organization, formed to give Irvine citizens a say in health care planning, feels that a hospital at UC Irvine would be too far from residents living in north Irvine San Juan airport hearing pos tponed A public hearing o n the proposed San Jua n C.t.eek airport has been rescbeduleCl lo M arch 3 at Marco P'or'ster Junior High School. The San Juan Capistrano City Council hearing will begin~ at 7:30 p.m. at the cafetorium of the school. which is located on De l Obispo Stree t. The airport site hearing had been scheduled for March 2 .. l ; . ; . t Or11ng41 Cout DAILY PILOT/Tut1day, February 23, 1882' I ROM® (AP> _, Angered by ''Theo eecond purpose Is to see al1ne Ge rebellion In the ranks or ~w the society can respond and hlfl Jtl\ult legion, Pope John reallr.e lbie pope's will." P•u\ U has s ummoned 100 Deaia. an 80-year·old Italian, leaderJ or the largest and most :wm preiidt over the conference lnfh.1eqtlal reli&h>us order In :that btcAna Tuesda)' ln the. C h r i s t e n d o m t o a n dolatered settin&.. ol ll hilltop unpre~e4•nted conclave. vllta near the wlne·m•klng ,V.atlc,.n and Jesuit sources 9enter ol Frascati. say \he conservative pontiff bas Jes ult sources expec\ the b&eo uohappy a bout many pc>pe, throuch Dezza, lo take a Jesuits' 1involvement in leftist hard Hne. Politics and their open support They contrasted John Paul for liberal causes within the with Pope Paul VI, who also had Roman Catholic Church. difflculU~ with what one-Jesuit ·.·~ome have bee n a little ~al.ledtheorder's"hotheads'." unatscriininating µt elaborating "Paul was a sensitive new U\etlries, .. said a Jesuit diplomatic type. This man miaht sourc~ who asked not to be drop the gloves," said the priest, ideotified, w h o a s k e d t o r e m a i n Some Jesuits in Latin America anonymous. have endorsed the so-called If Individual J esuits resist the "Theology or Liberation," wh.ich p()ntiff's wiJI , son:i,e Jesuit and -Supreme Court action WASHINGTON (AP > -Here. at a 11ance, are hlghll1ht1 of U.S . Supreme Court action Monday: COURTS· P RESS Th e Justices allowed California courts lo continue barring the press aod public fr om the questioning o r prospective jurors in trials in which the death penalty is a possible punishment. By a 6·3 vote. Urey rejected a challenge by three California newspapers which wanted the Supreme Court to again study the public's right to attend criminal trials POLITICAL EXTORT ION comb(nes M arxis m with Valicanso11rces expectthepope Cattiolic tradition. to force them out ot the order. Jesuil!! a lso have taken part in That would most likely happen th e left-wing S andini s ta after the conference, since the g u e rr i 11 a move m e n t in pope wants to give them time to N i c aragua, a nd have been consider yielding. the sources SIMULTANEOUS FIRES Smokl' spreads ·over a large section of Salem . Mass . after two fires broke out within un hour of l'<H'h o l h o r t w o b Io C' k s i..I pa rt M on d a ~· T h l' fi r st blaze was reported at the National Guard Armory. left . a nd the second at th(' Masonic Te mple . Five• alarms wer e sounded on both T h e court rejected argument!'> by Sen Thomas Eagleton'!.. niece that she was denied a fair trial on her con viction of taking part an an extortion plot involving false c laims that the Democratic sen Cl t or from Missouri was bi!:iex ual Elizabeth ~agleton Weigand, 25, was convicted of threateni ng to make public false gossip about Eagleton in 1980 and was sentenced to 4 1 :i years an prison accused or helping rebels in said Guatemala and El Salvador. J ohn Paul will receive the In the Un ited States and group at lite Vatican on Feb. 27. Western Europe, Jesuits have The order's leaders will public ly chaJlenged priestly celebrate Mass a t Jesuit world Mili tary-ag'e civilians tested Mt::RGERS The justices refused lo revive Mobil Oil's c ha llenge to U.S Steel Corp 's $6 3 bi llio n take over la s t mo nth o f Mar a thon 011 Withou t comment . they left intact rulings th at, on antitrust grounds, took Mobil Oil out or the takeover race for Marathon celibacy and the church ban on headquarters three blocks from a rtificial birth control. St Peter's Square before seeing Soon after the start of his the pontiff, the only time they No changes indicated in recruiting due to scores pontificate in 1978, the pope sent plan to leave the villa until the a directive urging members of meeting ends March 3. the 447-year-old Society or Jesus. The rest of the time, the the formal name of the order , to Jesuits will confer with Dezza stick to an austere religious li!e. and work out a response to the follow church doctrine and shun pope A communique may be "secularizing tendencies " issued at the end . Last October, he went a step The Jesuits, who undergo further, naming his personal ri~orous scholastic and priestly representative. the Rev. Paolo training, take a special vow of D e z~a . to run the order -loyalty to the pope, gi ving them effecti vel y s upplanting the the nickn ame of h is "first J esuits' ailing s uperior-general. legion " They run leading the Very Rev. Pedro Arrupe of Roman Catholic universities and Spain. religious m1ss1ons worldwide, as The m ove w as w ithout well as Vatican Radio. precedent. and Jesuits in West Despite their influence and Germany, France and Canada prestige, the number of Jesuits complained publicly has declined by 25 percent in the N 0 w . l h e p 0 n l i r r h as past 20 years. from 35,000 IO the summoned leaders of the order 1960s to 26,600 today Especially t o a c I o s e d -d o o r in Western Europe, the society l ayin'"~·of-the-law, the first sufCered from the secularization such meeting 1n the order 's that cut me mbership of other history. orders . "The first purpose 1s lo inform The pope is under some the provincials !Jes uit local pressure from bis hops to rein in administrators>. and through the Jesuits . As t he top churc h them the entire society. about officials in individual dioceses. the pope's thoughts about the bishops reel their authority is society," s aid Jesuit spokesman c h allenged by J esuits with the Rev Jean-Claude Dietsch. untraditional views. WASHINGTON <AP l -The Pentagon's manpower chief has said there will be no changes in recruiting policies because a test of m ilitary age civilian youths showed blacks scored well below wltites in verbal and mathe matic skills. "The study was not done to s upport any change an public policy," Lawrence J Korb. assistant secretary of defense for manpower . told reporters al a news briefing on Monday Korb said the over-all results or the tests given to nearly 12,000 young men and women in 1980, "tell us we are getting people of very hi gh quality." The test results. titled "Profile of American Youth," reported that the scores of recruits between the ages 18 and 23 in fiscal 1981 were s lightly higher than those of the over-all youth population Counting whites, blacks 'and His panics, military recruits got 52 percent of the questions right on the test while non-recruits got 51 percent right. But among the c iviLian group studied by a University of Chicago research center. whites· scor es averaged 56 percen t com pared with 24 percent for blac k s a nd 31 percent for Hi!.panics. Korb acknowledged there was considerable concern within the Pent".igon that the racial aspects or the SJ 5 million study might feed the arguments of som e critics who see an all-volunteer force as inferior t o one that would include draftees Korb said he was not qualified to make any judgments on the reasons for the gaps among the test scores of blacks, Hispanics and whites in the study. The study was commissioned by the Carter administration a rt e r it discovered lee hnical deficiencies in the tests given to recr uit s r es ulting i n higher-than-justified scores. The test battery was then revised At the s ame time , the Pentagon set o ut. through the special sampling of civilian youths o f military age, to m easu re the ir perfo rma nce against those who actually Stuart Anderson's :HowtoflY) . a kite safely. 1. Alwa~.., UM: \ dry Mring. wood and paper in your lo.111:. ~ 5. Alwa).., fly your kite away Imm T V and radio antenna-. 2. Never U)>C 6. Al"'ayi; ti ~ ~llUr lo.1tc tar from pn"'tr lint..,! Don't Ir) 10 rc1ritve lo.ite!> caught in pll\'-Cr lines~ wire or an) mctall u: material. J. Don't fl) )our lo..i tc in the rain. 4. Don· t crn-.., o;trcel~ or highway), when lo.ite fl ying. Southern California Edison ,t . • ~J D1ily Pilat Classifieds " Need& 7fo 850 Spy~er work. .... , .. m \nor engine $13'l0 t.ooks nice P P p -OOOQ. - ''So ld first day •""' to the fir st per son that calledJ '· ~~~L @ 642-5678 charge it~-by phone From South Laguna & North County • . call 54'>·1220 talJ·free. • • • ' Choice Prime Rib Now $1.00 of£ Save $1 offthe regular price of Stuart Anderson's complete Prime Rib dinners. After dinner, satisfy your appetite for fun In our lounge. There's music, dancing and no cover charge. The savings last through March 7. • teufoocl a.mblMtlon 1\4>1 tndudcdl FOUNTAIN VALLEY, SANTA ANA, GARDEN GROVE, TORRANCE, CERRITOS, LAKEWOOD, ANAHEIM' entered the armed services to see if there was any dis parity This was the first time that the Pentagon had ever undertaken s uch a sample of civilians of military age to provide a guide in determining whether or not th e a rm e d for ces were represcnt<ttive in quality Th e Arm e d f'o r ces Quahf1cation Test was given to a sample of 11.914 men and worn en aged 18 to 23 The National Opinion Researc h Cent er at the Uni vers1ty of Chicago administered it. Dr. Paul B. Salmon. execut1ve director of the Ameri can Associa t ion o f Sc ho ol Administrators. said that the results "clearly demonstrate the national inte rest in education " ··At t he very time that President Reagan is advocating severe c,utbacks in funcis for education, the Department of Defense is demonstrating that it understands we cannot have a strong military force without a well-educated populace." the director of the 18.000-member organization said DESEGREGATION The court asked the Reagan administration for its views on racial quotas used to preser ye integration in two Chicago rugh schools by curbing '"white flight." It requested t he Justice D e p a rtr(l e nt to addre ss argument!;' by black parents that the quotas "pl ace t he entire burden of integration on blacks and none on whites " POLICE The justices agreed to rule whether Los Angeles police officers can continue us ing two types of Judo ··choke holds·· that render their v1ct1ms unconscious on people who resist ar rest. A federal trial judge. upheld b} the 9th C1rcu1t Court of Appeals last Aug. 17. ruled that use of the holds 1s cxccssi \ e except when a police offi cer is threatened \\'ilh loss of h fco or ">e rious an jury Eleven deaths have occurred after such holds were applied 1mpo1 ted Teak Bookcases niese good looking, flame-grain teak bookcases are a speclal direct Import purchase and are an unbeatable value. Crafted of the finest teak veneer wlttl adjustable shelves. 76"x12Y> "X35". Back panels are constructed With matct11no PVC. is99ua1 BB'S - Human Rights unit wins court decision WASHINGTON (AP> -A 1roup ol restaurants alon1 San Fran cisco 's famous Fisherman's Wharf apparently has tailed to convlnce the U.S. Supreme Court they are belng bullled Into unlawful discrimination against white men. The court, without comment Monday , turn!d away arguments that the city's Human Rl&hts Commission is coercing restaurant owners to sign alflrmatlve action agreements. San Francisco officials have denied such coercion, stating they only want th~ restaurants to provide information about their recruitment and promotion or minority members and women. Today's action means the restaurants mu s t provide answers to HRC questionnaires .they received after refusing to sign affirmative action agreements in 1976. Lawyers for the restaurants, which are located on city-owned property, contended that the HRC is threatening to revoke leases if the agreements are not signed and lived up to. In a proposed 1976-77 agreement, the Kuman Rl&hts Commllslon set hiring ·•goals" -the restaurant owners called them "quotas" -of 50 percent minorities and 60 percent women. In addition. the HRC set promoUon goals at 80 percent minorities and 40 percent women. Th<' restaurants rejected the proposed agreement and. after their own agreement was rejected by the HRC, sued the com mission and other city officials Feb. 4. 1977. The lawsuit sought to bar the HRC from forcing the r estaurants. into agreements their lawyers said would roster unconstitutional and illegal racial bias against white men. A state trial judge, Charles Peery, ruled in favor of the restaurants. saying among other things that the HRC's proposal was unconstitutional and that the restaurants did not have to answer the questionnaires sent out by the HRC. A California appeals court, however , reversed1 Peer y 's ruling last June 18. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Photographer Ansel Adams celebrated his 80th birthda\' at an exhibition al the M ontercv Pe.nins ula Mu~cum of Art featuring 200· of his most famous photos Adams. best known for hi~ prange CoMt DAILY PILOT/TuMday, February 23, 1882 ,., ......... black and white nature photographs. was also honored Saturday at the Friends of Photography exhibit "The Unknown Ansel Adams ... consisting of 56 p1cturt>s o t previously displayed Mining bid stirs conflict CllF.SCENT CITY (AP> -A propoeed cobalt mine is iivtnt rise to a claaaical conflict between the interests of the economy and the environment. The aide or the economy, favoring the plan, Is supported by most ol the long-term residents, many or whom are unemployed. The environmental side, opposing the plan. is bein1 supported by many fairly recent emigrants of urban areas led by a be-arded JS.year-old Harvard philosophy graduate named John Deihl' who works as an income tax preparer. As for the mine. il would be the largest in the United States for strategic metals. It would be the only operating cobalt mlne in the country, a nd would probably pr oduce vast quantities or nickel. chromium and magnesium oxide, which are important for milit~ry purposes but now produced mostly in the Soviet Union and such uns table countries as Zimbabwe. Zambia and Zaire. The Sacramento Bee reported that a Canadian firm, California Nickel Corp .. wants to invest $260 million in the mine. If such revocations ever come about, it is conceivable that the controversy could one day return to the nation's highest court. Doctors to 'map' schizophrenics' brains The company says it would provide 450 jobs a year during the next 20 yea rs . The unemployment rate of the area is registered as 26.9 percent, but perhaps as many as 40 percent are jobless because many cannot collect unemployment because they have been out of work too long. Each restaurant's lease from the San Francisco Port Commission includes a contract provis ion pledging that the establishment will not discriminat"e in employment. From 1970 to 1975. the port com mission and restaurants entered into sin g le-year affirmative action programs lo give special preference to the hiring and advancement or minorities and women. The most recent pact expired in late 1976. SAN FRANCISCO <APJ - Scientists will "map" the brains of schizophrenic s , who so meti mes Ii ve in fantasy worlds, in a complex expe riment using co mputers, atomic accelerators and radioactive material. Doctors at the three institutions involved in the am bilious undertaking hope the brain m a ps. often brightly colored, will let the m see r hemical c hanges as they take place in a schizophrenic's brain and eventually develop better ways lo diagnose and treat the disease. The federall y-funded project could begin in two months and last several years, the San Francisco Chronicle reported Monday. "Ulti m ately , all of us biological psychiatrists believe that some of these major psychological disturbances are due to neuroche mi ca l dysfunction. and we ought to learn what the d sfunction is. and where it is." said Dr. Adolf Pfefferbaum of Sta nford University Stanford University Medical C enter , the Veterans Administration Hospital in Palo Alto and the Donner Laboratory. an arm of Un ive r sity of California's Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory , are involved in the experiment. Whe n the project is in full -swing. as m a ny as 20 schizophrenic patients each year will undergo a brain chemist scan at the Donner Laboratory. Each volunteer, who will first be judged mentally capable of granting permission l o participate. will receive the equivalent of the radiation in one chest X·ray when carbon·ll atoms are incorporated into the chemicals that carry nervous system impulses from one brain cell to the next. Patients will lie with their heads inside a steel and lead ring. Many of the pro-mine individuals still resent the federal government declaring Redwood National Park in the area, takin g hundreds of millions of board feet or lumber out of production. Del Norte County Assessor Gerald D. Cochran says the mine could add up lo Sl.5 billion lo the tax rolls. Yacht Potomac to he restored? SHUTTERS CUSTOM QUALin SHUTIERS "Nail down .a Cal Fed Ho111eowner's OAKLAND <AP> -The yacht Potomac. which served President Franklin 0 . Roosevelt and a local dope ring at various times in its checkered career, will be restored and put on public display al an estimated cost of $1 million. current owners say. Consultant Ed Macklin has been hired to guide the restoration by the Port of Oakland. which purchased the battered vessel for $15,000. Roosevelt used the sleek 165-foot yacht, which started life as a Coast Guard patrol boat, for seven years. A crew of 30 provided for his comfort when he was aboard on vacation or hosting visiting dignitaries. World War lJ brought an end to those pleasant voyages. For a while Roosevelt continued to use the vessel, but its sleek lines were marred by gun turrets and armor was added to guard against mines. In 1941 the Coast Guard declared the Potomac unseaworthy and the ship was converted to naval research. President Truman transfered it to the state of Maryland, which owned it until 1960. Sold by the state, it was used in the Caribbean and then in California, where it was used for a lime as a museum. But plans for a complete restoration collapsed when the owner was arrested in one of the San Francisco area's largest dope raids. The vessel, and a second ship. were implicated in the capture or 20 tons of marijuana. Things continued to ~et worse for the Potomac. said Macklin, describing how the seized vessel sank at the navy base at Treasure Island. "A broken piling becomes a spear at low tide," he said. Each time low Ude arrived. the Potomac was dropped onto a hidden piling. Finally, it pierced the s hip's hull, and it sank Macklin says the restoration could cost as much as $1 million "because we want to bring the Potomac back to ~he level of a Presidential yacht." James Roosevelt, former congressman and oldest son of the late President. will serve as honorary chairman for the restoration project. U the plan works -possibly with the help of the cities of Stockton and Sacramento -the yacht, looking much as It did when Roosevelt was aboard, will be open lo the pubUc in about a year. BabY. <:orrtest Bring YQUr bebiet (up lo2 ~old)to Huntlnaton Center 1 O a.m.Set.to= CORRECTION In the Seara Advertlling •ectlon of Feb. 21 there 11 •n •dvertfHment for • #14321 Slow Cooker reguler prtce $17.H on Hie for $13,17. The ....,ier price end ••I• price Ire conect; howevet, tM COPJ deacrlptton It Incorrect. The cooker It I 4 qt., not I I qt. coo9cer. We llnoeretr r .. rettNeerror. ISearsl for~~ '1.~~~~ ,_ _______ _ to~ of Dlmei. 642-5678 Put a few worc.(s to work for you In the llily Pilat Designed, Finished - Installed - . ... 28 Years Experience Manufacturing Quality Shutters FINEST QUALITY SHUTTERS AVAILABLE ON THE MARKET TODAY ... AT FACTORY DIRECT PRICES! can (714) 548-6841 or 548-1717 HORWOOD MANUFACTOllY 19n Placentia Avenue • Costa Mesa. CA 92611 Tht cooL i»I~ linens of Bill Blass for Blas~. DesCn so light and unencumbered it seems no ~structured than a sketch. Hete. in coral, the blouse. •tu, a.nd the sp/;t ll<irt borde~ in creamy color, •1.so. 80fh, for sizes 4 to 12. In O!sifner Sportswear-~ we aft! all the thlnss you are. .S.h fifth J\~llf. South Coast P/11._ JJJJ Brlµot tlftf. Cosra Mesa Equity Loan:' -Bob Hope If you1re long on ideas that co~t money: but short on cash, give Cal Fed a call. • Our Homeowner's Equity Loan lets you borrow against the valuable equity you\re built up on yow· hom e. You don't have to sell your home to get cash. Use the money for anything. Remodeling. Vaca· tions. College. A boat or mountain cabin. Whatever. It's a fully amortized loan. Up to 15 years to repay. At competitive, simple interest rates with no oalloon payments. And no penalty if you pay off early. No sense waiting, is there? Phone Cal Fed now and nail down your loan. : . Other loans and credit available: Auto • Boat •Mobile Home e Personal• Property Improvement • Purdaase Money Seoond • Revolving Line of Credit • V.. ta MasterCard. . - • You're better oll 1n Califomia CALIFORNIA FEDERAL SaYlngs and Loan Associal!On I I J .... Costa Mesa: (714) 546-8510 •Anaheim: (714) 776-~ , I • • ___ _.i _____ , ___ _ f . : . Orange Co11t OML V PILOTITUM<tay, Februaty 23, 1882 Juil,icial str.ategy cools election heat With only a few exceptions, ll)cumbent Orange County Judges whose terms end this year won't have to worry about convincing voters they should be re-elected to new six-year terms. And that's just the way the lncumbent.s and their supp()rters planned it. The only contested incumbency on the superior court bench is that of Judge Leonard Goldstein. of Newport Beach. He's facing opposition from an old opponent. William Hopkins Jr .. Anaheim city attorney. Hopkins challenged Goldstein in 19M when Goldstein was on the North Orange County Municipal Court bench. Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr. d ashed Hopkin's electoral opportunities b y appointing Goldstein to a s upe rior court vacancy and filling the north court vacancy. The action left Hopkins without a position for which to run. Hopkins said he's running against Goldstein again this year to give the voter~ a chance to express their views on a contest that was never finished two years ego. There also are ~ few contested races in the county's municipal courts. All in all. however. the wholesale challenge to the bench that occurred in 1978 and 1980 involving disgruntled deputy district attorneys espousing strong "l~w and order" themes -is gone this year. • This can be attributed in part to a recent "Solidarity Night" in which hundreds of attorneys donated money in a show of support for the incumbents. In short. the bench and bar ··got their act together" early. The merits of attempting to scare off the opposition in s uch fashion aside. the incumbent .i u d g es · s t r a t e g y c e rt a i n l ~· worked we ll. Legal aid for poor Cutbacks in funding for the federal Legal Services Corporation whic h provides legal advice for the poor have had at least one positive response. Th e American Bar Association's Family Law Section has announced plans to award small grants of $1.500 to $2,500 to state and local bar association projects that provide legal representation to indigent parents or children in family legal matters. In the past almost half the legal matters handled by legal ser vices lawyers have involved family problems. ranging from custody and a doptions lo housing. tax matters. Social Securit v pay ments. simple counseling and , somet im es . court representation. The funding cut s have sharply reduced available legal services for the poor and the bar association grants are intended as part of a n ex p a nd ed commitment to facilitate private bar involvement in such cases. In so me areas lawyers already have stepped in to fill the gap through volunteer projects. Orange Count y's Amicus Publico. for example. was launched last year to e nable private attorneys to fulfill their public service obli gation by handling a moderate number of poverty cases on a volunteer basis eac h vear. The cases. screened by-Amicus Publico. invol_ve families too poor even to qualify for the bar association's low-cost lawyer referral service Individua l attorneys, and some larger law firms. agree to handle from one or two up to 10 cases a year without charge. including ex t ended court represen~ation if necessary. The grant program initiated by the American Bar Association could well make it possible to extend such programs as Amicus Publico at the local and state level. It is a clear and practical step in the direction. espoused by President Reagan . of transferring som e parts of federal social programs to the private sector. Let 's join the gold rush It has been a lmost 50 years s ince the federal government issued its last gold coin. but because of continuing economic uncertainties and the age-old allure of the yellow m etal. Americans are as eager as ever to buy gold pieces. To meet that demand. the U.S Gold Commission has pro· posed the issue of a new gold coin. the American Eagle. The piece would only be for collectors or investors, as it would not be legal tender and would be sold by the ounce or half-ounce rather than in monetary units. Its value would fluctuate with the price of gold. We feel the coin would be a suitable means of meeting A'mericans ' gold demand and urge Congress to pass legislation authorizing its issue. The potential m arket is big. Americans are snapping up gold coins issued by foreign governments. the mo:;t popular being the South African Krugerrand. of which 3 million to • 4 million were sold last year. The American Eagle would be a particularly attractive buy . because profit from resale would not be subject to capital gains taxes. Along with coins the Gold Com mission has been studying whether the U .S should return to a gold standard. which some conservatives believe would promote monetary stability and cut inflation and interest rates T he commission majority. however, decided a gold standard would not contribute significantly to pri ce sta bility and recommended against reviving it Time has passed the gold standard by. but there is still a significant role for the precious metal as an investment. Since foreign governments are making tidy sums sellin g the coins to Americans, it 's time the Treasury got in on the action. We . urge Congress to authorize the American Eagle as soon as possible. Opinions expre~sed In the space above are those of the Daily Pilot. Other views ex· pressed on ltlls page are th ose ot their autllon, and artists. Reader comment is 1nv1t· , ed. Address ·The Dally Pilot. P 0 . Box 1S60. Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Phone (7141 . .f>4:1·4321 . ~ L.M. Bo yd/Nicknames No bistoricaJ records go back far enou1b to prove a time wbeo men weren't ta11ed with nicknames. Even iD ancient Egypt there were cituens mown u Bed, BaJdy, Luy, Ape, f'roe, Donkey and Bil Head. Tablets reveaJ that one royal aon waa called The Cat, one royaJ daughter, Nosy. Q. Aren't all wild anJmaJs afraid of llre7 A. 11-.ybe, but not all run away ORANGE COAST QlilJPilat from it. Wild elepbanta, for inltance, run toward liWe fires, and anarlly stamp them out. Th<Nle wbo know abo~t Africa and India credit elepllan&a. next to rain, with puU.lna out tbe moet forest fires. On t.be market now la a Sl.000 telephone devJce tbat makea a woman's volce aound like a man's. Am told a few have bffo, told to lone ladles wbo fear 10me ot*cene callers bave c[lmlnal Intent. Thoma1 P. H•ley PuJ:>llsh4tr .,,.., .... A. ....... Editor - BartNar a Krelbkh ~dttorlal Page Editor The 'legislative veto' trick WASHINGTON -The dangers of the so-called "legislative veto" -now under attack by the federal courts - are superbly illustrated by the fate of the used-car regulation proposed by the Federal Trade Commission. The suggested FTC rule would force used-car dealers to inform buyers about their wananty rights as well as such defects as cracked engine heads, damaged ball -joint se als, bad suspension systems and leakage in the transmiss ion, cooling, brake and steering systems. FOR THE SECOND year in a row. the proposed used-car regulation is being considered by Congress. It can be nullified by a simple majority vote in both houses -the "legislative veto." This, of course, gives special-interest groups like the used -car lobby a second chance to fight regulations that would protect the public from being cheated. It is illegal for regulatory agency employees to accept favors from industry lobbyists, but no such purity s tandards a pply to m embers or Congress and their staffs . The usual response of legislators caught accepting favors from an Industry representative is that their votes are not for sale -at least oot for the price of a fancy meal or a weekend in the sun. Yet the buddy-buddy relationship between lobbyists and lawmakers can 't help but look suspicious to the public. Take the case of Rep. Gary Lee. R-N. Y , the car dealers· unabashed waterboy in the House. Last month, at the height of the Caribbean tourist season. Lee and an aide, Harry Bellardini, spent 10 days with their wives in Freeport, Bahamas, in a Q -JA-Cl-A-ID-IR-11-11 -~~ condominium partially owned by an upstate New York attorney named Richard Malcolm. The party of four paid a bargain rate of $300 for the condo. The landlord-tenant relationship also extends to Lee 's district office an Auburn, N.V. He rents the office from a company in whic h Malcol m is a partner. What makes this interesting is that Malcolm is the co-owner of University Toyota of Syracuse. N. Y .• which is a member of the National Automobile Dealers Association. This industry group has led the fight against the proposed used-car regulation and has contributed heavily to congressional campaigns through its political action committee. Malcolm denied t hat he has lobbied against the FTC rule, and told my associate Tony Capaccio, "I haven't talked to Lee in a long time." The congressman s'aid there was no conflict of interest, because he paid his share of the condo rent and hadn't talked to his landlord about the used-car rule anyway. Hjs aide, Bellardlni, said Rep. Lee had had nothing to do with the vacation arrangements, and added. "l have known Malcolm for a number of years ." THERE DOESN'T have to be an actual legis lative veto to get the special inte rests what they want. Sometimes the mere possibility of such a veto is enough of a threat to cow the regulatory .agency. In fact. that's exactly what FTC Com missioner Michael P ertschuk claims happened in the case of the used-car rule. It started off requiring used-car dealers to inspect their vehicles and tell customers about any defects t hey found. But the inspection requirement was gutted by the FTC. ··1 tend to believe that the Commission would have been more hospitable to (such a > requirement in the Used Car Rule had not the threat or congressional veto been so imminent," he wrote in a critiq ue requested by the General Accounting Office. He added: "I believe that the present Used Car Rule . was fashioned consciously or unconsciously to provide the lowest profile target for dealer lobbying and congressional antipathy.·· The result, Pertschuk wrote, was "a rule that is so totally unobjectionable and modest that any m ember of Congress voting against it should blush with shame." Lawmaker would reWard cost-cutters A former Riv erside County undersheriff who made a career of bunting men wanted for crimes, is now going hunting for ways to cul government costs. Viewing the soaring expenditures of local governments, as well as the state's which have roomed from the $10 billion budget or 1974, the year he was first elected, to $27 billion. Sen. Bob Presley has launched a program to collect and share cost cutting ideas from local governments. Terming himself ··a fi sca l conservative," Presley said inflation. federal cutbacks and the exhaustion or sta t e surpluses will place new limitations on government which can be harmful if not wisely applied. AS A MEMBER of the Senate Finance Committee he has observed that some cities and some counties have managed to meet the challenge well. His idea, which he calls the "Moneysavers" program, is to gather the best of those ideas for improving efficiency and reducing costs and shal'e them with all local governments. The program, he said , was worked out with the County Supervisors Association, League of Cities and the CalirO'mia Taxpayers Association He said letters have gone out to the Boards of Supervisors or all counties and to mayors and councilmen or 25 cities asking for their help Probably llRl WATIRS with tongue in cheek, he added that he "may also be able to find some methods used by state agencies that can be helpful in cutting expenses." His questionnaire asks for a description of the cost-saving idea, the projected cost savings and the savings realized. Being a practical Politician, Presley also asks about poUtical and public opposition and support. private sector involvement and opportunities resulting from personnel changes. Presley's efforts are commendable but the question is why Gov. Jerry Brown didn't launch such a movement School gift d e nial p e tty No matter what they may profess. all governments are "anti-people," to a greater or lesser degree, if the people get ln the way of what the 1overnment wants to do. In this respect, a so-called ·'democracy" ts scarcely to be distinguished from a "totalitarian" regime. No clearer example could be found lately than the stupidly lnsensitlve IOID Ullll ru lln1 by the· U .s . Commerce Department that the Mennonite Church may not ahlp 86,000 school klu to children in Cambod1a. The c~urch 1roup had prepared small, han d ·made denim ba1• contalnUis note t,oolla, penella, a ballpo&nt pen, an eruer aad a Nier, u a "1)11abol ol carin1" for tbe chUdrea o( Olla Mvutated refk>o. A NP., be U reuUed, that the Amerieu mWtary bad bombed ruth le11l1 du.rlDI the Vietnam War. But lb• Commerce Dei>artment'• ' Office of Export Administration refused a license to ship these friendly items ·'because it ls the policy of the Government lo maintain an embargo on all exi;>0rts" to Cambodia, except lor emergency needs. The kits, apparently, do not fall into the c ategory of "emercency relief." The current Cambodian government, of course, is backed by the Vietnamese, wbom we oppo••i and we are di1playtn1 our naUOnal sense ol purpose by denying rulers, pencils and erasers to the acboolchildrett.• THE llENNONITES pointed out that school items are ln short supply in Cambodia, that "we feel we bear some reapomtbiUt1 for the sufferlna there," and that. while the country may fall under the ••1trateglc nation" ban, there i.I very lit.tie that it strategic about a notebook or a ballpoint pen. Tbts, mind you. Is the Rea1an admlplatraUon, which is relaxln1 re1ulaUooa ln nearly every area, ln order to "remove the dead hand" or bur.aueracy from the American people. Meanwhile, we are 1howtn1 tho .. teTrlble Vietnamese the atrenft,h of our resolve to oppote communism by a ban on eruen, which wlll soon brlnl that despotism to lta knees. four years ago before he started giving away billions of dollars to the local governments in "bail-out" money following passage of Proposition 13 with no knowledge of whether the money was needed or not. Certainly. controlling the purse strings, he was in a golden position to demand not only specific justifications for every dollar but cost cutting ideas as well. Instead he not only frttly handed over the money but continued to sign bills mandating local government to take over more programs without any identifiable funding from the state. Presley is well a•vare that the counties have banded together in a suit to compe l the state to assume its responsibilities for the mandated programs. He said he will welcome ideas for the cutting back of eliminating mandated programs but added, "political realities" must be taken into account. SINCE EMPLOYEES generally represent the bulk of any government's budget, the only effective way to make cuts is to have fewer e mployees. But civil service is geared the other way, the road lo success lying in empire building. For the pay for most government employees is based upon the numbers s upervised. The more people under one's command, the higher the pay becomes for the guy at theto~ • To reverse the trend of ever-expanding gqvernment. pay Increases should ~ given to llllose supervisors who demonstrate the abWty to run a program with fewer people. Instead, if an employee ls competent enough to cut back on staffana be finds bis pay reduced on the specious theory that with fewer people he has less responsibility and less to do. The fact is that the bigger the agency tbl! more aides the top will have to do the work for him. 111111• Who rata the motl scorn, Lbose venal vultures who operate tb• "Golden Turkey Inveatment Clubl" or the , ireedy plceona who band over tbelr dou1h? CAVEAT WlNDPAU ....... , ...... , .. ,_ .......... ~,...... ..... ... _._.. ,.... .. """" .. -... ''' '"· ....... . ... ..... ....., ... ,OM!., ....... Dally Plat TUESDAY, FE8. 23, 1992 CAVALCADE COMICS TELEVISION B2 84 86 Ef"ma Bambeck has ,advice for lanely stay,at-home men. See . P,age 82. Waiting out the winter 'survival test' in Maine Fis~ng town of 600 hardy souls adapts to. annual subzero ordeal EDITOR'S NOTE -They're going through . a t009h winter bl Winter Harbor, Ma.me. Bw the (i(J(J 10111& of thi& tiny town of nol* •cnery.and mmwculf economy.art apecialiau in aurviving. A wtor find.a ttw thet/'w developed it to.a fine.art, in their W1'JI, Mainer wot/· I ' By SID MOODY A-IAtiM Pt-wt Writw WINTER HARBOR. Maine -An air-conditioned day, wind. chill lower than a lobster trap, sky as blue as a baby's eyes. It is 12 below. High winter. No human in sight. Mount Cadillac , across Frenchman's Bay. hibernates under covers or snow. The squared granite boulders along Schood.ic Point are ice-cubed by s pray. Sea smoke, wisps of super-eooled vapor, fi~ure skate over whitecaps flailed by a heartless Canadian wind. Maine winter is a scavenger of s umme r. picking the brief lushness lo a skeleton of bare trees a nd exposed, naked houses. Humanity retreats to basics, a tale told by tracks in the cold, dry snow. Trampled paths to the post office and s upermar ket, pickup treads outside the Town Square restaurant. Solitary tracks, accompanied sometimes by horses' hooves, into the forest for cordwood . Co rrugated bootprints on the lobster dock. looks like he was pickled as ls at about 25, is killing Ume in bis pickup having just sawed a cord and a half. "I WjlS raised to believe in doing the beSt job you can . . . But cut it close.•' Survivors. Dale Torrey, harbormaster, watches a brutal storm shudder the very rocks. The sea once claimed his predecessor, Ralph Byers, and, last Labor Day, Ralph Jr. and two others. "Every year she does this to us ." She. Us . Personal pronouns, factors in a personal equation. Winter Harbor is Down East, beyond the hokey s ummer restaurants named aner brass binnacles and tarred spars of old coasting schooners, beyond the antique refUlishing places like "The Yankee Stripper." It is where the statistics begin to pile up that make Maine about as poor as Mississippi. Anything beyond the old iron bridge at Hancock -called the "Singing Bridge" because it hums beneath the tired in two notes like the Passamaquoddy fog horn -is "from away." Looking across to Mt. Desert Island, Winter Harbor has about the best scenery in the state. Doug Torrey stopped pulling traps one day and just drifted in admiration. His brother motored up. Man lives. But winter marks him. Oh, North Dakota is colder. But the thing about a Maine winter is the length of it. That's what marks the 600 souls or Winter Harbor. · · B 'J aysus you been looking at it for 50 years," he said and powered off in disgust. The view is what has brought a small but elite s ummer colony here since the 1890s. The Navy also bas about 500 people in the area doing classified electronic things like maybe bugging the Atlantic. CHILLY COVE The fishing town of Winter Harbor. Maine. consists of 609 people and lots of empty lobster traps when winter hits full force. Even if a lobsterman were foolish ''They're e ndurers," .says Katherine Heidinger , cradling a stove log. "Survival or the fittest, and the survivors here are the fittest." Fittest? Yes, in that they don't fight winter but barter with it, get the best deal they can. not outwit but out wait it. Sea smoke can make a lobster boat so top heavy with ice it flips over. Seven minutes in the water, you're dead. Knowing this might keep you shorebound for weeks at a time. So knit nets or mend traps or swap whoppers up at the restaurant. Abide. Nothing is forever. Winter Harbor would look right at home in downtown Labrador: windswept, few trees. no.nonsense houses. Cars run to basic models that start and keep running. Life can 1>e hard as an offshore reef, but when, in Maine, wasn't it? Winter Harbor appropriated $1,000 las t town meeting for emergency aid to the poor or dis tressed : $459 remains unspent. If the Mainer is wry, if he is canny, if he is resourceful, if he is inde pendent, if h e is a survivor, don't overlook the winter that helps make him so. Wry. When Dallas Pendleton's drafty farmhouse was burning, he told the volunteer firemen: "Let the thing burn. It's the only time s he's been warm since she was built." Canny. Don Backman. an unlined 70-year-old lobsterman who Hiram Gerrish was lobstering a while back when a Russian submarine surfaced right there, mistah. Hiram and the Russlc:ies took one look at each other and To the right it's moist warmer air from the Gulf Stream and rain. Lobs termen turn into the Michelin tire man, ballooned by the ir multi-layered winter uniform of long johns, sweat shirts, parkas and down vests. They clump around like pirates "Let the thing burn. It's the only time she's been warm since she was built." sped off in opposite directions. The Navy didn't know about the sub until a local told them two days later. The old wheeze is that Maine has two seasons , winter and the Fourth of July. Actually, it's winter and June, July and August. But wood smoke may be in the air by Labor Day. The floats at the yacht club come in. The boat yard starts hauling yachts that aren't gQj,ng south. Women start canning. Doug Torrey's 8,000 glads flame their last. By October, townfolk are down among the rocks gathering kelp to mulch the gardens everyone has . Last year's cut firewood is stacked near the back door. When the clam flats begin to freeze at low tide. the great blue herons shrug and n y "away ... Lobstermen eye the sky. A heralding dome of cirrus clouds to the left of Mt. Cadillac means possible snow. in hip boots turned down at the knees. The dri¥e-in movie's billboard over at B::n· Harbor says it all : ''Clothed for the Winter.'' A few hardy summer people hang around to watch the leaves turn, then like the herons, go h ome to New York or Philadelphia". "But I don't breathe easy until Thanks giving," says Bruce Torrey, a lobs t erman who classifies summer folk with black rues and mosquitoes. The restaurant crowd voted Bruce the worst-dressed man in town, a title he probably clinched with a formerly black and yellow knit cap lhat espouses the Boston Bruins. ''It's a time to store nuts and gather in the biddies," s ays Katherine Heidinger. a mother or two and a transplant, by choice, from Mississippi. And get the boys at the Gulf station ll~M rr OUT -WMn the dead ol winter co es to Maine, fiahermen Uke Ru11ell Torrey stay inside cuttinl bait bags or just chewtna the fat. Rather than trytna to outwit the weather. they outwalt it. to put on snow tires. Then one day the cirrus dome is to the left or Mt. Cadillac. The s torm closes in like a bad dre am : Dark, foreboding, lurking just beyond reach. Yet, m iraculously, when it leaves, the ground lies white with the first snow. Winter shrinks the horizon. In summer. the 18 miles to Ellesworlh lo shop, see a movie or drink is commonplace. Now the Singing Bridge is an outer limit. The 20 or so lobstermen keep an ear to the radio weather and an eye' to the sky. Three years ago weather kept Bruce Torrey on the beach for three s traight months. Even if he bad gone out, the lobsters' claws woul(\ have frozen and broken off. Th e younger ones with families to raise, like Jeff Alley, turn to scalloping in the calmer bays. "There's plenty to do if you want to do it." But the older ones, who like to think of themselves as the last cowboys, sneak out only when the omens are good -"Just to keep groceries on the table." Otherwise they scull out daily in their battered punts to keep their boats' converted Olds and Buick engines from freezing up, s tore a nest egg of lobsters in floating pounds called "cars" and wait for Boston prices to hit $3 a pound. In between they bitch, with some justice, about s ub sidized Ca nadian competition. The "otherwise" is done at the Town Square Restaurant, even though nearly treeless Winter Harbor doesn't have a town square, over numberless cups of coffee. The notice behind the counter reads "Due to increases in the price of coffee we are only able to give one refill except for meals." The other beanery. The Donut Hole, is for out-of-town salesmen and other people who wear neckties. The Town Square is the heart or the village that beats all winter, a nonstop town meeting with French fries. "A fisherman wouldn't dream or going offshore without checking in there first to hear if someone had a chimney fire during the night or his baclt went out ," says Katherine Heidinger. Tbil epitomizes tbe glue that binds Winter Harbor carint. Winter bas taught, and Winter Harbor bas teamed, that carinc for one'a oei&hbor ii the eseence of survival. When a nel1hbor'• basement flooded durinC a M ·bour blackout in Jlnuary, folks turned out, unbidden, at 3 a. m. to move the fumace burner and 1ener1tor to hilh lround. Frtendl wttb a wood stove -an ever arowinl number -toot in Janet Fickett. wbo relies OD o'1 -a dwindling number -for the duralkln. · 'W• had an aleoboUc ftaberman who broke bl• pelvis;" says Oou1 Torrey. "Had a wife aod 1l• kldt. We fllbed bla trape aloa1 wttb ours and made twice what be .ver did. Nevtr even tbanlled "'· enough to venture out on his boat. he knows claws are frozen and would JUSL break off We'd do it again." The code or the sea requires aid to another "even if he called you a son or a whore that very morning." That ethic drifts in from the sea like fog. It is the spine ot the skeleton that winter has bared. A codicil to the Golden Rule of survival is flexibility, says Bill Somerville , a Philadelphia photographer who's had it with cities. He's eking out winter with three stoves and eight cords until June and its wedding and yearbook pictures. So he doubles as the town s kindiver and underwater repairman. Bruce Lanning, a retire<tNavy officer, makes it through winter repairing his Friendship sloop and other boats in a shed next lo the house he and his wife Mary built. Mary -was voted the worst-dressed woman for showing up at the Town Square in her fiberglassing outfit. Marie C lark , who can remember when the roads were shoveled by hand, knits and reads or "visits." Television is no relief "because the shows are so bad." There was a murder recently over a blonde and a pickup. "We're right up there with the rest of the country." says Lanning. But there's no movie, and the only bar is weekends across the lunch counter at the Town Square. Excitement is measured in small doses. Linda Hurd, a clerk at the hardware store, marks time waiting for a neighbor's chimney which wasn't swept last summer to catch fire. The temptation to tough it out in the Sun Belt is eminently resistible in Winter Harbor. "Home's home ," says Janet Fickett, who couldn't wait to get back af\er spending Christmas in Florida with family. Marie Clark thinks Floridians are "courageous" lo live in unhealed houses so far from wood stove country. "I called my daughter in Miami last night," says Doug Torrey. "It was 32. Inside and out." "I don't care how cold it gets so long as my car starts," says Don Backman, sculling out to his lobster car in a wind that would kill a flamingo. But around the middle of February the brave words, if nothing elJe, begin to melt a little around the edges. Cabin fever ha11et ln. Wood beat dries the ladles' skin. Kids can skimobUe only so Iona. Lo~termen and carpenters, unable to do thelr thlnt. aet ed1y. Wives aet pummelled. "Sometimea buabandl, too, but tbey•re too proud to call," says Francil Torrey. "There are more Torreya than rtnt-bllled plla in Winter Harbor. Francis, the town cop, wear1 1bout half the l1yera of a loblterman, wbieb be OQCe wu. Bruce, b.l1 eouln · umptetntb removed. ••Y• Francia wean maftl "btcaU1e bt'• UDdlrcover,'' alUaoqb Ml bro,,a plutic iolf bat 1tate1 uaeqwvoeall)': "Hanc:oek Co. Deputy-Sherlff." Francia' blotter for a recent week s howed two charges or mischief and two loose dogs, "one who eats chickens and one who eats people." He says the price or gasoline has curtailed teen-aged parkers in idling cars guzzling beer and worse. The long arm or the Arabs makes it easier on that of the law. A few take affirmative action about cabin fever . Doug Torrey's second wife declared one Saturday night sbe could stand it no longer. "We were at Logan Airport next morning and in Bermuda before noon." But most throw another log on the fire and drop. down to the restaurant. It is morning The sun is a dim yellow, a near dead nashlight in a pewte r s ky. Jeff Alley is scallopmg on the bay. hued an unpolished brass in the feeble sun. The minus-6 would freeze lobster claws so the regulars are at the Town Square testing the refill policy. Francis readjusts his golf cap yet again and tells a spring story. About t he guy he was running in who broke free and dove into the cattails of just thawed Jones Pond up al Gouldsboro. Francis, unarmed, figured he simply had to wait him out. "Sure ·nurr. he finally came ashore s'liverin' like a bird dog." Francis drove the miscreant to "the crowbar hotel" in Ellsworth with the windows open just to show who was boss. "His teeth was still chatterin' when he made his plea to the judge." Bruce remember~d another waler story. About the guy who was standing right in the middle of a weighted nel on a dragger. "You better take a d eep breath." the skipper said. "Why?'' "Cuz you're gonna need it when this net lets go." But some day. with barely perceptible hints, the earth passes notice. In late March the ice will be off Jones Pond. The back-to-the-land hippies - locals calls them "seedeaters" -will leave their tee~ to take a quick bath. Pussy willows will be out by town meeting. The mud season begins. It will be time to start thinking or bringing the old ones, ··who just seem to run out of life by February or March, .. back Crom the vault in Milbridte for burial In the thawing sod ol bomee. Doug TorTey will note by his infallible calendar that a particular roclt ledge on "Mount Caddy'' is pokinl throuab lbe a now. That means tbe anow ls melting and pourina oxy1en into the sea. The lobsters will be moving inshore to partake. Shutters will come off the summer homes, and carpenten wlll be heard. The Meaaorlal l>ay parade wlU be beld. usuul'1 -6a ,....line weather. Then, •ucldt* aborts andaummer. "Tbty 1a, they haYe •llrinl. but they don't," la)'I CatfMrbie HekllDler. ance ~ tbt t...S ~ maanoliaa. "Just summer UHf Wlnter." Orange CoMt OAJLY PILOTITueeday, February 23, 1912 DEAR ANN LANDERS: l have hlgh bl~ pre.sure and see lllY cloctor eyery thrt~ QlOnlha •o he can adJ'-st my me41t•t\on lf neetassary. ~ 1roblem: l always go i.n~ his office . with certain questions to ask but. I never come out with any answers. I am not a stupid person, but I can't understand the five-syllable words he uses. He talks to me as if I were another doctor. Please tell me what to do about this. It's very upsetting because it makes me feel like a dummy, which~m not. -FEELING FOOLISH IN ME 0. MO. DEAR MO: ~fore you. to see the doc, wrl~ down the quest s you want answen to and band them to hlm. Wiien be be~s to respolld, stop him the ..-.ment yoea hear a wonl you don't understand. Ask , "What does THAT mean?'.' Don't let him go on to the next sentenee until you reaUy understand. Doctors have a tendency to assume that the medical terms they are JamiUar •ANN LANDERS •ERMA BOMBECK ~ 'I ' ' •HOROSCOPE .. wlt9-are well-known to everyone. Make up your mind that you aren't 1o1D1 to bud«e atll Y• get satllf actory ... wen to your.. que1Uon1 . When be aeea yo• a re de&ennlned, he will 1lmpllfy his tan1ua«e. . DEAR ANN LANDERS: My husband and I don't smoke. Most ol our relatives on both sldes do. We decided a while back that we would not allow smoking in our Jwme and told them so. As a result of this decision we don't have many v.isitors a nd have gotten into som e arguments over it. Is it right 'for us to tell people not to s m o ke in our house? We really hate smoking but we miss not having the family over. We'd like your opinion as well as som e suggestions on what to do about this pro bl em . -NO -S M O KE B UT NO -COMPANY, E'ITHER over rather than gtv~ them up for a few boun. Now you two must reco111lder the ultlmalUm and decide which meana more, tbe compuy or the clean air. If you pref er the compuy, tell them you've changed the house ralet ud would like them back. nen place a couple ot alaallow bowls of va.e1ar ID the room where the add.kta are clola1 their tb.lng. It will belp clear the air. A noor fan ml1bt also be effective. DEAR ANN LANDERS: We have been married only three weeks. My hus band always used to sleep in his shorts, which I didn't like . Now he wears pajamas to please me. but by morning they are on the floor. 1 asked him . "What's the trouble?" He said, "You try sleeping in these things one night. .. So I did. · The waist cord is like a rope. The buttons are like rocks and the seams cut in the crotch like a knife. Will you please use your influence to ,.eet the m«;p 's ~J rnanuf~cturer~ to make . r • som ething more comfortable? -LUMPS AND BUMPS IN GLENDALE DEAR GLENDALE: Shop around. dearle. There are plenty of comfy Jammles out there for little lovey. < 1 > Get a larger size. <2> Avo1d buttons and rope-like sashes. (3) Consider a nights hirt -to match yours! Are your parents too stnct' Hard to r~ach '> ' Ann Landers· booklet. .. Bugged by P.CJrenla? How to Get More Freedom." could help you brulge the generation gap. Send SO cents with your r equest .and .a long . stamped . sel/raddressed envelope to Ann Landen. P.O. Bo:r 11995. Chicago. Ill. 60611. Pisces burden lifted '· CARNIVAL TIME -Revelers wear an odd assortment of masks at St. Mark's Square in Venice last week during the city's annual . ~ ......... carnival celebration . The carnival precedes the observance of Lent. which begins Wednesday. Wednesday, F e bruary 24 ARIES <March 21-April 191: You add to personal possessions . Individual you aided in recent pas t will return favor. Focus on hospitals . clubs. institutions and dea lin~s with adminis trators. TAURUS !April 20-May 20 >: Surprise invit ation can lead to important social and business contacts . Be flexible. dis play versatility and humor. Romantic interests ate highlighted. a bllity to communicate is accented. GEMINI <May 21-June 201 : You aid ye>ur own cause by personally attending to details . Check small print. streamline procedures. have frank discussions with associate or s uperior. LEO (July 23 -Aug. 221 : Cost s . in vestments are r eviewed : s pecial purchase could be on agenda. Focus also on family. home improvement . domestic adjustment. care of plants and pets CANCER <June 21-July 221 : Good lunar aspect coincides with evaluation of spiritual concepts . long-range plans . ability to communicate in d ynamic .. m eaningful. creative manner. Hint helpful for men VIRGO I Aug. 23-Sept. 22 1: Define te rms . be perceptive enough to see through get-rich-quick schem e . Be aware or legal right s. pe rmissio ns . By doing som e d e tective work. you m ake valuable. money-saving discoveries. For yea rs . m e n have been t he peripatetic s pec ies and women the pathetic. Traveling husbands whipped in and out of t he house, stopping only to pack clean underwear and catch the next fli ght to Atlanta, while their wives faced a week of · leftovers and ·single parenting. Well. two funhy things happened on the way to jet lag "fter years of dropping their husbands off at the a irport. a lot of women finally .admitted they actually look forward to time .,, themselves. IN AN UNOfFICIAL POLL among wives of husba.._ who travel, the women admitted they r.any like the single life occasionall y. It ~ like a mlni-vacation. They cpuld re la ~at onions in bed . go on a diet anJt find the r own space. One womafh.Aid s he felt like a child who could stay . .., as late as she wanted instead of havin&Jaer husband yell . "Aren't you coming to beCI! · · AnOther wo~an said at first H was lonely, then she, r ealized she could go to movie~ which I husband hated . eat wheneP' she~ d to and have pizza for ~reakfF-'f she ~and not be tied down to a sc e . · Th tecond iy thing that happened on the ••Y to lag was a women's revol~wher t3 per<:ent of the women return to the~ force and now they're runnin fbr pla~ whjJe their husbands stay at e. ' A the m~s r eaction., It stinks. lronic~ly, it has ing to do with the old clic he,t "Absenc akes the Heartburn Strongtr· ··They' ust plain lonely. oNi: MAN PLAINED, "I come homei!ely. I e up lonely. It's like walkl into an pty theater." Another one s , "I com · me ready to t alk and unload there one there but my kid hang· the " 'they"'r fing is what women iry· tell them for years fl-A IOMllCI LIBRA <Sept. 23-0ct. 22 1: Practical issues dominate; leave frills for another time. get to heart of ma tters. Focus on e mpl oyme nt . basi c tas ks . new .understanding which involves dependents. ATWIT'S END when t hey walk m the house and ask. "How was your day?" Loneliness takes ~ing used to. It's the most underrated •ase in the world today. characterized n . overeating and talking to the tropical nib. yet it's given about as much respect SCORPIO tOct. 23-Nov. 2ll: Style is imprinted. creative capabilities surge to fore front. Longstanding project can now be successfull y concluded . Focus also on s pecial r e la tionship. r o ma n ce and s p ec ul ative venture. SAGITfARIUS <Nov . 22-0ec. 211: Red tape falls by wayside : you ~gain great er independence anc make new start in new direction. Innovative procedures enhance prestige. increase property value . the common cold. • But men can do it. Next time your wife ut of town, put on the raggy pajamas r wife wants to dust the piano with. get fis h out of the can that s he says smells the entire house. Then climb into bed CAPRICORN c Dec. 22 -Jan . 19 >: fi spread it on a box of crackers while 're propped up watching the all-night rts network of replays . As for the garbage by the sink. tell it to talte a walk~ Communication received from family member in transit. You regain sense of direction. Minor conflic t s erves as stimulus . Yo u rebound from apparent setback. GOif i ON lllDGI BY CHARLES H. GOREN ANO OMAR SHARIF h vulnerable. South deals. NORTH •UU 0 1412 O HS •n l:IT EAST cu• •J A&Q1075 <::'t8 I• o gQIH87Z &I •QlOI 800Tll •A&1041 <:1 1 OA ·•Alt841 TM._..r: ._., W..t N-6 Eu& ·1• =• .. a o •• 4• ... "*-. Ope .... IMd: kiDc of <::.). paychic bidding wu in vogue, playing with and apinat Garry wu alwaya an adventure. There wu no doubt that he wu an imaginative bidder and card player. and tht. hand. from a rubber pme •' the Repncy Whl.lt Club In New Yon, where he wu a long·tlme member, beara eloquent tett.imOQy. Garry picked up tlM rather uninapiriq Nortlli lllaad. Hia partner ... u .s. i•teraa· Uonallat. BoN IC01tet.ou. who ..,_ oa lllU1 of our elllampiou"' -... Kort-ehou opened the .,...._, wi\111 OH dub and \he• eame la freely at tllle thf'ff·l .. el delptte the fact Ula& M WU VlllMnble. With louMIH IUPl*'t for lllu ,.natr'1' Neoad Hit ~!'4 ./ oalJ a clou ....... lW ....... ....... o.,,, .......... Pal , ...... lillM..., .. ... &rilb Ill U.1 ..... .. and continued with Ule queen. Decla.rer ruffed, cub· eel t.be ace of trwppe and led \be ace of clube and another. Wut ·won and foreed dedarer once more •itb a heart. Dedarer aeee~ the force, ruffed a dub lD dummy and returned to llland with tbe klq of trumpe . .Now IM limpl7 I.cl We pod dube. TM defeaden eould _.. their ha,ti trump, bat llO HOIOSCOPE BY SIDNEY OMARA AQUARIUS 1Jan. 20-Feb. 18>: Good news received concerning money. You could win a contest. Personal horizons expand. plans might be made for holiday or t ravel. Me mber of opposite sex aids in fulfillment of hopes. aspirations PISCES 1 Feb. 19-March 20 1 · You·11 be rid of unnecessary burden. You 'll dance to your own tune. Emphasis on personality and favorable responses to appeals . What ha d been a r oadblock will beco me steppingstone to progress. Pf ISONAllTJ Q.&A. BY MARILYN AND HY GARDNER Normal look given brush Personal Postcard to all of ,·ou Star Trekkies out there : Did mu kno\\ 'that ~ .. Spock came close to having normal-looking ear s and eyebrows ·• Before the show went on the air. some of t he network geni use s had second thoughts about the alien look gi\'en to Spock. The~· l'\'en put out an ad\'ance brochure with hi s ears and e\'ebrows airbrushed back to normal But iater on. after "Star Trek" became a hit. noood,· would admit to being the one who almost spooked Spock with the paint-brush plastic surgery. Q: I once read that actress Jacqueline Bisset didn't mind doing the nude bedroom scenes called for in he r mov:e scripts. He r only complaint was that she found those love sttnes very uncomfortable. In what way? -Marguerita L .. Richmond. Va. A: ··They are unquestionably the hottest moments of m ~· films ... explains J acqueline. "And 1·m not being funnr . It's nearly always about 100 de1?r<•es on the set because the bedrooms a re tiny. I s uppose it's the proximity a nd so much lighting. And th ere 's a ce rtain self-consciousness with the actor. I find t enderness and people looking at each other . if filmed prope rly. far more erotic. "Usµally. the beds are propped up on wooden sticks. the back of the bed has been removed and you've got sticky plaster here a nd there holding things up... s ums up Miss Bisset. once voted the World's Most Watchable Ac tress. She recently was involved in the production of ··Rich and Fa mous ... in which she co-s ta rs with Candice Bergen. Q : Is It true that Ronald lleagan ts a. Uttle hard of hearing? If so, what caused tile condition? -Mrs. Roberta T ., ladlaaapolls. A: The president's ear trouble began years agQ during the making of a movie.· Another artor fired a .38 caliber pistol too close to his head. "The concussion." rttalled Reagan. "knocked me four feet sideways." <His weak ear. incidentally. is hi~ righM>ne. just in case you s hould have occasion to talk with him. 1 Lee A. l acocca is the only big shot in the auto fteld who made both Time and Newsweek covers in the same week April 19". "1,1'!' flllltl1111 lo Hi=-'·"'*'~-J-·~•a. .. •_,.·of tPw Plllll, P.O. llllS .......... Cefjf. '2714. Al ........ Ollr9r ...... ....,.Cll ,..... q11111tou.• .., -.... colurn, ..., tPw oo1wnc •I ,..., ,....... ,., 11111 ,.,,,...~. • HOST -Fidel Castro entertained Atlanla's Ted Turner for four d ay s in Cuba refenll y . Turner . c hief of t he Cable News Network , says the Cuban premier taped a promotion. for CNN. Cops eye lunar ·tows' SAN ntEoo CAP) - Police are considering a $170,000 study complete with a manu al and ·computer showing when every month to expect the greatest stress from the moon. An officer due for "a lunar low" wou ld be for e war n e d of irritability th at could cloud bis j udgment on the job, accord ing to She rryl Nova, a student of planetary motion and its impact on humans. At such a point, "you are depressed, we igh two to three pounds m ore, maybe can't drink as much as you usually can and have a t enden cy to dri v e through red lights." Ms. Nova sai d in a n interview. It is good prevenli ve medicine for police to know when they face such periods, she said, claiming it would reduce the number o f negligence suits agains t the department. In addition, s he said, San Diego co uld ''franchise" the manual and computer program , s elling them to police agencies in other cities . C hi e f o f P o l ice William Kolender said he has referred the offer to Dr. Michael Mantell. Sa n Die go police psychiatrist who was in Lake Tahoe conducting a seminar on police stress. "Th ere ma y be something lo the notion that the lunar cycle has an effect on be ha vi or," Mantell said later by telephone , adding that -he was ··activ e l y co n s id e rin g " the proposal . .. But I don't want to imply in any way, shape or form that it's going to be funded, or that as a wh ole th e po l ice d epartment is s upporting it right now." he said. $1,000 donated by Lions The Newport Ma riners Lions Club recently donaled $1 ,000 to the Hoag Memorial Hospital Mobile Meal program. T he program serves 40 meals a day to local people who are unable to leave ho m e o r are othenyise incapacitated. Th e prog r a m 's volunteer drivers strive1 to make each delivery a l f rie ndl y, p erson · to · per so n l encounter, a spokesman! said. The donation is one ol' several made in the lull year by the Newport Lions. Donations also were made to City ofl H ope , LI on a E y el Institute, the Sutton Movement, tbe Southern California AasoclaUon ofj Blind Athl e tes , American Youth Soccer., the U.S. wom e n 's •olleyball team and the Bo Scout.a. RE· ro,.,.•l/ "''"' cla .. ic SINt1Hldn SealcoHTt Now ue to 25'*1 Off! ............ teoc*oftnlM~ ..... i..o .............................. ... ......... INll .... I Wldl--Clf ~-II PltCM ... c.'t be bNtl ftit .......... . ,. fOIM IAWllDES ''5-.w:xm AND vun STARTING AT '3()00 _ ............................................................ .... 5ii) SHE~7f~~~. ~r~n! T £~~ERS =lilt Mon. thru Saturday 10 · 5 . t\licf:t Pkwy at Mulrlands, Mission Viejo -855·6723 Tues. thru Saturday 10 · 5 9 mg. "11f".OJ ing. licalinl IV, Pl' ..... by FTC lnllhod. Orange Coast DAILY PILOT!Tuesday, February 23, 1982 •• -----111111 .. ·------·------• • I UOVT I AIOU'I • I AIM I I •1,ftJ!'!., 11 ~ftg 11 $.lM.~·~ brown Ken1ucky Fried Chicken. plus brown Ken1uc1ty Fued Otiic~en wllh c single. servings o1 cole slaw. mastlecl I tour rolls a large cote slaw a large I IO.lded w1lh llfletn pieces ot 1111cy ,, po1a1oes and gravy and a roll mashed potaloes and a medium gravy golden Drown Ktniucky Fried Cllttl<Btl ~ l1m11 1wo olle1s per. pu1t11ase Coupon OOoO I 1 I l•m•t lwo 011e1s per purtlla$1 Coupon 9ooa I only 101 lomom.111on whlttl<W~ orders limit lwO 01 trs per purcllue Coupon gOOO only 101 tomllln.it1on wnitetc.t1• OfOe>I Cusiome1 o.i•s all ;pphtaole •a1n ta• only IOI comoinauon wlli1ttoaik orcle•s Cus10o oe1 o.iys ,111 aoo11caoie sa•n ta. • Custome1 1>1ys a, aPIJllQOle u~s LI• ONer expires March 7 1982 I Ofter expires March l . 1982 I Otter eitpires t,tarcn 7 1982 I Pntes may v41y al p;i111c1p;1111g 1ocall01\$ Prices m.ty vary 41 partic1pa11no ~IOllS Coupon gooo only '" Soutllefn I Pr1Cn !Ny vary ill 1>1•l1t11>1hng locallOflS I Coupon oooc only 111 Sou111trn ~1rror10 Nlltrt I Cal•IOln•• w11e1e you see tne mem Coupon QOOO oniy '" Sou111ern Cahfo1n1a wne11 you Ht 1ne memoersn1o su ot 111e Kentuclt)' 0t1sn1p se.1 ot the Kentucky you He 1ne memoeish•P se.1 ol tn. ~1n1uc~y fneo cn.c~en Anoct.ltlOn Fried Cn1tken AttOC!iOOn p f11ed Clll(otn ASSOCl<lllon p ...~'------.. ·--COUPON--·-------~ntucky Fried Ohick81' •',t' ... <\ • .. Warning : The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. \ l,,, ., . Salem 4 SMOOTH 1.IJW TAR lOOs . ,, .... > .·;. ~ I Orange Co•t DAILY PILOl'ffutlday, Ftbruary 23, 1982 ~ l· I' 1 ~ i by Virgil Partch (VIP) ·. E pt LT tFfMOI t.>t<D'' l'M 2 .... , 1{ip "You don't nffd gl11111, George. You nffd a ,..medfal ,.acting course." ,.r\RMADtKE by Brad Anderson DENNIS THE Mt;NACE "When will you learn that neatness count&?t" Jl"DGt; PARKER 6ARt'lt:LD 1f::~ £ 'Z · lJ . .. I f e l'M Al THE AIRPOftT. llNDA MAY I WE'VE OOl lROUeL.£51 PREMIER f:ll.M515 60tN<; TO REPLACE YOU! f'l.t. CE AT YOUR HOTEL IN X> MINUlE5 I ,---__ by Jim Davis JUST STAVIN<i' IN SMAPE IN CASE I EVER CfET TMAT HUNG-RV PUNCT8 'tOll ~~TO SPADE ~~?l'MNOT USED10~~! TtMBLEW EED8 SHOE ~ YOO s+t:XX.D 6ET USED TO IT ... IT'LL 8E 6000 FOft YOU! Y ES, SHE SENT ME TO BED WITHOUT SUPPER l ·lJ 1HE ECOLO€t'{ i COCKTAIL PART'/ AIJD 70AJIGHT15 t'l 'NK't' "INKt;RBt;.\N I en.YI "THIN!(. 1fi~'5 ~IN& MORE ~ING 1AAN BEJt-6 A mAIL80X ! ) BRABBLE SPCA 0.1'tfER Vf>VVCE tltl.\'KR 'iOUR ~AMs? c,t.t, PAr1t1CK, I OOtff ... :ti\.\ SORRY, t,APY, eu,.. ee,-wee:N Ai,!, YOU~ COU6HING, WHef:~IN<S ANP SN I FFL-1 NG, ~ CAN'1"" UNPeRS'f"ANP ~ WORP YOU'RE! SAYl NG .' by Charles M. Schulz DOES lH15 lHIN6 HAVE A ''FAST FOR"*P'? by Tom K. Ryan by Jeff MacNelly by Tom Bat1uk by Kevin Fagan 1~ l~INUS A 6\u 6'l.O'f~E.R. AAS 'f o Q> ... by George Lemont by Lynn Johnston ITS NOT ~y Simon premiere •1 TOii '11T\J8 .... ..., .......... la more than two c1ec.-ol pl1ywrtia11 PfeU Slmon bu nm the proverbial 1_1mut ol a~ from the outlandiahly funny "The l>dd Couple" to the heavily ~OUI "The Glngerbread Lady," with prob~ a hither success ratio than any of hl1 contt rartes. e reuon, moat likely, ls Simon's skill at deplctln1 lnterperaonal relaUonahlpa, a ~alent put on hold ln his leuer worka <"The Good Doctor," "The Prisoner of Second Aveone" ). Simon fans alona the : !Orange Coast will be lmllllllll happy to know that the master is back in fine _________ 1form with "I Ought to Be in Pictures,'• now in its local premiere at the Harlequin Dinner Playhouse. It's not a rtp-roarina comedy, but its characters are both believable and appeallng. This time, Simon focuses on a Hollywood writer who (unlike the playwright himself> has found the transition from New York to the West Coast unfruitful -his lS years In the s unshine "I OUONT TO•• IN f'tCTUa•I" A Cllf!*IY 11\1 Nell SI~. d'"<Wd by S.W ,,,,,..,_,scenic~ by alc!Ynt I~, 1'91111nt by E ....... llMCll, _ ... 11 ..... ly •llallt ~ et ven-lne ciwulll u,.,... ~ ~a .i tlle J4erl..,lll DI-Pleylloll ... J5GJ S. _, llVCI,. S..i. AM • . lle .. rvetlclM.,._SSll. TM• CAIT , .._rb Tue ... , .. .. . . ............. , ................ Joe,.,_ Libby TucU. .. . .. . .. . • .. . . .. . .. .. .. .. ....... Bryer ~reed SteffV .... , .. .. .. • ........ , , • • .. . .. .. • • • • .. • • F9itft OUHIUI have produced little more than a pair of citrus trees in back yard. Along comes the daughter he left behind when she was 3 to reopen some long-healed wounds and seek her own fortune in Glitter Gulch. The evolution of this father-daughter relationship from suspicious hostility to something approaching filial love is the strong point of the Simon script, and director Steve Mayer lets the process play itsell'out naturally rather than push the situation for comic impact. It's a wise choice and one which pays dividends in enjoyment. Joe Barone as the failing screenwriter adopts a low-key, natural approach to his role, winnin1 empathy in gradual doses for his less than likeable stage personage. Barone's character is a tough nut to crack -gruff and sullen, lacking in competitive drive -and is given honest dimension in a laudable performance. The showcase role is that of the daughter, blunt and pushy as a facade to mask grave insecurity. Bryar Freed delivers a marvelous portrayal or a part in which one cannot help but visualize Barbra Streis and. Miss Freed injects a note of high comic adrenalip into her scenes without departing from basic believability. The play's third assignment, less clearly defined, is that of Barone's girlfriend. a makeup artist for a movie studio. Faith Quabius brings maternal warmth to the part, but her hippie-style wardrobe seems at odds with her character. a note of dishevelment where none is required. "I Ought to Be in Pictures" continues a lengthy tradition of gems from the Neil Simon lode with the innumerable s miles compensating for a lack of belly laughs. It's at the Harlequin, 3503 S. Harbor Blvd .. Santa Ana , through March. • CALLBOARD -Auditions for Gore Vidal's "Visit to a Small Planet" will be held Sunday at 2:30 and Monday at 7:30 p.m . at the Huntington Beach Playhouse. Main Street at Yorktown Avenue in ·the Seacliff Village center .... director Art Winslow will cast five men and two women, as well as three of either jitender .... Saddleback College is holding tryouts for Moliere's "The Imaginary Invalid" tonight and Kate won't view ~on Golden Pond' LONDON (AP) -Katharine Hepburn says she has no desire to see "On Golden Pond," the film that won her a 1981 Academy Award nomination. any time soon. "Watching myself on screen is a big fat bore," she told the London Sunday Mirror. ·•1 shan't be going to see 'On Golden Pond' -not for years. anyway." The 72-year-old Miss Hepburn plays the wife of an aging man who tries lo come to terms with a rebellious daughter. The movie stars Henry Fonda as her husband and Jane Fonda as the daughter and has earned 10 Oscar nominations. NOW PLAYING MU COSTA MUl ...... WHTM•TOI &u Pli.zi Edwilfds ~ Center Coneoomt UA Twin Cinemas 529 5339 9794u 1 6342553 898 1243 COSTA MlSA MISllOlt "uo VtefO Twin 830 6990 Edwa•ds South Coasl Pt.11~ (71 4) ~46 211 I "°' Magic " ... every piece of macic and skill has been utcd to free our imacination, to let it soar." -Slui"' 8..a&ON, LOS ANGBUS TIMES ., BACK8TAGE -Tbe r.,War meetint of th• Oran,. County Theater Alloclalion wW bl belcl Wedneeday at 8 p.m . at the Newport TbMter Artl Center, 2501 CUit Drive, Newport Beeeb .... plans wU1 be fomualated for third annual OCT A leatlval lii "July ... A tribute to lbe llfe or playwrltht William ln1e wUI be preaented Saturday at 8 p.m. in UC Irvine'• Fine Artl lJttle Theater .. .Inge, autbol' ol ''Pleak .. aad "Come Back, UtUe Sheba," was a member ot UCI's drama faculty ii'\ the late ll80I ... admlsalon is free but ticket.I are required and can be ordered at 833-6617 ... ~ ClnfDOmE [:l 5c r'-'.l<!n ComplcH C '·' 11 6 3 4 1 S S 3 Me.rlel Hemlnp•}' PE......a.mst" CR) 12:30 3:00 11:30 8:00 10:20 Diln8 ~HlOll 111 MtOOT n. llllOCllll (Rl 12:1S 2:40 S:lO ):40 • 10:0S ., # i -i c~• IPGJ 2 · . . s ciOnomv ·,lne ur Only .,_..,...,., ..... ,_ ""'~" u .... ~ .... , .... -.. .. ~~ ....__·--"--..... __ ............ Kele Jack•on lllAKlleGLCJVE IRI History Of ;ps !hr We'18 !IA! _,~" ~IRI EVERY MoNO~ Y AL,L SEATS S2.00 ... tender and entertaining Melvyn Douglas And Brooke Adams In "Tell Me A Riddle" (PO) There's A Lot Being said About .LOVE ·----~ Oscar Fever is coming *BARGAIN MATIN•••* Monday tllru Saturday All Ptrformanct• befott 5:00 PM (&.,I .,.... E•llfllMtltl IM ~) --· "DeATH Wt-. II""' • .............. -. .... _ __ ... ,._ .~--=~=~.f:! .. ""----"OH QOLOIN ~ .. .,.. ·-·-·--- -c.-.n _..,,,_ "TA"n"' .-.-. ... -.- LAIOWOOD C U..tlE~ ~OUIH WAI• IN NO.Amo 211 6M-tll1 --·-...... •flAtDQI Of' THI LOST MK" , ____ ''"' I __ ...,._ "11.UIMQ LOW". .... -.---··· --~--10-­'l'OUN-. "CANNEAY rtaft''.,.. ,...,..,, .. _ , ____ ,__ ~ • ..._ " ' ... 10 BUENA PARK OlllVf IN -MT-·---"OHOIT ITOfllY" "' -.. IVl&.IPeAK" • Cllll ,, IOUkO ... ... ~ .. " LA HABl?A ,,. ·' IN ·---"RAIOEH Of THI LOlf MK" ---.-IAT, ____ ,,..,_ "AlfT0.''11111 qwllM ...... . "DEATM ... 1r1111 -.. ,... 8UIH•1.-a~ '91 ' Cl!f •II SdllllO lleo<ll ... S. OI Gor_Gl_fl...., .... ,.., ------- 1. a•. OQANGE ( 111v1 ~ -. .. . ,.._...... '••ACITilm""' -"ZOO! N!" f!I .. . MISSION I ,,,f IN . . .......... _ ......... ,.,., ..... W.HHHR. f ... . M7·11fl ' ()('ange Cout DAILY Pt OT/Tuelday. February 23, 1• .. ,-=-,,....... • .... IHAOOW •• , •• °"' .... ~ l"~°I=·~ WORT ...... , ..... tUIMN 194AYICNI' iii"' ... ** ''Tiiie le f.MI" (1Mt) 0 I w gy. Alm fooC-ot ,.. ~ r.-ci..-111 ----..... tM eeory of IMa ~· ... Md .. p~~ 's.fmwlll.\T -,.::o•sna. I== CID 1199A&. "" ~ ,....t.Nty _!Of.,., ~ flMI unlll hi. ... '° .... for ltMlt. (J)MATICllW. l'INA.l.I ~ ,,. .. t llG LAff Off: T .. b.--oomedlfne .. ......., .. the region. .. Winnen of the Big I.aft Ofl ~ egelnat one ..,....,, .MOVIE •• ..,,_le EMI" (11181) .,....,.. • .,.Alm footage Md ..... lo -•Jons ... ...., '°tel the •torv of EMa ~·· Ille and -· 7:00 I <*NI.WI NICNIWI tWP\' DAY1 AGAIN 1::,F<>l'IT ~; "India'• Human Pretzel" end "ln1lde ~··~ .... ._U•A•l•H MdlW borrows Chart..' ,..,,.. ~ and tall• .,_•the M•A•S•H dllC ... •~WIU) OWIRIAIY 0-1: l)l'flClll Semmy CehtL ("IQ 8 l**OAY£TT Oueeta: Ceny, Lucy and JoeNw Simon Ind their ,,.,,.... .,...._(Pert 1) (I) l1C' TAC DOUGH 9 IHJIRTAIHMENT lONl8HT T °"' Jor'98 per1orme for .. l'IOller II C...... Pal- eoe,. • 9THl.MUPPET8 ~ fl'knnce Hendel· 90!\. (B)KM IUllTOfffMOH AND AHNE MURRAY Two Of pop-country'I hol· IM1 .Wa per1orm • med· le)' of tMir OfMl .. t htb. plus en E_.ly Brothere duel of "LAt It Be Me.'' (D)t.HCU.. 7:IO 8 a ON THE TOWN FMllKed: lneightt on l\OW 10 cope with acci<lenm wNct> -moat Nketv lo occur In Ille '-; e IOell et Ille n9ing dkoorce rlla: I ahopplng ... wtlh • Clothing ooneu1tan1. I Ql,AMLYFB.I> LAVBWE & 8HIAlEf &OOfll'NIV Tiie glrle dlecovet thet 1118'( er• the cies-i 10 • fancy dlnnwdele 8 IEYlONLA. F11etur.d: a report on JOhn C. ~. an lt-<alld CHANNEL LISTINGS 8 KNXT ICBSI 0 D KNBC CNBCl z 0 KTLA (Ind I H • KA8C IABCl c D KFMB <CBS> l 0 KHJ TV (Ind I 11) G ICCST (ABCI f •KTTV (Ind l s II) KCOP TV l lnd I "' ID KCET (PB~) 8 '2 ~OC:E ( PBSl SWelTH!ARTS -Anthony Andrews plays title rote and Lysette Anthony portrays bis childhood -eweetheart. ln adaptati.on ()f "lvtmhoe." Movie to air at 8 tonight on KNXT <21 . -.. ., wtlO ... "-' ..... Loi~ ~ . ..,... ... ~--~'°' ........... locllr .... llliOdal .. ..., .. """" ~ ......... loftd." 8 ce Fl1"J llA.Ll9VI ........ " ,,,,.. A llNlll K-boy • • MirlOf ........... IN ,_.,, of.ii Ill\ the 40T11to. I TIC TAO DQVet4 MAiQB. I l..BtMR -~ I~ '""'-.,..., who .... "llM...-..ly" n.ar-deetll .......ION: A New VOite _, ~ that ceter't to ......... hy. ' ·a vou A1tC1D flOA" ~··~Kite WlrfWe." ·CC>YCMI *'*** "Anlmel Cracll· .... (1930) Marx~ ...._,.. Dumont. Cept .... Speuldtng, the Atrtcan 9llplorw. retume from • ,_..~Ion to wreek nevoo et 1 1ocl1ty _.Oll'I WMkend plr1y 'G' (D)NM M8KETMU. 0,.-Nugoetl .... Lo. ~I.Mt .. 1!41(Z)CI~ 8:00. (I) MOVIE "Ivan hoe" CPremlere) "-Muon, Antr1ony ~ A young knight retume "°"' Ille CNMClel lo find ~ dlllnhertted end Ille~ engeg8d to -. ..... •• ,,,.™"' MUN'HY MutSlhV enoouregee Wiii ,,..,,. to ecoept .,, otler of ~Ion trom • ...ntiy wldow.Q . ...,. * * * "High Plalna OrlfW" (1973) Ctlnt EMf. wood, VerN Bloom. A nwMllee lttanger ...... Ille -city r..idenll of I W..-rntownto~ the ,,,.... gang ..td hell..., tsrorblng "*"' • 9 HAPt"t DAYS Roger'• f9belloul younger btot119' ~In with him • MOYIE * •• "The Collec10<" ( t965) Terence Slarnp, SemlntlMI Egg.w. A brood- ing young Englllh cler1t eb0uct1 • women and keepa her ~Ive In • <*· ler In the hope lllll Ille wtl _,......, IMtn to io... him. • , .... t.WaAZINI ThrM pecJC)le wflO had "heevenly" near. JMtll ex~; -how LA. '1 Vice ~ tend on tht "'"'· 8 MOYIE "Oynatty" Bobb'/ Ming. Fighting Montie 1r111n 1 prince In tht ,...,.,,.. .,. and lie lhen le9da 1111 peo.. pte to treedom. • UFE ON EARTH "VIC1ort Of TN Ory Land" Oevtd Att.nborough loolta OnTV Z TV HBO IC1nema•I tWORl NY .NY tWTBSl (ESPNI !Showt1me1 Sc>othghl 1Cable News Network! .. ._ lgu9rlM end giant tortolMI IUl'tllY• Ill• IOOfdllnO .... end -· food~ on the a..,.. p ..... Q • HOIA "The Allerold And ™ ~· A racllc9l Mw theory • lo why IN dlno-_.,. died out ... t 50 rnlilbl 1'Mf'I of -.i CD I HM ~ .. eurnlned. ~~ • • ''8tor>CO lllly'' 11880) Cini &Mwood. flondra Locille. A '°'"'*' thoe .....,_., "°'" New .,.,,..., ,..... hll drMITI °' pet• '°"""'8 In 1 wtd Weet atlow. 'PG' (l)MCMR *•'Al "Srno61~ And TN 8endll H" ( tNO) Burt Rey- nolda, Jedtle O!Meon. Sherm Butord T. Juttlcl calla In hll two lewmen brotlter9 ~--rellrad bOotteooer. lht Bandit. "°"' ~ • babt ...,._,,l'PG' .MOY-. * * * ''9 To 5" 119801 "-Fonda. Dolly Perton Thrff worlllng women rebel egelll8t llMW aybJu· gellon bt • male Cl\IU'lllnlsl boea. 'PG' (Z)MOYIE *."Going"'-" (1974) Qererd Deperc:tieu, Palrlcll 0--e. Youtlll embelti on • blcyde trtc> tMt tum• Into a MXUal od)laM)I' ecroea the Frencll country· aide. ll:aO 8 9 LAV!.ANE & 8"R.EY ~ and Shirley v- tlon ... aid ,_, In the llq)ea of ~Ing ellglbte becNtor'l.Q 8 AU. .. TMEfAMLY A bYsted ~ forOlll the Bunlt.,.. to IC*ld • '-dey9 et Ille SllW: '-· 9:00 8 (II MET MAV£Na< Guthrie IS tried for ITU'der In • modi ,,... he6d lftar llolKt 11 lhe Red Ox Saloon. 8 111 ntME'S OO»l'Nl't Jene! Ind Terri '-Ille worl1 """*" Jedi beCOmee Involved with • WMlthy i ~QNl'iRH 4\A:ll!lll CAN Pl.AvtOJSE "For Cob-Id Glrlt Who Hive Conaiderld Suicide I When The~ i. en..r· Slx women there their peln. terror end love In • lelevtlk>n edep1111on of lhl ewerd·wlnnlng Bt'*""9y hll bt Nlozaka Sllange.Q 8 UR ON fAlll'TH "Vlclor. Ot Tiit Ory Lend" Oe'tltcS Att.nborough loolc• II how igu.,.,.. end giant torlt>l11a 1urvl11e lhl ecorc:Nng hell and 1(;8"1 food euppty on the OaleC>e· ~llllnds Q HO. 9 TOO Cl08E FOA COMFORT Henry gets Into ane>I'* big fight with 1111 mother. ln·lew. (C)MOYIE **** "T*"" (1979) Mesta.ule Klnskl, Peter Firth. TIMI daughter of 1 poor Engllah farmer beQornee the victim of '* lemlly'. eaplt•tlona and her own bewly. 'R' (D)MOWE * * * "The Doga Of W•" (1N0) Chrte1opflet Wiik· 1n, Tom Berenger. After '*"Q tortured and deport· ad by an Atrleen dlctelor. 1 """*'*'Y. retume to IMd 1r~lon.'R' w MM) .............. """"' w .. .,,.... ol •..... , .... r. ..... *llT1'0MMf ,._....,._.to~ ~ "'*' ~ lrlel '°..,....._.up. Q (B)MOY9 **14 "lphlll•" (1N1) frri ~. ~· ~ Down, A r'*"- IMOI mM!.C......,... rtno • ....,.. IO ll09 .., f4MI• o'Cgltl from ~ 8ftng ... ~·of e l)rioeMM .......... penNt'8d 10 vtew. ·~· (J)MOY9 ~ ....... ,. And Aeedy" ( 1 NOIA you11Q git! 1onoa IO ..,.,._ toe.i~ ~ ... -~ *•it ''The MM Wtlo '"" T_,_-• (iN 1) OOciY- m.nlaty. Meueteo by ()non w...... FCIOtliQe of ......... ht predicted end dnlmlltlo r~ of Illa ... comj)tlel !Ne look 91the17tt.-oln11#Y F~ j)hy9iolln, M1r0klger end mystic Mk:hel de Noe111- DerM, known • Nott11- ~.'PG' (Z)MOYll ••• "The Comc>e41tlon" ( 1880) Richard Or~. Amy IMnQ. Two~u et a San Frendloo mu.le compMhlon lll'd IN! tllelt io... tor MCt'I other oon- 111c11 wtlh their ptof9Mlon. el ernbltlonl. 'PG' te>:aol NIWI CAMPATHMI "A Colored Oki: MtOUlle Shenge" The ~· end poet wflOM wont• lfldude the hit play "FOf Color9d Girts Who Hive Cone6detad Suicide When Tiit Relnbow II Enuf" Is profiled. (R) Q -~ ~ ''For Colored Olfllt Who Have Conelderad 6ulcldl I When The ~nbow It Enul" 81• women 111111 fhelr peln, terror end 10ve In • lelevltion ldeptltlon of lh• ewerd-wlnnlng Btoeow.y hit by Ntozek• 11:00;9iT.i(l)@Q! NlW8 • SATUfllDAY NIGHT Hoat: Shelley Duvall. au.t: Joen Al'IT\8tredlng. 8 KOJAK en.JfffalON8 .SAWON>AH080N • c.cK CAVETT au.ts· Ceny, Lucy end Joenne Slmorl and their mother Af14rN. (Pert 2) 11:11<mMOYW ··~ .. ~ Ot Lady Blue" 119711) MIUrffn Spring. John Smith. Thr" South Olkote 1-.eger1 •• forced 10 go !heir MP- ..... W8)l'I. two to Vietnam and the tllltd 10 pur-a car.. In Hollywood. t 1:IO 8 Cl) ALICE M9I •-lo pey a waiter e higher lllary lhan Ille w.it-.CRI D Q!TOMGKT Host: Johnny C traon O~tl: Oevld Brenne<. S-'eKuru. e g MCHIWS Nl8HT\Ml 8 ODOOOUPU • LOVE, MiENcAH STYLE • KCET NEWlllEAT WfTH Cl.ET( fll09EAT8 (I)~ S<:oll Balo end Denny AJel. lo st• In e comic loolc at the , compllcetlona M>lch .... during • ~d ''"' dent'• blnl>day plr1y .. hit rem11y·1 South Plllledelphl• hOme. OMOYIE *'It "Enter The 0.IQOO" ( t973) Bruce Lee. Joh11 Saxon A kung lu expert b eulgned to pefW!r•t• an l9l8nd fortr-In orOI< to destroy an opium and while slivery empire 'R' ~MDIGHT- 12:00. SHA NA NA au-t: Htinny Youngm1n. • 9 FANTASY l8lAHO A woman tr1'11911 b.c;I( In time to become Cleopltr1 end 1 man Meks to hive ~ pow. oo.-oth- .,.._ (R) 8 MOYIE * * * "Soldler Blue" 11970) Peter Str-. Cat1· dice Berven I .-I DOUGLAS LOVI. AMENCAH STYLE Welk '/ alnily' tapes last show But maestro says musical aggregation won 't break up ~akeland, St. Peters burg, New Orleans. finishing m San Antonio March 7. KABC II 7:30 "Eye on L.A." Prorlle on pornu1raphy 1>tur John Holml'S, who has been llnked lo a Los Angeles murder. KTLA " s·oo "lli ~h Pl1:1in ii Drifter." A Clint Euslwood classic About a drifter hired by townsfolk to protect them from outlaws . KNXT 9 8 :00 "l v1:1nh oc ." Premiere of the made-for -TV movi(' based on Sir Walter Scott'::, fumou~ novel. See photo. left. KNBC 1110 :00 'Flamingo Road · Constance uses Julio to ~PY on Field and his lover! • '°°"'ON eoaETY ®MOW • * * "Funhouee" (1981) ~II 8erfldge, Svtllll Mltea. Four tetn·•oer• ~ • frtgl'llM night In • ~nlv• IUnhOUM lt!hebll· eel bt e demented ti.rker Md Ilia monetroua 8911 '•R' ttol Cl) MCNt IN QNQNNATI At1hur'• wtre ennouncea lllel .,. II going to l'leve llllOI'* beb'/. (Al ti: ti CZ) MOVIE • • "Twllllll Delight" (11173) Monique ven 01 • Ven. Rutger Hallet. 'A' 1t:a0 8 Cll LATI NIGHT wrTH DAVID l.ETTEWoilAH au..tt: cornedlMI Freo Wiiiard and Sandre Ceron; worm expen 0.0.-ge Sta. de; world welt1twelghl bolling Champion Suoer Rey Leonard. • MOVIE * "Biiiy The Kid Va. °''" cull" ( ttee) Chudt Couf1 • M'f, JoM Clrradlne A reformed OU118w mlk .. the awful dleco._y lhll h .. ~·uncle la rMHy 1 ~e . 12;40.~0UO McClouO UllCOYWS 8 plot 10 .... d*Jted ••Olen "'41dJ· Cine lo Letln Ame<lcen countrlee.(R) t:OOe MOVIE * * * "A Women· a Secret" (1949) Maur_. O'H•a. ~ Oouglu. A woman lhooll Ille tlnger •h• helped to make femoue 8 MOVIE • * * "Gr•ll MIHOurl Raid" ( 1950) Macdon•ld Cer~. Wendell C«ey The J-and Young1< boys beglr> lo ride the out .. w trelleg.in. (C)MOYIE ***'Al "E....yttolng You Ahweyt Wented To Know About s.. CBut Were Altllld To ~)" 111172) Wood)' Ahn. Gene Wilder A _. of comic liletchee epoola 0.. 01Yld Reut>en't belt·Mlllng boo1c In eddl· tlon 10 other auoned ter· ~·R' t:10 • MOVIE ··~ "ThOM Fantutic Fl)'lng Fooll" 119Cl7) Surf ...,.., Troy Donahue Duong 1 111911 to England, P T Barnum conooctl 1 wild idM th•t he Cllfl SUCQISs. fully butld I luner ap-. atllp 9 NEWS 1:30 D ENTEn AINME.NT TOHIGHT Tom JonM P«forms ror hit mother 11 C-1 Pel· -· a..ws (S)MOVIE **'A "Beck Roads" (198 1) Sally Field. T C>rl'l"'Y L .. Jones. A hooker and 1 down-on-h1a.ruck bo•e< mMI and llMd -· In -c;h Of I MW Hll 'R' CtMOVIE ••~ "Rocklhow" (1980) Peul Mc C1rtn1y end Wing• Thll record ot the bind'• U.S tour lnclOO.S P«formences DI "Jet," "8llfld On The Run," "811ty Love Songe'' and IOIM old SMiie belled• 'PG' 1::.aa(B)MOYll +*th "8orderHne" ( 1ll80) Cheri. Btoneon, BNno Klftly. A police officer di• co-• • MIUOQllng ring ooeratJng elong the Med · can border and trlee 10 keep lneomlng ellent rrom beeOm.lng alev*' to ruth· .... -latlop OW<l«I 'PO' 2:00!= **** "My Uncle. Mr Hu101" ( t95a) J11equ11 T"I. JeM.Plerre Z04e. Mt. ~mall .. en awkwwd attempt lo oonvlnc:e 1 rem· lly 11111 they don't rMllY n9ed 111 lhe lltest modem ~ancee 10 run their hOUMhold. 2:25 • Ml:"WI 2:*1 . MOVIE • * "Ambulh At Clln1<ron p ..... {1958) Scott Brady, Mergle Deen. A Union petrol officer end-hie pd•· oner ,_,, up wt11' en ••· Confedlf1t1 oftlc;er to at1ve off en Ap•ch• •llacll. (t)MOW ••• "The 0th« Side Of TIMI Mountein -Pen II" (1978) Marllyn H11se1t, Timothy Boltoms. Forme< dlemplon titler, Jill Kin· mont. rendered • q~r1- pi.g1c by • 1reglc accld4tnt, ...-.. ties with Mlf-dOUbl """*" 1 new tove enter• her Nie 2:408 MEWS 2:46 .. MOVIE *•'A "A.nnl• 01kl1y" 111135) Barbati Stanwydc . ~ .. ton Fo.11< A rron- tllrawoman becomes • c1tebrlty H a clrcua lh•P9fl0018' a.-oo 8 MOYIE • • "OrlY9 Hwo. O.tve Fut" llllell) Brian Kelly, Joen Collins In the world of auto racino • .,, lnnOCenl man becomM the pewn 1n a murder plo1 plenned by e begulUng women and he• hulOend S:20 MOVIE * * * ~ "Scanners" 11981) Jennifer O'Neill, Patrick McGooh•n A 1e111e1 conlllc:I 111111 ~ two tmlll groups or peopt. wtlOM extreoro 1- nery psychic power a Include Ille abltily lo kNI teleplthoellly 'R' 3:30 (S) MOVIE * • '"' "Snowball Expreu" ( t972) Dean Jones. Nancy Olton A New York eccountant travels-• lo the Roeklel In en •tternpt 10 mOdemlu the dilepldll· Id al<I reaot1 he Inherited 'G' @ MOVIE **"Melvin And Howatd" ( 1980) Paul L•M•I. Juon Rob4lrd1 An othenlriM unknown gas 1tallon attendant clalmt to be 1118 rlghtlul heir to Howard Hughes· bllllon doll•• •t•ll 'R' 4:00 D MOVIE * **'It "The StHt Hel· JOHN DARLING ANO ~ THE. SNOW WE'RE £)C.?ER1ENC1NG SHOULD e.E OUT OF OCR ARE>-. ~y NOON T~ROW.1 IMC" (tfft) CW.. IV-. ~ liutton. A~ ...... .,.. ~ ..,.,. ~.,.wev..,e~ .. '° INtdl fotwwd .. ,. troope ege11m .._ -oo'uow • * "Thia le (Me" (tN1) ~tety Fiim fooC-ot MddfM\Mr~ .,. uetd IO ... the MOfY of !Mt Pr~• .... ltlid ~ ••• .-.oH: .-CHiii.i TM IM~_. oet ~ wNoh WOlllcl torce e 941"1· bllnO ,_, -10 ... 11. '}'_ ~ the tyf141icele. •:IO CC) MOYIS • • • • .. Anlmel Crecii· .,.. .. I tt'°I Merx 8rottltt1. Merger11 Dumont ~lllln 81>euldlng, the Atrlc;en explorw, n11u.n1 from e ,_, MP*dlllon 10 .,.... hevoo 11 e 100'1e1y metron'• ..-enc1 petty Wf>dtaf>#doy'• Boyd•«* Movt ... -MORte«;- l:OO(C) •••Ao "Return Engegetnent" ( 1971) Ellu- tletll T lylot. ~ Bot· toma A former eclr- wtlo la IUdllng al a Mii.it COiiege forms 1 9')Klel rlletlonlllip with one of Ill< aludlnl• (I) * * 111 "Th•t Fortyle Woman" ( 1950) Errol Flynn. Greer Garton 8aMd on a noY9I by John Gellwor1hy. A mernbl< of • atald Victorian l1mlly become• 1cand1loualy allrecleCI to her nleee'• liance 0 *"* "11To 6"11980) Jane Fonda, OoOy Petton ThrM working women rebel lglltllt t.hlif tub)u· gallon by a mlle cnlU'lllniSI l>OQ. ·pa· 1:30 e * "0.wn Rider" ( 11135) John W1yne. Merion &Ima (Cl * * * "Oh Godr Book II" ( 1980) George Burns. Suzenne Ptesnetll God return• 10 Eerth end Ch~ the young deugh- ..... of 1n44Y1C1Jtlng exec- utive to tprMd hit mes- sage 10 the world 'PG' 10:00 CID • * "The E\licior." ( 1979) Vic Morrow, Jeeslcl HarJ>I( Two young people -lnlo • houM wtlh lhe no1orlou1 reputation ol causing the delth1 or any- one derlng lo Uve there 'PG' • * "The Awakening" I 1980) Cl\erHon H•ton. Suaannah York An archHOlogl•I'• d•ughle< ~ posMS8ed by the male'llOlenl spltll ol "' ancient Egypt11n QUMn 'R' 0 111 * '"' "The Man WhO Sew Tomorrow" 1198 t) Documentll"( Narrated by Orson Welles Foot-oe ol 1ven11 lie predicted end dremellc •&-uMllon• or hll hie compfisl this IOOk at the 17th-century French phytl<li1n, astrologer .,,d mytllC Michel de No.Ill· o.,,.., known as Noll••· demut 'PG' 11:30 (C) * * ''1 "Sh<>OI The Sun Down" ( 1980) Ch111tophe< Wilken. Mllgol Kidder In 1838. lour Oisparetl mo .. lits use en old map 10 sea1ch re» ooroed gOld 'PG' 0 * * "ThlS IS Elvls' (1981 t Oocumenl"l"f F~m lootege •nd dramatic re- creation• ere used to tell Iha story of EM• Preeiey's hie and car_. 'PG' 12:000 *"'"'"HereComelhe Girls" ( 1953) Bob Hope. Arlene Oehl FOltowtng e thrut on the hie of • 9how'1 star perlormer. 11 aong-and-danoe man li111 In as ~ d..:oy to lrep lhe klller G) • * * •;, "San F renc.s- co" ( t93$) Ctttk Gable, Spencer Trtcy. ••••14"'-..,.. (M"' (1tl7) ltlMltllt#t .... kine. Kan~ , (8}••"Thel~ ....., ... (11711 lo""-' eo.\; Fred WMIMl90fL TWo ~ torm t11 u-el lrlendlhlc> du•lno 1helt ~ to ~ 8Mlll)I' ettet.U w YlcMrll dNlll during Ille 1umulluou1 deya Of WOt1d Wtt II. (Z) * * * "The Competi. Uon" I IMO) --d Otey- IUM. Amy~ TWo .... ... , •t 1 Ian Frencieco muelc c;ompellllon llnd lhel their io... '°' Mell other ~ w!ttl lllelt p10IMllone1 embUIOlll 'PG' 1:00 (C} • • • "The ~I Jungle" 119501 Sterling HaydM. Jelftte WMmore TIMI police ert beltled by e orlmlnel mHtermlnd'• helf·mllllon-doller tob'*Y (I) * * * "Tllet For-eyi. Women" I 1950) Errol Flynn, Greer Guaon Sued on • noY9I b'/ John QeQ'*Of1hy A rnemti. Of • 11alcl VIC10flen tlmll)I' become• 1c1nd1lou11y 1llractld to '* "*9'1 ti.nc. • **'A "RodllhOW" I 1N0) PIUI ~ney end Wlng1. Thia rlCOl'd of the band'• U.S. tour lncludM P«formancea of "Jet," ''Band On The Run," "Siiiy LoY9 $ong1'' end IOIM old SMiie belledt 'PO' 2:00 CID *** "The ldOln!lk· er" t 1NO) Rey Sri.t11ey, Tovah FeldahUll A manl· pul1llY9 menao« .. -.. ,,. loua ployS 10 catlp<.tl IWO IMn·ege<• Into l>09 ting. ~ 1111dom 'PO' 2:10 W * * "Foxtrot" 11976) P11er O'T OOll, Chll'lolll AMl>phng. 'R' 3:00 G * * * "Fire Down Below'' ( 1957) Robert Mitchum, Rlt• H•yw<>nh. Two CaribbNn lld'llenlUt· "' with • boet tor hife llllf" to trllNQOf'I 1 lady without a p.-.port from one lllend 10 "'°''*. (CJ * * "Thund«blf'da To The R99we" ( 1981) Pvp- p111. The pllols of five ape- clllly equipped rocket ships must .. .,. the lives ol pas-.gera trapc>ed on •~transport ·a· 0 ***"The Marve!ou1 Land Of Oz" Some V1<V IM"lllier 1nh1bltants of the Land Of Oz help a young bO)I Ind hlS wooden friend In this filmed a1.Qe pro. ducllon by lhe Clliklren·a Th111re Company end School 'G' 3:30 CS) ••'It "Snowball Exprets" ( 1972) o .. n JonM, Nancy Olson A New YO<tt llCCOUnlanl 111· .,... _, lo the RodlleS in an attempt lo mooernlte the dMepidatld lkl resor1 helnherited ·G' 4:00 * * * "The Competl· tlon" I 19801 RIChatd Orey· fun, Amy Irving. Two plan· Illa II a San Frandaco muaoc compe111lon hnd lhal their ~ lor MCt> otl>ef conlllCll wOh th1tr pr'ol11tlonal ambition• 'PG' 4:30 CC) * * 1/t "RelU<n Engagemenl" ( 1978) Eltza.. beth Ta)'IO<, Joseph Sol· toma A former actrea whO 11 teac.hlng 11 a smtll COiiege rorma • special refallonsllip with one ol hit students * * * "Popeye" 119801 Robin Wiiiiama. Sheit.,, Ouvell. Wllile Mlrohing fOf his father. the sp1nacn...a1- lng ullOf visits e Qu .. nt hM"llet -•lie pocks up• toundhng Ind 1 5klnny s-thNrt ·pa· 11:00 0 ..... Agalh•" I 1979) Outlln Hortman, v- Redgrave In London In 1926. an Ame<lcan news- paper reponer ..-u and t>«omes lnvOlve<I Wtlh femed m)l'Stery ...-11er Ao•· the Chrtsti.. wno hat 1el1 hlf unlalthlul husbend. 8 new shows to air ABC to introduce spring series NEW YORK <AP ) Eight SANTA MONICA (AP) -Television history was written today when Lawrence Welk and his musical ram Uy taped their last show after 30 years of broadcasting. On Feb. 26 the Welk troupe will embark on what could be its last tour, though the maestro himself ia making no such prediction. Nor is be breaking up the musical organization that had its beainning on the prairie of his native North Dakota 59 years ago. Lawrence Welk 's romance with the television tube began in 1951 when his band was playing the Aragon l)allroom on the Ocean Park pier, a couple '· of miles south from the high-rise headquarters of the Welk empire. He recalled a visit by Klaus Landsberg, the innovative genius of KTLA. new series. including a comedy spinoff from "Happy Days," and a crime show that will solicit anonymous tips from the audience, will be introduced by ABC on a tnal basis in March and April. The new programs will pre·empl long.running series like "Laverne & Shirley," ·:Barney Miller" and "Mork & Mindy," ABC said. broadcast in the late s pring. The program will dramatize actual crimes and solicit tips from the audience that might he lp police, ABC said. Rita Moreno, Valerie Curtin and Rachel Dennison will star in a TV version of the movie "9-to-5." to be introduced April 11 pre-empting "Barney Miller" and "Police Squad," a satirical comedy starring Leslie Nielsen, will premiere March 4 replacing "Mork & Mindy." • ·t •m 11ot in a position to cut ort the organization," Welk said in his eightb-Ooor office overlooking the broad sweep of the Pacific. "We have a large musical family. and I must consider them. I'm rd working for myself, I'm worklnl for all of the people who are associated with me. ·'the pr9blem Is that once you have a reput.atianr.~ people 1fant to see you.·· He. ~ that be bad hoped that Lawrence Welk Jr. would wu:ne leadership ot the band - "but he wouldn't go for lbat. I never pushed Larey, because I lip.re that everyone ia 1ood for certain things. What's in one'a heart Is lmportaot, and Larry•~ more interested ln buslneu. I ficured lf J puahed Nm into perfonntn1. he would have been uncomfortable." The benclleader, who wU1 be 79 oa Ma.rcb 11 attritMM tllll lon1evtt1 to tbe fact tbal "I ma;;...;t a narM." Hil wife Fen--4.bey'U be ~ed 50 yean ht' AprU -"doel think I 'm WOltia• too bar,t." She oppoetd•tm -.pcomin1 tour. but Welk reuoaecl aucll appeanitcet ··create a bealtby .... .,... ... for the TV show." He ._.ppUJ read the d.._ from bla calendar: Fort Worth. Houl\oll. Atlanta, Tallab111ee. Augusta, West Palm Beacb, ''Do you mind Ir we televise your band?" Landsberg asked. "I guess not," Welk answered. "What do you want us to do?" ''Nothing, just keep playing.'' Welle and band kept playing for four years on KTLA until ABC sifned them for a summer replacement ahow. "The Lawrence Welk Show" continued on the network until 1971 , when it was canceled after 16 years . Instead of fadinl away, the show went into the syndication m1rket, where It has been1 the most successful program ln off-network history. Early ln bis cai'eer, Welk theorized "If you ~andle the orchestra business ri&ht, you can 1et mto the business world." One of hl.s proudest achievements was overridinl b1a advisers In the purchase of property at. the end of Wllahire Boultvard. "There was a dltterence of $5,000 in the . purchase price, and I aald, 'Let's pay It'," he recalled. The property now coatalna the Lawrence Welk Piasa wltb 1 2kt.ory bWJclln8. He later boutht the adjoinina '°' for a ll•at.orJ bulldlnl where be malntalal Na off'lc•. On the baleany ls a 1mall- 1reen Where M can practice putt.ln,. TO MISS TV After 30 years of broadcasting, Lawrence Welk says he 'll mi ss television. Erin Moran and Scott Baio trom "Happy Days" wiJI star in "Joanie Loves Chachi," to be Introduced March 23. The show will replace ''Laverne & Shirley." ·'Counterattack: Crime in America," a new series with George Kennedy as boll will be ·'Sgt. Hooker:'' starring Willia~ Shatner as a retired polJcemln who returns lo the torce, will premiere March 71. The series will continue In hour-long episodes, after "Kln1's Crossin1" completes its limited run ln the. timeslot. ~ I TUESDAY, FEB. 23, 1982 BUSINESS STOCKS C4 cs \ . SEC still .in UprQar . over wild finish of LSU game. See C2. Chandle.r: She's still making a splash Estancia, Mater Dei 'at ho01e' She hopes to catch her rivals off guard again ... this time in Su-perstars competition By JOHN SEVANO Of tit• Deity ~let Sta" With the grace of a ballerina, the beauty of a swan and the spontaneity of a magician. Jennifer Chandler made quite a splash, if you'll pardon the pun, in 1976. The s ite wa s Montreal . Canada. The event was the XXI Olympiad. Chandler. known to her native countrym e n but relatively unknown lo the world. stunned the Summer Games by capturing the gold medal in the three-meter s pringboard com petition al the tender age of 17. Now. almost six years later. the blonde·h a ir, blue.eyed enchantress is hoping to catch her rivals off guard again. This time, however, it won't be so easy. Chandler left today for Key Biscayne, Fla .. where she will be Involved in AB C's Superstars competition which will be aired Sunday on Channel 7 Chandler. who participated last year and received $6.300 for her sixth·place finish. will be facing the likes of Ann Meyers (last year's top winner at $40,000), Nancy Leiberman and Martina Navratilova Despite the apparent fun taking place between these q>m pelitors Sunday. this is serious business for all involved. Chandler has been working eight hours a day, six days a w@ek in prepa ration for Superstars. Given 10 possible events in which sbe had to choose seven, Chandler has been try ing to ' refine her skills in the art of bowling, basketball, the 60·yard dash , the quarter mile, golf, CYPRESS· STAR TO ATI'END UCI Cypress Col le ge 's J ud Beardsley. a 6·5 guard, has announced be will attend UC Irvine next fall. · Beardsley, the Charters' leading scorer, has avera1ed 18.0 point.a • same in Southern Cal Conference play, 18 .5 overa ll. He i1 1bo0Un1 55 percent from t.be noor. Cypre11, tbe Southern Cal Conference champion, finllbed U.O in conference, 22·~ overall and h aa a t7-1ame wlnnin1 1tre'ak. swimming and t he dreaded obstacle course. 'Tm ur against girls who are a lot stronger than I am," said the s lend er 5·:1, 120-pound. 22-year-olit Chandler. "I've been training pretty hard. although I don 't know if I've been rloing it right or not. she had to endure during her final years of diving. Today. Chandler is content. healthy a nd at peace with herself -more so. maybe, than at any other time during .her 13 years of competitive diving. wanted to leave the sport with real good feelings. I didn't want to regret what I had done or go out with bad memories." finished 15th and people were walking up to me aQd • ..aying. ·1 thought you were good.' They treated what 1 did in Montreal like it was a fluke. After winning the gold. in '76. not many of Ch and l er 's memories are pleasant. "I feel much more confident this time because I'm not a novice. I know what to expect." Chandler also knows she's not about to run away from her competition. "I don 't mis s diving and training at all ," she said , with a touch of relief in her voice. "It got to the point where there was so much pressure all the time. and I expected so much from myself. that it got to be too much. Immediately following her e m o tionall y draining a chie ve m e nt in Montreal . Chand l er was a s ked to participate in the nationals in her home state of Alabama. "I rememb e r I wa s emotionally and physically burnt o ut al the time ," s he recalled. "Everyone goes through peaks and valleys and I just wanted lo get away to relax "That just put double pressure on m e ," Chandler added. ''because I felt nobody believed in me. I had really worked hard for Montreal and I didn't think it was fair for people to do that ... Still. Chandler was labeled and now forced to prove the s k eptics wrong. H er best chance, naturally, would be the 1980 Olympic tryouts, but that. too. ended in a disaster. "All I want to do is the best I can . have a Little fun and pick up some grocery money ... s he explained. If this sounds like ~ entirely different Chandler. it ·s because it is. Gone are the frustrations, the bitlemess and the injuries "Plus, at the end. I couldn't train like I wanted to <because of her back 1. I would be able to train hard for three or four days, but then I'd have to rest for two. That was very frustrating. and unwind. . Ch andler made the diving team . as the United States' No. 4 representative . but the U.S. never made it to Moscow. t hanks to President Carter's <See JENNIFER, Page CZ) "I got out because 1 wanted to be healthy , not crippled. I "But my coach talked me into participating. He said I owed it to my state and country. Well, l. Heiden: He finds anonymity is golden Two years later, former Olympian happily avoids limelight By WIU GRIMSLEY Al'S-lelC. ... I •I~ The tall, young man in blue jeans and plaid wool shirt sat at a table in a crowded mid town hotel restaurant, munching breakfast and chatting with friends. No one turned a head to stare at hlm. No one rushed over from an adjoining table to ask his autograph. He finished. got up and casually strode through the lobby en route to New York 's Coliseum for t h e International Cycling Show. No mob scene. "That's the way I like it," said Eric Heiden. "I enjoy my privacy. I have no am bitlon to be an e xploited Olympic hero." Whal a difference two years make. Exactly two years ago today -Feb. 23, 1980 -Heiden swept to a fifth speed skating gold medal in the Xlll Winter Games at Lake Placid, N.Y., setttn1 a world record ln the process, and thousands struggled just to get a brief glimpse of him while millions marveled from TV. IT WAS AN individual feat comparable to Jes5e Owens' four-medal track explolta in Berlin's Nui Olympics in lJIS and Mark Spitz's cache of seven 1wimmin1 tolds at Munich in 1972. At that partieular moment -bi.I lma1e reflectlq 1n tbe tlare of Olympic told and the snow ol Lake Placl4'a hilll -this remanable unaffedeld youn1 man from Madison, Wis., waa tbe most llonl&ed athlete in the world. The obvious next step for the celebrated king of the ice wu to •ten coatracta worth .. millions of dollar s for m y riad endorsements, public appearances and other commercial ventures -following t he footsteps of Spitz, decalhlete Bruce Jenner and figure skating queen Dorothy Hamill, among others. "Not I ," said Heiden. "I had some good offers. My agent (Art Kaminsky) urged me to accept them. I said, 'Nq. thanks.· When you sign those kinds of cont~acts, people start owning you. "l don't want anybody \':>wning me." SO YOUNG Heiden. 23, is doing just what he wants to do. He is a pre-med COMMENTARY student at Stanford Uni veraity, aim in& to· eventually specialise in sports medicine. And, ln whatever spare time he bu, he is workinl with U.S. cyclists, polntina to the 1984 Olympics in Los Angeles. Cycling was one of Heiden's first loves, as wu speed sl:alillf. As a l"OWinc kid he had to make a choice -whether to be a world-class cyclist or world-clus speed skater. The silver bladea won out, althoup Eric succeeded in both. He currently is aervin1 u honorary captain el the Am,rican c1clln1 team, moat of them Olympic candidates. who wlll be competin1 in 40 races acrou the country from March throutb November. roa llON'lm prior to the Olympics, Eric and hi& 1ilter, Beth, who bad won the world ladies' 1peed 1kattn1crownthe1•ar ... I before, were the world's most publicized athletes. They were the ~arllngs of Europe. where speed s kating is a major sport. They appeared on the covers of Time and Sports lllustrated magazines . They were besieged from all sides by international news. radio and TV reporters. It must have been like a dream. Not for Eric Heiden. It was closer to a ni ghtma re for both the boy and his younger sister. · 'Sk atinf own ed my life for seven years," Heiden said. "By the time t got to Lake Placid. the pressure had become tremendous . From m y European experience, I could handle it. But it was tough on Beth.·· · BETH, Zl, rated the world's best, had to settle for a bronse medal IQ the 1,000 meters -a bitter dlsappolntnient. She is now attending the University of Vermont and ls big on lon&·dlstance skiing. "Durin1 those two weeks in Lake Placid, I felt like a sombie," E~c 1ald. "I bad tunnel vision. I could think ol notbint but s katlnl. Every day was pressure day. "I went to the movies and couldn't tell you what they were about a half-hour later. I didn't reco1ni1e anythlnl IOln• on around me. In my last race -the 10,000 - atter the el1htb lap (there are 25) I fett burned out and wanted to quit. But I didn't dare. "When it was over, I was numb. I didn't even 10 to the victory partin. I just wanted to IO 10me place and be by mYMlf. "Now I am happy, comfortable with my lUe. I.am dolnl on11 what I want to do, and I envy nobody." l I By ROGER CARLSON °'-~lyl'lleCSUfl With the original field cut in half. the CIF basketball playoffs resume tonight with second. round action, each starting at 7: 30. and four Orange Coast area teams continue the bunt for a championship. Sunset League tltllst Edison and Sea View League co-champs Estancia and Corona del Mar, along with upstart Mater Dei of th e Angelus League are involved, with Estancia and Mater Dei drawing "home" assignments. No game in the second .round is played at a school's own gym, but Corona del Mar and Mater Dei will still be within c lose proximity of their campuses. Edlaon vs. Loyola The game Is at Glendale High (1~0 E. Broadway) and Loyola's Cubs enter with an 11-1 1 record and No. 3 status in the Del Rey League. Edison, the top seed In . the •·A eliminations, Is 23-2 with four All-Sunset League players, including MVP Richard Chang. Canyon vs. Corona del Mar corona del Mar (17·•> will host the Century League champion Comanches C14-10) at Estancia High, and It's a rematch of a tournament game In December, won by CdM. «<·36. Canyon enters the 3-A game with four starters In the 6-S, ~ range, white the SH Kings answer w ith excellent outside range from Chris Lynch and Co. E1tanda va. Foothill Estancla's Eagles (21-4) travel to VIiia Park High (18042 Taft) to duel the Knights (14--9) In the 3-A conteu. Foothill boasts 6~ Rleh Thomas, a senior center with a 2S.S scoring average. He scored St points against VIiia Park and teammate Brian Ballard scored so against Hawthorne. Estancia counter s with Sea View Leaoue MVP Jeff ~rdner and two other all-league performers. St. John 8o8CO VI. M•tef o.t St. JOhn a.co (21-6) ellmtnet.d AJhambra In the first rou.,d wtlt1 •our Juniors end a IOPhOmOt"9 In the llneup, whlle ~-•r o.& (14-t) put No. • seed Mllllkfn awey wtth three sophofYlOr• starters. The game Is et Servtte Hloh. (1tst W, Le_palma~Anehelm) ' - -------------- , SE~· still in uproar over wild LSU finish ......... ,.&diet •KNOXVILLE, Tenn . -m T••tee Coach Don DeVoe says baabtlNall fant are I01lnt thelr foc"'-5 ' durtn1 all the commoUon over his team's batr-brffctth defeat ot Louisiana Stale. ''The '54.53 final score -which came on • Daa Fe.lermana tip·ln with one second showing on the clock at tbe Tiaera' bolne court Saturday -may be protested. Dul a apOkesman at the Southeastern Conference offlce ln Birmingham, Al •. , sald Monday that none Us been received. • LSU Coach Dale Brown has contended that tbe• same clock wasn't started ln the last seconds until after Tennessee bad moved the ball to midcowt i:n it.s final plav. J>eVoe said, "Thls team made a great comeback in a place where it's very difficult to win ;a~ Dale 1'rown ls marring that . . . • anyone who would run out on the court and 1rab an official." '· Quote of the day &ewta Cauidy, 15-year-old son or Cal St~te Nortbridge basketball coach Pde . C,ataldy, watching his father protest a referee's call by klckinr the floor, flinging bis arms in lbe air and angrily stalking up and down: "He does the same thing when· I show him my report card.;' Rudi to try comeback with A's After five disappointing seasoAs Ill elsewhere, Joe Rudi bas rejoined the Oakland A's aod'will try his band at Billy Ball in 1982. Rudi was a member of the A 's world championship teams during the early 1970s and once considered the premier left fielder in the American League. The 35-year-old veteran signed with the A's as a free agent over lbe winier and is expected to be used mostly as a designated hitter and first baseman. Riddled by h)jurles during bis three-year stint with the Angels (1977-80>. Rudi has played in more than 104 nmes just once in the last five seasons Kea Boye r , National League most vah,table player in 1964, will not serve as manager of the LouisvilJe Redbirds of the American Baseball Association due to health problems. Boyer has been batUing lung cancer for the past three months and has reportedly been undergoing laetrile treatments to com bat the illness. FromPageC1 +iodges grabs PCAA weekly honor I Senior cuard Crelt Hod1ee, who m I led Long 8'•ch State,to two vtctoriee hast week. has been named Pacific 1 Coast ~Ullellc A11oclatlon basketball player or th• week: Hodges scored a career·hllb 31 points In • 73-54 win over Ut•h State and had 17 points In the -4kts' 83·69 rout over Peclllc. . . Junior forward Steve Harr&el led four Waablnaton Sta\ci pJayera In double neures Monday nltbta as tho Cougar& recorded • 76-ee Pac·lO win over visiting Ore1on. Harriet 1cored 18 points and grabbed six rebounds as the Coucara raided their coolereoce record to M . Senior forward' - Ronnle J oyner came off the bench to contribute 18 points for Washin11ton State •.. Cllarles Jones hit two free throwis and Mt.ft Wa.-er scored on a dunk In the (inal 19 secoqda to spark· Louisville to a 65-61 upset over lOth·ranked Memphis State. The Tigers rallied The Iota snapped Memphis State's eigbt·game winninl streak. . . 8l'uce Vaaley scored a career·h11b 23 Points to lead No. 8 Tulsa past Southern Illinois, 85-67. The win was the Hurricanes' 31st straight at home. North Stars rally past Hartford Dlno Clccarelll had two goals to lead t~ Minnesota North Stars to an 8·1 come.from-behind win over the Hartford Whalers in NHL action Monday ni1ht. Ciccarelli's second goal came at 11: 12 of the final period to give the North Stars a 7.5 leJd but Minnesota needed a game-winn1n1 1oal from defenseman Al Mac:A~am at the 17:40 mark to come out ahead in a seesaw game. MacAdam scored on an assist from Bobby Smith. who had four points on the r\ight. Blame StougMon had two goals in a losing cause for Hartford. . . Wayne Greuky, who tied the NHL goaJ-scoring record on Sunday to cap a 15-point performance in three games, was named the NHL's player or the week. It marked the stWenth time this season that the Edmonton Oilers' center has been similarly honored. The 21-year-old Gretsky got his 76th goal of the year against Detroit, tying a single-season record set by Phll Esposito of the Boston Bruins ii" 1970·71. Whittingham joins Rams' staff Former Rams· pl ayer Fred Whltllagbam has been signed as an assistant coach to Ray Malavasl, in c harge of special teams and tight ends . Whittingham played for the Rams as a linebacker in 1964 as well as stints with the Philadelphia Eagles. New Orleans Saints and Dallas Cowboys. He coached at Alhambra High in 1971·72 and has been an assistant at Brigham Young University for the past nine years. Whittinl!ham. 43, played his college football at BYU and Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo. Television, radio TV: No events scheduled RADIO: Basketball Denver at Lakers, 7:2Q p.m., KLAC C570l . JENNIFER CHANDLER. • • sec. outshot by Pt. Loma boycott. In fact. if the U.S. had gone. il.'s doubtful Chandler would have. since the usual number of representatives in any event is three. .. There were just so many factors involved, .. said Chandler of the experience ... How do you prepare yourself mentally when you don't really know what's going on? The · .Whole thing was really kind of terrible. .. You gear up and gear up but when the goal keeps blinking on and off it s hard to stay on track." C handler wasn ·t real ly disappointed with lhe boycott as she was how it was handled ··Everyone fe lt so helpless. 18 U.S. surfers on world team A totaJ of 18 Americans were l)amed to the amateur world surfing team of 40 recently. The team members include the following Am e ri cans : Richan$ Adams, Mark Arico. Sean Aiastin, Alexander Bravo, LonnJ Brothers, Daniel Connors, Tom Cozad, Robert Hoose, John A. Kume, Kyle Jensen, Thomas I(ovich, Nie Nichol , John O 'Connor, J effel'SOn Officer, Christopher Smith Glenn Tilly , Robert Weaver and Richard Woolcott. and the athletes didn't like bean~ m a n1pulated for •a polttical purpose. The boycott actually wasn't a bad idea. it was just the way they did it. .. After the fact the~ came up to us and said. ·ttow do you feel about it.· If the~ had consulted , us beforehand the boycott probably would have happened anyway." B.ut President Carter didn"t give the athletes that consideration, which left many of them bitter. That·s all in the past, though, and now Chandler is looking forward to the future. After Key Biscayne. Chandler. currently the men ·s and wom en·s diving coach at UC Irvine, will return home to move from Laguna Beach to Newport Beach, where she will share an apartment with Bi g Canyon assistant golf pro Sam Ainslie. whom she will marry April 3 in Alabama. From there. ifs off to Hawaii for a honeymoon and then lo Scotland in September. where her hus band will be participating i n a gclf tournament. F'irst, howev e r . there's Superstars. ··Hey. the whole thing is free They (A BC> take care of you so whatexcr I win I com e out ahead, .. she said ... And , this s ure beats what I was doing before. Diving is not a very lucrative sport ·· SAN DrEGO -Fortunately for Southern California College, there was no playoff berth at stake in Monday night's NAlA basketball game against Pt. Loma The Vanguards ran into a hot·s hooting Pt. Loma team which hit on 68 percent of its field goal attempts to outscore Southern Cal. 100 ·92, in the reg:.i lar season finale for both teams. But the Vanguards knew coming 1n that they were assured" ortherr ftrst NAJA playoff appearance in three years The playoff pairings were announced Sunday and the Vanguards will face Azusa Pacific on the road Thursday night at 8 o'clock. The loss to Pt. Loma gives Southern Cal an overall record of 19·9 going into the District playoffs . The Vanguards finished third in the Southern Di vision and seventh in their ~strict. Pt. Loma led by as much as 10 t he second half but the anguards were able to cut the gap to three, 92-89, before Pt. ~oma·s shooting put the game ~t of reach. j Southern Cal's Mike Roberts iiad 28 points to lead all scorers !hile teammates Rick Porras 3). Mark Roche (14) and Rick luimcr 021 also finished in ouble figures. USF star linked to felonies Attempted rape. among charges against Dons' Dailey SAI'i FRANCISCO CAP> -University or San Francilco officials say basketball star Quintin Dailey ~ start in the season's final three eames for t~ Ullb·ranked Dons, despite five felony cbar1~ -includinl attempted rape -filed against.hJm. The 9·3. 180-pqund junior -fifth among the natP•r scoren -declined comment as be aurr~red at the Hall of Jualce Monday to face the au .... d made by a fello1t student. However, be waa released about a half an hour later Oil_,., botlft and told a campus repOrter: "I'll be~~I ball. That's all t can s.ay." Mq..ant1. dir~r of public affairs for USF, said, "it would be ~ron1 for the university or anyOM r"JPFfteDliD& l\ to make any comment other U.., an expression of profound concern for everyone involved.'', Dalley will be considered innocent until pro~ "tUlltY and wtll continue to pracUce and play wtti Utt Dons, aaid Brill. Dalley la scheduled .. Saddleback lead 8Jips away . . . . . • VISTA -SaddMback CoOe1e saw a two-run leatl ... an)' lo tbt' Mventh '-':'Jr:' lliraCoeta Colle .. rallMd for dwee rum to c a 1-2 win ID DOll.-.fetmee bue~I acUon i...da)' here. Gmeho 1tartet BUI SbeeU bad i 1butoat wortlal ............ ""''"" .,.,.. --= tnto troable In &1911 WtenUL Tile lou ~ Saddl baclc tol-llD~erwepl~, I to start in two games this weekend' and the final season contest on March 4. Assist~nt District Attorney William Fazio s aid the charges grew from a Dec:. 21 incident. Police said Dailey allegedly entered the unlocked room of a 2l·year-old honor student who knew Dailey but had not dated him. She told police Da iley, who was drunk, sat near her and asked for a kiss. She declined, but Uren gave In, hoping he would leave, officers said. BaskeJball scores eo..::r W•tlllllglon St. ,., 0...., .. pt. L-'°' S.. c.I. c; ...... ft 1 i.1• a,•-Peclflc •s 110 UC~ Oi9911'11c.I ._.,,. 7• LA l-'ltt .. , Fr-p_,lflc 62 WHllfllM 11, c.I LllNf'eft 4ool S.•lt .. 14, AIM• f'e«llMU '2 ....... T1aetl9dl.,. T1-•S NW lou!Me!N to. c.nl~ • Sovfll CenllMtf, Florldl It .. SW Leulsi-II, --St. n H.C.~ 14, De¥ldlen n CJ otl 111.·Clll.-Clrc .. 7J, H.C.·Wllmlngtefl .. 12 Hortll Cll'OllN St 90, l.O'l'Ol4, Md i.1<11-.:1. o .. Olwt>"'lon N t ..... ~ .... ~·., f'vrm.-i tt. VMI Q Te •••·S411 A 111111lo •t, H•rdln·SI-• o-.. MMol\ '°· ... c.r•• S1 Wttl CMllllM ... Cl.._I U Tnn•.Arl..._., '°• I.Wis'-'!• Ttcll " 1 ' L.llN!i' ... ",,._It .• Af1',·Ut111 kll. ts, H T'eut 51 7• <>rel """'9 .,, • ..,.., • Olllo 'n Otll-.me Clty14. c.or.i. b Tu1 .. -.s 11~•' ... ~ .................. ,_ ... AHlll«lll8ft SI. u1 I T.-- M.1' ltill ,..... Wlt.·G,_ a.yu, H, MIC~'1 O.trolUt( E-•11119 •S Lt'(Ol4, II . II, W. .. .... Arn1y 71, MMe 71 l•I .., ... c..I ...... IYf•-" ~ .... W.""""'9r,. 11 •• -......... ~ .. "''''fl1ill Okltll!-.,. w ... , 71 238 years of goU exp~rience - old pros get together in Vintage tourney.at Indian Wells While members or the LPGA lncludln1 Nancy Lopes·Melton. JoAnne Carner and all the rest are competing at Industry HJlla Golf Cour e next month, old·Umer• will be teeinl it up at the Vlnta1e lnvltatiooal at Indian Wells. Jf the foursome of Paul Runyan, Jimmy Demare&, Bobby Locke and Sam Snead should be palr9d ~r, it would mean that this 1roup, has 231 rears ol fairway experience. Runyan, 73, 11 a two-Ume PGA champlon. Demaret, "12, won the ll&1ters twice. Locke, 64, was · an intem•Uonal aensaUon ln the 308. And Snead, who will turn 70 ln May, is amon1 the •ll·llme •reall on the PGA tour. Runyan wu known aa Uttle Poiaon when he was ln his prime. The 1.0.pounder didn't bit the baU lon1 but he was accurate.' In 1938 be beat Snead, 8·and·7, ln the finals or the PGA championship at Shawnee-0n·Oelaware. He was the leadina money winner ln 1933 and aaaln In 1934 but bis year's eamlnga were well below the first prize money or $40,000 offered in the Vintage. Io fact, Snead's biggest year was 19SO when be won $351758. Many of the old-timers will be competing' for more money than they ev~r took borne ln a single event as an active "youngster.·· 1r pro-am events are your cup or tea, then check the list of those signed to play at Vintage on March 10. It includes President Gerald Ford, Bob Hope, Glen Campbell and "Tennessee" Ernie Ford among others . ' Gene Littler ls the defendlng champion in the event that will be held on one of the desert's prettiest courses. • * * THE GOLDEN STATE Professional Golf Tour got off the ground this month with more than $22,900 paid' o ut to competitors in three tournaments. At Costa Mesa Golf and Country Club, Irvine's Ray Carrasco was the wiMer with rounds of 69-70-139 and he picked up $900 for bis efforts. The next event was at Fountain Valley Mile Square and David Lundstrom fired rounds of The healtfi care plan for employees that.actually Rrovides for their care. 68-87-138 to capture top bonon and llk• hOme $1,100. . At Rancho San Joaquin, Tommy llcGinnta was the winner with roundl of ..._W to take home $800. By virtue of hi.I victory at lllle Square, McGinnis is the money leader wlt.b $1,500 with Carrasco second at s1 .•ss. The grou~ J)layed lu fourth event at Green Rlv~r. then wlll not play a1aln unUl March 1·2 at Los Serranoe North. After that it will be March 4.5 at Green River Rlveralde Cou.r1e followed by March 8-9 at Los Serranot South and March 11-12 at Green River Orange. For further information on the tour that is scheduled to play four events each month through November, contact Larry Mar1lson at <714> 892·2<>29or Doug Ives at (213) 4!J0..0.1S3. * * * SOME110NG NEW WILL be added to the MONY Tournament of Champions at La Costa Country Club this year . For the firat lime in the history of the event, a pro.am will be held on Wednesday, April 14. . The tournament itself runs April 15-18 with only winners OQ the TPA tour last year eligible to compete for the $63,000 first prize. ·'One unusual aspect of the pro-am is that the pros themselves voted to eliminate playing for Individual prize money," says Allard Roen, general chairman. "Instead, they will concentrate on the team competition which will be better ball of fi vesomes-. · · The day's activities will be followed by a gala dinner dance to the music of Harry James Wednesday pigt\l, Defending champion is Lee Trevino who heads a list of Z7 who have qualified for the tournament already. for their eyes for their teeth for their body right down to theirtoes · FHP isn't just an insurance company. It's a Health Maintenance Organization with seven' medical centers in the Los Angeles and Orange County area alone. Family Health Program provides the dentists. The doctors, including medical specialists. Emergency care. Hospitalization. Eye care. Preventa- tive care, including regular checkups. Even family counseling. We don't just cover your employees' medical expenses. We also pro- tect your employees' health by providing care to help keep them from getting sick in the fim place. Head to toe. For more information on th~group health care pro- gram that gives you more than just insurance for your money, call (213) 429-2473, Ext. 513 or (714) 898-3516, Ext. 513. , A FfOERALL V QUAUflEO HMO NBA waST••N CO..,alla NCI i..11.,. SHlllt Gol11e11St•1" PhMlll• PortltftCI S.1101- P«.HlllOt~ W L JI 11 ,. 11 " 23 71 ,. tt 74 IS ,. ~Ot•l•'- ll'lrt, Oa .w .. , . )M SJI SJI I 111 t2 S..11 Anlonlo )4 11 .• S4 HOU•lon 2t 24 .S41 S.,., Oen••• 29 u .s21 '"" O.lln 11 <U MO """ Ul•h 11 lS MO ""' ICtf'IMI City 11 3' lJl 11 EASTEllNCOH,llllNCI At...,ttc Otvhleoi Pnll•clelphlt Jt .. BOllon 31 U Hew JtrMY 21 18 Wt1lll"Olon 2S t1 New York 74 31 CMll•I Otvll .... }t I• 23 JI l• lO !: ~ Mii ..... , ... Allen .. Otlroll lndl•"• Chlc.90 ClevelellO 12 .. -y·1s.c- No 9am.so<hedule0 T°"'IM'I GMnft Oenvertt L.Mten Mltw•uk"tl New Y0tk 1Cenw$ Clly at All..,la Ul•h tl Wasillnglon GOIO.... Si.le al San Anlonlo Port I-•I Cllk-clO D•llH •I HooKl<Jn Pn11.o.1p1>1• et San D;.vo NBA leaders ''""-" ...... 211 SCORING ,,. 117 IV> ... ,, 411 13.,., ~ ,. 136 01 0 .... u ... -•36 " 1M >O »• 21 0 "G n P'U A"' Ge,. In, San Amonto •• U6 lS6 "" :n • 0.ftlltV, UI.,, SJ S .. 4otS tU3 30 I Ma lone, Hous1on S2 S'1 369 IS43 lO I En9lhh, Oenver SJ St.S 2S. 1316 2•) Ervl119, Phil. SJ SlO 21' UOO 14 S BlrO. BOiton S1 SOO 211 171• 2J • Wlllltms. S.atti. H SOI )10 121• 1) • Free, G-Stal• SO flt 194 1\st 23 t I( lnq, GOl<len St•t• SO 46) 134 11 st lJ 1 AWUl·J -. LA 41 -ltO lltl Z2 t llE80UNDING Melone. Hous1on S1'm•, S.•ttle B Wllll•m•,HJ ThomPM>n ~1...0 Bird, Botton G Off Def Tel A"' ,, 1"3 002 10 •• J S4 143 Sl5 •18 n • 55 218 ..,, ... ., 1 SO 178 •21 St'I 11 O H t~ 430 514 11 2 ASSISTS G Ht, a .,. Moo ... Sen Antonio •• •1• • 1 J .......... U u n SI tlJ •.l Arcl\ID•IO, Boston ., •13 I. ChfflO. Pl\11-ll>llt• SI 01 8 5 Huston, Clt-.IM>O SJ 4"12 I l FIEU>GOAL P'E .. CENTAGE FG "G.A l"ttl. Giimore. CNca90 JSO SS. ,,. S Jolln...,n,K•M<l<Clly 151 411 60'/ l(ln9, CiOlclen St•I• •'1 /81 S91 B Wllllams. HJ Jltl se9 S1' RutellO, W•\/llnq!on 11• 4IO ~II Pt. Loma 100, So. Cal Colleg e 92 SOUTHEllH CALl,-OllNIA COLLEGE RollerU JI, Plu1,._., t7, Roche 14, Morlen~n 1, Porrts tl. Corsi 7, R-n ), Hohm•nn s T ot•l1. 36 ll>JJ <n P'T. LOMA W•I~•· 1•. Trou.O•le 10 V•nHolt 12, Fr-.. ... II, HOOO •. BoCk•ll ,. Ptttrf 12. Mll1'1v 1 Tot.tis 41 , .. n100 H•llto,... Pl L-UO TOl•I louls So<l1hen C•lllornl• Coll"lllt 7J Pt Lom•, Fouteo out Mtl'1v tPt Lomtl Rotiertt (SCCI. Pllrru l~CCI UC I s t•tlstlcs 1(1v1n ""-IYllO y Whte._., Ben Mc aon.10 R•lllOr Wull 1(1vln Fuller BoOTi.ornton John B•••tY LeoMrdJ- Rlck Co.cclo Gr•nt Tntor Cur1l1 Cromt•v M•rk Se>tnn TOl•IS G "' ,-1 Pb. A"'t 24 )lo 173 ... ,. 1 14 155 ti JSI I• t 14 Ill 3' 10 ti 0 , ... JO I ..... 14 •t 18 ISO •.3 13 J111 91 •0 13 1) " 43 J J n ,. 12 10 'o 10 10 ,. , • "" )A)• 10 1 17 I I 10 1 & 10 1.0 '4 Ill> tOO t,171 710 PCAA le•ders 1COa1.N• 0 ,0 " "' .... ~.UCINIM W•ldt°"·'•Nk WMll,C.Ftjtll- ~.~·5t or....,y,1.••1 AndtrMl\,UClMU U UI 111 Mt ia.I t• ... uo -111 JI 1a 1.0 U• 1'4 t• "' ..... I). tt I~ ., l1J , .. ....... McNHIW. ,. 00 ,. .,, u.e k"J-St. 10 IU to JIO IU HIOQlftl, """-SI '1 144 to Ml U I wt1i.1-. uc ,,..,,,_ t4 '" .. w .... "''•Oft. C5 '"....... 11 .,, » ,,. 14.0 Olllw lMtv...,..~ RtlMlwl\CllflO: M•9ff IUCn 11.t •••• ; ""'""'°" IUC$8l 11.0, tl#\n!f!91wn IUSUI t .t , M.,....iy ($JSI t .S, N .. 1 IC&P'I LS. l'ltlel GM' ..... <en'-:~ IUCll .. ,,. 1n.»,I; Wlliltlelon IUCll jt.l'llo lllJ.1.,), Thomp'°" IFSU) st,,. llf.IU) ..... Thr-Pittunt.t99. H-Md IUOPI IJ,ooi. 11 ... 1. WllltlClon IUCI I tU"-C•MI. W.. ICS"I to.~ 1160-toor Anl'41: WOOd ((IF) 1.7 ev9., lihf9"0tl IU$U) 4,•; M<O...ICI lUCll 4 0, J-ICSULll U I T-~ S<Of'~O I UC Irvine, 11.0 t vV.; t Ui.11 Sl•I• ... 1 °'""1'9 I frHno Sitt•. d ,, ••v , 1 S•n JOU Sltle, U.t Sco•1"9 M••vln 1. """'° Sltlt, + 14.0, t . UC lr•lftt, t 10.7. R.--tn9 Mt'91"' I. UC Ir vine, ti 1; 2. San J.,.. Stt tt. + 1.4. """ Throw Pttcent•v• I. P•clflc, 13 , .. C•U·S.•I. t UC lrvlnt, 12.3"-t .. S)ll Fltld (ioel Peru11t1>91 '°'''""' I UC I,...... s. .• ,. "~ llOI). 2 Fresno SI .... S0,3, IS..llUI. FlelO Ciotl Perttl\lt9'f IOUenu)· I Fresno Sl•I•, H l'llo (40• 10041, ) S•n JOU StAlt, •• ,,_ '411 103') • 1 • 9 10 11 ,, IJ .. IS ,. II II 19 20 COLLEGE Al'TOP'Jt Vtrglnl• US) , .. , Norlll CMOll"" 11 I 2M OePtul 121 2•·• O••Voll St 20.J MhWNrl 2J.2 w .. 1 Vl<91"l4 1l I l(en111oy "s Tutw It • ld•llO 23-) MemoN~St 1'·3 tow• , ... Georvetown, o c 21-4 MtnntSOC• lf.5 Fre"'° SL ,,., ArkMIWS 19-S Stn Fr•llCts<O 2~ Al•IMllTWI tt-S Weke Fo,..,,I , ... TtnneUtt .... UCLA ll·S CIF playoff sites IS.C-~, IMl"'1, 1;•1 4·A '· "' '· 107 1,07S * Ill "'' ISi ... .,. •S4 6°' S31 411 .,, 1'0 21S in Ito . .. Ill Edl~n" Loyot• di G1e11e111te Ht9n Sor•ll• •• V•rbum Otl at Compto'l Cot109e C•mtrlllo Y> 11\Qlewood •I ReclOnOo Hlllh St JM.n ~o •• ,,..,., 0.-1 •• S.rvttt Bt .. rty Holts vs lloltln9 Hllll A1 lnQlt'"OOO Serr• vs LakewoocS at Lonv Beech CC SI Anthony•• LB Poly •I Mllllk•n E •1>ertnU •> Crt\QI 61 C•l•beW> J.A Moreno V•lley "' SI Btrn.oro •I 81"- ~nt90mtry Wt SI Covin.. vs. OomlftQuel ., LB JorOtn C•nyon vs. CdM •t E st.n<lt RI• POiy •s. Pomont el CP\elfty Cltrtmonl vs Hoover •I GlttllOOrt Eslenclt vs Foothill et VIII• P••k Lynwood•• Los Allos ti Lonv Beech St P•lm Sc>r1r195 vs San Go<Vo"lo •I Pt<lh< J·A L• S.mt vs l(fOPel ti MOunl•ln v,.,. La M lrad• <rs. N~let •t Row1and R•Qhelll •• Sonor• •I wnmi.r Coll.,,. !.•" 8ern•rdtno vt. 8urro"O"' I RldQe<rHI) •• Trone Mont<l•lr ~t Arroya Gr•'* AHOYO V\ C.ap1\trano V•Uty ., o.n. Hiiis Lt H•ora V\ San Luis ODISPo •I Morro Bay lnOIO •• Vt< tor V•ll•Y •• Applt V•lltt I A S•nlt Cltrt 11 P•!oO llOOIO Ch•ml-•I "'"" Moo•PMI< at Out1'1t B•Ml'lQ •I V•lley Chrlstl•n St Jowoti al South P•woen• Ctrplnttrl• al Rio ~w Lt C.,._ ti Tw.ntynlflO Palm• NeUe1 •t Awtahon S,.,_Htc-\ Sh•-.atC,_..10 Sh••m8ft lndlan at Liberty Chr Crouro.ot •I FlintrtOOOt Lul ... <MI <Or-I v-. CAmp MtnctonNll •I Par.cl• Melody'41nd v \.. 8rftt1WOOd •I t-f•rv•ro -~on AICllAlllc •• RIO Hondo Pr"' 6 Sllv•• Valley ·~ Monlctalr P•tP •• BarSI-Cotle90 ProvlOlnc• vs. ...... ion •I Bu"""911• ,-ICTITIOUS a USINESS NAME STATEMENT NHL ~•L.L COH'•1taNc a ._,.Div.._ W l. T 01' "U II Ml U ,. 12 JM OA"" Ed....,..lon V.ntouwr Ctiv.rv lll ... 1 COIOftdO Mlnne110I• St. Loul• Chk890 WIMll)99 Toronlo O.lrolt 11 H t• 10 16 JI 13 U. ta • 11 ''° -rt1 Dlvl•*' u 1• ,, ,., JS JO s 140 22 It 10 HI 10 ti II n• 11 lO IS 2fl 11 n 12 2u WALES COH"llll!NCI l'.-rk ll DlvW. NY l•l•noers tO •• • m Phll•«Mlllftl• ll 74 5 2fl HY Ai~ Jt 11 10 tt2 Pllltbvr91> JJ )1 10 2:31 Wohlnvton II 34 • 7)0 Montretl Bo•lon Bull1lo QueDtc H•rt•oro .--Dtvh..,. 3) II 14 211 3' 19 I 1 ... 3l 18 10 233 u 2l 11 tn .. lO 1• 203 _,.,Sc ... Min-. I, HartlorO 7 T...,..,.,1 G•~ Montr .. 1 et Qvebe< Chlu90 •t NY 111.,....,. Toronto el St. Lout• Del roll at CotortOo Cttoerv •• v ... cou .. r C IF soccer pl•yotts MIN WILD CAltD GAMES (All_.,.. J ,.m., -.y I l·A 741 .. tt• ,. ,.. ,. 214 0 tit 31 U• .. lSI SS 21' M ,... 52 111 .. 16) .. ltt .. 11) ., no .. 2'5 5' 251 0 113 IM tOt ,. IM ,. JSI ., 2M .. La Mirto• •I Pioneer, A•mon• •• Central; ~rvlle •I Cypress, Sl•rr• Vl•lt ti Chino, • FlllST llOUNO IAll ,...tc"" T--..y1, JP""· I ... Ul'l'lll allACKET: Mlrelnltt ti WHI Torr•nce, S.n G0<9011lo •I Oomln11uer Ctnyon (~iml •• ,._._.., Vtlley, LOS Al1os at Simi V•llty, f'Arctdl• ti Oo• Pueblos. Tllouwno O•k• •• Rtdonoo, El Modena .. Pecllk , HH Wilson ti Cl•rtmont LOWElt lllACKIT: Cutv"r Clly at Soulh l orr•nce. E.iH11 at S•nl• B.,ll•r•, lynwoocs •• C.,,.,.,..t 111.-. O•mltn •I SM C,•l>rl•I. c.erfil~ •• ~·n•• AN, Rollll\Q Hiii• •I Marl,.., Rl!<ll-ti W•lnut, Muir •I Don Lu90 J..A UP'P'ER allACKET u Mlredt or Plonttr "' S...t• """rl•. Loy04• at Al•""'"Y. Ct lllornl• ti (;_,,..., R•-or Centr•I ti AQuiftU , Moreno V•ll•Y at No9•ln, Calealco ti R1vH1l0t Poly, Meter Oel •• Pee 1110. Ca«11to atGleM LOWElt lllACIC ET. SL Bern•rd •I Crupi, B•IOwln Park •I Lomooc. ~o\ Al•mlto1 •I Bl~ Monlvc>me•Y St JCllll Bosco Tech. Serv11eor C•P<"•U el ~lcl•" JOhn Nott.n •1 Indio, Corona •t Artttl• Sterr• Vi•I• or Clllno •I MOlllellello 2·A UP'PEll lltACKET: La Outn .. llY• Minion Vieto "' • .._ .. , Troy •• Murt>lly L• C•n•d• ti GltnOAlt An•hetm 11 F11ller1on, o.clttn Grove 111 lnofewood, Bl•tr •I H•rt. Ctl•IMl ... 1 ti Temple CtlY LOWEii allACKET: trvl ... at 0-• N,.t, Rel\Cho Al•mltos •I Sono••. Ceolttrtno V•ll•v at Valencl•. Leu1lft9er ti Btlt G••cMns, BrN-OOnoa •• c ......... , Mtr, Vtrbum 0.1 ti Btwrly Hiiis, Burl)An' at C•nyon IStuo<At. S...t• Peuta llv• l·A Brentwood •t M•"h•ll. CP\emln•Cle •• Pl\llllOI Arrnenltn, St Vll\Ctnl •l MHr-tn, Whittler Chrlstl•11 •I Fllntrlo9e Prep, Wlndwtl"d •I Oak- ,-ICTITIOUS IUSINISS NAME STATEMENT The followlno penon\ •re oolt"IQ buslnes1 .u "ICTITIOUS a us fitEU NAME STATEflilll NT Hit to1towln9 persons •rt Oo•nQ OUSIMJt •t Tht lollo,.lnQ person1 art 001nQ bU~lne~\ •i' "'tTITIOUS •us1Nass NAME STATEMENT Tht lollowln9 l><trM>n\ trt oolnq CKiilU\ff.l a' VILLAGE WESi APAllTMEHTS, 1,.10 T~ltn Vtll-W•Y Tustlft, CA 916'0. ROY E OAL Y & COMPAN'Y Corpor•tt ~ Blclll t•, Suitt 530. t111 Wt\1 ll<Mh Street, 0 .... 1.nd P•rll, ICenMts "210 Tllh busl11au IS conoucltd by • ftfltrt I PWllltrslllp lloY E. OtlY ' Co Mtry Ellen 0.ty, PartN r Thll ....,,_, Wei tlt.O •Ill\ '"' counly Clerll ot Or-Counh on Jtr 11, 1"1. THOM.AS WEL.U , Auwc.r..er..._ • M._-t C-Drive,~ flt .....,_..,. 9-dl, CA - P"blt!llleel 0r•l'l9'f Cout Dally Piiot, Ftb. t, t , 14, U , 1'e2 53'"11 ~ICTITIOUS IUSINEU NAME STATEMENT Tiie lottowln9 per~n• .,., doln9 bu•lllHSH G. 8ARWIG ENTERPRISES. 10ffl Slowr River, Fountain Valley, CA '2709. G . BAllWIG EN"TERPAISES, a Ct lllornlt ,.,oor•llon. I-Slou• RIVff, F-..iln V .. ley, CA '7108. Thll bll1int» Is conducted lly • coroor•llon. G. BARWIG ENT1!RPAISES G. &.rw'9. ..__, TPlls N,_I ,. .. 111.0 wltll 1"' Co.111ty Clotrll ot Or-County on J .... lt.ltn. ,.,_, Publl.-Or-Cout Delly Piiot, l<tll. 2. t . 1...U. 1"1. Ol.f1 II G 'G POWERS, .. E lllh St . •nt Cc.t.o~.CA 91•27 ll•llO•t Gr..,t PowHs. tot Am•oo• WAy, H...,_, Bffdl, CA '1'2660 Gleen H Powers. tol Am'9o• Way, ewpor1 llMch, CA '1'2660 This llu•lneu Is conducttd lly utbtnel -wife. AG Pvwe<l Tllll S\tt-1 .... lol.0 With lht Couftty Cieri! ol Or•ll9t Couftly Oii Fff>. I, 1'11 "''"" Publlltwd Or•• '°''' Dtlly Piiot, Fell t ,t•.n .Mtrch7,1"7 UJ.f1 '1C'flTIOUS IUSINH S NAME STATEMENT The tollowtn9 perM>n• •r• dOln9 bvslnnsH: MIOWAY ASSOCIATES, 1141 Ha1hay Avenu•. M•O••• Cfty, C•lllo•nl•~5 G'°'CI( G GOEN, Gen.,•I PArtntr, llAI H•rttty Avenue, Mldw•Y City, C•llfomlt m55 ROBERT M SMITH. Genertl P••tntr. 18'00 ~in Slrtel, Suitt 110, Hunllnvt°" llffcll, C•lll0<11la..,.... This buslllftt •• 1191"9 condllcled h t 1M1t1Mnhlp. R-M Smith This ,, • ..,,_,II~ Wiii\ '"' Coulltv Clerk of Or~ County on ten...,ry :rt, 1"2 MISSIOf< PLAZA APARTMENTS 11>1 Mlle hell Str .. I, Tu.tin, C• '7680 Roy E Dtty ' Comp•ftY, Corportte ~ BIOV U, !>Mitt 530, 1117 WHI llOtl\ St....i, Owrt-P•rll, K•n1t1'6JIO This bUsl,,..• Is conductto lly • ~nert 1 ptrtrwnlllp lloy E Dely' Co. MMy en... 0.ly, P•t11'1H Tiiis illl-1 ., .. 111..:1 wllh ltlt County Clerk ol Or•f>Oe CO.lllly on CENTER FOii llETtAEMEHT PllOGRANlS, ll01 Dow SlrMI, S<llt• tOO, H•--' Bff<ll. Catltornl• '7660 lltftU Sllmmtl, HOO p.,,, MewPor1 htch, C•lllor'nl• '1..0 SAS Ftnenclal, lllC., a Calllornl• co<Po•llllon, ll01 Dow StrMI, !>Mitt tOO, H•--' BMC/I, C.lllDrl'llA t16'0 11-Stlm_. SAS Fl.....c:ltl, tnc Ste...., A Scott, Pfftlclttnt Jon.,.ry 11, 1t12 ,,111,_. Tiii> •tel-I w .. llltO •11h ,,._ CounlY Clerk ol Or•ftQe County on J enutrv lt. 1'12. THOMAS WELLS AL.••C..W-MIN__,C-~ .• s ...... .....,._,a.di, ca . .....,. P11t1tl"'"" Or-Co111t Dtlly Piiot Foll 2, t, 14, .'3, 1"1 SJ7 .. 7 PllUC .TIC(. P'ICTITIOUS a USINHS !CAMIE STATIMEICT T l\e lollowln9 oerson h oolnQ buslnen .. : OINGHY Y'°'llD, 111 Jotllll StrMI, CO!tll Mtul, C.. '2UJ Fumlo N1190 •ml, 712 Jotn~ Sir Ml Coala -·Ct '1'26l7 Thll lluSinets II ConcluCl..:I "'1 tn lndlvld..at. FUINDN--eml This 11.t-t wn fUtd with ltlt Coun1Y c .. rk of Orenoe Counly on Ffl!n.tary I, ltl2. ,. .. , ... Publl>Nd Or ... Cotfl Otllv Piiot, Feb. 1. t, 16, U , 1"2 51t.fl rtlUC ••c , .. Orange Cout DAILY PILOT{Tuelday, February 23, 1982 ca w .......... v ...... c ... , \1111111, ¥M•Wll, tt. Molllc•, Soul'll_t .. ,.n. LA l .. tl'1, OIUr1o Clwlttl.n, a...11 Y"'t. 0. P•n •1111 U S.lie*" tye .. ........ Wli.OCAIO PUY«N'" ............... ,."'.I "H•l•l11 ¥8110 t t Mh t l•" Vl•I•. lt,llKlt vt.. W•lftul; HM ti llMI V•Jley; Avl•llon et llOI0119 Hiii._ ltllltT llOUNO (Ml ........ T11.., ..... ,,) "'"""' UPPl a la4'C .. •1'1 l!I Oot ... t i ,. ... Vtrtltt. It. 8-wllt-t i A .. _.,, 11 T-•I '""'· ,........ v.-, fl MM1M vi.10 •• Mlf• C..14. II .._.a t l>ecNIC.•, H• .. I ...... 9MCtl ti S.n Clttntflle, VIiia Pefll •I GINIM, 1...-Cla °' W81ft\1~ .e VDlel\CI. LOWla aAAC&IT: GM'i'M tS.-1 91 "•.._, A ... ~ ti v.,_i., H•rt Of $1ml Vt llty •t Ar<•ctlt. ~-t i Wett T orrt "O• Avletlon or "olllnt Nitta t i 1411-, 0-HUit ti CYPN•t, SI ll>CV'l •I Tutllft, CNno•I Ulllvwtity. Men'• toumament 1••0-, l .. lyl f"lt'tt ·-11 ...... Tim Wll,lton Otl Tony Olammtl••. M , .. 1, ... ; Wolltk FllN• def 1..uc• BolttUl, .. 2. 4 1, Si,lllM•v Birner «Ml. Pel.r l!tttt, • '· I •• I j, Aon FrtWlt'r Otl Mint Menuchlft<herl, I S, 1·•. ChrlltODhtr 11_,.V .. tellft dtl Mir._ Vinet, •·J, •·1 Women'• tou rname nt (tt Ot lllafld I "nt ll_Sl,....1 Anelru J...-r def Bllrbttt Jorcleft, Ml. .. t, w.no., TIOrllbull clef P•t Medreoo, .. >. • I AM 1(1yomurt clef Kim S...Ot, 6-4, W , IC•I• l.4111\em Ott S.llOy Collln•, "'· .. l . Vlr91nl• Ru1tel Otl Biiiie JHn IClnQ, .... .., ... , College UC l"'IMS,Uttll• Sl"91ft Holmes IVt.ol\I def Snyder, .. ,, 1.0, rtl . O..aoe IUCll Ott ROC>lll"'· .. 1. 44, 6-0; Remos tUCtl clttt T\\lmt\, .. 1. 2 6, ~; B•rv <Uttlll dtt. Ntl>on, •·4, •·3; McPntnon IUCI) ""'· HHlh, ........ w. Zoller (UCI) del. Bl<Niot, ~ ... , ~ Hol m••·Roblllns t Ulthl det Ou•d•·Percrtk. 7 •. • •. IO rtt , M<Plursoft Zo ller I UCI ) d t l Monson-Blolie, •·3, 1·6. Ht•ll• R11ue11 IUIU1I dotl R-Hel1«1, M , 1 S HIGH SCHOOL All-s t ar n omin ees OllANGI COUNTY GAME u-•·•~c .. 11 c_....,, SOUTH ~ lilt Mer Glenn R09trs., Aanov ReyH, Pet OUddv. Troy 51\•w, J ell c-. Biii 8rl9'11, Mtkt Sttuli, O••e ~lt>WI Steve Pallt<'Mltl, Joe L•rt, Eric Woods, SC.ott Fltmtr C•lt• ....,. Brl•n Ht.O. Onanl1 HIAan, ICtlll\ MclClllDen, Oon Tuc•tr. Steve AllclttrlOft, Ty C~r. Mi•t Allclttnon E•hM O.ve Gffou•. Ak k O•BHMrOO, TMD Ltnqlorel, Ferntftclo GrilfllhS, Grev Es•rl"9e, M<•• "-"· Bren lllel\Clltrd, 1110 POllOtr, Pnll C-r. Bryo M•l•• .. I, Crtt9 R•llMll.,.I, Joe Zeruclwl, Ken Mtlor. Joftn C11vlello, John O'Ct ll•V"•" Cralv Oumlty .. EtUIKlt Abfl Ct<llOI• Jim McC.,,111, Cht1$ Cr-11, Cun Wen1ltll, Mike Smltn, Marcel O.llaroo. J oe Romtno1•t, Sle,,,. 0.thl~hen, Ml•e Grlllln, Jtmi. Alken, ICen AllOrews, "'IH Shively, Ray Cl\rtllll ,-.,.,...... Vali.,o Mttt Stevtn•. Gr99 8olln, ROO E,...rv Joel Seay D•ve Cre-.. ROii G_.&. 0.... R-'11, Mtr• ClwlKO H1,.ttl ....... a..dl Jtm,. P19MrwlU Bretl BekhtlOt lrvllM -Ml-• llonol, M1'e Tierney, Jin! Gu,.,,, Paul M.9<.tln. u.,.... -..0 Demon Berrwhlll MerlM ICen L•ulo. JeH F rlllO....,. Ron M•l•rt1eln, Ptt C.tmen, D•vt H•'ll'"O ... D•v• "'°'''' Matw De4 K....OV -.. Brt•n L .... (ire9 Locy, """" RUIY'IPO. Tom P•llow, C J C•utOy, O.vto Sc,..rt, Ptul W•llt<t, D•t1o (iwrrt , 0.vlel Simon, C••ill 011rr•n, Clwls TlmM>n, Pete Sctlert. Frtnk "ij)tlts New...-1 Htrll« Rob Btrry, Grev Setlly, Jenn Btr,..11. RIU Oe•n•. Scotl "'-... tty, sr-n Culp °"" View Fr..i Tutlle. Jenn Hton ... Mike Nelton, Boll -ntt, Au Brown, Jefl CltrlsM,,.,,.,,,., Mtdr'9al, l(e•ln SIMllO U•i••rMtv urrv Commertoro, Bred, Ouess. J.tt Frei, Rk k Soremo" NIUC llTIE NS. .. ttJ FICTITIOUS I USINESS NAME STATEMENT Tf\t toflowino ,,.,~, •re ootno bui1net.\ ai.. WOOOBlllOGE TOWNHO MES, 11100 Giiiett•. 1"'"'-· CA '1'2114 Warml"(llon Mt-m<rnl ComPtny, • Catll0<nt11 CO<Po<'•HM, 11100 Glll•ll• Ave , lrvlnt, CA 91114 E G Warmln91on Enterpris" ln torportted, • C •lllorn l • COtJ>O••tlon, 11100 Glll•ll•, lrvlnt, C'*' 91114 Thlt t>wlneu I• conducted by • llmlleO pertnonhlo Corporation N•-· w11m1tnvton M•n<19tment Comoeny J.,..... P W•rmlnqlon """°"" Corporttlon Ht,... E. (i. Wtrmlnqton EfttH"e>rl-lll<Of'PD,.led E G. WermlnQlon PrellOent Thl1 •tttement wH llleO with ,,.. My Clerk ot Or•-Cou..tY Oii J.., ",.., FllJIU Pul>H!llleel Or•"OO CotSI Dtlty Pilot, Feb. t . ••. 23, Merci\ 2, 1'11 •lS..7 •11P I AUr Hit~ c.m,._i1, "kk OMl<a, -.. w-., Alll'ed T-w . TIM 011 ... U.. ..... 0.. lleftCll, 141 TllM~ lretf Oil-, ,.... "-· ~"" U.1111. Ottw flrl<ller • 81 ....... Jim flreeu1, lln• '-----· f .... ~IM, KtlYill McClttll.ty, 0.•flf;ll MlnlM1, Jltrl Ttf'etl, a.fl ........ T-....._ o.rry ...._,Kh, u"'y Oe<lltrt, Cllu(ll SMiie, Olrl• ~ •• 5ttw ("" .......... ie.o.,... ~ vtetot awi. o~ ... •••" lter•11, Jeff .... ..,.., Jt ct• K•fmltfewk1, #llllt HOii .. Kett.II Ctt-ttt, Ktv1" a..-. J thft Ce rrell, Ot11 Oe m t «lll, ClluO ""'91M, Tfll, Oemllont, JCIM McMt""'· Jeff 01911, Ktvlft "i.11y. 0-.... t!CI V~r. Sftewn HoCIMo\, llllllte "ellill. Scott lllttrle, Mike 0..otd. Lii At111lt •• Mtrk Ntlt ll, lt•l'I 1•1'141111-, o. ... o ...... J .. lh-r, 0.ftk k .._l,lloeiHlllf .... Or... """"° L-f. VlnMlt ....... Roy YMf'r•. II T--0-S-•wY. llew Swlttnllo, aft LA!ltt, o. ... HtilOl'I, o.,.ny G•-· l re lt Trl<ktll, M.,k Mt lft noe, fodd Wllll•ma, k-1 HOOi, o .... ~<OefMld, Trtllt ,._ P.Ciflu 9o«I Glluoft, Mlltt AOtlllltn, Ke lly ltt1otord, Don w 1111 .. 1. Wtlt ....... _ Jeff ltoat, E:O ••lltl't!Nllt, Jeff l tlltl, Mlkt o.nc.u, Jenn v ... z-"""· Brl•n Fiii.,,, OOl'9 Nahty, Ptl ()vie h••••t* 9oo Sllvu, S-Moll '--· """ Moflcriel, ~·ton w..,... T••.111 -JoMCotlard. U 0-. Vinet ~r. C•llU.,._ Y....., -O.OrQe "_,.,..,,.,, Rick Otttrlltln, Tony Bell, S.m FlftCh, Fr•llll J .. uM.e, kon Monroe. , ..... Ill MM1I TemplttOI\, Ci•t<I S.llH'I, Greo Hely, Miile Montrch, Joftn 80Ko. Scolt M<Pller.on, J •mu B•rl>tr•. 11111 Farlth, 9'.0 Hlnkle, O""Y .Joe ~. Iii ,.,., .. l a 11ta AH D•vld Conlr•••" Tim Rlvtr•. SHU ...... """ V1l1ty -Jenn Jtmlton, Sidney L.eul•u, Wittie M•<•, Steve P•ltt'"'": Grev Arvntult ~ . ' • • College acorH Loyola I, Cet Poly P-s, CAI 88Pllsl S, UC AlverslOt • Community college Mira~), S-leM<k I S.octtebac~ 010 100 000 J ~ 1 Mlr•Cosb 000 000 J01 -J • 0 ShHll. E•>l•Y (7) •llO lrwln; Boyll •.llO BtHon. W Boyts L S"4eu. 2B - S••11eot tStdd I. St.anl~ <MCI ~ t t I . " Softball COMMUNITY COLI.I OI 0r..,.. c .. .i •. LA Valley t LA Valley 000 000 0 0 0 • Or•~ Coast 003 030 X -• • • Jellers tnd Woilll•, Culp, C ... mllers m •nd Cruz w Cuto L Jefltr• 18 Culo tOCCI ~ w .. 1 S, Ytfltwa J GOlcMft WHI 701 001 I S 1 J v..-1ur• 101 000 0 , 3 , ICyler ano H11mmer Alli~" -Vt•tneln W l(y .. r l Alt•\On 28 MonKfltMI (GW) V•l•11Cln !Vent t )8 Biro IGWI Bird IGWI Los Al•mltos • ftlUOAY'S ltlSUU$ 1"1"' .. -..... -· ... , "' ttST ttAc a . orw mite PotCt Ricky Dlrec;t lGouoruul •S 40 I 40 Wttcorne Imp tBICklOf'O) 1 10 S.nvt 0.-IC_l_I Al\o r•ctO HH Cll-r Sttr Roy•I S1vrw1 Our Jeff X Sitto• fit•n lrf\h Time 1.05 1 U I ucu 1 .. 71 PtlO "° 80 SECOND llACE 0... mole trol Wyft Otrntey tPtrller I J 40 J 60 J 00 AllOy > --tGoultrlt) IS 00 100 Snoopy RO<lney IGol>Oruul S tO Al~ •t<.O. TICUI lloom. Ot•• Sir, Bold St reek, EllJllll H. lunos. Game Fotty Time 7.05 l/S Was 229.95 In Cat. RSC-6 TtOIU> ttAC•· ON ml1' Tl-TrMitr ILMMYI M IO H .. llM 0..Wtw(0.-1 tl.tO •• 6wl!Mt IHCfl IVtl~I SA ,., .. reud """"".,....... tt.r, t'I • .,. l<•tly. l •erkatr•••· H11rtlce11 ..... Mllnte "• lllMlllW Tlmt·t.OU/i u lllAC'TA cwi...-utt ... l'OUaTH •&el.o..'nlilt NCt• M•P'tG-IM dlHOlll ........ "' WY'' .... IKtv'Nle_., flAt l•HllMtl-1 Al• tK.0 0-•I Sltwr, Ov,t, ~ Alll• ao-... ..,_.., Sfnillftt ...... T lmt 2.01 4/S. "1 "" llAC•. OM milt Pt<•· llw 5"-1"°"9111 IS 40 I JO Never .. ,.., I~) llA Kii ...... , ...,_, lti.ll\I .-> Al60 .-.a Jlo91 • ~Ille. Clltrwel H•novtr. 0.-Hiii, W"'41Y " ...... T-.Wp, Mr. GraNim ltll • "II-I t,OJ llS. t1 l!XACTA t>O "'ii tt».to "XTH •ACl.°"9frlli.H<e Sc.,lnv °''"" IL!tMNHI n .. M .. ttr lfli4l<WIA (~1-l CtUIM••• IANll•I AllO ••t.0 Tlltl"-k•I, Not'Otl ~d H.utrlllO, DMll'• Si-. TTme: UO llS. SI V•NTH llACI . One mlle -· Gun0errt1 l&.ylewl 10.40 •·OO SAi .l>Ckl ... ISlttUll 12 • ., UO Eneroetk KIO (.t.wlltfll s 40 Alto •.c.d r.-.. ,.. Hardy Mllit """"'• El R•y lllCo, Y_.klo, W.W...Kt Time 2 01 l/S, ts •XACTA t•ll Ptkl 10..00 l lONTH llACl!.One mite N<t. Slltfter PtlnlH IDlw\199111 11 e 1,10 ) ... All>trtamt ttt.4maler) •.JO 1 40 W-rllllSMll CDnomerl UD Alto •t<.O Sptrto.I• Atoo, H•kyon Ht,... Monsl9.-O.i.. c;.,.•s G""\I Tl"lt: 2.04 4/S NINTH llACI . ON mitt Pt<t Tiit M.M\lro (Clllll JS JCI f,00 •to Unclerr•l.O IC-'tnOI • tO 4 00 hrPOf't Bltc:ll CBl•Ofl\.ttll •·• AIM> rec..i Jon•lhtn J•"· K•ltl,•llN. Ranee'1 (;old, lu•t•hl Clllei. 0.rt>v LOf'O. Ttme: 2.01 41\ U E XACTA C~71Pt•O l10400 TINTM llACl.Ont mite otet Sly Lii IOuMIV-nf I 40 • 40 l.IO llre•-wlncl tWllllAm•) l 00 2..fO Ooooll 00\ll (Denn ll I 1.-0 Allo r•c..:t, Bye Bvt Tr•CI, Ktt•IM, Twtl•" LtOr. Hal Cherie , Ro""'' Cl\tnce, P•rltcl LIVhl Time. 2 01 OJ) U E llACTA I .. )) P"'O lit 00 ELEVENTH 11.t.CI . One mlle Pfl<• Anoy·~ Winner la.ill-) J .. •Ill 2.• S.n Andre-. (Ll9'11NllJ 6 20 l.~ L11ml>tr Clwlmtr IWlllM•nu) t- Alto ••.O Tiit Comt<ly Aw•rO, Scorpio (i, I rOll Dultt, AllOy's Oe.,., '*' L Wff'> Tl1M·Jt11 U EXACTA IH I !Miid U3 20 All•-• 1,US. M~y·s tr1n u ctlona a.t.SEaAL.L ~-L.t-CHICAGO WHITE SOX Htrned Ml•e Ondl ... , -r•I --· OI Jt<kt.On•lll• ol lhe Soul""" LHQUt. NE W YORI< YAH~EES Acquired IS•rrv EY•M. lnfltlder, ,,.,... (,.. s... DieQO P.Oru, tor •n ""°lscloMCI •moun1 ol ,._.. tllCI aul9ned him lo ColumDus of the lnttrllttlonal 1..e.,. N_, ..... ,.._ CHICAGO cues -Sivned MltP\eel Oler •nCI Ml9111t lb•rr•. CtlClltrl; Wllll• Her11•nde1, pitcher, onO C•rmelo M•r11nn, lnlleloer. -lu11 An«lttltll LOUISVILLE Anno11nctd lh• re11remen1 ot l(en Bore•. m•-· FOOTaALL ... ...... 1 .. ..-..uL...- LOS ANGELES RAMS H•rneo Frl!<I Whlllln~m •n u>11111nt cotCI\ lft <M•O-of •o«••• ... ,,,. """'li9"1 •llOI HEW YORI( JETS S19n ed J J"I L"Hln•"· Phll !tic" •110 W•Y"•, Wt Y.111910n oHHISlve hne,...11 tnO Oouo Ahton. Chu<• c-. Oon Oell• •nO Fr•"" NoolltllO, GeleMlve beck>. ~11~11.e....-TORONTO "'llGONAUTS Ntrneo 11oO P•I< k ~ ... llllO Cote I\. SOCCEll N-a-ic ... S.C<"' Le-COSMOS Nem•d Prolusor Jullt Mazzei, lnttrtm -CCMKh S~ C•rlo\ Alberlo.-r S '°'H JOSE EARTHQUAKES Announced lhe reslvnetton ot J immy G•t>rlel, !Mad t otCh COLLEGE AM ERICAN FOOTBALL COACHES ASSOCIATION N•m•d Cl\Arlle Mcc i.-. oec:utlv• "'"''°' MICHIGAN STATE Announced lllt rulon•llon ot Jenn Mtclnrws. he.O hOOtY CO.Ch, effe<llve ti the-Of lllt ........ 1·"' ·1 ,. •• •o M il!lll .. • UM As a Calculator, Or Progr11m For Complex Probtema • UM "On-81te" In Real Estate, Englllffring, Busine .. The TAs-80 computer that goee wt)ere you got More pow· erful, yet euler to UM "'-" • programmable calculator. Add one of our lnterfet.9 (•'9o M new low prtc:Ml) and an optlonel recorder and you can UM our Mlection of ready· tCHUn cauette toftwere. Progrernmebfe In BASte, too. Only 11/i1 >< 81ft >< 2¥•" -put one In your pocket today I ftad1e /haek ;, • Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Tut1day, February 23, 1982 Look where STOCKTON <AP> Fllrway .. ~ord, one or th e o ld es t l"ord franchi,Bes In the Rtat e, ls alotlbg becauHe of slumping isule..,. •'The re ason Is just bod business," said Bob Crow, general manager. ••we held on us lon e as we could." Th e se rvi c e departme nt c losed Friday, and about 200 vehic les still in stock will be auctioned Fe b. 27 a nd 28, Crow said. •The deale rs hip. which e mployed 80 people , was established In 1919 as Eagle Fo rd. 111.117 TU SA.S 11 ,.., ... , .. s.. .... OfS204.t70 A'IOCldO Grow "' ,_._t IOOf.C.1e1~ tite • fl40 ~ IO"AJ fH'fte t•qutr ed '450 000 20'I. oown ti.I M I 2' AITO 0-114-111-1N1 .... 1 ......... SPACE POWER Worke rs at Rockwell International prepare three space shuttll' e ngines for d e livery to NASA la boratories at Bay St. Louis, Miss. They will power space ve hicle, Challenger. early next year $10,000 I..____ • mrare • co ms can get you. s ll\lXXl 1982 IJ,000 1983 16.900 1984 z I.970 1985 28,561 1986 37,129 t987 48,268 1988 62,749 1989 81,57 3 199l' 106,045 1991 I l7,8'iH 1992 R:m.· gt•m·4u,,ltf\ M'>·"i L'S ,aJwr Juliar' rm· \\1>rth "' ume<. ux.lav wh.u rht•\ ~.-rt· m 197('t :-.:earl, 5t"'', ·•rrrl'cramm pl'r Yl"H JI 111 the ll<'Xl ft\'l' \l'Jr.>, rill'\ .tpprn l.Hl' <•nl\ k'"., jX'r \l'.tr, SIO.l\\"1 wrll nl'I :I sn1 zq rn•frr In It'll ve.m, ~127,8)1'1 A11d. 'rnu• npt·rnn~ nur J1111r' 111 11 >7 "· 111\I 111\l' 'If 11U r drt'llh h;h l'\ rr t•n11•wcl le,, ch.in ;i ~("'. rt•tum rrr vcar Qurrt· :in achtevt•mcnt l''J'X't-rally nver thl' l.1,t 1w11 year' whc:n hullnm \tock~ l'\Cn rl.ll t''tall' \\'t'rl' t'\trt·mch '(>It l\nr l"Vl'n money markl'I tunJ, or T-b1ll<o nffa that kmJ 0£ return The ,.,_.ncr ,., fmdmg rhc right l"Oin' AnJ H ;mnl''> Tul' mg 1<. ont• of cmh IH rcc()!l· nm·J ,,Iver Jollar C\J'll . .'rt' 111 rhl· c1 •untry \\(. 'P"-'CtJlt?e mall U.S rare i..10ld and .,,her uim, AnJ we off er ..cnous invc~tors managed, pc~nal rartc> mm mvc,rment portflilill', com· pit-re wnh 61)-Jay moncy·back policy anJ i..rrade gu;ir:intce on c:ich rom Call u' at 17141 H51-8ZOZ Im ,i frel' rnl11rma11w1 packec Or return rhc o.1upon hcltm (~lll'>Ult.llhlll h\ ,1pp..>tnl· mcnc <•nl\ ~ :~ I I I I I +K)O MacArthur Blvd Ull'C 320 Newrort Beach. CA 92660 17141851-8202 I FREE I rNFORMATION PACKET I I I NatM I AJlJlffl ____ _..__ I I c.;- 1 I -I Zip ~~ ...... ----~~~ ..... -' I ' I l<'A fil.lfW D P223 i L - - - - - - --!.J. ' I j 25 Available ·fo r Immediate Delivery! G reat selection of the custo m 42, 45 or 48-inch conversion. Includes 8 inch color TY, bar, separately controlled rear air-conditioning, power Chauffeur divider window ... PLUS many more features! B(JY OR LEASE. ~ ROGER PENSKE (213) 868-9931 (714) 521-9624 CAUFORNA'S LARGEST CA.DtLLAC DEALER WHERE TliE 0 ANO (Gl FREEWAYS MEET IH DOWNEY (FORMERLY BOB SPREEN CADILLAC) WE'RE A LOT MORE THAN A BELL Oii Y•R WALL. Behind the bell Behind the famous Seacoast sticker Behind all the stale·ol·the art prorecuon devices we make and install is Seacoast central s1at1on When an alarm goeS' off on your properly we get lhe signal 1n a nearby 24·hour·a·day central Slation II the signal indicates l ire burglary or hoodup we call the police or lire Clepartmenl Since our central station rs UL lls!ed our central station customers can quality for a sizable d1scoun1 on their insurance And to increase our reach. make response time even laster and improve ef11c1ency we re computer111ng our star.on But improvements aren t new to Seacoast We've been getting better tor 21 years. And today we're the leaders in the security business in the hart>or area with over 10.000 customers including a wide range ot big and small retail industrial and oommercral establishments To find out more about Seacoast central station wrile or come by our new facility at 2488 Newport Blvd Costa Mesa --------------------------------- Iii\ SEACOAST \J ~CURITY SYSTEMS 2488 NEWPORT BOULEVARD (714) 642·3~9() HUNTING10N NATIONAL BANK (I" Orroft1~0110") Comer of Bolsa C hica and Heil, Huntington Beach New Bot1klftt Fctcillly Compleud , THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND MANAGEMENT OF HUNTINGTON NA'.flONAL BANK (In OraanitcuionJ WISHES TO ANNOUNCE THAT THE SALE OF STOCK IN THIS NEW BANK IS STILL IN PROGRESS. FOR FURTHijR INFORMATION, PLEASE CALL: (714) 840·1354 Orpnfl8*n Offlo • 49S1 WtlMf Awnu1 •Sulk 2JJ • Hundn~on Beach, CA 92649 • Viet s to get own h anks Fi rw.ncial help on the way for Orange County refugees By JACKI£ HYMAN M»elil ... -tW~ Lunguage pro blom s and a t radition of not buyln& on credit a rt' amona the factors thut have p osed proble m s for Or a nge County's 65,000 l o 75 ,000 Vie tnam ese r es ide nts 1n obtaining loans. Trankiem, who c hturs the markeling department at Cal St a t e Los An gele~ Is 1&1110 a fo rmer consultant lo the U S. Sm a II Business Adm inistrution In Washington . He founded the Vie tn a m ese C ham be r o f Com merce in Ame rica and was briefly associa t ed with the organizational planning for the Culifomla Mekong Bank before switching to Delta 11a1d , addlna thul the institutions will a l~o servt• thousands of Ca m bodi a n und L aotia n ref u gees as w ell as other residents But help Is on the way. Two fina ncial Ins titutions set up vr ima r l l y lo ser ve the V ietna m ese -who o pe rate Oran~e County, which ha11 a populallor'I or 2 mllllon . has the h i ghest con cen t r a ti o n o r Indoch inese refugees 1n the country. -come SOO to 400 businesses in the county are expected to open their doors this year T h e organizat ions, Delta Savings & Loan and California Mekong Bank, which combine t h e i ntern ation al banki n g expertise of refugees a nd the knowled ge of sy mpa thetic Am e rican-born business people. a re believed to be t he first such Victnamese·o rie nted financial institutions in the nation. ''It was always my 10tent1on to h ave a fina ncial organization back ing up the Vietna m ese communit y , to h ave our own ~u pport so that we could grow in this country," T ra nkiem said. Delta Savings, with a boa rd of di r ect or s composed h a ir of e~tablish cd Orange County r ci.i d e n ts a nd h a lf o f Victni.lm e se. will focus o n unfulfilled economic needs or the V1et n amel.e commun i ty , Trankicm said. He said he doesn't for esee any conflict between Delta , which Orange Co unty h.as h ighest number of Indochinese . "We have our own custornis wl11ch cx1stmg banks or ~a vings and loans cunnot understand," he said Construction began this m onth o n Delta '~ 'head q uarter s in Westminste r. It JS tentat ively scheduled to open in June. For example, Trankiem said, Vietna mese people take pride in paying cash for their purchases and therefore fa.ii to establish credit records In a ddition, they o ft en want l o cosig n for mortgages with muny m embers or an extended family M ekon g is still 1n t h e o r gan izationa l s t age but its a ttorney. J a mes Macdonald, s <Jid it could open in six to nine m o nths, probably in Garden was licensed in J anuary 1981 by the state. and Mekong. which received s t ale a pproval to org:mtze J an 18, 1982 Delta will offer an educational p rog r am tu teach t h e Vietna m ese about Am erican bunking custom!>, inc ludin g eredtt, Trank1em said Grove ' Within a year, Delta pla ns to open additional of!jces in San Fra n ci~co. San Jose, Los Angeles and San Diego , which a ls o have la rge Vietnu mese co m m un it i es, sa id Luu T ran kie m , the firm 's c hief cxeculjve officer. ·'I t hink t he V1ctn i.lmcs e community s hould be proud to have two financial institutions serving the com munity," Trankicm said. "I think there's more than enough business_." Abo. Trankicm said. Delta will focus on mortgages, while he e"xpects the hank to handle more short term. commercial loans J>res 1dent ·des1g n ate or Mekong 1s J o h n P eacoc k . formerly organizer and chief l'xccut1ve officer of P eoples Ban k or C h ula Vist a a nd Commerce Ban k in Newport Bttach. lie spent 28 years wit h ('rocker National Bank a nd the U.S. National Bank ··our capital is som ewhere bet ween $2 to $3 million ," said Trankiem . a form e r assistant to the governor of the Nation al Bank or Vietna m , t hat country's c q u 1 v a I en t of the I-' e de r a I Reserve Board. lie !>aid economic s tudies have s hown that. to be prorttable. an insti tution m ust s erve 7 .000 residents "In Orange Count}. we have about 75.000 Vietnam~se . he Proposed chi.11 rman of the board 1s Dr Phtl Trinh , a dentist with offices 1n Garden Grove and Los Angcl es w h o 1s JJr<.·~ident of the: Vietnamese Chamber of Commerce in Orange County OVER THE COUNTER NASO LISTIHGS NEW YORK CAP) CotrTlt "'· 12"> lnBkW•/1 ""' ll P@OPE •P I ' 1 ••• Sub•ru M :M NASOAO quoeauon• ColoG .. l 1• • :J? lwaSoVI ,, ... 1J Ptlrll \ JO•. JO•· ~~r.~e.: I • 1-. UPS AND DOWNS \l\QWlf>9 h~I IMO\ ComCtH """-\()I• Jam•bv ,, II' I Petlll>Ofl ,.;, u n ., n1 .. •nd IOwttl of .. f\ by Cmtsr,, 11-.. IJ J t rtco \ ,, .. ""' PhllaNal 2'9'· 711' rDK \ )A• 1 )41. m•rket makei" '' of CmwTtl ,, 1l ~~:Jv~o' '. lo Pltrc•SS l11 •""· TIME DC ,, . ,., •P m PrkH do not Con Pap 24~ HV• 29.,.., H \. Plnkrtn 52v, n T•mP.it• 3"~ 3""' 1 ln<luck' r.ia11 m40rkup CO<dli It\,. 20''• K•l\St p1 '°'' ,,., PlonHIB .,, , .o>.. T•ndm \ , .... , .... NEW YORK tAPI T '-ronow1nQ hst m.4'r•oown or c~ Cro\Tr• JI ... """ K•tv•' , ....... Pini!,_ , "' TecumP e.o• 1 ., ~ho•\ tht Owr lf\e (OtJN•r •nlon tor -·y CullrFd • ~ .... K•m•n s 11-.. ,, •• p°"'i' •'· •· • l h•cmA JI • n .. lloe'' .,.., w.,.,., .. 1,,.1 ,..,,. QOne ue> Sloe~ Bid A•' 5r!~':". •'• ·~ ~:~"~~ Cl'" 4S Pr••{.M 11a.. 71 f f'n•nt " t•' .. 11 ,,,. m ... 1 -oown ,,,. ~• .,.,.o "" AEL Ind 10 101. tu, 11111 ,.. •• JO Pr\Sl•yn 2.t'• ,,~ IUAB \ 11'""' perc&nt Of '~Of' rwoerdle\\ ot Yoturrie AFAPro1 11 IJ DatlM • 13-\. ,.., ... IC1mb•ll 18'-,, ... P roo•P 1•. ,"' ITIP•"r 1)1 I 1)1,. I or NIO<'cl4I y AVM Cp l'• ... OBnr • ).16 .~. 1Cln91n1 '• 11 ... PbSvNC 11'•111 1 rom101 l )' • No i.e<ur1t1f'\ trlid1no tw•o• \1 •rt inc.• AC(Uf<IJ\' ,., '"' 8:~t~~' 101 ' 21 Klool{, 1~ n 1o Purl Ben ~~·, ... ~~z: I ro.,ot• ..... ~ Nf't and ~(_(lf\f.-QllP ctwtnCJI'\ •rf' tf'W' Addl\nW •.. ..... " " .. ICn•~V 15 , ,. PutOC:•P 15,, 16 , 1 't ncoPo 11 n·, 01Httf'n<f' ~h¥f'...n I,.... Off'VIOUio ( IO~lnQ AdYACK\ ] . 1-. O.weyEI ] l ' Kr•tO• 10 10'. 0v.,,,,, 1, l\o. TnonFd 11'4 I] bid pr•<,. ano Moftd,ly t l•\t tMO pr it @ A118•h ' 1' r 10 OlaCrys 2) , 14 l<.ultc -.,,. u ,.., R~C)C!'nPr ~· • H ' 1 UnMc{.11 20 10•· Ahcotnc 401' 0 01•nCru )) JI L•nc••n 25 ?)'· R•y<llm 1'l I J11 ~ ~~ ~:,r S'o ... Al1ex 7\o. 7' I Ooc\111 • 25'•,. L•ndRe. "" "'• R•ymna n• .. ti\. Am•rta IJ>. 1• OollrGn ••'• 1~ uuwco )1PI )JI 1 Rff"tt ~ 31•' ll US TrO ""• 11 • A Furn ,, • 4\;I OoylOB 14\• U 1o1 Ltln\o\ 1~ 1)~. Roa<U:• »I• JI UV•B•" lS' • JS' ' UP$ AC.re•! ••lo·~ Or••fCn 11'. ,, •• LldSlor 1s•. u •, Rol>l>Mv ·~ ... N•,_ U•I '':i. Pt i ·~·. ~);a... Ounk O • ''"' n•, R~lon Con It<" ) . 11 11 UnvEn~ !~".~rn; L1n801 :)9•. ,..,.,. 4 • 4.\...~pPf'n 111 .. 111 • Up HI 1)-l. ll'-"• Ourirn s 1) 1l' • ~~t'n , •. , u Aouu~ ll'o II .. VaalR Sl U'·I !":o'f: 1•· ' j VP 1n AOua<r '"'· 91, l:a1nvnc •• ,,, 1s• .... )(µ,41 JOI' Saoh•• ~ ~._1 VdlNll \ 1911 191 • ... •• Vo ll I AR0M9 .. . •'· EconL•b ,.,, ,.~ MGF 0'1 ,. • 71 J S•l•CO , •.. , •. , ~:re~~\ 9 ... • AUndrw1 I' .. Up 11 1 AWeld • 11 1 19 EIPHEI lO', 10-. Mad•C.E u~. tS SIH•IC.d , .. ,, ..... l Gr•m 1 UP 14 l AMd•t• ...... •': Elck>rB~ 5'4 • M.t901P1 " • 4"-SIP•vl AnoSA '"· 11'-IN!r;mP S<rtOH io SO SO'• \.V•ctraSt .... 9 • NlndSY< 11'' ,. Vld•oCo s s· • 11 ~~~~~ ' . Up .. J EloNuc• ''· ,, . ......... ,. ... . • Up " . AnoAGd ., ....... APC>l•C ···~ ""' EIMO<ll ' 1)\. 1i1• """RI 4't ~IP !rf.n'O< 71 ·1 )'t~. 'VoNB\h 111'1 tti.. WtnEnr II .. II.. I H • Ut> II I EnrO.v 11') ·~ Mlt krt \. "'-'-· 41 SvcM•r 12'• 13 ~ ~:~c~" 1'1 '• Up l1 I At>ldMI " u v. M11r1on Svtm\1 \ 11 11' • Weldtrn J'~ .... 10 ) EnrM•ll"rd , ... IV. ... ... ., VP " , Ar~nGp Po l ... EnAsv I._ 5~ M•ulLP 21'' JO ShM•d JO )O•., WOttp 13 1J'. ll SIHrMI l' Uo II I AMIC81 \ n•, n Enh•ltll ••• . ' M•yPI 1)'• 1)') Sllwmul l~ 1• .. WHold •• )'t '1 M•rin8<p 71 . 1 Vo 10 J AllG•ll t•'• u EqulSL I .. , ... ::l;?~ I ' 1-. S1er•A\ •~. 10' Wmo<C 1• ... 10 • I] Nf\oN8c. ~ .. 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C•IWIS• 11 > lf> 1 Gr•S<n , ISlo 15', l~l•n B ., ., .. MCIC 358100 JO.\,, JO'• , • 80ICl(p! • .... Oii IS 3 C1nr...iH 7' I 1'o Gr~yAO• 116 " NoCuC.• 13 .. IJ•, Pluo 1'3 '100 "· , 11 ,. • C.vtE Nt • I 011 15 0 C10En ,,.,. 1)-16 {,lllnl\I ,,, IS NwlNG• 11 111 .. EnAsv 10'I 100 s-. \\o '• 10 KMS Ind >"• ... OH U l C•PSW • 171 ) tJI 1 {.••oclyn .... 1•. Nw•IPS IS'• U~ Summ•Md 108.llO 1 1 ,, ,., . .. II SldF~v 1 • .. Off ,. ) CplnA.1r-)'. 41. HamlPI IJ1 I 1Jlir. Nox•ll 33~ 33'• ICNw-un 200,000 ·~ ' 11 ~·f'rlP1g I" . 011 "l Care(p ISi. II H•rdwllP ?\.. )'. =~f:ry \ 5 s• • lnttl II) 900 , .. 1. 1• ' " 1l VubAA to ]'. Oii I)] Ch•rf:t1v J1 • HrpR-10\o II 11 ,.,., T•l>dm \ t)() 100 ,. .. 14 1 I• •• tnP\11 1' .. OH 13 0 ChtmS s ~ ,,,, Ha~p 79"'4 JO•. Ore••~' " , ... hi Mu 1 ... '100 I l·t• I >S )7 I 1' H Mr••n "' l\ , .. Oii ll 0 C11rlHCk1 s ••>it. ,.(. H• INI 1.-. " ... ~i:.ZM JI )I' 1 E<onL•b 111>,olOO ... ., '•"-.. •• (tin1t S<.1 ) . 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''• Pen«•lr "" ,,_ MUTUAL FUND NEW YORK CAPI t •l•ln Butloek Mun 8cl 5 51 NL In• Se! •.O • 9' Ml~ Fune!\ t;[.:_10::::::, t;> ~ '!:: I~~ ~~~ ·: ~ ~t ln~n'R.V:: a~ ;:: ~~,, rn rn '"" N;iloNll AHOCI· Olvld 1 .. 1.n Hllnco 7.1» NL ltt•I 2S.5' NL N1Uld • 41 9 10 ~:':.~ t~'."~~~s ~ t~ I~~ ~: r:, n! =t ~"I t.t. I~: llN~ M~I~ Of ~NL t,,. ~ ai _,, NI ws •• '11 Purlln '., NL JP lnco • '3 I )l Grwtn 4 51 4 .., i..... ll(ur'ltlu Td 'rw I n • 10 Tht'll\ • °' NL J•""' 7 .. NL 1ncom 111 • 50 ~kl ,~ ... .:= ~r~T ,t,H ~t Fl~~:? •• ~ NL J~ancr1.'l. •l.43 M~t"{,: lt~ 9N1~ value) or IJOUallt Cft•n Fd IS.II> 11.27 Oyne •.• NL Grwtll t .02 • ., NHS.ST l1.JO NL • (wetue plus Ml~ Ole! Dir IJ "' NL IMUll J.. NL vs Gvt • 03 • 73 Nat A•I• 1.50 l\IL <h~OI) Mondey 0.11....C 11 51 NL lr>eom • 6' NL Tea Ea I tt IM Nat lftd II 6' NL W 9olY Colonie! Fvndl Fit rn-. l(•ufmn " K4. N•t s.curui.s Able ll.9' NL t<und 10.03 10 " Ind A4J -•II Ke-Funds 81lat1 9.S4 10 1'I Acom F ?2 27 NL Grwth '-" 1.41 Oltco 1.11 •.63 lncom 7 11 7 S6 8oncl l.11 J JS AOV 1>.Sl l\IL HI Yid •. II ue Grwtll 7.. • " Grow '·" 10 11 Grwtll '·°' 1 •• AMurw 12.:M NL ln<om j. .. 6.SI lncom IAWY•ll 111 Vici .. " I n Prefd s ... 10 •AIM FUNIS ()ptll .... t 50 N•IAft 5 '1 6 13 lntlt<d 11.'1 11 41 lncom 5 7S 6 10 CvYlcl 11.G U.6S Tu M9 U " "SS Oa4ll • 2' 6 75 Mun I 6 H 6 S6 Stocll t .n • .. Edlon 11.1:9 II 1.5 Calu G.. 15." NL ha IEJP 6 '7 T 41 Open II SJ 12 60 T .. E• 6.IS • "' HIYld t.27 I ... 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Vlst• un.t•all T mol GI • M 1.16 Voyac, ...... ail frnpf W 15 It 1711 o... .. , n 11 Nl r,,,, c.o a .. • n A•l'1bof 1 IS NL Tms In• 7 SI NL ~~~ZSiKu~'IO NL~~;~~ :~T.10111~ Equll • 71 NL ~wne Gt • ., l\IL """"' I) OS NL TwnC Set 12 n NL lnco • 73 HL wnC VI • 1' • ll StPaul l!Wftl SAA GI t 13 NL Cec>l1 IJ 41 14 11 SAA Inc • U NL G"°"" • 96 10 4' Uni A<cu 5 •7 NL Soecl U J7 NL Un" Mui I 11 lllL uddef Funds Vnlt.o Funds Com St 10 '3 lllL Accm 7 II 1" Oe-..4 44 JI NL Bond 4 11 S.O. lncom •" NL lntGtll IJ 12 i1 l4 ln11 Fd It IS NL Con Inc t J1 i0.24 MMB t 26 lllL Flclue ~U2 23.'6 So9cl 41 Ol2 NL HI Inc II.SJ IUC T'aFre " NL lncom I 61 •.•l Secunty F-MUlll S lD U 2 Bond 7 Ol 111 SclEl'ov I 14 I tO EQUW S M 6 C9 VMtQ 11 14 t2.13 In-I 1 11 uo VIII 5va 4.0. Nl. UUre '-» 4.tl Velue UN Fd. Selected Fllftd5; Bond 10 73 NL Am Sfti .... NL ,.._ 14111 Nl. Sol 5111 14 ll NL lft<om S to NL S.1f.,_ Gnlup: LAv GI 14.'6 NL a.-t n 10.... Spl S:..J:: NL Net Inv S.JS J 71 Venc. ; 1 UC.. US 7.17 h1eom ui I0.3' Un Ille 10a ti It '"-U 4 7.0. Sel'llMI ~ ~ lU$ NL 8-UI 1 .a t 43.4 NL llont S.46 U 7 Gii\ u i '-'' Com S 1163 lJ.IO EV T .. G""'"· 10.14 11.1' Ut Nt E 2 ... .SS 'O>IL Oest t aft N 1' • 10 tJ 0-I d OS !fl. l'lll'ldll: J* t S7.01 NL A-. 11 ... It.• •I'd t 11.J3 Ht.. HIVlci IS ... IU3 lff. f JS.• NL l!Kom is.as '"" Scf'lcl I .o,c NL MMurl !0.63 11. 1' Soecl ti '2 IUJ HwOlr IUll 1J 2' ~ ~ Slwt'm 0 6.JI NL ll '91t' tt ID HI. 0t 10.IS NL lftd Tr M J1 Nt. l'\lftdl: GNMA U I ML t '·ll "11.%!.!. " = Ptl. ..... it.ii ,t. ~ t5 ~t NII La t. ~ It, ik V• U1 1 Mll!l'll t. NL ~ 1¥i u. i 1.1• .... • ·~ '· .. " I ,,:! Ptl. '" 1 l··g I '-~l. 1~'1: .:!l l = ti i;t '" ...... u • "' e.lf ~: 10.... '· ML ti t; 4,~ MlY.. 1. =: _.. t .. h1 iltfa 111 ,i "" 1';,; =t 11:1: ==· ·-_..... STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES AMERICAN LEADERS •• NEWVOllKCA~I 1'1Nt Dow·Jones~ ~-y ..... 22 • Ind or.M ~I ~S ~,.._I~ a Tm *-"MO.Al Jl7 .. lll.U-4" IS Utl IOSM io..JI IOS 12 IOSAO+ 0 .. .. 50I D1.JO J2UO JIU• J20 S2-J.1:1 llldw • . . . •. . . .. . . •.• . s.JIS.700 Tr.,. ............... , 1,77t,JOO """ • • • • • • • . . . . . t ~2,000 '6 Siii .. • . . .. .. . . .. • l."4.100 WHAT STOCKS DID HEW YORK CAPI F-4> t2 Prev T-y 411. ,,..,_., •n O.Cllned ~ ~ ~ '" .. , ,.,. ,.,. =~ 11 " IJA 121 WH.tf AU() OIO NEW YORK CAP) F-4> ,, Pr ... """"-"" T-1 ,., °;&, 0.Cllned lS4 Jl7 ~~ 1.00 ,.., '°' rn ..... """' s 1 ..... lows .. 50 METALS NEW YORIC CAPI metal price todo. SPol nonterrou• C••.-r 17'-·IO unh • oouno. dHtln.t5-u .. 21c.Mt•pound ZJ• Al~·.~. ditll'N'eO TM $1.'231 Metals w .. ~ '°"'"""le lb "'-'-u •. n <..,ts•....-. H .., ~wyWUOPtr ttan ~i.t ...... UM OOtroy 01. H 'I' SILVER COLD QUOTATIONS ., Tiie ~ ,.,..., Select"" -090tc1orl<u100.y· ~: ............. ,hd119U61.7l.Offt0.ll0. ~: .,.._ 1w,,. u.t.u. ""'" •6ria: ....... Off s.s.u. ~.--., PM.9', ofl 17 "· Zwkll1 Lat• 1111,. u.e.ao. unc11 1>1c1 $>71.00 .,.,...,. MaHy a Mar-: C.,ly delly QVOl•I °''·"· ·~UNI c .. 1 ....... -·' .. ..,,, llft<n. a........-: Conly delly QVOl•I labf'lu11eo 13111.71,.-11 SYMBOLS ~~------------------------------....... ----------- c Orange Co•t DAIL V PtlOT/Tueeday. February 23, 1982 I fnergy-ab$orblng steering column, »ansverse-mounted cvnenglne. Halogen headlamps. Integral front-a ir dam. l!nergg-absorblng side-door panel5. front-wheel drive. front disc brakes. LYNX LN7 LN7 ls one of the m~t aerodynamic standard--equlpped cars built ln America. « u ltlgh-strength reinforced roof structure. Four-wheel fully Independent suspension. Lynx !k1oor ha5 more Interior room than any subcompact made, foreign or domestic. Hidden luggage compartment. ~t~mlve corr~lon protection. Over three billion dollars' worth of world-wide development 1 and productlon. IT TAKFB CAl<S ~ Nowadays, just about everybody's offering you a rebate or a giveaway or something. And that's fine, for now. But what happens later? What happens 10 or 15 thousand miles from now? Will the car you buy "on a dealH be able to stand the test of time? Lynx and LN7 will. In fact, we're so confident that we're making you two offers no other leading automaker has. Not GM or Chrysler. Not lbyota, Datsun, Honda, or VW. Nobody. FREE MAINTEMNCE FOK2YEARS. It's precisely because Lynx and LN7 have the kind of high technology you .see above that their maintenance costs are so low. (In fact, their scheduled maintenance requirements are among the lowest of any cars sold in the U.S.) Now these scheduled maintenance costs are lower still. They're zero. They're literally free. For 2 full years. So -for 2 full years or 24, 000 miles (whichever comes first) -virtually the only thing you have to pay for is gas. And that shouldn't be very much because Lynx and LN 7 have very impressive fuel economy. LYNX 44 ~ST. noi* ~~. HWY.~ MPO LN7 . 46 tST. ~* tPA tfWY. ~T. . MPO FREE WAKRAl'ITY FOK 2 FULL YEARS. Lynx and LN7 are built to such e"acting specifications that we can now offer you something else that GM and Chrysler don't. Something that lbyota, Datsun, Honda, and VW don't. It's a totally free, no-strings-attached warranty. And it's good for 2 full years. Or 24, 000 miles. Whichever comes first. It's a limited warranty that covers literally thousands and thousands of parts. In fact it covers virtually everything except accidents, abuse, tires, and fluids. But the good news doesn't end there. Now, only one automaker lets you save while you drive and when you buy. 5% CASH BONUS ON LYNX AND LN7. ·1n addition to the above offers, we add a third. One that can help you buy a high technology car.at a substantially lower price. It's a 5% cash bonus. 5% off the base vehicle sticker prlcet on any new 1982 Lynx or LN7. TllfSE OFFER THIS. .. Here's what you'll save on this offer alone: Base Lynx J -dr. Base Lynx 5-dr. Lynx Ol 3 -dr. Lynx GL 5-dr. Lynx GL Wagon Lynx RS 3-dr. Lynx GS J ·dr. $275 $285 $325 $335 $345 $340 $365 Lynx GS 5-dr. $.:375 Lynx GS Wagon $J80 Lynx LS J·dr. $.:390 Lynx LS 5 -dr. $400 Lynx LS Wagon $405 LN7 $390 Or get $250 off any new '81 Lynx. Lincoln-Mercury pays 100% of the cash bonus. You can apply this to your down payment, thereby lowering'your financing costs. Or you can get Ji check direct from Lincoln-Mercury. THE ULTIMATE SAVING. Add it all up. On cars delivered from now through April 3rd, you can get free scheduled maintenance for 2 years. Plus a free 2-year warranty. Plus 5% off the base vehicle sticker price. All at your Lincoln-Mercury Dealer's. Nobody else offers you so much on such superbly engineered., front-wheel- drive cars. But your ultimate saving isn't a matter of economics. It's a matter of pride. Your pride. In driving a car like LynX or LN7. Instead of something less. •eompare to the estimated MPG of other c.ars. Your mileage may differ depending on speed, weather. and tr1p length. Actual higttway mlleage less. Lynx J . and 5-door mileage estimates no~applk:able to units with power steering and air co'ndltlonlng. , t Llmlt one cash bonus per customer. Seat belts save I Ives-buckle up. LINCOLN-MERCURY ONISION ~ LYNX MD LN7 f'ROM LINCOLN-MERCURY. . . . , \ \ .. .. _: !j .. Or 23. 1982 •• I I Tuesday. February 23. 1982 I Furniture is bought and sold , every day with a classification '8050 ad. . tHe.NiFerw. HelMIFerW. .......... Wt HollHthrWt ......... Wt ........... w. ~ Ho.MtF..-Wt .......... ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ,.,Wt I 100 ••• ,.. 1002 ••• ,.. 1002 ••• ,.. 1002 ••• ,.. 1002 .......... 1006 lkztlrl•le•ll 1040 ... 1111,.rtltedl 1069 ..................... .. • ••••• • -. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 25' Aintrum w/room . • •••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••• .. ••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• acro11 street from .... ... ·~!!:~!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!=!!!!!!!~• " _____ ._119 AT R I U M E N T R Y LHM o.ffCN1 btach. liOOO. See at Hun ....................... • 1 M er part of mon&ly -..lcomea you lnto thil 3 4 Br. 3 81. rx.c. home. tin"' on by Sea Park. ~ HOMIS payment on Balbot Br+ram.ll.y rm near COi· t d t d dbl •· s •• ... Remodeled, decorated 3 bdrm$43 b~. l1land prr,rty. Low Iese and ahope. Only fi' e cour yar · 21871 Newland. pace ..__or tr• '· $1211,IOO. Bkr. M8.o7ot q>lc, newly redec. in· 110. H . 8 or ca 11 mstr bdrm with ocean view 25, • """"'" · side & out. 10% assuma· 1·737·9486 . ....... ttf.lffr. SHOW STOPPER ... ble loan $215,000. S1300 llO! "" ·--,. IU" , .. -'°"' 1 .. Hit IOU llllC! •• EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY~, :: ,......,., NoHct: 111111 All real estate ad· :: verlised i n this :: newspaper IS subject to the Federal Fair Hous-t• ing Act of 1968 which •• makes it illegal to ad· l!i': vertise "any preference. ;: Ii m i t a ti on . o r d is . ,,.. criminallon based on ::: race, color, religion. = sex, or national origin. ZM or an intention to make = any such preference. = lim1tat1on. or dis- .xi crimination " West Bay bayfront. Slips for 2 boats, remodeled 3 bdrm, 3 bath $1,200,000. Ocean & jetty views. Marine room , 4 bdrm, 3 bath, 3700 sq.ft. $1,385,000. UDO ISU HOMIS • Prime Lido Nord bayfront. 5 bdrm, 5 'b'ath. Lge L.R. 2 boat slips.$1,500,000. Remodeled 3 bdrm, 2 bath + large rec. rm. beam ceilings, $420,000. L-.A 15&1 IA YlllOMT : Lagoon view from 6 bdr~. 5. bath. playroom, dark rm, den. $1,350,000! C.AINATION COVE Sbpectacular bayfront view 4 bdrm , 4 ath, 2 boat slips $1,900,000. llG CAMYOH •OADMOOR NIW EXCLUSIVE $750,000 Fantastic Plan 4. 4 Bedrms. Family Rm w/fireplace. Formal Dining Rm, 2th Baths. Newly decorated in soft pl~asing colo~. Beautiful new cptng & window coverings. New marble entry. Lovely yard & spa. Spacious yard. Elaborate security system. WISLEY M. TA noa co .. RULTOIS 2111 -~HillRood M ... IW~'f'Ol--n-cana. M.t. 64 .. 4' 1 o CAft1 BEAT TllS! * FOllCLOSURH 4 Br w I po ol This newspaper will not $420,000. 3. Br w/pool $399,000. PATRICK knowingly accept any TINOU. 759-1221 1'QI) --BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR _ .. ,........ '""' advertising for real * AISOLUTI STUL. 4 Br w/spa. Below _. l ... ,. \ 1 • ') • • • .. ~ ' ) ti I) 1 -l•!----k $ -·•••wlft/ OOI estate which IS in VIOia· mar et at 176,995. LOW DOWM. r-'"'""'' furn .MW tion of the law. ?::S[J:' = ASSUME 12 % in terest. PATRICK o.,i.,.. ...... »>; 1._1!!1!111------., T840lf. 759-1221 o.i.i.• .. l•• -By owner. trade or sale. i• iJYls WAMTID • 5 IDIM, f'OOL.. SPA + VU. Only ~::t::;:,. ~ alORS: Adnrtfters c~!f~e h~=·· c~~/:~ tor houses, condos. units $269,000 WITH THMS. f'ATRIC IC ~,,. • .,lat :: ' ........ dtec;k tfltelr eds d I I T-L R 11ot ~ _.... rt Strip. Sl8S.OOO. 4 BR 2~. an nvutment pro--759-1221 • .:.~,. ... ,:d :: I _, -~, ff-bu. 2 wetbars. patio. perties. All types or • NIWPOIT, 4 Br w/pool, FURNISHED. i":'...!'~..;..,. :i: ron '-CllatefJ· TIM sawia. pool. ,., acre lot. fid~lricinougsavaagielanbtlse alrne· • $329,000. PATllCK T&IOll. 759-1221 ~~.-~"!~. u:111 DAil Y rtLOT as-s Auto spnnklers. lots of ..... c.,.,.. ,., M•• :: ......, fw tht first mature trees. For more awaiting to assist you. ~~~:t:~.1 :: . i•corrtct l111trflo• details call o wn er Callnow979-S370 1-.,,oJ lloMoJ = J ....... , '702. 73J.67'76 ~!Y.•ft(f'lll = ....., ------ ""' "iii'NEss, INVEST· -1-------,1-l!llllllll!llllllll!llll!~l!l!lllll MDfT, RNANCE HDmMt for W. 10 YI RXB> lA Tl ::::::.::~ lm .. ••••••••••••••••••••• IJV40/ol.t.LOANS 1 o,i-. '"-'al I OOl Why do people buy 1::::=: ...... / = townhomes during a =~~.:. = ···~·s··s·u··M •• E •• L •• o.·w····· slowdown~ We think it's 11or1,.,.. rn • lAlO "' our super duper assuma · AJINOtlllC£MENTS. IMTEREST LM b1e low rate loans. The ~RSOIULS& Popular 3 Bdrm 2 bath new resi dents of LOST & FOUND Ooor plan in a fine area G AR D EN P A R K of Costa Mesa. Great as· VJUAGE tell us it's the sumable loan and seller inherent amenities wi ll tailor to meet gazebo, garden li ke blzyers needs Best buy recreation. Cape Cod en· at Sl.29.000 Call 646-7171 vlronment and all the anl!nilles that go with A......-tfne'"°'' (llt"""' t..atl '-'>tt> LAo< • rouod PttMlll.,h' '°"al <l11t.• Tr•~,,.. SE.VICES ~.(', 00ffl0f) EMfll.OYMENT & lllfPAIATION ~. hmrlillfl.Jon JOllW4Alf'ff• Holt>"•"'"' \14' ,. '"' >llll Wi l.)>1 Ul(j !Hal Min "i):j/ 1 .. is 1111> : .. rt11Sif4! 5e~c:~E~~~~:~~ open daily l0 :30am till --------•I dusk on the comer or ALLSTATE REALTORS •DESEITED **IARGAIM Mesa Verde's finest ' Va· rant, owner wants out! Large 3 Bdrm. 2 bath home Family room. bnck fireplace. quiet lrtt· lined st reel Close to shopping, call now. 546-2313 THE REAL ESTATERS C-*JCW. R&I M * of Newport Beach LUSI IUI. T HMI WITH VIEW! Largest one story 4 Bdrm, 2"'1 bath home 1n EASTBLUFF. French doors to an enclosed front court yard from recently remodeled family kitchen area Separate entertainment a reu for adults Ii c hildren S299.000. Maxine Propp. COLDWC!U. BANl(eRO IAYSHOIES $415,000FH Great potential for re· DJ>del in this 3 BR & den home. Close to beaches in this private. gate guarded area Owner will assist with creative financing. Submit all of fen. Fee land. 644-9060 675-21'6 ~g clean 3 Bdrm r rm. 752·~. ...... Property 1400 Ul warm earth tones. No --••••••••••••••••••••••• .. 1022 quallrytng. Fruit trees ••CUSTOM * * lfltcWhn =--M• loo! Jutt $122,900 Bkr 1.vc,..tH.-Shppl 11C.llhr ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ml-01G9 Saie-dy Owner 48R + $75,000 will nandle Bkr $5,000 DOWN lr'ft. I 044 den. 3\.\BA. Pool & Spa 714-433·1723 IY OWNll •••• • ••• • ••• • • • • • • • • • • • A II Ca b In et s So Ii d llYIMITlllACE Walnut. Owner w1l c-ttry Loh/ 2bdr. + Co n v. den, WOOOlllOGE finance. S48·8798 Ctyph I 500 l~•ba. cnr lot. pool :+-0. ... L9'1t CdM DPLX b o ••••• .. •••••••••••••••• spa. immed. occup. 1536 2B.,R~~:~1~A. S29S,ODO oJne~JI P;:Jic View lot for sale Serenade Terrace. As· carry at f4 •4 . Call I ti fl Lakefront View 5411 1964 sume ex a ng nan. 1 r -.:3063or679·"""1:.7 · ..,.., OWC 955 0073 P r O e s s i o n I I I y u•.,.. ;,vu ----••4.ooo. · · · Landscaped Beach & eo..rci .. 0c .. Fro.tColtdo Tennis Club Good FORECLOSURE Property 1600 a. CdM Financing. Owner Of. -Fixer -••••••••••••••••••••••• Unobstructed Ocean & fered at $297.000 ~2 836! <ll'eanfront duplex 2 lge IMDUSTRIAL Oianel View. 2BR , 2BA, 3Br 2ba units Try low or W. Costa Mesa. new high Pool. J ar. Boat Slip llST IRVINE no down. LendertOwner ceiling, rire sprinklers. Avail $525.000 Prinr COMDO IUY! can be very creative 200)..3000 sq rt & larger ~y.640-7373 lmm11culate Northwood PlayaR.E.673·1900 _ Chuck Spille r. agt l Br overlooking lake & U ded p I · h ,.""...,.Y llta..l"'-LISH stream. Pool. jacuni. pgra a ermo w1l 631·12.66 "'""'"'" a"'IW pool in H v H. Pnn on· DUPLEX 4Br -t2Br, 1 t ennis, upgraded . 11 $425.~.160.8063_ yr new. S.189.000. 709 & $84,500. Xlnt rtnancing 709 '-'l Orchid Ca 11 Owner673·1923__ WESTCLIFF IL'51·91JSOwner1bkr SP•CIOUS Beautifully deroratedlllliiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~=-1024 "' and des1gne<! 3 Br 2ba NEWPORT HACH eo.MHG is the only way to w1great orfice denand2 H1'gh v1·s1'b1'l1'ty C 3 ••••••••••••••••••••••• describt this 4 bdrm. 212 r11>lcs Assume lge 12r; Orean Y1ew 120 ft fron· ba home. Designed with In w/20'1 dn. $269,SOO ree tage. Use existing build· MISAYEIDE 3 bdrm, 2 balh. frplr. dbl garage, A·l cond $1.34,500. Owner will as· slat In flr.ancing . toy Mcc:..lt, lltr. 5•·772' the family in mind land.~·7408 ingof 4000sq ft or build Pam. rm. and 3 bdrms. - ---10.000 sq. fl Owner will on one level Masi suite IAYFIOMT carry S715.000 631·7300. orrupies the entire 2nd Need a home for your BS' Realtor level Good location boat? 4 Bdrm. 3 bath.I•-------• $248.SOO A must see Y OU , 0 1 W N T ~ E Shopptng center site. 10 before deciding on LAND. Main Lido acres. commer cially anything else channel Shown by appt zoned 00 busy frwy off· *MESA YBDE • only. Owner will carry ramp nr Corona 1n fa st WITif POOLANDSPA 1st T.D. with 30'' down growing area.' Sale. Spacious 3 Bdrm. 2 ba. $l.3X>.OOO. trade or J V v. qualified Beautiful area. $15.000 1 n' es lo r R & W dn. Asking $240,000 Development Corp $1~/IOO pymt. PP Agt 752·2.584~ ~7<81 Coado.i•i••sn ow11· COLLEGE PK 3BR a.o.et fw scN. I 700 Nr. all schools. A/C. Gar --------· ••••••••••••••••••••••• Dr Opn r . Nu Roof .. 513 ~i.:!RvlffE or_,....__......... I 07 NORTif LONG BEACll S83.000 in assumable -'--WIT V1rg1D1a loans. Submit dn. pay. •••••••••••••••••••••• Country Club Estates No qualifying. Sl.2S.OOO. -~111111111110!111!!0!110 .. 0!111!!~1!191 IY OWMEtt Nev. 3 br. J ba Condo W~M. T..pwCo. SU ON 4 bdrm. den. Family Luxury Decorator Realtors 64H910 room. 3 baths. 2400 sq fl Extras MABLE I La r g e Io l . c o o I From Sl75.000 . ~ OWMll panarom1c ocean v1ev. 1714 l 847 7066 Wimbledon Village. 405 Pool. jaru12i. 4 Bdrm, Pn.ced al bank a p s c Plaza. JBR 28 A. as· & Fairview. Assumable owner will help finance. praisal S217 ,000 Sl.52. sum 11 1~. S60K Isl. $122.400 al 12~'k Close Only Slll2.000 Ca II a.ssu~ble rinanrmg at OWC2nd. Submit terms to pool and tennis 2 Br 64$-9161 l2i.,· 498 3848 Pnnr &M-642li 2ba. Terms negotiable ~L · · , SI~ ~· 1988 _ _ I ssooo DOWM ~~ ........ !?~ lllCOllll P,..rty 2000 •TUlnllOCI * 3 bdrm. 2 ba. new roof, · ••••••••••••••••••••••• . Sl.27' Pll MONTH new c11>t Must sell' Call $5000 Dow• APPLE VALLEY •IAYFIOMT• Fairview and AYocado C:.Utt TAUS in Costa Mesa. From MllCHANDISE ''""""' .,.11 w.•nw, I Ret.lrenl!nt home. 10''< ApphaMl't " ...... ..., .... ... .._ ... 1ltt••I• C•rrwu1' rqiupm..ft' Cot> Doe> '"''° , .. ............ Cw-attS.lt llonn 1-t;- ""<Ill Lnf"l\Ot'l .... ......., Wllottll•M<N• )hM't'HllMCNf \t.' Httd \t1iuKll luuunwnu. Offn f"WrA ' ~lllf P , ... c.w: ~ <::i~~ ""°"'"'Good• Sien ltf"l•wraOl S.t i':T..,. H1ra SlttH BOATS l MARINE EQUIPMENT ~.1 8o.U V1JM ~rut'~ bU ~hnM f.qu1p -. ....... eo.t, AM C"hli11rt -.s.11 bl>SI•"' Oo<h -·~•»• &Mu 5'o,.ct TUMSPOmTION "'"''" C'ampth 'wit Rtftl Dfdntt•n 11-C)tla Snoolm • 11-11 ... , .......... T'u•lfn rra .. d !:.-~t~~!1~"i.,,~ Cfttt•I A~TOMOllLE AAU<a~ tlolu" RtirtU C!Oft '•h.rlh ~h "·'· """' '"' ...... ll>tl•H Tr«'U v .... AvtuLn.i•nc A\KaWa_otf'd UTDS, IMrome <.....-ral Ad• Aoowo ~""· " ........... , lllW c .... er.-o ...... fn..-..u , ... , -· J•l.v.•r JHHft """"'""~···· W.W .... ....... )h ftf''h-•"'"' .... llG• ...... P'llM~f-p...,,.,. hn<h• ........ _ .. , .. ..... t: io. ...... r.,... fr....,.. v.a_ •••• ,. v .... ams. 0 .......... .,,., !IOll --.xii --to<) ---..... -"7) otr• -... ----llSl ...... --- It -----,,,,. -"!l'l t l1f\ "II ti.Ill ... , .. ..... mo Mil ••• -~ -.,,,... N>i Olla --,,.., -<fM ,,,,. "" rm m1 •11T ftM mi f!JI f111 17).J 'flM ttJI 9111 ,.. tt• •IV "'" •l• ttll ,, .. •1lll fl>,1 mo m1 t1"" '''" --1l'fl '"' tm - Seller will listen. 45"boat $137.500. slip. priYate beach. lite ROGllS REALTY & cheery home . 3 large 5._2219 '75-2111 bedrooms & den. 2 baths. fireplace and 1--------murh more' Will t rade down ! Owner -Agent 673·9187 or 675·7060 $S79,000! SPACIOUS TOWHHOME The best in Mission Vie- on ~s9:'!'tfyMdrm . large yard. near Mile Square Park. Asking $87.900 Submit your terms. Mur.chlSOI\ Enterpirses 556-1732 jo. Have that open reel· -----111!111~1111!11!1!!!11 ing ID this large 3 Bdrm 3 COIOMA DEL MAI bath home Includes tlljoy one of the best wetbar. firepit, French Ylews ID town in this doors and much more. marvelous 4 Bdrm Great terms available. home. Features include callfordeta1ls.646-7l7l formal dlnin& and fam1 fi4!4t@I %..'1ff ~r·m VIEW TOWNHOMES Master suites. View of Orean & Night lights. Quiet Area. Parks. open spaces. Sl37 ,000. X Int f"in Hal or Pat Agts 751·9005. 673·7300 •OCEAN VIEW* GREAT TERMS! A PETE BARRETI . REALTY fll\IJ)('IDg. Sla9.SOO Bkr. I 714-433-1723 - ST•STO . ..wPOITICH! It's a bargain! S128.900 total price. 3 Bdrm 2 beth. famLIY room. bnck fireplace, R·2 lot. Room to build. Alley access Call us for more in· ferma tion, 546·2313 THE REAL ESTATE RS -- $13.750 IAIGAIM! Starter condo! Super private and quiet 2 Bdrm 2 bath. l story nur schools and shop· ping. Good assumable loan. Try sma II down Call UI, S46-2313 THE REAL ESTATERS Excellent low interest fmanring ! The ultimate, romantic charmer! En· joy 2 beaut iful fireplaces. French doors, and hardwood floors. Wood deck over- looks stream and ocean view ! Private Beach. Only $345,000 in Corona del Mar; call 673..gss() nua1q LOVELY FAMILY MIEDID Charming, well kept 4 BR home In Mesa Verde area of Costa Mesa features fruit tree .. BBQ. RV access, lovely panehng & more ! $134,900 Madeline Crawford 752-1414 (Vl9) 91/40/o LOAM .. dlstd $I 00.000 SPYGLASS IYOWMEI FUil Price $575,000 MonthJy Payment 12999 SOUTHPORT MO DEL 6br/4~ba. 4100 sq ft 25 Bodega Bay Call !)Wner 159·0737 IMYISTOIS SPICIAL nve. •·plexet. $300.000 ~ StU all or one. Ca II now.•1111 15 all you pay w!1en you now. 54S-l24I $117 ..._.Iv. Tax 51w1ter takeover exi1t1ng Isl --------3BR. l'-'IBA. Cul·rfe·Sac Near ne"' 4 plex 2 T.D. Spacious 4•br ex· CHAIMll Nice. Location Good bdrm. 2 balh each unit eculive detachea home 2 Units + Separate Col· Condition. Full P.nr~. v.ith fireplace. enclosed DUPl.U featunng frml din fmly tage. G~eat Owners Unit Lagllle•ecll I 041 S997 000 Call Christina. patio. garage 9i,r, Isl rm & frp Ir 0 n ly or Rental Prop Cabin !•••••••••.............. SS ·2783 Pos rash flow Nov. COIONA DEL MAI A perennial mo ney nwker 1n old Corona de Mar 2 bdrm. house + 1 bd rm garage apart IYl!nl. Super location Creative r1nan <'IDR 1289.500 S21.3.500. FEE 7~·1501 Like Int. Eastside I Alot $75,000 Sl59.SOO 8111 Grundy, or 7~ 7373. Creal!~~ Terms Trade· For A Uttte Rltr. 675·6161 A OIY1s1on of Harbor ln\'estment Co For Ad Action Call a Dai~ Pilat AD-VISOR 642-5671 FAIULOUS OCIAM YllW Plus City Lights -Exclusive Newport Beach Spyglass - Beautiful Capehorn Model WI Four Bedrooms Plus Family Room - Courtyard W /Pool & Spa -One Of The Most Terrific Views In All Of Spyglass. $750,000. 759-9100 uc..,. ......... .... ,..c ...... . cmmnAIY IOI BAY Open with loads of wood, glass and warmth. Yomtg 2-story with soaring eeilinp, master suite with balcony overk>oking living room plus 2 other bed.nm, fam rm, and dining rm. Excellent "1old coast'' location. Call for detal1I on loan available. $438,000. Ph 631·1400 WATdfRONT HOMES. IC. lllALUTAT! S...~~MHIJMllll With Brkr. 1 acre + bldg site. gent I 0. 7 5°/o --·-·~-·62G6•. ly slopto.g parc~I short Interest IUMITS WITHIN YOUIMUNS LMM/o.t 21r 210 Lg lo<· nf S.C. Plaza too OWMBMOVING Beautiful, immaculate. nicely landscaped 4 Br home on rut-de-sac Spacious rooms. View of golf course from proper· ty Own er assist ed financing G!lly $139.SOO Ca U now 979-S370 A 'LLSTATEi AE~LTORS BY OWNER -4Br, 2Ba . f11>lc. I& fam rm . many rtras. newly redecorat· ed in 4t out, oversized 2 car garage. 20~ down Asking Sl.S0.000. Owner finance (Mesa Verde Area) 3217 Washington Ca ll for 1ppt <714 l -...100 FANTASTIC FIMAN. lmmac. 3 Br 2 ba + ISxaladd-on. RV access. frplc. Only S18K dn. OWC 11%. Make ofr. $128,500 by own er . 545-7081 ~ ~ HERITAGE 1(1\IT<\th distance from tennis & beach Ownr has in · Good assumable loan on eluded plans for custom lhis I bedroom rondo. villa $125.000 Sper <'Onvenientl} dose to taeularviews' Sooth Coast Plaza With MIS.510N REALTY a lowdown payment. the 494-0'731 owner will help -A 1th ----rinancing This up SI 0,000 DN./ graded \'alue features ly OWMf' kitchen bwltins. patio Lease with option to are a . beaut 1 f u I purchase. 38R. 2•.,ba. rlubhouse, communit~ dining nn. ram rm. 2 car pool and more! Submit gar.fncdyrd.ocean vu. your o ffer t o da y' S2~.ooo. 497.1051 m.ooo. Call 979·ml O W N E R W I L L TAAl&L RU"TOIS FlNANCE! . °"""'RHIEshlt. North end. 2 Br unit. •••••••••••••••••• ••• •• Cre'sent Ba y Beach i MaWlttto.s TERRIFI C R UY', ForS. 110 Sl49.<X>O. I •••••••••••••• •••••••• loglM Vllec)t R.l. 4t .17,1 7.1 X'sGIOSS High demand rental area Assume eustmg fuian('IDg or $150.000 at 10'. and owner will l'arr~ Fu ll pri l'e S240.000Call979 5370 ALLSTATE REALTORS IYOWHEI 2 4 Plexes. 4200 sq rt 612 & 614 Calle Campana. San Clemente S249.SOO each. $23.160 10 come each $36.000 down 10 1982 9'• Isl T D 714 498-5007 Tri••n/Pool NEWP<l'RT HEIGHTS $2 70.000 S am A g t Or~ v~trtf rm. 2 ... 5* 700-17~- ba. Excellent financing. l230,000. ~·2355 L*,.,..t 105 •••••••••••••••••••••• t With or without furn. Walk to beach. beautiful a4x64 Greenbrier Hm 1n tn·plex. 2 2 Br 1·3 Br Laguna Hills nicest s Patio. frplc $525.000 star pk Ov.ner will help finance Grt••.tPort ~·1~- Beautiru1 24x60 Keywel>t E/~ Slot.too ·Hm · 2Br. 2Ba This 1s c M duplex Will sell the best in town. VA Appr al SI 19.000 """9ort leach ~·7306 963·1600 Beautiful Belair M II wtfml kit. 12xl9 h\' rm l.2xl0 Mstr Bdrm Enrl pal.lo Nr Hoag Hosp SiM.500. CLASSIC MOltllHOMl SALIS 2706 Harbor. Ste 206-A 540.5'17 BGHT4PLUES OMEOIALL 91'; depreciable. 25'; dn. l2 9"4-.0Wner financing. Managennt available. Owner I Broker, 9SS·J.4~ I PllMI UMfTS In Newport Beach. Fe~ Land. 11.75 X Gross. minimum 200K down. <7NC bal. for 5 yrs al 12';. P.O. Box 7183 . Newport Beach. CA. 880 "" OCIAM flOMT DUfLU I o-lt DOWM Fantastic opporlunlly for 1 or aeveral rnencla to purchase newly remodeled duplex n&hl on the sand on Balboa Penlnaula. Under market for quick Ille at S-1000 OD fee land. 2114 Oceanfront. Oner. Call 544414 or •mz. I I AP--- HEART8REAK -Melissa Collins, 6. Is comforted by her father of Luling. La ., al a carnival in Ses Allemanda. La., when she burs t into tears after losing her "Pigs in Space" costume. Dad gave her his. Pink flamingo finds a home MIAMI CAP) -When Sandra Morgan spotted the 17-foot-tall pink flamingo in 1961, it was love at first sight. It took two decades, but Clnally the concrete-and-steel flamingo was Civen a home in front of the persistent woman's Miamj business. "It's so tacky, it's wonderftil," slie says of the big bird adorning her store entrance. She saw it for the first Ume 21 years ago in front of an Everglades tourist shop. "I just had to have it," she said. She offered Jack Fiscus, the owner of the Everglades shop and the artist wbo built the bird, $300 ror iL But he refused. Last July, Fiscus leased his store to Jim Brown, who turned it into a shell shop. Brown was not fond of the funny fowl. "I wanted to chang .. tbe image to get it away from that 1950s look," said Brown, who added that he thinks 17-foot flamingos are "a bit tacky." Brown was about to destroy the sculpture. But a friend of Ms. Morgan, who kuew of her passion for the bird, warned her in lime. And Ms. Morgan got the bird for free. "That bird was fated for me," she-Hid al a celebration at her store. The celebration featured pink beer and pink snacks to matc h "Rosie," whose pink legs are now planted firmly in front of her shop. Col,d cuts road death. BISMARCK, N.D. CAP) -North Dakota's long stretch of freezing weather has contributed to the lowest number of highway deaths since the' state began keeping records, an official says. , Highway Patrol Superintendent Norm Evan.a, who has monthly records going back to 1953, says, "lt's the lowest it's ever been." 1u111mra, HALLlltAV Salvati, Costa Mesa, Ca.; 4 CHRISSIE S. HALLIDAY. daughters, Mary Salvati, resident or Costa Mesa, Ca Costa Mesa. Ca., Ellubeth Passed away February 10, Salvati and Clara Petronzi, 1982. Survive<f by daughter. Aliquippa. Pennsylvania . JoyceGray,CostaMesa,Ca and Gloria Trts lany , and s on, William R Woodland Hills. Ca.; l Halliday. Newport Beach. brother, Lawrence Colonna. Ca Also 5 grandchildren Aliquippa, Pennsylvania: I and 3 great.grandchildren. siHer , Norina Talass1. She v.u s a m e mber of Aliquippa, Pennsylvania. II Eas t ern Star and Costa grandc hildr e n and 10 M es a Women· s CI u b great·grandchildren Rosary Private services were held will be re<"ited at 7 30 PM F e bruary 16 . 1982 with Tu es day at Draper entombment in Pacific View Mortuary, Ontano. Ca Mass Memo rial Park. Paciftc wall be celebrated 9 00 AM View Mortuary, directors al St. George Catholic SALVATI Chur c h , On t ario. Ca ANTONIA SALVATI. 85 Entombment in Bellevue years old. Passed away Mausoleum. Friends may Saturday, February 20, 1982. call al Draper Mortuary on at Valley Pres b yterian Tuesday from 5:00 to 9·00 Hospital in Van Nuys, Ca A PM. 986-1131. native or llal y and a GIST Woodland Hills. Ca . MYRA E. G IST. pas t resident for 14 years. She is resident of Cpsta Mesa, Ca a m ember of the Daughters Passed away on February of Columbus Survived by 3 16. 1982. She was a n sons, Elvi and Waller apartment manager for the Sa l vati , Al iquippa . Ramco Constr u c t o r Pennsylvania. and Louis Company for the past 13 OllMICa MOlTUAllfS Laguna Beach 494-9415 Laguna Hills 768-0933 San Juan Capistrano 495·1776 HAllOlt LAW~MT. O&.IYf Mortuary •Cemetery Crematory 1625 01sler Ave Costa Mesa 540-5554 f'tMCINOTHUS l&L •OADWAY MO.-ruAaY 110 Broadway Costa Mesa ~9150 141.n'-~HOH SMl1>t ' TUTHtU WISTCUff CHAf'lt, 427 E, 17th SI Cost11 Mesa 848-9371 I years. She"' is survived by her nephews, John and Dan Kersch. both of La Habn, Ca. Services were held on Monday, al 9:00 AM, at Harbor Lawn Memo rial Ch apel with interme nt se rvices Imm ediately following. Services under the direction of Ha rbor Lawn-Mount Olive Mortuary of Costa Mesa. 540tSSS4. SANDLEll HARRY LEWIS SANDLER. 10.year resident or Huntington Beach. Ca. Passed away February 20, 1982. He was a member Of the AARP or Huntlnglott Beach, Ca, Senior Citjzena Club cl Huntington Beach, Ca. He is survived by hi'l wife, Sara, his son, Oonal11 H., Santa Ana. Ca. Alai) survived by 4 frandchildren. Services will be hel<t Wednesday 11 AM al Harbor Lawn-MOUbt Olive Memorial Chapel, with entombment i mm edlttely fo llowin1 . Servtt• CllMler the dlretUo11 of Harbor l.awn·Mount OUv~ Mo~tar)', 56$$54. I ANDEllON OSCAR G. ANDERSON . resident ol N~ Beach, ca. l'lllllled aw•y February 19, JtG. Preceded ln deat.• by Mary Grace Andenon: l aoQ, ~ Anderton; 4 I ••behlldrea ; I 1 r'e at ·1r andc h lid re n. Serylua held at St. Andrew's Prelb1te rlan Ch~, Jloadaf, Pebl'H'7 za. i• .i a PM. fldefMtnt Padflc Vle., Memorial Parlt. Paclfl~ Yl•• Mortuary, dtreetou , M4·l1'00. 'AR WllT IAVINOI AND LOAN Aa0CIAT10N ..... CONIOLtDATID aTAT!MINT 0, CONDITION ................. ....... ,..,........ I DIC! ... IER 31, 1111 AlllTI Cath and MCurltlea l.Oa'I• rec411vabl• and propenlea held lor 1111· ' 72, 147,370 '"• , • ., •• t .. , "'-.... "'' ......... , Mau.a• eu~v. "" • ....._. C.w1, c-. ..... CM...,,.._ ..... loana on real e11111 S858,735, 139 lle11tey M. Jtre11ke, '"'" • C•llf•rt1le <erftf..._.., 1•1 • ..._... Ctw,., c... Melt, c ........... -. Hom• Improvement end mobile home 1oan1 2.810,773 Tiii• ~-· •• '~'" lly • CWHl'Mlllll Loan• on retl Htatt owMd for development 8. t 52,9155 ......,M.Jtr ... ,lllC. ~~ ll•lllty M. Jeren••· Loan• to f1cllltate the Hie of real Htate 77.408 Contract• lor the eal• of ,.el Hta11 243, 135 Real ae11t1 ecqulred for ln~••~nt 887,819.~ 40,873,90& Tlllt ..__,. -fllM • ._. WW C.U-ty Cltfll .. Or ..... c-. ... '*-Ya. ... Reel •••eta acqµlrtd throuoh rorecloture L•H allowance for poaalble future 101111 8,054,018 (1,054,3(t7J 9115,493.024 7,722,800 14.171,816 NUlllll Federal Home Loan Benk Stock Office propertlH and equipment Prepayments to eecond1ry reterve of Federal Sav1nge and Loin lneurance Corpor11ion 2,588.290 17, 188,71 5 PICTITMUI Mlll••U ..... tTATWMa•T Tiit ftll•wlllt ,_, .. ,. It "lllt • llW!nntft: 'ICTITIOUI ""'••ts NAMalTAT•MaNT Other aa1111 LIAllLITIH Savings accounts Advances from Federal Home Loan Benk Mortgage-becked bonds Undl1bursed loan funds Other llablhttes and deferred Income CAPITAL Guarantee stock Paid-In capital Regulatory reserves Retained earnings (Including general reserves) --llNDlll $1 ,029,309,784 741.437,051 13e,868,800 14,000.000 29,090,999 M.250,812 977,465,862 1,283.S40 3,600.881 5,155 46.~.546 511844, 122 s 1.029,309, 784 L.OlllleT'tl VAHl•Ttt I.TO,. L.Oll&TTI VAHZITTI, tit *II l4Ne1 91r..C, ...._.,. a..dl, CA ...a, L.OllllaTTA JO aALDIVIA, Jtt Hlfl '""'-..._.,. htdl, CA....a. Tlllt ....,_ It ~-"' M IMlv~. ~.H1a.i.iv1t Tlllt "*"-I •• Hied wltfl ... C-'Y C.lef'tl fJI Or ..... C-y °"JM. "· ltl2, Pt_. P\llNllNd Or ..... CeeA o.lty Pllt .. l'ttt. t , t. 14, 23, IC S 12~ Tiit ltllowlllt ..-n on It 101110 -'-.. : u1n:,.,.,ta . .= "~'E°',V: ~ .. :: MeN,U.'26Z7 l lllrlt y A. 8onllt••t. 110) Slier......,. Pl., lc.tO., Hf--' lllff<ll, Ca.,,.., • Tiii• """""" It (Oftdwor... ..., .,. IMIV141o9t. Slllrlty A .... .,..,fl Tiii• ........_, -llled •Ith , ... c-ty Ci.t'lo. of Or.,... C-ly on ,....,...,.17.ttlt. - Gl . , ·r~J Complete fln1ncl1I s11tement will be made avallable upon request CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS NEWPORT BEACH 4001 MacArthur Blvd. CA 92660 • (714) 833-8383 • (213) 266-3060 Junior college goals changing By THOMAS D. ELIAS The figures coming from the world's largest community college district were stunning: Only about 3 percent of the students in Los Angeles Community Colleges move up to four·year schools after completing two years of study. Thal statistic was a shock becawie it shatters the carefully-cultivated Image of the community colleges as a system of feeder schools where hard-working, not-so-we althy students gel an educational start at almost no cost. The figure is not so extreme in most other California junior colleges, for several campuses in Ole 139.000-student Los Angeles district aim almost exclusively at teaching trades rather than college-level academic skills. Bul transfers to four-year campuses are droppin1 almost everywhere. The surprising two-year colle1e 1tati1tlcs appeared al the very lime when the four-year campuses of the California State Unlverslty 1y1tem were li&bteninl adm•lioa standards by requirln1 more Ena.Lllb and math ltUdies from new student.. Taken t.otetber, the deft)opmenta represent a major lhlft in California's educational empbula - a shift atudents have been makiq iradually on their own that 11 only now 1•ttln1 formal reeo.-from colle1e omclall. ft Items from chanted expeetat.klna: rt ii no toacer the expected, normal tbiq for all, or even most, high school graduates to move on to coUege. In fact, many high schools have cul back on college prep courses in the wake of· Proposition 13. Expectations of college attendance fueled Ole enrollment explosion of the l_,. and early 19705 at both community colleges and the slate university campuses. Virtually everyone could -and did - at least attend junior college free of charge and there were few barriers to university attendance. But no more. Four-year-college attendance was discouraged first by a scarcity of jobs for liberal arts graduates and then by imposition of fees. The state's post-Proposition 13 bud,et crunch applied a sort or clincher by causing a large new fee increase sure to discourage almost anyone who isn't a serious student. Tbe result is that for several years, enrollment in the 19-campus slate university system has remained fairly steady, not reOecting Callfomia's population increases. Meanwhile, enrollment al community colleges continues a slow climb, with the two-year schools absorbing many students who wanted only remedial academic work or trade instruction. In the largest district, Los Aneeles, only 40 percent of incoming students say they want lo continue past the two-year level -and less than one in 10 of those students actually moves on lo a · university. So a clear separation is emerling between the state's two-year and four-year schools. As the universities become more selective lban ever about who to admit, many two-year schools grow less academic. All this is part of a national trend. Reports the Chronicle of Higher Education: Many public universities are trying to stabilize or cut enrollments because of money troubles. There is also a growing reluctance to accept students who may need any remedial work, repealing classes they should have mastered before reaching college. "the choice is simple," wrote Glenn S . Dumke, longtime chancellor of the state universities. "Either (we) will direct (our) ener1Y to the f\lll meaninl of 'hi1her education' or (our) campuses will continue alone the paUl of beinl made into centers for rem~latlon. We must decide ln favor of the first choice." At the the univeraitlea act on that eonvlcUOn, both their student bodies and tbole at two-year collepe are cban1in1. Some may call the chaqe "eUUst," but there .11 DO stoppU\I lt DOW. (Eliol it a columm.t baMd 91 &Mio NoMca). 'Weekend' acheduled Oran1e Count~ ICntflltl of ColambH wll 1po111or tbelr Fo•rtb Aaaual ......... olLG..''ft.r Ute tJ •• •u'l 1 • M81ft JI and I at tlu II a17,ir0CM1 Cuter 1.- ,0r ..... Ebtertainment andl 11>0rta penoaa.UU., will be OD llilDd to taU put t.n ,_, fGod. ....... eatertatamoat, '=m:~:::::s The followln9 person h doll•ll ...,,,_.,, • 9 A H DISTRIBUTOR. >401 W 'IN<4rt!IW BlllCI., Senl• Ana, Ct '1704 eun HWOI Teo. 226 N. Al.oclln Or., AMhelm,c.. ... This _,""' 11 conOU<led by .., 1no1vi-1. BunHUOI ho .$-ft .. MOTICE OP IAL.a 01' fUlALP~ATYAT ll'AIVAT• IAL.a C.. ... AMJ• I• -5-ritre...ttf _ s ...... ~. --C-,tfOr- ln lhe Malter ot tl1t Ell•t• 91 WILLIAM EOWARDS l'ORT. lit, Oe<uMO Tiii• su ...... t WM fifed wllh - c-•Y c .. ,... of 0<•"99 c -ty on Fet>ru•rv 17, 1"2. Notice It hereby 91ve11 thtl the unOtrtlontd will .. 11 .i Private Wit, l'IUMJ to the hlohnt tnd bell ..._.. -i.<t to conflrnwtlon of Nici S--ler c-t, Pubtl-Oreng1 Coatt o.lty Piiot on .,, alter lhe w. Jay of Merell. na, ' Fet> U , M¥. 2. '· 1•· IWll Js>G at the olflce of Good, Wiidman. ---.. -,CTl-TIOUI-·"'· -.-u-,-.-.-."---HeQntU ~Walley. SGOO c-Drlvt, NAMa ITAT•M41NT P9JC l9ll( Newpor1 etacll. C•lllornlt tt..O, C-ly ol Oranot. SC-tf Callfomla. Tiit to11owl119 lttrton 11 loln9 all lhe rlQhf, tJlle -Int-I ol uld l'ICTITIOUI •us NESS blal-•: l'ICTITIOUI •UStN•H cieo ... td .. , ... lime of dNttl -... NAMESTAT•M~NT D.J.ll. ORIGINAL.$. 11611 Fltcll. N"""91TATUdNT the rloM, Ihle -_,_IMC Ille Th f II I I d I trvlfte,C..'2714 Tht tollowlng .,_,.on 11 dotno Hlate o1 .. 1c1 OK•-,.., ec-11"9d t 0 ow no person t 0 no David Jofln Atu, 11611 Ftlcll, DUtlMlt as· Dy -ration of l•W or otlletwlW ~Iller ~-SH: lrvlfw,c...m 1• FIN I z I 0 . s s TA M p s lllan or In -'llon lo-··~ Mid MA. eAYNAAD INGEASOL Tiiis .......... kc-IM 11¥.,. .... > E E 1 .., .,.. "' GOLOMANN ENTERPRISES (MA. 1Mlvl4h*. UNLIMITED. -1 ... ..ca y,..in c1ec .. -... lht llme of""'"'·"' •nd e .a.G.1, no. c-~ .... Mluloft OwtdJolwl R.., Trail. O<enge. Ce.,_ to •II the cen•ln Real property Vkjo, CAnMI. Tltll -•• lllell wltll -Fr•n• A. f'lnl1lo. 1011 EHi situated In Ille City of G"Otn Gro,.., ALAH WAOE SATTERLEE, 27oe6 c-ty Cltr11 of Oranoe c_,, on Euc•IYl*d Tr•ll. 0r•"9t. '8. tt... c-tv of 0r-.. ~ ... of C..l~I• C ...... 41t ......... MrulOft llltlo, CA ,..._.,IO, I'll Tlllt bullnns 11 ~IN l>'I Ml p.,llcul•rly C1e1crlllt<I H lollowt , tlllif1. P\1911 llldlvldUlll. lo-wit: Tlllt IMis!Mlt Is COl'lducted by • Pvllllllled °"-Coest o.lly ll'llot Frank A Flnltlo lot 1t of Trac1 4052 as per ~ llmlted'*1ftlnltl9, Fe. U 20 17 ~II • 1911 ,._., Thlt "91-t was llltd wltll 1N recorded In 8ooll U7 Pet" ~ of Alen SMterltt, • • • • c ounty Clerll ol 0raft9e c -ty Of'I MIK•ll---MelK '" Ille Office ot ~Pert,.. Feoruary 11, 1"2 the County Aecoroer of Or•no• Tiiie llMlfneM -Iii.cl wltll tltt P9JC 911C( fr1U22S County~ C-ty CM<1< of 0r...., COUftly on Publl""9d Or..,. CoHI Dally ll'llof • more commonly .._ .s: 11542 ..... 4.19. ,_ '1CTITIOUl•lnt••IS Feb.U.-.1.•.1•.19'2 ltl.f:t V••n• Street, Garden Grove, ------------•t Cellfornle n..a .......,. a-.,.. c.etl Dally Piiot NAM« eTAT•Ma•T .....C llTIC( Terms ol .... c..,, in , ... .,. _, .,.._ n . M9t'dl a. t, ••· l"2 e+G ~°!.~lno 119t'-• •ro _.,,. -----------.,t of 111e united sui.. « aMOflnnttion of FORMAT Pt«>TOG .. APHY, l41l ~floOlaUM••H • Ule, or pert CHll •11d balenu l'ICTITIOUI Miile RH .... ITATIIMENT Tll• t .. 1-1111 "'..., 11 dolno ...........: MO• HAMILL. A11octal"· •1 o.ww on .... 1111t1t "· ....._, aa.o.. CAflMt.. RO•EAT s. HAMILL. noo Prl"tte ...... ""-1 9eac:ll, CA ..... Tbh .....,_, ~ cOftduetM l>'I Oft ~·'"~'"· . .....,$._II Tlllt .. ...._. -lllect with IM c-•• Cleft " o...,.. c-1., on ""·"··- Pvbll ...... Or-C-11 OtUy Piiot. Fee. 21, -cll 1~ t , 16. 1"2 f.S4.C •1a~· • ~-1'---~~ ~-....... ITATll .... •T evidenced by ftOlt u cwred by " -~w .. .._, '"V'-• -"· ...... --Mortoao~ or Trust a.ff on Ille ttM6 TM 1911owl"11 .,..._, •ro .Nino proqenv so ~4.. Ten -ceftt or .truce w.oe-.-r. aa1 At..,.la _.,_, .. : amountblcltolle*"°'-•llltDid A ..... HW'illnlltOft ..._, C...9-VAL·JllAN. u u w ..... ltd., BIOS "' otters to lie In wrltlnv ~nd Cllarlt9 H.........,.,. M21 AllMla ANMim, ca.... wlll be rec .. ved ti -tforow4cl office A;'.:.j:~~.~ ~~~by 8 Ar1lllur P. LMot, JI., W a.11 Ad., at •ny a;--"'9 llt'Sl pull>llettlon " --AAellttm,U. ._. hereof -btforedtteof ule ..... , .. ....,_..,... .....,..., ll. i..-. )l.,W. lall Ad., O•leOINs l~hdtyof Febr.;_y IWll lruca ....,._"' A-""· U. '*' AdmOnlslr•lor ' Tll~ .._ -flied wlttl IN Tllll 111111"61 II ctndU<l .. by • t'l!lof FeOniMy C-ty Cltn of 0. ..... C-y on ........... -....... ofs.aldOK- FftNary "· l"1 ..... ,,,,,._ .... l.M9 Attor ... ".., "'"' ...... PuelltNt ()o' .... c...tt Deity PllM Tiiis ....._,, w• Hied wllll IN Publlsl'ecl Or-Cotfl Dally Piiot. c-tT Cltttl tf Or...., ~ "" Fe& 1J. 14 Mer 2. 1"1 ,_, Feb. u . -· 2. •• t•. 1"2 ,.,.. ,..,....., •• IW2. ·-----------,., ... PuMltNd Or .... CeMt Oelly Piiot FM . U. •. V , Met-di•. t9G 6U C .r-----------Ns-t1"4 PICTtTIOU191nlNaU -If' 11rftH NOTICEOl'lln'ENOEOTltAMl'Ell NAM• STATEMENT .._ ... llK 01' ltRTAIL Tiie ftllowlnt perlOft 11 dol110. -----------ALCOHOLIC eavaaAGR -•nes1t1: "ICTITIOUS au11••1S LICENSE UHDllt SECTl<Hel Nlt1 CALll'OttNIA I.ACING CO., 171'2 MAAQ ITAT•M•MT AHO 24114, CAlll'OtlNIA aUSINESS ---Pacific Coast Hl9llway, • Ill, The lollowlno pu•on h dolno AND PltOl'EUIOMICOOR .._ ,..,IW. wum......,.lleedl,C....,.. llUtlntSSM: Nameo111c-.1111So<ltt5ecvrlly ·------~---~,,Y W'lllam S<ott AncterM.,, 111•2 KELLER SOFTWAlllE. UH numb••. and hi\ malllno eddr"u l'ICTITlOUSaUSIHESS Pt c lflc Cotti HIOllWtY. • 101. W...Cllff Ortvt, ~ •UO. H-po<'I (other '"•n tocenwd preml1ul. •AMelTAT•-NT Hunc1,.. .. a..c1 .. c...t"J.a 9Mdl,CMlfomlat'2MO. ln<1Ud"'9 lll>C'* Tiie l•ll•wlno pertOf' " dolno 1..!1~·.·-busl •. ""'I• condwcttd ""... Kim llob.,I K•ll•r. USS LUCKY LIO!t IHc •• C.llfornl• .-..sines• e1: ·-• Wm. Sc-·~ SlltrlnftOn Piece . NewPGr1 Buch. co•PO••llon, <lo 71S O<u n F~onl, AllCO CO N STRUC TI O N _,..._.._, CellftrftlttMJ. Laouna Beech. C•lllornl• t701 COMll'ANY, Rlt 9olM A-. Uni! I, This .....,,_,. -Ill .. -U. This ~ 11 c-ltel W an Corpor•llon I 0 . ~ 'S-2'0o1ll -~a..cll,CA9'»4t. COUftlY Cltf'll of Or ..... C-y °" !Ml¥..,.,,..: N•me. So<••I ~vrlty numwr, •nd ALIEAT AOY lt0$SI, JR., ut) F-..ary It, !"1. Kim R. Kelter addren ol Intended tr•nsttreu . ..... .__ .. II CA .. ,... Tiiis .....,.... ... ,. .... with"" ln<ludlnoZlpCOOt ~1"" ....... HWll".,,... tc • PvOlllNd °" .... (Mtt Dally Plltt "C-ty Clef'lt of Or ..... C.Unty ... JON JOSE PH SPAii KS, Socla l ~II.....,....., Is cond<>cltd Dy.,, Fet>.?l.Mar.1,t.1•.1tn ~ l'ebNarJJ,1"2. Security No. su.o .atto. tn L• tndlvlduel, l'tlD'J ¥Ired•, L•ouna Batch, Calllornl• AJWt lloY llOHl,Jr. ---Publl-Or-COMI Oelly Piiot. ms1 Tllk ............ wn flied •1111 the .._ ... ,_ Fttl .• tJ JO 11 1"1 •10.C J AMES EOWIN STEVENS. Soclal ,..._ __________ ...,, ' • • ' ' Socur1ty Ho 2'2·1'-41l7. 1 ... T...,Pk c-ty ': of Ort"9t c-•• on • Ptc:TITIOUI 1u11•aa Hllll Ortve. La9'IN Bttch, C•Hlomla #et>. 1', 1 l't... leAMS ITAT••llT f9C mJIC( tt•St ,..,..,.,... Or"'Ot Cotll Dally Pilot, TM teflow1ftt --• ate _.,. .._ _______ ...,..__ lr:n~~:~ llcenw Intended to i.. l'tb.tJ.~2.t.16.19'2 ...., ........... : PICT1TIOUS9UM••ss N ., ON <•LE GEHE-·L l'ICTITICMIS Mtt••ss ..... ITAftMaln' Tiit ......... --• ero dol119 ~ .. : l'l.AMINGO LUIGERIE AHO WIM WEA9', Im ll. CMtll Hwy., --¥«.CA tlUS. MAllGAllllllT /IAAllY WARDEii lwlttl, t C-, lrvtnt, CA 92'1•. STl.V(N GORDON JOHN50H, t ..,., l"llN, CA m1•. ThlJ bl.lllnnl II ConCIU<ltCI by 811 ndl"'-· _...,...,..,.,w.,_ T1111 Ntlmtnt WM flltd wttll t1tt _,., Cltrtt of <><•not County on ttl.17,IC . COMME .. Cll ll'AINTEAI, UU IUMSITATaM••T o • ~~ "~ H•---BW..c:.alllleM.Ca.ftllV Tiit tollowlnt ptrtOll It dt lno PUeUC EATINGPl.ACE ,.,._. T-... us c.mtlfla L.ft., llllllMnn· llc:~._ ":•i::,' 1=~ to Wflich Ille caet~~A.~ ... wc-118 C••~:>~~~::::,·~~~u!!'*a!:~~~ c.i:i~~~. Ptacei>ll•. Co••• M .... L.ftvC..MIM.C .. ftUJ CtlltonlttMt The place -.,. cons-.ilon tor ..,_~:..,..~ It ~'" 11¥ .,, Jtelt ...,..,;r1J, Ml Ross Str .. t, the tranlltr of lht bu$lntQ -tN ~AT-Coola1MM,Ca11tom1amt1. llcen .. lttol>eNkl • TMs .._.;.. ..... wM Ille Tlllt --.sL It coNuct .. Dy• BURROW ESCROW COMPAHY, c-tv Cltf'll" 0r-. ~.,, ....,..,_ ... .,.. 1ne G.._.,.,.. 51,..... t...-8Nc:11. ,.~to, ttlll. TL'' .. :~lultlef1•-~I ...... w1-~ C•llfornla m11 p~ m -..., ~ ·-Neme --ffl of Ille escrow ....,......., 0r.,.. c.. Oelty """" C-tJ Cltn: of o..,... County Oft hOlder P:e. tJ. 29,17, llMrc:ll•. t• u.ct ,.._.,,,., tC. 8URROW ESCROW COMll'ANY, 1'1tm2 12 .. Glenneyre Street • ..._ 8Nc:ll, Publlw.d 0r...,. CottC Oelly Piiot. C•lllornl• ms1 Ftb. IJ, 20,17,Mtn:ll•, 1"2 6Sl.e2 , Total consldtrM'°" to lie Ptld for IN 11U1lnn1-liceMt: VS,000.00 MMtl'tl CH ll· SIS,00000 NOTIC• TOCA•DtTOtlS Ml,11111( CN<h: 01' MILM TIU."'1'•1111 Promluory _, ,,.... IS.CL •111 -6"'1 U.C.,,I •OTtC• tNVITI ... tlDS Tanolble-10< Int-Ible IDf"°"'rtv· PllC>lllfled 0r'"'91 CtHt Oelly Piiot, NOTICI! IS HIAE8Y GIVEN It tllt NOTICE IS Hl!RE8Y GIVEN tllal The Ptrtl u aorH Ill a t the el> 2J, Mettll 2. t. 1', 1"1 1Sl.f:2 Cradltw1 of LUCKY LI~ INC , a 1"t Botrd tf T~I of ttw Coel1 c .. 1io.rat'°" tor l!W treM~ ef IN Ct tltOf'nle cerpo ... u .... TtMmror, C.,,.mvftlty Col .... Olttrk1 of 0r..,.. -lnKt -,,,. Ileen• '' 10 lie ,.1c1 w1101e 111.slneu eddreu 11 1100 c-1.,, Ce Hf•mla, •Ill rectlw _..., only alter IN OePt<'I,,_. of A~I< Pltctnlla, C•la Mew, CCMotntv of Wt..., to lt:GO .. lft., ....,..,, ~II 8tver89* Cor!l•ol Ila• ._....., .,,. ,Or• ..... St.-of CMHIDmle, .,,_ t oo111t IA. "12 et h Pwc:Nllllt o.p.t-P,__ tr-1t# Tiie pan let alM l'ICTITIOUS•lntN•SS tr•M~ II ....,. to lie..,...,, JON tf Nkl <91 .... district ioca• 81 t J70 •o••• e nd herein II reel I lle ..... ITATSM41NT JOSEPH SPAllKS tllf JAMES Acl•llU Avenue, Cotta M•t•• ,-.,.,._,.._,, eKrow llOldw "'9t M Tiit folio••-.... , .... Is ••1111 •DWIH ST.IVINS, T,. ..... , .... c.i~.et...ictll.lllMM141tllft IU •N II ....... pay-"4 O< ....,..,...,, -lneua: .. .,. ... wlleM ....._. -K• Is ttS Le .. .,_k..,__...,.,_._: •llltln •....-bit••-~ t9lt MOl/OAlfC&LL OIL a. GAS lttl. MlrHa, Lt8IM8 9Hcll, C-ty of PUllCHAS& OF INIOKIHE IC completion of the trOfttftr tf tht Or-.., W..tf CM!Mmla. • D y H A M O M E T 1! It t. ll<tnM M provic.cl In Section Uf14 tf Prl..-llllMd, """"'19M<ll, CA Tiie .....,.,., to Ill trtNlwl'M It I HSTllUMtNTA TIOH SYS TR M I lie Cal ltornle 9ustneu a AO llOIEltT '·HAMIL' "-•· ....... ,,.~c.a--. w 1uexT. OllANGE COA ST ProtntlantC:O.. .., ......... C-'Y of 0rtllfll, II.Ml of cei""911a. COLL.GE LUCKY LION IHC., PM1ntt", UllD ,.,Iv ... "NII, Mt-' Seid~ 11-.Ctllllf111 ..... rol All • ._.Wt to 111 M IK<..-.Ce with a Callfornl• <.,.., ...... IMtll, CAftMe. Alt: All 1100 In lr8", ll•tllrt•. tllt lld P'Orlft 1"ttr11ctlt11• and By: S..,,_levlft-, Tiiis lllltlnttt It COfldVCIM llY • e~lllP~lll aMI to041 wilt ef IMt Ctlllll'-__, 5-11'""'-Wllkll ~ lllftltM,.,....,.._ Rettaunlll •n111us lo.newn H --•fllt811f-llleM<IHMlll T....-.nir "-'U . H...,H • ··-• J1t1_,......1Nt11S Tiits ........... -fl ... wllll tM C .. YITAL SALOON Mid toe_... .. 1'11 tlftke ti .. Pw<Jlal11t .... ti C-,._ tf ""-,. __ , -1M~C--.e,c..My ... Mlfcet .... fllilrtct J_E.....,..,,_. -·· ......... -··....---Of ........... c.1......... . ... ...., ...... ~...... ..... Tr....,_ ~. 11• 1•• ,.,... Tiie •111• 1,.111ftr wltt •• _._. ~l <"9c.l,~Mled <MO, IUAROW9ICl90WCOMP.A"Y C*le_ ............. ...., Ille'"" ... ., ..... ,. ..... -.,,..,.. ... 1 ... ....,.. ... ,...._.~C-OllllY~IM. er 4 ,,11, Hl2, et ltato A.M. al ~-.. C..~~ ue--11e111,CaM1RN ... 1 .-..., U. MlrO t, t , M. Itel ~ 14.!lt"OW ~ COMP.,.Y, 1.. Ol•trl<t ...... of Tn1ttM1 111 "' ._,_ ... .. '1CnTtOUS IUllllftl U11191TATUICWT T-. .......... __ ......... .. : . CACATIVK 90UJTIOMI, Uttt ..,__.,, 1....-Mttlt. CA ' • 0 .. f!M.,ro "'°"'• Laeto11a ... ell, .__. ...C It• tM11ft.,.9'Rlllt (9,.) ~lllltM a-... OMtl Deity '"*4, c.-itTf/IOr .... *'-llf Ca!Norflle. .. -... a e .......... h ,_.._., D. Hll ...... te tlW • lilMMI .. the Tr.._, r wllt MW IMt .. .,,....... ,..-_..--._......_ _____ _ ......_ _ _.. .. .,.......,... c.Mrattll .. _ .. _..... -·-~ tlle lflnl 'f9M' ......... ,.~ 111, Ill .. ._,. .t ...._. • ....... l ~ ... ,IK ''NOH•.·• ..._ _.. G!Mr_., .. ....-.t.. ~-:---;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;:--r-Tlle , ......... fllllle ~II "9c.ll_lll ........ trlll .. ~ -PiChl D•-111-.-.,11,,1_ llfallMll, .. f\111 ___ _..._ ._STA~ OMMt ....,,_., tt, t•. ...... ........ _......_.,, Tiie follewl119 ",._ It Wffla .. ,,.....,..... ... ...., ................... "' .......... : ,,_ ...... ..._. ,,_,....,....,......,.(.) .... .._ $1t0T TV1telt1TTINO • T.....,_ --~-----...-. O"A""ICf. -...._ ....... UMt ...... DC-.CDM!tMY Tiit .... _, n..-.. ,_... .. C ... c.---.c:e.- -........... .. ....... 91W ........ ~.,..., .. "--· ......... .. ......... ·~.,.. ... ., ~ ca.-. . ._ c.11 DIM.w ................... "' • ., ... ., ...... T1lll ..... --• -... ... ... ,..,. ..... .-... -=. _,.. '1111 ~===-.... .. ,......, "Ull ...... t....... c--. Cllfl -Ct..-• a A st.,..,. 41.1 cw ca • "' lttlfWJ.,,. ,,.......... ~_, ~-Cllll ._ ....: •••••• ,., . ..::.;:,:;:;Ji Ctlltl °""' ...... "' ... ~ .. _ ... ::: l .... ta NOTICI 011 IALI 011 & YIUILY&\.UID AT MOtllTMAM ... HOiio It lltf'tOy 91,,... 11W"41..,I \O M<llOllt a , '°'• 50f.S1 501 •nO IOl ol lllC'YITIOUS •USINHS ... H.,_ ~ Nevio.1-coo. of tM NAMI ST&TIM&NT I•• Of Cal~. "" .....,,......, Tiit fo1tow1110 IMlrtOlli a ra dOlnt •llY lrll11 .. r, wlll ttll al 1>11bll< butlneu 111 11<tHln, ti IO Hor111 Calt~lt•, Sovtll 0 C-~-... 12:00 II m °" Wed • M•r<fl AN ...... AR t:TC .• ,.., Sltrra rd, , .... , .... 10110 ... lno dHCrll><td Perl•, lrvlfte, C• '211J rty, 10 wM• JOY L• ~ •• 1"'2 $1err• Perle, I ttO Gt•u11er bo•I, Mo tor II D lrvlM, C• t21U l'~IN. Hlltl no .. ICAQO)t, •Ito ... J. n p.,, I c. 0 .. en.. I I merl< .. Tr•lltr. I D No D100ll, GolOtnbuVI, lrvlne, Ca 91114 k . JY710t. flllt bu•lneu h conduCl•O by • l alct ule h ror Ille purpOH ot ~11era1 oer1nenNp •ll•lylno ii... of tn. -"~ IO< .loY ~' .,. •"'-' Of uoo a.1 on "°'' •no J.., ~ IU,U lloreve looether wllll cott• 01 Tiii• st•1emen1 ••• 111.0 with \ht ver11stne .no ••Ptn.Mt or Hit County c1.,, ol Oranoe County on O.tH w1 '"II day ol Feb 1 .. 1 February' t'tt Tony Er11"9tf' ll11Mtt Published Ora,. Co .. 1 D•llY Pllol, Publlslle<I 0r""9S COHl D•lly Piiot Ftb U, 1'12 fl1-11 Ftb t•. Jl, AMrcll 2, t, 1"2 I OCM2 F-------------1 r PHUC 1111£ J l'ICTITIOUS IUSINIU NAME STATIMINT Tiit fot1owln9 person ll oolnv t>usl,,.uet CERTIFIED SE RV ICES, 17UJ Senta 1 .. 11e1, Fountain Valley, C•. tJIOI D•I• Palmer Win, 17U2 Sent• IWl><tl. Founte1n Valley, Ce '7108 Tiiis ~f~s I• cor\duct..i by an lndlvlaua1 OllANGE COUNTY MUNICl~&l. COURT H..-JW!clal Dl1trlcl ttl J a ,..,llert• aeul t •••d. Ht.._t ._ca, Cell! ....... tt ... PLAINTIFf' MARC R TOW 'DEFE N DANTS . J AME S BRIDGEMAN, NANCY BRIDGEMAN endt>OES \.10, ln<.tuslve SUMMONS lllRST AMENDED CASI: NUMelR ._,. NOTICI ! YMI ... ,.. --· TM 0.leWilt Tnl• •tat.,,_1 County Clerk of JAnuary 1'1. 1'187 was 111..0 with Ille <-may -let ...... .-y-wlftlwl Orange County on Y-• ._.,.. -rd "" .. " Y-~ •ltlllA •• y .. RtM Ille IA,.,matlH 1'1..,, ....... Published Oranoe Co .. r D<Olly Piiot II you wloll 10 -k Ille actvlce o! tn Fell 2, 9, 16, 23, 1912 ..... , ltlornty In lhl• maner. YC111.~llouel..'do so promptly so lllal your wrltlon resoon.., II any, may tw lllKI on time AYISO! u-.. ... aide dem-'9. l'ICTtTious •USINUS II trlllOINI ,..._ -W~ c .. tra U'- sl• a•flt 11cl• • mens qtoe u •· NAME STATEMENT '" ....... .....,, dt • dl.ts. IA• la T lie following penon Is dolnO lltfo""ecltfl 4• sl ..... 1>Uslnau H SI UslK!dHH ...i1c11ar el con..,jo de BOBCAT EARTH MOVING un •llOQ9do ... Hie asunto, ... .,.,,. iPECIAL llES, 14.JO Llllltton P!tce, II•<•• IO lnmedoatamentt. d• HI• :osta M• ... CA 926?6 mane••, su rHPWSI• t scrll•. sl ney PE'TER GRENFELL dtBRUYN, ••oun• • .,_ .. , reghlrada. tlempO IQO lillltton Pleet Cost• Mesa, CA ' TO THE DEFENDANT • civil nt?• complaint ,,., lil1td by Ille plalnll!I Tl•I• bu•lneu 1< cor\du<!td by en •u•lnst you II you wlsn to Otltno """ r\dlvldu•I lawwll, Y°" """' wllllon JO daV• alter Pet•r G de8ruyn ttus ~wm~ t\ sertt0 on you. Ult Tiiis sl.tt""""I w•i 111..0 wlln tho wllll 1111s cour1 a wrlt1en rtsoon•e to County Cler' ol Or•noe County on Jan tlle cornplelni Unten you do '° your 12, 1'192 Cltf•ull wlll lie ""'*'ltd on •Pl>IK•l•Oll l'ttU4J ol Ille 111a1n11tt. ar\d "'" court mo Publl\l'l8d Orange Co<,.I Dally Piiot, tnltr • judgmen! 4t9<11nsl you tor lllt ,Fel>. 2, 9, 16, U, 1"2 SJ0-11 rollel oemar\ded In Ille complaint, whk h could f"f''\Utt in o.trn1\hm.nt Of w•oe•. lalllnQ of m<llWY 0< ll'OC>erty or otP'l•r relief rf'qut'\t~d tn lt\r cornpl11nt ruauc 11ncr "CTITIOUS aUllMISS NAME STATlfMINT ~lie !ollowlno person I• aoln9 bult lMHH ' TUSTIN PLAZA APARTMENTS, 131 Hall Clrc te Tu•l•n. C•IUornl• 9J6*) Tuslln Plara Come>Mtv cio Roy E Daly & C-nv. Corpo .. tt Wooeb 81dO U, Suite loJO 1717 Wot "°'" Slree! Overt•nd Parll, Kan..,> 1>6110 T llh l><l•lness is condu< ltd l>v • 11mlled oennusltlp RoY E Oaly & Co W ry Ellen D•ly P•f1Mr Tn1\ \t•ten"ent w•~ Hied "'''" the DATEDO.Cembrr28 1'191 J ~erM>n c .... &v V l D•"'fO Otouly LAW Ol'l'IC:IS 01' MARC R. TOW ervctG . .._..,EMI IJll DeV9 Slrwt, F..,r111F-, Newpor1 ... ell, CA 't'IWO 1114) 75).~U Pul>hllltd Or6ft91! Co.a.I 0 .. 1. Ptlol Feb ?. •. 1', 13, IWJ S•I t? County Cler-of Or•nqe Coun1v on J•n t.-------------18 1'111 T-.m.1Wt1h A Lawc:._.u.., NOTICE 01' MARSHAL'S SALE .... 111MJ * N••-1 C-Orin Stolle Oo • Htw~r1 ... ,ft, CA 91'60 PLAINTIFF El OORADO 8ANK a C•llfomle coroorbllon DEFENDANT JOHN RODEFFER ti •I ~11Uti By vir1ue of •n e._e< Litton ''"""d on F ~u~ll:hecl Or•~ Cots! Oa11y P1101 Jenu1ry 9, 1981 by lltt Mun1c •P•I e .1•. ,.., . Court, C•ntr•I Jud•<••• o'""'' SJ4.t7 C°"ntv of Or•noe Sl•te or Cahtorno• .___.....;;..._....;;. ______ ....;;.--'!' upon • IUdQmenl tn1trtd •n tav0< of MUC NOTICE , EL DORADO 8ANK a Celllornl• 1 corpoullon .. ludQmtnl creditor\ •nd -------------... •o•lnll JOHN RODEFFE R ano SUl"IEIUORCOURTOl'THE KATHY RODEFFER •• jud9menl STATEOl'CAl.tl'ORNIA FOii debtorl, lhowlno a net balilnce of THI COUNTY Ol'ORANGI $7,00 •1 e<lually-Oii \aid luc1Qmt'11 In Ille -"·' ot -AppllUllon of on ,,,.. dalt of Ille l\Wilft<t of Uld SON VAN TRAN euculiotl, I ,,.,,. ltvltd uPO" ... Ille No.A 11200S rlglll, llllt and onltrtll ol Uld ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR 1uoome"1 doeblors tn Ille PrOCWr1Y "' CHANGE OF NAME Ille County 01 Oran9e St alt ol Wiier u s, !ho petition ol Son VMI Celllornle, -rtl>eO •• 10110 .. , TRAN lies bffn filed wltll Ille tier~ of Loi" of Tr•cl •l!O as"'" ruM- tllU court tor an order <"•n111no In Boot. J91P9CJP$3Ho JI 1nclu\lvo 01 Ptttlloner'i name from SON V AN m•s<lfllMWOU\ ~°' 1n thf> off•tt• ot TRAN to JOSON VAING CHANEL. tr.. Counly Recor~ on !l'W Count, 01 IT IS HEREBY ORDERED,,,., •II Or•no•. AP No '63-111 ,, ptr\On\ inttr•stf'O 111 \•fd m •tttr Mor• commonly tl.now n I"\ l appear t.lore !hr\ coun •t 10 JO• m . Rlmrock, Coty ot I• vine, Counlv ol 3 10-81 1n O.pan,,.,.n1 3 lo s-cauw Oranot. S!att of t alllO•'I•• wlly lllls •111>lica11on lor Cll•noe of NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN l"<lt n•m• •llould not lie orantea on TuHdav -rcll 1nc1 1'87 al 1 oo IT IS FURTHER ORDERED lllel a o'CIOCk p.m al County Courtnou>• copy of 1111• onler to '"°w cauw lie 46111 J aml>ortt &oui.••rd. I Front of publltlltd once • wok for tour Cour111ouw>. City of NtwPO'\ 8H<ll t<Kceul•• -k• prlOr lo Ille day of County of Orange, St•lt of Celllornl•, 1 w ld llHrlno In T"" Dally Piiot, • wlll sell •t publk auction 10 t"" 1119nest new•paptr 01 oener•• clrculallo'I CklOl!r, tor u'11 In l•wful monh ol Illa printed In Ille Counly of Or-Unltto Staltt, all 1114' rlqM 1111# tnd Delt Jenu¥Y 2' 1'92 lnltrfll of Wi<I 1~1 Clebto" In RONALD H PRENNER Ille al>Ow ~rll>P.d ll'OC>tr\y, or to J"'* ol Ille mucll lllereol •• mav be nec••~rv to SuPtrlor C""'1 .. 11sly .. Id tllKUl•on wolh ac<rllfd Law Ottlct " lnltrHI -c~s Rutltlf• o._. Jr. D•ltd; Febn>ary ?, 1'87 AttWMY .. Law Htrbor Division .,. .. _...._.,_, Don E Rllea S.AteAM,Cel--• 17141 S4\.12S1 Mer-'>•1. Oranqo Coun!v G•r•ldW N..-l'Ousa Pubtfsl'l8d 0r"'91P Co .. 1 O<Olly Piiot Fe1! J. t . 1', U , 1WJ ))44; PlllUC MmCE AMe.MI T.S.Nt.1- NOTICI 01' TltUSTEI S' SALE '1007 u Pai Rd Sullt J/>6 Mlulon Vltio C• ., •• , <1141 Ul~ll PubHUllG OrM>\ll' Co.ast Otlly Pllol Feb •.I•. 2J IWJ "3117 PUBLIC llTICE On Merell 10, I'll al 11·00 a.m. Fini N~1n1 Amerk an Tl11• lnwrance Comoenv. • SU~ERIOR COURT Calllornl• corpor•Oon H TNSIM, or OF CALll'O•NI& Succeuor Tru•l•e or SubUltutad COUNTY 01' Oll&NGE 'TrvtlH, of ltlttl ,.rt .... o..d of Trvtl , .. Cl•k Cellw Orift WHI t Hcuted l>'t Verl'Oll A. Jollnoon •nG h• .. Ctrolyn P. JotwltOl't: Fra11k M Verr1fl Se-. AN, C:A t2.7tJ and CvnlNa l.. VerrHI. -re<W-MARRIAOllOI' Sec>ltmber •. 1M .. lnttni..-1 no PE'TtTIONER TONG VAN UIS, In -IJm. pave•«>. of Ottlclel NGUYEN Atconh of Oreno-County county, RESPONDENT MUI TH I LE Callfor11le , and pursuant lo Illa! SUMMONSll'AMILY LAWi certeln Nolke of Default end EIKtlon CASI HUMllR. Dltl1•7 to S.11 ,,,......,,,.., re<orotct Oc-• NOTICll 21. 1'11 u IMlru..-1 no. mn, In Yff ...... -.-. T-. c_, may book 10 ... i>ell• 130, 01 Olllclel dt<W. ... ...,. YMI wl-y..., .. ,... 1119'ordt of..._, C--'Y, wlll undtr ar\d ,...,,. tMletl ,_ r_.i wltlll11 JO purtuent to teld o..d ol Trust wll e! N yt . •-IM lftf<lr~ltftM-. publk allCtlon tor osll, law!llt ,,,_, AYl50! Of Ille UotlteO SC.• of A-rice, el lllt U t i t• II• s .. e 41tm••41t•e. EI mel11 •ntrance to f'lm A""'lc•n Tit.. tri-•I ...,... _.,.., <-• u-. ''" fnsuranct ComNlly lo<al•d al 114 ..-..11e1a • --U•. ·~ E•tl l'lfttl Mree!, In "1t Cit'( of S.nte NMrt tit • lllK. IAe I• IMenM< .... AN, Calltomle, aH .,.,. r19M, lltle --.i.-. 111 .. rut conwvM lo -now lltld &., II 11 you '#ltll 10 -" thll advice ol e11 undtr Hid Dffd of Truat In tllt 1\lornty lft ltllt m.tler. vou -utd dO -rty ti-In .. Id C~ -IO P.-OmJ>lly WI tfl.i your rfl-or SC." dM<ribed H . pltedlng. II e11y, mev tw filed on time Lot 2 of Trect No. 11*1 et thOwft SI Ullld dttH IOtlc lier ti conwJo Cle (Oft• M8P t"Kordtd 111 8-2"', P.... un •1it0119dD tn eslt -•o. dtlll>•I• 41. ft -'°of MIKell•-Mell!I. lltcerlo ln-dl•l•mtnte. de •Ue re<et'ftOf0r8'9c...tY.C .. ltomta ....... r •. IU ·-·· 0 ·•-clon, •I Tht ttrwt eddr'eSs or ot!Mr <Ol'lllNl<I llay ••ouna. -a. .., f'e9lllre4a • •sl9Mtlon of &aid property to .... ,.,, , ......... SNtor41 Cfrtll, Irv ..... C•lllorftta. I TO THE RESPONDENT: Dlr.ctlofll to -·~ oroperly T,,. 11•tlllenH ~ !Ilea a petition ,.,..., lie.._...,. ltY r~lllQ Ml-CllftCtfllf"I \'OW merrl-. II yov f•lt IA •rltlftQ '""' .,. !Mftefld•rt •tttllft t11 Ille • ,.......,. wltl'tln JO deY1 Of '"' lO ~"" f'-1 "" tint OUl>lkall1111 at .... lrwt 1111• "'"""0111 I• •erved Oft tMt Mtlce. .,OU, .,_ dtleull may ti. tnttrtd •nO Said u le will lie m eet wrtl'tout tllt court "'ay t 11ler • Judvmtnt cev•ft•nt tf werrenly, t llllAU or ctftlalnlftQ l11jvnc11 .. or Ollltr orelttl '""'""· at to 11\lt , lle'\W UIOll tr co11cer111"9 cll•lslon or prooerty, -umbt~H to Mll"Y IN _.., '4*1,.1 .......,, Child c111--,, clllld MllllCt due on Ille llOlt t1r not .. Wlltl0f1,'"""""' '"9. Cettt, end MICf\ -Ured 111¥ ..... OM., Tn.e,t, .. Wit; oCMr rttlaf .. may .. Ven!H toy , ... t1•,1-.11 • ..-.. .. ~ .. 11m.-teurl, Tht ... n1s11me111 ot ••oe" '"'•· •--.--c .. 11 Ille tlltlllf Of _., or ..._rt.,, or °'"'' ti-Of ..,_ ~i.l ~..., " IM• court •llllW'lftld -HClinoJ m•y al• "94k tafs.ie:'1•1•. ,...ult. OATIDl "*-V&.t• O•tH:~•.1 .. 1, l'llt.tT ~ltlCAN TITLE Lii A. llllANCH, INMfltAMCI COM•ANY Clorll A~C:-lty·NAHCYWA~lll, o..~ ~. ~ ... OM<w YAllDAO&LlltfTll•ll,llllC. ............. , ••• 11 ........ n:t ... AM.CA. tmt ..... -.u..,. '1141 '9Nt11 Ttlt CU•> MWllW ~llMd °""ltf C..-Delly "lltl, .._ ....... O' ... (Mlt 0.lly Piiot ,., '" "· '*'· t. ,. ...... "· u. Mardi 2, •• "" 11MJ 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 D A I L y p I L 0 T c L A s s I .F 1 E D 6 4 2 • ·s '6 7 8 .......... Olllrlttl•twtt ................. , ......... . •••••••••••••, ••••••••• •--•••••••••• •• ••••,, ,, , ·•••••••••••••••••••• ltlmlttl I ...._,,.,1+ Hll 19'= C...._ ' UH ......... ,.......... .._. HM Usrirt.... 17ff c.11.... Hl4 ............. ~~,,...... JIH .. e, ........ , .......... .,._ 114 ................. a""' ... ~. •••••••••••• -.. •••-•••••••••••• --·--......... e•e•e•••••••• ••• c y Aat1um t•latill1 t~ to •• .. ett•H•••0 ••ue .. • --Of 'J'wDboaw ntw 3 br a ba A M 0 M OCIAHrRONT I •' Ir. I a 2 a J a lou · 0 * C Zlld WANl'ED. "°'*°"Lido MWCIY NW tio, &~r. Park.' pool: COlltO AwtAI. Wiat.r. WMl!lyt Newl1 cftcor. Ciu pd !r,!iow inn ktpt Tn lilt rot intome proper· Rentln Coeta .,..... ac s1rno.w .ean 3 Br. full 10Jl courH 111-ma _ eatl ,., d~11httr, ~ta nur So Cout l Prin!>ftl ~ NEWEST 11\td 20 RANCHO SAN JOAQUlN view, ltMia, pool, 1p1, Want lolntthlni xlu pool, ~. A lu. no lau Ntw rarptt l 3Urull. DOK Equity Towobomt VlLLAOE Townhoulfl apllt-levtl 2 leaH. UNO. H M04 aptctal In 1 2 Br . .IQ.5073 r!'"' ln two uolta Built r.aatlidt CM OOMMUNITY 2 &ta Br 8t dtn ca aoU touric 8lu T~ compltttlY IMSTAMT lt4I na. frnud yard ' ~62M 2"' Bl LIOO ll001q ft or 211 Ba 'A1C view 997s' 2 Br. I Ja. Ntwport tumT• Mo. Tflo.9117. 1365/mo. 1 Br I 81 tnclosrd a1ra11u pun h.ucury Gar11ea. 1 .... -' . Htl"i.'" v-private , d OPEN THURS strN ,...... hydro·tut. h muter _.,._., __ -...,.. ••1 H ' Ovtrlookln& Ntwport Adult• onl1, enrla WEf.KLY 811 Jttnnlfrr ••••••••••••••••··~··•• auJlt, din101 rooma, a Br z1, Ba, FR . Crplt, ~~·· nor Oii Bay 21R, 2BA. Lr& aaraae. wuller hook up. Land' M .............. 4 woodbumln1flreplar~1. dbl aar. bit 1n$, 1325. , --Patio. Pool ~Tennis amall yard Co ll for •••••••••••••··~··••••• micro wavt ovtn a. ~ 1480.661·•220 l~do tale• BR a Ba, no llJ.50 Mo. Lona or Short •PP' IMVISTOIS ..... I.a.ct JI06 pnvale pat10t ar yards 2 bdrm, 2 ston-11, ba pets Avail 1mmtd. t.erm.MM3$0 TSL~OMT __ S..21803 F' S841MAI ••••••••••••••••••••••• <iardentr provided condo "The Caku'' Joan, 912·931l . 840-3066 Whitewiter ocfln vitw 1100 orr lat Mo Rent 11 t nor nt'" units Atlrot>tht 2 Rr ~ 811 Elegant livln& ~nly 15 Xlnt loc Btau dee fl'f Y.l 20 ·~ to u.nd Nicely Spadous 2 Br, 1 81 S39S $t'llu WWI) arctpt t'Qwt~ A\all "°" lhru June minute. from f Hh1on recfd, no peta 1850 mo IAYROMT fumithed 2 br duplex 3 Br. Iii! Ba . $4.25 Laun ~"dosin1 t fam1I~ hom• ~mLJ!75~7 l11and.7 menutHloSC. 84().~ 21,,_, 4 + bdrma 2 avail n ow 10 Si l ~lac., 1$4119556 ~ wn pa~ lllf'nt As ...... Pina or O C Airport -1• ' 13 $u~ O\fr 1210000 1st ,. port•edl 316' Jwt east or Newport HHTAU baths . r1replue , mo. 1·01]4 IMMIDOCCPHCY! TD FUii pn<'f S360 000 •••••••••••••••••••••••1 RI d •· r S DI lbr. lb11 '650 goreeoua view. Pier and ir-cl ... 3716 5'00/mo 2 Br I Bo , • C~nnt~ \'lll1111e Mobile v • lio o an ego b S3000 mo Av II --·•• I 1.lu rq f rt'derl\·k .l liom:Parkf'llrnlJht'd 2 t'rwy StartmgatSOOOa 3br,2ba ~ ~,P Ptr · • ..... ••••••••••••••••••Adults, pool, bt1mtll 631·1266 Br 2ba pool adh$ 00 rronth 631 5439 2473 3br2ba smo<:osu Mesa tb.1 2 Br. l'-' Ba. walk to ce1Un1. laundr)' room peis. dost' 10 shul)!I & Orang" 1\\1•. Cui.ta LeRalAoclllty~..a600 ~•di. 225 La Paloma, No Pit. No IHI mo mtaurants S7SO mv 1 r Mesa · 8. "50. 631 7918. l'el'I( I> Incl ut1I 6733GllS.vr 2 Br enclsd 11aragt> ~·e~u~/s~tAmo S...AMI 3780 TSL MCMT_ll42t1Wl 1·~·1648.1 772·1801 Adult.s.nol)l'ts ~25 mo Month lo month ••••eH•••••••••••••••• • 3 Br Condo nr SC: l.ottfwS. 2200 SEA\'IEW f'ormH TI3W Welson 631488!1 75912'll.~. 2 bdrm condo. bit Ins. Plaza. SA. Pool. spa !••••••••••••••••••••••• --'-I 381 3b Cl a o.. h r 1 part furn. pool. ronv garage S7SO \' K I muuc ' a ('l.'(ln 4 r 3 ™ se.. rp l', If-Cl....--'-3276 S49·3232or641 1460 t'fltura •~s luxur)' oc 1iew 12000 mo Denni~ fenct'd yard No pl'ts a...t .. WooclwidC)e --""' tr1111p, stcure, Qu11~t. I "uh unsurpassed \ll'v. Ric-kelts & i\~bOI' 5780 mo ~ dep Allt 31:1R.2ba,ramrm.gar ••••••••••••••••••••••• carport.PY\patio,1mall of l'hannel Spal'e 6S ~I~-6ot2-5?22 fireplace. yd. 1·athedral Octan view, Spanish dog OK~ Btaut. tbdrm rondo pnme S.C. Plaza lo<' Waterfalls. streams spa. pool $800 mo 171')613-0Cl19, 67$.()MO boat Ov. nt>r ma~ help l'erUnic Yr lse 631 61111 style, 4 Br 211 Ba Wood 541 5002 r1nun1·t> $31111 ooo Lo•tfvHon! 3 1 j .. .,00 r decks. frpk . prof de ln>656·9236 8054862142 UDOIAYFIOMT 3 bdrm.~ ba, v.alt>r. PfUPl'OOY."' i.q 1 ror washer•dryer. bll Sollfl!L0911H 3716 I 2 bedroom and den ;i icardener lnt'lulll'd $7!15 4bdrm home. 11reenbtllt. Ins . ma n Y o l h e r ••••••••••••••••••••• • • Mcultain, Dta.ri. bath P"' ate p.itw 2l'tuldok 644 Z778 rul de ae. upl(rades amt>ntties No peb Laguna ~ach, beaut llts«t 2400 "' Jllabli' thr ough l A1a1l 3 I lin1Hri.1t ) s1200 mo + Sl200 rum . s111le 2 BR , spa. Weitfield ••••••••••••••••••••••• 6 30 112 Sl.iOO month Wes1~1cle :! fir. I Ila Park Apph:rn1·e~ md. Seeunl) +S200cleanmit uuna. s atellite TV . Eqwly Partnerllhlp or Broker.6Jl·l300 J\ail S5SO (,u,11:•• 1950 mo No room Call Ron 2l3 924 71:196 maid sen SJOO "k AP.UTMIHTS Beautiful garden ap1' Patios detk11 Spa heat paid Nopeh fert'd Cathedral l'an\on 1 )a!d K11h ol< &It 0763 1 IT\iltes. rlu f>l'll• 759-0000_ daily 714 492 9763 l!\'l!ll !!4·49!:¥. l'oontn tlub 2 Rr 2 .Ha t'Ompleteh I urn l'ondu t block from heath IJarl <I Br. 3 8:J rondo mo n' 2 II r War rn 1 n g l on l wknds +if. lwllh Ternb l~ontai·t O'o!.ner l Ulg 1 Br hou!>e Sips 4 .imen1t1elt S~OO On 1t1'o!.nhome 5700 mo SClllltoAM 3210 ~ il4 998-0l2.'i Winter n•nc.1 I $(!10 1 67~~. l'\t'll 64!12439 l;11s Miller. Al(t 631 1266 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Jo)n• 6.11 1266 'll1r' dean 2 Rr t Ha u.,..a hoch 3241 ~·ar··2•&•••o;n·,~-g··r~~· ~ 3102 it..dwt, F«!M, I Decorator' Rlj? r.1mun l'ncl!>d j?3r1t1?e ~ Jrtl. ••••••••••••••••••••••• :2IJ()() sq ft Ne" ly rt.' ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 BR 2 BA SS25 ll8 W Wil!oll 631 5583 PINE BLL'Ff' A PTS Gfoo•ts 2700 To-.nhomt• 2bdrm Zb11. I nev. paint & <'arpt•I Nu deroraced $750 mo fllT ······~················ adult:. no pet~ SI 100 I pet!. $525 t )('l'Urth OCfAHF•ONT m ~ ~6-6249 APTS-~~~o~~os 2 Br 2 811 No pees Patto. '1ew. frplc Jacuw. gar . ga~ ~tuvt• ~ 631·6107 10 At re). ,l\ 111 .1d1•~ I \"' IM6t.129S Z>44 Oranite hllU'l' ll MOllUHOMES Ranl'ho l.il I:! 1111 1 "'' I 5-182'17!1 I•, m1 of p\1 hr·h. 24 hr 4bdrm.2ba.lrghom~. rl' Ltst allareas.pnres 5165.000 :\lnl 111\'I''' :1 BR2'1 BA + blulf~l'un . ,,.1·unt1 . lot1> of 1·0,·1·~ & modeled earthlon1•, S15fee Cuar 85().0535 ~7 32Jlll do tito9 rm lt SllilMI mo 12 Br I & full l'.irpf'ls I rocks. ·28r .1dlh uni}'. ~mo + lase + 1350 Quiet l~R Gardl'n Apt :-;r \ ll>Jha 1~ J\'ll' flJt I Be.iullful I ~nds~ gar~l!l'. fe~1·ed ool) no dO((ll. 4 to rhuolle M'<' 673 4899. 645 2971 lc6oo lsJ.d 3806 ~; ~~~;:tsS37~1lG~~ I I I d ~ A•.'l. 760 ~711 a 1· ) " r P J 111 I from 56511 to SllHMl 17111 ,._ ... 111 • .ht._ •••••••••••. •••• ••••••. · , ' n SOI . ll!'n .... ,l\t'I .... ..... s~-r dn r ruJ '\o ~ ~-Pd No peli r\r llU) "' II b I I a '"' . l' tt ' -t99 ,,,,16 u ... .&..-.1-..... d 3425 2 bdrm. I ha En('I gar "l' ne" 2 r m(l l! I.' pet!. SSOO mo !>411 54 1~ ARR f I ' I ~ A I ... 8 A riv Shop. ~ 3563_ home, 32x6U farm bldi; I Bl'aut Bachelor $625 1 r>r7705629 1;: . l'1llA rp l'. \ ll'v. ••••••••••••••••••••••• va1 , .. ar y~a . tractor. eqwp Sl75 1KNI ~Hr n-...bilt• Lido $7()(1 :'-lev. l'arllt'I Oltll•r l'11t Reaut 2bdrm condo. leaM" S57S mo No pet~ Ute, lri91!t Airr OWCl528~~i4 lmrrul'lllrT'o!.nh' Sl2iS 3Br 2'i8:J t1m r111 1h11 IJJ:I' sais ~111 li7S11J19 , pnme ~(' l'IJta 1111 E\&wknds714 673·9120 La rge t BR dn" n , w AT t: R FR 11 :-, 1 rm. rmdt•rn k1tl'twn ,11 j v.·iterfall' ,lrt'l!m' I•---3107 " pat111 & ) ard up llN .... ' 1111•1L.'S lttl'ht'li l (',II )!<II $!JOO L-N1-1 3252 . ·, s'"l)) _,...... .... balron1 & 1·.athedral IL.dNMgt 100 l" r ·-r-~ ~ 'JJJ IJOC> " \ 010 ••••••••••••••••••••••• I u 2 631 I'()() Int 251>"7 t:ldt•n \\\' ('Jll ••,•••••••••••••,•••••••• ~I ' 673'"119 t'75ll'"I C'l'lhn° (mlc . d "· ""'11 ••••••••••••••••••••••• • uv.11r979 5\~J'J 1 "1i:uel l'ounlr) l luh. lu' j '' •' "' ·' ""' I OCEAHFlONT spa. ~ar.Port :-;o p~lll Want a tax llh<'ht>r' St•ll 11nous 2 Hr :! Ha lakl' SO. COAST AREA 2 bdrm. 2 bath. ne-. .tdulL' onh S46S & up m) I l2)earm•-. lrtplt•\ CHOICE E. SIDE '•~" 1uncl11 rrn 1!1111 2 Hr. I Ba Al' llOOI r\'•' J>JIOI & t'»f'l>t'l Yearh ai50 Harla ~9·2447 ur exchani:l' t'qu111 for Houl.H Unfvnlishtd 2Br I '•Ra l1ph 111111 IJlr'o!.u~ All Jmt'nit11•, I lac-ti , 't'I' )!JI<'~. nol lease $76S Call Lrnda or rondoor~O'o!.nt'r Aft1•r i •••••••••••••••••••••••1 r.1ni:1• 11\t'll J,h-.~h1 1 lil:. unlum $795 ll1111 Pt'IS $SJO r p !Nill 3652 Art ITTS70fi0 QL'IP.T AOL'l.TS O\er 35 714 760-117'\4 Gefttral 3202 pJ\111 1'1•11 ~"' n111 ""I 1~1 7!J6b Jfl :.1~.t 56H I unfum I Br lo" er SJ.rn :'\u2&JBR. 2BA )et1rl) o~ I I d :-; TRA()r. '1111 h1•m1· •11t ••••••••••••••••••••••• lll.'t' ~1 Jl.1 m1ll1111 Mi . Vi . 3267 ----------1 I k ""'aut an M'apenl( . " • 5MOn 110 THEllUFFS ~rpk.htin.' )(Jr.par pell. LEEWARDAPTS lJdo de.ir !Ir.ti Jl'rl' ral I lltti\!\ I> N FW 2 1111 \ 'llN '............. •• • • •• • • •• .., I h ... IOI( no (' to b a) t. 2lW F'llllerton. 631 0397 Cit• rJnrh nr lln·Jnl PfTS~IUDS 01( 11111" t'l.IH:' ~I llO\tE$ FOR HE'IOT ,,p;tl'lnus our <'nmlm •t<'\'lrn Rrkrfi75 4912 llt·.111. tc.rh l.t'J'l'1l for \l"l'Sll. t:SCO:'\IHIS ~ 1117 .I 11<1rrn' Sli7~ t't•n1t·ll l CIClrl'•' hJth r_undn l."r"n 2 l'r I l'J TIU: \'ICTORIA:'\ :'>t•" I l'I 11 r 1 u a •J l'I u IJ 1• .11 "rt t• I u ,. ~ > ' I d 2 8 • · r l'Jlllt'. l(J' .\ oil I.it-. . ·' a ' J t'U'· I" ,.,., IJ!o! hou~t·"' l!Jr '"" ul '.m~ & l(aral!•'' l\1tl' & 'I: h I S71tl mo Refnl((' lnt·ld } ec·or r " i:" ta~1 ... h11(h .1ppr1•1 I 111' SI.Ht'\' tiu.ir 11:.1111~3;, I bit '"'· t Mrr.11 $<11•1 nk1 Pt'L' 'o!.t'l1·11me s-1:. 2C•NI '' !:~111 's1~fsP~~1\ ~~: No fll'L~ Sa' aitt' Wilde & :11~ ~~:~ & Ad::1~'\~~\1 of huntini: &. fi,tuni: I Dep $120 l'.111 JU ~I'"' \i:Pnl.ni•ll't• I} ll'a~t' Rrokt!r63t 731~1 Co ti75~661.16 be\'o!.f.'en 15PM 63'i -11211 ll73 l!'>IJ lalloolsa-d 3206 &162!'>12 Aq11I \I .art h I L' I pd H d I 66i G \'1M1>nJ $4711 ••••••••••••• ••• • ••• ••• .... d l••t ''I'" ''Ii \ Htwport hach 3269 $3511 II I r l'aupl"~:.~1 • • • • • I 0 •(In ik spen' sivl not high m price; reason· able cost. classified advertising Ra)frOOI. be.1rh 2 Hr 2 "".:sl.51 ... .. • >n -••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 bdrm. 2 ba. nr So l'OJ~I 417 r. Ra} r\\l' ' "" Ra 123 E Ru> lrnnt I 't hd A.I.I \nwn1C1t'' I llJrbor Htdl(.-lt'.I''" 4 Hr l'IMJ $6(l0 Adults unll 542 0190.!'>17 1155 8J lbn.i I 'land Sl 20ll ~ 675 ({,O:l .I ,El.a.DR F tt ,111111 ~ 12'11 Slellh co be:u h. 1 ute I hr "inter 51400 annu,tl E s1d!'Coll.11(t' 2 h1 I bJ 1 h1jthl> up1o:rat11•1I. l.1b \ u. hul!t' )d. qu11•l ~tn•t>I 11.-rb. da)'b 213 47M 3577 patio. )d. i.:ar $~1•15 i.:uard i:.Ht• pool 1t•nn1,, l'ffS/IUDS OK Ideal for rpk ;o\11 kid' or ,. __ ......... M 32221 RACtlf.L.OR $.17~ l 111• ~ rm Rnh 111 [)11111• \IYJ"S ll~f-'i C<1'tH>O!-t Jlt'L' ~75 mo utll 11,,11t ....__ _, W pd 631 4320 a1,'I Koop al(l 759 1~21 Li!>t all area:. prtn'b _vrl) av111I 3 Ii 1;73 14"4 ••••••••••••••••••••••• I SL'> ft't' (;uur ~' 053!'> k 5pe(·tarular o<'l'an & nl~ l'an.il ~·runt Nl''o!.IJl•rt l.'<'Plr)lnl( hg.hlS \ll'" from e"ef') 0-PoW 322'1 Shtirl'S 4 Br• 1.t·J,rur , I 12RR tBA 'o!.llh firn1l.i1r room Large 2 Br frpl<·. ••.··~··~··•••••••••.;•7• option to bu\ Sl5l"I "'" 3 bt. 2 ba Nr SC p JI.,, l(Jr&J{l'. l:lulhoJ l'1·11n many am1'n1t11·~ Dana Crl'~I 3Rr .ha T ., lk I ~ Pool.1.11 n•1·rm l PotnlS67567Sll!!'JC• I C h fmlr n11·e •.art! ., • 1r l'nnii. poo "'.1 11 5"5 7131 :..ts 532:1 Sl200 mo. all •\nt on) .,. , ' -· I tA-arh 1\t:t·11t tilli 111-t I 111 ()('t:,\:-;"'RllNT days 6425757. t'\I'' & l(ilraJ{t 2\r~ """ '~'I) tl45·2805 N1•11rS(' l'lata.:J lMrm i WJkt-up to l'JtJl1n.1 I wknd.s6JJ.66JO dun Avail Murrh t .111 full" ·th.' """''•"" l'tKll 645 77 %4 5"' 1 "" ... ~ v.11h a 11111 lle1trf.'t' 1 II'\!. 2BR IRA. F'rplr . l'Jltu !'\I'S I 1 or• I I llG CANYOM LSE I It 1'111hh111N' 9,511 m11 L'niqu1• ltlllrJI ~tam•a.'><' I Gar $700 Pl Sec• l>ep 2BR Md.Jin l'11n1lu bl & lu,1 G1•rr\ Jont''· t·ncrani·e ktnl( :.lli•d OJ} 213450t960 t:H·i. IBToro 3232 Sll251)('rmn Callt:i•rn tiJl 1266 Jl.'l bdrm k111·h1•n 'o!.tth I 640 OJ(S ••••••••••••• •• • •• • ••• • 673 7761or760 1397 &..--L r... i h d ~lO\l'. r<'I ri 1(1• & d Ii. . . I llOM F. t'OR R .. :N'r 1 ..,... ..... """'fl' s e l:EASF. OR OPTION 4b1 3 Rllrm Sti75 Fi•ni i•d ••••••••••••••••••••••• IJllSJI larj?t' Ir' ml( room 2lN \U ex1:1· hm Sl~~NI \Jrd & l!dral?t' l\ith &I llGCAHYOH lcAoolsbtd 3706 &1Jnlurn l.1M•k1nl!fu1 .t me Ownr Al(l 759 HUOfi J ""L' -.(•lrorrw• ~:. 2111111 Lux u r Io u ~ l hr t' I' ••••••••••••••••••••••• s~1·1al perM>n "'ho t•n r ......... 2 br, I bt.1. for:! 3 f)(•1111h• JO)lo pn\ •H'. nun i.molo. ~~'SHIH i\1wnt nofl.'1' .,.,..rooms T'o!.O bathlo I .. orm .. 1 dtn•nl! room J\dll J 1!16 12. on HJ I tnl( ple.iw no p.·h SSlll1 I Spe11 u ar ul'ean 'It'" j 1, hi .. 1 l~I('. ~· mo f;7J ~025 ) r I} 1n 1. I 11' 111 ti > 3+ fam11). f111 m11 I 11!11 Fowttalft Valley 3234 '1r > uei·oraCt•c 111 mut 6i3 6Ji2 t-d tone' JIHHI "I le , .............. •.......:.......... 37 0"' 1n11 pool 'fl·• $:!111111 ••••••••••••••••••••••• , -,...__ ,, 760 '+33Jal(l I Hclrn12 11.i Ir!! fi•n1t·•li .IJtu111 off m.i'll'r ••••••••••••••••••••••• 5575 2br l11 hJ 'I011 p\'llo Cute 1· kr " \ drll f:a ,h1de 531111 m11 nu k1lt'h~n 15:! 21!1~ ht " 11 85 !'\opN' l-!! 2Hr 1Bo1 . hl'aut1lul 1·pti. l l•nd 1:.ar, $-1~1 mu :"\r !\JntJ \nJ Countn t1ub 5-111 1936 2 Hr l' · Ha Tov. nh11u'" t:Jr.,I!•' pal10 'mJll \ard ~11 p1·t~ S!"llt1 &ts 41!37 DI.:\ 2Rr Jlla t'11nt1t1 frpl1 i:.ir lndn pm•I PJll11 Si1•1 mo fi.14 !19111• • 1 Hr rondo or s l Platd SA Paten Poul ~.i l'ttlllUrt 14~1 Sm Pl'C I )I\ .>t!I 3232 tlr fi4 I I lf;ll • 2 Br ? kd l'untlo nr SC Pl,11a SA .,JC11• Pool ~PJ l'Jrporl ~j~ 'n l'N~ 5-1~ 32.'12 m li-11 lol1,11 I \Jrtl. nl'v. rut:' 1r1111 , hl'dro11n1 J 1·.ir i:at.11(1' W111tl'r Rentab 11lllk Ir tsc last & ~t'c' 1\1 Jll CostoMHa 32241 ~rl'.11 f.1m1h h111t1t· 1111 $2050 month \e.111\ il('h IRR$Ui0 2BRS.SI!'> 3 1675411!1 lbr 2fdr l!Jr \!, op .. nl't ••••••••••••••••••••••• l>t'I' S7'10 n•• \111 l'll•I least' \'Jll fi:ll 731111 :-imi:te.SJ(Ml 6739325 frpl1· m11 ro 111' I Cle.in :! llr I Ila 1•111 l"t I l!eallllr 1 ... h t'·ll • Coro.ta~ Mar 3822 S>ltl n.., 5-15JI15 . lftl\IF Hiii llF'l;'I .;.,• u ~11 $3~1 Yrh ••••••••••••••••••••••• . I gar 11n'·'1'' \.tr•l '\o I ll<l rm $i511 ~1·1111·d inl'! ut1l Qwt•t MJlun· Nt>.irlh!'Ol't'an Ir)! 2 Rr I fl.i t ht'lor ~ '1' 1 l•llJ PJ-:r.-. 54% 5111 lil.1111 ~~nl & ~.ir.• i:i· """ <\ POl)l. llOM E I N<lfl Smkr 673 :>Sl\(I m J 0 1 J me n 1 1 1 l', t11M1 Pa1111 ~tm ,. 11•1 n,: I Jbdrm. S4~1 ruu hi t.. Ill'(!> v.1•11·111111 :,1:. ~IHHI JRR Fm honll' Rk 11.J~ Jhdrm. 1, blorl.. lo ~dnlt 5750 rm D.i)~ 1).12 575i ~l~~:~rl'f no p.-t~ IJ'I 20:11 Wo111Jt't' \l(t•nc nufrt' $121'(1 rmC.illSutJnne ~mo l1ll mid .lunt• e\t>S&v.knd~631 6630 I 6i5 0926 6i5 3445 Jl(nt HEAlTI Fl'L. :.> Hr 2 Ila ...,--....,. 11... h 3240' . , I 6'7~5710 ~mo 2 Hr I Ha hltn' lmmar twnhse. 3H1 Zh.i •_.. •• ..,.on -ac Super llarhor 0l'ean \ u pool nev. h deroratl'd \Je,,1 \ .. nt1 encl dbl gar nr Sr Pita ~·••••··~··•••••:•••••• J RR . 2 ha SI 1115 mo 239 1 Cotto Me-so 3724 Maturi' ad~lts :-;11 ell> GJfl1en Apt Poal kids ok StiOO • hdrm iondo n1" 'pt, Ocean \'1t'v. 67:1 2967 •••••••••••••••••••••••1 A" 760 1191119 61 P Frplr. l.ndn 0,hv.sh1 S<IB 7374 drps lnrli: l""'I. t1•nn1.' Ht ri VI~ . f.nd~l'rl 11.iral!l' SSZ5 handbJll l'l hh" '\:o J::.. ...__ 1 2bdrm. 2b.i l!Jr apt 3094 \lan• ~~b 401h i-J.1de. lj? cur 'l hr I h.i ~ l)t'Ls S525 l'I 1.1,1 S2tNI IAYFlOMT , I 1...-m 'o!.USher df')er. $600 mv . . · ~ar Patw ln•t'' rh p1•1 dt•p 7611 7633 P1rr and shp fur lar1te l T-.o ltnnes niur l ~. 70911 llehotrop1• 1\\f.' j1 Hr~. '1dl' ~mJll hut I ok $595499 4820 I . . . boat F'urn1~ht•tl "Kl \w1mm1ng pool Jar 644-6400 t'Ol} "' lot' uf ""·'' , _ llOM ~. F OI( Rt :0.. I , '.iuna. 'and \Olle~ bJll. v.-otll1 S.360 ·\duh' onh I 2bdrm f, "de S;:S•!'> mo 3 Bdrm S1lMI Ft'lll'<'dj hedroom'. fl\.t hJl~s· 1 btlhard Sor11. no Pt'h !WI-'< 4 blks to b1·h 2Br ~I !1522 + S3S-O ~l'f' h • 3 <1119\l vartl & ~Jrdl(t' I\ 111, ~ tlinmi: room and <h n m, Ii.JS w Rakt'f i:araj?e. "shr df\ r SS35 ~ 2515 l'lt'L' wt•lt'fim.· !.I\ .!INMI T t' n n '' ~ our Cs .ind 557 0075 rru 760· l3S6 I Br pe v. tlh 1·:ar Jltirt & f.XECJb 2, 11 11 .. o.J i\>:ent nvfl'l' I ht•.ieht" Short terrn nr small patio J\<tulh " r. ' "· .. ~., n•urs lt•aH S550'l •--• h 37411CostaMna 3124 S3i5 rm JIO l' \1111111 home.rhrfs kitth Sf;.ill 5b1 21Ja $112.'I mo ~>'1m rrunll'l Rroker 6317300 ~•••~••••••••••-'1••••••••••••••••••••••• \1~taSt l"M UC Rt.::'-ITAL" 750 33l4 mmK pool \1 ,mn.1 II~ . Luxury studio ,pa. T\ r\PT MANAca:H IE side .. 1ud111 ho'"'' C.1llult 5,1147 :1>103 I maid S<'n1r.-phont''·I ~m1 r!'lm•d c•1tuplt' for 2 Rdrm "'lrph ,,ml W !>l'P k1lrh& h.1 )fl :O-earb<'t-2br2h.iv. Sl25v.k499 2227 lli lin111·omplellinl'\1 garaRI' ~ml pi•I olo. ut1l pd $390 mo '"' 12:.:i i:ar patio & pet $4!15 ! MEWP"ORT IEAC H :0.l;unlenanre exp rr11 5495 mo ""1 548 l tl'lll aft 5 or RF:NTAl..S 750 3311 CONDO Htwporl hach 37 6' ~9 ()433 INSTANT IM! 3 lledroom 2 h;ath up ••••••••••••••••••••••• •• 15 I 8 I n .. \ OCRt::NTAl.S OCRt:NTAL~ itradedrondO'o!.llh ntw PALMMESAAl'TS ,. mo r °" i pl 15br'sS200toS20CJO IShr'sS200to$2000 I rarpet~. drapes. f•P JS61MesaDr FTplr. c11rp<1rt. lau11dr1 75().3.114 7 1lay~ 7c..• .... 14 7 ·'a.". '· h d 2 Br unfurn $42.'i 2 Br room c .. 1 ok Re.ii sun ...,..,., u .~ puanl·es. v.as er. r~rr. Th 3 Br 2 Ba . S800 -1 lsl trash rompa"tor. 11uol rum $465 Adulti; Call n) is one "ont last "~ 3 Bdrm 2 &th hkt· ni>" ' • " TSL Mamt "·'2 9'12 1°<t & s~c dl'pos1t 1·n11 I bh una tiwn9-4 S46·9860 ' " '" 't ..., " " Old Town llunt1n1tton spa, t' u nusr. sa . S48·4388afl S H<'h SISO ~ ~3 after and gym Sl200 per Upstairs 2 br ape enrl 0-Pafalt 3126 SllARPZbr.lrg..:ar 6pm rmnth 7141;416666 ext gara11e '385 mo l'all ••••••••••••••••••••••• fnt>d, pets, TODAV $475 Ol 'l'LF:X l t9 llrrnt ~~r!~ M t' 11 ·30·5 30, a_!l 6P!"· 548 8561 ~~~1~'1;~;. ~'S11~~~· OC-RENTAl-1\ iSO 3314 U1lllon Ave C)(eJn 'll'\!o I br. Adult:.. no Jl('IS 711 I) S675 rm ~9G-027l 2bdrm. Iba, l(ar fn<'d 1 ollt') hall rrt. I Hr W llllh St ~o. S..150 mo yrd. patio, wa,her S.'>50 m1 2 Br SI~ mo ewport HJ{h ls 5 Bd. &151926 ~Oii hach 3140 dryer hookup' \'t>r) or rl'nl l'ntirr 1l11µle~ lnr Cape Coo. den game Specious studios one Roomy 3 Rr Tav.nhouH· ••••••••••••••••••••••• rure No peC!> I <'h1ld ok $1300 mo r a II Ao b room. 3 car l(ar · 3000 1-ano tw, bedroom apat1· apt in qwtt adult rom ~ Sharp ZB R · 2BA ~ mo 646 3420 Mt>) er 586 ~Ml. ofr or sq rt. walk to h1 srhnol menls FURNISHED pleK Newl) decoratl'd Mint Nr Br h Idea I ~I ;622 home Ma) go leaiir option tnd UNFURNISHED fireplace. enclsd patio & share rental No Pets 2 br. garage. lge ll'nrt'd yd, boat slora 1(1.' Pet OK s,,oo 1 mo 5-!_6 7 506 Nr SC Plaza. clean 3 br. 2 ba. frplc, alnum. ram nn O'looks park S825 rm. SS6-«> 19 3 Br rondp nr Holsa Clura Call_Dian~. agt 631 1266-OekwDOd a1110 otters garage Adults only 8113-DI?. 642 1339 &Heil S600mo +last OC RENTALS •A1tUlllltlel"11id Sorry.noptts $57S Mo 2Brlba,nrHunt Hrbr mo 846.;74! aft Rpm l·Sbr'sS200to S2000 'lmmediltt M?~or~7S-5949 Ellrl gar. t>n!'l patio. no 75().3.1l4 7·da Occupancy B@aut1ful 2 Br 2 Ba Pits $450imo lst last + VACANT 3 BR. 2 Hu . pre· , S1 Million In S2:SOStt. 842•31189 sligr neighborhood R--tlon SSSO mo Carpeu. dis ~so 962-4471 Keith J'~~'t' 14~ -·-hwasftfr. A' a 1 I J I !•---... ---- VACANT J Bk 2 Ba . Bayfrt5BrtdoAk s32so And Mucn Mor#'' 67~ * •MIW• * Lota ... S. 2200LGhtwS. 2200 cluldren &pelSOK sm Nwr.AUT'do.lg_e3F'.RO SllSOT FOfamonth Orahte-N•~er I Br J>lllO & •LASlllSAS• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ........ ••••••••••••••• mo. 962·«70 ask ror r ~NM ES NT 11me ModelsDPllflda11y ga rage . No pet Adltontntedapt Keith 6.'ll·l400 9am 11:>6prn Aduttsonly @$ rm 645-5577 2 Btdroom KL 1ay1orLO ." l140 . 0900 3242 Bluffs. Front row. bay •••••••••••••••••••••• view. 2 br, 2 ba, de· Waterfront Broad moor corator home. Adults, no 2bdrm, 2ba. frplc, wet Ptls Sl.200/mo luse. nopets WANT ADS 2blltsfromorun paddlt tennis cu OlkWOOd bakonits or bk ya rd Garden Apertments carports Newport BMch/No. WORK 111 util ~ er.x~~pt tltt VILLA PAii Custom lot near million S homes . 270 degree view and superb financittc priced to sell aU39S,OOO. , bar, dbl car. shp .,ail, Kat.hit Harduty Realtor patio. $lt00 1mo ~ _ 1710675 7171 _ 4 ~ options ava.11 In 8801NI... ,.. 111 16fn) Atlanta•Dt aware. HB 2bdrm lux. condo on Ult Bluffs. Some diatrtas Lap\. 2 frplcs. 1ar ' llWatJou. ...::So. WONDERS m•)S.•400 S 2tlr 2ba ln 4·PIH. $4.'1$, many xtru S900/mo, A . 1'0-MTI Cell eves : (114 )840-4309 a BR 2 Bar pool. din Ina Jit~i:~ WORLDWIDE ::..:~~ul.i..t~·llo. «831•2132. rmJ fam nn, noo Clay,~~~~==~~~ HlllllBOLDTISLAND N'8. Sl,OOO per mo. Al\. Are JOU pl11nha1 • •Bdrm with 40 ft dock. s.1-m •vd Cl•ulfled ads SU OO I mo 1 r h . ...., ...... , W'9l ,_ ••JOUlllUMriaM •~ Homu, lac. aet wlt• el111l. fled. dh'tctlo1 to ll1d Ole ....... . ....,. . , ............. ' To place yo1&r Want Ad Cell . ,. MJ.\,71 l Br. ff.'Pk, ,.UO. wlk·ln dcMa. Mlt l•na -ar.1i.......-ti11111t. bttk 1rd, i 11w ,.. """ .... ilnMewilla. Wl ~llllf ... .,.. ....... t°llfl;-...... ~ . • ••••• ............... '"··············, _. •••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ..................................................................... •• ....................... i;Ai·.:sroiti.iss· libftl. ourC'll Mlmea, I Cullom ca.,,.otry a, All to1111truct.loo, larae 11 TIHS Carpentl")' • M110nry !xp'd reUablt cleanJna STARVING ACJ'ORS ~OINO SIO/ROLL R · rri"•· aM.lmt. . "Jay". (Formica ' an.II. °'9ctoSr. adu.lu. Topped/removed clean Rooflna · Plumbln& lady. &ood rt ra. Call MOVING COMPANY =~·dltcOC1 J::::S Shln~n, ~a~o..':rzr•· totm,t41-.S!!!...._ Tllt) 142-llOI or Call Wa tUf.11.2 lawn reno¥. ;51.3478 Drywall ·Stucco ·Tile UduS'TJ.2514 FUC' Careful LowHI --• ~ ~ up'd Mom w/2 ' An1wer Ad 11120 at C .... W_.L.....,.._ "'"·D• ...... --;;-1 -Remodel J.B.S46·99IO Quality · Dependable RI. ta Law Al.lows MIC QUALITY fl.lber Jloolin1·alltypc1. 3 y • Id b b ll r ee"43DO 16 hra _.,.. _ _,, ,.. -..-cape .. a nt OtntraJ Maintenanre Call Pam• Bob Dwl1ht, Vila Ur/Int 673-08$3 Papenn11Puntin1 New·rerovtr·deeka. r 0 • a fl F /Tor '• . · •c•t~!.!.·.J~••••••••••••• Relid/Comrn . Clean-up n. 1 •. n... tln _3 ?OU ' -· -Free eat Jania ~0231 Uc H11'02. 648·9'734 ..... « xounaer, • QlbioeuJ. counter tope, :~w ... HARDWOOD UHauUna. 549.2489 ncpl rt. uvcora I VI • ,....... --- /wk..W.27M .M. Doon, urunhoUH wln· lntulon, ban, mantles, CUSTOM GARDENING Ut •Ra UO:fil!. ~Ta ••••••••••••••• .. •••••• WaJlp1per contractor ' ROOFLEAI<!!??'!? • j .,ecr ~fin ish work ~:k•:!:!i . c:k'hylfi~!:· Retld'l/Comm'I ...... •••••u•••••••••• FWpalntlnJ by Richard r~~I ~l!r~~~~I ~~:Son •••••••••••••••••••••• c t !di R f · Cln· . 93.3511 X ta •H•••••••••••••••••••• EXPEft PREPAR£R Sioot Uc, tna 1ll yra ol ~ Frtoe ~t. SN_Ffl FortUyouneedtoknow Cvat om apa declta, .!'-mo na. e '· mEOR•"SHOPPER Dl1MPJOBS Enrolled to practice happylot'alcu.stomera -,.-about blnkruptcy, call petioe, IY. doors. Llc'd, _._ ~ ftSlllall Movin1 Joba before the IRS. Quabty Thank you. UI 4410 EQ>ert wallcoverin1 In· 914glllh 114flSS-tlS2 Jata or Rick m.3211 Drywtl Complete lawn ma lot. Call MIKE &4e-U91 at rua. C<Jtt. 5'9·2418 stallation Reu prirea ... : ................... . ...,.. Bob'e Carpentry-remod, .................... ••• l~J!i~~~~r•t HAUUNG & DUM p FEDERATED c.e. p~ C.00.Sultant Assignme nt **SKYLIGHTS* * ......... ••••••••••••• rtpt.tr. No Job too small. DRYWALWl.COUSTlC JOBS, uUor Randy, Income Tu Service i~~~~. ~~fs~ Col~r ~ AIJ Siiia lnsta lied Ref. F'reeeat.13M29'7 l4 Yl'I exp. Fully Uc'd • ......, S..-.lcft I 141-M2'7 S3147llor a t. u rt. 9S3·1»1l Dick WAU.PAPERING ~t Prices. 631·~S r~s.n&c. =~ "2-SS49 °T;.;Tri;&ite·.;~~j .. Q,IMUIPYOUIACT F~·ACCURATE NELSONS PAINTING ~~f~0~~!n~1:~ Tit --- :.-;:-::;................ c Home Repairs TODAY ! Yarcf1cara1e lncome tax atrvlce-your lnt/Ext Rtsld/Comm wallooverln&a Free est ••••••••••••••••••••••• WeCareCrptCl~aners ....................... 7•119Sor873-9043 cln·up, etc. 1 ton truck. bomebyawt. 963~1 Aroustlc celllng1. Rers. Rodi 739-5800. TILE INSTALLED ltaam clean It uphola ELflCTRJCJAN -pnced 831-1993 (:4 hra Penonal tr Business In· lic'd. Free tat. 837-2637 , .• .. All Kinds Guaranteed Ac:i 'Us; 549.2170 ......... mou"t uoi• . riiht rree estimate on ........ ...... ..... lltlon·Oradlna co me Tax. Return L B P ,,. C .,.... ._. Rers John 84().9211 ir\l\ia '' " lar-oramalljobs • IJlll!u., • J AJN alN ••••••••••••••••••••••• --n•t!•••••••••••••••••• w............ ••.c .... 1,. ... · •• .. •••••••••••••••••• ""' rt •· h It t' Preruoratlon. Avail fo r . . . •BRYANT'S• CustomCeramicTlle PfRQt Ila Fin St """"~· """"' v Uc t388121 S7~S9 TRACTOR Ideal for .. anapo · nop a • on-,.. QUALITY REAS r . . mu Shampoo ••tea.ii c.t.an. . ' . simU acchs areas. 48" cme & tree removal Even.lnp' Weekend Of. Larry 64S-9383 art 6 Wallcovenn& Removal Prompt serv. f't'ee est C-ompl. S..uptr Serv. Color briJhleocra, wht UC D ELECTRICIAN wide Kubota IJcipJoader. Soll prep &. plan11n~. flee or Home Appoint· INT/EXT PAINTING ~· 642·1343 Chuck 67S.l40I Ras. 540-5134 Cl\* . 10 min. bleach. Qual. work . Reas. rates SIOhr. lns'd 142.soog Opera~ eqwp. Comm I menu. J ames L Zim· ""··lity work. Reas. ._._/l....&r 2S Yrs Exp. f't'ee Eel. Have ~lculator, will Hall, liv/dJn. rma SU; Free est. 63l·W72Tom --& Resld l.&t2·7638 rn!~n. CPA. 645-4212 """" ,.._ ..,... Reasonable Work. Guar. travel! Alhcet1aerv. avo room S7 "-"· cou"h TOP QUALITY H...,_u HAULING tudent has Freeeat. SteveS-47·4291 ••••••••••••••••••••••• John•9Z-3382 Calli 7 • . .,.,, . ... E E ....................... Malr.ry llOGOANOV PAINTING Neat patches & textures ora 80-7122. $10; chr $5. Ouar . elim. L CTRICAL WOR K HOMEJMPROVEMENT lge ll'\ICk. Lowest rate. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 16 yn O.C. Top quality Frftnt. H3·14 t TrwS..-.lu .,....... petodor.Crptrepair. o... at REPAIR-PLUMBING Prompt.Ca-11 759-1976 BRICKWORK . Small ..,_ St ti ..... 9.n ........-Uc. •3492 170-~ 15 yrs esp. Do work ncaa. rates. 531·50M H•ati·ne. carpentry. _Thank you. John _ J·obs'. Newport, Costa ,..,at. · r . .,.... oN PLASTER PATCHING ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ... ~ u I R f 64S-0389/8l9 1886 D-t·~cos lnl/exl 30 •Expert T.ree Prunin&• AUSrATEPAVlNO w.HAUCOMSTI. l!l)'l.,...ftds.531-0101 EledncourSpeclalty r elec, tile Free est. No John's rast moving & ... esa. r vine es ---· ':;;;::at PaulS-45.2977 Commtmal Landsrape Sealcoatina ·Striping Custom homes. fram· No Steam/No Shampoo Clean, quick. dependa-job too small 5-2811 hauling. Tree/yd/gar. 67S.3m. 't/.t.1~:C:.N~~;~~ ..<.:..::....!!!. ----Services 957·8388 ~. Comm./Resid. i.ng, remodel, French Stain Specialist. Fast ble. Wedo any size job. REASONABLE cln· . f'ree est. 842-4597 EXPERT BRICK AND "'•"'"·I067• • MR, ED'S PLASTERING 'j Uc. 1397312 &45-8181 doors, skylights & patio _dry, Free est. 839·1582 •631·Z:US• PROMPT FREE EST ~a.-i.... Masonry. Sma II jobs & '"" All Types Int or Ext Comp!et.e Tree Ser~ ce Driveways, Parkin1 Lot covers 848 36$2 ' R~ID/COMM 'L/IND · .____.., repairs. Frplc racings. Quality Ptg. Low winter 645-8258 Freust. Gen 1 cln·UP & lrng · · c.,.t/U ...... t.fy ALMOST EVERY ••••••••••••••••••••••• Refs.551-455S,760-7074 rates in effect Honest ------l.awnrenov. SJ0.0914 Repain, Sealcoating. ROBT STEIN BRONER ........................ 31 yrs ~xp. Do my own REPAIR NEEDED. Wanta REALLY CLEAN Ii bl 848 5648 P'h:th g ------- S tr S Asphalt GEN'L CONTRACTOR New Yr'a Special! Crpt work Lied Al 646-8126 DAVE 645·4757 HOUSE~ Call C 1ngham I..AN!liCP /MASONRY re a e . .;;;••••••• • •••• ••••••• Trwt.,.,. Lic63J.4199 Uc. J3119463 645-6458 uphol. cleaning. Scotch AoorCo•ert.cJ Masonry.Ca rpentry·Til; Girl. f'reees~5·5123 ~Crete Lie:, ins PAINTER NEEDS Dr~~l~~~~~~alr!IO .... DEUNQU.ENT:•••• Res/comm. Sealcoat. re-c.w.t........ guard. Free est. 972·8839 ....................... Plumb·Roofing·Remod ROBIN'S CLEANING ~J!S...frtt e_!t. S36·09.!~ WORK! 30 yrs exp. mli Free est M&M 642 9033 Judicial Forerlosures pairs, resurface. Free ....................... c....t/C.Cret. Carpet & Linoleum For Stucco-Drywall 536·8700 Service-a thoroughly Custom Bnrk. Stone, ~xt PA~lic reihngiE -----Harold F'. McGrath Esq est. 64S-5678evs/wknd Cabinets &Carpentry ....................... Home , Van & Motor Ra Y, 8 H ~ ;d Y ma n _£_lean house. 540·0!_51 Block. Concrete, Stucco. avis amting 847·51 -~ MCllMIC)t•1tt 8Sl-l77l SmalJjobs&repalrs R~JD.CONCRETE + Home.84HS95Da~e. Service. roor repairs. l.ORRAJNE'SHOME Refs.f'reeEsl.549-9492 College student 7 yrs ex ••• • •••••••••••••••• S II'!.-per lnt.1ext rers Dana • • • . f~ ....................... Free est. 645·2003 port courts. Lie 374067 ww•nh 9 ruointino & ra~otry. 15 SERVICE. REFS. M ... <O ... R" · · PIOPHTY --., •·GGR Bob""l l966/a•7707'8 r--• a • .,_ ~ " I 646--lflfB (kee try1ngJ ••••••••••••••••••••••• " ESSJVE LEGAL C • ""' · '" · ....................... nex r 646-4336. Own trans 962·0510 evs --MAHAGEMEHT Reading & related skills ftepresentaUoo. Law or· .. ~ .. :! ............. Co~crete . cutting & re-Landsr.aplng·Yd Cln ups Qlltry, Jim ;-rs. drwl. Top Quality/Reas Rates .l)/a_ft 6Z5-1U1 Bt.shop&Son Painting Orange Co area. 15 yrs Credentialed. exp, car- fices, 24 hn. SU-8422 CHAR RENOVATING Pllr. patio, decks & cov· Treetn.m-Expert ma int pn t n g. r n t I f x. up , Pref. bachelor homes MofftcJ 30 yrs exp. m Bea rt expenence Call for info. ing Specializing grades .... ,...... Compl. int/ext & boat ers. <714 )631·5832. Jim 85l-Ol29 yrdwrk. re as. Jerry. 1213)439-8907 ....................... area. Free est. 548 1029 and rates. 1lhr4.644-rn9 ....................... docks. 2Syrs. 645.3749 Caahadon, • ...,... Mowing, $10. $15 .. 120. 955-3395 -----TiiE BROOM SQUAD ~MOVING-p~ --_96!-lill -1-Tulor S panish.Ail Babysitting Mon-Fri. F1NEFJNISHWORK ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~S::,n7g~ ~~1~5 Ben'sMaintenanceServ Quality -Reliable ~~refu!. S52-04lO ••••••••••••••••••••••• RftllD~/ltpolr Levels BA Degree Newborn to 2 yrs. 6 to Remodeling/Doors bung ADD'NStREMODELlNG M~k · . · . Plumb-eler rorpentry Ho1~cle~!!!.'1l ~73 3121 •A·I MOVING* UC PAPER HANG ER ••••••••••••••••••••••• "''credenual Call Lorn 5:~.Sl/br.CM.642-2995 Randy720-1260CdM Plans. Lic'd. George -Paintin . Call964·S231 Exp'd Housekeeper. Top Quality Special &oded & guar No JOb COMMHCIAL 963-16!2 __ Uc'd chi ldcare, loving ••••• Pilmer&Sons.557-1832. Res.id /romm /indus I SKlLLHANDYMAN avail mornings. Hard care in handling. 2S yrs l.Oosmallor loola.rge /INDUSRIAL WlltdowCi..iltc) care tr companfonship, Tired of Plain Walls ? In· REMODEL/ ADD·ONS Ma int. clean.ups· tree SERVICE Comp I. home working, hontsl, re Ila exp. Competitive rates ~'ree ~!.:. Ton 898 27~ RIEMODELI G ••••••••••••••••••••••• rencedyd. 556-3098 crease the Va lue & &C•""'ntry. Lir'd. trim. Free est 641 I096 I repair. Your needs are ble Rers Call 631·7596 Noovert1me. 730·1353 WALLPAPER N ! "Let the Sunshine In" --..-J>.t,e Turn lost or unused Lic'd mother will care for Beauty of Y.our Home 25 yrs. Irwin 548·2'719 ---our sped a It y Mike alt. S sTAJlViNG COLLEGE All kinds Fret>esl space .into a workable Call Sunshine Window your toddlerMon·Frl,lg Wl':h The Ru~hness or COMM 'L/RESJD. ~an-ups .. Tree Trim. 1 642-IJ05eves Don'tSpendtheSummer STUOENTS MOVJNG Sll roll Lie 330986 area-rooms d1v1ded, Clearung.Lld 548·8853 yd, nutritious meals. l Solid Wood. 496-QHil Rerood.-Add'ns·Repairs Matnt. Resid.IComm 1 I Dependable & Honest Cleaning your House CO. Uc 11Tl24-436 Norm 645 0880 dry-.all, drop re1tings & ~· ~oolhly D1Srounl 8'5-5313 Latnl.nated Cabinets Very reas. Lie. 390250. Amie 548"8414 Will do any type ofRome Let someone else do 1l Insured 641-8427 TIIE PAPE-RHANG ER trim carpentry lo com •RESIDENTIAL • Have something to sell? Wood Skins or Formica Jack ff. Bennett, Jr. Sell things fast w1lh Dail) lmprovement.s fo r you ''!••' C al I _WAT<;tl t!_SGROW ! Prof .quality -.•ork plellon Call Tom or Jeff Avg 1 sly $30. a\'g 2 Sl} Classified ads do 11 well Units. 645-6521/549-1685 Geo. Contr 552-9142 Piiot '!_ant Ads. Reasonabl~·4454 ~!~---Classified Ads 64£.5678 Fr_eeesl Steve 547 4281 at661·2913 or 493·3886. !tS_Chris 957-8388 ................... .................... low 4000 Hohh.Motels 4100 v ...... 4250 ...... tos..e 000 ..... to Shan 000 ... to Shan 000 Offbl..... 440 Offkel..... 4400 ..••..•.•.............. , .............................................. ········ ..•••.••.•...•..••....•.....•...••.•..........•...•.•..........•.........•................•....••....•••......•.....................•••....•.......•...... l ... k9••oda 3'40 Mlwpo.rt•edl lHt Rmmt wanted to sbr 2B R SIALAllC MOTB. PalmSpnngs area c~t~n FEMALE Shr lrg lux home w prof My Park Newport apart ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Apt CM S275 Mo Wkly rentals now avr11I terey CCI condo 3 2 person lsl last & dep w empld fem 53011 BA y FRO NT ar.~ space for rent. JBS -· area $105 & up Color TV Ba. furn w atrium ROOMMATE · &4.5-3'1J9 6 OSWl p sq rt second floor 12) lbdrm cotta ges. 2 Bdrm 2 bath near the In cl ulil Call Steffie Phones in room 2274 Golf. tennis Dally. $26Sroo 966-8479 ___ or_4 _nme omce 673-1003 Prestigious Westrlrff DIS-S38S/mo. t,; block lo beach S600 per ,mo . after5:30646-6104 ___ Newport Blvd CM weekly & monthly rates WHITEOI GcroCIH Costa Mesa. 2SO sq fl areaSl.OOsq fl Medical beac~: .~ee ma nager, <ear l.752·284_! _Room /pvt bath. k1tch 646-7445 a\'ail. 714 558 ·8001 M • ROOMMATE for1tfftt 4350 suite Sm mo Ut1ls m Bldg,Call645·6501 Apt. D al 122 7th St. Bayfront 2bdrm. 1 car prh· W1D. Furn Quiet V~ I -9-5PM, ask for Mark ' To share 3 bedroom Mis •••••••••••••••••••••• cld 779 W 19th St ----- H.B. gar. nr Lido Island pool homr S275. 545-5105 ••••••••••::!! •• !~.~~ Prof Shr-2BR. 2 BA .. CdM s1on V1eJo house f'ull FINDERS Single rar, i:arai:c. full ~1·~ KOLL CEHTH ~ •oc1t 3141 $700/mo Aonua I lse aft 5. OCEAN FRONT 2 & 4 Br Hse 1 Blk fr Bch. F Pref pnvileges. S300 includ Oldest & largest agenr) k~:k up. t:d~ ~S mo 520 & 572 sq ft SI oo per Eleg ~RT •••••••••••••••••••••• 551H*)J. Room in private home A\•a1l Winter. W~ldy 5511-5311. 675-96t9 Eves ing utilities Ask for All clJenlll screened with n0-0347 sq ft . 3975 Birch . N B ant t xeel swte1s ml M lhl 673 7873 -------Mike al 770 7928 or G 2Q~ 1 .,,.,., pres 1g1ous oc nt• OCEAHNOMT 3 bdm, 2 ba. dose to Kllchen pnv1leges. Nr on~_:_ . NBprol.malewillshrli:e 546-l.310ext 34 photos&referenres arage SSOm~ ov-1 -,a -~gl!fllS41.....,., ser relarial . recep Most elegant apartment ocean. 675·491 2 da. OCC. transp Parking. Mammoth 3 bdrm condo. Harbor View home -· -· Credits. CosrT¥>politan Salle, C M Lill after S25S Mo-Pnvatcofftre llonllit. telephone ans & bui ldin~ In Laguna 675-12lleve,Bkr S22S.After5PM ~-SllOinight. I w/adult 30+ S3 7S . f'lnd whal you want 111 GoodMorning Amerit·a. 6PM.9S7·Z740 parluni: kitrhenellespt· more Of<'s rrom s436 Beach. Finest location in 3 Br. 2 Ba. I•, blocks lo 979-8179 __ 499-5304 ~ 0-d_1ly P!)ot Class1f1edb The Tomorrow Show Double g Jr .i I! t' f 1111 Ul600 Main St Hunt Brh mo On·call ofrs 1165 t?wn .• ~rbelta,ththaki1n gd ocean S750 mo ···························~· :li'en2tso~ho"' n'~-..3!1pl~~; s11108ra960ge .~~) S!lll mu · Da11)JantrAllut1lpd mo T HE HE AD Vlews. l'Ul -ins. ea e Owner Agent 675·2373 ' w ~ ,,.,..,., A\ ail no-.' 11141848·3133 Q l' ART ER S C 0 M pool. subt. ga rage, orn0.8598. ' • MEWPOIT 641-1199. Storage-Ga ral?t'. do"n PANlES A professional elevator. Lease only. ---• B•DAY WEEK SPECIAL • lO\\Tl Costa McbJ. 9>.20 •II L' :-.; TING TI):'\ en\lronmenl 17 14 1 a50&up.330CIJHDr.S.~.te 3176 • 3BR2sly,NB.nrbeat·h. SSOrm 6424~7 \\kd~~ BEACH• 851·0681 41M.Q3. oo••••••••••••••••••••. • tennis S350 540·9712. 9 4 - Ocean!root l Br + Den, SAMCUMEHTE e 8 Days • 3 Lines • 8 Dollars • I 768-QJ0,63I 36l8 Offkel--"-' 440~ • .~~~:le~1:r~~ IAUnSls~riSnAgD&DlmES3S11 fmlc, leaded windows. Goll rourseibiU view . 2 Cd_M_a:V-. lo shar" Own ..... ., " • •2SlaffAroas •or,1r""f' conforonce S:r1Agle prere rre d bedroo t e It ns e It s easy to place your 8-0ay Week Classified by mail a nd 1t e &"b' n.. < •. ••••••••••••••••••••••• < ~· • • u m ap . w ·L • • rm a . ,,.-ean 'u a-1617 WestcliH. N 8 Want • • Wetbar room AdJ OC Airport lrlS/mo.64().SQS carpets. drapes . 2 • COS!S JUSt sa -!hats only a dollar a day' To Qualify for lhrs • frplc. Ref's. O\'er 30yrs fmanr1al inst iOOOs f ;\\a1lable nO\\ lsl floor $100 mo 714 851 1342 tlt:J'"Wf •ecll 3169 enclosed carports. laun e s pecial offer you must be a non-commercial user of fenng Call before 1 PM or art 1st n~~-Ag_!nt 541 5032 Call 1714 l848 3133 r-dcyfacility.Twoadults. • tOPM.rM!I\ mo 640-0485 1 Sewporl Bearh near •••••••••••••••••••••• No pets $450 mo1lease. e merc handis e for sale up to SSOO per ad. and the price must ~-EXECUTIVE MEWPORTIEACH Hoag Hosp 1000 sq ft . Pllllf NEWPORT Available immediately be T h h th d • Male rmmle 10 shr :lbr second noor offices. am· ... • 1n your ad he cost stays ' e same w e er yo ur a house In Irvine w 2 pru SUITES AIRPORT cu~lom ot pie parking. -.ell main COUMTIY CLUI Owner C714>&42·0l38 needs eight days selling time or 1ust o ne • fess1o~ls Avail 3 I I IN fices. fJOO to 1800 sq fl tamed bldg \'irk) days UYl ... G Adult Studio Stove. • SS! 3! u 1 8681 ......,IT 11!..f t'tom!K> pers f " • ·.:. · ·""' · I l"A:lll Av Mullan Rll) S40-2960 714 64 5 48 00. e' t s Bacl'lelon, 1&2 bedroom ref~.!·utJI s;i.s,92mo0180 • F Rmmt Shr 2BR. 2RA PLAZA 714 673·3112. lea\ e apt.s&townhouses _ ....... mo_y~. Use one wo rd 1n each box About 4 w o rds make one • furn apt. l.a~una B<'h New luxury orr.r .. spare I message FromSS44>-Sl000 644·1900 2 br . near orean . • c lassified line o f type M1n1mum ad IS 3 lrnes Please print Orean\'u lerranrt' s.10!°> ID !nine's busi es t execup an (~fire spm•forrrnl.606 NO FEE! Apt. & Condo $:175/roo 1st & last mo plainly • + util 494 6109 t't'nter' Easy Frwy IH' sq rt. pnllll' l0<·at1 on. E rentals. Villa Rentals 332 Dlcino Ln. SC See • • Prof JO+ shr ne" 3 br. 2 rl.'SS A'ail no"' Call ••>.Mew Co11upt" lith St. C M Grouod 675--4912 Broker Mana ~in Apt~ • r------------------------------, ba house. I m1 lo SC fordeta1ls f\Jll ser"ll'I.' t·us!om floor A\ail immed Large tBR. Uhl pd Spot-Hr. SC Gte' Hosp I . I • Plaza _151 5998 t6-9pm I 55J.:J 23 J 640.4230 oC~~e t ge~~:;:~e $650 mo Ca II C ra 1 g less. Quiet. $450. 2421 E I bdrm. sto\'e, car'!)ets. • • Prof lo share " same •DB.UXEOFflCES• "Seel0Apprec1atc;' Balle)~631-0213 16th St. 645-4718 avail Feb 28. $:170 mo • I I luxurious 2 Br ln·levell From 1 room up lo 2000 759·8978 MB>ICA.L SUITE Spar. 1 or 2 br apts, 1 mi 891-1644 aft 6:30 I I • l' o n do w v 1 e w & sq. ft From SI 16 a sq D-5 sq ft . front ground from beach.. No pets. W.AM 3110 • I I • amrnilles. See to ap· fl No lease req uired floor. garden selling. 642-~1 c·ouN·-ritv••5t;•.;;.•tN(;" • I S 1.00 I • =1;~:roor Knoll ~P~~rrn~ra \~n A2~~2l ...wpo11 cane prot~1~a1 bl~g: to: St:,':~~a~~!a8:~1!~: COND0!2br.2ba .pools .• I I • 2500sqftrondotoshr.lg 8J3.3223 'I &~~flee ~~0a;c~~to H~~g cond.SSS0.673·2507A . gym, encl yard, a c.blt· • I 10.60 I • rms on beautiful l7THSREET 500to2(XXfsqH ,\\aila J Hosp S12S sq ft Long SpaciousJBR 2 Ba,fpk, ins, crpts/drps, frp lc, • I I • Greenbll & v1e\\ of lhl' COSTA MESA bleforLease term lease avail Call decks.gar.SS.SO. kids/pets ok. $595. 13.20 bay,wpools.~77883or 2or3roomorriresulles. CallWm fCote 64S-6501fof_!2.pl 673-90601 ent .a~~ ... hl"llislted • 1S.80 • F~shrC M duplex ~c~·!!~~~»n':i':r~!ul'til forrmmnformauon i ~~err!p;~lt!i°:i~~:~~· r:::=.·.;pe~.rN:-.!3rt wU.fw•~ ltOO e • ~e~ d + ~~1~ ~;n Rea.lonom1cs 6iH700. t Cote Realty 1 fo~1~:2~!:t!:~· ask Shores area. Enclsd •••••••••••••••••••••• • Add $2.60 for each lddltlonal llne for 8 times • tact Karen 547.915 1 lnJ sq fl. Mesa Vente: & ln\'t'Stmenl --- - garage, balcony. Submit SEA WI HD • X2t8 area I '648·5777 I Newport A•/T.11ttiit on children & pets. VI LL AGE • S45·412J , !llJ•~q fl 54~2001 TSLMGMT 642·1603 • Female lo shr w1same New 1&2 bdrm luxury Publish my ad for 8 days starting • FUm. nr Orange Coast WATaflOMT aptsinl4plans.18drm • • Colleenismk545-4009 WITHDOCI from 5490. 2 bdrm Crom Class1ficat1on r sh.m 3Br house 1n Real nice 2 Br 2 Ba S570. Townhouse from • • C M. w1F $188 mo + 1, ~ wtspa In mstr Ba. blt·in S640 + pools, tennis, • Name utils + dep days Sandy! / l "-""" ) ) kllch .. Crplc. dbl car waterfalls, ponds! Gas • 645·2223. eves Nan<"Y \.l_ ~======~..l. garage, + 2 additional for cooking & heating t A ddress • 548-7428. ___ _ llNTE 1 olf·stspaces. S1300. paid Ft-om San Diego • 3rd roommate to shr ron J.a.a......w.s. Frwy drive North on C1't z· Phone • do N B $200 h ~173 •• ...,. t75-6670 Be ach lo McFadden • Y IP in · · + s r then West on McFadden C M O d O • ul.11. 646-3S54 ~AVE to Seawind VIiiage • hec k Or . . enclose • Prof. person to shr quiet 2 Br 2 Ba. (fl>IC. garage, (714)893·5198. • Charge m y ad to·. hvnh.se. HB Mstr ste. tm/mo yrty. 548·5682 • pool, jac. sauna Non 3bdrm. 2ba duplex. 'h WlffleilrH ADh • • smkr846-7'21. 11.:.S FUm ai unfurn I bdrm ~ * E blocktobeaeh. apt. All util pd All • 0 . w Xp. F roommate. C M . $250 5411-1083. a~nitiet. 846-0619. • m>. :t l'J Ullls 645-2968 ( (---c:cs---) ) BIG lBR. w/Ocun Vfl. --• II 0 • • M-Ftft. 7pm orwll_!lds. am Havtn Area. S600 -400 • # Exp . Shr 2 br rondo, Fairview Rlck556-1774 842·7264 •• .. ••••••••••••••••••• • & Se&erstrom. tennis, ' Laguna Bea~h Motor Inn, • L 1 et """/ 2br.2 ba,gar.,pool,sun· 9115 No. Pacirir Coast ------------------------------• poo , c.~ mo . ~· diabwasher. $650. Hwy, Lacuna Beach. • r·--------WE 'LL' PAY THE POSTAGE -------------i • ~34921754•6464 Avad.Mar.S. Dally. Wedly, Kitchen 1 , ' 1 FtoshrwtM.& F. Super m..m'f/141-2992 1va1lable. Low winter • 1 1 111 I' NO POSTAGE : • c~an. wtll fOc. NB Con· BEACH l bdrrn, bright ma41M5294 • ' NECESSARY I doS'l75mo.67$·9643 and airy, .,. blk Ocean. Pvt. ~t. ~ smokina or l IF MAILED : • Spare rGOms gatherina 'Newspaper Carriers tor routes in Huntington Beach, ~ly, re~~~lbldeamed drinking, quiet M over • l· IN THE o=· a dust? Make money, ,~llnp.,_"" ren or l>.$Zl5/moSSi.o637 • p. NITfO c..TAfES ,. meetlnttratinaaunts. peta. Avail Mar 1. 14'5 .S! U ""' -g, t Be come Btd and per mo. Jltb 6 Bilbo• Wortlat rem .. 25-40. ~ • ! " A D •75 2•99 blk bdl, N.B .• 1111fum.. BUSINESS A.EPLY LABEL • Breakfast HOit. Writt or rea •Y• · " · non-arnkr. 1215. 675-1708 > call Dl Uftdley. No. 6 Fountain Valley & Newport Beach t:wsmt1~ • w rn1sr CL•ss PUM1T HO u cosu MES.a. c•l1F01tH1A ; e Tanana CA 9tase t2l3) aft... lll -VEUAILI.£! • -~ -3"•1171 1'\am. rm for rent n 6 • ~-'-"""-----2br.2 bli. frple, ocean NtwP~!.!1 f 250/mo , .-.B POSU<KWll.~lt£PAC>8Y AOOA£S.c.£f Prof. Woman seeks riew,"10.Mz.tl41 ftmalepm. &e·MI aft. ~ Or1nge Co11t Dilly Pllof I e Chrlttlan Lady to live in VllJ.A BALBOA s.. • .. I •1 p•1at • Cdll home w 11on ai z br. 2lle, trpar. micro. f'un c• RM . 1210. • ~ II r I dotll. Rent ne1oti1ble. ale, oetll • bQ viaw. 16a..I or Call A11.1•er ~ • ....;.llMM.;.;;...;.~l. ____ _ •MN141 .. 11. eo.aoo • 1 • Rm t pvt bath. OC'ftn ftlAIA&IOA COi p•t . eat ran· e I lox 1MO '• y\fw,StaTerractApta, i..ialWill llteetUtlJ C.I..,.. peUo. hl"I. I 330 w I • i • ~~~~..,,50 ..... Yllw "Cata .......... ('·'"··· .• I ,_ ... ...a .. ·~-. c· .. __ 2, • -•:--l lo S: lll1'l6eL Mkron" 6 ~.-....--" •cw ' I ..,,,_,~-~.•I. -·~·... Nf1t1 Anl l/L QWel. • , .. 1 .\. .... Ill •1111 to 9'r ........ I w, a M, ,.,_ --·••kr. Oat .,_. --~· '-... -... , •. = 111/111&/ta,. .. .............. ~._,·~··~····~ -~ .• •_ .. fk~..,,- •Good Emaaings • Super Trips • Great Prbts \ I' CALL CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT ••••• 942~1 For further inlormation reprding advertieing placement in the School& & l natructions Direetory -call Loui&e Griffith 642-5678 ext 311 PRACTICA[ SCHOO[S · IN AllAHBM 17141 634-4565 I Ht L LUlftT AlL ........ Thu~day morning classes In Balboa ............ 4450. 11110••••••••••••••••• nl IWLC .. ah/ Hlfp,V..W 71 w..w 7100 --... 710 •••••••••• ... ••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ...... _ •• , ... ,........ ••SITT. Store or Office. 1350 sq fl ,_11••/ Mesa Verde Arn 1Mf & ,...... 1~tlUl· OROF;R DESK RECEP· Siies "1Weff for1ndlvldu:1i. •-vein Id All TIONIST Lookinl for F/tlme salesperson t.o 6t.ribute nutritional =:~· ::s.~ · 5'5·•123 ...................... . Learn How to use Wang, IBM 0$6 & Oisplaywriter Xerox860 Morning. afternoon & evening classes. bright persoo for heavy needed to wor k on produrts. No selling re· · ' prder dealt. Sense of Bllboe 111111\d. Must be q&ared. For lnform1tlon. flT BUW UlW. reg. 3 humor a + Ex per. able t.o wotk weekends. send ae1f·•ddreued. rem. brwo, S1S. 841·4630. C-rciel 5100 ..... 4475 ...................... . ••••••••••••••••••••••• •SPtlnuAL Pac~ :Jnzv.f 'Sc/.oo/ . helpful.C.11646·9864. APPlr In pers~n: The 1la•ped envelope to: _.•-=-SQ~'-·----­ Pers1mmon Tree. 229 Modem Coneepts. Box Wlrehaired Fox Terrier ~1~e Ave .. Balboa -..s. Ameriun Fork, puppies. Mi le & felJ\ale Pri me Tustin & San llA.DIMG • ·c• ,PAITTIMI iiiiiiiiiiiiiii_llii_iii_il l!l'84003. AKC. 8 .,ks, 1250 t>-9plri. Expanding youth 846-0f72 rounseling firm has SA.LIS ECTI ----·--- 014) 556-&aM Clemente re.tail or office 1815 S. El Camano Real. ce. 730-trnt~ 831-8699. San Clemente. 492·7296. 6310.12 W. Coast Hwy, F\lllylic. __ _ N.B Loet&'-d 5300 1800 sq. ft. retail sales & ••••• .. •••••••••••••••• C1f11MT_ ....... .._ Dey1 • ~ .... • Szl .,, 6 I 0 I. I 7Ma St. 5-hl W 17141 543-9495 openings ror 3.5 1harp F1otut1c salea oppty. B. ICIAH hto Y• 1045 outgoln~ mature peo11le Advertisin g/Public Z.S years cornmerclal .. ••••••••••••••••••••• 1 to rmtivale ambitious Relatloos. New roncept. ex rltoct. ~ Free F P1k German service, now auto atereo. ii--------•ll ll95/mo. 213/llQl-598S or 944-8114 FOUND ADS ME FREE Cal~ IA~H !E' MOMIY Become a Word rocessing SPteialist 11 "-~ ltU Financial Aid Programs. Accredited by 10.u yrokb. Call 2-Spm. Top commlnion. SU.rt Mw ct• l it Shepherd)tlx. 9 ~Mo Old. 642·"321, ext. U3. Aak for i mmed. Call: Grace.••••••••••••••••••••••• Shots. Good w/chlldren Andrea. fAJ-Mn ....... IOOI Terrific Wa1,chdog ••••••••••••••••••••••• Excellent C~ eer Opportunities .............. 4500 the Ac crediting Commlss1on or the N1tional Auociat1on of Trade • · Technical Schools. 1--------· 1·--------1....................... ~2790 N.B., 3975 Birch. 8860 sq WORD PROCESSING AND INFORMATION ~ ~:~ ~~~~~C?l-!?~r.~ta An1.. Ca W101· American Airlines Sabre Computer Tralnin~ S.. Oak Duk SUO. P ie ""-'" plif TIMt L 0 0 It In I r 0 r E " . C.binet mo. Fireplace .... f1l2 ft. or less. MIA zone. sor per sq. fl . A gent 541·5032. 642-5671 Person to deliver Daily perienced Salesperson. ~I $300. UZ·.oM Pilot auto route In GolfShop&les&Buyer. LiquW1tioonle,tomake ....... 1050. "A ....... rtf,._.W_., ____ ..... La&wia Beach. No col· Part!fhnt ~Full Tia. naom for more merchao-••··~ ..... ,. •• ,.,., ••••• ~sq rt. by Npt PM • I BUY fwy & 405 fwy . From llWAID!!!! hu•• USO tWpW..W 7100 HlfpW..ttd 7100 HetpW..ted 7100 teaing. Hours: (3:30 Salary + Commlssaon. diM.SweetSwtetSpirit. * * * * 1504 Mr . O . Kee re LOST: Bl ue &i Gold •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• to 5:30PM. Mon tbru Newport Be ach Golf 9932 Hamilton. HB . Good I.lied Forniture & ~l.-:11 M AC~ W PARRO T . • Aut.oGlass lnstall~r ft-a-I., .... ~ HOUlll--MG Fri> and (SAM to 1AM. Course. Contact John ..._l Appliances-OR I will VirglmaPl&EldenAve r .. nr & Sn1'e E I d . II -"' ........ ---· Sat &Sun.) Eaminp -Leonard.151~1:_ __ ~-=-•c• 1010 !M!llorSELLforVou Industrial Parlt Units ror '196• r-xper ence in a I experienced. Newport $200f.#EH per size of route. Call ..... --- le.ase. 1500, 1900, 3'700 sq CM.646-l322 --1 Phases. 40 Hrs. Hunt ' Beach Office 4 day 5 days. 9·4pm Perm 642-4321. Bryan Rollind.. SAUSLADY ..... HARBORA.llt:•A•••• MASTllSA.UC110M ft. units. Avajl. for im· REWARD' Lost 2 Dogs MocWs llcot'h inglon lkb. ! week Ex c e 11 en t pasat aon ror ma tu re. want.eel tor retail store in APPLJANCESERVICE 64M416, 13J..t6ZS rred. occupancy. Office 1 S~ Brn puppy 1 631 JM3 536·6561 A fl er SP M . benefits. Eng Its h s pe ak i n R ~:'! Beach. pttlme We beer u.d ippliances 31 sol'as. New 998. Lov &warehousespacewith Medium Blk Curly . • ~ 960-5121 646-48611 11>'0man w1thgoodab1hty , . ,_.. ...,,..,.,,._, __ -Wesellrecond guar eseats 188. Sleepers . Ca.J'l)C!ts. drapes & wel 1 Atler 4PM 968-~ -MERCHANTS/ Bus •· 1-----t.o answer phone & take ~ """"P'!'!'. Sllespel'IOIU & Cuhier lfPliances NJ.3011 1199. FACTORYtS'1·5708 bars.J8r·41•a~.fl .Call 'Found:Black .brn.wh1le nesspeople Do you WTSfTTB "'-lh.,.....Offfici MCT._ rressages.Carnec Gd l ~~·:W.:1~·:~kk NoSllnd1ys,NoNights.W-h /d. · 1 t KING INNERSPRING 642-4463.Mon·r •• 8·5. young remale Husky qualify to accept THE p d d t ' .... , us .. e 1cent"' or working t'Onds Small . .-• Hours9:30to6. u era ryers. 1 e EXTRA FIRM mattress s...,. 4550 mix. ~nl Bch 897-5091. CARD? Increase busi· baeb~i~~/y~ !1d g~~l llh~ ~·Pd/~~~ txti'dn~:;; ~ml~x S:rc!::!~ ~~·1 ~;~.::;. ~~:e~~~!l~ RElNERT'S ~0f1e h • S1 oo u P .tet never ll$Cd. worth •••• .. ••••••••••••••••• Lest: F yellov. Lab. 1 yr ness. profit. info ~·/ooh· everyday, Moo· Fri. Will C M 5*3000 M~r. CA. !12625 ad bull din.« or pa~~ rt Blvd. CM M:sle~::a~iei' ~fs~ · ts.ii>. sac S218 del Never Storage Area or 3 Car , old. wtleather collar. '.!.l_ Mr. Greene. 667-0779 hlVe to meet child after · · · -----makeup desir1blt. Alrili. SALES "PR " persona SS.21MOXin&• used queeR u . worth ~:i::11&;; ~:a •\fi:: I ~~~:!a ·~· h ~Cd~~ g~r s' ""'-' Senk n 536 :.~ :~~~~~~ ~~p~ ~ll~!e:::~~tll PO:; Mon Hlhlllprru .foe*, I 5 Non ~~~t;y°'!,~:1 p~::.::; =g· ~:rgi~ •;!~dh~~ , .... ~MCIS ~~~;si!>o=: 1:/~el Access.759·0268 __ I Reward . 897 5 192. ""swEDISH.MASSAGf• llUST BE OEPE'.N· w/benefits. N.B. offtre n necessary. Salary de-teHicent attractive and ..:'' 951·8133 - Garage for r ent onl.!124192 ____ Relaxing.non-sexual D!-~LE . ~UST hn 646-4918. 5.!!!>~l'.L!'Owk ~56·1737 pends on experienee. sin cere persons t.o Rdrlaerator S200 iml-•MU-l!IS?lllll!Sll!!l!I--• Balboa Pen. next to f\Jn Found. Brittany Spaniel, Robert661·7820 00·8J within walking distance Dental omce Manaiter LNSURANCE-Exper acct The Daily Pilot Is an represent them in their w..a.er •dryer 1125 ea. Mabo&any double bed 1.one 11012x20•21. USO male . vi e Costa -------to Slonecreelt Elemen-N.8. rutont1\'e pral'· ass1srsnt ror com equal opportunity PrivateChlbtn_'Newport Dlabw .. bu llOO. witb mattress. Moon rm.613-2943.613-3930. Mes.a /SA 1!14 ·0630. t yl:,_..& ta.ry Scbo!>I , Wood· tire seeks exp. team trereial lines wimajor employer. Women and •lldl. Interviews re· &el-SIMI sl\lped mirror on head 991-0621 ,.,..,....... bndge. Irvine. Please orieinted lndlv looking ans brolter1ce ~arm an minor ities are ea· quired. Call for an 1p-_ _..______ bo&rd. ...,. W..tecl 4600 L B 1 \' 1 -t ••••••••••••••••••••••• r a 11 552-0461 after ror a highly responsible NB, s a 1 a r y t' om . l'OW'llged to 1pply. pointmtnt. 9-& Mon ·f'Ti. Kauno~ washer• dryer JiOO OBO '3l-l'191 art6 rus-r··MAR.Ri°io:~·;;; J~~~;ry Bo~~ co~te~~s Sct.ools& 5.JOpm. position. Returning 3 OTnsurate w/exper. for Submil applications at ult for Mr.• Hal~rg 1 yr olll l!tO each. home near Coast Reas Vic Newporter Inn. NB .,....,.._ 7005 hlah level or esl"m an appt <'all \7 t4 I fronleow1ter. ~ _____ ~~~~ l l,f~s~100.)m _______ _ rentCall M1ke,S49-3670 or Elks Club. NB.••••••••••••••••••••••• Bike s ~or e nee,ds Xl11600nt fringle betnicfllsf. ~· c;gee.e Salbwomao. apparel . l lUYFUIMrTUIE REWAR0."'76().8645 D-.ce ca.u.. eneraetic ~erson , or + ncen vt> ' ,... eap, ..W.age. CM. Hair Wiiber. dryer • refng. Les .:._!57_:!!!.l -6wltsessiomeveryS1t ll.oClt & v1noua dultes. fied 63HA90 IMSUIAMCE 330 ._.St S'ue Shop. Stdy P IT. All xlnt med. 11.SO ea. Like neYt Simmons ...... /l•••lt/ Lost. Blue & <'ream 2146 Newport Bl Costa Dental Ass1Stant Trainee. F'GS has opulng in • -r · -..ao 631.a12or~·l245 ,._. Persian Fml kitten Vic ~egi~!li"J Feb ~7\h. Mesa • 14/br. 2.1/hr wee.It. Mon Anaheim ror automobile ColhtW.S.. CA. ~.... ---Refri•er1tor lllte new Sleeper Sofa. brown tone ••••••••••••••••••••••• Manner Highland 21'20 ero ac ance, g n- . Th 642 7998 sales rep. Inside sales. ~·~" • . llint S350 OBO. ~4·7520 ....-Ss Reward646-3S75___ ning jazz dance & dan· IOOl1911 _ u!!:__:__· no prosperting Attrac Career Oriented Cirl hOlt Pree. two door AlkforOiana lhoS. 1.1.. 5005 re.rcise. Cluses held It "'•-wnort Beach a d Dt~·~H,..S la ve compensat ion ,A.YIO'-"C&... 11\...\A•uforYolltlg Grow· SIS.•9060 .,,,,.._ Gl"n top dlnn" 0,,•rtwtity Lost Orange young Tab-Madles llouse Club ror '.~":!'1n1a-"y Dutle~ n... ;wind-bl-AllORI packa•e. iclnt franue Det1,1,1eld bi:'"'"d" i . .' .. ibeutacturingCom· f'ri":..&..1·re. r-trrtt. 2 .. 1........ ~ I .. ••••••••••••••••••••••• by male co l Wh ile women. Limited class ft'nD a~··" · · ~pe a e. PP Y 1n " ,. ..-t .,. ~ --,..,. t be. matclnng chn . chestipaws COM HVH inch.de T1B. PtR. Al P, perlOI\ betwffn 3-5PM benefits. uicluding com· r·"v ":,~ I pany. Word Processtn g ctr. whlaa, 11.n.l.eoad.. In l eticeres. love seat & IALIOA. IA.ICEIY 759-8r78 sue AI R, payroll, billing. daily 210 Newport pany paid dental. Rapid eeptng .. n mulD ex· • or computer Ex· oe,Am.Mi-l.92t footstool. $600. 8 mo s 41 Yrs a money maker. ----IU0-5221.846·33'77 etc. Resumr with Sfl.ary ~lller'Dr .. NB advan~rntnt po~ntaal I :rchreqll~~wport perieac~ desired. 9 C r,.wtlit~OE Fr06t Free _!!rW.MS·S899 -~~=u:~vlli~jc:'J Lost: cray & white F cat. -hut«y to: Forsythe Ad·\ THltoOO UITH Some auto exp . & _a _al!!:, _ _.;_ Airport Location. Call Refrig. 1150 t3l·SS82 t 'adaS225. loveseat Sl2:!1. collarw rab1es tagfrom JolllW..tecl, 707 vert.iaing! 1611 WestcUff j ~ Employ casualty Ucense desira· Pool Ma inten a nce. s.Mmfor t. 6JH2!M · • h lease.MFEoLrlnrurocrmHaSl.ion Saudi Arabia, Laguna •••••••••••••••••••••• or .• S111te 212. N.8. 1 -~ . ble. but would consider Laguna Be ach. pre· .__"'T"'t1ICH••ti ~Cof'rfi con;. bot Nl(UC1. Reward.643-0151 Youn& married man !IM80. -·--s non·expt-rienced ln· rerably have own truck. -,or ~&~. s•r·"i':!' • ....,. .... _"~more wuber/ -or \', D 'rep · REALTOR aft. m. wuuldlilte oddjobseves ----·-d d I r th r s 4915109 I --......... "".,.._ .. _.. J!!J.SS7-M7• 615-8120 & wkends. Can do a IOOIJ(aPEI f /C Telecommunic.at1ons av•. ua 1 0 e ~1 ~ ..:__ Bruch office Salary dryer. 1 yr old. $350. 54 .. Round Solid Birch Lost: black longhair M variety of htndyman '"'CPA firm nr. 0 .C. engineering firm needs qualified. For appoant °"" &tabllshed Com· Refrlg t yrs o ld . Table. 6 Captains MORRO IA Y Cat. vie. Balboa Penin. jobs. 972.115ZS eves: ask rt.152-9391. dri ft.en experienced m m(7~41n~6.;1:111 J ud Y RJ¢1XfAf&J!Ad! pany. AU fri nges ph~s P 001BO. 4H-5061. 8 Olain. N6." CcMdition. Equip. rental center. 613·8972 dys · 975·317 I for Bill. Leroy, mil • pencil on - -Xln t opportunity for a pension plan. Ca II: All·S:30 Pitt. ~-Twin &eds. Antique ~t.business wtxlntloc .eves. H OUSECL EANI NG Vellum' Mylar. Good LECALSECRETARY reliable. conscientious Nonnaforappointment. Refrlg. fr os t free. Wb.t French Provrncial. 10 yr lease. Nat'l & local Found; Schwinn men's 10 TRY US! Reas Oepen: IOOklltm• F~C attitude• h1rd workers Laguna Hills Recent person. Good hn, ftood (213) 671·8161 kemalter. xlnl cond lrl() Each. 115 ror Both truck rental. S60.000. spd bake Call and 1den· dable. Ref. Call 6Jl·4tl92 Positionw/Npt. Be . In· need.only apply. K & B Cali f. pr obate ex· pay Mgml possibi ity. -•n••y l250.S48-448S 645-5718 (~)S28-S836a[l 5~ Wy.631-1275 _ or73S-_. vestment F i rm . Engineer in R penen«> necessary. Ex· need own vehicle. ex· -- Old C Responsible For d11ly _(J IOSt0-1614. _ rellent typing & s. II penem·e not necessary. Good bookkeeping sk ihs. Ref rig. Wblr1pool, side by D 1 n in I! room tab I e ....,...._.. F~ rw~er type Temp. jobs. your office. financial transactions & skills req'd Call Mr~ l Contact Cref'g: 6'5-0'79$ Great boa. great loe.· side, Harvest Gold. like w leaf. & 6 chairs Sl45 Opportwtlty 5015 Bike Vac. Ca!JI Court. skHled secretary. pro· Computerized G1L's. Exper'd Ji1oral Desa~ner Winslo• fo r appl. lion. Above·aver a1e new,$360.131-1508_ 080 !149-2111 •••••••••••••••••••••••River Ave NB Iden ofr eader. w rite r , An alyti ca l minded needed.Carriage Trade 837·1~ · sal a ry . Excell ent Refrigerator, Westing· 3-"'ecesectlonal sora.re Inv es l o r / s Wan · llfy. 645-89I.!_ --642-2142 pmon. Expr. Required Shop. &4S..009J. ask for ----NIP COOi( benefits. Position open house Frostfr~.12SO. u'"°i>hol . Like new. best or ted·SI0,000 total or Found Bracelet Feb 7100 ~1~123 Sal or Diane __ -LEGA.LSfC'Y Experience not nee. now.CallS48·6~--~7Gl,eves ftt 8SH l4'2 10.11,000. 20'1. 2 yr. loan 17lh. Vk Costa Mesa. Hl4p Wmltd FAST FOODS Newport Cente r real Oexable hrs Apply in pay. int. only mo. <200"f Call to identify. 640· 1310 1111110•0 ............ Put-time or F\111-Ltme . estate ht1gat1on firm person between J..5PM Secret.., Hotpoint ll' coppertone Anlq. dresser Sl70 Stack sec.) PLUS 200"< Dep. c:.MMfMtlhr TIIEROTISS'ERIE needs ve ry exper 'd daily, 210 Newport UICUTIYE refri&. xlnt cond. 1125. bkcase S300 Lab tbl. write-Off PLUS2S'i< Tax SCIAM-l[JS AMTF C Some e~perlen ce 2180Bristol St.,CM Legal Exer Sec'y Xlnt centerDr. . ASSISTANT ••· l<XXI inlaid wood. $270 CreditPLUS5'1 ofbusi· A.CCOUMT I necessary. apply typing, dirtaphone & THEGOODIAITH Tohandleall 1Spectsor W11her. aas drye r . Sofal&0.~:8063 _ ness net . Call Bill ANSWERS ' Position w/Newport between9-4lnperson Al Female Gym Instructor s hortha nd a must. ~ualOppEmploy. 1'\1111)\g 1111ctive sales WcwbttU.BotbSlOO CUstoin made se(-t1onal 1~ AJ~id _Limit Bch. Propl 'y Mgmt. WESTERLY MARIN E. Superbodies, A New Fil· Sala ~n 640-6960 department in the grow· 61~ sofa . cost 11150. Sell •• F irm . O utstanding 1638 Placentia Costa ness Center ID Costa -·---PllNTIMG Ing field of RESORT $450. ~5681 if no :rns Malllytoloml 5025 Rig~ID~liwy -Career Oppty -G /L, Mesa642-0146 MesalsLookingroran UMECOOI Camera plateroom IS· TIME -S HARING . =~~~~:~r~:~~ .£_lllla~~---- ••••••••••••••••••••••• , AIP/, AIR. w/emphasis CAFETERIA. mature attractive. energetic, & Experience preferred. sastanl. Mon. Tues. Fri& Minimum 10 years OBO ,200 My s1Sler·in-law as a ht in rmancial an1lysls . If ,,,_, 1 Physically Fit G 1rl but not necessary . Sat. Will worlt vertical ............. rial ........ rientt. S250/ over MATIRESS& .......... i ....... : ..... : Ue depressed. She re· you're bright w/prior rnue. part·t me, perma· Start March 1st Call I got ble th · I ,.... .. ,,... "'""' 9G-M63. BOX SPRING ached40last weck and FtCA•per .. wA'll h•lp nent pos itio n , n o John Rudy forAppt saary_ne aa ,w• t'omme rria camera. Realestateor escrow of· Pd...,"""-tl-"" ""' ... " weekends. Call: 613-4403 or . expenenre. ~PP Y in Knowledge of P MT pro· fl ee b1ckground pre· mcydtt 1020 ~ .,.,. K'1V sodidherMIORIFF_._ train you & provide for alt.6Eves !714l S48·1931 person between 3SPM cesshelpful.Xlntfor col· ferred. Prestigioua •• .. ~•••••••••••••••••• 20 yr y,·arranty P11lov. OHk.t ... 16at. Loans to 1256,000. 1'erms IO 3 years. Call lo see if we have the besl rates qa.llable r(\r your loan. Call Mr. Nelson (714) 966·0755. Cambr idge Capital Group · a California real estate broker also acting as a lender. FOUND: Pet Bird, call lo career advancement. FllHCH TUTOI daily. 210 Newpo rt lege students with relat-Newport Beach office I Men 1 New Notobecane ~<>'!._~-~- Identify. Nev.1>0rt Bch. Call: 640-0123 C_..., & Host.st Needed. Mu st learn Center Dr .. NB ed classes Apply In location. Salary open 1ospd. S200m. muat sell Orange Fabnc a· Courh On Peninsula 673-1~i-------· Apply in person between Basic French for t ravel. THEGOOO EA.RTH person 1660 Placentia Send resume td: Ad 673-0.109 _ lnXlnt Cond ll500BO FOUND: Sml male BenJ• type dog, blk w/whlte legs & chest Red collar. 96J.8IM A.CCTGDIPT. 9AMandllAM. 2u..saz.~ _Eq~alQPJLEmplo ·Ave.,C.M 111015. Daily Pilot. P.O. •961-SJ19 aft5 wknd's Ne«b mature numbers ...... MARKETJNC NIMTSHOP lk>x 1580. Costa Meta, .... MlhrWllOJS Sobd Wafdut Makhlng ocient.ed person. Proper· ltst••I. FIOMTOfffCE W .. Mofoehtcw? Musttype40wpm. ca.~ ....................... c.olfee T""e <t4x601 & ty mgmtfirm. 11000/mo. 37 FuhlonlslandNB SICllTAIY Want TAX Advantages~ 3333tdSt. La una Bch Sew I ng m ac )Ii n e HOW 25'lFT Comer Tble 129 SQl 1250 Found. large female dog. Call Janet 833-3544. Wanted. Minimum 15 J · itl g · ti•~ n...i_...,.,. 2x6 ...... lting. O BO ,968-5389 A fl CAStlB/SAUS WPM . A ccu r a t e om our g,c In dnew UC~OHtST ~.erper .. qua.., ~.·.=. a ... -~"'ed .. wood Stwlt.nds. ____ _ vie. Paularino, C.M. Answering Service. no HOUSIWAll DEPT. General Office & Word company U$) es esar New p 0 r 1 Be al' h a must. Pltce~or)t. ....., ..,,.,, '"" 551.ar.?O. ~r. neceu1ry. Part-ing to be financially free Good benefits. 642-9652 fencing. Lowest price Found 2/2 d blk F time, full-time shirts Parf-lime . Apply : Processing exp req. in 13 yrs, & who love Professiooal office, de-guar. Jim or Ken dog.: vi/· ':e~c b & avail. Loe1ted in CM. Crown Hardware. 3107 $1300 P e r Mo nth . y,·or1ongwilhpeople.No siresarttepllonlslwlth SHOESALESPERSON lme &4&·989S. Lo • ..,DUE7 Garfield. H.B s.42.1192 ea -=ll·-'.646-"""-MIOO'---E_O_E ___ 1 E.CoutHwy,CdM. +Benefit.a. Contact Mr. seliant.involved 64&670S &ood typing ability &i F /time ror a h igh "'" -Toko, United Industries ---· • . pleull'll telephone mu· fasb.ion shoe store in ..aCASH? d~_· __ APT.MANAGER a.•ICAL/. 714"644·9805 Mecharucalorgassta11on ners. Salary open. Flllllon IJlan-cl. Gd pay Competitive rates on hue .ta 5350 Semi-retired couple, ror &AL PllDAV exper. willing to learn 64(>.2912 'benefits. Room for ad· rmrtgage loans. 1st. 2nd ••••••••••••••••••••••• 16 unit complex in C.M. A.uislant to omce Mgr. ....a. OFFtCE radiator repair 631·9424. c;;..______ vaneemenl. For in · or 3rd T.O on your re· Maintenance exp. N!(\ Typing, Ute bookkeep· lnsurance Agy in Costa 957-W ltcept/~tL office temew call: 1S9·9100. sidential or Income Attc.tis Massar 549-0433 in&. payroll &i busy Mesa has opening for -Mt•c• •. _ .... ....__. -Property mcmt firm. prop.Junlorloansto SS Open24hrs ada pbooea. SS. to stut, enerteUcpertontoban· .._ ........... l rvloe. USO /mo ."-""'"".-i~---• mil. Courtesy to bkrs. 7days awe~k A.SSISTAMT r.itea commensurate die variety of otrlce Ex,perienced front office &'J3.3544. 1•w1 Steve or Duane 69 Gorgeous girls to needed ror busy Bal. I.al. with adaptability to job IM.iel.11\tat be responsi· Medic 1 I Ass Is tan l Privlte money 1Vail1ble ~~.'!~.~_!01ulsaJsawceulzlzals, ..;:salon===·-=61.:..:MO:...;,;;;:;;ll;.;.. ____ , potlUon. •O hr week. ble' w1Jling to learn. Newport ~uch. OB· c II ..,. __ LAI\: Call: Mary Anne, btwn Rl"4 adv111cement for GYN. F\111 tune. ref re· ~roomm !_.~O;!!), up. a to u rl s ls B a n It PARTMt'1111dE•.••oran•e t-12-.ol35orSSl.f751 right person. Paid .com· qi.ired. Call&U-7870 1 :-·-· Americard. Master t .. beMfits Call st Mlillllll. Trwt Olarte. American Ex· Co. Sw1p Kett. Sat an-Q.8.ICAl $49-m:J • · a · Nunlng Dti4li SOJS prua . Diners 111 d/orSwl. Apply. SWAP Ftont ore. lively In· MUISISAIOI ••• .. •••••••••••••••••• wekome. 114/645-3433. MEET 0 FF IC E aura net ofc netdt HAllSTYUST E•per'd, all 1bUts . C 2112HarborBl.CM ~?AM to l PM. per101 w / pbo ne ueedtd wttll following. Qinv. HOlp. Nwpt. Bch. S41111r~ •· OC F1irgrounda Coata penooallty • typlnc Bel.lfl.9'1M01J. Bring your smite• join :~:;:,1n:~f:!:.te t--,..••w ..... •l..;;Maa.=;;;.....------• lkWa. wtlliD,f to lean Homt cleanloc service us! FreemSr.med.,den· '= i!! .. ._ $ A T T E N T l O M bUliaela F • 151·3013 needs~ launed. Must !:~ Ute Ina. Call Mrs. ...,.. -"' •ISCOITS• HOMEMAKERS AMforPtU.rl!oyce hu owa tuntp . ,,_;~ WTDI l BAatl•trrER NeedJpeoplewho lane COOIS LaurW:MMlll. O...CIWOU HJ.2171 HHt I THANEVER! 24HRS l~Uflu.bn.perweelc. "'11 •,art U•. E•· ~, .. -...a.J-S.•~Tainto5pm. WIDOW HAS SU fo r u.a AJ07 Clo Nftl .. to ••tllr. ....___. •-I la ,_ -lltt b kk I • • UC9'Tf~ST MIYI ror dr.'s office. Xlnt IDTl-4tllS career oppty. Must be HoW Wiald you Ull:e to friendly • outgoill1-Eit· tltD 11 much u $50.ot • per. not nee. but hetpr10. ..-1 Do you lilt driw· 642-4532. In 111>vln. picnics. plua peltia, ~ ,.,, .... llC.nOMIST Dlw ftlll\Y othel' thlnaa' nttdt4 tor buty 0p. ~would ,,-a_, t••l•lo1bt't office. -.Joy worklal Pa.-t type • have IOIM • bo.kheplAI akUl1. QUALIPICATIOflS • ..:. .. =.;;. .. __ ,_1. _____ , 1. Over 11 Jtltl of aat. 1 Jllll, liloMtt and dt· TD'a. RE Loans. IOK .....,..., ,_. (C)mplete tllforma • CIDlllt-...... e • s. lx"rten e not fttC, 00 up 0 • c Outcalll -... • pnftt lhlria1. :f; flai'le 1tn. A-Ir I• ..... M.• per hr. to Up. Noo.litCMek. No licawt: Mf.,-. pref, bit .at aec. A ,.,_ tletwe,itf.iPll start. Mat trabs Mon ~------------ Peallf. Deelllttoa As· -------•L--... in perlM Coto'a, U i ally, ZIO Ntwport UlruFti.17M100asllfor [1.Jc:'•~latld 911111971. CW.TOOAV ! ··-•1114351 IAM\otOPM aoc.mnu KtuJGrau I"' •• ,..... talud Squart. "'---'--=.,NB -=-~·------• J'lllle call ,..ur atater. "' ..--ur -•nxD> lATI 2nd TD 1'7e.G l Love you. Ambltlou1 bor• n d N.B. TMIMOO IAITN ah •ort. 11111ture ht-•t'\altJ Amorti.Md Clrtl 1•&1 JMn old. to Olivery •• O¥tr 11 for i r-t()n &aploz di• •• wut t ral1 f ·ll, •P\1111 Aln•ble PIOf. ISCOIT ..t OM • two fYfft· LA. in.a to boas lll ~SAJllU ._rrt., all d•1 Sit. •No Pu-P11mt11t ~alCipm laat a week 1e ttl11 C.11 . h•·h•. llttfM ':wt' ... , ...... •...-.....•~-· -----..::=:=..;=:.;.;:i;i~-~ ~-o.11 ..... kwt topartr ..,,.,'"~nlllilert•· •u mr-. ..-Nil ..__ ft __ ___.. ,_,___ L 11 UW. Tnll,..UU• lie •ert·ee·eth l ~ · ~~ 1 wttll 1"· 11 e or u4 tHtlaat .. Ill " ' Jlrl-ln. C.U P,&•ltll .. ft llm. •::ri:c:,:;.~ ~~·· u1tlmt,....,,.... ,..,..... /8. + .... ~~-IM!I! !'-!Nq, w~1 ·, ... Call ftt lattat U1t. . CllMil: ... Ill llr A8 .. I _.~ 1-1 1n . ",_ ,._ .. ..,... MMlll. -. rrt. ,....,. ;;...,._. Oli9. I fllt•H U81 • ,,.,.... • SheJving s11tem. a units, 45 shelves 7 'hX4'w. shelva •-'· lon1. s ply plywd, modular. make clfer ~ \000 tr storage S)'llttn. Btst over mo. 6'4·1117 All COMPIESSOI I hp port. Binks $150 Binks pressure pot $100 Sl6-tll2 ' " '750Del 1900 w,,,. Crt'at s'hape S2,UOO 631-6811 1.971 VW Bus, This Is 11 dynamlt' 1 passenger bus with automa ta c transmwton. overhead 1t1r oond1tlonlng, and low miles. It ls the cleanest ooe in town 11138134 t $4995 J im M ar1no Volltswa~e'l·~·2000 _ 79 VW Van, 32.000 ma, runs terrific. lots of xtras $7500 080 4!5-5641 1978 VW Convertible. This 1s a super ~harp wtute Bug Convertible wtlh only 37,000 miles. !002818J S6995 Jim Marino Volkswagen. ~ml THIUIGEST S8.ICT10H of IUr model, low mileage Cad1llacll In Soot~m Calllornta' NAIHS CADILLAC 2J600 II arbor Blvd COSTA MESA 540-1860 '75 ELDORADO Xlnt cood. S2500 or best2!f~ __ 84_!1 3200 '77SEVILLE Extra clean. sunroof. wire wbl covers. runs ~at. ~50 67~-~ ·~ Eldo1 ado 81arnt1 Blaek, alt equ1pmt-nt. 11,<KX> mile~. likl' new, mus.! ~ll 559 5_l27 '78 VW Bus, hke new 16«1, 7 passenger. sun rl. auto 646·m68 1975 VW Scirorro A '78 Se\•alle. loijded. blk silver 31 .000 mt dynamite red sport Perfect. Must sell b} wupewithairrondition-wknd S8GOO 080 1ng. stereo. and alloy 751 8839 wheels Sharp ' - t748UZU 1 SJ995 . Jnn a.vro1et 9'2Cl Marino Vo lkswagen. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 842.mJ 1967 VW Square back New Engine, Sl200 964·8001 1!81 VW Sc1roci:o This as a dynamite coupe with 5 speed transm1ss1on, air conditioning. mag wheels and stereo 81.'autlful Brau! Bronze <450ZSR J $7295 Jam Marino Volkswagen, 1142-2000 -'75 Poptop. 1011. mileage. great rood S6.250 675·0118 '76VW Coovert Good Cond 545·9697 ------- SEE US FIRST! We have a good select ton o ( N E W & U S I:: L' Cllevrolets ! COHpifElL CHEVROLET .'.l\.!>< 11.irt .. r 11,,.i ' ' ,_..,I \ \1 ~-" \ S4i>-1200 ·m NOVA 4 dr. good eng. but nds radiator and body work S350 bsl ofr Call Terr') 546 7246 or 960-6875 '73 Mof!Hf CXfttH Runs good SIOOO 540-5595 '72 Sqbk. auto, Am Fm.--------clean,ong owner '75 MonteCarlo Air.PS. S2()00 _ 644 14 !lJ P B. NICE' $2490. ph • 'SSSquarebark Rblt Eng ~.{lll2 - Ne11. Paint AM FM '72 El Camano 11. shell Sl9>0 and trlr hllrh. Gd rond 645-!>916 S11S0.5all 831 29~ CONVERTIBLE '69 '75 Monia Hatchback S2950or offer 4 spd. a l' good el'On 645-4007 car s~ OBO 645 4969 ·75 RABBIT 19 Che~ette Hlchbk. ex New eng . clean. $2400 l't'I rood. air. 4 spd. blue SS7 3288 73t-5383 S3'700 ofr 545 7091 61 \'W Camper. i.uper Corftffe 9932 r lean. runs great. ••••••••••••••••••••••• $3100 best 673 27~ ·74 \'et. ne11.· paint & tare~. 71 vw Rus Dual part T toP & rack, 350 auto engt.ne. runs strong Orange 57250 pp $2500 642 9387 e' es 546-58Tl I I - • • * • • -mmNI llllY PUB TU ESDAY . FE BR UAAY l 1. 1'18;..' OHANG£COUN T'r CAllfOf<NIA 25 CENTS ham:, z~p; Pac Man. wins round WASHINGTON <AP> The U.S. Supreme Court backed out o f deciding what it called a "novel" legal question today: whether children under age l7 have a consltutional right to play video games in s hopping mall arcades. By a 7·2 vote, the justices sent bac k to a federal appeals court for further explanation the lower court's decision striking down a Mesquite, Texas, city ordinance banning such game-playing by youngsters not accompanied by a parent The j ustices said they were uncertain whether the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals relied on state or federal criteria when it s truck the city ordinance. "No reason for has ty decision of the constitutional question presente<l by this case has been advanced," Justice John Paul Stevens wrote for the court. H e said the circuit court should explain more specifically the basis for its decision so "we ca n then disc harg e o ur responsibillilies Cree of concern that we may be unnecessarily Major banks lower prime lending rate NEW YORK !AP 1 Several m ajor banks lowered their prime lending rates today to 16.5 per cent from the 17 percent l evel the banking industry adopted o nly six days ago It was the third prime rate change this month and the first decrease since early December Citibank in New York . the nation's second-la rgest bank, inititated the cut to 16.5 percent. It was followed by No 1 Bank or Suspect says, 'stepfather not murdered' Testifying in his own behalf. Willie Ray Wisely told a jury Monday tha t he is innocent of killing his s tepfather b y compressing the man's body between the tilt-away cab and frame or a truck tractor r ig . "Mr. <Robert> Bray was not murdered by anyone," Wisely t old the panel seated before Orange County Superior Court Judge Kenneth Lae. Wisely. 29, testified that the March. 1981, death of Bray. 61 . o f Huntington Beach, was an accident Police claim it was a murder made to appear accidental Wisely also testified tha~ another defendant in the case. James Dunagan. 26. was not t e llin g the truth when h e implicated Wisely 10 Bray's death. Dunagan testified an J anuary against Wisely after being permitted to plead guilty to lesser c harges or voluntary manslaughter and conspiracy to com mil second-degree murder "He (Dunagan > didn't have anything to do with it .. nobody did," Wisely testified. Wisely. who is acting a s h.is own attorney. was articulate as questions were posed by Daye Shinn. a Los Angeles attorney who is serving as Wisely's "advisory" counsel. Wisely prepared the questions Shinn posed . Wisely. appearing at ease and <See DENIAL, P age A2) Ameri c a . No 5 M o rgan Guaranty Trust Co .. No. 7 Continental lllanois National Bank & Trust Co .. No. 8 Bankers Trust Co .. No. 9 Firs t National Bank of Chicago, No 14 Marine Mad land Bank, and Security Pacific National Bank. L ast w t!ek. increas ing op en -market interest r at es provided the pressure for banks td' raise the base charge to 17 percent. but on Monday a s harp decline an rates lowered banks' cost or obtaining funds for investment and lending. Rates on 13-week Treasury bills skidded m :>re than two percentage points Monday. and rate!) on new s hort·term bills auc tioned Monday by t he Treasury posted the largest week-to·wtek declines in recent memory. The average rate on new 13-week hills fell to 12.43 percr'1t from 14.74 percent, and six-r onth bills dropped to 12.885 per• e nt Crom 14.36 percent. "h e interest .rate declines w• re spurred by a large $3. l . b Il ion decline in the nation's 1 asac money s upply reported 1•'riday and conti nued sluggishness in the economy. credit analysts said. The prime rate the base fee banks c harge their most ISee PRIME. Page A2 > AirCal plane forced back An J\irCal Jetliner carryi ng 50 passengers and a cr ew of five was forced to return to Portland while en route to Re no Sunday The action was taken after a fir<• indicator warning h g ht signaled potential trouble with a Jet e ngine F light 700 return e d to Portland International Airport and landed safely al 11 :25 a.m .. said Mark Peterson. director of co mmun1cat1 o n s f or t h e Newport Beach·based airline. There was no fi re in the engine of the Boeing 737 airc raft. he sa id The warning light was triggered by hot air escaping from a leak in an air duct . Peterson said reachin& out t.o decide a nove l constitutional question." If' the circuit court decides that the Texas Constitution gives teen-agers a greater right in this instance than does the federal · Constitution , the Supreme Court will be prec lude d from reviewing the case. If the lower court says its ruling rested on the federal Constitution, the case likely will return to the Supreme Court. Only Justices By ron R. White aod Lewis F. Powell dissented, stating it was unnecessary to send the case bac k without deciding the constitutional Issue. The court did rule on a s ubsidiary question in the cue. It said the appeals court was wrong when it found to be too vague the wording previously contain ed in the Mesquite o rdinance barl'ing video game arcade licenses to owners known to have ··connection s with criminal ele ments." The MesquUe ordinance was one of the re latively few that eat Into the profits of video game owners in anv s ubstantial way. WHAT A WHEELIE Truc·k drin•r .Jim ~l;a<ll'I 111 ~l1t•h1gan h~1d a fl'W probll·m:-. wht•n p;issing lhmUJ!h ('111•011a clt•I ~l a1· Thl' ll'llC'kt.•r. haulanl.! a lt1;ad of slt>t.•I to I hint 111gt11n Bl•adt unhookt.'<I his trai ll'I' on E a:-1 C'o;is t lltl!h\\a\ In!.!" }!l'I .... unw Industry estimate• Indicate that between 50 percent and 75 percent of the game players are 18 or younger. Am er ican s spend an estimated S9 billion a year on coi n -operated video and electronic games. three times the amount spent on movies. The Mesquit e controversy dates to 1976 when Aladdin's Castle Inc. became interested in opening a c oin -o perate d amusement center in the Dallas suburb's Town East Mall. The Mesquite City Council ame nded two ordinances to allow such a business location including a change specillcally to allow children under 17 to use th e machines in such establishments. Alitddin's, owned by the Bally Manufacturing Corp. of Chica"o and the operator of about 100 amusement centers nationwide. enter ed into a 10-year rental contract with the mall and spent $80,000 preparing its center. Th e ci t y mana~er subsequently refused LO grant a license. ~a:-•~11114.' on I~ 111 IHI\ t.• t tw fl:tt l><.•cl 1.1 l..t.· ,1 1111:-1 • ti" , . "''It: lw• ! <iown IW :!:i.000 JMllllHIS of !\ll'l'I m•ar I h,· I 1'11111 \\'11 h I t,l. ltd p ol :a Sunl:i ,\aw Jo\\ l'irm. '1Mk j J.!nl ha:-"lwt.+· h;H·I-"11 t IJ, l!l'tllllld ~lotHl.t \ ;111tl 1·1111111111,·cl 1111 In 11111111111.!lttll H1 ·,11·h Case against Hinckley perile~ WASHINGTON t AP> -A federal appeals court panel told governme nt prosecutors today that written papers and an oral statement taken from accused presidential assailant John W Hincklev J r . were obtained illegally 'and cannot be used at his trial. The decis ion , 1( 1t stands . would take away a k<'y portion o f the governm ent '!> case against Hinckley P rosecutors have s aid they wanted to use the evidence to rebut Hincklcv's contention that he was insane when he shot Pres ident Rel:IJ;:an . his press sec r e t ary and tw o law enforcement officers March 30. 1981 outsadc the Wash10gton Hilton Hotel Assistant U S Attorney Roger M Adelman argued in court that 1t was cral1cal that the F'Bl and Secret Sen·acl' <.1gents who Look the oral statement' from Hinckley more than four hours after the shootings be allowed to testify that he appeared sane during the interview There was no immediate word on whe ther the governme nt would attempt to overturn the decision of the three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals by going to the full court or directly to the U.S. Supreme Court H inckley·s trial has been 'Onion Field' convict freed LA district attorney fails to prevent Smith's parole SOLEDAD <AP) Jimmy Lee Smith, one or two men convicted in the "Onion Field" murde r of a policeman that becam e the subject of a best selling novel and movie, walked away a free man from the state prison facility in Soledad today, officials said. Gene Perez. spokesman for the Soledad Co rrectional Training Facility 20 miles south or Salinas. said Smith. 52. was delighted to be leaving the institution. He was greeted by hi s wi fe and film ed by a television crew on his departure, Perez said. have a "progress" hearing there Thursday before a parole panel. Smith and Powell originally were sente nced to die in the gas chamber for the kidnapping and murder depicted in tht book and movie, "The Onion Field." by Joseph Wambaugh, of Newport Beach . then a Los Angeles police sergeant-turned-novelist postponed rhdefanately pending a ruliog on whether the e\'adence obtained from Hincklt>y could be used at his trial The appellate court pC:tnel s aid 'the oral sle1tement was taken from Hinckley an violation of has Fifth Ame ndment right~ under the Supreme Court"s decis ion in Maranda v~ Arizona Th as says thai>if a person <.1rrested asks for an atlorne} all que~taonang by la'>' enforcement offl c<'r" ~hould cease T he Jud1c1al panel ~aid that Hinckley asked for an attorney shortly after he was brought to Washington police headquarters about 2·40 pm When no lawyer had arrived by 7 p.m . a Secret Ser vice agent and an FOi agent. wor r ied a bout a p oss ibl e assassin a tio n con s piracy, decided to question Hinckley about his family background and has travels an the year before he came to Washington CHP women to get workout Smitt:, whose release came a fter the Los Angeles district al· torney railed to prevent his parole. was convicted for his r ole in the March 9. 1963 , slayin" of Los Angeles police officer Ian Campbell. However. District Attorney J o hn Van de Kamp of Los Angeles County. who asked the state Board of Prison Terms to r escind Sm ith's release date, s aid he still has "som e hope" of blocking the scheduled June release of Gregory Ulas Powell . S mith's partner In the murder in an o nion fi e ld south o f Bakersfield. The convictions subsequently we re overturned on appeal. The m en were retried and convicted separately. with Powell again sentenced to death and Smith r eceiving a life sentence. T h e co u rt re J <'<' t·e d l he government·::. argume nt that s uch background questioning was not an interrogation. and therefore was permitted. ruling that "whert' the mental stale or an arrestee looms as a likely issue. we ca11 only conclude that a sys t e m a t ic . 2S·minute background interview was designed to elicit inc riminating res pons es .. ··Here. the entire 2S·minute 1nlerv1ew process violated Miranda. and the taint therefore p<'rvades the whole prnl'Pi\s ... Fitness pioneer LaLanne aims to build up recruits By JOHN NEEDHAM cJI Ille o.lly '11.t St.a" Women just aren't culling it at the California Highway Patrol Academy They are bright but not brawny. But TV pe r sonality and physical fitness pioneer Jack Lalanne wants to change part of that. For the nex t six weeks. women r ecruits will be participating in a workout program that La lanne des igned to increase their upper body strength and build up their aerobic capacity . Lalanne, who began plugging the myriad benefits of exercise m 1936. has donated' the use of his health spas lo female CHP applicants. Recruits can attend the spa nearest their home. The exercise plan is de6igned to help women pass the physkal agillty tests required to enter the California Highway Patrol Academy. The proaram con1tsts of wet1ht traJnlnc. cardlo-vascular and muscular endurance, aerobica. swlmmtn1 exercises, • ca listh e ni c s and proper nutritional guidance Al a news conference at his s p a in Santa Ana Monday. LaLanne said the program Is based on a successful exercise pl an des igned for the Los Ange les Police Department's fem ale recruits. "Wha t we're going to do ls build their strength." said the 67-year-old fitness buff, "and in d oin g so motivate them to rem ain in shape." "We need 1aw enforcem ent omcers who are in good physical shape and are a good example lo young people," LaLanne said. •·I( an officer is in good shape she'll be o( greater use to her partner and In the process have more energy And that saves lives " Ken Killingsworth. chief of the CHP's Border Division, which covers Orange, San Diego, Imperial and Eastern Rlver11ide counties . s aid t he program should help ln the recruiting or women. ··we know that women can do the Job." Kiiiingsworth sald. ·'The problem has ttein In finding those who can pass the physical training." He added that a 70 percent failure rate in physical testing of women Is not unus ual. When that figure is added to those who was h oul for other reasons. only about five of every 100 women are now graduating from the academy and becoming of - ficers, Killingsworth said. ··Wo men can d evelop a greater aerobic capacity and build upper body s trength through exercise," he said. "By adopting this program I believe we will see a vast difference in the number of women patrol officers." Killingsworth said the CHP has a recruitment goal of hiring 60 percent women and minorities over the next three years . or the 2.200 officers expected to be hired, U.. ls hoped 500 wlU be women. The women recruits currently Uklna part in the physical tralnlna 1't Jack LaLanne's are scbedufed to enter the California Hithway Patrol Academy In Sacramento March 15. (See LALANNE, Pate A2> Powell. now at the Vacaville Medical Facility. is scheduled to Both received parole dates after California's death law was declared unconstitutional. Va n de K.imp, who is running for s tate attorney general. band -delivered l etters Wednesday urging parole officials t.o revqke the scneduled release of Smith and Powell. $2 millioti bail upheld in fraud A Superior Court judge In 'Santa Ana upheld $2 million bail against jalled financier Ralph W. McDonald today. The immediate effect o r JudCt Luis Cardenas· rulin1 ls that McDonald, president of Gqlde:n Eagle Jnvutment Co. tn El Toro. wl11 remain In custody in Orange County Jail. Mc Donald's lawyer. Paul M a$l, indicated that be would 10 to the 4th District Court of Appeal In San Bernardino to overt.um South Orange County Munlcl.pal Court Judge David Carter s ru1tn1 or last week reinstating the $2 million baU aaalnst the d e(endant McDonald's ball previously had been lowered from S2 milUon to $250,000 by another municipal court Judie. In hhi rullnc .. Carter had aaid ht woald reconsider lower bail for McDonald ti the tinancier put SS mlllion ln a trust fund aa col)ateral for invettors or paid them ~ck ln fuJL. OlllGI CllST IHITHll Low clouds and fog in late nig h t and early morning ho urs through We dnes d ay. Hazy and "ariable high clouds late thi s afternoon . Fair Wednesday a fternoon . Highs 62 to 69 bOth days . Lows tonight 52 to 5'7. llllllT•Y UC /rufne's JenJtffer Chandler . an Ol11mpic gold·~dal diver in 1976, ~· for /)ig buck~ 1n Sunda11's 1upe rat a rs competition. StOTJI . photos P.Oce CI 11111 . ............ ,. • .....,. ea ..... .. ....... ~ c.t .............. ~--ct! _.-...... a ~ .. .,......... .. ....... "' ..... .... M I I 1 · ,,..... __ ,_.... __ .-.. .------------··-----~- ' drenge CoMt DAILY PILOT/Tueldey, February 23, 1982 Oa t.be Mela QI declaratlonJ rrom U.. chief budget writen1 in c.>n1reH that the presldent'a bud1et hu vhtu11ly no support, GOP leaden w•.-e mcetlna with Reacan at the White House today to discuss the situation. lo advancti of that meetln1. d eputy ~hit• Ho!Jse press aecretary Larry Speakes, reapondlng lo the surtax sutCt••tlon, said: "We don't want to do anything lh(\t would cause problems with the tax cut or an lncreue in defense sp riding. We will entertain any atood Ideas from the H11l, but we do not want them In a piecemeal fu hlon. We won't s wln1 at every J)ilch they throw up here." M can while. budget director David A . Stockman wo defending the administration's embattled plan today before the Senate ~udJ.{et Committee, a number of whose members Republicans and Democrats J MIYNll...,...,•~- 8EN9 At.e·SOtllCH P1111h'l'I' rillll'S~ ~urr part •~ Kan·n T <tnl .ilo. 2-4 . of F:I Toni 1 ll·fl .J a~k l.al..annt• llllb l'ilhforn1a lltf,!h\\a\ .ind \'ir,l!illla Bo~·k . :!2. of :\l1s:-um \'1b11 t 'lll' ...'.P.....:;~1 t~•.:..'":.:.' .,..':..: •··~·•:...:· •..:·1~1 i.:.:t:-..:....;ll.;.h:..:1..:·0:.:.11:.!:J!:..:.h.:......:•:...1 -'~\'~I'.:..":.: k·c::..;w-.L.._~'t~.aJ.;...,i-4,;;,;l..a.· _<_·....;~i.:.,i (:...' 1:....· .;..H_('.;..ll_K_._il_l m J.! ... " urt h 11111 ks o 11 V J: I lfl' . San Onofre ·crews load uranium fuel Crews at the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Stat ion . working around the clock, have loaded enriched uranium fuel i nto 106 of the 217 fu e l assemblies in Unit 2 David Barron. spokesman for the ~ California Edison Co.. ~ owner or the plant locate.. ju st south o r San Clemt:dlt!, said the fUel loading is g<>ihg "very s moothly" as or this rnoming. Th~ foe1ing began late Friday tn p~paration for low·power testing of the unit. scheduled in about t_, months. · A total' of 100 tons of enriched uraniuha fuel vaJued al $80 million is lo be installed. In addition. Barron said metal rods to control t he fiss ion process must also be inserted in the reactor core and other e quipmen t ins talled and inspected be fo r e low-power testing can begin. And while nearly half of the· fuel assemblies have now been loaded. Barron said the process is only part of the fuel-loading operation. H e said initial low-power testing will begin m about two months. if everything goes as planned. and full ·power testing is not expected to take place at Unit 2 until early s ummer. Unit 3, a twin dome located at the s prawling oceanfront plant. is about a year behind Unit 2 CtlM man indicted in contest fraud HOU6TO.N <API -A Corona del Mar man accused of swlndliJlg hundreds of dollars from the patents of young girls entered lo a aon-existent beauty cont~ 'as tndicled Monday oo theft CJ¥l'ld6, Texas authorities said . Fr• ""-' Bapfts.t Bagley. 28, who U6 Corona del Mar as his ¥;~· was accused of def the parents of 11 girls in the Miss Texas Pri•~ageanl , said As&tl ' •trict Altorney Harv . The ~ ol the l I gi.rts were 'among several hundred who paid a $50 entry fee for the fake pageant. Hudson said. A warrant for Bagley's arrest was to be issued today or Wednesday, Hudson said. Bond was set at $6,000. Bagley 's whereabouts. however , are unknown , authorities .$a1d .• Bagley allegedly promoted the pageant as part of the no n -existent Miss America Princess Pageant he claimed would be staged later in Hollywood. Hudson said. CIHl1fted edftftiefng 714,llU·"11 All other depenm.nts IG-4321 MAIN 0Ff1C£ m Wttl lie¥ SC., C-. M9M, CA M911...._: e-t•.c:-..MeM,CA .... '""~ ,.. Or .... C.•tt ~llllnl ~. No--..... ukltlr.tMftt, Mee.1ef,.,..._.,._. _,.,. ....... ""9111 Mey ... ,..,..........._ 9"Cilf .. 1Jsz•et~- From PageA1 LALANNE. • • They will then receive 21 weeks of. extens ive physical training as w e ll as other instruction Karen Tantalo, 24. of El Toro, one of the CHP· applicants. said women recruits are required to pull themselves over a 6·root wall. From Page A1 PRIME. • • cre ditworthy corporate borrowers fell from a peak of 20.5 percent last July to as low a s 15 .5 percent in late November. But it again rose early this year. reaching 16.5 percent on Feb. 2 and 17 percent last Wednesday The prime hit a high of 21.5 percent in December 1980. A number of regional banks preceded Citibank's move by lowering their prime lending rate to 16.5 percent on Monday. The beleaguered savings industr y is geUing some relief from the high cost of money as a result of the government's latest auction or Treasury bills. Starting today, the interest r ate save r s may ea rn on s ix · month money mark et certificates drops to 13.958 percent from the previous 14.61 percent. That also l owe r s the government's borrowing costs. The Treasury Department said Monday it sold about $4.!> billion in six-month bills at an Interest rate that was more· than l "'11 percentage points lower than last week. The rate paid on six-month certificates sold by banks and savings lnstituUons is pegged to the hi&her o r two figures: Monday's yield on six·montb Treasury bills. or the average yield on such bills al the rour most recent auctions. Thls lime the rour·week average was higher. The recession took its toll on the stock market Monday. The Dow Jones average of 30 Industrial stocks fell to 13.04 points to 811.2e, its lowest nnlJh in 21 months. Traders blamed the selloff on mountln1 recession worries. Today, tbe allde contJnued. The Oow Jooes lndex was down s more points in early tradln1 before movlna ahead a hair point at mld·day . • ----~~--------.,:...._._...~..._..._ _________________ ..__. ____ ...... ____ ,._ ____ ,... ______________ ""'! ' save budget have proposed alternQUve!4 to Rea1an's rccommendullorus The s urtax lde11 surfrtced Monday as the chairman or the House and Senate budget committee!> all but ruled out e nactment of Reagan's 1983 budaet as s ubmitted. The chairmen raised lhe prospect of a bipartisan effort to rewrite the administration's budget plan lo lower deficits, tone down the increase in defense spending, raise taxes and trim the * * * eost·of·llvin1 Increase In Social $('curity benefli.. "I don't think, as presently prti11ented lo Congress, that ll ( rteagan's budget) has a very significant chance of becoming the budget resolution of th~ United States Senate." Sen. Pete V. Oomenici. R·N M . chairman of th e Se nat e Budget Committee, said Jn remarks t.o the National Governors ' Association * * * Cuts will make aid to students scarce By JODI CADENHEAD of•o.11y~ ... ~ Deep c uts in e ducation spending will make it "very tough" for students from middle inco me families to receive financial aid to attend college next year. according to a s pokesman for the National Co mmissio n o n S tud ent Financial Assistance. Following a Western regional meeting Monday of the College Board at the Marriott Hotel in Newport Beach, Steve Leifman said that President Reagan's proposed budget c uts would reduce federal aid to college students from $3.5 billion in 1981 Lo $1.7 billion in·l983. Hardest hit would be s tudents rrom middle income families. said Leifman , a research assistant for the commission Leirman made his remarks following a workshop by the CoUege Board, a national testing group that sponsors a Scholastic Aptitude Test for high school seniors. In addition to reducing aid to college students Reagan has proposed a revision or guidelines that previously made it possible for many middle class families to receive assistance. The Middle Income Student Assistance Act that extended eligibility of the Guaranteed Student Loan Program in 1978 to families earning $27 ,000 would be wiped o ut, according to Leif man. "The proposal c learly eli min ates middle income students ... said Leif man All s tudents applying for financial assistance will be rcq uired to prove need . said L e ifman. An exact income guideline has not been decided yet, he added. U nde r lhe propos als all graduate students would be eliminated from the Guaranteed Student Loan Program. Among the ·aid programs cut would be Th e Supp l eme nt al Education Opportunity Grant for students from low income families now serving 650.000 students at a cost of $370 m1lhon The N<ttional Direct Student Loan Pr:ogram now serving 780,000 students at a cost of $186 million The State Student Incentive Grant Program now serving 307 .000 students al a t·o~t of $76 8 million Currently one of cvc:ry three of the 12· millio n s tudents arc rcce i vmg financial assistance The proposed cuts would reduce that number lo one out of every s ix . said Leirman "It's going to get a lot tougher to get aid." said Leifman "They're trying to eliminate half the studen~ " Leifman said that s tudents interes ted in receivin g aid should contact their high school guidance counselors and the financial aid office of the college they plan to attend The National Commission on Student Financial Assistance was esta blished in 1980 to explore the future or college student aid Marine gets 2 years in traffic death El Toro Marine Robert Keith Martin bas been sentenced to . wo years in state prison on his December conviction of felony drunken driving and vehicular mans laughter in the death or a 15-year-old El Toro gi rl. In pronouncing s entence Monday Orange County Superior Court Judge Everett Dickey said Martin. 23. would pose a danger to society if not imprisoned. "Mr. Ma rtin is a person likely to reoffend," Judge Dickey said at the conclusion of a lengthy hearing_ De puty Dis tnct Attorney Michael Maguire recommended. as did the county Probation Department. that Martin be sentenced to state prison. But defense attorney M arshaH Schulman said Martin should have been offered probation. "He would have liked lo express the regret and remorse he feels . . and will feel all his lire.·· Schulman said Caryn Diiorio, a roller s kating enthusiast and honor student at El Toro High School. was killed April 11 when she was struck by a van driven by Martin. Testimony during the trial indicated that Martin had been drinking "mon s t e r Margueritas" a t an El Toro restaurant and had a blood alcohol level of 21 percent Under ~late law. a person 1s considered intoxicated when the blood alcohol level reaches .10 percent. M artm was acquitted of h1l and run driving in connection with the accident Di ckey sentenced Martin to two years on the drunke n driving count and two years on the vehicular mans laughter co unt . Du e to legal considerations. Dickey ~~id he was forced to stay the sentence on the mans laughter charge. meaning that Martin will face a two-year term o.IY ...... S .. lf ~ TESTIFIES Willi<.· Ha~ \\'i :o.l'I~· 101" .i jun hl· '" illlHl<.'l'lll ttf hi:-"!\•pf al hl'I' ~ <h.•at h From PageA1 DENIAL. • • speaking without hesitation, said certain Inconsis tencies with early sl;Jtements given lo police i n ves tigator s and later recollectio n s were simply "mi slakes." "If I was trying to set up an alibi. I would set up an alibi. It would have been completely airtight." Wisely said. Bray·s body was found pinned between the cab and the frame of the tractor of the long.haul rig he used o n transcontinental trucking runs. Death was ruled to have been cau sed b y suffocation. Dunagan , the alleged accomplice. had testified that he drove Wisely to the intersection of Springdale Street south of Edinger Avenue last March 9 where Bray had parked the rig and was repairing the engine with the truck's cab elevated above him. Dunagan said Wisely was carrying a hypodermic syringe and a handgun when he strcx:le over to the truck. Recalling a fight he had with Bray on Jan 22. Wi sely told the court, "If Mr. Bray had seen me near him. he would have chased me down the road with whatever he had." O f Dunagan:s tes timony. Wisely said , "It's all fabrication . . . facts fed to him by his attorney or the police.·· Wisely was scheduled to undergo cross-examination today from Deputy District Attorney Edgar Freeman Firm official facing prison The 32-year-old president of an Orange County invt•stment firm races a possible six ~ear pnson term after pleading gutlty Monday to three felony counts in connection with char~es that he misled investors Entering the gutlt~ pleas before Superior Court Judge Richard Beacom was Steve Rice. who ran Placentia-based Rik or In ves tm e nt and Developme nt Co. before his arrest last year It was alleged that investors including two Costa Mesa residents were promised high-interest returns on their money up to 20 percent within a r1ve·month period. However. prosecutors said the investors never got their money back from Rtkor Investment Co. GIVE THE WATCH EVERYONE'S LOOKING FOR. ROLEX. Everyone wants a Rolex Oyster. A. LadyDate. 14 karat yellow gold and stainless steel. $1.475. B. Man's Pe~al Date. 14 karat yellow gold and stainless steel. S1 , 750. C. Lady's Perpetual Date. stainless steel. $845. SLAVICK·s ""',,....,.. ~ 1917 ~rt ch.t bf st surprises btgin: f'mtllon lt&lnd (714) 644· 1380. Newport llMctl Abo Citut• ;.... AngNs. s.n Diego• L.-"'v- AP ......... BURTON AT BALL -Actor Richard Burton. daughter Marla and son-in-law St eve Carson, right. were among those attending the Opera Ball in Vienna recently. Burton has announced that he a nd his third wife. Susan , have filed for divorce. AP~ TAYLORED COAT -Elizabeth Taylor tries on the .. Amazin g Coat" from the play. "J oseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat ,'" as me mbers af the cast strike a pose backstage in New York. Liz recently announced ~eparation from her fifth hus band. Sen John Warner Tyrone Power;'• kin a' hit in I 1aly •••la• Power dauahter of the late American movie ac to r T1roae Powe r , dominated Jtaly's popular muatc charts with three hit ain1les ln the Top Ten. T he 30-year-old atnaer, who llves ln the Adriatre seaport town of Brindisi wltb her hua band, Italian sin1er Al Baao, a nd two ch ildren , b ecam e popula r wb lle co·h oatin g the I talian telev~lon aerles "FantasUco 2 ." On t h e s h ow , s he i nt r oduced h e r flr st hit single, "Dalio del Qua Qua," a d a n ce-step son g for youngsters. Sh e teamed with h e r husband for a second record, a romantic balla d titled "Sharazan." Anothe r joint release, ''Felicita ," waa introduced at t he San R e m o song festival and moved from 75lh to 10th in the Italian listings. Ms . magazine founder Gloria Steinem proclaimed a "second wave of feminism" a t a 10 th a n nive~sary celebration in F resno for the founding of a chapter of the National Organiza tion for Women. "We have at least another 90 years to go," she said. •'The change is clearly there, and t he majority is clearly there. And the worst danger is that we a llow ourselves to believe . . . that It is not there." The band bus of Doug Ke rshaw, the country fiddler who calls himself "Louisiana Man.·· was s topped f or s peeding on Interstate 10 about ~ miles from his old homestead of Sulphur , La .. police say. It cost $155 and a stack of autographs. Sta te police clocked the bus going 71 mph a s it headed toward San Antonio. Texas, for a concert. The trooper escorted It to the Sulphur court house, where the signs on the side of the bus made it clear the loca l celebrity was inside. Clouds tO remain Coastal L-Cloulh -f09 •IOft9 the COHI let• tonlQM 8ftd w.dnewlay "'°"nlr19, otherwlta hary •nd verl•b4e h19h clouds. A little coote• lod•y bul warming \lltJhtly Oft WednHd•Y IElwwlWre, from Poif>t ConceptlOfl to the M .. lcaft bOrder ano out ~ mltel: ~I Wlndl of IS lo 1S 'nots o-outer waters, with locally stronoar QUtb an0 ... , s 10 1 1 .. 1... ••••Y-1n Ille Soulh Coe" •I• ba•ln The AQMO anl9ned Pollullon 5tanderd lndu PSI ra1lft9J of 41 ~ ell r~lons· Iha Saft G-ltl•"-a v•llos San F.,,.....s.Ma Clarlla .. 11eys, R•vtr\10&-S." BernarOlno erea, hf91l and I-OtMr1l, Inland O••n9e County alld the coasta l, met ropoll t•" 8•""'nv Hemet-IElll~ -Bio &Mr La-• ...... AOMO r•tlnos ••e •• follows ~. 0.100. vnlwaltMul ,.,. Mnsltlve people, 101·700, unhealthful for everyone, 201-JOO, and llaurdous. 301-500 IOd•y ...., Y • ._tday Winds 11\b -----------att9'noml toUlh to \O\llllwesl 'to I• 'noll and l to S tool wH. Winds 1outhwe1t lo west • to IS knots Wt<lnclday att ... n-. Low clouos •nd too cte•r•no over nor thern w•ter' 0'11' afternoon. Et\ewh•r• slowly clea"nQ Wedne•day •flernoon V .S. s ummary R•cord ·bre•klnQ w•rm t•mperaiurn ,.,.,. to •n •IM"upt •nc' tod•Y .u polar •I• "'°""° Into tht non11 c9Rtr•I v1111..i St•te< Snow. t t rong north••IY w i nd• •nd 111b·free11n11 t•mperaturu hit -•tem Souftl l>Oot•. Tiier• •n •bo .,,.,.. In nor1hem Utah encl Wyomlno with snow •nO 1lffl r•"°"94 In Upper Michigan ano the low•r G....i IA'H-Rain fell •!Ong IM~ Pacific Coe•I with -snow In h~ •levatlOfll. F•lr s•tes co-tel ti.. rest of Ill• UnfleO States. Th• fonc••I ca lled for ra in c ontlnuln9 ov•r the P a cific Nor1hwfft with "'°'" SPrHdlno Into IM no.-m Plains. LIQM VIOW wu ••P9<ted In -1"9m -IE~nd Sunsl'tlne ••• •or-e<••l over \l'te south.,-n 11a11 ol th9 nation. Extemled forecast SOU l HEAN CAL IFORN I A COASTAL. ANO MOUNTAIN AREAS Fair uupt v1<lebl' nlo"t and mor,,ln9 -clOUds In Iha C-\lel ., .... H'Ohs in Illa coastal are•• In the .cit with lows C1 to S2 Hlohs In lhe mou,.talns In ,,,. 50\ wlli'I IOW1 U to JS Te mperatures HI La Pf'<. 3l ll 01 10 JS •2 0 14 6 •• 1t S7 • 44 21 .. ,, U JS » 11 ., u :M 30 M 31 JS 30 SS « --- Hou•lon 1n<ln•Pli1 JacUnvlle J-•u Loll•oa• Little Rock Louis ville ~mph•~ Mleml Mllw•vkee MplS.·Sl.P Nullvlli. New Orie.,.. New Yon Nortol- Okla City Om•ll• Orlando PlllladpNa Pi-nix PlllSburv!I Ptl•nd.Me Ptland,O<e Rapid City ll•no S.11 Lake Se•lll• St LOUI• St P·T•moa St SleMMlt 59Clll•ne ... , o ... , ...... , .. ,, , ••• I NOAA v \ O• •' 83'" ~ Pe\O A*n u )4 .. JA Red Blu" ~ 3' .. lS AeOw-Clty ., 41 I 1 S.cr•mftlto s• 40 ,. u S.lln.s •1 l7 '1 SS San D'-91> •S ff San Frencltco st •1 S.nla B•INr• 61 Sant• Marla u StocktOfl •l 40 Tllermal ... Ukiah SS -larsl-IO SI 119 l e•r S9 it II shop 10 JS Calellna .. '° LOft9 IMCll ., Sot SI 33 •1 SJ 11 M 40 n ., 24 S6 JA 71 .. 0 n .. n 13 S6 71 JI Monrovia 14 •1 Ml. Wiiton ., .. 70 ., .. 1t NewPort llffcll 61 S1 Ontario 7f " P •Im Spr1ft91 .. SS Pasadena " ., Riverside 71 .. S.nlernanllno 12 41 SaftJOM ., SI Sant• Ana 1S S2 Santa Cruz " so Tahoe Va1i.y SI 41 PAN AM•lttCAN Ac....,l<o • BarlMKlol ... 1> •1 •I 36 2' n ,. •• JS " SI 74 . 13 u " ,01 SS '3 11 42 J:J I• S6 u .. 40 ll " OS ,, 1' 04 M SJ .QI Hl9'11 In Illa 1 .. M wer• .. ci«tf!CI locMY In .... North c ... 1ral 1t•tff with J1D1 In Illa NorthHSI -.0. In Ille Nor1hWftt. The So<ltll wn upect"'9 t•mperatures tn IN 70s and IOI. Albany Albuque Amar II lo Anchor99e A-viii• Atlani. Atlanlt Cty Baltlm0'1l Blrmlft9fm Blsmarc' Boise Boston Br-ntvlle Buffalo CharhtnSC CharltlnWV CfleyenM Chlcaeo Cln<lnMll Cloetand Columbus Oal-FtWlll Denver Ot•Molnff Ott roll but..th Tuuon Tulu lt u llO " Bermuda n S1 l.0$ T•mpar.n.ntt •round IM nation •••IY today ranged from 1 In Olu9ow, Mont •• to .. In Abilene •nd 0.llH , Teus. California r .... loO In "'* -lalns dlvldlft9 Souttlern -c.ntral C.lllomla wa1 ••o•cled 10 conllrrue through WedftffdaY, Illa HatlOftal Weather Strvk• Mid todey, at1rt0uttno IM condition to a coolln9 trend lh•I IEI Pa\O FalrbaMI Hartford Hclefta Honolulu ., 1• •• 22 O?ll u JI 40 21 17 so 11 11 " " l'I 30 )3 ' 16 " ·lf ·3' 31 " ,, 1S II '' 01 Waslllft9'" •• Wichita 1S CALIR>llNIA B.-ersO-SI Blythe • Eure'• so Fresno Sot Yft<Hlff 11 LMA,.i.s 11 Marysvllla 61 Monterey SI NeH!as IS Oal<I...., " ''Booot• .. -Curacao '° 7l GuadalaJar• " so JI 41 Guadtlo<lpe .. .. .01 Havana 7S 10 SS l(IR41tl0n .. n -11190a.y es .. " 01 Mazallan " u 'l Merida ... .. SI Me•lcoClty .. • ., MoftlenTt ... S1 42 NH WU t2 .. S.nJ~ " 71 T 99uc loallla II ff Trinidad .. ,, •• Veracnu n 10 .. CANADA Ct1oary u .. IEd"'°"tlft ,, ended a Sou111em Callforl'll• heal A·~,....-------------------­wa"tt. e.st<Nt IN loO °" IM northenl slop es of I ll• Teflac llaph, Al Daacomb of tlle Nation.II WeatMr Str"vkt Mid • .....,.... wll'MIS 9'dllllt ytt lo JO mpfl wfll poM a halMd to -trawltn lfl IM mouni.lns.. Ht Mid the hlofl temperature In Lot A..-let wtll be 11 WadMtclay. •• It ... ,,..,..,,,. TM fol -tllClld a SW!lmtr11'8 hu t WHt tflat had nnt 300,000 ptOtllt lo l.cll A""''" ., ......... OYt r th• •••llt nd, w llen lh• temp era ture climbed to • rec~lno .. deottft Smog Tfl• Air 0..a llty Ma11aoament Olttrld ~ IDOCI air ,....illy IOI' .., ....... ""' ..... I 1• 10 .10 l'oilofttl'H I ,. u A419lna " • fO<"Oftlo )3 • Vane-'3 11 Wff\nlptt n 0 SURf REPORT . .... .JO Tides TOOAY IKCIM low J:2'p.m. 0.7 S.COftCI 111111 9:'3 p.m. 4.1 • W•DttHDAY Flnt low l :OS •·"'-1.2 l'lnl llltfl t: 11 a.m . S.7 IKOftCI'"' a:» p.m. u S.COftCI 111111 to: 11 p.m. U SUI! Mtl llllley et 5:45 p.m .. rl• ...,.IMYat•:•a.m. Moon Mii at S:4' p.m .. rlH t W"""°9Y et 7: M a .m. • 1 ' . t w.'re ·Li•tenlng ••• 1 What do you like about the Dally Pilot? What don't you like? Call the number below and your tne1111e will be recorded, lranKribecland dellve'ted to tbe approprtaC'e editor. 1'~ same 24·hour an1wertn1 service may be u1ed to record let· teri to lbe editor on any topic. Mailbox contributors must Include their name and telephone number for vertficatlon. No clrcU'latlon calls, please. · Tell us whal't on your mind. 642·8086 1 ., • Orange Co .. t DAILY P1LOT/Tuetda1t, February 23, 1982 CARVINGS IN THE SAND -These four youngsters enjoyed this week's hot spell by car ving scul ptures in the, s and on Balboa DMty ............... ,... ...,_ Island. The artis ts <from leftl are 't!att Hurray, 12; Alice O'Kieffe. 12~and St~~ld J~c k Hogan and bis 5-year-old broth+r :»r.iPn. ;. . U CI clinic to become hospi~ftl J Camrms facility won't mean phase-out of Medical Center~ J; By RICHARD GREEN OI Ule Deity ,.. ... Slaff T he proposed UC Irvin e outpatient clinic, approved late last week by the UC Board of Regents, will be designed for fu t u r e expansion into a full-fledged hospital, said a UCI administrator. Dan e Hoi berg. assistant executive vice chancellor, said this Aes ign approac h is in keeping with the UC I administration's long-standing des ire to have a broad range of clinical facilities on the Irvine' campus. The univers ity 's primary clinical facilities are m Orange at the UC Irvine Medical Center. Development of the clinic and possible eventual construction of other medical facilities on the Irvine campus doesn't mean that UCI is slowly phasing out of its facilities in Orange, said Holberg. It might be possible, for example, for UCI to operate hospitals both in Orange and Irvine , said Holberg. T he relations hip between researchers and scientists at the UCI College of Medicine on the Irvine campus and practitioners at UC l M C in O r ange is som e wha t straine d by the distance betwee n the two facilities. ..._ AP-.... CLEAN SWEEP -Good sweepers a~ hard to find in curling, but it may be a bit much to ask ff>r a four-legged helper . Norm Mattson was caught in t his pose in Edmonton. Canada, bul it's Roger Johnson with the other pair ot legs behind him. SOUTH COAST PLAZA Hoiberg said that is wbrl&I : administrato"' are so ~ to have clinical facilities Q1L.-°'1t)e Irvine canipus adjac~ ~ e , College of Medicine. ... -' He s aid tbe UCl lnait~s .. , exp ected to open ftl 1U4, offerin g a broad ta114JI b f outpatient se rvices lacldllAa treatment for cancer patients and a 24-hour "urgent care" room. Holberg said there ar~ 121 4 acres of land surrounding the medical school on which UCI • administrators would someday • like t o bui ld a "medic a l • complex." UC I Chan e eilor • Aldrich has said he would ~e to eventually see up to a hal.f-dOlen hospitals built on or arqund the Irvine campus. _ • While UC~ Jtdm i n ~1•s move ahead With their plans ror medical facilities, most major • hospitals surrounding Irvine are • proposing to build hospitals m fast-growing Irvine, which city officials say is the largeitt city In the state with no hospital within its borders. D ave Baker, presidellf' of People for an Irvine Commfuftty Hospital, said his group feels that the logical place for Irvine's first hospitaJ would be in U.e central city near Jeffrey Ro4d and Barranca Parkway. The organization. formed to give Irvine citizens a say in health care planning, feels that a hos pital at UC I rvme would be too far from residents living in north Irvine San Juan airport hearing postponed A public he aring on the propos ed San Juan Creek airport has been rescheduled to March 3 at Marco Forster Junior High School. The San Juan Capistrano City Council hearing will begin 'at 7:30 p.m. at the cafetorium of the school, which is located on Del Obis po Street. The airport site bearing had been scht¥1uJed for March 2. .. .. . . . ' . II - . / • • l ' I :: I I ' I f I , , t , I ' I • 1. I . ' • . ,, . i. ' ~ i' J HIF Orange Cout DAILY PILOTfruelday, February 23, 1982 Turnell around weatlier chaotic ... Roland/ires riew filast at Walesa "11\RSAW, Poland <AP> - The PoU1h news a~ency lubed out today at unioh otflcla1-'Who "led' the country to the bflftk of cl vii war" and condemned Solldarlty leader Lech Walesa for desertin1 the workers. T he army daily, Zolnlerz Woln osci, accused-"Zionist ·1roups" of seeking to undermine Poland and help provoke Soviet intervention . The attaok coincided with a meeting between the American Jewish Jotnt Distribution Committee and Jen;y Kuberski, reliiious affairs minister. Cf;&, Viet aides meet over.MIA.s IJANOI, Vietnam (AP> -The U .,. delegatlon dispatched to Hanoi by President Reagan to discuks tbe issue of Americans mi~ in action met for three hwft f*th Vietnamese officials today,. 9.pt" aides declined to talk wHti ~eporters , saying •bat ~ dtlcusstons would continue : Wednesday . But Vietna,inese >s ource s warned U .S . t c0,rresl'lbftdents "not to expect ·any surprises" from the talks. VPI nwrger talb with NPR halted lRVING, Texas (AP> - Concern about United Press lnternational's continuing losses contributed to National Public Radio's decision t'O halt merger talks with the news ser vice, NPlt's board chairman said. The NPR board voted at a special meeting Monday to break off discussions with E.W. Scripps Co., which owns 95 percent of UPI. The rei>ort.a were dlaclo.ed by sources tn New Deihl and • ls~a m abad , Pakhtan, who refused to be Identified by name or nationality. T h ey said Sbkidchenko, two or three other Sbviet officers and an A11ban were Oying between Gardez and ,Ktipst i'l, eastern Afghanistan when their aircraft was hlt Jan. 19 or Jan. 20 by at least one rocket. Iran ~ndercutting OPEC oil pricea ROME (AP> -Iran is trying to boQ.st oil exports by cutting its prices S2 a barrel in violation of OP..l!;C's pricing rules, industry sources report, putting further pressure on the cartel to hold a meeting and attempt to p:revent an unrave ling of its price structure. Iran's reduction, its third this month. brought the price or Iranian li ght grade to $30.20 a barrel , $3.80 below the $34 benchmark around which all OPEC members are supposed to set their prices. AF spy suspect given 4ischarge WASHINGTON <AP > Christopher Cooke, the Titan missile officer accused by the Air Force of divulging vital defense secrets to the Soviet Union. is a free civilian today. He even has his back pay and allowaQces. ar TM Alllcta ... Pnll A layer of 1now powdered roadt today ln \ht nooc1-1trt0Un Pacttto Northwut , wbU• eold alr from t.M Rocky Mowitalnl brou1bt a cblll tQ th• Wt1t after a day of 1umm1ry btat that drew eunbatbtre to Colorado apartment balconltt. Towna ln W11hln1ton and Ore1on 11ndba1ted overflowtn1 rlvtra after wMktnd Ooodl left ,. ........... SOVIET 'SEAL' Pyotr '.\1yagkov. 84. stands beside hole in ice of pend in northern :\'toscow before taking a swim Monday . Myagkov i~ one of a group of men kn<;>wn as "seals" who each year do a 'Yinler swim despite the freezing cold. at leut ala peaplt d11d and forotd aoattertd evaouat1ou. T•mr.raturtt hlt record biihl Mon ay ln KanHI City, Jlo .. Denver, Wlohlta, Xan.1 and Oklahoma City, ana tbe mercury climbed to 81 dtlfMI ln Garden Clty, Kan. But It was IO dry ln tbe South tbat bundreda of fires scorched 7 ,000 acres ol forests ln Alabama durlng the weekend, and two of the state's counties were under a fire alert. The National Weather Service supplanted Its nood warnln1s with predictions of a few inches of snow in parts of Washlnaton and Oreeon, and a winter storm watch was posted in South Dakota after the temperature~in Sioux Falls hit a record·hlgh 70 degrees Monday. Gov. John Evans of Idaho was touring nood·damaged areas of bl1 1t1te when, u b• watebld a brld•• on the WtlHr Rtver w11htd out and two NaUonal Guardtmtn acrambltd to 11ftty.• Deep water swtrllns over U.S. Hlthway H south of W1t11r after heavy ralns melted a deep snowpack forced tdaho olllcla.IJ to clOM the hl1bway, a major north-aouth route. Slldlnt rock and mud knocked down two utility poles and cut off P._C>Wer to l ,000 people In Idaho a Little Salmon River Canyon for 18 hours. Sandbags were boldlnl back water In many Idaho com munitles. especially along the St. Joe, Coeur d'Alene and Weiser rivers. The balmy weather in Missouri melted ice that had clogged the Grand River, and up to 40 ,000 acres of farmland were awash. Wat~'s moratorium proposal said sham WASHINGTON <AP > -A conservation group says Interior Se~retary James G. Watt's proposal for a moratorium on oil and gas leasing in wilderness areas is a sham that actually would abolish all protections in 18 years. ''This bill is a duplicitous hoax and we will oppose it," said William Turnage, executive director of the Wilderness Society. "It is not a wi ld erness protection bill as Mr. Watt described it Sunday on national television, but a wilderness ·sunset' bill that would end wilderness protection," he said late Monday. Turnage said the society has obtained a leaked copy of the administration proposal. He said Watt "is guilty of deception by deliberately m.lsrepresenting his intentions to the American people and arrogantly mi s leading Congress." Watt stunned conservationists Sunday when he said the administration would ask Co n gress to withdraw all wilderness areas from mineral leasing until the year 2000. At firs t , conservationists cautio usly ha i led th e development as a major shift in administration policy. But Turnage said examination of the bill, which Watt has promised to submit to Congress this week. showed that, in fact, the administration would repeal the permanent protections afforded wilderness areas under the Wilderness Act of 1964. More than 80 million acres are des ignated wilderness areas, which means they are off-limits to developers and motorized vehicles. Soviet officers shot down, killed Cooke was given an "other tban honorable discharge" and released from the stockade at Fort Meade, Md., Monday after the Court of Military Appeals rulE'd that the Air Force had violated his r ights to due process. Air controllers 100rf t be puniahed IRA outlaws homh British cargo vessel ""' NEW l>ELHI. India <AP>' ~ Lt:•.Gt~P. I. ScbJddchen~o UMl se~alother Soviet officer!' were killed in the crash of a helicopter in eastern Afghanistan after 1t was hit by rebel rocket fire , Western diplomatic reports from Kabul said today. WAS:JiINGTON <AP) -The .:i'tlder.al.Aution Administration has decided not to punish about 1,000 air traffic controllers who went on strike last year but heeded President Reagan's call to retum to work. a Department o( Transportation spokeswoman •Mc\.Monday night. MOVILLE, Ireland (AP> - Twelve Irish Republican Army guerrillas seized a British cargo vessel ln a sea inlet early today, cast its 10-man crew adrift in a lifeboat and blew up the ship, police said. All the crew members reached shore safely and no one was hurt in the incident in Lough Foyle. an inlet with separates the Irish Republic from the British·ruled province of Northern Ireland. The ship s ank in shallow water a quarter mile from the Iris h coast. The outlawed lRA 's Pro· visional guerrilla wing said in a statement later that it was responsible for what it termed c;cRu(iiiiiNA ------------ , HowloflY) · ak1te safely. 1. Alway use \. dry string . wood and paper in your kite. ~ 2. Never use wire or any metal I ic material. 3. Don't ny your kite in the rain . 4. Don't cross streets or highways whert kite flying . 5. Always fl y your kite away from TV and radio antenna~. 6. Always fl y :rou r kite far from power lines! Don'1 try 10 retrieve kites caught in power lines! Southern California Edison Stuart Anderson's ChoicePrinleRib Now $1.00 on: Save $1 off the regular price of Stuart Anderson's complete Prime Rlb dinners. After dinner, satisfy your appetite for fi.m In our lotmge. There's music, dancing and no cover charge. The savings last through March 7. FOUNTAI VALLEY, SANTA ANA, GARDEN GROVE, TORRANCE ,C!RRrroa, LAKEWOOD,.,ANAH~M "a successful attack on a n economic target. .. The IRA has been fighting to oust the British from the mainly Protestant province and unite it with the overwhelmingly Roman Catholic Irish Republic. The attack on the 1,200-ton St. Sedan, loaded with coal and bound for Londonderry , Northern Ireland, was identical to an incident a year ago when a Liverpool coal ship was blown up in Lough Foyle Iris h police s aid the IRA group, armed with automatjc weapons and handguns, seized the boat·pilot station al Moville, Co unty Donegal, on the west coast of the inlet . lmPo-, ted Teak aookcases These goad looklng, ftame-graln teak bOokcases are a special direct fmport purchase and are an unbeatable value. Crafted of the fl nest teak veneer with adjustable shelves. 76"x12Yi "X35". aaetc PIMfS are constructed wtth rnatt:htnQ PVC. 1.991ACM B'S ' \ State Sen. Mark8 mugged in Bay area SAN FRANCISCO (AP> - State Sen. Milton Marks, who nearly bad his pants ripped away and was s hoved to the pavement while he was robbed, says the mugging was "disturbing" but the attack "could have been a lot worse." ·'I could have been badly hurt," said Marks on Monday, a day after the assault occurred, when the Republican left a church function in the Western Addition, a neighborhood where nearly one-third ot the city's robberies take place. Marks slightly bruised his knees when he was thrown down. The robbers, described by Marks as two men about 20 years old, took $50 to $100 dollars· and l1is glasses, which were in his pants pockets. Geothermal fire deatroys tower SANTA ROSA CAP > Generating equipment was unscathed by a smoky blaze at a geothermal power plant in a remote area of Sonoma County, but a steam cooling tower was burnt "to the ground." says a fire official. Capt. Wayne H4nter of the Califo rni a De partment of Forestry said there were no injuries in the fire Monday near the Sonoma -Lake county line. Ma/ ia hit man tells of plot COMPTON CAP> -Admitted Mafia hit man Aladena "Jimmy the Weasel" Fratianno says he ' ls the only survivor of four mobsters who met at the Rancho La Costa resort hotel ln the mid-19605 to plot the kllling of Cuban bandleader Desi Aniu. Attorneys defending Penthouse magazine agaiJlst a $522 million libel suit filed by the northern San Diego County ruort planned to finish questioning Fratianno today amidst the tightest security yet in the 3'h-month-old trial. Shei~'• wife get• $75,000 allowance LOS ANGELES CAP) -The wife of a Saudi Arabian sheik, accus tomed to a lifestyle described in court as "so opulent it's almost obscene," has been granted $75,000 in support for the next three weeks and custody of her four children. Sbeika Dena Al Fassi, 23, who. s aid the g lobe-trotting, free.spending life of royalty was "too crazy" for her children, said s he hopes to give them a more normal existence If they are allowed to remain with her. Crashes inf og injure 27 people TEJON CAP) -Fog and low clouds were blamed for a pileup o f sc ore s of c ar s in chain·reaction collisions that injured an estimated 27 people on Interstate 5 between Los An geles and Bakersfield on Monday, officers said. The fog also e n ded a summerlike heat wave that had sent 300,000 people to Los An geles .area beaches Sunday, when the high temperature of 86 set a record . Orange COMt DAILY Ph.OT/Tueectay, Febrtl•ry 23, 1982 WHY RATES SOARED Fred Mielke. head of the· Pacific Gas and Electric Co .. explain~d to state la wmakers in Sacramento Monday dl.lring a utility company seminar. why rates had soared so much. Disabled to receive restaur~nl access? SACRAMENTO (AP> -As a wheelchair delegation watched, a state commission voted to require new or remodeled restaurants to make their entire first fl oors accessible to the handicapped. But the effect of Monday's action by the Building Standards Commission was some what un c l ear beca u se the requirement requires further action by state Architect Barry Wasserman. B e f o r e th e vot e , a representative of the California Hotel and Motel Assoc iation, James Abrams , s aid any attempt to ban e levated and depressed portions of ground floors would conflict with state law and wind up in court. But the commisalon's >3 vote gave the w h eelc h aired California Coalition for Access what it wanted, elimination of a proposed regulation that the coalition said would a llow wheelchair seating to be relegated to a separate section of a restaurant. Said coalition spokeswoman Ho!lyn Fuller Boles, "There is no separate-but-equal in this country. Why you think ttiis can work for the disabred, we don't know." The disabled groups didn't argue with one regulation allowing restaurants with the same type or eating facilities on several floors to have only the ground floor w h u l chair·' accessible. SACRAMENTO <AP) -The Pacific Qg.." Electric Co. says lnfiatioa, Upt money and' fuel coats have put It In a "deterloratlnc 1ltua tlon" U# rate1 are likely to atay hlch. PG"E'a chief operatlna offlcer, Fred Mielke, added Monday that the COJDpany bu to borrow more than $1 bllUon a year to maintain its service level. Mielke, along with San Dieco Gaa & Electric Co. chief Tom Pace 'and Southern California Gu Co. c hief John Abram, appeared at a special le1LdaUve seminar called by Assembly Speaker Willie Brown, D-San Franctsce, on t he protests a1atnat akyrocketing rates. Also at the seminar were critics of the PG&E which serves 4.5 million customers in Nortbem California. The critics said, among other thin&•. that c us tomers who Jollo~ed PG&E's advice to build all-electric homes are in "deep trouble" because of the $909 million rate increase approved Dec. 30 by the state Public Utilities Commission. Mielke testified that about $500 mHlion of each year's borrowed money "goes for project.a of less than $1 million," includin1 replacem e nt and repair of worn equipment. But he said borrowing has become more difficult because of a stagnant economy. Therefore, rates are likely lo stay high. The unusual appearance of Ca liforn i a's top utility executives happened amid scattered protests -the fiercest in the Sierra Nevada foothills of Northern California -against utility bills which doubled and t ripled during January. The Publi c Utilities Co mmission in December lowered the amou nt of electricity available at cheap "lifeline" rates, thus forcing cu stomers to pay more for energy used above the lifeline rate. Assemblyman Norm Waters, D-Plymouth, said the PUC's rulina. reaehed after nearly a year of atudy, means that aome residents on f1xed monthly incomes 'of S600 iD atl·electrtc homes received utility bUlll of $400 tor January. Although the $909 million lncreaae involved $491 million for gaa, the loudest oppoeition bas come from electricity customers. PILOT DIES Lt. Cmdr. Stu Powrie. 34 . of Pens acola. Fla .. a member of the t.:.S Navy ·s Blue Angels pre'cision fl ying te am. wa s killed when his A·4 Skyhawk c rashed in the desert northwes t of El Centro Monday . . Firllls to explain hiring practices • SHUTIERS CUSTOM QUAun.SHUTTERS "Nail down it Cal Fed WASHINGTON (AP> -Like it or not, a group of restaurants along San Francisco's Fisherman's Wharf will have to answer some questions about their hiring practices. The Supreme Court on Monday apparently wasn't impressed by arguments by the restaurants that the city Human Rights Commission is coercing restaurant owners to sign affirmative action agreements. As a result, the restaurants will have to start providing information about their recruitment and promotion of minority members and women. They had refused to sign affirmative action agreements in 1976 after the commission sent them questionnaires. But the issue could someday return to the nation's highest court if the HRC revokes leases because the agreements are not signed or lived up to today -a threat lawyers for the restaur· ants contended was real. But city officials denied they were being coercive, saying they only want the restaurants to provide the information. The restaurants are located on city-owned property. Under terms of the leases with the Pqrt Com mission , t he res taurants pledged the establishme nts would not discriminate in employment. The restaurants sued the commission and other city officials in Feb. 1977 after the HRC and the Port Commission set hiring goals that the restaurant owners called quotas. The restaurants countered with their own employment proposals, which were rejected, and their lawyers filed suit to bar the HRC from forcing the restaurants into agreements they felt I would create un constitutional and illegal racial bias against white men. The appeal acted on Monday was filed by lawyers for these restaurant firms : Alioto's Fish Co.; Borruso's Lighthouse Seafood Grotto; Fisherman's Grotto; the Franciscan Restaurant; Sabella's and La Torre Restaurant; Scoma's Restaurant; Victoria Station; Bundox Restaurant, doing business as the Waterfront ; Sinbad's Pier 2 Restaurant, and Carnation Co. Baby r.ontest Bring YQtK ~ (uP lo2~okl}to tb1tlnaton c.m. 10 e.m.SM.to~ for~...,~ CORRECTION ln ... the Seara Advertt.lng MCt1on of Feb. 21 there 19 an advertlMm•nt for • t M321 Slow Cooker regular price $17." on HI• for S13.t7. The ,..,._ prtce and aale price •re conece; .....,.__,, tM copy dHcrtptlon la Incorrect. n.e cooW ••••••• not •• qt. oooller. We .anoer.e, ,...ew.enor. I Searsf on-for 10 ~ '1.00 donation~-~ ,... ________ ) to Mlfdl of otmee. 642-5678 Put a few words to work for you in the Illy Plat 28 Years Experience Manufacturing Quality Shutters FINEST QUALITY SHUTTERS AVAILABLE ON THE MARKET TODAY ... AT FACTORY DIRECT PRICES! Call (714)'548-6841 or 548-1717 MBllWOOD MAIUFACTOIY 19n Placentia Avenue • Costa Mesa. CA '1lf{[l The cool pale linens of Biii Blass for Bfti$l)Ofl Desltn so liflht and uneneum~ it seems no mote structured rhen a sketch. Hee. in coral, the blouse, •tu, apd the split sbt bordf!ff!d in ctMmy color, 1150. Both, lor sizes 4 to 12. In Desiflner Sporrswetr-wt'fe we ate a/I the thinp )'OCJ aM S.h Fifth~~ ~th C.a.st Plua,. JJ:gJ}.'~tol Sltftt Costa MeJ& .__ . ·- .. ' HomeoWner.'s Equitv Loa.l:'j -Bob Hope If you're long on ideas that cost money. but short on cash. give Cal Fed a call. · Our Homeowner's Equity Loan lets you borrow against the valuable equity you've built up on your home. You don't have to sell your home to get cash. . Use the money for anything. Remodeling. Vaca-· tions. College. A boat or mountain cabin. Whatever. · It's a fully amortized loan. Up to 15 years to repay. At competitive, simple interest rates with no balloon payment& And no penalty if you pay t>ff early. No sense waiting, is there? Phone Cal Fed now and nail down ·your loan. Ot1aer 1cMm1 ll8d credit ,vaDable: Auto • Boat • Mable Home • Penoml • Property Improvement ~ • P\ameee Meaey Second • Revolving Une of Credit • Viii • M.tercm-d. . ~ Mesa: (714) 546-8610 •Anaheim: (714) ~ r ' TU ESOAV, FE8. 23, 1982 CAVALCADE 82 COMICS 84 TELEVISION . 86 Erma Bambeck has advice for lonely stp,y,at·home men. See P,age 82. ' UCI seeking c11re for ·.computers' commoll code By JOEL C. OON Of .. o.I.., ........... Computers aren't dumb and neither are most people. But they just don't always seem to get along, What there seems to be is a failure to communicate. UC Irvine scientists are trying to bridge the gap between man and machine by making computers more tolerant ol our quirks , inaccuracies and sometimes Hlogical behavior. They're designing a computer that speaks our lingo. Ors. Richard Granger and James Meehan direct UCJ's' Artificial Intelligence Project The research program is housed in the new Computer Science R esearch Laboratory which opened Monday. The majority or computer users must learr\ the arcane language of t ec hnology - detailed codes of numbers and letters that give access to the heart of the machine. Leaming a computer language can be aa difficult as a course in French or Spanis h. Granger and Meehan are developing a program that eliminates the need for codes and other computer jargon. Their system would allow a user to use standard English without abbreviations or incomplete sentences. "Our goal is the production of a comprehensive system that can do the tasks that il required by a human would be said to require intelligence.'' explained Granger. "T here are som e • restraJnts on tt but you don't have to know all those cruy codes." Their job is rar from simple. In making a computer Intelligent, they must account for error-prone humans as well as the subtle ambiguities of the Engllsh languaee. . The computer must be able to decipher ideas from fragmented sentences, poor 1rammar, bad syntax and a host or other problems. "There's this great gap bet ween us and the computer,·· commented Meehan. "What we want to do is build a middle plane to connect what people want to do to what's natural for the computer." Wo rking unde r a $250.000 grant from the Navy , the Trash conversion eyed co mputer s cie ntis t s are developing a progr am that would allow sailors aboard ships to send messages in standard English via co mputer keyboards. The messages would be recel ved by a central computer. interpreted, checked and then encoded in computer language for storage in the data base. C urr ently co mputer programmers must take on the task of translating a message Crom English into the language that computers understand. Granger noted that s uc h programmers are few and far between. The Navy and artificial intelligence specialists agree it would be easier to design one central computer that interprets Enalish rather than train thousands or programmers. Granger said the Navy ex~ts to be receiving more than 30,000 messages per hour at some bases. The information deluge would far exceed the number of human programmers needed to encode such messages. "The co mput er w i ll understand the messages an.d flash them back at the sender that it has interpreted them." Granger said. "If the sender ap proves the computer 's interpretation , the message will be encoded into the data base." Granger and Meehan don 't ~xpect home computer users to 'benefit quickly Crom s uch research. Their Navy project is still in its infancy stage and requires 10 Umes the memory capacity thaat exists in m ost popular microcomputers. But r esearch on the Navy pr oject and oth er areas Is opening up the new frontier of computers that think. G1·anger, for one, sees no limits on the potential or making computers intelligent. "More and more people are coming to understand that a brain is a machine," he said. "It's not made of metal, it's made of meat and the computer is a machtne too. The computer is not made or meal, it's made of me tal "lt seems very plausible that a metal machine can perform the same processes that a meat machine can do." Factories seen to convert rubbish, sewage to energy BY PATRICK KENNEDY 6' ... o.lty ...... "-" Huntington Beach and Orange County officials are considering two proposals to build large factories in the city to convert tons of trash to energy. The different methods, by Oklahoma-based CM I· EN CON and Irvine-based Fluor Corp., each would process more than 1,000 tons of rubbish and sewage sludge daily. Mayor Ruth Finley says both companies are vying for the coope ration and s upport or county and city officials to secure adequate amounts of rubbish and the proper zoning. S h e s aid t h e competing proposals could develop into a "trash war" but that each offer faces major obstacles from state air quality laws and community opposition. While she supports the concept or using trash for energy, she said, "I don't think we'll see anything like this in Huntington Beach." Although both pro posals would use d.ilferent techniques, eac h would burn trash a nd sludge a nd require state a ir quality permits. Chester Brooks. vice president of C Ml·ENCON, says his company was requested by the Orange County Administrative Office to make a proposal for FV citizens polled over 'Baker Park' Fountain Valley officials say they want residents to tell them if they approve of renaming Mile Square Regional Park after the late David L . Baker, a f or m er Orange County supe rvisor. City o ffi cials are asking citizens to call 963·8321 to express their opinions. Supervisor Ralph Clark has Teacher cuts eyed tonight Trustee of the Huntington Beach Union High School District are scheduled tonight lo con side r cutting 88 teacher positions from ne xt year's budget· because of declining student enrollment and state cutbacks of special programs. A reduction of 88 positions would keep next year's student·lo·teacher ratio at the district formula of 26-to·l and would reduce the estim ated $50 million budget by about S2 million. District officials estimate an enrollment decline next school year of 777 students. There now are 18,200 students living in the dJstTict. s uggested the name change would be a fitting memorial for the late supervisor. Baker died Feb. 6, following a heart attack. Mile Square Park is a county regional park but is surrounded by Fountain Valley city limits. The Board or Supervisor$ can c h a n ge the nam e without approval of city officials, but the s upervisors asked t he Fountain Valley City Council to respond to the recommendation. Mayor Ben Nielson says the local chamber of commerce has been asked to consider the name c hange. Niels on noted that several businesses near the park include Mil e Square in their name and also use the landmark in advertising literature. H e s ays th e t e lepho ne response will be tallied on March 2, when the City Council will discuss the name change proposal. The supervisors are scheduled to consider the name change on March 3, Nielson said. Baker represented the second s upe rvisorial district, which includes Seal Beach, Huntington Beach and Garden Grovj?, from 1962 until l974. ln 1967, he was board chairman. Clark says that Baker was a strong supporter or developing parks in major population areas. µ>WEST OF THE LOW: If ever a good case could be made for a return to the Old West justice system of lynching, it would apply to those con a rtists in our midst w ho prey upon the elderly. Some cases h ave s urf aced recently in northern Orange Co unt y ·wh e r e despicable creeps h ave p asse d themselves off as Social S ec urity ... b) ·:f>, ... '"' ... , • > . •• •• . . ~' 1111111111111 m agents and thus fleeced senior citizens. In one instance, a female thief told an olde r resident s he owed money to Medicare and Medi·Cal and made the retired person give her $2,200 in cash. Another ca$e resulted in an older mobile park resident loslng S500 to a con man who claimed be was a Social Security agent. THESE CROOKS UE so brazen that oft.en. officials saJd, they even offer to drive the elderly person .to his or her bank so they can cough up their savings. Some you.nger people might be baffled as to why some senior citizens are so easily victimized by con artist croon. ~ Part ol the answer can be traced to fear of the ' trash-to-energy plant in Orange County involving "anaerobic digestion." He says the system would mix up to 1,000 tons or trash and sewage ~ludge daily in air-light compartments, thus a !lowing bacteria to transform the mixture into methane gas. He says about 30 percent of the rubbish and sludge would be burned and the heat transferred to water to create electricity. The gas and electricity would be sold to Southern California EdJson Co. The company hasn't selected a site for the plant but the Or,ange Co unty trash transfer station on Gothard Street south of Talbert A venue is being considered for part or the operation, Brooks said . He says that site would at least be a good location for . "mechanical separation" of non-combustible metals and dirt from the tons or tras h . Currently, rubbish trucked to the transfer station from West Orange County cities is then taken to various landfills . Brooks says bis company has proposed a $33 million anaerobic digestion plant In Ri verslde County. Fluor Corp. executives are planning a $60 million trash and sewage s ludge incinerating plant on a 38-acre Steverson Brothers Dump on Magnolia Street and Hamiltoq Avenue that possibly conta ins toxic chemicals. IRVINE CONTROL Bob Hayn es. assistant city engineer with the city of Irvine . operates the computerized traffic board. designed lo s peed vehicles through 14 intersections in Irvine. Anothe r 36 s ig nc.tls will join the ope ration this year. ' ... !'., Taking snar/,s out of traffic That proposed plant would create electricity strictly by transferring heat to water. The electricity would be sold to the nearby Edison power plant on Pacific Coast Highway and Newland Street. System can pull out all the stops or put them in Presently. Fluor is conducting tests for toxics at the dump. Toxics, if found , would be excava ted befor e any development could proceed. Ray Lewis, chief engineer of the Orange County Sanitation District , agrees that securing air pollution permits from state officials and winning community support are the major obstacles to the proposals. He says a trash processing plant Is needed because county residents create 3,000 tons of trash daily and the available landfills are filling up. By RICHARD GREEN Of tlM DaOy ...... S\afl If you start to notice you're spending less time at red lights. it may be because more cities a long the Orange Coast are using computers to improve traffic flow. In Irvine, 14 traffic signals are hooked up to a computer, which adjusts signal length depending on the volume or traffic. Sensors in the fi eld tell the computer how much traCfic is going through an intersection at any one time. For example, if there is little traffic, red lights should be few and Cai between on a street w h ere the sto pli g hts are controlled by computer. C ity officials hope to computerize another 36 signals by the end of the year. "The system means that you'll probably be caught at fewer red lights," said Dennis Wilberg, cit y transportation services manager. ··Mos t people probably only remember the one red light that they stopped at, not the two green lights they went through. Still, Wilberg is convinced the $350,000 computerization system is worth every cent of state and local money spent on it because it can reduce the many collisions that occur when cars s top for red lights. The system also reduces t r avel time and. . therefo re. leads to fuel savings and less poll ution. The sys te m also aids in troubles hooting . s ince the computer indicates whenever a conne cted t r a ffi c signal malfunctions . And, a printed record detailing the activities of all the signals in the system can come in handy il the city is sued in conn ection with a tra ffic accident allegedly occurring as the result of a broken signal. In the west county. Huntington Beach and Fountain ValJey are planning two joint projects that would bring traffic Jights on Brookhurst Street and Warner Avenue s under com puter control. case for Old West justice syst e m which was designed . to provide some cash security and medical care for our retired citizens . Some older folks fear that system . They are afraid som ebody wiU come along and take away benefits. They are con s tantly called upon to fill out forms upon which they s wear they tell the truth about incom e . property owned and other assets . T~y are constantly told that if they conceal any assets·. they can lose a ll their benefits. ONE ELDERLY GEN'11..EMAN of my acquaintance once filled out one of these forms and where he was asked, "Do you have any new income," he filled in the space with "one dollar." Under "explanation·· he wrote in. "Found dollar bill OI) the sidewalk ... ·· • You don't wa~t to get caught concealing any ass~s. Medical bills a rrive in the mail from Medicare or Medi-Cal and can strike new fear or panic in the elderly recipient. Often, these are not bills but instead. a recapping of benefits paid out by the system. Light printing across the Corm declares. "This ls Not a BUI." But sometimes lhis declaration escapes the attention of elderly eyes. They see only the bottom line figure and become fearful it la money owed. After all. they·ve lived a long ·tlme. 1bey know what a bill looks like. ... If it looks like a bill. and lists like a bill. the n it must be a bill. AGAINST mis KIND of backdrop. no wonder many older citizens are easy prey of the degenerate con men who don't even ha ve the guts to ope rate like regular robbers. They can only victimize the elderly who live in fear and ex.isl on meager Social Security or governme nt m edical benefits . Come around and tell an older pe rson you 're from Social Security and they 'll want to cooperate almos t every lime. The truth is, of courst!. that all real government agents carry ide ntification ·and will willingly show it. No f{ovemment agent a sk s for cash payment on lhe scene. If it happe ns to you. senior c itlien. m a ke an appointment to meet the .. aeeot" later down a t the local Police station. SOMETIMES YOU MIGHT have a O'leas'ure of admiration for a con man or rum.flam artlll who fleteef som~ citizen by plyin1 on bis sreed. But when some snlvelin1 creep picks on the elderly. who live n Quiet desperation. Old ·We$t justice woulc;t be !00 good for thell\. H/P D~R ANN 1.ANDERS: I have high blood, 1>!"88ure ~ see my ~tor every throe months ·~ he can adjust m)' mecUeaUon if neCt!sary. The problem~: I always go into his office with certain questions to ask but I never come out with any answers. I am not a stupid person, but I can't understand the five-syllable words he uses. He talks to me as if I were another doctor. Please tell me what to do about this. It's very upsetting because it makes me feel .like a dummy, which I am not. - FEELING FOOLISH IN MEXICO, MO. DRl\R MO: Before you ge to see the doc, write down the quettiou you want an1wen to and hand them to blm. lftea be beOns to retpoed, atop him the moment you hear a wont you don't understand. Ask, "What does THAT mean?'' Don't let him go on to the next sententt until you really understand. Doctors have a tendency to assume that the medical terms they are JamWar CARNIVAL TIME -Revelers wear an odd asso.rtment of masks at St. Mark·s Square in Venice last week during the city's annual ". --~----=·~--~•ANN LANO!AS •ERMA BOMBECK •HCR)SCOPE wit.II are well·lmown to everya.e. Make up your mind that you aren't· 1om1 to budge untU ,_ gfl( 1at1af actory auwen to your qaeaUona. When be aeea you are determlDed, he wlll slmpUly bla language. DEAR ANN LANDERS: My husband and I don't smoke. Most of our relatives on both sides do. We decided a while back that we would not allow smoking in our home and told them so. As a result of this decision we don't have many visitors and have gotten into some arguments over it. Is it right for us to tell people not to smoke jn our house? We really hate smoking but we miss not having the family over. We'd like your opinion as well as some suggestions on what to do abo•.at this problem . -NO -SMOKE BUT NO-COMPANY. EITHER ' DEAR NO-SMOKE: Too bad your r~latlves are so thoroughly booked on the coffin nalll tbat they chooee not to come ever ratber than give them 'IP fer a few boan, Now you two must reconsider t•e ultimatum and decide wllkh mean more, tbe compuy ortbe clean air. If 1oa prefer tlae compuy, tell them lou've cbused tbe bouae rules and wo11J like them back. Tben place a couple of shallow bowls ol vinegar ta the room where Ute addJctl are delag tbetJ' tblng. I& •lll belp clear the air. A Roor fan might also be efftttlve. DEAR ANN LANDERS: We have been married only three weeks. My husband always used to sleep in his shorts, which I didn't like. Now he wears pajamas to please me, but by morning they are on the floor. I asked him, "What's the trouble?" He said, "You try s leepina in these things one night." So I did. The waist cord is like a rope. The buttons are like rocks'and the seams cut in the crotch like a knife. Will you please use your influence to get the men's PJ manufacturers to make something more comfortable? -LUMPS AND BUMPS IN GLENDALE DEAR GLENDALE: Shop around, dearle. There are plenty of comfy Ja•mles out there for llUle lovey. < l ) Get a larger size. (%) Avoid buttons and rope·like sashes. (3) Consider a nightshirt -to match yours! Are your parents too stnct? Hard.to r~ach? Ann Landers' booklet. "Bugged by P.arents? How to Get More Freedom," could help you bridge tM generatilm gap. Send 50 cents with your request and a long, ·stamped . selfraddressed mvelope to Ann Landers. P.O Box 11995. Chicago. 111 . 60611 Pisces burden lifted ---carnival celebration. The carnival precedes the observance of Lent, which be~ins Wednesday. ' Wednesday, February 24 ARIF.s <March 2l·April 19 >: You add to personal possessions. Individual you aided in recent 'past wjll return favor. Focus on hospitals, clubs. institutions and dealings with administrators. TAURUS <April 20-May 20 1: Surprise invitation can lead to important social and business contacts. Be nexible. display versatility and humor. Romantic interests are highlighted. ability to communicate is accented. GEMINI <May 21-June 201 : You aid your own cause by personally attending to details. Check s maH print. streamline procedures. have frank dtscussions with associate or superior. LEO <July 23 ·Aug. 22>: Costs . investments are reviewed ; special purchase could be on agenda. Focus also on family. home improvement. domestic adjustment, care of plants and pets CANCER <June 21 ·July 22 >: Good lunar aspect coincides with evaluation of spiritual concepts, long-range plans. abtllty to communicate rn dynamic . meaningful. creative manner. HOIOSCOPf BY SIDNEY OMARA AQUARIUS <J an. 20-Feb. 181 : Good news received concerning money. You could win a contest. Personal horizons expand. plans might be made ror holiday or travel. Member of opposite sex aids in fulfillment or hopes, aspirations. PISCES <Feb. 19-March 20 >: You·11 be rid of unnecessary burden. You'll dance to your own tune. Emphasis on personality and favorable responses to appeals. What had been a roadblock will become steppingstone to progress. , Pf ISOllAllTJ Q.&A. BY MARILYN AND HY GARDNER Hint helpful for men VIRGO <Aug. 23-Sept.221: Define terms. be perceptive enough to see through get-rich-quick scheme. Be aware or legal rights. permissions. By doing some detective work. you make valuable. money-saving dis coveries. Normal look given brush For years, men have been the peripatetic s pecies and women the pathetic. Traveling husbands whipped in and out of the house. stopping only to pack clean underwear and catch the next flight to Atlanta, while their wives faced a week of leftovers and "Single parenting. Well. two funoy things happened on the way to jet lag~ ;After years of dropping their husbands t«f at the airport. a lot of women finally admitted they actually look forward to time~ themselves. IN. AN U~FFICIAL POLL among wives of husban6 who trav~. the women admitted· they teally like the sin,11' )ife occasionally. It was like a mini-vacation. They could rela , eat onions in bed. go on a diet amHind thelrown space. One woman said she relt like a child who could stay Up as late as she wanted instead of havinc ber husband yell. "Aren't you coming to bed?" Another woman said at first it was lonely, then sh fealized ~he could go to movies which ber husband hated, eat 1 whenefer she wanted to and have pizza for breakf·~ if she lked and not be lied down to a sc ule. · T ~ortd fwmy thing that happened on t he, way to .jet lag was a women's revolu~ where:43 percent of the women return to the ~rk force and now they're runnin for pl~s while their husbands stay at me. : An the men's reaction? It stinks. Ironically, it has .nothing to do with the old . cliche, .. Absen'4 Makes the Heartburn Strong.,." They•119 just plain lonely. ONE MAN 'COMPLAINED, "I come home ely . .I ,,ake up lonely. 1t·s liker walk. into an empty theater:· Another • "I c home ready to talk and tb no one there but my kid '8 lhe e ." they' :feeling is what women tryi_ to tell theal for years flMA IOMIKI LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22 1: Practical issues dominate ; leave rrtns for another time. get to heart of matters. Focus on employ ment. ba sic tasks . n ew .understanding which involves dependents. ATWIT'S END when they walk m the house and ask. .. How was your day?" Loneliness takes ..e.ting used to. It's the most underrated cfiiease in the world today. characterized . ~~overeating and talking to the tropical ~. yet it's given about as much respect e-t.he common cold. SCORPIO <Oct. 23-Nov. 211 : Style is imprinted, creative capabilities surge to forefront. Longstanding project can now be successfully concluded. Focus also on s pecial relationship, romance and speculative venture . SAGITrARIUS <Nov. 2'l·Dec. 21 >: Red tape falls by wayside; you gain greater independence anc! make new start in new direction. Innovative procedures enhance prestige, increase property value. ' But men can do it. Next time your wife JJ out of town, put on the raggy pajamas yoar wife wants to dust the piano with. get that fish out of the can that she says smells up the entire house . Then climb into bed and spread it on a box of crackers while y~'re propped up watching the all-night sports network of replays. As for the garbage by the sink. tell it to ••a walk! CAPRICORN <Dec . 22-Jan. 19 1: Communication received from family member in transit. You regain sense of direction . Minor conflict serves as stimulus. You rebound from apparent setback. .. GOIEll ON lllDGI BY CHARLES H. GOREN AND OMAR SHARIF b vulnerable. South deals. NORTH •HU <:? 80! O Hi •n "1'.8'1' EAST •cu• •1 • A&Qlt'n <:? U 14 O &QIOUU &I •QIOt IOt1TB •AlllOO OI OA ·•AllUI TM bld6as: ........ • • l 0 -·· .... ... ·-N.nll l'Mll .... 0 .. .... 0,.·•· '-ad! Kiq of <:>. psychic bidding .., .. io voeue, playing with and agaimt Garry wu alwar• an advent.ure. There wu DO dftbt that be was an lmqlllattve bidder and card plarer. u4 tbia hand, from a rul*er pme •' the Re,.ner ~ Club iD New York, wheN lie wu a long·tlme member, beua •. eloque•t &eiltlmoQ. G&n'J '6ekecl up tM ratl1er unlD8plriq Nord! lmld. Bil part119r wu U.I. hlWru· tlonallat, Borlt Xe,iQou. •ho plared Oii ..., el oar eha•pioDIWp ....._ K.,t- ehou opened U. ....... wit.II one dub .... ,.._ ... la · frHlJ at tbe ,.,.._-level deeplte tile ~ &Ml .. WU vwaenb&e. Wit.II lluHard auppor& for Ma putller't HCOM ·1wt a1141 MlJ a douMND Ill U. .. ,, .... .... o..., f Ila I .... tMn ----... ......... , ·--.....,= ..... .. 111.11 .... 1 Wei& led tM ~tlMar\a -------·--------- Personal Postcard to all of you Star Trekkies out there: Did you know that Mr. Spock came close to having normal-looking ears and eyebrows'! Before the s how went on the air. some of the net work geniuses had second thoughts about the alien look given' to Spock. They even put out an ad\'ance brochure with his e ars and eyebrows airbrushed back to normal. But later on. after .. Star Trek" became a hit. nobodv would admit to being the one who almost spooked Spock with the paint-brush plastic surgery. Q: I eoce read that actress Ja~ueltne Bisset 4161't mind doing the ntlde bedroom sreaes ~alled for in her mov:e scripts. Her only l'Omplalnt was that she fCMtnd tllilose love lftOeS very uncomfortable. In wlaat way? -Marguerita L., Richmond, V1 . A: "They are unquestionably the hottest moments of m y films ." explains Jacqueline. ··And I'm not being funny. It's nearly. always about 100 degrees on the set because the bedrooms are tiny. I suppose it's the proximity and so much lighting . And there 's a certain self-consciousness with the actor. I find tenderness and people looking at each other. if filmed properly. rar more erotic. "Usuall)J. the beds are propped up on wooden sticks. the back or the bed has been removed and you've got sticky plaster here and there holding things up,.. sums up Miss Bisset. once voted the World's Most Watchable Actress. She recently was involved in the production of "Rich and Famous:· in which s he co-stars with Candice Bergen. Q: I& it true that Ronald Reagaa Is a little bani of bearing? If M», what caned tlae coadltlon? -Mrs. llolterta T .• ........... A; The president's ear trouble began years ago during tbe makin~ of a movie. Another actor"fired a .38 caliber pistol too close to bis head. "The concussion ... recalled Reaaan. "knocked me four feet . sideways." (His weak ear, incidentally. is hij rlpt one, just in case you should hav~ occasion to talk with him. 1 ! . Lee A. lacocca 1s the only bi1 shot in the auto field who made both Time and N~weel< covers in the same week - !AIH"il 1184 . ·- • .... .... 4 tlf• eo Hi:••· •'G119 ~-AMN ftar," ... _,.of &M .... -.0 . ._ .... '"""'· Calfl. flflf ... __. ...... ~ .... .... _, .................. -Ill ... -... fM :Z, ..._ of _. ...... ,..11£11 ,.,,... M$?1 • \ , I Or1noe Coa1t DAILY PILOTfTueld1y, Febru1ry 23, 1982 -••" u.•owo c..._ -JIAIO IO ................ iov.. ...................... .., bin.,--, i. ine.. ~ tlr Ille _...._ Of 1 .... -r. ..... *"flO*"T Tiie Hatti decide 10 ~ -.. -.n IOIMOne ,,... to IWeell ...,, llC>· Q CIDMCMI * *"' "lf;>hlnx" (1881) ,,Mil L.lngelle. ~· Alw. Down. A MNlea ...... mMll.e.,..,.... ~~IO_,.,., ~· from ._..,.. •lllO IM~ of a ~ ... tuelhe-;•=tolllaw.'PG'' SWEETHEARTS -Anthony Andrews plays title role and Lysette Anthony portrays his childhood sweetheart, in adaptation of "lvanhoe ... Movie to air at 8 tonight on KNXT < 2 1. ... "She'• 19 And "-dY' ( tMO)A ~ glirt tonge to ..,,.,._total llllNtmenl. 'A' .MCW.- • ·~ "Tiie Man Who S-y__.OW'' (1M1) ~ mentary. Narrated by ~ W.._ Footage of L -ta lie Pfadlcted filld, dramattc: r-..11ona of ,. ... comcinae !Ne IOok ~ ... lliltlO .... Merl ...., to• l.oa ~ ..,,..,. .......... 'f tot• d ..-_....., at how iou--and glenl tortolM• eurvlve Ill• ~'-tend-I food~ on the~ at the 171'Hlentuty ~ pllyalc:ian, lllrologer filld mystlc Mlc:t>al de NoWa- Oame. k-u NoWa- ~·PG· CHANNEL LISTINGS 0 KNXT 1ces1 0 0 KN8C IN8Ct z 0 KTL.A (Ind I " ID KA8C IABCI c G KFMB I GBSI f 0 KHJ TV (Ind I ,.,. G KCST IA8Cl E c 11 t ... • loOll • .. modll tot .... Illa"'-"'" ~···~ ...... .. •CW&IJY ;;::r.: ... A .... ICoNall ~ w1tt1 rnlnof ~~Ille ,_,. 11( • • .,..onth.. I no TAO DOUGH ~IUINR ~ nw. ~ wtlO Md ··11eevenl1'' ne11r•death ..... >eet; A .._ YOtlt ~ ~ ltlet CMlr'I --~· 0 YOU Mle PIC!Rlf ,......; u,,..,._ Ki.. w.t.e.·· ~MOVIE •••• "Anlmml Creek- .. " (1t30) Marx 8rothlre. ...... Dumont.~ ~. the African ...-... returN trom • r-.e 9l(pedhJon to ......., llevoc at • 1oclely ~·· .... and perty. 'O' (D)NM~ 0.-Nugoetl ..... Loe ,.,,.... lAMt1I 1* (%) Cl ..... ICOllE ... Cl) MOYIE "lvafthoe". (Premiere) J.,. MUOI\, Antllooy ~ A young knight retw'lw from 11* C"*ldel to Md ,.,_., dlelnllerited ..... ..._~to ~--. ..... 88,Alff!R~ Mlwphy encC>IKllQM Wiii ~ to llOCllPI en ofter ol edopllon lrom a WMllhy wldolll.Q • MOW ** • "Hlgll Plain• Ortfter'' ( 1973) Clint Eat- WOOd, Verna Bloom. A ........ strMger , ..... ... OOWW'dly ,....,, .. of. .....,.,.. trJoMI lo dlellenge .. ,....... ~ "'*" ... .,... .. ..,, •• --.i. •Ill HA#V DAVI l\og9r'• ~ yoo.wiger brOlftr lhO¥l9' In wlttl llim • MOVIE * * * "The Collector" (1965) T..-~ Stamp. Satnantlla Egger. A brooct- lng young Englilll clertl lbductl • woman and kMPI her C8C)tlve In a celo- lar In the hope ltlat ...... -•Ulllly IMm to IOve him. ., .... ~ Tiww people who fled "haavenly" naar-dealll axpartencea; -hOw L.A. 'I Vice $q\Md lend on the ....... • MOW "Dyn11ty" Bobby Ming. Flgllllng Monka ttllln • pr1noe 1n the Mlt9l\llll am and hi then IMds his peo. pie 10 hedom. • LRONfARTH ''Victors OI The Dry Land" DeYld An.nbof ougll IOdl.I OnTV Z·TV H80 IC1nem.i.1 I WORI NY ,NY IWTBSI I ESPNI li ...... Q 'fOYA "The Mteto6d And .,. .. ~'A redlcel,_ INory .. 10 wfty the '"'-..,,.. cited out .,.., 150 mMlon ~ °' euocMlful ~ .. ·"""'* ms~ •• "8roqco My'' (1980) Clint Eaei.ooct. 8ondr1 L.oQe. A former lhoe ~"°"'Haw JerMy ~ hie ..,...,, of par- ..,.,.. In • Wiid W,•t "-•'PO' (l)MOVll * 1'1 i. "Smok41y And The lendlt ""(18IO) 8wt Aero notda, Jeckle Olaaaon. 8her1fl Bufo(d T, Julllca c:alll In Ille two '-nan ~ 10 stop • reClred booeleg(la', lhe Bandit, "°"' ~Ing • baby ellipfwil. 'PG' .MOYIE *** "9 To 5" (19801 ~ Fonda. Dolly Panon. Thr.. WOfklng WO~ rebel agMwt theit IUl)ju- getlon by • lnlM c:hauwtnl91 boea. 'PG' CZ>uovw •• "Going Placea" (1974) 0.wd Oeperdleu, Patrlclc 0..-.. Youths·embarll on a bic:ycle trip NI tumm Into • eexual odyae.y acroea Ille French country- llde. l:30 • Ill LAVERNE & 8HR.EY ~ and Shirley VICI· lion 11 a lkl raaon 1n the hopel of ,,_,Ing lllglbla l>ac:Mlora. Q • AU. .. TI4E FMl!lt. y A bulled fur-lore:. the Bunkara 10 IC*'d • '-days at Ille Stlwlc: houM. t:OO a a IAET MAWNCK Gulhr1e .. tried lor mutdar In • mock 11111 hllO alter houri at the Red Ox Saloon. 8 111 THNE'I OOtlifl'NN Jeneit and Tam ,_, Illa wont wtien Jed< bacom. involved witll • ......,lly glirt.Q ·~ PLAYHOUee "For Colored Olm WllO Haw Conaidered SulclOe I When The Rainbow ,. Enuf" Six -11\ata their llM\. terror and lowe In • lale'tlalon Sdae>••tlon ol Iha award-winning Broadway hit by Nlouke SMnoe-c;> • LR ON !ART'H "Vlclor1 Of The Dry Ltnd" O.vtd AllanborOIJOll loolca at how ~ and giant lortolaea survive Ille 80ordllng ...... and ac:anl IOOcl wppty on the Oalapa· ~·tland•.Q .._.,.@ TOO Cl.08E FOR OOWORT Henry gets Into anolher big fight wltll his mother- in..w. (C)MOW •• •• ·-r ..... (1979) H-..-Klnlkl. P9ter Rttll. The dluglller of a poor Engll•h !armer ~ the wlcllm of lier famlly'• aepratlona and her own bac.uty 'R' (DJ MOW * * * "The Dogl Of War" ( 1980) Cllrlatapllar w ... (%)MCNW * * * "The CompelltlOfl" ( tNO) Rictletd OreyMa. Amy Irving. Two planlata at a San Franciaco ~ compeOtlon find that thllf. lowe lor MCtl other con- lllct• wttll their prof9alon- .. arnblllona. 'PG' to.:ao I NEWS CAMIAA THAIEE "A Colored Olr1: NIOUlca Shenga" The playwright filld poet wtlOM work• Include the hit play "For Colored Girts Wllo Hawe Conaldered Sulclda Whan The Rainbow la Enuf" la prollled. (AJQ ·~ PLAYHOUM "For Colored Olr11 Who Hawe Coneldared Syjdda I Whan The Relnbow ta Enuf'' Sbc women ahlre their peln. terror and io... In • lelevltkln adapt•tlon ol Ille awud-wlnnlng 8'oadway hl1 by NlozW<e 11:00iliriiC1Jtt18 NEWS • IATIJAOAY NIGHT Hoet: Shallay Duvall. Gu.t: Joen Armalradlng. D KOJAK • TI4E JEFRMOH8 elAHFON>AHOSOH • DO<CAVETT OUN11: Carfy. Lucy and Joanna Simon and the4r mother AndrN. (Pitt 2) 11:15©)MOVIE **I+ "Legend Of Lady Blue" (19791 Maurffn Spring, John Smith. Tllr .. South Dalcota tMn-agara are lorced 10 go !hair up- ar11e ways. two to Vla1nam and the third to pur-• cat-In Hollywood. 1 t:IO • (I) ALICE Mel •-lo pay a walr.r • hlgNr ...,., than lhl wlllt-(R) B QITONIGHT Hoit· Johnny Cumon o-te David Branner. S_..KUtU. e 111 A8C HEWS NIOHTlJNE • OOOCOUPLE • LOVE, AMENCAH 8'TYLE .KCET~T WITH Cl.ETE A08ERT8 (l)oa.. Scoct B.io and Denny Aiel- lo tier In a comic loolt at Iha cornpllcallonl wllk:ll arlM during a Harvard •IU· dent'• birthday party •• hi• lamlly'a South Plllladalpllla home . OMOVIE •'~ "Enter The Dragon" (1973) Bruce L .. , John Saxon A kung lu expert Is ualgned to penetrate .,, !eland lortr-In oroar to dallroy an opium and white alawery emp1,., 'A' -MllNIGtfl- 12:GO. 8HA NA NA Oulet: Hanny Youngman 8 111 ,AKr A8Y Ill.ANO A woman tr..,... beck In time lo ~ Cieo91tra and a man ..-. to have IUpt-~ -oth-are. (R) II MOYIE 1D KHV (Ind ) $ !Sllowt1me1 ~~~~-t-~-411, Tom 8arengar. Attar * • • "Soldlar Blue" ( 1970) Peter Str-. C- dice Barl)ln. • KCOP TV (Ind )' "' fll KC!T CPB~J • ~t<OCE IPBSI Sootllght <C•ble News Networkt being tortured and dllport- ed by an Afr1can dictator. a n•-r ,.utnm to IMd ar~.'R' 1=.=.. STYLE Welk 'family' tapes last show But maestro says musical aggr~gation won't break up SANTA MONI CA (AP> -Television history was written today when Lawrence ·Welk and bis m uslcal family taped their last show after 30 years of broadcasting. On Feb. 26 the Welk troupe will embark on what could be its last tour. though tbe maestro himself ts making no such prediction. Nor is be breakin• op the musical organization that bad its begibntng on the prairie or his native North Dakota 59 years ago. "I 'm not ln a position to cut orr the organization," Welk said in bis elgbtb-noor office overlooldnl the broad sweep or the Pacific. "We have a lar1e musical family, and I ~\Ill couider them. I'm MJt worklrla for myself. l'Ql wortlne for all o( the ~pie who are asaociated with me. ':;r,;e' probleD.\ ,is that once 1ou bne a rep~~ij~ the peo~e want tone you." QI! added that h' had hoped that Lawrence WelktJr. would anume lucMnbip ot the bancl.- "but he wouldn't aolor that. J never~ Larry, because t flsure that everyone la toOd for certain thin#I'. -<What's ln one•s heart ii important, and Larry ... more lntet'nted In busln-.... J ll1W'ed ii I pushed fdm lnto performing, be would bave beea W1Comlorta1*. •• . T'be bandlHder. who will be 11 • llareb .111 aUrl.....,hll lonpYl.Y to the ~ct~ ·•1 mamea a nUMe.:r 181 wife hn-tbeJ'U be wed $0 yean in' April• ,._ ddnt I'm wortdnl too bard.'' SIM oppollfd 1i11t upcomlnf tow', but Welk re___. aucb s:; "ereat.e a beal&ltJ .... ,.._. for t • " Re happily l'Md U. .._ from bi1 ~ ~ P'orj Worth, a--.. AUaata, Tallabad41J. A.uauata, West Palm Buell, • ... Lakeland, St. Petersburg, New Orleans. finishing in San Antonio March 7. Lawrence Welk's romance with the television tube began in 1951 when his band was playing the Aragon l)allroom on the Ocean Park pier, a couple of miles south from the high-rise headquarters or the Welk empire. He. recalled a visit by Klaus Landsberg, the innovative &enl~ of KTLA. ''Do you mlnd lf we televise your band?" Landsberg asked. "I gue,s not," Welk answered. "What do you want us to do?" "Nothing, Just keeo playtn1." Welk and band kept playtn1 for four years on KTLA until ABC aimed them for a summer replacement show. "The Lawrence Welle Show" contin~ on the network until 1971, wl),en it was canceled after 18 years. Instead or fadJng away the show went Into the 1~iynd1caUon market, wher~ it has been the moi. auccesarul proiram in' ofr·network hlatory. Early in b1a career, Welk t.beorbed "lf you . handle the orchestra busln... ritht, you can get into I.be bullne11 world." One ot bJa proudest acbifvementa ... overl'idlq his advilers in the purcbue of property at tbe end ot Wilshire Bou .. nrd. "There wu a difrerence ot ss,oeo tn the purch ... price, anCS l Hid, 'Llt'I pay lt' ," he ' recalled: The llfOPU'\Y now contalnl the LaWNGH Welk Piasa Wta.b • 22..tory bullcllq. He later boqbt the •dJobablt lot foe an 11-liory buildlnl wbere be maint.alal b6a olflc•. On the balicool' la a amall tl'ffD ~a.. eu practJ~ puWna . ; -.... -> -~ -- ~TUBE TOPPERS . KABC fl 7:30 "Eye on L.A " Profile o n porno~ra µh y i,tar John Holmes. who hos been hnkt>d to a Lois Angeles murder. KTLA 0 8 :00 "Hi ~h Plum:. Drifter ... A Clint t-:ustwood l'lass1C' About a drifter hired by townsfolk to protect them from oulla~. KNXT 8 8 :00 "I vanhoe .. Premiere of the mude·for TV movie based on Sir. Wa lter Scott's famous novel. See photo. left. KNBC tD 10:00 "Flamingo Road ·· C~nstance uses Julio to s py on Jo~ie ld and hts lover . I::::: ON IOaETY ** "FuMouea" (tH 1) Ellubetll 8arrldge, SyMa MllM. Four taen-egara apand • lr1gttlfl;I night In • carnlval funhouaa lnhatllt- ed by • demented bartler Ind ,... rnonatroue aon 'A' t2:0I (I) ~ IH CINCINNATI Al1hw'• wife lnnOUnCM lllat Iha la going to 111111 another baby. (A) 12:16 (%)~ * * "Turkllh Dallghl" (1971) Monique van de Ven, !MOW H-. 'A' tl:aO a a LATE NIGHT wtTH DAVID L.ETTt!llMAH Ou.11: comedlena Fred Wiiiard Md Sandra Caron; worm open George Sro- da; world wallarwelght boxing champion Sugar Ray Leonard. 8 MOVE * "Biiiy The Kid Vt Dfa- eula.. ( 1 INllS) Chuck Coun- nay, John Cerradlna. A reformed outlaw malt .. Illa awful dllQCMlry that l\/a glrtfriand'• uncle .. •Nlly • VM\pl<e • tt:40·~ McCloud -. a PIO• to Mii diluted 11o1an med•· cine 10 Latin American c:ouotrt.. (A) t~· MOVIE • ** "A Woman·s Sac:rat" ( 1949) M-Mn O'Hara,~ Douglu. A woman lhOot• the lllngar •h• helped to m•k• rwnou.. • MOVIE • • * "Or111 M11aourl Raid" ( 111501 Macdooald Ceray, Wendall Corey. The James and Younger boys begin to ride the outlaw trail again. (C)MOVIE ***'A "Everything You A,...,ays Wanted To Know About Sex (But Wera Alrald To Ask)" (1972) WOOcly Allan, 0-Wilder. A Mriea ol oomlc: lketci- 8'>001• Of David Reuben's beal·Mlllng book In addi- tion lo ot'* asaorted tar- Q!!s 'R' 1:108 MOW • *I+ "Those Fantullc Flying FOOIS" (19671 Bun !'.ea. Troy~ During a "'lit to England, P T 8arnum concocta • wttd Idea lllat he can IUCC:eS3- l\llly bufkl • tuner ~ Ihle>. 9 NEWS 1:30 D EHTPTAIHMENT TONIGHT Tom JorlM perform• lor his mother at C-1 Pal. --QIJNEW8 OOMOVIE ••'A "Back Ao1da • (1981) Siity Field, Tommy L .. Jonas A hooker and o down-on-hl1-luck bo•e• ,,_, and head -· In -ell of a MW Ille 'A' 0MOVIE * * ~ "Aadlllllow" ( 19801 P1ul McCartney and Wings. Thia record ol the band's U.S tour lncludal performances ol "Jal," "Band On The Aun," "S\lfy Low. Songa" and some old 8eetla l>allad1 'PG' 1:1&®MOVIE • ·~ "Bordartlne' (1980) ChMlel 8rONOn, Bruno f<Kby. A pollee olllclet dll- coYarl • amuggllng (Ing operating along the Mexi- can bordar and .,,.. to keep Incoming allans lrom beoornlng ala.,.. to ruth- laea -tlhop owners 'PG' ~a NEWI (%)MOVIE ' * * • * "My Uncle, Mr Hulol" (1958f Jacques Tall • .IN!>-Plarre Zola. Mr Hulol mak• .,, awkward 1t1empt to oonvlnc:e a fam- ily 111a1 111ay don't ... uy need alt Illa lat .. 1 modefn apc>llanoae 10 run their llOUMhold 2:28 8 HEWS 2:30 8 MOVIE •• "Ambutlll Al Cimarron p_ .. c 1958) Scott Stady, Margie Dean A Union patrOI officer and hl1 prls· oner team up with an ex- Conledar ale omeer 10 stave oft an Ap1cha attack (C>MOVIE * * * "The Other Stde Of Tiie Mountain -Par1 11 .. ( 1971) Marllyn Hassett Tlmolhy Bo11oms Former dlamplOn lkiet. Jiii Kln- monl, rendered • quadn- ptaglc: by• lrlQJC accident. _ .. ,... wtlh NII-doubt wt>en • new IOve enters her Ill• 2:40D NEWS 2:46 m MOVIE * * ~ .. Annie Oakley·· ( 1935) 8arbare StAnwyck. Praeton Foster. A tron· tler\woman becom.. a celebrlly 11 a circus lharpallooter 3:00 11 MOVIE * • "Dflve Hard. Drive Fur· ( 1969) Brian Kelly, Joan Collons. In lhe world ol auto reclng. an lnnooen1 men bac:omas Ille I>""' In a murder p!OI planMd by e beguiling woman and her '-bend 3:20 MOVIE •**lo\ "Scanners' (t98t) Jannlf..-O'Natll, Patrlcl! McGoollan A lethal conlllcl u l1es bet-""o small groups of people whose ax1raoro1- n uy psychic pow1rs onciude lhe 111>rnty 10 kill leiepathically 'R 3:JO JMOVIE * • \0 "Snowball Eapreu" (19721 0..n Jones. Nancy Olson A Naw York accountant trlVels -• 10 the Aocklee io an •llampl lo modernize the dU1pld11- ed ski tesort he Inherited ·o· 0MOVIE • * "Melvin And Howard" ( t980) Paul LeMat, Jason Roberds An oth-IM Utoknown gea alltiOn 111en<11n1 Clllm1 to be the •lglltlul '*' to Howerd Hughes' bllllon doll•r Mtete 'A' 4:00 8 MOVIE * * * 'A ''The SIMI Hal JOHN DARLING AND ~ I HE. SNOW WE'RE £)C.P£R1ENCIN G SHOULD ee: OUT OF CX.:R ARE" f!>Y N OON T~ROW.1 ,,_. .. , ..... Qerie rv.n.. ..._,, ~ A Unl1ted Natlone P*ol Ill "- ..-... ~lot • ..,..._ II 10 IMrGll ..,,_.,, 111W1 .. ,. lfOQPI ata'Mt ... - oo·WOYll * * "Thil la !Ml" (tNt) ~laty. film~ and drarnatJo r~IOnl are uead 10 tall tt1e llory of EMa ~· lite and --· 4:JO. MlllC»t ..OH•LI ffle IMF muat get rAdence Whldl would lorce a gem. bllng reeott owner 10 1 .. 11- fy agelfttt tlle eyndtcate. 4:80 CC) MOVIE * * * • "Anlmal Cfacll· ., ... ( 1930) Marx Bl'olllara, Margeret Dwnonl. c.p111n Spauldlng, Iha African 111plorer, returna from • ,_, expedition to WfMk havoc 11 a 100111y matron'• ....-end par!)' Wed•e•da11'• Dayf ht1e Movlf"• -MOR,.;- 8:00 ct) • • ~ "Aelutn E~I" ( t978) Ellu- batll T aytor, JOMpll Bot- toma A lormer actr- wllo It IMClllng al a amall COiiage lorms a ~ relallonahlp with one ol her aludants ' (I) * • lt "That Forayte Woman" ( 11150) Errol Flynn, Grear Oareon BaHd on • no..., by JOlln Galsworthy A member ol • ateld llictorlan lamlly bacomH 1c11ndalou11v attracted to her nlec:4t'• fianoe 0 * • * "II To 5" ( 1980) Jane Fonda, Dolly Parton ThrH working woman rebel egainst tlletr aub)U- gatlon by a male clleuvlnlal boa 'PO' 9:30 (I) * "0-n Atder" ( 1935) John W•yna, Marlon Burns CC) * * * ''Oh Godl Book II" ( 1980) George Bums. Suzanne Plalhetta Goo returns to Earth and Clloc>Ms Ille yoOng deugh· ter or an aovertlllng nae· utove to spread Ills ,,__ sage lo Ille world 'PG' 10:00 * * "Thi Evle:1or1 ( t9711) Vic Morrow, .Jualca Harper TWO Y°""O people move 1n10 • hOUM with Ille notorious reputation ol c.uling lhe death• ot anv· one daring 10 live lhera 'PO' (I) • "The Awakening" ( 1980) Charlton Heston. Su11 nn1h York An arc11aeo1og1sra daughter becomes po1seaaed by the niatevolent 11>lrlt ot an ancient Egyptian queen 'R' 0 * * 1h "The Man Who S1w Tomorrow" (1981) Oocumentery Narrated by Orson Welles Foo1aga ol -·· he predlc1ed and oramatlc: re-<:reallo<ls ot lltt Ille compnse tlll• loolc et the 17111..()lntury Frtncll pllyllCIM, astr<>logat and mys11C MldMll de Nostra- Dame. known " Nott••· damus PG 11:30 (C1 * • .,., ··sllOOt TM Sun Down' (11180) Christopher Wlllken. Margot Kidder In 1836. lour dlspar•t• ,,..._ Iii• use •n Ol<I map to seareh lor burled gold. 'PG' 0 • • ··Tnis Is EM•" ( 198 t) Documentary FHm lootaga and dram1tlc: r• creetlons are usad to !all the story OI EIYls Presley' I Ille and career 'PG' 12:00 6 * • 'h "Here Come The Girts" ( 1953) Bob Hope, Arlene Dahl Fooowtno a lhraa1 on Ille Ille 01 a sl!Ow's stir porlormf!f. a aooo-and-dance m•n !Ills In u a decoy 10 1rap tlle koll8< m * * * ,,., "San Fra.ncia- co" (1936) Clark Gable, Spencer Tracy . ........ ,.., ...... Our' (1N7) ~ Pet-_... ......... (8) * * "Tfle lnglottow IMtwdllN ( 1t7t) lo·-_,.Frid w~. TWo -'°'"' .,, lltlUeU8I l1iendtl>tp during tn.H tflOttl to ~ enemy ••tadl• and vtdent daatll during the lumulluou1 claye of World W11 II (%) * * * "The Competl. t Ion" CtteO) Alctwd Of ayo. llM. Aniy Irving Two pillr\o lete at 1 Ian Fl'lrldtco mu.lo oompatlllon llnd 111•1 tllelt lowe tor _,.. otller oonfllcte w+th thelt profe11lonal ambition• 'PO' 1:00 (C) • * * "The~ Jungle" ( 1950) St«llng Haydetl. J-Whitmore. Thi polloe we baffled by a orlmln•I mHtarmlnd'• llalf..fnilllon-dotlw roC>bary Cl) * * • "'rllal Forayte Woman" ( 1950) Errol Flynn. Greer Qaraon 8aeed on • now.I by John Galsworthy A member ot a 11ald Victorian family becomaa ecand•loully atttacted to ,_ ni-'a llanol .., * • ~ "Aodtahow'' ( 1980) Paul McCartney and Winga This racon:1 ot Iha bend'• U.S tour H\dudal p..-tor mane. 01 .. Jet ... "Band On The Run, .. "Siiiy Lo .. Songa'' and some Old BNtle ballade 'PO. 2.-00 Oil •• * "'rlla ldolmM· .,.. ( 19801 Aay Sharkey, Tovah Feldshuh A mani- pulative manager u-var- ious ploys to c.tapull two IMn·lgerl Into pop llng· ~stardom. •pa· 2: tO (lJ * * "Foxtrol" ( 11176) Peter D'T oole, Cllarlolle Rampllng 'R' 8:00 Ill • • • "Fire Down Below" ( 1957} Robert Mitchum, Alta Hayworth. ·Two Carlbbeln adventur- ers w+th • boat tor hire agr.. IO tr1n990<1 a ledy withoul a pUlpOrt lrom ona illand lo another (CJ *• "Tllundarblrd1 To The Aeec:ue" (1981) Pup. pell The pilots of five~ clally equlppacl roeket lllipe muat .. .,. the w- ol ~ trapped on • auperlOnle: tr8ntpor1. ·G · D ••• "The Marwlous Land Of Oz" Soma very tamlllar lnllabl1an11 Of Ille Lind Ot Oz help • young boy Ind hia WOOC1an Irland In this lilmad 1taga pro- duction by Illa Chlldran'a ThHl re Company and ScllOol 'G' 3:30 CJ) **'"' .. Snowball E•preaa" ( 1972) Dean Jonas. Nency Olson. A N-York eccoun1en1 tra- 1191• -t to the Rockies In en attempt 10 modernize the dllapldeted ski rMO<t 11e Inherited. ·a· 4:00 Cl) * * * "The Competi- tion" ( 19801 AlcNrd Orey- fuaa. Amy Irving Two p;an- IJtl 11 • S1n Franciac:o musk: compell11on hnd lllat their love tor NOii Oll'ler conllic:t1 w!lll tlleor prote111on11 1mbt1ton1 'PG' 4:30 (CJ II *·~"Return Engagement" ( 1978) Elaa- belh T aytor. J018911 Bot- toms A lormer actr ... who Is tNOlllng at • smlll OOfleOe lorms • $98Clal relatlOnlhlp with one 01 her aludenll * * * "Popeye" ( 1980) Robin Wiiiiama. Shelley Duvall Whlla SNrchlng tor hll lathe<, Ille apinacll-fft· Ing lllk>r Ylstts • quaint hamlet wll&<e lie pk:k• up a loundllng and a •Winny sweetheart 'PG' 5:00 0 II* * .. Agetha" ( 197111 Dustin Holtman, lleriesse Redgr1ve In London In 11126. an Amertcan ,_.. paper reporter meet• and becomes lnvOlved with lamed myst..-y writ&r Aga- 1111 Cllrlatla. WhO hu !alt her untalthlul l!Yaband. New shows to air TO MISS TV -After 30 years of broadcasting, Lawrence W e lk says h e 'll mi ss television. ·, . ABC to introduce spring series New se rie s. incl uding a comedy spinoff from "Happy Days," and a crime show that will solicit anonymous tips rrom the audience. will be introduced by ABC on a trial basis in March and April. The ne w programs will pre·empt long-running serie s like "Laverne & Shirley," "Barney Miller" and "Mork & Mindy," ABC said. Erin Mor an and Scott Balo from "Happy Days" will star in ··Joanie Loves Chachi,'' to be introduced March 23. The show will replace "Lavei:ne & Shirley." "Counterattack: Crime ln America," a new se"les with G orae 'Kennedy as boet wlll be broadcast in the late spring. The program will dramatize actual crimes and solicit lips from the audience that might help police, ABC said. . Rita Moreno, Valerie Curtin and Rachel Dennison will star in a TV vers ion of the movie "9-to·5." to be Introduced A.pril 1, pre·empting "Barney Miller" and "Police Squad," a satirical comedy starring Leslie Nielsen, will premiere March 4 replacing "Mork & Mindy." "Sgt. Hooker." s tarring William Shatner as a retired policeman who return.<; to the force, will premiere March ZJ. The series will continue in hour-long e pisodes, alter "Kine's Cros8lng" completes its limited run In the timeslot . , ... I Orange Coat DAILY PtLOT/Tueaday, February 23. 1982 H /F ca NY E COMPO ITE T RAN ACTIONS QUOT U la..• INCLUOI T•AOU ON'"' NIW 'l'O•ll, MIOWIU l'ACt•IC, l'IW IOUON OIUOIT A•O CINCIN•ATI HOU IA(NUIOU ANI> llll'OUIO I V TMI NASO ANO INiTl"'I f \<!••• Hfl \•I•• Ht I Pt Nh Ctov C"9 '' l "°' Clo" <"" •• '::;', •• "' r:i~ ll ! l ~~. r,:it~;·!:.~.~ ;;: ·~ l=~ • ,:~ ~~ '° n ~ j " .u~~~ 1.~ , 10H m:~ ~ •llM /o.10 .dlll<o ·1lf 11 -. ._. ldellOP t ... ) tT ~ 'I> •"1•111 40 • M6 )Oi l t ~ ldffll I 10 I 46 O•'t •~ !'.!;~~· 't •o i J!! ~ll'A I I tO t 111""• Q ltlHIT '-> l't 114. • •\ .... 10 1,~ ., i E 1i1P-141 ) 101 1~. ,, ,.,.... H•I ~amp ' ' • d1 .... • :;:, , -II~ l)f19' dO .. ~~~·~•ow ("11~:~:~·.:ll,o T: n: mry 40 t \4d ":~~-.,.~~, .. ~o w .. ~ i~~MI t:«.l ,1 d '::~ ~:f1~~~0 1·i'~.,~ ~l~ !nc '1· .. ,:~:j 1P i i,~~i~~UN· "'~tld!I~~.~ A • ..,:: 111 Carll\ I' • 1 ISJ U ...c. 11 • 'j ~ .., "'' •- A t 't I 14 C•rnal 2 I ,» ,.~ Mis• . I . 1 1 Mjttill7J·i i 'l :~I·~'-·: '."11 A f f'il CaroCO S " 1270 .. ,.-11111 1" 411 ~+ ~ ••• -A ¥i CeroFrl ~ S 1 II~ e: t4 tti -" :i , U ... CerP .. 240 7 IO:lull • 11 a '6 6 S. -1111 etl n~• '• "' I • -v. C•rP pt ,., 1 II.loo II • I • tt I ~. .... lnu~r ·: 2ff 0, !':=-~ .. • 11 1 .... c arTac i 10 n u~ ":£ · so l•ll>-Iii I • " ~ . • . • . . C•••Plr I 20 1, 16 1111 1 . .0 • JO ttlli-Yt ri t. i I ..... Ctr1Hw 1n J/')dlJ~ fi1 .. 1 J~-v. I t a w. ~ lt+ \% CatlWI >10 13 ... , q ll'Ul "f 1 lSll>+ ~ llt o 10 •'f I 4-'41 I JI.fl ~14 ~· •• ~ ~~.~~ 1 ~. ;g =~· : ,',,J 111 iir:~ ... ~, .. v,11 , ... t lt1 :m ':: 10 1 ;" C•lrPT l 70 I llS2 '"" ,,..,_II 1 41 ···~ I~ -Jt I I ., uu ' CecoCp .. ' • ""' =~I • 11t:t: Iii ~ z1·1 ·' J11iS . ~ rt • 1 I .. ,,~ C•l•nH • 6 1140 u~. " flrl111 IOI ~ IQ nlln 1'i0, • ~ 200 .,;_. ~~. -1 ,._ Celen pt •.~ .. 11 • "' 111r1 uo • t2 lllh.. •. • f • J -mt rt_ , • 240 dlS" V. C•nco ll 2 12~ ,.v~':., 118 1 ". 2Jl4 1101 ••• ,, 111"1u ' It 111'1-• 41• "'~.'2 . 6 ~· .... C.nth JS ' n n '• -·.., ,.. 11"8 S 111 '°"• v. 41 ilDf .11 • 6 Sl't-~ CenSoW 1 .. • 1309 uo. '• va11 ii t . ·~I-~ "111" .. v • 1 10 1 11"> . 41 "' ... 110 S4"' C•nHud 1 41 s ,. I/to. • •Cel' I . , ¥>+ 111 i""' . 1 •.. AlaP Jlf t ... 1106 5' •I ..-llLt 1 '4 • n 14'-acltr I"' t 1:11/t • In• r pf SI• S 1•-. :'!:~ :HI ,m fi...,: ii: ~t~~sn i =: ~ '~ ~j~ • "' ••°" • _l .,~I,._.,... ~} n pl u~. ~ 1 ~,,. .... A 11<1111 . ! 1.. ll • '"' CeMPw l.IO 1 M 11\., l"MC 1 .0 • 121 t~ + 'It "!Mutt 1 i J ''" \\ A = I. 1' !~ V. C11Soya "4 11 610 I°" "-~MC pl 2.~ ·• S 19" • VI n PfilH 2. 1011 ll~ • \\ :1~0 • 2T iJ!'.: + ~ •nhl 2 20 I 41>4 ,.., .. .,. "~ 'tt 1 H 1~.: ~ "i;'~IC1 1'. • 1 s,I~ µ,~ •, "~ 4 c.,. 1 J.27 1•~• t v. CVlPS n 1 11 S U 1''~ • 11'1 F 20 H'ti .., ,.. • • _ •lcoSt 1 1 • 11 Ill~ " enlrOI O '~ 11. ''~"° ., •: lit 13 .: ~ pf() s '2'-4 i•AAI 111 M 10 471 21 '· n1rvl1 n • •lot •~ ~o F:l~c pf l '° 1J ~-'41 1111N,,,,. Lit · s iaif' u v •• " 41ew ll'I 11 • • \<'I tnv111 • S .:JO 11'> V. Fam DI 1 )f t l I~-'-l11trpt1 I.SO J 1 16V. . 4 11 I Cl I SJ .. '• rt·lffd S 11"11 Fr""'"F It d 114 "-l"tlGo I tO ff d1t -\'I 4 1 · p1216 1 '"• essAtr IO s urn dmo v. l't;'.i; j •2 ~:: "' 11lhltr • 1 t~ •11 "'I 1 1 «> 6 04 26 ,,. ., Chm pin 1 .. 10 2002 IS\oo • v. fe4tf'J . . 41 ) ... low""'•~tPw1 1, .... B !. , 1•~·.· ;:. A I pfCll 2l . II 71 ¥"'• Chml pl• 60 & '6'-• v. F~Co 1 30. 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" w :'c~t l· t H:' 1 : ._ PorloK 6 40 II,._ '"' -T-T -Wef11W S • Pof1GE I 74 S JOI 12h• Vo TECO In • 7f1 Ille '" 1 1 t ···-PoG llf 11.IO .. llO .,.,., '· TAE I 1 •2 1.-. \'I ~ . h ,~f ~~!:'~·'°; 7 ; ;1"H::; TRW 2.40 1 .,. 4Tll;o• \11 Wltlwt111' 14~iS.ti. .!'-r.., E I ! v. \\ I RW pf UC t dl94 °'\I lj""' t •., j H •• , ., ~:rl~~: .. r '~• 1.• lllWprt.IO .. •I' -~ ·~ 4i..• ~ Potli::: ·~ .,, w Tac BO.I 10 17) j()•,11 ,. 'IH 1 ... ~ ........ ,.,..!LP, . Ii II 10'1•-lh TaltBrd .tf'J e 121 tti,. '"' • ...,_ ~ B°'IE pl I a 1200 Sii'• & I 'i 'i ~ I. -~ Helen( S J IJ" ' M< lnl 9 11 1t losE pr I 17 1 l •'O U ll !St !=\It Htllrlftl I JO 71 U1 II .... M<~ J2 ... ll'•, e,°'re11Et "'1 1.. ,!! IOI/>, • ,., 1 ' • .,.., Heim,P ,. I "2 '"?_ I~ Ao\<Htll to • • 11\lt fl -1 I • It 1 'A 14 Htlft a ' .,.. -Meed 1 5 11 lOYo 111951 1.3' It .. ,,.. ~I .. t 227 U~ II) H1m1nc toe 2 t • ,,_ Meett • ~ 2' II 11 ' BrlllM 1.14 It 1111 S4"' "'°' 1:• 1 JtO 2119 + 19 H•r<ul\ 1.n • 1111 1~ v. Mecttr11 s. IJ 2$t a. lrltPI I"' J a 111"1 Jn al.Cl. 10 H! •Vt• Vt Htrslly I.to • 1S ;MaQ • .,. Mfll~ 11t.2• 6 1$ U"' Prt~, • • 11'-• ... T•lley Ii S ---··~ 1t ·~ 14 Prmra 111.40 ' .IC) 7•'-\It T•ll•Y"' I II llh-v. wy., 41' "". " ·~ ~l~ II·~ 2114. l•My' , ... " '"' .. l'I WV--f ; I.._ ••••• .... = 4,1~, .~ ~:: ~ 111.~:· 'l'l: ·:i .~ ~I ~1-i~ .. ~ P~ 1: 11 ,. 27~. 'Ii; Telllnuc I II U1 41"-"" ':JI . ~~·~ Brock 'I .10 u 131 1l.I& = !t If m dY-. .. '."'. ;!:~t~ ~ : ,:: ,; "" Mtlvlll• '·°' I I,.. 42-. ! 8111w01 I 10 I f '"' ul l.'"9 .• It 14'°' + ~ Htwf P t 2, " UfJ 4' 1... MlrtSt 1 • 19 ""'° ::i'b0plrn • 1l·H-. ""'tj ~Im"'-" .... 01 ,.0•1 udo111 .. =~::·;i:g/i,.!!°i:~ •~p 11 I• ~ II -du I l S t41SMar 50 4 IJI d tl.O 14 -~1111 I -t• ..,,~ 11;;;';er 11J 112 ;; ... • ~ :: • »I : :: ~:~~ 1 ~1 , :"-; ~ -~~Ly 1"it • 604 jj~ t Ottltwa I I 1$38 2~ • W t l1 + 'Ai .,111_ 1 • t l'1 31\Ci VI 1119 .. P' to • '110 dlJW ttl'lltlt of!.. . 1 41 . to0 .. ,... ll-· llil9Mft I 10e "9 71''9 l"'tl\W I 10 11 lll lll I " 1 " +I ~OI day 7' 7 llU ~-l9 Mc! .. 0 , ..... 11 ,i llY. ucylr ,a II 134 """ !!. .. ! VI !:!:hi' I.TOI · · J ~-II) Mtllt ' 4 ·~ =•I . .0 ' J ·~ • q~ \._ H~ pfl ~ ~~ 'J: ~ ... ! t~ MGMl'l.20t I "4 • •• _,.,H !"-,, • :~ I~~· ~+I "°'7'1111. .AO 1• •16 _,,.. h ~1t,!" 1 12 !.! 177 ' \o't-ti! ._.,n J.AO 7 11t• ,.,.., \.'I .... ard 1-d ~ tt..,rlllld .. H j U4 1t • • + Iii HMlrU t i. 1 117 17 Mc:llllt IM I 1111 11\11 + ll'IHlll I Ua • 1114 .. ..., .. 4 , t 'It "-'llBll 1 •• • 11 1~ " ~'WJ, 9ft.12 • I IJ" • =~=·.r,.Br . i ,J::. "' .. . .. i. -•Oii "'" ., t i. ~·1 1.1• 1 ,1 1~, .. turlld t 1 1 It • 19 ['' :: : .. tto..C ' ,.M IJ f719 -MIOCll ~.-'t .! k.-!. t: l url'lll 1 101N »I'• h I +1 ._llllfl ,·ff'-ltl w.i.: ~ MldSUI 1,:' 710 la~+ V. utlrlll .U 6 10d ·~ ~ 1 Iii 1 '"I! "'°"'~r& 1f' " n .,_ M .. lt .. IA ., I~ '"""' • ,. ti~ " ~ ~' -• .. ,lllt , ·.s • tu IS\6!"' lltllilltrW ,,, ... ,, "" -c-c .. -... co• u f~~ o -,. .,,, "'uo 1 n~ • "' Min•,.. 110 ' 11 '"' 81 lftd I• 1 ~l'I s~ 1 11 ,,._1\11 ~111 1 t.1• •n u ""'· •1tt1' u. • 1"-• '~ es t • 1 ,,. .," • , ·I' . ,,. ~o ''° • m@-.-1 flll!J""• '" J •• 11,. Cl S '" "'°' '°' I ) .. "41110llly I JJ9 If 1.-'°I M..,M f.JIO ' h' ".._ '-~i F11 i; ul :: ...... \'> I 1TJ t,ii ..... ~" ·•' ' :l: ,.. ,..,!"'L. 1 • "i• ·· 1i: H41M 1.10 111 '°"'. " ~·1 :· ~ I tt:'.~ ~~ 7 1f a: 1. 1~ :,;ff., .•• 1i ~"'. -1'~I I '°' It .-.i • ;% I • .+ " HllllM t 40 . t 14" • '41 MPe<C Mo l 1'0 dU "" ~~ n;n Ti ~~"' "' . } · "" H""''. .. ·1 ,.,. ,," Ill ~"" 1• s t1 ~ • ._ JC t ... 6 iM lll't a " -t: Hllfftell t .. U 11> tJ.,_. -Mllel 11 0 1 '-• '-I I ISi 4""' "' ~ .. umellf1911 I 11\lt+ ~ =·' ,._ "• pt 11 "' ~fllfft 1· 1 ~. ~ ttu111C11 • .0 1~ n .._. lh n t\11• PSvCol !. 7 I l\'h-llil h tu1m " ,.. "' • rt ·-• \II . ""ll" . ' 0 il~7 ~ Ttldytl ' ' 1U ''"'"'. '"' ~111\lt "i,. ~ " Ill= 24 + '4 TtlU I Ut 1111 -· •11 t "'• "" I~ .. ·1·:1 ~ .... t: '~II(:, 2;c: "':o~"' II) "'"11141· w "' ~i:.r: I 'i &I f:'"" • ~ HH ga.1 I I 11 I c h l d a PM~:: lf r: ~ lot e1pittl l mUe ~·'" ~~ WASHINGTON CAPt -Pmldtnt R : " Ronald Reagan has txlendtd for I :~' ~£'~ o,nother two year s a llffth on .. clothespln1 Imports, gover nment '.:' "':.·.·". sources said. J A Whit<' House spoktsman refUMd -" tt to confirm Monday that the ext-lon a ua I lJ -~ had been Signed, but the COvtmmeflt ~~~ , 1 j2J·I • I r:il; ~ ~. ~~. sou rec~. who ask d not lo be ,.., l d en tUled , s aid an offlctal a nnouncement on the malle.r was expected today The llmll wa~ stt at 288 million. 5'111! ~----------------S ht ldoll Bot has been named executivti vice president and chief operating offker for Newport Beach·based AlrCal Best, 41 , is responsible for the airllnu':s dally operations. including t he finance. maintenance <tnd engineering . tllghl operation&. marketing and sales and custom~r servi<'e divisions Best tails » position vacated by Robert 0 . Gallaway. who left AlrCat 1n June ahd subsequently was named pn~ident at Texas International Airlines. Beitl. who will Ii ve in Orange County , served lS years with United Airlines. most recently as vice pres 1ctcnt. Pacific northwest. Additional posts at United Include Vtl'e presidenl /inflight service d ivision, assistant to the president and chairman, corporate dire<.'tor of government affairs. and vanous government affairs. s ales and customer service positions. E .H. Clark Jr .. C'ha irman and c b ic r exec utive of Baker International Corp., and Robert L C h a mbers . chairm a n and '\lll-:l.IX>\ m:."I pres ident of Envirolec:h Corp., announC<ed their repsective companies have been advised by the Federal Trade Commission that an early terminat1cri of t he Hart·ScOtt·Rodino waiting period was granted. effective Friday. The companies contem plate the merger will close as scheduled on March 2 .. At Altec Corp.'s annual meeting of shareholders. Or Eugene. C. Huebschmann. Courtney V~ M.oe and Vincent P. Lomonaco were elected to the board or d irectors .... @ Iran cul its oil prices by $2 a barrel. the third reduct.Ion this month. oil mdustry sources m Europe said The action coincided with reports from Algeria - denied in key quarte rs that the Urgan1zat1on ot Petroleum Exporting 'ounlries had scheduled an emergency meeting for Saturday ITAII B )mm' ------ General Motors autoworkers have turned to the uuth Gate city council in hopes or wresting a decision from GM over how long their plant w\11 be closed. Last wt•ek . GM announced it was ~omg to close iL5 South Gate pl ant "mdefinitel~ ' becau!>t' of high operating <·osts and sluggish sale~. 1dltng 2.500 workers IAlllU $ MCA Inc. for 1981 earned $89.78 m1llton. or $3 77 a share. down from Sl19.94 or $5.04 the previous ~ear The higher 1980 earpmgs included cxt raordmar~ income of $1 2.27 m'tllion , or 52 cents a s hare Revenues for the past year were just unde r SI 329 billion. compared with slightly more than SI 29; billion in l~ WTC Inc. of Newport Beach for the three month~ ended Dec. 31 reported net toss of $455.000. or 19 cenh a year. vs. a prorit of SSS.000, or 3, cent!> one 'C'ar earlier. Revenues were $32.2 million. up from S29=ti· million in the prior year. F'or the entire year. lhl• company had a net loss of SI 5 million. or 66 cenb u share, compared with a net loss of Sl 8 million. or 8i cents STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES AMERICAN .LEADERS .. IW VO.-K (AP)· ~. 4 p.m. f)M<:e -"'" Cflllllt Of lflt i... moll actlw II S.Clt EKihal\OI Ii~. 1--.ity•l~INll~ _,.. • *·"' '"' -.. 11... ,,,., . .., n 1S.,ICID "'' -" ' *·"° t\Co -" ... 200 SY> -l'I 61,4llO 1114 -'h M;JllO I"' -IV. S1,ta0 IO .:-1~ S1,SOO J'-+ ,._ lflW VC)MC IAf'I "'IC ...... ~ ..... u ...... ,......,... ~ ,.,... • pri(• .,,....,....., , ...., •l .... , "· ... t i .•• ........ ,l .... J... .. 11l.tfU1.JO. Meaic. 1ID -· 1.1 ll'O'f ••·· f.ltO,jO, llff ''rs ...... 1• u-. "°' lrt'f tt., uu 2S. "'" u. lewc•: °"" ~ WHAT STOCKS DID WM~ f AM(• ()U Toc1 .. ill .,. ... .... II 11• NEW VOAtt IA.Pl F.o 22 METALS Toe1a, Jl2 JS< 240 '°" 5 .. Prtv on S1' as• .. I 111' " 121 Prev ~ 331 1«1 rn J so HEW YORK IAPI Sc>OI nontorrou• -tal prl(K IOdoiy C•11.,.r ,,..,,.ao uni• • oound u s ~ltn•llor.i L•M 21onts•- l hn ~ '""'' • ODUn<t. ()11111..,•A'Cf 1'111 II 1'80 ~·••~ Wo.k comPOt.11• lb Alymf-.1f>·71 (..,I~ A PoUnO. N 'V' M•rt....., \37' 00 ""' II•" '1•11....., ~ 00 lrov 01 N Y SILVER GOLD QUOTATIONS .., Tiit ·--....... S.lec'"' -Id 9010 D•I<•• tooa y L....,_, Morn1n9 f1klnq U.0.~. off U . IS, L~: •fltmoon ll"lnq U.1 00, Off U U Perll: UU.Jt.011 SO11 Fr---.: s.:161 tt, Oii U 00 • .. zwtc1t: Lalt llal119 Uff 00. 9'f M 00 bid -1 OOHlted " ... , • " ... -: (Olll1 dtlly civoi.1 W l.00, off U.U. U.~~: (Olllv Cl.lly Q-•I U.1.00, off ............ tfW'lly dally 'IUOWI la._lc;_ ...,,. °'· elf SJ_4 I SYMBOLS ....... _,.. IOlo ... -~ ...... .._ __ ·-of----..... -··"'•-tlltN .... ~ • _., __ ,.,., .. ., ._..,., or .. ,,, ..... lo<..,_"" .......... ....... ................ ._ ... ...._ ..,.. .......... "'"""-' -....... ---~1111 ... _ 0.C-d ., .. ,., 111 11rn•••n1 11 _,,. .................... ,..._,. .. .,... ... ~ ......................... --.... -.... --.......... -.......-.... ......... ,., ... __ _ .._,.., ___ ..o... .. ............ I._....._._._.. ............... ,.-. .. -. ...... ---.... --..... ...._ ... _.......,. ., ••'fltlllt ,..,_ .... .... f\1111 ......... lull ·~ ... ..,,_ •.• ., •• ..,.. ... ""'*" ----.......... _ ....0 .... ..... ,. ...... ,.. ..... -•• ~ti _._., ..................... _ ,,,_._.,......,. .......... __ (, I 2 ., .,---~~=------~-------------------------------------------1 ......... HEARTBREAK -Melissa Collins. 6. is comforted by her father of Luling, La .. at a carnival in Ses Allemanda, La., when she burst into tears after losing her .. Pigs in Space" costume. Dad gave her his. Pink flamingo finds a home MIAMI (AP) -When Sandra Morgan spotted the 17-foot-tall pink fl amingo in 1961, it was love at first. sight. It took two decades, but finally the conerete-and-steel flamingo was ef yen a home in front or the persistent woman's Miami business. ''Tl's so tacky, lt's wonderful," she says or the big bird adorning her store entrance. She saw it for the first time 21 years ago in front of an Everglades tourist shop. "I just had to have it," she said .. She offered Jack Fiscus, the owner of the Everglades shop and the artist who built the bird, $300 for iL But he refused. Last July. Fiscus leased hls store to Jim Brown, who turned it into a shell shop. Brown was not fond of the funny fowl. "1 wanted to change the image to gel it away from that 19505.look." said Brown, who added that he thinks 17-foot flamingos are "a bit tacky." Brown was about to destroy the sculpture. But a friend of Ms. Morgan, who knew of her passion for the bird, warned her in time. And Ms. Morgan got the bird for free. "That bird was fated for me," she said at a celebration at her store. The celebration featured pink beer and pink snacks to match "Rosie," whose pink leis are now planted firmly in front of her s hop. ·IUTl llTlm~ WILLIAMS C hapel with inlerment DOROTHY M AE s ervices immediate ly WILLIAMS. 72.• resident or following Services under Fountain Valley. Ca Passed the direclron of Harbor ·away February 19. 1982 in Lawn-Mount Olive Mortuary Fountain Valley . Ca Mrs or Costa Mesa 540-sss.t. ,W1ll1a ms was bor n 1n REBARCHECX Columbus. Ohio on F'ebruary CESSNA REBARCHECK, PAA WllT IAVINQI AND LOAN AllOCIA1'0N CONIOLIDATID ITATl!MINT OP CONDITION DIC!•IR 31, 1'11 MOffC8-Ne TtMe Me PUC8 ... ••A•IM ... T•8 "9CAL .... , ...... , .. . co••t111eil •• •••••• ~·n CALI ...... ._ ..... Caah and MCurltlH Loan• rec.tvable and prol)lrtl•• held for Nie loen1 on real Htate S85&,73S, 13t Home lmprovemtnt and mobile home loan1 2,810,713 l.oana on rffl eallte owned tor deY•lopment 8, 162,955 Lotna to lacilllate me aale of r11111t1te 17.408 Contrac11 for the 11le of real Hiiie 243, 135 AMI eatatt acquired for lnveatment A111 eatatt acquired through forec101ure L.ff• allowance for poasiblt future loue1 ~er11 Home Loan Bank S1ock Offlc• propertlH •nd equipment 987,819,408 40,673.905 8,054,0HI (1,054,3071 Prepayments to MCondary re .. rvt ol Federal S.vtng1 and L..oan lnaurance Corporation ~r11Mt1 UAllLITll!I lavlng1 accounts Advances from Federal Home Loan Bank Mortgege-backed bonds Undl1bursed loan funds Other lltblHUea end deferred income CAPITAL Guarantee stock Paid-In capilll Regulatory reserves Retained earnings (Including general reserves) --llNOlll • 72.147,370 915,493,02'4 7,722,800 1',171,815 U 88,260 t1.1ea111s. $1 ,029,309,784 741,437,051 13',686,800 1'4,000,000 29,090,999 58,2501812 977.465,862 1,283,540 3,800,881 5, 155 46,954,546 51,844,122 $1,029,309,7a. ••n16a WJIA,.... '9 T•I' COITA _.. UMTArl ....,..IC1 ANO "'9CT .... CMl ....... n TM•••TO, MLL N ...... ., •• l'OttMaMI .... NOTl(tl II Ha"aev OIVaN WWII Oii ~ -....,. ....... 1"- Lotel Atlfl<Y ......... ~-...... e.-ty f/11 Of ......... Of Ce llfer11to, '"u.ttl•t 111a1 ••" C:ommlstltlt ..., •• , tllo ,...,.. .... _ ...... :::IM .......... , .. ... ,..... .. c.e. ... .. S.111to ry OlttrlCt. Tllo ,, ..... , tfl(-.... .................. 11, tlUCtlMtl /lrtO WlllCll la "'Ort ttertlcutofty ~,,.,_ .., o ..... *"'1..-...,. "'-., fllo wltll "" c.tnmldloll: ..,._utlo'lc_..i.e oe11Jro•l-l•ly It.• Krn ••• •• leeototl _.. Of .,,.,...... Of'lw - -II of ........, lleulowotd In t ott c.toMoto. At IM ..... Of .. _.., IM!tk .. llor e ln, 10111 ..._fttlorlet moy " motllllM tty IN .-ltfoll of OI~ territory '" Ill• wl<lnlty el tll• ~~I. NOTICE IS t"UlnHI• 01\lllN -Mid CommltMofl 11411 fl_, W ....... ; tM IOtll oey Of Men:lt, I.a ol lllO llOur ot l 00 .. CIOdl It.II\. flll ....... flt ff -•1 .... lftllttff (efl • ....,,. ... •oom til ,...,.,. ""'"" "-1 In tllo Otol\fO COlll\t)' He ll ot Admlnlttrotlon. 1t Cllotc C.... Ploae, s.nto AM, Collforn&o, .... ti-.... piece for Ille ,_.,Ina OI aol4 ..,....1 1000111or with oft protuh •"ti .. "'~ --wfllcll _,.. tiled •nCI a t wtllcll Umo eftCll llJf~o e11 ........ , • ......._ 1i.re111 mey· ....... , ..... _,... - Gl ·~, Complete llnancfal statement will be made available upon request. •11e~-aa11Mw .. 1--i lo eo <*90rkel1J •umttt fr-Ille o rovhlon\ of 1110 Ce llfor1llo Envlr-.-w Quollty Act of 1'70. for~ ....__loot,.........,. 11141 Q.4-tm. OATEOF*-VI, 1•. llY O lt OE l't 01" THE LOCAL A G EN C Y t"Olt MA TION CO MM I SSION OF ORAN GE COUNTY. CALIFO•NtA ~ Junior college goals changing By THOMAS D. ELIAS The figures coming from the world's largest community college district were stunning: Only about 3 percent of the students in Los An1eles Community Colleges move up to four-year schools after completing two years of study. That statistic was a shock because it shatters the carefully-cultivated image of the community colleges as a system of feeder schools where hard-working, not-so-wealthy students get an educational start at almost no cost. The figure is not so extreme in most other California junior colleges, for uveral campuses in the 139,000-student Los Angeles district aim a lmost exclus ively at teaching trades rather than college-level academic skills. But transfers to four-year campuses are dropping almost everywhere. The surprising two-year gi;llege statistics appeared at the very time when the four.year campuses of the California State University system were tightening admission standards by requiring more English and math studies from new students. · Taken together, the developments represent a major shift in California's educational emphasis - a shift students have been making gradually on their own that is only now 1etting formal recopition from college officials. It stems from changed expectations: It is no longer the expected, ~nnal thin& for all. or even t"IC'TITIOUS eUSINall ..uileSTATaME .. T Tllo tollowl1111 "".., 11 dolno -'-.. · • I & H OISTl'tteUTOlt, 3401 W. 1MKA1111W lllwd., S-0 AM. ca. ft~ llvn Huot Too. Z2t N· Aloddln Or , AMMIM,C..ftllW Tlllt buliMH Is COlldu<led Ill' ... lndl•-· ...,_,_ Tiiis stol-t wet filed wtlll tho COUfllY CIOrfl of Dr•neo C_t, on Foeruory 17, 1'92 ffllDO PvblltNd Or .... COost Oolly Piiot f ... 13. MM. t, t, 16, 1WI 7UG RICHARDT. TIJR•ER £aecllllft0ffk:er Loe e l Aooncy Formollon commlulon of Or ... County.~ Puttlllllod Or ..... Coelt Dolty Piiot, Feit. 21, ltez 60'!.eJ ........ MOTICa CM' IAU CW ••AL .. ~.,.., AT "'1VATe&M.a c..e-. .. .. .... s.-wc-.. .. s-•~•.,. c-t'tefOr-1 n Ill• M<ltt•r ol IM Etlol• of WILLIAM EOWAllOS ~•l". 111, o.c .. -. Nollu h herolty 9lven 111-' lhe -S19ned will Mil .. fl'rlv.U wi., lo Ille 11"""1 MCI llolt ............ )eel 10 conllrtnOClon ol _.Id 5-'lw Gwrt. on °' •IWr ttw 5tll Joy of Mot<ll, 1"2, 01 Ill• ofllco ol Good, Wll•M•ll. H09ness ~ Weltoy, -~ °"'"· Newport 9oocll. Collfor .. • tH.O. County ol Or-. ltn Of GlllNomlo. oll IM r'9111., tiUe -I....,.... fl/I Yid "C1'1T10UI IMISIM•SS dKoo-.. ttw ti-flf 11N81 -oll ICAflilll ITATaMa .. T 11W r191!1. title -"'"'"' 91e1 Ille Tllo 1011owln9 person h dotno e11oi. ol a.Id dK•-11411 ec:..- IMISINSA mt• ..,, -rotlon of·-or-.. .. --f I N I z I 0 • s s T A M p s ""'n or In addition lo -.. MIO UNLIMITED. IOll I.OSI Euc.olylfllUS d•<t•Mct ... Ille,,_ ol CINlll. In end Troll, 0r0"9f, C.. 9*' to e ll Ille cortoln Roel .,.."'" Fron' A. Flnlllo, fflJ fio•l situ-In -Cft'( Of c;.,_ 0n ... e wcol.,,...,. Trail. a.... c.. -County o1 0r.,., .... Of Cotlfwttlo. Tllh -"""'• 11 <~ lt-f .., porllculorty des<rllM4 H follows, Ml•ldlHI. to-wll· Fr°'* A. Finl.do Lot 1' of T..n ~ • -.._ Tilll -I -In.ct wlttt -recor-!ft a-147 .. ._.. w of County CIOrll ol Oronee Cownly on Mlw.•11~ llMPt In .,. Dffk • of t"OOf'"°ry 17. 1"2 Ille Counly lt•corder ot Or ant• ~mas coun1y. '"UblllNd 0..,... Cont Deity Piiot • more '°""'*''' ,_ •: 11M2 F .... u .Mov.2.•.1•,1"1 ftl.c2 Vorn• Sl reet. Gard•• Grove . t"ll!m t"ICTITIOUI eu11••11 • Collfomlo '7MO ,,_.,.,_,Or ..... CM.ll Dally Piiot MAN ITATaMCNT -· el1I( h rm1 ot -U111 In ........ _, .... n ~ t • ,. 1"2 ~ Tllo IOI~ --.... -... ~ ol Ille United Sia""., ,.,.,.,_ .... ot • • • • • !MnllMHOI: ..-----.......,,,,..-----'.,__, ulo, or port cull on'd l>olonu FORMAT l"HOTOORAPHY, N21 -.. tenTIGOl'iusu .. u vlde nced by note IOCOHOd by At'-U A .... _......,.. 8NCll, ca. •AMattATa .. WT Morto•11• or Tru11 DH• en Ill• t1'46 TIM ..,._.,.. --1 ore ..,.,. proiien11 '° tllM. Ten ,.., cent of 8rllee H099,...yer, IOI AUOftt. MiaiMIUt! o"'°""lbldlobo*-ito41wttllbld. ,IC'nTIOUS auSINIUS Aft., HUftllnoton a.oc.11. ca • .,.... VAL.JEAN, ,,., w ••II ltd., 81Cb Of offen lo ... In_...., - l'IAMll ITAHMEMT Cl\afios H ... morer, M21 Alloftlo AMN!m, C. • ._. will bo reul-el ttto ~ oflka Tiie lollowl11t PO•toft h doll1t A ..... -""'°" 9Hdl, Co. tz.-Ar1tlW P. ~. Jl6J w ... " ltd .• •I ony time -.,. llm _.k •I..., M l-et: Tllh bWIMu fl con4111ctocl by • A!WMIM,ca • .-. t 11ereolandb0for•-ot .... lllOE HAMILL AllOCl•l•I, ., eenerol ~. ........., It. Lone. nu w. .... ••.• Doted !NI 1'1116oy ol "-'-'· ,.., 0.fti' 0r1 .. , l\lltt 11, N--1 9oocll. llNCe H.......,... • A~, CA.,_ Admlnlslrotor CA'266J. Tll~ _....,_ •n 111«1 wllll Ille Tiii& M IMSI 11 conduc-by O 1'lllof F.0."°ry 1108!RT s. HAMILL. uoo Co..nly Clerk of Or•nee c_., on ....... ,~. ol10klt>oc.-..W Prlv ... It-. Newport 8aocll. CA , ... ruory It, 1"2 -P. Lone "" .... "' lw ~ . ftMO. "111MS Tiiis -I -fii.d wlt'll -Pbbll-Or-Coast o.lly Piiot, Tiiis llullMtJ 11 condu<l-4 by on Publl~ Orenot C-Delly Pllet c-ty CIOrll Of Or ..... COUflty Oft F•b 13. 24 Mot. 2. 1'12 ·~ lftclhr...,...nn~.. f'.tl. u . ""°'· t, t . It. 1"2 7fJ.c1 .. _,,.,., tt. IC. •·-:----------- 3, 1910 She was a member a resident of Huntington o f the Foun tain Valley Beach, Ca Passed away Newcomers Club. Univers ity s uddenly on February 22. Chapler No 462, Order of 1982 al Pac1f1ca Hosp1lal. the Eastern Star. Thea Funeral arrangements are Court No." 5, Ladies of the pending at Pierce Brothers ·--------... 11111 .. lllil•-Oriental Shnne, life member Smiths· Mortuary 536-6539 "*'1 ~. HOl'nlll t"lll94 Tflls ~ w• flied wlllt ,,,. -.. -l'uM....., Orenot Coelt o.fly PllOC of the Columbus Fem ale REED Benevolent Society and a lso VELMA HELEN REED. a member of the f'1rst resident or Costa Mesa, Ca . Community Ch~rch, all of .age 67. Born March 9, 1914 Columbus. Ohio Beloved' at Clinton, Iowa P assed m oth er of Warr en L ee away f'ebruary 21. 1982 W1lha ms, Fountain Va lley. Survived by daughter. Sally Ca. Also surviving are 5 Lorena!. Newport Beach. g r a n d c h 1 I d re n . 2 ca . sons, Evan W. Recd. great granelchrldren an<J Jr .. Miami Springs. f'londa, br o th e r , Cl ar e nc e Ron Reed, Irvine. Ca . I mmel. Edwardsvtlle , sisters . Elizabeth llandel. llllnoi.s Funeral services Sterling, llllnojs, Myrtle a n.d 1nler.me nt w rll be King. Rock Falls. Illinois, pn~ate Pierce Brothers A l ice Smith, S t e rling, Smtih Mortuar:y. directors, Illinois. Belle Miller. Moline, 536·6~39 .. Family suggests Illinois, brother. Willard contr1but1ons be made to the Smith, Canton, Georgia, 7 Ora"!g~ Co unty Lun g grandchildren . Funera l Assoc1al1on. se r v i ces will be h el d MILKES Thurs day February 25 ~ARRY G. MILKES. 1982. 11:00 AM al Alie~ resident of Santa Ana. Ca. funeral Home. Ste rling . Passed away on f'eb.ruary llhnotS Interment Riverside 18, 1982. Services will be Cemetery. Sterlin~. Illinois. h e I d on We d n es d a Y • Arrangements by f'airhaven February 24 . 1982 at 2·oo~M Mortuary. at Harbor Lawn Memorial SANDLER Cott"4tal MOUUAlllS Laguna Beach 494-9415 Laguna Hills 766·0933 San Juan Capistrano 495·1776 HAllott L4WK-MT. OLIVE Mortuary• Cemetery Crematory 1625 Gisler Ave Costa Mesa 540-!>554 ,_ClllOTHHS llLL•OADWAY MOtl'TUAIT 110 Broadway Qosta Mesa 842-9150 llJ.1'1111 ... 0H SMTH & TV1'HtU WHTC&JflJ CHAPll 427 E 17th SI Costa Mesa 6496-937.1 ~ . ;/· ,. ..-Cl ..OTHlaS SNITllS' MQl\'UMY. , &21 Main St .. Hun1tngton BHch -,~ .. ~ I • • HARRY LEW I S SANDLER, 10.year re~ident of Huntington Beach. Ca Passed away February 20. 1982. He w as 1 member of the AARP of Huntington Beach, Ca ., Senior Ciwens Club of Huntington Beach. Ca. He is survived by his wife , Sara, and his· son. Donald H., Santa Ana, Ca. Al so s ur vived b y 4 grandchildren Services will be held Wednesday I 1 AM at Harbor Lawn·Mount Olive Me mor ial Cha pe l. with entombment immediately following. Services under t he direction of Ha rbor Lawn -M o un t O live Mort uary, 540·5554. SIEBERT \.J, CARL JOKN SIEBERT, JR .. resident of Irvine, Ca. Passed away on February 20, 1982. Survived by his wife Betty. Memorla I services wlll be held al St. Andrew's PrUbJtArJan Church on Wedri4'1day, February ?4, 1982 at 2:00PM wilh Rev. Lyd•u SoreollOD offlci•Un1. tntfrlhent was prlvale P•clttc View Mortuary direct.ors. DEATHS E!RHE@E I . LOlfDON (,\P) ....... •••s-1 ....._,•,en O•for-Ua fettlty aulhortty Oii Alric• ..... wrltlnp h•lfff faahlon Brltlth poky 11 ti1 coloetal ~mplu approached u.d•P4" ............ rrtd,ay. most , high school graduates to move on to college. In fact, many high schools have cut back on college prep courses in the wake of Proposition 13. Expectations of college attendance fueled the enrollment explosion of the 1980s and early 19705 at both community colleges and the state university campuses. Virtually everyone could -and did - at least attend junior college free of charge and there were few barriers to university attendance. But no more. Four-year-college attendance was discouraged first by a scarcity of jobs for liberal ans graduates and then by imposition or fees. The state's post-Proposition 13 budget crunch applied a sort of clincher by causing a large new fee increase sure to discourage almost anyone who isn't a serious student. The result ls that for several years, enrollment in the 19-campus state university system has remained fairly steady, not reflecting California's population increases. Meanwhile, enrollment al community colleges continues a slow climb, with the two-year schools absorbing many students who wanted only remedial academic work or trade instruction. In the largest district. Loe An1eles, only 40 percent or incoming students say they want to continue past the two-year level -and less than one in 10 or those students actually moves on to a unlvenity. So a clear separation is emerging between the state's two-year and four-year schools. As the universities become more selective than ever about who to admit, many two-year schools grow less academic. All th.is is part of a national trend. Report.a the Chronicle of Higher Education: Many public universities are trying to stabilise or cut enrollments because of money troubles. There is al!10 a growing reluctance to accept students who may need any remedial work, repeaUn1 classes they should have mastered before reachln1 c0Ue1e. "The choice is sim ple," wrote Glenb S. Dumke, longtime chancellor o f the state universities. ''Either (we) wiU direct (our) enern to the fUll meanln1 of 'bit.her education' or (our> campuaea will conttnue alon& tbe path of beln1 made Into centers for remecaauon. We must decide in favor of the nnt choice." A• the the unJvenlllea act on that coavtction, both tbelr IWdent bodies and tbon at two-yffr coue,_ are chan,mi. · Mme may call the cbaJlle "eUl11t, .. but then ls no atopptq it now. · (Eb ... 0 "'°"'""""" boNd ... ~ llOfdicG). 'Weekend'· &eheduled ' Oran1• Count1 K•lllMia ot Columbu1 will ~1poa1or tb~lr P. o,,.:1r t la A 11 n a a I ........ fl Loft" for tM tn•e..,,.s Mareb ••••• 11 at t--b. II HJwoocl Ctnttr IJ\ l~ - C-ty Ctort ol Or-c-1r Oft , ,._ -·~ ..... U. to. 27, Mwcllt, 1'92 tSJ.«2 .,-----------FM. It, l tlt. .....,,.,. t"ICTITIOUI MISl•asJ _ .. ~ NOTICE Ot" INTllNOllD TIU.MSl"a• MAM«STATUHMT ,._ -·~ M•ETAIL Tll• tollowlnt pet1on II dolno. -----------ALCOMOUC ••v••••• bullrwu n · ,IC'TITIOUS 8USINH.S LICENSE UNO.II HCTIO.S .-1 CALIFOftNIA LACllfG CD . 171'2 ..aMa ITATIEMall'T ANO 14114. CAUP'CHIMIA euSl••ss P oe Ille Co••I Hlt ll••Y, • 102. Th• lollowlnO pe r1on 11 dotno AND '"ltOt'ESSfONICOOtl HuntlnQIOn eeodl. ea.,,.. w11,..., •1: N•..,. °'II<-.~ Socio! SKwllr Wllllom Scott Ande"°"· 171U ltELLElt SOFTWARE. IUS numb••. ond Ill• molllnv .. ,. .. f'\#1111-Oranee CoHI O•lfy Piiot, F•b U , -ell 2. t. It, 1"2 IS.C Pacific coou Hlvllwoy, •lit. W..Cllfl onw, 5u11o •2'9, New-1 lolller 111on llconMd premlH U . "ICT1T10Ul e us1N•U Hunu.....,. lloodl, ca.,,.. a.di, Colllornio ""°· 1nc1uc11no Zip c-: ilAMISTATaME•T Tiii• business It eonduclt41...,... Kim ltotterl K•ll•r . USS LUCKY LI<* INC .• 0 ColltornM Tll• lollowlno ""on h dolnt l..cllvldual SIWl"lottton Piece, N .. port llo•ch. corporotloft. c/o 7U OcOOfl fl'Oftl. ....._ .. : Wm.Scan ~ c.t!W'nlo'*I. Lot11n• Beech. Celltornlo HU1 A" CO C 0 If ST It UC T 1 0 N Tiiis 1-..t we 11..., wm. ltle 11111 """'""' I• c-e.4 .., on Corporo11on 1.0. No. fS.2'047'1 COMMNY, Silt ..... A-. Unll 1, GOIHllY cien of Or-c.o-tY on IMIVlw.i: Nome. Socio! SKwlty """'9or. -HllllC~ a.di, CA *4t. F.erv.rt "· ,.., ltlm It Keller •ddru s of lnt•nwd 1u n1lorou. a L••-T llOY RC$51, Jiit . 1'91 ....... Tllh .._,. •• flletl Witt! the ln<ludlnoZlpC6*. ....... on ... Ht.tftll!lflon lloo<ll. CA PubllSllOd °'°""' C.'1 Dally Pl!Ot 'Covnlv Clorll of Oranoo (Ounty on JON JOSEPH SPARKS, Socl•I ~.·. _ __._1 11 c-uct~ .... .., fob 2J MM. 2 t 16 1"2 ~ F_....,..,I. 1912. Security No. SU·U--t9t, ttS Lo '" _,, ~ •• · ' • ' • f'llUW Mlrodo, l.09llM -..Cll. caufornle -·~Roy "6stl, Jr -.. -PultlltNd Or ..... CM'1 Delly .. llot. 9'611 T ...... -...-w-Ill~ wltll i-,.· __ .;.,..~-----·-~---'"'fl flab 6 II to 21 ltel 6111-fl. JAMESEOWIN STEVfiNS,Soclol .,,. -·-·-" -~ '"" •-'" . • • • • Se<11rlly No 2'2·li-41J1. ,.., TemtlM c-•Y c1or11 of Oroneo c-1v on ,.IC'TTTtOUI ._... .,_ ___ _.. ______ ""I Hllll or1 .... ...__ 111oec11, Colltomla ...... tt, Hit. ,.,..,. ....... STA.,....llT .... ll11C( ms1 I TM lolloWlfte ,..._ ero ..,,,. .,___________ Kind of ll<•nsa ntendod lo lie F~:::.-c'!;:'r.1~.o:i:,oolly = --...: PlCTITIOUIBUM•IU tr•ni!!"0:1 ON SALE GENERAL 'M:nTIOUI IMIStNeU .._ITATaMaNT TllO ......... ..,._, •r• c1o1,.. •: l'LAMl .. 00 LINOllltlE AND IM ---, 1711 E. CNSI HwY., .. ....,. CA tlMIS. MA"GA•RT MA•Y WAROfi• IWMle), t C-, 1"""9, CA ft71•. STIE\IEN OOltOON JOHNSC>tf, t I '""'-·CA'"" Tiiis llllllMss It ~-bf .., ........... IMrootot ,.,,.,.., Worder Tll1' ~ wn 111«1 wllll .. -ty Clofll of 0..•"09 C-y M ... 17, !tit. ..1 .... ............ Or-Coo.i o.tly Pti.., . tJ, Mlor'dl t, '· It. 1"2 ISl-G "9Ct1ftOUI aultNall ....... ITAT'aMaMT Tllo t•ll-1"1 ,.,..,. ts tlolnt .......... , MOll/OASICELL OIL & GAS ltll, ,.,,,,_. .... ......-n 9oocll, CA co.-.•<:• •••NT•"· .., ..... ITAftMallT PUBLIC EATING PlACE Hef9W.._,C.0MoM,Ce.ft6V Tllo lo1towln9 "rson h doln9 Tlle-.Uolp.-.IW$IO-llllle TillMm T-..., US~ LA., ttutl-"' Ileen,_"°'""" I~: c.teMoM,ca."'27 .. OOL. SE.VICES, Hit Sovtll 1700 Ptocenllo. Cotle Mna. ~A. T---.mc-ttle C•Ht Hl1t1woy. L•oun• •••<II. C•lltoml• 1..11., C-. -.., Co. ftU7 CollfonH n.51 Tll• ,,... ....... c-~lltleft for .;.~·:......,..,_ Is <*llllKMd '¥ .. Jec:ll .-,..,., 6'1 It-St,_t, Ille tra,,_, of IN buslnost ... tllo ~A y-CMta Meu, CeflfomlO ft'21 llUftM ~to bo peld. Tiiis ..__ .... ftlM ..... Tiiis ....._ 11 <-led l>Y a llUAIWW ESCROW COMPANY, c-ty Clffll ~ ~ c.My "' rel--=~ t1't GIO,,,,..,re tlroot. L..-8oacll, ,.--,tt . ..._ Tlllt .........,. -rl-_... tM ca~1!::4°.::S~1 ol IN etcrww Pul>ll,... 0r.,.. c..-Diii~ C-tv c~ ot <>ronoo c-ty ... 11o1•r: F'41. ,,,21,17. llMRl\6, 1-U6C1 "'*"'°"' 11, t• •t-8UltltOW ESCROW COMPANY. r -12'1 GloNWyro Sir .... L...-8-11, ,,_,..._Or ..... COOte Oolly PllM. Cotlfornlo"'SI feb.U,2:0,17,M<lrcll6,1"2 Ul .. 2. ,Total -'-Ollon to bo ...... tw "° 1111(. the ttu11Mu-llc•--: ,,, ... . Co\fl· S7S,OOO.OO CIW<kt: Prom is_., not.1· HOTICt INVtTlllO BIOi Tonolblo-/OT lftl.,,.._ ~y: NOTICI! IS HfiAEaY GIVVI lllel Tiie p orllu •OtH lllo t Ille tM ...,.. 91 Tl'Wtllos ot tM c oest conMderallon tor ,.,. trollffor Of Ille Com""'""" Col .... Oltlerkt "0r-. buliMSJ -IN lie-,. lo ........ C-'Y ~ wttl ,_.,.. _._. O'lt't oflor "'° ~ .. A_...k .... -.. tt:• o.m.. Mol!My, ~ .... r. c:.v• lies ....,..... ... 14 H•l 111 • l'llr'CNllfll o.pe,.._ Pf'OCM>IOCI tr~. The pertlos Olto efMW,CIOllot9 llletrtct ~ °' tm •tr •• ond llereln t1 t roct Ill• •••1t11 a .. 11uo, Coste Mou, •llovo--ncr-....., 99t lie c.lltonlle, .i 1lltlldl lll'llO Ml4I _... win INll moll• "°""'"°" °' ..,.,,......, ..,..klr_....,.,,....,_: within o re-...io limo efWf h ..U,_CHASI OF INIOKINllTIC: comploUOft Of Ille lrMtfH ef tM 0 Y N A M 0 M a 'f a " & llC:oftM .. ,,......_ In SottMll ... fll INST-UM£NTATION SYITIEM tllo Ce llfornlo 8u1l11oa1 Olltl ~~:;:.T . OltANOll COA ST Pmeu~~LIONINC., Aft.,_ -to ... 111 ec:~ wi. • CofltOfllio COi ..... , tll• a 111 "orm 1111lrutt1one 01111 :;;::-11 ~ ~ti---.Clfk..._ -kll T........,_ _.,..."' ............... 91(....... ,,...,.._...., tflt _,ic. f/I .. """""-"'9 AtllM ot ,.,,.. IE_..._ _..tol ...... IQ. T~ l«ll W.., .................. Ml eu•ltOWUCll9W~•Y ..... calNef"• ~ CIWtlftM ~II. ·-~ ... ....,.. ....... ,.,.... .... W.-0 ....... ~..., .... COlllt Cel•"""""'V Coollotlf ......... - Dt1trlct '""' ef ",....... '" • ....,.... or ... c;-.. °°'" ..._ ....... -...,,..,...cw, ........ 0 ............ ~..... ... ...................... 1£~ -... _ ......... / -·-.. ...... f/11.......... ,_,.._ lllCll~ .. ~., ... •c--------....... -...... ---_-.1,.... _._... .................. _ PICtill----, ......... _....,...... ..... ... ~ ................... Ttt• ........ e "'-....... .. ....., ,,., .......... -..._al ,.,... .. ~ ...... ...., ••Of TVP•ta'fT••• a _ ............. --. .,_....~ -..... -. Ulllt -~~~~-~$;-W? ........ . • ~-... ., tF Q. la •• .,. 'f.iin;;~~;;aaic~r:~~ ...... Ii ===~'-J,:.:-.... °"". c-.. ...... . ........ -..~.,,.,"I!! .......... .,.~-~- lllilll BllCH /IDUTH COAST UCI seeking Ry JOF.L f . DON Of tM 011111' 11'1"4 l\aH Com puter:j uren't dumh und nl•tther url• most peoplt'. nut they JU'lt don't ulwayi. seem to ~et a lon..: What there seems to be ll> a failure to communicate UC Irvine scientists are tryin~ to brtd~e the gap between man and m achin e b y maki n g computers more tolerant of our qu irks . in acc u r a c ies and som etimes illogical behavior. They're designing a computer tha t speaks our lingo Ors Richard Granger a nd Jam ei. Meehan direct UC J's A rt 1 fic1al Intelligence ProJ('(:l The research wog ram 1s housed in the nev. Computer Science Resc a r<.'h l.a bo raton wh1<·h opened Monda~· · T he majority of <.·om vuter us ers must learn the arcane la nguu ge o f t echno logy deta iled codes of numbers and letters that give access to the heart of the m achine. Learning a computer language can be a~ difficult as a course in French or Spanis h. Granger and Mee han are develop ing a p rogra m that eliminates the need for codes a nd other computer j a r gon. Their system would allow a user to use standard E ngli sh without abbreviat ions or incom p lete sentences. "Our goal 1s the production of a c;ompi'ehens1 ve system that can do the tas ks that if reqwred by a human would be s aid to require intelligence." explained (iran ger . "Th ere a rc som e .. TUESDAY, FEB. 23, 1982 CAVALCADE COM'ICS TELEVISION 82 84 86 ' Erma Bombeck has advice f or lonely stay,at-home men. See Rage B2 . 0 I 0 for computers' common code rest raints on it but you don't have to know all those crazy codes ·· Their job is far from simple In m a kin g a c o m put e r intelligent. they must account for error.prone humans as well as the subtle ambiguities of the English language. The computer m ust be a ble to decipher ideas from fragmented sentences, poor grammar , bad sy ntax a nd a hos t of other pro blems. ··There's t his great gap bet ween us and the computer," commented Meehan. "Whal we want to do is build a middJe plane to connect what people want to. do to what 's natural for the computer " Working und e r a $250 .000 g r ant from t h e Na v y. t h e c omput e r s c1ent 1s t s ar e dl'velop1ng a p ro~r a m t h at would allow sailor!> aboard ships to st:nd messages tn standard Engl is h v i a c o m p ut e r kt.>y lx>ard:o. The messages would be r ece ived by a c entral computer. interpreted . checked and then encoded in computer language ror storage in the data base.» C urr e nt l y c ompute r programmers must take on the task of transla ting a message from J<.;nglis h into the language t ha t compu ters unders tand Granger no ted th<tt s uc h programmers arc few and fa r be tween The N a vy and artific ial inte lltg(•nte !>pec 1alt~ts ag ree it would be easie r to design one cent ral computc.•r that inte rprets En"l1s h rat he r t h an train t hous undi. or progr a m m crb Grani.:er said the Navy expect.' to be rece1vtng more than 30,000 m t•ssagcs per hour al !'>Orne babes The 1nfo rmat1on deluge: would far exceed the number or human programmer::. needed to encode :-.uch messages ''Th e c omp ut e r wil l understand the m essagei. and rl ush them back at t he sender thut 1t has interpreted them ... c; ra nger said "Ir the sendc'r' approves t he co mpute r s inte rpretation. the mes~agc will l>l' cnc•odcd into lhe data ba))e · U ranger and Meehan don t expect home computer ust>rs to bc n l'f1 t qu1d.ly from s ut h research Their Navy proJctt I!'> still in its infane) stage and rcqu1r1•)) IO t1mt•s the memory c·•11><1t 1t v th11t cx1 i.ts tn most popular m1cro1·omp11tc•rs But n:w urch 0 11 the Navy JHC>Jc.•c·t a nd o ther are u)) 1s CIJIC'Ollli.: llJI I ht nt'W frontie1 M l'llm putcr)) that t hink G :angcr. for one . .see!> no lim it)) <'II the 1>ott•n1 1JI of making <'om p1:h'r:-. mtc•lligc11l "M11r1• tm<I mor l' pcovle arc r1,ming to unde rstand thul a hra1n ts a much1nt'." he said 'It 's not ma de of m<•tal. It'!> madl' of meat and the com1>uter 1s a mal·hme Loo Tht· computer 1)) not made or mt·at. 1t ~ ma de or IO<'lal · 11 'ccrn!> H•r) plausible that a m l'lal mat'l.1.\<.' t an perform t hl· saml' pr «><'l'Sl>l's tha l a meat m C1ch1~1·a11 d1 · AVCO project on hold 26 employees laid off, construction curtailed Twenty-six employees of Avco Com munity Developers Inc. in Lagun a N igue l h ave been handed layoff notices becaus e of h ig h interes t rates a nd the ongoing recess~on. s ay company offic ials Officials say this doesn 't mean con s truction in the p l anned com mumty north of Dana Point wtll come to a standstill But mos t or the firm's developments there have been shelved . And while 1982 was to have been a busy year for Avco. fo l lowi n g Sta t e C oa s t al Commission a pproval fo r tls coastal projects. the economic clim ate has knocked the wind out or the com pany·s sails. say officials. "There simply isn't any hght at the end of the tunnel." said Avco Community R ela tions Director John Ste vens . "We've take n a·ct1on to reduce our overhead because the business climate is so volatile no one can predict what's going to happen ... Stevens. 35, said those wh() still hold that the La guna Nigue l Candidates' forums set for Laguna A series or for ums and debates has been scheduled in order ror Laguna Beach voters to meet the nine candidates for the April 13 City Council election Sponsore d by t he Laguna Vid eo Club. the four m eetings will all be tield in City Council chambers at 505 Forest Ave. T he first meeting. called "Meet the Candidates." will be he ld tonight at 7: 30 p.m A s e c o nd meetin g. e ntitl e d "Add ress t he Iss ues ." is sche duled Ma rc h 9 at 7:30 p.m Candidates will meet again March 23 at 7 p.m. to field ques tions from the press in a "Questions from the Medta" mee\ing And pot e nti a l co unc il members will square off in a "Debate the Issues" meeting March 30 at 7 p.m Planned Com m unity will be completed by the target date of 1990 arc probably being "overly opt 1m1st ic. lie added that recent sur veys s howed that previously expected increases in population in the south county community won't be meeting expectations either. The exclusive reside ntial area has a populat ion of 18.000 and was projected to reach 50.000 by the build out.date in 1990 "Like the Irvine Comvany and Mission Viejo Company, we are in a holding pattern awaiting word from the Federal Reserve Bank on what the interest rates are going to do ... Stevens said ·F o r t h e l i m e b e i n g adju~tments have to be made to :-.ccure our long-term position." Stevens said a major projeet whic.._ 1s going forward on schedule is the construction of a ~OO·unit resort hotel on the bluff above Salt Cr~k Beach . lie said studies had shown the hot el would be a good draw for t he tour ist dolla r '.fhe ocean pro pert y will a lso have a 7.5·ac re coas ta l park, tennis courts. po0ls and roadway to the beach for public access . Wo rk is set to begin this s ummer In addition. the 30-unit Salt Creek Villas project will be com p leted withtn a month, Stevens said. The single.family homes will sell for from S375,000 lo $650.000. They are located on the inland side of Paciftc Coast Highway at Salt Creek The construction or the r1rst r11ne holes of a planned 18·holc ~olr course will also go ahead, according to Stevens Ho wever, t wo ho les of t he course that a re to be on the ocean s ide .of t he h igh way adjoining the resort hotel will not be built for a while The remaining seven holes of the golf course . whic h were to acco m pany a now.c a nceled expansion of the Monarch Bay Shopping Plaza. have also been placed on the back bur ne r , Stevens said. Building projects currently under way by Avco that will be halted include Laguna Woods, Rolling Hills and Niguel West along Crown Valley Parkway S te vens s a id his ft r m 1s holdlhg about 140 completed homes now, and doesR'l want to build its invt>ntory a ny higher. ··As you can imagine if we build more houses than we sell this limits our cash flow ," he sa id. "Howevr r. we e xpect lo be able to sell a;1 the units we have on hand." Also being discussed by Avco officials 1s whether to c <i ncel const ruction or a $60 mtll1on convention cente r adja cent to the seaside hotel Cash, j ewelry taken in LB Laguna Beac h po li ce are searching for a blond woman who purportedly s neaked out of a visitor's hotel room while he was asleep with S27 ,500 in cash and jewelry The Santa Rosa \'isitor. a 47-year-old architecl, told pohce h e m e t t h e woman in a downstairs bar at the Hotel San M aarten Monday morning and later invited her up to his room . When he awoke at a bout 5 a .m .. the woman was gone, as was Sl.000 in cash and $26,500 in j e w e l r y . The woman wa s described as sl and tng 5 reel 7 inc hes and in her early 20s IRVINE CONTROL Boh I hi\ Ill':.. ,i...:...i...t.11tt 1·tt' <·ng 111<.•c•r \\1th tlw <'ti ' 111 1·n 111c.• 11pl·1.11\'" til t· 1·01n 1111t1•t t11•cl l1,1 fl w ho.11 cl dt·-.1~11 .. d to O ... ,,. .... St.IH,._ -.p1·1·d \'t•hwll'" I hr11t1_:.!h I I 1111l'r-.1·t·t 11111 ' Ill l n1111· \n11l h1·1 Iii "ll.!11.d-. \\tll 111111 ·ti . 11111·1 .11Hlll1 111-. 'l'.11 Pushing buttons for traffic flow By RIOIARD GREEN Of 01• O .. ly ,.,._. Suff If you start to notice you're spending less time at red lights. it m ay be beca use more cities alon g the Or a nge Coast are us in g com pute rs lo i mprove t raffic now In Irvine. 14 traffi c signa ls are hooked up to a compute r. which adjusts signal length de pending on the volume of traffic. Sensors in the fie ld tell the computer ho w m uc h t ra ffic is go ing through an intersection at any one time For example, 1f there is little traffic. red hghts should be few and far bet ween on a street w h e r e the s topl ig ht s are controlled by com puter . C ity o ffi cia ls h ope t o com puttff!Zl' another 36 s1gnab by the end or the year 'The systc.'m means that you'll probabl } lx: caught a l fewer red light!>, .. sa1ct Dcnms Wilberg. city t ransport at ion ser vices m a na ge r "Mo s t peop l e probably only rl.'member the one rC'd light that they stopped at . not the two grt-en light~ they went through St ill , Wilberg is convinced the $350,000 computerization system 1s worth every cent of state and local money spent on it because tl can redu<'e the many collisions that occur when cars stop for red lt chts The system also r ed uces t r a ve l time a nd . therefore. leads lo fuel savmgs a nd less pollut1on T he syste m also a id~ 1n tro ubleshootinc . s in te the com puter indicates whenever a conn ec t e d t ra ffi c s i g nal m a lfunctions . And. a printed record detailing the acl1vit1 es of all the signals in the system r an come in handy irt he city is sued in <'O n nec tion wit h a t rarr1c acridenl allegedl y occurring ai. t he result of a broken signal But. while the system aids 1tt traffic flow, it is no cure all for this region's horrendous t rarfic proble m Th e t r atl 1t1 ona l v.a \ Cl f inc reasing traffit flow 1s to add miles or st reets. highwa y!> and freeways. s aid Wilberf(. Ile said it will cost more than $2 million to add the 36 new :-.1gnals to the.· :-.~~t<:m . v.h1 ch p resc nll ~ 1s cc.·ntl•rc.•d on one st ri p et lo n g Cul\'er D r i ve between tht• Santa ,\n;i Jnd San Diego fre<'ways The expa ns1<>n Y.111 ht• paid ror primur ily by dt•\t•lopc-r)) and s late money. \\'il bng :-aid. noting the r1ty v. ill 1nl'ur a $300,000 expeni.e Costa Mesa 1 ~ r1n1sh1n g its syi.tem . whi ch 1s t<1 bring 50 s ign als three fourth)) of ull :-.t o p llg ht~ tn tov. n unde r {'om put er control The Caltrorniu Department or T ra nsportation 1~ bringing 1 nt c.•rscrllons on ~uch l>t rects as N<'v. port Boule' ard and Pacific Coast llighy. a~· under computer cunt rol Creeps make case for Old West justice LOWEST OF TllE LOW: If l'\'l'r a goo<I <·:i:--1• c·o111!l lw mad e for a return to the> Oki Wt'sl just1<'l' s~·stt•m of t~·nch ing . it would appl~ to those c·on <1rt1sh 111 our midst who pre~· upon the t•ldl•rl~· Ill #~ -,~~1 lllPllll ,~ So ml' cas e s ha ve s urf ac e d r e <· e n t I ,. i n no rt he m Orang e <: o u n t ~ w h e r l' d e spica ble c rc<."l>s have p a ssc d the mselves off as Soc i a I S ec u ri t ,. u~enls and thus fleeced s<'n1or citizens In one instance. a female thie f told an older rt•sicfrnl she owed money to Medicare and Medi -Cal and madl' I ht• retired. person give he r S2.200 in cas h Another case res ulted in an olde r mobile pa rk resident losing S500 to a con man who cla imed he was a Social Sc.'t·urity agent THESE CROOKS ARE so brazen that often. orfiC'ial~ se1d. they even offer to drive the elderly i>erson to his 0 1· he r bank so they c an cough up their savi ngs . Some younger people might be barrterl as lo why some senior citizens are so easily victimited b~· con artist crooks. Part of thl' a nswer can be tra<'ed to f eur of lhl' ... t • ~~:-h'm w hic h \\ "~ cte .... 1g11c.•d to p1 11 \ uh· ... orru· t·;1:...h securit' a net mNlieal c a r e• for our n.•t 1rl•d l'tl 1z<•n:... Sonw oldl•r folks fl'<.ir I hat s vstem. T he.·' an• a fr:11cl somc.·hoch will co m <.' a long and t a ke aw ti~ hl'nl'l'1ls Tht·~· :11·~· con stantly called upon to fi ll oul form:-tt pon whiC'h tht'.'. swear the~· tell the I l'ltth a boot m<·nnw p1'11lwrt' n\\ lll'd a nd other ussets Thev a rc cons tanllv told that 11 l hl'' 1·1111<'l':tl :111~ asse ts. the~· ca n lose> :Il l thei r tx>ndit:. · ONE ELDERLY GENTLEMAN of nl\· :irqu;11nt atwc.· once filled out one of these form~ imd · \\ hl'n· hl' ,, a:-. asked. "Do ~·ou have.· a n~ new im·om(.'. .. lw fslkc1 in the space wi~ ,"one dollar ·· t:nder "l'Xl>la11at1011·· h1• "1·011.· 'in . "Found dollar bi ll on the sidcwttlk · · Yo u don't want to g~t caught ('OO('l•alinJ.! a n.'· ussl•l s Medical bills a rrive in the mull from M<•cticarl' n1· Medi·Cal and can strike new rear or pank 1n lht• eld<·rl~ recipient. Ofte n. th<'se are Mt hills hut instt'<ld . ;1 recapping or benefits 1>aid out b~· thc syst..•m Light printing across the form dc<'hm.·~. "This is ~ot a Bill." But somettmes this d <.'c lar;Hion l'scapes thl' atte ntion of e ld e rly eyes. T hey see ont~· tho bottom line rij(ure und b<.•romt• fearful it is monc\' owl'd. After ull. tht'\'.\'(.' lin•d a lonjl time. They know w hat a blll loolcs hkt-. . II ti look:. ll kt• .1 hill .ind li:-.t' Jtlo,,• .1 11111. I h1•11 11 1\111:--1 lw a hi II AGAINST T HIS Kl~D of b1wkd rop. no \\111Hkr man~ ol<f(•I' ciliz<.'ns arc• ea:" pl'<.'' of ltw <k J.H'lll'l'<11l· c·on nwn who don't l'H 'll h<•n• I hl· gut:-. to 01u·n1tl• likl· f'l'~1tlar t'Obbcrs. Thl'\ r an onh \'i<·t imlZl' t tw t•ld t•r l\ ''ho Ii' c.· 111 f(':..tl' •md (•xist on nwa.g<.•r St><'l:ll Sc.•c.•unt' or go\ "·rnnw nl mc•d ical benefits Com e around a11d l c.•11 a n nlc1<•r Pl'l'Son ~ou·rc from Social S('<'lll'il~ ;md thl'' II \\Ulll 111 coopl·ratl' afmo:--1 l' n · n · ti m e Tht' truth ts . nt ('Oll l'~l·. lhct t all l'l.'til gO\l'l'nll'll'tll H~t.•nts carr~· identifiC'a l ton :i nd '"" \\ tllln~I~· :ih<l\\ it ~o ~nv<•t•nmcnt agent ask" for t•ash pa~·mt•nt on t hl• S<'<.'O<' Ir it hap l>l'lls to 'ott :-t.'lltor <'ili7.e n . ma kl• a n 11ppolnlm<•nt to mc.'l'l ltw "agt•nt" laH•r cfown a l tht> lo<'a l po lice· s t atw n SOMETIMES VOt' MIGHT IHt\'l' 1 m<.•tt~llt'l' o l udrnlntti<)n for a con man 0 1· fhm ·fl t•m artb;l who CIN.•cc~ somr cllttt:'ll b~ plyin~ on hi ~re(."(! Rut when 14omc sniveling t•reep picks nn the ktel'f, who live in qul~t dc•s1>eralion. Old West j11stir1.• would be too lfood for them. .. ---........... ..-. ... ~----· t • r IRVINI UCI seeking Hy J OEL C. DON Of th O.tlty ~ .... Slot" Computers aren't dumb and neither arc rno~t pl'Oplc Bui they just don't ulways ~ccm to get a long Whal there st•ems Lo Ix' 1s a failure to communicate UC Irvine scientist:-. :Jrl' tryin~ to bridge the gap between man a nd m achine by making computers more tolerant of our quirks. in acc ura cies und sometimes illogical behavwr They'r(• d esigning a rnmputer that six•aks our lingo. Ors Rich:.ir<l Grangl•r and James Meehan direct UCI'::>' i\rtif1ciul Intelligence ProJt'ct The research program 1i. housed in the new Computer Science Hescarch Laborator\' wh ich opened Monday · Tht.' maJOnty of computer users must learn the arcane lan1iiuage o f t<'chnolOf.Y d etailed codes of numbers and letters that give access lo the heart or the machine. Leaming a C'omputer language can be as difficult as a course in French or Spanish. GrangN and Meehan are developing a program that eliminates the need for codes a nd other computer jargon. Their system would allow a user to use standard English without abbreviations or incomplete sent cnct·s. "Our goal is the production of a comprehen:.1ve system that can do the tasks that if required by a human would be said to req uirc 1ntelhgence." explained Grangcr "There are some Dally~ .... -...., ......... 1(-.. STRINGS ATIACHED l .<. 11 'int· ln•,hm;in C'ht•n I Oht•rlin l'l'g1sll'rs ~t udl'nl ... \'111111.! 111\ ''hl'lht•r 111 ra1~t· kt.;:-fnr Ill'\\ (';1mpus t'\l'llh c·1·11ll'I' ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Decis ion on lllural ' promised Thursday Irvine High School Principal Gary Norton said today he will decide Thursday morning if a student-painted mural will be permanently displayed on campus. Norton said staff members were t<1bulatang more than 1,200 written responses lo the mural today from students. raculty and community members wh o examin e d the mural last Wednesday and Thursday as it was on display for the first time at the school's theater. The 47-foot-long mural was painted by 17 students las t summer as part of the school's volunteer multi-racial pro~ram. , l illy PHat TUESDAY, FEB. ~3, 1982 CAVALCADE 82 E r ma Bombeck ha s a dvice f or lon e ly stayrat-hom e men . See Rage B2. 0 .o COMICS 8 4 T E LE VI SIO N ~6 I for computers' common code restraints on tt but you don't have to know all those crazy codes." Their job is far from simple. In makin g u computer intelligent. they must account for error-prone humans as well as the s ubtle ambiguities of the English language The computer must be able to decipher ideas from fragmentCd sentences, poor grammar, bad syntax and a host o f other problems "There's this great gap between us and the computer," com mented Meehan. "What we want lo do is build a middle plane to connect what people want lo do to what's natural for the computer." Working under a $250,000 g r a nt fro m the Navy, the Fee hike vote on at UCI ~ UC Irvine students began five days of balloting Monday to decide whether to raise their fees as much as S23 a quarter to finance part of a proposed C<1mpus events center. In their refere ndum, students are given a c hoice of voting against any fee increase or of authorizing raises of $17, $20 or $23 a quarter to raise as much as $4 million toward construction or the e:.t1 mated S 10 m II lion facility. The rest of the funds are expected to be raised from private sources. "ilh perhaps som e small amounts from the state. According to the ballot. no fees would be collected until the cente r is completed. which means that most s tudents casting ballots this week will be graduated and never pay a penny toward the center Instead, stude nts who have not yet enrolled would be required to pay the quarterly fees for the center But they also would be the ones to benefit from the center, which would house the intercollegiate bas ketball 1eam. recreation and in t ramural activities and some lectures and concerts. The ballot also includes a separnle question on whether vot ers support a proposed constitution offered by s tudent leaders in which the s tudent funds would be donated to the univers ity only 1f admin1slr<1tors agree to give the students a m ajorily or members on a governing board for design and use of the facility. The constitution created by the Associated Student Council. calls for 13 m embers on the board of which seven would be students Referendum organizer Bill Caraccio said the fu nd s would not be given unless t h at condition is met that is. if the students authorize the ·'strings attached" clause this week Chancellor Daniel Aldrich Jr .. meanwhile, has called the constitution premature and says he won·t approve it , leaving the two sides at a possi bl e stale mate. computer sc1cnt1i.ts are developing a program that would allow sailors aboard s hips to send messages in standard Englii.h via computer keyboard~. The rncssagei. would be received by a ecnlral computer, interpr eted , checked and then encodl'd in computer languagt> for storage 1n the duta base. Curre ntl y co mputer programmers must take on the task of translating a message from English into the language that computers understand . G rangl'r noted that such programmers arc few and far bctwet!n • The• N<•vv and arl1f1c1al 1ntelligcm·c spet1~1lists agree it would be cas1c·r lo design one central computer that interprets i-; n g I 1 sh rat her than l r :u n thousands of programmers. Granger said the Navy expt•cts to be ret·e1ving mon• than 30,000 lnt.'Ss~gl'!'i per hour at i.ome bases The informat10n d<.•luge would far l'X('Ced the number of human programmers needed to encode s ut·h mcsi.ugcs. ·The computer will understand the messages and flush them back at the sender that 1l has interpreted them ... Granger said ·ir the sender approv1.•:. the c·omputer 's interpretation. the mt>ssugt• will bl' entoded into the dat<1 base .. Granger and Meehan don't c•xpect home computer user~ to hcnd1t qu1C'l.ly from '\Ueh n·~earch Tht·1r Na\·~ proJl'C't 1s !>till in its 1nfant'L_:'ilage a11d r t•q111n·1> IO lirnt•1> the ml'mory t'lll>~H·1t~· thut cx1st i. in most poJJUlar m1t•rot·umputcri.. B ut re1>t•arC'h on the Nuvy pr 1111·et .rnd other areas 1s opening up the new frontter· of tom putt.·ri-. that think c; ra11gl·r. for one. sees no l1m1t1> Pn lht.· P<>kn' IJI or m;ik1ng C'om p1:ll'r1> 1ntell1ge111 .. M·m~ and more people are l'11n11ng tu underi.tand that a IH a1n 1s a mac hint.·. · he i.a1d ·rt ·., not made of ml'lal. it's made· or meat and the computer 11> a mud1inl' too The computer 1" n l)t madt.· or meal. 11 s made of rtH'lJI "II ~l'l'rn!> Vt·r~ pl~H1:.1 blc lhut a mt'l:JI maC'l.1.te t.·an perform I h(' saml· pn1t.'t''>st'' lhal a meal m t1t:hmt· t.-:m d< IRVINE CONTROL lloh 11 :1\lll'~. ;i~~1~1.1111 ('II\ (•n1.!int'l'I' \\II h I hl' ('II\ 11! i'n llll' "Pl'I .II I'" I hl' !'l>nlp111l'n11•d t r:1fl 1t• hn.11 d d1• .... 1c111·d 111 'IHTd 'd11<'lc·~ I hrn11 i.:h 11 lllll'l '''1 111111 , 111 l 1 \ 1111' \ 1111 I h I' I II i '1J.!11. ti' \\ ti I I•• 11 t ' h • 11111·1 .11111111111 .... \ 1·.11 Taking snar/,s out of t raf fic Syste m can pull out all the stops or put the m in By RIO IAR D G REEN Of t~e O•ily Pltoe St.ff If you sta rt to notice you're spending less time at red lights. 1t may be because more cities along the Orange Coast a re using computers to improve trafril' flow In 1 rvine. 14 traffi c signals are hooked up to a computer. which adjusLc:; signal length depending on the volume of traffic Sensors 1n the field tell the computer how murh traffic is going through an intersection at any one time For example. 1f ther e 1s httle traffic. red lights should be few and fa. between on a street where the s t opligh t s <1re controlled by computer City officials hope to com puten zc anot~1er 36 signals hy the end of the year "The system means that you'll probably be caught at fewer red lights." said Dennis Willx'rg. city transportation services manager .. Mos t p eople probably only remember the one red light that they s lopped at. not the two green lighti. they went through Still. W1lberg I!> convinc(-d the $350,000 computcnwlion system 1s worth every ct-nl of state and local money s pc•nt 11n a bt'cause It can reduce the• m<111~ rolhs1ons lha t oecur when r :1 rs 'top for rt•d lighb Tht• ~'!-tern etlso rc•duces travel _..11mc and . tht•refor<." leads to ful·I ~a \ings and les!> pollution The s~ ~ll·m abo J1ds 1n troubleshooting , ~•nre the t.•om pukr indicate:-. \\ hcnevcr a c· o n n e 1· 1 l' rl t r a f f 1 1· s i g n a I malfum·1111n., And. i.I printed l'Cl'Ord dl'tailtng till' i.ICI I \'lllCS Of al I I he s ignals in thl' syo;tem can come in handy if the c ity 1s sued in t•onncct1on with a traffic <1cc1den1 alleged!~ occurring as the result of a brokt•n signal He said 1t will coi.t more than Sl mi 1111111 to adc1 l he 36 nc" s1gnab 111 thl' ") ... te rn . which presc>ntl~ 1~ ('t'ntt•rl·d on one ~I r i p along Cul\'t.•r Ur i ve l>t'lWl't'll the Santa i\n.i and San Diego frt•t•\o\avs .Creeps make case for Old West justice LOWEST OF T HE LOW: If l'\'t•r ;.i good <·a~t· 1.·oulcl ht• m ude for ;.i n't urn lo lhl' Old West 1 ust ll'l' s~·stt•m of l~·nchin~. it \\Olllrl appl~ to lhost' <'on <11·t1sls m our midst "ho pre~· upon th<.• el dl'f'I~ Soml' r;.ist•s havt' surfa('c•d r e c c n t I ~· 1 n northl'rn Orange Co u n t \' w h e r 1· d espicable treeps h a v c p a s s 1.' d themselves off ;.is Social Sl'curity I '. ~ -,~~1 lllPllll ,m' agents and thus fleeced senior citizens. In one instance. a female t hief told an older resident s he owed mon ey to Medicar e and Medi-Cal and made the retired person give her $2.200 in cash Another case resulted in an older mobile park residen t losing SSOO to a con man who claimed he was a Social Secul'it~· agent THESE CROOKS ARE so brazen that often. offi<'ials said. they even offer to drive the elder ly person to his or he r bank so t hey c an cough up their savings. Some younger people m ight be baffled as t~ w hy some senior citizens are so easily victim ized by con artist <'rooks. , Part of the unswer can be. t raced to fear of th(' f s~·stcm which wa:-cfr:-1gned to 111·0\'Hk ... 11ml' !'a:-h security and medical care.• for our rc•t11·1·<1 f.'i111l'n:-Sonw oldc•r folks fear that s\ stem Thc' an• afraid ""ml'lx•<h will com e along and tak<' aw;i~· ht•nl'f1ts Th<.·~ ;.111· cons tantly called upon to fill out fnrm:-'11pnn whi<'h 1 ht·~ swear they tell the truth ahout inC'omt•. prn1h.•1·t~ m \lwd anfi other assets They are constantl~ told that 1r tlw~ c·oru·(·.11 ;in~ asset's. tht.>y can lose all their ht.•nefih ONE ELDE RLV GENTLEMA N of m .' acquam1anl'l' once filled out one of these for·ms unct '' hl'l'l' hl' "ai. asked. ··Do you h ave an~· new inroml· ... h<.• fi llect in ttw s pace with ··one dollar.·· Under "explanation" ht• wrnlt• in. ··Found dollar bill on the s idewalk ·· ' You don't want to get caught ronc1.•ali11~ ml\ i.JS!Wts Medical bills urrive in the mail from Mt•dican· or Medi-Cal and can s trike new fear or pttt1ic m the.• eldt•r·I~ • recipient. Often. these arc not bills but instead. a recapping or benef its paid out by t he system. Light printing across t he form declures. "This is Not a Bill:· But sometimes this de<'laration c-;capes 1ht.• attentlon of elderly .eyes. They see only t he bOttom line rll{un• und b<'comt• fearfu l it Is m on ey owed. Arter ult. they've lived a Ion~ time. They know wh•t a bill looks like If 11 llH ,ks llk1• :1 hill. :111d 11-.t:-111-t• ,1 hill 1h1·11 11 11111~1 ht• a hill AGt\INST TlllS IU~ll ol h.H·kd1'11p . 1111 \\Oll <kr man~· older t'itrzens :1n• C'as~· pre~· of 1ht.• dt•J!t'111·ra11• 1·1m mrn who don·t t'\'l'll ha\'t• till' gut:-. to opl'l';11t• hkt.• n•gular robbers Thl'\' <'an onh· '1e·t 1mizt' t ht• 1•l<kt'I\ who II\'(.' an fear and exist 1111 nwagt•r SnC'i;d St·c·11r1t ' 01: gon•rnmc•nt medical benefits Come• around and ll'll an olcll'I' p1•r ... on ~·oll ' rt• Crom Social Sc•c·urit ~ aml I hl·~ II \\ •rnt tu t'tmpc:rate a lmost t'Ycry time . The truth is, ot (•ours<'. thut :ill l'l'i.11 ~o\'t•rnment a~enL" carr~· idcntific;.1t10n and '' 111 w1lli[l~I~· :-ho" it !'lo ~ovemment agt•nt <1s ks for cash p :1y ment on the• !·C't'ne l f it happens to ~·011 . scnaor citi zen . m ake an a ppointment to mt•c.•1 tht.• agent lutt•r down al tht• lo('ttl police station SOME TIM ES VOl' MIGHT ha\'l' u meas ure of admiration for a <'On man or ·mm-fl<.tm artist "ho rtee<'es some citizen by pl~·ing on his gret'tl. But when some snivelin g Cl'l'CJ> picks cm the dltr•~\ who llw in quiet des peration. Old We. t Justice \\>OUld be too good for them. 10111 CDllT TUESDAY, FEB, 23, 1982 CAVALCADE COMICS TE LEVISION 82 84 86 Bambeck has Erma advice for stayrat-home P,age B2 . lonely men. See 0 0 UCI seeking cure for computers' common code By JOEL C. DON Of .... o.lly Pi ... Su" Computers uren 't dumb and neither arc most people . Bui they just don't always seem to get along. Whal th(>rC !>eems to be 1:. a failure to communicate UC Irvine scientists arc trying to bridge the gap between man and machin e b y making computers more tolerant or our quirks. inac c ura cies and sometimes illogical behavior They're designing a computer that s peaks our lingo. Ors Richard Granger and- .James Meehan direct uc1·s Artificial lntelh~ence Projcc·t The research program is housed in the new Comput er Science Research Lc.iboraloq which opened Monda~ The majority of computer users must learn the a rcane language or tec hnology detailed codes of numbers and letters that give access to the heart or the machine. Leaming a computer language can be as difrlcult as a course in French or Spanish. Granger and Meehan are developing. a program that eliminates the need for codes and other computer jargon. Their system would allow a user to use standard English without abbreviations or incomplete sentences. "Our goal is the production of a comprehens ive system that can do the tasks that if required by a human would be said lo require intelligence." explained Granger "There are som e r estraints on It but you don't have to know all those crazy codes." Their job IS rar from simple. Jn makin g a co mput er intelligent, they must account for error-prone humans as well as the subtle am~iguities or the English language. · The compute r must be uble to decipher ideas from fragmented sentences, poor grammar, bad syntax a nd a host or other problems. ··There's this great gap bet ween us and the computer,·· commented Meehan. ''What we want to do is build a middle plane to connect what people want to do to what's natural for the computer " Working under a $250,000 grant from the Navy, the c o mputer scien tists are developing a program that would allow sailors aboard ships to send messages in standard English via computer keyboarilli. The messages would be received b y a central computer, inte rpreted. checked and then encoded in computer language for storage 1n the data base. C urr e ntl y co mputer programmers must take on the task or trans lating a message from English into the language that computers understand. Grc.inger noted that s uch progrnmmers ar e few and rar betweC'n. The Navy a nd a rlificic.il intelligence s µec 1c1lssts agree 1t would be eas ier to design one central computer that interprets English rather than train thou sands or programmer!> Granger smd the Navy expects to be receiving more thc.in 30.000 m essages per hour a t some bases. The information deluge would far exceed the num ber or human programmers needed to encode such messages ··The comµu t e r will understand t he messages and Clas h them back at the sender that it has mterpreted them:· Granger said. "If the s ender app roves the computer's interpretation. the m essage will be encoded into the data bc.ise. · · Granger and Meehan don't <'xpect home compute r users lCI bene fit qu1cl.ly from s uch research Their Navy project 1s s till in its infancy s tage and n ·quircs JO times the memory c·a 11al·1t} that exis ts in most popular· m1 c·roc:omputcrs But rt~scc.in:h on the Navy IH'OJCl'I anti other are as 1s opening up lhl• new frontier or ('om puters that think G rc.1nger, r11r o ne. sees no l1m1ts <'n thl' rx,kn'1JI of making l'Om p L:ter:. intell 1 gc•11t. ·· 11111re <11ul more people <Are l'Om ing to understand lh<il a brain 1s a machine,'' he s aid 'It'.!> not madl' o r m e ta l. it's madt· or mcc.it and the computer 1:. a mathinc too The computer is not made of meat. it's made-0r ITil'lal. ·it seems vt•ry plc.ius1lilc that a ml·tal mac:l.1.1c tan perform the !:tame pm C(''>ses that a mccit machine t:an de CdM nightspot to stay Newport Council sets. new hours. after heated debate By STEVE MARBLE Of 111• O~ty Pilt4 Su" A.T Leo's. the popular Corona d el Mar nightspot that owners admit was too much of a success for its own good when 1t first opened. got the city's blessing Monday to stay in business. The restaurant housed in a one -time tile fa ctory re portedly hc.is been drawing both complaints and custo mers in large numbers But the Newport Beach City Council. which previous ly made an attempt to close the establis hment. overturned a plannin g co mm1 ss 1on recommendation that the restaurant c lose al midnight instead of 2 a .m. Owners of the 3901 East Coast Highway nightspot argued that a midnight closing on weekends would put them out or business. F'ollowing more than an hour of somettmes·heated debate, the council agreed t o le t the restaurant stay open until 1 a .m . on F'ridays and Saturdays but close at midnight the rest or the week The council also ordered owners to increase the number of parking s pots to prevent c us tomers from parking in Marriott can file expansion plans Newport Beach City Counr1l members, weighing 1conrlictmi;: legal opinions. have agreed to let the Marriott Hotel file plans for expanding its Newport Center hote l The move cam e only two N-Mschool closures to h e topic Trustees or the Newport Mesa n1f1ed School Distract will meet tonight to consider the closure or three schools in June and the conversion of a midple school due to declining enrollments S uperintend ent John Nicoll las t week recommended closing Evening Middle School , Lindberg h and W oodland elementary s chools and converting Kaiser Middle School to an elementary school. The school board meeting will begin at 7 .30 in the Harper Community Center. 425 E 18th St .. Costa Mesa Since 1976 the distract has lost an average or 1.000 s tude nts each year. Last year Rea Middle School and Corona del Mar Elem entary School were closed weeks after the council repealed a $123 million expansion plan for Newport Center which included adding rooms to the Marriott. State law prohibits a repealed development project from returning for approval for one year The council action Monday, taken on a 4.3 vote. does not give the Marriott owners the right to expand the hotel. But it does g ive them the right to (1le new plans and return lo both the planning commission a nd city council with the plans Owners o r the Marriott originally had sought permission to add 165 hotel room s as part or the now·r e pealed Newport Center plan. Attorney Mic hael Gering, representing Marriott, said it is no w unclear· whethe r the hotel will ask to add more or fewer rooms The whole thing. though, raised some legal questions. Gering argued h is clients could return with the hotel plan beca use state la w permits a repealed project to return if it is "substantially dissimilar." The attorney said the hotel project fits that description because it represented only a small percentage of the larger New po rt Center expansion proJect nearby residenliaJ areas. The restaurant received both g lowing and critical reviews during the debate. "The truth is ... said attorney James Parker for the owners. ··the neighbors got used to that building as a failure. ll was a s hocking new experience for them to see It as a success ... The building had previously been the s ite of Don t he Beachcomber and several other restaurants Bat Tom Pil c h er . a homeo wn e r cla1m1ng to represent 140 res idential neighbors. said A.T. Leo's has converted his community intv "a disaster " Gary G1ragosian. manager or the restaurant, s aid he was offended by charges that "low lifes" frequent the nightspot. "If so,·• he s ugg est e d . "they're the wealthiest low lifes I've ever seen ... Giragosian said his staff had worked diligently to resolve com plaints that the restaurant was causin& too much noise and too much traffic. He reported that he was even willing to take the word "bar" off t he restaurant sign. O n e neighboring res ident. Mike Chandler , s a id "I get awakened by vomiting . screaming and the r oaring of engines as the cars head down the street the wrong way .. lfomeowner Oakley Fros t reported he had dined al the restaurant and had e njoyed it but still considered A.T Leo's a nuisance "And we're not here to discuss their rood and their fine wine list, .. he added William Barton. one of the A.T . Leo's owners, accused the c ity or "picking " o n the r estaurant by not allowing it to remain open until 2 a. m He said nearby restaurants are allowed to stay open that late. Several of t he owners said if they were forced to close before midnight on weekends, diners might (eel "rushed ... To whic h Councilman Paul Hummel responded. "I've been eating for 59 years and I've usually found that I can finish up by that time." The council agreed to review the restaurant operation in one year. IRVINE CONTROL Bnh ll<1\'11t's. a '\s1s t.1111 ('II ~ cmgin<.•(•r \.\j\ h till' ('II~ 111 l 0 r\'ine opt•r;ih·s lht• t•om1111t...•1·11t•d traf'11<• ho:ird. cl(•s1g111•cl lo "Pl't'tl n·hidt•:-. I hrn11~h 11 1111 1•1"l'('l1011' Ill I n 1rw .\noL1u·1· :11; s11.!11.t1.., \\ill 111111 1111 OIH'I ;1t 11111 I ha:-·\ v ;11 Taking snarls out of traf fie System can pull out all the stops or put them in By RIOIARO GREEN Of th o .. 1y Pl ... si." If you start to notice you're spe nding less lime at red lights, it may be because more cities along the Orange Coast are usi n g compute rs to improve traffic now In Irvine. 14 traffi c signals a re hooked up to a computer. which adjusts signal length depending on the volume or traffic. Sensors in the field t ell the computer how much trarric is going through an intersection al any one t1m~. For examplC'. 1f there 1s htlle traffic. red lights should be few and fat betwet'n on a street where the s toplights arc controlled by computer C ity officials hop e to computerize another 36 signal!> by the end of the year "The system means that you'll probably be caught at fewer red lights," said Dennis Wilberg, city transportation se rvice~ m anager "Mos t peopl e probably only remember the one red light that they stopped at. not the two green lights they went through. Still. Wilberg is convinced the $350 ,000 computerization system is worth every cent of state and loral money s pent on tt because 1t can reduce the many collisions that o<.·cur whe n cars stop for red lights. The system also r e du ces travel tim e and. therefore. leads to fuel savings and less pollution. I le s aid 1t will co::.t morl' than S2 mill ion to <1dd the 36 new :.agnals to the.• system. which presently is l'l•nlt'red on one s trip alonj! Culver Drive bct~een the Santci Ana and San Di ego free wa\'s The cxpan!)1on will be paid for primarily by de\ c lopers and s t::il e money . Walberg s aid. Costa Mt'sa 1s finis hing its .,~s tem . ~h1c:h 1s to bring 50 'ilgnals thrcl' fourths or all :.loplight:. 111 l,Jiwn under l'O m put er control The t'ahfornw Department or T r ans portation is bringing intersections on s uch s treets as Newport Boulevard and Pacific ('oa:.t ll1~hwa:. under compute r control Creeps make case for Old West justice LOWEST Of' THE LOW: If <'Vt.·r a good <:ast• t oulcl b<.• made for a return to the Old Wes t justit'<' s~·stem of l~·nchi.ng. it \\Ould aµpl~ to those con art1~ts an o ur midst who prey upon the eld crl~. Ill , (;';) lll~PHl~ll~ Some.• cCJses have s urfac e d r e c e n t I ~· i n northern Orange C o u n t ,. w h e r t• des picable creeps have pa sse d themselves off as SoC'ia l Securitv agents and thus fleeced senior citizens. In one instanc~. a fem ale thief told an older reside~t s he owed money to Medicare a nd Medi·Cal and made tne retired person give her $2.200 in cash. Another case resulted in an olcler mobile park resident losing $500 to a con man who c laimed he was a Social SeC'urity agent. THESE CROOK ARE so brazen that often. orflrlals said. they even offer 10 drive the elderly person to his or her bank so they can cough up their savings. Some younger people might be baHled as to why som e senior citizens arc so easily victimized by con artist crooks. Part or the answer can be traced to fear or th(' s\·s tem which was des1gnl'd to Jll'O\'IOl' snml' t·as h security and medical care ror our n.•tll'(.'0 ('lllll'OS Sonw older folks fear that s ~·st<'m The~ a rt• af n wl some hod ~ will C'ome along a nd take ~· ' a~ lwnef1t s Thl·~· :.in· constanth· called upon to fill forms upon whi<'h thl·~ swear they tell the truth abo incoml'. 1u·opt•rt~ o" tll'cl and other assets They are constantly told that 1f tht•\ <·ont'l'al an~ assets. they can los~ all their benefits I ONE ELDERLY GENTLEMAN of m y acquuintann· once filled out one of these forms and when· ht• \\a~ asked. "Do you have any new inrome." he filled in the> spaC'e with "one dollar ... Under "f.>xplu1wt aon ht• "a·ok in ... Found dollar bill on the sidewalk. .. · You don't want to get caught ronet•uling an\' aSSl't~ Medical bills arrive in the mall from Ml.'dictll'(' 01· Medi-Cal and c:Jn strike new fear or pank in th4.' eld<'1·1~· recipient. Often. these are ni>t bills but insteud .. 1 recapping or benefits paid out b~· the system Light printing across the form declares. "This is Not a Bill.·~ Sut som etimes this dcclarutlQn esru~s tht' attention or elderly eyes. They see only t he bottom line figure und beC'oml' fearful it is money owt.\C.t. After all. ttiey'n• lived " lonJl time. They know wh at a bilt looks like \ It 1t looks hkl' a ball. a nd 11 ..,1-. llkl· .1 IHll llwn 11 m11st ht· a lu 11 AGAINST THIS KIND of ba<'k<ll'op. 1111 ""n(kr man~ olcl<'r r itizcns an• cas~· pn.·~· of t ht• ckgl'lll't'<1\l' con m l'n who don't l'\'Cn han· thl' guts to 01w1>tttl' likt· l'CJ!lilur rob be~ Th{'Y can onl~ \'ll'l1m17.ti t ht' <.•lcll•rl~ "ho h \'l' 111 ft>ar and exist on mea~cr So<'rnl . t•runt~ or gm<.>rnmt·nt medical benefits . Come uround and tdl an olcll'I' Pl'rson ~·m.i"re from Social Sccurit ~· and I ht·~" II "tint to r oopt'rtall' al\'nosl e,·en· time The truth b . of NlUt~t·. thul all real AO\'t't'nmt•111 agt•nts C'arr~· id~nt1fi<'t1lmn <rnd "111 willUlgly s ho" it :'llo ~overnment agent usks fm' cash 1>a~·ment on the !'ICCne If 1t ha ppens t o ~·iu . st•nacu · <.'ilizcn. make an appointment to nH.•t•t lhE.' "a.l?t'nt" latl'r down at the loC'al Poli('c.> stotion / . SOMETIMES Vot· MIGHT han: 11 ml'asure of admiration for a C'Otl mun or film.flam urtlMl wM ~t~ some citiicn by plyin~ on his grt>t-d. Rut when some nivcllng cr<'ep pick. on thl' elderh . who live in quaet d~ perallon. Old We t jusUCl' wt>u\rl be too good for them r ... Orange Coast UNL Y PfLOT/Tueaday. February 23. 1982 & ·~ NYSE C OMPOSITE TRAN ACTION OU Of 6 TIC>ffl INCLUOI flt601 SON fNI NIW YOtt•, MIO'tlllltf l'AC.,IC "IW, I OITON DL UOll AllO Cl14COO•U1 UOCll l•CN6NOH AND ••f>OltTIO I Y fl41 NAiO ANO INSTINI T \'-' • ~~ ~el•• N+t .... ,., Nel '>•'•• N•t WI•• N•I ~IH Nel '''"'{' u~~"l :f•(h (t~o-:..~110 ~:~:~:n ,::~:t~s ~~ =!7.!t,:l••<J~(~i~ l~ ~llEi,[·lld,,~ '~!:i 11:~tt-';*~r"",'.,,~7mc: '· • u . . ... .. ... llelltlllll ' • HO ,.~. .. Me~ I n J; • I ' ,.,. • "' 1:91141 I I( I l 11 +I HewlP' t• I. l"t 411' t. IN!t!!,I! .. 12 )2 U • I ' I U40-" t r<11I ,1 1 I It,, t ... '>eln N•I . i I ti t He« ti !f-0 11 ell&. l•t -t.r J10 24 w• 14\o't • ~ "l•lljllel JI ~t \o't llrl~• ,. , I V. II l 110 ( IO\a I ltQ ~A,. .. ' I 1z--.. ~ ~:e~t ll 1: 'I': 0 ;~ "" ::,u i:'uo . m m:. I\ l;.1"1 ·1 v. 7t~ ::~~, l.~ ·~ '':f HZ:* " c ~ -II( .. • 11~ + 1'4 l'lllf'll.b<I 1 . .0 1 t 4' • i.. M4!yO' 1 10 • •10 23y,, ,. V~ •1 ._ • ~ iwwr, 1" t 4S tt -'Ill CBI lf\O I .0.. I It .Wllto ' ~ '!,.i·n •.·. 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II~·"' Borden 2.os • Sit a~ 81p(ll2: :: $ ~ : " ~:<lto.w 1·:t: ~ l~t.t. • 1 "' ~it 1·1~i'' :1t t: ::!vv11 ito 's i1e11ltt:"' t~~YPI fl' 1 " ~ '"' :=.fl· 'j i'Ji•"' ::~~t\I CI 6 m 2t \'>' \.f ~~n.i,.1 ., 1 :,1• ~:. ;• H•llFB 17011 &10 2tllo•I :gti=.._1: '1 $1 •I ~ ... : .. 111'-V. SoUkt .~·S al:,,_·;~ w.-1 :~lU~t .... ~ BosECI tlO s * Jl'At•"' ~... ' -:... .. Ha111111 ''° 71Sll ~ ... 1 .... f!Nc-;;::r... ,0,~:l% ~:..S.21 'fi .. ~....:.i14 t\:"1141 'lll 1 •II ,,.. w.,,:,. ,. 1' " ..,o•• .. ,. ~ .. • ~:::;,',\r, • l: ~~ • 1 ''1· 1N ss..-~ ffi?:·11:t .. "t'! ,s,~~ ~~ .. o'sti!~ '~::.: ::• i:.O! ~ l "'4i 80tE Pf 111 1 IYt .••i "'., f.; H • 1 ';? l: -~ !!: H•llJI ,...., • Cl 1, , v. • . .. •II lt\'lt.. · • n Sovmk pf u t"' \Ill w. I \oi :°'"f.''·.. ,, ,.,..... ~ llSt..,. Hndlml'I I,'" Ut. ~ a ' • •1 •... ,..~ . • ~· ~ SwAlr t !DIO no,,, ... ~.. I ,~~ rnnl I • 201 ' .... ~ H•nelyH tO ' "S U'I& ,. Moe"'" I. 10 u ""~ ..... ,.. I.Pit!" oll + ~ sw••ll t ,._ ' • ,.,, '" .. ,,, •• ,,. M• \.t B 0$1 j1t11 ",, •I'll S '••nna '• » J0>.4 .,., I! UJ 1014 \1t Pa l.i:Jf .. 1 +I .. wl'l91o. iQ • IS 1~ Wtil' t 1, ... I' ''¥ 14 ll 1411 5''-._ IUI II • l\o't H•t8J , 1 • •ltl 1.... I 'l J ~ 1 51tlt• 11t ,."·~~ • • 1 • l'f • ~ wFll off 11 • 2'\'o " In I + " :~.:o?'~l4 '* ll~.: .... ~~J ~_!·~ =:~:::..· ·::·~ ~ :r : ~iF=t. : .Jl~I ~~~·~ I: 1..,.! .... :; ~i: s:;~:-: •. tt:: i~ ·::. = \· ... ~~ .k,UO ut ... '"" v. ;;r,. ,,' ~ ~ ... u:~~~k ··=·' .i ~::... II ••• ,.. ~ i ,. l:·JI f:.::~ s:~~",Jt: 1~~ :~""·.~ ~. ·~ ••uo of • ,. • ~ ,. Ii , .... li k•rK • 1 llll • • ,... v. ' • 1 ::. . • rift ,eo • .! 411 -... A • awni• sUt t '6 71~ " t ' l I H•rttM 1.lt I ' la 11'-.. ' 4 I ; • ,.~ -tPll .. !IV. \,; Ir t J ·1:-:-r : 1J ·= t:::. 1 H•rtt'I .to h107 d?A~ 1 = -~ l'I i ,._,. . perry 1.t2 • ---~ N I ..14 ,.."-rt 40 ·• • ,, • j .. 1 .. ··,:~~· =:."r' ':t : ~ ~! :: ,..., ' t ~···· • •: 1 n."2 f ~ '::s :~ , •:A ,. .! :: 1u:..., .~, ·:1: ,;tfi... ~ N•YtSA u ii"' \1t M« • • ·.~~ ""'*'~· .w.:... .. ,,.,;,i; r . \1t 1 .. 1...... ... ) .... :::cr:"ll tP! " .. ~ 1 · a , ~~.. ~·'· f ~~ \1t ··-··· ·i: t : ·= ... ~ .. f"lj-" :::::: •• ~ ' tt ,r,: ... ,:J •• ... -. •• ~ :: "'• ',, ' • \l l~O::.. • t ;., ~"' · .. I ·~ .:·~ urtt..., 1S> $ UJ 1t • Htlll"tt n > )2 ""°'•!.'II ..,_ I I~ 14t+l\1t .._lllfl l ~i Vt I Molt ·?i "t " W9 'i •1 ~~ rll'ltll 1 U• • 1m ..... Ht"' l I 4A I 1• ,. Iii *1'911 •0 ~ • :f:o 1-t 9' •!ICt t.iQ 4 .. ., + " -~ 1. ~· M •·!'.!=OJ't~! t 1J~ ·,~t-·!·~11'. ;::~;:Ill 1,»2~ t~ lJ~ i\ ryll'.:', 1 + = 1n :Ii 1-:: ~ ~ l '40 rn:t H\-: mt :~ J! 3" lw-t e• 1 J o; • & ... ,m~ 1t a dt CN 1 0. + ait I j • 1 ~ i-.tc, 1Q It 1 -" + " ,-1 ti • l11n9ll I 1011111 Mlt t Ht~• • ,-.. ' I I S' " !I """• ,_ i...-x .flll 1 7 ''" ' •· """ awttrl11 ' •• 111. I • '-He"1tnc -., 2 • • Me..n I • ·, 1.' •• 1 t 1t! ~ • '•1U•U\ll+""" "J • ~ .,,.,,.. 9 ti ll't .. I + , ..... Htr<Uh 1~ t Stf ""'°"• MesM I. i. ••I + .. l .. rt'Mt I 1 10 ,,._ ~ t " .,. CL0$1NQ 812.98 naines executive VP CDllTY (j:~---- Sheldon Best has been named exec·utiw vice president and chief ope rating officer for Newport Beach-basec.J A1rCal Bel>l, 41 . 1s responsible for the a irline's d ail y operations. including the rinance. maintenance and engineering. flight opcrationi.. marketing and sales and customer service d iv1s1ons Best Cilh; a (>OSition vacated by Robert D Gallaw<iy, who left A1rCal in June and s ubsequently was named p1·esldent at Texa:. International Airline~ Best. who will live 1n Orange County. served 15 years with United Airlines. most recenll) a:. vice pr es ident, Pacific o&rthwest. Additional posts at United include vice presidenl/inflighl s1·rv1 c•e d ivision, assistant lo the prcs1de11L and chairman, corp0ratc director of government arfairs, and V<lrJOUS government affairs . sales and customer service position:. E II Clark Jr . chairman and c hi e f exec uti ve o f Rake r lnle rnatlonal Corp., and Robert L . .'i//,.'/,/JO\ m:sl C hambers. c h airman and president of En virotech Corp .• <1nnounreci Ll11'1r repsective companies have been adv1~1:d by lhl· Federal Trade Commission that an early termination of the llart-Scott Rodino waiting period was grantcci effective Friday. The C'ompanies contemplate the me rger will close as scheduled on March 2 Al AJltt Corp. 's annual meeting of :.hare holders Dr Eugene C lluebschmann. Courtney V ~oe and Vincent P Lomonaco were elected to th<· boart1 or directors. General Motors autowurkers have turned to th(' oulb Gate city council 1n hopes of "'resting a decision from CM over ho" long their plant will lw t'losed. Last week. GM announced 1t was going to r lose its South Gale plant "indefinitely" "because' of high OP<'rallng cost:. and sluggis h salci.. 1c.Jling 2 .~XI workers 11111111 92 MCA Inc. for 1981earned S8978 m1lhon, or SJ i7 a shcire. down from $119.94 or SS.04 the previous ~t·ar T he higher 1980 earnings included cxtraordmar~ in com l' of S12.27 million . or 52 ('(•nt!. <t ::.h<irc· Revenues for the past year were JU'>t under SI 329 billion, compared with ~h~htly more• than SI 297 billion in 1980 WTC Inc. of Newport Be<tth for the threC' monlhs end ed Dec. 31 reported net loss of $455.000. or 19 renh a year. vs a profit of SS5.000. or 3 C'ent:. one ~e.<u .. earlier. Revenues were S32 2 million, up from Sl9 t milhon in the prior year fo'or the entire ~l'ar lh(· company had a net loss of St s m il lion. nr 6fi t't'nls a share. compared with a net losl\ of $1 8 m1l llon or 1'.17 cents STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT AMERICAN LEADERS UPS AND DOWNS Ul"S I.Ast 01Q 10 • ,~ ~OLD COINS • • \I) """ ' 1111 1014 • "' J\o't • 14 'i + I 1 4\io:;.. rte: l~ • + "' B : ;~ JO • 1• .~: 1'" rn; .. " •I . '" ., .. .... .... . ,,.. \JpPclj9. Up 14 3 VD t 1 uo ') UP 1.1 Up 1.1 Up 7.$ ~= n Up 7 1 Up 6.9 Hf 6.S u; •.• ~· t; Up N ~ S.7 Pdiu 14. 11 1 11 s 11 ~· ... J~ J.4 1.4 1.1 l<!l!W YOllK IA") Prins .... ~ et VOICI cel11t, c~ wtlll llrlelot•'• 9flet .,.......,_, 1 tl'llre tat ?•.etf ''·• 1111.-..... 111oyo.i.,utl 7$,ofHUO llltllkM JO -I 1 Irey ot , "6tO JO, tft H.U ....,.... 1GI e-. ,_,trey••··...., u. ftt11'H. METALS NEW YOllll. 1AP ,.,.,., ortc~ 100.v . ... Cepper ,,.., to «•nl\ • oound u '> O•'tl"•t•Oin\ LAN 19 '''"'" "°""" l ine O crnh • f)OUnd, o.•••t••O Tiii ll ?'191> Mel•I• w ... k 'OmPft'\11• II) 61uml_.. 1•11 <~" • povnO N Y Mercvry \l/$ 00 ""' fl•o "l•lfftum \36b 00 lroy 01 N V SILVER GOLD QUOTATIONS IT Th• •1-i.1.., Prtu ~tle<l..0 WO<ld 91>ld P"< •• IOt!•y L-..O: morn•no lt••no u.o Ml. 011 u 1$ L-: •rtt,._ 11••1\Q l3'1 00 oll UH ,.arlt: '361 39. Oii Ml 11 ,,.1111'-'t: Ul>I "· Oii \l 00 lllrlcll: L••• ll•lno "35' oo. 011 M oo bid U.7oonuo Me11e, a Narm•11 t°"1v ~"' QllOfe U61 00, Oii i) U I,.._...,: IOflly d•tly -1•1 t.)61 00 oft "lS t....illolnl: COlllV O.lly O\IOlel 18brtUl..0 '31'.0S ott '3 41 SYMBOLS· I