HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-02-26 - Orange Coast PilotllAHI 1:1111 FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 26. 1982 _.., ...... .....,..,&MP.,.. ATHLETIC BOOSTER Woodbridge Hig h School soccer player Lotta Nobl didn't have a ladder but she did have teammate Ann Olson to offer s upport while s he attaC'hed goal net prior to match against Vnivers1t~· High SC'hnol Irvine cops arrest drugcaSe • man 1n A 21 -year-old man believed to be part or a drug-selling ring in Irvine was arrested Thursday evening at his Chino home. I rvine police unde r cover agents took David Mic hael Corcoran into custody after they said he sold them SS.000 worth of 'Hoax' in crash ? BARSTOW IAP1 Searchers combed 200 square miles of the M ojave Desert b e for e abandoning the hunt for an apparently non-existent military air crash. coca me. said Sgt Dick Bowman. Corcoran was booked into San Bernardino County Jail in lieu of $7 ,500 bail on suspicion or selling cocaine. Officers found another $8,500 worth or cocaine and a loaded shotgun at the suspecl's home. Bowman said Meanwhile, agents arrested another person they claim is part of the same ring Erique 81ane. 18. a UC Irvine student. was arrested on cam pus and booked into Orange County J ail in lieu of $5.000 bail. Corcoran operates his own small electronics business in Anaheim. said Bowman. Pet grief painful People who lose animals. need help By RICHARD GREEN Delly P'HollSLlffW'*" If a dog truly is a man's best fr i e nd , there's an Irvine psychologist who can be counted on to be his next best friend if anything happens to the dog. Grief over loss of a pet may n'ot seem like a big thing, but it can be emot ionally devastating for some people. So says Irvine psychologist R onald D . Lunceford who specializes in counsellng people with this grief. "So many people have this problem," said Lunceford, whose office is in Heritage Piasa. "The animal becomes an ~nteiral part of -the (amity. It can be very painful when it dies." And, this grief can be felt ror p e ts o f olh e r than the four-legged variety. "One kid seemed to be havine problems, so bis parent.s broupt him to me," aaid Lunceford. "One ot the lint thlnes I uk children .. whether they bne any pet.a. It turns out thls kid ' 1 I was verx. depressed beclau1t9 his · ealamander dJed." And then t.llere wu lhe cue ol tbe marriaae thai broke up o.er T t ! the death or a dog. "The hus band g r ieved his dog's death so much that he no longer had time for his wife," said Lunceford. "Their level of intimacy went down. They had depended on the animal as a m eans of communication in their marriage." Senior citizens especially cu be hurt over the loss of pets. "Many seniors have pets," Lunceford said. "If they get to the point where lhey are no longer able to walk the pet and they have to give it away, that could be the last straw for them. The pet can be lhe last thin& the sen ior has to live for and when lt's gone, they just glve up on Ille. '·For some seniors, their dog is their best friend.' If lt comes to a ctioice between feeding them1elve1 and feedln1 their do1, they will choose the doe." What can a peraon do lo ovete_,. the •net over a dead pet?' ''The nrtt thr=ou have to do ii accept the , '· LunHford utd. ·~·· put It 11lde. Rem-. Ille IOOd oec8llonl Jou hlld th toar pet. GrW la• ( ............. Al) ,.j&. . " . . . . Ylll llllllll llllY Ml ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS Reagan reverses cutback orders for Coast Guard Planned cutbacks in Coast Guard operations a cross the country, including redu<"ing sear c h-and-rescue operations out of Corona del Mar, have been reversed by the R eagan Adm 1nistration U nd er pre s sure from Congress, the administration announced Thursday 1t was scrapping plans to c lose 15 Coast Guard stations in 11 states and reduce operations al 16 other stations for budgetary reasons The c utback would ha ve meant major c hanges for t he Corona del Mar Coast Guard operation. Coast Guard offi cials said the plan before the reversal had been to s have its service from 21 days to 10 days a month and lo keep only one foll crew on hand for operating its <"Utte r . The Poi nt Divide. Additionally, th e c utback would have resulted 1n the <"losing of the Coast Guard's Long Beach station The word out of Washington today is that these cuts will not materialize. Transportation Secretary Drew Lewis told the Senate Appropriations Sub<"ommittee on transportation that 1n an effort to s;ive SJ! million, the Coast Guard now will de<"omm1ssion three cutters in Washington and Miami He said funds also will be saved by <"Onsol idat1n g and streamlining other functions which he did not detail Costa Mesa FAA probes 'near rezoning miss' over ocean upheld By IODI CADENHEAD OfltleD-.,.... ..... Tbe state Supreme Court• turned down a request from the city ol San Jose today to review an appellate court decision that invalidated a vote r initiative that rezoned 68 acres in north Costa Mesa. Costa Mesa City Attorney Tom Wood said the state Supreme Court d~islon means Cha( the Dec. 1 ruling by the appellate cou rt stands and that Amel Developm ent Co. a nd South Coast Plaza can now construct mo re t h an 6SO homes and apartments near South Coast Plaza. "I'm just glad to see that the lawsuit hasn't been needlessly prolonged and that development can now proceed," said Wood. San Jose city attorney Robert Logan filed for an appeal before the high court last month after the Costa Mesa City Council voted 3·2 not to chall enge the lower court ruling. Logan contended that the lower court ruling could set a precedent throughout the state. fl was the second time San Jose had filed an appeal to the state Supre me Cou rt regarding the property owned by Arnet and South Coast Plaza. In 1979 San Jose was Joined by San Francisco and Alameda whe n they s u ccessfully <See REZONE, Page A2> By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL Of ... hey...._, .... T h e -Fede ra l Aviati on Administration is investigating an incident Thursday in which lhe pilot of an AirCal jetliner was forced to take .. evasive action" after coming within an esti m ated 180 f ee t o r a single-engjne aircraft over the Pacific 0<"ean, a<"cording to authorities. Capt Walter Scott was forced t o t ake the DC -9 Super 80 Cdrrying 158 passengers and a crew of six to a higher altitude aft er the Cessna a1r<"rafl was spotted close by in airspace five m 1 lcs south of John Wayne Airport. The plane was bound for San Jose. At the tlos c s t point. the private aircraft was 100 feel ve rti ca ll y and I SO feet horizontally from the AirCal Jet. according to a statement given to the tF~A by Captain Scott Those est1mates would create a distance of about J80 feel between the two planes A Super 80 1s 147 feet. 8 inch.es long and has a winJi!span of 107 feet. 10 inches. "This is not common. this' is rare," said Don Fowle r, air lracric control chief al the FA~·s Termin al R adar Approach (See AIRCAL, Page A2) Bald i,s beautiful Skinhead asks for protection BOISE, Idaho IA l'J An idaho slate representative. describing himself as "the most polished sk inhead '· in the L<!gislalure, has poked fun at the lire or the bald as he persuaded colleagues to pass a bill against certain hair implant operations.· The bill, passed Thursday by a 61·6 vole, would outlaw hair implant operations that use synthetic fibers or hair from another person. "We're not recognized as an ethnic minority . but we have a psychologic loss of self-esteem and suicidal tendencies. This is a serious problem," Rep Rich Orme of St Anthony deadpanned. "When I go to the men 's room. I can't dawdle in front of the mirror and comb my hair. I just have lo was h my ha nds and leave. It irritates me because I know that somehow I'm paying ror a s hare of that mirror," Orme told the laughing House and li!allerv. "Do you realize that when you find a hair in your soup you know it is som eone else's?" he said. ·'Other people carry a comb in their pocket." he said "People like me have to' carry a wet washcloth. Other people get to take time off to go to the barbershop. I never get a break like that. These are e motional problems." Pointing out that the hair operations can cause Infection, he concluded. "This bill will provide a little protection for people like me. Now I'll go like a shorn lamb to slaughter." Rep. Peggy BuntjpR or Boise read of Sampson and Delilah from the Bible and commented, "We s houldn't be tearing our hair out over this issue " The m easure goes to the Sena te. ·Readers can win .. free gaaoline Everyone Is concerned about the price of gasoline. But Daily Pilot readers have a c hance • betlnnlng today to win up to 100 1allon1 of petrol. ..., ............... ~......, A atx.week contest once a f'IUlfll>S? Dr. Ron Lunceford. I rvine P.s~·cholo11st who week beatns today on Page A8 specializes in counseling those depressed by the loes of u ~There wtll be six weekly wtnnen pet. seems oblivious lo the apparent air o( 11rmed peote with Heh 1etting 50 1allonl of 1c>tng oo in his lap between his own pets. Midnl1tht. the dot{. 111ollne and a 1rand priM of 100 and Princess. Ufe cat. 1all~ " The original plan to cut $46 million ~orlh of s p e nding brought complaints from boaters and politicians along the Orange Coast One of the concerned parties Newport Con gr~ss man Robert Bad ham reportedly m <'l with Tran s portation Secrctarv Lewis earlier this month lo voice his concerns. · 'Tht1t apparently had an effN·t ... an aide to Badham suggested today Study telh effects of • • man1uana WASlll NGTON r AP I There 1s nu l'onclus 1ve evidence marijuana cauM•s permanent. long term health effects in human .... hut a va ri et> of !>horter·INm reactions to the drug Justify "serious national con ct•rn." concludes a study rclC'ascd today. . The National Academy or Sciences stud), one of the most comprehensive ever attempted on the h ealth effects of marijuan'1 , said the lack of information about the most widely used illicit drug 1n America is astonishing. The study committee said the country mus t g ive a higher priority lo research o n ma rljuana and related drugs. including a greater tn\'~stment of research dollars "The <.'ommittee considers the research parti cu lar l y, inadequate when vie wed in light of the extent of marijuana use in thi s count ry . especially by young people." said the report. "Our major conclus ion 1s that what littfe we know for certain about the effects of marijuana on human health and all that we have reason lo s us pect - ju stifi es se rious national concern." it <.'Ontinued. The academ y, an independent but fedt•rally cha rtered organization of distinguished scie nti sts. condu c ted the lS-montti study for the National lnslitutes or Health The committee from the academy's Instit ute of Medicine said marijuana had worrisome. a n d so m eti m es harmfu l , s hort-term effects on reflexes, <See DRUG, Page A2l ORANGI COAST WIATHIR Low cloud s dur l nJ. morning hours with fa1f' a fternoon Saturday High of 62 to 68. Low 45 to SS INSID£ TODAY Tom Ifill will $far as f 'alstafl and John Alhson wiU direct Sou th Coas t Repertory·! product.ion of "lltnry IV, Part /,"opening Tuesday on the mom stage. Set Weekender INDll Al Y-llnk• A7 L M. _,.,. M ....... , U-1 c~ "" C:.Ok... IJ.J C ......... Dl,DM C-ICt 11 c........ ., DNa llMIC.. DJ ....... 1 ... ............ W JI I Ill ..... ,..... .. ...._... ., .......... .......... .__:. Orange Coaat DAILY PIL.OT/Frlday, February 26, 1982 I 'I I •111 ,; ,GAS WARS l>riH·r :-111 \11:::.l lll. Tl·,a:-.. ;tl'l ' t:1k ing ach ;inl a J.!l' of ;1 l\\o s1a 111111 J.!;I' pl'lt'l' \\ a r whil'h hroui.thl p l'll'l':-. lor l'l'J.!111;11· lw lo" .1 ............... cloll a r .\ :\lnh il Corp ''"''" llll'l 'llll\\· ;tl lo\\l'd th1 .... !'1:11 11111 o\\ll l'I' 111 dr11 p h1, p r11·1· ll'Olf>Ol'<tl'll\ ayne film festival planned to help pay for statue . ~ A Jobn Wayne film fe stival is ing planned in Newport Beach ~o help bail out a completed but liS· yet-unpaid for'\ bas r elief or • he city's mos t famous c1t1zen. ~ T he city-commissioned art work. which depicts Wayne• in a scene from tht• 1939 c lassic "Stage<:oach ... 1i. still s itting in • From Page A 1 the garage of Corona del Mar artist Chris Matson The Newport H<J rbor Jaycees. whi<:h h~d agr eed tu fund the proJect seve ral yea rs a go, rem am $13,000 shy of paying off ar tist Matson The J a vccl:s. cit \' officials said . also tw\'c balked at s igning PETS MO URNED • • • normal process. "If one d enies g r ief," he explains, ''the grief period m ay just be prolonged. "When you discover th al your ·pet's life had meaning and was fulfilling. the pain tends to be e as ed. ·"I think you s hould buy a nother pet to replace your old _p ne . Or buy a new pet when your .first one starts to get old," he s aid . "It's not being dis loyal to your old pet to buy a new one any more than it's being disloyal lo get a girlfriend if your wife dies ." A P,erson's grief over a dead pet CMUt ~ especia lly troubling bec ause-a lot or people don't h understand it and the person m ay be afraid to discuss it for fe ar others will think he's s illy . ··Unfortunate ly people can't appreciate that an animal can b e a s importa nt a part of so m ~one's life as a human being ," said Lunceford . Often a pet can be m ore dependable and loyal than a human. "Whal you have to rem em ber is d ep ression is depression ' whether it's depression over the/ loss of a lim b. a job. a mother or a pet " Grief over lost animals is nothing new ·to the American culture, s aid Lunceford. 48, or Irv ine . who 1s a lic enae d marriage and fa mily therapist. •·to the OJ.d West people were esp ecially attached to mules and ho rses." he s aid. .............. ANTES UP I.r s Ill' La Pond of Cla~·ton wh t~·b in S:UU 2:i Ill ·n icke ls to pa~· her .J a nua ry 11tilil~ hill at lhl' Oiahlo Dis tl'it-t PG&E offit·t• m Cont•o1·cl Sht• mack t Ill' l.!t'st un • 1 n proh''' rall' im·rt•ust•s Tht• 7.fl25 m t ke ls hrnu~ht hl'I' t•hangt• nf t\\o l't'nls . ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Thomes P. Hale_y ,....,_ """ChoilT aoculo•• Oll.c .. Robert N. Weed .........,. Thomes A Murph1ne fAMOI L. Kay Schultz _......,,. -a.... .. °""' ....... Mc:hMt P HaMJy .......,., Qilta~ Kenneth N. Goddard Jr ~P.•"" Ctwlet H. Loo• ~f- ClaHlfted ~ 71 .... 2>5'71 All ottt.r department. 142-t321 MAIN Off1CE m Wett lie\' 14., C_.. -..,, CA, -11.-...; ... l!IO. C.U. ,..._,CA. .... C01tyr'9111 "'2 Or-. CNllt '"'*1tflifte c_.,, lllO """ •!Orlet. llh1llllr.,...1, ....,._, ni-r w .. ,..,,,je_ -.. " _., .... """'~ Wltllloll 9"<,., .,.,,... .... _.<...,rllllt- a c·ontract t hat would allO\\ tht city to lend them the $13.000 to s peed things a long. J im Dale. a Jaycee official. said hc underst<.1nds the group docs not want to get tied up in a legal t•ommitmt•nt but is will ing to help nuse the money T here c·urrently are tentative plans lo hold a Way ne film fl'slival. which would inl'lude the s howing of .. Stagecoach ." to raise money, Ot h<'r fund-ra1sl'rs an · heinl:! t'l>nsidcrcd . The C'omm1ssaon art"' ork ran into t roublt• lai.l vea r wht•n 1l unc xpla1nably incrl·ast.'d in size and prtt't'. goinl:! from $17.SOO to S35.000 1\rt1sl Matson s aid h<' was g1 \'l'n 1>c rmissmn to t'm hellish ht~ work and acid lht· li kenesses of A nd~ Oe \ 1n e a n d John Carradmt• both st ars of tht' 1939 m ovie to the Wayne mem orial La s t mont h . the N<•wport B(•ach City Couneil agreed to lend the J avcecs the needed mont•y wit h · the condition the bronze not be dlspla yi;od an city half Budget chief • • resignation rumors fly W AS HI NGTON <AP J P r e s id e nt Ree1ga n h a s not discussed with an~one in recent weeks the 1X>ssiblc res ignation of b u d g e t d ire c t o r D av id S tockman. despit e per sis tent r umori. that Stockma n ti. on h1i. way o u t. a Wh ite H o u ~e s pokes ma n said Chief presid ential s pokes ma n Da v id Ger gen comm e nt ed Thursd a y in res po ns e t o a published report quoting a n un i d enti f ie d R epubl ic an congressional source as saying Stock man co uld not s urvive much longer in his job ··I have just spoken to the president, who i.aid that matter had neve r even been d iscussed with him'' s ince he r ejected Stockman's offer to resign last fall. Gergen said. The spokesman a dded. "There i s n o inten tio n o n Mr Stockman 's par t t o resign There 's no foundation to e ither of those stories.·' The director of the Office of Man age m e nt a nd Budget continues to be the target or some criticism . particularly on Capitol Hill. since he was quoted in AUantic magazine expressing pe r s onal doubts about the president's economic program. which he helped write and push through Congress. FromPageA1 AIR CAL ••• Control facility al the El Toro ~brine Corps Air Station. owler s aid one aspect or the Investigation will focus on why the private aircraft was not seen on a radar screen at the time the Incident occurred. He said one or several reUOlll could be Involved , such as radar p h e nomeno n o r th a t the controller was tending to other priority tasks at the lime . Powler said the jetliner departed John Wayne Airport at 10:42 a .m . and was about five mUes IK*lh of the airport at an a ltitude or 4 ,000 feet and dlmblnt when the pilot said he saw the sm aller plane. Fowler said th~ jetlin er would han been ''about one mile'' offshore when the tw<> planes came Into "clost proximity." The Jel was fly ing under Instrument niaht rules: the pilot Of the private ~ne Wa\ nylnC under visual n11h'(ules . • Shuttle fuel loaded 526 ,000 gallons pumped in simulated countdown CAP E CANA VEHA L . l''la . (AP > Cold llqtud fuel was poured Into the s pace shuttle's m assive external tank today as part of a s imula ted coun tdown lo pre pare tor Columbia's third fli ght March 22. Mo re thun 383.000 gallons of liq uid hydrogen began. flowing rrom s tor ugt' lanks s hortly be fo r e 5 a m . PST. A few m in utcs tale r . w o rk c r ews started pum1>ing 143,000 gallons of liquid oxygen In to anothe r co mpa rtment of the l54-foot-tall ta nk. The opera tion, designed lo m a k e s ur e Co lum b i a 's components perform well under extrem ely low t empe ratures. From Page A1 REZONE ••• challenged an appellate ruling. The Supre me Court overtume<l the a ppellat e ruling in April. 19~. The case was then retumed to the 4th District court of Appeal for further t'Onsideratlon The l'OU rt ruled De<; I that the t'n 1 l i a l 1 v e o r d i n a n c e dis crim ina t ed aga ins t thl' de veloper. Five y ears ago t h e ci ty approved the project call ing the hom es and apartments. But 68 acres we re rezoned to single fa mily development m Mar c h . 1978 wh e n vot e r s narrowly passed the initiative backed by the North Costa Mesa Ho meowne rs Association. Meanwhile. Jon PCtradis. vice president of the associat ion. said ho meowne r:. plan to meet with representalivC's from the eity Friday to discuss the future of th e property wt111 t o take seve rnl ho"rs . Oxy.icn IK j(ept at 29'1 d egrees be low icro fuhrcnhe lt and hydrogen at 423 below zero to maintain them In a liquid slate The procedurt; was pa rl of u 20·hou r mock countdo wn t o rehearse activities that wall take place during the actual la unch. "N o p robl e m s al all E veryt hing is going s m ooth." s aid Kenned y S p a ce Center spokesm an Mark Hess While technicians arc testing the shuttle's hardware at Cape Can a ve ral . a s trona uts Jac k Lousma . a Marine lieutenant colonel. and Gor don Fullerton wer e scheduled to s pe ak to reporters in I louston in the last news conference before their flight. • Al so being tested today were Columbia's electricity producing fuel ce lls and one of its uuxiliary power units. During a cou ntdo wn hold a bout two hours befo re the s imulated "launch." a NASA ice Inspection team was to go over t h e e ntire exte r ior o f the massive fuel tank looking for frost a nd ice that could fall off during li ftoff and damage lhe s pacecraft. Plans a lso called for a test toda y of th e reu s a b le 1' p a c e c r a f ( . s t h 'r e e el~ctrictt'Y·producing fue l cells The cells were to be turned on during a built-in .. hold ." or de lay in the• countdown. about Measure on ballot SACRAMENTO (API -An at te m pt to remove a s tate Supre>mc Court roadblock and put Pa ul Gann's crime initiative on the J une ballot easily won Senate approval Thursday. two hour~ before the slmulalP'J Jiflort. And the No. 1 auxiliary p<>wcr unit will also be activated during the :,lmulated Ignition of the main enJtlnes The htilure of one of the luel 1'1•11!4 during Colum bia's second flight last November forced a cutback of the m1s1uon from five days to two. T he defective fuel rell was r e placed ~>r t h1i. sevl'n day m1i.sion. <1 nd a ll three have been uvcrha u lc.•d l o p reve nt a r epetition of the problem. lfess s aid From PageA1 DRUG. • • be havio r . vis ion. learning . m(.'m ory and the bod y's heart and lung syste ms But it s aid the r e i s no conclusive e vidence the d rug is addictive. lea ds lo the use of "ha rder" drugs. affects the s tructure of the brain or causes birth defects. A mong the study's medical findings: Ma riJua na significantly i m pa irs mot or coordination. abilily lo follow a moving object _and a bility to detect a flas h of liRhl. factors that "may suggest a substantial risk" to driving or ope rating mac hines T h e dru g h a mpe r s s h ort -t erm memo r y . o r a l com munication a nd le arning a nd may trigger tempo rary con fus ion and d elir ium . all factors of special concern with adolescents who use the druJ:! during s chool hours Th e r e 1s so far n o co n v in ci n g ev id e n ce of behavorial effects per sisting afte r drug use stops Lo ng-t e r m e ffe ct:. o f m arijuana smoking on the lung!. probably arc similar to those of ·Occupation hazard t o ba cco s m o ke . inc luding a "strong pos sibility" that prolonged. heavy use will lead to can cer o r s e ri o u s lu n ~ 1m pa1rml·nt Laguna incumbent 'misses point' Chronic use temporartl) dec reases s perm number and move ment with unknown effects By STEVE MITCHELL Of 11 .. Daty 1'119C Se.ff If y ou ask Lag une1 Heac h councilman Kelly Boyd what he does for a li vi ng, he'll tell you he's in restaurant m anagement. Why, even now he 's taking ma n agement tr aining al the C hu c k E . C h e ese pi z za rest aurant in Huotington Beach. with an eye toward m a naging on e or the suc cessful chain oper ations. So, it only stands to reason wh e n h e fill e d ou t b a llot informat ion for the April l 3 C i t y Coun c i l e le ction . he l is t e d r es ta urant man- a ge m e n t u n d e r the lane for .. occupation ... •oYo · ' I l s a 1 d occupation, so that's what I put down," the four year council me m ber said today Now he finds he should have put down the word .. incumbent" in the space provided . thus Jetting the La guna electorate kno w he 'i. got all kinds of exp erience £or the job. on m ale fc rlihty. a nd animal "Having incum b ent under s tud ies indicate e ffect s on your name is a de finite a re in ovulation a nd hormone levels in the hole," he s aid. females. but w1tho ul known But Laguna Beac h voters wall adverse effects . find "restaurant management" T he committee sa id it wai. unde r the incumbent's na me particularly concerned Ctbout the when they go lo the polls in c h r o n 1 c . h e a v y u se o f April. ma rijuana. especially by younJ:! That's-despite Boyd's efforts people Ma rijuana's components Lo get Secretary of State March and breakdown producL'i re main Fong Eu to change the label to in the bod~ for a long time and incumbent. t'an acc umulate while using the "They won't cha nge it on the d rui.: reg ular ballot ," Boyd s aid. Ye t. no study has followed "There was a ruling some lime m a r I J u a n a s m 0 k e r " back that what you put down as ) compreht•nsi\'CI) for m ore than what you ge t." five y(.'ar~ and long.ter m effects A fl urry of phone calls dtd on thoM· "'ho s tarted ustnR the re s u 1 t i n a c h a n g e t o d rug l'arl) in lift! are unknown. .. in c umbent" on the s ample s aid the report ballot that will be sent out to Ma rijuana s moking increased voters next month rapidly during t he past decade And a 3XJ.word statement by partic ularly among adolescenb the candidate will also note his and y oung lldults nut the group council expe rience. note d t ha t us e a mong high "ll was a screwup on m y pa rt. sc.•hool senmrs leveled off and n o d ou b t a b o u t 1t ,'' th e beganrlcclin inginthc past threl' councilman admits . yc.•a rs. But Boyd is hoping his name A Unive rs ity of M1c h1 g an recognition will car ry him with stud~ this wee k said 7 percent of the people he knows in town. high school s eniors r eported · · H c 11 • I n e v e r kn c w using marijuana almost daily, incumbent was what someone ~ompared to 9 pe rcent in 1980 does for a li vin g," he said. and 11 percent in 1978, the peak yeur. L Tl). YEAR END SKI CLEARANCE c.... ....... 2831 Cout Hwy. Corona del Mir, C1. '7P t700 . ALL SKI ITEMS ON SALE SKIS .•• ... 20% to 40% OFF BOOTS ••• 20% to 30% OFF BINDINGS ••• 20% to 50% OFF A~ ........ REUNION DUO Marv Travers. of the Peter . Paul and Mary folk·ro~k group.· and Tom Paxton belt out a tune during a .. Folk Music Reunion··· at Reseda this week. Paxton is known for his ··The M ar vel ous L ittle To~ ... number. The rl.'11nion was taped for cable television. Sorry, no R e dford in Bedford There'll be no Redford in Bedford, N. Y . and clerks hoping for a "'little sparkle" in their lives a re sor ry it has to be that way Actor Robert Redford , whom th e clerks h ave affectionately du bbed "R-2," was to appear in Town Court th e re t o t•onlcst a $30 speeding ticket ror allegedJy dri ving 73 mph an a 55 mph Group W Produc tions. cit ing a "'dramatic change" in marketing conditions. said it will not renew "The John Davidson Show" at the end of the season. Edwin T. Vane. president of Group W Productions, said syndicated talk and variety s hows are being squeezed in the a ft e rn oo n by t h e Gov. Thomas If. Kean or New Jersey says his wire. Debby, was worried when he wa s named to a fashion foundation·!> best·dressed list. "She's afraid people may start to dress like me," Kean said, beaming. Though he's u millionaire, Kean be<'ame known in New zone Nov. 7. Redford was on his way to vis it fellow actor P aul Newman's horse farm in n1 arby North Salem. But Redford sent a letter a uthorizing his a tto rney . Lawrence Maffei, to be his s tand -in . -T h e case was adjourned until March 4, and Redford doesn 't h ave lo appear then. either e xpansion of local news programs. ··Th e M i ke D o u g l as Ente rtainment Hour" ceased production r ecenUy after its ratings became too small to be measured. Coincidentally. Group W dropped Douglas two years ago lo seek a younger image. J ersey's Assembly for what mi g ht be ca ll ed the .. rumpled look."" ··Some of his clothes were very o ld and h e l iked ·environmental' ties the o n e s with whales and beavers all over the m ," K e an s p o kes man Carl Golden s aid, explaining the governor's past dress habits. -------._.,;,.._,.....,_,,, Two women threw lrult pl11 at Moral MaJ1rtt1 l11d1r lft'ff r1tw1ll u h• 1ddr1111d about 1 ,000 B 1pU1t1 ln Fort Worth, Tex11, pollct H id. ' Both women t1captd ln tht oonru1ton. An otrtcer Hid the plH htt • Falwell'• face and fUlt. But Falwell's aide, D u k t · Weatover, Hid the plea juat 1 r11ed hi• sleeve. Slnaer Mel Torme and his production company filed suit tor more than SI million against CBS In c . and a record company. A complaint filed in U.S. District Court in New York City charged that on Aug. 30 CBS and Finesse Records all egedJy began unauthorized nationwide distribution and sale of an album , "Mel T o rm e and Friends - Recorded Live at Ma rty's, New Yor k City ... whic h c ontain s T o rm e's cop y righted mu s ical compositions. Torme also as ked th e court to prohibit furth er distribution of the album. An amused 82-year -old J a m es Cagney chu c kled ··beautiful, beautiful .. as he accepted th e e ngra ved pudding pot that i's the Man of the Year award presented annually by Harvard's Hasty Pudding Club. .. Boys and girls, this is really a welcome," Cagney told the forma lly dressed crowd at Cambridge, Mass. Reade F ahs, co·producer of Hasty Pudding's newest produc tion , said Cagney's decades in film .. typify the m ea ning o f th e Hasty Pudding award," which is g1vl!n ··to a dis tinguished performer in th e entertainment field ... Your Monopoly board may not renect the change, but part of Pennsylvania Avenue nearest the Boardwalk may soon become Danny Thomas Boulevard. City father s in Atlantic City. N.J . believe it"s a way to repay Thom as for helping the ailing city in 1ls dark days before casino gambling was approved by lhe~stale's voters. • ··w e owe him a lot," said Com mi ssio n er E dmund Cola nzi, who proposed the nam e c hange during a commission caucus. lligh clouds II.lie Ccw•wl '°"' cloucl\ 11e•s•sll119 on no•lll co.\l will\ QUSly iout,..,.ly '•• ....., winds d~IOC>lnq lGdO Coastal LIVht vartaOlr wind\ Wf'\t to E x te nde d ~oulllwt'\I t'tQM lo I~ k.nol\ on ~ atte,.noon Wf'\tftrly \Wf'll t 10 1 trrt • PArlly CtouclYlllrauoti lon•Qlll f orecasl LJ.$. Sltlll.lllflrJ l 11)ht ~ •nd te• \Pt,.•O •crot.s th~ t.oUUWHn Pt•ins f hur'4•'f lnG \no• oersh teo 1n tht \Oulhern AoOIH Tl>e 1>ac1 "'~"'""' rH<....., into Artuin~ and M· "".,..,, dhd ,nert !>undo l.,.\Oay 111Qll cloudlrwu 411t Hmn Oft ~•Y otherwiw '"'' wUlller IPVOUQll 1r. pen ao Some u<ly ma<Nl'Q I-clouo. •1""9 ,,. co•st HtQf'\\ 1n CN\tal •re•\ wilt r•nQ• lrom 10 •• Ir.. tlHCllU la 7' to ., over 1n•~ M f'ft ........ (!ffi] ... ~~ •... ~hO•f'' ~to' l'll"ftll Q4cl.,,d1d a:mIIID ---=== •• , neAVy Whllt" \tuft dUrinQ the ;:;::~7~~ In lhe td'ltrn oi.on\ 01 New . T l'ltl]Jeratures A•ln 'Pr••d 1cro\-. \OUthern hH\. ""'lie lt9lll \"OW 0.Yfl-d over the northffn Pt•1n\ Sk~\ Wft"e parlly cloudy ovfr tne eA,tern INr<I of tr. countrv d'nd on ll'lfl WO\I Cc»\! ll'lfl fa<~asl t0< lod•Y UllfO fa< u•tt•reCI tnundt''''o'm' o"'°' '"• Gulf Coast stat•\ _._1tn r••n t11CrO\\ 11\t Paclfte Horlhwe\I and l19hl ,,,.,,. In lllf vrtal L•-•> Sunny skl.s w.,r• on t&p tor Nt~ En9land lll<'OUQl't IPW 01110 Vallry, ,,.. C•nlral Plai ns ana lrllo lh• Soulhwe\I. Hl9h\ -· HP«lfO In ll'lfl lttll\ in th• northtrn P1•fn\ 1nd Newi. Entl•nd tn Ille ~ ...a .00. alC>nQ llW midair AUanllc CCMl\I IMGUQh I .... Oltlo Valley, .,.. crnlral Plains ana Into I hr Pacific Narthwut Tiie Soulllern si.les could lool< f0<wua ID" ru cll119s In N 5Ck •na 60\, wllh '"" mrrcury reaclllrtQ into lhe 10\ In Soulll Florida and "" dHerl Saulhwe\I T1mperaturtt around tn. "'lttOf'I •t m ldCl.tv lllur\Cl.ty ran9"1 from • In Far90 N 0 lall tn Meltiov•~ Ht C nlifor11in So11tllern C.llt0<nl1 t<tn n Pf'Cl lalt "10ht •no tarl\' morn1nQ low t l011Cl lneu In coaslal er••• alllerwlu varlal>I• 1119" < laudtM\\ lllr-hS.l-y Ora~ County can upacl lllQ111 toclav and s.1 .... 0.v ., lO ti LOW\ S1 to St llllancl Yllleys "'" Ila ... lltQll\ near 10 L_s..........,U MounlllM will IWIW hi~ S1 la '1, ·-''"* N orthern d•Hrll cen t•Pe<I IOU'lll•HI 10 west wlncl1 U 1S mpfl Hlfhs 62 to 10. lows In u-.,. and «>s. Soull'letn dlwrta will llavt hlQl\J ntolO. -42to s1 Clwlnct at rlln ·~ noNh u1eu1 totl•y. wllll rain jj)rHCllno south Clur1119 tfWftcl 111119'". 1Nrtly c1oua1 SeturCla y In Norl,,.rn Cellfornla l'el< -Cilfl4rel CelHOflll• ""°""' Se111rC1ay e n epl tor nl9lll ano _.111119 iOQ 1>ecomln9 ellrrnoon ~ ..... hl•"'f ........... NATION 13 LO> An90I" OS ~ry\vtttP ~ Monrovia II S. Monllt'fY 1t 1l Ml Wll\On JI n Need••• 10 ., •• 60 All>VQIH" Ashevllle Allanl• Atl..-le Cly Balli more BirmiflQhm 8tltnbf(k t)Ot~~ &CKton Bull•to Ctvid\ln SC (llMl\ln WV c ... ve,,., .. Clltc- C•f'l<•n~t• Clt.vrl•nd Columllvi 0.l·Fl Wlll Denver Oe..1Mo1res Oe.lroll Oululh 33 11 NewPO<'l BHc.h s• 11 .. u 10 II 68 60 ., El Pa'IO FalrlMtnh Ha<1fa<d H~leintt Hooolufu Houstof'I lndn1plls J•Ck\nvtlf' l(aM(•ly Lasv~s Lllllr Rock Loulsvlllt Memphis Miami •• "" )6 JI )t 3• n )0 ., " 31 l • 13 .. 13 JS 00 11 .. J1 !I )0 68 l8 37 JI ,, CALIFORNIA APOle V111.., u Bak•rsfleld IM 8 ar\l- S1 Buumonl n 819 Bur S4 81.,,op 26 81ytl'lfl o Calalln• JS 'Euro• 11 l'resno :it L1nca11., '3 L°"ll 8 .. <11 Jt 21 OakfM'IO 6' )6 Onl•rlo 21 ,, P•lm SprlrtQ> II <>' P•s.Orna n l8 Pa'IO Rot>•" 31 tO Alver\ldll' SI 1S Ard 8 IUll 4l l1 A.0•_, Coly "' 1• S.Cr•...-o St_ JI S.ltnH l3 2t S.n BerNrOlno " S' San Gati,.let ll to San OteQD .,. SI S..n Francisco l' 21 San Jou <IO 21 Sanla Ana S.nl .. e ... b&,. S.nl• en .. HI u S.nla M.,.la " l6 Santa Mon•u •• l3 !>focklon 11 SI T•'-Vall.., '1 " Tr..rmal 11 1l T "" anc• .,. 11 Yuma ,. !l .. 51 16 )6 .. <I() ... l8 .. so ~ANAM so ., " 60 •1 .. 10 60 .. .. .. u ., •S .. S1 ,. .. I• HI 93 " 11 ., ~...-;?~~ ....... ~R_f R_IP_DR_T it.cepulca ear.,.dOs 8ermlld• Boqola CtKeceo Fr"-1 Guaoel•l•• Ouacltio.- H•vana KlllQSICWI Moftl990 Bay .. ,, .. .. ,. • ., ..,. ... ,.. A ... Z11ma 2 S....la Molllta I N-port 2 s....01•'-v t Ou11-1., $at.,.. .. ,. LlftM (!\ ..... ... -, t • .... ~· " u u t• ............... A"I -• Dir ' ' w t ) W I t w t J NW We1re Listening ••• Tides l'lnt l- l'lnt 1\1911 ~ ... SK-hip TODAY •Hem to·na"' •.J4p"' 11•1tp.m. What do you like about the Daily Pilot" What don't you like? C1ll the number below and rour me1aa1e will be recorded. transcribed and dtJJvered to the approprt1(e editor. The 1ame 2A·hour 1n1wmnc Hrv•c. may be used to record let· ttr• to tr.. editor on any tC)lric. Mailbox contributors must Include their na me and telephone number f~ verification No circulation u lll. please, Ttll ~ wf\1l'1 on your mind. ·. -------------------------. Orange Cout OAJLY PILOT/Frldav. February 28, 1982 s Land battle in co11rt Sui t filed concerning Marine air station flight path Ro11moor Corp .• developer ot Lelaure World r etirement com munlty In L11un1 Hlll1. flied 1ult Thursday In U.S. Dl1trlcl Court to wln a 19·)'Hr·lona battle to develop land under an approach path to the El Toro Marine Corps Air Station. A l Cer es a . R ossmoor president. said t he fi rm wants to construct professional offices on about 200 acres ot land on whic h development is now res lrlcted. Those res lricl1ons . rirs l im posed in 1963 a nd later reaffirmed in 1974 , were sought by the Marine Corps because of wha t It considers the potential fo r military air craft accidents. Rossmoor will conte nd in the legal action. Ceresa said, that s tu di es conduc t e d by the Departme nt of Defense in 1976 and 1981 show that the land is not in an .. accident potential zone·· C1nd that commercial d eve lopment would be an aCCl'Plablc use of ~he property Waterslide in Orange to reopen A 65-foot-high w\ltcrslide in Orange on whic h two teen-agers we re serious ly inju r ed las t August when it ruptured will be allowed to reopen unde r new management, the Ora nge City Council has decided Before it is allowed to be put back mlo use, however. the new operators will have to reduce the height of t h e s lide to 40 reel and change the tubing from dear plas ti c to s tron ger fibe rglass. The council gave its approvaJ t o r e ·d esi g n and eventual reopening of the slide located near the Newport Freeway on Chapman Avenue afte r being assured that Hy dro-Glass Systems Co. of Manteca . would be a reliable ope rator of the recreational attraction . Previous operator of the slide was J LH lnvestments of Irvine. Its general partner , James L. Herrill of Newport Beach, brought in Hydro·Glass Systems a s part of a r est ruc ture d financial partnership , according lo Assistant City Attorney Gene Minshew. The so-called "B ig 0 .. a quatube was the scene Jast s um mer of an accident In which several sliders were injured when a tube ruptured . Two teen-agers Bill Pierce, 18, of Anah e im , and Joe Deterding, 19, or Orange -wer e left danglipg about 40 feet above the gr ound when the clear plastic tube broke open. Pierce was impaled on a jagged edge or the slide and s uffe red abdom inal injuries_ Deterding suffered cuts and a lower back injury . Deterding h as sued the city over h is injuries. Minshew said that before the s lide is allowed lo reopen, the city would hire an independent engineering firm to check the safety of the redesign a nd re pair work . The sli de is currently shut down. The city approved the repair wor k Tuesday night a fte r checking on the background of H y dr o Syst e m s a nd its president, Robert .. Budge" Brown. No complaints about lhei r opera tion of other slide operations were found. lociated ntllr Moulton Parkway and El Toro Road. Lt. Col. Cary Kell y . a community oiannln1 oUlctr at the base, said those studies were b11 sc d o n sta ndorlzed lnformalaon relatln1 to ~pproach paths at a ll Marine Corps air stations and did nol take into account special C'lrcumt.toin.ce~ al El Toro The approac h path. he said. 1s the only one used by incoming miJltarv aircraft And the path has heavy traffic. Kelly said. nossmoor in 1963 was torced. to set the land aside as open s pace In order lo gain rights lo d evelop the Le1~ur e Wo rld Community In 1974. as a res ult of ~n inverse condemnation actio n filed hy Rossmoor against the federal J.{Ovc•rnmen t . the firm wus awarded $2.7 million, plus interest. as compcn:iution for the loss or developme nt rights Al that lime . un agreement wa1 1laned where b y development wou ld be prevented as long 111 the base remained Ml El Toro. Ll. Col Kelly Hid. Ro!>smoor and the Ma rine Cor p11 enterc•d negotiations on polcnliltl development on the land one year U.gO, bul t holle talk!> rcacht>d un impasse. Kelly said ··w 1,.• have held farm on th1ll and we will continue to do so." Kell.\ said. • • W l' have IH•c n gl ven no Cjlternat1vt· but to go to court to force the governme nt to do what its own studies have directed it to du. namely to permit t he development of our property for com mcrc1al uses ." Ceres a said. Rossmoor. he noted . is in the pro<'bS or l1quidallng now that the Leis ure World development b completed . lie said several unnamed 'developers ha ve exp r cl\s cd interes t in the propt•rty. which now is used as a J(reentx•lt Delly P l ... ~-"' lAe ~ .... PROTECTED Thl1Sl ' snow~ egrl'ls an• umnn J,! inhabitants of tht• Bols<i Ch1c;1 \\'l•tl ands thut nm bt• ~l't'n on f1 nul \\ inh·r tour Walks for the birds . Last chance sightings offer ed on Coa st As the winter bird migration nears its end. so loo do guided Orange Coast bird·watching tours . There is one last chance to lake a guided walk this winter through-either the Bolsa Chica Ecological Reserve or Upper N~wport Bay. The final winter tour of the Bolsa Chica reser ve as slated for March 6, according to Lorrame Faber of the Amigos de Bolsa Chica . The tour covers one mile of r eserve trails and t akes two hours . Hours are 9 to 11 a.m. with tour groups leaving every 15 m inutes 0 Besides a variety of ducks. h erons and egr e t s. many smaller shore birds can be seen from reserve trails, Mrs. Faber s aid. She said the walk begins at the rescrve·s main entrance. Pacific Coast llighway across rrom the Bois a Chica Stale Beach parking lot Bmo<'ulars. she emphasized. arc encouraged T h e fina l lour o f Uppe r Newport Bay until October is ~et for March al. accordmg to Fran Robinson of F riends or Newport Bay S he advises interes ted parties to m eet between 9 aod 10 : 15 a m . al the northerly end of Back Bay Road and East Bluff Drive in Newport Bea<'h. Thl' l.S·mile tour includes short explanations of the a rea·s ecology by speakers stationed along the route. Mrs . Robinson said. Bes ides binoculars . sh e recommends tou r-goers wear comfortable waJking shoes. The re Is no charge for either lour. ew~ort Ski Company's on selected equipment only! We are in the midst of what is shaping up to be one of the best ski seasons ever and .._....,,,. Sid C••••Y has the merchandiStt and service to make yours even better . .... ..... RoSSignol oYnafit K~ San M8r'.CO Dynmnic Raichle Fischer Ko Flach =~.~ ... _, ... ,1 .. CA 631-3210 ::!J'n Geze Tyrolia Marker Orange Coatt DAILY PILOT/Frld1y, February 26, 1982 . . Baker: Go to 'so1irce Se»ate leader iays U.S. must confront Soviets W ASHIN G~ON (AP> - Senate Majority Leader Howard ff. Baker aaya the Soviet Union ia behind the insurgency ln El Salvador and the United States will have lo deal with Moscow to end the ftghtlng. "There is no point in us frittering away our time in El Salvador or even with 9astro," he says. The Republican leader said he ls confident President Reagan has no intention or committing U.S. troops to E l S1lvador , t{dding, "lf some president weri? lb do that, he would find it very difficult" lo get support from Congress. ! Baker gave his views during ' a\i inter view on the eve or J!resi d e n t R eaga n 's ahnouncement or a program of trade and investment assistance as well as direct economic aid in an effort to promote peace and security in Central America and the Caribbean. In his spei?Ch Wednesday, the presiden t referred to ••soviet ·backe d , Cuban-managed support tor viol en t revolution in Central America." Cuba got far tnore rnen Uon by Reagan than the Soviet Union. ''The answer is not in El Salwdor . . " "New Cubas will arise from the nJins of today's eonfiict.s," warned the pres ident, if the United States does not Jct "promptly and decisively." He pledeed to do "whatever is prudent and necessary." Baker, who traveled in South America and Panama earlier this year, said he could not conceive of Reag8!1 sending U.S. troops to El Salvador. He said most South American countries felt remote from the insurgency farther north, but, "I found in Panama and in Venezuela, there Is a growing apprehension about what Cuban President Fidel Castro is doing and partic ularly about the situation ln El Salvador, in Nicaragua , but m o re particularly in Guatemala. ··I'm strongly or the view that you're not going lo be able lo manag e the probl e m or insurgency in Central America by dealing with it in Central America," said Baker. "The answer is not in El Salvador, the answer is not ev,en in Havana, the answer is in Moscow,'' said the senator. "I think Secretary of State t Alexa nder M.> Haig has exactly the right point of view when he says you've got to go to the source," said Baker. LET'S FACE IT Geneva Wint ers of Carpentersville, Ill.. strikes a normal pose (left>. then displays the facial contortions that won he r first prize in the National E nquirer's .. Ug ly Mug·: contest. For the dubious honor. the 37-year-old woman won $500 and a trip to Las Vegas. U.S. demands Romania make overdue payments -on loans WASHlNGTON (AP> -The Un ited States demanded Thu rsday that R omania im mediately make $5.8 million in loan pay men t s due the Com modity Credit Corp. for purchases of U.S. agricultural products. ••We' re asking them to bring t heir payments up to date ia:nm ediatel y," s a id Dean Fischer, chief spokesman for the Slate Department. Fischer said .. the department first teamed on Wednesday that Romania "is in arrears in paym e nt s t o b ot h the government and to the banks." He said .. a fu ll exp I anation" is bein g sought from Romanian officials here and in Bucharest. The demand for immediate payment appears in s triking contrast to the U.S. approach to Exhibit & Sale Directly From Peru & Other Countries Feb. 27 & 28: I 0-6 pm Native Folk Art • Weavings • Jewelry • Baskets • Carvings • Clothing • Masks • Dolls • Much. Much . More! EBELL CLUB HOUSE 515 W. lal»oa llYd. lal»oa-CA IOft lc6oo Pwill...aat 1714) 62 I -32 I 4 announcing complete hair design by WALTER DETTMAN aesthetics (1 14} 640 -6023 Design Plaza • Suite 220 Fashion Island • Newport Beach the large debt that Poland's military regime owes the United I States. The Reagan adminis tration drew wides pread criticism ea rl ier thi s month by authorizing payment or $71 million of the Polish debt to U.S. banks. Since Poland first fell into arrears last year , the administration made good on loan guarantees totaling more lban PX> million. Fischer had no immediate expl anation for the apparent difference in approach. Secretary of State Alexander M. Haig Jr. discussed th e Romanian debt earlier this month in 13uchares t with President Nicolai Ceaucescu. Fischer said he did not know whether Haig received any ·warning that Romania would soon go into arrears. Ttte International Monetary Fu nd suspended Romania's right to draw new -cir.edits-last.. November. and is reported to be in s isting on r e f or m of R o mania's econom y a s a condition ror continued financial assistance. President Reagan recently rejected Romanian requests for a new. $65 million CCC loan to buy com and soy bean oil. Romania owes the United States $91.3 ·million this year .under commodity loans made in previous years. or that total, $41.5 million is due directly lo the CCC. The rest is owed lo the banks but is guaranteed by the CCC. Romania's total debt to the West is estimated at between $10 billion and $14 billion LIDO MARINA ON THE WATERFRONT IN NEWPORT BEACH Super Boardwalk &Sidewalk . Come in and see oyr large selection of Swimwear Now You May Rent A Luxury Apartment on Newport Bay. le SHELF-cLEANING CidEAN SWEEP OF QCIAUTY UNIQUE ITEMS South Coast Plaza ln the Mall by the Carousel 751-7500 Oscar Fever is coming Gracious hving in a country club set11ng that overlooks the bay Thats Pa(k Newport The finest apartment community 1n fashionable Newport Beach Here for your pleasure a $1 • :> million Social and Health club 8 hghted tennis courts. racquetball courts. 7 sw1mm1ng pools. and acres of gardens Leases are available !or 1 2 and 3 tx>droom units Some are eleganlly furnished APARTMENTS AND TOWNHOUSES ON THE BAY IN NEWPORT BEACH FftOM ,540 TO $1,000. Conventently located on the Upper Bay. ?ark Newpon IS just 5 QUICk minutes trtJm the Orange C.OUnty Airport and all major busmess oenters On Jamboree Road at San Joaquin Hills Road ._...,... .. (714) 844-1900 Relaxed browsing and shopping ... sipping and supping ... don't miss this sale among sails event of great savings and enjoyable shopping at the Lido Marina Village Super Boardwalk and Sidewalk Sale! Friday, Feb.-26, 10 am-9 pm . Satanlay, Feb. 27, 10 am-6 pm Sanday, Feb. 28, 11 am-6 pm '/. • I t r l . . Orange Co.It DAIL y PILOT/Frld•v. February 28, 1982 s ~· ~filTI~ ·--Devalued peso diverts shoppers Mexi~ans who normally .shop in U.S. head for stores south of border TIJUANA, Mexico (AP> - The devalued peso la divert.int Mexicans who normally shop on the U.S. aide ol the border to • local at.ores and tbreatenin& to wipe out aapplles on band, businessmen aay. In an ur1ent notice sent to federal officials in Mexico City, p r eslden t J a.i me Pal a fox Doscano of the Ensenada Chamber of Commerce asked for an 8> percent ln~rease in merchandise orlglnalln1 In Mexico City. By Wednesday, Tijuima stores bad only 12 days' supply of most basic Items-left, he said. The most pressin1 need ls for cereals, beans, salt, meat, bread, cooking oil, clolhln1, s ugar , wheat, fruit and ve1etables, accordin& to Palafox. Meanwhile, merchants on the U.S. side of the Mexican border reported a sharp losf of customers with the peso t'1lin1 in relation to the dollar. The ratio, which was 27 pesos to $1 last Thursday , plummeted by Tuesday lo 39.85 pesos to the dollar at a foreign exchange omce in the border community of San Ysidro, Calif., amid rumors it would fall to 42. Oswald Garcia, supervisor at a K-Mart store in San Ysidro, where the parking lot was Cranston popular •• as senator Rating drops when viewed as presidential hopeful SAN FRANCISCO CA.P) - Alan Cranston's popularity in California as a U.S. senator is unrivaled, says pollster Mervin Field, but he is less popular when viewed as a presidential candidate. ··No other statewide officeholder's performance measured by The California Poll during the past 35 years has received such consistently hlgb ratings as has Cranston," Field said in remarks accompanying results of a survey released Thursday. But while Californians' opinion or C ranston , a Democrat ... if he were president i s "more favorable than unfavorable, it does not match the very high ratings given . Cranston as U.S. senator," Field said. Cranston has recently said he's considering a run for the White House in 1984. empty , said "there is no bu siness because the peso is lower right now ... We usually have a full stort: even on Tuesday. "As long as the peso is down, people won 't come here," Garcia said." Boy killed playing 'Hulk' HAWTHORNE <AP > -A 10-year-old boy pretending to be "The Incredible Hulk" was killed when a car hit a chain the boy had stretched across a street -one end tied to a s ignpost and the other to himself, police said. Jesse Allen Stephens, with the SO-foot chain around his waist , was yanked backward and bit his head on the pavement when th e car driv e n b y a Sacramento-area woman ran the child's blockade on Doty A venue this week, officers said. Robinsons ... ~ .. a) SMASH SUCCESS Kim Cam eS' stands with producer \"iJI '" Gara~· after accepting her first Grammy award for retonl I of the year during presentations in Los Angeles this wl•ek. Ms . Cames won the award for hl'r rendition of ··Bl•tte Davis ,. E~·es."" :1 T tl 1 l :) q q It ,. i YOU'LL SAVE 40°/o-60°/o AND MORE! SALE OF OVERSIZED SHEETS AND BED ACCESSORIES 60% AND MORE OFF ~='itifj'1i&V,~r~ttflfP DUil •µFF,ES '9.99 DUST llUFFLE~ ANY SIZE •4.99 SHAM, ANY S1ZE . . _j At these low sale prices. you'll want to glamorize every bed in your home' Our French-pleated dust ruffles and shams will add that special decorator touch to your room-the Great Shades collection comes in a rainbow of solid colors that you can combine with your prints or other solid shades to achieve exactly the effect you want. But sizes and colors vary, so don't delay, come in early for best selection Robinson's Bedding, 54, Newport only. Orig. Sale Twin dust ruffle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............... $40 $9.99 Full dust ruffle. . . . . . . . . . . ................. $55 $9.99 Queen dust ruffle . . . . . . . . . . . . ................... $65 $9.99 King dust ruffle ............ ·. . . . . . . . . . . ................... $80 $9.99 Standard sham ........................................... $35 $4.99 King sham...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $45 $4.99 You'll love the savings! And the luxurious feel of our percale sheets, all with famous labels, in a great variety of solids and floral and geometric patterns, many by famous designers. We have every color combination you can think of-to mix or match, or even use for decoration. All In no·lron cotton/polyester in flat or fitted styles. And you may never even find the tiny lrregularltles that account for these great values. Quantities are limited and subject to prior sale. so hurry In for best selectlonl Robinson's Domestics, 30. Newport only. If-perfect Now Queen ....................................... $19-$26 17.18 King .........•.............. · .....••....•..•.. $24·$32 SI.II Standard cases, pair ...........••.............. $14-$17 11.11 King cases, pair ...•............. I •••••••••• ·'·. $15·119 ..... , 1 I I I Or•nr Coe1t DAILY PILOT1'rfday, ftebruary ae. 111a Plane mishap raises questiom of safety DlBturJ>ing questions have surf aced since the fright tining Feb. 15 incident in which an AirCal jetliner. too low on approach tq Ontar i Q lnternl\tional Airt>ort. clipped some non·energized electrical cables, forcing a s ubsequenl landing without brakes at Los Angeles. The incident now is under investigation by the Nationa l Transportation Safety Board. the federal agency assigned the task of determining the cause of major transportation accident$. And while it is unfair to prejudge the situation pending th e out come of the NTSB in vestigation. certain facts that became known after the in~ident are. lo say the least. troubling. Why was the glide s lope na v1gationaJ s~·stem operated at Ontario bv the Federal A vialion Administration not functioning the night AirCal flight 754 carr;-ying 122 persons clipped the power lines? FAA officials at Optario said 'the da~· following the incident •tha t t h e glide s lope an 'nstrument which tells the pilot is altitude and rate o'f descent ad been out of o peration for :about two weeks. They said old . radio tube·t~·pe equipment was being re placed with n ew. solid-stC1te components . There's nothing wrong with modem12ation or equipment. But why. we wonder. could the older system have not remained In operation until the newer system was in place'? Did the changeover require two w ee k s to accomplish'? Officials were quick to point out that use of t~e glide slope is not necessar~·. Many airports. they pointed out. don't have such s~·stems. That's true. But m os t airports. like Ontario. that h.andl e large amounts of commercial traffic do h ave ins trument landing syst em s. They are to hssist pilot.s In landing under adverse weather conditions. Such conditions prevailed a t Ontario when fl ight 754 was landing. The cloud ceiling was 300 feet. Vis ibilitv was no more than 1.5 miles. · The re are other aspects of the accident that should and will be investigated. But one wonders why . given these conditions and the lack of instrumental aid. Ontario traffic that night could not have been diverted to Los Angeles International. where the d a maged AirCal plane finally landed. It would not be the first time an airport h ad been temporarily closed because of adverse landing conditions. • • • viet competition President Reagan's main trategy for containing what he believes to be the threat to world eace and U.S. interests posed by heavily armed Soviet Union is a u ge in crease in mi l itary ~pending. Leaving C1side the specifics of eagan's defense program. t here s a consensus that the awesome oviet military buildup is a orrisom e trend . a nd that ~ubstantiaJ cutbacks in defense pending would not be in our best 'nterest . But a Stanford arms control esearcher -and former deputy irector of the Arms Control and isarmament Agenc~·. Philip .J ar l ey. ha s ou tlined a n nteresting thesis Reagan should eep in mind as he pushes for his 1.5 trillion militarJ.' buildup. .. Foc u si n g on military ~o mpetition with the Soviets . ~arley believes. means grappling ith Moscow in the one area in ;\vhich Ru ssia can compete with · he U.S. on an equal footing. ~ A wi se r approach to • ompctmg with the Soviets. he fiav s. would be to m atch a oderate defense.p.a:ogram with- diplomacy that makes use of our clearly supe r ior political and economic assets C1nd pursues rms control. An exampl e of Farley 's u ggested C1pproach is the Caribbean development plan -R eagan h as outlined . It emphasizes trade concessions >and m arket incentives. with military a id in the background. • On a broader scale. Farley says the main arena of competition between the world's two superpowers is not which can hurl the most missiles at the other but. .. Primarilv between economic. political and social s vstems. and visions of the role and worth of individual beings." It is in those areas where the present Soviet system could not begin to equal America's. despite our current problems. The men in the Kremlin not only run the most repressive regime in the world. but also run a stagnant eco nomi c sys t e m that di scourages innova tion and efficiencv and creates chronic s hortages of bas ic consumer necessities. Also. Moscow's leaders see their nation as surrounded by ene mies. r e flecting a s iege mentality that has arflicted Russia for centuries. Targeted by European and American missiles and fearing one billion Chinese. the Soviets make no apologies for their military spending. and can be expected to match a U.S. buildup with eve r h igher expenditures of their own. · Whal Farley fears is that militarizing U.S. foreign policy will reinforce Soviet paranoia. and strain relations with allies and neutral nations struggling with staggering socio-economic problems. It is som ething for the_ president to ponder as he tries to keep a fragile peace in a rrervous- world. Opm1ons expressed in the space abOve are thOse of the Daily Pilot. Other v iews ex- pressed on tn1 s page are 1nos.e or their autnori. ano artists Reader comment.,1s 1n111t· ed. Address The ::>aity P11ot. P 0 . Box 1Sb0, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Phone•(714l 641 4321 M. Bo yd I Keeping secret& It is expected that a macho sort of ~an will do much but say little while ~he more feminine woman surprises o one by talking a lot. Still, none -ther than the renowned Love and ar expert Theodore Reik observed. : A woman has the ability to keep ertain things secret. It is well known hat she can keep things lo henelf uch better than the man, If she eally wants to." anybody who has ever heard of C hristopher ol 1.Unbus? Pollst e rs asked a r oss·seclion of U.S . citizens to enttfJ tbe fellow, and 8 percent aid, "Christopher who?" Or words that effect. Columbus did belt.er &n Napoleon, though. Forty·two rcent said they didn't know wbo be • Q. Wbat'1 aa.."Or"on boot"? : A. An a nkle shackle to chah\ rimtnall Oil the way to prt~. Why the rererence to Oregon I do not know. Was none other than Irving S. S mith who said the difference between a girlfriend and a wife Is the di(£erence between delectable and deductible. "Kingombo" was what the slaves called the okra they brought ~re from Africa. You can see bow it aot shortened up CinaUy to become the name of the dish we call "gumbo." The mother spider will fight to her · death, if need be, to protect the eggs In her cocoon. Three out of rour victims of home fires die upstairs in rislnll smoke. Q . Who desl1ned the U.S. Pfesideot'I personal 011? A. E8C!h .,resident designs his own, tt he wants to. .•. NDO VMl8 ro KNOwr Helms manipulates power WASHING TON -Throughout his Senate career, Jesse Helms. R·N.C .. h as e njoy e d the lu xury of irresponsibility. Until a year ago, he had been on the outside looking in , able to wage guerrilla war on the Democratic majority without having lo orrer positive program s of his own . Obstruction was the name of his game. All that should have changed when the Republicans won control of the Senate and a man or unassailable conservative views moved into the White House. Presumably, Helms would be sobered by the formal trappings of powe r and become an enthusiastic member of the Reagan team. BUT OLD HABITS die hard. And Helms isn't a team player; if he wins one. it won't be for the Gipper, but for himself. The round·faced. hazel-eyed Helms is al his best or worst In hit-and·run attacks, savaging his political enemies with any weapon at hand. A former newspaper and radio newsman, he knows how to manipulate the press to his advantage. A recent incident illustrates how Helms, who looks more like a college professor than a c urmudgeon, has reacted to his unaccustomed role as a Senate leader. It has Democratic senators and their staHs -and even a few Republicans -grinding their teeth1 in frustration. Here's what ~appened. As chairman of the Foreign Relations Subcommittee on Hemispheric Aff-a1FS, H'e lm s sche dul e d a hearing o n "Possibilities for Democracy in Central America " T h e su bcommittee's ma1ority and minority s taffs set to work Q -J1-c1-11-1-11-11-1 -~: compiling a witness list , which would presumably represen t the enti r e spectrum of opinion on the wartorn region. But it soon became clear that Helms and his henchmen were more interested in pushing their views than in observing the hoary traditions of fairness and civility in the august body. They were. in short. s tacking the hearing, loading the witness list with experts who agreed with the chairman's views on Central America that communists were at the root of all the troubles there. and could be thwarted only by resolute U.S. milltary s upport of the conservative juntas. One witness the Democratic staff wanted was Prof. Thomas Anderson. a respected expert on El Salvador. But a few days after he was invited to testify. the Democrats wer-e informed by John Carbaugh . a professional hardball player on the Helms team, that the witness ltsl was complete. There would be no room for anyone else to testify. The astounded Democratic staffers. with support from the staff of Sen. Charles Percy. R ·lll . Foreign Relations Committee c hairman , protested to Carbaugh. He coolly suggested they find a senator to take their appeal to H el m s There would b e n o accommodation at the staff level TH IS .~lJ RTH ER infuriated t he De mocrats As one later told m y a ssociate Lucette Lagnado ... When !''rank Church was chairman. we had countless llelms crackpots come and testify.·· Turnabout 1s not fair play in llelms· rulebook. the Democrats complained In the end . the disgruntled s taffers prevailed on Sen Claiborne Pell. U·R.I., to put their case to Helms directly. The patrician Pell was informed by the down·home Helms that the -DemocraL<> could have one witness. They settled on Aryeh Neier. an official of the group that monitors the Helsinki hum an rights agreement . Prof. Anderson was "dis invite<h." - The hearing was duly held. with full press coverage and a wholly lopsided presentation of conservative views ll was just the way Jesse Helms wanted it The Senate debates a national issue I went to the Capitol in Washington the other day to check on things ror you. With press credentials J was able to e at in the congressional restaurant where l had a bowl of warm milk with six oysters in it for $2.50. It had been advertised as "oyster stew" on the menu, but was so unsatisfying that I also ordered a hamburger. That cost $2.75 and was barely fair. I'm telling you about lunch because you may have thought your congressman has a better place to eat lunch than you do. It was 2: 10 when I walked into the gallery of the Senate chamber. The Senate was in session, but I didn't think so at first because there were exactly four senators down there on the noor. Three of them, Howard Baker, John Stennis and Russell Long, were debating whether they ought to allow television cameras into the Senate, and the fourth, Orrin Hatch of Utah. was acting speaker. TH E 111REE senators were no more than 15 feet apart. Senator SteMis was speaking, and the stenotypist, with his machine on his chest, hanging from a broad strap around his neck, stood too close to him. The'st.enotypist looked like the accordionist ln a bad restaurant who you hope doesn't come to your table. Senator Stennis has never been a favorite of mine, but as J sat there I was impressed with how good he was making his case against televis'ing Senate debate. "A II these empty seats . . " he was saying. "All these empty seats ... someone's gonna have to explain 'em . . . make an expfanation of where '~~' -111-Y -RG0-11-Y -§t these senators are . This is a dishonest picture. It doesn't tell the story of what's going on ... all these senatoi;-s doin' their work in committee meetings somewhere else.·· Senator Stennis went on to say how distracting television would be. He said he was easily distracted. although he didn't look It. "It takes a lot of w1nd out or me," he said, "if I'm talkin' and I look up and see the speaker chatlin · with someone else. I think maybe I've said something good tn~t caught his attention and he's talkin' to someone else about it . . but probably not." What a wonderfully funny and human When niurder wins Inedals Thought&a( Large: -Not until the majority of people in the world recognize and act upon the principle that wbal we call "war" is nothing but murder ori an international scale will there be the slightest hope for ~. IYlllY ··~ '!ft peace. (It naUons award medall for It, why should lndivtduals co to prison for It?> -People who are afraid to ask "dumb" questions are alwaya aurprised when they make dumb mistakes. -1be dllference between education and eXJ)erlen.ce ta that educatJon la what you 1et from reldln1 the small print , and e)(l)eriteaee la what you cet from not readina It. (Not ortclDal with me.) -Revoluttoat are tbt ••optical musloa1" of lliltor1: they aMm to break ob\ overnt1bt and develop raplclly, • MUie MclaJ anab"" cu .................. ,__ ....... -'l'be mt practical •UIPltion I have heard for ending hlgh·school dropouts is making a diploma m andatory for getting a driver's license. -How can we account for the ract that the Western world, led by the U.S., hands out the stirfest prison sentences ()f any culture on the face or the eart.ll, and we still have one of the wont crimes rates ln the world? -If you are well·meanlng and stupid! you milbt as well be ill·meaning, for al the good it does. -Every society violates its basic norms whenever IL finds it expedient to do so; but the society ls beginnln8 to dlsintefrate when the norm s themse ves are rejected and repudiated. -If you need a "personalized" license plate with your name or epithet on it, )'OU can't have a very atture aense of identity. <Llke the chap l saw recently wtth the word "Cool" lnterlbed on lhe breul of h1I windbreaker -a moet uneool di•play of self.) -n. ~ alm or bi&Mr education ls on.b twofold: to traln one to put, and prepare one to answer, two quesUons: ...,... dD ,_. mea'P" and "How do~ ll.now?'' thing for this tough old warhorse lo say I liked him better Senator Baker got up when Senator Stennis had finished The stenotypisl , with his machine on his chest. moved closer to Baker. Baker spoke as 1f he was excerpting little phrases out of old speeches he remembered. but he said some good things in favor of televising Seoate proceedings. "T he Senate 1s a microcosm of America," Baker said. "We are what we are and America's entitled to watch. The business of the Senate is to do the public's business in a public place!" ''Hear. hear!" I would have shouted but I didn't want to gel thrown out. Senator Long, the third man in the debate, had already betrayed his opinion of his constituency's IQ by saying that if television was allowed in. Senate debates would have to be tailored "to appeal to the most common denominator, let us say those with a fourth.grade education.·· DURING THE debate, Sen. Robert Byrd walked in. He paid no attention to anyone, walked between Baker and Stennis and took his seat near the s pe aker's platform. Senator Dole and one or two others had drifted in and were standing in back at the fringe of lhe chamber. When the debate about television coverage had come to an end , Baker stood up, walked over lo Long's desk•and as they l aughed about s omething, Long offered Baker a lozenge. Baker took it, put it in his mouth and wande re d up the aisle toward the back. • At this point. Senator Byrd stood up, asked for the floor. and addressed almost no one with a perfunc;tory message about protecting the American Eagle as our national symbol. I didn't get whether he was for it or against it, but if I know Senator Byrd, -he was for it. , I left. This concludes my report from the nation's Capitol. ll was Supreme Court Justl.tt WWla.n O. Dou.las who said, " ... prhate industry unless alded bJ wan -ril not be •ble to meet tbe employment ..A .. ne""'s. C.J. . . Fireplace no heating aid DEAR HEADERS In these days when it's importunl to make houses more energy efficient . there's no point in using a healing source that Is only 5 l,)ercenl efficient. Yet many people do just that when they use an open fireplace It's a ruer that 95 percent or the heat either goes right up the chimney or is used to heut cold air drawn Into the room. And on cold days, 1l may lake more heat lo warm the cold air than the rire can put into the room. In that cuse. an open firepluce can a'ctually cool the house rather than warm It. There are ways, however. that a fireplace can be made more efficient. The U.S. Departm<'nl of Energy has a booklet with many suggestions and charts to help you determine whether it 1s worthwhile to use a fireplace as a heating aid. For your copy oJ "Wh al About Fireplaces?" send $2.25 to the Consumer Information Center. Dept. 172K. Pue blo. Colo 81009. Vnvented h eater hazard • DEAR PAT DUNN: I've been thinking about buy fng a ke roseo e beater to e~onomize on m y beating bUls. Are they safe to use? ~.K., Costa Mesa California law prohibits selling or orrer- ing fo r sale any new or used unvented heaters. except electr ic heaters. designed for use in the home. according to I Donald Terner. director of the state Department of Housing and Community Development. Terner said that approximately 100.000 un.vcnted oil-fueled heaters have been sold to California con~umcrs. but he cautioned that these heaters should not be used in the home due to I he following hazards: asphyxiation from u ••• ck or oxygen: emission or poisonous curbon m onoxide gases: a bum hazard because t01C high s urface temperatures: and a r1re haza 1·d lf combustible materials come In contact w Ith the hot surfaces. Tem•e r added lhttl when used accordlne to direct, ions, UL I Underwriters Labor a: t ori es 1 I abeled unvented portable oil heaters cun be an economical source or heat in garage~• or well-ventilated workshops. Aliemr rule revised DEAR READER S : The U .S . lmmigratipn and Naturalization Service no longer req\Jires aliens in the United Stales lo report the41r addresses to lhe agency each January. 1' he requirement had been in effect since 1952. · Howe\ 1?r . aliens res iding in this country still are n~quired to report changes in their addresses within 10 days to the nearest INS field offi<.1e. Suc h notification should be submitted on Form AR-I 1, which can be obtained from any I NS office. I • ··Col a problem? Then wnle lo Pat '-.,. Dunn Pal will cul red lope. getting • J. the answers and aclwn you need lo • solve inequ111es m government and .-. busmHs Mall '!J(Ydr queltioru lo Pat 1 I Dunn. Al Your Service. Orange Coast Dally Pr lot. P' 0 Boz 1560 . Costa Mesa. CA 92626. As many letters ru posstble will be amwered. but phoned mqume& or letters not including the reodn·s Juli name. addres:; and lnmness hours· phone number cannot be con&·ldered •) Thru J\prll 11, 1982 Shrim.p & Fish Special •2.99 1982US It's a tre<•l that's worth the trip! Four big Gulf shrimp. our crispy fish fillet. plus frye:>. slaw f, hushpuppies! Shrimply delicious! A Family Shopping/Di11ing & Entertainment Center Albertson's • Bank of America • Bilbo Baggins •Coco's/Reuben's • Dolphl'n Hair Fashions• Edwards Cinema • Fash 'n Splash • Hamburger Hamlet • lceCapades •Mesa Verde Florist • Mesa Verde Travel Mione's • Music Market • Piecemakers • Photography by Jeffrey • S<luthern California Optical Spa Lady • Swensen 's •hlmle ...... . , ....... ~ ·~ •C_. .... • ,s2999s . . ... --___, Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Friday, Ffbruary 26, 1982 G'1° & SAYINGS AT 1HI HAl80ll AHA "S LilGIST ... ................ SHOP THIS SAT .. SUN. & MOH. FoallST SILECTIOM! WHIRLPOOL GASDRYH l ........ Dry .,_ ...... c_ •ST~ \.7.u··· ~ .. ,_....... .. s3291s • D,.,...I_. -·--~MERICANA '' ....... ,_c..tr-ef .......... , .... •S9ftTwdtC_... 11:= ss991s MAYTAG FACTOtlY AUTHOttaa $ 25 INST ANT' IBATI ... ~ I •M~ ·Loop~• ·--~ .,,_ -IUll.T TO UST! ONLY S474t5._ L Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Friday, February 28, 1982 CAME HIT Hoh ;\1cndow. Pomun:i s hop £'mplo~ l'l'. pOSl'S \\ tlh pat1s or lht.· Ounjo!l'lll'l~ \lf\d Dragons gamt• wh1th has com1.• undc.•r firl• from Christian funcl aml•nt<1l ist~. SPECIAL ~ PURCHASE!! ~ / ~1~~0 FAIRMONT FUTURA WAGONS THEY ARE REALLY LOADED• Including factory air cond1t1on1ng. au1oma11c transmission. power brakes. electric windows. door locks. 1111 wheel. cruise control am/fm ste<eo, deluxe wheels & MORE. MORE. MORE (1CML82(i0) Church group hits game as 'avenue to occult' • I)' LAUaJND.\ KEYS ,._ ..... ._....., One et the hotteat-selllna a•m• for YOUDlll.era thete days ls lambaated by Chrlstlah fundamentalist aroups as an aYft'lue to the occult. The Olrl1llan Researtb Institute ln El Toro •a.vs the role·playln1 aame ''Dungeons and Draaona" la danaerous because it blurs distinctions between fantasy and reality, forces players to act out c harac te rs without morals and predisposes young minds lo accept the occult. Others defend use of the game ln classes for gifted children, claiming It helps them use tbelr Imaginations. The game, ~reated by Gary Gyaax. has been has been on the market nine years, but sales have soared lately along with growlna public fascination with the world of fantasy and magic. Signs of that trend have showed up in movies s u c h as "The Oragonslayer," "Cl ash of the Titans," and "Star Wars," in cortee·table art books such aa ''Faeries," "Giants" and ··Gnomes" wrlllen as If such c reatures were real -and appearance of the mystlcaJ unicorn symbol on jewelry and household rumlshln11. Robert Landa, a Montebello alloroey who believes. the battle over the use ol "Dungeons and Dragons" in public schools will end up in the courts. says: "It's not a coincidence that this is happening (the popularity or the game). This is just the tip or the iceberg of what the occult is doing. And this aHl·cts the m inds or children." Landa represents a group called Californians for Biblical Mo'rality. Last faJI lhe group argued that Citrus Coll ege in Azusa illegally allowed free use of its facilities to a gifted children's class teaching "Dungeons and Dragons." Cress Bracci, executive director or the group, said the game teaches a religious prac lice. lhe prucUce or the occult. "The word of God says lhat the occult Is of I.he enemy," she sajd. "We Just wal'1ted to cauUon parents that l/ a child Is Innocently lured Into that gitme, lite will be dwelling on thitt power Why s hould public facilities he used to promote occultism?" M Ike Tate of Sacramento, a s tudent al Ca,pltal Bible Institute who Is completin 1~ a documentary on a fight over h!achlng or the game in Sacramento County public facilllles, says· "It's a religion or the occult. Children ar1 ! taught witchcraft. By the timt'. th ey become a dungeonmu .ter, they know all the arts of inc· an ta lions and casting spells." He says al.tempts are first made Lo get the giu me int? "things like recreation 1 md parks, so it will be accepted, th en into the classroom." A coalition or 10 churches in tht Sacramento area opposed tour "Dungeons and Dra1on1" Pf'Olrama In Sacramento suburbs last summer, and won one case. In the marketplace, the game's popularity has boomed. Gyeax estimated sales m fiscal 1981 at $3> m 111 ion worth of I a mes a:id acceissories, up from $4 mlJllon two years aao. "That's what keeps the store open. If it witsn't for that game, we'd have to close the s tore," said Bob Mendoza, an employee in The Last Grenadier, a wargames shop in Pomona A basic kit , with dice, lead figures of dragons. trolls, dwarfs a nd knights, and an instruction manual, costs $10, said Mendoza. He s aid the store offer!> free classes for childrco and that as players become more adept they buy roore intricate game plans, stranger figures and advanced handbooks. THE ORANGE COAST MllV PILOTS New Chevy s CHEAP! t7 50 IM Reltatel Mew Cll9Cf ..,_..trator 'I I .ct 'IZ Cffatioft1, CGYClllMn, I 0.30 Trucks! •SOOIMR•t•I Mew Cll9Cf detnoMtrotor '81 Cll9Cf 'IZ Che•ettes, CtlelM itp, S-10 Giid WY P"cbps! LIMITED TIME OHL Y ! 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Entries mu.9t be received at the Daily Piiot by 5.30 p.m. the Wednesday following publlcallon 5. As consideration for winning any prize. winners will authorize pub1tcat1on of their names end/Or photographs by Orange Coast Publishing Co without further compensation 6. Gasoline shall be leaded regular. unleaded ·regular, premium or diesel. Winners must redeem Winning coupon within 2 months of nohficelion ttlty haYe won their pnze 7 Conteet la open to anyone 18 ye1ts ol age or otder. Employees of Orange Coast Pubhsh•ng Co and ltlelr Immediate femlllea are not tllg1ble to win. 13631 Harbor Blvd. • Gardeo Grove 636-2333 (where Harbor mee1s rhi; Garden Grove Freew•)') !!!!!!!!~~~~POASC .. -iE +AU NOTHl!'-IG EVC N COMES CLOSE , I 11'1 NEW ... 1ni now 11'1 HERE/ UP TO 400 Gallons OF GAS Just solve the secret phrasi1J with letters from this page and mail this coupon. t have reed end agree to the rules for this contest. end am \8 years old or older Here is my solution to the HCret phrase -Stent P~1111 - 1._..51-1....-ino DOD CIDDCl Name: ......... , .............................. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Address: ...................................................... . City ..........................••............... ZIP ............. . Telephone: .................................................... . Signature ............................................ , ..•....... IT'S YOUR CHOICE ooesn1meonvouriove10 Come on •o Nooe1s 91ve uo selec1ton or Co01t1oc whole Ille seMCe We hove one 01 se1ec100,, •S 11111 gooo L NABERSf ?.600 Horbo· ~M1 \....OSIO l\/le'.>Q CADILLAC 11 1111 ~.ao91()1 ·111J1 ss1 si66 SEE OUR-FUl.L PAGE COLOR AD IN TODAYS PAPER! YOU'LL 81 B GLAD II YOU DIDI Rew fl Play: A Winner Every Week for 6 Weeks· 50 Gallons One GRAND PRIZE WINNER of I 00 Gallons II s easy' In each of lhe advertisements on lh•s page the<e are one or more tellers tor a total of 12 rhat helps make a secret phrase The 12 letters include the first lelter of rwo words. wh•ch have been provided Simply l1nd the letter. correctly use them to make the secrel phrase and bring or mail your coupon to GREAT GAS GIVEAWAY The Daily Pilot 330 West Bay St. Costa Mesa. CA 92626 Buying wt'lat you want at the lowe1t cost Is the name of the game. That's what It Is all about. You can select fronl many Orange County dealers who put the cu1tomer first -and will be competitive lo Mii you the car you want. In addition, m3y new car manufec:turer1 are ottenno ,..,_tee on selected modelt. Get together th the auto dealer of your chOlce tod1ry. There hat never been a better time than n wl ,. ' . ,, ., •' ., H .. 11 ··-I! ., I 1 .. •I II .. , /I 11 .. .. •! ..,. D1ily Pilat FRIDAY, FEl3. 26, 1982 CAVALCADE SPORTS 82 83 There ai right ways and wrong way .. to 'drink beer. Read Chariles McCabe on Pq,ge 82 for the right ones . Center helps deaf-blind learn to commuunicate Trainees. taught with special tools, equipment found in most homes EDITOR'S NOTE -"The resiUfnCy o/ the human spirit is such that they're not ;iat going to aurvave. the11're goang to ltve." Doubly handicapped, the deaf-blind' . are learning how to cope with U/e and to live ~tl11. with help /rom the Helm Keller Center. By AMY.PETT MMe ............ .... PORT WASHINGTON, N.Y. -Deaf-blind people cannot hear the rain or see a smile. They cannot hear the snarl of an unfriendly dog or read a road map. They cannot hear a truck coming toward them or see a \rarric light turn red. They cannot hear laughter after they tell a joke or see the color of their t rue love's hair. They cannot hear the doorbell ring when a friend cC1mes to visit. or h ave a simple telephon e conversation or watch TV. The dark, silent, lonely world of the deaf-blind is being penetrated with determination and ingenuity at t he He len Keller Natio nal Center for Deaf.Blind Youths and Adults in . Port Washington (n Lone lsland.. There. people "'.'lo can neither see nor hear are taught to cook. keep house, take car e of Clientscomefrom a ll ove rthe themselves. communicate with United States. referred to the each other and with sighted and center by its regional offices. hearing persons. get around In which seek out potential trainees an ordinary community., and a nd a l so provide l oc al experience the world of the mind information for the deaf-blind and the world of other people. and their fa milies. "It Is t he single natio nal Clients have varying levels of facility and international model s kills . Some h ave been to for comprehensive evaluation school : some even to college. and rehabilitation training of Others have been neglected in d eaf -blind p ersons," s ays homes or institutions for years, Barbara Hausman, assistant often misdiagnosed as retarded director of community education or emotionally disturbed. Some at the center. clients can a lread y talk or Helen Keller Is a residential com mun i cat e w It h s ign training center for persons over language or palm·printing, and 18 who are both legally deaf and others have no language skills at legally blind. It was c reated by all they can't spell. speak. or a 1969 Ac t or Cong ress a,\d 'c reate an English sentence. opened in its present location an T h ey m a y h a v e been 1976. It operates on federal com municating with their funds. f amj lies in a privat e s i gn H e I en Ba ch k o , a Por t language difficult for outs iders Washington resident who, with lo understand. Some have been her Sands Point Garden Club. deaf and bhnd since birth. and has helped <;~el;ll~ .<\ "S~.f\Ao.ry others can remember a time garden" a( the center for the ·when they could see or hear. clients. says, .. I have never met About 50 residents at a time a more c.aring and considerate live in the center's modern and understanding group or --bu-ildings-01ra former estate. people. What they have there is undergoing a training program t he.:mo6t sophist1ealed approach individually des igned after you can find to reaching the I e n g l h y d 1 a g no s is and deal-blind." evaluation. Som e wi ll achieve VIBRATIONS HELP ~lanlyn Duughert'. left. speech p CJt holog1st al l klen Kl•llt·r National Center for Dt•af· Alincl Youth:-. .,~ Adults. works with Ah·an C'nok~· on \'ihraltng floor Metal fl oor ts wire<I to m1crophom•s an<I en a bl<•:-. Pl'r:-.nn t 11 f l't' I \'I brat aon :-. 111 :-.ound Coolr~. h~ placing Olll' hanc1 on lht• tra111t•1":-. lips and anothl'r on th<.• throat. <'all lt«Jl'll tht· "fct•I" of lht• worcb ht• is tr~ m g lo "l>t.•ak a lmost total independence; other s still. will need a protected environment but will live fuller soc ial , i ntellect ual a nd vocational lives. The length of stay at the center varies with each resident, from a few months to several years . Communication is the most important s kill taught a t th& cente r. using a combination of ha rd work a nd fascinating gadgets. For a resident who has minimal language skills, the teaching is laborious. An early introduction lo t he idea or sound is p rovided by the vibrating rtoor. This metal floor at the center is wired to microphones that can carry tape recordings or the voice of a trainer. Clients s it on t he floor and feel the vibrations. If music is transmitted, they can come to understand d uration and intensity of sound. as well as rhythm. If a trainer's voice is vibrating through the floor. the' client can sit on the floor with one hand on the trainer 's lips and the other on the trainer's throat, learning the "feel" of s peech ; the way the lips and throat shape different sounds. Eventuallv, the client may learn to speak himself. ,Mos t d eaf-blind persons "hear" with palm-printing or f i n ger spe lli ng . In palm-printing, each letter in a word is traced in the palm of the deaf-blind person, laboriously spe ll i n g sentences and paragraphs . a nd c r eatin g conversations. D ea f -blind p erso n s co mmuni cate t h rough finger-spelling by using a series of finger and knuckle positions for ~ach letter of the alphabet in the cupped ha nd or anothe r person. Among the devices available fo r communication for the deaf-blind Is a machine that Lr~smits Braille over telephone lin es, pr o du c ing_ a Braille -punched tape for the receiver to .. read .. with his fin1~rs. ~other ga_d&'l is the T elelouch. l'\.as hinr its keys m akes clusters of. pins pop up In the shape of Braille letters for the "listener" to feel. This is m uch faster than palm -printing or finger spelling. Some of the devices used at the center have been developed there. He rbert Cohen. an engineer on the staff . says. "This is a research group The H elen Keller Cen t e r was mandated by the fe der.al government to do research for the deaf-blind It's part of our ~rant " · Cohen. who has been al the center for two-and·a -half years, says that seeking the results of his work in greater mobility or ease of communication for· people is "a fantastic charge. PfUca CHECK Dr. Robert. Smilhdas checks price of grapefruit as wife Michelee wheels cart al s upermarket on Long Island. Although each are blind and .4ewf. t he Smithdas can shop for themselves·. The butcher !'ill~~ Smithdas is more ud~pt at reeling out lcun cuts of mcut than muny sighted people. ,, .. t " -"' .. .. ··~ .. .. -~-~ REPORT IN BRAILLE Tht· hancb of Dr Hohl'rt Sm1thcl,1:-. rt•ad report 1~·pl'CI in bra11lt· Smtt hd;i .... 1:-. dtrl·<·t11r of ('Om munit ,. C'duc:ation at I kl<.·11 Kdkr :'\al 11111;.t < 'c.•nt <•r 1111 lkaf-Rhnd Youth:-. & .\cl11lt:-. :incl f1r:-.1 hlJnd dl'al p1•r:-.1111 111 han· t•\·t•r n•<·<.•in•d a mastt•t" ... d<•gn•t• from 1·11llt'/.!t ' lt 's a real high." Except for the s pecial tools necessary for some kinds of com m unacation, the other skills learned by the deaf-blind at the center employ equipment found In most homes. Whe n the Helen Keller residents learn to cook their own meals or do their own laundry, they are ~Ing the s a m e appliances found in ordinary homes Through a combination of palm-printed' in tructlons . reeling instead of seeing, and lea rning through r e pililion. many trainees learn to cook and bake. and most are eventually able to wash their own clothes. make their beds. tidy their own rooms. and even play games like tic-tac-toe and Braille Scrabble and Monopoly Little tricks llke marking mac hine washa ble clothes with a m etal s taple and leaving hand·was hables unstapled are taught so that the deaf-blind can k ee p house a s car efull y as s aghled persons While Braille markings are put on the dia ls or the washing machine and dryer at the center. the bl enders. e lectric mixers. and microwave ovens are not altered in any way. Trainees are taught to m odify their homes in ingenious ways They can hook up a n oscillating fan so it as activated by the doorbell. the deaf-blind person reels the br~ze whe n his visitor rings the bell. Trainees at the Helen Keller Center arc tau~hl to gel around * * * the Porl Wa ~h1 n gton community. They me morize the number or blocks to the bus s top. they le am to recognii..e the air currenLs that announce the a rrival or the bus . and they memorize the number of stops to their destination. No deaf-blind person can ever be completely independe nt. Simple things like crossing a s treet are impossible to do alone . So the trainees at Helen Keller are Sllf>plied with cards to obtain help getting across the street They are also taught to write notes they can show to others. asking lo be told when to get off a bus at an unfamiliar s top Two rJeople at the center. Robert and Mic helle Smithdas, s upply both inspiration and practical help to others there. He 1s director of community education. and s he as a former trainee who now works as an assistant in~lructor They met when she came to the center for training. married. and now hve 1n their own house in Port Washington. Smithdas. 55. lost his sight and hearing at the age of s an er an illness Michelle. 34 , was born with impaired hearing and was completely deaf by the time s he was in high school /\ few years later she was blinded in an accident. Smithdas was t he fir.et deaf blind person since Helen Kell er to graduate from college, and he is the first l o have received a master's degree. f * * * Everything special in couple's home PORT WASlllNGTON. N.Y I /\ P I Michelle an d Bob Smithdas live 1n the ir own home. /\lone Thal wouldn't be much of an accomplishment if t hey both weren 't deaf and blind. .How do they know where the breakfast cereal is. and how can alt wouldn't do a ny g ood , we <:an't hear." they· tell It from the other boxes on the shelves? They have a special place for every\hln1 and lr they're not s ure whether the box contains pretzel• or cereal, they just open It and 11nell. Otb&r th ings a r e m ore compUca&ed for the Smlthdases. In your home. if you need to talk to a member or your family, you e\ther call out for them or wander around until yeu see the m . The Sm llhdases have arran1ed t o wait al the dinia1-rpom table if they are looklnt for one another. Also. they have a new device, Invented at the Helen Keller . Center . w hi ch tran s m its v 1br at1ons to pocket-s ized receivers they carry with them. If Michelle as in the garden and Smithdas is an Lhe house looking for h er. h e goes to the trans mitter by the front door and makes a s ignal which s he feels on the receiver. She then goes to the transmitter, where s he knows she will find her husband. What about arguments? They don 't s hout , Mi c helle says, because "it wouldn't do a ny good since we can't hear ." But when the Smithdases have an ordinary m a rital s pat. they "spell real quickly" in each other 's hands. S mithda s re -tiled his basement playroom floor not too long ago. Tba floor ls 22-by-26 reet. First he hat1 to pull up the old tile, then•put down the new, which he bad selected with the belp of a s l1hted friend. It took him two weeks or eveninp and weekends. When a friend told him Ilia kitchen n eed e d palntlng. Smilhdas decl4ed lo waJtpapier it. He did both Jobs by touch. meaaurint wllh a Brauted yardlUck. "I c:an't ~ rl~re out why people think It s an '8t•••lble -tblnt," he says. .. . . 1 l t .. • Oranoe Coaat DAILY PILOT/Friday, February 26. 1982 • ANN LANDERS • HOAOSCOPE •CHAR LES McCABE Euphemisms for death hug ·Boston reader ~ DEAR ANN LANDERS: Sine• ~·ou m a kes Hen leu sen t> ls "passed away" -u lwa~·s been afraid I would die in her bed I Q seem lo be a ravorilc dumplng Around fol' or just plaln "passed." <The latter sounds know this is craz~·. but I couldn't help it I pett~· compluints and major Rripes. may I llke hf went from the eighth grade lo the have been in therapy for nearly a ~·car and be next'.' ni•tll.> am beginning to get it all together. I hopt• A11f1 Why don't peopl e come ""ht out arnd M•re .. nd m o r e psyc hologlsh. ~·ou feel this lette r as wo1t h writing Tht• ~.. ,' sa ~· what they m t>tu1 '.' For e xa mple . psytM1trlsts a nd grief the r aplsts ar t' moral: How Not To Raise Children ., yesterday my sister·in·law said . "We are f'n~ouratcblg people to use words such · as WASTED YEARS IN PADUCAH ------------ going to Cincinnati ror a funet'al tomorrow "died.'• "dead" and •·death" as part of ~1 y C'losl•s t frit•nd lo~t her husba nd." To me f 1cln1 re a lit~" I belit>ve it ts emotion alt~· the word "lost.. mt•ans dlsappeMred or healthy. misµlact•d like a person c..an lot1e a dog or a wallet When I hear a wom an sa\' she has lost ht•r hus band it sounds as ir' the,· wt•re shopping together. became separated and she lost him . But when a person dies. ht• is not LOST he is de*1. 1 . wish you would prjr'lt my letter a nd iniliutt• a campaign to'do awa..v with phon~· "ords People need to be encouraged to tt•ll at likt• it as. ROO TO EUPHEMISM S I BOSTON I '• DE AR BOSTON : , I, too, d islike euphemisms, but it ·s~understandable that people avoid the word "died.'' It 5ounds so cold and final. Another e uphe mism for ·•died" that ... OBSERVING LE NT Pope J ohn Paul II receives ash es from Frenc h Cardinal Gabriel·Marie Garrone at St. Sabine Church DEAR ANN I.ANDERS: When I wus a chilc! t per haps five 'Yl'ars old 1 1 rem em bt·r l ht' doctor saying Dad had heart lroubll· Mother told us wt• must all be ver~ quit•t when he was at horn<.·. and never clo anytJling to anger or distress him because he m ight get a h eart a!tack and die. That would mean, of course,.. that we killed him. Wh.en I wus 16 I began to h tt\'t' heart.pounding spe lls and \\•us sure I had inherilt'Cl m~· dad 's illness. Mother took mt• lo three clinics and not one doctor could find a thing wrong wilh my ht.·art. t Nern•s was t he fliagnosis 1 I am now 34 ~·pars of ag<.'. and han• rwver h&.ad sex with a woman bt>cause l'n· -.~ .......... in Rome Wednesday. The ceremony marked the beginning of Lent. How to drink beer SAN F RANC ISCO Mv first drink of ale tor been in the morning' is a ritual well understood by my friendly local bartender. Harry Rude. Some say Harry is Rude by na m e and by nature. but I can assure you that this is slander. Harry puts before me a dry glass and a bottle ·of Ra inier Ale at room temp., which can be almighty cold these days. He also places two napkins and a glass of iced water before me. First. I drink the iced ~ter. and may be ask for a nother depending on how hot the pipes are from the night before. · Then I wipe t he inside of the dry glass with one qf the napkins. This is one of the mos I mportant parts of expert bee r drinking. Some people take this action wrongly. They think I am criticizing the cleanliness of the glass. No. Harry Rude"s glasses are clean. allrighl. WHAT I AM WIPING OFF the inside of the glass is the detergent used in cleaning the m . These detergents are prescribe d by ins pectors from the Department of Health. often learned men wit h degr ees in the health sciences from one of our universities. T hese inspectors protect the public health by telling the bar owners to put immense amounts of chlorine in t he water used in cleaning the glasses. Chlorine has many useful properties. but one decided ly unuseful one. ll ki lls t he head on a glass of beer or ale. And beer without a head is like love wit hout a woman. Or a baseball with the bide off t he ball. . Then, at a given time each day. I pour. I never fill t he gla ss. Maybe a half with a la r ge healthy foam. Now we are ready for action. POT SI01S BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT TMERE"'s ALOT TO &E SAID F'OR T OTA L. S I LENCE . • ~ 0 • CHAllfS ~McCABE I always use the same glasc;. T his. too. is important. The flavor or the beer improves with each bottle consumed . Perhaps the rem na nts of the dread chlorine are exhausted. or perhaps the beer and the. gl ass marry in s ome mysterious wa~·. HARRY RUDE IS a devotee of the same-glass technique ... And ... he adds. ··1 never , but never. drink beer out of cans I did it in the Navy and I have never done it since. It 's a matter of principle. Beer makers have never learned lo make a brew that tastes right in a can." I agree. I agree to the extent that I once had a little war with the distributor of m y favorite dayt ime 'tipple. He tried to fois t Rainier in cans on Ha rry Rude and m yself. I got so exercised by· this outrage that I called an offi cial of the company in Seattle about it. An aroused public opinion got the bottles restored. Harry, who once owned a . ba r , says that a lot of people. chiefly ladies. like their beer poured flat. I do not understand t his . as I do not understand ladies in general. Some of the deadf a lls in San Francisco use a kind of glass that is about 60 percent glass and 40 percent plastic. Avoid these like the plague . Es pecially in North Beach. where a touch of anisette will affect the next 4rink put in ti after even five or six washings. · ANOTHER CAUnONARY note from Harry Rude is to NEVER put milk in a gla$S that will s ubsequently contain beer. T h e m i lk t aste seem s t o linge r unconscionably. Beer drinking is a serious matter. l do not drink ale to get drunk -my daily a llowance is four bottles ()f the 4 to 6 percent alkie by weight imposed on us by the California Legis lature and the liquor lobby , the better to lncre11e the sale of booze. I drink t he Otten Death to feel good and also to feel calm aft.er the typewriter exertions of the momlng. lf you follow my cautions and those of Rude you will greatly enhance the amen it y or your life. '\ DEAR PAD: A great many e xperts be lieve that almost as many children imitate the Illnesses of their parents as Inhe rit them. I buy It. At an~· rate. that's l'xactly what happened to you. DEAR ANN LANDERS: 1 rcmt•mbl•t' President J ohn F . Kennedy's definition of dass. It was ··grac·t• unde r• pressurt.· ... Since I first hcurd it. I have tried to makt· that my goal. L ~ s t n i g h l a b o u t :1 <• . m I w a s awakt•ned out of a sound sleep Somt• drunk was looking for ··Ginn~" .. I was ~wr~· unpleasant and hung up. Within two minult•s the phont• ranj.! again same gu~ Ht• insisted I put "Ginn~ .. on. I used •• string of words 1 didn't know l knew .ind hung up Two minut~s later h(• pho"t•d a third timt• lit· cu lled mt' b\' nam(.• I nl'arl\' cti<.'<i. It "as :i gu~· I workect ''ith. llt• ha<1 h(•t•n lookin g on the wrong pagt' of h1~ littk hlat·k book 1 lh•I likt• u ht•l•I Should I Sa\' an\'t hin 1 . .!'' Ol'T OF CllAHACT EH I~ si· JO DEAR ST. JO: No. The gu~· called YOl: -and 3 a.m. Isn't exacth· even·onf'·~ rinest hour. In the future mak~ an t>rfort to t>l i mina te Ct'rla in words (rom \'OU I' v o c a b u I a r ~· . n o m a t t e r · w h a t · t h t• circumst ance~. Is .alcoholi!m ruining your life? . Know the danger signals . and what to do. Rtad the bookJel . "Alcoholism -Hope . and llelp," by Aan !..anders Enclose 50 cent! with your request .and .a long, stamped, selfraddressed envelope to Arm !..anders. P 0 Bor 11995. Chicago. IU 60611 Scorpio: Be flexible Saturday, February 27 AR I ES t Mar c h 21 ·Apri l 19 1. Satisfactory responses are received from inquiries. ".'ou get what you want. at times in surprising m anner. Member or opposite sex figures prominently. Focus on income HOIOSCOPE BY SIDNEY OMARA TA U R US I A p r i 1 2 0 · M a ~· 2 0 1 Circumstances turn in your favor : you are able now to make most of m aterial at hand. Emphasis also on domesticity . family reunions and ability to win friends and influence people. LEO <July 23·Aug 22> Obt.iin hint from Cancer, message. Reach out fo1• greater audience. You can sense µulse of public . You might be asked to appea1 be fore media GEMINI <May 21 .June 20 1: You gain access to privileged information Benefits indicated through visit to one confined or inca p acitat e d . R e m e m ber s pec ial anniversary gift purchase could smooth rough waters. VIRGO t Aug. 23·Sept. 22 > You'll gl'l to heart of matters. Long-range plans includl• publishing. education and travel Sp1.•c1al study course is on agenda. You m.i ke Ol''-', contact which proves \'aluahle. LI BRA t Sept. 2:i·Oc·t. 22 J • Person!-. close to you tend to pull an diffNent d irect1ons Consen·t· l'nergy and funds Be skeptical of ont• who boasts about money . Follow firs t impressions Intuition is on t~rgel. CANCER <June 21 -July 22 1: You'll h ave more respons ibility. relationship intensifies. you gel what you want with aid of older individua l who shares benefit of expe rience. ·-· By PHIL INTERLANDI of Lagu~eech SCORPIO I Oct. 23-No\' 211. Gain indicated t hrough di versification Highlight flexibility. display \'ers<.1tilit~ Surprise party or socia l invitation could bl· on agenda. Gemini. Sagittarius nali\'e:-. p lay important roles.. SAGITTARI US <No\' 22·Dec. 211 At ten t to c hores which have been neglected. F ocus on bas ic ser\'ice:-. dependents. pets. Reviews and revision~ a r e necessary. You a rc due lo rind mon· suitable location. CAPRICORN t Dec 22-J an 19 1 Personal in vestigation results in drsto\'l'I'\ of valuable clu es. Mvsten· ''ill bt> unlockl'd and progress wall be ach1l'ved Romantic liaison highlights agend<.1 AQUARl ttS cJan l(l-Ft'b 18 1· Focu~ o n proper t ~" ho m c. set t 1 e m t• n t of differences with famil\' member. Purchast• of art object or luxury.item could domin<Jll' agenda. Transac tion will be completed e 1m ...,._..,._ ... ----2-26 PISCES t F'eb . 19·M<1rch 20 >: Keep open mind. but avoid being gullible. Flurr~· of c alts. invitations and possible visit~ high light sce nario. Relative in transil makes sµeeia l r<.'Qllt.'Sl. Surprise communice1lion could result an short trip. "And it.a charm ls accented by it.a ancient cobblestone streets ... " · GOif II ON BllDGE B Y CHARLES H. GOREN AN D OMAR SHARIF Nor t h·South vulnerable. South deala. NORTH •tr <::> &14 <>J1U •AQU WEST EAST •&.no +Qlt <:>JUI <:>SU <> Q4 9 AltH • JI • lt'7t5 80tJTB +AIU <::>AQ lt ()&ti •&O The Weld!._,: ~ Wtllt NtlG EMt I NT.._ INT P .. r .. PU. , Openinr lead: Four of •· Oedarer'1 Hae of pl&J at hit thne no tnnap eoauaet wu well clMMn. But M wu foiled at the llat minu~ by a brllllant. dJleU'd. The aucdoo wu routlH. With a bll1Hld 10 ,...... aod DO major .mt. N.\11 knew where M waned to pla7 the ............. tall partner held a ma&lmum or minimum .o trump ope.U.1. Wt1t led IUI fourth·~ spade. Eut won the queen•• declarer held up. and con· tinued with the t.en. Declarer ducked a1aln, Wett overtook and penl1ted with spades. Declarer held off until the fourth round of the 1uit and Eut bad to rmd two dis· eard1. He choee to le' ro of a card In each red auij. Dummy parted with two dl&monds. Oedarer cuhed the king· ace of dube, DOtUll the fall of We1t'1 jack. Next came three rounds of hearta, enditlr on ta.. board, and Eut bad to find another diaeard. Since he could not afford to let ro of a club, it would ... m that Eut had to alu{f a low dia· mond. But Ea1t looked deeper Into the position. It ... med certain that Weat'a dl1trlbutlon was 5-•·2·2. If declarer had lt.&rted with tM ~lag.queen or dlamoads. the c:o11tnct could not be defeated. Ea,t. aa.o worked CMlt tbat hit ace of dle•'Ddl ... a clil&.IKl UaWlkJ. lf lu\ llufted a low dia· __., clecllNr would a.I a diamond from dumm7. Whethtt !att roM with the aee or not. the conuact would be safe. If he ducked. declarer'• king would win and a diamond return would end play East forcing a club lead into dummy's Q·9 tenace. But rising with the ace and getting off play with a di.amond WU no better, for t hat would give declarer two diamond t ricks whether or not he held the queen. So East decided to rid himself of his liabilit,y by discarding the diamond ace on the t hird heart! That aet up the king in declarer'• hand, but that was only bia eighth t rick. No mat: ter how declarer tried, he c~ld not prevent \he defense from coming to two more triclt.s before he had nine. ... , I ·1 ,, ... ~ Box 80's less than 0.01 mg tar Warning : The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. . ~ .. Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Friday, F~bruary 26, 1982 Box lOO's • less than 0.01 mg tar The louJut in tarqf aU 1n'a114U, .. BOX. BOX 100'1: less thin 0.01 mg.,...,", 0.001 mg. nitolint, SOFT PACK 85's fllTER. MENTHOL: 1 mg. ,.tar. 0.1 mg. nicotine. SOFT PACK 100's FILTER. MENTHOL: 2 mg. "tar". 0.2 mg. nicotine. IY. per ciga11n1 by FTC .method. • I . Or1nge Coast DAILY PILOT/Friday, February 28, 1982 U.S. wants to sell property Reaggn would di sp ose of billigns i n excess holdings WASIUNGTON <AP> The Reaaan admlnl1trallon has launched plans to sell about S2 billion worth of exces111 federal property u year. Bud11el Director David A. Stockman told the Se11ale Governmental Affairs Committee on Thursday that Reagan signed an executive order setting up a review board lo identify rederal holdings "that are not being put lo highest and best use and to expedite disposal or these properties ... Stockman said Reagan's 1983 budget assumed that improved management or federal property "will increase sa l es dramatically , y ielding $1.2 billion In proceeds In 1983 lt.lld $2.2 blllion -.nnually thereafter .. H e esti m ated that t h e government owns about 7•• mUllon acres -about one·tbil'd ol the U.S. 1and ma11 -"'d •05,000 bulldlnas contatn1n1 2.8 billion square feet ol space. The 8ovemment, he said, "hu not managed Its real property assets In a manner that saves cost to the federal govemment or promotes the hiahest and best use." He said the govemment lacks basic information on the property it owns and lts value. Stockman said there also have been few incentives for government agencies to evaluMte their property holdln11 afld seek less valuable land. Sen. Charles H. Percy, R·UI .. who is sponsoring a bill to Improve manaaement. of the governmen t 's real eat.ate, estimated the value of federal properties, excludlnl para and wilderness a.reu. at MOO billion. •·Federal agenclea are sJttlng on a gold mine ol prope~ that they do not really need but have not been willing to part with," Percy said. "U we were to cut back 10 pereent on what we own -and we have cut back much more than this ln many programs -we could raise S'O bUlion.'' WITH THIS COOPOH ANY LARGE SIZE ORIGINAL Filling el~phant 's molar big job ~ BLOEMFONTEIN, South. Africa -<AP> Homly the elephant, 00-year·old resident of the Bloemfontein Zoo, cried wben she tried to eat and her handlers were worried. ~Straw H.atP•ZZA• An examination revealed a cavity the size of a man's fist in one immense molar, causing her a pain that any human could sympathize with. So 17 dentists, doctors, veterinarians and technicians. using enough anesthetic to kill 70 men, set about curing the Asian elephant cow of he r mammoth toothache Thursday. A government veterinarian gave Homly 3.5 milligrams of an anesthetic similartn morphine - about0.05 mgs is normally enough to kill a man. With a heart-monitoring machine minded by a doctor and technicians performing constant blood tests, the dentists went to work, packing the hole with sax> worth of amalgam, the same substance used to repair human teeth. Or. Louise van der Merwe, the government dentist in charge of the team. said the biggest problem was the size or Homly's mouth. · ·"The tongue was too big, the cheeks too flappy. to get a nice view -that was the problem," she said. Most of the tools they had available were too s mall and new ones had to be improvised, she said. Her drill just managed lo penetrate the elephant's huge and hard molar. "But it went well ," she said, and Homly should have no more problems with that tooth. After the 9()-minute procedure, the elephant was given an antidote for the drug, awoke and walked. Then she passed the test -eating her dinner with no tears. Centerfold hopeful fired from his job TRENTON, N.J . CAP> -A candidate for Cosmopolitan magazine's male centerfold cont~st has been rired as executive secretary of •the Mercer County Park Commission The park commission apparently didn't find much humor in Edward P. Llsiecki Jr. 's decision to pose shirtless ror a local newspaper story about his centerfold candidacy. "That could have been a mistake," Lisiecki . 34 , said Thursday, adding, ··I never expected to get fired for having a little fun." After the story appeared Saturday in The Trentonian, the commission suspended Lisiecki from his sa>,Sll·a-year post pending a hearing on charges that included "conduct unbecoming a county employe." He was fired Wednesday night when he didn't show for a hearing. Washington & Lincoln 2 qr-eat mttl "WE·CARE" ~All OF YOUR HEALTH MEEDS .. ) 99 Good on ly at 187 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa, 631-1992 18922 Beach Blvd., Huntington Beach 963-9775 10071 Adams Ave., Huntington Beach, 962-1366 plus tax Offer exitires 311/82. A la carte orders only Limit one coupon per custor.ier. This offer not good in combination with any other offer. Exclusive! Magnificent South Ame<1can Custom Wra(>- erounds reg. $135 now stertlnt at 1120. :::... REWARD! younel/ with Cltu1ic Slaeep1kin Seatcoveri Now 11p to 25°A, Off! .............. Ma"' ....... dlfOllll.. .................................. ... .......... ..._.....__,a wlcll l"9ctloft al Mlil*1IUllCll-• ... 11111CM't 111 llNI! FM lllltllllllll ft& FOIM RAwttlDES ''5 -JACKETS AND VESTS STARTING AT '3000 _ ... -. ..................................... --.-....... ... ta. SHE~1~~~~.~~0~T £~~ERS :ut Mon. thru Saturday 10 · 5 Alicia Pkwy at Muirlands, Mission Viejo -855-6723 Tues. th ru Saturday 10 · 5 THA ILLED Sall~ Ficfd. star of movie. "Abscn<.•(• of Malice" chats with Britain'~ Queen Elizabeth II in London prior to the film 's prl'miere there this week . VON HEMERT AD OF TUES FEB 17th, SHOULD HAVE READ "OPEN SUNDAY 12:30-5:00 P.M:• AT BOTTOM OF AD • • LAGUNA BEACH ~---~ L-COSTA MESA l45 Nor1h Cwt Hwy. ftfff ,,_.,., IC 1595 Newpo'1 Blvd. (714) 494-8551 -(714) 142-2050 a&lb{ Video KINDERGARTEN IS TOO LATE!! Your baby has an overwhelming desire and ability to learn anything, and YOU are your child's best teacher. Glenn Doman's "How to Multiply Your Baby's Intelligence" course will teach you how to give your child the chance to learn math, reading, music, art, gymnastics, and foreign languages from birth to six years of age. Teaching your child is great fun, and you'll become even closer friends! Videotaped live at Philadelphia 's Institutes for the Achievement of Hum an Potential, this >day course will help you enhance your baby's visual, auditory, manual, tactile, language, and mobility development. Don't miss this unique opportunity! COURSE DATES: March 8-12 9am-6pm PLACE: Holiday Inn Laguna Hills For Free Prnlilw Reurvotwn.s And lnformohon Coll (213) 437-0945 Bdltr Baby Vidto. P.0 Boz 30811. LA .CA 90030 .._--·-- Orange Coast DAILY PtLOT/Frlday, February 26, 1982 •• IBffirnrn~~~mrn .. National club in golden year Tub gardens easy to make ~ Water gardens with Ulelr 1raceful lilies, ornnml.'fllal grasses and wispy fem s now can be cre ated on a patio or balcony From The A•soel•ted Preu 'fhe Men's Garden Club8 of Amertca observe thtiir 50th birthday lhis yefr , and they haven't ch11nged their goals much -or opened their doors to women. There are more than 9,000 members in about 250 affiliated clubs from coast to coast. A former -executive director, Glenn G. Vincent of Des Moines. Iowa, says: ~ ' ii "It is a m ale member organization. However , some-of the affiliated clubs do associate and participate in activities with local women's organizations. This Is the exception rather than the rule." i i A -.PATIO STAR Vcrsatill' anci atlrac11,·c. ttw :: geranium is a pcrft•rt l'Ontuim•r plant Color : effects tan IX' stunning ir ~ ou mix :-almon. •,tor al and starl<.•t nml'lit•s with whill· and ~pastels ~Daffodil exhibit If S~~r~?w~ .:.~~~~.~~urtng a spring s how al the Sherman Gardens. 2647 E . I Coast Highway, Corona del Mar. Public viewing will be from noon to 4 p m. today and from 10 :30 Ca.m . to 4 .p.m . Sunday. Show sponsor Is th e ~Southern Cajjfornia Daff~il Society. ~ 4 NATIONAL F UCHSIA SOCIETY, Garden ~Grove Branch will meet al 7:30 p.m . Tuesday at J>tbe Women's Civic Club. 9501 Chapman Ave .. >Garden Grove. Jack Engberg will talk about the iuse of plant food . I BIG CANYON HOME and Garden Club will ltour the Back Bay Monday after a coffee meeting at 9:30 a.m . al the home of Ninah Boyer. Tour guide will be Chuck Schneebeck of the Friends of &Newport Bay. For further information call Mrs. ?Warren Uehlinger al 640-6137. t GUIDE D TOURS of the Hortense Miller gardens in Laguna Beach ~an be arranged by calling the city's Human Affairs Department al 497 3311 , mornings, Tuesdays through Saturdays. URllllll CHICllllT • Ask your nurseryman for the proper spray control for aphids which will soon be opening their 1982 season on your new rose growth. • Apply a weed killer and crabgrass control on lawns now. then follow it up with a feeding to get grass off to a good start. • If you have a notion to move any azaleas or cam elli as you have. now's the time to do it. I • Don't let weeds get any bigger. Hand pick, , hoe or spray but don't let them get established and l fompete for your garden's nutrients and water . • •.Many a.nnuals are grown easily from seed . . Try sweet alyssum, cosm os. a nnual poppies, ba,by's breath, clarkia or larkspur . ... . + But a s long ago as 1962, one local. al Lancaster. Pa .. admitted women. The natlonaJ secretary then insisted that os rar as headquarter!! was concerned. "we wouldn't know women are members or the club." "Our views on present day gardenlng are no doubt the same if not lntenslfied as from the organization's Inception," Vincent tays. "These men are mature, somewhat arnue.nt. dedicated gardeners with more than average experience and abilities. They adapt to changes in trends, follow them. and are inventive enough to c r eate modifications on tried and tested procedures. They are easy to construct, easy to cue for and arc works of art All you need are conh.1lners wash tub, bath tub, planters. water trough, wine barrel Of properly lined) or anything that can hold water. And. you need a locution in full sun. To create the garden. place the tub in the sunny location and then rill one-fourth full with good top soil. Next. add the required amount of aquatic plant fertilizer for the volume of soil . and the n add more top soil to the halfway mark. Cover with one-fourth inch of sand Thoroughly saturate with water. Continue adding water until It is about one inch above the ~and Plant water lilies at 45 degree angle in the middle of the container Bog plants and grasses are planted l<> the outer edges. The n i t 's back to watering . filling the container to the top. "Th.e aim or goal of the organization." he added, "is to s hare this art of gardenin g with -ev eryone who will listen ... s hare the experiences of the members through seminars. workshops, plant sales and beautification projects. Our national goals are conservation of native trees, vines and wildflowers and working with the disadvantaged. youth and elderly." TUB GARDENS An~ t•tml a tnt.•r thi..lt hold:-A word of caution. Don't expect the water in the tub garden to be ch~ar It will have small amounts of algae which arc necessary nutrients for tt)e water plants. The national organization was started in 1932 with a nucleus of four clubs. One of the four was started in 1928 with 16 m en by Leo W. Nack, a Chicago engineer who had a garden on a 45-foot by 125-foot lot. "all'I' can Ix· ust.'CI to t·n·all.' ;.1 wall'I' garckn whi<'h rt.'qutrt.•:-litllt• spa('t.' ,\ must '"a sunn.\ lo(·ation. • ~~~~~~~~~ At the 1962 convention in Syracuse, N.Y . IUFFELL'S UPHOLSTERY President Bryant Horne of Jackson, Miss .• conceded confidentially that "some wives actually do the work, and the men take the credit for it." • ... 1111itw .ct '-"• . 1922 HA .. OR ILVD. But other members contended that women were happy in their own cluhs COSTA MISA -541·1 IH : ' Ttlese good looking, flame·graln teak bookcases are a spectal direct tmport~rchase and are an unbeatable value. Crafted of flnest teak veneer wlttl adjustabte shet'Ves. 6"x12Yr "x35". Back panels are comtructed wttn matching PVC. =··IACll ' ,. . ~ J ' ~ ' 'I DON'T MISS THE BEST TIME TO PLANT FRUIT TREES AND ROSES. BARE·ROOT SEASON IS NEARLY OVER. Ii. ' ~rultTreestrom&.38 ~ _...... _ 7 _ _!_.!.. Roses from 4.78 . GLADIOLUS BULBS Stlll time to plant Glads for super spring blooms. Many Intriguing varieties and colors. 130% OFF I REG. 3.H DOZ. I Florist Special I Sunny-Yellow DAFFO.DILS • Fill every room with cheerful Deffodlls. Come In today. Since 1946 Ha1li~ns Nursery · Florist 2640 Harbor Bl.vet , Costa Mesa l'ICTITIOUI auSIHllSS NAME STATI MIH'f Tiie toHowlng Pt''°"' ••• e101no bullntnu SIEAlillOUHT INVESlMENTi, '91 'Do ... SI ..... Slllte UO, Newl)tt1 B .. Cjll, Celllorn).t tMeo w Kelly Heot•tv. l•• Soutll G••Clll9r Oft1re, Ortnoe. C•lllornl• ,, .... ll Alie!\ Stewerl, .cit Edgewater, l•lbo•. Celllornl• t:IMI Orang• Co11t DAILY PILOT/Frld•y. February 28, 1982 lllCTITI~ a uSllllKJ NAM1 ITATI MI NT Tiie followlng pe,.on It ootn11 butlMHet EMF ASSOCIATE•. ''" Cono Pleet. C•te -·CA mi.. f OWAflO M, l'ltYMO'l'Ell, , .. I Corvo Plat•, COii" Mew. CA .,,.,. Tlllt llutlll.a\ I\ Cond<l<led b' an lftdlvlduel £4W41'dM """"°'"' Tiiie ,u,......, ..... '11tc1 with ,,,. COi.iniy Clerk 6f Qr...,. County o" Feb 16. 1"2 • ""'"*" 9Ytllll .. ......... , .... , file ••ll•wln• •e•..,. It Olnt llOlllMU•o; WMIM(tf\' lllVllll SAi.OOH, "'2 We r .,., , MW!tlft4llOft lffc II, CA ._., ltA'l'MOHO HAllVIV $MtfM. '91a1 Vive (;lr"'9. HW1111t\"°" ••~II. CA'2 ..... Tiii• ll<l\lr\et\ t. CONllKIM •Y •" lllCllvMtl>et, ll•y---....... y ~llll Tiii• \IMtmtlll wM 11 ... with tllf COVlllY '*" et Of~ County ... 'e• ••.•• ,, .. .., """" ...... Ot-. c.... o.1111 '" ..... llto. It, 1t; ~),It, ttlt HW> 'M~·ftOt;A "ICTITIOUI IUlllllllH ...... .,.,, ... NT flle IOl'9wln9 Pt,...,, are Oel"O l>\lltl'*t•r. CAPJll Cl.EANl!fl$, tU South E11ellel, ,.,,.._Im, Ctllto.-"I• Clellll N $111.,,.~I t C:elllotnla <OrjlOtaUo,., i.i. IOlll AYenue, Arc.Ole, Celllomta" Tlll1 bustneu I• '0"011<led Df • ,.,,,.,.,kif, Clean H Sl\lllt, 111< Flllme H. S11tetrnen. Pr .. Tiiie •ta-I "(•t lllo<I with Ille Covnly Cltrk ef Or•ntt Cov,.ty on Febfu•rv 11, t'lt?. l'lQal.t 'IU lll Publl"'9d Of•noe (Out 0.11, PllOt, PuDll-Qr•not Coal! Dilly PllOI. Feb ... ,., ,,,. .... s. ·~· • ..., , ... '41 F!tb. \9, 1 .. Mert h S, 12. tMJ 7»12 lltCTITIOUa llltt•IU ...,,,..., . .,.,~., Tiie foll-1111 1Mr"8ftt •re Olnt butlne" '" I( EV LICHT llllOOUC fl(»j•. •• fltl"W90tf, lrvlfte. Celllon1ta fJlll CllfhlOClll•• A Alltn, )I 00 AwnlO• Rwtllo. Le Oollnte, Celllornlt ..,, , Atfty M Allerl,.,. vi. lklo Hor•. Htw"rt BM<ll, Celll•>rnlo ttMO Tiii\ l>\ltln"t It tOl!dll<leCI bT a llmlleo~io, OWlt.._.. A 0.111"4. ~el P.,,,., '"'' tlelemanl WM flleG wltll IM COllnlV ClerM Of Ore"oe COlll'ltY Oft ,. .. N•rv 11, tttt .. ,.,,.. •u1>1t\l'9d 0. .... COUI 1>•11, •11ot, Feb It, 1'1 -rdl S, 171 ttt' 7'1.U . ' au,1111011 COUH cw uutJ01111111A •tnmoua au""' .. COU .. fYOPOllANOI lltAMll$TAJ'IMaHT NO. 41119,. T"e loltewlnt ,..,..,., are OOlnt OllH lt TO IHOW CAUll ll\lll'MH •• ltl~IOPlllAMa VIOIO MIMOIUO ~I Clf<le C....._ M. H, t•I Ortve, '"-11141" ... <11. Calllornte u ... A...,_, ~Y c1en11 nw hi Ille M9Qlr of .... "'-''<•lion .. Wlllltlftl Dlrll -·'~"'°"· 2tJI MICMllLE ~A M)llH$TIJH, f'e# (lr<I• Orin , Hew••H l .. <11. C,..noe ti...,._ Collfff~ ttMa. WHllttA$, MICHllll DOllA $1119" ,.,..,, .. HeNlrlcll..,., ttJt IOltHSTllH 11.tl lllK llf• A1e1ll<etlOI' Ctr< 1• Orlve, Newport l•llCll, with tllt Cltrll of Olh Court tor Celllornl•~ llOfMl•Uon .. C'*9 ............ fl'4N'\ Cllrk Mtnorlchon, JUI (lt(I• MICMllL.I! OOltA M)ltNSTEIH lo Drive, HewPOrl IH<ll, Calllor,,le MICHILLI! OOllA L'DOH; HOW _,..,, THl "IFOlll, Tlllt 1>11.i11eu '' conelu(ltel I>~ • IT IS MIERllY ORDl lllD Ille! ell ttneral~lo 11enon• lnlt•HI•• '" Ille MOiiet w. Olrll M-rk~~ el9'9Hlct ...., et ICIO Civic t.nter Tlllt tt•-t w• flleel wltll Ille t)rt.,., w..t ..... Nwi. Gelli.nwe, °" C°""'Y Cit,_ ot Orenoe County on M•r< II 1•, 1 .. 1 et 10 JO • m., In lltb•U•ry 1, tm 0.N•1ment t on Wl<I day, anO l._n l'IGm .... , ... n ...... CINM. II Olly ,,,., Publl•llfd 0r.-. c ... ~. OAllY Piiot, 11.tve, wlly Wllct ~l<el1911 for C,.."9t f eb i , "· 1', ,., ,.., u>•l of N•m• thould not lie orentect CMAllHll 11110, 1 .. 11 IT IT l'UATMl!ll OAOEAIO INll •: 1 C 0 M P T A 0 \. l I It 0 F T 114 I cooy of tlllt Order ltt ,,_ ce11M lie CUllRIENCV TrMJ11ry o..Mlrl,.,...1 O' ~l•hecl Iii tllt ()ren41t Co .. t O.lly • .,. Unl-Slettt. WUl'li"91on. O C Piiot, • new•P•P•• ot ttnor•I Wiier-~ll•fe<iory evlcler>ee II•• ctrc11totlll", l)llblhMCI In 0 r4'nge, been pre..,,1.0 lo ,.,. Comptroll•• ol cou"''· c;.tllorntt. Oll<t • wt ... for lllt Curr•ncy lllal "IH TIERIM four 1•1 wtt-lw-lltll'lo• IA>IM CAPISTRANO NATIONAL 8AHK" OoletelfM-lntOl'I tllf ApjMl<ollOfl kKettd In Sen JIMn CllCll"'-· St•tt Deteel ~ry ti, 1"2. ot Celll°""•• !let eoomplteo wllll •II Aoneld H, PrtllMf provt1lo11• of Ille 1tetu1 .. of Ille Unlleo JudOe Of the S.-rlo< C011rt Stet .. reQUlreo lo bf com.p11e0 w1111 YwOffk• ef IMtOf• Deino OUllloflrecl to <om,,,.°"e -llJOlll• 11, ltllS• , ... llullMU of -~IAQ H 0 NtllONI CkeMliMe T- Be"ill"f iu-1tll0n 1• Oc...,..W, IMlt• -Now, 111tre1ore, 1 lle•tby orllly ,,.., i...,.. a..c:11, ~. ~ HA•tlQI LIOAL HOTICI. ITATI OP CALltllOllNtA Ollt'ICIOl'STATHlllO• M•ALTM fl'l.ANHINO AMO o•v•LO•MENT Cl llT11'1'4TI Off NE•D NO~ICI P11"uent lo Hullh eno S.lety c- S.cllon •31.1Cal, notice'' lltreby olv•" llltl ,,,. OlllCt 01 Staltwldt IWtllll Plennlno -OtvelO-nt COSHPOI h•t <O")"''"c•d review of tn eppllc•llotl tor. C•rtlllUtl• ot Nttcl •• dHetlbOCI be- Tiits tlllll"•n r, <Oflduc teo bV • 1 .. .,.,.l~lp lllt •bov• 11emed e uocl•llo" 11 CrlJI Ul_..• •1111\0f"Ued to commence ,,,. t>u\lnH• cru1 .. s,.. of bento.1119 •• • Nellonal B•nto.lno Publlll>eO Oref\9e Coe't D•lly Piiot, Po,, MtM (Ol'lvelete9"1 HOlj)llel Appllc.iton NO II 150 Co•I• Mew. Cll W Kelly H ... ,,, Tllll lloltManl .... rited wllll Ille • Countv Cler~ of Orenoe County on F R ruery l. 1"2 'llDJS P11bll"*I Or•noe Coen Dally P1101, Feo. n , tt. t•. Merell s, 1.a . 702.fl. "CTITtOUS a U$UlllH llAME STAT•NlllT Ti>t lellowl"fl ,,..,, ... _.,_dot no butlnenM M,_, FIX·IT, 12St Pt!T*I•. C<Klt ,,,_ .. ,CA t2U.. JOHN R. MONT~llY;' USf Pomona, ccai. Me,.. CAtolM. Thi• butlnft• I\ cOfWllcl..S by •" tnolyldual. lllCTITIOUS a USINUS NAMfi STATIM•NT T ht followl"O ~"o"' .,, d ot no llV>lnHtOS T fl I PLIE I( A a.NCH, U OI IEI Cimino c:acMttr.,io, Dene Point, CA 926it. KIM8E~I. Y A I( AA TSCH, 1''11 El Gami..ec..lltr-0Ant Polnl, CA mn AUOclellon. Ftb. 12, "· 2'. MArc11 S, ,.., 101'42 In IHllMOf\y wllereol witness my -------------- ''O"•luN -.... of olfl<t "''' ltft d•Y ot Otct-"11 1'1 Chari"' E lorel AUlno Comptroller oflht(UrrtflCy P111>1w..cs OrMOI Coe\! D•lly Piiot. Feb 12, It, ». Marth S. 12, It, 1•. April 2. '• 1'111 10.t> HOTICI O' TllUST• • 'S •Al.E ~He.11Mt4 T.5.Ne.11....., Addition ol 13 tllllled nur>lno l>e<I• U ,000 --------------1 JOlln fl. MonlQOmt•y Xl!Nl"ElH MAAVll" KllATSCH, i.4'1 El C'"'tno Ct PllltaM, Dano Point, CA t1t'9 NEWPORT HOME LOAN, INC et Cluly •Pl>Olnltd Tru1tee 11nder lllt ro11owlnoO.M:rlbOCl-or lru•I WILL SEl.l AT PUBLIC AUCTION lO THIE H IGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH a,.,y pttsons •lle<tea Dy lh• uollcollon, •• Oellno<I in 11u1111 •nd Sal9ly Code St<llon 0 1 •. mev reQut\I In wrlllno lllel OSHPO llolel a r>UbllC M•rlno In Ille courw or •h review Suell request mu•I bf btHd upon •1>1>11<111 .. rt•ltw criteria.,"' fOrlh In Pa•I I s Of OIVl\IO<I I Of '"" Heelll\ tnd Saltly Cod• and Cll•Pttr I ol 01v111on 1 of Tiiie 11 of lht CtlllOtnl• Aomlnl•lrolive c-end -city '"' <rllerl6 upOn Whl(I\ II IS DaMd fllCTITIOUS aUStNHS NAMfi STATIMUO' Tiie tollowt110 per'°"' •re doing butlneuot Cl HMAA CONSUL TAN TS, l1NI Vie Oso, P.O lox IJI, Trabuco CMyon, CA nt'11 RAYMOND N 8AGGA,_lEY JR., >11'1 VI• Oto, Tra~o Cenyon, CA .,.,.. OIAHA M 8AGGAA.lE\'. 111'1 Vie Ote, Tr~oCanyOft,CA92tll Thts "°""t'H 11 con.dtf~llld by • o•....-•• _.,,.,..,,,I), . h ymono W Betlvartey, Jr. This -•'""'' we• fllff wllll llw C011nty, Cl••k of Orange CPu"IY on Ftb, 16, 1"1. """" Publl\htcl 0r•"llt (OUI Otlly Piiot. Feb II, 1•. -r<h S, 11, I'll • .._., PUIUC MOT.:£ l'ICTITIOUS aUSINESS HAM• STATEMENT Tno lollowlno perso11 I\ dotno buslneu .. Oe AUi.i.AC INVESTMENTS, 1300 Dove Sl,..I, N-por1 8et ch, CA ..,~ ERICKA SAIC.NIES 0.. AUllAC 6'00 W Oc-lrOf>I, Newpor1 BHCll, (A '1..0. Tiiis t>uslnen " conoucted oy •n lnolvldual Erick• S..111M• De flulla< Tlllt t1.ie ..... 1 w•• llltcl w11n Ille C°"nly Cl••' ol O•<tnQ<! Covnty on Feb t , '"' 1'11111> Publlllltd Or~ (OUI 011ly Pllol Ftb 11, t•. 16. Maren S. 1"2 IOJ.12 H~tl611 .. CTITIOUS aUSIHE$S ltAMli STATEM•Hf' Tiit followfng "''°"' ue dol"Q bul•l,,.,,.le• 8RAMAlE.t, HOMES, J ISt Al•••:r . ..+.venue, Suite G·t, Cotl• Me•, .......... .,,.,. lrllf'NIH. Ltd., °"'~Canad•. J ISI Airway A-. Suite G,t, Colle Mt WI, Cellfw't>la 91626 8r•m•lt• Calltornto, lft< . • Calltornl• <O•POt•llon. JISI Airway Av•""·· i4>1tlt G·l CO•I• Me\A, Celltor,.10 t2t26 Tiiis buslnen Is conducted DY • corporation. Brame••• Celllorn1a Inc by Peter S. Perrin Jonev K."'llfr Bro"'.iH. l.lcl. Janey Kruotr. oauu.or111<1 s!Qnlno offk., This slaltmenl .... hied Wllfl 11'1! County Cler-of Oronoe County Of\ l'ebru••y •. tW:J. '1nut Published Ora"91' Coe•I Oa11, PllOt Feb n "· 16. March s. ,.-, 700-t1 PUILIC MOOCE T'4- NOTICIE OF TllUsTEi'S SAL£ T S Ho T SS'lm O" -rcll 14, 1'111, tt 10 oo • m SOUTHERN COUNTIES ESCROW, •• duly appolnl•d Tru.iee 11ndtt •r\CI p11rwanr· 10 Dffd 01 Trust re<ora.d A11911t1 S. IWll, as '"" No ..,. lft boo-11't0. page )h. of 0111<1•1 Recoros lfl Ult ottke 01 ttw County Aocorden ot 0••"98 County, St•le of Ca lllornl• tucuted by NORMAN SIONEY GERSTEIN a"d I.IND" DIANA MURfl'HY. WllL SEl.L AT PUii.iC AUCTION TO HIGHEST Bl DOER FOii CASH tpeye«>te al time of MIO In lewtul -y ot Ille Unite<! States) et IM -111 front enl••n<• lo lllt County C°"rthoult, 100 Civic Center Ori•• Wul, Sanl• a.no, Cotllor"I• all rlgtll, !Ille -lnte•Ht C.Of\vtyed lo and now MIG by II unOtr wild Oet<t of Tru>t In lhe pr_., tltualed In H ict County and Sltte dtscrlb•d as: A conelomlnlum comprlwcl of . PARCEL t An undivided Ill lnlorett In •NI to Loi I ot Trecl IOIJI, Cllt Of trvlnt, .. per map r..:or- Book AA6 ot MIM:tll•neou• MeP\ •• P419ts n anf 24 In 1ne office ot ttw Cou.,19 ,___ ol 0••"9t County EXCEPTING THEREFROM Unll1 t lllrou911 10 •• tllown µp tllt Condomtnlllrl'I Pl.,, recoreled In Bool< IUSt al P ... ~ Offl<lel Rec:~<M of Ot•"ll" COUf'lfY .t,lSO EXCEPTING T11EREFllOM Ille rutrk. .. d common ., .. ,et ""'"n '•'d COl\domi n tum plen •bO¥t mentioned PARCEi. 1 Unit S •• s-n Of\ lht Condomln•um Pt•n reterr•O to lrt P'arcel t abOve PARCl!l J An excluslvt HJtm•"' perll"'9--• l>UrtlOW• over lllel -tlon al wld Lot l Cle•ienaled •• S-C Ille Condominium Plan reterreo to •l>Ove. Tiii• ltat-1 we• tiled with llle County Cler-of 0••"99 county Of\ Ftb ... , ltl2 l'IUlts Pu'blllile<I 0r•"99 Coesl Dpllr Piiot, Feb "· 16. MArcll J, 12, t"2 ,,...., l'ICTITIOUS aUSINt;U NAM• STATIMEllllT Tiie fol-l•g par'wftl ,,. dOIAQ bullneun. ' Fl!OERAI. COM l'l.IAHCE IENGIHEEJllHG ASSOC . ltd H. Ple<enll•. (OJI• Mew. CA.,,,, GOl.O COAST IMPORTS, J NC., • C•lllornla corpor•tloft1 HIO W CQA•I Hwy , Ntwpor1 IHO<'ll, C:.A 91.., K. 1& E OISTAl8UTORS. INC • c a11fornla corporallo.,, 1us H Pltc9"tla, Costa Mew. Ca. 9?•11 Tiii• t>vtlneu ll co.,du<l•d Dy • oenar•l 1M1t1ne~ll) I( & E Ol1trlblfl0t$ Inc G, 1(090, S.CltrHt GOid co .. , lmoortl Ron Nkorson. Secrett rY T "'' ltaltmenl wa1 filed wttll I ... Covnly Clertc Of 0••"91 C_.. on Feb I•. 1"1 , ... , .. Publltho<I e>renoe Coe• o.ifoi Pl1o1, Feb tt, l•. mer~ll s, n. 1'911 • ,.,_., Tllh bust"•" ll conducted bY • oener•l l)tr1nerst11i> Kimberly a.. Kr~IS<h This stat-Ill wot llled w11" lllf Cev"IY C'-"' or 0••"99 County on Ffb I•, 1tl2 fl'lUllt Pub11$~ Our191 CCNll D•llV PllOt, Ftb H, l•, Marci\ S. 12. 1"'1 1»«1 MIC •TICE --------------·I (payeble al llmt ol "I• In lewtul t •Pt... money of Ille United SteteU •II rl9111 . YOU ARE IN OEF'AUlT UNDEA A Ullt and lnteratt conve,ea lo -n- 0 E E O OF f Ru ST. O A T E o htl<I bv II under MIO 0..0 of Trust In J.t,NUARY 71. '"' UHLIESS YOU the property N rtlnelttr date:rllltcl TAKIE ACTION tO PAOTfiCT VOUA TRUSTOlt'. JOMH E. SOUKEAA~ PAOPEJITV, IT MAY BE 501.0 AT A .,,., ANITA E. SOUKERAS. llu~nd PUBLIC SAi.i! IF YOU NEED AH eM wife EXPl.ANATIOH OF TME NATUAIE IH~i~:~~c;;:~;fl~~!~l~NVISTA OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST lleco•Cled Aprll 10, ...... lllllr NO YOU, v ou SHOULD CONTACT A 11"4 In _., l.OOIS Hoe'" or 0111<1•1 LAWYER. • 'L NOTICE 0, TllUSTEE'" s ·1.• Records "' , .. Ol11U of , ... RKorder Public ""''""' wHI bt Mid by Ille • ~ of OrenQlll C-ty, w lCI -of trutt CO.le ..... "'""'"" COmmlulll".. T.S.Ho,2..,,,,.. -·•bettMIOl-lnoP•-1Y Such reqUHl must be m.O.. wllf\ln :IO d•n ol tlli• no11u tnd >llould w •Odr•SM!d 10 Ofllc• ol Slalewlde HtAllll Ptannl"O ano Development, Division 01 Cerllllcate of NffCI, 1.00 Nlnlh Strffl, •th F' loor, S.Crtme,,10, CA '51i. ~O E-Clllet Otvl•ion of Cel1111colt of Need February 1•. 1'92 Publl•ho<I Ore-. Coe•I OtllY Piiot, FtD 7•, 1'1' ISl .. 1 Ille Oly Hell, n Fair Drive, GMI• 011 ~r'Cll ,,, ,..,, el ' IS o'cloc-lot 10 of Trecl NO «IOJ, In '"" City Mew, Gtlllornl-. al -.lO p.m. Of' at • m •on Frtao. •I Ille lront entt•n<• ol Ntwporl Beach, •• per mt p llAlllJC II""'[ -H l)OS.llble lhtrt•fl•r on March I, to the Old Oranoe Co. CourlhouM. 'inc..:o,.~,-lvt 1.'.'. ~.1-.11•~', J~..';_O, ',.,• -----"'----111-1• ____ _ ltU re"rdlno lht tollow lno located on S.111• Ant Blvd, lletwfff\ • ~ ..,._ ·~ ~~· ePOllcot'-. SY<emort SI & ll<'oedwey In Sent• Ille olllc-.e of Ille county r..:oro.r of NS t11M l At-"-'Ilion R~-47 -Z-Ane, CA, WES TE AN MUTUAi. uldco..,,ty SUl'•lllOllCOUllTOf'CAl..,OllNIA E11c.epllon "9"')11 ZE·tMl for Crown CORPORATION, a C•llfor,,la 10 I.Inda ttlt. N_po,, Beech. CA COUNTYO,OltAHGfi Eng tne erlnO •"d S11rvey lno (0<Por•rloft,•1Tr\1Stte,or •ut>tllli.lltcl t2MJ 1•C1vlcC-Or.Wt1t CorPOt•llOft, e utllo•lted agents for Tru•I ... under lllt 0Hd of Tr111t "Ill a vreet -••U 0, com..-SMCaAM,Ce.ttnt c..otveKobor.P.0.9o•)lt).Be-ly h e<uted,,., EOWAAO G WOl.F,. dolon•llo" I• •flown above. no MARRIAGE OF PETITIONER Hlllt, for .. rmlnlon lo rtl Of\t ""l't "'°"• llereln called Truttor, worte nty I• 91ven •• t o 11\ E N R I 0 U E .t, VI I. a, a nd PfOPtrtY from Al to A•. 1-ttitr wllll recorded F tD•u••Y 11. ""· es cornplele,,.,...orcor•ectnen1 .. RESPONDENT PATRIC IA ELAINE a <onellt(onal us. permit to U<•d Instrument No :l'lOU, In BOO!\ l>'ltJ Tiie Dtnefkl•ry _,. WIO OMO ol AVll.A perm..._, llelot\1 and • variance ,., Pat t 11tt of OlllCltl Record• of Trust. by'"''°" ol • l>t•Kh or ae•eull SUMMONS (Fa.Mii. Y LAW) U'.C-<*l'IPO(l pertilno In (Of\)Uf\Clion Or•noe c-v. Caltlorn••. ••II .. 11 •I '" lh• Obllt•llo"' M<ll•t<t '"""'"•· CASE H9. 0-1 ... IJ wtlll -Ion of en Hitting Jt..ullll PUDllc .auction lo Ille nlollt•1 bidder tor llt rolotore ••.«Ultcl and Oellvert<I 10 NOTICE• 'vou have 0.9" \ued. Tlw _,._. COll'lple• lo provt~ • lot•I <•"1. PA'•"" In lawf11I mono of lht lllf undtnio...O a written Oetlarellon court m•v OIJ<lde -inst you without ot 7t _rt,,_f unite, IOCallld et Hll U"ll.cl Ste~ al the time OI Ult, lhe ot Default end Oenwtnd IOt Salt, tnd your belnQ "N•G urolt\t you r-d :: v~n:~.~~~et';, ~ 1 :!, ~=· i"ttre\I conwy.ci to '""d now lleld by wt1llen notlC.t of b<tt<h •nd oltl.CllOft w•lllin 30 GllV' Ae..S '"' 1n1ormatl0n ntoellwdectartllon Mia trllltet ...-. W'<I OMd or Tru\I to uuM trw url0er•'9f'ecl 10 w11 ••la below 2 z-EJOCaPtlof\ Permit ZE·'2·U In Ille.,.._,,, •llu.iecl In UIO County properly to .. 11,1, WICI ot>llo•tlon\, II you ....... _ .. "" •v•<• •I ... PIH .ntf · •ncJ St•te O.Ktllle<I •• •nd llltreatter lhe under•lont<I ceuoeo atterN , 1f1 1111t -·· y.., •-Id • ---------'.;.":""'l'....;---1..._ lor W-11. hlty,•-lncltf"ll for p • ACE' I An und1•idtd 1111\1 t.alO notice of ~e·~11 tnclol el~tlo" 10 11 I I Calltoml• Inn Mer1e9tment, Inc., 1411 " ~ "" ~ ~ 10 .,.,,.. Y t9 Mt yawr wr llOfl SU•llllOll COUllT 0, THIE Saini Andrtwt OrlYf, l ewrenco, lnl.,ul In -lo Lo4 I Of Trecl No be Recoreled Nonmt>er l 1911 O\ ,..,.... .. , 11 ... , ,,,.y M tllM °"ti- STATE 01' CALll'OltNIA l(eMet, for a condlllonel ute 1»""11 to 9'U, In IN Cltv of Costa Mew, •• 1"''' Ho. S310 in -tOI P-1311, AVIS.01 U~ M .._. fem•-·· f'J)ft THI,. UPIW!CI .,, Hitll"ll hotel, Including • more P•,,lcufarly deKnbeCl In E wlllDll of tald OlllCI•• A Kora• El trl!MIMI ,...... •cldlr cOfttrt u •. COUNTYOll.,.Alllql! flv•·•lor'(' 1101"11-odelltlon and • "A" •ltacheel twrtto '"" m-• parl S.ICI wte wlll be rn-but wllhOUl t i• •••te11<1a • mtAOI 1111• u• HO.Atnm lllrta•tlory ll••kl"I "ruc 1urt , ntrtol tov•"•"' or warrt nly, ••P•O• or ,.,..,.._ -o,.. • dlaL l.u la OftDElt TO SHOW CAUSE conCIOlonel UM 1»1mltt ror oll '"' Tiie Slr .. I addreu and1or otn•r 1mpht<I, ._aH>q 1111• -wulO.,, or IAler"'ec..., _ "-· llECHA.MGl:Oll E ac<euenclpor-lng....O to•~<M<llM common aulgnallon." •ny," en,umbrtneH. to PO Ille ,..,..,,.,no SIUs!M-..oMlklle r t lcOftMje• 111 "'4e Melt ol the AHA~ 1 1 lO tt,/twtHIOtY htl~l llmlt.ttloft, •M purported to bt . J11 Bay View principal wm ot '"' r>Oeel\I 1e<:urt<1 "" • .,.._.,.Ht• .. wilt, •wrt• '"~E o ~RNSTEIN ~1 <eel:: o verltll(ft from wf1>tekJ, le"4Ieplt19, Terrece. CO!llt ~.Ca. '1•2' by wld Deed of Tru>I, with 1nlo•HI •• flt< trio tm,,,.•lato,,,.nlt , do u la of N•-· • or "Oe end pet\lft9 recwtre,..,,u, locoi.CI al Said Sale wlll be mede wllllout '",...,note provlOeO, •O•Ml<tt, If•"• •meAtrO, Ml ...._to tt<rlte, al "•• w H E R E A S, "! A E N E O ll&I ltlttol Sir .... '" a Ct roM. w•rranly •t to llllt, _,."'°" or uno.r u.t lerrns of w ld OttO of Trust. ett11,.., _.. -r ... slr_.. t tltmllf, BORNSTEIN .... tl)H her .. lo tion ~o~m1o•e"1'!.' ••ltrmlnotloll :=~~n~~~:;.~,·.::i.·::.:.;s:,~~~ ~·,:~·.~"=~ = .~::n~ •• ~!, ·~. I TO THE RESPONDENT The wllll tlle Cltr• Of 1~11f C~·-for _... " pelllloner llas llled • Ptl•llO" • ~ • ~· • 1. z-El!QptlOl'I PiaNntt 1'•2' Ot.O ol Trutt, lndµcll"f 1¥ tw tnd .. Id 0-of Trwt ~· wle w111 lie conurnlnq YGJr merrl-11 you ••II ~~~·~·':" ~ <~H S ;-~ ~··r:: for W•re end Makomb. -llorlreol ea~nse ol IYle Tr'ldl .. enO Of the lleld o" Monday, Merell a. 1"2 et 2 00 lo Ille• ,._ wo"'ln lO CMIYl of lht 0 A E -· for ..... Sci-•. •JS Vklerla trvlh <rtetecl 11'1 wi.t OMO of Tr\ISI, p M a: -CNtlm<o" A-'"''Ml<• c1ai. Ille! ..... ~ " """'ed Ol'I H I I. I. E l • D 0 H ; H 0 "' Sir.el, lor • ,_,..,, •• Ille permll to .., ... ,,( .. lhereunctet, "'"" .,., ... " ., to '"' Civic. , ...... 8 1111<11-. lOO E••t T11E AEFORE. Cl I I , Id d Ill I I • .,, • you, your Clltfeutt may De enlertcl t nd ll IS MERIEBY OllMllED llle1 ell ••Pen an ••st 119 •(..,..I •P•9' P•o• • ••• "· •nel 111' unp' d Cllepman Avenue, 111 tfle City ot lll• court may •nter • l11dgment pe,.ons lllternttd In Ille m•ll•• Sct.eoll lncludlne '"<,.~Ille prlnct.,.1 WICI ,.....,.,.., ol 1N M.Wlsl OunQe, CA coftlelnlftl lntunc11ve °'' ol,,., °'°'" oforawla -· al 100 Clvk c.n1 .. _,,.,., of /A"'*"11s fr-• llO. M<wrecl 11'1 stlCI 0.0 °' TrU1t, '°'"'11' "''Ille time of Ille lnlll•I P<Oblketlon co.,cernl"I dlvlllon ot orope rt,, ,< ._111 enla rt ll'ltt ••hll"f t>vtldl ... , •"' W ,'6.5 411. ot 11111 no1tc., Ille tolel ernount o1 Ult -wt _., ehlld CUJtoay, Clllld ~".;) w~ci ~ ~ ~ •. ";' ...,,"' • ~~ • ..,,.., Oa1·ec1: F..,_., It, 1"2 unpa id i..teno or Ill• oblloollo" .._,1, attOtnty 1.,.,, ~°'"· ,,.., •u<h stld-. ·~·· lher ,.,,...~ '°'"'1119r lfllol'tNi•MOl'l lt!o•llOW WHtern Mutue1c.._-at1on W<urt0by1"eobov•IHK•l--of other ••li.t "me,,,. oranlo<I by ,,.. Oft II ·-,,.,.h .. 111 h. I -'lceUonl. ....... ~UO or c.ell ICI05o TulllnSlrMI l•u•t end .. ,_ <~s. ··-·· CO\lrl Tll• , ..... , ...... nl ol wave\ ~m~, 1~Yf lllec' ave, '-; Y u d et Ille OlfJce •f tll• "'•""'"' 0r....,.. CAtt"' 1no oovenc" ts u1 01 12 To t•t-of,,._, 0, pr-"•· or olller PP co,.... Or ~anoe o Hjlmt 0.-,ra !C, ...,,,.., n Fair Ot'lve, 11U I nt ... 100 determlnt lhe _...,,0 bod yov m•v .,... •llo\lld not be I'-·• Coste M9w, C.ltfOmlt. At IUCll Tru,tlM Ull (11•1 9)7~ ~::i.~lllllo<lttcl procffdl"9\ m•Y t 11IO IT IS1 F1 U1RT0r11EA OJIOEAECO that e r PubtltNcl Or .. Coesf O.lly Pll~ By· Ntf\Cy L. e .... eJll Date· Fe«w...,.., •. "" Oet..S 0.C-• 2t, lMI copy o h \ Ger lo S-euM bl ~eb. 2', ltl2 tGC Trvst.., S.lnOllker NEWPORT HOME lOAl'i Pllblltlled In ,,,. Or9n91 Cotti Dally ~. P11blls.lled 0r--. C.0.11 Ofllr PllOI, INC.. LM A. 8rencll. Cieri. P llot. • newspeoer ot II•"•'•' .-JC l9'1C( Feb 1•. 26, Merell s, 1'111 ,.._., aswikl TrustM, llAl'AIEl8I ~A'::~=~50ePvly cireul•tlOfl, pubhllleG In Ora,,11e By T.O SERVICE County, C•lllOl'nl•. one.-•_., tor -----.. -OT--tc-1-0-,-----, _.,. _, COMPANY A-v •t u w IOI.Ir !•I sucte'll.,. _, prJof to lfll TllUST•E°' SAlE nnll.ftl -·~ --" .. ~~~ ~- dole wt to< ,,..,.nv on Ille .t,pplkellOl'I , -.... ~1 9, Cindy Sc--Oa. TED ~etw...-V II, 1"2' .._ NOTICE 01' TllUSTl•'SSALE • •• r-Pultll\had Ortnge Coe.i Doily Piiot, ~=;~,::. PRENHEA. IEHHl~·.'A~s~RV·l~E co •• T.S. NO . .-.1 ~~7.~'e~~·:::~ ~~· Feb. n , "· 26, March s. ,.., 6'9'41 s..PtrlOf Cou,, duly tl)polnttd Tru\I .. Uhde• .... " " c 0 R F I N A N c I A I. °'"""'·CA., ... I.AW O,lllCESOF fOllowrno dt~nbtd "" or tru\I CORPORATION •• Guly •POOl"lt<I 11i.1 ~ Piil.iC Ml11C£ MAllJOllt• II llE£SE Will SEl.I. "T PU8llC AUCTION TrutlH ..._, lhe lollowlnQ dH<•I-Publ1\lled Oraf9 (CWltl Ot11, Piiot. -------------- OcNft9a .. f-TO THE HIGHEST BIOOEll FOA °"d of lrllSI Wlll. SEl.I. 4T PUBLIC F'eb 11. It, 16, 1"7 114• .. 1 1•0<t-'9.S...._... CASH CpeyaDlt al llmt ti ••I• In A UC T •ON tO THE HIGHEST NOTICE OF DEATH OF l a.Kl\ CA'-% lewf11I -· ol lhe Untied S•at..-1 all Bl ODEA FOR C&Sl1 lpey•l>le at time _.,,._,.,.I: u~ 01~•.u..5* ,.0111 m1t -lnit•eil ,on.,.vt<t 10 01'"""'1ew1111 mono of t11e u .. 1111<1 .--... ,~ ALAN R . WILKEY ANO Publi"'9d OrenQO (QAst Deilv PllOt '""now -l>y 11 _, .. 10 o.o ot SttlUI all rlolll, llllt •net lnler..-1 0 F P ET I T I 0 N T 0 Feb 11.1•.u . Marc11 s. t"2 10<ot1 T""' 1" '"' property h.,tthafl•• ~:i'd"•~00~,:7 ::'~,!• ~~~~ lllOTIC~~":.~:~:.-ssALE A OM I NI ST E R ESTATE oe:,::,~OR OAVIO J SWEET, t no he•t1ntl1er-rlf»<I T.S.He.1-. NO. A 112238. CHEA'l'l ANN SWEET, hutl>and "'"" TAUS TOR ROBERT McCONN ELi. NEWPORT PACIFIC FUNOINC, T 0 a I I h e i r s • •II• BENEFICIARY PAUi. VIEi.io •nd INC H duly -lnle<I Tr11\1M undtr beneficiaries, c r e d it ors NOTICl!Ol'TllUSTfil'SSALA BE N EFICIARY; FAA WEST 111\0Ll.IEVIEllE l,_.IOllowlftQdHCrlbeel-oltrutl d t• t d 'I $ f l.'9f'No.741-»J.t2t SAVINGSAND..t.DAN~~SO<:IATION, R•<or-J-ry •• 1911, .. '"''' Wll.l SEl.1. AT PUBllC AUCTION a n con 1nge n ere I or 0 -T.S .... :n -.> • cor-•llon NO 71'0, In BoOf< Ill''· P99t 1002, of to THE HIGHEST 81DOER FOR A I an R . w i I k ey a nd NfWPOAT HOME LOAN, INC •• R..:or-MarchS,t•ll•Slft\lr No Offl<l•I AKorcM In.,.,. office of .... '"SH (peyable .. 11 .... Of w •• '" persons who m ay b e duly •PPOl,,leel TruSlff Uf\dtr the 616' In -11'10 Peoe 19• et Olll<lal Rtcor~r of Or-C-fY; se!O-lawllll ,__y of Ille UftlttO Stalttl ell Otherwise inte r est e d in the tollow1t19Clet<rol.o-ollru•t Wlll. Recordt In tN Olll(t ot IM flee.order ol trust dHCtlbed Illa lollowlno rl9lll, lltle and l"teru l <onwtyecl lo W ill and/Or estate : SEl..L AT'1'U8l1C AUCTION" 'tC TME 01 Orange County; wld -of lru•I P•ooe••v· •no now ... IO by II -w ld OMCI Of HIGHEST BIOOli'A FOR CASH Cltt<•lbftt"9 followlngp•-"Y Tll• .... d ........ to In lhl• Trull In .... proPtrty ..... 1 .. etur A petition has been f iled t~Y•bte al llme of wit In """'"' PARCEi. 1 Lo4 1 of Trec1 No 1>00. oua••"'" It .itualed In tllf Stat• ot O.tertl>OCI; b y Belly G. W ilkey in the '"°"'"'<If"" Unlltcl StatMI ... ''"''· '"Ille City of ,,..,,,., County ol Orange C•lllor .. la, County ol a. ...... City ol TR us TOR c HR Is TOPH IE A Superior Court o f Orange !Ille end lnltrest coriveyecl to •nd now Sta ie ot Collfornlt, u per map Huntlnqton &Mell, ar\CI IJ Otte.rt-., I.EACH ROUFF and PATRICIA A ne1dlbr 11 ""°'',,.id Oet<t of Tr11s1 ln recordt<I tn -111, _. 21 to u tollowt ROUFF, wllO ore married 10 u c11 County r e quest ing that Int pr-11y ...... ,,., .. ,.,.S<tlbtd· ln<tu.i .... MCt<eUoneout Mal>t. In '"' thet IXWllon of Ille -111 "•"of lt\e otMr B e t I y G . w 11 k e y b e TAUSTOR JOHN SOUKEAa.S, • olfk• of lht c.aunty roco•Cler ot Wld nottllwHl quantr ot Ille _,lllwetl BENEFICI ARY GlE NN E · t d marr1ed ,,_ '""''tote t nd Ml)erate <OUnl'\I qu•rter of Se<:llO<I h , Townslllp S JACICSON allCI Wll.MA N. JACKSON a p p 0 1 n e t I ' a tS properly EXCEPT THIEJIEFROM •II oll, o... South, ,._ " w .. t .. Aen<:llo I.et JACl(SON, n..--wlN •• loi"I personal re presen a 1ve 0 BfNEFl(IARY DONAl.DG HIESS mlnerels orwl olhtr ll¥droc••b011•, Bot .. , HVIOWnonom•pre<ordtdln ltnalll1HI0<1n1Hdvlded t.<,lnlerttl administer the estate Of •no JANICE c HESS 11u~nc1 ano btlO,. • dlP4ll o1 500 '"'· wltllOllt ,,.. Book SI, P-u of mts<ell•-• an• 1.ARAY w El OE II and E Alan R. W ilkey (under the wilt u cammunlty p,._ny rlOllt of ""1K• entry, at"'"""° 1n meps. recora• of O••"llt Coullly, AUTM El.DER, huibilno •NI wife at Rtcor<1o4 Oe<emller 1•, ttlO. es '""'""*"'of re<Onl. C1lllornla.detcrlbede1followt. joint tenants n 10 an undivided °" I n d e P e n d e n t Instr. No, ~In bOOil U'14, -u1 p" AC El J a, .,0n.uc1u11ve BeglnntnQefll>e north-st corner ot tnttl'Ht ntenentslncommon Adminis tration of E s tates ot OlllcMM lt«orcts in tht oHk• o1111e •PP urlene nl usement rot 111e. w ld so..a-1 _,,.,, thefle• lOulll R..:o.-J.-.y to.'"'·"'""' A ct). The petition Is set for Re<orOtrtf Of-County, telO -pyr-t .. Mt 1on11 '"end o.,., Ille "Cl .. rMtil' JO" •H1J02 n feet •'°"9 He. 11151 In booll 1.l'lt, PA9e "" of h i · De 3 t Of l•u•I ~K•lbet Ill• loll11wln ••ncl ~rlmcl In Ar11clt v. S.Ctlorl I Ill• north tin• of , ••• aoutllwHI Otflclel Ae<0tcl$ In , ... Ol1k• of ,,.. ear n g In pt. No. a propett-4 of 111 t certain oec1•r•t1on ot q11••ltf;tll<lft<tsout110~-11·•1" Re<OrderofOrenot C....,.ya eld-700 Civic Cente r Dri v e , P•rc•I t ta 1ne City of HtW""'' cov•••n l s . cond i tions •"d wul 1.0.00 tut; 111ence nor111 It of tr11st ducrlbu Ille tollow1110 Wes t, In the C ity of Santa Buell, C*!Mf of o ....... $~ of AttlrlctliOM recorded Mey to, "" '" d9t1tff• 31' ., .. Well >en" !Mt IO"" pr°",,"· Ana, California on Marc h C•lllo•nla, "'"'-"on . moo 11...,"' bOOll ,..,, ,,. 107, Otfklel At<Otd\, WHI lint ol Mid IOUl-1 (1Uer1or, Loi s " 1r11CI Ho ...... ""' Mec1 --'1. peottoOI P'l~<•l-1". In Int as lmpowd 11\1 Nollet o1 COYenanls, l ... ft(e "°'111 0 ......... 11' JO" ••II rtCordeO In lht 800-It, P ... 1' 17, 1982 at 9 :30 a .m . otllce of""' c.ounty rtco,..,., ol wtd CoMltlons -Reflrl<Oon• recor•d l'OOO f .. flolnepOlntoflletl""lnt. lncl11tlveolmlKoll•-•M•puu•~ IF YOU OBJECT to the counly II" Jtl"llO'Y 31, ttn In bOOtt IOUI, Pt99 E •<eptlnt lllerefrom tllat -110fl re<erdt In lllf 0!110 of "'• County nrantil'\l'I Of the pet it ion, 1'1t Pacific Co.ul Hltlllwey, CorOf\e lJI, Olfklol ll..:0tCIL. lft<luded wilhln 1119 l•nd dtSetlbecl Ill Re<orOer of Mtcl t-ly ~u· m "' ""' del Mar. CA tltlS Addrtll O SI Maroerllt Strtel, detd lo Int Stole of Co lllornle, Cetellna Drive. Newport Bta<ll, YOU Should eithe r appear ' !If a llr•I •daren or com..-1rvlM, Cetlloml• ,.coreled July lO, ltU In 8oolt t,._,, Celllornte. a l the h earing and s t a l e onlonot1on ,. thOW" •bO•t. no "Ill .'''"' eel<lreu or common Peg• Hof ofll<l•I r•<or•s of said "Cit."'"' addren or commOf\ your object ion s or f ile w & r "' nl v I\ o 1 v on '" to •lo oulg.,etlon h tllow" •boo, no Orenoe Counly d .. lgn•llon It ihown above. 110 comp1tt-ss0tcorrec:1neu. ....,,.11,, " 9 1ve" •• t o 1u Commonly dH<rlbtel u '6S01·1C worr•nty '' o l•tfl •• 10 111 written objections with the Th• -li<lt•v unoe• wod Deed of com111«1.-orcorrec:tneHI .. B••<ll Boulevard, Muntl1191.., B .. c11. comp1eten..slo<<o<re<IMn1 " court before th e hearing. tru•t, by, .. ..,.. a1 • btHcn or aetault Tiit l>tfttfkl•rv ;:n0e• w kl ~. ol11 C~!11f~rn~• 11'"' edelron 0, common ,,.~.~·. b-y , .. ~"!. "•~-~11kl0,°!9°feu01111 Your appearance may be '" 1111 OC>llgtllont JOcurecl tnerebY, Trull, by reaoon.,, b<H<ll or -tu w -· ~ ~.-~ .... I b llt rtlofort exKUIOCI .no Qellvtrlld l• In tht obllg•llont s.curtcl tllereby, d U ll"•llon Is lllown above, "o In Ille *l11tlloM wcurt<t tl\ef"MIY, n p e r son Or Y your Ille vndera19Md e wtltlen Oetlarallon •lleretotore U.CUled -dtllWftCI to w •' r a" I Y It 11 Ive n •' IO I 1 t llefetotore enc,uteo -dtll...,td la atto rney, ol O•t•Ull end 0.....0 tor Salt, encl Iha II~• wrNlen 0.CltreiiOll <Ofl'IClltlenetS O' <o<"NC1MU)." Ille II~• written Oec:lerollotl f F Y O U A R E A wrlll.., l'IOllctol IWeacll •Mot et.cttofl o1 Oefelllt ""° OemMIO for Sa••. •tld Tiie t>enefl<l•rv un6e• ttl4 Oeed of ol Dllioull -Dlfnencl tor Sate, •"41 C R E D T O R 10 ceuM .,.,. .,._,""*" lo sell told wrlll•n-twotbree<llencrohltetlon Trull, bY retton OI • t>t· .. cll or "'•1111 wrllltn llOtlc.oef brt.tcllellCloftl«tlon · I 0 r a prooerty lo w tlil'f wlO ol>ll9ello"l. 10 CellM tlll _,,ltl'fel lo Mii Hid ,,. lllt Oltll .. ltons ttcureO lMreby lo Celftt tM ~lfMO to '911 said COntlngent Creditor Of the aNI 11141....,.... IM ufldor'19'1td cou-pr-ny IO Mtllf)' .... _....lloM, ... relofOre t1.etvtecl Of'll *11 ... fed to pr-riy lo .. lltly Mid Ol>ll .. 1'°"" decease d YOU m u st f l le wl<I notlc.•ol llrtacll aM ot elt<tlon IO •NI_......., Ille llMtnlfMO <•vtotl Ille uneler1>1•"• • -ltten O.Cttretlen •llCI tllef'Mflor Ille_......, u-I I • Ith th t be recoreled HonmDer ), "", H salct notke ol btee<ll 11114 of elKllOll to ol Otfilull -0.-for Sale, eftel teld naflte o1 ~II -Of t lecllOf\ lo YOU r C 8 m W e COUf I Mir. No, m • In _ .. 1111' P4I09 lJU M rtconleol .._., ), 1't1 .. "'"'· Wtllltn "°'IC' Of b<eec;h •llCI Ofelettlon bt tecoroeo Oc-· 2'. '"' •• '"''' 0 r pres e 1'1 1 It t 0 I he ottaldOfttci.a111ecn,1 Ho. 1~1,,booll 14t11,,...l4f,ot .. 1e1 10 <•uM • .,. "'4ersl0Md 10 .... sel• Ho nm tn lloOll 1.m,,.... 1aa, of person al representative ..... ·~~w111 ..... ---.~·1-'"~-·1 OtfklalA9torelt. P•-rly to .etlsfy MIO e4141eet ...... \.\ldOftlcllllAtcOt'Ot p int db ,.. 0 t _,,, _... .... .. ._ "" -"~ ~d 1 •net 1t1ereefttf ""un0erll9Md c•u-Seid ..., ,,.111 .. mee1t ...,, wll"911t ap o e Y .. e c ur covo,.•111 °' ••rr•ntr , •• ,., • ., or 541141 .... "111 lie mtelt. '"'' w tllOul sato notice et btw<ll •NI ot erectJon to covtn•111 or .,.,.,.n•v.' uprou or within four months from lrfll>!IH, ~dint title, pos ... ,1on. °' covtn•"1 Of wtrt•llly, ·~0"" 0' 119 R"o..-Ho-lier '· 1 .. 1. It 1'"1111M.,....,.,,. lltle, .,,.._,'"'·Of t""e date of first Issuance t l'ICUtftb<-tt. IO IMIY ttM ftlNlllllnt lmjllled, rt9t"Cllrlt lltlt, .,,..._,lorl, ff I I Ho 11 .. I 80011 ... " 11r1nc1oe1 ..,,., of ..... -•I•> ~ .. ~ tn<urntw~ 10 MY ..,. rM1etnt119 "' ' • • " t4t1I. _... • •n<•m-._.., to PtY "" ~'"' o f letters a s provided In ,.,.. ·-~--I .... , el ,._ ...... .. ~ ti Mid Oftk lel Aecontl. llflfl<lpel -Of the 1141te tll ..c:•,_.. ~ b .... let O..Oof Trual, •llfl lt\tet'9tt" .. "'--~IL:' .......... M<UA ~:t Seid .... wlll llt made, ll\lt wtl'-1 11v Mllct Olefef l"4t, .... -t111ere·.-t.... •• c t Ion 700 of the Probate 1 .. tolct -................ , -~~.II ... ,, .... ~ .. T .......... """"'' .. "' • '" d f I T ,.. •• _,. -·-~ ... ,..._. .... 11 covenant or ••rr•nlY, upro11 or In u111-~.---.---.-. tf env, o • o Callforn a . h e under 1111 ttf'M\ OI w to 0-ot .Tf11SI Ml"' note prov._.., ... 11encet, 111v. I 11911 I ...... _ ......,._"'"'' ' "' f19'1t,-t M •t 9"" hPtfllft Of 1..t undtr tlllW'"'ofttldo-tofTruat, mp ,•fOMClntlltle,-tfftiOll,t>t .,,,.,IMWmuftai.C>eedefTr-, time for flllng Clalms Wiii f~tlM -J ..... I"'...., c-•._.. .... ffft, cll.t• .. s eM ............. ef 1111 ell(u"""en<•t. IO ..,.., lllt ""''"''"' fM I, Cl\tr9ff -•~• of 1111 t I I t f •• ... ..... ......, •• -.,., ............. ..111<1-..1 """ of Ult .,...,,, .. .,,,,. T--~ _ 1 ..... t --·-~ .... n o exp re pr or o our Hit O... t# Trust Sol4 Mlle wilt lie frvJ'" -*" tlle 1"'11h <reetM IW ,.. ··--""' ...... ~·-"" h f f ..... on~. Merell ,, 1"1 et 2:00 tetd 09H ilf '"*• Seid 1Mt Wiii tit &y Mid Deed ol Trvst, wltll llltt,...1 et Wld OMd Of Nit, Sele N it Wiii .. m o n t S rom the d a te 0 •. ,.,., a1111tc...._ "-en1t1111<• 11e1c1 °" ,...,....,, o1Mrt11 t>, "" •• t 100 '" .. 1e1 not• Clf'OVICleel, MY-,, 1, .,..,, 1111c1 .., --..,, Mardi ·~ itet. •t th e hearing noticed a bove. 1011141 Ctvtc~luiltll""JOOe"1 fll.tft, •I Ult Cllomtll Aollut UllOerllltttmlsef..._o.Hef't""'-t:• 11.1t1. It ... ~,_...,... YOU M AY EXAMt N E Cllurnan lv1111M. u. t"' C:.0\1 ..t e11tr-•.,. Civic ~ lullflftt. ffft, Clle'9'S -••..-. ., "-••-IO.,. CWk ~ ~ Orenoe, CA. JOO e.-a--i ... -. "'..,.city Tr11M9 -. """ tn.m ,,..... iw • ••• °"""*' "-"'.,. aty the file kept by the coort. M -.,. T..:.,. ~, ... .wtk •tten _. o,-1111t1t. c..t"'"'91e, vte °'" • f'rusl ...,. .... wttt • of Of'•lltt. c.11tw1111. ' If you ar~ In terested In the 01 -11 -~ ..... ,~-1 ......... •t tt1e t""9ot1tle inH1•1tu111•c•tlell httdOll; "'''"'""""*'"ltllltMffcetltll •sate you m•w file a ... ·-... -·-· ..... ...... W•frlf••· Meftll 11, -•t ....... -.., -.............. ......._~ ... -... .. I .. , u1111e 10 i.e ll<r of t•• ••tleellt" et lllK llllttce, "'-tllttt ..,_...et 1111 •-. ., "" _,.. ,.... _, _.._.. ., -St With ..__ OUr1 10 _,.,...trr.,~clet(..-ftedot u11111•tf ._,.,.o ot tlle 0•1 ... tte11 e.m 111 tiw ......, et "'-,_.,.,,,, 11111•ff ._,•~•of n11 01e111a1te11 reque """ c '"' .. _, ..,...._ <••· .. :--. MCll"M..,tN....,.....Cr""""'"Of •u11d1"9.e1 1•~1fttef ortw, _..,...., • ....,.-..c.,1w.e.Mot r ectlv e special no t ice o f :.~:,.::• <~~~~~,.;.!.~·M~: ~'::: !:.~ ~~r.~·· "'~~C:O,:=~tM••lMlk•tt• ~~ !:e~ :~,;~ t h e Inve ntory o f es-tate '"'' cn•i . ,.. ..,"',.. .. ...-. *· ,.., _., .. 1.1111 ...... o. • ., ~ _. • *'""""" ._ _.. ..,., rtU _, assets end of the petitions, o.... ce11111•1•....._ ur1 .. 1f i..1enu et 1t1t ..-.1 .. ue11 ,.,. .,,.,.,...... eccounts and rep ort s o...o:~"·"" --oy11, .... ,..flt<,...._.., °'"•'--Y••·•• described In section 1200.s aa11a1FtetAL1&•veca co.. trvtt .,,. "'""...,. '"'" .__.., 111w'°"' ""c"'' fluf.D••o of the "•llf-nli P rotMltt ~ .... .,...., e 11• •llv•MH It $1U,Jot.H . Te INC ' "-41 ""' ••TA• ....... ,........ *"'"'.,.. -_.... ...... rt"_., ..... '"""" Code. ,.. , .... .,..,...., .,,,o IUMCaCOWMY..... Rlc"•rd D. K i n e r , ._.......,1 '.~· O.W1"*-Y16•1"'· v111u • ....._. 1a1um1n ind Kl•er ........ ........, 4',CO• PfllfAN Ct A \, .. -~~ Atleraey It LIW, US a:::-= ;~"°:0-!:';,.... -o;;,.'(;'.. ClfttMflt.I WllJ.. T111tln, ~-=---=°"..,~!'' ~~''"ilet. ,.___~0at1v1111ie., C~i,,Sft_.L'.e5P.tet , .. :,..119i~~ • .,. ~ '"· tt,-..Mlfl11a.1• --..... 11.-..llllllft11.... 1..,._ ..--. ........ , IN .. ..... MOUQ TOC•IDITOlll Ol'aUUCTU .lllJJllall c-... ,.,_. ... u.c.c.1 Hollo h M r ••• 11ven It Ill• c,..llon of OOH 01et1, Trentter., wlloH Outln.-• •Cl4fl'tn I• 1140 G ...,.,,, City ef C•u MeN, C.-y ff O••no•. SU•" c .. ~. 1i..t •-.it~ tren•ltt k .....,. • M -te llO a 1.AHCO. Tr_ .. ,.., -lluMMO otlelrou I• llCIO Al-Circle, CllY of A,.. ... ,M. Ollltey of Oreft99, Steta of C9fllornle T .... ,, ... rfy i. be ,,...,..,,.. •• aocrlMCI In ""9••1 ... All •IOCll In l••CI•, "''""'• •ci1111t"'en1 e n• Me~lllllt Slloo lllltlntn know" u llllASOH PJIOOUCT) -1eutec1 al IJ.0 G '"-· Cll• of C.le Mew, c-1, ot o..,,.., stat• et Catllornle. Tiit bulk tre rure r ""' •• <O<l•ummelecl on or after ,,,. ••"' Cl•y of Marci!, .. ., el 10 00 • m el •IC1'1ltOWMltflllUt lllAMlnATSMllllT Tll• tollow1111 ,.,..,. It Hine IMl•IMHM ' SllTIOH UHO CO I.TD II IUOO 110 111 $1retl. hlle l tt Huntlnqlell IHOI, C•lltor,,le .. 1 .. II.wt M lmllfl, CIO, ,., llW 0.-al ,..,,_, lunwl ~·•In< • Coll!W~ ,.,,.,.,..,., 1 ... 1111· " Strfft, llillt llO. ltlifllll\CllM 1H<11, Cetllornta ~ Tlll,t i...ti,_u i. mint (9"MIM llv • llmltM "'"'"""-11*'1 M $19\lll\ Tiii• •ta-lllW wllll tllf Cl' 1ntr Cltrll 01 Oranot Ceunly Of\ lleb<uery t . '*· ,,.,.. Pul>ll\ned Oranoe CM\I Dally Pllof • hb s. 12, "· i.. "'' sn~ 0 110Vf;fl ESCllOW COAPOJIATION, Holk• I• htr.oy t lven 1 ... 1,...rwont wl\ON _.,_., I• t1D07 lrvl"t 8••• .. 10 s.<tloll '*of tllf Clvll c -Slete T1tsltn, (•llfornl• of Celll8"'1a, "'-llf\ftt""*' Wiit Mii So fer•• la..,,.,.., to ltw ,,.,,,,., .. , al PullllC wte 11'1 C:-llllve Blddl11• t ll bu••-•nen---•tttHv-en ,...,..,, IJ. ,,., •I 1t·oo •"' "" l>Y tM lran•teror IOt '"" P9'1 """ tllt prtmtw• ..,,., ... 10 pr-IY net yurt ere. SAMIE De•n 1tortc1 MIO wlllcll ott IOc.1i.d el Tiii• ~lo. tfen'"'' " •11111..:t to '"" Inter nallont l Stll Sloreoe. 0.01 Uniform Com-rclal C-S.ctlOfl Mott•" I.en., M11"ll"OIOn Bu ell, ••01 County of 0r"'9f, SC.to of C•lllor"lt Le•I del• lorllllllOU•lm• I• ).I~. Ille •b•ndont d IOOCIS, ell•ll•I•. Oeteel. Febr!>MY 2. 1 .. 1 OH<rlbecl below In lllf met~s of I.Ao 81Anco I.Ou la Cemp I 8Y D Cent I • •• Tr.war.. MOUMllold ~-~ • ..,. •• •lie<" NMMU tool•, refrtoeretor. new tlr .. ona G llOV •II ESCllOW COii l'Oll A TIOH "'ls<ell-us tlem• 1.ei lrvlM ...... l.ancJIOrd revrvtt lllf t10lll to PIO OI Tv.lla, ColN .,.. ,.,. Mlle Purcllet*' muat be m-wllll EM,.... He. J.~ <•VI on1, -~ tor ti Ille time ol Pu1>11.-Or-Coast Delly Piiot, 111urc lleN a.n purc ..... o.-. ••• •OIO Ftb. !•, lWJ ltS-.2 · H It, •llCI must .. remo.,.o et lht llm• NOTICE IHVITIHO ••os AECf.IPT OF PROPOSAl.S Staled P•tt>OMll Cblelll will bt received by llw Clly of lnrlM, OwMr Of Ille wotll, In Ille offk• of ,,,. Clly Cieri., localed at 11200 Je "'bOree Rotd, Irvine, Callfornla '271', untll J'OO p m .. Of\ Marci\ 10. ttl2. OESCJllPTION OF WOAK Tiiis prol•<I lnYOI,... Clemolltlon, remove! •"" ,,.. conttl'\IC11on uwx••ttcl wllll moallkectont to ulstlftt oHl<tt w11111" Ille (tty ef lrvl"• Civic C•.,I•• ComplH I" addition, '""'• I• lllt lnttellellOl'I ol two ll•nelby tltclrlcal 141"""°''• l)r'Otec:llve M'""tno ano HSOCleteO •l•<t•l<•I dlslributl°" Entin .. " ntlrnete ..... 000 • OPENING OF PROPOSALS; H• propowls wlll be P<lOll<I• _.,.., and rud •I ''00 P.m .• on Marci! 10. 1"2, '" llw Ct1, Of lnr .... Countll Cllembel't. 11200 J •mbo••• Rot a, 1 rvl"•· C•llfor.,la OBTAINING CO NtA.t,CT OOCUMEHTS; Plan .. Sclec:Hkt llon• •"d e ll tOftl•O<I OocumeftU for co.,•tructlo" o t lh• City 11tll Modlllc•tlon, Ph•M II, GIP MO-H; mey be oblel.....S from Ille City ot lrvlnt P\lblk Worh Oec>e,,,,,...,, 2110l M<Gaw .,......,..., Irv-. Ct llfomla A nonrtlUftelablt '" ot SJO 00 wlll De chtroect lot eacn Ml of dO<um..,11. Oocvmenh will bit m•lf•d tor •" -lllonal <hOrQe of ,S.00 PROPOSAi. GUAAAHtEE Eacn pr-..1 ..,_II be eccom.,..,1eo bV • <el1lflecl or c..tiltr'• <"9<11 or • bid bOftd In lllf •mount of'"" 110) percent 01 Ille total bid price peyable to Ille City of lnrww •• • ouer•"'" tNot the bidder. II nJs p,_., is •«•Pl.O. •111 enter 1n10 • contract wlln lhe Owner for con"r11ctlon ol Ille Cllv 11•11 Moclllk tClon, Pll4!M II, In e<<ordeftee wltll Conlrect Doc-h BIO ITEMS Ba u Did lo r con>l•11<lion ol Ciry Holl Mooltlcauon, Ph•u II Wllll Otductl•• All••"••• II l CSllNI by ~ator NO J I with reltled ~ •l 1ll01 M<Gaw IS,....I 1 & " OWNER'S AIG11TS RESERVED Tiie Owt1er rewr .. e\ lhe rlOlll lo retKI •n, 0' •" tud\. io w•t<w• •ny lnformelity In • bid •r\CI 10 mtlo.• aw••d• In ti.. lftlfraJI or Ille Owner PROJECT AOMINISTR.t,TION The contre<t k to be aclmlllllftr.G by lllt Coty of lr"lne, at ""11J lor '"' City ot ........ Put>tl< Fecllltltt Cor-•ltofl a.11 Gutttlon\ •••• 11 ... to '"" ll'Ol«I PrlOt lo the -1"9 of bid I •l\tll Dt olre<ttcl to -Prole<1 ~··CH• ...... , .... (1t•t 7~ Oote Febr....-v l•. t'IG CITY OF I AV IHE Nancy( R-•- CllyCltn Pvbll•IW<I Or-Cotlt Oelly Piiot F"' t• l•, ttn 117'41 CITY OF COSTA MES.A OllANGI! COUNT'I', CAl.,OllNIA INITllUCTl~S TD a tDOEllS S .. lect ~I\ fOt lurnltlllftQ Oii laD~ m a1u1tts, eQulpme nl, tr aniportatton, •nO 'uct'I oth•r facl11U" H may ,,. l"tciulrta 10< the COt'l<S tru<hon ot C.o,t• M•s• CornmunKaOont (f't"ter •' 11 F • ., Orlv•. Cool• ,.,.,.w wlll ~ ••<tlv.O b' the City o1 Co.a.. Mew •t llw ottlu or Ille Clly Cten. 11 Fa" Dnve, Cotta Mt>t• C•llfom1e Vf't•I tfW tw>ur ot 11 ·oo • m on M.orcll t•. , .. ,.ti w111c11 !~': ~':::,.,"'::: :. "rou~,/1b~c,:,vi:~ct Sulect "'-" •11•11 _, Ille llllt of Ult wol1P. ano tt.e ,,.,.,. of lhe b- "'61 "° ot ..... diSllAQUltlll"f m..-u. A"Y bid• reoiveo ofter Ille HlltOuled < toti"ll llme IOf 111e receipt or blcts •11•11 be relu•"•d to 111• 111oaer U"Ol>•"•CI II slloll D• llle tole rotPOn$1bl111y of '"' b-• lo -lh•I Ills blO 1, received In P•-• lime A wt 01 platts, Sot<lt l Provtslo~. end -Cllont to G-•• Provllloft~ to .... s1enoar11 Spec:lllcau .... mt y bf obta lntd at tht ot11ct ol Boyle """"•ctur•I AtlOClatu, UOI Qwll Slr .. I, Newpor1 Beach Cetllomla, VPOft rtl..,..,.""9 PA...-Of j 5CJO 00 E •< h bid tllall be mad• on I"• P•Ot>O\tl form ptO•lded In Ille <ONl•e<I oocu,,,.n" ->h•ll tit accompanied by • ce,,11...i or <•VIier'• chtO. or • bod llONI tor not leH thMI 10 percent of llw emount ol lht bid, m-peyeble lo Ille Clh of Coot• MeM. No prooow• }ll.111 be CO"tlGereCI 11nless eccompenled 11\1 111<1' u1111er't chectl. ''"'· or ~' bond No bid "'°" De considered u"ltu II it maOt .., • bltnlt rorm fumtshed bv Ille Clly ol <:csa Mew en• h mode I" eccord....ce wllll ,,,. ,.,,,v~IOl'lt of '"" propowl l"tCIUlrtmenlt Each b-• mull tlf Ileen-and also prequatllled fl •to11l•ed Dy tow T,,. COtMractor •N II, ll'lor 10 ttw .. e<llllOfl ol lhb COf\ltacl turt1IJll IWO llONIS approwct by lht Clh , -In Ille om011nl Of !O percent ol fht (onlrac.I price to ou•rentu lht l•Hllful performanc• of ,.,. "°''· and °"" In Ille amou"I of ~o Pt•ont ol the contrect prlCt 10 ouarantH IMIY,,,."' Of •II claims lot lollor ond m•ltrlel\ fu•nlllltd Tiii$ contrect •htll not become oltectlw untll swell ~ ere tupplled to and.__ &y Ille City Tht (Ol'llre<IOn , ... ., .,...,, -·· wlllll" 10 CIOYI •fl•r ••••Cl of Ille Cll"l•KI by lllf City c:.o.HIC.11 and slltll d lll9t11lty 11retac11lo Ille HM• lo comptetlon llelil>n Ille ••Pir•llOll ot 2tO <eltllder Oen trom Ille Clllllt of Mid ••••Cl Ho bkl dOC-wlll be ln...O by mall •llllffl 100..,., _. tM bid oai.. T ... City C-11 al , ... City ef Cl'll• Me~ r•-• IN rloflt lo relt<I •nv or alt Did• end lo w•lv• •"Y lr~ler"ltt •-1•1.0 wltll '*'*'" ~· Tiie ~' .it.ntlotl It dirt<-to provltl.,J It\ Section t 9f I,,. <>-•t Condttlent, "Pr-NI R_.l,."Wl'lft tllf Cellflltent,'' ot Ill• St•..af.,d $111<1flceileM tor '"' _,,._ft -<OftdHIDfft Wf>l<ll M """t ~ ... In tlle ~Mlonof Ille.,...,..., ,enn 9fttltlle~ett .. W. fllt 0.-ol """91111\t W-ltN otllllk .W IO.,._ ts utlttwmt,,... Ml ltllllltsNil lly Ille OirecW of St- lftdtlttrlel "MlllM~. c.,re. et t!W• ~--ero"' f1te 1,. Ult oftkt ti IN C"Y Clef1I of !fie C"r .. c .... Mite.,.. -*""' ...... le lll111«tltlll. ..... ,.. ,....,.. ,_ .... "'""' ·-It flK._. ... lt4'f'll Ne I; OWMlty -L-lllM, Sll••H l·J4, llttt tllttl, enf 11111Clflc ......... C)( ...... "· ,,.,, I VOMMUlOlllTHI CllYCOUNClt.Oll THaCtfYOPCOITA M114'.CALl'°"NIA ....... "· .......... v 0.V Cllf1I ef Ille Cll'f '-11 ef .... OITtfC...MeM, ~ ......... OrWl9I (..-Diiiy Pllt4. .,... ...... ,. ... of purcllew Sett •uble<I 10 prior ""ullMlon Ill ,,,. .,,.,.1 ol wntem9"1 .. ,_ '-~O and OltllO•ltcl pel1y D•l•d 1111s 11111 aey or Fel>r\l••v 1•1. ltlltmtllonel Self Stor- MUtll "'91on Be.ell, Ce 111 Publlv..CI 0nnoie Coast O•llv PllOI Feb 16, -<ii l, tm T-NOTICI OF T"USTEll'S SAll T,S He.1.-u• O" Friday, Merell 12. 1"1, al t :OO A M . Tiiie lnw••net •nd Tru•I company. es ou1y appo1n1eo lrutl" wnotr •"" PVrtUAf\4 10 0-of Trus1 recordt<I J..,. 1, ttn, tt IMI No 117 In -1)1 .. , 1M19t IN , ot 0 111c,.1 Ae<ora• '" Iha olll<e ol Ille Countv Re c o raer of O••"V• County. C•lllor,,le, WILi. SEl.L AT PUBlrC AUCTION TO HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH, CASHIER'S CMECtt OR CEflTIFl fO CHE(I(, IPtyable at time of w te 1n tewlul ..,.,.,., of tht United Stalesl tt the Soulll rront • .,,,.nee to ,,,. Old 0r•"911 County Coul1-IOC.oted '" lht too B100 of WHI Santa AN Blvd ltormerly Watl •111 Sire.ii Senta AM, C•llforn1• all rltlht, !Ille -lnltrtJI C.Oft•OtO 10 and now lleta II'/ II -wld Deed or Trust '".,.. -rty m uatt<I on ~d County ...0 Slelt Clet<"IMl<I H lo• 1 •n BIO<• 8 or trecl Sii, In lhll Clly ol Newpo,, S..Cll. u \hOwn on • mao lllertof re<oratd •n Boot< II P-• JJ to )6 tn<IUMVf' of ,._•K•O•fWOV\ m•P" recorO\ ol Or-County Tru•tor or r-peord °"",.,.' •t LEN SENAlL onO MELEN SENAl.l '"• \tret"t •OOre\i. •nd otntr com"'OI\ ~•fiOf\, 1f •ny ot tf\.• re•t prOHfh Ot'\C ribed tbOv• i\ purport.cl lo be ISOO E .. 1 Ocun Fro"'· NfWPOtl Buen, CA., .. , Tn. 11.-.....,..., T ru>lff d•t< 1a1m\ •nv UatMitty tor &ny tn<Orrf'<tntt\ of tM 't'"' •OdrPH •nd 01'"4-r <.ommon Otwon•tk>n, It •ny \f\Own hitrt•n S.ld Wit wlll ~ m-bul ""'"°"' coven•nt Of' w•f'f'•nty eaOf'f\\ o r 1mpUPd f f'96t'OtOQ tlUe. POH•eU•On or tncumbr•nc•\. to p.ay tne vnoa10 b•lat1Ce 01 lht nol•hl ~cured by w ld Deeo 01 Tru•I lo •It 1•1 730 ll 1MludlnQ •\ orov.O.O 1n wta "6teh) .aY•nCe\, 1t ano;, unio.r the lerm' ot \•IO Ot.c! Of f ru>I leH, cherge\ and ea pen wt 01 1IM t ru>ttt •NI ot Ille lrusll <•• .. ..Sb• ~Id OM<lol Trufl TM Dtnef~la•Y u.-... Id 0-0 OI Tru\t ntrttotorf •'•cuu·o •nd ctellvtrt<l lo Ille -•IOfted • wrolttn O.cleretton ol Otltull ...., Oem- lor S•le, •no • wrillM Not•e• of Ottaull anO Electlon lo Sell The undettl91Wd c•ul"d w ld NOH<« ot D•••ull •nd Ele<tlon to s.11 to D<P recoto.d ~ ttw counc., wf'Wt• ~ t••' ptopen., ., io<•led Tnntff Of' o.tr1Y conctuc:t1n~ ~I• TtTl.E INSURANCE AND !AUST COMPAN\', ls..CJ w.1.n11t Blvd l~ Anoell'\ CA •0010 Alln Ma rco Brene•.17Ull&O'OOOr1n1 DAT EOF...,ua<Y ll 191'2 T lttft fnsut MM:e •nd • I ru.t C omPtnY. •\WICITru~ .. 8y-•t08•-· AUlllorltfCI \IQ<WIUrt PuDll\hed Oro"91' , ... ,. OOlly PllOI Feb ... ,. M.orch S. 1"2 Td ·~ PllUC MOTICE N OTICE O F D E ATH OF E U GEN E E . BARN ES ANO O F PETITIO N TO ADMI N IST E R ESTATE NO. A 112247. To all h e ir s . b e n e ficiaries, c r edit ors a nd c ontingent c redito r s of Eugene E . Barnes and persons who may b e o therwise int e reste d in the will and/or estate : A petition h as been filed by Be tty Gene C rook in the S uperior Court o f Oran ge Cou nty r e que sting that Betty Gene Crook be a ppoint ed as personal repre se ntat ive to administer the estate of Eugene E . Barnes (under the Ind ependen t Administration of Estates A c t I. The petition is set for hearin g In Dept. N o . 3 at 700 Civic Center Drive, Wes t, in the City o f Santa Ana, California on Marc h 17, 1982at9:30a.m . IF YOU OBJ E CT lo the granting of the petition, you s h ould either a ppear a t the hearing and state you r o bjec t ions or f ile w ritten objection s w ith t he court before the hearing Your a ppearance mav be in pers on o r by your attorney. IF YOU A RE A CREDITOR or a contingent creditor or the d eceased, you mus t fi le your c lal m with t h e court or present i t t o the personal representative appointed by the c ourt w ithin four months f rom th e date of first Issuance of letters as pro vided In Section 700 of t he Probat~ Code of Callfornla. Th• time for flllng clalms w ill not expire p r ior to f ou r month s f rom the date o~ t he hearlno noticed •bove • VOU MAY EXAMIN6 the flle kept b y thf court, If you a re In terested In the estate, you may f lit a request w ith the cour• td receive s pecial notice ~ the Invent ory o f est•t asset s and of the petitions accounts and report?: described In Section 110CI.> of t h e camornla Problt Codt. Al,.. & qrons, I~ .•• At•orn•y •• LIW, 1790! Harbor 81Vd., 14tlte lit,, Costa -.a, CA tHH;J• C114) M61114. ,~.r=r c:-~= j I I --" ~ ' .. J TH , .... _...._.__.... f 4'•1L W c1•c1:1 "ShaH I let the tide out?" ~:\RMADl.:KE ACROSS 4t ProPf*t 50 Song 1 Grlldient 53 Wire 5Ferv« ~re 10 Fll'lllMI 54 ~ 14 PrtpoeMlon 51 Hunting 15 Author period: .Slndllf 2 words OH,OI< -- J1LL WoRK ~~[) I )bu. 18 Food 81 Couregeous -~,._ 17 Mtmolebte 82 Vl>CMlon Yugolll¥ 13 Ltri.« 18 ~time off: 14 0.. fOCI 2 words 16 Adli9t'"*" 20 Hab!IUett M ~ 22 8tlore 17 UtWa 230flollgego ~lllaaliml DOWN 21-.. ... 27~ •<:11111 S4Mllla ... ,. .. _ •"'-"' t70..., -~ e.port 40 C4Mt lr""Y 41 "NOt -- 11111" UolJ> IT! TMER>E1S ONL.'I oNE l.JNSWf PT SPOT INTHAT ROOM! I'M TRYING ACUPUNCTURE by Kevm Fagan . -..-r-. l,.of t40,0l10, • OIOM'f ~'f Cllat• \ •. titU "QNJ/..,' 14E. SAIO,~--• ~ui·1 °"· SOR~'f--1 ~\'AAl0£tS1()oO. I j I , . [ , f I t r' Orange Cout DAIL. Y PILOT/Friday, February 29, 1982 GllAND OPSNING of Oran9e County's Newest ·SUBARU DEALER Now ... the dealer that has given you 7Y2 y~ars as one of Southern California's leading BMW dealers is adding the Fabulous Line of: SUBARU COMelllforow ,lllTRODlltTOaY SAIE . AND ' SAYE BIG $$$$1 We have tMtn ,. ••• iltcllNllMJ tt. New 1982 SUIARU IRA T! SUBARU. llEXP8ISIYE. All> mar ~§¥§§§§=====§§§§=~~~~-10111Y1HAl'-w.t I j . W e Still Offer What Mo Bank or Lease Company Can ./ II • ..._ of flle MIMa-lty .......... tlnct ao '°" c• ...... --i ---If you wanf the largest selection of new and used~ Mazdas, go right to the source. You II find o huge selection of the holiest selling new ond used cars around I todoy GLCs, 626s, RX-7s, ond ..... +iiilpiiiilllilfll'i the all new B-2000 Sundowner pick.up. Sure, you could shop around, but for the best selec11on, go ngh1 10 rnABCLet ·•1iaiea ........ a l 425 Boker Street, Cosio Meso, C/l 92626 (714) 545.3334 I . .. lllJlllllt FRIDAY, FEB. 26, 1982 It's 'Miller time' STOCKS C7 for Fountain Valley women Saturday. C4 . A Titan(ic) • Will UCI wrecked by Fullerton in 3 OTs Uy JOHN SEVANO Ot .. C>.oily Piltol ..... UC Irvine Coa('h Bill Mulligan tried to stay in a chipper mood but it was difficult. ··We made a lot of people happy tonight," said a downcast Mulligan Unfortunately, the people who were happy weren't UC Irvine fans, players o r coaches. Ins tead. It was Cal State Fulle rton's throng that was doing all the cheering as the Titans pulled out a 68-62 triple overtime decision to upset the Anteaters Thurs day night. A Cal State fullerton ('rowd of 3.096 wa s treated t o 55 n ail -biting minut es o f basketball Titan fo rward Tony Neal, a frcshmao. finally put an end to the ex<.'ruc1ating agony as he calmly s ank rour straight free throws during the third overtime period to seal UCl's fute for good. PCAA 1tandlng1 . CMI•-• 0-NI Fr .. noSIM• UC lr.tne W l W L 11 I U 1 • lO s Cat State Fullerton Saft Jow !.Celt LonQ BN<ll Sl•I• UC Sanl• Barbil•• P«lllc I IS U 1 • 11 IJ Ul•h Stal• 1 • • • , 10 1 11 nwnct•y1s St•rea 11 ,. 10 IS 1 ,, . ,. C•I 51•1• Fullerton ... VC '"''ne 0 tl Ol\I lOl\9 8Ncll Slel• 7' UC S...la 8••bil•• I• tot) S•n J,,_. Sl•I• SS Ut•ll State •I Fre.no 51•1• St. P.oc1h< 4) ._...,.,.,O•m" VC tr~lrw el UC S...t• 8•rbil,. LOl\9 &Mell SI.Ce •• C•• !.t•IP Fut tenon f rHno Si.le at Vl•ll Sl•ll 5.tn J,,_. Stale •I P.,; lllc cash them in They <the Titans1 werl' the ones who made the key shots. the key pluys and the key free throws It was a great win for them." LET'S GET PHYSIC"L 1-,ilnt.•s~ inslnittor T eH•sa Stanton puts thl' St·attlt• '.\1arim·r:- through lhl' at.•rohtc pa<·1.·s at ll'am"' spnng training <·amp in T.t•mpl' .. \r11 Tlll'n· h;" {' ht.•<·n no rl.'portccl tomplaint s ahout 1 h1 10 :m minutt• drill~ "I THOUGHT Fullerton pl a y ed a h e lluva game.·· t·omplimenl<.'d Mulliga n . "I th ought we• had a lot o f opportu111t1e~ to win and didn't UCI owned ttie b1~gest lead or the game at 18 -8 midwa y through the firs t hair. The Titans eamc back, though~ to.soore 14 of the game's next 16 points to, takt• the lead al 22·20. and the margin b<.·tw et'n the two rt• ma ined l'lo!tc th<.· rest or the wa\' Dodgers aren't budging_. ~~.Aeither is Eernando By JIM McCURUI t'. Of,._. o.ity ll'ilel Staff The Angels and Dodgers both began s pring training workouts Thursday. Reggie Jackso"H aonn~!l ao. An.R]l uniform fortlle club's· first day of drilTS in Casa Grande, Ariz. Tommy Lasorda began spewing optimism In Ve ro Beach. Fla. season , is deadlocked in contract negotiations with the Dodgers and has yet to report to Dodge rtown. Hi£ a.gents, Tony -De Marco and Dick --M..oss~_are h andli n g con tra c t negotiations and speculation has them asking somewhere between 1 and Sl.4 million for one year. · Dodger president Peter O'Malley has a tendency to reject such demands. as former Dodger pitchers Tomm y John and Don Sutton would attest. The Dodgers have made a counter-offer. estimated al between $300,000 and $350.00o. Hence, the stalemate. But by far the biggest s t ory of the coming of spring 1s who was absent on the firs t day of camp. Fernando Valenzuela missed the plane to Vero. a nd it wasn 't because the Dodgers forgqt to send him a ticket. Valenzuela. one of baseball's few bright s pots in the s trike-torn 1981 Valenzuela won't technically be considered a holdout until March 1 and Sixers malr,e ordy Forum appearance ... Lakers top Sonics to increase lead By CURT SE EDEN Of Ille OMIJ Pilot Slall l NGLEWOOD The Lakers will be happy lo s ee the C l eveland Cavaliers a t the Forum Sunday afternoon The Cavaliers. you see. are just 12·42 this season and dead last in the NRA 's Centra l Confe rence That's quite a contrast from the previous seven games in which the Lakers have faced te ams with better than .500 records . The s treak a i?a inst On TV tonight channel 9 at 7 30 f orm idabl e oppo s 1t1o n m ercifully com es to an end tonight at the Forum d tdn ·l c aptlahie. We had a golden opportunity when we were up by six ... Rilcv said ... Al the end. we wanted to go to Kareem. and he ca me to thl' front and took charge But we a lso got some big hoops f ro m Jamaal (Wilkes> Jimmy Brewer had some big rebounds. and Magic's lavin was the icing." ·'• The two teams broke even on the boards. but the Lakers held a s light e d ge, 15· I 1, at the offens ive end. ··We're the best rebounding team in the league. and we have some very active players around the ball... Riley said "Going into somebody's backyard after thev'vc played good defense and to get a rebound against them rea lly hurts a team lik e Seattle:· he said. Lasorda said he won't be too concerned until then March l 1s three days away The Angels were welcomed to their new training site in Casa Grande by morning rains which delayed workouts two hours. The Angels moved to the form e r hea dquart e r s s pring he adquarters of the San Francisco Giants for the first phase of spring training and will s hift to the traditional site in Palm Spr ings after the beginning or the exhibition season. The club opens its exhibition season Tuesday. March 9 against the San Diego Padres and makes its debut in Palm ~ Springs Friday. March 12 for the opening of a three-game series with the Padres. There are 11 games scheduled to be played al Angel Stadium. Angel manager Gene Mauch. in his first full season after taking over for Jim Fregosi in the middle of last year , indicated he was pleased with the first day of drills, despite the rain delay. The Angels arc still expected to make a deal to shore up their pitching staff, a move which would seem a must based on la st year's performance The ore-season acquisitions of third baseman Doug DeCinces and catcher Bob Boone would make Butch Hobson and Brian Downing the most likely candidates to be traded. Unfortunately for the Lakers. the c urrent de-an or better than .500 teams. the Ptliladelph1a 76e rs. provi de the opposition before a sellout crowd or 17,505 and a local TV audience It will b e th e S ix e r s' o nl )' r eg ul a r se a s on Forum appearance. ---. .. The game seem ed like a s lowdown type game. a nd both teams seemed to struggle." said Riley "It derinitely was not the pace I would like to play " SWINGING IN CASA GRANDE Rt•ggtt' Jac·kson. thr ncw<'St memlx-r of th\• An~1·ls, takt•s his turn i.Jl twtting prat'llC'l' '' hil{· .... ,.....,., . tt·amrnah'-. Frl'd L~·nn dt•fl 1 a 11d Hod Can·" lnok on ---------~~~~· Following their 145-129 romp over the Denver Nuggets here Tuesday night. Laker Coach Pat Riley admitted his team has finally "rounded the corner ·· Alle~'s arrival may keep Vince in Canada:i After all. the Lakers possess the third-bes t record in the NBA prior to Thursday n1ght·s contest in Seatt l e with the hot-on-the-heels Sonics. But that may be OK with the Rams who, appear to be wooing Bert Jones But with the NBA ·s bes t record < 40-141 and personnel like Julius Erving (24 .7 ave rage>. Andrew Ton ey 1 15.ll and forward Bobby Jones (14 8>. the takers should have their hands full again like they did against the Sonics T hursday night. In that game, Seattle led 92·85 wilhjusl 4 'h minutes lo play. but hit a cold str eak, and the Lakers responded for a 104-98 victory. Center Kareem Abdul-Jabbar poured in 31 points. Including 23 In the second half as the Lakers won their fifth straight contest. It also boosted them 21"'2 games Notes ln a cookie jar: •Montreal's announcement of George Allen as its Director or Operations just might keep Vince Ferragamo an Alouette for another season. First, Ferragamo likes the money -all $4S>,000-plus of It (despite the fact he's being taxed by both Canada and the U .S .). Second, and more Importantly, Allen likes the former Ram bomb thrower. • Al on g th ose l ines, Ba ltimore quarterback Bert Jones wu seen being ushered around Rams Part recenUy b)lii assistant general manager Jack Faulkner. Obviously. the Rams aren't counting on Vince returning, either. • It's 99.999999999 percent 1ure Dan Pastorini won't even be asked lo the Rams• mlni·camp in May or June or the summer camp In August. ahead ol Seattle in lhe Pacl!k THE l.A'l'.EST-&lJMOll conceminrthe Di\11UOOJ.Dd..io~VS'C"a1lt offensive coordinator job has Lakers became the leaiue'a flrst former Baltimore Coach Mlke McCormick road team t.o win 20 road games. and ex.wide receiver Jack Snow t.ikiq Down 92·85 , the Lakers wllh the Rams. Ooetn'L qybod1 w111L t.o 1 outscored the Sonic 14·4 to take work tor Georgia? Or Ray Malavun a 99·96 advantage with 30 Maylte tr the team asked Edison's BUI secondltoplay. ' Workman? Nah, h e 's a defensive ·· Jabbar played 1reat, 1' said ~laJlll How abouL Fount._ain VaJley'a Seattle Coach Lenny Wilkena. Ml'k• Milner? Maybe there'• a llood coach "He was almost unstoppable. 8t \be Pop Waft\er ranks? ~ There were tlmH whe n Jabbar • With all the ex·pro coaches *°"'"'• wu OUl -0r the 1ame and we why did the Ramt mu• • collece • SPORTS COLUMNIST JOHN SEYANO assistant its l~test addition to the staff? Formulate your own answer. I just think people are scbred about the unsetUin1 situation at always tranquil, always serene Rams Park. • UC Irvine Coach BUI Mulligan ha.s been rumored to be • candidate for the vacant University of Anson• md Stanford head basketball l>OSlS. Of cour&e, so has Fresno State's B~d Grant -partJcularly with Arizona. • GEE, TlfE SEASON hasn't even sta rted yet and already Oakland Manager Biily Martln i~ trying to pick a fi1ht with the Angels. Tbe A's can beat the An1eJa on the fiield . l' m not too sure how they'd do in a boxlns ring, thou1h. • Batter for batter, th~ An1els poue$a the best offensive llne"'l) In the Major Leaaues. Of ~ourse, pitcher for pitcher, they a1110 have ~e worst pltehtnc st an. • rernando 1 holdout la 1ttty. lfe'a- certtlnlf not orth •• $1.4 tnUlkm he's reportedly as lAll. And C'Clmld•rine the rldlculou1 H arlea aont• playen 1 '" getting. the Dodgers· offer or $300,000 is insulting. A happy medium in the range of $650,000 would seem to be in order. But nobody seems lo want to take the middle, everybody wants to go to extremes. • For the record, I thought Valenzuela's request to go to arbitration was a good on e. The Dodgers are obviously running scared lo tum down that offer. • THE P CAA BASKETBALL tournament will be held al the Anaheim Con vention Center Wednesday throuah Friday. The reported reason ror the w eekd ly sch edulin g (as opposed to Tbursday through Saturday> is that olficiala didn't want to 10 head·to·head wlUa the Saturd~ CIF basketball pll)'offs at the IAng Beach Arena. • The way the teams a re currently s ituated in the PCAA standings, there's a good chance UC Irvine, Lona Beacb State and Cal State Fullerton wUI all survive their first round ()pponenLI and reach the aemlfinals -aJonc with F'retne> State, ol count. • Sudden thou1ht: I wonder how Pat Haden and Jeff RuUedge feel about all these Quarterbacks t he Rams keep PW•~? · • The Rams• basketball te~am n br toWiti'ill c1•l Doii rranc., • pl., a charity same qalnlt Uae A.a m Pdlee Oepart.IDMt mlllft C7:30) at SouUt J\alor Rt1h School lJI AJla.,.lm. ~ llCI opcnt•d the game tn a dia mond·and o n e defens e . hoping it would slow down the Titans ' potent point guard Ll>on Wood. It was effective . too. lim1tang Wood lo JU~t SIX points in the first half Hackcourt mate Ricky Mixon with 12 first half points -• pi<·ked up the• s lac k. however . and forced Mulli gan to change his stra tegy bac k to UCI's normal 3 2 dcren~t' (when the Antcat('rs wcr<' a head ). or man-to-man pressure (when the Anteaters were tied or behind> T h e s witt'h proved to be pivotal in 1hal it allowed Wood to run free. resulting in 18 !tec-ond hate poinb and 10 w ut or a game high 16 I iJSSISl~. In fact the lno of Wood , Mi xon 1 24 J>2!®' and N ea I _( ... 18...,',----. ilrcountcd for all but two~ e Titans· poinb <t ll evening ··t don 't know why they got out or 1t. ·· admitted Wood of Mulligan·s defensive switc·h. ··1 gut•ss RiC'ky's shooting got them out of 1t "You know . someone asked me a couple of games ago what th<· hest way would be to defend us and I ~a id a box-a nd-one ls amt• pr1nc·1plc as a diamond and 11ne 1 "At lr\'tne, thcv have Kevin M a g el' i n s i <I c · inrd R-a rrd y Wh1l'ldon out!t1dt· Here. we have only outside playc.•rs. If you stop us. we ha\'e nn real power ins1dt· ·· The AntealNs couldn't stop the Titan:) o ut s ide game. though, and that proved to be their downfall ...... NOT THAT Ut'I ~till didn't have a chance to win it. After Neal hit a jumper for Fullerton to lie the score at 52 in regulation. neither team was . a.hl~core-a4mgle point ihe final 7 37 or the half. The Anteaters had the ba ll with 14 seconds left but Ben Mc Donald was called for a five-second violation and then had to hold on as Wood m1ssed d 12-foot .1umper with rive seconds re maining. In the ffrst overtime. Whieldon op<.•ned by mak1nl'! two free throw!t.-but Mi xon quickly countl'rt'<I \\1th a hasket lo knot things up a,eam al 54 Three timt·s during the final I · 40 UCI had a c·hancc to scorl' but M<.'l>onald "a!. tied by by <·ent er Keith Stephen~. under the b a ., k l' l . M a g l' t' m 1 s s e d a 17 r OCJI c•r \\1th 5H Sl'C'Onds left. an1 l Wh11.'1d11n c·ou ldn ·1 connect on a 2Ct footc·r al thl' buacr The Titan!. twd st•cm mgly won tht• second ml'rllml' \\hen Wood h1l a 10 ro11t1:r WLlh l>C \'eO s t><·onds left to put f'ullcrton ~ ahe1t0 f.0-58 But . following pa l 'C I timeout. Raine r Wulf inboundC'd the hall to Kevin f''u lier . who j.!Ot 1t to Whieldon. \\ho dro\'e lhl' h~sehne for an <.'a !ty lay in as th e' buzzer sounded THAT WOl'l .D BF: l 1Cl's last gasp. howev<.'r t\fl('r Magee missed a l1ttlt.• fallaway . f'ull<.'rton ran the clock down until Wulf fouled Neal with 1 ·25 to go in th<.• third f1v<.•·minute t•xtra ix·nod Neal calmh sank hoth tosses and. aftt•r Wl.1ieldon missed. the freshman \\a!t fouled again and sank two mon· Wood and Mixon then <Jdded a pmr or charity attempts each to put the game on ice UCI 19-4 in PCAA. 20·5 over all 1 staved in second place des pite the lo!ts. but h<.'ld only a one gaml' lead over the Titans I 8 5. 15 131 gorng into Saturday nq:(ht :. finale at l 'C Santa Barbara Tht• Titans host Long Beach State and a Fulle rton win combined with a UCI loss would seed the Titans !.-econd in next week·s PCAA tournament. "We can't let this one affect us We have to get ready for Santa Rarbaru." s lated Magee. "If we win that. we're s till second.'' Some players didn't take the loss easily. thou~h. "IC you 're going to ask me any questions I'm going lo have to think about the m because I'm confused ,'. s aid McDon a ld. "There's no way we should lose to a team like Fullerton " :ElBY SELECTS UfAH STATE Newport Harbor Hi'h's Greg Selby hu algned a nationa l letter ol intent to attend Utah State. T h e 6 ·3 , t9S ·pound quarterback completed 117 Of l80 passes tor 1,480 ya,. and tlx t~hdownrfor-t.M .__.. laat season, whic:h aic:couated tor the majorlly ot Ne wport'• offense. l • Islanders bul ldf ng new streak Poh'ID and Bry.. T...ultr carried • Power·play aoal1 by DuJa (iii the New York Islanders to a 4·2 Kuhn b elieves fans (.(, itJ have forgotten strike ;d ' victory over Pilhsbur1h In the N~tional Hockey 1.eaaue Thursday mJ&ht It was New York's aecood consecutive victory slnce the Penauins 8loplJ«j th 1r winning stre¥k or 15 games la.st Sunday night In Plttsbureh ... keltb Adon't goal wilh 3:27 lo play pulled Montreal Into a 4.4 lie with Quebec and kept the Nordiques winless In their Reven aurpu In the Mo ntreal Forum .•. Gary McAdam scored three goals and Guy CboulJlud had two goals and three assists as Caslaary snapped Vancouver's seven·game unbcuten s treak with an 11·4 pounding of the Canucks . . Rookie Bobby Carpenter scor ed four goals, lncluding two Jn the space of 25 seconds i1l the-third period, as Washington laced St. Louis, 9-1 ... All·Star le rt wing J ohn Tonelli s igned a ~ur·year contract with the Islanders Thrusday night. Salury t erms were not disclosed but the contract was estimated to be worth about $210.000 per year . . •'red Shero insists he was offered Detroit's coaching job, but ofCi cials or the Red Wings said no offer has ever been made. h From Al,> dUpatchet CLEVELAND Baseball Commissioner Bowie Kuhn said .11• Thursday he thinks the averaee baseball ran understood the 50-day ~ baseball players' strike last summer and is ready to forgive and forget. ''Th1s was the onJy prolonged strike in baseball history and that's not a bad record," Kuhn said in an interview before an address to the City Club. "I think people in this country understand that strikes occur in business and baseball is a 00.,iness." Kuhn said early ticket sales for the 1982 season, which opens April 5 in Cincinnati, s how 17 of 26 clubs have better sales than at the same point before the 1981 season. 1tuHH "l don't know what that win ~ean for the 1982 season, but our feeling is • that 1t looks pretty good," he said, adding that • -stadium attendance for 1980 -baseball's last ~ full season -was 43 million. Quote of the day- D o u g Barn es, Univer si ty of Arkans as -Monticello basketball coach, asked for his best coaching decision or the year: "To see nachos in the concessions stand. w e· re making a bundJe orr those things." Warriors get disputed victory Guard World Fr~e led all scorers m wilh 31 points. including a disputed 1~·foot jump shot at the buzzer, to give Golden State a 106· 104 National Basketball Association victory over Dallas Thursday night. Free scored after r e bounding a missed desperation shot by Wa rrior Mike Gale, which Dall~s Coac h Dick Motta hotly contested. s a y ing t h e 2 4 -seco nd clo ck h a d expired .. George Gervin poured in 40 points and Mark Olberding added 18, including the go-ahead baske t , to g i ve San Antonio a come-from·behind 119· 116 victory over Detroit San Antonio trailed 100-91 with 10 minutes rem a ining in the game Stadler takes first-round lead Seeking a second victory-of the n year, Craig Stadler took advantage or ideal playing cond itions for a . ~-under-par 66 for the first round lead Thursday •• rn J.he Doral-Eastern Open golf tournament in Miami. One stroke back are Jack Nick.Jns, Bobby Wadkins and longshot Eric Batten. who said he ·s only "looking to finish m the top 20.'' . Janet Coles overcame a bad start to grab a s hare of the first-round lead with Lynn Stroney and Ayako Okamoto after the opening day of play in the LPGA Arizona Copper Cla ssic Coles. of Carmel, s hot a 2-under-par 70 at the Randolph North Municipal Course in T ucson. Beth Daniel, winner of last week's LPGA event al Sarasota, birdied three of the last four holes to finish with 71 one stroke off the pace. Simon, Halsmer added to Indy field San Juan Capistrano Valley • resident Dick Slmoa, an 11-year veteran at the $pt!edway and Hunt ington Beach's Pete H~lsmer wer~ amon~ the entries added for the May 30 lnd 1anapohs 500. The field has now been expanded to 16 . . . Former champion Leon Spinks says he is through wiih the heavyweight divisiort and will bow out or next month's fight against Philadelphia's Tim Witherspoon ... Benny Pars ons ended a long-time personal ji nx at North Ca rolina Motor Speedway T h ursday, nipping J oe Ruttman by .008 seconds to win the pole position for the.. Caro lina 500 Sunday . . Utah State running back Ken Mack was in stable condilion Thursday 5fMOH after s uffering a stroke at his campus 9ormitory Tuesday Television. radio . Following are the lop sPOrts events on TV tonight. Ratings a re : •••• excellenl · , . , worth watching;. , fair:, forget 1t. ' [-) 7:30 p.m. Channel 9 I I ./ ./ NBA BASKETBALL : Philadelphia at Lakers. Announcers : Chick Hearn and l(eith Erickson. The Lakers have manufactured a 2''1 game ad vantage In the Pacific Division following Thursday night's 104·98 win in Seattle. It will be the only regula r-season meeting between the Lakers and Slxers at the Forum this season, although they'll meet in Philadelphia l<1ter on Julius Erving leads I.he Sheers a 7:30 p.m .. Channel 5 ./ v ./ ./ COLLEGE BASKETBALL: UCLA at Oregon -sta•~- Announcers: Joe l3uttttta and 8111 Walden. Oregon State's Beavers lead tn~c-10 ~ace ~ilh UCLA currently m second pla~e but 1nellg1ble for post-season play A win by Oreqon State would clfnch at ll?as1 a tie for the tltle The Beav.ers are ~ced by Lester Conner, a 6·4 guard · who 1c; averaging 15 4 points a game with Charlie · Sitton, a 6·8 sophomore h1t11ng 12.S per outing. UCLA had Kenny Fields Darren Daye and Rod Foster leading the way. OTH ER TELEVISION 11 :30 Pm (131 COLLEGE BASKETBA.LL USC at Oregon RADIO Basketball UCLA at Oregon State. 7: JC o.m., KMPC (7 10), USC at Oregon. 8 p.m .. KDAY < 15801 ; Philadelphia at Lakers. 1·20 p.m. Ski Report 9:43 a .m . 12:43. 3·43 and 7·43 om KN X (1070). . Billy's blast amuses BavJtsi A's word of warning called 'good for business ' CASA GRAN DE. Ariz <AP> Angels ' Executive Vice President Buzzie Bavasi said Thursday that he was a mused by inflammatory statements made about his ballclub by Oakland A's Manager Billy Mart an and they .. were good for business.•· Martin, appare ntly still seething from two bench clearing incidents in one game last season with the Angels. told reporters ln Phoenix on Tuesday that .. I'm putting the Angels on notice . .. We're not goi ng to start a fight but .we won't tolerate any petty anl1midat1on. If they start something, I'll tell my players lo go and punch everybody's lights out There'll be no wrestling anymore "This 54·year-old manager is going lo turn his guns loose, too," the hery Mar.tin added. "I've stopped a lot of fights as manager. But again~t ~alifornia. I'm not. I'm participating. They can punch me, but ther e are going to be some broken jaws ." Bavasi said he received a phone call Thursday morning from Oakland owner Roy Eis en)lardt, who .requested him to telephone Martin and ~raighten things out 1 "Billy thought 1 might be upset, I'm not," aavasi said. "I thought It was amusing. He safd he didn't intend to sta rt an argument. He told me tJtat ii ~e wu going to say that, he'd say it to me. ''He said that one of the writers brought up the ngelS and he said we'd have a good ballclub and ~ive them a hell of a battle. I told Billy that it ipade a good story the wav it was written. It's , Area teams play ClF quarterfinals basketball action is set tonight ror four Orange Coast area teams. Corona del Mar High's defending CIF 3·A champions take their 19·4 record to Orange Coast College (7:30> to duel Basellne Leagu~ champion Pomona <2l·S>. while Estancia 's Eagles <22·4>, co·champlons ln the Sea View LeagM with CdM, are on the road, venturing to or~ale ffigh to meet Foothill League champion lloover. <24·1), Tlpofrls8o'clock. Sunset Lea1ue champion EdilOn (24·2), the No. 1 seed In the 4-A division, travels Lo Valencl• HJgh fo Pl1centla to meet Servile al 7:31, the Angelus League klntpln w1lb a 17-9 mark. ~1'o on tap tonight 1n 4·A pla,y at Santa Ana ~ie la Mater Dtl (15.t) and Otean La o dllmp 1n1tewood_<»f>. good for busines!I,,.. added Bavasi. •·Stories like that sell tickets. We open !the season 1 in Oakland <April 6-81 We'll probably sell out all three games now ·· Kouf ax offers ideas on dispute VERO BEACH, Fla. <AP> Hall of Farner Sandy Kourax has a suggestion for the Los Angeles Dodgers and Fernando Valenzuela aim ed at endinf{ the salary dispute between the defending world champions and their lert·handed pitching ace. "Without numbers~ it's m y thinking that Ferna ndo deserves to be protected for what he has done." Koufax was quoted in Friday's editions of the Los Angeles Times as saying. "The club could g ive him three signed contracts for 1982. 1983 and 1984 for what it's offering now <thought to be in the $300,ooo'-plus range) or slightly more. "The. c lub would say 'We'll sign all three contracts.' lf you have a good year , then you can go to arbitration <and tear up the other lwo contracts). If you have a bad year, you're protected (1'ince Valenzuela could then simply sign his 1962 contract). H you hurt yourself, you're protected." Asked about the idea by the Times, Dodger Vice President Al Campanis said that while il sounded diCferenl, be wouldn't rule out givin1 Valenzuela some kind of perlormance clause. In the past. t1te Dod1ers have avoided giving contracts with performance clauses. Valenwela, 21, won the National League's Cy Young Award and Rookje of the Yea.r Award las t Reason In helping tfae ~rs~wln-tbelr fif'st world champiorwt.lp ltnct J965. +i'hrouih l\iS aaent , Tony OeMarco, Valenzuela is believed to be asking ror at least $1 million for , the 1982 sea!lon. Emerson, SC top UC Irvine tJSC, the nation's No . 2 co1le1late tennis team, banded hos\ UC lrYlne a $·3 dt'feal Thursday at the Racquel Club ol Jrvlne. fnclUded in the Trojans' araenal la former Corona 'del Mar ~11b atandout Antofty Emerson who defeated UC1 I .Rob Nellon, 1·2, $.0. The Anteater.· Jim Sny., collected hlt LOtb &tralcht victor , whllt teat.mate Eric Qvact. k~ • ~MMrtc• "°'er Knw .. t ·1. .. .. Af::d'" f t r 4 Long Beach prevails But Fresno State's victory clinches PCAA crown From AP dJspatchPll SANTA BARBARA Ct:nlcr Dino Gregory scored seven of his game-high 24 point s in overtime Thursday night, leading visiting Long Be<lCh Stute to u 79-76 Pacific Coast Athletic Association baskctbnll victory over UC Santa Barbara. A jump shot l>y UCSB's Mario Gaines wlth140 seconds remaining In regulation tied the contest at 69·all and neither tPam could score a fter that forcing the fi ve-m inute overtime period. ' Two f~cc lhro~s by guard Craig Hodges with 2·46 left an overtime gave Long Beach a 75-73 advantage and the 49ers stayed on top the rest of the way Fresno State 51 , Pacific 43 STOCKTON Guard Donald Mason's 12 points he lped the 14th-ranked Fres no State Bulldogs chnc h the PCAA tiUe with a 51-43 victory over the University or the Pacific UOP led 16· 13 with 6: 21 lert in a back-and-forth first half, but Fresno State out.scored the Tigers 8·2 to take a 2J.t8 halftime ldd. . The Tigers fought back, scoring the first four points of the .second ha tr to lake a 22-21 lead. But over the next 15 m inutes, the Bulldogs outscored the Tigers 25·9 to take a 47 ·31 lead. Center Desi t:larmore scored nine or his 11 points during that Bulldog drive. San Jose State 55, Utah State 47 LOGAN, Utah Junior guard Kevin Bowland scored 15 points to lead San Jose State to a 55.47 vic tory over Utah State. Kevin Thomas and Michael Dixon added 10 points for San Jose, complimenting Bowland who hit six of eight field goal att~mpt.s. ' Utah Slate was paced by Haakon Austefjord who scored 15 points and Leo Cunningham who had 11 . The loss dropped Utah State to 2 11 in the PCAA and 4·21 overall The 21 losses are the most ever in one season by a USU team. Biota 51 , UC San Diego 43 LA MIRADA Guard Rich Cundall scored 12 points to lead a balanced Biola attack as the Eagles defeated U(; San Diego 51·43 in an NAIA District Ill first-round gam e ' . Forwards M a rk Sontosk i a nd Wade K1rc~meyer added 11 and 10 points. res pectively, for B1ola. the NA lA ·stop ranked team . The E agles now have a 33 O record. Guard Tom Wight led UC San Diego, which fell to 10·16, with 18 ix11nls. San Diego State 74. Utah 72 . SALT LAKE CITY Utah gave favored San D1~go State a scare, ~ut Mic,hael Cage converted a pair of free throws with JO seconds remaining and the Aztecs went on to down the Utes 74.72 in a Western Athletic Confe rence game. Cage's fret• t hrows put the Aztecs ahead 72-68, Utah's Pace Mannion scored a long jumper with 16 seconds remaining, but San Diego's Eddie Morris came right bac·k to score, extending San Diego State's lead at four points again. Utah reserve <·cntl'r Tam McLaughlin scored a bucket at lhl' buzzer for the final margin. Iowa 79, Wisconsin 55 IOWA CITY. Iowa Michae l Payne, Bob Hansen and Kenny Arnold combined for 41 points as conference-leading lo~a demolished last·place' Wisconsin 79 55 1n the Bag Ten The llth-rimked Jhtwkeyt•s take a 20·4 overall mark and a 12 3 conference record into Saturday·s crucial contest against :.ccond·place Minnesota. Iowa got off lo an early lead. but Wisconsin was within three points at 25·22 with five minutes to go in the first flalf. Then the Hawkeyes. who shot 64 percent from the fi eld in the first half. ran orr 10 straight points and stretched their leaa to 39-24 al intermission. Iowa dominated the s<.•cond half. outscdring the Badgers 15·0 during a five·minute stretch before Coach l,ute Olson cleared the bench. BA. KETBAIJL Mlnne~ta 61 , Michigan SO ANN AJUlOR, Mich . Minnesota's Darryl Mitchell 1cored 23 J)Oinl11 and 'rrenl Tucker added l8 to lead the 13th-ra nked Gophe rs to a 81·50 trlumph over Michigun in Big Ten Conference play. The victory sna pped a 19·year losing streak at Crisler Arena for Minnesota. 11-4 in the Big Ten and 19-S overa ll . The Wolverines dropped to 5·10 and &·17. Michjsan took the early lead, but two free throws by 7·foot-3 center Randy Breuer, who did n~t start the gam e due to an ankle sprain. put Minnesota up 16-15 midway through the half W1tl1 Mitchell scoring 14 of his points in the half. the Gophers went ahead 22·21 at intermission A three·point play by senior forward Thad Garner pulled the Wolverines even 26·26 four minutes mto the second half and the two teams traded baskeLc; until a Mitchell layup pulled the Gophers ahead for good. Minnesota led by as many as 10, ~-38. with, fo ur minutes remaining. Tulsa 91 . Oral Roberts 70 · TULSA. Okla. Tulsa's Paul Pressey grabbed a school-record, eight steals and led rive players in double figures with 19 points as the No. 8 H urricane throttle d crosstown ri va l Or al Robe rts. 91-70. The victory Tulsa 's 32nd straight at home raised the Hurricane's record to 21·4. Ora l Roberts fell to 17-10 in the non-conference game ~ulsa rushed to a 30· 14 lead midway through the first half and was up by 46·34 at intermission. Memphis State 64. Tulane 62 M EM PlllS. Tenn Keith Lee and Derrick Phillips combined for 34 poant.s as No. to Mem phis Stale beat Tulane. 64 ·62, to claim the regular season Metro Conference title The victory avcn).{cd a 58·54 overtime loss to Tulane earlier th1 i. season an New Or leans. A victory Thursday night would have given the second-place Green Wave a tie with the Tigers for the conference title Memphis State 1s 20 4 overall and 9·2 an the Metro. Tul ane•~ 16 7 and 7 4 One out of three enough for sec AZUSA The third lime proved the charm fo r the Soulhcm California College basketball team. The Vanguards. who had lost to Azusa-Pacific twice during the regular season, re bounded when it ro~nted th~ m ost Thursday night, capturing the opening of Lhe NAJI\ ba!>kelball playoffs with an 88·83 victory In two previous losses. b~ i.cores of 87-74 and 69-60. SoCal College was never really close to beating Azusa Pac1f1c The difference Thursdu\? "We played With m ore mtens aty on defense and didn't allow nearly as many second shots ... ex pl.ained Vangua rd assistant coach J eer Ma hlsted Another key was SoCal's deadeye shooting from the Cree-throw hne. T he Vanguards canned 14 of 16 charity attempts. including a pair of Dave Co -s i with ·21 second~ left which turned a three-point lead tnlCJ a rive-point advantage. ··we came out hard and' ended up shooting 52 percent from the floor." s«1 1d Mahlsted . "Th as as our first playoff win an at least 10 years he re ... The Vanguards won't be able to celebrate long for the next round of th<.• playoffs will be Saturdav night at 6 o·ctock at Whittier College agains l f'resno Pacific I FREE, TOTE BAG WITH EVERY PAID ADMISSION SATURDAY 1 Night.. arness at Los Alamitos ( feb22 thru Moy1 POST TIME 7:00 PM NIGHTLY EXCEPT SUNDAY • aOSE UP ACTION OH~f~IA~ OM.Y ~MILE TMCK • ~Of THE NCHEST HAAHESS Ma IN THE WEST • THE NATION'S TOf> DJWEP.s At-ID fltolEST HAP.NBS HOP.sES * ALL $2 EXACl'AS-* FABULOUS PICK SIX - ' ' 1 r J l FAST START l '11:1dl Kl'll ~lout:-.· <kl·;in \'it·"· lliah I l'" m . n 1H•1wd 11 ~ du;d 11ll'l'I t ral'k ~l·u~on \\ilh ;1\\Ill11\l'I' E~ta1w1a Tht11" .. tl;I\ ..... Hl"\ Hnl\\ n t l'l!.!hl 1 rnn :i !) !I 1t111 Anteaters up against best • UCI opens season at UCLA By JOHN SEVANO Of tlM Dally ,.llM MMl UC Irvine track and rield coach Kevin McNair is playing a risky game called, "Can You Top This.•· Each year (and this will be his third) the bubbly and vivacious McNair has brougtlt the Anteaters one step closer to the lop . _ and 1982 shou ld be no exception. Coming off its best dual meet season in the school's history. the UCJ men's track and field team opens this year's cam paign with a double-dual meet Saturday I l : 15 p.m. > against UC LA and Fresno Stale at UC LA ·s Drake Stadium McNair concedes he has scheduled quite a test for UCl's initial outing but he'd have 1t no other way ··We like to run against the best right from the TIUCK OUTLOOK start and this year is no exception," says the JJ.year·old coach "UCLA has one or the best, if not the best. dual meet teams in the nation. and Fresno State enjoyed one of the fin est recru iting years of anyone." Of course. UCI didn't do too badly, either . The Anteaters return three conference champions along with a fine crop of high school standouts and communi ty college transfers. Senior Eddie Carey. one of the nation's top sprinters, heads the list of returnees. Carey recorded the fifth fastest ti me in the world last year when he ran 45 35 in the qu arter mile at the UCLA/Peps..i meet Carey also recorded limes of 10.3 in the 100 meters and :!>.6 in the 3lO meters. He was the defending PCAA 200·meter champion. Conference champions Joe Young and Tony Wells also return Wells 1s a two-time 400·meter champ and has a best time of 46.64 Young won the l,500·meter title last year and recorded a best of 3:47.79. Besides the three conference title holders. McNair also returns school record holder Ricky Holliday 1504 a. in the triple 1ump >. and distance runners Charlie Chns tensen I 5.000 meters>. Mike T y Im a n I s leep le c h ase I, Ri c h Ha rba ugh <steeplechasc1 and Pedro Reyes (1,500 meters). A couple of state community college champs headline the group of newcomers. John Gerhardt. from Orange Coast College. was last year!s 5.000·meter stale champ. He made his ma rk quickly al UC I by finishing fi rst at the PCAA cross country championships last fall. Larry Hand. a Santa Ana College transfer. won the state champ1onsh1p last year in the 800 meters. lie had a best of I :49.6 last season. Other community college transfers who should help are high hurdler Stan Longino and state decathlon runner·up Shane Paynter As ror high school recruits, Mike Powell <North view) was state runner-up in the high jump <7-0); Harold Todd <Serra) was runner·up in the 200 meters 121.2>. and Chris Prietto was a fin alist an the 400 meters in l9lll ( 4'7.6). - UCI was 9·2 last year. broke more school records than any other previous te am (six) and finished second at the PCAA championship meet. Baske tball scores College w •• , C•I Slete Fullerton 6e UC I rv•M •1 UoO Frnno SI s1. P..:lllc 4J Lon9 8 .. ch St 1' UC S•nl• Berl>•r• 7• Cot I Gonreve IS, SI M••v·• 73 (1 otl UC Rlve"kM 11 Ot Poly-Pomona .. PorllenO ... U !>an 0••90 S1 C•t State Bil~•r\lttld SO Ce l Poly Sl04' Ce l Slel• OomtnQutl Hill\ b& Cflepmen6l Cel St-'e Non"'ICIQI' U Cal State LA•? NAIA f'l•yotlt COlttrkt JI ''"'"°" ... Southern C•I Co11~9t 81, AluM ·Petlfk 13 81ol• SI, UC Sen 01t90 O F <HllO Pet iflc ... Rtcll•nd• Sl w .. ,.,_, .. , Po1r11 Lome•• "-klH 8 rl9l1<1m Voun9 IS, H•wa•I 11 S.n OI-$1 14, Ul•h 12 San JOM $1. U, Uteh SI '1 Mlftftl 1-e 7'9, WlSCOMln U MIMetOte •t, Mlcfllva11 10 MlchlllM" St, s.. llllnoh 41 NortllwHWn •7. Pur-IO OfltoSt .... lndlllN •s Murrey St. 11. Ailron U Crtlgflton 71. 8r..iley f7 l . llllMI\ 14, N ICl!"e •S 1nd1•rw St •• Ota-..-61 C-1nc•nnat116 St LOu•s41 Voun<ljtowll SI 65. Au•lln Pea• )1 _,, Mtrtt• 79, Centtnarv IS 11.r9ll\le Te<h 11 FlodCS. St 7• L•m•r 45. L..ou1~1.n• Teer\ 50 Loulsvllle ~s. ClevelMd St ,. Memp1u1 51 40 Tul•M •l MtOcll• T...,, U Mor-.i 51 51 N•w Or1ean• 13 5 M IHl\\lppl St .. NW LOU<\.tM\a .. G<I Soull,.rn S• SE LOUl\••n• 10, lt••t·Sa n Antonio .. SW LOUIMMe II Ark..,\<H SI 10 E Kentucky 11 T•n~n .. Teen IO 1011 MCNttW SI 'IO T~< .. ·AtltAQ1on 14 S.ulllWHI T ul,,." Orel Roe.rt\ 70 IHI Wllllam & M/>ry 53, Gt'Or~ M••on o 1011 SltM ll, 9alllmote •I 51 Ptlt<'• )7, St Frencl\, NY 41 Rhocle ht-M, Ml>n9<1ii-.iltU LOYol .. MO •I. To""°" $1 S. Nl•9e1a ... Holllre U Oeytcw. 11, OuQue.,,. •' Cenllkll ... Ml>IN .. Bolton U I•. F•lrllelcl St Women COMMUNITY COLLEGE ,....,.,..,,..., l'Stmlf .... hl Ooloen WwsllS. Oran91 Coeit .. Golden West in finals Jill Guthrie scored a leam·hlgb 23 points Thursday nighl, leading lhe v olden West College women's basketball team to an 85·64 victory over rival Orange Coast tn the semifinals of the Fullerton Toumam~nt. The victory avenged the Rustlers' only loss of the season -a dministe red by the Pirates. Feb. 10 tn an 81-78 verdict. . Thund•Y nl&hl. the. Rustlers ean>ed a berth In the finals or the F ullerton Tournament against Fullerton a s the Rutle rs opened a 43·31 advant.age at the half and then held.off the Pirates. OCC got. a game·hl&h 24. polnt.s from Kris Kroyer. Tbe Pj.l'ate• will face Lon& Beach CC for thtTd plact lOllilht. at 6. The championship contest is aet rot 8. -. ' Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Friday, February 26, 1982 Brew.n's sprints .pace Ocean View , . Ocean View, University and Muter Oei hl&hll ~· all winners 'Phunda-y as the men's high school truck seuson got out o! the starllna blocl<s . Ocean View out-pointed Estancia, while University scored a rout over Cypress and Mater Del narrowly defeated Rolling Hills. Here's how It went: Oceen View 77, Eatancla S. The Seab.a wks ov e r cam e Estancia 's tremendous strength in the distance events as senior sprinter Rex Brown won both the 100 and 220. Brown a ppeared to be in mid·seuson form as he ran a 9.9 100 and turned In a 22.5 clocking in the 220. Ocean View a lso got a strong Individual performance from Mike Mitchell , who won the triple jump and 330 low hurdles and tied teammate Brad Burns for the high.jump lead with a leap of 6·4. TRACK Estancia senior Jim McCarthy dominated the distance events, winnin1 the mile in 4 · 39.3 and the two·mlle In 10. 15. McCarthy's mile lime was 10 seconds better than his closest competitor - 'Unlver-'ty M YJ, Cypress 41112 Scott Buccola soared to 6·7 in the high j ump. the second-best effort in Uni veraity history. tc. highlight tbe big wtn. 'rodd Homer doubled with wins in the 220 and 440 for the Troj ans. Fl'edrt~ Hesslevik paced University's always·strong middle distance group with wins in both \he 880 and Ute mile while Glen Stewart scored a double victory In the long jump < 19-5) and triple jump (40-8>. KRA&llll Auto Supply Wl'ltl HILPlllG YOU DO n ~IClllTI PRICES EFFECTIVE THROUGH TUESDAY MARCH 2, 1982 ARCO CIUPHITI MOTOROIL 1 Uni versity ulso won both the 440 (45.5) i nd mile <3 :38.~) relays to keep the opening dual ~et out of the reach of Cypr.en. Meter Del 52. Rolling Hiiia 48 • Mitch Eddy and Rot. ~· weuld normally- savc their best efforts (or the T-i'ffili, but tt forlu11ate for the Monarchs that \hey didn't h let buck against Rolling Hills . The two· mile event never went off as dar1'n brought an early end lo the fi rst dual meet for schools. Before they lost the da 'i&ht. how(ver , Pla and Eddy dropped down the the-one.mile ended for first at 4 :44.5 In what proved to pi votal win for Mater Oei. Junior AJ!n Brown was lhe other leadl lnd1v id11al performer for the Monarcl\6, wlnn the long j ump at 19-8'.-l and finishing second in e 330 lo w hurdles with a lime ot 43 7. j st seven-tentbs off the lead. PR-,IJ9NE ANTIFREEZE All YEAR CONCENTRATE Fights corro.ion ~II year longl H•lpt prevent botlovers & frffHUpl. · For all metah. -Limit 12Goll0ns~ 3!,! - -P-R-llS_TO_N_E -SU-PER--FLUSH---1: • I I I I I STANDARD 69E~ RESISTOR •130404oz. 99c #110801oz.149 W'(804J. 5/l6"(80S), %''(806) 4 49 EA IUCTRIC FUIL RIGULATOll '\ -.t jlli..CR-PRO .,.~ FUEL Y."(SJJ. SI 16"(54), ~"(SS) 9 7$ EA FUEL PUMP DUPREE -12 Volt For Most Import Cars & Trucks. #840-12 ~ 22,~9 FUEL EFFlCIENT MOTOR Oil ltEDUCES FRICTION LIMIT 24 OTS. 10-40W 20-SOW ALTERNATORS KASCO · Rebuilt fer Meet Con tlacept Import Con. lntegrol 1s•5 reeulotor oncl ,.,.,.ri<on Moton with Motorola Syttem~ IXCH Witll l!lte..,.i lt•euloto1, Americon Motor• with Motorelo Sytt""' Mott 196'-12 GM 2o•s ,.,CMtuct., lt6t, lt12· lt76 Chty>ler 'roclvct• with SO or 60 Amp fh~ l"'t>Ort Con~ IXCH •~011e1 radiator rust & oily reaidue. 1 79 22 01 #ASI07 2 19 KIT I ; ·~ • •! l • ~------~Ii '.~~.~~-~~~~~We 1 1 head for ~ni11,nol left and right maunti"9. I /SPARK PLUG • ·; CLEANER •. PRO· TElH · lndudes ~~r & obra.111• 93.; ..... ia I KIT •. tt KS 2/24/82 (008) •Fullerton Anaheim 1280 N. Euclid • n2-9UO •Anaheim 2340 W. Lincoln Ave. • 999-1621 Buena Park KJRAB m 2978 Yorba Linda • 996-4780 0 La Mirada 15081 Imperial• (213) 947-5641 0Ml11ion Vi•io 52'6 hoch Blvd. • 994-1320 Costa Mesa 1739 Superior Ave. • 642-3384 Fontana 9880-0 Sierra Av• • 350-1441 •fountain Valley 9880 Worner Ave. • 964--6427 •Fullerton ____ 141 E. lmperiol • 7319'971 - Auto Supply Wl'R• HILPING YOU DO II' RIGHT 24510 Alicia Pkwy.• 951 -9175 Orange 1100 N. Tustin• nl-3000 0 Riverside 10403 Magnolia Ave.• 359-3041 Santa Ana 2604 S. Bristol St. • 754-1432 'Santa Ana 1302 E. 17th St.• 953-6061 -.. Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Friday, February 26. 1982 now comes Miller time ~ Barons , Riverside Poly i n rematcn Saturday night By HOWARD L. HA NO\' OltMOailyl'l._M ... 1 The last tame Riverside Poly High lost a WOMEN wumen's basketball game, Cheryl Miller was in her sophomore year. With Miller al the helm, the Bears have won three straight Cl.P' championships and are heavily favored to capture the 4·A title this year. They hnve won 77 straight since that toss <to Gahr Hlgh J und t his season have a 27·0 record Inc luded In the last of conque red foes is Fountain Valley H igh , Saturday night 's quarterfinal opponent. The Barons must travel to Riverside Jor the 7: 30 tipoff. EARLIE R T HIS SEASON, Coac h Carol 5_trausburg's Barons lost to the Bears, 78-43, a matter or 35 points differential. In two playoff games this year. Riverside has defeated Cerritos. 81-31 and North Torrance. 82·45. a difference of 87 points for the two outings. !low does a coach go about preparing he r tc l\m for such a l(igantic unde rtaking? "First, let me explain that we were ver y young and inexperienced when we played them in early December," she says. "ln revie wing the films,of that game, we are a totally different team now than we were then. We are much stronger on defense and having played them once, gives us more confidence. "Our girls have an Idea what they are up against and regardless of what the scoreboard says. we will try to be s uccessful in what we are doing." Poly Coach Floyd Evans, in his third year at the helm of the Bears. agrees with Strausburg·s assessment of her team . .. IT WA-S JUST one of those games earty ln the year and l don't think they will be like that again this time. I'm j ust glad we are playing them at home. My son scoute d them Wednesday night and they have-1mprovi!d-drastieally ." Of course. the catalyst for the Poly Bears is 6·2 senior Miller. Miller has ~en a starter since her freshman season when she Jed the team to the 3-A title. She is averaging 36.7 points a game this season and 20.2 re bounds. She also throws in 5.1 assists a game. Wednesday night she scored 44 points In the win over North Torrance In another gam e this season, s he hit 47 or 50 from the floor and scored 105 points. How do you slop a player or her ability? "We'll just play a m an-to-man defense,with Lisa CGinsburg> on her ." Strausburg says. "Of course, when she gets the ball, we'll sag some of the other players on her and try to keep her from going lo the boards. The first time we played, we had quite a rew turnovers and I hope we can eliminate them this time. year and we have ·some outstanding talent waiting In the wing& lo lake over. I thfok we'll surprise a lot of people next season.·· Poly will start Miller 16-2, sr .. 36.7 points and 20.2 rebounds) and Mickey Clark (5-9, sr ) on the front line .. The Bears also start three guards inc luding Overton (5-8. s r .. 13.5 and 7.6 assists>; Sonya Chambers <5·6, sr > and Stacy Hunt (5-5 fres hman) "We set down one or the forwards to make room for Stacy because she 's so quick. I think we match up pretty well with Fountain Valley," Evans said. For Fountain Valley, Strausburg says she will not change her starting line up which Includes Ginsburg <5·8, sr . 13.0 points. 11 .0 reboundsi and Pucha lski < 5-8, s r • 13.0 > al forward; Deanne Davis ( 5-11 , sr ., 14 .0, 10.0 reboundsJ at center; and Honda Barton 15·4. s r.J and Sam Arledge (5·7, jr.J ut guard. Estancia at Alemany Coach J oe Wolf at Estancia feels hi!i Eagles are just now peaking for the current season and that they will m atch up well with the lndians. Alemany is 22 l for the current campaign and will have the added advantage or the home court in MiSMOn Hills (al the far e nd or the San Fernando Valley orr the 405 freeway at Rinaldi J. "I don't think the home court advantage will mean a thing." Wolf says... "The only thing that might be a d isadvantage i:; the dist~e--ha~ travel for the game but we'll leave early and eat ·- ainner lip (here -- "I feel we will be ready for them and that we have a good chance at a victory. Size-wise we'll ma tch up real well with them . "Most of the team s have been phrying against a zone defense and I'm not s ure just how they will faC'l' up against our rq.an-to-man defense." Al emany Coach Nancy Graziano isn't s ure how to asst•ss the gam e. "I haven't seen Es tancia play this year." she says ... Fortunate ly, the gam e is at home. ··w e like to move the ball around a little bit and try to be as quick as we can ... Alemany has three players averaging in double figures with Kirsten Smith°<5·6. sr J hitting 21 a game and Kathy Smith (no relation, 5-11. s r. I al 20.0 according to the ir coach OTHER STARTERS for the Indians include Eileen Hauser < 5 5. fresh 1. Anna Garcia (5-8, sr . 12 01 and Lizzie Cranes <5·9. jr.). Kathy Smith is the leading rebounder with 10.0 per game. For Es t anc ia . Wolf says the only lineup thange will be Cheri Carpenter 15 914. jr.1 in place of Sall) Ctmman 15·8. Jr.J Other sd1rters W111 be Debbie llughes C6·0, s r J. Amy Hathcock (5·8. sop h 1, .Joan llo lla nd !5·8. sr 1 and Chris Mac.' Millan <5·8. s r 1. POLY'S POWER C h t•rvl Miller d e ft l w ill. spark the C IF·s :"ltt ·I -ranked wom en·s .Pol ~ Saturrla~ hO !-i t F ou nta in quarterfinals. ............. nif!ht when the fkars \' a 11 <.• ~ i n l h t• I . \ "TH EY ALSO HAVE a guard named Renee Overton and we 'll have Therese Puchalski ( 5-8 soph.) on her I don't say we'll win but we will do a beUt!r job this time than we did in December, l believe. We have set our goals and we are working towa rd them ... Poly's Evans says his team will not be weakened appreciably next season when Miller graduates. "We lost a majority or our starters last Estancia's record of 18·6 1s misleading. The Eagle:-ha vc defeated Tustin ! 55·38J and La Serna 147 321 in compara tively easy fashion. Alemany won OVl'r Lompoc ( 59-47 > and Antelope Valley <54·44 1 m its two playorr games. basketba ll team undt'f eaterl Ri\'e rs ade- ' 14 area wrestlers bid for CI F titles By ROGE R CARLSON Ol 1"° Daily PllM SIMI Fourteen Orange Coast area high school wrestlers go for the brass ring at Westminster Hig h Saturday in the Cl F finals and state qualification meet. Action gets under way at 9:30 a.m and the 16-man fields in each weight c l ass will conc lude w i th the conrnlation finals al 6:30, followed by the 'Champ1onsbll1 finals 'at 8 p.m . ~ Top five ln each classification will qualify r or the stat e finals at Independence High in San Jose March 5-6. The field is composed of the top f.our qualifiers from four sectionals last week , including an All-Orange County sectional at Cypress College. where the top four earned berthg in the CIF finals . Only two area w r estle r s left Cypress with a first place finish Irvine High heavyweight Russ Silver end Marina's Stuart Yonekura at 129 pounds. Other qualifiers include Fountain Valley's Steve Mino ( 108> and Paul Whitley { 158), Edison's Steve Curry (115), Arnold Albert ( 129> and Kent Holtorf (141 ) and Huntington Beach's Manny Ramirez I 122> and Mike Hoffman (135>. Also Matina·s J ohn Jensen { 158). Corona del Mar's Randy Reyes< 1581 and -the Irvine trio o f Steve Sc hwichtenberg ( l70 J. Steve Peek (188) and Louis Brennes ( 115>. WhUe eiKb has a goal or a title. there is also the berth in the s tate finals to go for. and Fountain Valley's Mino is a good example. .. Ke nt lwanaga of El Dorado has lo be cons idered the definite favorite at 108," says Founta in Valley Coach John Rosales. lwanaga is unbeat en and slopped M mo. 6-2. in the finals at Cypress. Mino is 61-14 in a two-year career at Founta10 Valley , and his 33·4 campaign this year includes 11 pins. But in virtually every instance. sooner or later . the well runs dry i wrestling. Such as in the case or Steve's brother, Mike. wbo fell by the wayside in the sectionals. "I like the feeling.'' Mike had said e arlier as he pre pared for the sectionals. "It's <wres tling> an individual sport llnd If you win. you're the one that's worked hard to succeed. You get aJI the credit if your ha nd is raised." Mike's wrestling career ended with a 32-10 overall record. while Steve, a junior. continues on. The 108·pounder 's tenacity and well-rounded" attack makes him the 8uccess that he is, bent around s ingle leg and dllck under lakedowns. ··fie hale!$ lo give in and every phase of his wrestling is excellent,'' says Rosales. "He can pin. e~ape, reverse and ride " While Steve Mino's credentials a ppear unique on t h e s urface, actually they arc s imilar to many who have reached this stage -vying for a state berth. So it goes for all of the 14 area finalists as they take what they hope to be their big step toward San Jose. Two major events set Corkett series leads off b<Jat.ing, actiori By ALMON LOCJ<ABEY ,.. 0.lfy ..... 9Mtlflt Wrtl.,. The ocean off Newport Beach will be swarming with offshore s ailboats starting today as two major events get under way. Leading off the action will be Newport Harbor Yacht Club's Corkett Trophy series for Midget Ocean Racing Class yachts (30 feet and under). The Corke\l Serles wlll consist or five closed courses on the Newport circle. Two races were scheduled today. a Iona distance race Saturday. a nd two more..SUAday.. -· ~---On Saturday's NHYC'a Ahmal\IM>D and Otck.lqn 1erie1 11et under way with a race to Indian Rock, Catalina Island ' 1 n other Southern CalHornia Yachting Association areas: L.MA~a.ctl l""9 8H<h Y.c.111 Clvll ttwltetleNI Nlnt Mlt<U r.ce, Sunoav Atemllot a.., l'atlll Cl\ICI TllrlllM:ll .. Tl~ He•bo< ci.ts.et, S..•Y. N\'~SllncNy -rT' I ,...... •/I I ~/.1--• :_ ___.i,._ AUTO PARTS knowledgeable, friend/1 parts peopl_e NGK End of Month Spark Plugs for:.. ma~ _import vehicles lerlli•f type: 1:81'5EA-L. ll'SES, 79c IPSES.11, 86£1, HES, 16£$-11, 86HS, IHES, IHES-Jl, IHHS, 87£1, 87£1111, 81ET, 11'1ES . H . cotrosiM FrH• sHdry c•"1es Alllh1es St.,.....,b l*icat.s lodfs . ,,,,,, .. ,,,._, M wit wlrln1 3-Step ~if Cap ~ Filter Wrench Van, Pick-Up Mirror18~5 Prices good thru 2-28-82 Replaces 1 quart of oil at change time or when you're down• .,.rt. sPECIA ot:EER USS MANUFACTURER'S REBATE YOUR ~llCE ,El 2 GALLONS Import I U.S. Auto Parts Specialists . . COSTA MESA• South (',east Auto -pg NEWPORT BEACH• United AUto Pl1s 688 W. Baker At Bristol• 2112 W. "'8ast llthway • 55~2500 646-9363 NBA WasTl•N COMPl•INCll L-\ s .. tll• Golcleft Stet• "'-nl• Porll..wl S.nO'- '•dlkOM"-w L ,. 11 ,. .. JO ,. ,. ,. 2' 2S 1S 40 ~DI~ f'Cl 01 H• W lw .S5t I .~1 ..... S31 t 11l ?M S.n Ant~o ,. II ... 7 HouSIOft JI 2• s.ol S .... Oen,.., 21 21 .sot IWI Ul•h It 3' .SU 11 O•llU 11 l1 121 ll'h K•nws City 11 • 121 1• llASTl•N CIONl'E•llNCll AllMtkOM si.. Phll•clelphl• 40 14 Boston • IS New Jerwy 21 2' WeshlnQton 2S 71 New Yor~ U l2 C•lr•I Olvltl• Mlew..,kee AU ant• lnOlent Oelroll Clllu90 Cte••l•nd .0 IS ,. ,. 15 JI 24 JI ?O 34 11 ., TllolnCley't Sc- Lnen 104, St•lll•" S.n Al'lonio 11•. OeCroil 116 GOlclen Stale 1°', Delle\ 104 Te<oltM'•O-" P11U-•Plll• •t uun • S•" oievo et Boston --Pon•-al New Jtney Chl<•~ Ill All.,t• Si'n A'nlciiilOif'lridl•ne -- Kansas CllY Ill Waslllft91on Golclen ~·al Hou\lon S.altlt llt Ulah Denver at Phoenix s.e.rtt.ey•• OMlff Kensa~ City at OelrOll Portl-M New Y0<k .. oullon et Delles Phll-0!\I• el Oen,... L1ker1 HM, Sonics 98 7'1 111 '"' .42 I• ·'" Wh Clt ""' n1 .461 ••Yt ... ,Sh '36" 370 ""' .222 11\'t LOS ANORLRS Ren10I> •. Wiikes 22, AD<lu l·J•bOar JI, JoMson 10. Ni•Ofl "· McAOOO a. C-r 10, 9,...., o. Jorden 1. L•nClsberQt< I Tol .. s. 41JO.l)104. SllATYLE Shelton 1•. W•CUr 11. S.kme IS, H•n1llk •. Wllll...,,s 17, Tolete,, J, er- •. Smith u, 0one1oson '· Keiser 1 Tot•h • .. u .. Sc•• 11y CNerten lo\ .-.noeie 2• ,. 11 ll 10t SHlllt 1• 1• 2t 21 .. Tol•I foull; LOS AnotlH ta, S.•We JI A-16,tot COLLEGE CS Fullerton 68, UC lrvlne 62 UC taVINll -Fuller •· Whle"'°" II. 8erllev 1 Tlvw,..on 1 Wulf I Mcl>onetcl IJ. Cronley 0, AM9ft 13. Tol•ls · 71••62 CAL ST.ATE FULLlllllTON -2•. Mt.Ofl 14. Gr..., 0, 0.•IS l , ANW"°n 0, Sl~nso. Neel It lotels. 211•1S.a. Halltlme: UC crvtne. ,.2•; R~11111ort: U ·all; First o_,.rllm•· H ·•ll; Second 0¥trtlme·~11 Tot•I lout\ UC CrvlM 11, C•I St•te F .. 11.r1e>11 u ; Fo .. 1•0 OUI : Full•r c UC Irvine) SoCal 81, AzuH·PacHlc 13 SOUTMllaN CAUl<OlllNIA COLLIOI - R-rb 2'1o, Pful,...r IS, Roche •. ~­ '· Poo-rH JO. Ccol I HOllm...., 1 Tot .. , J7 , .. , .. AZUSA· .. ACl,.IC -Apena 11. Hudson 16, LeBron 31, Robinson 11. Berhley •. Letou..-2 Tot .. •· ll 1·• 13 Hetti""" SoCal COii-. U-41 ToUC foul\ !'>oC•• COIC•O• I •. AtuW·PKlll< 17 Coll99e r•Ung1 NCAA DIVISION II 1. Clleyney SI. Ill 12·2 ltO 1. NO<lll o.ltote n .. 1$2 l. 01$1riCI of COlumble 10-S 141 •. Nebt'•"'*'Ornef>• ll·S IJt S. Cet Poly·SLO 22·• 121 • Kentucky Wttteyen ,, .. "' 1 Beltenllt'IO SI. 21-• 111 •• S.crecl He•rt. conn 11·S l()i • B IOOfl'611Ur'9 SI • P• Jl.j .. 10. flO<k» Soulht'rn , ... 11 11. Centr .. Florida 10-S 16 11. SIOMlllll, Mess .... lo6 IJ. Ml SI Merf'l. MO .... ., I• Wrtotrt SI . OnlO lt-5 ~ IS. Vlr9lnl• SI 1 .. 1 " t•. AIMk•AtlC-ltQf 10-1 • 11 Edln(loro, Pa ~ J2 II. S Conne< h< Ill St »-• 11 19 Vlrolnla Unton , .. , ,. 20. Lewh . 111 1 .. 1 • NCAA DIVlllON Ill I SI Ancl•IP~. l'I C. Ill 7)-7 IMI 1. WICll""r. P• 10-S ... 3 RoatlOM,V• tl-J Ill •. Olllo Not1Mm JO.S IU s. Stet"" rslencl, N Y 21-J 111 6 H-,Mlch 11-3 "• 7. S<re,..on, P• l .. S llS I. UpwC•. N,J 71).J 11' •.Au9~1 ...... Cll 10-S 110 10. Luther, I-It-) .. 11.W•l>Wl,lftll 17-• ,., 11. Hemlllon, N.Y JO.• n tJ Otlertirlft, Olloo 11-t ., I• w l\conll,,.Mllw.uu 11-S ;J IS. tthece. NY , .. , .. I• 8&1olt. Wis 1 .... .. 17 WMllC"9(o• .. ncl Ltt .... ,. II Selem SI • Me" lt-7 n 19. v1rolnl• Well•Y..,, , .. , •• 20 81•hoP. T ... •s 1 .. 1 10 Htgtl adtool Au..A ... ILUSLEAGUll l'Cn1THll' .... ., .. ,...... Ht. Cl. A ... S. B.uerlelll, W..ite t·J Jr IO S S. Krallman,~n. •·1 Jr 110 R. Ocl•¥t. 8llllOO -•·S Sr 16"7 M.WneCll,8..,_"'°"'· .... Sr no M. B .. _,, -.. De• • 5 So 11.S c. Jecklan. Maler Del .. J So 11 J A Stantllewlcr. St. PMIC S.f Sr 1 .. 0 J Alltn,BllflclpAmet ... Sr no J. Fe.,,.,, lltMiP Amee •~ Sr ,. o R. Tennef, e~ Ame1 ._1 So. 1•.o Player of Ille Year· Tiii' 0$9000 '*""•I .. l." ... s women·• ranking• NCAA DIVISIOtl IT I. Cel Potv·...,,_ Ill t. Oelll-. Mfcll. ",.,, .......... . 4. Ml SI. Mart's. MO s. c11..- ... Nellr-..om.lla 1 ...... u..,, Mat&. a. Ner_,, Keflluch '· Valdc&te. Oii 10. Plltstluror>-Jehnstown 11 Vlrctlnle Ullloll 11. S~l,.,.lcl, Ma\I. ti. St. J-Fltller. N Y I• Sen Francllco $t. U Cl.-11. Oii. "'-"' Of VI llOtl I ti L l!.IJUllll-..cll- i N C~o ). . ....--.... 4. 1111-lellvllle, N. Y, s.c1m.~ . 6141~,p., '· ,._,..t,.,. ,, Tr-enlOll k , N.J •. o-'""· IJ• It. SC.~.N C II Mlll!Mf\ Ill. u. ""'°""· 11. SI Ntrtltrt. Wl" t4, ... -. .... U. lll,•9'Mcll«IM n-1 no 1).) tat 2M !OS , ... IOI 11·J as tt-S •7 lt-S .. n ... .a I ... u 1 .. 2 so 11 • 40 n.1 ,. IM t• 10-• .. IS.10 II 21.0 1ao 10-1 Ill IU 102 to-1 n 11-S .. i,.2 a ., ,. IH ff IM 0 ,,.. ., ... " I ... •1 14-t JI IH If IS.J It WO•N CN' .,efWffl"el • •• ,.....,,,1 ...... Oor•I Open , .. ...._., ... ,_ .. lft V•lley 11 .. 11 ti •t,..rlldt l'OIY lt1 .. I ; L'J'llWMll l»-41 •1 '-'I Oa.,tel U•ll; 0.111 IU.ll _. J W Mwtfl lt••I. ·-11,.71 at l--~JHI •A l tetranta 111.JI at l'an1tt1• IJt.11. U~ .. \IHI at AltlNftY IH II. W.INll uo .. 1 •• .... ,...,... 1•'-'"'" ,, .. ,,; '"•lll'dete 10.tl atAlta lome 110·11 ••• MIUlotl vi.)o lt•tl et kllurr 11MI; ......... Valln tt).11 et 1.9 Hallt• \IS.7); ValellC .. 121 .. I et Chlnt 11"4); C•Olttr-Valley I IS.JI •t Art•~ , .. ,, , .. St. M•rV'• I "·JI at \fali.y Cllrlt llan II._ II, s.nu. Cleta I 17-SI et L• Reine Ul·•I ; At•KeOtf'O ll•tl ., lllln ti .,,. WOrlel 121.JI; T-le City l~I et '-' BernerdlnO (2>41. lfNll lCIMeb tt Pa-UMI 111 Holy Fen1lly llHI. Mark-11•51 ot •M'leftt Con-111-11; Wierm<1n tndlen '''°II al Lltlfletcl Cllrlttlell I 13-t l: VII .... Chrlsllen 117 ... 1 vt. Cellfon1ie Lullworen \ ... 2).lllo -11 .. tl wlftnef. Cr•ltll ... ,.- frt< l•lltfl JaO. NIClll- .....,W-11\\ A••- CelYln ""'• MarllJ-Mtve9- Jim loor°' Nl<k hldO , MlkeNl<etetw Scett ... h S.Yf ... ,., .. °' BH uB .... "°"" o.~ ..... , Way ...... .. lO'll WeliUpt JerryHeord Jolll\f ....... "°"""' e ...... Ml<""' euru DaneOulol•~ Jerry Pile Geor9e 8urnt 8111 Britton M(tle !l'llllh I.eon• rel Thomowlll earrv Jeeck .. C11r1ll Slrat19t cs .. Aoltl C ... rlH K""ltel H•l Sutlon Jlm Colbert •Dick Skltrowt Gibby G'11bt,, easneeo fOft'I ~NW Merk Cecu .. ccni• Miiie M<Culloutlf\ Chlp8KI\ • RIO PH rion Hlah 1chool Phll H•ncock ~VJ.. n ,at4-la M Jim Alt>ut 100 I Brown IOVI •• •: 2. PolMkl IEtll. Ea Oo~h 10.s. J Ger'rnen (OVI, 10 s Bobby COi• 210 1 Brown IOVI. 22.S; 1 PolMltl Oou9 Clltl'IPCllll !El, 13 >. l Mel'11ner Chll. 261 Jom Deni -1. GutSI IOVI, Sl.O. 1 4"119ulllnt Gre9 p.,_,~ IOVI, SS 7; l Thorrow (Esll, $6 S A•Y floyO MO I. W•llh IOVI, t · 11 t , 1 &MOH Bill S- IEsll, 2·11.6;.J Cce..-, CE>ll.1 IS I Rober! Thom-Miit -I _C.,,lly CESll,. ,. J: 1 Befg Brue• Fl .. .,,., IE~ll. 4: .. 1. 3. Lewson COVI, ,.$6.0. Mesehlra Kur-o J-'llltt -I McC..-Chy (Ettl, 10 IS, t 8ffQ Jim NtClorO IE>ll 10.20, l Ar<llii..to IOV), 10 21 'John Ada"" 120 HH I Ma119Um IOVI. IS,t , 1. 8oua... Scott WatltCns U~sll, t•,J; 3 8owen tElll, 16 • M•n~ Pinero 3JO LH I Mitchell IOVI, 40 ). 1 eo-Tom Je ..... IM IE•tl •1 O: l 8osten IElll. 41 2 ---->~~~<• H·J--, ---_..... .... .--. O<nn-""lt~~. 7 ·-· .... ~ E\lanc la, 47 J Jay CIJOO Miit r.t•Y I Esl..C:la, l .. J, 1 Ote•n Sam Torr•n<t View. l' S4. Huoen Gr"n PV I. 5C>l9' (Elll, 10.0, t . AIUM CEJll, Oou9 BIKk 10-0,, Moulffrt CEsll. t-0 Jim l(iely HJ I eu,.,,. IOVI 6-4, 1 Mite hell COV). Mk k Soll 6-.., Moulffrt (Esll. S.. Sandy Lylt OT I. S.v-IOVI. 130-0., 1 M.Ofioel David Thort IOV), 121-3; lo Ouvell IE•ll. 100-1 l •rry Rlnlltr SP I Slnilh CElll, o.... , MM•toe• Bruu Oou91•n 10VI, •11. 3. --IE•tl, 3)..3 Metil McCumller LJ ' Garmen (OVI. lt-1 ... 2 Mitchell Bob Eestwooo IOVI, , .. ,; 3 Auoustine fOVI, ,... Chi Chi Roorl911«z T J I. Mll<MCI COVI, 40-11, 1 B""'' Bar,..y T'-" (OV). ••; l w .. kal cE1t1.16-S c i..rlesCOOCIY Woody Blackburn UNwnltyM \o>,Cy .. r·eutl..., EOl'IO<I 100 1 Hier (U). 10 '· , A-non CUI. S.ip OuNW•y 10.l , J Me~w1teo (l l. 10 • Tom McGlnnh 110 I Homer !UJ. 2J 9. 2 Fl..c~ IUI. Jell Thomtan l• I. -1tw1te ICI, 14 • Jim 8•rber uo I -(UI, SI 4, 2 M••k•ll• cu . P•I Ltnosey S3.1; J Mcl..euellllln CUI.~ 6. Ray B•rr .., I HenC1v1k CU), t·OJ S; 1 NII.... L.,ry Miu IUI., (It •• J Fel'C .. llO ILl.1 (It I l lm Gre ham Mii• ' Ht\lllvlk CUI •• "1, t Wntll Lyn loll ICI. 4:"·'· 3 Shull• CUI, 4· S7 S. Tommy V.i.t>ll,.. 7·mll• K.,,,.t CUI, 10·00.1. 1 Fell<leno Kermit Z..rley ICI, 10 05..I; J Wt911t ICI. 10·06 1 Mille Hiii 110 HH -I W•llllm IUI. 11 •; 1 -· Welly Arm .. rono (Cl. 17.5, Wllllen1scr1 CCI. 17. Lon Niel~ '30 LH -I Wlll1ell''°" CCI, '2 S, 1 P•yne Slew_. '"°'"°" IUI.., S;) _,, .. CCI •J . GtM Georoe •AO rel•y -I Unl ... rS<IY. ti S O•ve Ekhell»,..., Mlle re••Y ~ U•11••,,slty, 3:•s Slef,.. McC.Cllsler PV I Buo (UI II~; 2. -· CCI IH. Jec:lt ,,.,...., J F-.1 CUI. t-4 "'-' Fltlf1U911 HJ -I. lluccoC• CUI .. 1. 2. Alvtller CCI. SllHWr Hellln ._.: l -ks IUI ..0 Menlo (Cl ... 2. s.. ... J-s OT I.~· ICI. 1Jt.I, 2 Hllf (UI, BoOAck..-,,,.,. IU.., l Bryant CCI. 122.._ l illy GllKOtl SP -I. Hiii CUI. U.10V.; J -teye (Cl, Terl'y Meutw,, 410; J. K.......,.,. CCI, 42-1. Jolin !k,.._, LJ t ~t (VI. "-S, t Hier CUI, J, C S--1~0. J Alvlller CCI,,.... ~ N- TJ I. St_ .. , IUI, -· 1. Jeft CUI. Jell Sa-,. •>111; l Alvllla1 !Cl. Jt-1. 11-r K.,,....,. J<J9H~ • -· o.I 51, _..,. ..-• Terry Aftlon 100 -I H-(AHi, 11.2; t S.-Bud.Allin IAHI. 11.6; l Ken (RHI, 1t.7 II H. SI~ tt0 I ......... (RHI. U.1. 2 A-kfl Scetl St- IMOI, 2S.I; J HllllllftttOll IMOI, JU . '°"ry A,_ 440 1. Rovlr• IMDI. u.1: 2. "-"90n aonc- cMOI. W.4; > L~t1 (RHI, Ma Fred Glbton -I OlFore IAH), Mil.It, 1 Gelljv.. I(-· Kl\Oa IMOI. 1 OU, J Morton ( RH).1:07.1. Jill' Mc.Le_, Mlle 1 EOdy IMO). ':44.S; 2. Pl-• l.eftlllt C-11 IMb>.' u s. l Nelson IMl,•·u .s. Leuy Ntlson 110 HM I Sort"'°" IMOI ... I , J -•rel Cl ... lo Fr•ntllln (RHI, 11 t ; l y.._ IMOI. 11.6 G«y M<C«O llO L.H I Youn9 CMOI, 0 O; 2. er-•N•l ... ftlet c~ (MDI, Q 1 l Sonn~ IMO>.«• Biii llobCMOft «O ••••Y I llOlllftV Hill\, u. LH Trevino M•I• , • ..., I Rolllnv Hills, l ., 7 Don Reew HJ I .tqlltch CAHI, S 10, 1 Lo"O\lon IMOI, S.10,) Scott CRHI, S.10 LPGA tourney 1•1 TW10tft) LJ I Brown (MDI. ,._.,,,, 1 01-• IRHI, lt-71-,, J Aou.rre fMOI. It-•.,, SP I AClo.~ IRHl. 'H: 1 LG91<er iAA61, •S.I'•. 3 G.,.rr• CMOl «·l ,..OU! v.utt Md 1-m Ut •Wnh 1MotnC>ft1• OUe 10 d an. .... u Women HIGH K MOOL ~Del "· ... " ... Hiib u 100 I EISiey IMOI, 1l 7 220 I H ... rlng!Oft I RHI, 21 • ~ 1. Herrll'IQ!on (RH), •3, 880 I Co411ns c RHl.1 15 7 Mite not rM ~;';~':. ';: ~.:!~:C~b~'.-W' 330 LH -Burlte CMOI, SJ., ..Orel•y Meler Oel.SAt Mlle,....., AoCeonv Hill•,' .. HJ Ree~ IRHI, H LJ _,(MO). IS.? SP Cow.,.. (RHI 1 .. 10 Ol not MIO l J ""' ""'° Std condition• SOUT"•lllN CALlll'OltNIA GOLDMtttR -11 to M lftch tiew. 3 IMb .. , .... .,) MOUNTAIN HIGH 1 ci..lrt -rtllftO, liMIK-- SNOW irc.•ST-•toJOln<h-, Ir- and 1 slllf••...., -•11"9 SNOW SU-IT 7' to .. ln<h -· .. , llttso_.. SNOW VALLllY I tlfb operetlft9, 1J lo 24 1...:11 11ate C•NTlll AL CA LI l'Otl IUA MAMMO'r" ~NTAIN -No ,.., tw tool bew, 111«-.. --r-llaf'cl _, twll -•tlotl. JUN• MOUNTAI Ho .... • toot .._, W ll'I concllllefl'.&....,, ...,. .... clleln. Sll"•A N•VAOA LASH" PM• -"° ,.., ·~ Mtl, sprint c.,...lonl, 111-Wf1a<• 1Mta. IOtl•AL No,.w,-.101Nt Ilea, .. en. cOftdlllon~ ti• <Nin...,, twocllell'S ll!IML IOOA 5"ttlNOS -No Mw, .. 12 loot-· tllflne cCll\dll..,., tllfff <llelrt. WOAa eolft.-No,.., .... 1.-M•. troo,,,., flrl'I pecMct, tbr clleln, •-tral'I allClecc-dlaw. lfCMITlt STAa -No-· 2M -1111•. ·-cl .......... t,,...... -. AlPINI --.AOOWS -No ,,.., ...... Ntt, llfl'll ,....., tefl c ... 1r1. -wrfec• llftt. MOMIWOOO-,.. ,,.., t\W\lt 109! M9, ,,_ ''"" llK-, -CIU9'I CllW, -~ cllait, ttww wr1Kt IMR. IOUAW VALUIV -H11 ,,....., .. _.._. ................ °"'""""' (. .... («, .-.. • fl cNln, ,,..,..., ne -· ......... ..,.. ~---leM . ...,... cllel~ TAffOC ... 90WI. -Na Mw, ~­ ...... ,,_.,... llMI --wlfl .... Icy ....... , .......... --..llft. MIAVl'"'y VALi.iT -Ollt teal "'.,,...._,, ......... ,......,_ .,.,._, iw. lr'"'9 Clltirto. II --dleCr't. 11 ... ..,,,.. .. .. I lltCLHll-Ho,.w, t~~INt ... ,.,.,. ............ tll.i~ .. , ...... -........... -.... .,_....,. '9( .... """ -lelf ..... twll •,et9ltlfl. .............. -... "'"'· .... .................. _ ..... <Min. ..... , ..... -........ -......... . 11"" .--. .,._ cMln. 9AMCll PUI-·-· "' .... Mlt, --~-.cMWI.-~. llft. ' l Y"" Sl,..,...r J.,...1c- Auko Oll•molo Ne11<Y Tomkh T •lsulto Ollwko Yuko MOriQUChl Peltl llluo Amy 4"1<041 e .. oare Mo"""" llefh Oan1ec Allee Rittman Peftrly """ T.,rl MOOCIY Hollll SIOcy K•llly Merlin ~ ........ clol_ Pally HeyH OWi• JollMon JudyKl-11 L-•HurCbut Rosey 8¥111111 Becky PNr- Pitt 8r.OCey K•lhy Y11Un9 -•Y Bea Porter B .. erCy l(IM\ P•mGlet..., All-. SllMrel CAlrol• Jo c.e111son Sally LltHe Bonnle~r Nancy ~Z·#IMl­ Gelt Hlrlll• Merl-~ Karolyn Kff'tzmen A .. ••nctr• RtlnllerGI Joan Joyce Mery Dwyer Connie Clllltemih Oonnec_.i N•n<yl'Nundtr SY«lneyc.,,,.......,..,,, Ahullo Hl9ot(le Kelly Fulk> lhereM ..-\\Ion SUeBennell Mindy Moore Kalhy Hite •1 Senclre Ht vnle Sll•I• Mc41""9r ECl-11111 Cal .. ry VdllC- ll .... c...,_ A»->3-,. •7 ,,.,..._., a.t-13-41 ... ,. .. .... ,. ..... ,...,._.. »»-.. ,..,._.,. MU....e U·.»"41 )4.~ MJS.~ »-,. ..... 3'1.JI .... J1·D-M-»-_., IJ.,.4' :w.-u-.. )W)- lS.U-10 >4-16-1'0 Jt.>t-IO >S.H-10 »·JI 10 :W.J6-70 U ·U-10 U.J1...JO »-M-10 JS.U-10 Js-J 10 J)>U-10 3'.:M-70 ,._,._IO J3.J1-10 ,..,. 10 ,...,. -70 Jl·l)-70 34 ,._70 »31 7t 3'1-,.-70 •U-71 J)..)6-71 U-111 71 U·36-71 17 34 -11 '6-JS-11 3S,. 71 lS,. 71 lJ·>t-11 JS.'6-11 ,..,,_11 l1·34 II ,..,._,, J1.n -n ,1.u-n 11.u-n 1s.11-n •~n ,...,._,, M>•-n .. ,._,, 36-Jt-n ,..,._n »-,._,, 31.n -n •so-n ,..,._,, •M-n 1s.11-n 3s.11-n JS.J7-n P ·JS.-n lH7-n •:i.-n 1s.31 n »M-n ,..,.._n >J·»-n l1-»-n ,._._,, M..Jl-n ,..,._n 31.,._n •»-n J6 l7-1l Jt.J7-n JJ·»-n Jj.,Jt-n 34·3'-n •11-n •n-n JI 16-71 J7·le.-ll >s.-n •»-n ll·lt-ll J1.Jtr.n 11.»-n .,._,. -.,._7, ,...._,, ,...._,. J1·J1 -1• 1'-»-7• .. ,._,. ,..J5-I• •ll-7• JS.Jt-7• ·-1' •»-7• J1·J1-7' J1.J1 -1• .. ,._,. J7·J1-74 »-1'-14 J7·J1-74 ll·•-15 )6.1'-75 •11-75 J1·ll-15 '6-Jt-IS ,._,._n ,..,._,s .. ,, >s 16-34 70 ll·:U-70 3S JS -10 lS.lC. II 111' 71 •u 11 13-ll 11 )~Jt -71 ll·l4 11 36-U -11 36-311 -n JS JI -71 JS.J7 -12 )4.ll -11 ;;rs ~{~ )6.Jll -11 >Ml -71 »-•-11 Jl·»-n ~-71 36-ll _,, JJ.40-ll 36->1 -73 )1·3'-13 36-JI -IJ JI 3'-ll it-JS -7J 3~•-n 37.Jt -73 •n -11 )7.)1 -7• '1·'1 -1• J"40 -14 .,. -7• i..• 14 U.41 ,. )7.)1 -,. J)..)t 1• ,._,. 14 ,.,._,. ••-1• JS.1' -1• ,,..._,. )6.ll -1• n 1'-7• •• -7, 17·37 -,. JS.,. -1' ,... _74 Ora.not Coaat DAILY PILOT/Friday. Febru.ary 26, 1982 ________________________ ...,._ Loe AlalNtH ntultSDAT'I ••IULTI , ............ ._.,_,_..,.., ,.,.IT i.ACI. °"" 'lllle """• Rovat S!Qr\tt (Annltl 1t 00 4 00 WtCC-I""' lllck!OrGI J tO Ster• AllO Mlioe• CG'llf'llYI no uo I.JO AhO 1~· $1MOy Cm• ... t pl< ,.., •• '"'" 5-., Cl•ulc Set<tel. Tiii'• ,.., N IJlllCTA ().IJ paid U• 10 H CONO •ACI . Ot!11 1'1111• """• I Am 11 l.Aulllnl '., ) IO 2 40 l(ert "-"" l 8avi.tt1 s 40 uo ¥o11tlltC ...... ..-1 710 Al\O reced: eold9fl Carel, Ool<N Covertd, A"41v'• TMclv. Cloudllusler, l •bY J _., Way,Y~-- Ttm•: l;Ot TMllllO lllACI. OM ll'llt IMK• .,,..llH'#t .. l\feJCMICll~I I• 20 UO 300 ~A Ui.Wll• ...... >--~ .. t-M BOii ltCU9 (""411111 J.00 Aho te<eO· EHY 0 "· Fl•mlno •• GC•mout Lat\. Feoli'" FMllM. Clwlr<MI Hal\Ovtt, .-.ny loltvtr. Time: 2•03. U l)(AcTA l'"'l IMllCI W 20 ll'OU•T" ••ell. One mil• !MK• Llttl• 8rtt •uller '"11111"1 11 IO •·lO UO Amtttr (AektrmM!l 2 40 ) to Solit £""9dlllo<l IG<-y) 4.JO Al'° rKed Af1¥111M And ecue•. E~..,,, Aoy, J I!» HO, C:OUnlrt E•11«<n Time· t;Ol 2/S • • ""'" aACE. 0... m!Ct IMl<e. AndV'1 Winner IKueot ... 1 • 20 J.CICI t to San AnOr .. l (LIQtlthllll l 00 ).20 A L Weelt~ c~enol U O Aho •-cl Loy•I Hun1er, Alllerteztle, Sc r•ll'llllnt Rell. NM>t y AnOe•- Tl'lle : J.QJ. U EX.ACTA 1~11 pelO ll) 70 SlltTM llACR. ON '1111• trot. NOIPle Tra .. t« (A<ktrmenl •Ml 1.10 '·'° Pl•lolero Pet IWilll ..... sl 10 ., s IO MIU•w•y tRl<llmoncll tto At..o r•<eO Om•rk, Fo•Y Merunl•Y, lr•nCI• Sc>MO. Hoftor Bound, Aetn• Frelghl. l ime. 1 004/S SIVINTH llACll ON mllo -· l(ally Kor,., (4"ulllnl • IO ).00 J .i RIO(leMerk CGouOreaul l . .O uo Ambient• IV .. lan01119Nm) 2 Ml Al\O rKed S.-1• Me9I<. Boou Bey, Time For lr•c1, SlhOnlt Ou~•. Rath Rllvtr•m. Tlmo: 1;02 U EX.ACTA ().41 !MIMI Jl2 40 "'°' sue , .... 2.s.s.JJ NIO u.e 10 w1111 U wlnnl"9 tkkeh (five llWw.I \1 Pkk Sia con .. IMIOI\ pelo •• IO wlttl SU WIMI,.. llCUIS (lour llo<Wtl llGHTM lllACE. One mht •<•· Tl'9 TlllllyBr.-r CKuebl«) l,ltn1•I~) Oeser I Son t Lol\00 I 1 to 2 10 , 10 , Ml 1.10 110 AllO r-.cl 90ab. Snealty Ptte. T llM: 2•00 J/S U •XACTA IMI .,.10"' Ml NINTH RACE. Ol)e mllt -• K Ult' t NUllll9t I Aubin I l to t 40 1.40 Lynn's~tO.-rl SCIO 4.60 Bully For You IL0r>90) •.«> Al•o racea. Howdy Mon Monlern Breere. J•Ot's Cruu, Molly'\ Aw•y SOClllhlk 111..S LoclY Time 2:04. U I XACTA C3-61 p.t10 '26 IO TEN TM lllACI. One 'llltt c>«e 8le SCl<1"9 IWllll...,,>I I 40 4 10 • tO PoOerow CCl'OQNn> 4,ICI •.10 6ry•n N IToOO Ill a . .o AllO rer.eo Spry'• SHI, IC•nCl•ll• Boy F rottw0<0, GYPl'f Sein, C•-Comm<lnd Tim&; 2.024/S U l!XACTA (1_.l P"ldUl..00 At1~··- SanlaAnlt• TMUltMMY'S lllHUL n ( _ _,..._,_ ..... _. ... , l'I ltST •ACE. Wt 1ur1onvJ C.Clfornle 11''9 IV .. 9nlutl•I St.to 11.IO 10.IO atlwtlnlly COtlettouuey. I • '° • .o si, Oe¥la a. C ltomlm I • IO Alto raced: '"'-"' IHU9, A\letp, T ..... ~lllllt, Mer C.r .. r. Flrtl Sip, ~ Mlefntfl. aMCel Fe<e nm.: ,, 1.7.0. MICOllO'uc:s.w. ......... °"""' CMIK .. i~I 14.00 6 00 UO ·~~~ .. , , .. 2.IO •""*-10111 .. -1 s 10 AIM r11<ecl: 9e11Hto, All• ... Brook. 0 •111~'. Oun11.,, Bold T11eme. Goto ,_........,,-... ,...._ ~· 1111.0. u DAtl.Y ooueu ,,..., •ldJl'l .o ,.., • ., llAC& •• '"''-.. Nlol'Y't.l.tC~J UO UO 360 .. ll M.1.1,..._) 4410 tUO AOll-.S IOtlel\ousaeyel 1.00 AllO raced: Ftrtt to Know. P••I Memono. aiu. l!yed ~'• Glr1 e.tt..- Je'll Crest, $1111te, Ammr J.,., TOO.•'' Wo,,_, l"'P"Ul¥t Boots Time· 1.11.0. ll'OUllTH IUCL •lurlonQs 0.YOll CPlneeyl 1 tO • 40 1 IO T..-rft10'1 Sln9er IJlnl tl 00 & 10 N•yno ... (V•lenrutl•I • '° Alto r..:.o· UMl•leet, Im F.,11 of Joy Coumetor C-.y, Or GaOcll• Time· 1·0t llS l'l"'HllACl.• .... lurl~ Gl•CIOlt'l lleb (Pll\Ceyl S IO l IO l °' Fetter I 0 IOCiv-1 s Ml •.10 Me991e's tnt9!11 IMcHer9uel l 10 Alto rec.a· Merna TI•. -.1y 81alw , StuoentllOOJ Rl9ht, Tllaftkt Ju09t Borr-Maki, 1'19"'-. AOll•t..4 Ltcly Tl"'f: t. IU/S. U RX.ACTA 1~71 ... kl "4 SO SIXTM ltACR. 61~'- 0ur St'"' F19Mu (0.C-•¥tl • 10 • 40 3 20 Marfly"'' Otliohl IP1ncay1 l 10 140 Col .. IOClvetftl 3 00 T•H•lll•. K lult Wiii Do. CloaftSOft 0 '1!\PO!r. Enlerere. Siar Ge11no. And Sall .. ~':lllifl" B. Fa\t, Hooe 10 T.tl SN of Tl,... I IO II S. SIV•NTH ltACE. •'I> lurlOf19\. L1•0Y L....,.o l<:ft.-1 It 40 lleclfto .. F .... IStitlNr I Gelo Diii So4 10.lehoussayel HO S Ml soo •Ml l.00 Jel AIMI rao o· BuMeH, Jtl Trev•• Pfratt . Tl-I U21S $S llXACTA CS.21 pelO U,. SO U "'Cit SIX l•S.l·S.HI 1w110 U,1'900 wtt.h .. w1nnCftV lkMh (11"9 ~tHI U PIO Sia cO"tO!atioll paid ..-..10 willl 7SI wlnnC"9 llckell CIOur llOrleSI lllOffnt "M:L 1•~ mHuon tvrl L.enlfll Gold (Gwrral s.• J.40 2 .0 Flno•l's c. .. IMc(.trronl > 10 J.00 Es-IT0<0l •,60 Aho rececl: Notable A11e, "9ttra11. Cllrherlk, Mester $ur .. on. L11<11llul, JurlK-tt•, •or•• PIMIU,.. Tlme.1 ... NllfTM aACll.O...mlCe "-Slledow (V•i...zueta I 21 10 6 IO UO J11lleMe IHewley I MO 2 Ml Ill O'C11rry l CetleneOel 3 IO .. ,., rKecl A Ster Attr.nlon, DC>Feelhe• ltewenl. C.W Estrtlla. Rollf,.. 01•1 00 -l'lnlsned tlllrO, dl5-lllled •ncl pla<.Oflltll. Time· t·J? U •XACTA II .. ) pale! 1115 00 At~e lt,Otl . Orend ,,.. toum•.,..n• , .. ..........,,M .. lol ......... " ...... Jln1m, Oonrtor• def. van Wlnlltllv. ,,., ..O; M•I Pllrcetl clef RMCDll TenMr, w . '"4; Chit H-dtl Briel\ Ool"rl.a, .. ,, 1 .. Jaflan Krl.., dtf Mon-I• SOfoocle, "'· 1•. Gene M~ def. Vklor Am..,e, ...... ,. W'CT tourn•ment ....... ""''' ...... ........... lven I.end! Oii, Cor•edo BerHtUlll, '"4, .. ,, VII• Oer\.lleltls clef. ADO "rewley, .._,, .. ,. Vljay Amrltral dtl. Oleftluta .-1......,a, .. ,, •»: T-Sll'llO clef. Tim w1111i-...... .. , ~·· tourn1,,.nt , ......... , ttciaMfllMMM ... w Chrl• f .. rMJoycl dtf CttlletlM ,_, ... .. , .... .,.._. J -r dtl C..tty --· .. , ..... ..,. • ...,.,., •. ~· l•hm. •·I , •·•; Wenov Turnbull cl•'· Vvtnne verine.-,M , .. J UM:~•I ....... lftycltf '"''' ... MeW, ...... ,. ~ IUCll .... K""""' • ..-1, .... M ; Aeaft IVKI ..,, ~fltttrlllfl, .. ,, .. ,; l'.-l'llOll IVkl dtf • ...,_, ._,, M ; WI.,....,, IUK) -.t •-.w.w; ., .. ..., 1usc:1 •• Ullef, liaJ;M • a.ee.. Sft.,_,~ IUCll def 1(11-...... 1 '· •••• '"",_ lr•••n IUKI .. ,. #ICl"M-.bll"· M . "'· An9H·..._. CVkl .. *'-•"-t. 1 t. M Men'1 Tennie CIOMMUNITY coi.1.•o• ••••••ot. ... ..,_._, ........ ll•DI CleOOI Clef Vom•ll, •••• I , S••1>he11t IS.001 0tl C•l•I-. 14, "1; l'erl-lllVI 11191. Ot<kat • •, H . 1 t . •••<hi-,,.., .. I .... ,.,.., • a. w . Mllt•r C5eOll Oii AiWall, M ... I Letllt 1 .. 001 001 Oe\lltt u ... , Oeo*• 119111 Sleph•ft\ l l e OOI Cl•I , A nel e ftO •C e l•lano , •I ,• J I ne< h••·•••<k•IOftt (Saoa I cl•' f•rl•ftO Mffl,, ,_. • I I •, M-erO IAlll• (hOOI clef Matew .. Oo!Vlll, • J. • 4 Of .... C-ttt, ..... AIYt Sl,..i• ~·-·•v IOCCJ Gel CllOw, •·t. 6-l. Kline IOCCI we S..ntoye, •• ,, • I, • Relllorl~ IOCCI .i Ce<OtNI• ... J • t. loll!• IOCCI oel J11110r. 6 1, 6 1, llr•un IOCCI .. , wocller, M , "'· 1.s, !>cllu•t•• (DCCI 0.1 Oll••lcle ..... •·2 °"""" "••d•r•y llen1oro 11 (OC.CI O•I ChOW·WOlllt•, ........ lloftl• or-IOCCI .... S.lllOyo.J-r, • t , I •; Kll,..·klllltler COCCI def Cetawwlt-Our .. 0t, •a, 6 1 HIOMKHOOL .......... Horw ,._ ...., ...... 14 ............. ..-. ..... ., ...... Froomen IMI 001 !'>.,,.llftti\, H ; Clef Sunsi.t,., M , clltl J-1Jl'll9rt, M , cltf JOllll M11trt., .. I; Serer IMI .., ..... !061. O.•; COSI, ... / IOSI, 7·•; Jol'IMOl'l IMl -, •1. WOI\, Ml; _,, ._,, won, .... l(ellJt IMJ ... \. J .. , lotl,M , lool, I .. ~" Murplly Wlndtrrow11 !M l del H•Y• Conkey, • 3 . I ·); Iott .. M•t<•l ·$1•nl•CI , •I,, .•. GolO•te111.S.rsanlc•s IMI •Piii. 2 •, 1•; M>HI, ._,, S•7 Women COMMUNITY COl.LEOll OfMtlt Cfolt• t. s.M• ..... ShttlK ~no COCCI Oel Otetrlcn, • o, •·O, Ooellsch (OCCI dol Johnlon, .. o. •·O, KllOrey IOCCI .-1 Brown, Ml. •·1: EMn IOCC.I dtl T11M11 1 5 1 ... Derwin IOCCI clef Peteri.on, '"°· .. ,; HynOtn•" IOCCI *' Pryor. •·1. 6-0 DoullCH R•to Goell•<" fO CCl Oel Hen .. n 01e1rlch, M , • 0, l(hOrey E•vc" IOCCI oef Truan Schoonner. t·2, 1·S; D arw i n Hynclm <HI COCC I del 8rown•John\Or\, ._,, .. , C•rollne 500 lhe too 10 -Clllt<$ '°' Su~y·s..cero11,.. lOO, with lype of c.ar •nCI quelllylfM! ..., In mptt t Benny Parsons, Pontiac L..•M•"'· 141 S17 2 '°' Rutlroen. Bu10 Reoal. 1'1 t».. l Harry Genl. 8u1<~ Reoel, 141.41J • O•rrell Wellrtp, BulO A-1. ,.I JO' s Joe MolllU n Pon1lac Ot•ncl Prh, ''° •7S • O•lt E.,nll•r<lt, f'OrO ThulWltrbird, ''°·°" -1 Jody Ridley Ford T,,_rttl,O, l)t nl • Ron Bouc,,...o, Buick R-1. ,,. m . • lerry L•tionte. 8u10 R-1. 13' .. ,. 10 R1Cky RUOO PonlCH Gra no Prta ,,. .,. II c.I• YerllO<OU(lll. e .. lck R•oe• ,,. .. s It Biii Ellloll. Ford Th-blro, 13'1140 ll Nell Bonnell, Foro Thuftorrblrel 11' ,.. 14. BObOy A1t1..on. C11tvroC•I Malll>U 1:19."3 n Merk Martol'I, BuiO ""9fl llt S'7 ,. A1<NrO Petty, ~ Gr•NI Proa. , ..... 11 Din Broo~•. l'ord Thunoerolro IJ9.2U. 11. L•u 5".o. Buio Reoac. 1• u1 " 0 K Ulrkh, Buick R~I. ue.1 .. 10 l(yle Petty, Pontc~c Grand Prl• 1• II• CThe le~ 10-4S In the JO.u• f'<'HI wlll bt 1111 .. Int,_ tri•IJ t<neduleO FrlO•y I Men's 1occer HIGHKHOOL Clll 4-A Pl•yofh FlntA ...... t •11yon l, Founl••n va110 o E01-.on 7. 5-anle Barbaro 1 Marina 1 RolhnQ Hlll•O ~,,,... \ICOt•ftO Gunn OIMr .cores ._A Oom•~r l S.n GorQOf'hO 7 Simo V•ll•Y, lo•"''"" I Culvtr City 2. Sout" lO< '~°" • I Senti AN I Cerrol<,.0 Wal,,.,,t,ArdC""°'O Wf\1lO<rll\Ct2, M1taCr•I• I Do\ P-1. Art•dl• I Cl•••mGrlt I. HH W•I'°" 0 Cflannrl C•C-" L•n•ooO 1 Muir •. Don Lu90 l Oamlef'I 1, 5"" G•b•1rl I II 0• <•lleO tteuu~ot .,."",.."' Women·s soccer CIF PLAYOFFS P•IO\ VMOP\ 10 El Oor-0 Alrm.tny ~.St Bonctv•"'"'' 1 Troy I El Toro 0 Pau hca S El-... 0 VICCa P-2 G..,P'llla I Ut>fanll c, E1tanc1a o Aolltnq Holl\ 7 Edl\on 0 un1"er'•tv '·Chino 1 S.n Ck'menl• •, HunltftQlon S.11<11 0 Reo..-s Canyon O Alie Lome• vatrncoa o Wost '°'"'nee>. Sonora 0 Cypft\\, Oane Hills c lu\lln 7. ~ Lu<y'• o Coll• scores Nev ..... u.tV .... T-y '"'"tll-1 Sen Oltoo SI "· l..ono Beat h 'ii 0 hi• 1nn1n9s. lfnw hmlll C•I St•le Nol'thrlOQe 141 UNLV t Nebr•\lt• S. L.onQ S.ecll Sf 3 (\I~ lnnlnq•, 11-1111'111 Community College ~-......... ,,..,, I' uClenon 010 011 OJI> 7 u I SaddC-k 00 010 011( a 11 J Gr•<hell, L••P«' (JI, Clll<on• Ill - Devis; &onlll•, Bouclre•u en, Ea.tey ctl end I ""I" W E•sley L Clll<Oftt 18 Sw•n<oat CS•ddl. Cafll•Cmo IFulll, Scher~u CFUIC) HA Or•y ($11001 ~ .... c .. 11 7. UK JV J ~•1199 Coe\! 101 IOt *-1 II I use JV ooo m OOO-J 10 1 Ke1109Q, Sore ...... <11, Munson It) _, Tinoco, OllllGI, k er•v•90 l•I. McCool Ill -Al<llerdsal W 1Cel1"9 11 IOI. L Ot&uOe HR Sllwlntkt IOCCI, °"9teft- (0CC.I Thutlder'• tfa"uetlon1 llAHU&.L ~u.e-l'l l W VOAK V,tlNl(llS ........ I t .. OulOln. <el<Mr, to•-....., ,.,,,,ect ......... u .... H EW YOAK. Mll!TS -11, .... Jene OrHco. •ttt11er , •nO Welly tecllll'a11, IMI_, - h>pesyow A's will be rewarded PHOENIX (AP> -Vetera second basemun Oav•>' Lopes still visibly s m<1rtln1 over tii r ecent trade from t he l.o Angeles Oodgers. reiterate Thursday lhM the Oa.k land A' "gamble on rne will b rtwardcd " with a worl chum r>ionshlp. "It's not a matter or owin 1 L' Lhe fa'°"l--t.h•t -wh~ n organization rej~cts you an anothea: wants you and accep you. you Jwit reel a debt to tha; partlculur organizaUon -in thJ case, Oakland," Lopes said afte pa rticipating in his first sprin training workout here "J don' want to sound arrogant but I' just going to do whatever I cati to help this ballclub win a world championship. •'I DON'T HAVE to provt anybody wrong. I know what.! I'm capable of doing lt'g just a m atter of going out there and playin~. And if I slay healthy. I'll do the things I'm capable of doing. Then I 'II let other people add the superl atives and ad1ect.1ves or negative:.. to what l 've done." The JS.year-old Lopes. a rou r ·li me N aliona I League All·Slar, was dealt by the -Oodger.i to Oakl.an_!f earlier this month r or 19 ·year -old switch·hilling m inor league infielder Lance Hudson. Nagged by injuries last season, Lopes hi~ .206 with (ive home ruru;, 17 RB and 20 stolen bases in S8 gam es. · "A lot of guys had off-years last year. Age had absolute!~ nothing to do with it.'" sai~ Lopes. "Ted Simmons <of the1 Milwaukee Brewers) hit .200 or something like that and he's the best hitter in the game o( bu s e b a 11. Th 1 n 11$ I i k e t h a t happen " Despite some publ1!.hed reports to the C'Ontrar y. Lopes said he had un inkling that Los Angeles would try to trade him in the off-season. ·"I OIDN'T HEAR anything from the grapevine I was well aware of what was happenin~ .. Any one of u::. veterans could have been traded. But I don 't really give a dcimn, to be honest with you. Whal happens with I. A. 1s their 1>roblem no>¥. not min e M y mai n concern 1s hl•re .. I Lopes. excrc isi n~ the no.trade clause in his Dodger contract. 1 sci id he ~eC'ided "Oakland was dC'fin1tely the place to go·· because of A's Mun ager nilly Martin "I ·m looking forward to a1 good relallons h1p with Billy Anybod y who knows baseball\ rc:lpec.ts him." Lopes said. "I'll be trying t o ~ras p as muC'h knowledge as he has in his brain about the gaml' and add to my repertoire." •H Askt-d if lhat meant he has."" ::.1~hls on C'Oal'hmJ.l or manaJ.ltng., in the future. Lopes hedged and . said. ~-rve got three year:. on . my co'htract and I'm gornJ,l to 11, live up to it Aftc·r that. we'll see· what hap1x•n., · Funny cars to compete I I I I lfl Orange County International R aceway will host the Pepsi "' Challenge races Saturday night ,,, with many of the top n<1mes•1 J from the funny car divis ion:,. l'ompeting. 111! Included in the list of entries, for funny car domination are, · Billy Meyers. John Force, Dale·11 Pulde. Don Prudhomme and.1, Tom McEwen. l\l Along with the funny car competition will be a match race / between Connie Kalitta of.,.• Michigan against Lucille Lee in J a top fuel race. •I I Jet action includes Hayden rt. Profitt and Doug Brown alon~·I f with Scott Hammach from the East Coast and the Smith 1 1 brothers in a Jet funny car. • 1 Jack Ermantrout will be there v• with his whcelslander a long with ' two top fuel motorcycles. 1 Gates open at noon withitl! eli minations beginning at ti. N it s uper pro bracket will fill an the lime between u ll of the nllrr runs a long with a complete fiel of alcohol funny cars compelin in a n eight car qualify ing contf'sl. Tars seek title in field hockey :lfi N e w p ort H a r b o r H 1 g h ~, runner·u~ to Edison In thc'l'l Suns~t League, wlll race Garden Grove, also a second plac~;, ieam. , tor the CJF rteld hocke~ 'J champlopshlp Saturdu a Orange Coast College beginnin&,t: at 10 o'clock. Edison. undeteated until the \ semllinals Tuesday. fell td' Garden Grove, 3·2. on s troltes ,., Newport put t he defcndlnc-'' c h a m pion 1nd No. 2 rlnktd Un lversity team o ut of contention Jn tho quartefflnab. • 4·1, then deCe•ted Charter O.k /1 In overtlme. l·O. In lhe .. mas. I A ''"' Orange CoHl DAILY PILOT/Friday, February 28, 1982 rnrn~~rn ~~~ Webbt Mortgage lenders take a look ~epor 8 at home buy ing of the future i i J O<S. prices buck trend Consumer figures up 1.2o/o in January f"'""V2'·11 -TD ... 11tl _ .. _,.ihK~.c. 1-llOUltS f n t , • I S.. 11 t "' ·I IH ID t • i ·---............. ·-----···· ltUI 'l'UIUC WllCOllf ... -uo1 ... -........ ....., A#tWOlf HM ~CAH ""*" 11 ». 1m 1 •» · '"' fllU WITK fKIS AO t114j 9M 11tt • I FP.H APPRAISAl S SFf Y(l1' '~H f.lf' 088 IY J £FF ADLER Beverly lfilh1 \Securities Co., a mort1age banking of.,.OellY.,......., firm , said the housing industry 1s rlghtlnl a "long, PHOENIX, Arb. (AP> lt'1 no secret that ll lhe alum9ln1 housing 81ow battle tor buyers ." -Debt-burdened Del E . Industry la to survive It must be able to attract fo'lowers said one way lenders can attract r.ew Webb Corp. reported a new buyers to the real estate market despite hith and sorely needed capital to the mortitage and 1981 operating loss, after Interest rates. hOuslng industry Is to e ttract capltul rrom interest payments, of With that in mlnd, three executives involved In non·traditional areas. $11.l million. mortgage lending Wednesday discussed rlnanclng Pension funds. which trad1tionally have not Robert K. Swanson, alternatives and aareed the residential real estate invested in residential real estate, are the future or chairman, president and market is undersolng soroe fundamental changes. Lhe real estate market, he said. chief executive otftcer, "Home ownership ts no lon_Jer a national e. added tbal~ed-sa~ilftd kttln-- said total eamblla. wue-prtorit~ It's betn replaCiGby&:rot-ir:iJiings-. . llf'dllstry, oftc~ the prime residential mortgage $5.3 million ln 1981, or 56 Fosler Fluet.sch, president of Slate Savings and lender , will be supplanted by these funds In cents a share, compared Loan Association, of Stockton, said. coming years. with $4 mlllJon, or 42 Speaklng to a coalition of businesses, labor FloY(ers predicted that while a number of cents, the previous year. and private persons concerned about housing financing a lternatives are being experimented "But high interest (CEEEDl, Fluet.sch declared that ln the future It with now, the long·term outlook is for only one or rates ate up th e will be a "privilege t-0 own housing, not a right." two types or loans to dominate the industry, ju!!t as op e rating e arnings He said that since only high-Interest, the long-term , fixed -rate mortgage has dominated improvement , wilh short-term loans and other "unattractive" finance since the 1930s. Stan Lash, vice president ror in t e r es t e xp e n se packages may be available in the future, construction of Unio n Mortgage Bankers, of San increasing from $20.1 tomorrow's home buyer will be looking for "small , Diego, told listeners that large pension funds million in 198> to $31.S utilitarian units in high density clusters." would like to invest a greater share of their funds millio n las t year," Fluet.sch said lhat right now, with interest in residential housing. Swans on said in a rates high, mortgage lenders must devise a loan He pointe<J out, however. that some states statement. package that attracts buyers and, at the same prevent pension funds from investing in real time, satisfied sellers. estate. Those states. he said , are being pressured Operating losses in 19*> were listed as $9.8 million. For the quarter ended Dec . 31, th e firm reported a loss or $9.8 million , or $1.02 a share, compared with $4. l million, or 44 cents. in 1980 . Terry Flowers. executive vice president or to change their laws . Pacific Mutual bounces hack Pacific Mutual Llfe Insurance Co., based in Newport Beach, re ported a net· gain from operations of $25.1 million in 1981 vs. a $12.6 million loss in 198>. Assets rose to $3 billion at year-end, up 3 percent from $2.9 billion the prior year. Life lnsurance in force totaled $19.1 billion, up 2.8pe~ent from $18.6 billion in 1.98:>. "Significant increases in health insurance premium rates coupled with refinement of a number of computerized claims systems that reduced operating costs were the reasons for the favorable t"1rnaround," Walter B. Gerken , chairman and chief executive officer, said in a statement. The company's surplus was increased sai. 7 million from $142.2 million al year-end 1980 to $162.9 million at the close of 1981. Individual life and health inSU{an ce premiums increased 6 percent from $104.8 million in 1980 to $111.3 mill ion in 1981. Group life health and pension prem iums decreased 27 percent from $8>1.8 million in '80 to $586.3 million in '81. Total company premiums dec reased 23 percent from sro6.6 million in '80 lo $586.3 million last year. The aver age r at e on new investment commitments increased to 17 1 percent from 14 6 percent. • Wnod F'mmtd Strrl1g/ll • A BEAUTIFUL BUY OVER THE COUNTER NASO LISTINGS • Broo"' ond u,..,. C'-1 ~Pl 11 1J a"d lit Ill Pl•rc:•SS 111. 11~ TbK s l''"' ,,.,, IOM tA'./l t-Alo ~n s ~2"0 Pinllrttt n S5 TIME OC I''\ 1\\ UPS AND DOWNS lllcll 10 20Yt • as. pl 10 11111 PionHl8 """ '9%. ~=-· Ul't l'V• ..... 'Z 22\4 2111'1 IC.elver 1"' 1 ,. .. PleJUN 1 1111 U14 1S1h ......... ~ .. "' I.,,. KetnM l 11 11111 Pou ls •11. .,,, h c:umP 6C>'!t '' Thu rt. Pr dO not •Ill ·~ IC•~ 43 43'11 PrHGM 1'~ lOV. T•l<mA 11~ 21'1> lnc: ... ...Wlnwti-. 11'111 12 IC• JO JOV. ~ 1~""' T~J ,. ·~ NEW YORK IAPI nw 1o1-1n9 1 .. 1 ~or e-I• ~ 1Clmt1e11 '"" 1M't 211. 211'1 hJ<A8 s 27'1'> 11 lllofl n.-r.y, '·~ Kint I Ill ... 11.\ 1214 11'h f~~. 1J 'll: -"" °""' !ht Counltr s.-lld "'* 1f'At 1 ICloolO Ul't f'V. ..... 2S ""' stoOs .ond ,..,,.," tl>el l'l•v• go<w up A·~ lftd 1~ 10ll6 314 the moll •nd down lM ,,,_, O.wcl on II II~ ~:Cv IS'h S"9 ut ""' 12 To~ •2'-'o '1\\ A l'l'ot 11 1J , >Vt ""' '"' t ..... IS ·~ trlcoPd 111'> ti !:'""' ol <"-9 ·~"'"" "' "°''""" AVM Cit J: '°" eCtY1 ~24 ICllllc:u ""' ""' .. ,., ~ °'~r. u 11 UllC91n 2Wt 2S.\li Reyctm SS S6 T'(SOftFd 1J'h " No -"'" H 1radi~ .,.,_ '1 are lnct -Un Mt Gii 20V.~ ucMd N91 •ncl pet'Clft -Cl'tan9ts ert IN! • l'atll#dro/ ~tilt•~• • I.Ar.,. f:ttCk»td l'alto • O'IJp rn/1•9• •• Kole,,,., • ~rl• t~ tM B•cu:~ • /lrapn ortd f'a'""''"q • t>owNrtlt....,. • J f'ur (;.JrO/Jtf ""'" A•dtJmQUC • \'otMrGI t>olt ('Gbrnrl• '" IC'1(''M°llj t :ar09' ,,..,, o~,, l CORAL BA y •s9r9so TERRA CE M00£LSNO~OPl'JN' COST A MESA fEATURl!llC 0'1£ ANO TWO BEDROOM PLANS OUR 1982 CIMARRON ~ 7VI """" t MelAJ• ~,..,. ,.. >'Ill lr<ift ~--· ~'""' ~ '"" ""' 14lllt 1514 Alie.inc: J7Vt •v. Or 1t 1 A.... ,.. ~ °"'* • 11~ ,nt ._... 1W. ll ~m , 1~ 12'-Al'""' 4Y. 4 1·1' •lnVnc: 1W. 14"9 I.encl"" "" '"' lAMCo J2 :13 Lfln"' ll14 ll\l'I t= I"" ""' """ JN :ri;~, !Slit """ Reymnd 1014 11 VS Erv S'ft .\,.. t'.~'i.~1~· ~':!"~~. '~~~":'~~~"9 "" ... s :n 12'11 Ro.cl Ex JDIJt ~ VSS..r ,.,,, ""' R~ 17 11 VS Tro 11'1> "~ ROM!On ,.... S'4 VV•lbl> ls )1'· "-" 171/o ~~r.;.na ,.,., ,.,, 12111 13 .. .. .. -"' 1N72 MONROVIA t'OSTA M&SA '\ \LEl> o ,rlCE OPE'I DAILY ti Aloi ) Pt.I '.,_..., Tltun'.1•' • Call 631 -4342 lt'sneWI It's for you I It's the Dailf Pilot's I e 6 w eekly w i nners • 50 gallons of gas 100 g al Ions of gas You can win. up to 100 gallons of gasoline in the Daily Pilot's Great Gas Giveaway. It's easy to play. Just watch for \he complete rules and entry blank In today's ·paper. You must enter to win. so read today's edition of the Daily Pilot to see how you can win. Starts Today in the 1111111'11111 . . A= ltlolo 1 C-..0 16111 '"" ~ .... ,,,: t= ~ "'.aEI rn~ "" =,., 9. ~~LE ra ~~ 6""1 1t4H er. ' ,f-1"'11 IN 13\lo it~~ -11 11 '':Jo 11·1' ,.,..,. .,...,_I = MeulLP M41ypt !i '"" twltll • Ee: "' ~ AMC* s n "-• '"'i IS I ~. ).1' \It ~ All 1'\11 !W'"'°P D D llt = At "~ tWta. ~ 6111 I' :a21At D 'h E IO l'I 3"19 31'At M14181i s a 2 1>1' l1-I'= IS-1'11. WU~ " '"' .-. Miu 2m = "!!t Z1Yo 21-. Mole• s ....... S'4 ,_ l'lk '"' '"" ~ i: M J'At ...... 2"hV ~ s ..... ~ l'hndl ._ .-. ,. 1'4tt :°""°, 2~ 2;: MofV"" = IJ IJll. I'm 10 11 Monnin "' • ....... 15\'J ,. MotCMI •wtc11r -""' l'...sG ~ 1' ,.,..,._ at.,_ "" ~ ,.,.._,. ,,_ 12111 ~~ ~ ,~ 1 ~,. l'llllrH9 21-. 21Vt NJR-91'WTGrll I~ 14lllt = ..... ..-.. NYAlr1 == J: :14 Deva l l~ Nk td)G ·~ 11~ """ '"~· 15\it 1.-.. Nie.wt CHI. n 2 ?\II f.i~l'n M ..., Nlellft A ~ " '"' -· ... "" Nl•llll I M 11 Ill~~ 1f ~~ NoCarGs NwtNGt ~ 2~ Gy= ~ 7'4 -S1PS 1zv. '"" Heme ll'Ai m., No1"'41 CP nAl Jiii J.\i H•r=:::e 1tll l\lo =~:fv's C.~ !Slit 16\lt Hrp UM ICM Ole v ~ 111'1 H•= 19'Wo 2'Vt ~ C' N~~ 19'1.1.._ s 1Mll ,.-., HK::J s 1'1lt '"' ISV. 17 IMnnl 21V. 21"9 0 Cl'lnOll 17YJ 1t ltolo4lm ~ N p °""'*' 4Sll .,... =· i.... = PCAlnt ....... ~lrllc>o = ~ IMS Int 1"-20 ~GeR ~ ~ Wl'I lnlrelnd ... ~ .u~ ltlvt9 DYi Jl Intel JM ~ ""' ~n.JL tM UV. lntrcEnr .-. , ... "9ME"' ~ ,._ t: lntmt~ N 10 "9ntfl• 11 .. I ln9kWlll I~ 12'-=i:-e J.1' 9-22 lw•SoVt n n llt """ .WO J.,.,.llly 1114 171'1 P9«1110n 11V. 11 H rko s '""° llV. Pfl!la,._. ,,_. 221'1 s.dl~ JV. • M n. $.eleco ""',,.~ llNIR 51'1> SJ ,_.,.,,. SIH .. Gd U'h ,. V•IHll s 19'\ .. ~ v.,,OiH '"" "" 8 •v. SIPa.il fOl.4 ~ Velcro UV. I•\/) ~ ... ._ S<rlpH s 11\(o 11-\Co Viet re SI "" .~. S Siii r~~ ""'~ ~= s sv. .,.. '2\lt 114 11 ... ,,, ... ,, ... -... E . 27'A1 11\lt WsllEnr ·~ 1) ..... .,._ 31111 Weldlm • ..... 141111 U :Wh ~ WDeel) 1•111 1•~ , .... s 100,., liv. WHold 3tV> 40 . ., Sllkon• ISIW. 14 7" "' ~~ ·~ ""' WrnorC '"" ·~ WI-Os " '"' IN 1) 1J 1J.V, WolvAlu ..,. 9\\ 11 11\li t= .... ~37'h Womet 9 ,,,.. M~ ..... ~ Woodl.oe ,, ... 31~ 1).16 "' SldR3' JS ~ wr:ic!W .... ·~ 21 21\/) = JO 31Y, Zion I \ lJ UV. ·~ ""' ,...._ 1:i. n.•.· NOi 8Pl)llc•bl• IS\41~ ~· 22\1) 2)\to " 411'1 ~" ,.. ""' El P'\ I'!. 17\11 17\li • Jl'Jt l• 2714 21 • '"' ~· .... •11t ,,,.. 11 20 11 I 1n. 17111 ·~ ""' ,... J 12\lt 12Vt 11 111lt NASDAQ SUMMARY 42'-4l •1'1'1 •2\4 1:1111 1)\i 11 11\jj NEW YORK (API Mos1 .cli•t owr 1M 1j4 '"::~ ~~~:... "'&f.:'ed A\~O N~ JJ Jlll't s ,,... MCIC . J/0,100 ~ :n1'> ~J1'4 EnR"" .. 312,'IOO ~ •' t . ·~. ,,,,., 11'-~~ ~.= 1 "']11 1,,, _, :n ... 1' ... ... 4l GV. T ....... s ltS,loOO tl"• 1S'l . '· ,,,., ~ PlelO • 1.,,JOO 1 IS-16 2 .... 17 17\lo Intel . . . Ul,000 m-, Ullo . "' ....... ""' T.,,,p.. 14',lOO M'._ l' '"" 1•111 AllOl.C 1)7.~ ..... llloo ... IN 11Vt Oc•-1:n,ooo 111' 11"' " , 11-'> 10 10111 Mvenc..S ... II ... 1214 Dt<llNd 34) 1W." v:.i:-:=. 2.Jll "" .... l.3'• 2'v. 29\li ~-Ill~\ ... 1S 1'\IJ 1S ~-lowS 50 ,,_. ,.._ Tot•I M... . •• "·"7, 100 ----- .. u" ........ LA>I .oi. ""' 1 E•llllQ 1'. •1 I UP 1 C-• s • • 1 Up 21.• 3 Mk..S..... 1 ... .,. .. Up 11 J • ""-< "" '20 • 120 VP ,. 0 s ~· 1 ;•s .. Up 131 • -s ... ~ Up )0 s 1 T-Q I , .. . .. Up " . • ... r1ttn0 . ... . l't Up lS 1 • 5l l ~ Up U 3 10 tin 2 ·~ VP U J ,, Am UCI , .... .. Up 1).J 11 ~~~fie •'I . ... VP 1J s 13 .... . .. Up 11 s u Vut»A ' ~ .. Up 11 s IS StcllrVI ••• ' Up 11 1 " S.ITe .. v .... . .. VP 11 I 11 $4)K01 .... .. Up 11 • 18 A.MOP s s . .,, Up 11 1 " ~i~ , . ., . '• Up 11 1 )0 ,,, ·~ Up 11 I a1 ti.:.t.;~ w1 ... . ... VP 10t Z1 , ... . '• Up 10 s n UnTelctl ... ... Up 10. H A<l.mRe• • .. Vi> 10 J 2S NICel g \ • . .. Up 10 J DOWNS -LHl ChQ ""' I C.Jllt ln 5'' I Oii 1S . 1 S.1<0 S''I I Oii IS' J SwlnEn 74' "' Off lJ. • Maany8 • '• Oft 11 I s EICIOr .., , .. . Oii 100 • Oo<en ,.,, .. °'' t I I Pl'tra s s ., Oii 9 I • TOl14K 71, ·~ Oii • I 9 ~~i I) ••• °'' .. 10 s• • 1 Oii t I 11 :..ii="' I • .... Oii • s 12 1 ... Oii 12 1) M<Co<O 1111. I Oii 71 1• GIOutdr ) '• Off I 7 1S tnlle<n ) .. Oft I 1 " llK1'Am , .... .. Off 1 • 17 8umuoS ,,,,.. '• Of• 7J 11 ~· 311,. .. Off 7 1 " FtCom8c .. , ., Oft 11 20 AEL Ind 10'"1 .... ()fl , , 21 JLG 1•. , °'' •S Z1 AtteEn )>lo '· Oii • J n f,!YCO 311. ... °'' bl ,. ISjld un ,.,, -'1 ()fl . ) 1S C.ed05y \ "'" "' Of• 60 • • 111111 ~------Dome•Uc auto HIH dipped 1.4 pei:cent In mid·February compared with the like period •year ago. However, Cener&l Motors Corp. and Ford Motor Co. posted modest increases for the flrst Ume In f ive months. ChrysJcr Corp. sales were off 14.2 percent, while GM was u1> 3.9 pereenl and Ford was up 4.6 percent ... Se~ U...ja contalntng 2.24 blllion tons 01 re(O'ftrl~~ to,.r lif Dl &e offered i.n a coaJ leue sale In April. th~ latfesl sQch sale in U.S. history, the govtmmtnt hac uaounced. Interior Secretary James W• said t.b•'trac:lS in WyorJ>lnl and Montana wiU aJlow JleW prOduction ol '10 million tons or coal a yoar~~-... emu d~----- Santa An a First Federal Savings & Loan t\1$SOdattee has signed a letter of agreement. to merge with Los Angeles-based California Federal Savings & Loan Association, after seleeting Cal Fed from among a number of associations which had app roached it. . . 1 AirCaf officials said the airline, based in Newport Beach, hu carried the 25 millionth passenger in the company's 15-year history. The milestone occurred today on AirCal's Flight I fiying from John Wayne Airport to Su !'r~lsco . . . Gre•eSt llOllpkah Inc., Santa Ana, has ••reed in prihciple to acquire the 56-bed Generat Acute Fullerton Comrnilnily Hospital. IDlll qi) f JapMffe interests will take a 10 percent sbare in a $JOO mUUon plant to be built i.n the Mojave Desert to tum coal into gas and bum t.he gas to cenente electric(tf. CQnstru_cUon of the Coolwater coal ga~muUoa Mid ~omblotd cycle power plant already has at.art,ed bear Barstow ... 111e ,£11rtpe• Common Market has proposed a cut ot aoo.t $4~ milli~ in Soviet imports as part of its response lo mart\al law in Poland. Sales of high technology products lo the Soviet Union should continue if the United States hopes to avoid a confrontation that could lead to nuclear war. Hewlett Packard Co. Ch'!ITrman David Packard told shareholders at the firm's annual meeting. sian (S .... ___ _ I Deaay's · lae, said it has entered into an agr eement to acquire 35 Vl P 's family s tyle restaurants in Washington, Oregon and Northern California ror a cash purchase price or $11 .9 million Part of Sa nta B a rbara Coua ly will be quarantined to stop the slate's worsl·ever infestation of the gypsy moth, threat~ing ci~rus and avocado prOducUon, agricultural offtctals said . . Wbittaker Corp. said it is extending its offer to pu.-<:hase securities of Brunswick Corp. to midnight ESf on March 12, unl~s further. extend~. !he ,offer previously was scfieduled to expire at midnight EST today . .'. ·- STOCKS IN THE SPOillGHT DOW JOMES AVERAGES COLD COIMS Nl!W VO ... lt l" .. I -Price' l•le Wff"9MMY Gil 9°"il <olll._ C-flilfH wffll Tl•tdtY'• ll'kt. ' .,,.....,..... I troy tr •UM •• "' M.l"L I ,...... IN!, I.,........, S* 91,.., ... JS. M .. kM to ~· U trw •l., _,,., "141 •• 7). • .... ..,.. .. t~ •• -,,.., e#. uU "· "'"'-•· '"'''U' ~·· NEW YOAK(AP) FIMI Oow·JOl'e$ ··~ lor ~Y .... b 2J STO(t(S ._ U. m Oii JO 11111 <>r:. ;,1.&2 ...,. 17 0 ~ JO Tm MCI.SI ~ ~ S1 I " IS VII *·" !07. 1oe..n '°" n. 0 " '5 Siii !2s..AO na nt.» 1114 J2 -O S7 11\dvJ S,45',IOC Tr.,. 1.1 ... .00 Utlll t,nl, 100 •S Sill • •• t, .... )00 WHAT STOCKS DID NEW YOAlt tAPI F•D. ts WWAl AMUDIO METALS Tois.tfi Sil 3'94 1113 " • NEW YORIC fAPl -Soot l'>Ofllerrou mel .. Pfl<lt\ Thurwley C:e,,e, 1l'lll·IO cenU • P•U .. 0. u s _,,.., .... L-•uoM••~ UllC de:-.~ dthV9"0 T ... U.2'23~•" W"k<OmpCl\lllt lb Al_,'-" 1 .. 11 <enb a POUnfl. N Y Men..., Un 00 per ll••k P!t!lll!-UQ 00 lroy 01 , N Y SILVER GOLD QUOJ!!J.qNs lyTNA*Clll*,.,_• Stltcted •ic!VolO prlcu Wtcl ..-: ~ ll•lllQ U.1 H.110" IS L...e.: .... ,,,_ h•lllQ U•1 IS. YO SI IS ..... fl U.2 21, off '° .. ,, .......... , '361.9'. yp" 00 lvrkll: LAI• ll•t"O u.J.00. "'P ._ 00 C>IO u.. 00 Milt<! ...... , .... ,,,..,., °"'" O•llY 411el• Utt 15, ujl U IS • .,......., only "'""" cwo•• s.Jt1.1s, ""' '1 75 t: .... --: only CS.II• Q-1•~1<""° UICI. .......... . SYMBOLS --~~---~--~--------------------------.......................... ._ Orange CoHt DAILY PILOT/Friday, February 26, 1982 • I -_.___,_,_ -~ .. ., I 2ln • TI'emendous Savings For Those Prepared 1b Act Now/ The California Coastal Commission is no longer in the affordable housing business. Now, McLain Development Co. is no longer required to subsidize millions of dollars in low-cost housing in order to build Sea Island. ln addition, construction interest rates have been substantially reduced. Our subcontractor s have also renegotiated their prices. These items add up to considerable savings. Consequently, we ~ pleased to pass these large savings on to our current buyers as well as those ready to purchase before costs escalate again. Effective immediately, Sea Island prices are reduced by $55,000 to $210,000 for an average teduction of $140,000. Spectacular architecture, custom appoint- ments, lush semi-tropical landscaping and a secure guarded-gate community plus the historic appreci- ation of Newport Beach property, make these fine homes an incomparable value. These new homes represent an island of security in rn changing world ... at prices that can never be du plicatedl So take advantage of this unique opportunity now . Robert B. McLain President 'Between tlie feirways and tlieSea in ~Wp'ort 'Beacli Artistically etched into a gentle hillside adjacent to the fairways oflrvine Coast Country Club, Sea Island is oriented to panoramic views of the golf course, Upper Newport Bay, the Pacific Ocean or the cosmopolitan silh ouette of Newport Center and Fashion Island. You'll agree that Sea Island is, indeed, the definitive state- ment of fine living, a world of elegance, guarded-gate security, •This offer is effective only for the homes remain- ing in the Orst phase of Sea li!land. The availability of this limited number of units at these prices is netts- s.arily :1ubjcct 10 change due 10 interest rates and market conditions. I ·. recreation and sophistication that refle·cts the Legacy of Style for which Newport Beach is uniquely renowned. Select your new residence fronn a variety of architecturally-bold two and three-bee Jroom fl oor plans, ranging in size up to 3,003 square feet and app< >inted to Sea Island's them e of the quintessence of privileged lifestyles. f i SFAI;SIAND Prestigious 1Condomini urns Newport Bea< ·h A Legacy of Sty le. now from ts.omfOWMl'I' AMOCt.tlon •llpportt'd by all nilkl<'nt1 cn1lnt1ln1 common facilltil.•1. Allk our s&le~ l'l'}>N!M'nl~.,._. b fhfl HOmf<IWMrt' fief Shttt, uplalnlngall cktel~ $350,000 to $795,000 12 3/4 % Interest (13 .519% APR) \ 11 Sea Cove Lane Newpor t Beach, CA 92660 (714} 673-0474 Fee SimJJle Ownership ~McLain ~t co. we.a Price9 dlk11w u ofpublk:IOon date. I " ' .. I • FRIDAY, FEB. 26, 19'2 Looking for a career in sales? See today's Help Wanted ads, classification 7100. CLASSIFIED INDEX ~.~ ............ ~~.~~ ........ ~.~.~ ........ ~:~~ ........ ,~.~.~ ....... ~.~.~ ....... ~:.~~ ........ !!~.!~.~~ ........ ~.~~ ...... : G1•r• t 002 G1•r• t OOZ ..._.. I 002 . ._.. I OOt 4'1•r• I 002 e1wtt t ot2 ._.. IOOZ .. Mm-IOJJ ..........•...•.......•..............•••.........•..•................ , ..............••.•..... ·······~········ .. ····· •......•.••.••.........••..................••..••••...........•.••.•. Te ftlct Yllf M, Cal .... SUI.A HOMIS Remodeled, de('orated 3 bdrm..i.3 bath. mstr bdrm with ocean view ~25,000. 642·5&71 .USFllSAU ~fMf•I .. l ... l•i.M ....... ,,_.1. i..,..u-1• .. t• .._ ......... "., c ....... '" IJoM,.,M UTwo f'lllltMMft \•ti•) ............... 11' ... ........ 11it.,.. t..& .... ll•tb ~·'···""· M1l.tito.\'titJie ~t:'-~':~ '-" , ... t ... \1 •• ,.. "'-'••·· 'lo.ilt .... -·1 .. ..,.. "''''m'""'" ,. ....... ._ ...... tut mm ,w,. .... ""'-"' 4,.,,Nllh let ~alt ......... _,, 8"'tlnt'UPfoptrt\ 'r•l•f'-t..u l·1u1h 'Ml'Nttl.l Pf9"f1) t..._..v1n~Jie ~t.n lW\~lrt ..... W'\ l•bP \CM1:• l'W'Ofnll' p,_.,,'h llldibllt•I Proprttt) Loh,., '-tk' 'l*"lfnwTrltt'ta, "°'*• Ontn Mr'\oW1 :,~u~ .. fMtlM~rop ltaNM\ •··rm" titV\ '' Jtt.t lA•tt• f•C-h•••• knl t.a.uttll•N .. 1£11llS Nrtu " l'•mptn~•k> Rf'n-l F.&.c1ntt'•n -C)doo. St ..... Mo!.• HM11 .S,.)t Arftf. Tr..itnTr1 ... !' .. ~~ ... ~ .... AUTOMOl1ll Wfwt•• .4MIQ"'"' t.'4DM• an ru t._.\ dH In ~in· ••tt "~•t ... IW.attfUr1,ft hYlb , ... ~111wL..-.. •.t " ..... .,... ... AITOS. IMPllHI ttfMUI Alil• MbMl"t ,Wll, • , ...... ,. ... ) .,. .. l•'" 0..-loil U.;t.WA "'""'"'' .. ,.,, 1"-1 .. J ......... J,.,.,... h.trnMnithhh• .............. )l,tftf.,; \frtn•" • llit•ti "" 11,;w ...... l'•Mt<t• ··~,,Iii l\,tnfW -........ Wb M_,,, MM rt ,.. ... !lllU '61b.ifhl r.,..-. r • .....,. \ .. ,,. ... n..,. \ ... , .. , ....... 1 "" ...... ........... l4M.tfn AITIS. ma l lr\t ...... 4'li1H.Jitt ·-..... ....,.,.. ... ''"' .. "" ··•·· lk.t ... ..... ••titfl•i .......... 'C.,,, .. , VirftW\ "•"'•"' ......... 1·-a'h ..... ........ '"'-' .......... "'"'-4 __ ,.. 111111 ·-.... , .... ... .... .... EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY :: ,,,,,r' .... '• ~·: -A real estate ad· :: vertised in thi s 1• newspaper is sub1ect to :: the Federal Fair Hous- :: ing Act ol 1968 which •flll makes it illeg1l to ad-1 :: vertlse ·~y prererence. •• limitation, or dis· :: crimination bued on race. color. religion, ,.. sex, or nation1l origin. •M or an intention to make :: any such preference. 1ni limit1tion, or dis · !""' t'rimin1Uon ... ..... , .... l!fQl llW QjJJ .la lQ .. :alCI - This newspaper will not knowlnsly accept any advertising ror real estate which is in viola· tionolthe law. = 1--------·1 - YllWTOWMHOMES = Muter suites. View or : Ocean " Nijbl lights. -~et Area. Parks, open : spaces. S137 ,000. Xlnt -F\n. Hal or Pat Agts -751 ·9905. 673-7300 ::: MEWPOIT ::: EXECUTIVE ::: Btaiiiful 4 Bdrm home ,.., with cathedral ceiling in ...., living room. Features nny upgrades plus RV :: Kcess. Assume Jst ud AM 2Dd low interest loans :: and seller will also help =: fanan~. Only $269.900. -648-7171 - '1UI IM ,,~ ,, .. fill THE REAL ESTAT&:RS :;~ , __ 111111111!111111!11~~- ~~ SOl6IOUS I '/ta UYYllW ~,:, Compfete redecorated ~:; "Bayside Cove" 2 BR. ~:» den penthouse. Assn. :: pool. SJ!a. pri. beach. Looks hke model. Great assumable · Try 20% down or 6 months option. Greatly reduced for ''"' mot iv ate d buy e r . ~= $414.000 Debbie Full · rm Macnab·lrvine R.ealty ;;:: 642-8235 :; OfllM SUH 2-S 5 ·~~ -"'•rt•• 1-----·1 . West Bay bayfront. Slips for 2 boats . remodeled 3 bdrm, 3 bath $1,200,000 . Ocean & jetty views. Marine room. 4 bdrm, 3 bath. 3700 sq.ft. $1 ,385.000 . UDO ISU HOMES Prime Lido Nord bayfronl. 5 bdrm. 5 bath. Lge L.R. 2 boat slips Sl.500.000. Remodeled 3 bdrm, 2 bath + large rec. rm. beam ('eilings. $420,000 UNDA ISU IA YfllOMT Lagoon view from 6 bdrm, 5-bath. playroom, dark rm. den. Sl .350.000! CAINATION COVE Soecta('ular bayfront view 4 bdrm 4 bath, 2 boat slips $1,900,000. · BILL GRUNDY , REALTOR j.;I f',"Y''tJ' 01 ,. '• 1-\ til~ 6161 COU OF NRWPOAT REALTORS 211 I L C-1 Kwr. c:--••11et 1 71-5511 LINDA ISLE EXTRAVAGANT Z ...., wMi 4 .._ ,._ ...ald's '°"'• ~ 6lac) room. ...,. f..Nty rOOlll wftll ., ••a-_. c....try lllk'-". l • illClf Id to pemcHoa pM bridCJ9 o•er clp pool _. ape. PerlKt dtcor. s I ,)'5,000. Sip -l boats. MISPA 55' UDO LOT la? .-y patio .. '' ft ..... for •leitzlitA~....,-.wlttl J '"*'-a 2 w... sstS.ooo. WATERFRONT HOMES, INC. REAL ESTATE S..lt1 R .... , .... Proptrty ~mrn1 2436 W Co.11 H\lol\I 31H4.mrw Aw NtwpoJ1 &M: h a.ii-llllnd 6ll·l40t 67Mft0 :: MJ,750 = W6AIMI I N A s T H y I :.! Starter condo ! Super I 11 r I I ~ private and quiet. 2 · . · . . . -Bdrm z bath, I 1tory 1 .. Y 0 U P 1 ""ll near lfhooll and shop· --n~~--::! pin&, Good 11111m1blei I I I I ; :!: IDM. Try amall down. _..__...__ --'-· __,,, _ __.. _ __,_ ) ::;..<' :: Call•, $41.2113 .------j -. Ptla1-IJ!·t• I P [ RT I I ! MyntlOhbofflgurtthltwlft ~ 1+1,s9141 I r I I . : :~:~,;:;:II 5:,' c:~: wi1 1J _,, trade or 11le, . ...,. ., H £ N B ) D tlh· • woufOn't be CIUOflt --• =..:. 9::.: c'2. ·~ I' I I I I' • ~~~~~ ~ 1\-lhn« Ilk> mo11I PfOPlt' 9111p .... •· 4 BR 2~ "" ~ ..., No .,.._ PNibkt bl lrnport1n1 lo M, I wttl>er1, palio. l h~ lllll'<'Hli Cl( any -. pool, \\ ICrt lot. • .,... --~ .... kt ••rt """'~..,., loll crl your .. 111 Ila l e4 ln _... .,__ F• mDf't Clu11Ued, pllHe 4et1l11 ult owur ~till'~ ..... --.;;-~ ... ::.-.;p._--- COUNTIY CUii UYIMG Located on 3rd greer. or the private Niguel Country Club. One or a limited edition of unique Links Pointe fairway homes. 4BR 3 ba, with tasteful decor . Assumable loans. Call now for information. $390,000 . Y1EW • EASY ·TEIMS 4BR, 3ba, fam rm. Great floor plan. Assumable loan plus sellers help make this one of the best bu ys in Laguna Niguel. WAHLIWn 4tS·2016 IETTY COU AND PHYWS SACHS A TEAM OF RW ESTATE NONSSIOHALS IMVrTI YOU TO PIEVIEW A HEW USTIHG 2946 JA.YA ROAD. MESA VHDI, C. MHA SUHDA Y FlllUAIY 21 I ·4 011-IER LISTINGS AVAILABLE : . 3 Br. 2 Ba, Costa Mesa $125,000 3 Br. 2 Ba. Costa Mesa $119.500 3 Br. 2 Ba. Newport Beach $139.500 3 Br. 2 Ba. Pool Santa Ana $ 92,500 3 Br. 2 Ba. Condo Santa Ana $118,500 Call us for a viewing appointment. Ask for Betty or Phyllis 546-ZJIJ THE REAL ESTATERS IESTIUY! 4 Br home in Costa Mesa. Owner will assist wlb f111andng $120,000. C.11979-5.370 ALLSTATE REALTORS RfSIC>ENTIAl REAL ES TATE SERVICES CQMINA DB. MAR $269,000 -5Pacious 2 BR. Front house has a separate 1 BR guest or rental unit. Both recentl v refurbished oHering today's buyer ca re-free duplex living south of the highway. If:' NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 PAii -CITY IAMCHO.DUPLIX Lovely duplex in prime location. Close to ''The City" shopping center & business community. Both units now rented. Good finan('ing. Owner eager to u.egotiate. Call for details. $207 ,500 Myrna Boom 551 -8700 (XU) STAR GAZEK11 \ ~=i..:.:.:...,__~-~CLAY~l'OUAN-~-.~~--1 k '-o.i,-,w.. k y .trc•tdiof N th lion, y To ~lop mtu~ lor So1u1doy, *C!-*cor~"'ll '°~ "' )IOI" Zodiac binh 14'\ ·-,_ , ... " "• IJl,o!l~~ ::... '"""' ··-·-.. ...._ ,, .... ~~a-.1 ~~· ... .._ ""-.. _ ,,_ 1111 ... ss.:=L-1 ==-~::r· b-,. ... __ _,._..!tu 12'~~=~ •i. ... ........... J•-»•• ""'" )f -~­·-· Jl°"'9't .,,._ ..... •O-• .,, ..... ., .. l)C,.O ......... .. ,_ '"' •1 AHi ,., ... ... ·-,,_ .,_ ~::-' •• .,,.. ti••' ... ·~ ..._... .. _ .,, ... t.J-.. .. .. a. Ill- "°"' ·-•O. ·-,,.,._ ,,_ \\.I ·~: I y \ TAYLOR CO. I·: I \' : I I:.,. " I'' 1'' H CANYON CUSTOM DCITIMfi c;OLI COUISI YllW Elegance &i dignity in this Majestic Colonial Mansion located on the 8th green of golf course. Top quality craftsmanship thruout with finest woods , abundan('e of imported marble. crown moldings, 611'2 baths, air cond., 3 wet bars + more. Luxurious mstr suite plus 4 other bedrms with private baths, banquet size DR. ram rm and billiard rm. Call for appt to see or a color brochure. $2 ,150.000 including the land . Financing available. Will consider selling fully furnished . WESLEY M. IA YLOI CO., REALTORS Ziii S.~H•Rood H ..... EW ... 'POl.,...IT .... CEMTll. H.1. 644-49 I 0 JUST USTf:D THE LOWEST PRICED HOME IN MEWPOIT NA.CH With all new carpet and paint, and 11 1 ~ r;, assumable financing . Move real fast ! Call now. 752·4699 Plan Ill Realty STAITB·S7ZI Cute I Br bouse w /real mahogany molding " wine ffilar. Owner wlll hdp flDllK't. SlVSTO MEWPOIT ICH! lt's I bargain! 1121,900 total price. 3 Bdrm 2 beth. f1mily room. briclr. flttl>lace , R-2 lot Room lo build. Alley access. Call u1 for more In · formation, 546-2313 • THE REAL ESTAT&:RS MESA YEIDI Lovely One-Story Four Bedroom Home In Desirable Mesa Verde Area -Located On A Quiet Street . -Designed For Family Enjoyment -Owner Will Assist Greatly In · Financing Pri ced At Only $139,000. 759-9100 u2 COlpcll.e. ,,_. H•wportCtwhr • 12. 9% IHTUEST • HAUOI VIEW HOME Immaculate MONACO model featuring 2br/den. frplc & spa !! Low interest financing available. $241.500. FEE. 2670 San Miguel Dr .. Newport Beach. 759·1501 or 752-7373. • WA THFIOMT HOMI • NIVATI llACH Sen5ational 4 br home smack on t he water!! Featuring french doors, f tplc. professionally decorated & private SANDY BEACH. Only $249,000 & seller wjll carry AITO! 2670 San Miguel Dr .. Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. MIWPOlf llACH <>ff'CI 1'70S.Mlpll~ f114111t.IHI ll1417U.1JU c.....~. LMttlr T-.r _.... c....,••I celA•9I, ..._, ll.ltdetn. Al t. So. of Hwl toe•. ,..... ..... ..... SJJS,000. a ... -" 2 COUMTIY IMGUSH OOPLEX 4Br +28r, I yr new, S318.000. 709 ' 10t ~ Orrhld. Call &sl·9US0wner /bkr. ~~e~~~,,a Bdrm home wtrrplc, + 2 Bdrm apt. Only SZ82,000. OWC W/$40,000 dwn Joyce Waltze , 1gt 631-1286 . .... SZf 5,000 or C:O. Mete I 024 b•y botll for ••••••••••••••••••••••• S ' o s , o o o . .:i~ollfH~lPA 4411.411'/2 D-..o, Spacious J Bdrm. 2 ba CM Beautirul area Sl5.000 COLE OP NEWPORT RULTOAI HtlLC-Kwr. c.r-~-­ '75·5511 dn Asking $240.000 Sl&ml mo pymt PP. Agt 7~7i.9 CHAIMEI 2 Umts + Separate Cot tage. Great Owners Unit or Rental Prop. Ca bin Like Int Eastside Creative Terms 1 or~ Down Break even $149,SOO. Brkr Prestigious Estates in rubionable Mohler Ca· nyon, Anaheim H llls-4 bed. 3 ba, F' /R, G /R, Koi lagoon Attractively -landsc1ped. Decorated 645-6266 ----- 11'op Hat By L. Harding. 1495,000 A co rn Real 'tiy 714/974-7333 'HTails .. -Assume the high loan llllOel.._. 1006 balance andmovein1h1s ••••••••••••••••••••••• beau11ru1 4 bedroom &ii P:R & M&nfniy payment on Balboa Island property Low down or trade ....... ty.ltttr. 675-2166 c:.....•tto.. Owming rbdrm. 31'i ba. 2 sty Don Peterson home. breurut room . home ideally located near South Coast Plaza Just I year old. this home reatures a forma I d1n1ng room. family room. kitchen built-ms and fireplace Ideal for young proressional family Owner will aid with r1nandng-subm1t your orrer! $204 ,900 Please call 979 2390 TAI RWTOIS F\repla~. many xtrs. •-•llJ!!l!l•ll!l!ll•lllll!!I• '539,000. 222 Coral Open .......... ,., "'STSIDl Sat/Sun 1·5. Wkda Appl ~ SA Ownertagt 675-6921 6 PLO OK Y I So/o l>OWH A.Tl.AST and owner will finanre A Pwfed PecbM to qualified buyer. Well Super IO<'ation~ Urge local.f!d. good looking 6 assumable loan. Fixed uruts + 4 car garage + I rates. realistic sales ample parking Below \l !Jrice, motivated seller. times gross Caltm.oia C:.-T.., 644-7211 ..... , ...... 1007 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~N IGEL [}AILEY & ASSUCIATES metSAT/SUM 11-6 !ifei"3~ach house Bay "oce1.11 viewa OteansideolBalboa Isl l•-------1911 Court Ave. or 19th 675-2291or848.3133 Ample partin1 in rear 1022 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ .. ,....Co.do lltCdM Unobstructed Ocean & Olanel View 2BR. 2BA. Pool . Jae Boat Slip Avail SS25.000 Prine On.!t. 640-737 3 - o,..ws-1.s 1 ZO G aldttwod WTSIOl °'8rming small 3 bdrm rarruly home or rental inveslmenl. Beam ,·ell 111p. large ~ed brirk hreplace. huge yard w alley access. quiet J street. Owner very " rmtlvaled. Sl47.500 Low Do"" SJ90,000 in assumable MESA YEIDl loans Remodeled 2 4 Bdrm 3ba. pool•spa. bdrm. Nice patio. R-2 lot lge ramily rm Ready to wth plans for unit Onl y rmve into Owner will $249,500 OW C 3rd hnanre equity. Sell. OwnertAgt trade or straight note 640-1430. 957.9303 SIBS.CXX>. Owner 919-5814 1 ~!.~ ... =.!!!.~1~!~ ........ !?!.~ RCTaylorCo 640-9900 $25,IDJ MOVES YOU IN! Yes! For only $25.000 dn . You can own this lovely 2 Bd. 2 BA ocean view home in Dana Point. Sales price reduced to Sl59.950 for fa st sate.-Excellent 10'; financing available. Try le a se option . Immediate occupancy. .... ,,,," HUllllY D N T 0 H T H E U Y L E R R I W W S Y Y N S P E E 0 X R I S R Y U 0 S N U Y P E Z P S G M R E T U H S U R R C Q U N U V L Q W U L E 8 S T V E I S V 0 l L W Q.O ~DTP HAS IP S V KT ET E R Y K A S 0 C 0 S C M H K E Y N L A Y C S R U N T T S T A H S E L B E 0 £ L Z X H I A H S A C R C A 0 T U T 0 L f M R T P B S C S L U 0 M A S S S R T B X C S E 0 T L M R A T T 0 U E A S T P V I ~ n H E E R E M P T 0 8 E H A 0 Q 0 TlH U R R Y W £ 8 E R L P D 0 C E L 1 E P T I S C R A M 8 L E E S T E K V R L K B T P S C Y L K C I U Q 0 L S E 0 S E E 8 L S T T E S H A S 0 R I V .... ... -. ........ ,u!... ..... .._:! = = ...... J °"" ..... -=. = =:::. 91.t: .. .· Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/P:rlday, February 26, 1982 NOTEWORTHY STREET CORNE~ This do\\'nto\\'I\ :\linnl•apolis streN r atr lws its sha l'l' nf "t'<'oncl I tlkl'S from paSSl'l'Sb\ \\ho A,W~ "t'~ lhi:-. rnusieal S('Ol'l' lrom H;l\L'I s (;as pan l ell' l..i :'-ll11I on tlw -.1clC' of a ·mus1t· :-.Ion· Elderly rich sleep better La JoUa study $hows they, are healthier, eat wisely LA JOLLA IA P} A s tudy s hows that the elde rly rich apparently sleep better. says a University o f California researcher about sleep," she said in an interview. "If you looked at past studies <elsewhere>. many more complained." reportedly are sold to old people Among th e e ld e rl y interviewed b y the research leam of UC's San Diego campus, only 12.S percent of the men and t4 percent or the women have "troubled s l eep," Or . Ancoli-lsracl said. In the view of Or. Son ia An coli-l srael , "t hey are healthier. wealthier. can take better care or themselves and can cat better:· T he study involves over·6S residents of La Jolla . one or the mo s t ex p e n sive U .S . communities. Dr. Ancoli-Israel heads a learn or researchers assigned to the university's Sleep Disorders Clinic at the Veterans Admin1 strat1on Medical Center in La Jolla. The majority say they 're "very satisfied" with their sleep and have litU e trouble falling off to sleep: she said Once asleep, they wake up on an average of only once or twice a night. The survey involves l SS e lderly people. reached since last August by telephone and then interviewed in their homes. They U.se fewer sleeping pills than the national average only 4 percent of the men and 18 percent of the women the researcher said. Althou g h the s tud y is scheduled to last four years. Or. Ancoll-lsraeJ suid preliminary results show those interviewed are averaging 6 hours, 48 minutes 6f sleep ever y night and s pend 44 minutes awake at night "The biggest surprise is that so few people are complaining Acco rdin g to previous surveys. she ~aid as many as 45 percent of America's elderly have trouble sleeping. About one-third of all s leeping pills N oise in special-care nurse ries subject of concern for doc tors LOS ANGELES <AP J -One day, the loudest noise is their mothers· heart beat. The next day, they endure higher noise levels than federal regulations allow for factories. A study l>y a psychologist and a neo·nalalogi.st at Women's Hospital at Los Angeles County.USC Medical Center has revealed that infants in special-care hospital nurseries a re subjected to a chaotic environment that includes potentially hazardous noise levels ···In the past few ~ars, we've been making vast strides in neo-natalogy, so that infants who wouldn't survive before are now spending weeks in nurseries." s aid Or. Joan E. Hodgman, a neo-natalogisl at Women's Hospital and a professor of pediatrics at the Univer sity of Southern Californ,a. "For'awhile, you worry about life and death. and then you worry about quality or life for lhe s urvivors," said Ms. Hodgman, who worked on the research with Dr. Allen Gottfried. a psychologist an~ associate professor at California State University at Fullerton who also is an associate professor or pediatrics at USC School of Medicine. .. Babies born very s mall are at a higher risk '°' intellectual pro ble ms," said Gottfried . explaining why he s tudied the environment of premature babies those born with 36 or fewer weeks of gestation. compared to 40 weeks for a full-term infant. ·'Originally, researchers hypothesized that they were brain damaged, but researchers think now that the environment might not be optimal for development," he said. The qualily or that life. at least during the time spent in the hospital, is not what it could be. according to their re port published in the mag.azine "Science.·· The level of noise inflicted on the tiny ears or the 45 infants in the high·rlsk and intermediate nurseries at Women's Hospital were "too high for a factory," said Ms . Hodgman. who said that these nurseries were comparable to nurseries throughout the country. The source of this cacophony? The machines that take care of the babies. · 'Tbe nurseries were built with control or infection in mind," she s aid. "Tbe surfaces are all smooth so they can be wiped off. There's nothing to soften the sound.·· Said Gottfried, "We were surprised that it was as noisy as it was, and we were also surprised that to date no one has an active research program to try to change the environment lo become more , optimal for the infants' development a nd for personnel." • Though babies at home are confronted with loud noises from phones and household appliances, "They aren't on constantly." Gottfried said. "They generally have a bedroom where they can escape from the noise " The whole environment in the nursery is abnormal, said Ms. Hodgman. .. Babies receive a lot or stimulation. but therc·s no rhythmicity," she said . "There's no difference between day and night because the lights are always on . There·s no day-to-day variation. Rhythmicity is normal. "We don't know if it's bad for babies." she said. "We just know it's not normal." Touching of babies in the nurseries isn't normal either. "Touching isn't done on a social basis. but because the schedule says it's lime to change the diaper," Ms. Hodgman said. •'When babies are typically handled at home." Gottfried said . "the parents or grandparents or whatever try to establish eye contact and talk to children." A baby who can't see who is handling him or doesn't have the other kinds of contacts doesn't learn to coordinate his various expe riences. Gottfried said. .accoaMtal MOITUAltlS ' Laguna Beach 494-9415 Laguna Hills 768·0933 IUTH llllm NH le ads • Ill San Juan Cap1s1rano 495-1776 FREEMAN s ales o f s ntokes 'Star stuff made in lab BIRMINGHAM, Ala. t APl -Start art the s tuff of dreams, of aon11. poems and promlsH. But when Or. Thomaa Wdowiak reaches for tht 1tars, he finds some1thln1 more tanalble by looldn1 no farther than his own laboratory. . Wdowiak , an associate professor of astronomy at the University of Alabama in Birmingham, recenUy reported ln the British scientific journal Nature that he has produced "star stuff" -a mater ial re markably similar to stardust, carbon-enriched particles spewed from stars thousands of light years distant. After it is flung fl-om stars, the dust rorrtls dense Interstellar clouds, where scientists believe other stars, planets, solar systems and -perhaps liCe itself are born. "Deep in the star, atomic carbon forms the first carbon molecules. which is the beginning of the cosmic chemistry." he said Thursday. ··The carbon molecules are then spilled out into the galaxy where stars, planets and solar systems are formed. "What we're seeing (in the laboratory) is carbon, like that formed in stars, coming into its first forms." That cosmic organic chemistry eventually leads to the development of amino acids . the molecular building blocks of lire. "Interestingly enough, this star dust has a smell not unlike synthetic rubber," Wdowiak s aid. "That's because the reactive molecules I'm working with are chains of carbon atoms similar to that found In synthetic rubber." Wdowiak s aid he produced the carbon molecules, s uspended on dust grains, from methane. The molecules are so reactive to one another t hat they can exist only when separated by the distances of $pace or within-a frozen gas. he said. Wdowiak froze the laboratory star dust in argon gas, which is chemically stable and will not react to other elements. He keeps the temperature or the dust more than 400 degrees below zero. The researcher illuminated the carbon molecules with a tungsten lamp and found that the dust particles are capable not only of a bsorbing, but of emitting light as well. That may explain the phenomenon of the Red Rectangle nebula some 1,000 light years distant. Wdowiak said. The Red Rectangle was discovered in the early 1970s when strong infrared light emissions from a region surrounding a blue binary star were detected by U.S. Air Force research rockets . Telescopes r evealed a red glowing. apparently rectangul ar, dust cloud surrounding two orbiting stars flCTITIOUS 8USIN&SS f'ICTITIOUS 8USINISS Nit.NII STATIMINT NAME STATIMaNT The to1towit19 P••Hn h dolt19 TM I01lowlt19 ,,.,...,,., ••e Clolno bu>IMU ... bu51ntU M : SU N LAN 0 L AN 0 SC APE GONG BROS . ?Sii South Sl>ruc•. COMPANY, 2117 S CrOCldy, $et1le S.nt•Ane, C•lllorn1e'1170. Ana. C•tifomWI "'°' John Cerl Ale'll, ?Sii South 59<u<e, Ben L. Birch. f 1' Ruby A.,....,., \.ant• AN, Calllorlll• "'°' ••-hl-.C•llfomla"1 .. 2 Ml<heel Arthur PrllcherCI. tllt This Du>lt1ess I• conducted l>Y .,. Amertc.,, "B". Co"• Mew, C•lllornl• lndlvlduel '1621 ..., L. Blrcll Tiii• ""'' .... ' h conouctt<I l>y • Tlllt stM-t wM hi.-! will\ --rtl -1nenl!IP Counh Clert. Of Or•n9e County Oft Mlcheel ArthUr Prll<Mrd Februery i.. 1"1 Thlt st.I-I w•• flltld wllll tne f'IU CCMHlly Clerk of Or•~ County on Publt-Ofe119e CoeSI Detty Piie>\, Jan ... rY 20, 1"2 fl111Jl1 PubllsNCI Oret199 Coe•• O•lly Pllol, Feb ft,U,Mat'.S,12,1'9:1 7ll M~a f'ICTITIOUS 8USINISS NAME STATliMl!NT Tn. followl119 -M>n• e re ooono bullneues: CAPRI CLEANERS, 1011 NOf'lll """'9noll• • ...,_Im, Celllor'fll• Cit.,. N SNne, lt1<., • C..lllornia C'~etlon, IAU Soutrl 10111 A .. nue, Arc.Ole, catifot'tll• '1006. Tllh busl,_.S h C-<le<I l>Y a <ori>or at loft. Clean N SIMM, Ir><. FlhlN H $uiei~n, Pr" TMs Maltmenl wes filf<I wllll I ... Cout1ty Clerk of On~ County on Feb t•, 2•, Merch S, 12. 1"2 I~ fltCTITlOUS 8USINISS NAME STATIM4lNT The followlt19 perton 11 dolno buslt1H\es· O RANGE C O. BACICSWJHC. I Tli'll. SOS S19t1•I llo•d. NewPorl Be•ch, CA 916'). FAEO-M. ICl!LL. !05 S'-1 Ao..i. Hewoort 9Mdl, CA '116') Tlllt IMai,_.s IS COftCIUCled l)y a 9efWrll IMlrtMnllip F~.tcell Thlt ...._. WM fllf!CI wllJI m. CO<#l'lty Clerll of 0••"90' Cout1ly on Feb t•, 1"1 February 17, 1"2. flten71 f'IUt" Pul>ll\lltd °'-COH I O•lly Polo!, Publl•...., Or-Coa\I Delly PllOI, Feb "· ,._ Mercn s. 12, ,.., ,.,..., Feb. "· U, Merch s. 17, ,.., ,, ... , ~ f'ICTITtOUS aus .. •HS MAMIE ITATIMINT Tll• lo1towtn9 '""'°"' er• CIO•no l>lill .... s n : Slh STREET CLEANERS, 72' Siii SlrMt, H""llfl<Jlon S.ec:h. Calltornl• Cl•.,, N Slline, lr>c: , • C.lllornt• <~•lion, 1414 South lCltll A-. Arc.al.a. C.tlfornle tlOOt. Tiiis l>utlneu I\ conduct•O t>y • :orp0retlon. Cllt., N 5hlN. Ir>< FINN H SuN!hnen, Prn. Tiiis stel...,.,.t ... , Ill.ct with tne County Clerk o! Ora119e County Oft Prnldtnt l'tbruery 11, I'll 1 Thlt ttettmetlt -flied wit!> tlle fllU111 c-rr 0to of 0r_.. County °" Publlllled 0<e<>99 COHt O•llY Pl tot, ~ t4, l"2. fllaMI fleb. It, 21, INrcll S. 12, 1"2 7.._.1 Publllhtd Orenge Coetl o.lly Pllot, F.O. 2', Merth S, 12, 1', 1"2 MOC f'ICTITlOUS 811StNaSS •AMS ITATIMENT The lollowlnt person ll dolne f'ICTITIOUS 8USINllSS bulfMU•s: NAMI STATIMtlNT IMPllllAL OYHASTY, 03-lhl bu~~~.~o~~ ....... OOftl ••• C1oln9 Street, N••Porl 8Hcll. C•llfornl• M ENA MANUFACTUAINC., n..,. I Merl•no S.leleno, n o werwlck ~';1:;!~~ • A•Mw. C•t• llMse, Avenue, LOSAtwJeln. Celltornl.t 90031 Allredo z. -.... t•U 5 Aon. 1,.J1~l:,~ It C-UCtecl by en S.nte Ane, cafllomle t'107 MlrienoS•ICl<lno Eld• V. -· ••2S !> Rou, S.nl• This ... ...._. WH Ille.I *'"' !tie An•. Califotftl• n101 H.Allott LAWM-MT. OLIVE Mortuary • Cemetery Crematory S H O RTY MEL ZIE FREE MAN. resident of Highland. Ca Passed away on February 24 . 1982 in Fontana, Ca Survived by his wire Billie, 2 sons Monty of Saugus. Ca. and Tony or Chino, Ca., a daughter Judy Scharrman of Highland . <.:a .. I brother and 3 sisters, and 5 grandchildren. He was a former 20-year resident nr Costa Mesa, Ca Services wilt be held at Bobb11l Chapel. 1299 East IU&hl and Ave .. Son Bemardlno. Cn with interment at Ri verside National Cemctff)'. Bobbitt Memorial Chapel directors. Cou11ty Clerk ol Oranoe cou .. ty Oft hu~ ::1;~~· h COtlCIU( l•CI l)y RALEIGH, N.C (AP > -More cigarettes -Fe1>ru•rvt.1t11 ,.,111.. Atrr-Z.Mene 254.4 packs for every m an, woman and child -Pu1>111l'llOOratl9f CoestoauyPl1ot, Tiiis ... .......,, wes "'" w1t11 m. 1625 Gisler Ave Costa Mesa 540·5554 rMCI UOTHllS lllu. UOADW A Y ~TUAIY 110 Broadway Costa Mesa 642-9150 IALT21HGllOH SMITM I TUTHtU WISTCUFf CHA ... 1. 427 £ 17th St Costa Mesa 846-937f PIHC11101"111 SMITHS' NOITUAIY, 627 Main St. Huntington Beach 536-6539 Going Into Buslnesa? were sold in New Hampshirt last year than in any Feb.12.1t,,.,Mer<11 s. ,.., MW? ~:".;!:,;:!:~.: 0••noe c°""'Y on other state. according to a national tobacco group. ,.,..,. The Tobacco Tax CouncU Inc., which annually P9JC Illa PuollshKI Orenoe c oett 0 •11v Piiot, FtO. It, 14, INr S, 12, 1"2 7>1.., compiles statistics on cigarette sales. said the ,1CTiTiouuu1tNHS _.,. _ figure for New Hampshire in the year ending last NAMUTATIJMNT • f"ftlU'r ,..,...._ June 30 was well above the national average of Th• 1011ow1n9 P•"o" h 001119 ----------- 139 4 k llllltl-•: •ICTIT10US8UMN•U . pac s per person. l!V.llOltE•H $1l.IC$, uu NAMtllTATIMIENT Following New Hampshire were Kentucky °""'-Drive, AneMfm, C•llfort1I• Tiit lo1towln9 person ,, dolt19 with 209.7 packs per person and North Carolina. .,..V•••nci• 01,,.,. Miqueo. uo2 -1:.:r1 INTEitNATIONAL, J02W which has the nation's lowest cigarette tax at 2 o.e,.._ 0r1w. A~. ce11to<1111e 11rc.11. s.tit. AN HefOhl,, centonMa cents a pack. with 179.3 packs sold per person. ..... "101 The lowesl per capita sale of cigarettes was in mJ,~1.:..:,1-" c~tff t>v en s.flt~·~:.'i:'....:.-C:.~:..,~;.c11. Utah, with 77.6 packs per person. Hawaii was close YoienMG ~ Tit11 1M1M11 11 <-'" "'., behind with 85.6 packs peT penon, and the next c.!:'~~:=::~C:,::'J~ lt'ldlvlcNei:,.,,.,L.we\1911 lowest state was New Mex.Ice> with 103 packs per 1>. t"2. Tlllt .......,_, •• "'" w1111 .,. S ,.,_ county Clfftl. ot 0<•"9t County ., per on. ,..,..1,,. o..,.. c .... o.tfy "'""· ir.-..v•, ,.., The Richmond, Va . .-bued council based it.s ,,..., 11, 1•.». Mtw'Cfls. ,.., ...., ,., .. 1 .. average on population esUmates supplied by the 1------------Putin"*'~.,,.. coeit oe11v "''°'· S C ,. .. , 11, 1t,a.;Merc11S. ltG UNI. U .. ensus. New Hamps hire·• cigarette t~>l is 12 cent.s per pack. according to Rep. Arthur Shurtleff of the state Le•lllature's Ways and MeaN Committee. He saya lbe tax raises about Pl mllUon for the state each year. Shurtleff said he believes the tax Is ~er than ~nearbJ1LeW1. ''I~ lM IUte II be1Jinnln1 to become • a.;.otlel star.. -~ IOIDe up Ml'e, buy t.hem •d brtil• UMm South • be said. nit ~1 Hid Ute lowest averqe price for a P.tek ~cqaritterba the ~Y as ol November ··~ ..,.. ceau in North Carolina. Tbe hl1.b was 8'.I ~ la c..n.ue-. The Midoiaal averqe "!f •. '1 cents. If Wsgotwheets you'll mov• 1t faster Ina Dally Piiot classtfted ad.can M2·Weancl •frtelldly •d·vttor wlll belp~tum r.ourWllMls nto ullt. "CTITIOUS 8UStNHS .. AMI STATIMtlNT TM to11owlt1t1 Ptf'ton> •rt doin9 -I-ff' THE PllOSPllllTY COMPANY um HlllllU<lt, .... "-"" N'9ut•. CAt»n. II. MICMAEL MARCHESI!, ?J7J1 Hlllhurst. •"· t...9Un• Nlouel, CA '2t77. OIANNA L. MARCHUE, 231)1 Hlllllunl, •61, Lo119une• Nloutl. CA .,.n Tiiis bUSI-• IS C-UC:leel Oy .111 lndl•lduel R. Mlcheel M.trcro.se This ..... .,.,. WM llltel wllrt the County Clerk of 0<•1'19e Coul'll~ on l'eb "· 1"2 1'11M.lS Put>lll/llld 0r""91 Coe\! Delly Pllol, Fel> 7•. Mlrcll s. 12, "· ,.., too-n l'fCTITIOUI 8USlNESS UMI STATIMENT The lollowln9 pe"o" I• dolnt1 butlnns ••· MAR I NE FI NAN C IAL MANAGEMENT. 21>0 A NtWPO•I Blvd , Hewpor1 Beech, CA n.._, JOAN WOODBURY, 200 A Newpor1 Bl•d. l'Hwpor1 &tech U n6':1 Tiiis -1 ..... Is C-u<ted l)y •n 'ndlvlduel. JOAN WOOOBURY flllS Qlef'IWlt WM flied will\ lho C-ty Clerk or Or•not Cou"4Y °" •et>. 2A, 1"2. fl11:Mfl PUllllllNCI Orenge Coe\t Delly PllOt FM. i., Mer'ch S, I?, 1', lte:J .. ,,.; f'ICTITIOUS 8USINEH NAMa STATeMENT The fotlowlng ""'°"'' .,. do1no bU>lnus M STETSC>f'j LANO CO . L TO I, 1•0 Harh•Y AYenu•. M id••v C.•1• Celltornl• m5S JiKk Goen. G-··· P•r1M• , .. , Harh•Y Avenue M id••• Cltv, C•lllornia '2•SS Thi• l>U1.IN\\ Is i»lnO <onGUCled l)y a llmll.O ,..,,,.,~,P Jeck c..»n This s .. -1 foleo ..,.,,. tho County Clerk of Or-Cout1ly on Februerv 7. IWI fltlDIS Pul>lislWCI a.-CoASI o.lly PtlOI, Hb S, 17, It, 1•, , .. , ~ f'ICTITIOUS IUSIN&SS NAME STATEMENT The tolfowl1>9 ,,.,M>f'I, ••• do•no llUsinHSH! CHASl·MEWPORT CAPITAL, IStO Cerril01. A•e-. StenlOft, CA .., lllMLCOLM 0 M<AEEL. U S Vi"a Bonlte, Newoor1 llffc.h, CA '2..o OAllll.ELL KISER, 1207 Fetlocll., Alveoldt. CA. Tiiis butl,...s " co"4ucled l>Y • .aenerel P¥tnen/lip MltcOlm 0 Mc AHi Thlt statement -riled w11n 1111! c-ty Cltrll of Or•twJe County on Feb 14, 1"2 .. , .... Publl !Nd Or af\9e to.Ml Oel I y Pllol Feb 2', Merell s. 12 " "81 M.2~ Inc Thh 1lalement w•• llleel with 11\e County Cltrll of Or•11.ae Cout1ty on Fetwu«y 2, 1'11. fl1U. Publls!led 0r.,. CoHt o.i1, P ilot, Feb S. 12, NJ~ ftl..., l"ICTITIOUS 8 USINHS NAMI STATIMIENT file IOllOWlflO ,,.f\Otl• •re dO•'lO l>Usln.s••• JUSTI N TYLER HABEROASHE RY, 4700 Berr•t1c• Perkwey, lr•lne. CelltOf'fll• nT•4 C-0 Oolllltn, lf'I< • • Cetllor'nl• c°'"'ttlOn, 000 8-•en<a Perkw•Y. ,,...,,,., Cellfoml• '11714. Tiit• tluslnt u h conducted by • f'ICTITIOUI ..,$1 .. IU NAME iTATIMINT Tht followlnt pernt1 h 001~11 bu\lntttM TINKHAM LIMITeD, 3 Purple S.. Irvine, CA '211S "°"ALO 8, TINKHAM, J P\lr!Mt Seoe. lrvlnt. CA '211S 1 1111 0...1,,.... It c-uctect bY "" illcltv-1 RB ll-m Tiiis steltnwnl w•• 111..i with Ille Cout1ly Cltr-ol Oreft9e COunly on Fet>.24, 1m 1"\mM PubllShecl Ore119e ~ o.lly Pilol. Ftb 2'. Merch ~. 12, lt, 1"2 W.t? N~tltl1 f'ICTITIOUS IUSINISS MAME STATIMINT lh• followln9 IN"""' •rt ooln9 bu$tntt' ., PA(·IO SPORTSWEAR", 1717 Norlh B-•Y. ~He no, 5et1t• Ana, C•1ttornle '1170to Moore Sport)wtt•r. In< • C•t1 torn1• corPor•lloft .. nu Nort" Bro•Clw•y, Su•I• no. S•n•• An• Cel1fort1le '2l'Oto Tiii• bv>ltltln •• conduc teo l>Y • t orpor41tt0n -·~·-.tr>c: Ellnor R Ori•-"•· CrHef FIOWr>C••I OfflH r 1 his sl•tenwnl wM 11 l<!d wllh ,,... Countv Clerk ot 0••119e County on J•nu.ary •• ,,., ..,..,., Publl\htel Or•ncJI' Coll\I 0 •11• Pllol Feb ll, It 7• llloerch S, tte:J '" 11 FICTITIOUS 8USINHS NAME STATEMENT Th• foltow1n9 pef's.on I\ d O•nQ .......... ,., l•I SILMAAC (0 . 101 BON SOR BE l CO. ~ E l7lh 5tl"Q(, CS MOO. Sullt A 1'5, C01.t• M .. •. CA 9'14t7 JULIUS MARC MUSHltlN, 102 Sc"°'' Pl•LA 147, NllWl>Ort Be•ch, CA ., .. J l "I~ bu\IAH\ tt. (Ol\OUC'tflod by •n tt\CllYld~t JuflU\ Mu"11t. '" Th" tleteme<tl w•• rtlltd wllh lho County Clerk of Or•~ Cout11y on "'" ,. ,.., F1Ulll Put>h"'4!!0 Or•~ <:a.st Oe11v Piiot. Feo 19, 16, M.atch s 17, 1992 7J}.17 f'ICTITIOUS 8USINISS NAME STATE#INT T"" tollowlf'\9 per"on 1s oo•n9 bu\lt\f'U ti OASIS CATERING. 11SIS _r_. LAne, HUt1fl1'9ton Bff~h. C..l•l«t1•• ., ... , Vicki Ann Sharo. 2S4 Collon ..,.woort S.ec.h. C..llfomi• ., .. , Ttw• 1:1ut1ness" c-tf<I by ..,.. •ndlv..,...1 V•O I """ ShMO Tl'llt statemenl wH h i.a wltfl ll'W Counly Clerk of 0<•1'19e County °" F!let\>¥Y 24 1"2 Fl_,..J PVOll-Or•ncJI' C:O.SI O•llY Piiot Feb. U Mlrch S, 17 tt. 1"2 llS~ PllUC 9111( f'ICTITIOUS 8USINISS NAMESTATlllUENT Tiit lollowln9 perton I• doln9 llU'.llnHSH. SUNRISE COMPUTING, 1110 Sen .. IMICIOf• $1,_I, Fountal11 V•llty, CA '270I OON,.LO ELVIN COLE. 1110 Sant.a I-• Street, Founle1n VelltY, CA '21111 This bu\lntn " conoucled b'I' en lneliv..,...I OONl\LO COLE . Thi• ,. ... ,,_, wes hied wilt! Ow Coui'lly Clerk 01 0.•twJe County on Feb. II. 1412. 1'1UlSl Pvbtlllltd Or~ C-0.llV Piiot F.O ,. INr<ll S. 17. It, t• ..,_., cor-•tloft. ---,.-CT-IT-IOllS--1-US-IN_l_SS __ _ C-0 Ctotlliert, 111<. ST Tl T O•rol M, Ori.be, NAMI! A MSN ' vlc .. Pl'flldtnt Tflt tollowlt19 person h C1olt19 Tlllt ttlll-1 WM Ill.-! wltll tilt tut.I=~~. ENCINE•itlHG AHO county Cltfll Of°'-County on DEVELOPMENT, 2006 T•llun6 J.,.w••Y 2'. l"1. l'ltl... Ttrre<t, Cor'ON dtl MM, C.lllomla J AC.SOM. kfDOlll I s""'u... '2W Jofln Oarll ... th, ... TaNlrWI A--... •• ~ .__. Ml 1.W "9111 ...... ..... Ttrrec:e, eor-CM »¥, C.11 ..... me ... .._.C~Or. ~I llusfntU II CenOIKWd .,. tMI ......,.._..,c .. ..-,u1111~ Or.,.. Coall o.11, Plttt, lndfvi..i J, 0.nL ..__ fell, S, 12, 1', M. 1"2 ... Tllh .....,_.. WM ftltd will• ti. .. ,..,... f'ICTITIOUS I UllNaSS NAMa STATIM&NT TM followfnt __ , ere ~ butlMHft: WALLACE AVENUE VINTURI, JMS -.e VHW Dt1 .. E ... , ...,~ 1, C.t•Mftl.CM""""9 ..... l(,.llltr•Lllt.t 09'1ele•me11t t.lnHll'f, 2M1 lltlleM V_,. t est, Mte , • (Ott• -... CAll!twnt. ..... Jf/ltlll (.~11'(.•C~ ,.,_.,..1e11, ,.,.. --..... 0r1 .... ...... ""'· Cll...,,... ..,.,, Tlllt ....... II <...-.CIH ay • ••MHI ......... . tcr--l.flle 0. all...,. ceu .. w Cieri! ot Or•,. county 111 ,.__.,,.,1. ..,_ l'llCl!ltMCI 0r.,.. GMtt Oltlly ,... , ...... flMr(ll s. 12, "· .. "' .c. Orange eo..t OAIL Y PILOT/Frida~. ft brulfY 26. 1982 ·····•·······•······•·· ••......•.........••.•• •..•..•................ •.........•.•..•••..... ........•.•••.......... ....................... ..•••.•............... ....................... . ••••.....................•...••.•.•••••...•.. .......,•leech 1040 ltedl 1040,.,... 1144 In'-1044 .._.,,.,.,., JOOO ._.., · JJOI c.NMtM U24 ...._ 3244 Ma: parilffd JJ6t Mlwporlltech 316' ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ... HUGE 6 BR ~·STORY S&S Near Golden West College. Over 3000 sq ft Family rm/wet bar. formal dining rm. 2~ ba. 2 frplcs. 3 car gar, spiral staircase. Dra matic home picture perfect an & out. SS0,000 dn poss. Xlnt assumable loans. Asking $245,000. Agent will work terms to suit you. Ask for Maq~ery Sargent. 963· 7<m. Res: 960-8037 Alt ·Un 9~ t Gardlo Orove •Br l~b•.i Ghenbrook 3 BR. rplr. JIDl.wz SPA .....,.llw.l.-ne HarborVuKnollJBrron 4r~...,.TO ..... DISllT 1 usne 'ox.i• ' 0 nu cpu , BBQ, cova paUo msmo 3000 ft1Jei *'SO 48r3bl.(rmU ln1ni.-f/r. do.~roal900•/f l.ots ~ 511" •rm oaa · · W .C. 2nd ptUo,l ayrd 1882Tw1111 · NO-SlSl aut '•• mo study, btaut. dee. lur of , oraae Com m 0 t. i t th d d Slledoua well kept Tri· ., w.i~ _ Mo/Mo. Patrick Remu • wne" re 1r ng O e esert an plex near so. Coul • 79-1221 . detb, reb. view1 pvt pool/tennis 11200/mo anxious to sell lhis lovely 2Br 2ba l Plaia. New carpel ' t er boule In Lalltvlew, lal det view from fNery ---l\Mll'ded sate, poo /ten Disc _poH. &Us. s tory condo in University Par k . pe.intllltwounlu Bu.ill· OreJoo. Launclry r m nn. new Blulf condo 2 Open houle Sat. Pool , 3 nis. $3200/~ All Bob - -- Own"r will carry lge 2nd wi't h lS''!. dn. 1n1 fenced yird " tncc1 yard.1275 mo. vul BR. 2\11 ba, micro, 'f'· br, 2 ba, super clean orDQvieK • 759.1221 THE BLUFFS. Spatio'"' "' 11• enc loud~ralJ•· ""'·Bob Meyer Wa500 906.Ml-41~:111$-171 507-Gm :evts:d·SSll 3bdnn.famlly room.2•.-. Offered at $125,000. OPEu TH S ~ 1161 7822 h Youn& Executive home ba ho~ with large end ONLY SI 2t, 900 IN WOODllJDGI Vacant 3 Br. uir cond condo with $48,500 1st T.0 . at 10''.4 fixed rat e owner will carry lge 2nd. Present all offers. All& fw J.I. 552-7500 D.M. Msthal lltllton '" ·• N c Olr ' m. or Nu 2 atry SBr widen or ~ltecla JJ41 nr W'ettclift Plan 3 BR p1tio Non amolter pref ~D<J' ~· 117 Jennifer Ore. 503/IN7·22l2 481'. PooJ/jac. 2,,..ba.4 2 ....... •••••••••••••••• 2 BA 11 patio/ Jacuul1 No pets .5o mo. • · ..... ,.._.. JJ06 car 11r<auto). Nr :>.C oc••~MT leue lllOO/mo. lnrtuo 731.5331 I Pl&&. Lie 11000 t a.SOC> ~v POOi service It gard 409 ---1•--.i!!llM"'ll.~-· ••••••• .. •••••••••••••• dep. Hm ~tmS, Bui : MDmLIHOMIS Maanolla63l·29H ~et 3RR, 2v, Ba Condo. 1.2 HOMIS Blyrront. beach, 2 Hr. 2 213/m.7200 Mr Ito ~ Dif Of pvt beh.-N hr --Pool Spa aar Smart Lot II 132dOiHHt. SUper , Bi. I IU &p. 123 E ' -·--aeaarity, Iota of coves ' Baysbom 2bdrm, steJ)I' ~ 1750/mo. '75t.9100 Ea1t.slde location. All 81yf ront, Balboa 4 bdrm. 3 ba, 2000 aq n rc>tU, 2Br, adlta only, to bay, auarded gate orCZ.CSO.A.it forAnn have 2 bdrm, flreplacu Island. $1200 winler condo. Near back Bay, only·no dop. 4 to chooae comm. some tum Avail ----It I have 2 bat ha. Well l l«IO aMual. Herb. days S775.11154277 Bob. from. 9&50 to 11000. (714) to 7/1. 1750/mo ( 213 > built stucco l wood. 213/47&-IS77. _ La 3Br 2ba f 1 .. close lo •3111 !97-0488; (2131972·5101 S• C....• J276 ms.ooo. ,.~.,M 1 · rp ~. .. ••••••••••••••••••••• ·c:.t.~ 1024 lr"YN 1044 _ ~ • 222 sdlool lc 1011 erst. 372' Z8Jl. l"'BA, frplc. View. For lease: Eastbluff. 2 Br den 2~., ba Adult ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••• •••••••• <(,ft1u111a dl'I .Alatt ••••••••••••••••••••••• lowa.1700. 538-1~ ~ Car]»el. Older Cot btautlfully decorated 3 Pool /le n n is ISi s . BY OWN ER·4 Br 2B• t .. .,.,. •edl 9'6' jWut ' .._ I OH ~ f : Soedan£!ar ocean & city EASTSIDE . Clean Br . p Mo. 67~9 Br. ~..., Ba. home over· &6700, &Sl·3526 f11>lr lg fam rm · many llSTllYIMI ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• -..&~... i«tU fil)lt.s view from every d l6$0 looluna larce greenbelt. -------xtru , newly redecorat COHO<> IUY! C.. DPlX bv OwHr EAT Ol<'F TIIE FLOOR 1m!ll" room. Large 2 Br. frplc, w/ear. yar ' +aec. New home. Mex lite, sun· SllOO/mo Adults only S• .._ eel m & out, overslied 2 Immaculate Northwood S29S ooo. O~ner will ol~ ao~geous 3 Bdrm. 6'f~-8~.9~ ~!,!!1Y a ~e11 nAi tihe' · S~dH040 d ~~·,:~JiC:~tl~sJe~r. M4-68411 C1phh-1271 car garage, 20~ down I Broverlooldne lake' carry at 14 ~ Cal l See1n1 IS believing .... , E.Coa11Hwy .. Cdlll .....,., mo..... nt onL N1ceE I e2Br, IBa ,y. LarJ!if 2 br. l ha duplex ••••••••••••••••••••••• Asking SlS0,000. Owner strea~. Pool. jacum. 07~J063or 679,9667 VAIF'HA welcome Only days 00·5757, eves gar. pet, refng/stove. MMlo.Yatfo 3267 unit wtfrplc & orean 4 br house w gardener. fin1nre (Mesa Verde tennis . up eraded . $119.900. Bkr 848·0907 wknds631~-·---$630 mo. 752·2282 dys, ••••••••••••••••••••••• view.SO'tobe.ach. l700 -6pa & frpk, S900 mo. Areal 3211 Washington. 184.500. Xlnt rinanring. FORECLOSURE 848-07~ Prime&'4}!,_sluamaMebslaet_M+ 28R, lBA. Frplc, Patio. 6.'2-~~ HOME FORRENT rm.yrly 673-0144 ~161.493:_~5 _ Call for appt <714 I Qwner 673-1923 """ '"'"' Ci 1700 Pl Se D 3 8d S67S F d -911&-41~ -Fi·--dplx. 1250\000. Owner ar. r ep 3 Br. l ba. garage, lge rm . ~nee.. Beautiful ocea;;-v1e"'. 2 s.to._ 3210 FANTASTIC FtHAH. lmmac 3 Br 2 ba + 1S~add-0n, RV 11ccess. frplr. Only St8K dn OWC 11'1. Make ofr $128.500 by owner ~7001 ~ .y Ow"H ...... C*iw .... II.... anxious. suom11 BYCO. Day 213~1960. •:ves. yard. rhildren/rrls ok yard le garaee. Kids & Oceanfront duplex. 2 lge ~ ..-. n., Park r. Kurt ;..a. welcome. 545.2000 Br. 2..., Ba. Condo. ten ••••••••••••••••••••••• W ridge 2bdrm ron· 38r2ba units. Try low or ••••••••••••••••••••••• INC.MS-22:Sl _, "" ~ ru.s gooi spa alk t 4 B 2 Ba 01·n1·n° rm do ... 000 d k ~ ----L-E •""E OR OPTJO-:, ·b-r _11631-12.166 _ A0 ent, no fee. • · • w o r · " · · ~. un er mar et. no down. Lender/Owner -"-• ~ " • " beac S9SO yearly or 2000 sq ft Newly re Xlnt finanring. 1122.~ can be very creative. '-S. 1100 P~m· SCoPRndlN0.G9S J~;,• .90015t 2ba vu exer hm Sl400 SANTA ANA HTS 3 Br. tll :19Grt lt9dl JJ6' lease option. 646 0686. decorated. $750 1 mo 640-9605. Playa R E 873-1900 ••••••••••••••••••••••• r u o11• rm.Ownr/Agt . 759·8006 fam rm, frpk, $600, •• .. ••••••••••••••••••• ~. 979-6423.546"6249 • ZS' AJrstream w room. Now rented at $900 per ---· Isl/last + S200 dep * *t'>n&I DOWN Upgraded Palermo with across street from rm. J20.9M4 or 568·3113 Sawdns Hiit F\i_ lier Rlty.S46 0814 __ 1•-•,!l!_.l!!y!!llAXmill~£Wl!! ... -•13bd.rm. 2ba home. fnl•d 4bdrm, 2ba, lrg home. re· .,.,._ poolinH.VH. Prin on beach.RiOOO.SeeatHun· PS. Spe.rtl rurar-oceanview, "'"'""' yrd, close to orean. modeled, earthtones. 4 BEDROOM _IL.$425,000. 76().8063 tington by Sea Park. 3+ family, formal din Exer 4 Br. custom home, 2 story, 4 + bdrms. 2 romm. pool. SIOOO mo S8S01rm + last + S350 S5000 below appraisal ~STC~IFF 21871 Newland. Spare ing, pool/spa. S2000 3f11>lc,pool.spa.private baths. f ir e p lare. 642-3108 sec 673-4899.645·2971 Beautiful Park Bristol This lovely 2 story fam1 110 . H B. o r r a 11 1 I 0 UNITS ~P-street. Rent or leau op-gorgeous view Pier and 81\ifs. 3 br split level on U#........&......d--3291 Coodo Lowdo14'n. lyhome1Slocatedon1 Beautully ecoraled l-737·!M66. High assumable loans t1on Sl200 /m o slip.S3000 per mo.Avail. bl "--•""" ~-?,wet rul·de·sar, has and designed 3 Br 2ba ------1 9 .68 ti mes a ros 5 ColhaMete 3224 ( 8 o 5 I 6 4 4 . 8 O 2 7 , Feb. 1. green e 1• new l'rpt, ••••••••••••••••••••••• · I f' w/~reat office/den and 2 N.-wnnrt Bearh De Anza " ••••••••••••••••••••••• (714 )997·8600 ask for '850. 494-6306. HOME FOR RENT P.IME E. SIDE antasllc ava I in•nr· ~~,..., Orange. $311(),000. • ----d 1nJ. and total asking frpcs. Assume lge 12'1 b1yfront Park Mint Soc.If•......_ llOHIOf Pat 4br.3ba.2rargar Nwpt 3 Bdrm S67S Fence lmmac 2Br home on pnreisooly lnwf20<"r dn S269.~fee concl '63 double wide .. _., TMKLUCIYaaW "--•-1....& Crest condo. SIOOO yard & garage Kids & large R-2 w1bu1ldable Sl'-5 500 land MS-7~ Qirner lot. 139.000. Bill 544-5605 ·~ ~ _,.._ 3226 170..003,63( 0460 pets welrome S:'~ 2000 ....,._tiaJ As · • • --- -Grundv 67s.s161 Rent 111 Costa Mesa's ------_ Agent,nofee. r--!." · sume exist AskforJan ~. y r-w H-s I t. --NEW EST ta t ed 20 ••••••••••••••••••••••• STO ... '. I · ----ing rinancing. Call Deha [g .---.., ~ D C t 38 2b 1•••••••••1 r : 631·1266 __ ~i \\\1'ldbrldgc 3 br. 2 ba. Good rm. Fee IHdlrro,.rty 11 50 -•~..il!lllllll!l!J!l!llll•I Townbome lLLAG E ana ~es · r a, Take llmt' 10 rela~ and CM!ia m•l-land. By owner. S279,SOO ....................... MESA YBDI ...... COMMUNITY. 2 & 3 Br f11>k. ntre yard 2 r ar Canal Front. Newport shop al hollll· It ~ ,.,am U.,.,..a.ed 3425 Rcalt g ~8755 or&«_-7220 I MAUI· I-•• SZ27 500 2..., Ba 1600-1800sq rt. or garage 2''.rs. new. Ve~ I Shores, 4 Br + Lease or pie ""Hh ))J ti~ 1'1 101 ••••••••••••••••••••••• MESA YHDE J I IO"'r assumable TD. all 2 ~ lux ury. Garages. dean. Avail Marrh. Ca 1 ~"'!to buy. SlSOO/mo Classtftl'd ,\ch /\nil If 1 So. Coast Plaia I Br w 24 3fireB~da~em. •1'202.ooob at h . _1t21_1~a_rranu.~_sk1~:~1n~ I PANIC! ~e':':n1~P~~OOOoceqe~n Bdrms plus enrlosed Y~lro·tdu~. in master evesMS-1771 or 960·S84_!_ beeancnh•f·A~notl:,.~~~ ot~ \Ou hare ~urrwth1n~ to hr ser. Tennis, pools. '• -Pay"!e nt s late ! ty.Termsneg.8Sl·6l68· 1 garages, p ride of ~·~b·urn1n1.n1~l1r!poloa~e5s·.t ....... a.eclll240 MS-., ..... ....,. ;ell. (•all a rral'll<lh spa.s.S450incl wtr Agt OP Fri 10.2 Sat/Sun •--•--L 10 .. • Sacr1r1~e almo•t all ----..:<..~ ---ownership. For more m· """" •fl "' • l'I r ... , ... \ 1 957-0222 . ....,_...._,. -' • micro wave ove ns .~ .. ·••••••••••••••••••• asst ll'n " •~or J -~;4 ....................... equity 3 Br Beath c. .... , Loh/ forall546-S880 pnvate patios & yards .>Blksto~an Elegant 2 ltGCAMYOH LSE l>l2 567K Beaut 2bdrm rondo. 320S M NTANA ' A Lot house $180.000 Fee Ctypti 1500, Hentage lnvestmen~ Gardener provided I Br. Family Rm 4t Den. 2BR McLain Condo. -I pnme S C Plaia lor •oyMcC.rcl.,IHr.' ForAUHt. Oeha6JH.266 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Elegant liv ing only IS i SllSOM0.Plush rrpts,2i,., SllZS per mo .CallGerry I waterfalls. streams. 541-7729 I acre+ bldg site. gent· Pacifir View lot for sale. 2 DELUXE 4·PLX IJlke minutes from Fashion Ba. Cedar & glass. sun· 67J.776lor760·1397 spa, pool S800 mo ly sloping parrel short l600 over hi loans Ask 0 S'l90K lsland.7mmutestoS.C deck. dbl car e r v <7l41673·9019.67S·OS40 dlstanre from tenn~ & 548·l964 ea On pml open. Pnn Plata or 0 C.A1rport gara~. fully ma •nL l•--------1 -1111ma!lllllll!lp!llf""'cllllollltl!Y~·. beach. Ownr has in· C-rdt:I only: ~~9·!:!_66_ Just east of Neweort yard. o pets. lnqwre at llG (:AHYO~ I So Coast Plaza 2 Br w 24 -• I eluded plans for custom '•-l!lm!!!!l!l!!!!l!llll!l1'11-mt ._ • Blvd. & so. of San Diego 5!1 l8lh. St. 960·~-Lux u r t o us t re e hr ser Tennis. Pool. 2 ll HM + 1·1r 1• -STCLIFF nop1rty 1600 Mia mt• D~wrt. l'Twy Starting al S900 a HOME FOR RENT bedrooms .. Two baths. spas SSSO incl wa ter villa. S125.000. Sper ...... ••••••••••••••••••••••• letort 2400 h 63 39 3 I Formal dining room * ~ 957 0222__ __ --., tacularv1ews! $240000 Omorannt .A Alv·eS•. c' 02!,1a 3 Bdrm. $700 Fenred RlcttJv decoratedinmut· ltl. twcJMs I MIS.S~<:~fiALTY Lovely 3 'Adrm plus ..wPOlT JUCH pAf.~·5;1t1°NGs··coN· M g.. .> yll'd & garage. Kids & ed tC:Oes. 3000 sq ft SJ45,000 -----family room. localed in High visibility. c .3 DO $64 900 A 4:511 pets welcome. 545·2000. Jacuzzi off master THEILUFfS 67S..177I prestigious Westr llrr. Ocean view. 120 rt. fron· 95i, Isl · F\im ~!~;:; 2 Br_ enrlsd garage Ageot,nofee. _ bedroom. 3 rar garage Sl>ar1ous four bedroom. Oce~v'f:!.'~rm, I. Minutes to the beach. I.age. Use existing build· ,"pa, etc 320:9544 0~ Adults,nopets SS2S/mo Nearbch2br.2baw/ $2050 month. Yearly Q) three bath cond o ba Exrellentrmanrmg Owner anxious and will angol4000sq.ft orbuild SQl.3l13.P.S 17!!._W1lson ~·~ I . gar.patio&petM9S lease. Call 631 ·7300. ..Guadelupe" Model S230 000 499 2355 help with the financing 10,000 sq. ft. Owner will 4 Br 3 Ba hs f I OC·RENTALS 750-3314 Ru.It.or. !\ear shopp1 n g and YOUDESHYEA see.caUS40·1151 ~r. . . . . Gto•n • 2700 renred yard No pets OC·RENTALS 1--------•I lylease Broker631·7300 Sweeping Ocean View. 1--------•1••••••••••••••••••••••• f:"~· + dep. Al(t l·Sbr'•S200toS2000 3BR~~~MB~ Ba y ashortwalktotbebeacb 10 Arres avorados · 7se>33l4 7-days ........ 1 ...... call Su•anne 3br.2ba NrSC Plaza · · ' For an appointment to S'TlS 000 631 7300 1.-ct.s, F..,... e . fl> r . -----~ schools $1195 mo Year and ..... b Sboppi.n& center site, 10 R h C 1 ,.. · 1 • ......., ,.,., • .. ..., new 3 Br 2i,., a acru . commer ciall(. anr o a I~• 1nl Lo•.twHome! 3 Bdrm 2 Balh hke new 67S.344Sagnt 1650 Pool. Jac. re<: rm ·"--•--••-•I home. designed for easy .... ________ Died 00 buay frwy of . 1165,000 Xlnt invesl 13 bdrm:~ ba, water. Old Town Huntingt on • 54>7131.545-5323 llSTIM WIST living. Ava ilable at •'" ramp or Corona in fast ~7·3288 _ _ gar~ne.r included 1795 Bcb. S'JSO. S36·23Sl af\er ~per Harbor/Ocean Vu. I • ' -----118.SOOb~s 3 Bdrm. l '-'l s:wsr.:aA Lundberg PrlcedtoW growing area. Sale, 26.500 arre ranrh . 2ch!..Jdok.644:22~ &pm __ &8e'!n2v':~~~~;:,·239 "oo ~~{b~~~~t!i~rPoo~ baths an huge fenced & Assor SIS S ._o 00. Love I y ~ade or JV w/quallried 1 11~.soo.ooo. (1'736 per 4 Br. 3 Ba rondo. many DUPLEX -119 Hunt· & clubhouse., S6SO mo = ~=~!T~ akni~r\~!~ Call 494·2894 Vers111les Penthouse 1 n vest o r . R & W acre I Central Ca hf amenities 1800 Dys uilllon Avr. Ocean view.1---... ll!!!lll!mll!!!l--i tst & last Gerry Jonrs. and baths. new paint -------ccndo. Largest I Br + Development Co rp . I roast 140 existing legal 673-:ms eves 645·2439 volleyball rrt I Br IAYAtONT 1 6.111266.agt CHEA"ST-. rumpus rm. 2 ba. Nicely 752-2514. parcels. Outslandinic . ~-· -~Imo 2 Br risotmo: Pier and slip for lar11e anddrapes.Veryconve· ,bouselnCoastRoyal. d rrorated . A ll rerreational oppty Ntre clean 2 Br. I Ba orreot enUreduflexfor boat . Furnished six Tow .. w nienl to stor es and Spertarular view of amt'mliM owner As· Co•llami•iwfTow•·r Prinr. only Owner enclsd garage. yard.• Sl300/mo . Ca I Bob I bedrooms. five baths. • U.fw llli.a.ed , 3525 schools waves breaking on the sum. 11 ~.'1: In By ....... hrM!lit 17001 (311>66S-l.S62 new pamt & carpet No l Meyer ~~. ofc: Ol' dining room and den 642-5200 ~and from this 3 6.1Hi410or 2131283·8333 •••••••••••••••••••••••j ---pets.~ + serunty 661·7622home Tennis courts and bedroom home with 3 Huntington Landma r k , M l:IMh 2544 Orange. house D. · beaches. Short term or 1 j PETE J BARRETI .. REALTY ··------1026 ••••••••••••••••••••••• S5,000DOWH 1 en and conv den condo wlpool and spa Mini orean view ' SI05.900 30 yr fixed 14 1'l'f loan ' O.W C Ownr. 63J.66Cl6 • Lovely 6 mo old. walk to beach. 3 BR 21,Aa ha, fully upgraded. 1()<( dwn min. 10.78'f int. rate avail $220,000. 66l·:Q8or661·92SS -------- Hlillllli::..;••ocll 1040 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ATRIUM ENTRY welcomes you into this 3 Br+family rm near col· lege and shops . Only S~.~. Bkr. 848 07~ car garage on large lot. PllCE•B>UCED rondo-Paririca. end l b~ 2100 S48-2778. 3Br condonr 8olsa Chira years lease. sssoo Situates near home s on Ltisi sinife story 3 or unit, assm JO yr fixed •••••••••-.•••••••••••• 2 &. I s. f\Jll t & Hell. t&OO/mo + last rmnth. Broker. 631.7300 prired from ssoo.ooo to ~.Br home with pool rau IM.000 at 12i.,r; WANTED HouseonLido ·1 d rafrpe sd. rro.846-174lafl8pm. I I • !'man avail Open Fri Sl29 ooo 114 536 08!7 1 ,_ f · enc s garage, enre ---••••••••ml Sl.000.000. t s not as 10 .2 at Al e 0 --· -·-·-· -I 5"" or mrome proper backyar d . patio . Attractive 3 Br. 1"4 Ba large nor as pretty bul it F.astbh.tff. Ol>enSu~ f.s . ""-Property 2000j t}' Pri_n_only.642·~369 washer/dryer area No f en re d Y a rd . I I G CAM y 0 H has exrellent owner EileenAnukovich1\lty ••••••••••••••••••••••• 3Units.S30K Equity pets. $500/mo. 548 54421 microwa ve. $675 /mo., COHDO financing. $295,000 720-0332 APPi.i y AJ.UY F.astside CM or !1_0:_5629 . 968-34~ eves. 963·67671 3 Br full &olr course se.SATIOHAL 645-6266 I daY$ View, lellnl!. pool, spa. ocean views from this 2 T 1.-Petftct Ta 5aMhr CHOICE E. SIDE ------lease. Sl30-0 644· 7424 bedroom rondo with ... _, Near new 4 plex. 2 2Br. l~•Ba , frplc , blln Bearhwalk Townhse for! Bkr fireplace anj det·ks. OW11tc.d! bdrm. 2 bath each unit ....... rangeioven, dshwshr.1 rent S7SO. lsl last S300 Community pool and Bl'aut1ful. large S bdrm with fireplare. enclosed ... •:•••••••••••••••••• patio Pool S600 mo . no dep 28R 2BA call Dolli 2 BR 2ba rondo 24 hr elevator from ~araice + den. 412 ba home on pal.lo. garage 9~.q. Isl ~ ~ pet.s. lll Hamilton C!_l>aul 536-8079 __ sttunty Lge pool, spa S24S.OOO estate size lot w 2 Pos rash flow Now ••••••••••••••••••••••• ---j t b house 1blk 1 5750/mo. 754-4114 Ext ., .. .,, ........... ~ING f1rplrs . jar + SlS9.~. Bill Grundy, ............ _1_._..... 3106 ctcan 2 Br tBa enclsd Adr 1 • o0oreanf. 322 wkdys. or 493-625~ IUU' """'" OlJJ'STANDING VIEW Rl 67s.6 --gar .. pnvate yard. NO u ts over 4 pre · ev/wltnds A 2 bdrm ron o with $790,000. Attractive _tr. ~-••••••••••••••••••••••• PETS.$4.95 S48·6680 $350/mo --room for outdoor enter· financing 204 Kings Pl. I UNITS Hortlt lnfrollt -----960-3012 2 Br l Ba Newport I taming. Great invest· Newport Bearh. Open 4 bdrm 2 r,a •Mu w Mo lmmar twnhse. 3Br 2ba. 3 8 R 2 b d Heights. Very private. ment potential with its Sun 1 4 646·3328 or 7.1 l's~•OSS ~M.otoJunelsl encldblgar.nrS.CPba K'd a co1 n o garage, near Hoag large assumable Joan al m 2102 High demand rent a I 642.1670 548.8647 Pool. kids ok S600. 1 s /pet~ we ~o me .' 645-9095. less .than current rate11. - -area. Assume existing · 5411·7:174 Pool. t.enms. Avail now ' --1 Owner says "Submit all S.-rwt financing of SlS0,000 at Colla Mno 3 124 ---$600 642·6998 or eves j HARBOR Vt: HOMES I airers ... S1J8.•"" s bdrm, 3 ba. 3 "ir gar 10~ and owner will E.s1de d~lex. I Br. den. 96.>8747 3 br. 2 ba. romm pool.. ~ " ••••••••••••• •••• •• • •• • I und . OK S39 --, f I I ~~rrter Nexttorommumtypool carry . Fu l l prire 4br, 2ba, lg bonus rm. a ry, 1tten 5 rpc.S950 tmo.6«-2405 ':\.<itMtei·~.,. 4 blocks to Commun tty S240,000Call 979-S370. I gar, E. sid;:1~. ~7301· S48·78SS -I~ 3242 4 lease options avail 10 School. 2 houses from A ___ 64 _:J7_.__ ~1de, lg cor 2 br l ba. 2 ••••••••••••••••••••••• the Bl~fs. Some distress 1a"' eo-....,_., land. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ------2 _ ~ 2 a. rp r . wet.~ __ ~:;~~~1~190;..~ LLSTATE Mlwporta.9dl 316' r-~~~~s ch/pet Wbdnnaterfronbt B,roa1dmoor situa~. 7609678 II ..__c. ta6• 76().1298 __ REALTORS Cannery Village Mobile 2bdnn. E. side. $575 /mo. bar. ~bl gar. slip avail. 3 BR 2 Ba. pool. dining $87000 -----HomeParkf\Jrnished2 + SJSO ser 673 ·4899. pat io . Sl l001mo rm /fam rm.ttOOClay, Existing SMK at 101.'l ~I 494·1177 1198~F11~a1~~!~s~ op· 2-4 Pl~~es°~~ rt 612 Br. 2ba, pool. adlts. no Sot9-2SlS. l714)67~7171. NB. Sl.000 per mo Agt n oK down, will r arry l* Fontt I 055 . . . pets. close to shops & EXEC3br. 2...,ba. pool 541·5032 I Owner.call962·S689 -••••••••••••••••••••••• llon. rent. Opn Hse 4i 614 Calle Campana, restaurants.1750 mo yr. home.rhefskttch. S6SO nw 3244 Sal/Sun. ownr agt . San Clemente. S249,SOO ty incl util. 673·3685 or OC·RENTALS 750.3314 ••••••••••••••••••••••• S5(XXI dn. Beaut. lge 4 br--!!lm.~~~~-•I 646-1220 each. 123,160 inco"'!e l·SZ.l648 1·772·t801 ___ _ ___ 1 Twnhome . new 3 br. 3 ba. home In H.B. or 3 br in PAI PLACE each. $36.000 down in ' E. side studio house kitch patio. gar. Park. pool, F.V.962-7940agt ESTATES Lill Waterfr1nt 1912. rn 1s t . T .D & ba. yd, util pd . Jal' 1975/mo.833·9057 SPYGWS RIDGE LOWDOWH! 4 Br. 2 ba. fam rm. frplt . formal dining, exec .. home. Newly redecorat· ed. Assuma bit Sll9,SOO at 131'1~ owe balance with low down payment Only 1227.~. ()pen house Sat/Sun l·S m t Montauk Cr. HB. Call Jim, Owneri Agt . ms370or962·9S97 IXICUTIVI HOMI Wl'THYllW 4 Br 21.., Ba 3 LARGE UN ITS on n4/498-S807· 2 ~~~~~':J. 2 m>imo S46~artS -, RANCHO SAN JpAQUIN 8JH.4E~.T~AN SA ND y B'E A C H · Tn.lnf1.ool bath private patio. OC·RENTALS Townhouse, split-level, 2 Sl.300.000 with '600.000 NEWPO"RT HEIGHTS. Available t hrough l·Sbr's S200 to$2000 Br.den.ongol!course. 4 Br . 2Vt Ba . 21 HA.5E~~~~~HING assumablelst. 1270,000 Sam /Agt 6130182. 11,700. month. 7so.3314 7.days 2i.,Ba.A/C,view.l97S. fireplaces. puttinit Cul·de-sarstreet. U.Wrhr,ArJ. 700.l7S6 Broker,631·7300. 3 Br. 2 Ba. S800/mo . ts~ 7~7900 --~·\~~~~~ SUn &S11l II Club __ 7...,5--~5fil -Walk to beach. beautiful last It sec. deposit Call 3 Br 2Vr Ba. F.R .. frplc. Realtor : Joyce Edland 20 min to Newport Adult Mobile Home Park tri·plex, 2·2 Br. 1·3 Br 3 BR 2\.'J BA+ bluffs Con 5411.-4:113 aft. S dbl gar, bit.ins, S82S. 642·6235 Center ontheBay·2bdrm,2ba. Patio, ffPIC. SS.25.000. do.6to9rm's,Sl600/mo SHARP2br,lrg~ar M4·1480.661-4220 -Newport H•hts S Bd . 1210,000 with $160,000 ...,, 000 1 bdrm den Iba Owner will belp finance. Beautiful .. at 12~ fixed rate & fully -'• · · · 646-1064 fncd. pets, TODA $475 2 bdrm. 2 story, I..., ba I Cape Cod. den. game amort:ied '60.000. 2 bdrm, 1 ba rum A.gt. 7eo.9678 OC·RENTALS 7S0.33l4 condo "The Lakes". room. 3 car gar., 3000+ Nopointsorqualifylng. S4S.OOO 2 bdrm 1 ba ~ Sl~r Xlnl. loc. Beau der. ref sq ft, walk to hl·school. 044 0347 125,000. Open Sat Sun "'·-on a lot. O e lBr 2 br. garage. fenced yd. req'd, no pets. M CI\ mo. M•rorio lease option _,,.,._ I . 770-IPM to 5 PM. 300 E. , ,.v Belll 81CMlor · .. · ~ boat storage. Pet OK. _,., •• .. ••••••••••••••••••• Owner/Agent Coast Hwy Unit No 113. house + ooe 2Br house 2Br mobile·Lldo ... $700 •lim 546.7506 64().4Q50 CaJ ana. aat 631-1266 .. ' WOOOlllDCH Newport Bearh Bkr w11ar11es JUST lmmac3BrTwnhs Sl275 . OC·RENTALS 675-3347 REDUCED to 1134,SOO. WA T E R F R 0 NT NrSC Plau. clean J br. 2 UMTALS O.tlltUtllt Mlwport•edl 106' Century 21 Gold Coast HOMES ba. fri>lc, atrium. ram. lbr,lba 1SSO l.Sbr's S200 lo S2000 2BR. '~n. 2BA. ••••••••••••••••••••••• S 195,000 Realtor 548-1181 631·14QO rm. O'looks park. S82S :b", 2ba a25 7$0-3314 7.days ~f~~~i1e~ OCEANVU -~ ~~ HHJ4PUXIS rm.~.it9 tt.::~~~~'l••MmP-.Mll • • . ··-·~ •tin 1k spen' 51v) not high in price: reason· able cost. classified advertising. ••••••••••••••••••••••• I Newly decorated 3bdrm twnhse w attrhd gar nr S.C. Plaza Adults onl). no pets C all 1213147J.3.129 I ~~~ .. ??~~ W111ter Rentals '• Blk fr Bch IBR $460 2BR ~IS ~gle. S300 ~·9325 I BAY FRONTAGE benrh. pier. 2 Br S7SO t:t1I pd Till 5 2i 303 F. I ¥gewater _l.:,821 2866 I 3bdrm, 12 blork to sand. $65(), mo till mid June 67>57t0 Summer Oceanfront Ren tal 3BR 3BA . prime area. xlnt rond, no pets. C.all ,..or Your Reserva- tion No"'' 714 337 2414 ~1'5 714·625·8004 after S 372 2 ••••••••••••••••••••••• I bdrm. I ba furn 41~ Poppy, S400 mo Owner 71l).14 IO 3724 ••••••••••••••••••••••• CASA DE ORO AlLl'TILITIES PAID Compare before you rent Custom design features Pool. R BQ rov'rd garage, s ur rounded with plus h landsrapmg. No pets. 1 Br fum from $465 2 Br rum from $540 ~ W' Wi!s<>n, 642 1971 lmflrl•""° I bdrln $37~. Onve by 1971 Churrtl St Ca II 760-0119 I I --... I I wea11E I • 2 • K I I L I ::can §UM . . . "' Profession a y vr-"~ SSR on udU u • rm OMIOIAU lfyou'veneverplareda 16v r a t n a ne 3Brooal\St.. S7SO Landscaped Buch fr IROW MillETI Portoflno model In 91~c1epreclatl0o, Clusiried ad. you<tc in <Harbor le Victoria> Lse W,1W~o: BayfrtsBr/doclt .. $32$0 c , r.,en"a"nclsln; .. 1oubw.n•Gr oOofd. ~·f.v( Ai e.w-vo: 4 Harborth VII ewl. Separtate 24~dn. the minority! Try It once ot.!'..l!e o2pt. 2 Br 2bal '=: ba, damr~. "t· Nr Udo, l&e 38r ..•. 9850 r • " "' BR W/BONUS RM . mo er· n· aw qr rs. l.2.Kownerflnanclng and see how quickly you '"'~•e. car car , enc 1C!1 ya, tlw ra WATE R FR O N T Pvt fum br LR & bath All uti l and Mesa Verne. ....._ ______ __.,1 CM ~6033 .. . r~atS297.~MHJ62 POOL. SPA AND CITY =s~poone~ pt~ng. JlanaatmenlAvallabre 11et ruults Phone ~o. Lse S175. Sale nlle.Al .. ll HOM~ ID £• L UTES! Assume ll'111J.. IR..-,,.-...;, 1....., Owlltt/Brollert5H4$4 &Q.5678. .~. ~-&426 ! peoM only, atoo aq. I\. SIH400 5A Asleal aU.399900. Won't _ _... ...--1 °'C:t'. ~~ lf!SA VERDE. 4Br 3ba. 4bdr1n bomt.1retnbelt,[•-------1 l~ESTME.._.T last. Patrlckfenore, a~ ~NOS 6)1 .. lt4 llOO 1 llOO pool/spa, fam rm. Avail cul·dt•Hc, uparadea. Beaut. Oc ean view . "" " now •tmo 979-5114 Avail 111. Unlverall( • or •tarter home . for tM 'S.Ch•lh 1076 "..................... ....................... . . Parit. AppU11cn inc ~~r::,nr· 11 ~~lwl .~ .. ~..!.>' .L~1r"'1n' " ........ ••••••••••••• 48r.l~Ba.larJt family 'HO/mo . No pets _, ........ • h -iApoo1, '""' .._ ''"'""' borne. Built an elect. ~ .. _toudC ... .,.,yry Thf Terrace Conve· ITOWNB kitchen. ramily rm. · 01 ltMe oplloo. ~ , nltnt to 1hoppln& and ~-4 bdrm, den.-Fa mlly tlreplact In llvlna rm. Colle1e Park, 4bdrm. or....om S(hools. Prired below Canal Front. Newport room.3 batlll.~00aqfl. OCUH AtONT DUf\D lo-It DOWN ~.drapes, 2 car 2\',bl, 1 pllt·l ev_~~I ._.LI~ -~ nrttt for quiclr talt. Shortt. 4 Br. Den . Larae l ot. cool, praae, petio. 1125/mo. pool/.,., 1rdnr' puot l WIS,"" rr • 11.29.000 125.000down. Owner will ~ ocean vltw. Fantastic opport unil)' for 1 or rncldl waaher dryer, Mn. No peg. '1000/mo. ver; Pfivate eu<"IUve a C8T)'. Mu.st tell! M•lre t ried at baak •oSo sever al friends to purchase n ew ly refriae. Avail. lmmed. m. . •Br. 181 pool ho,.,e . .. ~!Tennis. pooJ, walk pnlul rm,ooo. 1151. re modeled duplex r1oht on lbe sand *4 Yellowttone, oft Woodittd1e coo .. o for ••hr /dry r It refrl I to btadt A&tftt 64f·IO« MIUllllble finaaclft1 at e Paularlno, n r S .C. a. • av a 11. S 1100 "'o ~---·----• 12\',ft -. .... Prine nn Ralhoa PepinsuJa~ Undff market Plau. tlt.lut.• Mtun. tae. llr, • frpk , pr. Gardener • poof II& CANYON Q..ulfd 1dvertllln1 Is for quick sale al S68S,OOO on tee t1 required. Aunt. patio, I.Me.,.., tan· ~ illcl. Lo6I Al\ land. 2914 Oceanfront. Owner. Call 1574701or•1.-. •· mo ..... •·•or"5~lOI 544~14 or 85-3232. 11"daOittqt, O r, a M, U•!WlilJ Park : C•1 2 II 2 la.~. i,. briek paUo 1• lar SIN • Ila •"'9k Drtn ....._ eoe• lean 6 1Acil1L~ w'1,a ui 'Lw u ::~''· Mat~n. An ti .... NEW BUSINESSMEN ContKt the DAILY PILOT tor lnfot11t•Uon re9ardln1 "" COUfttJ ,....IMntl tOf Ullftl I Plctllo• IUllMu Nw . Oiarltl ti>inmHila1. 1 blUer ••>'to teJI lllQre ...... J Ir l'it M 1aofDt .... aboUt l.he Mtvlet w/lllin•td walla, 1oU 1" "'" to otter AJll ti ....... 1 "' .. , ...... law,.... .. ••. Call ........ .... J1U1:1 "' m.-sm~, or -· Alt. ITS·tut; .... _ .... ~--.......----~"-=l ----.-__,-----=---'!'f9"--.... __ ~ --~~~~~---~-~~~-----------=-...,...----------------..................... .... r • Orangt Coast DAILY PILOT/Friday, February 26, 1982 ........... 0 Ofllt..... CHIM..... 44ff OM.I..... 44H ..... jllrtftt/ ............................................................................................ fllllllie • Rmmlt wa~~,,d, m11l• 9'17 Wllklln. N.8 . Want lrvlne Airport nee. _ .................. • owtr' f\:m.r;;dtJ.llltt, llawlal "'-' 7tOOl.f. ...ulf Cllll•• .WI•, alu offlr11 In ..... .MWll. ' • '211 Ill. noor. MHOIZ. •1 • p OflU fri.ndly •1tmol •Jlhtitt. °''I ..., IOft mv~UTIYI S..Ct . Ant. RI'\'. nc . Tyf n1. ••••••••••••••••••••••• J81U1ty~NB. nr beach. ~ $00tomriq n Avail•· Xtrounll MH33 ~no, .. , a .... ............... .. .. • •L..&.-• ,.. • •L...&.-•L..&.-ltMll. s4o.1111. sums bltfor t.t'" ,,. "'paWWWwwwN .. _. .,.. ••-rlflmM••-AfakwataU..... Afalaut•-...,-dJllll JN-C.llW F Cott ............ 4411 £q1 JI , renta center. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• -t f 't · 1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Dt •lnt11 w/xlnt lot. ........... )141 C .... MIM HZ4 C*Mtte HJ4 t•IM --·-~ J140 Ml Jlrf 11-' JHt for M tolhr2Br duplex ..,.,... or more n orm.t 00 SlonorOtflce W01q.ft lOyrlelH. N1t'll local •••••••••••••u•••• .. •• •••••nu•••••••••••••••••••• .. ••••••••••••••• •••••••••u•••••••••••• ........ ••••••••••••••• C.M. w/ M l230 +~ utll ~ t ,, lllaaVttdeArt• rental. M0,00" l..l&xwy atudlo, ipa, TV, IMSTAMTIMI • 1 Br. Duplu, •tr•&•. WALK TO BEACH Vna!Ua baehelor ('Oft· ll.11.a58J · __ Ntwlwt rJ cetf6('e Cote Realty ~1%3 IP > U aft.$pm ma id aervlce. phones, $38$/mo · r Rr 1 Ba. lallnd11 room. 136S. No Bach. ttove ' refrlA•· do. Walk to beacb. lly Park Newport apart. ~~1;_:~; .~~~ ~~~ & ln vestmt>nl SJ'ORE. z:MONewport Bl, Aaaociate with $10.000 Sl2$wk. 4tt Z221 _ Adults only, enc lad pell ~9494. __ Gu • water pa Id Ouutandin1 amenlUes, w/emJld fem. UOO cw. Avail. now• Call 640-S777 CM. Z'Jlt20' for 1200/mo rub to JOU\ me In ran· ... pert II-' l7'9 1ara~e, wuJterhook 11p, ElsUlde 2 8.R, 1m yard S!SO/mo~9-_ ~m:. Se(' $485/mo. ~11 or640•3 far details. M.S-3.W lHtic opPortuolty I •••• .. ••••••••••••••••• •ma yud Ca ll for attaC'~ar. ~/mo 900 (2 f 1 bt rot ta I es . Soa111 rooma catherln11 _!5 ·1231 640.4230 ~.:ate::~~!: 1 cdoany OCEANl"RONTUl48r ~MGMT 6421803 ° .ft _:M -SJl5.131S/mo. Va blk to UDOWaterfroot38rlba dual? Makt money. KOUCINTll Mu~rt•ecll ptr wk wor\ Th11 is Avail. Wlnttr. Wetklyt · 1 br, euper clean, end. ~.SM mana1er. Apt o n aandy beac h. imet lnlett1tin11ueat.a. tDILUXIOMCIS• MIWPOIT ..... /~c.t5ic:~ buy inc ' u ll i n 11 ~ly 113'1873 . StOO ort lat Mo Rent &ar. Adulta. no pets. 279 D atmTthst H.B. llOO/mo. Rita Writer, Become Bed and From t room up to 2000 ElecanCBxec suites In ~~~a~st H~~n ltrVlca" produtll. 3rd want 1omethlnfl xtra SpactOUS2Br,lBa."'95 W. Wilson, Apt. 8 2bdnn,lba,dlshwuher, ~.752·5710 :N~rlfni~eyWl'~~o~ aq.ft. FtomSLl6 ••~ prutl1iou1 loc. Incl ldealforretaUoroftlre yu.rln bullneu.Canbe sj)eclal In a 2 Br 3Bt, t•1 Ba. $425. Laun 1375!_~1819 14>1)er,privSSOOmo. Tanana CA 11354 l2ia > ~4,t,t~:/~2~7i aecn[al'ial, rtcep· '*· l,000 to s.ooo sq n ldlve « lnactlvt. Call r=ef.1~17l~~'i~ly ::=C~~~! ~llrt:'a ... ,.,.::: 3169 =~~.7.~ ..... ~!.~l 3'4-7878 pu~t. Ca ll AM . ~·~1::~em11'~: avall.m-MS-7100 ;:e,:173t!!U, ask 5400/mo 2 Dr. 1 Ba. SS'f·l~PfM.S'.~' ... ~'. .................. ! br, near ocea n , Prof Woman s~eks e · mo. Oo-call oka Sll5 ----- NO LEASE REQUIRED Sl)ldous SLudtOs one and !WO Ded1oom apan· men1s FURNISHED and UNFURNISHED. Oakwood also olte1s • All Ulililies P11d 'lmmltdiale Occupency • S 1 Mamon In Recrulion And Mucn More• For a month or a 11te- 11me Models ooeo daily 9am 10 6om No pets Adults, pool. beamed ---· ----1375/mo. 1st ' IHt mo. Chriatian Lady to hve in I 1TH STHIT mo T H £ H EA D · C rcW .. 1 t It <'tiling, laundry room. 2 Br. upper ap t ,,IMMfWPQIJ 1 3.'12fllcino t.n,S.C.See CdM home w/son & ~OSTAMISA. QUARTERS COM· ..... 4475 n., rit.lhi 5015 N t N I t washer/dryer rac. ,.. fltW M erinA .#C. doga . Rent negotiable 2or roomoltlcesultes. PANIES:Aprofesslonal ....................... L/f ' r!t~s. 0 as mo enclsd 11r11e. al l AIAIJMEllJS m.«Ml. A/C,plentyorprkc.UtU eovironment. 1714 > Prime Tustin & San j·;~·;~·;~·;~·.•••;·;~·~ TSLMCMT 642·1603 amenities, carpeta. Mr.SC ... 'Holf Rm ... pvt bath. Oc .. an inc.l.Avail.now.CalJ ~l.Ge81 Ctementeretallorortlce ted·SlO 000 total or drapes. $500/mo. 765 l bdrm. stove. urpetJ, T "' D aal-A I 675 6700 space 730-1470• 8318689 "Sl 000'20•• 2 I H.arrulton Ave. 642·1603 c,....~, CLUI avail Feb28. 1370 mo. view. Sea Terrare Apts. l\C'tuuuvm cs . IUSNSS ADDllSS --·--. _. -· }.,. '. . ,, ' yr oan Beaut. 2bdr m ('Ondo, prime S C. Plaza lor Waterralls. streama. spa, pool $800/mo (7\41673-9019: 675°0540. oran7 780-0734 ""'"UVl'._."G 891·1644 11\1:30 Laawia Niguel. S267.SO 600 8Cl ft Mesa Verde An swnln& Ii mail 6310.12 W Coast Hwy, pay. Ult only mo. 1200~ • · " IM ----+ l?utlls.661 ·7943 aru. · service conrereoce NB stt.) PLUS 200'\ Dep Small I Br 1 person only. a-4000 23 room. AdJ. OC Airport. !BOO sq. rt. retail sales & write-off PLUS 25% Tax no pe 15 . S3 l 5 / m 0 . NEWPORT ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ba)l(ront, evt beach, Ba I. --~41 5100/mo. 714/851· l.342 service. now auto stereo. Credit PLUS 5% of bus I· 675-8074 or 521. 7408 lliCH Laguna Beach Motor Inn, Pen Sgl F wants to shr S20 & 572 sq. fl. Sl .00 per 11185/mo 213/869·5985 or ness net Ca 11 B 111 985 No Pacific Coast w~"t"u'·Resp A,r.r:°i sq. ft .. :1175 Birch., N.B. Newport Beach near 9'4-81114 7~ IAY flwids Beaut1ru1 park like set· A luxury community on Hwy. Laguna Beach. ~ ... nde . -~'.~. . Agent541·5032. ~-~"'"°'nooP· s,ooof. sq ft., Nd - . t--h Ung,pool.spa,carport the Back Bay. Spec· Dally.Weekly.Kitchen _ .. ,. __ u':;!_~ -KUllJU ro ices,am·.....,.all..ttll 4500 ee equ1 Y s a r e SPACIOUS l Br 1 Br. 1475· 2· Br $55<>. tacular Spa, 7 swim available. Low winter Fmle. 21 +. res pons. DANA POINT's best loc. pie parldn&. well matn· ••••••••••••••••••••••• partner w/12:5.000 to buy Cathedral ceilings. walk I ~186. -• .. --ming""""·. 8 h~hled ten· t.es 494 5294 dean. share nice CM 3Xl' to 500· at 7<Y incl all ialMd blda. Vicky days N B :1175 Birch 8860 sq X·wife out or C.M. con rus. ~.bl A trails, ra . : ____ ~· u•/same S2"C/mo. UUl.&janitoi:.WT5·1120 714 /645·4800, eves li.;;,less.MlA,zone.~ do.631·9127Btll eves. an closet. dishwasher, SO COAST Alli "'"'~ "' o..~ kl .. ~ 714/673 3112 leave f1replace,gar1ge\~I& 2Br.'slJa,AtC,pool.rer pu t ting g r ee n ,... .. ent. nosmo ng or ·1S64 Clficespaceforrent.385 ~-asa e.· · P,.e1_':,,!q. f-l. Agen_t ~--·--1 au n dry fa c 111 t y ractl , sec. gates. no Bachelors, l and 2 drinking. quiet M over sq. rt second rloor. ... .NM. ,,_, "'.-5025 Si&S01mo 399 '+' Bay St pets.~ P.P 968.J652 bedrooms apartments. ~._$285/mo S56·0637_ 't"'t::~e/' r~f:~r~~·r~ Prestigious Westdirf Ofhce space on busy ~DIO ft. by Npt. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 646-9113 D~P~ 3126 and townhouses from Workint fem .. ~·40, 1.oot W/D, 2 blks to Main bch. area Sl.OOsq. ft. Medical Newport Blvd. Appr<?x . rwy & 4~ fwy. From --------~OntoSJlaOOOmperra~Antth blk be • N.B , unfurn , $365 includ ut11it1es Bldg. C~ll~.ascll. 4001dssq.,,!t. S440N/roo tn· $504 Mr 0 . K re f e Aprulwllh; ....................... bo1 .... non·smkr 12:50 675-1706 497.21621 r uu.., 2450 ewport 851-E'28 a.M•llCft· Su~r neat. small t Br San Joaquin thlls Road aft 4 -----$1.SS Mo-PrivaLeofflre/ Blvd Costa Mesa See ---1_... ' \\'e!ilFleld Va!la with rourtyard. (714)644-1900 Furn CM HM . $210 Mtf , nice N.8. 2 br. 20' to kin tk't h ll ~c Manager. Industrial Park Units for • . q11et, no pets $375 un NO FEE & C d sand, lge patio. Im med par ng ln1 J, eHne eBs ---lease. 1.500, 1900, 3700 sq Office ........ APARTMENTS rum. S395 furn 493·0803, I Apt. on ° ~2'35 or Call Answer S250/mo.673-6994 18600Ma ...,. unl c . MIDICAL sum I\ unit.s. Avail. for Im· Loanstol2:50.000~·1'erms Beautiful garden apt.s ~'1953 rentals. Villa Rentals. 11611. 642-4300 ------Daily Jantr. All util pd ~sq. ft. front ground ired. occupanry. Office to 3 years. Call to see H Oakwood Patios/decks. Spa. heat OC-V E-L -__ 675-4912 .!Jroker. R~;;;, f mle prer. 10 TEMP Shr LUX Twnhse Avail now ! m4>848·3l33 noor. Barden setting. & warehouae space with we have the best rates paid. No pets. EAN I W! ,g 2+2. Large lBR. Ulil pd. Spot Ouistian home, S200/mo w/vu at PK NWPT pro(esstonal bldg in top all'llt!U. drapes & wet· available for your loan Garden Apartments 2 BR. 2 BA. 1525 fplc. spilt level. adlts on less Quiet ~ 2421 E util incl. lg yd w/pool. EV E R V T H I N G • Hu NT 1 NG To N area ol Newport Bearh bars 3&-41' a sq rt Call Call Mr Nelson (714) D!W Wilson 631-5583 ly,1675mo.496-027_!._ l6th St.00-•718 OK 646-688'7 f1JRN1SHED! Avail 3·1 BEACH• Xlnt arreu to Hoag 642-4463.Mon·Fti.8-5. 966-0755. Cambridge Newport Beach/No. 880 Irvine --------~ · ---to 7-1. SSOO mo Call c...i Hosp. Sl.25 sq. rt Long --Capital Gr oup · a PINEBLUFFAPTS. 2 Br. ocean view, S!>ac.l or2brapt.s.l.m1 Room/pvtBA,kltcbprlv Answer Ad 116 12 , IOIOS/eF'"'!"t. term lease avail Call 1100 sq. ft. 2 ofrlces, Cahfomia real estate lat t61hl (714) M> 1104 2 Br 2 Ba. No pets. balcony, prage. clean from beach. No pets. WID Furn Quiet pool 642-4300,Uhn • •3 Pl'lva eOHlce~ ~Hor1ppl o head door, front" re· broker also acting as a Patio. view. rrplr . 3'682 "A' Cordova Dr 642-2:357 hsne ·R75 S4S·Sl0Safl~ -------• •2Starf Areas ----ar entry,frwy close .Lop lende Newport Beach/So. 1700 16th SI IOo•e• it t6tn1 (714) M2·5113 JaCUUJ. gar . gas stove. 213/402..265'..lcolle~ - ---, __ ; _ _:._ ----Pror. woman w/ H.S. • • Wetbar l EXECUTIVE SUITE cond. S38S.675-62S1. r.__.r·-----• SMS.631~107 ~ le 11 31 0 Slepi to beach. 2 Br. I 1 , Furn room, kitchen Senior needs F to sharel Avallable now.1st Floor Nwpt Center. orn view, u....-,.550 ... ------- -.__,.Oii oc 4 Ba. rrplr Immaculate privgs. Female only COM oceam1de 1400 + Call 1714lM8·3133 rorner ore ssoo. rull -..,.. " Bachelor& 1 Br Apts. Alli••••••••••••••••••••••• cond. '650.673·2507 Agt C.M Sl70mo.549·8677 ~~enny800-252·77~ I · •••••••••••••••••••••111•-------• adult. no pets Pool. bbq Wlfflttrff A.ts ------HEWPOIT IEACH service 75'9·9036 Garage ror rent on & enclsd garages Unfum~lbd:m\fipt.All Spacious3BR 2 Ba.rplr.lolder waterrronl hme. Fem.23+.2styrondo AlRPORT: Cu~tom or Pri~NewportBearhor-BalhoaPen nextto~"'un PERSON s:IJS/rm. 631·2276 ut1I pd. All adnities. dttks67. ~W· rem non smkr, 21·35, Frpk , W ID S220 lnrl util fices. 600 lo 1800 sq fl flee space Newly re· Zone 001u2011 >. Sl50 TO -------~19 agent S250 mo all pr1 v 5'5-1473,955-0900 From90<pers1f rrodeled, beauurul Call iro 673-2943,673·3930. I OCE.AH FIOMT UM, Irie# Al!Y --.:,__ -----I 67J.8408 Mullan Rlty 540·2960 Mark 67J.6606 ---- - -PERSON 3bdnn,2ba.Avatlmon ' Large I BR down Deluxe poolside xtra S7~/mo . 3 Br 2 Ba -------------RV boat auto storage Udy 'til summtr S750 I w/pallo & yard . up larf:' 2br. 2 ba. bllns, SDuplex, upper. NEewportd NB Room . pvt bath, DANA POINT. Share I !Wsqrt,c'llld, newly de· Fenced. ~ecure. $30 mo 675-2010 w balcony & cathedral dswhr. lh miles bearh hores area. <-~els kitrh pnv Non smoker. hBlf!lulse available now cor • air .. incl all utils C.O.t.a Mesa. 646-1666 . f d I .. dulls ·~ gara$e balcony ...,.,bm1t R75 631-7215 execuplan .. I k Id I f -----1 SHORTTERM I celling rplc. w. poo . " . no pets ....,., ... ., oncltl.idren&pet.s. -831·12S7 4962969 nmp e pr g. ea or ._..W.t.d 4600 Ckeanlront & ne~ l~e . ~eic:rn!'~it:oS4~t~ ~-· - -TSL MGMT 642-1603 ~~·I:~ ~~'~e&n vre:; Sh~ 4 Br .. home btwn l "A..WWCoac..t" I ~;·N::~...;nlWeeae:ti ···············~······· beach apts ava1 YI up26.'i0Harla5492A47 ~· arp 2BR. 2BA W .. .-~u.. employ-.. non·smkr kit Bay&Orean Avaallst f'\Jllserv1cecusfom Blvd847·7727 M·f ,8·5 REF.lNED lady to shrl week or mo Agt I .:_ -· -Mini Nr Bch Ideal "''lllR"'"'"' oeu • d - -----w/same WA LK TO 675-8170 1 QUIET ADULTS over 35. share rental. No Pets Wl,TH DOCI . I pri v $280 mo Try ~~ a!_l &P M -°'~~ ctc~~.;a~e ctftee space. 750)sq rt. nr BCH. 7~0375 ---. -1 unfum I Br. lower S340 833-ml.642-1339 Real nice 2 Br 2 Ba 1 ~-__ _ Spec{arular vu.ser gate, "SeetoA reciate•" Harbor & Baker. SSSO -Surf vu. lmma c 2 Br Beaut! landscaping. No --w1spa 1n mslr Ba. bit tn I Companion employed pool. jar $345 mo 7J"78 · rm 546-0571 Couple desires rumashed mature only. avail 3 pets. LEEWARD APTS •MEW•• kiteh . rrplc . dbl rar Lad r N t . 1 +~kpg 760-9307 I --- -apt or home rent.al iro. March-June $600 2020 fUllerton. 631·0397 • garage + 2 additional Y or ewpor ap ctfice for rent, nr Cosla Balboa Beach area June 63!·0174 ___ ------·~ 'llSAS * off.st siiaces. SlJOO. Pnv Br & Ba.~ 4071 f bas 2BR Apt to share HEWPOIT llACH Mes.1!!06t ~!!c!0,!ark· or July. Write R Nonn. Ckeanlront lbdrm. rurn TiiE VICTORIAN New A It onented apt J.l. ._ M MaJe roommale needed with f 50+ S200 + ·~ utal •FlJl.LSERVICE• ~~~o ~~ _ !!'Bl E Pnnce. Tucson. I KCI\. unrum S500 Tall ly decor 2 Br w gar.. 2 Bedroom 67C r173 ...... Cll"S7•'.r,..,o ror 2 br ~an CM No ~.-06()6 I -11:11:ss10M "L Az_ 8S7l_9. - -..,.,., new crpts & drapes. bit 2 blks rrom ocean ""' 675.,..' d I S 90 M Office Soace ,. .. ..," ,.. June 30. 833·3743 dys · ans palto 'Adults Call paddle lenniscts rug!.,P ease 1 + Large 3 Br. Condo on The •Suites rrom S49! ~ESP "CE Couple desires furnished ~ eves/wknd_s__ bet'...,een 1:5PM 6J6.4l20 balroniesor bkyard MB'TUM~ A YE ~I~ Bhlfs, bayv1ew. lo shr •Branch office·SSO mo NrOC Au;,rt apt or home rental LargelBR.Ulilpd Spot fJ6'7 "G"Victona $470 carports 2 Br28a.~rp c.garage, HDhtl.Motelt 4100 w pror Wom an who l Call7S2"408 Sl 2S.sf ~pto6000s1 r Balboa Beach area June Don't Deal w1Lh a MIDDLE MAH Deal Directly with a LB4QEI ofiO yrs ex~nence •tst&2ndTD's- S10,000 UP Qlidl Creclt A.ppro•. 4 Dav,..._ Poss. s«W'ed by a c6rn bo or real & personal property D-'-~I .. 972-2231 Open 7 d.aya 8:30-8 30 less. Quiet $450 2421 E -----allutilpdexcepleler '6251mo_yr y.541·5682 ••••••••••••••••••••••• travels Beaut. rurn -I iit'-ltr lk or July. Write R. Nonn. l6thSt.&45.4718. Roomy 3 Br. Townhouse Nopets BEACH 1 bdrm. bright ~•llMOTB. Si&SOtmo.760-8056 MtwportA.•/Tntili • r. 1.591 E. Prince. Tucson. -------apt in qwet adult com· AtJanta-Delaware,HB and airy, \Ii blk Ocean, ~-- -!llJ<sqft~·2001 546-0114 Az &S719 I••••••••• s.ca..• 3776 plex. Newly decorated. (7141536-4400 )'Tly, refrig. beamed Wkly rentals now aYa1I Hsemate, 35+ wanted by -- - --~----1-- ••••••••••••••••11••••• nreplace. enclsd patio & ceilings. No Children or I ~i:n! i~· r~~r :;;4 r~~ :~;'e~~~r ~ ~:::h # ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••••• -• 2 Br. tvt Ba. walk to ~arage Adults only 2br .,ba in 4-plex. S475, pets. Avail Mar 1. $495 N Bl d CM area Franrar 831·0116. • beach. 225 La Paloma. ~~o r;;,~~975 Mo w-d°'bk·Up. prv patio. per mo. 36UI & Balboa s:~.~grt v &2178 • 8 DAY WEEK sr~c1-~~.~ ApLB MS0.637·7918 __ _o!__ enclsd gar No pets Area Days 675·2699 .• -----J I; AL • s.toA.lto--3780 New38r Pool, Rer rm 645-9t94. Eves67J.91~ llettt4-s 4175 F~plJOtosBanr1~3bp".2 ba • • • Utils ~aid. Walk So VED"•ILL-ES ••••••••••••••••••••••• a 0" 11 enan 8 Days • 3 Lines • 8 Dollars •••••••••11•••• •••••••• ,... ___ l la·~ Ca 11 rollect WALK TO BEACH· 1 Br n.;>I> 1 n... d •· C f 1 d 675-8550 art 6 • 2 bd d bl ......... .... 2 bt'. 2 ba. rrplc. ocean a1ar "' are or a ies · • rm con o. t ms. 213 117 6606 s love & ref r 1 g e view ...,.,.. 642-6149 . or ~les. Best natural Person lo shr 3 br house. 1 • part furn. pool. conv ---S3751iro. 536·7979: • .... v. 1 rood &care. New facil ity on the beach. N B. 5275 , It s easy to place your 8 -Day Week Classified by ma II and 11 e transp, secure. quiet. IMSTA.MT IM! VllJ.A BALBOA ,. for sperial people. c M incl. ut1ls. 673 aw e costs 1ust $8 -thats only a dollar a day• To qua It fy for I his carport,Pvtpatio.small $415/motBr.IBa.Apt DB.UXE21111A. 2 bt'.2ba,rrpl(',m1cro. 642-34111 -----• • dog OK ~ Frplc, carport. laundry l Ill.I Burh. frplc. encl 11c, ~an & bay view. ----O 3 BR hl'Tll' to share. SSOO to special o ffer you must be a non-commercial user Offering 54l-5002 room. Cat ok Real sun gar. dishwasher. bit-ins. SD>642-6149 YcaH. lewhllt 425 st.art . S250 mo. NB area • merc handise for sale up to S800 per ad and the once m ust e ny. This one wont last. &llllke alarm. balrony. -------I••••••••••••••••••••••• Dys. 640·5200 , e\•s . Sollllhl.,.a 3186 TS_L~gm'.:__642-9412 Wat.er pd. S46S berore 8 YJLU IAUOA I OCEANFRONT 2 & 4 Br 646-2768. Heather • be 1n your ad The cost stays the same whether your ad e ••••••••••••••••• 11 •••• PM!Mi0-46lC Largelbdim tn se('unty Avail Win ter Weekly -needs eight days selling time or JUSI one • Laguna Beach, beaut 2 Br 111 Ba Townhouse. bldg. View or Catalina Monthly 673-7873 Fem.'lle. Nwpt Bch J Rr • fum .. suite2 BR.spa, garage. patio. s mall '6SOIM 963.81821 l05. -----Condo. r urn. non , • sauna. satellite TV . ya rd No pets S5t0. eves&wknds839·4~5 PalmSpnngs area tMon Sll1lker. $295 tnrl ut1I I • Use one wo rd 1n eac h box About 4 words make one maid serv. S300 wk 645-4837 --terey CC I rondo 3 BR 2 Don 63Hl81S. Sat Sun • 714-499-2227 DLX 2Br. 3Ba Condo. Nwpt Hts 2 br. I ba . Ba. rurn w1atraum 9-6. • Class1f1ed line o f type Mi n imum ad 1$ 3 lines Please pt1nt rrplc. yd. gar, SS30 'mo Golf. tennis Dally . --I I • frplc. gar. lndry. pool. • Se.;u111y~lt$ ' nopets 63l·Sl03 weeltly & monthly rates Resp roomma te COM . • p a an y pauoS70011!.0_ 644 9908 • Pool & Rec; Room -- - -a"' a i I 714 SS8· 800 I pool frplr. rarport S32S I • I •••••••••••••••• .. ••••• 2 Bdrm 2 bath near the "~PM kf M k +utJI 7~1495 I r ------------------------------, t br. 2 rar gar. w opener. • 1 & 2 BR Palto Apts beach. S600 per mo ;r., • as or ar --· -lc6oolslcmd 3806 frpl c. m1 r r o, dlx. , ~rotnla11(1scapan9 j!~arly).752-284_!.__ it~rmu;-3-bdrm ~ondo-Rmmte wanled NU • I • ••••••••••••••••••••••• SS25 mo 545-3115 • 01sh ... asher) & 880 s lf>.$110 rught apt Jbdrm with n1('e • I I 2 bdrm. l ba. Encl gar , Jnn 10 "-·en & 5 •• ,,. Bay(ronl 2bdrm. l rar 499_...,.. view. Call 760-31168 Avail Mar 8. yearly Bachelor E's1de loca ·• .,... ""~4 gar. nr Lido Island ..,,.,. ------l I lease ~75 mo. No pets tion. Patao. Stove/refrig. $700 /mo Annual lse PALM SPRINGS TAN ' Udo Isle, M/F non smkr • Ev&wknds714 167J.9120 ~;.:.Mer.no pets 558-<833. 1 Br. den Condo. Mtn. m>tiro '2~~9 • I • lalloeP.._.. 3I07 ---. 3 bdm, 2 ba. dose to pool vu Newly furn. -62.--I • I Br. I Ba . 'ood Eaststde -------ocean 675 .4912 da S250/wk. $60/day. Avail. Mlf 4 BR hse. Newport • I ••1t••••0 ••••••••••••• loc , mature adull THE WHIFFLETREE 67S-l2lleve Bkr · ~22. 1714)551~ Shores. near beach. • I • OCUMFIOMT mi iro Casa del Mar l·2·3 Bdrm. Apts Gym. ---• Monterey CC. Palm pool. & te!'n1s W D. 1 • 2 bdr m, 2 bath. new Apts. 147 E. 18th. St Spa, Sauna, pool, tennis, 3 Br. 2 Ba 1"1 blocks to Desert. 3 bdrm, well f 1 plc, gar. Piano, S350 + • I paint & carpet. Yearly Cost a Mes a Se e etc. 846-0619. ocean . S 75 0 I mo . rum by pool rondo. Avail ~~I. ~·4340 I • lease $765.Ca11Lindaor Manager:___ 2Br lBa 4 Plex Owner/Agent 675-2373 ror Ma r ch Sl500 Sb b 2b L • 11 Art,675-7060. ••90. N. . t ' orno.8598 1 ~..., ...,.,.. yt' r 2 r a apt. ait. I I • BEAUTif1JL2 Br 2 Ba " mo. ew paao · · --_. _ _. _ _..~1~ Bch. ocean vu, terrace. • Nu2 &3BR.2BA yearly .MesaVerde. rarpel. Murdy Par k Lido bayfront. on the 111--t.....L..LU-.. 300 m .494-6109.493-2308 I I I • f'rplc, bit-ins, gar, park Garden Apt 846-8274. water 2 br 2 ba newly ---_.. " -----·-• I ing Close to bay & Frplc, Lndry. Dshwshr --decor frplc ms mo ••••••••••••••••••••••• f to shr Laguna Beach • ocean. Brkr675-4912 Enclosed garage. $525 MAllHBS WALi yrty lta.se. 4j3 Via Lido Shr lrg lux home w/pror. horre. Nonsmkr, rds. • I ~.Utilpd.I Br.dufilex :m4 Mace 546-4016 Lrg2Br.Townhouse Soud !ups ta ir s). ptl"IOO.lst ,last &dep. S290.49'7·3017art.2pm., • I • .....,.. Ap artme nt. .Frplc, 673-1283,675-3551 s:;!&mo.966-8479 k' 417 E. Bay Ave Ba boa I Br E side. s mall but enclad aar. patio. Near In Nwpl. Non-sm aog I Publish my ad tor 8 days starting • 54Ul90,s.47·1W _ coiy w/lots or neat ~ Karbour. Children 2Br, 2Ba twnhse, garage fem .:1{· Pool. quiet. • I ~to beach1 cute 1 br. wood. S360. Adults only OK. ~Stmo. 840-6807. wtopnr, sm patio. sm ROOMMATE ~ · 631'3526 e 1 Classification • huge yd. ~wet street &Sl-9522. New, of Hunt Harbour. mo.642-4317 FINDERS Fem 18-30 to abr lg 3Br. • Ideal for cp e. No k1ids.odr Beaut. 1 BR. qwet bldg. 2bdrm, 2ba. frplc. S650 3Br, 28a, frpk, sm patio, 2BIS27 ~'tllme 0in. NMWJ>1. ctheB1c1h~ • I Name I pets. $475/mo. ut1 pa1 . small dogs acrepted 84&-QiO. garage w/opnr. $600 mo. Oldestltlargeat agency. ., " I yrly .. avail 316 673-4484, bltns 213-498·6786 or 642-4387 . All dientucreened with 5484187 I I Address keep trylng 597-WA LK TO BEACH pbW>s•relerences • • --------Ba chelor, s tove & Large2bdrm.2ba,cpls. Credlt.a:Cosmopolitan ~!~a le who/('hil~ Hw iBll IC Ph I $S75.2br, l\.aba No pets.~ .. h 3840 rerrige. Gas & water walk·in closet. nr ocean Good Morning America, ,.. ... re my me Ill . . • 1ty Zip one tst last & sec Avail ..... _,Oii oc paid S300/mo 5367979 '650iro.~·8l90 TheTomorrowSbow. $275/mo . Call eve I -------I !1i67s.41t! _ :::.::················ --· --·--·--•Yt off • to 111 new 714!960-2836 I 1 Check or M.O. enclosed 0 __ __ 3 Br yearly. Near beach U ho ..... I • Oteanfront 3 BR 2 f'ull Ir--S72S. Play• R.E. c enll w n~ apace,. 3 BR 2ba house with all • I Cha ge my ad t BA. prime area. xlnl I ·Kennebunkport? 673·1900 MEWPOIT 641-ltt amenities. Non·amoker. • I r o: • cond. no pets. SllOO/mo 1225 + l't util. Days 714 .337.2414days 1 Oidnthewinthe 832-4763, eves 836·5751 I I 0 ~ * E I 714~6-8904 afler_5 _ u hftoco Grand Prix in '7J? ON JH( BAJ M / F -3 8 R Par It asUor RDd. I L " X P · ---mu11 Newport Twnhle. Pool/ I C.-dlfM• 3822 f'V"\ ,,....-y-; Luxurio ua, open 2 spa/ tennis. Vu back Housemat e wante~. • I ....................... ._, 11\...' '/'....., bedroomb1de1w1y over· Bay.Jan75'9·004I ~~ml:rly ,:'~!~~.er:e!~ e I 0 # Exp. e Near tbt ocean. lr0 2 Br. II .• ...,,, (or ........ , "-nnybUn~nnn 1~"1 g Newport Bay .,., ma n 1 amen 1i 1 es . you re not sure """ ""'" "'"' .,..... .,.,,. n · CdM apt. to share. Own ~ac and community L • f!'~1t~C::i~57· ;~~y:~~~'.~i,;~~u1~ ~~:::ty mi:¥~~\~'::~ f;.c~k:i: •. ~~:~~,:. ~S300 a month : r .:::-.:.::-.-WE-:-LL-PAY THE POSTAGE -:.:.:.:::-.:.::::i • daffe<!Ot apartment floorplans at SeaW1nd V1Uage which i• also iraced CalJ before IPM or an. ~-----1 1 • ~1~0'm8~/:~·h3 , in Hunun9ton BeachSeaw1ndV11iage1saresult with Danisb r!replace1 lOPM,S2tO/mo.M0-048S. tw"t:.t OSO I I 111 NO POSTAGE : • $515/mo . utll incl oftotally pel'50C'lahzeoprofes.wnal plann.ng ~deck.mirrorea 2500sqf\coodotoabril~ •··~· .. •••••••••••••••• • 1 NlCESSARV 1 -)..Siii n..-k1""of attenlloo""'•de5erve Wardn>be1 d doororr'P1l~ure r0m 1.on .btaut1l thu Ge,.-.-mo.2M41.a I 11 • If MAILED • • ... ---I fl~ "" J VV YI II OWi er n., I reenblt . view 0 • aaur. Ci. Call after I t 2 fk.. Bay view. Close to 1 A perft!<'I blend or nature and IMng-panoremlc view of lbe !>!?'~pools. 557-7183 or IPM. 9151.2740 • •· IN TH[ Q_ • beach Av a 11 3 I ' nestled 1n a forest with babbling DrOOkS ano Quiet 8-y! For •J>POintmenl ....,._ ~ UNIT£ o s TA TE s Sl560fmo 8'75-9008. pondS. cooled Dy natural ocean t>reezes Add w pla1u1U KM lhni f'rl Double «a r •I e for • J2 ~ • 2 BED. 1 ba.~teps to bch. that re11niscoun.s. swimming pools. aja<uzzt ano llOSpm. F. shire 38' house In storafe only . $90 /mo . ~ BUSINESS AEPL Y LABEL ..... .. • • HS/mo D Pas h. •c""""'naent1o<attoooear-~-nnand 1714172~J47J 1 ~~·+"''!.J.1•da!!'s·a~ .. 'h7 H.B,tew211G. e w ~ • " ..,.,., )t~·~ ..,,. ""'ti' 1• nu F1AiT (LA\~P(AMIT NO U COSTA Ml~A CA~IF'()ANI& .~· -~" Rllr7S&·l221_ emptoyraen1andyouve901 a pl.ice anyone would 6'5·2223, evea N'an('y '7Slftl>. Hunt. B. 20 ii ti • 9 ;t So nl hwy. Light. apac. 2 proudly call raome. (Evtn Kennyllunkport!) 4bd rm· 2ba • fr P 1 c • $48.'1428. double garaie. storaae • ic oOSUGE wu ltl 11.aa0 8' •OOAt t;."ll 6 • bt'. aundtd. encl. aar 0 lndt bedoom oneandtwobilFI Atdetll, patio, duptu. Prol lhr wt onf.1.aH11r7,"'2·l339 i O -co tO II Piiot "' • ~~ only. ~ nt apa~rnen~ rr~ S4W<n ~ri:,~r.~.~~l.gllts. ~~~.::~ :S~: \~~ti.!::~ r 1;t~:·1r • : r1n... II I y i • 1 Br.181 pt. ept ~owmd 2BR. tt.oYt, rtfril. 1ar.: .,..,-.izia, ll·S. 19 ~. M0 .. 10'7 -• 9-111•11 P1•1a1' ~ • - •,.. yrd. I blk bft(b. llOOlnO , ••H • (,)-i • •· •· I~ ....a•11•.-• •Feta tbr bfla bit, Saa ....., m$511 I "' nvllll on V1iiq ,... -I CltmlDlt, -mo. + "' _ ........ ,....... • i l • ~..... JH4 CK ...... I br, I ba.~ ltll. Claildt Employed. ·~·~..... 1011580 1 • .. uuinn••••H•H••• ISSS.S H\iftlftlQtO!I V.uq Lw Huntingcon 8Ncti. CA .. n9l, 1"911 pa.lat, 1 411·'7141 tv1/wllld1 _,., "I • I 330 W. lly St. : • ,.. (71•)899-99dt l'tlk.ti&•ilkl.No..... ...... ~ ....... • I c u-C .. t2.. I • 4:-lf: J<fll pd. rrom ,,,. s.ri DlfOO F~ OtM nort11onllt«l'l10 •·•• iiWI• emclo, ra1rwttw om .... • ... ft 1 Olll ..,...a. "' 2 t•cl r. d/waaller. I Mcr.cldln dltn wnt on McFIOOfn IO SeiwlnO V • a•,•!..,.,.. • . ....... .._ 91111•. UUla 111· • t , 1 • .... A•etta, IO r11rnoiunguvltllblt•Opfn~ IO AM~Olnk_ -Ci,llllll. lh I•· . =~,ID. I\. 7 • -·············-········~·• 1 Orange CoMt DAILY ptLOTJFriday, February 26, 1982 •• ••i!IEl!!!!!l!!!l!l!Y!!l!ll!!'S!ll•-t11•1•¥•1ccw1 c.,.ts..t.e ....... ca-..ser....... ....... .._,. ,... ........... ~'.~ ................................... . ....................... ....................... •••••.....•.•.......... ....................... ....................... ....................... ........... . Fot all IOU~ to know SIYmpoo • tleam dtao. Sorifta Clu1ll.111 Special TraeTrim 6 Removal o.-ll«loe-Otadla1 !XPIR. PRf;PAR !R c:.... ,... fxpttt w1lleovenn1 In· Cmlmlc Ult It marble in· SP£Mll •~binkniplcy,call Color bci1hlt.nert, wht lA¥tiors 41 ml.Ill bllcda Hoa Repalra TrUlpOrt. Aaptaall, ~· F.nrolled to purtlce ~ Y1' exp. l'.Jr. 4*41. atallatlM. Reas prlt'r• 1t~ll1t1on at 1tn11ble lltlRL Jt4JUH112 c11'(.i · 10 tnln. bleath. cluned. Call now •Morl73-ICM3 c1'te •tr" remoul. before the IRS. Quality lklndtd. lna. Reta. Color CouulLanl Auianmenl pnm Bob,!75~ 11 ~J Pw In ---Hall, UvJdla. rms $1S ; !!:_r711or499...0.4 Rototlllloa, cl .. nup, ~J ~"' • pl1btln~ atreaa.coetMf.ML! ex rt.11.'t·Cllll DI~ 581·• TreeStnlc• f\-1 AU. 'DI· ...... iv1 room IUO; couth Dry'#ll bauliai. odd Jobi. Frte .~1 4 tqlili~mm I FASr ·ACCURATE NELSONS PAINTING WAl.LPAPERINC ••••••••••••••••••••••• a youp y ............. •••••••••• aw, thr•. Quar. ellm. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ell.49i-MObeftlm,aft -."2··-lnt'Oenet.uaervlct·YOUr Int /Ext Re•ld/Comm Exp'd, bonded LIC' •Ellper1 Treel'runln1• ' »~:Ya•d .. WICI & SON fr odor· Crpt repair. DRYWALL/ACOUSTIC HAUUNG-.tudenl b11 home by• IU-t121 At.ouallc ceillnp Ref1 "Ce/388M3 Dlacounts on Cotnmerti1l IA1nd1t1pe In the -Silklfri Sb1ci iN7 5 Y~ ::f.· J.0 0101ort 14 yn exp. F\Jlly lic'd It • lie truck. Loweat rate. PenonaJ • Buslne" In· Uc'd. Fret est.137:2637 ' wallcoverin1a Jo'rtl' '~' Strvica "7 .... D.a.uy AddlticM ·Remodelin1 e • · ·-lnluttd. 532'5549 •n-1 Proll)pt.Call7»-ml. come Tu Return RodM»-5800 -Dooa.window1,p1lio No~rntNoShampoo ~ ....................... TMMY6U,Joftn. Prep1ritioll Av•ll for L~fil.fi~rJ --~pleleTrttStrvi« Pl.OT tOVth, Frteett. Re11. SlainSptclahat.Ful ••••• .... •••••••••••••• T RAC11TOR, idt1I fo.~ Evfll.lftpltWeekendOf· LaQ ••• .... I\ .6 ............ Gtn'lcln·UP' lrna. •YICI Uc 131*2 549·2110 .Fl'tt ttt.839·1~ £LEC'TRIClAN riced 111111 acceu are11, 41 th rdl ... I Ii Ho A I t "1---a . • ...................... Lawnrenov. W.ott4 DlllCTNOIT • FlNtllOME ,._"............... riitll. free esum!te on wide Ku~· akleloader .... -.................. :::. ,.,=. L~~1:,: IN'l'/EXTPAJNTING w.1r!~~:~~~val TrwfDM4k -- DOlf OW IMPROVEIC~'NTS -,....., .............. , larteorsll\llljoba S30hr.lnld.&42·500I WantaREALLY CLEAN ftrtmn.CPA.MS-4212 Qualkyworlt. Reu. All 642134.? ••••••••••••••••••••••• AddJUoN ti RemodeUn1 ·;;;·v;~.·;;:;i;1~·c;.;t Uc. •398621 eis-0359 t•'ww 1 G~~;~1~i~m Fttt•t. Steve547·4211 • DF.UNQUENT~ ~~mt: Servitt Directory Repmentatlvt 642-1671,ed JJ2 Act tk; ••••••••••••••••••••••• P JR Qlrllta· Fin. Stmts Compt. Set·up ai Serv. Reas. 540.5834 Hlvec1lcul1tor, wiU travel! All accta serv. Call for I t, 760· 7122. • upbol cle1nin Scotch UC'D ELECTRICIAN ••••••••••••••••••••••• .._ J~ ~ BOGDANOV PAINTING ...... fl.,.... Judlc11I Foreclosures 9 N ~Free esf '973.8839 Qual. work. Reas. rates Carpentry· Maaonry ROBIN'S CLEANING ~elf rou , kin(. Sml 1e 1'1 o.c. Top quality. ....................... Harold f'. McGrath ~q. c:ciJFSf -~eeesl. 6Sl·S0'72 Tom Rooting · Plumbin& , Strvlce-1 lhorouahly n!!!n':'la.~ersona ~al. St. Uc. 3349$0. Neat p11tche1 & textures __ 1151 !_1'11 _ --a~~ c...t/Cwrtt. --l)Tywall-Stuc:co • TIJe clean booat. 540-0857 · NS.03891839-11111 Ftte .... H J. I 09 T ••••••••••••••••••••••• TOP9l1ALJTY ~IT¥>del. J.8.1146-9990 '"R"•INE'SHOME FEDERATED ---------..... Uc. t3492 • 770-6554 RESJD CONCRETE+ ELECTRICAL WORK -1..1.J IV\ Income Tu ~rvlce QUALITY INT JEXT PL.ASrER PATCHING ••••••••••••••••••••••• Sport cOur\I. Lk 374067 Reas. rates. 531.soss General Maintenance ..... ~ERVlCEA.!t'1· · 6:11•4871 Uc'd Refs. Freeesl. Restuccos. lnl/ext. 30 Rtld.lng & related 1kJlls .. MKHALICOM,TI. Bob85J.l966tM7·7018 EledncourSpecialty! ~irs&Oecoratlnf vw"trana ........ 1 evs ••646-10!..7** __ ~.Ntal~au154S·2977_ Crtdenlill~. exp. car· ~Ui{om~llomea. ram· . Cl 'ck d d •Qlial.ily•R1y ~514 TopQualltyJReas.Ratea M1111 'I ~t Pt Low winter MR.ED'S PLASTERING Utf Spec111i11n111rades tn1.·remodel, French ~crtte cutUDg' re· ean, ~ · epen a· HOMEIMPROVEMENT Pref.bachelorbomes ••••••••••••••••••••••• tsY. girect H l AllTypes J tQrExt _llhr_4 ~·'1'779 --- doors. skylights 41 patio . pau, patio. decb & COY· ble. We•6J~-~!e job REPAIR·PLUMBING 12U 143M907 BRICK WORK : Sma ll ra ll bltn :..560 ones ' 645-82.58 n Free est Private Tutor to teach COVfll.848·XS2 era. 17Ul63l·5832. Heating. cupentr y, . jobs Newport Costa re 1 e. basic f'rench. Russian. ROBT STEIN BRONER S..-.I RESIDJCOMM 'L/IND elec, tile. Free eat. No I will clean your home as Mesa, Irvine.' Refs PAINTER NEEDS fttm .. II I German ror travel con· GEN'LCON'l'RACTOR en ro yrs exo. Do my own J_ob_toosmall. 645-2811 my own. Dependable. 675-3175. WORK! 30yrs exp. int i ... •••••••••••••••••••• veruence or longer term · ••••••••••••••••.••••••• work LI 'd. Al 646-8126 reasonable. 851-9020 ext. Arowsllc ceilings. Dr"'"" ,.1 .... -.. rrom •10 Lie. 11399463 64S·6456 Elper couple with rd. --...!__ R · H d Custom Brick, Stone. n.. p-•-, 847 SIS6 ......, • u•..u • Cor study or literature. ...... -would like office bldg to c;. * s!/vi:e. r!,~ r~p~i~s~ Qullsly ·Dependable Block, Concrete, Stucco. '!'"VIS aviUOg _.__ Plumbinll Refl1rs Call Answer Ad 11622 . ....................... C.,.llhr clean eve. 554-6655 ........ ~1............. painting & c1rpentry. IS Call Pam Ii Bob Dwlaht. Refs. Free F.at. M9·1M92 Collt11e student 7 yrs ex· Free est. M~ 2·0033 ~4300. 24 hrs AlJ.SJ'ATE PAV.JNG . ••••••••••••••••••••••• -TIHS yrs~:._646-4336_._ 673-7012 per lnl/exl. rers. Dana ,. .. ,.., ..... ,..... r~ .r~1c SealcoatJng .StnplnJ CHARRENOVATINC c ........... G....... Q.E..t. , MASONRY ~18119(1teep trying) ••••••••••••••••••••••• ,......,~ .... Repairs. Comm./Res1d Compl inlfext' boat ••••••••••••••••••••••• Topped/removed , clean C'pntry. Um rprs, drwl, IOAW.U n -... ft 675 ,..394 --..... --.v ••••••••••••••••••••••• .Uc. 1397362 645-8181 ........ _ . A.DD'NStREMOOELING _~.lawn reno_v. 751·34_76 pn tng, rn t l h ·up . Kitchens, liecfrooms . ..P-!:w ....:~ __ Bishop&Son Painting '"""'.--' • SAME DAV TYPING """u.~yrs. 545·3749 Plans. Lic.d. Geor~e yrdwrlt. reas. Jerry, garages ·whalever ' ~ JO yrs exp. in Beach MAMAGIMEHT Ser\•1ce now serving 'Driveways, Parking Lot FINE fl NISH WORK Pilnrr & Sons, 557-6932. K&D Landscape M ainl. 965-3395_ A recent University.of II· ...._ • ..., area. Free est. 548·1029 Orance Co. area. IS yrs local businesses' Will r Repairs, Se1lcoallng. Rerrod Ii Doo h Resid/Comm. Clean·up · · u d ••••••••••••••••••••••• --expenence Call for inro pickup & del. SS&-2724 S&S As h It e ng/ rs ung REMODELtADD·ONS -U Ha r g 548 2489 Ben's MarntenanceServ lino15 co ege gra uate -..UC MOVIHG-,.,..... and r ---- Li 63 P ~ Randy720-l2160CdM 'C t Li 'd u m · ·--Plumb-elec-carpenlry has,dtti~edlo.~co~a Qlaclt·c•reful 552-0410 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ates. Typmg-resumes. lt-rm c l-4l Custom Carpentry By 25_ yn;.arpeir~i~ ~.i7J9 11iEGRASSHOPPER Pai.nling:_ Call 964·S231 California milhonaire · --HANGING SIO/ROLL __ '6l .. JJ2 papers, dissertations. Res/comm. Sealcoat re· "Jay". <Pormira & Completelawn maint. bh HARD WORK. She •A-I MOVIHG• Stripping-disronpaper loofl9g word processing. Keas. pairs, resurface. Free Tile> 642.8809 or Call COMM'L/RESIO. Indoor plant specialist Dependable & Honest a ady hu • goodd slallrt Top Qualft:run. Specia.1 VlSA/MC 64S·932S ••••••••••••••••••••••• rates L P Orr ice est "n ..,...8 evsJwknd Re-.. Add'ns Repa1·rs Domm· 1·c 542.•"Sl Will do any type of Home 111 your area an c n · h · ... --.---"'--• ..-713c ............ , Answer Ad 11620 al "'""'.. . ---------improvements. provide TOP references care Ill an .g. ""yrs UC PAPERHANGER REPAIRS FOR LESS ..... ~.ca....., . ., ~ 642-4300. ?A hrs ~~kH~BeL~e~~ Mowing. s10. $IS, $20. Reasonablt. 554.4454 lforstraighl people) exp.vCompet1llve rates. ~oded & guar. No job Shm~es. Oat 30 yrs ..._ CINailtg ••••0 •••••••••••••••••Cabinet.s. Cou.nter tops. Gen.Cootr 552·9142 Hauling / Dumping. -----Aver1ge ·MSperwee1t . Nooertime.7»13~ toosmallortoolarge. exp.:_eeest.770.27~ •••••• .. ••••••••••••••• AGGRESSIVE LEGAL Doors. Greenhouse win· SIS-RO. 754·9904, 9SS·009S ........, SS0 every two weeks. SfARVING COLLEGE Free est. Tony 898·2728 Huber Roofing·all typell "Let the Sunshme In .. Representation. Law of. dows. Finis h work. ~~T~~~g~.l~:fu~ts~ Mark ••••••••••••••••••••••• For further details. call STIJD~TS MOVING WALLPAPER New·recover·decks Cull Sunshine Window lices,34hrs.S4S-8422 754-4420 Residi com m /indus DUMP JOBS THEllOOMSQUAD CO Uc. "Tl.24-436 All k.inds Freeest Lic 141lll02 548-9734 Clearung.Ud. 548·8853 Waynes.:rf .. 7112 Mamt, clean-ups. tree &SmallMovingJobs 67J.3121 Jnsured.641 .. 8427 • Sll/roll.L1c 330986 -------~·i MonthlyDa_seount ~~ ........ , ... c;.~.mFr~~!,f~.eLi~·~: C....Wooclw~llMJ trim. fi'ree est 64J.1096 CallMJKE 546-l39l Exp'dhousecleaner ~ATCf:!USGRO~ Norm64S·0880 R~~~~~1!i1::H •R~IDENTIAL • Babysit, our CM homes. 1 Joh! or Rick 979-3218 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~~e ---llAUUNG & OUM P By the day. own trans. SfARVlNG ACTORS TiiE PAPER HANG ER Roof mg Avg t sty $30. avg 2 sty •yr&up anytime .... b. C l d CUSTOM HARDWOOD Clean·ups, Tree Trim JOBS. ask ror Randy. Also co~p'!!!!.on~ 6028 PastMO~lNCGa!?_OfuMI PLoANwYest Prol.,quallly work. f'ttl! f?!t ~-S292 ~ Chru ~7-8388 542.'8482 646·S759 "" s. a~n ry·remo , Interiors, bars. mantles. Ma' Re: d Co 'I 641-1427 "' .... I · repair. NoJOb toosmall. hbrariu. cabinets. mt esi ./ mm · II 1f'llttl.g Raia Llw Allows M C f'ree~~teve 547·429t ~ utffeiJli9!! Lic'drrotherw1llcarefor Rer.Freeesl.839-6297 I bookcases, .s kyhtes. Amie_S48·Ml4 -Q.EAHUPYOUIACT •••••••••••••••••••••••! Visa.LicJlns.673-0853 I QUA. LITY ••••••••••••••••••••••• L'lasi.ifwdAd~arrrc•1ill~ your toddlerMon·Fri.lg r~.r-I cust. molding Rers . Expert · Reasonable TODAY ! Yard/garage Avail. Mar 20lh. reliablel -----PaperingtPamting TILE INSTALLED small "pt'01Jleto11t'01Jle" yd, nutritious meals. _,.., _...... c• 646-0002 Gardening, clean-ups, j Cln·up, etc. I ton truck. I adlts. Ref. ,,..... t'reeest. Janis 5S2·0231 All Kinds Guaranteed sale5 l'all~ ~ llh bia re 645-5313 •••••••••••••••••••••••-----Trimming.Tom631-7819 1 Sll.631 ·1983i,24_hr~l-6401286 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ---Ref's John840.9217 " WeCareCrpt Cleaners Prople~hont>edpeoph• -• ---------F1J1epa1DtlnflbyRichard Wallpaper contractor & adersh111 and b1J! re Loving, exp'd Mom will • Steam l'lean & uphols ~hould al~a\s chrl·k the Jessie's Gardenu~g I John's rast moving & Compare before you buy 1 Sinor Lie ms 13 yrs of Pai.nting. Lie 328240 O C Custom Ceramic Tile suits' To PhlC·e )our babysit newborn to 3 yr ' Truckmounlunit Srn·1ceD1rector. mtht> Cl~an.ups,treelnm hauhng. Tree/yd/gar Classifiedmakesiteai.y happylocilcuslorner5. 23 yrs. Gary Gompf Prompt serv. Freeest class1r1ed ad t·all toda1 old.C.M.556-2724 Won uar. 64S·3716 Ot~ILY PILOT ~nl.se~ 540·80~ c_ln·up Freeesl.~7 642·5678 _Thank_~~ ~1·4410 494·4366 Chuck675-1408 642·5678 · Moao!:Jia. Trwt 50lS i~.~.~ ...... ~?~~ ~~~ ..... !!.~~ ~~~.~ ..... !!~ ~~~ ..... !!.~~ ~~~·~ ..... !!~ ~~~ ..... !!.~~ ~~~ ..... !1~ ~~~ ..... !!.~~ ~.~~ ..... !!.~~ •••••••••••••••••••••••l round : fema le La b, lllEMICHAHIC I C .. LDC.AaE CUSTOMllSllYICE Dentalorrice Manager Interior Des1gn 1Sales, ~J•weler Nuning SalMtr~Co. I Black:female..Lab mix, ACCOUMTAMTF/C &Coonter person. Ex· Seeking someone lo COOIDIHATOI N.B restorative prac· caree r oppt 'y $10perhour Musthave ~n4ll-11,ll-71 Alltypesof~ealestate l blaclt&wbite,malePil· Posit ion w/Newlforl pr'd. wtloral refs. com! 111to my home a neededtoprocessall or· tice seeks exp tum SU.$25/hr.Noexp nee S y_ea rs experience Reli~f l)ursesn4:ededfor 111vestments s111ce 1949. bull. red " while . ~f~in P~~~ ;la~ S :':.ta Salary depends on ex pr., re~ days a week ror ap 1 ders & communications oriented 1ndiv. looking W'tlllrain. 552-8023. Oes1J0., manufacture & Christian retire me Ft SptdatdJMJ Ill female mixed Terrier. Ca reer Opply-G tL", Call 675-6510 Oceanfront pmx 4 brs per day to ror our districts & dis· for a highly responsible ---·-repair Jewelry. reshape homt with 33 bed SN d 2-ITD gray; male Pitbull. A/P/, A/R. wtemphaslS· Wheelworks. _ care for mys mo old lrlbutors on maJor pos1t1on. Returning a mOI. yfisr. &restyleoldJe:"'elry.set Near D1sneylan 1 brownNewporlSheller baby Please call e ui ment & ac I high level or esteem . ..,._.,....., _ &replaceprec1ousoror· Walnu t Man or . '4J.2171 S4S-061 I 125 Mesa Dr . c .M ' In rmancial analysis Ir F/C •o11i111Ptr F./( C 64! l2SO c!soJes Responsible Xl nl rrinse benerits. AsstSUng 111 operations namental stones Take l-nH.234 •FlXEDRATE2ndTD 644-3656. )'_ou're bright wtprior KeilEttatelftvesll~~nl forprocess1ngallorders l $16-00 +incentive if ofCorl>C>ratema1l1stock ad lo EDD. 1001 S •F'UUy Amort1ied P/C exper .. we'll belp fr management F 1~m ClliMIHG Crom rtteipt to comple· ~lified. ~1,:2490 rooms. Deliver ies. Grand Ave .. Santa Ana OfflCE WOllC •F\JUy Assumable Found . M Wire·haired train you & provide for ~ mature. resp In· J..4 hrs w~ek. Depef!da lion, follow up back or· I operation or machines. D.O.T 700 281--010 Sat & Sun 7 am to S pm, Fo1. Terrier, v i e career advancement diVJdual to. take charge ble, Dtghsh speaking. der requirements. C•n· D&n1ST shippio~. receiving -lite bookkeepin g & •No Pre· Payment Edwards &Sliter, H.B Cal1:&40-0123 of accou.nung dept 1n~I refs req. SS per hr didale should have 1 wanted. busy practice. Heavy Uning 1nvolved M~c. MB Ex~r & phone $450 per hr lo .... , P~ur .... ,._., 842-3813 p~roll. AP/~B. gen I 631-4161 minimum or 2 years N__.,..rt Beach Area. Exper. pref Fashion fBoreign maMde. odlvo, st.art Most train Mon ....,.,or ...... p.--I« er thru lnal·bal. & ---. . ~-...-Island ln\•estment l MW & erce es thruFr1 613-4700asltfor lrvlu·Newporl Beach Found : wa lltlnc cane. SemlA1:'!:,~A_.NcAouGpEI~ for ban ing for numerous Clerical. part·J1me rus.tomer srrv1ce ex· ~rllent pay with f'irm Call: 760·0SOI. ~193. ---~gr ....... l l Hartlor fli«hlanda area. ~ ~ ac~ts. Contact Janet 1 S3 SO/hr. Up to 10 hrs J>('r penence. co 14'.ge a +. its. 1 ...,5 30 trust~ mves men 5• N.B.onWed 646·1088 18unitcompluinN11t·pt. 83J.3S44 week. No exp Ed good commumcal1.on & 646-4868 ~: · ~-c ...... r 1 ar.~ work . mature 1n· Call for la lest list. ---Maintenance up. req I 534 ~ follow through skills a _ ... rTtralS Marine Eng1nl -Du I di\'. will lr~m 9-12. li-.21% yield. 1·3 yrs. Found·Smallmaledog. 646-1801. IOOIHIPH ----miatalongwithenJOY __..,,_ LEGALSECRETARY tributor need s a Mon·Fr1. all day Sal Prin. 4 · Craig Glass. red/brwn longhair, Vic. Newport Beach ad· CLBICAL/ 111gworklngwithpeople Tel~com m un1 ca t1ons Laguna Hills Recent mechanic's helper 1645-3500 Re/Max 59-1221 MacArthur & Bear ASSIST.AMT vert1Singagency. Duties ' GALFllD~Y 1)Pe 6Swpm .. 10 k~y by eng111eenng firm needs Calif proba te 0 , Duties i!'clude . engine ORDER O~K RECEP. .......... LL..&.. 1 ___ ~95.58 needeOfor busy Bal Isl include T /B. p R, A 1 P. t AssiJlant 10 offirt' Mgr I sight O~r orftce will be drafters upenenced in penence necessary. Ex· ~parauon. warehouse, TJONIST Look ror _a.___. salon.673-4013 AIR. payroll. b1lhng. Typing, hte bookkeep rel~cat1ng to Tustin I Leroy, mil & pencil on cellenl typ1ng & S H and service E1.per pre . iog Income property, com· sc••tU l(fS etc Resume with salary 10g payroll & busy Apnl 1.1982. Please rep V~lum & Mylar. Good skills req'd Call Mrs rerred. Call ror 1n brife:t person for heavy Apr~n~t~·115~n~~::!.~:li~~ ~ A"nr t history lo Forsythe Ad·~ pho'nes. ss. to start. ly in confidence to Mr 1 al.t.itudc ' hard w~rkers Win s low rnr appt, lerview55&-~ l ~~~rd~s\ se:!~e~f ,,,... ••wes PART TIM . Orange vert1sma 1617 Wd lclirr I raises commensurate Frank Parker: need ~·y apply, & B 837-1060 he.I r I c II rate on credit or Equity JUW Co. Swap Meet. Sal an· "~ . T...._ Mttlc• E n g 1 n e e r i n g Mloclcat .Atsist..t _p _u _ a 646-9664 Loam, lSt, 2nd or 3rd "'-··ty -Dumpy -dlor Sun. Apply. SW, AP Dr .. Su Ile 212. N. B with adaptability to JOb (714)540-1614 •IR'--... ' 1,lC'Y Ex""".·enred front oHlce Part Time Sales . C .,....., 0 C 9266() position. 40 hr week Sys.._ --1 ~~ ,...... · TBr'oD"esrs o7lu4rl7e6s0~1StSol Tripe -Behind -~!I7AMF'toFllPME ---Call: Mary Anne. btwn llM~mtngnSt. EIEl"TRICl.t.u Fu.llt1me o,r small Medica l Ass1stanll HttdXtraMOM 1 .. DEAD IN wa:aa..... I 9-l2493-093Sor831-07Sl Carson CA 9014S ~ "'" Irvine law orf1ce Some Newport Beach OB . . . ' St.eveorDuane MY.nei~borfigureshis OC Fairgrounds Costa ~KIEIPllF/C I -------121316.Jl.sis:i 2·5 years commercial lt ligalion exp nee GYN.F'Ulltirne .ref re Positions available de· ._._ ... , r.raulr/ Loet&Fe9d wire will live forever Mesa. p06 on w/Npt. Bch. In· Oerk need. eel 1mmed. lo · _exmrience._64_6·8200 __ · Nonsmoker Sal arr quired Call64S·7870 rmnstratmg products in ho k d th h t f ;r-- --grocery Stores ID your She has a w le closet v e 5 t me n t f i r m wor n ve ru P o o Deb very men over 18 or F.XEC SECR ETAR y I commensurate w qua area S4 hr + bonus full or clothes she ... ---..-... Responsible For dally booth Exper help~ul L.A Times to homes '"I ~forrealeslate1n· ~Gilbert,752·55311..:__ MloclcatA11itt.t 1714>963·3107 wouldn't be caught •• 1R"111vro financial transactions & but noc nee Call for 10 C.M Jam.Sam Econo T & with limited X Ray I DEA.DIN Ambitious boys and C I . d C •L' ~rview 171418'14·7080. car ""'· No collect1nl( vestment co. ypmg .--. ... , • .,..ET ... RY ~nrut. Pleasant work ----• 1-l"IJ Id to omru eriie s . ~·"·IZIO .~.., shorthand needed . 1.EW-.-.... "" d C d --lil!llll!IJ~!!llli!!lll-• ~r~k o"'n .. oyreal~o0avan. Ana ytiea l min,ded """ · $400-$4:;()/mo. + bonus r111anc1al back0 round a 2 openings, 1 temp. ap g con ' oppty or a PARTTIME blta•c-... 5100 Found IOspeed bike in W -v ... w .. .. ~rson Expr Reqwred 646--0637 + Call Shem· <~9.2988 prox 6 wlu. 1 Ptr . cur vance men t Sa I a r y s.~ E nd b ••••• •••••••••••••••••• CM area. Please call to mos a week geltina Cocnpan1on. mature for ... -• tit.Jgation e• ..... r req ......,ollabl.. ...,,m xpa mg yout ············'·········· tdentily.548-9197 ne~spaper subscriP. ll64G-Ol23 elderly lady Room . Dental Recept1011ist Of I . -. -N;;.smkr. NwpiCenter ·-.. 7S26300 counsehng firm has •SPllJTUAL tions. Transportation board! salary ~· !..6.!-1 fire Man ager. Xlnt pay Exper d Floral Designer 76().8&66 I openings for 3.5 sharp IEA.DIM4;• Found: Husky, while and constant adult CAFETERIA, ma lure w/benefilS NB office net'ded. Garnage Trade MODELS outgoing mature people ~ S. El Camillo Real. shep mix. Collie mix. supervision provided. Fmle. part-time. perma . COOIC$ 646-4868 • · · Shop &f.S.0093. ask for LIGAL SlC'Y Op?portunity now ror to motivate amb1t1ous San Clemenle. 492-7296 Doxie. Terrier mix, Cal13toS:30PM.ask for nen.l position . no full or part ume Ex· · ~yorDla_fl!. Newport Center real girtsl7&olderwhowant t().1Jyrolds.Call2·Spm ....:FW:.=1:!..y.;;;;li.;:.c ______ 1 Great Dane, Bloodhound Andrea. 642·4321. ext weekends. Call 673.4403 c.-ellent benefits incl jns Dental Assullnl Trainee. ~It M•-rJ. estate litigation Cirm to have • career ID 642-4321. ext. 343 Ask for Gold P Wh I I mix. Welsh Corgi . 343 aft 6Eves & profit sharing Exp S4/hr. 281hr week, Mon Rall e. S4ra;r h . rull l needs ver y ex per'd mxtelina. Call ror in Andrea arty · o esa e Beagle mix. Ir vine ---=--r -·-pref but not nee. Apply Thlll'S.642-7998. ."' ~ l/E Se . XI t ' . " S d ••••••••• prices.Sun.Feb.28 10·2. Animal Care Center. CARPETINSfALLER 'S IR person Coco's, 78 Ume. 2642 an Miguel ! ga xec. cy. n I terv1ew atur ays 220Pearl,Balboals. 754-3734. BABYSITJ'ER HELPER. will train f ashion lsland Square, These httle ads really NwptBch 640-7980 typing, dicllphone & 10:3().l:JO. 55l·3119 task PAYIOLLClEll wanted. Prer. woman clean·cut male Flex NB. ~ork ' Join the s horlha ~d 1 musl ' forMiltel Detailed b1 weekly Lolt&Fo.d UOO r.,an .. J 5l50 over 40, E/side C M hrs & pay C.M 548 9265 thousands of other peo ~~r~~rson '1 Salary ope 640-t960. I Natioml c0&metiC' com-1 1 payf'!>ll input & record ....................... :::;................... Your home or mine. evs. Don't lel that phone Just pie in this area who ore ror bus contractor's of· UNG ERIE SHOP pany needs models & keeprng Minimum ex ... ~ ~ $2.SOthr. for 2 s ma 11 sit there' Put 1l to work reg u I a r use r s o r fl ee ~Y ping. r iii 0 g. has openmes for clerks make-up artists to work per. required NewpQrt l'l1RlllfQ GllCIQe boys.548·7136 F\nd whal you wnnl'" advertise in rlassiried Classified Call our ad phones F IT CM l .!_mode.ls ls.548. -6444 C.M j p/Ume.,Jd1ys~rweek.1 Beacharra.640.~ MIOlft ADS Open 34 rs a daf -Qa_ily Pilot Classifieds 642·5678 laker at 642 5678. 548-5541 Mamtenance j ll~pm Ill all maJor dept 1 ------ ruung 7daysaweek •.a.•y•~ ------stores. 1213H50-IJH O f'llSOMRUDAY/ 69 Gorgeous girls to -,.., ,_ Hcr6r Shht 0. Sh . I (714)998-61~. SIClnAIY Al£ FREE pamper you. Jacuzzi. Per50tl needed to meet LOOKING FOR A JOB~. Join our pl'ogressive Maintenance position: -Jo'or busy windsurf mg Sauna.Localsaswellas 6/yroldgirlafter achool C suff and gel the most available Newport'! MAUTILUS business Must be or "•II: tou r isl s Ba n k at 1:55pm & keep until oti of your career Op· Beach Area Send re HEALTH ClUI garuied. neat & 1ble 10 WI ~:~.c~~ri~:s~ex~ ='i.ioo~~~MU~~eJ?[ TEMPORARILYD # pt.ya unlimited. It you sunvSo Sul~1~1 1Sky PC'~ Instruction pos1t1ons handle a variety of 64Z.S67I .... II DEPENDABLE. Must CC are into hair call. · 1 • rvine avail.F'Ull&p tlime .Ex duties Send resume to. ••••••••-t· ~~~~. 0/1~,e~:.at33. live or Sto necreek • • 546-7186, ask for Gloria 92'7t4AttenlionSara . referred~S7·6226 ~lkW~h Sl .. Box G·6. l..olt · f yellow Lab. I yr 21l2HlrborBl.CM Elem., Woodbridge, T MAKEAIUCK M Dtl I old, wJleatber collar. Irvine. Student ok . ~~,;t'~~owing. STAITHlll il'=s'~o ho~~'" P~~I Ma1ntenan<'e. "Neala", Edinger '1•-•••••-•I Ref's. Pleue c1ll LOOKING FOR Bal.lsl.673-4013 The Loi Angtles Times Npt Bch. 3:30 AM lo Laguna B. prer have Boin Chica. H.B. 1:-a.1vialr~'$ SS2-0481afterS:30pm. 15 lookin" for well· 6AM.2ormoredays ""'r ownlruck.!97-5109 Reward . 89'1 ·S192. Lim .at " . ..---962-Cll!rl Help clean Ke nnels. groomed, enthusiastic wee 1 .k . 548 8441 or -•...-t"""- Lost: Blue Vel ve t Jewelry Bo1. & contents. Vic Newporter Inn. NB or Elks Cl ub. NB . REWARD. 760-8645 *lSC~* MONEY m rmmings. 2().JO hours a people lo earn up to ... u ... '"" ...... BACK &B ER week. train minimum $40-l'iCJ per day for a few Camera1plateroom as - THAN EVER! 24 HRS • • • wage. near O.C Airl)ort, hours work as pltime MUISBY SALIS ~tan~ Mon. Tues. t'Ti & ,69 "~07 HEW ACCOUH'TS 557-«>20. sales rep. Hours are Looking for personable. l. ill work vertical co.;:::in COUMSB.01 We're Taking Applications -----rrom 4pm·9pm & train· neat. energetic person commercial camera fllLLTIME ing will be provided. 1ble to grow with a well I Knowledge of PMT pro· Experience preferred. and Interviewing HUU~f.\;Lf.Al'f f,I\~ lo Your urn• n gs as a established Co. M lJl I C'eSS helpful Xlnt lot rol u.t. Orange young Tab-~. F. ESC?.IT by ma le cat While r-"v tor our Huntington 15hr.Ptr.Car.~5123 Timessalesrep.willbe yr.retail nurseryselhnR legestudcntswllhrelal BeadlOffice. SATURDAY, FEB. 27 ONLY n.. HOUSECLEANERS bued on a guaranteed exper. req'd. f .time ed classes.Apply in chell/paws. COM HVH. Triah S49-80M a . 7pm 7:it-IW18 ___ Coeda would love lo party Conllct: John June -needed for domestic hourly wace or $3.~ + Startin& salary Sl.000 to person· 1660 Pl1ccntia 841·0111 • 1 ood ~rous commissions Sl,400 per mo Pd Ave · C.M u.t: Jl'IY' white f' cat. with you . Lesl!e or col1ll' wJrabies ta1 from Sy Iv 1 a . an Y t 1 me . S.udl Ar1bia, Laguna ..;.71.;..l;...·llCXl6 _______ 1 Nleuel. Reward. 543,01ss Pec ••II S..-.kn 5360 aft. • •••••••••••••••••••••• lat: Ip bJk F dog. pl SWFJ>ISH M~SAG E Lab/Shep, w/blu. col· Relaxin&, non·aexual tar. Dana Point. 953·296 Roberte8Ml20 OO·ll CAUFllllA FEIEUl .. :~Lf:.. HIM\llnaloa ... eh, CA t21147 ~I Opportunlt1 Employer 1100 R 'E w AR D. 81 k Artilt/Desip Cnslt. will LGnlhalred ut. "Meat· do t\lltom oil p1lnll.lla1 ball" 173·H7Z dya . ~f«~hoa!me!:..!· &5~7~ .. ~H!!:_f. --~-------1 '!!"~1~·----Barber !lt1llt wanted to Found ; Prtttrlptlon t rl'!™~& wortc 1a ·La11111a Bu ch tlaueaOflOovtrCIHf ,....... 11lon, 1ood ecvlron· a t.:5309 __ ... -.............. mtnt4'ts.::1• • week. •'ound. Pus>P1. •·• mo .,. WmlM. 7 015 _..c._u;...;.;...;.~-.· ---1 old. Ttl·t'OIOf 1 blk. l>m ....................... 8'.aklln allllwtlkt. llaiela.ZOU Y.:::J married mu tWrdnuen to work In -likt odd Jobe evn pl_.. Newport Buch hmd llke. Cdll atta. • wh nda. Cu do a ulolt. Hl•lt P•f, Id Oilt.o.....,1 ._riet1 of handyman worlln1 cjndt, '"e&e ...... * '12>1525 eves· 1111 bmelltl • ._ cUentele ~~. ...... torllll. . pref. llMM4. old. tie *,..,, 1111 wit.II lntelltdHI 11111&7 8fece rntal, ual· i!.~~-!_m· ~ 9"tt llYt• ••t dttor, 1paftOU1 ~. M .... , .... 11 ..... aa cooll, at· -· ..,_, 011PC11twait7 t'-. ...., •R~o '¥ ~ ...... fot tldfJIJ Of .. "*~ .. I tall 1WUI ·~~....a...C· ·· • ~ tw ..-.. 1erwTr1 11lee. Oall ....... f ,.,..... Call l!l!J" ......... l1-'lfd Adl.jqur OM AH•H .A 4 U U , t•wt\b DallJ .!taf . ....,1m\fl'. • .,., 8 to 11AM or 1 to 3PM clearun& serv ce ' Since Ulil ia a new pro-holidays ' vacations pey/aood hrs. Call ob· gram opportunities for Hosrllalhation ins P~ SHOfl We are CALSONIC, INC., manufacturers o( air cond11>oning units for NISSAN (Datsun). We need ~temporary'' employee for long and ~hart· term assignments 1n our clean, pleasant manufactunng fac1flty to do light hand assembly and packaging on our day sMt $4/HOUR Pl.US OVBtTIME NO EXPUJENO NECESSARY WE Wl.l TRAN Our only req0t rtments are good attendance, ablfrty 10 speak Enldish and woA l<'Ri!llY 1n the U.S., and availablUty for some overt1l'Tlt'. Se re.dy for 10 hour days (7am-5.30pm) Mon<Mys tftru Thursdays, and 8 hout d•Y1 (7•m Yl()pf'o) Fridays and Saturda~ . .somttmes. We won't always n<'td you all o( these hours ... bl.it w~ mrgtlt! AmY AllUAI Y 17, SAT\JlDAY ONLY ... from 8 to 1 l AM Of 1 to 1 PM. NOlt: • ¥4)01~ t.1•fd with ut btfoN Ind I~ .. 1..a.blt, p1N111 a• .wt ltt us know ~,,. • illttuted. 11 (71•t ISWOSO, "'""°" 1". b6e'a ~a& Mop S48·0757 adv•nceme nl a re ex. av ai . Interview by appt. Mus~ 40 wpm Hounkeepera needed. cell~t. Call now for onlY. Call: Mon thr\I Fri. 333 _St.1.atuna Bch Some exp. nee. C1ll: rm~ Information about LLOYDS NURSElW nc.TIOMIST e. 492-6103 Ext \45. lhia ettat opportunity t n s u ran c e o t r 1 r e Hou.wlteeper c.tl Mon·Fri. 957-2381, 14::&1 Telephone. mail ar typ Someone. to do .Ug ht e1rt.12CM. llMI. LYMJ. CM.At inpSi2·90SS. clunin1. to cook for 2 MANAGER·APT. 8t lft•ted Uh a pro 1u11er cbtldren Call Semi-retired couple ror resslonal. IHTAUIAMT Mrs. Bowntan 9'19-1532 111.llit complex in Nwpt BE A NURSE NoWllmna w11ters, dys ot ~l-1112 eves. Maintenance exp. req. N<YI' A NUMBER w11tres~. bu! per$OM 148-1801 Non orollt convalescent 1.unth Ii dlnntr shins. HOUSlll9'tt• M-lnl--ri-t_H_i w t • Reftabillt.ttlon center ADOIY ln person. Mon. SJOO/W&I cu 1 · 1 r es · .U01 toeethtt nu rsin, Wed l 2 5 T h e 5 d111 1~4pm.l'erm N 8. Must do acrylic teama. O>meratone C.fe. 3000 potltlon for maturt, ulls. Louise SlHlM, EXTRA VACATION Rrilltol St . Ca.ti Mtta En 1II1 h a p ea II Io a f73.8M4. -BENEFITS lcorntr of Rrlilol " wom1n wit1t1oochbllity MAlllTIM& Vt:RYCOllP£TITIVE Baker> ~$$111 to anawr phone' take JGUI our ··muhl·milllon SALARIES a•• meM1te9. Car nee. Odl dollu t o mpan.y ACUTf!H06PITAI., .,..,TAURANT •·ood woRJn1 C011d1. Sma 11 Diftf'llfy your Income MEDICAL BEN £FITS Phi>. Counter ~rvil't' • famUy., Send reply lo: Want motlv•&td aha,P New padent care oritn\ 11u1a.,y, now hinn~. H M, ID1 U. Corona iltl nnor wocne•formimt eel adtnlnl1tn t1on ' 7W 1"' frieftdl7. roe• llar,CA. lmS. -...... Sit yow own ~ Talk w1U1 ~z:z,:w'~~ INIUIANCs.bptt iect houri. Fanl11tlt la • Wtrilpro¥eit. t PM A-"• aul1U al fo r com· co•. No 1tlh11 rt• m= E:r'•••Ul~Ttr ,,.~ llri• "'NJor ,.., ......... __ '! ... -.. •·a"' ••· 1111 ... broker ... f6rm le OARAGM SAi.•! all11 1n , .. ,.,,.. ....... Jlfl, ••l trJ co•· tht-01t1h r.111( hrln-=1••11111••••• •••Ill •l~..1 '°' .. ~ n.f.ulh1 •ro !Jl*'' ,.. .._ ..a or mt w a u•l UJI (T U ) )'l>Ur drowln11, 4•orcl. "9 ... C' ......... ad, ~ .-.1e2 7111u.lort !!!..,_ Orange C~Jtt D~ll T "LOT/Friday. '•bruary 28. 1912 (( -__ rr-__ ::i __ ~ __ > ) IANTID < c---cos---> > NewSpaper Carriers tor {outes in Huntington Beach, . ~ain Valley ~ort Beach Tnmdle Bed, solid hard I wood ends. custom cov- el' & bolsters. $250. 7»12U. Couch. new. tl.50. Rallan din. set, oew, S2SO. Ref ri&. S3SO 631 • lSOI Solid' Birch hand made twln bed framt, com- ••. Ca ll: 831~ U1 dn oak g dit. din -. 4 carved higbback chrs. $450/beat offu. MS-0938 dya : 63"10$6 f\'•/wtoda. '80 Yamaha YZ125J xlnt cond. never raceo. ex- tras. ~~~·8917 '7'1 llONDAXL7S Xlnt cond, S29S Pvt p_ai::_t!'_. 833-9442 I HO HONDA OWlllrMlt1t s.IMow! Only 7,400 m1lei. Excellent shape _<?111 ~-9399 art. 6pm_ '78 Yamaha 650 Special. lo au. clean. new llres. Sl3S() (94· 7832 P\IS '71 Honda 3SO Scrambler •Ip;/ CliiMIC; HJO •••••••••••••••••••••• i,?'JJ;~. Contourse condition ' 0'7'721 OMLY Sl6,tott I t • ....................... "It f'llO Ptrftd c:ond &.tr tlHn. ntw paint. as.m ml, '-lfted. lire• l n 1111 Book v 11. a, 000, 11kln1 1'500. Robert $40. .. ,,.Mf·l~l - --------~- ,. ~blru Jrat. 4 wheel Tl 1111' drive wllh ~per, aood a.I.I rend. DIOO Call M1·63ZS ,.. orM1·1411 P'clr Your Car! JOMMIOM I SOM tHO !b+ua..,. ....................... lilillirt.Orllvd' • .. .... .. • Colta .... WO.SQQ '1\ crot ~~I) . hiLo.. .._ ,. ........ Prict:llOtl: Gii re· -;• -bl&e=;.~:;1 .. ;:;· .. ·······+;;, .. ....... ••.......•...... ~l~~ "11"9ta,1reat cond. 311 NEWPORTBEACH mP1. HM, am /r m CMlltle, r1dl11J, $3050. 133-0SH ..._.or2131249·1085 ,. OM!vy 4X4 ° lrucll, " ton. h11 access . $1'500/080. Ma-1430 evs '11 FORD TRUCK ~&on, xlnt cond, $1150 SEE TO APPRECIATE 16111 Chipper Lo, H.B. COMM Ell CHEVROLET " .. '!"I ll t ••• · "'' \ \If · ~4~1200 ~ H i Ii ~ < 1 .\ " T Dadgel --· 11;11 IMK Hhd t ''"''a \lr .. :1 ~' iu;~ "M -ll02 air, 1ti~~1 ~NMltrna.Xa ........ 5112 ·• •· F pkf, ori1 OWDtr. DIJI : (710 '11l·ZllM ; evu: (211) .... 11 ... Suftrf, A/C, al· 1011. All /Fii a ltr. meJna . In '71 •. kl ml. 10 ......, Sl0,500 or tra• ror lr1r car. 011 · nHIU: evea/wknda: .... 2165 Harbor Blvd. Ceetall•• 714 4M410 1982 * FAIRMONTS ! *MUSTANGS * GRANADAS * VA"S~ TRUCKS (UP TO F-350) * CLUB WAGONS FORD FACTORY REBATE TO YOU! *BRONCOS *COURIERS 5195!!. 5 136~. '":.J.::"; 41 mao. on _....., c It. wlh .,. down + 7"'' ..... Ile Cell\ ptlee 14971 .. 0.1 pml '1101• A.PR 20 75 5206?!. fOf lual 80 ..,.. on --• .-. -.,. -+ '475" IP, .. 172 lie. Cell\ Pftoe tal'4M, a.I ptPll.113.115" AP.R.2031 PLUS 5227~ 5161!? ':.J~ ..: .• :~ ~= ~--on--..... ,. -+ "325 .. .... '225 lie. °""" -"'222" ,.., .. lie. °""" prtce 15724 .. o.l.pnlt.'14 ..... A.l'A 2031 a.I P"'l ..,.., A.I' A 20 75 LOOK AT THESE LOW, LOW PRICES 111 71YOl~U (947WY0-5072) 77GRAMADA (958RXM-5065) 74CIYIC (530LMC-5069) 52699 77GLUmPllX (671 RLF-5076) 53999 79 FllllllD (014XNT -4998) 75BJTI (8'16KYU-5067) 52999 USE YOUR REBATE AS PARTIAL DOWN PAYMENT *STOP *SHOP *AN~ '76 COM'nen'AL (650ZOP-5014) 5 129~ ~ Tony Randall guests on NBC's ·vrv Censored Bloopers #3." See On the Cover, P.age 2. In praise of Vladimir Zworykin Televiews,, P.ag g 2 ABC. news special receives big, award Inside TV,, P,age. 8 • F eb. 26 --Matth 4·• Not, all stars get to do soaps .. Not.all,, P.age 26 . G t · ~Index ~.iiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiilll .......... .. ~ ~ 'Televiews ........................... h • • Page i On the Cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............. Paoe 2 Highlights . . • .. . .. . . .. .. .. • . . . . . . Pagt: 3 ~ Sports . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . Page 7 -o Inside TV ... , ......................... Page ll ~ Letters .............................•... Page 8 gi Word Game .... , . . . . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . Page 8 ..j TV Puzzle ............... · .............. Page 8 ~ ,Daily Grids . .. . . . .. . ................. Page 10 § Prime-Time Details ............•...... Page JO er: ·Tube To~rs ... : .. .. . . . . . . ....... iPage I I Cable Sub1cnptwn ...............•..... o/!age U Dayt_i~ praf!!G . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... Page 27 Movie GUide ............................ !Page 28· ... •• "'i. Channel UStings • . I 3 1 2 eKNXT CCBS) 8121 W. Samet Blvd., Los Anceles, Ca. . e K.NBC (NBC) 3000 W. Ala'M'la Ave., Burbank, Ca. • KTLA (IDd.) 5800 W. SuDlet Blvd., Los Angeles, Ca. •KABO (ABC) Wl Prolpeel.Ave., Los Angeles. Ca. (8) KFMB <CBS> 7m Enetneer Rd., San Diego, Ca. e KHJ-TV (Ind.) S51S Mel.rose Ave., Los Angeles, Ca. ( 10) KCST (A.BC) 8330 Engineer Rd., San Diego, Ca. • K'M'V (Ind.) 514e W . Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, Ca. • KCOP-TV (Ind.) 915 N. La Brea Ave., Los Angeles. Ca. @KCET 1PBS> 4401 Sunset Blvd .. Los Angeles. Ca 9 KOCE (PBS) 15744 Golden West St., Huqtington Beach .cm on-TV . 1139 Grand Central Ave., Glendale, Ca. (l) Z-TV 2939 Nebraska Ave., Santa Monica, Ca. CID·HBO T(me:rµe ~lc1g.;aockerell91~ter. N .Y., N.Y. CC>· Cinemax) . Time-Ure Bldg., Rockefeller Center. N. Y .• N. Y. t.i~~~~- GlJ ·(W~) Atlanta, Ga. (!) (E.5PN) Cl) (Sbowtime> ·black IS> Spotlight ··(Cable News Network> llilyPillt MAINOFflCE 330 West Bay St., Costa Mesa, Ce. Mell addre'Ss: Box 1560, Costa Meu, Ce., 92626 Telephone: 6'2-4321 Teleftews -------------------------- Hoist one for XV~ 'big daddy' By MICHAEL DOUGAN Of tlle Dtitty f'illt Si.ft Let us now praise Vladimir Zworykin. After' all. it's about time . Zworykin, born in Russia ln 1889, became Intrigued as early as 1907 with the idea of transmitting images electronically; he wanted to create a radio that you could look at. Today we call it television. Tbe concept wu not original to Zworykin, however. Although we consider television a relatively recent teehnological development (how many or you can recall seeing one before 1950?>, the fact is research began on video transmlsslon as early as 1875, when a bright chap named G.R. Carey bit upon the idea ol usinl a mosaic or selenium cells to create images. It seems that the electrical resistance of selenium varies according to the amount of light shining on tt. Carey's idea was theoretically possible. but. not very practical. ln time. researchers realized that any lmage to be transmitted would have to be scanned and sent over the wire in bits, to be reassembled at the other end. The first scanning system was developed in England in 1881. It didn 'l work very well. Three years later Ger~an Paul Nipkow patented a system using a small sc1nning disc with holes punched in a spiral pattern. Although he never completed a working model. the so-called "Nipkow Dlsc" became the basis of all television research over the pext 40 years. It was clear. however, that this mechanical system had severe limitations. Enter Zworykin, who bad emigrated to the United States in 1919 after working in the Technological Institute of St. Petersbura and serving in the Czarist Army during World War I. By now. television research was no longer the exclusive domain or a small coterie or oddball scientists whipping up inventions in their basements. All major radio companies began their own television research programs in the mid-1920s, making large facilities and lareer budgets available to people like Zworykin . In 1923, Zworykin announced the development or his iconoscope, a tube mounted in a camera that focused the image on a light-sensitive mosaic and scanned it with an electron beam. sending tiny electronic pulses over the wire. Now an electronic transmission system was available. and only a receiver was needed. Zworykin took care or that six years later when he invented the kinescope, a cathode-ray television picture tube. ln 1929, all-electronic television became a reality, though it would remain in the experimental st.age until 1939, when television was first publicly demonstrated at the New York World's Fair. Television was an idea whose time had come except for one little distraction -World War ll. The global conflict brought television research to a slow crawl for almost a decade. By the late UMOs, however, herds or ex-Gls were hitting our shores with money to spend on things like TV sets and Uncle Miltie already ruled the Tuesday night airwaves. In the 1950s 40.S million Americans were born and 70 million television sets were manufactured. On the Cower IN YOUNGER TIMES -When Uncle Miltie and television both were younger . S6mewhe~. someone must have asked, "What hath Zworykin wrought?" That didn't bother Zworykin. ln an interview conducte<! several years ago and published in an excellent volume called ·'The TV Book" (Workman Publishing Company, 1977), Zworykin expressed delilbl in the fruits of bis labors. "I feel elated," said the scientist at 88, "especially at times when I see thin&s like the moon landings and, even more, the pictures which the Viking lander sent back from Mars. Without television this would not have been possible." But television has not been used exactly as lbe inventor envisioned. In those days when they asked me, 'What are you going to do with it?' I said, with television you can supplement your eyes. Television will help the eye where the eye cannot give us the information -too far, too dangerous, too small, and so forth." Of course, television is used in those ways. It has become an invaluable tool for mlcrosur1ery, inspeeting sewer lines, examining contaminated areas and sending · back astronomical data from space probes. Still, television's greatest and most profitable use is entertainment and Zworykin had no interest in that. "I don't use television myself." he told the interviewer. Incidentally, Vladimir Zworykin is often, and rightly, called "the rather of television." But It would be a grievious error to tag him as television's inventor. The creation or that medium was a collaborative effort, with many contributors over the years. TV GOES A'COURTIN': "People's Court" is a new syndicated series in which a real live (as opposed to real dead> small claims court jud1e beers honest-to-God cases on the air and exercises See Vku:limir. P.age 17 ---------------------------- Television shows off its bloopers 'tony Randall and Lynn Redgrave will join host Dick Clerk for the third edition of "TV Censored Bloopers," to be aired al 10 p.m. Sunday on NBC (Channel 4). The one-hour special takes a look at some or the funniest flubs and goofs never lntended ror public viewing. The program will feature unpl1nned break<t;o~ and breaku ol numerous stars and politics, sports and news. The hilarious outtakes normally are seen only by Insiders associated with a TV show or movie and are shown at end-of-production parties or on other private occasions. Chad Everett or "Medical Center" and Rose Marie of ''The Dick Van Dyke Show" and ''The Doris Day Show'' will mate special appearances to talk about the outtakes to be. seen from their Hithllghts for the Week • 2 Friday specials fDNJARV .. 1112 7110al)GOO .... MOUND WITH DONALD DUCK ProleMOr luctwto Von 0r9ke UIM hit nephft Donllicl M the IUbject In lnOther ot 1111nulty1n- t1oat1on1 Into human behe-Aor. t:30 (8) CONSUMER AEPORT'8 Pflll58EHT8 "The Sman Buy Show .. Tlpa on qu.Uty. Nlety and tallfng money when buyfno aoap, food proceaeora, wood llOY .. and Walk· around tape playen are preeen1ec1 AfTEANOON 2:00(8)KM KNITOfRMON AHO AHNE t.IUAMY Two of pop-<:ountry'I hol· teet atara perform 1 med- ley of their or•tMI hlll. pll.ie an EV'erly BrotMrl duel of "lei It Be Me. .. 5:IO (8) OOOf1NO AAOUHO WTTH OOHAl.D DUCK ProfellOf Luctwlg Von Oralle UIM hit nephft Ooneld U the IUbject In enother of hll nutty ln- tlgatlona Into human behavlOf. · Cl) CON.ETTO ANO 80H A tMl\-tlg9 boy and hla father duh OV« car- cholcN l9Cln0 the ton. EVENWO ..00 CI) THl VlllTOA Mick Aeetwood perform• aongs from hi• current IOloalbum. 8:30 (8) n. ~PUP A young fwnly cetM fOf an orph8Md Mal untll h II able to fend ror ltMll. 1:00 (8) THE GAEA TEl'T 8CANOALI OF THE cemJAY The Protumo affair and Ille murder of Stanford White are among the 8Candall or this century proffled by PaltldtO'....i. 11:00 cm SPECTACUl.AA EVENWO .. CAIRO Belly ct.ncers. Jugglert and dCICing ,__ -ernong the Kta In Ihle -*1g of entertainment IMturlng Cethy lee Croeby wlttl Jlrn p~ and Rone Gordon. I*'® THE GREAT ~HUNT Thie ctoc:umencary IC*lal trevele to the fertti.st ,..... of the WOf1d In -di of the Ultlmat9 pleMur• !Ml money can buy. •:ao•~MUU. .. It 8Mmecl Funny At The TlrM" Many up.anckom- lnO comedlanl jolrl Manin Mull In thla ~. Saturday specials F9MJAllY 27, 1912 MOfNNO 8:00 . THI UHOE.AOAOUNO COf•ECTION Thll ctocumentery dlronl- clet the i>C*tlon ot Chr11-- !Nlns M19 In ~· c:ontrolfed natlona. Ar1 Unkletc.r and Mra. AAlk· M#'dr Soiztlenlteyn are ... ,ured. t-.aO. CHILDMH ON TI4E NJN Johnny Mann ho911 a doc· umentery et>out Iha mll- llonl of child refugeM In theworlCI. AFTERNOON 12:00 @WHAT OH EARTH? Orlon w.... tllk• an enter1.inlng look at man and "" wor1d. 2:IO. MAINA COWH8: EXCEUlNCE IN EDUCATION The toondec of cnic.go·a WNt Side Pr~alory School preeeni. her phl- loeophy of education dur • ~a lectUt• at the lJnlver. of DellM. 4:00 STAHDIHQ AOOM ONlY .. Simon And Oerlunkal: The Concert In The Par11'' Paul Simon and Ar1 Gar- funkel periorr.. many old f9¥0rftM In thW llrat joint cone.rt In 11 ye«s, t8C)ed during Ille tunwner of '81 In New York Clty'a Centrel Pri. • UTTUJOHHNY JONH Thie f'e¥1¥111 of Ille 1904 George M. Cohan mu1ic:a1 comedy ~ an a Amen-. can Jodeev who trtee to win Ille Englllh Derby IMturea ,,,,..... 1:00. LOMTTA l YNN IPICW.. The "Am Lady ot Coun- tty'' *IOI "Coel Mlner'a Deugnter." "One'• On TN W8'(' and otMr hltl In a pertormenoe taped live et HaNllh'a In Reno. 4: 18 CI) ntE VlllTOR Mick Fleelwood performe aonge from hla current aolc>album. Sunday specials FUAllARY 28, 1912 MOMING 8:00 8 HA.ARY CtiAPIH'8 COTTON PATCti Some ot the late Harry Chapin'• lall aonga from the otf·Broadway mueieel "Collon Palen Goepel" are pert or med. 10:00 D HAAAY CHAPtff'I conOHPATa. Some ot the late Hwry Chapin'• l•t aono-from the off-Broectwey mualcel "Collon Patcti Go.pal" are performed ~ CAPTAlN IN PARADISE Capt. Stubing <Gavin Ma cLeod> gets a chance to strut his stuff when the crew puts on its First Annual Cruise S how -a two·ho ur extravaganza "The Love Boat Follie" on "The Love Boat .. Saturday at 9 p.m. on ABC <Ch. 71. 12:00 • UTT\.E JOHNNY JOHE.I Thlt revlvel of lhe 1904 George M. Cohan mu1iea1 comedy about an a Arnert- c:an Joc:My who tr1M 10 win the Engllth Derby ... lur .. IUCh lav0r1tee .. "Glw My Aegardl To eroeoway•· and "Yank• Doodle Den-et .. IUCh favorlt• • "Gi... My Regercll To Broadway" and "Yank" Doodle Dan- (ij'~ VlllTOA Mick FlMc-..ood perform• IOl'OI II-om Illa cvrrant aoloalbum. EVBINCa 1:80 9 WAii.A· L()()t( AT MeNOW Rich Duncan follows a netlw SM 06egan on her jOumey tO becoming I Playboy bunny. 8:00 . THEY AUN FOR TMIRLND JoNwy Mann nerTacet the plight of Etl'lloplan r9'11- ~ In 8omalla. -~MUU "tt ~ Funny At The Time" Many up-end-<:0m- lng comedlanl join Mll'tln Mui In thla lp9Clal. 8:00. CHtLOAEN OH TI4E MJN JoNwy Mann hoetl a doc· u!NfltMy ~ the mll- lloN of cHlcl ,..... In theworid. 10:00. OOOG8' STADIUM: THE AM'T 20 YfAM The People and -t• of Dodger Stadium. 11:00 cm EVEAY'1l4tHO GOU Aidt Podell holtl ttlil 11Cfu11 comedy game lhOw where oon1eetant1 muet take on lhelr clothes " they Incor- rectly -I ~tlon ltl4rt hM tie.'I glWf't "*"· CI) THE V*TOR Mick ~ performs IOl'OI from hie currant IOloalbum. 12.:30 ® THOIE FA8Ul008 CLOWNS Richard Kiley profllea the entertainer• who have made the ""Ofld I.ugh - Including Fanny Brice. Chatlle Chaplin. W.C. f'lelcl9 and many otnwa. 1:80 . l.OMTTA LYNN IPfCW.. The ''Ant Lady of Coun- try" tinge "Coel Miner'• Oeugflter," "One'a On The W8'(' and other hltl In I ~ laped live at Harrah'• In A9no. 2:00 • MllTER flM)QEM TAUC8 WITH PAMNTI AllOVT~ "* Rooer'I and fen per. anta ClleQ.a cliedpllne and punletwnent. ••Cl) L»f.A.THON A comedlen holl and four VIDEO MOVIES SPOKEN HERE • EIGER SANCTION • PURSUIT OF D.B. COOP.ER • SCANNERS • CA.UON COPY • LOVE & DEA TH • ONLY WHEN I LAUGH •TOMMY • GAWPOU r comlc eon1 .. 1an11 who $ c:ompe1e ag1tn1t one '.:t1 anotner •• IMtured In "* Ci ~ec1 comedy oarne ~ lhow. l:IO (8) IHIAK ~ Tl A look at the "'°"*· ape-g. elal9 and aporU ..,.,,.. 2 c:omlng up on Home Box ~ omo.. 1:00 D at 908 HOPE'S "WOMEN I LOVE- IEAUTIFUl. MIT FVHfO'" Many of Bob Hope'a female QUMll from previ- oua lhOwS w1N be _, lgeln In aome ol their fun- nleat momertll. 10:00 D 8 TVI CEH80AEO llOOP£A8 Olc:k Clark ~•• more flub• and goof• not Intend· llCI for publle Ylewlng; Tony Randall, Jamie Lee Cur1ia. CfMld e ...... t and Rote Marleareou-ta. 9 KDNY LOGCllNI Slng9r I songwriter KeM)' Logglna performs many of h11 grHtMI hlU -lnelud- lng "Whenever I Call You F<lend" and "Keep The Fire" In Ihle concert taped II Ille -Senti 8erbere County Bowl. 11:00 G L.OV£ II A NSCJH80RHOOO Guella: Roy Rogan. Dale Evena, Debby Boone, Jamee Whitmore, Doc: 8-'INM, the K0tean Chllchn'a Choir. 11:41(li)nteGAEAT PlfAIUNE HUNT Thia documentary apec1a1 travell to the fllftheat reec:hee Of the work! In ._ch ol the ultlmate pleuu(• lhet money c:an buy. Cl) NATIONAL FINA.LI CW THE 1tl t ING LAff Off The belt ,_ comedlana •• ,_lured u the region-- el wlnMra of the Big Lall on c:ompel• 11galnat one another. 12:00 . CHIU>AEH OH THE AUN Johnny Mam ho9ta • doe- umentery aboul the ~ Ilona of chact refugees In lheworld. Monday specials ~ ... ~ I\) I ,OOO's of Movies For Sale or Rent See the Video Experts at • • . • I LOVE YOU ALICE B. TOKLAS Video Cassell• l ... als 111._I HAllOI ILYl~--- MM' COSTA MESA • 646·1921 • I NEVER PROMISED YOU A ROSE GARDEN • HOUSECAUS • NO club to ioin, • ..... r ... , feet • 1000·1 of .. ~ ...... 1111111, • ratings ·. I l ?JP A *QI 4 -! HfBbllgllts for the Week . . ' 2 From P.age 3 e a DIYOfOE WAN: lflOCtlW o4 .. nuny in- D MOfl•JCl A~ITO"'f Ug1tlon1 Into humen I_ A l1*ried _..,.. btcorM ...,__, 1:11 ®lMllUL ~ b1et1r __.. dur1ng tne l:IO @ WHAT ON 1MTH1 A """'I...,_ tor.,, ~ of twt dtwlwoe; Oreon W.... tAIJlel en orpbMed Mii unt1 It 11 TOl'ft 8ellldl lrli JMe Cur-~ k>C* 8l "*' me. to lllld tcw ltlllf. lln et9r. Md NI Wllfkl. 10:30 ®UP TO NOW ,;ao ® llMJ1WlUL. MBY, MMITllUlJ The -1oul 1tepe punued by men end WOfMfl In their et1empt1 to ~ pro- fHllonel model• ere trtctd In Ulla "lntldtr'I Lo<* At The ModtllnO ~.·· 1:00 ®THI llAL PUP A young fllmlly mr• tor en ()(phened .... untll It le able to ~ for ltMll. 1:10 ® TM.OGY: TINE ClAlllC TALD The mllQlc o4 cleymllllon btlngl mre. chlldrtn'• 110- rlM to Ille -"Rip Ven Win- kle,.. "The Utt.It Prince" end "MIW11n The Cobbler.''. lVENNO 7:00 <BJ THOeE fAllULOUS Cl.OWNI Rlc:tltrd l<llty P'of-.. !ht enttrteln«1 wtlo heve medt IN WOf1d ltugtl - lndudlng Fenny em.. Ch•rllt Chaplin, W.C. F1eldl end meny others. HO 8 8 "'1'f ~.-IO Y£AN THI ICING Of COUNT1'Y MUllC MJnnil P-1 hott• lhll trltutt to thl tetMr o4 thl Gr~ Ole ()pfy, teaturlng many o4 IN top MINI In country mualo. The ...... tvtnta. Idles end IWWllT\lllk .. -pero- dltd 11'1 • -* of comic lketehM. 4:00 Cl) OOOKiE GOO TO THIE H08PIT Al Cookie find• the hcMlpitll • tewy ~ but get• by with the ... of her friend•. 4:30 Cl) WElCOMf TO MIAMI, CU8ANOt Flortde 11 clouded with P'tjudlct end probi.mt f0t Mb who~ come to grtpa with hie Cubtn htrl-... Tuesday specials MARCH Z. 1112 MOMNa 8:00. CHll.DMN Of THEATM 8TNET PT"'-Gf-giYM UI I k>C* .,.._, IN .... o4 ltlt Vegenova Chor_. gniphle tnttltut• -ellO known .. thl KJroy .,..... IChoOI -'° ~ the dr9tl'M o4 two RllelllM dencef'I who hope '° fot- low In thl toollt9"1 o4 e.r- yW!nlke>ll, Nureyev end Ml*81'C>llL 9:30 ® GOOFJNG MOUND WfTH OONAlO DUCK ProftllOf Ludwig Von Drek• -.. ,._ OoNlld .. thl eubjtct In ':00. B>DtE MmfT M~ country I pop ..., Eddie Rebblt ....... hKtd In WI ftllling Of dyNlmlc: mulic llt the Roxy • In Lot Angtlee. 1:ao (8) OON1UMER MPOfn'I PAE8EHT8 "Thi Smett Buy Show" Tlpt on quellty, M'-ty end MYlng money wtltr'I buying toef>, food P'OOIMOfl, wood It-end wlllk- lfound tape pilytf'I •• Pf-ltd. 2::IO. CMLDNN Of THIATN ITNET PrlncMt Orect glYM ut 1 loot! behind thl ..... o4 1ti. veoanov-Choreo- llfllj)hlc: lnttltut• -elto known • thl Klre>11 ~ IChool -to tllPor• thl elf-o4 two AuNill1 dlnotr9 who hope to '°4o- low In thl footlltepe o4 e.r- ylhnjlte>ll, Nurl)'IY 9nd MlllktrOllL 1:00 e CHtl.DABfa MYSTERY THEAT!R "The Heunllng Of Herring- ton HouM" A ICihoolglrl uneovera 1treng1 ind un111pl1ln1bl• evente oceutrlng •• her l•lher'• hottl.(R) 1:30 Cl) COOKIE GOEi TO THIE H08PITAL. Cookie tllldt the holpltel • tc:8ly ~ but --by with thl help o4 hit ,,... r------------------------------, ! $ 5 Gift Certificate $ 5 ! I Good Towards Purchase of '25" or More I I ~6ood0.5*..... ..I/JI I ·-------------------------------1 -& D Athletic Wear 959( HAMILTON AVE. HUMTIN&TON llACH 4M8 Q!INCW. TNAT • ''The ta-Al t2 Rote Street.. R111c1a1 ttnlloft ~ ........ '-' .... whln•bledt--~ Into•~ ..... r..igJll>OltloOcl. (A) ®TIMEWA&:THIE 19a Olde c-tt •lttmlnee lhl enttr1alnmtnt end IOdel lltuatlont duMng • time period whtl1 ~ eomtr of the wor1d -lnYOf\ltd 11!_ wer on a "'8llM acelt. ti) WELCOME TO MW.ti, CU8ANOI Florlde 11 c:loudtd with prejudice end problem• f()t MM!• who must come to grlpl with ..... Cuban herl- l:OO :m-GooANG MOUND WITH OONAlO DUCK Profeuor Ludwig Von Or• uMt hie~ Oonefd M thl IUbjtc:t In enothtr of hll nutty m- tlg1Uon s Into humen ~. . EVENINO ».30. NATlONAL. GEOGMPHIC INCW. ''The Shlfka" ExtraorOl- CIRCUS OF JOY -Ric hard Thomas. surrounded by s howgirls. hosts a preview of the 112lh sea son of the Ringling Bros and Barnum & Ba ile,· Circus Wednesdav at 8 p.m.on CBS 1Ch 21 . · .,. ·-ftMY Wldtl ... ,am foot- • of how lha'ttl feed, rtet end wtly tl'8y ltledt 11'0\lldtl I MW pwapte· tlw on tNI fuelnltlng end '-.amt tllh. Q 4:00. MARTIN MUU. "h 5-lld Funny At The Time" Several up-llld- eoming comlee join Mtttln Mull In pr-ting their nlgh1elub routlntt wl\leh feetur• fTlllOlc, ~'i!P . · comedy and ~ Piii'•· dltt. Wednesday specials MAACHS.1112 AFTEAHOOH 1:00. AfT8'ICHOOl INCIAl. "Oeddy, I'm Their Mame Now" A young women llllk• c:hllfge of her two youngar bl'oChers 1fler thl dMth of their mother. Q (%)THIE YllfTOR • Mk:lt Fltltwood perform• ~· from hit c:u<rent IOlollbum. See Highlights. Page 9 What has been a better investment than BUILDING? NOTHING! Let your investment make money for you ... build a new home, an apartment or remodel the one you have. Phone (714) 739-8532 I (213) 802-2588 21st CENTURY CONSTRUCTION CO 1~ Flnancln1 We IU&rantee our ~ork and completion da~ .. • J XYLOPHILE XP-64 in solid. oat< or walnut, dou- ble smoked glass doors, 4 adjustable shelves and casters. Truly th~ finest furniture available! NOW AT A O'SULLIVAN AR· I 7'T f~atures a smoked· glass lift-top lid in addition to a smoked glass door. A pull-out cassette drawer ·is one of many features. ~ s 00 6 ... ~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'--~~~~~~~~~~= i - AMC-JEEP ORANGE COAST· AMC-JEEP-REMAULT 2524 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -549-8023 SADDLEIACK BMW /SUBARU 28402 Marguerite Parkway Mission Viejo 831-2040 -495-4949 ROY CARVER IMW 1540 Jamboree Road Newport Beach -640-6444. . BOB Mel.ARENS BMW At Beach Blvd. & Whittier La Habra -522-5333 CREVIER MOTORS 208 W. 1st St. Santa Ana -835-3171 CADILLAC NABEiS CADILLAC 2600 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -540-9100 AllEN CADILLAC-OLDS GMC-DeLOREAM 28332 Camino Capistrano Laguna Niguel -831-0800 CHEVROLET . . C~NNELLCHEVROLET 2800 Harbor Blvd. Costa ·Mesa -.546-1200 CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH ATLAS CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH 2929 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -546-1?34 DATSUN NEWPORT DATSUN 888 Dove Street Newport Beach -833-1300 FORD THEODORE ROBINS FORD 2060 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa 642-00 I 0 -540-821 I LINCOLN-MERCURY JOHNSON & SON LINCOLN-MERCURY 2626 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -540-5630 SANTA ANA . UMCOLN·MERCURY 1301 N. Tustin Avenue Santa Ana -547-0511 ----....... MAZDA MIRACLE MAZDA 1425 Baker Street Costa Mesa -545-3334 ANAHEIM MAZDA 601 S. Anaheim Blvd. Anaheim -956· I ll.O. PEUGEOT BEACH IMPORTS 848 Dove Street Newport Beach -752-0900. PONTIAC . BOB LONGPRE PONTIAC 13600 Beach Blvd. Westminster 892-6651 -636-2500 PORSCHE-AUDI CHICK IVERSOH. IMC. 445 E. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach -:-673-0900 ~EISTER PORSCHE-AUDI 13631 Harbor Blvd. Garden Grove -636-2333 SAAB BEACH IMPORTS 848 Dove S-treet Newport Beach -752-0900 TOYOTA - EARLE IKE TOYOTA 1966 Harbor Blvd . Costa Mesa -646-9303 MAXEY TOYOTA 18881 Beach Blvd. Huntington Beach 847-@555 VOLKSWAGEN . . JIM MARl~O VOLKSWAGEN 18711 Beach Blvd., Huntington Beach 842-2000 VOLVO EARLE IKE VOLVO 1966 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -646-9303 I .,. Friday sports FIMUARY a, 1tU ~ 7:GO I LYNN IHAa<ELFON> 7:20 NaA IAIKET8AU ~re·.,, VL Loe Mgelee Ulkerl r:ao e couw IA8KETIAU Oreoon VI. UCLA 9:30. U.l.A. /MC*. INDOOR TMa< ANO FllLD~ CcMlrage of the llnal of 1e -ti In the 1100.000 ~obit Grind Prix lrlldl Ind flllkl eotnp«lllon; Mar- ty Gllctunen, Rafeir John-'°" Ind I.Moy Welter pro-vide commentuy and expert lnllytle.. . 10:00. U~ I MOell. INDOOft TMa< ANO flllLD CHAWtOHIHIN e-. of the flNI of 18 --In ttle 1100,000 Mobl Gfend Prix trecll end "'6d COfnP«lllon: Mar- ty Glldlmen, Rater John. eon end Leroy Wiiker Pf'O- vlde commentery and el(Jllr1 anelylle. 11:ao• couw IAIKETMU. Oregon VI. Southern Cali- fornia Saturday sports ~f7.1tla MONtNI 10:00 8COI LW MIQTMU Regional coverage of Georgelown at Connec:U- cut: Jamee Medleon at Old ~Ion: Clnclnnall at Florida Stele; Purdue at ~ Steer. TulM at Bradley. 11:GO. WCT TINNI ''$200,000 WOttd Doublle Semi-flnall" AffLUOON 12:00 8 COi LW MIQTMU San °"'° Stall .. 8rtg-Mln Y°'1"9 11:11• wml_.,HMOU .. ~ Slngileton" 1:00• COl 1-IMQTMU. UCLA et Oregon 2::GO (I) DAYTONA ..... --2:t0 • (J) DOIW.-EAl'TSlf <>Pe.GOLF TI*ckound pley In INI 1250,000, 72-nole TPA ~ (from the Doral Countty Club. Mleml. Fla.). e 1UGARMY LEONAAD'8 GOLDEN GLOYD 9 PAOfU80W. 80WL..EM TOUR 1200,000 Toi.do Tru1t PBA National' CMmplon- lhlp (from the Imperial L.anet In TOiedo. Ohio>. S:OOD COUmE 8AIKITML.L · use at Oregon Stat• a:ao 9 Cl) IPORTI IP!CTACUlAA 10-round mlddlewelghl bout l>lt-n Tbomu HeWl\I end MlfCOI Geral- do; Ta"'11a McKJnney, Cflltln Cooper' Ind Cindy Neleof'I take on the world'• beet ... In the glent .... lom at Alpen. Col. • PN>!WIOMAL IOW\.EMTOUR $200,000 Toledo Trull PBA ~ Charnc'llon- aNp (from the lmperlal Lenee In T°'9do, Ohio). 4:30. IOOC8' MADE IN GINIANY l!fezll VI. VIMnllll 8:00. WIDEWON.D 0# IPORTI Wor1d WelglrtlftltiG Charn- plon1tllp1 (from Liiie, Frence); U.S. Figure Skat- ing Champlonl In a apec:lll perfonnanoe (lfom tncllart- apdle, Ind.);~ 11.-Dflg Racing CMmpion- lhlp• (from Pt>mona, Cellf.). • IOCCER MADE IN GENWfY 8razll \II, Venezuela (D)OLYWW> "1IOO ~· Hlohllgtlta °' ... 1Me rtwlry ~ Kip Klino end Jim Ryen -Pf-Mel l::IO :=WON.Dew Wottd Wllghtllftlng Cheln- plon 1hlp1 (from Liiie. Ffancel: U.S. Figure Skat· Ing~ In a apeclel perfonnanoe (from lndian- epola. Ind.);~ al °'811 Radng ~ 1hlp1 (from Pomona, Cellf.). ~ ---~~ "N~l Arm Wrfflllng ~~ .. 7:30 ® INT'IMATIONAL ...,.. leCATtNG F'AOM PllQNG Dorothy H.,,., JO Jo Smrtiudl. Tolar Cninl1on • end JotVI Cwry .,. among ttle ..... lllilured In thle d-1t11 exhibition from rna6nland Ohlna. l:OO. COLUKJe IAIKETIAl.L Pepperdtne VI. San Fran- cleco. 10:00. OOOGER STADIUM: THE FIMT 20 YEAM Tile People and __,II of Dodo« Stadium. Sunday sports l'UAUAftY 2'. 1912 MONING e:ooe(J) NM IMQTMU,' . ............ .... IOnC.-. 11:GO. 8 COi LEOI IAIKETMl...L. DIPlllA et Notre o.m. 11:18 9 Cl) NCAA IA8e<ET8AU. MM~ 11 loulsvtle Al"TIMOON 12:IO I IOW\.M 1:00 -~ 12-round USBA mlddtnlight ~ lhlp fight fMturlng Frank "1he Animal" Aetdler and Tony Braxton (he from Atlantic City, N.J.); WOttd Pro Figure 8Utlng CMm- plonlhlp (from ~. Md.); Women'• Pro WOttd Cll9 &wflng ~­ aNp. • THIMIPEM'rAM uw coverage of ttle wom- en'• flrtel; COmpetltora ' lndudeMll ...... ....,,... "'~ 1M1 Hew Yoftl Qty Marathon c:NIM-P'Crl Alllort Roe end .,.._ k .. balf. Heney lJetlermen (from Key lllecayne, AL). 9 THEIUNMTAM Cowrage of IM women'1 flnet; OQl'llPlltltOfl Include Ann ~ MatUne Na¥- ratl0¥a, 1M1 Hew Yoftl pty ...,..,_ ~ '=.:,~.:.-rm: ~Key~RL). 1:11. (I) DOM&. OPIN GOU' SUPER WOMEN -Def ending women superstars champion Arin Leyers (clockwise from top left>. tennis star Martinat Navratilova. former women's professional baseketball player Nancy Lieberman and Allison Roe. the 1981 New York City Marathon Women's cha mpion, will be among the top fem ale athletes to battle in ABC Sports' "The Women Superstars:· airing live Sunday at 1 p.m. on ABC <Ch. 71. " Flnakound p6ay In IHI 1250,000, 72-note TPA ..,.,,. CM 1ram tM Doral CounVy Club, ....... Fla.). 2:IO. 0 U~ Y9. THI WON.DIN Ol\'WC IPOftTI ; The U.S. netlonail boJdng teMI w. ""~ MllDn-.. "-". ranbd number one In ... WOftd (1rom .--...~ See Sports. P.age 17 Costa Mesa's Only Complete Funeral Facilities . I ,. .. "Serving All Faiths'\. ' Harbor Lawn· Mount Olive Me~1orial Park· Mortuary· Mausoleums • Bunal In Any Cemetery -Shipment ---·Cremation, Plans Available / .. J BIG BIRTHDAY PARTY SET -Jack Lemmon will be among the group or noted ·Letters cele brities who will be celebra ting Washington's 250th birthday on March 21. .. ------------------------------- Former 'Angel' .still plugging away WHE•E ANGELS GO • • • -Wltatenr beea•e of Tu.ya a.a.en. f.u..tq tM dellllM el ·~ut1e'1 Aqelt"! SM may M& laan Me9 • &reat adftit, b9t tile was sue f• to watcll. -- Mw Roberts is still plugging in there, seeing just how far she can climb back up thP. ladder or success on her loots. Ri1ht nc>w she's starring in "The Beast.muter," a futuristic adventure tale starring Rip Torn and Marc Sin1er. COP CAPERS -What was the cop show that Charles Haid starred in before "Hill Street Blues"? He was also a . cop In this, and was the hero's partner . And who was the lead actor? Why "Delvecchio," of C04.lne, starring Judd Hirsch before be g ave up hia bolster and took up driving a taxi. ROCKY RUMOR -I beard a rumor tbat Sylvester Stallone waa Jat ktDed oa a movie locatlon. Is this true? I dlda't read aayUWa1 about TV puzzle 6 1 • • . It l• die'. papen, -'kll I llDaO-woald llave ~overedlt. The-true·storrbas 1Jeen'bent a bit out of shape on its trip ftiroufh t6e rumor mill. Sly ia still alive, but not as wel as he might be. Following the trouble be experienced during "Rock)' II," Stallone has bad a couple of accidents perform1nc stunts for his current picture, "First Blood." The first resulted in a broken rib, the second in a cracked vertebra. THE REAL THING -Can you teU me tile name.of tbe talk·slaow sidekick that Fred WUlard ("Real People") played on "Fer.wood 2-NlaJllt"! Willard played the effervescent Jerry Hubbard, who bung onto tbe every word or Barth Gimble (Martin Mull ) on that late-night spool of talk shows. Send your letter& to. Pepper O'BrWn, United Ftahlre Syrn:licate, 200.P.ark A~ue. Room 602, New York, N.Y . 10166 ACROSS 1,4 Shown, star Pall Guy • on The 32 Olivier's sign-off 10 Demond -played Lamont 13 Singer Frankie 14 -the Beech 15 -out (make do) 16 S.nfofd and - 17 Compass point 18 The -Couple 20 Scott on Trapper John 22 Shake up t.3 Susan - 2• Nlmoy, to pals 25 Aged 26 carter on Gimme a Break . Gral\dy plays Gopher Mitt Ek~9·a 10 33 Peggy - 35 -In a Lifetime 38 Vote against 39 Tic -Dough 42 Gardner 44 All Abo\11 - 45 Sebastian or Bruce 17 Bridge action 48 Do,-, mi 49 Neighbor of Ind. 50 Miss Arthur played Maude 52 Mr. Autry's saddle ID 53 Starred In Masada 55 Plays Murray on Archie's Place 57 A Stevens 58 -Chaney Jr. DOWN 38 ABC News special wins -big award By JEFF PARKER °' .... .,..~ ...... Mllff The ABC Ne ws special, "America Held Hostage," a look at the Iranian kidnapping or Am e rican s, was g i ven the Alfr e d I. duPont-Columbia University Award in Broadcast Journalism recently. The award is among the mos t prestigious a wards for excellence in journalism and has been given out for the last 40 years . Interviews for "America Held Hostage" were conducted secretly with the stipulation that they would not be screened unW the hostages were safely released. P aris Bureau Chief Pierre Salinger reported the project . . . Vale rie Har per, Michael Horse, Burt Lancaster and Jack Lemmon have been added to the cast of American entertainers to star in a televised cel ebra tion or Washington's 250th birthday, "I Love Liberty." The special is set for March 21. ~hairpersons are former President Gerald Ford, {ormer First Lady Mrs. Lyndon B. Johnson and Walter Cronkite ... Tom Selleck, who stars as the career-obsessed attorney in the March 1 television movie, "Divorce Wars," has this to say t.o newlyweds: "I think it would be better if people would enter marriage as though they had invented it -without too many preconceived ideas. A~"it it, we all have concepts See ABC. P.age 2i ' Word game . I FI L L ,._, lllE MISSING LEl!Ef?? /tJ IHe '' I V lAJORDS" BELOW. lJ.1 M IT.1AID D I I IRIAlp; I IB IU IN~I H I ITb l I IVJ ,.r:;iw RE Al?K~GE IHE • LETTBZS You Ftl lED llJ j,..O Sl'Et.l 1'H€ /JAME ~ AN l ~N1UR£~~= f ri1·n]_J I 1 ~ .. James or Pamela 41 5 The Bard's river 43 6 Miss Sterling 45 7 Chemical ending 46 8 Bruce Glover on B11rney 49 Miiier 51 Lee J - A West -Me Madam London meal Rep. or Sen. Everyone ... 9 Edgar Bergen·s 54 Chaucer's language Mortimer (ab.) 10 Natalie or Peggy 56 -llttle Time 11 Approves 12 Sedaka or Simon 19 Use henna 21 -, Natalie 22 Alfaso on Bosom Buddies 27 -Vegas 28 WKRP newsman 29 Polly Holliday role 30 Glass or Ely 33 Host Dick 3-4 Vote fOf 36 Alex's vetilcle 37 Plays BJ a • ., ..... -...... Hl"lilltfits for tlie Week FromP.age4 .... ~ 8"CIAl "Deddy, I'm Their Mwne NoW" A young wom..i tlk• ctlMge of her two younger b<othert .,,. the deMt'I of """ mother. Q a.(B)HAHl~O.. THE llLYBI IKATM A YoUnO boy ..... the caMila t-d AmlterdMI In.,. attempt 10 ~. renowned doctor to come to the aid of hie ailing lather. (PIW1 1) EVINMI l:OO(J)011191 Scott .. and 09My Ailt- lo ... In • comic looll " die~ which .,... durtng • Herverd atu- dent't blrthdey l*1Y It hit faimlly't South Phllldllptlla home. 7M (%)THE Yllm>f' Midi F"9twood perlonnt IOl9 fl'om '* current aololbaln. l:OO. NNGUNG MC». MD~llALIY CIQJI Holt Aldwd ThomM pr• YtNt the 112tfl edition of ~ ~ trldltlon, with gueeta PIUI Sotvlno. Gunther Gebel-WllAema and Lou JacoOe.. 1::10 ())NATIONAL ANAL.I ~ THE 1111 M UR Off The beet ,.. comedi-. -,...... ... Ngleln- .. wlnMrt of ... Bio Ld Off compete aoetnet one enother. t:aO. TMPPID Mm THE WRONG900Y The~and ..... 01 ttlOM ~going and UloM wtlo hive undergone • Mii cNnoe operltlon. (B) 1NEAK PMVllW A look 11 the lllO'llee, ~ ciela and eporU ~ coming up on. HOlne lox Office. 10:GO CH) IT ANDING AOOM ONLY "Simon And Glrlunkel: The Conc.er1 In TM Pwtt" PIUI Simon Ind Art Ger· funkel pertonn meny old favorit• In "'* tlBt joint coocen 1n 11 yews. 1eped durtng the -ol '81 In New YOl'tl Clty't c.ntrlll Pllrk.. 10'..IO. THE TIIAl M W<>NemRGUO The problems of • young CnlMee WOfll« wllh .. ~end 1t1eaiw- ~·tern•~ 1CU6. PAVMOTTI: KING M THEHtCIHC-8 An In-depth portr81t of "* grMI 1-. bo4tl II holN In ttlly wllh hla I.Inly and In conolf1 dwlng aome of hla ITI09t exciting 1*1C>r· mtncea, It preeeni.d. 1=*>()) .... Scott Belo end o.nny A#l- lo ... In • comic: look " IM eotnplcelJona wtllcfl .,... durtng. ~ •v- Oent'• '*tMlf l*1Y .... ~·~ PNllldllpt ... l!ome. 8:#® 1N1AK PMVllW A look al the ll'IOlllM, 8'»- cllle end eoorts _.. .. CQ1'111no up on HOl'N Bo• Oflloe. 8:41 (%)THE VlllTO.. Mick Fleetwood pertorma IOfl09 troni hie current aolollbum. Thursday specials MAN::tf •• 1ta 1:00• CAGHIY: THAT Y AN1C1E DOODLE DAHl1'f Alm cllpe fl'om '* lfWlor Nnl9 and the eoon-10-oe r•l••Hd "ftegllm•" hlghllgllt a look II the .... of--~ • ...,,. Ing ........... In~ "'"" the actor, .. ool- IMgl.-and c:o-eters. •M. ITAIWNCI l<i'TIWINI ......... Fiim ~ fllWl!tlle. ... and .,..., ... NgNlgtlt • ~ 1'9troepecti ... on IN .. end ceteer of ~Hepburn.~ time Acedemy Aw11d • winner and one of ~ Cl'I moat reepected and tlllnled eel,..... 10'..IO ()) l.Afll-A-THOH A comedlen hOlt end four comic QOl'll•tent• who compete 19eln1t one enot11er -IMtured In thll uoceueored comedy 991"' lllOW. 12:00 (Ii) UP TO NOW The i.t.Mt .......... ldMI and ,_.,_.. ... .,.. pero- dled In ...... of oomlc lketc:NI. MARCH 4 , 5 & 6 10-8PM Must Dates If You Want Lower Car Insurance Rates BONUS I A FREE Rind MdWly Road AtlM And Trwel Gulde when yir;>u look Into our SELECT DRIVER Pl.NH MONTGOMERY WARD INSURANCE CENTER 7777 EDINGER AVE. (Huntington Beach Center) 10-8PM Huntington Beach Bdng 'lhe Entire Famllyt a.loon• • Key O..lm • Free Glfta n.e lAltat lnfomwtJon 0.. Prefened Car lnsunnce A Drew1n9 For A Brand rte. Tele~alon Forum lnewance Compeny Executive Ofllce: 140 South 8tMe Street ~lllnole'°'°3 llm.laln'ONI 1331 ..... ~"­ (714) 870.5251 a e --.,---·-- A KllCHEM SO BEAUllFUL our fiiends . will · hate c.oppes inspired kitchens since 1870 OPEN . THUR~ TILL 9 PM 9 { I · I I I I I . I I i: ; ------.. KNXT • KNBC D ICTV ........ IO KTLA " ..... .. KA8C • "-..... KA8C • Onll.11 TolM ~. .... .. KFMB 0 .. .,.... ..... .. "AGun I(~ • t<CST IE ... .,.... KCST IE ..... .. ..... Toni!" SCTV NMworttlO KTIV m KCOP .., lncrdlle 1111 HI* Afa'ltlntltltOrllltarl•• MAS.H MAS.H .. ..... .. ~ Ooo Joker'• Wld TlcTec ..... " INN ..... .. va. USC KCET fD u .A.· Mobl Indoor TraAnd Dr /} ~W~ ·~~·~r ~ifl·.~ • ·NATIONALLY KNOWN, AWARD WINNING JEWELRY DESIGNER KOCE ~ ·= From Jwnpllr1el &tuclllonll Pr~~11111lng V<*r'a ,,..,. U.S.A.· Mobl Creative Jewelers~~· ~ .Ir. (714) 761J.6'!66· ,2810 l~ PACiAC COAST HWY. •'CORONA DEL M_~ ONGltW. DISaGNING • CUSTOM RESTYLING & RESETTING A DUIQNEA COLLECTION OF OOU> & Pl.ATINUM .liWELAV •• DIAMONCl8 • PEABL.S.•...FJ,NE OOlOAEO OEMsTOHE$. ~-1912 ~ 1:00. ~ OAY8AGAIN Rldlle the bela-met ~ • belll«blll ttlf ...., fepledno In Injured .,.., . • M•A•a•H A 11tono wlndltorm "'9cta the lnll'llblt9 of lhl 4077th .,,~..,.. • rMClK CAVITT OuMt: Hormen Maller. (Plft 2) • 0 INl"MTMNJiillNT TONIGHT An lnlanllew wtth Chflsto- pl'lel" AltllM CB)THI GMATUT acAHOAl.I CW THI CINTUflY Thi Profumo .,..., Md ttle murder of 8'Mlord White .. lmOflg ""~of ""' century Pf'Ollld by P~O'Nlel. cm wow ··~"Rough CUt" (1980) Burt Aeynolda, '--"Y· AnneOown. (%)MOYIE . *. ..All Night I.Ong" (11181) Gene Homen, kbt• Stl'elMnd. 1:30. IONTitETOWN Fellurec:t: 1 trip to Egypt to *" lhl tombe Md tem- plll 81 Klfnlll Md Lwlor: "' exclullw look .. !he tombofT~;­ the ~ Mwan o.n: • c;twt ... Egypt'• bl09IM lllf, °"* 8hel1f: 1 vlllC to 111· unuallll "1 ICllool ..,... c:hldrln -~ IM encllnl erlfll of tepeetry Md pottery • • M0A•a•H The peraonMI of the 4077th .,. belllgld by • IOM llllper who ~ he'I 11r1no on U.S. HeM- t ~STIBTW&K ''Vl9w From Thi Ottllr Sidi" Oullt: ,__.... c. Ttlurow. ~of -notnlcl at MMllCllluMIU lnltiMe of T~. Cl)PM.~ How TV't .. ~ .. helped out the reel town of H-d •ft« • mining dllllt«: 11vlng money on vec.tlone by 111yln9 11 prlv111 homM. 0 YOU AlfCED fOA IT FHturld: .. Horeepowef From Engllnd" end "Men StlOI Out Of Cennon ... (C)MOW **** "T-" (11711) Ne11a11i1 Kinlkl. Peter Firth. MO. Cl) THI DUKa CW HAlZAll> ~ gee. .... opportunity to become 1 NASCAA drMr . 8 QI NIC MAGAZINE DouglM Kiie« 0011 behind the "** It Merell Gr11 In New °'1lllnl: J«* p.,. klnl report• on ~­ ttie-art robot• for the home, ICllool end *'OfY; ~ Aeron ~ ltll See F'riday's. P.09e 11 { .. Sales • Leasing .ASK AIOUT VALET LUSE . OUR • ,~N . 900 So. Coast Hwy., LOCJUfta leach 494-1131 .. 546-996 7 H....: ~. f.7, Set. f .5, S.. I 0..4 • Qgen 7 Days S pm 'til Midnight 3840 ~. Coast Hwy • Corons del M ar (71 4) 673-3933 i P-lfto :; ...... i E. C.0.tl -,.. :IC M- CI. -~::.n. )' . Let's Make Ufe Easier! S~~, S.at oilly 1995* J a W Co. 311,r•se.t1 llaull ~-.._. CA ..... •Portable-llghtweighl (weighs leSS than 2 lbe.) . _ easy to carry a~d store. transport 1n car. •VERSATILE- use when visiting fr .. nds and relatlY'8S. resta1Kants will love you fOf it, camping, boating, use on picnics. in R.V.'s, and In your own home. •Ecmanical fits moat standard tables, and will seat your child from _the time they can fim sit up until the tlme they ,, 1re rNdy to use a standard cha i r -guer.ni.ect to hold 100 lbl. (not for u• on g~ top tabfea). *SAFE-When Hated, the chlld'a weight puts preaaure onto the cha l r 'a feet Uftdemmth the tabta and IOck9 Iha s.., Se..-aecurafy Into position. •WYTOCWN Olahwalher saht -or oen ba apongad oft. (114) 536-tl43 Tube Tuppen· .. KNXT tJ 7:30 "2 on the Town." Trip to Egypi takes look at temples and tombs including that or Tutankhamun . KNBC eJ 8:00 ··NBC Magazine ... P robl em s o r latchkey children examined. KTTV GP 8:00 "P.M. Magazine." How TV 's "Dukes·· helped real town or Hazard after a mining disaster. KNXT tJ 9 :00 "Dallas ... Ewing family celebrates adoption of Bobby and Pam·s baby. phyelcal and MIOllOl'IAI ~ of letctlk9Y chll- dr«I. •9 lfHIOH Tiu'-. profeuor of aco- nornlct al M~ lnltltuta ol T ecMology. j s Katie , ... In lpYe with the QOYWllOf'I dr-agent al\er ,... taMa h« on a "date" to • gymnee1Jc:a mMl.Q • YOTEWI Ptf'EUNE ~hMrlng, and ~ i.t::============================~ • P.M. MAGAZJNE HOO* lV'I ''Dukea" ~ out the rMI town of H-d alter a mltq dlMl1er. MVlng money on YKatlonl by ataylng at private ~ • MOYIE guage problem• are -.plorad u well -how pul>llc: --can help .,_ c:hldren. (D>MOYIE • * * "Popeye" ( 1980) Robin Wiiiame, Shelley Ouv911. t:aO . TWIUOHT ZONE A little boy ...,_ a pr1zla ~ good 111(.t( In hie comet>ec:lt fight. • 9 MAKJNG A LMNO Jlll'I parlUadea Maoole to pool their ~ to bee on a aure winner at the rac:.tradt. HEARING AID BATTERIES SJ OFF! wmt'TNSAD Campbell Hearing Aids In Montgomery Ward Bldg. H•tlligtow C...ter w.,w ...... 6 Heanng Aid Batteries "&n.e. Lea. Hie L•1 De)'I And Nighll" Betty Ting Pel, a dOM friend of 8NOe Lff, talk• about 1he tamoue Kung Fu llgMer ®MOYll! • ·~ "Charlie Chan And The CurM Of The Oraoon ~ .. (111811 Peter Uatl- nov, Rlchatd Hitch. (l)MOYIE ®MOYIE *** "Simon" (1980) 898-483] """'1 M in. Aultln ~ ~=~====~======~====~~ • .,..,,. "Etcac>e From Alea-1ru.. ( 19711) Clint EM1· wood, Patrlc:K McOoohan. • MOYIE * * "Separlle W1y1" (19'0) Keren 81aca. Tony Lo Blanco. l:IO 8 9 OPEN AU NIGHT Gordon'• ptrer'lll come l0t a Ylelt to mMt Gretchen endTeny. • AU .. THE FAMll Y A trip to Ille ~el lntenelflel Arc:Ne'• IMllng ot fNlttatlon -hie uo•~t. (Pll'I 2) (%)MOW • • * "The Doge Of War" (1N0) ChrlltC)C)her Waltl· en, Tom Berenger. t:GO • Cl) DA.UM The Ewing lernlly ceieo- bra tea Ill• IUCCaHIUI adoption of 8oOtly and P1m'1 baby. and J.R .. engry with Sue Ellert, -to daatroy c1m Barnet D8MOYll • *.,. "The PrlH Fighter" (1179) T1m Conway. Don Knotta. ea 9UT~TH1 waT 88'TI epanda • nlgM hand- cuffed to a Pf'9ltY cMtta nm• 1n • 1one1y miner'• "**· • WAUm.&TW&K '-V. From The Other Sida" Ou.t: lAaW c ton. 10:00. Cl) FALCON CAEIT ai-~ todaatroy Mgia'I monopoly OYW the valley'• r..-volrl when he runa tor county~ . • 9 ITNQ fOACE Captain Mwptly 19 Ml up tor ......,.tlon by e group °' crime eyndicete 00.... (l)MOYIE ***\<\ "The Wsy We Ware" ( 1973) Barbra Strelund, Aotlal1 Radford. .MOYIE ** "F~" (1981) ~ Berridge, 8yMa Mllea. 10:tO CI) MOYIE ··~ "OMne .. ._ .. (UNO) Bette Mid*, The ...,..... 11:00 • IA T\INMY HIGHT Hoet: Ed Kocll. ai-ta: The Rolling 81-. G KO.WC UnaolYed 11rea1 murder• prompt Kojak to ~ • man or1g1na11y from the nelghl>orflood underCOYet there. • THI JEFRMOHI George and Tom Cfllllanga MCh other to • 26-mlla rnwathon. eSNWON>AHOION A ~ ad laeda Fi'ect end '--It to Wy OUI f()f a low-budget ll'IOYla. ~MOYll * * •~ ''The HowllnQ" (111111 DH Wallace, Pattldc~ CM.4 to open London office NASHVILLE , Tenn. <AP > -The NashviUe-bas~ Country Music Association will open an office In London next month to be more closely involved in the intemaUonal growth of country music. CMA said in a statement releued Wednesday lhat the London office, to be opened March 8, will monitor-the growth or country music, which Is ca turtn tar · ORANGE COONlY MASTER CHORALE ln Its 26th CONCERT SEASON Dr. Maurie~ Allard, Musk: Director with natlonally renowned "EWAH" soloist David ford Lynn Reid Gail Dubinbeum Richard Dastrup Soprano Contmlto tenor WITH SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Saturday. February 27. 8 pm Sant.a Ana High School Auditorium !520 W. Walnut Street. Santa Ana TialET PftlC£S ADULT 'l-'° 9D90lt crTIZEl'I -STUllEPfT I 4.50 Fot 1k1o111 WonNllDn. c.11 h Chotwle a.--~ • !11•) ~~I~) ot ....-Ill P.O ec. lt'7 Anlhf;m. CA~ "----·-o..,.a...Oo'I'- ~onlu[ fJ ome ea.re eom;o.n!on I 'J\iu ,Strvfct c'are For Your Home, Plants, Pets, Whtie You Are Away. Long Term & Short Term Houseslttlng. 714.aJJ.1471 ~ ·,-.: .. Cll I~ a:C ~f zO :;~· rn.,. "' •iJ c -.,.. i 0 -. .,. 11 . I! ~J . ~ il:J,il ·.~ . .,. ,, ..• \ ~' ~ , . ·-~~ .1 -. ' !? $ '' • I z .~J ~ ·~--1~ lk ~ ~ [. --"'·;:illm ........ WI;~ llP--. i,,-.~. .. ·-~ ..... ;y Ill. . ' :..,., z ., i (') :J1 . ;;a ; ... . ZCI> ,.. ~ o m ·1 111 ... .... ... ~·~ I~-1·~:1 -.I> la11z .. 11> z • , -;· r-~ i -·~~ I '., 99 Z , I I .... H. Ii f i ~ ;R·n : ~1-1 run~~' . le 11 'l~ ~iii 1"1] f~t I ~ "'· 1,11 ,~~ o~ 111111111 · I c~ id • Pilot TV Log, Friday, February 26, 1982 ;I ~~...... ....i ...... ~ l N ~ 0 co = -..J ~ C.11 ~ ~ N ...... ~ ...... 0 co = -..J I !ii 8818 18 88 !811111 Ii Ii 11111 II 18 as IS Ill II! . i If ,I 'IP 'Ill if JE ~i ·II"' .f U .. P_'fl .... ~;f fl .... i Ii .,, . .fl ·r' p ... 1r i I a II ·1l 'I ''if 1 ii ii 1Q:11 11 1rar1111:1 ~1 i fi i , .... ~ ,, , 'iot• :•r' 1 ~1• .. "~. tr •.. " : : : : "::{4•. .. . .... i~ .. "!-·I .. ~ JI~ .. I! ·:i .. f!a ii JI~ ou 1: .1 ...... n . JI JP .1 ... 111 .. 111n1 u ... lo 11 .. i. ~ 1111 .11rnur1 1m :i. t . ... ~ii J lfif ijll . .f' .~Pi .f ·Hf .g .... Jf fl ''JI .pi !f ·I J a j ·I .... flft .f •i .f ·'I' j a i ., ...... ·rl .. Ji rn f !JJ .. f I .. .i .. fl ...... f I .... ll.1 i G l on n .. ~if I .. if l!I! i G l i If ,I f Ji J I 111 if f i f if i J : I~ . : 'I = : , = • : = , ·{ t I . J J ;f if r e i : : : : , . : I JI f 1 ~ : = : 11 i r e i .. . ' ~ i ' ~ ,~ ,, c f "'i ,~2 1Q, ~1 11,, f ~1 ,,~1 i ... r fl ~~ fiil 'I ... .. ~.f ft ·~. ft . i'J . if .. •, .... ···J ......... ·j .. "iii: • ·~ .. t ~·!~ .... ·! . ·i i·~ .I .. IHI .I .; .... ~ff I .... ~J~f .. n .... ~111 .... ~·p ·! ·l i t!J ~ •• p 'If! ~u1 .. ' ... u i e ~ ii( If f Ulf' . J~ ·PJiff UI .J!f Ii ... J nu i' I UJI' i I§ UIJ f fJI Pif [i'f f Uf i I§_ ... J .i9111•p; .. l'if .. 11 .f!UJIJHHJIU•J•J ll qes lf UU(Jff ila§ . ... ... ~ i 8 i9J13iflet lil~l~i8J ~Jj~i 1 ~j!Blj11Jifl•J 1i1iflliif1l~BflJ{ill!iiJ!llff 1~li1i 1fiifll'f'I 11 's~ii-· •~ 2.ff !S'1•~r1 1'. ~ i:t lt F.it i 111l .t! .. "ill!, i•i· •'! ·;:t•~'i 21!.t A .... ,~i~§;J-~ ~i • s i~;~:it l!i1 1l·ilil i1~ii i1~ 1l '1 1J 1·1~ ;l1~i!i i . lit ll•ll-!!i!liii !~i!Ii~~!~I i!! •1~1 .~ ~::i~·l i •1 !ii ~:o>~ !":: I i ~' :·11:~ I --J .. I !!2-.•~.1~~1 ~ }!1-!!2 i!fli § ~ I ~f~~ I r~g ~1~1 i-§ gl >~~-,-~OQ ji~ ·I& ~ t t ~ ~ ~~ is • J~:·.l !l~!t . i~ ~o' i .! a .i. ~-i~ gf l~i '' ,;i si .;~;~g . !s! ... I • .. .. " "' ----'2:i -~ :zr JP:: .._ &iit§ii!':Ei" ;-:;iru::;r~. --- -r'!t:I ! . . -~ _. . ------. I.•) llM ~-t, f...,lo,.•hM way of dr....oln11. opnidn1. IM'thoc. ~. h)oomnhlaJ My!Wi1 ..,. • 1-• of""""'·_,. deolpl. ~) • f..Moe.a.. ··~-~.-.--. .. 2 • .u...i-uo.. ...i elqia,..... of manne-and i.an.... "Tube toppers K9CE 9 1:00 -··Matinee at the Bijou.·· •Jimmy Durante and Lupe Velez featured in ··Palooka. ·· KABC fl 7:30 ··Omni : The New Frontier.'· Robots of past. present and · future discussed. KCET.@ 8:00 -··Life on Earth."" How iguanas and tortoises survive on the Galapagos Is lands. KNBC e1 9:00 -.. Barbara Mandrell and the Mandrell Sisters .·· Guests include John Cash. June Carter Cash. From P.age 12 Johnny Mann narrat• the plight of Ethlopiarl refu· -~-**'" "Uptown Satuf~ Night'" (11174) SidMY p~ II«, 8111 co.by . • UFI ON EARTH 0'Vlctor1 Of The Ory I.Mid"· Oevld Atlenborough IOOlll at llOw lgu-and giant tortolHI eurvlve the ICOfChlng '-' and ICW'l1 food~ on the Glllapa- !) ::;:· o ***'A "Everything You Alw8YI Wanl«I To Know About S..11 (Bvt Wwe ~freld To MllY" (111721 WOOOy Alen, G9rM Wild«. ())MOYIE *** "The Competition" (1980) Aichard Ofeytuee. AmtlrvlnG. .MAATWMUU. "It 5-ned Funny At Tha Time" Meny up.enckom- lng ~ join Mertln Mull In .,,.. llP9Clef. 1:30 9 8"""""" YAU.EV St• and h« r.11ow city workere go on 11ttke . • THll OlD HOUllE Bob Vila and Norm Abrtm ,_ down the penelllrlg In the ~t rec room: up11W.. the ,_ kitchen counter tope .,. lnlUlllecl. t:OO. ()) MOYIE .. ~ And Aobberl: The Sec:f9t ~ Of Tom S..,., And Huell Finn" (Premi«e) Patttc:k Creedon, Antllony Michell .• 8 8MWM MAHOMU. AHO THE MAHOAEL..L a.Tai Ouee1r. Johnny CHJI, June Cet1• Ceall. e ITMTMK Mr. Spodl conduct• hla own ~ tn 1111 court- mertlel for mutiny. (Part 2) e 111 L.Ovt IOA T C"PIM1 Stublng and the ctWt -Joined by C9b Callowey, C.ol ~. Ethel Mermen, Ann Miiier and otllert for a tribute to the movie mualcela of yeet- ~-Q • CHll.DMN ON~ AUN ~Mtnn'"*9•doc­ _..,,, about ttle mll- llonl of child refugeee In thewotlcl . • GAIAT NflFOMCAHCU "BrldnhHd Aevlelted: Julia" Sebaetlert eec..- on 1111 way to a cure, Ledy Marehmaln II mottllly 111. and Rell Mottram II Ill hot purlUlt of Julia. (Part I) Q e WOOOWWGHTa IMOP "wtllte Olk .... ~ ~ ...... and .... cNlr tlOttofM. (A) ® -~ • • "Bronco Billy" ( 1tl80) Clint E.Mtwood, Sondra loeke. (a>MOYIE * *. "Modem Romanoa" ( 11191) Albert Brook a. Kathryn Harrold. .MOVIE **** "Reglng Bull" (19801 Rob9rt oa Niro. Cathy Moriarty. .. 19 (%)MOYIE • • * "Flret Family" (19801 Olide "-dn«, Bob ~ t:a0• ~MUllC Oueete: lor«ta Lynn, Ron- nie McDowell, Johnny Duncan, R.C. Bannon. (C)MCME * • • "Ofl Oodl 8ooll II" ( 1910) Oeorge 8urn1, 8umnM "'*"""•· 10:00 II 8 8ll.L Y an'8T AL COMED'f "°"" au.ta: Smolley Aot>lnaon. Rob ~. Shelly Duvall . • MCMl * ·~ "Hlllflgfltert" (1"8) Jonn Wayne, Kathatine Aou. • DOOGEA ITADIUM: TH£ AMT 20 YIAM The P.ople and _,g of Dodger Si.dlum . • AMlNCAH PlAYHOUR "'For Co4or9d Glrla Who H...,. ~eel Suicide I When The RalnllOw II Enuf"" Six _, ltlare thalr peln, terror and love In • 1....ion edaptatlon of the aw.,Cl·wlnnlng Broedwl!y hit by Htorake Shange.Q e AUITIN aTY lAtfT8 LMry OaUln end IN Getlln Brothlfl perform many of their country llltl, and Ricky 8keoge eicNblta hie Wtuoelty wtttl the llddla. fllltar and ~ menoo- lln. to-.ao ()) MCMl * * "Phobia" (1980) Pu MldlMI Glaaet. Susan Hogan. t1;00. M"A"l"H Qwlel beCOn'iaa ttle mo.I ~men In cemp ""'*' he recalvee a wln1•· lziad poler IUlt from 1111 parenta • • 80UND81'141 "An £-wig With Rotl«ta Fladt" In a C011C9rt uiped et CNc:aoo'• w.t Pwti ThM1•. Rot>e111 Flad! .. "*IY of .. grMlelt NII lndudlng "'l<llllng ~ SofUy" and "The Fw.t Time Ever I S.. Ywr F-.''(AIQ (B)MOYll • • .,. "Sptllnx" (tHt) Fl"llM ~. L....,._ Anne~. an IY9'm..a GC8 r Ne* Podlll Miils tNa adull OOllledy .... --.... OOl:IUlaMa ~ ... off .. doeMa If Ny lnoof. ~ 0 Draperies made in our workroom. Call ror rree estimates in your home. William E. Smel~zer ,. M.D. Wishes to Announce the opening of his Office for General & · Fami ly Practice At Newport Peninsula Center Wells Fargo Bank Building. 2727 Newport Blvd. West. #102 NB 92663. Hours by appt. 770-8191 Making a start is pro6ably the most important step toward saving. . There is a way to take the initial step and know you're on the right b'aek toward a reg~la.r, scheduled savings. Just join the Payroll SaV1ngs Pla11 at work. A little is taken out of eac~ paycheck toward the purchase of U.S. SaVl~S Bond~. You don't h ave to worry about making a special effort to put something aside each p~day. It's all don~ for you. Automatically . The bucks start piling up, the interest grows, and you realize youve found one surefire way to save. II W!1en 11ou put 11art of ycwnw.;1t1~s mto U.S. Sac;inl's Bpnds you 're l~lplnl( to build a bril{lllt'r fut11r~ for 11ourcow1t'll and for yourself. . .. • --------~~.--~-----------.... --~ .. --~._. ... _...,. .......... '9111 .......... ~Z!iml!ll!' ............ !lllll .................. 11111111111!!!11111!~25!!!!111!!!~!JZ!lll!!!!!j ~)... :--.. . --~ • ...,Grkt ~ - KNXT KNBC.,· KTlA KA8C KFMB KHJ KCST KTTV KCOP KCET KOCE s.mc1ays ~ II D " • 0 tJ ~ m Cl> fl) m Detalls .......... 1.a...-1.aa._... 1.a-... ........ I.a ..... ......... I.a ..... I.a ..... Lee ..... ·"=· -FEllRUARY 28, 1112 7: ~And Top "'9 Kenneth 5ll'IClly DlyOf Clrtoont VOglfOf IEVEHWG .. Cat wnn.n Momlng Copeland Mlle l>ilCcMfy " Hllltll SWldly Allnbow Ultie ~ TV8LooU .. TheWOfld Jimmy .. ...... Mon*'ll "*" Allclll Oft Nulrttion Atl..wnlng .. Tomorrow Swtgg1t1 " Rogers 7:00 8 QI CHIPS The CHP olficera mlstll6'e a a: .. ll*le = PWIONI Orll Uoyd An .. .. 0,. deal man lor a dru,. drlv· .. ThlUll ~ RoOertl OglMe Humbltd " " Wiii ., and .,, .. , '*"· " ~ Fttlndl Todl(a Flmly MeeCXlg KnowYOUt Ever .. HlllotyOI G O COOEAED .. .. .. 8lk. Woman Ult Time Bible Increasing .. ASunbelm Danny llOWS 8ay abc>Wd 9: a.utblM ..... .. VIII Bllkttblll Oral .. Fll1tt .. s..ne a hallcol)ler being uMd to '°"°" Conlnla .. Alegre Bolton Roberts " .. .. Sltell trant9Qr1 ell.ploei-to an Cellk:a MlltThl .. It Ctlllcs OeyOI Meet Thi WOl1d .. .. oil well lire . VL ~ .. .. VL Ollccwwy PT .. Tomorrow .. .. 8 YOU ASKED fOfl IT Fntured. "Catc:tllng An 10: ...... fWl'y Mo¥le: NewZoo Mllwluk11 Herlld Newtoenter Rex .. Thi Oil Elephant With Fir•" and Buckt Clllpln'a "Jack ReYtJe Buell•. OfTMh Weelcly Humbard .. l.lwmekera Painting "Gr-·1 Death-Defying .. Colton Andllle KldtAre " Robert Agrk:ullure Jerry .. Open Oii ~OIYerl " .. Plldl flelnatllk'' P9opll .. Sd1uller USA Fllwlll .. Mild Pllnting TVTAHKHAMUH'8 11: .. Bllkllblll .. Too .. .. Balcltblll " MG'tlt: Maelerplece Wllhlnglon EGYPT Bllkltblll DIPIUI .. .. Balcltblll " Dlhul .. "LAM! In Thlltre Week ''Selene:. And T ecMolo- ~ VL .. Thla Wllk ~ T.-ryColl VL Cludlln AGoldlWI "I Aernernber w .. Slr ... i "NOVA VL Moire .. Wltll Va. ~ Moire TheHofnl Bowl'' Nllecwl" Wiik .. The Allerood And The oi-K'' A rad.lcal MW KNXT KNBC KTI.A KA8C KFMB KHJ KCST KTTV KOOP KCET KOCE theory • to why the din<>- ~ • m ~ . _,,. died out alter 150 . II D a u 0 tJ w m . million )'M'S of auoceulut II ... dominance 11 namlned. .......... Lee ..... ........... .... ....... ... ...... ~ ....... ........ ............ ............ ............ ..... -~~ 12: Mwqulttl °""' loll In OM! Mlrquette s..d1 Dime Movie: .. The First Personal ** ''This II EMa" P981) .. 5'*! Bmkil'/ .. .. "Thi .. Churc:llllls FNlce Documentwy . .. .. Dnctlona .. Bowing .. Greet .. .. Personal ..,.,• ~(%)MOVIE .. .. .. .. .. ..... .. Gatsby" .. .. Anlncl '**'Ar "Paplllon .. (19731 1: .. i~Wcwld Thi Thi .. Nltlonll Sc>onsWOfld .. Adtm-12 Wlllll The Amei1cln 8tt1¥9 Me~ . Ou•lln Goll ....... ~ Golf Doublel .. .. .. BOii S1ory Hotlman. Ocnl " F-Tr~ Ocnl Wld, .. .. Adlm-12 Com.In Amertcln 7:IO G YOU ASKED FOR IT Open .. .. Open Wld .. .. .. .. S1ory Feet"'9d: "The Men Who lnePfed Wlllt Dllne(' and 2: .. .. a.igln'• .. .. Welt .. .. Movlt: ...... Wl1tingfor "~OIO.t.h " .. " llilnd .. .. .. .. .. "Houdini" Rogers '·~ (C)MOVIE .. " Ollgln'• U.S.A. .. Movlt: .. .. .. Prlllnlll Wrillng For ••'n "Rodtlhow" (19801 .. .. llilnd VL Thi .. "Shlrtom .. .. .. .. A~ Paul McCartney and a: l.Jlt()f .,,,. McMe: Wcwld In FeoeThl Holmll ~Rey Movlt: .. ~ Ofe.tti l:OO h AAQ4tE ThlWld Miid 1lnl Sports Nltlon FIOll Llonlrd'• "Friendly .. 5qlnl AndMll'I Bl.tllnm On Rfng Wide ~ o.tll" Golden Ari " " LA.Wiik Of e.tti IUNICP'I PUCE Journel ~ Qrcue" Wcwld Of 8**1 .. Glo"9I .. .. lnfleoMw AndMen Olona r~ to tell Archie 'Mly the 81'1d Miii• h• ... 4: lnterltcl I~ .. ~ Victory Mcwle: Movie: .. Mo* Wlllaeec PTojlct HP•r•ted when •h• " .. AtS. "Ffrien-''Wllkklg .. "Sbftlopl" Wiiii lWlowM c:om. home with Mr IOl'I ........... N .. .. Bl.tllnm ...., .. Tll-.. ,. Wlllfllnglon Project Jofto/. .. " .. .. Jownll .. Pen II" .. .. Wiiii lkMr1I 88I08HOP£'8 5: FeolThl " 5111' .,,,. MAS.H .. .. .. .. Amg Project "WOMEN I LOVE- flllloll " TNt Llglr1da " .. .. .. .. l.N lkMr1I IEAUTlFUl IUT FUNHr' c:as ..... NIC*-.. Al/£*-Wllcolne .. .. .. .. .. Ffom Many of Bob Hope·1 " " " .. Back. l<ot1er .. .. .. .. .. Jl.mpltreel fernele siu-tt from ~ OU1 9llOWI wil be -6: I,_. ..... MM: ..... CBS Nlwl KoJlll N8CNlw M.A.S.H McMe: lJI EwnlngAI aoMI In -of their fun. .. .. ~ .. .. .. .. ''Mllibu AIOundUs ~ nMI momenta . FWtt In The Thlt'I ..... .. ..... The Belcll" Wlly ln • 9 TODAY'S Fiii .. Bat Soulll HolywoOcl .. .. .. Jllter1ons .. ThlWOf1d? .. An underground poll'llc81 7: 80Mirlut• CHIPI Sele" Code 80 Mlnut• You Alked CHIPI Sonny .. TUllnkhlmUn·1 No¥I group ~ to _.in•t• .. .. .. Red .. Forlt .. & Cher .. E0PI ..,...old • federal judge . .. .. .. .. You Alttld .. .. .. Ecllon AndThl • MOVIE .. .. .. .. .. For It .. .. .. Delk Olnolu'' I ••'Ar ''Nillgwe'' (1953) M«llyn Morwoe. Joeaph a: Atcfil 8ob .... Todly'1 Atcfil "" Bob McMe: Solid NM ~ Conen. ...... Hope'a ec...i Fii Bin ... Wrlnln Hopi'• "~•" Odd "U.. Tllem'I .NOVA Ptlcl "W-..1 .. .. Ptlcl Wcwld "Women I .. Pl6lnt "iRllftMlblr "Ute: Patent PencllnO•• Tiie .. LotiL. " " .. TomomM Low ... .. .. Plndlna'' Nellon" ptomlaM end pertll "' 9: C88MM: ....., Wiid A8Cab'll: CBS McMI: Dr. a.ullM .. Hie ........ MWibn oer.ac •lgil_..111 end ... "Thi eue~· ~ "Tiii .. Thi a.>-lluc Fvm(' .. Hlw Thlllrt ~ lmpec'I on lnduetly, ind- Mall" Wortdot SV/Wtlo llK.lwl" 8'91111 .. " "I Alnwnbll "For ColoNd Cline and~ -.. " SunMI l.D¥ICI ..... .. OflJI .. .. .. Nllecwl" OlrtaWtlo eumlned.Q • MAllDO tECl 10: .. TV'I ..... .. .. Emelt TV'• ..... IHHNewt MllClrlg Conlldlrld THIATAE .. c.naot'ld .. .. .. ~ c.n.or.d .. .. OfMlndl SYlcide'' .., FWnernber Nelaon: p_. .. ~ .. .. .. ~ Jerry Jimmy .. McM9: 1ior1.' The beginning of the .. .. .. .. .. .. Fllwlll SwlQaatt .. "Mlldefor paulonet• love alf•lr 11: ..... ..... P......,.1 .. ..... World ..... .. .. Top Of EICtl bel-l..edy Hemllton CBSNlwl .. .. .. .. Villon .. .. .. ThlWOfld Olhlr" end lord ~ II _.. Spea.AW .. 700 .. The Cruadl NeCMovll MoYll: T•Olllle SNlll .. through the .,,.. of ,.... Aoc:*fqrd HBC MM CM> ..... Tlvtln .. "Thi "Friendly ~ Pr.-.. .. hutb81'1d, Slr Wiiiem Ham- l\on. (Pert 2) Q 12: Flel "The .. .. .. t.UdlrTllM .,..,. <MdrWI Thlfilt .. (B)MOVIE " Ml.rdlr That .. MJl:,New .. wou1c1n·1 .. Oft Thi Qudllla .. ..... "Tribute" (1H0) Wouldn't .. Mowle .. Die'• " Aun .. Jack Lemmon, Robby Mowle Die" .. .. .. .. " .. .. a..-. See Sunday 's. P.age IS RANCI6- 2823 east coast highway 675-1010 corcna del mar fine staticrery. !1111 l'J'Hlll ,,IJ".11 SHAPE Sail In and Shape Try on our and Jackets. Look trim Skort. All the looka for ship 1 upwllhf'~ Sailor Pants. Tope in a mini, Zou.Ye or you need \or shore at .. f \ ·PANACHE. 1<>-5:30 22f MARINE BAL.BOA ISLAND 173-1810 NEED CASH??? ••• LOAN .DUE??? COMPITITIVI IATIS OM ••• I st. 2-1. 3rd TRUST DEEDS RESIDENTIAL OR INCOME PROPERTIES ASK FOR DUANE OR STEVE -71~760-1551 -.._ricm ..._ ...... Mortga91 Corp. KOCE 9 7:00 -.. Nova." Examines new theory on extinction of dinosaurs. KNBC e 8:00 -··Bob Hope.·· Features runny moments or pre vious female guests. KCET .Qt 8:00 -··Nova ... Examines pro mises and perils o f gen etic engineering. KNBC E1 10:00 "TV 's Censored Bloopers... Presentation of flubs and goofs not intended for public viewing. .•Svil11S111aw••De•11'P11n11'1!!!!--!!!!!!!·· From Page 14 (l)MOVll •• "~di" (1980) W.itw Mtmhlu. Glenda JacQon. .MOVll **'A "Utile Oatllngt" (1980) Tatum O'NMI. Kril- l}' McHlchol. HO.(() MOVIE * * * "The ln·Lewa" ( 1979) Alen Arttln, Pet*' Fiii!. • WILD KINGDOM "Fletum Of The F lk:ofl'' The peregrine llllcon .. returned to .,... whet• they h8Ye become extinct (R) •lll MOVIE ***'A "The Spy Who L0¥9d Me" (1971} Roger Moore. 8ef1>er'9 Bec:h. • HEEHAW au.ta: Erneet Tubb, B.J. ThomH, Merle Trevis, St111 Kann. • MA8TE1'PlECf THfATM "I Aemembe< ~: P- Iion'' The beginning of the pa11lonate love aflalr be'-1 Lady Hamilton and l.Ofd ~ .. -through the ey.a ol her husband, Sir Wiiiiam Harn· llton. fPart 2)Q • AM!NCAH Pl.AYHOUSE "~or Colored OW.. Who H-Coneidered &Jid6a I Wllaft The Rainbow le Enuf'' Six ~ atwe their p!lln, twror end love In I I~ ~Ilion or the ewerd·wlnnlng Broadway hit by Ntozake Sl1ange.Q (D)MOVll * * * "Return Of A M111 Celled Hora" (1978) Rich- ard Harrie, a. SOnder· l!_lrd. 9:30 ~MOVIE *** "Which Wlf'/ 11 Up?" ( 1977) Rlchatd Pryor. Lanette McKea. t-.AI (l) THAT INF'EAIOA f'&1JNQ 10:00. a TVI ce•OND 11.00P!M ~ Clar1l pr_,11 more !lube end goofs not Intend- ed tor publlc viewing: Torry Rand81, Jamie Lee Cuttlt. Chad Ev.rett and Roee Mwte "* gue91a. • li&TING Of....,. St-Aller\ tllll with Eliz· •beth Barrett Browning, Sun Vat-Sen, Niccolo MICNl\lelli and Atletotle. (Part 2)(R) ®MOYtl ** ·~ II Elvis" (1981) Documentary. (l)MOYtl * * • "One-T rlcil Pony" (19801 PIUI Simon, Blw Brown. • KEHHY LOGGIN8 Singer I eongwriter Kenny Loggins performs meny ol hll grMleat hill -lnclu6- lng ·~ I Celt You Friend" end "Keep The Are" In this cone.rt tllPed II the Santa Berber• County 8owt. (Z)MOVW * * * "All Night Long" ( 1981) Gene Heckman, Blrbre Streillnd. 10:30. MOVIE * * *'lo "Made For Eadl Other'" ( 1939) Cetole Lom- bard, .i-Stewart. 11:00G LOWllA NEIQH80N4000 OYMU: Roy Rogers. Dale Evans, Debby Boone, JemH Whitmore. Doc S.-IN«I. the Kor_, Children's Cflolr. • TOP Of THI WOAl.D Cont•tanll from the untt· ed S1e1-. OrMt Brttllln and Aullr• cornc>ete In I quiz program that teat• their e~-In • w4de vlflaey of eubjecU. .MOYtl •i.t "Enter The Dragon" ( 1973) Bruce Lee. Jofln Suon. Rutger Hauer in 'Eureka' HOLLYWOOD CAP> -Rutger Hauer will co·star with Gene Hackman and Theresa Russell in the murder mystery "Eureka" for United Artists. "Eureka," which began filming In January in British Columbia, is now before the cameras in Jamaica. Nicholas Roeg is direding the film from a screenplay by Paul Mayersberg. Hauer won acclaim for his role in the Dutch film "Soldier of Orange." He was the terrorist in "Nighthawks," stars with Harrison Ford in "Blade Runner," and plays Albert Speer in the upcoming ABC miniseries ··inside the Third Reich." . Howard W. Koch has taken over production of the 54th annual Academy Awards show from Melvin Frank, who has been hospitalized with a virus infection. HAVE YOU BEEM INJURED? • AUTO ACCIDENTS •CONSTRUCTION AOOOENTS • PERSONAL ACCIDENTS The Law Offices of R. Steven Peters Emphasizes in the Handlipg of Personal Injury Claims that may be the Result of Accidents. We will Make Sure That you Obtain all That you are Legally Entitled. Call for a .fREE Consultation and · Determine What Rights you Have against all Parties, Including Insurance Companies. Housecalls or hospital visits can be arranged. Law Offices of 834-0133 24HRS R. STEVEN PETERS, INC. '°' M.,... c....... Dr .. s.... ... (213) 947-2828 bittier Domestic EmploJment A1enc Live:rn housekeepers, companions. babysitters, gardeners. Brought to your home for iBterviews. WJ'enk ~ very much" for Taxi'• Andy Kaufman! Ywette ,, ,., ... Is Andy Kaufman, llhlls "Latka Gr11vas. ·· in Sllnely funny or jbSI pla111 bonkers" Kaufman's comedy presen1s a fine line betwe~n reality llnd 1ll11Sl<Jn and his au· diences have a difficult lime figunng out where his characters begin and end FAMllY WE£K1Y · ( .!..-:_ I l -- - KNXT KNIC KTlA KA8C KFMB KHJ ~ II D " • 0 a IM ..... u....-. IM ..... IM ..... ...... IMMellli 7: Momlng Todlr, 700 Good Momng Thi ..... CM> Morning ..... Froozlll .. .. Anwtcl .. Tllnla .. .. .. .. .. AW., a: " .. " .. MAP Jim .. .. .. .. Sin~ Blkk• .. .. Hot .. .. .. .. Fudge .. .. .. 9: OntDty Rlgll Rldlltd A.M. OntDty JD AIA Timi Pfllblrl 8lmmonl Loe... AIA T1mt J.al.nlt Alce Bloct-t....ll ~ Alce Midmomlllg .. ....... To Women .. LA. 10: Thi Price WMllOI Big Love Thi Price .. -~ Fortune VIier, 8oel ·~ .. 8lltlllln .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 11: T......_ ~ eon.nu Fllflly Young And TrtlUt ~ .. Ftud Thi Alllllll ...,. Y~And Thi .. Aytwl'• .. Mltdl Thi,.... ~ .. Hope .. GlrM PM KNXT KNBC KTLA KABC KFMB KHJ II D " D II D IM ..... IM ..... Lo. ..... la ..... .. .... la ..... 12: .. OeytOI TWllglll AIMy ..... M<Me: .. Ourl.MI Zone Cllldren .. "Glory AaTht .. T~ .. AITht All'/'.: World " Zone .. World 1: Ti.me Ano4tier Hour Ontl.ltt Tuma .. .. World ~ Toi.ht .. .. s.d!For .. .. s.d!For Newt Tomorrow .. .. .. Tomorrow .. 2: Guiding r .. John a..111 Glllclng lronlldt Ughl .. .. DIYldloll ~ Ughl" .. .. " .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3: Aoddonl DonRlt .. EdgtOI JoM M<Me: Fiii .. " Night Oevld9oll "Oilmonds" .. Alctla'd People'• . .. .. .. Slmmont Court .. " 4: e.ney Bob ~ ..... ,. .. Miier NewNr1 " .. .. ..... BMr-.. .. M.A.S.H .. .. lllrllMl'll .. " .. .. s: ..... ..... Llllt ..... ..... Kojlk HMI " .. " .. OnTht " " .. .. .. Prlirie .. ., .. 6: ..... ..... a.ti'• -CSSNIWI WNlt .. " ~ .. " Shadow .. . ..... .. .. .. .. " .. .. 7: ICSSNlws NBCNlws HlppyOlyt *""" TlcTtc T You Aelttd .. .. AQlln .. Dough For h 20n F-MQYle: EytOn PM u.,. Thi Town Ftud .,.,.. .. LA. Maalzlnt s: Mr. I.Jiit Enter-Thlt'• Mic McMI: --Mlrlrl Rowe ~..-lncrdlll Alllh "Wtlll'I .......... OnTht .. .. PIMle .... -Pr'*'t .. .. ~ ~?" . 9: M.A.S,H AoyAcufl: .. ~ M.As.tl .. .. 50Y ... .. Wer:A " .. HMI Thi IQng .. Love Houle .. Call OICcuntry " 8toly Call .. 10: Lou Mullc ..... " Lou ..... Gtlnt " .. " Gm .. .. " .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. " 11: ..... ..... Sdr'dly ..... ..... Kotek .. .. • " " °'*" ... OI .. MC..._ ~ .. Cnon .. ,...,. .. 12: .. .. ... ...... ~ .... .. MM: .. .. ''l.M .. "Ollmondl" ColUmbo OMI °'"' For Aini" CoUnbo .. .. ~ ~ .. .. " Cooking SchoOI MONDAY MARCH . 8 Schedule 2919 E . Cout ~••1 15 Coroaa deJ Mar, 'A mz5 frl.ZIG ~ "" fNtltd fo tJw ~ ' ----------------... ,.. --- KCST KTIV KCOP m m II) ...... IM ..... 1.a-... Todly Cn>on Biige Town Bunny .. The ~ .. ~Oflll KatnMI " Rpc)lr .. .. " .. .. Genlte ~ " Ben .. Oonlllue llovt Romper .. l.uc¥ Aoom .. Bewitched M<Me: .. .. "TIXll ltc:lwd IDrtlmOI Tlmlt" Slmmonl .-.. .. Blttleetn TwlotA INNNewt .. Wom111 .. Plllword Super LoYt.~. PM PsyC.dt ~ Thi ..... Lowt,,.,,.. Doc:lorl .. 84)61 KC8T KTIV KOOP m> m a> .. ... laMellli IM ..... DlylOf M<Me: MM: Ourl.Ms .. ~. "And l"*1 .. Thtrt .. .. W•tHcine" Anolhlr .. .. World .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Teut Open Superman .. Unt .. The ~ .. Wlltoos Hour .. Bugs ~ .. 81.my Sewftclltd Scooby .. .. Ooo Unit Bredy Klrloon tbl9e Bunc:h KanMI OnThe lhdy .. Prllrtt Bunc:h " Naiws lncrtdltlle Thi .. Hult Fintllol• . .. Sc:ooby .. .. Ooo NBCNlws Thi HIWlll .. Jtfterlons A¥t-O News Welcome .. .. BICll,K011er .. The M.A.S.H Joker'• Muppet• .. Wiid Fll!llly M.A.S.H Tic Ttc Feud " Oouah lJttlt PM Mowtl: HMI MIQlzlrll "79 OnTht Al In Thi Plrt ~ Fllllly Avenue" Rao/ Acutt: Merv Pitt 1 sov ... Gl1fftn .. ThtlQng .. .. OfCowltrt .. .. ..... ..... ..... . .. .. .. .. INNNlwl .. .. .. ..... Thi Slnford .. Jtfllrloi-. &Son a.tOI Al In The lOWI. ,.,,., Cnon Fetnty Stytt .. Mitt Lowt,,.,,.. .. ~ ~ OMI . ..... l.n.m.i .. " TUfSDAY WEDNESDAY 2 3 ~ 9 10 .tltl A · ~ON 16 17 ~II STP~ ... . \ . .l\IO •no111Cl KCET • IM ..... 8ullrllM Alc>olt Alllerlc:an Sk)'h ..... Rogert VIII Alegre s.un. S1rtll .. .. a.room TV .. .. ~ ~ MICHtll "*" KCET tD la ..... Dlc:lc CMlt °"" e.., a-room TV .. .. .. .. .. .. Home Glrdtnlr1 Fett FOfWWd J.2-1 Contacl Miiter Aoalrl s..ne Sfrllt .. •I 8ullrllM Aepol1 Co9mlollll Alc>olt °"" e.., MtcHell Letwtr Gl'lll Ptrtonnencte ''Brtdlltmd ~ ~ 8tlcllOVlll " .. AIMrlcM N1 Tony8rown'1 Joumel Didi CMtt Co91111oi• Alpol1 AnlRa: 2ndc.ntury KOCE ~ .... Ameran GcMlmmenl OI p~ Body 8uddlel Milter Rooert 3-2-1 ~ Bectrtc ~ Edueallonll Progi;~ .. .. .. .. .. KOCE ~ "= GED Math Up& Comina Eclucallor* Progrwnmlng Biglb M«blt <k""1 T1g Miiier Rooerl 5-1!1 Streit .. .. ~ephy MecHel .... Ltfn' °"" e.., Pnonll F;llrlCI Nledllcrlft .. biwl Alc>olt Dlc:lc CMl1 Grell Ptrtonnencte "811d1• 11d ~ PllldgeM. a.... ~ .. " PltdalM. Sf**Of Thi ..... .. .. AIMrlcM N1 8tgln Wllll Goodbye Mondays Details MONDAY EVENHO 7:00. HAPPY DAYS M1AaN Tht gang 'a camping ucurakln tuma Into a hllarloua -becauM Of pouting rain, hung« and a ~lzzlyt>Mr. a YOU AIKID "°" IT F•tUTed; "Indian 8pNltt Wltll Fotlled Tongue" Ind "The Tlgtt It A Jockey " • M0 A0a•H H1wk1y1 undergoe1 1 dru11c cMngl when he btcomet temporary eom- rnenoer of the 40771h • OVEAEAIY "Keeping Flt" Gue111. Anne Jellr1y1, Robert Sterling. (RIO • DICK CAVETT Guat: Gort Vldat (fl ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT Bo and John Dertlc dla- ~ the ,.._of,.., old ~lllm. QITHEMUPPmt Gu.t: Han.o.y Korman . CC)MOVIE * * * * "S ayon1r1" (1857) Marlon Btando. Red Buttons (Ii) THOIE FA8ULOU8 Cl.OWNS Rlcllard Kiiey profol11 the enttr1alner1 Wllo 11av1 made Ille world laugh - Including Fanny 8rlet , Ch1rlle Ch1plln. W.C. Flelol end min)' other• a1)MOYE * * "The 8ledt Holt" (1879) Maxlmlllan Sehtll, Roti.rt Fouler, Yveue Mlmllux. (%)MOVIE ** * "The Qogll Of War" (19801 Chrlltopher Watli- ln, Tom 8ertngtr. 7:to. 2 ON THE TOWN FMtUTld: I vtlit lo a -·· «IHlyte dude ranch; M• oay goa to the 1111 of Christ'• Sermon on the Mount; t vlal1 lo A* Ntlllan' I peace lhlp; I loolt et a modetn kibbutz and the City of Hall1; en ••l)IOrallOn ol the arCllaeo- loglcal dig for an aooltnl Roman Clly and 1 llllk Wllh Jeruaelem'a mayor abou1 en 111C111ng arohNologlc:al find In that city. .MOYE • ··~"Thal'• Enlerttl!t-mtnt" (1874) Frid Aaian. 8ing Crotby . • IYIONL.A. F .. IU<ld: pllrt ont of I rtpOtt on people wllo dalm lo hew peyeHe pow- trt. • M•A08°H Hewtteye II Iha only doctor left to operate when the nu bug 1111• the 4077th • eGMAT ~ "Brtd .. hlad ~11ltld: The "'-Hook'' Jullt entr•t• Chatltt to find SebMllen In Moroooo Md bflnQ him b8cil to ... hit See Monday's. P.age 17 JHURSDAV ,'FRIDAY SATURDAY 4 5 6 ~ . II I:? 13 * . .J ,-~.~r ' 18 19 20 1 ••• Vladimir Zworykin From. P.age 2 Solomon-like wlsdom in their resolution. The program is enjoyina a measure of popularity which baa sparked -y~ guessed it -more court 1how1. r Next moatb television station executives from throughout the country wlll gather in Las Ve1as to look at a host or syndicated shows that are available ror purchase. They include: "Police Court ," in which nonprofessional actors re-create real court cases. ''Custody Court," based on actual cases and using real lawyers and judges while actors portray plaintiffs and defendants. "Night Court in Vegas " featuring an irreverent judge and lots or chuckles. Lest you accus~ the producers of lackin1 originality, may we remind you that "People's Court" is not itself a brand new idea. From 1958 to 1965, UCLA law professor Edgar Allan Jones Jr. presided over a thrice-weekly ABC series called I .. Day in Collrt." Later there was a show called ''Divorce Court," produced by Stuart Cheifert, who also produces "Cwitody Collrl" which ... oh, never mind. OLD MOGU~ NEVEll DIE; in fact. they won't even leave. Take Fred Silverman, for example. Once the Golden Boy of NBC, Silverman's career followed that network's ratings right into the septic tank. Now he has re·emerged with a new production company and 16 projects in the works. Silverman's new lnterMedia Entertainment Company plans to produce family films for theatrical release as well as television programs for Ute likes of CBS, ABC and, yup, NBC too. Televi1'ion dramas now in development include "The Prosecutor," a two-hour movie starring Valerie Harper as a troublesome assistant district attorney; "RSVP," a one-hour series that will examine romance in contemporary society; "Doctors' Daughters," a two-hour movie for NBC; an untitled movie, also for NBC, about the wife of a leading political fifure: "Red, While a nd Blue," an action-adventure for NBC and "Farrah," a one-hour series starring that Farrah for ABC. Silverman is also working on a few comedies like "Harmony,"' a one-hour musical family show for ABC ; "Side by Side," a half-hour comedy for CBS; "McCarty"Street," a half-hour topical series, "The Bea Arthur Show" for ABC: "Move Over Honey"· for CBS; "The Rainbow Girl," starring Ann Jillian. for CBS , and "Beeky," a half-hour youth-oreinled series for CBS. :Silverman turther hopes to revise the moribund variety format in a space-age fashion with "The Wide Wide World of Entertainment," a one.hour show that will originate from au over the world, pulled together by the miracle of satelUte transmission. SportB Highlight• From. P.age 7 aiooe .-oMIANLD Featlnd: • *" """ • ctog ., .. ,bf9eder. • ~ ltretion of grlllbbllng. 8MIMRMY L809MNn9°'mN aowa ~""~ .... 8 WIOI WOM.D Of' "'°"'8 The U.S. natlonlil b01dng ~ 111. lhe <Albln nation· II IMm (from Hev-. Cuba); World 90-Meter Ski Jumping Ctletnc>lonetllp and • repon on the Wortd Croea Country CIMmplon.. llllp (from Otlo, Horny). HO. GMATUT 8POfl'T'8 LfGeNOI ''Rodu.-·· EVINMa I 11:ao e IPOfn'I ANAi. Wednesday SROrts MNW::tt a, 1ea 11:ao®~TIOHM. '*JM IKA TIHG FROM NKIHll Dof-...,,., Jo Jo Slaf· IM*, Taler er.-on and Jofvl Curry .. ~IN ..... '-ttKed In ttlla ... eter uh!Ollton from "*"- lend Chine. lVININCI l:OO G HM 8AM<ETBAl1. lo. Ang9lee l.allWI VI. New.J«MY~ 11:80 Cl) THI WHrTE UCAPE T hursday sports MAN:H•.1• IYINNQ ·'Dlbe KABC 9 7:30 -"Eye on L.A." Report on people who claim to have psychic . powers. KNXT 9 8:00 -"Mr. Merlin." Zac to take part in high.stakes ping pong match. K OCE ~ 8 :45 -Ber u s tein · Beethoven.·· Leonard Berns tein conducts Vienna Philharmonic. KNBC 11 9:00 -.. Roy Acuff." Minnie Pearl hosts tribute to father of the country music . From Page 16 mocn.. Lady Matdwnlin, who 11 ~ c,..,.. no Cl),. .... ~ IC-From Ou1er Space. 0 YOU AllCIO flOR IT f'Mtutacl: "Rullia'• 15- FOOI• T.. Oynvlaat" and .. Flth Thal Uw Under- ound '' 1:00 II MR. MERUH lac, Ml to take part In • hlgh·•tlktl ping pong tn*c::h, inlllt9 that to win, he naadl • poweri!Mng lmlMI that "'-1ln once made tor Ntf)oleon. 8 8 UTTU HOUSE ON THIPMIN! Mr. Edwairds rttumt to Walnut Grow 1ner hit wife lhfOWS him out tor drink· a·& THATS INCMDl8ll Feeturad: I 23·)'Mr-<*I parepleglc mountlln etlmber'I at1ernp1 to ICa6a • 13,000-loot peek; a lluncwom.n on 109 of a car IMpll ~ 100 ¥lflf. cite. e MOYIE •• ~ "'Wtlat'• N9w Pwty- cal?" f1M5) P9ter ltlltrs, Peter O'Toole. • P.M. MA0AZJNe How .. adopt+c:hlld .. TV lhOWI help c::hlldren find good tiom.; on lllt road wllh oountry ""'* star Barbwa Mandttll. • MOYIE * * * .. 79 l"lltk AlltnUe'• (Pert 1) (1917) L-6ey 1v!n w-. PoJlo/ &ergen. • GNAT ~ "8rldHhHd Rtvl•lled: Tiit ""'-' HOOi! '' ®MOYll **~ "Ally WNdl Wey You Can" (1N0) alnt &llwood, Sondra Locke. 1:-l#t AMMCAI * * • 141 "Manh1t11n .. ( 19791 wooa, Allen, Dlell9 ~ . t:ao. (I) i'flYATE ~ 8ttljlmln lf)Ot• • mltlMe l*rlQ IMIMd Into For1 8r9Cllly but cen'I gel C. , .... ~to blll9ve her. • AU If THE ,Mlf/l.Y Arehlt ,..,, lor hll .,_ before an opwlltlon .. ttllngl go from bed lo WO(M. (Pert 1) • "'-EDOl IMAI< Regultrty echtduled pro- gramming may be dNyed due 10 pMldge brealc•. l :.ae WT!IN / IUTHOVEH Leonard Elemltaln and tllt Vienna PllMhwmonlc .,.,. form 8"th0Vln'1 Sym. PllOnY No. t In F Maj(M', ~ ... t:OO. (J) M"A'l*H Hawtce)'9, 8J and OMr1t1 • hMvy .,.,.,. ------ ----- Mil wNr\ ..., -...,. on1N~·,,.. • ....,., boerd. • • rtOlf NN#". IO VIMl1"',..., OOUNTWY...O Minnie '-I .... ..... ~to the,..,_ of !tie Grind Ola ()pry, teetur1ng ~ of tllt top ....,,,. In country mutlc. 8 0 DfVOf'CE WAAS: A l.OYI STORY A l'l'llWTied couple become bftW .,.,.._ Utng IN proce. of....,~ Tom S9ledl and Jane Cur- lln .. .,. • leMITllN/ lllTHOVIN CD>MOYll * * * .. Night Mo11e1" (1875) 0-Hedlmen, Jenni!« Wertett. (l)MOYll *. ~ .. Whir. The Buflalo Aolm .. (1H0) -MUrrey, P...,eo,41. CZ>MOYll * •• \t ''TN Liii °' M-in" (181tl QrlMft CNll>-"""·John a.-. t:ao. Cl) ~CALLI Poltlcl ltend In ttle w.y of .,, opereUon ~ ,__, . by ont of Ch1rlty'1 patient•. CC>MOVll! ..... Nonfl 9Y ~ .... ( 1961) C#y Onnt, Eva Merla Salrlt. 10:00. (I) LOU GMNf Aolll'•~ ........ uon ""° ww1llM .....,. "" ................ . cum. • "'°""9 .. MmlCMNlf The lltt Ind WOftl of man. time Pfllr*r JoM 8t11Mr1 -fMlurad.Q • IHOCK OITHI NIW "'Tiit FlltUt• Thal .... In the conc:Mllng progr9lll °' ,. ...,,.~ ...... ,... er1 Hl'IMa..,... ... 11'1..-:t ........ i.a IMld on "'°°"" .,._<A> .MOYll ***It "lyewftMH" (1N1)~W..,_, WWtmHurt. 10:.tO. TONY MOWWI ~- "The Oll9r lllnW' Tony &town ,.... bl-* pal'• tldpelloll In ... mM9ry. (ll)UflTONOW The ...... ....,.." Idell and~ ... -~ died In • --of comic ellttchta. 1G:ae CZ> MOW! • • "Schlock" ( 11173) John Lllldls, S.UI Kahan. 11:00. IATUN>AY MQHT Hoet: Richard Oreytua. ~:~Buntt. • KOJAK • In • fur rooa.y, Crocktf lntdVer1en11y lhoot• end ~ • YOl'"9 woman. • THIAJPUWWW TM pit t Illa 1!W" out. ,,._ ________________________ ·n HEATING SPEC,AL! 200/oOFF '!I.., . .,., ... al. He.ti11CJ/ Air Conditioning Clueified mverttaing Is Your beat choice for twp in-88lllnQ the it.,... YQ&t no long•r need. It'• quick and Inexpensive. ,. 18 i .... ~ • i "" i ;f ~ ...J ~ ~ ~ .- ... ·IDE ON THE GO WITH SONY BETAMK• PORTABLE BETAllU ~OCASSETTE RECORDER Annowndng the MCIOnd geo•atlon in home vid9cl c 11 1tt• reconM,.: Sony'a inct9dlbl9 ~It'•.......,, litlhW. men COfftMCt ,,,.,. "" W' NUOiicMt In hlllory . . . It brintt ~ M atounding renge of new vldff ..... Ind .. t llltiea ... end ..... of .... ll'a ~ ......._ -eo )QI C8f' uee It wlttl .... lndoon ot outdoors, to r-=ord off t"9 llir °'to 09lte _.,own home video~! YOUR OIOICEI n SCOTCH VIDEO- CASSETTES T·I~ s I 0.95 LIMIT: 8 PER CUSTOMER - YID IECO El FROM 5569 RDERS ACOMPt.m CHOOSE FROM THESE CTIONOF: FAMOUS BRANDS: APES•CCTV• •Advent •Akal • TDtC WE HAVE .... "' .... SELE •VTRS•T MOVIES• AS•WIDE ACCESSORIES VIDEO CAMER-SCREEN TV'S• •RENTALS ~navox •RCA• Hitachi nasonic • JVC • Sony • MGA • G.E. •Quasar CffN "°'-~u TKJRS. 10-6 •FRI 10-8 •SAT 10-6 ·~ 12-5 YOU 'LL LIKE OUR PRICES AT ••• IDEf~ ST MacARTHUll BL VD. (JUST WEST OF BRISTOL) ........ 141.:.1122 1421WE lllTI -.- lllOVmS ti.Ill ALI -'°' • ..,._ •.• DAYS . . , ' •• f ..... 'l ~ -- -.. ' C"* Sulzscrlpt-lon Senrlce , I I - - .Cable Toppers , ON·TV (0~ OLYMPIAD -Highlights of the 1968 rivalry between Kip Keino and Jim Ryun int e 1.500-meter run. SHOwn. (S), CORLETTO ANO SON -A teen-age boy and his father clash over career choices facing the son. HOME 90X OFftCE (H), THE SEAL PUP A young famiJy cares for an orphaned seal until it is able to rend for itself. I ·-CNN eel -Cinemax (1)-ESPN .(11)-HBO cm -On/Select Cl) -Showtime • -Spotlight (%) -Z Channel Cf)-~OR <N.Y., N.Y.) ft) -WI'BS (Atlanta. Ga.> Jl'EBRUARY H, 1112 PRIDAY EVENING 7:IO 7:30 l:IO 1:30 I t :OO t:30 10:00 I 10:30 • f-llports s,.u ...... w.e..tllP. ,... ... CC) .. c.r • ..... , ... Cl). s,.ac..r ........ Of.-sa. Va. !QA lloMlc: ,., ... (j) SalM Of .... CIMJ .... '"a.tie a.~ .... (!Im" ... -s-" CD) ...... Cl!" 1 ...... .,..,. .. Cl) .... "t. ... "c.c'd ._ "Cafe r .. Mtllraz" ..... .., ....... • .... "Olll"c.f• .... .._ .. _ .. .... .. , ...... CZ) ......... Liii( MM:'1111DlcJOl*n" le .... Cf) ........ 11.Y ....... ..., .. ... f ... : ''Tiie ..... f ...... m .. M•f• ....... Un .. I w.a.a FEBRUARY 27, 1982 SATURDAY EVENING 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 Pras Boa r,__ R'11Qrts hi Fred SllOft • . CC) lllo'flt Conl'd lloM:"W....,To~MIM!Sta" -,11 Mo-nt: "Oh God! '* ,. Cl) lloai"I c.· d Sportsc.tlf Baaetbll: S4lft hi! Coldt<lllCt T OtK-' CID ... Colit'd I 1ntt1111t'I r..,. Slatq frOlll P ... MoVtt: "&onco Bily" cm lloftt: '1m" Cont'd MoN . "Modern RomlllCt" Cl) lloclsllow Cont'd liloflt: ''Tiie ~· Mow • ... r.M'd Mattin Mull Mo\'lt. "RIM M ' (%) we., I ~ ''lflll CollllJy" Mo'lir."fnt Flllllly" (!) Pillllic Afflin Pau!Hopn ll1tq Wrnthnc llloVtt l1l) """ Wol1d Al Wat MoWlt. "T JC0011" . . FEBRUARY 28, 1982 SUNDAY EVENING .. 7:00 I 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 • """ Sports 8usinm TIM Two ....., P1duns CC) ... c:.fd , .... "llod*lw'' Moc ''Wllidl .., Is U," Cl) WoltilC.,~ Sports c.te. .... CID lloftt: .,...,. Cont'd Motll: "T nbltt" ..... "This Is Owis" cm ... :''llliallllw" lllo¥1t: "lletwn OI A 111111 CllM ""11" Cl) ... Cell'. ... : .. ~" lllttoie:"O..Tnci'°"1" ll ,. • ... c.r. ... "lllll ..... -11-.L..- CZ) .... c.r. 1 ...... ,...... lll'lll:"MMaNIMI" Cf) ...,~ ~ [ .... At ..... ... ''f"'* AIRW" _ ..I 1171 .-.... ·-·-·-!-------~ a..'-.i.-.. .,.. ... _~...._ . ....,...._ ....... ...,, .. ,. . .-...... ' ~.~~ .... _. -1..· ...... ~ - ~ -----, .. .. .. ........ ;.....-.... I ' ....... .........._~ .. I llARCll t, 1tn MONDAY EVENING 7:M I 7:M l :M l:IO t:OO t:JO 10:00 -1 lO:SO • r-ii.n ,,.,. ........ w.c..a.._ ,... ... CC) ..-.·s.,..a· ... .,... ly ...a.-t" Cl) ,... ........ s...isc.... *SI. !Motl s.a. (JI) ... , .... a....s I ....... .,,, ... .., Yot C." ''-To llM cm ... .,. .. "* .. ... ............ Cl) ... c.r • ..... a-bl llttN: .... , TN •two lloM!" • ... c.r. ............... .....1,...... .. (%) ...... .,... ..... ... "TN Ula Ol lrillt" , ... (I) ....,c.e-. 1 ....... ..., . ... ....... O.TN ...... al) .... Mllf-llMir. "FM r..., Ealfdle" , .... llARCll 1, 1112 . TUESDAY EVENING 7:0I 7:M l :M 1:11 t:OO t:30 lt:IO I lO:SO • ,_~ s,.11 ........ w.c..a-. ,... ... CC) ... Cell'. ._..,.Y ... u.s" ........... Cl) .... """. \ s.wr..r .... c., ... f.A.S.- CB) ... """' .... '1111 IMlllll"" .... "SJ. ...... (II) ................. ...."SllllM .... " • Cl) ... c.I'. ...... ~-, ..... • ... """. ............... ,---;i-.. ,. ,. .....,. .. ,._. I (%) ,... ............... ... "'llcco .. Clicllt" (I) ' ........ Util"' ..., .. ... .... .....,........., .. m .... Mllf._ .... .,. Goltlll" 1 .... MARCH I, 1M2 WEDNaDAY EVENING 7:00 I 7:30 1:00 1:30 9:00 1:30 10:00 I 10:30 • fr-~ s,orts ........ W.c..st~ ,..,.. ... CC) .... c..·· T --"TN Hllstrell Cllr..-" .._ "Sby HlloJ" (£) '11cMCMnb'I s,oruc.. ..... CID .... c.c'd .._ 1M C. AM TN CINry'" HIOl'T ... ~ llooll °"" cm .., • .,,.,..,_ Onls" Mo• '1llls Is Elws" Cl) r..-CoM'd lla1rre Nilbonll filats OI TN 19111 llil I.Alf Off MoN: "54ftoley ' Blildrt" • *'-CoM'd Mot1t: 1M fltlldisll Plot Of Dr. Fu MMchu" ..,., "tlectnc Honltnn" (%) llloNCont'd TN VislOI MoYll: ··ScNock" MDVII: "Rocco In Cllailo .. (!) Countty COIMI Aliwt Benny Hit llludt MoYie: •• ,. The ll<olllen Wtle Vlilllnl" (1l) ....., . Mlllflllliy Movie: '1llt tone Ships" llARCll 4, 1912 THURSDAY EVENING 7:00 I 7:30 1:00 1:30 I 9:00 9:30 10:00 I 10:30 • ,, .... -.,u s,orts ........ we.--. ........ CC) .... CoM'f 1--"A.U CncMn" .... "f,.. ..... Tl ...... (£) lmlii ,., ... Cele'• s,.tsC..-, 1 ..... . <Ii) Tllmf ... a... llloM:'1111EJednc ....... " .._.,,..... cm lltN: "lL ... et... U.$JI." ,.._.,_.,..,,;.-- (I) ... ..,.,."c.t'lll ... ...__,. '-" ) UN-n. • --.. c.r. .. .,..., II .. " .. ~ ....... , ...... (%) ..... ._u." ...... _ .... •. 1,1 ... CI) ...., c.t'lll 1 ... ..,., ..., .. .,.,.,. 1 ......... -.... ' az .£.a.~).~,._y, . . ...... AIU1,_..:•r.~ ....... ) ........... ~·· i ~ ' r ,1 •• '''"•'-'"' ~ IMJNJ •............... i - . 19 --~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~..._....$ STARRING RTBEAC Programming That Gets You Right Where You Live! llOllDAY· 7:M PM '"Newport Now" 7:3t PM Live Newport Beach City Council coverage or ·'Citizens Forum·• ( aJte rnate Mondays) 7:ot PM "Sound Off'" WltDNDDAY 7:00 PM ··Newport Now" TllUR8DAY 7:00 PM "A Better Way" 7:to PM "Newport Now " Our local progra mming lineup in- cludes the discussion series -"Sound Off'·. our interview show hosted b y Mayor Heather -"Citizens Forum,'· and live coverage of Newport Beach Cit y Co uncil meetings. Plus . we continue to cablecast our popular magazine format show "Ne wport Now." Our focus Is on the issues that are happening aroun d you, and we feature people and places that you know. Your neighborhood and its residents are our stars. Tfl EPHCM' I ER NEWPORT BEACH FOA PAOORAM INFORMATION CALL (114) 942·5791 "" ~. ~ l ~ . ' t ' ... Pilot TV Log, Frici1¥. Februaly 26, t982 • l if' Ii-' Ii-' Ii-' Ii-' i .1 Ii-' Ii-' ~I! Ii-' 0 co Fa -..:J O') l"s f-s ~ ~s Ii-' ~s Ii-' f>s ~8 = 'I I & I & I S 8 8 I Ii I I! I 8 g 8 I I! . I I! ·II! .f .I i I~i .,fl ii I , .. I . : : .f .llJ .(fl '.iJ UJ ~l: Im~ i« ... .. i f ;i . .IJ ' : : : 2 I i 'f Ii .. ti ·i ,,f, : (i : J : : .. .. f 1 .. .1.1 . .If .. 11 ... Ji f" ~ J 'I :: ,I ,. ,I . ~t : : i .. ·I .,. • = ,I : .11 : ·~! 1111 1 Jill ·II! ISll : : : . ~. j .I .1 .. IJ .. .I ,. ·1 J(il ,,ii i~f i ... , ff .. . ·Ir .. fl ijij ii~ : .. f .. .1• i!f I ii : : ii " , J : 2if • • l .. i' • I .. lj 11.1 II iH1 Jf 11 ~f ~ : . .I ... I : : .f ~Iii .. 11 G4j> : ,Jf i.~ fff" , ,Ii .fi~ .fJI • • -s i ·1 "fi --J : J : .z .. .-~ I ~ . ·1£! .f .I ~1J'; .. r[ flf~ ,1.1 " J ~ : ,,l : JJ UJ ~l: f i« .. i ;;~ .. JI . .IJ : : t : =en = : ii . r ~ "fi : .fl : ii % 1•! t .. ·I.I .. .I ... I ,,,, f li .. JI .. J "i' :: .1 .I .. l!'I -f lif ):JP .. 1• .. ,,i r : J J : l ·1 : : : : f ll : : I ; '· ' ' ', r.-,..,,., r-'7';- 11 .. .1 J . .If 2 ·I' .. Jf ijf i "·I .. .I : .ii ·.·f' .. J . ,IJ ~Ill , (ill ,,fl :: ·I . : .i "ig '•~ : . : . I ... I ' . JI 1ir : : .I .. II iii' ·~ ·~ ;rr .. 11 iiiJ ·I .. ~iif .l,~I ·~ l "' .Iii Jf (-lj;: 'I .t rr1 I . :: ; : : i•:~ 11 ! = I ... it ~ .;•• fjil .f .1 ) 11~1 1~1! ,.!I '•r : ·ii if JI .f ·f ·U' _ ( ~ f jij ·i{' illf ,f .-L' If Ji I l :N I J : : ;f::I ~ J J ~ J \~ • ~ ·, \ _, ,.,.. ·-11 ·:111 : .. 1 ,.,, •i•li llii Jff .. 11 111~ ·1(1 ::~, iif.1 """""'' ilf I .. ~, .. 11 ~1fl 1111 • : • i ~, ~ 1! ;1•a ' ., ' L. ,-11 . .r;, Jf jl .f[i If II f Jli 111; .. If ~If i .. II if fl ··--"fl f I(! 1111 I l5i! I' ~~s .. I .' • 1 l!J I : : : : .. ,5 (, ' ...... ' ~ !;:, • • • 1 ~ I i j i ~ :eoi! ,.,,. ~·r~:n11•1. ~rsii!1 i •~i1·' ••i •s•itigifl 11•1~:e1Bii !§f111~2~·~~•11r1i•:i•t '•• I i 11• 18'~·1 ilSl!'0 1=-1 1 ~1 lt{s,~,~ii§_al•t ENr~·11i1~~1•1 · 1!!i~lrigf&~'~2 -''I I ~·-l!ii !:11;~ ~~i i {lfij1;~i11illi!1i~I !if!1!t!~ii'! I'!' 111 : llf~i1;111~i1jij1 · · ! i h1i us .: Ii! -~n t!l n1~ l1 i 1HIU!~! h !( . f H ~!h f~~b l -r • I J 1· f I·~ i,~ I ~ i .~ I > i• ~ r ~ 1C! i ~ fie r ~ ,e~ I·~ ·i ~ 1·~ i ~ 11 a ~~~ "' A.BC News special wins big au,ard From P.age8 of what a marriage is supposed to be and if it doesn't turn out to be thAt way. then there's a feeling that something is missing even if it isn't." In the show. Jane Curtin plays his wife. a woman who gets tired of his relentless climbing to the top and his neglect of the family . . . Jane Fonda, James Caan and Jason Robards star as Montana ranchers locked in a battle for land and power in the March 6 television screening of "Comes a Horseman ... The film was directed by Alan J . Pakula in 1978 and is a study of the dying ways of the west . . . Richard Thomas will carry on a Thomas family tradition March 3 when be takes his son to see the circus. Thomas's father (ballet dancer Richard Thomas Ill> took his son to the circus at a young age, and it gave young Richard a love of performing. "I think it's because of the spirit of the performers and the enthusiasm of the audience," he said. "The circus is elemental. The performances are broad and full. The commitment of any circus performer is total." Tbomas's visit to the RLngliJlg Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus will be televised at 8 p.m. March 3 . . . The second annual "Country Comes Home" show, a lwo·hour special on country music, wiU feature Johnny Cash, Roy Ac uff. Kris Kristofferson and the Oak Ridge Boys, along with Alabama. Chet Alkins, Rosie Carter, Anne Murray, Don Williams and Mel Tillis. The show is set for screening in April ... '"Marco Polo," originally planned as an eight-hour miniseries on NBC, will be aired as 10 hours, it was recently decided by NBC president .. Brandon Tartikoff. ··After viewing a rough cut of this very il)lpressive production, it has been decided to present 'Marco Polo' over a 10.hour period instead of eight. This may well be the most visually spectacular miniseries in the history"of television. Thanks to actual locations in the People's Republic of China, Italy and North Africa, the incredible sets and the lavish costumes, 'Marco Polo' will bring to life one of the greatest ad venture stories ever told,·· Tartikoff announced ... Karen Valentine will star in "Skeezer :· a two-part NBC drama about a dog that helps kids overcome emotional problems. The teleplay is inspired by the book , "Skeezer, Dog with a Mission" a true story -written by Elizabeth Yates. The teleplay has received a commendation from the American Humane Association and is set to run March 14 and 21 ... "Real People" continues to blaze trails of truth and entertainment. The March 10 episode features a man who claims to be able to enlarge a woman's breasts through hypnosis; a school for male hula dancers and a profile on a is.year old black writer from Delaware ... ABC has aequired the rights to the 1982 World Cup Soccer final, which will be aired live for the first time in the U.S. on Sunday, J uly 11. The World Cup tournament pits 24 of the world's top teams in a total of 52 matches to determine a winner. The contest will be held in Spain ... S.Uan S arandon in 'Hunger' HOLLYWOOD <AP> -Susan Sarandon, an Academy Award nominee as best actress for "AllantJc City," will co-star with Catherine Deneuve and David Bowie In MGM's "The Hunger." ..• Sylvester Stallone will write and star in t he ~ontemporary comed y "Pals" for MGM ... Arthur Hiller will direct Dudley Moore and Mary Steenbergen in "Romantic Comedy" for United Artists ... Karen Grassle will star in ··Blackout on Rodeo Drive," which will be filmed next fall in Beverly Hills and Rome. Tube Toppers KNBC I) 8 :00 "Father Murphy .. Open house held ror pros pectiVl' adoptive parents. ~TLA 0 8:00 ··Singin" in the Rain.·· Musical starring Gene Kelly. Debbie Reynolds. 'KNXT f1 9:00 ··An Innocent Love ... Melissa Sue Anderson and Doug McKeon in premiere movie. KOCE ~ 10:30 ··National Geographic S pecial.·· Under water film on how sharks feed and why they attack. 'Juesdaf 11 Details From P.age 20 A.tin"" (1952) 0-Kelly, Debbie~ •O HAPPYDAYI Chec:N in. 10 PfOYe to Howwd thit he la worthy ot Joenle.Q 8 MOVIE ··~ ··a..y Sbtet 9->'" (11155) J-1 Lelgl'I. Jaic;k Lemmon. .... M. MAGAZINE Baltlrnof• Orlolel pltchet Jim Pelmer'e -cer- a en underwM< model; • line ot ••nwg-proof" Glolh· a~· • • * "'79 Pe1k Avenue" (P"1 2) ( 11177) Letley Ann Wer.-.n, POiiy Bergen. • UROHEAATM "LOfde OJ TIMI Alt'" With Ille let .. 1 lechniquM In n1tute ptlotog1ept1y. Oevl<I Attenbofough lllutttet•• tlMI UMe and edventtgee of Ille ,Miiiet Q G tKNA '"Life: Petenl Pending"" TM prOl'l'llMs end per111 of genetic ~Ing and 11• I~ on lndustty. medl· cine and unlver111tlee .,. exemlMcl Q ®MOVIE ***""The LOOQH1 Yetd" t 1974) Bull Reynold•. Eddie Albert (l)MOVIE • • • "'The Competition"" ( le80) Riclwd Oreyf\IM, Atnylnllng. .MOVIE ••• ~ '"Bedknobe And Broomttlck•'" I 197 ti Angell Ulntbuty, o...td Tomlinton, ·~. 9 l.A\IEAHE' IHIALIY Lenny end Squlggy't frlenc!Mllp Is llvMtened by the reeppe11ence of Sgulggy'• '"""· Q • •• ALL IN THU'A.Mll Y Archie Is oulreged altet reoeMng whet tie coneld· .,.to be~ medtc.l c.re. (Pert 2) t;OO. Cl) M0\111 ""An Innocent Love" (Pr~) Mell-Sue Mdnorl, Dowe Mol<.eon. •8.-TMAVMCK A ,--.. '*-llJI gun.. -togoeftlr~. .. ,..... 00#/N#r Wtllle PGllflo .. • doCllOr' Jdenoountertar ... patient and en eager lnWft.Q • MmlCNil ~VHOUM ''8-lburo -Edloee And 8'*-" John CUiium ttantne~on .... Md --of tM .... 091 ....... Q • Pl.JD91 IMAIC ~~Pf'O-"'""'*" rMli ... ....,. due to .. ...... (tea 11 Tomltaburo Weuy-ama. Muahlro TomlkewL (%)MOYE •• ~ "Rocco In Chlcaoo" MWC>911o Matrolannl. LllU· ren Hutton. t:16. LHONEAATH ""Lord• OI TIMI AirM With the let'8t tec:nn.rciu-In netute ptlotogr IC>h)', O.vld Allenbo<ougll llluetr•I• the -end edYentaoet of the IMttler. Q •.ao 8 9 TOO Cl.08E FOR COMFORT Muriel Is lnlV<lated by lhe attention paid ~ by • pretty roung llrtltt. (C)MOVIE *** "Ceddlfl'" (1981) Helen MO<M, Jadt Thomp- ton. 10;00 8 QI Fl.AMtNOO RO,AO MlchMI Tyrone tries to lore. Field to UN hit per· '°"" and polltk:el ~ to help him run Tniro. 8 9 HARTTO HART A RUNlen ci.fectOf -'\O Is being helped by the Ham It framed for murder. Q ®MOYIE * * * * "'Reglng Bull" (1e80) Aober1 De Nlfo. Cethy Morillrty. 9 MOVIE • • • '"First Femlly" (le80) Giida Ridner. Bob Nftltlart. 10:30 • NA TtOHAL GEOGRAPHIC SPECW. ""TIMI Shltb'" Ex1reordt- n1ty underwlller fllm loot· • of how lhlr1ta feed, reet end Wfly they et1adl prlMdee • ,_ P«'IPK- IM on thlt f'9Clnlllng end ,__""' Q (l)MO'llE * • 'h '"Crazy M1m1" ( 1975) Clorll LlllChman. AnnSothem. 11:00 • IA TUN>AY HIGHT H09t: Sieve Mertln. Guett: Ven Mom.on. • l(OJM( When 1wornan11..igned to Kojlk"t dMtlon. Mith« Oil "*" 11 hllppy lboul It. • THIJUIEMOMI Florence 01 COU11n llclpe town with ~ .... bor· towed from o.oro-. • MMION> N#D ION A drMll OOldl COf9* to .. ....,,.. llolM to"*" ~ '°' lfl-*'O ,., (Jl)MCMI • • ·"CMe•wa" cttm (l)MCMI . *. .. Al NIGflC Long" (1911) 0.. ~­ lartwa 81rllelnd. Direct or coll«t, to aublcribe to pr horMtOIOft paper' Uw ... ~ YOU DESERVE TO ~ HEL GOOD "" CALL64WJOO For eo.,1 ..... , can •••1ow WESTCUFF CHllOPIACTIC OFFICE Dr.leilwtA. ...... J04J Wntclff Dr .. Wle IOI ... .,.,. .... •--c-•'•••1111 ... .,.,..J Most lnauranc. Ac:ceClted Louis Ornelas enjoys retirement so much, he -volunteers 25 hours a week. \\bold )OU? Louis dnves a Red Cross van for a community nutrition program. five days a week. Louis shuttles elderly people to a Help Center for a free hot meal. He also delivers hot meals to another 20 shut-ins. On Thursdays, Louis takes hts passengers to the supermarket so they can shop for food. "The unportant thm9 is that you oet these people a balanced meal," says Louis. "A lot of elderly people don't cook anymore. and if you don't <Jive them a meal, they probably won't eat" Have you got tl.lne on your hands? We.could use a hand help111g people in your commuruty. +~ ' --. _, ~ ___ [" _______ ....,. ________ _ ! rr==::;:::t<NXT=:::::;:KNBC:=:: ...... :::;:::!=KTI.A=:::;::=KMC=:::::;::=KFM=B:::::;::=KHJ=:;:::=KC8=T::;:::=Knv=::::;::=KCOP=:::::;:::=K•°'1am"..-::i'K1111:0CE:=:·.::;i_,;~~.,.,,. ~ · A: • u D a a o a a;.. • • • m · . Details .... 16AI•• ,_..........., iii AYA --........... ........... ......_.... ...... IMM..-....... ............ ......_.... ........... 2 ~ ~ ,, 'l: "- ~ ~ 7,UU~ ao H a: louu ~~ ao .. .. KNXT I) ........... l Ull Tllnl! ao a.dlFor TClfllCll'IOW 3uu ~ ao .. 4uu ~ ao ...... OUNtwl 5. .. s:~· 7. OU CBS!""' ao 20n Thi Town BUii = ao arcu. 9uu C8S Mo* "'*'*'91 IO lMI" OGNlwl 11., CIS~ "The 00 Dr°"'*'G 12., Poor: '4Mll! " .. KNBC D ........... .. I~ " "8CHlwl .. T~ w ....... ,. ... -.. KTLA D ........... HARBOR Vlf.W CENTER 1628 San Miguel Drive Newport •each, Ca. 644-77l3 !A.M. Loi .. ~ KA8C u ............ IOnl lJI Tol.M • OPIN 7 DAYS • I • MON. l1ln ... t .. 6 • SAT. t :JO te l:JO ,Ml • IUMD4n ll .. 4 PM 1::;. KFMB 0 ... .... T11m1 MAS.H Tic TIC Oougll PM MtgGjlll ,cesMOoM: .. ~ U'lll" Wonder Wom111 KHJ 0 ............ Oto.I'' K~. YouAlkld Forn WOttd In Action KCST E ....... ...... .. Tonight " Thi Jlnnonl Welcome Bick, Kolter MAS.M M.A.S.H PM Meoalnt All In The fllnly TUM" KCOP (I) ............ Jolt«'• Wild Tlc:TIC Oougll Slntord &Son UM.Atr.. Style lneonc.1 AtThtMtt ~ Pr~~·wi•111 KOCE '1!) II ?! I ...... Get*!' To l<llOWMI GED °'*"""' cnceUpon AClllllc EcM:lllc>nll Propnmilg T Clll'IOITOW't Ftmllel ..... Aogert Click c.v.tt In Concert At The Met tliWOtl,- IYl!NNI 7IOO . HAW\' ~ya AM* Fonde,.,...... ~ tlectric~~ ... • M•A•a•H Col. Potter llrlk• up a ........ frlehdlll4P """ • ,,.. -Mino,.. __ • OYalA8Y "Employment" ou .. 1: actor Buro-Mlfedlth. (R)O 9 IENTE1'T AINMIN'T TONIGHT An lnierview with Morg8fl Fairdlid. QI THE MUPPETI ~t: 8-1 Ver_,. (D)MOVIR * * \.\ "'()angerOUI o.M'' e.mard Cflbbtnl, Bill Mar- nard. 7=*> 9 2 OH THE TOWH Feeturect • does loolc et th• tuperatltlon that flft10Ut people peN away In gtoup9 of w-. meet the ll1let wtlo creeted tM Vargus gin; explore the e-olmM~ . • LAYIMI! & IHft.£Y &OOMPNf'f The giflt tl1clc Rietlle end Potlle Into tMtlng them to a high edlOOI dance IO '--ne c;an ...,, IN 9'afld ptlzlt ol • tllllWilon .... • EY!OHL.A. Featured: • r990Jt on "~tu•l '90'1•"'; pet1 t"'-9 of • report on peydl- ic.: an Interview wtttl ~ Illy Hutton; • ~ ac wom- en~ • M"A"l "H When Hot Upl dec:ldee tNt ..... pe9llrlg '* by, 1M dumps Fra.nll and requatae lr-'er. ID IN CONCERT AT THE MET A joint recital of erlu end dueta Is glYen by i-Pla- cido DomlnOO and mezzo. aoprano Tatiana Troyano.. with J-Levine con- d~lng Ille Metropolitan Opera Or~tt .. (() p .... MAOAZJHE An Interview with Joan Co411nt of TV'• '"Dynuty"'; • Mrvice that ptovldee 1111 86aborele brelklMI In bed. (II YOU ASKED FOR IT FHtured: "Bruce LH UveeOn." ct)MOW • • • ""The Hellllrom C11ronk;1e·· (197t) Oocu- ment.ary. Narreted by l.8w- rence Pr-. 7:.44 (%)THE VlllTOA Midi Fleetwood perform• IOf9 lrom hla CUl'rant eolo albl.m. e:oo• ~ 8A08. Al .. MAHUM & BAILEY C' •. I.II Hoec Rlctlard Ttlonlu ~ viewa the , 1211'1 edition of the American tredltlon, with gueata Paul Sc>Mno, Ountl'I« O.bel-Wlttlam• end Lou Jecobs. D a 111EAL PlOPLI See Wednesday's. P.age 23 ••••••••COUPON•••••••••••••••••••• ARAUMOU GRADE AA : LARGE, FERTILE EGGS : ~eg.s~;oDoz. FREE~ I WITH COUPON OMLY-400D THIU l'-MJ I --------------------~ SSSSSS$S$SSSS$SSSSS ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ..... ~ ~ ...... I st FAST CASH 2nd 3rd ~ ~ ~ TD's ~ ,., ... , t•aNCt to,_-.... • Short Term • LoogTerm • Swing Loans Personalized service in your home or office lf.EN~t.l LYON'S facial Services 731-1734 .._.. Secured by a combination or real and personal ~ ...... property. ~ SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS$ HOT DOG WEST 16079 ..... W..tSf. w...._1 Hulkcgt• 1w11 14Mt6t 15% . OFF ·G~ . ,...., .. ..., • Auu1d1 .. 91r OP9I HOUIS: • I A ._ f I~.!:!'!-.. '!. t:.O! ~ ·• - KOCE ~ 7:30 KCET .@ 8:00 ··1n · Concert at the Met. .. Arias and duets b\' tenor Placid o Domingo anct Mezzo-soprano Tatiana Troyanos KNXT fJ 8:00 ··Ringling Bros and Barnum & Bailey Circus ... Ri ch a rd Thomas hosts l 12th edition of American tradition. ---...... 2 ! SW WE HA VE A GOOD SELECTION OF NEW AND USED CARS FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVER FOR LEASE OR SALE. -n ... CONNELLCHEVROLET ~ Serving Co•to Me.a fur %2 11~n. I ':< 2828 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa ~ -546-1200 -· I 2 ~~-~!' .. ~. ~.':"::!. ' ~ .......... ·-······· __ ...... ,....... ~ -~ KNXT fJ 9:00 .. Desper ate Lives." Diana Scarwid and Doug McKeon star in movie premiere. l9iiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiimi;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;m;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=:;-.i Savings up to 50% off N KNXT fJ 10 :00 ··Quincy ... Quincy tries 10 exonerate a nurse charged with negligent hom icide. -5Detalls From P.age 22 FMtUttd: • letnale umplrw, a dog wun. a mount.in dlmOer whO .... Icy l!Opee; the ...... Bald Ainertca conteat. • MOYlf ••• ~ "High Soelely" (195t) Bing Cfoeby. Gr- l<Ally • • 9 THIGMATUT AMIPICAN HPO Ralph ,,... 10 bttng • ClltCf\ lllllng dlamplon In "°"' b OOld. • P.M. MAGAZINE An lnleMew with Jowl C*'t Of TV'a "Dynaely''; • WW. that Pfcwtdel an elebor•• btMkf• In bed. • MOYlf * * * "79 P-11 A--" (Patt 3) (1977) IAeley Ann Wen~. POiiy Bergen. • IC COHCelfT ATTHI MIT CD>MOYE ** "Thlie II EMs'' (1981) Documen\8'Y. 9::$0. TAAPf'ID IN8IOE THE W9'0NO 900'( Tiie '-*"'and ..... of ttloN undergoll ig Ind lhoN whO ,,..... undergone • -Cllanga operlflon. ®IHEAK PMV1EW A look al IN rnoWll, epe. dala ll1d eporU __,.. corning up on Horne Box Offtce .. 10:00 •a QUINCY Oulnc:y trite 10 ll«ll*'at• a -whO -charged with negllgent homicide. • PUDG!IMN< Aegulerty edleduled pro- gramming mey be delayed du. to pledgl brNk1. ®STANDING AOOM ONC..Y "Simon And Garfllnk.,: Spring Preview Fa1hiofts Arriving Dally with Savings of 20% I • "POPEYE" AHO "BRIDGErn IARDOT' PANTS • RUfflED BlDUSES • PUSANT SlJRTS • BATHING SUITS • THE IOMANTIC LOOK • K.NICKERS-AU. COl.ORS • MS DANIEl Df5'GIB PANTS • WM.KING SHORTS • TMOIEO JACXETS ~ • GOLD ACaNTED &OUSES '1~~~A1:S~· 64M7JI BUTTONS & BOWS BOUTIQUE M-F 10.7 SAT. 10.6 "-.t-4 • ,_ Y:'" ... c..e.r MntTeC .. •..tll~ A joint recllal Of atlM and ctuet. .. gMr'I by ._ Ple- ddo Domingo and meao- eopreno Tetlenl Troymnoe. wttll ~ Le¥tne con- ducting IN Metropolllan The COllC*t In 'The P-11" Peul Simon and Ari QM. 11.w!kel perlorm m.ny old I~ In their tint joint concert In 11 yMrl. lllPed during'"' -of • ., ~~~~~~~~- ~~ •• ~ ''The Cal And The Canary" ( 1978) Honor Blaclunan, MletlMI o.len. (l)taAME "Gull~·· .MC)Ylf *.'Ao ''The Aendllfl Plo4 Of Or. FY Mandlu'' (tNO) ..... Stlerl. Sid c..w. 1:10 • YOU A8'<ID '°" rT FNtUfed: "France'• Wine 8...,_.._ .. • AU. IN THI fAMtl Y Arc:He -• way Of get. ting -with • l)factleal I<*• pel by •ranging a dale tor him wtttl a Pfofee.. llonel female ~· tor. (I) NATIONAL ANAU CW THI 1M 1 llQ LN'f' 0# The bMI new comedlllne are teelurtd .. the region- ., wlnnerl of IN Big Lllff Off compete 11ga1ntt one "'°"*· •M(Z)MOY!l ** "SChlodl" (18731 Jofln L.9ldlil. ..,. KIMn.. l:Ol.(I) MOYIE "o.tr•i. U-" ,,_ ... , Olw. 8cerwtd. Doug Md<eon. 8 8 THE fACTII CW Lff 8lelr and Jo dllcover lhet they heYI become oloNf Ulan \My heel~­• 0 THI fAU. Q4JY Cott MW Into • fofmer glfto- Mend who neede Ille Nip IO eec:.-ffOfll her i.. bMCI, • rnotMlof"'olled ~-(C)MCMI •** "tlay 1 - In New Yorlc Clty'1 Central P-11. (l)MOYE ••'A ''Smoltey AnO The Bendit II" (1980) Burt Rev· nolda. Jadlla GleMon. .MC)Ylf * * * .. The EJec:trtc Hor.-man" (1979) Robert Red- ford, J-F-onda. 10:Gt CZ> MOYlf • • ~ "Rocco In Chlc:ego" Marcello Meatrolannl. l.llu· ,., Hutton. 10:IO. THI TNAL. OF WON<IROUO The problems of • young a.-wortcer with Illa ~andthe~ 1eg11 eyw1em 1a cnmetlad. 10:41. PAVAAOTI'I: l<JNG OF THE HIGH C'8 An kHMC>lh portrait of this grNI ltnOI', both al home In llllly wlltl hie flmlly and In concert dur1nO tome of hie rnoet .at.Ing perfor· mencea. la SW-led. 11;00. IATUN>iAY lllGHT Hoat: "-Y Chertel. 8 Ko.MK A mobeter'a bMutlM gln- lrilncl le an eye•ftl-lo • ' copklmng • • THI J&ffMON8 George and loulM mi.. ' piece ""*' In • beby conlelt. • IAHFOAO AHO 80H Fred buys 1 "hot" telelll- llon and e«t Into hot .... (C)MOYlf . *. "The Other 86de Of The Mol#ltlln -Pen 11" C181'11 ~ H.-1. T1motlly lonome. (D)MCMI ··~·(141Dt .... --.~--;;.-...... -- Big Week.<- ,mall Price. For an EXTRA day, call today _,, 6'2·5618 - 0.-t le I :• M1A•r ~-,,I le ----,. TM n.w l>allf Piiot 8·Daywtek PWS . WEEK 81>ayS 3Unes 8 Dollars ...._ .. _ .. ____ _,.. --~-·-.. ----(lloll ----.. -· .... • o:-i"f'A•Jlf ~ ---·- 0 -. . . j ~~-~----~-------..---•_..e-=:;:&0~~-----.-.e-..c_.""""'=::!""9...-!--=::=-~=------~z::"':W ... ~~ .... _.~==~•------•a ...... !&1 .............. 911!, KNXT KN8C K1l.A KA8C KFMB KHJ KCST KTTV KCOP KcfT kOCE~ ~ ~-~ • D " D 0 a m .. II> flD ., Beta••· a..,.... Lei,.... a.. ........ , u.,...... ..... i..,...... ........ IMMfllle .... ........ LMMilllM ·"= Momno MNOt•.-7: T-1W UOOCI ~ Thi Todly c.1oon ... eu.n. CJf tlfWI w... ,.... .. Club Monig Froozlee .. Town 8lmy ,.,,, MIMlft .. .. . . America .. Thall " Thi K.wioon Yoga For QI .. .. .. .. . . AW., .. ~ Ktrnlwll Hlllll ,...... 7M. ~DAV.MAIN WMn Forme drt¥9I en s: .. .. .. H ... Jm .. ~ H ..... Body 8fftOl'OUI "9dlng -out .. .. .. . Sin~ 8lkktr .. .. ="' ...... of ._,, lie ,,.,. tMn pley .. .. HoC .. .. .. G.nlle ~ .... IN role hlmMlf. .. " Fudge " .. .. " Ben AllD'w ~ • M'A0t 0 H 9: OnlDly Algll Aldw'd A.M. OnlDly Jlcll Donlhue I Low ~ s.... W·t A wtrono wMdllOtm 8'fect9 AIA Timi Ptlti! .... Loi Al A Timi Lal.MVll .. Lucy Room StrllC Conllct the INl'llOetl of the 401'ml Ab Bladt-~It ~ Ab Midmorning .. Bewitched MoYlt: " Bec:ttlc In ~ ... .. ~ To Women .. u ---.. .. ''l.Olllly .. COlllC*IY • OVBllMY OUM\: )au pllWllet Or. 89y 10: Thi Pl'loe WhlllOI Big UM Thi Pl'loe .. Rlc:tllrd IOrtem OI Tr11•· a..-oom ~ Teytcw. (R)Q llRlgN Fortune v1111r, Boll ·~ .. Slnwnonl ,.... " TV Pr~ fl Bm.RTAINMINT Benllltlrl " .. 8atllelUn CllOltANJ, INHNlws .. TONIGHT .. .. .. " " .. .. Mra.MI* .. .. .. An lni.Mew with AkNrd 11: TtnlNlle P...onl BonlnZa Famly Young And Tr .... Plllword &!pit UM,~. Wllyln H crenria. . PU .. Ftud Thi Relllele Hunt PU P.,c.dt s~ ThlW«ld? .. 8THE~ Young And Thi .. Ay91'• .. Mlldl Thi ..... UM,NMI. Mec:Nel .. OUM\: Vinolnt Price.. Thi,... ~ " tiope .. Glnll ~ .. Style Letww .. (Bl T** FAaJL()UI -Cl.OWNS -Richetd Kltey P<ofllee the KNXT KNBC KTLA KABC KFMB KHJ KCST KTTV KCOP KCET KOCE en1tn.11ner• wtlo II ave made the WOf1d I.ugh -PM II D D D 0 a m m II> m '1i) Including F111ny Brice, Charlle Chaplin, w.c. ............ L ...... ............ .... ~ .. ...... .... ,...... .. ...... Lei ..... ............ L ......... II .!ct Allda end many othafa. (DJMOW 12: .. DlylOI T~ AIMy ..... MCMe: DlylOI Mo¥le: Mo* lb Fiii **'h "LI. Rotlln Cnlloe. .. Our!MI Zani a.ldr-.i .. ''Slilll'° Our!MI '\lugger· "Thi Cewllt Forwn U.S.N." ( 111181 Didi Vil! Allhl .. T~ .. AeThl . .. nu" Counllrtelt Owr Whyln ~~Kwen. World .. Zone .. Wot1d " .. " Tl'lllor" EllY ThlW«ld? 1: TWiii Anoltler Heu \.X1t U'9 Turne .. Anolhlt .. .. a.room Edlalonll ••• .. ,.. NiO'rt Long" " Wot1d ~ To lNI .. .. Wor1d .. .. TV ~~-IO (1911) 0«'9 Hec:lunen. 8-d!For .. " a.t:llFor ..... " H .. " e.tn Strelland. . 1=*> 8 2 ON THE TOWN Tomorrow .. .. tt Tomorrow .. .. .. .. .. " "-lure« the reunion Of 2: Guiclng T11111 JdWI Oener1' IMdtlg lrone6de TIXIS Open ~ .. ....... ~.-....... p_,, IJGlll .. " DMieorl ..,..., L.Wit .. .. .. Line .. ... Paul and Mery; !low --" .. " .. .. Thi ~ .. ..... ,_.. ftokl ........ *' .. .. tt " .. .. .. Wlllone .. ~ .. ttie A9DOl1 Lq. who a: Aoc*lord DoNt.11 .. EdgeOf John MooM: liOIW .. 819 ~ -111191 wltll hundreda OI rib- Flee .. ., NlgllC Devldlon "T1le ~ .. Bunny Ootert11•1t a.. bb. tM ,..,.. of • hotlby .. .. Aldw'd Plopil'• .. LlglndOI 8'wlldlld Scooby ~ .. lhet .,. out of ....s. .. .. Slmnlone Co#1 .. CUlte(° .. .. Doo .. .. • LAVllllNE I ...UV -& eotlf'Ntr 4: a.n.y Bob En•.~w:y .... .. .. UCtle Brady K#toon 3-2-1 Thlltome S""19y hM a dlaflCa to ... ......, .. .. .. Houle 8unc:h Klmlvll Conllct 0..-. "'°" lier play to a 8'090-..... er.-.. " 11..A.S.H .. Onlhl 8rldy .. :=. MecHlll way producar. .. llinmlnt .. .. .. H Prlinl 8unc:h .. LlfWW • AEJaZVOU8 5: ..... ..... I.Jiii Niwa .... Kojlt .... lncrdlll Thi s..n. Owr A bualneuman who tt Houle .. .. ... .. Hulk F'lntllOI* StrMI EllY ~ from an anxi.ty H .. Onlhl .. .. .. .. .. Scooby .. Gr°'*!8 attlldl aacapea to a remote . .. Pnllte .. tt " .. .. Doo .. v ... -' .... hi diac:oYaf'a • ~ "°""" wtlO 6: ..... ..... uwa'• ..... t;85Nllla ,.;NIM Thi ..... ~ ~ II.-of .. pelt. .. ~ .. .. l.olAnglMI ~ flv9..() Alpor1 8ftW:lt • M0 A08°H .. .. ..... Lan ..... Weloome .. .... Bueltllla A gefl«al ,_.,d• Iha .. .. .. .. .. Va. .. Bldl, Kon. .. .. ,.,,, 4077tll wilh an onic..· 7: .~ .... ........ HtppyDlys ABCNIM TC Tac NlwYort The M.A.S.H ... Owr Ole* Club attar Hawtt9Ye and Aollll Dolql l<l**I ~ .. Wld EllY c.v.n Tr~ -Illa 10t1'11He. 20n Famly 1..Mmtl EyeOn PM . Fnty M.A.8.H TCTIC MacHell Niwa (I) P.M. MAGADe Thi Town Flud [SNttey LA. Magulne .. Ftud .. DolGI LlfWW .. A dr_,llk., who copla9 the la191t In high IMhkln s: ~ Fee Mo* "*' ~ .. F1m1 PM Mo* TllliaUIG Cepy:That from Hew Yclf'll and Plllil; P.J. " 1111 .... .. .. MIQllZinl "Thi Houle Yri• the~ ''Chltlln atrut'' In .. .. 8llld .... .. YouAIMd .. Al In Thi ~,. an. Doodle 6.-.y. South Cerolna . .. .. Waoon" ...... .. Forlt .. Fnly PY.-.. Dlrld'I --... 9 YOU AIKB> F<>f' rT 9: MOCI Ulll"rwll .. --l(ftOU ~ Dl'l"rtnt Merv . SllOdl °' PWge fMlurad: "Fllh That 8ulld ~ 9'rOUI .. ..., ~ 8troMa Gttllln .. ThlNlw er.-..._ .. end .. ~ AIM GliMI " Tllll ~ Gimme .. " .. H tn ni.~·· .. Aar. .. .. .. F\lnd ABr.-.. .. .. Kdlet1nl (C)MOW •••• "Animal Cracit- 10: Nul'9I .. ,_ 20 ·20 Nurle Niwa .. .... ..... Fawlty Hepburn .,, .. ( 1830) Mane Brot'*-. Shit .. .. .. .. Shit .. H TOWlrl . ~Dumont. .. ... .. .. .. .. .... .. INN ..... 9unlr1lll tt ll:OO • MAGNUM, P .&. . .. .. .. .. .. .. " .. .. Magnum' a lite la ""'*1lad 11: ..... ..... ~dly Niwa ..... K~. ..... Thi Srilrd lb beceuaa of IOIMlhlnO that .. Night .. .. .. ~ lSon ~ ~~ Ml1lar In the-. ~ T~ .. MJI; ..... ~ .. T~ Alln Thi lM.~ . ..... 88fAME .. ~ .. Flf!llly ~ " Julle t• for a taeclllng 12: " .. lSlll Na NI viii'! .. MooM: .. Mic• UM,/w« . FocueOn aMlatant wtlOM In•-• 1a .. .. .. .. "Tiii .. ~ Style ~ !l'K"Y buelnela . McMmlfl OMd Mowlt .. McfiMlrl ~()I OM! INN,,_. • MOY-. MdMI ~ .. .. MdWW. cu.'' lACWman .. .. • • • ·'Thi 8end waoon·· See Thursday's. P.age 25 . . I· - ..... . . -The ·E. S. Carpenter Co. ••••••••••••••••• M°lt-tl ILINDS Gi • EQUITY LOANS • 50°/o OFF Certified Public Acoountant • • ' ... II Call or write today for a • IOllOW A•AIMST • ·01scouN1s ON : Fllll '"TAX ott&At.IZB" • YOCM MAL ISTATI ~ITY • to help minimize your 1981 Taxes <Residential or Commercial> • lrallwCoa••r--Wtk ... • CARPITIM«i Dl_U.lllS -. "Full Ml'Vloe eccountlng, tu planning and return pr• • FOC' details, call: • Wilter's Drape ries & paratlon for lndivlduett and buslnftMS. N l lt Sim d•cl .....,_ ·noow.=.-~111.~._.,e• • &4&-3921 • Carpet111 .C. CMAI ..a S9U II VISA .~, • • Licensed Jleal Eat.ate Broken 714-673-6743-. 1.12.u.1.1 ............ .., • .,u • •• 105.30 12·11 • . _ ... _..;_, ...... '-" ":!k'.:.... ·--I ... .--.. •• _,,_•~•l!~I r ·~-"-:o:-.----, •• ,., .. ... -·-..,..,..,., . .-...,. t~ ..... _...,_ ,, .----··-... re .... ''t/IW *" nM tiff•' I ..,..,..-_, "~ . ., • 'RT IATIUll ·-,, " y,,, #t hh11 Deller 11 °"• C.1llyl Set 111 Te.llf .. ·. "' All °"'"" h•llllll "'· M1111I. - . 00\IE STREET• NEWPORT BEACH · (714) 833-13 • James L. Zimmerman • CenNted Public Accountant Full range of personalized * pr-ofessional services for * small businesses & individuals • INCOIE TAX PREPARATION a PLANNING • SYSTDIS DESIGN a INSTALLATION • COMPUTEAIZED FtNANC&AL REPORTING 133DowerDr. .,,.. lftltlal ~ 645-4212 SW.• 30 Newport S.Ktl ****************** .. -------------.. : I COMING SOON I : • I The Finest I * ! I In Oriental Cuisine I : • I Specializing In 1 * ! I Szechwan Cooking 1 ! --·------------· · ................... * 1Ube Toppers KNBC 11 8:00 -.. F.ame ... Julie falls for a teaching assistant whose interest is strictly business. KABC fl 8:00 "Police Squad '. ... Police captain and detective are pitted against criminal elements. KOCE ~ 8:00 -"Cagney: That Yankee Doodle Dandy." Film clips Crom actor's major movies. · KNBC 11 10:00 -··Hill Street Blues ... A rookie cop overreacts in a crisis . From Page 24 (1953) Fred Astelr•. Cyd ClwleM. • GI POUCIQIADI (Preml«e) A police captain end hie -deteetlYe -pitted lg8lnet the crin*lel .,,,.,... "' • lltge dly; lMlle ~ Ind Merl Nortll.C... • P.M. MAGAZINE A dr...,,_.., who copMil IN letell In tllgll fllllhion from New YOfi< end Pwle; I vtalt to IN SMrmeft Oi*• 8um Cenler. • MOVIE ••'A "Rllm~" (1"3) Robert MltetlUl'll, Bea Mar- tlnellt. .T*OU>~ Bob \Illa~ .... w - ing In the br~ end puts lnelllatlon In ttie taml- ·~:THAT YAHi<& DOOOll D4NOY Fiim ellpa fron: hla m111or fllm• and the -..to-be retea.Hd "Ragtime" highllghl • looll et the life "' Jamel c.gney, ... "". Ing utenllve Interviews with ttle actor, his ~ INgllll end co-aters. (B)MOVIE * * * "The Elec;tttc Hora. man" (1879) Robert R41d· lord, J-Fonda. (l)MOVIE • • "Hopscotch" ( 1880) Watter Matthau. Olenda J8Ckaon. eMOVE ••'A "Honeyeu.:111• Role" (1880) Wiiiie Netlloo, l:IOrtll~IUOOIU Kip end Henry rem1ni- 1t>out their college dl)'I and how they wound up worllJng for ceuetk: Ruth DunbW In ,... YOfi< City. it YOU AIKIO R>f' rT Featured: "Man Rides Oeedly Mania "9y" and "England'• Sp1.ee-A.ge RobotOog." • IHEAK PN!VleW8 Roger Eben and Oene Slelcal review ''TM Seduc- tion" Ind "I'm o.nclng A.a Fut A.I I Can," "OuMt For Fire," "The A.m11t9Uf'' and "Unton City." CZ>MOYll the oondudlnQ Jl'GgrllTI of Illa elgflt.part """· Rob- 9'1 Huet-~ IN lmpect ~ heY9 Md on modem er1. (R) (ll)MO'M **'h "H~ Birthday, 6-nlnl" (1MO) Ml.dlllne Kl.M,Ma...._. ........ ,.IMN( l<Mt emberr .... Nall Into cletlng, "*' .... welgtll llimlllf. (R) ea TAXI An ~o etNate lnlplr• TOllY to gee Into~ and gel hll boldng lloerlM rein· atated.Q • PLIDGE MEN< ~~11"0- granvnlng may be deleY9d ctueto-.brelka. (C)MOVIE • • "From Noon Tiii Tht"" ( 1977) Charles Bronaon. Jiii ireiand. •M. ITANING KATHAllNI HENlJRN Rm c4tpt, ,,.._..,.., atllle and lnlenltewl hlghlght I , , two-hour reer~ on the llte and ear-"' KatMrtne Hepburn. ttwee- llme Academy A.werd wlnn« and one of A.1Mf1- ea'1 moat reapected and i.lented aetreelee. 1~D QI HIU ITAEET kUU A rookie cop owr-rNC:I• In I Ctilla, and negotlallonl ~ the police Union and the city are euapend- ed. (R) • FAWL1YTOWPI Bl.Ill attempta to QOn-1 Fftllty Tower. Into • QOUt· met'• parl.dlee. (Per1 e of ~MOVIE ••'A "Tribute" (1980) Jaek Lemmon, Robby a.neon. (J)lllAM! ''E.11.pNnt Man Singe'' .MCMI * ** "Allegro NOfl Trop- po" ( 1t7t) A.nlmal9d. 10:90. 8UTTaFLJd Na attempta to put some order Into her life -wt\ldl Ille think• of M an untidy elf-. fUll of things and people wflO bcMher her. Cl) l.Nf.Ao THON * * * "The Dogs 01 War" * (1980) Cllrielopher WI.Ill· A eomedlen hott and tour comic cont .. tan.. ~ compete 1g1tnat one enoth« are fMlured In thll uncanlOfed comedy game ltlow. Chef Tseng Szechwan Chinese Restaurant 16482 Bolaa Chica, Huntington Beach. CA 92649 it an, Tom Berenger. t:CIO. (I) t<NOT8 LANOINO An old flame of Vl.l'I peys her I IUrprlM vielt, end Karen II reunited With her brother. D Qll O!Ff"MNT l1lQCU In order 10 join a <*lb. A.mold ...... I comic bOOll from a atore. (A)Q •a~~ A. H-~-old __,. 0# IUfne up, and I NlllUltlon WOftll.r -• candy l'!!'!'J.Z., (%)MOVIE **'A "PllPll!on" (1973) s-. ~. Duttln Hoffman. 11*>. IATUN)A.Y NIGHT HOit: Relph Hader. Gu.t: Oeorge Benaon. • KOJAK ---of ~ prob-lema, 1. rookie cop ~....,..to brlbtry, en.a:aaON1 •••• .................. . .,. . • j Shop • HANDMADE QUILTS • GIF"l'. • •ANTIQUES • l"ABRJCS • BEGINNING TO ADVANCED CLASSES • OOLL-MAKING SUPPLIES 2101,.....aw:- ("-t To~•. •AdMl&I 14.1-3112 JANUAR<r~s Salon of Beauty The Total look by Newport's finest Artists offering: •Waxing • JutlettM • Mlinc:ures • Pedicures • Make-up • M~Leuons • FllCialt • Sculptured Naits Sculptured Nails 2 sets for the price of one valued at $55.00 2400 ~·Pacific Coast Highway, Suite "2" Newport Beach. Across from Cano's Restaurant (714) 645-3418 CALL .· # .. -·· I I I ·r I I I I I ! I l ""J frlday Mondnt Grid i ~ ~ 2 ~ ~ 'O ;t ~ 1: 00 8so 9: 10: 11: 12: 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: KNXJ IJ u.-.-1 Momlng News .. .. .. .. OneOey Al A T11111 Alice .. The Puce Is Righi Taltlelales Young And The Restless .. AsThe Wond Tums ~cnr::or Tomorrow Guiding Light .. Roc:klOfd Files .. 8¥ney Mtller News .. News .. KN80 ·D u.....- Today .. .. .. .. .. .. Rlgls PNlbin Blodl- buslers Wheel OI FOf1unt Baltleslau .. Password Plus The Doctors !Mys Of Oor Uves .. .. Allother World .. Teus .. .. .. Donahue .. Bob NewhMt Ent•· twvnent News .. .. . KTlA KA8C KFMB • D II u.-.-La ...... .. __. - 700 Good Morning Club Morning News .. America .. " .. " .. .. Slinup " .. San~ Ho4 .. Fudge " .. Ridllrd A.M. One Day 5"nlnons Los AIA Time Leewn Angeles Ab To Women .. Big love ThePnce Valley Boal Is Rll!~t .. .. .. .. Bonlllla Family Yoong And .. Feud TheRestlen .. Ryan's .. .. Hope .. Trighl All My Newt Zone Children .. Twiligtll .. AsThe Zone .. Wond Hour -Onel.lte Turns M~ To LNe .. .. Search For .. .. Tomorrow John General Guiding Davidson Hospital Light .. .. .. .. .. .. .. EdgeOI John .. Night Dlvlclton Ridllrd People's .. Simmons Court .. Emet~ News .. .. MASH .. .. .. Uttle News News House .. On The .. .. Prairie .. .. KHJ KCST KTTV Cl m • .......... .. __. .... ...... The To<llY, Cartoon Froozles Town There Is .. The A Way .. FlifllSI0111S Jim .. F~ Bakket " .. " Gentle .. . Ben Jeck Oonlhue 1 looit La Lannt Lucy Midmorning .. llew!tdled L.A • " .. Richard IOfeamOI .. Simmons Jeannie .. Battles Iara GhOllAnd .. .. Mra.Mlllf Treasure Puaword Supet Hunl Pit.II Pay Cards Mttcll The News G.-ne Doc:lorl " Movie: OlysOI MoYle: "Pwclners" Ourl.Nel "Mys1enous .. .. Monattrs" .. .. M " Anottler .. .. Wond .. News .. .. .. .. .. Ironside Texas Open .. .. line .. .. The .. " Wanons Mo'<il: Hour .. ··eov. M~ .. Gin" Bewilched .. .. .. .. 1.1"11 8'1dy .. House Bunch .. OnThl Bracly .. --Prwie Bunch Koi~. News Incredible .. Hulk .. .. .. .. .. .. KCOP K~'" • ti) La ...... .......... Buos Business 8oMy Repol1 Kartoon Yoga For Kamival Hnllh .. 8lg Slue .. Marble Popeye Villa Altgte Romper Seaame Room Street Mo-tie: "Pals OIThe ClasStoom ~·· TV INNNewt .. .. " Love. ArMtt Why In Style The World? LO'fl, AIMtt. Fosl~ng Style McMe' Dick "The Clvttt ExplosM °* Geoeralion .. Easy .. Clusloom .. TV .. " .. .. Superman .. .. " Popeye .. .. .. Bugs You And Bunny TheU- Scooby You And Ooo TheU- 1<111oon 3-2-1 Karnival Contact .. Mrsttf .. Rogers The Sts8me Flinlstones SI reel Scooby .. Ooo .. KOCE • "::C -- Personal Finance OH Painting 8od'V Bo<ldles M1stet Rogers 3-2-1 Contact Electnc Company Bean Sprouts EDucatlooal Proarammlng .. .. .. .. .. From Jumps tr eel Educational Progrtmn'MI 10 .. Gulen Teg Mister Rooers Sesame Street .. .. V'octory Gatden MllCNeil Lehrer Owl' Easy Cllectmg UOut 'Code.Red' tip saves UXJman HOLLYWOOD (AP>' Rob,r t Juoson. 11 . o f Clearwater, 1-'la .. saved h1i. mother from choking .i week after watching u demonstration of the He1'nl1ch Maneuver on ··\ode Red .·· says a ">pokesman for ABC. He used the technique on Uec 13. 1981 . when his mother. Phyllb Megan1 s larted to chok e from something 1n her throat Young Janson wrotc the producers that he had learned the procedure from a safety tip broadcast al the end of the ABC series. the network says Robert Preston and Lynn Redgrave s tar in th e murder thriller Cold Readtng · for CBS The movie also features L aw r ence Press man . Wilham Daniels. Patrick Macnec. Madolyn Smith and Jeff Goldblum. David Green directs the film from a secreenplay by Richard Levinson and William Link Pres to n portrays a playwright who uses the device oC a play within a play in an attempt Lo trap a suspected murderer_ Miss Redgrave plays his fiancee and leading lady Peter O'Toole. J odi Foster and Elizabeth Ashley star in the CBS rnov 1e "Svengali , .. currently in production in New York City Not all stars do soap operas By LYNDA HIRSCH • Q : I recetl&ly saw "Taps," aad Ute yeu1 male lead, 11.motlly Hut1oa, looked ramWar to me. My rrte11ds say ate aever dJd a soap, bot !Hy say ld.1 ratber wu aa actor, and I woeder if be ever appeared oa a serial. -G.J ., Rllllllemede, N.J. A: Timothy's father was the late Jim Hutton, a superb actor. As Car as we can track down, neither Jim nor Tim ever did any work po soaps. You may remember Tim's father from such movies as "The Horizontal Ueutenant" and the TV show "Ellery Queen." Jim Hutton wu always considered an excellent actor, but did not have the breaks or powerful scripts that his son nm has been able to latch onto. Q: Caa you tell me If Ole perfwmen who play Luke aad Laura knew eaclt odler before appearla1 to1etheT oa "General Hospital!" -M.W., Cape Coral, Fla. A: Genie Francis and Tony Geary met for the firs t time when they worked on "General Hospital." There is a mistaken belief that every actor in the business knows every other actor in the business. Not true -in fact, it'll rare that a soap star from one show will know a soap star from another show, unless they met each other in a Broadway play or through friends. To show you how small tbe performer's circle can be, Katharine Hepburn, who starred in "On Golden Pond" wUh Henry Fonda, has remarked that this was the first Ume she had ever really met Fonda except for a brief hello once years ago. It seems strange that two movie greats practicing in the same golden movie era would hardly have met. Q: I've been watcblalJ "A..tber World" for year•, ud I'm very dltappelated &bt Pat la . lent.1 tile •lllow. I tMDk ~at Ulll II a .... e. Wu It ~e ac:treu' elloket -1.c., S.C. PlaJM, N.I . A: Beverly Penberthy did not want to leave tbe show, although at a preu conference at Sardi'• rt1ht after "Another World" terminated her cot&M. =a t11F111 •;a a ;aa a a seen her character dwindle down to almost nothing. Beverly is an accomplished actress who has done many plays while appearin1 on "Another World." She is not opposed to working on another soap. but she's been vocal about her unhappuies! with "Another World." As it happened, during the luncheon at Sardi's, Dorothy Lyman, who played Gwen on "Another World" and is now seen as Opal on "All My Children." charged that Pl"Octer & Gamble, the company that produces "Another World," was always "sticking their nose into things," while Penberthy said "not true" -that P & G kept their opinions and criticisms to themselves. Spoken like a, true job-seeker! EILEEN FULTON has decided to lake a tfiree-monlb leave or absence as Lisa on "As the World Tums." Eileen is Hollywood-bound and hopes to land on suc h prime-lime shows as "Fantasy Island" or "Love Boat." This is not the first time Eileen has taken a leave of absence. One time when she did it, the studio was deluged with thousands of letters. At that point she started to make one of the first pr1me-time soaps on TV. called "Our Private World." Eileen maintains the reason that show flopped was that ita time slot was changed every week. "ANOl'HEB WORLD" has signed up Harold Rollins from the smash motion picture "Ragtime" to play Bob's brother. Rollins, wb08e episodes are already airing, will be on for another two weeks. He recently lpst· out at the Golden Globe awards for "best newcomer" to Pia Zadora. JORN \flNTHERS is exiting as producer or "All My Children." Replac-ing him will be Jacqueline Babin. Winthers, who took over from Bud Kk>ss over three years •eo. feels that he's done all be wanted to do with the ahow, including the use ot lots of locations from New Orleans to 'Zurich, openini up the show by having shots of the exl,riors ol homes, a variety of other visual l e~fttU and fantuy "enes. Wialbera bu rJ8Ul SHE'S DETERMINED -Ashley Marshall I Pam Long) is determined to keep her marriage and family together . despite secrets from her past and her husband's interest in another woman on NBC 's (Ch. 4 l daytime drama ... Texas." airing weekdays al 2 p. m . special new destination In mind. Prior to "All My Children" he produced for Sonny and Cher and David Frost's interview with Rld1ard Nixon. Hovt.a qwstion.obout pr /otJOrite IOClP or toap •tar'? Write to Lpda Hfr.ch, clo fi'itld N~r Svnd~ate,.P.O. Bo:i ltaO. Inn. Coif. tt71f. SM"'"' f~'Sr~'ILr~~,:~~w ........., ___ .... _ Daft11ne Drama - Salem strangler is unmasked By LYND.\ HlRSCll i\U.. MY auu>REN: As Donna and Chuck make their way down the treacherous mountain during the snowst.orm, they discover a cave and lake shelter. Realizing they may die in the storm, the twosome are swept up in a moment of passion and make love. FeariD& the worst after a call ·rrom Melanie. Phoebe mes to Switzerland to discover Chuck lnd Oonoa have been rescued. Phoebe walks into Chuck's hotel room and discovers Melanie sharing his bed. Chuck tells Donna not to tell Palmer about their lovemaking. Angry with Brandon when he 1Uggests she'll never have a line of Erica cosmetics, Erica turns to Kent. Brandon retaliates by not giving Kent information on Sensualle. AN0111ER WORLD: Raebel is thrilled when Tom Nelson, a sculpturing apprentice recommended by Mitch Blake. comes to Bay City. Tom, unknown to Rachel. is involved in a group called Male Panthers, which works toward gaining child custody for estranged fathers. Tom feels it's time to snatch baby Matthew, but his~cotltact Dean Andrews says it is a mistake. When Tom s house appears to be" robbed, Raebel says he should move in with her. Havmg fallen in love with Rachel by reading James' book. Sam asks her to many him but. Raebel says it's too soon After Anne sufrers a breakdown, Cecille is accused as the cause but blood tests exonerate her. AS 11IE WORLD TVRNS: Tom and Margo. with the help of Bruno, escape the castle just before it blows up killing Mr. Big. Tom and Margo realize they love each other. Deeply· in love with Tom. Mauit~ plans a homecoming surprise party. John's best·selling book has Lisa and Lila furious over its storyline wt\ich closely matches their lives. Ariel tries to seduce John. After Annie passes her medical exams. the Stuarts hold a tirief family ttwtloo. Steve finally gets a job as a brick-hauler ror a little more than S4 an hour and feels emasculatea by that and bis Impending divorce from Carol. Barbara not only {i!fuses to sleep with James but refuses to let him touch her. DAYS OF OUR LIVES: Trish plans a horror-movie party to promote the opening ol Shenanigans. As the party draws nearer, Trish and JuJle become jittery. Evan is stunned by the news ol bis father's de.th in prlson. Mary believes that someone has tampered with the Andenion corporation books. Lee tells Marlena that Ste~hano is Renee's rather. Lee wams Doug lo keep Julie away Crom Stephano. Mary is choked by the strangler but she struggles to free herself and pulls off his mask, discovering her stalker ls Jake. DOCn>RS: Theo manages to reconcile Katy and Greta after Greta accuses Katy ol t.uminc Lee Ann against her. AIU\ea tells Greta ii lhe conlloues to make scenes in the hospital she will not be allowed to visit Lee Ann. Wantini to m..rey M.J ., Mike upset tbal ll'atLls divorcing Maggie. Bamey warns Luke that Natalie is using him by pushing a redecoration of the Medicine Man. but Luke threatens to buy hU father out If ftamey doesn't go along with fixing up the place. Billy comes back to town and receives more copies ol Natalie's diary and threatening notes. Believing Natalie is blackmallin1 him, Billy warns her that be also can play rough. EDGE OF NIGHT: Raven. Ured or the image of a widow, buys a red dress and plans a vacation, much to Geraldine's surprise. Leaming that she is president of Phillips IntemationaJ, Raven now has enoucb money Lo fire Cliff and hire a new lawyer. Wbea a stranaer looks In the window, Nora calls for help. Spencer pulls olf the widow's veil and is stunned by bis dJecovery. Spencer tells Nora that it was just a stran1er. LeamJnc Utat Jody and G•vln are in Ute theater group, Raven withdraws all financial aid. Val la unable to get interested in J[elly because she still loves Jim. SCORNED -Despite Cecill e Cory's (Nancy Frangionel efforts to win back the affection of her new husbjlnd. Sandy Cor y (Chris Rich l . he continues to remain cool toward her on NBC's lCh. 41 daytime series. "Another World." seen weekdays at 1 p.m. Vanessa destroyed Carrie's wedding aown and sent a cruel (ift. to the shower. Both refuse to believe Vanessa's deslre for friendship. Vanessa breaks into Ross' bachelor party. Everyone gathen for Carrie and Ross' wedding. Renfield's hostility toward Nola grows as Nola gets more responsibility and takes more Uberties with Quint. ONE UFE TO UVE: MarN!lo tells Katrina that Mary is her baby, not Jenny's. At first Katrina does not believe this, but becomes more suspicious when she confronts Peter and 14arry and gets few answers. She then decides to confront Karen. Larry tells Karen he wants to go away with her. With Mary's hospital records missing, Will insists that Mary be brought back in to duplicate the medical tests. Ivan Is upset when Dr. Cervantes Crom San Carlos comes to Uanview. Ivan decides that he wants Larry to come to the lab, so he once again reactivates the electrode and questfons Larry about Karen and Dr. Cervantes. Mimi refuses to go to bed with Asa and be insists that one day she'll come crawling to him. aY.\N'S ROPE: Yvonne hears Ari tell Joe about the golden orb which wUI lead them to the Martt Kara shiine and to the river-of-gold fortune. Yvonne and Mischa kidn•l> Ari and Faith. Yvonne threatens to kill Faith unless they are told about the orb's whereabouts. Ari refuses. Faith, wanting lo save her life, tells Yvonne where the orb ls. As Yvonne goes to get It from Ari's knapsack, a scurne ensues and Ari is shot and killed. Joe bursts in with several agents including Jonas. Jonas insists that Joe hand over the orb. Joe refuses until be knows what secret It contains. and when told it leads to enough money to make one nation the most powerful in the world, destroys the orb. 8Ei\8Cll FOR TOJIORIOW: Tom between Brian and her career, Suzi ls thrilled when Brian saya·she can be • dancer and also have him. In seartb of an ' incriminating rum. the ninja a(aln attacks SuM,Y. but ls GENERAL HOSPITAL: David's plan to steal the driven away by Dane, who admits Co Sunny bis jewel-studded tiger by ilJuaion goes awry when Mel's eovemment connecUon. He is upset wh~ she muses lo projector fails. Just at that moment. Laura T and Jackie keep his mission conftdentlal. The ninja aets mlo Tumer spot one another. Luke chases alter-Laura T, falls down lnstroment.s lab and makes a perforaUoo in Travis' and ls knocked unconscious as David alms his car at protective mask which he'll use durl.ng testlne. When Luke. When Alan and Susan's lovemak(na nops •lain. he Tra"" sees the ninja in the spacesuit he lhinks it's Lee. goes to see Dr. Katz. Alan furious when Monica decides Tra~ is attacked and struck unconscious in the to go to Paris to vtllt a French doctor. With Rick giving gas-rilled lab. him a clean bill or health heart-wise. Johnny p~ares to retu m to the ring an4 goes to New Yon to find ..his old manager, Packy. After a session with Dr. Kats. Atu)e lrles to seduce Noah, wbo reject.I her, aayln1 he does not want to ndn their frieadlhip. .I I ,r-........................................ ~~ ·i IS AN INCREDIBLE WAY TO .,, SAVE THOUSANDS l . $$ OF DOLLARS $$ i everyday ••• all year long on purchases you regularly make Save money on: • Restaurants • Hotels • Automobiles • Car Rentals • Furniture • Appliances • Travel/Entertainment & More Plus ... ntl CA.ID provides • $50,000 Travel Accident Ins. • Fantastic Group legal Service • Credit Card Protection • Monthly Newsletter and MORE Cal 667-tJ777 for co.,11te iwfuo .. 111t'-OI' NM flllt C .... llOW r----------·-----------1 "" Il l ~ I ~~I ·~·11532 s. , ......... Ste. A ===·=· == s.... .... Ca. 92705 Y". I wwit to uve money -please send me THI CAID . . enclosed p.._. find m .95 ($24.915 6eniof' Citizens~ I understand my fH will be refunded within 30 d8Y$ if not completely Ntlsfled. Make Checks payable to: 1MI CAD. Name-------------~ City ____________ z1p __ - Phone-------· om of Birth __ _ ~---------------------~ o 1982 P9clflc Aaeoc. Administrators, Inc.. t!J . Wbttreto 99 this weekend? m Pllot\Veeltender ENTERTAINMENT MAGAZINE New loolcJ ........ !Wery FttMyt I --~ • ,, II ! Mswle GUlile~ fOr the \Week ~ ~ ! Friday movies ~ UOCl)••\t "lonV~ °*" ltown" ( 1979) ~ meted. onee.d by .. MelendU Snoopy end Wood1tock toll ow _,_. ... Chel'l9 ltown. ~ "9t1)', Llnul and ...a. on .,.. llCl\Oentw.-.i tour ol EnglMd end F,_ •o· 7:00 CD) •• \t "Aougll Cut" (1N0) fM1 ~. L ... 19y-Anne Down. A Br'ltllh IOdellt• lurll .,.. .,,..,.. tlonlll jewel thlll out ol retirement to help 1111' •teel $30,000.000 In dlemondl. 'PG' (%) * * * "All Night Long" (18811 Oene Hldlmen, Blrbre StrltMncl. Altlf being demoted trom oor- por8'• llQCUtM to dlllfl-- ltore night maneoer. a ~man'•..._ ~and vllllMI are turned ~own ·R· 7:30 Ci}tt * * ,;T-" ( 18791 Nutuela Klnlkl. ,_.., Finl\. Tiie deugtltar of a poor Engll1h farmer blconlll "" Yictlm ol her fatn11y•1 ~ and her own bealty. ·A· t:OO. "9'u<le L-. Hie I.alt o.rt And l(lgflta'. 9eety Tint Pel. a doee friend of 8r\ICI LM, talkl about the '-Kung Fv """*· ® *'h "a.ti°"" And Thi CIKN Of Tile Oregon °"'91" (1811)Rll* IJld. "°"· FllclMrd Hatdl.awtle Chan la aided by hll bufn.. bing grandlon In IOMtlg a Wing of murdlrl.. 'PG' Cl)•*"' "e.c.p. From Alcatru" (1878) Cllnt EHtwood, Patrick Mc:Ooohan. A hardened oon'flc:t INllll tlabof• plane to bfllk out of the ~pi'llon. 'PO' •** ''SepweNWay9" (19801 l<¥en Bledt. Tony Lo BIWlco. A young ~ p1e • • fallufe to COfM'IUnl... ca .. r-1y ,__.. In ttll dlltr\ICtlon ol thllr mar- riage. 'A. l:IO (%) * •• ''The Oooe Of Wiii'' (tMO) a.....- Wllken, Tom a..no-. Mar being totWted and dlpor1ed by an African dictator, a merc~ary retuma to .... a ,..,.. lion. 'R' t:OO •• **"'"The PTia Flghtar" (18781 Tim Con- ..,.y, Don Knotll. Art .... boll« end hit emart-aAedt "'*"""' try to GUM the moC> durtng the ~ lion. CD)*** "P~" (IMO) Robin Wllllarna. ~ Duvall. While Marching tor hie father, the aplnach-eat- lng Mllor vlalta a quelnt hamlet .... he •• up I foundling and I lklmy -u-t.'PG' t:ao (Jj) •• * "Simon" ( tlMIOI Alen Min. Auettn ~ ton. Sdentlltl 111 ~ ly mlldlrectecl thtnll ... conYlnce I bUmbllng .. • prof...ot thet he la .. ..., from OIMr ""8CI• 'PG' 10:00 Cl) * * * '.t "The Wwt We Were" (18731 Barbre 8trelllnd, Aobart'Aedtord. A young COiiege couple In the 1830a dl9c0¥9r ltlet their polltlcll ..... _ .,. ..,.,... ..,.,.,. to,... ..... mem.g.. ..... ,.~ .. (1N1)..._..,......, ~ .... ,_, .... ........ I ...... LIVING DESPERATELY -Doug McKeon and Tricia Cast star in "Desperate L ives," a motion picture that deals with the repercussion of dr ug abuse,,among teen·agers. The Cilm will be shown Saturday at 9 p.m. on CBS <Ch. 2>. ~ lnlteblled by I demented bartl• Ind ..... monlttOUI aon. 'R' 10:IO (%) * ·~ "DMnl Mid-,. •. (18IO) Bette Mlcler, The .......... Tllll fllll'I r~d of Mldlar'I concer1 perbw•IOll ll IN P- _,. CMc Audltor1um In ~.tHO,.....,,_a verjeC)' ol -.. from camp lt.andardl to rocll bllledll. punctueted by I --ol rliUndly mono-~·A' , 1:00 CC) •• *"' ''The Hawing" (188 t) Dee W1ll1ce. Pllrick Macnee. A woman rec><>rt• la "***' by a killer who -to be 1 -l'#Olf. 'Fl' tt:IO. CJ) *·~··A Oun In The HOUM" (1881) Sally 8~. o.Ad ~oyd. A...,_~ rill to mekl an_.,.. of 1 WOfftlll Who lllled Ill lntNder wlttl I hlndgun. CID ••• "Fort Apecfll, The Bronx" (1N1) Paul ~. Ed lwt«. A tough cop bet1ta Cf1rN Md corruption In New Y or1l Olty'1 SOutfl Bronx ~.·R• 12:00 •• *. "The f'tc1in Of OoNn (hy'' ( 1873) s..ne 8'lant. Nlgtl ~. A min rem11n1 eternllly ~ wtlle Illa portrllt .,_ the .nect of the ~.. . (II) •• '" "Oleth Ship" (1HO) Georoe Kennedy, RldWd Cf9ML Al\er thllr luxury ._ mlplOdll on IN lllgtl -. a ~ ol euntYw9 are "rllCUICI" by • *"· tMack empty \199-.... CJ)• •'h "Smol!ev And The 8lndlt U" ( tHOI lur1 ~ Jeckle Oleelon. 8'Mwffl Buford T. Jultlce Ciiia In hla two ._ bfotherl to ltoe> a r«lred bootlegger, the Bandh, "°'" ~ a blby ..._,V PG' • ** * "Fnl Feml!Y'' (tieo) Olcla ........ lob ......... "'-MlllllillY .... ,,,,,.,.,., oftt. ~ ............. .... .....,OM,1~1111 .. .............. '° 12:06 (%) * • "8cntodf'(18731 John Lendll, Seul Kahln. A ""°'*•• bele¥ld to be a genetlC "mlMlno llnll ... oo-on•~ oft•· ror. •PG' 1l:IO(C) **** "Anlmll Creek.... ( 1930) ....,. Brothere, Mergaret Dumont. Ciptaln Spauld- ing. the Atnean ~. r911HM from a r-1 ~Ion to wreell hawc II a IOCllty m1tron'1 WMltend perty. •o· 1:00. ••'A ''The 8oretr*'t" ( 1887) 8orl1 Kerlolf, Caltlerlne l.-y. A couple de'l4M 1 rnadllne tNrt can control the wllt ol o«herl and prOftlC)tly 111 out to t..t ttwtr ln-'lon on .,.. .,ant youth. • * * * "How To Murd.-y-..... (1M6) Jack L-. V1m1 U1I. A ~ ar111l taaout hla fr\lltrltlonl by ptarwllng 1111 wife'• murd.-In 1111 comic ltttp. ••• "Demenlte 13" ( 1894) Wllllam Campbell, l -AncMn. A peydlo- pelfl cll9'8 to the mem- ory of I dMd -.t• le ~forl ..... of ua rnurdlrt In an lf1lh c:Mtte. 1:ao(Jj) ** "FunhouM'' (tit t I Bllllbeltl 9en1clge. 8yMI Miia. FOUf t- __. IPl"d a lrlghttul nlgM In I ~ tun- houM lnllabllld by I demented blrll• Md hie ~eon.'" 1M(I)*** "~"(1NO) Robin W11111m1. Shelley ~. Wtllle Mlfctllng for "" tattler. the ..,.._t- lllO lllilor *"' a quaint ~ wharl he'**' up I founding end a lldnny n :Mtheett. ·PO• 2:00. ** * * "Raging M " (IMO) RoOart De Ntro, Catby Mortarty. Boxing ChlmC*>n .Ilk• La Mo4ta · 1 1ptlt11d1 lor violence """"' him -In ... ting ..,. *"'* hla per-............ (%) ··~ ""'*°"" {1113) ,..,. ~. ~ ttofliMn. A pelt of 2: 19 CC) * * "5 Flnglfl Of Oleth" (1873) LO llltl. Weng Ping. A young ~ naee kung lu ttudlnt m .. ters hla art to ~ a leading expert Ind natior.- 11 chemplon. 2:20. * * * "On A CtMr 09y You Cin S.. FfKfNlr" (1'10) llr'brl 8trelearld. Y-MontMd. A young wornlll ~ .. llal ESP wfllle try1ng to curb -~Ing. l:IO. * * ''That MWI George" (1M7) George HM!llton, Cleudinl /Wotllf. A gang of UlleYaf plot the thlfl ol • tottuM In gold bullion from 111 armored truck tn Morocco. • *"'"Twisted Brlln" (1874) Pet Cardi, John ~A~~ ever • clrMll by fore. out9de '* COfltrOl to com-- mlt fr.med -of --•• 1:11. **!Ai "'IMyWon't lelwt ..... (1947) "'*" Young. ...... ~A "*' tecee ctlerOR ot mur-dertr\e 1111 ... .... .,,. oonwnllll ...... 1:A1 Cl)**• 'A ''TN Wrt W• Were" (1173) Berbra Strelllr>d, Robart Radford. A young college COllple In the 1t30e ~ tlMlt their poltlcll -..a. ., • .uong _.to,... ardllie their~ '*'CC) ••• "The,_.., .. Coutaoe" ( 1te3) Dirk ....,_ ...,_ Perldly. A Wortd Wat I ..... ottlcar. aw. C-.., i'tpMt96-IY outwits IN Nllll wtlO ..__tohold'*"•1 --~· 4:09 <Bl •• ''The~ BacMdl" (1871) Bos-. eon. Fred W..-. TWo ~ form 1n unueull lrlendlh'9 Ollrlng ""'*' efforu to ~ IMlnY lttldll and *6lflt deeth during the tumlllt11CM11 dayl of World War n. 4.:ao. *'A "NorUlwelt Out· Pott" (UM7) Nlleofl Eddy, lloiw ~ ...... .-ty 11"9of~I.,_,. ... ,..,,.. ...... ..,. ....... ......,_.., .......... ....,, . ( 188 t) 0-Hide man, Blrtlf1 Sttelland. Alter being demoted from cor- porate executive to chaln- ttor• nlgllt fnlnlOll'. a mid~ man'• Ill• lbW and,,.._ -turned ~.·A· Saturday movies l"IMUNf( %1, 1112 A#tl...x>N 12:00. * * * "With Six Y04J Get Eagrotl" (!Na) Dor1r 09y. 8111n Keith. Dllplte the fact thlt thW dllldren don•t get l6ong. a widow Md 1 ~ dedde 10 marry. CC> • *"' "Cieopetrl Jonee" (1873) Tamare Oobeon, Sn.Illy WI,,..,._ A lulr*"trlinld temlle ~ tor the United Stat• government tr ... to break "" ., lllegll dnig ()9er• tlon. 'PG' (I).·~ "8tow-Up" (1Me) OeYld Hemmings, y.,_. ~. When a ~ London photogra- pher hll aorne o1 1111 pie. tur• bblwn ""· hi di9cov-.,. whit llPC)MrS to be a murd.-. •• ·~ "Plndlc:llft 0'8nd Prtx'• (IMO Anlmet- ecl. """ Illa c. dlligll .. etotenbyanu~•. a brllllant mechanic deddll. to bulld 1111 -bet1lr r-*lQ rnadllnl end ~· with Illa nemeala. ·a· (l)•••"fhl~' ( 1880) Olda Ridner, Bob IMwhart. The MXUllly reprllMd cleugMar ol the country'• welldllt pr-. dentlal lwnlly compllcat• her ,...... attempt• to conduct the alfllrl of ltate. •fl' 12:ao ••• "Joehua" ( 1878) Frid Wllt1am1«1, IHla Vega. A CM1 Wlr IOldler retuma from beetle to find a bWld ol mar9Uderl hie ravaged hie home. (Jj) * * '!\ "The Min Who Sew Tomorrow" (ttatl Doc;umentary. Nerratld by Orlon W.._ FooU91 ol _,..he~ and drll'Mtlc: ....aeelloi• of Illa .... _,... tNa IOot • tlle 17~ F1'9fldl ptlyllcleft. '*otooer and mylffc. M6dlel de ,._, .. o.m.. known -Noetr.---. ·PG' 1:00. * * * "ltue HllWlll" ( 1M2) EMa Prllley, ~ .. Lanabury. Whan I -dler return• to hi• H......,, hotne. he tall• I job with I tourllt bufe.u eoaintt the ldvloe qf '* ~ti. • * * ~ "CUln0'/9'1 8lg Night" (1854) Bob H~. Joan FonUi1ne. A tallor'I appt9ntloe oeta Into trou- ble wtlel\ he m~ .... grMl lover e- ll& 41 ··~"Punlult"(1872) e.n Gunra. e.o. M•- INll. A polltlcll ICtMli m11tc:llll wlll wtth an egen1 wtlo trlll to 1top the lor· m.-fl"om ct.tr¥io a 1ar91 U.S. city • 1:30 CC) * * * "Oh Oodl Book II" (18801 0-0-Bums, 8Ul8nf!e Plllhllte. Ood re111r111 to E1rth •nd ctloOeel the )IOUnO deugh- tw ol WI lld"9f tllll IQ UIC> vtM to ipfeed '* -!!ill' kl t11e -'It. 'PO' •••• ''T'he Comjle41- llon" (1llO) NdWd Df~· --. Nlft irww.. TWo ...... -II t tlM FGllOlloo ""'* OOf111'91Mofl find ClllftCIUGt ... ..... of • o..tr• ·~ OOIWtet• ~ ..... ...... _ profe111onat ambltlon1. 'PG' 1:48 (%} * • "High Country" (18811 Timothy Bottome. Linda Purl. Art eecaped ... conYlct and hie hlln<lt- capped glrlfrlend n.. to the mountalna. 'PG' 2:00 •• ·~ "Batmllll" (1Me) Adam Wiit, Burt Ward. ~Oii 811- men and Robin we thrMt· "*' by the combined forcae of lour dlltatdty uo~ WOf1d flgur11. • "Friendly Fire" (1"8) Clrol 811rnett, Hid 8Mtty. Thi 11ory of a couple wflO try to ftnd out wttet rNlly ~ to thllr eon In Vietnam. 18 * * * ''Ryan'• Dauoh-ter" (1970) Serlll Miiie. Robert MltellUm. Aller having an attllr with a Brll- lltl of1lcaf. the wlla ot an lrtllvnan " tuaplcied of ~anlJ\lomwr. CH> • * ~ "Borderline" (1880) CNw1ll Broneon. Bruno Kltby. A police ofll.- cer c11-. a arnuggllng • ring operating llOng Iha Mexican bord.-and trlel to keep lnc:omlng alien• trom ~--to rvthllla -'lllOp own- ers. 'PG' (I)*** "TwoWllkt In Another Town" (1"2) Kirk Oougl.u. Edward 0 . Rot>- lnaon. A milglllded llC1or llndt happiMA In 111 lllllWlt producer''• job. a:00 • • ·~ .. Jadl And nie a.en.tall" ( 1962) Abbott and Coltello. ~ 8-. Wllltl beby-eltllng, Lou f... lllMP Ind dreeme tie'• Jlldl the OIMt Killer. • * *'A "l.o¥9 In A Oold- 11111 8owf' (111111 Tommy Sandi. Flblll'I. A pair ol eOlllge ltudentl ependlng a plltonlc vecatlon at • bMetl hOuM are lnterruc>t· ecl by 1 conru.d eoeet Ouwdaman. a:ao CC> •• *"' •'Tfle Wiid Chlld" (1870) JIM.Pierre cargol. Francola Truffaut. An 18tfl.C«ltury phyliclan attemptl to c:Mllze 1 12· ,...,.ofd boy lound IMng wtld In the loreett ol Francie. 4:00 Cl) • *"' ''Sofnlwtler• In Time" (1980) CM•opher Aeave, J-Seytnour. OOMIMd with ... portfllt ol I 18tll-centuty 1CV911. 1 rnodem-d4l.)' i.w Y0111 playWl'lgtlt Ulll hypnoela to trawoll becll In tlma and meet her. 'PO' l:OO •••• "let'• Mek• "°"9" ( 1880) Martlyn Mon- roe, Y-MontMd. A WMlth)' man le hlf.s by an oft~ prodllcar to ~t· hlmllff. Cl:)* *'A "Seven Women" ( 1Me) MtYa 811'1crqft. Sue lyc>i\. w-with Ywylng badlgrounds Ind poei.. tklnl lnterr•t• tn • ON- ,_ mlMlon acnoot. (%) • ••.• ,..,. Oooe Of War" I 1 IMIO) awteeopllef Watllen, Tom ew.noer. Alter being tor1Urld Ind deported by .. All1can dlc:tllor. 1 -c.n•ry recume to i.d • ~­ tlon. •fl• l;IO (Jj) • * * "The Tenth Month" (1878) Carot Bur· neu, Keith Ml1clhlll. A mkjl. d ... flO'd. dlllofold .oman blcomle ~ Md decldll to kMP the~· .... * ... "The 9apMnt Man" ( 1880) JOl'ln HUl't, Anthony Hoplllna. A .,._ cated phplctM tall• under '* Wint I llOrrtlly deb'IMd "*' .._ .. untl "*' ..... ~ """' lnCll*PINlllWAlttol• 'PG' Mailtenance Free WINDOWS For· L~fe! I ARE YoUR WINDOWS ... 0XlllZ£D -DUE TO OCEAN AIR INFLUENCE? DRAFTY & COLD, CAUSING HIGH FUEL Bll:LS? EXPENSIVE TO PAINT & MAINTAIN? DANGEROUS TO CLEAN? • ARE YOU i=ED UP WITH YOUR OLD & UGLY WINDOW PANES? SAVE ENERGY, SAVE MONEY· WITH I 000/o RIGID PVC FRAME WINDOWS & PATIO DOORS YIS, PUASI S .. D Ml MOii IMFOIMA TIOM OM: 0 llGID "C WINDOWS 0 PATIO DOORS NAME: .................................. Phone:( .... ) .............. . ADDRESS: ....................................................... . CITY: .............................. STATE: ...... ZIP : ............ ' Eich Corporation L.A. TROCAL .. WINDOW OfVISION -ATTN. MR. W . KJNDOR · -I I 08 W. Colorado Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90041 12131 254-6885 ------------ Distinctive Fashion Every Sunday t9 . ilai-.i"4"·------....-.----------------------·~ MARCH 4, 5 & 6 10-aPM BONUS I A FREE Rand MdWly Road Mm And Tl"8Vel Qulcle when JoU look Into our SfLECT DRIVER Pl.Ant Must Dates If YotJ Want Lower Car Insurance Rates MMONTGOMERY WARD INSURANCE CENTER 7777 EDINGER AVE. (Huntington Beach Center) 10-8PM Hui:itlngton Beach Bring 1he Entire Famllyf a.llooll• • Key a.llw • ~ Gifta The Llllat lnfonMtlon On Prefened Car Insurance A Drawing For A Bland l"tew Televllion Forum lnaurance eom.-ny Executive Oflke: 140 South 8Ute Street Qkago. lllnols 60603 FCJUillTOft: t 33 t South tt.d>or (714) 17~5256 JIUS910ft ¥11!.JO: '¥1000 a-own Vlllley Pllltcway (714) 49S-3344 J/fupt7tt ~~l»l/Nd ~M 1912 • WINTEI AVAIWLE * * * *LIMITED llUMBEI COIPOIATE UI IEGULAI IEMBEISllPS COIPOaATI ...,...SHIPS have full club privileges Including a tax advantage. ~bers frequently use our attractive facilities for banquets. boerd meetings, client luncheons and IOdal ectMtlee (minimum 2 famlfles). 11.uua t• ••II~ for famlflee and single peop6e are <>ffwed In a variety of membership programs Including extensive k . programs 12 yra. and up. Wedding receptions and private petties re a specialty at N.B.T.C .. for members only. 11NEW1~ **** A•091C ..... SHIP Taught In our Aerobic Teaching Center by Phil Johnson wltti 12 years experience In physical fitness. S160 Initiation .._ Includes 2 months frM or 24 c1 .... Pl.US e months of enjoyingla PAIULOUS SOCIAL LR. S 100 Initiation fff wllf be ~l«t to any other type member9hip al M.LT.C. TlAMSllRAal for 8 momtha "Only. ht. ... and experience the "good fife." Find dut why the N.B T.C. haa been aucoaeefulfy aatlstying its membert for the past 17 yura. For membership application and Information, please call our S.. Dlt.cter, _..., ._ ~ M4-00H. //~t'~11 ,.JieadcF"~ ~u 2601 EASTBLUFF DRIVE, NEWPORT BEACH. CALt~ 644-00IO [ \ • I • - !-·Movie Gullle for the Week - ------ --------i From Page 28 i u. ~ i::i ;E ! ~ r lY89IG t:OO .... 4'fppl t.oncll*Odi· Ing'' (1918) Inger N191on. P1t Swldbarg.. 1-.d on the tlonet by Attrld Undgren. The ~ ol • younca 8W9dllfl girt wholl ccwnpenlolie .,.. • rnonMy Ind • d~ hOrM _,..old, • **'A "The Porn Porn Flrtl" (1977) Robert Carr• dine, Jennltlr ~· A group of high echOOI ~ plilll kl Clllbflt• gr8duatlon with their own brine! of ucltement. cm•*•* ''T_ .. 11979> Nut.-. K.lntlcl, Peter Flrth. The deughter of I poor Engllah farmer blcomw the ¥lc:tlm ol her fernlly'a Ml*•tlone Ind herown~.'R' (I) *. ~ "Roclllflow'' ( 1980) P8UI Mce«1My lllld Wlng9. Thie r~ ol the bend'a U.S. t°"' lncludee pertof~ of "Jet, .. "Bind On The Run, .. "Silly Low Songe" Wld 10tM old Beetle bllledt. 'PO' l:IO CC) * * ·~ "Cllopetra Jones" (19131 T1mar1 Oot>eon, St*"Y Win .... A bret•trelned len"'8 -oerit tor the UnKed Stataa oo-i--11 tn. to bfeek up .,, llleg9I drug oi-• lion. 'PO' • 7:aG (%) * * "High Country'' (1981) T1moUly Bottoms, u.. Purl. An~ c:cmtct and ""' hlndj.. CICIC>ed gll'tfriend !lee to the l'llCIUrMln9. ·...O· e:toe **~"Vptowns.tur­ day Nlvflt" (1974) Sldneiy Poitier, -ColOy. A tteto- ry WOfMr and • .,..._ .... ~get C8Ugllt up In I gilr9lfld ~ ~ ~ decide to trtll I gerlg- ... who tllld up • tw. CC>***""E~ You Nwfl'f9 W1nled To Koow About Se• (But W-Alrlld To Alli)" (1972) Wocxty Allln, Gene Wiider. A --of comic ·---epool9 Dr. Dfttd Reuben·• bell·••lllng bOOk In lddltlon to other MIOtted t1tgeta. 'R' Cl) * * * ''The Comped.. tlon'' (lMO) Aldw'CI °"¥- "-.Amt lrWlg. TWo ~ Ila It I Sell Fr8"dlco mwlc: ~ltlon find "'-' .. lo¥I '°' .-:fl Oltlll' coMllc:ta with their profHllonll M'lbltlona. 'PG' t:oO. <ll . .,.._ Attd Aob-..r1: The Secret AdffnturH 01 Tom ...,., Attd HIO FIMR (Pre111ler•I Pltrlcll Creedon, Anthony MICllMI. Tom lllld Htldl ~ • plot to con the people of .,..., town out of 115,000. ®**"Bronco_.. {1N0) Clint Eaatwood, 8ondrl Loc*e. A '°"'* • .,_ .....,,_, from N9w Jar-.y,..... .. ._ ol SM lui IMIO In I Wld Wwt lflow. 'PG' (II) • * * "Modem ~· (1911) Alllert lfoob, Kaltwyn Hln'c*S. A llllft do!' lrila ,...... Idly to Mrl becll tM '-1 of the -lie !owl. .,.. • ** •• "Alglng .... ( 1te0) Aoblrt De Niro, Calfly MotW1y. lklldfto cllarnp6ol\ Jelle La Motta'• aptitude tor v1otence .,,... '*" M:IOlll In the ""'Due..,,. ...... ............ ~-(J) ** * . .,.,. ~· ,,.., ........... .,......,,, TM-~ dlntlll IMlly compllce• her ,....., ettempll IO conduct Ille ... ..,. ol ., .... ,.. t:IO CC> • *. "Oii God! 9ooll II" (19801 Geor9I ~ ~ Pteetllne. God return• lo Eerth ind c:hooMI the young ..... tit of .,, .a-tlllng - ullYe to eprMd !ft -NOi to 1111 wotld. 'PO' 10:00. *. ~ "HillflghlerS" ( 1N9) John Weyne. K.ett. rlne ~ A bind CIC c:ou. ~ 111 ........ bettlle 1 apectec:uter oll·well blaze. 10:IO CJ) * * "Phobll" ( 1980) P•ul MlchHI GIHlf. &.... Hogen. A group of ,_,... 1J9tianta -mur-o..cl ICCOfdlng to tNlr lndMOl*lewa.'R' 11:00®**""~"(19'1) Frri Langella, Leeiey· Anoe Down. A rut.hlela black ITllfket lntlqultlle ring atternpU 10 "GP en egyptologill ll'om dllccw· ltlng Ole wi.Mbouta of. ~statue ... -permitted to "'9w. 'PO' 11:ao ••• "The AeletM Solution" (1971) 8uft ~ nolda. Rlc:tlard Andtnon. PoMol detec:tM Oen ~ Yat MWcftll I town tor I pelr of lllllra. • *** "AlverOINo "-turn" U91M) Aoberl Mitchum, Mat1lyn Monroe. A widow., Illa eon and a barrbom entert1lner eac:epe on 1 raft ll'om Ind!- .,, ettadll and • ..,..., gembler who .. lnlent upon llndlno them. Cl)** "BlulS ...... ( 1934) John Weyne, E)M.. nor Hunt. A~ U.S. IMf'lhll conWICla I town not IO -tNlr fOld-rlctl llnd to.~ beftd. GI*** .. ~. (Pw1 1) ( 1971) CMfjlon tMeon. Hlrwy FondL ....,.,_ Ind American mllllary lorcee lqUefe olf tor I ,...,.. and ..... bettil CM- terld ltound I PacMc ....,., during Wottd Wit II. CC> • * * ''Tiie Other Side OI The Mountain -Pett II" (1971) M8l'llyn ......... TlmoChy Bottom1. Former c:nemplon *"'· Jll KJn.. mont. rendlf9d I quadr1- ~by. nglc eoddent. ....... wilt! lllMoutlt 'llflln I -IOYI """9 hlr • .... cm • * "Faec:inatlon" (1NO) A young man'a l.m- lly ""9rfer• lllWI "" ...... ... ., lie -Into .,, ....... t ,.. la pertect tor aldldonl. 'A' ••• * "Ml NIQht 1..0nQ" (1911) 0-Heckman, Berbra Strllaand. Alt« being demoted from cor- por ... exec:utllll to ~ .,,. nlgllt l'lllfllO"'. • mlcldll1 aged man'• .,.. ..,.. and---tumid ~·'"' 11t41* *. * "The Gteat Whft• Hope" (1970) .,.,,_ E.wt .ion.. ~ ~ der. J1cll John1on McorMI the .,.. .,.... ~··--~ ttGI (%) ***""I.Ml Tengo In Parta'' (1973) Marlon •• do, Marl• Schnelder. Direcied by 8emltdo Ber- loluccl A mlddtl-eged man whole unf9llflNI .,.. recently OOl•wftlned ...... Ind .,, "". Mlbed )'Olll18 "°"*' ,.,_ and bepl I complloated alfelr 111rouoiiout WNoh t"-Y ,...,......to_ ........ -· ** "TMJllfdln a.--· lttnt ....... ""'· ............. "'" TOM AND HUCK AGAIN -Patrick Creadon ( lert ) stars as Tom Sawyer and Anthony Michael Hall stars as Huck Finn in "Rascals and Robbers :.... The Secret Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn" Saturday at 9 p.m. on CBS <Ch. 21. The motion picture-for-television is an entirely new ad·venture for Tom and Huck. lor the murder of her for-mer boylrlend. • ··~"lnnOfThl F1'ght.nld ,..,..... •• (1172) Join Colllna, J1mea 8ooCll. ~ owr IN brvtll murder of tMlr yGUng dlught«, I oouptl .. out '° "'" hlr klller • .,., but hon'lbll ..... ol lflllr 'Mio-IOI. Cl) * ''The ~ Rider'' (1935) JoM Weyne, Mar· Ion llum9. A cowtioy -IM ~ when lie llel I llloot-out with rempaglng outtews. Cl) * "The A..-.ntng" ( 1980) ()wfton HeMon. 8uHnn1h York. An • Wd\elOIOgllt'I daugMlr ~iia111111dbytlle "'869\.,.. .,.,.. of .,, endant fepden queen. .... 1•® ••it"c.my'' (1te0) Jodie Folter, Gary 91*Y. Alt ICtventurOUI 1GUn9 women )Olrll • cerntval troupe and leltnl aboUt Ille l'llddln emotlol\I lllld INatr 1tl0nt behind Ille ""'-heppll ... of tfll ;1°'" .. a; 'R' t:1f * •• ~ ''Tiie Wld CMd" (1970) ~ Carvol. Frencota TrulflUl. An 1 lhll-CantUty pftyliclln lhmP't to ~ a 12· ... -old bo, found Mng ..... In .. lcnal8 ol ,,_ , ••• * * ..... Of Lale ...,... (1ts9) JoM 0... Waneta Hendrix. Two 008lt Gu1td-,_., -tfll -girt, erldll'O In one'• demotion Ind lie Oltllr'• ....... ••••''FMC-'-*" (1•)~ Mot· ,., Jolwl Cetr .... COur- • • oowerc11oe .. ... ~ by 12 Pllllf191R .e.o ..... .... cir-. .... ,....,.... l--.o··--......... •Al -Dow?'° ( "'7) NW• y Oftt •• UtUa Italy Ilea trt»- ble ect,...ine ---Ill lmbltll• on 1 rom.tne1 wtttl I blonde WASP. 1:11(1)•• "Olllaxlna"(1MO) DotOChy Stranen, Avwy Sdlr'lltler. A robot le midi In tfll. lmllgl of I ~ -who doell't't have humanfalllnga.'A' Cir*. * ''The Doge Of Wet'' ( 1te0) ChrtltoPhlr Wallen, Tom Blnnglr. Aft« being tortured Md deported by In Afrtcln dictator. 1 m•cenary returna to .., • ~ lion. 'R' 2:Af CC>** •it "~'O You ~ WIM9d To l<now Aboul s. (lut w-Ahld To ,AllllY' ( ttn) WOOIJo/ A-. Gene Wiider. A --·or.- ..._ ..... Gr.~ AeuNn'a l>Mt ...... lnt II°'* In ...... to °""' _.. ............. ~ l:IO®*'&~OfA .,,...,.. n•tt Lann Tew.1, Jennller ~ l.elF. Ail ~ TV NIPO'tlr ..... ~ 'elPOi ... -..... °' '!P9 MJU del &. .... MO•••"T'Mllt&net" ( 1942) Henry F'OJlde, lMOllte lell. A -"'lfl ftlthtdub """" 1ek• ....... of 1 llut bo(I !Owe. I •• '* .... ·-n.e.Ot ._.. (1947) ""'°" Tracy,~ ....-..m. PW*~..,_. ... ,...... to Mlle the 1!!118 •• --· ... **" .. ...., .. ,,., NoNtd ~.*to IMO. A p9folt0klf'Cel 11 ... J llIM~ II...., to ........ ..,..,.., ......... .,. .......... .................. .. (I)••·.,......·---...... MloflMI Gt...,, ......... A .... . . ....... ,_. .. ..... ....,.m_ .. .. eon" 119131 .-vce Lae. Johll ~ A llung ll P.l*1 la llllgned to.,.,. trate an lllllld tonr-In order to deltroy .,, opium and wtllt• ~ emp!N. .... 4:11 CC> • • ·~ ··s.wn w_ .. {1He) Anl\I Banc:nlft. Sue l.)oon. w-with Ylt)'lng becllgrounds end poel- tlona lntenelete In a Chi- ,_. milllorl ldlool. IH) **'~"Sphtnll"(1M11 Frank~~· Anne Down. A ~ black market 1111Jquhlel ring attempll to 1top an egyptologill from dilcov- ltlng the .,..MbOUta ol • pricl6m -----... permitted IO view. 'PO' 4:20. ••>A "Choppy And The PrlnCllt" {1973) Anl- mlted. Choppy, the Cf1c:k. et Angel. 1a lle9wn-..it to ICt .. guerdlen -ttle SlMnlnd~ Sunday movies flMUARY .. ttl2 AfT9'NOOH 12:00. * * * ''The Gteet G1t1by" (19741 Robert Redford, Ml• F1rrow. 8..-d on the rlOYll by F. Scott Atzgerald. A weelthy 1t20a bootilgger deYot• Ills Ille 10 redllmlng .,,. WOl'llllnlleio-. (I)*** "Mogembo" ( 1954 I Cllr1I Olbll, A YI Gardner. When e plln ... llon OYet..., , ... In io.... with tfll wife ot .,, .... ,,..,, c:onfllctt .... CZ>*** "Royal AWi" ( 1975) Mllcolm Mc:Oowell. A1an Bltea. The noc:turNI eecepedel of tM ~ buckling C1pt. Harry Fluhman land him In Ille erm• or the notorloua eoutleMn lOle Moma Ind on tM wrong aide of 1111 powwful Count Otto won 8lllnat1l. 'PG' 1:00 CC>•** ''The tilllatrom Cfwonk:ll" (1971) OoN-• menllfY . ...,,..... by ....... rence ~. Tiii vw- led .....,~ot lnMcta. wNdl rrwy-tu.- flt'/ put them Into direct and ~ competi- tion with min. are ~. 1:11 ® * • "Thia .. Elvie" . (l911) ~. Am flDot8'I Ind drlfMllc ,.... Cl'..elonl ....... eQ ... the 8'0fy of ... ~· ... and'*-· t:AJCZ> *'***"Al ... 61 The w.e.rn Fron(' ( 1'30) Lew A.,,_ lOUfil Wollelm. A Girman yollltl ~ ..... Wottd Wit I, bW aoan IOMe Na......,.. ,..,.•lllOMI•.....,.. lftew of Ila honor and 611tNctlon. 2:00. * * * "Houdini" (1163) Tony CUr1tl, Janet L.igt\. Tiie Ille of Ille -1d'• gtMtllt llCIP9 .,,... le ltc:tionelll9d. CJ) * * • "That Fortyte Woman" ( 1150) Errol Flynn, Greif Gerson. 8aMd on I nowt by John Gl6I orthy. A member of • IUld . Vlctortan f8ll'llly become• acandelouaty ettrecMd to hlr niece'• llence. l:IO. * * "Shlrtodl Holmle F-DMtll'' (1943) BMll ~. Nloll ~ INce. Holmle ~ a dlMI mur- 61r .... dllcoYw' .. IQ .,, ~crypt. CC>.*" ...... ,,.. 8un °""" (1MO) ~ Wiiien. M*1iDt l<ld6lr. In ·~ ............. ,.,.... .. i-. en dd IMP to --.., IMted -. 'PO' • *. ''TIW ...... .. (WO 0.. T •• ... fllM .................. ...... BYLll .. I , . ...._., ~~"' --..... ~le IO<I c;er-. 'PG' a:oo .... * ''Thr• Ring Clrcua" (1954) o-, Mar· tin, Wr'/ L--. A pelt of ,_,1y diechlrgld ... ~ get Into .. aorta ot trouble. • * * * ~ "Friendly Fire" (1V8! C1toL8urneu. Ned Elealty. A ltnner'I wlle ~ llwolYld In the lntl-wtir ll'IO¥llMl'll when lhl tn. IO leltn lhe lrulh lbout lier aon'a delth In VlelNm. 3:aG (II) * * * ·~ "Tiie W1y We Wire" ( 1973) 8Ubrl Slralalnd, Robert Redford. A young college couple In Ille 11130a ~ that their poltlc* dlftlrences- .,. 1trong enough to jeop- ardln tlMlr mwnage. CZ> •• "Sc:hlodl" ( 19731 John Landis, 8llJI Kahill. A monalW, belleved to be • genetic ''mllelng h .'' goea on 1 rampeoe of t«- ror. 'PO' 4:00 G * * * "Frat*-tlln" ( 19731 Robert Foxworth. Suaan Strlllberg. A aolen- llat CfNI• I IMng being from pert• of dead bodlel. • •*""St.mope" (19771 Dorothy BuaNnan. Stetting Frazier.Three gor. QIOld glrla on ~ 11111• owr a drive-In r•ttur1n1 10 11ve It from llenancial ruin. 8 * * * "Wiiiing Tiii. Part 2" (1975) Bo Sv.n- aon. Nolfl a-y. ~ Buford "'-goea after Ille lliol operatlont that wnbuallld him· Ind kitted Nawtte. CC)**'"' "Mr. 8uddwlng" (1Ht) J1mH Gerner, SuunM Plelhette. An lmnMlllC -a-Ill• memory tor _.. to 1111 Identity llded by fleelJng recollectlona of hie llllOCl- 1tion1 with dlllerent lllnllea. • *** "Popeye''(1lllO) Robin w-.m.. Shelley Duval. Wlllll -.eNng for hll lathlr. the aplnaictHlt. Ing Nllor llllftl • qullnt llMllet where lie pick• up • loundllng and • llllnny aw•!Nwl.'PO' e:oocm ***"Hondo" 11964> Johll Weyne, Gerlldlne PaOI. A cavllfy d6apalc:n rl6lr encount .. • woman Wld her aon. .,, Apache Chief'• b4oOd bf other. l:IO CJ) •• 'A "Snowbell Elll)feM" (1912) Deen Jonel. Nerq Ollorl. A Nlw'l'ork~O. WlllWlllto .. Aodli.111 .,, Mlempt to ........ the ... a..., .i r9IOft 11e lnhlrtted. 'G' CZ> • *. "Royll FIMh" ( 1175) Mllcolnl MclOclMI. Alen ...... The noctumM -·••Ml of ....... buckling Cept. Herry ,...,_, lend hlll'I In ... """ of tfll notonout court-Lola Mont• and on it!I •onv aide o4 111e poi,.erfUI Count ono won Blemartl. 'PO' IYINNG MO. * * \t "Plppl Ill Tiie 8oulfl SMI" (1170} ltlfl' Hiiton, Marta "--'· ,.. -a. flew "" .... who .. ~ 1.1.l • llend oll ...... •••141" ............ ( 11111 t<llft l•ngford. J.,,_ Olugh4on. A 0..- tllul tem1.. llleguerd ~ Ole o«llKi ol • rl¥llry bltWeM two ~ """ at • ~ Cllflor· nil bleCft. CC> * .... ,,.. Hllllrom OlnNole" ('97') ooau. ~ • ...., ..... byU. ,... ,_._, 11'1 ,.. .......... 1 ..... .................. ~ put """' ...... IN •uc CUlflll ..... tlon wUh "'•"· 675-1850 351>5 East Coast !Ugh" a~ Corona del ~1ar BRING IN ANY PRICE AND WE'LL BEAT IT!! That's right, during our price w ars sa le , bring in any advertised special or price quote and we'll beat the deal . Remember, we guarantee our prices to be the absolute lowest in town or your m oney back!! NOW ONLY $199.00 reg. ~29.00 FACTORY DIRECT M E~'S TRADITIOSAL \\E.-\R l''or those "ho shop for quuht~ Pat Marley's unparalleled traditlonals wear on forever! We have the correct flt ... handsomely detailed, successful look that sets you out front in the best-dressed realm . Come see. Ladles traditionals too. $189.00 reg. S~S.00 NOW ONLY $229.00 reg. S-449.00 WATll llDMAIT !1 i -'--..._-. .,· . HOMEOWNERS 'Tl ... Q. ~ ~ ... c ~ ROOM ADDITIONS -REMODELING AS LOW AS 596°0 A MONTH• ~:.......: ~ THERE HAS NEVER BEEN A BETTER·: ' TIME TO ADD ON THAT EXTRA BEDROOM I OR BATH. OR ADD A COZY FAMILY ROOM .r~ WE ARE ALSO SPECIALISTS IN KITCHEN~ AND BATH REMODELING. 1czj CALL NOW FOR A FREE ESTIMATE OR~ VISIT OUR SHOWROOMS AT ~ ~ 2tJ WISTMINSTll MALL ~~ ~ cu,,. uva Mlil Slil st :rJJ ~ 100% PERFORMANCE BOND -.a ~COMPLETION DATE GUARANTEE -LIEN~ ~FRE E CONSTRUCTION. ~ 1!J 714-19 ..... 7' -7 I 4-lfl·4tl7 i ~.·_.. LAMO m ~ CONSTRUCTION ~ m "BASED ON SALES PRICE Of'S.000 ~ m l9%A.P.R.O.A.C. . .. 81-373261 r::-\. Announcing The Marriott Tennis Oub • Limited Membership Available • No Initiatioo Fee • I 0 Champiombip Courts • Full Club House Facilities • Robyn Ray -. Direct.or d Tennis 900 N-port Center Drive New~ Beach, CA 92660 ..... ~ N I .. r I • ! Mmrle Gulde for the Week i i u. ~ "O ·;:: u.. ~ ~ - --------------------- From P.age 30 revHled. Qi) * * * ··TM lck>llNK· .,. ' ( 1 e80) Aly Sllal1tey. T O¥WI Feldshuf'I. A manl- pulatlw ITMINlgll' -Val• iou. p1oya to cei.pun two ~·Into~ Mg- ""'llwdon'I. 'PO' • • • "Bronco 811>'" ·t 1NO) cunt EutwOOd. Sondra Loc:ke. A lonMr lllOe Nlelrnwl lrom New Jel-.; rMl!ne hit ~ of petfomllng In I Wiid Westlhow.'PG' 7:00 (Ul * * "Thie II EMe" 11981) Documentary. Rim IOOCAlg9 and drem811c ,. CIMtiona -UMd to tell the 11ory ol EMe ~· ... and cw-. 'PG' 7:'6(2) **'Ai "PllPllOn" (1913) St-~. Ouatln Hot1YMn. A pair of O.Vll'• lllend convict• "*1d lhelr time pMIWllng thelreecepe. 7:to CC) • •'A "Aocklhow" ( 1980) PIUI McCet1Ny and Wlnel-'Olli -d of the Mnc1'1 U.S. tour lncludee pertof menoM ol ".)«, .. ''88rld On TM Aun,'' ''SIWy LOll9 Sor9" and IOfne old 8ee1M bllledl.. 'PO' t:OO ••• 'h "Metet•" (1953) Marltyn Monroe, JoHph Cotten. The unl8ithful w4fe of 1 -1191· erM Pllnl to 1111 him on their h009YlnOOn. (JI} * * 'h "Tribute" ( 1980) Jack Lemmon. Robby e.n.on. An lrreepon91ble Broadway pr..a agent beglna to regret hl1 -led life and his 1enuou1 ,..... tlonllllp with hit grown '°"·'PO' (I) * * "Hopecolch" (1990) Waller Mallhau, Glenda Jecbon A former Intelligence agent II alcSed by an old flame In dodging the l<OB and the CIA, wno .,. trying to preyent him from publllhlng hie -. olrl, 'A' • ••'h "Little OlrllllQI" (1980) Tatum O'Nflel, Kris- ty McNlcllol At eummer camp, two ,_... girts compete to -whO Wlft be the flrll 10 ION her Ylrglnl- f}'. 'A' HIO 8 (I) * * • ··The ln- t.aw1•• (11179) Alan Nltln, Peter Flllt. A ,._ YC>t\ dentlat beconi. lnvollled In a btulr• ~ plol wMr1 he ~ "" daugtt-..,., Mure tltller..fo..law. e o ···~·'TheSpy Who Loved Me" ( 11177) Roger Moore. Barbara 88ch. ,,.,,_ Bond ...,,. up with.~,_,....,.. 'PY to llop an lndultr181 fMlill'* lrom uelf10 the mlMllee from hljlldled .ubmarlnee to dMtroy New Yor11 and Moeoow. 0 cm * * * "A«um Of A Men Called Hofle'' ( 1978) Aletlllrd Henla, a. Son- dergufd. An £nglWI lord recum. to Anlerlce "'*1 he ...,,. that the lndlane wflO lnltletect him Into ttl9lr tribe have lo1t their modeat prHerve to ~·pa· t:IO CC) * * • ''Wtllcfl Way le Up?" 11977) Alclwd Pryor, Lanelle McK•. A tu· ataMMI fruit pldc., Is caught In • comic Q'OMflr9 ~ "" union and the Mob, end a hypocrlllcal ptMdler flndl heeWn In • ledlel' dicier. 'A' ~ (8) • * "Thtl It EMI" 11911) Dociul\'llMlry. Rim ~ Md dnmMIO ,.. ........ ~'°­.. lloryd .... ~• .......... (I)••• ''OM-fl'llll ::r .. =~-· 1., perlormer II preUured by -vone around him to 0 drop 1119 ·~ ot muelo and writ• '°"" that can bl'lnCI him beck to the lop 40. 'A' (2) * * * "All Night l.Otlg" (1981) Gene Hackman. Batbfl Stret .. nd. After being ~ lrcwn cor- porate executive 10 Oflllln- llM• night ITMINlglf, I ~ rNn'I tlte- 1tyle and~ -turned 10-.30 ~·~'!'ct. For Eaeh Other" (1939) C..ole Lombard, J-S'-Wt. A young MWtywed ~ Ir)' to cope with the .- leal ptoblem of In~ llHewl. 11:00. • '4 ''Ent• TM Dr• gon" (1973) ~ lM. John Salton. A k""I! tu expert la aMlgrled to,_,.. ,, ... .,, llland tom.. In order to dalltroy an opium and wM• lleY9rY empire. 'A. 11:11. * * *'4 "Friendly~" ( 1t7t) C..ol Burnett, Ned a.tty. A fwmer'I wtte bec:olnee lnvoNed In the eml-w ~·••• wn.n IM lt1ea 10 ~ the lf\lltl ~ her eon'• deatfl In Vleenam. a •• "The Murder That Wouldn't Ole" ( 1e80) Wll- tlam Conrad. "°" i=-. A retired poltcem1n ~ Involved In the fnvHllgatton of 1111 btother'I murder IR> CC) * * * ''The Helll1rom Chronicle" ( 1971) oacu. mentary. Narrated by law· renoa Preaaman. The Val· led~al~ol lnaec:ta, wNc:l'I may -tu- ally put them Into dllect and auc.cesaM com~I· tlon with man, are revelled. (2) • * * "The Dogs 01 Wet" (1e80) Chriltopher Wllc1t1, Toirr: e.enger. A,.. being tortured and dtported by an African dlGtllor, 1 mercenary return• to lead a revolu- tion 'R' 11:45 8 * * . The Murder Th1t Wouldn't Ole" ( 1980) WH'" llam Conred, JON Ferr« A retired policeman ~ lnvolv9d In Ille lnvH lf9atlon of hi• brother'• murder. (A) cm * * * "The Dogs Of Wet" (1990) CMltophet Walken. Tom Berenger. Aner being IOl1ured Ind dep()rted by In African dictator, a mercenary reiurns to leeo • r41¥0iu- tlon. 'A' 12:18@ * * • "Mldwy" 1Plf1 21 (11178) c:nettlon Heeton. Henry Fonda. J~ and Am«lcan mllltary forcea 11qU11re off for a navel and _.., betlle cen- tered around I Pdlc: lll9l'CI duMg Wortd Ww H. 12:a0 e * ••'h "From Here To Elemtty" ( 11154) Burt LIMMI•. Monto-Y C1fft. The cMTI ~ the llorm ts -through the ~ of llYe people Ill· tlonect 11 '"-1 Hart>or iwt before Wotld Wet H. 12:4f ® ...... Allered 8tatN" 11990) Wllll1m Hul1, Blair Brown. A Hat· llllfd ICienllsl'I geMlkJ llructura II alt..S when he~· mlnd-.xpand- lng expetlmentl Wl1h ltofl · lion llnkl and powet1ul ~.'A' 1:00 CC) .... ~ Gll1a ~· Cfvtltlnl Hlf1, ,,..... Antllony. A oroup of """""' Qllrtl .. • .... "'°"*'"....,. ....... 1111 .. ""° _. ..... ... ,...... ....... /!; .I SHARING :ntE WISDOM James Bond is <.t man of the world who is alwa~·s ready to s hare his wisdom a nd learning with deserving young folks, as he proves onC'c aga.in when Roger Moore stars as AJ{enL 007 m .. The Spy Who Loved Me" Sundav at 9 p.m. on ABC I Ch. 7 >. . man, Lori Heller. A lft'lall tawn~•-of terror during their 11\0Ull Vllentlne'1 Day dance 'R. 1: 15 (I)* •• * .. Raging Bult .. C 11180) Aot>ert De Niro, Cathy Moriarty. Bodng cllamplon Jelle La Moua·1 aplftude tor vlolenca brlngl him 1t.oceM In the ring but diwupt1 hll per- aonll nr.. 'R' 1:30 (2) •• * "Royal FlMh" ( 1975) Malcolm r.icoow.tl, Alen Betll. The nocturnal NCac>edle of the IWNh- buclt ling Cept. Herry Aaatlman llSld him In ITle lfm1 ol the not0flou1 courtesan Lola Montez end on the wrong lie» ot the ~ Count Otto von Blemertt. 'PG' 2:30 CC) • * ~ "Roc:ltlhow'' I 1990) PIM.II McCartney and ~ Thie record ol the bend'• U.S. tour lndudel l*tOrmancea ol .. Jet." .. Band On The Aun ... "Silly Lo.,. Songe" and IOf'IMI old 8eltle beleda. 'PG' ® **•'-'"Allee. Sweet Allee'' ( 19711) Unde Miier, PIUll Sheppard. Mernbet1 of en ltaHln·Am«lcan lemily -vtctlmllitd ~ • ~murder• In their midst. 'A' I: 18 (2) * • 'h "Piplllon ·· (1973) Steve~. Dustin Hoffman. A pelr ol Devil'• llllnd convict• epeno their time planning their eecape. 1:30 Cl) * 'h "Up Rkler'. ( t980) Morgan St_,.. A YOU"O pioneer beoomu oo.-.d wlttl ,.,... .,.., Illa .......... ~ • ..... IMcl .... ~ ,....... .... ...... ••••'41" ... '°"· AUltrellana conectlpt• ed to llglll on Engta.nd'1 side In the Boer Wt11 decide IO fight lhe 8oef guerMIU on their own terms ·PG· ':20® **'" .. Tribute" (1980) Jack Lemmon. Robby Benton An lrrnponslbte Bro1dway pr... agent begins to regret his wasted ttle and hll tenuoue rel•· tlOnthlp .. th his grown IOn ·PG' ':IO CC)*** "Which Way II Upr' (1977) Alchlld Pryor, LOMCte Mct<.e. A MX· starved trult plc*er 11 ceughl In a comic a-C*lflre betWllll hi• union and lhe Mob. and • hypoattlcel preec:tw finds ~ In • ledlet' Choir. 'A' Monday movies MARCtt 1, 1tea lVBINQ e:oo (I) • * t,; .. &cepe From ~ieltrl.Z" ( 111711) Cllnt Elltwood, • lll1lrlCk MoOooMn. A~ CClfWlct "*'" elebof8le plerle 10 bl.ii out ol the ~ool prtaon. 'PG' • * * 'h "The Shogun Werrlora: Orendlzer" (111111)Animated. A~­ ful robot defend• Elr1h when II fl lnvllded by Vegan lnY9derl. 7:00 CC)*** ... ~ ... (1957) Merton 9rltldo, Red eu11one. An Amerlc8n let ..... polflllnt tlflk wlttl the ..., C*1Qllftlf of • ,.,,. ,,..,.... ICllng ~. .... ~-.·'Ml'f_ ...... \f1• ·~•) ,..,.. At t ~ ~t all • • "Thi llladt ..... 1t ,........... 8c:lhell. ~M191k"~~ if '}\)Dq l~ V. -.qi, Mlml9ux The er-of a lvturllttc ~ ... GOY•fl another Y•H•I S)«Ched on the ed09 of 8 formation which l>Ulll llllY· ttllng n.n>y Into a glent llOld where tll'M and ..,_ OHM to exit1. 'PO' (2) *It• "Tile Dogs Of War" ( 11180) CM9tophet Walken, Tom Bef'enger Ah8' belng tortured and dep()rted by en A lrlcan dictator, I mercenary return• to feed a rl'IOfu.. tlon. 'R' 1='0. * * * 'h "Thaf1 Enler· talnment.. ( 197') Freel Aat&tre. Bini) CrOlby Tlllf· ly ~ of Hotlywood'1 meglc moment1, from "The Btoactway Melody'' (11129) to "Gigi .. (1958), ... luring IUCh IH·tlme gr .. ta • Judy Gar1and. w.c. AeM11 and Clerk Gatlte. t:OO G * *'h .. Whlt'1 ,._ Puuycet?" (1885) Peter Sellera, Pet.er O'Toote. A conf\.IMd Youno man ... , help trom an -more con"-d~. • * * * "79 Perll A- nue" (Pett 1) c 111n1 L..iey Ann Warren, Polly Bergen. 'A..,_ ...... young 1111' unjultfy Miii to reform edlool jolnl an underworld ~ ol proatttutlon upon her,._, Qi) * *It "Ally Which Wsy You CMI" ( 1HO) Ollnt Ealtwood, SOnclr• Lodi•. Before NCtlnG down with hll gir1 and '* °""""'"'· • bare-lilted fight• llgna up for one laal, 1uc:r1u... malc:h. 'PG' 9 • • *.,., ··uant1anan" ( 111711) WOOdy Allen, Ot- Keaton. A New York City COfMdy writer breelt1 up wtth hll long-time glrl- Mend to lqUlre •ound an lntallectullly vapid IMn• ~·~· 11:00 (OJ '* *It "Nlgllt Mov91·· ( 1975) Gene Hacttman, Jennifer Warren. A pt!Ylte 9Y9 hired 10 IOCat• the daughter of a fOfmer mov- ie actr-becornee entan- gled in • web ol Intrigue wtlh e Mayan 11nUQ9ffng ring **,_.,"Where The &rf. falO Roam" ( 1980) Bill Murrsy, Peter Boyte Jovr· nall1t Hunter S. Thompson u1e1 hit unort hodo• r~ 19chniq ... I IO cover some ol the major polltleal and IOClal .venll of the late 'SO. and earl)' '70I. ·R' (2) ***'A "The Ute Of Brl111" ( 111711) Orehlm Chapman, John CleeM. In the lirlt oentuty. a bungler .. falaely ptoc:lalmed • rneeelah and becornee the feeder of • greet rellglout movement 1ga>n11 hi• .-.-.·R' t::30 CC) ••• "North By Norlhwwl" ( 1959) Cary Orent. Eva Miiie Saint. An edYertilfnO rNn'I MM II ctienoad drastlcelly wMll he le mlltelten for • CIA 1!29"1 . -•**'*'A"Eyewft,_" ltt91) &ooumeY w-. w-.m Hut1. A teleYlllOl'I ~ becornee Involved with a )enltor who may know more about • mur- dtf tNt he wft~ then he II leylng. 'A' 10-.11(2) .... Schloell" (11173) John L.andfl. Saul f(alletl A moMter, belleYed 10 be I genetic "mlulng ltnll." goee on a rempage of ler· ror 'PG' 11:00 (D) * * 1t '-' "Gimme St*- ter" ( 11170) Aoftlng Stan.. ..,._ ~. Thll documertlaty of the Rolling 8tonee' 111et Amertcen '°"' lndudl9 ~ ol tM rtoclng and mufdlW at an Alllamonl ~y '* oonoert. v f.'6)M "~"J1teo1 "*" ~ t fl>, ,,u1Pf1?. , lf • 10 Duvall. While -dllng ror hi• father, the lj)lneQll-eat· Ing Miiot vlalt1 e qwilnl hamlet '#lier• he plGltl up • loundling and • lltlnny ,_.11Nt1. 'PO' 11;'6 CC)**~ "The Angel Wore Red" ( 1980) Av• Oardnet, Dk"k BogMde. A prieet IMV91 hi• order 10 reluin lo I world rodted by a violent war. 1~8 0 ••y,··1.oveFor Rent" ( 111711) u.. Ellbaeh· er, Annette O'TOOle. Two young girls, Mduced by the glamorOUI Nte of the big city, -f()(Qed IO become high-priced NGOrt1. (R) ••• ~ ··Olemond1" ( 197 6) Aol>er1 Shaw. Rich- ard Roundlr... A craf1y thief trlet lo rob the ......., Diamond Exc:hange'• bur· glaf.prool VII#!. wtlid1 WM dHlg!Md by hll twin brother . ••••·'MelnStrMtl" 11973) Harvey Kelt81, Rob- ert De Niro. A arnall-tlme hood and hit lrreeponlible "1end find plenty of trouble In ,._ YOtk'a Little Hal)'. 'A' (2) • * ... All NIOhl l.Otlg" (f9et) a-HK!tman, Bwbra S1ralland. Aner being demoted lrom cor- porate executive to chllo-"°"• night manager. e mlddl9-aoed man'• llfe.. ltyle and vlluM are turned ~.·A' 1:00 • * * * "Wiid la The Wind .. ( 1957) Anne Mao· nanl, Anthony Quinn. Trou- ble erupts wMll a young man letll In love "11th the new""'• OI 1119 OU-dlan. ® • •'A "The Poelman Always Rings Twice " 119111) Jedi NtchOlaon, JMllca Lange. A young woman end hef towr plot 10 murder II« husband. "R· Cl) 'A .. Slle'I 19 And Reedy" ( tll80)A young ""' long• 10 .,,per1ence lotat tullfflrnent 'R' 1:25 CC) * * * "The Changel· Ing" ( 1980) Geor99 c. Scot1, T rlth Van Devere. A widowed music proi- ren•• en old llOuM that •ppe6rs to be hlM.lnted by I r•tfnl apiril with a 50- year-<lld SCO<e to MIU._ 'R' 1:30 Cl) * * "High Country .. ( 1981) Timothy Bottoms, Linda Purl An escaped conVIC1 ano ht1 hltl<ll- capped glrilrlend flee to the mountains. ·PQ· 2!00 II * •'-'"Any Which Way You Cen" ( 1980) Clint Eastwood. Sondtl LoQe. Before Mtlllng down With hi• gtrl and pet orangutan, a blr•lilled fighter llgnt up '°" one-lllt, klcrattw matcn. 'PG' 2:M Qi) * Y, "EV-Of A Stranger" (1981) Leuran T-. Jennifer Juon lAlgh. An lnQulaltl\le TV repor1'f' 1ta11t1 1 medman reeponatbte for • _.lee of ~derl..'A' 2:81 ...... loYtng"(1970) George Segel, E119 Marie Saint. A lree-!anoe lf11st le obaerY9d by gueeta at a 1wlnglng party H he mak .. tow to 1 women before doeed..df'cult cam-., ... 1:1J(C) * ••• ··An1m411 Crecltttl" ( 1930) Mllnl Brother1. Margeret Dumont. Ceptaln Spauld- ing. the Alrlc:an eaplorer, and Illa zany ~ do conllderable d81'111ge to a society matron'• pa11y. (2) * * * "The Doge 01 Wer" (1980) Chtlltopher Walken, Tom Berenger. Aft• being tortured Ind deported by an African dlClttor. • rnercen1ty ltltUrna to !MCI 1 ,...,._ tlOn. 'R' ':00 (II) '* * • "The Competi- tion" {1M0) ........ ~ ..... """" INing. 1"wo Ill'"'" see~33 flJ!UOV llfT t 1 t. ., • '~' ljg:' - Movie Gulde for the Week· NOT-SO-ODD COUPLE -The quiet life of a suburban dentist . played by Alan Arkin (left >. is turned into a comic nightmare by the bizarre behavior of his future in-laws. played by Peter Falk. in .. The In-Laws .. Sunday at 9 p.m . on CBS <Ch. 21. From P.age 32 Itta It -. Sen Ft'WICitco mu.le ~ltlon find that their low I« MCh other conflicts with their proleulonel tmbltlont. 'PG' • ***\Ii "Mtnllatttn" (111711) Woody Allan,~ Keeton. A New Ycwtt City comedy Wftt.r ~ up with hill long-time gltl- ll'lend to equlre •ouod en lnttltduelly ~ , .... lgtr. 'R' Tuesday movies MAACti 2. 1M2 EVENING t:OO <ID •• "" "Uttle Boy LOii" (11171) John Htl'gr ........ HathM 0.-. Aural Aus- trtllan ftrmtrt .-nberk on t -C:h to loc:ttt • 4- yes-dd Iott In the bulh ·a· (I)***"" ·'The way Wt Wtrt.. ( 11173) Btrbrt Strtlund, Robert Redford A young college oouplt In tht t930tl dltcoYtr thtt their PolitlCtl <11nw9t'IOM trt ttrong trlQUOh IO jeop- ardlit their mwrlagt. •••• "Tht Other Sldt Of The Mountain -Part II" (1978) Mtl'ilyn H-tt. Timothy Bottoni.. FOfmtr Chtmplon --• Jll Kin· mont. rtndtrtd t que<lr1- pltglc by • tragic eoddtnt, ~ with etlf-doubt """*' • -low entert htr Ille. 1• cm • • • "Modern Romtnoe" ( t 1181 I Alber1 Broo6ct, Kttlwyn Harrold. A fllm editor 1r1 .. rtpttt· tdty to win bllClt the heart OI tht woman he lowt. 'R' 7: 111 (%) * * * "Royal Ruh" ( 11175) Mtlc:olm McDowell. Alen Btt• The ~umal ~ of the twtlh- buc:klln9 Capt. Harry FlUhmtn land him In lht tnnt of the notOflou• c:ourttMI\ Lott Montez ~~~ .... .iotOI (.t ~.)~Otto ?:tOCC) ***'_. "Tht Young Lowrs" ( 11150) Sally For· rttt, Keefe &....... A promlelng young cWiC* It ltfloken with • pwtlyllng di-at. •:oo• •••• "Slnoin' In The Rain" (111$2) <Hfl9 Ktlly, OeOblt Reynolds. Dumg Hollywood'• tttntl- tJon to the ...... • top tlltnt tttl' I ... In ~with ttplrlted-. • **"'"MySllt• Eileen" ( 11155) Janet IAlgh. JKtl LAmtnon. Two ._ tert, one an uplrlng IClr-and the ottier t Miter. struggle for a brtelc In GrMnwleh V'"-ge. • ••• "79ParkAv. nue" (Part 21 (11177) Letley A.nn Warren, POiiy Bergen. A llrtel·wlM young girl unjustly ltl'll to r9form IC:hool joint tn underworld tQIM of pra.tltutlon upon herreletM. ® ... * "The Lpnoett Yard" (11174) Burt A9v· noldt, Eddie Albert. A for· mer pro quarttrbeek doing tlmt 1n • Southern swtton It given tht job c:otd1ing • group of c:on..-lcta for • no- hold 1· b 1rr ed football ~ agttnat the guatdt. (I) * * * "Tht Compttf· tloo .. ( 1980) Richard Drey- lusl, Amy Irving. iwo pitn· ltt1 tt t San Frtnci«:o ~ Competition find that theit IO¥t '°' eKh other COflftlc:U wltfl their profuelontl ambition•. -~ •• "" "Btdltnoba And Broometlc:U" (11171) Angela LMltbury, o.Yld Tomlinson. Durlno WOf1d Wat II, a nova tOl'C*- and her thrH young ft'lend• Ml on for 1 magic: llland wflere the Intend• to Item enough ebovt wltc:heraft to uM It against lheNatlt. 'G' t:oo 8 Cl) "An lnnoc:.nt Love" (P,.,,,.e) Melltla Sue Anderaon. Doug Mc:Keon. An unutual romance dtvelopt ~ • 19-ye«-old col- lege gift and NI' !Miii Mor, a 14-yMr-old boy ~°'=the (I»**~ "Sh<lgun ,_..... eln" ( 1118 1 I T Oll'llNburo Wtktytmt , Muthlro T omlllawa. A former eho- gun -in who ... m~ out of hit potltloo by • ruthletl eltn of IPlaa wwa to t*le bloody,._.. 'A' (%) •• \i .. Roc:c:o In CN-, caoc>" Mtl'otllo MtttrolM- nl, laKtn Hutton. A nelw lnvnlgrtnt beoor1* lnfatu- tted wflt1 the ~ mocltl wflOM Ctl'~ f1'lfll; him. 'R' t:aO a:.> • • • "Caddle" ( 11181) ~ Moret, Jtdl Thomp- ton. A young w~n lttVff her c:omfor1tble 1Uburban home and htr cruel hutbtnd, determined to take luff reeponsiblllty for aupportlng her c:tilldren by doing wtlat-odd jobs the °"' get. 10:00 ® •••• "Raging Bull" (19801 Robert De NKo, Cethy Moriarty. Boxing Chtmplon "-ke Lt ~, •• , aptitude for vlolenc:t bringl him IUoca. In the ring but dlltuptt hll I*· tonal life, 'R' • ** • "Flrtt FtmllY" (1HOI Gllde ~. Bob Hewhert. The MXUtlly reprffttd daughter of the country'• ~dttt pr..,. dtnlltl family compllc:attt her lather'• •"*"Pt• to conduct tht alttlrt of ttate. 'R' 10:ao (I) •• "" "Ctazy Mama" ( 11175) Olorit Ltechmen. Mn Sotrltfn. A ttruggllng ltmlly rune Into tougti klCtl In~ tnd tndt up. c:rlmlnlil band on the tern In Cellfomla. 'PG' 11:00 cm . "Ch•ttttbox" (1977) A young WOt\'\tn 't unique tnttomlc:tl deformity brings htr flntnc:ltl tuc- ~ but rutn1 htr IOCltl Hie. 'R' {%) * • * "Ah Night Long" ( 1118 t) a-Hackman, Barbre StrelaMcl. Aft41t being demoted from e«· portte eACUtl¥e lo dlaln- ttore nigll1 meneger. • ~ -··.,. ltyte and ---turned ~~ . ~ See Movae. P.age 34 Ill THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS Ginger nylon ! Reg. $1595 SQ. yd . now 139 SQ. yds. available BIRYllN Burgundy Anso-IV Reg. $21 95 SQ. yd. now 107 SQ. yds. available OUTDOOR Sale $141s carpet, loop or grass type -several weights ALL SALi PRICID LEI'S Sale Mauve & Beige ultron nylon . P.Reg. $1595 sq. yd . now $J395 1 105 SQ. yds. available Mt-"' ..... BIGELOW Sale $1395 Starry Gold 11Trevira'' Po Ivester ' Reg. •1 e50 sq. yd. now 190 SQ. yds. available Mt-yd. ..... these sale items subject to stock on hand . PRICE INO.UDES INSTALLATION & PADDING WITH NZX 3600 PADDING -' • ... - ! Movie Gulde for the Week cego" Marcello Meetrotan-,900iety m111r0ft'a ~y. nl, t..awen ~.A nelW llOC). *** ·'The8an0Wag• """'9-.nt .,_._ ~ on" ( 1953) Fred Aatan . ated ...... the bMutllUI Cyd C1w1eae. A atar rtluc- model whoM e. rune oYer tantty aor-to Oo 1 --------------------- i j u.. From Page 33 1Y Sin" (1980) F~ Slne- n, F~ eun..y. A ~­ aran New Y oft! City po4iCe ~ dal.ctlve, wtioaa .. .. -o auffwtng from a ..tout llf.. ;f -. 1n.. to c:etcfl • brutal • kllar terrorl&lng Manhat· ~ tan. 'R' _. ,. • * •• "Garonlrno" ~ ( 1H2) Ctlucil Connors, Kamal• Devi. ~llng ~ IM grMd and tyr· 8llrlY of an Indian ~1. Gatonlmo d«:IW• -on the U.S. rt Cl)•••~ "The Way We Ware" (1973) Barbra Sltalland. Robar1 RedfOfd. A Yo\il'IO coltaoa couple In the 1930I dlaoover that their polltlcaf dffter- -11rono enough to Jaop-ardlff their merriA09. •**'"'"Fo.M"(1980) Jodie Fo.tar, Sally Kaller· man. The \llcllml of broken homM and uncaring par· ente. lour,_.. glttt try to .oothe their emotional wound• tlwougll druge and Mll.'R' 12:tO (B) **•V. "Eyawttnaaa" (1981) Stgou~ WMVar. Wllllam Hurl. A ~ rapor1ar ~ lnvo1Y9d with • )anllOf wt'IO may know more about a mur- der lhel he wttnaeaecl than hllla~.·R' '2;M_ • ._. * . .,,,. ....... Som" (1948) Danny Kaye, Virginia Mayo. A yQUng woman wanted by the po.a • tllddan by a orouc> ofmuelcpr~ (%) * ... "Royal F\pltl" ( 197 5) Malcolm McDow.11. Alan a.taa. The nocturnal ~ of the ewaell- b11ckllng Capt. Harry Fluhman lat'ld him In 11141 arma ol the notorlou• COUr1"4t'I Lola Mon112 and on the wrong aide of tti. poww1ul CounJ Otto ¥0n 8lemartt. 'PO' t:OO ••• "She Pl8)'9d With Flt•" ( 1958) Jeck Hawtclne. Arlena Dahl. Alt anon w-tlgator tnMt• up wtttl a IOllefy female ftrebug. e ***"We're No Angela •. (1955) Humphr9'( 8ogar1, Aldo Ray. Th<• Meapad conv1e11 !aka ovw e French etiop. 1:10• •• "~"(1970) Antflony Quinn, Clelia. Akin._ 8ued on Iha r'IOll9I by Clelr Huffllker. A young Indian ancounteB OOV'8'"'-,,,.,,.., lntarlarance Whan he announoae thet ~ nix, Arllona, rlghtlully balonge to the Ind'-. 1:25(1:) ***~ "EW91tvMrlQ You Alwaya Wanted To Know About Sax (But Ware Alrald To Alk)" (1972) Woody All«'I, 0..,. Wiider. A tartel of QOmlc lketchaa spoofs Or. Devtd Reuben'• b .. t-Hfllng book In lddltlon to ottiar aaaorted target a. 'R' 2:00 CB> * * * "Foti Apache, The Bronx" (1981) Paul IWwman. Ed Asner. A tough cop bettlM crime and ce>m1ptlon In New York Clty'a Soutl'I 8r0tllt nelgtlbof'hood. 'R' (I)** "0afaxlna"(1M0) Dorothy Sltallen. Avary Sdlrelbar. A rooot le made in lhe fl'Mga of a baelltfful wom1n wtlO doaen'I llaw arry human fealfnga. 'R' "' • * * * "Paradlee A._{. ( 1978) Sylvwtar Stallone, Annand "-"''· Three ~ brot ... from Iha Hal•a Kltc:Nn MGtlon ot New Y~ City oomblna lhelv1ralta °' bfalllt lrld brllM'I In 1Mlr "'°"' to ~ Mttar llvM for tllemMN9a. 'PG1 t:11 (%) * ..... "Rocco In Chi- -&WMWUW# nlm. 'R' tt;OO(C)••• "TheOUWSlde ::::•:hlt.•llow that Of The Moullt.aln -Pwt II" • * * '1' ··f\amp90e·· ( 1111) Matllyn Hutett. ( 1"3) Roben Mitchum. Timothy Bottome. Former EJae Mar1lnelll. Alter they champiOn ekler, Jiii l<Jn.. return to o.nn.ny lfom 1 mont, rendered • quadrt. Mftlri, a big game hunter ~ by a traoic ac:cldent, planl ttle deeth o1 Ole MMtie9 with Mlf-Ooc.lbl lttPPef IO WIM)lft 1'19 Iott ""'*' • ,_ tow .,,,.,.. lier ttle glr1 he l°"9d Ille. ® * * • "The EllC\t1o cm •• "Roadle"(l980) HorNman" (1979) Rol>et'I Meat Loil. Klkl Hunter. A Redford. Jane Fonda. A rodt mueiC roadie letl lae Vegu c:owbo)l IC..,. 1 notlllng get In hit way In 112 mflllon thorougllbred hie purault of the girt ol his ho<M to Mlle him from hi. drMm&. 'PG' exploitatlva ownart. 'PG' 11:IO 8 * * \.\ "The Drowning CJ) a * "HcJt)eCOtdl" Poof' ( 1976) Paul New-I 1980) Walter Matthau, man. JoanM Woodwatd. A Gi.n<ia Jaekton. A lonner -1t11y Southe<n Oii heir· Int~ agent le aided ... hil'• • private inY9511-by an Old n-in dodging ga1« to llnO Ille author of the KGB and the CIA, WhO an tncr1m1natlng r.tter. are trying to P'eYel'lt 111m ® "Tlllel" (198 t) Jamea from publiaNnQ hll mam-c-.. TuMClay Weld. A olra. 'R' mHter Hfacracker 9 • • .,. ··11onaiy1uc1c1e becon'l8I In~ In the Roae" ( 1980) Wlllla M91aon. world ol profeulonaf Oyen Cannon. Wl\llt on crime. 'R' IOUf, a Tau. c:ountry- 11:46 (I)••• 'Ona-Trick wwtern ~ ~ Pony" (1980) Peul Simon, Involved with tlwMducllve Blair Btown. A ooce-popu. daugl'lter of I* lldekk* ler par1ormer II pt~ed eYen thOugll he at• IOY.a 4 by everyone around him to Illa •lay-at-home wtta. 'PG' d Ill 1tyta of '""* d 1:30 (%) * * * "The Doge Of ANOTHER KIND OF WAR A family outing in the country seems a .;: .!no. INI cen ~ Wal'' (1980) CMllophet warm and wonderful event. but actually Jane Curtin believes her 111m bKto 10 the top 40. 'R' Walken. Tom Bertngtw. marriage is no longer warm a nd loving so s he seeks a divorce from 1b1GG **•"Wiler• The Red Alter ti.1no tortured and Tom Selleck. himself a successful divorce lawyer.:. in ".Pivorc.e ~"=J6: = ~-::;,= Wars: A-Love-Story-" on· ABC ietr: TI Mor\cfay al 9 p.m. Lara land. A Oepr9Mlon-4ra ~"' 10 lelld a r~ Swimmer and Jos hua Ramsell play the daughter and son. yout'IQ9ter 11v1ng 1n Oktatw>-0on. 'R' mad~• dMP fond· HIO (Q) **"'·•Happy Blr1n- nl. l.lluran Hutton. A naive Wednesday nua" (Pan 3) 111m Lelley ,.... for• P* °' huotlng ctey. a.n.ni" 119801 Mada-Immigrant~ lnfatu-m ov ies Mn Warren, Polly 8argan tr:;. "Funl'IOuM" fine Kahn. Rita Mot.-io. A ~~~~the '-'lllul A ltrMI ...... youngref girt (1".1) "'"~-'-"h .. _...,._• HaNard tludent'e birthday "-... _car run1 over MAACH i. 1912 unjl»tty a.it to °"" .., .......,., ..... .....,.. hie ._...,. Sou lllm. ·R· ICftool jo1rW an uod .. world S~ Mllea. Four teen-peny at ·-·-.-1 th 2:30 e *'"'"Forbidden.....,. ~ houle o4 pt09tltution upon IQerl ~ a frtgl1ttul Pllltadalphla tlom• en" (18M) Ctlattee Femi, her,..._. night In • camlYal tun-~ "' ~100 cnartot .. H«wy. An Amtlr· l\00 CC> ••'Al "~tn ®'**"'"The cat And ·-"°".. lnllabllad by a axpen.nca '°' 1111 vtalting lean danc.r trlea to meln-J-" (1973) Tamata The c.,,.,y· ( 1978) HonOr • ~led berker and Illa dutmal-. 'R. taln dlacntlon In har to... Ooblon, ~ Winters. 8lec:tuNn. MICheal Gallen. M<ii\stroue aon. 'A' t:aO (C) • * "From Noon Till .,,.., wtttl • ...,..._ A f..,.,..., muttl-lklfled Helrlbettllforafortune•I (%)••• "TheDogaOI Tl\rM" (1 977) Chtl'li• Btltleh polltlcaf figure. b!ec* -WOri1.1 .. • the ~Y -.ta of 1 War" ( 1980) CMltophet Bron.on. Jill Ireland. A 2:M e * * * "The FWl1 3e govarnmanl n1rcolfc1 ~ mmGllallre. 'PO' w..,, Tom e.r..g.. Orin. 11 rflCt\llted Into • Houri Of Dr. Durant" ~ • **'Al "The Flendlltl Attar ti.Ing tortured and ".!P-l-o robbary gang. (1975) Scott Hylande. Cl1J ** '"ThaBl"*Hola" Plot Of Or. Fu Manct1u•• dal)Orted by an African tO:OO CJi)••'h"lrll>ut•"l19801 KalflarfM Halmond. M (1979) M~ Schall, (1ff0) Peter s.llan, Sid dfc1ator. • mercanery Jaclc Lammon. Robby ldeallltlc young ~ Robert FOt'8t.,, Yvette c-Tlle FBl and Scot· ra1um1 to IMd a r~ Benaon. An lrr9ePOfllibla find• hi•~ at at.ir• M t..tlmMulL The et.. of 1 land Yard'• Oat. Nayiand tlon. 'R' Broadway praN aoant he oonftonta the r•flllae Murl11fc ~P ~ Smith pu,_ Ille 158· begin• to regret 1111 wuled ol medlcef alhlca. cover• another VHHI YMt-old archvtllaln .. ha T hursday Illa and Illa tenuoua ref•· CC) •• ··~ "The Howling" parched on the edge °' a -er-'°' the fnO<ed· movies =~· wttll hie grown (1981) o.. W11taca . formation wtlldl pull.,.,. lenta. Including the Crown • • • * "Af'--o Non Patl'fek MllCl'IM. A woman tl\lng nMfby Into a giant Jaw91a, ueecl 10 make hi• MARCH '· tN2 ....,. rapor1ar ta menaced by 1 void wtl«a time and ~ ltt--c>rolonglng alhtlr. 'PG. Troppo" ( 19711) Animated klllar wt'IO ~ 10 be. ceMalOblst. 'PO' 1:'8(%)•• "Sd'lloca'.(1973) EVENNO Ute In the machine aoa .. ...wolf. 'R' • * * * "I Sant A Lattar John L.andll, Saul Kahan. Nllrtnd. 'PO' 3:00•**'"'"8otnTo8a To My Love" (1981) Amonttar,1>alievedtobe t:OO (l)•••"P~"(1980) 10'.t0(%)**'"'··p~" Bad'. (1950) Jo.I Fon-Simone Slgnof.t, Jean • ~ "miMlng ..... Robin WMNarna. Shelley (1973) SJev. ~. talM. Robert Ryan. A Roc:Nfort. A ~aged ooee ()fl • rlr'flP9 of tar-Duv .. Wiiie ~ for Outtln Hollman. A pell' of euparflcfalty lnnoc•nt wom.n wt'10 haa tpant rOf. 'PO' hll f1ther, the aplnach-aet· Davlf'• laland convict• woman 11 fad to daatruc· moat of her adul1 llM car· ~ 8 Cl) "Delc>arat• UVM" ~ Wiit• ._!.!..~up a "*1d their time planning tJon wtlel'I her m... nature Ing for her Invalid broth« (P,.,.e) Ollwlll Scatwld. ·-·--...,_ ... ..,....... their le ,..,....., clecldel to wnta a lllttar to Doug ~. A brother founding and a llclnny ~. liaG(I) **"" ''The8ftooun • MWIPiPer ~tie.rte and alM• becotM vlc:tlme ewMCt'leert. 'PO· 11:00(1) **"Phobia" (1980) Warrlore: Orandfu r" column. 'PO' of ,..,,... drug abuM • ** "Hawk The Paul MICllHI OIH•r. ( 19811 Anlnlat9d. A pow«-(%) • * * • "Aft Quiet On and a t11gt1 ect1oo1 ~ SI ayer" ( 198 1) Jack Suaan Hogan. A group of 1u1 robot defend• 'Eerlh The w..iam Front" (1930) ~ cour'IMIOf inee to Pa!ance, John Terry. An mantel patlenC. ara rnur· ""'*' 11 le Invaded by I.Aw Ayr•. Louie Wolhelttl'I. put an and to ft. edvenlur0\19 young man d«ed llCC«ding to lllelr Vegan lnvllOetl. A Getman youth eagerly CC> •• * "Stay Hungry" anllltt 11141 aid of • band of lndMdual ,..,.._ 'R. ,:00 e * "l'U w My life" an1ar1 WOl'ld War I. but I t9711) Jeff BrldoM. Sally warrlofl to fight hll 8'111 11;ao CC>** .. 5 Angarl Of ( 1941) Mk:rlHI Wheleft, '°°" IOM8 hll enc:Nnt· Fleld. The oftbelt aclon of unda. the OV911ord wt'IO OMth" ( 1973) lo LMlh. Roee Hobart. A youno girl mant .. he getl • fh1hel'ld an old Southern lamfly k.flfad hi• fllhar and II Wang Ping. A young Chi· rlelc• her Illa for her view of ltt horror and trlat to Mve a MlmY gym holding an •bl>MI f« ran· MM kung fu l1udent mu- brotller'• •• dMINC11on. from the hande ot rael eom. 1.,. hie .,, to ~ 1 (B) * * • ··Simon" ( 1980) 7;00 cm** 'i' ··o.ngaroue 811ata apec:uletora. 7:00 (D) * * ~ "LL Roe>ln Cru- Alln Artdn, AUatln Pendle-Oa\111 .. 8em8'd Cr\bblnt, ~ * * "lhll 11 Elvie" toe, U.S.N." (19ee) Dlcll leading •llpart and nation- ton. &:lenti.tt at 1 biz.arr• em Maynatd. A man and (1981) e>ocum.ntary. Alm Van Dyke, Nancy Kwan. A cal•~.iuJn. .. 119801 1y rnlldlrected INnk tank hill aldalllcll ~ a 15-foot.Ge and dramattc ,.. Navy pllOt rune Into a bend Dorothy Sttahen. Aller/ convtnca a bumblng col-~old murder. aeetlona are UMd to tall of natM glfla wt1a!'1 1141 11 8c:tnlbar. A robot,. made taoa pr~ that he le an 7:IO ~ * • * "The Hallltrom the 110fY of EMt Pr..-Y'• forced to paraetlul• from In the m.ga ol a beautlM .,._, from outer ~. Cllronlda" (1971) Oocu· flfeandcar-. 'PG' his burning~ Into the woman WhO doeeil't'llew ·PG· mantaty Narrated by~ 10:00Cl)••i,+·•SfnolteyAnd Pec:lflc anyhulnantMllllgl.·fr 4:16 (%) • • * "The Doga Of ranoa Praeaman. The var-The e.ndlt II" ( 1980) 8ut1 (%) * • * "Aft Night L.ooo" e * * * ··e>n.. Trick W11" (1980) Christoph« led eurvtvaf tllChnlquaa of ~.Jackie Gleeeon. (1981) Gana Hactcman, Pony" (l980) Paul Simon. Waflcan. Tom &arenoar. lnMCt1, which may_,.,.. Sheriff BufOfd T. Mtlce Barb(• Stral98f'ld. Alter Blair Brown. A onoe-i>Ol)U- Alt41t being tortlKed and ally put them Into direct calla 1n 1111 two lawman being damoled from eot· tar par10fmar 19 ~.a depelfted by an African and euccntful comC)8111-brother• 10 atop a retired l>Of'ta exacutiv. lo chain· by everyone around him 10 dictator, a mercanuy lion with man. are boo1faggar. th• Bandll, 1t«• night manager. • drop 1111 •l)'le01 mutlc and ratuma to lead a revolu· r~. from tranapor1.lng a baby mfddle.aged man'• tit. write eonge that can bring tlon. 'R. 1:00. ***'A "High Sod-.iapt'lenl. 'PO' l tyla and valuae are turned him bad! to the top 40. ·R' 4:21CCJ•••"Ot1Godl8oolt fl/ff' (Ifft) Bing Oroet>y. •••• .. n,.Elactnc ~own.·R· 11" (1HO) Oeo,ve &um-. Orace l<ally. Tiie arrlval ol Hol'Mmen" ( 1919) Rober1 7:30 CC)**** "Animal 12:00 G *'h ''TM lAIOtnd Of 8UllMM ,....,..., God a photGOrapfler and • Redford. J-Foncl&. A Crack.,... (1930) Mane Cuetar" ( 1918) Wayne return• to Earth and Nl>Of1ar glvee • ~ ~ VegMOOWbO)r...-a 8roth•ra, Margaret Maunder. Sllm Pk*"'9. ehOClaM tN )'OUflll daugn. be etOOnd thougtltt aDoul 112 m111on ttlorougllbred Dumont. Captain &pauld· The mllllaty C11.w ot the tar of an ~laing•-•'*'~~mar· ~to eew him from 1111 Ing, lhe Afrloan •~tr. colOff\il AIMl'lcan coloMI 84~.'*i'* ~.. ">&k A~ 1e&awzrarn.J11•1Wllil6illilliimiii-..iii'i"°iiii'&<!•'-----'r11122•2111r;a111211utt11,,,.,.,111111t .. a•'*" ..... ,0o .. ,•--... ~--t0.>'-'r LMt Devid Rou, nationally known profts· slonel photographer with 32 yHn of exper· itnce In advertising, comrntrcl1I, industrial end 1rchitecturel photography, will show you how to brt1k into the uciting and -11 paying fitld of professional photography. This is, 1 no-nonsense seminar. Ross. who hes yt1rs of experience counseling novice photographers, will lud you step.by-step through 111 of tht inside mows l1eCIS$lrt to become 1 IJ'Oftttlonel photogreohtr. You will 1 .. rn tht f11i.st, most direct way of -striking out on your own. This Stmlner can ""' you thou11nds of doll1n in time and effort, -ttd money, f11te n1rts, end dis· c:ouragi'ng dttd ends. DDN'T Ill•• HI• •lllNIHll • 3 hour tax decl.tctlble .-miner -fee: $36 • 1:00 P.M. 5-iurct.y Mwch 13, 1982 • Regitbttion 11-11 at 12:00 • Ne\Jpott H.-bor High AudltOfium 1!5th Su.! and lrvfne Avenue Newport Beech, CA Addition~ infOfmation phone (714) 667-6016 SAVE 15 Ad-.ced Md Rltlmatl°" s.nd your NIM end eddreta •lont w11h • ~ °' tnOMV oroe. for S30 to: 0.Wld AOll lthoto lem!Mf 137&-8 LCll'fl A". COit.i Mela, CA 12121 Mell -be poen..,lled llO •-•then Suflhy, Merdl 7ttl. 0 OAY ----------------------------.,·~· -------~----------------------·· 2 DINNERS ::~~i:,~ 1 ,11 ~ . I ~ BUY 1 DINNER FOR $7.50 AND GET THE 2ND 11 r I DINNER FREE 11 ~ I MONDAY•TUESDAY•WEDNESDAY •• ~ I WITH nos AD ONLY Offer blllns Marcia JI. lllZ SPfll&e tPll": ... • ~ ,-----------------------------~-I J 1 ~ - MONDAY TUESDAY BEEF BARRON ~ BUFFET IUF'tET A selection or beef 3 Mexican entrees, entrees, potato, fresh salad bar and a glass or vegetable and salad Coors Draft 121 years bar. or older). . WEDNESDAY COUNTRY 8 -B·Q BUFFET BBQ Chicken. BBQ Rlvs, baked beans, com bread, vegetable soup, western style potatoes & salad bar. THE JOCKEY CLUB ' : ·, i I ; ' ~ '. I 1 I i ; ' ' \ I ' ' : I . ' J 1 ' I I I I ' I ~ I :_. I i I N I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . I I I J()IN.::=vJt~~~DAY ~hM: i I l'IA=ntf 3131 s-:-·IRISTOL I I • . Lii ~DUO COSTA MESA I · L--··••••••••••••·~·-··•••••••••- MARCH 4, 5 & 6 10-SPM BONUS I Must Dates If You Want Lower Car Insurance Rates A FREE Rand MclWJy Road AU.. And TnlVel Qulde when you look Into our SELECT DRIVER Pl.ANI MONTGOMERY WARD INSUMNCE CENTER 7777 EDINGER AVE. (Huntington Beach Center) 10-8PM Huntington Beach Bring 1he Entire Family! a.loon• • Key O..IM • free Olfta The lMat Wonnallon On Preferred Car .. .....nee A Drnfnsl For A Brand rte. Telewlalon Forum lnaurance Company Executive Oflk.e: 140 South 8t.llte Street Ollalgo. .... 60603 ....... llTONI 1331 South ~rbor (114) 170-5251 . NIMON VIBJOt 27000 Orown Villey .. ...., (714) 495-»M ' . ·- - •• I ... ... -· ------- tlJW AT TWO LOCATIONS IN ORANGE COUNTY llUNTw.TOll IUCH •• SANTA ANA CMYB. STOU No. J t a1 ............ cc.... JIJIS........ ..w.,.... , ...... ...... 711-4771 CAIYB. STOii No. 2200 ............ ,... ... c:...... 16171 ..... Clllce .__, .. Hel If • __ ..... .......... IJ70 t .. R CAIY&-TNI ICI CMAM PACTOllY If you come Into Cuvel thinking you wfll find a few varletle1 of Ice C'9em conea and that i. all ... heYe we got a turpri .. for youl A Can.I atore 11 an Ice cream factOf}', a fountain and an Ice cream supermarket. We have an array of Ice er.,,. CUH, Ice CrHm nowltla, shake•. 1undaes. banana barges, and con .. In toft artd hard flavort. All the abOle la always available and atways freah. Since we ~ the Ice CrMm .t the store, we NEVER run outll Providing Retail and Wholesale Opportunities Since 1934 ... A Proven Success! Moat Ice Cream• are made with granulated 1ugar. Carvel u1e1 only fructoM, the natural aweetner. · llo8t Ice Cream• UM anlmal fata In their 1n.Y011np; Carvel don NOT! WE ARE CURRENTLY SEE·KING QUALIFIED PEOPLE TO OWN AND OPERATE THEIR OWN CARVEl ICE CREAM STORE IN ORANGE COUNTY. Choice Lations Tllroug~out Tiie County MINIMUM CASH INVESTMENT S60,000 FOR INFORMATION ABOUT COJU'ei . .PllJNE (714) 545-BU 1 ... • Februacy 26, 1982 • Tom Hill (above J stars. as Falstaff in ·Henry IV, P.art I .' while John Allison r ri ght ) directs the Shakespear e epic for South Coast Rep. Tom Hill stars ay MOY J.\NE SCASCEU.O ...... .,.... ......... Tom Hill was bom in norti.em India ln the Himalayan mountains where his parenta sened aa missionaries. The road running put their t.ome was used by raany reli1io0a ~rim• oa their way lo the Tibetan border. His own palh as an actor has takeo a.tm literally fnMn one end ol America to the other, most "receDtly to Soulh Cout Repertory Theater, where he will star u Falstal'f in "Henry JV, Part I." "I moved frQm India to Muncie, Ind. wben I was ll, a aboci: from wMct. I've never full)' recovered," lte said in u interview betweee rebearau. "We had lived in a remote area ol India where the Victoriaa colonial Ufe still flourished, and I had attended a boardinc school." His Mjustment to Americ• life included an interest m feotball, which r.e plaaned to pun• at Oberlin Collete, but a lack ol lhe killer lnsliDct closed th.at path. "I kept sayias, 'ExcUM me,' when I tackled the opponent.," he explained. A part as King Lear in the coUe1e pla)' led him to Yale Drama School and lhen to Broadway shows. "But I hated New York," be said. "so I left to do regional theater." He met his wife. Anne Gerety (who played the mother in SCR's "Ah Wilderness" last fall>. 28 years ago at a playhouse in Providence, R.I., where he was the director and she was the leading lady. • They have acted together in countless plays, he says, the most recent beine in Seattle last year, and the couple brought up a family of five children (now grown) while traveling lhe country as actors. None has 1one into show business. "I've worked in SeatUe, Boston, New H1ven, Cleveland and Pittsburgh," he said, "bUl when you're in resident companies with theaters. you can stay a few years. I was ln Cleveland for seven See Tom. Pag~ ~ ..• John Allison directs By J...V JOHNSON Of .. .,.,..... ..... .. AU the world'a.o atogt,.<Jlltd.oll mn.GAd tomMt1 m ii mnel• player•. They haw their trlt• . ad tMir entra~~;.c.d one maa ill hil tinw J»aw• ,,._, ,.u." -Shokie.,.art Juat the mere thoUCht ol Shakespeare tWllS some people off. but it shouldn't be ta.at way accordin1 to J ohn AlliSOft, the man wt.o is direct.inc "Henry IV. Part I'' for lite Soudl Ceast Repertory. A.Ad he certainly should lmew. He's arte4 la Shakespeare; directed Shakes,eare; and quote4 Shakespeare from London to Colta llaa. "It ii miftitely wron1 to think Sltakespe11n ii an E•gliah playwrieht." Allisoe aahl i• an unmistM.able British ~cent. "His humanity ii so Movie: Dining out immediate he's as much an Americaa playwright as be is English. He relates to any societ)'. • • "Henry JV, Part(" will begin a ftve-week run March 2 on the main sta1e at South Coast Rep. The play will offer a blend ol comedy and drama that contrasts a royal stru~ for tile Entlisb crown with the travesties ol Sir John Falataff, portrayed by veteran Broadway actor Thomas Hill. Allison, who can do it all -act. write, direct and teach -did not 1et into shew IMWness bv accideet or a twist of fate. He was ._,. &o it, his familY beiq circus folks petfonnin1 tbroulhout cefttral Europe. "l come from a Wei.sh family of circ-.1 people," be offered. ''My folks were always away tour.ing catral Europe. l was very fasciaated by See John. P.age 6 · ·Personal Best· ·The Cannery' offers • j$ bel~vqble,,Page 2 .. lepe~ of fii'l~?1g Page 3 Diversions Where to go , what to see Page 12 :M<Wles -------~------------------------------- " 2 'Personal Best' £ , f has beUevability ~..: ·:Perao1Mll Beit" is rated R .and atara Mariel HeminowoJ/ .and P.atrice l>ormfUy. It ii plaplg .at Edward.I South Cooat Plaza Cinema in Cotta Nno. I By JEFF PARKER ~ Ot .. o.ltt ........... ~ "Personal Best" is a celebration of com- petition, friendship , youth, women, sexuality, health and good movie makina. In the world of Olympic hopefuls for the women's pentathlon in the boycotted 1980 sames in Moscow, writer/director Robert Towne bas found a microroam for hope ltseU. He doesl\'t strain to make the metaphor work. . Chris ~ll <Mariel Hemingway) and Tory Skmner (Patnce Donnelly). the two competitors around whom the story works, are as richly drawn characters as you'll find in movies today: their friendship, physical attraction to each other and their hopes propel "Personal Best" with unfailing accuracy and believability.· It's a stylish movie, but modest too. Towne is t09 intelligent a writer to succumb to the kind of grand, spirit-or~lif~ platitudes <both verbal and visual) that ruined "Chariots of Fire," so his slow motion footage, close-ups and fancy editing don't ·come across as forced, but earned. Towne, a respected screenwriter of "Chinatown," "The Last . Detail" and "Shampoo," has battled chronic illness for much of his life <he's in constant physical conditioning himself). and you can see the reverent eye ~has for great bodies. "Personal Best" is a sexy movie, but it isn't ashamed to admit it: there's a refresh.Ina honesty in Towne's fascination with great looking women. He's not a voyeur, but an admirer. Cahill is a young, talented, but untrained runner as the film opens at the 1976 Olympic trials. She loses her race miserably, cries afterward and University of California. Irvine Committee for Arts Presents: THE LOS ANGELES CHAMBER ORCHESTRA Fri. Feb. 26, 82 • lpm • Villoc)e Theatr~ with Gerard Schwarz -M us1cal Director. Elmar Oliveira. violin and David Shostac. flute Selections t rom Riegger. Mendelssohn. Griffes and Schubert. Gen. $10.50/ Spec. Gr $7.50 Students $4.00. THE LOS ANSELES CHAMBER flCHESJRA MNDS Mom. ......... 12 • .,.. y .... , ..... 'Selections from Gounod. Janacek. Beethoven and Mozart. Gen. $5. Spec. Gr. S4. Students $3 JOHN MAC UY · PIAIST Wed. Mer. J, 12 • lpM • COKert Hal Selections from a·artok. Serio Morawetz and Schumann. Gen. $5. Spec. Gr. $4. Students $3 .Tf,r.th .............. ASUCI l•a OHtc. ... , •. . L.a ..... .,1,•r1.r. , .. <'~· •• '· l'f'.I) I I"' I\,.,,,•:.:·• PERSONAL BEST -Mariel Hemingway and Patricia Donnelly <from left I become competitors in 1980 Olympics. nearly passes out at dinner. When Tory Skinner, an · older competitor. witnesses her post-race depression, she takes the yoWtger girl under her wing. Skinner sees more in Cahill than just an upset young athlete: she realii~s that Chris bas the size, strength and potential to be a winner. Skinner is selfless in her coaching and help, and eventually convinces her coach, Terry <Scott Glenn > to take Chris onto the University of Colorado track team. Chris and Tory become roommates and lovers. Of all the elements in "Personal Best," this physic a l involvement carries the most metaphysical weight: their sexuality isn't passion and it isn't pure pleasure either, but a tangible outgrowth of their emotional similarity and honesty. Their first lovemaking is tentative, exploratory. Wh~n Chris and Tory bed down lo· gether it's not their diHerences they share, not an answer to sexual drive so much as an answer to self-exploration. They don't really make love to eac h other so much as they make love to themselves. In their rarified, intensely limited world. they're the only two people who speak the same language. In a Newsweek interview, Towne remarked that he saw them as "children" and that seems to be as accurate a description as any. They're exploring themselves (through each other> for the first time. It's almost pre-sexual. When Chris becomes Involved with a water polo player, Denny <Kenny Moore), we sense that he's another step Chris must make toward understandin1, crowing up. This iB Robert Towne's first directing, ahd he's accomplished two things that some directors with a dozen pictures behind them never manage: he gets great performances from his players and .. estabalisbes a visual style and sees it through to the end. Hemingway a nd Glenn are professional performers , but Donne lly, Moore and the supporting cast are all athletes <Moore is a former marathon runner and now a writer for Sports Illustrated). Against the advice of his financial supporters, Towne insisted on casting Donnelly in the demanding role of Skinner and after watching her it's hard to imagine anyone doing a better job, or looking better for the part. Donne lly is outstanding: she 's got a fierce intelligence to her face, almost a wisdom . The strain of being an amateur athlete -all the work of the professional and little of the money or recognition -shows graphically on her. Donnelly ran the hurdles in the 1976 Olympic Games in Montreal, so she and the other athletes in the cast bring a wonderful rightness to the com petition scenes. Even Hemingway, who trained over a year in her five events, looks like an athlete on her way to Moscow. She's a fine actress too. There's a great See Personal. P.age 5 'tbJr weekend starts here ... at ~·s Garage He18 we '9ot\Jre 83'-cottoo. 171. polyester COid pants With elastic v.ols1 from Stubbles. Specially deslgned b the octlve lrtesf',18 that lets you moYe. P\Jt tt together wtth one °' our many short sleeve kni1s and you're set. ----------------------------- Literati ------------------ A ll he can do • • i s wnte poetry By J EFF PARKER Of .. _., ........... "I'm the only southerner I know wbo can't tell stories," said Charles Wright, relaxing in bis office at UC Irvine. "For that matter I can't fix an engine, I can't build a shelf, I can't repair lbe toilet, I can't do anything except work on poems. So that's what I do." With his southern modesty (be was bom In Tennessee). Wright would be the last to tell you how well be does the one thin& be can do. But five volumes of poetry -"The Grave ol the iu.bt Hand," "Hard Freight," "Bloodliness," "China Trace" and ''The Southern Cross" -and the Melville Cane Award, the Edgar Allan Poe Award, a Gunenhelm and two Fulbright fellowships attest to the quality of work he baa produced. He publishes regularly in national journals and the 'New Yorker; his poems have been criticised, anthologized, taught in classrooms. Critic Helen Vendler, writing in the New Yorker, referred to Wright's poem, "Skins," as " ... almost too ravishing in sound and sight, in its mimetic instability between tbe grotesque and the exquisite, to be thought about ... "The passage to which she referred reads as follows: TMfl Emer~: leaf drift.and Mlritua; slcin .,XU, The image forced /ram the ttlf. And ruts, wing• d"Jling, ¥• compn•~d. Legs com~. corutrickd Bet!Dffft the mm and the wa:tenlliM-• Intermission Although critic Vendler may hesitate to think about Wright's poems the poet says that's all he does. ·'I'm always thinking about the work," be said. "Every chance I get. I mi&ht spend four or five hours staring out the window at home and write for an hour. I'm kind ol an obsessive penon, I 'guess. When I make up my mind to do somelhinl, I concentrate all my awareness oo it." Wright found bis way to poetry rather slowly. His mother' dabWed in writint and encoura1ed him to do so; William Faulkner's brother wu a friend or the family and writing was arways regarded highly in l!'e Wright home. Aa a youn& man be was drawn to writing "because of what I didn't know about it. I thought writing wu sittin1 around cafes. I t hough writing was beihl Heminpay. All tbe young men of my aeneration thought that." He attended Davtdson College and later joined the Army. While in Italy, he wu reading Ezra Pound and visited the town of Sirmione, which Pound had described as being more beauWul than paradise. In that lovely setting, with the rhythms of Pound in bis ear, Wright's marriage to poetry was consummated. "My life changed forever," he once said about the experienee. After leaving the Army, Wright took a master's degree ln creative writin1 from the University of Iowa, then returned to Italy as a Fulbright scholar to work in translation. He was 26 years old. By the age of :u. he'd been writing seriously for four years, gradually developing a voice that was bis own. It was then CHARLES WRIGHT ... Southe rn poet who can't tell stories. that he decided he would never stop writing poetry. He accepted a teaching post at UC Irvine ln t• ("I was lucky as a dog to get it"), and rather than pursue the Ph.D that would pave his way to professorship, chose to simply teach and write. The original contract was for nine months; be is now in his 16th year at UCI. He is, on the strength of his writing, now a full professor. Wright's poems, be says, are written "more for myaelr' than for an audience. "It's a way »I exploring, something that sprinp from the need to understand the non-understandable. I haven't become the type of poet I want to be yet, and in some ways 1 hope I never do. If you come to that point in your imagination where you do only what See Poet. P.agf S -- --------------------------------- By TOM TITtJS Ot .. ~ ..... 18f! For this member of the Class of 1956, at least, it's poetic jus tice that the longest· running Broadway s how o f a ll time is a musical celebrating the sounds and (absence of) furies of the halcyon days of rock and roll. And it can safely be assumed that each new production of "Grease" along the Orange Coast will attract this aisle sitter, no matter bow many productions of the Jim Jacobs-Warren Casey musical he's glimpsed previously. The count now stands at four after last weekend's opening at Saddleback College. A collegiate version or such a loosely s tructured, improvisation-inviting show as "Grease" <complete with its capacity for technical marvels which even the Harlequin Dinner 'Grease' is still fun e Xperience Playhouse couldn't oCfer > is a particular delight. ll almost goes without saying that the enerty level will be more than adequate -and enerty ls the primary selling point in this tribute to what have come to be known as Lhe Fabulous Fifties. At Saddlebaclt, direct.or l>a&ric:k J . Fennell bas fused this brimmin1 student enerty and vast technical resources lnto a b1Jhly entertaining production. enhanced to high 1loss by Bonnie Brady's superlative ensemble choreography. It's all played out aialnsl a aeries of huge and undoubtedly heavy ·set pieces from designer Wally Huntoon with a little mixed media thrown in to spice things up. Miss Brady's contribution is particularly impressive in the frenzied production numbers "We Go Together" and the "Hand Jive0 contest in the school gym. You'll probably feel like paylng a return visit to catch what you mi.ssed the first time. . Unlike the movie version, "Grease" on stage is a true ensemble effort rather than a showcase for local John Travoltaa or Olivia Newton.Johna. And any one of a dozen performers c~ become a standout. Most memorable of the Saddleback CQt is tiny Dawn Lorraine Solb as the food fetishist Jan Set ·Crease: P.age 4 ----~ -------------------------------------- 'Ca"IUU"iry' offers levels of di·ning By MICHAEL DOUGAN Of'".,....,"-', .... T~ Caanery, 3010 Lafeyette Ave., Newport Btoeh, 615-57n. Lunch serwd Monday-Saturday 11:30 .a.m . .J p.m . Sunday brvnch from 9 .a.m.-2:30 p.m. Diltur served Monday-Saturday from 5-10 p.m. S1mdoy dillnn served from 4:30-10 p.m. Entrn prlcea range from 19.95 to $18.95. "Industry °" Parade" image. Much of the original equipment and trappings, including winding carrying devices still loaded with aginc cans, remain intact. Nor wiaa the openness or the oricinal factory tempered with. Tbe Cannery is a s pacious, visually intriguing hall with drinking and dining on several levels. The food, appropriately. is from the sea with a few exceptions for red meat addicts: bife a Portuguesa, or Portugese steak <filet ), at $10.95; teriyalti steak at $11.95; teriyaki chicken at $9.95; top sirloill al $11.95 and several steak and seafood combinations. We tried one or those, a top sirloin and abalone steak combo that they'll put on your plate for • $17 .9S. The slrloln wu lblck and well-cooked, If not The Cannery is one of UIOM eating places that. truly memorabte. and tbe abalone steak was in recent yean, serves to ddlne the nature or scrumptJously pnpared. Still, for ,1'1.95 one Newport Beach which, In tum. gave birth to the expects a taste bud orty and lbat jutt clktn't restaurant's unique atmosphere. happen. The Cannery wH,..W.lact .kltt.tbN>tit ctlJ9'Uroll isr11. . ..1\~11 s.~ .,.,,.,..acallope HUteed and the owners .-have 911l~~~ lb 'refaflNfl "'Ml "ffibibi'Cbfn"'l''fh • glrllc1M&lr .... ud Mrved ID a lemon wine sauce. That cost $10.95 and seemed well worth the price. The scallops were tender and moist. We fairly revelled in them. <We also made an oddball sort of discovery -the top sirloin tasted much better when \ilpped In the scallop sauce.) Our orders came, respectively, with soup and salad. The salad was covered in t he house dressing, a ranch style concoction, and it was good. The soup was Boston·slyle clam chowder which is our favorite and happens to be a Cannery specialty. It was rich, creamy and, generally, too good to be legal. Though both orders looked rather scant when they arrived, they proved to be more than plentiful. We even left a few seallops on the plate, which broke our hearta but we were stuffed. FoT thole with more ambl•-lrtbl or amaUer dln.nen, The Canner]' olhn Ute lite. ol lemon mouaae. urrot eue od cboeolate aunda• ror deaatd.:rwo ~-.-ice~ Cauerr ~apUtt.lno -are allO available • , ' i ' • • Grease ' still fun to watch • ~ ~ f'rom. P.age 3 => (even though she doesn't carry the requisite bulk I; ... her vitality and comic presence are infectious. ~ She and Steven Sloan (the school's mooning >-ro. champ> are outstanding In their duel, a paen to the -o bottom line. ·~ Also impressive is Sheri Sense as the u. hard-nosed Betty Rizzo, the school "bad girl," i whose solo "There Are Worse Thin1s I Could Do" C! is a second act highlight. Davie Hutchinson is t quite good as her rebound boyfriend, the hot ~ rod-happy Kenickie, who leads the fervent > "Greased Lightning" number. Si In the nominal leading roles, Doug Mudge as O: the gang leader and Jami Emley, reprising the new girl in town. 00GIUAH" A muslut by Jim J..:Obs •nd W•rr•n C-Y. dl•e<IM lly P•trlO J Fennell. mu,lul ditK'°< Terry N-m•n, VCK81 dl•e<loft Rk ll. -it.tllry11 ..... n. '"°'*'lil'<IPNr ll<wlnl• Bredy, Kenk ~by w .. ty H\IAI-. llOhll1111 by Jell C•-on. pre\eflled 1onl9111 •nd S.tvrday •t I p,m ., SuncNy •t ) p.m . In , ... main lllHter •I Sadcll•l»O Cot••· MIHlon Viejo. THI: CAST O•nny ZUiio · 0..,. MUCl9t S.ndy OvMtwowM.I ..•• J•ml Emley Betty Rluo . . . ....•..• Sheri SeftM Kenlckle . . . . Davie Hutclllnoon AQ9et.. • • • .. • • • • Steven SIM.II Jan .... . . . • • •. • • • • • • . . . • • • • . • 0-LorrelN Soltr Fre11<lly • . • .. . • • • , • • , • • . .• • • .. . .. .. S.Uy i.-1d Marty. • • . . . ...... Mar .. A1otl1 Doody , ......... Malt Miiier Patty Simco• . . . J iii Ellen H•rtY £~ Floruyll. R ....... IClefbe<ll. Sonfly LeTierTt . • ..... • •• • ..... ............ .. ••• Var-flOfl MIHlYflCll................ ., ............. •• BerbMaCovl"9!0n Vl11<a FOllUIM • . • . ........ , • • • .. ••• •• . . . . . O.vlCI Oramllell Jonnny <:Mino • • • • ~ OoM•Ml Cha Cha OiGreQlw'lo Cl><ktlne Burle• • • • Tom Hill stars as Falstaff years and went with the Seattle Repertory when it opened ror three years. My wife and I had our own company in Oregon th al was an underground theater. We were in an illegal building, began with no stage and managed to o.ffend everyone's politics in the '70s.'' He credits films with dealing in contemporary s ubjects. noting that much or his stage work bas included older Br itish plays. He acted with Marsha Mason in the Los Angeles production of .. Mary Stuart" recently. "I.'ve spent my life dying for honor and for England, which i.s why it's so refreshing lo play Falstaff," be said in reference to bis current role . .. He's a character who values life, not honor." · In addition to acting, Hill has taught classes at the Yale Drama School, Ca rnegie-Mellon University and the University of Washington and claims contemporary training is better ror film than stage work. "When I began, a lot or work was available ror actors, so young people pul shows to1ether, performed and learned lo be efficient. Now they enroll in classes, and it's not the same as being in a play," be said. "Class emphasis is on improvisational work, which is very loose. but a play is carefulJy plotted. Characterization and interpretation are the easy parts of acting, but too many students today don"t know the difference between reality and tbeatMcaJ reality." For Hill, reality now is living in Los Angeles -and enjoying the Southland. "I love to drive," he said. "and the cUmate reminds me of India. If you squint yolK' eyes as you dMve along the freeway, the low roofs and palm trees in some sections remind me of where I grew up.·• ------"Gypsy" O~n1 March 9---~=~---wi-.---~-...... Olt&tnratoru Now _Thru April I I th Rodg .... & Hammerstein'• Soolb Pacific OirectOl'/Choreographer John Spindler One ol the great musical-comedy successes of all time. SOUTH PACIFIC is a blend of touching wartime romance and exploSive GI humor. accompanied by one of the greatest coHections of song hits ever found in one show: "I'm lft Lowt Wiii! A WtMtftW Aly" "Some E.nc"8Mllll hefting" "Tlwt's .... 11 LIU A DIM" "Y .... TllH 111'1..Umt" .. , ........... ,.... ........ .,.. Of lly tta1r·· llrt-llrimtt (ages 4-6) ·An academic readiness program with emph~ls on the perlormlng arts. ) Ntwport ..._it Qtanauuatorg 1126 u. ........ -ts7 .. l ll Call 642-5678. Put a lew words to work lor ou. COCKTAIL /Wl'I< \l<l\"J)A Y -SATL'JWA Y ro.\J l'f.l .\1E \'TAH ')" //OT I/OHS /)' m: ITH 1-;s -1 7 p .\1 ilab ilurn1' i&estnurnnts "ll•h.' 'Tis tht place to dine." f\ t.11 · PHlfl IJJ;AU f I ASll/ON l}l..A.1\10 (111) M I ~11}11 Wf 'IOMISI JOI 5000 ClflllfSf f 000 WNCMIS • DINNHS • T'°'9CA1 COCKTAAS .~ ,. llllQURfACIUTIES • ... ~THING * FOOO TO GO , on•1•m 1 srKIAl •°'" ..... To '° 1 , SAN DIEGO • N Make your weekends ··special" with a magnificent champagne brunc h overlooking Newport Bay. Smorgasbord buffet. only 18.95 1 ~4 50 under 121 S.._., 11:00 &a· l :OO p.a. S.-., I 0:00 UL · l:OO ,.-. ' ... Poet MOYles ------------------------ ' • • .Personal Best' case swimming, and slides through the rest of his lif on charm and a good s mile. He's an older version of Chris ; he's gone to the Olympics and won medals. In his aimlessness .and capitulation, \Ve see the kinds of questions she will have to deal with later. He's a great foil ; he completes her. From P.age 3 i you do best, or cease lo press yourself, you wither .~ and die." { From P.age 2 "Tl . His ~.urrent . challenge is to write poems in ::l. tenderness about her and it gushes out of her large frame and hefty face with a touching kind of irony. Her voice is still a girl's. This is a movie about minds growing into bodies, and Hemingway's innocence as a performer, coupled with h# strong, supple body, seem perfect. There's something unformed about he r -both physically and emotionally -and Towne builds the movie around her : she embodies, literally,'everything "Personal Best" is about. Scott Glenn is excellent as her manipulating coach, bringing a sort of laid·back machismo to this world of women. And Kenny Moore is tremendously funny: he's got that wondering, lost-in-space look of a person who concentrates all his attention on one thing, in this Stylistically, Towne has managed to keep "Personal Best" alive and fresh, without drowning us in slow motion reverence or fancy camera angles. The cinematographer, Michael Chapman, frames the scenes discreetly, tastefully. There's a quiet passion going on between Towne's cameras and his performers, and he doesn 't overdo it. There are some visual stunners: a fast-frame shot put medley, and more importantly. the big race that the movie buHds to at the end. The final race, an 800-meter r un, is a dramatic masterpiece wit bout words. It's the kind of sequence that reminds you of everything movies can be. which a narrative grid lies beneath a imaehlic f associational connective structure.'' In mor~ · common terms, Wright seems to be trying to & submerge bis "storytelling" beneath a series of 2 images that will propel the poem through the 1l! reader's mind in an understandable -but -< non-linear -fashion. ~ ... "There was very little narrative structure in j my earlier work, and because it's a weakness of ..., mine, I'm concentrating on using it a little more. I worked a little stronger narrative sense into my last book, 'The Southern Cross.' I haven't been able to mesh narrative and imagistic structures to my liking yet. but that's my goal." ----- Jazz with Brunch at the Bouzy Rouge ·caf e Saturday and Sunday, 1-4 p.m., enjoy the mellow music of Rick Sherman on piano and Larry Castle on guitar with weekend Brunch at the Bouzy Rouge Cafe. Come Celebrate Hina-Matsurl (Girls Doll F~stival) AT BENIHANA Girls 12 and under treated to compll•••fwy ••kiyaki steak or c•lck•• dl•••r, when accompanied by parent. Wednesday, March 3. only. See traditionaJ Hina-Matsuri display 15 ceremonial dolls in festive array. March 1·7. Coloring contest for boys and girls. Winner gets cone I •••'I Mboclll stHI& d•••r for few, March 1-7. ' • I I 4250 Birdl Street Nlwpll1 Baell ~ .... -.... ·~~)' 955-0822 INTRODUCE USTO A FRIEND. 2FQR$l2. We've cooked up a number of new dishes with the same special care we put into our famous crepes. · But what makes the ones you see here truly irre istible is the special price. Choose any two and you can enjoy a delicious feast for just $12. But this price won't be around too long. So drop by soon. We can't wait to have you over for dinner. LONOON BROIL Slices of marinated steak luppcJ wuh burgunJy wine sauce. BREAST OF CHICKEN CACCIATORE Sauteed m a savory comaw sa uce with onions. hell pepper~ ;ind wine. ServeJ nver a bed nf linguini. BEEF BOURGUl GNON CREPE AND RATATOUILLE CREPE One filled with tender beef and pearl onions in a fre h mushroom sauce. The other with a European blend of vegetables. South Coast Plaza, between Bullock's and Nordstrom's (714) 556-1225 _ Open <Lilly from l l AM Brea Mall (714) 990.4343 Offer good after 5 PM 6 ...... Allison directs 'Henry IV' ~ F rom P.age I 2 the circus. l still love the clrcus. l go to the circus i every chance I get. • : l.L "But I actually got involved in show business ~ through the l0cal Presbyterian Church I attended. -o At 12 we did 'A Christmas Carol' and I played ;£ Ebenezer Scrooge. That's when I became aware . or the power of imagination. ~ "Of course, I have always read a lot," Allison i continued. "I love to read. As a youngster I lov~ * the fairy tale stories and Black Beauty." :f Allison soon outgrew the fairy tales and Black > Beauty, quickly moving into Shakespeare, which § led him to the Royal Court Theatre, the Bristol Old 0: Vic, and for some time was a principal actor with the Royal Shakespeare Company. "Be not. afraid oJ greatness: Some. are born great, some.achieve greatneu.and iome have grtatneu thrust upon them." -ShakefJ)fare Allison appears to have made a habit or doing epic plays -"A Midsummer Night's Dream" and "As You Like It," to mention a couple-and "Henry IV, Part I" is nothing less than epic. "I think it's wonderful doing an epic play," he said over lunch a few days ago, "because you don 't have to worry about your diet. You are wired up so high that you can eat anything and not have to worry about your weight. It's the best way to lose weight." Allison directed at the Grove Shakespeare Festival last summer and openly admits he loves working in Southern California. "The people here haven't developed the rigid expectations they have in England," he pointed out ''Anything can happen here and it doesn't bother the audiences. What I plan to do here is to do a show that will allow the audience to see it is ,,-.olden ~~ ..., · .. ~~ Sl;;Jragon -- CiENUINE CHINESE MAHDMIN DISHES Specializing In Chinese A lo C.orte Dishes • _Lunch Oinrier OaiJy • Food To Take Out : 4715C ...... •OUMel . .JOJJH.tlerltY4. JS0-7171 • 750-509' COSTA MISA J ........... .- . . . . .. ~ .. · .642·7"2 • Ul-ttl I A VERY SPECIAL JAPANESE RESTAURANT Award winning traditional Japanese cuisine and superb western-style specialties. Your favorite seafood, chicken, and steak. Delicate soups a nd delightful salads. Impeccable service in a most beautiful setting. Discover Yamato ... a very special dining ~perience. u111Dato - 60 Fashion ltland Newport Beach / 6444811 Century Plaza Hotel 277·1840 e xciting to see history. Falst.aff is a legendary character and the audience is ready for him. Hf here or ••Ice home STA·G CHINESE CASIO "'fhls play ls a study of the close personal relationships in play against the vast political machine. It shows how egos guide politics and lose the human element to the point or being out of • touch with the people. • "It is a thrilling play." Allis-00 said. "~hakespeare talks to all humanity about all things. He speaks to us directly. The play is funny, silly, daft and human. It's the story of the cold sterile world or politicians fighting over a hollow crown." I 11 2 lit""" .._.,,... .._. 01tW. J.fUI A..~ MNWpt Delr-W...._. u..ti 1:00 e.& .. Beller.a willy fool than. a foolilh Wit .. -Shau~re. Allison has won a number of awards for his work, but talks sparingly of his achievements. He no dDubl recalls that Shakespeare once wrote that ··Every braggart shall be found an ass.'' He has twice won the Los Angeles Drama Critics• Circle Award. olfce for his production of Tennessee Will iams' "Small Craft Warnings" and again for directing "Medea." Allison was nominated again for the production and djrection of "Luther." in which he played the central role. Instead of boasting, Allison just re lated something he recently read about Albert Einstein. "Someone was saying to Albert Einstein that 1l must be wonderful lo be the man who discovered the theory of relativity," Allison pointed out. "Whereas Dr. Einstein offered. ·rt was just there. I didn't create It.· " Allison also talks about the responsibility of the artist. noting that "it is the responsibility of the artist to be the custodian of human values. Theater at Its best is reaUy the laboratory of the hum an soul atits best." "Henry IV, Part I" will run through April 4. ... _. S .... iil'Fm-- & •ll1rt •••1wl 1971 "Y-' 'OlllDa.IY 0'41Jt: We've changed and have a newly remodeled lounge, oyster bar and dinner menu! ENTERTAINMENT 6NJGHTS MONDAY NIGHT JftflZ 4 sl Htindrifter :Ji?'4.ltlf.ltll 1U.CICB8Jll{D'S &Atuvg~ D1stmct1ve Wat~m Dinmg Oyster Bar· Cocktails J3JJ W Pacihc Coast Highway, N. B .• 642-2295 PALA Cl (714 ) 631 -8031 4250.Martlngale W~ Newport Beactl 833-0080 The First and only Szechwan Style Chinese Cuisine in Newport Beach. Specializing in Szechwan, Shanghai and Mandarin Cuisine. 2930 W. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach Open 7 days a week From 11 :30 am · 10 :30 pm ruciflc Coast Highway i CHINA Free ~ "O PALACE Parking " ;. z ii5 - : -- -= LYl?enu } I 1• ,.. ,... -. ,, --,;" f / "-~t?c1111 , enu Friday. February 26, 1982 • @fClido ---is now serving--- En trees AM....,.....,........,._...,._c:...._of ............ ~c-~nf .............. ,.,... .......... u. ..... ~ • ., ...... CHICKEN CHICKEN Dl\'AN ALA OSCAR 11.16 Tc.nck.r brc.,.t uf c:hkllc.• -.t,ttc •Ith ).(.,...._ WIM. totJPCd wtl ....... ,....,._ CT9b lqpanelllnll_oa_ CHICXEN PARMESAN 7.16 Omwl<d 1w..,...,.. _ "'""ltkni, '°Ud In• l!•kt<" btuWn. I~ wttt. tn•rfnare ,..°"and wc.urclta chcC'llC CHICKEN COADON BLU 11.16 Tc.Ader bftu1 of cbk'kcn .. 1ufTC'f't •llb h•fll •nd JlllWe... dW(;tllt C''h'C.tt'ft wll b our llfhl IJon'telatflC' 11Wtlk"C BEEF ltOA!iT P•INI! •1a ol 8££1', AU JUS et. ... ne •• ....... ~ .... .._,,....,, '""'' -. ...__... .... ·--··· ~-,~~··· TOU•NEUOS or BEU. CAFE LIDO II.Ill 11n .. 1in.1 10 ,.._,teat« .....t "~ •Uh dc'tkllt.:ly .... J!Md .............. ,C'ed '" IMtUc:r wU .. hM twrt. PILET MIGNON 9.N A•..__ •~--•*""t<f-lcd ,.,,._,..,...,, CHEF'S SPECIAL ..... ,.. ................. .,.. .... ..... _.,...., .. ~ ... - ...... tu ...ru k..,,.. ••a.II,.,.,, M4 ..,._...,.,.. hnta. 1h Mff,W ....... ~. ,., .. ~ A..nic.4t f.•rc-C'..,.,. !to f"°twlftat ......... , for reservations : SEA FOOD Al.ASKAN KING CRAB LEGS 10.1111 A ~•frwwt d<l'Ph "'6t"<'Ukn1 t"t"ah ·~ bt.,O~ '" CNt ~-· •p«·tel ~llcttd NI~ STUFPEDJUNBO BllOILED SRlllMP 10.1111 Ju"'bu .Ju1•p .. 1urrcc1 •Uh c ... bm<et drc.,.... lnet. brolkd with butt.ct end •PH'•' hu-~ """·-SCAMPI 11.0I Sttri•P· Mut<:cd In • t'k'h .. ~ "'.., .. e:. kmon 6nd bulk-r COQUILLE ST. JACQ UES 11.1111 l.at'11"' nic>rfh<""' ~ _...,._,..... In a OM.,..-. tklk'•tc NtK"C nl wt.Hr •to~. ,.,h.l&.t4-., ,......,,. •mi.hn··-~ be.Jrt'd •ud -.Ct\t::d In tfw ~ll FRIED OYSTERS IUll '"'"~ 111,......,.., ny"'•"" l1p11y bfC'.eil'lcd aad ,,._,it tu• tlU'k1cn brown .,-vcd ..... ta.., «.'fll"kt••• ... IDtt FRESH CATCH or 1.11. DAY AM-It )'U\O fllitr'\~c.r for today\. h•rv~ '"*"' th_! •nkn •ti IM""-• VEAL VE.ll.nUCB 9.81 -""'---........ -..-1111. .... ,e .tae. aie-: _. ._..~, •M"t' ~1. OSCA• 10.M ~Wtcl ,caf I• btill('t, <"WCrod wllh tc·nct.t., c-ntb ~•. t.....,.m wftlt • ..,._"' •ftd our d<•ice~--- VEAL PAAl•ESAJll 9.INI ~ '""*''.-eel hakcd to• ••teu .... ..... ·~ •101 .. r1...,.. •t11tt ..... _, ........... 675-2968 Ample Parkin« at ~ Newp0rt Blvd. (corner of 21th and N~wport Blvd.> Newport Beach BREAKFAST MENU <Mesa Verde Location Onl~·1 DAILY SPECIALS EGGS Two Fann f'resh £ggs Baco rLanrl Tu.'Q f;ggs 2 .15 Ground flee{ Patty and F:ggs 2 9.5 /lam and Two Egg.~ 3 25 :I so Above served with toast & Hash Browns OMELETTES All omelettes are covered with melted cheddar cht•ese and served with sour dough. squaw bread or mufnn. >·our choice of hash browns or sliced tomatoes. Three-egg omelettes stuffed with cheddar-cheese and your choice of· Avocado Bell Pepper.~ Green Chill Sour Cream Zucchm1 WITH: One Item Two Items Mushroom Onions Spmac:h Tomatoes Bacon Crumbs Ham Peppt>roni SaulQge Ricotta Cheese .... 3.65 .... 3 95 Three Items ..... . 4 25 4 50 Four Items .. ITALIAN OMELETTE -FRJTTA - Three Eggs With S7Jute Zucchini-Onions. Mushrooms. Spices Topped with Cheese and Meat/es.~ Sauce . . . . . . . . . . 3 95 OLD FASHION FAVORITES nenver Omelette~ Chili Cheese Omelette~ Ham. Onions. Pep~rs Cheese 4 t5 4 .IS Balboa Omelettes .'\tu/fed wirh I/am. ~pmac/1 Bowl of Pruit 1 Vanety of F resfl Fruir Vegetarian Omelette Tomotoe1. Mushroom. 011ions.ond Avocado arrd Sour Crenm 4 /.~ tn Seo30n VJJ ·-. !701 Harbor Blvd. Harbor At Adam• 1'1 ... '135 445 r----------------, I BREAKFAST I I I I Buy l, Get 1 FREE I l With This Coupon I I I Good Through March 7. '821 I I (Mesa Verde Location Only) I ,~--~-------~-----~ 7 r - .... ~ ) 8 i --------------------~--------•I Distinctive . - Waterfront Dining Oyster Bar· fAdtaik · El•rtaim•k•lf -ClOCXtlol. J,, QMODallMl 4,, --QMCDCXtM. 41'1 »GUI MAo1oCX1111 -CMIXWI aeet I ft Cl'l'IClll • l'I ~~~QAllCAT 110 O'tSl9IS llDOW'!LUll I 4S OVSTtllS OH Tl« !WI' H U. 4 l'I <l""'5 CAINO I :II • <1""'5CIH TIC_, HU t l'I m"'8 Q""'5 ',, ~~JO.II~-J:ll GAlllr Oft!l -I ,. Spmdn&. Q..llrhc>Mi ,..,..,_....,. __ ....... -~ """"°' ....... ""-., l'YH Motltil ""-'-'~A,...,_ '8 _,. --CAL»Wll PW:lc:ATA -........ -· ....... ..,4..--·---~VTtED fllOCi ~S ·----~-,.,,. .... -..... IWlUD S'T""'8I StiQo9' --~ .... --. --lllO&.fl> WIOMJftSH STfAl o.......;;..,..,_ ... ~-~PIG OAI L£GS ,__.,;;-_. __ ----\l(Al~ T--.r...:.---------SEARXlO 9CE'ftll ,,,.. .......... ,_,_ ... _ ................... _..,... ....... WED Sl\ffU> POTATO ·-...-.--~ .. ..... _____ _ Y•I'-____ _ ~ ................. ,,_ ... -... 79S HrN YO«lt STfAI ~ 0.-..--.._.._.. ..... ~ t 9S STfAl NllO llllOl..ED STl.ffB> SHltl"r STEM NllO LOt.STEll 99S "'°"a-:. ................ -'"' 'T£Alt NllO AUSIJN4 QIO CAAi LEGS I09S M)f.ST ~ IUI Oii IEEf AU JVS 109S ~ .... ---· _,..,,._ llOAST 0UCX A lcaNQ IH S Half ..... ....., ........ .._.. .. -"""~""'-°'-...,.. IO.S ~ NEWPOaTAISf ,........,. __ "'_ ....... ____ Mo u s ~ OI \lfAL.MAASALA , __ "'..,, ___ ....... ,... ......... ~ 40 o._ ....... _....-, __ -------- Lunch, Dinner and Sunday Brunch lttS 149S 11~ 11 .S H S 3333 West Pacific Coast Highway (Just South of Newport Blvd.) Reservations: 642-2295 APPEnZERS SBAPOOD CoaTAILS SHRIMP 3.75 CRAB 4.25 SHRIMP & CRAB COMBINATION 4. 25 OB TJIB..KALPSRELL ONE HALF DOZEN OYSTERS 4.50 ONE HALF DOZEN CLAMS 5.25 CLAM & OYSTER COMBINATION 5.00 STEAMED CLAMS FR£SH £ASTE.RM CJ.MIS WITH DRAWN eunu. BY THE OOZIH .. on WOILD JIUIOUS CLAM CBOWDDlll BOSTON°(Whlw> 1.75 MANHA 1T AN (Red) 1.50 (With Otnna I 00) McCOBllICKSGBEATSALADS 7.95 SHRIMP LOUIE 6.25 CRAB LOUIE 6.25 COMBINATION LOUIE 6.25 GARDEN FRESH SAIAD 2.95 SMALL DINNER SAIAD 1.00 (With Dinner Only) BIVUAGBS COFFEE, TEA, Mll..K, ICE TEA, SANKA, SOFT DRINKS ...... 75 ALMADEN HOUSE WINE BVTHECLASS 2.00 Y,UTER 3.25 FULLUTER 6. MICHELOB ONT AP 1 .50 HEINEKEN BUDWEISER 1.75 NATURALUGHT 2.25 l.75 2.00 COORS 1. 75 DOS XX CBII Des·s llE1l11 R>R l<lDS AND LIGHT EATERS TD UGllTB&TlltSmroERAr.ETSOFFISHONASKEWER .5.95 llcCODICD BDGD ~ t.a OtOtcEGaOUNOllED' 4.25 9'0ll.!D TO PORCT10H (WITH CHUSE ADD 25C) . ~ PrtME lllCWOIS OleOf TME RXJ.OWlllC, MICll> POTATO. llCl f'l.AF. RMT JEU.O, COUSl.AW Oii VEGET AIU Of THE DAY Orange County's finest seafood restaurant as per Orange Coast and Air Cal MagazifHMI · Open for L•ch & Dinner 3180 Airway ~v:il Costa Mesa At .. Carw et & McC ... c• .... ,,.., ... '""'Ir s ...... H ... Call for directions 546-9880 VJS4• LU•CBEO• SP.ECIALS no• on aaon.u lACH llffllU IHCL\106 AUii ll&Al> AllD IUTTO OUlll 0WW TIJITIJI So\UU A flllSH UMC* Wl.Dc.t AllO 'l'Ol1ll CltOICl Of Alff T-..o Of TH£ fOUOWlllC. ITUIS ut Pl1Al' COl,.Dl.A W fllUIT IWO °' CHUltV TOMA TOU •cCOllllCD co••111AnO• eoTHOU"D£LICIO\li =~TlNDUU(AU.°"SUWEl'l.DTOC.fTlfOAND l.ACfD 5 25 snm:p tlCIW'Ull.D.UCMnYRAiOllEDAICPSlllVlDWTTHDllAWlllUTTV 5 45 llABl•ll&ID AllOlftLUSWHJTtfllllflK)IH~l WATIJIS 4 75 ltllrGCUB it:C.HAllDTOIOPUGUUVll>lN TH! SH!ll WITH DllAWll aunu 6 95 S?Ua UOCB.ITT! iOllAV<lWU1-CVUOfllU ~wmtE.1."1flJISAHD~ lllOIUOTKEWAY'IOU 5 SO McCOllllCltS SUDWICBl!S SUVlD Oii l'OllllOtC>la Of~ a« THIO "-Kl WHU.T lllllAO SJDJllP a & VOC&DO ADOJCIOUSMY-1'1P'l~AVOCAOOSMDWl(.H 5 25 TUllA a AVOCADO 1W. WMln lollAT 1VNA Allll ~A AVOCADO 4 45 JllSH SADWICH ~~~=~c:::=.:=ir~~~~ 4 SO TD•&llOVS lkCOllllCD B&IDQGU , ._. CttOIClGNUHD --.:il)UlfTMIWAY'IOUWAllTIT wmtCHUSEADO U 4 25 SALADS SJUUIOOD SA1AD$ -4 1' (11.U 4 ~ 1VNA • 1~ LOVJSl&ll& SDDIP SAlAD M YSHQCI' TCWU> 95 W1"44..zy1NSTA110~-GMfllA LOUl5IAllA 4 G&al>U R!SB S&J.AJ) 2 25 WITH SOUP 3 75 PROll OUB "!SQUl?E WOOD BU-JS.QUE EAOi E1fTllf.E lHCLUW f1l£Sli HAD AND Bl1T"IU. OUR OWH TART AA SAUCE. A FRESH LEMON WEDGE ANO YOUR CHOK:E Of AMY TWO Of TME RX.LOWlHC rrEMS. BAlCED POTATO, RICE PU.AF. FlW1T JEU.0, COLE SI.AW OR VEGETABLE Of THE DAV PUSH SIAJIOOD: IN ADDn10N TO TME REGUlAA MDru rnMS. WE UST TME DA Y'S F1tESH CA TOf ANO OTliER SPEOAt.S ON OUR HANGING MENU BOARDS. au. liuooD a IDUS &D llllQUlll WOOD DDILID TO PllRCllOll. MIRl.MIRI A BONEllSS WHITE RUT FAOMTROPICAL WA~ 7 .25 PACIJllC JUD) SllAPPl!lt AFlAVORFUl.,DWCATE Fll.ET AV Al.ABLE 1M SEASON • . . . . . . • . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . • . . . . • . . 7. 45 9.95 5(111 OPS TEHDER NORTHERN SCALLOPS ON A SKEWO. SPACED WITlf BACON. • . . . • . . . . . . • . . . . . . . • . . . . . . .. 10.45 llcCOllllCD COllJUJIAUOJI BOTHOUR OOJCIOOS Slil9G' ANO nNDER SCALLOPS SKEWERED TOGETHER AHO v.cED WIT1f BACON .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . • 9.95 LOBSTD Sl<EWERED TAILS, 8AOILED AND SERVED wmt mtAWH BUJTEJt - Dfl.ICIOOSLY Dlf1UEHT. . . . . . • . , . SU HANGIHG MEHU 80Am5 ALASKD KlllG caa1 RJCHAHDTENDEJtCRABLEGSSDVEDIM THE SHELL wmt OMWN Bl1TTfR .......•......... SEE HAHGING aaNU BOAJU>S SUJIOOD CATCH SHRIMP.SCAU.OPSAHDSEUCTCUTSOF 8 95 F1LETED ASH WITH FRESH 8EU.P£PP£RS ANO ONIONS • BEW TOD ~10VJ oz.CEHTERCllTEAmRN. CONtknam:. . . . . . t 1.95 CBICDll 3 BONELESS BREAST.GLAZED WITH OUR SPfOAL BAAIMlUE SAUC!. . . . . . . . . . • . . 6 .95 tmD I ALWAVS FRESH, IDAHOTROUT. .. 7.45 ---. .. ......... - GOLDEN DUGON llPBGIAL LUNCH ••••• , , •••••• , .... , * u su •.•. -1111 '· •• kl .,. EGG FLOWER SOUP CllCIUCHI•• FRIED DTON FRIED RICE HOT TEA & FORTUNE COOKIE kl .... EGG FLOWER SOUP ILICll IUF ltTM WCI IUSlllOGll ~GG ACU.L FRIED RICE HOT TEA & FORTUNE COOKIE kl a.a EGG FLOWER SOUP •..S llTII IUI SAUCE FRIED tl>NTON FRIED RICE HOT TEA & FORTUNE COOKIE k4 ea• EGG FLOWER SOUP •ITl ... POll FRIED DTON FRIED RICE HOT TEA l FORTUNE COOKIE kl .... EGG FLOWER SOUP PlllCHI ... FRl£DDTON FRIED RICE HOT TEA & FORTUNE COOKIE kl .... EGG A.OIER SOUP IL.ICU 11111 ltTM IUCI MlllOGll FRI ED IONTON FRIED RICE HOT TEA & FORTUNE COOKIE kl a• EGG A.DIER SOUP YIUTAILl H LUXE FRIEOOTON FRI ED RICE HOT TEA & FORTUNE COOKIE .... EGG A.DIER SOUP IHFClllY FRIED IOllTON STEMED RICE .... HOT TEA & FORTUNE COOKIE ..., ea• EGG A.Ol (R SOUP l .. PAO ClllCUI FRIED DTON STfMIED RIC£ HOT TEA & FORTUNE COOKIE 1e.11 a.n EGG A.OIER SOUP ... cum FRIED WOf'roN STEAllEO RI CE HOT TEA & FORTUNE OOOKIE Banquet Facilities Available OPEN DAILY: 11 :30 AM -10:00 PM Also Food To Go -Both Locations Qlsta Mesa, CA., 2023 Harbor Blvd., Phone 642·7162 (Kange, C~, 4715 W. Chapman Ave., Phone 750-7171 ' i ~ " :::> ~ • ~ "O 'C LL .: t I ~ ir: _,, f' • ' lO !Currently }screening u.. ~ ABSENCE OF MALJCE: Rated PG. Paul Newman :g and Sally Field. A careful study of the power of the press u.. and its consequences. neatly t'xecuted by S1dner Pollack i The PG rating is for adult language ~ CHARJOTS OF FIRE: Rated PG and starring Ben IG> Cross and Ian Charleson as r unners in the 1924 Olympiad. who run races for different reasons but manage to wm Just the s ame. The PG rating must be for .2 its lofty themes . there 1s no nudity. no violence and very ii: little offensive language. DEATH WISH II: Rated R. stars Charles Bronson and Jill Ireland. This story continues the saga of a man who sets out to avenge the death or his wife at the hands or muggers. The R rating is for violence. THE FRENCH LIEUTENANTS WOMA N: Rated R. stars Meryl Streep in the role or the heartbroken and heartbreaking French Lieutenant's woman and Jerem~· Irons as the Victorian genUeman who gambles his love and reputation on her The Victorian love story fable is mt.ercut with another plot : the modem day film ere" making a movie or '"The French Lieutenant's Woman·· has its own romantic dramas and downfalls which are meant to compare and contrast with the Victorian sequence The R rat mg 1s for adult sexual situations GHOST STORY : Rated R. !.tars Fred Astaire Mel\'yn Douglas. Douglas Fairbanks Jr and John Houseman. The R rating 1s for nudity and adult situations HOUSE OF WAX : Rated PG. 1s a re·release. in J.6. of the horror classic starring Vincent Price and Phyllis Kirk. The PG rating 1s for violence MA.JUNG LOVE: Rated R, stars Mic:iael Ontkean. Kate Jackson and Harry Hamlin in a story about a woman, a man and his homosexual lover The ij rating is. for adult situations and homosexuality; NIGHT CllOSSJNG : Rated PG. stars Beau Bridges. John Hurt and Jane Alexander as oppressed East Germans who attempt to nee their country to the west in a homemade hot·air balloon. The PG rating is for violence See Currn1tl.11 . P.age 11 _.,~ 111l CLASSIC J -D llOIUfOR 1"Wlf or AU TIMf. ~~~T VIDEO ENTERTAINMENT NOW YOUR'S FOR PREVIEW OR PURCHASE NEW RELEASES ONE FLEW OVER THE CUCKOO'S NEST ROCK SHOW.PAUL McARTNEY & WINGS LORD OF THE RINGS NICHOLAS NICKOLBY CONTINENTAL DIVIDE HIGH PLAINS O~IFTER A HUGE SELECTION OF MOVIE HITS INClUOtNG NOSTALGIA • lfllGIOUS • CMLOHNS • AOVl T T A'iS vcas • llG SCHINS • COlOI CAMIUS • COlOI TV'S •VIDIO GAMES •ACa SSOltllS ONE STOP FOR All YOUR VIDEO NEEDS lOPEN: M-F.10-9 -SAT.10·&-SUN.12·6 l 369 East S•vttntl!flnth Strttel Costa Mesa. Cehlom1• 92627 (71 11/ 631 STOP or 631 7867 ACROSS FROM RALPH'S VIDEO- ECONOMY SEATING $2.50 'tit 3:00 PM EXCEPT S~RC IAL ENQAORMl:NTS NOTl:D Mariel Hemingway PERSOllAl IEST SHOWS AT 12:30 3:00 5:30 8:00 10:20 . 12~"-"I ..... ...,,., REDS (PG) 12:30C:JO1:30 NoP_.., No Economy SMUnt ,._.,,.,,.....,.... QIAllCl11 IF FIRE (PG) 12:30 2:50 5:15 7:4510:10 Harry Hamlin in Ult-LIVE (R) History Of The World Part I (R) Diane Keaton in SltOOTTHE MIOa (R)At 12:15 2:40 5:10 7:4010:05 Jack Nicholson IORDER (Rl Also PlayinL .,_..llllllilCR) Burt fWynolds ....,..,. 1-(R) ~ A_,,ND<nirml Aln"HU• (~) "u•I ' ••ulln' LOOM (R I Hanison f~d MIDElllF( E Liil' AR PG Also Plavin11 TAPS (PG) " "NUMBER ONE PlcnJRE OF TIIE YEAR .. .'~,..-.*" Nom1aatc4 tw II ACADEMY AWARDS ..... .,Ji .. BEST PICTIJRE -DRAMA BEST DIRECTOR Mark Rydell BEST SCREENPLAY Ernest Thompson BEST ACTOR Henry Fonda BEST ACTRES-5 Katharine Hepburn BEST SUPPORTING ACTRES-5 Jane Fo nda * 8ARQAIN MATIN•••* MDNl•Y tltru l•tur0y All Perfonnancea before 5:00 PM (Eaalll lllldll 1 ............ alld Htlldayl) --·llA11-·~-~~ ..... .._ •GWWWIU e:u--.- ''T'Hl AMATIIUR" fll ,~ ........... ... -----·~Of' THE LOST MK" ---·--..... ,,..- LAKEWOOD C ENTER WAlll IN ... ___ _ "ON 00&.0IN POND".,. , ___ ,,..,_ -c.~---­.. ,.,. .. _ IMI, ..... -- lAl<EWOOO C FNlfO SOUTH .... , • "~ --·---~ 'llAIOIRI Of' Tiii LOST W " ·----Ul1t I A I ,11'..i. --· "c.ATH WllH It" fll 11t••··· ......... ------·---- Joc11lty ot Cono1.-.ooci 211/H1·tll0 -~ ..... "' .. -'9UW-.. __ ... .,._ "MAKINO LOW" "' IL ... .,., ..... __ ,,._ ---Wl-"CHARIOTI Of',_.."' 1-11.-••1._ .. ,, so COAST WALi< I N South Cooal Hlwoy OlltoodwOy 414-1514 -C.-·---~~~ .. , ___ _ --·----''-ml...".=: ... -.. ---- F rom P.age Ill ONE FROM THE HEART: Raled R. tak<'S plare in 11 sound stage re.creation or Las \'cgas and lclls the ~tor~ or 2.1 hours in t hl' II \'CS or t WO IO\'Crs The r.t m "as directed by Franris Coppola. written by Arm~ 1rn Bernstein and Coppola. and stars Frederic Forrest. Ten Garr. Raul Jullu and Naslassia Kinski The R rating 1s for adu!t situations ON GOLDEN POND: Rated PG. stars Henry Fonda and Katharine Hepburn as an aging couple returning to hve on Golden Pond. He's filled with anxieties about death: s he's lntermina bly cheerful. The~· bicker polite!~· until the arrlvul or their daughter cJ ane Fonda 1. her latest boyfriend. Billy 1 played briffiantly by Daboe~· Coleman I and his 13-year·old boy. The PG rating ts for language. PENNIES FROM HEA\'EN: Rated R. stars Ste\'e M arlln and Bernadette l'elers m a lhrow6ack to 1Q30s musicals. Set uauinst the depression. the stoQ' is serious. C\'en u httlc• bluc•k The· H rating 1s fl)r adult situut1onl> und M'X REDS: Ralc'<I PG. stun. Wan·en Beatty ai. John Reed. lhe Ame11can journalist and Diane Keaton as Louise Br\'ant. who becomes his wire. Thls film runs well over three hours on a budget or over S30 million. and the loving care or Beatty. who also produced and dirl'cted. shows. The PG rating is (or language and adult situations. SHARKV'S MACHINt;: Rated R. stars Bun Reynolds as a tough cop caught between a eorrupt deparlme_nl and evcr·present bad guys , The R ratmg ll> for violence and language. RAGTIME : Rated PG . 1s an mtell1genl srreen version or E.L Doctorow's 1975 novel. whleh ~Ca\·es historleal charaeters Haro · Thaw. Stanford White. E velyn Nesbit. J . P Morgan Into the h ves or what tries very hard to be u t~·pical American family. EJizabeth So your car won't start and your ·bills don't end. Forget your troubles and take a friend to ... M£TIO.OOUJWY1C MAYDt l'raellls A MICKAFJ. rttlWPS l'rodlldioft al A DiWI> S ~ Fillll ltlCl NOl1t DCllA WIMD JOHN STllN8tX.'K'S CANffllY "111 -AUDRA tJNOU:Y _...,,.JOHN HUSTON _,. .li\CI( lm'73CH£ --•-.. IUCHARO~A.lD ...,,..,-.,...SV£N ~V151'.AJ.C. .... , .,.,.. _ .. JOHN STDlilllfXJ( -.. lllCHAll PllUJPS ._ .... _ _._ .. IWt'IDs •ao '"'-- =:r.w=,.==~w===i -· --- NOW PLAYING H :P. McGovern gives a winnlne performance as the dreamy 2 eyed Nesbit and Howard E. Rollins .i:; commanding as l Coalhouse Walker. a black piano player who ls abused by , bigols and bureaucrats a hke. The director. Milos Foreman. had a diflicult task in cutting the sprawling I book lnlo Clim shape. and he's done the job admirably The PG rating is for nudity and some violence :- 'Tl SHOOT THE MOON: Rated R. stars Albert Finney :t and Diane Keaton in lhe ~tory or a decaying marriage ~ Written by Bo Goldman and directed by Alan Parker. • The R rating is for adult language and situalions i TAPS: Rated PG. IS the tale or a group or mihlar} c school cadets who arm themselves and occupy the ~ rampus to keep il from being sold and turned into condominiums. starring Timothy Hutton and George C ~ Scott The PG rating 1s for violence THEY ALL LAUGHED: Rated PG . star~ Audre) Hepburn, Ben Ganura. J ohn Ritter and Dorothy Straiten in a romantic comedy set in Manhattan. Peter Bogdonovich directed rrom bis own script The PG ratmJ: is for adult situations and language 'ACIFIC TMEATllU DlllYf·IN SWA' MtEU IUOt• •1111 •utn -..-.. '"'.,,Al KAMOll I LVD DIUYf·IN I OAAN&f DllVf-111 I aM II J"' IH .... f I IMIAJ , .. ·-·-" •1-1• 11-· ............ -•:1& ...... ,:oo'-""''"e.•5 IMPORTANT NOTICE! CNllDfltU UNDlflt I~ fllHl ................... '"'" r .. &.ao. It• s... _, 30 ,. ~ -.'°"" .. CAii MOii iS l'OUll SIUIClll ,. llO .. CAii MOii WITll orroi .a:DM!ll'l llDlll'OI -.-5Mtlilll™IU.J•llUc.fl_...•1111 Mt MIG •~A~i1M ANAHEIM ORIVf·IN ,_ .... .._,, 179·MIO .. ._.,._ ... _.... "WINOWAlKEfl" --"MONCO au Y" - CM· fl fOUICI ~\... f ... ,., "•"'• BUENA PARK OlllV( IN Uftcoffl ... W9tt OI (l'Oll 121-4070 p ~ ..... .-• &10 LINCOLN ORIVE·IN ---·--"CHRISTIAM f ." 1111 -"OIA~"llll a. fl IOUllO .. •4"'·" LA HABRA DW1v£ 1~ ---"l>EAllt Wllti 11" 1111 -"THE alM'NtNO" "I Cllll II SOUllO .. ~--------"REOS",.., -··PAOf'tCCY" -CllOt ,._ °"' ____ ,_,....__ "vtCE SOUAO" "' -"HAAOCOftf" .-i __ .... ,.. __ "MAKING LOVE" 1111 0\,119 "HISTORY OF THI!: WOALD PART ON1"1111 --· "OEAlltWllHll" "' -"THE aURNINO" "' CHI( fl SOUllO 11«11 IPrO So OI J Got_Gf_,,_ 891·3693 -C.. ICOTf -""'""' "TAN"--"M00£AN PAO&.EMS" - CIM ff IOUllO ..... ww·w:o"•~ ''THE AMA,.utl" fll -"IOUT'HlllN ~T""' I Cllll ·fl SOUllO .... ___ _ "OH 00&.~H "'*I>" ---•-* --• --''THE l!:L,JCTRIC "°"91MAN" -17MU2 -·-·--....... -.... ~ .. ·~~·· ... ... •. . MISSION l1111V f IN . - W hPNE~ r" .. '"' .._ ................. M7·11t1 SOn+oA'IOI,..,, •soole CoM- 558•7022 .. ..-..we•=~ ''T'Hlr AMAft\M" t1111 -''tountUlN CC>flWC>ltT' " --·---''GHOST STORY" 111 -''rillM'IAK" .-, .· I • , - It ! Dlftlslons ------- - --------------f -PUYS------- ": "THE PAJAMA GAME," a musical comedy, ,,. opens tonight at the Westminster Community ~ Theater, 7272 Maple St., Westminster, wlth "-performances given Fridays and Saturdays at 8:30 ~ t hrough March Z7. Call 995-4113 for reservations. G> 1 "RING AJlOUND THE MOON," a French comedy, opens tonight at the Huntington Beach Playhouse, Main Street al Yorktown Avenue In the ~ Seacliff Village shopping center. Performances ii: a re Fridays and Saturdays at 8:30 through April 3 with ticket information available at 847-4465. "HENRY IV, PART I," a Shakespearean tragedy, opens Tuesday on the mainstage of South Coast Repertory, 655 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. Performances will be given Tuesdays through Satllrdays at 8 p.m., Sundays at 7:30 with m atinees Satu rday and Sunday at 2:30 and reservations taken at 957-4033. At 29, Charles Heller was ' a mathematician without equal . At the CIA, he was a computer expert without peer. But when terrorists murdered the most important woman in his life, he became "I OUGHT TO BE IN PICTU•ES," the latest Neil Simon comedy, is on stage at the Harlequin Dinner Playhouse, 3503 S. Harbor Blvd., Santa Ana, playing nightly except Mondays at varying curtain times through March 28. Call 979-5511 for ·ucket inform ation. "SCAPINO," a wild and crazy comedy-farce, clpses this weekend at Orange Coast College, playing tonight and Saturday at 8 p.m. in the Drama Lab. Reservations at 556-55?7. "GREASE," the 'SOs rock musical, closes al Saddleback College in Mission Viejo with performances tonight and Satllrday and Sunday al 8 p.m. and Sunday at 3 p.m. Call 831-4656. "BLEACHER BUMS," a new comedy about baseball fans, is on stage al the Newport Theater Arts Cent.er, 2S01 Clift Drive, Newport Beach. Show limes are Fridays and Saturdays al 8 p.m., Su ndays al 2 p.m . through March 13, with See Diverskms. P.age 13 assassins, The first 11 minutes will absolutely shock you . The last 11 minutes will rivet you to your seat. M> ~ 1111 MOO VAIM Plmt A .m B MIOWl..S. llARTlt H. IMlllSKY PloU:tm A OWlfS .MIJTT flUl OI SAVMI ' I THf PORT fHEATRf .. ''·'' EVERY MOND~Y ALL SEATS $2.00 ... tender and entertaining Melvyn Douglas And Brooke Adams In "Tell Me A Riddle" (PG) • f :.. ' I; ,\ " H ~. >.... I '·· ,\ .. Diver•lons ------------ Fro m P.age 12 reservations taken at 675-3143. "A DELICATE BALANCE," Edward Albee's Pulitzer Prize-winning drama. continues at the Irvine Community Theater. Performances will be given Fridays and Saturdays al 8 p .m . through March 6. Tickets available at the door. "SOUTH PACIFIC," the popular Rodgers and Hammerstein musical about World War II, is on stage at Sebastian's West Dinner Playhouse, 140 Ave. Pico, San Clemente. Curtain limes are Tuesday through Thursday at 8: 15 p.m., Friday and Saturday at 8:45 p.m .. Sunday at 1 :30 and '7:45 p.m. through April 11, with tickets available at 492-9950. "DEA"R FRIENDS," a drama about four marriages, is being staged by Showcase Productions in the Westminster Auditorium, W~stminster Avenue at Hoover Street in Westminster. Curtain ls 8:30 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays through March 6, with reser\'alions at 894-6788. "SEND ME NO FLOWERS," a comedy in the See DiL'€'rsions. Page H i' ACADEMY \AWARD .. ----. NOMINATIONS Including BEST PICTURE BEST DIRECTOR BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR ,. ~==~~~~::::::=====~~ Q1ARIQTS Of flRE I · 1•f!w irrl<-fl.PIC, TOL (INF MA M ,, • ... • IV• .. ' 1 .-. "', ''""'' i..,urrr·~~. a.•~f • .,,.,., ....... 510 71 l _ ," .. -... -....... , ...... -.- CMMLU~ ''DEATH ..... 11" ,., ... ~ ....... "":a:~-- .JOHN&AV~ &1 •• ---... ..,.,,,_ .,.,-:-,~-- CHAN.U WON ... ~--t-Jl···mc ~aco ..... •~ --.-.---1:1,••.t:• , .. _,_ Ot ·~.\T I·()!-< t ""JJU. --.,.,_ .... _ ........ UUfflllll!I AlllllCl OF llAUCl -.- CHAM.U IMONION "DEATH WISH II" ...... , .. __ t.A1l!Mlll ..... aa, ..... ,.... __ _ "WINDWALKER" --····-··-t.AT-·-··· ......... -... , Then~·s more to~lt\MI MAKING LOVE ~~- , •t.• .. ircl l ll"O ( INE MA "''",,·, ... ::.: .• ~ .... ~ f173 8350 .,.,.:=:=.--.,._,,.-.-"WINOWALKER''" ~~_...;;;.;.;.;;~..;,;;;;:.;;;;:;:.;;:;=-:i~+--~~~~~~~~~--... , ..... ~SAVAGE =-.,., ___ ,_.,_.,.. • 1111 • _. C9f'TWf ... .._. -.. , ...... , ......... -.-... . .._-~ .. ------.,~,. .. , __ .. SHOOT THE M<>aN" l .. I r I I " r. [ l I I f I " t. ( f< f ) l ."\ I /\. .· ""' )~1 5880 J0ttN NURT "NIGHT CROSSING" (NI ...,._ ----"MAKING LOVE" (Al _, __ ---·---_., __ •tm--•• II "DEATH _ ..... ··•iMf II" -.-.--.-M"9111L-.-. -.-.-... 13 - ~ Dhel'Slogs; ~ ' ~ F rom P.age 13 ~ Rock Hudson·Doris Day mold, closes at tbe San ;f Clemente Community Theater, 202 Ave. CabrlUo, .,;.. San Clemente. Final performances are at 8 p.m. • with reservations at 492-0t65. 'tJ ~ .. DIVISION STREET." a comedy about 'flOs }ai. people coming or age, closes this weekend at the ~ Newport Harbor Actors Theater, 390 Moote Vista St., Costa Mesa . The 'show runs tonieht and j Saturday at 8 p.m. and Sunday at 2:30 p.m. with ~ ticket information at 631·5110. ~ n: -~RI------ "FIUT IMPRESSIONS." a youth art show. runs Saturday throuib April 11 at Milla\ House, West Gallery, Visual Art Complex, 12732 W. Main St., Garden Grove. Information, call 63l>-8'107. DRAWINGS BY Judith Volt, drawings and sculpture by Jonathan Wieder and "An Inst allation by PLACE" by Ruth Ann Anderson and Suv.,i Geer are to be on display Wednesday through March 3 at Orange County Center for Contemporary Art, 3621 W. MacArthur Blvd., Space 11, Santa Ana. Gallery bours are noon to 5 p.m. Wednesday through Satul'day. Information, call 549-4989. AN INTRODUCTION TO ARTS ADMINIST1lATION and Mana1ement is to be presented jJi slx Saturday sessions beginning at 10 a.m . tomorrow at tbe--Garden-Orove Center. ~ series is presented by Santa Ana College Community Services OJfice. Information, call 667·3097. 1bere Ls a $20 reeistratlon fee. POLAND'S ART AND ilClllTECl'tJBE ia foc us of a slide presentation at 7:30 tonight in Room 113 of Orange Coast College's CounaeUng and Admissions Building. Admission is $3. Information, call 556·552'7. "YVES ICLEIN: ABT OIF THE 'tlS AND '7tS," a lecture by Tom McEvllley of the Institute or tbe Arts, Rice University, Houston, is to be given Wednesday at UC Irvine. For location and Um e. call 833-6648 . "ABTES GRAFICAS PANA•E&ICANAS INTERNATIONAL EXHIBIT:• litbo1raphs, serigraphs, eneravings by Latin American artists; is on display at Bowers Museum, 2002 N. Main St., Santa Ana, through March 28. Also on display are Indonesian ritual objects, swords, dag1ers, hunting trap charms, texllles and basketry. Information, call 972·1900. "PEOPLE OF THE SUN: Man and Cosmos in Pre-Columbian Middle America" is oo display at Bowers Museum, 2002 N. Main St., Santa Ana, through May 31. The exhibit includes funerary, religious and architectural sculptUl'fl in stone, stucco and clay plus tithic and copper artifacts. Information, call 972·1900. :-CLASSICAL MUSIC--- PIANIST JOHN MACK.A Y is to survey works by modern composers during a concert at 8 p.m. Wednesday in Fine Arts Concert Hall, UC Irvine. Tickets are $5 for general' admission. Information, call 833-6379. LOS ANGELES CHAMBEK OllCRESTBA WINDS are to perform at 8 p.m. Wednesday in Fine Arts VUlage Theater, UC Irvine. General admission la $5. Information, call 833-6379. ORANGE COUNTY YOUTH SYMPHONY ORCBESTllA presents a concert at 4 p.m. Sunday at Chapman College, 333 N. Glusell, Chapman Auditorium, Orange. Adl:ni.ssion is $2. lnformaUon, call 997~1. PACIFIC WIND ENSEMBLE Ls to present a concert at 8 p.m. Monday in the University Music Center Recital Hall, Cal State Long Beach. Admission is $3. lnfQJ'lllatioo, call (213) 433-4688. See Diversions. P.age 15 &ACADEMY AWARD NOMINATIONS --a.. c... .. , .,., I·------·-·-··-! ~~~ ALU~D>~ Thie .... you CM ... REDI et theM thNtr9e •uwaw .... , ..... CIMllA WUT •C...I• Newport llMctl 144-0780 Wlltllllftstef HI .3935 O!af10e S3HSS3 ------I •ACAOfVf ........ __ .. _,.... __ .,_.I0-1 . ...--.... ..... ...___ . An Evening of B_aroque.Music There's a lot being said about MAKING LOVE: with Robert & Catherine Strizich 1 lnternatk>twlly Renowned: .. . . . the be1t among A mericon performer• on !We and guitar... -Schenectady Gasette ..... charmh19 and bn1itching . . 1fftlitl~ am.u:· -Vancouver Sun ... 111t1U0101 and lnglllfl mwncal . Mlicol«. dynamic and IOflfc differentattof& . . . pnftt;t btll never pedantic.·· Neue Zurcher Zetituno RECORDED ON EMl 'S ··REF'l.EX SERJES AND TITANIC RECORDS: .. . . . orw o/ tlte rrn~1tOM1 o/ the rte0rding mduitrv ·• Journal of the Lute Society of America .. . eict"*nt mtt'mtM ~rl. TlwJ thiftlc. br«Gtll and phtOH lOflt'IMr bNuti/uU11. Oltd tllq ca~ mott mu1lcol... -The Music.al Quarterly Robert -deire.es in musicology from U.C. Berkeley. · -studied with Dombois. -publishedtranscrtptions -~~~~guitar. Catherine ~arah Lawrence 1radu1te -~~ud.led with Dombois in Swltzer:-.'?!I. -performed with ~€W York Pro Musical & Boston Comtrata. . Robert & Catherine STRIZICH Friday, March 5 I p.m. Saddlebeck College North C•mP.¥8 Tldlet815-17 Info: 559-1313 ~ "The first controversial movie of 1982 .. A completely successful telling of a very tricky subject ... A fascinating and well-acted story.'' -GlHI llSUI. CHICAGO TatlUNf "A r•freahlng change . . • MAKINO LOVE ta honest end touching •.• ected wtth 1lnoeftly ..• wrtlten .... '"'= ..... compeMlon end ~ wn love enG cere." _.. ....... NEW YORK DAILY N1W1 'TWE NTIETH CENTURY·FOX Presen1s A PRODUCTION OF THE INDIEPROD COMPANY AN ARTHUR HILLER FILM MAKING LOVE MICHAEL ONTKEAN • KATE JACKSON • HARRY HAMLIN WENDY HILLER and ARTHUR HILL Produced by ALLEN ADLER and DANIEL MELNICK Scrttnplily by BARRY SANDLER Scory by A. SCOTT BERG Otrected by ARTHUR HIUE.R Mu~ic by LEO"NARO ROSCNfl/1AN rnu• ., ot ww ~. ~ ~ ~ M""'h«'-''°"' a.M.nnnw •M•~ lllll.J •l•ll.\11'1 ~ ·' Diversions --------------------------------- F'rom P.age 1-1 1 NEW YORK STRING QUAllTET is to present a concert at 8 p.m. Salurday in Fine-Arts Village Theater , UC Irvine. lnformation, calf 833·6617. Tickets are $6. IRVINE SYMPHONY OR(:BE.STRA is to present a free concert of popular music, designed to appeal to young persons, at 2 p.m. Sunday at Turtle Rock Community Center, 1 Sunnyhill Drive, Irvine. Information, call 673-0096. . . UC IRVINE JAZZ ENSEMBLE is to perform at 8 p.m. Thursday in Fine Arts Concert Hall, UC Irvine. Tickets, at Sl each, are available at the door. Information, call 833-6617. UC IRVINE CONCERT CHOIR, Chamber Singers and J au Choir are to present a concert at 8 p.m . Saturday in Fine A.rt.I Concert Hall. UC Irvine campus. Tickets are $3 each. Inft>rmation, call 833-6617. "LANCE ·A·LOT," a musical , is to be presented at Huntington Harbour Yacht Clu~ 3821 Warner Ave., Huntineton Beach, tonight, Saturday and Sun<Jay and on March 4 and 5. Sbowtime is 8 p.m . Information. call (213) 592·5390. A FACULTY RECITAL featuring Michael A. Martin is set at 8 tonight in Bertea Hall, Chapman College, 333 N. Glassell, Oranee. Admission Is free. Information, call 997·6871. -DANCE------ TWO JAZZ DANCE MASTER CLASS ES f ea t u r i ng professional d a n c e rs a n d choreographers are to be held Saturday at Santa I! Ana College In tbe cam pus dance studio. 31 Information, call 667·3506. §: A NEW BALLET is to premiere at 7:30 p.m. 1 Saturday durtn1 South Coast Cultural Services Jt League's fund-raising gala in the Irvine Cultural .~ Center, 17302A Daimler St., Irvine. Information, { call 979-3176 or 979·1582. .,, DANCE ARTS THEATER, a 2·year-0ld dance ~ company based In Laguna Hills, plans to hold open ~ auditions for ballet, jazz and modern dancers at .,, 10 :30 a.m . Saturday at Mission Viejo School of !R. Dance, 2S272·A Mci ntyr e , Laguna H i lls . 2 Information, c~l 768-9683. ~ CONTEMPORARY ANIMATION is subject of ~ a free seminar set for 7 p.m. Saturday in Waltrn ar Theater, Chapm an College, 333 N. Glassell, S Oranae. Featured will be excerpts_!~ the film N "Heavy Metal." Information, call 997-6729. "CABARET" r uns t broua h April 18 at Elizabeth Howard's Curtain Call Dinner Theater, 690 El Camino Real, Tustin. For reservationl, call 838-1540. Magic "Diane Keaton and Albert Finney &Ive-· the kind of pe.forinances that In the theatre become legendary -1111N•'t•-•A1 .. •Mlll....,'1 ..... every piece of magic and the skill of every craft has been used to free our imagination, to let it aoar with the fi lm to what life may have been like 80,000 years ago." -SMla 8nsoJt, W S ANGELES TIMES _____ ............................ ..... ~~~11!~1[_ ................. , ..... ........ ,1 .. llDltaes '1Ar 1h12 ..... ,,, ... ~ ...... KM&. THE NEW YO&K.Ba MAGAZINE "A movie you wOQ\ want to leave ... A Id' 1, .. ca , ... .-., ol rn do• madle -t'OClb ... two ......... Am ..... Impressive "QtJEST FOR F IRE is perhaps the most impressive: physical re-creation of e_rehi1toric times ever put on film ... Ultimately, QUEST FOR FIRE evolves beyond qnthropology into a love story-in fact, the First Love Story ... QUEST FOR FIRE is diverting and well made, and kids should love it,"-David Auen, NEWSWEEK _. 0.. w' , I...._ lo G:a., ss-.Y• -'1•1 I 1 lt ... l'lm ... tolMltJ09'1 ... 1 • .., ........... lt .... to ....._p_.,.,. t•tllltdrlllllJWwllla ... ......,. .,. ttJ .. pow AIMrt Amey ... Dime "--_, be topped •• ~ die MOOll• fl a •••he adllewc; 1 f" Ex~aordinary l!ca aeed. CRITIC AND SYNDICATED COLUMNIST ,,, "As .-re and as lbarp In its detal as fhle prose and as continuously surprisifts. .. A ....... a.a,, Mm>w-., I Ra .......... MlllK..._11 .......... Mr. FlilDIJ ..,. die kind al 94Mwd ...... ,.._ ...... performmce one waca...1wldlllflllllt~ v-... c...,, THE NEW YORK TIMES SH~i MWN MET1t0-00l.OWYN·MAV!lt PaES£NTS ALmll'l'f'INNEY IJIANE BATON IN AN ALAN PAIUtU FILM "SHOOT THE MOON" KAREN ALLEN PETER WELLER · DANA HILL EXECUTIVE "'ODUCERS EOOAR I . SCHEJUCK ANO STUART MILLAR WRITTEN IV IO OOLOMAN PltODUCEO IV ALAJOC MARSHALL --DUUCTED l!_!!;!'!~U2_ MmOCOL~:· ·~-= NOW PLAYING mA COITI... • .......... .. Pim E:dwlrdl C.. "-"" VlltO Tw ~ 52t.SS31 171·4Ut 130-tttO 134-2553 111·1243 t....mlf:a...a.J..Wi~.Jl •k lifi'l!'!e!@•" · "In its most elemental form, what we have is a quest movie, in the great tradition of EXC ALIBU R and RA IDERS OF T H E LOST A RK ... it'• one of the most extraordinary fdma I've ever " 'B .. - • ~1 • ·-I ... g I ~ "O ·c LL I ~ -0:: • ' +- collect1dn ine restaurants in one ANTO.ELLO RISTORANTE place seU/~OIANWAFFLE Classic Northefn Italian cuisme, a superl> wine list with a YefY capabfe· stllff to assure your dinl~ a real experience. Retef'VaUons and jackets suggested. (714) 751-7153. HUtltGRY TIGE" RESTAURANT Flln'OUI for live Maine lobster~ fresh fish daily. The oyster ber has its own menu of special seafood dishes. Lunch and dinner. Entertainment and dancing. (714) 979-1181 0000 EARTH RESTAUMNT "Unequivocally the finest In natural cuisine:· Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner. • 8 A.M.·10 P.M. Sunpay-Thursday; 8A.M.·11 P.M. Friday and Saturday. 557·8433. . RESTAURANT HORIKAWA Operated by Horikawa of Tokyo, offcus gourmet Japanese cuisine In a serene set· ting. Try our combination luncheons In the Teppan Room, cooked right before your eyes by showmen chefs. All major credit cards. Open 7 days a week. (714) 557-2531 ~ South Coast Plaza Village Located at Sunftower & Bear Streets Santa Ana, CA 92704 • (71•) 751-6595 A scrumptious selection of waffles. Pt~in, powdered, fruited, or fudged; all are equally delightful! Hamburgers, homemade muffins, soups, sandwiches, and omelets. Patk> dining. ~days and Saturdays: 8A.M.·8 P.M. Sundays: 8A.M.·5 P.M. (714) 557-5186 VERDUGO'S- MSTAURANTE Y CANTtMA Fantastico! TantalizlnQ tradltlonals and exquisite especiahdades. Strolling mariachis and champagne brunch to Sf)lce up your Sund.Ys f Monday-Saturday; Lunch 11 A.M.-3 P.M .. Dinner 3 P.M.·11 P.M .. Sunday Brunch: 9:30 A.M.-2:30 P.M. (714) 556·7990 MEY!RHOF'S RESTAURANT Meyerhof's Restaurant on the Green in South Coast Plaza Village since 1976. ' Dine In our turn-o f-the·century country kitchen and enjoy superb sandwiches. thick soups, fresh salads, wine, beer 1 softer beverages, desserts, and delectable ce cream creations. (714) 5-40.8044 • • • • • Y• 11111111 IAllY PIPIR FRIDAY FEBHUAAY :?b 1 ~!i~ CHANGE COUN l V CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS ocal Coast Guard o}iePations rescued By STEVE MARBLE Of ... DM!y ............ Plans t.o sharply reduce Coast Gu a rd sear c h -and· rescue operations a long the Orange Coast a nd othe r s horelines acr oss the nation have been ca n cel e d by the R eagan administration Under pressure from boaters and politicians , th e administration late 1 hursday announced it will recommend that $15 million be restored t.o Pot use concern justified WASHINGTON <API -There i s no concl usive evidence arijuana causes permanent, lon g -term health effects in hum a ns. but a va r iety of s horter-term reactions to the drug justify "serious national concern," concludes a study released today. The National Acad e m y of Sciences study, one of the most comprehensive ever attempted o n the health e ffect s of marijuan a, said the. lack of Information about the most widely used illicit d r ug in America is astonishing. The study committee said the country must give a higher p r iori t y to research o n marijuana and related drugs. ...,._.....·.a&;~'""'-ff'~eJ' iAYeslm of research dollars. "The romm1ttee considers-ui re sea r ch parti c ularly inadequate when viewed in light of the extent of marijuana use in this country. especially by young people." said the report. "Our major conclus ion is that what little we know for certain about the effects of marijuana on human health -and all that we have reason to sus pect Ju s tifies serious nation a l concern." it continued. The academy. an independent but federall y charte r ed organization o f distinguished sc ientists. con ducted the 15-month study for the National Institutes of Health The commi ttee from the academy's Institute of Medicine said marijuana had worrisome, a n d someti m es harmful . s hort-term effects on reflexes. behavior. visio n, learning, memory and the body's heart and lung systems. But it said there is no conclusive evidence the drug is addictive. leads to the use of "harder" drugs, affects the s tructure of the brain or causes birth defects. Among the study's medical findings: Marijuana significantly impairs motor coordination, abil ity to follow a moving object and ability to detect a fl ash of light, factors that "m ay suggest a substantial risk '' to driving or operating machines <See DRUG, Page A21 Liquid fuel p11mped into shuttle tank CA PE CANAVERAL, Fla (AP> Cold liquid fuel was successfully poured into the space shuttle's massive external t a nk toda y as part of a simulated countdown to prepare for Columbia 's third flight M arch 22. Mea nwhile. the shuttle ,crew said their 7-day voyage will be the busiest for a long time. "We p robabl y h ave more things to do for a two-man crew. more things per man per hour than any or the s ucceeding flights for a while." Air Force Col. Charles G. Fullerton told a news conference In Houston. the astronauts' last before their launch. "Everything we are doing on the flight Is an extension beyond the last night,'· said the shuttle commander. Marine Lt. Col. Jack Lousma. "We try to break new ground and we're doing that on this light." Lousma said O>lumbla'a night is ·•not Just another ride" on a spacecraft. ''While we are not ln the Clnt wave ol pJoneen, we a re not rar behind them," he said. The W\king of liquid hydroten and oxy1en be1an allghtly ahead of acheduJe, shortly before I a.m . PST, and was completed wly.out incldent at mldmomlnc. ' the Const Guard's budiet. Observers In Washlngt.Of\ D.C. said this means the Coast Guard ortlcos io Long Beach wlll not be closed and plans to reduce the Corona del Mar search· and -rescue o pe ration will be scrapped. The cutback reversal will save 15 Coast Guard stations in 11 s tates and restore runds to 16 other stations scatteresl across the country. The proposed pruning of the Coast Guard's Corona del Mar op e ration -which ser ves Newport Harbor, Dana Point Harbor and Huntington Harbour -had brought screams from local boaters. The cutbacks would have shaved down the Corona del Mar operation from 21 lo 10 days a month and left onl y one full-time crew on hand to operate. its c uller, the Point Davide. Boaters said this would have made Orange Coast boating a risky venture. T h e c utbuck also was expected lo have resulted in closing down the Coast Guard's 1,ong Beach offices and shifted personnel lo San Francisco. Con gressm en reportedly co m plained to the R eagan adminis tration and advanced several proposals for restormg funds t.o the Coast Guard Ins t ead, Tran s portation Secretary Drew Lewis outlined a plan for restoring $15 million to the Coast Guard's budget, n'teani.ng that the Coast Guard operation will be tnmmt>d back by $31 million instead of the planned $46 million. Lewis, addressing the Senate Appropriations subcommittee on transportation. said the Coast Guard can save the $31 m1lhon by d ecommis1on1ng three cutte rs In Wushington a nd F lorida and "streamlining" other runctions Originally. 11 ('Utters were t.o be c1ecommiss1oned 1n eight states Coast Guard officia ls in Long Beach s aid t h ey have not received orfi('il!l word or the cutback reve rsa l and declined t.o comment until they do FAA probes AirCal jet's • near-miss By FRt:DERJCK SCHOEMEHL Of 11•• O•lly l'li.4 St.H Th e f eder<1l Aviation Administration is investigating an incident Thursday in which the pilot of an AirCal jetliner was forced to take "evasive action" after commg within an es t i mat ed 180 re el o r a single-engine aircraft over the Pacific Ocean. The pilot, Walter Scott. was forced to bring the DC 9 Super 80 carrying 158 passengers and a cr ew of six to a higher altitude after the blue·and-wh1te Cessna was spotted close by in airspace One ai.pect of the investigation. he said. wall foc us on why the pnvate aircraft was not seen on a radar screen al the tame the incident occurred. O cc asio n a ll y , h e s aid, radar -related "phenomenon·· causes some aircraft not to be !>ccn Also. he said. at 1s possible the controller WC:1tch1n~ the screen had other air traffic control priorit iC's to handle at the mqment 1n question. · · 1 see no hreakdown m air <See AIRCAL, Page A2) -nve "lnitn sooth of' 1~~--. L - - 1-.......... ~.e..<ili~ .. --'-='H-UftJ.: ..... r1g.~ ... -----t __ ,... -rlighi 23 -wasbound for San ·" Jose when it landed without bl k · 11 incident al 11 :40 a.m . said Mark as t I s Peterson, spokesman for the Newport Beach airline. At t he closest point, the creWfll an private ~ircrart was 150 reel horizontall y and 100 feel vertically from the A1rCal Jet. NEW YORK <AP> A fiery TAKING A LICKING l>t-nist• .\sht1111 111 LaJ,!una Rl•arh and ht'r cto~ Rn•" t•r l 111d :i JH.·1·rl·tt wa~ to c·ool off on •• "nrm (la.' "11 h OlilJ PllM _._ i.y Cllaf'let , .. ,~ :-om t• H'l' ·l' n·;i m l>t•nt:-.t· l'1110~ :-hl'I' t•1111t• "hall' Hn'\\l·1· <·ll·.11i-. out .1 t11 .... h • according to a statement given to t he FAA by Scott. Those estimates would c r e ate a distance of 180 feet between the two aircraft. A Super 80 is 147 feet 8 inches long and has a wingspan of 107 feet 10 inches. explosion erupted in an oil barge plying th e East R iver off Brooklyn today. killing at least one man a s it blew several people into the water and tossed metal into th£' air "like artillery shells ... offlc·1ab <tnd witnesses said Truck fire doused by alert driver A potentially serious fire to a truck·and-trailer rig in Irvine was avoided today because the driver took fast action to figh~ the fl ames, an Orange County Fi re Department spokes m a n said. · When other drivers on the San Diego Freeway s ignaled driver Allen Ginger of Los Angeles tha t wheels and axles on his truck were on fire at 6:26 a.m . today, h e steered his rig o ff t he freeway to Mai n Street and MacArthur Boulevard. He disconnected the rig, contacted the fire department and then fought the flames with an extinguishe r , said Capt. Duane Best. Firefighters helped keep the flames under the trailer and damage was estimated at $4,000, he added. Best called Ginger one of the "more on-the-ball" drivers he has met. Measure on ballot SACRAMENTO !APJ An attempt to remove a s t a t e Supreme Court roadblock and put Paul Gann's crime initiative on the J une ballot easily won Senate approval Thursday. Bald • lS beautiful Skinhead asks for protection BOISE. Idaho I AP) An Ida ho s tate representative. describing himself as "the most polished skinhead" an the Legislature, has poked fun at the life of the hald as he persuaded colleagues to pass a bill against certain hair implant operations. The bill , passed Thursday by a 61 ·6 vote, would outlaw hair implant oper ations that use synthetic fibers or hair from a nother person. "We're not recognized as an ethnic mmorily . . but we have a psycholog1c loss of :.elf -esteer:n and suicidal tendencies. This 1s a serious problem ," Rep. Rich Or m e o f St. Antho n y deadpanned. "When I go to the men's room. I can't dawdle in front of the mir ror and comb m y hair I just have to was h m y hands and leave. It Irritates me because I know that somehow I'm paying for a share or that mirror," Orme told the laughing House and ~allerv. ··oo you realize that when you find a hair in your soup you know it is someone else's?" he said . "Other people carry a comb in their pocket," he said "People like me have to carry a wet wa!>hcloth Other people gel to take hme off to }fo to the barbershop I never get a break hke that. These are emotional problems ... Pointing out that the hair operations can cause infection. he concluded. "This bill wall provide a little protection for people like me Now I'll go like a shorn lamb lo slaughter." Rep. Peggy Runting or Boise read of Sampson and Deli lah from the Bible and commented, ·w e shouldn't be tearing our hair out over this issue." The meas ure goes to the Senate Gas fells workers HANOVER, Va. CAP) Two me n were gravel y ill a n d another was in serious condition today after a leaking deadly gas felled workers where they stood and forced the evacuation or an industrial park for nearly five hours. authorities said. The leak occurr e d about 6 : 15 p.m . Thursday at Environmenta l Laborat ories nort h of Richmond. Draft deadliile • carries catch Time runs out Sunday, but post of /ice closes Saturday Y o ung me n waiting until Sunday to meet the U.S. Justice Department's deadline for draft registration will find the federal government has thrown another Catch 22 their way. The post otrlces al which they must register close for the weekend at noon Saturday. Lo cal postal officials, there f o re, are advisln1 prospective registrant.I to viait one or the three Oranse County poat offices open from 8:30 a.m. until noon Saturday. The main branchea of tbe Hunt1n1ton Beach, Fullet;J,On and s.nta Ana poet olfleea all wtll have reatat.ratlon materiall on band. •~cordina to Ferrel McKee, ret.Jl sales manqer for ;. the postal ser vice in Orange County. While Sunday technically still is the last day or the grace period , a Selective Service System s pokeswoman. Joan Lamb, said it ls not likely that anyone registering next week would be prosecuted. The aim is compliance. not prosecution, she explained. Y-0ung men are required to fill out registration forms al any poll oltlce within 30 days of their 18th birthday. The 1race per1od, announced ln January. applies to all men bom between 1960 and 1963 who failed to reaister wlthln the prescribed time period. Jn Callfomla, only SI percent •• or eli gible persons who turned 18 last year have complied with the r e quirem e nt . according to Selective Service officials. Orange County regis trants total only 44.2 percent of the esli m a t ed 13 ,379 draft-age pe r sons ln t he county, the orrtclals saJd. Since the grace period was announced and Attor~ey General Willlam French Smith promised prosecution or thole wh o do not comply1 local r egistrations h ave lncrtHed "dramat ica ll y," lo c1 l pos(masters reported. Pen a l lies ro r fa llln g to re1hster couJd mean a rlve-year JaH term, a Sl0,000 tine or both. ;' Don Fowler . air traffic control chief at the FAA's Terminal Radar Approach Control fa cility at El Toro Marine Corps Air Station . s tre'!tjed that the reported distance!> are only estimates that may or may not be the actual distances involved. "T hey arc what the pilot reported." Fowler said Peterson sai.d Uiat Sco~iater told AirCal offi cials that the distances "would be difficult to estimate" because of the s hort period or time the two aircraft were in proximity "This type of occurrence is not com mon, 1t 1s r a r e Tl 'is regrettable." Fowler said. Bwlget chief • • resignation rumors fly WASHINGTON <A P > President Rea8an h as not discussed with anyone in reeent weeks the possible resignation or budget dir ec t o r David Stoc kman . despite persistent rumors that Stockman is no his way oul . a White House spokesman said. Chief presidential s pokesman David Gergen com mented Thursd ay in r esponse to a publis hed r eport quoting an unid e nti ried R ep ublican congressional source as saying Stockman could not s urvive much longer in his job. ·'I have just spoken to the president, who said that matter had never even been discussed with him" s ince he rejected Stockman's offer to resign last fall, Gergen sa id. The spokesman added , "There is n o I nt e ntion on Mr . Stockman·s part to resign . There's no foundation to either or those s tories ... Redden can win free gaaoline Everyone ts conceme<I about the price of 111ohne. Dul Dally Pilot readers h•ve a chance belinnlng today to wln up to 100 gallons of petrol. A stx-week cbntest Ctllce a Wffk begins today on Page Al. There Will be stx we..kl,y winnen with each tettin1 50 1allons or 1aaolirHt and • 1ra-.d priM ol 100 tallord. • • ) Art h ur Manfredi , a rire spokesman. said one member of the barge crew was found dead in the wheelhouse of the vessel. which sank about an hour aner the bla!>t as it dnfted downnver At tl1c SCl'DC', polict' Chief of Ope rations Patrick Murphy confirmed that one man died and the other seven men aboard the barge had been rescued. The Fire Department said the vC'ssel s s kipper and o ne crewman were taken to Bellevue Hospital. Their conditions were not known immediately The blast occurred at about 6 40 a m . PST n ea r the Williamsburg Bridge between Manhattan and Brooklyn Lt. Frank Martinez, a s pokes man f or th e Fare Department. said, "The cargo was gasoline. but we were told the barge was riding high in the water . so it probably was empty. In any event. the explos ion was in the diesel area of t he barge, so it may be connected lo the engine room " Oil from the barge burned furiousl y and secondary explosions went off as the vessel drifted down lhC' river along lhe Brooklyn side. across Crom the Wall Street area DRANGI COAST WIATHIR Low clouds during morning hours with ra•r afternoon Saturday. High or 62 to 68 Low 45 to 55. INSIDI TODAY Tom llill wUI l tor 01• fi'alatafl and John Allison wfll dire c t Sou th Coa1t Repertory's produc tion of "Henry IV. Port I ," o~tung Tuesday on tM moin •t•· See Weekender. INDll « •• I • J t Ill 0 J ON THE CRIME BEAT: ReC'c nt news cllspntC'ht.•s 9ut . of o ur centr-al county su~gest that inflatjon 1s tlom~ us tlumage in a new un•u. It ·s upgl'adlnA crim<'. ' < l ' Take uutomob1le hutwc.ips. for exumplc.1• Years ••J!O on small .hometown newspapers. reporters would jot clown notes on all kinds or pett~· C'riminality found on th<' polkt• blotter. 9 f( "tr r 9 ') • Then. d~ifull~-. the~· would n.•turn to the.• ncwspapc.•r orrice and type out a • fe w lines on each of the pett~· rrimes. Hubcap theft s were v c· r ,. prominent amon g these short' items that most e ditors used for fillc•rs . Well. editors figurc>cl when thl.' loC'al trnnkt.•r lt)st hts Cadillac huh<·aps it was or mon--rommunity int<•rt.•st than stic king in some fillt•r off tht.• wire about a railrn•HI platform t•ollapsing in Pakistan. " ONCE YOUR FAITHFUL c•o1TC'sponctcnt worked on a eommunil ~ paper ~o s mall that nnt.• rolumn of paJ!e mw was de'·"ted to hetpless cit izens who s ufkre<I a 1>arkinj.! meter ticket the previous day . lt was a \'er y popular item. E,·er~·hod~· wunted to know who ~ot caught yesterda~· Altts. a s crime in the communities heJ!an to csC'alatt.·. ne~~papers beg a n dropping reports on hubC'up tht•ft s und p"rking m ete r fines. There j ust wasn·t room ~rny mun• for elty crimes. Too uch s >a<'t.' ~~clng takt•n u1> h~· masstvt' 01:Ug raids. tius so gam ling syndi<·<itt.•s. clouhlt1 murders. slrt'et assaults and whit t.• <·ollar grand larn•nil'S committecl ,·ia t·omputc•rs Hu~·aps C'leCJrl~· Wl'l't.' tl<.'('ommg tht• mo~I Pl'll\ ol pett ~· cnmes . You know thc• clel'inition of a pett~· c·rimt'. of t·our-;t• Than• onl' where tht.• ,·i<:tim is -;omt.•bocly c•lst• not ~·ou We ma,,·. howC'n·r. Ix• c•xpc.•rienC'i OJ! a l'onwhac·k In the lowly huhrap IN A RF.CF.~T REC'.\P on Ornngc.· r n1111l \ t'rimin idit.'·· nnt.• C••nlc.•n Gro\'l' puli<·c•. lit•lllt'll<.lllt t•xplain t'CI that om' n·ason grand larn•ny rost• 1~ pc.•n ·c•nt in his metropolis last ~·c.•ar was t)(.•("allS<.' or ('OSI~ He C'itecl hubcaps a~ an c.•xamplt.• .. It us<.•d to be whe n hubcaps wen• s tolt.•n. 11 "a,; .ihout a S150 tos!'\.·· he cxplc1im•ct .. That ·~ a pc.·tt~· tht.'ft ---· .. Hut-no\\. a sl't of~inTix-<1% ~rrt'~'"ll"'ll,.,11"'\,..., .,.,,,,,,.,,.,-,;11"'·ft::'H-m=on • -tha~t."!i .a-J,!ranct thl.'ft . ·· \ MAVBF. WHAT T HIS mc.•ans is ror tht· sA kl· or lowerin~ the statistics on major c·nmes. tht• <.'ops nt•l'<I to hire economists to ~h·c them an increased st'ale . Tell la\\ en forC'emc.•nt to boost the.• le,·el of p<.•tty t ht.'ft s to S300. Th.it would m a ke th<.• s t at1sti{'s on m<iior <·1·imin<dil\ look a little betll'I'. . C rime totals now bcmg n•portect for Orangt• Count~ .. s major cities genera l!~· s how a decrease in violent l'rimc.•s . Huntin,:?ton Beach is one of these. We cton·l haw an~ other major tilies a long our t·oastline. Otht'I' thitn H~ntin~ton . the rest of our l'ities arc j ust wick s1>ot~ bdween Coast Highwa.'· anc1 the heat'h IT WAS REPORTED m Huntington Bt.•al·h that ' murders dropped ~2.8 pe rcent whC'n 1981 ri~ures wt•1x· <:'omparcrl to 1980. Then· were four murckrs in ' Huntington Reach in 1981 . compared to sewn in 19RCI. Pe rcentaj:!t.'S or drop aside'. .m u m ight t·onthuk that cn •n four '\la,·ings arc.• ton m<my '.\lo dn u ht the.• ' u:l i m~ woulft ag rel' I 1 '· Pupils square off I f~n academic event Ninth and 10th grade students i·from 33 Orange County schools b will be competing Saturday in \he second a nnua l O r a nge "r.ounty Academic Decathlon. , , Fifty-0oe teams will face off at 1J>ana Hills High School in Dana Point oo s ubjects ranging from i Essay writing, English a nd l iteratu re t o scie n ce , mathematics and the fine arts. The s t udent tea m 's are • lecte; on the basis of grade • • . om Page A1 point average, standardized test sco res and counse l ors' r ecommendation s. Eac h. six-member team is compOsed of two "A"-ave r age, two "8 "-average and two "C" -average students. The competition is s ponsored b y the Orange Cou n t y Department of Education in cooperation with the Orange County Department Decathlon Association, which represents the local bml.ness community. - RlJGREPORT • • • - ·-T ti• d r u g ti a m p e r s horl-te1"1'D memor y . or ai om muai.c406n and learning nd ma\i trigger temporary onfusiOA ,and delirium, all ctors':.of' special concern with dolescents who use the drug uring school hours. -There i s so fa r no onvincing evide n ce o f ehavorlal effects persisting fter drua use stops. -Lo ng .t e rm e ffects of arijuaoa amoJcing on the lungs obabb' are similar ~o those of bacco-s mo ke. inc luding a ---. ORAHOE COAST "strong poss lbil1ty" that prolonged. heavy use will lead to cancer o r serious l u ng impairment. Chronic use temporarily decreases spe.rjp number aftd movement with unknown effect.s on m ale fertility. and antrnal studies indlcal e e rftcts on ovulation and hormone levels in fem a les, but without known adverse effects. The committee said it was particularly concerned about the c h r o n j c , h • 1· v y u s e o I· marijuana. especially by youne people. Daily Pilat MA IN Oflf'tCE Robert N. Weed ~ Thomas A Murph lne ..... L Kl)' Schultz ::=:.o,..W- Mlch ... P.. :t'flfV•Y ,,._,,,.~ .. K8nneth N. Oodaatd Jt. ~.,.,_ a.tea H. L009 ......... ~ ...... .., .... c ........ CA. Mall ....... : .. l .. ,C...Meu;CA ..... CenrttM IWI Or-. c.tt ~ .. Ill~-No MWS--11~ ...... ..._... !Nlllr.,_ .... ,, ................... _, ........ ----._i., ...,........ .. c...,..__, ID~estors' savings periled COVINA <API An attorney advlsed some 250 investors from the San Gabriel Valley lo "take your best shot" at retaining thelr Ute eavlngs or homes aner he revealed their lnvestmeni compa.n31..de.clared..bankruptcy. Robert Yas pan. a lawyer repruen tin g First Ho me Inve1\Jnent.a Co. of nearby• La Verne, jolted an informal Covina meeting or the investors with the 1rim announcemel)t Thursday ni1tht. The comoanv. a spin-off of First Home Realt)'. Co. of La Verne, filed for bankruptcy 'Feb. 19, apparently because of cash-now problems. Asked about potential fraud, From Page A1 AIR CAL • • • traffic control," Fowler said. !''owler s aid the Jetliner departed John Wayne Airport at 10 :42 a.m. anq was about five miles south o( the airport at an a ltitude of 4 ,000 feel a nd climbing when the pilot said he saw the smaller plane. Fowler said the jetliner would have been "about one mile" offshore when the two planes came into "close proximity." The jet was fl ying under- instrument fligJlt rules; the pilot of the private plane was flying l!.~d~r visual fligbt rules. T here is no requirement under acceptable weather c6nd.ilions. such as those that prevailed Thursday morning, ror private air'cra~ pilots, to fly on other than v11ual rules, Fowler noted. "Basically, it 's a ·see and avoid' situation," Fowler said. He saJd it was legal for the pilot ot the private aircraft to have been nying in the area he was. Yuspan said, "I don't know whe ther th t.>re 's been any divergence or funds." He urged Investors to "take your best shot al what you think the company owes you." Several lnvcstoris said they had not rece1 vod rinanc1al "tatement.s in t wo years, T he firm. owned by Joan and Alex Oiplarakos. offered s mall i nterest ea rnings and tax write-o ffs f o r mone y it Sl'pposedly re-in vested in co mmercial or r esidential property, according to the San Gabriel Valley Tribune. The paper said investors put up cash or took second·lrust deeds on th e ir h ome s l o obtain an vestment money. Although the total al state hasn't been delermlned, Yasbun isaid indlvlduols who secured th e ir ll\ve11 tme nt s with St'C'ond trust deed!! could lose as much n11 $430;000: the biQ cash investors could lose $84,000. Tht comp1ay needed $80.000 a mol\th to meet the Interest payments on the second-trust deeds, but Yasban said it "does not have '80,000 in the bank " Toni and Robert Bergman said tbey took a a cond·Lrust deed through Century Finance Co on lhelr Hacienda Heights home or seven years to obtain investment funds. Now they fear they m ay lose their home. .. We wert'n't go1na to make a lot or mo1wy the tax write-Ori was the main thing," uld Mr11 Bergman. :W. "We were !'lupposed to make $6,000 between the wr ite-orr and -nte l'l'tum on oorinvestment, she said. ·•flight now I'm Just hopeful we'll ~ct our house oul or rorcclos urc. tl'11 scheduled for April to. We have until then to come up with about $4,000 to bring the payments up to date " Century Finance wants the full .$44,000 on the second-trust deed by August, she said, adding that she wasn't aware the home had been foreclosed until two weeks ago, when a prospective buyer showed up at her front door. Federal regulations merely require that 'pilots do not fly their planes "in close enough proximity lo constitut e a .,..,,._.. hazard." Fowler said. GAS WARS Drl\ , ... , 111 \u:-1 m. Tt''"' .11 l' dol I a r .\ ~ohll Corp .... 1 It·' llH'l'l1l i' t' allm' 1'<1 No statement has been taken t<,tking act\"<.llllagt• or •• '""'lalrnn i,!.I ... pl'H'l' thl ' s t a t1 1111 11\\lll'r 111 drop hi' p111·1· from the pilot of the private \\"'II' whiC'h hr11ught pl'H't'' lnr n·gul;i r hl'111" .1 l l·mporaril~ aircrafi.. fowler .s..ajd be. bas lhe, __ ~.':..."---------------------------------------­plane's registration number . .,, .wh~ll-be-twmed-cwe-r to the FAA's F lights Standards Division, which will make the final determination on whether to continue investigating the incident. Fowler said it has been at least one year since a simirar "near mid-air report" was.taken involving a commercial aircraft in Oranae County skies. He said there have been "a couple" of other incidents involving military and private aircraft. Such situations. he s aid, generally occur at altitudes below 6,000 feet because of altitudes at which most private aircraft are located in Orange County skies. "That 's wh y we try to exp edite them <commercial jets) out of here <to higher altitudes>," Fowler said. As opposed to the situation in t he v icinity of Los Angeles International Airport. the airspace s urnrunding John Way ne Airport is not in a so·called terminal control area where strict standards apply to where private aircraft.may fly. Plane tarium shows slate d at college Orange Coast Coll ege 's Planetarium will celebrate the 25th anniversary of the s pace age with two shows. "The Stellar Thread" will look at DNA. a molecule found in virtualJy all living things which passes on biological tra its . Shows wlll be offered Feb. 26 and every Friday in March. "To Worlds Unknown," a program produced by the Hansen Planetarium a nd sponsored by NASA, will take yiewers on a n imaginary Journey lo the planets a nd moons or the solar system. Shows will be offered tonil(bt and 30 and Mav 7 and 14. Performances are scheduled at 7 and 8:30 p.m . Tickets are $1.SO tor a dults and St for child ren under 12, and will be sold atthe door. OCC Planetarium Director Stephen Lattanzio will be the lecturer . For further information phone 556·5880. ~ Dolphin fails tosurvi x e .. Deputy's conviction appealed A state app~I court 1s being asked to overturn the June k i dnapping a nd fal se imprisonment con vi ct ions of George Loudermilk . a former Orange County S h e r iff's Department deputy. In a brief filed with the 4th District Court or Appeal in San Bernardino. defense attorney Keith Monroe. or Santa Ana, says evidence in Loudermilk·s highly publirized trial. while pointing to r o mmi ss1on of m isdemeanors, does not support the felony convictions the jury rPlurned. Monroe is asking that the case be sent back to Orange County S up e r ior Co urt with .. appropriate instructions .. Lo udermilk . 38. of Costa Mesa. was con victed by a nine·woman, three-man Jury of three felony counts involvi ng claims by three wome n they were detained and driven lo r e m ote location::. a fter being stopped by Louderm ilk while he was on patrol The former d e puty was ~1\11 \l'Okl\ 111) c......4"Mw 2831 Coat Hwy Corona del Mar, Ca. ,, ... ,700 acouitted on four other felony counts. Monroe faulted Judge J ames Turner for not instructing the j ury on s tate P enal Cod e sec tion s th at make it a m isdemea n or f or a law enforcement officer to arrest or detain a person .. without a proces~ or other lawful authority "The <•vadence an this case. we concede. docs demonstrate a violution of either <section 1," Monroe said in the appeal. And. Monroe claimed. that cv1denCl' did n ot s upport kidnapping o r felony false 1 m prisonmenl Louderm1 I k testified during the.' trial that he was acting as a ··~ood Samaritan .. in detaining th£• women and warning them of the dangers of being out alone ':-.lone or the wo m e n was physically harmed or sexually molested Police seek victims' names Dental records a r e being flown to Orange County from Florida and Michir<an in an a tt e mpt to establis h th e identities of a man and woman killed m a high·spced Newport Beach coll isio n Wednesday evening. Police said the bodies of the two were burrt c d beyond recognition when the pickup truck they wer e riding an slammed into a power pole and erupted in n a mes. Traffic 1mrst1gators said the truc·k was spotted s peeding north on .Jamboree Road south o f Bristol St reet wh en 1t s uddenly s pun out of control. bounced orr a median divider and then wa~ wrapped around a power pole . Oran ge County Cor one r 's 1nves t1gator s al s o are ronductmg tests to dete rmine 1f the driver of the pickup had been drinking . OBI E S P()RTS L Tl). YEAR END SKI CLEARANCE ALL SKI ITEMS ON SALE . ~l\11 'Potff'\ I Tl> ........ 4708 BaNWlca Pkwy. Irvine.CA 112.aa2 -----·----.--.. _.. __ _ AP W~ REUNION DUO Marv Travers. of the Peter. Paul and Mary folk-roc k group ,· and Tom Paxton belt out a tune during a .. Folk Music Reunion" at Reseda this week. Paxton is kn own for his .. The Marvelous Little To~·" number. The reunion was taped for cable television. Sorry, no R e d/ ord in Bedford There'll be no Redford in Bedford, N. Y .. and clerks hoping for a "little sparkle'' in thei r lives are sorry it has to be that way. ActQr Robert Redford , w ho m the c lerk s h ave affectionately dubbed "R-2," was to appear in Town Court th ere to contest a $30 speeding ticket for allegedly driving 73 mph in a 55 mph Group W Productio ns , citing a "dramatic change" ·in marketing conditions. said it will not renew "The John Davidson Show" at the end of the season. Edwln T. Vane, president of Group W Productions. said syndicated talk and variety shows are being squeezed in th e a ft e rnoon by th e Gov. Thomas H. Kean of New Jersey says his wife, Debby, was worried when he was named to a fashion foundation 'i. best -dressed list . "She's afraid people m ay start lo dress like me," Kean said. beaming. Though he's a m1lhonaire, Kean became known in New zone Nov. 7. Redford was on his way to visit fellow actor P aul Newman's horse farm in nearby North Salem. But Redford sent a letter authorizing bis attorney , Lawrence Maffei, to be his s tand-in . The case w as adjourned until March 4 , and Re dford doesn't have lo appear then. either expans ion of local ne ws programs. "Th e Mike Do u glas Entertainment Hour" ceased production recenUy after its ratings became too small to be measured. Coincidentally. Group W dropped Douglas two years ago to seek a yoonger image. ~ersey.'.~ Assembly for what mi g ht b e ca ll e d the '"rumpled look." ··Some of his clothes were ve r y old a nd h e liked ·environmental' ties -the o n es with whal es and beavers all over them," K ean spokes man Ca rl Golden said, explaining the governor's past dress habits. Two women threw trutt pt11 at Moral M aJorlt~ Jtadtr l•rrr Palwtll u ht addre11 td a bout a,ooo I 1pU1t 1 In Fort Worth, Tex11, poltct 11ld. Both women 11oaptd ln th• confu1lon. An otflctr 11td tht pl11 htt Falwell'• fact and 1ult. But Falwell'• ald1, Duke W11tovtr. Hid the pl11 just 1ra1td hl1 sleeve. \ Singer Mel Torme and his production company flied suit for more than $1 million against CBS Inc. and a record company. A complaint filed in U.S. District Court in New York City charged that on Aug. 30 CBS and Finesse Records allegedly began unauthorized nationwide distribution and sale of an al bum, "Mel Torme a nd Friends - Recorded Live at Marty's, New York City," which co n tai n s T or m e's co p y r ig h ted m u sical compositions. Torme also asked the court t o prohi bit furth er distribution of the album. An amused 82 -year-old J ames Cagney chuckled "beautiful , beautiful" as he a cce pt ed the en graved pudding pot that is the Man of the Year award presented annually by Harvard's Hasty Pudding Club. ··Boys and girls. this is really a welcome," Cagney told the form ally dressed crowd al Cambridge, Mass. Reade Fahs, co-producer of Hasty Pudding's newest production. said Cagney's decades in film "typify the m ean in g of th e Hasty Pudding award," which is given .. to a distinguished perf o rm e r in th e entertainment field." Your Monopoly board may not refl ect the change, but part of Pennsylvania Avenue near est the Boardwalk may. soon become Danny Thomas Boulevard. City fathers in Atlantic City. N.J. believe it's a way to repay Thomas for helping the ailing city in its dark days before casino gambling was approved by the state's voters. "We owe him a lot," said Com missioner E dmaad · Coland, who proposed the n a me c hange du r ing a commission caucus. Clo uds still around Co ast a l Morn1nQ low c•OUd11"\iP\\ t>f>Cominq partly Cloudy durinQ c.HH~rnoon wtll •s the ~\4!rts, ln<ludlnQ llw MOj••P M ount•ln •r••S wltl f't•w• low c loud\ •nd too on lower c.o•\tat \IOPf'' our lnq mornln9 noun •nd partly clOUOy Uie\ In IM •II••-. otntr•lw v•ri•bl• hi9h ctouolne'" SouthwtlSIPrly wind\ •rt 1>'..,l<led 1n nor tn~rn mount•1n-. •nd d•wrh S.hHdav HuntinQton Ntwoor• d'"'if __________ _ low or H. hiQh Of U Eh•whe•t . tn>m Po•nl Conceptoon to 11\a Mel<l<.,. bo<~r and out Ml mli..s Weil to \OUthwt>t wind• ot a to IS i.nott I Oday and Sal urday allttr..-ns LIQl\1 ..,d v.r1al>fe winds lonlQl\I -mornlnQ hOur\ S.lurday Wind woes ot 1 lo J tut, •Ith -ste•ly •-It of I 10 J lffl NtQlll and motni"9 low CIOUO\ w1111 oerna1 •flu,_ cl-lnq lhrOUQh S.turcsay ·U.S. sum1na r.v Scattered iho••r\ t•tt from south·c•ntr•I T•••\ to soulh•rn M IH ISlfPCM IOCMY ano ,,~,_,,nq ralrt Ex te nded forecast S OUTHER N C ALIFORNIA COASTAL ANO MOUNTAIN AIU:AS HIQI\ ctoudineu at Umu on Sunday otl\uw1s• lair weather llHouJll\ lh• oerlod Some orly mornlft9 I-<loudl • ._ the cout HIQll• 1n coell•I aru\ will '""90 lrom 70 at tlw DHCIM't to 16 to llOowr lnl•nd ullen Lows '4 to S4 H1qrts at mountain ,,,_, lewis SI lo U L_, Jlto•I •1 ...... , @:ll) '"'" ~ ~ _::::_ .......... \lu• '"'''' o •••• ffptf IIIIIIIIJ - -• --- Denver ., 70 Orri MotnH JI 11 ~troll ,. 0 Duluth 1l " El Paso •• )I Rapid City Reno R1<11mone1 Salt La-P JI " se JO llfft and~ f~tt from Wf'\t T•••S lo wultm lp""'"'·"· .,,., "°,,"",".Temperatures M1n1n1pp1 F•lr!Nnks H•rtfp,d Htl~• H H "° • ,. ,, It Suttle St Louis St P h""N St SleMarH! 0 1S 41 JI St .0 ~ n 16 Ml 11 • 41 JI A ff'W r•lrt ShQwfor' w~rp ff'PC>f"fff alo1>9 the '°'1lhem All•n••< C.,.\I and the nor them Pac th< Coe\I SkiH -r• cloudy ovt• much ot lht Sout"4'ast. tlw mlo M1"''''1>0• Vafley and Ille Norlh•n\I Sklo wtre oenarally lair over much 01 the rHI of IN natlorl Tht National Weall\er Service tor.CHI 1-0IP<m• trom eastern T•••s to Geor91• and norl"ern F lorlda. wllh c toudy o lo l•om 5outl\ Carolln• -11\e TtnMUH Valley to the soutl\em Pl•ln1, Rain was predlct~d alono lht norll\trn Pacific Ca.SI ancl c loudy skt•s w ere forec&\t ovPr tne rem•lnder ot Wa,hlnqlon •nd northern ld•hO ano from North Dakota to 11\e u~r Great LOt\ r~ion nw , ... , ot tM n•hon could U!WCI lair t~lel T•mper'etur•\ 8round thf n~n1on u rly loclay ,.,~ from l i.1ow •n HOUiton, Maine, •nd Jack....,. Minn tolOln Kevw ... 1 Fl• Cal ifor11i a Palcl\y or •arteble NQll <'°""•are torecut for Sout11ar11 C•lllornla vat1ey1 s.lunMY, bu1 lair wHll!er u n be ••PKled In motl Olller ar•H Saturday.,..,_ Eu"" for "'°'nll\Q low clOudlnau Lot A"9f!M -coait•I ., .. , from S.nla e~a eo o..,.. c-tles -·d be fair. IM NatloMI w .. , ..... Service u ld toclo HIQl\1 In Los A•te• wlll be nor 70, and in olher er.et from •t lo" Mot111ftt low '~ wlll 9lve way to parlly <1-y 0 1 .. S•turday aflor,,_ I,. con1a1-1111ermadlat• Yalleyt, 8fld Ille San l'ar,,.,.oo, San Gabflet 8flCI Sen ..,.nardlllO valleys V arlal>I• l\ftll c IOudtnan It procllc led -1-f;~~-_ ... ....,.,..... ......... " .., .......... .,., ... _ .... 4 MonOw-'"41e¥ II ,o.. oo l\OI .,_ --"" ,~.,,, , ...... ' ,,,, __ ~ .. "·~- ._.., -.._."1''~ dll .... ~ ... c:'l' .W' ,o:.,"' .. C: Albany AIDuqu• Am•rillo Ancl\or- A.,...vllle All•nt• Altantc Cty B•lllmort Blrmll\Qllm 81,marck BolH Bo" on 8rown\Yll• Butta lo c11ar111n SC Charl1tnWV CMYttnnt ChlcaQO (1nc1nnau Clt•ttanci ColumbV' Dal Fl W1h HI Lo "<II' " 1 ., ,, J6 n 11 ti •• 31 s• JS Ol 32 19 JS 19 ~ " °' 19 I ., lJ 11 IS 8J ... " 19 • 6S '3 J6 II J7 IS 31 IS Ol JI 16 n 1 JO II SI lJ I •• -ulu Hou\lon lttOn•Plt\ Je<k snvU• June•u Kan• City Las VtQ.H Liiiie Rock Loul•ville Mtmphl\ Mi•ml Mllw•uket MPIS·Sl.P Nul\vllle Ntw Orl•- Ntw York Norfolk Okla City Oma Ila Orlando Phlladl>l\I• P-nl• PlltsburQI\ Pll•nd. Me P11ancl. Or• II .. .. )I J1 .. II S1 u I )I 11 .. ... 0 1'I l1 11 '3 " 1• . , 1S ,, 11 I) 40 J3 71 St ,. 70 31 ,. u )() lJ 70 II s• JI II u SJ 71 • ,. • n •• OS Sook•nP IJ Tuoon lulu 01 Washlnqtn Wlchll• CALtl"OllNIA :M 8aktr\held 81yll\t ,. ~~::!: L•nuster lMAl\QelO M•rysvllle Monterey Nt..,IH Oakland P .. o ROl>ltt Rtd Bluff Redwood Cltv S•cr•mento 01 ~~n,.•r~nc ••<o Santa Barb.tr• Sant• M•rla Stockton •• 0 01 " )I n n "° ,. •• ,. - M .. 6• 10 u 60 - 11 - 6S 60 S9 61 ., 60 60 .. 63 -.. Tt>erm•I Uklall ia. ..... ?rii.-.-~---UR_f _Rl_PD_RT_ .. ~_g_~ ... __ Tides " -41 -7) n .. .. .. L«atloft liuntl"91oft Pie<' Santa Ana River Jetty dllSt.H.._-t nnci SI Bal- S.llMMl WedQe Roc,•plte, LaQuna SIMPY Hollow Tl•alla·IS,_t T ... Y'• A"W/M&S I·) 2 M I I I l•t 1·1 I Waft ...... , .. , ,_ ---, .. , ... , fair fair San ClelNf'lllt Pie< Trafaloer IT ·StrMO 1'2 l•lr 5' S7WTOll@llll~S T!Qg; !tl!lll IJ;IJ • .m. Low J;tl. m ·~ OlrltdlOll We're Listening ••• TOOA'I' •·S.pm II 12pm SATUllDAY l"lrsl low ) 11 • m l"lrst hlQh 11; H a.m. IKoncl low S:U pm Socot1d hlllh tt:jl p.m. •·• S..n ..,, 100.y •I t ;•7 p,rn., rltoet S.turd•Y al •: U •· m. ,.__ M44 .... Y .. ti .. p,ttl,. rlMt Saturday at I ; '6 -.m What do you llke about the Oally Pilot? What don't you llke? Call tbe numbfr below and your meau1e wlll be recorded, trea•c:rt~ and delivered to Ule approprtafe editor . The same 24-ho\lr anawertna Nf\'ict m11 be used to rtcord let· ten to the ...titor on any topic. Mailbox contributors must lndudt \heir name and telephone num~r for verification. No c:lrculatlon eall1. plea.. . Teti us what's on your mind. ............ _. __ .. _ _.. ___ .. r -J --,___, Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Friday, F1bruary 28, 1982 H/F ~-l ' ' .... · I '" . Land battle in co111~t Sui t filed concerning Marine air st ation f light path Ro11moor COrp., dtvtloptr of L~laure World rttlrtment com munlty ln La1un1 Hlll1, flled 1ult Thureday ln U.S. Dlatrlc:t Court to win a 19-year-long battle to develop l•nd under an approach path to the El Toro Marine Corps Air Station. Al Ce r esu, Ross m oor president , said the firm w41nts to construct professional offices on atout 200 acrci, of land on which development is now restricted T hose r estrictions . first imposed in 1963 and later reaffirmed in 1974 , were sought by the Marine Corps because of what 1t considers the potential for military aircraft accidents Rossmoor will contend m the legal action, Ceresa said, that s tudies condu c t ed by th e Department of Defense in 1976 and 1981 show that the land 1s not in an .. accident potential zone·· and that l'O mmcrcial developmC'nt would be an acceptable use of thl' property Wate r slide in Orange to reopen • A 65·fOOt·high waterslide in Orange on which two teen-agers were seriously in ju red I ast August when it ruptured will be allowed to reopen unde r new management, the Orange Ctty CouncU has dP.Cided. Before it is allowed to be put back into use, however, the new ope rators will have to reduce the hei ght of t he s lid e to 40 feet and change the tubing from clear pl asti c t o s t ronger fiberglass. The council gave its approval to re-des ign and eventual reopening of the slide -located near lhe Newport Freeway on Chapman A venue after being ass ured that Hyd r o-Glass Systems Co. of Manteca, would be a reliable operator of the recreational attraction. Previous operator of the slide was JU{ In vestments of Irvine. Its general partner. James L. H e rrill of Newport Be ach, brought in Hydro-Glass Systems as part o f a r es truc tured financial pa rtnership, according to Assistant City Attorney Gene Minshew. The so-called .. Big O" aquatube was the scene last summer of an accident in which several sliders were injured when a tube ruptured. Two teen-agers Bill Pierce. 18,. of An aheim, a nd Joe Deterding, 19, of Orange -were left dangling about 40 feet above the g round when the clear plastic lube broke open. Pierce was impaled on a jagged edge of the slide and suffered abdominal injuries. Deterding suffered cuts and a lowe r back injury. Deterding has s ued the city over his injuries. Minshew said that before the slide is allowed to reopen, the city would hire an Independent engineering firm to check the safety of the redesign and repair work. The slide is currently shut down. The city approved the repair work T uesday n ig ht afte r checking on the background of H ydro Syste m s an d its president, Robert "Budge" Brown. No complaints about their operation of other slide operations were round located near Moulton Parkway and El Toro Road. Lt. Col. Ca ry Kelly , a community plannJni -9m cer at the base. said tho stu814P8 were b ased o n sta ndarl zed informatiC)n relating to approach paths at all Marine Co rps air stations and did not tuke into account special C'ircumstanccs al El Toro The approal'h path, he said, is the only one used by incoming military aircraft And the path has heavy traffic, Kelly said . Rossmoor in 1963 was rorced , to set the land aside as o~n s pace in order to gain rights lo deve lop the Leisure World Community. Jn 1974 , as 11 res ult of an inverse condemnation action filed by Rossmoor against tM federal government, the firm was awarded $2.7 million, plm, interest, as compensation for the loss of development rights. At that time. an agreement wa1 1l 1ned whtredv de ve lopment would te prevented aa Iona 11 the ~· rtm•lned •t &t -T-Ol'O, Lt. _c+L Kelly 11 Id. . i Hossmoor und t he Marlie Corps ent ered negotiations n potential development on t e land one ycur at(o, but thole ~~11~s reached an impasse. K~elly "We have he ld rtrm on t I 'lfl'd wc will continue to do " Kelly said "We have been given~ alternative but to go to court rorl'e the government lO do W it!. own !>tud1cs have directed it to do, numcly to p~Tmit t e development of our property r com mcrcial uses,·· Ceresa sai Rossmoor. he noted. is In process of hqu1dallng now t the Leisure World developm 1s ('Omplctt•d He said seve ·u n n a m e d d c v e I o p e )' s h a c x p rt• s s c d int e rest, i n. t property, which now is used a a greenbelt. o.i1y I'-l'-•Y LM I' PROTECTI:D These ~now~ t•gn·t ~ an• among inhabitants of the Boi s~ Chit· a" l'tlands that c·<in lw 'l'l'n 011 fin al wmtl'I tour. Walks for the birds L ast chance sightJngs offered on Coas As the winter bird migration nears its end, so too do guided Orange Coast bird ·watching tours. There is onC' last chance lo take · a guided walk this winter through either the Bolsa Chica E'cological Reserve or Upper Newport Bay. The final winter tour of the Bolsa Chica reserve is slated for March 6, according to Lorraine Faber of the Amigos de Bolsa Chica. The tour covers one mile of r eser ve trails and takes two hou rs . Hours are 9 lo 11 a.m with tour groups leaving every 15 minutes. Besides a variety of ducks. herons a n d egrets, many smaller shore birds can be seen from reserve trails. Mrs. f'aber said. She said the walk begins at the reserve·s main entrance, Pacif~ Coast llighway across from Boli,a ('hica State Beach park· I ot Binoculars, she emphasiz . a rl' em·otJr"ag to•d Tht.• r1nal tour of Upper Newport Ray until Octobe r is set for March a>. accordina: Jo Fran Robinson or Friends"of Newpdrt Ra v She advises interested parties to meet between 9 and 10:,lS a m at the northerly end bf Back Bay Road and East Bluff Orive m Newport Beach. The I S·milc tour includes short explanations of the area's ecology by speakers stationed along thC' route. Mrs Robinson said Res ides bin ocul a r s, she recommends tour.goers wear comfortubl e walking shoes. There 1s no charge ror either lour ew~ort Ski Company's . on selected equipment only! We are in the midst of what is shaping up to be one of the best ski seasons ever and Me"fl•rf Sid C ·~•Y has the merchandise and eervlce to make yours even better. ..... ... ROSSignot oYnatit Kt San M&r'.CO Dynamic Ratohle Fischer Ko Flach ti :::?n Geze Tyrolia Marker • • l I J • • Orange Coaat DAil. Y PILOT/Friday, February 26 , 1982 Reagon u;rged to quit budget Pressure mounts with $100 billion yearly deficit forecast by economi sts . . VICTORY Rose ~1aru.• S<.·;i~ giH•s :-alutt-and di...pl;i~:-Ku J\l ux Klan hood she <"apl un•d aft er Kl a11sm;1n lost 1t <111ring ~horled dl'monstration Thursday in .Jaek!">onnlll'. Fla \ h ostile . mo:-11 ~ hla<.·k t·row<I halll•d t ht· <ll1nH111..;1rat11111 rha s in~ :-I\ r11hNI Klansnwn ;ind a ll'\\ ... upporll•r -. I rum tlw DU\· al Counl' ('nu rt hous l' , Exhibit & Sale Directly ~From Peru & Other Countries Feb. 27 & 28; I 0-6 pm Native Folk Art • ft-U./e.;:::a.;:v;:;:r:;::n";;;g;:s-~ -J0we1 ry • Baskets • Clothing • Carvings • Masks . • Dolls • Much. Much i f More! i EBELL CLUll HOUSE ~ 51 5 w. lc6oa 11¥d. f lcAoa. CA 10.. lc6oa Pet111ittMlklJ i 17141 621-3214 announcing complete hair design by WALTER DETTMAN aesthetics (7 14) 640-6023 Design Plaza •Suite 220 ~ Fashion Island • Newport Beach WAS ll l NGTON I APJ - Pressur e is building on Preside nt Reagan to abandon his budge t a rter conare11slonal economists concluded It wlll produce annual deficits or SlOO l)ll~n for the foresee-able future. L eaders o r the troubled Clnanclal and housing industries told Reagan In a letter Thursday that he has "no alte rnative" but lo seek higher taxes, reduced military spending and cuts in government benefit program s such as Social Security In order to trim deficits . House R epublican leader Robert H. Michel of Illinois told reporter s a bill t h e administration will need passed by May to raise the national de bt ceiling will fail unless it is linked to .. a budget r esolution that indicates we are narrowing the deficit .. Michel smd he thinks the way to do that is to tone down planne d d e fense s pe nding in creases. reduce cost·Of·li ving hikes in var ious government benefit programs and defer an income tax cut scheduled for 1983. Guerrillas pushe d bac k SAN SALVADOR. El Salvador I AP l Governme nt troops h ave pressed a IO ·mile·wide offensive through dense jungle --oiR a~l ~~l-~1 llu strongholds on two volcanoes. witnesses said Defense Minister Gen. J ose Guillermo Garcia said Thursday--·· that 15 g uerrillas and three government soldiers had been ki l led during the three-day offensive on the slopes or the Guazapa volcano, 23 miles north 1111 .IRllfl of San Salvador, and the nearby Suchltlan volcano. Pe•o violator• /acing crackdown MEXICO C ITY (AP I Co mme r ce D e partm e nt i nvestiga tors a r e c losing businesses rang i ng from hole -In -t he -wall s hops lo s upermarkets and deparlment s tor es in a crackdown on those who raised prices afte r the devaluation or the peso. A de partment spokeswoman said a bout 15 businesses had been closed Thursduy and that ins pectors were continuing to i nv estiga t e co n s um er co mplaints or unj us tifie d increases. Hinckley gets · irulefinite delay uy11 a Judie whO will decide whether to rorce Mark David Chapman to end a fast that has stretched to 23 daaya. State Supreme Court JUJtice John R. Tenney r eserved declalon Thurs day on a state requeat for authorization to force•fet.>d the slayer of the rock musician and former Bealle. Tenney suld, "lie <Chapman> has right!'!, but he a lso has an obtrsalion to obey the rules of the lnslitulion . . . They cannot permit sulcido " Court lo d ecide tax exemption? W ASI llNGTON <AP 1 The R e ugun a dmin ist rat ion has asked the U.S. Supreme Court to determine whether the Internal Rl'vcnue Service can bar tax cxcmptions to racially biased M·hools, but says 1t docsn 't want to t ake sides. The .Justice Department. in a rf•vcrsul, said the high court s hould go forwa rd with the appeal from two schools which WASHINGTON cAP> An h ave hccn d e nt ed ta x app eals cour t has deluyed t·x~mptions inde rinilely the trial of John W U S · d lfinc kley J r , lhe man UCC:URCd • • assure of shooting President Reu~an, so On ~ w ~cs plane• prosecutors can have more lime ,.... ,.... a to decide whether to challenge u W ASlllNGTON 1Ap1 Saudi pre-trial ruling Arabia hai. given the United The thrce·Judijl' panel of the States ··ull the assurances" U.S; Court of Apr>eu lli mude its n ee d ed fo r th e R eaga n dccudon Thursday only six houri. ud m inistrutio n to keep the a fter 1i1 1o~.co11r• J11d.g4)-~4'>l"Om1scs it madt.-to-G<mgt-~ March9 lr1•l duk about the sale of five AWACS Lennon suspect must endfasl MARCY. N.Y I AP > John Lennon's confessed killer cannot be allowed to commit suicide . radar warning plcines. Pentagon sources say An agreement e mbodying the assuruncl's was s ign ed last month by Set'retary of Defense Caspar W. Weinberger and the Saudi defe nse minis ter, Pnncc Bandar bin Sultan. durin g Weinberger'• trip to the Mld<''.e East, sources aald T h ursday night. Khada/y campaign 1lepped up WASHINGTON <AP> -The R ea~an administration ls s te pping up Its ca mpaign agai n s t Co l . Moa mmar Khadafy, the Libyan leader, by imposing a boycott of oil imports from the militant Arab country and hailing sales of Am erican oil and gas equipment to the Libyans. Informed sources say. The decision was taken by the Na ti on a l Security Council on Thursday and is expected to take effect in two weeks. Victory aeen on busing issue WAS H IN G T ON <AP I Senate conserva tives are poised to c laim vic t ory in a congressional drive to eliminate IJusing as a tool lo desegregate sc hool~. but the propos al has a long way to go before it becomes law A s mall group o f Senate liberals abruptly surrendered Thursday after a nine ·month uphill ballle against a strong anll-lmsing majority. U.N. beefs up Lebanon orce l'NITED NATIONS 1AP1 With Is rael hinting at a new attack on Palestinian gue rrillas 1n southern Lebanon. the U N S(•turity Council has voted to b t·ef up the mult1nat1onal pt acekeep1n g force 1n the region ON THE WATERFRONT IN NEWPORT BEACH Super arclwalk & Sidewalk Come in and see our large selection of Swimwear Now You May Rent A Luxury Apartment on Newport Bay. Sale SHELF-CLEANING CLEAN SWEEP OF QCIAUTY CINIQCIE ITEMS South Coast Plaza In the M~ll by the Carousel 751-7500 Oscar Fever Gracious living 1n a country club setting lhat overlooks the bay That s Park Newport The finest apartment community in fashionable Newport Beach Here. for your pleasure a $ P ., m1lhon Social and Health club 81igme<:l 1ennis cou~ racquelbaTI courts 7 sw1mm1ng pools and acres of gardens Leases are available for 1 2 and 3 tx>droom units Some are elegantly furnished APARTMENTS AND TOWNHOUSES ON THE BAY \ IN NEWPORT BEACH FROM $540 TO $1,000. Conveniently located on the Upper Bay, Park Newport is Just 5 quick mnutes from the Orange C:OUnty Airport and all maior business centers On Jamboree Road at San Joaquin Hills Road ~-(714)M4-1t00 Relaxed browsing and shopping ... sipping and supping ... don't miss this sale among sail~ event of great ' savings and enjoyable shopping at the Lido Marina Village Super Boardwalk and Sidewalk Sale! Friday, Felt. 26, lO·am-9 pm . Satarday, Feb.~7, 10 am-6 pm S.-aday, Feb. 28, 11 am-6 pm RESPONDS Lou Papan. D-Millbrae. chairman or th<.• Assembl\' Rules Committt•l•. has cti t lht• starr of Assc mhlyman Rn s~ .Johnson. R·Anaheim. in tht• wake of Johnson's mo\'e for an indepl'nclt'nt audit of all funds l'XJH'n<kcl h~· thl' l' o m m i tt l' t' o n a (' a p i t o I rl'storat ion part~· • ....... -. Orang,e Cout DAILY PILOT/Friday, February 26, 1982 H/F ~·- Partisan battle rages over 'gala' funds ] SACRAMENTO <AP> -A challenged in court by Faln's slayer Gregory Ulas Powell . rour months of John's life with Authorities did not rel4!ase Republican legislator who Is lawyers. is the first reclaalon of Officials of the state Board of him. and there were a few thln1s Identities or the victims and accualn1 the Democrats ot a parole date solely on the Prison Terms reported late I thought people shou ld could not Immediately sa spending $134,000 on a Capitol grounds ol public opposition. Thursday that the date ror a underslltnd about John and tho whether the four occupants ~ restoration party, has lost a Fain, 36, described aa a model ·•parole reclslon hearina" would record " t~e h(>use were related. ;,1;0~tr~::rt:i"1~~:~~d:~nt audit ~!:~;i~~ ~~v~:S~o~~d:!~0'b!e~ beP~~~t~:d~t~~~ Lee smith Off-ahore drilling Dupute atym · • The accuser Is AHemblyman scheduled tor parole last Jan. 19. were conv icted of murdering pollu••on feared reanrMartionme nt Ross Johnson, R·Anahelm. His His first parole date slx years Los Angeles police officer tan h rr-· accusations have already ago had been postponed after Campbell In 1963. The episode VENTURA IA P > _Ort-shore SACRAMENTO (A P > brought down the Ire or publicprotest. gained prominence in Joseph explorutory oil drilling could Stymied by yet anothe' Ass~mblyman Lou Papan, Wambaugh's book and film, become one o f South ern lnterhou se dispute, th D·Mtllbrea, chairman of the 2nd uroun 8 eek8 "The Onion Field." Their death California's predominant causes Legislature has adjourned i Ass~mbly Rules Committee. e r sentences were reJuced to life, of air pollution, state orficialii four -month special seui Papan has cul Johnson's staff Rose Bird recall and Smith was paroled Tuesday were told. unless It is curbed. without reapportioning l from four lo two, and ordered . G . A report issued Thursday to Board of F.qualization. him moved into an office half SAN FRANCISCO <AP> -A rammy mlXUp the state Air Resources Board By votes of 63 ·0 and 271 the size. second group in as many days Thursday, the Assembly a · 0 n the Assembly floor has launched a petition drive to brin.us a.polouy claims that drilling on the Outer Senate approved a resoluti Thursday , Johnson . the recall Rose Bird as chief j ustice • -e " Continental Shelf could send aJr closing the session at the end Republ ican ca ucus vice oflhestateSupremeCourt. LOS ANGELES <AP> -The pollution levels above federal the work day. chairman, move.d for "an The Committee Advocating National Academy of Recording standards. C . d : independent audit or all funds Legal Limitations needs 731,244 Arts & Sciences has apologized The ARB wrote In the report OUrt OOrl Open expended b.y· the Assembly signatures to gel 8 recall vote on for a mix-up that kept the that emissions from a single • C • l Rules Committee" on the t he November general election co-producer of the "Double drilling ship could soon become in Orona re tna Capitol gala, a week of events ballot. After failing to collect Fantasy" album fro!!\ going on the 10th l argest source of HAYWARD <AP> _ Th celebrating the reopening of the enough signatures to get the s tage to accept a Grammy emissions of oxides in the South public will be allowed to watc restored Capitol. initiative on the June primary award and share his thoughts on Ce ntra l Coast Air Basin , today as jury selection resum ballot, the group, chaired by J ohn Lennon incorporating Sant a Barbara in· the retrial of Juan Corona Marvin Feldman served notice ·'The re was a technical and Ventura counties. ~ 11-year-old charges or k)Uing Thursday that it would try problem,'' J ack Douglas said T:wo boya, man farm workers, accordinc to again. Thursday, explaining a mistake ~ judge who earlier dosed th in music cues apparently caused k •ll d · bl court sessions. Parole canceled • by public outcry SACRAMf;NTO <AP> -The state parole board says it was moved bv an "extraordinary public outcry" to cancel the parole of William Archie Fain, convicted of a murder and three rapes in 1967. Sl,ayet;'s parole date reconsid e red VACAVILLE (AP> -The s t ate par o l e board is reconsidering the June 18 parole date or convicted "Onion Field" the orchestra to start playing i e in aze Superior Judee Richar again as Lennon 's widow, Yoko CRESTLINE <AP> Two Patton reversed his. earliel Ono. left the stage with their young boys and a man died decision Thursday after a stat 6·year-old sonSean. Thursday night, but a woman Court of Appeal In Sa "I never got lo make the escaped, when their three-story Francisco said it would halt t statement that I thought was home in Cedar Pines Park in the trial pending a hearing kind of important to make," San Bernardino mountains whether the public should The decision Thursday. to be Douglas said. ''I spent the last burned to the ground. allowed to attend. Robinson's YOU'LL SAVE 400/.-60°/o AND MORE! SALE OF OVERSIZED SHEETS AND BED ACCESSORIES 1 .. 60% AND MORE OFF ~a&':AitW1;.J'IJ,~rJaltlfP DUIT RUFFLES '9.99 DUST 1umi~ ANY SIZE ••.99 SHAM, ANY S1ZE . , At these low sale prices. you'll want to glamorize every bed in you r home1 Our French-pleated dust ruffles and shams will add that special decorator touch to your room-the Great Shades collection comes in a rainbow ol sohd colors that you can combine with your prints or other sot1d shades to achieve exactly the effect you want But sizes and colors vary, so don't delay, come in early for best selection Robinson's Bedding. 54. Newport only. Twin dust ruffle. Full dust ruffle .. , .... Queen dust ruffle King dust ruffle.. . .. Standard sham . King sham .......•... Orig. $40 $55 .$65 $80 $35 $45 Sale $9.99 $9.99 $9.99 $9.99 S4.99 $4.99 40%-60% AND MORE OFF THE IF·PERFECT PRICIS~F KING-f.~11~-f r'i ITIVINS1lJ'/:fKtBt . •7.M QUEEN, •1.99 KING You'll love the savings! And the luxurious feel of our percale sheets, all with famous labels, in a great variety of solids and floral and geometric patterns, many by famous designers. We have every color combination you can think of-to mix or match, or even use for decoration. All In no-Iron cottonfpolyester In flat or fitted styles. And you may never even find the tiny irregularltles that account for these great values. Quantities are limited and subject to prior sale. so hurry In for best selection! Robinson's Domestics. Jo, Newport only. If ·perfect Now Que.en ....................................... S 19·$26 S7.81 King ........................•................ S24·S32 SI.II Standard cases, pair ........................... $14·$17 17.81 King cases, pair ..............•.•..• • ..........• $15·Si~ 11.81 . . • t t l , 1 , ' • ' i ' 1 I I H tF Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT/Friday, February 26, 1982 HUNGRY Mun "'ho idcntifil'<I h1msl'lf as Dcll)\•1·1 Williams. a would·hc wrill'I'. scaveni?cs a hanctl'ul ol' fruit fro"' u Los An~cl cs murkl•t ,dumRster. Spurred h~· hur<I limes and h ig~ pri<•<•s . scuvengcrs sift th ro11J.(h supermarket lrnsh fol' foocl SPECIAL PURCHASE!! ~ ~ _<::_~------:-: FAIRMONT FUTURA WAGONS THEY ARE REALLY LOADED! Including factory air conditioning, automatic transmission. power brakes. eleetrie. windows, door locks. 1111 wheel. cruise control. am/Im stereo. deluxe wheels & MORE, MORE. MORE (1CML8260) · Res•earch ordered on diet aid FDA studies raise questions on 'safe dosage' NEW YOFtK CAP> The U.S. Food and [)rug Administration uya new studies raise questions i.boul the safe dosage of a popular no n-prescrlpllon dlel aid, and therefore the aaency baa called.I or more-reae.ar~ the product. 'I' ti e d t1• u g .-p h e n y I - p r o p o n a 11 o m I n e , o r PP A -is mark•eted under a variety or names Jncludlnc Dexatrim, Dietac , Appedrlne and Prolamlne, and ls used by an estim ated 110 million Americans. ln 1979, a panel or experts ad vised the Food and Drug Administmtion that PPA was "safe and effective," but until Thursday the FDA had taken no action in respon se to that finding. The panel was convened as part of the a~ency 's review of over -the-counter, or non· prescription, drugs. Phenylpropanolamine works by suppressing the appetite. Several research ers have found...that.doses...ot eeA sligbU)' hi g h er than th e 75 m illlgrams ·per-day dosage recommended by the FDA can cause hi gh blood pressure, nervousness and anxiety. The FDA said It does not consider the studies damaging enough to call for the removal of lhe diet aid from the market. ·'This product has been on the market for 40 years without causing significant problems," sa id William Gri~g . a spokesman for the FDA. "But recently this blood pressure problem has been demonstrated at hlaher doses, so we really d want to find out what is the safe dosage level." Produ"cts carr ying pheny l· propanolamine alrea dJ carry warnings that they shout not be-us&d y )>eOP'l~ with- dla betes or high blood pressure, and t h e FDA ha s asked m a nufacturers to add the producL'J should not be taken for more than three months and that they should not be taken at the same lime as cold medications. PPA Is a nasal decongestant as well as a n ap p etite suppressor, and it is found If\ many cold m edications. the FDA 1s concerned unsuspecting" users of diet aids and cold medicine could get a double dose of the drug. THE ORANGE COASf DAILY PILOrs New Chevys CHEAP! t710 IM Rellatel .Ww .Ml .-.trator 'I I .Ml '12 Cihltiont. CCl'lalien, I 0.30 Tntdlt! •s001MRe11ate1 Hew .Ml ._.trwter 'I I .ct '12 c .......... Celebritys. S. I 0 .ct WV p1ci..s! LIMITED TIME ONLY' PORSCHE AUDI .... in the 411dition of exc ellence • IF YOU'VE BEEN WAITING TO r=i!ll PUT YOURSELF BEHIND ~ THE WH~l OF A NEW CADILLAC I ACT NOW THE C O ST MAY N E V E R B E LOWE R! $7595 l'J Get a terrific, discomted HOW ARD deal ' · · i'I PLUS REIA TE NOW! ----------------------------------HOWARD Cllevrolet Sl~LES •SERVICE • LEASING Fl . GM ono NoOelS Co91llOC moke 11eosv10 onord yoU< new COd1tloc w1lh 1eoo1es OI UOIO $2 OOOonsetecled mooe1s1 Tnot's ngttl S2 000• lh11 meons 11\ot lfle cosl or 0 new Not>e(S Codlltoc mcrv never De tower Afll:J IUSI t>ecoule yol/1e &njOV"'g hU941 SO>llnQS 1ne 101ge11 1etec:1tom ol oeoultful new Coo1lloes you u l•no 1nclud1ng Ille g1eo1 new HI 4100 pewer SV'l&m mooets MO you •oeetve 011 ltte setvice ono cusiomer co1e 11\0!'s oeen o Nobe•s troo11oon 10< over 1 • years WILSON FORD II 18255 Beach Blvd .. Huntington Beach 842-661 I, 556-1 070 SOUTH COAST HONDA (714) 957-1966 300 I So. Main, Santo Ana, CA. 1982 V-45 Sabre MCICJlla D WHERE OUR RE:PUT A TIOM IS EVERYTHING -YOU'RE #I WITH US! Contelf R1l11: 1. Correctly complete the secret phrase by finding and using letters appearing in dealer ads on thts page. The t2 letters include the first letter of two words. which have been provided. 2. All entries must be completed on coupons clipped from the Dally Pilot or on hand-drawn facsimiles. Machine dupll~ted entries will not bA eligible. Entries must be legible, completely filled out and signed by entrant. 3. Ooe winner of 50 gallons of gas w1IJ be randomly drawn each week for 6 weeks from correctly completpd entries A grand pnze winner will be drawn April 15. 1982 from all weekly entries reoe1ved during the 6 weeks. including weekly winners. tor t 00 gallons of gas Dec1s1on of the 1udoes 1s final 4. You may submit only one entry per week No person may win more than one weekly contest. Entries must be received at the Dally Pilot by 5:30 p.m the Wednesday following pubHcat1on 5. As consideration for winning any prize. wlnnen will IYthofize publication of their names and/or photographs by Orange Coast Publishing Co without furtri. compensation. 8'. Gasoline shall be leaded regular. unleaded ,.i.r. l)r9m1um or dl8S81 Winners must redeem winning coupon within 2 months of notification • they have won their prize 7. Contest la open to anyone 18 years of •oe or older. Employees of Orange Coast Publlshlng Co. and theltlmmedlate famlliet are not ellgible to win. 113631 Harbor Blvd. • Garden Grove 636-2333 ('.whe1e Harbor meets tht? Ga1den Grove Freeway) ~!~~~~PORSCHE +AUD NOTHING EVEN COMES CLOSE 11'1 NEW ... 1ni now 11'1. NEiii/ UP TO 4010 Gallons OF GAS Jusfc solve the secret pt)raae with letters frc•m this page and mail this coupon. I have read end agree to the rules for this contest. and am 18 years old or older Here Is my solution to the secret phrasrt: -S.eret ~1111 - 151 I 00 []00 lBCiJDO Name: .................................................... ···· · Address: ...................................................... . City ........................................... ZIP ............. . telephone: .................................................... . Signature ...................................................... . IT'S YOUR CHOICE dOftn'tmeonyovllCMllO Come 1n 10 Nobe1s give UC> teleellon oc COd~IOc wMe the '8N!Ce We "°"" one or ~ete<llO" 11 sMI gooo L NABERS,2600 Horbo• ~l\IC'l (:osto Mesa CADILLAC (7 14J 54o 9100·(2131587 a266 SEE OUR FULL PAGE COLOR AD IM TODAYS PAPER! YOU'LL Bl B GLAD II YOU DIDI How to Play: A Winner Every Week for 6 Weeks· 50 Gallons One GRAND PRIZE WINNER of I 00 Gallons It's easy! In each of the advertisements on this page there are one or more letters for a total of 12 that helps make a secret phrase The t 2 letters inch.Ide the first letter ol two words. which have been provided Simply find the letter. correctly use them to make the secret phrase. and bring or mail your coupon to. GREAT GAS GIVEAWAY The Daily Pilot 330 West Bay St. Costa Mesa. CA 92626 ENTRIES MUST IE UCEfYEO IY S:JO P.M. WIDMISDAY. MAACH J. 1912 Buying what you want at the lowest cost Is the name of the game. That's what It Is all about. You can 1elect from many Orange County dealers who put the customer first -and will be competitive to sell you the car you want. In addition, many new car manufacturers are offering rebates on selected models. Get together with the auto dealer of your chOlce today. There h11 ~r been a better time than nowt ' I I I • t J ! lllTlllTll lllCH /FlllTlll VllllY TUTU WONDERFUL Thn•e· to 5-vear-olct ballerinas in the Ralll•l anct Tap for Tot s C'lass al F o u n ta in \' u 11 r ~· R l' <.· n· at 1 on C<.•nter may not haH' grown into lhl'ir leotards ~·<.'\ and miJ.!hl think the .. c·at anct moust•· gam<.'. at top. is the ht·~\ part or tht• session. Rut Oam·a and Shm Pa lermo and Lori llofe<litz. at ri~hl. try th<.'ir h<.•st to duplieall' the' footwork of instntetor Diam• Le han. And ~kghan King 1s ct t•lighted just to tw drt•ssl'd for tht• OC'Casion. Diiiy Piiat FR IOAY, FEB. 26, 1982 .. CAVALCADE 82 SPORTS BJ The w a y the fortun e c ookie c rumbles By NORA LEHMAN Dally ~ .... STYLE Utter SOME GENERAL CHITCHAT: .Jackie Ballard. off to Paris to see the sights from a bl1rg<.' in the Seine. tra\'els to Germany to sec son. James and then home home lo a new and interesting joh. Sht>·s been lass oed into fund·raising for Saddlebal·k C'ollC'ge·s Raclio KSBR. That's the college's non-profit .,talion . .J .B sa~·s shl' <'a n hard!~· wait to grt out among ·t·m and lwgin knoekmg on doors. YES IT WAS: It was a rt'al gorilla. To mak<.' .Jerr~· Kobrin feel his past had C'augh1 up with him at hi s recent roast. <which by the wa~· made a good sum for a journa lism scholarship at Santa Ana Collegt' l a real gorilla was brought up from Lion Country Safari to ,:?ive him a warm and hearty kiss Well. he would be different. Most people like bear hugs Col umnist Kobrin used lo be in public relations al the Safari. FORTUNE COOKI E COMEUPPANCE: Apparent!~· our Style cover people find the mselves in the sume room often. and if they didn 'l know one another before they do the introduction number. I've heard t hev do some giggling about their experiences. post-cover a ppearance. (We must collect all those folk together soon Maybe on our six-month a nniversary. I In this case. Tom Fuentes and Ba rbara Bowie do know each other . Tom tells me they ran m o each o ther recently and had some fun s haring thei r ··sudden fame ... But. T.F. reports. it wasn't to last fo1· him He went to Balboa Island's Shanghai Pine Gardens for dinner that night and in his fortune cookie it said ... Clothes hide the blemishes." Blemishes? Blemishes? What blemis hes·} St~le rover people don't have blemishes. Tom~ FAVORITE FORTUNE COOKIE: It was mine and it said : "If lnto your life some rain must fall . just walk u little raster ... SECOND TAKES: While discussing missing a dinner date in yesterday's space <it was n't my fault l. I wa' ~ f Cl • • going to Mlk about other bobbles. like the department store invitation to Joan Carsten's hous<.' in South l.aE!una to see the Bosand Collection where the~· rorgot to put the time on it. But we won't talk about that. I was reminded by the editor that a few ~·cars ago. I missed his and his bride·s wedding by severa l da~·s. As we arrivrd . I can still hear my friend protesting, .. But Tuesda~· at 4 o·l'lork is a really funny time to have a wedding." It turned out that it would have been. FLOSS SCHUMACHER. WHEN she opened ht'r door. dressed in handsom e s lacks and shirt. but obviously not ready for a second go-around on this event <the wedding. you gather. was at the' Sl'humacher abode 1. thought it was a funny lime. too. She took us In. t·ornmlse1•ated. anti J!avc us some refreshment. The kind we needed at that moment. After the shock wore off. we finally had e nough sense to get to our feet and head to the car . "I SUPPOSE.'' said m~· friend. helping me Into the car. "now that you·re a ll dressed up. you'll want to go out for dinner." "Sure:· I said since he was being such a good s port. "Fine," he said ... Where do you suggest we go ut 5 o' l'lock in the afternoon'! .. I took off my hat. ran my hund throuf(h my hair. and Aighed. We went home. There are right ways and wrong waya to drink beer . Read Cha riles McCabe on Page B2 for the right ones . T rash energy plant blasted by collncilman By PATRICK KENNEDY OfHMO.ityl'IMCS .. H - Huntington Beach Councilman John Thomas has distributed 6,000 mers protesting a proposed trash incinerating plant in the southwest part of the city. Thomas says his opposition to the proposal will become part of , his campaign for re-election this April The Irvine-based Fluor Corp. hopes to build a $60-million trash and sewage sludge incinerating plant on a 38-acre mud dump on Magnolia Street and Hamilton Avenue across the street from homes and Edison High School. ··Flour (sic) Corporation wants to turn your backyard into a trash disposal ," read the fliers. which also add Lhat the • 2 Hunti n gton planners resign posts Huntington Beach Planning Co m miss ioners Beverly Ke nefick and Wes Bannister have resigned, effective next month. R eplaceme nt s f or the com missione rs haven 't been announced. Each has said the position is too time-consuming and they want to devote more time to their jobs. Mrs. Kenefick wor ks for the Orange County Transportation Commission and Bannister owns a comme rcial in s uran ce company. Mrs. Kenefick was appointed to the commission two years ago by Mayor Ruth Finley and Bannister was appointed 18 months ago by Council man Ron Pattinson. "industrial giant Flour <sic> Corporation is breathing down your neck . " Thomas says he's concemed the plant would create air pollution and noisy truck deliveries or sewage sludge in the nearby res idential area. Thomas says because of the mi ss pe lling of Fluor, he's sending out another batch of fliers. "The printer goofed up but whether it's Flour or Fluor or wt)o, somebody is planning on doing it and I don't think it belongs in Huntington Beach," Thomas said. "Something like thal s hould be put out in a canyon somewhere." Huntington Beach Mayor Ruth Finley says she 's r eceived numerous calls from people concerned with the proposed plant. The ParenLc; and Teachers Organization of Kettler School al s o has sent ou, .:oli cPs informing res1<1 .. nts of the proposed tras~. f,,·'lor: ... Mrs Ftnley said. • ··I believe I· m ri~hl that this proposal doesn't hove much of a chance lo be approved in Huntington Beach," Mrs. Finley said. The proposa I ca lls for a cooperative arran8ement with cities whi c h would supply 1.200 tons of rubbish daily and the Orange County Sanitary District near Pacific Coast Highway and Brookhurst Street that would sup pl y sewage sludge. The incinerating . plant would transfer heat tp water to generate electricity which would be sold to the nearby Southern California Edison Co. plant on Pacific Coast Highway near Newland Street. Sanitary District officials say the plant would burn one·third of the county's rubbish and take a load off county landfills. •Baby contest slated Saturday Babies up to 24 months of age are invited to enter the Happy . H ealthy Bab y Contest, to be held Saturday in the Huntington Center Mall lo benefit the March of Dime s Birth Defects Foundation. The tots may be registered in any of the 10 Judging cate~ories bluest eyes, brownest eyes. curliest hair. reddest hair. baldest head. tinies t baby. bes t s mile, decpe)..t dimples. most teeth and best all-around baby for SI JK'r category. Awards will be given lo first. second and third place winners in each division. Registration and jud ging will be h('ld near the J C. Penney store in the center. beginning at 10 a.m . with Judging at 11 a.m . For more information. call the March of Dimes at 979-2270 or the Huntington Center Mall at 897-25.13. • Se~r training classes set A ni n e -week course training older people as volunteer counselors for others in their age groups will be offered by Coastline Community College. Entitled .. Peer Counselor Training for Se ni or Citizens:· the course will meet at t he Mesa Verde Learn1n~ Center , Mesa Verde Drive al Baker Street. on Tuesda) and Thursday mornings from March 9 through May 11. and offers three units of credit. The course is sponsored by Coastline and the Orange County Health Care Agency in conjunction with Project Pace In c Further informallon may be obtained by contacting ins tructor Marla Estrada at 831-9800. •Courses in sexual ity offered Coastline Community Col l ege is offering a four-part lecture which will orfer students lips on how to improve their sex l_lfe . The classes, given by sex ther apist Carol G. Wells, will examine why most American couples experience some sort of sexual dlfOculty. The course also wlll touch on w a y s o r i n c r e a s i n g. fulfillment and lessening boredom Entitled .. Understanding Your Sexuality:· the course will be held al the Unitarian Universalisl Church In Costa Mesa, beginning Tuesday and running weekly on Tuesdays through March 23 between 7 :~ and 10 p.m. Registration ree is $15 and information may be obtained by calling 963-0811. •Community f e•tival planned Appl 1catlo n s ro r Community Fesllval '82, wh ich will be held M1y 22 at Golden West Colle1e in Hunllnl\Oft Beach. are now being accepted. The 13th annual event for non-profit service groups will be held in a country-westem theme with a pancake brukl•t and best-dressed Westerner contest added to the acUvtties. Or1anlzatlons are encouraged to use this theme In both decorations. exhibits and activiUts, as well as in entertalnmeat from two outdoor sta1ea Md in the PaUo Theater. Those Interested m•y obtain appliealiona by conLacUn1 Golden We1t•1 Com1nunity .... tiona/PubHo In rormall•• off let at 892-7711, ext ••· . . .. ;> .. .g1p1 I Cadillac Ffirvi~w Corp. of C•nada said it plans to sell off lls large holdln1s In residential real ~state. includint its half ·Interest In Cadillac Fatrvlew Homes Weist of Newport Beach . . . f'luor ~orp. subsidiary has been awarded a contract to -permanently convert three generating units or a New £nali.nd utility front oil to coal·t>uming. Value of the contract wu not disclosed · Cl(v 6( Oral\ge Dbliee detectives have seized recot'd• oJ Or•n••r-.ued VB Compnles. VB ·~ cur~ II UM urr&t of a civil lawsuit nted by the state· .•. Com...,...lve O.re Corp. or Newport Beach has 1 named Cbrlstlao C. Jorgensen. 44 . director or c.-o rn m unic:at.lons. Japan's exports of passenger cars, trucks and buaes plummeted in January, for the sixth month in a row. the Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association said. The association blamed the 14.8 percent decljne from a year ago on government export restrictions and stagnant foreign demand ... Brit.lab sclenllsts claim to have invented a way to turn household garbage Into oil suitable for home helltlng 9r powe..-plant use. ·•we are dolng lo 10 mii'lute& wh at il bds la1'en natur:e 150 million years to do," one of the scientists, Noel McAulirre of Manchester Univenltf. said. ~l Motors Corp. said it will close ·tour Flitter Qndy Division parts plaots. eliminating /·obs for, 9,,620 wQrkers. The closings , to take p ace graa-.aJty, rtlse to seven the number or plant. the N<Y. l domutac automaker is s huttina since emergen~ ctWtt.ract·concession talks with the Unjted Auto Workeas onion collapsed Jan. a . A U.S. District Court judge has cleared the way for Brunswick Corp. to sell its Sherwood Medical Products subsidiary. thus thwarting an attempt by takeover·minded Whittaker Corp. to block the sale Space agency offidals said that the Space Shuttle. which is expected to make Its third orbital test flight next monl'h-. has not yet captured the imagination of the nation's business community. Maj. Gen. James A. Abrahamson said several rnore flights wilt be l'\eeded before business realizes the potential of the shuttle. H.F. Allimauoa It Co. reported that operations in 1981 produced a toss o( $51.3 million. or S2.16 a s hare, compared with -and nearly equal to 1980's earnings of $54.3 million, or S2 34. Total revenues for thtt year increased by 14 percent, while interest exl\)ense rose by 31 percent Assets increased 15 percent to $15 billion . . . Oesars World Inc. for the quarter ended Jan 31 had 'het income or Sl.3 mimon. or 5 cents a share. compared with $401,000, or 2 cents. for the like quart-er of 1981. Net income for the six months was $13.7 million. or 53 cents, compared with $17 2 million. or 66 ·cents last year Quarter revenues totaled $137.3 million, lbe same as reported in last year's like quarter . STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES NEW 'l'OttlCCAPI FIMI ()o,s.Jontt llV~ AMERICAN LEAIJ(RS IM T~. Fell. 25 STOCKS H Law C-0.. JO Ind °I:. 111.:1 110 11 '1U2-0 '~ 20 Tm :MO S1 3'3-'1 ~S2 lll n -1 7• IS Utl 10611 107 11 106 19 106 tS + 0 O .s Sil< ns 40 m .. m l6 n• n -o.si 11\du' S,iS7,IOC" Tr Ml 1,7 ... 600 Utll' • • • 1.l?J, 100 tS Slit .... t,..,..SOO WHAT STOCKS DID NEW YORK IAPI Fell 2S ,.... .. ...,,.~«I T~ ~ar, DtclfMO s:n 411 ~ ,... 35' TOC.1 1-Ill) •m ~ "'-" ,. l'O New IOWl • 106 W>1AI AMEX DIO NEW '!'ORK CAPI Fell 1S Prev '-OvMICIM Toes.~ oy:l Dedlfllcl 221 ,.., i':~~ Z)6 201 m 771 ~Wll s s IWwi_. 17 SS METALS NEW YORK IAPI SP01 nonferrov• m•t•I prl<~ IOdty c.,,., 11-...10 (tnu • pouno u s oe~ltn•llona. LtH21cefllul>O""d ll11< il ce!lls" l)Outld a.11v1rt'<I Tl•~ S116 ~lel\ Wffll <On\-lle II) ""'"'._,7'-17 cen1t•PGUn<1 N Y Mtr<.,,,. 137$ 00 per flil\IC ~Q.13001'!!.2.! N V SILVER GOLD QUOJ!!J.qNS eyTllltA-a.tM ...... s 5tltt1M -Id 90ld prl<H W.O L-: mornlnO 11-lnoU.t.7'. uo\1 tS L ...... ; ellt,_ lla1no U.2 7S, IHI SI ,, ,.,..., U.Mt.olttl 1• fir•__,: ~2 "·""SI 00 bricll! \Alt flall'O ~ 00, UP " 00 blCI "*'°•"'eel M•••Y & Haro .. ••• only oeu, llllOI• .. , ,,, .. ,, u l ........ l enf'I MllY CIUO'e U62.1S, WI nrs. ,........,..: on111 ""' ~uot• ••brl(.ieo UIO ... ,Ul)Sl.M SYMBOLS 1. - -II • •• ~ . .,. .. C1t hol i....i-LM16F-Ptf10M&J• San.ici..i.• l'ravllt SEIYICES s.n ... llm<Ut) OIPl.OYlllOIT & PllPAIATIOM ~'-'""' JUOW11utoet• ltflJ"•-· 116, DllAllllSE =~ AwllOI ,3111.tn-11b .... ~ .. , ..... , c.. • °"" l'HILOY°" "'""'"" o .. .,.s. .. --a.Mt , ...... ., "-llaclloMrl 11....ii-llla«<l'-1Wa111f11 M\M.M'6l lawv11Mnu OOott 'v"' 6 t:q'"p f't(J =~~c::. Spor\•oe Good• Stott. kntaw tJM. a.r ~:T..i .... ~m.s. .... llATS & MAllNE ElllPMDIT 0-al IM&aM•lM Sl'tYK'• -11 ..... t .. , ----..-.n1cur1 .. -..sa.1 -..sli111 0.Ch :::=•Sii• •• TIANSPOITATiON H IF FRIOAV, FEB. 26, 1982 Looking for a career in sales? See today's Help Wanted ads , classification 7100 . ....... ......S'9rW. .......... w. tto.s..fwWt , ........... Wt l""""fwW. tto.etFerWt I i ...... fwW. ....... ,.,Wt ....................... ................•...•.• ..•••••••••............ ....................... ······················~ ...................................................................... -······················· ·· ·· •••rtl 1002 G1Mrtl .1002 Ge•rlll 1002,......... 1001 •••rlll 1001 •••rtl 1002..... 1002 .. w.-IOZJ .................................................................................................................... -······················ ............................................. . ' . COUMTIY ... USM PBiNsuLA HOMIS COUMTRY CLUlllVM ~ I DUPLEX •Br +2Br, 1 Remodeled, d~corated 3 ~rm~.3 bath. Located on 3rd green o( the private Fo::W·o~ti'r:: ~ft mstr bdrm with ocean view .,.25,000. Niguel Country Club. One of a limited esuw0wner1bkr. :: West Bay bayfront. Slips for 2 boats, edition of unique Links Pointe fairway CDM D~ :: EQUAL HOUSING remodeled 3 bdrm, 3 bath $l,200,000. homes. 4BR 3 ba, with tasteful decor. Bell l)Uy-lii ~Jr.Lra 3 :: OPPORTUNITY,_. Assumable loans. Call now for Bdrmbome w/frplc, + 2 :: o & · · M . information. $390,000. .. CANYON CUSTOM c.e..C.... Bdrm apt. Only 12t2,ooo. ,.. •n•e.·a~e: cean Jetty vtews. arme room. 4 YIEW . EASY ·TH.MS ocmMG •OU COUISI VIEW ......., T..,. ..,.... owe w/S40.ooo dwo. 15 ~errT:~d' i! et :r~ bdnn, 3 bath, 3700 sq•.ft. $1,385.000. 4BR, 3ba, fam rm. Great floor plan . Elegance & dignity in this Majestic c.,..., cela.9i, ~~. ~altie. act 1w ~per is subject to Assumable loan plus sellers help Colonial Mansion located on the 8th ....., llltclil-. Al • :: the edenl Fair HoUJ· UDO ISU HOMES make this one of the best buys in green of golf course. Top quality So. of Hwr 1oc•. :: mi .. Act. o1f11 t968 which I Prime Lido Nord bayfront. 5 bdrm, 5 Laguna Ni·guel. craftsmanship lhruout with finest ,,_, mlt 3 ....._ ,.,. ma~es at e1al to ad· "-. th Lg L R 2 bo t i· $1 500 ()()() d b d ( · :: vertise"anypreference, ua . e . . a sips , , . WAHLRWTY 495•2016 woo s, a un ance o imported $335,000. ltwmlt 2 •• limitation, or dis· marble1 crown moldings, 61fz baths, , .. $2'5,000 or C..w... • 1024 :: criminatioo based on Remodeled 3 bdrm, 2 bath+ large air cond .. ,3 wet bars + more. b•y botlt for••• .. •••••••••••••••••• race, color, religion, rec. rm. beam ceilings, $420,000. · S 6 o 5 o o o ·~ '!i~~ * •• sex, or national origin, Luxurious mstr suite plus 4 other • · WI OL SPA •• or an intention to make bedrms with private baths, banquet 4411-411'/J D .... o. ~cioua 3 Bdrm. 2 ba. :: any auch preference. lJt!l)A ~_IA "-ONT size DR. Cam rm and billiard rm. Call CdM. Beautiful area. Sl.S,000 {5 ~~!~~.1 or dis· Lagoon view from 6 bdr~, 5. bath." tETTY COLE AND PHYWS SACHS for appt to see or a color brochure. dn. As king s24o.ooo :: playroom,darkrm,den.$1,350,000 ! A TUM OF $2 ,150,000 including the land . COUOFNaWPORT :C:Opymt.PP.Agt. :: This newspaper will not c••u•TION COVE UAL £STATE PttOFISSIONALS Financing available. Will consider 21~~.,. knowinJlY accept any ~ Iii ( IJ ( · hed := advertising for real Sooctacula b f t · 4 bd IHVmYOUTOPUVIEWAMEWLISTIMG se ng u .y um1s . ~-..i.., : estate which is in viola· bath, 2 boaf sli~~ S~~OOO~~ rm, 4 2946 JAVA ROAD. MlSA VHDE, C. MESA WESLEY M. TAnOR CO., REALTORS 175·5511 CHAIMB 2 Units + Separate Cot· ta1e. Great 6W,Jlers Unit or Rem.al Prop. Cabin Like Int. Eastside. Creative Terms. 103 Down. Break even $141.SOO. Brkr. = timlofthelaw. SUNDAY NllUAIY 21 1·4 2111 s......-H• loact :.1-------1 OTIIERLISTINGSAVAILABLE: NEW""' ... 'POl._RT_ CBfTB. N.I. 644•49 10 llot lUll lJot lJot ~ ~ Silt --ion 1100 -•110 •11 -111$ ---1114) ---Ill&) -.,, .... -... 1111) ---Ql ---- tolO -----11111 - THE REAL ESTATE RS ~~J:JMm 2 Ba family room home with nice floor plan for large family . High belanee 10~% auuma· b&e 1oan. owe 2nd, T.D. Full p r ice $145,000. ~m.:mi. ASSUME LOW IMl'lllSTLM Popular 3 SOrm 2 bath floor plan in a fine area of Costa Mesa. Great as· sumable loan and seller will tailor to me et buyen needs. Best buy at $129,000. CJll ~· 7171 fjWf.11 VllWTOWMHOMIS Master suites. View of Ocean ' Niltbt lights. Quiet Area. ff"a.rks, open spaces. $137 .ooo. Xlnt ~.Hal or Pat Agts BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR J l Rr.p"l' '.), •. '• t: 1:>1) tilol CONDO IM S COAST Yiu.AS 2 Bdrm, 2 bath adult condo in top condition . Security and all the amenities. Super financing only $96,000. v White c:. ~ ........ l p bus. 1t 115-511 ~ .. -' Woo6ridp Da•••• 2 ........... w...,'I~ .... Ht2 •lrrored .... ... Chod ... ..-ltle I 1t TD & owe a 2•cl. Very ..... ~$149,000. 4MllodJL& COLE OF NIWPOAT REALTORS 2111 L c-t H•J· -751·9905, 673-7300 -~~!!!!!!!i!~=--~-... ·-t75·5511 ::: MEWPOIT tllO i~ ~~E~!0.n: -living room. Features lllUIY 11111rades phn RV :J: acceu. Assume 1st and '° 2nd low interest loans ;: and seller will also help = finance. Only $269.900. -~7171 -~••1 flll ~ l•-GOIHOU-... ~1111!11511!1!11m• ,,,. .. ~ Comp~! ~e'!::orated ~:: "Bayside Cove" 2 BR, 11» den penthouse. Assn. :: pool, spa, pri. beach. .1... l.oob like model. Great ~:: asauma ble · Try 203 flt1 downor8 months option. ~: Greatly reduced for vtliol mo ti v a te d b u y e r . :! S94.000. Debbie Fratt · t1s1 Macnab-Irvine Realty = MZ-1235 :l: ONMSUM2·S :;;: .... ..,... rm C.ft .... ... ,,,. ....... PfD./SPA 55' UDO LOT LarcJt _, patio • 16 ft ..... for ........... A~._., ..... ffltl bdrM & 2 baths. $595,000. WATERFRONT HOMES, INC. REAL ESTATE S.t, RrnlM•, Plopnly ~m 2436 W C()i)st Hwy 315 M4rlllC A,,. ~1 Bc>.c~ a.lbol I~ .,..... .,,.. .. I NASTHY I I 11 r I j \ 3.Br, 2 Ba, Costa Mesa $125.000 3 Br. 2 Ba. Costa Mesa $119,500 3 Br. 2 Ba. Newport Beach $139,500 3 Br. 2 Ba. Pool Santa Ana $ 92,500 3 Br. 2 Ba. Condo Santa Ana $118,500 CaU us for a viewing appointment. Ask for Betty or Phyllis 546-2313 THE REAL ESTATE RS llSTIUY! • Br home in Costa Mesa. Owner will assist wkh financing. $120,000. Call 979-5370 AtLSTATS R~TORS THE REAL ESTATERS RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE'SERVICES CQIOMA Da MAR $269,000 ~acious 2 BR. Front house has a separate l BR guest or rental unit. Both recentlv refurb~sh.ed - offering today 's buyer care-free duplex Living south of the highway. IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 PAD -Cl)'Y RANCMo.ouf'LIX Lovely du~lex in prime location. Close to 'The City" shopping center & business community. Both units now rented. Good financing. Owner eager to negotiate . Call for details . $207,500 Myrna Boom 551-8700 (XU) JUST LISTED THE LOWEST PllCED HOME IN MEWPOIT IEACH With all new carpet and paint, and 111/4% assumable financing. Move real fast ! Call now. 752-4699 Plan Ill Realty ST AIT9·$721 ~ 1 Br bOWie w/real mabo1any moldl.n& 6 wine cellar. Owner wilJ help finance. Meqllll~ oa Uais oeatt rm, wee yard, near Mlle Square Park. Askin& I trT.900. Submit your Imm. Muttbiloo Elltef1)lraet 556-1112 STB-STO MIWltOIT ICH! It's a 'b&rpin! $121,900 total price.. 3 Bdrm 2 bath, family room. brick fireplace, R-2 lot. Room to bWld. Alley acceaa. Call us for more ip -farmaUoe, S46-Z3.l3 , THE REAL ESTATERS MESA VHDE Lovely One-Story Four Bedroom Home In Desirable Mesa Verde Area -Located On A Quiet Street - -Designed For Family Enjoyment -Owner Will Assist Greatly In· Financing Priced At Only $139.000. ® ·--........... 759-9100 # 2 C°'f* ale Pin• M~Ctllhr * 12. fO/o IMTHIST • HADOR YIEW HOME Immaculate MONACO model featuring 2br/den, frpk & spa !! Low interest finan cing available. $241,500. FEE. 2670 San Miguel Dr .. Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. * WATllROMT HOMI • NIVATI llACM Sensational 4 br home smack on the water!! Featuring frencb doors, frplc , professionally decorated & private SANDY BEACH. Onl.y 12491000 & seller will carry AITD! 2670 San Miguel Dr .• Newport Beach. 759·1501 or 752-7373. HIWPOIT llACH OMCI J670S. ......... 1714171f.IMI 171417U.1J7J Prestigious Estates in lasblonable Mohler Ca . nyon, Anaheim Hills·4 bed. 3 ba, F /R. G /R. Koi ·lagoon. Attractively landscaped. Decorated By L Harding. $495,000. Acorn R ea lt y 714 /974· 7333 ........... 1006 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Defer part of monthly payment on Balboa Island propt>rty Low down or trade '•tte•:z.lttr. '75-21 6 c.e..•Mom Owmlng 4 bdrm, 3i,;, ba. 2 sty Don Peterson home, breaklut room. l'Vesilace, man~ xtrs. U ,t!Oo. 222 Coral. Open s.tt1Nn t-5. wtda Appt. Owrl/er/a-. 675-et21 ATWT APwt.dP...._ SUper locuioii: · Ul'ge aaaumable loan. Fi.lied rates, realialic sales pri~. motivated seller. cau11Uta ..... , I 11 1007 ....................... e2~LJ:e 645-6266 'Top Hat 'N Tails" Assume the high loan balance and move in this beautiful 4 bedroom home ideally located near South Coast Plaza. Just l year·old, this home features a forma I dining room. family room. kite.hen bul It· ins and fireplace. Ideal for young professional family. Owner wilJ aid with financing·submit your olrer! $204 ,900. Please call 979-2380 T.AllR' HALTOIS SADJWTSl1 6PUX OMI. Y I 5.,-. DOWN and owner will finance to qualified buyer. Well located, good looking 6 unita + 4 car garage + ample parking. Be low 11 times IJ"OIS. c.tT..,644-7211 ~NIGEL [}AILEY & ASSUC1 AfES Bay6~anvlews 1-.-------0ceansideof Balboa Isl 1• 19UCowtAve.nrl9th. 1--------67S.2211 or 8411·3133 WTSIDI Ample parking in rear Cbanning small 3 bdrm family home or rental I 022 investment Beam ceil· ings, large used brick fireplace, huge yard w/alley access, quiet street. Owner very motivated. S147 .soo. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ot .. Fro.tCHClo llCdM Uoobltnlcted Ocean & Owiel View. 2BR. 2BA, Pool. Jae. Boat Slip Avail. $525.000. Prine Only. 64(). 7373 o,.. s.t S. l·S 720Got•wod LowDOWll $190,000 in assumable loans. Remodeled 2 bdrm. Nice patio. R-2 lot wall plans for unit. Only $249,500 owe 3rd. Owner/Agt 640-1430, 957.9303 Ii ;,, "" MISAYRDI 4 Bdrm 3ba, pool/spa, lge family rm. Ready to move into. Owner will finance equity. Sell, trade or straight note. SUIS,000. Owner 979·5814 DmePoW 102' 0-Pollt 102' ·······················!······················· RCTaylorCo 640 -9900 $25,IDJ MOVES YOU IN! Yes! For only $25.000 dn. You can own this lovely 2 Bd. 2 BA ocean view home in Dana Point. Sales price reduced lo $159.950 for fast sale. Excellent 10'1 financing available. Try lease option. Immediate occupancy. HUllllY D N T 0 H T H £ U Y L E R R I W W S Y Y N S P E E D X R I S R Y U D S N U Y P E Z P S G M R E T U H S U R R C Q U " U V L Q W U L E 8 S T V E I S V 0 Z L W Q D H 0 T P H A S I P S V K T E T ( R Y K A S 0 C D S C M H K £ Y N L A Y C S R U N T T S T A N S E L 8 £ D E L Z X H l A H S A ~ R C A D T U T D L F M R T P 8 S C S U 0 M A S S S R T 8 X C S E 0 T L M A T T 0 U [ A S T PY1$NN££R MPTD8£HAO QDnHURRY.18£RLPDOCE L l E P T 1;$ C R A M I L £ E S T [ l YRLK8;T'PSCYLKC lUQDLS l D S E E 8 L S T T E S H A S D R I V ' . . .. Orange Coaal DAILY PILOT/Friday, February 28. 1982 NOTEWORTHY STREET CORNER This do" ntcmn '.\lmrwapolis s l rt>el cat<"ht•s ib shan• of' "t·rnnd l akl·s ft·om passt.•rsb,· who • A .... ,...... "l'l' l h il'> musi e<1I -.t·on • trom Ra\t•I ... C:l1s pa n l <k l.u :":1111 1111 I ht· :-.ult• o f ;1 nHt!'IH' "tllll'<' Elderly rich sleep better La JoUa study shows they, are healthier, eat wisely LA J 0 LLA (AP·> A study s hows that t he e lderly rich a pparently sleep bette r, says a Univers ity or California r esearche r. In the view of Or. Sonia A n c oJi .(s r ael , "th e y a r e healthier. wealthie r. can take better care or themselves and can eat better · · The study invol ves over.65 r esidents or La Jolla . one of lhe mo s L ex p e n s i ve U .S . communities. Dr. Ancoli-lsrael heads a team of researchers a ss igned to the un ivers ity's S leep Disorders Clinic at the Ve t e rans Admi n i s tration Medical Center in La Jolla. "The biggest s urprise is that so few pc<>ple are complaining about sleep," she s aid in an inter view ... If you looked at past studies (elsewhe re>. many more com plained... . The majority say they 'r e ··very satisfied " wi th their sleep and have little trouble falling off to sleep • ...she ..sailL Once asleep, ttiey wake up on an avera ge of only once or twice a night. The y use fewer sleeping pills than the national a ver age only 4 percent or the m en and 18 percent of the wom en the researcher said. A ccording to prev i ou s s urveys, she said as many as 45 pe rcent of America 's elderly have trouble s leepin g. About one-third or all s leeping palls Noise • in special-care repo rtedly are sold to old people. Am o n g t h e e l d e r l y in terviewed by the res ea rc h team of UC's San Diego campus. only t2.5 percent of the m en and 14 percent of the women have ··troubled s l ee p ," D r Ancoh Israel said T he s ur vey in vol ves 155 elderly people. reached since last August by tete1>hone and then interviewed in thei r homes . Altho u g h t h e s t udy is scheduled to last four years. Dr. Ancoli·lsrael said' preliminary results show those inter viewed a r e averag i n g 6 hours . 48 minutes of sleep every night and spend 44 minu t es awake at night • .nurseries subject of concern for doctors LOS ANGELES CAP > -One day, the loudest noise is their mothers· heart beat. The next day, they endure higher noise levels than federal regulations allow for fa cto ries. nurseries at Women's Hospital were "loo high for a factory." s aid Ms. Hodgman. who said that these nu r s eries wer e c o m par a ble to nurserie s throughout the country. 1750vessel . found briried NEW YORK CAP> -Archaeok>Jllt.a dlHina thro ugh centuries old burled trash tiave found a ahlp that some one thre w out before the Declaration of Independence WU si&ned, back in the da)'1 when the Bil Apple w•• just a town at the tip of Manhattan. It is a fme ship that had sailed the Caribbean, but the eve r ·bulldin• city can't wait around lorl!ver for the palnstakina work or pulllns the whole thing out or the ground. Part of the old vessel will stay buried as a 30·story office tower rises above it. ·'IL was probably. for i ll time, a very ordinary vessel," Warre n R eiss. co·dlrector of the archaeological dig, said Thursday, "and yet It's the only one we've got ." The 18th century merchant ship, 80 feet long b y 26 feet wide , was discovere d 15 feet underground at Water Stree t In the financial district, where British developer Howard Ronson plans to construct an ofCice building. When the ship was found, Ronson postponed construction oC1ljs building by more than a mo nth at a cost of $500,000, according to his spokesman, Eamon Brennan -to allow the dig to continue. But workers say that a month won't be enough to r a ise the whole s hip, so one side of the ship is being unearthed in numbered pieces, which are being kept temporarily in a pit filled with water so the wood won 't de teriorate. In addition. Mary Ellen Hem, a spokeswonttln for the city Landma rks Commission. said the forward part or the ship -the first 20 feet would be raised, restored and placed in a museum or institution. The vessel apparently was buried some time around 1750 as la ndfill when Manhattan expanded eastward, archaeologists say. Expe rts say little is known about how merchant ships were built between 1660 and 1770. His tor ians hope to lear n more about the technology or the time by studying the vessel. "This is a rare opportunity to study the s hipbuilding methods of the 18th century," says Norman Brouwer, c urator of ships at Manhattan's South Street Seaport museum. "It's just loo bad t hey don't have the opportunity to unearth the entire ship." Reiss a nd his co·director and wife, Sheli Sm ith, wilt take the pieces and draw the ship as it was when it was built a round 1740. In addition to the forward part of the ship, other pieces including a winch used to pull up the anchor will be preserved. The ship might ha ve re mained a buried treasure. under thousands of tons or concrete, steel and glass. But when Ronson proposed t he building. the Landmarks Commission noted that lower Manhattan was the center of colonial New York. and the s ite could yield artifacts. Ronson agreed to pay for a dig, and hired Soil Systems Inc. of Atlanta to do the excavation. which started in November. A dig on the western side or the lot turned up more tha n 150.000 items. including bottles, dishes and other 18th century artifacts. Then. according to Reiss. the archaeologists decided to m ake another test dig on the eas tern s ide of the lot in mid·January. two weeks before Ronson·s Feb. I deadline. "They Mt a solid wall. and they didn't know what they had." sajd Reiss . a resident or Bristol. Maine. -----~~-. l'ICTITIOUI e utlNHt lfAMe tTATlllMlllT Tiit f-41owlflt ,.r'6flt Ut «Oln• WtlMHll' ~A Cl"C I HD U STlllAI. Cl.IAHIHO, ,,., e 1rc11, HtWllOft l .. <11. C.ttorftl• .,.._ Tlmotllf M Ve oc:ovl, t4t! Tl" Cltc te, MIMlll,...,. 1 .. c11, (•lf!ON\lt ., ... KenMltl II Conti.tin, I Ntornlr19 Dove, I t~lnt. C•llf~nlt tn i. 1.1"41t o Cn lln. • Nto•nlnt Do••. ltl/IN , C•llfoffllt t7114 Tllll M!Mtt It tOll011<1tO !If • ........ ~ Lindt O. C-lln Tlllt ~ wM llleCI wllll IM COllfltY Clffll of Ott• C-lr on ------------J.., ... ry 11, ,.., 1'1111• P1.1lllltNd 0.•,.e Coetl 0•11¥ Pllol, ------------ "'"· It, 16, Muell'· u, '"' , .. 11 l'ICTITIOUI I USIHHI NAMI STATIMINT TM ~11ow1119 -MWI• ••• dOl"ll llllSllllHH. THI PROSPl!IUTV COMPANY, U7'2 Hllll'lllnl, ••I, LiOlll\I HIQUel, CA t»n R MICHAEL MAllCHl!SE, JJ7U Hlllll11"I. ••t, 1..to11n1 Nt9 ... 1, CA '2171 OtANNA I.. """RCHESE. U7J1 Hlllll11"'· ••I. ~ulWI Nl9ue1, CA '""· Tiii• bl.l\lneu I• cCHICl11Ctto by an lndlvktuel R MIC .... I M.tr<'-Thll tlltt "*ll WIJ llltd wllll .... County Cterll: ol Or•"9' COunty on ""' n 1t12 "'~' P11bll.,,.., Or-eo.n Dally Pllol, 1"11'11 1•, M.trcll 5, 11, It. I'll ~ "CTITIOUI eUSINISS NAME STATIMl!HT Tiit lollowln9 per\on I• 001n9 """"'"" MA RI N E l"I NAN (I A L MANAGEMENT. Ul O A Nt wl>Ort 811/d • HtwpOrt BeKll, CA 97..S JOAN WOOOBURV, 7130 A NeWP0'1 Blvd .. NtwP0'1 llH<ll, OI '1643 Tiiis blnlnesJ Is ConclllCltO Cly Ml lndMe...t JOAN WOOOBURY Tiii• sui...-1 w•• 111.ci wttlt tht County Cltf'k ot Orl "9f County on «111,i.. , .. 1'11311} PuCllll/llCI Ore1191 to.st Oo11lly Piiot Ftll, 2', Mel°Cll 5, 12, It, t'IC 81>1.fi FICTITIOUS aUSINISS NAME STATIMINT Tiit lollowinQ "'""""' ere 001n9 l>ullnf'U .. STETSON LANO CO, LTD 1.1 .. 1 H•rhay A.venue. M 1dw •v City C•lltorni. 97•ss Jt<k Gelen, G-••I 11.,,...,. , .. , H•rh•Y Avenue Mldw•y Clrr . C•lllornl• m» Tiii• bl.llinn•,. be•"9 conOll<le<I bV • llmltta p-1nu~1p J10Goen Tiii• st•lement fll<!d wllh Ille County Clerk ol Or.,.ee CounlJ"" Ft l>f'uary 2. , .. , ,..,.,. Publls...., Or•,_ Co.\1 OMly Pnot, Feb S 11 " l• 1"1 -..1 ~ICTITIOUI euSINESS NAMll STATIMENT TM loltowln9 .,."""' .,. OO<nq bu\lntt•••· CHA)E·HEWPOR T CAPIT Al 7S10 C.•,,lt~ Av•-. S1an1on. CA 'IOtlO MALCOLM 0 Mc:AEl!L.. .:JS VISte 8ofllte. Ht-1 llH<ll, CA 976'0 DARRELL t<ISl!R. 1107 Fetlock, Rl111'11de, CA. Tlllt IMl\lrlfl\ Is COtldU<leO by • 9Hlft•I PMtnenltlp Mal<olm 0 Mc:RHI Tiii\ 11•-t WH ftltcl .,,, ... lllt County O trk ol O<•• <Allnty on FtO 1•. ,..,_ ,... .... l'Wlltlttd Ot~ Cot~t O.lly Pltot. Ftb 7', M.trch S, 12. 1', 1"2 1142-t'l l'IC'TITIOUI eutlNI .. NAMll STATIMCMT Tiit followlnt fHl"o;\ h oolnv llol\l""\S ft TINKHANI 1.IMtT•O, , ""'Of• '-• lrvl,.., CA "171J RON .... D e. TIN10 4AM, > Pll•Ot• SHI, l"'l11t, CA "171S f1111 11Utl11tu I• <-llO llr "" lllOMOU.1 R B Tlnlllltm Tiii• tte........,.t WH llttcl wllll Ille COllnly Clerk of Orl"9t Ctu,,.¥ on "" t•. ,.., ~ PUOlllllH Or<HIOI ONlll Delly PllOI, Fill U, M.tr<J\ S, 12, 1', 1"2 "242 N$-t191t FICTITIOUS aUSINllSS NANll STATIMIENT T II• tollow1n9 pet\ons •re doln9 -'""'" "P.4'C·IO SPOR1SWEAR". 1211 North Br-•J. SllllelJO, w nt• Ana. C•lllornl• 9170.. Moore Sport\WtH . Int . • Ce llfornl• corp0r•llon, 1212 Nortll Bro edw•y. !'oulte n o. St nl• An•. Ca41fotfll• 9'IOll Tiii\ lkl>IMH ii COflOll<ltO Cly • tOtPOr•tJOn ~ Spof"t,......_.,, Inc Ell.-R Ort•ncMlll , Chief F 1ntn<l•I OlilGer T "'' \lttement .... filed willl ,,,. Count• Cieri>. ol Or•n .. Counly on Jenu••Y 14. 1"1 l't ... 1 Putill\r.o O<•not C0.11 O•lly PllOI. Feb 11 It 1' ""'"" S, 1'111 •-2 l"ICTITIOUS aU$1NHS NA#IE STAT1EMIENT T II• 1011ow1n9 pe,.on h Ool<19 t>u,lnf'\\ ., l•I SILMA~C CO t bl BON SORllEl CO ~ E 11th Street. CS '800. Su•lt A loS C.O\te ""'"· CA 9'~11 JULIU!'. MARC. MUSHt<IN. 107 S<llOlt P••M ,.,, N•wl>Or1 Buth. CA ., .. l l f'U\ bu'\I,....\.\ I\ ton<J\KleCI by .,, t.ndlvld~ JullU'\ Mu\hll1n TM' ~tl'f"Wnl w•I f1ted w1lh ttw County Cl••k ot 0••"9' Co..nty on Ft b lo, 1'1111 1'113111 Publl\..O Or•"9f C.o•\I O•lly Piiot. F•b 1' 1'. Maren s. 12, 1'187 'lMl PUIUC •Ja l"ICTITIOUS aUSINISS NAME STATEMENT T hf' tot IOVtrlnQ Oet \Oft t I dOlnQ bu\l,,f'\\.M OA!'.IS CATERING, 17$7$ Mo•9•" L•ne Hunllnoton S..c11. C.totorn•• ., .. 1 V1ck1 Ann Sllerp, 2S• Cotton Ne•ll0'1 Bea<". C.lllom•• .,..., Tiii\ bu\ll'IMI I\ condu<ttO by an •nG•'tti.ctu.I VIC kl Ann Sllrp Tiii> lllll rrw<lt wa> lltecl •Ill\ IM Counly C•••' ul Ore~ Count y on F beruary ''· 1982 l'lll:JMl PuC>l•llltO Orl nQt ~ Dilly Pilat Feb 14 -rcll S 1' It 1'117 111-11 A study by a psychologist and a neo-nataloeist at Women's Hospital a t Los Angeles County.USC Medical Center has revealed that infants in special-care hospital nu1series are s ubjectectto a chaotic environment Ch at includes potentially hazardous nois e levels. 1'he source of t his cacophony? The machines that take care of the babies. Piil.iC llTU ~-------------· MN-ttVtO ,..ICTITIOUS aul!HEH l I I I I I ' "In the past few years, we've been making vast st rides in neo-natalogy, so that infa nts who wouldn't survive before are now spending weeks in n u r se ries," s a id Dr. J oan E. Hodgman, a neo-nala logis t at Women 's Hospital and a professor of pe diatrics a t the University of Southern Califo rnia . "For awhile , you worry about life and death. and then you worry a bout quality of life for the s urvivors," said Ms. Hodgm an. who worked on the research with Dt.. Allen Gottfried. a psychologist and associate p rofessor at California State University at Fullerton who also is a n associate professor of pediatrics at USC School of Medicine .. Babies born very small are at a higher risk for inte llectual p roblems ," said Gottfried , explaining why he studied the environment of premature babies -those born with 36 or fewer weeks of gest ation . compared to 40 weeks for a full·term infant. ''Originally. researchers hy pothesized that they were brain damaged . but researchers think now that the environment might not be optimal for development," he sajd. The quality of that ltfe. at least during the time spent in the hospita l. is not what it could be. according to their re port published in the m agazine "Science." The level of noise inflicted on the tiny ears or the 45 infants in the high.risk and inte rmediate MeCOllMIQI MOITUAllES Laguna Beacn 494·941 5 Laguna Hills 768-0933 San Juan Capistrano 495 1776 HAiio. LAWK--MT. OLIVI Mor1uary •Cemetery Cremato~v 162~ Gisler Ave Costa Mesa 540 5554 f'tHCIHOTHHS l lil U OADWAY MOITUAIY 110 B roadway Cosla Mesa 642 9150 IM.TllBMION $MITH I TUTHK.L WISTCUff CHArt.L 427 E 17th St Costa Mesa 646-9371 .... CIUOTHllS SMn'MS' MOltfUAIY· 627 M11n St ~nt1ngton Beach 5.36-6539 IEllH 1mc11 MILLER BOB ~11 1.l~ER. a~e ~8. nl Im penal Count~. pasM•d II\\ a ~ on februa ~ 23. 1982 Born September 15. 193.1 111 0 k I ah 11 m u A 3' l ~ l' J r r<'sidenl 01 liombay fll•a< h. formerly from Costa Mc~w . Ca . Survived by his "1fr Mild red or Bombay Bca<·h. ('a . daughter:,, Carla and An n nf Okl Khoma. son D u n n ,. o r 0 k I u h o m a . dauirhler Oonn11 of Bomhu~ Ot!ach, Ca .. sister:. Stilrlcy of Okl ahoma. Revu Ann nr Color ado. Nor ma l.c<' of Kansas and 3 11rantlchildn:n Vis1ta11on \\Ill be held on t-•riclay. fo't•hruur~· 26. 1982 from 8.00Ar.1 to 8:00PM Funeral 1;crvlct!& wl ll IW hl'ld on Saturda~. fo'ebru11r~ 27. 1982 at I 30 PM at the Melrose Chttf)fl, Anaheim In llt•u or flowers please make donullons to tM Heu rt Fund Di~ted b~ Melrose Abbtty Fu ncru1 H o m1• 63-M9flt l.ANOAN W I L L I A M T E I. I. LANGAN. ll long \i ml.' ru1dent ot llunttnaito n Beuc11. C11 PAssed •wa) ul lhe h0111i' of his nte?ce , Mary Talbert. 81J<•n11 Purk. Ca. on Wednesd&)'. F•bru.ry 24. 19'2 followtn~ a 1•n•thy lllne11. Mr Lao1ao wu born on AUl\1'l 22, 1"2 In 81rnum, Colorado. If• rr•• 11 atoll empluyeci P•'nter tn the HuntlnctM ••eh nru for (' ·'The nurseries were built with control of infection in mind." she s aid. "The s urfaces are all s mooth so they can be wiped off. There's nothing to soften the sound " ' Said Gottfried ... We were surprised that it was as noisy as it was, a nd we were also surprised that to date no one has an active research program to try to change the environment to become more o ptimal for the infants' development and for personnel ·· Though babies at home are confronted with loud no~es from phones and household appliances. "T hey aren't on cons tantly," Gottfried s aid. "They generally have a bed room where they can escape Crom the noise " The whole en vironm ent in the nursery is abnor mal. said Ms. Hodgman "Babies receive a lot or stimulation. but there's no rhythmicity ... she said. "There's no difference between d(.ty and night because the light§_ are always o n. There's no day·to·day variation. Rhythmicity is normal. "We don't know if it's bad for babies," she s aid . "We just know it's not normal .. T ouching or babies in the nurseries isn't normal either. "Touching isn't done on a social bas is; but because the schedule says it's time to cha nge the diaper," Ms. Hodgman said. "When ba bies are typically handled at home," Gottfried s aid. "the parents or grandparents or whatever t ry to esta blish eye contact and talk to children." A baby who can't see who is handling him or doesn't have the othe r kinds of contacts doesn't learn to coordina te his vario us expe r ien ces. Gottfried said. M•~· l't(TITIOUS eUSINllSS MAME STATllMENT Tiit totlowlnt --••• do•n11 bU\lnHSH CAPRI ci.EANEllS. 1017 Nor111 M•9not1•. AIWlfWIM, C.llloml• Cit.., N Sltlnt, In<., e C.llfom1a <Ofl>Ot•llon, 141' Souttl 10111 Ave,,...., Arcadia, C.lllomle tlOO. flCTITIOUS eUSIHESS NAME STATIM£NT Tiie lo1tow tn11 pn\on " ooon9 1>u11neu as O RANGE CO llAC KSWtNG (TM), SO> Sl9n•I Ro•d . NewPOrt B•«ll, CA tlt63. FREO M. KELL. 505 SI-I Roed. H••l>Or1 Bffcll. C,j1 916'3 Tiii\ buSlM n I• conOv<HO by • Tllh bu1l""'1 h Concl11Cted by • CO<-•t-. Ci. .. N SlllM, IM Ftll,.,.H ~ ...... n PrH TlllJ ~tement .. ., Ill.a wllll tl'le County Clerti ol Ot1W>91 County on 1 9e1W1r•l ~p l"...:IM Ktll Tiii\ -Wti flied wlttl 11\t Countf Clffk of 0 ••"91 Counly on Feb '•· IW? l"ebrue rv 17, 1'12. 1"1Ut71 """" Publl•roeo Or-(OHi Dally Piiot, P11bll•r.o Or•nQt CDl•I 0.lly Pllol, Fob 1', 1•, ~rcll 5, 11. 1'111 1u .. 1 F•t> "· 14. ""'rcll 5. 11, 1"1 721 .. , l'ICTITIOUS aUSIHllU """'"21H NAME STATllMENT "ICTITIOUS eUSINESS The followlng .,_,'°"' ere doon9 NANIE STATllMIHT I lluMntH et: Tiit lollo•ln9 per)Oll\ ere Oo1n9 MOBI LE MECHAN IX. 2•$ bll1lntt• n : J FIKlltr, •1·1, Gostt MHl,.C..lllonlta Siii STRE ET CLEANERS, 12• ~h m2• Sl•H I, Hunllnglorl Betel>, Cellton1I• AdYancta MerUtlng SyJt•m• Cle.., H Shone. Inc . • C.llforn•• tnc IGeftff'•I P1rtnerl. a Nt vld.t corpoutlool, 1414 Soutll IOlll A..,.ut, <..,_•lion, ISO> Sou111 COHI Orlve Arctclt•, Cell~ '100. Suitt >II. C.OSloll #teM, C.tllontl• t1'26 Tith 1>uslnen •s <on<111t1eo by • Tl•ls b11slneu h c....auc1eo by • :ore>or•tkln. tlml"41 pertMNll!p. Cleen N Shine. tnc. Advanctd Mark•tlnci Fiii,.,. M Sultl,...n Pres. SrJttms, Inc:. lhh statement w•• llltKI ~1111 t,.. Cll•rlt s S H•lnts County c .. rk of Ort~ Counly on PrH IOent Feorv•,.., 11. ,.., Tiiis st••mtnt ..... filed wltlt tl'le "1Ut71 County Otrti of Or-Gounty on P1.1tlllWd Or-Coell Dally Piiot, F~ '-'· l"1 Flll:JMl Feb, "· i.. ~It S, 11, l"1 ,_, Pllllllllltd 0.aft911 Coat! Delly Piiot, ,.CT'ITIOUI eUllNllSS N~ STATEMIENT • Tiit follow lnt Ptrton Is doing IMIJIMMM: IMPERIAi. OYNASTV. 0 341'1 Slre•t, Hew1>1>rl BHCll. Celllornl• ,,,.,, Feb U , Mt~ll s. 11, 1' 1"2 "'°"2 l'ICTtflOUS a UllNISS HAMii STATEMENT T llt toltowln9 i>e•M>n• ••t doln9 b<lt l nen es: mun\' \'car!. and 11 ai. ;1 1·1·n ac·ti\·~ mt•m h t•r o f lhf' ll u nt1n~tnn lh.,•<·h !'>1•n101 C1l 11l'ns C'luh "" Inn!( u' 111' heulth P"f'mtl lt•<I Sun" lllK an• 2 son11 Mun11 11·t· L.111 f,!,rn (tf Califllrnw Jnd Thoma' LunRun of l'nlnracln. a o;blt•r E~lh<'r Cole of Uuen;i Park. Ca and l'\cvcrnl nicrc~ unrl nephe'l\'1'. fo'n l'n<h. mu' tull from 12 00 noon tu 9 OOPM on Sun<lu). Ft•h ruur~ 29. 19112 ut Pit•n ·t• llrnt tll'r !i Smiths · Mor1u11ry wtw1·1• rune1••I st!rvlecs ~ 111 be cnndu c tctl a l I OUPM on Murch I. 1962. wllb ltC\ Robert Rl'eord offr<'i<tlinit lnter~nl will be made 1n Wc!C t m i n~t<-r rcm et cr~ PIC'rcc Urothc r11 Smith11 Morluur.v dlri.w(ors. 536 6~1'J Merlt no S.ICl•no, 7~1 w a,.,,.,io Ft•hruarv 2fl. 191(2 St•n •tt•t•i. A•tnue, l..0$ A11911ft, Cetllornl• 9CI03? Tiiis ~u ts cond11<1ff by an \\ tll Ill' h l'lfl 1111 Sunfla~. 1no1v1du.I ME NA MANUFACTURIN G , i.n ·8 P1ece1111e Av"""'· c.-te M<t ... Celllornlemt7 Allt-Z. MelWI. IU S S ROH, S.nl• AN, c .. ttoml• '1/07 ~IM"*'N N. RL'TH SIMPSON 'l'h<' passmg of Mis" N Ruth Simpson on l''cbruurr 2S. 1982, uge 1n \•t•urs. u rc!itclt•nt or Corono ,fl'I M ur. Cu fm• over 40 yc•1r.1. I~ 1H\llount•cd wi\h rCl(rct b)' her nlcec• uort nephew fro m Keio'\\ n11 . British Columbia. Canada No CunerBI s<-rvlcc wa held ''her reque r.t Arran1eme1\t• haver b•l'n h•n4'ect by ln11e.-ood Cemetery Mortuary Al'JILEllAVM M 01t~1'.6 N I\ O ll t APP .. J:IAU'4. re1W.n" Oraqlf. Ctt P~ 1Aw11y °" l"f'brttnr\' :!!! 19X2 al ll<1rhnr MtrttnoS.IOtno I. a 'I\ n .M l' "'111 I a I I' <• r k Tiii• Slat-WH '"" wolll II• Eide V Mena, l•U S RMS. S.nle AM . Cetlfomle "101 (Ollnly Ct.rk of Or•~ Counlf "" (.'h a I"' I \\ t I h 111 l t• r m l' n l Febr11u y •. '"' Tllh business h conoucted by h11•1><tnO •nd wile All•-Z M<tn• :. t· 1 "It' l' :-1 mm t• 11 1 a I t• I ~ ,....,, .. r 11 S ,, P11lllls-Or119 Co.SI Oelly Piiot, Tiiis lltltment wn Ill.a wllh the Countr Cl••k of Oren99 ci>unty on F tbru•,..I' 1', 1"1 !I 0 \\ Ill~ • ('I'\ lt't.'11 unut•r Feb. U . It, 16. Mtrcll S, 1"2 ... Ul tht• <11re c·t11111 nf l11;1r hor ------------ I.a wn ~nunl Ohn• Mnrtuar~ or CO'ila Mt•,a 51U 5~">-1. DEATHS EtSEWHERE ,...._ PVOlll/ltd Or-Co.JI O•lly PllOI, Fell It,,.,,,.._ 5, 12, 1"2 737.f7 l'ICTITIOUS eUllNllU -t-------.,.------·-- NAMI! ITATl .... NT ~ ... llK Tiit 101towtn11 p.non Is ooln9 DUslntt• .. : .. ICTlllOUI 8 UllNllU •Vl!RG "IEH SILKS , not ·-•S"TATI MIHT OffrwoOd Drive, ...-Im, C•lllomta •Tiie '-t1owln9 Ptrton Is dolne '21CM. M IMH H : Yollnde Oltnn Mlq11H . U02 It M.S. INTERNATIONAi., 10102 OfffwoOd Ortw , A.-lm, Ctfllorlnlt Blf<ll, s.tnl• A.,. .+a~MJ. Ce1ttomt1 ttl04 '2101 ------------T11ls -tntts •• <9'MN<1"1 .., '"' J erry LH weuo11. 10102 81rc11, 81\TTl.E MOUN1'A'I N. N c v . c A I' i I. o v 1111• ~hrv.-1, 82, m111rrnr<-h 01 a powerf\JI n<>rtht•rn N<'\ u<la ru n c hlnjt rami '" d lf'd Wc.•dnl'M.lu~ c lndM Ol.lel. s.n11 AN HtlfMl, c..tllorn te 97107 V~ O. MIQ.-o Tlllt ~ Is COflClllC."11 by en Tltlt II .. _, "''" flllHI wllll lltt lnoM dl.ltl: C-IY Cltlll tlf Oril'tt CO..nly on l en. Jtf,.., 1.. W•"'lfl 1), Itel fllho .....-..nt WM fl ... wltll tltt ~-Ctufllf Cllrk of Or-Clllflty <Ml ,.IHllll ..... Or-. C..tt Otll~ Pltot. ..tllnlery t, I• ""'· 12, "· 2'. #ttrtll s. ,.., .... ' "'mtt l'vtltllMd Or .... c .. .i o.tly Pl ... , fttl. U. It, 26, Mer(ll S, ltl2 ut-12 , NA#IE STATl!MIENT t hr t0How 1n9 P4ff'SC>r'I\ •r• 001nq -------------1 l>u\IM U •\ l'ICTITIOUS aU51NllSS CAPRI CLEANERS SOI S<>utll 8rook"V''' Ain•n..1m C•llforn•• NANIE STATIMENT "7ICM lttr touow.no "''on\ •rt 001no Cl•ttn N Stune In< , • C.litotn•• 1111\ln•n•• <0<1>0..at1on. ,. .. South IOlh A-. .... BLAVHEY ENTERPRISES. 20 Aru d•.a Celllornl• •100. Fh<t>er. 8-t. C.osl• llWW. Celllornl• '"" bu''""" 1, ,0nouc tod oy a 97•2' COtl>O'•h"" 01v1 0 0 Bl•yn•v. H•H c ie.-.NS,,•nt inc Gu•dl•A<I. Ml\\IOn v .. ,o. C•lllorn1• F ohmt H Su .. •m•n Prh mt~M , ... , .. , S Hllnn l"'•I 1eo. Thi\ \Ml.,,_I ,.., hl..O "'''" lht Hvmm1not>,rO Orlvr (0\11 Mes-1. '-°""'" (Irr ... ol o.-.n91 County °" Ca411ornl• mit. Ftbru•rY II 1'87 1"1"711 Thf\ bf..t\t~\ 1' OOf"t<hK tf'd by .11n PuDlt\flr'd Or•n91: COol\I O•ity Pilot ~~=~~::,i"_:i~ea a••1ocl•t1"" ot~r lll•n F•b ••. l•. Maren S. 11. ,.., ,.1_.1 0 -arlf!\ s H••M•, T ru'1ff Tht ,,.., .. , S H•on~ l ru•t rn1s st•t•ment w~ fUeo •It" thiR Coul\ly Cler' of Or•nqe Counly "" F•o•u••Y 1. ,_, l"lltm Publl•roeo 0r•"91' (OHi O<tlty Pilol, "ICTITIOUS a USINESJ NA#IE STATIMENT T"r follow ing perM>n\ •r• OOit'f9 1>u•lneuu. h b. s. 12, "· ''· ,.,., sn_., CIRCUIT EQUIPMENT AHO ------------l suPPLV COMPANY, U t• W•lnut Avtnue. Suit~ J Irvin•. (AtUOf'f'•• .,," ------------1 Tommr Palm~r JO• Wlh hirt l'ICTITIOUS aUSINISS NAME STATIMINT Tiie following penons e -. doln9 1>u•lnenM. SPAGHETTI POT MEDIA, llto J Air port l.001> Drive, Coila Mu a. C1l ltornl• ~16 ~rtenl Pot lnvtttm.,.ts Inc • • C•lllornoa c°"'°'•"""· 31'1> J A1rpon l..000 o,,,... CO\I• Mew . C•lltor,.•• 91U6 Th" 1><1unen is conou<t•d by • c orp0r •tlon John Cook. v P ~ti Pot lnvestm•nh. IM Tllls \letemtnt was liltO wllll Ille C011ntv Cit •-of Dr•n .. County"" Febr.,.ry t , 1"1 Finni Pvbll\-Or.-. C.Ol\I D.tty Pi*- F•b 5 ''· 1', ,.. 1"1 ~1.f7 Blvo LCK A"91'1H. C•hlom •• _, c R s..n-. ua o .. 11n(llloro '°''• AMw. G•hfoml• 97U7 Thh t>usiness 1, <ondu<t•d Dy • o-nrr•I P"1Mttnip C. R Benson Thi\ 51•1-nt w•• tli.<1 will\ IM Covnly Ci.rk ot 0•&"9f CountJ "" Feo-uary 1'. 1"1 .. ,..., Publl\Nd 0.•"91' CM \1 Dally PllOC, Feb 1• 1• Mar S. IJ, 1"1 ,_, PUil.iC MO~E l'ICTITIOUS aUSINISS NAME STATIMl!NT Tiit lollowln9 perton ts do1n9 bl.ll"'"l .,, SUNRISE COMPUTING. 1110 Sent••-• StrHt. Foun11in v111er. CA .,1CI ------------1 OONALO ELVI N COLE, 1170 S.nte IWdor• Street. Fount•ln Valley, CA tnoe ------------1 Thlt bl.l1i<W\s 1\ conduct..i llY •II ~ICTITIOUS auMNISS NA#IE STATEMINT Tiie foltowlng per.on\ •r• Going bu''".''., J U !'.T I N TY LE R HABERDASHERY, •TOO Barranca Parkw•y. lrvlnl!, eellfor'll• 9'7U C.O ClolN•"· Inc , • Cautornl• corporation, •lllO B•rr..,u P•r-way. ltYIM. c.l"oml& tt11• This lluslneu Is tond11cle<1 by • (Ofpotetlon. C~Clol"'ett Inc: O.rryl M Gr1tbe. Vk•PrHIOtnl Tltlt N l..,_I WH filed wllh lllt Co1111ty Clerk of oren99 Co..nty on J1nu1ry 1', ,..,. "'""" JACltlO", ltlDOllll 6 !lU(ltLINO A-..e•uw "' , .......... _ . ..._ .. ..__.C--CH.~ .,...,.,. htdl, Ca • ., ... Publl\""' Or-c;011\I 0 .. ly PilOI, Fell. S, 12, It, 2t, ,.., sa.12 .. ,..., ... ,.CTITIOUS eUllNIESS N-'Ma STAT.,MNT Tiit 1011-"'9 __ , •~• ooln 1111sl11tn n : WAl.LAC.E AVENI.II VllHTUR5 , ,,U ~ V-0.-1 ... Et.C, SulM 7, Cotti Mew. Ct llfOnlle t2ta. IC ramer · l.lllt Otvtltpm tnl Com1W1rw. Jtlj #ttw v..-E1tt. ~tt 1, c .. 11 llollha,Cetlfor,... ._,. JoM c Sc.ott. Inc •• Ctll'°"'lt <Df""'tlltn. l»ft WOM91•n Or i,.., leflll AM, (;.alllomle .,,.,, tlll• ""''""' " cono11c1to DV • eonere1oen-~. K,_·1.1111 Otv....,,.....I Mtttln J Kr•"'''· """-fflll ......,... -,.,., •"" ... c-1y c..,.. .. Or-.. c:..MJ .,. -~·.1•. '"°'"'-' OOH ALO COl. E Tiii\ 'ltai.mt<1t w .. IHIO wllll tht County Cttr~ of 0r•"94l Counlv on Feb 18 ttll FtaJSI P11bll\l>e<! 0rl"91' c ... 11 Dillf PllOI, Feo. 1• M.tr"' S 11, 19, t"1 l'U1 l'ICTITIOUS eUSINISS NAME STAH ..... HT Tiit 1011ow1n9 person It 4oln9 b\ltl(ltUH POWEii ENGINl!l!"ING AHO DEVELOPMENT, 2006 hllun• Ttrr••· C-. def Mer, C.11'9nll• '1'2$ Jolln Cllr1< &ool"· 10o. T tfwnl Ttrrtet , c.or-Clll MM. C..Uloml• ntl) Tlllt IM\IMH I~ ~-by .., lndlv._I J . Clarie llootll Tiii\ -t wn flltd wltfl l'- C1>11nlr Clt1'11 of °"''* CO..Mv on ,,.-,..,u, 1..i. .,,.... "'*'""° 0rtflgl c..-0.HY Pll04,. .... "· ~ s. "· It, * .. ,.., .. Oraogt Co11t DAILY PILOT/Friday. February 26. 1982 ~ .. ~.~~ ... ~~ ..... ! .... !!!' .. ~; .... ~~ ~~ ..... !~ ~/ l•mt. ••~!f.d, malt*' Wtltdltt, N.1 Wait lrvlH Airport utc _ ............... . '11/W f\.i.rc;d , qultt, ""-taJ lut , .... ,,. C:Mll IWlt, Dltt offlct• ID ...... ~· _! .. .u11 ~~ ~~ k1' ?OMN '::!•~.·~r:,•.n•f'i!: .•• ~? ... ' ... '!! .... !~ ~~~---~~--~~~~~~~~~~~-~-~~~~~~--~~1u2~~n1r~~. ~mn -~~.M~·~·~~m ~~UY hsliii•,.alaW M twlh ......_ Af ,,. .. ,...... Aas lw1t1 ...,.._ Alfa lw1h U...., !!.""~ i •' l~I O 1712' SUJ!IS bltrort..eue .................. 441t .,~ur,. rtatef cntu .... T T --- ' • 'N r.11 w~ '·Cote ........ ~t .... :..,~. W/alnl ••• . ....................... •••••••••et••ttettt•ttt tte•eee•ttetetttettltt eeetttttttttttttttttttt •t•tttttttttttttttttttt I ~ int u tttttttt•ttt•ttttttttlt C. 1"9~ ""-a.,-.... 3741 ...._ MZ4C:..MIM H14tkl_• ..... M4GMlu••rt.._. )169farMI01b12Brduplex HmfTA•I iormu·e ormeon acnor<XfittWO.qft. lO)'rltale.N•t'"loul ....... •••••••••••••••• ••••••u•••••••~••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ....... •••••••••••••••• ......... •••••••••••••• C.111 w/ M IUO +YI ut1I PlAli ,, ...._ Vtrde Area truck rtnlal M0 ,000. l.wiwy sti.410, spa, TV, IMSTAMTtMt • l 8r. Duple&, 1ar11•. WALK TO BEACH : VfftalU. bachelor <'Oll· GHIL'llJel'f)'. Newlu•uiJOTrft .. fa<'e *Cote Realty W ·titl 1D l521-5Ulart Spm maid ttrvlce. phont'll, 131$/mo, f 8r 1 Ba. lalllidry room ms No Bach. 1tovt • tefri&•. do. Walk to bu ch. M.y Part Newport apart 10 lrvlne'i but ut & Investment SJ'ORE. ZMONewport RI. Auoci1tt with SI0.000 S&Zwk ,411·2227 Adults only. •ncltd ~.&eedt Gu • wattr paid. 0Wtud1nc amenities, w/empld fem. 1300 ttnt«! !a•y Jl'rwy It u"S777 CM. 2'1l20' ror S'l00/mo cuh to Join me in fan· h kok SllCl/mo 5387979 ~1738or640•3 tell. Avail. now ! Call · """"" M.S-zo:J , .. tic opportunity, I ... ,.,. .. _.. l76' ll'"fi'·~Hd er Call ·rP· Eutaklf 2 BR. am yard · ---= H<'. f"5/mo. fordetllll. have 1 eom peny con· .......... ••••••••••••• Jma yar · 1 or •ttath.lar.WS/mo.900 (2) lbr cott11e1. · · Spa~ r-001111 °1therln1 HI 1231 640.4230 .. _ ··' d OCEAN U ONT2'4 Br ~MGMT ~·'!..._~---•*'115/mo. "-blk to IJOOW1terfront38rltia dust? Make" money. __:_ IOLLCIMTll :!..'#J/COflt .. ::!c ~!tt=.rvh~s ai~ Avail. Winter Weekly / 642'1903 1 bt, auper t itan, tocl. !?t~. Set mana11e.'f Apt. on u n d~y b.ea c h. net lnttorutln& 1ue1ta. t_DILUXI OIRCIS000• MIWPOIT Pnme ltulltl:a lf>citTon buy 1 n I • se 111 n 1 Mon~hly. 813·18'13. SlOO <>ff \at Mq. Rent. aar. Adullll, no pets. 271 D at \~7th St. ·.L t900/mo. Ritt Writer, Bec ome 8 e d and r•Ml 1 room up Lo 2 Eleeent E•ec aw tea in !Md P C t 11 K'tVICft 'f.roducts. 3rd Wanl :iomtlhlno xt•a Sc>;lrl01.W2 Br. l Ba . $.'llS. W. Wllsoo. Apt. e, 2bdrm, l ba, dllbw11her, ~. 152.5710 Bl'e11~u1 t1111o.dtl. WrNlle o~ 111· ft. From sue a sq. preatlaiou• lot . Incl O!l_al f>' •ell • fr.Y· ~it In b1.11 nesa. Can be uerlal \n 11•2 8~. 3 er.l1"8a 142$.Laun· S.Tl5/cm.&45-l8tt upperpriv"10C)mo • ca_, ,n ey. o . ., ft. Noluae req1.1lred. secretarial, recep· I ... 1 °'000'r13 ~0 cf~ 1diveorln1t'Uve C•ll Town~ rompletely di? r1s, I\ 548·9~ ---, 53Wl12 . S. Clew• 387'' ~7~8a CA 91"6 12131 MJ. Alrporter Inn. 2172 llonlst. telephone an• • =II., o . aq •3048 "' 7:ZO..' t4S. ask ,um.,_:. 1-111" ..._llrZIL 1 """o' Ouponl. Call AM . --r·. Of"• from•~... 11•".a1100 , ...... r.J ...... 1 .. ll"s. -· "'0• ...,. ..!:... IMMID OCCPMC" l'Oor.1 iA ~ Ml ,.,. ltedl 3869 ....................... m.=. ;;. "'on.c'li1 ofc1 fies .. ......,. "' .. """ .. "' S4001mo 2 Br. l s'a. 551.i.~~9908·• .. ••••••••••••••••••••• 2 br, near ocean . Prof. .woman 1ctk11 , Adults pool beamed · -1115/rm. lat• i.st mo. Christian Lady to live In 17TH SftUT mo . THE HEAD · C rcW lllYI I • <'fllin:f.' laundry room. 2 Br. upper apt p1AM11WPOlf 1 332&.clnoLn,S.C.Set CdM home wtaon" COSTA.MBA. QUARTERS q>M· .... 4475 Q,,,......., 5015 NO LEASE No ts. No lasl ""'· washe r /dryer fe r . ,.. ~ erlnApt.tC. d'15. Rent negotiable. 2orSroomolflceauitts PAN1F.S:Aprofe111on1I ....................... r l'tftt .,~ enclsd g1ra1e, all l•lnllrMJS !7~_1._ ____ AJC,plentyofprkg. Util environment. 1714 ) Prime Tustin 6 San j*;~;~·;~·;~•,•••;·;~·· TSL.MGMT 642-1603 amenities. carpe ls , ••••ut Hr.SC ... 'tt.t. Rm +~vt bath. Ocean Ind.Avail.now Call 151-091 ----Clemmtertt1llorortlct ted·ll0.000 total o~ --drapes. $500/mo. 765 I bcliin, stove, ra~ta. n. •~--1 •756700 s ce 7»1470·83MM189 1,, .. 000 .,,.,., 2 I ee•ut. 2bdrm condo. H.amilloo Ave. 642·ltl03 avlll Feb28.1370 mo. view. •Terrace Apll, ~-"'"' ca_ v • IUSNSS A.DDllSS · .!...---"•"'"·. · &;\/" • yr. oan l>f1me S.C. Plau lot. ocalt 7, 1fiG.07l4. COUNTIY CLUI •t-t64hft 6:30 Ll&una Niauel. S'l67 SO 600 sq n Mesa Verde Answering -le ma i I 6310.12 W. Coast Hwy. pay. 111l. only mo. IZOO'k REQUIRED Waterfalls. strums. -UVIMCi IM + i,.,utJts.661·7943 am. service conference N.B Stt.) PLUS 200'k Dep. spa, pool. $800 /mo . Small I B.r. J person only. .._._.._IT "-4000 Ba~ront-~vt beach. Bal MS-4IZ3 room. Adj. OC Airport. l.IOOsq. ft. retall ules & wri~f PLU~ 2S'1 Ta~ (71 • ..,..""19 "'7""" .. " no pets S31S /mo 1"5"'""' •••••••••••n•••••••••• 1• f StOO/m>.714/~1-1342 service,oowautoatereo CreditPLUSS o ofbu~1 __ .. ,,,_, ... ..,_, 0 .,,..,.,..,, 675-*>74 or S2'M40I La&una Bearb Motor Inn. Pen. Se wantt to shr I 53> & 572 sq. ft. Sl.00 per --tl85/rm. 213/8111·S98S or nus net Ca I I B 111 IEACH 98.S No. Pacific Coast W/~art~. Resp. person. sq. n .• 31t7S Birch., N.B Newport Beach near ~.. . 7~ 5-lout sh.ld1os one ano rwo bedroom a1>1rt- men1s FUANISHEO and UNFU_RNISHED IA.YTIMlllS ~autifuJ park like set A IWtury fOmmunity on Hwy. Laauna Beach. ~~.£~~.Aft 6 & ~l~l.:..5032 Hoag Hosp. lOOO sq n.. Need equit;-;-hare- Ltng, pool. spa. car port lh• Ba~k Bi'/. Sp•c. Oailv Weekly Kitchen second Ooor offices, •m· ht 11t'W l..W 4500 000 b SPACIOUS l Br I Bi. $475, 2 Br $SSO "' ' .. '-i' bl Lo' DANA POINT·s best loc pie parting, well maui ••••••••••••••••••••••• partMr w/$25, to uy. l &4&-0886 tacul1r Spa, 7 swim· ava11 e. w winter fmle. 21 +. res pons. 200• toSOO' at 7or incl all. tained bid&. Vicky days N 8 3975 Birch 8860 sq X.Wlfe out o~ C.M. roo- Calhedral ceilings. walk --· · --tn111g pools, 8 lighted ten· rates. 494.5294 rlean. share ni<·e CM Utd & janitor. 9'75· ll'O 7 14 I 645. 4l oo . eves ft ;;, less M lA. ione, 50" do. 6Sl·~IZ1 _811~!._V~ '"closet. dishwasher. so cco••f ...... nis couru. bike trails. ------. -apt, W/same S22S/mc.1 ~ 714 1673 3112 I fireplace . garage~ IM!<>I & 2 Bi.°i"Ba.'ijC.Pool~el' putt 1 n g g r e e n . Pvt: f!!I. no smoking or 631·1564 <Jfice space for rent. JBS -· eave per sq. ft . AR en t Oalt.wOOd also otters ' All UtiliUes Paid 'lmmedlale Occupancy laundry fa 1 c11ity facil.. sec. gates. no Bachelors. l and 2 dtinktng, qwel M over -· I sq. ft. second floor meS?ge._ -----541-5032.__ ..._,to..._ 5025 ~Im>. 399 W. Bay St. ......~ .......... P.P. 968•3652 bedrooms apartme nts. ~.~/mo SS&·0637 Roommate F preferred. 2 Prutig1ous Westcll fr Office spac·e on busy 13»-3000 sq. rt by Npt •••••••••••••••••••••!• ,... ... .,._, d t h f -----, BR house. 2 c11r gar SI 00 ft M-.. ·c I N rt Bl d A 646-9113 ----------an own ouses rom Working fem . 25·4<>. , W1D. 2 blks to Main brh area sq . .,..1 a ewpo v . pprox. fwy & 405 fwy. f'rom !•-------• l•-------•ID_,_. 3126 SS40lo S1000i:r month bl.k bch. N.B .. unfurn.. S36S inrlud utilities Bldg. Call64S6SOI 400 sq. ft. $440/mo. in· 1504 Mr . o ·Keef e Af hM•: ' '1 Miiiion In Aecreetlon And Much More• For a month or a fi le· bme Models open dll•tv 9am 10 6pm No pets ••••••••••••••••••••••• San~~qa::ln Ji~r5A~oad nonaf ·smkr S250. 675·1706 49'7·ai2l cBl~d.utCosils.12Aa ~~~w~:! ~l-89211 • ...._"; Super neat, small I Br. · t. 4. -..,._<Mop a· te off 're/ l.....&-1..,. Wcstreld Villa with l'Ourtyard. (714)644·1900 MIF. nice N.B. 2 br, 20· 10 _,., • nv 1 Manager. Industrial Park Units for -- quiet, no pets S31S un· NO L'EEI A •. C d Furn CM HM $21 o. sand, lge palio, immed par1ting/lnkitsrhelnetteBspc lellSe. 1500, 1900. 3700 sq Office ....... A.'A..ITMENTS furn, S39S furn. 493·0803, r · pl. "' on ° 64>2A3S or Call Answer S250tmo. bi3·6994 18600 Ma l.I unt ch MIDICA.L SUITE ft. units. A\•ail. for 1m Loans to $250,600:-'ferms BeautiCul aarden apts. 645-7953. rmlals. Villa Rentals. ! 11611. 642·4300 Dally Jantr. All uhl pd ~sq. ft. front ground med. ottupancy. Offi ce to 3 years. Call lo see if Patl06/deck.s Spa. heat OC--VE 675-4912 Bruktr. ---TEMP Shr LUX Twnhst> Avail now! (714la.8·3133 noor. Jarden setting. & warehouse space with we have the ~st rates' Oakwood paid.Nopets 'E,i\N I W! Lg 2+2. · pd s Room, Fmle pref. '" w/vu at PK NWPT 1 proless1onal bldg. tn top cal'l)ets. drapes & wet avaUable for your loan. Gardefl Aoartments 2 BR. 2 BA. SS25 fplr. split level. adlts OI · ~ ~1!i.u~h. 242':0~ ~~icln ~":ci f!,~~"f E V E R Y T H I N GI • H u N T 1 N G T o N area of Newport Beach. ban. :IW-41• a sq ft Call Call Mr. Nelson 1714 I ...__.... Belcl\/No. JIBW. Wlls-On 631-5~3 ly.t67Smo.496-0271 lfilhSt.6'>4718 petsOK.~ · FURNlSHED ! Avail,3·1 BEACH• Kial aeeess to Hoag ~!Moo·f'rl 8·5 966·0755. Cambridge ,_ .. .....,., - -2 8 • --------to n . SSOO mo t:all t"•OSi/FFWh HoJp. St.ZS sq rt Long Capital Group -a 8801rvine PINEBLUFFAPTS. r. ocean view . Spac.lor2brapts.lmi RoomlpvtBA kitchpnv An s wer Ad "11 6 12. 3 ~ (eOlfic term lease avail. Call 1100 !J· rt . 2 offices, Cahfomia real estale 1a1 l61n1 2 Br 2 Ba . No pets ba.I~~· ,prage. cleaJl. lrom beach No pets W 0 , F\am. 'Quiet ftf.1 1 642--4300: 24 hrs • • i.va.2eStaf1cfeAsr•as 64S-65()_ lfor_appt. o/he door. front & re broker also a~ing as a . (714)~11().4 Patio. view. frplc. 36682 A Cordova Dr 642·23S7 h I " arentry,frwy close .top lender. • Jacuni gar gas stove 2U/402-216S7 trollecll --~. S275. 5"4S·Sl05 a l S. Prof woman w 1 II S • • Wetbar I EXECUTIVESUITF. cond $3llS 675-6251 Newport Beach/SO. ~ 63i.o107' · ~-Slepi to bearh 2 Br. 112 Furn room kitchen I Senior needs I" to i.hare Available now·llll 1-'loor N t Ce 1 I !•-------• 1100 16111 S1 -----11 ........ o.•oclt 3140 Ba. frplc lmmaculatl' pnvgs female only COM oceanside MOO + Call C7141S.S-3133 7 r n,~r. oci::i vif:;i ~ 4550 Ocwe• •1 t6i111-Barhelor & 1 Br Apts All,••••••••••••••••••••••• cond. S650 673 2507 Agt 1 c M si1o mo. ~.8077. •_, Penny 800-252· 7796 I co ~e fse.9o:i · •••••••••••••••••••••••!•-------• (714)642·5113 adult.no pets Pool. bbq WiffletrteA..h --MEWPOITllACH sent~·--Garage for rent o n' & enclsd gara ge!> I Unlum n )dnnript Alllsg;:'53B~Ba.fplr. Older waterfront hme. Fem zj +.2styc:ondo l AJRPORT Custom or Pn~NewportBearhof BalboaPen nexttoF\an ·PERSON _ Cl95 rro. 631·2276 util pd. All amen111es I 6'J!t~ rem non smkr. 21-35. ftplr. W D S220 Ind ulil I fices. 600 to 1800 sq ft. fire space. Newly re· Zone 110...,x20•.21. SISO T9 846-f.619 agent S2SO mo a 11 P riv ~ 1473. 955.0900 Ftom!KJ' per s1f rrodeled. beautiful Call ~ 673-~. 673 3930 I 3~~~~Wmon : La~e'1~hA.1a wn Oelux-;.:..p-oolside ~tra S72S imo 3 Br 2 Ba : m-sa . . MullanRJty ~~ Mart 673-6666. RV. boat, auto storage 1 PEISON thly 'lll summer S7SO w patio & yard . up large 2br. 2 ba. bltns. Duplu. upper. N~wport NR R~m. pvt b11th. DANA P~INT Share D11q ft, cri>td newly de· fenced, secure. S30 mo 675-2010 b I & th d I dswhr I ~ miles beach Shores area En r lsdr k1tch pnv Non smok~r. h<;>use avallablt> now I cor. a/c tncf. all utils. Cosla Mesa.6461666 I -w a cony ca e ra . gara•e balcony Submit SZ75 6317215 8111 execuplan . . ---SHORTTERM l'elbng. frplc, d w. pool. Adults, no pets. SSOOmo onchi'ldren&pets · _ S3H2S'J 4j6 2969 Ample prkg Ideal for ~W--'-....11 4600 Oc __ , .. h sya, car pon No pets. S36-8362. TSL MG. MT ,,.2 603 N 8 vt b th & v1ew · law, atclg. engineer. --e..1uront .. near l e. Quiet & nvate S41i6 & -------'" · l . P a . Sh· 4 B h bt "A. Mtw Co.c ... " I etc Nr 405 fwy & Beach ••• ••••••••••••••••••• ~::~ !~tsmaov.ai~,~~j 141.26.~Hfart~.~9·2447:_ ~~t~~~ £i:hR· 1~~Z1 WA.TaFIOMT ~~~~:ec1\~:.st>r:k/i:1~ &~&Or;an °~a111~~ tullserv1retcu.sfom ' Blvd M'7·77_27_M·F..:.82.:.... R!t~1:,;f lwdlL~ ~h0 67s-8170 rQUIETADULTSoverJS. share rental. No Pets WITHDOCK I priv. S280 mo Try 67~263'7aflfPM olfke&des~space (Jfirespace.7SOsq ft.nr BCH.720-0375 ---I unfum I Br. lower. $.140. 8.13-3307, &42·l339 Real nlre 2 Br 2 Ru 6:44-0369 ~aculur YU. set· j.tilll'. I .J!t 0-,..c Alf'P.O~ '.. Harbor & Baker. ssso Surf vu. lmcnac. 2. Br. Beautl landscaeing. No --- -w/spa in mstr Ba . bit ln , • pool. Jill' S34!> mo ·· 0 pprecia e rm. ~057t Cat.lple desires furnished mature only, av111. 3 pets. LEEWARD APTS. *•MEW•* kltch .. frplc . dbl rar Companu>n. cmplo~ed +hskpl! 760.·9307 I 7sg.3973 ----apt. or home rental m>. March-June. $600. Z<m F\allertoa 631 0397 garage + 2 additional Lady Jor Newport ~t <lfire for rent nr Costa Balboa Beach area June 631·0174 --' *~ fllSAS * off.st spaces. Sl300. Pnv Br & Ba. S48 4017 r has 2BR Apt to sh art> MIWPOIT HA.CH Mesa Post ~c~ark· or July. Write R. Nonn. Oceanfront !bdrm. rum. 1lfE VICTORIAN New· A llonented apt J.I. Prop M Male roommate needt>d with t"SO+ S200 + '• ulll j •FULLSERVICE• tng~~o. -· 1591 ~. Pnnct>, Tucson. s:>.50: unfum SSOO. Till ly decor. 2 Br w 1gar.. 2 bl~:r:!~;ean 67~173 T;t~70 for 2 br houst> in CM. No S48·0606 M Offiu ~· PIOFISSIOMA.L Al. 85719 Jwie 30. 833·3743 dys, new rrpls&drapes. bit· paddl •· · t drugs please Sl90 + • .. r-3Br.C'ondoonThel "--1 d f · h d ms. pallo. Adults Call euonnas l' s Hll'TUHI AVf 646-ll»S ...., ... 1 •Suites from 149 · OfACl SPA.Cl """" e esires urnas e 1~ eves/wknds. belwttn 1·5PM. 636-4120. balconies or bkyard 2 Br 2 Ba (rpl(' garaitl' Bluffs. f ba{yv1ew. to s~r I •Branrhofflce S80 mo Nr o.c. Airport ~:i>o:'Be~~h"!re~ej~~~ Large lBR. Ulil pd. Spot· 667 .. G..:.J'ictoria $470 carports '625/ITX) · 1 s41 5682 · ......_ Mohk 4100 w pro · omu n w o Call 752·6408 Sl.2Ssf up to6000str Donl Deal with a MIDDLE MAM Deal Directly wiLh a· LEMOEI o60 yrs eapenence •Isl &2ndTD's- S10,000 UP Qlidl Cnclt A.ppro•. 40.,.....l'ou. sttule<t l>y ic8mbo or real & personal property O....A..ci• 972·2231 Open1days8:30-8.30 less. Quiet $450. 2421 E all ulil pd except elec _ _yr Y • ••••••••••••••••••••••• I ravels Beaut furn Newport AvfTustin 1 .. r.ler lkr or July. Write R Nonn. l l6tbSt. i;.o.4718 Roomy 3 Br Townhouse Nopels BEA~ 1 bdrm. bright SI.AUii MOTIL $4..'iO mo 760-8056 s·.u A,;1 • 1591 E Pnnce. Tucson. ~in N~'!~ ~~r~~:: Allanta·Dellware. HB and 11ry, \.'I blk Ocean, Wlily rentals now avail Hst•m;ite. ~+ wanted by -·sq ft 544 2001 ..._ 4 i ~ 85719 ••••••--• S.C..llh 3776 ti'~are. enclsd patio & 17141 ~4400 yrly, refrig. beamed SI05 & up. Color TV prof female w furn ~ _-•••••••••••••••••••••••• ·-· ••••••••••••••••••••••• garage Adults only eetlinp. No Children orl Phones 1n room 2274 Look togethn-. beal1 h -...,. ., 2 Br 1'" Ba. walk lo ~.no n.t.s. SS7S Mo. 2br 2ba in 4·plex. $47$. pets. Avail r.tar I S49S I Newport Blvd CM area Ftanr1l' 831 Oltfl • • beach. 22S La Paloma . ..,.,.,:r ,,_ wd bk up prv patio perm> ~ & Balboa 646-744$ «>-2178 Apt B S4~637·7918_ ~3.'lllo~675·S949. e~clsd .ga~ No pets· Area Days 675·2699.• 8 DAY WEEK SPECIAL • s.taA.aa nao ~1! ~aS)()~~~: 'S~~ ~~ --~"-t$v'::.~~1LLES l ~!.•.a.~!: ....... ~!!.~1 ~~~i:s~1t':}~~~~.~· .• • • •••••••••••••••••··~··· Coast Plan Ca ll rollect WALK TO BEACH. I Br 2 br. z~rrplc. O<'ean i !bard & Care for ladies I 67~afl 6 8 Days 3 Lines • 8 Dollars • 2 bdrm rondo, bit ins., 213 371.Qi06 stove & ref r 1 g f . view. Im>. MZ.eto or rouples. Best nal~~al Person to shr 3 br hou~l'. • part furn. pool. conv ----1115/ITX),~7979 -I food&rare.Newfar1hty 00 Lhe bearh NB $275 It s easy lo place your 8-0ay Week Classified by mail a nd II • transp. serure. quut. ....STA.MTIM' ----VlL' •BALBOA . ' . I.._ le C M • • $8 I d II d i T l f I h C" ....... 11.. Pvt patio. small .... c,~. I Br. 1 aa· A:r,t -. Int 12 .. I IA. ""' , .or Spttla ..-~P - . ind ollls 673-8225 costs JUSI -thal son y a 0 ar a a y 0 Qua I y or I IS -..... .,..., ...... _,. 1 1 2 br, 2 :i.e. frpk . m1rro. 642·3481 • dogOIC.SSSO ftplc. ca.rport. laun ry l nu !Jearb, frp c. ~nr 1/r . 0ttu 6 bay view. -· SO 3BRhme to share.SSOOto • :,pec 1al o ffer yo u must be a non-commercial user o ffering S4l·S002 room. Cal olt Real sun· gar. dishwasher. blt·tnS . .->142-t14t ¥ ........... 42 slart. S2SO mo NB aru I merc handise for sa le up to $800 per ad a nd the pric e {nu St • ny. This one wont last snmke alarm. balcony. ! .. •••••••••••••• ....... Dys , 640·$200. tv~. • ~LOIJlllMI 3716 TSL Mgmt.642-9412 Water pd. S46S before s YIUAIA'-IOA. I OCEANFRONT 2 & 4 Br 646-?168. Heather e be 1n your ad The cost stays the same whethe r your ad e ••••••••••••••••••••••• -----PM960-46l4 Larielbdnntnsecurily Avail. Winter Weekly d hi d II t t • Laguna Beach. beaut. 2 Br. 1'1 Ba. Townhouse, blda. View of Catalina. Monthly 673.7873 rem.ale. Nwpl Bt h 3Br • nee S e1g ays Se ing 1me or JUS o ne furn., suite 2 BR. spa, garage. palio. small 96'50mo 963,8182 1 to 5 Condo. furn . non • sauna, satellite TV. yard No pets SS10 eves ll.;knds839·4945 . Palm Springs areu 1Mon sn-oker. S295 mrl ut1I • Use one wo rd 1n each bo x About 4 words make one maid serv SJOO wk . 00-4837 ---terey CCI condo 3 BR 2 Don 631·0815, Sat Sun • • 714499-2227 DLX 2Br. 383 Condo. Nwpt Hls 2 br. I ba. Ba . furn w I aln um 9-6 I c lass1f 1ed line o f ty pe M inimum ad IS 3 lines Please print frpk , yd, gar. SS30/mo Coif. tennis Dally, . I I • Af hMllh frplc. gar. lndry. pool. nopets.631·5103 weekly & monthly rates Re.sp roommate l OM . • P a1n y u..tw.111Md patJo S700 ~.~4·9908 'Secu111y Ga1~ -a vail 714 S58 ·8001 pool frplc. carport S32S I • ••••••••••••••••••••••• b 2 • Pool&Rec Room 2 Bdrm 2 bath near the '"PM ask for Mark +ulll.720 1495 • r-----------------------------.., I r, car gar. w opener. • 1 & 2 BR Paho Apls beach. ssoo per mo I ,.... • -• .... lllmd 3106 fr pie. micro. d Ix . • G~rdtfl Landscaping (yearly ). 752·2841 Mam.,..,lh 3 bdrm rondo. Rmmte wanted N B • I I i"bd;;~;·i,~~·;;;cj""g;;• ~ m> S4S-Jll5 • 01snwasners & 880 s &SllO•night apt 3bdrm with nll't' • I I • Aveil Mar 8 yearly Bachelor E·s1de loca· • Jogto Beacn&SllOps Bayfront 2bdrm. 1 rar 499.5304 view_.Call760-3868 lease SS7S mo. No pels lion. Patio. Stove/refng. ~~I~ Ll~~u':1lal~~ PALM-SPRINGS TAN !· Udo Isle. M t~ non smkr • I I • Ev&wknds714/673·9120 gentleman pref, no pets. ~ 1 Br. den Condo. Mtn. S350/mo '•Ulll • I I • S350,S48·<B08 _ --- -pool vu Newly rurn . _ _675-9449 I I .... , ...... 3107 3 bdm. 2 ba. close to k S60 d A I • ••••••••••••••••••••••• I Br 1 Ba. good Easts1de TREE orean 675 -49l2 di S2SOIW a). vai · M•F 4 BR hse. Newport • I I OC£•~o...,. loc . mature adult THE WHIFFLE 67s.l2Ueve Bkr 3-22 1~14 !._~1·425~ __ Shores. near beach. • • ~ "' S350/rm. C.11 del Mar l·2·3 Bdrm Apts Gyr:n. · -Montere CC Palm pool. & lennas W 0 . I I 2 bdrm. 2 bath. new Apts. 147 E. 18th. St Spa. Sauna. pool. tennis. 3 Br. 2 Ba t l, blocks to I Desert ~ bdrm well fplc, gar P11no. S.350 + • I I • I:' ca~t. Yearly Co sta Mesa See etc.846--0619. ocean 1750 mo fumb pooltondo.AYail '•Ul.11548·4340 • ~J;_~Olio ILindaor Manager. ---2Br. 1Ba , 4·Plex . ~~:~rnt 6752373 for karch. S.ISOO .shr2 br-2ba apt. Lag •• -'-------BEAtrrlFUL2Br.2Ba 1490 mo. New paint. -l·~:m4anyt!_'!lt! __ Bcb. Ot'ean vu, terrace • N~l&c.3bBll~t·n2sB.gAa.ry,epaarrly. MesaVerde. ~"f!,l4. Murdy Park Lido b1yfronl. on the ...................... _ 4300 l.m.494-6109.493-2308 • • ''" k Garden Apt .._._, · water 2 br, 2 ba, newly -~ · ---• ing. Close lo ba Y & ftplc. Lndry. Dshwshr --deror .. frplc. S975 mo. ••••••••••••••••••••••• f to shr Laiuna Beach ocean. Brkr 675 4912. Enclosed garage. SS2S. MAIJMEltS WAUC yrl.y lease 413 Via Lido Shr lrg lux home w /prof. home. Nonsmk r. refs • • S350.Ulilpd 1Br duplex :m4Mace 546·4016 Lrg 2 Br Townhouse Soud (upsta i rs I person. 1st. last & dep. ~4!17·~17~!_l.2p~ • • •11 E. n.y Ave Ballboa ---------Apartment. .Frplc. 67H213 6753$51 I $2.6Sm> 966-8479 In Nwpt. Non-smkinol p bl h d f 8 d .. ua t Br £1side, small but enclsd gar, pauo. Near ' -" U IS my a Or ays Starting • 542.0190, 547·1155 _ coiy w /lots or neat fl.Int. Harbour. Children 2Br, 2Ba twnhse. gar.age fem ooll' Pool. quiet • Steps to beach. cute 1 br. IWOCI. $360. Adults only OK.s.575tmo.840-6807. w/q11r. sm patio. sm ROOMMATE mtota .6ll·3S26 Classification • huge yd, quiet s~reel. ~1·9522· New, nr Hunt. Herbour. rro. 642·"3117 Fem 18-~ to shr lg 38r. • • ldeaUor cple. No kids.or Beaut. I BR, quiet bldg, 2bdrm, 2ba. frplc, S650. 38r, 28a, frplc, sm patio. FINDERS 2Ba Ilse in Nwpt Bt•h. ·• Name • pets. M75fmo. utll paid. small dogs accepted. 846-4360. garege w/opnr. $600 mo. Oldest & lar1est agency. $275 mo . MI c h e 11 e yrly. ava11 a16 673-4484, bltns. 213.498.s186 or 6'W3B7 All clients screened with 548.()987 e Address e keeptrylng 597-0956 WALK TO BEACH : --~&references. • --Ba chelor. stove & Larce2bdrm.2ba.cpts, Cr«tlts:Col~polilan Female w/chltd will C • S::~~il~~=~.N~~\t tWMc1••acll 3140 palrefd.rigS300e. 1Gas .t7w97a9ter :,':J,k·ln~l~e8t1~rocean Good MomingAmerica. ;~;;/~(0~0~1t ~.vBe • ity Zip Phone • 3/t.675-4119 ••••••••••••••••••••••• -~="'-· --_,.,rm ...... "" .~~~':°~~0":.~r0:ew 7141!16G-2836 e Check or M.O. enclosed O Oceanfront 3 BR 2 F'ull I 3 Br yearly. Near Mach clients who need a place. 3 BR 2ba house with all • • BA. prime area. xlnl K b nk t? 1'125. P1•1,~.~~ MIWPOIT 641-IHt a~nities. Non ·smoker, Charge my ad to: cond. no pets SllOO/mo • enne U pOr ' $225 + 1':i ulil Days • . • 714.337 .2414 days Didnthewinthe 1132-4763. eves 836·5757 • O ,-* I. 71~.m.«!04 1fter $ ~ &-and Prix in '7'Jl ON yaar BAY M / F -3 BR Pa r k ask for Rod. WM "' EXP. __ _ ,.~def ._:_ 11• •z I m. Newport Twnhse. Pool/ H t -id • 1 1 e ---6 rK) ~ Luxurlout. open 2 spa/ tennis. Vu back ousema e wan e · ••••••••••••••••1 •••2•8••• ..,,. "" I ~llldeeweyover· 8ay.J111~--0048 ~e~r~l~!~~~r:e!~ • O # Exp. I e ~':-!~O:::·n~~ie:· lfyourenotsurewtlo(or what)Kennyt>unkpOn looking Newport Bay. CdM apl toellare. Own beach and community • I 0 6425757 wa.s.ooot feel bad-yourenot atooe Ph11ll c arpetlns 6 rm 6 bl Ocean vu • pool, $300 •month • L------------------------------1 !:r>Wknll'~1."3o ·1 Ken~txmkp0nrs oneot14 <11st1nct1Ve1y :f':':~=~al~11 :1~ trp1c.Rei11.over 30yrs. 7»oiao _ e r·········WE'LL PAY THE POSTAGE., •• ,, •••••• ,; e UNUSUAL 1 BR apt. 3 d11Ttrent apertmtnt tloorplans at Seawind Village wblcb ii elso frated Call before I PM or aft. ...... 1 1 • blks from bu ch tn Huntlngton Btach SeawlndV111age is aresult with.Danish fireplace lOPM,S2«>/mo.640-04S$. twl• 4350 • t 11 NO POSTAGE ' SSlSt mo. utll inti. oftotally personahzedprofesoonal plannmg 1 ~deck,,mlr1rott:'d lmisqncoodolo shr(ll •• .. ••••••••••••••••••• • • NCC:ESSAR~ : • .,..,.. .. _ T"-k"" f tt·ent""" ou "-AM warcrobtdoor pcture rms on buuli vlo.ra-_,mo W.La1 1 1f .. A1Lco • • 0..!'!".~---·~ 1'"'0 • ~ N'•Y ~ · window& o~rerl ns a Greenblt &c view of the Sa11['c.i. ~IJ arter • ' "' ~ 1 ' 2 er. Bay v1tw Close to I A perfect blend of Nture ano IMng-pucnmlc "" of U1t ~. w/pools, 557·11183 o'f SPM 957.2740 • !· IN TH£ 0 • bu c II .. Av a I I 3 · t. j otStled rn a fore5t with babbling bfook.s and quiet Bay! For appointment 640-&m · · -a ur;1TC o s TA Tl s =-~Imo..: !7~·~ ponds. coolfd by natural ocean breezes. Aocl to pee.. call M"on lhru Fri I Doub I e gar• g e for 9 'C e IS .. •~$pm. F. share 3Br house i stor11e only. P01mo e ! BUSINESS REPLY LABEL °" 28ED. l ba, ateP1 to bch I that tennis couru . .swimmmg Po<> • a.iacow anv ,714172 .. 247) c.M. w/F. Sl88 mo . + ''11 H.B. 980-5a0. •• E ~-: • S69Sr mo D Puh. I aconven1enttocat1on nearstioppingand l "llt+dep.deysSandy w F1llST Cl•S!t Plll#•T lf0 1J co~a ... n •c•l1 ,0h•• RtmuRJtr751M221 emptoyment an<lyouvegotaptaceanyonewoufd • 645·2223, evea N11cy 17$/m). Jfunt. 8. 20 x 18 • g • e So.othwy.Liaht.spac,2 prOIJdlycall hOmt (Even Kennyblmkportl) 4bdtm, 2ba, frptc ,j 548-7t28. double gara1e. stora•e !! o0stAG£v.•ll lU"•<'e• •;ioqts.c;11 0 e br. 1undttll. encl. •ar. One ancl two bedroom. one and two b.lth andffll, petio. duplex, Pl'Cf sh only. 83.14307, &42-1339 • :: O C O II P'I . , Rap. ~IU only l5SO ' -..nments ftom \At>OO by Ne'f'r,rt H111ht•. j awnt:"f:'e to M ~ q~fl 3 car 1ar11e or atorue • < r1ng1 OHt I y I ot ~ • A# M6-02l5 """ motm> .. 11 ... s1M. I pool, Jac, alun!. N•o:: Nr. Newport 6 19th, Al ee I ·11 ··11• t e . ~Br. I Ba. P'· apt ! l ,~Ind ~ :=ebe~~~~~: id': ml. Jl.$. lg atctM. &4M~ 00 • 5 II ril I i • ~~.:1111'· 1 II 1n liun"""'on VHllQf _ rn.•U05.2ZU5th ; Ftm r bth hat, San Oflll....., 44 • 1 l • ··or--~· --C1tanle. sno mo.+~ -·-················ '• 80115'0 C..MM Ja24 I OYr 1111.-. 2 br. l bl, I "11. Clrild! Employed. 1 ._vFIO....,... • 1 __ ................ 1sssSHvnttfl9t0nY1rlql6W ~flnGIO'IBHm,CA .. e111t\ar~ ,.•1.1 412·1141 ev1/whd1 ""' "' e t 330 W. lay St. • e <71 4'""9961 :·•· kJt.NopN. Ml·•cll! Pft•olllft.m.ta. 1 Co1t1M111.CAl"2121 ' e From lflt Siil ~ FrtfWft dr1llt nortll on ._,, to •• • 2 ..-.-. F1lnle• Oll&a 11.., • 141. ft. •• : l • McrJdOfn. d\tll ~'" l«f"*'1 to SNwino Vil"9t 1 ~ • .,,,..... llllh7 rm. • ~. ttHll, .-... Sl1SI•. UUll ill· t • , .. ,A--.u ... _. ,_ -10 AM "....... M:•ne . .,..,."'.fllh. .... •.• ,... d4. m •. lttla. St ........ ~,..·-_._, -------.c .. ,... .... • .•••••••••••••••••• ,., •• , ..... \ • -..... .__.., ... _.. •• .. ........ • • 9;;-..;ei •••• ., ••••••••• -················ ...................... . ....................... ....................... ....................... ....................... 941119<11 .. l~lt.1• .. •• ......... ... • • ••••• ,._,,..... •40111 ....... :1r.. ........ i ~'· .... Ps;astlllt Pot all~ nnd to II.ow SM18PQO • J&eam ti•~•· 8'rtfta eteu1n1 Speelal. 1\wTria16 a..wat ~r•i t:XPia. PRIPUER c:..... ,.._ £xptrt w1lltovtrin~ In Cerarnit tilt Ii marblf In· abaultialk_~ry.catt Oolof bri1httntn, wM ~ fl colnl bllndl Hom .. ,.,,. ~.~coo· IDrolltd to praetltt 25 )'rt exp. at.-l*41. lllJlaUon R.tH P rea. 1t1llatlon at 1en1 bl• '71~.:!IA crpU . It llWl bleath. Cltantd. Call oow orrJUOU MU 6 tNe rQlovat. wz Gt IRS. Q111Uty Boaded. IAa. Rell. Color =Int A11i1nment e_ri_rft.8obl7&.~ _ -Hall. l•tdla. rm• au; 4!!:!!!!_or•·•OH \C:i:'· cl.a.-;-p ~ • ••••lta~. • ... *l.MHna .-.oeuolcll 1-Semc. •v• room f7 50, tooeh Dry..-OGd JGM. ,.,.. 1 eqllip. C•• 1 Fltflf ·ACCURATE N~PAJNTING -WALLPAPERING ••••••••• .. •••••••• .. •• .......... ••••••••••••• llO:ttw•.0111r:tU1D ............... •••••••••at. ' lbtU1m.1ft ' .IQ.'fal lncometutervlc.·your Int/Ext Resld/Comm EJ1p 'd, bonded l,ic. •EllpertTreePtwtlnS• • M1W1Ca & ~!l Pit odor. Crpl rtP1lr DRYWALL/ACOUSTIC . . RAULINO tlldeat bH b a tSS..al Atoouatk Ui11p R f Ct/~. Oistount.a on Comtmrtl.1l 1And1tape -~-ri~ 7 l~ yrs :;&· Do work 14)1'1ap. •'ully llr'd' ~II. Low•t r•te. Plnoa&l 11 Bulnes• 111• lc'4 rreer:.i. m ._.:, •· wal.koverin&• •'rte tat Stmre 9$1 uu AddltioM ·Remo lilll m)'letf. · ~l-OlOI IMwed. S3Z·Ma • I A I Call 151-lf'(e. co me 111 Return Rod M•·5'00 Ooon,wlndoWl,f.tlo NoSleam/NoS..mpoo ~ ;.•.t::-•••11 •........... TMDkr,ou.J•. ,,.radon. Aull for ~i:Jfi~~.J ,.._.._... ~T.r.~,~;,i~' Ucoven.Fret•. .... StaJnSptd11i1t.F11t ....................... , .. ['o~ ld••1 ~.~ t' ..... EveniQofiWtekendOf· LanyMS-931Jaft.ll ....................... Llwnreoov. 538.0914 • c, 131*2 S.Hl10 dry. frtent W ·lW £Lr.CTRICIAH -priced ac • ....., anal, • 1--1 tire or Hoftll Appoint -eBRVANT'S• FINE HOME rl&ht free e&Umate on wldt> Ku~a aktploider ........................ neot.t. Jame1 L. Zlm: l.NT/EXTPAl.NTING Wi"-verin" Removtl TrwtO... c.,.t'11,.1h ... , Ill' ' llL.J..o D>hr.lftld.842·5008 W1111&1REALLYCLEAN CPA .uc ,.,12 n ... 1wywork Rtu uw • .1..~~.VERME~!~-••••••• ,; •••••••••••••• ur"•~Mll ""'1·1·· AU4 ,. .. HOUSE? Call GID1h.1m merman. ,....,._ _..... • . All M2·1343 ..................... .. ,._,_. emo-nn& NtwVt'sSpeclal! Crpt . -_., __ ·• s;w I Girl. frMttt.M5-51J3 L--J .__ l')>ee•t SUve~l-4211 . DELJNQUDIT' ... t lunlnc. Scotch UC'D ELECTRICIAN ....................... v==:.t Gi!"S1111 BOGDANOV PAINTIMG ...... /I.,. •JudklaJ ForedOlurea Free"t.t'12·•'° Qual. work . Re11. rate. Cupentty . M11onry ROBl'N'SCLEANING bu1lne11 ' peraonal Ae )Tl O.C. Tap quaUty. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Harold f McGrath Esq '":::::t Free est. SSl·S012 Tom Rcollnf. PhunblD& Servi a tho~hly fi 5l5CI Neal St. lk. 334t50, NHt patches A telturH 1151-17'11 ••-·· _...,_ c-.t/c..u.t. 1)ryw1I ·&vc~·Tile de&llbouae. GIST inuce.11> M5-0llt/831MIM .... IJl::.Hlt T~ ........ ••••••••••• .. •• TOPQUALITY IWID:ldel. J.&Mf.M> '"'RRAJ..,..'SHO ... E f'FJ>ERATED _ _, Ac:i .... U • ...-770 '"'"" O R .. ..,,,..,.RICAL WORK -UJ n.r. • QUALITY INT/EXT PLASTER PATCHING ....... •••••••••••••••• · t. "-. .....,. RISJ'D.C NC ETE+ ~· GeneralMalnte111re SERVICE. REFS. ln«>meTuServlct Ur'd. Refs. f'reeest . Restuccos. Int/ext. 30 Radift" A related lkillt. Sportcourts.Llr.374067 Reaa.r1tes. 531·$055 o.,..1 ....... n.~-a·'-f n....t ..... • ....... 051oeva 631-4871 N p 1ce ""'1'1 CrJ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• P/RQtrllea·Fin. St.mt.I Compl. Set·up It Serv. w.MAUCOMITI. Bob85t.1916/U'1·1078 ......,..., : .... •~ "'° vwu ·-....., U 6'6-l087U yn. eat. au ,,..h., wcnlialed, exp. car· C\iltom l\omu, lram· EledricourSpecl1lty! •Quality• RayU0.-51 4 TboQua.llty/Rtaa. Rates MllH&'J ~ty Pl& Low winter MR. ED'S PLASTER ING lrlL Spedalizint1 grades Rua. 540.SISt ifti, remodel, French Concrete cuttiac ' re· Clean, :1:ck, depend•· HOME IMPROVEMENT Pref. bachelor homes ••••••••n••••••••••••• riles in eirett Honest. AllTypes lot or Ext l thr4.644-mt doiln, skyli1bts 6 Piiio pair, pallo, dttb 6 cov. ble. We any ai.ie Job. REPAJR-PLUM BING (2U)439..at0'1 BRICK WOJlK : Sma 11 ~Uable. Ul·sMa U$-82S8 Free est Private Tutor to turb Have c1lrlllalor. will travel! All 1cct1 serv. Call for 1 • 760-7122. toven.U8·3'52 en. <714li3H83Z. •ll3l·Z34S• Heati111. c1rpnlry. Jobt. Newport. Costa i..1r Frenrh, Ruu!an. ROBTSTEINBRONER. StrYkH . 20Ri!ilDtCOMDoM'L/lND eke.', Ille. Free ttt. No l will clean your bome 11 Meu. Irvine Refs PAINTER NEEDS ft' 1•1t11 German for travel ron· GEN'LCONTltACTOR •• .. ••••••••••••••••••• yrs ex~. my own jobt.oosmaU. 8'5-2811 . my ew~i-Depen20d•ble, 675-3175. WORK! 30ynexpilinl/ •n•••••••••••••••••••• v~e or longer term Li .-.... ••• ,,.,.. wort Uc d Al Mt·8126 , l'e8'0ftl11te. 851·90 · ext. Acous. tic ce mas. DraiM tleared from SlO for st""" ot literature. c ... ....,._. .....,."""" Eic~r rouple with ref. · · '!,! Y 1 a H • nf d Y m .• o Qu.all•". ~ndible et.tom Brirk, Stone. Davis P1lnt101 S.7-5186 Plumbin1Repain Call ~wer Ad 1622 ..... would like otnre bldg to Gm •allg odV ce. roo rep11rs, ~ i Block'-Conrrete,1.Stucco. Fr -t M M '"2·9033 .,..., ,......, h ' ....................... C.,.ntll clean eve. SS4·66M ....................... painting & ca otry. 15 Call Pam & ob Dw &ht, Refs. nee Eat. ""9.9492 College student 7 yra ex-ee ..... · .,... _...........,.,_ . 2A ra ~I ATEPSAV)~G ••••••n••••••••••••••• C • ~ ~-~......a ..ws yrsexper 646~ 6'73.7012 per. lot/ext, refs. Dana r..,+yM•sg1•et T~Senl ""'1 coalln&-tnlfiln" CHARRENOVATlNr -5 •5.,.o.-..,........ lllS5 ·. • · EA p MASOMRY 646-Ul891keeptrylng ) ....................... ,.,...., c• 0 -&I-Co I "~ u .. ...........d/r~moved cl•an ~.... Hm ~rs drwl ~ ~ ---••••••••••••••••••••••• ~-.-·-mm. esiu. Compl. int/ext & boat ••••~•••••••••••••••••• ,_.. " · .. ..., ..... ' ~ 50/ ft 67ir 4lt4 --TY Uc.157362 645-8181 doclts.?.Syrs. 645.3149 ADDNS/R~JitODELING •. lawnreoov.751-3476 pntni. rnl fa:-up : Kite ens, be rooms, P• 14 r __ Biahop&Son~alnlin1 '""v'"-SAMEDAYTVPING Plans. L1c'd Georae yrdwrk, reas. Jerry, praaa·whatever! ~ 30 yra exp. in Bearh MAMAGIMIHT Service now serv1ni Dnveways, Partin4 Lot FlNE FlNlSH WORK Pilmer 6 Sona. SS7.a32. KlcD Landsupe Ma int. 955-3395 A rtttnt University of 11. --~-. area. Free est. 54·1029 Oran~e Co. area. 15 Yrs local busanessu ! Win Repainl. Sealcoahng. n-mod u Doo h Resid/Comm. Clean-up. ''-""-1•-d ••••••••••••••••••••••• expenence. Call for info pirkup & del. 556-2'124 S&~Asph It nc en&/ rs ung REMODEL/ADD-ONS UH u1in S482499 Ben's MailltenanceServ. w.w «>«le 1" uate -AICMOYIMG ,..,.... and t -----Lic631·41~ Randy'120-l2.sOCdM &Carpebtry. Llc'd. a g. · Plumb-eltt-carpentry haideci~td to.beco~ 1 )tick~clreful w'.0410 ....................... ,.. es Typ1ng·resumes. term Custom Carpenlry By 25yrs. Jrwi.n ~-2719 nlEGRASSHOPPER Painting. C11196H23l California millionaire · HANGING SIO/ROLL 9634J.J2 papers. dissertations. Res/comm. Sealcoat. re· "Jay". (Formica & Completelawnmaint. :&eHARD WORK. She •A-I MOVING • St.ripping·disconpaper ltoofl:lg word proceuing. Reas. pajn, resurfare. Free Tile> 642.8809 or Call COMM'L/RESID. lndoorpl1ntspeci1li1l Dependable & Honest. ain ady hu a gooddstart Top Qullfty. Special VISA/MC 545.gm ••••••••••••••••••••••• rates. L. p. office est.~ evs/wknd Answer Ad 11620 at Rmlod·Add'ns·Repairs Dominic 642·48Sl I ~~v!"Je~:.' of Home ~ tc)~1 re~~ren~~~ care in handling. 2S yn UC. PAPER HANG ER REPAIRS f'OR LESS ~rvices: S48·713S ...,_,, &U-4300,24hrs. # j~ff.asee~e~~· Mowing, SIO. US . S20. Reason1ble.SS4·44S4 (fcrstral&htpeoplel. ~0v~J:.l:~;~tes. &nded It guar. No job Shm~es. Oat 30 yrs WllldowCa..l:MJ ••••••o••••••••••••••• Cabinets Counter tops. Cien.Contr. 5S2·9142 Haulln1/ Dumping, Averaae · $4.S 119r week . t.oosmalJortoolarge ex . eeest. 770·27~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• AGGRESSIVE LEGAL Doors. Grttnbouse wln· Sl>l20. 7S4·9904. 95S-009S ..... s:IO every two weeks. STARVING COLLEGE Freust. Tony 898·2728 Hubtt Rooftng·all types "Let IJteSUDJhine lo" ~lioo. L1w of· dows, Finish work All construction, large & Mark ••••••••••••••••••••••• Forfurtherdt!Uils. call S'JVDENTS MOVING WAU.PAPER New-recover·decks CallStlnshrne Window nca.~hrs.54W422 7M~ w.'~e~'l~r •dults. Resid t comm /l nd~ ais:ir:;Jf:;Jobs THlllOOM5qUAD ~~!;;.~~1~~· Allklnds.FreHst. Lic'4tl802.~-91_34 c~-~~~~Di!:~ 1111 '9ltffn Custom spa decks M1int.._ clean·ups, tree C4_llMlKE6'6·139l ST3·3121 WA'OCHUSG ROW! SU /roll. Lie. 330986 ROOF LEAK??'?'?' :Ut:~............ patios, Fr. doors. Llc'd: c..e-Woodworta"'9 trim. n ee est. 641-1096 Elp'd housecleaner Norm 645-0880 Courtright & Son •RESIDENTIAL• Blbysit.ourCMbomes.l JohnorRick979-3218 •••• .. •••••••••••••••••Pete HAUUNG&DUMP Bylheday,owntrans. STARVINGACTORS ntEPPERHANGER Roofing Avglsty$30.avg2sty yrlt1on,an ... 'me. • CUSTO, MHARDWOOD Clean·~,TreeTrim JOB.5,askforRandy, Alsocom nion.S4i.6028 MOVING COMPANY A . k FreeF.at. ~805292 145_ Chris957_·8388 842 ..... ~':. • .,,5759 &b s Ca~ntry·remod, Interiors, bars. mantles, 1 641·U27 Fast & Careful. Lowest Prof .. quality wor ----_..,,._ repair NoJobtoosmall. libraries, cabinets. Main~mii:~~~~Tm'I -II ruittHtl:MJ Rat.ea Law Allows. M/C Freeest. SteveS47·428l r. Little is l lCJ!! Llc'droolherwillcarefor Ref.Freeest.839·6297 bookcases, sltylites, 1a.EAMUPYOUIACT ••••••••••••••••••••••• V'111.Lktlns.613-08S3 QUALITY •••••••••••••u•••••••• C:lass1fiedAdsare re11 ll> your toddJer Mon· Fri. lg r--.a Ser-flu cust. molding. Refs. Expert -Reasonable I TODAY ! Yard/garage Avail. Mar 20th. reliable --Papering/PainUng TILE INSTALLED i.mall "Jlt'Ople to pt>oplt'' yd, nutnllous me a Is -r-· 646-((82 Gardening, clean·ups, cln·...,. etc. I too truck. aitlts. Ref. ,....... • Free est. Jams »2 0231 All Kinds Guaranteed sales calls with bit( re 645-5313 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Tlimming. Tom 831·7819 1 Pl. &:11·1993 124 hrs I 640-1286 ••••••••••••••••••••••• -----Refs John 840-9217 We Care Crpt Cleaners Pl'Ople who net'<! peoph.' ------ 1 --Fine palntlnJ by Richard Wallpaper contractor & aduship and bi~ rt>· Loving, exp·d Mom will Steam dun 6 uphols. ~hould alwaysrhl'rk thl' Jessie'sGan:lenin& John 's fast moving & Compare before you buy Sinor Uc ins 13 yrs of Painting. Lie 328240 O.C. Cmt.om Ceramic Tile :.ults ! To plal·e >our babysitnewbomlo3yr' Truckmountunlt ServiceDirertoryinlhl' Cl~n·ups,treetrim hauling. Tree/yd /gar. Classifiedmakesiteasy. happylocalcuStomers. 23 yrs. Gary Gompf Promptserv Freecst. rlassifit'dad. t·allloda) old. C.M. 556-27U Work uar. 645·3716 DAILY PIUlT &ma.ml. serv. S40.8035 • cln·up. Freenl. 842-459'1 642·56'78 Thank you. 631·4410 494-43116 Chuck 675-1408 642·5678. ~:a. Trwt 50J5i~.~.~ ..... ??.~~ ~~~ ..... !!.~! ~~~~ ..... ~!_~ ~!~ ..... ?!~! ..... ~~ ..... !!.~ ~!~ ..... !!.~! ~~~ ..... !!.~ ~~~ ..... !!.~~ ~~~~ ..... !!~~ •••••••••••••••••••••••IFound: female La i.. lllEMECHAHIC I CtlLDCAIE CUSTO..-SBYICE DentalofficeMaoager Interior Design/Sales. ......_.....,., Numng s.ttler~C:.. I Blark;femaleLabmix. ACCpuNTANTF/C &Cwnter person. Ex· Seeking aomeooe lo COOIDIMATOI N.B. restorative prar· r areer oppt 'y SlOperbour.Musthave ~YMll-11,1 1·11 Alltypesofrealestate black&wbite·malePit· Position w{New1fort pr'd. w/lo.cal refs. come Into my home a needed.toprotessallor· uce seeks exp. team $U.SlS/hr.Noexp.nec. 5 Y,ear s experien ce. Rel.i~ff!ursesn~ededfor investmeousincel!M9. bull red it while · Bch. Propt Y M&!"'· Salary depends on expr. few days 1 wffk for ap-ders 6 communications oriented lndiv. looking Willtrain.SS2·8023. pes1pi. manufacture & Chmt11n retiremenFt c--a...-.a...1n female mixed Terrier: Firm. Oulstand1ng Call 67~10 Oceanfront prox 4 hrs per day to for our districts & dis· for a highly responsible repair jewelry, reshape home wi~ 33 bed SN . ~..;::"' gray: male Pltbull. Career Oppty -G/1:-. Wbeelworks. care ror my 5 mo old tributors on major position. Returning a ..U.-oayfisT. &re5tyleoldJe:ovelry.set Nea r Dis neyland. _,.,. browi\.NewportShelter. A/P/.A/~.w/emp~aslS baby. Ple ase call e ul men t & ac ·I high level of esteem. '" ...... ' ~ &replaceprec1ousoror· Waln ut Manor . 642-2171 545-0611 125 Mesa Dr .. c .M. In ~UW1c1~I analysts .. If F/Clool:li1f .. 'F/C 64H250 c!sorfes Responsi.ble. Xlot frinie benefits. Assisting in operations namental stones. Take _1·_77_4-_1234_. ____ _ •FtXEDRATE2ndTD 6"-U. you re bnght ~/pnor KeillAlate l\vestrhent --------forpn>eeSSingallorders l $1600 +incentive if olCorporatemai11stO<'k 1d to EDD, 1001 ~ _,.EWOIK •F\Jl•uAmortized Ft<; exper .• we !I help &c management Ftrm CllAHIHG from receipt to comple q~~fied._6l1·24llO rooms . Deliveries . Grand Ave . Santa Ana ~ "' Found · M Wire· haired train you • J)C'ov1d~ for Deeds mature, resp in· 3-4 hrs wttk Depend a· tion follow up back or·' opertllon or machines. 0.0.T. 700. 281·010 Sat It SUn 7 am to 5 pm. •FUily ~umable Fox Terri er . v Ir. car~r advancement. dividual to. take charge ble, En&llsb speaking, derrequi~ments. Can· DIMTIST sh1ppinJ.. receiving Meehan' MB E & hte bookkeep1n g & •No Pre· ayment Edwanls & Slater, H.B. Call.64CM>l23 ol actol.lllUD& dept ID~I refs req SS per hr_ didate should have a wanted, busy practke. Heavy un.ing involved. . ic. x~r phone. $4.50 per hr. lo Penalty 842-31113 payroll, AP/AR. gen I 6.'.U-4761 ml . r 2 N rt lk 11 A Exper. prer. Fashion foreign made olvo. start. Must train Mon AsklorSkip,54&-~ ledger thru trial bal. It -------n1mum o . years ewpo ac rta. Island Invest me nt! BMW & Mercedes. t.hruFri.673-4700ask for lrvlne·N•wport Bearh Found : walking cane. APT.MANAGER bankin& ror numerous Clerical. part-time customer service ex· ~~!!ent pay with Firm. Call: 760.0501 . ~0193. M . "' in1 Harbor ffilblandt area. Semi-retired couple for •ctOUnt.s. Contact Janel $3.SO/hr. Up to 10 hrs per perience, roll~ge .a +. uaJCll... ------ ctrust111 deedfor lavt~s5ttmeli~stst.· N.B.on Wed. 646-1088 llwlit complex In Nwpt. &'13-3M4 week. No exp. Ed . good rommunicatt.on & 64!::.~ l:»&:30. Mldmic H.-.r j CJfice work . mature 1n· .. Maintenance exp. req 1534-aMO fotlow through skills a Marine Eog1nl -D1s-div .• will train 9·12. 19-21% yield. 1·3 yn. fume!: Small malt dog, 6416-1801. IOOllHPll ---?'I.mt al<!f1& with enjoy-DIAFT~S LEGALSECRETARY tributor n eeds a 1 Mon-Fri .. all day Sat. Prin. only. Cralg Glasa. red/bnm longhair, Vic. Newporl Beicll ad a.atcAL/ mgworlnng with people. Telecommun1callons Laauna Hills . Recent mechanic's helper ~l500. Re/lllax7S8-l221 · MacArthur & Bear. .ASSISTANT vertisingagency Duties . GA.L .. IDAY ~ 65wpm. 10 lt~fi by ~nng firm nttds Calif probat e ex Duties include engine ORD--ER--D-F.S_K_R_E-CEP .......... &.....s 549-~ needecfrornlasy Bal Isl. include TIB. P/R. A/P,: A!aistant to orfice Mgr. I ~~')~~· Oi:ir Offief WI J ~ draltttS experienced IO I perience necessary Ex· ~·~Ol'I. warehouse. TIONIST Loolt1n1 ror Income p..,,...rty, com· SC:RJAM-lETS saJon.673-4013. AIR, payroll. billing. I Typing, lite bookkeep· reprio,cat1ng ptol Tustin I ~· l~·kM& pencG1loodon cellenl typing & StH r .. rredrv. icCea. IElxpeforr p1rne britit ""l'SOl'I for heavy ·-..-_ _ _ etc. Resume wi\h salary I in& payroll It busy A . 1, 19112. ease rep· ~um • ylar. skills req'd. Call Mrs. .. .... merci1I, Industrial or ·~rad• history to: FonytheAd· pho0q. SS. to start, ly Ill confidence to Mr., atUtude &hardworkers Winslow for appt . terview556-8620 or r desk Sense or ~ :drrectft°:~~~~; ANSWEIS ~~~ap :!t. ~~~nagn~ vertlsing, 1617 Westtliff l raises commensurate Frank Parker.: need ~ly apply .. K & 8 837-1.060 MeclcClll Aaaist.t ~1¢~ aiu~.~~er Loans. lat. 2nd or 3rd Shanty -Dumpy -d/or SWI. Apply. SWAP Dr ... Suite 212· N · B. wi~ ~aptabiUty to job T....._W..C.e N1~1~~1~ e r 1 n g · • Experienced fronfo(rice Part T'une ,Sales T .D•s Courtesy to Tri &hid MEET OFFICE 9'JJ6611. Polltlon. 40 br week. Swte. · I UGALSECY Mt dic al Assista nt Brokers 7141760-1551 ~EADIN -weekends 7AM lo 1 PM . --, ~~o~'.~~~n ~~~·;.,~ ELECTRICIAN f;:.!!1j!'! :cn~e.5S:,~ Newport Beach OB· ~':a~::1~y~e- SteveorDuane MJ.: nei~bor figures his OC Fairgrounds Costa /C I (21316Js.stS3. 2·~ years commercial litigation exp nee GYN. FUii time ref re rronstrating prodll<'ls in wih will live forever Mesa. Positioo w/Npt. Bt'h. In· Clerk needed Im med. to ex rieoce. 646-8200 · Nonsmoker. Sa I arr q11red. Call 645-7870 .,.,__ h bol I k dri th h t Ii 8 r grocery stores ID your "''"' a.s a w e c oset v e 5 l men t F i rm wor ve-ru P o o De very men over l or EXEC SECRETARY I commensurate w /qua hr bo full of clothes she Responsible t'or daill booth. Exper. helpful L.A. Times to homes in _ __,_,; 1 t 1 . . Ms Gilbert 752·SS38 Me«lc.e Aasiat.t area. M,7•1,1963· +_3107nus Id ' b h ... ~ft.a.. • but not Call f · c M E ·~ iorrea es a e in· • · w1·th 11· m1·ted X Ra)' ~ wou n t e ca ug t •• , .... """' flnanc1al transactions . nee. or to· . . 3am-Sam. cono t t T · & • ------DEADfN. Ambitious boys and Comfuteriied G /L's terv1ew : (714)874·7080: car req. No collectinR vesh methn cod. ypidng d UG•• SICIETAIY permit. Pleasant work •••••••••••u•••••••••• girls 10.13 yean old. to . i d d 642 1270 $4()1).$450/ bo s or an nee e . 2 ...,. 1 t mg cond, oppty for ad +•--ilh 5100 FoundtOspe~bikeinW. work one or two even· Ana yllcal m n. e · 646-063'1 mo. -+ nus. f111anclal backgroun d a °"':mC. 1 tf/.P· ap. vanre ment Salary ru a-a. Pl .. ase "all to 1'no• a week iettin a persoo. Expr. Required. Companion. mature ror · --+ Call Sherri S49·2988 prox w : ·· cur ~gotiable. ••••••••••••••••••••••• '"'"' '" " ... .,~ " Call640-0123 ----1 ·-· ---· rent liUgationexper req '"" •.r•lfTUAL tdentUy. 5411·919'7 newspaper su s cri P· elderly lady Room. Dental Rttept>on1Sl Of. Exper'd Floral Designer Non·smkr Nwpt Ctnt er 752·6300 ..,..., tioos. Transportation ~rd.!.. salary 636 1609 _ fiet Manager. Xlnl pay needed Carnage Tradt 7tQ..8866 -----UAOfMG• Found: Hu sky, wh ite and constant adult CAFETERIA . mature w1benefits NB office <:t.-1545-0093 ask for --MODELS I l8lS S. El Camino Real, shep mix, ~llie m.ix. supervision provided. flnle, parH1me. perma· COOK$ 646--4861. S'air'y or Diane · LEGAL SEC'Y 1 Opportunity no" for Sao Clemente. 492·7296. Doxie. Terrier mix , Cal1 3to5:30PM.askfor nent position . no Full or part tune. Ex· -------I Newport Center real girlsl7&olderwhowant mix. Welsh Corgi. ~ & profit sharing. Exp. S4/hr, 28/hr week, Mon-.,... " d PAIT TIME S.9pm. Expanding youth rounseling firm has openings for 3·5 sharp outgomi mature people to mottvate ambitious l~lJ yr olds Call 2·5pm 642·4321. ext 343 Ask for Andrea. F\Jlly lie. Great Dane, Bloodhound Andrea. 642·4321, ext. wee.tends. Ca ll : 673·4403 ceUent benefits incl. ins. Dental Assistant Trainee. ~t .......... -rJ estate litioalion firm to have a career 1n Gold Party -Wholesale Beagle mix. Irvine atl.6Eves. pref. but not nee. Apply Thu.rs.642.7998. ReUa e S4 per h ful l' needs very exper' modeling. Call for in prices.sun. Feb.2810·2. Animal Ca re Ce nter. CARPE'TINSTALLER'S in person Coco's, 78 -------lime. 2642 San Miguel, legal/Exec. Sec'y. Xlnt1I terview Saturdays -------- 220 Pearl, Balboa ls. 754-3734. BABYSITTER HELP&R. will train Fashion Island Square, These hltle ads really Nwpt Bch. 64().7980 typing, dicta phone &c 10:3().J :30. SS1·3119 (ask PAYROLL CLBK waaled. PrtT. woman clean.cut male Fl ex. N.B. work ' J o 1 n the -s horthand a mus t .. forMlke) Detailed bl .weekly Lolt&'-d uoo,.,.11111 nso over 40, E /slde C.M. hrs&pay.C.M.548·9265 thousands of other j)('O· ct.-~g~r~pelrson Salary o.640-6960. !National cosmetic com ·, pay~I Ul~t .• record •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Your home or mine. evs. I Don't let that phone just pie tn this area who are fur-~}' rontrartor's of UNG~RIESHOP pany needs. models &c keepmg_ Minimum ex· --------i Alalis Mal~ ~~7~r 2 s mall Find what you want in !~~~: ~~l ~l~~siti~· HJ.~~d!{ c~1t ~:r ~J rice Typing. filing. h~o.mp tor derks rmlte-up artists to work l:.rn~a~O.~WJIOrt n......:Mbrsada Dai __ .ly Pilot Classifieds_ ~.·~ tak t"•" U!"08 phones. F IT _ CM & ls.~C.M . p/t.lme.3days per week. FO. AIS "I"'"" ...,,o er a ....,.,,..! . 548-5541 Maintenanre 11-4pm In all major dept . 69 G~~;ro:sw~,~ls tot-1111111!,!!'·!l!·!!y!!!!!!!l!!!"-·I ...-.i~=======:::;:=====::z========-==t -----O.Sh stores. (213)450·0140. PaSOM .. IDAY / IDE fl(£ J · p-_ __._ ... to meet ... Stvlst 1 <7i41998-6153. SECRET.UY ,. . pamper you. acuzu. .... ...... ~""' LOOKING FOR A JOBl Join our p-fo-aressive Mainlenanre pos tlon j For busy windsurfing Sauna. Locals as well as 6/yr old &irl after school staff and get the most av a i I ab I e Newport j NAUTILUS business. Must be or· Cal~ tour i s ts . Ba n k at 1:55pm It keep until • out of your career. Op· Beach Area. Send re-HEALTH ClUI ganiied, neat & able to Amerlrard. Master approx. 2:45pm every· • ptys unlimited. If you sume to 18001 Sk1 Park Instruction positions handle a variety or 64Z.S67t Owse. American Ex· dlyi.Mon·f'ri.MUSTBE TFMPORARILY?l. are into hair call . So. Suite C. Irvine CA avail. F\IU&~ttime Ex· duties. Send resume lo press . Diners all DErENDABLE. Must 92714AltentionSara 1 1w 1· .. s Bo G6 welcome. 714/645-3433 live or Stonecreek S.1186.ask for Gloria . per. referr . ~7 6226 ClM ~~ t . x .. ~~arf!4dt:~~1}lr~ _21_12_Har_bo_r_s_1_. c_111__ ~;;~se:. jfi!:bi::~~i LOOKING FOR ~lr'Po~Jwing. ~la~;; e.'=s·~f~~"lin Bolsa Chica. H.B. lillll&Vick.l'S """"""'lafters:30pm. Bel.lsl.6'73-4013. TheL<i6An1us imes Npt Bch. 3:30 AM to d 92 .....,...., is looking for well 8AM,2ormoredaysper Rewar · 897 ·51 · Help dun Kennels. groomed, enthusiastic week. S48 ·8441 or !1112.-.Z •ISC~• MONEY DJ mornings. 20·30 hou rs a people to earn up to .646-1413 Losl: Blue Velvet BACX68 ER J-:-l wttk, tr1Ln minimum 540-~perdayforafew ------ Jewelry &:1 &r contents. mAN EVER! U HRS ... IW ACCOUMTS wace. ne1r O.C. Airport houn work as p/lime .-,.511y SALIS Vir Newporter Inn. NB. 669..0207 " c-.,,.~OI SS7-«l20. sales rep. Hours are .Looking for person1ble. or Elks Club , NB (Outcall) VVl"I We're Taking Applications from 4pm.9pm &r tr11n· neat. energetic puson REWARD. 760-8645 FULL I E ing will be provided. able to grow with a well E:1perience preferred, and Interviewing I• HUU~f;\;Lf;Al'U.;K~ to Your earnings IS a est.abliahed Co Min I l.olt:Orangeyoun1Tab· PIOF.ESCOIT ror our Huntington t5hr.Ptr.Car.64S·5123 Timeaaales rep.willbe )'l'.retailnurseryselhn~ ~m/pa.1we •. ccatD.MWHhViHle. 'rriihM9-8096aft. 7pm BeachOffire. SATURDAY FEB 27 ONLY n HOUSECLEANERS based on • guaranteed exper. req'd, F1time .,._. CAntad: John June t • needed for domestic hourly wage or $3.$0 + Starting salary St.000 to 7Sl).S18 Coedawould lovetopar\Y Ul·Olll 8 to 11.au or 1 to JPM cleaninc servire. good generous commissions. ~11400 per mo Pd , -"·. •riy .. whit• Feat, with 1ou. Lesll.e or NT1 IOOd h c II Rob Since this is a new pro-noiidays & vacations ..-. .. • "' s I t 1'11im .... A ~'ltu rs. 8 • gram 09P0rtunilles for Hosr1talhat1on ins tcllar w/rabies la& from .,/i,,;,;, a · an Y 1 me · ..,....... bie'• II MopS48.o7ST 1dV1ncement are ex avai. Interview by 1ppt Saudl Arabia, La1un1 ~;..;;.;.:;.;; ______ 1 We are CALSONIC. INC., nwnufacturers ci air condttioomg untts for Housekeepers needed. rellent. Call now for onlY. Call: Mon thru Fri ~.,.i. Rew1rd. 643.0lSI Pa 1_,SerricH1360 fEIOAl NISSAN (Datsun). ~e need1 "temporary" em~ for,'°':'& and doshort-ll.M Some exp. ner. C1 II . more ln(Ol'mltion a~ut U.OYDS NURSERY _ · · .............. ••••••••• term assigrimeots tn our c ean. plt'asant 1NnU1actunng acillty to 'ti'" .«·6103 Eld 145. thla \.rtat of.portunity. loltt.ab: Jp blk 1 Fb1dog. p1t s.!,~~li~,!Axu01!1 Arm:r"f:. hand assembly and pa<:kag1ng on our day shift. ~.11 ........ °"·Fr , 9S'f.236l.l~NJr:~£llllJ!!lll ___ _ /5bep'-" ue co · naalUD t .. v .. ·..-• Huntlftaton Buell, CA $4/HOU O ERTIMl .,,. •. ....-. tar. DMa r oint.163-2"6 Robert 1-7&20 (10-8) t2N1 I Pl.US V MANAGER·APT. Be ~~fi\~·:ro· s i oo, RE w ARD . B 1 t Miit/Deiien Cnalt. will F.qu,aJ =wlty NO EXPfllENa NKESSARY Semi·rl'tir~ couple for f.ionaJ. Lanlhal~ cat. "lleat· do rwtom ol1 p1lnUnca Em 1er WE Wll TRAIN!! ill.lllitcomplexlnNwpt. HANURSE ball" 173·'9'12 dys, forhome.157"'14'. ~--••••Ill M.aintaanteexp.req N01'ANUMBER. ~~l_!!. BarlMr 9tfllt waat.e4 to Our only requirements are good •ttend.Jnce, ability to speak[~ H_.,._ 641-IJOl _ Noli PfOfit coov1lescen1 ......... '-La M h 11 ... _ s _... ·"'·'-tL 1.... • -""'· __ _..._. --• H I w • ~Utalloll «nler Pound: Preacrlptlon q I :""! _. • 1.11.-. I·~ •nd wotlc lega yin I""' U .•• """~-ty '"' somt overti~. ·~1 -~ M11111curist. a r ett ..-:... •-ether nursln• t0111H1on Dover Cliff A;;_._ salon, 1ooa uv ron· for 10 hour daY$ ('1am-S:30pm~ Mondays thru Thursdays, and 6 hour • N 8 Muat do arryltc ,_...,.-. "" ••1 ·-., _.., 5 da-• wffk .-... ('1 J ~) f-..I-"· tt.v.t • W ' lw 5 da)I, ·f pm. erm na'11: • .... , .. 673 fl... t.elftll. -·-_ .. • .. •••••••••••• ........ ,. • \ldVS am-.. ,_ys a ,.rur-r~· .. somettmes. e wont a ays po1llloa for mature, ... &A1UI "' • '''" EXTRA VACATION F~: ·~· ... -,,; ... w.-.. 7t71 c.u....... nH<IV°"•ll Wsehours ... butwenvgh11 Enallah 1puklna m.1144. BENEFITS aM Trt blk. In _ ................ Be~n WUC11111wltb1oochbiUl1 MAlllTIM9 VERVCOMPETITIVE ............ ie-.-Y.:!:J murltd ,.... .... ........ to worll la APPLY flllt.IA•Y 27, SAT\JllDAY ()Nl.Y ... from 8 lO 11MA~Ito1PM. t.o --.r phone' tah Join our mutti-mllllon SALARIES · · · ·•. --likcoddjolleHn Pl• Newport 8 .. tb mnaqe Car net. Odl doll1t company AtvrEH06PITAl.. ,_. .... <:411 am t wlleacla. Cu do a 11I01. ffl1\ Ptf, Id NOTl: wonlft1 roed1. Sm1llj Divenify rour i:it0me NEDICA.LIENEFITS CllltoH:'%ii. vari.tJ ot llaad1mu wortlq rilocli. frin • f .Wtt ~ wfdl • ~ IMf 1,.. • ~. '-UY. Send ,..,Cy to: WMt moUvate4 .-1,,, New l*im& nn eri8t ..• --Jolla. ma •••: uk .....,_., .~...dnlfltL.a ~CAI Md"' tn ._._,_._..._., ... ,at 'Ad. ID:1 0. C.O.a dtl _. • ._.,_ m1111t tct •d•i11i1tret1oa ' ,_..;,_,I•• t.rlll . .RUiii. ..--, ..... ., lbr,CA._!lllS. ........ Set your O'f• ~. Talll •IUI oltA. Dlaa'IM ... ,.,,, ~lllttll•e\ul ...., 1pMe rt151al, •I· ('11 4) ISS.-01 nlMlloft M . ~·Sillltf' I«\ ho.r1. Pnlutit II· • Wt trill"°" It .. ,... .... ,... Mela If•~ ... i='· 1,1e1na 111l1tnt for u•· C'Olll. No 11ma1 rt· .... C.... ...:..:..:..-.· SUty ,1 .. -11 ....._ • eoa11. at· -. r ~..., COIM to CAUONC. I<., 9 Holi..nd. '"'""· CA. by Llklfl8 chf Ukt •• AllMI •l•Jor ~~ . •-r:tral\laliii: IA r -......... 1Dr .w.rtJ Of ,_,_~.lfall kltdlMofff.~ml.lnd,tunqlefton~.ritlltonMarconl to .. llnMr• ftra la OARAGI'. ~Al ... : 111111 ln 1Mlfll.,•lat.D 1'tllil 6 C. '' • .... ......,, fer ..... ..,.lff H IM. ''II ~. Wurunfql!llopponunrtytn~mlflh. IU, u lar1 coa· thf' Dall) r1h .. hrtnJ!. ---.---- . 1 ,_.... ~· CIH .... .... --·•I•"'.: for Mllll\ ~-Tu f1l1m it-ill• ....... 1 (.,......~.~-.-A11Rr A• U ll , _...,..., rte :.:&'' Utld110 yo•r &'lnw11.: <'11rct .... Mt N1a6nM H • ..... lfl UP~ 1 • alWI. • ..... • tocla> ! ~ .. Pool Maintenanc e. Laguna B. pref have own truck. 49'1-Sl09 • PllNTlMG Camera/pl1teroom as· aistanl. Mon. Tues, Fri & Sal Will work vert1ral commercial c1mer1 Knowledfe of PNT pro cess help ul. Xlnt for rol le&e students with relat· ed cluses.Apply in person: 1660 Placentia Ave .. C.M. ln~f~t·e . TeleDhone. mail • typ. 1n4. !52--~. IHTAUIAMT No:wiiirlnJ waiters. ""rftMI, but PfrlOllS lmrtl 6 dlnntr •hifh APlltY In pmen. Mon wea 12 s Tht O!merstOM Cafe. DO Bristol St • COila Mtt1 !corner of Rrl1tol Ii Beker I ~·~70 RESTAURANT lt'ood (>ftp, Count« 1Wrv1ft 6 IMboy, now lunni If ,. art ·~· ~· ~ . ~· .. wt.•• ,-. fro. IAM .,,. .... ..,. Arif hi ............. , Ttr flt"f RtllHflJt, llU ••m.e11 : T1rtdof' to 57 Female 25-35 yrs to travel to Acapulco. Mex· ico and live in my beach home condo. All U · pemes pd until we re· tum lo U.S. Require· nota: Speak Spanish & drive car. We will be eone&mos. Be a compa- nion .with your own Br o\ bath. No sex or love or involvement. J am a 45 yr old male with a physical handicap and need SQmtone to travel wlh me. I am able to care ror myself and ju.st wanl someone lO 110 with me. We will leave April L5t ud mum in Oct or November. When In Acapulco, moat of the time will be your own. I have full time ma id & cook 90 It will not be nee. for you lo do domestic chotes. Call 213/926·2874 nPIST Experienced person Must type at least 60 wpm. Immedia t e, permanent opening. Must be responsible. Call Charlene. 831·8841 Nwpt lkb. PRo't!t"ssb':~a n ler ...No Problem. Laguna 'ltills Law f1rm. Musi have stl'Oog typing and grammar skills. Call Mrs. Winslow for appt. 113'1· 1080 "< .l._ __ < __ O ___ > __ , > UrBD ( c--'""'!105---> ) 'tle1wspa~r Carriers tor ~outes in · Huntington lte«h, . Fountain Valley ·Newport Cl8tom a· round bed .tc headboard, fitted fold satin ebeets, cus om quilled apread, com- p&ete, 9)0. 548· 7549 74COUIB FOR PAATSONLY CHEAP SJ&.9832 tSJO •••••••••••••••••• #I la o,_,. Ca.ty 29'15 HubOr Blvd. · COSTA MESA 979-2500 WE PAY TOP DOLLAR FOR USED CARS ALAHMAGMOH POMT'IAC/SUIAIU 248> Har~r Blvd. , COSTA MESA 54,-4300 549-1457 WEIUY· • CLUMCAIS AMDTIUCICS COHMElL CHEVROLET X'.!< 11 •• ·t· I l<' ' 1 .... 1 ' ,, r ... " S4&.l 200 HIGHIUYll Top · dollars for Sports cars, Bu~. Campers, 914 's, Audi s AskforU/C MGR JIMMAllMO VOUSWAGIH 18711 Beach Blvd. HUNTINGTON BEACH 14J..2000 WIMla YOUllXOTIC &llmSHCAIS Id • 31CX)W. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach 642-9405 Premium prices pa.id for any \lled car (foreip ar domestic) ID IGllCI coaditioll. . "See Us rtnt I OIAM&I COUMTY'S § Sales·Servace·Leasing IOr'CARVER fOJ..S·fOICE·~ <&.c>~AD-CXHlllJ ~IUO< (1W)OC)61M '19 81. Anthracite, red leaU.. sunroof. X Int. $1JMO.hm673-5C3 it BMW 2002 air, slick, 1111/fm reblt tr1Da. XlDt cm.•· -.sea 'IO DQi, F pka. ori• owntr. Days~ (714l '111·2'04: eves: 1211) 4Jl.Sl57. it iil.Sunrf, AIC, aJ. lo7s, AM I fM st er. mmteves. Brn "l'9 m . lo ml, all ldr9I SlO.SOO or trade for lr1r car. Dya : 720-0U3; eves/wknds: ~. BOB WITHAM · YW 1'00 WestaUMler Ave. Wtltnlinlter .A38-781CL _ ~!·.~:.~ ....... !~ .. ~·.~:.~ .... !~~ ~.~~.~.~ ....... !~ ~.~ ....... !~ --•-'-9_3-__..7_5 __ 5 ___ 1 __ , .. d•' p! C OM,...cl.l _Hf YI! 'LfT >4b-1i oc ---- t r I I I I I ~ l I .. I L llllll IUCl/lllTI ClllT FR IOAY, FEB. 26, 1982 CAVALCADE SPORTS 82 83 .. There are riQht ways and wrong ways to drink beer . Read· Charles McCabe on Page B2 for t he right ones. Irvine Co. doubles · density for c~ilyon village 8.r STEVE MITCHELL °' ............. Irvine Company officials have submitted new plans for the Laauna Canyon Golf Villate that include a doublinl of the project area and more than twice the number of homes ori1inally proposed for the development. , The original plan , as • envisioned by the Irvine ~Co mpan y. called Cor construction of 1,465 dwelling units on 1,250 acres, mosUy on the west side of Laguna Canyon Road above the junction with El Toro Road. That plan hinged on a n agreement with the Southern California Golf Association for a 36-hole golf facility that wQU]d have been designed, develo~ and operated by the golf association. Irvine Company officials iay the eolf usociation participation was a key element to the original plan, and would have made development of fewer units economlcelly feasible to the company. But that concept went by the wayside late last year when the golf association pulled out of the project. • "The golf association wanted to be able to move on a program sooner than the original plan would permit," explained Jerry Collins. a spokesman for the Irvine Company. He said the company could not determine the costs the association would have had to underwrite for some time, and the golf association chose to look elsewhere for a headquarters and golf course. "T hat. essentially. sent us back to the drawln~ boards," Collins said, addin e that a proposal without the golf association's participation "did not pencil out with the origlnaJ number of units." AddinJC to the company's or the expanded project area, to the proposal. "We expect that si1nificant increments of the <Laurel) Canyon area will be designated for park land or public open "That, essentially, sent us back · to ,the drawing boards .'' I problems was a condition by the county that the company make all road improvements .tn public roads leading to the project. Now the company is thinking bigger, both in terms of land area within the project, and in the number of units it wiJI seek. Earlier this month the County Board of Supervisors added Laurel Canyon. at the south end s pace of some kind," ColliM sald. But, he added, between now and P.tay 1983, when the county is scheduled to consider a new general plan amendment combinlnl the golf village and Laurel Canyon, the proposal could undergo some significant refinement. The recently submitted plan cal11 for about 420 acres of open space. Jn addition, much of the 850·acre Laurel Canyon would be open space. Plans have been revised to include a smaller, 160-acre golf course, with 18 holes, and homes surrounding the faclllty. A bout 650 acres would be reserved for hous ing, and another 20 acres for tourist and commercial facilities. Collins said the company plans a three-pronged approach to gettipg county approval for th~ development. rt wfll 'eek removal of the project area from agricultural preserve status; a general plan amendment to allow the development; and zone changes for the canyon area. He said the company hopes to begin construction in the can:yol') by 1984. 0.11,,..,... ~F PLAN Tl')is is tht.· new I~· s uhmit ktl plan ror La~un<.1 Can~·on Gnlr \'illai!t.'. in whit'h tht• proj<.•et an·~• is douhlt.•d.L-__ Obstetrics unit updated South Coast Medical Center board reverses decision By JORN NEEDHAM °' .. ...., ........... South Coast Medical Center's board or d irectors ha ve unanimously approved plans to expand and upgrade the hospital's 24·~ear-old obstetrics unit. The action Thursday reve~s a board decision in December to close the 18-bed unit and convert it to an oul·palient surgical ward. The plan projects an increase to 500 deliveries in two years, up from 300 this year. That decision was prompted by annual lo.sses. of • .abflUt f'00,000 during r'ffent years and declining demand for obstetrical services at the South Laguna • ODCrIDle What's a good way to get to kids when you want safety tips and crime prevention lo sink in? THE MAN WHO WOULD BE KING Om• of these handsome gentlcml•n wi II tx• <.Towm•cl Powder Purr King in toniJ,!ht"s J;?irls· roothall game at Gu~·cr Field. La~una R<.·~1C'h High S('hool junior ancl s enior ~irh; <.0IC1l'l l'<i Sl'\"l'll princes' unc1 an honorar~· prinn· who will ,.il' ....,,.... .... ,_ for the ctuhious honor at halftiml' l'l'l'l'mnnil'S F r 0 m I er t :H l' K y h • T l'l' d w a ~ . B i II C'~1pohian c o . E,·an Chalml·r~. Dam o n R<.•1-r,·hill. Rirol Oral 1 hnnorar~ fll'lll<.'t.' • ancl Olin;r Ludwig. C11llin Burgl•ss :111c1 Ylon.!:lll Fo~ll'r an• not pit·l url'cl Puppets, of course, and the Laguna Beach Police Department has set up a crime prevention puppet program especially designed for Laguna youngsters. A variety of puppet programs h ave been developed for kindergart.eners through fourth graders in the Laguna Beach Unified School District. Candidates' forums scheduled "Star" of the ZO-minule long programs is Officer Ollie. a punpet dressed in an exact replica of a Laguna Beach patrol officer. Another set of candidates' forums for the April 13 City Councll e'leclion have been scheduled in Laguna Beach by a variety or orRanizations. They include: -March 4, the TLC senior group will host the candidates at the Presbv.terian Church on Forest Avenue at 11 a.m. -March 11, the Temple Hills Community Associ a lion will sponsor a candidates' meeting at 1940 San Remo Drive. -M arch 12. the Senior Citizens Club of Laguna Beach will hear the hopefuls a( the Veterans Memorial Community Center on Legion Street, beginning at l p.m. -March 17, the Laguna Taxpayers will host a candidates' night at 7:30 p.m. In the community room of Laguna Federal Savings and Loan on Ocean Avenue. -March 19, Village Laguna members. and the public, are invited to a 7:30 p.m. forum in City Council chambers. 505 Forest Ave. The kir.1ergarten program is entitled "Stranger Danger." and alerts youngsters lo potential burglars in their neighborhoods. Other programs include traffic safety, what to do in an emergency, bicycle and skateboard s afety and vandalism. The way the fortune cookie crumbles By NORA LEHMAN O.M' l"tllll IT'f'LC • ._ . SOME GENERAL CWTCHAT: Jackie Ballard. orr to Paris to see the sights from a barge in the Seine. travels to Germany to see son. James and then home -home to a new a nd interesting job. She's bee n lassoed into fund-raising for Saddleback College's Radio KSBR That's the college's non-profit station. J .B. sa~·s she C'an hardly wait to get out amoni? ·em and begin lrno('king on doors. YF.S IT WAS: It was a real gorilla. To make Jerr~ Kobrin feel his past had caught up with him at his recent roast. <which by the way made a good sum for a journalism scholarship at Santa Ana College 1 a real gorilla was brought up from Lion Country Safari to ~ive him a warm and hearty kiss. Well. he would be different. Most people like bear hugs. Columnist Kobrin usect to be in public relations at the Safari. J"()RTUNE COOKIE COMEUPPANCE: Apparent!~· our Style cover people find themselves in the same room often. and if they didn't know one another before they do the introduction number. I've heard thev do some giggling about their experiences. PQSl·cD_y_er_8ppearanc.e. <We must collect all those folk together soon. Mavbe o n our six·month anniversary. I • In this case. Tom Fuentes and Barbara Bowie do know each other. Tom tells me they ran into each other recently and had some run sharing their ··sudden fame." But. T.F. repons. it wasn't to last ror him. He went to Balboa Island's Shanghai Pine Gardens for dinner that night and in his fortune cookie it said. ··Clothes hide the blemlahes." Blemilhes? Blemishes? What blemishes? Style cover people don't have blemishes, Tom! FttvoarrE FOrrtJNE COOKIE : It was mine a nd It said: "U into your Ufe 90me rain must fall. Just walk a Uttle Inter." Sl'XX)ND TAKF.8: While discussing missing JI !llnner ClaTe ln yestenfay,1 spa~ c t wun't my faull>. I was 4" f I ; • 4 going to talk about other bobbles. like the department store invitation to Joan Carsten's house in South La~una to see the Bosand Collection where they for~ot to put the time on it. But we won't talk about that. I was reminded bv the editor that a few years ago. I missed his and his bride's wedding by several days. As we arrived. I can still hear my friend protesting. "But Tuesda~· at 4 o'c lock is a reallylfunny time to have a wedding." It turned out that it would have been. ~ SCHUMACHER, WHEN she opened_llet_.door. C!ressed 1n hanasome s ac and shirt. but obviously not ready for a second go.around on this event <the wedding. you gather. was at the Schumacher abodel. thought it was a funny time. too. She took us In. commiserated . a nd gave us some refreshment. The kind we needed at that moment. After the shock wore orr., we fiflally had enough sense to get lo our feet and head to the car. · "I SUPPOSE," said my friend. helping m e into the car . "now that you're all dressed up. you'll want to go out for dinner." "Sure," I said since he was belng·such a good sport. "Fi~ ... he said. ··Where do you auggest we go at s o·ctock an the afternoon'!" I took off my hat. ran m~· hand throuf(h my hair. ~nd "1hed. ~ ~went-home . hospital, officials said. But protests from community members swayed the board to hold off on a maternity ward closure for further study. Paul McQuade. administrator of the non-profit hospital. said today at a news conference that new factors had been uncovered. "We had originally based our decision to close the obstetrical unit on the diminishing number of young couples of child- bearing age in the area," McQuade said. "However,. ou i;. study has shown that about' 75 percent or our obstetrical patients come from outside this area." He said lh1s m eant more people c->uld be att1 ~ ~• r.:d l~ use the hospital's delivery service:> if the pro~ram w~r:i expaoucd and publicize<i. M cQuadc ~aid two ne "' obstetricians will be joining the hospital staff. There oow are three obstetri cians on the medical staff. . He added that plans call for two more obs tetricians to be added in 1984, bringing the total to seven. In addition, $100,000 has been s lated by the South Coast MedicaJ Center Foundation, the fund·raising arm of the hospital, for refurbishing the unit. McQuade said. Residents happy at court ruling • Residents within the exclusive E'l'eraJd Bay community north of Laguna Beach said they are ecstatic over an appellate court ruling that d e clare s uncon s titutional the State Coastal Commission's guidelines regarding public access. But Marjorie Le Gay, a spokeswoman for the 524 home enclave . said Wednesday's decis ion by the 2nd District Court of Appeal "really does not directly affect us .". ··Jt was just a good decision, an excellent decision." she said today. The appeals court in Los Angeles o rdered that the com mission be prevented from using public access guidelines as a condition for issuing permits for new cons truction. Emerald Ba y has been battling the commi ssion following a directive last year tha t the community provide beach access through the gated neighborhood s hould they request permits to construct facilities such as swimming pools or clubhouses. She said the stale commission is scheduling a public hearing on the co unt y's appeal of the decision later this year. •Hearing impaired aid w be wpic Resident s or the Saddleback Commun ity College District who have a personal or profess ional interest in ass isting the hearing impaired are invited to attend a meeting Monday. 'the meeting will be held at Mercury Savings and Loan, 23021 Lake Center Drive in El Toro at 7 p .m . The organizers of the new group a r e Saddleback College sign-language students. The first meeting will be devoted to establishing a name for the organization and introductions. For more information cal l Lance Ericksen at494-4136. •Group set t,o tour 1111Ueum Members of the Laguna Beach chapter or the Panhellenic Association will tour the Charles W. Bowers Museum in Santa Ana March 3, T he alumnae sororitV organization will meet at 11:30 a.m. al the inuseum fo; a guided tour. For more information. call Vtr1t•la Jobnsoo at 661-8983. •Sign language ainger1 due The El e ctric Si1n Company. a popular sign lan1uage singing duo, will appear at Saddleback College's South Campus In Mi11'°8 Viejo March 3 in the ' Fine Arts Theater at 10 a.m. The duo presents a I relatively new art form - · si1n lansuage, dance, mime ' and theatrics, combined with a visual interpretation of contemporary music for both deaf and hearing audiences. The program la free. 1"or more information call the Special Services Department at Saddleback Colle1e at 831·4885. •Ha.if amilie• lo"6ht Host f amUles Id La1una Nl1uel are needed to tab Japanese lorei1n excban .. students under their wlnp frona ll~y untll March 8. Tlte .tudents are arrivln1 as part of the lnteretudy pro1ram . a nd w 111 be cl•Hff . I -· . • • . . . . .. . . .. . ... -..... I I I I ..., .... FRIDAY, FE8.'26, 1992 1•1 CAVALCADE 82 SPORTS 83 There are right ways and wrong ways to drink beer. ReaH Charles McCabe on Page 82 for the right ones. #t Irvine Co. doubles density for canyon village By STl:VS •l'K'll&LL ............. lrvlne Com,.ny uffielala have aubmltted new plaaa for the L•t'ID• Canyoe Golf Vllla1e that lnclude a doubllnt of the project are. Md more than twice tM numMr of horaes orlalnally proposed for lhe development. • The ori1lnal plan, •• ·en visioned by the Irvine Compaay, called for construction 0( 1,485 dwellinc unit• on 1,2.SO acres, mo1Uy on the west aide of LaC¥Da Cany«* Road above the junction with El Toro Read. That plan hinaed on aa agreement with the Southern California Golf Association for a 36-hole toll factUty that would have beee dni1ned, developed and operated by the coif association. Irvine Company offidala say tM 1o11 a.oclatJon participation wu a key element to the ori1luJ plan, and would have made development or fewer units economically feasible lo the company. But that concept went by the wayalde late last year when the 1olf auociatlon pulled out or th• project. ~ ·'The tolf association wanted to be able to move on a program sooner than the oriainal plan would permit," explained Jerry Collins, a spokes man for the Irvine Company. He a.aid the company could not determfne the costs the association would have had to underwrite for some lime, and the golf association chose to look elsewhere for a headquarters and eolr course. "That, essentially, sent us back to the drawln~ boards," Collins said, adding that a proposal without th e golf association's participation "did not pencil out with the original number or units." Addin" to the company's of the expanded project area, to the proposal. "We expect that 1igniflca.nt increments of the (Laurel> Canyon area will be desianated for park land or public open -"That, essentially, sent us back to the drauJing boards." problems was a condition by the county that the company make all road improvements on public roads leading to the project. Now fht; company Is thinking bigger, bOth in terms of Ian~ area within the project, and in the number or units it will seek. Earlier this month the County Board of Supervisors added Laurel Canyon. at the south end space of some kind." Collins said. But, he added, between now and May 1983, when the coun(y is scheduled to consider a new gen e ral pl a n amendment combininl the golf village and Laurel Canyon, the proposal could undergo some significant refinement. The recently submitted plan ' calls lor about 420 acres of open space. In addition, much or the 850-acre Laurel Canyon would be open space. Plans have been revised to include a smaller, 180-acre golf course, with 18 holes, and homes sur rounding the facility. About 650 acr es would be reserved for housing, and another 20 acres Cor tourist and commercial facilities. Collins said the company plans a three-pronged approach to getting county approval for the development. It wlll seek removal of the project area from agricultural preserve status: a general plan amendme nt to allow the development"; and zone changes for the canyon area. He said the company hopes to begin construcUon in the canyon by 1984 O.My """ M-. GOLF PLAN This b lht· newly s uhmiltr d plan for LaAuna Ca n~«m Golf Villuitt.•. m whi<'h thr prn1t·c.·t art.•a is cf ou hlP<I ---·--------- Si118 raps bid to kill roadway Obstetrics unit updated South Coast Medical Center board reverses decision By alCBA&D G&EEN Oftlle ............ Irvine Mayor DHid Sills said today the State Coastal Commislion'1 success in ll:illinl plans for an east-west roadway between Coll• Men and Irvine is an example or its "cavalier attitude." "The Coastal Commission hu n o regard for the traUlc problems it creates inland," Sills said in an interview. responding to tbe demise or plans for the much-debated University Drive extension. The roadway was to have skirted Upper Newp0rt Bay and linked Costa Mesa and Irvine. Environmefttallats ha•e lon1 oppo~ed the University Drive exteneion. "If the Coastal Comml11'°'1 w a a gob~c to re ac b that conclusion (that the roadway shouldn't be built>. it ahoutd have been done after an exhaustlve s tud y and consideraliOR ol altemaUves." Sills said. By JOHN NEEDHAM --~ ........ South Coast Medical Center's board of directors hav e unanimously approved plans to expand and upgrade the hospital's 24·year-old obstetrics unit. The action Thursday reverses a board decision in December to close the 18-bed unit and convert it to an out-patient surgical w~rd . The plan projects an increase to 500 deliveries in two years, up from 300 this year. That decision was prompted by annual losses of about $400,000 during recent years and declining demand for obstetrical services at the South Laguna ·Irvine keeps county fire protection· A new five-year agreement bas been approved for the Orange County Fire Department to provide fire protection to Irvine. "It's a very cavalier attitude of the Coastal Commi"ion to remove (plans for ) the University Drive extension without even studying it," Sills said. "If they wanted to remove it. it should hue been done alleT an exhaustive s tudy and consideration of alternatives. This particular decision is eoing to hurt people in Costa Mesa and Irvine." ...., ........... Ye.._ ATHl.ETIC BOOSTER Woodbridge High School soccer player Lotta Nobl didn't have a ladder but s he did have t eammate Ann Olson to offer support while she attache~ goal net prior to match against Universitr Hi gh School The contract was passed unanimously as a routine matter Tuesday by the Irvine City Council. It means county firefighters will continue serving the city from their four stations within its boundaries. Irvine sports fee hike viewed The county department, serving unincorporated parts ol the county as well as eight other cities, can provide fire protection cheaper than could a new municipal department. said Paul Brady , assistant city manager. A proposed hike in what s tudents pa y to play interscholastic sports in the Irvine Unified School District will be examined in a school trustee workahop Saturday. Superintendent of·Schools Stan Corey said t h at s tudents participating in interscholastic sports in the school district now pay only a small transportation fee . An increase in interscholastic sports fees is just one measure Corey said is being considered to deal with the "cost squeeze" affecting athletics in the school district. "It may be we won't be able to offer as much athletics as some people desire," Corey said. Irvine residents pay for the service through a special tax a ssessment, l evied as if residents lived in coun ry ju risdlclion. The way the fortune cookie crumb ks By NORA L!ftMAN ...., ... srn.a .... SOME GENERAL CHITCHAT: Jackie Ballard. off to Paris to see the s ights from a barge in the Seine. travels to Germany to see son. James and then home home to a new and interes ting job. She's been lassoed into fund-raising for Saddleback College's Radio KSBR. That's the college's non-profit s tation. J .B. says she ran har<ily wait lo get out amonj? ·em and be~in knocking on doors. YES IT WAS: It was a real gorilla. To make Jerr~· Kobrin feel his past had caught up with him at his reC'enl roast. (which by the wa~· made a good sum for a journalism scholarship at Santa Ana College> a real gorilla was brought up from Lion Country Safari to give him a warm and hearty ki91. Welt. he would be different. Most people like bear hu~. Columnist Kobrin used to be in public relations at the Saf art f'OanJNt: COOKIE COMEUPPANCE: Apparently our Style cover people find themselves in the same room often. and if they didn't know one another before they do the introduction number. 1·ve heard thev do some giggling about ltfelr experiences. poSt·COVer appearanC'e. <We mmt collect all those folk together soon. Maybe on our six-month anniversary.) In Ulis case. Tom Fuentes and Barbara Bowie do know each other .. Tom tells nM the~· ran into each other receAtly anct tu1d JOfne fua sharing their "sudden fame ... But. T.t . tepof'U. it waan't to last for him. He went to Balboa laland's Shan1hai Pine Garden~ for dinner that ni1ht and ln his fortune cookie it said. "Clothes hide the blemlahe$ ... going to talk about other bobbles. like the department store invitation lo J oan Carsten's house in South Laguna to see the Bosand Collection where they forgot to put the time on it. But we won't talk about that. I was reminded bv the editor that a few years ago. I missed his and his bride·s wedding by several days. As we arrived. I can still hear m y friend protesting, "But Tuesda~· at 4 o'clock is a really funny lime to have a wedding." It turned out that it would have been. FLOSS SCHUMACHER, WHEN she opened her door. dressed In handsome stacks and shirt. but obviouslv not ready for a second go-around on this event <the wedding. ~·ou gather. was at the Schumacher above 1. thought it was a tunny time. too. . She took us in. commiserated. and gave . v.~ some refreshment. The kind we needed at that moment. Arter the shock wore ore. we Clnally had enough seni;t• to get to our feet and head to the car. hospital, officials said. But protests from community members swayed the board to hold off on a maternity ward closure for further study. ·Paul McQuade, administrator of the non-profit hos pital. said today at a news conference that new factors had been uncovered. "We had originally based our decision to close the obstetrical unit on the diminishing number of young couples of chi ld· bearing age in the area,·· McQuade said. ··However, our study has shown that about 75 percent or our obstetrical patients come from outside this area." He sa1<1 lh1 s m .:-'",' more people could be au i-actt'd to "'5e the hos pital's df'l1v<!ry services if the prot;:rarn wf!re 'xranded and publicized. McQuad e s aid two ne w obstetricians will be joining the hospital staff. There now are t hre e o bs tetricians on the medical staff. He added that plans call for two more obstetricians to be added in l984. bringing the total to seven. In addition, $100,000 has been s lated by the South Coast Med ical Center Foundation, the fund-raising arm of the hospital. for r efur bishing the unit, McQuade said . Irvine cops arrest nian in drug case A 21 -year-old man believed to be part of a drug-selling ring located in Irvine was arrested Thursday evening at his Chino home. Irvine police undercover agents took David Mic hael Corcoran into custody after they said he sold them $8,000 worth of cocaine. said Sgt. Dick Bowman. Corcoran was booked into San Bernardino County Jail in lieu of S7 ,500 bail on suspicion of selling cocaine. Officers found another $8,500 worth or cocaine and a loaded shotgun al the sus pect's home. Bowman said. Meanwhile. agents arrested another pe rson they claim is part of the same ring. Erique Biane. 18, a UC Irvine student, was arrested on campus and booked into Orange County Jail in lieu of $5,000 bail. Corcoran operates his own s mall electronics business m Anaheim. said Bowman. Mural ruling due today Officials at Irvine High School promised this morning that an ··extensive statement" was to be re leased late this afternoon explaining whether a bi&bly publicized student mural will be hung on campus. Un til the n , they said . Principal Ga r y Norton 's decision was kept a closely guarded secret. • lroine slates museum tour Irvin e Com munity Services has scheduled a tour or the J . Paul Getty Museum in Malibu for March 13. Those attending will view major collections or Western Europe paintings, Greek and Rom an antiquities . and French de~oraUve arts. The registration fee of S9 per p e r s on cove r s transportation. admission to the museum and lecture. The bus will depart at 9 a .m. and return at 3 p.m. Contact Renee Sancbea, 754-3639, for information ao4 reservations. • Hiatory foundation to meet The Natural History Foundation of Orange County will hold its annual membership meeting March 19 at 7:30 p.m . at the UC h;vtne library. Wine and cheese will be aerved. The meetin1 will cive those Interested in ... JobaiPI the or1anllailol) a ch•ce to •lib • up. For laformatlon, call the foundation office at 545-at67. Three authors of books about dinosaurs and dinosaur art will be at the mfflinc with signed copies 0( their books for purchase. Those . attending will also preview the foundation fossil exhibit, on display at the library until Marcb. Th Natur* History Foundation •Of Orang e County Is a non -profit croup which sponsors d)CI, field trips and leetures. • Reiired a11ocia1ion conNnet Blemilhes? Blemilhes? Whal blemishes? Stvte cover ff-"'"'."'"'"--Ot!Ople-M't llr.te Memilhes. Tota\! -·--- "I SUPPOSE," saio my rrtend, helping me into the car. "now lhal.)'ou're all dressed up. ~ou:llwant t.o90-out for diMer." > .. The American Auoelation of Ret.lred Per10n1 (AARP> wlll meet at noon Sewrday ll the Irvine Smior Center, a s.nd'*nWl.Y. PAMHUTE POSIVNS t'QOml:: It was mine and It • 1ald: .. If IMO your life .._ rata must faJl. Just walk ~ Nttlllt41P.'' ,• • ' "Sure:· I said since he was being suoh a good aa)ort. "Fine." he said. "Where do vou suggest we go at S o'clock in the afternoon?" · I took off my hat. ran my hand through 'my hair. and sighed. ~ We went home. -. l i • " .. i l 1 . ~ ............... ,.k_I(_ CElf8RATING Who·s having mo r (' fun during National Future Farmers of America Week . Leanne Sauerhammer. on skates. or the two day-old l a mbs froli cking around the stall at Costa Mesa High School'! The newcomers and their ewe ... Harmon~· ... are owned by Melody Bu r khard. One lamb takes a break from the commotion whil e Kim Jones. FFA secretary at C MHS. shows a week ·old Yorkshire X pig to visiting FFA students from Orange High School. left to right. Jerr Kohrs. Janet Huston. Holly Kenney. Aaron H igle~· and Debbie Plyml•I .. bllyPlllt FR I DAY I FEB. 26, 1982 CAVALCADE SPORTS 82 83 There are right ways and wrong ways to drink beer . Read Charles McCabe on Page B2 for the right ones. .Residents hit court ruling on CM rezone By JODI CADENHEAD Of .. Deity ...... ~ Homeowners and civic leaders reacted sharply today over a state Supre me Court decision .Thursday not to revie w an , appe llate court ruling that invalidated a voter inltiativ.e that rezoned 68 acres in North Costa Mesa. "I think it's a lousy decision for a ll the California voters," said Jon Paradis, vice president o f the No rth Costa Mesa Homeowners Association. that backed the 1978 initiali ve. ··I feel sorry for the people who are going to try to rezone property by initiative." The Supreme t:ourt decision means that the Dec. 1 ruling by the 4th District Court or Appeal s tands and tha t Arnel Development Co. and South Coast Plaza now can proceed with plans to cons truct more than 650 homes and apartments ne ar South Coast Plaza, said city attorney Tom Wood. A 'spokesman for the state Supreme Court said the justices . voted unanimously to turn down a request from the city or San Jose to review a lowe r court ruling that had overturned a vote r initiative used to block the controversial development. "If the Supreme Court wants lo live with that kind of a decision, that's their problem," s aid San Jose City Attorney Robert Logan . Logan filed an appeal before the high court last month arter the Costa Mesa City Council vote d 3-2 to c hallen ge the lower court ruling. The Northern Californ ia attorney added that he has no plans to continue fi ghting the case he contends could set a precedent throughoui the state. -Wrong date listed. An item in Thursday's bulletin board was in correct when it s tated th at a rece ption is scheduled toni ght for J ackie Headly. the new libra rian at Newport Beach's Balboa branch 1 library. The reception was held last Friday evening . ... ho NEW CHIEF -rnnma..., Dt'l'ml'f' '''" takt• oq•1 .1:-. pl'l'Sl<h.•111 "' !hv Ha~h:.;1 B;I\ <'I uh · . Deemer new president of Bay Club New port Be a c h reside nt T ho mas Deem er h as been na med as the new president and director of the Balboa Bay Club. Deemer. who previously was a m em bers or the club's board of governors. wi ll s ucceed E Scott Hightower , who has announced he is leaving at the end of the month. · Deemer was executive vi ce president and a member or the board of directors of Mariners Sa v in gs and Loan ~ headqua r tere d in Newpo rt Beach. until its recent sale. Besides his duties as the Ba lboa Bay Club president. Deemer also wi ll se r ve as president and a d irector of the c lu b 's pare nt co mp a n y . International Bay Clubs, Inc .. and various other subsidiaries. according t o W D. Ray . chairman of the International Bay Clubs board. •Lau:men due honors in Newport An annual Orange County la w a nd orde r b anquet, sponsored by the American Leg i o n . is t o be held Saturday at the American Legion Hall in Newport Beach. Awa rds or valor, merit and courage will be m ade to offi cers from all city police depa rtments in the count.y. the Orange County Sherifrs dep a rtment and California Highway Patrol. The 8 p.m. event at the 215 15th St. hall is expected to be attended by police officers and city and county officials. •PTA honors Dahl,, Dennis Tw o pa re nts who are members of the California Elementary School PTA in Cos ta Mes a h a ve be en nam ed recipie nts of the PTA 's Hono ra ry Ser vice Aw ard. The awards were given to Jean Dahl and Beraadetle Dennis at the PTA's recent annual lntemational Dinner and award presentation. according lo spokeswoman Emily Pierson. The award r eCOJni zes outs tanding ser vice to the community and to the PTA. she said. ,That's the way the fortune cookie crumbles for 'sudden fame' By NORA LEHMAN .......... srn.a .... SOME GENERAL CIOTCHAT: Jackie Ballard. off to Paris to see the sights from a barge in the Seine. travels to Germany to see· son . James and then home home to a new and interesting job. She 's bee n lassoe d into (und-raising for Saddleback College's Radio K SBR. That's the college's non-profit station. J .B. s ays she r an ha rdly wait lo get out a mong 'em and begin knocking on doors. FOll11JNE COOKIE COMEUPPANCE: Apparent!" our Style cover people rind the mse lves in the same room often, and ii they didn't know one another before the,· do the introduction number. I've heard thev do some 1J19ling about their experiences. post-cover appearanee. ewe must collect all t hose folk togethe r soon. Maybe on our alx.-month anniversary.> , · ln this case, Tom Fuentes and Barbara Bowie do know each other. Tom tells me they ran into each olh('r recently and had some run shartng their "sudden tame.·· --But, T.F. reports, it wasn't lo last (or him. He went to Balboa Island's ~n&hai Pine Gardens for dinner that ni1ht and in his fortune cookie it s aid. "Clothes hide the blemishes." .,. .. Ble mishes? Ble mishes? What blemishes? Style co\'er people don't have blemishes. Tom ! FAVORITE FORTUNE COOKI E : It was mine and it said: .. If into your life some rain mus t fall. just walk a Uttle faster.'' SECOND TAKE : While discussing missing a dinner date in yesterday's space (it wasn't mv falllt 1. t was going to talk about other bobbles. like the department store invitation lo Joan Carsten's house in South Laguna t~ see t~e Bosand Collection where they forgot to put the tame on it. But we won't talk about that. I was reminded b:v the • editor that a re w years ago. r miss(•d his and his bride's wedding by several days. As w(' arrived. r can still hear my friend protesting. "But Tuesda~· at .t o'clock is a really funny lime to have a wedding ... It turned out that It would have been. FLOSS SCHUMACHER, WHEN she opened her door. dressed in handsome slacks and ~irt . but-obvious!" not ready for a second go-around on this event c the wedding, you gather. was at the Sc~umueher a bove1 . thou~ht it was a tunny lime. loo. She took us ln. commiserated. und ga\'e us some refreshment. The kind we needed at that moment. Arter the s hock wore orr. we finall~· had enough sense to get to our feet and head to t he car. "I SUPPOSE," sa10 m~· rrtend. helping me into the car. "now that you're all dressed U117''YOu-"ttwantto 10 out for dinner." .. Sure." I said since he wa.c; being such.M 1oocl ... "Fine," he s aid. "Where do you su11est w4 _,L,...llJ o'clQCk in the afternoon?" t took off my hat. ran my hand throup my _sighed. We went home. . ~ ' -~ ,. .. • .. 1 Orange CoMt OAILV PILOT/Friday. Febt~ 21, 1912 mtI ........ '~6--------------- Cadillac Fairview Corp. of Canada said it plans to sen otr Its large holdings In residential real eslete, including It half-interest in, Cadillac Fairview Hom~s Wd t of Newport Beach ... Fluor Corp. subsidiary has been awarded a contract to permanently convert three generating units Of a New England utility rrom oil to coal-buming. Value or the contract was not disclosed City of Orange police detectives have s eized records of Orange-based VB Companies. VB ClfrrenlJ.y Us the target of a Civil lawsuit flied by the state ... Comprehensive Care Corp. of Newport Beach has named Ch .. iBtlan G. Jorgensen, 44 . director or comml.Jl\icalions. •••11 e Japu'a export.c; of passenger cars, trucks and buses plu.-,me~ ln January, for the sixt.b month in a row , the Japan Automobile Manufa~tµrers Associatjon $&id. The association blamed the 14.8 percent. decline Crom a year ago on government eJt,port restrictions and stagnant foreign demand . . . Brttl!lb.1clenl1st.s claim to have invented a way lo turn hou.'!ehold garbage into oil s uitable for home healing or power plant use. "We are doing in 10 minutes what it h'as taken nature 150 million years to do:· one of the scientists, Noel McAul1ffe of Manchester Unive rsity , said. 111111 ~------- General Mo&ors Corp. said it will close four Fisher Body Division parts plants. eliminating jobs for 9.620 workers . The closings, to take place gradually. raise lo seven the number or plants the No. l domestic automaker is s hutting s ince emer gency contract-concession talks with the United Auto Workers union collapsed Jan. 28 A U S. District Court judge has cleared the way for Brunswick' Corp. to sell its Sherwood Medical Products s ubsidiary. thus thwarting an attempt by takeover-minded Wlltttaker Corp. to block the sale Space agency officials said that the Space Shuttle. which is expected to make its third orbital test flight next month, has not yet captured the imagination of the nation's business community. Maj, Gen. James A. Abrahamson said several more' fljghts will be needed before business realizes the potential of the s huttle lllllllil g.; H.F. Ahm"Anson & Co. reported that operaUons in 1981 produced a loss of SSl.3 million. or $2 16 a share. compared with a nd nearly equal to l980's earnings of $54.3 million. or $2.34. Total revenues for the year increased by 14 per cent. while interest expense rose by 31 pcrt·ent. Assets increased IS percent to $15 billion ... Caesars Worfd Inc. tor the quarter ended Jan 31 had net income of SI .3 million. or 5 cents a share. compared with $401 ,000, or 2 cents. for the like quarter of 1981. Net income for the six months was $13.7 million. or 53 cents. compared with $17 2 million. or 66 ·cents last year. Quarter revenues totaled $137.3 million. the same as reported in last year·s hke quarter STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT AMERICAN LEADERS UPS ANO DOWNS ... I') -114 . '• .... ... ... • •• '" . ~ "' , ... .. -·~ MBALS HEW YORI( IAP> met•I prl(~ Ioele~ Co1tper 17"'·10 <tnh 11 PO,nd. US deslln•llOM, 1.•M 2lc:et1ll • POUlld ZllK 4c.ollls • POUlld dellver..i Th• s. $716 Mel•ll WMk <OmPO\tte lb A!Wml-7i..»cenls•-•"4 N v Mffcwy Wi 00 PH 11.,k PleU-1343 oo 1rov or N v