HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-02-25 - Orange Coast Pilot• • • • • • DUIGI CUil YOUR HDMITDWI DAILY PIPIR THURSDAY . FEBRUARY 25 1982 ORANGE COUNTY CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS Actor Asner achnits El Salvador 'goof' LOS ANGELES (AP) -carries his "Lou Grant" series; Screen Actors Guild President his production company. MTM Ed Asner admitted today he Enterprises, or the SAG board, made "a slight goof, an honest which met Wednesday night and mistake" in the way he YOted 29.3 to s upport Asner's announced a controvers ial right to speak out on political or donation to Salvadoran rebels public issues. and will clarify in future when ·'I will make ve ry careful h e is acting as a private sc rutiny or h dw public individual. s tatements will affect the Asner, appearing subdued at a guild," Asner said . news conference, said he was A death threat against Asner under no pressure from the CBS has been received and a national tel evision network, which boycott of" Lou Grant" has been ~~~~~~~~~-'-~~~~~~~~~- threatened because or last week's announcement in Was h ington that Asner and other private individuals were donating medical aid to guerrillas in El Salvador. Asner sajd he failed to ma"e clear it was strictly a private donation, not a SAG action. "I made a s light goof, an honest mistake," he said. .. I now have a button identifying me as a private citizen that I will wear on such occasions." I ' ..., ......... .., ...... ....._ DEATH SCENE -Newpprt Beach firemen check remains of pickup truck that slammed into a P.Ower pole Wednesday aft~rnoon. killing a man and woman. Police said the couple have not been identified. The truck burst into names following the collision. 2 die in Newport truck crash Pickup sl am s in to power pole , explodes in fl a m es An unidentified couple were killed Wednesday afternoon when a pickup truck they were riding in slammed into a Newport Beach power pole and exploded in flames . Orange County coroner's investigators were aw ailing dental records today a s a possible means to identify the man and woman, thought to be ·in their late 30s. Witnesses told police they spotted the truck speeding north on Jamboree Road, south of Bristol Street. and watched as it spun out of control, careened off a center divider and then was literally wrapped around a power pole. Police said they were told the truck burst into names following the 5 p.m. collision. They said the impact apparently severed the vehicle's fuel line. Witnesses estimated the truck was traveling at S> mph. Investigators said the bodies in the cab were burned beyond recogrution. Police said the truck hit the power pole so hard that several drivers who had initially stopped, cleared out of the area rearing that the power lines might topple lo the ground • Mayor fights ·FAA noise move Newport's Heather to travel to Washing ton F riday The Federal A via tion Administration is drafting legislation Administrator J . Lynn Helms said would permit the agency to override locally imposed noise r e du c tion standards at airports throughout the nation. The fAA proposal, outlined by Helm s at a speech in Dallas F e b . 18, drew immediate opposition Wednesday from Newport Beach Mayor Jackie Heather, vice president of the. National Organization lo Insure a Sound·controlled Environment which goes by the acrony m1 NOISE. Mayor He athe r , who is travelinli! to Was hington D.C. He draws benefits Fires self, gets unemployment SACRAMENTO (AP) -A Visalia businessman won his claim for unemployment benefits after the state ruled he was ineligible because he fired himself. The state Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board decided that Gib Giberson, who owns 45 percent of Seamless ·Snap-On Draperies. was entitled to benefits. Giberson said he got permission from other stockholders to fire himself as g*al manager because he was the least efficient part of the operation. He said the business lost money last year. and corporate officers drew no salary. The state contended that Giberson had control over his . employment and conducted an unrealistic job search by goinc to competitors. Giberson will be allowed to keep $1.340 that he collected before the state Employment Development Department contested his eligibility. ,. Friday -for a NOISE board meeting, said she is hoping to arrange a meeting with Rep. Robe rt Bad ham . R·Newport Beach, and He lms to discuss local opposition to the proposed legislation. In his address at a law sym posium at Southern Methodis t Univers ity. Helms said the FAA would resist any attempts by local airport operations to interfere with air traffic b y imposition or noise-control standards. Helms lndkated in the speech that the FAA would be particularly hard on operators who impose curfews forbidding aircraft operations during certain hours of the day and other unspecified restrictions. 1 Such a curfew is imposed by Orange County government at John Wayne Airport. Jets are forbidden from taking off between the hours of 10 p.m. and 7 a .m . Monday through Saturday and until 8 a.m. on Sundays. The county also is requiring new entrants to the airport to fiy new and quieter je~ and agree to not MTVe destinations more than 500 mllea from Orange County in a 1ln1le m1hl. Helms did not mention John Wa~ne Airport by name In t.M. Da)J u addreaa. (8ee NOISE, P a .. A.I) He was not wearing it at the n ews conference today , however. "I will make an attempt to minimize such controversial appearances," Asner said, but did not apologize for the donation itself. A recall campaign against Asner has also been launched by dissident SAG members, some of whom picketed outside the board m eeting Wednesday night. Asner urged them lo proc~ with their signature.gathering and get it over with as quickly as possible. •· 1 believe the board and I have the support and confidence of a vast proportion of the me mbership," he said. As n er acknowl edged the possibility of the proposed boycott "harming the Lou Grant s how "It Cthe b oycott) i s a democratic expression. I hope it fails . . and will not harm, dampen, throttle the work of a lot or fine people," he said ·· 1 think I work with a strong network with a lot or integrity ... Picket signs outside the SAG board meeting Wednesday night proclaimed, ··Reagan In. Asner Out," and "Keep SAG out of Pohlics." They were carried by s ome of the 100 demonstrators who marched outside SAG headquarters during· the m eeting. Private he8ch upheld . Coast p Q.neL access guideunes ruled unconstitutional LOS ANGELES <AP) -The state Coastal Commission has been ordered to s top using guidelines that require public access to beachlront property in return for receiving a permit to develop on the property. In a decision c r iticized by commission's officials, the 2nd D latrlcl Court of App~al W e dnesday declared t h e 1uldelines unconstitutional - the first time that an appellate court bas so ruled on the com mission's stringent beach aeceu policies. f The three-judge panel, silting ln Los Angeles. said the commission has bee n overly aggressive and has ignored the rights of property owners. including those whose proposed developments have no apparent impact on the public's access to the shoreline. · Michael Fischer, executive director of the commission, said he will ·ask the commissioners to appeal the ruling. Roy Gorman, lhe commission's chief counsel. said the Supreme Court likely wrn stay the injunction if an appeal is filed. If the ruling is allowed to stand. ''it really cripples the commiss1on'i> a<'cess program," Gorman said But a s pokesman for the P acific Legal Foundation, a Sac ram e n to -ba s ed public-interest law foundation that filed the lawsuit, heralded the ruling. "We've struck another blow for private property rights." said spokesman Bob Best. The court did not say that the Coastal Act provision that gives the commission the power to req uire b each access is unconstitutional. · Instead. it took issue with the (See ACCESS, Page AZ) ~ Two killed inCHP helicopte r Wisely murder case witnes$ recalled BARSTOW (AP ) Two Californi a Highway Patrol o rri cer s di e d whe n their helicopter crashed northwest of this desert town during a search for a reported downed Army helicopter that sWl hadn't been found after 12 hours. "We're still receiving locator s ignals," CHP officer Charlie Page said today, the rnoming after two patrol veterans crashed in bad weather while looking for the military craft. However , military oHicials s aid they had no official reports of a missing aircraft Wednesday night. Som e searchers speculated the call might have been a hoax. The CHP helicopter crashed in patchy fog and wind·whipped dust at 7:41 p.m. Wednesday. It went down in rugged terrain near Harper Dry Lake 30 miles northwest or its base at Barstow, about 125 miles northeast or Los Angeles, said CHP spokesman Don Elston. The dead men were identified as CHP pilot George Bob Carey. a 16·year veteran who recently transf e rred fr om th e <See OOPTER, Page AZ) By DAVID KUTZMANN D•lly l'I ... Sl.lltf Writer .. How va doin"> Jim· .. "I'm doin' fine" With thal s mall exchange. murder defend ant Willie Ray Wi sely, acting as hi s own lawyer. brought key prosecution witn ess Jam es M a r s h a ll Dunagan back to the witness stand Wednesday And as he had on Jan 14 . Dun agan described for an Orange County Superior Court jury how he witnessed Wisely sneak up on his s tepfather's tractor.trail er rig last March and pin the 61 .year ·old man b e neath the 2.000 .pound . tilt·away cab. thus suffocating him. D espit e half d ay -long ques tioning by Wisely. Dunagan told substantially the s ame story he told last month when called by prosecutor Edgar Freeman. If convicted of first ·degree murder and the s pecial circ umstance al~egations Cof lying in wail), Wisely, 29, could be sent to the California gas chamber at San Quentin. He has denied having any involvement in the death of Robert Bray, a Huntington Beach truck driver But Dunagan , who pleaded Hinckley trial set to begin March 9 WASHINGTON CAP) A f ederal judge h as ordered accused presidential assailant John W. Hinckley Jr. to stand trial March 9. U.S. District Judge Barrinaton D. Parker, noting "it's nearly one year short of the anniversary" of the shooting ol President Reagan and three othen March 30, pointedly told prosecutors today "I think lt'a tlme to proceed and proceed Immediately." Government attorneys , however, s ald they are conslderinl fUinl leaal papen that couJd delay the trial. Hinckley la charted In a U ·coun t I n dictmen t wllh attemptint to ktll the presklent, 1111ult. on a rederal officer. u1e . of a f i r earm during th e commission or a federal offense. assault with intent to kill while armed, assault with a dangerous weapon, assault on a police officer and carrying a pistol without a license. The Judge also said, "The defendant. Mr. Hinckley, bas been examined and·re-examined by every expert in the field ~ psychiatry and psychology available." Despite Parker's comments, U.S. Attorney Stanley 5. Harris said the government Is still considering whether to ask the full 11-member U.S. Court or Appeals to hear arpments on whether prosecutors can use oral and written evlclence obtain~ from Hinckley guilty to charges of voluntary manslaughter in return for his testimony last month. repeated his assertions Wednesday that he drovl! Wisely to the death S<'ene on March 9 Dunagan testified that, from his vantage point inside a panel truck parked in a lot near Bray's rig, he saw Wisely walk toward th e tru c k parked o n Springdale Street and then crouch down as he approached lhe cab. Dunagan, originaJly charged with mu rder in Bray's death, said he saw motion out of the corner of his eye and noticed that the Wt-away cab. which had been up, was now down. Bray had been working under lhe cab. The witness s aid the alleged killing took place at about 2:30 in the afternoon. Bray's truck and flatbed trailer we re parked on Springdale Street near the intersection of Edinger A venue. A shoppin~ cente r is on the <'Orner Wisely said he was recalling Dunagan. 26 .. to the witness s tand al the request or a juror. who gave him a note asking to ha ve the even ts of March 9 retold. . ORANGE COAST WIATHIR Partly cloudy during the aUernoons today and Friday. Highs both days 60 to 68. Low s tonight SO to 56. INSIDE TODAY With ~n-, 11ou wad to b- cured ar du!. An Auocioted PreBS reporter deacrlbes her tr•otmmt for the di.a~e on Page EU . INDIX .. • Orange Cout OAtLV PfLOT/Thuraday. February 25, 1982 W ASll l NG TON <AP > -orl,lnal de9lpa been kept, the Fed ral lnvt U&aton 1ald today eo lapu mi•bl not h•ve ·~ that fault}' ~ lan of walkway occur}'ed, eveo tbou&h t.ht load auppotl h afnur1 w att a kn eapabllltle1 atlll would have ~ ractor In the Hyatt Re1ency been below oity standard•, • Hotel traae<b' that klUed 113 ln invesU.at.ort aald. • Kansu City, Mo., In July. -With the chanae, the rtt>Ort .. The r<i><>rt said workmanahtp Id th lie ltb tood "nd qualillv ol material were not 81 • e wa ways w I • "" leas than one-thlrd of the wellht ractors In the collapse of the they should have to comply with tit walkwPrs aoros th& hotel lobby the code. : .. during a tea dance. , The investigators cmctuded • The findings were released In that a decision to change the a 349-page report b y lhe t design or the walkway support National Bureau of Standards, City offic!lals to ln vesUeate the cotlapte. Two of the hotel's walkways, which overlooked the lobby, collapsed whllt hundreds or peQ.Ple 'wer e l.llend!Jla a tea dance. The accident injured more than~. ' hangers was c ritical. Had the which had been asked by Kansas ~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- The Investigators said tbe walkway syste m violated at h1ast three specific Kan sas City buildjng code requirements. The report said the box beam-hanger rod connections, the fourth floor·to-ceiling hanger rods and the third Ooor walkway hanger , t -.. ----,PLAYMATE First Lady Nancy Reagan t a lk s with ('hildren in the play room Washmg ton·s C'h ildren·s Hospital during a morning visit to the hospital's neu rosu rge[~ wtttd .~ - Canyon road lawsuit heats up Cq~trans, J.,agu:ga.accused of maintaining 'un$afe road' !•By JOHN NEEDHAM •, Ol IM 0Mly P'IMI St.lfl A parade of witnesses have ~,testified on road conditions at 't he li me or a Laguna Canyon ': Road crash three years ago. 1 -The testimonies were made ~ Wednesday in Or ange County "S u perior Court on a lawsuit ~cha rging Laguna Beach and the S t ate or Ca lifo rnia we r e "'patl\f\lly respons ible for the cra;;h. ·· Attorneys for two Laguna " Beach residents injured in the accident allege CalTrans and the city knowingly maintained an unsafe roadway at the site of the collis1on ~ feet north of Big Bend '• ('ailed lo the• ~land were ··rormcr Laguna Beach Police ''Chief .Jun Sparks. Larr y ·Campbell. past publisher of the Tid es anrl Times weekly news paper. form<'r Mayor J ack 'McDowell, t:artoonist John La ra and county 5th District Supervisor Tom Hiley. Goldsman is representing Art Colon-; residents Peter Moir, 28, and b 1anC' Gonzales. 19. On March 16, 1979 shortly after 11 p m . while driving south on Laguna Canyon Road lhcv were struck h<.'adon by another car. That vehicle. d riven hv Lisa Chaffin, 21. or Mission Viejo. c ros se d over fr o m th e northbound to southbound lane or the roadway and rammed the oncoming vehic le . All t hree s ustai ned i nj ur ies in t h e accident. Goldsman and his associate, Ira H Zinchefsky, are arguing that t h e cit y mai n taine d inad equate lighting along Big Bend at<be ~me of the acciclent, which diredly contributed to the crash. In addition, t hey charge that C alTran s s hould hav e cons tructed a m ed ian bar rier a lo n g t he e ntire roadway, especially at Big Be nd. similar to the median strip from Canyon Ac res Drive lo Forest A venue on the roadway B v not havin g a barrier. CalTrans knowin~ly allowed a potential hazard to exist, the suit a lleges. According to Goldsman, if a ba rrier had been in place and lighting had been better , the accident proba bly wo uld not have occurred. The a ttorn eys i-br Miss Gonzales and Moi r ha ve not s pecified the dolla r a m ount they will be as king for p e rsona l mjury and mental distress. "At tbis time a ll we are seeking is a ruling th al the state and city were foot-draggin~ and ., ......... TROleLE SPOTS Map locates countries mentioned by Pres ident Reagan as he unveiled a program of trade investment and direct financial assistance for troubled nations of Central America and the Caribbean. ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat ·Thomas P Haley ,._ -ci...f C•Kll1"'e Oii-• Robert N Weed ,._ Thomes A Murph1ne tdtloo L Kay Sel'lutti """"'-,,..,o..-.. 0..-••- Michael P. Harvey _.,.°".., .. Kenneth N. Goddard Jr Cwc\MllOll 1)1..CO .. Charle. H. l.oos -..-.Ult• CIHtlfted efteft!Ung 7141142.5171 All other depertrMnts 142-4321 knew the road wasn 't s a fe. especiall y in light of the large num ber of previous accidents," Golds m an said He added he would seek dam ages at a later date according to proof S tate atto r n eys L a rry Danielson and Nancy Zeltzer a re representing CalTraas in the case, while Santa Ana Attorney R o b e r t Castle b e rr y i s representing Laguna Beach. Civil en~ineers em ployed by CalTrans testified before a jury and Superior Court Judge J ames L Smith that Laguna Canyon R oad was not an un sa f e' roadway Chuck Bovcr. a senior c·1v1I e ngineer , said t h e lack of median strips and lht• prcscnc<.' of s harp curves l)f tht' road were not unus ual "cons1dc•rang the configuration or thl' :.urroundmg area .. Lag_una Beach Municipal Services Director Tcrrv Brandt was scheduled to be calicd to the stand today to testify about the lighting of the Big Bend a rea at t he time of the accident The city IS ilC'.'USed or not having enough street lights, causi n g the long, s weeping cur ve to be dark and thus a trarric hazard. From Page A1 ACCESS • • • way the commission used the p o w e r to requ i r e coas t a l developer s to a l low public access in return for receiving a permit lo develop "It seems clear to us that the Legislature in speaking o f access requirements for 'new development' meagt large new construction of mliltipurpose or multiun1l prOJt.'t'ts." the judges wrote. The ruling will not a ffect public access that a lready has been dedicated by beachfront property owners, Gorman said. But people who h ave not yet m a de use of a commission p e rmit c onta ining a beach access requirement could apely for a new permit without access provisions and their position would be strengthened if the ruling stands,'' he added. The access guidelines. which the commission argued are not strict regulations but only a guide to generaJ pollcy to be considered in deciding a permit request , set forth a series of s tanda rds a s to h ow much access is to be sought and under what circumstances. Thus far, the commlsslon hu requlred some form of access as a condition for issuing l ,llS coastal permlt.•. That process has )'le!ded nearly 28 mild ~ lateral accesi along t.be state's shorelines and an addlUonal 12 miles or accessways leadina from the nearest public road to the waur ' ~ rod• .. dtd not saU fy the destin provisions'' of the city codes. "This y.iholc walkw•y wea inadequately designed," Or. Edward 0 . Pfrang, who headed the lnvesligatlQo. toJd .reporters. He said city officials reviewed the original design for the walkways but approved them, although making some changes. He s aid the final desi•n did not need lo be approved by the city a nd was not submitted for approval. About $2 billion in lawsuits have been filed as a. resuJt o/ the tragedy, · The Bureau ~Standards 118ld that Kansas City bulldlng t odcs r equired tbe walkway to be ·c apable of holdina a to ta l weight, including the siructure It.sell, of 88,000 pounds. But the in vestigaton s aid the w aJkways collapsed while s upporting only an estimated 21,400 pounds. The agency uld, however , that it found "nd ther tht> quahty o f w o rkm a n s hip n o r th e materials used In lhe walkways syst em played a significant role' .. in anltiatmg the collapse." The report said researchera concluded lhat the centdr portion of t he fourth floor walkway wws "the most llkely connection to have failed flrat.'' Tht' researchers pinpointed a connection between the walkw~ and a support rod running from the hotel roof. The mitiaJ collapse caused the fourth noor wa lkway to fall onto a !'l f'cond floor walkway and plunge to the hotel lo bby. The tt11 rd floor wal kway was not afr~<'tt.'<l Rlinois town flooded Parts of Midwest get up to 8 inches of snow By The Associated Press It took the "old trick" of c rac king an ice jam with a barge to' relieve an Illinois t own's wors t flooding in a quarter-century, but the river w ate r was s till so high that 100 people stayed away from home a third day today. White residents or Wilmington, Ill .. were worrying a bout water, other parts of the Midwest got s no w up l o 8 in ch es d eep Wednesday and a mixture of snow, sleet and freezing rain glazed highways from lhe Great Lak es to Ne w York Cit y . Northerly winds c h\ll ed the Northeast. The National Weather Service in New Yo rk City said the arctic air dominating the eastern half of the nation was "once again reminding us of the lime of the year." At least one person was killed a nd many suffe red minor injuries Wednesday as scores of cars, buses and tractor-trailer From PageA1 NOISE. • • However , the FAA chief did condemn the California airport noise control law. He predicted that standards in the law could force several airports in the stale to close down. J o hn Wayn e Ai r port has o pe r a ted under a va r iance issued by the State Department or Transportation under tha t statute. Mrs . Heather said she wanted to remind Helms tha t that noise control law was a n o utgrowth or the administration of Ronald Reagan when he was governor of California. He lms said the F AA would stand willing to cooperate with airport proprietors in working out solution s to con flic t s bet we en noise cont rol and transportation service But he warned that the federal gov(•rnment would ftle lawsuits. 1f necessary, to m :untain service and said the agency will draft IC'g1:.lation to give the FAA the right lo approve or disapprove noise control programs devised by local jurisdictions. rigs crashed on ice·slickened streets in Chicago. Joe Condon of ~he Illinois Department of Tr a n s p o rtati o n s ai d th«c· accidents in the Windy City wen· "too many lo count." Bismarck, N.D., got 8 int·h<• ... of snow Tuesday and northwest Minnesota got a half foot of 1t Working from the mouth or lhl· Kankakee Ri ver , whe re it JOU\.'i the Des Pl aines River to fonn the Illinois River in northea..,t Illinois, the Army Corpi. of Engineers us~ two tugs to pui.h a barge onto the top of mush). 14 -i n c h ·t h i ck i ce 1n thl• Kankakee. The weight of the barge broke: the ice and opened a channel 50 feet wide, s aid corps spokesman Dick Gustafson in Rock Jsland "The use of a heavy barge to break up ice by being pushed on top of it is a p rocedure tried before," Gustafson said ... Gu es~ you would call it an old trick " S ever a l mil es up th e Kanka kee River in the town of Wilmington, population 4,400 , o n e mor e r esid e nt w as evacuated Wednesday because of flooding. But that was an improvem ent over Tuesd ay, whe n a bout 100 people were evacuated. The water had sw irled over the banks of the river Tuesday and flooded a department store, a motel , a restaurant a nd two city parks . W ii m i n gton P ol ice Chief Frank Lyons said it was the worst flooding since February 1957. At Cairo, Ill., the Ohio River, which was 31h feet a bove flood stage at 43.4 feel on Tuesday. was expected t.o rise another 21 i feet by Saturday. The Dlinois River also was on the r ise and the Mississippi River was expected to climb a bove flood stage at Chester R elatively wa rm d ays and cool, clear nights reduced the hazard of nooding m areas of Carrie r bought CANBERRA, Australi a lAP1 The Cabinet today decided to p urch ase th e Britis h light aircraft carrier Invincible for $324 m illion, Ca binet sources tol~ reporters. Duffel Reversible Jacket Made'from a tri-blend of cotton, polyester, and nylon for durabil- ity, featuring knitted waistband .,.llillr and cuffs and two side pockets. In navy o r It. blue, both reversing to a soft tan terrycloth . Idaho already ravaged by flood waters. the weather service reported Wednesday. Weathe r service forecaste r Clyde O'Dell rn Boise said all the rivers that h ad been at or near fl c1od s tage were receding Wt·dnesday night From Page A1 COPTER ••• 1-'resno-Visalia a rea and would have turned 45 today; and Ken /\rcher , 44 , who g rew up in Barstow and had been on the force l2 years. San Bern a rdino County Sheriffs deputies in all·te rrain vch icles searched through the nigh t in t he a rea whe re the A'rmy h elicopter r ep o rtedly cr ashed. 32 miles northwest of Barstow, Sgt. Rod Conder said. "I'd hate to have some people get killed on a hoax, but there is a possibility the report was fake," Conder said. Al Fort Irwin, an Army training base about 20 miles north of Bars tow, Maj. Michael Williams said no aircraft were missing. A medlcaJ evacuation h elicopter was a ssisting the sea rch Sheriffs deputies r esumed an a erial search at d aybreak . Conder said Officials at the Air Force Rescue Coordination Center in Bellevtlle, Ill.. s aid that national rescue center norm ally wouJd be notified or any missing military aircraft "We h<1vcn't determined that any aircraft are overdue, much less crashed," C apt. Chris Beard said, addin g there was an .. outside chance" the center near Scott Air Force Base had not been notifi ed Conder said ··about fou r reports" or a downed Army helicopter came from motorists with citizens· band radios and res idents. Authorities had not found anyone who witnessed the crash Th e 1n1tial rep o rt w as t<.'lcphoned directly to the CHP's Air Division in Daggett. CHP dispatcher Bill Woods said. but a utho r ities co ul d n ot 1mme d 1atel y tra ce th e tndividuaJ caller. 1028 Irvine. Newport Beach, Cahfomiol. rhone 642-70ol APW ......... A GENER.AL NOW Ed Mc Mahon. of The Tonight Show. is proud of being made a brigadier general in the California Air Nation al Guard. The commission was presented in Los Angeles this week by Maj . Gen . F'runk J Schober. left. McMahon is a retired Marim• Corps colonel and was a World War 11 fighter pilot D.C. nwy end su,eets tax The cost of President Reagan's jell) beans will be going down if Was hington Mayor Marion Barry signs a bill approved by the District of Columbia City Council The council voted to repeal the city's 8 pe rcent sales tax on candy and soft drinks The repeal h1:1d been sought b~ m erchants tn the cit~ who h ave had prob l l'm'> Saudi Sheik Mohammed Al Fassi has left his heavily g uarded s uitt• at the Diplom a t H o t e l 1n Hollywood. Fla. and may ~ in the process of moving to two mansions on Star Is land near Miami Beach. Thl' Mi ami Herald rcport~d The Herald said the sheik left the Diplomat just hours after a California Judge guve his estranged wife custody or their children and $75,000 for administering the tax. which went into effecl in the rail or 1980. Council members s:.11d the lax resulted 10 confusing r ules governing what foods containing su~ar eou lcl he taxed such as fudg<.· and hard candv and what otht•r::.. sul'h a:. cookie~ anc1 packagcd cercab. that n1uh1 not three \\eeks of support It wasn't 1mmediakly kno\\ n 1r the move and t he l'Ourt at twn were connel'lt•d /\ royal family spokc::.man and ofhciab at thl· ho.tel would not discus::. the :,h(.•1 k'::. departure. but desk clerks. bellhops, car runners and orr-duty pohcc officers who watch his suite said the royal entourage swept out of the hotel at 3 a.m Rtp. Wt)'H Orl1lu•1 ft·C•Uf ., 11)'1 colluf"'' 1ptnd too much t mt lntroducll\1 bll11. HJ ~htt a Library of Con1rl11 1tudy 1howln1 that ot th• 1.719 blUJ propoatd laat y11r, only 83 became law. 1 'Tbt Con1r111 doll not h1v1 tht luxury to ooncentr1t1 on 1ncUe11 •mountl or le1l1l1tton," ht 11)'1. Hit ~lutlon ? He would llm 1l lo 10 per year the number of billa each member could ru e. or course, It took a bill to get his proposa l before Congress. u11ing up one of this year's allotment The Los Angeles district attorney's office c losed its investigation of expense account vouchers submitted to 20th Century-Fox Corp. by ils television chief, Harris J. Katleman ao issue that prompted long· ti me Fox chairman Dennis Stanrlll to res ign and sue th<.' company. l n vesl1 ga t ors f o und unspecified d1screpanc1es in K at l e man 's busi n ess ent ertainm ent expense reports, but a spokesman for District Attorney John Van de Kamp said that they we ren't "material " for prOSCl'Ution. Reports circulated in the Egyptian press that Farah Diba, w1do" of the former Shah or Iran, planned to wed again. this timl' to one of the late monarch's top air force men. Rut sourcei-close to her Wl"re quqtcd as denying the reports The authoritative Cairo magazine Octob<•r reported that the former empress. now li ving in Egypt, intended to marry Hamed Sarwan, an Iranian air fo rce pilot who left with the shah aft er the rundarncnlull::.t Mos le m n·volut1on in I ran Oa vid Auchlncloss, former puhl1s hcr o f Ne ws week magazine. has been named president and publisher of the Atlanllc Monthly Co. Auchincloss. 38. succeeds Bruce W. Gray, who resigned last week He 1s Atlantic's th ird publls h er s ince Mortimer 8. Zuckerman took over the literary monthly two years ago Fair and m ild Coastal Ll9ht v•riat>lt """O\ niight and morn tn9 hour \ thtooqh tonl9hl u cept west to '°"'""""t B to 14 ~"°'' II\ etlernoon Wttt .. ly •-II I 10 ) fffl Pe'11el CleArl"9 bv •11trn_, ·U. . suni '" ary SftOW •nd COid ltmptr•ture\ r•huned lo lh• Northe•st •nd north centr•I \t•t•\ w eone<SCI••· toUowlriq te>tlno-uace ... auwr ••rUer In thew"" ..,_ 1941 lrom the ..-r M~" over mm ol the Greet YkH r99ion end IP•••d Into the norlllUI\ APNtachl.,s, 1 .. vtno 1 ln<M5 on,,,. oround et Bl~rclt, N o . and ' In nortllwnlerl\ Mlrnn ota SIMI -lreerlnQ drlul• lell over peru o t 0 1110 a nd wt•tern Penn•v1vanl•, wllh 1c y roed• blam•<l tor numerou• 1••111< ace ld•nt1 In Cl'tlce90 Some 111unoe<11>owe,. Clevel-d over toutr.. .. tffn Ml...,..rl. '°"'"'"" llllnol1 and "''"'n Kentucky T...,.per .. ures were wa<m from 1r.. IOUlll•rn N II ol l1le Attanuc Co.ut Into 1oulll.,n r ..... bul otu1>99d bet-10 ~from u,. northern Ro<lttH to U-Mi<lll~n en<l llW no'1hern 4-!aclll- Tempe .. IVl'lt\ eroun<1 the n•tlon •I mlelda, -Y ,..,Otd from I at Gtnoow, Mont • •nd Oic1t1n10". H.O .. to Mat F•.,ell••lll•. N c For tod1y. \nowrr t,howe'' •nd llurrle• -n lonc:.ut for perts of the ftOrtlltrn -... tern Grut ult.s. 1 llt l\Ortller n end cenl r•I Appeleclllent end New Enot1nd Sc1tter1Jd rein,_, wert to...ce•I acrou ti... >0utllern R0<1llH . Ill• southern Plain\ •nd per 11 ol tne toul,..rl\ .Atlanhc Coest. wltll rein over Ille _,,..,n Pa<lli< CoHI Co fder t•mP•r•tur•' w•r• predlct..i trom tt... tOUthern Pl1•M to ti. tout_,., -mlcl-Allanllt Cout ••<•Pl IOUlllern Florid• Cold temperJllures -• P'.0•<1.0 In the nort.Nrn dalft ... 1 ol ,,... R0<1tles, with mllO ternpereturu trom thf! ltoclllet IO,,. PKlllc c o .. 1 1Calif ornia Low ,._ • ._ COHI tonlollt ... d H•ly l'rld4oy, oti.erwlH S...ti...rn Clllfernla wlll be felr todey end "'"'i:X wltll '""'"" .... ,,.,.,day .. H s Ill Orenot COUft1f loda'f '2 10 ... low• St .. "' Ill ..... velleyt Clll eJjlkl 111011\ In IM .... I-.,_., SS MWl'ltelM W111 .._.,,. .....,. hlgll , ..... ..,. WM! '9 ,_.,, fw both flfl, Wtllerly wlndt IS·1S mpll ll'rlMy, HltN 111INIOJ.1-• lS to 0 N•rlllern dtnru ce n 11p1ct _. ... ,., ....... IMS mffl ller141ble hltfl <._ -.... Hloht U le 75 hlr ......... .,., ..• _ ..... . ttl ft0'1hf!rl\ -~ to~ u°""d SO · Sovtherl\ c»wrl 1119hl I~ to 11 low• •llO<ltSO NotUwrn .al'IO C•ntr•I C.a1ttorr-1• <•n *•Pt<t tillf Wtllh~' IOO•'f ••c•ot tor cn•n<t of r•1" 1n ftO<"lllwe\I tor'IOQl>I Cloud• W>ro6<1•"9 \Outhw •rd tow•rd San Fr•n<•\<O Fr'G•V Extettded forecast Satu•d•v ,,,.._,, Motld•v H191't ctoudltWU •t ,,,,.., otrwrwi\oe '•'' 111<0..911 t~ pertOd Some IOw ,_, 1\19111 end mot'nlftQ hOur\ on coe•l•I ar .. S HIQM In CGMt.I •••e$ 116 IO I• LO•I •• 10 s. HtQftt .. mount••n ,._, l•WI\ So lo U L-• lH o •• Temperatures NATION Ml u AtbuQu• SI l6 A\llevlllt ,, 41 Allente 11 SI Atlante Ctr '3 )ol Bal II more •3 .. 8 1rmll\Qhm 1• •• Bl•m•rO 16 °'" 804wt '1 2• Boston " 11 Bufteto ,. u c11arl1tn S< eo 57 CllerlstnWY 11 " ClleytnM eo .. c111000 J2 " Clnclnnetl 0 l2 Clev.lend u lS Columb~ JS l3 Oel l'I Wlh 61 SI Denver u 11 0.•-1,,.. )7 JS O.troll ,. '° El Pa>0 IS 0 Fal•O.nk\ 10 JS 'lertford )t JO Hetf'n• ll ll Honolulu ,. u Houston ,. ll tndl\aoll• lfl p Je011>Vllt ., «3 --- K•ni (lty .. l .. V•O•\ &f L•lll• Roo ., Lovl>vlll• ., ~moh1\ .. Miami " Mllweuktt 2• Mots St P ,, Nl\hYlll• n ,.,. • .,, Ort1an\ 11 N•W Yorll .II Oki• Cllv 5' o .... 11a ]I PlllladOf'<• )t Phoenh ., Pllhbu•9" l6 Pll•no -JI Ptlend Orr IO Repld Clly u Reno H Richmond S6 f>ell L•ke .. Snltle .. 51 loul• .11 SI p. T lfTIIM H SPOltene 311 Tue ton 116 W•AlllnQln .. WIClllll 0 CAl.ll'OllNIA "' A1>9t• Vallrv IJ B•lltrif1flld '° BafllO• ,, Beeumonl SJ Bl9 8ur SS 111,._ " Blythe II SU Rf RIPOdT )~ .. SI " S7 &J ,. " " S7 11 36 ,. )1 St JO II l4 °'" n ., 1S )ol ll .. t3 Sl ., lJ Le " 4J SJ " ze ,, u '"" .. ..,.. ................ -..Clo ... --... MH ow lum• , , 11 I 2 w Sel'll•~ I , 11 I ' w Nlwpon , 14 ' w s.11oi..-c-.1., 1 " J w 0..llOc* lor l'rldey l.ltllt <llln99 We're Listening ••• ' .. C•t•fln• ... Eu•fk• ~I ~re\no '° L•n<•t,ttr ... Lono Bea<l't u Lo~A~ln .. Mery\¥11141 63 ~ntovl• .. Mont41bello ... MOnt•,.•Y SI Ml Wiiton .se NHdln ,, Nt wP0'1 &.a<ll u Oeltl-n Ontario .. P•lm Sc><l"V' It Pe .. -• 6S Peto RObln ... Rtver~ SI R..S 8 1uH ... Redw-Clly ... S.cremento SI S.lln .. 43 Slin Bernar<llno SS Sen Gebrlel 61 S.n OleQO 62 S.n Fr..,c~o '° Sen JMe u S.nte Bertoere 60 Senta Crut ~ S•nt. Merla ... Sent• MDNu •l Stockton 6J Ta~Vellev SI lllermel II Torr•nce ., Yum• " CANADA c1101ry 01 Edmonton "°' '-'ofltrtal " Ott••• " Ragin• 12 Toronto It Vancouvret ct Wln,,lpet " Tides TOOAY Flnt l-i:o • m. "'"'"'"" t •4t1 m S.COftcl-•·'7p,m Sec-ond lllOll 10:.0p m. Whal do you llkf' about the Dally Pilot? What don't you like' Call the number below and your meuage+ will be recorded, transcnbed s od dcllverea to the appropri'a!e edltor. Tht same 24·hour an1wertn1 service may be uaed to record let· Ith to the edtlor on any topic Mailbox contributora must Include lftelr name and telephone number for verification No circulation rails, please. Tell us what's on your mind . 642-.6086 -·- SI JS ., 41 S7 '° :n Sl s. )9 .. SS SI ., SI SI S7 11 .. )ol ., l2 l2 Sl ., 60 4' 37 4' 31 l3 SJ JO 11 SS SJ . , ·07 ..,. 01 °' oi u JS °' 11 s.s O.l ... -- Orange Co11t DAIL. V PILOT,,.hureday, February 25, 1912 a Getting sick expens~ye Coitnty residents pay more for ~edic:al c:are By ra1:o sa1C1 ICHOIUllHL .... ....., ..... _.. Tbt coat of vlaltln1 a phyatclan1 enwrinl 1 bolpttal or purch11tn1 1 pr11crtptlon In Oran1e County lncre11td ln 1811 at a rate well above the national avera1e. f'lgures compile d by tbe Orange County Kealth Planning Council show the cost or health care during 1981 increased 18.5 percent in the statistical area lbat in cl udes m etropolitan Orange Co unty. compared to 13.5 percent nationally. The overall consumer price Index increase during the same period in Orange County was 9.1 percent und 8 .9 percent nationally. The medical care comJ>(IMftt of the price index includ• tht coat of prucrlptlon and non·prt1eriptlon dru1a medical 1uppll11 and equipment, 1ye1lu1ee and feea cbar1ed by ~hy1lclan1, dentists and medical ~are racllltles, s uch as hospit41ls. N atlonwide . the· cost of a boapllaJ room durin& 1981 aoared by 17 percent, the health planning council said In lls January-February newsletter. while doctors· fees Increased 11. 7 percent: dentists· fees, 10.2 pe r'cenl, and presc riptlon charges, 12.6 percent. The federal Bureau or Labor Statistics does not provide similar breakdowns for the Los Coast youth heed draft regis·tration By J EFF ADLER Of , ... Delly Pie.I SwH Draft age men along the Orange Coast apparently are heeding government warnings to register for the draft -or race prosecution Postal officials in Costa Mesa and Irvine. with its large college-age population, report that the number of draft.age m en seeking to registe r has increased' "dramatically" in the last week. Huntington Beach. Newport Beac h and Co rona de l Mar pos tal officiels, however. said the numbers or draft registrants has remained cons tant in their a reas. The Reagan administration's grace period for persons who faile d to register ·runs o ut Sunday and Attorney General William Fren c h Sm ith has promised "there certainly will be hundreds" of prosecutions of young men who fail to comply. Estimates place the number of 18-year·olds who have failed to fi II out the brief r egistration form at i.>0,000 nationwide. The registration r equirement was reinstated in 1980. Jn California, only 51 percent of eligible persons who turned 18 last year have complied with r eg is t ration require ments. according to the deputy director of the state's Selective Service System. Orange County registrants tota l only 44.2 percent of the es timated 13.379 draft-age persons here. the Selective Ser vice official said. Regis trants are required to rill out registration forms at any post offi ce within 30 days or their 18th birthday. The g r ace p e ri od wa s announced in January It applies to all men born between 1960 and 1963 who failed to register on their 18th birthday. Ir vine postal employees said ther e have been many more ph o n e cal l s cq n ce rning registration requirements and a "big increase" in the number or registrants. ··one clerk processed over 10 one day last week." a postal employee said. Costa Mesa's postmaster said registrations ar e up over 50 per cent at that c ity's two post offices in the last week. In fact, post offices around the country have been asked to keep plenty of extra r egistration forms on hand to handle what government officials hope will be a rush to register County pipeline gets special honor A 27·m1le water pipeline that took two years and $110 million to ins tall ha s been named pro1ecl or the year by the Orange County Chapter of the Society or Civil Engineers The Allen·McColloch Pipeline was built under the auspices of the Municipal Waler District of Orange County, a lthough il in c lud es a s ubl e a s ing arru ngemcnl with 10 retail water agencies served by the line Tht• pipeline h as an mitial di ameter of almost 10 reel and extends from the R.B. Diemer Filtration Plant in Yorba Linda t hrough Ana he im . Orange. Irvine and ends in El Toro It carries a blend or treated water from Northern California and the Color ado Ri ver l o the de veloping area. ' The pipeline earned its distinction because of lhe size and difficulty in installing it and because o r t he innovative financing structure in volving the various water agencies. said James Van Haun, municipal's public information offi cer The pipeline is named after t WO past presidents Of the water district. Glenn Allen and Clem M cColloch. The chapter's project of the year in 1981 was the Crystal Cathedral of the Garden Grove Community Church. ------------------ An11lt1·Lon1 Buch·Anabetm metropolitan 1r11 . But the btalth pl1aala1 c'ouocll Hid data It coll.n.d shows Jl'OI• revenue. collected by Orange County ho1pltalt for a period endlng last Sept. 30 Increased 22 percent over the ,ame period in 1980. f'lnal data for the last quarter ot 1981 will not be available for a bout two months, the council said. The counc i l said health orticials are blaming the cost or health ins urance systems, labor cos ts , use o f expensi ve technology and the increaslng percentage of elderly persons in the population as reasons cost.a are increasing. ELEVATED G l'O\'er l ' Stcpht'ns h a~ hl't>n na mJ.•d <lea n of the l'l' In tnt• School ol B1olngical Sc'l('IH'C::. UC Irvine appoints biology c hie f Physi o logist G r over C . Stephens has been appointed dean of the UC Irvi ne Scbool ol Bi~ogieal Sciences. Steph en s. a professor of biological sciences. currently is acting head or the Department of Developmental and Cell Biology. His appointment was made by UCI Chancellor Daniel 0 . Ald rich Jr. and was approved Feb. 19 by the UC Board of Regents. He assumed his new position Monday. Noted for hJ s work in marine physiology. Stephens has studied h ow organ i s m s. s uch a s mussels. absorb nutrients from sea water. The Newport Beach resident came to VCl in 1964. Prior to that. he had been a professor of biology at the University of Minnesota. Stephens a lso has been an instructor at Brooklyn College. The UCI scientist studied at the prestigious Northwestern Un1 vers1ty 1n E vanston. Ill., where he received a bachelor 's d eg r ee in mat h e matics. a master's degree in philosophy a nd a doctorate in biology. SFA 's Annual Sale of 1 Evan Picone Pantyhose! I • Sa tiny light control sandalfoot pantyhose, regularly 6 for 121, now 6 for 16.80. • Nude sandalfoot pantyhose, regularly 6 for 121 , now 6 for 16.80 . • Open lace rib-textured sandalfoot pantyhose, regularly 6 for 130, now 6 for 124. • On sa le now for a limited time only for sizes S,M,L. • In Hosiery Collections-where we are all the things you are! .. South Coast Plaz•. JJJJ Bristol SttW(, Cosr. M~. .. I i t S Ofange Cout DAILY PILOT,,-hurad1y, February 25, 1982 .............. SNIPE(R) HUNTING A Salvadoran soldie r directs his patrol leader. looking through tield glasses. as they hunt for a guerrilla s niper on the road between San Salvador and Su<'hitoto. While the armv contro ls lhl• h1 ghwa~·. the guerrillas <'Ontrol m o!-.l of thl· area east of the capital. Reagan prepared for challenge ' . . President def ends accuracy of statements with notes WAS HI NGTON tAP 1 Perhaps. as one or President Reagan's chief spokesmen insists, no one really cares if the pres ident or the United States can •·win quiz shows ." But that didn 't stop the president from trying to show that he could. So there he was, notes at the. ready. just waiting for someone at his last news conference to challenge his accuracy When one question at the very end just barely touched on the s ubiect. the president pulled out his notes and was off and running in defending his statements at a prior news conference. Da v id R . G e r ge n , th e p r e.s 1 d e n t · i. a s s i s t a n t fo r communications. says no one in the White !louse. least or all the p r esident . 1:. particularly worried about the s pate of news ..s tor ies ch a 11 en gin g th e president's accuracy. "I don't find a high-level of concern ," although t here has been some "irritation." he said. addine that Reagan "treats it all in good spirits." Ger~en said Ric hard Wirthlin, the president's main pollster. "has never expressed a concern about this." Besides, said Gergen, when you consider the number or facts the president deals with at a news conference. he did pretty well "I would bet he was 1111 AlllYllS -batting over 95 percent.·· he said. "The assumption on the part of the public is that they have a lead er." Ge r gen said in an interview. "They didn't elect him to win quiz shows." Just the same. an inch·lhick report" was prepared by Cabinet Secretary Cr aig Fuller in an effort to refute reports that Reagan erred six times Ln his ' J an 19 news conference. And elsewhere in the White House. there are signs that stare members are increasingly edgy about what the president says in ofr-the·c uff remarks. Reporters were kept well a way from Reagan last Sunday when he went lo church in n ear b y Alexandria . Va . Although security reasons were c i ted . one staff m e m ber expla ined privately that he d1dn 't want to have to tell James A. Baker lll. the White House chief of staff, that the president had been given a chance to ad lib on the s ubject or El Salvador, a lik e ly topic o f press questioning. Deputy White House press secretary Larry Speakes said that in the fu1ure . there may be times when photographers will be given access to the president, Nuclear protest held but reporters will not be invited. This would enable the White House staff lo get the president's pic ture in ne wspapers and magazines, and on television. without ex pos ing him to ques tion s that might be troublesome. Several blocks from the White House. al the headquarters of the De m oc ratic N ational Committee. executive director Eugene E1denberg 1s watching closely but s howmg httle gl~ over Reagan's recent problems. ·'The e rrers a president makes in a news conference or other public s tatem e n t are sources of cocktail party conversation or editorials , but they do not represent a major political weakness.'' he said. ··1 don't think the American people are keeping a score or whether he got it right on the sequence or events in Vietnam , <a topic at the Feb. 18 news conference J. which is not to say I don't want my president better briefed on matters of recent American history," Eidenberg said. But Bob Ne uman . t h e De mocrats' spokesman . said that as a result of the scope of Reagan's problems with the budget. the economy, and. yes. errors in news conferences -"a lot of people are not taking the White House as seriously as they were.·· • desert in Franciscans gather to halt 'out of control arms race' MERCURY. Nev <API Franciscans Crom Nevada and California gathered m the desert outside the Nevada Test Site and urged that it be converted to peaceful purpos es to halt an "out or control arms race .. Some 50 Fr an ciscans and others turned out at the nuclear testing area Wednesday for the beginning of what they promise to be a 47-day "Lenten Desert Experten<'e." Members read the names of people they say have died of cancer as a result of the testing, t hen crumpled the sheets of paper on which the names were wr itten into a cauldron, lit the paper a nd used the ashes to mark their foreheads in the sy mbol used to mark the beginning of Lent · "The futility of our military campaign, of a seemingly out of control arms race, grows daily more apparent ." s aid Siste r Rosemary Lynch. a n organizer of the project · ·con(ronted with this mad machine, many people ree l that the treme nd o us mechanism which has been set 1n motion is so complex and so terrifying that they a re totally powerless." As she made her statement, trucks crawled by on the nearby blacktop leading t o t h e hea vily-secured gates or the n ation 's only nuclear testing facility, a 1,300-square-mile desert area 65 miles northwest of Las Ve~as Nearly a score of Nye Co unty Sheriff's officers stood by and kept visitors away from the test site's main gate, a mile up the road from the demonstration. Early in the day, the protesters conducted prayer vigils along the road as buses carrying some of the 6,000 site workers ar rived for work. Many of the demonstr ators were dressed in monk attire. They walked along the highway, heads bowed in prater. Others gathered around an anvil where one of the demonstrators beat on a plowshare as the names were read. A representat1 ve o r the Franciscans. Mike Affleck of Oakland. CalH , said an end to nuclear testing must begin first in America even if it is to be unilateral. "We need to do what is right. whether anyone e lse does or not," Affleck said. "Our concern is not with the Russians, our concern is our own sel veS'. We won 't put o fC o ur moral res p onsibility jus t because others won't quit testing." "We are here to do Godly work among the ungodly work of the test site.·· Affleck said the group would spend about four hours daily at the test site through Easter Sunday. The Franciscans have s aid previous ly that both Pentagon Papers figure Daniel Ells berg a nd peace activists Philip and Daniel Berrigan would b e a m o ng those demonstrating during Easter week. Man held in tank 46 days SKIPPACK, Pa. CAP> -A 27 -yea r -old man who was allegedly locked in a converted fuel lank for 46 days by his hi gh s chool buddy had his clothes taken away and survived on h a m burgers t hat were dropped in to him, authorities say. .Stephen Mazur, who claimed his friend owed him $:1(),000. was lured into the under ground tank on bis friend's family farm Jan. 8 and held there until Monday, when a neighbor saw him cbalned and handcuffed to the back of • truck on the farm and called polJce,.state police said. Polke said Richard Markley, 27, had apparently wanted to five Muur some fresh air and bad I d hlm out of t h e l0,000-1aJlon tank, which bad been converted to a bomb shelter. Mark y was arreAted a~d ~ held at the Montgomery County Jail in Norristown on $20,000 ball a fter his arraignment. Tuesday on charges o f kidnappin1, recklessly endangering another person. false impriionme nt, criminal · coercion , a ssault, robbery and then. Markley somehow "tricked" Mazur into des~endlng a ladder 10 feet into t.be shelter J an. 8, said .state trooper Thomas M. Bowman. Markley then pulled up the ladder and locked the hatch, Bowman said. Police said Ma zur, of KimbeTtoo, and Markley, who lives in Worcester Township, bad ~en friends since hl1h school. Police would not say II M a1ur had been report ed misatnc. According to a formal complaint filed by state police, Mazur claimt d that Markley ..owed him P>.000. The complaint 6 did not explain what that had to do with the alleged kidnapping, a lthough police s aid the debt might have been related to MarkJey·s lnterest in rare coins. Sti~n need not board bus • DULU'nt, Mlnn. (AP> -11 you s mell bad, you can be bounced off a dty bus ln Duluth. For some time , eatln1, smokln1 and playin1 music have been banned. Now you can't smell bad or misbehave, either. The DuJut.b Tranalt Aut.boci\Y Board passed a resolution Tue s day allowi n1 ~u a a u per v l 1 or a lo remove paaaen1er1 who behave "offensively" or have "personal hy1iene problems.;· ~ starts Friday, 9:30 a.m. many limited quantities ... not all sizes may be available in each grouping ... colors and styles limited to stock on hand, so shop early for best selection! • 1n our Huntington-Beach store , women's sportswear 11 JUNIOR WRAP SHORTS . . .. tO JUNIOR TEESHIRTS ............ . M JUNK>R PULLOVER SWEA TEAS .. . 102 MISSES' TURTLENECK TOPS .. 34JUNfORVELOURTOPS ...... . 219JUNfORPANTS ......... . 71 MalSES' COWL NECK SWEATERS 81 JUNIOR STRIPED TOPS . . 41 JUNIOR CAROIGAH SWEATERS 57 SWEATSHIRTS . . . . . . . . . . 85Mal8U' POL VESTER PANTS . . . . 10MIS8E8'POLYESTERBLAZERS ..... . women's dresses 15 JUNIOR DRESSES .. . . . .. . . .. . ' 17 JUNIOR KNICKERS . . . . . . . . . . . . I $3JUN90A OR£88E.S • ..... • • • • • 1 13 ... IES'ORESID .. .. . . . . 11 HALF SIZE DAD8ES ............. . 2'7 JUNIOR ORQIES . . . . . . . . . . . 21 WEI' DR£8IES .......... .. NOW 48c . 1.98 / .. 3.98 3.98 . 4.98 6.98 6.98 6.98 6.98 9.98 11.98 25.98 NOW 9.98 9.98 14.98 14.98 14.98 19.98 19.98 lingerie, loungewear NOW 13 llRANDED BIKINIS . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 98c 2'7~UNOERWIRE BRAS . . . . . • . . 1.98 14 8RANOEO JUNIOR BRAS . . . . . . . . . . 1.98 4' 8A8Y DOU SLEEPWEAR . .. . .. .. . . . . 1.98 21 LONG GOWNS . . . . . . 2.98 15HDJACKETS ........... . 2.98 21 FAMOUS llAANO FULL SUPS . .. . . 2.98 18UWOAMSMOCKS. ... . . . 3.98 138RANDEOBA8YDOU ....... . 3.98 180USTERI ............ . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.98 12 BABY OOU.S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.98 18LONGHOSTE88GOWNS ..... . 5.98 2'7WARMPAJAMAS ........ . . . 5.98 11 LONGWARMROBES ........ . 11 .98 women's accessories NOW •9 ACAY~KNEE SOCKS . . . . . . 58c 39 SANDALS . . .. .. . .. . .. .. . . .. . 98c 1M PENCIL SHARPENERS .. .. . . .. 98c 183TUBETOPS .......................... 1.28 21BELTS ...... -........................ 1.48 43 DICKIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.48 141SANDALS .......................... 1.98 51 SHAWL . .. . . . .. . .. .. . .. . .. .. . . . . . . . 1.98 57 VINYL HANDBAGS .. . .. . .. .. .. . • . . . 3.98 MCANVASHANDBAGS ................. 3.98 39QUILTEDVESTS . .. . . . .. . . .. .. . . .. . . 3.98 36COTTONTANKTOPS ........ . . . . . . . 4.98 41QUILTEDJACKETS.. . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . 4.98 33 NYLON HANDBAGS .. . . . .. • .. • .. . . .. . .. 6.98 .infants and toddlers NOW 18 INFANT MITTENS ......................... 98c 1' TOOOLER SUSPENDERS ................ 98c 11 INFANT BONNETS ...................... 1.98 14 DIAPER SETS .. .. . . . . . . .. .. . . • .. .. ... 1.98 2A TOOOLERTOPS. . .. .. . .. . . . .. .. . . . . . . . 1.98 1880YSINFANTFLANNELS .............. 2.98 10HATIGLOVE .......................... 4.11 45TOOOLERSWEATERS .................. 4.98 11TOOOLIR TH!RMAL.8 ................... 4.98 22TOOOLIRNIGHTOOWNI ................ 4.91 17TOOOLIRPAJAMAI ....... ~ ............ 4.11 'I STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE ROCKERS .. 12.98. buys for girls NOW 1418'0 QIRLS' IOCKS ...................... 2lc $3 UTTLE OMLI' TOPS .................... 1.11 •UTTl.IGIRLS'TWIL.LPANTS ...•........ 2.11 2181QQIRLl•TOP1~ .........•........ 4.81 "um.a QIU: OYllJ6J.J..S .............. 4.11 21UTTl.IGlftLl'PANTUT9 ............... 5• I0.81QGIM.l'POLYUTERPANTS ......... 5.11 7211GGIRLS'8NTTANIACORD9 .......... 5.11 87LITTUGIRLl'VILOUM ................ 1.81 11 llG GIRLS' V!LOUM ....... -:-:-:-.......... l .M• buys for boys 25 LITTLE BOYS' TEES . . .. 19 LITTLE BOYS' KNIT SHIRTS 50 BIO BOYS' SHIRTS ....... . 30 LITTLE BOYS' SWEATERS . 33 BfO BOYS' CORDS . . . . . . 11 BOYS' SLACKS . . . . . . . .. 7FOOTBALLJACKETS. 10 LITTLE BOYS' JACKETS . buys for men 81 HANDKERCHIEFS . . . NOW .98c 3.98 3.98 4.98 5.98 10.98 S.98 5.98 NOW 48c . 98c 93JOOGINO SHORTS . . . . 38 DICE GAMES . .. .. . .. .. .. . ... 1.98 101 BASEBAUCAPS ......... . ..•.... 1.98 nTEE SHIRTS .. .. . .. . .. . . . . 1.98 13TIES .................................. . . 2.98 .. 3.98 5.98 . 7.98 12.98 ,~···· .. 15.98 25 WESTERN HATS . . . . . . . . . . .. 25 COTTON GAUZE SHIRTS . 41 FAMOUSMAKERTEESHIRTS . 71 L.SLV.OtANA•SHIRTS . 39S.SLV.SHIRTS . _ ..... 85HOODEDSWEATSHIRTS . 47 CASUAL SLACKS .. 21 WALLET/BUCKLEGIFTSETS .. 25 V·NECKIWEATSHIRTS,. . . .. .. 33L."SLV.CO'n'ON~SHIRTS ..... . 23 FAMOUS MAKER DRESS SLACKS .. 45 S. SLY. COUAAED SRIRTS ...... . 29 L. SLY. PLAID SHIRTS ......... . 11 FAMOUS MAKERS. SLY. SHIRTS 13 FOOTBALL JERSEYS ........ . 17CHEMUESWEATERS ..... . 35HOOO£DSWEATSHIRTs .. .. . 13 GENTLEMEN'S CASUAL SLACKS .. shoes for the family 16.98 2.98 2.98 3.98 3.98 . 3.98 5.98 5.98 6.98 6.98 .. 5.98 . 5.98 11.98 NOW 27 WOMEN'S MET ALUC SLIDES . . . . ...... 14.98 14WOMEN'SSUEDESUDES..... .15.98 29 WOMEN'S DRESS SHOES . . . 19.98 25 MEN'S WOAK. HIKING BOOTS . . . . .... 24.98 59 WOMEN'S PLASTIC SANO A LS 1.98 39 CHILDREN'S DECK SHOES . . . . . 5.98 73WOMEN'SFLATSANDALS ... . . . . . . . 5.98 41 WOMEN'SSUEDEOXFOROS . .... . 7.98 37 BOYS' HIGH TOPS . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 9.98 11MEN'SHIOHTOPS ... ... .. . .. . . . . 9.98 17WOMEN'S FAMOUS MAKER CASUALS 12.98 17 MEN'S DRESS SHOES . .. . .. .. . . .. .. .. . 14.98 75WOMEN'SFAMOUSMAKERCASUALS .... 14.98 17MEN'SCOURTSHOES ................... 14.98 23 WOMEN'S FAMOUS MAKER DECK SHOES . 14.98 yardage and notions NOW t7CHRISTMASCUTOUTS .. .. . . .. . . .. . . .68c 67CRAFTPATTERNS ... . . . . . . . .98c 63YDS.SATINQUILT .................... 1.98 41 YDS. PRINTED DENIM ..................... 1.11 9 VELOUR FABRIC KITS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... 4.91 11 ADO-A·FRINGE AFGHAN KrTS ............. 5.98 7 BAMBIE CROSS-STITCH CRIB SHEETS . . . .. 8.48 e BAMBIE QUICK QUILT Krrs . . . . 16.48 for your home NOW 32PLACEMATS... .. . . . .. .. . . . . . . 28c 9e POTHOLDERS . . . . . . .. . . . . . 58c 25 TIE BACKS .. . . . .. .. . • . . . . . . .. . . 98c 31 CUPS .......................... . . . . .Ne 13 POTHOLDERS ...... _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . 98c 71 F1NOER TIP TOWELS . . .. .. . .. .. .. . . .. .. . 98;c 207WASHCLOTHS .......................... · 98c 73 TOASTER COVERS ........................ 98c 47 TIE BACKS .............................. 1.98 210VEN MITTS ............................. 1.91 127 HANO TOWELS ......................... 1.11 71 MTHTOWELS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.11 10 HA.NO TOWELS ·. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.11 31 BATHTOW'ELS ........................... 2.• · • 47 A"'°"8 ....................... ~ ........ 2.- DSPORT BLANKETS ....................... 5.11 1 11WINE~ .......................... 5.• 21 llDIPREAOI .......................... 1s.• 1 jewelry buys NOW 121 NICKLACU l!AAAINGMRAC£LETS ..... 48c I 12 ... PMCIOUllTONDNNOS ...... . . .. 48c HuntJngton Beach • 9811 Adams Ave. at Brookhurst St. • 963-9731 Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Thursday, February 25, 1982 s \ $615 million budget cut urge,d Biggest slices in Broum spending plan would be in transportation programs SACRAMENTO <AP> -Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. 's S27 bUllon budget proposal ror the comJn1 year should be cut by $675 million, Legislative Analyst William Hamm has proposed. . In a 1,863-page, llem ·bY·lt.em review or t h e governor's spending plan for t.he 19$2·83 fiscal year, the nonpartisan analy s t and hi s s taff recommended scores of relatively small spending cuts in nearly every state program. The biggest cuts proposed by the analyst. a total of $140 million, were in transportation prbgrams, Including a proposal . by Hamm to eliminate the entire $74 .4 million budget of the three-year -old State Transit Assistance program . The program was created to encourage more bua service. but the analyst said that aoal was not being met because mO.t of the extra state funds were spent on maintaining existing service -replacing local fu nds - rather than on expansioo. "It Is not clear that funds outside the normal trans it finan cing mech anism are needed at this time," Hamm wrote. "Transit revenues from the usual sources s hould be adequate to support existing pat ronage levels because they respond lo increasing prices and population." Hamm added that if extra fun d s arc need e d , a ne w program s hould be organized. Hamm also proposed cut.a of $91.t million, or about 3 percent , 1n t he $3.1 bUllon budget ol the state Department of Social Services, $26.5 mllllon ln the De partment of I ndus trial Relations; $44.5 million In local achool aid, $19.9 million In the University or California budget and $15. 7 million in support or local community colleaes. He also proposed even deeper cuts than Brown proposed a nother $1 39 million in construction of n ew s tate buildings, roads and other capital outlay items. Among proposed construction projects, Hamm recommended cutting $25.6 million out of prison funds. and he suggested even deeper budget cuts m!ghl be Just.lrled an that area ln t~ com Ing year becauae such things as land acquisition and design work are behind 1chedul& on Brown'• proposect p1cka1e ol prison expansions. A l toge t h er, Brown h as budgete d •119 millio n for . construc tion work at s tate. prisons in the comlntr year, with S16L million or that comlna trom · a $495 million bond Issue which voters will either approve or reject on the June 8 ballot. That money would expand th& prisons at Tehachapi, Vacaville and Tracy In the coming year and fincl nce planni n g for expansion of Folsom prison and · planning or new prisons at either Adelanto in t he Mojave Oeserl or in San Diego County. Most don't like state refllap system Poll shows bipartisan disapproval of p a r ty in power reshaping district~ ............. S AN FRANCISCO (A P ) - Wh e th er D e mo cra t o r R e publican , Cal ifor nian s overwhelmingly don 'l like the state's system of letting the p a rty in powe r re s hape legislative districts to their own benefit, a CaJifornia poll shows. WELL-OILED DOG Anna Wilson of thl' Montere,· Count\· Society for Pn•\'(•ntion of Cruelt~· to Animals smiles at parti u ll~· cleanc.·d German shepherd after two dogs fell two· stories into <1 tank of stick\' oil and tar at an abandoned tin.• comp<tnY plant in S<1li nas.'S PCA officials \H'ol'(' amawd that thl• dog~ .... urvin·d lhe lonu fall and th~ goo And Democrats as well as R epubli cans dislike three Democratic-sponsored bills that redraw congressional , Senate and Assembly district lines, pollster Mer vin Field said Uus wee ~. The Leg is l ature has passed, and Gov . Edmund Brown Jr. has signed, the trio of bills. Voters will be asked to approve or rescind the bills this June. "If voters overturn these laws on June 8, which al this time SJie still waits for benefits Woman won sex discrimi.Tlat ion ~a$e. after long fight WASCO (AP! A cook who won a sex d1s<.'rimination case affec ting 11 0.000 California women is still waiting for the upe m ployment benefits sh e began fighting for a decade ago Belly Ann Boren of Wasco is not fanatical about her claim. She simply feels s he is righling a wrong ·'That was the way l was raised," the 47·year·old molher of four said . "My dad and mother always taught me to hold up for my rights because nobody else will do it for you, and that has alwa)Cs stayed with me ever since l was a small girl. Mrs. Boren attracted the attention of legal aid Jawyers a nd f em 1n 1s t s wh e n s h e com plained th al she couJdn 't gel jobless benefits after leaving Dar· Lynn Drive-In in Delano. She said she was fired in 1971 two weeks a fl er her boss asked her to start work · al 5 a.m making doughnuts a nd s he women who were d e nied reported back that she couldn't benefiL'i from the time the bill fi nd \i babysitter that early. was passed to its repeal in 1976. The state refused lo grant A Sacramento Superior Court unemployment benefits because Judge is scheduled to decide th.is a 1968 law said a person had lo y e a r o n p a y m e n t and be the prime source of family qualification a uidelines. M rs. support lo quaJify for benefits Bore n 's attor neys expect afte r leaving a job "for marital payments to range from $770 to or domestic reasons " $810. With help from California "T here's this feeling that Rural Legal Assis tance, Mrs. somehow these women don't Bo ren sued and won a state deserve or need the money S upreme Court ruling last anymore," said attorney Chuck Novembe r declaring the law E lsesser . who worked with unconstitutional. Pearl. ·'They paid for them, .. I onl y knew a little about they earned those benefits just unemployment insurance l as much a s anybody else. looked up the statute and, to put . Basically. these people are owed 1t bluntly, it s mell ed ," said that money. It's that simple." attorney Richard M . Pearl, who Robert F. Tyler, deputy state Mrs . Boren m et at CRLA 's attorney general. pr edicted, Mc Farland office. "It looked "Everybody's going to have to like it was deliberately designed stand in line a little longer lo get to exclude womer ' their benefits if we do these The Supreme Court ordered people first" because of budget ap p ea r s l i ke l y, t h e new legislative districts applying to the 1982 elections will have to be redrawn for the 1984 elections," Field said. R~publicans organized a drive to put on the ballot three r e fer e nda w h ich would invalid ate the Legislature's redistricting plans. As one might have predicted. propo rti o n ate l y m ore Republicans than Democrats said they'd disapprove of the bills if they were voting last month when the poll was taken. Statewi(ie, 79 percent of the 507 persons questioned by telephone said they disapproved SENTENCED San .Jost' '.\1 ercury News rrporlt·r Glenn F B unting w<.1:-. sentenced this ''eek to GO da~·s in .1ail for refusm~ lo tes tir~· about unpuhlishcd m a t e r i a I pl' 1:,t i n en t t o ~1 murder ca:-.e 'the contempt' con viction is l'XP<.'Cl(•d to bl· appe<1l('d the state to ay $96 million to the cuts ~~--~~~~~~~-"-:.-T-~~--..;._;_;_...,;_~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ex hibit & Sale Directly From Peru & Other Countries Feb. 27 & 28: I 0-6 pm Native Folk Art • Weavings • Baskets • carvings • Dolls • Jewefry • aothing • Masks • M uch. Much More! EBELL CLUB HOUSE 515 W. lcAao lh-cl. lallaa. CA COii l•aa P ... ilt.tat 17141 621 -3214 Win a Television or Dinner at Francois' at Orange City Bank's New Huntington Harbour Facility. llAIM CW'ICI -(714) 771·3300 2130 &It Chlpmen Avenue, Onlnoe. CA t2eee j HUNTINGTON HM80U ... l .. ANCH (714) 840-1G21 19802 Bot• Ctllc:I Rd .. Huntington Beech, CA 12841 AIOclOIHW9 lflMwcl WI IO a 100.000 00 .. Save ~&O during OUrS.Pf'IAg wardrobe offer. Here's a great way to build a wardrobe and • save at the same time. Choose any wardrobe combinatiori from our new spring collection of men's clothing .and receive an automatic $80.00 discount. Select from our most prestigious labels: Hart Schaffner & Marx·, Hickey·Freeman, Pierre Cardin , Biii BIAss, Austin Reed of Regent Street, Christian Pio'r and many more . lW>lcal Wardrob8 Value: .. 1 Suit , regularly ............. 210.00 or more 1 Sportcoat , regularly ........ 135.00 or more 1 Pair of slacks, regularly ...... 42.50 or more Total Value ..•........... , .. 387.50 or more Sltverwoode then deduct• 80.00 off the totlll. silverwoods - NEWPORT FA9-ilON ISl.ANO \ of lhe ('Urrent ~ystcm that lets the party in powt:!r dt:!lcrmine legis lative distrac:lll aft l!r lhc national census is taken once a d ec ade . O nly 13 percent approved and 8 percent had no opinion Wh en Democrats were asked, 78 p ercent disapproved . 16 percent approved and 6 percent had no opinion Of the Republicans sampled, 80 percent didn't like t he system . 10 percent did and 9 percent didn't know what lo say When asked if they would approve the De m ocratic leaders' redistricting plans. 63 percent of all queried said they wouldn't approve, 19 percent s aid they would and 18 percent. had no opinion. Of Re publicans. 82 percent s aid they'd di sapprove. 7 percent said they would approve and 11 percent didn't know. Wh en Democrats we re asked that question, SO percent said t hey'd disapprove, 30 percent s aid they would approve and 20 percent had no opinion. · Wh en those of other political pre ferences were queried , 61 per cent said they would n't approve. 11 percent said they wo uld and 28 percent didn't know what they'd do. Sirhan to testify at parole meeting LOS ANGELES <AP > Sir h an Ri s hara Sirhan . co nvicted assa ssin of Sen Robert ft' Kennedy, will lake the s tand m his own defense when the state parole board cons iders whether to cancel his scheduled parole, his attorney says "J will definitely have Sirhan testify in has own behalf," attorney Luke McKissack s aid this week, "but I haven't made the tactical decision yet on how many people I'll call to refute the phony a<:c:usations against him by other inmates " District Attorne\ John Van de Kamp. who has 'petitioned the board to resdnd Sirhan's Sept l , 1984 release date, submitted a petition quoting inmates as s aying Sirhan had boastl'<i to a fellow inmat e that he would "take care of" Sen Edward M Kennedy, D·Mass ., after his release. Sirhan denies he made such a statement. Van de Kamp has also said Sirhan's parole should not be approved on the same terms as those of other convicted killers because Kennedy's murder was a political assassination. "When the parole board gave him a release dale back in 1976, they did not consider the issue of political assassin<tti on," the district attorney said . A<.'cording t o p ubli s hed reports. the April 26 hearing is expected lo last the better part 1 of a week, after which the board will issue its decision in writing. The hearing is scheduled to take place at the Sol edad Correctional Training Facility. where Sirhan is imprisoned. Robert Kennedy, D·N.Y., was killed June 5. 1968 at the Ambassado r Hot el in Los Angeles just after winning the Democratic presi d e ntial pr1m::iry in California . Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT/Thurtday, llebruary 25, 1112 _:Balloonists-eye fligh~ to Asia LOS ANGELES <AP> -If they can 1et perml11lon from tho Soviet Union and Iran to fiy over t ho11 countrlt1, t hrtt balloonlata hope to make their next adventure acro11 Europe and Alla to Japan. ~oc ky Aoki. 43, ot Miami. owner of the Benihana of Tokyo restaurant 'chain, said the trio want to float across Europe, the Soviet Union , Mongolia, Korea • • would talc• otf 1lth1r from Part• 1oartd lnto avlatlon hl1tory or Madrid. It tht balloont1t1 when thtlr Double £111• V ltavt from Madrid, Aokl 11ld, balloon cro111d th• Pacltlc they will nltd perml11lon to fiy Oc11n ln tour day1. over troubled Iran. The e,000.mllt trip bttan lut CurrenUy, ht added, they art November ln Japan and ended trytn1 to secure t he n1ct111ry in a treetop ln Nort hern approval rrom the Sovlet Union Caltfornia. . and are considerin1 aettlna a Aoki WQI a world·class power Soviet balloonist to Join them. boat racer and a 196' candidate Besides Aoki, the balloonists for the U.S. Olympic wrestling include Ben Abruzzo and Larry tea m but turned to ballooning and finally to Japan. The trans·Eurasla n Newm a n . Ao ki, A-br uuo , a ft e r injuries forc..ed hlm to rtl ght Newm an and another 'balloonJst abandon boating. . ALL MAKES! 833 -0555 Ask For Ray. LEASE Sn CIALIST at HOWARD Chevrolet C<wrw 01 Oo"9 ano Oulll Sta NE'M>OR1 BEA'CH Celebrate Life! '"' Help the'Jt' NEW IDEA Rocky Aok i of Miami hopt!s hi s t ea m o f balloonists can soa r a c r os s E u r o p s lo Japan. NY station turns to tcille NEW YORK CAP> -WABC radio, once th• n1tton'1 l11dln1 pofular mu1lc 1t1tlon, h11 announced I will adopt a format or talk pro1ram1 and newa In early May. "Exttnalve re11arch hat indicated there l1 an unfulfilled appttltt Jor addttlonal t~k radlo pro1rammlnt ln the New York market," 11Jd Alfred Racco, vice president and 1eneral manaaer "We intend lo fulfill a range of listener needs with our new talk format." WABC was the leading '°ock staUon for years using the Top 40 formula. But tht 1tatton lolt a lartt 1hart of the market when dl1co arrived about four yeara a10. Llkt many other AM 1tatlon1, WABC found It could not compl'tt wlth FM 1tallon1 which art more technically advanced ln reproducln• . mu1lc. The tranalllon to adult information programmlnt at WABC be11n laat year , Racco Hid. The station will phase out music programmlna and Incr ease Its lnf<>rm ation·orlenled offerings 11'\Clud lng local ancfnatlonal news. March of Dimes Fight Birth Defects Anthony's Shoe Servic e • Bank of America • Charles Barr Jewelers • Crown Hardware • Or Lou Elder • Hair Handlers Salon • Halliday s Men's Clothing • Hickory Farms • Humpty Dumpty • La Galleria • M arket Basket • Mes Amies Teens • Nancy Dunn Antiques • Newport Balboa Savings • Paper Unlimited • Sav-On Drugs • Storekeeper • • ________ Veta s Intimate Apparel • Westcliff Cleaners • Westcl1ff Corners • W estcl1ff Shoes_:_ Xavier's Florist __ INtElli\/iSiON™ • ' • Intelligent Television • Video Action Springs To Life! Close in on the action! L1fe·hke players in 3·0 motion draw you into the world of lntelhvts1on Realistic graphics. sound effects. endless strategic options bring reai-hfe sports action to your TV screen Now more to choose from. and so simple lo use: just plug a game cartridge in lo the Master Compo· nent and you're ready to go . .So check out your reflexes. judgement and coordination -chal- lenge the computer and win! Pictured cartridges are only a part of a wide selection. INtEW\/iSiON™ M'lTT~L ~L~LfP.CnJ.l:S' FED CO MEMBERSHIP DEPARTMENT STORES F£DCO LA CIENEGA (213) 837-4487 3535 S LA CIENEGA BL VD LOS ANGtL F590015 FEDCO VAN NUYS (213) 786 686J 14920 RAYMER STREET VAN NUVS 91J0r., FEDCO PASADENA (2'3J 449 8620 3111 E COLORADO BLVD PASADENA 9' '07 FEDCO CERRITOS (2 • 31 860 r 1 • 11525 SOUTH STREET crng1ros 90 ·01 FEDCO COSTA MESA ( 71·11979 2660 3030 HARBOR BLVD COSTA MESA 92626 FEDCO SAN DIEGO ( 11.J I :!62 24 I r 54TH & EUCLID SAN DIEGO 92105 FEDCO SAN BERNARDINO (7"4) 888·4 IJjl 570 S MT VERNON AVE SAN BERNARDINO 92410 . I STORE HOURS WEEK DA VS 11:00AMto1:00 PM • LA CIENEGA • SAN IERNAROINO AND SAN DIEGO STORES 12:00 NOON to 1:00 PM • CERRITOS • COSTA MESA • PASADENA AND VAN NUYS STORES ~· SATURDAYS • All STORES 10:00 AM lo 1:00 PM SUNDAYS • All STORES 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM All STORES CLOSED WEDNESDAYS OPEN TO FEDCO MEMBERS ONLY • I Sidewalk Sale . ~26,27 50·70°/o off ~ <J~wnds J\gaill • Deep Reductions • Gib • Cosmetics • Hats & HancAMlgs • Stationery • Gift Items • Decorative Accessories • Stationary Items - • Women's & Children's Apparel 67J.2JtJ 341 t Via Udo. MeWflort le•c~ CA • Photo Albums • Jewelry • Games . Newport's Favorite DrUCJ Store 50¢ Off Sale Merchandise 10% Off All Regular Merchandise In..._ Mew Via Udo,.... 3445 Via Udo. M.wpo.i le•c• 67Ml50 3406 Via Lido. Newport Beach 673-7710 Sport Coats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . s39_s59 Trousers .......................... sg_s23 Shirts ............................ s7_s15 Windbreakers ........... , ............ s29 Belts & Ties ...................... ··from s2 3430 Via Lido Newport Beach •100/o Off al ... •500/o Off Mtlcted ..... prange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Thursday. February 25. 1982 Sidewalk Special$! •See our s5.s 10 & s20 racks! •Sale Jewelry & Accessories From 5oc.s3 •Save 25% on all winter jackets •$ave 50% on all OP sandals ··Save 25% on all Fall Leather bags •Save 25% on selected L.A. · seat covers jog sets! ··Save 50% on Tube Tops •Save All Knickers 50.75 % off 346 7 Via Lido Newport Be~h ~ 673-4510 Parking Lot Entrance 673-0653 3416 VIA OPORTO, UDO VILLAGE • NEWPORT BEACH. CA 92663 7141673-0605 00 00 00 .. ON THE WATERFRONT IN NEWPORT BEACH Super Boardwalk & Sidewalk Sale Relaxed browsing and shopping ... sipping and supplng ... don't miss this sale among sails eve nt o f great savings and enjoyable shopping at the Lido Marina Village Super Boardwalk and Sidewalk Sale! Watch oul! Pappagallo 's plotting lo steal your heart and capture your fancy U'tlb this feminine little j/al. Ah .. sr1>eel surrender! Punch S68 oo e.omel & no1•y I 0% Discount 3404 Via Oporto Newport Beach, CA 675·5454 1r.-'l'?O during SHELF-Cl..EANING a...EAN SWEEP OFQUAUTY UNIQUE ITEMS ~..,.,,/J sidewalk sale Prl•ay, Feb. 26, 10 am·9 pm Satanlay, Feb. 27, 10 am-e pm •-•117, Feb. 2a, 11 am·& pm ~ LIDO PLAZA ~~ SIQEWALK SALE THI HAPPY COOKER • 1. · H 4PPY COOKER The HAPPY COOKER IS OFFERING 25% OFF EVERYTHING IN THE STORE ¥b80% OFF ON SELECTED MERCHANDISE FEB. 26·27-28 I 3441 VIA UDO. NEWPORT IEACH 17141675-1460 / on all merchandise Fri., 26, Sat ., 27th & Sun. 28th J.t-~~t~li ~~ Great Savings ~ on Fall Merchandise 3432 Via Oporto, Newport Beach 673-6669 Sbop For C~ildren * Florence Eiseman dresses up to 50% off v :-::~~ * Footed Sleepers $3.99 ~~-~ * Carter gowns & p.j.'s $6.99-~ ,~ ..... $7.99 (reg. $13.~5) (, ( ·~ * ~y'~ (f jackets~ price 'f.-, ~\J * Misc. $1.99 & $2.99 '" J ,, ) . ' ""' J412"90,1rto#I LldeY .... MIWf lrf le111 .. CA AT .J • . . I ' R. J Orange Coaat DAILY PILOTfrhurlday, F1bru.,y 25, 1982 Irvine Center action cannot be too hasty Abundonml'nt of expansion plans for Nt>wport C'~nter is unlike ly to hasten construction or the l rvine Center. another major commcrc1al and offic:~ <'O mplex planned by tht• Irvine Compun~· When the Irvin e Company pulled buck from lti-expansion plans ror the officl· and hotel complex Slll'rnunding Fas hion Island. som e ll'vine res idents immediatelv asked if that meant the construction schedule for the 450 acres of land in the so.called G olden Triangle enc losed b~· tht• San Diego ancJ Sant a Ana freewa~·s . would be mo,·e d forward. The ans\\ l'I' seem~ to 'bl' "n o ... which appears to suit the best interests of the comm unit~·. a nd the compan~· As com pany ofrsc1a ls e\- plained last week. ag recmenb still must bt• forgt•d with the dt~· gov('rnment Ci ne! with ma,ior sto res and bus inesses that would occupy space m lht> center. billed in the pas t as art innovative and a r c h i t e c l u r a I I y Cl d ,. a n c e d complex Tht• center ct•rtaml~· \H>n 't be bum until certain departrnent stores are committe d . und these limes muy not be conducive t o those long-range commitments More impo rtunt. such a mammoth cent er requires careful and thoroug h studies of t r affic and pedestrian movement The city cannot a fford s hort-cub there. In fact . it nee d s creative approaches to avoiding what C'Ould othe rwise become serious traffic congestion on the roads ~unounding the center. . Fina lly. compan~· anct cit.'· offiC'ials ure j ust beginning talks on ho" <.'a c h s ide can make t radcoffs in their own interest. The comp an)· would off er land m ot h e r !'it>Ctions to the C'it)' in t.•xc h ange for de\'t>l opmcnt agreemt>nt s for th(' triangle While potentiall~· benefiting both s ides. such agreements should n o t be entered lightl~· nor hurried!~· Both the cit\' and the Irvine Company need to take the time to do an outstanding job of handling the trt'mendous asset that Irvine Ct.•nter should b<.>C'ome New Dana landmark? If a Dana Point businessman has his wa~·. by this time next year the seas ide village will be s porting a nautical museum with a coll ec·tio n e qual t o or s urpassing anything o n tht.• East Coast. Stc\'e Ch r is tman sa\'s he plans to retire and donate llw use of his lighthoust• on Del Prado lo a non profit group to ust.• as a museum. Tht.• li g hthous e . built b~ Ch nst man two ~ t.•ar~ ago at ;1 cost of SS00.000. hou))l')) thl' San C l e m c nt c re :-.1dent :. tour c ntl'rpnses a n adn·rt 1s 1n g agency. a m1niatur(' 11aut1eul s hop. a manageml'nl firm and an a rt studio. C hris tman. who 1s also a director of the Orangt• Count.'· Manne lnstitul<.' just down the blufl from the pi<.'lures que lighthoust.'. mil retain O\\nCrsh1p of the ·l.000-))quan .. fout butlclmg Tht· plan is lo link offt·nng~ at tht.• museum tc1 program)) at the Marine Ins titute. pro\'iding both tht• hi stor~· or seafaring along th e w es t coast and ocea nograph~·. Sponsor. or the museum hope 1t will all ra<'l mort> visitors to Dana Point. and help turn th<.• n ea rby !\.arbor into a po pul ar tourist spot. If plans C'Oml> orf as l'n· ,.1))1oned . the nauti<.'al museu m wtll be a wclcomt• additio n to the Orange Coast and a cente r for the stud~· of the seafaring past ol the reg10n T h at pust . i.J <·c:ording to Chris tman. "ill datl' from lhl· Spanish ColoniCll pcno<l. and will indude t h e \'O~ <ige of <iuthor Richard Jknr~ Dunu. for whom the communit,· is named While the e a s t has s ut·h histonc·al centers as MYs tic. Conn .. to shim orf its hi.stor~-. I h <' re r ca I I~ 1)) n · t an~· t h 1 n g similar along thl· local Californi<1 C'oast Pt·rh<.ip:-. Dana Point will IH·t·nmt• that f)I Ul'l' Newport had no clwice Another m11I was hamml'n·tl int o t ht• collin of l"nt\l•rsit ' Drt\'l' this Wl't.'k Thl' N<·wport Bt•al'h Cit' Counl'tl. undl'r ttw hl'a\·~· hand of the :-.tale ('oa:-.tal l'omm1ss10n. thi!. wt>ek t't>mm t·d thl' unfinished road from th1.· l'lt ' .., lontl C'oastal plan The truth 1:-~t.·\\ port had littll' ehmec The commission l:i~I No \'ember a pproved tht.• eity's coastal plan on the condition that Uni versit v Ori \C' be eras<'d from the document's road mapi- Tht• council was left with th<' C'hoice of acrepting th<' C'oncl ition o r dum1>ing thl' wholl' plan and starltng O\'Cr a gain \\tlh little pros pect o r funng an~· betlN Cn i versit \' Drive. wh1th nO\\ com es to a stop on either side of the Upper Newport Ba~·. long has been e n visioned a s a needed transportation link around the Upper Bay. ll has been seen as an a lternative to P acifi<• Coast H ighway o r the bumpt'r l o·bumpcr mt·~~ a lo ng Bristol Street. The Cri<1stal Commission nc\'Cr hought thC1l. deciding in s t elJd that tht· road was so • C'n\'l ronmentall\ nsk\' that 11 wasn·t even \\Orth stud~·ing Wt.· .., l i I I ft· l' I t h t.' r l' 1 s m o r l' l'll\'ironmt•nt al pol1t1cs than en' ironml•ntal impact inrnlvl'd tn thl· :-.1l uat ion Rut not all hopl' 1s lost. The..• road r emai n s on tht• t·ounty's circulut1on maps and c·1t1es like Costa Me))a and l rvme \\h l<.'h ha ve su pported t h e roadway a re still fr<.•t• to stud~· it at an)· ltmt• The catch is. permission still mus t be obt ai nc..•d from the commission before an~ work on t ht• road 1s done Pc..·rhap:-. :\t a~·or J ack1e Hea- l ht•r ha~ the ht•s t idea The cities ~hould con<:entratc on gett mg I ht· st ate Io extend I ht' Coron u del Mar F reeway and the n gau~c whether a n a lte rnate east-west rout(• like l "nivers it' is m·eded · We think it probabl)· will be. And at that point . maybe the <'ities can take a nother pass at t r~·ing to get the commission lo pa~· a little attention to human convenie nce as well ·as the eon venirnrr of lht• Clapper Rails and other birds Opinions expressed 1n the space above are those of the Daily Pilot. Othet' views ex· pressed on tnis pc1ge cue those ot their authors and artists. Reader comment .. •s inv1t ed. Address The ::>ally P1101, PO. Box tS60. Cos ta Mesa, CA 92626. Phone·(714) 1642-4321 L.M. Bo y d/Marital clwice Pollsters asked l,SOO single college senior wom e n what sort of professional men lbey'd Uke lo marry , U such a chotce were possible. And the five job categories mos t chosen , in order, were: 1. Banker. 2. Physician. 3. Lawyer. 4. Profeulonal athlete. And 5. Writer. · Thal $20 bill in your wallet, lf such ORA NGE COAST Baily Pilat there be, ls expected lo slay in circulation for five years. A $10 blU only lasts three years out there. A $5 bill, two years. A $1 bill, 22 months. That's the report from the \.1.S. Federal Reserve System . The color "buff" ls a dull yr so named from the color of Ir originally made from buffalo hi Thomas P. Haley PubllsMf" .-TllolN1 A. Muijhlne Editor .. BarlNlra KrMlllclt Edltorlal Peoe Editor , Time to end career politics Denoun c ing "prof es s ional politicians" as "a detriment ' to our government ," May Dubinsky-Chote has dec lared her candidacy for the U.S. Senate. The Los Banos Democrat will be battling Gov. J erry Brown for the party's nomination this June. Con sid e ring the realities of campaigning. it is unlikely it will be much of a battle. Brown, already well-heeled finan c ially for the forthcoming race , also has the advantage of name recognition and the power of his office. Dubinsky-Chote acknowledges the diffic ult y ahead. Professi o nal politicians,'' she says, "are re-elected lime after time . With the special privileges they grant themselves, in addition to those they have by reason of holding offi ce, they are able to raise s uch large s ums Or money that challengers are hard put to compete ... WIN OR LOSE, her candidacy could fu el the growing flame of resentment against t h ose 1n o ffi ce F o r Dubins ky -Chote has put her finger direc tly u pon the cause of the resentment "They have made them selves the privileged ruling class,'' s he said "They have become the royalty and no longer represent the people." Certainly the congressmen did all they could to fan those flames when they recently passed a measure exempting themselves from personal income taxes. Not since J .P . Morgan uttered his ·•public be d am ned " ; . fARl WATIRS statement has anyone dared to show s uch callousness to the people. As Dubins ky-Chote says, the "entrenched incumbency'' has eroded the basic principle of a government of the people , by the people and for the people. Our forefathers fought a re volution against royally and taxation without re presentation. It is time to reaffirm that action and s top the practice of using one office to attain another . Sweep out all incumbents! She proposed that congress men be limited to two terms in office and prohibited from running for other office during their te rms. She says once those limitations have been imposed upon Congress. the states will follow suit. Maybe so. but it would seem to be easier lo start such a movement on the state level in the hope it would compel the same standards for Congress. That Americans have come to favor li mitations of terms for those in public offi ce was confirmed by pollster George Gallup in 1978. He reported the public favored a maximum of 12 years for congressmen by a m argin of 2 to l President Harry S. Truman. the last president to se rve w ithout the eight-year limitation on his term in offi ce, nevertheless did not choose to run after filling out the unexpired term of President Roosevelt and his own four-year term. In the doing he went on record as favoring a 12-year limit on terms or the Congress PRESI DENT Dwight Eisen·hower also s poke out on the issue. "Each man so serving would tend to think of his congressional career as an important ·and interesting inte rlude in life, a period dedicated to the entire public. rather than as a way to make a living. The members wo uld probably give more attention lo the national good and less to their personal fortunes.·· Peripheral Canal key to security To the Editor Steve Tripoli's conclusion at the end or his long article on the 1980 State Water Act (Peripheral Canal. package with strings, Feb. 8) is dead wrong. He said the only thing certain is that there will be much, much more said between now and June 8. In fact, it is also quite certain that without the Periphe ral Canal, the people of Southern California a nd Orange Gounty race a period or extreme MAILBOX uncertainly over quality and quantity ot their water supply. A drought such as we experienced in 1976-77 would bring on a disaster of proportions never experienced before in this region. Water rationing would be a certainty. UNFORTUNATELY, the s pecial interests that are opposed to the project mostly because they think they can d o a way with the environmental constraints if they get another crack at legis lation o nl y have lo raise questions . T h ey don 't h ave any a nswers. Confuse and conquer is their tactic. They want to gamble with the quality o r life and the economic future of everyone in Southern California against the unlikely possibility that they can cul a better deal in the .Le_gislature. Three state administrations -Pal Brown, Ronald Reagan and Jerry Brown -all have come to the same conclusion: we mus t have the Peripheral Canal. T he cost of the Peripheral Canal itself, the corners tone of the 1980 California State Water Act, is estimated in 1980 dollars al $600 million. This translates to about $10 per year per family on their waler utility bill. No additional taxes are involved. Only a fool would risk bis entire livelihood against $10 a year on the uncertain premise that the bll farm interests of the central valley will cul a better deal on our behalf. And that ls certain. • WAYNE A. CLARK Director, Fltth Division Municipal Water District of Orange County Malathion risk • To the Editor: Gov. Jerry Brown has been s ubject to a lot of Wlwarranted criliclsm over hls handling of the Medfly crisis lul year. Jn the interest of publlc health, J· would Uke to.go on record H sQpporUnf his cautious actJons. M alalblon ta a chollnealtrue Inhibitor wh.icb dama1ea the nervoua system of venebrale animals u well H Insect.a. Conceivably, malltJ"on can dama1e t.be nervous ayatem ol b11mans •• well, llSM!(lall)' lf received lD ::J: eno:,t..::-trationl. Sprayta• c. of •• Dl""9 •Y!*D ..... over a populated area is certainly not to be done in a h asty or hysterical manne r A cautious approach to its use 1s justified. JAN D. VANDERSLOOT. M D Objects to cartoons To the Editor: I never take time to write this kind of letter but this morning, even, though time is precious on a Saturday morning, I was so angry when I saw the cartoon in this morning's newspaper Feb. 20, that I had to register my complaint. I am not one to be able to express • myself well , especially to one who is a newspaper columnist but why don't you stop running our president down with those stupid cartoons? Why don't you help pull our country together, or else s hip out and stay out. Go to another country where it is better. THIS COUNTRY has been run by a San ta Claus for so long we are practically ruined. The people are spoiled they expect a hand-0ul every time they tum around -then if the government tries to take some of this loose money a way from them here comes J ack the Ripper ! I know this letter will be tossed out and disregarded but at least one person has voiced her opinion. However. there are guite a few or us who feel the same as l do. We lake your ne ws paper because of the fine local news coverage. My husband and I both work and we are earning an average income. We are not wealthy by a long ways . JEANNETTE BOOTH Don't discredit U.N. To the Editor· Regarding the United Nations' having supposedly ·•not seen flt to condemn the Soviet invas ion of Afghanistan" C"U.N. reminder overdue," Feb. 16J. the organization has In fact been voting regularly against Russia over that issue by up to s.to-1 margins in the General Assembly a nd Human Right s Commission. Moscow and its allies ha ve attacked the resolutions as "unfounded ... gross violation of the <U .N .) Charter ... designed to continue the slanderous c ampaign against Afghanistan and the U.S.S.R." IT SHOULD BE further noted th~t at the lM> emeraency Assembly aession an Indian-Algerian draft that would have condemned all slates that contributed l~ the heightening of • Lettt~s from reachrs or1 1Hlcom1 Tht right to condensf' ltttt" to /it ipoct or 1lfm&nott llbtl 11 rettrt.>fiJ lAfttrl o/ JOO words OT Ltst Wtll bf gjvm prtftrmct All lttttrs mu.st 111eludt aipofurt and modfftg addrtH but nom11 mo11 bt wUl&lwJd °" rt• QUUf i/ IVJ/lctertf UOIOll II oppor•nr Pa«t'1/ wtU not bf publfahcd. lAftrra "'°¥ t. '''•ph'1'Wd to 642..., Ncmt O.ftd ~ 1u1m~ of the ~ktor mutt bf glum /or 1U'tr1/-''°'9 purpoHt. ' international tens ion which could have been interpreted as applying to US. presi.ure on Iran over our bostages as well as to the Russian invasion of Afghanistan was stopped dead in its tra<:ks when it ran into a solid wall of Third World resistance Time Magazine called the resolution finally adopted 1 by 104· 18> "Moscow's most spectacular diplom atic hum1liat1on " in over 20 years. Before continuing to denounce the Un ited Nations as ··a cesspool." New York Mayor Koch should remember that : <I 1 Withou t 10 ,000 UN peacekeeping troops on duty in the Middle East I where some 200 have been killed ) a nd Cyprus it is doubtful there would be any cease-fires in those places. <2 1 Without such UN. relief and development agencies as UN ICEF. the High Commissioner for Refugees, the World Food Program, the World Health Organization. and the Development Program, millions alive today would otherwise be dead. <31 The U.N. and its diplomats spend close to 700 million badly needed dollars in hjs cit y each year JOHN W. OSBORN , JR. President. Orange Co Chap .. United Nations Association of the U.S.A. Clean up the act To the Editor: Re : Hutton vs. Bonfa via Wentworth. Well. as per usual, good old election lime is upon us. The us ual Punch and Judy tactics are in full swing ! l s anyone as sick and tired of all the mud slinging th al has already been· started by city candidates as I am? We need fewer threats of lawsuits and more plain old down-home interest in our commWlity. First it was cussing and scch at council meetings and now Bonfa .and Hutton are taking up where they left off. Every election more and more people wonder why they bother to vote on the city level. I too am wondering why I do! I guess I still feel this city ls worth it. Too bad others don't. If we want mud wrestling we could start here. Clea1' up your act, folks, and more voters wlll put their X on the ballots. GLORIA OSWALD llllllY 1111 What's more frustr•li'!J -try\n1 to take the 1tlcker ta1s op I.la.ht bulbs or aetlln1 one 1Uce of bacon f rem a new packa1e just oul or the rtlrlce.rator? M.K. ..... , __ _.. ........... ~ .... ... _., ....................... , ........ .. ...................... • Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Thuraday. February 25, 1982 . Sometimes it's hard to re~ognize a revolutio11 It alw•ye amaaed me th1l my moth r Uved from before tbe time we bad automobiles until lon1 after wt had 1ent a spareship to the moon From duy to day, procress s~ms slow , and often 'Ve don 't not.Jee what's 1~'1 AllYllllHY ~ happening around us. J realize now that I've lived through halC a dozen major social or mechanical revolutions that I took for granted at the lime. same way J acce1>ted thci fact we had r\lnnlns wattr tn the house. I didn't realise lt was ma1lc. l didn't reaJtze I'd been 111 on u revolution, the belinnlna or radio. Radio broke the ground for televlslon and because we already had 1ound com Ing to us out of nowhere th.rou1h the air, I was too dumb, even in UM9, to be amazed when .they started sending us pictures. too. All l wanted t.o know was who was fighting. shoving it, thlf is a turnlnl point in history. 2. The tendency or bri1ht youn1 men and women to marey later, lf at all, and to have fewer children, II any, is the most lmpe>rtant bidden revolution or our time. It could have a profound ellect on the make uj) of the human race represented here in the United States In the future. 3. The decline and fall or the automobile business here ln America. We may be s~ing that, and it's aad and . or m~jor imPortance. It wasn't so many years ago that everyone Pointed at a foreign car that went by. For the most part, the cara or the world were made ln Detroit. The rapid de(llne of the U.S. automobile business is a man·made disaster of tremendous proportions and we're wltnesslnc lt firsthand here now In 1982. 4. The 1radual takeover of broadcast television by the cable networks. We wilhprobably find, in a few years, that we 're rememberin1 back to 1982 when ABC, NBC and CBS were the principal source of news and entertainment In our living rooms. The takeover by cable could be as dramatic in the next 10 years as the takeover of the small neighborhood grocery store by the chain supermarkets was when radio was Just beginning. S. Money seems t.o be disappearing and I s11spect the lime isn't Car off when cash won't be used except for very •mall purchases. The com])uters will take the place of our pocketbooks, and money will be transrerred dlre(tly from my account to yours without anything ever having changed hands between us. If someone wants to steal from us, he won't hit us over the head, he'll simply hit a few keys on the computer. Ten years from now J don 't want lo look back and say I didn't realize these things were happening. WHEN I WAS very young and unable to understand what it was all about, Franklin Roosevelt was changing the whole way we look care of ourselves in this country. It was one of the most important things that ever happened here and I was oblivious to it All I knew was that my parents' few rich friends hated Roosevelt and all their poor friends loved him I didn't really understand why. In retrospect, it makes me mad to think of all the bie chanees I watched happen but dido 't really notice. 1 went through World War IJ with a rront-seat view of it and 1 knew how excitinc It was, but l was almost oblivious to the fact that I was watching history being made. I flew on the first U.S. bombing raid over Germany in a B·17 and It was just one exciting day in my Ufe. 'Consent of t he goVerned' meaningless 1 'm ttying to be more alert to events now . f'm trying to notice what's happening right before me and maintain some awareness of what the events will look like In a history book. There are about five things 1 have my eye on. Not necessarily in order of their importance, they are . Contrary ()pinJQns: -The "consent or the governed" is nearly meaningless ii all the relevant facts are not open to them: you cannot . SYDllY HARRIS 5 "writer" with a Httle effort. nearly couple can make as assuming that everyone with a camera supposes he or "having a baby" will bring them closer she could be a "photographer" with a together, when an fact nothing strains a little patience; but nobody is delusive relationship more critically then coping enough t.o believe that simply being in with a small child. possession of a piano or a violin brings It has always struck me as bad one any closer to being a "musician." form somehow for a wife sitting on a Until the atomic age, it was always public platform lo applaud her "Utopian" Lo cons ider peace as a goal. hus band's oration !especially one she and "reatrstic" to regard war as a has probably heard a dozen limes necessary evil ; now. for the rirst time before, and hasn't listened to I At about the same time, my father bought his first At.water Kent radio. He used to sit in front of it nights and get stations like KDKA , Pittsburgh. A few years later, the whole family sat in the living room listening to Ed Wynn, Eddie Cantor or Myrl and Marge, the ''Dallas" of its day. t. THE REAGAN administration's di s mantling of the sys tem of government Roosevelt started. The bureaucracy grew for almost 50 years before Reagan started laking it apart, and he won't be able to do it quickly. but if it continues in the direction he's in history, it is Utopian to believe that· Most of the trouble in the world is give informed consent if conditions are the world can survive an atomic war, not caused by failing to understand too censored. too com pl ex or too and realistic to wage peace by devising somebody else's religion, but by failing confused to make sense out of them. 'legal means for settling international to comprehend one·~ own. IA job the I was about 10 and J look radio the Nearly everyone with a typewriter conflicts. assorted clergy are grossly negligent In imagines that he or she could be a One of the biggest mistakes a performing. I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--'----~~~~~~~ ~~~ ore cluck for our bucke -----------·------• I 1AIOUT99 I SHOUT 99 . L.7.UOUT~15-PIKll I $ GREAT I $ SUPER i it UllY I z e DINNER • DINNER PKI n 0 Gooo 1or three pieces ot 1u1C¥ qoioen I Gooo to1 nine pieces ot 1u1ty goloen I Reoeem this coupoii tor a Carry Pack O Cl. or own i<entutky F '1eo C.nio ~n oiu~ 01own Kentucky F11eo Chicken with loaoeo w1tn l11teen pieces of 1u1cy c O::> single serving~ ot coie Sid"' •n,tsheo I tour 1011s a large cole slaw a large I nofden crown Kent cky Fneo Cn1cken (3 U oota1oes .ino grdvv dnO d •ol ~ u z masheO potatoes ano J meoium gravy <T •'Ao ')HP'~ pt OuHhd~t' 1~o"'oon QOUf1 on11 to' tomtundtion wtu1etcsa,w Ofde1s I l im,1 1 .. 0 otler\ P~' purcnase CouPOn good , • O"'O•n ,1 o· "'""~ 0•' • u•Of'' Cusrom,, o.i~~ di •Pe>hcaoie uies 1a. Offer e~p11es Mdrcn 7 1982 r" ' .. f!t a.:!-H JOO •CdCl,. ')dlfl\ '·I' I 011~r e•P1res Marcil 7 1982 P P '"Jy 1.t•y .ti Pa'f1t.10Jh,,Q O'.dhll' o.ooo poo o~ry ,,, Soo1ne111 \,d il0t•·• "'llt•e ~-1tt '"t mt"l~•sn1p sea 01 Int lltnlui • ~ I Ptl(t< m.ty "'Y "' p.im11o.i1u>g «>C.tlions Coupon OOOCl Only 111 so.,1n~1n C41tf0<ni• wneit iou set Int mcmoeisll•P St• OI Ille Kentucky rieo C11<-en Auoc.ahon It eC (no<:•en ~SSOC1al>011 9 --COUPON --·-.. ·----- It's new! It's for you I rs the Dailf Pilot's I e 6 weekly winners • 50 gallons of gas GRAND PRIZE • 100 gallons of gas You can win up to 100 gallons of gasoline in the OailY. Pilot's Great Gas Giveaway. It's easy to play. Just watch tor the complete rules and entry blank In this Friday's paper. You must enter to win, so read ,Friday's edition of the Dally Pilot to see how you can win. I I I ]1clCPenney GARDEN SHOP SALE 3 Days Only Feb. 26, 27, 28 Friday, Saturday, Sunday Only ~ FASHION ISlAND ~ NEWPORT CENTER BOSTON FERNS 8" potted reg. S16.99 Sale .. 4" POTTED OUTDOOR COLOR PLANTS i\eg.99< Sale 69¢ Choose from tomatoes, marigolds, dwarf dahlias. & begonias. assorted varieties available. not necessarily as shown. CINERARIAS AFRICAN VIOLETS 6" potted reg. $4.99 IMPATIENS Sale 4" potted reg. $1 .99 6" potted reg. $3.99 Sale .. SPECIMEN HOUSEPLANTS Sale Special $45'' 12" potted, aeorted V8rietlee Including flcu1, dreoeana. 3.5 Horsepower REAR9AGGER reg. $239.99 I ) , r - \ Orange Coatt OAILV PILOT!Thuraday, February 25, 1982 • l}agan gives condo knee BROCKTON. Mass. (AP> -President Reaaan has written a letter ot condolen(\e to the parents ot ll tecn·a1e (lirl whose death was hastened by her decision to retuso cancer treatment to protect her unborn baby. lo hls letter lo Bernard and Marilyn Cummings or Brockton, the president wrote: "Nancy and l were saddened when we leamed of Susan's death shortly after giving birth to Brian. We know what her loss must mean to you, but we felt deeply moved by your words about what a very special person she was." A member of the president•s staff said that readers mailed stories to him from across the country calling his attention to the courage shown l>Y the 17-year-old girl when s he canceled treatment to protect the baby she was carrying. " Antenmu confiscated LOS ALTOS <AP> -Microwave antennas designed to pick up pay television broadcasts for free have been confiscated by FBI agents rrom a store named "Pirate TV" in what could lead to a federal test case of the legality of the devices. . No arrests were made and no charges were filed against the store in the raid as the agents .~arted away 50 antennas. ii ke taping reported '" LA JOLLA <AP> -A one-Ume aide to Gen. 'Dwight Eisenhower says Eisenhower secretly taped a telephone conversation in which he warned Pres ident Truman's military aide against pressuring the Pentagon for favors. .. At the time, J . Douglas Mitchell said , he was White House liaisQlll officer for Eisenhower as Army chief or stare. Eisenhower telephoned Maj. Gen. Harry Vaughan one day in 1946 and switched on the wire Tecorder by pushing a button under his desk, Mitchell asserted in. an interview published Wednesday in the San Diego Union. CP'l'-1,_ NM"16 NOTICE OP' T•USTEE'S SALi[ P'ICTITIOUS aUllNllSS T.S ..... F #14.0/8.-.11 NAMllSTATeM•NT On M.,cll 4, 1''7, •I 10:00 • "'·· Tiie tollowln9 oetllOnl are doln9 f UCKEYE RECONVEYANCE buslrwssn: fOMPANY, a Californla <-Otll«allon. INNOCOM PUBLISHING • dutor ~nled TNll .. u-and COMPANY, ltUI Sierra Mute. J'lrsU<lnl to Deed of Tr..sl dated June lrvlna.CA'211S. ~ 1 .. 1, recor"-" June II, Itel. H STANLEY E. SIEGEL, M.D .. A !sir. Ho ?1176. In -1410lt, 1'49'1 Medlcat Corporation. • C•llfornla 1. of OttlcMlt R11<ords In Ille olfke of Professic...I cOf'poratlon. 1000 w La • Counly Recordtr of Oran9e Vet., Or ...... CAtiW County, State of Callforni•. WILL SHERRY HALPERIN, 1000 W La SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO Veta.OranQ1.CAt7 .... "IGHEST StOOEll FOR CASH Tiiis bvslrwss ll conducted Dy. (payable at lime of sate In lawful -ral -1,.ntllp. lillono of the United St•IHI at Ille Sflerry Ha~ln front outside entra nce ot tll• S..,ley E. Sle9el. M o Contl,,.ntat Home L...,. buildi"9 at 44 Medical Corporal ton Sovlll Eudld, ....,_Im. CA t7lln all Si.nley E S~ rl911t, t11i.. -inlerHI conveyed IO l'T'ftldeM ' -now llejd by II ......... Yid Deed of Tiiis 1i.1-1 was filed wllll the Trust In the 11t-rly sllualed In said County Clerk of Orenoe county on County and Stew -.crlbe<I as Parcel Fet>. s. t"2 h Unit No l n •-and OH<rlbe<l In Fl- tlle Co-lnium Pia<\ rKor-on Publl-Or-c°"'' Oally PllOI 8ook 11>74, P-uu of Ortic lat Feb. 11. 11, u, -cll 4. ,.., •1...i re<ords. Parcel 1, An undlvl-1/14tll lnterut as a 1'"*11 In commo<1 In the lee lnlarett In -lo Uw com,,_ area t------------ f/tl Lott f/tl Tr.ct No. 1'11 es""" term r.JC 1911( Is defined In Ille A•llcle enlllled t------------"O.llnllloM .. of ti,. 0.Clarallon of P'ICTITIOUS 8USINeH Covan•nts , Cond ll lons and NAMaSTATEMll:NT llHlrlctlons recorci.d In 8oolt 11•1. Tiie lollowlrwa persoM a re dolr>e IN99 t1S of Offlci•I Re<ordl, •nd •ny bull MU n 1me•dmenu thereto Parcel l RAL, A Panne.VWp, 1111 IW>ln•" Non-excluiltt e........,ll !or ulllltltt. Center Orlve, Suite 140, Irvine. a c c • s s . I n g r e s • • • 9 r e • \ , C.lllornla '2715 Hl<rO•C-1, «a•nalje. \UPPOr1 and c I(. All .... Jr . IU EHi 20!11 for other l>U,_S, •II a• dellrwd In tl'te Slrnt, • 4. Cost• MO•, Catllorn1a Artic le of the 0.<lar•tton enlllled 92'27 "Ea!oa-" C.rl 8 .-.._.,~Sierra,,,._. EXECUTED BY HARRY N Boulevard, San Marino. Calllornla fl, R 0 0 M A L L A N 0 I 0 A M 911Cll 8ROOMALL. -nd •nll wile. Sttnd H Nlelwn. '16 East Balboa Th• 1trut addrau and other Boulevanl. a..-. C.ttlornlatl"I. "'"'mon llKl11Nlion. II any. of IM Pu T. Ron. 3117 Pecha-Hiii, re a t property described above I• Rlvenldt, C.tlfornl• '2~ purll0r1ed to !»: S Ce<rltos, lrvlM, CA J•,.... S. Lal, SISI La Ca<\eda tans lloulo•rd. La c.n..sa. C•lllornla The unotn\9Nd Tnnlee dlsclalm• '1011 ..,Y ll•bllilv !or a<1y lncorreclnes\ of Thi• b<lllness I• conducted by a Ult slrffi MldrH\ -other common general per1rwnl>lp. desl9nation, If •nv, s-n llertln C.K All""· Jr Said Yl<t will bl! made, bul wltl>out Tiiis •lal.,_,1 wM IUed willl Ille <oven•nl or w•rrantv. ••Pr•'' or County Cl•tll ot Or•noit County on l"'Plle<I, .._Oin9 ltlle. ll0\5"•1on, or FettrU<lry ?J, '1"2 en<umbr.,.es. t.o pey Ille rema lnl"9 FIU7>4 prlnclpal wm of !NI notes! secured PuDll.twd Or-'°"'' Dally Piiot, by uld Deed of Trull, with lntorHI Feb. 25. Marcll 4. 11, 11, 1'1111 ......., lflereon, as P"l>Ylded In wk! ""'"'''· ..,.,ancet, If...,, unOe< the terms of ----------~ .. Id Deed of Tr\111, '"'· c111r9u and -If' -1: a11.pen~ ol the Tn11tee and of llM ,.-.., -•~ O'u•I• c ,.._by wld Deed ol T r..sl, Tiie total a"'ount ol the unpaid STAT&MllNTOP' AllANOOMMENT Nlaft<a o1 the 01>llv-11on 'IKured bf Of' us• OP' llW property to be sold -rtllOftable f'ICTITIOU$ 8USINESS NAM• estl,,.ated costs, ••P•n••• and Tiie lollowln9 person• llaY• ..Svances at tl1e time of Ille lnlllal •bl-IN UM ol h Fktlllou\ fubllcatlon of Iha Nolk • of Sale Is 8USIMU -; '$22,:M0.41. IMPERIAL DYNASTY CO .• 34U Tiie t>enefklary under said Deed ol Newp0n 8M<tl 81., ~ BeKll, lrusl heretofore ehcuted and CA. •Hverecl to IN -.19nee1 a wrltt•11 Th• Flctltlovs llu•lnau Name o.ci.r ...... of o.1 ... 11 -Dem-reterrecl 10 MIDw wes 111.,. 111 Or- fOr Sala. 4'ld" a •rrltten Notice ol Cavnty on ..... ,. Oelault aNI &lectlon lo Sall. Tiie Marlar>a S.tcta110, 1:M1 Warwlc- 11nden19MO c.uled .. Id Notlo 01 Ave., Los Anvltfft. CA 90032. petaull _,., Elac11on to S.11 to be TlmolllV Penclll W•n9, S1 0 '9<0f'-Ill .. <-ty w""re the real lronw-SC., Ran<fto P•IOI v ... ci.,. ,.-_rt, It loC4ttect. CA '°274. OATEDJ_.,21 •• ..,. Tlllt bullMss wn c~te<I by a 8 u c K E v E oanaral tw1~. ltl!CONVfiYANCE CO. TimoCrly 1'911clll Wa<\9 O'S.. Eu<llcl, Tlllt ............ t WM flled with IN ~m. CA '2902 County Clerll ol Ora1>99 County on 7u..91·10D Ftl>. 10, 1'12 •Y o..1a eon ,., ..... P11btt-Onnlit C-11 Oatty PllOI, Pvl>lttMcl Oranve C-t Dally Pltol, Fall. 11, It, 2S, 1911 "7.C Ftl>. II, II, U , March 4. 1.., ....._, ;/RUFFELL ··s · 1. , UPHOLSTERY I 1~ -'91iii I 1'-l_I;:::=.!..~'-"~ """'"1922 NA .. Ol IUD. 1 111WSTA MISA -541·11161 il.CAIE" flOI ALL OP YOUI HIAL1M MllDS TIAI Sii ILGWI! WEEKDAYS I 10AM WEEf<ENOS 9:30 AM & 1 :30 PM Lea.ina from the ....... Adults S8. Ollldren SS. 1714) 673-52"'5 AW ARO My rdal. Swedis h pacifist and women's rights udvocute. has b<.'l'll uwarded an h o n o r u r ,. .. Norwegian People:~ Peace Prize .. in Oslo NOw tlie~e ar~ aivorce car<ls Want friends to know of split? Try Sayo~ra Cards SEATTLE CAP > Wltb divorce all too common, two Seattle women have devised the perfect way to tell friends about the break -up . divorce announcements. The cards a nnounci ng a divorce or sepanllon were the creation of Bea Kiyohara, who was divorced in 1975, and Jan Kumasaka, married, she says, happily. "Guess what! the front of • oiie card says. Inside, It reads, "Just to let you know <blank 1pot for name) and I have amicably parted and here's where you can reach us." The front of the other card aays, "The Word's Out!" and the inside says, "Hi, <Blank ) and I have decided to part: Here's where you can reach us." Ms . KJyohara says there must be an easier way to get the word out about a divorce than by writing let\ers or letting the grapevine lake its uncertain course . "Why not develop a card that's in 'good taste and informational?" she said. So she and Mrs. Kumuaka invested $1,000 each to launch Sayonar a <Japanese for "Goodbye") CardJ. "We're trying to hlt a field where there's a need. It's realistic. It's not like we're trring lo get people separated or divorc e d ," says Mrs Kumasaka. They designed and printed 5,000 cards. The cards seU In ackets of five for $3.95. Call '42-5171. Pul a law words to work lor ou. G OT SALE W• e.op. to....,. ow HW lot bew.d "'9 Corou clel Mw s..... co.,llfed s... I CONTINUED) Crystal Trifle Bowl ~ for elegant entertaining ~~~ 8 LOMA TRASH CAN s (Similar to illustration) EXTENSION CORDS All sizes from 3 feet to 100 feet . Household & Contractor. >mi .. a..-w lty First Alert® bv PITYWAV Sale Mfr' I Rebate Yow Cost Model 51016 PORTAPOWER'M VACUUM CLEANER! Very powerful, very handy vacuum s 4sa ~::. ... 2 pak your choice of • 25 thru 100 Watts CUISINART DLC IOI DLC• DLC71 9999 14999 199 99 Al wMlt ,...oWlan..,, .w up•M .......... Cuisinart Cookware Perts & Accessories BS I Black • and Decker Stowaway STEP STOOL I 811 PIPE WRENCH °'=-or LINDEN TIA VEL ALARM CLOCK Choice of black or gold dial. Quartz movement battery operated s 2•• 8-Digit Electronic Calculator CoiOMA DK. MAI 31071.Co•ll~. \ .................. .,..... 673·2100 • lnsinkerator Garbage Disposal #333 s54s~ ......... CS1m1lar to illustration) TRASH BAGS 9' Our beat heavy duty bags. 24 P9k 20 gal sue 15 Plk 33 gal. sm1 ·~ 4.5' Chisel Tooth (similar to illustration) ... let MECHANIC ® . , ' - Kord1te .... r.~ ,t •;..;," ~---­ I\• AW'~~~·~ I'> • ' . . . Mefted Butter Server with candle wanner . , ... ~ s7aa BRAUM CITROMATIC II CITRUS JUICER • Easy to 1,;1ean • Cord Storage • Simple to Operate • Maximum Juice Extraction s19'' .HAllOl YllW CIHTll 1614S..M ..... Dr. ' . DlilJ Pilat THURSDAY, FEB. 25, 1982 CAVALCADE 82 1These kids are to be heard Children start, at 15 months liarning violin by Japan's Suzuki method CANTON. Ohio 1.\P1 Thl'Y ar<' procluc·t:-. of anothl·r t~·pe of Japam.•se import thl' Suzuki mt·thod and they're a s piring to hecom e \•1rtuoso~ s uc h a:-It zhak Perlman or ris ing s tars like D~·lana .knsen. • From a ges lS·months to 18 ~ l'ar~. about 200.000 American children art• listening to mu~i<'. lt.•arn1ng ba~1t e~·e-hand-ear coordirrntion. receiving positive rl·rnforcl·mt.•nt from parents. and experiencing. aceording to Professor Jeanne Rubin o f the St ark Campus of Kt•nt S tall' l 'nin•r:-.1t '. a n environment devoted to exeell t.•nh· For S92.50 and the m vcslmt'nl in or rt."ntal of a :J2nd-s1zt.'. 16th-size or quqrler-s 1ze violin. or a s mall c·t.'llo. \'tola. flut t'. or piano. children can gt•t 13 semipri,·atc' lessons lasting 20 minutes each and six group lessons Srumichi Suzuki. 88. son of a Japanese \'lolin-m<.1k er. brought the method to the Unitt.•d Sti1tes in thl• t•arly 1960s. says-disciple M argt·r~· Aber. profl'ssor of music at tht.• l 'ni,·ers1t,· of Wisconsin 's Stevens Point eampus. tlw nation 's 1>remtcr Suzuki trainmg C'l•nll'r Sht.• hl'lpt•d tl·ac·h Rubin and her f1vt.• assistants in the m ethod Stcwns Point's Amt.•riC'an Suzuki Ins titute was tht• first American school. but is rH>w one of scores around lht> l "nitc.•ct States. which follow tht• J a pane:-.e \'toli111st's methods hut are not franchise<!. "We have started ehildren a s t•arh as 15 month:-... S<l\'S '.\1s . Abel'. .. That cloesn 't mean tht·~ ar.c.· aet uall~ playing tht.• violin. The~"rt• listening to records and simulating pla~·mg us ing a Cracker Jac k box. Discipline and thl' love.• of mu~iC' are instilled in them al a ver~· earl~· agt.• .. Within ~·t·a rs . the~· ma~· be playing tunes from Mozart. ··our purpose is not to help m a kt.• geniust.•s or flood tht.• markets. our real purpose is to gi\'e thc.• children a fine t.•ducation and a sensitivit ~· to the beauty in life.>." s he s a y-. ii II It JI Amherst, Mass., has D rejected, as, a 'joke' plans that would house , nuclear 0 war refugees in the town. See. P,age B3. BIG, SMALL OF IT A fttll·s ize ,·io lin . nght. dw<ll'f~ :-..malle1· \'l'l'~to n U"il'<I 111 tc.•aching chtld n •n tht.· ,·101111 A prnfe:-..~nr at I hl' :-.t·hool lL•ae hmg tlw ml'lhod sa~·s 1 h l' c h i I d r t.' n <I r l ' t.' ' p l' r 1 t' n l' 1 11 g a 11 · l'll\ tronmt•n t dt•\'Oll•d In 1.·xel'llt'nc·t• IH!'S LISTENING -Sarah Brite. 3. tucks miniature violin neatly under arm while listening to instructor during a semiprivate lesson on learning to play via a method first introduced by a Japanese violinist. TINDER MUSICIAN -Kristie King is only 3 but s he can already play the violin, thanks to a teaching method known as Suauki. Kristie gets help rrom --$ instructor Karen Urban at Kent State University's Sark County campus in Canton. Ohio. Children start by simulating playing. using Cracker-J ack box. _, . . • • I • •ERMA BOMBECK '- •HOROSCOPE Money distribution • wealthy widower DEAR ANN LANDERS: I am 1n lovl' with a wonderful wom an ta widow 1 and want to marry he r . l knew her hus band and he was as rottt.m as they come. Their threl' c hildre n ull lake a fter him. or course. they favor the marriage becaus e l own a good deal of property a nd have no he irs. My firs t wif c died a few years ago. We had no c hildren . Now the proble m : I don't want her kidl:I to have a pe nny of m y mon~y. My lad y love is younger than I, and it is l ikel~· tha t 1 •. wi ll die fi rst . 1 want h er t o b e well-provided-for duriog her lifetime . but after s he goes. how can I make Sllfl' s he doesn't leave her grabb~· kids with t he estate she inherited from me'? I am also concerned about 'them swindling he r o ut of m y money while she is alive. Tht·~· a re swift and . tricky. a nd she is quite n aive whe n it comes to fina nces. IN LOVE B UT CAUTIOUS . D EAR CA T IOU A compe t e nt attorney can put your mind at ease.. There are ways you can a·rrange for you r wife to PROCESSION '.\1 oton:~·tle poliCl' offiC'('I':-. fr om Phoen1\ and Flags taff l('ad a :1 1 :.o-mile·l<>nl!. fu rwral pron•ssion hnn11 r111)!. TuC!:-.On politt'm<Jll .J di rcy ti Ros:-. "ho '' il" PERSONALITY Q.&A. BY MARILYN AND HY GARDNER Liz adIDired by Debbie Q : I imaginc Debbie Reynolds must have carried a grudge against Elizabeth Taylor for many years after Liz won her husban(t, Eddie Fisher . away from her. Didn't she? -Tina B .. Denver. A: Not r eall\'. ··J adfnire Elizabeth in many wa~·s ... De.bbie admitted a few ~·ears later 1 when Liz and Burton broke up 1. "When Mike Todd died. he was SS million in debt.·· r ecalled Miss Rey nold s "Elizabeth paid off ever~·thing. Nobod~· hears that stor v. do thev'? Thev just hear about t he Krupp diamond and about Elizabeth squandering mon<'y. But l know.·· insisted Debbie. ··that s he paid off a ll Mike 's debts . No one s uffe red a loss ... Q : A frie nd just back from Germany claims that one of the hotels in West Berlin has a floor with rooms that are bulletproof. But she doesn 't know which hotel. Do you? -H enry G., Pittsburgh. A;. l t . s Lh e I u x u r i o u s H o t e I Inter-Continental. But it's just one s uite not a \Whole floor --that is bulletproofed. to protect VIPs from terrorists. "Statesmen . royalty and other VIPs:· cteclares a brochure . "can rest assured in our Presidential Suite. It is equipped with bulletproof doors and windows. has a private entrance and a private elevator ... Sort of sounds like a real homey atmosphere, doesn't It'? Be it ever so humble. ., ~ live extremely well after you are gone with bullt·in sa feguards against being hornswoggled. You can also de·signate the c harities you want to benefit from the balance of your e tate after your wife' goes. If you have no favorite charities and would like som e guidance, write to me again. I know that scene Inside out. DEAR ANN LANDERS· I am writing this letter to warn others. <•ven though it is too late for m e. l a m 41 years of age, had four ehildren a nd did not want anv mor<.•. c Mv husband didn't want the last 'on e. but I t'c1lkl•d him into it. J • I went to m y gyncC'ologist. who p erformed s urgical sterilizat ion lie bloC'k~d the tubes that connect thl' ornries t.o the womb a nd ass ured me therl' would be no rurther need for birth control Thut was six months ago and toda~· I am thrN· months pregn ant Mv doctor sav~ mine wa~ u \'t.'f'\ unus ual case like· one in a million In thi: me antime, I arn not looking forward to bottles and diapl·rs a nd tx>mg the olclt·:-.t m other in tl)e PTL\, Please print my lelll•r anc1 a word of' explanation. 1r possible TWENTY YEARS IN TllE PRODt'C'T lON 1.1:\!F. IS ENOUGH DEAR P.L.: According to Dr. David Grimes of Atlanta. Ga., tw'o or lhret> wo men out or evt-ry t ,000 who have lht• operation will become pregnant. Too bad you're so "special." . DEAR ANN LA!'JUEHS l apprc.•c·iatt·<I t h a t 1 c tt e r r r o m t h <.· " 1 r t• o t t h \' terminally-ill patie nt who wrote guidclirws for visiting th<' sic-k My sis a nd I' just went through it Wt• apprt•ciatect people calling befon• t ht·~· C'a m c, short vis its. casseroles a nd l'ookies in steiMJ of books and offers to ~it with the patient when wt• needed lo run l'rrand!:-1 Most people don't realize what 11 ·s like t11 tend to a sick person day a nd n1ght 'Untll tht•y l1 v('through it On<.-additional s uggestion. pl<>ust·· Our ., g Allll WIDflS nur'>t' mformL·d u.., that thl· ht•unng i!:-1 thl' last sense to go Ewn though he ma.' apJH•ar to ht• s lt''-'PIOg . or in a <·oma. hb hearing ma~ IX' Vt.'I'\' good D1s('t1ssions about thl• pulil'nt '!:-. d C'c lin1ng IH'alth should bt· c·a1T1t•d on ouh1de the room IJEE~Tl l EHE DEAR B.T .: So havf' I. Thanks for writing. Ou you feC'I 11wkt4Jard. ~elj-co11sc111t1s - lo11el"!l11 Welcoml' tu tilt> cfllb Theres help }111 you m 1hm La11dn.o; booklet "Tiil' Key 111 Popu.la nt I/ .. Se11d .SO cents with 4uu r request amt. a lo11g . stamrwd selj.address<'rl e11 vel<lp<• ,,, Ann Lanrlers I'<> Hor 11995. Ct11,·a<11•. Ill fiOli 11 . His maturing slips fatall~ s hot dunn)!. a n undt•n·O\'l'l' narc·ol H':o. o p e r ation An e:-.limatl'ci I .SOil Pl'OJ>ll'. inC'lucling polk(• throughout C.d1forn1a aud .-\n zona. attt•ndhl I ht' rwwral 11111111 By PHIL INTERLANOI of Laguna.Beac h JI f'or a tot~l of 26 d ay:-. oui of l'arh ~ear I am one year o lder t ha n m~· hus band Did vou hear that. world'' F'or· vou and for m \' husband who treats me like a Greek ruin. let me rrpcat it t:ntil March 19. I am ont• vt•ar oldl·r tha n my hus band'. · I don't know why he makes "ul'h a big d eal out of 1t Fourteen out of l'\'t•n JOO wi\'l'S in thb count r~· marned ·~·oungl·r men ... Yet during tho:o.t' 26 da~:-.. ht• displays a mt•an stn 'ak 111 him that 1!:-1 a I m ost frighten mg WE'LL BE STA~Ol!"llG around at .i party and someone "ill sa~·. ','Dot·s an~·ont'' know the verse to ·Stardust"'" Thl•n. th1!:-. s tranger for whom I ha\'l' borne thret• children a nd trimmed the hair over h1:-. ea r s when ht•'s between haircuts \\Ill publicly turn to me and say. "Thal was befor e my time. but maybe Erma knows .. You'd think in 26 davs h(''d havl' tward som eone humming il · During that brief period o f time befon• his birthday. he doesn't let a bit of trivia get by him. Who was Lincoln with a l tht• time he was assassin a tl'd '' Ask Erma . Was Melanie's bab v in "Gont' with the Wind·· a boy or a girl ·~ Ask Erma What \vas Rill S hakespeare R EA LL \' likt.''' Ask Erma I told him the othe r night. "I'm sirk of' ~·ou r taking cheap s hots al my ;.ige Men don't get flak for marr~·in g womt.'n ~·ounger than t hey a r e .. "THAT'S OIFFER E~T ." he :-aid "ThC'~,.re suppo:o.('(I to b<• T hal':-h1rn our culture is set up .. "You an· s a ,\'lng ! hl'n's nothing wrong with ~·our frit•ncl. Frank who al !l l 1!:-. flMA 80M8fCI AT WIT'S END marrying a girl 'oung t•n11ugh tc' tw his granddaul!.hlt•r • "She's not that ~ oung. ht.• sa id "Sht· ha!:. trarnmg whct'ls on ht•r hram How ean he rl'lalt• lo <.1 v.1fl· who da!:-.:-.if1t.•s hras a:-. -;mtiqlll'!:-1 ·• · Oon't ask me \\ hv soe1t'l' has d1v111etl that men must ht.· ,;Ide r ancl taller than th(•ir Wl\'t'S. SinC'e men arc.• s l!H\ t•r to develop than \\omen. I figurt•d I did him a big fa\m lakrng him off lht' shelf a nd rais ing him until hl· <'aught up. ll 's only durtn)!. lhl' pl•riod from r\·h 21 :V1arth 19 that I realrzt· m~ hmll;itwn:-. \\'hat tan~ ou do 111 2fl cla~"' POT SHOTS BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT THERE'S ALWAYS A CHANCE THAI I COULD BE DOING E XACTLY THE R IGl-lT THING, WITH OUT EVEN KNOWING IT. (~ Libra fut11re exciting Friday, February 26 ARIES (Ma rC'h 21·April 19 1: You C'an s uccessfully revise. l'l'\'1ew and r<•build on a solid s tructure. Cycle remains high. roadblocks to progress are removed 2-25 "'They want to know your expiration date. No, no ... on your credit card." TAURUS (April 20·Muy 20 1: · unes of communicat ion open. people (•x pr<.'s:-. interes t in ~·o ur view~ and ~·nu ~ain through written word. GOREN ON BRIDGE BY CHARLES H. GOREN ANO OMAR SHARIF Both vulnerable. East deals. NORTH • 1088' c;,9 OHi •AJIOO WEST EAST +AQ •Jt5S <;, 1(105 <;, 80 O&IOIU OU +QU +11'785 SOUTH • Kfl O AQJTU o AQa ., The bidding: !alt S.aQ W fft Nwdi r ... 2 <;, PUI INT r .. a c;,P ... PUI , ... Opening lttad: Two of •. Here'• another haad from loee Le D.nt.u'• •• '9ook. It r .. ture• our old friend , ... BelM. one of Ute world'• peat •WDIDJ plaJ-.. Tllla hand eroppe4 ., la tbt 1168 turopeu 8ridp ChamP'on· altlpa. hid in Belelakl. Fialud. Beue'a ,.,..lftl' bW WU H llMrwediatt \WO bid, AoW· ' ing a hand or about. eight win· ners. It was forcing for only one round, so North had no cqmpunction lo bid on when Besse simply rebid bis suit. Weat led a low club, and Be1~e did not think much of hia chances. There wu only one entry lo dummy. aad even if he used It. for a win· ning play in 1pade1 or diamonds, and usuming that he could hold hla trump loeer1 lo one. ti. atilt could not come t.o more than eight t.rtckt. So Beape needed h•lp from t.be enemy. H• at.&11.ed off with a fine deceptive play-he luerted dulllmJ'a t.en of cluba at the lint tridll Conaider the haad from• Ea1t'1 point of vlew. He never dreamed that declarer would be flne1tla1 with a alngleton club. Erro. deelarel' had tt have three elube and Weat wu lffdlns a 11.nslet.oo. So Eu&. W0D Uae k1q of dube and retuned t.he auft. Iaaqtne IUa ,..,,..._ whee lilt folaDd that ht had pvea dtcllNr \WO trteU la the •Wt -..... dJMardecl • low .,.. aDd a low diamoDd Crom hit hand. Next came a spade to t.he king and ace. West cashed the queen of 1pades. but now he was down to only red cards. He did the • best he could by exiting with a low I.rump. Declarer won the jack, cashed the ace and continued with a low heart to Weat'1 king. Now West. waa left. with nothing but di1mond1, and his forced return was into t he teeth or declarer'• major tenace. &11e scored up nine tricks via five trump• and two tricks In NCh minor suit! R•ltlter ltrl4l1 • cl•lt• .......... tdieCMmtry ... die ....... ltrWp lena&L. 0. die7 U.w ·-.. M· JM ••• 't? C•arlu Gena'• "Fe•r·Deal l rl41•" wlll ..... ,.. ................. tecdeeeltllielu&••• .. ... .... Uia& ........ •• ... ......... ~ ..... . . ,_ . ..,, ....... , .. .... II.fl .. -c;...r .. D•aJ." care el t lal • ..,,...,., P.O. la ... N ........ 'N.l.tn& ..... ...... ..,.... .. "'"• ............ • HOIOSCOPf BY SIDNEY OMARA GEMI NI 1Ma\ 21 .Jwu'20•: Focus on dt•s 1rt•s . aspin1t1oils and plt'asunt s urprise in\'olvmg horn<.'. fam1I~ Mont'~ situation impl'O\'(.'S. CANCER (.June 2 1-.Jul~· 22 1 · Oefin(' terms. avoid s<•lf·dect·pt1on. realize that order!:. from ht i?her-ups are subject lo revision . Stud~· long -range p rosp ects . LEO 1.Jul~· 23-Au g. 221 : What had been a nt•bulous pro:-.pcet comes into s harp d ear foC'us Emphas1~ on ll'~al q u estions. moral1t~. journeys. µubli s hing and Pei u cat ion. VIRGO t Aug 23·Scpt 22 1: Othl•rs seek ,·our ('otmsel on financial m a tters Avoid becoming tanglt•cl in legal web Finish w h<.1l yo u s tart LIBRA tSept 23-0ct. 221 : New contact proves fruitful . break from past could lead to exciting futur('. Highlight origin ality, c r ea ti v it y. ind e pendenc e a nd self confidence SCORPIO (Oct. 23-No\• 21 t: Persons who previous ly opposed you can now become valuable allies. Firil impressions are apt to be on target. - AGITTARIUS <Nov. 22-Dec 211 : Yo ur nat ural qualities. assets surge lo f orefront. Popul arity i n c r eases . CAPRICORN <Dec . 22-J a n . 19 >: TransactiQn will be concluded; apparen&. roadblocks turn out to be mere. minor details. Your position is strong. AQUARIUS <Jan. 2().feb. 18 >: You obtain story behind the stor y : you could prep1tre re port which leads to promotion or raise In pay. Accent on relatives. visits . PISCES I Feb 19·March 20 >: You learn worth of art object . luxury item. Cycle i ' hig h and differences with family member a r e settled on ha rmonious note.1 Orange Cout DAILY PILC;>TfT'hursday. February 2&. 1982 .. Town spurns nuclear haven role as 'joke' THilll CMANOI Eldridge Cleaver. o fou nder of the Blac~ Panthers. who oncc wanted to overthrow the aovern m ent. drew boos and hi sses at Yale University when he proclaimed the U.S. as the "most democratic country in the world ... AMHERST , Mau (AP I Orrlclals or thls colleae town won't allow It to be a haven ror 162,000 potential evacuees of an atomic attack, alylng it's a "cruel joke to convince people you can survlve a nuclear war." The five -member Board of Selectmen unanimously rejected a nuclear evacuation plan formulated by tederal orctclals and slate civil defense leaders. ·The proposal would have required the Connecticut Valley town to shelter about 162,000 people from Springfield, 20 miles south, and Boston, 90 miles east, in the event of a nuclear attack. Board c hairman Fr11ncesca Maltese called the evacuation plao "unreallllllc" and a •·cruel joke to convince people you can survive a nuclear war . . As a government oWcial, I don't want to be part of that." Two weeks ago al a town meelln1 on the proposal. people "thouaht that • som ehow getting 162,000 people just to get up Roule 116 during an evacuation was just absurd ln Itself," Ms. Maltese said in an interview. ·•we talked about giving people a false sense of security. There lsn 't enough of a waler supply , no medical care for people with radiation burns, not enough homes to house people." • F'ine Jewe ry -Appraising, Repairing, Custom Annual Clearance Sale Savings From 20.. 70o/o Dec<!rative Hardware By NE w°PC3R"f ER tlN NneJ E' weELE Rs formerly Mary Ellsworth Fme Jewelry 1107 Jamboree Rd., Newport Beach 7B·Mtt Sp«la/Jzlng Jn tht coordination of tht dt-eorative hardware for your projttt. Finished hardware for: Good only at .,.) ' . WITH THIS COOPOH ANY LARGE SIZE ORIGINAL "V St~ l'.lctt PllZAe 99 plus tax DOORS, BATH, KITCHEN, , BARS, CABINET AND BATH ACCESSORIES (714) 642-4184 Closed Mondays 187 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa, 631-1992 1514 ~wport Blvd. Cami Mesa. CaJlf. 92627 18922 Beach Blvd., Huntington Beach 963-9775 10071 Adams Ave., Huntington Beach, 962-1366 Otter expires 3'1/82 A la carte orders only. Limit one coupon per customer This ofter not good in combination with any other offer ON THE WATERFRONT IN NEWPORT BEACH Super Boardwalk &Sidewalk Sale SHELF-CLEANING CLEAN SWEEP OF QUALITY CINIQ<JE ITEMS Relaxed l:!rowsing and shopping ... sipping and supping ... don't miss this sale among sails event of great savings and enjoyable shopping at the Lido Marina Village Super Boardwalk and Sidewalk Sale! Prl•.,,.Feb. 26, 10 am-9 pm Satanlay, Feb. 27, 10 am-6 pm San•ay, Feb. 28, 11 am-6·pm MASKING TAPE s100 s100 SPACKEL 9 oz. s100 CONSTRUCTION/ PANEL ADHESIVE s100 OAP PAINTERS PUID 8 oz. SUPER .GLUE The town of 27 ,000 people Is home ror Amherat Colle1e. an exclusive liberal arts school ; Hampshire College, which allows students to form their own studies without grades, and the University of M aHachusetta. The board also voted to ur1e the United States and Soviet Unlol'l to stop what selectmen termed a nuclear arms race. Another vote calls for the board to prepare a leaflet explaining "why there Is no protection aa_alnst the consequences of nuclear war'' and "why no s teps s hort of nuclear disarmament could protect the citizens of Amherst from nuclear \ . war." Selectman ,Edith Wtlkenon did nOt vote for the arms resoluUon, H)'inl she opposed a nuclear uma race but believed selectmen should only vote on local issues. Selectman Frederick Steinbeck, who voled a1aiml tbe arms resolution , la oppoeed to tbe uae or all weapons. S tate civil defense lead ers addressed the selectmen and 225 re11ldents two weeks ago at the town m eeUng and found they alone favored the evacuaUon plan. ··People were very concerned about making people aware of the dangers or nuc lear war," Ms . Maltese said. WE'RE A LOT M•E THAii A BELL • Y-•LL Behind the bell Behind the famous Seacoast sticker Behind all the stale-of.the art protection devices we make and install. 1s Seacoast central station When an alarm goes off on your property. we get the signal in a nearby, 24·hour·a·day central station If the signal 1nd1cates fire, burglary or hoodup. we call the police or fire department . Since our central station Is UL listed, our ce ntral station customers can qualify for a sizable discount on the11 insurance And to increase our reach, make response time even faster and Improve elf1c1ency we 're computeflzmg our station. . But 1mprovemen,ts aren I new to Seaco.,.t. We've bean getting better for 21 years And today we're the leaders in the se'lunty business In the harbor area with over 10,000 custome,. including a wide range of big and small retail. industrial and commercial establishments To find out more about Seacoast central station write or come by our new facihty at 2488 Newport Blvd . Costa Mesa Iii\ SEACOAST 2488 NEWPORT BOULEVARD \I ~CURITY SYSTEMS 17141 6•2·3490 11=:1 RAZOR BLADES Sir¥Jle $-5-pad< i,, Sf>O 2 $100 b' .-~· FIXALL 1 lb. sro PINE SHELVES 1 x 12·s 4'1oog $~ WALLS:"~ '1$1°° I I Orange Cout DAILY PILOTfThurtday, February 25, 1982 Waiting is torture, tfie pain endless . ·•1 LAUllA &ICHARDSON aternJy1 "some thins• ue p , ... .._ • ..._ 8/.>ITOR.'S NOTE .' Eu.~ IOJb o/ tlw /~1at.ogabut (Oftetr. AP serious.' Cancer In 1912 JJ; DALLAS -Cancer ta a reportn Lauro Rklaordfon mcount•rwd the eum11.and took.notea dMrlng So tlwy are. 8i&ck In Dallas, I lldt11 ... that run1 Uke thla: First Che battt.. Thu fa lwr ato'l/. we nt five day s u week to htt....eed numbet of new CHM by etate It\ • • ou tldM you have lt. Then YoU Sam monl Cancer Center al wall. Then you know you have In the hospital, you atop being and J stank. My hair was matted Baylor and Hl amonc my fellow t · tt. Then )'OU waJt. Then you are a person and you become and t111tuo. f Ucbed. s ufferers: 1 man without an "treatedforll.Andthenyouwall. someone's jub. Your body ls Nolhln1k1Uedpaln. ea r : breas tleu wo men : I first thou1ht I bad ll Nov. 9. I oulraaed so many times that the Lale one night after I could wombless women; 8 feeble, bald lcnew 1 had it Nov. 20. Treatment experience becomes banal. You wa lk, 1 crept to the nurses' skeleton of a young man wilh a be.tan Dee. 21: watch other people enduring station and t ried to tell the 1roaty, buxom .~ifteh; adiman whoh'd The)' told me last week I'm pain s o t~rrlble you h ate woman there that the pain was Os an eye \V e aease t at cancer-rree. If I stay that way yourself. There is no privacy. ineradicable. it was too much has now Invaded hls brain. 'i _.... Chlldren. ve years, I'm cur.:u. So now You are publicly humiliated. . . A round·eyed S·year-old who " 'm walUn1. In the Intensive Care Unit at "Can'l you think of God, and With eancer, you wait to be Methodist HospltaJ in Houston, offer this pain to Him?" she had played Little League cured, or lo die, but more than they forced a tube into a said. baseball last summer and Pop that you wail for it to make pregnant t een -ager. She Ano the r nurse said my Waroerfootballlastrall. aense, for lta great and trivial screamed. problem was l had never had a "He kept rmplalnlng about . torm e nts to becom e -A man cursed monotonously. baby bis neck, an I carried him to Impossibly -reasonable. ceaselessly. hatefu lly. "If. you hid," she saidylr'You the doctors -I carried him to I can't tell you how it is. I can A 'tiny child. hopelessly would know what real piln is: four doctors, and they sa1d he'd only tell you a little of how it crippled, lay crumpled in a crib. labor... pulled a muscle s liding into 'Was. An unconscious woman in lush l was shocked. I laughed at third base," the boy's father '·· "Hodgkin's disease is tbe middle age was· bathed by a her until she shrugged and left. said. "So finally l carried him to • cancer of choice." the doctor a chiropractor , and he took an GRIM CHART Aml•ritun Cam·l'r Soc1et~ mup ~how:-. • said. X·ray and found the tumor. • number of ne\\ 1982 C'as<.'s b~· states ''Your chances are excellent, "Can't you think of God , and offer "And he said, well, he said Metal cups protected my eyes. "85 percent." there weren't nothing he could To shield my lungs, cerebend " fJodgkin's disease. Cancer of thiS nnin to hi m?,., She $aid. do for ttim ." blocks 6 inches thick were bolted the lymph system, a network "'-Five days a week, I stripped to to a plexigJass plate that slipped that carries Oui$ through the the waist and lay io a treatment under th ~m achine·s eye. body. • nurse and a high. school boy , an l had been initiated into •a room on a metal table under the Smaller movable blocks saved A one in seven cha nce of orderly. Her nakedness was sorority I didn't want to join, eye of a video camera that the shoulder joints and larynx. dying. pathetic and terrifying. and suddenly found my sisters beamed my image into the hall. I rec:eived the equi valent of I n ever took chances. But "This can 't be real." l everywhere. It took the technician 20 40,000 diagnostic X·rays. I was while I was sparing myself thought. One day, while a thick oil minutes to arrange m y body. burned inside and out. The skin -: ordinary risks -no, I won't go Drugs washed over the dripped into m y lymph system Guiding herse lf by m y four r edd ened , thickened . and :;. to Eutope, t he plane might palisades of consciousness again through cuts on my lnste1>1, a tattoos -dainty black dots on cracked. l woke on pillowcases .. crash -my body was preparing and again , until existe nce nurse sat beside me patting my m y shoulder, throat and chest -flecked with blood. Tiny pustules this terrible betrayal. It risked became a sort of horror·comedy hand a nd talking a bout her s h e p laced m e unde r the formed around dying hairs. My • everything. watched with morphine·bright cancer. cross·halrs of the huge machine ruined salivary glands pumped The Ge rman philosopher eyes. Sleeping in the continual She had had a mastectomy that blasted me with speeding out ropes of a vile colloid that Hegel said that man, the only ha U ·Ii gh t of the ward. I a nd planned reconsfructive electrons. tasted of rot. Swallowing hurt. animal that knows it must die, so~etimes dreamed I had no surgery. Radiation attacks the living "Your skin is doing much. ·c arrie s d ea th i n hi s pa~. "They can make you a new s tuff of cancer, t he cel l muchbetter lhanmostpeople's. consciousness. Death ls in us. I never dreamed. anything nipple," she said , explaining nucleus. Unable to repair itself. Really," the technician said. Not me. I jogged. else. with a joke~ exactly how it's the cell cannot divide. It dies. It was difficult to resume my l was going lo li ve forever. As My breast bone h ad been done. u nable to know whe re the life, although my radiologist had soon as I kne w more about life. I broken in surgery to remove the We both laughed. Our bodies cancer might be among the 250 said, "You can s it around would write books. In the tumor. My throat had been slit were dear little dirty jokes. lymph nodes in my chest. neck reeling sorry for yourself, or you meantime, l would prepare at the base for a biopsy . Long fat .. All in vein! .. I giggled at a and armpits. the doc tors can go back to work." myself. Suddenly a fter 31 years. tubes ran into my chest. Slender yo ung d octor w h o wa s radiate d everything from On one of the days I made it to a routine X-ray s howed a tumor tubes ran into each hand and explaining the injection or a blue diaphragm to ear lobe. Normal th e of rice. the Sam mons and I was left holding my plans i n lo m y bladder. I wa s dye. cells could recover. receptionist called and said I and very little e lse. connected to bottles and bags, ''Miss Richardson, .. he said Radiation is carcinogenic. had to a pear four hours early .. m!!f!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ll!!!!!!!!!!l!!!lm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!llr-~~'--~'--~_._~~~-=-,-~~---i COMING Friday, February 26, 1982 enu An Advertising Supplement to the Pllot\Vee~r ENTERTAINMENT MAGAZINE mpo Tea RICE BOWLS""'-...-.---i11it:::...1'Jll ..... lllllll!~~ From China 8 dla. 3.99 4•1,· dla .• 99 SPARKLING CLEAR GLASSWARE FLANGE BASE 31,,.. & For the ---5• tall r.--.-..-n.-. Both beverage of the day or evening. a· tall 5.99 12 oz. .15 each for m y appointment because they were closing the center. I wailed almost two hours. Lying on the slab under the machine that burned the cancer ou t of me. J said to the technician, "I don't thinlt it·s fair, calling us away from work and then making us wait ..... "Look," she interrupted. "You don't have to come here . So if you do come, don't complain.·· In a laboratory at Sammons are two large cartoons Both show patient·as-victim·nurse·as· sadist. "Those are c ute," I said. Wrong word. "Yes," said the technician. ·'The man who did them really knew what he was t alking about." "Who was it?" . .. He was the cartoonist for The Dallas Morning News. He had leukemia." .. What happened to him '1" "He died." There's never enough time. WOVEN STRIPED COTTON KAFTAN From lndla All the rainbow colors and white plus embroidered detall. ,.~~' 3Ya • tall COVERED S~AR 2.59 -------~J·-t NATURAL WOVEN PALM IA8Y CRADLE • These good IOOklng, ftame-graln teak.b<><>kcases are a sPeClal direct Import pul'chase and are an unbeat3ble value. Crafted Of the fl nest teak veneerwttn adjUstat>le shelves. 76"x12Y2."x35". BaCtt panets are CX'JnstrUCteO wttri mltehlng PVC. 36• )( 36" SlldHff1 open to eo· long 114.81 NATURAL HANDCRAFTED BAMBOO BASKETRY From China OVAL I SIZES 8'/a •to 13• wide 3• to 4• dMP 1.29 to 3.49 36" )( 48• Slldes open to 78" long 148.88 HANGING 6" to 7'11 • tall 5• die .• 69 5· dla .• 99 111, • dla. 1.29 RECTANGULAR 10· to 11 '/J • tall 5v,•x1· 1.69 , 6 '/a" )(a· 1.99 7'11. )( 9• 2.29 From Mexico Snug tote to line and be-ribbon for the newest member of tf'le famlly. 36" long x 14" wide 19• tall at hood 12.49 NATURAL MURAH REED WARM BROWN BAMBOO MATCHSTICK BLINbS From Taiwan CHAIR From lndla Sturdy combln1tlon of murah reed tubing lorma a comfortable chair. To 34· tell 39.99 A "carbonizing" burn· Ing process evenly deepens the natural tones to a warm llght brown. Complete with brown pull cords and hanging hardware. ALL 8' LONG 3' WIDE 7.99 ,. WIDE 10.99 8' WIDE 15,99 8'WIDE 19.19 NATURAL PUL RATTAN LOUNGE NATURAL WOOD FOUMNO ARMCHAIR CHAI" From lndoneel• Comfon•bte, bMutlfully conatructed, lacquered lounge chair ha• four adJustabt. tMI~ poaltloN and attached •II~ out front MCtlOft. The detlQn I• broad and roomy, and rnee8Uf'M 41• ffOm ttont to back, end the .. , la 20• wide . I 9'0CKER From Yugo1lavl1 Orlglnal Stol design chairs are well con1tructed, durable and comfortable. Both fold up for ea•y toting or •lotage. I SAG PRESIDENT -Ed Asner has become focus of controversy over his views o n involving the Screen Actors Guild in political issues. • • • Orange Coat DAILY PILOT/Thurtday, February 25. 1982 Actors' feud grows hotter A1ner , Heston pitted j n philosophi~al battle involving actors' union LOS ANGELES (AP> -lt'a the st\lff that motion picture and televlsion drama• are made ol Ben·Hur vs. Lou Grant -but the battle is not Hollywood make·believe. Since January, a fltht for philosophical control or the Screen Actors Oulld , the powerful 5'>,QOO.member actors union, has divided the entertainment Industry and led to a death threat and a recall movement aaainst its president, Ed Asner, star of television's "Lou Grant." "This whole thing has gotten out of hand,'' said one SAG official who asked not to be ldentlfied. * * * The drama began In January when SAG first 1ave Its annual award to Ronald Rea1an, a slx·Ume president of the union, and then reCracted it. That move, ostensibly over the president's handling or the air controllers strike last summer, was bitterly criticized by actor and former SAG president Charlton Heston as "a gross blunder" and an "example of the radicalization of the guild." The While House had no comment on the award's withdrawal. Heston, star of such movie ruts as "The Ten Commandments" and "Ben-Hur," said that SAG. with Asner as pres ident, has * * * drifted deeper Into political water1. H e pointed to a movement to merae three act.ors 4nton1, and the 1uUd'1 donaUon or money last summer to the 1trUcln1 air traffic controller• and a board resolution ln • December that lhe union speak out more on poUllcal lasues - Including endorsement of caridldates. · "Actors are very touchy about havin1 people speak tor them," Heston said in an interview. "Whal they want from their union is attention to tbe jobs problem," in an industry where. he said, 76 percent or the SAG members earned less than $2,500 last year. Asner and dalmed he had gathered 30d signatures. A petition campaJtn would require valid •lcnaturea trom JO ~ent of SAG'• 50,000 memben before the union's board would consider action. Two·tblrds of SAG 's members must approve a recall In a written ballot. Heston, who does not favor the recall, said he was "appalled" by the death threats but added, "It Is certainly true that he <Asner> was carelessly derelict in hls responsibility. ASNER CRITIC Actor Charlton Heston . former SAG president. claims Asner is .. radicalizing the guild:· 'Lou Grant' boyco_tt asked The death threat against Asner surfaced last week when a man called SAG headquarters and told his secretary a group was "out to get" the act.or for his aid to rebels in El Salvador. The caller re ferred to a Was hington news conference Asner and several other act.ors held Feb. 15 to announce a $1 million rCind·raising drive to send medica l supplies into viole nce-lo rn El Salvador through left.wing guerrillas. "Without even bearing his comments, I am positive he ~id not give guild money. Whal he did do was fail to make clear he was not speaking on behalr of the ·guild." said Heston, claiming he received "al least a hundred " calls rrom SAG members criticizing Asner's s tance on El Salvador. "I would suggest that the serious professionals In tbe Screen Actors Guild would not want the guild to take positions on El Salvador or solar energy Btfore Asner stopped giving interviews, he said his goal was to s trengthen SAG , not radicalize it. "I have yet to make one political act, to call for one political act," Asne r said , adding that Heston's attacks may be "at the behest or the While House because or the SAG award embarrassment Conservative group blasts Asner's Salvador views at a news conference. . . but on acting," he said. NEW YORK <API -A new conservative group has called for a boycott of the "Lou Grant" television show to protest actor Edward Asn e r 's $1 million fund·raising drive for medical supplies to be sent to rebels in El Salvador. • Asner, president of the 50,000·member Screen Actors Guild, and several other act.ors announced Feb. 15 the drive to send medical supplies into El Salvador through left·wing guerrillas. guerrillas. The boycott is the only way we can reach him." Pemberton and Bob Carroll, project director, described the congress as "a new political action committee" that will raise money for conservative candidates, with emphasis on small donors. Bod yguards h ave bee n asslgned to As ner, security guards were posted at the entrance lo the ·'Lou Grant" set, security was increased at the s tud1o gates and As ner has temporarily stopped giving interviews, said his spokesman Mike Mamakos. "I think that it's not only a right but an obligation for every responsible citizen to speak out when our government is acting in ways we believe are wrong,·· Asner wrote in a bylined essay that appeared on the Op Ed Page of Saturday's Ne"'t York Times. "That's why I went to our nation's capital ... because the situation in El Salvador is ra pidl y becoming another Vi etnam War, and I want to prevent that from happening " Asner has accused Heston of defecting from the labo r moveme\lt. He said Heston, who last year chaired a special presidential task force o n private funding ror the arts, should spend his time seeking more jobs for actors. The Congress of Conservative Contributors believes Asner is .. directly interfering and seeking to subvert American policy regarding that Central American nation," Executive Director Donald Pemberton said "Mr. Asner is free lo say what he pleases. We're not lobbying Congress to pass a law muuling actors," Pemberton said. Pemberton and Carroll said they will meet in Washington with leaders of the national conservative movement to seek support of their boycott. ··out of one side or his inouth he talks of jobs ror actors; out of the other side. he rubber·slamps job <.'Uls in the arts," Asner said. ··nut he is actually giving $1 million to communist·backed SAG member Tony Cecere also began a drive to unseat Baby Contest Bring Your babies (up lo 2 years old) to Hunti~ton Center 10 am. Sat. to register for Happy Healthy Baby Contest. 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Open yours at Bank of America today IRA+ An oamptc o( OM tlf our 1 .. ucii&c11« ope~ 16.50 % 18 Months 01~ Arinull ltatc 1ttm 1'500 tnlntmum ckpt>elt. ltatt Is _., to chafW.' but Is bed ac ttme f:A K"C:uunt opcnl• for tM term o( thto I t. • ~ !li"lfr ~With •JU.I.JOO i.-. ........ 14'.lo. tncrft'!C ,,. ~ will~ ~"C"d e the IRA~ 8R' wkhdnwn ••With CC1'lJin ~ll'""PJlum, ........_. tMlk l'octft W' ~ 8R' ~IO flftlM~ • • •Mlftlmum llq!(IOll ~--~ nwt ., BANKOF AMERI~ (fl .. .· :; . .. .. Orange Coast' DAILY PILOT/Thursday, February 25, 1982 I . · BROKEN NFCK, ALASKA, NOV. ~ -By unanimous decision the citi- 1 ZC\)S of Broken Neck voted. to allow female s~ki~--~thin city limits. ' Mayor Robert Swabon explamed the vote by saymg, .. When you got$ only ' one woman in toWH you lets her smoke ... I.DH TAR ·~ You've come a long wav baby. Warning : ihe S~rge on General Has Determ ined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. 9 mg ' 'tar:· 0. 7 mg nicotine av. per cigarene by FTC method. • . I llillJ Pllit THURSDAY, FEB. 2S, 1982 COMICS BUSINESS TELEVISION cs C6 ca ' .... ~ Revenge tiine for Edison? Chargers face Servite ; CdM, Estancia seek 3-A semifinals ... By &OGEK CARLSON oe-.M., .......... Four Orange Coast area prep basketball teams are a step away from the CIF semifinals at Long Beach Arena next week -with quarterfinals action slated Friday night ror each. . Sunset League champion Edison, Sea View League co-champions Estancia and Corona del Mar and Angelus League representative Mater Dei, riding the crest of a youth movement, continue in the hunt for a CIF title. Here's a look at each: Edl1on vs. Servite The site is at 500 N. Bradford and it's a rem atch of a non-le ague game in December when Edison (24·2> edged the Friars 07·9), 76-74. "That was pretty much or a nothing game," says Edison Coach Barry Leigh. "It wasn't a tournament game and school wasn't in session. But this, now it's so much more important." Servile defender Chester ChappeU held All·Sunset League guard Jeff Stephens to two points in that first encounter and Leigh says, "Jeff has changed a lot since December. So that'll be an interesting malchup there. "Chappell does a great job of giving pressure. He fouled out without scoring a point against Verbum Dei (Tuesday), but he was one of the main reasons Servile won. He did a great job on (Alexander> Hamilton. "Offensively Tim Os good bas been unstoppable. He scored 32 against us and if Friday night's schedule CIF 4·A Division Edison vs . Servite at Valencia High, 7:30 Inglewood vs. Maler Oei at Santa Ana College, 7:30 Clf' 3·A Division Pomona vs. Corona del Mar at Orange Coast College, 7:30 Estancia vs. Hoover at Glendale High, 8 • you look at Servite 's box score against Ve rbum Oei, it's almos t identical to its box score against us." The No. 1 seeded Chargers have breezed through MiraCosta and Loyola, and Leigh says he's not sure whether that's good or bad, considering the complacency factor. ··complacency or momentum, we'll only know that after the outcome or the game, .. says Leigh. It was Servile which ended Edison's 32-game winning streak In football, and a couple or those football stars for Edison <Rick DiBernardo and Ken Major) will obviously have a little extra going for them in terms of desire. Edison's st a rting line up includes S tephens and Ma rk Goudge in the backcourt, DiBernardo, Sunset League MV.P Richard Chang <6·6) and 6-4 Pete Binas ki. Se rvile counters with Osgood (6-3), 6-7 St eve Krallman. 6·4 Andy Marusich, 6·3 Steve Beuerhelm and Chappell, the S·9 guard. The winner meets the winner of ·the Mater Dei-lnglewood matchup next week <Tuesday or Wednesday) in the semis. Estancia vs. Hoover The Tornadoes of Glendale Hoover are 24·1, their only blemish a at·S2 loss to Estancia in a Las Vegas tournament finals in December. Sea View League MVP Jeff Gardner hit a 15-foot jumper with four se<:onds left to provide the difference . This time the game is scheduled for Glendale High 0 440 E, Broadway) and Estancia Coach Larry Slinderman says his team can do it again , "if we pla y intelligently." Hoover boasts 6·6 Ron Young, 6·3 Kevin Brown. 6-3 Shane Carrigan, 6-2 Bill Carr and 6-0 sophomore J oe Hilman in the lineup, and that group has run up a winnin~ streak of 14 . "(l"s not a team you can run with," says Sunderman. "It's basically a man-to-man team with very good man defense. They have pretty good s ize and Carr is an excellent outside shooter. They're kind of like Corona dcl Mar, very disciplined and will take the good outside shot." The Eagles, on a modest fi ve-game winning streak. have struggled in the early stages twice in the playoffs , only to com e on with clutch efforts. ~~~~~~~......_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- ··w e're usuall y good out of the blocks," <See CIF, Page C2> ............ Beating Titans next UCI goal Mulligan not content with 20 wins By JOHN SEVANO Oftlleo.lfyl'I ... _ At the beginning or the' current 1981·82 basketball season , UC Irvine Coach Bill Mulligan had only three goals: 1) to win the PCAA champions hip; 2) win 20 games; 3> receive a berth to the NCAA pos t-season playofft . Mulligan figured that either of the first two accomplishments would automatically qualify the Anteaters for the third. We ll , with only two PCAA games remaining, Mulligan's N o 1 go al loo k s s lim , co n s ide rin g UC J trail s front-running Fresno State by two games. As for goal No. 2. the Anteate rs got their 20th victory last Saturday against Utah State. Now. however, Mulligan has altered his thinking a little bit. He doesn't think 20 wins is enough -he wants two more. So, with second place in the conference virtually locked up (UCI holds a two-game lead over Cal State Fullerton), the Anteaters will look for a sweep of their final two games tonight (7:30 ) beginning with the Titans at Cal State Fullerton. "We origina lly thought 20 would be enough but we (the coa ching staff ) don't think that wa y any more," admitted Mulligan of his 20·4 Anteaters (9·3, in conference>. "We'll feel more secure if we're able to win two-out-of-two this week." "f don't know if they do," admitted Mulligan. "I haven't even brought it up. I don't see any s ense in bring ing up exciting things like that ." The Titans (14-13 overall, 7-S in conference> certainly aren·t going to be cooperative sin ce On radio tonight KWVE (108 FM) at 7 30 they have everything to gain with a victory. The last time these two teams met at UC I the Anteaters pulled out a close 50-49 decision. All year long the Titans have lived and died by their outside shot and tonight shouldn't be any different. Leon Wood, F ullerton's point gu ard, is the player who makes t h e T itans c lick The 6·4 sophomore is averaging 19.4 points a game and leads the confe re nce with 195 assists . Wood , Incidentally, is just nine assis ts short of the Fullerton r ecord of 204 set by Michael Linden in 1979. Fullerton is a lso averaging two othe r players in double fi gures. Guard Ricky Mixon is scoring at a 13.9 c lip, while freshman forward Tony Neal is scorinli( at a 10.8 rate. The other starting spots will be filled by 6·6 center Victor Green and 6-6 forward Michael j\nderson. MOB SCENE -Edmonton's Wayne Gretzky is swarmed over by his jubilant teammates after record-shattering goal Wednesday night , his 17th of the year to snap Phil Esposito's record. Naturally. the UCI coaching starr realit'es the importance of this week Clhe Anteaters play UC Santa Barbara on the road Saturday and need al least one win to lockup second place>. but do the players? The Anteaters will counter with their usual starting five of 6·8 Kevin Magee (26. 7 average). 6·8 Ben McDonald (11.0), 6-7 Rainer Wulf (6.9), 6·5 Randy Whieldon (14.9) and 6·1 Kevin Fuller (6.J). Runner's collapse raises some questions Hbw much should. an. 0rthlete' s body be forced to endure in competition? It was high drama at its finest. The stuff ABC Wide World of S p orts cameramen crave. The agony or agony. Julie Moss, a lithe, courageous redhead, had the lead in the grueling Hawaii Ironman Endurance Triathlon. As she approached the finish line, her body decided it had had enough. The tortuous combination of a 2.4-mlle rough water swim , 112·mile bike race and 26.2-mile run bad taken its toU. Overcome b y exh austion Moss collapsed three times, the last of which was approximately ·10 yards from the flnlsb line. Her leas could no lon1er . support her. She seemln1ly lost all control of bodily funcUoos. Trembling with muscle s pasms, she crawled to the finish Une. At dtak fully enlUlfed the Hawallan Jaland.I, Mou' now fra1Ue frame was p1cked U.t> by a group of supporters and carried off to receive medical attenUon. Two hours later, Moss was Interviewed by ABC's Diana Nyad, looklnl fresh and quite unlike the youq woman who earUer had undertone aucb a>b1•ital trauma. RUNNING JIM McCURIHE • "The feeling of bavtn1 your whole body collapse on you," Moss said, "ll was incredible." It was scary ; perhaps borderint on dangerous. Moss showed us what can happen when we e xceed our body's physical limitations. It could have been worse, which makes it aJI the more frightenin1. Among those viewlnc ABC'a covera1e last SWM!ay wu Kathleen McCartney, a 22-year·old Costa M esa resident. McCartney croned the finllh line abead or Mot11 to win the women's dlVlllon. "Watching it brou1ht tears to my eyes," McCartney said . . "I hated to tee he r ( Me»s} In such frustration. "It would be frtahtenlnC to have the , courage and determination to go on but have your body unable lo take you there." Moss' courage is certainly above reproach. This was a girl determined to finish what she had started, despite her body telling her It was time to quit. .Whal Is at Issue here is the lengths at 'which we go to prove lo ourselves lhal we can do it, whatever "It" is. McCartney was Interviewed by ABC moments after crossing the finish line and discovered she was the winner. Looking almost refreshed, she was quite a contrast from the physically drained Moss. "I think that I paced myself well ," s he said in a phone Interview this week. "You have to know the limitations of your body. "ll is a risk. when you 1lve It everytbln1 you've tot." txacUy. And perhaps we abould all put that risk in Its proper perapec:Uve. I wu happy to see Julie Moss finish that triathlon. I did not enjoy aeelnl her writhe uncontrollably on the pavement. Flnl1bln1 was a worthy accompUJhnumt in an eveat such u this. But wu It worth the risk ! - Gretzky shatters NHL goal-sco ring record. See. P,age C2. O•llY ~llM ,,_ .,, •klMN IC-1« GOING UP Edison ll1gh·s H1ek D1 B('rrrnrdo and his lt:ammatt•s ml'el Sen·itt• F ridtt\ 1n lht· t'I F baskl'lhull 4uartt•r finals at \'alent1a lligh 6 d krnarclo '".1" up <•gain-.t fi 91 • .Jtm l 'Sl'\"llth 1 ;,!11 111 On•an \"JI.''' on lht• "<•~ to lht· Sunsl'l Lt•agul' l'hamp111nshiµ Tfii'I Ch.trj.!l'l"s ;.i1 l' :?-I 2 and lop !'>l't'<ied m tht· I .\ pla,olf..., 17 Rustlers, 9 Bucs sign with colleges Western New Mexico recruits four By CURT SEE DEN 0t .... o.i1y l'llM ""' If four-year coll eges held a der by to choose Orange Coast area community college football standouts, guess who would sign the most players. It's none other than Western New Mexico, which picked up three Golden West College stars and one Orange Coast College pl ayer After the final count , Coach Ray Shackleford's Rustlers took · top honors among the three area comm unity coll eges, with 17 lette rs of intent to four-year schools. Coach Di c k T uc ker 's OCC squad has nine players moving on to m ajo r co ll eges t o continue their football careers. while Saddleback. the Pony Rowl champion team whic h was loade d with fres hme n la st season, sends eight players on to bigger and better things. Among the prominent names are GWC quarterback Sam Aiell o, Saddleback signal-caller Lance Stewart and Rustler wide receiver Gil Rhodes. Ai ello. who set a single-season record for passing al Golden Wes t , is he aded for th e University of Tennessee. The Mari na High graduate completed 163 passes for 2,038 yards last season. Saddleback's Ste wart, an All·CIF and All -South Coast League ~rrormer at Lagu.na Beach High, decided to hit the big lime by signing to play at California after just one year with Coach Ken Swearlngen's Gauchos. Jn that one year, Stewart brolte the school's record ror completJon percentage (61 .9} In guictlng the Gauchos to their flrst-ever undefeated season. He was lnlercepled just four Umes all seuon, despite puUlnl the ball up in the air 1$8 limes. He •IJO led lhe Oauchoe in Letters of intent for area stars A• llONA STATE Curt '"'0"' CS.ddlet»<lll, wide -e•nr CALl l'O•N IA L•n<• St e wart CS.ddlel»ckl, q-rbeck CLAltEMONT -Clm• Calt\ IGWCI, wlclt roteel•er. Tony P .. luo IGWCI, llneN <Q r CAL ,.Ot.Y ~NA Don Ho .... o Cs.ddlellKlll, defeniiYt -· llo<h s.ncller ls.ddl-lll. t\HlntnQ !»ck CS l'ULLEltTON N•••rro Di•on IS.ddlet»clll, .,_._,,~ ti.o. 8111 Smitf\ CGWCI, <tnl.,. cs NOttTHltlOGE Damien w.~ .. C S.ddlel»ckl. oHenii-.• llnem•n COLOltAOO STATE Jim my TaylOr CGWCI, deleMlvt llaNl»cll EASTllltN WASMINGTOfl lM -·• IOCCI ,.....,_.,.. OEOltGIA GU II~ IGWCI wldt re<etver HUMaOLOT STATE John Mu~' IOCC I l•llbecll IOAHO STAIE S<on Com"' COCCI d"'"''"•-d LOUISVILLE J•m• For1unt CGWCI. llnebKket NO•THEltN A•llONA Bred ROiand IGWCI, .,,_"'I"" llNtnan O•IOO.. Ed Strfn99r COCCI. oH-lve l~kle • "ACl~IC Todd ElllOCI IOWCI rvnnlnll bee' SAN DIEGO STATE Fr•nk Krep1 CS.Odlel»clll, ooenllve ,,.,.,..."• J•-• JOM M>fl IOCCI -lielt l ....... Cll•r : S4- 8ulll1>9lofl COCCI,,..,..,. SAN JOSI! STATS H•rold HHlty CWdlel»clll. olNMl•t llne<'I\.,,, ltoCI Men• COCCI. llMt>«ll.,.. TllNNISSlll -Sam A ttllo IGWCI. q.,.nerbeck UMLY Sl:oft Glem IGWCI. llk l.•• UTAM -Alell Oef'tlt IGWCI, olfens""' llMm.,,_ Wlalltt ITATll -Kory 9-11 COWCI. llnebeck.,. WISTlltN NIW MIXICO -M~• _,._, IGWCI. otMNm t«kle; TOiiy uPllMt IOWCI. 1'911t -· Jim l..llrWood CGWCI. .tt.11tlve llnem .... •r• Grit-IOCCI. ...... I~"'"'· rushing, picking up 571 yards and running for 11 touchdowns. "Lance c•me here ~ause he dldn 'l get a football scbolarabip offer rrom a Pac·lO scboo!," said Swearingen. "We atTeed that be would play ror us one year and if he got the offer be wanted, lben he would go." Rhodes, a former Mlton lf1lb standout. Is beaded for the IUnlveralty of Georfla • ( ,.,. ... .\P dbpatchec · LOS ANGELES Sportawrlter • Ted Green. rlred by the Los Angeles Tim t last week, filed a $10 snUUon lawtuU against the newspaper Wednesday. Ttw suit rtled in Los Angeles Coun ty Superaor Court alleges that the Times "violated Green's employment contract and the public policy of the state of California.'' Green is seeking $2 million In general damages and $8'million in punitive damaaes. Times Sports Editor Bill Dwyre said last week that he had informed Green verbally and in. writing tha t under conditions or bis ept.,loyment he would no longer be atjle to do television work and would no longer be allowed ' to co'1er any Jerry Buss.related teams. Green is a color.commentator !or ON·TV cable telecasts of Laker games. Green did not comply, working a broadcast of a Laker f;'ame afterward, and was terminated, Owyre said. Quote of the day Biiiy Issues ~nfng to the Angela Oakland M1n11er -., ••rUa •. luued a wau-nln1 to the An1elt Wednesday nf\cirnoon at the A 'a spring tralnJn1 ciamp In Phoenix. ''I'm pulUng the An«icls on notice· we won't lOIC!rat th~lr petty lntlmidatfon," Martin uld. Tl10 Anaela •nd A's me t ln Oakland April 6 ln an American Loogue o~ner 1nd also _play Jcveral Umes in March exhibition games. They tangled in a rew fights durin1 a couple games last season. "If tb y 11turt omethln&. I'll tell my players to ao out and punch everybody's ll1ht.s out. N<i russlin' anymore. This 54-year·old manager is going to tum bis guns loose. too. I've stopped a lot of fights as a m anagcr nut against ... California, J'm not. I 'm MA11T1111 part1c1paline Thev can punch me. But lhere are gomg to be soml' brqken jaws," he said .. , Former New York Met Manager Joe Frazier was named to succeed Ken Boyer as manager or the St. Louis Loaisvtlle farm .club Wednesday ... The New York Yankees and pitcher Rick Reuschel settled their contract dispute Wednesday with the American League chapipions givin$( him a two.year extension througW the 1985 season ... Ce11r Cedeno work.ed out with the Cincinnati pitchers and catchers Wednesday, a week before bis scheduled spring training reporting date ... The Atlanta Braves hoped today to learn the extent or a leg injury suffered by veteran pitcher Pbll Niekro during a workout. Paxson shows Blazers the way rally to carry the Portland Trail Dan Marino, University of Pittsburgh quarterback, on lhe coaching change from Jackie Sherrill to Foge Fuio: "Our pregame meal used to consist of crawdads, red beans and cornbread. Now, we 'll probably have spaghetti and meatballs." ' Guard Jim Paxson poured m 25 m points and fueled a th1rd·quarler Blazers to a 123-111 National Bas ketball Association win in Kansas City Wednesday night. Paxson ripped off a string of eight straight points late in the third quarter to break a 75.75 tie a nd put the Trail Blazers ahead for good as they snapped a five.game losing streak ... Kyle Macy saved 21 points while forwards Len "Truck" Robinson and Alvan Adams paired up for 42 more in pacing Phoenix to a 131·97 romp over Cleveland .. Pat Cummings came off the bench to lead a Milwaukee rally that look the Bucks to a 113·106 win in New Jersey ... Allen Lea veil scored a Winnipeg sets team record for wins CerJter Dave Christian scored ~ , twice dnd added an assist to spark ' the Winnipeg Jets to a 6·2 victory . over Philadelphia. It was the Jets' 2lst win or l he season. a record for the team in the NHL ... Steve Payne scored twice and Bobby Smith posted his 96th point of the season on an assist. a Minnesota team record, in the North Stars· 7-5 triumph over Toronto ... Russ Anderson scored his first goal of the year on a backhand shot to give Hartford a 4·3 victory over Boston ... A tie·breaJdne goal by Dave · Silk with 4: 15 to play. followed by two scores by Mark Pavelich, helped the New York Rangers claim a 6-4 victory over Chicago . . The Los Angeles Kings recaJled rookies Scott Gruhl and Warrt> Holmes on Wednesday from their ~AXSON career·high 32 points and Houston went on to whip host Denver. 13>·110 .. . Indiana placed seven players in double figures. led by Herb WUllams and Tom Owens with 16 points apiece. as the Pacers knocked off New York, 118-87 and moved ahead of the Knicks for a playoff spot in the overall standings ... Larry Bird scored 27 points to • 1ead a balanced Boston attack in the Celtics' 132·90 root of Utah The winning margin was Boston's widest of the season. while Utah suffered its worst loss. ~minor league atriliate at New Haven, Conn .. general manal?er George Maguire announced. From Page C1 CIF PREP PtA YOFFS. • • says Sunderman. ''You can't press if you don't score." E s tanc1a 's 42·40 double overtime victory over Foothill catapull<ld the Eagles intq_ the quarterfinals. on t he. beefs of Steve Kraiss· last-second bucket, but Sunderman was also pleased with the extra help he . got from reserves J im McCahlll and sophomore Jon Johnston. "They each had a role to play in tough s pots. just like at . Co ,ona dcl Mar ," s aid •Sunde rman. "Fortunately it worked out " The winner meets the Los A ltos·San Gorgonio winner next Thursday in the semis at Long B{'ach ' Pomona vs. Corona del Mar Baselint• League champion Pomo¥ !21·5J furnis hes the .oppos ition for Corona del Mar. I ·"The lu g guy is tough down ;low," says Corona del Mar Coach Jat k Errion .. We either iget a good game out of (Hank) •Goebel, or . we don't have tanyone else who can help." · J The bi g guy is "M" Zenon. a ~6 7 senior wit h an 18.0 scoring fond 13.0 reboundins average. While Zenon is the focal point for the Red Oevils. there is am pie help in the form of 6-3 !Ken Hall (12.0 and 8.0 points and rebounds>. 6·5 Vincent Steward and 6-3 Anthony Tucker. ·'They were out in front of Riverside Poly by 15 points ~before the score closed down al ~the end." says Errion. "They ,.;were impressive, they controlled the ga111e lhrou~hout and it was'! 't an upset." Errion says he expects Pomonit to employ man.to.man with pr~ore at the outset, but ir it doeiufl work the Red Devils will probably revert to a 2-3 wne .... against the 19-4 Sea Kings, Sea View League co-champions. "We're playing as hard as we can. but I don't think we are playing as s moothly as we should. Mike Hess has been giving a good effort and we got a real good rebounding effort out of <Kurt> Petersen." The winner meets the winner of the St. Bernard·West Covina contest Thursday in the semis Inglewood vs. Mater Del Tne Monarchs started four sophomores against St. John Bosco and still came out on top. giving rise to thoughts of the future. arrived. however . as Maler Oci takes its 15·9 record against Ocean League cha mpion Inglewood (~·6). Inglewood boasts a solid unit with 6·5 James Huff. 6·5 Dion Wright, 6·4 J eff Logan, 6·2 Cedrick Catron a nd 6·2 Mike Johnson the mainstays, with 6-8 Jerome Johnson available off the bench. .. At this point our only concern is how we run our s tuff · · against In g lewood's defense," s ays Mater Dei Coach Bill Alexander ·'They use a lot of different full court presses and man and zone, a little bit of everything But we've seen everythin~." Mall Beeuwsaert. one of the Monarchs' three starling sophomores and a first team All·Angelus League choice. leads the way for Mater Dei with a 19.0 scoring average. ··He just keeps getting better." says Alexander He 1s developing better ( 15-foot> range, is on the boards and Is confident. He's very mature for his age." Tbe winner meets the Edison-Servile winner Tuesday or Wednesday. MATT •EeUWSAEltT Gre t zk y f eels r e lief with hist oric mark B U FF A LO , N . Y . < A P > President Reagan called it extraordinary. The owner of his team compared him to Nureyev. But to the object of their praise, Wayne Gretzky. it was just one great relief "The first thing I thought was that it put us up 4-3," said the am azin~ Edmonton Oilers scoring machine of his record- s h at teri ng 17th goal of the season Wednesday night. The lO·foot wrist s hot . with 6:36 remaining, broke the National Hockey League mark for goals in one season. The Oilers went on to a 6.J triumph over the Buffalo Sabres with Gretzky adding the final two Edmonton goals in the game's last two minutes. The three goals. plus two firs t ·period assists, gave Gretzky 176 po in ts for the season, 12 more than his NHL record last year . Grelzkv said after his first reaction. to the big <goal , "f turned lo stride to the comer and J felt a sense of relier and satisfaction. It's a lot or pressure off me." Sabr es goalte nder Don Edwards had stymied Grett.Icy on f our occasions College, prep basketball scores "-''"""' '*' e.,...." Ml S9'\ ~ H, er....... :Q lhO ........... ~ ......... V .. ltyM,w.ttLA" ,..,.,.... 1',0 ........ " \.A TrMt T-" tlS.C--IOt .. _. Ill, VeM.We '1 .,...,,_. •• OllMnl 61 $Mia ...... 74, T.tt 51 ......... ca a n 1 °"'9t ,...,.. ........ [ .. Oe.._-.llfl,CW?'tMM Ot•• 0.... "'~ ........ ----.. •llr. ,_, .. "*'II T9"'elW• 0 ............ 1.9 ,..., .. ~ .............. . s.. ...... -.i.. ... ,.. .... _... .......... --... ·--.......... llJf 1 ........ -..~. M ,~ ........... .. ' . Fernando won't report l..()S ANGEt.ES -remando Ill Valenzuela aaya l\ was his declaloo l}O\ to go to spring tralnin, until he ttas roached a contract asrffment with the Lot An1ele1 Dod1er1. The 21-ycar-old pUchina ace Hid tn an Interview in today's edltlooa ol the Loe An1ele1 Times that he decided not to 10 to camp alter 8peaking with hlA a1ent, Tony DeMa~o. and bis attorney, Dick DeMerco, and his attorney, Dick Mon on Tuesday. MOllt or the Dod1er1 vrlved at tbci training site In Vero Beach, on Wednesday. . "It was my decision not to 10," he tald rrom his Los Angeles hotel room. ·' ... We had a meeting ... and we all three acreed to this. •·I round my declslon not to 10 becaus'! we hadn't reached an agreement I want to play, but If there's no agreement, I won't play." The Times said th~ lelt·hander, who had a spect.acuJar rookie season and helped the Dodgers win the 1981 World Series, is asking tor $1.4 million. Earlier reports that he was asking for a flat million apparently were wrong. The Dodgers are said to be offering the winner of the National Cy Young Rookie or the Year awards about $350,000. Valenzuela says he is practicing on his own, and has kept in shape playing winter baseball in Mexico. "I'm not worried about Fernando r;aot being here," Los Angeles catcher Steve Yeager said shortly before the Dodgers· private plane departed from Los Angeles International Airport. "That's their problem, not my problem. I have enough problems of my own to worry about." Hill pleads guilty lo charges Wide receiver and kick returner Drew Hill of the Rams entered a plea of guilty Wednesday to one count of contributing to the delinquency of a minor. •Hill had been charged with four misdemeanor counts last Dec. 20 involving a 16-year-old girl in an tncident at a party following the final Rams ' game of the 1981 season. Television. radio Following are the top sports events on TV tonight. Ratings are: ' ' , " excellent; , • , worth watching;" " fair ;• forget it. [.) 7:20 JJ.m ., Channel 9 ./ ./ ./ I NBA BASKETBALL: Lakers at Seattle. Announcers : Chick Hearn and Keith Erickson. The Lakers are 111, games in front of the Supersonics going into· tonight's game after w i nning three in ., row. With Kareem Abdul-Jabbar has been getting help Inside from Bob McAdoo, Jim Brewer, Mark Landsberger and Kurt Rambis RADIO Basketball UC lrv.ine at Cal State Fullerton, 7:30 p.m., KWVE (108 FM) and l<WRM (1370); Long Beach State at UC Santa Barbara. 7 :30 p.m., KLON (88 FM); Lakers at Seattle, 7:20 p.m ., KLAC (S70). Ski Report 9:43 a.m., 12:43, 3 :43, 7·43 p.m., KNX 11070). Beasley r e aches 1,000 for OCC SAN DIEGO Tbe Orange Coast College 1981 ·82 basketball season can just a bout be summed up in two words: Chris Beasley. The 6-1 sophomore out of Costa Mesa High closed out his-.community college career at OCC with a 32-point, nine-rebound performance that paced the Pirates to a 96·66 victory over San Diego Mesa Wednesday night in South Coast Conference play. With his 32 points. Beasley became the all·time leading scorer for one season in the sec with 3ro points <26.7 average). He broke the old mark set by Cerritos' Al Fruhwirth <24.71in1972 . Beasley also became the only other player in Orange Coast history besides John Vallely lo score over 1.000 points in his career. Beas ley finished with 1.002 points in 57 games. Wednesday night. the Pirates led Mesa from slart to finish. building a 20·point halftime advantage. Seldom.used Jon Dimalante came off tbe bench to spark OCC with nine assists. Kings hold on, win, 5.3_ INGLEWOOD (AP) -Marcel Dionne and Charlie Simmer each fired in a goal and added two assists to lead Los Angeles to a 5.J National Hockey League victory over Detroit Wednesday night The Red Wings, who feJI behind S-0 midway in the second period, made it close late in the game with three straight goals against Kings goalie Doug Keans. Call 642-5678. Put • few word• to work for ou. , ~THE EARL'S ~UMelMO•i.AflNO ........ "••*"I ... ~ I }t •t~ ,,.,.,". ,....., ~ ....... "'' ....... ,, ......... • IC •Ii ~'""" 'lf,.A,•'111 ._.,'V, A,..,,., C:OSTA Mf.u641-1289 ·-"""""' ..... llllSS!Oft m.xA95·0401 ,..,,e.-c . .,.. ... ,.. I (I •" Oliei9D '"" ...... ,., ~-., • COLLEGE BASKETBALL UC Irvine vs. CAL STATE FULLERTON TONIGHT 7:25 p.m. K-WAVE Fl-108 ' F\l, E s tancia stay in hunt .Oilers, CdM both elimirwte1 Fountwn Valley , Estancia and Mlulon Viejo hlgb11 all won Wednesday ni&ht to advance to tht quarterfinals of their respective dhtlatona of tbe women' en·· basketball pl~offa. Huntington Beach and Corona del Mar were eliminated, 10.'llng tough one.point declalons. Here's how 1t went Ftn. V•tley 53, LB Poty .. The Barons used a dce1ded edge at the free throw line to hold off the seventh·ranked J ackrabb1ts and advan ce to Saturday's quarterfinals. Lisa Ginsburg had a game-high 17 points while Sam Arledge and Deanne Davis chipped 1n a 12 a· piece The Barons hit on LS of 31 field goal attempts compared to Long Beach Poly's four or eight. It won't get any ~siet for Fountain Valley Saturday. The Barons' opponent: Riverside Poly and Cheryl Miller. one of the nation's most hithlY regarded prep players "We'll set goals. and I t~ink we'll be WOMEN successful in meeting those goals," Baron Coach Carol Strausb1Jrg said of playing against the top-seeded Bears. Fountain Valtey takes an overall record of 18·7 into Lhe 4 A quarterfinal. · Estancia 47, La Serna 32 The Eagles continued their tough playoff defense to beat a La Serna team which came in as a slight fav0ritc Estancia Coach Joe Wolf credited Joan Howland with holding Jane Henzten, La Sema's leading scorer. lo jui.t three points. Henzten came into the game averaging more than 18 points. ·· 1 don't think she got three good shots all night," Wol f said. "We played excellent defense You hold this kind of team to 32 points and that's really doing something " Debbie Hughes and Amy Hathcock were the off_eri.s1ve leaders for Estancia, conlributing 15 points and eight rebounds each Estancia will meet Alemany <22·1) in the 3·A quarterfinals. ··Everyone from here on has got a good shot at it," Wulf said. Burrouahs 50 . CdM 49 Corona tlel Ma r Coach Karen Gerhardt summed it up in one sentence: "We gave it our best shot and we came up one point short." Heather Estey hit the front of a one-and-one free throw situation to give the Sea Kings a 49-48 lead with 13 seconds remaining but Burroughs came down and, after almost losing the ball out or bounds, got off a desperation shot with three seconds left to win it. "The game was dead .even from the start," Gerhardt said. "The lead must have changed hands 29 times during the game." Burroughs got a game-high 24 points from Patty Minnis as Corona deJ Mar couldn't contain the Burros' top offensive threat. ··we did everything we could to deny her the ball but she's JUSt an excellent shooter," Gerhardt said Lisa Greenberg led Corona del Mar scorers with 17 pointi; while Estey chipped in 14. The Sea Kings finished the year at 15-8. Mission Viejo 80, Mayf•lr 39 Cindy Rohrig C32 points) and Mary Madigan <241 combined to outscore the host Monsoons in an easy victory for the Oiablos. the top.seeded squad in 2·A Miss100 V1eJo broke from an early 6-6 tie to lead by 15 at the end of the first quarter and JO by intermission The Diablos continued to dominate the play inside in the second halt and moved their overall record lo 24·2. Mission Viejo advances to Saturday's quarterfinal match with Schurr. In community college action: Golden West 97, Cerritos 85 Marcia Mathews led six Rustlers in double figures with a game·high 21 points as Golden West advanced to the second round of the Fullerton Tournament at Fullerton College. The RusUers (7·1) will meet inlra-dislrict rival Orange Coast in second ·round action tonight at 6. Or•nge Coast 76, Pasaden• 69 The Pirates remained unbeaten (6-0> as sophomore Kris Kroyer poured in 33 points to lead all scorers . Kroyer hit 14 of 25 sfiots from the floor and was perfect (five-of.five) from the free throw line --- FEBRUARY SKI Plus Selected Clothing SALE 30% OFF SAVE '4375 SAVE 50% Cross-country Ski Gear 01scont1nued North Face Skiwear Nor1h Faoe Mistral Ski Jacket NOW U 3 75. REG $87.50 Robbins Clothing: SwlSS Shirt NOW $9 95 Shetland Swester NOWS 18.50. Plus Others Plus Much Motel FRIDAY, FBRUARY 26- SUHDAY, FBRUARY 28 ~ Gllaf99fleltide .. lllM41d Ho ,.,.., ..._. .. tOtOit l or•t" Cl~ U lt -oi.--.... f9MM .. ~°" ... ''*··--.u ...... ..... 16111.mtTOl IAMJAAMA U&.IMOUll .... ... IAT.IM MM.IN (714t .. 1411 l Rus tle r s t e ·opening round A Santa Moni'a visit. awaits 8y RICHARD DUNN Oi .. Olll ............. "I'll tell you on lhing, we ume lo play tonight," said Golden West CoacH Jim Greenfield. Tho RusUera did come lo pl&.)' as they routed East LoeJ Aneeles College, 101·87, to win the first round of tho Southern California Conference Shaughnessy playoffs Wednesday nl1ht at Golden West College. Darrin Bowen led the RusUers with 26 points and nine rebounds. Art King added 21 of bis own, grabbing 11 rebounds in the process. "This is the most intense game we have played in a long, Iona time," Greenfield said. "We did a real good Job tonight, I'm very pleased." The Rustlers boost their overall record lo al-10, and will face Santa Mooi~a City College Saturday night at Santa Monica. The winner will have the right to face Fullerton College, the No. l seed io the South Coast Conference, in the first round of the State playoffs. Golden West last went to the state playoffs in the 1979-8> season. "This is a very tough conference we're in ," said Greenfield. "We lost five games by three points or less, so we could have a much better record than we have now." The Rustlers came out sizzling pouring in seven of their first eight shots to take a quick 15·8 lead. Golden West turned the ball over only four times in the first half, and led at intermission, 47-40. With 5:25 to go in the second half, GWC guard Murphy Davis made a steal, and converted it into a la.vin. and a 81-70 RustJffi-l~ad. · The steal started a rally for the Rustlers. as they scored 10 strai5!ht points after that. Davis finished the night wilh 17 points. ··we did a real good job tonight-maintaining our lead," Greenfield said. "I told my players to stay in control when we started th e second half. We played' our type of Sita me." The Huskies ended the season 13-17. They won their last three conference games to reach the playoffs. Gauchos fall short, 70-67 By ROBB MUNSON Of tk Delly ~I ... Staff In the rubber game between the two Mission Conference kingpins. Saddleback and Riverside CC, it took a great first half on part of Riverside to edge the Gauchos, 70·67, Wednesday night at Cal State l'Ullerton. With the wins Riverside captures the Mission Conference crown, its first championship in six years. The Tigers automatically advance to the state playoffs, while SaddJeback must travel a different route to get there. SaddJeback must now play in the Mission's Shaughnessy playoffs to gain a berth against Metro champion Long lteficn. Riverside, under Coach Dave Waxman. pulled out to a 42·26 halftime lead. and held on for the win . Paced by 6-4 forward Mike Kearse. the Tigers outscored Saddleback 16·2 in the last six minutes of the first half But the Gauchos refu:-ed to say die:and came back m the secood half quickly Saddleback started by scoring seven straight points, and then after a Riverside basket added six more to cut the deficit to_9nly five. "I guess three pot1ns was too much," said Saddleback Coach Bill Brummel. "We just lost our concentration. We didn't go inside enough." "I wanted us to catch Rjverside with four or fi ve minutes to go. But we caught them so easily. We were making good shots until we caught them," added Brummel. The Gauchos held Riverside to only 10 points in the first 10 minutes or the second half while scoring :!>, but couldn't muster enough offense to overtake the Tigers George Turner led the SaddJeback attack with a game-high 25 points, 19 of them in the second half. Dave Wisniewski (14 points). Traci Mitchell (12), and Don Dodds <IO I also scored in double, figures. Gymnasts vie Athletes m Action will host Long Beach State and UC Santa Rarbara in a doubl e du e l gymnas tics meet tonight at 7 :15 at the AJA gymnastks center, 17102 New hope St.. Fountain Valley. • l"rn• c--y 5-rter C..r1 l'O 8aa16JI I'm•, CA «1717 ~l.AINTIF": Wll.LIS CLARK ~\,.UM81NO, INC. Otl"IENDAHT; HAL IOETTCHElt 111d ltUTM ac>ETTCMlll, lltdlwl•an, 111d d l fl/e l HANOVE:lt OIVllOl'MEHT, a11d DOIES I lllr-11 XX,llocllntw. SUMMONS CAB NUM8Elt 2'111).J NOTICEI y.., fleve -.-. Tiie c•l1 may tlltd* .., ... ,, ,.., w1"'°411 , ... , IMll'll -........ .,.... '" ....... wlllll11 • uys. ltNd tfle ltl-m~left .. ,_ • HENRY WET SURFACE PLASTIC ROOF CEMENT 871 ~oz. forget aettlng bucket a under all tboae leak1 when It rain1. Wait Iii it'• day and put a coat of thl1 on the roof. Seal1 leaka. nLON FIBERGLASS PANELS COOL Bii In Green or White 26" x 8' 5s• 26" x 10' ••• 26" )( 12' as• REDWOOD SUDllEAI 26" x 8' 7•• 26" x 10' 9•• 26" l( i2' 11 •• You know what they say the early bird geta the worm. Tbl!s ia a cloae-out 10 don't be left without a worm (if you get what l mean). TRAKKER CONTINENTAL E:Q;::::::==a='-:::3 TRAK LIGHT KITS 2497 MINI ~~;.,),~-;'\ r~.._.'J ,_ \...... STANDARD 3297 lnc:lude1 two light a. the track and cord connector and all the mounting hardware. ComH in black or white. 24 GAUGE CLEAR SPEAKER WIRE 2 c fT. Gee. 2< a foot? Really? Let' a aee I could go from the upataira down to the front room for under a dollar. (l love 1aving money.) MEW! ITALIAN CERAMIC FLOOR TILE POLIS .. ______ __ 77!. CORDIA SEIUES Sure. aure. I know we've had Italian Ceramic floor Tile around a while but theH are new colora. All tllea are 77/e" aqua re. Admission 1s $2 for adults. Children under 12 are admitted free II you wl'11 to --11\e aclvlc• of an lll~~~~~~iii anorney In thl 1 mall•t. you Should do 10 promptly Ml 11\11 vour wrltt•n rupon11, II any, mo be llled on Orne AWIM>I u-..... •m ... udo. IJ .:==::=:=:=======i M ...... I _.. dac141r < .... ,. Ud .;,, e..-aftCll • --Ud. ,.._... NOTICE INVITING 81DS Notice 11 ""'~by given tl>•t the 80.,d ot Truute\ ol the Coot Commu.Wty COit-Olltrlc:t of Or- Counly, CeOfoml•, wlll reulve \Hi.cl bld1 UP to " 00 a m WedneMl•Y. March tO, 1"1, •I Ille Purcl\ftln9 Daper1men1 of wlcl coll-d l1tr let touted al 1'1'0 ""-A-. C•ta Mes.a, Cellfomla, •I Whkh time ukl blch wlll be l)UOllc:ly --•ncl ,_.., for: PAINTING & 81HOIHG O F ORANGE C OAS T COl.lfGI CATALOG, 1111M> All bldS.,. to be In ec:cordance with , Ille Bid Farm lnttruct1on1 •ntl Condition• efld Soeclllu11on1 whlell •re now on 11i. and mey be M<ured 111 tlw office of U'le Purc,..,lng AOtnt ol Nici col .... dlttrlet. .... ,, ........... LH •• 1 ... .,...,K .... _ ..... . SI V~teci-.. ~Cli<lt1r •t cons.10 Cle un •bc>99do en •U• •\~to. deberia hat t rlo lmm.dl•l•mentr , d., e\ta tn•ncra. w r~\1a •KrUa, si Play •lguN, ~ -'991slr-a tlemoo I TO Tl1E OEFENOANT A <1¥11 comptalnt ha• i..en ltl~d "' the Pl••nllfl _ .... "°" II you ... Sii IG def-lhk •-1, you mu~t. wl!Nn • dao ..... ""' ...,,"'°"' 11 .. ,...., on you, Ai. with 110 courl a -ttt.., rHponM to "'9 '-'llnl. Unleu 't<Kl dO '°· 't'OW dlrfault win ti. .,,.recs on awtlc:•tlon Of ,,,. Plalntlfl, •llcl ""' court .... , .... llAltm«ll eoalnst you for t,. relief demendild 111 U'le complelnt, wlllch could result 111 91r11taflmef't of weoe1, taking 01 mol'ley or pr°"r1' °" 01Mr , .... , rt~IH 11'1 lhl <ornPl<lint. OATEOA«ll U, 1'11. ..,,1#1111'1 L 11.tllfl, °"""'' '°"" "· MITCMeU., ... o. ao• •att. VI.Mlle, CA D171. c .. 11u.-. Pub11"'9d °'1fnte Coelt Oafty Pltot1 hb. u. -di 4, "· ••• ,,., ..,.., Eec:fl blclOtr must submit •1111 llh blcl • <Mhltr'• <llKll. car1tfled cl~ll. • l>idclet"t llancl m• MY•bte to Ille order of llW CMtl C-..nll'f COl'99f Oltlrlct 9oard of Trusten In •II •mount,,.. lea tl!M llve percent U~I of Illa sum bid ., a ~lllllM Illa! U,. ll!Her wlll ontow lfltv Ille ,,_.... ---------~ Ce11tre<I If Ille -It ¥"41"'911 to film. 111 tN _. of 1•1114 to "''ff lllto '41<11 C.....,ec1, I.lie t>rOCMtll 61 , ... ---------...-. clltell Wiii .. tof'fellM, .... In , .. caw .. ICTITIOUS •USINl'SS ... .....,, ... 11111 IVf'l'I lflefeol Wiii.. NAMlnATl'MeNT fWfeltM•a.ldcotl-dltlrlcl. Tiit 1011owt110 P•rto(I Is dol110 He~ nwtr """*-"" ..... .., MIMUa1: •-IM flf fort'l'llW t4il •n ttt.f PHOENICIAN FAIR!, 110J W Ole ............ , .. _llltlM-. .. ................ ~ hK!I, Tiie...,.. flf T,,.,.... ,.._ .. C•tlferftla~ ,..,.,, .... ., ,.,., .... ...,,........... ··-o. "•llfl. ,,. w ...... • , ,. ••••• •"' ,,,...,,.,,,,., 0, ''"' • Ne. •. H••••tt •••e11, ll'lfffm•llllff In OftY bN er In tf1e C:etif9ntleMa lllHlfle, flllt ~II <~1" W M ~MAH I . WA~ INl¥141Mt ~. •-o l'erlll\ ....... """""' '"" .....,.,. -lllM Wt9I .,. C..."-C-fy Cltf'tt of~ ,... __ M ~oh..~' I "Mf'-""-tm. ~. Piiaf .... Ct-. c-.. Dolly ~ltet,i .. , .... ..... 1 .. u ,. • ,.... ~~ ... C..• Dall.,,., .. llt9' ,,. u. #o9t ., 11. 1"2 ,,.. , f , RUBBERMAID SHELF LINER 69R!LL Sure beat a the old newapaper• that Grandma uaed to line the drawen 1rith.Lotaofpatternsto chooMfrom. DEFLECTO DRYER VENT KIT 333 Orange Coat DAILY F>tlOT/Thursday. February 25, 1982 ----- %" CD PLYWOOD SHEATHING I I I ,, 9!! ) . U you'redoing building. you'll want to check out thi1 apecial. (Money doean't talk thHe daya. it goe1 without 1aying.) Cover your patio furniture. your motorcycle or bicy~le. and other atuff that won't flt In the garage. Heavy duty rope in hem a. Won't crack or tear. COVER-TUFF TARPS S'B" x 7'7" 3 99 7'8" x 9'8" 6 66 9·9 .. x 11·5 .. a•• @t.UllJ1 3 PC. SURFORM SET 7!.! Thia thing work a like a plane except that it can go over curved 1urfacH and takH off little chip• 10 that the aurface won't cra ck. CD-2 AUTO PRODUCTS OIL TRE.A TMENT 15 OZ. OIL DETERGENT 15 OZ. SUPER CONCENTRA TEO GAS TREATMENT 12 OZ. YOUR CHOICE 99~. Thia atuU la 1uppoHd to do auper t.hinga to your oil or gaa. l haven't tried the atuff ao you're on your own. QUAKER STATE MOTOR OIL 30 WT. OR 20150 WT. YOUR 94c CHOICE QT. H~• you checked your oil lately? (That' 1 kind of a peraonal quHtlon. lan't lt? The audacity of aome people.) TURTLE WAX CAR CARE PRODUCTS "~ • ZIP WAX CAR WASH ·1· -I I 2 2 1aoz. SUPER HARO SHELL Hard Shell Liquid goea on eaay for gloHy flolah without a lot of elbow greaae. KRACO SUPREME CAR MATS TWIN REAR 4 9 9 TWIN FRONT 6 99 Sen" the carpet hom wear cmd tear. IA Blue, Block, Red. or Light Chocolate. ILL DOORMATS 50°/o OFF IECUUI IETAD. Ne ftr hurt• to hOY• IDON them one of theM guyaoround.Scrv.. the houH hom getting c&ll tracked ~P· FIVE GALLON PLANTS 6~7 Nothing like a llttle landacaping around the yard to make thing• look nice. Indian Hawthorn Compact Bruah Cherry or Cypreaa Leyland ii. ANNUAL RYEGRASS SEED I l~B~AG Plant thi1 now and you'll have a beauty crop of graH that'll keep everything in place for your new 1ummer lawn. REMINGTON ELECTRIC 14" POWER CU HER CBA.Df SAWS -"'3-. _ ~ Tbb goe1 right thio~b tr-• or log• \.-.~~28''1od31ame61er. ~~· -~ #75762 --V .. 12" FAST SURP POWER CU'M'ER HandlH Ir-• up lo 24" In diam.ter and 1barpeo1 l11 own chain ln Jut 10 -.c;ond1 with the pu1h of a button. l.25KP. DURALITE YARD FURNITURE EXTRA WIDE WEB In multi-colored webbing. CBAIR 699 5 x 4 x 4 WEBS #5160 FOLDllG ADJUSTDLE 72" CHAISE 6 x 15 WEBS I 3 ?~. BOXWEAYE Good looking yellow and white bo>r WeaYe wlth molded plaallc arm a . FOLDING BJ-BACK CUIR 17:'!. FOLDllG 5 POSITIOR 74" CUISE 33!! STICKDfli STRIPS Yellow 1trapa with white accenta. CUIR 25?,!, 5 POSITIOI CJlllSE 74Y1" LOllC 49?:., Q1"eGt time to Mlect yow patio or yard furniture while U..,. '• o blg .. 1.a1on. r i I. ,. NBA WHHIUI CON,•••NC• LM"• S..111• Golden $tat• PflOenl• PorOMCI Sen Ole90 S... Antonio Hou1lon O.n.,.r U1e11 0.llH Kense• Clly l'«Nk Ol-11-W L ,. 11 36 , • l' t4 1• 14 ,. u u ~ ...-...OlvMM ~s •• JI t4 ,. ,, It 3' 11 ,. 11 • l'ct. oa .... ... , '"" so • 141 • "' '"" 713,, ·"° -,... s .JOt • .Ml 17 m """ n1 tt"" •AST•aN ce>e1,aa1ENCIE Al&Mllc OlvW. PlllteClfJlpt>le 40 14 BoSlon 31 u New JerMy J1 'lt Wullln<.11on n 21 New Yori. 7S l2 MllweukM C•"'••I ~lvlil• 40 u All•nle 24 ,.. lndleN H 31 Detroit 2• 30 Clllu90 10 )4 Cleveland ,, ., W-y'1 Sc- Bo1ton t:rl, Utah 90 Mllw-.e Ill, Ntw JtrMY 106 lndl•N 111. New York 11 Por11-12:1, K-.s City I 11 Houston 120, Denver 110 Plloer>fx UI, Cte ... lend ti • T•ftM'tOem" Le Ile,.. et $Hiiie Sen AlltoNoel Oetroo\ ' Golden State et D•ll•• .10 .111 '"" .olb .. .4n 1w, O t 1•1.'t .n1 -~7 """ -UV. 44A UV. 310 lt\lt 717 21\') COMMUNITY COLLEGE Golden WHt 101, EHt LA 87 EAST LA $1\.,.k, 7. Miiier 2•, TIHmen 12, Gerenlo IS Auber1 22, George S TOl•1-' 40 7-1017 GOLDEN WIEST Halton 19, D•vls 11, Klr19 21, E,..<Nr1 10, Bowen l•, Bradley 2, Mylo 7. Ourllam • Tot•os o 117•101 Hatltlm•r Goloen W•••. 4140 Total fouls E .. t LA 77, Goleleft Wost 14, Fouled CMll ~lier fEHI LAI Rlver11Je 70, S•ddleb•ck 67 RIYERSIOE ~ 10, Guy S, Ed,,,_ U, Ke•rse 14, Wlllte 1•. Minter 7 Totah JI .. " 10 SADDLEM CK Ooclds 10, Mllcllell 17, Turner 1S, Wt\n,.W~I 14, Doyle •. l".nc- 0, Reio o. Tot.ell 1111 U •I H•llllme. Riverside, 47·7• Total touts: Rlvo,.IClfJ 13. SMIOteoeo 1' Orange Ceaat 96, SD MeH 66 ORANGE COAST Bu1ley 37, T Krohnfeldl /, G KronnftlOI 11, T-.,eJ •. M•tnleu •. Nan-. 10, Dlmelan1e 2, Baldwin 11 Totals oo lft.10 .. SAN DI EGO MESA Cl.,k 12, N•f9hbo<>r 12, B•usley I , SchOllold s. M1r1inu •. Seunciers IS, Mcl'Mu'IOfl 2. MOrrlton a TOla ls U14-l7Wt H•ttllme 0r-COH1, 4S.lS Tol•I fouh Or-Coe.i 14 SMI Ofe9o Mew 11 ' \ lout" Coaet Conference '""'-'' C-.....Ct W L S.nteAM ' a l'u0..-1911 t S Mt.S.nAntonlo ' J Groumont • • Ctf'rlt0t J I or •119t C•st 4 • S.n DI• Mew o It HIGH SCHOOL Clit quartertlnel 1ltH .......... 11•""''' . ... fdf1on v9. Servile •I V•l•n<I• 0-ell W L t2 • 1' II 10 1 " 10 1J 14 1J IS 112 lr19i.wood vs. Motter Del et Senta A,,. Collt9t Aolllno Hlll1 vs Lakewood at Cy1>reu C01te99 CrHpl n . St. Anthony flbel i-A St. B-CI vs. w.st Covina at N-IK Hf911 Po,,,_ vs. Cor.,,.. Clel Mer et Orange '°'" COi,. Estanci. Vt..._.,., Gl•ndale Hf911 Sin Gor9ont0 vs. Los Altos •t Rio Honelo Coll999 2·A N09tlH vs. .... Set'ne II Whittler COii- Burr-"' IAldOe<restl vs Rlpttl el Hancock COlfe99 Ceplttr-V•llo vi. Arcoyo Grande el San Luls°"'- Vlctor VetleY vs La H•llr• •IS..-• l·A Perris vs. Senta Cl.,. II Ventur• Coll- Benning 11 Duane SI. JOWOl\11 C.rp1nle<le La Can-vs. Aviation et Redonelo Sm1llS<-1 ~h1dwlck vs Liberty Christian at Magnoll• C1mp Mtndenh1ll '" Crouroads 11 Parectete R lo Hondo Pree> 11>. Brt,.lwood et Harverd "v11on .C Monlclelr Prep COMMUNITY COLLEGE WOMEN Golden Weit 97, Cerritos 85 OOLHN WllST -Clementi J, Herrera 4, Krikorian 14, Guthrie 12, Harrlto11 U, Aem1e11.tn 14, RH 10, Metnew• 21. Ouncen 2. Totela: l91•2'91, CIEaalTOS -A-r99 11, Dumner I, Humphrey I. "-14. A•Otr II, Welllver •. Lary 1', LaCol• 2. J-.SO.. 2 Totals • •1• as. Hatlllme: Golden Wfft, »42. Total foul•: Golden WHI ... Ce""°' :H; Fouled out: Larry fCerrllosl, LeColx l(Arritosl. Orenge Coast 76, P,.adena el ORANGE COAST -EHl,_r 10, Carroll •. M•rk 11, S...Vvtken 4. Kroyer 33. P•r1utf 4, Be<ryl. Toe.I>. >4 .. 117' l'ASADENA -Oavl1 I, Costello 11. Rybectr. 2. T-wle 1. Ouarets 10, MeMoy a. Loudcl 6, ~ 6 Totals 7' 11 11 '9 Hetltlme: <>r.,. Coeot,0 ·2• ToUI "°"'" Orenve COHI 21. P•-... Fouled out; Kroyer (Or.,.ge Coe$1 ), Merk (()rM191t Coestl HIGH SCHOOL WOMEN Mlsllk>n Viejo 80, M•yf•lr 39 MISSION VllEJO -Har,. 4, Mecl~n 24, Rohrig n. Blum 4, Smith 2, ChYPlll 4, Wea1hers •.Schroeder 6 Totals; l4 12·17 •. MAY FAla -lllloff 10, Oelarowrlo 10, Peru •. Maneoya 7. PrtKott 4, --3. Bobkowslll 2, HtbbtftCI 2. ToCals. t• 1·1• lt Sc• ... Illy Qool"'" Mission Viejo 7• 71 11 10 to MeVl•lr 9 13 I ' l9 T ot•t louts Mlulon Viejo 1', Mayfa ir U; Fouled CMll: llkofl <Mayfair) Burroughs 50, CdM 411 auRllOUGHS Minnis 74, Mcl>onougll 7, OeGrew 2. Kessler•. Gavel\' 10, Krenvle 7, I( lnktnnotl 4, TOlllS' 24 7·l SO CORONA DEL MAii Elley ••• BrllCO. l . Kendell I, Oscllner I, Greenberg 11 Tole!\ 1'11·114'1. Sc-Illy~ Burr0<>9M 12 u 10 14-dO CMon• Clel MM 13 11 13 12- Totet louts: 8"f'TougM 14, Cor.,,.. Clel -• PCAA Bame tor the Plavons. Orange County's top collegiate powerhouses Jmeet head-on as Titans figlilt for playoff berth. Fin. Valley 53, L8 Poty 44 ~ONa ••ACM POLY -llt1f'Y 4, Wiiiiams 2, "'91ore r t, H•ll IO, ..... ,Cl t. .. .,,, •. McKlnN\t t , Hiii 2. o .. reu 1. h l•ll: ....... ,OUNTAI• YALLaY -lerton S, Puchelllll •, ~ 12, OlnMIUrt 11, Devit U, lllrcll I . TNll: It 1Wt SJ. 1c-i.,,o."9n LOl\9 .. -" POiy 10 IS 6 IS_.. l'ountaln V1tley tt u • 11-43 Total IOU11: l°"9 11 .. ch Poly 27, FOYnl•ln Valley U, Fouled out: OlnM>uro (F-teln V•ll•Y I, Ree dy fLon1 Bee cll Poly I. Wltllem1 fl.o"9 I Hch Poly I, Metoyer IL.°"9 IMch Polvl, h111rd 11.on9 IMch Poly I Technlcal ArleClo• f Fountain Valley) NHL w....._.,,k_ ltl,_.s i, Otlrolt 3 llY R-n •. CIMce~ • Hantord •. llofton J EdmonlOn •• B"l•IO, MINIHOl• I, TOl"OlllOS Wlnnl1199•. Pt>ll-lphia 7 ToMtllt'sGam" SI. L()Ujut Wa!it11"91on PlllSbur9fl 11NY111_,s Quebec at Montreal 11 ancou,..r et Cef99ry Kings 5, Red Wings 3 Detroit 0 t 1-3a Los Ar1991H 2 l 1>-s• fllrot Perlool 1. Los Ar1991es, Fo• 22. 1o·so: 2. Lo1 Ar19ele1, T•Ylor 33 (Dionne, Simmer I. 17:CMo, Penally Sc-l•ld. Oat .. 1:,.. * ............. 3 LOS ... nge1es. Dlolww,. !Simm«), l :Jlt. • Los Angele>, Simmer t IDlonnel, •:42, s. Los A"981n, Tur-.11 11 (Smith, NlctlOll>I, 1J 41, •. Oe1roll, LoflhOVM, I. 14:•; 1. Detroit. Osoorne It fM<ltechnlel, U :S3. Penalllft Nl<hOlls, LA. S:47, Sc-1•111, Del ... 2• TlllNPerttcl I 0.1rolt, l.Oflhoolw 2, 1.45 PtN111es - l Murphy, LA.I°'· Sc-eld, oet• u ·s. Snots on 9Qal 0.troH S-.-11·22 L..o5 Ar1991es IM1+26 Goelles OelrOlt, Seu,.. Loi ""991H. Ku111" am. ~ . . . .. College acore1 Ca l StN Fulltt1on 16, USIU l use'°· t..oro•u UCLA 16. P-12 Wlllll ... t, 8loWI • Occldenlet 12, WHtmont o Ca l 8eptl1t 4-1, Cleremont·MuCICI o Men'• voffeyball COMMUNITY C6Luo• Orenet c.o.t clef. LA P .... ce, 1"-7, 1.S.S, .S.IJ , IMS. lft.M.. L.oeMenlllH .... IOAY'SaHULH , ........... ...._._....., '= WL 0.. "'lie~·· Hit °*"'ILAClelrl 11 • U O ._. T11etat111t• IV1lleNll""'e111I Ut t .0 ... ...._.~ "'°"¥ (A.ulllnl J 40 .... reuf: Ott.~r S4M, OH·9rtC'• .... C)oatqr, Pint H•tl S.twn OM -DMclftNI ~ f-111. Tl111e: t:CM 1/S. U •XACTA ~I ..._ '4JM . HCOMD aACa. Ont milt trot. U_., Ctutt (MeltfNnl s.10 J.40 UIO ""I"' .... (Hymen) uo u o Storm MeMeftllr IOl'lllldY I J IO AllO rececl: 0.H rl OuCNH, Denton, Priority, llorllon Wlllllley, No h t, Out'9er Time : 2:05>15 THI aD aACa. One mlle IM(e ~r &ounce f Kuetllef' I 4 00 > 40 uo SIH IWOIU CCApelenCll S 00 4 00 AlmonCI M.tld llltl'llllllll •.60 Alto raed· Oulellgl>t ~I. Slumbor"'9, Jerry OOl't Hel.,. CtWlrnbermald, Andy'1 Chris, G'91 flro1t Time: 2:02 4/S U IEllACTA fl.II paid 11' 20 l'OU aTN a.t.CIE. One rnfle trot ~obi• Rule Cknell 10 00 Sw .. t Nettle Lou fAdtffmell) Fabien cl'lt.-ln1l HO 2 40 300 240 , 00 Alto ra ced· J ey'1 Jeney. Smoay AMI Time· 2:CM2/S Memorln , Soulh '1 flTH UCI. Ont rnlle SMKe a•WetrU> 18elllM990f!I 4 10 ) 00 7 IO Andy's Dynamo 11..eclley I 3 .0 3 20 Andy's Ideal CL.ongall • 400 Also raced· De1e·s D•ndy, J11941bo.,.., Tl,.,. For EM1, Alldy"s Scemper, •Altky Cllantf. • • coupled Time· 2:0lot/5. U EXACTA 1.S.211>41111 IU .0. SIXTH RACIE. One mile P«• Majettk Aura C8ekerl 2 tO 2 40 2.20 • «) t.• 2 «) Argo St•r, Andy's Lily (Perry I Winnie One Time (Kuebler I A ho raced L•CIV Lite lie' Z-du, Celltoonla Emperli Time: t:m/S SIEYENTH RACE. One mil• pace 5"clel Ol>illty (Aubitll S 20 l .20 2.20 ·arendl119 tnin IHolll 1.00 2 40 ""°Y'I Sil'-< IT-111 J IO Also r«ed: Glamour Bov, c a199ry, Prince Au cel, Sllult1 Time: 2'011/S 1 U EXACT.to fft.11palcl11• 40 U PICll SIX 11 .. J.s-6-61 paid U•I tO with S4 winning tlck•ts Cll• -~I U Pk~ !Ma consolation paid l1 20 with •S• wlnnlr19 tlcu h ftive hcrwsl U Pk k Sia scral<h con10letlon paid 114,'41 wllll U wlnnlr19 1kke1S Cfour ,_..,,, -ICrtl<lll I IGHTH aACE. Ont mtle IM><• Hy Dl•tN CGOlldruul l '41 &Mui-a.tts 1Vefl-1r>gnem) Golden Gre.r.lena CSllerrenl , 10 , 10 7 olO 7.10 2 10 Gritty, AllO raud TenMdah11t, Nilly Me)flt k Mt-. Miss lnll1'1ty Time. 2 021/S U EXACT.to (ft.1) P411d,. '41 IUNTH llACE. One mile pao Fi.stty 0-y (Vallancllngfleml 72 10 • IO 1.20 Sen9e Row IGrunCIYI 7.IJO 4.00 ClleWUI K.C• (Crawford) l .IO Also reced· Tina Knlghl, GOida Meir, Loga11 Cllance, Neon a HanovH. Purse Strings. Time: 2·0111s. st EXACT.to IMI paid 111'.IO TENTH aACIE. One mile pace FlnelS-ITOOdlll '"° 7t0 7IO Cla utc U.a fCrogtltnl 7 '41 l 40 My Oir«I Knf9111 ICemcM>tlll J 20 Allo reced· Knight Brlo•O•. J a mn Rhythm, Blee• Benner, PQC1lar DrNm, Ken••"· Time: 2·cw 4/S U lllACTA C•ll palCI U2 20 •n...o.nce: •.•a ..,.._A""9 WI0.•'9AY'tHMl&.T1 ........... 1 ......... , •t HT llAC&. • tw!NllL l..clly ,._,.., fU..ml t1 • OM 11M l<AIW"u c~ •A UM L I . flle9I IOll\ler•I .... Al• re( ........ -... Alye, My °""'*' M•tl• N. ArlHll•, Hempen '• Nwrse. All•rr-s C-1, AllOtller '•v, Deer l'rollClly, IM!ltflet Tr .. -. Tl11te : I I0'1S llECC*O aACa ... wlongo Ft"t Mlllndll !Otlver-.1 • tO I tO 2 tO Natwr1tty Goof CUplWlml 1 AO 4 IJ M ,.11.A IHINIMftl 2M Alto recef • lountlllO N1the, Hl911 Cellller. Sftefow Mooll, Oewn Be Oukk. $1tlellt i..a Time: t:IU /S U OAILY DOU•L• C!l·JI palCI ... IO, THlllO ltACIE. I 1/lt mlltt. ltl119 o ... 1u1 fSlbllltl 11.IO I 20 S.00 Oltlent Chlrm f()tlvtrftl t 20 6.00 Sullflne's lloy ,...,..,, •M Al .. rKed: David N .. Htn~1oenwln1, ottwet• Fella, Wllll"9 Ruter, Fl"I Beuw Time: 1:<6U /S. ,OUllTN aACa.•tur8- ll Pe ledlno fOllver71 n.oo tt IO 1.00 Ove roly I P\ncey I 11.00 4"611 Nelur•I• "'-· fC.Staned•I 2 ... Alto rated: 51'9-Side, Htdrl.,1, Th-Oe y Holk •, Fr-m's Here, Restrlu, F0<90t"" _,,Oft Ille Wino. 1~.-Fever Time· 1·0tJ/S. '"™ aACI. I 141 mlt" on lur1. Bed a ncet IH,..rltyl 17 IO I • '·'° 8ffu Solell fSlblllel 14 «> 1lM Btw Dancer CT-I • 00 Alto retllel; Plffre IA -· ~ Loni. 1>o9o, Fram, "9rry C.Otn, 1"9'el. Finder Time; 1;414/S U I XACT A CMI paid '494 00 SIXTH •ACl.•lurlongs. Giiied Dancer CPlnc•yl OH·R•I Ftteon fTorol DH·Vllll119 Husllw (Guerre) OH ~l lorM!C­ t 20 2.IO 2 40 2.40 '·· •uo u o ""• rend: Je nny'1 David, Ergo, Blailr19a10ng, Ctpt1ln Al Time; 1 :09.0. l•YIENTH li(E. AbOUI 61'> lurl-on lurf Ke119roo COUrt IStolntr J 1.10 4.IO 3.tO 8 etl0<I fGllll9111) 1UO •.00 Jemtat (Ott.,_aayel S.tO Aho r•<•O. Descero, Cloon•wllUn, Kurney, Ar<o, Plre1f' Law. Ren•ln. Time: 1'140. U •*ACT A l).11 paid IS85 00 U l'IClt SIX f,_..1~H·ll paid '4,SCM.AO with 26 wlM1119 tlekets <tlw ,_ ... 1 U Plell Six consotetlon pa id Ul .IO w ith l.OOS wlnnl1>9 lklllb (four,_..,, EIGHTN aACE.11116mlles Avl99lt1on ID•t.,_,....,., 11 20 •.to •IO 81Ulh With Pride (Pl11e,ay I J 1oO 2 10 Cerry A Tune fC.S~•I J «> Alto reuel· Don't JUdger, !,I,. WOft t Tell, Coffff Maid. Iron Ouetn, Mltn Pro•PKI. Sindy 0 0 . Sumf>lne Ster1hint Time· 1 '21/S NINTH aACIE. 1111' miltt Gree1 Lou IYalenlWfal 1 tO • 10 J '41 Per'IOfleltty .....,, IHensenl 3 40 1 Ml Tropper's Bffuty CO.er) • 40 Also •Ked. Pln\pes C•I, Ctnlury's.IAOy, Mlreoe. 0 C Beau. Mv F•wnr. Pellto Power Time: 1·44 l/S. U IEXACTA fft.tl paid l1• 00 Atl•-e -21:1611 WCT tournament Cato-, 11.tly) l'lnt "-' 511191e• tven LAftdC dPI. Pewl SI01il. ft.0, •·l. Viles Women's softball COMMU .. ITY COLLIEG• 0..... -.1 S, Cltrwt Cllru1 000 000 0--0 o 7 GolClfJn Wut O:IO 02t •-S 10 0 F•utlt.ner aria C•ll•h•n, Moore and McflrH .__.It, Ille"-· SeddlebeO 441 000 2 11 1J J Rio H-000 000 0 0 6 • Loch -T~•. Munar, Smith m -Ola& W -t.oc~e L Muno1 tB ThOmet fSaddlebK~I. Toutwr IS.OdtebeOI, Sully IS•Odleblekl JB Thome\ fS.Odlebeckl. Wednelday'1 tranHctlon1 llAUULL --.... ....... NEW YORK YANKE.ES St9ftecl Ale• Atvullel, pitdwr, to • 1wo-yeer con1ract utenlion 1tw'Cl•'9fl Ille 1"5 teHon ... .._,Lo_• CINCINN ... TI REOS SlVMG Jow Br•1o •no Jeff L•"U. P•l<he''· to one •••' contract• NEW YORK METS S1911ec1 CNrltt P"leo. Tlm L••r-y ano Terry Le•<" p1t<htr' toont ve•r c,ontr.ct\ ST LOUIS CAROIN"LS Named JOit Frailer. meneoer. ol lht CluC>'• L0Ull¥ille trancllli.e ol t,.. Amerlc.,. AHOCial lon Ml..,",..._ SPRINGFIELD N•,,_ O.ve B ..... mana941< FOOT•ALL ... , ...... ,. ...... u. ..... BUFF ... LO BILLS N•mecl George Oyer, a ClfJfenslve Hnot coecll . SEA TT LE SEAHAWltS ... nnounoo tht r111onatlon of Htrm•n Sa rko w\k 'f, m1n•glr19 -rel p"'1ner N1mecl Elmer Nordstrom, nW1ne9ing 9tft4!rll partner HOCltlY NetloMI HeclLey t..oat ... LOS "NGElES KINGS R«•llecl ScCMI Grun1. fell wing, •no W•"•n Hotmes, center. from lht New H•••ri NIQl>IMwk\ ol .,.. Amfflcen Hoc••Y L•- COLLEGE NCAA Nameo Fred JacoDv 10 11> 10.m•mtmr 1u<.ut1ve c.ommlnM PITTSBURG STATE N•mecl eruct Poten, heed IOOCbelt <oe<h TONIGHT CAL STATE FULLERTON TITANS vs. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, IRVINE ANTEATERS 7:15 pem. • Pregame show 7:30 p.me Tipoff HlllFI ! THE f1'MIL'' .Cl8Ct8 by Bil Keane "Uncles don't have wives. They have aunts." by Brad Anderson "I don"t know what you've done this time, but that disguise won't fool anyone!" Jl'DGE PARKER 5AM. I'M OOIN0 TO &EE IF I CAN FIND MIKE OV'fl.ER AND TAL.I( TO HIM A60LIT LINDA MAY • 0r1J'1Q8 Cout DAILY PILOT!Thuraday, February 25, 1982 ' BIG GEORGE by Vlrgll Partch (VIP) ~ J TUMBLE,..•_E_ED_8 ____ _., ' ~-OH! rrs NO'f WA~ PRLJMS11CAOSE -------1 1l1e SWJP WE HA~ A MISSIL.E CRISIS. ~ OFfmUtM< WAA PRUMS! "Did you fHI that jolt?" ""~ '2 75 "Could you please make Hotdog stop killln' birds? Mr. Wilson's gettin' tired of it, I'm gettin' tired of it. an· the btrds are REALLY gettin' tired of it." by Harold Le Ooux I REAL.LY NEVER !<HEW MY FATHER ... ANO MY MOTHEROIEO IN A MENTAL l~TITUTION! I& THAf WHAT'& 60tN6 10 HAPPEN TO ME 1 -y l lUINK YOU'VE. 60r ~~. (pt~ ... HARRY, YOUR DOG ISA REAL CHARACTER GORDO f'l:NK 't' "I NKERBEA N · by Ernie Bushmrller HE SURE IS-· EVERY DAY HE TAKES THE N EIGHBOR'5 PUPPY F=OR A WALK by Gus Arriola by Tom Bat1uk 6 0 0 THERE'S ONLV ON£ 5 UR£ WAV 10 IMP ROVE !HEIR RELATIONS~IP l , MOON Ml'LLl!'IWS No, No, sc1<.ATCH ! ® 'foU1VE BE~N OUTSIDE IN , ~ THE u· DIRT! ACROSS 52 Fellow I Stormed 66 Oecedt Uregedlan 57 One getting 11 Hlgg1td well heroine 60 Rainbow 14 Elltant 61 Cogn1Un1 16 RIY9f benk 62 Up --; 16 Hiii Confuted 17 EJtl)9dlted 63 Secul# 19 P'Pper shNb 64 Altows IO UM 20 Coupled 65 Slllnl UNITED F•ture Syndieate Wednelclay' 1 Puzzle SolVecl r i 1 ~ ORA BB LE OR.SMOCK W HY PO PSOPL.e HAVIS APPISNPIXE!S WHE!N -n-teY se!RVE! NO PURPOSe!!, POC"1"'0R? A'"f" '"f"H RE:E: H UNC'RE:O e uCK S A POP, W~ N8E:P 'E:M / ... , t -ts by Kevin Fagan by George Lemont ~ GUE:SS IHESRE: ARE: ~ i'IMISS YOO'C' RA'"f"HISR 1"HOSB GUYS 0 1 Pr<J'"f 1,BVISL.. Wl'"f"H YA! Cl 21~ i2 OwWdel DOWN 24 Arab rulet 2t c.nter fOR 8ETTEa oa rea WOa8£ by Lynn Johnston ... \ 27 AM«• teeort 30 Tripodi 32 lulld 33 An OltnonO 3Ht.lp 17 "*""' Nl<Mof ""*" .Holt ., Pltdl 41 fNI 42 -eoeec 43~ .. ~ 4tLMflblrry .. -DDt ......... •m.t11 • I Flol1 2Jll - 3 1nlqulty 4~ 5 Vint -Mar e Movtno 2a Melody 7 Afl1can llke 29 81ectt 1r1 • Cerry 30 5qultctlerct: f OallM. e.g. 2 WOfdt 10 lurguncty: 31 One of 2 worcte tripttt 11 Hiii 33 Opera 129Nok ,..,. 13 Annul 35 Mt Prtf. ,.,,.., ..... n 9-M'* 31 UWI tto.. llN.Y .... 31bll • Cllllf 41 ,...... f1 .... ooln 42 ... • 44 Heel 41Aeduct "8Scim 47 --berrel ~ .................. "8.lo4!• 50 Aled 61 Colguleted ,,,. 63 to be: Fr. 54Cowltd 55-bttn 51 Femlll .... •IC.nod! ~ tS IT1HA'T )OJ arr lGJlce. AS MUCH f\S I DO ··· AND DOf'tr QAI H AN rut'?E.'? ~'( eiecAUeE. I HAVE A L.e3S EfFlC\ENT GUf. r-------.... P--------i \..ESSON 76'6: I N~~ A-LOADED Gt.>ESTtON. -- I i I ·. Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Thurtday, February 25, 1882 '1Ci'tnoua •Y»NIU "AMellATIMl"T l Tiit lellllwlnt poptMft\ t it OOllll ... ~ ...... ., ' l. .. W lfAl'UH l~StHP, 110 Newport Center Orlve, tilew11er1 i\ff<.11..CA ..... & 1uc ,. w 1111 "''' •o, uot;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;:;;;;; Mtwpert (elll•r Orlve. Hewufl INtll,C.11~ ( llOHAI 0 ll\llN0'10N, IJO New,o•I C•lll•• Orlvt Hewporl •••111,CA.,._ &Al'tORA LIVING\f ON, IJO N•weo•I (enl•• Ori••, H•w1or1 llNtll,CA~ fllh ... ,,,.." '' <0ndu<toa lly • t<tne•al per~p f'1C A Wllleni.ero Tiii• Aa'-1 wat llltO willl IM COllPllV (letli 61 Or•"91t Ctv11tv .,. feb 1. IC MAltlto.I, POR&lt, LAWlt•Hcl, CUNNINGHAM a OIOIH, INC, OM C•"'WY "leu, t..I• 1- ltat CeMwY P-latt ~ ....... ,, . ..., l"llJJtt Pubtltr.o o...,. c;o .. 1 O•llY PllOI ,. .... •.11. , .. u. ,.., )10-.J • . I Ml.JC MOYIE "lCTITIOUI IUllNESI NAM• ITATEMEN"T l lie follow Ing person h dOlnO buslnena..: DRACO PRODUCTIONS, JU~ Sanle AN "--· C•t• Mtw, CA '7•17 OAVIO KOTT GOODSELL, Wt S.nl.a o\N A.,.,,119, COlle Mew, CA t2U7 Tiiis bu$ln .. , I\ COMU<llld bY ... lndlvld ... I Oavl<I S ~II T"" otet-1 was filed •llh Ille County Cieri. ol Or.an911 County on Feb 2. lw:J fl'11lJ17 Published Or•~ Coul D•llY Piiot. Fet> •. 11 11, u. 1911 s~ WHY Pft~IC9'1PTION OAUOI CANNOT 8! AITU"N D ~:. R. Ph. f ScnnelJm cs u medklot' lll'l'!'>l'rlbt:l.l ror you by 'our µhysldun <l~·:1 not • ureomµh'ih lhl' cksm:d r«',u ll 0 1 hu s a rl•'llUrbrnit ,1ller111c .errect on ~·nu whic h IS noll " I' ri l' r i I' i u I v 0 u r I µhysu:rnn will du·eet you tc> ">IOP luk1ng thut ml'd1cl1w unr1 "111 usually pn•sc•rihc another l nhke ulht•r 11harmacy 111 oduds. w hu·h ure guurunll·ed by thei r maker, prc·:.c rt p t Ion 111 u.i-. caiu\Ot be returned for u rerun1I l'harmac1st i., ore re s 1JOlls1 ule for the potcncv .ind punlv of µre sn1ption drul!.!-once the~ have 11-'!n the phurmucy and are no longer under our supervision, we coulr1 not cl1s pem;e them m µre·' ~nl ption fu 1 ">Om eonc el'>l' l"~C:!T~c:;!:~!'::~s \'CIL:R IX>C l'OR CAN Tr•• followlnv oerson. ere 001nv l'llO!:liE US Wh\!n you bU•lneu "s need a medicint.> Pick up l "w PARTNERSHIP It. 170 your pres cription if Nt .. port Center Drive, Newporl . Buctt. CA nwo s hoppmg nearby, or we ERIC .. V.ITlENBERG. 110 "Ill d e liver promptly ~!:C~o~~~:,11r Drive, H•wport without ext ra charge c RONAlO L•lltNGSTOH. 1to 'AIK UDO PHARMACY N•woort C•nler Orlvt Newoorl "'-Oel•-llUCl'I, Co\'2'60 •• , SANORA LllllNGSTON,. 120 ' J51 Hotplt'lllt...t Nrwoort C•nler Drive , Newport ....,..... leech CONDl.NHO tTATIMINT 0, CONDfTIOH ~5mllpudl.ou~ u.. ............ . C."1 and MIC\.lfCICtl • , • .. .. " ..... I ~8 I 22 000 loent fOCOrVllJle and PfOC*I .. t1'ld for .... Con119111iOllll io.na on rMt INiet• ..••••• 13.308,3&1 ooo VA Ind FHA k>e.rll and mor1oeoc.-rdl1llld IOQ\Jrltlff. , • • .•.• l..oen! Oil lll\ltt(monl proptt!.. . . • .. l..otl\t 10 lted.1110 NIM Ol tHI ntate ••• HOMll IN\Qlovt"*'I &I'd motllie l'lcWnt IOIN Loal\S on UY1111JS eccounlf , •• , .. lnt111et1 rtoetYM>le .. .. .. .. • • • f eoe.ei I-tome Loa" Bat'f! llOCk Ind prepavmen1110 Fedefal Sa•tOQt *Id Loan tnsu11noe CorPOralion • • . . , . Pr em•set end eqvipmelll • • . . • • . . •.•• Olltef assllls .. . • .. .. .. . • .. .. ••• LIMIUT1H Savings accounll Fedetal Home loen Bank and Olher 1Xlfrow1191 . . . • • Oltll!f ~abll.ties end dele<red income • • • • . • • C~AL Guarantee llOCk and cap.ta! SUtpluS Retaone4 eamlngs (Includes regute1ory reserves ol $61 .000) $47.6113.000 1987'.000 1 .~,000 73 493000 20.297000 28.7~.ooo $4.000.794,000- 6,00S,OOO " 005 829.000 3228,00() s...002 eo1 ooo 7~064.000 39.768.000 10692000 $4 7!>11 23 7 000 S2 604 669 000 , .973.782.000 47,376.000 $4.625807 000 l 811 000 128,619000 $4 756 237 000 -~~~°'~~~~ FSLIC Otlt WtMw• 8oul•v,lfJ. &v.,rl~ ti1Ut C.11t,11n1., o021J 80Alt0 Of DtAfCTOftl "-J vouno c,.....,..,"'""'s-o _,._ ~ R Si:uoue va c.--cl Int' Bo.wd HCM!Onlflournoy ~Git.cl! &on.ca '1 ......... -p Socz J-N Thayer R81HIE Veoa .>QM R W ... "*lf\ -~ . E •«MN• Vft PIUl<Jenl fIT reports earni~gs increase NEW YORK <BW > lnl~matlonal Telephone and Tcletiraph Corp. u ld Ila 1981 net Income was S678.8 mllllo n . or S4 .S8 oer common shuc, compared with net income o f $755.4 million. or $5.16 in l., Performunce In 1980 hod been favon1 bly •ftecled by the ale o f British Columbia Timber Operations, which resulted In a 59 cent per share gain, and ln 1981 there wa.is an extraordinary eharae for \he Hart/ord tax settlement which re8ulkd ln o 12 cent per s h8rt' decrease. Excluding -lhesc Items. inrome In 1981 Increased lo $894 6 .mllllon, t•omparcd wllh $668.4 mllllon the year bcfort', or $4 70 per s hare"" $4 57 m 1980 In Oecemlx·r 1981 the 1-'inunciBI AccountJn1 ~tnndards Bonrd revised thu :iccountlng princlplUI for Lr:in:slut1on of fore!iin currency llnaocil1I 11tut4!ment.s and uncouri.ged urly application. It hos udopted the new rules 3nd bas r estated uppltcabk prior ycur umounL'I I 1 l 4 s • I fi4•n't NU<•P W1 P•nD• l'I SollifflOll TurtlOQ ' NuCIPfl H•"<tf'O cambOI• WllWHI Enll" AEl ln<I u:.~~~ un Cr>•rlOl 9 ICNw• un P•lln<I Sa.nc!Ttr> ~i~: un V''Otv\n McF•rl l 10t•rv 8•"~' A.mPt0nt CPAL Enl••SY Mln51Fn ()<~'""' N•n.,.. (;nMeq ' AulOOV 8 CllmNt • M~<r0f1 lln CmwRly S•KO (ierwtEn un Nucl5L' u~ lt\I J> I J ' 1 ... "" ,., Cl'IQ • I . "' . '' . "' . '"' lo .. Pct '"' . , .. Up .. , UP )J l Up lJ) Up 7)1 UP too Up 17 t UP 17 • Up .1 l Up 1S• VP U 4 ••I f e 11'• .. 11, ,,, t 1 ~= a: ·~ . ''· 4 • • VP IA l Up 10 j UO IA 3 VP 14 2 Up 1)6 UP I) S l)p ll l ,. . '• ,, • 'j, 1 . '· l' • • " II I' l • • 1. ... \ -. uo 1]1 '"' Up 12t \e Up IJ f • • uo "s 1_. Up n S 1'. J•. , .. • '• UP 11 S • 18 DOWNS L41\I • • II 1\• •.. ,.,, s•. )" 4 • Up n S • 7 Up 12 I ti;t, 01r"21 I I Ott ?00 1•. Off 110 , OU II• 1 011 I) 9 I Oft I) J '· ()fl 11 s '• Off 17 I , Ott 11 I llHCl'l,CAt2~ 6'"2 l"a0 CLAUOElTE SHAW,., Hertior ~ .. !!!!!!!!!!!!!•~!!:!·!!!!!!'"'~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~-~---------'-~-...:------------~ lllCIQe N-1 BN<h CA '2660 ;--• • • 10 II 12 IJ !~:~ • Ayuol< Nr:tO Q Eldor un G...o.,.,. Geodyn un P•rpt un llul~ln<I • , .. J ' l , ., ()fl 100 ()fl 10 0 .. Otl t 1 Ofl .. ' T"" buS.•n•i'l " <Onel\lt htd by • 1-------------- 9en•••I Ollrtntt~lo Ert< A Wlllenll<'r9 Tnos st•t•••"'"' ,..,, lllH wtlll ltw County , .. , .. of Or•noe County on Feb 1, 1'181. MAZ:IROW. l'OREll, LAWRENCE CUHHINGffAM& GI DEN. INC. OM Ceatwy Pl.tu. S..lle 1-1'2' C .... wy P•t11 f oHt LaaA-... ,CA-1 l'ltU11 Publts...CS Or-Coail Oa11y Piiot, Feb 4, 11, 11. 2S, 1911 569-11 l'UIUC MOTICE FfCTITIOUS IUSIHESS NAME STo\TEMENT The •o1•-•"ll ""''°" " 001nv bUil Nt\' ., B & Ko\YE UP>10LSTERY 1160 MOnrov1•, Cool• Mew. CA '1'71 Wllll•m H Gn1mllcil, SW ICl•l•and. l•kewooo. CA 90311 This bu\lneu •• conoucltd by •n 1nd 1voOulll Wolll•m H Gr•mllc• PUIUC MOJXE l"ICTITIOUI auSINaU NAME STAT•M•NT Tiie IOllOwing ""''°"' ere doln9 ll<A•lneua5 1•1 AAA ADMINIST RATION SERI/ICES CO. COi PENSION AOMINISTllAllON SERVICES CO . JOS N COHI Hwy , Suite L, i..Qune 8tacll.CA91UI SYNERGISTIC PLANNING CORPORATION • .a C•lllornl• COfPOr•lion, lOS N. c ... s, Hwy • Sullt L, L.tgune BH<ll, CA '2•S1 T llh bUslness '' conouueo by • C.Moor•lion S.,,..rOIUIC Pl.annlno Corp Jame'5G Kr-• Prft-Tl'l Ii slat-I w<K flied wllll IM Countv Cieri! ot Or•n99 Count y on PllUC MOIXE Nl-•1f11 "ICTITIOUS au .. NESS NAME STATEMENT Tiie tortowlno IM"°"' ••• doln9 busln .. \as· THE SHOWPLACE SOUTH. l020 Pullm•n Str••I CO•I• Meu. C.lllon>le n.i. SHOWPLACE INDUST RIES, INC .. • Callloml.a COtOO,.llOft ltth bUSlneu I\ <onduCl•d by • coroor.allon INC. SHOWPLACE INOUSllllES. -Ml,,.,, Pres-.1 TMs ,.,..,,_, w.s 111.0 wlln ttoe Counly C .. rll ol O••noe County on Febtu•ry J, 1"1 "1124SJ Publlslleel Or.anoe Co.SI O•llY Pllol. Feb I , t'llll.. F11121' Feb II, 251 Mer •. 11. 1"1 71W2 Puo11sf>l'd Or-Coast 0•11• PllOI. Feb • 11 II, 15. IWl _, Tiii\ \Uttrnenl '""" 111eo "'"" tnt PVIUC MOYIE County Cle,. of O••nqe County on i.-------------"ICTITIOUS aUllNEU NAME STATEM•NT Feb t , 1987 1"112712 Publlsneo 0••"9" C.o.51 O•lty Pllol, Feb. 11. 11, H . M•rtl'I •, t .. l U1~1 . NS.t1MJ FICTITIOUS IUSIHESS NAME STATEMENT T"• followlng oeroon• •r• dolnv bUslnus••· JEANNINE HAWICES LEGAL SE RV ICES 1>441 111• COCIO<"nlt P 0 Boa 61 T rebu<o canyon CA '7671 J EANN INE HAWl(ES 73MI v .. Codornll P 0 Bo• bl Tr•buto Canyon, CA,.,.,. Hui ~\tne\\ ,,. conaucteo by •n lndlYldual JHnnln~H•wt. .. Tiiis Sllllt....,,1 w~ flleCI wlln 1"- CouMy Ci4'rk of O••nve CouMv on NS.ti* l"ICTITIOUS IUllMESS NAME STATEMENT l 11• ro11owln11 .,.,. ........ doln9 D\l\lntH •• FAii WEST OAl A SYSTEMS. A 011/ISIOH OF OATA LAW CO, llMI F11ct1. lrvll>t. CA '2114 DATA lAW CO (IOWA OOMESTICI. 7JDI S Allon W•y. Suite A. Eno..-.co1or-ao1n OATAL.AWCO Wlll••m J E00tt1, T II• followl"ll ~rson h dolno bUSln•UiH: CHAROBEE PHOTOGRAPHY, >'IOI P•n.vl-LaN, Suite .. C. Irvine. C•tlfornle t271S. Da ,.ny 0 Cttu obee. U01 P•tkvlew L•n• ••·C. lrvln•. Callfofnle t211S Tiiis -in.-.. Is c-.Ct.O 1rt an lndlvldu.al. 0annv O. CtwroON This -. • ..._, w• lll<ld •1111 the County Ci.'11 of 0••"99 County Oft ,,...,,..,y 1', ltll. ~-I l hls <'•-I Count• Cwrk Of F•b S.1"1 ~1'2111 WIK llllld wllh -Pubtl-Or-CoaJI Oellp Pflol, Or•nQe Counly on FeO 11, U . ~II 4, 11, 1'9:2 6t7-t2. ,.,IUN Publl~lleel 0r•"9t c ... st Oelly Pllol, Feb IC, ll.1S.Mllr<h•. 1'112 •79-47 ------------- NS-91553 Feb I 1'81 Ir------------~ NOTICE OF DEATH OF TOLA I. JONES, aka TOLA IMOGENE JONES, aka TOLA JONES AND OF PETITION TO ADMINISTER ESTAT E NO. A·1121SS. ,.,u, .. PuDlt.,.,..., Or-Co•\! 0 .a•ly Polo! Feb II. 18 1S ~r<h4 I~ .eo.n l'UlllC NOTICE FICTITIOUS aUSINESS N"""E H ATEMENT The t0Uow1no o•r\on u. doln9 D\llln•UH CUDDLE C4 RE REFERRAL SERI/ICE. 19'll l ""•' Drive. Cost• Mna. Calllom•• '2'2• 0. .. 1 .. B L•ior. 1m 1..•ne1 Ori••. Co\I• Mew, C•llfoml• '767& Tiii\ bu~,_, " <OndUCl"f!d "" ... lndlvldual ~ .. B L•IOr Tri•' swt~t •• , •••ect w1tf\ '"' Coun1y Clerk of OranQP Counh on Febru•rv 1'. 1911 "llJIM Publtshe<I 0.•"9t c ... s1 O••ly PllOI. Ftb. II. 25. MMCll 4 11 ,.., .. 0-411 l'UIUC llTICE l"ICTITIOUS I USCNESS NAME ST/4TEMENT Tiit follo•1n9 oersons ••• Ooln9 bu,IM\,4\ Hl'lll APPAllENl IMS Tuuln Avenu•. Suitt" 1 , CoU• Mt1a, CAlllOfnia '701 Ro.,.t1 J BOlfrellt, nM? Loolloul Ct S•n J...,. C.Oklr11no, C•llfornl• 91US Lynn O•n1el Thompson, lllll Stamoft Orlv• G•rOtn Grove . Celllornl41 t2IMJ This bUslnen Is conoucl•d oy • lje"t'•' pet1ne"lllp. R-.i J 9orre111 Tiits sl•-C ... ~ filed with Ille County Clerk ol Or•nve Coun1y on l"ebru••Y .. 1911 F1131'2 PubllSlleCI Or-Coa•I O•••Y PllOI. Feb 11. lS, ltt\ar •. 11. 1911 111.n PUIUC •~£ To all heir s, beneficiar ies, c reditors a nd contingent c re d i tors of TOLA I . JONES, aka TOLA IMOGENE JONES, aka TOLA J O N ES and pe r s on s who may be o therwise inte rested in the w i II and/or estate: A petition has been filed by RONALD E . JON ES in the Sup e r ior Court of Orange County requesting that RONALD E . JONES be appointed as personal l'ICTITIOUI auSINESS r e p re s e n t a t i v e t 0 NAME STATEMENT administer the estate o f T..a. bU!1~~::~1owl"9 oer•on Is dolnv TOLA I. JONES, Costa NOT•CEOl'TRUSTEE'SULE ORANGE COAST MEO•Co\L M esa, California (under l'.s. N•. CR tt• ~:~!"c~~~~$0n sireei, C!Kt• t h e I n d e p e n d e n t On MMCh 10, ,..,, •I 10 00 • m Adminis tra t ion of Estates TRUSTORS SECURITY SERVICE,• OoNld R Minier, 1°'"" Wltwn I · I t f C•llfornlll corporellon. "' duly SlrHl,CooltMe .. ,C•llfomlll'2U7 Act). The pet t1on s se or •PPOlnlecl Trusie. uncl•" end oursuant Thi\ b<Asln~• Is conducted by "" h e aring In Dept. No. 3 at 10 OHd o1 Tru•• '"'"'o.o July 2. , .. , Ind••"' ... '· 700 Civic Center Drive •• lnsl No 4101 In boot< 1'12'. -Oon.tld R Minier W t S t A 11'1 of Otfkl•l llatOfcb In llw offlu of This si.litmenl WIK flied wllll Ille e S , a n a n a , MUC MO'Fil HS.tltil "CTITIOUS aUSINEH N/4MtESTAT•MENT Tiie followlno persons Is dolnv b<Aslnau.as NCI COPY SYSTEMS. JIOO Alrwey A~. Suite I .. , CO&te Mew, C•lllOrfll• m2' L F Sims. Inc . • Oel••••• corpo••llon. JIOO Alrw•y Avenue. Sult• I 16, Ce&la ~WI. Celllornla t1•76 Tttls buslneu Is condu<t•tl by • COtPOr al loft L F Sim\, Inc: LF Sims, Prflldenl Tiiis N~I WM llled wlll'I Ille County c i.ri. ol Or•n99 Counlv on Feoru•ry •. 1"1 1"1aaJ Publlstwo Or•noo , ..... O•llY PllOI, F•b 11, lS, Mllrcll •. 1 t, ttl7 n4-&J '1CT1TIOUS IUSIMaU NAME STATEMENT Tl!• 1o11-1no ""'Ml"' •r• dolno buslnenas: FAR WEST THRIFT & lOAH, 24012 Catie "' i. Plata • .._.... Hiiis, Calllomla t.s> f er W••t Tll<lll & Lo•n "-l•lton •• calltontl• ""'POlf'.tlefl, 14012 Calle di la Pi.u. "-Hlll'- Celllomi. n.sJ Tiiis lltnl.-1 I• conoucteo by • c OlffMW atlon. FAR WEST THRIFT a LOAN ASSOCIATION -s. Gtltfllll, Jr .. ............. Tlllt IW-wff Ill.cl wllfl Ille County Clet11 ol Or•noe Covnty on F""'a<v1',1"'2. CAP'IEna KAM>AN ....... .,. .. u. M l •• .._. C-Drive, 1.1 .... Irv-., CMlfenUe ttJIS-1116 l"IU,.. Publl•""' Or-Coasl O.ally Pllo4, Feil II. ?S. W..r 4. 11 1"1 ,..,.., PllUC MOYIE MUTUAL FUND Ad~•nced 0.<1tneo Untlla"°"" Tot•I I\~\ Ne• tltQ"°' New k>w' Tol•I '\a~\ " IS •• 11 18 U3 19 '2S 10 110' 71 1 :i.1 11 " 1) 110 1• 11 Jl1 400 H """'''" P4tnnV411'1 M«hTc Pe llt" Q Al~ B10R\C> un Bow II"" S19mor ' 1 ' 1'> 11•1 ,, . , .. , .. S•• , .. l • l'. I) ()ft 9 I '• Ott • t '• Ott t 1 '• O•• 9 t '• Ott a J 1 • Ott • J ' Ott I 0 • ()fl I 0 • Ofl I 1 Ofl 11 • Ott 11 I Off 1 I • - NEW YORK (API c.lavu'i"1ei.11Ut1oc1, !. 1, _ FIOtl 1' )4 NHLL I Jlvy ,.~~ t" NL Mu1 ... 1 of OmAna Prv SIP t '1 10.. As-1'I NL Tiw fGliow11'9 •"" • -G"1 5e< t '3 P ..,. u• II G1 12 OJ Arner t t4 Hl Putnem F-In~ I l1 NL , .. ._ WllCllled ~ C.ndl\ • 7S 1 • Hllnco 1 °' NL JP lnco U 7 I st GtWlh 4 lO 4" Conv 12 00 I] 11 O< .. n S •s NL IN *llonel ~I· Olvlcl 2-S2 2 7S HI Yid • u NL J aft\6 7 'IO Hl lncom 7 'IO Is• '"' Eq 1S n " .. Si.in Roe I'd\ ' .._ ~ ~-ltl Hltnc f .. 10.. LI """' 7 U Ml JOl>n Hancoc-Tx Fre IS. t JO Gao<Q 12 st 13 IS Balan 11 '3 NL e _, "' ~-ft -ti I .. f.. Putlln t... Ml Borel 12 )I 13.0 Mui Slv ]I IS Ml G.-...th t 1S 10.. Cap Op II 1' NL g:~·~·~ NI WS UO t .cl Tllrln t.al NL Grwtll t 1• t .. NensT l2 II Ml HI Yid 11 S4 U S2 Stock I•.. NL IMM IKIArlllH Tl1Ft'9 7.11 1.20 Tr-2S.11 Nl US GY\ I.OS I.IS Mel Avlt 7 61 NL lnc:om S ... 05 Sll\Sol t 61 NL could --~TNT t.13 Nl Pln...c~ P1•og: Tu E• 7.t9 ... Hal Ind II JS NL ,,.,,.., '1] I 45 StnT'• • OS NL IOlcl (Net _. Cnt SM 11.U Hl Oyne • 'fi NL Kevfmn t:I NL Net SKuflllft Optn 11 'IO 1101 Sl••lln• S 42 S 'fl ..,., .. , "" boulfll ,,..,, Fd IS.It 17.J7 ·-l .. NL K•mc>« Funds B•tan ... IO M T•• b "I) 1''3 Strei Giii 104' NL lvelW PIUS 1alft C~ Olr 1l.4t NL lnGom • n NL ln<om 7 1• , ., Borel l 10 l l4 111~ I) 00 u 11 SunGrtll • l1 10 24 c ... rtitl -Clle1MYI ll.'6 Hl Fst ln-s Gr-• lS 10 ?t Grwttt 1 14 110 lloy99 10 II 11 11 T •• MQcl tJ 11 I• 9t Sell ..., Colonial F.-. llncl ~ 11. W ll 9' HI Yid I 1' 8 II Preld S 10 •II Qua .. r J21S NL Tmp(;lb 11 11 ADie 1:1.• NL F-I0.11 II OS OIKO a.u 'u lntll'd 111' 17 lt lnc:om s 1' • 7l Retnllw 115 NL Tmol GI ... 1 JI 14cwn F 22 21 HI Grwtll 1.01 1 •1 G.-...tll I 02 I n Mun B • 11 •SI Stock 113 • S7 Rnere • 91 NL Tmol W lS • 17 )(> AOV 1:1.6' NI HI Yid 6.0I .... lncom 6.10 6'7 ()p4n 1111 IUO Tu Ex '77 110 Safeco Secur Trns C.0 ..wvell AMwe 12 S1 NI lncom S.W •.S4 NatRn S 6' • 1, Summ ISM 17 31 TolRe 4 II S 19 EQUil I .. NL Trns Inv unav•il AIM l"latdl· OOln .... '.. ()pin 6.JI •• ao Ttcll 10 30 11 lb F.alrlkl • ,, b 17 GrWlll IJ IJ Ml Trev Eq 10 11 11 II (;¥Vici it• 1211 l ax Mg 11.lJ If.II Tax Ex 6 •• 7 4J Tot RI 11 IS 17 19 NEll'9 Fund lnc:o 918 NL T..clr Fd II JI NL IEdlorl 11.u 11~. Cole1~G!'a 11UI.-1N.1L1 M WIEq 1 to I JI Kepu~oc-.111 Me1• •2s1 1311 EQUll II 11 19 7S SIP.u1 11wtt1 TwnC Gt 1000 Ml HIYlcl • • .. ... .. ... .. Well I] 4$ HL cu.. • Grwlh ll 17 14 J1 C•pll ll SJ ,. JI TwnC s.I 11 n NL Aldw I' 1U1 H wltll CO I S5 IM Fncl Gift C.JO 4 91 Cus B2 IS 12 II 1' lnc:om 9 4J 1015 Grwlll t 'S 10 S1 TwnC UI 4 JS • J9 A ••rtflT 10.7' 11 ., .., ..... F-*"o-Gr.-NL Cus .. '-15 1" Rel Eq 17 61 .. .. s~· IS lO NL USAo\ GI • .. HL A~........ Fd I.I'll t.JS ·~ ... Cus KI ·~ '~ Tb E• Sll SSJ S<udOer F-USAA In< •.34 NL A... L1' 'a.r. C--0 If.» NL lnGOm 11.JO NL Cus Kl S S2 •OJ ... uller99" &e<m Com 51 11 00 NL Uni -""<v S S4 Ml ·-• -... c-UaA Geftl ~ 7.M 7... Cus SI 14 ~ ,. 21 ENVY u 11 Ml ~~· M -Nl IJnll MIA! I. NL ;\M:;a U 11:iS r~ 't-: 1~:: I J 1 t 1 J 1 I Cus ~ • 3' • tS Guard 27 • NL ~ ,_; Ml United I"- '-' . 11,IS 11.lf Mun lld s: ... 64 !(~11 7. 7.12 f.:~ :·: U~ ~:J,1 rn ~t ~l~BFd 1~ ~ NNll = ~ !': rn ,d Ill• l.n I ... ~ I JO 7S II 21 Ufi'1'°" S.Sol S,'4 T F P rt IJ II Ml ~ • ,. ?.=!: ;t 1l~ on:.,..IWG 11:• Hl Pnc~ t: t~ ex '" • 21 •SA S:~ 14 °' Ml ~:. 42 ~ ~t ~~~':..: 1~ ~ :~ ~ ICA 7°11 *"" Oftl -.. » NL us Goo; •.M ... Mti• ti'° 11 ..... .., GI ,. " NL S.Curily Funm FIOUC n °' ,. 11 N ..... .:..s 7 27 Ctry GllP tUI 14 0:J c.lt 7.23 1 10 Lulnolon Gr!> '"wt Inc • '7 NL 8ond 7 OJ 7 2J Ht Inc 11 SS 11 t.2 A.~ Ml 7.ot. i1s o.~~ ~,Lt: ll 7• Et!llll s 02 s 41 Cp (.a.-' .. 10" Nlcllole "13 Hl Equty s ., • 10 lnc:om I" t.SI ,.~OeMfal .....__ TuFr S'1•16 Golclfd lOONl HE lnTr f'9HL invest 7ftlt.2 M""' SJ2 SS. Ceo 1k1 J,rJ • 21 0..-15. 1' 11 Funos Inc; GNMA 109 NL NE lnGt I IO Hl Ullre • J7 •.. S<•EnQ 110 I,. , ... 111»1>'1• o.lclt ... 7 04 ,~, 1.01 1 71 Gr-711 Nl Nov•Fd tl'l Hl Se•ec'*IFunm llMQ 117'UIS HI Y'ld .:a '04 Tl Ft'9 s 1t s Sol Incl T• unevell Rftll I• 24 NL NY \lent • • '°' Arn 5ht • ~ NL l\lld Svo 4 11 NL Mun II ll.'7 14" 0.ll• '31 10.17 Piiot 7.5' l.H Ta FOi I 00 Ml HUVM<\ • °' Ml Sol Shi ,. 09 NL 11 ..... Urie fd VMtr lt.14 2U2 ~~. Bl .P,,! ~LL GT Pac IS 40 NL Lind"' IJ IJ NL Ome09 t 41 NL s.110,,_ Grouo Bond 10 .. Ml Cmstll 11 IJ 12 1' """'"" •w• " Gel• Op ll... NL l..oomls S.tyln. One 'Mn U Jt NL Broad • 14 10 SO Fund I• IS NL Eocll 12:20 NL 0o0Cx St 17 t:I NL GE S&S 14.IO Hl C•oll 14 01 NL OPOen/Wtrner Fd. Mel Inv S Jt i 11 lncom S.. NL Fcl ..,.,, '.., 10.SI ~·· Bur ll.43 NL GE SS Lo • 02 NL Mut I]" Hl Olretl IJ 71 IS 01 u Cai> • ~ 1 11 l •• G4 14 n Nl Gr-22.'1 NL "':~ °'r, Jt NL ~"Sac 9 71 NL l.o<cl -"latt ~ 1 01 1 6' Un Inc 10 4' 11 11 Spl Sii 10 8' NL ~!c'!' m; ~: Orrff IJ.M IJ 17 G~11~ /H1 n..,~ ~:·~ ~ !; ~ ~ Inc ~ 1~ J! 1~ ~ Se~~'::: Grft. 1 ,. 11~~:...~ 10 .. PrOYld J 11 4 1 I l •"9t 1' IS II 41 HemlllOn O.v GI 1' 1' 17 IO ()pln l'2 S. 1A 6' Bond S SI • 02 lnYHI & Sl 1 U .. GlllFd • .. 1.. N M1M '°' Ml F HOA 4.J7 • 71 lncom , n 1 '4 Soecl IS '° II OS Com s 11 11 ,. 00 l•..-oo lb se NL .. H.-110 2 ... NL So4 Inc •.» NL Grwlll 1 1• I.. lul-•ro Ta Fre 5,. Nl G•Wlll 10 J2 ti 21 CepE t 0" NL A lns&lnd 411 SJ• Tu b 1'3 Hl lncom Stl ... Fund IOIO lllO A.IM IJfl 1520 Se<luo<• l•U NL El/Giii S'3 ••I .. lnYWt& • 11 Nl Thro c • .. Ml Hart Giii '00 NL lncom 7 ll • 01 Tlrne 7 fl • 6' Sentrv "l4 11 01 Ell h• NOTICE OF DEATH OF ~.!i~n 1~~ ~t 1!~~~; 811 Hert Le• 10.31 NL ~~'&,., .1,1~.11• 01 ~!:=.a~M ~.~ ia; Siie••'°" Funds OBill 1~ ~ 10,./~ A NIGlt\ J 43 ] 7S llelan 6 '3 1 41 ~:~OI~ 1l:·:1 ~t -H FINncl P••Wld I 48 NL ~Wi: n :i :~ ~ O-..r t 44 .0 NL LETHA MARBLE AND A Hllnc 141St'2J Fours 11Si HL INA HlY Ill 1 72 MIT 10«11011 P•nnSq 701 NL '"'""" IS ft l .. J EaBsf S.21 NL 0 F P E T I T I 0 N T 0 Am••• S .cl S 11 Grw!ll 16 • 11 11 ISi Groue> MIG tO.•l 11 21 Pfl\n ,,,_, l 61 NL MMun 10 '1 11 P, bFO r •• lb N"L ADM IN Is TE R Es TATE ~~~~:..71 NL ~~ ~: ~ r, ~~ B~ ; ~ :~'b 1rn ·n: ~:::::.. .. a-:: t0] s!.w~o ·rn f)N~ ~~ff ~ ~ ~t NO. A11218S. r~ a~~~ E~t.edl ~~ ..... ~~:.;" ~= · .. ~ :rn ~:; :n; g~ =~:~Sime GI 107S NL 11:~~·,:c,•10& T 0 a I I h e i r s . Slocll 1.01 I 7S Eno Rs 10.00 10.t:] lnler~lal MM8 1 ,. 1 S4 HIYld Ul • 11 Sl~i::t'"': lO • 20 E'l(l)lr 11 'IO NL beneficiaries. c r e d itor s BLCGI llM U lO Surwy l2 \l lJ3I inc.ii u s .,. MFH SIO •IS Slocll IU ... lnc:o •12 uo lndTr IOS NL and c ontingent c r editor s of =~ .. ~ 1H'i IJ~ 1::~ ~~ 1t:~:. . r~J: I~~ :i·~ M!~~~ 1~ ~ '0H'Z Plll!r~mF~·r.· ,, 12., ~~=· ·rn ·rn ?v':t'i"' ,rn ~t Letha Marble a nd per sons Babl 1nv , '·" NL Enou111 II 01 Nl NI Rn •.12 1 n .-.nm Lynell M99 c •.. 5 22 vent •,. 1 °' ~~ ~ ~ ~t who may b e otherwise 8~1~1c1°*':.~ rn J;;r.;G . ~ .. H;. , .. :~~~ tT. U: ~~ lU! :rn pt:,:.)",,~" 1" ~= f~~ '~ :: 1rn MuSllt .. ,. Nl d · · 1 HI""'" 11.JJ II .. f:~e"9d F~ l11v llldlc "1 tz Hl Equ lld I t:I t JO Bond 111 I~ SoGen In tJ •I 14 JI lllulnt '11 NL i ntereste in the Wll HOK 1u2un Aml..dr &AO 1 .. invQIMI ._ .. ,10 Hl1nc 70:J 7ll Fund 1'0911st Sw lnlf\ ts.10 .lf Mu'-0 11• NL and /or estate: Te•F,.. I 00 Ml Eacll u II NL Inv eos '1' 10 S4 HI Oil t 40 '1t II Inc II " n 10 ISwlnlnc 4 09 • ., OOlv I II u Hl • A pet'iti·on has ..,,.~n ft'I"" Tal!M 14 n "01 HI lcm 10 ,, 10 to lnVHton Gr-1111Trm t " • 16 Pian.,,. "., NL Sovu 1n 14 11 14,, OOI• 11 • o NL ~ cu B .. c Gth 10 n NL Optn UN1¥ell IOS lld l .'CI 4 04 LIM411 • n •A1 Pllgrtll IJ u NL Sl•I• Bond °'f TrsiCo 1S" NL bV Linda Lee Williams in BaacHlll 17.lf Hl PenTF 100S10S1 IOSOil UI s ... MUllHY 1S77" Plllmd ll J7 NL Com SI 0 •"'I W•ll•I lotS Ml the Sup er'·or Court o f B•r-Groue> TaF,.. JOI Hl IOSGrtll.,.11.to Mut)lln s.••.U Price Fu~ 01 ...... , S IO W•llln ... NL 100 Fd 12.1. ~L us G"1 UNvell IOS HIV J,1] J.16 PacFcl 11.00 11.76 GrWlh 11.)1 Nl Pr""" • SJ 1 14 IGBnd 713 NL Orange County r e questing B)Jt'onFclCo. •.2' NL Flr.:r G•~, Nl IOS HO •• ., 6.ts .. so1 Val Ui 10.21 ln<om In NL SIFrl'n GI 1 'IO NL HIYBd 1 t:] NL that L''nda Lee W 1'tl1'ams v• IOS PrOG 4.ll 4 ,. Mid AM , .... 21 lnll 10.41 NL S1F rm Bl 10 n NL Wncl\r •JO NL I Pl Inc 10 f11 10" lk>nO 6 14 NL Inv MU 1.75 t SI MMk<lclC II Z3 NL N Er• I]°' NL SISlr"I '"' WllllSI G 617 1 SI be appointed as personal ~t~ 1::;10~ ~= ~:l =t 1osT ... w 2u ~~::, •:~,0~ ~,:11 1:: ~t ~:~11 :~ ~t :r~r;: ~~ ~t r e p re s e n t a t i v e t 0 llutl ' lllMr Gp OslnyFd I S1 :~: ~ I~;; 1: ., MIF Func8 h Fr" I 71 NL lnvnt SA IS SS 10 w-$1tUIMtS administer the estate o f C.om "1 NL EQ inc 1"7 NL 1,,v ver 7 M 1 :i. Fund ,., ·,.., Pro s.<v1<tt !.1e..,.,._ """°' c1e1199 "• NL Letha Marble (unde r 'he Caoll S 11.09 Ml E•Ch JOt Sl21 0M_!; 1nv Rm J J2 ] 6) G.-...ttt S 41 SU MadT IJ 14 NL o\m Ind 1.. NL Mouw 12 07 NL Golen 10. NL :~~ Is 6J hill IUCI 2•.09 NL N•IBd 8 0 • ". Funo 1 " NL p.,.., 10 ~ Ml I n d e p e n d e n t 1-~~~~~~~--~~~-.-~~~~~~~~~~~-..~~~~~~~~~~~-,.~·---~~~~- MOC MOTiE l"ICTITIOUS a uStNISS NAME STATllMINT PUii.iC NOTICE "CTITIOUS IUSINfSS NA"'E STATEMENT f'UIUC MOTtl NOTICE OF SAlfi TO HIOMEST llOOER lllt Count y RecorCler5 ol O••no• Counly C .. rk Of 0r•"99 County Oft C alifornla 92701 on Marc h Counly. Stale ol Catllorn1a, ••etulecl l'ebru•ry 1', 1911 ,.1_,114 10, 198'1at9:3() a .m . by GREGORY NEIL JOHNSON .,,., 1 F YOU O BJECT to the ROXANNE L. JOHNSON Will SELi.. Publlshed Orenoe Coa\l Dally PllOI, AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO HIGH ES~ l'eb 11, n . 11Mrtll4, II, 1"1 137-«1. granting of the p etition. BIOOER FOR CASH (p.ayabte •1 llm• C -= -I you s hould either appear o1 '"'" In 1•wtu1 money of u.. United ' PUii.iC MTIC( at t h e hearing and s tate ..OTICE TOCREOITORS 01" aUllC TIANSl"E R llocs.. .,., .. ftl7 U.C.C.I Administration o f E s tates Act>. The petition Is set for r h earing in Dept. N o . 3 at 700 Civic Cen ter Drive, W est, in the City o f Santa Ana, Californ ia on March 17, 198'lat 9 :30a.m . Hot1ce •• 11ereov 91.,.n to creO•ton ot lllt within nemecl lrenoleror ls) thal • bulk l•ens'9r Is .-it io 1>e m-on perso,.•I ••operty llerelnllfUr I F YOU O BJECT to the granting o f the petition. you should e1ther appear at the hearing a nd s tate your objections or fil e written objections w ith the court before the h earing. Your appearance may be in p e r son or by your attorney. i0escrlbed Tll" lollowll'IQ O•,.MlflS ar• 001n9 l>U•ln~··~ THE ME.SA YEROE BUILDING. IS10 Nulme9 Pl&u. Cost• Mntl, Calllornl• 'IUltt Cll.arlt1 H Gorlwtm, 3190, Helll Circle. Coolll MH.t. C•llfornl• •141' lh• loltow1n9 """0" is dol"O bulln•n ., T J s l.IOUO R , ll 4 JI B•ool<lluf\I Slr••I, rounlatn ll•lln. C.allto1n1e Evelyn Ha.-. 1"81, D••OI""''' Avt~ue T"'""· C•lllot"'• 0611() Nolle e " ""'°by Qlwn INI bid\ wlll be reUI~ !Of WI" 10 Ille l\l~il blcldtr h i or •••IOU• ••MCI .. •nd • equlpm ... 1 .. CHS l• Ille 1'141td• ol , ... Hunlln91on !Wac.r> Onion HIV" S<l'toOI O••ltltl s 1e1u1 ., ,,... N0t111 front •ntr .. nu to your objections or f ile 1110 Or•"9t Counh Court~<> 700 c1vtc c ... 1 .. Ori•• w~.i. Sant• A,.. MS.tttU written ob jections w it h the Calltornl.a ell r19hl 1111~ ano tntt•t\I FICTITIOUS aUSINaSS court before the hear ing. conveyed lo anC1 now Mid bY II ur>Otr NAME STATEMENT y be 5ald OMO of Tru\I tn the o•Of>tr1Y The lollow1n9 persc>ns •rt doln9 OUr appearance may •llu•l•d 1n M•O coun1y •nd s1••e e>uslneuu. In person o r by your d••crlbed as CAZAOOR, llJ w .. 1 CrlslolMll. a ttorne y . Lol4•otlre<lm?.Colyollr¥1ne, S.nCi.mtnte,C .. llOf'lllet2'n. IF YOU ARE A Cou,,ly ol Or-. Sl•I• ol C•lllornl.a Mealne c.. .._, "' Tr•f•'9er c R E D I T 0 R 0 r a ,.. ,.., meo racoro.o In Book 411. l11ne, San c-i.. CalllO<'ftl• n.n P-s t).~ lncl~tve ol MIKelle-.s Robert W Cerrl<ll., lU Wul COntlngent Creditor Of the M•P• es rocOlfcled '" '"" o1ott o• "'• cr1,1011a1• San Cit--. ca111orn1• deceased, you must flle coun1y R«01t<IH ol w 1d County f2•n I I 'th th rt Tr,. slrHI acldrU\ a rtd other John I' Rttcl, 34 Locuslw004 y our C a m WI e COU common O.slvnallon, " •'IY. of "'• 8ouloerd, El,,_1, ~ YOf'll 1100.s. 0 r p res e n t I t t 0 t he , .. , prooerty cs-.c••b•CS •OOv• '' R•Y Mccj1i11n, l4to ,.,,...Ida o.i p e r s o n al repr esentat ive ourporl•d to ~ t Urbino, Irvin•, Pr••ICl•nt•, •u Sa n c1eme111e, appointed by the court G•lltorol• Calllorllla '71672. fM ..-.Slvne<I Tl'\1'1ff dlKl•ll'n\ Tiii' buolMIS Is ConOucte<I by a Within four mof'lthS from any 11a11111ty 1or ... Y lnGorract-.• o1 0tneret-1M""1p the date of firs t issuance ,,,. "'"t .ocsreu .no other com..-RavM<c.atlln of letters as provld e <t ln 49.i~llOll If anv, .,_..herein Tl'llt \I-I WM flied wltll ... of S.lo .... wlll ... m-. llUI wltl\ollt County Cltrt. Of Oreno-C.....,ly on section 700 the probate ftv•11ar11 Of w•rr•nly, .. ortu or l"•Oruary 10.1"2 code of Califo rnia. The Implied, rf9jlrdlttO llllt. OOSMUlen, O< f'fllftt tfme for ftl1nQ CfaimS Wiii tncurnb<enco,. lnc•uc11nv 1eo•. cnerOH Jtflf'1t•Y"" v•1tDON, •so. not expire prror to four •"" eapenwt o1 ,.,. T•U1f" encl ,,,. ou•1tlN...ack.Ta VlltDON 1ru,IHfMi.clltyMioOteCIOftrutl,lo 1 .. 0.WM. ..... -.& mOnthS from the date Of ,., ,,,. rtfNlll"'11 IH'Ul<lpal sum• ., ,._. e.ct1, ea. nMt the h.earinv noticed abOve. tN new tKlred "'1 w141 °"" ot Tr1a1 ~llOlltllMI °'.,.. CMst Delly Pltot, YOU MAY EX.AMINE te wit "6$,eoo. .. wllft ln'-"'1 '"'"-FM. 11. ts,~ 4, 11, 1911, T7s.«2. item Mar<11 '· ,., a1 1a CMt<•nt ,_ the file kept by the court. -"'" n _._'"Mid ll04• "'"' PtaJC llntl If yotJ a re In terested In t h e ••Um••~"•"" •"Y ..,..ant" 01 estate , you may file a •\S:t:!:~':,.,'":'~ wto b.cs 01 ,,CT1nous austHn r'equest w ith the c ourt to Tr11st heretelore o tculetl a11e1 M,,._n ATIMl"T rtCelVt Special notice Of • ,...,. .... • ,,,. ~"'*' • ""''ttt11 Tl• 1,1,.w1r111 ,., .. ,. 11 dot111 the lnvento~ of estate and 09(1atellefl f//f dtfWlt Cl"4 ~ blltlntUM: of t h _.ft t for S•I•, -• wrlll•n N•tk•.. IUIUCS CHAltTEltS, uu • """'' ons, ~coun s o.1a1111 efl4I 11ec1lon to "'" TM H••"rt 1 1 .. d • 1¥11• •. N••"" •nd reports described In 11ll9enl9Mlf <-,.._ Nf4k• o1 a..c11,CAtM1 Sect Ion 12 0 0 of the O.fevll IN tl«llon to S.11 to IM CCA".I ltOllltT I U'IHI, tMll C l lff.v la Pr-a t C-... receNtd 1r1 ""c-•r w,.,. '"' , .. , ,..."°,.. .. Yd., .. ..,,,.,, a..c11. CA .... n ....,.. • ......... preputr It 1nottd. hi• wlll •• ,...,, LAW O'"C• O' c~•~" _, N.--•Pt• Ser..;lt• Tlllt .....,_ It ~ " M MICM•L D. MADDY ._... .... ,., '""" ....,,,...._ 1., N • .,..._., • OetP: ....,_.,,, i• • .._,. ._.. llN AM C. tl1l6 i T~IKllfff,.twvlU, Tiltt ......,_. ... n-.""".. ..._.,;t~ .&M ec.t....-.~•"" ~ CteA. eof Of.,_.. COIMIY Ill " ..... --• .... ,...., ...... ~ 11 .. 1, ,.. Pubflthld Orenvt CoHt ·~ ,..._. ~bt.~ l'Wl1Will 0r .... c.11t oeti~ O•llY PUot, Ftb. 19, 19, 25, ,.lt,,.ll,i1'1t' ........... ,lt,11,1$.l-,.... 1'82 760-412. ~ l •x• ~ !.::i~~-.J .. I IF YOU ARE A C REDITOR o r a cont ingent creditor of the deceased , you must file your c laim w ith the court or present I t to the p ersonal representative a ppointed by the c ourt within tour months from the date of firs t Issuance of letters a s provided In Sect ion 700 of the Probate Code of Catlfornltt. The time for flllng c t•lms will not expire prior to four months from the date of the hearing n oticed above. YOU MAY E X AMINE the file kept by the court. If you are Interested In the estate, vou may file a requ est wllh the court to receive special notice of the l n~entory of estate assets arid of the petitions, accounts and reports de1crlbtd In section 1200.s of the Qtllfornt1 Probate Code. Jeu,lt R . Davia AU9'HY et L•W, 2't' "•""" aaw., 1t111t ita. C .... Miii, CA flUI; tit. !!lf.'.°11'a.1 .,..~ = TM Nrnetsl -bu'4nes• address of Ill• lnltnOtd l••Mleror <ti ••• KEITH E BEHNKE, 7JO N Euclid, Sulh 111. 14nallelm CA 91101 RIJSSELl c OSBOlllj. IJO N £utlld, Sull• 111, ANlllelm. CA '7IOI Tiie loc.allon In Calllornl• or Ill• chl•I u•cull•• olflo or prlnc:lp•I llu•lnu s olllce of lllt lnle11deo 1re11sferor Is: ~- M H KOii. 11•n Arroyo, S.nt• Ane Celltornee t270S Thf' buSIMU I\ <OndUCled D• • Q<t,.,,., oatln@rsttlo ChartH H Gorham Thi• •IJltenwn1 _, llled wllll the Counly Clerk of Orfnoe County on F•bruary 2l, Itel lllh buslMU " tonOucl.O lly ... lndl•ldu•• Bid form #Cl wtlh \pe<llKIOllO•U •net 1no1<•t""9 r'W<I tocahon OI lletn• mev ~ obl•I""" lrom llw Olitrlel e._.1~n u.utaun PurCh•1ln9 O•PA• '"'""' 10JSS Tl'll\ Sleltt,...nl ""' 111..i wtll'I lhe vo11<1own Ave,_ H""ll"IJIOft e.ecll, County Clt1k ol O•enQ!' Coun!Y on CA,,.,.. Any Item may be ln\peclocl F•Oru•ry 73. lWl • et et•• \lttl wt'lrr ti " loc •ttd durlM" ; "11Jlll r•out•r ~,_, "°"" onor to M•r<ll U , Published 0.""91 c ... •I Oell• Poot. , .. , l"IU1U l'tb ts, 11Mrctt 4, II II 1'112 MH1 8 ld• •11•11 IH! cl••rly m erked 1 P\lbll~t.cl Or-Coa\I Delly Po IOI, -------------! "Oll•olete EOulomtnt Bid • •U ... Feil 1S. ~rdl 4, 11, tt. 1911 8'CM1 Piil.JC •""E add••ued 10 Allyn E Rowl•V , A II olller buslnt u names •nd aedrenu used lty the lnt•nCS.cl trenJt'1'0f wlllllll lllf• y .. n IHI PHI ,o ,., •• know" 10 111• 1n1enc1eo -.JC •m 1re11Sfef'M ero· t14' HutlOr Blvct.,1 _____________ _ '"' Purc11ucnv M•,.•v•r. Hunll•QIOfl ---------=----!Buen Union HIV" S<l-1 Oh1rlc1. PICTITIOUS '"'"''SS 107SI YOfkl-'1 Awnw. Huntlnvten Coste !NM, ClllllO+'flla. TM ,..,.,.,,, tlfl<I 1111\Hl•l .oo,..u Of 11'1<1 lfll...000 tle,,Jffr .. (J) ete: PAUL l . HUFFMAN, 711 S 010 t rldv• llotd, Anati•lrn Hiii•. CA '2907; PAM~lA I HIJl",INIH, 271 S Oki lrlcl9t llMCI, A ...... lm Hiits. CA net7 Thal I'--rty pt'1'-1 llet'9tt b desc tlO•d In 9entrel as: all '1•0.·lfl>traoe, vooc1w111. f11rnllur1, flMlllrtS, ... ufjlMettl •rid ..... ~Id l•rott et10 It *8i.d II: 114' H•rtlor •1 .... , C)Mto MtM. c.i~rlllt TM Ml-• -"'"' 1tY llw satl trentl.,era It ule 1oca11on It ?ttttU. lllal telct ...,.._ ,,.., ... r It tmendtl IO M <'eot~ ot tlw offk>o et· 1ett1 lterow lnterPfltH. tOJ N, T11tlln A .. -. Suite !60. $.ttlll AN, CA '210.S 9fl ., aner MMcfl u, 1• Tlllt b.111 lra41\f•r It \lllll«l te Cltlfo"'I• Uflll•"' CMl'lll'Wrdal c:.tde led .... Tiie -.. 4!0*-..... --wlttl -'*"' clellM _., bt lllN It 9-ttt t~ """°"._,Ille., J0$ H Tlllllll A,._, ..... Mt, leflt.o AM, CA ft7'1W 11'.Q. .. , II.,,...,.. Ma, ~ ft1'1, -...... , "" "' flllftt tleiMt ty "'I Cf'MIW IMll ... l'ilerCb It, ••• wNCfl I•, .. ~ .. , Itel••• Ill• tont11inmet1M d•I• .-c" ....... OATID ....,_, t, "9 .... !.. ............ "-lo I. """""" 1--..Tr~ .......... Or-.. CM•t Qelly l"ltet. ,......... .... "ICTITIOUS eUSIMaU NAM•SfATEM•NT NAME STAT•MEHT Be.tell, CA n ..... .and reoh•• al Of ' Tiit lollowlnv peoo"' .,... dolno belot• 1·00 pm .. l"rldrt. ~rel\ 12, The tollowlnQ P•f\Ort h c1o1n9 bullMH .,. buJlnen .,. 1'12 •I wttkll u,... ..o P'•• blch wlll i MARKET Vl~IONS, l TO . .as Viti• ... oubllclyopeMCS-f'Md. llonlte. ~ llHcll, CA '2..0. All • ._. ... of ,.,,,.._ -ntfM¥al • SUIMARINE ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, 104 J1" So .. 1, Hewoor1 IHCh, c.tllonlla fM63 lOttllfO C Miiier, tlJ Via ltevtllflA. ~ a.adl, Qlllfofnla ....., Tlllt o..tltw\\ It ,on4'1Kled ~ an lft(llwldvel i..or.nto C • MHltf. o.Mr Tllit t~I w .. 111 .. WIUI IM c-IY o en. oi Or•noe c ..... 1, on M•lolm Ollnwoocly M< Rttl, •Sl .,.. Ille ·-•ltllllty Of, .... -Ctlaflll \/Ille llOllCla, H•wr:oort lle11cll, CA OljcltflU. Selft le& will be ft4"'d lo t2* ell 41"°'allons Ulllftl ... 11. NUii Mlft &fiery! L...,,,, k Mllll.Ut, .S.S lllllt tu permll numc.r I• \lll>ml11.0CI wll~ 11onue, H-' ... ell, C:A f'J..o Md torm Tllll IKISlll•H " (OftduCl•cl by • Peymeott In IUll SNlll 119 l!lecle Wlllllft llrnlWll ~·· .. Yf" days OI ... -fflillt Of IM •ale, Maltolm 0. Mc;lttel •lld Ille "'01 ... lel slleil IM r-Wd lilts "'"9fMl\t wai lllee wllll lfW f,.111 Ohlrld --1Y .. "-lime al t 011111r c ierti ot Orlfltl Cwnty ..., 11111 ,.,_. l"ft t, 1tll. Tiit ... ,. NMrw• Ille rltiflt to ~tama flt111711 roltcl .,,, .,.., 111 Dolds • t• -1,.. .. , (>vbll .... Ofelllt CM.i Ooll'f Plitt, P\11111 ..... ~CoottOolly ~, l"l••"'•lllY tr l•re9111erlty lfl ,,,. F_...,.,..,n,1.a _. Fttl. 11, 1e. 2$, ~II 4, 1'9t .,_.., illMiflt AJ1 ,.,,..erlalt aN ._, lfl Ofl ."'.:;.";;.;·...;'.:;.'·:..Mor'Ol....;;...:;,..4...;·_1..:'•:..'*.;.;•;..1_..,;;;.._";;._1....;;.· .... ------------, 1 .... Ca"' C!OMlllon. T"9 01•''"' "*'°' t _..,. ....... r _.,. ~ l'OOll.,-... .n .................. 1 ........ ,.... ~ -·-..... ~tftll ot "'' "-· ''°"''....., • • • £ -... __ '""" Alt If ,_.,... PIC'flTICMll •U.llNUI "(TITlOUI IUllNSQ Pt\Or le aid «t•- MAMC STA ft MC'" NAMt STATSMeNT .111!\lfl E. -....., Tiie fellewln• M•Hll It d61na flt• 1a11ow\11t pert"on 11 doleo ""~llMflotllr ~.. -lllffUI OAllO ,..._...,.,U,_~ Wilt ... O 011e St,, C.te Mtt.e, /40V.llNCE.0 Cl.llAN lllOOM 4, IM. , CA"'2,. IWIA IHTINANCE, !Utt Hewn "'*11"'91 Or_,. Golt! o.l!V P1'9C. C I. /4 R IC. ( c; H 91 f •a J AvtflW, T\114111, Gllltof'!ll• t110S. '"''ff .......... 2,_J.'-,,_,...._dl-...4.._1_ta ___ __...,..-..--.;. HAltOWIClC.. •D otlt $1,. C•ll Ja"°' 111-~. 1"'2 tte-... Mttoe, CA...,, A,.._, TWiii\, Callforrtla ftNS Tlllt ....... IS ceMioc...a Ill\' Mt 1111• ..,.._, It t~l"9 tty Ill IM4¥1111oel, -, J ..... !Wol. CMrQJ ~' .Hin9t It ..... ""' ......... -" •• "" .. fllll~-"· ........ c-t" CW1t ., a..... Qu111y .. c-1, ~ ., ~ ~ "' .... ',. ,..,_ryD.1• . . ""'"' ....... C•ll M2·5171. Put • few word• to wort&,., JOU. '"th• 1.gugu11 ' ~I--Or-. C-1 Oolty ....... 1'11111._. °'""" C.tt ~!)~IM. l'M 11 tt. 11. lllWtoll •. 1W ..... ,_. H, *'°' 4.11, lti ,.. 141-ti.__..;..._~---~---,~--~ ~ ' ".;; 6 CT -. slip in January ~111111 ~------ Orders ror new durable &ood• slumped 1.5 p(:rcenl ln J anu3ry, the filth d~llne in the past she m onth11 and a fresh s ignal that the receulon continued unubated. new government figure~ indicated The Commerce Department also revind a previously' reported 1.6 percent gain In orders In December to a 0.2 percent decline. November orders rose 2.8 percent . . The Treuury Department said the Reagan administration does not intend to s upport rerwwal of legis lation muklng possible th~ so-callcll "All Savers" tax-tree savings certificates . Current l•w. approved last year under heavy lobbying from thrift institutionR, expires at the end of 1982 ... Congressional lovestl&alors s a id that com modit1es fr a ud has grown into a $200 m 1ll ion-a -yeitr "Uoating crap game" that easily eludes the federal agency responsible for policing the industry Economic recovery in the United Stales and other industrialized countries late this year will reverse the current trend of declining demand for petroleum , according lo Exxon Corp 's latest forecast nan ~ , The U.S. Labor Deputment said it has restored $20.6 million to job service programs in four Western states to help unemployed workers find jobs. The California E mployment Development Department will rece\ve $1.9 million more to bring the 1982 fiscal tota l to $58.l million A conswner group has asked a s uperior court to investigate al least $2 million in alleged fraudulent claims against the Levl Strauss Co. The group contended in a brier filed Tuesday that the fraudulent claims. if all owed , would sharply reduce refunds lo honest claimants in the jeans manufacturer's $12.2 mill ion price.fixing settlement with the stale ... Bank of America reported that in 1981 California experienced its lowest number of housing starts in more than two decades. Total housing starts in 1981 amounted to 94 ,491 units, down 27.5 pe rcel'!t from 1980's total of 130.300. Between 1961 and 1980 the lowest number or housing units constructed occurred in 1966 when 105.180 units were built . Financial Federation Inc., a Los Angeles· based savings and loan holding company, has filed in the U.S. District Court a laws uit charging Severyn As henazy. a large stockholder. with an attempt lo seek illegady control of the company in violation or federal securities laws ClllTY (j.,_ ___ _ Assemblyman Richard Robinson, D·Santa Ana , has introduced a bill that calls for cable television to be regulated by the slate Public Utilities Commission tnstead of individual cities. lf il becomes law , California would be the only place in the nation where cable TV franchises are granted at the state level nither than by local communities ... Assets of Capistrano Bancorp's principal s ubsidiary. Capistrano National Bank, surpassed the $60 million mark for the first time. ending at $60.2 million as compared with $43.8 million on Dec 31. 1980. a 43 percent increase over the prior year STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES HEW YORIC t•PI -S.ltt, W.ct ..... •nd Ml Cl\MQo oA lht> Ul-n "'°'' K llW New Yori< Stoo. Ea<""~ lu~. tr•dlnv N tk>Nlly "' ,.,,.,.. than SI Mobll • l,lll0,100 11111 • '. Tn 6<o tnc I*'•'°° 30~> • '-Gvll 011 1,UJ,800 ~ • 1 AllAlchllO l,o.'1,500 >6._. • '"° Amer TAT "'·"°° SS•I• • ~ SIOOllC•• I01,SOO 32'" +I~ ~T.~tc,o ~:= ~:: -~ IBM 100,tOO 62''> • '"" PhlllPi~ 6'S,IOO Jllt -\o\ Pllter '23,<IOO SSll> • l\o\ Exxon ' &10,600 tt~ • ~ G4n MotO<S Ml7,700 JI + J~ Cillcorp 56.:1,100 1...., + "' Am Alr11n S.1,'ClO u • 1 AMERICAN LEADERS H•n• I VjL'-ICP 1 S oqrds.t w1 J WnAlr Lin • TW Corp wt 5 Rt llllbo(J r 6 Co(tKO Ind 1 M•ll•I wt I TW Coro ' F II mwy !GDI 10 Ttotr IM 11 Am SL Fl• 12 01 ..... lnO. 13 Lovl.41 Eirp u toscoe. U Ve&IP »t 16 E et11\All'L 11 Pt'I Am 11 AmAlrl11 ., 1• "'"'"'" htl ' IHW V~K CllPI -Prke1 i.to T-y 9f .... <OlM, t -M wlll1 ~··· llttk• . • ,..,,...,, 11,..... ~. ~ 1S. oft •1 • ........... lrft ........ 7 •• oft., ... ..... ,. ..... I.! ,,..., •••• ..,,,,,, .,. ''·" ...__ 1tO tf'891\ ."911 ,,.., et,. WI IS, ... 11 •• N EW YOIU(IAPI Fon.ti O<lw·J-••vs tor W.ct , "-b 2• STOCKS llO '"" 70 Trn ~ Hltill Lew C .. M CJlil 8 U • 87'1 11 D .S I 116 11 • U 7t 1S Ull U St~ lnclU\ Tr41n Uti" 6S SI~ J33 11 3'1 SI l30 n :MO.JI• • 10 10S 73 10. '° IOS 2t , .. S.O • 0 •• JttamJOJ11 nn• ... • sew WHAT STOCKS DID HEW YORI( 14 P l Feb 74 '~ol, •17 J.S9 1113 JO to. HEW YCl>cll IA"I ... b 7• AO••n<ecl 0.Cllnecl UnchAnQecl l otel II-• Hew hi~ New tows METALS N EW YOAIC IAP I -'•' prtcn Wed l -y J2l 147 J01 '" 5 SS 7.117,«IO 7.m .a t,•>t.000 11,214.800 Pr ... -:r. llS 411 1900 • 205 Prt v O;&, M , .. 7tt 4 n Co11..-r 77"' 10 ctnH • povno Mllln•lloM L-ltunb •- u s VRC 43 <""'• • "°""°· Clell•ered Tl• •7.2'111 MelAll• w .. i. <-Ito lb 1ti.m-...1•n u 11ll• pound.H Y Mon:w-, un oo per "•" l't•U-PM OOtroyot.,N Y GOLD QUOTATIONS ,., , ... __ .. _ ~· $elec1M-lcl 91114 ltk H WM. . I I I 1111 H'>ll \\ M01··--CHMUa'I ANCMEL.1 CID STANDNI MJGM OM.V "flmon ANJ ~: TN ¢OftOWI In The Perk" Pu ~ end Alt 011t-IUl'lk.. '*'°"" IMl'Y Old hlvonw. In t!)eir fht ~ oonowt 1n 1 r ~. 11Pec1 clutlng the tumf'llW of 'I ' In .._ Yor11 City'• C41ntrel Patti (.Q)MCMI • • •'it "Tiie Wey 'we Were" j 1t11) lerbr• • ,,elaancl. "°**1 AedfOrd. I A )'°""fl oollege oouplt In IN 1t30t ~ thet 111* pollllOal dHter.- -•trono trlOUQh to ~· 1 lltdlle !Nit marrJaoe. .MCMI I * • • ''The Doge Of W11" , (1MO> CMll09f\er Welk• 1 en, Tom Bet~ After '*"e tonur.cl and dec>on· ed bJ M Alric.ti dlOCatOI, • ~ returne to IMO e rtvOlutlon. 'R' I .. !TUBE TOPPERS KTTV • 8:00 "P .M. Maaaiine .. featured is a visit to Palm SprmJ:s. rt-trt.!ut tor the rich and famous. KNXT fJ 9:00 "Mugguble Mary : Street Cop ... Karen Valentine stars in TV movie premiere. Se~ story . below KABC O 9:30 "Taxi." Elaine is humiliated by the haircut giwn herb~· a top stylist KABC II 10 :00 "A Barbara Walters Special 20/20. Victoria Principal. Tom Selleck and Dudley Moore arc profiled . ~ daatt'llC11on of thelf mar· ri.ge.•A' i.nd, EIM LenohMter. ~ find INtt ..., loOM lot MOii --OO'I-"'°" .. ...., p!OftUIOi,. .. .,.....,. •PG' 4;00.00URtMTO ...,,,.., ..,.. MOVl9 • "TOUOh AaelgnlMnt" ( , .... ) Oon "Aid" e.ny, .._.odle. •• (C) MOVl9 • • • "Th• Helltlrom Ofvonlole'' j1t1 I) Ooou- rnentety Herratld bJ ~ renoe Preaatnan. The VII• ., Mn!Yel teol\lllQUta of lneacta. wNcf\ t'T\ly -•u-.,,, put them Into Olreal and euocM9lul CIOl\'IPIU- t I on with men, are ~ .MOYIE ~ ti.olrlll '° efwWl 111.._'N ' 10:80 (I) • •~ "'*-Pe l'rom ATHtru" I 1t7tJ cu.,, IHIWOOd, P•UICk McGooMn. A MINMMd OOMtat ,.... ...._ •• _,. '° "'*"' out of IN ~oof prilOn. ·..a· 11••••·~w..., lent" K*'1I 1.MMn. A mountain "*' trawe. ttle Hontt ... t with Illa "'*'Y Merdltng tor .,. ., ... wfllt• water ~ toUth . ·a· 12:00 . *•'A "OH l.Jmlta" 11~) lob Hope, MICtc9Y Aooney. A llglll IMl\tger contlnUM hie carear ewt1 "'• ~ lnctuGttd lnt4 lheAmry • ••• "TMIPllot" ( 1t38) Olan! Gable. Myrna Loy. Forced to lend In • fleld, 111'1 IMlllOI' ll'IMI• and fell9 In IOve with • twmtt'• dalJOl\IW I wMT9.1Ho\OOW T'Hm.-...MONI HAWAII fl'lva.o "Ct'-.... AK.._ .. INTERVIEW Tom St.•lleck of TV Sl•rlN1 "Mugnum. P .I .. 1s interviewed hy Barbaru Walter:-. tonil(ht ul tO on KAHC to:oo 8 8 HIU. ITMST • UYI PROM THI ooa.D't ITOM 1:11~= •• "M91vtn ANJ Howetcl" • * * ''Flitt F1mlly" (19IOI Giida Ridner, Bob Nilwft•rt The MJIUllly <ec>teeaecl daughter of the oovntry'a Wllrdeat p<Mi- dllnUel famlly ~ ... lier father'• ett«nCN 10 conduGt the effeln or elltt. 'A' • ***"Feta It The Hunter" (1984) Olenn ford, Nancy t<nn. After • ~ CfMhea wtttl 50 pa- ~ tbowd, at'I 11th exacutlw atlemptl to m- dlc&tl hie lrltnd, Ille pilot, by tlmulallng the _. to determine Ille ,.., GeUM. CB)***~ "The Wey W• Were" ( 11173) l••bre Strelund, Robert Aedford. CZ) ••• '1lll ooe-Of W11" ( 1g80) Chrl'ltophlr w1•an. Tom Berenger. Alter being tortured and depof1ed l>y an African dictator. 1 mercenary rtturf'tl to lead • revolu- tion. 'R' •=r:~==T HUMAH MttAVIOA f!.5 *** "~" llNO) Robin Wllllem•. Shelley Duv.U. Whllt -Gl\lng for hie father, the~·· 1no Mlklf v11111 • queint f*nlel wtlWe he plCll• up • lounclllng end • Minny _.i-t.·PG· t:to. wacx>MI BAa<. KOTTM • KQETNIWIMAT WtTH CUTW "°9PTS I ...... AEJIORT 8NEM aAftNEY MtlUA (%)MOYIE . <7l . elt end Ille Nina ~cl Modtllng agency; • lnp to Palm lpringa: the hlOflMI retect 11Mua aymbole. • M•A•t•H Hwll• wntee • taoer to Ille f ..... 1'llllrig him - Of the weolly golngM)l'I In the.077111. I TIC TAC DOUGH tilAOe. I LI.HAP ~ l~MMWM A vl1lt to CallfOf'l'lle'• retrNI for the rletl end fMIOUA -Palm Spring•. g<ee1ue11on oeremon1ee at the "Vnlvwtlty ol Hate! l(noclle." 9 YOU AIKID '°" rT FHtured: ..... .,, Aid•• ONdfy Mante Ray" llnd ti "Englend'1 8paG•·Age AobolOog .. CC)MOVIE Tomonow" (Ifft) ~11· menlary Nerret.ci by Oreon w ..... ,ooteige Of 9119111• he predlottd afld ctrwnetlo -•kin• o• 1111 .... COf'llC)tlM lllia IOOll at the I ftl\-Otfltury ,renGll l)llytlc;l.n. M trotoger end mvttlC. MIGMI de Noetr .. Dime, known .. NO.Ire• dlll!IU9 ·PG' (()MOYtl • * • "One-T rlGk Pony" ( 10t0) PllUI Sll'nOI\, llall 11-n A O~PoPUl•r performer la pr..aured l>y ~ erO\lf'd Nm to dtoC> Illa atyie ot ""'*° end wr11. eonve 111a1 01111 bf1no him baclk 10 1111 top •o 'A' .MCMI ~ ' A U0,000 rawferd la I offered for tnfc><mellon , leedlng to the arr•t of • public defender'. 11'\U(dlf. et, MO LeAue, followlng !\la ltt•t binge, le tOld lo 1 , find •-)Ob llf~NIW8 WM.T1MaNCW.ao1 I IO latbar• Walter pronl" VIOtorl• Prlnclpal, fom Uteck tn<1 Dudley Moor• • 'AWlTVTOWPI w.,ld war loom• 111 the -lulure •• 8yt>U enter• the hOaj)ltal •nd B1tlll hlll· dhM thlnge l>edl\' (Pall II oft) l l lMOVll • • ~ "RoGk1t1ow" (1080) P•ul McCer tney end Wlf>ga T"'-r-d Of the band'• u S tour IM!udle p.rtormencea of "Jet," "Band On The Aun.'' .. Siiiy Love Songa" end -Old &Mtle ba118da. ·PG' Argue H~on le jolMd b)' m•ny outatendlng comtdlane In • petform· -taped •• The Comedy Store In Holly'#Ood 11:4& (I) MC>Yla • • "8evage WMllend"A --end llOllday ~ • nighllMf• '°' five lrlendl wllO .,. •telked l>y • kttler. 'A' 1l:OO. 9HA NA NA ~= Joflnny Ray •Ill Y80AI ~ QOM efter In Intern•· llonel ring \Mt ~ ahow glrfl to rig the culno'a roulette wheela. (R) G MOW • •~ "Sttngrey'' (19781 Chrl1topher Mitchum, Sherry Jecbon. Oetede- vll• tlM to the hJot!Waye In purault of I CMQO contllln- i $250,000 In GWI. MIKI DOUGL.A8 Low.~ l'Tt'L! • FOCUI ON IOCIETY (1NOI Peul LIMet. JMOn Aob11d•. An Oth-IM unknown gaa atetlon ttterldent cllllme to be tl'te r\glltful heir IO Howwd Hugh••' blfllon dollar •t•te. 'A' 1:ao e INTll'TAMmff TONICllHT Kim NoYllk telke •bout her ~. 1:111= ••• "MOdern Romenc:e" (1981) Albert Brooke, Kathryn HlnOld A lllm editor trlee r1C1191edty to win beick the hMrt of the -helovM.'R' 1:4a (Z) MOYIE •• ••Going.,._ .. (11174) 0.11d Oeperdleu, Petric:lt O.W-1 Youth• embark one bicyde lr\9 th•I turn1 Into • MXual ~My --the fr-" GOW\try· aide. t:OO·= 4:11. MAY81MY "-'·0· 4:40 (8) MOVll • ·~ "P-~ .. pg78) Pater O'Toote, oe-.ld Hetnminga A GOrNC>I QOV• .,,,,_, beoonlea the llf • get of • military coup 'R' Frfda11'• Da11•I•• Movie• l:aG (I)*** "Poc>lta" I 11180) Robin WIHl111ne. Shelley DuveN. While -Ghlng for his lither. lhe eptnactMet· Ing MllOr vltlt• • quelnl hamlet wt..• he plCtl. up • foundfl"O and • 9klnny IWMl.heltt. 'PG' 1:00 CC)*** "The P~d le Courage" ( 11163) Oltlo: Boglfde, Marfa Per9Ghy. A World War II 8rltlllh off le«, Chatlee Cowwd, rac>Mted· ly outwit• the Nazle who ettempt to hold him u a -pri.oner • • • "The CompetJUon" llHO> ~d OreyfuN. Amy ll'Ylng. Two p4enllte et e 5111'1 Fr~ICO mYaic: c;ompetltlon llnd thel lheif IOYI tor NGh Othef COt'I· tlictl with theit p<O .... ~ el lltl\bltlon9. . PG. * • * "Thi Hell•ttOll'I Chroniele" (11171) Doev· mentety. NMtated bJ L-r-p,_.,,,, The VII· led _...,,... tecflnlqUM of • • "Th• lnoredlbl• ShtlnlllnO Women" (IMO) Lily T Olllllll, Oherlee Oro-ocn A ~ tlnd• 11 l'WlfCI to oope wtWll'I the ~ be9lf'll to •llrlnk ln*-.'PO' uo. INl.AIC PMvtlWI Roger Eben and G- 8116111 review "Shoot The Moon." "Montenegro" end "One From The Hlllft." 1G-.IO·~ 12:ol CZ> MOVll • • "The lloN'• sOn" (11171) ~ ......... Alt• Moreno.A apolled l>oy learn• hOw the wortono c leu llvea •lier he ~ • dellvery men for hfl tau-·• t>uw- * ••'A "Soldier 01 Orenge" ( 1979) EelwWd Fox, S-Penhellgon. SI• cl....,,.t .. •t e Outdl unlvertlty go their MC>I• rete wev-wtler'I -breelca out In Europe. 'PG' 1:00 CC> • * ~ "StOtlM From A Avino TNnk" ( 1117111 Mur- rey Mllvln. member• of IN RO)'el Biiiet. Tht.. Hen• CMetlan AnderMn etc>tlee .,. brought to IK• through bellet, Nve action and anl- m•tlon. (Z) * * "Thia I• EMii" (11181) Oocvmantety Fiim footage and dramellc r•- Gf•tlona we uMd to tell the story of EMI Preeley'a CJ) ••• "Lo11t•" ( 11182) Jame. Muon. Sue Lyon. BIMd on the atory l>y VI• - dlmlr Nabokov. 9 * * "°'9 Leughlng" (1980) Rol>l>y Benaon, CharlH Durning. A aongwrttlng cab driver Is elded by • smart monkey Jn proving hlmMlf Innocent o1 a mwder c:harge 'PG' 7:00 I C8I NlW8 N9CNIW8 • HAPPY DAYS A~ I I ~~aw.FORD M•A•&•H ..... 9Y9 becomM 90 di .. gulled with the ~ tellte lhet he tell .. m•ll.,, Into hie own hencte. I JOKER'S WIU) OYER EASY G-1: Bobby Short. (R> 0 ID OtCK CAV£TT Guut: Normen Maller (P1111 0 lnMGte, wtlich may -IU• Illy put them Into direct end ~lul competi- tion with man. er• r-.led. (B)INIAK PM'MW A IOOll la tellen at the tnOY· .... tpedals and tp0t11 evenll coming up on Horne Boa. Offlc:e t;OO 8 Cl) MAGNUM, P.L Robin Muter• off.,. to let I lllm cc>mpen)' UM Ilia ~ tor -IOcatlon thc>t•. G al FAME -~ .. PA8TE.L8 "Red" 1:4& CZ) MOVIE • * "Thia la EM•" ( 111111) Doc:umentlM)' Fiim footage and drematJc: r.aMtlOns .,. UMd 10 t .. the story of Elvia Preeley'a Ille end c:.r-. t:oO 8 Cl) MOVIE "Muogable Mery StrMt Cop" {Premier•) K•r•n Valentine, John Getz. A L-d want• someone IO apend hl8 l>lrlhday wl!ll. RI• WWII• u clt-1, .Ad Ben Wlnll f'IOlhlno In Pll· tk:ullf Ql!) THE LAWMAKERS Correapondent• Lind• Wer1hllmer 111d Cokle Roberta join Peul Duke for en up.to-t""°mlnute aum- m•ry of/Congreaalon•I actlvlt .... (%)MOYIE • * • "Elvia" 11979) Kurt Ru .... I. g_, Hubie)' EMI Pr.-.y rleM trom pover1y and obaCUrtty 10 achieYe fame and fO<IUnl u • auperatw mualcal per· '°"'*· 12:80 a a LAT£ NIGHT WfTI4 DAVID &..nTEMIAN Gueat• eutllor Stud• Tetkel. oomadlan RIGhard Lewie. 9 MOVIE * * "Red Ugltt" ,( 19-411) George Rett, Virginie Mayo. Ari u-con lll'IC>fl .. oned wlthOUl gull! find• love whlle •••king revenge. ·= 1:11• MOYie * * * "8uapenM" ( 11148) Alben Oeltkei. Bltrv Sulll- v.n. 2:201 Nl'W8 t:ao 'MOVIE • • "The Creeture'• Revel'\ol" 111171) Kent Tay· IOr. Grant WJlllema. Ari Amerlcln doc:tor plot• to trenapllll'lt .,. brtlln of • Middle Eaa1em dlc1•tor. 2:401 NEWS ~ MOVIE '"•end c:.r-. t;30. * * "Young And FrM" Et1G Larton. I.A. Stain Wiien tregedy loroee • young boy to join • wagon trllln In the rugged -t. 1141 mMl8 a young lndlen glrl end beg1na a,_ Ille. 'PG' 7:acl CC) ••• "The Aac>hal1 Jungle" ( 11160) Sterling Hayden, JlmM Whitmore. The potlce .,.. baftltd l>y • crlnfinal mHtermlnd'• half·mlKlon-dOllll robbety ~CZ> * * "Schlock" ( 1973) Johll Landis, Saul Kahan. A monater, believed to be • genetic "mlMlng >Ink." 9oe1 on • campage of ter- ror. 'PG' 1:00 G • • • "Thi Plclure Of Dorian Grey" ( 11173) sn- BNnt, Nlgal Devenport. A "man remain• etarn1lly young wn111 hi• por11e1t 9llOWs the elfec1 Ol the yeera. Cl) TIC TAC DOUGH 9 INTEn'AINMENT TOHeGHT Kim Novell telke ebout hef c•r-. As• drama d-l)f'Oject, Dorie befriends • p<etty nineway end twlnga her 10 achool. diVOtCled -~ an undetc:over decoy, hc>p- lng 10 cetcn muggers Ill the act. 11:00 e D 8 CIJ 9 CB NEW8 * * "S.petele Weya" {11180) Keten Black, Tony Lo Blenco. A youno cou· pie'• fellufe to c:omrnuni- cete nuny r-.ill• in the dnttVCtlon ol their mer· rlege. 'R' *** "In N-Only'' (11139) Ceroll Lombwd, Caty Grant. A Mlflllh wife wttoee only conoern tor hef lluebend le the atetua end WMlttl hll 11811'!11 bring• etllJnGhtv reru-him a dlvOtCI INll WOUid enable him to marry the - l'te r-'lly fovM. 1:00 <HJ * • "The Evlc:ton" 1111791 Vic: Morrow. JeMlc:a Herper. Two youno people move Into • hOuM with the notorloull reputation of ""*'G the dulha of any- one daring to llve Iller• 'PG' (Ii) * * "The lnglc>riout Butarda" ( 11178) Bo Sven- eon. Fred Wllllamaon. Two men form an unusual frfendehlp during their elforu to eurvl... enemy lttack• and vlolanl death during the tumultuoua dr;s of World WW II. QI TME MUPPET'S G-t· Clll'ldlcl Betgen (ID MOVIE • • • "Return Of A M•n Celled HorM" ( 11176) Rich· etd Hwrll. G ... Sondet- gurd. An Engliah lof'd return• to Amerlc:e when he '-111 thel the Indiana wllO lnltleled him Into I~ tribe h•v• toat their modeat P••••rv• to tr~.·PG' Cl) WHA rs "'"AMENCAJ Feetured: M.1rllng'1 hlatc>ty end current trenda; rook medicine et • Rotuno st-concert: the "'" profeaalonel woman wr ... tier; how to majce money 7:20 Ill NBA IASKET8AU. Loi AngMI Lak.... w S..ttle Supe<.onlca 9 MOVIE "Shaff a Big Sc:ore" ( 11172) Rlc:hatd RoondtrMln order 10 P'-• • friend'• mYr· der. Oetectlv• Shell -en. '°' • k ..... end the S 1000 thet he stole a a THATS INCMDl8LE FMIU<ICI ate )'OUl'IQSI.,. from the age ot 6 to 17 wllO have ec:hleved ac>tN- thlng unique for "*' egee. • PM.MAGADIE A vlalt to Calltornl•'• retrMI for the rlc:h a/\d temoue -Palm Sp<W>ga; "Eacon:a" for lhe -ilhy • MOYIE "Return Of Thi llget" Hong Kong epedel IOl'lll. wftc> know KutlQ Fu. try lo b<Ntl up a latge narcotk:e ring. D CB Dff'flENT STAOKE8 Wlllla "borrow•" Ill• Drvmmond eutomoblle 10 lmpr-hll girlfriend. 0 8 9 8AANEY MIU.E1' luger'• meil-ordllf bride '"._ lfom the Fw Eut, and • frusttated Merwa member wtto went• 10 be alupld QOM on • rampege •=NEW ''Cu1t1Ke Ae Neture" Rob- ert HUQMI ....,,,i,_ the •tfec1 of the ...... rnedl• on the an of the ·so. end ·soe.(RI Ii> MA8TIN"IECE THEATRE 9 SATURDAY NIGHT Hott Mary Key Pt- Gunt: Willie Nel90n. Ill KOJN< • THE J&ffA80NI eSAHFON>AHOION • OtCK CAVETT Gunt: Normen Mellor (Part 2) • INllDE 'WAIHINGTON (C)MOYIE * * "A Nig.ht FuM Of Rain" 111178) Glenc;arto Giannini, Cendtoe Bergen. Oirecled l>y Una Wenmuller A mec:ho joumellet end • llbereteel photograph•• reflect on the high end 1- polnts of their stomiy mat· rlege 'R' (8) SNEAK PMVl£W A loolt la tuen et the mov- '-· tpedel• end IC>Ofl• e-.1nta corning up on Home Bo• Office 12:40 8 Cl) MCMtUAN AHO WIR 1:00• MOW * • • 'h "Salutd•y Night And Sundey Morning" ( t980) Albert Finney, Rachel Roben8. A young wortc lng-dlea Englflhmen. unhappy In hla job. r..._ "" tenllon In • wlld..-end. .MOW * • "In Old Cellfomle" {19-42> John Weyne, Binnie Barnae. When a young 801ton phermac;lat ettwnc>t• to 09lfl • 1t>OP In Callfornla during the Gold Rua/I, he encounters aome l>lg heedechM lfom the lown'a lewlela IMder (C)MOYIE t:llB MOW ··~ "S.-11" (11188) Joel'I Crewford, Ty Herdln Sootlend Verd lnVMtlget• • _ ... ot btarr• murdllrl •I •drcua. a:OO (C) MOVIE "Gemea Glrte Play" 'R' (l)fMCTUMD FUa<IM I: tO (8) MOYIE * * ~ "The Mlll'I WhO s- Tom0trow" 11981) Ooc:u· mentuy Naneted by OBon W....._ Footage of _.. lie predicted •nd CJ)*** "LollU" {11182) J-Meaon. Sue Lyon. 8Ned on the story by Vie, dlmlr Nat>Ollov. A mlddte- aoed prof-looQ to • atrenge young girt In an tlffor1 to find n~. ••**"°'"TheWeyWe Were" ( 19731 Barbre Strelland. AoOert Radford. A young college couple In the 19308 dltcOVW that their polltlQI dlffwencea are strong enough to ;.op. 11dln their marriage. •.ao (C) * * * * "T ... " I 11179) Nletutla Kloekl. Peter Fltth. The daugllt., ot a poor Englleh farmer t>ecomM the victim of het femlly'. Ul)lrltlona llnd her own t>Muty. 'A' 9 **'A "f1tao" (1980) Dom OeLulM, Anna Ban- ClfOlt. A portly compu!91ve Mier llnd• that nothing can dampen hla dellr• for food untM he f ... In IOV9. 'PG' 1:30 Cl) * * "Thundlll'blrda In Outer Space" (Z) ••'A "Paplllon" (1973) Steve Meo-. Duetln Hottman. • 4:00 CC) * * ~ "StOtlM From A Flying Tl\lllll" (1978) Mur· rey MeMtl. mamben of the RO)'al Ballet. ThfN Hana CNlatlan And.,_, atorin are brought to Ille thr'Ougll ~. Hiit action and 111'11- rnallon. 7:aG 8 2 ON ntE TOWN FMtlKed: an e•emlnatlon ol the deYNt•llng effects of Mxuel harruament; • dllGUUk>n Of the Prlllkln diet. • ™-OU>HOUM Bob VIII end Norm Abnm t.., down the p.....e11no 1n the .,...,,.....t rec: room; upatelt'9. the ,_ kitchen oountw tops are in.ta.tied "I Remember Nelton Love" Fanny (Anna M• .. MY) remain• In love wUh her l\uabend, Admire! LOrd Nelaon (Ken Colley). dMpjt• rumon of hla •lllllr wtth Lady Hemlffon (Part 1)0 11:30 8 (J) OUINCY **'A "Rocklhow" 111180) P•ut McC•r lney and Winge Thia record of the bend'• u.s '°"" lnctudee per1ormancM of "Jet," "Band On Thi Run." "Siity LoYI Song•" and -ol<I BNtle l>elleda. 'PG' dramatic r~ ot hie .... compriM lhta IOOll el the 17th-Century Frenc:h phyticlln, utrOloger end myatlG, Mk:hel de Noetr• Owne, known .. Noatr .. damue.'PO' 10:00 ® • • • "All Scr-.c:i Up" ( 1978) Luigi Olbertl, Nino Blgnamlnl Directed by Line Wertrnulllr. A &GO ••• * "EMl" 11979) Kurt Ru9Mlf. S..-Hub- ley. EM a Prltlev rl-lrom poverty Ind obecvrlly to echleve f-end l0<1un1 u 1 au.perater musical Plf • fOtfnll. I 8 FAMll Y FEUD LAVEN* & SHlfU . .EY &COMPANY To p<oYI a point. Shlney 1n•te that lhe and Lav- ern• take MPet•t• t•l>lea •t •Ch'-rnt-•nt 8 EY£0NL.A. FMtured: • report on the _,Id of high fUhlon mod· 'CHANNEL LISTINGS 0 KNXT tCBS) Q KNBC INBCI 0 KTLA (Ind I CD KABC IABC I 0 KFMB ICBS> CJ l(HJ TV (Ind J QI> KCST tABC> CD K TTV llnd ) II) t<COP· TV (Ind l fD KCET (PBSJ ~ KOCE tPBSJ ~ SNEAK PMVIEW8 Roger Ebert end 0...- Slakll review "Shoo1 The Moon." "Montenegro" •nd "One From The ...,,,. .. ®MOVIE • • ~ "Tiie M•n wno S•w 0 On TV l Z-TV H HBO • C ICU't·mA•) 4 I WOR I NY • N Y 11 IWlBSI f 1ESPN> S IStlowt1me1 0 SpolltQhl Ci) fC.il>le New~ Network I• (C)MOW * * • "The Flr81 Deadly Sin" 11980) Frantc Slnatr•. Feye °""-ay. A veteian N-York City pollc• detec:11ve. wtlOM wife II aulfwlng tnwn • ~ 111- ,_, triea to catdl • l>t\ltel kHi... terrorlr:lng Manhlt· tan. 'R' HO D o'9t.tE A llMNC The chief learn• that hi• perentl, who are at>out 10 c:elebf'••• their SOth wed· ding ennlvarury, ere threetenlng to get • divorce. 8 9 TAXI Elelne la hu.'Tilllated bJ lhl "-lrCut en. ,_cva trom New York'• hOltMI heir ~·-o Qt LAT£ NIGHT WITH DAVID l..ETTUIMAH Gu••••· author Stud• Terk ... comedian Rlchard Lewla A conlroverelel phyalc:len I• au.peeled of 1>e1no reaponllble for the death of• -'thy aoclelllo (R) D QITOHtOKT Host Johnny~· 8 9 A8CNEW8 NGH'TlME • OOOCOUPU! • LO'iE. 4\1 IENCAN STYLE • KCET N£W88EAT Wl"n4 Cl£T£ A08ERT8 • CAPT10N£D A8C NEWS ®MOYIE * *. "The Com9efltlon" I 11180I Rlcherd Dreytuu, Amy Irving. Two plenl111 at • Sen F renc:laco mualc competition nnd 111e1 I heir love tor each other con· n1c:11 with their p<ofeulon· al ambltlone. 'PG' (IDMOVIE * * "Sep1rete Way1" (1980) Karen Black, Tony Lo Blanoo. A young cou- ple'• failure to communl- Gate ,_iy ra.ult• In the 1:10 8 MOW • • "°' "Terr0t In The Wu ~" 111173) Ray Mii· 1:*1 (I) MOVIE * • "Thunderbird• In Out· erSpeca'' a:Aa(%)MOYll . *. "The Competition" ( 1980) RIC:herd Oreytu•. Amy Ir.Ing. Two plenl9ta et a San Frandeoo mualC: JOHN DARLING ,) , group of Southern ttallana try to find weelth and hap. pi-In Northern Italy. • * * ''Thi lnQredll>le Shrlnktno Women" (19&0) Liiy T omlln. Cllartel Gro- din. A hOu-"9 lloda It hard to COP9 wllll'I lhl 1:30 CC) * * .... Anlmtl Cracklf'I" ( 11130) Marx Brother•. Margaret Dumont. by Armstrong & Batluk PHIL I 1'\IE. 0EEN NOTICING' 'THAI MOSI OF •Hese SNO'N~TORMG Wc"IE BEEN HA'lllN SEEM 10 COME OVT OF" H NORTHWEST THERe.' ~1(1HT ! IHA"T'S DUE TO THE UPPeR WINP PAITERNS/ WELL L "I Wile WONDERING ... 'WHA1 IF 'WI! WERE TO PV1' ONE t51G 5NOW FENCE ~~l>HJ~···· ''Muggable Mary' based on life · drama NEW YORK CAP) -"Muggable Mary," a CBS movie based on a 'real·life New York City decoy policewom an , is a var iation on a well-worn television theme. but with enough variations to provide adequate · -although certainly not profound - .entertainment. Karen Valentine has distanced herself "from her cutesy school teacher role in 'the old "Room 222" series in her winning performance, tonil(ht at 9 on Channel 2. She plays petite Mary Glatzle, who overcame departmental chauvinism and her own fears to become a highly decorated detective in the city's street crime unit. Jn this TV season of law-and-order series. nea rly ever ybody but the Keystone Cops has been given a beat to pound. There have been old cops, young cops. widowed cops, elite cops and even Angie Dickinson as a female gumshoe. The TV movie world has had its share 1Use of blo~pers denied LOS ANGELES <AP) -The Wbit.e lfouae ror lbe third tlme in a year haa refused permission to telecast "bloopers" made by President Reagan when he was an actor, a 1pok~man for producer Dick Clark said. Clark had sought permission to use JUm clipa of. the bloopere. or mistakes, on the epeclal .. TV Censor 8~ No. _, .. Channel 4 at 10 p.m . Sunday, 11ld Clark .-esman Gene Sbefrln. TM w..tt. Houle declln.ct permtaaloll, . ., It heel for two earlier 1peclall. "Wl&b the tmowledte that t.h1a ti all In tood fua, I do not '"' that it would bl aDPl'Ollliate to air lbele bk»pera," Ml· chiel-K. Deaver. an utll\ant to the .,.... ... , Mid ln a lt!U6 to C1.4rk. • , In one blooper, Ronald Rea1an. then a captain in the Army Alr Corps, la seen In a training film. A map behind him suddenly rolls up. reveallng a pinup pOster behind It. Jn the other, made during the tUming of "Voice of the Turtle" in. UM8, Reaean blew his lines, threw a mock salute to actor Wayne Morris and broke lnto lausbter. Shefrin 1ald Clark lesally could UM the bloopers without pmnluk>n, but he did not want to co a11lnst the pruldeat't wlsha. Reacaa, however, wW bl '"" lD a blooper lnvolvln1 another person'• ml1take. In that, I ~ eulllttltutee tbe wont ~anl) for pr-'da9ey . I of marketable crime-busters, too. not the least of which was "Cagney and Lacey." one of the highest rated films this season. These female police partners will debut as a trial series on CBS next month. With the knowledge that women can be induced to join the normal male audience for cop s hows, CBS tries again with ''Muggable Mary," another movie that the network thinks might have series potential. Mary is a divorced mother of an 8·year-old boy, who requires expensive medtcal treatment for a congenital condition. She decides to try lbe police force . "Look, the New York Police Department has a great medical plan," she teUs an interviewer. "Sorry, ll it's not altruistic." Except for near-blindness ln one eye, Eric <Michael Pearlman) teems like • normal boy. A bit precocious, he loves baseball and. his mother. She's overprotective, but they have a warm, carlnc relalionlhtp, one of the film's 1tron1 points ev~m ii It does seem a little too storybook perfect. sun, h1I concern for Mary'• aaff\Y 11 •enulne, and he urlft h•r not to become a cop. At lhil point, abe Just ... it u • Job. She brinp bome 1 weapon from t.be pollc• aclldemy. "l\'a not • .-. • .It'• 1 revolftl','' Em eorrecta '*'· "R b.U a c)tllader. Youa!lould watch mew.TV." .,..,, .,_,Hn't overwhelm lbe academy, railing short in shooting and swimming. She also becomes a physical target for her macho judo instructor and a verbal target for an egotistical cop, Dan Waters, who is played with a silly Cheshire-cal grin by John Gell. Of course, the judo lessQns become lessons well learned and Waters becomes her love interest. For dramatic effect, there's nothing wrong with Injecting a little adult love Into the picture, even if It didn't ~pen that way to the real Mary GlaWe. But et least make it believable. Eventually, Mary graduates ftom lhe police ~ademy and &els bottom-rung assignment.a frtakln1 women prisoners 1and a transvestite). She moves to the prostitution detail and then experiences the excitement and 1rattflc1Uon of preventin1 serious crime on the anti-muagin1 unit. It's while masqueradln1 aa an euy victim that Mias Valentine 1ucceaaMlY blends fear and coura1e Into an authentic mix. lier portrayal, with an appropriate New York accent, allows for vulnerablllt.y, tn emotion 1ba upres11e1 eully. It's Jull.'90 bid the fllm foeUMd IO heavily on Mery'• pel'IOftll We when there waa a faaclnatinc prof-looal story to tell. tn her 2.000 decoy a11lpmenta, OeleeU¥e Glatsle netted_.. tban I08 (8rreltl, wttb a ~~vtctloll rate o& • . -(\ DltoY Karen Valentine plays part of officer Mary Gla\&le, New York Uf\dercover Policewoman. pe~t. Tbe pllylkal and PQtMloitell preper.U.. for um ........ wart ... bave mede "MUllAble llmy" ...-.... inltHd ol c:oa..UcmlM film ...... ' Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Thuraday. February 25, 1982 -'Rajaina Game,' 'Ring ·Around Moon,' 'Henry W' make debuts By TOMTIT\J °' ................... Five other shows to give final performances Three vlntaiie theatrical productions -a comedy, a traaedy and a mualcal -arrive on locfll atagea this wee-end aM u rly next week. whU five other 11hows take lhelr final curtaln calll. The new arrlvula are "The Pajama Oame" at the Weatmlnster Community Theater and "Rina Around the Moon " at the Hunllnaton Beach Playhouse, both opening Friday, and "Henry IV, Part I " on South Coast Repertory's malnstage, maklng its debut Tuesday. "Pajama Game" ls the revival of a fifties musical under the direction of Kent Johnson. Calvin Coker and Barbara Keller will play the leading roles, with Jim Slaughter and Mary _________ M urphy t opping t h e 1111 supporting cast. 11,1111 I Performances will be given Fridays and ---------·Saturdays at 8 : 30 through March 27 al the theater, 7272 Maple St., Wes tminster . Reservations are bc:ing taken at 995·4113. John Williams is directing "Ring Around the Moon ," with Tim Ottman doing double duty in the leading roles as twin brothers. Bever ly Turner, Pauline Hague. Woody Jones and Robb Fahey also are featured. The J ean Anoulih comedy will be staged Fridays and Sat11rdays at 8:30 through April 3 at the playhouse. Main Street at Yorktown Avenue in Huntington Beach's Seaclirr Village Reservations 847-4465. Shakespeare's "Henry IV" launc hes its five-week run Tuesday under John Allison's direction. Heading the cast are Thomas Hill as INFORMS In the ( ___ L_M_. _e_o_v_o __ ) DAILY PILOT There's A Lot Being Said About MAKING LOVE Magic " ... every piece of magic and skill has been used to free our imagination, to let it soar."-Sheila Ben.son, LOS ANGELES TIMES Exclusive Orenge County Engegement ectwards SOUTH COAST PL4U TOWN CIMTH ,..,._,_,,.,.,,.,not. 751 •184 ACRCK$ NOM S.C. PUL\ HOTa "4f CCKTA-A l''Mlataff, Davld Chemtil MIS Prince Hal and David Oarlow wi Hotspur. The am bilious drama will be performed nightly except Mondays at 8 p.m . (Sundays at 7:30), with weekend matinees at 2:30 through Aprll 4 ut the Fourth Step Theater, 655 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. Call the box office at 957-4033 ror reservations. ll's last chance time ror viewing these five s h ows , whic h wind up their respective engagements this weekend: -"Division Street" at the Newport Ha rbor Actors Theater, 390 Monte Vista St., Costa Mesa <631-5110), playing tonight through Saturday al 8 p.m .. Sunday at 2:30. -"Send Me No Flowers" at the San Clemente ............. "'"~· " ........ , •••• \)It NOW PLAYING lllU COSTA MESA OIWMll WllTMIUTfll Siu Pina Edw;irds t.nema Cenle< c.ntoome UA Tw111 ClflemlS S29 S339 979 4141 634 2SS3 198 1243 COSTA MfSA MISSION WllJO VoeJO Twon 830 6990 tdwo•O $o11m C11.:t•l l'IMd 11141 'J4b .., 11 LNOOU&CI AC1Cf!!10 '°" fMll IOIO/oO(ltlNtl NOWt' DAl~Y MAINE At All Six Cine omes ::::J In a world of professloi18l assaulns, Martel Hem""""!Y PEtmlllAL mDT (RI 12:30 3:00 6:30 8 :00 10 :20 llwre ls no room for•mnatel& ~ ..... ': - , • K.tt• Jack1on MAKING LOVE (R) H•ttOty Of tpe Wr!f l!Rj _,~n ~ .... . Community Theater, 202 Ave. Cabrlllo, San Clemente (492·046.S>. on ataae Friday and Saturday al 8 p.m. and Sunday at 2 p.m. -"Greue" at Saddlebaclc CoUe1e ln MlNlon Viejo (8.11-4530), running tonight throu1h Saturday at 8 pm. and Sunday al 3 p.m. -"Scaplno" at Orange Coast College in Costa Mesa (556~5527 >. closint out tonl•bt through Saturday at 8 p.m. and S unday at 2 p.m . -"Poor Murder" at Golden West Colleee's Playbox Theater (694-6070) with performances tonight through Saturday at 8 p.m .. Sunday at 2:30. Other productions continuing along the coast Include: -''Soufb Paclrtc'' at Sebastian's West Dinner Playhouse, 14-0 Ave. Pico, San Clemente (492·99SO>. Oscar Fever is coming ' *BARGAIN MATINEES* Monday thru l1turd1y All PerformencH before 5:00 PM (fmtM &,.aai fllfl .. MIMI lfMf HOlldtyl) ,,A M 11t.a;1/I. M.A1, Mirooo 01 to1ec1on1 LA MIRADA WAllC IN 994·2400 --· "DIATH W18", II" 1111 ta:.,'*··-... a:M, , ... --..... --"MAKIHQ LOVE" 1111 •a:atM • .-aa.~u• -----"llAIDlltl 0, THI LOIT AllK"IN ---I . ·-.1:•.trt1.11-.- LAKEWOOD CENTER WAllC IN ""'----"OH GOLDIN ltDHD" '"' ............ -. ....... -c.~--­"TAll'S" 1"I ,., ......... u ......... . 'oc111ty or CollCll-oOCI 2ta/H1·flto "CAHHlllY ltOW" "9 ·-.--"11.- -c.~--­"TAll'S" "9 _a._,.,,,.... __ ,..,_ .,,.,.._ ....,.._ .... ,..,_ -°'"' ................. _....,. ,., ... ___ _ I ·;~~= lAkEWOOO CEHHll SOUTH "'"'. IN --·-au.111 ..J 'ltAIDtlll OF THE LOST AllK" ···----~11.1• • I --..... -"MAKINO LOV." 11111 •tM.-·---·1• .... _.,.WW._ 'CHAltlOTS ~ Flit(" .ei ··-··,..----5011111 Coo11 Hlwoy otlroodWOy 494-1514 '°"-...... '°._., I ro.--tACAOeflAW __ _ "CANNERY ROW" -, ........ ,.,.,. __ 00 .. ,, ... .,. l'•fU•IO~RSOf' TH€ LOST AllK" _,,,,,.,.. .., ....... , ...... , ........... ·-..... '·' o .... "e 16 ,,.. ·, ... 6:00\ .... , ,l,...•18:45 IMPORTANT NOTICE' CHllOREN UNOER 12 FREE! ""'°' 1•G WllM< Mt• l••v fu 5 30 • Sii Su• HM14•30 P'tl CINE-$! SOUllO • YOUll A# CAii MOIO IS TllUll SltMO 1ff NO AM CM llAOIO Willi OflOI ~ .asl'IDI ........ l'OllllllU 1• AU CM.fl DIWf..M 11311 Oii AM IWlll .,.., ..... i.,,_ ANAHEIM ORIVE·IN f...-oy ti 01 le"'°" SI 179-9150 _;UOf AHO BOTHEltlD" 1111 "'"TOO HOT TO HAHOU" 1111 ...... "G ... LS AltE FOR LOV1HO" ClllE H SOllNO 8JI '<A PAP• BUENA PARK DRIVE IN llncOI" Ave We•I of l"o" 121·4070 9ul "4A P.t.~• LINCOLN ORIVE·IN ltneoln A•• Wetl Ol ltnott ----· "DEATH Wt9" II" 1111 -"THE IUllNINQ" "1 Cl!lf " SOUIOO "SEOUC'Tiow"-;,-- ~ .. IOOl' HEAr· Oil ""' "9LU&.'r'~' f'l --·-··--"TORSO" "'1 -'AUTOPSY" Oii -l Olml&M ..... __ "MAl(INQ LOVE' 1111 ""' "HISTI>f'Y OF TH£ WOALO I 121·4070 PART ONE 1111 ,_.., ____ _ "GHOST STORY" 1111 -"EVl~"1111 Cllll fl IOUIC> .. . ... ~ " l.J\ HABRA ll>ld I ~ ..,. ___ _ ·•ON OOU>IH "'°"°" ---• -• 191C11 .... a ...,.., -''THI IELECTIUC ltOltHMAN""' 171-1162 ..... ORANGE OlllVf IN ..._ .... --:i i "MO~·---"IQR!Nt'e MISSION l'i.l'w'I IN Sonto Ano ,,.., • ~ llo•• Coll .. • 551·7022 "ART'HUR"fllt -'IMMtKY'~····· 11'1 "IMISTIN' L,,_ .. .._ _..,,. ...... ~ .... ~ ..... ·~MNDft9""9 on 1tagc nightly except Mondays at varyln; curti.111 UmCtS through April 11. 1 -"J Ought to Be la Ple&Ht•" al lh't Harlequin Dinner Playhouse, 3503 S. H1rbor Blvd , Santa Ana (979·551) >, runnlnc nlahUy except Mondays at var)'lng times throuf,h Mareb 28. -"A Oellcate Balaace ' by the trvlne CommWlity Theater at Twtle Rock Community Park, on Sunnyhill Road off Turtle Rock Drlve in Irvine (tickets at the door>. playing Fridays and Saturdays at 8 p.m. through March 6. -"Bleacher Bums'' at the Newport Tbeat~ Arts Center, 2501 Clilf Drive. Newport Beac (675·3143), performing Fridays and Saturdays at Sundays at 2, lhrougb March 14. j -"Dear Friend~" for Showcase Production at the Westminster Auditorium. 7571 Westmlnste Ave .. Westminster (894-6786 ), being presente Fridays and Saturdays at 8:30 through March and 2:30 on March 7. ! l • Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT/Thuraday, February 25, 1982 r wo concerts sched~ed for UCI Sat urday ~ew York String Quartet, UCI Concert Choir, Chamber Singers , Jazz Choir scheduled ay SANDIE JOY ........ ~ ..... Two separate concerts -one featu rtn1 the New York Strini Quartet, the other reaturln1 the UC lrvlne Concert Choir. Chamber Slniers a nd Jau Choir -are planned at UC Irvine Saturday. The quartet, which is the quartet-ln·reside11ce for the UC Jrvine School 'of Fine Arts, is to perform at 8 p. m. in the Fine Am Village Theater. Jls program is lo include "Strin~ Quartet K. 464" by Mozart; "Canon; " "Three Pieces for TOUCH OF llASSICAL Strlng Quartet" and "ConcertJno for String Quartet" by Stravinsky, and "String Quartet in A Minor" by Brahms. Tickets for the quartet concert are S6 for general admission and $1 for students. The second concert with the choir, singers and jan choir -is to be held at 8 p.m. in Fine Arts Concert Hall on the UC Irvine campus. 'l'hemed "Concert or American Music," the performance will preview works to be performed on the choir's 1982 Far East Tour during which concerts will be 1iven in Hawaii, Japan, Taiwan and Hong Kong. The choir. conducted by Joseph Huszti, will present early American music including Pachelbel's "M agnlfical ,'~ John Antes' "Go, Congregation, Go" and Geisler's "Singet den Herm." Mary Francis Nobert, a newly appointed member of the UCI music • .~Vack & Decker. 2HP (Max. motor output) BALL B EARIN G CONTRUCTI ON 7 1/4" SAW ~111-,1,lflTTtl Added features tor versatility REGULAR S.R. $74.99 6195 SPECIAL FREE OFFER ELECTRIC STAPLER t1n1111 lot . ...,, .... ...., ~abl•. effte*lt ;ea wetl9f hMa. F.._.. hot weter r8C011efY •yslem end high terTiperatu,. shut-off. ....... 11499 40 11llon ........... 124. 95 50 g1llon ........... 164.95 7-plece torch kit lncl11des propane tank with brass burner assembly, pencll, bru1h llama, 14'' chlHI point 1nd mor•. #TT99 Reg 122. 19 Offer good on any 7392 circular say. Consumer sends sales re- ceipt, proof or purchase and coupon, to BLACK & DECKER. e 11/aak .. °'1Dlalr. FREE• 1X4-Piec; K :-Acto n1feSet with purchase of HOBBYCRAFTER -8" Wo rk Center and Vise (packed inside} . 23so lpred the I Famou1 latex Itel wall p1lnt from Giid· den. e.autllul flat finish. Scrubs clean, 1tay1 color1Ht. Eaay water clean-up. Reg. 11.99 9'' Kld·t .. ted Glidden Sp<ed Latex Mml· glo11 enamel glYH yov a 1uper-tough non-yellowlng llnl1h. Reg. 16.59 12•• faculty, will accompany the choir on the Baroque or1an. The Chamber Slnaers, directed by J . Scott Ferguson, will present 20th century selections by Kirk Mecham, Kenneth Gaburo and Vincent Persichette. The newly rormed Jazz Choir , directed by graduate student Bruce Bales, will feature "Auction Cries" by Orange County composer J ohn Biggs. Tickets at $3 for general admission and $2 ror students are available at Fine Arts Box Office, phone 833·6617. 111 fir11or1111 tool sets, log sets and grates ... lire not Included 30% ::. .. , Prill squeaky glass cleaner Clean wlndow1. chrome, glass. etc. with powerful 149 Squa.ky Glasa Cleaner. 22 oz. Reg. 2.99. ""''' fl•rl wafer •r•t•• Mee 110 reg. 89.99 ... 58 .00 M.ec 140 L reg 179.99 ....•. 128.00 S.rve11 vinyl water sy1tem rugged gar· "'n hose 2 ply vinyl with solid bran ooupllngs 't'a'"x50' Remove rffl It *°me1 • hendy utility cert for moVlng moat utllltlea #3208 Reg. 48.99 34•• ........ Feetu'" Include 2.9 cubic In. engine&, muffler 1hi.ld & safety trigger, •utomatic "I menuel ber & chain oiling. Mee 120 reg. 12ue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . aa.oo Mto310reg.19U9 ............. 148.00 ........ F••turn include 2.0 cubic 1n. engtnn. mulller 1hl•ld & aefety trtgget'. •utomet1c & menuel b1r & chain oiling I trl ..... Em 10 reg. 69 99 , .......... , ..... 55.00 Em 1~ reg, 89.99 .. . ........... 19.00 Em 14A reg 109 99 71.00 TONIGHT Miramar Theatre 1100 II Ce...,_ 111••1 len Cl•,,,.nte ,,.. a S.t. Surf Theatre 121 6th ••. Huntington aHch 7:00 a 1:15 P·"'· tr Adveqture Pilm Couple'• Te.oo-Ymr Voyoge In A Small Boat PICTITIOUI eUll .. HI STATUMINTOP AU .. DOMMUIT "AM«ITAT8Ma .. T OP Tll• lollowl"e perto11 It dol119 '118 OP PICTITtOUI •Ult .. aH but'""'., .. AMa REGISTRY OF OENTAL Tiie lo1towln9 peno11a llo•e HIALTH, ,.., M<l'-n, S..lt• o. ollellOofted .... -of , ... llctltlovs Hu11tl"9101'18H<ll,CA'2U7 bual11ua name ot 8UENA l'Altl( 8EllNAOETTE L JACO&, *t COMMUNITY HOSPITAL, S1'2 9H<ll 0 Kford D<lw. H-l"910l'I e..c1" CA •1..-., ._.. Pon;, c.tlfon1lo "'2t '2M1 The llclllloua butl11eu 11om• Tlllt lluMMH I\ <ondUCted by .., refetrltd to ....... wot llled lft County lndlvlduol. Ol'I Jonl'Ol"Y i.. 1"2 ... _... L.. Je<OCI A M E II I C A N M E 0 I C A L Tllb tt.C-1 w .. Ill.., with "'° INTERNATIONAL, INC . •U N Cou,.ly Clerk of 0••"90 Covnly on Comden Orlve, Beverly Hiiia. Fet>. I. t"1 Callfornlo tOZlO ' Ptfttll Thlt l>USllloss w06 conducted by o PubtlaMCI Orange CoHI Dolly Piiot, CMporotlOl'I Feb •.II."· n, 1"2 S61.t1 ,._,le ... ''''"llUI 1 .. ..,.,..11ono1.1nc. l\J T-1 E Oonohw, Jr . Ea«. Vke PrHlclenl Tllll stote,,_t WOl fifed with Ille County Clerk Of Oro11ge County Ol'I ITATIMaNT 0, Fet>rvory ••• t"2 A•ANOONMa .. T OP P1tttt6 USS 0, PICTITIOUS Pvbll"*I Or0f>90 Coast Dally PllOI, •Ull .. l!IS NAMI Foo. 11. U . Mor.'· 11, "" 77t.ll The followlno PHtons h•vt •.._n<ION<I Irle use Of the Fl<tlllout 8vsl,..u"'- THE WAllMIHGTOH GllOVP, 1U"2 H-A-... lrvlM, C•tllo•"'• PICTITIOUI •u11 .. 11u '2114 NAMll ITATllMll"T The Fl<Ulloua 8ual11us Homo The· lollowlno P•"o" ia dol"' ,.,.,.,..,to..,,. woa fli.d'ln Or-bvsl,,..,os: CountyOl'l..__S, "'°· KEHHEOY COHSTR .. 11oro Son Tiie 81111 wormlnelon C~ollon, Moteo sc •a. Founlolrl vo1i.y, CA o C1lllor11lo <OtPOt•llon, H U '17111. Moc Arthur Boulevard, Suite 204, Oouelu St~ l(.,_dy 17010 SM> HewPOl18Mcfl,Colll0<11lo'1..o Meleo SC ae. F_,111n voti.y. CA Sorwl't Sondllnv I. Auoc lotK. I 11< , '17111 . • Collf0<11lo COfl>Orlllon, tU'1 Hai. Thia OUSIMH ,, Con<lu<llHI lly "" Aw""•· Irvine, Coll!o<ftlO '111• lndlvlduol Thi• llual""' wti con<lucted lly • 1>ou91o1 S. l(.......iy QeMrol POrlMnNP Thia 11....,_t wO> Ill.., wllh - Tht 8ud Wormlnolon Couftly Clerk Of Oro-cov11ty on COl'P<lr1tlon Feo tO, 1"2 E G WorNln910 ... Jr , S1ftdY S1ndlln9 I. AHOC 1019'. Inc EA Son<ltl"11, Pretldotnl Tl•ls sto'°"*>t w• Ill.., wllh tht Pl- Publl"*' Oronoe Coost D•llY Piiot, Feb. 1 t, ••• 2S, Morch 4, 1"2 •S~ Covllly Ciera of Or111ge County on t------------F tbrvory 1, t'lm "-•Hooas, KINDALL. HAltllllfOTOtl A f'tdsalwt LAweer,er..- 42"MK.Al1Mw• ...... S.....1M N•,,......_11,co • .,.... .. 1 Pulltl-Orange Coast Oolly Piiot. Fet> •. It, 11, 2S, 1"2 S11.t1 PICTITIOUS •uSINESS NAME STATEMIENT Th• lollowlno per\.on 11 1101ne lluSlftHSU: A UTO·IHTElllOllS OF EHGLAHO, 3021 Oro-Orlve. Sonio Ano, CA '2107. PAUL STEPHEN WATTS, >021 Oranve ~ .... Sorllo Ano. CA '7707 ------------Tllll laNnets It Conducted by 1n hwllvkluol. Paul Wons This MAlemeftt wn flied wll,., tlW County Clerk of 0rOf>99 County °" Fet> S, 1"2 llOTICE OP T•unal!'S SALE T.S ...... ,._ NOTICE IS HERESY GIVEN, thol '1-on WIHl-y, More" tO, t"2. Ot •:oo Publltlled Oronge GOMI Oolty PllOt, o"CIOCk • m. of sold do. 111 tlW room Feb. 11, 11, 15, -•cl'I •, t"2 •~ H I Hl<H for <Ol'ICIUCll"• Tru ..... , Solo. wlthl11 ,,.,. olllces ol REAL ESTATE SECURITIES SE.fWICE.------------ locoted ol 1020 i.ort1' 8r-n. Sulle PICTITIOUS •USINEIS *·In tM City or Sonto Ano, c-•Y ol NAME ITATIMEHT Ore11oe. Stot.e of Collfornl1, REAL ESTATE SECURITIES SERVICE. • T"• IOllOWlftQ P••SOft •• dolno Co lllornlo corporollo" ot duly lluslMH °' oppoinltcl TrvstM u.-r 0.;., ""'"'°"' SAL A·OAH APARTMENTS. l .. S 10 Illa -Of \Ole conferred 1,. th•I Pomono A ... , •U. Coot• ~ CA certelft 0..0 of Tru•t Htcuted by n.17• ROMA MEL TOH. en v11m1nled SolYotore Donna,"''-· Aw womlft -THE CALIFORNIA LANO •tJ. GOJY Mffo, CA"2'21 COMPANY o \Ole propritlort,.,lp Thi> """""'' '' C-ted by en roco<ded J~ry IS 1"1 1 .. eOOIP'. lndlvlduol. "" or Olllclel R~coro\ ol ••Id SolvatD .. Donne ·oufttY. ot PIO-t10J, lltcorder•a T"ls sto...,_I w .. fllt<I with - 1111tri • ..-Ho tMJJ, llY , .. _. or 0 County Clerll of 0••"9e County on brea ch O< Cleloult 111 po rmeftl or Feb •. t"2. performo,.ce 01 tl'lt ob l9ollo11t P11Z71t MCUrecl l,,....by, lncl..olno that bfMC.h Publlllwd Oronot Goest Dolly P.Llf!!. or defoult, Nolle• 01 w,.,1<1'1 was FM>. II. II. U. Mo(ch•. 11192 •JIWl rtcorded J-'Y 2. 1911, I" ._ 1412' ot Offlclol Rocorck of wild County. ot ,,_ tW. Recor_., 111ttn•menl Ho. •OU. WILL SELL AT PU8LICa-----.. -._.,-7-U ____ _ AUCTION TO TH E HIGHEST MUHICl~AL.«>UllTOPTME 8100ERFORCASH,lewfvtm-yol CE .. T•AL O•A .. 01 JUDICIAL the UnltlHI Stoles. or • co\lller't cheO OIST. dro"'" Ol'I 1 •tole or nolloftot -· O COUNTY OP OUMOa Jlole Of I-al credit 11nlon. or o sl1le STATE OP ~lf'OltNIA or feoeral \OVlnQS and loon ouoclollOl'I 7•C1Yk ~ onw •- domlclllHI 1,, "''' st .... •II peyoble ., S-AM, CA '21t1 Ille lime of ..... off rloM. tlli. onCI p L. A I HT I F F 8 A II 8 A RA I( l11terest held lly It. u TnnlM. In thet JAGKSOH rtol ll'-1Y \lluole Ill WICI County 0 E F E H 0 A H T C H A II L E S Ond Stole, docrllltcl .. follow•. LOI • PEACHEY, of Tri( I Ho,, 24., In lhe City of olld OOES It"'°""" x. lncJu\IVt Hewpol1 lle«h, Counly of Oran... SUMMONS Stole 01 Collfor11lo os Ptr map C-.._..,: l JWD ra<or-In._. 110. Potn IS oncl '•· MOTl4:al Y• --..... Tiiie Mlsc•ll-""-. 111 .,,. ottlc• of c-1 ...., _. ...._. ,_ • ....,. Ille County Roe.or-of told County. .,_ ...... ....,_ llllMu .,.. ,..._.... Tiie •••--"' °' ot"9r common _.,. • .. .,.. ,._ .,. ... _... deslenatlOft of .,,. reol pr-11Y os -· "9ntlnobow -rilled It pUrponlHI to If yOli wbfl lo -It the Odvlco of .,. .... 1742 llonoir'e Woy, H9WPC>f1 S..Ch, OltOfMY If\ 11th motter, you,_ do c.oflfornlo, .. promptly so lhot your w rltltft Tiie undlt<llened Mreby Cllsclalm• rnp011w, If ony, may bo flllHlon time. Oii llobltlty lor ... y lncorntetnets 111 AYllOt UtllM M .... -...... solo stntat -.SS"' -common II v.... _.. 9ci.lf ,_ U4. desl9neu.., •I• ••fl••<I• 1 .., ••• , ~·· u•. Sold tole wlll be m•<H wllhout t~ .....,.. * • -.L ~ la worr1nh. ••P••n or Implied, 1 • ...., .... _...,_. reoor<lln9 tltle. poueulon. or SIU•ted-•aolkltMel<OftMIOCle tncu..,bfonc", to witltly tlW prlnclpel .,,., • ...,._ .., ette -· -•lo Ml•~• of the -"' • ..,., -lootlon hoc er lo l11medloto..,.nte, d• •II• wcureo l1Y told 0..0 Of Tru•I. wllh moM•• .... -·· •K•ll•. •I hoy lftterett end -sunll es provld.., OIQllf'll, Puode..,. ~strOde o tlempo. tllereln: plus Odvan<ff. If •ny, undef' t . TO THE DEFENDANT: A clvll Ille l•rms !Mreof ond lnt.,.est on a..cl'I complolnl hos bHll filed by the Odunces, ond 1111" fen. ctwweet oftCI pfolntl" ... ~ you If you wist! to HP911WS of tht Trvst" onCI OI Ille ~ lflls '-11, yOU must, wllhirl lrvsts cr••ted by wild 0..0 of Trvst. • days llfter tMa -Is wrwo The total ..-...1 of told obll99tlon, "" you, Iii. wllll 11111 cour1 o wrlllen l11<ludl11Q ,._.,.Y utlmoted I"'· ••SPOnM to lhe complol11t. Ullfeu you :horoea and ••~• ot IN Trvst... do !IO, VOUI *4oult wfll be "1tentd on at the time of lnlllof publl<etlon of l"'s -'l<etlon of -PIO Int'", and tMJ Hofl<e, ls V l,ttS.IS. <ovrt may ........ o jUOpnfnt 090ln_.t OATEO FetlrllOry 11, 1"1 you tor .... ntllef _....,.., In Ille REAL ESTATE complol11t, wl'llc'h could •H ult In SECURITIES ~EllVICE, eornhllment of w .. 90, 101119 of • Callfo<nlo c..,_atlon. moftey or pr-rly or othu relief .. Tnnlee. ·-•ltd In tlW ComplOlf\t 8y CSEALI 0 J MOl'Qtr, DA TEO 5"11 I. 1 .. t Its Preslclfonl ll-r1 e l(ufWI 2070 NOr11'18 rO<t<IWOy, Clerlt Suite 10lo 8y L Incle T ..-1"0 S-o Ano. CA '110l o.,ue., Telepftone 17141 t~tO Los11e A. - PubUllled Orenoe Coast Dolly PllOI, tll riot' A-• ...._ C Feb ti, U. Mo~h 4, 1"1 '42 .. 2 ... ,_ llMdl, CA 91114 .--. ... .......... "1Alll.-Or ..... (AIHl Dolly PllOI. Fn 11, 11,U,Mortt14. t"2 tit_., ,.1111a ..... , ..... Or .... QB o.lty .. I .. F.tl. 11,ts,Mwcll•, H, t• ,,.._. ..... "IChtOOUllMlll• .. ..,..ITA,...~ T ... fellewtllt ,__ •• ,.. ...... Ml ...... , • •• . . ~ . I . I ..... Thursday. February 2&. 1982 I Furniture is bought and sold "" ~ k e~ery day with a classification '8050 ad . ~ ~ CLASSIFIED IMDEX ....... ..,.w. . ~:.~.~ ............. ..,.Wt tto.M1ForW. ............ ~ ••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••• •• • ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• • ••••••••••• !~~~ .......... !~~ .................. !~~ =.~~! ... !!.~ ~~!'!~.~~.!!.~! ~~ ....... ~!.~~ ~~~~.~ ... !!~~ ~HOMIS '1 \\ I ~,I l ·: \ ~~r+~~1 r.mJ1li0aY 1ov.~. Pliiklc1 l.90&1 yr new, ..,..,000. 709 & S10K dOwn, will carry. ISTATIS IAYPIOMT Tt PllCt Yw M, C.. 642-5678 M.SESfllSAU lltewtl ..-.1 ..... ............. Remodeled, d~corated 3 bdrm.i.3 bath. mstr bdrm with ocean view "125,000. TAYLOR CO. 709.,., Orcbld . Ca II Owner,ca11962-sa9. 4 Br.2'h Ba . c .. ~.J,~.fi.0002 '-~rm plua 151-tUSOner/bb. 2J74Sq. Ft. u.u....., DCJ --.....;.-----1 liGOO dD. Beaut. Ice 4 br BEn'EJl THAN ·den, z ba , pier and 1hp CDM Du.t..li home ID H.B. or 3 br ln MODEL to accommodate 40' • ~·Kii c .... ,...11., r.1.11 ... EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY West Bay bayfront. Slips for 2 boats remodeled 3 bdrm. 3 bath $1 ,200,000. ' I: I. \ [ ·1 () l i '; ' 'I I I' I l 1 i Beat lMq. [D Cdir:Lr1 3 ~~act HAS EVERYTHING boat. Nortll aide. For an Bdrm bome w /f~c. + 2 lnllt 1044 Cu.I-de-sac street. llPPOinlmtat to see tbiJ °""" ...... DT-.. =:.:·:z.. -· ~A'r:~;·~:: ad· Ocean & jetty views. Marine room 4 bdrm, 3 bath, 3700 sq.ft. $1,385,000. ' &KANT WATBROMT-HI L.AMD New exclusive. Extensively improved. 4 bdrms, 3~ bath, library, bonus rm . Superb master suite. Decorator's masterpiece. Dock for lge boat + 2 Side ties . Beaut. Promontory Bay. $1.500,000. Bdrm .pt "-I~ 000 &in & Sail 11 Club adualve -rty, call ·vu -; · •-••••••••••••••••••• 20 I N "'\¥,... OWC W/$40, own. m n. to ewport •1151 Joyce Wallu, 11t WOOOlllD&E Center 1 ..... ........... .-...,_Holb ....-.141...i 11-Yoo.1t ::.·~:..~ LIDO ISLE HOMES Prime Lido Nord bayfront. 5 bdrm, s 'bath. Lge LR. 2 boat slips $1,500,000. m 1211 a. .. L* sno.ooo with s1eo.ooo · ' 2BR~ '1~efi-:--2AA, at U~ rtxed rate &dully PANORAMIC amortu.d. Lakelront View NopointaorquaUfying. Pr o feasi onally TJo.-034'7 Landscaped. Beach & OQer/AJeat R&IM~ ----- SM Ju.• fapitlt•..o 5Mt>Aa1 Sulloati> So.&•...._ -........ .. .. _Home• ~.i. 1£Al.ESTAT£ .vn.,.fwSIH AtNn•nulotS.1< ...... ..._,,, vertlsed in this Deftpaper is subject to the Federal Fair Hous- ing Act or 1968 which makes it Illegal to ad- vertise "any prererence, limitation, or dis· crimination based on race, color. religion, :: sex. or national origin, 1:110 or an intention lo make :: any such preference, Jtoo limitation. o r dis · :: criminalion " Remodeled 3 bdrm, 2 bath + large rec. rm. beam ceilings, $420,000 . WlSUY M. T.AYLOR CO .. REALTORS 2 t 11 S. ...,...... Hill ltffd 1024 Tenn is Club. Good( _______ _ ••••••••••••••_!•••••••• Pi.ouela& Owner Of. .a.. t -..--•..SA YBDI. rerectatsm.ooossz.8382 ... ,., -IOH Wlnf POOLANDSPA ,.••••••••••••••••••••• HEWPOIT CENTEI. H.I. 64 .. 4' I 0 Spacious 3 Bdrm. 2 ba. mT llYIMI OCEAN VU e...._.p,_,,> C.""\tt)' Loi..\ Cru•• ~=:~.::~"' ~ut t·• .. \Mte Hwi.t\ '°bf ... , ... ,,,._ ,,.,..., llllO UNDA 15&1 IA YflONT Lagoon view from 6 bdrm. s· bath, playroom, dark rm . den. $1,350.000! '"""'"'"'"""""> IAI>,., :Mk -kK .. Trlt Pth -O...ORttWI t..,l~ .. '7: .. CM til St,11,. ~'°' IMW~ falfll.i c;,...,,) 1«lO , ... -Ult -l:!lll WO Thia newspaper will not knowinJIY accept any advertising for real estate which is in v1ola- Uooof the law. CARNATION COYE Sboethctacular bayfronl view 4 bdrm 4 a 1 2 boat slips $1,900,000. · -noo ku.I £at.tie Eu .... &r llul C.uull....., =1--------BILL GRUNDY , REALTOR IOITAlS Hou Ill 1-. r ..... ~... llGO mots: Ad¥Hf1Mn ~old =~::;·~ = .... ct.cltfll.weda Worrin Jl1F."y'd·D1 •• ~.fl 1>''.>0101 ~=::::r:;• ~ .., ..t _.. ...,. U.. "-"" re-r .... ,,..._ f"ur• WI -t__~ • 'W'L-I 9'0¥Clhd ... K flXtd r ... -.a ~.1 J.>ZS ·-• --... , ·-I far ~~:: ['!;• : DAil. Y PllOT .. ~. By owner, trade or sale. j A .. leNkll Nr 25 YffrS. Tot.Ir =t~;:,. 1*> ...., for Hiie fint beaut. home. very ex-Well maintaitied family 1 l"IMWtd l"IH Ter- "-' "''""' 1.r =: lacorrect IHertloa ch1:1ive area. Close to hmo me. In pride of rece 3 ,._ 3 le ::::·u...,d := Strip. 1185,000. 4 BR 2'lo'. ~rship area. 3 Bdrm i.o-w/..., rooa. -.11..,., "'"'• flllf. ba. 2 wetbars. patio, 2 Ba family .room. lrg l UO ~00 1436 ~-~..:..,, ::;:: 1 sauna, pool, \la acre lot. lot. Owner wtll be very ' • ,.,.,_ .... ,,, mi Auto sprinklers. lots of helprul with Cinancing. S.111111 THnKe. ~~~;.'r.;"'ii!:: !: ......__for1r..1~ rmturetrees. For more Full prire 1150,000.' - 011 .. ,-..u, .... .._ -details rail owner COLEOF...W~ C:::. '1f I I ( T ~PH<lPt>Jl1! '1 ""'-•~ 1<» ••••••••••••••••••••••• 702·~6 REALTORS =o1 11 '"'1 !:: ~ I OOZ --- .. ,~ lttM,tb __, tlf'ftllb °" 1Mtd ~ 1 . eeeeeeee ee e •••••• e e e e e e llSlllESS. lllVEST Find out about the high· IWIT. flNANCE I earning real estate nles ~ ........ • .. ·~.~.'.: ~ I career opportunities -'?~-»1• with THE REAL ::-,::~.!., :: ESTATERS. Licensing _, '°""'"' -school fees completely ::-1.~~';~: : refundable to school or AMOUNCUIEJITS, · your choice. Extensive sales tratn111g. For m-PEISo.Al.S & format.ion. call 1Sl ·619 LOST & FOUND Sf.IYIC£S ~ ~ lff DW'tc1W) CMPlOYMENT & ,.maanoN ).., VIEW TOWMHOMIS luo Master suites. View of :: Ocean & Night lights. 1IM Quiet Ana. Parks. open = s111ces. 1137.000. Xlot Fm. Hal or Pat Agts -~J.910$, 573-7300 SELL Idle Items with a Daily Pilot Classified Ad. .AltCH HACH HEIGHTS ~na Spacious 3 or~ 2 bath VIEW home. spa Try AITD with 20"< down. Asking S229.SOO. Lu Supple HSTIUY! 4 Br home in Costa Mesa. Owner will assist with financing. Sl20,000. Call9'19-S370 ALLSTATE. AE~LTORS c...eryc,.. ...... ~ Retirement . lK ~Slll.500 Btr. Htl I . c-1 Hwr. C..-M!-.. 675·5511 10WN&lln 131/4"0 hit. LOAMS Why do people buy lownhomes during a slowdown? We think it's ou.r 1uper duper aasuma · ble low rate loans. The new residents of GARDEN PARK YIU.AGE tell us it's lhe Inherent amenities: 1uebo, 11rden like recreauoo. cape Cod en· .U...ot and all the ..... t.bat ao with u.a. .. Aa 11aa.1 eecti bome wrlque loca· ~ .,,._ Uan, ~. J\am. 2 & 3 br ~\IMlF\IC'UO• JMW~• H•lP-.•llilM M •. MCRCHANDISE llff ,000 models and faciUliet are '10 vfm.ia:11n11e story cpl! dallY 10;30•.m till bome, beautiful view, ~. on the comer of ~..---=:~--1 cul-de-uc locatlon. 1 FaJrview and Avorado .............. ,.. OWC. Model perfect, In Costa Mesa. From fut t!ICl"C)W. Call Tim I $117,SOO. "'ttnfl c...,....s.i. .... DtftrwCan -~-.-...· Mouw Hm~.S.Jt! ftt'f'lt Trtilitn Tnvtl l::'C.":·i.,,J U-•I ~TMlllE A6Uqw. Clut10 Rttr.tu. Vt•1ttn ~It.rt R<-'' •*""""'' Onut ln.itlt v-Alittil.jr;,O"C -'-"'"'"' AUTOS. IMPGITID (,<M<OI A•• R<-N• AW• , -'""'•l~•lcl ••• c..., ~ ()$Wft rrn•rt .... ....... ,,, .. , J-t1..rnwut,,•1• ~ ...... lllod• '9Ph'1tir"' 8f-•t ...... jQlf ---._ ---ll(fJll "I(' n• tuo tUI IUIO tilt lllOll - BEAUTIFUL ON WATER! i.pecc_........, _,pod t.te a. tW1. W-_, opH f..ity "-CMI ffte ·water. Cloak w.rior-witlt Z .... .ct dett .t ls"qt i..c~ patio wftll 1po, ...... ...J fire rinq. YOW OWW sip for 45' boat riqM .t of yow door. Owwer will http ~ for Clldfied bwyer. $6198,dOO °" fH lancl 6'3I·1400. WATERFRONT HOMES, INC REAL ESTATE ~ Rtni.i• Pr-"~ ~nl 2436 W Coast Hwv NfWPOl'18each 631-1400 SlllC & llNO' llS Mannr Avt S.lboi lal.>nd '7Utoo DRUMS 0 H D H T 0 S G C N I L 8 V C l L C S M R H C K T I H B R E L 0 A E H H A P I A X T I E A P N I L I L C S H U N E ( G 0 I c G T N I ' s f I ( L s~o p T A P 0 H N X T H Q S X H B T U R I R R H H 0 T M 0 I L K Y U D 0 D U U G M E S C C I G J I I E R H H E M A M 0 C H R 0 T N S H N S 0 D T H H Y K A E D N N 0 I H A I 0 S 0 R E H N A C R U G L 8 E 0 P 0 L T H U A U H G I A D I S I E 8 H E E I 0 N 0 C 0 M T N E R S P K E I D I C I W G 0 C R S S V H U I 0 E T R F K S K C I T S E E C N R H T S A U I H L Y C I A R A N S P 0 S H 0 C H E A H D A S H U R E L T T E K E N lnt1NC1icJnl. Hidden _. ti.low ~ lorwwd, lllck·: WWII, up, dooMI °' dlefoNllY· Find lldl end box It In.! Rhone 01·1266 o r IO&llSRIAl.TY ' ' s.9-UH '7S.23 I I R&IM~ I "° q.lfyllaa ~======'-oo this neat f !drm. large yard, near Mile Square Park. Asking 187.900 Submit your terms. Mun:hison Enterpirses ~·1732 Use the Daily Pilot "Fast Result .. service dJrttlory Your service 1s our Spttlalty Call E42-5678 ext. 322 SADDLE UP _. HOISi COUMTIY Dramatic Home -Approx. % Acres -4 BR -Pool -Spa - Park 8 Cars + R. V. -Great Location -Keep 3 Horses, Maybe More, On Your Own Property. $289,000. IAUOA ISU. $3-0,000 Down Will Buy A 2 Bdrm , 2 Bath Home on Little Balboa Island. Asking· Price $387,000. Owner Will Finance. Submit All Offers. •TUITLBOCIC • SI 27t NI MONTH is iii you pay when you takeover existing Isl T.D. Spacious 4 br ex· tc\tive detached home reaturin1 rrml din. fmly rm & frpl c . Only 1213~. FEE. 7~9·1501 «7sz.ma. ~ Walker 6 Lee WWW C~D&MAI A perennial mon ey m1ker in old Corona del Mar. 2 bdrm. house + I bdrm . .iarage a part ment. Super location. Creat ive rinancing ae.soo lfeaulilul area. $15,000 CONDO IUYI OPM .u 1 WEEI dn. Asking S240,ooo lmmacwate-Northwood ,_. Sltm/mo pymt. PP. Agt. I Br overlooking lake ' ROW MillCET! 78).78 stream. Pool. jacuzzi, OCEAN & BAY-VU, 4 teoola. upgraded BR W/BONUS RM. tM.SOO. Xlot ranaocing POOL, SPA AND CITY OwnerS73-1923 UTES! Auume 11.78%. 2 Uoi~~le Cot· taae. Great Owners Unit « Rental Prop. Cabin Like Int. Eaatside Creative Terms. Trade With !?? Brkr, • •6'5-6266•. $144,500 Pamper YourseH Beautifully planned 3 bedroom c~nd uo it overlooking a creek and waterfall ; decking ofrt..he kitchen and rami· ly room provides area for outdoor relaxing, or ~y indoors next lo the cozy fireplace and wet· bar. Approx. 1750 sq.ft i.nC'.ludes formal dining room and lVed entry fmlahing touches to the home you will be proud PERFECT SPOT for family with children No lhru Lramc on street and this 3 bdrm home 1s A steal at 1311900. Won't last. Patrick Tenore, agt 7S.J.ZZl close to park. pool and Canal Pront. Newport schools. Lots . o~ up Shores, 4 Br Den. grades . add1t1onal m.ooodown. Owner Will counter ~nd storage carry. Must sell! Make space, ~atio and plan· o«er! Tennis. pool, walk ltt's,pahocover to beach. Agent 646·1044 or~280S_. ---- ~ sr'11:. ~home. gated courtyard. dbl frplc, newly redec. in· side&. out. 10Dk assuma· ble loan $275,000 $1300 per im.]52-2550 -- 't523 C'AMPU5Da·IRVlflE ~~ottin~~ll to show. $144,$00 For $lOM UNDER rurlher details. rail * * 9'19-2380 carry at l4'A Call ~306.1or679-9667 ~T~~·~EA~LTORS APPRAISAL FOIECLOSURE BY OWNER·48r, 2Ba. BeautUul Woodbridge A lllVl~ion uf frpk, ll ram rm, many detached home. Lux It arbor lnveslml•nl Co xtras, newly redecorat· urioualy decorated incl ed in & out. oversiz:ed 2 pvt atrium spa. Only -Fh~­Oceanlronl duplex. 2 lge JBr 2ba units. Try low or no down. LeO<ler/Owner can be very creative P!aya R. E. 613-1900 car garage, 20% down. $116,900. ••y-MT Aikin& SlS0.000. Owner Ask for Ed. B. •-""" • fUlance. (Mesa Verde (u;J\\b\ldb Id 1·upgracted Palermo with IOATa. Alu) 3217 Wa1hlnetoo. r ~ pool in H.V.H. Prin. On· Siii 000 Call for appt. !714) Realty ly.$425,000. 760-8063 wowr LOw'tst pn ced -..111& 551 3000 ~STCLIFF bayfroot bomto ON · BALBOA COVES. Large FAMTASTIC AM.AM. lt?tllarnnra Pl..••.lrniw Beauti ully decorated 4 bdrm, 3 bat.b, double tmln&c. 3 Br· 2 ba t -and designed 3 Br 2ba firepblce, covered patio 15dladd-on, RV acress, ....,... •edl I 04t w/gnat office/den and 2 ph• much more! Will frpk. Only SISK dn ••••••••••••••••••••••• frpks. Assume lge 12~ AITD-or trade for I owe II~. Make ofr ALot lnw/20'hi dn.S289.$00ftt F..utbhlr -Bayshores $1 28,500 by owner. ForALlttle land.~70 or?~?!! 56-71111 1 acre + bldg site. eent ..... t.y .... .,. S.'5000 below appraisal ly sloping parcel short • ...,.. Beautirut Park Bristol I distance from tennis &. MIWPOIT CllST Ocean view 3 bdrm con do on private court Owner wil furnish new •'7S.7060• Condo Low down beach Ownr has in· M6-aill&. -----~11~ ~~~o'g~ c~~:~ >restigious Estates in fashionable Mohler Ca · nyon, Anaheim Hills·• bed. 3 ba. FIR. GtR. Ko1 lagoon. Allract1v'ely landscaped. Decorated By L Harding. S49S,OOO Acorn Realt y 714 /914-7333 ......... 1006 t······················· MES.A Y!EIDE ' t.acular views ! 4 Bdrm Jba. pool/spa. I MISSION REALTY carpel. $195,000. lge family rm Ready to 494-0731 I in>ve 111to Owner will rinanre equity Sell. trade or straight note SllS.000 Owner 979-5814 l. SIDICOTIAGE 2 Bdrm 2 Ba nu crpt. patio cover Ir earage. AlllllM existine finanr· Inc and OWC with sma II SI 0,000 DM./ lyOWMr Lease with option to ••••••••• purchue 38R, 2l'zba. dining rm. ram rm. 2 car Hll"fNr flew H-1 gar, fncd yrd. orean vu. 3 br, 2 ba. Good fin. Fee ~.000 49'7·1051 land. By owner. 1279.$00 0 W N E R W I L L S49-875S or &44· 7220 ~l!l!!!l!llll!M~llllll!l!!l!!"'!!lf down . Full price FINANCE' PANIC' carry 2nd! 3 Bdrm, 2 bath. dlolne room, rlreplace, gas BBQ aad paUo-ln move In condltlon! $415,000. Call for appointment lo ... 642-5200 SUl.SOO. PRIME E. SIDE lmmac 2Br home on large R·2 wtbulldable potenllal. Assume exist· int financing. Call Della 611-12111 MISAYllDI I Bdrm , 2 bath , ftrelllate. mo.ooo. OPEN Fri 10.2. Sat/Sun 1-4 DIS MONTANA .., McCwclt. IUtr • 141·772t 102' North end. 2 Br unit I pa y me n t s • 1 a l e • Cresent Bay Beach I Sacrifice almost all TERRIFI C BUY ! equity 3 Br Bear h $149,000. . I house. Sl80,000 Fee L9g1M Y .... I.E. DeUa 631-12166 497.1761 - 0c!..°VT:~tr~rm . 2 ba. Excellent financing -======""""" rm.ooo . .sg.2JSS Read the classiried ads ResuJts.that's whalYoU for the best deals 1n get with classified apartment rentals 642-:J678 ~:J678 ....... IOIG LISS THAM I Oo/o llQM l .... I , .... ,, ,_ .... .......... "-"h ..... b, ... ..... B• Conti f:> Perclmion Klttltdrums D111mheld Filld D111m fimpeni Cllfskin . ....... , ............. . 751-9100 1 JI-.:>' ~C:~ondo #2 Ccwpcuh..... w/pool and spa. Mini j PETE J BARR ETI .. REALTY ~ u 0 Down on this conveniently located 2 BR. 2 ba condo. Priced at $73,000. Better hurry! &llAT lfflSTMBn' Tri-level condo nr. So. Coast Plaza. ~omfortable 3 BR .with ow ner financing. Asking SI 12.900 !£. T.,... rr .. .,., Vuilt•UH v .. .,. UTIS, ID --· -•111 •1• •ll --.., --111» --..., --.. --,., --= Pitch Stieb Tom· Tom Timbrll Skit D111m Tomorrow: Hurry ~~~~· S~\\~lA-"£~~· :::: -----W11o4 ~NT I POUAN •l_t_ ""'-"of .... 1-ICIOMbled -· ii.. low IO l0t11t '-_ .. _.. ... ._,.,. c.-.r ocean view ! $106,900. JO ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!~ ~------· rr flxed 14 \\'9 loan! ·--.. ......... ,. ~ re.._........ 1121 o.w.c. Ownr. 631..-e RESIOfNTIAl R£Al ES TATE SUMCO SIAWIMD S4H.OM Beauti!ul 4 BR 2 story home with gorgeous on high view. Security system to police dept. Fire alarm built into same system. Assoc. Pool. Financing available. a.... .... c.... ~Oc•••• ~ View. aR, DA. Pooliil Jee. loat Sit' A• ....... Prtat ~--• & Diid People 'l'Mt'twtliatU.• DAILYPW>T mvlCI DDICTOIY 1111 I 1MI LAIB Prime location on the water. 2 BR home in earthtones. Seller will usist with financlna. Priced to sell at S127 ,300 Pat Oabon 152-1414 CV21 > --$ .. HERITAGE . . REALTORS PllCll•UC• oo l.iisi single story 3 or ~ Br home wi&b pool Finan avail Open Fri 10·2 at Aleppo , F..astbJutr. Eileen Artultovich Rily 72(M)332 s-...... s bdrm. 3 ba. 3 car gar Nm to community PoOI 4 blocks to Community School. 2 houses from Part. $300.000 1190,000 assumable loan. Fee land. 760-1.298 s.a.-• 117' ••••••••••••••••••••••• IYOWMEI 4 bdrm, den, Family room. 3 baths. 2400 sq rt Large l ot , root . panaromic orean view Priced at bank •P· praisal 1217.000. S1S2.000 assumable financrne at 12"'a~ 498·3848. Prine only Wul J 1ter 10'8 • •••••••••••••••••••••• EAT OFF TIIE FLOOR of tJus gorgeous 3 Bdrm Seeing is believinf. VA/FHA welcome. On y $119.900. Bkr 843.0907 848-0ml ••••••••••••••••••••••• ..... .-.. ForWt 1100 ••••••••••••••••••••••• •EXCITING• Wltb ~"eTJC: rurn. a&d4 Greenbrier Hm m La&una ... Hilla airest 5 star pt. Bea~~~~~west Hm · 2Br, 2Ba. This 1s the best in town . Bea~fr~P:i~~ H wJrmt kit, l.2x19 liv rm. 121.10 Mstr Bdrm. Encl patio. Nr. Hoag Hos p 124.SOO ClASSIC MOllLIHOME SA&.IS 27<Mi Harbor, Ste 206-A 540.5'37 . 2S' Alrstream w/room. across str eet Crom beach. 96000. See at Hun· tington by Sea Park. 21871 Newland. Space 110, H .B . or call 1·73'1·9466. Newport Beach De Ania bayrront Park. Mint cond. '63 double wide ComeT lot. $39,000. 8111 Grundy 6'1>6161 ......... .,.... 1350 ••••••••••••••••••••••• MAUl·K~~· v. ownership. In ocean view condo. SZS.000 eqw· ty. TerrN ne . 851-6168 ...... Prop1rty 1400 ••••••••••••••••••••••• r.cwtu S• a P* I c.tlht' Sl5,000 ~'bandit' Bkr 71+4.J). l 7ZS c. ..... ~t o,,ti 1500 ....................... Paalic View lot for sale Im . c rdll1 "••"Y . 1600 ....................... HN1fe.cr., OreM view. 120 ft. fron· tap. Use ulllinc build laaal 4000.q. ft. or build JO~OllO 1q. ft. Owner will R:t:.15.000. '31·7300. ..,_, ceeler site. 10 acres. commcrclal17. ...s OD buly rrwy or • ramp nr c....e 111 r11t aro•IU aru. 8a~e1 ft8de "' JV W /CJUI IUiea l1uutor. R ' W Developtneat Corp .... , ' Orange Co-.t DAILY ptLOTfThuraday, February 25, 1982 ll'tCTITIOUI 8Wl•a• MAIM tTATIMa•T Tiit t.i!Owlllt --· er• ...... .... ., ....... , M<CAU HllV watt L•o. , .... Mt l• Mr•t, tllltt 110, HIHllllttlOft IMCll, , ....... ,. .. ttM1 ._....,.. M. """"· ceo, ,,,, "" 0-.al ,.,,_., "-! .,..,._, IM·• • Cal ...... _._ ............ ._. ... I t.reel, S.....110, Hllntl~ 9-1t, H•w•rd ltlllt.Hn , O•llt fOI Pl rtMr, 1.0.H. ll'lftftftltf\t., ttll N•rtll lrt lt!Wt, """"''•· Ari-• .... Tiii• bulllleu II Co114N<tH "" a ~. lt*'1M.SMltto '"'• '""""°'' t11N '""" 111e cwncv (lerlltfOAfttt(Wflty .. ~"""8rY 1. ...,, ....... P.illll-Ort1111 CMll OtllY Piiot, f!ll 4, II, , .. U, IC 11H2 l"ICTITIOUI •UltN•H leAMll ITAHMllNT Pt111•l------------ T ......... 1"9 ""°"' •r• "41\t P'*'hMd Or-c.Ml D .. ty ...... , PICTITIOUS evMdU n ATUMMTOI" WITMOltAWAL ll<ltlllftt Ml l'M, II, U, ~. 4, II, 11191 711.C, ' llAM9 ITATCMllNT l"llOM PAltTNCltlMIP THE CDf'NEASTOflE CAFE, JllQO Tltt ltllowh•t ,., .. ,. I• dollll °" .. " ... UND•• l rlltOI sv..c. C.ta Me"' Ctllfomla r--....;;.__________ _, ....... , P'ICTtT10UI mn Pia.IC -C08'Lll" $HOC tHOI', IUJ MlllN ... NAM• tnl..-nMklftilt Pt>bll,allent "'"· • ...,,_ N••11or1 l owlev•rd , Cotti ,,_. .. , f.,. fOll9wlftl --Nil wlllldr-n Delawar• corporation tUS Notre -----------•I CallfOrt\la'-17 H • t •11•rt l jlllrtnt r lrom Ille 0.-,__, C.la MH4 C811110rnla NOTtC• tNVITI ..... DI AlpllMIM Yt Ml, 14U Oereloft P•rl,.trtlllp o,.ratlroo wno.r ,.,. .,.,. Notto Is .,.reby t lven that t.,. Pl~•. s.ii. Ana, Cell'9nllat210l. fl<tlllout b""'IMU nam• ol SUKO TltomM O a.nMll 2HS Noire l oard ot Trwtltu 01 Ille Cont Tlllt llllll,.._i Is condwcl.O b¥ a11 CllaATIVE D ESIG NS •• llU oa .... Ro.cl, Costa Me~ calltornl• c-m1H1.,.,COl1e9tOl1trl<IOfOr .... ln<llvl4Nal: Wett<llft brJ,.., Ntwpot1 llffdl, CA fU2'. C:-ty, catlMnlN, wlll ..c•lft ...... Alclltome y -1 ...... Tltll lllit!Mll "~d<t<IM by a blff ..... 1:00 ... m., T"""'49y, ._.rcll T11lt "--' WM Iii.I with 0.. Th• flctltlow• llutlftHI roam• corporation 11, 1t12 111.,. ~1"9 o.t>art....,.. Co.inly Clerk of Ort noe c-1, on ltalt-for "'9 lllrWlwllllp wn fllM l~ltl'MI ...... P\illll<ttlon• Of Mkl C04i.Q9 Olltrlct loCtlad II 1,10 l'-wery t•, Ul2 .., 12•1141 lft IN Coutlt)' ol Or-I"< ' Adal'\1 A1ten11•, Cost• ""•••· PtUI*' l"ILI NO.~. ~ o lleftroett Catlfornlt, al Mlklt Ume ulcl blclt •Ill Publlllttcl Or.,. CotJI Dally Piiot, 1'1111 N.,,,. and AHrnt ot tlle Vice p,"id.nt • II• publicly ~ end reH lor: l'eti.11, u. Mll<cll4.11, t"2 1~1 P• .. on Wltlldrt wlne: GEORGE w. Tllla swt-WU 111.0 wltll the OUTRIGHT PUllC14ASE ••·MO • ...,_ ______ __, __ _ GAULDING, JR., lt01 I! Lamllfft c-ty 0 .,-. 01 Or•nge County on LEASE "(JOPTIC>ff TO PVllCHASE lloact, • llO. La~ .. CA all. Febr ... ry I' ltl2. 011 .o.MO. STRAIGHT LEASE OF ~W.O.UldlngJr. ' PlUM7 MAGNETIC TAPESU&SYSTEM. 1----------- P.illll-Orengt Cotlt Dally Pl.... P.ibllWd o..,.. Colst D.ity Pllol, All bids-to.,. In tcccw-. '""" NOTICE 0111 TRUSTl!l'S ULI Fe41.l j,Mtrd\4,11,11,1tl1 ..a Feti U ,l!Mfcll4,l1,1l,l"1 •t.e2. tilt lld Fo rm lnllruc t1on1 and T.S ..... 1•1~ ConlllllOM •nd Speclflotlont wlllcll T 0 SERVICE COMPANY at duly MO•TGAGI LOAN DIKLOSU•I STATIMINT Name of 0.PoOSltory lnllilv11Gn CITIZENS aANK 01' COSlA MESA. Relevant SMSA .,..,_Im, !.ant• Ana. Gwdltft Grow •bO. R-11no ,..,locl 1., .. , lo 1N1-t1. P-ve No. P-ve 1 of 1. ......... ._._~, .... y,_ ... ,........._ .... .., ~ 1--.t•C:.-..... 4tt11••1•rne•t......._...., ... S... 1"ra1tebu. Q....,... N* PA•T A O•IGINAT!Otll S«tl9ol 1 _____ ,...... .. ~. ~1ec-.................. lMSA ~ t• MlttOtc-llU •M N-~9f 1119 ..,....rty CENSUST•Act •rllP eOCME 11•-.rlcal ,_., UI OJ w w .,. 01 '3103 .,,,01 63'.01 .,, 02 U'Ol ,,.,04 Ut.OS 741.03 7JT 01 . 117 OS 1• '21 04 4n.01 S24.0J S24,03 S1107 S14 01 SlS OI 621 62' 62' 631 01 Ill OJ 914.01 "2 21 -.04 '9S.01 s~6 TOTALS TOTAL TOTALNOM9 TDTALMO•TOAOI •ESIOINTIAL IMPROVl ... ICT LOANSOHMULTI MOUGAGI LOANS LOANS Ce••• l'AMILY ( .. c_,_..,_ m11..i.4 ........ y DWELLIMGS la .... ly_..,.., .........,., 1 ' ' 1 ' ' I I ' ' ' ' I JI Princ1.,.1 No. ol Amount Loans Sl0,000.00 14,000 00 lS,000.00 11,000 00 IS,00000 9S,OOO.OO 70,000.00 n .ooo oo 23,00000 U,00000 10,000.00 n.000.00 4 ,00000 10.000.00 20,000 00 13,000 00 n.ooo oo S,000.00 11,000 00 JS.000 00 IS,000 00 2s.ooo oo 53,000 00 j0,00000 ".000 00 14,0W 00 12,000 00 13,000 00 14,000 00 'l>.00000 IS,000 00 SJlt,000 00 Prln<lf>al NO, OI Amount LCMnl MJJS,llOO 00 W S.000 00 •r• now on Ill• and m•Y be -wed In tcipolnled lt'Vl1" ...-. 1,,. 1011ow1~ tllt Offk e of tllt Pw<llaSlf\9 Agtn4 Of Ms<rl--of trvst WILL SELL Yld<olle99dlslrk1. AT P UBLIC AUCTION TO THE E.cll bidder mwll t ubmlt wltll 1111 HIGHEST BIODER FOR CASH bid• uSllMt"1 clltO, certllleel cll«k. llMIUllle •• time of wie 1n lawful or bidder's bOfld m-tNYable lo lhe moMY ol 11w Untied Stal.SI all r!vht. order ol t11t eo.sl Community Coll... title and lnlerell conveyed to and now Olslrlct Board of Trustea. In en held by 11 -.. Id Dffd of Tr1it1 In •"'°""'not leu 1hMI llw percen1 U"I the pro~ ,,.,..lfwlter cltlCrlbecl oftlle_..,..blOH•OO-.. IMIMllN T R USTOR RANDOLPH R b._r wlll en!« Into, ... pr--RUSSELL.•marrle<lman Contract II , ... ,. .... Is •war-to BENEFICIARY RONALD G LEE. lllm. In IN _, ol lallur• lo enler a slnel• ,_, lfoto well c-r.ct, ,.,. Pf'K-ot Ille CbKk will 119 lotielled, or In , ... c... Recorded May 1, "" H IMlr. NO. •10 In -U041 page Mil of Offlclt l of a bond, ,.,. I.ill """ t....,..ol wlll be Records In tllt offlce of tllt Rec0<der lot'felltd to Miki COii-dls1rlet. ol Orangt c-ty, wlcl -of lrUl1 Nob~ may wltllOt-1111 tlid 10< OescrlbH Ille loll-~ P<--1Y: • period ol lorly·llw IU I days •lier Lot ) ol Tract -.i. In tllt City ol Ille dat.t wt for Ille ocienln11 t.,.reot. N•wPOr1 llMcJI u. County Of 0rtflll9 Tiie llott'd of Trvslws rewrvn UW ' ' Pf'lvlle9I of rele<ll"9 any and •II blob Si.It ol Celllornla, •• CNr map or to waive t ny lrre9wlerlllu or rteco.cl.cl In -''°· P..-s 14 to U lnlormalltl .. In any bid or 111 Ille lncluslw of Mlsc•ll•-MIPl. In bkldlnv I IN olfke of the Cownty Rec0<der of ..ORMAN E WATSON w ld C-. Secretary 26H Buswood Street, Newport 8ootrd of T N i l .. , 8~~(CI~· ~A Sit eel •OClrni (- Coe\t Cornr.-lty °' COi .... Ols1rle• dulg n•llon h tllo•" •bove, no ~·b1t-~0r c 10 11 Piiot w•rr e nty It given at to IH ~v ~-.,. OH a Y • completeness or correctneu) " Tiie l'e b 11. U , ,,., l*2-t1 -ll<lary undlr wkl o.eo of Tr.,..t. by •Hton o1 • 1>reach or oe1au11 1n ,.,. l"1CT1T1ous ausuuus NAMISTAT•MINT Tiie follow ln9 perl011 ll do1no Duslntt6-s SUllURllAN WOOOLANOS LTD .. 111, 11600 Main Street, Suite 110. H11flll'191on llffdl, Ca lifornia,,... Robert M 5mltll, CEO For Ille GeMrat Part-. Slin•t Shoff. Inc .,• a C•lllomla corpor at Ion, 1..00 Main Str•1, Suite 110, Hvn11"11!on e...:11, c .. 1torn1• ,._ This bu11neu I• conovcted by t p.trtnerWp. RObtn ¥ $mlt11 o bll9•t1on1 ucu r ed !hereby, llerelof0<e n o<uled and delivered 10 llMI llnde<'s9'ec1 • wrllten Oe<lar•tl<ln of Oela11n -Demand 10< Sale, a"" wrllt•n llOl l<• ot t>re.cll •"" ol elecllOf\ to cauN ti. -•lllned lo N II H id pr-rly to w tlsly wld -•vat>0ns, •"" lllerNfttt lhe ..,_,~ Ca\lled Yid nollGt ol breach and of election to be Recorded Novem ber 1, 1'91 as IMtr NO 1152 lft -14'1' -JIS, of Y id Dtlklal Rec-. Said talf wlll be ...-. Dul wtt- coven•nt or w•,,•ntv. ••Preli1 OI' lmplt.cs. ~ tlti., llOl,.Ulofl, or encumbr~•. to pay Ille remalfolnq prlnclpal sum Of ,.,. notehl tec:urtd by Y id 09d of Tr""· wllll lnterHl u In w Id not.t provided. ..,,,MC.ft, II any. _, Ille tormt of wld Deed ol TrUll, Tiiis ltal-1 111«1 with Ille County c i.r11 ol Or-Count, on F•llr1U1ry ti 1"2. fen . c11arves and upanse. ol IN l'llbM Tn.tst .. -ol t1M1 I~ Ct'Mttd by Pllblll-Or.nqio c .... 1 D .. ly Pilot.' Wkl OMcl of Trvst. Seid Wle wll1 119 Feb.•. 11, 11, u. ,.., jn.ft lltld on Fr~y. Merell "· ,.., al J:OO P11lllllNCIOr ..... Cout Dally Piiot, Feb. n: 1"1 ~ p.m ., a l the Clt•Pm•n Avenwe -----------------------.1.....-----------...l•ntran<e. IO ttMI Civic C..,ler &ulld ..... ·•ITH llTICll BOYD REBARCHEK ALICE BOYU. rc"dl'nl or CESS!'IA RF.BA RCllEK. Orange.Ca P;is:-.edJwa~ 110.q(t' 8 1, a r ei.1dcn t of 'fcbruarv 18. 1982 She is Hun t1nJ:lOn Rc·ach . Ca !>urvin.'d b\ her nc·phew Passed away on !\lo nda). James D Trut•:-.d e ll flfFebruar\' 22 . 19112 a l Corona clel Mur. Ca Jnd Par 1rira ·110-.p1tal M r s Theodore H Truesdell or Rcbarchl!k was a member of N cw port lh·;i c h . C: a . the Women s Aux1har~ of grancln1ece~ Patricia D the World War I \'eternns of R1erman and Judith E the H untin g t on Uearh Tag g art . 4 othe r Re b e k •rh Lodge tht• .1:ranctn1cces and nephews Huntington Beach Scn111r and4grcJlgrandnu.•cesandCit 12ens . and lhl' TL C nephews Final interment Luncheon or the St•n1or service'> will be hl'ld al lhc Citizens and the Eas t ern Dow l'•t) Cemeler~. St ar .. beloved m?lher of Den ison . Iowa Scrv1res P aul ine W 1n f 1eld o f under the d1reclmn of Balli Beaumont. Texas. Clarence Ber geron·Sm1th & Tuthill Judd or Beaumont. Ca . Carl Westchff Chapel Mo rtuarv rrederick s of Madrid , of Costa Mesa 646·9371 . Spam . Dorothy fo'reder1ck or Huntington Beach. Ca and MILKES Carolyn e Bais l ey or H A HR Y G M ILK ES. Garden;i , Ca .. also surv1vmJ: res ident of S;iota Ana. (.'a an· 20 grandchildren and 14 P;issed away on f-'t •bru;iry !Ul'at-grand ch1ld re n . 18 . 1982 Ser\' I l' es 0 n Friends may. cal.I at Pierce Wed nei.day. f'cbruar) 24. Br~thers Smiths Mortuary 1982 at 2:00PM at llarbor until 9:00PM .today. where Lawn Memon<tl Chapel wllh funeral ser vices will be i nt erme n t se rvi ct'> condurt ed on T hursday 1m m edi atl•ly fo llowrn,11 F.ehruary 25 .• 1982 at I OOPM Services under lhe d1rccl1on ~1th lhe Re\ Arhe Starns of Harbor Lawn-Mount Oh ve and Re_v Dan Moore of the Mortuary of Cos ta Mei.a r:ounla10 Va.Hey Chureh of 540·5554 God offtc1almg Interm ent will be at Westmins t e r -----------......,Cem etery. Pierce Brothers Smiths ' Mortuary di~tors 536·65'39. Church. ;\/c~port Reach Ca Fril'ndi; mJ.' t'all at lhl• murtuar\' on Wednt·~dav . FebruaQ 2.1. l!llK2 from 12 00 noon lo 9 OOPM lntermc>nt al Pacific View Memoria l P a r k P ;i c 1 f 1 c· \' 1 e w Mortuar~ d1recton. CONAT\' E LIS IE RIES CONATY res 1denl nf Balbm1 l!>IJod . Ca Pa:..se d a\\OJ \ on Fe bruaQ 23. 1982 fiom Jul\ i . 1914 m l'h1c;igo, llllno1:. Survived In son<, frank and Paul of :>\t•wport Beach Ca . and Mark or Ouk Run. Ca. and Lt Col Pelt•r Conaty of Ralboa Island. Ca . daughter Ann Rlackcr of Forestville. Ca . 5 grandchildren. ~ister Mary Trahan of Ne~port Beach, Ca and Irene Ries of W oodst ock . Ill i n o i s Rec 1tat1t1n o f t he Ho ly Rosary will be on Thursday, F ebr uary 25. l982 at 7: JOPM at St John Vianney Chapel, Balboa lslund. Ca. Mass or Christian Uurial on F riday. Februaq 21l . 1982 at 10.00AM <tl St John Viunney Chapel on Balboa !:..la nd Interment at Pacific View Memorial P ark. Newport Beach. Ca Mrs Con al\ was a Librarian at the Balboa Branch Library for 20 years tn lieu of rlowers memorial contributions m ay be made to F riends of the Li brary. McCC>aMIQC MOITU41tlE Laguna Beacn 494·9415 Laguna Hills Ne wport Bea c h or t he COLLINS American Cancer Societ\' FL9 RENCE II . COLLINS. Pac ific Vie w Mort ut!ry a restdenl of Laguna Beach. directors 768 0933 San Juan Capistrano 495 1776 t4Allotl LAW~MT. OLIVIE Mortuary • Ceme 1ery C rematory 1625 Gosier Ave Costa Mesa 5<10-5554 P1HCl •OTHllS llUllOADWAY MOITU.aY 110 Broadway Costa MeM 642·9150 ro P assed away o n St\NDl.F,R Febru;iry 22. 1982. Survived JI A R R y L E W I S hy I daughter Ruth .1 S ANDI.ER . a tO ye ar ~arfell of Laguna Oea~h . res ident or H untington Ca . 3 i;ons Lester 11 Collins Reach, (.'a Passed ;iw;iy on of L;il(una Rea c h . Ca . February 20. 1982 lie was a Bradfor d L Collins o f member or t he AA RP or Fallbrook.Ca a nd Dr Keith Huntington Be a c h . Cu A Collins. or Valley Ce.nte r. Sen io'-Citizens C lub of C'a •. 3 sisters. Henriet~!I Huntlr'lllQfl Beach. Ca. He lS Aulp1tt ol H~nolulu . Hawa11, s urvived by ._15 wlle ~ara, Elma Armitage of Rogue and h.is son Donald K . or River, Oregon and Jessica S anta An a , Ca. A l so C I a r k o I S e a t t I e . survived by 4 grandchildren. W a a h I n g t o n • 8 Services on Wednesday. g rand c hlldrt'n . 11 F e bruary 24 . 1982 at jlreat.grandchlldten and I l t : O O AM at H 11 r b o r arc at.great·1 r 1ndc:hlld. Lawn·Mount Ollve Mcmorhtl Services will bt held on Chapel with •nto mbmcnt Thursday. February 25. 1982 Imm cd latcly fo llo winc at 2:00PM at P:&c:irlc View ~ervlces under the direction Chaeel with Interment al of Harbor Lawn-Mount Olive P aclflc Vie w Memorial Mortuary of Costa Meaa . JOO Ettl C'--A-In llMI City .. orange. At IM lime ol Ille Initial P\lf)llcttlGn ol lllh notice, the t«tl ._. ef IN ""P•IO ii.i.110 ot 11\e obll11at1on M<Uftd by llMI abl>Ye '"""-dHd OI tn.ts1 and estlma1td Go.ll, ••-MS. a nd •dvanco Is H t.no 21. l o determine ttMI openln9 bid, you may <•II (710 '37"°"'. Dale FtllnMry 11, 1"2 T o Servle•C-ny ••wkl Trvstee By l0<rle Womack Aulstant St<,_,.., 0.. Clly 81Vd • Wnt O..,.ge, CA 92 ... 110 3H'l81 Publl•lled Orengt c ... 11 Oa;ly Piiot, FM> JS. IMrch 4, II, 1"2 IU-t? NOTICE OF DEATH OF MARIE J, HIGGINSON AND OF PETITION TO ADMINISTER ESTATE NO. A112311. To all h eirs , beneficiaries, c reditors and contingent creditors-of Marie J . Higginson and pers ons who may be otherwise interested in the w ill and/or estate: A petition has been filed by Samuel R. Higginson in the Superior Court of Orange County requesting that Samuel R. Higginson be appointe d as personal repre se ntativ e to administer the e state of Marie J . Higginson (under th e Independ e nt Administration of E states Act). The petition is set for he aring In Dept. No. 3 at 700 Civic Center Drive, West, In the City or Santa Ana, California on March 2411982 at 9: 30 a .m . F YOU OBJECT to the granting of the petition, you should either appear at the hearing and state your objec tions o r f ile written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be In p e rson or by your attorney. I F YOU ARE A CREDITO R or a contingent c reditor of the deceased, you must file your claim w ith the cou rt or present It t o the personal representatlv• appointe d by the court within four months from the date of first Issuance of letters as provided In Section 700 of the Probate Cod e of Callfornra. The time for filing claim~ wlll not expire prior to four months from the date of tAl T1 tlltOHC>fof MTH&TUTHIU WISTCUH CHAf'IL 427 E 17th S t Costa Mesa ~371 Park. Ne wpo rt Beac h 540·5554. Pacific View Mortuary ECKES the hearing noticed above. HAROLD BOYD ECKES, YOU MAY EXAMINE PIMC llOTHIH SNrTMl'MOITUAaY, ~1 Miiin St. ~nt1ngton Beach ~539 ·-- dlr«ctor1 resident d Santa Ana. Ca. the file leept by tht court. •OBINSON Palled aw•y on f.'ebR.UU'Y Cf you ere Intere sted 11'1 tht PAUt.. J . ROBINSON, 22. 1112 at Lhc aae ol 17. He estate, you may flle a re1ldent ol c.orooa del Mer. 11 s urvived by his wire request With the court to Ca . Pa as e d aw• 1 on Myrlie QI Santa Ani-, Ca .• l trheceellvn'vespecnto!' onof '•'cs'tatoef February 22. 1912. Survlved dau1httr Ruby Botta or • • by hls wlle Edn1 Roblnt0n, z Su u Ano . C • . and 2 es sets end of tr. petitions, sons Dr. Paul J RobUllOil of c.randchlldren. Mr . Eckes a ccounts and reports PortJand, Oreion and DaV1d was a voluntet'r with 11011 described In section 1200.5 T Robintloo of Coton• del M e m o I' l a I ti o s p I t 1 I of tht Callfon'jll Probate Mar, C.: l t lsler Vlrainla Au"lllery. In Heu of flowerfl CO!'·, C 1 df d Oller......... ,...._,_ 1t•1~ "'-"U•fw t•111 HwetU.f_,..IMd HwetU.fw I hd ······················~ .. "··················· ................................................................... . ~ r::::t::f r1r. ~.~~ ... ?!~~ ~~ ....... !?~~ ~ ............ !?!~ ~.!.~~~ ... !~.~~ -.. •••••••••••••• 3 Br%~ 81, f .R .• lrplc, Newport H1ht1 5 Bd. S.C.Jl!aa,lllZBA.at· SIAVll:W; rormer Jllside,lcrorZbrlba 2 dbl iar blt·lna MU Cape Cod c1n came •• lt.t~. tlOK lat, model, IBr Jba. Ocn11 ..,.. P.UO trfft ch/pet ~1ao.is14ZIO ' · roam. J cir 1u .', aooo .. OWCllld. •bmlt ttrma. v\ew, '2000/mo. Dennis <*•-.CO --aq ft wall! to hl·tchool $101K. .... lm Ric ketts " Auoc . Zbdnn. E. aide, sm j;;' 2 bdrm,.~ •toryl JV. ~~ May' so leaM option 1&1'°434 + $350 aer 173.4999· coado The aku Call Diua, UI 12" .._ ""•rtr JOO 511-2SJ.$ • XW. loc. Beav dee. rel .... •••••••••••••••••• · req'd, no pets S850 mo Bhlra. Front row. bay View. 2 br, 2 ba, dt coral.or home . Adults. no petJ. S1200/mo . lease KaWe Harde1ty Reallor 1 ... Afftl Y AUIY ~WT EXEC lbr, 2"'b•. pool 141l-ao~--2 a cftn 2 home rhels k1trh l6SO Ta..., bath! private patio. OC·ROOALS 750·3314 lllNTALS Near new 4·plex. 2 Ava hble t h r o uah lbr,lba S6SO bdrm. 2 bath each unit 1/30/IZ. 11:100: mont.h. E 1idt 1tudlo house 3br,2ba $825 wtda flreplace, tt1cloud Broker, '11·7800. w/~. k1tch & ba. yd, 3br2ba SU50Costa Mesa Dido, aarase. 11~% l•t. ~pd. t380/mo M6 4~3 Le Raiaor Rlty SJJ.8600 WISTC11FF Poa cub flow. Now alls -v pri t 3 ...... --. Biil Grundy 1 bkd from beach. Dari· ~ w--.......... ~ tr/ Vile execu IYe •~.-v ' ~ S OC RENTALS --. 48r, 2Ba pool home . Rltr,f7M181. I Br houae. lps 4. ·. 3 z ba, famrm, ar wahr/dryr 41 rcfrla nter rental S450, 1·5br sS200to S2000 r1::.J.:« yd talh ral 00 IUMIT$ Joyce.631-ll&I 7»-3314 _7·da~ ~ Vrbe 631-6811 ~~~~'en~~'" PS::~1 HJ t· '/.'• ••60SS 1 3 BR 2r.\ BA + btuUs Con· 3 Br, 2 Ba. saoo1mo • Isl. 3 peoote onl;-i.oo sq rt strV1res Intl. Lots All I .!!1>an reisnta do. etoll mo's, 11600/mo IMl & aec. deposit Call •bdrin home grrenbelt 631·1.266 OT 64S-0108 area. ....ume u hng n...1ut11u1 ~ ·-aft s ' · flnaodq of IUO ooo 1 ""' .....,._ · -cul ·de·sac. up_grades a~ 103 and owne~ wit\ Ast. 760-9678 SHARP2br, Jrc ear Avail 311 . Un1ve rsltf. •=-f~'rni1tr. carry . Fu 11 pr 1 c e fncd, pe\S, TODAY 147~ Part Appliances inc · study. beaut. drc, lgr h000Call979·~0 I a c or OC·RENTALS 750-3314 S950 /mo No r oom· decks, fab. view, pvt ' 28 b'I L'do... oo -mttes. no pets 159·0600 A rtm le· I . . 2bdrm. I ba. ear. fncd -----~ guarded Ille. pool/ten LLSTATE lmmac 3BrTwnlts Sl27S y rd, patio. washe rt College Park, 4bdrm. nis. $3200/mo. Agt. Bob _ '" WATERFRONT dryer hookups Very 2i,.,ba , s plit -leve l, 2'_DovieKoop.7S9·1221 REALTORS I ~~~: nice. No pet.s I child ok ~'.'~~·J~dn$1~l=' Youns Executjve home -------~· -~/mo. 646-3420 _ 67J.5&18. nr Westcllff Plaia. 3 BR IY OWMll 2 br, garage, fenced yd. -----2 BA lg patio/jaruui. 2-4 Plues, 4200sq l'l 612 boat storage Pet OK Woodbndge Condo fo r lease $900/mo. tnclud " 614 Calle Campana, Ho.elU.fwlll•ed ~/rm.~7506 be. 2Br, 2ba, frplc, gar. pool service & gard. 409 San Clemente. $249,500 ••••••••••••••• •••••••• ----patio Lake. pools. ten ~a 631·2914 _ each, $23,160 income ~ 3202 NrSC:Plaia,clean 3br.2 rus S'f~permo 559.41139 Bavebores 2hdrm.. it""" each, Ra.000 down tn •••••••u••••••••uu•• ba, fFP,k, atnu~ fam. ~v -.- 1982. 9 1;. Is l TD GardenGrove4Br1:i..ba, rm.O'loolls park S8~ 31DRw/SPA ~.~:;t5o~a~~~df:~:; TI41•seo1. nu cpts. BBQ. covd mo.~L9 m> ft ~aut~. 1750 mo to 711 S7~/mo . 12131 T,..a/P... patio,lg yrd,8682Twana 2166 Kris t an L a n e Mo/Mo. Patrick Remax 57-0488;(213)972·5l01 Nl!WP(fl\T'UtfGHTS 9620. 536-1453 (Harbor & Victoria I Lse 759-1221 aet__ ----- 1210 ,000 Sam t A&t ..... ,....,--3206 f~!.~P~1/,::. i~:i l..-le~ 3241 ~~~ ••••• !??.~ 7tlG-l'756 •• .. ••••••••••••••••••• patio. Lse S77S. Sale ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ocean vi ew, Spa nish Walk to beach, beautiful Bt)'front. beach. 2 Br. 2 S128.SOO 644~ OCUMFIOMT style,~ 8t 2"2 Ba Wood tri-pjea 2.2 Br 1·3 Br Ba. I gar sp. 123 E. ---MOllU HOMES decks. frpk .. prof. de Patio, .frplc. iszs ,000 Bay r r on l, Ba Ibo a M~ VERDE. 4Br 3ha. Vi ml o(pVt bch, 24 hr t'OI" washer/dryer, bit Oriwlwr will help finance. Island. S.1200 winter . pool/spa, lam rm. Avail security, lots of roves a. 1n 1 , man y 0 th er 646-1064 · $1400annual Herb, days now.MS/mo 979·5814 _ rocks, 2Bt. adlh only, amenities No peli; 213/478-3577 48r l~Ba large family onJy.oodogs.4tochoose Sl200 1mo + $1 200 fi!lwpolMIUMITS c ....... M 3222 ho~e Built 1n gas from. S6SOto SIOOO 17t4J Sttunty +S200 cleaning In rt Aea·c·h, Fee _.__.. ., kttch•n. family rm.I &38_16 _ _ Call Ron 213 1924·7896 Land. ll.7L X Gross. •••••••••••••••••···~·· ... d I 7 92 9763 minimum 2ooK down, Sotttac"!ar ocean & city fireplace in living rm. 28R. l \'sBA. frplc. View, a.'!~14 4 . eve~ CJWC bal. for 5 yrs at fights Vlew from every carpet&, drapes, 2 car New Call>fl Older Cot· -- 12%. f .O. Box 7163, room. Large 2 Br frplc, ~arage, pal.to S82S mo ta&e. S650Mo 675·0349 2 Br. den. 2"2 ba Adult Newport Beach CA man y ame n1t 1e s nclds washe r .dryer. ---Pool /t e nni s $695 9Rl . . $1200/m>. Call Anthony refnce Avail immed. MWo.Vlejo 3267 49U700,661·3526 days 642·5757. eves & 3094 Yellowstone, off ••<o••••••••••••••••••• --- Assume existing 91-t lo loan -O W.C 2nd Spacious well kept Tn plex near So. Coast Plaza. New carpet & paint in two units Bwll 1n1, fenced yard & en clo1ed garages OPEN THURS.·SUN WEEKLY. 817 Jennifer Lane,C.M. 12HOMIS l.clt II Jl2xJOO feet. Supe r Eutai<k loulion. All have 2 bdrm, fittplaces & 8 have 2 bathl. Well built stucco 41 wood S'T7$,000. ~l>lta tUf ...J{a;i . ~ • 673-8494 .. , l. CMlt ""'., Cclll ~A.nu.ml ble ! Prin C:O.ta Mesa hse + j dpl1, szsotooo Owner anxious. SUomit. BYCO, INC. 845-2251 ~SIHMt' Two oo a Jot. Otfe 1 Br In.we + ooe 28r house w /aarages . J UST REDUCED to $134.500 Century 21 Gold Coast wknds631·6630, Paularino, nr S C HOMES FOR RENT S-._ Plaza Isl last & secun · 3 Bdrms S615 Fenced C.,W...o 3271 2BR, lBA. f'rplc, Patio ty required Agl'nl yards& garages Kids & ••••••••••••••••••••••• Gar l700 Pl ~c Dep. 957·0701or 951·0669 pet.s welcome ~5·2000 4 br house w/gardener, Day 213..S0-1960, Eves. ---... _. r •-f J .....,, ~ Greenbroolt 3 BR. fpl<'. ,.._ ...... _.no ee spa "' rp c, ,,_,, mo -------patio.m s mo Ml -rtleodl 3269 ~161 ,493-3395 LEASE OR OPTION 4br · 640-6161 ·r-2ba vu exec hm. $1400 -•••••••••••••••• • •• •••• Smite._ 3 210 111>. Ownr/Ag\ 7~-8006. E/swie Cottage, 2 br. t ba. ••••••••••••••••••••••• patio, ld, gar. S59~ l.AYFIOMT t Br. 2 Ba Dining rm S.W..iHll BACH LOR w1pat10 2 story, 4 + bdrms. 2 2000 sq ft Newly rt' SpttffMlr~ocean view. t375 Uuls pd 6314320 b aths . fi re p lace . decorated $7 50 mo 3+ family, formal din· ~ gorgeous view Pier and ~· 546-6249 ing~ol/spa · S2000 Nu 2 stry JBr w den or t!1Ji ~per mo Avail 4bdrm, 2ba, lrg home. rt' 780-agt - ---48r. Pool/Jar 2' 1ba. 2 modeled , earthtone!> C...Mese 3224 ca.r gar(autol, Nr SC SBSO/rro + last + $350 ••••••••••••••••••••••• P\ia. u e s1000 + S500 !:!C 673-4899. 645·2971 llOMIOF ::ri~~~';'~~o Bus Ca fg d I•• THILUCIY FfW ...... wlllled 3425 Rent ln Costa Mesa's 4 bdrm. 3 ba. 2000 sq rt ••••••••••••••••••••••• NEWEST 1ated 20 condo Near back Ba>-lcanal Front, Newpo rt So Coast Plaza I Br w 24 Townhome VILLAGE S'T7$. 67~ __ Bo b _ Shores. 4 Br + Lease or ·hr sec Tennis, pools . OOl(J(UNJTY.2&3Bt. J..c38r2ba ffl)lc closelol opt.ioo tobuy St500 mo spas.MSOlDcl wtr Agt 2t,t,Ba. l600-ll00sq. ft of school & golf r~e 3726 TeMls, pool. v.alk to ~·O'm_ pure lu.xury. Garages, Iowa. $700. 536 1453 I beach. Age111 646 t044 or Beaut 2bdrm condo bydro-tubl In master -----64.>2fm suite. dining rooms . EASTSIDE Clean Brl ---pnme SC. Plaza lor woodbum.ingfireplaces,I w/gar. yard. S6SO +sec llGC.AHYOMLSE waterfalls. streams micro·wave ove ns , !Br cottage $415+ ser 2BR Mr Lain Condo s pa , pool SIOO 'mo private pat.ios & yards 857-2040 , S1125per m> Call Gerl') Q 141673-9019; 675·0540 Gardene! .Provided ;;::,___,......_. 32261 673-176l or 160·1397 SoC:Oasl Plaia 2 Br w 24 El"ant li vme only 15 - -----hr sec Tennis, Pool. minutes from Fashion •••••••••••••••••••• ••• spas ~ mt'I water lllMid. 7 m111utes to S.C I Dana C~est 3 Br 2ba. M C.AMYOM Agt 957 0222 Plaza or O.C.Alrport frplc. ntre yard. 2 ear l L u xu rious t hr ee --· Just east of New~rt earage 2 Yrs ne~ Ve~ 1 bedrooms Two baths SO. COAST ARE.A Orange Ave . Cost a "-...,.• CICll .. Jacuut off ma s t er Rultot 548-1168 Blvd & so of San Diego dean Ava.ii March Ca 11 Forma l dining room 2 Br. I Ba. A1C, pool. rer Frwy Starting at $900 a•~ lTII or 960·5844 1 Richly decorate<! in mul facil , sec gates. no monlh 631 ·5439, 2413j~ le 32_.0 rd tones 3000 sq fl pets $530 PP 968-~ Mesa. ••••••••••••••••• •• •• • • bedroom 3 car garage -----... ~-- 2200 -----SBlkstoocean.Elt'gant2 S2050 mo nth Yearly THIRUFfS 2 Br. enclsd garage Br Fam1lri Rm & Oen lease Call 63I 1300, ~acious four bedroom \,';t;~·K;ys· .. l~~·;ry•• "10·~ A.dulls, no pe\S. S.SZS/mo S8SO Mo p ush crplS, 2•,, 1 Realtor. . ·Grueaeda bluapteh .. rMo onddeol mW. Wilson:&:U-4889. S.. Cedar & glass. sun ··-------•! " with unsurpused view dec k, dbl car prvl Near s hopping and ol Channel Space ss· 4 Br. 3 Ba h.\e., r,.Plc. garage , fully ma int POOLHOME schools. SIUl5 mo Year boat. Owner may help fenced yard. No pets. yard.No pets lnqui reat: 3BRFmbome8k8ay ly leaseBroker631·7300 finan c e . $300,000. S780tmo. + dep Agt 5271.8th St.96().6331 I Sl200tmoCallSuu nne e.656-1236. ~2142 642-5722 675-3445 HOME FOR RENT --__!!!II -3 br. 2 ba. Nr SC Plata ._...., ,__• Lo•elv H..,! 13 Bdrm. $700. Fenced !ilper Harbor/Ocean Vu 1661> Pool, jac. rec rm ....._. 270 3 bdrm~ '2 ba, water . yard & garage Kids & 3 BR, 2 ba Sll8S mo 239 ~7131, 545-~ •••••••••••••••••••••• ~r incl.llded $795 pets welcome S45·2000., Ckean View. 675·2967 Near SC Plata, 3 Bdrm. 2 10 Acres avocados. ~clilldok.644 2778 Agent.ooree. fullbatm, upstairs. Pool Rancho Cal. 12'k int. • I ,.,..,_,,__ ttOU\ Stes,ooo Xlnt Invest 4 Br, 3 Ba condo. many Sbr,2ba, S82S/mo Swim IAYFIOMT "' c u ... ..,.._. _.,., mo S57·3218 amenities. saoo. Dys ming pool. Marina H s I Pier and slip for lar$e I l.St & last Gerry Jbnes. 673-3335; evea645-Z439. Call aft 5,847·3803. boat. Furnished s111 631·1.266. a~ __ Nr V11ali1, ts acre. nat. Nice clean 2 Br. I Ba. Nearbch2br. 2ba W I d bed_rooms. five baths. To..-..w lllnt soil, ditch water. enclad aarage, yard. gar, patio & pet 5495 dining. room and den ......... d 3525 ~n!!'.Jfbr moblbdile newpaJ.ntai carpet.No OC-RENTAl.S 1503314 Tennis cou rts and ••••••••••••••••••••••• .......... -...-arm g, pets. $525 + security -beaches Short term or trac.tor. equip. Sl7S.OOO 2544 Orange. house D. OC-RENTALS I years lease $5500 Newly decorated 3bdrm OWC. <D )S2M614 l·Sbr's S200to $2000 ~1 month. Broker. 63t-7300 twnhse w attchd 11ar nr 548-Z7'78. 7»3314 7 days S.C Plata Adults only. 26,500 ac re ranc h, 2 Br. 1 Ba. f\111 carpets --no pets . Ca I I Sl9,SOO,OOO, ($736 per eoclsd garage, fenced 3 Bdrm 2 Bath like ne~l 1 G C AM YO M (213)473-3329. acrel. Central Calif. backy1rd . patio , Old Town Huntington C~ COllt 1.0 existing legal _..__ dry N 8cb. S?CI\ ..... ....... ft 0 d .......,./ er area o JV iloo70'"~ a er 3 Br. full gol course ..._ ...... IL._._...._ ... parcels. utstan ing eCNt .. m ......, ~ recreational oppty. pets. ~/~. 548·5442 "" -view, tennis, pool, spa, ••••••••••••••••••••••• Prine. only Owner: or'T70.SQ9. DUPLEX -119 Hunt· lease. 11300 644·7424 .... ,,..,. l707 (8~15&2. CHOICE I. SIDI ington Ave. Ocean view, ~ ___ __ •u•••••••••••••••••••• ........... ......._ 28r. l~Ba. 11-plc. blln volleyball r rt. 1 Br 2 Br I Ba No·port Winter Rentals. l/taBlk fr -...,.. r1.n1e/oven, dshwshr, 9560/mo 2 Br S'150 mo · ~igbt.s Very pnvale, Bch. lBR $460. 2BR SSIS kc•• 11 2100 petio. Pool. '600 mo., no or rent entire duplex for garage, near Hoag Single, $300. 673·9325 ••••••••••••••••••••••• peta.311Hamllton $1300/mo Ca ll fl ob 64.>909S WANTED; House on Lido Meyer 586·3500, ofc or -.:.....;.."-- Isle for income proper· Ce.an 2 Br. 1 Ba. enclsd 861·7622homr. HARBOR VU HOMES ty. Prin only. &42·0388 ~·· private yard NO 3 Br condo or Bois a Chira 3 br. 2 ba, comm. pool, 3Unlts. $30K Eqwty ETS. 1495· 548-6680 41 Heil. lllOO/mo + last frplc. l850/mo 54"240S Eastside CM. 2bdrm, ~/mo. Is l ' mo. 846-1741art8pm 4 lease options avail In 645-62166 last. 3Xn Wallace. VAC•""" 3 BR 2 B . the Bl~fs. Some distress 67S-Ol36 ,.., ' • a. pre sltualielnl lnumc. twnhse, 3Br 2ba, 9ddbl•"· nrS.C P lu ........ ••••••••••••••• r:'~l1d1 ok . ISOO, ............ 316' -•••••••••••••••••••• l.a6de duplex, l Br, den, VWa1t Mobile lluDdrJ,\~OK. $315. Home Pin na rniahed 2 • T101. 541· 7&SS Br. a.. pool, adlt.I, no CAii.... ....... 1 Ilda doee to shope • .,..._,,. a<q ... 1ng w th a rataurantt. S7SO mo yr. Dally Pilot Classified Ad ty iDd llltit m.-or i. • alm le matter t.Z.M, 1-mmt lilt call ·5678. llOO "C't'. 1100 D C:t'. .............................................. OCMM .. OMf DUfUX I 0% DOWM Fantastic opPortunlty for 1 or several friends to purc.hase newly remodeled duplex rl&hl on the sand on BalbQI Peninsula. Under market for quick sale at •J.ooo on fee Janet. 2914 Oreantroot. uwner. Call 544-0614 or &11 cm. atlge nei1hborhood. All 760-9678 Jm.1162-4471 Keith __ ;...:.;.;...;· ..:.;;...:...;;,..;.;::...._ ~ -3 BR 2 Ba, pool, di.nlng Allractlve 3 Br t • Ba. rm/ ram rm 1100 Clay f e D c e d Y a r d • NB 11 ooo ~r mo Alt' microwave. 1675/mo. su• . . •MM eves, 963·6767 _;.,,;;;~.;;;.. ____ _ IW --..wPOITHACH "-t•• 3242 ~°"PY ••• .. •••••••••••••••••• 3 -""'" 2 •th up Wattrlroot Broadmoor ~t•~• •P!~h n1ep~ 2bdrm. Zba. ffl>IC, wet· • .. ~ • ·1 blr, dbl car, tlip avail, pliucet, wuber, aryer. f. at 1 o '11 o o I m 0 • traeh compactor. pool .. ~....c...7171 'Pl clubtlOuff uuna, ..;....;;...;.:.'",..~'"'.;.,;._-· ---1 end arm. SJ ZoO per Zbdrm lux. condo oo lllDllth: '714 e.1..-ext. Llloan. 2 frptcs, aer • 2osa, M·F 1 .ao-s .30. man7 xtrH . St00/1119. Karin. Oa1J f\'9, (714)840-UGl11-------or111-2112. OCRINTALS 1.$ br'• •to llOOO ... 4 7-dll! IWIC!HOSAN JOAQUIN ,,, •• , ........... el, 2 Ir ..... -~ ..... M II A/C, Yin. llJS. -- BAY FRONTAGE beach. pier. 2 Br $7~ UtJI pd T ill s 27 . 303 l: ewater. t-1'71·2866. Jbdrm, .,... block to sand. ts.W/mo till mid-June rn.mo. ~mer Oceanfront Ren· lal 3BR 3BA. ptlme atta, xlnt cood. no pets, Call For Your Reaerva- Uon Now! 714·337·2'U4 <1a11 714475-8904 after~ c.NMIM l7J4 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Co~are before yov tent. Custom dtsl(n luturt1: Pool, BBQ, cov'rd 1ara11. a11r. rounded wltb pluall 1-tlcepmg. No peta. 1 Br. ham from *5 ••. wu.o.. M2·11Tl ":';:::.· T•o tt11l1 toHlt, 1whnata1 '4ol. Jae, -. .... ""'1WI. llGllN.~:-· -··· . ..... Elm• nl Palm Otffrt. C1. contrtbuUona may be made re •r · ra •r.":1 1nd 4 1r1ndch lldren. lo Ho11 Memorial Hoapttal, a14, A.teomey et uw, N9 Services will be he ld on Caneer or Heart Fuod New'wt C•11ter Drive, Thurtday, February 2S. 1912 Plerce Brothers Rt ll :S:!?lJ!-= .._.., ~11 :•~--.~~fl't Bro adw11 Morti1T1 • ~~~~![~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ snd AU ARlfll Epjscopat dtree.,... ~ ..... .,.,.,.,. .... .. .. . I j ,. . - Orange Co11t DAILY PlLOT/Thurlday. February 25, 1982 .. ....,, ..... ,.... ..... ..... ., .. IOJI -••••••••••• .. ••••••• ....................... I.Git: ··r.' ..... , Cit. C101W w ...W. ta1 lrom •PlXEl>RATEZDdTD Studt Anbl1, L1111na •f\dly AmortJitd Mcutl. "-•rd ... Hl51 .,\ally Aaauma ble aft. . _ •No Pre·P1yment 44ff.... 41IO Ptn~ Loat . ~ blk f do1. pt Afs MMI ...._ Afla 1ue•1 U..... ...,._, ...... .... 4110 .... lo.._. 000 ~ .......... •••••••••.............. AlifOt Ski . 0283 Lib/ P:..J~'.!.b~~ .. col· • n nun•-•••••••••• • ••••••• • • • ••••••••••• ••• •••• • • • • u ...... ,... • ••••• • •• •• ••••n•••u •• .. ••••••••••••••• •••• •••••H••• •• • • •• ••••• •• ••• G . f t -~ 8t b I.Ir Dana r-. -· Its p•4.... l16t C..W.. JIJ4 -Nit 112' Ml.,.,.lted 11'9 Enlllr M/F&oabr3br~Mln, 001 <!,fl,ct1_!!•aac•1bofo: a!T::· ~l~~'p.!ru~:~o ~: l~c~w~:!tme!~. StO~ REWAllD. Bit .................................. , ...................... , .......... , ....................... r~ tbtbcadl,N.8. ••5 c · (iii -JU>• no7 ·uk Zone (10\\x20\I\), $150 Call ror latcat llat. ~red tat. "lllut· OCIANnONTl64 Ir. SltO on lit Mo. Rut. OCEAN Vlf!W! &.&~I, Nwpt llta. 2 br, 1 be, lllUJJE lllill.m.at! for.J.Ptm~rton: m>.87J..2MS,f73·3930. 1t.21% yield. 1·3 yra. bill" tU·H72 dye, AYll. "11&w. Wteklf/ a.doulllr lll .... fpk,a~tltvtl,acll Oil· ,...., yd, 11r1J UO/mo. IBllhmetoahar• S500to Prlo. Oft11. Cral1 Clau. ~f1.:..::S.~m~1e;;...v_. ___ _ .mma. • ..... 1~ 11 .•. Laun· ly.S7 mo.•0211 •p!l.Ul·Slu.1 W'AYftlll .wt. ll50mo. NB area. .._..,.A•n_. /ftlttttt/ Rt/Ku1•1221 -1.clt: Black male Lab. *Y lac .. poo!.Ml·IUI IW' __ .... 3141 z 8dt1D I bath near the If'~ Mll Dy•, 440·5200, en, •·~ ft5'4·2jcjf-....C. Vk Newport Hel111ta . ... OCCPNCYI •••h••11euuuoon• beach. NOO per mo. ~Jo bouM Fuli ~Z'Nl.He1tber Jrvl .. Airport tatc ........................ ' l•cWtlh/ Feb. 18th. Family *O/iiO I 8r.-f Ba .lw'~ ~ ). '752-21(1 f:!vile~ DOG liaclud· '= roomm1te COM, aulte, nice offices ln ...... Pw 11 •/ h t a r t b r o II t n · Ad1ab1, ·JIOOILbt•medU u11m. lAll rm ~ •. t1AU Bayfrurt lbdrm~ 1 car ~· ut Jlttlea. A12k8 for utllfh>tc:.1~!.rport. tw ~~ndly ~!_mc1oapyhpelnre1. O,p1 Wty IOOS Lelt& ,._. •• ;:~7,.., '', $41·5130 or CIWDJ, launu.ry room. util . amew ea. 1ar or Lido Laland. .lkt a '170·79 or + l. 120-....., ,..., lft"V • .,.. . Tl . ••••n•u•••••••••••••• ••u•••••••n•••••••• ,..... -· No pets. No laat mo. lt. 1700/mo. Annual lae. Mf.UGO,ut.St. Rmmtt wanted: N.B. XerouvalJ.957·'331 WOUO IAY • 11 •c-• SIO Found: Preaulfitfon TIL-.. .. 0 ..... ..... O.luxe poolalde at ra 5IMID. NB pref. malt will abr l1e I •pt. 3bdrm with nice EX.r.Ctm. VE SUITE Ecit.ilP. rentaf center •••• .. ••••••••••••••••• SS--oo Dover C lrf --·-·-·----·l_I03_ tarp 2br, 2 ba, bltna, J bdm, 2 b1 , cloee to Harbor View home vlew.Call740-3948 Nwpt Ceo&er, ocn vlew1 bt.tuinesaw{xlntloc. •Sl'lllTUAL 631-5208 •aut. !bdrm condo, dlwbr,lYl mlltsbeach. ocean. 11u.ou da, w/1d11lt ao+ S37S . .....,. comer ore. SSOO. ful JOyrleue.Natl,!ocal ~-· Found: Puppy, H mo Dri• s .c . Plau toe. Adults, no pet&. S500mo. miz11eve Bkr 7I04I02 ..,...., OIO mvtce. 7:fl.I03ll truck rental. $60.000. 181.S s.-l!.l-ClmTno Real, old Tri·C!Olor blk brn .......... \'aterf11l1, atreama. 53M362.. a Br. 2 Ba. ;If! blocks to Sbr lrl lwt home w/prof ... ••••••o••••••••••••• Prime Newport Beach of· t80&l521-S83hft. Spm . Sao q emente. 492-7296. and1rhltt. lla\e1U'·2062 a.J:~ol. SIOO/mo . 152$. Sharp 2BR, 2BA. ocean SHO /mo penon. tst, lut • dep. Garaie. L'iO mo. 2964 La flee apace. Newly rt· A.taodate with Sl0.000 ~I lie. fol.nd· Bike Cdll area. ._..1tudio1.one and two bedtoom _,..,,. ments. FIJfllNll HED anct UNFU .. MIHED. 0 1kwood lllO ollets • All UtllWea Plicl And Much More• For a month, or a hi&· tirne Models OQen daily No pets. Oakwood Garden Apertmenta Newport Beech/No. 880trv1n& (I I 16th) (7~) 645-1104 Newpon Beech/So. 1700 16th St (Oovt< 11 16111) (7~)142-51'3 ( •it: 67S·0540. II.Int. Nr Bch. Ideal Owner /Acent. 117$-2373 Dl5mo. *8479 Salle, C.M. Call alter m>deled. btautlful. Call cMh to Join me In fan 1 G<»d Party . Wholesale Callt0ldentiry. share mital. No Pell. ormall. SPM.961·'Z740 MatU7Mf06. taatlc opportunity, prices. sun. Feb. 2810·2. 844~ &13-m1,S42·W9 Udo bayfront. on the Double 1araae for a!IQft,crptd newly de· t':.:~,c=~~:~1d0:~ 23>Pearl.8alboala. -Fowxt--:-Pll..::..:..:P.;..;:PY~6-mo-n-ths-~tfleld.J ee.r,~~pts. Patioa/dffb. Spa, heat 1*d. No pets. 2 BR. 2 BA. $52S a w. Wilton 63l·M83 PINE BLUFF APTS. 2 Bt. 2 Ba. No pets. Patio, view, frplc, jaeuui, aar .. CU stove, •. 631"'101 water. 2 brl 2 ba, newly ROOMMATE atora&e only. $90/mo . cor., a/c, loci. all utlls. per wk worl. This Is tf'alll •ETS old. Descnbe and puppy • *** * decor .. fl1>c. t9'7S mo. Fl...,DERS H.B.91J0.521SO. Ample prta. Ideal for buyln1 ft selling ~ lsyoun.642.-7805. .Su yrty leue. 413 Via Udo " law, acct~nalneer. aervica •products. 3rd •U.S. -· So-ud (II P• t. i rs ). O~• larseat l(en~y. STS/m>. Hunt. B. 20 I 18 etc. Nr 415 'Beach year in bulinesa. Can be .. "WEIS Found: Mcray kitty, vie. AiDtOrlented apt 173-1.283, 6?S-35Sl All client.a screened w1th double garaae. atoraae Blvd. NJ.7727 ·F, S.S. active or inactive. Call = 0 t n..Un & 17th. C.M .. on 2b~81r~:ean 1 BR, pool, block to =~C:e:!~trtan only.833-330'7,M2·llS9 ...._._... 4450 a.3IM6 or 1 7M20-Ul145, ask Sandy _:-R~:~e : Monday 646-030l paddJeleMiactsd ocan.Sln1le1d11lt.S32S. Goodlilornln&America. Office...... 4400 •••H•n0t••fi••••1350•••••••,:• forMr.Joe es. OLDGOATS Found : fe~alebLa.b , balconiesorbltyar 6Cl·5002 1'eTomorrowShow. ••••••••• .. ••••••••••••Sltoreor ace. sq.•· Anewfamilymovedinto Black;remalel.a max . carporu .,,., ofh to ell new 11117 Wertcllff, N.B. Want Men Verde Area •",!!tu~"' 50 15 my nelghbortiood. It's a black' white: male Pit· all uUI pd except elec 28r, 2Ba twnhse. 1arace dlenta who need 1 place financial Inst. 7000s.r. 54$-4123 -.PI 1lmlY ~· ty l>ig famila loo. bull, red & w h 1 t e : Nor.LI W/"""r, sm pat1·0. ou7s · •·t ,, __ *"ent L•t-5032 ••••••••••••••••••••••• nln k' sand f mal• m'1x-.. T•rrier ....... .,. ..-IT 641-lltt ........... "-6 ... • "'udio-bualneaa space to l n vestor /s W an · are e' e ... ""' "' . AUanta·Deaware.HB ~.&12·'387 ..,..,.."" "' twoOLDGOATS. gray: male Pltbull, (714 ) S36· 4400 -:::_~~=::-:::-::=:-;:-11-------• EXECUTIVE let. 825 IQ ft. S37SJr mo. ttd·SI0.000 lot a I or brown. Newport 'Shelter, <Met lBR Garden Apt. 3Br, ma. frplc, sm pat.i.o, 3 BR 2 aty$350NB. or beach, l.al\llll Bch. 67S· 22 10.$1,000. 20%. 2 yr loan Led & Fomd 530 12$ Mua Dr .. C M. W /w Carpet•. Bit io I•-------1ar11e w/opnr, S600 mo. , __ ,.. ~·o 97l2 SUITES Sl'ORE _.,. Ne~rt Bl pay int. ooly mo (2001: •••••••••••••••••••••• .... 31156 O/R, Frictie. S370. Gu 2br 2ba in 4·plex. 5'7S, 442-87 >CW.WI. • ..., • • IN CM .,,;~~f OO/rno ' aec. l PLUS 200'k Dep. ...::"'"':..:..;..;='--· -----Pd. Nopeta. Nr Bus ' w·d hk·up. prv patio. leMll0."1l·3618 HRITA&E .... .._ or · write-off PLUS2S'k Ta~ Reward · s mall M Sbopa. 8'5-3:563 enclsd ear. No pets J ~&be. $57$ CdM apt. t.o share. Own PLAli ~3S03 Credit PLUS S% qf bus1-Siamese. declawed. blue 00.9tt4. very c eto ean. rm' ba. Ocean vu & Newl11X-ury<lrffcespace .. ..,....._. neu net. Call Bill fOUNI ADS collar. Magnolia/ ~'~:~·P~r·b~ (2l lbdrm cottages rm. 1145-8323 frplc. Rd's. over 30yrs in Irvine' a busiest l.wl/Ofce ~· 758-05114 Onnge.646-$956 ft enclsd 1arages. --~/mo. i,, block tc 3 Br yearly. Near beach. Ca1J before IPM or aft. ceoUr' Easy Frwy ac Priioe-&lineas •hon a --5025 18( fl(( Found : M Wire-haired be b S -Pl RE IOPM.Pl>/mo.640-048$. A. va1J now • Cali oo bwy Pac Cal Hwy Ma.lyto._ NI F T I · c *"5/mo. 631·2276 ac . ee manager ...... aya . . ~e·~ ..... a.. . . Ideal for retail or omce ....................... cal~ 0 Jt err er. v I . """· "D" at 122 7th St 813-1900 ...,.... ""ft ""°"do to sbr I& .or_.._ t .,. .. wards & Slater, H.B. Ki. ~s ·o;"'bu 11 ti ( u 1 551.1ui '40.4230 :8&i1~·000 to 3•000 sq ' .._ •-•·. 64• ir671 842.31113 Lffle~kA'nwn ..;.::..;:.;_ ______ 4bdrm. 2ba, frpl c, Oreenblt' view or the '714-MS7100 ....,. .,.. ~~.::;;_ ____ _ w:=atlo ' yard, up Sharp 2 br, blt·in a sndeclt, patio. duplex, ~· w/pools, MMl83or •Dll.UXIOfRCIS• · I~; Found. walk1n1 cane, W . Y ... cath--'ral washer/dryer, sundeck by Newport Hei&hts. ......__ 1 room .... to 2000 C _1..... •--L.L.. F 1J , b 1 Harbor Hlghlllfds area. ceiJiq. frpl;, d/w.~I. ~oo l. Nr Slater & S750/mo.1·7711·SI04. ;Q~. From Stlll ~ s3 ._....... 4475 Offk~..... i:J. wll~a~he~'colla~~ N.B.ooWed.&46-1088 ~.car port. No pell. ,:,W.i;;,d. SS2S + dep 2BR, stove, refrig, gar. FL~~ ~·:~cp~·tdugl~x: ft. No le11e reqwre · ••••••••••••••••••,•••• L.oanatol250,00(f.'ferms "Neala", Edinger & Found : SmalJ male dog , Qlaet • private. $465 & yrd.. 2 bllt beach. S600mo , $22.5/mo + utila Con· Adj. Airporter Inn. 2172 Prime Tustin & San to 3 yean. Call to see if Bo laa Chic a . H. B red/brwo longhair, Vic Whitewater ocean view, lf.BOHarla.S49·2447. 2bdrm,lba,dishwasher yrl.646-1105.2233Sth I tact Karen S47·9ISI Du~t . Call AM . aementeretailoroffire we have lhe besl rates Reward . 897 5192. MacArthur & Bear ~lo sand. Nicely QUIET ADULTS over is, 14>per, P~~ mo. S. Chm• 3l76' ..:X218=:.:..· ------m. · HT--. 7iJ0..1470; 831-86199. ~~I·~~~ frfefs~~r :~~:, 9624192 ..:.S49-~~------ f 2 br duplex lmfllnllBr.lower.$340. .. ..................... female to shr w/ume. 17THSll 6311).12 W. Coast Hwy. 966·0755. Cambridge Losl Blue Velvet ""'•Ills 5350 avail now to 6/1. Beal&l laodacapinc. No DIMIXE211 I IA 2 br, near ocean. f\Jm, nr Orance Coast COSTAMISA N.B Capital Group a JewelryBox &contr.nts. ••••••••••••••••••••••• .xl/mo. 63Hll74 peta. LEEWARD APTS. 1 nu Beacli. frplc, encl $175/mo. lat & last mo. Collegen/smlt ~ 2or 3 room otflce 1uilH. 1800 IQ. ft. retail sales & California real estate Vic Newporter Inn. NB. 1.M-tl-M _.,... : m>Fullerton,631·0397. gar, dishwasher. bit-ins. 332 Qacino Ln, S.C. See A/C. plenty of prkg. Util lltt'Vice. now auto stereo. broker also acting as a or Elks Club. NB· ~ CIHOQe OCIAM "'""' smoke alarm. balcony Manager in Apt. #C. Rmmle wanle,d, m~ le Incl. Aval.I. now. Call •tmo. 213/889·S985 or •-.. ~-. REWARD. 760·864S I Open 24 hrs• daf 3bdrm~2ba.Availmon·111EVICTORIAN:New-35 Id wet 6700 "''"""" 7daysawttlt thlv .... summer $750. ly decor. 2 Br w/gar.. Water pd S4& before E ' over ' empt ' q ' Rea.lmom.ics ll7S· 9'4-88!4 U.l Orange youn(,Tab· 69 Gorgeous !iris to ,, "' d bl PM 960-46°i4 .... SC .... Ho-. liberal. Lac Bch 494-6216 I h. t ~2010 new CJ'1)ta & rapes. t· 1 bdrm.. stove, carjlets. 600 IQ. ft. Mesa Verde I •t ..,....., 4500 Private rooney available by ma e cat 1 e pamper you. acuni .. Ina, patio. Adults. Call ivall r..i..-. S370mo. area. ••••••••••••••••••••••• from $10,000 up. Call chest1paws. COM HVH. Sauna. Locals as well as SHOR't:TERM between 1-SPM. 636·4120. ..., _ 54$-4123 759-8978 · t B k Oceanfront • near tbe _., "G" Victoria •.170 •1·1844 af't 6:30 · N.8 .. 397S Birch. 8860 sq. Tom: 6'2·118$2. -to 11 r 1 s s . a n b -· .,. ft or less. MIA zone, 50' Ameri card. Master ~:~~ :~tsmaov.•i~&t~I P.ALMMESAAPTS .BAYFRONT per sq. rt Agent Moil;11u.T ..... t Found.Schwinnmen 'slO O!arge. American Ex · l.S61MesaDr PrimeoCflce.8'13·1003. S41·5C32. Dtidi 5015 s~bike.Calland 1den· press. Diners all m-1170 • I 2 Br. Wlfurn . $425.' 2 Br. ..••••••••••••••••••••• 2SO • 1200-3000 sq ft by Npt ••••••••••••••••••••••• tify. 6.11-1275 • 2wel21cHomebo 7Bt•1 'c64J·3433 S. Clmwlh 3776 funL MIS. Adults. Call • Secu111y Gates SEA WIND . Colla Meu, sq. il. f...v & 405· fwy From • 5.t11et Mta. Co. FOUND· Pel Bird. call to 1 ar r · ••••••••••••••••••••••• blwnM. $46-9860. • Pool & Rte Room pool JIC sauna Non sLile. $116/mo. Ulils in· -, 0 • K f All types o( ~af estate identify Newport Bch Ba I .. t v1• I .. GE ' . ~ . cld 779 w 19th Sl SS04 Mr. e e e . in 10•9 On PelUIUl· ula 673·7912 , _______ _ ? Br. 1~ . wa.. o B T h • 1 & 2 BR Patio Apts ~ smltr646-7221, 11·... ._ · · 851-8928 I anveetment.s s ce ..... . 1 :..&... & y&.lti'S be.ach. 225 La Paloma. .Y 3 . r. own ouse • Garclell lanosufllllO New 1'2 bdrm luxury s 851-· ~-'-'Ill U.. ftiial Apt. B $450.137·7918. ~g111et adult com-..... in 14 plans. 1 Bdrm Fem abr bch h.se. an "'"" ._ .. 72 ft SI oo;nr lndwtrial Pa.rt Units for ~--.. FOUND Sml male BenJ1 · . Newly decorated, • D1sn•as11trs & B80s -r-1 Clemente. l290 mo. + i,; -•.. sq. , h B lease 1SOO 1900 3700 sq WTD1 type dog. blk wtwh1te •ESCom• s..e. AM 37IO ce, enclsd palJo £c • Jog 10 Be1e11 & Sllops = sroi~h~~ f~: WI. Child? Employed. aq. tt .. S43r~irc · · · ft. wtiu. Av all.' for Im· 642-J 171 545..061 I Legs • chest. Red collar. BACK & B ER , ...................... ~&e. Adults only. Sito + pools, tennis, 492·7343 evs/ wltnds Afent · med. occupancy. omce Got something to say but 963-81194 ntAN EVER! 24 HRS 2 bdrm condo, bit Ina, 'no peU. $597$ Mo. waterfalls, ponds! Gas 6t1-28Mdys D~APO~NT'a besl loc. •warehouse apace with nol sure how to say II' Found . large female dog. 669-0207 part furn, pool. coov ~33BlorS7S·5t4 · for cookin1 • beatlnl Shr 1 br caodo. Fairview D to500 ~t 70' Incl all. carpets, drapes ' wet· Call us for rrttndly vie Paularlno, C.M. ( Outcall) =;::~.~:!~! .;:;::;~&~ls~ :1~: THE WffiFFLETREE ~ 'l'~e S~!rt~ie:: 4r Se1uatrom, tenoi1. UW.4rjarutor.t7S-1120 ~:.1~~.'~:s~all he!J>fuladvice.642·567~ ·, 5$7-<820. . • doCOK.:0-5002 hwaaber. Avail. 3·1 1·2-3 Bdrm. Apt.a. Gym, Beacb to McFadden pool~;:~... ~f~~:!/:~Je1~o~ •• · •••• e e e 9 e •.• e e e • e e e • e • • e •• e · ~. ~·Sauna. pool. tennis. tbm West on llc~rsden F t.o ahr w/ll • f . Super Prestigious WeatcliH • S...U.--1716 3 Br. Pool . Rec rm. e c 8*-0619. to Seawind Vi age. c}eaa. weJI loc. NB Coo· area Sl.OOIQ. ft. Medical • PECIA L •••• ... ••••••••••••••••• Utlls paid. Walk So. 2Br, lBa , 4 -Plex , tnt)llJ.SlJI. do~.675-tlU lldc.CalJM5-6501. B•DAY WEEK S • Laguna Beacb, beaut. Cout Plua. Call collect $490/mo. New paint. t-40H r II lo abr ZBr d . Jex • • furn., ault.e 2 ~R. apa, 213/3T7.->ll. carpet. Murdy Park.-···-··············· c'ir , .. SZJO +:utlJ 12551110-Privateoffice/ • 8 Days • 3 lines • 8 Dollars sauna, satellite TV · 846-8274. taauna Beach Motor loo, · · w · PlftloJ/kltcheoette spc • maid aerv. $300 wit. IMSTAHT IM! 115 .No. Pacific ...Cout Gl·a51Jerry. iMooM'alnSC.Huht Bt'l1 I ...:::ru-&-==22Z7~----i '415/mo. t Br. 1 Ba. Apt. MAIUHRS-WAL-1 H~, La111na Beach. I Fem. rmmate wanted for DailyJantr. All util pd e Its easy to place your 8-0ay Week Classified by ma ii and ti e Frplc, carporti..laundry Lrg 2 Br. Townhouse , Weekly, Kitchen 2 BR 2 Ba apt in nice Avail.now !(714l848·3133 • costs JUSt $8 -that Sonly a dollar a day1 To Qualify for this room. Catok. l\eal sun Apartment. Frplc , av able. Low winter I lttllic comp(Jix. Pool, special offer you must be a non·commerc1al user offering • ny. This ooe wont last mcbd car. patio. Near ,.... ~ jac • ruo people. • • -·•••••••••••••••••••• TSLMamt. ·9412. ~~~~~~en Pvt.~-no amotlng or srrdocail9M-0306eves •Hu NBilJ:.~ T 0 N merchandise for sale up to S800 per ad. and the pn ce must ..... ..._.. ll06 Br. I~ Ba. Townhouse. drinllio1. quiet Mover My Part Newport apart. IOIOS/FW.. • be 1n your ad The cost sta ys the same whether your ad e .............. ••••••••• 1arage, patio. small '-Jlleltecla 3141 ll.121$/mos.s6-0ll37 w/empld fem. $300 • •3Priva(e()(fices • needs eight days selhng ltme or JUSt one • 2 bdrm. 1 b •. Encl Car. yard. No pets. SSIO. ••••••••••••••••••••••• , MS-37311or640-88113 A • OC~ FIO.,... Working fem .. 25·40, i,; • •2Staff reas • Avail Illar 8. yurly 1_~=..::=:..:.·-----"' :h NB f h · • • Welbar lease S57S mo. No pell. DLX 2Br. 3Ba Condo. Moat egant apartment bllt be • . . un urn .. ssare rooms &•l ering AVlilable DOW·ISl Floor • Use one word tn each box About 4 words make one Ev•wtnds714t4173-91.20 frplc, ear. lndry , pool. ~~~~'ffn~~1~!1f:nni~ ~:mtr. S2.50 675 . 1706 ~~?1n~r!!tTna"1g011~~: Call m4>848·3133 e classified line of type Minimum ad is 3 ltnes Please pnnt • .... , •• ,. 3107 palio$700mo.64<1·990B t~wn . Brea.thtaking Furn CM HM . S210. ~~:ieH!t~~ri~e"o~ HIWPOITllACH • plainly • ••••••••••••••••••••••• • l Br Condo nr S.C. Views. All blt·ans. heated ~:MlS or Call Answer call 8051 Undley, No. 6 AIRPORT. Cuplom or • OCINROMT P!ua. S.A. Patio. Pool, pool, subt garage, 1611.~ Tanana CA 91356 <2131 rices. SlO to 1800 sq ft. • r------------------------------, 2 bdrm, 2 bath, new Spa. Call>Ort 5'50. Sm elevator. Lease only. .. •• 7878 Ftorn90< perstr. • paint • carpel. Yearly PetOK SB50 & up. 330 Cliff Dr Rmmt wanted to shr 2BR _... MuUan Rily. 540-2960 ' • I . I • leaae$165.Cal1Lindaor ~or641-1460 494-03 Apt. CM a.rea. S27S Mo. Pror. Woman seeks I 7080 ·•--a. ~••t Incl util. Call Steffie Christian Lady to Jive in • II I • Art,675-. llr 2cartar,w/opener. _. -afterS:llfW&.6104 CdM home w/s on ' c plan N1124r3BR,2BA.yearl,. frplc . micro. dlit , Room . Fmle pref. in dop. Rent negotiable exe u • I I • ~~·cr~i:s·t~f;r ii .:::r~3.:~e Joe•· PMI IOPllT ~::f~~d~~ =:'1;vt bath. Ocean ~f:~=?o'~ .• 1 S 1 .00 1 1 e ocean. r87 · tioa. Patio. Stove/refric. COUMTIT Cl.UI pets OK. 646-68117 ·-'-· Se T A t I • -...UWpd.lBr.d:filex r:iemanpref,no pets. UYM -vle1". a errace pa, office&desltspace. 10 &O I -bo &2 bed Room/pvt bath, kitch Lacuna Niguel. 1261.50 Nr. o.c. Airport • I . • U7 E. Bay Ave. Ba a .~ Bacbelon, 1 room priv. W/D, Furn. Quiet + ~utila.6'1·'7943 "Seeto 7 Appreciate!" • ~I 1 1 • 5'2.()liO, 7·1155 l Br. 1 e.. aood Eastslde ;r::=e:...1900 pool home. $2'7S, S4H105 Bayfront, pvt btacb, Bal. se.me 13.20 SLepa to beac~ cute 1 br. locat.ioo. mature adult. aft S. Pen. Sgl F wants to shr • huge 1d. qt et street. lo $350/mo. Casa dsel NO FEE! Apt. & Condo Room in private home. w/same. Resp. person. I 15.80 I • Ideal for cple. No k1ds or Mar Apt.a. 147 E. 18th. l. rentals. Villa Rentals. JQtchen privlle&es. Nr. quiet JMog. Aft. 6 & • I I • peta~.5'~{1~3,~111,!~~· Cos ta Mesa . See S7s-49l2Broker. • occ. t:ransp. Parking. wtnd,67$-202$. e Add S2.60foreachaddttlonal llne r8 tlmt1 I · av.. v '" • Manqer. r ·-lBR. Utll pd. Spot· $22.5. After S PM · I • _ tryin1 BEA\rrtf1JL2 Br. 2 Ba ~Quiet. $4.50. 2421 E 979-1179 ~j!:i·. !~:re rn~~:o~~ e I I •In> BA -'t.b fi I ..... , Ver .. -. • ... St . .UL •719 I -I • a.on 1 .. , tre~ace, •-""' """ .....,.... Furn. room, kitchen ;c:~same. S22S/mo. • c·:m~:=.o enn. Frpl G=~\iwshr. Soac. lor%br apts, l mi privgs. Female. only. Publish my ad for 8 days starting I • EoJo.ecs garage. SS2$. from beach. No pets. C.M. $170mo. 549-8677. Roommate F preferred. 2 • I • tlS15.2br,1\\ba.Nopeta. 311NMace S46-401S sa.2357 Furn. room In Costa BR house, 2 car ear , e Classification I lit. Jut• sec. Avail. Br E/ Ide small but SLepa to beach. 2 Br. llfl ,..._Quiet home for W/D.2blkstoMainbch. *Cote Realty I e 3/1.67S-411t lcoi w'itois or neat ea. fl1>1c. Immaculate worttq penon. Not 11n· S365 includ. utilitiu & In vestment .• Name I • Ocan1toat 3 BR 2 FuU woJ_ $.180. Adults only. cond. "50. 673-2S07 Agt. der32yean. S48·SI04. e7·2S21 • '640-5777 BA, prime a rea,,xlnt 1151·9522. ~3BR2Ba,fplc. NB. Rooml.pvt bath. M/F,niceN.B.2br,20'to • Address I e cond. no pet.a. $1100 mo. ' gar l850 tltch priv. Non smoker, sand, tae patio, lmmed. • I • 714 .337.2414 days IBr.Apt.withcarport 6'73-t66oa 0eot S2'7S.631·721S S250/mo673-M4 IOUC9CTll C1'ty z1·p Phone n4-f75..8I04allerS smalf patio. Adults. I · MIWPOIT • ------1 ···2 $175/m>. 310 c. MonteS72S/mo. 3 Br. 2 Ba. NB pvt bath ' view, TEMP Sbr LUX Twnhse Ele&ant Enc suites in Che k 0 M 0 enclosed 0 I • C.-.. W.. -a VlllaSt.C.M. ~lex.upper, Newport qu.iet haven for •w/v11 •t PK NWPT. preatlgioua loc. Incl • C r · · I • ............. •••••••••• . Sborea area. Enclsd employed noo·smkr kit EVE R Y TH J N G tarl~ • Near the ocean, lr12 Br, Beaut. 1 BR, qwet bldJ· caraie,balcony.Submlt prh. $280 mo. Try PVRNISHED! Avail 3·1 ~~.a.DI. Charge my ad to: I • many .amenitle~. small dofs acce~te . cndlildreo'peta ~ to 7.f. SSOO mo. Call mo,.. Otes from $43' • !:'f°~mS.:: . ~:e.21 ·•H-87 6 ° TSLMGMT M2-l&Oa ...... -4100 ~~~~~ u 12 • mo. oTa. 8 caEll oHrc~11J5 • 0 ,..._ # Exp. 1 1 e I WAtm#IOMT ........ ••••••••••••••• H S mo . . . L...... ' • m:.~·~::O,~:!:: i.~=~·~.·t:o ~.1~~2 Ba ~~~~ail. irE:~i:·~ ?~~::F*-~*H •• 0. # I Exp . I• 14. •=;.1:0 peta. · · · w/lfPl la matr Ba, blt·iA J:..! If. Color TV. ~ Peml.1100-Z52-7111 m.-. ' I • FMtside2 B~m yard. kltd1 .. frplc, dbl car Ill room. 2274 • L------------------------------~~otmll~ .. f~·h~ ~~ /rm. ='9.;.~~-~=~1ona1 =-~~rt Btvd. cM. '::ic~wJo.2.:il~u f!t~~~t'f'!.'.'11 e r--·------W~'LL PAY THE POSTAGE ............. i e HU/mo, utll Incl. 1 br, auper clean. encl. liff '"'~7o ,..._ ..... 42H 56-1413,956-0800 =ch1.e~fX~~~ • • I r;)°;osTAGE : • m9 pr. Adialta, C10 peta. 279 f15.C1 '"""••n•••••••••••• •t ~~4/1111142 I 111111 NECESSARY 1 • 2b':a:C~ vr:a ft'T~ ~/:~=-ia~p t. B. 2 1r~t'A:!aae. ~~2w6e!tf:i 0ti!:a~ ~~;lr1lte5~=~~ New;~ leac~ aear • : If MAILED i • • , •. ~. .....J .. ZIL •tmojrty.$41,sm ~.m.ma. . aulll·l2S'7.,41f-• ::Lt'::-~'T'cea~.~: • i UNIT~OT;TEATE!' ~ • 2i!i~~.'~r.i::: ~~~=· UACH 1 bdrm, br11ht J'alm~.::•a<:.fi 51a1n 4 Br. bome btq pie partlns, well mabt· • !1 o • • un 551 ·-.s "'7. ~ bit Oc•an1 1tn1 > .., ~0c... Anll 11t Ut6mted blda. Vkb d•ya e I BUSINESS REPLY LABEL '" e •IUttTll-2 Br . up per •pt . !!it.:''"•~i:,:••ea S-t/•:•· ~1·~·~.:;· m.mrafttP'll. · 7 U /141·4IOO . uu ~ ~ c:....... JIJ4 waaber/d rrer fat. .No rnor ~en llll •w.: Tl4/IU.JllZ, luo • F1llO CLAS\Pttt11111THOIJ cosuMU •C•W O•N1t • ....................... uelad 1era1e, all plll. Avail llf ~-~ lttll '1Tr.'ul.~~01 Spedanlanu,':i'!~· ...,.. • 8 ii • l mnltlea, carpet1, I!"° •0· _,. 17".Jltt Wlil•llkforMark. po.!LJ~J.!. . ~l::Jplct OD buay ~ POSTAOf Wl.l IH l>AI08'1' AOOACS&[ r . dt•PM· IMO/mo. 715 "rta •1• " • • ·~· ·--· Bl~ A-. e i; O Co t D 11 Ptl t I lhr'Wt Ave . ..a.1to1 twwm.11• v1~Jbdrmcoodo. IM9tJBt.CcledoonTbe .... _fl. ...,,mo.·10. < range II t uy o e •lftT,'JIM'7M. VDSAILLl:S •llJO'& llaifl. ~in. to allr ~ ltOI. *9 N~ • ,. 111•11 Pilat • _,.. JIH I"'· I ... trple, OCHO I •/prof, •omu wbo .... a.ta ..... &ff • : ..c:..:::=..:==----__ ............ fltlW,"70.IOflO PALllSPIJNGSTAN! I ,, ......... ,. rura. ........ u • ... llll, 1•11 l I r. VJWIALIOA I •·die c.do. llta.j ••· ..... .-.:M.lllftl • I I • Wll •• '"C : U r.JM. rr,k, mlttO, =~·.:5_1•!1 r-·••••.atte •-..:clftii.-.. ·• I lo1 1llO ' • .,,,,.---...:•= C s •· ;:::-.•..., -... (111llll . • &;.tr" ·-· :":· ~·· . • I no w . .., II. 1 ' ........ L---~ ._._,.1 cc.,.,. ac ..... -....... _., ~ ·• I Co1ta-11,CA12121 • • .. · 1 ......, °""'· ........... &!.... ' 111&· tl "' INUI ti cm-1 ... .....A'111 a•a ... .. ... I·• • -. =.:-f.:r. -Z--!lt'I~,•: fer art~. l~llt . -1h111 ~-·-·············-·~·.,,·~~~···-··~ • • °""II Colit DAILY PtLOTfThWlday, FlbfUllY 25, 1812 M; X I Cc;1•s .,.. ...... ...... -..T• ,.._ '•rtlt · __ ..... _. ... ••••••••••• .. ••••••••• ... ,,, .. , ... ••••••••••• ........... •••••••••••• ......... ••••••••••••• ••••••••••••-.••••••••• ......... •••••••••••••• ~-;i••••••••••••••• .. l•••••••••••••••••••• TILIUlllTALLICD npllll .,,.,... ..... llom wW M'S Catpqlry·rtlDIHl, DIYWALL!ACOllU~dlaC RototUll•I, eltaHp, HAUUH0-11tlldt1t b11 JIDl&ATID c:.e.P... WAUPAPllUNO .. ~~OJ~t• ...._ ~ llWbon to Irr ~. JllOjobtOo.,..11. ~_!IP· ruJb ,!. .,._ Uullq, odd Jolll. "'" ~ Low•t rate. ..,_Tulervle. a yn up. l'Tc.--....1. Eap'd, bonded. Llr. ----' 11 j ~ oW.C.M . ...,,,. Ill ......... &»mf --. -·-• 9i49tl beftam, all CaUT•117t. lll•Jlfor a ....._ IDI. Rtft. Co.ltr C-4/..a. Olleowata oa CUl&OmC.raaieT1ft w.~1 ... ....... ....... II.... . llMl.Joba. PAIT ·ACCURAT! .tlMIHlDirlt walleo=. f'tHt1t. PromlliMrY.ITH•t. •.,;;;I' -· •-•••"•"•• -·-••HH•••••• --........... • '! lolla't fut 110\'lal la faaomttuMn&ce·yo.ar la.UONSPAINTlNG _Rod __ a._T ______ , <kllf7J.1411 dua FaraM)'CMt .... toltaow WtClreci,tClitaMn D.llC!'l.IClA.N -priNd -.............. lt.al&ltol, Tree/Jd/ .. t . ._bJ!fPl. tlMIZl la/l:lt R~/Comm ,...._... Ceramkt.Ue• .. rW.lll· • .. .._-' ._.....,_1,caU ll&aemd•u•~. ~ rr. f"~te 00 T RACTOR. tdul for dD-1t.Pttu1t.IU•at7 PW-i, a....., 111• ~ rellia&·~·· ...................... stallatloo at 11ulbl• ••• T14/15tta Tnlel.-..auan u ....... ,._.. ..u ~ areu, •" 11 • • come Tu Return r est. · •BRYAHT'S• pdtw Mf15-504I ~y Woniur. MW'flt r. Nlml l7Ml59 •Kullotaail loader.•••• I Prtpata&ioa Avail for LJ B PAINTING WalklovtttaaRemovat .......... ~·....;....----- mwcalllLOf LIC'DaJCCTRJCJA.N •11r.1111·c1.ea. -.......... ·.·~=~~·v··CL··~A·:.· ........__,WeebedOI· QUALrrv.BEAS. All . su.au TNtlerflu --•••••••••••••••• 9wr1aa 6 ateam l'leao. _ _ r. "' .. _ ., ••• c.olor ~&htenert •llt Qual. wt· Btu. ratet H•j -HOUSE? Call Oladlaai net Ot Homt Appc>lnt· Lanz 145-9313 an. t ...... ;a.,. ................... . UVOIYI ~~ ~. 10 min. b'9acb. ~-. 13l·I072Tom .... :£ ................. Gbi.J'reetat.~5123 ••·James L. Zlrn· INT/EXTPAJNTINO ...................... <=Jr:~:':a= .. lMJTf80W MdMkw·a.:.U..1 ijall, tiv/clla. rma t i.I; ' TOPQUAUTY ~ Muoaey ROBIN'Si mtl"lllH.CPA."5-42!2 ~lltywork. Reaa. Neatpatclwt•texturet ~ t5T .. ,_._.. Daan ...._ tvl room suo: coucb !LICTIOCALWORK Roioftn1·Plumb1D1 ~~!AN~Gl ftee.i. Steve54H211 , ~~ coveri.rr .. 11t.'C~. ~:ot.&;::.1:~8). Rw.r.... Ut.505S Drywall·St!M:t'O·Tile delAbouM ~7 v:.r:l~Sinl BOODANOVPAINTING =RP:~~!!' ~t:~.= 1' 'II 111tatlvt lk mGNI 54f.Jl70 yrs :;J;· Do worlt !lect.rteourSpedahy! Remodel. J,B.•"80 LOIUlAIN~'SHOllE =~:.z~eraoul 18 Yrl O.C. Top q11•Ut1. Ratuceo1. Int/ext. 30 Lanreov. t4 •. 641-1618-_, JJJ nHE HOME ID)!elf. . Ul..0101 Clean. quitk, depeoda· 0.-al MaU.teoaae. s EBVICE. REPS. Neel. St. lie. 3UMO. l"I· Nut. Paul 545.zm ,., IMPROVEMENTS No-/NoSbampoo bit. Wedo~wejob. , ...,.U>.coratlnf. Owntrw. 112·05lhvt Uawy MMm/1»·1111 Trwt ..... ~.. Addltkw•Rftloclellil& StaiD~ltlilt. Fut .... * ~tz* Ra1MO-Sl ~n. ... ul JR R • ••••••11••••••••••••••• ~AlJTYlNT/EXT MR.~ED'SPLASITEREING ........... QU•••;:,•T•:•••• , · '""I I I ._.. . v--....-" eaa a.n R CKWOR S I • . ntor Kl. D!LIN _.. ' ~ -· -a:11• dry ............ 1582 RmD/COMlll'L/IND ~;r~l])tDlry·Tile bacbelorbome1 B I K : Mil cd.Refa.Freeeat. Freuat. • -•• .. ••••••••••••••• ,._."IJ • ... 3> yn t1n Do my own Plwnb-Roollft~1 ·Remo4 <' .... ) .... _,,. tbl, Newport, Co1t1 ••646-108'1** Judicial Forecloluree '' P/RIV..ai-.f'iD Stmtt • --.,....1Vf• 1-·1'1 ~ LI 'ct.' Al ... ,.... St·---n... ... a ·--oo ""' --· e .. Irvine Reta pt • 1 Han>kl F. McGnt.b &q. eoa;l'.'s:t. 6Serv ~ ....................... '"'""· c _. ._ _ _...,,,... ,_,.,,, ••· · · Qua.Illy Pte. Low winter J 151·1771 l' Rw. .. 540-*' -.. ..,_.....,._. NewYr '1Spee.lall Crpt .... , Ray '1 Randy m1 n nlE~~:e~~~D 87$.Sl7S. r.U. Ui effect. Honetl. ....... , ............. .. : ~ .. caleWatot,wm Uc.ta.a 77M554 === ........ TlllS ............... =M\:·,.r~:e;i.r~6 lfouaedeUID1.m.am =:.-::,~t,:.D,, reiiible ... ·5641 Dr==~~TJ•O tra\'111 AIJ1ttt1 aerv. MsHillCOMSTl. C...t/C'W wtw .,._..1 _, Ynl!!p!f.MM.311. I will cleaD ~home .. reptin. ~le raclnia. PAINTER NEEDS Free est. 11611 M2·903S • CaUfor t•71Z2 Cuiiom DOIDH lram • .,,,.._ ~vcu, dean _., -.. dabl .. ..;6, u1 1-1""' WORK! JOwra up int/ ' . ' ........................ !fl, lawnreeo•. 751·S.78 Cpatry, Hm rpn, drwJ, ·-v "·0 • pen e, na ... ' _.. v• ext. A~tic ceili n1s. "'1111rfJ M•111• .. ...... !:!;.~~li~ ~T:::1~ ~ESID~<f:~E+ -pntn&, roll U ·llP , ral0Ub&e.l5l·I020. LAHD6CP/MASONRY 0.vilPaintlng 847·5186 ........ , ............. , -••••• ............. covers .._3152 Port . c. 40e7 IUiJ?LIDdetape Maint. yrdwrt, r111. Jerry. QIAality . Delleadable Coocrete. Lie, Ins. Colleoe at•.Aent 7 y-ex· u~~~ •: AU.Bl'ATIPAVJNG . llob151-19M/MM!1'18 Relid/Comm.Clean·up. 9115-3.115 CallPam'filobDwlgbt, 210yn.Jreeett.538·0814 • "" "' __ .., _ _.., .~ ·=~~l!:~ 'W~r&:f:f~~'}\ Concrete c11tUn1 • re-CUSTOUHa .. WlnGARI· 548D~Natl8ING · Ben'• Ma.lntnaneeServ. t7J.70lZ CUetoai Brick, Stone, K:"J:'c:!!;,rt~ln~~n• Or111Ce Co. area. 15 yrs • Uc nrrm · · IJ UllMIS ~ P91r patio deeta • l'OV· • r. ftwnwl«·carpentry ~~p Blodi"'-Concme, Stucco. expe~ce. Call for info. ' · MS-8111 e. en. (714)di.saz. Resld'l/Comm 'I Paintln&. Call tM-5231 Refs. nee r.at. 549·9'92 Bllbop •Son hlnUn1 and rates. Drivew111, Parkin& Lot C..._,,_ Senk" Cbl·llf!. •3577. X '3 SKJUHANDYllAN KJtc en1, e rooms, ao yra exp. In Beach t6U 112 : a-•-"'--'-•ttn. 1 •••••••••••••••••••••• __,, ...,.....0.&rruoPP,..R ,.,...•·•batner! u•trOMIY area. Freeest.548·1029 .._...S__ · ....................... •n.r. ....,,,,,.,_. c. SERVICE.Comp!. home AreeemaUnlvenityorll· ~ I 11111 .. 1•--a. SLi~-~_!!t OIAR R~OVATJNG Expet ccq>le with rer. Completel1wn malnt. repair. Your need& are wm colleae 1raduate P.50/M ft '7M lt4 ,.,.. ~.?.!*::':::' ..... .. -·~ Cbmpl.mt/ext•boat wouldllkeolflcebld&to lndoorplant1pecl1lilt our specialty. Mike baldecidedtotieeomea ..................... . Ra/comm. Seakoat re· docb.2:5yra. MW'7'9 cleaneve.55oW&S5 DominlcM.2·4851 6'2·13CXleves California millionaire .....,._, HANGING$10/ROLL COMMllCIAL •• pain--~urf1ce. Free nNE FINISH WORK c .. _._ ...... ,.. I .......... ~Yd Cln by HARD WORK. She ....................... Stripplng·di.sC on piper =STllAL ..... I I .. d ,.~ .... u-11~-hung -.........,a . . upa Dependable • Honest. already bu a Sood start ~ MOVINc;-VISA/MC &45-9325 DllJMIU •-. evs wan na-.w UVV<• .................... ,., 'I'rfttrim· tperlrnalnt. Willlloanytypeofffome ,_ d n.• ---6 I u2 '"10 ....: Randy720-1280CdM ADD'NS/REMODELING Jlml51-0l.2t lmc:menta 111 your area an t'ln -·CllR'lll . -. ..,. UC. PAPER HANGER Turn 101t or unused ........ ,. Plus Lir 'd Geo 1 b' ~"~ ll"O'ride TOP references Bonded ' 111ar No job space into 1 workable ••••••••••11•11•11•1111 ***** Pllmer6Soas557•~ e llowm1, SlOb 115. szo. 1 .e . .-'"'"'54 lforatraiptpeople). •A-I MOVIM5• tooamaUortoolarge aru·rooms divided. AGGR!SSIVELEGAL 1\redolPlaillWalls?ln· • · Haulin&/ umplnf ,..... Averqt ·MSperweell · Top Quality. Specl1l Frttest. Tonyl98.27Z8 drywall,dropcellinlsl ........ tioa. Law of. cruse the Value &t REMODEL/ADD-ONS $15-DO. 7S..*4, 85S-OOllS ....................... S.V every two weeks. can ill bandlin1. 25 yrs -----~---1 trim CIJ]Jenlry·to rom· fk9,Mbn.5'5-1422 Bea~~ You.r Home lCarpenlr)'.Lic'd. Mart DUllPJOBS Forfl.lttherdetalll,eaU erp. Competitive rites WALLPAPER pletion.CaUTomorJerr .. _...... ~Wood. :::=.e:• or 25 yn. Irwin 548·2719 Iha id / c~m m 11nd 115 . •Small MvvlDi Jobs ntl llOOM M>JIAD No overtime. 73C>-1353 All lliods. Free est. 11•H9l3 or t93·3886. • --. COMll'L/RESlD. M,.;~t. "lean·ll"", tre• CallllllXE'4f.L391 fn.31Zl SI'ARVINGCOLLEGE lllNlrollorm.!'.!~·~ •~. ~··•11••• .. 0 •••11••11 LaminatedCablnets _,, ~ ,.... "" S'l1JDENTSMOVING .,..........., --, .. byett,ow-Cllhomes,l WoodSkinaor Formic1 Rem>d.-Add'na·Repairs ·trim. Free est. '41-1096 HAUUNG•DUMP Exp'dhol»ecleaner CO Lie f1'124'36 _""'_.:-_P_A_P_E_R_HA_N_G_E_R-1••••••11••••••••••••••• yrl1.S1.llU'llme . Veryreu.Lic.390~. Pete JOBS uktorRandy B)'t.beday,owntrans. 1 · ured. · · .. ~ REPAJRSFORLESS M}.'.sm,s..5759 Unita.&f.5.6S2J /S.IM68S J1ekH.Bennett,J r. Clean T 1 . '&n.au7 · Allocompanion.Ml-t028 W~HurJ~! Pl"of.,qualltywork. Sbinales. nat. 30 yrs C t Ca B Gen. Contr. SS2-91•2 y.: ... ·upl,1..1 r/eeCo "~1 I Free est. Steve 547"281 exp. tree est. 770-2725 ~~t!'Ul';:·~r~o ·~a01a;i·. <~~~t~. L AU comtn1cuaa.1aree" -AJ!:54i-141~m · .aBNUPYOUIACT II ,...., SfARVINGACTORS QUALITY fllberftoo(lll&·•lltypes. S:30. $1/h.r. Cll. Mi.299$ Tile) 642·8809 or Call 11111u. Disc to Sr. idults. TI>l>AY I Yanft1a111e ......... •••••••••••••• MOVING COMPANY Papering/Pa.inling New-recover·decks. Answer Ad U20 at Wayne538-7112 ~s.nlcn ~.up •. ~11 .. ~oob ... trvc> :k. A~.!~. 20th, reliable !~-•LacwereArl~:...Lows. M"tc' Freeest. JanisSS2-0231 U c J.411802.548·9'13' Uc'd childeare. lovin& ~. 31 hn. ....................... -1131 ._ ... • • ....... n.a ~ ..,... Wall care• companionship. Ca""'-~-,..~. C..-Woedw..... 'I'rftTrim6Remoul DemoliUe»·Gradini ~12116 V'an.Uc/lns.673-0853 P .~~Llcoo~~00r c" ROOFLEAK??!???? fenced yd. S5f.30l9 ~0 '"""'.nter toee · ....................... Home Repairs 11n....,.. c __,.o · · Court.right & Son :f°°"5• ~e •a;· CUSTOM HARDWOOD 71k).9195or873.9043 ~tr~~=:o~:i: .._ ,_ ....... 23 yra. Gery Gompr Roofing , Uc'd mot.ber will care tor owa, 1 n IS w or . ln&erion, bars. mantles, Soil '* 1 . • ................................. •••••••••••. _.-4366 Free !lit. ~~292 your~ Moo·Fri. lg '1SMG libraries, cabinets . SAllEDAY DELIVERY Ollerf~ P anltn~. EXPER. PREPARER Fine paioUnJ by Richard Ex all · I · Jd, oulntlou.1 mul1. Custom spa deck a , bookcases sky lites. l P1w1e Service, now llWsidi :JtfaiComm I Enrolled to .Practice Sinor. Lit. 11\1. u yn of ~u!, :!~!";~ct!: ComCL paifire before y~u buy ,_MWW ________ !, '**· Fr. doors. Lic'd. c111t. moldinc. Refs. aervin&loul businesses. · beton the IRS. Quality happy 1ocaJ c111tomen. Comultant Aslignment us 1ed makes 11 easy WantAds Call642·5678 lollnorR.ickf7t.S2ll 64J.OOl2 Mon.-Sat.W-272' SeUidle 1tems 642·5678 atr-..COlt.549-2'18 niMkyou.. 631-4410 511.-, , 142-S6'18 , ...... ....................... Readinc • rel•ted akllla. Ctedelitia1ed, esp, Cir· 1111. SpttialbJnc 1rades l thr 4. 1144-7779 Private Tutor to teach buic French, Ru11i1n. Genmn for travel ron· vmieoce or looaer term for study ol Utereture. Call Answer Ad U22. llC2-t300. at bn . ,,....Senlce ••••••••••••••••••••••• SAME DAY TYPING Service-now aervinft local b111lne11e1 ! Wi pjekup • del. 556-2724 Typing·res11me1, term papers. dl11ert1tions • word proceulna. Rees. rates. L.P . Ofrice SenietS :.S41M US. ww.wa. ... , ••••••••••••••••••••••• "Let the Sunabine In" Call Sunalune Window Clea.nillf. Ltd. 548·~ ~Monthly Discount • RESLDENTIAL• Ava 1 sty S30: 1v1 2 sty $45. Ouis 9S7.aal Telling the most people pc>ssible is important to the success o r a ny garage sale. Make s ure yours is l1S t e d 1n Class1hed. p hone 642·5678. 7100 W..ted 7100 HllpW~ 7100 HelpW..t.cl 7100...,W~ 7100 HtlpW..ttd 7100 HelpW..ted 71 HtlpWmhd 7100 HefpW-*d 7100 ....................................................................................................................................................................................... SJSO ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• PIOf. ESCOIT · BABYSlTrER-W1nted i'iiili 54M098 aft. ?pm OD Bal. Penn. in your ______ ........ _ home. ror ·~yr. old. 9.3, CARPETlNSfALLER'S DentaJA.SllatantTrelnee. Help clean Kennels , U.ALSICllTAIY MANAGER APT National cosmeUc com· ORDER DESK ~EC EP· PAYIOL1ClBIC '""'hr 28/br k u mominp. 2().30 boors a 2 · .,_, ... ,........ . 1. r PlllY needs models It Tl.ONIST Loolung for Detailed bi·weekly Coeds would love lo p1rty Mon-Wed· Fri., 673·2129. , with you. Leslie or ,i:i:iiC~;::A ~:~~c~r ·m::!'. ¥1!~~ TI:un.142--~ '.,.on· week, .train minimum operun(!· 1 ;,e;i?P· •P· ii.:j~~1:0if Jwp0{ rmke-up artists to work bright person for heavy payroll input. '. r.ecord hrs, c M 548 9265 wqe.. nearO.C. Airport. ::Ju~auO! ea~r ~: Maintmanceexp. req. pltime. 3darn ~r week. order desk. Sense of keeping. Minimum ex· pay. . . . DtSHWASHBS SS7-GO Noa·amkr. Nwpl Center. 646-1801 ll-4pm ln ii ma1or dept. humor a + Ex per per required. Newport Sy lvia . 1nytime . _ -.4 evs. d bl I · ._.._ stores. (213 )450·0140. w.Call646-9664. Beacbarea 640-8950 & Hothtt ~= ~t:;.!P~·~P~ Hon clean1n1 service ·-ManituriJt. Hair West (110911Ml53. Part Ti~/Sales · · 'llfll·llD6 TWiD ~ 2 m Olcf My 1.Pw I lfSenk" 53'0 '10onna)'U.~ pel"IODbetween d1ily, 210 Newport oeedahelpimmed.Must LKALSIC'Y N.B. llu1t do acrylic PBSONFIJOAY/ JAM. CenlerDr .. NB t!~.~~rensp. Newport Center real nails. Louise 67Hl88. .:ta,~WCLSUI P~tra ~~e SICllTAIY ••••••••••••••••••••••• SWEDISH MASSAGE ------- ......... •-T .. .000 IAITH · · estate llt111tion rirm m.8544. '" oai ava a e · For busy wfndsurfing ---Equa19PJl"l:mp\Oy. C:. needs v.ery exper'd Ins truction pos itions) monstraUng producll In business. Must be or· Reluin&. non-sexual. Robert 661-'7820 (1().8) Babysitter in Irvine, ...._,_. _ _ - -......_/ lllhr Legal/Exec. Sec'y. Xlnt MAlllTIN5 1vall. F\lUltp/lirne. Ex grocery stores In your lllliud. neat It able to Turtlerock. Depettd1ble !fl FUhli:JDlafand NB DIAfTllS Experience not nee· typini. dlctipbone 6 Join our --ml.llti·milUon . pttferred. 9S7.Q26. area. $4/hr. + bonus. liandle 1 variety or ·Art.lat/Design Cnslt. will do cwt.om oil painting.s ror home. 857 -ms. •mJ100Sible stlldentor Telecomm11nlc1tlon1 nwble bn. Apply in sbortb1nd I must. doll er c ompany. 1714>963·31!1'1 d~es.Send ret11me to: ~~ :~.r:c:~: :':i.S:~. mcineerin& firm need& =· ~:~ne!::~ Salary .64M960. e:n~:J::~m~~~ ~~11'W~riie";f10 Part time, general office 111 W. l?thSt . Box G-6. . •1.1a:= pr&seboOI to my home. Part-time . Apply : ~. U:':ri!~ec~ o': CenlerDr .. NB U..COOI mtnorwomen ror mamt Npt Beb. 3.30 AM to Insuran ce ex per· _C_._ll.121&27 _____ _ 1-2 hrs. M-F. Salary Crown Hardware, 3111'1 UPv, ,... ntleooDIAITH Experience prererred. poailJOllS. Set you.rown &AM.2ormore daysper helpful. flexible hours. P ool Maintenan c e . open. 847-9725, 955-1135 E.CA>ulHwy,CdM ~:.:~~a~o~~ y.qu.JOppEmploy but not neceuary . hours. Panlastac in week . 5 48 ·844 1 o r ~~ Beach John Laguna Beach, pre· (Pee> need only apply. K ' B I wiry negotiable with I come . No selling re· 64&-1413 re:rably have own truck . BABYSITTER M ~~pend•· En g i n e e r I n g , ft&J§ittikNik§ (o expeneg;r Appi~P~ red. MM70S. Nuninf ·-_"'1_·5_too _____ _ wanted. Pref. women · ble, Engllsb speiking, (TI4)54Cl-181•. I SS hr. Ptr. Car. 145·5123 penon ween · Mechanical or gas station L¥N CJ.II, 11·7' ,_,TIMI ,.. COOi •••••••••••••••••••••• ~& 1 ......... 7005 over •o, E/slde C.M. rers req. $5 per hr. HOUSECLEANERS ~.?'.:Dr2tONBNewport exper. willinf to leem Relielnurses needed ror &-!lpm. Expanding youth Experience not nee . Your home or mine. aECTIJCIAM . \.Cl""" .. radiator rep11r 631·9'2'. Christian retirement counseliog rirm has nellible hrs Apply in ~ca.... $2.SO/br. for 2 small lll-476l 2-5 years rommerci1l need~ for ~omesllc THl.OODIAITH 9'17-.Z home "'1th 33 bed SNF. openings ror 3·5 sharp person between 3.5py •••••••••••••••••••••• te,i:.!g r:'be17~=~ _bo)'s~_.548-__ 7136 _____ 1 ClllJCA.L/ experience.646·8200 I ~:/~ ~'C!ii i~ EqualOppEmploy Mechanic MB Exper &t Nur D isn e yland. :eJv:i:t~!~lJ! dilly, 210 Newport Aerobic .cfance, be&in· c;AL flJDAY Exper'd flonl Designer bie's 1\af Mop541-0757 UNG ERIE SHOP forelan 'made. Vol~o., W a I 0 11 l M 1 0 0 r · l0-l3 yr olds. Call 2-5pm. Cmkr Dr. Dini Jau dance & din· i Asaistant to Office Mgr. needed. Carriage Tr1de bu operunp for clerks BMW It Mercedes 1 1·774-m.. 6'2~1.txt. 3'3. Ask for THIGOOD IAITH • cerclle. Cluaes held at MIWACCOUMTS Typing. lite bookkeep· Shop.~. uk for HOUSB91N5 &tmodels.548-6444 C.M. B-0193. . OMCIWOllC AndJu_ Equal pEmploy MadiesHouaeClubror COUN I Ing, payroll l busy Sa.llyorDiane $200~ ._,..,l"'IUCIC s116Saiil7imtoSpm, wormn. Limited class rull~~ phones. SS. to start , FAST FOODS 5 d~~·· 9.,pm. Per m w "' Mec•.tc ~. Ille bookkeeping It PllNTING size Experience prererred, ~~~e~ .. ~!'!'bmeili. •t~sto11r1jotbe Part·time or Full·time po91t1on ror mat~re, STAIT HBE M~rlne Englitl -bis· pboae. SC.SO per hr. to Cameralcllieroom as-N0-5221,846·3377 for our Huntington w1u1 .... .,.. J ntEROTJSSERIE · En1llsh 1 pe a k~';ll The Los Angela Times tr1butor ,needs a start. Must train Mon ,......,.,..... sisunt. on.Tues.Fri & &-L... W__._.. 7 07 Be1ch0ffice. position. 40 hr week. 260 Bristol St CM woman wlUI 1ood 1b11ity is lookln1 for well· mech•!'ic s he lp~ r. thnl Fri 67).4700 ask ror NeedecCp&~ timt"."Work Sat. W'ill work vertical - -Cootact: Johll June Call: llary Anne, btwn .. to emwer phone &t talte groomed, enth111i1stk Duties ~elude: engine Mer · u to 25 hours per week. commercial c1me ra ,_1Z«Hl35or831-0751 AlOMT OfffCI nausea. Car nee. Gd peopJe to earn up to PftPll'•Uon. warehouae, __,:;...._· ------eveninp 111d possibly KnowledJe of PMT pro-...................... Youn1 married min would like odd jobs eves A wlleoda. Can do 1 variety of handyman jobs, fn.9525 eves; 11k for BUl. &4.0lll Compaaion. mature for working conds. Smell '40-liO per day ror a few aad aervice. Ex per pre· (lfice work. mature 1.n. Saturday. Expenence in cess helpful. Xlntror ffi, elderly lady. Room. SICRITAIY (amily. Send reply to: hours work as p/llme ferred. Call for in· div .. will tuln. 9·12. 1d building or page letestudeots wit.ls relit· f'lllflllllA Wanted: lliftlmum 75 Ad. Sox '3, Coron• del Hits rep. Hours are terviewsse-l620 Mon-Fri., all day Sit n:mkac>desirable. Abili· ecf classes.Apply In WK.I board. salary. 13f.1S09 w p M I A l' c II ,. l e . M"• CA --from 'Pm lpm .. tr1111' MS-ZOO ty to w ...... rast ind l l'· penan: 1860 Pl1centl1 COOi$ Gener11 Office 6 Word ... ._.... inc wOI be p~vlded: MeclctilAultt.t ---·-----c:ur1wl)'"'~der pressure Ave .. C.M. fEIEIAI. Procesain& exp req. Houadleeper, exp'd, re· Your earnings 15 a Experienced rront otrlce I OfluwM necessary. S•lary de· •--FUU or .. ~1 tune. Ex· $1300 Per II on th. U1ble. Rer. nee. No ""-• ........ r•p. will'"· Medlul A11ist1nt Permanent part Ume. ~-'-on '"X&'"ri'"n"'". PllMJSHOP Mao wllb intelleet111l ..-cellentuaJCJltsincl.ins. ee-JI· Coot .. M hid LI · •m~ ..,,.. "' ""' ... "' "'" ~" M tt .,, + o•:nll. au r. c I ren. Vt ·ln . based OD a 111aranteed Newport Beach. OB · Filln1. telephone and Dally Piol la 1n ustt)'Jlto..,wpm. blcqround seeks live· 72%2 r Ave.. It "'°'lt sharing. Exp. Toto, United lnduttries. m.2514. .._....., w1'e ol e·so. + GYN. FUii time. r~r. re· = 9 AM to I PM equal 0 p'o rt 11 n I l y 333~ St. Laguna Bch 1n pa9Woa u coot. 1t· Hun et 1cb. CA pref. but not net. Apply 1~--y -"' ........ eau•~c:7 ... 0 Fri Pho t tlDil&llt ror elderly or 92JN7 an person Coco's, 78 ~ pneroua comm sioas. 'r'"""'-· _,. 0 ' 00· • ne or eqiloyer. omen and llCB'nOMIST cook, secretary for pro-Equal Opportunity Fllllion laland Square. GARDENER Mon ~Fri N Since this is• new pro-appt. minorities are t n · neeifed for busy Op· feuion•I person. Call Employer N.B. Wanted for l•wn care. sm>ker. •wk. ~.11: cramd opport\lllities for On MOrtunDtB.Sow ror m1~2018 Sueouraced to apply thalmologisl 's orri r e Anawer Ad #621 ,•••••••••ln...--_.,-__ -... -•• n----!'..!pendable. C.M. a vancement are U · UJ>Jl'O tty n These llltle ads really Submit ippUcallonJ II Musttypelthave some IC-43llO M hn \AIUmCl nc.r _.9154 lNSURANCE·Exper acct cellent. Cell now for CiN 17 •olderwbo went w o rk ! J o i n I h e frmt counter. bookkeeping s k Ills . • · Barber Stylilt w111ted to JOPM~. Mon It Tues. --------aubtant for COJfl· more information about to hue • career In thomands or other peo O=Coett 646-3Cll . .....,. W__._.. 710 wort in La~una Be. 1ch Winchell's Donut Shop eBB!:L ~ merclal Unet w /rrajor Ulil ~al rsrtunity. modelin&. Cell tor in· I In this h • ....,. -I "u E 11th St C l "" Cal.I on·Fr . """1·2361. tervlew S1t11rd1 ys p e area w 0 are1 Plot ...................... 11 on, 100 environ· ~ . 01 a lnsllruce Acy in st• 1111 broller11e firm in -r e g u I a r use r s o r ment, $days a week. Mesa. Mesa bu openln1 tor NB. 11lary c om · elt.un4. 10:»1:30, 551·3119 (ask Classified. Call our id llO .leySt. ACCOUMT..n F/C cau....-. mertetic pel'IOD lo bin· nnsur1te w/exper, ror Class~ Ads 642·5678 for Mille). takerat.642·5671. c..t.W.... CA. Pil111oa w/Re-wlfort Beddm CUSTOMllS8YICE die variety of omce an 1ppt c all nu >l~;;;;;;;:=.::;::;;;ii:;::;;;~.i.;.;;:: __ ;:_:::~::::::;.!......;;;:;;;;.;:;;;:::::::;..~ for Classified Ad ACTION Calla Beb. Propt 'y II Im t. Hainhuen to work ln COOllMMA T~ dWea. Mut be reaponai· -'644---'m2~------1 Eager bll)'ers read the Firm. Outstandln& pluab Newport Beech neededtoproceu 1 or· ble' wtllin& lo learn. Classlried ads every Daily Pilot AD·VJSOR 6'2·5678 C 0 pty-G /L I Ri&thp •d denAcommunieetlooa Rapidedvucementfor IMSUIAMCI day Ir yo u h ave areer P ' 11 00· 'fi · • tar our distrieta 6 dis-riPl penon. Paid com-FGS-h-a-1-opeifnc In re A/P/, A/R. w/empbllla wortift& roadt. rinae trlbutors on major ~.ua~ll. Call: Sal-Anlllelm for automobile something or sale, re· 1 ii ftDUcla1 aoalyels. If bmeftta, some cllentele eq ui t> men t • a~ !y,_54r_ sales rep. lnaide aalea. al'h them fast and lnex rou're brilbt •/prior pr!I. MUlM. eesaones. lle~nalbie 00 ....,,.....,.ln1. Atlrac-~i~.rallj-(2·56.J8. ~=====~= F/C aper., we'll help .... -.-.• train JOU 6 provide tor .. MICHAMtC ~ptlngto lordelra "™~~-----tivt complentafa~lon RECEPTIONIST/ ECRETARY career •dvancement. lt'C"cimter person. E1· "'"0 ·~'g comp e· pacuce, ll n nnge "-" .-M-'d /I I r tkll, follow I.IP beck or· .,.. .... ._ C.. benefit.a, inchadiD& com· •"911••: _... __ ..... ____ , ~ ~ 00 ~,~: der requittmenta. Can· _, peny pajd dental. R1pid c.ll 875-65l0 Oceanfroot did1t.e 1bo11ld b1ve 1 W.,_.[W._ advantement potential. AYr=AGER Wbeelworb. minimum of 2 yura Bruklutll hmCh lblft, Some 111to up .. • Semi· · couple tor -~--''-'"----c111tomer service ex · tor 5 dayt per week. l caau.alty Ueeue desire· 1111111& lnNwpt. P/C .... t ... rF/C perieaee, colleae • +. year minimum n · ble. bui would consider MaWMlaDeeexp. req. Keel btat.e Illveettbent lood communication 6 periencertqllired. non·experluced in· ... mt. • manacement Firm IOUow tbroufb akUla • divldual If otherwise needa a bare mp i.n· nut alone With enjoy· &..Its c-qualifled. ror appoint· :~ AISIU.AMT dividual to iale cb.r&e Ina won.ma .itb cple. ...,... me D t ea 11 : 1 u d 'Y ..W-b' 1 &al., Isl. fl aetllJl'Nin& dept lad 1)pe lhpm.i.. lO ey by Parl ftl'~1•1fn1cludea (n4)TJl.t14l ..... aMOU. ~AP/All, ceo'I lifbt. OUI' omce will be .=:;;=~;..;.;.-----I ~ tn.J bal. 6 reloeatlo& to T111tln •eell .... MllMllt for H•ro.t• Aprill, 1112. P1eut rep· IWIMTOIY ASST. PAR1 TOIT~ Orao&e . Coll&ad Ja.aet ty. lo canftdeDee to Mr. U JOU are quaWltd for AlliltiDI ta -operaUoat OD. tnp 11•. Sat H · _... h-lllt Parker : 1111 fl tbt above poel· fl QirpOrate maU/atock d/fW ._ Alllb. SWAP T ...... M •.. U. '1••• call ror •P· room•. Delheriu, M 11 T o·, r IC E IC)C«... • 1 pollltmeat at : ~5000. ooentio1 fl macblna, a I 1 7Allto l Piil. Newport~Cli.~.t 1154~· St. ut. JU, bttwuo 1blppla~1recelvla1. OC ,....,....... Colli ....... qenc,, .,..._ ,..,. tllaH:IDpm. lltaf)' la•ol•ecl. llal. lad'* 't/I, P/it A/P, ~CA.I07'5 !&)er. pre . FH"oa ·~~(iiijiiiiiiiiiiij A/I peyroll, bhlln1. CJU-.SW. ··~~· ltfud lnutmtat ·~ • filno.ti tk. a.Ami •Ila Hla.ry Dll"9 •• .,., 11 for Plrm. Call: 7f0·05Jl, .A•'6t\::'M11 u cl ~: ronftlM Ad· LA. 'nme1 to hocnet ba ~ roatrav:~ l:»S:•. • • 1•11 ,.an eN. to 101 fietteln C . II . I a m • • • m • nee. lPIDl'r fllla~, ·w.n -• t• ,, ... Dr , &I te 212. N.I . F.oollom1 car ttctmred. pllooH•e• •1 c LIOALllCllTAlY .ftl• 1•"'11&li•1 • No rol l ertlna ....... ·' · · Lu•• Hiiia. RteeDt '''"' nllerlp· ...,., •• + bollue. Calif. probate U · Tr1u~rtatto• --· --· Mllr lhllt .,.-. ..-....,. la· ••&11• '''" Joa. oar pl oiru1tve eeUeD&~n6N .• S/H .... ,,...... 1&111 _. l9l OM molt *i11a I' .. Cad ?On. l:_J!'ll~.., •ti,., earw. 0,. WIH • for appt, r. .....,, "'· ..,. ......... If '" ··-). art lilt hlr call, 1 ..;_.. _______ ......_ •TJa.1111 ,_.Gloria llC'Y II " .. z..··· ~ .... ===-.. ,. = lal.111.llMlll. Non•ktr. l 1lar7 .. -=:;-.•· .. °"' 'tfe~spaper Carriers tor routes in HUntington Beach, Fountain Valley & Newport Beach • Cioocl Em zchep • Super Tripi • &reat~li1 CALL CIRCULATION PEPARTMENT ....... 14Ml21 Want A Top Jiii ii T elecll1111fticati11s? ••BORED?•• PAIT TM· FUU. l1Ml7 We need 30 tilephone receptionist/secretaries to service our computer , legal · medical -professional &c. industrial customers. We will train you on our -uters·word processors ' 1ttng systems! ! Rallll!!M Y• Owl HMS --·"' l. 65-90 tested wpm typing speed 2. Must have pleasant voice &c ,oi&oner 3. f1exible ho1rs. choose your shirt le type at the same time . ....-rs l. Excellent compensation 2. Full time or part time 3. F1exJble hours choose your sbltt 4. Paid vacations·holidays·medical 5. Man11ement advancement nationally lMiAI .... ICI. t.a lam·lGata .... l lem ... IPlll l•-W ....... , ...... .... ................. , .................. ............. • f • • Orange Collt DAILY PILOT/Thul'lday, February 25, 1882 • C ltt/ll/ • w.-. tlft '!'!•W ....,wl!lliMI · 11H .,...... 1111 1111 ..... • *• n 11a ••" ....___ ·-lllili • ,. t1Jo -.................................... , ... , •• ,· .. -... ··············· ......................... _ ........................................... --........... ---· ... ... rm ........ 01 rro.t rr .. Twll .... •'".! UHDll. cmHA,. ,,..., ~~! ...... T·ll:ID I nd ..... •••AOON ...................... _................... ...................... ~ ~~ ...................... . u ~fth•.• ~a. mo. tai.ua, c.... • ' . elotllla1 ete. t r om 11111611" •••••· ... ,... trMI latl ~PAlll ml ... ., •U' '" ... Ne! • l•trJ .,, lam· .W.alefrojd IM4 lra8Ti"t-.t-AW/FM I' llitd, -· mile ....... or ..... to S .... 14 • 11 ' . • 111111 "--re •adltr/ ... '' O......;i: I , Oraa1t Coaat 0..11 ... 1, c.M.' Sat. tlltftt. 1te...o, clocll ••;••· · ti S:. to~ . ~ Soi· IOlllt/ ... Ml·WI •1•TAU•ANT roo .. , .,,,, 1 1r old, ..... !!,S-.owel1, H•·tl. ,Falrrin6Arl· lCM(JIOeariltr) Uar•ukn.S1.lu11d1 .... a-.a-.......:. tt•04-...Drt... . .-~·· "JI O.C.. -2 + z. " o C..:t.r Strvkt 6 le hi f I 7 r1 o l di -c.t.a 11 .. a. Ad· . Fri . ..U c I ™-...................... 1·--., air ...,_ 51K ml • DOW hhi11. u ' uoo1.10. 4H·Sotl. Waltrbtct, Kl•• 1lae, tr..'° b\l1t'1. FWt'9dAlrhm•~· UOtO ._ ................. Jt1Paitroket. 'Tt4 door. Oat or Trwll NMCled· J brow• 'ca..r,Y coed! ,_ .,. frieedly. COii AM.s.• PM. flclUtlml, SNlt lor .,.. It ll tr I• at r v a · ,,..., • Jolluoe Co. ...0 A HC»eA I 00 U,000 ml. Xlot r.ocl. blvt-CASH · -MM,a ......_ • dt•eodebl•1••rrl1. froet fret, 1talrt tm/obo. Lov· U..n.t:a., ~~~~oo.ooo .AU ~~~eule -.--·-w.em llJOOobo..Ulll d. •Nl-SlTh 'TZO.:...Sl0.4dr.41pcl, R•lltyoutrom&AM· &~111\er, 1tlnt coad. ti tat Is e b 1 Ir ce . .U •Pedfoceale."17Pu.ab ?_!250· Ptrftd ~t .........., h .,. a•Jr•ll &rt. Great ftwetde,..APllbln go....._ WDOd/plild, coif•• I y•• d...,CW. Newpotta. Good cood . ..._r cleu, MW palA . -·•• -coad. 12000. (TU ) ..,.a..i. Stoeemm Ter· • . tad tablH JHO/obo. 0.•klt·•·thoa ..t. *106 or of· SONY TV'S •· TN-1170. 11,000 ml Ufted, llret • ..,...._........... ..:•:;:.;Mii=~· -----race Kettauranl, 2tf5 1Wrt1.~.1ldtby ,,,._, Va1e1, lltlrloom1d i.. 1.oWWbolaalel>rice r1tn1. Boe* val •,ooo, ~ f7tl RdiU CM lkll, Rlrvelt 0°'4!, Ulle Comp!M tt l1'laa .._, llrtt•l •br.c an Sol • eM' d con4 llJO ~ "71 lloeobtcane Moped, a1tln1 lfSOO. RoDert -................... M t7JI _: .... ·~ lllW SllO.&JJ.IJOI roomMt..... let'1tfotMr1&e1111t~m b a-.:• bo : •" lt.llltemd.lflS. 540-llD,s.t.Tsu "lln.ta areateoed. • -·••••••"""•••••• P.r".!!!0-,1l parttlmer:Haerator, We1Ua1-Call:t1Mf12 t,_.retloala. 11'1°'' 1°'-'C!:,./.t;T5 .......... •ma ,__._ "' mP1. S1ll.1 am /fm Getleedy ._ ..._.,.,.., '250 wemeu It ' u -· ' .... ,.... PUCHllAXlllOPED ._ c...ue, racuall, PQ50. fors,riD1! ~Ip wanted. Wt will Mf. ,.., · •POrhweu. 1 block Dnlm eet w/JU Hat '250 ..... 19................. Look• "'~ ,_ b rl 1 ht ...................... --ormn•·lOIS lt7tflAT traiD.W~endworkre· vm,evet llDICOIAT.-abcwtCoutHw)l3$10 Weillltblndnv/le1Uft ~ tOIO ytllow,al0.~"1'71 ..... Mtw'll Mila-. t70 IMSl'tlll qlired. Tmuportatlon ~ lU cu ft r.,,.1, SALl!IHlll 2IDd A". SaCdf!:. oUow aad I.rm wetpl,4 Sl2S, ....................... Cllnv LU¥ ~I CWi&I needed Call?ll-0349 I w/ltemalter. almood, .... wnat red · tl-1'"5 U>tak Hd 1pell HO. Wtnted to rent Houae '11 ~,b!~1.lllnt ~ -foll . ( 8-ITf). ...................... i.Yt&.ooon:lliloart· IOUllMAM DIO.Ml·lJllaft.e. Uv rm IOla, -kWtMat, llUJ.Tt,FAJllLY SALE· EvelllMS03 Boat Trailer, 30' or f7w:;' ~.~~·~ °,;" ~e· ..W IUSB> ~ encloe, All-Pll thtuh yowia man for Freezer szoo. Wasber, laqia~tbl..rQueta 11 Br Fu.nl.aewcDtremoant.a ... , 1111 tar1er. call after 5. · · .H P ce Al.IAIO...,O.! "8"90 4 •peed trau., fut arowtna IOft Wiler :J:r· d/W, 1ml refri& lld.llORr;lll ~lO-•Yarda .. L61lateware. w'-.....! 1011 Q.1119. ttt =~' OMLY$1HI Orance County I olde•l ........... two ... SJC .-5MI OPEN HOUSE. Sat 10.2 t ·4 Prf a Sat. tlU -• ~ tllO HOWAI~...... ' leadlD1 dealership. tl Private p~rty. ~om1any., area. ea._. orByappt.551·'5».13 Po6mettlaAveF.V. • ................. ~• .. •IZ latlatable sportboat,z --00 I Bt for• you b uy r"ibettotfer llUIT Good driVllll record a Becbelor'1 kltcbenellt: Pinti.11. Irvine Waal 1 West.em A1rllne .,._., Evinrude & JClraa, ......... •••••••••••••• ~ T BEACH IQ7Wbrre come la 6 1ee $Ja R b t mutt. Pd v1callon, ift. Me ad In Class 8025. • ' ~Sale. Fri·S•l·SuD Hawaii ticket (II 00 ..,, -.ms '11 Mondi XRTS Like N • 111 .... tbeG1Ve and the SELL! ~II 5 0 '• IW'.,etc.Call49HS3S. 900/0BO.M2·cr10l 'ri:o':~·c:~tr:~ ~!iat:~:e Dr. :~"iiuwr.ill pay more. INh,t••tH•C•/ ~.N.;.;,Z:.ta~.~ 1J 555 _...,.Vtloce! =.. r p.m. S.AlH . Refrl1. side by side Jawnmow,r . 175 . s.rnc. fOZO afer.49MI07 . '74 ~Y 4•4 truck,~ ~HIMPOITS pd If Lookio& forex-perienced Amina 20 cu ft S280 MJ.1751 ....... .,, ~ ••••••••••••••••••• •••• t 0 D • b II a c c e .. . -ii DOWe ariet-;-N' 8. ,, Strada ~ s • a,m : saleslady. Golr Shop 'M2..fn24 · ...................... ~ -• IOI Marine Elertriclan '76 Honda. XL. 25-0. Xlnt SliOOJOBO. MS-1430evs 75~0900 mreo, Al , uce coo · HI~. Sal1ry + com· Qaom I' l'OU;Dd bed • fbr Sale POA Mare, 8 • ..... ••••••••••••••••• DllSl&nli.nstall/repalr Cond. Lo II I. S67 5 · FORD TRUCK l• Harbor Blvd., C.M. S1700, 495-47l2 miuioft. Newport Beach Gu ran1e. dble ov~n. headboard. , fatted 1old yn, l200. call Candy Glbton Les Paul Custom, Qual. work S49·2520 673-008 ~too, xlnl cond. Hl·7170 '72 Flat 121. Xlat cond. Golf Course. Contact JUG, Aman• SIS rdng, satin 1beet1, custom 80-70'/'Z $500. Fender Bue Spkr, '13Kawuaki lOO Enduro. Sl~. 846·9161 $1.500or bestotr. JI. • • Jota1Leonard:751-46S3. $UO.Orolfer.SS2-8766 ~ed spread, com· Wanted : &entle/well· 2'X2',~.FenderFoot lNfl.~ VtrJ aood cond. SJSO. 77 ....... 6T CaU5'S-20Z2 ir ·~IS& ~DY .._._ IOZO ~· m>. S48· 7 S49 t.raiDed ridJDI borte(s)· 3 X4 . $100. 839-4729 ........ 9030 OBO. Call : 640-8353, 1:5SeFOrvRIDc•V.btoo.ed P1ic_kouop. witb-alr. 8hit: cas1 1 snrf, , 7 e FI a t : 1 2 9 3 p *"'L---,..,_ .... r---... . c I fi b s .............. ••• •• •••• Ev " G s __. 32 mrur SDJJlkn .. ~ ond wan&ed ormallstore ill •••••••• .. ••••••••••••• u .. e new * I ame re11. OtJ>vt.ranc • an· IJIJ Gibson Firebrand .81 Mere 98 0 /8 motor es. 6»2064 ,..,... .... do HILehblclt, ......., c . l...q\ma Beech, p/time. Schwinn Bikes ISO ea. 20" Corduroy Sofa $300. 2 ta Barbara County· SG Delille, S400 or best xlnt rood. lo hrs $100 '80 Yamaha 400 Special, ~~~~. ~.'°n~:uc ~!r~ new t I res . am I f m 4M.5660. airll, 3 apd or couter Widl:ft'Cleopatr1 lou.n1e 79CH4SS. offer.-~ rirm 984•2·187 -S/nx>. old. 1950 mi. SlOOO '74 Chevy ,.. toa Pickup, ~. l -· __ cauette, low miles 6rb, &d cond. 833-1857 chain f75 each. 2 N iaht · ti u" 79M lllnt. -........ .-. • S2500 fTS.9981 SALES "PR" persons Stands double drawert Experienced ridu. Ex· Gl.itar, Guild 12 stn.ng, inn . .....,. · 64M190 · · needed. M11ic Island is ..... ...._.. IOZS SlS eacb Carved Wine S'Cile • care ror your o..z, $275 or best offer. lotta, PcnNt" 9040 '13 Honda 4.50 CB DOHC ALFA ROMEO. Al~ '88 F\atl50Spyder. Looks looldng ·for a few in·•••••••• .. ••••••••••••• Cabin e't SIS. Ca l l hone. Pay ne1ot11ble. •5581 ••••••••••••••••••••••• r700 or best offer Gd to convert lOI 1 to sha11>, nds some eua telliaent attractive and MOW25·,~ 5481047 SiQIZ.U.a oond 74COUllH Velote, exc. piatou. work . S600 /0BO. sincere persons to ~1beorboe 1967 Hana f'lfff FOi BOATS 960-SJIB FOR pAJtfS-O~LY 11400. 979-2748 after 8pm ~9713 represent lhem in their Recl,wood 2x8 ec Ina Trundle Bed, solid bard thalll111f &oock IOH Jordan $1200/080 I WY ClfEAP 531.9932 ~wknds. ...::.:.:..:...:..::=.:·-----Private Club in Newport 4'3' .king: also redwOcMI wood eods, custom cov· .......... .,••••••••••• Rlcbard857·5455. UMl9 I 'll> Yamaha YZ12S1 xl.nt IMW 9712 ..,... · t727 Beach. Interviews re· rencma. Lowest price er fr bola~rs. $250. HOME nJRNISHJNGS IS" German Viole. Dated oond, never raceo, ex· ••••••••••••••••••••••• qlired. Call for an IP· euar. J im or 'Ken 'ml211. From estate or ~year· 171M. Mellow tone. Ask· ~.S7S0.&42·8912 v-9570 ....................... SH poOitment Mi Mon· Fri anytime, 846-9185. "-·-..,CJ\ R old. 1N4 Cont1nent1l. 'A"_,, ....... 1.... ''Victoria''. F1y bn'dg•, '17 HONDA XL75 ••••••••••••••••••••••• & HMA !!.~r r. a erg 9ielvio1syatem18 units, din. set, new, $250. earlier) ----·™••· & VHF reruo, bait lank. Xl.ntcond,$295. Miles. gd paint. 645 w II: f M H lb '! ......... h.new, ....... auu C.M. Sat 10·4 (no .__.., . ._... ....... ... '76 WtndowDod&eVanLo ·• • v•..--.v 45 shelves 1 hX4'w, Refrig,$350.831·1508 · --.-.. deplhfmder,oulriggers, Pvlparty,W.9442. Clll flMTA IMA SIC'Y~AlfCRAICiE ...Wvee +&' long. s ply Jtwelry I07 ........ IOI 3.\amp. aen.. AM & FM 8 11thSt. 645-2244 .JRllll M -., ales & . OC plYwd1 modular, mike Bunk beds, SlOO. ObBO, ......... •••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• track steno with trailer I 910 HONDA '66 Chevy van, new tires SA YE' ~a!ch om~~vi~:\ary Otter lor 1000 If storage ·thy c~ :·.-9 er/ CuatQm·made cocktail Desks, chairs, r.iles , Olli 646-2843. Will sell OwMrMlltt & clutch. SS50. Arch. Cl£YIEI BMW AMO • open ~tablisbed Com·1 syatem. Beat over ~O. er, · · ring, lOdiamonda · 1 ct. paymester, tl/:;wnt~r~. ba.lanceorloan. WMow' 631·7630eves l'lltbdlt.ca .. Z • GollATS&ICTIOM pany. AJI fringes plus 1144-Uln Solid Birch band made aet in sold lacing. Must! lddih1 mac e. misc. Only-7,400mlles '75 Dodge Conv. Van, ~W'tAnifen! CIVICS pens ion plan. Ca II. Bachelor's kitchenette: 4 twin bed frame, com· ldl! .\ppr. $3000, selli «c. Mt-1174 ~ Excellent shape uto · le p/s A few remaining 'SI ACCOIDS Norma ror appointment burner eltt. cook top, Ice plele, 9&5. Call: 631-46311 SllnS. 142-462'7 ' ance furniture for sale 24 ~rt:'r~ -go-i m· Call S5fl.9J99 alt. 6pm. :1b.' set~!~· :asselle: Models ac Demos are _a 11 DES (213)677-8167 I SS sink, ro rU?i.c a ChinaCabn't,3alass drs, CITl'IBtWATCHIS 1 •t discount p rices. maculate.Jdealforfis '71Honda3SOScrambler trap,sink&cooler.un· s till available! We ,..-wu;r,.v SENIORS·PART·TIME coonter, gorgeous finish, 2 Blass shelves, inl. D&tn'TRior pricn on all 641-0763. binaorcnlisin1 mcl N. B New chain, good tires believable extras. $4950. IDfcialiu in: European Cjft}438 U you can sell shoes call ~~Tts. S800/0 BO liCllt. Antique Wt. Xlnt 12 models. Brand new, NI IOI ;!i'h!131 per mo + equ1· $350080964·2140Chris 640-9346. delivery and nawleas """ blk (714>644-0Ut. 1~ cond. S7SOS4U002 low price. 850-0535. •••••••••••••••••••••• ~Days 557-932'1 or ..._...._ .. S./ ..._ W..a.d tsto ~~::~r :S.':;s~~~t!r, "°' Sewing ma c hine :C....& Dinin&rmlblw/4 ch1in ..... tl1rv 1071 For Sale, Pylhon. with --a..t/Stor.p fl60••••••••••••••••••••••• ServiceC.omutst! 1978 HONDA. A low operator. exper .. quality ; ........ IOJO Sea:~ padded·cane back. ....................... cqe, bot rock & water 21· ens.Cran Express ....................... WI.._, YOUI Selel-Service-Leuing c c c 1 must. Piecework .~•••••••••.••••••••••••• AntiqueWt.1115541·5002 HORIZONTALMILL , bowl.$100.1168-2087 1968. Clea.n ! Fa ~t ! Rep t : 22 · Jux . GOODUSB>CAI! DW.1tt,Sant1Ana ~h~a~~;ilh 4 ~peed Goodbenelits.642·9652 ollle twin lens, 2.IF Dobtnmn Pups. AKC. 6 Newport Slip, a.s iting rmwmome, sips 6, self· An)'lh.iogcon.sicfered : (714)135-3171 transmission. Thisoaela (me~er couple d ), Weelta Blk/Rust SU-0 $10,500.Trades, Fmanc· ooot.12!15/wk + lO'/mi. 1.9'171.hrul980 CloledSunday d w/&rip, mint. $400 . lStVACinduded · · ingavail. P.P 673-5200 ~ ~ very pretty an super ~.--.. ....... ,,_ u -. · dean. (18JX64Sl. 131195 • .....__ .. ...,, , v•~......, 964-3854 40· Owens '.J'ahittan, hve J i m M a r i D o • ~ I040 Warm Flufry H'1malayan aboard slip avail. Ca ll, ,,...,.., ,,..... ti 70 le Vd.kawaaeo. 842-2000 .• IOOYs-GIR• S J ,... or Harv"'y i!.t• ..... t: .. _. ••••••••••••••••••••••• How Would Y-o Uk t .. •••••••••••••••••••• Siamese to Good Home· u....., " "M"'"" ' Teat Trlr 1 • Venture 1090. '11Accord Hatcbbk. eam as muc6': sso.~: ESHa:a> Pups. AKC. Call Unda. 754-6876. ( tlwn., 9 AM"' 5 P · alps s uke nu, $1600. Top concL $4700 weet!Doyoulikedrive· Champs1tt.M/F.Pet6 080) 25 ft Dal Cruiser VB, Dale Wilson 994·6400 #l tllO.-,.C..ty 679-9867or613-30l3 · ~:"bf~~csa~i1:5a ~~/~iJlan~p.':i.t Y · Tame Cockatiel w/.c'!/ =~~~di~'i.;~0i!~~· X2J67. ~~~lJAd. ·77 Accord, auto. air, phaminyotherfMngsi y 2'1ett! Fem .. blk &c ~~~emvk~d~.•· Sl0.500 o r o ffe r T,..,._Ulllty tllO ,7.JSOO 1~008.STOCS" AM /FM, 42,000 mi Tbm you would prob a by w ht En a I. Sp r1 n g er TI4..-. t963 •••• .. •••••••• •• • •••••• r " ... $fl00. S48-li8441 probably enjoy working Spaniel pups, champ "-& 0..,.... 10 24• Seabird, swordrish t.rnLlTY TRLR u 7 with WE p •y MOW! '76 Honda Civic, &ood torus. lines, 14 wks old, all .. •••••••••••••••••••• boat" trailer. Complete Steel Frarne. ll2S. ~ C•• c• ••t •••4 C'Cnd. l2500 or make or. QUALIFICATIONS· shots. $150 & S200 Wurlitzer Orsan Mdl Sl5,000 Bare boat. 673-1.834 TOP DOLLAR HIHtte. ef DIMOt fer640-9649,673-2777 LOvNerl2hooyearsofaged 761'r7489 4075, mull1 ·m1 t1 c S10,000.Call:49S·Sl65 Mini Truck Bed Trailer. :• 1 • 1 0 0 U:L;..• 1 TYD ._ 9730 2. eat, est and e· Poodl "R" p 1 percussio n . S6 00, New radlala and Mais. FORUSIDCA.IS · " _,.... pendable. • es eop e• 540-029 •tln.500• ~080540--2029 4VTUONOllMU91LISUD -... • •••••••••••••••••••••• S. Work after school and T·Cups. Toy, S250 to . 40' Medallioo aft cabin ALAMMACiMOH • .._. .._ ....,... '76XJ12L. Jaguar. Ex· S.lurdays. $.SSO. Pets Boarded & 'lbomls Electnc Organ, traw. two dal. VHF . ..__..,_, Pmit POMTIAC/SUIAIU .... 'Io. ceptjonally clean &c in CALL TODAY I Groomed. 546-2848 2 keyboard. Xlnt shape, RDF, DIS. totally de & ~ '400 Mm Har&or BlVcJ. ~or c.. '" fOOd cood S6800 OBO 53'7·S936orSJM2S7 Golden Rdvr. puppy ror MuatHIJMS-1123 rora~. Low hrs. Dir ••••••••••••••••••••••• COSTA MESA TODAY! Call Paul 714/833·2212 BAMtslOPM Ale. AKC. male, 6 wk s. afterS,88MIOt Gulbr~ spinet piano ~~.:_Ne~1ooYacht S4t-4JOO 549-1457 SALES. SBYICI 1:30All-6PM old.$.100.846-5596. 2 blue stnped cr111bed very 01ce. S59S Call r..uwwge. 1 ATTIMT10M WEIUY LEASING i4 Jae XJ6. S2K miles. Sclmauier, male. 10 velvd L R. ch~lra, $150 Lad i e • . b 1 v e a 673-5ellli. CAN deliver '74 Bayliner Misqually. Mei ~l owner. Service re· TEACHER·AIDE. pre· wb. Show dog sire. $200 pr.2has5C>Ckt$10ea. NAUGHTY ~AD. Y Gulbrasen Reallo Organ nybridge, 225 OMC. 275 OWNBS CLEAN CA.IS SADDLEIACK since new. n.ooo. school, immed employ· Reg. Pedigree . Call 988.2956 ffo:mt P~y. L1.ngene. w/2 Leslie Sfikrs perf ~n,CB"AMradlo,ba1t l TONNtAtlCOVER .e..-TIUCIS IMW ...:641)..8971:..::..::=-----ment, benefits. For Info p lat.iool, pollOOS and lots ___ .. S ri · 's 750 UUlll trim tabs. in water ~ callS48·2550 8»2768alter4 M Kit ~bl SIM. Living rm more fUD. CaJI AUM>nl 1.vou. ac tee 1 Hun't . Hrbr. S7S OO FltaMG'a, '71 '11 H402MANW1tn J...-XJ6 -G-at D•ft"'. F. 2 y~. chair llO. 2 encMbls S40 Ml 0171 Sales Re ps MT-5612. ZU )....,2036 Neverused,S15 1980 Sldan. White '" ... "' '" AU-'.... d ••n 1•01 · · I ( """' · Mlri1'31·7'797 lvemsg ,.lfn'. TVllist/Word Spade. Bm/Wht. Harl•· 1 .JWI\ coo ·"""' • needed. Piano, sma 11 anttq ue MISSION YllJO w/burktkin leather in· PROCESS'OR . Lanier quln. S1S. 675·3689, Kitcbentableand c:bairs. • ..... 00.,,,.5 ~tJ.isbuprightw/stool. Clllh....,/ AveryPl(wv olf l·S tmor Fl.Ill pwr, stereo No Problem: Laguna 41H-1467 SlO Call 540·9038. LOYI--" Uke new. tuned S850 a.t.-9050 UTEBODYWORK&r 131 'W\M\ cassette. lo m1 Mint Hills Law Firm Mu st · Helium Bo uquets ! M'l·S6'12 ••••••••••••••••••••••• f:Zupto ~ ortyour ·~ 495-4949 cood. $16,9$0 Pvt Ply. have strong typ~g and .... irsm 9:~HOp.m. Delivered. Perfect Corl . . Q sed S d 114.S-21'19 II I -II Dinin' g/Game s .. t. Wood ey; Occasion. 673·4419 SI.of)' & Clarti Console · YACHT1MG shop esL 536-9832 , O un ays grammar ski Is. Cal Female, 4 years old. A .. French Prov Beaut COMSULTAMTS Mustin• in a ccident.'! ft6HIUYR '731 Mrs.Winslowforappt. sbcUSU0.646- 7580 table & 6 upholstered Piii.Am 2 for 1 boarding tone & cond. S1275. Cltarter/Power&Sail paru sUll good. render .. ToP dollan for Sports ~••••••••••••••••• 83'1·l060 PIT BULLS UKC, reg. 3 chairs $400. ?7S-62l7 pus. Worth llP lo S2S-OO. 548·7272 Npt Sch. 675·2960 drivers door etc. Call Cars. Bup. Campers. WAITRESS WA IT E R fem. bnm S75 IM7·4630, Leather recliner, Maple sdlfor SUS, 759.9320 "Your Year Round roe more i.n/o. 545.4495 914'1, Audi's 1'llt Mott bcfHilcJ w/carforwicke r basket 9118-SCXS. · corree table. Velvet Cu s tom Vert i c al Sewt.gMecllMH 109 CharterService" 91D.lm2,6-9PM AaUorU/C MGR P.tOfYow ~~~~'."'E!~30st~f,';15 WU'dlaired Fox Terrier rocker. 840-2257 Blind/Valance for Slid· •0 siNGERSEWiNc ... lotta, WI 9060 ALFA ROMEO. All puu JIM MAllHO ...W rw ell•• Or wkly. Must be neat, P\C'PlfS, Male &. female WALNUT BEDROOM lnl Door, $$0. Console MACHINE DEALER •••••••••••••••••••••••! to convert 101 1600 to ¥0USWACi84 a....C..Wlt persoo.able &energetic. AKC. 8 wks . S2SO SE:r, incl. bead & IQot Stereo, Wilnut, SSO in CdM ioes discount! BU:HAN·BSl'ARtotally Veloce uc. pistons. 187118uchBlvd. Md.swlMW!! 979-0747 aft lOam for ~72 board to bed .• mirror for 644-?4l8 Example: Touch Tronic redone. 3 set sails 2 rod I $1400. 9'1t.i748 1ner 6pm HUNTINGTON BEACH .., Or LHM appt. ~gl. Sp.riri~nger Spaniel, large vanity, large 1 Wbeekbalr $200. OBO. ~. listSlOl9, now $899 riggs w/trlr. Im mac & orwtnds. 14~JOOO ~,.._,.._,._, liver/white, M, 10 mos, dresaer. f~cy.Dmust see 14 Wooden Chairs, SlO 311S3. 332 Mar uerite fast. Best ofr. Dan 196'7 Karman Gh11 motor WI.---21111!!~£111111~~~~1 M t II SlSO to apprtt11te. usl pro· F.a ~21M9 642-6800 o· ,__ ( 14J 522-5333 WAl&fOUSICLlll AKCreg. us se · · of d rawers (circa · NewKerunott.PaidSZSO. Goodrordun.ebuggy.4 1 YOUllXOTIC Expanding electronics ™-18411 t!m-40) $700 cash. 1944 Rancho Mesa Verde Sell SUS/080. Nearlf new & practically H.P. S75. S48·7825 & lln'ISH CAIS OIUl81 COUNTY'S firm seeks responsible &iper homes wanted for Cootillental, C.M. Sal. HealthClub MT-01.31 per eel ~ob1e _16 ' I ~T person for lm~d foll "4lf1Gttybou.nd Borzoi UM. Membership. ii,'~~ satl "' trailer. 74C B Id~ time o pen1.n.1 in &rWhi · ~1992. SlOO. MCMlS8 illmr..t 2000 0•7.5023 FORPARTSONLY I warehouse rttelVlng & oa ~ ... r shipping dept. Call: ,,_teY• I045 headboard (« dbl bed, MICIOWAYIT.Y. imcblne~t':gese:~ Sail Boards & Equip· CHEAP SlS-'832 ~ . Elsa,556-JllO ....................... =!ft't. SIS OBO. 24 H~~upted ~~:,el~tb~%~f~~: :~:.~nb:~~:~ •"""--fwWt . 3100W.C.oaat Hwy, ~-ServCAR\!ER1ce·Leas1ng 12411/weekforlndividuals ·"'".m" Moviel$1U..957-07« smJeva6wkoda. Fat Head Sails S13o ,-NewportBeacb NJl 6ll•19 •••••••••••••••• ee ••••• ~94JQ5 Ot"""'W I ~..Df""M""" at.. II.Al to distribute nutritional 3 mo old male mixed M.abog. china cabinet Retail showcase, Sl50. ••••••••Ill I IMPORTANT l'L.A.l.:Tl'IJ~l;.·D1v1n products. No sellinc re· br«d dog. Blk ar t10 1250, corner c hina Camper. $250. Iron p1Uo 71 CAL27 binged mast. NOTICE TO w• ~EDI I ~-io~OMIJI qtired. Forinformatton, markings. All shots c abinet fi250, lge tbl/cbn,SZS0.673-6022 Miit I0'3 Good uh Inventory I READERSAND ~"' • j ..-im1110<11w16'11-- send self·addressed, 548-1200 K ••••• .. 0 ••••••••••••• SlS OOOOB0846·8888 ADVERTISERS LltermdelToyotasaod •aoiauw 7JJI stamped envelope to: droplealtab eSZSO, en· CONCllTTICIETS ~ Supertorms, 200 ' t · v I c 11 - M-'-'-C"ncepts, Box -= di 1050 ~"!...cc!.bc-1 sew. macb. iOd-stewatt. Can, cm. Salamon mE bind· a.... ca-/ The price o items TOoD vyo, ~,· a us Auto, loaded, lltras. """"'u "' r6 • • -............. d s27 -._,.. advertised by vehicle A · · · 18,000 mi. Alpine white. se&-S. American Fork, ....................... . J. ~eil Dlamon • Ins•. used 1 X. $ Dodls 9070 dealert In the vehicle Gold wbla. Leather. As· UTMOC8. * * I BUY * * Dinette set, u n fin . ZZ ~· ISS·85Z5 0.·3216 ••••••••••••••••••••••• classified advertising IWnt lse. '550 mo. dresaer " ru"l.t stand, I --..... .. p I li D~ I l F 5 ... rt~ I d l . YAlDPH$0M Good used Furniture" baby item:'.' m isc. &;CVUFLORrrA1nL"'2• .~lln36n.~ ._s g.no s • comp. ,..~ co umns oea no ID· fOYOT4·YOUO 495-9213 ~1Tble-w1th valid ~liances-OR 1 will m.«a .. l~cm, Marker bind· Da. wk. month -OSSl d ude 1ny applicable · Uc 1971 Placen S""'' • y framed. lll00.14H557 inll. used twice. New N B Sii U t 36• taxes, Ucen.M, transfer ""Hert., .. ._ '79 BMW 5211. An · · · · · or ........ or ou $410 Wiil sell $195. · · P P 0 . · fees, finance cbarces. c .... ..._ • thradte, red le1lh. sun· tia. Costa Mesa 1-2 PM MASTllS AUCTIOH l MONIMS OLD M1W 6UtMIA ~19 Weter/power. nr Lido rees for 1ir poUutloo con· ~ u .. 001 • uo..tm roof. Xlnt cood. S13,950. Vv • ... 6461616 133-HJS Dbl apii.01' maifrae. Tribaf iaitJalioll mask, IZS0.6'73-2756 troldevicecert.11\calloas _hm_m.azs_-'-----.._ • ISO per set. (2 sets) 4• high, Seplt river. S, ........ lot rr sli Newport Bcb , or dealer documentary ··-•••••••••••••1••0•0•5 3' aolu. New. 1111. Lov· 7S).()189 -.7298after4pm. ...................... privaf'ebo=tonl prepara. lion charges un· T• LL. '!°.~!~.' ~.:1k~. < ~f!~ • •• 11 eseats $81. Sleepers, Simrmns crib/matt $80, Total Body Building · lfu ~iw speclried wp _,. .......... ••••••••••••• S191.FACTORY957·S708 Youth bed/matt 180, CultomBedapreada,kin& lhcblne (U niverul bytheadvertiser. . a...:..t 761·2'04: eves. (213 ) Oall Desk USO. Pie G ~,,._._ .... c t Sl80 siled, navy blue "4)fold Gym) I mo• old new t*-rtM n.a r• -~. Cabinft mo. Fireplace KJNG INNERSPRIN ,;iwia~ -· se · wheal pattern . ., SO. SZ310.'eeu *°· 556.tOM 3.\ 1'?:fttli~Tfifa11:e ~ 9510 FcirYourCar! t7JO lbnlel $.100. m.40lll EXTRA Fl~~_,mat~~ Gd. c.ond 141-8771 Queen 1tzed · Flobra1 I, dra:t..o:J83 ...M-.. 0 IOO ••••••••••••••••••••••• -AM a 5""'...a .,._ let, never '""""j wonn WALNUT table, S4" bulf7areen wilb w te wi~ ... 2~ ... , .... _ __..~. "'" -•••••••••••••• .. ••• Vletorian loveseal. 8 '. =sac. '248 de . Never round with '4ear1, 6 dallM9 suo. '720-1.211. Scuba diver'• epear 1wi. ... _.._ 'he± ~ NIAW IAJSIM rwt color, lulled b~ queu HJ... worth chain (lcaptajn) ts· lar1e.$15. SIDE TIE, up lo 20', or! li:iiHirbor81vcf. ...., " rOMWood frame, s:a. cull ooly, Jillll del. cellent coacUt.lon.' ssoo =p~~t: -:::::: Tto.UlO. water 6 power, Nwpt 4"-4722 h" Colta Maa S.0.5'30 a,rgaw( $11 r ftrm.~WI Uauallybome, 754· 7350 caah. lN4 Coollnental, wood, 11 U /co rd . UNBELIEVABLE DEAL laland area, Mainland Premlwnprices -~-111.L Aadque omate iroo and C.M.Salutday llH. Delivered, amaller Gym flq\IApment for you acceu •• /ft.1'73-2111 pUdforanyuaedc1r ,·· • W.dbiebed.llall.in· ,uantlllu nail. 111ortunU••l•t.aorex INewDort 80• ellp xlnt llO 4 Boll llain. Sbort (foreipordome1tlc) d'OISIU53-1113 ... S. IH IM4140. MDdlDI bealtb cluba! loc. leecurity, prlvale. Block + Xlr11. ss~o lnlCJOdCODdition .• ........ 1010 ......... ••••••••••••• G Ac d Video bllnotQuipmenl: Selec· P/P,f'13.'7877. 012._A"'--3pu SeeUaP'lnt! ~--·-.... _.. mlrf'Or on bead· • . amee, r a e, tro-1111tlc S.5000 com· -_...,_ •\U •· _ .................. ~ BIG BIG GARAO g =,..,,Drive Pia•, ,... amwlom, I•• •• N.8. bolt alip. avail. e ti I .~~'!,.U8 BRAVICE '800080 UM'm aftl SAL.II! ,._117~,Utotal . .._ ....... curl machine. ab· oo boat u111e share _,¥ •1 9121 ~n·•"' .. """Sf! Antiques Jri/Sal 10.I. _. '" -domlnal ladder A 2 bub. M4-t400 wltdye, ~ F.CI ••~ue,:=.u11cea '-••••••••IZ74Palmer,CJI. N.B.AOaktlcClubmem· ......,. rol.len. Won 't SU·UIO eva (llr. _ .............. .. 9 re.=.. ~ llUY~w •Al MSW berabl/. '150. Call lall-.101 . .,. 8"nlaal l~~O:., Wuller1/dr1er1. late I.ta Nuta~fti. 1tnw1, ~..on dJt, ll1·tSll n..... NEED SU.PIN N.8 . for Concourae condition! model•. SlOO up . Lite new Simmons brMlfttt.lllp\1Jl11.att, ........ '"' 40' 1111. 754·1Ul or (M1T2). ~8lla1hurHhd D.11 v •rv , 1 u a r . sa.,.rsot11...~towntoot "all nt~ ma_IJ !alld~clrap&tatta.a. _ ............... ....,Sev lost;1 i l\o"IOI ~0:1.W ... 1 pMl .. ODV ..... .,. Ullotu1~. nur clotla wllll 4 _..., cUln, a&AUTlruL ZS" RCA M..wrda.r"/ Vin. A*lorOltftattoS. bJ larlf roll. llt\al oil aaUtut oak dre11er aa1ar TV llJe. 2 yr wra· INh. ~ & WllllY --ltiaO f{lter cao1. Stll to dutci aide cbalr ud ty.Sl& l't•dellvery. 9t USEDCAHi'MtUCKS NCH = Pabric I' Couch. bilbalt offer. •b Koop, ~uare tablt. Lad lea 1'V Jalsl'••l1• -.................. OOlll IM 01 1 IUY AIPUA •T .. .W la•-~a IUOS/w~S:~. (1k)'79-1ZZ1. Q'Wlr llM. Cl IHlo II ft CHapbtll 1.-ed CALL POR ..:CAI=-__ __;;.;.;....;~ -.. ~ _..., •• Sii-Tm ...... 1· P:ff•" coe· boet. Xlllt Coed. m,seo ,_~ ..... .,., • """'' Saad Walaut M1tcbl11 AIAOI SAL!· .. altl GTJ.llaa.Jluilda llli 1V, ••ttm pbono. oraftWID-TllJ . ~DitDIO Al llll med. Sl50 ta. ......_ Table (24at0) 6 FlmilJ, ..uq .. , 'C1Cle I -.... •.-zor•IJU Q:;'ftltt•lcl>• • ~. -n.. ... ,. MU11-... 1 T;.~JI' dll c.M .. 010. Hl·Ulf All 111&/lmMll.ldh._., I ft§fWlllet-wtddlllt l ~ hi.•. p;: .,DCH. 'r'".rt* Ith .... S/wllld' A•. .. -..... ==·= 1AiWiiCililliialt-pr1tt -ffHHtHHHHH..... -'"'' two ..., •· tic dlr -.lld o 1 a • • t a r ti 1111.-=;;;..;....----.........,..-1 147_, • ...,, ' .. .,,, .. _...ne,_ I Ill_.,,... .... ... ---....._ ·--· 'i ,.._...,,a Mall. ... •• ~dl I ti ( () ·h T ·Dodge' lnazDil DISCOUNT HliDOUA.ITEIS --~-ORBUY Sa«ta 14,,. llBZDil , 2031 [ Isl SI Santa Ana 714/953-Ul4 lST TIME EYEI! REIT PllCES TOTHIPUklC AT Sdlt/41'14 "!IP ---tDlllll•ftlt.alt~ ':::·r::mr * ••• , ... ._ ...,../e....ete. Dia· 1111111 ... """ ....... W ·~? ~-.. -.... =-=.in.. 111111~-=w ... --i!!;~:·l.'.i =-~~::""r .. ~ ... ~,~.~ftA-..11•.._..•• ----Jll. NII ... lliiili .... -.:...a....~ll!P.! In; . di ., .,~ .. :=~ .. =--~·~-~ ....... ==L.· .;_;1]~!:~=~1-~IGt ·~·!!"~ll!!!'•!!~ii' ·i'~-~'~:~::.~1 b=~-~ .... ~===~~ .. ~~ ..... ~==Cl==-""'::::;::r::~;:;;~~--~~-"=·=·= .. !J.--~, .. !:.. ~'·~·== .. =·:!JI L II rt Ctt ... .. - Orange Coast DAILY PILOTffhureday, f9bruary 25, 1982 ~'!!!·"""' I' rW .... ...,.,..... .......... rtN ~ ... lltM ................ ..... ...... ,.... .W..""4 , W..""4 .-.u'" ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~.::!'.~~ .... !?.~! ~~~ ... ~~ .... !?.~! ~ .......... !?! ~'1.!~! ........... !!!! !~~ ... : ... !?!.! ~~:::r.~ ....... !!!.~ !~~! ............ !?!.~ ~~ .. ~ .......... !!.'. ~ .......... !!.'.! !.~!! ............ !!!~ ... ....... • Rlptt Milin&! '17 Con Tllle6vtr ltue, no down. "Jt)Toyala Corolla ... ..., vw left • nlbl •. ,, BteUe. Slocll. cltan II YOLYO DIALll '13 Cttttunan ConverU 11 Qunaro zza 4 apetd, •• DART Auto, UH/ _.,...._.. vtltiblt Claulr s~.ooo ~~ paymenu. 924 &300 door. ·n left door ISO Clllld.11.t. radio. radlab. {tfOMANGE 'OURtV 1 t>M. M,000 mllea, full Mtt browo, PJW Tilt •rkra. New battery. ....... or•f7S..OlUorn1.TCJ11. ~· '79 W-2:143 Calltu..!!.__ Mell WtattrQ atyle whl 12'700 41'7·15"7 --rzower.B<food cond. Wheel, Air , AM /VII • erter $400. phon ,.,,._D;.-• .. 1 ..,. 4'0SL.. aray/rtd int. •az 911 SC. Tar11. '71 Corolla Db clean. ~"-:a.':;. :er Btortlc ,1 Sqbk wanl rlean, bt-at SALIS. SllYtCI 8442":/~ ~•9·1211 or Stereo Cau. 4000 mllet. •1·%171 ....,.._ e or Im Loaded, low ml Call Platinum metallic, SK t.t offtr. sa.3ot9 an. --otr.,-. S•UO 9 11n IJp m AND LIAS/MG --Mint. SI0,000. Daya aw!... -tt .. S PQl1I DI le11e and IQ a. m ss1 ffSS ml .. loaded. all leather. lll>m <AU Omar I 1980 VW Dietel. Thia la a <All Omar> OVEtlSE~l: .lVl!RV -.> Buick Electra Limit ~~10, Ena MS OMI. ••••••••••••••••••••••• moa. aenalble pymt• · -apoilera front t roar, •""11 LS DlcHI 4 door , ' EXPERTS ed. ~an. xlnt cond, -..... .. tJO D I a I z 1 s 0 r is atOD. wh.lte tn &i out, alarm. ldra 1pe11tert. I '11 OrUra CT, red. 5 spd, w I t b 5 1 p t t d 808CIROCCO "S' 32. 000 m I . 17 . 15 o '-'W•I t '80 Lincoln Mull VI, 714/MERCEDES ls 213 fact aux tank. air. owntt. 1 driver $3$,$00 al e, •ltreo. xlnt cond tnnaml .. lon. factory A/C, ) apd, R11uro11. WLllKI $47·$3111 ••••••••••••••••••••••• cnoonroor U 2,000 or114 /0'/.m3 ltttt!o, cau .. pi, pb, 4 •inn. 731-om M295/olr. 8"·ZCQ air conditioning and ls ini.nl I ST311$. ~ 80~ sa us FIRST! e.a.or142.oao. --apd,llll00.6151S28 912 Porache, '66 IJood 73 Cellca ~.,.I auto. AC •ui>er clun. (366ZSS). •11 vw~ anit fm rnsa, 111114Y1~~Blvd c.cllec ttlS We havu1oodaeltctlon ...... ttU l'Ud&ce1s '6S230SL.cream r ond. 1_reen /bel11r atereotape, o ml, veer. U9U. J i m Marino n:blt en11.L..ncw paint. COSTA MESA •••••• .. ••••••••••••••• of NEW " USED ••••••••••••••••••••••• ,.,_ $14.000 ~.100.080.S48·3'7~ f:"TT~· 12100 0B · Volkawa&tn.142....:....~: xlotcond.ll400 903$766 •4'-tttJ S~t4'] C~PlATI... Chevroleta' 'M~MUJt 2+2. ltei:n 4 Bla~a~t0f:'~ber, J.!.!•l:SZO.W ~Po~eJ:!!}x't~:::.,, Ce1Jca llnback. atc. ith&:Se lhror vi ·~.i~a/T~ft. tl':~i~:: t!llk>VOLVO Diesel This We .~~leam ~~ •. tr:n•· .. ~:~~ xi~~ sunroof, alloys " 450511.. 1979 V\ 21a.s82~1727• pb, pi, auto, 1u11roof. 4tt..t7lll•H. S2275'.&6l·39fl2 is a rare 2MGL Diesel for the buslneu ell· ccnd."250,MH227P~ caaMtle. (232141 •LOAl>EO• am/fm.lomi 5S2·0317 Sedan 11 18 loaded and etut1ve ,protesalon1I. $3','50 °"_8M-43001ev1~8321 'lll911T,80.000mi. many ,71 C 11 2d di 1 '"'" VW 8 ... This Is a lln3Super&oetle. like new : <0984751 =Wtct6-CM•... ttH ... MS ..::z. xtras m i nt con d . oro a r, ra a ~" -SJ800.runs&ood Sll,995 Jim Marino ltlJ ••••• .. •••••••••••••••• UOi lstttet 300CD i a ~ hres. /.d cond. $1 100 dynamite 7 passenger I 640-928'7 Volbwagen,842·2000 -'80 Didi Cutlus Lo Ml NEW TBEACH ~percond. 43,000ml · ---848-111 ,6'2·1982 bua with automatir 1 Ce•ica '7S MooteCarlo.Air,P/S, XJnt Cond. Full Pwr ,. IJJ.flOO 64$-5168 ~•••••••••••!?.~ Toyo1a:l91s wMagFon . ~~t~:i~:,Vaej'j:~ Gool~!r.~::'tires. i.J!J.~~ 'M~o1e MowllStoclal ~~ICE! 12490. ph ~~ sms. 830·0891 . lt77MBCB>ES white. 5 spd, A I M. miles. It is the cleanest .. , ..,l'.l\n NABER~ h II •SOSll MIAT cus,Sl995 645·3125 ooe In town (038134> rawo.-&75.5753 'Ill Volvo 142!i 2dr Mint '72 El Camino w/a e Oldl 118 Xlnt cond \976 MERCEDES BENZ ""u•r bl·~/t•n. all OP· c.• -TIOM1 'IJO Ct.l.i ... --t-$4995 J 1 m Ma r1 no "10 RUS. new paint. ne" cond I owner $2100 C1\l)ILL1\ , and trlr1b11tch. Gd cond A/C, PS 6 brak e& 280<:. An anthrac ite .,.. • ., '"' • -', ca .... any ll ras V--'"-•·~116319117 pp Sl7lf0. ca 831·2932 ..,.. ,_ ( S coupe that ls loaded and lions. low ml.lea. MUST UHAUlT 1111 2llK mi l62SO 640 1677 or _ ..... _w~g_"!!. 842·2000 Mlrhfhn tires. ne" ~un "" I·• h.•· "t\..o• 12415 _._a t immaculate 007339). SEE!!! UicS87SPP> Sedans and wagons with 548-?A.29 ·7:; RABBIT root 7~8719 'IJO Gl.E, dill sedan, fully • ~• • ''"' '>·Ill •tou '15 Manta Hatchback a. 71 C_..- S999S. J i ro Mari no SADDUIACI( g:.:-1:!u':bfeh':5!Til 41-9767 Newen& .. tlean.S2400. '72 Squareback, runs equip, Incl. AM1FM ~.:pdsi~t(}B~se4c:: PB~PS. Air. ~~lrm Vol.Uwagen 842·2000 SUIAIU/IMW ~7·S2881731·S313 great. m111or paint. must ~ass, snrf, lthr int, & ex· .65 Cad Sedan Must fix · · · -Lvemeasage833·7790 _ ' · at: ••••••••••••••••••••••• ---sell S1700obo5366795 tra.s 16K m1. showr(ll -c .. -H hbk '73 4SO SE. Best of~r. IJl-204t 4fS-4f4t ~COAST 1919TRIUMPll T R7 Con · 1978 VW Convertible . rood Sll.700 586 7957 suspension or great for '" uo:veue tc · u ·s o Cuti au Ca I a is. must sell in _2 weeb W.. 9742 AMC/Jle vert1ble with 5 speed This IS a super sharp 77 BUS, eonv into --Parts $250.661·7946 c:=;·~~Wi· blue loaded. while w blue •sa&l,AM·S.30PM. ~ ... UT transmission. air cond1 wtuleo Bua Convertible eamper, no puptop, "70 lllOO E1 clasS1c. 1ery -· .... '-~----velour Int. $8()00. Mitch ••••••••••••••••••••••• • L1 tionlng and s tereo ~ only 37,000 miles me ch sound S•OOO I Rd rond In & out Needs '"" ..-wEST 'Tl Nova Hatchbk Auto. J 833·9381 , art 5 " 1972 MERCEDES BENZ. ~ erborllJ:t7770 ~per sharp! \729YNYl. (002~18 \. S699S Jim 6'4·0262 1ood home. Jo'uel tnJ. 58.lCTIO~ PIS, A/C, xlnl cond. lo wknd,631·1926 ~e:~ll.orlgJ~!~!2t~~ ATTIMT10M -----_ __ $6995. Jim Marin o Marino Volkswagen. Cal. Bug l83Senng rblt 15:~ ~.~5;:~~95~ U ~ii~~~~ ~:d~rlacslo1~ mi.&tofr 644·6541 ,... ---,,57 • transmission and air MG Iola Royce 9756 Volkswagen. 842 ~ 842-2000. trans new paint. mags I -Southern California • ~tfh ttl2 ••••••••••••••••••••••• coodition.ln° It is super OWMEIS' ••••••••••••••••••••••• v ......... _ t770 '71 vw Bus Oual·nnrt w radials dechromed, '76 Volvo 244DL. air. ,.. TONN"'•UCOVER --r-rv ·-'·-I I ...... 1£85 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '74 Pinto Wagon AC, clean. (2159991. SS995 ...,. •tOE•'[RfNU S• ••••••••••••••••••••••• enauie.runsstrong S'l7000B06465305 rowu. tape, o m1eage, ""' 5" •COIYR"PPll:• Good Gas Mi, Runs Vdkswa en, 842·2000. Never ustd. S75 d . , d Ill V W Van. runs gd 1157-8964 "' ""' *MIKE• Good. Oepen ab e. Jim .. I r i n 0 Jo'ltaMG's, '71 ·'81 II\&. • ... 1980 vw Rabbit . A S2SOO. 642-9lll?eves ' -, must sell. Bel>! offer c•D1L· •c ...... d I Good M . 6317797 I tY"W CARVER ynam1le custom, <>:<>r 197S VW Sc1rotl'O A body totaled, S600 ORO' 2600 Harbor Blvd Buyuig or Selfina. rail Cond. S800 494-131! • '76 MB 45«iE Blue. Ong ana · ve msg 1"'--'1 w I t'h .•"!tom at 1 r dynamite red s port 499-S7IO 'Tl 264GL, 33M . loaded. COSTA MESA today' "' '72 Pinto Runabout. 4spd • owner.aJJutras.Retail IO.l.5-IQCE tr1nsm1.ssion lf!d air coupewitha1r cond1t1on . S59SO Wkdys s.49 7!Hi6. 540 1860 Over~Vettes listed gcood shape 30mpo Sl6.23S. STEAL MINE 'fll MGB Conven New Fr ~--~,,._.......,o .. ~• con d 't •on In J in&, stereo. and alloy 61 Fact or) Camper, evs v.kndS52·«88 • No one does it better SlOOO Q.5157 .. • for$ll,900 Ph64S·4226 End & Brks. Clutch. ~""'°' "oe:.... OBGJ463l. $4995 J im whee Is S h a r P ' reblt eng, tram. llres 'nSEVILLE Don't blly or sell your ------ Runs Good. S2100 CLOSfO$VNOAYS Marino Volkswagen . l748UZU > $3995 Jim FM cw SHOO 6738627_1A ........ UHCI Ext ra clean. sunroo(. Vettebeforeeallingus POllliac tt65 'Tl MB ~D. 36 gal tank. Sllrr2S60 842-2000. Manno Vol kswal(en. ·i.i Osl R bb --. hi 23052Lake Forest snrf, immac Asking ----t.. .... _. 9762 0_1,. llVW\n a at f ownt!r ••••••••••••••••••••••• Wlre w covers, runs La Ht ••••••••••••••••••••••• S13,9SO. Desperate/must "76 Midget white new _.. 1981 VW Sci roe co A ~~-· _ _ SO mpg. Xlnl cond SSSOO GtMt-al 9'0 I ~at,_$6750. 673 3223 _ _guna ~ _ _!55·0141 73 Pontiac Grand Pru, sell. Make offer 675-6311 top, tonne au, wire' whls. ••••••••••••••••••••••• dynamite ·s· mod~I "'.ilh l9lll VW Scirocco This is Alls. rall 642·~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• '78 Seville. loaded. blk i 4 Vet. new pa mt & tires. deunt car. reasonable eves. xlnt. S2.6SO 963-6583. OllAM(if COUNTY'S !JP.1e!.!dr!'smiss0on a dynamite coupe with 5 '71 Super Beetle. ~unroor.1 s 1 Iv er. 31. ooo m 1 T·top & rack, 3SO auto. olr. ~·0832 MGI t ~T air · lion1ng. n· speed transm1ss1on, air AM1FM.excrllent cond wm1raC1e Mv ror 7 Perfect Must sell by Orange S72SO PP . v-tt74 74450SLC 744 Authonzed ly IS,OOO miles' Like conditioning. mag R:morbestoHer 1 4tt-4722htt wknd S8600 080 546-5877 ·T" Silver blue/blue ••••••••••••••••••••••• SUBARUDEALER newJ .1 !mUCGM~a661r.IS7n9950· wheels and stereo 646·8129 7518839. -••• .. •••••••••••••••••• Custom loaded. Cover '73MBSEL. Be ti( 1 B .1 8 r--ttJJ '76 Vega, auto. $1100 or S•c750 Xlnt Cond Mo'" L'r1 , :+.-V ..... __ a0 .. n.u"·2000. au u razi ronze '76 R bb 71" .. V I ded I ftal t -....,.. ..._l CJl(ar. Runs good __..d ,,,,. 903 Aller S. 645·2434 fl ~-i , ) 5 1 m Au ~·M -ga · & t I th ( 11 Call after 5pm · 631-'733 w , " r v-......,,. !!" ~ ('SOZSR ,729 J a 1t. new tires. ......... ft I 0 '-" , ua , o~ . an ••••••••••••••••••••••• .,_ "' w~ ays....,. O ..:.,;__~ Marino Volksv.agen. tune up. "' , stereo. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 111 ou . ea .er. u '79Cougar XR7 AC. Pwr __ _ __ PaulW -t746 .-To place\•ourmessage !42-~-S3295Ev67S·~ ·73 F.state Wai:un ~~ 67th5rul5J28uly 82.4.fiK.I PS.brks,Seat,wmdows. ·74 Vega. new black Y '11 '·k h I r · 1•69 vm 8 Sunroof New pa1111, low j ~ & moonroof Wire whls. f:t::l· valve Job. See tu ou u et e ow coi.t u ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1....., MODELS before the I Tlw"' lillh .uh 1.,,11 1, " aJa. 183~C'c ... •· XI l d •«"" I I _.. Zeni h b ing pkg S900 bsl ufr 1 ·79 Seville. lthr int. 1,m rawa..,, n ron ...,Jl/IJ lieve S2000 ~·8189 a c ass1r1ed .ad 7 5o..flt00W91' HERENOW"' rt'ad1n11publll'. 11vrk ' .111111 th•• l car .new paint, ~2960 marcond low mileage pp 1157·8434 Call Mon .---- whether renting or Greafs'ftapeS2.000 Sales.Service Leasing phone I thou,Jncl' ul o1tw1 111·11 brakes. and interio r . 493-S289 • t!'ru f'rl -Uas51l1t•J \rls Jf\' th1 buying or selltng A 631·6811 5.t.ftftLH.t.,.11 Dall) Pilot 11l1·1111h" 111·111.h11 1r1• burketseats,aluminum l.n R , ~v.t'r lo d ,uin·,•lu I ltl I -•-· . ' ' ' dash n--' panel< ~t~a I\ 1era. all l!Atras I Sf:l.L di l h ' 1 egoesaongwavin ------I Uass1f1ed642S678 n ·j!ulJr u"·r, 111 ""' '"'' n S27 0 'First ap~rtinent• Find • • e 1e~s "11 d i:arai:eonJrd~alC"lt '~ the Dall y P tlo·t ~ .~la\e something to sell~ SUI.AIU · l'IJ"1f11.J 1".1 11 our .111 1 ~obo979-6216And) _ 673 kio0:,.Jest o Her ocw lhdl ~ JUSl n11h1 in I D,111\ Pilot lla'"f1ed dllt'tl('r"•n tull•ll mor. rlass1fied pages ! Clas_s1fied {Ids do A wtll IJ 1-2040 4f5·4f4f lJkt•r JI•~:! ;)1;;11 Wanl Ad ll~lp ' tH:I JlliJK -1 3574 da~s1f1ed ~-5678 Ad ~· _ • ATLAS CHRYSL.Bt..rt. YMOUTH 2929 f'iarbor Blvd . Costa Mesa. Tel. 546·1934. 3 blocks. south of San Drego Freeway off Harbor Blvd. Complete I ,body shop. Sates Service. Parts Service Dept. open Monday thru Friday 7 30 A M to 5 30 P M. and 8 A M to 5 P.M on Saturday •· IEACH l~S 'I &48 Dove Street. Newport Beach Tel 752·0900 Call us. we're the speciahs1s for Alfa Romeo. Peugeot. Saab & Maserat 1 THEODORE ROllNS FOO Modern Hies. service. parts, body, paint & tire depts. Competitive rates on lease & daily rentals 2060 Harbor Blvd .. Costa Mesa. 6•2-0010 0< 5'I0-821 I. • JOHNSON & SOH UHCOLH MlltCUltY 2626 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa Tet ~5630. 57 Yaars of friendly family service -Orange County's oldest L.in· eoln·Merc ury de'alersn1p • SOUTH COAST DODGE 2888 Harbor Blvd .. Costa Mesa. Tel. 540-0330. RV Mrvlce ape<:lalltta. ~.ustom van conversions. NIWPOIT IMPOUS 3 100 w Coast Highway, Newport Beien Tel. 5'2·9405/5-4.0-1764. Th~wi HudQu.,.,.,.. MATCH THE NUMBERS ON THE WITH THE NUMBERS IN THE BOXES MEWPOIT DATSUM 888 Dove Street. Newport Beac h. Tel. 833-1300 At the triangle ot Jamboree. MacArthur & Bristol behind Vic· IOria Station Sales. Service. Leasing & Parts. Flee1 dis- counts to the public. • NAIERS CADILLAC 2600 Harbor Blvd .. Costa Mesa. Tel ~9100. Orange County's Largest Cadillac dealer. Sales Service Leu· mg. • DAVID J . PHILLIPS'lutQ(.f'OtmAC-MAIDA Sales • Servloe • Leasing 24888 Alicia Parkway Laguna Hills 837-2400 • CHICK IVEtlSOH PORSC .... AUDl0 VW .t15 E. Coast Hwy., Newport Beach 673-0900. The only dealership on Orange County with these three great makes under one roof! • ALAN MAGNON POMT'IAC-SUIAIU 2480 Harbor Blvd., Coata Mee&. Tel. MM300. Salea,. s.tvlce, Leasing. "Mr. Goodwrench." 0 . HOUSI O.IWOttTS MHCMS•ll S-..•s.r.t.t·~ 8162 Mancti.a.., 8wd., ~ Plril (on Senta Ana • Freew9Y). Take Beach BIVd. offramp -aharp right on Manchester OtAL MER-CEDES (213 or 7 1~) 831·233S G 0 IOI LONGPRE POHTIAC 13600 Beach Blvd . Westminster Tel 892-6651 Orange County's oldest and larges• Ponhac dealership Sales, Service. Parts • SAIL CHEVROLET 900 South Coast Highway Laguna Beach M~·· pt It .. • • o for ,._., .. SALES HOURS: Mon ·Fri !H. Sat 9-5, Sun. 10-4 '494·1131 546-9967 COST A MESA DA TSUM 2&45 Harbor Blvd., Cos1a Mesa. Tel. 540-6-410 Serving Orange County for 16 years I Mile So 405 • SUNSET FORD, IHC. (Home of W1ll1e the Whale~ 5440 Garden Grove Blvd .. Westminster. Tel 636-4010 • • SANTA AHA DATSUN 2001 E I 7th Street. Sa~i. Ana Tel 558-7811 Your• Or1g1nat Dedicated Datsun Dealer 0 . MIRACLE MAIDA We've movedl Our new location is 1-425 Baker Street. Costa Mesa. Tel 5.t6'3334 Stop by & visit our brand new showroom and see why we re the •1 Mazda dealer In Southern California. Sales. S8fV1ce. Parts and Leasing . • ANAHllMMADA "0..,0.C ...... ...,. ... frff '-"Ice~ C...." 601 S . Anaheim Blvd .. Anaheim 956-1820. Just north of S.n1a Ana Frwy o n Anaheim BIVd. Call UI flrstl 'WE ARE HARO TO ANO-SUT WORTH ITI" • SADDLllACI IMW~AIU 28402 Marguerl1e Pkwy., Av.y Pkwy. exit We offer what no bank or lease compeiily can: 1 Exl)ef11y ltllttd. most modem service a,_,. ~t :2. one Of ttie Sou1hland a moat experienced ..._ & INling ltllt. 3 Ellrninatlon of the mlddleman b)' leMlng dHler d irect. 831·2040 485-*49 DGM LEASIMG. INC. 730 W 19th St . Costa Mesa 642· 19« You're 1n for a surprise al DGM Leasing 0 CONNELL CHIVIOUT .2828 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa. ~ 20 years serving Orange County! Sales, leasing. service. Call 546-1200: apeclat parta line; 5"46·9400: body shop line; 754-0400. • ROY CAIVH ltOU.S IOYCa.iMW 1S40 JamborN Road, Newport BMch. &40-6444. Stil .. , Sefvlce. Parta And Leasing CONSIDll IT SOI.DI lJMd Catt are 1n demand amt Mii quld<ty when ed\WtiMd In cl ... fled. To place ,your private petty ed. ctll Siity L• •642-6678. ·FGR FURTRER INFORMATION, OR JO BE PLACED . ON THIS AD, CONTACT YOUR .DA1LY PILOT REP. . . • ' -- .. * •• * * Ylll HlllTlll IAHY PIPll l H lJRSDA Y FF AfH J Afl ( . , 1C~H / OH ANGE C OUNTY C AL llOHNIA l'.> C ENT'> .Ed Asner admits 'goof' on El Salvador statement . LOS ANGELES (AP ) - \ Screen Acton Guild President Ed Asner admitted ioday be • made ''a slight goo(, an honest 'mistake " i n the way b e , announced a cont roversial • donation lo Salvadoran rebels • . and will clarify in future when be la acting as a p rivate lndi vldual. Asner, appearing subdued at a news conference, said be was under no pressure from the CBS television network , which carries bis "Lou Grant" series· his production company, MTM Enterprises, or the SAG board, which met Wednesday njabt and voted 29-3 to support Asner' s right to speak out on pollUcal or pu bllc issues. ··I will make very careful sc r utin y of hdw public stat ements will aUect the guild ," Asner said. A death threat against Asner bas been received. and a national boycott of "Lou Grant" has been thre ate ned because of last w eek 's announcement In Washington tbal As n er and other private individuals we.re AELAltD STOAIE~S donating medical aid to guerrillas in El Salvador. Asner said he failed lo ma.ke clear it was strictly a private donation, not a SAG actiop. "I made a sllght goof, an honest mist ake." he said. "I now have a button idenUJying me as a private citizen that I will wear oo such occasions." ·'I will make an attempt to minimize such controvehial appealijllces," Asner said, but did not apologize fo r the donation Itself. A recall campaign against Asner has also been launched by dissident SAG members, some of whom picketed outside the board meeting We dnesday night. Asner urged them to proceed fails . . . and will not harm, with their slgnature·gatherlng dampen, throttle the work of 1t and get It over with as quickly lot of fine people," he s aid. "I as possible. ' think I work with a s trong "I believe the board and I network with a lot of integrity " have the s upport and confidence Picket signs outside the SAG ()( a vast propo rtion of the board meeting Wednesday night membership," he said. proclaimed, "Reagan ln, Asner As ner acknowledged the Out," and "Keep SAG out of possibility of the proposed Politics." They were carried by boycott "harming the Lou Grant some of the 100 demonstrators show. who marched outside S AG "It (th e boycott ) is a he adquarters during th e democratic expression I hope it meeting. Watt cited • ID contempt Kailure to produce documents brings House panel vote DEA TH SCENE -Newport Beach firemen check remains of pickup truck that slammed into a P.Ow erp_ole Wednesday afternoon. killfug D•lt\t ,. .......... ..., •le-ll...W a man and woman. Police said the coup le have not been identified. The truck burst into flames following the collision. 2 die in Newport truck crash Pickup slams into power pole, explodes in flames An unidentified couple were killed Wednesday afternoon when a pickup truck they were riding in sl amm ed into a Newport Beach power pole and explod ed in fl ames. Orange County coroner 's inves tigators were awaiting dental records today as it possible means to identify the man and woman, thought to be in their late 30s. Witnesses told p olice they spotted the truck speedina north on J a mboree Road, south of Bristol Street. and watched as il spun out ol control, careened olf a cent.er divider and then was literally wrapped around a power pole. Police said they were told the truck burst into flames following the 5 p.m. collision. They said the impact apparently severed tbe vehicle's fuel line. Witnesses e s timate d the truck was travelinl at 8> mph. Investigators said the bodies in the cab were burned beyond recognition. Police said the truck hlt the power pole so hard that several d rivers who had initially stopped, cleared out of the area fearing that th e power lines might topple to the ground. , WASHJNGTON (AP) -The House Energy and Commerce Committee voted today to cite Interior Secretary J ames Watt for contempt of Congress for his failure to produce subpoenaed documents. The 23-19 vote sends the issue to the full House. If he is held m contempt by a vote there, he would be subject to criminal prosecution b the U.S. District Court here. Tne vote was generalJy along party l ines . Tw e nty -two Democrats and one Republican voted t o cite W att ; 1 7 RepubHcans and two Democrats voted against. Th e c hai rman o f th e committee, Rep. J ohn Dingell, 0 -Mich., said U1e issue was not partisan. It involved, he said, an improper claim or executive privilege by President Reagan that threatens con gressional prerogatives. The lone Republican voling for the citation, Rep. Marc Marks of Pennsylvania, agreed. saying any politicization was a strategy by Republican colleagues. But Republicans s aid they feared the ultimate House vote, if it occurs, would not be based on the constitutional issues, but on Watt's controversial policies. The d ispute involves 11 executi ve branch documents dealing with Canadian energy a nd investme nt policy. The subcommittee was investigating whethe r Canadian policies discrim inate agai n s t U.S . investo r s and r e quired retaliation. Watt has turned over 21> of the Two CUP officers killed • Ill copter crash BARSTOW (AP ) -Two Califo rni a Highway Patrol o Hicers died whe n their helicopter crashed northwest of this desert town during a search for a reported downed Army helicopter that still hadn't been found after 12 hours . "We're still receiving locator signals," CHP officer Charlie Page said today, the morning after two patrol veterans crashed in bad weather while looking for the military craft. However , military officials said they had no official reports of a missing aircraft Wednesday n ig ht. Some sea r c h ers speculated the call might have been a hoax. The CHP helicopter crashed in patchy fog and wand-whipped dust al 7:41 p.m. Wednesday. It went down in rugged terrain near Harper Dry Lake 30 miles northwest of its base at Barstow. about 125 miles northeast of Los Angeles, said CHP spokesman Don Elston. The d~ad men were idenWied as CHP pilot George Bob Carey, a 16-year veteran who recently tr a n sferred fr o m t h e Fresno-Visalia area and would have turned 45 today ; and Ken Archer, 44, who grew up in Barstow and had been on the force 12 years. San Be rn ardino County Sherifrs deputies in all-terrain vehicles searched through the night in the area where the People who lose.. animals need help By IUQIAD GREEN D .... ~ .. ..,,_.. If a dog truly is a man's best friend , there's an Irvine p1ycbol<>1ist who can be counted on to be his next best friend if anythtna happens to the dog. Grief over loss of a pet may not seem like a big thing, but it can be emotionally devastating for some people. So says Irvine psychologist Ronald D. Luncef.ord who apedaliles in counseling people wltft"tbil arief. "So many people have \h1s problem," said. Lunceford, wboae office ls in Herltace Plaaa. "The ..wnal becomea an lnte1ral part of the family. It can be very painful when it dlea." ~ And, thb grief can be felt for pet.1 of other than th e four·leued variety. ''One kid seemed to be havtnc problem1, ao hll paralt.s brouiht blm lo me," said Lunceford. "One ~ tbe nrat thin11 l aak cbUdnm la wbetber U.., have uy pets. It tuma out UUa kid Wal Yr/ depreued be.HUM td8 -s.aalamlllderdied." ~ And UMn then waa the HM~ ~tb• mun .. • that broke up O¥el' . ~· the death of a dog. "The hus band grieved his dog's death so much that he no longer bad time for his wile,'' sa.id Lunceford. "'Their level of intimacy went down. They had depended on the animal as a means of communication in their marriage." Serlior citizens especially can be bu rt over the loss of pets. ''Many seniors have peta," Lunceford said. "It lhey aet to the point where they are no looser able to walk the pet and they have to give it away, that could be the last straw for t.bem. The pet can be the last thine the senior hu to live for and when lt'a gone, they Just atve up on llfe. ••For some seniors, thelr dog Is their beat friend. U it comes to a choice bet.ween f eedina themtelves and feeding t.belr doc, they will ch001e th• dot." Wbat can a person do to overcome the arief over a deed pet? "Tbe ft.nt Lb1na you bave to do 11 •cctp,t &.be criel," Lunceford uld. 'Don't put lt Hide. Remember &be 1ood oeelllkml you bad with your pet. Grief la • c1ee nn, Pac• Al> Army helicopter reportedly crashed. 32 miles northwest of Barstow . Sgt. Rod Conder said. "I'd hate to have some people get killed on a hoax. but there is a poss ibility the report was fake," Conder said. At Fort Irwin, a n Army training base about 20 miles north of Barstow, Maj. Michael Williams said no aircraft were missing. A medical evacuation helicopter was assisting the search. Officials al the Air Force Rescue Coordination Center in Belleville, m .. said that national rescue center normally would be notified of any missing military aircraft. ··we haven't determined that any aircraft are overdue, much less c rashed ," Capt. Chris Beard said, adding there was an "outside chance" t he center near Scott Air Force Base had not been notified. ' Conde r said "about fou r re ports" of a downed Army helicopter came from motorists with citizens' band radios and res idents. Authorities had not found anyone who witnessed the crash. Th e initial report was telephoned directly to the CHP's Air Division in Daggett, CHP dispatcher Bill Woods said. but auth o rit ies cou ld n ot imm e diately trace t h e individual caller. ..., .................. .... FR•NDS? -Dr. Ron Lunceford, Irvine psychologist who specializes in counseling those depressed by the loss ol a pet. seems oblivious to the apparent alr or armed peace goin1 on In hl& lap between his own pets. Midnight. the dog, and Princess, the cat.. ' 3 1 d ocum e nts o ri gi n ail y subpoenaed by the panel, but w i thheld the r'emainder on orders from President Reagan The administr ation maintains the d oc um ent s de al w ith high·level consultations on foreign affairs and are protected by executive privilege. The committee says the claim is spurious. ll notes th at one of the 21> surrendered documents, which earlier also had been covered by the exec utive privilege claim, was prepared by a s ummer intern for a mid-level bureaucrat. "If documents of this kind can be withheld on the basis of executi ve privilege, then vi rtually every document within the entire executive branch of government can be secreted away,'' the commitlee said in a memorandum for members. <See WATT, Page A2) No big changes in access ruling? By STEVE MARBLE Of Ille Deify l"llee lUIH Orange Coast officials reacted w ith c urios ity more tha n anything else today to news that the State Coastal Commission ha s b een orde r e d to s top requiring public access to beach property as a condition lo development. Officials say the court decision in Los Angeles Wednesday likely would not produce any dramalir c hanges along the Orange County coastline. Public access, officials said, has not been a maJor issue along the Orange Coast and said there have been few clashes on that point between developers and the commission. Orange County officials most who had just learned of the court ruling -expr essed confusion on the order and said they did not know al I th e implications it m ight have. Th c 2nd Distric t Court of App e al declar e d the commission's access guidelines unconstitutional the first time an appellate court has so ruled on the often-stringent beach access policies. Mi chael Fischer. executive director of the commission. said he will seek permission from com missioners next week to hie an appeal. One comm1ss1on spokesman s uggested th e rulin g could "cripple" the C'ommission 's access program. One county beach area that could be affected by the ruling -if it stands 1s the tiny Blue Lagoon community in South Laguna. Residents here had obtained per mission l o r e pair a c rumblin g se a wall that threatened 16 condominiums on the condition that public access be permitted across a private dr iveway. Fred Howser. president of the community association , noted today th at the repairs have never been made and that his group has filed for a new permit from the coastal commission. He s u ggested th a t with Wednesday's legal order , the public access demand might be dropped. Officials from the Irvine Co m pany , w hi c h h as commission permission lo develop parts of the massive Irvine Coast area south of Corona del Mar. ~aid th e court ruliflg should have no effect on their project They noted that the beach fronta~e along the coast <See ACCESS, Page A2> Wisely murder case witness. recalled By DAVID KUTZMANN Delly .. IMtM.WI W~ ' "How ya doin'? Jim." 'Tm doin' fin e." With that sm all exchange, murder defendant Willie Ray Wi sely, acting a s his own lawyer , brought key prosecution witness James Mars h a ll Dunagan back to the witness stand Wednesday . And as he had on Jan. 14, Dun agan desc ribed for an Or ange County Superior Court jury how he witnessed Wisely sneak up on his s tepfather's tractor-trailer rig last March and pin the 61 -year -old man ben eath the 2 ,000 -pound , lilt·away cab, thus suffocating him. D espite half·day ·l on g questioning by Wisely, Dunagan told substantially the same story he told last month when called by prosecutor Edgar Freeman IC convicted of firs t-degree murder a nd the s p ecial circumstance allegations (of lying in wait>, WI.set~. 29\ could be sent to lne Cal1fom a au chamber at San QuenUn. He has denied having any Involvement in the death or Robert Bray, a Huntlnaton Beach truck driver. But Dunagan, who pleaded guilty to charges of vOfunt.a.ry manslaughter in retum fOf' his 1 tesUmooy laal month, r4:1>eated bls aaMrtiona Wednetday that be drove Wtsdy to lbe death 1cene on March t . Dun.,an tesutied that, from b.l.J vanlale potnt lnlkte a p..a truck parked in a lot near Bl"9)''s rl1, he saw Wtaely walk toward the tru ck p a rked o n Springdale Street and th~ crouch down as he approached the cab. Dunagan, originally charged with murder in Bray's death, said he .saw motion out of the corner of his eye and noticed that the till-away cab. which had been up, was now down. Bray had been working under the cab. The witness said the alleged killing took place at about 2:30 in the afternoon. Bray's truck <See WISELY, Page A%) ORAllil COAST WIATlf IR Partly cloudy durlng the af.terl'JOOn s today and Frtday. Highs both days oo lo 68. Lows tonight 50 to 56. llSIDf TODAY With concn, yoci 1'IOU to br CMred or d~. An Auodated Pr~ .. reporln delCri~• h~ trtotmtnt /or the cHataH on Pag884. INDfl ·-· .......... LM... Al =.:... Q.1 ... C...... II C ....... OM C..lrt CJ =-::I ~ 1:..:, I Al c ... ..,....., .. ~ .. ••• '!I' p • ITS ABOUT 'ftB, DBn. -The courts of our Gol.fien State hav• finally ta~en a good. strong whack at the state Coastal Commission. No bureaucratic functionaries in our llDd a.re more deserving. In a decision handed down just yesterday 1 the three justices of the Second District Court of Appeal ruled, in eff~t. that just becauae you're a private property owner along our shoreline, that doesn't make you Public Enemy Number One. At issue before the appellate court was the question of ·~eth er it was ·proper for the coastal commission to confiscate private property every time the owner wanted to ~l or maybe add t: liedroom °" repair a mwall. . . The cotbmission~ of course, never suggests that it confiscates part of the private owner's property. t ~ THE TERM USED by the coastal czars is Car more d~iving. They say the private owner must "dedicate" access to the public in return for being granted a hi&h-and-mighty permit for alteration. modification or 111>airs. i 1be appellate court said that the guidelines for this lltnd of action, adopted by the coastal commission in 1978, &t too far. · Commission Chairman Naomi Schwartz, in reacting to the court ruling that outlawed the guidelin~s . was quoted· as saying the "access guidelines aren't strict regulations." Wrong, Naomi. The appellate court wrote that those guidelines are directives "in practical effect." AND WHAT ABOUT -coastal commiss ion s taff r:eaction to the new court ruling? Executive Director Michael Fischer was quoted in the morning papers as reacting, .. My response is: Big Deal ... " That, friends, sounds like the hallmark or arrogance. It typifies how the private owner has been treated by the coastal brass and perhaps underscores why the court ruled the way it did. Commission Chairman Schwartz also indicated that it was the intent of the 1976 Coastal Act t._at beach access be obtained from s mall property owners. Tbat may not have been your intent back when you ~oted in fa\U>r of Proposition ro. If you were one of the Yes votes, I'll bet you figured th-.t the main intent was to keep large developers from gq~ing up all the coastline and shutting off existing R~l)lic JiCCes~ to the beach. And that's exactly how the court interpreted your intent. I'LL BET YOU didn't intend to forc e the condominium owners of Blue Lagoons in South Laguna to give the state a path through their carport area in return for a permit to repair a crumbling seawall that placed their homes in peril. · I'll bet you didn't demand confiscation of a Malib"' resid~t·s side 'yard so he <!ould rebuild his bumed·down home. The suspicion is you didn't want a Corona del Mar bank way up on the highway to start running a bus line for beachgoers from its parking lot. YOU PROBABLY DIDN'T demand these things , But you got them from the Coastal Commission. So here's a Coast Toast to the Second District Court of Appeal. '.Catalina moorings 'briitg objections By ALMoN LOCKABEY .,..., ............. Lt. Gov. Mike Curb and David Ackerman, his appointee to the state Lands Commission, were engulfed Wed n esday lo objections to alleged chan1es in the offshore mooring lease awarded to the Catalina bland Co . and Ca ta lin a Island Coniervancy last December. Curb and Ackerman raced more than 100 yachtsmen at the Balboa Yacht Club in Corolla del Mar. 'Ibat gathering came just hours after the Newport Harbor Yacht Club's Yachtsmen's Luncheon at which Doug Bombard, r epresenting the Catalina Island Co., and Doug Probst, bead of the Catalina Island Conservan cy, told a capacity crowd that they were forced to sign the chan1ed lease, "rirtually with a gun to our bead1." BYC Colllmodore Terry Welalt said CUrb was invited to Mtmd the meednc after Curb bed told John B. Kilroy, a pro..._t Southern Califomia yac:blam•, that he felt bis actions on the mooring l ease were misunderstood. The 15-year l ease was awarded to the Island company with the provisioo that it could be reviewed in three years and possibly awarded to one or the higher bidders. "We reluctanUy agreed to such a provision, but when the lease was presented to us for signaturt it had been amended to provide ror a review every year. We were told to slgn it or else," said Probst. CUrb and Ackerman said it was their understanding that all three bidders bad agreed to the change which had been proposed bv one or the otber bidders. "I would never have agreed to tlle •change with out the aburance that it had been agreed upon by all parties," said Ackerman. Ackerm.n is Curb's appointee to the Landi Commlsaioo end Curb said be took full responaibility for any of Ackerman'• eel.Ions. OMIGEC~ ca ................ 11~ Diiiy Piiat~ Thoma• P. Haley ,.... _ °""' b•UllW °'""' Aob9rt N. Weed ........ ThorNs A. Mu rpMne .... L._Sct'lulU ""',.._ . ........... ~ Mc:N91 P. Haf"l•Y ..... IMMt' K9nn9tt'I N. Goddard Jr. ~o..w OW""H.LOOI ........... All otW ..... w• MMm MAIN OPPICa .......... ~ ..... CA. .... .-..: .. t• Clllllll-.:CA. .... ~ -o... o.111 ._., a c:...-.. __ _,_ .... ] .................. . .... , ..... .., .. ,. g ...... , ' FromPageA1 PETS ... normal proceu. "U ono denies grl f ," he explalna, "the graef period may Just be prolOOJed. "Wben )'®discover that your pet's ure had meaning and was rulfilllna , the pain tends to be eased. '• l think you s hould buy another pet to replace your old one. Or bt.(y 1 new pet when your first one starts to get old," he said. "It's not being djsloyaJ to your oJd pet to buy a new one any more than it's being disloyal to get a girlfriend if your wife dies.~· A person's grief over a dead pet can ~ especially troubling because a lot of people don't understand it and the person may be afraid to discuss it for fear others will think he's silly "Unfortunately people can't appreciate that an animal can be as important a part or som eone's life as a human being," said Lunceford. Often a pet can be more dependable and loyal than a hu'man. "Whal you have lo remember is depression is d epression whether it's depression over the loss of a limb, a job, a mother or a pet." Grief over los t animals is nothing new lo the American culture, said Lunceford, 48, of Irvine, who is a lice nsed marriage and family ther apist. "In the Old West people were especially attached to mules and horses," he said. From Page A1 WISELY • • • and flatbed lraller were parked on Springdale Street near the intersection of Edinger A venue. A shopping cente r is on the corner. Wisely said he was recalling Dunagan . 26, to the witness s tand at the request of a juror. who gave him a note asking to have the events of March 9 retold. It is alleged by prosecutors that Wisely arranged to have his s tepfather killed when the older man learned that his truck was being used lo s muggle drugs from Florida to California. Police probe palm thefts in Fullerton Pol ice 1n ves l1 gat o r s 1n Fullerton are trying lo get to the root of the crime. Why, they ask, would anyone want to steal four little sago palm trees planted in froot of City Hall? Sometime during the night last weekend, a thief or thieves unknown dug up the expensive patm trees and left Cour empty holes and little else Investigators are unsure in which direction their probe will branch out. They said they have no susp ects in mind and very little evidence to go on. Reports of similar tree therts a I s o t:i ave bee n repo rt ed recently, but none so brazen as the City Hall cape r. a police spokesman said. The sago palms are worth several thousand dollars, mainly because they are s low growing, need careful attention and must be imported from the Far East. They grow to about five feet taJI. ''The crime of the century," said one investigator, "right here in Ri ver City " ' Trial set March 9 for Hinckley WASHINGTON CAP> :.._ A fed e ral judge has ordered accused presidential assailant John W. Hinckley Jr. to stand trial March 9. U.S. District Judge Barrington D. farker, noting "it's nearly one year s hort of the anniversary" of the shooting of President Reagan and three Others March 30, pointedly told prosecutors today "I think it's time to proceed and proceed immediately." Government attorneys, however , said they are considerina filing legal papers that could delay the trial. Hinckley is charged in a U ·count Indictment wltb attemptlng to kill the president, aMautt on a federal ofrlcer, use of • U rearm du r l ng the comminlon of a rederal offense, uuult with intent to kUI whUe armed, ... ..it with a 4ancerout: •eapoa, 11aault on a police omur and carryln1 a plstol wit.bout a UceoM. The juda• also said, ''The d4efendanl, Mr. Hinckley, h11 been examined and re-examlned by every ~trt in the field ot psychiatry end paycbolou . available." l Rlinois town flooded Parts of Midwest get up to 8 inches of s now By Tiie AlllOClated Preaa rt took the "old trick" or cracking an ice jam with a barge to relieve an llllnols town'a worst floodinf in a quarter.century, but the river water was still so high that 100 people stayed away from home a third day today. While resident.a of Wllminaton. Ill., were worrying about water, other parts or tho Midwest got snow up to 8 Inches deep Wednesday and a mixture of anow, al eel and Creeling rain 1lased hJCbway1 from the Great Lakes to New York Citv . Northerly winds chilled the He draws benefits Fires self, gets unemployment SACRAMENTO (APJ A Visalia businessman won his claim for unemployment benefits after the state ruled he was ineligible because he fired himself. The state Unemployment Insurance Appeals Boan.I decided that Gib Giberson. who owns 45 percent of Sea mles~ ·Snap-On Drape ries, was entitled to.benefits. Gibe rson s aid he got p e rmi ssio n from ot h ~r stockholders to fire himself as general manager becau~c he was the least efficient part of the operation .. He said the business lost money last year. and corporate officers drew no salary. • The state contended that Giberson had control over his employment and conducted an unrealistic job search Li~ going to competitors. Giberson will be allowed to keep $1.340 that he collected before the state Employment Development Department contested his eligibility. Suspect identified in county shooting The Orange Police Department has identified a s uspe c t e d heroin dealer wounded when an undercover narcotics officer's handgun disc harged during a n arrest Tuesday in Santa Ana. Sgt. Louis Walsh said Robert Saragosa, 33, no address given, was wounded in the neck when t h e 9 mm p is t o l fire d as S ar agosa a nd Dionis io P a la mera, 21, of Santa Ana. attempted to flee by car from From Page A1 ACCESS • • • between Corona del Mar and Laguna Beach is now owned by the state and open to the public. Officials In Newport Beach and Huntington Beach could point to no pending development project that would be changed by the court ruling. Co mm issi o n leaders emphasized that the rulin,g will not affec~ public access that already has been dedicated by beachfront property owners. The three-judge panel in Los Angeles said the commission has been overly aggressive and had ign o r e d the r ights of property owners, including those whose proposed d evelopments have no apparent impact on the public's access to the shoreline. the arrest scene at a gasoline station at First and Fairview streets. Their car , driv e n b y Palamera, Walsh said, rammed an undercover police unit, causing the unidentified officer's hand, in which he was holding the gun. to strike the driver's side window of the suspects' car That caused the gun to fire, Walsh said . The name of the officer involved in the shooting incident isn't being released because or his s tatus as a n unde rcover offi cer , Walsh said. S aragosa was booked into Orange County Jail on suspicion of possession and sales or herom after receiving treatment fo r the wound al Fo untai n Valley Community Hospital and the UC Irvine Medical Center. Orange. Palamera also was booked into j ail on similar charges after about 3.5 gra ms of heroin were removed from his stomach at the medical center , Walsh s aid A search of Palamera's Pine Street residence in Santa Ana pro duced narcoti cs s al e paraphernalia. a s mall amount of marijuana, two undescribed we apons and a s mall amount of cash, Walsh said. The arrest s culminated a one·month long invesligatlon in whic h underc ove r o ffice rs purchased various amounts of heroin from suspected dealers. Wa lsh said. Duffel Reversible Jacket Made from a tri-blend of cotto n, polyester, and nylon for durabil· ity, featuring knitted waistband ,. ... ,,. and cuffs and two side pockets. In navy or It. blue, both reversin g to a soft tan terrycloth. Northeast. The National Weather Service in New York City said tbe arctic air dom nating the eastern hall of \he nation was "once acatn reminding us of the time of the yeur." Al least one person was killed an d muny s uffe red minor mJur1e!> Wednesday as scores ol nm>. buses and tractor·trailer rigs crashed on ice·slickened streets in Chicago. Joe Condon of the Illinois Department of Trans po rtation s aid the acc1den~ in the Windy City were .. too many to count." Bismarck, N.O., got 8 inches of snow Tuesday and northwest Minnesota got a haJf.foot of it. Working from the mouth of the Kankakee River, where it joins th<' Des Plaines River to form the Illinois Ri ver in northeast l llino1s. the Army Corps of Engineers used two tugs to push a barge onto the top of mushy, 14 in c h ·thic k lee in the Kankakee. The weight or the barge broke Lh e ice and opened a channel 50 feet wide. said corps spokesman Dick Gustafson in Rock Island. "The use of a heavy barge to break up ice by being pushed oo top of 1t is a procedure tried before," Gus tafson s aid. "Guess you would call i{ an old trick." Se v e r a l miles up the Kankakee River in the town ol Wilmington, population 4,400, o n e m o r e res id e nt was evacuated Wednesd ay because of flooding. But that was an improvement over Tuesday, when about 100 people wer e evacuated. From PageA1 WATT. • • · M ore v e r . wh i l e th e re maining 11 appe ar to be higher level in nature, none or lh<'m were prepa r ed for the president or directed to him," the committee said. "Nor did the pres ident r evi e w the documents until asked to make the claim or privilege, nor was he present at the meeting at wh ich t he mate r ials were discussed." Contempt of Congress is a misdemeanor, punishable by up to a $1 .000 fine and up to a year m Jail. ll i s t o r1 c a ll y, c riminal p r osecution is r a re. While disputes between Congress and t h e execuuve branch are frl'quent. most are resolved by n e gotiatio n s at th e subcommittee level. In the Watt dispute, however, ne ither side has shown much eag e rness to n egotiate a compromise Watt has said he is willing to go to Jail if necessary to defend executivf' privilege. On Monday, he said his possibl e contempt c1tat1on would be "an ideal case" fo r the US Supreme Court and a conviction must exist before an appeal can be m ade. APW ....... A GENERAL NOW -Ed McMahon. of The Tonight Show. is proud of being made a brigadier general in the California Air National Guard. The comm iss ion was presented' in Los Angeles this week by Maj. Gen. Frank J . Schober . left. McMahon is a retired Marine Corps colonel and was a World War !l fig hter pil01. D.C. may end sweets tax T he cos t o f Preside nt Reagan's jellybeans will be going down 1f Washington Ma yor Marion Barry s igns a bill approved by the District of Columbia City Council The council voted to re peal the city's 8 pe rcent sales lax on candy and soft drinks. The ~ repeal had been sought by me rchants in the cit v who h ave h a d p ro bi c m s Saudi Sheik Mohammed Al Fassi has le ft his heavil y guarde d s u i t e at the D ipl o mat H o t e l 1n Hollywood. Fla and may be in the process of movin ~ to two mansions on Star hland n e ar M1 a m1 Beaeh , The Miami Herald reported The Herald S<lid the sheik lert the Diplomat Just hours after a CaJifornia judge gave his estranged wi fe cus tody of their children and $75,000 for administering the tax. which went into effect in the fall of 1980. Council members said the lax res ulted in confusing rule~ governing what foods containing sugar could be taxed such as fudge and hard candy a nd .what others. such as cookies and packaged cereals. that could not. three weeks of support It wasn't immedwte ly known 1f the move a nd the court action were connected /\ royal ramily spokesman and officials at the hotel would not discuss the s heik's departure. but desk clerks. bellhops, car runners a nd off-duty police officers who watch his suite said the royal entourage s wept out of the hotel at 3 a.m . • lltp. W1t1t Orl1-1•1 ll·Caut .. 11)'1 COlltl,Utl 1ptnd too much t mt lntroducln1 bUl1. Kt ctt11 a Library or Con1re11 1tudy 1howln1 that of tbt l,'719 btlll propoald lut year, only ea beoamt law. ''Tht Confrtn dot1 not have tht luxur)' to concentrate on tndlt11 amounts of ltft1laUon," ht 11)'1. Hts solution? He would llmlt to 10 per year the number oJ blllll uch member could file. Of course, It took a bill to get his proposal b ero re Congress, using up one ot this year's allotment. The Los' Angeles district attorney's omce closed fts investigation of. expe nse account vouchers s ubmitted to 20th Century-Fox Corp. by its television chief, Harris J . Katleman an issue that prompted long-time Fox chairman Dennis Stanfill to resign and sue the company. I nvestigators found unspeciried discrepancies in K a tle man 's bu s iness e ntertainm ent expense reports, but a spokesman for District Attorney John Van de Kamp s aid t hat they weren't "material" ror pros ecution. Reports circulated in the Egyptian press that Farah Dlba, widow of the former Shah of Iran, planned to wed again . this lime to one or the late monarch's top air force men. Out sources close to her were quoted as denyin g the reports. The authoritative Cairo magazine October reported that the former empress, now living in Egypt, intended to marry Hamed Sarwan, an Iranian air force pilot who left with the shah afte r the fundam ental is t Mos lem re volution in Iran. David Auchincloss, former publish er of News week magazine, has been named pres ident a nd publisher of the Atlantic MonthJy Co. Auchincloss. 38, succeeds Bruce W. Gray, who resigned last week. He is Atlantic's third publis her s in c e Mortimer 8 . Zuckermaa took over the literary monthly two years ago. Some sunshine seen l ont BM<ll nwtr-llt.11 -S..,y B••1>41•• .,,., v.,,...,. County ·-· the H•tlONll WM-Senlla .. kl. Coastal Hl9"1 •"4 m0<n1 nq t loudtnu• b~c omlno mostly \unny ""' e1te,_ -pa<lty IU<WIY Ftld•V allernoc111 HoVM 62 10 ... IO•« 17 10 S.. Hunli1191on°Newporl •tit• 1\191\ of 62, low of WI Ouert ••eu. In< ludl119 Ille AntelOS-V•lley -Mojeve Dew,,, end mouni.111 IOt•llo<I• will be tel• uupt '°" -.,,.,, ... 111111\ <-• Frld•y ""4 ..,...,,_ii to""'"' wl11cl1 of 1S IO 25 "'l'fl. 9'3ty Ill -··- Elww,,.,., from Point Conuoc1on 10 the Mu lu n border and oul 60 m lles Win.a' becomlno we\t to soulllwnt t lo IS ''''"' dutlnq l•te •fler....-loday ano Fr.O•v T-to l foot w•nct w•ve~ th•\ •f1ernoon Weste•IY ,.,.II, of 1 10 J '"' Mostly < loucrv 1oniv11t eno Frld•v Temperatures U .. sumniary Albany Albua .. Am•tlllO A1hevllle Allen!• aua111c Cl't B•"lmort Bltml119t>m 81.,..•rO Bohe Boil on A •torm •Y'"lem e>ro<aKed •ottered Brown••lle 111-•ri •l'ICI lll""°ertl'lo-n over the Bull•lo so11tl\-cen1re1 Untteo Stalet IOCl•v. Ch•rl•tn SC wllll .,,_ Ill the mou111'1ln1 of New Cll••!Stn WV -•lco -ColOr-,,,. •• ,.... Llvllt -·fell OYer Ille ur;JPet ()alO Cllk-oo Ve !ley, I,,. -G<e•I ui.e1 •114 Cincinnati lhe upeier m!4-At141ntk ,.,.,t Rain ci ... elancl ••S repo rted o ver w t~tern Co4umt>us WUlllnQ1on. wlltt oe!e·IOtU wino• D•l·Ft wtll ••one Ille coa•t Oen••• Snow wH predicted ''°'" up~r on Moines Mlchlo•n to wute•n 0 1110 •nd o.tratt easter" Ke111uc ky , will\ •now OvlUlh c ha119l119 to r•in O•*' 101111\ern El P4KO K•nH1 •llCI Oki•"""'• R•ln WH t'alrbellk• torecut ''°"" central New Muko Hulfotd Kl'OSl Tn• -U...ltl•n.t •nd ovu Helen• -Jlern WMl'lllloton. Honolu!v TempeHIU!'" wtll get Oftly lnlD the -IM IM111 .,,.... nortl\em Maine , ~s-r lnclft<lptli Mkhlvan. Ille G<Ht Lakn •ncl from J <KkMlvlll IHllern MDIII-K•OH ,_11\etn J UMau j111\11111uot•. Tempe••tutu I" Ille Ka111 City Soutll ll'loulcl'be warm • LH lleoe1 Temper•tur" ernund the nol11on Llllle Rock .. ,.., IO«Say r...,O ltom U below In Loultvllll Bl•m•tek, HD, to 10 In Bro-•v111e, ·Mempf\11 Tue1 Miami Extended forec<JSt SOUTHERN CALl t<ORNIA COASTAL AHO MOUNTAIN AREAS -H lo ll CIOUdln••• •• tlmu, olllarwlta fair tllrougll Ille period. $ofna -,_ ........ aftCI ,.,.., .. 1119 11•11•1 111 co•ll•I a reu Hlfllli Ill ceest.11 .,_ " IO 7• Lowl • 10 S6 "'-'' .. -"' ,.._, level• so 10 u. 1. ....... ... 'Cali/ornia kutNnl C..lfor'fll<l'I C-t.11 ..... , wlll .,. .,......, claucfy ltlroutfl Frlclev, Wllll• fair -11 •-tec1 !fl •..m•-..... -'-' .... p.,11.1 c toudlnau Is ••pected l'rlfay •fl-II\ Los A1199la1, 'oe1tiel •tld In..,.,,.,.. .. valleys, Ille SM! ,, ......... s... GHrltl .... s... .. rNrdlM v•llly$ -lt'9 S...lol Mflfll<• .. .,, Or ..... C-ty •llCI Mllw•ukM MOii-Si P H••twllle HI Lo Pt< :II 10 S7 JO 01 SJ lO ,, ,. 77 '1 44 2' 43 24 1t ~ 1'·U 41 74 " .. ts 10 1S 1 O' IO WI 71 ,, 11 11 :u 17 01 '1 11 » 11 OJ . " ,, 47 ,, .. " 31 n 01 2t 1 OS n ·•• °' 15 • 41 ·1 ·16 11 17 J3 1S 71 IM O' 71 1M ,. 2:l t2 Sol 11 10 •• 2' •I 47 ., 31 62 ,. .. . ,. 63 31 I• .. J7 6 OJ 11 u 10 I ·•_. G:!:!!) ... ~~~ \hO•t'' \•u• >flln•., Ou•vdtd ammJ ---=== Hew O•lffn• Hew York Norfolk 0 111• City em.ti• OrlanclO Pf\11..tllhl• Pllotnl• PltUburfilll PIW.nd, Me Pllalld,0,. R•plcl City R-S•ll Lelle s.Mlle st Louis StP·Tar'llf)e SI 5Ce¥Mie ScloUne Tuuon Tulw W•tll"'9111 Wl<ll"• CALl~HIA Ballenflelcl BiY111e Eureka F tftllO Lanc•11tr L•AnotlH ., S9 42 22 st 31 S4 lS :n ,, 11 '° ,. 22 .02 67 S7 le .J6 16 Ot J3 • "°. 11 10 SS ,. .. ,. " . 4J ,. 1S SI :IO ·10 ll ,. .. SI 04 u ,. .. 11 .. ,. .0 .. 11 -,, J7 .. 40 ..... .. - W.'re Lis.tening ••• M•rvsvllle Monterey Heed Ill o.u ... d P-Rotil" Red Bluff RedWOOCI City S.C•amlf'to S..llnas s...oi.., Sen FrMICIKO SaM• 8.trtlar• ~·-'"' Strxk!Oft Tllffmel Ulllah B•"'°'" BIO BHr BlsllGll Calallna l""I B-11 -t'O'IWI Ml.WlllOl'I Newport e.c11 ·Orrtarlo PalmSprl~ P.- S... Ba"""111no SellJOM S...I• Crur TalloeV•lleV C•IO•rv EclMOlltOfl _.,..., Ott••• Toromo Yance;i- Wln11l1199 CAMAOA Tides u 40 SI - 12 " n • •• J:l SI 11 M '1 SI 40 u. u '° .. '° JO :; ·; 71 61 12 u 55 ,. .. 11 M !I u S7 61 n SI * U S7 .. !I II SI uu SS SI ., J1 .. 31 SI 21 , ·It ·•·JO .. -4 u _, '° .. " ,, " . TOOAY 4:t2p.m 10:40p.m. u •• ,..,.,.y ''"' 1-4:2'•·"'· ... f'lnt 111911 1012' I .I'll. U ,..,.... -41 Sol p,m , 0.1 1ec.Olldhlofl 11:Up.m . 4.e ~ 9'tl __.,et S:• '·""• ,._. ..... .., ....... ,... Me.ft ,._ .. t: • •·"'-• •U et 7: • ,,II\, Wh11t do you like about the Oally Pilot? What don't you ltke? Call the number below and your message will be recorded, transcrlbect and delivered to the appropri'a(e editor. the same 24·hour answenna HrVke may M used to record let· teh to the editor on any topic. Mailbox contr1buton must Include their l'lame and telephone number for veq_flcatlon. No clrclllatlon calls. plrase. Tell I.IA what's on your mind. ____ _._ Orange Cout DAILY PILOTIThuraday, February 2&, 1982 H/F ~•. Getting sick expens~v.e County residents pay more for medi~al ~are 8)' W8SDSaJat ICllO&•BRL .... ....., .......... Th• coat of vhttin1 a phy1lclan, ent1rin1 a hotpltal or purcht1ln1 a prtacrlptlon In Oran1e County tncrtued 1n 1981 at a rate well above the national average. Fieures compiled by the Orange County Health PlaMlnl Coµncil show the cost of health care during 1981 incre ased 18.S percent in the statistical area that Includes metropolitan Orange County , compared lo 12.s percent nationally. The overall consumer price Index increase during the sa period in Orange County 9.1 p e rcent and 8 .9 p cent nationally. The medical care comJ)Ontnt of tbt price index lncludn t.bt co1t of prucriptlon and non·pr11crtpt1on drua1 medical 1uppllt1 and equipment , eyealuaes and fees char1ed by phyalclans, denttsu and medlcaJ care facllltles. such as hospitals. Nationwide, th ost of a hospital room d · g 1981 soared by 17 per nt, lhe h ealth pla nning ouncll said In Its Janua · ebruary newsletter, whit doctors' fees Increased 11.7 rcent; dentists' fees , 10.2 cent, and prescrlptlon charges, 12.6 percent. The federal Burea u of Labor Statistics does not provide similar breakdowns for the Los Coast outh heed draft registration By JEFF ADLER Of .... o.lty ~la.ft Draft-age men along the Orange Coast apparently are heeding government warnings to register for the draft -or race prosecution. Postal officials in Costa Mesa and I rvine, with ils large college-age population, report that the number of draft-age men seeking to register has increased "dramatically'' in the last week. Huntington Beach , Newport Beach and Corona del Ma r postal officids. however. said the numbers of draft registrants has remained constant in their areas. The Reagan administration's grace period ror persons who failed to register runs out Sunday and Attorney General Willia m French Sm ilh has promised "there certainJy will be hundreds" of prosecutions of young men who fail to comply. Estimates place the number of 18·year-olds who have failed to fill out the brief registration form at 800,000 nationwide. The regis tration requirement was reinstated in 1980. In California, only Sl percent of eligible persons who turned 18 last year have complied with registr ation r equirem e nts , according to the deput.y director of the s tate's Selective Service System. · 0 r ange County registrants total only 44.2 percent of the esti m ated 13.379 dr aft-age pe rsons he re, the Selective Service ofCicial s aid. Registrants are required to fill out registration forms at any post office within 30 days of their 18th birthday. Th e g ra ce period was announced in J anuary. It applies to all men born between 1960 and 1963 who failed to register on their 18th birthday. Irvine postal employees said the re have been many more p h on e cal l s c oncerning registration requirem ents and a "big increase" in the number of registrants. "One clerk processed over 10 one day last week," a postal employee said. Costa Mesa's postmaster said registra tions are up over 50 percent at that city's two post offices in the last week. ln fact, post offices around the count ry have been asked to keep plenty or ext ra registration forms on hand to handle what government orrtolals hope will be a rush to register County pipeline gets special honor A 27-mile water pipeline that took two years and $110 million to install has been named project or the year by the Orange County Chapter of the Society or Civil Engineers. The Allen-McColloch Pipeline was built under the auspices of the Munkipal Water Dis trict of Ora nge County . a lthough it in c lud es a s u bleasi n g arr a nge m ent with 10 retail waler agencies ser ved by the line. The pipeline has an initial diameter or almost 10 feel and extends from the R. B. Diemer Filtration Plant in Yorba Linda t hrough Anahe im . Orange, Irvine and ends in El Toro. It carries a blend of treated water from Northern California and t b e Colorado Ri ver to the developing area. The p ipelin e earned its distinction because of the size a nd difficulty in installing it and becaus e of the in n ovative fin ancing structure rnvolving the various water agencies, said James Van Haun, municipal's public information officer. The pipebne is named aftn two past presidents of the water district, Glenn Allen and Clem McColloch. The chapter's project of the year in 1981 was the Cr ystal Cathedral of the Garden Grove Community Church. Anf olt1·LoDI Btacb·Anahtl'1\ mt ropolltan arta . But the health plannln1 council aaid data it collected •hows IJ'OI• revenues colltci.d by Oranee County hotpttal1 f049 • period endlng last Sept. JO increased 22 percent over t.1\1 aame period lo 1980. FtnaJ data ror the last quarter of 1911 will not be available for about two months, the council said. The council said healt~ officials are blaming the cost ~ health Insurance systems, labor costs, u se of expensive tee hnology and the increasing percentage of elderly persona ln the population as reason1 cost.II are i.ncreasing. ELEVATED Gl'over c: Ste phens has been n a mt>d dea n of the l "C lr\'ine Schoot of Biologkal S<'tc nces UC Irvine appoints biology chief · I Phys iologis t Grover C\ Ste phens has been ;&pJ>Olnte. dean or the UC I rv\ne SchOol of Biological Sciences. • Stephe ns , a professor of biological sciences, c urrenU,Y il acting head or the Department of Develo pme ntal and Cell Biology His appointment w3 made by UCI Chancellot.Dlni G . Aldrich Jr. and was approv Feb. 19 by the UC Board <>t Regents. He assumed his ne'f position Monday • Noted for rus work in marin• physiology, Stephens has studied h o w organi s m s. s uch a, mussels. absorb nutrients front sea water. The Newport Beach resident came to UCI in 1964. Prior t.; that. he had been a professor of biology at the University of Minnesota. Stephens also has been an instructor at Brooklyn College The UCI scientist studied at t he prestigious Northwestern University in Evanston, Ill .. where he received a bachelor's degree in mathematics, a master's degree in philosophy and a doctorate in biology. I I SFA 's Annual Sale of Evan Picone Pantyhose! • Satiny light control sandalfoot pantyhose, regularly 6 for '21, now 6 for 16.80. • Nude sandaifoot pantyhose, regularly 6 for 121, now 6 for 16.80 . • Open lace rib-textured sandalfoot pantyhose, regularly 6 for 130, now 6 for 124. •On sale now for a limit~ time only for sizes S,M,L. • In Hosiery Collections-where we are all the things you are! • H/F Orange Coaat OAll V PILOTfThuraday, February 25, 1982· DOGGE IN THE WINDOW -A Wash ington, D.C. firefighte r attempts to coax a golden retriever from a second story window ledge. The dog was perched above a busy u ...... int e r section during ru sh -hour tr a ffic Wednesday afternoon. A crowd on the street. below shouted ror the dog to st ay put while the !:_escue attempt was organized. Rate of inflation slows down Despite rising food costs, pace $ags in Jan'Uary WA SHINGTON CAP) - Despite surging food prices, inflation in January rose at its slowest pace since the summer of 1911> an annual rate of 3.5 percent, the .government said today. Ana lysts, i n advance of today's report, attributed the overall slowdown mosUy to the c on ti n u i n g r e c es s i on , but cautioned that the low January figur e would likely pick up somewhat later in the year. The Labor Department said in its n ew r epor t that the Consumer Price Index rose a seasonally adjusted 0.3 percent l ast month , t h e s m a lles t increase since the 0.1 percent ol July 198>. U the January figure h eld steady for 12 s traight months, the annual figure would be 3.S percent. The new monthly calculation was slightly better than the 0.4 percent increase or Deeember a n d the o.s percent o r November. For aU of 1981, inflation rose 8.9 percent, welJ below the l2.4 percent of 198> and the smallest increase in four years. Economists are predicting an even lower rate for all of 1982, barring an unforeseen disaster, such as a crop failure or a major interruption in oil imports. Most predictions foresee infiatioo this year averaging 6 percent to 7 percent. The rate for the year, some economists say, depends largely o n the result of wa ge negotiations that are already under way or set Lo start. U labor contracts negotiated th.la year have only modest waee hikes. then inflation could be lower for several years to come. analysts say. At the White House, deputy presidential press secretary Larry Speakes said the January infiation figu re reflect s "a co nt i nu ing trend or improvement." He noted that President Reagan had called infl ation "the cruelest lax of all" and, Speakes maintained, "We have reduced it by one-third." The government's new report said the January slowdown was helped by a sharp drop in gasoline prices, the smallest rise in used car prices in almost two years and a decline in clothing costs. Housing\ costs, led by a 0.4 p ercent drop in prices for homes, rose a modest 0 .3' percent.• continuing a trend begu n in the Ull. Mortgage interest 'rates went up a small 0.2 percent. Caribbean ·plan given support Reagan's proposal receiving bipartisan backing WA S HI NGTON CAP> - P r esi d e nt Reagan 's development plan fo r the Caribbean Basin appears to be receivin g bipartisa n congressional support. but some ·members e xpect voter resistance to such a large scale aid progr am at a lime or economic austerity at home. In addition to increased aid for the region, Reagan is proposing tax preferences and investment i n centive s to h e lp the h a rd-pressed nations to the south achieve long -t erm , self-sustaining growth. Most of th e congressional attention was focused on R eagan 's proposal for a supplemental appropriation of I . . $350 million. This would raise the total for the year to $8311.9 million almost double the 1981 figure. House Speaker Thomas P. O 'Neill Jr., D-Mass., told reporters he believed Reagan was "on the right road" with the program be outlined Wednesday in a speech. ·'I would t h in k on t h e economic part there would be t hose out there opposing it because of economic conditions in the United States, but I think il would pass the House," O'Neill added. Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Charles Percy, R-Ill .. predicted the plan would receive "strong bipartisan support." He said he plans Lo hold hearinws on the proposal by mid-March. His c~terpart in the House, Rep. Cle m ent J . Zablocki, D-Wis., called the president's speech "eloquent," but said , "It is clear that those who see this as a •Marshall Plan for the Caribbean' will be -sorely disappointed." ·•Neither the magnitude of U.S. assistance nor the local economic base are present to reproduce the miracle of the Marshall Plan." Zablocki said Reagan's plan "is not even of the scale of the Alliance for Progress, which was found wanting by many Latin countries. But it is an Important step and I would hope it would be supported by the Congress.·• The Marshall Plan he referred to helped Western Europe rebuild after World War II. .Moslem hijackers surrender Le~anon drama ends, as terrorists free hostages BEIRlIT, Lebanon CAP> -A dozen Shiite Moslem gunmen freed all 105 passengers and crewmen they had held for nine h ou r s aboard a ground ed jetliner at Beirut airport today a nd surrendered to Syrian peacekeeping forces, the Lebanese gove rnm e nt announced. No injuries were reported. A government statement said the gunmen, all Lebanese, Look six Libyan and two Lebanese hostages with them to euarantee they would not be molested when they abandoned the Kuwaiti jetliner and were drlven by Syri1n troops lo a nearby Syrian army post. The last eight hostages wen freed at the Syrian post, a few hundred yards from the airport, the statement said. It eave no indication of what happened t.o the gunmen beyond sayln1 they' were ln Syrian custody. Mexico enact• price control• 11 EXICO CITY (AP) Mexico (Joie prices for SO ltema Wecln-.Y in an effort t.o C\ltb the inflationary effect of devaluattn1 tbe peso. But a Central Bank official aald laOallon.could still reach 80 percent this year. The official, who asked not to be named, said the controls would likely help the poor, who spend a greater percentage ol their Income on the affected 1oods. However, they would hurt the middle and upper classes who buy imports made more expensive by the 30 percent devaluation announced last week, he said. Primte •chool poli,cy •hi/ted w ASJUNGroN <AP) -The Rea1an admlniatratio6 la ·chanlln« courae again on tbe touchy ileue ot 1ranUnf federal tax exemptions lo private acboola that bave raclall1 discrbniutory policies, Jut.lee Department IOUfeet say. Tbe clepartl'Mllt wu expected to fUe papen today wltb the SUpreme Court uklnC tblt tt not dtamia a cue involvtn1 tbe Ooldaboro. N.C.. Cbrlatlan S~hool1 and Bob Jones U•i•enJt;y ol Greenville, s.c., accorcbq to th• toUrcet. Roclcee breakup ONr U.S. known SALT l...AU CITY (AP) •The Air Force knew a. S,* l • rocket booster would re-enter the atm osphere over North America about two hours before the booster broke ap art in a fiery display over the western United · States, an Air Force spokesman said Wednesday. But Col. Fred Watkins of the North American Air Defense Command Post at Colorado Springs. Colo., said NO RAD decided not to issue a public warning because there was litU e chance any debris would land and there was no way to tell precisely where the booster would fall. Power atruggle coming in Ira~? BEIRUT, Lebanon CAP) - Iran's naling clergy are debatinl who will succeed Ayatollah Ruhollab Khomeini. and opposltlon leaders in exile au11est there are deep divisiona that foreshadow a power stru1cte. Government s polleaman• Ahmad Tavakoli was quoted by the official Islamic Republic Newa Acmey earlier tbla month u HfinC a councU or eJq)91.I would choose a three-to·flve man councU to lead the nation. Candidates would be approved tn a referaMbun, be said. • • • M starts Friday, 9:30 a.m. many rimited quantltlea ... not all size a may be available in each grouping ... colors and styles limited to stock on hand, so shop early for best selection! in our Hunt~ngton Beach store women's sportswear NOW 91 JUNtOR WRAP SHORTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48c MJUNIOA TE£ SHIRTS. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 1.98 j H JUNtOR PULLOVER SWEATERS . . .... 3.98 102 Ml88ES' TURTLENECK TOPS ........... 3.98 34JUNIOAVELOURTOPS .........•..... 4.98 •JUNIOR PANTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... 6.98 75WEl'COWLNECKSWEATERS ...... 6.98 •JUNtORSTRIP£DTOPS ... .. . . . . 6.98 41 JUNIOACAROIOANSWEATERS ... . .... 6.98 57SWEATSHIRTS ...................... 9.98 95 Ml88E8' POL VESTER PANTS . . . . . . • . . 11.98 10 Ml88ES' POL VESTER BLAZERS ......... 25.98 women's dresses NOW 15JUNK>RDRESSES .......... . . 9.98 17 JUNIOR KNICKERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.98 I I 53 JUNIOR DREISES ........... ' . . ...... 14.98 13*81E8'0AE88ES ....... . . . . . .. . 14.98 11 HALF SIZE DR£18E.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 14.98 'Z1 JUNIOR DREl8E8 ..................... 19.98 21 11188E8' DREllES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.98 lingerie, loungewear NOW 13 BRANDED BIKINIS ................•...... 98c 'Z18RANOED UNOEIWME BAAS .......... 1.98 148RANOE.DJUNIORBRAS ........ 1.98 44 BABY DOU SLEEPWEAR ............... 1.98 JfLOHOOOWNS ......................... 2.98 118EDJACKETI ......................... 2.98 21 FAMOUS BRANO FULL SUPS ............ 2.98 11 UNIFORM SMOCfCS . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . 3.98 138RAHDEDBABYOOLL .................. 3.98 11DUSTER8 .............................. 3.98 128ABYOOLL8 ....................... 4.98 1ILOHOHOST£8SOOWNS ............ 5.98 'Z'TWA.AMPAJAMAI ............. · .......... 5.98 11 LONOWA.AMAOBES........... . . 11.98 women's accessories NOW 49 ACRYLIC KNEE SOCKS . . ................ 58c 31 SANDALS ............................... 98c 114 P£NCtL SHARPENERS .................. 98c 113TU8ETOPS ........................... 1.28 21BELTS ................................. 1.48 43 DICKIES ..................... ·IP· . • . . • . . 1.48 141SANDALS . , .......................... 1.98 51 SHAWL ................................. 1.98 57 VINYL HAN08AGS ...................... 3.98 MCANVASHANOBAOS .................... 3.98 31 QUIL TEO VESTS ......................... 3.98 35COTTONTANKTOPS .................... 4.98 4t QUIL TEO JACKETS ...................... 4.91 33 NYLON HANDBAGS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S.91 infants and toddlers NOW 111NFANTWTT£NI ........................ 98c 14TOOOL£RSU8PENO£AS ............... 98c 11 INFANT80NMETS ...................... 1.98 140IAPERSET8 .......................... 1.98 24 TOOOLEATOPS ........................ 1.81 11 BOYllNFANT FlAHNELS ............... 2.9' 10HATIOLOYE ........................... 4.81 4STODOUASWEAT!RI .................. 4.81 1tTOOOl.IRTHINIAU ................... 4 ... 22TODDLlfUIQHTQOWN8 ... , ............ 4.M· 17TODOUlllltPAJAllAI ..•.... :. ........... 4 ... llTRAWRMY~CAKEROCKEAS .. 12.81, .buys for girls NOW 1419'QQR.S' IOCK8 ...................... 2lo aa LITTL.aGIRLl'TON ... , ................ 1.M 20UTTLIGIRLl'TWU.PANTI ...•........ 2.11 119'0 ...... TON~ .........•........ 4.M .. UTTLEGIU: O¥llJM.1,I ................ .. DUTTLIGIM.l'PANTIE9 .....•........ 1.81 3081GGlltSPOlYDTIRPANTI ......... l.M 1281GQIN.S'MITTWCOW ........•. 1 .• 11LmU....-V110UM .. ····-········UI •llOGIU'VliouM ...... =· ........ .... buys for boys 25 LITTLE BOYS' TEES .. 11 LITTLE BOYS' KNrT SHIRTS .. 50 BIO BOYS' SHIRTS . . . . . . . ... 30 UTT1.E BOYS' SWEATERS 33 BIO BOYS' COAOS .... . 11 BOYS' SLACKS ......... . 7 FOOTBALL JACKETS . . . 10 LITTLE BOYS' JACKETS buys for men~ NOW .98c . 3.98 .. 3.98 . 4.98 . 5.98 10.98 6.98 . 5.98 NOW 11 HANDKERCHIEFS . . . . . . .. 48c 93 JOGGINO SHORTS . . . . . . 98c 31 DICE GAMES. . . . . . . . . . . .............. 1.91 101 BASEBALLCAPS ...................... 1.98 nTEESHIRTS . . .. -: ............... 1.98 13 TIES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.98 25WESTERNHATS .. . . . . .. . . . . ......... 3.98 25 COTTON GAUZE SHIRTS . . . . . . . . . . . 5.98 41 FAMOUSMAKERTEESHIRTS ....... 7.98 71 L.SLV.QIANA•SHIRTS . . . . . . . ........ 12.98 399.SLV.SHIRTS .. . . . . . . ........... 15.98 85HOOOEDSWEATSHIRTS . . . . . . . . .16.98 47CASUALSLACKS ........ . . . 2.98 21 WALLET/8UCKLEGIFTSETS . 2.98 25V-NECKSWEATSHtRT$,. . . , 3 .98 33 L:S'C.V. ctnT'ON~L SHIRTS . . . . . . 3 .98 23 FAMOUS MAKER DRESS SLACKS _ 3.98 45S.SLV.COUAAEOSHIRTS . . 5 .98 21 L. SLY. 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FMcdJllTONUNMGI ........... 41c Huntington Beach • 9811 Adams Ave. · · at Brookhurst St. • 963-9731 -. . //# ....... BEST NEW ARTIST Pop singer Sheena Easton holds victrola-shaped trophy she received Wednesday night during Grammy Awards presentation in Los Angeles. She was named the best new artist of the year. . . (I Orange CoHt DAILY PILOT/ThUrtday, February 25, 1982 H/F - Eennon-Oko album of }!ear -· l • 't • I Quincy Jones u.ins five Grammys; !Bette Davis Eyes' triumphs LOS ANGELES (AP) -A tearful Yoko Ono brouiht the audience to ltl feel at the 31th annuaJ Grammy award•· u .lh• accepted the album-of -the·year honor she shared wi.th her sJain husband, ex-Beatie John Lennon. Miss Ono's appearance on stage with the couple's 6-year-old son, Sean, all but eclipsed the rest of the wiMen, including Quincy Jones, who won more Grammya than anyone else, and Kim Carnes, whose raqy-volced hit, "Bette Davis Eyes," wa.s named record and song of the year. Al Jarreau. Lena Home, Ooily Parton, The Police, Manhattan Transfer, and "Hill Street Blues" theme composer Mike Post won two awards each Wednesday night from the National Academy of Recording Arts & Sciences. · Miss Ono, regal in an off-white evening gown , was at first unable to speak as the Shrine Auditorium audience roared its approval. She murmured, "I think John is here," and a s k ed ht:r tuxedo-clad son if he wanted to say anything. When he shook his bead "No," she said, slowly : ''Both John and 1 were always very proud and happy that we were part of the human race who made good music for the ear th an-0 for the uni verse. Thank you." Miss Ono and Lennon -who had won no Grammys since his days a s a Beatie -were honored both as producers and artl1t1 tor "Double FanlUy t with co-producer Jack Doulu al10 receivi.nl a Grammy. 'l\ie LP waa released ln October lea>, two months before LeMon wu gunned down outaide hl1 New York aoartment and Juat after Jones' magic rubbed olf on oae other nominee: newcomer Jam .. lnlram won best rhythm and blues maJe vocal honors for ··one Hundred Ways," a track from "The Dude." The female rhythm and blues award went to "Lena, I'm just sorry you're not here tonight.,, the Oct. 1, 198>, opening of the 1981 Grammy eligibility year. Jones, triumphing pot only as a !"l~~lclan but as An arranger and record producer, grabbed live Grammys , including producer of the year, an award honoring all his production work. Jones' "The Dude" LP earned honors as best rhythm and blues performance by a group; the tracks "Velas" and "Ai No · Corrlda' · were cit.ed , respectively , for instrumental arrangement and instrumental arrangement accompanying vocals. Finally J o nes s hared a Grammy with Lena Home for best cast show album, "Lena Horne: The Lady a nd Her Music." Miss Horne was also a surprise winner in the female pop performance category, and Jones picked that award up for her. "Man!" he marveled during one of his many trips to the podium. "Lena, I'm just sorry you're not here tonight. I love you." I • Aretha Franklin for ''Hold On I'm Comin' ." Mlsa Carnes was an exuberant record.of-the-year winner tor ''Bette Davis Eyes," the No. l hit which also earned song-of-the-year honors tor songwriters Jackie DeShannon and Donna Weiss. The lune went all but unnoticed when Miss DeSbannon recorded it in a less electronic: style seven or eight years ago. "Perhaps the song maybe was a little ahead or its time," she said. "We just got lucky," said Miss Carnes. Sheena Easton , a petite Scottish singer who burst on the music scene with the theme to the James Bbod film "For Your Eyes Only" and a bouncinc ballad called .. Morning Train," was named best new artist. lf there was a new trend in the Grammys it was that jazz artists seem to be succeeding as pop artists as well. Al Jarreau, who showed off his scat singing style with jazz player Pepper Ad-ams, won best male vocal awards in both pop and jazz c ate1orle1 and Iii anbattan Tran1fer won J111 and pop honors for croup vocaJ1. The beat pop lHtrumentaJ award went to Po1t, whose "Theme from Hill Street Blues" w111 al10 named be1t ln1trumental composition. P e rennlaJly popular Dolly Parton won her second and third Grammys for "9 to 5" ln the fem ale country performance and b est country eong categories. She Is recovering from surgery and did not attend. Tbe male country alnger award went to Ronnie Milaap, for "There's No GeWa' Over Me," while the Oak Rld1e Boys -previously winners ol four gospel-inspirational Grammys -got their llrst country Grammy, earning group vocal honors for " Elvira." In rock categories, Rick Springfield -whom soap opera fans know as a regular on "General Hospital'' -won male vocal honors for "Jessie's Girl" and Pat Benatar got the female vocal nod for "Fire and Ice." The Police grabbed both best group vocal and best instrumental performance for "Don· t Stand So Close To Me" and "Behind My Camel," respectively. Jn classical music, the1 Chicago Symphony Orchestra' and Chorus performance of "Mahler: Symphony No. 2," with Sir Georg Solli conducting, took best album and best orchestra album, while llzhak . Perlman won two awards. · SF mayor urges city gun ban Mortgage loan controls sought Rifles, shotguns wotild not be,, affected in propo1al SAN FRANCISCO <AP) -A handgun ban to make San Francisco a "bastion of sanity" has been proposed by Mayor Dianne Feinstein, who was appointed to her job after the previous mayor was shot to death -with a handgun. Only poJjce officers, security guards, military p ersonnel and some other specified people · would be allowed to carry handguns. Others caught with the weapons would be subject to 30 days in jail. GOP officials eye Bird recall SACRAMENTO <AP> -Top state Republican Party officials have announced a campaign to put a recall of Chief Justice Rose Bird on the November ballot. Also, to limit Gov. Edmund Brown Jr.'s c ho i ce of a successor, Sen ate Republican leader William Campbell said We dnesday Republican s tentatively plan to circulate an initiative for the same ballot that would require Supreme Court justices to be confirmed by the state Senate. Jury selection closure appealed SAN FRAN.CISCO (AP) -A judge's decision to bar the press and public from jury selection for the retrial of Juan Corona, accused of killing 25 farm workers, bas been appealed by the San Francisco Examiner. Exhibit & Sale Directly From Peru & Other Countries Feb. 27 & 28; I 0-6 pm Native Folk Art • Weavings • Baskets • Carvings • Dolls • Jewelry • Clothing • Masks • Much. Much More! EBELL CLUB HOUSE 515 W. l&Aoolt.cl. l&Aoa. CA I• l&Aoo r..-....eaJ 17141 621-3214 Win a Television or Dinner at Francois' at Orange City Bank's 'New Huntington Harbour Facility. Orange City Bank is giving away a 19" RCA color TV and an elegant dinner for two at Francois' in Huntington Beach to celebrate the grand opening of their new Huntington Harbour office. Stop In at 18902 Bolsa Chica Road between February 26th and April 1st to enter the April 2nd drawing and ,nJoy free refreshments and gifts. Drop by on Februlty 26'h and you11 see the world'• largest limousine on dlsptay for one day only. The 32·foot limo, which features a Jacuzzi, computerized bar and runble aeat. will also be ueed to chauffeur the ~inners of dinner to Francois'. Prizes. Gifts. Refreehments. All pert of the celebration. Efficient full-service c:ommerclat and P8f'8()nal banklng. All part of Orange City Bank . . . It's worth checking Into. IMW Ol'l'ICI -(714) 771-3300 2730 Elllt 0iepman Awn., Orange, CA t2tee MUNnNCITON HAMOUfl. WMQt (71 4) 840-1321 1.cn .,... Ct'6ce Ad .. Huntington Be11eh. CA ne.e ........ ,D.ICI ~ l!lewM .... ••00.000 00 Man convicted in parents' death OAKLAND (AP) -Using as evidence his televised confession on CBS' "W Minutes," a retrial jury convicled Barry Braeseke of first-degree murder in the 1976 slaughter of bis mother, father and grandfather. The panel delibe rated 90 minutes Wednesday before returning guilty verdicts to three murder counts . Save~ during our spring wardrobe offer. Here's a great way to build a wardrobe and save at the same time. Choose any wardrobe combinalion from our new spring collection of men's clothing and receive an automatic $80.00 discount. Select f rorn our most prestigious labels : Hart Schaffner & Marx·, Hickey~Freeman, Pierre Cardin, Bill Blass, Austin Reed of Regent Street, Christian Dior and many more. lYPlcal Wardrobe Value: 1 Suit, regularly ............. 210.00or more 1 Sportcoat, regularly ........ 135.00 or more 1 Pair of slacks, regularly ...... 42.50 or more Total Value ................. 387.50 or more SIMI woode then deducts 80.00 off the total. silverwoods NEWPORT F~HION ISLAND . , ... ·' I WY= *' Orange Coa11 DAILY PILOT/ftiurlday, February 25, 1982 A sorry start for - election campaigns Name calling and threats alr~ady hove made apf)t.'anrncei, in the lluntm~ton Beuch el('ctton campaigns for cit~ counr1l and city attorney. There arl' 1fi candidates. for four City Council scatti thi~ April. In the other race. former city attorne y Don Bonfa is challenging incumbent Cit~ Attorney Gail Hutton. Bonra served for 10 ,·eurs but was defeated for re-electwn in 1976 by Mrs. Hutton The most recent political potshots involvl' Mrs . Hutton and Bonfa. a nd Councilman .John Thomas and t rustct's o l the Fountain Vallcv School 01stnet. Bonfa sa~·s his ('ampaign strategy is simple he plans to criticize Mrs . llutton. lie got an early start b~· inrludlng l"l'ltical statements in his tun<i1date ballot statement that is mailt>d to cit v voters b,· the l'it ,. C'lerk · This is· a SH rii pll' ol his s t ateml'nt : .. For a changt.' from the existing situation. I promise no "t'aseling. waffling or politics I offt'r the ,·i•1 ble alternative :\l rs Hutton obje•clNI l o Bonra·s ballot ~tateml•nl and requestt•d that l'il~· Cle rk Alicia W l' n t w o r t h rt.' J l' c t i 1 M s . Wentworth refus C'rl . sa~·tnJ! the s takment is Bonra ·~opinion Mrs Hutton thrcatent•d lo s U l· H n n fa for I 1 b t' I l\b Wl•ntworth claims ~11·!'. llullon also thrC'all'lll'd to ~Ul' ht•r for not reJN·ting Bonfa s ~tateml•nt But Mrs Hutton denit•rl t hrt><.ill'ning M s Wentworth nonfa . mt•an\\hil1•. ~nl publicity ovcl' the furor. llis response was tu wekoml' ti lawsuit from Mr Hutton. Councilman John 1'homas ulso wus i1wol ved in anolh~r controvl'rsy. Thomas publici~ donated one year of his coun<'il salar.v to Plav~n Sc·hool fo1· hundifoapped children. Thomas· ?·~·ear-old daughkr was born without complete use of her legs and re<·cived therapy at Plavan &hool in Fountain Valle~· when s he was 3 llow<.>ver . trUs tet>s of the Fount~in Va lle~· S<:hool District felt uncomfortabll' with Thomas · lis ting his donation on hi s l'ampaign literature and sending out pictures :.and press relt>ast•s on the donation Basicallv. the Sl'hool boa rd ft.It that Ttiom<is shouldn ·t usl' t ht> handicapp<'d children for political purposes <:10d tht·~· rl'fused to accept his donation. However. there was a failun• of communication bt:>tween Thomas· campaign workers and Pla\'an School Principal Waldo Pnte and Thomas \\'C•nt ahl·;HI with thl1 public clom.llion during a Cit~· Council mt•l•l111g School board Pr(•sidl'nt Cher~·I ~orton responded b~ triticizing Thomas· motives for t hl' donation. In turn. Thoma!\ l'rtl1c1w<l th<' school board Plavc.in didn ·t get lht• S2. IOO s alury. and Thoma!) n•cein~'d \\ h at ma,. t urn out lo ht' u n f a v o r a h I l' p u h I 1 <' 1 1 ~ f 11 1 .1llemptmg to donatt• mo11l·~ And the campaigns haw 111!\I -.ta rl(•d Honor misplaced Orangt• Cou nt ~ Su pen isor Ralph Clark ha:-. propo:-i•d that Mile Squ:Hl' Rl•g1onal P<1 rk . a c o u n t ,. n • l" r <.' a t 1 11 n a r e a 1 n Founta.in \'alle.v. l>e renuml·d in honor of lhl· lat<.· Dav id L Baker Bake•r. who as 2nd D1~trict count~· ~Uµ(•rv1 ~o r from 19fi2 through 197-1 \\<ll'kt.•d lo d evelop new eount.' parks. died Feb. 6 While Clark's m otin·~ 1n att1.·mpt1ng to hono r th<• lall· supervisor o.H"l' eommendable. lhl· idea of rcn<.1m1n_g Mile Square seem s unwise :\tile Square •~ an t•stabhs hed name in the mids t of a fully devl'lop<'d communit~· The ··~ilc Square .. name· b used I)\ thl' popular _golf c·our~l' at tht• p;.irk and is 1nl·orporatl·d 11110 th1· naml's of M'\·e rul bu!->tnt·s!'les act 1 a cent t n 1 ht• p:i rk Rt•s1cl l•nb :ind ~t<>rl'!'> <Jn• a l' c· u s t o m l' d t o cl l' s c rs b i n g t hemscl V<'S a ~ being lncall'<I '"nt•ar Mile Squan• Park:· Even if the s upe rnsors do c hetnge 1t to .. Baker Park:· ont- could wa~er that . the reereation area will still b<• referrl'Ci to as · M lie Square:· For proof. t'.ounty officials nl'ed look no further than their own airport. Though the facility wa-; renamed for John Wavnc t\\o ~cars ago . lt is still com monl~· referred to as Or angl' Count~· Airport even b~· the airlines that service it R c n a m i n g M i l l' Sq u a r <.• R<'~ional Park fo r Oavict Bak<.'r would almos t ce•rtainl\· creat<' ~tmilar confus ion II the st1p(·n1sor!'l wis h to honor Baker. thl'' -;hould look for a fal'1lit,· that ·b not a ln'<Hh k n o " · n b ,. "' n o t h t· r well·l'St.ihlis hl•ci name Sclwol closure hear,ings A Fount ;,iin \'allcv School Dis trict adv1sorv committee has identified ft ,.e sc·hoob it believes s hould be closed over the· nrxt three years because of declining enrollment '.'low. distric t officials sa~ the~· want to hl'ar public opinion on th l• co mmitt ee's recom mendation~ Thus. a se ric~ or public hearing~ has been scheduled next month. Schools recommended for closure are Bushard a nd Wardlow in 198241: Harper in 198.1-84 ; Nieblas ih 1984-85 and Fountain Valley in 1984 ·85. School c l osu r es ar<.• controversial but also inentable Dis trict officials sav e nrollment i s d e c I i n i n g h ~· · 4 o o p u pi I s annuallv Ho,\·ever. those affected b~· • the rl•tommendalions ma~· want lo makl' then· opinions heard before decision~ are made. The advison · committee of parents and ~eachcr s h a~ sehe duled the first set of publtl' hearings Later in March. school trustees will hold more The fir s t h earings art' s cheduled at 7:30 p.m . on March I. Wardlow School. 9191 Pi9neer Drive. Huntington Beach: March 2. H arper School. 18658 Santa Ynez. Fountain Vallev . March 8. Nieblas School. 9300 Gardenia Ave .. Fountain Vallev and March 9. Fountain Valley School. 17911 Bus hard St The issue ts not which schoob s hould be .. saved .·· but what aelions will best serve the most s tude nts as funds a nd enrollment s hrink. Opinions expressed In the space above are those of the Daily Pilot. Other views e>C· pressed on 1n1s pa9e are those~ tneir authOn and artists. Reader comment.ts 1nv1t · ed. Address The .:>a11y Pilot. P.O. Box lS60, Costa Mesa, CA 921>2& Phone•(ll41 b•1·432l. L.M. Boyd/Marital clwice Pollsters asked 1,500 sln&le college senior women what tort of professional men they'd like to marry, ll s uch a choice were possible. And the five job catesories most chosen, in oTder, were: 1. Banker. 2. Physician. 3. Lawyer. 4. Professional athlete. And 5. Writer. T~at $20 bill lo yO\lr wallet. if such ORANGE COAST Dally Pilat there be , is expected to stay In circulaUon for five years. A $10 bill only lasts three years out there, A SS bill. two yeara. A $1 bill, 22 months. That's the repOrt from the U.S. Federal Reserve System. The colQr "buff" is a dull yellow. so named from the color of leather ortginally made-from bulf alo hide. Thomas p. H•l•Y Pu.,llsher non... A. ,.,..,.1 ... Eclt\or • Bar lMra Krelltkll Editorial P• Editor Time to end career politics D e nouncing "professio nal politicians " as "a detriment to our government:· May Dubinsky·Chote has declared her candidacy for the U.S. Senate. The Los Banos Democrat will be battling Gov. Jerry Brown for the party's nomination this June. Cons ide ring the r ealities of campaigning. it 1s unlikely 1t will be much of a battle Brown, already well -heeled financially for tne forthcoming race, also has the advantage of name recognition and the power of his office Dubansky-Chote acknowledges the diffi culty ahead . Professional politicians." she says, .. are re-elected lim e artE.'r time . With the special privileges they grant themselves, in addition to those they have by reason of holding office. they are able ~o raise s uch large s·ums of money that challengers are hard put to compete:· WIN OR LOSE. her candidacy could ruel the growing flame of resentment against those 1n o!f1ce For Dubinsky·Chote has put her finger directly upon the cause of the resentme nt "They have made themselves the privileged ruling class:· she said ... They have become the royalty and no longer represf.:nt the people.·· Certainly the congress men did all they could lo fan those flames when the y recently passed a measure exempt ing themselves from personal income taxes Not s ince J .P Morgan uttered his "'public be damned"' llRl WITIRS statement has anyone dared to show such callousness to the people. As Dubins k y -Chote says , t he "entrenched incumbency .. has eroded the basic principle of a government or the people, by the people and for the people. Our foref athers fought a revolution a~ainst royalty and taxation without representation. It is time to reaffirm that action and stop the practice of using one offi ce to attain another. Sweep out all incumbents' She proposed that congressmen be limited to two terms in office and prohibited from running for other offi ce during their terms. She says once those lim1tat1ons have been imposed upon Congress. the-.states will follow suit Maybe so. but it would seem to be easier lo start such a movement on the stale level in the hope 1t would compel the same standards for Congress. That Americ:ms have come to favor limitations or terms for those ir> public orrice was conrirmed by pollster Geo"rge Gallup in 1978. lie reported the public favored a maximum or 12 years for congr<.-ssmen by a margin of 2 to I Pres ident Harry S. Truman. the last preside nt to serve without the eight-year limitation on his term in office, ne vertheless did not choose to run arter filling out the unexpired term of President Roosevelt and his own fo ur-year term. In the doin~ he went on record as favoring a 12 year hm1t on terms of the Co ngress. PRESIDENT Dwight Eisenhower also spoke out on the issue ··Each man so serving would tend to think or has congressional career as an important and anterestang interlude in life. a period dedicated to the entire public. rather than as a way to make a living The member~ would probably gave more attention to the national good and less to their J>(.'rsonal fortunes " Peripheral Canal key to security To the Editor: Steve Tripoli"s conclusion at the e nd or his long article on the 1980 State Water Act <Peripheral Canal; package with strings. Feb. 8 ) is dead wrong. He s aid the only thing certain is that there will be much. much more said between now and June 8. In fact. it 1s also ·quite certain that without the Peripheral Canal. the pC'opl e of Southern California and Orange County race a period of extreme MAILBOX uncertainty over ·quality and quantity 01 their water supply. A drought such as we experienced in 1976·77 would bring on a disaster of proportions never experienced before in this region Water rationing would be a certainty UNFORTUNATELY, the s pecial interests that are opposed to the project mostly because they think they can do away with the environmental constraints if they get another crack at legislation on l y have lo raise questions. They don ·t have any ans wers. Confuse and conquer is their tactic. They want to gamble with the quality of life and the economic future or everyone in Southern California against the unlikely possibliity that they can cut a better deal in the Legislature. Three state adrnlnistrations -Pat Brown. Ronald Reagan and .Jerry Brown -all have come to the same conclusion: we mus t have the Peripheral Canal. Tht> cost of the Peripheral Canal itself. the cornerstone of the 1980 California State Water Act, is estimated in 1980 dollars at $600 million. This translates to about $10 per year per family on their water utility bill. No additional laxes are involved. Only a fool would risk his entire livelihood against $10 a year on Ute uncertain premise that the big farm Interests of the central valley will cut a better deal on our behalf. And that 11 certain. WAYNE A. CLARK Director, Fifth Divialon Municipal Water District of Orange County Malathion ri• k • To the Editor: Gov. Jerry Brown has been subject to a lot ol unwarranted criticism over h1a handling of the Medfly crisis last year. In the interest of pubUc bealltt, J would like to 10 on record as support.in& hls cauUous acUon.<1. M alathlon i• a cholineuenae lnbibitor which dama1es the nervous system of vertebrate animals aa well•• lnaect.s. Conceivably, malalttlon can damage the Mrwm 1y1tem ~ humam H wtll, especlaUy ti l'ftelvtd ln lar,. enou1h concentrations. Spraytn1 cloudl of mal1Won, a n.rvous ·~ polaon, over a populated area 1s certainly not to be done in a hasty or hysterical manne r. A cautious approach to its use is justified. JAN D VANDERSLOOT. M D Objects t o carto ons To the Editor: I never take time to write this kind of letter but this morning. even though lime is precious on a Saturday morning, I was so angry when I saw the cartoon in this moming·s newspaper Feb 20, that l had to register my complaint. I am not one to be able to express myself well , espedally to one who is a newspaper columnist but why don't you s top running our president down with those stupid cartoons? Why don·t you help pull our country together, or else ship out and stay out. Go to another country where it is better. T HIS COUNTRY has been run by a Santa Claus for so long we are practically ruined. The people are spoiled -they expect a hand-out every time they turn around -then if the government tries to take some or this loose money away from them here comes Jack the Ripper! I know this letter will be tossed out and disregarded but al least one person has voiced her opinion. However, there are quite a few of us who feel the same as I do. We lake your newspaper because of the fine local news coverage. My husband and I both work and we are earning an average income. We are not wealthy by a long.ways. JEANNETTE BOOTH Do n't discredit V.N. To the Editor: Regarding the United Nations' having supposedly "not seen m lo condemn the Soviet lnvasion of Afghanistan" C"U .N. reminder overdue," Feb. 16>. the organization has in fact been voting regularly against Russia over that issue by up to 5-to·l margins in the General As s embly a nd Human Rights Commission. Moscow and its allies have attacked the resolutions as "unfounded ... gross violation of the c U . N. > Charter ... designed lo cpntlnue the slander0""5 campaign against Afghanistan and the U.S.S.R." IT SHOULD 8£ further noted that at tbe 1980 emer1ency Assembly session an lndlan·Algerian draft that would have condemned alt states that contributed to the hel1htenln1 or • Lt•tltr.t from rtodtra art wtl.comt Thr right to condfns' Lttttrl to fit apoct or tllmtnalt ltMI " rtatrlled Ltttrrs oJ 300 word• "' kU wiU ~ gt°" ~ttf'Mt All lttttra mu.sf 1ncla.de .. JlftOlurt and moiling addrtaa but nomlPTnoy be Withheld on rt qutat 1/ su1J1r1,n1 rtoaon 11 opportnr PMtry wtll not be publtlll~. l..tltna "'411 t>. ttltphon~ to 642 60M Nom, ond phon.- n11rnber of tlM! contributor mu.ti bf' .Qtun /M V#N/tCQtJ()ft purpol~I 1nterrat1onal tl!n!>ion which could have been interpreted :.s:. applying to U.S. pressure on I ran over our hostages as well as to the Russian invasion of Afghanistan was stopped dead in its tracks when 1l ran into a sohd wall of Third World resistance•. Time Magazine called the resolution finally adopted (by 104-18! ··Moscow·!> mos t spectacular d1plomat1c humiliation .. in over 20 vears · Before continuing to denounce the United Nations as .. a CC!>!>pool ."' Nev. York !\1a vor Koch should remember that 1i 1 Without 10 .000 U N peacckccpinJ.! troops on duly in the Middle East (where some 200 have been killed 1 and Cyprus 1t 1~ doubtful there would be any cease r1res in those places 121 Without such U.N relief and development agencies as UNICEF. the lligh Commissioner for Refugees. the World Food Program. the World Health Organization. and the Development Program. millions alive today would otherwise be dead 13 1 The UN and its diplomats s pend close to 700 m1ll1on badly needed dollars in his city each year. JOHN W OSBORN. JR President. Orange Co Chap . United Nations Assoc1at1on of the US.A Clean up the act To the Editor: Re: Hutton vs. Bonfa via Wentworth. Well. as per us ual. good old election time is upon us . The usual Punch and Judy tactics are an full swing! Is anyone as sick and tired or all the mud slinging that has already been s tarted by city candidates as I am? We need fewer threats of lawsuits and more plain old down-home interest in our community. First it was cussing and such at council meetings and now Bonfa ,and Hulton are taking up where lttey left off. Every election more and more people wonder why they bother to vote on the city level. I too am wondering why I do! I guess 1 still feel Utis city is worth it. Too bad others don't. If we want mud wrestling we could start here. Clean up your act, folks, and more voters wUI put their X on the ballots. GLORIA OSWALD 111111• What's more frua\raun1 -lrYinC to take the stick r t•1• off llOl bull» or cettinC one stlce or bacon rtom • new pa~k•I• just out of the refrlprator? M.K. ...... , ... ~_......_., .......... .. __.,................ . ... ,.. .. ..................... """ ' 4 ~I .THURSDAY, FEB. 25, 1982 I Amherst, Mass., has rejected ,as,a 'joke' plans that would house, nuclear war refugees in the town . See. P,age 83. O.Ny l"li.t Plwtn by ltlcllanl K- C E l E BR A Tl NG Who's h aving mo r e fun during National Future Farmers of America Week . Ll'anne Sauerhammer. on skates. or the two d a-.•-old lambs frolicking around the stall at Cos ta Mesa High School? The newcomers and their ewe ... Harmony," are owned by Melody Bu rkhard. One lamb takes a break from the • commotion w h ile Kim Jones. FFA secretar y at CMHS. shows a week-old Yorkshire X pig to visiting FF A students from Orange High School. left to right. J e ff Kohrs. J anet lluston. Holly Kenney. Aaron Hti:!lcy a nd Debbi e Plymel CAVALCADE B~ Ineligible player costs Edison frosh title The freshman football team al ~dison High School in Huntington Beac h bas been stripped or its Sunset League championship because of an ineligible team member. . School oCficials say the youth lived near Huntington Beach High School but used a false Three injure d • in Laguna crash A Laguna Beach woman and Huntinaton Beach man were Hated in stable condition today at South Cout Medical Center foUowiq a noon traffic coUilion near 'lbree Arch Bay ln South Lquna Wedneeday. A hospital apolleaman aaid Collem Brady, 21, and Matthew • • • • Rademaker, 22, s uffered moderate injuries in the crash. A thi rd person, William Burrows, 221 of Hunt1n1ton Beach, the driver of one of the vehicles, wu treated and released. According to the California Hl1hway Patrol, Miss Brady • was drivin& north ln the No. l lane of Pacific Coast Hiabway when she swerved int.o the No. 2 lane to avoid • vehicle. She then sideiwiped BUfl'OWI northbound vehicle, accordllll to CHP oftlcer Dick Van Cott. Rademaker was a pusenaer ln lbe Burrows car. address in order to attend Edlsbn. School officials say the youth first adopted the false address in Junior high school and the impropriety wasn't spotted by high school administrators until late ln the season. Ediaon Principal Pbillp Grou saya Sunset Lea1ue otllelala were told of the fncldmt Md they unanimoualy voted to talle title away from the undefeated freahmu team. The ne•.,.c:hampion ii Weatmlnater nqh Sctaool with a S-1·1 record Edllon waa $-0. Officials see Valley school closure fight Fountain Valley School District officials say they expect healed opposition lo ·rec· ommendations to close five or the system's 17 schools over the ne~t three years. Di s trict officials have scheduled a series of public hearings next month to air the recommendations of a 13 - m ember advisory committee of parents and teachers. "Hardly anyone wants hls or h e r school to c lose and we expect opposition and alternative suggestions t.o the recommendatious," said Nancy Harding, district spokeswoman. "We expect large turnouts t.o all the public hearings," she said. The School Closure Committee also rec,ommended that lbe di s trict's kindergarten- th rough -grade eig ht schools be altered to include three middle schools and four klndergarten-through-gra<te five schools by the 1984-85 term. B ecau se of declining e nrollment. the committee recommended that the following schools be closed: Bushard U¥f WardlQW in 1982·83 ; Harper fu 1983-84 ; a nd Nieblas and Fountain Valley in 1984-85. , Tnts tees shelve teacher layoffs Trustees of the Huntington Beach Union Hig h Sc hool Dis trict have pos tponed a decision on teacher layofCs but approved selling 10 relocatable classrooms because of declining enrollment. District Superintendent Frank "Jake " Abbott ha s rec- ommended th.ti. li8 t"achers get layoff notices because of d ecl ining e n rollment and cutbacks in state and federal funding for special programs. However, offi cials of the local teachers a ssociation have s ubmitted counte r proposals they say would reduce the need t.o lay off instructors. Their date ended on a wrong note BY NORA LEHMAN Of .. ..., ......... WHAT'S A COUPLE OF DAYS between friends? Funny thing. we were just talking about this kind of thing around the office a couple of days ago. ''Have you ever gotten someplace on the wrong day?" someone asked someone else. I was just hearing the conversation with h alf an ear. "Not really," the voice answered. "I've gotten someplace at the wrong time. but .. :· and I tuned out. Well , we did. We got someplace on the wrong evening just last night. We were scheduled to have dinner with our tr~veling companions from England, here from Minnesota -and a good winter it is to be here from Minnesota and Mars h and Mary Houts this week., Note I said "this week." Yesterday. I would have said "on Wednesday." Today. I'm not quite sure how to put that. Anyway. I got myself in gear. changed my clothes. slapped some lipstick on and the-man-in-my-life and I took off for Emerald Bay . We were due at six .. "dinner out," the message said. I leaned out of the car and announ'ced with such assurance that we were to have dinner with Mr. and Mrs . Houts that the nice guard on the gate. nodded . smiled and gave us a guest pass. We should have had a clue when we had to fumble with the gate in the dark and. looking through the French doors, saw Marsh with his feet comfortably crossed on the ottoman. Mary nowhere in sight. I rapped on the door, pushed it open. as Marsh called "Who is it?" We still didn't catch on ... Nora:· I called back ... Are you all right?" Mary leaped to her feet. "Where're Ceil and Jim?" I asked, giving them each a kiss. ·· "They're in Anaheim, staying with some other friends. They leave on Friday .. :· It was Mary who caught on first. I must have looked completely nonplussed. "Oh, dear, we were expecting you on Monday ..... ··Wednesday, the message said.'' ·'But I said Monday," Mary shook her head. "But ... " I glanced at my roommate cyriously. He looked shaken. I'm glad he took the message, l thought to myself. I'm too close to craziness now. A drink, a couple ol hours talk, som e catchin& up on the news -the London newlyweds Tom and Robin are due here in May and then OJ1 to Stanford to silicon gulch -a look at the extensive remodeling that's been going on since last we1saw the house, and we took our leave. It was 8 o'clock. . "It's okay," Is~ reassuringly to my friend. "we all have slippqes." "But I wrote it right down," he s~id with rurrowed brow. "Doesn't matter, you were thinking •bout something else." I patted his hand. I wu just adorable about the whole thing. I could afford to be. I was so relieved I hlldn't done It ft')' compassim surpused all understanding. ,. \ ,\ NYSE COMPOSITE TRAN ACTIONS OllOfATIOlllla 1116ClU0& HANIO-.,.._New YOltll, 1111 ... ", l'ACl,1(,. !'aW, llOUOll, ot,f901f ANO UllCl•llATI ar0<• •llCllAlfOU ANO •II l'OllflO a\I f llle •ato AlfD llllSTINIT $4i,t ,..I P I! "" (IOM t llt ... ., +·14 +·'4 :I != Hold urBeiJ on 6'* ~ce WASHINGTON (AP> -T'• J'ederel Ener1y Re1ulator1 Comml11loa JI beJ01 ur1ed bJ UYtral Democratle HCIUH ......... to halt HI efforta to AC~ priee lncire ... al natun11u. In a rHohatioa lntrod•ud Wtdn-.,, tbe ttal...., ... 8* the lfmCY ''..W lUe DO artim to .CC!el .... lbt deeoatrol of utllnll 1upnc.," Domea&le auto HIH dJpped 'lA pe~ent In. mld-FebNary compared with tbe like period o year •10. However, General Moton Corp. and Ford Motor Co. poel.td Ulodeat lncrdset for the flnt time ln five months. Chry•ler Corp. aaJee were ol1 1'.2 pettenl, ;whUe GM was up 3.9 percent aod Ford was up 4.6 percent . . . I Seveo&eetl traew contalnlnl 2.24 bllllon toos of recoverable coal wm be offered in a coal leaae sale to April, the largest such sale ln U.S. history, Lhe government has announced. Interior Secretary James Watt said the tracts tn Wyomln1 and Montana wUI allow new production ol 10 million t(lns of coal a year by 1900. AIU! 6~------s .. ,. Aaa Flret Federal Snlags le Loaa ~HoclaUoe bas signed a letter of acreement to merge with Los Angeles-based California Federal Savings & Loan Association, after selecting Cal Fed from among a number of associations which bad approached them ... AlrCaJ officials said Lhe airline, based ln Newport Beach, bas carried the 25 millionth passenger in Lhe company's 15 year history. The milestone occurred today on AirCal's Fl.igbt 1 flying from John Wayne Airport to San Francisco ... Greatwest lloepkala lae., Santa Ana, bas agreed in principle to acquire Lhe 56-bed General Acute Fullerton Community Hospital. Bill 8 Japanese interests will take a 10 percent share in a $300 million plant to be built in the Mojave De.sert to tum coal into gas and bum ~ gas to generate 'lectricily. Construction of the cool water coal gasification and combined cycle power plant already bas started near Barstow . . . · The Earopean Commoa Market bas proposed a cut of about $421> million in Soviet imports as part of its reponse to martial law in Poland. Sales of lllgb tttlanolOCY prodlllcta to the Soviet Union should continue if the United Stat.ts hopes to avoid a confrontation that could lead to nuclear war, Hewlett Packard Co. Chairman David Packard told s hareholders at the firm's annual meeting. IJAU (S_,_ ____ _,, Deany's Inc. said it has entered into an agreement to acquir e 35 VIP's family style restaurants in Washington, Oregon and Northern California for a cash purchase pri~ of $11.9 million Part of Saala Barbara Coaaty will be quarantined to stop the state's worst-ever infestation or the gypsy moth, threatening citrus and avocado production, agricultural officials said ... Whittaker Corp. said it is extending its offer to purchase secur1ties of llnlnswick Corp. to midnight EST on March 12, unless further extended. The offer pre~ously was scheduled to eJQ>ire al midnight EST on Feb. 26 ... · ••• $ Cluysler Corp. reported a loss of $66.9 million for the· fourth quarter and _.75.6 million for 1981. The deficit for the y'ear was nearly double the siie predicted a year earlier. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES NEW YORKIAPI F•...i Dow·J~ •"9' tor weo , F<ib 1• HI W YORK (API S.I~, Wecl. pr"• •ncl net <Mnoit ol tt>e lllletn most .cll"9 ~ew YoA Stock E tt"6f\Qe lu..s. lr6Cllftt MOonelly •I ,._.. then \1. Moo11 , 1,130,100 n-. + v. TtxKO Inc 1,4t2.t00 3011> + >4' GuK 011 l,lS2,,IOO JO'-+I AUltk lttld 1.0M,lOO -• I~ Amer T .. T ~.600 SSV. + " SldOllC.tl IOl,jOI) n~ + '" Sony Corp IOS,tOO 1414 -14 COllllllCP 103.000 JO\lo -.. ''"" 100,.00 .,~ • "" Pllfllpsl'Ott 6'5,100 "" "' Pfl-62l,AOO ·SSY, +I~ E-s 610,600 "'°' , '-Geft ~ .. 7.200 J1 •t'A Cttkorp "3.100 t•-. + ._ Am Alrlln 5'2,tOO ll • t AMERICAN LEADERS STOCKS °"9tl Hltill ...._ Cle• 0. JO lno ., ... 8'f.n -SI D .'1. ll 1' 10 Trn ll:U2 >42.5t HO.tt Ml.ti• 6.JO IS VII ~.n 10..tO 10S.2t IO..S4 • 0.6• U Slit 319 .• n. :IO 311.U n•..14 + S.CW '"°"' 1.111,a Tr•n 2.m.a u111, 1,6316.ooo 6S Slk 11.116.-0 WHAT STOCKS DID HEW YORK IAPI Feb. 14 ....... Adven<td T~J1 •:r. Oe<llMd .,, tis Un<Nn91d U• 411 lol•l ls~ 1'1J 1'DI> ~·· "19M 10 • H•w low' 10. 20S "M<A l M11£X DO HEW YUHll tAPI o-eb 14 p,... 4dv•nceel T-J, 66,&, Oec:llned ,., .. Un<heftfld 201 210 Tol•l ls_, 771 ,.. =·· ...... s • ••lows n 77 ' ' Vidori111 loveaeat, I'. Nil col«, bitted becll, n•ewood fU•. • ftnD.175-ml ~ .,.... lroe aad br91 cllle bed. lbU. ID· d '4$8.5U-ll13 W1terbed, tile flaest made . Kh11ke Beautyreat notall• 1111ttrea combo. "-f. cood.-Simo. o&d. COii SlCXIO; wlll SM. W ~. 641).JeN. .. ~VER ·~-~.".71 ... 1 Never .... ITS alariam . .., Ive msa #1 .. Or.Ip C.-y 2BZ5 Harbor Blvd. COSTAllESA 97J.JIOO CCN•·lll C~E• i. :1 f1 r • . )41' '1C! .' f 721 -·--~--... ················ Otta..dy MODILS .. STOCI MOWl C•••ll ••• .t:.O! ......... ••• •UALlff Pll ·OWMID AU'IOl«l9:11 .... . ..., .. .,._ ... ts c. .. c... .. TOOAYI SMa·•nc• WSM SADDLEIACI IMW JMia .w.um11 NWT. .Ullat4YIUO A.\Mf Pkwy off 1·5 Ul-INO ~ 0098d Sundays ,..,,.,! tf71fllAT ...... <111.~!.re· Wit n1lae, All·fM ......, 4 ·~ trau .. _..,....•two new Une. Private par~ -/bmt otrer. 11\1&1' SILL! Call Rob a• ,..-aller s p.m. 4t ....... '79 llnda s spd, am ,,,,. ..._, A/C, excel coad. -.&4712 •' blk 1t71 HONDA. A low mileage C V C C -Hltcbbact with 4 speed tnmmiuion. This OH is wry pretty and super dean. (LBJXMS). S39t5. J i m Mar i no Volbwyeo, 8'2·2000. ; "18Att«dHatcbblt. , Top cooc1. snoo , 179-tel7 or S'll-3063 '11 Accord, auto, air. AK/FM, 42,000 m L NIQO. Mt-SIM6 "fl Hood1 Civic, good '*Id. G5GO or make of . fer&t0-9549, 67J.277T ....... 9710 .. .................... . '7•XJ12L .. Jaguar. Ex-~ally clean & in eclOd ccnd RIO 0 80. Call Paul 714/833·221% l :alAll-'PM '74 Jq XJ6. 52.K miln. ~Sa owner. Service re-lince new. 17.000 te-811 J...XJ6 . 1110· S~clan . What e · w/bucbtin leather .tn- tlrior. F\ill pwr. stereo eassetle, lo mi. Mint c:ond. SI.USO Pvt Pty. MS-%119 ...... 9131 ....................... ,.. ..... ,.... ............ lll'*tDlnctorr ...... Clh .... ~n : I ~· L Orange Coul DAILY PILOT/Thu~day, February 25, 1982 Sycamore setbacks stil~ plague Laguna La guna Beach 's ill fat('d Sycamore Hills purchase has suffered yet another setback. this time in the form of a lawsuit against the city by a Laguna Beach citizen. The 4th Dastl'll't Court of Appeals in San Bernardino this month rcvl•rsed an ea rl v Superior Court ruling against John Gabriels. who challenged the city's housing e l ement r~garding plans for development of a portion of the ·s22-acn· Sycamore Hills property Gabriels. through the Ll•gal Aid Society. c harged lht• cit_,. with failing lo include provisions for affordable housing o n thl' proposed Baywood De,·elopmcnt Corp. project <1 t the northeast corner of the c1t~"s pan·cl Baywood has been' tH' g o t i a·t i n g w i t h t h t• c i t ~· to purchase 62 acres of Syeamon.· Hills in order to construct about 300 townhouses '•Were ne(,'lt.iations suc·(•t•~sf'u l. the ch".• wou1d ~land to reahtt· about SSA million from Ba\'\\'OOd for the propert~. wh1eh wotlld go a long -~,a~· toward pa_, ing off t lw near!\· S7 million owed b,· the.• c·1t' lO foi·mer OWnt.'l'S of ttH5 .. t•11lirt• Sycamore Hills acreagt• But city offatiab sa.'· tht·~· ha ve scvcl'UI ways to go on t hl• lates t s tumblini.! hl<><.•k; The~' can merel~· pn)ct.>ss t h e s a me tt· C\ <'l m a p r or t ht• 1>roject. adding the nev. houi,ing element t h a t dis<'usse ~ n(.•w lt·c.·hnolog~· in manufactured housing. · Seek a re hearing before the a ppeal court. or appeal lo thl' state Supreme Court. Provide for low co~t hou:-;ing somewhere elst' in town Provide for low-cost housing at the Ba,vwood silt' c i t y o f f i c i a I s t• o rH t>tHI IOW ·COSt pausing.I eS pt•C'iu ll.\' hllu·s ing for older c itizens. is not appropriate in Sycamore• Hills because of the dist<Jnce from s hops . (.'hurches and other am{·nities Bu l l ht.',. a ls o fr a r t hat ~1mpl~· inC'ludlng the 11('\.\ ho.using c•lement in the plun might prompt ~·e t <1nother lawsuit by lhe legal aid group. That would furth1•r delay an~ den•lopmt.•nt plans for the projt.><.'t. w h ll' h l' H' r \\ a\ I h l' ('It \ l'ouncil dN'1cles to' go on lht· issut'. its goal shcnilrl be to gc.•t t hl· laws uit settled onl-e anti for all. so the C'it_,. can t·omplelc 1h land s ale and. finally . j.?el out of the real estall• husiness Hookup fee inflated It appears certain the state Public Utilities Commission will turn d0\\11 a request by San Diego Gas and Elect n(' Co to gros~I~· increase hookup fees for ut1ht1e~ serving new homt'!-i The utilitv. wh1C'h serves much of south (>range Count~· as well as San Diego County . ha~ sought a fee hik(' from Sl5.80 for n ew electrical and ga .... customers. lo S2.000 The uttllt' claim~ the lee 1~ justified because of rising inflationary eosl!-to install powt·r and gas lines. It also Sa\'S the t'Urrent s y ::, l em b u n (u 1 r t u t')d s t in )!. utility customers. who. lht• ulllat~· says. mus t pick up the burden nf th e extra inst allation t·osb And \\hile the utilit~· sa~s the.• new hookup fl't' would m<.•an low er ratt.•s for exis tin g customers . .-thl'rC' are problems that would be inherited b~· s uch a notion namt•h . the potential for a rash of lawsuits 11pp<>s111g tht• move Defending those suit~ v.oul<I furt h er burden existing rate.• pa~·t•rs Chargmg dt.•\'l'iopl'rs of llt'\\ homes $2.000 per unit would abo escal.ate the priec of new hous111g units that are a l n·ud~ V.l·ll be\'ond the rc.•ach of most · But current rate pu~ er~ .... 11011lrl not ha\'l' to he burdem•rl \\ 1 t h t ht' c n t 1 n· c.-o ~ I I or n c.· \\ hookups A more rt.>asom1ble ft•t' for new t•ustomers s hould bt• con ~idered. The proposal. which ha~ bt•cn opposed b~ most building association::. 111 Orange and San Diego counties. apparently \\Ill not bt• appc.•alecl b~ the utlht~· :.hould thl' PL'C c1eny the plan 11t·xt m onth P e rhaps tht· utility has seen the wiring on th<.· wall And . ma\'bt>. a reduc-ed rate ~trul'lurc s ho.uld be con~1dere<i ll\ S ()(;& E New Dana landmark? If a Dana J>o1nl bus inessman has his wa'. bv this time next year the seaside village \\ill be s porting a nautical museum with a collection equa l to or surpassing an~·thing on the East Coast . Steve Chris tman ~CJY~ he plans to retire and donate the USl' of his lighthouse on Del Prado '" a non-profit group to u~· ,, .1 museum. The lightl111u...,,· 111111 IJ, Christman t\\o \t•;,ir~ .1~11 .ii .1 cost of $500 .l~lo . IH111 ... • tht· S:.in C' I e m l' n t l' I' t' ~ 1 cl 1 • n 1 .., I 11 u r 1·nl 1•q>r1:-1•-. .1n :t11\'(•111-.1ng i.JJ.!l'llt'.'. a m1111 Jt1111 11.111t1(•a l -hop. :1 managC'mt•nt 111 111 .111<1 an I rt 'flld 10 ('hn .... tm:rn """ , ·""' ,1 rhr1·1·t1 11 of th1• C)r;i 11 1 'ou11t \ ~l.11 i111· l11..,t1tllll' )li"t d 11\\TI th1 hl11 ll 1r11m tht· 1•11"l111••,,1u•· 111.!ht hnu,t• \\ 111 t 1'1.1111 11\\111·1 .... h1p ttf 1 ht• I 1100 "Ill.II f.,. I 1•11il1hnl.\ Tiii' pla11 h "' 'I r 0111•1111 !.! ... :it t h1· m 11. 1•1111 1 , " JI• •i 1" 1i... 111 • the :\tannt.• Institute. prnv1(1ing hot h t hl· h •~ t 11r~ of :-l'al a nn g a I o n g t h l' \\ t' s l c.· 11 a .., l a n d o('eanography Sponsors of the muse um hope it will attraet more ,·isitors 10 Dana Point. and he lp turn the nearby haroor into a popul<ir tourist spot If pl ans co ml' ofl ''"' l'n-n~1oned. thl· naultc<tl must•um "111 be a \\t'lcome additwn to the Orange Coast and a center for the ::.tud~· of I he sea fa ring past of the region. That pas t. according lo Christman. will date from th<' Spanish Colonial period. and will rn<'lude the voyage of author H 1<.:hard H~nr\' Dana. for \\hom tlH• t•ommun1t ~·is named While Utt• cast has su<'h h 1 :-t 11 l'i t' a I ct' n t er s a s M vs I 1 t• . • i·onn lo s hov. off its-h1.~lnn . there rC'a lly isn·t :1nyth1ng -.imilar along the' loc·al Cali fornia 1·0.1:.L Pc.•rhap:-Dana Pmnl will hl01·01111· that place.• Opinions expr£><.s£>O '" l hP spacf .1bovP arP those of the Daily Pilot. Other views ex- pr e~sed on tn1. P••ll• .H(• th0~,, ot 1n,,11 .iulnor,, and clrl1sts. Reader comment 1s inv1t ed. Addrt>">S T l'lt ;:>,1d y ..,,,,. f' 1 1 "" ISbO. Costa Mew, CA 92626 Phone l71 4 l 64t'·43:ll . L.M. Bo yd/ Mari&u rlwice Pollsters askcti 1,500 single college !lenior wome n w h at sort of professional men they'd ~ke to marry, if such a choice wert> possible And the five job categorir .. most chosen . in orde r . ·ver Banker 2 Physlt1an 3 l..J l Professional olhlete And .> ~'nil r Thal $20 bill in )nUr wallt•I, II 'ur h there be, i!'i exi:icctl' I •• • 1 111 ORANGE COAST DailyPil I r1·11l:itlon tor five yt>ars'. A $10 bill <• '' la."lts three years out there. A $5 l 1tf. two years. A $1 bill. 22 months. 1 '\ut s the report from the US. I ederal Reserve System. The male and female {"ondors look 1•x.1ctly ahke Al least lo people To tt·tl the dltr<>rence, the wildlife l'Xperts have to run u chemical dnalysis on the birds' drop1,tn~s. Thomas P. Haley P~.bllsher r"o~1 A. Murpia1n• Ed11or Barbara Krtib6ctt E a atori•I Page Editor ~. r--..---- ------ .. • • - \ '1'00 HOO-IS ~'IS®Y HOffit ? ~ f\R£_UNARMa> NA~RICAN APV'~ COME To~ Yau ~lo BUl~l> ~,,,.~t BR\DGts ~I> STUFF. Yoo H~ -1 A~So 1fi1MK fHis 1s ct<>..t.r!' Time to end career politics D enounci ng "profe ssio nal politicians" as "a detriment to our government." May Dubinsky-Chote has declared her candidacy for the U.S. Senate. The Los Banos Democrat will be battling Gov. Jerry Brown for the party's nomination this June. Consideri ng the r ea lit ies o f campaigning, it is unlikely it will be mu c h or a battle. Brown, already well-h eele d f1nanc1ally for the fo rthcoming race , also has the advantage of name recognition and the power of his office. Dubinsky·Chote acknowledges the difficulty ahead. Profess i onal ~ politicians," she says, "are re-elected time after time. With the special pri vlleges they grant themselves. in addition to those they have by reason of holding office. they a re able to raise suc h large sums o r money that challengers are hard put to compete." WIN OR LOSE, her candidacy could fuel the growing name of resentment against those in orfice . For Dubinsky-Chote has put her finger directly upon lhe cause of the resentment .. The y have made themselves the privileged ruling class," s he said "They have become the royalty and no longe r represent the people." Certainly the congressmen did all they could to fan those names when they recently passed a measure exempting themselves from personal income taxes. Not since J.P. Morgan uttered his "public be damned " IARl WATERS s tatement has anyone dared to show such callousnt!ss to the people. As Dubins ky-Chote s a ys, the "entrenched incumbency" has e roded the basic principle or a government of the people, by the people and for the people. Our fo r efathers fought a revolution against royalty and taxation without representation. It is time to r ea ffirm that action and stop the practice of using one office to attain another. Sweep out all incumbents! She proposed that congressmen be limited to two terms in office and• prohibited from running for other office during their terms. She s ays once those limrtalions have been imposed upon Congress. the states will follow suit. Maybe so, but it would seem lo be easier to s tart s uch a movement on the state level in the hope it wouJd compel the same standards for Congress. That Americans have come to favor limitations of te rms for those in public office was confirmed by pollster George Gallup in 1978 He reported the public favored a maximum of 12 years for congressmen by a margin of 2 to 1 President Harry S. Truman, the last pres id e nt lo ser ve without the eight-year limitation on his term in office. nevertheless did not choose to run after filling out the unexpired term of President Roosevelt and his own four-year term. In the doing he went on record as favoring a 12-year Limit on terms of the Congress P R ESIDENT Dwight Eisenhower also spoke out on the issue ... Each man so serving would tend to think of his congressional career as an important and interesting interlude in life. a period dedicated to the entire public. rather than as a "'ay to make a living. The members would probably give more attention to the national good and less to their personal fortunes ... Peripheral Canal key to security To the Editor: Steve Tripoli's conclusion at the end of his long article on the 1980 State Water Act C Peripheral Canal ; package with strings, Feb. 8 ) is dead wrong. He said the only thing certain is that there will be much. much more said between now and June 8. l n fact, it is also quite certain that without the Peripheral Canal. the people or Southern California and Orange County face a period of extre me MAILBOX uncerta inty over quality and quantity 01 their waler supply. A drought such as we experienced in 1976-77 would bring on a disaster or proportions never experienced before in this region Water rationing would be a certainty. UNFORTUNATELY, the special interests that are opposed to the project mostly because they think they can do away with the e nvironmental . constraints if they get another crack at legislation only have to raise questions They don 't have any answers. Confuse and conquer is their tactic. They want to gamble with the quality of IHe and the economic future of everyone in Southern California against the unlikely possibility that they can cut a better deal in the Legislature. Three stale administrations -Pat Brown, Ronald Reagan and Jerry Brown -all have come to the same conclusion: we must have the Peripheral Canal. The cost of the Peripheral Canal itself. the cornerstone of the 1980 California State Water Act, is estimated in 1980 dollars at $600 million. This translates to about $10 per year per family on their water utility bill. No additional taxes are involved. Only a fool would risk his entire livelihood against $10 a year on Lbe uncertain premise that the bi.I farm Interests of the central valley will cut a better deal on our behalf. And that la certain WAYNE A. CLARK Director. Fifth Division Municipal Waler District of Orange County Malathion ri1 ka To the Editor: Gov. Jerry Drown hos been subject Lo a lpt of unwarranted criticism over his handllng of the Medlly crisis last year. ln the int~rcst of public health, I would like to go on record as aupportln1 hls cautious acuons. M alatl\ton Is • c holineateraae inhibitor wh.lch damaces the nervous system of vertebrate animals u well u insects. Conceivably, malathion can dllmlfC the nervous system ol ~u.mans H welt, pecially ii recelved lft lara• enou1h concen\rauou. Spraytn1 clouds of m.!l•thl<Ml a nervcMll 17~ poilcJD, over a populated area is certainly not to be done in a has ty or hysterical manner. A cautious approach to its use is justified. JAN D. VANDERSLOOT, M.D. Don't discredit V.N. To the Editor: Regarding the United Nations' having supposedly "not seen fit to condemn the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan"' ("U.N. reminder overdue ... Feb. 161. the organization has in fact been voling regularly against Russia over that issue by up to 5-to· I margins in the General Assembly and Human Rights Commission. Moscow and its allies have attacked the resolutions as .. unfounded . gross violation of the (U .N .1 Charter designed lo continue the s landerous campaign against Afghanistan and the U .S.S. R." IT SHOULD BE further noted that at the 1980 emergency Assembly session an Indian-Algerian draft that would have condemned all s tates that • contributed to the heightening of international tension -which could have been interpreted as applying lo U.S. pressure on Iran over our hostages as well as to the Russian invasion of Afghanistan -was stopped dead in its tracks when 1t ran into a solid wall of Third World resistance. Time Magazine called the resolution finally adopted (by 104-18 ) "Moscow's most spectacular diplomatic humiliation " in over 20 years. Before continuing to denounce the United Nations as "a cesspool." New York Mayor Koch should remember that : (1 ) Without 10,000 U .N . peacekeeping troops on duty in the Middle East (where some 200 have been killed) and Cyprus it is doubtl\.11 there would be any cease-fires in those places. (2 ) Without such U.N. relit! and development agencies as UNICEF, the High commissioner for Refugees, the World Food Program, the World Health Organization. and the Development Program, millions alive today would otherwise be dead. (3) The U.N. and its diplomats spend close to 700 million badly needed dollars In his city each year. JOHN W. OSBORN, JR. President, Orange Co. Chap., United Nations Association of the U.S.A. Airport mianamed To the Editor: I would like to comme nt further conccrtliol the observaUons of Gloomy Gus and others tn your column anent Supervltol' Rlley folatin1 the name ol John Wayne Airport upon the public. No one questlona John Wayne'• • 1.•lltrl ,,.,., '"°''' ~ .. 9'-Tiit •ltM to"'*-.. t It•\ It 111 ~· tf t llnliMI• 111191 i. r_vH, Ltttt fl If -... ,I\ Ot Ito will .. .,_ .., ... ,_ •• All ltll9ft 1'W\t WI• Clllelf \>QNlll'• .... M9111 .. --M -_., .. W\1-10 9" •-111 wffK .... I tW-I) ......... l'wWY Wiil l\9t \llt M!llllM \.t"-' INY .. , .......... It .. .... ... ,.. ...... .._ _...,,~ ... <lfttrtWW. ..... Ila·-,., .•Mll<tll•........ • loyally to his country But 1l 1s pertinent to point out that he was one of the original protesters who demanded the shutdown or removal of the Orange County Airport GRANTED HE was one of America's most famous actors and played in several World War 11 movies but at proht to himself for which he is not to be criticized The name of Orange County Airport has exis ted for many years. 1s fixed in the minds of area people and the flying industry If our airport must bear the name or a well known movie actor then I would suggest either Clark Gable or James S t e wart b oth of whom voluntt-ered in World War lJ. earned their commissions and served with proud combat records. EDWARD LEWIS Objects lo cartoons To the Editor· I never take lime to write this kind of letter but this morning, even though time is precious on a Saturday morning, I was so angry when I saw the cartoon in this morning's newspaper Feb. 20, that l had to register my complaint. I am not one to be able to express myself well. especially to one who is a ne wspaper columnist but why don't you stop running our president down with those stupid cartoons? Why don't you help pull our country together, or else ship out and stay out. Go to another country where it is better THIS COUNTRY has been run by a Santa Claus for so long we are practically ruined. The people are spoiled they expect a hand-out every lime they turn around then if the government tries to take some or this loose money away from them -ftere comes Jack the Ripper! I know this fetter will be tossed out and disregarded but at least one person has voiced her opinion. However, there are quite a few of us who feel the same as l do. We take your newspaper because of the fine local news coverage. My husband and I both work and we are earning an average Income. We are not wealthy by a long ways. JEANNETTE BOOTH What's more lrustraUnf -trying to take the sUcker ta•s of Hahl bWbe or getlina one slice of bacon from 1 new packafe Just out ot the retriierator? 11 IL -- DlllyPlllt I THURSDAY. FEB. 25, 1992 llllll lllCH /IOUTH CDllT CAVALCADE B2 Amherst, Mass., has rejected, as, a 'joke' plans that would house , nuclear war refugees in the town .' See. P.age 83. S~ate oil battle mapped Lagu,rw, Newport beaches toured' by plauning official TIDE POOL lOUf\ Laguna Beach li feguard chief Bruce Baird (in sweater! points out highlights of rocky shoreline in Crystal Cove State Park. Tourin_g Laguna Beach coastline· .,......~ ....... - Wednesday were. from left. Mayor Sall~· Belleruc. planner Chris Krey mann,.and state Office of Planning and Research official Mike Shapiro. Sc hool p rope rty sales eyed Laguna trustees to discuss panel report tonight By JOHN NEEDHAM o • ...,,. .... IUftw~ Laguna Beach Unified School District trustees will be meeting in special session tonight to discuss a r ecent r epo rt on surplus district-owned property. Trustees will meet at 7:30 p .m . at sch ool di st rict headquarters, 550 Blumont St.. with members of the advisory committee appointed to make the report. Area s nam e d by the ei~hl-member committee a s having potential to generate lease, s ale or trade include a parcel in Alta Laguna and a plot adjacent to Top of the World School. Land in Alta Laguna owned by the district includes an 1 l·acrc parcel containing 25 bu ilding lots. It is just north of Park Avenue on Alta Lag un a Boulevard. The p arcel 1s zoned for re s id e nti a l u se and wa s purchased in the early 1970s for possible use as a school site when the district's enrollment was growing. The plot at Top of the World is about two acres of vacant land not being used fqr playing fields or other school purposes. The-advisory committee estimated the property could be divided into about fi ve building lo t s . How e·ver . its zo nin g d esig nation is "Public In s titutional ," thereby a dv e r sely affecting its res id ential d e velopment potential. Ma king up the advisory committee which conductecJ the study were James Baldwin, president of the Baldwin Co.; Robert. Braun, ·a partner in the Rutan and Tucker law firm; James Crout, a real estate developer and investor; and Dana Empringham, chief financ ial officer for Rancho Mission Viejo Co. Others in c lud e William Phillips. president of Phillips. Brandt and Reddic k ; Ernie Quigley. real tor. Lingo Real Estate: Bruce Tester, partner with Gibson, Dunn and Crutche r ; and William Walt, president o f Ba y wood Development Group, Inc. In the report, the committee a lso s uggested that El Morro Elementary School site could be a major income producer in ttie future. However, the report concluded that El Morro would be oeeded by the district for sever:al more years. Becaus e or the s chool's loc a lion near the coast, tbe 10.6 -acre campus '·has far greater potential <commercial> value than the Top of the World School site," the report says. More t estim ony due on canyon Mor e witn esses w ere scheduled to be called today to testify on travel conditions along Laguna Canyon Road in Laguna Beach. the subject of a lawsuit being heard in Orange County Superior Cou rt. Terry Brandt, Laguna's director of municipal services, spent nearly four hours on the stand Wednesday answering questions by Santa Ana attorney Gene Goldsman. Golds man is representing two Art Colony residents injured in a Laguna Canyon Road c rash three years ago. Their s uit contends that city-maintained lighting in the Big Bend area or the canyon road was inadequate and was in part responsible for the accident's occurrence. Laguna Canyon Road as a state highway Callrans offi cials are accused or knowingly allowing unsafe road conditions to exist at Big Bend at the time of the accident ln his tes timony Wednesday. Brandt s aid the city had installed street lights along the Big Bend area prior to the auto cr ash on March 16. 1979. He said lighting had been placed on both s ides of the roadway He denied that the area presented a traffic hazard. OQ Tuesday. Cal trans officials made similar denials to charges of maintaining a hazardous roadway. as is contended in the suit. Gonzales, 19. Un the night of the accident, the couple was driving south on Laguna Canyon Road when their vehi cle was struck headon by another car. That vehicle, d riven by Lisa Chaffin , 21. of Mission Viejo, c ross ed over rrom the northbound lo the southbound. lane about 500 feet north of Big Bend and ra mm e d the on coming vehicle. All three people involved suffered injuries in the accident Goldsman has not specified the financial award he is seeking in the litigation. He says he will compute that amount at a later date based on proof of the allegations. A state plannlne official took a day-long tour or Newport and Laguna Beach coastlines Wednesday. It was part. of an effort by both cities to persuade the state to help them battle oil lease sales o(f their coast. Mike Shapiro, an official of the state Office of Planning and Research, toured beaches by car and Jeep at the invitation of mayors from both cities. The two cities are planning strat egy to convince U.S . Secretary of the Interior James Watt that oil wells would be d e trime ntal to the natural resources and economies or both municipalities. The cities hav e until mid -Mar c h lo se nd documentation to Gov. Brown listing objections about the oil lease sale. The governor then has until the end or March to forward those concerns, and the slate's recommended action, to Watt. The interior secretary will make a decision on which ocean tracts will be up for lease in early May, and the lease sale has tentatively been set for June. Following an afternoon tour of the new Crystal Cove State Beach and Laguna's tide pools, Shapiro said be was "impressed with the resources along the coastline or both cities." "In terms or beaches, and the intense recreational uses of the coast , there is definitely a unique s ituation for these towns," he s aid. "There is significant reliance on the shoreline and I'm getting a sense of the importance or the area to the citizens and what is at stake if there are problems." As far as a recommendation on the oil lease sale off the Orange Coast. Shapiro said he has not formulated an opinion. Newport Beach Mayor Jackie Heather, and Laguna Mayor Sally Bellerue, are hopeful the tour provides Shapiro, and the s tate, with a view toward seeldnt elimination ol the :I> or so tracts off both coasts. The City Council or both cities have gone on record opposing the lease sale, and Mayor Heather will be flying to Washington, D.C. Saturday with Rep. Robert Badham to meet with Wall. And while Laguna Beach has officially opposed all 10 tracts off its coastline, Newport Beach c ouncil member s are still haggling over which tracts off its b e a c he s s hould be eliminated. Ken Delano, assistant to the city manager in Newport, s aid the city's strategy is to delete as many tracts as possible and to attach environmental conditions on the others so that bidders m ight think twice about bidding on the tracts. Both cities argue that oil rigs located as close as three miles off the coast would do irreparable harm to tourism and recreation. La_suna Beac h officials say potential oil spills would destroy that city's fragile intertidal zone. Shapiro said Watt expects to garner more than $18 billion from ol!sho~ oil leases in fiscal 1983 to help soften the huge deficits m the Reagan budget. '"That's about $6 billion over what we believe is possible," Shapiro said. "It assumes Watt will get everything he asks for.'' But Chris Krey mann , a Laguna Beach planner, says the proceeds from sale or the , 10 tracts ofr Laguna Beach woold not make up for the damag~ to the city's economy as a result of the oil leases. He said a minimum bid of $25 per acre for the 4,960 acres off Laguna would only bring in $1.2 million for the government. And even Ir the bid figure went up to $1.50 per acre, the sale would raise only $7.2 million. June Catalano, Laguna's direc tor or com munity d evelopment , s aid it is Important to quash the June oil lease sale this time around. "We have to make a stand on this one in order to right the next lease sale," she s aid. "The stronger the cities can make their positions now. the better we'll be down the line." Occ upation hazard Laguna incu mbent 'misses point' By STEVE MITCl(ELL OI tM Dalty ~ IUft If you a s k Laeuna Beach r-touncilman Kelly Boyd what he does for a living, he'lf tell you he's in restaurant management. Why. even now he's taking management training at the C huck E . Ch eese p i zza restaurant in Huntington Beach, with an eye toward managing one or the s uccessful chain operations. · So, it only stands to reason when h e fill e d out ballot information for the April 13 Ci t y Co unc i l election, he listed res · taurant man- age m e nt u n d e r the line for "occupation." aoYo ' • I t s a I d . occupation, so that's what l put down," the four-year council member said today. Now he finds he should have put down the word ''incumbent" in the space provided , thus letting the Lagun a electorate know he's got all kinds of experience for the job. "Having incum bent unde r your name is a definite ace in the hole," he said. But Laguna Beach voters will find "restau1 ant man:igem~t'' under the mcumb". ··= n'lme when they go to the polls iu April. That's desp ite livyci·~ efrorts to get Secretary of State March Fong Eu to change the label to incumbent. "'They won't change it on the r egular ballot," Boyd said. "There was a ruling some time back that what you put down is what you get." A flurry or phone calls did r es ult in a c hange to "incumbent" on the s ample ballot that will be sent out to voters next month. And a 3>0-word statement by the candidate will also note his council experience. '"It was a screwup on my part, no doubt about it," the councilman admits. But Boyd is hoping his name recognition will carry him with the people he knows in town. "He ll , I n eve r kn e w incumbent was what someone does for a living," he said. Three people hurt in Laguna accident A Laguna Beach woman and Huntington Beac h man were listed in stable condition today at South Coast Medical Center following a noon traffic collision near Three Arch Bay in South Laguna Wednesday. A hospital spokesman said Colleen Brady. 29, and Matthew Rad e maker, 22 , s uffered moderate injuries in the crash. A third p e r s on , William Burrows, 22, of Huntington Beach, the driver of one of the vehic les, was treated and released. According to the California Highway Patrol, Miss Brady was driving north in the No. 1 lane of Pacific Coast Highway when she swerved into the No. 2 lane to avoid a vehicle. She then sideswiped Burrows northbound vehicle, accordlng to CH P officer Dick Van Cott. Rademaker was a passenger in the Burrows car. Van Cott said the collision of the two vehicles forced the Burrows car into a traffic signal box. The car then overt.urned. Th e ac ci d e nt i s under investigation. Van Cott said. Also named in t he suit is C altrans. wh ich m a intains Attorney Go ld s m a n is representing Laguna residents Peter Moi r . 28. a nd Diane A ll dresse d up but no pince to g o • 1 •'Bradbury' auditions slated Ope n auditions for an original work titled , "The Illustrated Bradbury." are sch eduled tonight from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. at Saddleback College's Studio Theater in Missloo Viejo. Lynn Wells, who is directing the play . has written the script from six stories by science fiction writer Ray Bradbe11·y. The stories Include .. The Dragon." "The Happiness Machine," .. All Summer In a Day," "Yes. We'll Gather at the Rlver.'~ "The Last Night of lhe World" and "There Will Come Sort Rains ." Scripts are available from the theater orrice and can be checked out for a 24-hour period with a $5 refundable deposlt. The play 'Opens April 30 and continues through May 9. For lnformatlon call Lynn Wells at 831-4757 or the box office at 831-4763. •Typing competition achedul ed The Harbor Area Legal Secretaries Association is cballen1ing sis ter associations throughout Southern California to a •• f'aateat Flntera In the We•t" typln• compelltlon. The event wW be held from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday. al Lbe Driftwood Beach Club, 114'2 P.cille Cout Hlabwa)'. The C!OmJ)etlUoa ll OJ*'· Clo all let•I 11cretarlea associations. The Harbor Area group In c lud es secretaries from Huntington Beach, Costa Mesa. Newport. Beach, Fountain Valley, Irvine and Laiuna Beach. The fee ror each team iB '45. Tickets for s pectators are f7.50 each and lnclude luncb. More lnformalton on the event can be obtained from Mattl_y• Orr, 142.5100. .. By NORA LEHMAN otlH Oalty ...... SUff . WHAT'S A CO UPLE OF DAYS between friends? Funny thing. we were just talking about this kind of thing around the office a couple of days ago. ..Have you e ver gotten someplace on the wrong day?" someone asked someone else. I was just hearing the conversation with half an ear . "Not really." the voice answered. .. J' ve gotten s omeplace at the wrong lime, but . . ... and I tuned out. Well, we did. We got someplace on the wrong evening just last night. We were scheduled to have dinner with our tr~veling companions from England, here from Minnesota -and a good winter it ls to be here from Minnesota and Marsh and Mary Houts thls week. Note I said "thls week." Yesterday. I would have said .. on Wednesday." Today. I'm not quite sure how to put that. Anyway, I got myself ln gear, changed my clothes. slapped some lipstick on and the·man·ln·my-llfe and I took off for Emerald Bay. We were due at-.&lx. _ • ·- "dinner out," the mea.,e sald. l Je.aned out of the car and announced wlth such assurance that we were lo have dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Houts t.l)at the nice gua rd on the gate. nodded . smiled and gave us a guest pass . We should have had a clue when we had to fumble with the gate in the dark and. looking through the French doors, saw Ma rsh with his feel comfortablv c rossed on the ottoman, Mary nowhere in sight. · I rapped on the d oor, pushed it open. as Mars h called "Who is it?" We still didn't c atch on. "Nora." I called back. "Are you all right?" Mary leaped to her feet. ·:Where're Ceil and Jim?'' I asked. giving them eac~ a kiss. . "They're in Anaheim, staying with some other friends. They leave on Friday ... " It was Mary who caught on firs t. I mu st have looked comp-letely nonplussed. "Oh. dear, we were expecting you on Monday ..... • "Wednesday , the message said." "Bull said Monday," Mary shook her head. "But ... " I glanced at my roommate curiously. He looked sh aken. I'm glad he took the message. I thought to m yself. I'm too close to cramness now. A drink, a couple of hours talk, some catchin& up on the news -the London newlyweds Tom and Robin are due here in May and then on to Stanford to silicon gulch -a look at the extensive remodeling that's been going on since last we saw the house. and we took our leave. It was 8 o'clock. "lt's okay," I said reassuringly to my friend. ··we aU have slippages.'' · "But I wrote it rlgbt clown," he said with furrowed brow. "Doesn't maiter, you were thinktn' about sometlllni else." t patted hie hand. • I wu just adQrable about the whole thinJ. t cowld afford lo be. l wu to re&iev.S I hadn't done it my compusk>n surpassed all undentand.ln1. l "• Orange Co11t DAil. Y PILOTfThur•day. February 25. 1982 Irvine Center action cannot be too hasty Abandonment of expansion pl ans for Newpor t CcrHc.•r is unlikely to hast en <:onstruction of the lt·vine Cent~r . another m ••.ior commcrt'ial und office complex planned by t he lrvint' Comµan~·. When the Irvine Company pu lled batk from it:-. expansion p lans for the oHit·e and hotel com pl ex s urrounding Fas hion lsla nd . some Irvine res idents immediately a sked 1f that m e<mt t he construction schedule for the 450 acres of land in the so-railed Golden Tnani:tll• enclosed by tht• San Di ego and San t a An.a fr e c '' a~· s . \\ o u l d 'i> c.• m n ' l' d forward. The a n~\\'t•r St.'ems to hl· ··no." which uppears to s lllt tht• bes t inte rests of t he communil\. and the compan~ · As compun~· officials e x- pt.1int·d la s t week. agr l•emcnts still mus t tx.• forgt•d with the c:it~· gover nme nt a n d w ith major stores and busim•sst•s that woulci occup~· s pace 1n thl' c•t•nter. billed in the past as :rn inno\'alivt· and u r c h 1 t cc t u r a 11 ~-a d v a n c· l' cl complex. The t'entl'r tt•rta in I~· \\on I ht• bullt until cer tain d cp art m<.•nt stores arc committt•d . tmd thcsl' t imes may not be conducive to those long-range c omm1tmt•n ts More impu1·tunt . s uch u m a mm o rh "c n t c r r <'qu i r t' s careful and thorough studies of trarfic and pedestrian m ovcmt!nt. T he city cannot afford short cuts there_ In fact. 1l need s creati v<• approach es to avoiding what ('Ou Id ot herwise become Sl'nou:-. traffic congestion on tht• road:, surrounding the d~nler Finally. comp:m~ and r1t ~ officials are just beginning talks on how e a C'h s ide ran muk(.• t radt'Off s in their own mtcrcs1 The compan~ \\Olllll offer land in other sections to lht• c:it\' 111 l' x c· h .a n g e f o r d e ,. (.' I o p ni c n t agreemc•nts for thl' tnanglc.• While pofontialt~· bt;nditmg both ~ide s. s uch agrt>emt•nts s hdulcl nnt be e n ten•d lighl I~· no1· h u rriedl~· Both the dt,· and tht• lrvinl' Company need lt) take tht• t1ml' to do an outstand ing job of handling the tremendous as~el that lrvinC' <"l'l11 er s hould bc•l·ome Beating a dead horse? As mcmtx.•rs of hoth the legal affairs and anation committee:-. of thl' Irvine Cit\' Coum·1l. Da\'IC1 Sills a nd Larr~· .\gran n•c·c•ntl~ pro posed a n 1n·dl'pth lt•ga l r eview of CUM' law av<ulahll' to p r e,·e nt con\·crsinn of' tht• Marines· El Toro :\ir Station into a commerC'i <ll airport \ T he two t•ll'C t t'd offieials don ·1 alwa~·s ugn.'f.' on politic:J I matlt.'l'S. b ut the~· are in full agreeml'nt in thl'i r op pos it ion to s u c h a c·o nvt•rsion This 1s11 't s urprising \'irtuall~· t'\'C't')·om· Ill I rvine. ht• lhl'Y pol1tir<1ll~ con scrvatt\'l' or liberal. apµ<·ur!'> against an inlernatwnal u1rpor1 in their b.ick yard Who wouldn't be. a fter all ·~ S ill•, and .\)..!r<1n '<tirl l ht·~ s uggested the lt·gal n•\'ll'\\ and f u rt h c r m o r e r> r o µ o .... ('{I t h t• comme r crnl airport s hould bl' located at Cump P endle ton becaust• the' \\ant the coum·il 111 take a proctuct1\·c ::,l l'P 1n t ht· aviat ion 1ssut• Thi s conrt•r n 1 ~ com mendable on its fti cc. but not all that si~nificant It has been ob\'tOU!'> for som t• lime that the· e h;,i nc.·e ol t•on vt•rt ing El Toro an t ht• fat•<.· of s tiff oppo!-.it 1011 from t h e :\I a r i n c !'> 1 s a I m o s t nonexistent And en•r,·om· has been pointing lhc· fingt·t: at l'amp Pe ndleton as a µossi ble s ite.• Sills and Ag rnn ar<' th<.• onl~ I wo members of thl' council who ma~· nm fo r nffi ct· this sprinw S ills is C'onsid e ring a c-hallenge t o Nolan Frizzclle for lhl' Republitan n o mination in the 69th s t al L' :\ssembl~· D1stn c:t and .\g ran 1s running for n ··l'll•t·t11m to lht• roun ril It sct.•ms like l ~· the two ffit'H· .. i:U'<' tnl-et'eSlt'd tn Sttikin~ Ollt a repulc.ttion a!'> hard lin er!'> ag<llns t an El Toro t't11l\'t•rs1on u pos ition that on l ~ \\OUld <lo lhl'm good come elf.•(·t10n timt• Be ing agains t an El Torn ('011\'erston 1:-. po llt1calh <.1ktn tu being for mort.• 1ohs and I<'!'>!'> inrt ation Ann 1f 11 makl'~ thl' (•andid;.1tl'S ft•el 't'('lll l'. flllt' flllt let's ftml out a houl lht· c·osl .. rncl \ <illll' of a 11 in-<foplh ll·gal n •ne\\ b c f o r c> '>\ <.' 1.· I f.• ' <I I <.• 1 t f r o m campaign maten'il In ('It~· l'••:-.h oulla~ Newport had no clwice Anolher nail \\'i.lS hamml'l'11d 1 n to th<.• co fl 1n of l '111 vers1t ~· O ri\'l' thi!-> \\'l't•k The ~cw port lkaeh C11 ~ Council. under tht• ht· a,.,. hand of the stull' Coastal Commission t his week rl'm o\'cd thf.• 11nf1nbhed road from thl' c·1t ' ·s local <·oastal plan The truth 1s. ~f.'\\ port had litllc ch01Cl' The comm1ss1on la!'>I :'\o- \'em bt•r appro\f.•d tht• l'tt~"!-. coas tal plan on tht• conrlit1on that Universilv Orin· be erased from the document's road maps The counc1l was left with the c hoice of ~cceptmg the t'ond1110n or dumpi"g the whole plan ancl starting over again with 11ttle pros pect of faring an~· bt>tll'r Universitv Drive. which no\\ com es to a slop on either s ide of the Upper Newport Ba~·. long has been envis ioned as a n eed ed trans portation link :1round lht• Upper Ray. 11 has been s(•en as an a lternative lo P acifi c C'oast H i g h " a ~· o r t h e bu mper·to .. humpt•r m c•ss along Bris tol Strel't T he Coa st al Com mission n ever hought tha t . decidin(i( instead thut the road was so • t•n vironmcntalh ris k \· that 1t wasn't t•\·en woi·th stud~·mg Wt• s t i I I f l' t• I t h t' r P i s m o r l' t' n ,. 1 r on men ta I µ o I 1 t 1 e :-. t h a n en\'ironmental 1mp•1C't 111\'ol\'l•cl m the situa tion But not <:ill hoJ>l' is lost. Tht• road remai n~ on t he rnunt~"s cirrulat111n m ••ps and cities like Costu ~e:-.a and lr\'int• w h i c h h c.t \' e s u p p o r t e d I h <' roadwa~· are still fn•t• to study 11 a t :in~· timt>. The cat ch 1~. pt.•rm1s ... 1on .... 1111 mu s t be obtatnf.•d from thl· C'ommission befon• an~ work on t ht· road is done. Perh<1ps Mayor .J ackte Jlea- 1 her hus the bt•st t d t•a . Th<• cities s hould con c·ent rat c· on getting the st<ate to t•xll'nd th1· Corona clt•I Mar f''ree\\.a' and then gauge whethN an altcrnatt· east-west rout(' like llni\'t'rsit\· is needed. · We think 1l prnhahl~· will ht• And at that point. maytx.• th<• C' ities c an take another pc.tss al tr~·ing lo get the commission lo pay a little atte ntion to human ron venience a s well <.1 S t he convenience of t ht' Clapper Raib and other birds . Opinions expressed in the space above are those of the Dally Pilot. Other views ex- pressed on tn1s page are tnose ot tneir autnors and artists. Reader tomment.1s 1nv1t ed. Address Tne Daily Pilot. P.O. Box 1560, Costa Me~. CA 92b2b. Pnone·(7141 rb42·4321. L.M. Boyd/Marital choice . Pollsters asked 1,500 single college se nio r wo m e n what sort o f professional m e n they 'd like to marry, if such a c h oice wer e poaaible. And the five job categories most chosen. In order. wer e : 1. Banker. 2. Pbyslclan. 3. Lawyer . 4. ORANGE COAST • lai"PllDt P rofessional alhlete. And 5. Writer . Footnotes in the musical history text s s ay Beetho ve n thoui ht it stimulated his creativity every now and lben to pour cold water over his head. Time . to end career politics Denoun c ing "p ro ce ss io n a l politicians" as "<1 detriment to our government." May Dubinsky-Chote has declared her candidacy for the U.S. Senate. The Los Banos Democrat will be battling Gov. Jerry~ Brown for the party's nomination this June. Con sid e rin g the real it i es of campaigning. it is unlikely it will be much of a battle . Brown. already we l l -heeled finan cially for the fo r thcoming race, also has t he advantage of name recognition and the power of his office. Dubins ky-Chote acknowledges the difficult y ahead . Prof essional politicians." she says, .. are re-elected time after lime. With the s pecial privi leges they grant themselves. in addition to those they have by reason of holding office. they are able to raise s uc h large s ums or mone y that challengers are hard put to compete." WIN OR LOSE, her candid acy could fuel the growing flame of resentment agains t those in o ff i ce . F or Dubins ky Chote has put her finge r directly upon th e ca use of t he re sentment. "They have made lhcmsel\'es the privileged ruling class," sh e Sald "They have become the royalty and no longer represent the people ... Cer tainly the congressmen did all they could to fan those flames when t hey recently passed a measure exem pting themselves from personal income taxes. Not s ince J .P. Morgan utte r ed his "public be da m ned" ;"• IARl WATllS statement has anyone dared to show such callousness to the people. As Du bi ns ky -Chote says. the "entrenched incumbency" has eroded the basic principle of a government of the people, by the people and for the people. Our forefathers fougtit a revolution against royalty and taxlltion without representation. It Is time to rea ffirm that act ion and st op the practice of using one office lo attain another. Sweep out all incumbents! She proposed that congressmen be limited lo two terms in om ce and prohibited from running for other office during their terms. She says once those li111 1tations have been Imposed upon Congress, the stales will follow suit. Maybe so, but It would seem to be easier lo start such a movement on the state level in the hope it would compel the same standards for Congress. That Americans have come to favor limitations of ter.ms for those in public office was confirmed by pollster George Gallup in 1978. He reported the public favored a maximum of 12 years for congressmen by a margin of 2 to 1. P resident Harry S. Truman, the last president to se rve without the eight-year limitation on his term in omce. nevertheless did not choose to run after filling out the unexpired term of President Roosevelt and his own four-year term. In the doing he went on record as favoring a 12-year limit on terms of t he Congress. PRESIDENT Dwight Eisenhower also spoke out on the issue. "Each man so serving would tend to think of his congressional career as an important and inte res ting interlude in life. a period dedicated to the entire public. rather than as a way to make a living. The mem be rs wo uld probabl y give more attention to the national good and less to their personal rortunes ... Peripheral Canal key to security To the Editor. Steve Tripoli's conclusion at the end or his long article 01_1 the 1980 State Water Act I Peripheral Canal: package with strings, Feb. 8> is dead wrong. He said the only thing certain is that there will be much. much more said between now and J une 8. In fact, it is also quite certain that without the P eripher al Can al, the people of Southern Californ ia a nd Orange County face a period of extreme MAILBOX unce rtainty over quality and quantity ot their water supply. A drought s uch as we experienced in 1976· 77 would bnng on a disaster of proportions never expt!rienced before in this region Water r ationing would be a certainty. UNFORTUNATELY, t he s pecial interests that are opposed to the proJect mostly because they think they can do away wit h the environm e n tal constraints if they get another crack at legislation only have to raise q ues lio n s . They don 't have a n y answers. Confuse and conquer is their tactic. They want to gamble with the quality of life and the economic future of everyone in Southern California against the unlikely possibility that they can cut a better deal in the Legislature. Three state administrations -Pat Brown, Ronald Reagan and J er ry Brown -aJl have come to the same conclusion: we must have the Peripheral Canal. The cost of the Peripheral Canal its e lf, the cornerstone of the 1980 California State Water Act, is estimated in 1980 dollars at $600 mllllon. This translates to about $10 per year per family on their water uUlity bill. No additional taxes ar e involved. Only a fool would risk his entire livelihood against $10 a year on lhe uncertain premise that the bil farm interests of the central vaUey wUJ cut a better deal on our behatr. And tbat ia certain. WAYNE A. CLARK Director, Fifth Division Municipal Water Di1tr1ct of Orange County Malathion risks To the Editor: Gov. Jerry Brown has been subject to a lot or unwarr anted criticism over his hendling of the Medfly crisis last year Jn the lntereat of public health, I would like to ro on record H supporting his c1utlo"'-' act.ions. M a l 1th Ion Is a c holineste r ase lnhtbltor which d1m11ea the nervous system of vertebrate anim als u well as insect.a. Conceivably, malaWon can d am age ti. nervous system of bumana u well, es~cially if received In lar1e enouab con~t.raUom. Spraytn1 clouda of l!WllalhlOO, a nervoua IJfem pollca, over a populated area is certainly not to be done in a has ty or hysterical manner A cautious approach to its use 1s justified. JAN D. VANDERSLOOT, M.D Don't discredit U.N. To the Editor : Regarding the United Nations' having supposedly ·~not seen fit to condemn the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan•· ("U .. N reminder overdu ~." F eb. 16 ), the organization has in fact been voting regularly against Russia over that issue by up to 5-to· l mar gins in the General Assembly a nd Hum a n R i g h ts Commission. Moscow and its a llies h ave attacked the r esolutions as "unfounded ... gross violation of the t U N I Charter ... designed to continue the s landerous campaign against Afghanistan and the U.S.S.R." IT SHOULD BE further noted that at the 1980 emergency Assembly session an Indian-Algerian draft that would have condemne d all states t hat contributed to the heightening of inte rnational tension -which could have been interpreted as applying lo U.S. pressure on I ran over our hostages as well as lo the Russian invasion of Afghanistan was stopped dead in its tracks when it ran into a solid wall of Third World resistance. Time Magazine called the resolution finally adopted (by 104-18> "Moscow's most s pectacular diplom atic humiliation " in over 20 years. Before continuing to denounce the Unit ed Nations as "a cesspool," New York Mayor Koch should remember that (I ) Wit h out 10.000 U .N . peacekeeping troops on duty in the M lddle East (where some 200 have been killed) and Cyprus it is doubt.Cul there wou ld be any cease-fires in t hose places. <2> Without such U.N. relief and development agencies as UNICEF . the High Commissioner for Refugees, the World Food P rogram, the World Health Organization, a nd the Development Program . millions ali ve today would otherwise be dead. (3 ) The U.N. and Its diplomats spend close to 700 million badly needed dollars ln his city each year. J OHN W. OSBORN. JR. President, Orange Co. Chap .• United Nations Association of the U.S.A. Airport miana~d To the Editor : I would like to comment further concerning the oblervaUons of Gloomy Gus and others In your column anent Supervltor Riley foiatln& the name of John Wayne Airport upon the public. No one question• John Wayn e's • 1.•IW"'f'""~'ere~ f .. ~ ... WttM19Melel It•\ I• Ill -·., elll'!llnei. lllMI IS I'--~-\ 8f -...,H .. IM\ •IH • .. -91'--• All let~ fNftl lft• ti-\ltNflll• --•llflt ---""' -· -w .. ••I-Id M t-.,nl II u ht lefll ,,.._ ".,.._ ..... ,, "'" .... • ....,,.,,.. v """' _, • ,...,,_. •• ~ "-...,.....,.'-'*, "•c•r•--•11-ter f ffflflH .... ~ loyalty lo his country But tt is pertinent to poinl out that he was one of the original protesters who demanded lhe shutdown or removal of the Orange County Airport GRANTED HE was one of America's mos t famous actors and played in several World War II movies but at profit lo himself for which he is not to be criticized. The name of Orange County Airport has existed for many years. is fixed in the minds of area people and the flying industry If our airport must bear the name of a well known movie actor then I would s uggest either Clark Gable or J a mes Stewa r t both of whom volunteered in World War IJ , earned their commissions and served with proud combat records. EDWA RD LEWIS Objects to cartoons To the Editor : I never take lime to write this kind of letter but this morning, even though lime is precious on a Saturday morning, I was so angry when I saw the cartoon in t his morning's newspaper Feb. 20, that I had to register my complaint. l am not one to be able to express myself well . especially to one who is a newspaper columnist but why don't you stop running our president down with those stupid cartoons? Why don't you help pull our countr y together. or else ship out and stay out. Go to another country where it is better THIS COUNTRY has been run by a San ta Claus for so lo ng we a r e practically r uined. The people are spoiled they expect a hand-out every time they turn around -then if the government tries to take some f'lf th.is loose money a way from them -here comes J ack the Ripper! ' I know this teller wllJ be tossed out and disregarded but at least one person has voiced her opinion. However, there are quite a few of us who feel the same as 1 do. We take your newspaper because of the fine local news coverage. My husband and I both work and we are earning an average Income. We are not wealthy by a long ways. JEANNETIE BOOTH ltmY• could the Committee ol 4000 be somnc ill own nesta by deatroJlna leuehold ldter .. tat F.M \ I ...., Piiat THURSDAY, FEB. 25, 1912 JIVlll CA VALCAOE B2 School mural ruling postponed Principal schedules meeung with advisory committee;. aunouncement due . By GLENN soon ....,~ .............. Irvine Hi&h Schoo) Principal Gary Norton wlll postpone al )east one day his e'xpected decision oo whether to han1 a student-painted mura) on campus. Norton was to meet late tbls afternoon with an advisory committee of parents, teachers and students who have been Involved with the mural since it was completed in September. Arter hearing the committee's recommendation, Norton said he hopes to issue a public statement Friday morning. Earlier, he had been expected to announce a decision this morning. E arller this week. lbe principal bad expected to rule today on the rate of the colorful, 47-foot-long mural titled "One World, One People." But the decision dale was postponed while Norton met again with the committee, which was formed by Stan Corey. superintendent of the Irvine Unified School District. Norton explained today bis decision will be strictly on whether the mural should be hung in the school's humanities building or not on campus al 811. If he decides against it. then the eight-panel painting might eventually be moved off campus to another dis play site, he admitted. Although the mural 's depiction of hooded symbols ot white rac~ts torturing black. figures has aroused a public debate, Norton said the issue shou)d not be consid ered ··negative." He said it raised the question whether prejudice should be dealt with openly or better ignored. "I really think it is an issue that high school kids and community members need to talk about," he said. The painting shows scenes or ethnic groups suffering cruelty before finally uniting In a triumph of brotherhood. It was created by 17 students in the school's multi·cult.ural program . A bout 26 percent of the students at Irvine High School belona to ethnic minority groups, said Norton. Accordine to a recent survey' 7 percent have Hispanic heritaae, 3 perctmt each are b)ack. Chinese and Filigplno, 2 percent are Korean, 1 percent are Japanese and 7 percent are from other groups, including Vietnamese. Samoan and Iranian. The other 74 percent is white, he said. Among the 17 student artists, eight ethnic groups were represented. school orricials said. Irvine school vandalism brings action Typewriters and computers are being bolled down, fences are being erected and police patrols are being stepped up in an attempt to combat a rash ol thefts and vandalis m in the Irvine Unified School District. School administrator Ron Upton said in an interview today that these steps are being taken because the school district has suffered a SS>.000 loss in the last two months as the result of the crimes. "Irvine bas been almost completely free or vandalism and theft in past years, but since Christmas we 've been experiencin g a number of break-ins, thefts and acts of vandalism," Upton said. "We've got about a dozen crimes involving such things as broken windows. light,s being broken out or Irvin'e Stadium and any number or computer and typewriter thefts. ··Here we are doing our darnedest to find every dollar .we can in our tough economy and then you find somebody walked off with two Selectric typewriters. ll just breaks your heart." Upton said that whi)e some fences are being erected near a •Irvine Com pany donate& rel ic& ' Several r4!lic ~ o f old Irvine Walnut and Citrus agricultural activity in Association. Orange County were recently Society officials also donated to th e I rvine reported that the company's Historical Society by the Michael Manahan donated Irvine Company. an old Irvine Ranch flag, Inc luded were 13 old that. formerly flew above the agricultural maps, a information center on persimmon fruit label and Myford Road. to the society's canceled checks from the museum. •Deadline near f or chili fest Deadline is Monday for contestants planning to enter the Second Annual South Coast OtHi Championship in Irvine's Bommer Canyon. The actual c ook ·off sponsored by the Irvine Chamber or Commerce will be on April 17. The competition will be limited lo 35 teams, which must be a civic, service or community organizations. According t o the chamber's rules, each team can have on e cook , four assistants and a s upport group of no more than 25 others. Besides cooking the chili. the teams also will be responsible for a five·minute stage presentation lo add to the entertainment. Chamber chili chairman is Ralph Rodhelm. Participants s hould contact Christine Taylor at 675-0165 to enter. Bommer Canyon, an old cow camp, is on the south perimeter of Turtle Rock Village. •Typing competition sch eduled few school district facilities. no immediate change is planned to the longs tandine district philosophy or not surrounding campuses with fences. "The schools belong lo the public and we want them to continue to be open," said Upton. "The schools are mainly in residential areas and we want people to start keeping an eye on them and calling the police if they see anything 'Suspicious." Irvine police Sgt. Dick Bowman confirmed this morning that there has been an increase recently in thefts and vandalism on Irvine Unified Warshaue r seeks Irvine council s eat Jacques War s hauer , a member of the board or directors of the Irvine Industrial De velopment Authority, has take n out candidacy papers for the June 8 Irvine City Council election. He is the fourth Irvine res ident to obtain candidacy papers. Irvine Unified School District Trustee John Nakaoka is t he only candidate who has returned the papers. The other three candidates are incumbent Councilman Larry Agran, Irvine Historical Society president Barbara Wiener and businessman Bill Pozzi. The deadline for filing candidacy papers is March 12 The council seats of Agran and Art Anthony will be contested in the June 8 election. Anthony says he won't seek re-election. In order to run for Irvine City Council, one must be registered t o vote in the city and must obtain signatures from at least 20 other Irvine voters supporting his candidacy. There is no filing fee. but those candidates wishing to have a s tatement published in the voters' pamphlet must pay $400. School District campuses. The perpetrators of these crimes, said Bowman, are probably a mi xtu r e of professional criminals and juvenile delinquents. "We think most or the people laking video equipment from schools are either pros or semi pros." he said. "On the other hand we caught a kid about a week and a half ago who had stolen a set or master keys for Irvine High School." "He stole a video cassette player. but he made the mistake or bragging about it to other kids and we ended up catching him. "We've had extra patrol checks and· root patrols and that sort of thing." Bowman said there have been thefts and vandalism at Irvine schools in the past, but for some unknown reason there seems to have been an upsurge in these crimes in recent months. Coust e au kin to spe ak at UCI Sunday Jean-Michel Cou steau will speak Sunday at UC Irvine's Crawford Hall about a summer program for adventurer ~ interested in oceanography. Son or ocean explorer Jacques-Yves Cousteau, hi! film -illustrated presentation will center on "Project Ocean Search," a summer program in which participants accompany him on on e · lo three-week expeditions to remote regions. The speech, co-sponsored by the university and the Junior League ol Newport Harbor. is the second of a three-part "Explore Our Environment" series. Tickets to Cousteau's speech are $4 for students and $10 for general admission. Additional information may be obtained by calling UCJ Campus Lectures at 833-6379. Amherst, Mass., has rejected, as, a 'joke' plans that would house, nuclear war refugees in the town. See.Hage 83. 0 0 DMty ............... 11.-.... WET SUITORS Daryl Warner. Mark Thomas and Paul DeYoung, memt>ers of UC Irvine's Ski Club. prepare for a "Wet T-Shirt" contest for men to be staged by the Delta Gamma Sorority Saturday at 1 p.m. outs ide Crawford Hall. Proceeds from the event. and other .. Anchor Splash" activities. will ~o to the LA Bllnd Children·s Center. IRWD officials urge larger water plan The Irvine Ranc h Water Dis trict's wate r reclamation program, already one or the biggest programs of its type in lttis area. should be expanded. IRWD dir ecto r s hav e rec om mended. The directors told the water district staff this week to seek subsidies from the Metropolitan Waler District to expand the IRWD program which currently reclaims six million gallons or waler per day. The water is used for agriculture and landscaping and isn't suitable for drinking. Waler District President Peer Swan said that the water utility wants to e ventually expand to reclaim 15 million gallons or water pe r day. The lrvine Ranch Water District is trying to gel a share of $50 million in subsidies that the Metropolitan Water District is-offering to e nhance local water reclamation programs. Swan said the water district is asking MWO to give it $250 per acre foot of waler t hat 1s reclaimed It also is asking for financial assistance m building a num ber or water r eclamation fac ilities s uc h as pumping stalions and pipelines He said he believes the waler district has a "pretty good shot" at gelling MWD subsidies to enhance the water rec lamation program. In a separate a c tion, lbe tlrvine Ranch Waler District directors told the water utility staff lo proceed with plans lo increase the amount or water IR WO gets from a well field in Santa Ana In an agreement with Santa Ana and the Orange County Water District, the IRWD has obtained the right to s ink 16 wells along Oyer Road in Santa Ana. It has already drilled three wel ls and IRWO directors recommended that six new wells be drilled. The water district hopes to ultimately get one-third of its water from the well field. The rest of the water would come from MWD supplies of Colorado Ri ver and Stale Water Project water The Harbor Area Legal Secretaries Association is c hallen ging s i s t er associations t hroughout Southern California to a ·'Fastest Fingers in the West" typing competition. all leg al se cretaries associations . The Harbor Area group includes secretaries from Huntington Beach, Costa Mesa, Newport Beach. Fountain Valley, Irvine and Laguna Beach. All dresse d up but no place to g o The event will be held from · 10 a .m. to 3 p.m. Saturday at the Driftwood Beach Club. 21462 Pacific Coast Highway. The competition is open to The fee for each team is $45. Tickets for spectators are $7.50 each and include lunch. More information on the event can be obtained from Marilyn Orr, 842-5100. • ~pring class sigrw.p s set Mail-in registration for Spring classes through the City of Irvine Community Services Department. will be March 6 through 13. Those interested s hould mail reglst.ration to the department, l>.O. Box 19S7S, Irvine, 92713, attention: specialist classes. Walk-in registration will be held March 22-24; Monday from 7 a.m . lo 6 p.m .. and Tuesday and Wednesday from 8 a.m . to 5 p.m. All walk-in registrations wiH be conducted at City Hall, 17200 Jamboree Road, Irvine. Students may also register after attending the first class meeting, if space permfts. For additional information. call 754·3639. •Police tMlilt l "'ine Club Tbe Irvine PoUce Officers Aaaoclatlon has presented a check for $1,000 toward the support or the Irvine Boya/Glrla Club. The check was lh:ented to the club11 bull fund cbalrman, Daft aaw, bJ 111oclatton repreeentaUHI ••k• O•••• and ''• a r .. •ftel• a Uae trvlM • Police Depart.menl. Association members state that the Boys/Girls Club la one 91 the most outstandlnc prol*t.s ever undertaken in Irv ne, and that they are proud to join with other comm un lty • 1 pi r I Ud bualn-.es and 1ndJviduaJa In 1uppartln1 this worthwhile venture . By NORA LEHMAN OttlleD .... l' .... SUff WHAT'S A COUPLE OF DAYS between friends? Funny thing, we were just talking about this kind of thing around the office a couple of days ago. "Have you ever gotten someplace on the wrong day?" someone asked someone else. I was jus t hearing the conversation with half an ear. ·•Not really." the voice answered. "I've gotten someplace at the wrong time. but .. :· and I tuned out. Well. we did. We got someplace on the wrong evening just last night. We were scheduled to have dinner with our tr!lveling companions from England, here from Minnesota -and a good winter it is to be here from Minnesota and Marsh and Mary Hoots this week. Note I said "this week." Yesterday. 1 would have said "on Wednesday." Today, I'm not quite sure how to put that. • Anyway, J got myself in gear, changed my clothes. slapped some lipstick on and the-man·ln-my·Ufe and I took off for Emerald Bay. We were due ahslx ... "dinner out," the mea1qe aald. • I leaned out or the car and announced with such assurance that we were to have diMer with Mr. and Mrs. Houts that the nice guard on the gate. nodded. s miled and gave us a guest pass. We should have had a clue when we had to fumble with the gate in the dark and . looking through the French doors, saw Marsh with his feet comfortabh· crossed on the ottoman. Mary nowhere in sight. · I rapped on the door. pushed it open. as Marsh called "Who is it?" We still didn't catch on. "Nora." I called back ... Are you all right?" Mary leaped to her feet. · "Where're Ceil and Jim?" l asked. giving them each a kiss. / "They're in Anaheim. staying with some othe_, friends. They leave on Friday ..... lt was Mary who caught on firs t. I mus t have looked completely nonplussed. . "Oh. dear. we were expecting you on Monday ... " ··Wednesday the message saJd. · · "But I said Monday," Mary shook her head. .. But ... " I glanced at my roommate curiously. He looked s haken. I'm glad he took the message. I thought to myseU. I'm too close to craziness now. A drink, a couple ol hours talk. some catchina up on the news -the London newlyweds Tom and Robin are due here in May and then on to Stanford to silicon gulch -a look at the extensive remodeling that's been going on since las\ we saw the house. and we took our leave. It was 8 o'clock. "It's okay," I said reassuringly to my friend. "we all have sliP\'.>¥ges." · "But 1 wrote It tight down,·• he sald with furrowed brow. "Doeufl matter. you were t.hlnkin1 altoul s~ els~." l patted his hand. .. : I was jult adorable about ~e wtlole 1thtn1. I rdl#I afford to be. I wu ao ...u.v.a J bacln' t done il-my compassloo surpassed all understandtq. I c Orange Cout OAILV PILOT/Thursday. February 25, 1912 Trustees must Weigh student needs first When it comes t o closing schools the news ls never aood. This week 's decision by Newport-Mesa Unified Scho~I District trustees to close Evening High School. Woodland and Lindbergh Elementary schools al the end of this school vear a nd convert Kaiser to an elementar~· school is no exception. Nobody li kes l o see a n eighb<>rhood school close its doors . The news was especially sad comin g so s oon a ft er Lindbergh celebrated its 50lh anniversary last week amid a throng of cheering s tudents and interested parents . But as principal Bob Maller p ointed out. .. As a school is closed there is u lot of feeling and tradition that goes with al Rut hopt'fully that tradition can be renewed wherever the c hildre n F uced wit h an ~·nrollm~nt that has d eelined by about 1.000 • s tudents ever y ~·ear since 1976. the district has been forced to close 10 schools in r ec<:nt years. Last year Rea Middle School and Corona del Mar Elem entarv School s hut their doors. · A recently r e leased citizens· committee report says that 16 sch ools could be considered for c losure during the next fivt> \"ears. · So it will become not so mu<:h a matter of which schools. but how soon. The first consideration s hould not be t oward saving C.'c rtain schools. but rather best ser \'ing the O\'erall nf!eds of lht• s tudents. And it Sl•em~ to us that thl' district has done that Dispute ends happily All's well that l·nds well. 5o the s aying goes A d isputt• over a shablJ~· piece of carpl'l that led mt-mbers of the Moose Lodge to lock the doo rs of its Costa M l'Sa hall Lo a senior citizen hot lunch proj;!rnm has been sett led Thal is than ks largt·l~ to Roger A~lon . \\ho clonate<l 14;) yards of plus h nylon carpel to the lodgC' last week W c g a \' c ~1 o o s e I. o d g l' m embers the ··bad neighbor award·· a fter the\' rl'fllM'd .Jan 13 to turn over kitchen equipml·nt to a group feeclin g nt•ed~ senior-. in the count~. Moosl' Lodgl' membt•rs su1cl they would kl'ep I he k1tchl'n utensils until a "0111 pat·cc 111" c a r p l' t i n .., t a I 1 l' cl b ~ I h t' T r a n s µ o rt a t i o 11 I. 11 n c· h .i n d C o u n s e I i n g p r o g r a m \\ <• .., replaced. TLC counll'l'l'd h.' f1 ling il .i million law-;uit a~ain:-.t the Moos\' l.od gl' We then gavt• TLC lhl' "'bad neighbor award ·· aftl'r tht·~ refused to drop the SS millic>n lawsuit following the return of their equipme nt Toda~· wt" re· giving Roger As ton . owner of the.• Carpel Barn. the '"good neighbor award"" for his donation of the S900 car~t H c em l' r gt'~ a .., l h e on I\ 'it-ns 1blc \'oit'l' II\ lhi~ long clnl\\ n out a ffair E\'eryonc :,L't·m~ h app,\ Tlw ~wniors are reported!~· en1n.'·ing their hot lum·h program at Rt·a ~11ciclle School 111 Cos ta '.\tc>~a ~tooS l' Lodge m l•mlH.·rs s ct•m delig hted with lhl'ar 1w\\ carpc•t ..\nc1 officials n•port thttt lht· k1\.\~llil s hould lw "it·ttkct quac-kh The <hs pult• was -;tarting to \H•ar us a l1ttll· ral!l!l'cl Thank goodnt's~ all · ~t·a ms · to h:J\'l' l'nrll'd well Newport had no choice Another nail wa:-. hammen•d into the c11ffin o f l 'ni \'l'r:>at ~ Dri \'l' th•~ WCL'k The ~cwport Bea('h Cit ' Coun<"il. under the hea ,.,. hand 111 the s tall' Coastal Commission . this week removed the unfinished road frnm t hl' ('tl.\ ·~ local c·<wstal plan. The truth '"· '>:<'"port h:icl Ii t t I<.· c hoat'l' Thl' ('omm1ss1o n Ja..,t :'\o vem her "pprO\'t'd t hl1 t it~ .., coast:.il plun on the cond1t1on tht•I l.J ni\'ersit \' Drive be t•rased from the document"s road maps T he council was left with tht• choict• of accepting the conditaon or dumpan g the whole plan <md s t arting over again with litth- pros pcct off a rang an~· bt•ttc r L:nivcrsit \' Drive. whal'h no\\ com es to a stop on e itht'r s ide of the l 'pper ~ewport R<1~·. long has bee n e n vision ed as a ncedl'd transportation link around the Upper Ba~·. It has been :-.ccn us a n alternative to P<!cifi c· Coas t Hagh\\a y o r tht• bumper·to-bumpe r mess along Bris tol Street The Coastal Co mmission n ever bought that. deciding instead that the road was so • l'lnaronm<.>ntull" ris k\· that 11 \\<Is n 't t'\"en woi·th -,tudnng Wt• .., I 1 I I ft' l' 1 l h l' r l' 1 " more l'l1\ 1ronmentul pol1t1('S than t•n,·1ronml·ntal ampael 111\'olq·d an the ~ituutaon But not all hope· IS lo~t The road n·ma 111~ on lhl' eou nt~· s c1n·ulat 11>11 m:ips and t·ali t•s like t'o'ita ~k~a anti lr\"lnt• w h i C h h ll \' l' '> ll p p O r I l' d t h t' roaclway arC' s till frl't' to study it at an~· t1ml' Tht' catch 1~. pel'm1ssion stall mu!-.t be obtained trom lht• com mission bc•f ore an,\· "ork on the road is dom· Pt•rhap~ :\1 ayor .J ark1e Hea- l hn h u~ the bt•st idea The C'it1e:-. s hould c·o nc<.•ntn•tl· on getting the stall' to extend lh(• Corona del :\Jur Freewa~ <!nd I hen gau~<' whet ht•r ;111 ~iltt•rnatt• t•as t west route like Unl\'<.•rs1t,\· 1s needed We think it probabl~ will lw And at that point. ma~·b<.• tht• c ities can lake a nother pass al trying to gt'l the commission to pay a littl<.' attention lo human c o n v t• n i e n c e a s w e II a s t h t' eon veniencc of thl· Clappl'r Rails and other bird~ Opinions expressed in thl' space above are those of the Dally Pilot Other views ex· pressed on tn1s pclge are those ot tne1r clulhors and art1s1~ Reader comment is in111t ed. Address The ually Pilot, P.O. Box 1~60, Co~ta Mesa, CA '12626 Phom•-1714J 164i 4321 LM. Boyd/Marital choice Pollsters asked 1.500 single college senior women what sort of professional men they'd like to marry, if sucb a choice were possible. And the five job categories mos t chosen. in order, were: 1. Banker. 2. Pbysician. 3. Lawyer. 4. Professional athlete. And 5. Writer. That S20 bill 1n your wallet, if such there be, ls expected to stay in circulation tor five years. A $10 bill only lasts three years out there. A SS bill, two years. A Sl biJI, Z2 months. That's the report from the U.S. Federal Reserve System. The male and female condors look exactly ,11Uke. At least to people. To te11 the difrerence. the wttdllfe experts have to run a chemical analysis on the birds' droppinl{s. Were you aware that Fred Rogers of TV's "Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood" has been an ordained minister since 1963? Every year, about 2,500 minor league baseball players decide they'll never make ll to the majors, so quit the game. Footnotes In the musical history texts aay Beethoven thouaht It stimulated hie creativity every now and then to pour cold water over hls bead. TtlorNI P. Haley PubtllMr T"r'* A. Mui"pltlne Editor • B•rlNtr• Kreiblcll Edltorl•I p~ Editor ... --~------·-----· ----,-~~ Time to end career politics Denou n c in g "profess ional politicians" a s "a detriment to our government," May Dubmsky·Chote has declared her candidM:y for the U.S. Senate. The Los Banos Democrat will be battling Gov. Jerry Brown for the party's nomination this June. Co ns idering the realities of campaigning, it 1s unlikely it will be muc h of a battle. Brown , already well -h eeled financially for the forthcom ing race, also has the advantage of name recognition and the power of has office Dubinsky.Chote acknowledges the diff icu lty ahead Professional politicians." she s ays, "a re re-elected time afte r time With the special privileges they grant themselves, in addition to those they have by reason of holding office. they are able to raise s uch large s ums o r money that challengers are hard put to compete " WIN OR LOSE, her candidacy could fuel the growing flame of resentment again s t those in of fi ce Fo r Dubins ky Chote has put her finger directly upon the ca use o f the resentm ent "They have made them selvc~ the privileged ruling class," she s aid "They have becom e the royalty and no longer represent the people." Certainly the congressmen did all they could to fan those flames when they r ecently passed a measure exempting themselves from personal income taxes. Not since J .P. Morgan uttered his '"public be damned" IARl WATIRS statement has anyone dared lo show s uch callousness to the people. As Dubins ky -C hote says , the "entrenched incumbency" has eroded the basic principle of a government of the people, by the people and for the people. Our forefathers fought a revolution against royalty and taxation without representation. It is time to reaffirm that action a nd stop the practice of using one office to attain another Sweep out all incumbents! She proposed that congressmen be limited to two terms in off ice and prohibited from running for other offi ce during their terms. She says once those lamatalions have been imposed upon Congress. the states will follow suit. Maybe so, but it would seem to be easier to start such a movement on the state level in the hope it would compel the same standards for Congress. That Americans have come to favor hmatalions of terms for those in public office was confirmed by pollster George Gallup m 1978 He reported the public favored a maximum of 12 years for congressmen by a margin of 2 to 1. President Harry S Truman. the last presi dent to serv e without the eight-year limitation on his term in offi ce. nevertheless did not choose to run after filling out the unexpired term of President Roosevelt and his own four-year term. In the doing he went on • record as favoring a 12·year hmit on terms of the Congress PRESIDENT Dwight Eisenhower also spoke out on the issue. ··Each man so ser ving would tend to think of his congressional career as an important and interesting interlude in life. a period dedicated to the entire public, rather than as a way to make a living. The members would probably give more attention to the national good and less to their personal fortunes." Peripheral Canal key to security To the Editor Steve Tripoli's conclusion at the end of his long article on the 1980 State Water Act <Peripheral Canal, package with strings. Feb. 81 1s dead wrong. He said the only thing certain is that there will be much, much more said between now and June 8 In fact. 1t is also quite certain that without the Peripheral Canal. the people of Southern Calafornia and Orange County face a period of extreme MAILBOX uncertainty over quality and quanUty ot their water s upply. A drought such as we experienced in 1976-77 would bring on a disaster of proportions never experienced before in this region. Water rationing would be a certainly. UNFORTUNATELY, the s pecial interests that are opposed to the proj~t , mostly because they think they can do away with the e nvironmental constraints if they get another crack at legislation only have to raise questions. They don't have any answers. Confuse and conquer is their tactic They want to gamble with the quality of life and t he economic future of everyone in Southern California against the unlikely possibility that they can cut a better deal in the Legislature. Three state administrations -Pat Brown, Ronald Reagan and Jerry Brown -all have come to the same conclusion: we must have the Peripheral Canal. The cost of the Pe ripheral Canal itself, the cornerstone or the 1980 California State Water Act, is estimated in 1980 dollars al $600 million. This translates to about $10 per year per family on their water utility blll. No additional taxes are involved. Only a fool would rlsk his entire livelihood against $10 a year on the uncertain premise that the bit farm interests or the central valley will cut a better deal on our behalf. And that ta certain. WAYNE A. CLARK Director. Fifth Division Municipal Water Dlatrict of Oranie County Malathion riaks To the Editor: Gov. Jerry Brown has been subject to a lot of unwarranted criticism over hit handling of the Me<ltly crilla Jut year. In the interest of public health, I would Jlke t.o go on record as aupporttn1 hit cautious acUona. ' M alathlon la a cbollnesteraae lnhlblt.or w!Uch d•ma1es the ntnoua 1y1tem ol vertebrate anlmall aa well u lnaecLI. Conc.lvably. ID&latbioa can dam1 .. the nervoua system ol bumana u y.iell, eapectaUy if received la Jarp enou&h cooc:.ntradoM. SpnJtac ~l.ouda of malath6Ga, a ... , .. •Jf!ID po1a4m1 1 over a populated area is certainly not to be done in a hasty or hysterical manner. A cautious approach to its use is JUStified. JAN D VANDERSLOOT, MD. Don't discredit V.N. To the Editor: Regarding the United Nations· having supposedly "not seen fit to condemn the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan" ("U.N r eminder overdue." Feb. 16 I. the organization has in fact been voting regularly against Russia over that issue by up to 5-to-1 margins in the General Asse mbl y and Hum a n R ights Commission. Moscow and its allies h ave attacked the resolutions a s ""unfounded ... gross violation of the 1U N.) Charter ... designed to continue the s landerous c ampaign against Afghanistan and the U.S.S. R." IT SHOULD BE further noted that at the 1980 emergency Assembly session an lndian·Algerian draft that would ha ve condemned a ll stales that contributed to the heightening of international tension -which could have been interpreted as applying to U.S. pressure on Iran over our hostages as well as to the Russian invasion of Afghanistan -was stopped dead in its tracks when it ran Into a solid wall of Third World resistance. Time Magazine call ed the resolution finally adopted <by 104 ·18) "Moscow's most spectacular diplomatic humiliation" in over 20 years. Before continuing to denounce the United Nations as "a cesspool," New York Mayor Koch should remember that : I l l Without 10,000 U.N. peacekeeping troops on duty in the Middle East (where some 200 have been killed) and Cyprus It is doubtful there would be any cease-fires in those places. (2) Without such U.N. relief and development agencies as UNICEF, the High Commiss ioner for Refugees, the World Food Program, the World Health Organiz•tion. and the Development Program, millions alive today would otherwise be dead. (3> The U.N. and its diplomats spend close to 700 million badly needed dollan in his city each year. JOHN W. OSBORN. JR. President, Orange Co. Chap .. United Nations Association of the U.S.A. Airport mi.named To the Eclltor: t would llke to comment further concem1n1 the oblervatlona ot Gloomy Qua and others ln your column anent Supervilor Riley follUni Uw name ot John Wayne ~rt "'pon the public. No one queatlont John Wayne'• • 1.tl•rttrnr.-.,.,._I(_ , ... ,,.... .. ,_i.t· 110 .. Ill IN(e flf tlllNNlt 11 .. 1 I• r--. ~Ren" - • .,... .. Illa .... lit·--~·· .......... """' ... (1~ •"""""9 ellCI ,,,..,,,. ---"" ...... -. .. .... _.."' ,.,....., ....... t<lellt ,_ ........... ,....,, Wiii Mt ........... 1.ttttn _,, .. ,....._._ ..... .... Nel!lt .... .,,_ --'l•I IM ,.,.,1"'• -• .. ¥ti! .. , .. tlflC ..... ._.... • I loyalty to his country But 1t is pertinent to point out that he was one of the original protesters who demanded the s hutdown or removal or the Orange County Airport. GRANTED HE was one of America's mos t famous actors and played in several World War II movies but at profit to himself for which he is not to be criticized. The name of Orange County Airport has existed for many years. is fixed in the minds or area people and the rlying industry If our airport must bear the name of a well known movie actor then I would suggest either Clark Gable or J ames Stewart both of whom volunteered in World War II. earned their commissions and served with proud combat records. EDWARD LEW IS Objects to cartoons To the Editor · I never take lime to write this kind of Jetter but this morning. even though time is precious on a Saturday morning. I was so angry when I saw the cartoon in this morning's newspaper Feb. 20, that I had to register my complaint. I am not one to be able to express m yself well, especially to one who is a newspaper columnist but why don't you stop running our president down with those stupid cartoons? Why don't you help pull our country together, or else s hip out and stay out. Go to another country where it is better. THIS COUNTRY has been run by a Santa Claus for so long we are practically r uined. The people are spoHed -they expect a hand-out every time they turn around -then if the government tries to take some or this loose money away from them -here comes Jack the Ripper! ' I know this letter will be tossed out and disregarded but at least one person has voiced her opinion. However, there are quite a few of us who feel the same as I do. We lake your news paper becallSe of the fine local news covera1e. My husband and I both work and we are earning dh average income. We are nol wealthy by a long ways .. JEANNE'M'E BOOTif Can't to.ta Mesa City Coundl memben aee umpteen uses for revenue abarbll funda -Uke ~rummy 1tneca, •arllcl tramc, ~eeda lad Utter \YtrYwbere? • 1 11.W. ___, ____ ....... = ............ ... ....................... ~--· ........ ... ................... ~ . THURSDAY, FE8. 25, 1982 CAVALCADE 82 Amherst, Mass., has rejected, as , a 'joke' plans that would house, nuclear war refugees .in the town . See. P,age 83. 0 0 Mesa rezoning upheld Construction near South Coast Plazq to proceed TIDEPOQL 'TOUR Laguna Beach lifeguard chief Bruce Baird tin sweater> points out highlights of rocky shoreline in Crystal Cove State Park. Touring Laguna Beach coastline· Deity ............. _ Wednesday were. fr?m 1\ft. Mayor Sall y Bellerue. planner Chris Kreymann.,.and st.ate Office of Pl anning a nd Research official Mike Shapiro. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 r_f our aimed against oil leases Newport, Laguna hopes state will fig ht Coast sales A state planning official took a day-long tour of Newport and Laguna Beach coastlines Wednesday. It was part of an effort by both cities to persuade the state lo help them batUe oil t lease sales off their coast. Mike Shapiro, an official of the state Office of Planning and Research, toured beaches by car and Jeep at the in vitation of mayors from both cities. The two cities are planning strategy to convi n ce U.S. Secretary of the Interior James Wa tt that oil wells would be detrimental to the natural resources and economies of both municipalities. Th e cities ha ve until mid -Mar c b to se nd documentation to Gov. Brown list.lng objections about the oil lease sale. The governor then ' has until the end o( March t.o forwa rd those concerns, and the state's r ecomme nded action, t.o Walt. The interior secretary will make a decision on which ocean tracts will be up for lease in early May, and the lease sale has tentatively been set for June. Following an afternoon tour of the new Crystal Cove State Beach and Laguna's tide pools, Shapiro said he was "impressed with the resources a long the coastline of both cities." "In terms of beaches. and the intense recreational uses of the coast, thel'e is definitely a unique situation ror these town s," he said. "There is s ignificant r eli ance on the shoreline a nd J' m getting a sense of the importance of the- area to the citizens and what is at stake if there are problems ... As far as a recommendation on the oil lease sale off the Orange Coast, Shapiro said he has not formulated an opinion. Newport Beach Mayor Jackie Heather, and Laguna Mayor Sally BeUerue, are hopeful the tour provides Shapiro, and the state, with a view toward seeking elimination of the 30 or so tracts off both coasts. The City Council of both cities have gone on record opposing the lease sale, and Mayor H eather will be flying to Washington, D.C. Saturday with Re p . Robert Badham to meet with Watt. And while Laguna Beach has officially opposed all 10 tracts off its coastline, Newport Beach cou n ci l member s are still •Typing competition scheduled haggling over which tracts off its bea c h es sho u ld be eliminated. Ken Delano, assistant to the city manager in Newport, said the city's strategy is to delete as many tracts as possible and t.o attach environmental conditions on the others so that bidders might think twice about bidding on the tracts. Both cities argue that oil rigs located as close as three miles off th e coast would d o irreparable harm lo tourism and recreation. Laguna Beach officials say potential oil spills would destroy that city's fragile intertidal zone. Shapiro said Watt expects t.o garner more lh iu> Sl8 billion from offshore oil leases in fiscal 1983 to help soften the huge deficits in the Reagan budget. Passenge r s up at Wayne Wh ile the num ber of commercial airline nights was virtually unchanged, about fi ve percent more passengers passed through the John Wayne Airport terminal in January than in the same month in 1981. Accordine t o statistics released by airport officials, 193.748 people arrived at or departed from J ohn Wayn e during January, compa red to 184 .049 in January, 1980. There were 2,451 operations, defined as e ither landing or takeoffs. of commercial jets during January. three less than January 191l>. By JODI CADENHEAD ol_D...,,I' ......... The state Supreme Court• turned down a request from the city of San Jose today to review an appellate court decision that invalidated a voter Initiative that ruoned 68 acres in north Costa Meaa. Costa Mesa City Attorney Tom Wood said the state Supreme Court decision means that the Dec . 1 ruling by the appellate court stands and th at Arn el Development Co. and South Coast Plaza ean now construct more than 650 h o mes a nd apartments near South Coast Plaza. ·•I'm just glad to see that the lawsuit hasn't been needlessly prolonged and that development can now proceed," said Wood. San Jose city attorney Robert Logan filed for an appe~J before the high court last month after the Costa Mesa City. Council --voted 3-?-not ttr·c ha llenge the lower court ruling. Logan contended that the lower court ruling could set a precedent throughout the state. It was the second lime San Jose had filed a,n appeal to the s tate Supreme Court regarding the ~roperty owned by Amel and South Coast Plaza. In 1979 San Jose was joined by San Francisco and Alameda when they successfully challenged an appellate ruling. The Supreme Court overturned the appellate ruling in April, 1980 . The case was then returned to the 4th District court of Appeal NB skipper bre aks mark on 'Pass age' By ALMON LOCKABEY Deity .... tulfl WtiW "There's s till life in the old gal. She is going faster than ever." That was the ecstatic report of Rex Banks of Newport Beach, sailing maste r aboard the 72-foot yacht Windward Passage. in a telephone report to the Daily Pilot from Nassau, Bahamas. Passage had just finished first in the 110·mile Fort Lauderdale to Nassau race in the Southe rn Ocean Racing Circ uit out of Florida. .. We finished the course in an el apsed time of 18 hours, 55 minutes. and broke Kialoa's record by 45 minutes," gloated Banks. Kialoa is a n ew 81 -foot maxi -yacht owned and campaigned by John B. Kilroy of Los Angeles. "This was the second time we had beaten Kialoa and finished first in this year's SORC," said Banks. "We also finished first in the Ocean Triangle race out of Miami." · Passage also beat her own old e lapsed-time record , set 12 years ago in the Miami-Nassau race. for further consideration. The court ruled Dec. 1 that the initiative or dinance discriminated against the developer. Five years ago the cit y approved the project calling the homes and apartments. But 68 acres were rezoned t.o single family developme nt in March, 1978 when voters n arrowly passed t.he i.nlUatlve backed by the North Costa Mesa . Homeowners Association. . Meanwhile, Jon Paradis, vice president or the association, said homeowners plan lo meet wlt.h representatives from the city Friday t.o discuss the future of the property. Teachers waste nQ time on 1983 plam No sooner had Newport-Mesa Unified School District trus tees form ally agreed to a 6 percent raise for 1981 -82 for teachers when representatives from the teachers' union walked in with their contract proposals for 1982·8.1. The le ngthy pay dispute settled last week following an overwhelming vote by teachers to accept the distr ict's 6 percent pay offer included a s harply worded resolution. The resolution calling for the district's 850 teachers to strike if negotiations for the 1982-83 school year are not completed by September and expressing a vote of n o confidence in Superintendent John Nicoll came under heavy fire Tuesday. "I was impressed with its language. However, it comes with the territory." Nicoll told the board. .. But it hurts my feelings when they criticize you for foot dragging ... Nicoll offered to make all future n egotiations between teachers and the district public. Union leader Bill Cue said he would recommend that the Newport·Mesa Federation of Teachers executive board accept Nicoli's offer. ·'The more I think about it the more 1 think people should know what's going on," Nicoll said this morning. ··1 d on 't see what's wrong with sunshining it.'' The proposal presented to the school board Tuesd ay calls for teachers to receive a pay hike for 1982-83 th<tt would be tif'd to the cost of Ii vine; Newport· Mesa Fe o e rat1on presid ent ·"df>l ~ Kc p eck y estimated that the ra?5e would probably a mourll to itbout 9 percent. A public hearin g on U1e raise will be held March 9 and the district is expected lo make an offer March 23. Th e contract approved Tuesday night calls for a 4 percent raise retroactive to July and another 8 percent raise effective Feb. 1, for an annual 6 pe rcent raise for the 1981·82 school year . The 6 percent raise will increase teacher sataries from a low or $13.607 to a high of $28.999 Newport aquatics center proposed A group of Newport Beach residents hope the day i s nearing when North Star Beach will be thought of as Orange County's towing. canoeing and kayak center. Spearheaded by local rowing a n d pad d I i-n g c o a c h Bi 11 Whitford. the group is proposing construction or a Newport Beach Olympic Aquatics Center in the North Star Beach area of Dover Shores The center the 12-m ember group envisions would cater to the needs of people who favor rowing o r paddling various kinds of human·powered watercraft. It is not tied in to the 1984 Los Angeles Oly mpics. The center would house locker rooms. a boat storage area and a weight -training r oom . according to Whitford. Also, a training coach-coordinator would be hired to r un the operation. Whitford's "dream" plan was presented to members of the Newport Beach City Counc il during a study session Monday. The proposal still is in the conceptual stages, Whitford said No plans have been drawn and a dollar estimate of what the center would cost have yet lo be calculated Whitford said he has been actively purs uing construction of a "training and education center for human-powered craft" for the last year He pointed out that persons not involved in a college rowing program or those who do not live near water find it difficult to pursue the sport. He added boat storage, for the types of craft for wh ich the center would be des igned. is next to impossible lo find. If the center were to be built, it would be "compatible with the ar ea" and would not interfere with public access to the beach. Wh itford said. The Harbor Area Legal Secretaries Association is challe n gi n g sis ter associations throughout Southern California lo a "Fastest Fingers in the West" typing competition. all legal secretarie. associations. The Harbor Area group includes secretaries from Huntington Beach, Costa Mesa, Newport Beach , Fountain Valley, Irvine and Laguna Beach. The fee for each team is $45. Tickets for spec tators are $7.50 each and include hihc h. More inform ation J?n the event can be obtained from Marilyn Orr. 842-5100. All dressed up but no place to go The event will be held from 10 a .m. to 3 p.m. Saturday at the Driftwood Beach Club, 21462 Pacific Coast Highway. The competition is open to •Miss Newport entrants sought Entries now are being accepted for the 1982 Miss Newport Beach contest , to be held June 18. The annual contest, s ponsored by the Newport Harbor Jaycees, calls for entrants to be unmarried women between the ages of 18 and 25 as of June 1. Contes tants mu st be residents of Newport Beach. Each candidate will be sponsored by a local business. c lub or civic organization . The filing dea dline is April 9. For additional information, call 891·-4611. •Receptio n set for n ew libra rian A reception for Jackie Headly, ne w librarian al Newport Be ach's Balboa branch library, is planned for Friday evening at the library, 100 E . Balboa Blvd. R efr eshments will be served from 5 to 7 p.m. and all interested people are invited. The event will be hosted by Newport Mayor J ackie Heather. • 'Ca.bare(' a how benef it planned Ticket.a are on sale lor the annual brunch and 1t11e 1how lundraller by FlSH, a non-profit 1roup helpln1 need y alon1 the Oran1• Cout. Tbe tilattb 1'1 ahowlnl ol "Cabaret" at I.be EUubeUa Howard CWUJn Call Dinner Theater wUI lnclude brunch at noon. Tlcket.s are $17.~ and ma)' be ordered by wrltln1 to Mimi H"Hr, 122 Pearl, Balboa fJland. Oe1dllne ii Feb . 2$. For more lnformltioa caJI 673·'1381. .. By NORA LEHMAN Of Ille D .. ty l'I ... $Miff WHAT'S A COUPLE OF DAYS between rriends? Funny thing. we were just talking about this kind of thing around the offi ce a couple of days ago. "Have you ever gotten someplace on the wrong day ?" someone asked someone else. I was just hearing the conversation with half an ear. .. Not really ," the voice answered . .. I've gotten someplace at the wrong time. but ... " and I tuned out. Well. we did. We got someplace on the wrong evening just last night. We were scheduled to have dinner with our tr5lVeling companions from England, here from Mlnnesota -and a good winter it ls to be here from Minnesota and Marsh ar.d Mary Houts this week. Not.e I saJd "this week." Yesterday. l would have said ··on Wednesday.'' Today , l"m not qulte sure how to put that. Anyway, I got myself ln gear, changed my clothes, slapped some lipstick on and the·man·ln -my-llfe and I tooll off for Emerald Bay. We were due at."'8ix . .. dinner out," the meolle said. I leaned out of the car and announced with such assurance that we were to have dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Houts that the nice guard on the gate. nodded . smiled a nd gave us a guest pass. We should have had a clue when we had to fumble with the gate in the dark and, looking through the French doors. saw Ma rsh with his feet comfortablv crossed on the ottoman. Mary nowhere in s ight. · I rapped on the door. pus hed it open. as Marsh called "Who is it?" We still didn't catch on. "Nora:· l called back. "Are you all right?'' Mary leaped to her feet. "Where're Ceil and Jim?" I asked. giving them each a kiss. ·· "They're in Anaheim , staying with som e other friends. They leave on Friday ..... It was Mary who caught on firsu I mus t have looked completely nonplussed. "Oh. dear. we were e xpecting you on Monday ... ·• ··Wednesday, the message said.·· "But I said Monday," Mary shook her head. "But .. .'' I glan ced at my roommate curiously. He looked shaken. I'm glad he took the message. I thought to myself. I'm too close to craziness now. A drink, a couple of hours talk. some catchin& up on the news -the London newlyweds Tom and Robin are due here irt May and then on to Stanford to silicon gulch -a look at the extensive remodeling that's been going on since last we saw the house. and we look our leave. It was 8 o'clock. "It's okay," J said reassuringly to m y friend. "we all have slippages.·· "But I wrote ~l right down," he said wlth furrowed brow. "Doesn't rnatter. you were thlnktna about somethlft1 else." l patted hi• hand. ; I was just adorable about the whole lhln1. I cc.kl afford lo be. I was 90 relieved. I hadn't done It my compassloo surpassed all understandlna. • • .. \ Ora~• Cou t DAILY PILOTfThuraday, February 25. 1982 Trustees must weigh student needs first Whe n it comes t o t•losin~ schools the news is never J;!ood . This week's deci~ion by Newport-Mesa Unified School District trustees to close Evening liig h School. Woodland and Lindbergh Elementary schools ut the end of this school vcar and con vert Kaiser lo an t•lementary school is no exception Nobody likes to see a neighborhood srhool close its doors. The nt•ws was l'Specially sad rom 1ng s o s oon aftt>r Lindbergh celebrated its 50t h a nnivcrsarv last week amid a throng of c heering students anct interested parents. But as principal Bob M1llc..•1· pointed out. .. As a school is closed there 1s a lot of fcl'lmg and tradition that goes with 1l Hut hopefully that tradition ('an be r~newed wht•rE"ver th(' <'hildren go Faced with an enrollment that has declined by about 1.000 s tudl•nls every year sinCl' l97fi. the district has bN•n forced to c lost• 10 schools in recent vcars. Last vear Rea Middle Scho<>l and Corona del Mar Elementary School shut their door!> A rt'cently released citizens· committee report sa~·s that Hi schools t•ould be conside l'ed for c losure durin~ the next five \'Cars So it will become not ~o mu<'h a matter of which ~c hools. but how soon. The firs t c·ons1deration s hould not bt· towc.trd S<Jving t•ertain schools. but rather best '>er\'ing the ov<.•ra II neC'ds of th<> st udt·nts And 11 seems to 11:. that t hl' dist net has don<> that. Patience in orthr Much has been said anc.J written about A.T . Leo s. the po p u I a r Co r o n a cl c• I :\1 a r restaurant that set•ms to ha\'l' attracted as man~· complaints as customers in its opening months The Eas t Coast Highway nig htspot opened on a sour note Owners failed to obtain proper permits from top to bottom ancl apparent!~· failed to c·;.tlculatt· what size of crowd they would be attracting Nearb~· res idents complaint>rl about nmse antl traffic and r<l\\Ch beh avior from cu s tomer'> leaving the restaurant Although all ol th<.• com p laint:. h ave not passed . o wner ~ nr thl· popular est a b I i 5 h ml' n t a p JH' u r to b 1.• making efforts to c·o1Tt'<'l thl'i1· pro bl ems and mak 1.· ltf(' somewhat more• IH.'iH't.'lul tor their ncighhor ... The dcbatl' O\'l'I' ,.\ T Leo·~ came to a head th•~ wt·1.·k wht•n t h e crnners us ked tht· Cit~ Council to ovt:>rt urn .1 Pl;inmng Com mi ssion rt•t·om m (•nd.1t1nn thal the restaurant clrnw up at m idni~ht sc·,·cn chi~·:. a we<'k The! owners figured 2 a.rn was morl' hkt• it for Frid;i\'s and Saturdavs . · The.count•il frnall~ agreed tu let the nightspot sta~· open until I a .m . on Fridavs .and Saturdavs and m1dn1ght. th<.• r e t of the week. Fu rt her. counl"i I mt'm b1.·1·:. orckred thl' reslaur;rnt to con'll' back up for a rc,·ie\\ in ont• ~·car Although this 1s not what :.ome of t..ht• nearh~ rt·s idents ''anted <md not quilt.• what lhl· owners had hoped for. 1l Sl'l'ms to be a fair compromise AlthouJ.!h the establisnmcnl 1:- not tht• only popular n•stauranl 111 Cornna del ~lar producing traffi<' and noise notieea bll· to necll'h\ l't•<; idenb .. \ T L t·o ·.., has a respon:.1bil1t~ to h l1 a good neighbor anti to tr~ to iron 11111 <'oneems of l'l':.ldt·nts On the othl'I' hand. n·sidents ~huuld understand that lh1s 1s a nt.•\\ business that 1s still trying to tome to tt·1·ms \\1th 1t:. •;udclcn :.ll<'<'('SS We suggt:>st n •slfh:nts to t akl· up their complaints d 1re<'lh "1th tht:· n .. ·~ta11rant ov.1wrs Tht.•\ ~('('111 ''1lhng to h stl'll Newport had rw clwice Another nail wa:. hammen·cl into the coffin ol l 'n1\'Nsit' Drl\·e th1!> "el'k The Nl'wport fkat·h <.'11 \ Council. undt•r th1.· hea\·~ hancl of the state Coas tal Commission . t hb week r<'moved the unfinis hed road from the cit~ 's lotal coa s tal plan The truth 1s . ~t.·wporl hac1 lilt le thoitl' The ('Ommission last No· vembcr appro\'{~d tht· dty's coastal plan on the condition that University Dnn.• he era:.<•cl from the document's road maps The council was left with the choice of accepting the condition or dumping the whole plan ancl s tarting over again \\'Ith little prospect of faring an~ bt•!lcr Universit\' Drive, whieh now comes to <.1 stop on eit~ r s ide of the Upper Ne wport Ba~·. long has been envisioned a i,, a m•eded · trans portation link a round the Upper Ba~·. It has been seen a:. an alternative to Pac1fir Coast Highwa y or the bumper-to-bumper mess alon~ Bristol Street The Coastal Commission never bought th al. d cc id 1 n g instead th:.it the roud ''as s o • t' n \'i ro nm<.' n t a I h l'1 ~ k ' that 1 t \\'<ts n 't l'\'t•n \\oi·t h ... tud~ mg \\'1..• :.til l ft•l'I th erl' 1:-.. mort· cn\ironm C'ntal pol1tn·:-.. than cn\'ironmt·ntal 1mJ1tll·t Ill\ oh'l•cl in the s1tuat1011 Bui nol .Ill hop(• is Inst Th<· ro:i<I 1 "·main'> 011 tht' l'ount~ .., t·1rtulat1on m aps and <:!lit•:. hkt• Co~tu :\l c~a and lr\'il1l' w h i c h h <1 ' t· s u p p o rt 1..' d t h t• roadwu~· arc still fret· to stud,\' it at an~· time. The catch ts. p1..·rm1s:.1c>n still mus t be uhtaint·d from thl· commission before <111~ \\nrk on tht· road 1s done Perhap:. ~1 a~·or .J at•ktl' Ilea· I h t·r ha.., th<.· lw'>l tdl•a Th1.· c ities s hould eon ct·nt ntt l' 011 getting lht• stale to t•xtcnc1 th<.· Cor ona dl'I Mar Freew:.i' and then gaugC' whethl·r an alternttt l• eas t -west rouk ltkt· t 'n1vt·r~it\· is nt•eded · · • We think it probahh will hl' And at that µoint. ma\'bt· t h1• cities tan take anothl'I' pass at tr~·ing to get the commission to pay a tilth.> attent10n to human co nvenie n ce as "ell ;;is thl• ('OnYeniencc..· of thl' Clapper R ~ub and other b1rrls Opinions e)(pressed in the space above are those of the Dally Pilot. Other views ex. pressed on lhi'> page are those ol lhetr authors and ar11s1s. Reader comment 1s in vii ed. Address The Dally Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Me!Ml, CA 92026 Phone·(714) 1042-4321 L.M. Boyd/Marital clwice Pollsters asked 1,500 single college sen ior women wh at sort of professional men they'd like to marry, if such a ch oice were possible. And the five job categories most chosen. In order, were: 1. Banker. 2. Physician. 3. Lawyer. 4. Professional athlete. And s. Writer. That '20 but in your wallet . If s uch there be, Is expected lo stay in clrculaUoo for five years. A $10 bill ORANGE COAST , Daily Pilat 1 l'loltt1111tt ._, ..., • nw '"' •t Pl w.t .. , St., c .... Mt'6 "°* .. ' '°'"'~t ..... ljtO,(Mte ...... CA .... only lasts three years out there. A $5 bill, two years. A $~ bill, 22 months. That's the report from the U.S. Federal Reserve System. Am told no predator at all ever pounces on firerues. Q. What proportion of !he National Pootball League players are college graduates? A. Not quite o"e out or three. Thom.is P. Haley Pub II sher . Tltomn A. MU ... lne ectnor B1rttar1 KretlHc" Editorial Page Editor Time to end career politics Oenounc1og ·•professional poli t1 c1ans" as "a detriment to our government," May Dubinsky-Chote has declared her candidacy for tbe U.S. Senate. The Los Banos Democrat will be battling Gov. Jerry Brown for the party's nomination this June. Cons1de r1ng the realities or campaigning, it is unlikely it will be much of a battle. Brown. already well -heeled fin a n cially for th e fort hcoming race. also bas the advanta~e of name recognition and the power of has offic e. Oubrnsky Chote acknowledges the diffi cult y ahead . Professional politicians:· she says, .. are re-elected time after time. With t he special privileges they grant themselves. in addition t.o those they have by reason of holding offi<'e. they are able to raise s uch large s ums of money that challengers are hard put Lo compete." WIN OR LOSE, her candidacy could fut!! the growing flame of resentment aga i n s t those in offi ce . For Dubins ky Chote h~s put her finger directly upon the ca use of the resentme nt "They have made themselves the privileged ruling class:· she said "They have become the royalty and no longer represent the people." Certainly the congressmen did all they could to fan those names when t h ey recently passed a measure exempting themselves from personal income taxes Not since J.P. Morgan uttered his "publiC' be damned " , .. llRl WITIRS s tatement has anyone dared to show such callousness to the people. As Dubinsky -Chote says , the "entrenched incumbency'' has eroded the basic principle of a government of the people. by the people and for the people Our forefathers fought a revolution against royalty and taxation without representation. It is time lo reaffirm that action and s top the practice of using one oHice to attain another Sweep out all mcumbents' She proJ>()sed that congressmen be limited to two terms in office and prohibited from running for other office during their terms. She says once those limatallons have been imposed upon Congress, the states will follow suit. Maybe so, but it would seem to be easier to start such a moyement on the stale level in the hope it would compel the same standards for Congress. That Americans have come to favor limitations of terms for those in public office was confirmed by pollster George Gallup in 1978. He reported the public favored a maximum of 12 years for congressmen by a margin or 2 to 1. President Harry S. Truman, the last presid e nt to serve without t he eight-year limitation on hls term llv office. nevertheless did not choose to run after filling out the unexpired term of President Roosevelt and his own four-year term In the doing he went on record as favoring a 12-year limit on terms of the Congress PRESIDENT Dwight Eisenhower also spoke out on the issue" "Each man so ser ving would tend lo think of his congressional career as an important and interesting interlude In life, a period dedicated to the entire public. rather than as a way to make a living. The me mbers would probably give more attention to the national good and less to their personal fortunes." Peripheral Canal -key to security To the Editor Stevt• Tnpoh ''i conclusion at the end of his long article on the 1980 State Water Act (Peripheral Canal; package with strings. Feb. 8> ls dead wrong. He s aid the only thing certain is that there will be much, much more said between now and J~ne 8 In fact. 1l 1s also quite certain that without the Peripheral Canal, the people of Soulh('rn California and OranJ!e County face a period or e)(trcme MAILBOX uncertainty over quality and quantity 01 their water supply. A drought such as we C)(perll'nced in 1976·77 would bring on a d1~ast<>r of proportions never cxpenenr cd before in this region. Water rationing would be a certainty. UN FORTUNATELY, the s peci al interei,ts that are opJ>()sed to the project mostly tx:cause they think they can do a way with Lhe environmental constraints 1f they get another crack at legis lation only have to raise qu estioni,. They do n 't have any answers. Confuse and conquer is their tactic They want to gamble with the quality of life and the economica.Cuture of everyone in Southern Califor'ti:ia against the unlikely possibility that they can cul a better deal in the Legislature. Three state adminis~rations -Pat Brown. Ronald Reagan and Jerry Brown -all have come to lbe same conclusion: we must have the Peripheral Canal. The cost of the Peripheral Canal itself. the cornerst one of the 1980 Ca lifornia State Water Act, is estimated 10 l980 dollars al $600 million. This translates to about $10 per year per family on their water utility biU. No additional taxes are involved. Only a fool would risk his entire livelihood against $10 a year on the uncertain premise that the big farm interests of the central valley will cut a better deal on our beh alr. And that Is certain. WAYNE A. CLARK Director, Fifth Division Municipal Water District of Orange County Malathion riak• To the Editor: Gov. Jerry Brown has been subject to a lot of unwarranted criticism over bis handling of the Med.Oy crisis last year. Jn the lntere.t or public health, I would like to go on record as support.lna bis cautious actions. M alothlon is a cholinesterase inhibitor which dama1e1 the nervous system or vertebrate anlmala H well a.a insecl4'. Conceivably, malalhlon can damage the nervous system ol humans a& well, especially ll rectlved ln lar1e enou1h concentrationt. Spray1n1 clouda of ,_alalhk*\, a nervous •Y~ pollon, over a populated area is certainly not to be done in a hasty or hysterical manner A cautious approach to its use IS JUStified. .JAN 0 . VANDERSLOOT. M.D. Airport misnamed To the Editor: I would like to comment further concerning the observations of Gloomy Gus and others in your column anent Supervisor Riley foisting the name of John Wayne AirPort upon the public No one questions John Wayne's loyalty to his country. But it is pertinent to point out that he was one of the original protesters who demanded the shutdown or removal of the Orange County Airport. GRANTED HE was one of America's mos t famows actors and played in several World War II movies but at profit to himself for which he is not to be criticized. The name of Orange County Airport has existed for many years, is fi)(ed in the minds of area people and the flying industry If our airport must bear the name of a well known movie actor then I would suggest either Clark Gable or James Stewar t both of whom volunteered in World War ll, earned their commissions and served with proud combat records. EDWARD LEWIS Don't discredit V.N. To the Editor: Regarding the United Nations' having supposedly ·•not seen fit to condemn the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan" ("U.N . reminder overdue," Feb. 16), the organization has in fact been voting regularly against Russia over that issue by up to S-lo-1 margins in the General Assembly and Hum a n Rights Commission. Moscow and its allies have attacked the resolutions as "unfounded ... gross violation of the ( U . N l Charter ... designed to continue the s landerous campaign against Afghanistan and the U.S.S.R ... , IT SHOULD BE further noted that al the 1980 emergency Assembly session an Indian-Algerian draft that would hav e cond e mned all states that contributed to the heightening of International tension -which could have been interpreted as applying to U.S. press ure on tran over our ho.'ltag~ as well &.'> to the Russian invasion of • L.etttr!I from rta.dtrs Ort wtlcomt T~ nght lfn condnist ltlltr11 to /11 IJ)OCt or clim11'10lt label 1s rtltrvtd l .tth:rf t>/ 300 word~ or ltu will be g1vtn prtftTf'nCI. All lttt1ri muit lnclt.lt:ft •ignoturt ohd mailing oddr1u but nomt1 may ~ wlthMld on rt· qu,.,I if 1ulf 1cuml reason 11 opportnt PoelrJI Will not M published u tttri mo11 be t,.ltph<mnl lo &f2·6086, Namt and phone ""mbtr of tilt contnbtltor maut be giom1 /or ~n/lcotlon purf>ON!. Afghamstan was s topped dead in its • tracks when 1l ran into a solid wall of Third World resistance Time Magazine called the resolution fi11ally adopted <by 104-181 "Moscow's most spectacular diplomatic humiliation " in over 20 years Before continuing lo denounce the United Nations as "a cesspool.'' New York Mayor Koch should remember that ( I l W 1th Ou l I 0 , 000 U . N . peacekeeping troops on duty in the Middle East (where some 200 have been killed l and Cyprus 1l 1s doubtful there "-OUld be any cease-fires in those places <21 Without such U.N. relief and development agencies as UNICEF. t he High Comm1ss1oner for Refugees. the World Food Program. the World Health Organization. and the Development Program. millions alive today would otherwise be dead. (3 l The U.N and its diplomats spend close to 700 million badly needed dollars in his city each year JOHN W. OSBORN. JR. President. Orange Co. Chap .. United Nations Association of the U.S.A. Top priority: traffic To the Editor: The lead article in the Feb. 9 issue of the Daily Pilot was not only good news, but perhaps it will provide our City Council an opportunity to attack the problem which should have always been the top priority namely traffi c. If this problem had been addressed, I seriously doubt that opposition to expanding NewJ>()rt Center wouJd have been generated. I was surprised at Mr. Maurer's quoted remark -"l won't let that group ever do this to the city again." One can assume he was referring to those who signed the referendum petition. Either the man has an inlleted opinion of his ability to control the electorate or he expects to be our next mayor. The city has now gained Ume to solve its traffic problems, if, indHd, they can be solved. I( not, it surely doesn't make sense to bury our heads in the sand and a llow more a nd more high density development. W".L. THOMPSON Could the committee of 4000 be aoi.lina its own nes~ by destroytni leuebokl in le res'-'" 1 ti ..... IHI ,. e ""' cio.. c,. . . , DOWN.95 llTill ~ DomesUc auto aalea dipped 1.4 percent in mid·February compared with the llke period a year ago. However, General Moton Col)>. and Ford Motor Co. posted modest increases for the first Ume in flv~ months. Chrysler Corp. sales were ott 14.2 percent, while GM was up 3.9 percent and Ford was up 4.6 percent ... Seven&eea tracta containing 2.24 billion tons of recoverable coal will be offered in a coal lease sale in April, the largest such sale in U.S. history, the government bas announced. Interior Secretary James Watt said the tracts in Wyoming and Montana will allow new production of '10 million tons of coal a year by 1990. g -~''-'' ...... 6~-----------Santa A•• First Federal Snl•S• " Loaa Aaaoclatloo bas s igned a letter of a,reement to merge with Los Angeles-based California Federal Savings~ Loan Association, after selecting Cal Fed from among a number of associations which bad approached them . . . AlrCal oflicials said the airline, based ln Newport Beach, has carried the 25 millionth passenger in the company's 15 xear history. The milestone occurred today on AirCal's Flight 1 nying from John Wayne Airport to San Franci.$co ... Grea&west HoepltaJa lac., Santa Ana, has agreed in principle to acquire' the 56-bed General Acute Fullerton Community Hospital. Rlll @) Japuae interests will lake a 10 percent share in a $300 million plant to be built in the Mojave Desert to tum coal into gas and bum the gas to generate electricity. Construction of the cool water coal gasification and combined cycle power plant already has started near Barstow . . . '11le Euopeu Commoa Marbt bas proposed a cut of about $43> million in Soviet jmporta as part of its repoo.se to martial law in Poland. Sales of bl&ll t.edaaoloCY pndltda to the Soviet Union should continue if the United States hopes to avoid a confrontation that could lead to nuclear war, Hewlett Packard Co. Chairman David Pickard told shareholders at the firm's annual meeting. ITAH ~~-------------·---..... ~I Denny's Inc. said it has entered into an agreement to acquire 35 VIP's family style restaurants in Washington, Oregon and Northern California for a cash purchase price ol Sll.9 million Part of Santa Barbua Coaaty will be quarantined to stop the state's worst-ever infestation of the gypsy moth, threatening citrus and avocado production, agricultural officials said ... Wbtua.ker Corp. said It is extending its offer to purchase securities of Brunswick Corp. to midnight EST on Marth 12, unless further extended. The offer previously was scheduled to expire at midnight EST on Feb. 26 ... STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT AMERICAN LEADERS UPS AND DOWNS NEW YOAI( IAPI -Spot-·"-nwl.el P'kft tadrl· C••-77'-·IO t911U • POllllO, U.S. M11fl•Oon,, WM•< .... •~ ti.c 4CM!tt. po..wl, ... ,,_., TM $1 • .U MeU!t WNto. con,...lt9 Ill. A._...._,._77CeMle_.,N.Y. MerC111rY UIS.00 per ti.to. . .... .._UO.•i,..,01.,N.Y. SILVER GOLD QUOTATIONS .,, ... .._ ..... ,.._ S.19C1H -Id 90+f PrlcK tOdey: ~I --.ftlllnesat.U, upJl,1S, LAMile; ...,_ flNlflt uu. rs, .,.. 1us. ~.nt:DJ.tt,tfft1.1e. llr....,.: ut.a .... -.s1.oo. • brt": ..... fbll .......... -k• ~ ............ ..... , a .. .,.., •• , Oft'' ••"' ..,.._ uu.n.-.ai.J.S. • ......,.., 9111y 411lly .,._ SIU.IS. -. t US . ....... , lltly tMlly .-,_k_ .... .,, ..... , .... SYMBOLS I I