HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-02-28 - Orange Coast Pilot• Can't drink the. water? Pipe:it to greenbelts By STEVE TRIPOLI of .. Deity ........... The prospect or using treated . wastewater lo keep parks, golf courses, greenbe lt area s and playing rie lds g r een h as promoted five area wate r districts to seek construction or new or e xpande d water treatme nt a nd d e li ve r y systems. The districts have submitted proposals for the systems lo the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California , the Southla nd's largest water importer. MWD has tentatively set aside $50 million to rund such projects. Wile)' Horne, MWD project manager for the so-called Orange and Los Anseles Counties Water Reuse Study, said funding or the projecta is considered a good investment by MWD because it will help eliminate the need for more e xpensive new sources of imported water. The five local proposab are dominated both in scope and projected cost by two projects, one an expansion of the Irvine Ranch Water District's existing I John Wayne Airport • • noise i·ssues echo at Wyoming resort By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL Of T._ o.1tY """' s .. tt JACKSON, Wyo. -Up here, just a few miles from the base of 10 ,450 -foot R e nd ezvou s Mountain, is a little airport with big problems. In many wa ys, the issues involving the one-runway air fa c ility built in 1939 a nd expanded over the years aren't dissimilar from those facing Orange County's John Wayne Airport. Jackson, where cowboys rub shoulde rs with s kiers , is a community we ll-divided over the airport. The bus iness Inte r est s , including operators or the Jackson Hole Ski Area at nearby Te\on Village , conside r the airport the vital link to the outside world, the all-critical entryway.for revenue. B u t t-h e r e i s a s t r on g environmental segment in the ·-' t o wn of 6 ,000 p e rmane nt residents . And with backing · from the Sierr a Club Legal D e f ense F und , th ey are hammering away at the airport. The issue now being litigated in the U.S. District of Columbia Court of Appe als is whether commercial jet service to the airport is compatible with public enjoyme nt of Gra nd Teton National Park, in which the facility is located. Boeing 737 s operate d by Denver-based Frontier Aitlines began flying to Jackson under c h a rte r arrange ments in December 1980 after the carrier won a 13-year battle to begin jet service. Six months later, Frontier began regularly schedule(! jet service to and from Denver. There are two flights per day, at <See DO JETS, Pa1e Al) o.tly ..... ,......, •It ............... I READY FOR REUNION "My life was still bits and pieces like a film that ·s t attered,.. said Victoria Angelini of Newport Beach of search for kin. SUNDAY SPFCIAL pro1ram and the other a proposed new facility to be operated by the Oran1e County Water District. OCWD serves several Orange County cities, including Costa Mesa and Fountain Valley. The IRWD proposal, an $11 mlllionJ'ackage, calls for the- layina new pipelines all over Irvine so that the operational water recycling plant cau be used lo ita full capacity. Spokesman Keith Lewtn1er sald lhe project, if approved, would allow the district lo ue 12,000 acre-feet (about 3.9 bUHon gallons> ol treated water a year -twice the amount currently used in a city that ls amon1 the pioneers of water reuse. The water, wh,ch isn't drinkable, but is sufficiently sanitary for walerin1 purpoeee, LANDING AMID MOUNTAINS Relatives wait outside picket fence lo gr~et passengers arriving on Frontier .. would be distributed via new plpellnn lo many of Irvine's newHt srowth areas, including Village '12 and Villace 14, Lewln1er said. Pipes also would be lakl lo older' sections of the city such u Turtle Rock and the Jrvlne lndualrial. Park·Eut so that those areas could use the treated water. he said. Tbe OCWD proposal, called Green Acres. calls for construction or a plant that would treat 5,000 acre-feet or water (about 1.6 bilUon gallons ) a year and pipe it to S?arks, aolf cours es and instltutlonJl grounds across OCWD's service. area. Estimated cost of the pack:t is $11.6 million, of which OCWD is asking MWD lo pay ' percent. The IRWD packap, by comparison, calla for a 50·50 cost split between MWD and JRWU. Both plans c all for future e xpansions of the project•. IRWD is hoping lo spend about $10 million more, ln l~ doUars. to expand the capacity ol its plant to 20,000 acre-feet (about <See RECLAIMED, Pa1e AJ) Airline flight to Jackson Hole . W~·o. En\'ironmentali sts and residents there complain a bout jet noise. Jury c~nvicts Willia01s Atlanta slayings defendant found guilty in 2 deaths ATLANTA <AP ) -A suprisingly quick jury found Wa yne B. Williams guilty Saturday of murdering two· young black men , ending a sensational lri~l stemmine from 28 slayings that terronzea-t1ilS Southern capital for nearly two years. A "heartsick" Williams, still insisting he was innocent, was immedia tely sente nced by Superior Court Judge Clarence Cooper lo two consecutive life prison terms. He will be eligible for parole review in seven years. The defense said an appeal was likely. ''We th e jury find the defendant Wayne Williams guilty on count No. 1 and guilty on count No. 2,'' District Attorney Lewis Slaton s aid, reading from the verdict handed him by the jury foreman in the packed fourth-floor courtroom in the Fulton County Superior courthouse. The 23 -year -old defendant, dressed in a brown suit, remained seated at the defense table, surrounded by deputies and out of sight of reporters, as the verdict was read. Then, accompanied by his lawyers and bis Cather, Homer Williams, he strode to the podium and said in a steady voice : "l maintained a 11 along through this trial my innocence and I still say so today.'' "I hold no malice against the jury, the pros ecutors or the court," he said. "I hope tbe person or persons who committed these crimes can be brought to justice. I did not do this." He then was hurried out by deputies lo be driven back lo tile county ja.H where he has been held since his arrest last June. Alvin Binder, bis attorney, described Williams as "fairly calm, very disappointed, sort or heart.sick." The juty of eight blacks and four whites deliberated only 12~ hours after eight weeks of testimony before deciding that the black free -lance photo1rapher had murdered both l"lathaniel Caler, 27, and Jimmeay Payne, 21. Although Williams was charged in · only two dea ths, prosecutors presented evidence . in 10 additionlll slayings or youne blacks in an attempt to show a pattern of killings that included the Payne and Caler deaths. Binder said h e thought Cooper's decia!on .. to aUow that evidence would be the main. basis for an expected appeal. . Binder also said he believed "it was the fibers " that c on v ic ted his client -a reference lo the textile strands the prosecution uid linked Williams to his victims. ' Slaton said he was confident the case would hold up under appeal and refused to rule out the possibility that Williams would be charged in some of the other slayings . FAA worries Riley Proposal to control local airport noise plans hit By FRED~RICK SCllOEMEBL Of ................ Orange County Supervisor Thomas Riley has re1istered "grave concern" over recent su1gestions that the Federal Aviation Adminlstratlon wlll seek federal le1talatlon thit would give it veto power over local airport noise control programs. In a two-page letter, dated Slaying of Hun1ington man probed Thursday, to Rep . Robert Badbam, R-Newport Beach, the 1uperv'Uor s aid recent proposals advaMed by FAA administrator J . Lyu Helms "indicate that the FAA will no longer be responsive to the needs of the public impacted by airport olH!rations." Helms, in a Feb. 18 speech in Dallas, said the FAA will not permit local airport noise 1tan4lard1 to interfere with aatioaal air transportation priortt-., He lakl tile a1ency soon will ull C.,..... tp pas. legislation that would permit the agency lo pa ss judg ment on any Ioctl airport no i s e abateme nt program. · And, while saying the FAA would work with local airport proprietQrs in solving noise problems , Helms vowed the FAA woµld go to court, if necessary, to insure that air service demands are not hindered by noise control programs. In the letter. Riley said shirting jurisdiction over noise <See RILEY, Pap .\Z) Scattered family heats the odds Poli~e investigators are probing the slayln1 of a Huntlnaton Beach man whoM body was found dumped Ill a vacant lot in Westmiaater ON THE INSIDE aBLATED V.\LENTINE - Bob llDpe will reminhce at.out "Womm I Love -Beautiful But l'ulul1" durtnc a two·bour TV apeclal tomcht. He previews _,.. el Ilia travelinl eplaodel •P•BI. BEST RET"-NBD -In an area where r'8IOIU and temail courts ••i•t areuad every comer, La Qutota Hotel often the best. Us ele1ance and llmeleune11 are expected to. remain after tbe addition ol lCM. new untts descrtbed on Pap Cl. .Priest provides missing link for NB sister, brother Br STEVE llAaBLE ........ ptlll..... . For Victoria Ancelini, the last piece of a real life Jl1saw pu.zz.le will arrive Monday pn a jumbo Jet from New Jersey. ll 's the Newport Beach woman's brother Arturo -tile youncest of seven brolhen and at.ten separated 28 years a10 ln Co1ta Rica. The last time she saw Arturo WH in 195t. He WN 3, the WU 8, and their f atber bad Juat died. The family was split up."Some 1ta7ed in Costa Rica and aome clldn't. Victoria wu placed in an orpbana19 and later adoJlted by • ,.~ ....... tbat ....... llad led uatber bl"GIMr .. •.. - Tim• pUMll. Vletorla ud W• m1111 to tb1 U.S. to 8-.1 It college. They never went back lo Panama. '·I always felt that I would see all of them again," recount.a Victoria. "I knew it. I could feel it." . Years later, Victoria and Wes decided it was time to start putting the family pieces back together. •·All I had were memories of my family and my father. He was an intereatln1 man. He would make money and then IOM It "I remember walkinl tbrou&b the coffee fields wltb blm. J.t fieetlal memories." It wu ID the late 1... tbat Wn 8nd a rn.ad drove to Colla RiH Ind tamed up a bntber and ....... 'nM1 bad .,..... left • the family's native land. Their mot.her, who had ctven up her children because of flnan1:Sal and other \roublea, also wu there, Uvtn1 ln a Hnicw citlzen home. That trip, Victoria uy1, opened u&> the doors. She found another brother la Bakel'lfteN and 1UU another brother ln Cucamoqa. But nobody knew where Arturo, the baby of the familJ, wa1. The yean lrept pualq. la 1975, tbe reunited brotMn ..S 1lsler1 new their motber to California for a visit ud U. tut IUlllmtr' Vleterla • .-.~ nnt U1p Melt to eoeu lltca: ''I w• IUll trJilal to -llaa ''" ftJaLS. .... Al) "' Friday ni1ht. • The man, who died of ...._ wounds, -waa klenttned u 1'o)' Saburo Nakua, H . by • Wettmlnster police 1pollea1DM. Other U... proYlde tbe aamt and age OI tbe vlcUm, wben tbe body waa lfound aad tlaat a aearch l1 uader wa1 for Nallaaa'1 velalell, '°''",.,.Ill to provJde an1 later• ..... about the •lQllll. TM•IM*•muuldamw; wu tomd •'-' T:• r·•· .. I lot •'off Hoover 8 reel i• W•tmlnater.'' He Mid poUee wen Manbllll for a white 11'11 BllW .. tomobU•, Califorala Ueeme ·= 411~.J~lal ... be .. tbe riitl.:-.. TM ~ OMiill.r Oll'oMr'a ome....,,-............ .... ..,....... .... tlae , __ 88t'TING A RBAa Cencalll ..t outbouaw .,.. •• .... Met ialO fahlon. M a Coetai-.lieu Orm 11 bettbi1 t.Ut lao••MIW.rs ln water-poor, ~=-wUI llave .. n-tlllM -T.· tl'a4ltiwll ,. ... tell eta . ~ad about tlle •rtllli"9 • Pa1e Dl. 080WING •oo• -For ,..._. famlllel wbo can't afford a uw a.,.... laome, "movlq •P'' ••1 meu bulhUa1 a 11117 t .-..... S.. Ill t re••ral1t I••••• H•Hi•1 = ......... MljW .. ............ ,... .. ... M. -I l -,., Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Su"day, February 21, 1112 ·jackers issue' threat irates warn ;et Will be blown up if force1. approach. STANSTED, &ntland (AP> t'our ermed hlJacken of a ~Tanunlan jetllner l11ued a ""threat Saturday to blow up the :tflane wlth about 90 boat.a1u board U aecurHy foreea ppr~. Polle• oltlclala nnounced they woukt not let the If. lane take off. ... Essex Chief Constable Robert 1 ,')tunyard told a news conference ;~e sunmen "Indicated they illlhtend to blow up the airplane lf ~ere ls any actlv1ty around It. "~or that reason we have stopped pie goillg near tbe plane." He said a demand from the jackers that the Boein1 737 be , refueled bad .Meo refused ud added, "It la my intention to alt thia out. 1t Is not my intent.ion to allow this "&.lrplan• to leave thla airport." Police aald firetruck• were blocldn& the runway. TanauUa '• hltb comm111loner to London, Amon J . Nsekela, arrived at the airport in Stansted, 30 miles northeaat of London, to talk with the 1unmen and Bunyard said "this. took things very llttle further forward.'' Asstsiant Chief Constable Matthew Comrie said Police bad sent to the plane vegetables and bread for everyone aboard, but cDonald posts 5QO,OOO bail I\ Financier Ralph McDonald, cing 35 felony counts of t'.raud coMection with operation ol lden Eagle Investment Co., s been freed from Orange ounty Jail after ppsting a "'$500 ,000 bond. A jail spokesman said ..)lcDbnaid, arrested Feb. ll in ·what county Sheriff-Coroner ,.Brad Gates termed the largest -alleged swindle In the county's _history, was released from the jail at 3:04 a.m. Saturday. Details surrounding Mc Donald's release weren't ~immediately known. "They gave wi the bond and he walked out," e SPQkesman said. Mco'onald, 41, of San Juan · plslrano, has been In and out jail since hls arrest. He was first released from jail on $250,000 bail after initial bail of S2 million was lowered Feb. 15 by Central Orange County Municipal Court Judge Bobby Youngblood. Two days later ti'owever, South .. Orange County Municipal Court Judge David Cart.er returned the ::.ail to the S2 million figure and McDonald was r~turned to custody. Carter modified his ruling Friday after Investigators lowered the amount of money they say has not been accounted for during examination of records for El Toro-based Golden Eagle. They now say about S2 million is unaccounted ro'r . Initial estimates were that· $8 • million was missing. Investors in Golden Eagle were promised 10 to 20 percent monthly re\urns on their investments. But authorities aJle&e lbat McDonald was operatin& a so-called Ponzi scheme in which money from new investors la used to pay off older invest.on until the operator takes the money for himseU and nees. ( ~rom Page A 1 . , , ~RECLAIMED WATER "6 . 5 billion gallons> a year. Lewinger said. OCWD is hoping to expand its capacity by another 12,000 acre.feet (about 3.9 billion gallons> a year as the need for the water develops, according lo ~fftformation Officer Gordon -~Iser. :1:• The other three proposals irll were submilled by smaller _ 1 ~6uth·county water districts . The Moulton Niguel Waler ··District in Laguna Niguel is ~s4!eking a $2 million package, to t be totally financed by MWD, that ·would produce about !'500 acre.feet (about 163 million) ,*'1llons of treated water a year: District General Manager Jack Foley said the water will "be used to irrigate Laguna Niguel Regional Park, Crown JValley Community Park and the :i p;1 Niguel Gold Club initially. 11listricl officials are hoping to '~llimale l y expand their ·treatment capability to rive · times that am~unt, Foley said. The South Cpasl County Water JIHslricl in South Laguna Is '!S'eeking a S6 million package 'that would produce treated ~ater to irrigate three golf "courses and a greenbelt area of South Laguna, a dministrative As sistant Linda Jones said. ' ' Ms . Jones said the district Would use a $2 milliQn stale 1tranl to finance part of the ''fn o j e c t . w i l h a s · yet und e termined participation from Me tro pol ilan Water District. The Los AJisos Water District El Toro is seeking MWD help laying extra pipes from a ant the district is building that ill produce more than 6,000 cre·feet (about two billion allons) of treated water a year, ccordlng lo General Manager . T . Mc Fadden. Financing etalls were incomplete late riday, he said. M WD Project Manager Home aid his dis trict expect!\ to eceive 20 to 30 proposals from os Ang e les and Orange ounties by Monday 's filing eadline. The proposals tceived thus far carry price gs ranging from $250 000 to most $15 million, be said. Horne said the $50 million armarked by MWD for the fll'St ve years of the project is only n approximate figun, and that WD direct.on could decide to ~just the level of available • • • o.llyl"tMtSWlf,.._ WARNING -Sign a lerts visitors to recycled water project. • 1· ~ 'funding when they see bow many local districts are se~ng money. ~ Horne said representatives of all districts that s ubmit ~ proposals will meet in mid·March to discuss them. He said the meeting is expected to produce change.s in many of the proposaJs when local officials see what others are seeking. MWD directors will decide which projects to fund throughout the spring, he said. At least four of the five Orange Coast-area projects -all except the South Laguna propc>sal - promise to be "highly competitive" wben directors decide which will be rundtd, Horne said. OAANGE COAST Dally Pilat Claulfted ......... 71~ AH otMr dap1,...ftl9 IU-4Jl1 th• bUacken ••aeat both back untoucbed. They Jut aald It waa beeau1e the pa11en1en ..... 1oln• to aleep ancl they did not want to dilturb them." A preoant wocnan and a cblld were freed earlier lD the day b)' the hlJackeu , who are demandln1 the removal of Tanaanla'• 1ocial11l leader, President Jullua Nyerere .. Armed police remained near the blue and Sold Air Tanunia jet that was moved twice after landing here Saturday afternoon. The hijackers, reportedly armed with pistols, submachine 1uns and band erenades, bad· commandeered the plane Friday while it was on a domestic ftight over Tanzania. They forced it to make refuelin& stops In Nairobi, Kenya; Jidda, Saudi Arabia, and Athens, Greece, before it arrived here. Students support fee hike UC Irvine students have thrown their suppc>rt behind a propc>sal to raise their fees $23 per quarter to fund construction of a eampus eventa center. In voting conducted last Monday through Friday on a rererendum, 69.8 percent ol tbe 2,911 students who cast ballots suppc>rted a fee for construction of the $10 million facility that would seat between 6,000 and 7 ,000 persons at athletic events, concerts and lectures. Of those who supported the fee increase, S2.9 percflnt supported the proposed levy of $23 per quarter. Olber choices were $17 or $20 per quarter. "We'll recommend to the chancellor (Daniel Aldrich) that the maximum fee be assessed," said Kathy Strangl, associated students president. Fees will not be assessed until after the campus events center is constructed, estimated to be about four years. That means students who voted last week won't face the additional fees. Students four years from now would. The $23 per quarter fee is expected to generate about $4 million. The bulk of the $10 million would be raised from private sources. The events center is viewed as a replacement for Crawford Hall. which has a maximum sealing capJcity or 2,000 for most events but only 1,600 during basketball games. Laguna Hills man killed in accident A high-speed accident in Irvine that ripped a small car into two pieces claimed the life of a Laguna Hills man Saturday evening. The Orange County Coroner's Office identified the victim of the 7 p.m. accident as Jeffery Tripi, 19. Tripi was killed when the car, driven by a male juvenile. whose name wasn't released, slammed into a utility pole along Irvine Center Drive just east of the Laguna Freeway, an Irvine police spokesman said. The driver was booked on susp ic ion of felony manslaughter, the spokesman said. He suffered only minor injuries. The force of the impact "left the car in two major pieces;• &'- coroner's Investigator said. From Page A1 RILEY. • • control programs to Washington D.C. "seems to fly in the face of everything which our President ls striving for. "Under the President's new federalism propc>aals, be bas advocated a return of the policy decision authority to the local eovemments who are able to respOnd most effectively to local problems. Riley said Helms' proPOIJala "can only serve to unravel tbe acc:ompliahmentl we have aebleved durlnl recent yean" io control nolH at Oraase County tovernment-owntd Jabn Wayne Airport. T he airport noise control pro,ram lnchldea a U -'fll1ht dally limit and ni1httime Olpt Curfew. In c:oncludlns the letter, Riley uked Badham to oppoee Hellu' propoaala "with the full wellbt of your olftce." Hell•' remarb at an air law a 7 m poalum at Southern lletbodllt UalYerslty ba•e mo drawn critlcllm from Newpmt Beftb lleyor Jaclde Re..._, wbo II ldMduled to meet with Helm• Tuetday afteraOOD la Wu...,_, I PILOT WINNERS -The Dally Pilot's chief photographer. Lee Payne, far left, won first prize for best story and photo by same person in Orange County Press Club annual awards. Jodi Cadenhead. second trom left. won first prize for best religion article and second .for o.ltvNlt .......... best entertainment article. Charles Starr. second right, won first for best fe ature photo a!ld best sports photo. Phil Sneiderman. far right. won first for best single column. and hono rable mention for bes t o utdoor recreation article. Daily Pilot wins 19 prizes Led by photographer Charles about Japanese sumo wrestlers. Starr's two first place winners, Daily Pilot reporters Jodi members of the Dally Pilot If.lit Cadenhead and Phil Sneiderman captured 19 prizes Saturday at , also won first place awards for the Orange County Press Club's their work in 1981. 27th annual awards banquet. Ms. Cadenbead's story about Starr was cited for the best how a Jewish synagogue and a feature photo and for .the best Presbyterian church have sports photo of 1981 in the. annual combined fore.es in the same press club competition. facility in Corona del Mar was His feature photo showed the judged the best story on religion barefoot wife of a Newport written for an Orange County Beach fisherman kissing her newspaper in 1981. husband as he carried her Sandi Joy received an through the water to shore from honorable mention in the same their dory. Starr's prize.winning category for account of 17th spc>rta shot was of an Edison centur)'-styleTh!lnksgiving. Hi&b School ball carrier being • • Sneidermcin won the best tackled by a defender who column of the year award for his obviously· was guilty· of a face humorous, yet thoughtful, piece muk infraction. comparing the youth or today Lee Payne, the Daily Pilot's with those or his rock 'n' roll chief photographer, took first era. place honors in a category that Daily Pilot staff members also showcased h1a talent with both won eight second place awards: camera and typewriter -best two for photographer Gary photo and story by the same Ambrose and one each for person. Payne's work was a photographer Richard Koehler. story wipi accompanying photo copy editor Tom Titus and CAR RAMPS $19.aa- Rublaer matt In blue, black, gold, red. "452 \ TWIN REAR MATS writers Steve Marble, Ms. Cadenhead, Steve Tripoli and Jeff Parker. In addition, Daily Pilot writers David Kutzmann, Glenn Scott, Snelderman, Jeff Parker and Curt Seeden each won honorable mention awards. There were 956 entries in the 1981 Press Club contest, with 138 awards given during Saturday's dinner at the South Coast Plaza Hotel in Costa Mesa. W riling and photography categories in the contest were judged by the San Diego Press Club, members of the staff of the San Jose Mercury News, the Sacram ento chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists and staff membe~ of newspapers in Riverside County and Arizona. Th~Press Club's Sky Dunlap Award lor service to journalism and the community went to Ed Portmann, public re lations manager for the Irvine Company. ••••• 111•11m111 . '44... •11m L.e'I' • ..... 11451 111S11 Medium • 114.11117»S X L.erwa • MM ''romll.A1 f!UZZLE • • • Dioturt olMr. My life wu IW1 bltl lftd pteoee lill• a ftlllD that'• bMn tau.r.d. •• In Onita Noa 1h1 returned to her famil)''• onoe f11blonabl1 hou11. It bad bMn turned lnto a 1abool. Sht vtalttd her father'• 1rav1 and the cotft• bean ft11d1 ahe recalled. "I wu introduced to· people who remembered me as a lirl and I didn't remember lhemj Everyone kept aayln1 "W, never tboueht we'd see yolt again.'" She returned to Newport Beach with two books her father bad written on his life and hiJ exploits In agriculture and engineering. She set about translating one int-0 EngliBb to learn more about her father and her family. Last month s he received a letter. It arrived on a Sunday, special delivery. Jt was from Arturo. "He said he'd been looking for us ror 10 years. He was so young when our father dled that he didn't remember the last name or how many brothers and sisters he had." She called him and found out he had just about giv~n up hope of finding his scattered family when he talked with a priest with ties to Costa Rica. With help from the priest, Victoria explained, Arluro pored over a Costa Rica phone book until he found a name - Angelini -that both agreed sounded familiar. He called the Costa Rica listing and, still unsure who his brothers and sisters were, obtained Victoria's Newport , Beach address. They arranged the Monday· reunion at Los Angeles International Airport. She says her rediscovered brother will stay in California getting t-0 know his other brothers for a week. , From Page A1 ------··-· Orange Coat DAILY PILOT/Sunday, February 28. 1182 CRUISES OPEN - The 52-foot schooner Allure is the newest entry i n the whale -watching fl eet a l ong the Orange Coast . Captain Mike Hope was at the helm for th is outing where Jim and S h irley M c D o n a ld o f Placentia scanne d the horizo n for flippers . ''It's funny ,'' Victoria suggests. ''I had never really tried to find Arturo. Somehow I knew we'd meet again. I knew it would just happen.'' The Newport woman says her final goal is to round up all or her family and return to Costa Rica ror a reunion with their 72-year-old mother. DO JETS TRESPASS ON SOLITUDE OF NATIONAL PARK? I "It's all just so exciting. I'm really higher than a kite," she said. "You don't know what it's Uke to feel so alone and then suddenly start finding all your family. There's still a lot of missing pieces but I feel like I have a family now." 7;53 a .m. and 12:15 p.m. During this year's std season. there are Saturdays-only flights to Los Angeles anltOakland. This summer, Frontier plans lo have four flights daily to Jackson. or the four million visitors annually attracted to the Jackson Hole and the nearby Grand Teton and Yellowstone national parks, three million come during the summer. Attorneys for the Sierra Cl ub. eround 70 todey, ._r 60s Mondey. 1.-1 around SO to..'9111. Coastal Clla M• ol rain Mono.Iv In .. trell'M! nor111ern ~In •M\IH. South-SI winch ~ Moncl.ly, •"'9<1ally nottllern r-. H)ON !Oday SS to U, In JOI MontMv, I.OM U to 4J. Southwest winds 20·).S mph In LltM ... .._ ww.61 In mornl119. l\Mllern -..is Morlclav. H)9M .. to M<emlno -'°--••to 1S 76, 10w1 » to -. SouttMrn dewr1 ltllOts •~. Wettiertv 1we11, 1 to lll9hs7lto ... 1~4Sto ss. J rut. v .. teb .. hl9h elOudlnen Some low elo11d1 mall,ly over ----------llOUtMrn e-a1 weters mornlno. _______ Temperatures V.S. .. ATlCHf 1ummary AIOUQue Ml ,. ~II .. ,. 26 Heawv 1now1 m•d• drlwln9 Atlanta l4 lO p e r I I o u I I n I he s • u I 11 e r n Allan1< Ctf 40 lO >\lltNlachl-on s.t11rday, with -laltlm-• 2S and lee blanUUnt roads In the llrml""""' 0 JS ,..,,.._ Velley and strono reins l lwnero u 14 fr..., ,,,. 0..11 C:0.11 lo ,,,. MUlll lolN so JS A tlamk CoMt.. lkKton ,. 24 The ralll _...., Imo the Cerollna• BuffalO 33 u and lllM.,.. and 1,..11n9 rain were Cllarlslfl SC .. • scattered from the norlher11 CllarlslflWV H 31 mountains of North Carolina Into C,,.v_ SJ li westVlrolftla. Cllk-J7 16 Partly cJoudy 11tle1 conllnue.i In Cl11<lnnatt 41 27 .... NOrtllNll Mid It .__, lltlltly Cleveland ,. Ot fram the °'981 l.M.• lo Ille norO•rn Cotumblll 46 14 Plaln1. Softly lltlet streotchad from Dal-Ft Wiii 4' )t tlie Mlutharn pt•IM to Callfornle. Denver ., ,. Wllll• lltlll rains wen reported In Ille Off MolMI 43 11 Poclfk: Mof'Ulwftl. Fo-today: tlle Detroit JS OS H•tlon•I WNIMr Servi<• fOl'l<atl El PHO St JI -ny lltlet owr rNK1 of Ille nation, P'alrbanlt$ 0. .Of llVt rain and • fftw ~ H•~d 40 .. 46 26 .."', .. ,., !uni to• ~ Na""'ll .. N .. Orie- HewYOttl Okla Cllv Omalla Phlladeltlhla PIMeftla Plltlbvf9'1 Piiand.Me Plland,Orw Rapid City Riehm-Salt Lake Se•lll• $1. LOUii SI P·Ternpe •IOnO ,,,. IOUl!lern All..,tle Coatt. Helena Lltllt rain WH predict.cl tor the Honolulu 76 .. WHl'llllotn Pac Ille.._ eoalt Hov1ton SI • .Wlellll• ------ lndl'laflllt 43 24 CALI ll'Olt .. IA Ja<Uttvlle 77 47 APC>le Vall.., Extended Ka"' City 46 21 Bakeralleld L•tV .... 70 47 Betit-Lltt .. Roo 3' ,. BNUmont forecaat Lwltvllll S2 M lltlffr ._.,. .. 41 M BlytM Miami 11 1J Catalina T11HHY·P'rtHy: Conalderalll• Mllwault• ,. IS E11retia c..WIMM.....,.....,.. ,,,_. Of rain Mtt•St.P ,. JO Frffl'IO M T""*Y ~ ,.nty e~ Weaz•1 and Tllwlday. H .... lft c-...._., ..... .._ ... w. ----1 "'-44 .... ..._ Frontier, the U.S. Department of Transportation, the Federal Aviation Administration and the Jackson Hole Airport Board were in Washington 0 . C. last week to argue issues raised in the c urrent lawsuit. H . Anthony Ruckel . representing the Sierra Club, said the jets "trespass" on the "silence and solitude a visitor expects at a national park" and .. o •• u' o ••••• < r.---f'• ... 4A M Lancelter 71 )4 so 41 lono a.ech ., 0 0 1t LOI A"991ft .. SS n 1t Marnvlll• .4 41 4J 24 MOnrowl• H 41 Jt 2S ""°"'•bellO 71 • 7S S4 Monier..,. ., SI 41 11 Mt. Wiison S9 41 32 10 HeedlU ,. SS 0 J7 NeWPOr1 8Hc/\ 71 47 J2 22 Oeklancl ,. S2 l4 lO Onl•rlO 16 49 st ,, Palm Sprlnos II SJ 49 u PeNcHN 11 Q 41 u PHO ROC>4M ., 33 ,. H IUwertlde .. 42 )1 >O Sacramento ., 41 4' 25 Salinas .. • San aernardlno .. 40 ,. M San P'r...clsco H so 70 so Santa Ane .. 46 IS SJ Senta lat-• •> 41 71 ,. Saftta Marla .. J7 SS n Saftta Monka u .. to S2 Stockton u 41 .. u Te!Mle Valtey 4t 27 ., 44 Thermal ., • 64 40 To-rence .. 41 PA .. AM•tt1U .. AuPVkO t4 7$ B•rtwld9 ., 7'0 a. to a. 11.w lewt In !MllfMIM •Rf llPm 8¥muo. 64 " T ..... ., ....... Cllfacao lS n "'"'*1 11 .. Guadalelor• 7t 41 California hlltMf'ft Callfornta wlJI !lave llltrHllflt Iii.II CIWfl""t tMay, """"' ""', .... -.... cMM _., ..... MaMty d..., Manday. c;....,My&. " .... "' °' ... c:-tty.....," .. "i .............. lllaM valle'(t Ult H,ed llieM ..., .... .....,, ........... ou ... IOl.!Clt .. .. MefttitlakY to 7'J -Mauitlon n .. ._, ... .. .. .... a.t = =-=~ Mnk•Cltv 12 .. ~ ·~ Ma Mofttarr9Y ti 44 11 I 1 W t I .. 8$U 11 .. M9nlco t l~ l l • loll J111111, P.A. 12 7'J ~:utt .. <llan99~ 4 I w 4 14 t a w St. T"°"'81 as 7'0 T..,c ... IPI lS ,. Trl!Wdod .. 72, New Pilot price 84.75 on March I Home delivery charaea ror the O'ranae Cout Dally Ptlot will be f'.75 per month effective March 1, 1912. . Coat increuea ln all a1peeta o1 new1paper production, lnchadinc new1prtntandd11trtbutJon, make the 7$.cent lncreue aec:euary~ In a conttnutn1 effort to improve delivery service, t>ally PUot carrten. wbo operate u independent businesses, will have the opportunity to eam 33 percent o r the reflected Increase. Dally Pilot home dellvery co1t1. have not increased over the put 23 mont.bl. Slnale copy newsstand prices wlll remain at 25 ceotl and ~ centa 0116undaya. add an ugly addition to the view or the front or the Teton range. When jets take off to the south (about 80 percent or the tlme) from the airport, noise Is heard in about hair the park, Ruckel said. Further, the Sierra Club is alleging that Frontier and other parties in the lawsuit did not consider viable altemaliv~s to jet service. He suggested, for example, that Frontier could have looked al servi ng Ja ckson with so-called "short takeoff and landing" aircraft. such as the remarkably quiet DeHavilland Dash 7. And. Ruckel said. service lo nearby Driggs or Idaho Falls. Idaho. s hould hav e been investigated. Lastly, the club is angered that Frontier's permit, which will expire in mld-1983, allows an unlimited number of flights. Said Ruckel: "We think there s hould be a reduction in the number or flights, some sort of cap," similar to the 41-flight per day limit imposed at John Wayne Airport. Ruck e l c laim e d the defendant s analyzed 1 a alternatives. "strictly in an economic sense" without regard for noise impacts on the park. Officials of Frontier, the Jackson Hole Area Chamber of Commerce and Airport Manager Carol Lewis pointed out that the airline is required to abide by noi se abatem e nt takeoff procedures to reduce impacts When jets take off, pilots are required to make a 45-degree left turn to avoid inthior park areas. And, pilots must not fly lower than 3,000 ree l while within the park boundaries. The programs , Ms . Le wis said, "have been comparatively successful." She said Frontier pilots have been cooperative. Wh en noise abatement procedu res aren't followed (limes or weather conditions are excepted >, Ms Lewis te leph on es Frontier headquarters in Denver seeking relief. Ms . Lewis said cumulative noise impacts over the park are lower with jet service compared to Frontier's use of Convair 580 turboprops. J ets carry twice the 9umber of passengers of Convairs. And there had been as many as 14 Conva1r operations each day before Jets were intr oduced; there now ha s been no more than rive jet operations per day. f e wer fli ghts lower overall noise . she said. Frontier is still using Convairs on J ackson·Sa 1t Lake City routes But that se r vice is H h cduled to e nd June 1. Frontier 1s blaming declining passenger load as the-reason for t>nding the service. J a r kson business leaders br1 ~llc when asked about the a 1 rport issues "Tht.• airport was here before tht• park," declared Ralph Mc Mullen, executive director or the: chamber or commerce. It v. as not until 1950 that the airport was brought into the park by an act or Congress. The success of this and future years of the ski areas at Jackson Hole and nearby Grand Targhee will depend on dependable. scheduled service. says Bruce ~urse. chamber president. If commercial jet service were stopped. Jackson would not be inaccessible. "But who wants to sit on a bus for a 00-mile ride from Idaho Falls?" asked one Teton Village ski instructor. ~ ~ra~~©r CHUTTEB: '~[m~ Hickory Farms of om~ South Cold Pack Cheddar Cheese Food tlmt spreads like butter toast Stop in for a taste today! Try oh~ on crtekm. -haw fllily ll a1idft on with• butter knife. 6-.11~ on IOIM ll'l(j bbcuiU wll1 mdl in your mouth. O!utt.~ vm ~blet 111 ~ way 10 odd 1111t to your ~ Outer-fondue mQeil • smll PlltY · f.w 'Plaza #i '--wc ...... ..- lrfshll.t ... S•DitpPl•Wflf c .......... ~..., .. ,,... ~ .. ,,... s..., 11 ... ,... 540-6991 ·--------------------&--.-...... l • ( . . * Orange Coaat OAJLY PILOT/Sunday, Februwy 21. 1812 '8UNN!YS MULTIPLY -Donna Bunney carries Diana. 3. while Paul Bunney holds .. John. 1. whose arrival trigge r e d the expansion of the family's Costa Mesa home . 4 -- to start Crews for $4 . 7 million For the flral tlme In th• multi-year puab to clean up UM 1Ut·choked Upper NewPort Bay, the talk baa atopped and the wo~k la about to be&Jn. A alx-monlh dred1ln1 project -the first ln more than 10 years -wlll atart this May and la expected to return water and tidal acUon to a 11ectlon of the bay t.het now la neerly bone dry. The $4. 7 million cleanup operatlon now calls for work crews to dredge a 30-acre basln at the extreme north end of the bay , directly below the Jamboree Road Bridge. The basln, from the observer's point of view, will resemble a pond that shrinks and expands with the Ude. It will serve two purposes. The carved-out basin will restore the upper bay's link with the ocelrn and will serve as a · sill:catcher. slowing the now of sediment that roars out or the San Dle10 Creek ln the winter monthl. · The project also Includes dredelng on the San Dle10 Creek. Several basins are to be carved ln the creek bed between MacArthur Boule vard and Campus Drive. It ls this system In the river bed that workmen expect to do the lion's share of the sllt-catchin1 work. The baslns in the river will allow the water to alt for periods of time while the sediment drops out or the water and settles on the creek bed. It ls estimated these basins can hold up to five years' worth of silt -barrin-& a miUor winter storm -before they have to be c leaned. The county flood control district has agreed "to clean out the basins. In all, roughly 700,000 cubic yards of mud, sill and assorted goo will be scooped out during the six-month project. 0.11,~ .... TARGETS M ap indiC'ates s ites planned for dredJ,!ing in Upper Nt•wport Ra~· land is south or the creek and to the eas t o r M acA rthur Boulevard . Loan arranger ,comes to rescue ~mailer every day. t ~ The project actually is two work plans mer~ed into one. " . Newport Beach -with help Crom Irvine, Orange County .gov~rnme nt and A ssemb l y woman Marian Bergeson -put together a complicated $4 million cleanup scheme last year. The rest or the money came- 1 a r gel y from the stale with smaller amounts coming Crom ~Newport, Irvine, the county and the Irvine Co mpany. The second plan was a $700,000 dredging project development by the state department or Fish and Game. By JODI CADENHEAD °' .. .,..., ........... By the time their second child was born last year Paul and Donna Bunney of Costa Mesa figured it was lime lo move from their s mall tract home built in 1953. But the sad truth soon hit home . The 1,100-square-foot house they bad purchased in 1975 for $33,000 wouldn't ge't them the place across the street today, much less the larger. more expensive homes they were looking at. Discouraged, they returned to their house at 984 Elden Circle and tried to get by with the three box-shaped bedrooms and one bathroom that seemed to grow Many eligible for ho01e aid Paul. 33, a da a control processor at Rockwell and Donna, 27, watched with interest as neighbor Hal Camp's second-stor y r oom addition started to go up. Camp told them that he'd re~eived a low interest loan fr m the city 's H ousing Re abilitation program toward the construction. "When you see someone else do it, you start to think about it," said Donna, a cheerful brunette, who gave up working at Rockwell lo stay home with Diana. S, and John, 1. The idea made sense to the Bunneys. And by September The Costa Mesa City Council has recently revised its federa ll y funded Housing Rehabilitation program to make more residents eligible. Since 1975 more than $350,000 has been loaned or given to more than 120 homeowners. The programs available include : -A family of four whose income is less than $16,000 or seniors and handicapped residents are e ligible for grants up to $3,000. No repayment is necessary unless the home is sold. -A family of four whose income is less than $27,000 is eligible for a $15,000 loan at 9 percent interest. -Under the new program a family or four whose income is less, than $32,000 may be eligible to receive a $1,500 rebate on home improvements totaling $10,000 or more. -Apartment owners may be eligible for a• 10 percent loan for property improvements. they had a $15,000 loan at 9 percent. "I just ~ouldn't have done it without the city's program." said Paul. 1 But contractors soon told the Bunneys that $15,000 wouldn't go far. Al that price they'd be lucky lo get a bathroom, they were '·told. Paul, .whose only previous experience in building was a home-made cabinet, sat down with contractor Dave Koop. Together they sketched the plans that included enlarging the Ii ving room and adding a master bedroom and bathroom. The extra 490 square feet seemed like a dream to the Bunneys. But to make it come °"'".,....,......, ue ~..,. -Also, owners or rental property may be eligible to receive up to $1,500 in financial assistance in order to m ake improvements for physically handicapped tenants. Those interested in the program can call Tony Cannariato. city community development coordinator, at 754-5330. NEW APPRECIATION After four m onths of work. Paul Bunney knows th(' finer points of carpentry. PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PARK Additional spaces are now available in a newly deYeloped eection of Pacific View Memorial Par1<. Pre-need purchues Qualify for discounts from S90 to 1145 per grave. Di1COUnt1 on crypts are 10%. OOuble interment in a single grave may be arranged from $820 including endowment care. ~ P~fJb~~L ~!~~ ANO MORTUARY )500 Pocific View Drive ~ Beach, ColifOf'nio (71-1) 644-2700 o P'1«Ce Btoihers 'Com~ ? . true they'd have to do nearly all the work themselves. Donna got on the ~hone and started receiving bids for each step of the project. Paul began getting advice from everyone he could. Terms like cripple, top plate, cap plate, joist, bay and dry wall entered his vocabulary and soon filled every waking hour away from work. Since Oc;tober he's loet 30 pounds. About $1 million of the money is represented in land· the Irvine Co mpany is permitting to be used as a dredge spoils site. The The two groups have now p oo l ed thei r m on ey a nd r esources for the c urre nt • c;leanup pl an. Lunch regulations adapted at schools Friends and neighbors pitched in to help dig trenches, lay the foundation and' nail the $900 worth of plywood boards that ln . By MARY JANE SCAllCELLO District's food ser vices, said administr ators we re given options in Septe mber, so she chose to add the requirement to the November applications for th• 1S2 s tudents r eceiving reduced-rate lunches a nd 976 receiving lunch free. lime became a room. ~ Asked which part wa~ the hardest, Paul chuckled and'said "every step." There ~as even enough money left over for Paul to reshingle the entire roof himself. Not all was s mooth sailing, however. Heavy rains and conflicting schedules put completion of the rooms four months behind. The concrete foundation ~ad lo be strengthened after city inspectors found the job wasn't done right the first time. When it rained Paul had to stay up all night bailing water from the plastic cover J>efore the roof was finished. At night the temperature in the house dipped belo,t 4S because the couple couldn t use the heater while the plastic was covering the addition. But all that is behind the Bunneys now. They plan to move into the new rooms next month. "I never realized how much work went into building a house." said Paul. as he walked through his nearly completed living room. "But now I notice every nail." MARCH 4,5&6 10-SPM OftM~ ...... , .... A new federal requirement in eligibility rules for children receiving free or reduced-rate lunches will have little effect on Orange Coast distri cts, according to local food setv;ce spokesmen. . Effective March 15 the rule r equires re.glslration or Social Security numbers of all adult members of a household where the child lives. I Representatives from Irvine. Newport-Mesa, Laguna Beach 1lnd Huntington Beach districts reported taking .steps lo comply with the requirement last fall after being told it m ight take efrect during the current school year. Julie Ellis, or the Laguna Beach district's food services, repo r ted ca t c hing t h e applications at the printer's just in time to add the Social Security requireme nt a rter attending a meeting to learn about the new regulation. Only about 10 children in her dis trict receive reduced-rate lunches, while another SS to 60 get free lunches. Lois Conkle. in Huntington Beach U nion Hi h School Sue Decius, who heads food services in Irvine, reports her d istrict is unarrected by the requirement, becaus e Social Security numbers were recorded last fall. About SOO students receive reduced-rate lunches in Irvi ne. and another 300 have free lunches. Eve Cremers, director or food services for the Newport-Mesa district, r e ported com pi ling Social Security numbers in Octobe r a nd s aid the requirement brings the system into closer compliance with the law. "What I do like (about the new legislation) is a clause allowing a principal to fill out a Corm for a child needing nutrition, even if we can't gel a parent form," she said. "We don't let anyone go hungry." She estimated that 20 percent or the daily 7 ,200 tray lunches in the district are ser ved al reduced rates or for free. Must Dates For Drivers Looking For Lower Car Insurance Rates WINA MONTGOMERY WARD INSURANCE CENTER TV! • 7777 Edinger Ave. (Hundngt.on Bellch Center) 10-8PM Huntington Beach Bdlag 1be Entire Pam11Jt IWloona • Key a.11'9 • Free Olfb The lMe9t lnfonMtlon On fl\ akJrecl c. lllwnnce A Dnwl .. For A ar.nd rte. Tetedllon ,..,.,.,.. ..._. ..... tood dlMnt ,... can eorn lien•..,. ...... In IMulWe .........._on eechur. ~...., ...... .eo ...... ..,.c...,_., often CCW.HE"9M! ...aftCTIOft. TOP HIMaM nleaJ"'I find Mnltio"-l. n..t'awhy ~ottood ........................... . .... ....... ,.., .............. ,.. .... . _,._._. ...... llm rt l L c..+=v '71 •• ca.: ................... a.k ........ .., BONUS I A FRl!E Rand Mcl'tllly Roed A.._ Mel~ OuWe wheft ,au look Into ow ae1ZCT DRM!R PlNft NO.OllLIGA'l'ION RATE QUO'l1t8 At the c:air...0,1 ... elownewttuntintlon ..._. Auto ..... -c..e.,.........._.,._ .. ..._. look •t ,...,.w1 .... PC1t '° ... ,......., '°'the.,... el ............... °' ........... ... -~--... CALL oaR 8'..n-QUO'n llO'ILUIBl(714)895-1412 lf,auCMlc-lft,oril,...HtolM ..... ...... In .. Mat ............ eel GUI' ofllce .... -ol ourupllte•tMJOU• ,.... ... ., .. ,..,.,.... ~ ............. . DO PLAN TO Ai ... i._W,..... OUR GllAllD OFiiHIRG Alm .JOIN 'nlB ... OP A DATZ THAT CO"'P 9AVllftMI~ ....... w.-21•0--...,. (714) ...... By CllARUS H. LOOS ................ Talk abOUt your loel1Ucallltihtmare1. - ln J\ano t•. about eoo different balloca were required for Oran1e County voters, what with 1eparate ballots for different polltlcal partle1, the overlappln1 ot political di1trlcta and IUCb. Tbll year, wlth reapportionment dumped into the equation, lt wlll lake about 1,200 dilferent ballot.a to cover all ol. the overlaps ln the county,· accordln& to Al Oleon, the county's registrar ot·voters. It will be Olson's responalblllty to see to it that all ol thote different ballots (sample and actual) are printed correcUy and in the right amounts and delivered to the right places. Can you blame the registrar for being just a little frantic these days? ••• SPEAKING OF reapportionment, here's the way things stand these days in that old shell and pea game: . As you wW recall, the state Supreme Court ruled in January the new districts designed by the Democrats wbo control the Legislature wW stand. That is, the June primaries for Assembly, state Senate and coogressional seats will be contested on the basis of the new districts. You also will recall that Orange County's 36th state Senate District has been renumbered. It's now the 37th. 'lbe new district meanders through parts of Orange, Riverside and San Diego counties. Because even·numbered districts elect stale senators this year and odd·numbered districts elect in 1984, the 37th wlll be without a repr esentative ln Sacramento for two years. The Republicans are howling about this and 51 twrS1 I ... w111w..c ..... "'Your sexual secwfty 11 ... Ht-.. s.-,. u .. c111. 1912 ,..lO a.aA:JO p.a. ........ ~Hohl $65. .uovr THI UCTUllR '4M7W ,. 646-4594' Mona Coates Ph.D. Is professor of human sexuality. soclology/l)Sychology. licensed marnaoe and family counsek>r. lloensed hypnotheraplst. certified sex therapist and sex educator. and Is In private practice In Huntington Beach. •WHOLESALE •'LARGE SELECTION • SAMPLES BROUGHT TO YOUR HOME ASK ABOUT OUR GUARANTEE s,.,,_, AN o...,.e..-, F-REE ESTIMATES LIMITED TIME ONLY~ I ' Orange Coaat OAJLY PtLOT/Sunday, February 28, 1982 facing registrar other low cards the)' aay the Democrata dealt in the reapportionment hand. Enter Prclpoettlons to, 11 ll'ld 12 on your June ballot. 'l\ese are RepubUcan·apawned referenduu that would, If approved by the 1tate•1 voters, force th.- Letlalature to re-do reapportionment. The Republican• al10 are countel'·attackin1 in the court.II. They are seeking a court order to block the us e of the Democratic reapportionment plans ln the June elections. In addtUon, the Republican Party, toaether with Common Cause, Js pyshin& an initiative menure that would set up an independent commission to oversee future reapportionment plans. Common Cause suuests polllely that Callfomia,Jegislators could have conntcts or interest ln redrawing the boundaries of districts in which they might be seeking electioo. Anyway, the folks pushing the Fair Redistricting Initiative have until May lS to gather about SS.~ signatures in order to get t their independent commlsalon notion on the ballot next November. * • * AEPUBLICAN EYElaoW8 are being raised over the Jrvlne Company' a courtsflip of a pair of Democratic Party leaders -state Treasurer J esse Unruh and state Senate President Pro tem David Roberti. Lola Lundberg, chairman of the Oranse County Republican Central Commltteq, lan't happy about It. lrvlne Company spokesmen say the Newport Beach·based land firm 111 merely being pragmatic. i • Last week, the compa.W played host at a Big Canron Country Club fund-raiser for Unruh. And Friday, the company was involved in a South Coast Plaza Hotel recepUon for Roberti. '-. . . THE AFOREMt!NTIONED Mrs. Lundberg and Assemblyman Nolan Frizzelle, R·Huntington Beach, have been c rowing publicly about new voter registration figures Payoff: Smileage and expense s Ye nny Kenned y, Orange County's Indonesian-American dentistry candidate, is looking for your cavities again. Mrs. Kennedy is hoping lo pass in Apri l he r clin ical examination, the final barrier in her effort lo gain certification as a dentist in the U.S. She needs four persons with cavities who j)re willing to be her subjects during her test from April 21·25 in Los Angeles. It -.is one of the few times a cavity can pay orr. H er hus band , J e nse n Kennedy, said he will pay $100 eac~ to two subjects ror the test and he will offer $50 each to two other alternates. To qualify, persons must have cavities in teeth that otherwise are untouched by ntlings. Last fall, the Kennedys took J four cavity·prone subjects to San Francisco for the same test, which she did not pass. The couple paid al l the expenses for the subjects. who also "moonlighted" at the exam by serving as subjects for other students, said Kennedy. Kennedy s aid int erest ed people can call him at 732-8335 during the d ay o r 970·5758 evenings. ThOrough Eye Makeup Remover Gel. gently <11ssolves all Rose Refining Mask.lac1htates sk1n·s natural sloughing aclt00 with herbal ancl tea e•tracts that calm ancl cool to laave skin rac!1an1, never dry 2 oz . 113.50 • Ir aces or eyesttac!Ow. mascara anc! wa1erprool creams wllhoot harming 1tte c!e1tca1e ski n around eyes 1 oz ' sa • Robnsons GOOD NEWS. WE'VE 3 NEW SWISS AGE CONTROL PRODUCTS FOR THE HEALTH OF YOUR SKIN. If you have yet to enjoy the benefits of Estee Lauder's Swiss Age Control Program. you're in for some wonderful news And if you already know what beautiful benefits may be derived from Swiss Age Control products, you have a treat in store: 3 new performers for face and neck with specialized c are for specific Meds. You'll wonder how you lived without them ! Robinson 's Cosmetics, 43. To order, call tolf·free 1-800-345·8501. showina that Friznlle's 7Srd dlslrict now hu _Republican mll,jority. 1l would aeem to be a hollow v1ctory. new GOP reglslr•tlon ed&e amou.otl to only about two dozen voters, accordln& to Mrt. Lundberg's figures. • • • ASSEMBLYMAN &08S Johns on, R·Fullerton, has bowed out ol the special state Senate elect,lon called to pick a successor to John Briggs. Johnson is endorsing Anaheim Mayor John Seymour, a Republican who Is favored to win the April 13 primary outright. The filing deadline is Monday . It no one wins a majority 1n the primary, a runoff election will be held May 11. Johnson said he Is bowing out because he be\ieves he can better serve his constituent.a by remaining in the Assembly. Seymour, of course got off to a fast start in the campaign and bu been endorsed by the county's Republican Central Committee • • • CAROL HALLETT, the Republica assembly wom an from Atascadero and candidate for lieutenant governor, will spea Thursd~y to the Orange ~ty Federation ofJ e Republican Women. C" The ladies of the Grand Old Party will hear ' Mrs. Hallett du ring a meeting starting at 10 a.m. al the Saddlcback Inn in Santa Ana. { • • * CHUCK KENNEY, one of the Republican candidates in the new 43rd Congressional · District. will get an early start on St. Patrick's Day with a March 7 fund·raisin g party at Reagan's Pub in Mission VieJo. ·1.>I The fun start.., at 4 p. m The price is $15 per;' .o person, or $25 per couple. ------C ./I Swiss Neck Creme a roen. protein saluraled cream with many ot the 1ngred1ents found naturally 1n skrn rs said to improve skin s ab1hly to retain mo1s1ure , oz 111.50 '1(( '111 f•"!l 1111! [ 111 ,,rf ,e r ·:i J ltoJ •ill •II I ·t1 l ')I 1h oT . ,~>" AOllNtoN'I WESTMl~ITEA MALL ... Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT/Sunday, February 21, 1982 ' Retain noise control within airport range J. L~·nn flclms . th<.' No. l T~rn u t t h e F c d c r u I A ' i a t i o 11 Adminlstrution. think~ that thl· n a t i on a I a 11· t r u n s po r t a t i o n S\'stem is under attuck h\' u seemingly innot·uous l'nt.'m~·. 0 lht• agencies thttt opc•rulc• airpol't ~ across the nation Helms . Ill a llttlt• not1<'l'ci speech gi\'cn in Dallas 111 tla~ ~ ;.1go. said airport operators ha\ t' ~one o\'erboarcl in finding wu~·~ to limit noist• impacts asso<·iatPd with airport use b~· hnth il'l ancl propt•ller cl1wl'n air{'raft "We must and wt• ,,·111 fight batk." Helms thundert•d as ht· addressed ffil•mhers or un air·h!lll\ s ympos ium at Southcrn ~ethodist l 'nin•rsil\ ·11 allowc·<I to ('ont1nu<.' the~it· ml·a s ur<.':> <noise cont ml program' 1 r ould cripple ou1· ;,ijr transportation S\'Slem amt stifle this nutwn ·~ t•t·onomie dt·\·t'lopment. · · Hclm~ s aid the F'.\.\ v. Ill do hattle w11h local ope rators on SC \'l' ral fron I s . I f n e• j!IH I atcd s olu tions to airport nois (• problem" can't tw found. ht• said t h e a g e n n w i I I t· n n s i ck r '' ithholding airport de•\ e•lopnwnt grant funds or t ak1ng airport ope l'<Jtors to C'Oll rl Bul mo~t fnghll'ning 1s h1 :-- d isclos un· that k g 1s lul111n ,, OC'ing ct rafted I h <t l. 111 <.•S:-.l'IH'l'. w o u I d I! 1 ' (.• t h t' cl 1 s I .1 n I hureaucrals in Washington () <: ,·eto powl'r O\'l'I' an~· Iota I ;11 rport noist• C'Ont n>I prn~ra m If the fe'de•ral hun•autrats ciC'tided that the• rwiSl' ah,1tc•me11t prnj?ram at a g1\'l•n ;11rp11rt \\ot1l<I r u n co u n 1 t• t' t o · n 111 1 on a I · int<.•n•st:-.. lhl• 1H'ogrnrn t oul<I lw 11 n~' rt u rn<.•cl The t•ft<.•<·t of 'l".,ttng s u<'h )>u\\l'r 1n lht• rAA t•ould IH' <lt•\'m~tatrng llt•lms madt• it l'll•ur 1n his ~Pt'l'l'h thut tlw ai1·1>01·t no1S(' ahatt'nlt'llt law now in l'I ft•t•t in Cuhl'orni~1 woulcl lw 011 I h e dlOpptng hloc·k lit• t <lllccl thl· la" ct<.'signl'<I to h ·sst.•n nOI Sl' impact on airpl)l't <irt><J rt•sident:-. "11nn.•alist1t· .. Su. it's a safl' bt.•t thut luw would prob;1bl.' he killed h' tlw F'A.\ · lklm:-. ~1ngh·d out 111ghtt tml· <'ll r ft'\\ :-. a s un11t hl' I' loe·a 11~ 1mposl'd oh:-.t<il'I<.' hl .. :-. r\<ll hapm· \\ ith. So ('ttrft·ws would prohabl~ tw t'l'il'dt•d. too In tlw l'il'l' or .John Wa,\'IH.' \ 1 r p o r t I 11 r l' ' a rn p I l' t•omnwrc·iul lt'h <ll't• prohil11tl'd from tak\·ofl hl'I we•t•n Ill pin and 7 a m on '.\1oncla' :-. through S a I 11 r <I '" s •• n d l n H a m o n Sunda.' s · \trporl an·<• rl•sictt•nh fought long and hard In wtn lhl· l' 11 t' I l'" . h u t t h t• n . 11 t• I m :-. prolwhh <l11l•'n t l'arl' ahout Lhat lh•fm,· propo~ab art·n ·1 going unnot tt t•d Lota I offitiab 111 0t'<ll1J.!l' ('111111t' 111<'111cling t host• 111 t11unt ~ ).!n\ l'rnml'nl and "''"port lk,1d1 ar1.· I l'Ul'ttnJ.! \\'llh ..;tl'l<ll'llt Of)f>OSlllOll IO lhl' a dm1111 :-.trato1"' id"''" Thl'ir· go;d l'om·im·,• tlw l'11ng'r1.·ss t h;1t t h l' pr 11 (H>' t• <I I l• g 1 ' I a t 111 n n·pn•:-.l'nh ,1 'l.iggt•nng hl<I\\ t11 l1H' a I t·nnl 1'111 t hl· t•ortl rol t ht• £h•a ).!<lll .1drn1111s t ra1111n :-.<I\~ 11 W•llltS to t'l·~llll'l' lie-Im:-.· id1•a..; l'<.'l'\;11nh 'twak 11thl·n\i~l' \nd lklm,· l'<ill1111~ t·n ntl'mpt lor thl· ht•alth <.111<1 \\ t•lf .ll't' of <II)\ lllll' 11111 Ill .111 a1rpla1w 1~ c·htlltng First Lady's ~w image Nancy Reagan is attempting to forge a new public image and. whether or not the public agrees the effort has been successful. on e must give her credit for trying. In most administrations. the first lady's pursuit of elegance would be welcomed. But in 1982. with unemploy ment approaching 10 percent. a 161 :i prime rate d epressing the auto and housing industries. and record budget deficits looming. such a lifesty le has drawn critic ism. a lot of it. And this paper has been among the critics. There was the spend in g of $1 million to refurbish the White House. Toss in the purchas e of 220 place settings of china . And add the donation of high-fas hion clothes. In each case. she did nothing wrong. Most of the money spent had been donated. But the timing was wrong for being "social!~· c hic" while people were losing their jobs and t h eir houses So. Mrs. Reagan went on the road this month a nd acquitted herself well as she immersed h e rself in drug abuse programs. The stop in St Petersburg. Fla .. was particularb· poignant as h er voice choked and her eye:-. moi~tened in a h ot auditorium with 300 drug·prone youngsters • and roo conce rned parents. .. Mv heart is filled with so many 'things." s h e told the teen.agers. "I am so proud of you and l love \'OU. too:· To the parents : "Being a parent myself. I know how painful it must be for vou."' · An account of the meeting indicated ho\.\ emotional 1t was for all parties in vol \•ed. 1 She aJso visited a drug abus e prevention meeting in Dalla~ at a time she and her husband were under particular public pressure. An aide SHid the 1.655-mile trip had been planned montps ago a n d w h e l h e r 1 t w a s i>e a II y net essarv mattered little . She he1 :-. spent much of tht• past year in private. s tudying the problem of drug abus e and conferring with experts Nancy Reagan. even as a private citizen. was active in the Poster Grandparents program for handicapped c hildren and vis ited Fairview State Hospital in Costa Mesa seve ral times to aid the project. As one who has spent her life outs ide Washington . s he no doubt welcomed the short escape from the nation's c apital. Let's hope he r s ix oth e r trips planned throughout the rountr~· lhis year are as constructive. Op1n1ons expressed in the spac.e above ar e those of the Daily Pilot. Other views ex- pressed on 1n1s p<ige are tno..e 011ne1r <1u1nors dnO artists Reaoer comment.is 1nv1t ed Address The ua1ly P1101. P 0 Box 1Sb0 Costa Me!>a. CA 921>26 Pnone·(714 J 64~·4321 . L.M. Boyd/ Breaking the ice At the dinner party you're seated next to a stranger. So how do you start the conversation'' In great Britain, the one authority on such matters is Debrett's Etiquette and Modern Manners. It suggests you open the dialogue with: "What's the nicest thing that happened to you today?" ultimate. so he gave it the Bikini name Evidently he was right. The model. a French dancer named Micheline Bernardi. received an estimated 50.000 fan letters from people who saw her pictures in newspapers Q. Wasn't it Maurice Chevalier wh~said, "Bad breath is better than no breath al all "? / (/lrp/f{ f>e---U.S. fORE\GN ~CY-t9&1 Clark 'threatens Haig's turf WASHINGTON -In his first low-key month as President Reagan's national security adviser, William P. Clark has quietly moved -with Reagan's support against Alexander Haig's cherished foreign policy turf. predictably arousing resistance from the secretary of stale. Unlike public quarrels between Haig and Defens e Secretary Caspar Weinberger over the U.S. approach to the Middle East or toward the Soviet Union. the Haig-Clark dispute concerns no single policy but how policy should be made. T HIS IS A STRUGGLE for the power to create. control and carry out U.S. foreign policy that under Reagan often has seemed to wander aimlessly. Clark has issued a secret directive giving the National Security Council ( NSC ) staff jurisdiction 'over long-range U.S. policy reviews now conducted by the Stale Department. Haig, a stalwart defender of State Department turf. is fighting that directive. ·'The orders are that it is to be done here. but Al won't buy." one While House insider told us . · Reagan brought his old friend, Judge Clark . over from the relatively comfortable deputy secretary's niche at the State Department not merely to replace the fallen Richard V. Allen but to bring order out of chaos in making foreign policy. But Haig's opposition to Clark's plans threatens more disarray. Clark is strengthened by the Jatest . unseemly outbreak of policy struggles between Haig and Weinberger. In daily headlines. these public battles show disorder within the president's national security bureaucracy. Foremost a llies of the U.S. are privately asking questions about who's in charge while underlings of the two principals fuel hostility with leaks to the press und end runs to promote their bosses. That sets the stage for Reagan to elevate Clark and his NSC staff. with instructions to take command of the polJry-making machinery and end damaging in-fighting. The first step in that direction is Clark's seemin~ly trivial , directive 'Jr:: 11111 11111 ~!- em powering his staff to call its own policy-review m eetings in the White House. In fact. the authority to call high ·level meetings of top Stat e . Defense and Centra l I ntellige nce Agency !CIA) offi cials and to dominate those meetings is the core of policy power. Moreover. Clark has confided to intimates that he was not ruling out a change more basic than long-range policy review. He wants to upgrade the NSC staff. giving it closer control and management over day-to·day policy SO FAR, HE HAS made no overt move in that direction. But Clark has been t aking charge in a far more personal ~ay than Allen. When Weinberger sent Clark a speech he planned to deliver at a U.S. West German conference in Munich Feb t3. Clark ordered two sections changed . one dealing with the Soviets' Yamal pipeline. the other with West German contributions to NATO White House aides sav that Allen never censored speeches "or Cabinet members. Clark's first six weeks on the JOb contradict expe ctation s that . considering his total foreign policy experience of one year under Ha1g·s tute lage, he would be a highly-efficient paper shuffler without touching policy. Those predic tions underestimated Clark's clout. Cl ark's influence derives directly from Reagan himself, and the president is known to be solidly behind Clark in the cu'hent struggle for control over long range policy reviews. WlO'J E HOUSE insiders say Haig's res is tance to the new directive has disturbed the president almost as much as the secretary's public protest last s pring over Vice President Bush's selection as "crisis manager .. Ha1g's fight against the new directive may convince the president the time has come for major bureaucratic changes. giving Clark and his staff new power to coordinate and control day-to-day national security operations a s llenry Kissinger and Zbigniew Brzezinski did m the 1970s. Thal was fore!'worn by Reagan during the presidential campaign in what proved a vain effort to prevent the public feuding in his administration that poisoned relations between Kissinger and Secretary of State William P . Rogers and between Brzezinski and Secretary Cyrus Vance. But Reagan has been confronting worse internal dis harmony · public debate and private struggle between Haig and Weinberger over how to deal with the Russ i ans. Poland. the Caribbean. the Arabs and Israel For a vear . the National Security Council ·staff . r e presenting the president. has been locked out of resolving these disagreements. Judge Clark's seemingly trivial directive has opened the door a wide crack: Gen. llaig's struggle against 1t unwittingl.x, may push it open wider Good hook if you're 99 and counting Ir you're a writer. you have a lot of friends who are writers One of mine has the formidable name. Osborn Segerberg Jr . but he's "Ozzie" in Kinaerhook. N. Y .. where he lives . Ozzie has never written a hit play or a b.est·selling novel. but he's a good professional writer The world needs fewer s tars and more compe t ent professionals in every field . "Living To Be HlO" 1s the name of the book Ozzie's just written. and he did his research from reports he got from 1,200 people who are at least 100 years old. THE BOOK ought lo do pretty well. but I don't think this one will be a best.seller either. because I question how much interest there is in living to be JOO except among people who are already 99. Until you get close. living to be 100 doesn't seem like that attractive a goal I , for example. want to live for a long time. but I don't want to get old Rig ht now. I'm cool to the idea or being 100. When lhe gr e at financier and philosopher Bernard Baruch turned 80. -AND-Y-RD-DNf-Y -~ someone asked him 1f he felt old He said he didn't "To me," Baruch said, "old age 1s always 15 years older than I am." I agree with that. All my life I've been moving up the age at which I lh1nk "Old" begins . For hi s book. I • m s ure 0 zz I e Is peace greener in Israel? Why don't l write about the terrible things that are •going on in Ireland? Why don't I write about the impasse between t h e Zionists and the Palestinians ? Readers ask me this almost every week. and I should think the answer is plain by now. Both these tragic conflicts -like so many others I refrain from commenting both conflicts could be resolved in a week. Mainly because each panel would be cool a nd clearsighted about the rights a nd responsibilities of the conflicting parties. But there is no fair and practical way of Jetting contending parties adjudicate their own dispute. This is why two altercating neighbors go to court and why impartial arbitrators are brought in for labor-industry deadlocks. Segcrbcrg has made s ure all his subJeCls were actually 100. but I can never get the Russian joke I know out of my mind. Years ago 1 was working on a morning TV show and someone did the perennial story about the area in Russia wher e people are reputed to Jj ve to be older than people anywhere else in the world The filmed report showed several Russians who s aid they were at least 115 years old . Wh en it was over. another writer on the show who had been to Russia said. "Those people aren't 115 years old. Living in Russia. 1t just sums that Ion~ · The book "Living To Be 100" isn't a flims y how-to book with a lot of fake answers. It's a serious report, and like most honest reports. it doesn't pretend to have one simple answer to the most important question or a ll : how to stay alive. It simply tries to find out how these l ,200 centenarians did it. For example. Ozzie asked his subjects if they thought their eating habits had contributed to their long me Many of them said that "e ating right" had helped. but then Ozzie got asking what they thought "eating right" meant and there was a big diffen•nce of opinion ONE MAN SAID he thought it meant eating no starch and a lot or meat . fruit and eggs. Several said it meant eating slowly. but Mrs. Adelheid Schuh.neeht. of Beaver Dam. Wis .• said, "W<! ate good. a bag of potatoes a week.·· . I have a private feeling that I'd have been dead or overweight 20 years a"o U I'd eaten a bag or potatoes a week. It was the late john Paul Getty who said, ·'The meek shall inherit the earth. but not its mineral rights." Nowhere is the word "Sunday" used in the Bible. A . No. sir, a comedian named Sammy Smooth said that in 1941. Chevalier said. "Old age is not so bad when yo u consider the alternative." • IYllilY 111111 Na lions and other "sovereign" bodies are the last to accept such mediation, be~ause It seems to them that they are giving up a part of their authority and autonomy. But authority that is held or won at the end of a gun is not stabh~ or secure. and prom ises only a resumption of hostJll\les in the future, One or the things the book does conclude is that having a sense ot humor is a big help in getting to live a long time. People live longer if they have some good way or getting through the hard times without too much stress, {and a sense of humor Is one wa,y of reducing stress. I Q. Why is lhe Bikini swimsuit called that? A. Bec:ause the first or same was modeled to the public on July 5, 1946, four days after t he Bikini Atoll atomic bomb blast. French fashion deaigner Louis Reard thought his creation, LOO, was somelhlng or an ORANGE COASi"T Daily Pilat ~I ... _, .. , of 1M ,.., •I )JD~ ••Y SI . C•1• ,_,..._ _,..., ,.,..._,,._ "° lo• , .... ~ MtM. '" ..,.,. . It was Beatie John Lennon who said. "Ll/e Is what happens to you while you're busy makin& other plans." W. C. Fields· exam pie of self· assu1ance: "That's a Christian holding four aces " Tho~s P. Haley Pub lisher T...,_A.Mu-IM Edtlor I B•rbara Krelbich Ed itorial Paoe Ef tor . on -are composed or 90 percent emotion and 10 percent reason by the parties involved. They will not listen to outsiders. even to those with the best of intentions. The only proposal I could make in these cases would be ridiculed and rejected out of hand by the partlclpant.s, who say In effect, "You don't know what it's like because you're not a part ol it." There ls no way to respond rationally to an ln'aUonal sltuatJon. ldeally. r would ltke to see four re1>resentaUves of the l rilh contllct two Catholics and two Ulltermen - travel to the Middle East to serve u an arbitratlon panel, Then I-would Hke to see two llraells and two Palestinians lravel to t~land to do l)le Hme tbtre. 1t .... my tlnn beJter th.at, If n tot prior assent to ab6de by the dec.WoaJ, ll would M an 'i llumlnaling lesson lo see how those four Irishmen, so dMded on their own ground, would come to a consensus on forelcn soil. where their se n se o f t alr p l ay would be unencumbered by feelings or anger or fear or suspicion. And the same would be lr-ue in r everse: Israelis and Palestinians would have Jiu.le trouble acreeina on some j ust solution In the lrllb question. But It ii not to b6; it is beyond the realm of reall\y, tVftl t.boulh th11 11 lhe only realisllc way to deal with the problems. Nobody can be Jud1re and Jury ln 1'11 own c~e; we ~11\lH tbls ln civil law. but "lnternational law" rel1;1 alna a · contr.adlcUon ln terms u lon1 as "the t>encb'' la holdlftl • 1hootJ.n1 ·lron and not a scale . That's good \.0 know lf you have a sense of humor, but if you don't. t here's nothing you can do about It. You can change your eating habits, eel more exercise or stop smoking, but no ooe ever acquired a sense of humor through determination. Some of these lOO-year-olds said they had bffn helped by good doctors, but Walter Pannell, 100 years old and a doctor trimselt, was asked how often be had • physical checkup. ··1 haven't had the oceuk>n to conau1l doctors.'' Or. Pannell aald "I don't feel the need. When you feel all rtahl.. doa't hllnt for trouble." • Tb• trouble ii, we aJJ bUnl for U. answer, u ll\bere was Jut-. Md lt'I obvlous. there l1n't. i I Orange Cout DAILY ptLOT/Sunday, February 28, 1882 '* DAI LY TAKEOFFS Housing P-~el!! c liase ambitious newcomers. -···· • • ·-==-"""'"'=""" I I I 87 CHA.USG. BELL Dr. c.or&,. G. BeU u .a prof•uor of poUlkal tdncc.ot Col state FMllmOft. It ll becomin.e lncreastnab' obvious that Callfomla's &olden past ls no eulde to its uncertain future. A central feature of that put -the state's continuous rapid popwation . growth -ls clearly slowina down. Two k"Y factors play a m~r part in this buic chanae -hlth housing coats and unemployment. Major employment growth in California bas occurred, typically, during wartime. World War II, obviously, was a record-setting painful, the new home hN a hlaber mortaaie payment at the present I Inflated rates of Interest. No wondu I · people won't come. The result.a are clear. Jn the 19101 I Calif omla had one ol ita biatoric loweet I population arowth rate. That low growth rate ls conUnuln1 on Into the I tl*)s . I AND, SINCE housing la ln chronic I short supply, there la little reuoo to • • • • • • predict a drop in the real coat of houslns. Thus boualna prices will continue to be a barrier asalnat large scale interstate migration. . experience with employment srowtng by more than ts percent per year in 19U, '42 and ''3. Again, during the Korean War, employment 1rowtb peaked at 10 percent a year in 19S>. During the Vietnam War employment growth also was stimulated. In the past, a rapidly growini work force "fueled" the state's ec<lllobly. The new arrivals not only souaht Jobi but created a demand for them with their own needs for food, clothing services, entertainment, "chools and bouains. Today, California no lancer attracts many people Crom the other states. The hot growth rate hu chilled. California will surely survive and prosper -but in l o R ED UCE ...JE T NOISE BY 50 3,, CUT ALONG DOTTED LI NE=. the new slow-or no-growth rate economy the change will be great and the challenges many. ~ut even in peace time, there always seemed to be some reason for economic expansion in California -drawing from so-me pocket of une mployment somewhere in the United States. And virtual tidal waves of pe<iple beaded west to the Golden State to find jobs year after year. Sidewalks i-eveal love or nasty wit AS A R ESULT, California bas traditionally bad a slightly higher unemployment rate than the rest of the naUon -with the gap averaging between 1 and 2 percent on a month-to-month basis. This larger-than average unemployment rate was simply the "lag" in finding jobs for all those newcomers. But we found jobs for those who came -meeting their expectations and fulfilling the state's promise. In the past eight years, California's work force grew from 8. 7 million to 11.5 million -an annual growth rale of about 4 percent -or 40 percent for the decade. That's twice as fast as the state's total population growth in the s ame period of time. Clearly , part of th is recent accelerated growth in the state's work , force was due to the large number of women who entered the job market in the 1970s. An4, no doubt part of the 1rowtb reflects the large number of illegal -and uncounted -Mexican aliens who came to California looking for work. But, in the past, the key factor to our growing labor force has been migration from lbe other stales. When unemployment rates in California are about the same as the national average, we .have lured about 300,000 people a year to the Golden State. When we have run about three points above the national unemployment rate we have bad essentially no interstate migration. Usually California g'ets about IOOJJOO to 300 ,000 new people a year from the other states. · BUT SOMETHING strange has happened in the last few years. In the late 1970s California's unemployment rate dropped below the national average. We should have seen about 400,000 migrants per year from the other states. But no one came! Instead they went to Arizona, Texas. Georgia, Florida and a half dozen other Sun Bell states. Whal happened? A new and crucial force entered the picture -.housing costs and availability. People no longer came to California looking for jobs because they couldn't alford to live here. Nationally, the market price for the average home went up tli percent in the 1970s. But in Southern California it went up by 133 percent; in the San Francisco bay area by .118 percent, and the Sacramento area by 111 percent. Coming to-California now means buying a home which costs a lot more than something cor:parable elsewhere -or a home whict) is smaller. Equally By JOHN ED P EARCE John Ed Pearce, columnilt for the Lo uisville Courier-Journal Sunda11 Magazine, waa named "Outalanding Journaliat tn Kentuclcy" for lffl(), blf the Western Kentucky Unive-rmy chapter of the Societ11 of Pro/es$ionol J01Amalilt&, Sigma Delta Chi. Out in the suburbs when;_ I live, there are no sidewalks. It is nol considered part of gracious living. The lawns, tended and neat, sweep down from house to street, seldom llnowins the touch of childish feet or tricycle wheel. There are Jots of driv~ways, and walkways leading from them to the homes. But there are no sidewalks. And that is too bad. . For sidewalks are nice things. Without them houses are just houses; with sidewalks tying them together with a neat ribbon or concrete they become a neighborhood, part of something, interested in each other. Families get to know each other better where there are sidewalks, and tbey are less bother to each other. Children are less apt to wander into a neighbor's yard, ride bicycles across his lawn or trample new grass seed if they have a sidewalk to ride on. WITHOUT A sidewalk, it is awkward to take a walk in the evening. You tend to feel you're intruding when you ,walk along \he grass strip where the sidewalk ought to be. And it isn't ~asy. People plant hedges to shi~ld them from the street when there are no sidewalks. And there are little swales beside the road that collect water and get muddy. A man walking along a sidewalk seems to have a purpose, to belong there; a man walking across your front yard looks suspicious. You worry about him, wonder what he is doing there. A sidewalk is fun, a good place for the little children to ride their tricycles, before they reach the envied maturity of the two-wheeler. It is a place for playing bop.scotch, for chanting "Step on a crack, break your granny's back." <Did anyone ever believe that poor grandma would get it in the spine if we stepped on a crack? Where do these things get started, anyhow?) WHEN WE WERE young, sidewalks were great places for roller skaters. The experts, swooping along in swinging strides and making a clicking sound as the rolled over the craclc:s (dooming poor grandma again), would jump casually from the stdewalk U> lhe s treet a nd then leap the c urb on returning to the sidewalk._ And there was usually a strip of arass between the sidewalk and the curb where the beginning skater, his arm's waving wildly as he fought for balance. could cushion his fall to earth when, as always happened, his wheels flew from under him. The sidewalk was a place for scooters, for wagons in which the younger sister sat bug.eyed with fear and delight as she was pulled by her older brother on a bicycle. It was a place to show off. BICYCLE RJDERS would lift the front wheels or their bikes to zoom from the street to the walk. Boys passing the home or a girl would talk loudly and hit each other, hopine the girl would see and be impressed. The sidewalk was something o( a neighborhood bulletin board , chronicling the budding romances that sprang to life for a few fleeting days. Overnight. chalked hearts would appear on the sidewalk, announcing the hot romance or JB & RH. But such affairs were brief as tulips in a puff of spring, and within a week poor JB would have joined the ranks of those who had loved and lost, as a new heart heralded the torrid affair of RH and a newcomer. Usually the messages of the sidewalk were pure and clean, but occasionally some smart·aleck would outrage neighborhood decency by scrawling "Bobby is a . . . ,'' ,bringing some poor mother scurrying out with broom and water to erase the offending pornography. Alas, along the streets with no sidewalks there is place for neither declaration of love nor nasty wit. And more's the pity. The sidewalk was a place where boys could race. At the comer there would be a street light, under which at night the same boys, as they grew older, woufd gather to talk of school and sports and gi rls and what you do when you graduate. And often the girls, too, would just happen by and there would be a laughter and loud talk and the boys and girls would walk along the sidewalk beneath the trees, holding bands. Sidewalks gave new mothers, with their new carriages and new babies, a chance to escape the house for a few minutes in the afternoon, to nod to older ladies sitting on their porches and to display their offspring to the admiralk1n and approval of the neighbors, lhe ritual evidence th4at life was following the old, accepted course. SOMETIMES, on a Saturday, the town drunk would weave his way homeward along the walk, numb for a moment to the misery that drove him to seek bis bottled escape, causing mothers to bring their children into ~ house, while the older chlldren watched his uncertain progress with the worried feeling of things gone wrong in the aduh world. The sidewalk was a usefw thins. It had curbs on which to sit In the early dusk as the lightning buss came out. lt had a gutter that filled with ruabinJ water when it rained, a fine place to sau paper boats that shot swiftly down the, murky torrent into the yawning maw d the drain, never to ,be seen again. . It was a pl~wbec.e__tbe._eldetly couple that lived at the head of the street "took a walk" each evenins, seldom exchanging a word, gazing as though unaware the other was there, though she never again came out to walk in the twilight after the day be died. LYING IN BED on warm summer nights, you could hear the sounds of the neighborhood echoing on the sidewalk\ the measured, heavy steps of the mail who worked on the railroad, the tired, shuffling step of the high·school boy wbO worked nights at the picture show and twice a week had to stay late changing the marquee, the clicking heels of the girl who lived in the big brick house as, home from her date, she ran from car to porch. The sidewalk was a place to stand and watch the cars go by, a place to dribble a ball, pitch pennies at a crack. (What now for poor, dear grandma?) It was a place for wait1n1 In the even.ins, looking down the street for the familiar sight of a beloved fleure, coming home. Everyone should know a sidewalk. Too many don't, and that ls too bad. . . . Desire for old-fashioned family values home by mother-to-be Here is what stays with her: She was Da vidsoo grew up in an era of the ~ds are doing it now. It's just says that if you don't achieve great can make s ure that yoLr child has teaching a kindergarten class; this was s e 1 f -l n du 1 gen c e a o d inst an l different than when we were growing things for yourself, then you're cheating values. In 1972, and she was not yet married. gratification. She didn't often question up.' " yourself. But as I 1et closer to the day She gave each chUd In the class a small the times of which she was a part; When she thinks about it, Mrs. when my baby is due, I think more and felt animal. She told the boys and girls things were as they were, and she Davidson realizes that things are, more about it -and I thinlc: that the to raise their hands and tell a made-up accepted them. Only now, with two indeed, different than they were a Cood 1 may do by railing my baby as story about their animals. mootba to go until the blrtb of her child, generation ago. And she wonders the right~ of person ml-ht be equal There were 29 children, and each told a story. Not one story about one anJmal bad a happy eodint-Eatli anlmal either was eaten bJ a mouter, or ran away from bcme, or wu killed, or came tO a terrible end. The children were not bein1 allly. They were serious; the world t..d already prepared them to reaet tbll way. No• abe ll 33. Her name II Jooette DavidlOD, aad ahe ii aeven montba pre an a n t wlth h er flnt child. SOllleUm•, 1n the mktdle ol tbe nlabt, 1be will feel the baby kick, aDd for aome reason abe will tblnk of those ldndersarten pupils, and ol lbe fact that lhe .nil IOOD be briDlinl a CbUd mto the aame wortd ta wlaicb tbeJ u". ''NOW ""' ..... claler to -..,,·· IM •* ....... You cloii't ...U, PQ ...... to ......... bl ... lib tMt meUI mlll1 J011 are about to bave a •baby ol your OWD." 1Ae ... ol hii' pnerlldila. .. .... . , . . ..: is she belinning to aak the que1Uona. whether she is the only youn1 to anything I could achieve ln the ''I'm sure it's nolhinl new for an pr~spective mother who plans tc1' do business world or the workint world." expectant mother to wonder about the things in the old way -and hopes she · bas the courage to carry out ber plana. 111111111 kind ol world ber child wlll srow up bl," abe Hid. "But everr-bere JOU tum today, JOU see people ctviDI ta -ti.tac in to iUindardt all around them that are becomlnl subtly lqwer and loww. So mucb ol a pel'IOD't taee ... tn ure dependt Oft wbo )OU 1mow md wMt 108 bave •what )'OU tlmlll rou eaa set awa1WD. ~ .. Tbat'• ~bat c~Udrn toctar an learniQc. I hUr ,........ r•• _,.,, to anyt1un1 wrona wltb their tl4t b7 1aym,, 'Ob, well. ·"¥t can .. dot AD ; "l 'M J UST SO afraid that people have fOt'rotten what a family '9," 1be Hid. "Television baa a lot to do wtth tt. TV's not all bad, but I don't remember tbat we watched lt as much when we were kidl. It seemed tlaat we b8d a favorite show we would watt for, ratbef than leavina it on all the tlme. We at leaat talked to eech other a lot, and I don't see that so much with parents and cbUdrm today. ... Parenti are so buay with all tbelr lnYdlftmenta .•• People baw ble1me IO bul, with tbemHlves ........... OWD ,..,.... .. tMy ha"8't .... llilie liift .for tM .... ol a famU,. I'• 1111 ~ abOat .... bowtta• at---~· •ae•Maa .. , 1•111 ._......__. ·betal ID tlll bouM at Ult .... UIM, ud --Ulroulb ....... ••t knaW ta.et. tJae ;GP.Ular:"lNMCn1 . " . Ti .. IT S'DJlll:8 na to small ways. She sees all the eommerelala for f ancy and expeaslve eledrqDle toys and tames, and she l'Wllemben the houri abe spent wltb her own mother. ''My mo111wouldJutt1it me down at a table," abe. said, "and abe woWd pve me ~ ...-craJODI ud .Jlue and 1cl1aon.-And she woufd \ell me, 'See what you can do.' And when abe would come back and'" wbat J bad doae . . . I don't know lf I'm expl...., k ftf'J well. but nothlna could be more important t.ban that." Wn. Davtdlon II old enoulb to realile that the wortd wUl probably not be M1 dlffmlllt for ber --~ ........ I Uaroujb llllr UDbofn t , Jbe ....... that lbi c• ii* U..t, at l9lll aUOUJ. "You uitt ....... Ult wflall ........ IH Hla. 0 8at JCH1 HD lfttilt .. penon'1 1111. You tan mm --. .._ r.ou ebl14 crarrte1 a lllp ~ ill ate~ iM ~ and baa•tJ-You . . . - "THE RESPONSIBILITY seems 10 large . . . it rests on yourself and ~our husband and no one else. Maybe your child will not tum out to be a famoua doctor who discovers somethine no oae has ever known before. But U your child turns out to be a aood person wbo lifts others up ln spirit, t hen you ban accompliabed somelbln&." Mrs. Davidson's tbou aht• au surprilJnc her. She doean't know~ they are comlna from . "After all tbelie years d the world believtoa tUt a person abould do a.nythina that ,.. Pod, lt'• odd to be apendinc 10 mueb time tblnldna about this " she said. But it ls undeniably there. Sbe lmow. that tn tome way or another,~ are aolna to cb_,. when her baby It Mn. Even a few yeara •to sbe didn't tblDk about t.beM matten; now It ll uauallJ ln the middle ol the nlaht wbln tbey ftll ber hMd. : "I 'll wake up. ud tbe ...., wW .. t1cktn1." .... IUd. "Md ru be • eJela.d. I'll ...... wllat tllll ell8ll t IOln1 to be lb, .... wMt I ea • If man tblfl ebOd'• ute ....,, A Ill ff9 lime I'm so ncrtted I ca't fll Mek sleep. l'U iult h awab-ad1111M I it.·-... . • • i ~ . I • I l -· . ,, ' ' • ...,., .. Jlt;I •• "' SHORE SIMPLICITY -.,. .. ~: ' Lite should have 'tr ., · ~ more days like this for sa iling over sun-splashed waters and more momen'ts like thi s for co~templatin ~ peaceful pleasures. This couple macte th e ir r e fre s hing pau se a long the Corona del Mar jett~·. DRISTAN ·. -LONG WTING NASAL MIST DRIBTJlN Regular or Menthol ·-LONQ LABrl/WJ 'h oz.1 S9 __ _, c.1~1ariJ~ ' r.,~·- 1.7!1!.1~ ~ .... 11 ' SIZE ' EA. TAmr· TAMPONS I UNICA M VITAMINS-MINERALS 11 Vitamins plus Iron & 5 more Minerals. :~4.99 PAMPERS . ' DISPOSA~ DIAPERS TODDLER SIZE With custom lit tapes oxv.10 ACNE MEDICINE • loz.2.49 KOT EX BELTLESS FtMININE NAPKINS Feel more confident & secure. 2.09 30 MAXI PADS For extra pain relief. • Museum getS mOve ()~· A 40-year -contruct clearing the way ror mo~lng the Experience Center lh ,Irvine to lhe Orange County F"1rground11 In Cos ta M esa h 1u been approved. • A spokeswoman for the state Divi sion of Fairs and Ex positions said the contract. approved by the local fair board -.Jl.ai1~~;mll~,....JA~-i!gned by lhe Sacram ento o ffi ce and mailed to the fair b1,1 ard last week. But the science museum executive direc tor, John 'Goodman, sai4 officials are not ready to start packing their b'ags for Costa Mcsu uny time soon. Tl~ cons lructlon o f the 35,000-squnrc·foot building on 1.5 ucres at the co rner of F'alrview Road and Arlington Drive will not be completed untll 1984. .. I feel great. said Gootlman. "We've been working a long lime {Qr this." 'SUll to be worked out 1s the funding fot:...l.he._Jle.W museum, estimated to cost between $3 mill ion to $5 million, said· Goodman. In exchange for the use of the land. the Orange County Fair Board will recel ve revenues from parking, sa1d Ken ti'ulk, manager of the Orange County Fairgrounds. The ftpproved contract cu ll s for ~he ex p ~n "tc,n of the science and tecl}nology museum to 5.3 acres by 1992. said Coodman. Since 1979 more than 70,000 •• ' visitors have walked through lhe r- uo iq ue ··hands on " science .· -museum at 3531 Old Main St-in . .,. Irvine, Goodman said. Some of the unus ual exhjbits 1. incllide a computer center for · c hildren a nd a bicycle that operates Its lights and horn by • being pedaled. SPECIAL! SR!i~l~L! DITl:RQINT Mo\ter Cord I SAVE •1.00 AMF TIME COMMAND PLUG-IN TIMER BOUNTY PAPER TOWILI WOIKS LIKE' MAGIC. IOU SECRET SOLID . ANTl.PERSPIRANT Strong enough for a man. but made for a women 201.Sll[ 1.19 -AtK-A~SELiZER - ANTACID Effervescent pain reliever GELUSIL ANTACID AU Plil CES P REVA1L. Turns lights & small appliances on and off once every 24 hours at your deStred times. For relief of heart· burn & acid 1nd1- gest1on SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 28th THRU TU ESDAY. MARCH 2nd SAVE 1 1.80 COSMETCO RAVE PERM KITS PROTEIN-PAC Gentle enough for INTENSIF1ED CONDITIONER color-trealed hair 4.99 • RE:GULM • El. CUlllY EA. Works from inside the hair shaft to revitalize dry. dull or problem hair. 1.79 CLASSIC ~___,TOPSY TIPS ADJUSTABLE NAIL TIPS Set includes 24 Tips, 3 Grams of Glue, Emery Board & Manicure Stick. SPECIAL! EFFERDENT DENTURE Cl.UNSER Extra strength for more effec- live stain remov- al. Deodorizes too! 3--PAK SPECIAL! ENHANCE SHAMPOO or CONDITIONER Ass't formulas help moisturize over- worked hair . • 16 oz.1.99 I ::e SIZE u.. ~ SAVE eoe KAOPECTATE DIARRHEA MEDICINE CONCENTRATE Prompt·actlng relief with a pleasant, smoother taste . SAVE •3.00 TIMEX® DIGITAL SNOOZ ® ALARM CLOCK ~!i~:: ~f H~~~S1~~e 12 .9 5 helps keep you on time .. every time! #5212·504 SAVE•10.oo ;u,:~STEAM & DRY IRON • Fl•1erti, S,,17 a.tt.. •P.......wtPr .. F*lc w. • 21 St .. • Vtlltl ............. Conl ... 19:95 'SPECIAL! STRESSTABS 600 HIGH POTENCY FORMULA ..---J-~ VITAMINS · Re~lar or ~':'I Wit Iron. =: .. ._ ·-·· 120 .~ZE199 Protects & beaullf1es vinyl. plasllc. rubber & leather loz. SllE 1.7 9 BOUNCE FABRIC SO"ENEll Makes clothes softer. fresher smelhng. more stat1c-lree in your dryer' =~ 1.99 STAGI & SCllMN SUNFLOWER SEEDS lnShells 89C 12 OL BAG Gelusl --· - 4'1ii'lit:Ja t\j _ SAVE20e """'· lbcf'----' .,.,~.,.-.,,_.,,,,,, '.....,_.._..a......_ '°'*'MN VAL.LIY-M17111a1 I WlfMf · .....,.,. , .. .,.. ....... ..... UMMR -Cutwef Df. A ....... . ~ '911Plllt SUNDAY, FEB. 21, t982 Oregon State pulls comelJack over USC 0 0 1 to clinch P.a:c-10 title. See story . Page 83. TELEVl~ION UCI scratclieS 79-77 • WID, Anteaters seeded second in toumey Speqal to the n..li Piiot SANTA BARBARA0 r-UC Santa Barbara may not be e lieibl e for the PCAA post-s easqn basketball tournament at the Anaheim Convention Center next week, but the Gauchos , very nearly chanied the first -round pairings. Trailine by as many as 12 points in the second half, UC Irvine needed a big rally to send the game into overtime, then held on for a 79.77 decision. A loss Saturday night would have sent the Anteaters into the tournament as the third-seeded team and a date ag·ainst Pacific. Instead, UCI will open the festivities against lowly Utah State, which has won only four games all year. "I can't imagine the PCAA being any tougher." said UCI Coach Bill Mulligan in the aftermath of his team's escape. "It was a game we needed to win and 1 think we had to win tonight lo have any shot at getting into the NCAA tournament a s a poss ible runner-up team." It was the season finale for the Gauchos, who seemed to be making the most of it through the first JO minutes of play. In front of the home folks, the Gauchos held a 12-point lead (61-49 ) with just over 10 minutes to play. At this point, UCl's Kevin Magee went lo work, bitting three straight baskets, to help the visitors slowly work their way back into ~ntentlon. STRETCH -Irvine High's Scott Jay < 15L keeps hi s balance at first base while handling throw as T>ase-runner frank Banda ( 41 !of Capistrano Valley High crosses the ~ ........... .,cawtM~ bag. Teams di vided double-header with Irvine winning the first game and Capo Valley taking the nightcap. See Story. Page 82. ,, '·I told the kids when we were down not to try to get it all back at once," Mulligan explained. The lead finally melted, as Randy Whieldon hit the back end of a two-shot situation to tie 11,of,son :steps • in to take his turn at first base From AP dispatches Butch Hobson, who ~apparently lost his job -as third baseman when the Angels acquired Doug DeClnces from Baltimore and Tim Foli froin Pittsburgh during the off-season, worked out at first base Saturday · during the club's spring training Phtctice. a......_~th high hopes a year ago from. Boston ~d was signed to a five-year contract at that time. He had a disappointing 1981 season, however, leading American League third basemen with 17 errors and not hitting up lo exJ)ectalions. ·'The Dodgers insist ort adhering to tradition, to precedent. to rules. They don't take into account that Fernando Is a unique human being who in 1 ~ years achieved more than some ballplayers achieve in a Ufetime." Manager Gene Mauch has talked of using Hobson to spell first baseman Rod Carew. But there also have been trade rumors linking Hobson with the San Francisco Giants. who seek help at first base.· The Angels open their C!Xhibi~n season on March 9 against San Diego at Yuma. Ariz. Fro m Vero Bea c h . Dodi e r vi ce -pres ident Al Ca mp ani s acknowledged that there was a huge gap in the two stancf;!s -the star performer and bis employer. Meanwhile, across the country in Veto Beach, Fla .. the Dodgers and pitcher Fernando Valenzuela remain geographically and philosophically apart. "We are offering him 2'1'.z times as much as any second year player has .r eceived in the entire history of the gam e," the Dodger executive insisted. "We appreciate what Fernando did fot us last year but we feel his demands are unrealistic." Hobson recalled playing only two games at first during his professional career, in Class A competition, and had little idea of the motive for the position switch. "We're very far apart." said Antonio DeMar co , Valenzu e la '$ manager-adviser, by telephone from the Wes t Coast, "not jus t in the realm or money but in philosophy. Neither DeMarco nor Campanis was willing to indulge-in the "numbers game" but unofficial estim~tes are that Fernando is asking a cool $1 million while the Dodgers are offering in the neighborhood of $350,000 to $400,000 - "No. one has told me anything," he said. "Mauch simply told me he wanted me to take a few grounders at first base • until my arm came around." Hobson was acquired by the Angels "Fernando never talks of money. He is not hungry. He is not a selfish man. He just wants to be appreciated for what he is, what he has done, what he is certain he can do. Dodgers may need new strategy Incentive clauses may be the answer to Fernando dilemma Nobody came in on the noon balloon from Saskatoon and asked me, but . . . • 1be Dodiers say they do not intend to enter into any kincf of an incentive agreement with would-be millionaire Fernando Valenzuela but if the ~wo parties are really nearly Sl million apart1 this may be the only workable aoluUon to an awkward problem. • The Los Angeles Olympic Oraanizing Committee bas r.ublished a booklet entitled, "Our first 11000 days · and it seems the LAOOC's most glowina accomplishment is that tt got past the first l ,OOOdays. • The avqage sports fan cannot afford to take bis family to see live events so they 1et their sports on television which 1s the monater that cawed all the trouble in the fint place. • U the ~ or middle, salary 1D the major leagues is really $235,000, there bu to be a craek in bueball's fuiandal atrueture 101Dewbere and llOOll. ~ •THE MOST SJGNJPICANT teatilllODy to the Natiooal Hockey Leque'a playoff 111tem ii that the Loa Angelel Kine• will probably make it. • U the current nllbt barneu meetiq at Loi Alamitos outdraws the one Juat eoaeluded at Hou,wood Park, lt will tell 10'I '°""'t:l about the operatjom. or the~.• . • It ii not true UUll beblad tbe barbed win at' their encampment la ea.a Gr ... , ArilODa that the Aaaell wear uniforms a1mllar to the prboaen la the morie PlPilloa. • 11 hmaDclo Valea11tela really worth mon than Tom Seaver, Nolaa RJaa, Steve Carltoll and Bruee Sutter! -Tbe retnatatemeat ol tbe UIC·UCLA traek aa4 ftel4 meet, wMeb bad .._ eenc:eled 8lld t.brellmed wttb at1DetioD. ...... to ........... SPORTS COLUMNIST BUD TUCKER making a laughing stock out of the Cleveland Cavaliers ... The Holmes-Cooney fight has been postponed . . . George AHen is back operating with 11<>meone else' a money. • Then is great bittemesa in Palm Spri.nas about the Angels movinl their training period to Art.Jna but lt is very difficult for a major lea1ue opeutlon to conduct its workouts on two diamonda. • U G«Jrse Allen's departure for Montreal .._ we loee .him as head of the Pre1ldeat'1 Couadl Oii Physical Fitaell, there may be aood D8WI in coaaection with the national debt after all. eftlS P&OFESSION.U. J'OOTL\LL strike ol 1982 will not have the nextbUity of the 1•1 baaebldl walkout because the entire National Foe>iball Leape schedule embraced only 11 1ama foreacb ... m. • J)m4a•• that tbedi are political overtow to IDCllt Loi Alllelel Olympic Ortanllinl ~lttee a)lllOllntmla&a will come lrom preu secret Amy L1Da Colla wtae ODly previous contact tbe media Wei la tbe poUUcal arena . . . Probaba, tbe c1oeelt tllllll to a lpoN badtarc>uacl •IDODI tbe appolateu la that of a11htant vlce Pl ..,..111.,.U Dick S.., wbo served u ~al :=..u;,.r;r,:=.::-:. ..=.·· • 'Die 'L DIAnn .. ......u..... a lban ol nol exactly a slum neighborhood. Valenzuela played last season for $40,000. His rhythm broken by a mid·summer strike, Valenzuela finished with a 13·7 mark but pitched the Dodgers to the world championship, winning three games in the post-season playoffs and World Series. 0 "This is what they don't take into consideration," says DeMarco. "I don't. thin k the Dodgers should look at Fernando as a-second year player. They should view him in the light of his value to the team -as a producer and a drawing card -and pay him proportionate to that players of s imilar, even lesser stature, ar e receiving. "We are not demanding a long-term contract, jus t one-year . I always thought the American ethic was to work hard, achieve and get. duly rewarded. The American dream. That's all this boy Is asking." ...... ~I wllb I bed written ... trtben II UJWn1 duu.r Ula tna, It .. fteld. tbe N•-bul ,o.. em ,..-wuria u. NIA pl.,.n will nner make IUCb a demand. • Add lllbtl tt would be f\an to •• . . . Tom · Luorda ..C 8tu Naban bl a foot nee ud Howard -Omlll cm a daDc9 Ooor. # RIQCMI AND PRllND -Matthew Cooi. 11. of Glenda,e, Ariz., sets a hands ha lee and a pat on the head from Re11ie J•ckeon durin1 a break at the Cua Grande spring trainin& site. 4 • PCAA ........ ,,....,., c....,_. OM'llll Ff'ffnoS .... uc1 .... 1ne Ce! Stale ffllllar1Dn S...J-S..le Left9 ••edl s..-uc le111A1 8..-bw• Pee: Ilk UIMISt• W L W L 1J I it I 10 • t1 ' 's 1'1' t 6 II tJ 1 1 11 tJ . ' "·" Jll 7tt tlf •it s.IWWy'1~ UC lrvlN "·UC SAtlU ..... n ... . Cal s.-,,_,_ n. Lo-. e.ci. S .... 7' Fr-...... n.ua"s .... " Sen J-SIAl•U, PecHI< SS .. .,. ................. UC I rvlM ~. U'9fl SYle C•I SYne Fllllef1oft WI. PKlll< • Lant hectl S-"" San J-St.le. the score at 71·71. After a steal by Magee with leas than two minutes to play, UCI worked the c loc k down lo two seconds before a turnover prevented a chance to wi,n it in regulation. · · · ' l After the teams traded a pair of hoops lo open the overtime, Whieldon hit a pair of free throws and Magee converted a layup to put the Anteaters up by four. But, true to form, it wasn't to be a comfortable finjsb. York Gross dropped t.wo free throws to pull UCSB within two, and whe~ Ralph Barkey was tied up in the backcourt, Santa . Barbara had an opportunity to tie the score. But Wayne Davis' jumper from the corner failed. . Vanguard~· advance to finals WHJTnER -The Southern California CoHege basketball team continued it.a improbable ". journey in the NAIA District!3 - playoffs Saturday nl1bt , reaching the finals of that tournament with a 58-57 win over Fresno-Pacific. The Vanguards (21·9), who had moved into the second round of the tournament 1with a win over Azysa Pacific, a team which had beaten sec twice, once again avenged an earlier loss In beating Fresno-Pacific. "We're happy to be in the finals," said a jubilant assistant coach Jeff Malslead. ''We don't really care who we play." The Vanguards go after the Di s trict 3 crown aeaioat top-ranked and unbeaten Biola Wednesday night, 8 o'clock at Whittler College. The gam~ was deadlocked at 27·27 al intermi.5sion, but Fresno quickly took a small lead. With about 12 minutes to play, the Vanguards were able to step up the pace, and the game began to tura around. "If we could have made our fre e th r ows ," Malstead explained , "lt wouldn't have come de5wn to rhe final seconds." As it was, SCC's eight-point lead with 41At minutes to play nearly vanished in the waning moments. And Fresno had a chance to tie the game at the free-throw line with no time showing on the clock. As the final seconds were ticking off and with sec holdin& a 58·56 advantage, Fresno's Pete Yoder missed a sbot, but an official spotted a foul on sec underneath. With a ooe-and-0ne situation and the clock showing triple ' zeroes, Dwight Muro made the first, but bis second bounced harmlessly to the aide, denyin1 Fresno a shot at overtime. Kings iced by Chicago INGLEWOOD (AP> -Grant Mulvey scored -two 1oa1a Saturday nl1M, leadia1 Ute Chlcato Blftk ltawn to a w Na ti on al Hock., Lea1ue victory o\ter OM! 1M Anpi• Kin11. Mulvey seemed to be lalainl a meuure of revenae for tbe rHaalpmtat of his brotbet, Paul, tO tbe Kln'8' ml.Dor...,_ alftllate 8t New Ha\ttlll eerier tllll mantb. Paul 11.tver bad rel\aMd m order from LOI Aa ... Oollela Dea ...,., to --lido a ftlbt at Vaneoaftr-oe Ju. M . PwrJ waa later ,_,..4194 for al• 1a"'es by NHL Prtek*ll Jolm . , Zltller over tM maU.. ne K.tnsa took a i.• .... • tlbe ftnt ol two ..... W DiiN . ~,-Ill t:•., .. ftnt ....... He&rl18 disposes of Geraldo quickly l'rom AP dlapatchea I LAS"'VEGAS, Nev. -Thomas m Hearns didn't get the workout he · wanted Saturday against Marcos Geraldo, but the former World Boxing Association welterweight champion proved to himself that he still can knock out fighters as a middleweight. • Hearns, who said be wanted to go seven or eight rounds to test his durability as a middleweight, didn't even finish one full round when he knocked out the veteran Geraldo at 1 : 48 of the first round. "My plans were lo come out and do something totally different," said Hearns. "I wanted to prove to the world there is more to me than a slugger." But Hearns, who expressed doubts about his punching ability against heavier opponents after going the distance in his middleweight bout last year, erased them when he stunned Geraldo with two overhand rights, then finished him off with a left hook. "I think he was a little shy of my punching power," Hearns said. "I saw him drop his hands. I knew it would be just a matter of time then." Hearns said the victory "didn't tell me too much," but it cemented his desire to fight as a middleweight at least until he gets another chance against Sugar Ray Leonard, the world welterwejght champion. Quote of the day 1 Bobby Knight, lndi.ana University coach, on whether college basketball should have a 30-second clock: "We coulci even go to a 15-second clock and a quick offense and quick defense and really open it up . . . make it s pectacular. All the 30-second clock would do is eliminate the out-and-out stall. With a lS-second clock we could call it jai a lai in sneakers. Mavericks win shootout over Houston Rookie Mark Aguirre hit a 12-foot m jump shot to send the game into overtime, then hit the winning basket . with two minutes left in the extra period as the Dallas Mavericks beat the Houston Rockets, 108-105 in the National Basketball Association .1 Saturday night. Houston had won nine straight games fr om the Ma veri c ks before Saturday . . . Kelly Trlpucka scored 29 points and .John Long added 22 as Detroit went overtime to earn 'a 127-119 victory over Kansas City . . . Maurice Lucas' three-point play with • 28 seconds Jeft gave New York a. 107-105 triumph ... Cedric: Hordges scored nine straight points for Denver to open the second half, and l;he Nuggets posted a 134-125 win over Philadelphia to s nap a fi ve-game losing streak. Da"Ye ••••••1 acored two &iii power·play soall and aJliltff on • ' another SaturdQ to propel tbe New York Ranaera to a t·4 vlctory over Botton ln t.be National Hockey Leacu.e. Tbe trlumph nabled the Ran1er1 to take a thrfe·polnt lead over Pblladelphta for lffe>nd place in the Patrick Dlvlalon ... Cllrla Valeatlae scored four power.play coal.J as ' Wuhtnaton overwhelmed Hartford, 7-1 ... Br1an 1Trottler'• 44th 1oal of the , aea•on on a short wrilt 1W 'wlth 57 aecondl left lifted the New York lslal)dera to a 5-5 tie with Quebec . . . G•y Lafleur'• 23rd aoal of the aeaaon helped Mont1'eal , aalvaae a 3 -3 tie. with' Toronto . . . Dave Haater MA'-O ... Y and Gleu Anderion each scored first.period ,Oala and Wa)'M Gre&aky added another lnto an empty net as Edmonton claimed a 4·1 victory in Pittsburgh ... A goal by rormer Calgary captain Brad Mania save the Flyers a 9-8 victory over the Flames lo a wild game which featured four goals by Calgary's Keat NUaaoa . . • Berate Federko scored three goals in an 11-minute span ol the second period to power St. Louis to a 8-2 wln over Detroit . . . AJaa Hawort11•1 goal midway through the final period completed a Buffalo rally as the Sabres roared back from a S-1 deficit for a 5-S deadlock wjth Minnesota. Th~ North Stars scored all five of their goals in the second period after the first stanza was scoreless. Rangers, deny interest in Parker Texas Range rs owner Eddie Ji Chiles denies that team officials are trying to work a trade for outfielder Dave Parker of the Pittsburgh Pirates. e Parker 'thing' is totally dead," he said. "It will not come up again, I can promise you that. Neither will any trade involving Dauy DanrlD or Al OIJver." ... Meanwhile. New York Mets General Manager Frank Cast.en denied reports his club is interested in acquiring Parker. "If Mr. Parker were a pitcher, I would be very inte rested in him," he said ... Baltimore pitcher Mike Flana1an suffered his second freak accident in less than a week Saturday when he was hit in the head with a glancing blow by a batted ball and was forced to leave practice. No X·rays were taken and Flanagan is expected to re s ume workout s today. Stadler clinging to Doral lead Struggling Craig StadJer dropped Al a c ritical 40-foot putt for bogey on the final hole and salvaged a 73 that lert him in sole control of the lead Saturday in t third round of the Doral Open Golf Tournament in Miami. Stadler , who also led the first and second rounds, leads by a single stroke over Jerry Pate , Andy Bean and Mike Nicolett~ . . . Top-see<led Earl Anthony became,. the first million-dollar winner in the Profess ional Bowlers Association after he overcame a s low start Saturday and rolled five s traight strikes to win the PBA National Championship in Toledo. The victory gave Anthony , the defending champion, an unprecedented fifth caree r national championship and the top prize of $38,000 in the tournament. UCLA outscores Anteaters UCl's Gerhardt wins duel with Butler in 2-mile event · LOS ANGELES -UC Irvine's John Gerhardt edged former Edison High star J on Butler in the 2-mile run but the UCLA Bruins captured first place in a triangular track and fi eld meet on the Westwood school's campus Saturday afternoon. Larry Hand, a Santa Ana College graduate a nd state com munity college 800-mete r champion, won his specialty in meet record time of 1:50.22. He also ran on the mile relay team. the 800 in 47.72. Fresno State's Henry Ellard nipped Chip Ben son o f the Bruins in the triple jump by two inches after Benson won the long jump with a leap or 24-11 1h. The Bruins scored 90 points to 47 for UCI and 40 "'2 for Fresno Slate. Gerhardt, a former Costa Mesa High and Orange Coast College standout, finis hed the two-mile in 8:43.57 while Butler , a freshman at UCLA, was clocked in 8:44.18. Gerhardt had run fifth in the 1,500-meter run earlier in the day. Other meet records were set by Bruins Eric Brown in the 100 at 10.43; Anthony Curran in the pole vault at 17-0 ; and John Brenner in the shot put with a toss of 62-51h. Rizzo in lead at LPGA tourney T UCSON, Ariz. CAP > - Despite bogeying three holes, Patti Rizzo held ore a late surge by Amy Alcott Saturday to maintain a two-shot lead after three rounds o f the LPGA Arizona Copper Classic. Brenner also won the discus with a heave of 178-0. He is a sophomore from Fullerton. UCI's Eddie Carey won the 200 and was third in the 100 along with running anchor on both UCI relay teams that finished second to the Bruins . Dwayne Wycoff of UCLA was the winner in the 400 meters in 47.63 while Don McNamara of Fresno State won the high jump with a leap of 6-10, the same height cleared by UCI's Mike PowelJ for second place. Chris Prieto of UCI finished second in Rizzo, who had a four-stroke lead going into the third round, carded a one-over-par 73 for a three-day total of 209 on the 6,206·yard Randolph North Goll Course. Basketball highlights TV · Foll owl no a re the top sports events on TV today. Ratings are: I 1 1 I excellent; 1 1 1 worth watching; 1 ./ fair; 1 forget It. f) 9 a.m., Channel 2 ./ ./ ./ ./ NBA BASKETBALL: Milwaukee at Boston. Annot.Wteers: Dick Stockton and Bill Russell. The Celtics are seeking to repeat as NBA champions with Larry Bird, Cedric Maxwell, Robert Parish and Kevin McHale on the fronUlne and Nate Archibald and Chris Ford In ~ back court. The Bucks counter with Sidney Moncrief and Marques Johnson. ~ 11 e.m •• 'Channel 4 ./ ./ ./ ~OLLEG& 8ASKETBALL: DePaul at Notre Dame. AnMuncers: Dick Enbero and Al McGuire. The No. 3 ranked DePaul Blue Demons wlO defy the Fighting I rlsh reputation for upsets and a r~rlng home crowd. Coach Ray Meyer of O.Paul wilt have Terry c;ummlngs (22 scor109 averaoe and 12 rtboUndl) along with senior ouarct Skip Diiiard tnd Junlorforwtird Bemard Randolph. -11:11 e.m.. Ch•nnet 2 ./ ./ ./ COLL•o• 8AIK•T•ALL: Merquette at L.ouftvHll. • 11 IACll'": Gery.__~ &Illy Pecker. L.oullvlUt's C.rdtnals Undlt" CO.Ch Dinny Crum are led br .. 7 ttntor torwerd Oerttt Smith wtth a 14.7 IC.,fM awraoe with Rodney McCray the topi rall1..., • 7.1 per outlnt. For ttte Werrlon, Mo _.,..,.. MkNef Wltton II evw-olnl "'"*'ts•' • game while 6-9 Dean Marquardt leads In ret>oundlng at 6.6 per game. (f> 1:15 p.m., Channel 2 ./ ./ GOLF: Doral Open . .Announcers: Vin Scully, Pat Summerall, Frank Glleber, Ben Wright and Ken Venturi. Craig Stadler stlll holds the lead going Into today's final round but three players are one stroke back and Jack Nicklaus Is two baek. Tied at 209 In second place are Jerry Pate, Andy Bun and Mike Nicolette. Nlcklaus, Scott Hoch and Cal Peete are at 210. OTH&R TELEVISION 12!~ p.m. (9) -BOWLING -The fin.ts Of the National Doubfes •mattur bOwtlnQ chemplonstilp, tas»d In Reno. 1 p.m. (4) -lf'ORTSWORLD -Frank Fletcher (13-2-1) defends'hJs USBA mlddlewe!Qht title aoalnst Tony Braxton (11-1·1) In a scheduled 12-round bout from .Atl.rtlc City 1 H.J. Also: The flnale of the world pro Ogure skating champlonthlps and the wom.n's pro ,world cup surflno ch1mplonshlp. (7) - SUftallSTAlll -UC lrvtrws Jennffer Chendler ts amq the contestants In the Women's Superstars competition that also Includes aome of the other top wom.n athttt" In the world toctey. 2:30 p.m. (7) -U.S.A. n TH• WORLD -The U.S. bCHtlng tNm trave11 to HavaM, Cuba for e series Of mmtchel. 3: 3D p.m. (7) -WID• WORLD o~ SPORTS -Continued coverage of the U.S.•Cuba bo.lno comp1tlt10n; t-..M et Havene. Also: From Olk>, Norway, cowr ... of "'8 world~ tld ,.....,_. champlof'•hlp and •· rtport on the wotld cro11<ountry skllnt chem,.....tps. RADIO Beskltmll -cte~land at ~. 1:• _,.m., KLAC (510) • • .. • PIVOT PLAY Irvine lligh·s John Salinas gives a little extra to get throw off after forcing Capist r ano Valley base-runner J e ff o.lly_,_..,~~ Hull during firs t ,ga me• of doubl('·header · Saturday Edison, Oilers still perfect University, Estancia, Irvine all split double -header~~ Edison High School's Chargers won their second straig ht decision in the El Segundo baseball tournament and Huntington Beach posted a pair of victories to remain undereated to highlight area action Saturday. Edison's Ch a rgers defeated Long Beach Wilson. 4-3, Satui:day after posting a 6-5 decision over La Habt-a Friday night. The Chargers had won a 10-7 decision over Savanna Friday in the Loara tournament and are now 3-0 for the season. Edison moved in front early and held the lead throughout the game .with Mike DeBenoo going the full seven innings. He pitched a four-hiller and had eight strikeouts. OeBenon also drove in what proved lo be the winnjng run in the fifth inning with a sacrifice Oy after singles by Peter Urquiza and Todd Mabe. THE TWO VlCTORIES advance Edison to the quarterfinals at El Segundo. Next game in the Loara tourney is Monday against Pacifica. Gary Buckels belted a two-run homer in the eighth inning to give Huntington Beach a 4·2 decision over El Modena in the first game of a double-header on the Oiler diamond. Greg Shirley paced the Oilers to a 19·7 victory in the second game with four hits in five plate appearances including a triple and home run. University's Trojans split a double-header with San Clemente, dropping the opener 3-1 then winning-the n ightcap, l ·O behind the tw<r·hit pitching of Greg Eberhart. San Clemente went In front, 2-0, in the opener and held a 3-0 edge when the Trojans scored their lone runs on singles by Brad Guess and Jeff Carr. . In the second game, Eberhart held the Tritons in check for the seven innings, striking out four and walking two. Guess doubled in the second inning for the only extra base blow of the game and scored on Randy Myers' singled. ESTANCJA'S EAGLES scored five runs in the first inning of the opening game or their double-header at Dana HJlls and went on to post a 10-6 victory. Dana Hills capturM the nightcap, S-4, with two runs in the bottom or the seventh inning. Jaime Morletl was the hitting hero for the Eagles in the opener with a single and home run along with two RBI. Jeff Gardner bad a pair of UC Irvine divides hits in the nightcap and contributed a double In \ltf opener. Irvine's Vaqueros opened the season with ~ 12-run performance in blasting Capistrano Valley., 12·3, then dropped the second game of rif double-header, 6-1 in action on the Cougar field. ' John and Jay Scott paced Irvine in the opener; with seven hits between them. John was 3-for-S and Scott 4-for-5 with two RBI. Mike Tierney contributed a pair of doubles and was 3-for·'i while Mark Bondi had two hits. Fountain Valley s plit its double-header witb Mater Dei, winni°" the first game , 8-2. an<l dropping the nightcap,°5-4. Tim Martino drove in three runs with a pair of singles and Pal Conner had three RBI with a single and double in the opener for FountaU,., Valley. · Frank Spates of Mater Dei had a perfect day at the plate going 3-for-3 in the opener and 2-for.f in the nightcap in addition to walking twice to get on base seven straight limes 1 J Rustlers win title · • ·? Donna Mc Elrea belted a home run and- Tammy Delp pitched 11 innings in a relief role es Golden West defeated Ventura. 2·1 lhen came batk' with a 6-6 triumph over El Camino to win lhif championship of the Fullerton women's softball tournament Saturday. The Rustlers of Coach Mickey Davis took a l!.41 lead on McElrea's homer in the top of the 11th inning but Ventura came back to tie in the bottom of the frame. Then in the 12th , Shar Bilyeu singled and went to second on a passed ball. McElrea thelll singled to get her home and Delp shut the Pirates out in the bottom of the inning to send the Rustlers into the title game. • ·~ In the championship game, freshman pitch~ Tina Kyler struck out 14 batters and limited •Et Camino to four scattered hits. Angel Monachelli (Sb> and Desiree Johnsbtit (ss) were named to the all-tournament team aqlt McElrea was picked as most valuable player iH the competition. Golden West is now 8-1 for the season, losing only to San Diego State. UC Irvine split a do u hie -header with USIU Saturday on the Anteater field, losing the first game, 10-5, and winning the abbreviated nightcap , 9 -6 in non-conference baseball action. THREE PART HARMONY Architecture Interior Design Construction ' In the opener, UCl committed two errors in the fl.rat inning and reu behind for the game. Steve Haworth had ~hree bue hits including a triple while Troy Ybarra, Dave Glick and Steve Barnard each had a double. In the nilhtcap, Ralph Geddes and Paul Hammond bad home runs u tbe Anteateh moved tn front, 7.0 after three lnntn11. Geddee bed four RBI wblle Haworth tUMl I RBI tn the nm. pme. ln\aglne. YOut nome or ofOcie beaut1rut1y compoKd with archl· lecture. lnteriol' deSlgn and con· atructlon playing In perfect har· mony. All In OM~ •II for OM co.It. °' u. on one service. an<J beneOtfromow~~· El'\Joy. '(our person1I ~nvtron• menf eiia<:lly as you dream~ II would be: • m&$lerpiec~ that will alng your praises b)"eal'9 to corm:. ContAKt the ~: °'°"'P of Design and Construe for your complimentary twod'lutt. Lan)' Hieb p6clted up &lie wtn in relief of starter CU Soma. pcrtcnce. ~ CROWDED START Midget Ocean Racing Club < MORC> yachts crowd the start in~ line in the 17-mile race. ttJird of ihe Corkett ''Series Saturda~·. O\'er the line aft C'r tht' .gun were Dave Klatt 's Chuba_sco. Anacapa __ ....... __ ... o.lly ~ ,.._'Y--~Y Yacht Club 147072 >: Skip Elliott's Far better <8374 l Newport Harbor Yarht Club. and Bill Menningt•t"s Expoohident 1 US·:l> Los An~eles Ya(•ht Cluh. Tht• serit•s winds up with two dosecl l'OUl'St' ntl'l'S today -.- Orange Cout OAJL Y Pf LOT/Su y, Febru1ry 28, 1982 Estancia loses, 52-49 .Poly's Miller hits 43 to down Fountain Valley 77-59 I J ·l It wu too much Cheryl Miller for Fountatq Valley and a bad second quarter for Eatancla as both aehools lost quarterfinal round CIF women's • basketball playoff games Saturday nt1ht away Debble Hughes had ti of her 1ame·hllh 2 polnta ln the second half. Woll pralHd lb4 play of Amy Hathcock. She la the team'• ball handler and did an out.1tandln1 Job In reboundlnl at well. Estanda ended lla season with an 11·7 record. from home. · Mwlon VleJo's No. 1 ranked 2·A entry defeated Schurr Hlgh, 65·50 to gain the aemlflnals Tuesday nlsht. Here's hqw It went: Alvertlde Poly 77, Fountain Valley 59 Fountain Valley Coach Carol Strauaburg wasn't unhappy with the way her team played against the No. 1 ranked lf;lam In the ClF and the nation's top prep star Miller. "I lhllik we surprised them a llttle tonight," Strausburg said. "According to their coach, no team has scored 59 points against them this year. "All of our girls played well tonight. As a team. they put out 110 percent. ll was a total team effort but I think we became fatigued at the end and that was the big dlrterence besides Miller." For the record, Miller scored 43 points on 16 field goal• ~nd 11 free throws. "Miller is an excellent player but I would say. that they have one of the ~st teams in the state if not in the country ," Strausburg s-a1d in prai se of the Pol y s quad . "Miller ls not the only good player on their team but she is very. very good and is very mobile and does an excellent job.·' The Fountain Valley starters played most of the game and became Ured near end of the contest after pulling to within nine points in the third period. "I don't think the final score is really indicative of how close the game was most of the way," the Fountain Valley coach adde,d. MIHlon Vlefo 85, Schurr 50 :; ''We had too much hel1ht for them tonl1ht,' • Mission Viejo Coach John Hattrup aaid. "We ~ hand ln front of their races and played c defense to keep them away from M!Orln1. •· The Diablos have Jane Harre (5-10, sr. >, Mar~ Madigan (6.0, Jr.) and Cindy Rohrig (6·0, Sr.) across the front line. Madigan had 19 points, all coming in th second half for the Diablos lo lead both teams 1;-J scoring. Harre and Rohrig each had 13 poiftts; while Rohrig and Madlcan pulled down t rebounds for Mission Vi ejo. Tracy Blum had a school record 13 as1i1ta a the Diablos advanced to the semifiHl.s agalns Moreno ValJey, a 54·40 winner over La Habra. Tb game will be played on a neutral site Tuesday night. UCI women win . I . I Dorothy Lewis had 18 points and Katherine• Hamilton 13 as the UC Irvine women's basketball! team posted a 56·48 victory over the University oft Arizona in non-conference action Saturday night inl Crawford Hall. Hamllton had 11 rebounds and Lewis 9 for thei Antealers who came back from a 27·20 halrume; deficit. · ! The UCI team played better defense in th.e1 second half and limited the visitors to 21 points forl ~eave rs wear Pac-10 crown rritans..sb.ade Long each State; Bul.ldo.gs-tune up Alem•ny 52, Estancia 49 Estancia had a cold shooting spell in the second quarter and fell behind: 30·17 al halllime and was never able lo catch up. . ' "We missed eight layups in the second quarter but we 1Wl weren't out of it." Coach Joe Wolf said. "We changed our defense in the second half from a man·t.o-rn1tn to a box-and-one and held Kathy Smith to two points for the rest of the game after . the final 20 minutes of play. l • i • f Regal Bearing s urprise8 ( ARCADIA (APJ Regal Bearing. the more t lightly regarded half of a John Longden-trained. entry with Tahitian King, scored a surprise victoryl in Saturday's $136,700 San Luis Obispo Handicapf on theJurf at Santa Anita. f m AP aspatellles the tfjl,lmament, was led by Haakon Austefjord with 16 points and Leo Cunningham with 12 poiats. ..she hit-13 in 0-e flrst half. L Ridden by 17-year-old apprentice jockey Joe! CORVALLIS, Ore. -Lester Conner made the y plays down the stretch Saturday as rth·ranked Oregon State came from eight ~ints be}lind to defeat Southern Cal 45·36, ~Unctilng Its third straight Pacific-IO Conference ,._sketball title. Using a delay game lo counter similar San Jose State 65. Pacific 55 S~KTON -Chris McNealy and Kevin Bowland combined for 32 points to lead San Jose State to a 65-55 victory over t,Jniversity of the Pacific in the last regular season game of the "But they hit some key outside shots that really hurt us even though we kept whittling away at the lead." · Estancia closed the gap to 47·46 in favor of Alemany with l'h minutes remaining but couldn't quite catch up. Steiner and carrying 114 pounds in the l'h·mile-runil on the grass. the British-bred Regal Bearing look the lead from pacesetter Mr. Macho ln the final turn. He then pulled away to a 31.<i·length victory over Le Due de Bar , l ategy by Oregon State, the Trojans built a 23.1:; advantage 13 minutes into the first half and were ·year. on top 26-21 al halftime in the regionally-televised B h h k d v· · · contest. . . . ranc angs top-ran e 1rg1n1a But Southern Cal managed only six points '). the first 19 minutes .or the second h8;lf and failed to COLLEGE PARK. Md . <AP> _ overtime to Virginia earlier this scor e during a 10-mmute stretch while the Beavers d . 8 b d th 1 t r h" season forced another five·minuLe built a 41·32 lead n an ranc score e as o is . . Conner had· two steals during the Beaver ~ poi~ts on a jumper from .t~e ro~I extr.a penod when H.erman V~al sank surge. His back·court steal and three-yoint play me ~1th one .second remammg m a r1el~ goal as tame expired In gave Oregon State a 36·32 advantage with l o'!'ertime. to g1~e Maryland ~ 4?·~6 regulation .. Ol,inutes to go. The Beavers used a delay game/in victory over f1rst·ranked V1rg1ma Jeff Adkins sank l~e fr~nt end o.r a thti final minutes to protect a nine-point margi'r( . Saturday. one-and-one foul s1tuat1on . to give · Maryland a 45·44· lead with 4:33 The defeat gave Virginia a 27·2 remaining in overtime. UCLA -...o..-. II .. ' .. . .reoord and a 1a.2 m~t!s~l..!L the R 1 h S on Virginia's 7 4 EUG~ -.-, n-....."'. -Rod ..,._.le,• n·..r.n...-..a -..-.-Mlatatic.Coast C.'"''ere11re. It ended a a P amps -. c.l'c. ""' rua i uUJ'l:U •un:: -.a•c< ...., _ cent&r, who was held lo one field goal 6re1on defense for a career-high 35 point.a lo lead 15-game winning streak for Ole ~lhelr-Mnk two free throws with m -ranked UCLA to an 88_. victory over the Cavaliers. 4: 10 ieft to put the Cavaliers back on bucks. The Tarps, who had lost in top 4645. Foster lank 11 or 12 field goal attempts and 13 31 14 free throws for the Bruins, who rebounded f'rOm Friday night's 72·58 loss k> Oregon State. J UCLA led throughout the game, building a .f7.35 halftime margin. The Ducts. who have lost nine of their last 10 games. rallied to pull within 8.8-61 on a dunk rebound by Jerome Williams with d!20 left. Williams was called for a technical foul for ttillging on the rim on his stuff shot and Foster sank the free throw. From there, UCLA went on a ~'Spurt to move-backin control at 77 ·SS:- Cel State FuUerton 77, Long Beach State 76 J Guard Ri~ky Mixon 's short jump shot with t : 22 remaining broke a 72-all tie and Cal Slate Fullerton went on to a 77·76 Pacific Coast Athletic Association victory over visiting Long Beach State. . • ~ Alter .Mixon's go-a head shot, Leon Wood stole the ball and drove for a layup with S4 seconds to ~ makin1 Jt 76·72. Cral1 Hodges' layup with 34 *onda left drew Long Beach to within two points, "'6t Tcoy Neal's free throw following "8 foul on ll/)dges completed the scoring for the Titans. I'), A short,jumper by Long Beach's Ray Mosby with five seconds remaining completed the u:ortng. rl1 . fJeMO St•• 73, Utah State 61 b• LOGAN , Utah -Guard Donald Mason's 22 poiilts paced 14th-ranked Fresno State to a 73·61 ¥ictory over Utah State. r« 11luon hit 10 of 12 field goal allempts for 20 points ln the first half as the Bulldogs took a 39-24 tud. Rod Higgins added 15 points for Fresno, now 1 Zlf-2 overall. The Bulldogs won the PCAA with a 13·1 record ~d will have the top-seed and a first-round bye in ~ league's post-season tournament starting edaeaday. ,r Utah State, 2·12 In the league and 4·22 entering I I•• WelrJ!IT ..... * s ••••• , ... , ' SOUTH COAST PLAZA An Extrao rdinary Bridal Show JEWEL COURT Arrangedby Gene~s for your viewing. Sunday, March 7, 2 p.m. Come Celebrate Hina-Matsuri (Girls Doll Festival) AT BENIHANA Girls 12 and under treated t co•pl•••'-Y •••lyelll st••• or clalc••• 4l•••r. when accompanied by parent. Wednnday, March 3, o~ty. See traditional Hina-Matsuri diaplay 15 ceremonial dolls in festive array. M•eh 1-7. Coloring cont•t for boya and rl1. Wjnner gets H ;I 1n•y .. HW .._. •• fw te.. March 1·7. ' -I I ..... I I t TIDAT'S CllSSIDU PVllLI ACROSS 1 Fort111 nome 6 Nautical hoist 1t Desert shrub ~Heroic legends 21 African antelope 22 Lyric poem 23 Dodge artfully 24 Adult Insect 25 Hebrew letter 26 Asian riv• 27 Music note 28 Forward' 29 Coat feature 30 Chinese mile 31 Print measure 32 Hole In one 34 Long drink 36 World: Hin· du my1h 38 Move turtlvely 40 Any· Dlalect 41 Endure 43 Indigo plant 45 Nickname tor a senorita 47 Sell, In Scotland 4S Phlllpplne MfVant 49 More tranquil 52 Head. in Paris 54 Blend 56 Legislative body 59 Among, to a poet 61 Art style e3 GlofSY paint 67 Love "madly'" 68 Dwelllng• 70 Rematch. In aportl: 2 WOl"dl 72 Tiny amounts 73 RNd briefly 74 Type ot soldier 76 Rescues 77 Blbtlcal king 78 Eel. in Britain 79 Mau of Ice 80 Grain goddess S2 Faulty 83 Pro - 85 Bureau· crat's stock In trade 87 Goll score 88 Of a church court 90 Golf club soeket 91 Barbecue buttinsk1 92 Roman deity 93 Hollyw!)Od's Brooks 94 Perch 95·smart 98 Mongol warrior WO-Oman c;oln 101 Skunk t05 Chain pan 106 Become firm 107 Drevldlan language 109 Russian -lght 110 Fruit drink 111 Small fish 112 Laths 114 Stein 115 Retort near Venice 116 Short Jacket 117 Tend to: 3words 121 Adds up 123 Walchful 124 Rallying cry 125 Housetop 127 Clock 128 Gains knowledge 129 Towards th• core 131 Jog 133 Tallor'a "blueprint" 135 War god 138 Ecology org. 140 Of an age 142 Brltlan gun 143 Catp-tlke fish 147 COiiege Cheer 148 Dropsy 150 Name for an lrllh lass 152 Armadillo 154 lnwhat manner? 15S St map abbr IS6 One or any 157 Rituals 1S9 NC's neigh· bor 160 Helm poslllon 161 Guido's note 163 Odin's brother 164 Wh1Sker1 166 Anoint. old style 167 Overjoy 169 Temperate 17 1 Places for coins 172 Feel lntui· Ivel)' 173 Storms 174 Time units DOWN 1 Troplcal resin 2 Betel palm 3 Twice: Pref 4 African native S Pen points 6S~lty dlstlnctly 7 Une«taln gftt: Sworda 8 Lttt-tland page 9 Hero 10 Mortlte Jolnl 11 Akin 12 A Gabor 13 Geat tor Altalr9 14 Dellghlful spots 1S ContuMd lights 16 Glossy fabric 17 Friend, In .France 18 AL'S neigh· bor 19 Repr ... nt•- tlve 20 Namelora Moacow mlu 33 Plural ending 35 Mer· chandlse 37 A Carson 39 Ch&nged 40 Digraph 42 Russian rulers 44 Citrus fruit 46 Flower extract •8 Boa.11 SO Vichy "summer" St Free (of) 53 Greek resistance group S5 Ynterday's motels 56 Cavalry sword S7 Roman magistrate ~Femou. 80 Dleeourage 62 Arabian kettledrum 64 New Eng. state 65 Overact 66 Licit 68 Land measure 69 Glelgud lltle 71 Grape·llke 73 Pan of a clan 7S Seurs uncle 79Cymbal sound 80 Jewelry weight 81 Ot the body 83 Sound of the IUrl 84 While 86 Ptace for fiWll 87 Bit of butter 89 Pungent 90 Bean's eye 92 Last-named 94 Opera otfe<lng 95Sklr1~ u tchers 96 Basin Of wave 97 At home 98 Rip 99 Zodiac sign 100 Lag of mutton 101 Grape clusters 102 Provide food 103 Decofate 104 Camp shelters 106 Inclined 108 ~men-Ra's wife 109 Fine .,,. lover 112 Reed br 1'3 Chimney deposit 115 Tibetan monks 116 The lmpolo 118 Knockout 119 Sponsor· ship t20 Golte<'s cry i 1 I . ! . • ,. 122 Gratuity 1~Cfttllb.wlll-I;;._~~• 126 Know beforehand 128 Singer Horne 130 Mullcal dramas 132 Sailor t34 Braves' homes 135Mldeut nauv .. 136 "Bolero" compo1« 137 How·s that? 139 Chemical compoond 141 Onions" accompanf• I ment 144 bctamat 145 Conceal 146 Pitchers 146 Conciudel 149 Solar di!d! 151 Hindu hero 153 Hurry 156Muaeum display 158 Ovefhead tralna 182 Also 116 Aasameae tribe tMSIMw aymbol 170Japaneee coin .. NllA WUTa•NCONfl••aMC• "-*DtltW. W L .. 17 ,, It • 2A • ts tt 21 " 41 ,....__.Ohr..._ !I'd. .. .111 -... , tvt .SJ6 M .Sff • .Sii ""'°' ·* 24\'J le11 All'°"'6 " It .UJ -.....,'°" J2 " .'61 s Oenvw :tt • ·'°' • Dell•• .. J7 .ut 11\'t u~ ttw .ut1w. KeMes City II 40 .l10 lt\11 11A1Tau1 CON fl a •a11ca A-....COIY.._ PM&.-"""-.. 16 ·--,. 1S N-Jeney 21 2' WalllllllflOn 1' 11 N•• Y.,,. tt n C ..... Dl¥W. Mllweull• lndl- All•11ta 0.tTolt CIM<aoo Cle•elel'td 40 u 2' SI 14 1' u,.. 21 ,. 12 d ~·k.w De1rolt 127, K-Clty tit N-Y.,_ 107, Portl-1°' Oellea I .. ~ ICIS Oen.er l>f, PtllladltltlN• llM , ... .,..o_ Clew,_ et Lall..-. Mllweuk•elao.ton GOldeft $"9te el Atllll'lta N-YorketW-ngton s.11 A...,.. .t Cllkaoo S.11 Diego et"-Wwv PhMnlJl et SNttle De1rolt e1 lllCllalle COLLEGE . 7U -.m - ... , 111'> ... , I) ..... u .n1 -.4,. u AU U .M6 1Sllt .m" .m 11\'J UC lrvtne 71, UCSB n UC lltYllla -Fuller 12, Whlel-19, Mll9ff J1, Wlllf s. McOonekl •. Teylor o. Croulay2.8erk•YO. Tot.ls: 31 IMI 7t. UC "IAllTA IAltaAltA -Russell 11, GalMt IO~A1'41,._. 1', OoOrtn O, Gross 21. M<CarU1y 0, Moeller o. Onb •, JOllMon 7. Tot.ls: JiS 7-11 n. ' Hflftlme: UC Sent• 8erbera . 31-ll. 1teeu1at1on: 11 .. 11. Totel fouls: UC lrvlne IS, UC S.11te B~rbere It; Fouledout: Wulf CUC lrvlnel. SoCal Coll. 51, FrHno-Pac:. 57 SOUTitEltN CALll'OltNIA COLLEGE -Roberts II, Ptul,,.., 4, Roche U, Porr• II, Conl ll, Ro01<$4. Totals: 1122.JlSI. ""E~flACl,.IC -~Ice l, ltaMtlo\ 2. Muro 1', Hiie IS, Y°*' t . Melltltode 6, Keuffm11116. To«ets: 24,.llf7 Hel"lme: 21 .. N. Totar louts: SoutMm C•llfornl• co1._ It, Fr-Pacific 1'. Fouled out: Mohl- ( Fre-Pec:Hkl. SW Bap. 94, Chrt1t Col. 68 CMltlST COLLEGE -T Henun 7. Dueller 17. Hertmon U, M. HanHn 1, Ekhel~ 2, Puls '2. k lledler 6, HuSCJIH 2 TotalS: 2161._%3 '6. SOUTHWEST IAP'TllT COLLEGE - 8utrltt 7, Burt•. -.an U , Hay 11, Rock t, • Bonllla 4, Ven. Liew S, Ellff I, Kelle t, Mo.rlelCI I, Mmin9 S. Totels • t..n M. Helttlme: SW Beptllt, S.~ Tota l fouls: ~t ~Ill 1t, Christ Co11eoe JO; Foul9d out: Hanm ... cc11r1st Co0099). COMMUNITY COLLEGE Santa Monica 1oe, GWC 94 GOl.HN WEIT -Het1oft tl, OeYlt 17, e-U. KNIO a . O\lrllam 10. Myln 2. Tot.ls: 4014-22 ... SANTA MOlllCA -Gorr"' 11. Akh 1, H°'9H ». J«k_, IJ, Were II, w-10. Wlloatle IS. Carr 1 Te>Yll. 41 24'3110.. Halftime: wn. Total foul\: Goldltn Wnt 20, Sonia Montee It;. Saddlebactc 70, Southwe1tem llO IOVTIIWasTaltN -Honry s. Aguirre 6, 8ub0rt 4, -trvomorv H, Sterbll'O 14, Gr-m J, WlllOft J, Atklntoft I, Conw•y 2- Tote)s: Dl4-21t0. IADDLl:aAC« -Dodo. 10, Tumer IS, Mlttllell u. Wls11lew1lll 10. Doyle 11. Fwc-2, R-2. T9'al1· 14 n.J:J 70 Half11me: s-ooeck. 2).1t. Total touts: ~em 27. Seod-k 20; Foul.a out: Henry (Soulllwesternl. Mo"1110,.,.ry CSouthwulernl. St•rblrO CSou~W<nl, Graham 1Soull1westernl, To<llnl<•I fouls: Star'bl<O C5oull1wntern), Graham !Southwotern), Wl1nlew skl IS-leb«lll. COLLEGE WOMEN UC lrllne 51, Arizona 48 Altl?OMA -De<llnt 12, II•-2. Owr1Vrs 4, R~ 4. R_,,_ 12. RelnU I, MtFoddlft6. TOC.lt: 21 .. t .... UC IRYtNE -Gre,,.. 1, Homllton ll, Lewis 11, 8ucllONn 4, Bellor s. JOfln_, l. Sim.,_, I, Gom91 s. Totell: UM 56. Halftime: Art1-. 2MO. Totel fouls' Art,_ It, UC Irvine I I. HIGH SCHOOL Riv. Poty n, Fountain Valley 59 "OUNTAIN VALLEY -9arton I, Putllalslll 11, Ar.._ 11. GlllMMl'9 10, DaYlt 20, Huftehmlcll 0, 8Uf'Cll 0. Te>Yl1: 24 1MI St. ltlYERSIDa P'OLY -Chambers 6, Owrton s, Miiier 43. P-o«l 10, oo.., 4, Hwnt •• H•Mllnt 1. Clark 0, N•••ll o. TllOmp90ftO, PooleO. Totel\: JO 17·U 71. sc...-,~ F-lrl Valley IS 14 IS IS-" lllHnlde Pol'f to 20 i. n-n Totel toull: FOUf!Ulfl Valley 1t. Rtwnlde l'oly It; FOUllO out: Glntllu'9 (F- Volley). Or.Ill (Fount.In Volley). ~ • • . ' ~ " .. ~. UllU 1t, UC,,,, ... J USIU 300 300 JI0-10 II t UC I rvlne 010 Oll2 001-S 11 • ltlva1 lll'td NOii; WoodhMd, 0.M (7) - a or11erc1. w-Rlvel. L-Wooclh••d. 2e-Y1>erre IUC Irvine>. Glkk IUC lrvlnel, ···"••cl cue lrvlMI. M<Cenn IUSIUI. Newme11 CUSIUI. J9-Heworth (UC INIM ). HCOllDGAMa UCl ....... t ,UllU4 USIU 000 DI 0.-. 1 1 UC lrvlM '" 101 a-t 11 I Latto-1, Yelton (4) -ltlv .. ; s.m.. Hicks ISi oncl Yba rre . w -Hlcll•. L-L .. -1. 28-Hom-(UC kvlM), Bernard CUC Irvine), He-111 CUC lrvlMI. 38-Erwin IUSIUI, WolgHt (USIU). HR-Hornrnoncl (UC lrYIM I. GoOclH tUC lrvlnel. Hlah IChool "'ltSTGAMa Ell•da M, 0..0 Nitti 4 Ellancla SIO 101 2'-10 t 4 Dene Hilts • 000 )02 l-6 10 > JohMOn, Rooc:helle "' -B•vor; Woller, MorblclO 171 ono SanchOt. W-JohMOll. L-Woller. 28-N•lman I Esta"cle ). G•r-r (Estancia), Cmelalt 10.ne MlllSI, Schwen<k IOene Hiiis) HR-Morlell IE1tonclal. HCONOGAME D.-Mills S, l'*-la 4 Estanc.141 010 102 0-.. ~ I O•ne Hiiis 210 ooo 2-s t 1 Taney, l-'-(41, Covey 161 -B•vw; Harrll al'td Sonchet. W-Herrll. L-Co....,. 28-Gar'dn« I Est:enc:la I "lltSTGAMI s.a.-J,u.,...,....y, Unlnrslty 000 010 0-1 • 4 5.., Clemente 200 100 • 1 $ COnY-, VoslOO (3) llllcl Frei; Aocllllo encl Pwt.rtlough. W-ROCllllo. L-Con ... rw. HCONDGAMa Utllwwlllty I, lea C:-.-I UnlYenlty 010 000 0-1 s I s...c.......... 000 000 ~ , ' Eberllert encl Frie; &running en4 Pvter'Nugl\. 28--Gun& ( Unfwr'llty l FIRST GAME M ........ lloecll4,El-1 l!I I. OCleN 002 000 00-J J 1 Hu"ll"9111ft lloecll 010 010 02-4 • I OouOera, Starr Cll el'td Finn; Petrlct end Slllrley, w -P•trlck. L -Oouoer a . 28-R lclO• IEI MoOen•>. Buc kel• I Hu nllllgton Boocl\). o .... , k (Hun llr\9tO'I a .. chl HR-Bucllefl IHuntlnqlOll Buell) SICOMOGAME .......... llollCll lt, ., MMeaa 7 El Moo.no 021 40-.7 4 l H1111tlntton lloecll 255 U-lt 14 J Chari~. oa,._ m. Starr UI -Finn. Lync:ll (JOI; BucUll, FIYM C21 1111c1 Slllr...,. w -FIYM. L-DayllOr. 2-80.valk CHBI, Hertwell I H91. J9-Slllrley IHBI. HR-l'IYM CEMI. Cen lllo CH81, Sl>lrley (H8) FlltSTGAME F--Y-Yl.~Ool1 Fountalft Valley OOJ GOS .._. I 0 Mater Del ooo om 0-2 1 t Le MorcN, G1'991M' l61 -Pr•lt; o-. Cerasuolo !SI. C-161, Outler 171 - LIY•n•olS, Pitret (6) W-La MorcN (1.0). L-Oaver lc>-11. s-Gre90r 18-Connor (Fou"te)" Valley), Ec<lea (Mater Del. Linclllen (Meler Doti. 38-McShane C-r Dell. SpelH 1-~ Doll. . HCONOGAMa MMer Ool s. ,,_ ... ..,_, 4 Fountain Valley 120 001 ~ 4 J Maler Del 002 02!0 01-S 7 2 Ayo" -~alt, Rey-. K-.vil Ill. S1Dm9 m. ~ m and Parer. w-~ (t.0) Ayon Cc>-11 28-0eMarco (Fountalfl Velle yl, Jon9ewoard (Fou"tal11 Valln l 18-Ll-...cMeqrOoO. "IHTGAME Irv• ll, C... Yeltey J INIM 2!0 201 1-12 •• Ceplstreno V•ll•Y 000 120 0-l s J Simms llncl K.lrol; OoclO, S<hmlCll 171 - Rittle 28-Robblnl CCVI, Jolln Stoll I lrvlnel. Jay Scott (lrvlnel. Tierney (lrvln•I SECOND GAME ~Yolley6,ln._1 lrvlfta 100 000 0-1 l I Ces>lstr-Yalley no 011 •-6 t I l•ntl, Tlemrf 161 -Klrel, Am111._ (II; Flncll-Ri"le.18-Tlerney Clrvlnel. ELIEOUNDOTOUltMAMENT ll-4. LI WI'-J EcllMNI L8Wllaon 0.8•--Cede1 102 010 l>-4 • 1 000 210 0-J 4 I Ll"911rd, HUll"Q1on •nd Women'• gymnHtlc1 Of'Mlle c.ut lltM. L .. ._.,, 9t.JS Yau111...-1. SUsan Sort1199r 101. "°'; UMVllf'I --.-1. ~ .... r (0), 1 •; 8atence beem-1. Sprlnoer COi, 7 U . Floor exercise-I. Tru•b• (0), I IS. All·eround-SVl1199r, 101. ll.1. (•••• ....... A,..,._. Jorry ..... ~--NIC•te C.aM11~ JatllNICll'- kOftHO<ll .,k ...... ,_ ......... HllMf'IO- .....,W .. IM Nl<k hide Wo¥M~ C:llf11•Mr--Jlm Ntltercl IM6AOlll eerryJ..cMI 8r1KO .. ltl6Nf' LMMfd~ lorMyl'*'- JlmOoM Jim ._... TomM<OWllt TOfftW ....... ......... _ ... .. .._ ~ ll«llllum 1111 '''""' OreeP.-n TomSl\ow TomJtN!lftt Eel 5""" Rey Floyd J lmAllM Larry Hotton Goor .. aur... Jolwl "°""" 8111 S.,,... Jeff loeMw'I Sil ltt OllMlleY Rl<k P...-t Hellvltlln Johnny l!lom 8N<• Oougl- Mlk• MC(ullelugfl J Im Coltlort Glb6yGllbor1 oe.Ate~ Steve eon_, si."te r Hoetll Mike Sulllvon $CottW-lns •·Ok k Slder- llobCIY Cote Morl!J-J lm Klaly Pllll Hancooo Mark Calv•wcdllo Tommyv~ .. Beeu 8M1911 L"' Loft Clllp IKll Perry A,,,,.., Bobbv NkllOI• P•ILI-,. LerryMlre Jerry Heon! Yonce HH!ner L" Trevino CharlH C-1y MIOSoll JohnO.Foresl LO..Nle!tan KenGr..- Mllle Sml111 ltay •• ,, Cllarl .. Kr-.1 OovlCI Tlloro MeHlllra Kur°""'lo 00U0 Cempbell Menuel Pl,,.,... Fr•nkC- ...... , .... ..... ,._. ,..,.,.._. .. ... ,.7,_ .. M<n•,._110 6.Ml.n--fM ... ,.,....,,. 67•1Nt-41 I 71•,.Tl-JU n4t>n-tta 6M•1t-tlJ •n.,._.,1 ... "'',_." 70-7...._...M n ,,...,._.,4 10.12>7t-t1• ,.11.1t-ti• 71•7>71-flS 70.74'11-JU 1N>7._,1S 71·7).7J-41S •7W flS 1l*14-t1S ... 7"7J-fU ,,.11.n-2ts 72•7S-115 n .1 .. 10-2i. 7•75-11-Jlt 71-74-71-21• 10-75-71-216 71·11·7>-216 J0.7).7~1· 71.70-JJ-21' 71 ... ,._,.. 75-7 f.71-.217 10-1•1-211 ... 1 .. 1..-111 11·7"7S-117 74·72·71--217 7l·7J-7)-211 ,.1 .. 1..-211 1c>-jJ.7)-211 6 .. 7 .. 71--211 12-75-71-211 1•1H>-211 ,.7).7S-Jll 1•11-11-211 7).7 .. 12-f" ""'J..16-Jlt 1).7).7)-Jlt n .1>14-11t 11·7).7-21t lc>-7 .. 7S-21t 71·7 .. 74-Jlt ... IS-7t-21t 12-7c>-71-21t 71-7).16-1211 10-77-1)-ZlO 1t-1>14-nD ... 77.7._no 1).72-IS-JID ,.7>71-121 , .. 71-7S-21D 7 .. 1).74-221 71-12·71-22t ,,., .. 74-221 6HHt-221 7J.7H4-221 7S.7MS-221 12.1>-n-m 12·1 S-7S-222 . .. ,).,~ 1>-1>-1t-m 11.10-1s-m 1•11-1s-m 1Ms.16-m 1c>-11-1t-m ,,., .. ,,_m 11-1 .. 1.--m 11-1 .. 11-224 n .1MO-tt1 lc>-77.t0-277 LPGA tournament letT.-1 Petti Aluo Amy Alcou AyekoOU- J.-tCotes LynnAOMnl Syclne y CunnlftlJIW>m Beverly Klau Joon Joya Bocky Pe.,_, •·Nen<y Tomi< Sally Llllle Terr I "'-" Pater~ Yulto Mori9uclll Donne~ P'em GleUeft GallHlr.te Leura Hurlbut Nancy ~•·Mellon Sllelly H ..... 111 CllrlsJ- Kethy Hartin KethY Whitworth Barber•Mameu Allee RMnnon T atsuko Olllako CM'Ole Jo CMlhon Martone Floyd Kerotyn Kortz....., aen.o ... 1e1 Kathy Hh.e MaryO.,,.., Merlene Hegge Petty HllYff Penny Pull J on Ferrarll Myrav1111- Kethy Young Mary ... Poorte• LOfl G tr11K.1 AlllOll~ Carole c--...r.r Muffin Sponcor·Devlln Je.,,...tteKorr Alsuko HI.._ Marty Dickerson Betty 8urlelndt Julle Stonoe< Pyiw Bonnle~r Sue Bennett Rosy 9artMrtt LYlln Stroney Shor on Borrett ~ • • ,,. . " 114S-7 ,......,. 7 MC>-10-211 70.JM0--212 7c>-7c>-7J-2U n.12.~1• 74-4 .. 71-214 1~}).-214 1•14-41~.U 7).7c>-72-21S 11-72-71-JU 7).7c>-72-2U n .Jl-J')-2U fl.*7J-11S 71.71.1.-21t 1 .. 1"*"-'11 7).72·12-217 1 .. 11-12-211 7).7c>-74-217 ,....,.,._217 1 .... 14-211 7N7-4t-211 7J.7).7l-111 7S-71·71-a11 71.1 .. 7)-211 71.72.1..-111 71.7).1'-211 7).71-7~11 7 .. 7).70--21t 7 .. 72-7).-J1' 7H>7S-21t , .... 77-21' 74·7Hl-220 14·11·14-120 72·1 .. 74-220 12·73-75-220 7•74-6t-DI 71-7c>-14-D1 1u,.1t-n 1 7).7 .. 7)-222 1._1>-l>-m ,,_,,.,._m 7 .. 7H2-m 1 .. 1 .. 1>-m 1s.1 .. 1._m 14-15-1<1-2%3 7S-7H6-m IS.71·11-m 7•7Hl-224 73-77-7..-224 14·15-15-224 ll-7S-7t-22A 1c>-1•1t-224 , S.12·17-224 Women'• IOftball COMMUNITY ~LEGa C"""9T-t l<lltSTGAME O-..w.tt,Y-•t Golde" 'West 000 000 000 011-2 10 Vontura 000 000 000 010-1 4 Ool11 and McElroa Mooro, O..p 121 -M<Elrea; AllllOll -Vele"cl a. W -Oelp. L-Allllon. Hlt-McElroa. C~ONSMIP'GAME ~ ........ ~. Go,.n w.st 100 100 .._.. 1 1 El Cllmlno OIO ODO o-41 4 2 l(yler """ MtElroa; Olellel end Wollltfl. 28-G•le (Golclen wosu. College, prep basketball s. 1111no1s•1. Ol'Olle .. Loyola, Ill . .,, Ootrolt 74 Eall Navy '2, Army ff lucllnetlA6. L ....... 41 o-..--.o. C-11clll4t Doi--"....,..,._'° MaryMNIO, Yltllllll46 CoO w. CIWtllrM. W, 11.., n Felrt .... 90,~'7 ltW'9en 74, .... VlrtWe .. c;Mftlutll, ~ 7' Ntaeare12.Me!M• ~n.~• '"11nc ..... 1'0. °""'"*"" .. ••· JCIM'• NY eo. $yratuw 7• c~..._ ...... 57 ••m-11, l..0¥CU ..... b Ltlll ...... U. ft, Mar1stll "'" "· 0-... • ......,.._ 7t T--•.61,w...._.,,_, Ntr't nm1.,....-,c.-u Ylll-ti,.....,lllllllCI05' ......... Ok ........... Fr-It, N.Y.• ..... Cell. 'I. .......... 174 ~,, ........ , .... .. -~ MotY'lt 11, .. ,_ ...... . .. a-.1t, "'""*"' n c....i11a."'-.a TW ..... ~. .......... , Ya, c--woeltl!t ... lavtlt AIOMl'M.. ' ............... .-n ... ..._ ........ • eo":,~,:':f. coHege ...._. ~· . .........., .... .,... ....... Sa"te Moftlce ,., Gotclen WHl t4 ~~ I' J ., .... ,.... SeOdlM9ctl 1o, SMt\Mlhtm t0 s." 0-.. cc*· Soll .., __ .. Women ~ UC lrvlneM. Ari-• .......... Clfl..,_llM .. ..,.. ,_..,.,........., 17, ~ Yllley ff Saft~ Cl, L.,....... Oallr ... J.W ...... M 1ntlewwllfl,a.M•7 ... ._,,_ .. ,....._"' AltmMY U. ll._lo ., ~"· WllllMn Alto'--tt ... -......1 w MlllMft VloJe .S, kllwr M ,...,.,_v....., M. lA ..... M .., ....... (Nfte. ~•1.c:.•-v .... y•7 t.A v.-. OW.lall n, It MMY"t SS LA ltolMJ1, ..... C"'9U<•U ltlllltfwwtfll1A._...,..4' 1111 .. m ..... , T.....-c~M ........... ................. ....,. ....,...._,..._., """'"'c......_• ......... ,,.....~ . r Toem -l s:~~. UC: lrwlN '7, ,,_...._.,. 1 .. -1. erow11 (UCl.AI, lt.O 1-•t rK.,..r f,..,. CUC:L.Al. 10.•1 a. c..., IUCl),IUt. M-1, CWoy CUCll, Jl••1 t. T ... IUCll, 21.'•; • C--(UCL.Al, 21.71. --t. Wf(l/M CUCLAI, 41"3; t, ~ IUCll, 47.n i a. 9-c,.,_l, ...... ...-1, Ne11• CUCll, t :H U CmHI rocwfl, t. l(trc..,,..f CUCll, 1:it,SI; • ~, ..... Cl<-l, I .SI.JI. 1,--1. Miiie.,.. <UCL.Al , 1:47 ta c._c rocor•I; l. ~ cucuu, 1.41.11; a. GoN• ... (\ICU), •10.11. t -mllo-1. 0.fllarclt CUCll. IJO.n ; 2, Butler (UCLA). t t44. II; ~· McCermoc-IUCLA), t l ... )I. lltMK-t. AIMii (UCLA), 14 Jt: t. LtfltlM CU(l),1.,_.;l ,Wlll...,_C,.,.._),UAO. 4001H-I. Wiii'-"r-1, J.Ul; 2, L--.r llKLAl, UM;>. s .... CUCll, S4 It -roeey..-1, UCLA, 40.it; 2. UC ,,...,,., •.U ; a. ,.,_St.ete,41.JI. Mlle r....,_I. UCLA, J:ll 7; t VC lrYIM. l l ll.t; a. "-Sta•.•:11.1. HJ-I . M<Nom.era Cl'r•.,,•I. 4-10, 2. "-•1.1uc11. •10: a. Altlen CVCLAI ..... LJ-1. lt111.., IUCLA>. 24·11\'J; 1, Hollld•'I' CUCll, U4; J. l llord ,,.,._,, tJ-11\'J, TJ-1. lllMCI CF,_1, U.llV.; t. llOlllOll IUC:LAI. SMV>: 3. HollkMy CUCll, *-'"-· .. Y-1. Currell CUCLAI, 11·0 <meet r-•>; I. 'Wlkon (UCL.Al, 1M ; l Ptotc. (Fr-l,1H. SP'-1, ....,_, CUCLAI, '2·SV. 1- ro<ordl; 2 Frerier CUCLAI. SS-iV.. J. Crow I Fresno). S>l l\'J • OT-I. a-CUCLAI. 171-0; 2. 8ry1111t (UCL.Al, 17>-11; I. P. 1.-r !Fr•->. 1'7·10. JT-1. J. lleflclitr CUCLAI. JIM>; 2. lnl IUCLAI, 211<5; I. P-'°" CFretnOl, 211.J. Women COUEGI Team _.... Cal Poly CSan Luis Oblleool '2, Ce\ St.ate BakonflelCI 44, UC lrvtne 13, Col Poly 1"""-l 12. ,.,_, HOll-CCPSLOl.11.17, l . Meltory ICPSLO>. 11:111; 2. Merleno K S81. 12:0.. 200-1 HOii-ISLOI, 24,61; 1 Meltory ISLOI, 24.tO; l. G~ CBI, u.oe. ~1. 8o1tomly IUCll, 5'.2t; 2. van WarmerdOm (SLOI, S6,30, l . McOwam CSLOI, 51. ... 11»-t. Wllkle CUCI), J·IUO; 2. Oougiel CSLOI, 2:14.71; 2. PetiN (UMtt.I, 2: IS 20. 1..--1 ......... ISU>l, • :>t so. J Crowly ISLO), 4;40.n ; l . ltaml,.• 181, 4:42 0 . a.--t. G.._, CSLOI. t :S4.0S; J Crowty ISLOI, 10:•.S.S; ). ltomlrer 181. td u 64. leoHH-1. ~ ISLOI. 11.7'; J. Grlfftlt cucu. IS: 10; a. Carr-C.SLO>. IS:7' •IH-1. loaomty IUCll, 1:01.'1. 2. Held ISl.01, t:IU7; .. Ou8oh ISLO>. 1 :os.n. .............. 1. Cal S1-1e 8alter1lleld. 4UO: 2. Cal f'oly IS&..ol ..... Cl; no tlllrcl , .... ......,_,. Cal Poly ISLO. l ' ... U ; l. Cot Stele~IJ.l,Sl.10, notlllrd HJ-I MtNNI 15'.0l, H I'>. 2 Ou8ol1 ISLOI, s-4; l. CU.I Linderman 18 1, NICllOI• CPI, 5 .. 2. , U -1 ~acry 18), J0.2V.; 1 Nlc1<1 181. ,,_,; >. Y..-...., ISLOl, ,,_,~ SP-1 Hommon 181, 41-S. 2 cor .. y 181, 4'-21'>; l . H--. ISLOI. 41-llllt OT-I. 1(-ISLOI, 1•s; 2 H•mll10ft 18 1, 12t-2Yt; l. Jenlllftl (Pl,,,._, JT-1. Bernes (Unatt.l. 174-1. , RON IUnatl I, llJ.W.; J. Wlnterm•" (Pl . .,._, NHL CAM ... ELLCON,.a1taMCR Edmonton ~"' Vonc:- 1( .... Cotoredo MlftMMtt St. Louil Chicago Wlnnlpoo T0tonlo O.trolt ~°"' ...... W L G" GA ""-"' 41 1l 11 Hl JU ti ll 11 IS M 27' 61 2• 11 u m 130 " 11 J2 1l 244 ,., 41 ll Cl II lt6 m 11 .......... Di-.ls .... 2' It It 271 U6 71 21 ,, , uo 271 ~ 1l JI 10 211 1"2 56 2121u n..210ss 11 32 16 Ul 1'0 SO II ,.. 12 224 27' .. WALH CONFERINCE ~_... OIYllloll NY Ille~ 42 14 1 1't 1'7 ti NY R.,,..n JO D 10 1:M UI 10 P1111........,ia u u s :m , ..... PtltW.Uf"Oll 11 31 10 2lol 211 5' War.Ill~ 20 J4 t 150 25' 419 MOntreel 911ffalo Boston OueC>e< Harttoro A._Olvh .... JS 12 " 2tl 114 " J2 It 12 24 s 1CXI 11 M 21 I 2SI ?It 1' 2t u u 1t5 270 11 17 31 14 '°' 114 .. ~·ScMws Clll<-S.K ...... NY R-"6· 8ollon4 W•slll~ 7, Herttoro I Phlladelplllet. C•IOOrv I Toron103, -.1rea11 Ouebo< S. NY lllo"°"n S Edmonton 4, PllbburOll I Bulla lo S, Mlnneoota s SI Loul". O.troll 1 T..,....,-10- MI..-.. et o.troll Montreet at Harttoro Eclmontor\ et WetHnoton PltUbur911 et NY A-n St. Louls~Wl,,.,._ Chlc990at<....,,_ Pllil-pllla et Vancouver Black Hawka 5, King• 3 Sc .... -.,hfiMI Clllcago > 2 0-S LOIA"9flff I I 1 -J 1. LOS ""'9elft, Teylor J4 (OlonMI, •:•; J. Chk11Q9. Mulwy U IAusllowtlll), 10.JI; l. Chk090, wi1_. 2t (Savan1, Lyllakl, 12:n . 4. Chlc090, Soc.on! 40 ISavero, Marslll, IS . II Pe11elllu -Lewis LA, 12:09. Hutchlaon, CN. 11,40. -....l"ot1M s. Los Ange!H, Korab 4 (Nkholl•. Smllhl, 1;24; '· Clllcego. Mulwy 2' CRu$11-I, G Foal, I:•; 1. Clllcaoo, Lysiak II (8ulley). 10 23 . ....,.Illes -G. Fo•. Clll, m•lo•. ·JO; Taylor. LA, me)o<, :JO; !Colly, LA. U·»; J Foa, LA, 14:>6; Lyslol{, Chi. 14.41 T .... l"'Mef t Lot ~lel, Teylor 15 (Grulll, Herdvl. • It Peno111•s-Feemlte r. Chi, 11:54; OlonM, LA, 14:5'; MulWY. Clll. II 0. Slloll Oii ... , -Chi~ ll·f.1·22 Los A"091el 12+14-l5. Goell•• -Clllc.ego, E-lto LOI A"9tlft, Kuns. L._nt. A -12.1u ":r:=4 , ... , t .. ...., di •• I' tt-lem Def-Cl ... flllnttOll) •c . ~ HlllU Cltlffttl ... Workll, .... l.._AI ..... c.trt IC-hellt Yalleyl4'<. ICMt ,_.... Cll Oer ... l, 7-1 . ltl-,,_. '-' (0--1 ISlllM•I -· ·-Loywe '°" ,......,, 74, nt-MIM v......-1 10. ~I • Mal'lr A19• ISi Oer•l. "'"' 1_.__, "**• , ........ ) •. Mel .....,1.........,1.N. 111.....0-........ CC*llltl fee. 11.-~ IO!eMl,U. l._Ylftca Sliva CloMa Meflal -.c. lrl11n l'ol*" lltoMM¥1,•S. 14 """ i..-"' Ooreclo) lllMM Mille Jae"--(Tllltllll, 2:4'. U._ar .... ""'Ill ISWlll Mllll l JIMM Man,.,.,.. (El o.t ... l.' •. 1117-lrlc o.tf'ne tao.iu. Hiiis) dlK ~ A~C....,_l,H. 11._Tlm ... rKe IC>os P...Olfl) dlK lttw Orlllllto (VIila P'erlll, .. l --Ty...,.,....., IEI Dor-) oec, MIU T..Wr 1.-1, 1>t. Nwy -..11111 ~""-" CH•m•t> oec. fl'ete8 ...... C .......... l,1M. o...-.... ... U -1. Trwtlllo ICovl"el ; •· Solo Cl'aclltul; S. ~rota Clacldl~ll; •· Klmbr'ell CS.. TorroftCo). IOJ-1. Amt•lo ICypreul ; 4. Neri CH-mel; s. u-tw <Ton-.e1; ._ Atkfft .... (.IOIWI -111). 111,_). Tl!omo9 (SA Yolloyl, ' Hutfrftllll IMlre c.to); S. Cuny IEAll..,,l , •· lr-(lrvlne). 1 lt-J, SlmpHn IWutmllllter I ; •· LonoVlllW (Gaflf); s. Butler CNooete•l : .. Brito (Pec:llk•I. 12~. 1toc1r1..,., 15-n BernerdlMI; 4. Nuner I 1tlp111l, S. Alpet1 C Eclltonl . •· Tyler'(lncllo) 132-l. KMn!Mkf CLooral; 4 Peret CSA Volley),!. Ztrnmv ISanClttnenlel;. Menn IUpl-) llt-3 Brekke !Hueneme). 4. Tripp (Yutelpa). ' Fonlenesl CVlll• Perk); ' ButhlA~lel 10-l . oe,,ls (Nogolul; 4 Pont o (Alhambra). s. Duarte CSA Velley); •• Holl IRowlancll 1H-> JenHn I Merine); 4 , Wllllley (Fountel" Velleyl, S. Al"emon (Pelmcltlel; •• A•YH ceor-Oel Marl. 1'1-l . BIHllNr (VIII• Park); 4 809Mt CLoarel ; S 5<1\wkhtef'lbe•O (lrv111e). 6. WetlOll (Temple City) llS-l R.-CElslnorel ; 4. Otl <Soutll Hlllll ; S. Gareno CCypreu). • Orenclel (NOf'tllvlewl. 200-J. McG<'-CC>ol ,...._I; 4. Kls- 181ooml.....,,,I; S. H-•rcl CEIMftll0-1, 6. Svllenko CEI Toro>. Hwy.-4. S"""-' CRl(lllettl); 4. SCf-1 lrYlnel; S. Rllomberg IL• Quintal; 4. MlrelH (It--). wc:r tournament (at~.ll»lyl SetNf .... ISI ..... lven L-mt. VII•• Armllrej, M.M. VIies o.nitaltl• mt. Buster Mottrom, 4-6. .. 1 ... 2. Women'• tournament (e\0.0. ... 1 SetftlflMI SI ..... AnclrH Jeooitr Clef. Cl•uclla K-. u , •·3, •·2; Chrl• Ever1 Lloyd oet. Sylvle H•nllte.M ... 1 Grand Prix tournament (81 _.,...,,, Meakol '°""'"-Sl'"9lft J immy Coftnor' o.t. Nit.tr. Se•t-... ,. '"'· J-Kriek Clef. Frio BueMlnt, '""° M . ........... ~ Mel Purcell-Trocy Delete Otl. Ste ... , O.n ...... Kevln eur ..... M . 4-4. M ; Victor Amoye·H•"" Pfister del. Shtrw oocl Slewort·Fenll T•YQM bY Oefellll. Commun"y college ~~,.c,_• s ..... Rell'°'k IOCCI Clef. Balley, •l . W ; Boni• IOCCI def E-... I. 4-1; Schuster IOCCI def. Ctem-.O-. M , M ; Collen IOCCI def Chorlle Menllo'°"ll. ._l,•2; Rkllo,_ IOCC Clef. llorvwJma, 6~ • ._,; Alloele• IOCCI Clef Martin, ._2.(H). DWWot F eddtrly·Rehtorlt COCCI Oef. E agen Clem Manvo,ono . 4·0, • 1; Bonfe·C-n COCCI def Belley·Cllerlle Manoo-. H . •l ; Kllne·ScllVlter COCCI clef. 80<t1Wme Martln,._2,._I High achool •"-11,E~1 s-.... H•rtmann (£ell Oef. Brown, .. 4. def. Spicer ... ,. Clef. Gllcrlst. •I; clef. Senclo,,.I, ._2; Sutton !Ed i _,, ._2, 6·2; Iott 1-4; - ._2; Turroll !Ed i lo>t U , 4-6; won._,,._,; M Wllllc .... (EOI lostl-4; won .. ,, 6-4: ... ~ M•tl•l ·S . Whitcher I Edi O•I. lnnecloml-Fleov. 1·•· 6·2; lPlll with Bero e r ·Sludeboker. 7 ·S, •·•; SlmmoM-O'eor-tl (Edi -..... ._,, "'411 4-l.U ,._... Y_y D , Cate MMeS '"""" wer.-CCMJ IO>t to Se>lnnor, M , lost to Wenc1111, 4-4. oet. Lee.•~. clef. Shau1«1, ._2; Koga ICM> lost o.. ......... 1-4; Pt.am CCM) toi.I 14, 0-4, 04, 1-4; Richey ICMI; IOll 04, 0-4. H . S-7. ~ Smllh·Nguyen IC M l lose t o C~u10,,..o.c,..,,..,,. 1-4. 2-4, 'fllll wltll Goftules.Munck. S.1, 1·S: Remlnq-·Tr.n (CMI Ioli J-4. 04. "'411, U , 7-4 Field hockey Cl" CMAMP'IONlhlP' G ...... ~2.~I C-•l Newp0rt Herbor lCO•l"t Hemllton. StOOdard Major league baseball spring training sites First day of full squad workouts a-..•--- Saddleback wins; GWC elhninated Saddl~ba&ck Coll•S• will continue into the ftnala ol the Ml11lon Confe rence' Shau1hne11y playoff, wtlll• Golden West •• HUOD w abruptly ended by Santa M In t.he Southern Callfornl Conference durlo1 area communJty college baaketbali Saturday ni1ht. The Gauchos will draw • home uslgnment aaatoat San Oleao City Collete Wedneeday nlgbt after batUinc for a 'JO.eO win over Southweatern Saturday. Golden Wept waa stopped by Santa Monica, 108-: ... After a sloppy first half, the Gauchos broke from a 26-28 tie to t.ake 35·26 advantaae with 13 : 20 remaining . They maintained control, lead.ln.t by as many u 20 points (59·39> with 4: 18 to play in the contest. Rick Doyle hit 6 of 11 shots from the field to finish with a t.eam-bigh 17 points. George Turner pulled down eight rebounds and had five steals to go with his 15 points. • .. , Saddleback led only 23-19 at halftime, shooting only 34 percent from the field. In the second half. the Gauchos improved, netting 14 or 24 shot attempts. Golden West was in Its game at Santa Monica all they way, as. the count was tied at 4.9 at intermission and deadlocked at 73 midway through the second stanza. But Santa Monica took a six·point lead at 79-78 and the Rustlers could never recover. ''(Art) King pla yed an exceptional game," praised Golden West Coac h Jim Greenfield. "He finished with 21 boards. King also poured in 28 points to lead all scorers, with Truiett Hatton chipping in with 23 and Murphy Davis 17 for GWC. which completed a 20-11 season. Leading the way for Santa Monica was Clay Hodge, who hurt the Rustlers inside to the tune of 26 points. Six area wrestlers qualify Six Orange Coast a r ea wrestlers qualified for the state championships by placing in the top five finishers at the CIF Southern Section meet held at Wes tmins t e r High School Saturday night. J r vine a nd Edison each qualified two for the finals. Steve Schwicbtenberg at 167 (firth} and Russ Silver In the heavyweight division (fourth > qualified from Irvine. Edison's duo included Arnold Alpe rt, fifth place in th e 126-pound division a nd Steve Curry who was fifth in the 112-pound category. Marina High's John Jensen finished third at 155 pounds and Fountain Valley's Paul Whitley was fourth in that weight division. El Dorado captured the team championship. Heavyweight Jim McCullough of Hemet took a 28-0 record int:O~ the finals and swept through four oppone nts to win bis division. The fi rst fi ve place finishers qualifie d for the s tate tournament to be held In two weeks in Northern California. Sailors lose in title match NewPorl Harbor High. and Garden Grove battled throug.h a IO· minute overtime period in ,a a scor e less deadlock before deciding the CJF field hockey cha mpionship on field strokes, 3·2, in favor of Garden Grove Saturday morning at Orange Coast College. . "Our girls played an excellent ga me and so d id Q.arden Grove," Newport Coach Sharon Pietrok said. "It's really too bad it couldn't have been decided on the field rather than with strokes." Under field hockey ruJes. tr the game is tied after one J.O·mlnute overtime period, the decision goes to strokes. Each team selects ftve pl*yen to try and score then I.be olflcial bas them take tum• at pu1hto1. fllpplnl or scooplq the ball 1.nto the 1oaJ. Drivtq the ball :13 allowed. 3 Heather Stoddard and C 'Hamllt«i we.-. the only Nl'WJ)Ci1r playe" able to score. "We bad cbuees to aeon • resulatioD and the)' did '°°' .. Pietrok added. "But aeltlMr team could do lt. Our tode, Kilty Coutts, did aa excelWnt job for u1. So did H .,., Hamtlon on detenae H ld Jeaane McWllUa1D1 and Stoddard in center fteld aloq wltla rt.pt twlq8etllltt.Q." y I:,.. VOYMll TO THI IOTTOM Of' THI llA l t1l(I) llZAMI "Oullt ShOC>" 11(Z)wovie 'I..... "AH Nlghl lc>nO" '•(IHI) Gene HICll.m.an. 1 Batt>r• Stre!Mnd. Afler btll\g Olmoled from cor· por•I• IXICUllve 10 cttlln· , llOfl night m1neg.,, I mkkli.tiged men'• fife. • t1Yll end ...... "' turned rf~down.'R' 1(4t. CHAISTOPHER (CLOllUP rt~~ Compellllon" (1980) Rlchlrd OreyiuM. Amy lnllng. Two plenl11111 1; 1 San Franollco mulllG q cornptllllon find that their / loYe (Of Mell Olhet eon· Ne1• with lhelt profeltlon· '111 emblllone. 'PG' 8:00 I FOA OUA TIMES I SIAEHOIPm' I MUBIC ANO THE :18POKEN WORD I OAYBREAK LA. r\ YOUTH ANO THE 1'18SUES I 818l.E ANSWERS • ROMPER ROOM ~' (I) 8UHOAY MOAHING QI DIRECTIONS I Qt HAARY CHAPIN'S 1 COTTON PATCM I Som41 ot the 1111 Harry Cllapln 1 lqt eongs from l thl ott-Broadway musical "Collon Patch Gospe4" .,, perfOC'med (C) tNTRODUCING ... 'JANET I 0MOVIE "** * '"' "The Elephant Man" ( 19601 JOhn Hurl. AnlhOny Hopl(ln1 A de<ll- Cllld physlc11n takes und« hts wk19 a horribly deformed man wnose Illa 1 untll lhen had b"'1 ~I in Cheap lreall exhlbtllonl 'PG' eiao I TODAY'S AEUGIOtl " THATS CAT ,, I ROBERT SCHULLEA ? PEOF'l.E 7 AMERICA: THE HCOND CENTUA'I' I NEWS PUBLIC PULSE MOVIE • • * .,, "The Way Wa Wala· ( 19731 Barbra S1r1111nd. Ro1>e11 Redford A young collage couple In 1111 t930I da--that "*' pollttcat dlfletances ltl llrong enough lo jeOp- ardill their marrlagt. 8:46 (%) TKE tNCREDl8lE JEWEL R088ERY 7:00 II COMMITMENT . G WHITNEY ANO THE AOeOT 8 TOPCAT · a rr 18 WRITTEN '. K!NNETH • COPa.AHD I· G) OAYOFDISCO~ • CARTOONS • YOGA FOR HEAL TH · III SPECTRUM ,1=~~ 7:3p SUNDAY MORNING RAIN80W PATCH UTnE AASCAL.8 I CAMPUS PAOFllE JIMMY SWAGGART MISTEA ROGERS (RI " (I) TV-8LOOK8AT L.EAAHING III SEARCH Ql)THEWOALO •'TOMORROW I• (C)MOVIE ·1 * *~ "Shoot The Sun Ii Down" ( 19801 Chfilt<>Oh« Walken. Margot Kidder. In 1836. lour diapar111 ml• I fltt UH -" old map 10 11arct\ for burled gold ,, 'PO' 8~ I THIS 18 TH£ UfE 11 POPEYE AHO FAIENOS ;> D PEASONAl OIMEH8ION9 , I UOYOOOIL~E 'l OYEWIWE 11 "Golden Boy" When an Ivy LNguer returrll to the block 10 COICh kldl In rac- quetball, Nm()(I spread lhal he is • hOmolllCUal. Q I ORAL R08ERT8 JERRY FALWELL REXHUM8AN> MOVIE ** "Thund«t>lrds In Out· er SPICI" The ~ew mem- betl ol a SPICle ehlp muat ht 1109 •runaway roctlll on a 1• Collllbl COUfM with 1111 . Sun. ·~ G ODY88EY 0111111: Rev. George and 'J' Mrs. S11phanld l1, St " Paul's GrHll Orthodo• 9 Cfluretl; Rev. Cecil L Mur- '>' rrt. F1tlt African Mllf'IOO.. ~ lat EPllc<>Pll Church; Betty W1gn1r, University of Jn Judllenl. n·• TOOAY'SIM.ACK n~ WOMAN 0,.~TIMEAT CM.VARY '" I flNDINCK K. ~ Ii NA1'UIW.. •T<HW OIAawAM l1 "Calldlee From Tile Sun" ')I Sir ~ f>or1et IUfWVll I tllt different m1tll0d1 ~·~ ~ tlllte IOf 1f'l ~ '°"' and '-1. '(I (Pin t) ~t..1 MLAHAVU u fCNow YOUft ..a ,, M0\111 oJ - AETUA~ Sally Struthers guests in her old role as Gloria and ChristoPher Johnson plays h er son oh "Archie Bunker's Place" tonight al ~on KNXT <2>. * * * "Tile ldolmlk«" (1980) Ray Sharl<tV. Tovah Flldllluh. A manlpulatlve manager ut11 varlou• ~ to catapult hllO teen· 11Q9f1 Into pop tinging 'ltardom. 'PG' 0MOVIE * •'-t .. Heidi" (1878) A young glr1 It t>tought from f'llf grandletlllr'• Alpine llOml to Ihle In lhl city. t:OO • (I) NBA 8AIKET8AU. MllweukM Buetti 11 Boa. ton Celtlcl G NfWt CONF1!NHCE Gu"t: Thlodore Brutne- ma, candlda.11 IOf Aapublf. can l\Omlnation IOf Sena11. I VILLA ALEOAE ORAL ROBERTS • SESAME STRUT (R) !~~ **'It "Aocilshow" ( 1980) Paul McC1r1n1y and Wlngt Thie rl(;()(d of tlll band'I U.S. tour lnCludll pertormanc:.. of "Jet," "Band On Thi Run," "Siiiy Love Songs" and some Old BNlll ballade 'PG' 8:30 ., MEET THE PAESS tJ DAY OF DISCOVEln' • THEWORLO TOMORROW 9 KENNETH COPE.LANO 10:00 Q HARRY CHAPIN'B COTTON PATCH Soml ot 1111 tall Harry Chapin'• lasl eongt from 1111 on-Broaoway mu11ca1 "Cotton Patch Golpal" are performed. 0 MOVIE * *'> "Jicll And The Beans18*" (1952) Abbott and Costello, Buddy a-. Whlll baby-llltlng, Lou falls atlaep and drewn. he'e Jeck lhe G!Mt Kllllr. • NlW zoo AEVU£ HEAAJ..O Of TAVTH G) REX HUM8ARO • THE lAWMAKIM Corr11pond1n1s Linda Wertheimer and Col<ll Row11 join Paul Ouk• tor an up-to-tn.mlnute IUm- mary of Congr11ston•I ac1iv1Un · 69 MAGIC Of Oil. P.MNTlHG QtNEWSCENTER WEEl<LY (l)MO\llE '* * 1.<t "Smokey And Thi Bandn II" ( 1880) &.!rt ~­ noldl. Jaekle Gl11eon. Shlfltt Buford T. Jus11c• calts In hlS IWO lawman broV-1 to sloe> • ratlreO bootllgger, the Bandit. tr om tr lnlPOf'llng a baby elepnanl 'PG' @ MOVIE * * . .., "Sphln•" (19811 Fran~ Langella. Lealey- Anll4! Down A ruthless black market antiquities ring a111mpt1 lo llOC> an Egyplologlst from dlscov· ereng the wtter1&t>oul9 of a priOlllsa statue Ille -permlllld to view. 'PG' 1o:30 D 9 KIDS ARE PEOPLE TOO GUMll Ro~ C\llp and 1111 sons. comedian MlehMI Richards. martlal arta expen Chuetc No<rlt, linger Uvlngllon T 8Y1<>< I "°8EAT SCHUUER JEAAY FALW£U. Of'IMMIHO 8i) MAGIC Of OIL PAINTING l~lTURE U.S.A. * * * "Simon" ( 19801 Alan Arkin, Aurtln Pendle-, ton Scienllsll II a t>lurr .. ly mlldlfecteO thlnll lank convlnol a bumbling col- •professor 11111 hi la.,, allln trom out1r ap-. 'PG' 11:00 e e coUEG£ BA8KETBALl O.Paul at Moira Dame II) MOVIE **'It "Love In A Goldtllh Bowl" (1981) Tommy 9endt, Fabian. A pair of collegl lludlnll epandlng a pl11onlc VICltlon at I ~.f\OOM n lntWrupt.· Id by 1 contuMd Coalt Guerdlmen. • MAl'T110#-.. 11Ca--· THIAT'fl! "I R1memb1r Naleon: Lo.." Fanny (Anna M ... MY) ~1 In tove wtth ha!' hulblnd, Admiral Loni Naleon (Kin Co1t1y), clllf>lt• ruln0!'9 of Ne affair wltl! lady Hamllton. (Part i.Q WA8H9tGTOHWllK .. ~ CC>ll40Yll * ·~ "Mr. ludc!IMng" CtH•> J1m11 Oar~. &vunne Ptaahtttt Aft amne1110 "11ch11 hi• mtrnOIY fOf an•-• 10 hit ldlnlhy ~ by lleatlng recolllcllona of 11111 uaod- a llon1 with dlll1ren1 ,..,,...., 11:118 ()) NCM ~ Mtr~ll at lOUllYlll 11:30. QI T"'8 WU>< WITH DAVID IAINKLEY DTEMY~· WMITTAKEA • CMUACH fH THE HOME • WALL fTftEET WUJ< "View From Thi Other Side" G~1: L111ar C. TIMlfow, prof-of ICO- nomlce 11 M~ll lnalltute ol T ICl'lnotogy. (RI • AFTE1'NOON tt:OO e l08'T IN PACE Smllh end Don are lr.,ned and Jlllld on • prison ~ I:" • * * "Thi Gr11t Gatsby" (187~1 Robe<1 Flldlord, Mia F11row. 8aMd on 1111 novel by F. Scott Fltzoer· lld. A WM/lhy 1820s boot- legger devol81 hit tHa to rectalmlng Ille woman Ill io-. • THIFIRST CHUACHIU.S "Brodal1" JoM and Serah becoml man and wtle wfllll England INllfl on Ille t>t1nk of rlligloul r_,. lion. • PER80NAL FlNAHCE AHO MONEY MAHAOEMEHT "tncom1 Tex: Dlduc:tions And Caleulallona·· (l)MOVIE * * * "Mogambo" ( 195'1 Clark Qabll, Ava Gardner. When 1 plantation -- -, .... In loVI with the .... of Ill engW-. con- fllct• lriM. • um.E JOHNNY JONES Tllil r...ivat of 1111 1804 ~ge M. Cohan mullcal comedy al>OYt an • Ameri- can jockey wtlo triet to win Iha English Derby l•lw• IO(:h faVOl'lt81 • "Olw My ~atd• To Broadway" and "Yank• Ooodll Dan· (%;'~ • • • "Royal Flash" ( 1875) Mllc:Olm McDowell, Alen Bat11. Tiii rioctumat .-padll of the awufl.. buckling Capt. Harry 'Aalhman land him In the •rm• of thl notorious court11111 Lolf Montez and on tlll '"'000 •Ide of 1111 ~ut Count Otto von 8larnark. 'PG' 12:30 I DIAECTlOHS 90WUNG G PER80NAl. FlHAHCE ANO MONEY MANAGEMENT "Income Tax· AUOlll And Planning" 9 PERSPECTIVE "Thi Body Elec1nc" CH> THOIE FA8ULOU8 ClOWN8, Richard Kiiey profU. the ent1r11tn1ra who heva made thl world laugh - lncludln9 Fanny Bflce. Ch tr Ill Chaplin, W .C. Fllld• and many othen 1:00 8 Qt 8POAT8WC>m.D 12-round USBA mkldllw.lghl champion. ship ligtll INluring• Frank ''the Animal" Fllleher and Tony Bru,IOfl (five from Atlantlo City. N.J.); World f:'.ro Figura Sullng Cham- pionship (from Landovlr. Md.I; Women'& Pro World Cup 8urllng Champlon- lhlp. 8 THE MUN8TI!R8 H«man mutt rlglln hla lleenM to ace.pt a promo- tion .. driver of the ,_ .. at Ille lun«al parlor. D THESUPERSTARS Live coverage of I ll• -.A·• final, <-1110<'\ lfl tlude Ann NI•••"· Martin• NavraUlova, 1'11 H-Yori! City Maral¥" CNMPIOrl Allltoft -~ Je11111fef' CMncller of UC 1rv111e . • AOAM-1a ~ trtea lrantlcally to dletuaOe • tnen ltom 118')- lng lrom lllt roof of a bultdlng. • WtaTHEMMT OOttmlN "A H1iPPV ..._ YMr. 80fTll Sey" Mllte T °"' la 0111 .....,.. .... ,,.... ttlt .., .. , ....... L.eiour hrty. -~ITOfW "life In Tiii ~" !llntl~Mt oo.aoa ot ... ...,.., CQAtlll LISTINGS fine!; OOfTIPttltOfl ~ Mn ~. Mtw1lna Nri· ra.tllova, 1H1 New Yorll City Mlllllltlo!\ ~ AliltOn Aoe Md beektl· bel'• NMay ~ rj 9 l<NXT ICBSI nJ e l<NBC CN8CI ., e l(TI..A {Ind.I 1 .:e i<ABC IABCI •t e l(,:Ma ICBSI JcO KHJ TV (Incl I m.e KCST IA6CI 'Jr• KT'TV ltnct I llJ e KCOP. TV (Ind. I lit• l<CU ""BS> te l(OCE fP&SI o Qr\.tv 12 l TV '" HBO C IC•flfmt•I •1 (WOAI N'I', NV t1 CWTBSI I IESPNI II 1s.-t1me1 • SMtlltM e fc.«Me News Ne1..ot.1-C:::: S"'..=.~.llle.)' • • * ''TM HelletrOM ChronlcAe" (1971) Ooeu- "*11ary • ...,.,..., .., "- "'* ~. n.. V#• lad~tadw tqueeof ...... wtlldl~~ ., pul "*" Into direct ... P lllllPd ........ uon •1111 "'•"· •r• .......... I 1111. (I) DOML ONN ec..1 ~.,In INe mo.MO, 72..._. TPA ..... "°"' ... OOfet ,.,~ MlllN, , .. ). WIU), WIU) W9T we.. .. •"**Id ..... ...... preoioul •to ot .,,,.. vaoolnt end IOMa .. merftOf'f "°"' • tMow on die "*· ... ·• ADMt-U ~--=.... Illy MUdent, .. ~ In tfle middle of • ~ "°' • Mm UCAN m:ltftY ''Cdoni.I toolecy'' ®MOVll •• "Tll .. It IM1" (1881) OocuMen1MY. ,11m iootaoa end dr81nallc r-.c:r11tlona .,. uNCt to t• •hi tlory ot EMe Pr~·· MN and ~. • &.OfWTTA L YHH ll'eCW. Tiie "Flrtl Lady of Coun- try'' llnga ''C<Mll Mln«'t Olughtef," "One'a On The WW(" and otllet NII In a l)lf1onnance taped 11111 al Hwran'a tn Rano. 1:4'(%)MC>v. '** ** "All Oullt On Thi weat1rn Front" (1930) 1.ew Ayr... Louil Wolllllm. A Gtrman youth 1ag1rty lf\111'1 WOfld War I, but llOOfl lolM hi• tnehant· mani .. he Oil• • flfethelld 11\tW of 111 '-ror and dlltructlon. 2:00 e GIWOAN'S 18LANO A CaglO lion MCaPM afle< wathlng u110r1 on the island • MOVIE **'* "Houdini" (1853) Tony Cunle. J11111 Leigh. Thi 1111 of thl wond '1 gr1&t111 NC9PI artist 11 llctioll*ed. • MllTER AOQEM TAU<I WfTH PAMNTS ABOUT OllCIPUHI! Fred ~ and tin par • anti OIKu• dl9dplinl and punltl\c'nant. • WNT1NO FOfl A AEA80N "The Paragtapn" (l)M<>Vtl * • * "Thal Forsy11 Wom- an" ( 1850) Errol Flynn. Graar Oaraon. BINO on a 11<>'111 by JO/ln Gallwonhy. A member of 1 llald Vlcto- r1an lamlly blcofnll tCM>- daloully attracted Io her ni-·111ano1. 2:30 8 OIWONfS taLANO An ~man IP9Mf• 11 thl Olfl'IP and mlk11 off wtlh food. ~-and G!"Q!f. D Ill U.S.A. V8. THE WORLD IN Ol YMPtC IPORTS The U.S. natlonal boxing team vs. 1111 CUban nation· al 1aam, ranked number one In Ille world (trom Ha-. Cuba). D MOVIE * * "Shtrlocl< Holmes Faoaa Dlath" ( t8~3) BUI Rathbone, Nlgel Bruce. ~ IOlvee 1 dual mur- der altar dlllcoYarlng an undlfground cryi>I, • PRUEHTI • WNT1HG FOR A AEAIOH "Unity" (C)MOYie **'h "Shoot The Sun Down" (1980) Clwlltopher W alllen. Mtwgot Kidd«. In 1136. IOUf Ollpat'lle flWt.. lits UM Ill old !NP 10 -ctt fOf burled gold. 'PG' .M()Vt( * * "Thie II EMI" ( 1891) Documantery. Rim lootaga and drwna!lc ~•Iona ara uMd to 14111 lhl llOfY of EMt Pr-.V-• life and citw.r. 'PO" l.'00. I.MT OF THE WILD ., 8PORT8 AflW) Featurld: I vlelt wllh a dog trainer ll>tlldar: I cMmon· ttrattoft of grlbbling. • MOVIE * * * "ThfM Ring Cifout" (195'1 Dian Martin, Jerry Lewll A pair of rac1ntty Oilchatged ~ g9t Into Ill ton• of troul>ll • MOVtl * * * ,_... "Friendly Flr1" ( 1878) Ctrol 8ufnatl, Ned Beatty. A l1tmer'1 wife --lnvolVeO In thl anti-war ~t wl*I Iha trilil to IMrn the lrulh al>ou1 1111' aon'• Oellh In Vietnam • AM!NCAH IKYUHE • OI EAATH AHO MAN "Mapping: Round World, Flat Map" Cl) FACE THE NATION 8SUGAAAAY ~AD'S OOU>E.H OLOVU Anion• VL Celllornll 3;IO I LOUii AUl<IYlll' OHCAMPIJI FNlured: ~ of a ""'°' mutlCal pr~lon lllat haf\ recently made a 11ap10~11ag1 .._. •III W10E WON..O °" SPORTS Thi U.S. national boxing teem va. the Cuban nation· II teem (ltom Havena. Cuba): World 90-.,._.., Ski Jumping Champlon•hlp and • rtpOl't on ihl World Crou Country Champion.· atlip (ltom Otlo. Norwey~ • LOe M'Qll E8 WEf:K ltM'MW ·Ofl~MAH "Amazonia: Gr_,hou11 °' 0 fl9f\ Hell'? ®MOVll ***~ ''Tiii Wey W1 W1r1" (19731 Barbra 8tr11Mnd, Roblrt AadfOfd. A YOUft9 oolege coupe In the ,... dlaco¥tr tNIC' tflllr polltlciJ ~ .. IOll are etrono 9"°"911 to iao.>- wdlle their merriagl. (Z)MOVll • • "ldlloell" (1t73) "°"" Landla, ..,. Kefwl. A---.~tobe a ftl*IO "tnlellng l!rllC '" toee on • rampage of ltr· rot. 'PG' ~11ff1WM:I ~y L.OOeliOn; ... Cllloe ~ ~~--·~ eMCMI • • * "flrMlltntteln'' (1W3) f"'*" ~. ~k ..... A .... •or-..•Mng ... ..... ot ..... • llDWll ·~,. ........... ~_, .. (1111) Nellr ...... ...... Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday, February 28, 1982 TUBE TOHrERS KOCE U ?·OO "Nova." Exammes ncw theory on extinction of dinosaur!; KNBC e 8:00 ·•Rob Hope." F'dturett runny moments or previous fe male guests. KCET 8 8:00 promises und e.iglneering .. Nova ." ~xamlnes perils or gl'nctic KNBC I) ·10 :00 "TV's Censored Bloopers." Presentation ot Clubs and goofs nohntended for public viewing, Frulw.ThrM gorgt0u1 g1tt1onwM111111<1~• df~ln fll""""I IO UYI It from~ Nin. • WALL ITMaT WUK "View Ffom The 0111« &de" Gueet: I.Aller C Ttturow, proflUOf of ICO- nomlOe II MlilMel1uM!tl lnetllutt Of TacbnolooY.(R) •· PN)JICT UHIWME (I) VICTORY AT lfA 8MOVIE * * * "Walking Tali, Par1 2" (1875) Bo Svtnton. NoahBMry. (C)MOYll! ••~ "Mt BUOdwlng" (1818) Jam11 Gerner. Su11nn1 Plffhllle. An 1mne1lec 1earch11 hie memory !Of an•-• to h•• ldlntlty aided by llllllng racollectlon• of 11111 ~ atlon1 with dlll1r1n1 tamalM. (I) LAff.A-THOH A comedian hOlt 111d lour c:omlc eontnten11 who comp1t1 1galn11 one anotlllr are t11tutld In this onoenaorld comedy gam1 lhOw .MOVIE *** "Popey1" (1880) Robin Wllllams. Shelley Duvall. Whlll Maretllng IOf Ills lalhar. 1111 ~I· Ing Nllor viliU a quaint hamlet wtlll'I hi pick I up I loundllng and • lllflny 9-'hllft. 'PG' ·-·=WEE< IHAEVllW I PftOJECT IJHIVEME LOUl8 AUKEY8ER W/ICKY WORLD OF JONATHAN WIHTEA8 G.-t· Tony Orlando 8:00 I FACE THE NATION STAATIW< mi GMATEST SPOATS lEGENDI "Rod~ .. • FlAINOUNE "An Enlfgy Polley For Thi Reagan Administration" GUiii: Ftlllll Piile. owner of F'ltl• Oil Cd. • • PN>JICT UNIVtME (I) M•A•S•H !: • • * "Hondo" ( 195•) Jollo Wa)'nl. Getaldlna Paga. A cavllry dlapatcil rider ancountere •woman and her eon. an ~ cnlel'• blood brotlllr. (I) 8"0WTIME'S HOLLYWOOO (%)THE IHCAE.Ol8LE JEWEL "°88EAY &:ao II cee HEWS I NBCHEWS III A8CNEWI ID "'°"' JUMP8TAEET "Thi~· Country Mlell Ctly"' WMlil Dixon. Sonny Tarrt and Brownle MoG~ Plrlorm Ind talk with • Oscar Brown Jr lbouj IM growth ol the distiktlve muelcal styli celled the iw.-. (R) Q (I) WELCOME BACK. KOTTER Thi S-llW>gs glW a new •llldlnt ~ the treat- ment. Cli)SHEAK~ A look 11 lhl movlel. 1;>8· clals and sports event• coming up on Homa Bo1t ~wOd •• .,.. "Snowball Expr-" ( 1872) CT ~. Nancy 011on A N1w York accoun ent tr...--t 10 thl Roc:klll In an attempt to modlrnlae thl dllllc>ldll· ed llll raaon Ill ln'*1tld ·G· (%)MOVIE • ** "Royal FlH h" (1975) M1tco1m McOowlll. Alan Batae. The noctUl'nat llCaPed• ol the ........ buellllng Capt. Harry Aaahman land him In thl l arm1 of Ula notorloue court ... n Lola Mont11 and Ofl the WfonQ lldl of the pcMerfut Count Otto von Blemarti. 'PG· -EVENltG- l:OOl~NIWt **'It "Plppl In The South Slat" ( 1870) Ing« NII• aon, Marla F'lfllOfl. PIPOI ~ fOf 1111' latlllr wtlO -kl0n11P91d by a bind of plral11. G KOJAK • M•A•t•H Hewtl.,.. and Trapper bet· 111 thl t>r-al tllt ~ to 1t11 toe:> In tll4llf lffoftl to git en ~ottOf' fOf lhl unit. • MOYie 111'1"'h "MalllMI ~" ( 1871) Kim ~a11oford, JatnM~.·-- 111\11 ft'"tl• llllfhrd ~ ... objtOt of • rN9ty ~ "'° YNIO "'*' ... """""' ~ .. bMOt't. I UN~UI ~AT l\'W'taft ltlJIO.... ........... ton a~~,. In "Thi""* Of ......... by Ott0f1ft0 ~ ~ PtncMa z~ ~ JOMP'I ~I .. tl!I ...... In..,, •• 8tn. -~-.1(,aM. I:=~ 1:.--· *. ft "TM .... it1ront ~,. (1t71) DecNo """*""· ,..,,.... .. La. ...... ,_ ... ,,. .. ................. lnlactl. wflldl may IYenlU- lllY put thlm Into Olraat and IU009MfUI c;omotU- tlon with man. ar1 ,~ ®MOVll * * * "The ldolmakar" (1N0) Ray 81\atUy, Tovllh FaldlN#I. A manlpulatlYI managlf uH1 varlou• ptoya to catapult two laan· agar1 lnlo pop tinging 11ardom. 'PG' .M0\111 * * "Bronco Biiiy" ( 1860) Cttnt Eattwooo. Sondra Locke. A '°'"'"" lhoe llillman from New JarMy rllllz• hi• esreem of P«- lormlng In 1 Wild W111 lhOW. ·po· 1;30 I FIGHT 8ACK THAT'S HOLLYWOOD "Star1 Oscars Forgot" G) THE JEFFERIONS fS 'w HY IN THE WORLD 71'011=-~ G QIJCHIP8' Thi CHP olloe.ta mistake a deal ~ for a dnink d.rlv· If and .,, .. , him, 8 9 COOEREO Danny llOWI 9W8Y aboard • hllicopt« blltlfl uMO 10 lranaport pploalva to an oil wlll 1111. 0 YOU .-<ED FOA IT Faaturld "Celcttlng An Ellphant With Fire" and "Gr11e1'1 Oealh·Oelylng S Olvw1." HTNINO BOATS TVTANKHAMUN'S EOYPT 'Sc11ne1 And Tachnolo- ~·NOVA "The AllerOICl And The Otnosaur.. A radlcal new theory u 10 why lhl dino· aaurs dild out ehef 1 SO mllllon years of euc:<:e1Slul domlnlnCI II IXM'llned IR)Q tli)MOVIE • • "Tills 11 EM1" (1981) Documlnlaty. Fiim footage and drarnatle: r.-etlallons .,. uMd to t .. lhe llory of ~Me Pr111e'(1 1111 and J cwaar.'PG' 7:15(ZJ MOVIE * * 'J> "Papillon" ( 1873) St-~. Dultin Holtman A pair of Oevll' 1 ltland convicts apend lllelr tltnl planning theif ~ 7:30 0 YOU ASKED FOR IT fl81urld "The Man Who lnl9ife0 Wall Disney" Ind "Leap OI Death .. ~~THE E.OfTOR'S (C) E * •. ,, od!Show" ( 18801 Paul McCart111y end Wlnga. Thia record of lhe bind'• U S. tour Includes pertormanc:M of "Jlt," "Bend On The Run," "Silly love SOf>OI" and 90m41 old Beetll blltaOI. 'PO' 9:00 8 (I) AACHIE BUNKER'S~ Gloria ratuws to , .. Arc:hll why Ille and Milla MYI 1epera11d when •h• romn home with har aon Joey D al I08 HOPE'S ''WOMEH I LOVE- 8EAUTIFVl BUT FUNNY" Ma11y of Bob Hope's female gueeta from previ- ous "'°"" wMI bl -egaln 1n eome of lhlir fun· nlltl momenta. 8 UNOEASEA WOAU> OF JACQUE8 COUSTEAU fJ (!I TOOAY-8FBI An undlrground polltlc:al group plana lo -s11na11 a federal Jodge. ·=ArmH • • •;, "Niegara" ( t9S3) Marilyn Monroe, JoMPh Cotten. • 80UOOOLO • NOVA "Liia P11en1 Pending" Thi promi-and parN1 of genetic: angln-lng and 111 Imped on lnduetry. medl· CV1e and unlverlltlel ar1 lllatnlned. Q ID ~ll'IECE THEATRE "I Rlmambar Nllton P ... lion" Thi beginning of the pa11ton111 love allalr bit-Lady Hamlllon Ind Lord Nlleon II - through lhl IYft of hit huaband. Sir Wiiiiam Ham- uton. (Par1 2)Q ®MOYll * * 'h "Trlt>vta" ( 1810) J ack Llmmon, Robby Benaon. An Irr~ Broadway pr111 t11l9"I blglne to rtgrlt hit waetad Nie 81\d 111• tenuou1 rtle- lionlhlp wtth Illa ClfllWn llOft, 'PO' (J)MOY!l ** "Hopeeo1dl" (1tl0) Wlllar Matthau, Oltnda Jackton. A former lntelll-. oence....,.. 11 eldad by 911 OIO "-t tn ~ tfle KGe Ind d!I CIA. wKo .,.. trying to prewnt '*" from -~Illa "*"Olrt. 'R' • *,,. "l.lt11t Oettlftoe .. (IMO) Tl!Mll O'Nlill, K,._ ty McHlcl!ol. Al tummar . oamp, two ~ glf1I eotnpltl to ... wtlo wlll be 1111 !ht tO .. "" WOIN- l:tO ··i;:.. WON.I) TOMOMOW NOe(J) MCMI • • • "The 111-t.awa" (117'1 Allrl M in, P.., ,... A fMw Ycwti dantlli .,_..~In. INUnt ttplonaoe PIOt """' .. --.... ... I ............... . r..::aDM ···-''TM.., .. Loved .,.. .. c ttn> "°"' Moot•, latl>afa ltcll ...,.. lond ....... YO wllll • ....,.~-to tlO. M INMlrial fM8lllle lrom .,..,_ uw,........ "°"'~~ to ~ Nelllf VOfll .,.., Jolo9oOW Q • I Ol'.oMo HmHAW ~ t!rnaet Tubb, 8 J Tllom.1, M1rll Tr1~lt, ltanKann. • e MAITPPllOI THIATN "I""°'*"'* Ntolaon· P-Iion" Thi btglMlng of 1111 pHalonat• love 111111 ~ lady Hamilton and Lord Nllaon .. -through thl ey11 of 1111' hUSOtnd, llf Wllllanl Ham• llton (Part I) Q • AMINCM Pl.AYHOUM "For ColOfld Glrte WhO Haiti Conaldltld Sulckll / Whln Thi Rainbow II Enul" Six women Illar• lhllr pain. tarrOf and lo111 In 1 tlloeYlllOn adap11Jlon of thl awatd·wlnnlng Broadway hit by NloUk• Sflangl.Q CIDM.OVIE T• * "Return 01 A Man Celled HorM" ( 1976) Rleh· ard Harrie, Gale Sonolr- pard. An Engtlsh lo<d r1turn1 10 America wntn hi learn& that 1111 lndl1n1 wllo lnlllalld him Into lhllt lrlba have lost 1n11r modal! ptllltYI IO lrapplfs. 'PO' 8:30 8 WORLD OF SURVIVAL CJ BREATH OF LIFE (t)MOVIE * * * "Whleh Way 11 Up?" ( 1877) RIChtrd Pryor Loneltl MCKM A MX· 111rvld lrull piciler 11 caught tn 1 GOfNC cronhra bet-hit union and lhl Mob. and t hypocrltlcat p~ llnde heaven In a ladiM' cnolr 'R' 9:41 (%)THAT INFERIOR FHUHQ 10:00 G Qt TVS CENSORED BLOOPEA8 OiciC Cletk pr~t• more flubs and gooll not Inland· eo tor public vi1W1ng; Tony Randall, Jamil LM Curtis. Chad Ev1r111 and ROl8 Merle are QUMIS. ••• HEWS 0 EANEST ANGLEY • MEETING OF MINOS Steve Allflf'I talks wilh Ellz· •beth Barren Browning. Sun Yat·Sen. NICCOio Mach18Yelll ano Ar111011e (Part 2)(R) CID MOVIE * * "This II Ef"11" ( 1981) Documentary Fllm rootaoa and dramatic r1<¥aa1Jon1 Ml used to lelt thl slory ol Elvis Presley'• life and C81Mf. (l)MOVIE * • * "One-Trlet( Pony· ( 18801 Paul Simon Blllr Brown. A ono6-P<>PUl8r i>«lormar I• PflUUrld by averyone around him to droe> hit llytl of music and wr111 song& lhat can l>tlng him bac1< to 1111 toe> 40 'R' 0 KENNY lOOOINS Singer I aongwrlle< Kenny Logglnt pertorma many ol his greatest lllt• -lnclud- lng "WlleneVllf I CeH You Friend" and "Keep The Fire" In this c:onc:eft taped 11 the Santa Barbare CouolyBowl (%)MOVIE * * • 'All Night Long (1981) Gan• Hacilman Barbra SlrllMnd Aftl!f bling demoted from cor· porate ex1CUlive 10 chetn- 11or1 night manager. e middle-aged man's Ille· ti~ and values are turned upeiOe-<IOwn R 1~.30 · JEARYFALWELL II) JIMMY 8WAOOART C!) MOVIE • * • ·~ 'Made For Each Oti-' I 11>39) CarOle Lom· b•rd J~ ~,.,_.,., • 11:00 I a C1J e News PACESETTERS G LOV(ISA NEJOHBORHOOO Guests Roy Roge<1. Dale Evans, 01bby Boone James Whitmore, Doc SeverinMn, the Korean Children· s Ctloif • TOP OF THE WOALO Contee1anll from thl Unit· Id Statll, Slr .. t Britain and AuttraHa compell In 11 quiz program that llllS lhllr IJU)lrtlM In a wide Vatllty Of IJUbjectl. lltMOVIE • •;, "Enter The Oregon' ( 1873) Bruce Lea. JOlln Soon. A kung tu expert 11 1Mlgned to penetrate a.n !eland fortr111 In order 10 d11troy an opium and wMe liave<y 1mplr1 'R' 11:11 1 ces NEWS 11:IO SPORT8 ANAi. 700ClU8 MOVIE • • • ·~ "Friendly Fite" ( 18791 Carol Burnett. Ned Bea1ty A termer'• wll• blc:omel lnvolllld In the anll·wor movement when she tries to tearn the truth 1t>out her aon·• dMlh In Vietnam • TALUOFTHE UNEXPECTED "The Boy Who Tallced With Anlmllll" A ~ l>oy't lnlenM lntwlll In Mlnlall c:au... • few rllMd .- brOWI. ·INEAK~ Roger Eben . 8lld 0- Slelcll f9Ytew "Shoot Thi Moon." "~on11n1gro" and "0111 Ftom The Heef1," (R) 1.=.:NWM * * "Thi Murder Thlt WOUidn't Oii" (1880) Wit. flam Conrad, Joee F«r«. A rat1r1d po1101man becolnea lnvdlwd In 1111 lnv11tlg1t1on ol hi• llfatrw' t l'll\.lfCW. (A) (t)MOVll ••• "Tht H1ll1lrom Cfltonlcll" ( 1871) Docu- mtntary Nwrllld by IAw- ninoa Pr~ The var. led MYIVtl ttcllniqu. Of tneec1t, wNdl lftll1 ~II- -,.,. tllMI ""° dlrtc1 and~~ uon with man, art ~. (Z)~ ••• "Th• Doll Of .... (1MO) Owtmsrw ~- '"' ltm ....... Mir ..... ~ ....... . ...., ......... ...., .. rrw~ (t!Ufnt IO liNd I rt\IOlu1fOrl. 'ft I ,~~-TMI~ ...... Whllt tcrlllldtd II\ a ....-i town. "*'°'d etOt .. & 10,000 tor a Qlenl'e NII In a lall4I -· llOllll'IMI ciomoany oMct • MOVtl * * "Thi Mwder Thal WOulelll'i Ole" ( 1N0t Wl- lltm Conrad, Joaa ~"" 8 111 HI.WI (R)THIGMAl IUAIUNH\MT Thie ~tary lj)tCW llavala 10 IM lat!Mlt fMCl'ltl ot Iha world In ...,,en or trte utllm•t• plavurM that money can ~MOVll * * * "Thi Doge Of Wtr" I 111001 C11r11109har Welle• en, Tom Baranger Afltr being 10f1urld and OIC>Oft· Id by an Atrlean dictator. • mlf09l'laty r11um1 to 1914 a ravolullon. 'R' CS) NATIONAL '1HA1.1 Of THE ltt 1 BIO I.NF Off The tle6l MW OOf'Mdi.nf era lnturld • Iha rlglon· Ill winners or the 81g Lall 011 C<>mPl11 &galnlt one lf\Olhlf. -MllHIGtfT- t2:00 ., CHILDAEH OH THE AUN JOllnny Mann holll a doc· u,,...,.lary at>out the ma. lton1 of Chlld r1lllQM8 tn 1111 world. Ill THE FIRST CHUACHlu.8 Bridals John and Saran t>ec:orne man and wll• white Englano teeter• on Iha brink of rallgioos rebel· lion. 12:15fJ A8C NEWS 0 .,.OvtE • * * "Midway" (Part 2) ( 1876) Ch1r11on Hnton. HlnfY Fondl JapeMH and American mllltaty fOfeas square off IOf a nlYal and -Ill beUle Clen· tetld around a Paclltc 1etand during WOfld War II 1NOfJ MOVIE • * *'"' "From Hera To Eternity' ( 1954) Burt Lan· C8118', Montgomery Cllll The calm belor• the atorm It -througfl thl eyee ol ftVI peopll llllloned II P..,1 Hatt>or 1<1•t before World Wat II 12:46 IJ NAME OF THE GAME Peggy Maxwell I• kid· naPQed wt\11\ sM 11 mts- laken tor the llSllf ot a 109 roci<-anel-roll llngll'. MOVIE * • • • "Altered States" ( 1980) William Hur1. 81111 Brown A Harvard lelln- 1111'1 genetlC .. lruct\KI It altered whln hi conducl• mind-expanding axperl· men11 Wfl1' 1aotatton tanks ano pow«lul hallUclno- i!!''· R' t:OO (.CJ MOVIE * • "Garnea GlrlS Play" Chrtsltna Hart. Jane Anthony A group of -allhy girts II a poth London IOhool oompeta 10 -wno ctn Mduce thl ~lllSI ranking diplomat U MOVIE * * 'My Bloody Valen· tine' ( 1981) Paul Kalman. Lort Heller A amafl town becomes • scene or t«rOf dunno their annual Valin· une s Day dance R 1:16 MOVIE * * • * "R•o•no Bull" ( 19801 Robert De Niro, Cathy Moriarty Bo•lng Champion Jaka l a Motl• I 1p111ude lor VIOience brtng~ him SUCCOM In lhl ring but dlsrup1s his per- aonal ~•• R' 1:30 Cl) LOUIS RUKEY9ER Q!HEWS Cl)MOVIE * • * 'Ao~al Flash ( 1975) Maleolm McDowell. Alan Bates The nocturnal escaplOes 01 tt>e sw~ t>uck11ng Capl Harry Fleshman land him 1n Ille arma ol the nolorloue courtesan Lola Montez end oo lhl wrong s+de of tl'le powerful Count 0110 voo Blsmarl! 'PG' - 1:46CJ ATONE 2:00 0 LIVE FROM THE COMEDY STOAE 2: 15 8 LOUIS RUKEYSER <!VJ A8CNEW8 2:30 (C) MOVIE * • '• 'RocUllOW (1980) Paul McCartney and Wings Th11 record of 1111 band's U S tour lncludel performances of "Jal. .. "Band On Thi Run." "Siily love Sono•" and sorn1 Old Bealle balled• 'PG' MOVIE • * * ,., "Atlee. Sw111 Allee" I 18781 Linda Miiier Paula She$>9ard Member's ol an llahln·Amerlc:an l1mlfy are vlellmlzed by 11 peycholic murderer In their midst 'R' 2:4688 HEWS 3:00 8 TODAY'S AEUOION 3:15 (%l MOVIE **'• "Papmon" (19731 Sieve McOuMn. Oualln Hottman A pal< or Devil'& lliancl convlc1• lc>end lhelf time planning their ISCaPI 3:80 ~=MAKERS * ''> "Up Rt...,.. ( 1980) Morgan Sll\'ll\I. A YQW10 pton11r becom11 obMIMd with re~ge aflar Ille Will II kllled by a loc:at land bafon who rlttl'ltl llll IUOOIN. .MOYie * * • ~ "Brlell« MOfant" ( 1980) Eoward Woodward, Jacll Thompeon. Auetr ... -COlllCf'lplld lo flgllt on England'I llde In the lkllf War dlclde 10 llgtlt tlle BOif gu«lllM on tllelr own tarma. 'PG' 4.'00. INT'EN'~ 4:IO ®MOY!e * * ._. •T ril>U11" (1N0) Jack t.Atmmon, Robby lenaol1 M llreepo 11D1 ·~Pf ... ...... bfOll'910,..,... .. ..... ttte .,., Na ...... ,.. ~ wtltl • ti'"" IOI\. 'PG' 4:111 a:> llOWtl * ** '"'Mltefl Wey .. Up?" 11•m NoMrc1 ...,_, lonetta Mct<ee. A ... •tar.ltd lrlotll • ., .. CINlflt In • ~ CtotllN '*-' '* 11111111 ... -Moe, Md I .. ........ ................ "' . ............. •• Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Sunday, f:ebruary 21, 1882 of Orange County•s Newest SUBARU DEALER . ' Now ... the dealer that has given you 7V2 years as one of Southern California's leading BMW dealers is adding the Fabulous Line of: SUBARU .eo..•tor: ... IM-JRMMCTO•Y •A&• AND . SAY• BIG •••• , w.-.. ............ , ... New 1912 SUlilU llA T! B' IBA_.RU. lllEXPENSIVE. All) IUIJ ~~~~~~ii.ii~ mSTAYlHATMl We Still Offer What No Bank or Lease Company Can '........, ....__ .......... 1, 0...,, ... s ......... _. '. J ............. "' ..me.a,_..., • ._ •• ._.._ •llfl"4•ce4 ... ...,.._......,., ......., ._. ._. .. ,.. •• ................. Mn'lce .... ... ..... _..i ..... If you· want · the largest selecti6n of new and used Mazdas, · · go right to the source. You 'll find o huge selection of the hottest selling new ond used cars around I today. GLCs, 626s, RX-7s, and ....... ~ the oll new B-2000 Sundowner • i .,. ; pick-up. Suce, you could , j ~ J shop around, but for the best -···-'·,, selection, go right to llllB1E!i ....... Hb ...... ""lfl 1425 Boker Street, Cosio Meso, CA 92626 (714) 545-3334 A s T • • • • • SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1982 FASHION SECTION OF THE ORANGE CPAST DAILY PILOT • • • • • . - • • • • • • ' . • • . • • • • t .. • •-"I. • • • • • • .. • • • • • • • •• • • • ~--· ... ' . • • • • • • • • • • • • Candy White wears Aune Klein on Lido Isle's Genoa Street Btach. Clothes by.John Hogan !Fcuhion Island. Cover Photo by Patrick o ·DoDnell \ . • • • I • • • ' • I • • • • • • I ... Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Sunday, February 28, 1912 G o ing away to knovy the peighbors· By No.A LEHMAN ..., NltlT'tU ... Eliot Teltscher and Yannick Noah ,; were battlln1 it out -service line to service line, instead of baseline io baseline -their usual wont -when we finally Classic at the La Quinta Tennis ub last nra made it into our seats at the jlOleom~ weekend. Almost as hot as last year, it as hard 1iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil not to feel sorr1Y for those two young men· playing down below. The heat had to be intense. Lord knows it was for those of us in the stands . ·<However: for all my empathy, when I remembered that the ultimate winner -and Noah finally was. the following day when he sent Ivan Lendt down to defeat after _some nerVe racking double faults -would walk away with $32,000 and the runner-up. 16 grand. I curbed my tendency to feel sorry for them. After all, that's almost more than some people make in a month or.so, isn'! it? Or another way to look at it, $5,333.33 a aay. isn't too bad, when you think about it.> ' . . We 'd no sooner seated ourselves. plunked hats on our heads an~ settled back than I felt a gentle tap on my shouider. "The Cripes couldn't com1e," the voice behind the glasses whispered. "SO they gave us their tickets. These are our friends the Frisbeys, Connie and Gene.·· Behind the glasses was Jeanie Curtis and on the other side of the foursome was Bill. hiding behind his own set of glasses and under a brimmed-white tennis hat. We all smiled acknowledging each other . It wasn't until a break in the game and we had time to converse I discovered .both the Curtises had been born in the desert and had graduated from Palm Springs High School. J ean said there were only 35 in their graduating class. Now there's a bit of history for you. Sometimes you have to go away to get to know about your neighbors. On the other hand, Gene Frisbey was born in Santa Ana and graduated from Santa Ana High. Now they 've reversed each other. with the Curtises living in Newport Beach and the Frisbeys retired to the desert. Over by the "ne w'' clubhouse (Landmark Land Co., La Quinta's redevelopers. have kept the integrity of the place by keeping the exteriors and rebuilding the interiors) I ran into Marilee Wilson. Page Jenkins and Kim Spears. Spotted the Wallah Clarkes and the Paul Elmquists, too. The granddaughter in our fami~y picked up Al and Dolly Mategoren. down from Huntington Beach with the Pony people. Nothing can beat dogs and children for picking up nice folk. They're both great ice breakers. We stayed over at the Bay Club in Indian Wells, courtesy o(Fritzie Williams and I think mo!it of the tennis players from La Quinta did, too. We had double fun seeing them warll} up on the "home .. courts before they made it around the ben~ to the L.Q. Tennis complex. We didn't , though. see as many folk a round Indian Wells as we usually do. Did you all rent your condos to the traveling players. thereby 1missing the tournament? Too bad. M~be next year. Bm Curtis ( ff'om left), Cormie Fri&bey. and Jean Curti&. at the Congot.Mm Tnnh CJassic. at La Quinta. Marilee Wilson r left J also slipped away from the beach area for the weekend. K i m Spears fright J t.ros on a holiday . A coach at Vic Braden's. he was in the desert to see t h e C. o n g o l e u m Tournament at La Quinta. Color, shape say something By VIDA DEAN D9My ...... ~·--lf you have a round face. don't wear round glasses. This o rte n s tated "rule" isn't necessarily true. according to Cindy Lins. cosmetic optician and assistant manager of Optique Classique in South Coast Plaza. She says it depends on the size of your face and just how round it is. Ordinarily. a person with a round face would look better in a frame that is wide at the top. narrow at the bottom with a high riding temple. A person wtth a narrow elongated fa ce looks great in a frame rounded at the bottom . The oval-shaped face looks fine in almost any shape frame. Lins (isn't that a perfect.name for an optician?> added that you can't generalize on the best selection or a shape for your glass frames and lens. It is a personal service. and the end result should be to balance your face and enhance your good features. Whal color frames are most complimentary'? Again. we can only generalize . Lins says. Fair-skinned blondes and redheads would probably look best in blue. green. white. beige. light brown and tortoise. Fair skins should. as a rule. avoid black~ dark TUESDAY, MARCH 2 Sheila Cluff. s pa owner and director of The Oaks in Ojai and The Palms in Palm Springs talks a bout success in the business world under the auspices of Broadway's Million Dollar Image series. 6:30 p.m.-7:30 p .m . $10 c harge . Call 644·1212 for reservations. Bro~dway I Fashion Island. THURSDAY, MARCH 4 "U>oks of Your Life" Ultima·s Beauty Director Jeanne Hayes, cooducts makeup clinics. The $10 fee is applicable toward any Ultima purchase. 1 to 3:30 p.m . Broadway /Huntington Beach. CHOC benefit fashion s how and luncheon at the Anaheim ·Marriott. Clothes by Saks Fifth Avenue/South Coast Plaza. Cocktails at 11:30 and luncheon at 12:30 p .m. Call Children's Hospital Community Relations department fo r reservations 997 ·3000 or talk to your local Guild member. Anaheim Marriott Hotel. ThofN9 P. Ha~ ~ ThofN9 A. Murphln• .... Horal.nm.ti ........ .._.P.Hef\ley ............. Mlrlorle Fendt! • ............... ,. ,., ..... Cefl 6'2--4321, Ext. 205 ,.,~ Cefl 142-4321 . t. 251 . brown and gray. unfess they have gray hair. Mauve. burgundy and rose are usually best on people with yellow-toned skin and dark hair . Lavenders. golden-toned browns VD~. and blues would probably not be becoming. Lins says. Dark olive s kin and da rk hair generally are complemented by frames of burgundy. blue. a pricot. dark brown. black or tortoise. Avoid pinks and other pale pastels. There's one point about which Lins is most definite. A person with a prominent nose should never have a dark bridged frame. This causes-the observer's eye to be drawn to the dark center and thus to the nose. A clear bridge would be a much better choice. Just the opposite. of course. for the person with a too small nose. A perfect nose? No problem. Frames also can be selected to cor rect the appearance if the eyes are too close set or too wide set. Detailing on the outside of the frames causes the observer's eyes to focus outs ide and therefore make the wearer's eyes seem furthe r apart. With detailing in the cente r . the eyes seem closer together. Another rule Lins applies when fitting frames is that a dark frame should follow We're so sorry! Last ~eek poltergeist1 got hold of some STYLE copy and spirited it away. Where they took it and why none of us is sure. However, we'd like to make a public apology for their bad manners and give credit where it's due. So, here's a repeat of what the missing copy said. COV ER : Emma J ane Riley wears a red and black silk three-piece suit by David Hayes. Soft. feminine and wonderfully wearable, it's a spr ing-throug h -fall addition to an y wardrobe. Clothes and accessories by Saks Fifth Avenue/South Coast Plaza. • ' _..., .. Cindy L.ms shows us graphically the wrong cabove left J and the right of glasses the brow line so it won 't appear that the wearer has two sets of brows. Also. there should be slightly more of the glasses below the eye level than above. The tint of the lens should be at the top and bottom. leaving the glass clear at eye level. Some tints camouflage puffiness above the e:v.e . while others accentuate that condition.· It depends on a person 's coloring. And , if you wear peach colored blush. avoid wearing rose tinted glasses. Frames come in such a multitude of colors an1 shapes that it is quite possible to select one that is perfect for your face. Exercise ·great care and give as much thought .to this selection as is given to choosing jewelry. makeup and fashions. With so m any frames available. women are actually shopping for entire wardrobes of glasses ... for business. for dressy wear and for the outdoors. Today. so· to 70 percent of women are choosing rimless glasses at Optique Classique. says Lins. This probabl~ is because ;:l rimless ------- cJANU A R <r-.8 eyewear design is made exclusively for Optique Classiquc. Each lens is crafted to a precision crystal·like finish and held i'n a stainless-steel base overlaid with a hean· rolled-gold fini s h. Pnces for thes~· exclusive works are S400 to $525 per pair, So popular is th b e~·ewca r thatl Am erican companies are beginnin~ to cop~ it. says Lins. whose company sells on~ European made frames Also popul ar with women are the half metal-half plas tic (rnmes with metal temples. Young people a re ~electing plastic frames with a preppy look. as are older men who want the young preppy look . says Lins. If you wear glasse~. don't forget eye makeup. There is even more reason to use shadows. eyeliner and m ascara. Don 't overdo. but a good idea 1s to go a little heavier with what might be thought of as nighttime wear for a person not wcarin; glasses. , I I * SPECIAL OFFER * Sculptured Nails • 2 sets price of t Only $55.00 rvaule JJI0.001 Manicure Plus P edicure Only $20.00 f Valued. CJ1 J31J .00 J Expires 1".fay 1, '82 * ALSO AV AllABLE • Make-up, Make-up Lessoes & Facials, Body Wraps and Manage 2400 W. Coast Hwy., SuJte 2 Newport Beac~ MS-3418 .. . ~~~~y NATIONALLY KNOWN, AWARD WINNING JEWELRY DESIGNER ~~ • REMOUNT SPECIALIST Cfll•W. DlltCINING • CUSTOM MSTVUMCI I AllETllNO ADl:WR COLLICTION OP CIQLD I f'LATINUM •WEL"Y • DIMIONOI • 4!1AftLI • ''"' CCILOMD GIMITONH • •• ' . A l'raviUa design -feminine. ru/fled. timeless 1 black silk organza. A dress to last , a lifetime. 'yet very much this spring. . __ ,_....,. ____ _ -. -----·-------- . ~ Orange Cout DAILY ptLOT/Sunday, February 28, 1982 • Grem , ond tdaite $i~ two-piece dress, boldly itriped. the essence of spnng ·s2 . by Albert Nipon Boutique An Indian paisley print. cotton lop with .a matching rayon dirndl skirt designed by BiU Haire for Friederick Sports Cond11 won . P.orinon deligner Leoaord'a laoftd-pointed, 10/t pink, ailk-chl/fon ahtath belted .and blousoned to give.a mini eifect. Exclusive with John HO{IQn's in this .arfa. these dresses .are ·so lightweight and pacltabl.e . they.arrive from France by mail in.a manila envelope Bright. s aucy . feminine that ·s Spring '82. While des igners agree that short is best legs are in and so are shoulders t hey've bowed to the will of the buyer. providing skirts and pants in a m~Tiad of s hapes and lengths. A touch· of nautical . . IS In Shoes a re high for shor1 . low for long: hose match footwear and scarves give color at the neck. a round the head or pull an outfit together at the waist. Accessori es could be vour b est in vestment. · But to be really with it this spring. go for a touch of the n autical : include some blac k and white in your buying sche me: the prairie look : be sure to have a touch of COVER: Candy Whit e wears separates bu Aim .Klein The skirt .. a brown. h/ack.and rust pure silk. zs combrned with .a mulberry l111e11 overblouse Together they gwe a soph1St1cated prairie look Clothes . and . accessones by Joh11 Hogan/ F.a.i;h1or1 I slarid Cover photos bl/ P.at ncJ.-o· oonnell s uede anythin~ from a belt t o an overblouse : try a split skirt: and abo\·e all stripes. An~·thing with stript.•s :-a~· .rnu k no'' _,·our trends This week 's t'O\"t•r girl. C:andy Wh1l t.'. :i 1981 gradua l t.• of ll untington Beach's Edison High School. 1s a third gene ration Orange Counlian and a fourth generation Californian A modt.•I and ;.1 dancer. she brings :,pnng to thi:. \\et.•k'" STYL E re<.1ders. Families and Skiing Go Together l ~ . j efore you take your family on their next ski trip, bring t em into Newport kl Co21••t• we have the finest selection of men 's, women 's and children ' clothing, accessories a~d equipment. ...... jiiil] ' Rentcils 2500 W. Coast'Hwy. N.wport leach, CA 631-3280 • C4 Or•l'\O• Coaat DAILY PILOT/Sunday, February 28, 1982 Miss Carhart t Carhart-Schmidt ' \ Engagement of Ne wport Ha rbor lligh School graduates Lynn Carhart and Gar~· A. Schmidt. both of Costa Mesa. has been a nnounced. The couple also both are graduates or Cal State Long Beach. Miss Carhart is the daughter of Mr and Mrs. Alvin L. Carhart Jr. of Costa Mesa. Her fi ance is the son of Mr. and Mrs . George A. Schmidt of Hemet. A March wedding is planned in Costa Mesa. Brown-Flores Newport Beach re~idents Laura W Brown and Edward S . Flores are bet rothcd and plan a June wedding in St. James Episcopal Church. Newport Beach. Miss Brown is the daughter of the late Mrs. Susan D. Brown and granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Hermann of Balboa. The bride-elect graduated from St. Lucy·s Priory High School. Glendora. and Arizona State University. Tempe. Her fiance. son of Mr and Mrs. Joseph J. Flores of Phoenix. Ariz .. gr aduated rrom East l-Ogh School. Phoeni x. and · Arizona State. llnivcrsit~·. Tempe Stowe-Ingraham Engagement of Barbara A. Stowe or Costa Mesa to Craig A Ingraham of Van Nuys has been announced The bride -elect. daughter of Fae Hancock of Costa Mesa. attended Central Missouri State Universit~" Warre nsburg. Mo. Her fiancc. son of Mr and ~Jrs Robert Ingraham of ~ontt>re~ Park. graduated from CLA A wedding is plunncd in March Miss Torres. Mr. Masor1 Torres-Mason . ' A June 26 wedding in Calvary Chapel of Costa Mesa is planned by Olga M. T o rres and Steven J . Mas on whose engage ment has been announced. Miss Torres is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tony V. Torres of Costa Mesa. She is a graduate of Mater Dei High School. Santa A"Ti a. and Orange Coast College. Costa Mesa. . Her fiance. son of Mr. and Mrs . Ray Ma son of Huntington Beach. graduated from Huntington Valley Christian High School and Orange Coast College. Costa Mesa. Borucki-Chastain Engagement of Laguna Beach High School graduates Karen Ann Borucki and Carey Ray Cha~tain has been announced . Miss Borucki. dau~hter of Mr. and Mrs. Norman H. Borucki of South Laguna. g raduated as well from UCLA with a B:S. in kinesiology .. ·Al ·UCLA;she·affiHated with Pi Beta Phi sorority. Her fiance. son of Mr. and Mrs. Terry W. Chastain of Laguna Beach. graduated from Cal State Fullerton with a B A in business administration. A June 19 wedding is planned in St. Nicholas Church. Laguna Hills.. Hartnett-Kransow Newpo rt Be ach residents Kath~· Hartnett and James P. Krasnow have become engaged and s et a Sept. 25 wedding date. Miss Hartnett is the daughter of Mr a nd Mrs . Jos eph H a rtnett of Newport Beach. She graduated from Newport Ha rbor Hi gh School. Her fiance. son of Mart Krasnow of North Ho 11 y wood . gradu ated from Alhambra Hig h School and'Cal State Long Beach They are to be married In Our Lad~· nf :\1t. Carmel Church. N<.•wport Beach. 7~ A variety of heel heights A Louis heel looks delicate enough lo wear from morning through evenmg Thia Wu>-heeled pump silhouette is not only appropriate for the new fashiont. but a pral'bll walktng 1~. \ NEW YORK (APl This s pring. ~·our feet can feel as beautiful as they look. Thanks to the wide variet~· of heel heights making fashion news. from ballet flats to vampy s tiletto-heel sandals. there's no need to sacrifice style for comfort. ··Today. there is no one correct h ee l h e i g h t . Wom e n can se lect shoes that combine fashion and function. In fact. a wardrobe of shoes in several heel he ights can contribute to the long-term health of your feet." says Andrea Rosen. fashion director of the Footwear Council. Podiatris ts agree that many foot problems caused by improper shoes could be avoided by changing s hoes several times a d ay. Sky-hi~h heels may have their place - for a special night out once in a while but according to Dr. Rob Ro~' McGregor. medical consu ltant to the Footwear Council. "Shoes with high heels throw the back out of alignment,·· resulting in backaches. tightness in the hip joints. and tension in the legs.·· Worn every day high heels can lead to s hortened calf muscles. mak i ng it uncomfortable to wear low-heeled s hoes. To correct this problem gradually wean yourself away from high heels by switching to low shoes for a few hours every day. he notes. The ideal heel he ight for work days ranges rrom 1-to-2 inches. say the experts. Low-to-mid-heel shoes distribute the body's weight more evenly: while with high heels the weight must be borne by the balls of the feet. "Most of this s pring·s newest shoe shapes have heels somewhere between flat and very high," says Ms. Rosen. "A pump with a sculptured Louis or court heel looks higher than it really is. because the heel is tapered inward. They go comfortably ft:om day into evening." Wedges are a lso making a big comeback for spring with the newest being s lightly tapered and more delicately sculptured than the ones or a few seaso.ns ago. Some women will still ravor high heels because they are so n attering to the legs. but if high heels must be worn, try to give your reet a rest for a few hours in the middle of the day by changing to a pair or low heeled shoes. "Qood fit prevents a lot or problems. regardless of heel height," Ms. Rosen peinls out. . . Miss Allen Allen-Kissner Uni versi t~· of Notl'c Da me studl•nts Mary Therese Allen of Newport Beach and Lawr~nce J Kissner of Delra\' Bearh Fla .. are betrothed . · · Miss Allen is thl' daughter of Mr. and :\-frs. Kenneth L. Allen of Newport Reach. She graduated from '.'Jcwport I !arbor High School and is lo ~raduate in Mu~· from Notre Dame m South Bend . Ind . where she is a Notre Dume Scholar Her fiance is the son of Mr. and Mrs Rudolph Kissne r of De lray Beach. Pia. He also is to graduate from Not re Dame in Mav A June' wedding 1s µtanned 1n St .Joachim Churr h. Costa ~k~a . Weber-Bell A May l. wedding in St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church. Newport Beach. is pl anned b~· Laura M Weber and Charles E . Bell. The bride-e lect is the daughter of M 1· und Mrs. Henry G Weber of '.'kwµort Beach. She graduatt!d from !'lewport llarbor H i g h S c ho o I a n d U n 1 v e r s i t ~ (' f California-Santa Barbara Her fiance. son oi Mr. and Mrs .John G Bell of Glendale. graduated from University of Arizona. Tucson. Hunt-Reinholt Engagement of Christine L . Hun t and Dale A. Reinholt. both of Costa ~lc~a. has been announced. The bride -elect. daughter of Mr and Mrs . Albert Hunt of Costa Mesa . graduaterl from Costa Mesa Hjgh School. Her fiance. son of !\fr. und Mrs Dl•nnis Reinholt of Costa M esa . also gn1du ;Hect from Costa Mesa High School. A s umme r wedding has been plannl'rl in Prince of Peace Luthcnm Church. Co~ta Mesa. ..., Miss Ramirez Ramirez-Kovacs A July wedding is µtunned by Re~cca Jo Ramirez and Dr. Bruce W. Kovacs whose engagement was announced at a n·ccnt part~ in I hl• hom l' of Miss Ramirez· mother. The bride·c lect is the daughter of lkatl'ice Parsons Drur\' of Costa Mesa and .Josl' Ramirez of Fullerton. A graduate of Sunny Hills High School and the UC LA School of Nursing. Miss· Ramirez is an operating room nurSl' at t.:CLA Hospital and Clinics. Her fiancl' is the son of Bernice Kovacs of West Cuvina and..::Wil l1am ~oC ,<;arr---­ Bernardino O'Hara-McGlyn n Laguna Beach resident Erin O'Hara has tx:.come engaged to Ke nneth MtGl~·nn of Oakland. A Ma~· 15 wedding is planned m St. Catherine of Siena Church. Laguna Beach. Miss O'Hara is the daughter of Mr. and :\-1 rs Walter 0 ·11ara of Laguna Beuch She 1s a graduate of Laguna Beach High School a nd the t:niversit v of Califo rnia-Santa Barbara . · Her fiam·t'. son of Mr and Mrs. James Mc Gly nn o f Oakl;rnd . gr<1ciuatcd from L'CI.A Zembik-Carrozzo A June weddin g in S t Hedwif(s Catholic Church. Los Alamitos. is planm•d h\' Annette M Zembik of Stunton and Guf A. Carrozzo of Fountain Valle~" The bride-elect. daughtt•r or Mr. and Mrs Frank Z<.'mbik Jr. of Conroe. ~t·-.:a ~. graduated from Cal State Full erton. lier fianct'. son of :\-fr and Mrs Gu.\ Carrozzo of F'ountain \'alley. graduated from Fountain \'alll·~· Hi gh School und llumboldt State l'niversit~" Arcata. / KABC. newsman Fred Anderson r from Left . who acted ,m MC,. Kathleen Luby. Gerri Shapiro. pre6ident of the Jr. Ebell.and Gary San Filippo. March of Dime& board member talk .at the Ebell's March of Dimes Valentine Ball. Orange Coat DAILY PILOT/Sund91, February 28, 1982 Co-chairperson1. p.atti Giles .and JoAnne Stewart reJax with their husbands .after their endiavors. Terry Giles.and Bill Stewart Terry and 81lL are. also law-firm partners Laguna B~qch Opera League hears .Celest8 · T avara . . : By NORA LEHMAN Delly Pllil ITYU ...... ' MOSS POINT PERFORMANCE : Connie and Andy Morthland turned their super .Moss Point house over to 74 Laguna 1 Beach Opera League members to hear Celeste Tavara, who four years ·ago won the Sanderson Award and in 1981 took the Opera League Performance Award at the · Orange County Metropolitan Auditions. A -product of OU~ own Orange County. s he went to both Cal State University at Fullerton and Long Beach. We'll keep our · fin ger~ ~ros-Sed that -ihe-·r~st of the w<>r1d thinks she's as talented as we do. • • • DISTINGUISHED. THAT'S WHAT : If I'm boastful about our cover people it's because I think they deserve it. Another ooe's been doin g som e interesting things. Sheila Mccanna. she's the one who urges us to get our butterflies to fly in formation before we do any public speaking, gave a talk on "Leadership in Volunteerism" to members of the Friends of South Coast Repertory Guilds. Sixty of them had gathered and beard about plans for the fourth annual End-of-Season Auction and Variety Show; from chairman of this fund-raiser, Jane Martin, about the opening of the solicitation drive and a presentation by one of our fellow Daily Pilot persons, Carol Olson. on principles of non-profit organizational advertising and auction item solicitation. A busy. day, they also heard from Richard Odle on historical costuming relative to the upcoming. HENRY IV ."" PART I and indulged in a well-deserved luncheon. This day was organized by All-GuiJd Chairman. Debbie Andrews of Huntington Beach with the he lp of All-Guild Membership Chairman Shirley Lampert of Newport Beach. Giving Jane Martin a hand on the auction are Janyce Hustwit. Diane Diehl, Mona Martin. Barbara Bryant. that dedicated Irisher Catherine Thyen, kay McDonald. Marlene Hermes, Joyce Justice. Judy Dobbs. Ruth G<>ulet, Barbara Murray and Sherry Ross. • • • THEY DO MEET ON TUESDAYS: It's not like Ron Stone to get so many people m one picture. but here they are: Lorrayne Allison of Irvine. Louis Shea. Costa Mesa. SCR 's costume designer. D. Richard Odle: Holly Servis and Shirley Lampert both of Newpo;t And this past Tuesdar. they had the}r 24th Annual Philanthropic Luncheon at the Airporter Inn Hotel. Fran Allison and Ron Husman performed for the Tuesday Club of Newport Harbor. and the monies raised from this event are slated for the Harbor Area Adult Day Care Center and Hoag Hospital's Mobile Meals. This dedicated group also s upport scholarships for students going to local colleges. Cloyse Endsley and Vera Dennis are just two members of the c lub. .. . . __ .... ELECTION TIME: I have to tip my hat to the Newport Harbor Auxiliary of the Children's Home Society. They have their ball when no one else does and thev ha,·E' their elections ~dt a wonderfully curious time of the year. l don't know whether thev planned it that way. but by being just a little off everyone else's schedule, thev ·manage to make themselves heard. l like to think some very bright person worked it all out. So. it's election time for them and this is the list of new officers: Barbara DeMott. president; Susan Beechner. VP: Ray Jean Ry an. recording secretary: Sally Phillips. corresponc;ling .secretary; Barbara Cronin . treasurer and Nanette Sutherland gets them out of parliamentary jams. That's what past 'presidents are for The~· also act a s in sta llin~ o rri cers. a.s d id Rosemary Hitzel. A few more serving on the executive board: .Jude Baum. Sandee Kerr, Marilvn Bishep, Barbara Rountree and Fran Smith. Five new provisionals joined the group: Vickie Browne. Marjorie Dalton. Carolyn Fyke. Mary Ann Goldman and Judy Morgan. . Paula Van Eden was the hostess for all these goin gs on. • • • FEDERATION: Th~-Laguna Niguel Republican Women 's Club became officially federated at their January officers' installation. They are: Joyce . Slayman,-president";-Virginia Martin. tst VP ; Ruth Crawford. 2nd VP; Shirley Graham, 3rd VP ; Petey Lawrence. and Darlene Lundgren of the InlaruJ Guild. clown with some of the props from the upcoming HENRY IV. PART I. Mercy. talk about a cast of thousands. Barbara DeMott 1s the newly elected president of the Newport I/arbor Auxiliary of the C h i I d r e n · s II o m 1• Snc1et.11 M rs_. John Barta. tfrom left 1 vice regent . Mrs Walter Stepht.'m• ticket chairman .. and F.ay Reber. who's m charge 11/ door pnzn f er the IHR's . annual fund·raiser on March 6.at the Santa Ana Country Club. show some of those pn~s. r ecording secretar y : Ann Lamonti. corresponding secretary and Ethel Blair plans to handle the money. Sadie Burns of the Orange County Federation took them into the fold. • • • ' HEART TO HEART: The firs t of I what's to be an annual event . the Orange CountY. Heart Association Ball Is an event of the past. but they're probably alreadv planning for next year. · We'll hope there won·l be any conflicts in '83. Valentine's Day. or the nearest Saturday. does seem an appropriate date for a Heart Association BaJI. · They hiid guests from all over the county., and among those dining &nd dancing at South Coast Plaza Hotel were Marg Godbe r and her guest. J . Ray Lowell : Elon and Mary Ann Wells; Elaine and Tykye Camaras. a tl over from CD~ Costa Mesa was represented bv one of the co-chairs . JoAnne Stewar't and her roommate. Bill: the Ralph Sorsoleals an<t Horace H~rtzes : the Ray Malavasis; the Mike Cimmarrustises and Rheta and Max Schrieber, ·all from Huntington Beach: J odie and Vince Ferragamo and Pat and Dave P€ :kowski represented Irvine and a crowd came in from the Newport-Balboa area. Among them. Evelyn and Michael Potoma: Jackie and Loren Heather: President of the Heart Association. Michael Weber. M.D. 'and wife. Sandy; Virginia and Paul Bender: R~ and Gloria Osl>rm ; 1c ie an<r:JOlln IrVine. Up from San Juan. Gene Roberson, who perform~ on the piano at the gala and Pam and Sam Goldstein. He was MC for the evening. Haven't gotten a tally yet. but I hope they did well. . . . . MAR~. MARCH, MARCH : the boys are marching. And so are the girls for the March of Dimes. The same night as the Heart Association Ball. the Junior Ebell Club o~ Newport Beach was having a fund-raaser for the March of Dimes down at the Balboa Bay Club. They figured they clear~d about ~.500-to-$6,000. And a mong those to help the march along ~ere Doris and Ferydoun Ahadpour, who JUSt bought the Huntington Harbour Tennis Club : Ron and Cmdv Latin of Huntington Beach : Mission Viejo's Eileen and Richard Anderson : Jeanne and Joe Basso; t wo sets of Buccis. Karen and Bob and Ruth.and Jack : the Garv San F'illipos: Geri and Paul Shapiro ·she's president of the Junior Ebclls and Zack and Gerry Wright. Fred Anderson of KABC and Bob Bucc i spell ed each other doing the auction part of the evening, • • BELOW THE BORD ER Next Saturday. March 6. al 11 a.m the Col. William Cabell Chapter of the DAR holds its annual rund -raiser at the Santa Ana Country Club a luncheon fashi on show. themed to a "Holiday in Mexico ... You can pl El n your wardr0 be by computer now If you'll let it, the computer can come to your closet. It can take the guesswork out of $hopping, help you avoid the hazards of impulse buying -a fact to be reckoned with the price of clothes still on the rise - and guide you, step-by-step, through the number-of choices available to the shopper these days. Devel oped by the · editors of GLA~0UR. the wardrobe planning program is dubbed PACE -Personalized Apparel COmputer Evaluation. It provides answers to each person's needs -taking into acCOWlt ti~aflln. Fi1Ure problems. as well u color and clothing preferences. lt does not 1ua.t throwing out everything In your poaaeuioa a nd· starting over. lnste•. It ...._.ta I woman take a 1ooct 'hard look at her wardro~ and build on the cl••iel. already owr. This program will be presented at Nordstrom /South Coast Plaza at 8 : 30 Saturday morning. March 20, by the store's own people and Daina Hulet. GLAMOUR 's west coast editor. To get the most ouLot the presentation having one's own computerized plan in hand would be best. And to do that, go to Nordstrom's Polnt of View Department, rm otlt the eight-page questionnaire. give your 125 to the salesperson, and mail it immediately to GLAMOUR. Your responses will be run through a computer and what you get back is a 30-pa1e analysis of what )'OU should keep in your exi1tin1 wardrobe and what you should purchaae to Qlake it work best for you. Included are lllhouettft lo natter your figure; fabric IJtforynation and kleas on ac~ztn1 to update (!Urn!ftt looks. mix-and-match "color ctrarts and even lingerie do's and don'ts. Advance information on Spring '82 trends will be included and highlight those which best fit the wardrobe needs of the respondent. PACE even suggests wbat to buy and where it can be purchased. In this case, Nordstrom, surely. · With so many options available. GLAMOUR's Ms . Hulet will be available to answer specific questions and off er tips and trend information at the end of tbe program. · ' Tie a program like lhia in with cokls; analysis, a new makeup ~ hairdo _.. you can itve up worrytna abDUt tfte ••ll thlnp like wardroblnc and ilve your ~ to lhe big thln11 like maytie some small impulse bu)'lng wouldn't hurt loo much. ' I FASHION SHOW ~,March 6th 11 a.m. Please RSVP •95-2623. upper Level (Next to May Co.) lttulorl "-"lo Mall Mlulorl Vieio . 1 Orange Coa1t DAJLY PILOT/8un~ay, February 21. 1112 The l...o Quinta llotel. considered to be the oldest resort area 011 the low d ~sert . continue s to draw visitors from the Orange Coast and Los Angeles areas. A large pool in the tem11s court area ;,, just one of the many att'ractions here Adrien Arpel~ makeover: 55% off . ·- Grand old dame of the desert By NORA LEHMAN oelty ..... ITYLa • .._ It's the oldest resort in the dt'sert and there's an elegance and timelessness here -with the Spanish ha cie ndas a nd' bungalows lying in the coves low against the rugged Santa Rosa mountains. When the late Walter Morgan came to this spot from San Francisc·o in the t•arl~· '20s. he found little but sand and ('aC'ti in the Coachella Valley But he liked thl' c limate and t he bea ut~· of the a rea attracted him. A few years later ht• bought the land g r a nt a~eage on which he had firs t pitched his lent from the South Pacifl« Railway for $1 an acre. He built himself a Spanis h ha cien da a nd added some bungalows for hi s frie nds . These buildings wen• to bC' thl' nuelt•us of the La Quinta Hotel. Until the beginning of the housing boom in the late ·sos. lloll\'wood f ..1mous mixed with the old·famil" rich of the Ea~t Coast and Midwest who· descended on La Quinta yearly during the worst ol the winter weather. T he•\' ofkn slaH•cl for months at a time. insisting on the• samt· rooms from vear to·\'t•ar. While there <.1rt• still old·t1mcrs who m a intain lhis routine. the numbers lessen every year. Most desert lon•rs han• bought houses <.1nd eondominiums ol their o wn. It becomes less and l e~s of a "residential" hot e l as the ~·ear~ pass The thrust these da~ s 1~ to\\ ards short-te rm sta~·s and eorporatt• 1wnplt· coming in for seminar presentations Traditions lin_gcr on. howen.•r coats and t ies are ~t.1 11 required for gentlemen guests a nd · · apprupnatC' a ll1 n• · for ladies in the Frank Capra dining room in the evening. It's this kind of t•lcgant and gracious a tmosphere. the Landmark Lano l'o . which acquired La Quinta Hotel in 197n. has managed to prcscrvl'. t•vcn as it hus added to and improved the propert~" .\s 1t builds within the hotel grounds ii ret ains the exteriors and updates lhl' intC'riors of exis ting buildings ·'It would ha n.• he en less expensi n •. · · J erry Barton. Landma rk·s president says. ··to have taken all lhC' old huild in_gs Ciown and rebuilt. But we would havC' lost mon· than we gained that wa~· · · Suc h a tten tion and <:<Jrt• shows throughout the development becaust• as they've adde d a n d updatt.•d . they ·\"l' r emembered to retain the best of the old According to Robert Silva. the hotel"s general manager . 104 new units w11l'-"'b~t·_~• added to the al read~· existing 165 The goal Watch Out! Our spies tell us airfares overseas are going up ._ttc.ny . in the very. near future. So get in on these 3 CJl"HI btry1 on our "Home to Home" specials. Mav 10 c ... _.,_,.-...c,. .. 17 .... P.lt7.• 24 ... P.t71.• (~II mealt Included. space hm1ted) ......... [.., All the ctwmt or the "Sound or Music" country. 14 dayt, bated In deluxe hotel. all meats & private bus. s.,t. 2J .. Oct •• U.IOO.· ................ 0.1..e 15 deye eeconed program to all ttie tiigtillgtits of Swiu.tand. Moat meats, private bus. Based fn one l'lol91. ..... 1-22 . U.411.· n...,.tc.. ......... Sign uP row and save s s s ....... ,~ ...... JJ7M-7•T .. M. • T ... CA 7Jt.0047 . . is to hu vc the m read)· for occupanc~· in time for the '82-'83 Sl'ason. The~· should have no trouble filling them. Landmark is quic~i~· turning the a ,reage around the hotel into a total resort in an t.tr>ett fi lled• with resorts. Twenty-sevc•n of lhl' prorxJsed 36-hole golf courst• ha\'C been t'Ompletcd with a handso m e c lubhou se al its hub . Me mbership is full and a waiting li st alrrad~ l'Xists Experts say 11 ·s the best desert course in the world I ligh praise in un <.1 rea whe re golf courst•s exist around l'\'C'r~· corner Landmark has also 1oint-\'t•ntured tht• La Quinta I lolc•l Tl•nnis Club with 11 of t he best-known pros in the world Charlie Passt•rell. the t·ompan~ .. s t'en nis direc·tor <Landmark has a lso has Mission Hills and the Carmel Valle\' Tennis Ranc·h 1. Arthur Ashe. Rost·oe T·u nnc r . Bob Lutz. Stan Smith. Tom Gorma n. Mart\· Reissen. Ditk Sttickton. Brian Gottfried. 'oennis Ralston <lnd Donald De ll. The ultimate aim is 17 c·ourts including <"la~· and g rass Thl' 7.500-seat s unkl•n stadium l'ourt is finished and was in use for the OC'serl Hospital fund-raiser. the C'o n gc\lcu m ('lass i e T e nni s Tournament. ast wt•ekend. In the tennis-court area 1s a large pool ancf a charming l'lubhouse com·erted from a Spanish-style pri\'ale home Horseback riding 1s ~1n11lablt•. as wt•ll as hot air ha I loon mg And an addt•d a m emt' 1s the 10-al'n' terminal '-Ill' r'l'C'entl~ acq uired b~· the c:ompa n ~ at the Thermal Airport. Accommodating both cor poratl' jet and pr op aircraft . as well as gcnt•ral a\·ialion planes. 11 has a lencc<I and patrolled holding an•a Frt•e l ra nsporlat ion is provided to the holl'l For those needing c:onnt•tting fli ghts to Los Angeles taxi fli ght st>n ·it·e is arnilahle. CBS. whi ch rCl'<.•ntl~· held it s rt•gional meeting ul lhe hotel. fll'W thl•ir l':'\l'C'S in and out on the corporalt• .it•t Few resorts offer sueh amt•nil1t•s and the l'xpanding of them bodes well for not onl~· La Quinta Hotel itself. but for the town as well as the s urroundinS! area. So. likt• an aging J.{rancl clamt• with pride in he rself. the La Quinta Hotel acids its ~·ears J,!ral'efull~ Look •nd IHI your beautiful be•t .. Let our hair fashion experts and Adrien Arpel-trained make-up artists give you a new look with this step-by-step ·sy the Book Makeover•. It Includes: (1) Adrien Arpe/'s famous Mlnl-Faclal, (2) makeup application and lesson by a professional cosmetician. (3) a flattering new hairstyle. sale '17. 50 ,.,,, $40.50 &Ir• llonu•I You'll receive Adrien's 5-page "What a Difference a Day Makes· follow-up reference guide, flllfKJ with vm/ulible hair and skin care advice. beauty salon 105 -so. coast plaza (545-0111) ~Ibby Video ma company KINDERGARTEN IS TOO LATE!! Your baby has an overwhelming desire and ability to learn anything, and YOU are your child's best teacher. . · THE GREAT FRENCH BALLOON ADVENTURE Glenn Doman's "How to Multiply Your Baby's Intelligence" course will teach you how to give your child the chance to learn math, reading, music, art, gyRV1astics, and foreign languages from birth to six years of age. An exc1hng new travel ooncept -one week of ballooning over Burgundy. Come See Our Colorful Mulll·Media Presentation at MARRIOTI HOTa CStlloll '-C"• 900 Newport Center Drive. NewPort Beach. CA 92660 Time: 6·30 PM .• Date. March 11 . 1982. Thul'1day RSVP: (800) 252-2103 °' (213) 217-1058 oollect or write for our det1iled brochure:- THE BOMBARD SOCIETY 10100 Santa Monica Blvd . Suite 2085, Los Angeles. Ctllfornla 90081 "Plummer's has achieved tremendous response from Dally Piiot advertising." Peter EnQt>y General Manaoer Plummer's International Contemporary Furniture Santa AM • 9'fet ~"l1lng Is abOd busiMSS for J!llummer's kttemetlonal Cont.mporary Fumtture Teaching your child is great fun, and you'll become even closer friends! Videotaped live at Philadelphia 's Institutes for the Achievement of Human Potential, this S-day course will help you enhance your baby's visual, •udltory, manual,' tactllet... ~nguage, •nd mobility development. uon't miss this unique opportunity f COURSE DATES: March 8·12 9am-6pm PLACE: Holiday Inn Laguna Hiiis FM ,..,_ PmM1o IUNT'\JQllou Alld /11/onttotfoll Coll (211)437 ..... Bt1tn 8abw Vidff, P.O. &z Mii~ t.A, CA .. .. ·. J, , ; D emolltion of tbe South Coast Plau braacbe$ of Bank of America and Imperial Savings appears la full swing as the Cleveland Wrecking Co. goes about Its business. Both banks have relocated at % Town Center, a five-minute walk from their old locations. In place of the banks will be two restaurants , Cafe Casino and Restaurant Casino, and a two-level parking structure. Both restaurants are owned by Casino USA Inc., a division or Etablissements du Casino In France. The parent company, which operates grocery 'stores, sup ermark~ts and restaurants, grosses S3 billion In sales annually. Daily Piiot Photos by Richard Koehler .. 1SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1"2 STOCKS REAL ESTATE Mother-daugh~er partnership keeps service all in the f ami1y By STEVE TRIPOLI Of tlM DMty "lel Staff A mother·daughter business team from Costa Mesa is hoping lo tum chores that people just don 't have time for into a thriving enterprise. Jan and Colleen Kennedy. who arrived here from Santa Monica eight months ago, call their. f NTREPRENIURS business J&C's Everythin1 Under tbe Sun, and it's an accurate description. making it together after she was divorced. Jan worked as a secretary and in the m odel ing a nd entertainment industries, and her daughter chipped in when s h e wa s 14 by getting a part·time job. Colleen recently earned her bachelor's degree from the University of Southern Coast, brought them to Costa Mesa. Both are confident that the business, which bas started slowly due in part to a lack or funds for advertising, will catch on even in rough economic times. "We know it has potential and -.ye're sure the signs are there," saya Jan. Both also say that the . business is geared to amuent people whose time "is more valuable than the time they'd put out to \do these services themselves," and that such people are always in need of s uch a service despite the economic climate. selection, checkbook balanelni, payment of household bllla, escort service for out-of-town guests and miscellaneous shopping. Jan said business ls. plcklnc up through word of mouth. In the meantime, Colleen ls workinc part-time as a 1rocery checker and both diatri bute leaflet.a deeerilliftl t.be ulaeu at ..... retail outlet.a. · The two• allo credit a atroac Chrbtlan faith witll helpin1 guide them lo their new endeavor. ''We're not f~Ues1 DecOmtor tells builders wh11 model homes today ·are '° jmportant . . . DS ' Hold your Seats~· ' this· firm has · to· get aheatl lh' IOMN NEEDHAM ............. A..Xa'a bathrooms may be rn for • major overhaul as ,.,.1.uoa pressures In some anaa CNtstrip the availability of freellwater. One Costa Mesa firm is NtU., that home builders in water • ..,.. refii)Da will have to re-tlllnt tlMt tatablished praeUce ti ta•a"'nl the traditional fiusb toilet. Since 1978 the Enviroscope Corp. bu marketed a water.free 11stem failed Caroueel, first MW...,_ In the earl1 1910s --..::·· 8*1"' effort ol .... ........ . Tiie toilet u.ea the simple prise~~ of allowing wastes to breaJt down naturally while LOCAL BUSINESS bet.. beld ia an area where 01t1rs will not annoy members of the uuaehold, or make it meeewy to handle wastes. No. conacoba and outhouses eren 't eembrC beet ln taaioa. ht eompany official• admit tbeJ Jaave many obstacl• to overoge1 before the image of tbe enllle privy is erased. Follow ing e xtensive laltoratory testing, the Carousel system was approved by the Nat.ioul Sanitation Foundation in Juuaty 1881. l.art *-Joun•e. president of Envlroscope, sali! use or his company's system 'can save the av•raae family •s percent of its total water consumption. He Mid at least that amount is OH1 by fhllhing the toilet in the .,.m. ol an averase family. llost Wlet tanks hold about five ,.ltom ol fresh water. • ·ww we are selling in effeet ii • eomp&et.e sewa1e treatment •71te• for each ho me," de lon9e MW. Sltn,ly, tM $1,200 to $1,700 system offered by Envif"OllCOPe uaei • metbod ca lled c'Q•Po•ting, which allows aaitural processes to break down wute. The ·end product is an odorless moulike humus that can be uaed as fertilizer in a garden or lawn. Users of the system are encoura1ed to throw kitchen wulel down the commode as weU. Suclt items as potato peels uaiat in~ composting process. Unlike a septic tank.l which al1o91 eo-called "black water" to leech into the soil, where prawnallly it is filtered before reeeMDc '""'8d water levels, Ute Bnviroscope syat em is Mlful.....,.. Waite products are transformed into carbon • dioxide, water vapor anil humus. The holdin8 portion ol the system consists of a fiberglass drum featurtn1 four revolving cham bera. The ayatem functions wit.bout chemlcala. Before inUtial use of the toilet, some peat moss and top soil is added at the bottom of each drum chamber. When one chamber is filled, the drum is rotated tot.he next chamber. De Jounge said for a family or s ix usi ng the larger model, the drum has to be rotated abou< twtee a year. Atte.r twe ,-are ~· •lil•n all the chambers are Ml, a removal door is opened to the first chamber where the odor·free compost is removed. He said the compost is an excellent soil conditioner or fertilizer. and sbowd be buried 12 inches under the top soil surrotmdin1 shruM and flowers. Wastes are broken down by bacteria in the peat moss. Howev e r , once this "composting" process has been introduced to the chamber, no additiona l peat needs to be added. De Jounge said wastes in the chambers, with the exception of the top layer, wJll be all but odor free within a few months since the formation of humus takes place rapidly. The odor produced by the top layer is drawn out through a vent pipe due to-t.be negative pressure created by a ventilator. The pipe end ls situated on the roof, where odors are diluted by the air. "If the system is pros)erly installed, then!"· are no s mells either inside the house or in. surrounding areas," de Jounge said. He said tbe com posting process relies on a temperate climate. For colder regions, the company offers an optional heat er which operates oft a thermostat. The commode for the system is nearly identical to a flush toilet, minus the familiar flu shing lever. "Every pollutant disposed of in our oceans, lakes, streams and grOWfd water contributes to the irreparable damage tG our enviroment, .. s°ilid de Jounge. "In Sweden fabulous results were realiz~ by the use of com post tolleta and the banninc of septic Lanita. As water becomes increasin1ly scarce, we predict a tremendous growth in our product sales." For a fee that nrles with the service, they'll do anythln1 from sendinl out greeUn1 cardl to planning parties, plcklnl up laundry, screening and hiring office help, tutortn1 element.a~ school students, and more. California, after workin1 her way through the school and combining her eaml'bgs with a scholarship and 1overnment loans. "It was quite a 1oa1 and I'm really proud o(her," saya Jan. Some of the chorea they'" been called upon to perform recently include aelectlnl furniture for oae client and cooldn1 meals for a famllJ HYftral times a week. ne mother-dauahter team baa .._ been Hlected to take oHr publication ol tbe newwl.U. tn Mtaa Verde VlUa1e wlaere t11aJ live, and the actJacent Vllta Del Lato apartmot eomplea. . but we'd like to "" UM UJl"tl crdt IOI' t.hla,'' aaya Ju. "We would nner llave made tlil&I • deelalaD without the Lord," hlr A wealth of experience ari'd education, plus what both describe as an exceptional ' personal relationship with each other, launche<l.. them on the venture. T be two have b~come eapeclally ck>M durin1 the put 13 yeara, aays mother Jan, because of the challen1e of At about the time of her daughter's graduation Jan Kennedy was searcbln1 for a new business pursuit. Her put experiences gave her what lht ca lls a "generalis t " backtroWld. That back1round, combined w1th her daupt.er'a educatlaD, a detire to leaft the crowded Loi An1elea area, and the lidea Ulat a bu•lneu auc:Jt .. tbet.n woWd find a 'market on the Oranp OUter aervfeea offered ~. J•c·a lDclude a._entee home mana••ment, 1upervl1loa of domestic help, warclro•• dau1tur acids. I Orange Cout DAIL y PILOT/Sunday, February 28, 1982 ·111111 t:lllT lllt:~ Following are the stock market activities of publicly traded Orange County firms for the week enMd F1iday, February 26. Data provid~ by Newport SecurttUis Corp. * ~ , ' :1111 I ~AH•I \ ..... "~t .• :m.. .--;;•j;fl :tlAI -11'8iql IHT lllC: t 1.0CATIO-Ol·lt101.t1 CMllOI t t tlff•I t lo 10801• ............ ~ ....................... ······-·-·-·· ... ··-· -·-....... ---·· ··---··· ·····--·····-------··· ·-·-·· I Alf ... lllt•• t Aliff Corp. z =~::~·y \ ..... ·~··· 6 AM•IOU SI, 1 , .... ,.,, .... , AUii ALI l OOI anw UC'' I .... ,, lnLl, .. 0 9 h nll·l•wPorl 10 •••11·0.-•l\t• . I I h t lgian tall. H C 11 11orvel . l••· llrt. ll lrlt~O,.d Pd. IUD• u c11 .a.1.Trwn • 1C. <'••l•tr•M Ill • :~ ~=~~..::1:~~. gm 16 ChHt'410t CNCS 1• Clthono h nll • zo C.ol•.llAA. ti<•· • .,_, Col;•bla .!av. ,, Cou,.oo. httl. CMIO '\ co ... r·t• Ian• • ,. c .. pro. ~·· c"'" 1~ c .. ,.,,..., con• 76 C•ollMo Chll CUllll ~' :~:r.::· m: U !>al.a OUN• 1~ l"ovcwy S.v. OSI. )' 111:0. Inc. tit U etP /Hero. SlfH !l ll dO'°do &.nk IU>I '' Sliulu Corp D4LX• '~ C•olutlon TeeP'I • • 1~ Flle~aat.. Ind. IJ ( 11 F•r 11.,.t fl•. "'' •~ '1rll Aaer. r. f&Mf i: ~:::~~:~:~" ~~=~: '1 ror .. t.ter L. r11'•' •l ~nerel A.vto'. 'l&IU • \ ·,.n•ra l T•r•. QT(" J ..... '°lO\GfPfl W. H. OVH I .,., .. ... ..... ....... l ...... lfolot ltwffi' ..... .. V f \ leeOlll lr~ n1 Or•ftll ....... l ..... Povatal• fall. 1'11\l .. t.M e.., ...... A11ebola •w,oP\. a.aef\ is.o Jwtn Cap Ml<lfttl• Antft•I• llowpori .. ,.11 Con•"'" a.nt• An• Anahel• 0.-•••• h-.port h•Ch ::rr.~~~·•oh llowrort -·~ ... i ... ... ,,..,, .. . Uahe&e Co•l• ..... Ian\• Ana h wpor\ hach 1\u tlo Jent• •~• lr•tne A.l\•"'-•l• hwport a.ach 911nt.e ln• lr"•in• Auh•l• t..tsuna •t••l ,,... ... ,. T\tltl" "'"'--"'" .,, ............ , .. :::1~1;a~t;~•:.r:., ..... ·111••·. '""· ;::~!:f ••orrr 011 flolf oqwlp. ..... , .. .. ... ,.f 11••· J'l\f ••• , •• lor•ltl SlUI ... . fPO&•n t.-... . ~·· lat•t• ,,. ••• t. ........ f lll '°°"' MteneUo t1pe ,.-da, "'•· ......... . ..... , .. Mllehl"• &.11Gl t prd•· S.vlnc• ' lo•n H• ll\er•y •Y•· •n1r. c-rtlol lanklnf Kiehl\ ••r• ltl•· Mo .. '1wl M•,.• bdlo t Tele. t 'rran. •ow•r •"'"" ef1 • Mlerotro"•••"r •Y•· -. ..... , .. , .. liu lnc• & lo•n ll•Ht. IY• .. 4 twl leh•• IC\orowave coo1nt•r• laAklf\K ll•otronlo• ~~=~t~: .. 1··. Slt•lnc• & te•n "•Ml s.11 '·'° HI .M .6) He&O ),00 1,1) U•AQ .iz ,ll l'Clt ••• '·"° OTO 1.00 1 .oo Oft 1.1' '·" ll'ISI JO.Hit.ti OTC l ,f' 1,,0 OTC •• 00 z.oo INIJ ••·7' t .ae IAjllAQ ·l' ·l' U !IDAO ), , 1. l O'IC IQ mi m ,,.n ·~·" :::!: ':l: •:n IUDAO • \0 • ,0 OTC U,00 11.00 H mAO H SIAO um to llASIAO UI A51 .. ,, •.1) '·l' I• ) 11,00 •.n 1.00 ~:z'l I. J J .61 6.$0 U aDAO 8.00 I. 2'J OTC 9.00 1.15 NA'JAO 10. n 10. T5 OTC .H .H UI •.l~ •.25 lfTSI 9.00 I. '1 tu1o , ...... ...,. ·~•o 11.,0 11.00 Mil••' encr. l 0""'1t , ITl l 22.1~ 2l, 1\ Fl"""""""°" Oha ll.. U SIAO 6. 0 6. l8 ,,.•e••t .,,~c,.•L• •t!D&O •. •O •. ~o Mlnl•-l er u a. U SIAQ 5.00 •.6' roe ovt•r Jhp11y t er. WUJDAO .6\ .~o . ..• o.a ,.. 1·1'-11 .,,,, Ip. I . Ell··· • ,,5 {O, • •l0-•1 •)1.6 (I . • JO-ll • '·' '·'' ••• ll·ll-IO -u~ co:~1 ":' :::~::I: ' • ).2 J.'6 1.i t•iMI .2.9 0.91 t.)1a.1-• 11e -11-1.co • 1,1 1,1' 11.I '·lO·ll • I. I • 6·)0·11 IC o.n •·• 11->1-to ~ o::~ U:Z ,J:li'::: • J.t 1,10 :'' ,_ -•1 • 1.6 0.1' .• 10-, __ 11e co.u1 • •· -•1 lie: O.H lf.6 l t •)t•IO • J.1 O. 10 10.4 9·)0·'1 11e to.en! • }.)1-11 .,5.) (O.OZ • 6-)0·l l 11C 0 .11 11.• ll·Sl·IO • 9. 1 z .OJ 1,t 1Z·Jl·80 • J.T .z.1• 1.0 12.-ll·IO • 1.' • 2.8 • ",9 NC llC -•· 1 0 ,6, 12.) .l·)O·ll 1. )f ••• fl·] l·&o o. 10 15," 6-t8-11 l.16 •.S t ·l0-10 1,6, •.9 ll•)l·IO • •.o z.o~ . '·' z.tl • J.8 .tT llC •.H . 1.• o.°' .10.~ (O.l6l NC .50 1),1 ,.31.11 21,'4111 u .ttl ,, ... 10.ttt ,,,,, 0 1,0&• n~::•,i U,1 I ,, ,,(1$ 6,910 ),01T 21.1•1 11 ,ut '·''° u:m ···m l:io 1',91f 11' ,000 IZ,6U 10,6)1 I' ,901 10,0'Z 16,ol• ••• )19 121 ,0'9 6,0l),19'5 79,)1' Jz,101 u•, '' ''·"' .,,,11 1p :JI 151 9,$6' 5,2'1 150 , ,•o• 1,2,6 .J,UO ),Jl2 ),IOI 1$t.n• "'" 1,1!5 Ill ·901 ............ MOVIES-TO-GO -Nathan Nayman stands before a wall of movie cassettes at a_ Captain Video' outlet. Video cassette r e ntal chain does big business '· • "6) 'l""••t W. Koso CVtU '~ Healt.f\ tnd. .. •7 Htl l~n•lte• Hfl,J Sant.• An• Or•n"• Mewport Beach ,,..,,.. NoDl \ t\OM!t Operau t\OIOlt•I• Ht a1th tpa• Power C'onv 4 l.••~r• &.nae In« t•1Nnodl~•no1t• Prod ASE 6.61 6.61 •UP40 11.~o 11.~o OTC .~ .~ •ASIAO '·" ·~·'5 WAlll>•O 10.~o 10.00 U SDAO 1.1' 1,00 llC 1,5& '·) 9·)0-11 ' 1IC ro.S6l ll·)l·IO llC o." •1.1 11·)1·90 • •.e o.69 "·' 12·)•·90 .... 5 i~:m l ,)11 10,101 1,,,, 1.10• .,, 126 )10 1.515 ~AN FRANCISC? (AP) -. lt:s a device that records programs Orf a ~OU see ~r1day night, traffic s ba~, parking s television set or shows videotaped ll ., 1mpos~lble and the hne . at the films on the TV screen, first hit the c~nem.~ s too l?,ng. So you.-swmg by a market, it was "a frill, a 1uxury 190[3 -.~ tt.rt tac• &an'-' Mlln ·~ [•ut.to" Inc 1...W ..,0 ~11rQeh , lftc. .. .. t l''fl • T•cft. C1LI ' •I · fftll• rJt LOI& ) t t.1n••r lnet.r~ LIM&. ~· Lt~n cov.ntrY 0,"llJ S~ Lot Aloal<o• LOC f l •Jt t,.r tM-4 LUTMU , McC" ab• Corp. .. ., ~••ra1~rr 3av. "St. '-f "11f'lrl'ISH lC:OM. M3CCA t.o "''r•hOUlt lnd1"4JXS ~ l H,I Oou Corpoll31 t.2 Nal lf)n.al Ed. ID: • '' llfti"lf\111 fo hl :itlAfJ': ,,. ,. 11l'I\ ....... lrLll Anah•t• ••-.pert 8e•c.,. Or1na:• Ml•aton l l eJo u1..,... RI 111 lr•ln• t.a1un:a Ml \l9 Loa A\N ltoa toat • *•• lr•lnt M\antt . •••o" Santa &na 1'111 l erton Cot ta Mea1 ••woort f.4ach 'ut lert.on lr•ln• Cor-• ... Qr'# Prda • Pae• .. "•'" ft,.•ln•la ::;~, ~=:;:·•:.!~~; .. 'flld 'Ir. ,.,.. k •• Tf"••"- lfltt••enou• l'1thtt.er .-•• 1 ••t•t• l p.Ar\. Slwln1• ' loin Sfa loO+'ldUC"tf>t' ~da. t ndu•t. l)l"Of'ltll IMCr\. O.t.a •ntrv Ur•lnala ate • 10 . 10 U3PAQ 9. 1' •· f~ 11.U PAQ T .~o , .~o H SIAO • 15 • 6) JASIAO 1, t) I. 11 .nsi10 10,50 11.so U 'JAO I .'9 OTC ).~O A31 I. 00 ~TC I ,61 WAS>AO 1.1~ UI ·~.H Ml l.~8 1.H Z.H i~.~o foc•tlon•l n,. .. U••df WY!I U.'iO r1~t ( n;S ,.uh·Jl"'ll"t-IU !l.'IAO •.1'~ Dru1 ~l• ,.,trt llA30AO ~. \0 tt&"•' ten f.q,.l..-.nt IU.,AO '"·d!> II( (0.11)' • 5·)1·80 11e o.J6 11.1 9.31.11 IC 2 .5Z 2 •• 12·)•·90 -16.0 o.°' 1.0 9·)0·1• 11e 10. lt> • u-11.ao • 9.~ 1.10 10., t·lO·ll • 1.0 (0.01) •l•. 1 0.65 • 1.0 o.9o -"9.1 o. ,, 11C O. Zl • 2.. 1. •t 6. t .. , ie.9 11.9 10.• • ¥,) 1.H T.• ll·)l-90 llC .11 11.1 6-)0-81 .10.0 O.OT • 12.11.ao Z,111 ::m '·"' l ,Tf, 11,,0 ,, 1,991 n .z,9 1,9H 10, 150 5~.611 19.15• )l.901 •• JO T6Z 1\9 "' ·1•6 1,z1a _,,, .161 1.'10 .. ,. ,,m •.o•s 919 ·15• ),Z09 ' , ' t:~ 'f•"°'""t Corp. NP'WP' f.I ,_•Vtl)f"t tl•"l lflVP "' ltw('ort ,,, • ..,. ww•H bt """" World Coa "fVV Cot te "'••• Jltint• ln• ... W'DOrt h•~h Coat e Ke•• ::::l;f~~·Jr llUtr". ::~: ~::l O.•. C<"e?\oltf'r '"'""' WAS>•O '· n 1).89 9.,.. &.15 i~.oo 1.~ 6.~o 1.9A !It 1.,. IZ.9 1·)1·81 • •.• 0.15 16. l •l·Jl-90 . s.~ o.16 10.• •·>0-9• • 6.• ro.u 1 f.J1.11 z•6 •s.o~ 10,UZ to.162 119 119 I. )59 .n s &i9 ""c h t r "'96'. 3 M431 TO Od•tloa ODD 1 t O.nl•e1Hoal OHMI '2' Paclfl ... ~hn PSJ. '' Par1tfnrd Pet• PAPP 7' P~nn 1'~c.CQrp PPAr ·~ Pto•r Hy.;,.c P.JUN ~wport h.aeh Anabel• Anan•t• 4n•h•~• Nflwpo-1't. 8eaoh S.nt.• Ane Ho1p1 ri11t dlat . ""' Inro '~•• L"" r ... oc1 •tit. er ,,_,•n"•"• ll•r· ln1rr. 4 •••· 011 \ ~•• Ot l •nd C.11 USIAO 1.11 J.00 •.lllDAO 1.1~ 1.50 h SIAO ~ .1~ •. •o lfUI l•.OO I 1. 7~ NAll>AO • ·~ • •• •UDAO • 54 • ~6 U Sll O .41 .&• · •.l O.Ol • S·ll-81 • l .? 0.82 10.• ).)1.81 -11.1 0.52 10,6 11·)1·10 • 1.9 1.8) f.~ 11.16-80 ·21.. 0.01 u.o •·)0-81 ...... 0 10. )0) 9·)0-10 llC 0.01 • '·"' 11.9•1 11,011 62.18' 1,100 1,,69 Z9l 9T 1.n • '' t]t T, 1,, 175 ·2. 760 ·2' , ' 1~ Pr••hy i:o. tor. • 1' PrtM.t"on'11. PT11tX• Anabel• Mtvport Beach lt'Yltlt Sohr ft•al l~C 1h1. 'lo_.. Cor11•rut'r 1Qn C'o.euttr prll'\l•,.• . ....... ,., ... (()"',.,.•t.• , 1"''111,,!l"«J 11131 ... ,o 11.6! ••!DAO l~ ~o l~.oo Ott t. '~ t. l~ • 1.1 1.1• •.z . 1-' 1.2• 16.1 NC 0.09 1q, • NC o.s~l 12·)1<1!0 1.31.•1 1-11.61 T·)l.60 )·]···I •·J0-11 ·~::m 1U~z . ' I . ~ :4 aa.u~cr•o.:i. '0 flt••r•rt Ce11l. !l!;Pn) 11 •• lnd .. ,_.t ... l•' lllJ • • •"'"'•"oof' Corp ,,,.... • ~~ !ari1&r Cor p qa• 11! S••hUUI' 011 • lit'f)n Sye SLr..i• 3• 51 hf'l'"Oreat I SlV • ~I ""I tr-Int' 1. 51J &7 ~ 1H" v. Ban'i' ~@II: i'I !ita,,oerd L.oe. STDL • ~ 1 'Stan1u·d Pac. '\Pf • '1 , an( HfOf"ll. ,TYHt •' wtfi\t<1.,,l111c. ~ ,, J~'ont>•:e~ • • •t re:-tinotog, kkt l""lf• O• T•Jeflle Co•. • • ~ • .. •o·~tt., T~r lt fr'antterra £. TSEC ~' u1 1•4ost. nu q~ 111 t f"'I Jif•dle1111 • "' UI tra1y•t .. .1 JJLTA 100 l/•l•ncla Banli; •01 .,.,..e,, Int 111. •Jtr HJ] v:-,. C -,rp. YT11ir"' \ t '<l"'J tnt• ~$l 1 4 V: • lne. liiAP 10 •• ,..,.., Intl. VICTl tQf -..,oercorp •~Pll• t ' ~ ... ~tr" Die. ~'"l 1"H _,'111,thn"• h:, W9$& ·o~ ._,;1u•d Co. It!) Vr' \ie"lt Er'tf'rlU v,.-tN •H \iivnn•a £n\.'l vw lr•lft• .ian~..a An• lrwlne Jl•t.•tl '"""'""' ..... U~&O .19 .)8 """ '-1~ ~.~) • 1.1 .22 lS.6 U aurwi lltflh lr•\ne Nt wpt1rt 8urt-i Tuat tn ~~ ~~-!~M!.o~.,_.. ASE 7.1l f.lj llC o.n 16.• z·J0-81 o... )0.6 -JO·•· lfUDAO >\.40 l'hOO llC Ot l tfllf Oat orr 111 " oo NO • • 12-11.eo l'(f• 'nte1r"••d trc ~o&h ~f'eftt O,.lllt."' tnoh • eq. N&SD&O 9.00 7.41 1.5 o. 11 •6.• •·)0-11 (.16) • 6·)0-81 1.!l 9.1 ll·)l·IO lv•n• Per" "•"Port 8e1C'f\ Ut \.!& ),OJ • l.1 WU£ 1'-00 11.&& • .I fla t • S.ftt1 Ana Coau Ke11 .311n Cl•••nte O.rden Oro•• ·"'·"•'• Ban"1 "' NASICO ~. 11 ~1g1ta1 o• • ....,. OTC •.~o Hria• ~°"•tr 1ct Lon .rist 4. '" We tflr r~ul ISM !IASDAO 'l.00 'tt• r aoriotUO ,..oe. 1111&S>AO 11. ~ Pr-o ... f't. ,,... .~rt .,.,.. 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But you get excuses, not service, and l.'.suddenJy nothing at all. He's skjpped town and you're stuck with an expensive counterfeit that ,doesn't work. Kids and computer buffs make copies "left and right," swapping software like bubblegum baseball cards or comic books, says Susan Nycum, a specialist in co91puter and communicaUons law at Gaston, Snow and Ely Bartlett. . Chalk up another victim to software piracy, :'-the newest, fastest growing computer industry . ~rime, officials say. "It happens over and over again," s ays Robin • Robinson;--pl'"estdent of tm:new-Assoctattun "'for i Software Proteetion. ,. More and more companies are being "brought tr!.into the (computer) business by black marketeus, although they don't know it," she says. "Once the pirate feels he's about to be caught, he spUU. I There's a high percentage of users wbo 1et ·burned: They're left with a computer system t.6at ,doesn't function. I . Software -commands on magnetic tape or :noppy disks telling a computer what to do -was a "'3 billion business in 1981, says the Palo Alto 'researc'h Cirm Input. By 1985, sales of programs "1at make Video spaceships eat asteroids, Instruct computers to process a paycheck or plot a fnnancial forecast are expected to hit $1S billion. And the opportunitf and temptation to copy :the programs instead o buy them are on the rise, 'too. J ;: Piracy's easy, cheap and quick. Just pop a ~ftware diskette into a computer in the office or :11t home and tell the machine to copy. Seconds Jilter there's a duplicate. 4• ''There's so much tbt!ft we don't know bow ffl'lUcb," says lawyer Gordon Davidson of Fenwick, ·~. Davis & West ln Piiio Alto. ~ Although it's steallna, it doesn't seem wron1. · "The softw&l'e problem ls more serious than ~hip theft ($2 mlllfon) lat year . . . primal'lly :beeause it's so easy to copy software and 1enerally ~coepted practice," says Donn Parker, a HDior ,snana1ement systems consultant for SRI Jnlemat.iooal. "Whereu to aopy cbipa la very ~fficult and the theft ol ebipa 11 an obvioul mlnal act." .. And when a business buys several 'personal computers. it may buy only one software diskette and simply make enough copies lo go around. "For every copy I sell, there are 10 out there that 1 didn't get royalties from," a software publisher complained to Ms. Nycum. ---- So much amateur copying is going on that ·'it could very well bankrupt a number of software houses," Pai:ker warns. "Their market for packages will gradually disappear. No one will buy their packages any more because all you have to do Is go to a computer club or trade with friends." At the more sophisticated end of what Ms. Robinson caJ1s the "gradient of piracy" are video game imitations. "Millions and millions of dollars have been lost nationwide ... and nearly every co1n-opetated -game has been copied, piratea or modified." says Paul J . Laveroru, a la)Vyer who represen~ Atari, the largest computer game maker. One Conn or piracy often doesn't benefit the users. Commercial counterfeiting by mail-order or fly-by-night outfits can tad.dle businesses with temperamental software, then leave them with no . one to complain to. Software protection director far MCBA in Montrose, Ms. Robinson hopes ber Oed1Un1 asaoclaUon will provide something llke a "Good Housekeeptn1 seal of approval" for software publishers, a signal of reliability to potential buyers. She also streaies the need to "eradicate those who are blatantly unethipl ·' and to educate customers. "U you educa~-.. you take out some of the leverqe that makes a plrate so 1uccesaful. He has to bank on the fact that you don't know ... and if you do know, be'• not 1oin1 to be able to fool you." video .library '!>r a movie to go. item ," he says. "It still isn't a a T~a,t s entertain~ent. home·slyle. necessity, but because it's getting and 1l s a trend that s spreading. cheaper it's becom ing an attractive Millions or movie cassettes -frill. M estimates range from 4 million to 100 "All or a sudden you have some organ million -were .rented la~t year. As control over what you're seeing. many as 5,000 v1_deo specialty st.ores You 're not at the mercy of network cater to the grow'mg business. television . U you want to jusf watch ~ A t c 8 Pt a l n v i d e 0 , a s an M •A •s•H, you set your machine to s Pf Francisco-based chain or rive stores, record M·~·~·H and you come home ~ up lo 1,500 movie cassettes are and watch at. rented out each weekend. And its With the introduction of videotaped d llar. 1,400 selections -from the latest movies, and the r ising cost of Q releases like "Mommie Dearest" to traditional entertainment, the frill is • the bluest adult flicks, the bloodiest gelling even m ore attractive. horror movies and the strangest Nayman says. w oldies like the 1938 all-midget e see "Terror of Tiny Town" -offer more "We're in a depressed economy. choice than eve ll the biggest , Going out to buy a car, going on a theater.studded city. vacation -. all the things th'at you want t o do h a v e become Two years ago. the "chain" was a single store. begun by four partners with a start-up investment that's equaled now by a month or good weekend rentals. Two years ago, partners Paul Geffner and Robert Friedman were Fisherman's Wharf street artists ; David Prinz, a pension anal ys t and No rth Ameri can Scrabble champ ; and Nathan Nayman, a hospital administrator and heallh g rant writer and consultant. The secret of their success, economi~s and the electronic -age pleasure ,,rinciple. And service and catc hy pro motions , 29 -year-old Nayman says. When the video cassette recorder . • prohibitively expensive," he says. Going to a m ovie can mean s helling out for tickets, parking, maybe dinner or a babysitter. "You have these costs that just keep building when it comes to going out for entertainment," he says. But after a one-time expense of say, $600, penny-pinching moviegoers ·can do their watching at home. Nayman calls it ''control of the entertain~nt in your home." As middle m en between t he moviemakers and moviegoers, video retail outlets play the role of .. a movie library ... We've become the movie theaters. People are coming to us." Nayman says. Behind the bell. Behind the famous Seacoast sticker Behind all the state-of·the art protection devices we make and install, 1s Seacoast central station. When an alarm goes off on your property, we get lhe !Signal in a nearby. 24·hour·a·day central station. II the signal indicates lire, burglary or hoodup. we call the pollce or lire department. Since our central station is UL tlaled. our central stati on customers can quallfy for a sizable discount on their inauranoe. And to Increase our reach. make response time even taster and i mprov e e ff1c•ency we 'r e __ computetizlno._our slati,0n. But improvements aren't new to Seacoast. We've been getting better tor 21 years. And today we're the leaders in the security business 1n the harbor area with over 10.000 customers Including a wide range of big and small retail. industrial and commercial estabhshments. To find out more ebOut Seacoast central station write.or come by our new facility at 2488 Newport Blvd . Costa Mest a 1400% return . ln May 1976. you could have purchased chis MS-65 Morgan from Hannes Tulving Rare Coin lnve t· nenc. for a mod e:.t $30 Today. 51 z years lfucr. ws'll buy 1c back for $450. A ndy 14l~. return. G ranted. lhat kind of r.1re ruin appreci ation is excepuonal. but there's a ~(iod deal of money to b..· made in the market as a whole. In faC1. ~mce opening our doors in 1976. not one 01 our cliems' rare coin invc~tmem porrfolios has ever made less than 3()0;, rcr year Not one Quite an achaevemcm , \\e thank.youll agree, while bullion, stocks -even real estate -remain exncmely soft. Not even mon<;y market funds or T-Bills offer that kind of annual return. The secret. of course. 1~ finding che right coins. And Hannes Tulvm~ as one of only rs recognize silver dollar expert:-. in the country Our company offers the serious anvc cor a pro· fe. t0nally managed. (ii) personal rare com invest· SEACOAST '2488 NEWPORT BOULEVARD mem portfolio. complete SECURITY SYSTEMS (714) a.2-3490 wirh a 60-day moneyback ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~U pol~a~~~~aran~e on each com. ~~M~A~K~E~Y~Q~LJ~R~F~Q~R~T~LJ~N~E~~ Gi~warnll r~~Or rerum the coupon below for a free informatmn packet IN RE AL ~ EST AT E Anddo it soon.After all. at 140{)°1, over 51'z years, A FREE SEMINAR HELD AT CITIZENS BANK SPONSORED BY REMAX REA LTORS FEATURING MULTIMILLION DOLLAR PRODUCER RON SUOM AN LEARN HOW: • To reti-e in J to 5 yeas with on income of $25,CXX> to $50,CXX>. • To become o ~e in real estate. • Morry mllionoil'es pay less tCJ11 thon you. • To fUC~se reol e$fCJte with no hard cash down. • To become rtnOnCiolly independent. A TTa-0 Tt-E.SE ~EE MONEY MAKING SEMINARS Dot. Mardi ). 1982 & ~ I 0, I 982 Place. CltlZ8n'a ~ ~I E. l7th St .. Costa M ... , Ca. r-7:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m . imagine what you 're losing each day you delay. ~. HANNIS~ :·~·: I 4400 MacArthur Blvd_ J I Suite Jl O I Newport Beach. CA 92600 I (714) 851-8202 I . FREB INFORMATION PACK.ET Orange Coest DAILY PILOT/Sunday, February 28, 1982 NYSE COMPOSITE TRANSACTION ~"""·~nuorntn ..... IW'VOlll(. ..... m. ,.CJJI(, , ••• IOtlCMI, OtTIOlt ln (IN(llOIAYI •roe• laatA•H ... H"°91ll0 IY Tiii •au AllD , ........ , ..... .. • •.' AMERICAN STOCK EXCHANGE e\IOUTICNll INCi.UM Ht.DU•~· •I• ..... MIOWlll, l'&.Ci.t<, "ft, Iott°' OIHOtT AllD (llittlllllAfl nOCJt lltCll&lfHl&•OlllUOIHOnTH •t.•&•DlllJTllllT "''" Low ,..( .. , NEW YORK (AP) -The nation's inflation rate bas plunged ln the put two years, but the price for the aainl has been stiff. There have been two receasiool and business failures continue to soar. This past week , the Labor Department reported inflation, aa measured by the Consumer Price Index, rose at an annual rate or 3.S percent in January, the lowest pace since July 1980 al the ebb or the previous recession. What a difference two years make! In January 1980, prices rose at an annual rate of 18 percent, after risina 13.3 percent in all of l979. The inflation rate fell to 12.4 percent in 1911> and 8.9 percent last year The Federal Reserve Board's light-money stance has received much of tbe credit for unwinding innation and much of the blame for the current economic suffering. "Breaking a deeply embedde.d Inflationary process is a painful thing," concedes Fed Chairman Paul Volcker. "The simple and hard fact is that this country has never in its history -not since the Continental dollar (i n the 18th century I - ex perienced an inflation so loog and so large as from the mid·l960s to tbe present. "To the younger generation, it had become a way or life. The effort to restore stability is Justified by one overriding proposition -that we cannot build a prosperous. healthy economy and meet our social and security responsibilities on the ) . ' • Model home objectives Decorator lectures builders on target marketing lb MAaY .JANE SCARCELLO of•Delty ........... Model homes are a vital part of the target marketine necessary lo sell a home in lhe 1980s, according to Carole Elchen, president of Carole Eichen Interiors in Santa Ana. •'The Wall Street Journal has referred to this as 'the rented generation,' " she said, "and says lhe single bi"gest rear is not being able lo buy." D ecorating t or a targe t market hinges on the style of the second bedroom in a model home, s he said. "If you're going afte r the ·mingles,' decorate with two master bedrooms," she suggested. "Include at least one model with no children's room al all. Orange Cout DAILY PtLOT/Sunday, February 28, 19~ ' • She spoke this week before a group of builders at lhe Marriott Ht>tel In Newport Beach who were attending a conference by Housing Magazine on "The California Marketing Scene." "Target marketing is a reality now, and builders mu.st react to -or better yet, anticipate -the market and decorate for it. You have to draw a bead on the emotions triggering a buying decision if you want to survive," she said. "Model homes must create designs to stay In a buyer's mind and emotionally invol ve him. Models should ofrer emotional security in every room." BIG JOB, TOO Gary Stine. outgoin(! Sunn~· One Heall~'. W<.1:> :-.worn in recent!~ a'~'I president of the Irvine Board of Realtors. president of t hl' 7:14 -mc.-m bc:'l· organm.11 aon u•;. passes an oversized gavel to his s uccessor . Stint.> mov('d on to lwc·om1· n .•gional \'IC'l' ~ llal Tamblin. al the board's annual awurds Jll'CSldl'nt of lh<.• C'altfnrnia h '>ll(.'ta tion ol r Most successful designs are a team effort, she said , with architects, interior designrrs a nd landsca pers working together to produce the final effect and inst a II at ion banq uel. T_a_m_b_li_n_. _1_e_rt_._0_1 __ R_l_' u_l_t_o_rs_· __ t I !' She traced a history of home buying patterns in America s ince World War II, noting that families in the '50s and '60s wanted more bedrooms and large back yards. "Tra c t s looked like cookie·cutter designs." she said, "but houses were the American dream and sold themselves." Earliest tracts, on the East Coast, had "exhibit homes" that closed on weekends, forcing buyers to stand on tiptoe and CAROLE EICHEN peer through windows to see interiors. The 1982 buyers can be singles who intend to stay that way, divorced persons who want more than an apartment or what Ms. Eichen termed "mingles" -l wo unrelated singles who want lo own property rather than rent. "They ca II me a clutte r des i gne r , but I think room accessories are important," she said. "The three most effective items in adding warmth to a room are accessories, bookshelves a nd plants. In order to sell a house, the buyer has to be able to visualize himself living there. Model homes are a distinct marketing tool." ITURE ! Any change in accepted offer m e a ns ther e is no sale contract DEAR BOB: I'm a real estate agent and have worked for months to sell a very expemslve house. A buyer made a purchase offer wblcb, after ba11Uag back aad forth, &be selJer finally accepted. The only problem ls that the seller wro&e above hla signature "Sabject to approval by my tax adviser." My buyer got cold feet and now hls tawyer says there Is no contract, even though the tax adviser approved the contract five days later. Do we have a·salt.? the purchase of real estate. However , buyer and seller often agree that deposit money should be placed in a money market fund or savings' account until the s ale closes. Perhaps your seller will agree to this, but be sure to specify who gets the interest. Our slnglc-st ory,2 btKlroom townhomes at THE VILLAS arc alr•ady a great d•al at $83,990, but If you buy on• this week, w•'ll fill It w it h furniture too ..... FREE ! * -Mrs. E.R. DEAR MRS. E .R.: No. The buyer's lawyer is correct. No contract was created unless the buyer REAL ESTATE llllUG accepted the seller's counteroffer contingency of the lax adviser's approval. To have a valid purchase contract, the buyer's offer must be accepted by the seller without any changes. If lhe seller makes the slightest change, the original offer is rejected and a counteroffer to sell to the buyer on new terms is created. Th.en the buyer can accept or reject the coun· teroffer. Since your buyer never accepted the selltt's new contingency for approval by the tax ad· viser, no valid contract existed. Your situation shows why property sellers s hould never change any term of a purchase offer unless they want lo reject that offer and create a counteroffer. Once an offer is rejected, it cannot later be accepted. Ask your attorney to explain further. l nt.erest on deposiu DEAa BOB: For more tllaa three moaUu we've llad oar $5, ... earnest mOlley depotlt oe a home purchase tied up. Our offer b comtlagent ap· on being able to get a new mort1age. Loans tile size we Deed are unavailable in oar towu. Bat tbe realty agent never gives ap' aa site keeps saying slle thbab alle's foaad a lender wbo will make tbe loan. We've filled oat loan aP.,UcatJoa.s with foar dlf. ferent lenders so far. My question Is (1) bow long do we have to wait to 1et oor 15,0M refanded and (Z) mast interest be paid on oar money while we wait? -Perry T. DEAR PERRY: C 1) The Jaw sets no Ume limit if you didn't specify one in your purchase offer. A "reason.able time" would be presumed if the mat- ter goes to court. It appears your three-month wait meets thil reasonableness test. (2) I'm· not aware of any slate law requiring payment of interest on earnest money deposlU Cor • P1rqjett • Cat"""rel C#tllllff • o...,c~··•ICllCM . °'-•_....".,.,..,"". • I Cw Ger-""'~ All-It Ct1t~Ollor~ . 8--,__ C'-f • IAflf &iw..-,..,,. • MU. 10111# llfK" • OoNbl• '"""' • Ne1.wot Oalo4Mu .. ICllrlw!t CORAL BAY •s9,9so TERRA CE MOO!l.SN~WOPIN' COST A MESA r1Aro111No oNa AND TWO BEDROOM l't.AN!I 1"2 MOl'lllOVIA COSTA MESA SALUOrrtCI Ol'SN DAILV llAM •tPM a... TIMM•t• Best way to buy DEAR 808: Last fall you said mort1age Interest rates would drop substantially. That hasn't happened yet. 8ut my wife and I grow more frustrated daily renting an apanme•t wlte• we really want to buy a house aad start our famUy. Is there any way we can buy a hoase Oii $ZI, ... annual combined Income and only about S3,851 la savings? . -.JlmH. DEAR JIM : Yes. There is absolutely no reason you can't buy your own home, except laziness. Get busy. Start shopping. Make orrers. Work with a creat ive rea lty agent who understands today's finance methods. Just las t week I bought a $123 ,000 three·bedroom, two-bathroom investment house for absolutely nothing down, except about $900 in closing COSL'\. If a dummy like me can do it, yo~ can too. P .S. Forget a bout conventional mortgage interest rates from banks and S&Ls. The best way to boy houses today is with seller financing In the 10 percent to 12 percent interest range. Furniture package A free furniture package is being offered at The Villas in Westminster. For a limited Ume only, buyers will receive beautifully styled oak rurniturc to decorate their living room, dining room and bedroom. The package Is being offered by Ayres at The Villas where prices . arfordable even to first-lime home buyers , range from $83,990 to $88,990. The Villas , whic h offers conte m · porar y-designed two -bedroom townhomes in a convenient single-level floor plan, are located at Worthy Drive and Van Buren Street. north of the Beach Boulevard exit of the San Diego Freeway in Westminster Decorated models and the sales offi ce are open dally from 11 a.m. lo 5 p.m. The Villas also is continuing to offer Ayres' equity sharing program in which the developer loans buyers up lo $30,000 in a second trust deed with no payments and no interest for four years . Under this program, payments can be as low as $619 a month, principal and interest, with as little as 5 percent down. "; '·' , 4 " )If< 'Mlrthy and Van Buren north of Beadl Blvd exit of San Diego Fwy . Westminster (714) 891-0342 Oevetopmg Southern California Slnce 1905 NEED TO STAIT A FOllCLOSUIE1 '7141 542-5111 STAN-SHAW C ORPORATION Professional Excellence Since 1951 II TH€VIUAS • You own the land • F.quity buildup and appreciation • Great tax benefits • Set payments-no rent increases WESTMINSTER •APPLIE$ TO SELECTED UNITS ONLY WATERFRONT COMING SOON f/ki~~~~· DELUXE ANO AFFORDABLE 500 Bellflower Blvd. (at the comer of Pacific Coast Hwy and Bellflower) Long Beach, CA 90814 (213) 597·3686 11% inter est, (11 Yi A.e R .) Fashionable Waterfront Homes from 5700,000. With $200,000 down, the Lusk Company wilJ finance the entire Joan balance at 11%, (11 ~% ~.P.R.) for 5 years. First trust deed assumable wit~o prepayment penalty. 1% loan origi- nation fee. For appoint- ment · o r details please call sales office collect at 714/536-7584. ~ ' ,, ~ ~ ... • t' I ~ r ., ' t I " ' ' . . .. .. .~ • •• .. I •1 !1 ' 11 .. ' ~· . .{ , . . ;· • . . . ,• .. . ·: . !i ·! • I f. i I .. I Ht I ... 1 I• I. , •' • •' I t ·!.I ~ . I. t i-1 .. ~ ~ , ~ ,.: .J, l 1'. ~ ·~ I Novel hints at World War m , YOU CAN begin: Tueeday, March 2. 1982 7:30 to 10 p.m. "CTION 1. ,,.....,.. •ftd Soutlt," John Jakes 2. "An tndecHt OIMlesllon," Colleen McCullouvh 3. "f'ever," Robin Cook •. "Marco Polo, If You can," Wllllam F. Buckley Jr. ·, 5. "Cwlo," Stephen Kl119 6. "llw Hotel New H•mpsfllre," John lrvl~ . 'Nobe• Hou•," James Clavell 8. "Remembr•nc•," Danielle Steel~ THE GAZA INTEac1n. By E. H••t. sae .. • o.y. • •••"· t11.t1. What would happen If ~ Arab tel'1'0rtat mana&ed to steal a U.S. neutron bomb and used lt to dettroy one or Israel's chief ciUea? Author E . Howard Hunt thinks lt would probably touch ort World War III. In "The Gaaa Intercept," ffoaein Bakhari, a metalomanlac who dreams of becoming leader of the Arab World , pulls orr such a theft ln a series of audacious lf unlikely moves. First 8akbari gets hold of a secret American document which spells out where the United States keeps lts neutron bombs, controveralal weapons which can kill populations by radJatlon but le.ve bulldln11 undamaged. With tbls information, Bakhari and hls fanatical followers proceed to shoot their way Into a NATO bue ln Bel1ium and make off wlth two neutron warheads. Despite rrequent use of coincidence and sltuatlona that strain the reader's credulity. Hunt t.uma in a hlghly suspenseful story that holds the interest. Tom Ho1e Aaaoclated Prea THIS IS AN INVESTMENT IN YOUR FUTURE! Y• T-~el 'IOUfl Ul'E h toof IO 'flllt/IWI£ J9I IO"'---~ --.. "°"' °"'°"' -..__.,.,....... ............... i. llOC • ·-··-.., .. -· l1wolvecl 1110 1111e1 .. 11119 Don't be ~onllnl 10 allow 01111re to .--. =r. • lor yGu I._ 111 OI '20 I 646-1311 9. "The Deane December," Saul Bellow 10. "A GrMn Desire," Anton Myrer DAR group $et to meet Tuesday · Mll'dl J J:JO p& lie ..... C. ..... Ill Senior Investment counselor Harbor Pao1flc Mortgage Investors. Inc. How to wo~ with the financial oommunlty. Di rect~ ~r~~11% .. 1~r~!o'!'· County NON-FICTION 1. "A Few Minutes With Andy Rooney," Andrew A. Rooney 2. "A Light In the Attic," Shel SI lverstein 3. "Jane Fonda's Workout Book" •· "Nobody's Perfect," Hendrie Weisinger s. "Weight Watchers 365-Day Menu Cookbook" 6 . "Witness to Power," John Ehrllchman 7. "Food for Healtl'Y Kids," David Smith • 8. "How To Make Love To a Man," Alexandra Penney 9. "Pathfinders," Gall Sheehy 10. "Betty Crocker's Microwave Cookbook" Courtesy of Tim~. the weekly news magazine. IUN•ICMt COU•T 0, TH• ITATEMCALl"°"NIA flCMl TH• CIOUtlTY 0, O•ANO• 1• CMc c.-..r °",,. .... s.-.... c:.. tl1t1 PL.AIHTIFI'! IRENE G. MOORE DEFENDANT. JAROLD SEVERSON, JAMES E. BRAMHALL, end OOES 1 tlwoutf\ 10~1 ncl11$lve. SUMMCNK CAM NUMa••: Mttet NOTICII Y• .......... ..C. Ttle ,.,._, ................ ....... .,_ ..... ...,,. --.... ,....... ............ flt ..... .......... ...... AYllOI U.... Ill ... •-1111 ... II .,._. ,_ 9cltlr <_.,I UC. 11• 1eCleacla I ..,, ... 41e1 UC • ......... ...,.. .... L lea II ........... _ .... . u you wllll IO -" tlle eclvlu or .., 11tonwy In tn~ matter. you -• JO promptly JO tfl<ll your wrl1t1n '"-'"· If.,.,.,, may bl fllecl on time. SI Ulltlcl dllH lllkltar 11 COfl•Jo di 11n •llo9edo en HM -to, .._..rla 111c:er10 lnn'lldlalam1nte, de nt1 maMra, IU -1a eterltl, Ii lley •"""8.,..... _ ..... streci. • llll'ftCIO. 1. TO THE DEFENDANT: A clvll cempla lnt llas bffn 111 .. 0 by Ille pl•lnllff _..... yOU. " you •bll '° defend WI '-"'It, you must. wltllln IO day• .n.r tllb W"""°"5 I• •ervlcl bn you, Ille with tllls c-i • wrlHen rfltlOMI to 1tll comptelnt. U nlets .,o., 4o IO, yf/l,JI dlfeuft wfll lie en'9rell on applketiofl of IN plaintiff, end thl• teutt IMY -1 ,....,._, eoalnat you for ._ ,.111f dlfNfldld Ill IN comP1al111, wlll<ll c0<1ld rnull 111 tarnlJlllTllflt of w1991, lakl119 of -My or _.. Of' otller ,.llef rllfUltted In,,. c.,.r11n1. O"'TE0:~4.1tll0. LEE A. 9R.ANCH. Clerk IT•YEN 11· KUHN • ......,.a..-..... rn.a,......., lntlle,CAft714 Tel: 17141_.... PvbllJNd Or ... C-Daily Piiot ...... u , 21.21. M«t111, 1m n...a 'ICTITIOUS 8USIMIEH fllAMaSTAT•NNT Tiii loll-ln9 Plr'IOn• are dolnt -llltiSff! PERRV 'S PIZZA OF HUNTINGTON BEACH, 6~1 Edinger Avenue, Hunt1n9'on BeKll, C1lltorn11 n.... Pina WorU, Inc .. a Calllornla corporation, 120) Second Strut. Hermose 9Ncll, C.llfonlla 90»4 Tiiis buJlneu 11 conducted by • <OtP«ltlon. Pina W-. In<. Rlcll.,d K. Cll1cker. President. Tllb saatemem was lllld with tlle County Cllrll of Orenge County on Jenllary 2', 1t12. ,11lllf Pvblw.d 0r.,. Coest Dally Pltot. Fetl.t4,2t,11,-c117.t"2 71~. 880 Sendwk:h Plat• PATIENCE WRIGHT CRArrE• of the Daughters of the American Revolution meets Tuesday at 11:30 a.m. in the Hotel Laruna. For more information call 497·1989. EBELL CLUB of Irvine meets at 8:30 p.m. Tuesday in California Savings and Loan, corner ClUB rtllllDIR of Jeffrey and Irvine Center Drive, Irvine, for annual Founder's Day Dinner. For more information call 552·8474. ROMANCE WRITERS of America, Orange County Chapter, meets Saturday al 1 p.m. at El Torito Restaurant on Yorba Linda Blvd., Yorba Linda. For more information call 524·2193. NEWPORT BARBOR TOASTMtSTRESS Club meets Saturday at 11 a.m. in the Newport "CTITIOUS •UllNHS MAM• ITAT•MIEMT Tiie followlft11 penon• are dolno bUlineJSft: With french fries. cole slaw, PLUS carrot cake. SEASf'ORT, 11GJO S. Eucl~ St . 1'-talft Velley, Ca.~ Rolleft LAI PIM , 1131 Colomble Or .. Bllel\I Paltl, Ce. QlO Wllllem Oon W•"•n, 1'40 Andros St., Costa Mnl, ca. ~ Stell All•Hn Senders, 601 HOl..-1, -llNcll. Ce.~ Tiiis lllltllllJS Is COfldv<lld by a geMr•I~. Rablr11"1111 Tiiis ... ....,_, -flied wltll tlll COUlllY Clerk of Orenge Coullly Ofl Flbnl1ry 1•. 1"2. l't1Ml7 PUblllflld Or ... Coe.t Dally Piiot Fett. 21, 11,-. 7, t4, t"2 74H2 SUl'IERIOR COURT 0, CALll'OllMIA COUNTY 01' ORA HG IE 1• Civic CllMr Or. Wnt laMI AN. Ca. '27t1 PLAINTIFF: INSU RAN C E •ENE FITS INC DEFEHO,.NT · CUSTO M COMMUHICATIOHS CORP., J AMES • FROVD, OOES ""'°""' V. ln<klslve IUMMONS C..N...i.r ... .., NOTIC•r Y• Nw ._ ..._ Tiie ~-. .......... ,.. ...... ,_ ..... ...,,. ......... "'""' ...... ..,.... ........... _..... ..... If YOUJ"!"ftt to .n thl eclllk• of en _,,.,...,""' mMter, you~. , "M pr~tly M 11111 your written 1~. H .,,.,,,, mey bl fll•cl on time. AVllOI U.... ....... C-ulll•1. ''WI .,.._. ...... --c_.... u-. ••• a•••-•• • _ ... ••• u• . ..................... Liii .. ·~ ......... _.._. ~ 11 u.-._. llilcltM el cOfl•fo di "" ...... "' ......... dtllffll 4\e<erle lmmedleteme11t.. di 1111 -no ... ,....,.... ft()ffta, " "'' • .._. ,_.... _ ,.... .. , .. 11tem,o. Pony Peck a.ddlng Pienta V0ot choice of flowers or vegetable In pony peck. Each 4"• HouM Pienta Choose from several varieties of fo- liage plants. 'Potdl9m. "' . Marriott Hotel for.annual speech contest. For more information call 552·4019. NEWPORT BARBOR LAWN Bowling Club meets daily except Sundays for play. For more information call 759·9986. HUNTINGTON BEACH NEWCOMER'S club meets at 10:30 a.m. Tuesday in the China Restaurant, 15070 Edwards ai-Bolsa, Huntington Beach. For more information call 964·~. ALUANCE FRANCAISE of Orange County meets Friday at 8 p.m. in the Congregational Church, 340 St. Ann Drive, Laguna Beach. For more information call 556·5903. SEA AND SAGE Audubon Society meets Saturday at 8 a.m. at the boat launching off Back Bay Drive for a beginners' bird·watching trip. For more information call 974-8250. 4.97130uart International Association of FlnancfaJ Plannera. How to choose your advieors. w...cll' Dr. ,., .... Dr Pat Allen. marriage-family/child oounaelor. author of "Conversational Rape, -appeared movie. "Bre~ ~~ T. C--. Dynamic lawyer. protem Superior Court J~Superlor Court MedlatOf. .._. Miis Cl.A. Outstanding Certified Public Accountant In Laguna Bfach Income Tax Aspects of California Familvuw. ~u...,..,.,.....s_, th First woman Judge of the Superior court of Orange County, she Is knowledgeable. warm and caring. Tojay·s Women. ~JO Dr.~.._ PILD. Prominent psychologist of Newpart Beach. he 1s a member of the affiliate staff at Hoag Memorial Hospital and the President of the Orange County Psychological Association PUC& SHUil ISUMD Y ACHf CWI I Ott IA YSIDI DL & JAMIOltH (Ample parking across~treet at Bayside Center) Tent And Picture Book• Include cats, dogs, horses, vintage cars. more. In color. Stain1 ... SIHI Mixing Bowl Lightweight stainless steel mixing bowl Unbreakable dishwasher sate P9lg. Of 4 "Flreelde" Mug1 Smo6ce-colored glass mugs In 11 ·oz. thirst-quenchef size. Save. Slmll9r tlttes available In all stores. 6.97 ActtonHoe CuttlvatOf, weeder, edger with sharp, double edge blede. •234 13" D1ee-...... Portable Color TV "Auto Color" control system Instant picture and sound. cpmpect design Model KMC1311G. '68 12'' 1M19-...... at.ck a White TV 100% 90lld state. Instant plctur• and eound. Low power consumption. Model KM81221G. 1. TO THa D•l'INDANT: A CMI urnptalnt llat Ileen fll•d llV Ill• ptalnlllf ... Intl pu. If .... ..... .. -...nc1 tt111 leWlllll, ..., ITlllll, wnlllll ... .,. .......... -... ,_ .,. y .. , Ille wlltl tlllt -1 I wrtltefl re'""91 II .. ~llOL UllllU yeu ••.¥N"....,..wlllw..W.Can #INIC.t!M .. lie,....,.,,., 8M tfllt c_,,,..,.....,a............,.....,. ~'" .......... .._...."' .. ·om111a1111, wtll<ll cev .. '""" 111 · 11.aa· 35.88* 47.77 12.97 ear11ltllllMl'lt af ...... talll11e af _, .. ~ ......... ,,., ... ,......,.111 .. c.......,... o.c: 01t1eW a.,.. IMA ~fl.Clllf'I ............. ~ ~ ....... •e arw-. '9l!!P . .....,..~,,_ .... _ ,.., •. ,,,.~,,,.. m• ..... , ................. ...... Sturdy elumlrun frame. Ealy repllloe- ment lnec•tlon. 8otd In at«• wtth ............. Olfo/. Front llMl lpHI .. For meny U.S. cets. ................... I( ......... ....., Mlny Olf'I. "8ht tNCkt lew. On K ....... 11¥ FM Ceftverw Converta AM rldlo to full.ftdellty FM tuntf. AVAILABLE AT YOUR LOCAL Kmart • 'Fau~us: Mahe mo'ney an'd love AllE8 Ct.larch 21·Aprll 19): You 'll have aitteu to 1nrormaUon which can lead to profit. You'll be rid of auperOuous material and can plu1 IHk In budget. A Places peraon aids In takin1 1clvanta1e of special knowled1e. You're 1oina to hit Jackpot! TAVIVS (April 20-May 20>: Obtain hint rrom Aries meesaae. Lunar cycle high, your timln1 i1 on tar1et, relationship intenslries and you '11 be making money and love. Individual who ''pulls strings" Intends to make room Cor you at more elevated po5'tion. GEMINI CMay 21-June 20): You complete tasks, you'll be rid or rears, doubts and burdens '<Which are without foundation. You're goir-c to take •·cold plunge" into ruture. Break wit)\ past is healthy, should not be reason for despair. Watch Leo and Libra! CANCER (June 21-July 22>: Wish comes true as you make new start, gain independence and fall in love. Money and emotional situations improve -you have chance to express self in original, creative, dynamic manner. Some who were indifferent are now enthralled. • LEO c July 23-Aug. 22>: Regard delays as opportunities for gaining s'econd wind. Focus on emotional res ponses, expenditures and news concerning property, residence. Cancer, Capricorn, Aquarius persons figure prominently. Intuition is sharply honed. You 'll pick winner! '\I ,., .... , • •' ' .. , ..,. .. ' ' ......... . .. . ,. . ". ' ..... .... . . . . .. .. .... . ... . , •. • **• ... •• tv • '• ... ' ... _ ............ .. ., -.f •••• , ..... .. ~· I I t •• ~ .,. • • ~ ' \ I f '" _..-.6 •• Durable liners of 1 5-mll. plas- t I c fit 20-30 gallon ~ans . Save now! VIRGO <Aue. 23-Sept. 22): Empbaals on travel. expanded personal horlaona and lona·dlatance communicatlona. Gernlnl, Sagittarius persona figure prominently. Surprlse social Invitation bri1btens scenario. What begins as rouUne task aoon •hows posalbllltiea ~yond original expectations. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Details unravel, puule pieces fall Into place and you resolve dilemma. Focus on credit ratln11 financial status of one close to you, lncludinc partner or mate. Leo, Aquarius, Scorpio persons rigure prominently. SCORPJO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Open lines of communication -clash of ideas will prove stimulatin1, should not be cause for depression. Accent on partnership., publicity and relationship which survives ''stormy weathe,r." Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius natives play key roles. SAGITl'ARIVS CNov. 22-Dec. 21): Important domestic adjustment dominates scenario. Be aware or basic issues, including leases, license requirements, legal rights and permissions. Money In escrow could be released and cash flow will resume. Watch Libt.a L CAPRICORN <Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Aura of intrigue, romance dominates scenario. You get pee~ behind scenes, you fmprlnt style and make declaration of policy. Your "psychic" talents'will be much in evidence . Pisces, Cancer, Virgo persons play important roles. AQUARIUS <Jan. 20·Feb. l8): Your positiQn is stronger than originally anticipated. Voll make contact with one who shares benertt of experience. Member or opposite sex cares yery much and proves it. Watch Capricorn! PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Search 1s completed. Dialogue with relative proves fruitful. Focus on visits. short trips and message which provides enlightenment. You gain added recogn1tion, roadblock to progress is removed and peers will congratulate you. 5.97 50 SQ ·ft Bolt 2.44 Pkg. 1.77 WHh-Strip<~ Wall Covering Wet apply 1r1m1 Pre pas1ed vmyl-coi11ted. scrubbable Men'• Quartz Digital Watch L C.O. chronograph watch with date d1~lay, stopwatcll. more Save On Trac ll1ii1 Blad .. "41crosmoolh~ twm·blade shaving cartridges Pk of 9 Standard-aize Pillow• Collon hckmg in cholee of prints. poly· ester f1berf11t Sevel I-Oz.• Aeroaol Static Guard • lnstanlly ehm1na1es sta tic chng StAm free. Odorless Shop now• ·Ne1wt 9.97 'ICM71' 4'·ply Polyeater Cord WhttewaH =---J W"" "71" lerlel Tread Design A7SX13 Plus F.E.T. 1.59 Each • 7 muttl-llped tread ribs • Modem-styled whitewoff Melantllna lnolUdM • NO Trade-In ....... • Al Tiree Plue P.l.T. Orahge Cout DAILY PILOT/Sunday. February 28, 1982 GOif i 011 lllDGI BY CHARLES H. GOREN ANO OMAR SHARIF Q. -1 ~ ••• ,, ••• _ .a..t. W.W... ....... dial ..... i...-....... dy.8 ...... u..t ,.. laav• • '"'nc-4 ...................... , UHCP,...tafiv~••· Jer Mlt. I•& yew pertMr ......... f.aJMrlafrMl ol 10• ...t, over JMI' ... ol a ...... ,..,.. ... IM reWd• OH .. &r .. p. How do you 1• OH& ....... Y•V laud? A j-..p la,...,. On-eanl Alt, wWca. ••Y Ml lM enriy roba•t, l1 aadamk&Me; • .U.· pie rebkl of yolll' 1lllt or • rebkl of a IOwor·r.....W.. Hit, l1 uafer1lvabl• beeeHe • aelU..r act.IN le lore .. ud more tJau likely wW "-.pa11· ed1 ucl • j .. p la M &rump 11 dJucreea.bl• ~e yoa •islit Ml t.ave a etopper '8 ••• of &he 1ult1. What do yoa 1111· 1e1t7 -P. HW, Seattle, Wa1h. tThl1 que1&1oa hi beea awarded &he weekly prl&e.I A. -J can understand why you have problems -there is no single rule to cover all siluations, so each hand has Lo be treated on its own merits. You could shoot out • three no trump and hope for the best -with an opening bid facing an opening bid, ' 1.09 1.99 1 Men'• T-ahirt With Kodel • Of KOOOI • polyester I co11on ChOlce al sporty sohd color<, ,. £a11man Reg TM 2.22 Pkg 0 13 Pr Men'• Sturdy Work Glove• Of natural·colored collon canvas One size flls all Save now' three no trump I• unlikely to be dl1a1trou1 and 11 aJmoal 1ure to have t0me play. But there are many hands that might play better in the 5.3 major Cit if it exiats, or In partner'• 1uit If you have a fit there. So you should try to find out as much 11 you can about partner'• hand . Le L'1 consider a poaaible hand. Suppose that you are South and you hold: • IUs 'V AQllll O It~ • u The bidding: North South 1 0 I 'V l NT 7 North might or might not have a club stopper. II he doesn't, three no trump might have no play while Cour hearts or five diamonds could be laydown. You-cannot rebid two diamonds or two hearts, because both are non· forcing; a jump to three diamonds would promise bet· ter diamonds and a more un· balanced hand; and your heart suit is too weak for you to even consider a jump to three hearts. However. it is not impossi· ble to find a forcing bid .on this hand that will enable you to learn what partner has. Mines' S·7 Full Figure l ·lO 2.22 1.17 IPr.K,..._ High ..,... Sheer stretch nylon w l l h nude heel Basic shades. Flt 8IJ·11 -· -· --· --·-~ Our Reg 2 96·3 47 You •imply rebid two apadea-a bid In 1 new ault higher ranklnr than your tirat la forclnr. Don't worrry about the po11lbillty of Ptrt· oer raieinr to thrH 1pade1 -he denled four 1pade1 when he bid on~ no trump over y our one heart re1ponte. But now partner can give preference to three heart• I( he h11 tl)ree card1 In the suit , or rebid tllt own five-card diamond 1uit with a shaky club 1topper. or bid no trump with clubs well atop· ped. No matt.er what, you will be much better placed to dedde which game you want lo play. Now switch the black suits ro und. g1v1ni you a doubleton spade and three cl ubs to lhe kfng·Jack. You can't rebid two clubs because that would not be forcing. And a jump to three club1 could land you In trouble. YClu probably just have to gamble out three no trump and hope that partner has spades stopped. You do have a margin or security. If partner held three hearts and nothing in spades, he m1ght have opted to raise hearts . ·It ·-THE ~.~:~c ......W_H .. IMf 4'• lof 7,,, ... ,~, •• ,.,.... it,1..,-t\ ., ,,.~ ~ , •r .. 'i•·")lr ¥•ftl v iWlf .,,,.. COltA •IA641-1289 IU.H._11.., MllllOH v!LI0495-0401 , 11W1Ce-C:. ... treM 41•" 0...-,,.... et ••"Y ,._., I "WE-CARE" FOtt AU. OF YOUR HEALTH MEEDS NEVEIYOAY EVEHIHG.WliiCEHD 9:00 .AM-9:00 ,M FICTITIOUS eUSINHS NAMe STATeMeNT Tf•• lottowinQ perSOft• •rt doln9 buSifteSSH DEVCO WEST Sii e ....... ld a.v. ~"una Buer.. C•hlorn1• ms1 Ho••nl 8 Jontt, Sii Emer•ld ll•Y. l.~ 8HClt,C•llfom1•'2U I B•rtleU K Brown, Slt Allv- Terr•c~ La9una Beach, C•H•ornN '7•St John E A199lns. 171l !MtnlH Riv•• Road, Placenha, CAlllomi. m10 Tn1~ bu\1M H h <.ondu<teo b• • QeMr•I P¥1nO!rVllp. BM'lten I(. Brown ~rat PartMr T'li• sU-1 w~ flfftl wlllt -Counly C,.rtl of Or•-Coullt\r on F•bnlary "· 1"2 HUFSTIOl..111 MILLl:ll CAllL.SON a aEAllOSLl:Y Swlte7• 4-MK-'-.....,,.,._ Mi .... • O.r Full FiQure Brief• Briefs or htphugggers. Bright Zelra~ nylon. collon/polyester New"'1 ltMCll, C:.llMntlA t-_ '1U4D Publl.-Or-Coast OAlly Pilol, FtO 21.,. MA• 1. "· ,.., .,..., I M • ...,. l~ef"" e W~ll ~by ~CorP<I •MIO" tortNrtyOo.~~Comc>Wtv 3.90 Our Reg 4 90 Children'• Canvaa Sneakers basketball FICTITIOUS IUSINeSS NAME STAT'IMeNT Tit• lollow1n9 per"°"' ••• do1n9 bu~l""'' •• KYML.A INVESTMENT CO . S VPIM!t HewPOrl Pt•ra Or., Hewe>Ot1 llH<h. Ca '7660 Jell,.., C. Kvmla, ?ttt Ora,... Ave • • S, Col\a -· Ca '7•71 Cart S l('ml• Jr , llOO SAbtlf\A Terr .. CoroN del NIM. Ca. mu Carl S K,ml• 5' , 11:161 •II> SI., Vucalpa, ca '73" Tltls ~IMU 1$ conducted by • Qenentl par1nership Hlfrey C K•ml• Tltis ~-I w~ lllect wltlt h c ..... n1v ci.r1o of o.-a,. c_, on FtOrv•,.,, "· 1"1 FIUOS PubhsN<I Or-Coasl D•ttv Piiot Feb 71. 21, M•r I. I•. 1"2 7...-, P'ICTITlOUS aus1N•U NAMe STAT•M«NT The loltowlno Pit"°"' er• "4"9. buYMHM! • P K llUltOER. 1175 PIKet1tl• A.,.n;ie, Colla Mew. c.lllw"'-ftUl .. S<;n Ho Kirn. 11t'2 c.Mrelle "-• • llJ. H-llon GarOll\1. ~ '°"·· Sun Boy Kim, 11'52 CenlraUe ltoad, •1H, Hawaiian Ger4le11s, Callfoml• 907"- T II ls bVslMU Is (OftfUClff r.., IMhol-b, ~end wffe. !lln Ho Kim Tiiis tt--fl~ ..... ,. County Cl«tl Of OrMllt ~" -Felwuarv •. 1•. ,,.,.. PWlllNCI Or ..... COHI Delly fllr.., FM.7,U,tl.11,t• ~ 1.21 · • ~-..... .. •• ... .&. Ma.· .... Lubrlceftt 1tDPi IQUeOks.. Ptotects metot OIO IOCMtlt rusted ports ··-AVAILABLE Ai YOUR LOCAL Kmar (i • I - -----_,_ -.._ ~ ------r ... --~-..._.-~--- --.....-. ---_... __ _,.......,--. ___ _,.....~__,...-.-----~------.---~-----~------------. . , Orange Coaat DAILY Ptl.OT/Sunday, February 28, 1882 'Footsteps in ·the Sand' canrks a message --DEAA ANN LANDERS: I reed eometbiDI that cam• t.o me ln the mall aeveral days 110 and wu moved by lt. I hope you will share it with your readera. It made a dllference in my llfe at a time when l needed the spiritual support and atrenllh to believe. Sorry, I don't know where lt came from. It was 1l1ned, "Authot and Ort1ln Unknown." 'nlank you 10 much for your consideration. -DAVENPORT, JOWA DEAR DAV: AIUaou1ta tbe auttaor lt ualuaowa, It came from my column aad was aubteQ8H&ly repriated ID Reader'• D.11e1t. I llave ltad a lar1e number ol requests to nlD U a1ala ucl do eo aow, wltlt pleuue. FOOTP&INTS IN THE SAND One nilhl a man bad a dream. He dreamed he was walking along the beach with the Lord. Across the sky Oashed scenes from his life. In each scene he noticed two sets of footprints in the sand -one belonging to him and the other to the Lord. When the last scene fl ashed before him, be 1Doctor to discuss mdritional health NUJ'RITIONAL basis of m ental and physical disorders will be discussed by Dr. William Philpott at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday at Community Church by the Bay in Costa Mesa. Philpott, of Oklahom a City, Okla., is author of ''Brain Allergies : The Psychonutrient Connection." For information, call 483-1083. BLOOD PRESSU RE TESTING wjll be offered by the Oasis Senior Citizen Center in Corona del Mar from 9 to 11 a.m. Tuesday. For information, call 759-9471. AMERICAN LUNG ASSOCIATION of Orange County will offer a series of programs for individuals suffering from chronic lung disease beginning Wednesday at 3 p.m. in Huntington Beach. The class will continue on March 10, 17 .and 24. For information, c0all 835-5864. STRESS and the disabled is the theme of a worksho resented by South Coast Medical RUFFELL1S UPHOLSTERY ...... klc: .... s... I t22 HA HOR IL VD. JH)ST A MISA -541· 1 I U onsmratoru 11ri-1Jrtmu (ages '4-6) An academic readiness program w!th emph11;9ls on the perlo~mlng arts. looked back at the footprints and.noticed that many times alone the path there was only one set of footprints in the sand. He also noticed U\at this happene<f during the lowest and saddest times in his Ille. This really bothered him, so he questioned the Lord: "Lord, you said that once l decided to follow you, you would walk with me all the way, but I noticed that during the most troublesome times of my Ure there was only one set of footprints. J don't understand why, when I needed you the most, you deserted me.'' The Lord replied , "My precious child. J would never desert you. During your times of trial and sufferine. when you saw only one set of Center and the Orange County Council on Alcohol and Drug Abuse for the Disabled at 8:30 a.m . Friday in South Laguna. The daylong event will cost Sll.25 and includes lunch. For information, call 499·1311, ext. 560. '\ LIDO DRUGS Newport fllusic aton.smnrtoru ' f 126 .,..... H7.0fl I 3445 via lldo •new port beach • phone 675-01 SO Tropi~I Fish e Fresh• MMine Aquarium Supplies Special Feb. 27, 1982 ·March 5 1982 Gymnocorymbus ternetzl: .89 It ls reputed that in 1930 when I fir st cam e to this country from Paraguay, I sold for a s much as S10.00 a pair, but I am so hardy that anyone can afford me now . Enchanting aptly describes me w ith my "Black shirt" and large black anal fin. See me at Aquatic Tropicals where I am on sale under the name "Black Skirt" for only .89. 1510 W. Beker• Coste Meae _...., -54~1391 •Comer Harbor & Beker liii1 Committee for Arts Presents: lHE JAZZ TAP EHSEMILE -Tap ~ancilMJ Fri .. Mar. 5 and Mon .. Mar. 8, 1982 8pm in the Village Theatre 'General $5, UCI Fae/st aff, Alumni, Sr: Cit. and other Students $4, UCI Students $3. Tickets available at the ASUCI Box Office, Mon.-Fr~.. 9:30am-4pm. 833-5549. For further info call Committee for Arts 833-6379. Committee for Arts presents: JOHH UeclCAY, '9AMIST Wed. Mar. 3, 1982 -8pm -Concert Hall Selectlona from Bartok, Bario, Morawetz, Sc~umann. ANO ~I: CLASSICAL ~MD JAll Sat., Mw. 8, 1982 -8pm -Concert Hall On flute, piano. guitar, baa and druma. o.n.11 16, U0 Fathtalf. Sr. Cit , Alumnl & other '"'** k. UCI Students '3. Tldlell _.,.6...,.. et the AIUOI IOlll Offtoe, Moft . .ftrl., t:3DIM """· m • ._ For further Info oeH a:H379. ~--: . .--.. ~--TheSamgPIM» .. Pull All Easter Bunny Out of Oar Hat When you make a~ Deposit on your Portrait Package. Makt this Easter a holiday ID remember with a Picif.S6ioc 1111 Pcir1rait ~ And with !hr valuable coupon beJow. you can sdect a ruddly Easter Bunny Portrait Package Includes: 2-8al0.. 3-Sa71 mid 15-Wa!lm 9SC l $12.95 Dlpollt/r~ ...... Prb It's your retum support that counts! rvtJch a Dimes footprints, it wu tlHtn-th•t I c'"*' Y°"-" ---...,..-OIMMr wh)' mtmben ot tbe nunlns prorualOft who are 1upPQHd to be dedicated t.o DEAR ANN LANDERS: Lookinc Jor a servine the sick have 10 UtU. compu1ion ror brand·new aubjecl? Here'• one: lt'a the way those who are sufrerln1 anxiety and heartache nurses treat vlsltors and ramUy of the lona·term because someone dear to us la W. Wt don't aalt patient. much -just a Uttlt smlle and a rew word.I. My wife has surtered rrom a 1y1temlc -RESENTFUL IN STOCKTON s clerosls that is proaressive and Incurable DEA& RESENTFUL: AU ..,.... are • throughout the 41 years of .,ur marrlaee. She . alike -H)' more tllH aU patltllU or all has been confined In at least eiaht hospitals vlt Uora are. I 11.Dd It od4. llowevtr, ea.at , .. from three stays to five months, so l know what ltave bad a '1.year run of..,..._., goes on withln those walls. I'm prlatlDi your leUer &o let tile •e•bera Maybe those nurses are dedicated to the of tbe nuning profe11lon bow ~w tbey are humane treatment .or tt)e iU and lnjured, but viewed by at least one reader. they show very little compassion for relatives who come to vlslt., The beat J ever got was a Are you, or u tomeon• .,ou core about nuuffto staged smile and an lcy ''Good morning" -on around with drug• -or c~ U? Ar• aU dn.g.t the run, lo make sure there would be no further bod? Whot about pot -ln,modmltbl:> AM ~r•' conversation. all-new booklet , "The Lowdown on Dope," Nparotta Time after time J have been made to feel the /cct1 from the fictU>n. For each booklet ordered, like a nuisance, somethlne lo be avoided or aend $2.00, pita o long, .el/-Oddre11ed, atom~d ignored like a piece of equipment left in the envelope <11 cent• poatogeJ to Ann Landen, P.O. Boz hallway. JJ995, Cldccgo, JlUnoil 606Jl. Thru April 11, 1982 Shrimp & Fish Special 92.99 It's a treat that's worth the trip! Four big Gulf shrimp, our crispy fish fillet, plus fryes. slaw (, hushpuppies! Shrimply delicious! El EGANT, ENDURING ..• GLAZED ITALIAN QUARRY TILE ••• FOR A SOPHl811CATED LOOK ••. AND YOO CAN DO-l'T·YO<JRSEl.F! Superbly-crafted, permanently-glazed quany 6le combines beauty and dura- bOity. In exquisite colors and designs, it makes a magnificent floor for orien- tal or contemporary styte area rugs. It's at home in every decor -your foyer. garden room. family room, dining area or den. It gives you a life- time of carefree maintenance that never needs waxing! SALE! SAVE 15-393 REGS~t.59 97! Th" lt '7l'o' X ~H llOTUl'IDA. ll:EQIS. 1U'C>AA NC> FON><> PATIUll'IS REG. 79e-89( SALE WE'LL HELP YOO DO-IT-YOURSELF AND SAVEi SAVE 253 ON WAU..PAPER SAVE ON OAK PARQUET 11LE Add new life to any room with ver· REG. satUe wallpaper from our spec-7.95·9.95 tacular selection of pre·pasted. SALE washable vinyls. Designs to suit every taste. 596.746 MTrElllU YNC'I 8Y Sl'OM? 8/R B<IDGEf ·SAVING R..OOR TILE Choose this neutral, practfcal design for laundry room. kitchen. ONLY den or bath. Ideal pattern and 19 'h ~ tones to suit any color seheme. 8Q. FT. Lustrous soUd oak tile made In our own plant to ensure superior quality. Pre-finished. ready to in· stall with tongue and groove edges for a precise fit. 6'' X 6" X ,_, 16" lj()l'fO C1ASSIC: REG. 58C SALE 52~ 1003 VINYL NO.WAX 111...E Select this elegant pattern in solid vinyt for a luxurious shine and effortless caret Easy-to-Install, sdf·stlck backing gives you a new ftoor In hours. I 2" X 12" ~ MTl"l!a"I .. \ JUST ONE MORE -Actress Gina Lollobrigida makes a photo of Bob -Hope -· and some of the women in his life during a break in the taping of Hope's "Women I Love .... Be autiful but Funny," a So your car won't start aod your bills don't end ••• Forget your troubles 8rid take a friend to ••• ~ Metrocolor~ G. ~ MGM/Uilld Ar1111 ~ ~ ••U OielribullOn lftd ~ <t 0 •-... •~--'ftJl•U.OCO NOW PLAYING WA El TOllO ll<u P1au Edwillds Saddltll.Kk 529 $339 581 5680 COSTA MllA lllWI• Ectwns Cinema Centlf fdow11d1 Woodblclgt 979 4141 551 ot55 OIWMH UA City C<neftll 634 3~11 WUTllUllTUI UA Twin Cinemas Ha.1243 ~CAD1™¥ AWA-R I NOMINATIONS Including BEST PICTURE BEST DIRECTOR BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR ---~ ==cHARI===========:o::===:::~====oF::::::::::::;:FI:::::::::::::::RE::=== ' A I.ADO COMPIJolV "llD ~ 111()$. MLIAJI l'nnl ._,..,,.~~w.::o ~ o•--........ .._, ....... ....._ There's more to b.ie than ... LOVE TWtMllffi4 Cl"1VllY·f0JI ~ A PtlOOUCflON Of TH( INOl{PllOO COMPANY AN All~ 14ill0 fkM MAKING LOV£ • MICHAEL ONTKEAN ., ICATE JACXSON ~ HAltltY HAMLIN Wl'40¥ Hill£• -Alfl HUll Hill ~ br AlllN AOUll llld OANIU Mllpj!Q So""""' lit' "' .. y Ml'IOlltt _,. lit' A tCOlT laG Oi!9otd by AUH\.111 HlllO "4uW by lCONIW>llOllNMAN(li) ...................................... ........ 1ttil• ......... "'""'.._... . two-hour special airing on NBC tonight at · s~The ladies with Hope are (from left 1 Dolores Reade Hope. his wife. Lucille Ball and Marie Osmond. Jmprcssivc "The most impre11ive phy1icaJ re-creation of prehistoric times ever put on film." -David Anun, NEWSWEEK Magic " ... every piece of magic and skill has been used to free our imagination, to let it soar."-Sheila Bemon, LOS ANGELES TIMES Extraordinary "In the great tradition of EXCALIBUR and RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK." -Merrill Shindler, LOS ANGELES MAGAZI NE Perfect "0 EST FOR FIRE is extraordinarily successful ... it's just about perfect." -Peter Rainer, LOS ANGELES HERALD EXAMINER Adventure "The movie adventure of a lifetime." -Kir•HM,,cult, THE DAILY NEWS llope ~nd the beautiful ladies By LINDA DEUTSCH ·-··-~-..... HOLLYWOOD -After 31 years ln television, Bob Hope bas a treasure trove of memoriea -and some of the mo8t priceless involve the beautiful and funny women who contributed to hi• legendary success. There was never a Hope show without a woman, and ln recent months, the durable comedian has been search1n1 lbrou1h memories, videotapes and old black-and-white film to resurrect some of those 1ood times with the 1irls. The research ls for another in a string of Hope specials which keep hJm on top of the TV business, even as he nears his 79th birthday. ' This one, "Bob Hope's Women I Love -Beautiful But Funny,' arrives tonight, 8· 10 PST on NBC (Ch. 4) as a belated Valentine to 100 of Hope's femal~ co-stars, including an impressive array of Oscar winners wbo turned their talents lo staps!Rlrcomedy fol' Hope's sake. . One of Rope's favorites 1n the collection-is a - skit he did with Ingrid Bergman featuring the two as married actors exhibiting their inflated egos on Oscar night. There 's also a hilarious black-and-white segment with Hope and a very young Barbra Streisand as hillbilly singers. .. I was so fortunate," Hope was saying one recent afternoon as he took a break from producing the show and relaxed in the living room of bis sprawling ~ome. "I started working with women so long ago. I can remember a beautiful little blonde who was in my first vaudeville act." Later, there were the glamour girls. like Zsa JOHN SAVAGE • A'ft:11 t• • -...Al -~ .. °'--· CHAALH MONSON ''DEATH WISH II" CAI Flll.1:11,1-.-t ... ,_, __ _ ...... -.-I ---lllllT"'_.,.,..,,__ ,_"_, __ "SHOOT THE ·MOON" .. Zsa Gabor, Marilyn Monroe, Anita Dbert and \he late Jayne Mansfield, who traveled wfth him on mUit4ry tours overiseaa. H.la. eyes crinkle u he · remembers happily some of the run and tolbles ol dealing with theae ladies. "I learned that a star 11 a star 11 a 1tar. You know what tMy want and desire. And whetl you have about 100 of them <on the at.ow>, well, thank God they're mosUy on tum." "Zsa Zia was one of the mOll deU1hlful," be recalls. ••1 remember she joUMd ua on a tour ln the early '60s. ·She arrived and took the show hairdresser and kept her three houn! There-wu a four-star admlral who greeted her at the plane, and she banded him her lunace. Two daye later, when she left, he was still canylq ber ha11a1e." Sunday's special featurtl some sentimental reuoions with wo~en from Hope's past. Gina Lollobrigida new in from Italy to appe~r ln . per son. "I haven't seen her ln at leut five years," say-s Hope . Lucille Ball, Phyllis Diller and Martha Raye are among the funny women featured, and Hope concedes, "When you work with comeclieMea, you get a hell or a lot more laughs." Perhaps the most Important 1uest of all is a singer once known as Dolores Reade, who, as Mn . Bob Hope, has sent her husband off on many voyages in the company of the world's great beauties. "I used to say it's Fo' omething eJse when you can get on a plane with gorgeous 1aJ1 and your wife hands you thermal nderwear," quips Hope. CHARLES MONSON "DEATH WISH II" (Al .......... &:II. .. .. .. ,_,,.,,., .. .... ---- •dN.tr•I C,/\ltf•I I I fl:~ I'.'\/{\ J • iii II• .. I I t.l , ~ ~ 1,...: I ' .. JOHN HURT "NIGHT CROSSING .. (N) -~ "MAKING LOY!" , .. , _, __ • llAT*"'-........ 1:11,1-.- • • ''DEATH WISH .JI'' ... -.-..,_ ...... -.-.-· ... 11WllQPl&J5.llR" !.,11" ... - Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT/Sunday, February 28, 1982 Gina stays bUsy and young. GINA LOLLOBRIGIDA ... trades quips with comedian Bob Hope. · "Diane Keaton and Albert Fanney give the kind of performances that in the theatre become legendary." , .... KMI, THE NEW YOllKER MAGAZINE 8)' 808 THOMAS ._ ..... .._ ........ HOLLYWOOD -Gin• Lollobrt1ld1 p1ld a rare visit to the movie capital lhlfl week to renew old acqualntancea and talk about her life as · a photoJJrHpher and fashion deslaner. The main reason for her trip wu Bob Hope, with whom s he starred In the movie "The Private Navy of Sgt O'Farrell" and a TV Christmas show. Sbe Introduces the "foreign alfaJrs" aeament of tonight's two·hour Hope special deplclin1 the women l,n his 30·year television career. Arter the taping she said of the 78·year-old Hope: "He hasn't changed al all. This comes because he feels young. Bob is proof lhat a1e doesn't mean much. Young people who have lived wrongly can seem .old. Someone llk4! Bob who knows how to live can stay forever young." Someone e lse who stays young is Gina Lollobrigida. The record books list her as 54, and s he retains the voluptuous beauty or her sex.symbol heyday. That beauty has been missing from the screen in recent years. "I have been reading and reading (scripts>. hoping to find something that was decent and good and worth doing,'' she explalned. "But I have found nothing. There is not so much choice in motion pictures these days. "But I have plenty to keep me busy. Starting this spring I am going into the fashion business THE PORr THEATRE- ,, "' 1 ~·2hl I I EVERY MONDAY Al.l SEATS $2.00 UGO TOGNAlll s .. , <JI l o Co .. A•• Foll .. In ORANGE COUNTY PREMIERE plus "Cousin· Couslne" (PG) ."'''I C<lAST H .. ,v C'OA<)NA Gfl MAA NOWf Q,AIJ.t-Y At A~~ix1 Ci~~domes with a llne or clothes bcarlna my full name, Gin-a Lollobrllida. l have begun lo paint aaaln, which la what I 11[arted out to do -by mistake I became an actre s. My tr.tining as a painter Is why I •m such a good pholO&rapher." She talks about her photoaraphy with more enthusiasm than she ever displayed for her movie . Lona an amateur photo1rapher, ahe turned professional when Life magazine assigned her to dO a photo essay on her vision of t.he opposite sex. Life folded before the photos appeared, but the actress was encoura1ed to proceed with a book, "My Italy," which was published In several countries. "Including Ru11sia," she remarked, "but they didn't pay." Her success led to another book about the Philippines, and she has also photographed India and China. She has a dark room in her Rome villa "that other photogra_phers envy" and she can talk tens openings and photographic pap~r with anyone. Her most recent phot9graphic assignment was again for a revived Life: shooting the star·sludded Actors Fund benefit at Radio City Music Hall When she isn't tr aveling the world with her cam eras, s he divides her time between a Lausanne chalet and a well-guarded 27·room house she has owned in Rome for more than 30 years. You've never been scared 'tU you've been scared in .., ... dl•UI~~~ ........ <Xlr'f~llMT. t.04liltXl l '-' I A '~ .a•T': Pf Sl1"1U ~. / .' J Thi• WHk you c1n ... REDS II thell the1tr .. • EDWAftDS NEW .. ORT lDWAftDS CIM£MA WlST • CIMEDOM£ NewOOl1Butll6H 0760 Wes1tr11ns1e< 891 393S OtanQe 634 2SS3 BACADEMY AWARD NOMINATIONS ·~1 !1:11.R~ fV t~ W: iMfUhW ... U «I .. """'-.. ~ IPGI• NOW PLAYING CMIU CICIQ c.,.,. Ml 414• ~~ ........ ,. ............................... ..... •BARGAIN MATINEBS • Monday thru Saturday • All Ptrform1nce1 before 5:00 PM (hca,t lptdll E119191menct and Holkl1yal I A " • ., ... [ -...... l I "'111000 01 to1•cron1 LA MIRADA WALK IN 994·2400 -MW_•_ .. _.,._ "THE AMA HUR" 11'1 1t"-...._, ...... , ....... ---...... AU.DI 'AAIOEfll 0, THE LOST ARK '"'°I __ ..,....., tt::'aL-.1"'1 .. 1t1t LAKEWOOD CENTER WALK IN OUIAU-........... "OEATll WISH II"'" lt--.:J ................... ,.-: .. ¥0U OOflf'f MA ft TOM c:a41'1 TO LM. .... "CANNERY ROW",.., ,,~ .......... ,.-.. "VICE SOUAO" "' tl".»il ................ . foc11l1Y 01 Conol•wooo 213/531·9510 ••~• ..... .._ ......... Mbflll'f'IOMDA 'ON GOLDEN PONO' -" •,i ••.••. '. ,. ti I TOU OOW1 KAYI YO M CAArt' '°""'-"CANNEflY ROW" INI 1t.:JI, ........... , •• OlOIOOl C tcOn ,_ .... """°" "TAPS" - ~o..··~,...._.,..,.,.... ~ o:z:.~;.!.-X..e.i:':'.=:" ., ............ ~······ LAKEWOOD CENTER SOUTH WALK IN •• ---·--' 'RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK ·.,...! , ... , , ••••••••• 1t •• LAGUNA SO . COAST WALK·IN ,...,,.,,... .... .., .. ooue.M "GHOST ST~Y" flt ..,..,.. , ... . .. , ... , ........ , .... REOS"-,, . .._.,,. lflc:MA.14. OWT'llUJlt UTI ~IOtl MAKINO LOVE ,., ., ... , .............. . NJil CROllA..0 ....,..~ 'CHARIOTS Of FIRE !"el . .. , ........ ,..-...... So11lh Coo11 Htwoy 01 lrooowoy 49~1514 Cl90llM)I c econ. TWO"'' ...,,,.,,,.. 'TAPS INI t10M..fla111 ... .a &£t ..... ,, ....... , ...... 'lCIFIC fHEAfllES DlllVf·IN SWAI' lllEE1S ua11c .. TO\.t• auto s,. .. , '"'gnat HAlllOll llYD OIUYE·tll 6 ORANGE DlllYHll I._. fO J,.. llti..tOAT I tiY-tt0"' t i ff H tl MtC; 'l.lflO..U tif •lfMl1• Sf&OtY-• .... 815 ..... 6:()(), .... , ... 8 .. 6 ,.._,.IMPORTAN T NOJICE• CHILDREN UNOlR 12 fREf! HUltf.I .,", WJUlft Jili1tA Uuv f11 5 30. \11 s .......... 30 ,,,. LIHf •1 SOUNO • TOU<I ... CAI'~ 1$ TOO• 'IUll• ·~ N() '"tall llA')r) WITH Q;lllt)lj olCCIUOlll ~SITIOll -llllHC _,. POlllAlll • •.U CM-A OIUVfiNS IJO 0.. AM ~ A"IAHllM ANAHEIM DRIVE·IN ff•••OY •I al le mon St 179·9850 CKNh.11..,_,... DEATH WISH II "' ..._ .. THE BURNING ~ SHWT ~ MWN mu~•--~--......,.-----... -.__----,.1--,,,,.,,, ................ ,... WINOWALKER" ..oi REOS ro<11 llUA Blea Ptua S29 S339 COSTA MESA Cd•a<O' Solilh ~1Pl~U (71'lS461711 o--·_.., __ ..,,_, -........ _ • NOW PLAYING COSTA MESA ORAllQE WlSTMlllSTlR [Owaros Clnemi Center Cioeoome UA lw111 Cinemas 97941'1 634 2SS3 898 I 243 MISSICHI YllJO ViejO T•nn 830 6990 ~!U&U A«llflO '°" IHd lllGAOl~ The CIA trained him, "' briefed him, armed nim, •' and then ... they abandoned him. v..., • .,..., .... " .................. , ..... _.-.............. .... .......... ~ ..... -...... ,.,.. .. _._,, ...... , ..... ~t• J1c1uon MAKINO.LOVE lRI History Of Tb! W&l'! 1\81 I Muhemrnad All llODY,.,., 90UL (RI Plusl Ghost l1orv IRI ~ I~ llHARKV"S MACI-(" ~~Hllmln9 AllTHUlt'(l"OI • Srd Hiii lhutln' LooM (R) Help prevent lllTH DIPICTI ..... -. "BRONCO BILLY" -PROPHECY IN J ____ c_'"-1 ''~"o 1 8UINA PARK BUENA PARK DRIVE·IN l1nc.o•n A\o• weu Of lnO" 121-4070 8U!"l ,PA11~ LINCOLN DRIVl·IN l•"<O'ft ••• we.-o• •nott 121·4P70 '''·':i:•n• son Oieoo frwy at ltoou"'''' (So> 962·24'1 "'ISt~1NSlll1 Hl·WAY 39 DRIVE IN °" .,.._. ..... """ ..... '""' , ..... .,... ,,,,,.. ..-..1cE SOUAO ,., -· HARDCORE • 11t1 lillCl'lAU. OW'h.UM U" JACa-* MAKINO LOVE "'' ..... HISTORY OF THE WOflLO PART ONE 1tt1 CMAIU.al...,...,..ttlf 'DEATH WISH II "'t -THI! BURNINO" .. , S.0< n 8••0 " 01 Gv•otn C..owt htt#OV 891·3693 _._.__ --•-c ocon TWON'f"""°" · OH GOLDEN ltOHO' -I ·TAPS -"'-~ I ~ 'THE ELECTRIC HORSEMAN -·MOOERN PR08t.EMS - ·~----'Cl'-llt..;._11;..;SOllllO=..;._---f----· .. ..:;:~tllf:.:...· ~SOUH_o ___ _ --~ .......... ._ -MYACW·OM-~ "CHAllTIANe , ... I'! 'THE AMATEUR' "' .... -"DeATHSHIP" 1111 SOUTHERN COMFOflT ' "' CIM " 90\INO C•"I I• SOl/lfO lA H •~PA LA HABRA DRIVE IN ... ,,..,. .. Mtll'tM.Mll• ..... fOMMi "ON GOLOEN PONO' '"'> ... ~ """''°' .. ..,,. _. lho • ...,.., lh• "TH! ELECTRIC HORSEMAN - 171-1162 )llANGI Son•o /11."0 ft'W'f §~ ORANGE DRIV(·IN • l!o•• c o••o• ,,_,,€# 558·7022 ,.,, ..... ~ 0.----'*" ....... -• "VICE IOUAD" 111 .... "HAllDCOllE" 11'1 '" ,A~ I ... p j. A.'°tt I MISSION ORIV(·IN " . . .... WARNE I\' 0111Vf IN _____ __.., •• :!' .. : 1~. J~ -... ·---~ ··THE AM~TEUfl" "' "SOUTffERN COMFORT' t11t -0-AIM· ........ -"GHOST !!DflY" ,., "EVILSNAk" ,.t f'.OONICAILOAO 'I f r l heck your resolutions I !l.u,v,~ Now tl..a JOU'N ln tbt r.bnaary doldnama, "ftbatever bappened to all lboM New Year's tet0luUoal! AN you 1tlll amotdnf, watcblnt too 1nucb TV, b&qinf on cbocolaw cancty and ao on down the U.tGf mortal folbl•? OM of the rea1on1 you failed la that you lfau.ct to~-to fail. That• the cliaino•l• of Dr. Herbert 0 . Steier, director ot healtb PtYCbolOIY at Mlaml Valley Holpltal in Dayton. Ohio. 1 "TO believe you can have a 100 percent succeu rate Js a myth," says Dr. Steier, a clinical PtYcholotial. "Nobody does 100 percent. You've 1ot to prepare yourself for a relapse." So instead of wtll power of steel and lofty moral let.ala, he auggesta includ.ln& a relapse in your 1trate11. Planned lallllte, as It were. "II you we,. an overeater I'd have you 10 on a planned binae. It's a way of having a dry ~. I'd uk you to maybe set. uide a weekend dover.at.· "Then Ilk yourself bow you're feeling about , what action you could take durin1 that binge d so oo. Then when you do IO on an actual !lif.nae. you'll have some strategy. · •·1 want you to learn from the relapse. A bavlor change is a learnlnc process, a ocess of slow chanae. A deciaion to chan1e the havior Meds a planned atrateo. A resolution n't enou1b," !lays the 41-year-old psycho)o1ist. Steger, who himself kicked the cigarette bit, also notes that New Year's might be one the worst limes to start such a project. "The first tbing you must do is choose the ght Ume. Don't do it when you're under-stress, ing through a divorce, after a death in the mily, during final exams . . ·. and probably tat New ¥ear's." There's a post-holiday letdown. the weather the worst for most people, tbe bills are ming in and most or us are not· at our best this e oftbe year, he says. Steger works with physicians who bave- vised patients of their need to change certain · baviors for their health and with private tients who just want to change their lives, ch as someone who wants to spend more time lb their chlldren. He also warns that he would not use the flanned relapse program for a truly addictive i).ersonallty. The risk would be too great that eee cigarette or one drink might set them off tf d running again. Steier also advises patients to make sure Utey set achievable goals. "Don't try to lose 20 p.unds the first week. Knock off 100 calories a 11.•Y for starters. Or cut back two cigarettes a aa.y, not 50. And remember, it took you a long time to learn to smoke or whatever. It will take "*u a long lime to unlearn." ;_: The former Californian is full of advice, 11avice that can also be found in a number of tyomen's magazines, a fact for which he makes po apologies. ~"Psychology is very keen on giving away technology," he says. "The problem with ding about buying a new scarf when you lose ve pounds, a new skirt at 10 and so on is that each person is very different. It must be an individual program." Thus, be advises people to get help in settinl up the very tailored program. that will ~rk for them. ''If you wanted to learn to drive OU'd ask someone who knows how to drive to ch you. It's the same thing. Thia innovative psychologist also tomelimes gives people back some of their ~ney as one or the rewards to success. "l &ht tell someone it will coet them four bills w, but every week they are successful, I'll • e them back $25. ·' • Besides rewards, and planning, Steger SMggests groups such as Overeaters Anonymous t well as alternative activities Incompatible tb the habit you wish to dump. A smoker igbt join a health club, for instance. ~ Health psychology. says Steger, is a rapidly lrowing area or psychology that bas Its roots in i1ie Veterans Administration hospitals back in 1940s. The good news is that the same principles ply to a lot of different behaviors. ''Once yeu've been successful in one thing, J1!eu can apply it to something else. You're on a rou:· • So Happy March 1 Strategies. Not --t'lesolutiom. ,.IC'TtTtOUI MlllN•U NAMS ITATllMNT Tiie fOl._lf>t oerwns ere "'"' bullMStet; VA .. SAO COMPANY llMITl!O. llU 811""""'911 l -. N..,p0rt leech, Cellfomle *'°· l!l-.E*f~ 23 A .. CanoeJ. .... ...,, 8-dl, c ........ '2'60 All Etlefe9h, n .. .,. Cennu , N-port 8-:fl, C.llfonlle '2MO Nesser 011• Sftlreal, llU 8vllo"'llell Y ........ ~1 8HCll, Cellfomle ..... This tlllslftess It c-ucled by • llmltecl~. "-rO. Sfllreil "ICTITIOUS autt ... U NAMa STAHlllWPfT The tollowlno person •• ••'"' bullneues: P1Ell'-E'$ NEW~RT LIQUOR ANO OEl..I, no ~•clllc Cout Hl9"••Y, Newport 8"ch, Celltornle '1'60. P ierre Jecqutt 8ertCll1tO, JAi Westbrook Place, Colle MU•, C1llfor1'i.,26M Thlt bullnen it conclueled by en lndlvlduel. Pl•rr• ~. 114r\A(lf1!> l'ICTIT10UI ausiN•H NAM• ITAT•M9NT Ptn!W-•• ............... '"' ~ ,.,_,.,. ... flt ..._., • ..~ ... "" w . ...,.,,.,, ...... A"9,CA""" •v•o~IAH ~••T• IHTlllNATIONA~ INC.,• Cellftntle (9'pw ...... , JI• ~ W-r, .... ,. AM, CA"""' Tlllt Nlflttt k te~lod •Y e o~-.. ..,. lu,...,_ llMI IMtrMllMel, lllC. ... J.,..,.~ T111t "*"-t -flied ...... tflt C-IY Clerll et 0r..,.. (euolty on '"·"·'·· "'CTITIOUS IUSINHS NAMe STATaM.NT Th• totio.lno panon• •rt doll\ll bvtlneuM' PAC ... IC DESIGNS LTO,, M02 LH•erd llr .. t, Hunll"91M 8tedl, ce.n'46 Cllrlllopller O. Collon, 14ot LA•••rd SlrMI, HuntlnQ10ll ... ch. Celllornl• .,._ Renee d• 8ellevut, 21UI , 8roollllural, Hunllnoton 8eacll, Celllornl•--· Tiiis bvtlnffs 11 conducted by • oener•• ,,.,,,.,..,,,P. Clwlst~r o. COllOn Tllk 1let_.,._ filed .it11 tM County Clerk ot Orenoe County on Fellrvery 4, tta. f't'1S11 Publl111tc1 OrMI09 (Oest Delly Piiot, F.O. 1, 14, 21, 21. 1t12 sn.12. This stet-wea Siied with Ille - Cou"IY Cieri! of Orenoe COU11ty on February•. ltl2 lllatM Publltlleel Or-Coell 0.llf Pllol, Th• toltowlno ""ons ere dol"O i-------------i buSIMHe: Feb. 7, 14, 21. 21. lta JJM2. WEDDING HOTLINE, 1101 Sytvanll• ClrCle, Fountain \/elley, ------------Tiiis .....,_, •• flied with .,. c-1y Ct.rk of Or•nee c ..... 1., °" , _______ ....._ ___ _ Fewvary i. 11112 r..IC 1•TICE Cellfor11I• ft1Ge. J effrrt M. W.lu , 11'17 S.,lvllftlt• Clrclt. "-14'" Volley, C•llfor,.I• '270I. ,.ICTITIOUl IUSINISS lfl.Ml lTATl!MaNT ,., .... , _______ ..._ ____ _ The ltllewlr19 perlOfts ere dOlng bvsln.stH PvMllMll 0r-. c .. 11 D<Hly Piiot, f'ICTITIOUS austN•IS Fell. 14, 21, .. Merell 7, ,.., n..a. NAME STATIM9NT Carol N'tft Wela . 11437 Sylvenlle Circle , F-1•111 Velley, C.llfornla '270I. NATICIHAL SERVICE CENTER, ""South Rllclle'I' Aven ... Sante A"•· Cellfor"le '210S Tiit lollowl"g ,.,.011 h dol"O llllslnt nH TR UST Dl!ED 1..DAN Tiiis bullnns It condllcted by .,. lndlvklutl. "CTITIOUS IUStNHS PART I Cl PATION • UA, 21'1 Welnul, T<a11n, CA fl ... Jeff,.., M. -•u· Tiiis 11at-i wM tiled with lhe County Clerk of Ore1199 County on ECS Etec1rC11lc Cal< Senrk 1. "" South Rll<lltY A•-· Sent• An•. Cellfornle~ NAMa STATIMaNT JAMES E RICH, D V.M .. 27'2 Tiit totio.lfto perM1111 are doing Wel,.ut, T.,.11n, CA nMO. Thh t>utlneu Is conducted by • corpo,.uon bullneuei: Thi• lluSlneu 11 c_I.., 1>y.,. 111 .... CENTRAL PROCESSING, 711 lndlvlOuel Pub11"'9d Or-Coetl Delly Piiot Servke J ...... ry1,1m . ECS Eltctronlc Cele ~~~~r~ SlrHI C>-1. Cott• MeMI, J-E RICll,O.V lil. Feb.7.t4,tt,•.1m •is..2' Sec-TrHI. Wiim• J Gentry , How-Frelllero. Jtt IOI/\ Sl•HI, Tlllt "6'""""1 we tlled """" llle Tllh \le!HNnl WM Ill.CS with .,,. •C. Hunt1,.91on 8eecll, Celltornle County Clert. of Or•nte Coun1y on PIU 1111( county Cler11 of Orenoe County on .,...., Fell. II, t11C. 1------------Februery 15, 1"2 Peul M. Albert, ... I PretidtMt ,.,.,.,. ,.ICTITIOUI aUltNISS ,.,_,,. Drive, Huntlnoton 8e«h, Cellfomle Publl&No Or-CoeS1 Delly Piiot, NAMS ITAT•MUIT Publlr.hed Or-Coest Deity PllM, '2641. Fell. 11, ft, Merell 1, 14, lta 1111-42 Tiit lol .... lno perMlflt ere dol"O Feb ti,-· 1. 14, 21, 1"7 11'-42. This bvll,..u It condvcted by • !'-------------1111.ineues: generel~ KYMCO AUTOMOTIVE. 1721 -erd Frelbero PllUC •TICE Monrovle, ().4, Cate Mete, Ce. '2U7 This ~ wes llled with the Jeltrey c. Kymle, i.n Orenoe County eterll of OrM!Qe Counly on Aft., •S. c-. Mese, C• . .,.,, lllCTITIOUS aUSINeSS Febrv•rv 15, ... a. CITY O,. lllVINE c .. 1 s. Kym!• Jr .. 1900 S.bflne NAM• STATIMINT "1Dn7 CAlll"OllNIA Terr., Coronedtl Mu. Ce. mu The lollowlng pertons are doing Publlsntcl Or-Coast Delly Piiot, NOTICe INVITING a1DS Cerl S. Kymte Sr .. 12lttl 4111 SI., llllslneu H : Fell. It, -1, 14, 21, 1"2 -...2. NdTICE IS HERESY GIVEN IMt Yu<elpe, Ce. '21" FUJI'S FAMOUS HAM8URGEA, "'CTITIOUS IU51Nan NAME STATIMENT The 1011ow1119 penont ere d olno llllSlneu .. · R. end H SMl1'H ELECTRIC, 20161 South Ntw 8rlle l" Lane, Hunllnvton -· Ctllfomle t1M Alcllenl Herold Smith, 1111'1 South New 8rltei11 LAN, Hunllnvton 81ec11, Callfor"te .,.., He rold Robert Smith, IOU Presid i o Drive . Coste Mtta, c alltorllla ... This bu•l,.ess Is conducled by a gtlltr •I -1nenlllo. Rlc:Ml'cl H. Smith Tiiis tt.--t wes meo wit.II the County Cltftl of Or•noe Covnty -. Febnlery 1', ltl2. H•l•dblcbwlllberecelvedbytheClty Tlllt blltlMSs Is conducted by • ISMS Gotllerd, HunU,.Qton Buen. Clerk of Ille Clly ot Irvine, C.lllomle oenerel ~Ip. C:ellfornte ..... for furnll/llnv all l)fent, ••-wrvlcH, Jeff"" c. Kymle Yotlllhlro tcotenl, •n E. Utll mattrlal\, toe!\, equl-t, w,.11es, Tiiis ~t wes flled wllll the SlrMI, LonoQ8eftcll,Callfornla..o5 • tran1POrtallon, ullllllel -ell ctlMr Cou11ty Cler1I ot Or•noe County on Tomiko Glorl• Kot..,1. '22 East lt•m• end lecllllln 11.ceuery Fell<very1', 1"2. •Slh Street, Lon9 8taell, Callfornl• tllerefor, •• ptOvidM lfl u. cont,.KI llllMM 'IOIOS d0<umtnt1, for tralflc •l9f\9ts end ,..,..,_ OrM99 CNtl O<Hly Pllol Tiiis 1>u1IMS• It conducted by a utety ll9lllln9 togtllltr wllll Ftb.21,21,Mer.7,14,1"2 7~ .. neral -1N""if>· eppurtenencn lllereto, In t1rlcl :......-----------Yotllllllrotcotanl eccordanc• with !fie -lllteUoM on Ille et IN offlc:e ol ltw Director of Plltllle WOr11• 1------------Thlt A.tt-1 wes llled with -County Clerk ol Or-County on Ftb 4, 1111:1 DATE OF OPENING 8 105; 81d1 ~~...-c-'t will be reul¥ecl •• -off lee ot IN 191 Cllrk C<lllllr o.t .. •• City Cier11 of the Cl1Y of Irvine toulled S-"-~ f!1t1 • 1'11211J Publltlltcl Ore11gt Coett Dally PllOt, All. Ftb 7, 14, 11, 21, ltC U642 et 11200 J ambOrH Road, trvlllt, ~LAINTIFF: ltON·STRUCT Celllor11I•. '27U. until 10 •.m . Oii INC .... 09 ... T E. ICING Merell l, 1"2 et wllleh time end P'K• OE FEN DANT: MAllK W Wll..SON•l------------ bldt •141 be pvbllcty ....-.... -•ke MARK WVlClYNSICI, DOES I MIC '9Ja •loud 81dl thell lie wbMlttff lfl llWOU9ll V, lftCMI ... te•••d •"v•IOPH merll•• 0" Ille MIMMONS ovttldt, "8lcll for Trllffk SillMI -'41« NU,,.111 *70 "CTITIOUS IUStNESS N"'iYSTATeMINT Irvine~ 0r1 .. et Or.......... NOT1c•• ., ....... --n. 111.... lOCATIOfol OF THE WORIC: TM t_.. "'rt --...... .,.. ....... Publl$11ed o.-.,.. CoaJI Delly Pltot, •Ork to be CMrformed ............ , Is -................ .,.. ......... Th• follo•lno ,..,Miiis ere dolno butlneuat. Ftb.11, -· 1, 14, 21, 1"2 '1S-CZ. ICKaltd In IN City of lrvlne, c-ty ti ..... » ~ llMllll -............... Or•nv• at Irvine Cemar Ori.,. --...w. BROOKLI N E FAR M S. 1 Htrmlleoe Lene, Newport leech, Callfornle '2IMO "'cTITIOUI IUSINISS NAM& STATIMaNT Tiie toll-1"11 ,.,-wnT er• doing buslnes1H: WYNGAARDEN .. SONS w.l(TEA TRUCK SERVICE, "* LOI Amtoos Cir., F-.in Va\ley, Ce. '270I Jake Wy11geerden. 11)0 Los Amloos Cir • Founta in Valley, Ce. '210I Linde lM Wyngeerdln, t7»t Los Aml901 Cir., FOU11lelft VOiiey, Ce. '270I Tiiis buSIMst Is condvci,ci by en lndlvfdwl ,............, a. Wife) J .. W\'lleMf'defl Tiiis ....,_ •• flied with Ille County Cler11 of Oranoe County on Februery 11. 1"2 Ora~tr,.. If you -to -It the edvlce of.,. DESCRIPTION 011 WO .. K: The enorney In tllb mett•r. you ,,_,d do work to be perfo,,.,,.., 1hell Ind.-bul H promptly to the I your wrllltn not be limited to lnst•ll•Uon of treffle ·-•·If-· mey be flled on time. 1'9nat1, setetv 119"11no •nd Jtrlplne. AVllOI u.-. i.e .i.. .. ..,,,.., ... COMPlETIONOl'WORK: AllWOr11 a1 .,..._. ..... ~ ..... ,_.,. U It to bt <ompte ttd within H ti• •••I I• • -•H 'Ill• constcullve -•king dayt from Ille ' a -. .. date 1pecllled In Ille Notlcl.e~t,;:.c,._..,,_ .. _. _ _..,,_ Proceed. • SI us ....... IOllcll .... Cllf'IMIO de AWARD OF CONTRAC : Tiit un •b09edo.,. me •-lo, deberl• Owner retervu the rlo • elttr 11ecerlo lmmectlatemente, de e111 -lno bids, to ••IKI eny o ell bids, ,...,..,., ., ,.._.,. escrlta, 11 hay to we Ive eny lnto.-llty In • Md, lo •le<IN, .,..-_. r._tstr..S. • ttemPO. mek• ewercts In IN Interest of the o..,,.., and to relt<l •11 other blO'.l. I. TO THI! Ol!FINOANT: A cMI Mrt. Lind• C Jeck1011. S Htrmll•oe Lene, 1Hewport •••ch, elltornl•~ Mr Eric E Jecklotl, S Hermlteoe ene, Newport 8H<h. Cellt-• nMO T 1111 bvslness •s conc1uc1ec1 by en , lndlvlduel. Mr. Linde C Jeckson This tl•l-1 w .. fll4HI With the County Cltrk ol Ore119t County on Februuy 15, lta. 111UftS Publlslltcl Or-Coest Delly Piiot, Feb. 21, Mer 7. 14, 21. 1"7 .,,.12 P ROPOSAl GUARANTEl!l AND IONDS: E e c ll bi d lhe I be e ccompe,.leo by • cerlllltd or ceshl1r'1 check or by • corporet1 wrely bend on -form lumlllled by 1111 Owner at gverent•• thet 111• comple lnt hot been filed •Y Ill• PlllJC .m lll•lntlff ..... yov. If -""'"' .. ___________ _.. detefMI tfli& tewtu.., you mvst, wlllllrl » deys after IHI ...,_. ~ ttrvtel "ICTITIOUS IUSIN•U Oft yw, fllt ... llllt c-9 t Mltltll NAME STAT•MENT 111U.. bidder wHI, If.,. ••ard It m.,.1o lllm r......-.... ~ UllMM y..,, The f«Mlc•l"ll person Is dol"g do,.,,_.,_....,.llbe~on ~•neues: Pvblltlled Or.,.. Coel1 Delly l"llol 111 ecc~ with Ille ter~ of hit -~----------------------=! Fell. 21, 21, Mer. 1, 14, 1"7 1~ bid, promptly tecur• Workmen'• llJH Imel ComPfflMlllol\ lnwr111Ca -tteblllty ejlPlk.U... f/f .. plell\llft, ..... this ·'WTN, 1..TD.,'' 15111 Ntllle Gell c_, may ll'llllr e .....,,_t -.eln5' Road, ._..,,,. Hllll, C.llfomle n.SJ you fer ... t'llllf ~ 111 IN Roe.rt E ..... WNtltr, G-•I com1111111t, ..,tell <ovld rHull' In Pertner. 2'111 Nt11i. Gell Rd.,._....,. terllltll-t tf ...... 11111119 ti Hllll, Ce0fornlems3 -• -lllwrence, tu<ute • a.ltnK't In tflt ,._ .. ,~ rectulr9' '°"" -tumlsh tMl9fec1or, f'ICTITIOUS •uStNeSs SIMPSON NAIM STAHMINT N. RUTH SIMPSON. the 1111!:'~~1119 __ , ••• dot"o passing or Miss N. Ruth KENN Y 'S CUSTO M Si mpson on Februa ry 25. WOODWORK. Peclfl< a1un tlldv11r1a1 1982 age 97 vears a resident Park, 1• Wlllnltf A¥tn ... Unit 2. ' ~ • 810Q. E,C.teMHe,C.llfornla'2627 bond• for .... '•"""" .,.,.,.,,_. .. .,. , .... ~ -..,. -,..,.,...,. of clelmt of ......,. • .,,_ -le110r1n tlltreundtr. Saki clleck er •141dtr• bOncl thell be In •n ·-' llf -lest then ten 1101 1!9:"cenl of the-' of or Corona del Mar. Ca. for ' K• ....... Otdlrey, tm s Cem!IM< --'-----------over 40 years. is announced Cr., aree,Celtfoml•'262t I wilh regret by her niectand Phll!f J . l(euf;Nn, 1~ t<te1tr•1 the bid. Tilt Fallntvl Performa11<e 8o"d shell be not ••H then ont ll1H1dred 11001 percent of the tole! ·-·of'"' lllCI prld nemecl Ill the tontrec1. TM l..etlor encl Melerlelt lond 111111 be not IHS 111•11 ont hvndrto 11001 perce111 of "" tot.I emovnt of tllt bid prlee Nlmt4I lfl the f'-CORMCX MORTUAlllS Laguna Beach 494-9415 Laguna Hills 768·0933 San Juan Capistrano t; 495-1776 • ~ L.AW..,_MT. OLIVI Mortuary• Cemetery Crematory 1625 Gisler Ave Costa Mesa 540-5554 ,_Cl MOTHHS 41 MUMOADWAY wottTUAIT t 10 Broadway Costa M•sa 642·9150 IALTZ ..... ON SMrTHlnm&L MSYCW.CNANL 421 E 17tt\ St CostaMfia ~9371 Ave,...., C.te -.., Cellf9rnle '2W nephew from Keio .na. This W.IMSJ 11 cont1vc1ec1 by• 1 British C"olumbla, C~nada. oener•I ,.-tNn1119 •• No runeral service was held PlllllOJ. K........,, h TillJ s.......,_ -tiled with IN contract. Tiit Owner rewrve1 tlle rltftt eo r•Jffl eny bolld, 11, In 111e ottillloll tf tllt E111tneer , the S11r 1ty•1 ecllnow~ 11 llClt Ill 1M ferlll a t e r r e q u e s l . covntv c1trtt Of 0r1n9e covn1y on Arrangements have been Jenueryn, na. h a ndled by Inglewood Cemetery Mortuary. OAKLEY BEATRIZ BURNH AM AKLEY. a resident or ewport Bt!ach & Malibu. Ca .. rormerly or Los Angeles & Pasadena. Ca . Passed away on February 25. 1982 in Newport Beach. Qeloved mother of Barbara Hoyt of Malibu, Jean Woodward or Newport &ach and Richard. akley of Yuba iClty. Ca. ,.,._, l11<lvdtd In lllt cO('frect doc-• or Publlstlecl Ora19 Coel1 Dally Piiot, In enotner form 1111>Stentlelly et l'eb. 7, 14, 21. 21. 1"2 621-t2 preacrlbecl by iew. l"REVAlllNG RATES OF WAGES: Ill .CCOfMnce •1111 lM ptOYISltlll OI s.ctlon 1713 aA ... CellfOrnle ........ Codi, Ille Owner ......... mlNct Ille Ollawtl MUNICU•AL cou .. T o-r•I 1HWVllllno r ...... per ...... ?•Cnk C:-Df' • ....._ •19" In IN loeelltV Ill wtllcfl IN Wtftl .... AM, ea. Is I• lie .............. 1o ... ...-~ Pl..AINTll'I': Jo.€ M. GODINl!l '" Ille Soutllerll CellfONli.t Me ... t 9111111 MA .. IA GOOINEZ. • .__ ~. a ccpy of wtllc:h Is Dllll!NOANT: l..AUltO P ... Ull, t11 Ille In Ille 9"ke of Ille City CleA ot a 11 d 0 0 I! S I TH ill 0 UGH 20, tfll Clly of tNIM .... wUI Ill ftM111t INCLUSIVE. evelllMI to_., llller'ttttcl ,.ny.,.... l:i= r-. ... u. T,,. COfttre<lOf' ..... 9'1f ..: WOttlltredor ~him -H..., 11111 NOTIUI T• hew 11911'1 sued. TM Itta tll4NI tM llll(lftM 11f9•11ftt , .... _, mey ec* ....-.,... .,...... tf ..... • .. __,_ ~"' .,_ MMe ...... ..._. yw ,...-. ttwoaec:.,.._ef IM«ftlrkt. wtelllll .......... -""9nNtltfl APl" .. ENTICE: The C41fttre<ter -:-.,.., ....,. ...... ""' ffW'<• "' 111 111e11 c.Ot'lllllY wftll •11 -....,.. ...... ........, 111 W. INtW, .,_ ..._.. • of Sactloll 1717.S flf ~ Cellfffllle IO 11r...-.y M tllet ,,_ trtltttft ~ c,.-: W I N G S A N 0 ,.___,lf.,,,,,meylllf .... llltlfM, • ,. C TIO S I f AVllOI U-.. Ill .. .._.. ..... S~ Cl I .A N : A fltl ttt e at tr ......... Mtftr t"""9 U.. dre•lntt elld tPIClflcetl•llt h .... ------------11111 ••dt.llcl• • •11H •u• u•. ev•ll•M• •~ '"~"" wlt.,...t .......... __.. .. • ..._ LM te <.Ml' .. et -llffk• f1f CM OW.tit ot She Is ahlo surv{ved by 8 arandchlldren and t areat-grandson He.r favorite charities ~re the Braille Institute and the American Red Croa. Services prl vate. NEW BUSINESSMEN Contect th• DAIL y PILOT for lnfonnatton regarding the county requfrementt for uelng • flctltlou• au11 ..... N ...... 142-4321 EXT.332 .....,_........ ~k WWllUfltllCltylf 1""'9. Slv.M ... llllC1W11c-fe• Co"'_... eetf flf .... *twt!Oet, "" ............... ...., ...... k ............... _ _,, lleor•• ..._.. • ._,..,, " .... M IM'C"-41 ""'" .. 0.,1 .. ,..,,.. If -• -· _.,... .. ..... ll'ulllte WW-.. Qty .. t,,,.., 1,. ...,_,;..t...,.._...,...,;;: ,_ ... ,.. -... lr•IM, c.ttt.r111e 1. TO THC Dt!P .. CMUfT: A Chrll, ft'ltt. A _..., .. fUll ..... tt.OO cem11l•l11t 11n •11 fllld •• tlle •Ill k Cll•r9" , ... Hell "' 11 ..... lfltlfl ............ If .,._ ..._ • MUIMlllt. "' ........ "9«~ ....... WI ....... ,_,,.., ... 11141 llld •lt!l!lfltt Wiii .. _....., ... ,,, ...-""' -.. _,,.. ~ '"""., ............ ...., tfleli .,. .,..,, .... """ ... -' • '"""" 10 t •llMer ..,. .,.... ........ .. ,........ ... ~ """".,., -'"""'9 ... fet -......... .. M, .-W ...... Mii M ........ t11 C"r.:,~~~DIW•USTttATION: AH ..-CMllll .................... ~,..._,. "'"'" ~......, c.-t,_...., ............ ._.... .. ..,..... ......... ~. ,._'-................ Ill .. T_.._...C™),,.._ HMlllllllll. ll'MCll C .... .....it Ill 8Y OWDCUll fl -Cle\' C-11 • .. , ............................ ,_ .. ,,__, _,, . ......,, . ..., ..... -~" ........ -.. ~ 0...1 ~1t.1• Oeelet' as........ C.ITVO,.,_YIM• ~~=1 ~Tv~:: llOW\NeO, ,_ ..... ......... °'91111tc.elll o.Mf,., ..... ~--~----___, __ _. ,....,,,.,_1.w;• .,.., Aa.11.a"" ,... m-y w .,_rty w other rtllt4 Tiiis bultnen 11 cotlducted by • ,._.....In tlle c.,..ielrll llmllecl pe.-S111p OATED..._,,..,t, 1'11. ROWrt E. Wllwter 1..Ef A. lltAHCH. Tiiis 11e...-was Ill.CS wllll tl>t 0er1i County Cltrtt oi 0r...-County Oft ay NAHCY WAGGONER, l"ellruery U, tta. °"""" ",.,., ...,..,..,,.. 0..,... CoHt Delly PllOt, PullllsheO Orenoe c .. st D<tlly Pllo1, Feb. 21, 21. Metd\ 1, 14, 1"2 lu.G Fe•. tt. -.1, 14, ti, t"7 m"'2 ____ ,._._~_111a ______ f ____ P1U ___ •_ra_-__ __ Lit'• ANO ACCIO .. n' ANO M•AL TM S'INOftllO' TM• ANNUALITAHM•NT- YIAll •ND•D Dac•,,_111 at,, .. .. ~ecWIC illllRlel LI .. I--• c.......,. ,........,.c:-DWw, ~.o. •••-· .._. ._, c.e....,.....,... Totll~es11ts ............................................ u ..... 11s.-. Totel 11 ..... tles • .. • .. .. .. • . . • .. .. • .. .. . .. ............... t.D..-AH Cep!UI pelcl ................................................................ -41 0,.... "* '"...., contr1bvtecl 1urplu1 .. • .. .. .. ............................ o s.ec lei "'"""' P'vrlds . . • .. .. .. . • • .. . . ........................ ,. ..... •1 Uness..,_,fwldt t-.lvsl • • .. . .. • • .................. tlS,'21.M Ge.Ill (Leml """'eoweltons .. .. . . .. .. . .. ..................... 14,"1,S.O In<-(0.0-l Ill c..lllt•I alld SUf'lllu1 ... ltll ..... ,... ................... . ................ ., .... 20,JV,S.O l-IA1'11rce; .. -..................................... 1' .... ,J4-A<c lfilllt ..i Manti lll"lmhlms ._ ntl ..................... , .. . .. .. .....,.UO ·--lflForte: Cellfonll• A<<•--111hru:c e111or111ea...-...._ ............... ,1.11u1-.• A«...,,..,. .... ,,.mtvms-Olrtc1: ~ ....... ,. .......................................... '""·'· WO_..., Clt'llf\' 11111 tM...,,. ltMnt -!fl ec~• wltfl tlle 4-1 ,.._. -.. -....... o.c-.,.r at. "91 -...... ·--e c-.........., .. _, .... ef c.ttfwllle,..-• ·- Wlltlefll O. •..... ... Atlt. Vitt '*' v.,. TNlf«! AllL ~Ort1111CMM Oelty ~II~,..._ t7, .. MIM'l'll l,J.a. 1• .... LIP• A•D ACCIHJIT MD MllM. nt '""°"" Oit TM• ...... M. ITATe•lll'f YU• •MMll>~ll.,,"" .. PM Lt•I ttltU .. AllCI C'OMll'M\' ttt ............ DP. ~•.v.-. , ................................ , ......... , ... ················· ,,,,.17,,.,,. T•lt ................................ •••·•························''·*1• c..,.. ........................................................... t•• O,.... ... .._ .... CM.,.,... ........ , •••• •••••• ,, ••••• •v•• ••••••. 4AIM,6tt ~-:;ea:,....... ... , ............................................ 11-.• u .............. , .................................... (.)J,111.Alt Otlllllll ·~-.,.,,._, ....... 0 •• o o, tt •••tt t ttttott tt ft lo H tt'l It t tr•(•) m ... 1.....-cD1C-1 •c..w.-....... ........................ ,., .............................................. t•l .... 4tl ..,_ ....... : ...... ... .................................. ..,, .. ....... ...._.,......._,... .............................. ...... ·--"''""'" c ......................................... '---............ """"""-Dlrst• ~.~ ......... ···d ..... . .. ...,~ __ _.._ .. __ "_" __ ._. ......... .., .. ,_ ................ "" --... --°"' TIWll P .......... ~ ......... . , ..... --.-.-.,.... ............. ,( .............. c.l!Ollly ...... ,... ••• ~, ........ • 5 6 7 8 D -A I L y p I L 0 T c L A s s I F I E D I 5 6 1 8 .. •• 1111 -,. -•• ... , ... I .. .... ... -le.I ltll ·-... ... . -.. --1• . .. , .. 11lt 1• ,. , ... l'I• -1• -lltt Ult ZM --l>lt -• mt -- \. II~ m --KA --Wit -""" ----llOf Ullt ... -•• •lllO ..... loll 01# -...., ..... A~f'M~> )·~ I ft POQI '150 '""'' '°'t(''. ~ ~\6. r~M ~V• PrrWW.•I\• ~ "01•lflt1tr..• Wot l,...... \A~ smte£S ,_,,.,W'tl#tfMW) DIP\OJMEMT & rtmlATIOM ....,~,..._,..,, .. , ........... , ..... 14'1p'll.,..,. !U ~ MllCNAllOISE ... _. A#t•Mflft 4wn• lwu"'"' ........ .uti•J• C ••r•~ 4 f'.4•,.._M , ... Dou "'"'·'--.......... C.at'lf' Sith ....... -<-' '"''"' l.;••f'M«' ___ , ~•tft.11~ M1wttl........, ~ .~ .. llw..H"•l ln•ll-~mt•­ ()(f,o t vr• 6 l••• ..... ,......°' ... ' '-t .. .,.._.~ ~ ... -If.tor• kf'\\•Uf •M h•f l\T.,.._H,•• ~ .. u .. BOATS l MAllME EDUIPMENT t,•nrn l f!WJ11h M•tnl ._01h 8o•h M ,.,.,_. t Q\M p lo.It ......,,.,. ficul'IKmtflt•r"'' flo•h~1I ....... ............ -·"'°"'~' hh )IM .. , JUIQOUATIOll A..un ll I •"'liOn N# ..._ Donn<t ... =-=--· -" .. ~ ... rr.-.n ,.-,, • .,. ~-·ff\> UTMllH.E a-.i . ~l:l•»ti1• -·-'""'"' . ..,.. .... , .... ,....,,u,,, .. ""'b ,_ AMW .. ,.C " ....... ~ MITOS. IMPHTA l#rwr•I u ...... , .... A....W.Uul~t ... ·-e:.-u.w. ~:·~; ·-· ,., .... , J- ... , .. AftUft111 ~ ..... ..... llltru .. 111•tw•" ... llCl• Opo!J ,.,,. .. . p ... .... """'"' • Mnwwu Kollt ... , ... RO\ .. t: ....... 1..., • r ... _ hilJ• .. tftl VII"' ..• ". ---------llllOI --------- "• ••• tUt •t• ,, .. .... ... .... - '°'" .... ----., -- -M l -. .. = --11111 -M -----= --"'' = ,,,. "" EQUAL HOUlfNO OPPORTUNITY ,,,.,. r't"9tlc•: A rul uute ad · vertlud In this newsp1ptt Is R1bJect to lht F•nl Pair Hoot· 1n1 Act or 11118 wblrh • tmk• It llle11l to Id, vtttiM "any pmerenre • limitation. or di•· ;) rrtmiutlon -based. on rect. rotor. rell(lon. ' ·1n. 0t nation.al on1ln. ' or en Intention t.o make eny aurh preference, llmi\alion. or dla· • crimlnatlon ." Thia newapaperwlll net knowi.AflY UteJ>l 11\Y advetC~I for real estate which is in viola· lion o( the law. IUOISi Ad\rertfsen ..... dlec ...... , .. 1 .., _, ,..,.,. .,,. ,..., . ...,.n. DM.YfltLOTos ... ,. ....., -... first ,, l1corrtct IHtrtlo• ~· , .................. ~t .......fOl'Wt -~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ 1002 1 ••••••••••••••••••••••••• ALOTFOI --AUTTLE --t Thi.I 3 Bdrm ram lly ;:; hom! has expanded with ~ a 4th Bdrm + ram1ly ~ rm ~I living spart> ": around 2,000 sq ft. Alot ' • ror alitlle price 1123.000. j high assumable VA 1st !• $1005 Pl1MO Don't • Dela)' rall Diana today. Ofana Pietenpol·Volpe •. 9400 •• GRAITHIS OME Seller has reduced prict> t6.000 for 1mmed salt> S2 5 K do._, n SI 0 2 3 Pl MO mo1•n )'OU into a country kitchen for gourmet dining. Ii\ ing rm 11. !rplr. lg lot. R\' acress. 3 Bdrm +NO QUALIFYING Sll9,500 Don'\ l>t'la)' rall Diana today . Diana Pteten.pol-Volpe W -9400 PININSUUPT. New-deluu 4 Br. formal dining. 3 car garage. dbl ma rble fplc in mstr suite. huge walk in closets Mu si sell' RedU('ed lo ~5.000' 1511 MIRAMAR OPEN SUN 15 DAV?DSON REALTY $19,000 FHA LOAM Only 111.000 down. as· sumr 119.000 FHA loan 151,r1 .11310 PITI Sharp S Bdrm. hardwood floor home 1n a s uper neilhbotMod Prict' on· ly 199.950. Call to see. $46-2313 UFl IHA•AID84 Garden Park Village at Avocado • Fairview. In Cos ta Mesa. ofrers ~tom features In it's 2 & 3 Bdrm Cape Cod townhouse community. 131 1't fixed rate loans and excelleot 30 year flnancina are orrered. This Is a pleasurable p1J1ce In which to live · c.ornt by and see c·u lov · ely furnished models. Open dally •t 10: 30. • lJroker Cooperation. .. ... ao.llSUALn 141·ZZJt er f71-ll11 I $20,000DOWM· ii sa•1suw.., No q~lry161 fortli1.s 1 lmm1<' air, ll&hl airy • Colltt• Parle bome. · 1 StJltrl haye done 111 Ult , wor1l. YoW'move In 6 ftl· , Jew. $127,500. call Diena I tor privatuhowtn1. ' Diana Pielenpol.Volpe : ..... : I ... llULA DWUI Fantastic location. 4 bdrm. 3 bath up. 3 bdrm, 2 bath down. Fireplace, 4 car garage, sundeck. Priced at.$555,000. MIWPOIT CO..OS Studios, 1 & 2 bdrms, from $88,000 and up. All have good assumable loans with low down payments. Pool, rec. room, sub-parking, sauna & jacuzzi, and some with ocean views. USUMAal LO.AMS PATIO HOMI Place to swim and play tennis in this lovely adult community. 2 .bdrm. 2 bath. $128,000. Call now! CH.ut•ta NIW HOMI Delightlul 4 Bdrm with traditional ' desiRD, library, den, formal dining , bay view. Corner location in Old Corona del Mar. $6!;0,000. OWC. HAllOI VIEW HILU Attractive 3 Bdrm + family room. many special decorating features , inter-com, central vacuum, huge tree covered lot. $379,500. owe. OCIAM VIEW DWUX Large 2·sty 4 bdrm, 2 fireplaces, + 2 Bdrm over garage. Steps to beach. $395,000. Easy terms. 714 / 760-9333 llJHTltlTON HARBOUR DRAMA TIC HAllOI HOME This just listed Huntington Harbor 3 BR with open floor plan vaulted ceilings, secluded pool & spa, impeccable decor make this a home for the truly discriminating. Offered at $389,500 with financing available. IUllNGTOH BEACH AFFOIDA&E This 2 BR condo is located 2 mi. from the beach. Good starter home. Nu cpts. comm. pool, garage. Great VA loan to as~ume &c own. will carry small 2nd. $1~.8.50. COSTA MESA AIEA MESA VEIDE C.C. WGEFAMILY7 Try this 4 BR + family room with formal DR and large lot. Seller wiJI help (inance. Offered at $210,000. SIA ILIJFFS Just listed 3 BR. ram rm , 2\ill ba wterully decorated family home with Dramatic pool & spa complex. Ollered at $2.29,000. SllTA ANA AIEA LBS 1HAM 19". • Down oo this conveniently located 2 BR, 2 ba condo. Priced at $73,000. ... hurry! HIAT IMYHTtefr Tri-a..& condo nr. So. Cout Plaza. Comfortable 3 BR with owner fluDcial. Alkiq 1112,900. If you've always wanted to build in picturesque Wood's Cove, these homesites will meet your needs. Plans by a renowned local architect have been approved for 5 of the sites and the lots can be purchased individually or jointly in any combination. A private access drive will be pro\1\ded to all or the lots which are just a short walk to the beach. Priced below recent M.A.I. appraisal from $112,50().$148,500. TERMS: Assumable 1st and 2nd T.D. 's and seller will . BEST IN I.OFFS We have a beautiful selection of homes at this time. All noor plans. Good views, good financing, good buys. Some lease optiol\I . Some including land. Please let our experts show them to you. ONM 1·5 J945 9-1 tr w/._., view 2071 ..... Oro .......... 6UVW. ...... .tew 2007l+l ... 1 lt¥tl JOOOtwo, , .. SJI0,000 $210,000 UH,000 SIH,000 $225,000 HD.EN B. DOWD IEALTOIS. INC. 644-0 I J4 carry a 3rd T.D. with 1().20% down. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Subordination possible. MIQIASLI. 4tt-455 I office 4tt-4174p.t ... .. OPEN HOUSE SUM 1-4:30 IM MEWPOIT HACH TAKE ADVANTAGE OF AMAMCIMG, •• On tttis lovely remodeled Lido Sands Home. Charm, grace & sophisticated living are yours in this beautiful 3 Bdrm home located just steps to the Pacific. Owners are offering tremendous financing. Take PCH to River St. (by Superior) and turn into this private community. 4827 Bruce Crescent. TRAllTIONAL REALTY CaU Jerry Smith ror directions ASSUME LOW IMTERESTLH Popular 3 Bdrm 2 bath noor plan in a rine area of Costa Mesa. Great as· sumable loan and seller will tailor lo meet buyers needs. Best buy al Sl.29.000. Ca 11646· 7171 OM-Of ...... w~ Beautlrully upgraded 3 bedroom, just S minutes from the ocean! Rustic, '4'00dsy ramlly room ac- eented by a large red brick rlreplace. Brick floor patio. surrounded by cypress trees . Sl.29,900. Call ror details. 979-2390 Yo.ci"'°*"1iOHl1 · Selfto Assist.tee! Assume the low balance and the owner will assist with financing on this 3 bedroom condo located across rrom rrom South Coast Plaza! This is a popular floor plan. com· plele with ramily room and cozy rlreplace; 1 Community pool. Hurry. I submit all orrers ! ' $139.900 979.2390 AIVAt.yers! Meta Woods Seller will consider financing aid ror this ' tastefully remodeled • bedroom, 2\'l bath home in quiet Mesa Woods. Fully rinished bonus room. plus ramily room. rireplace and master bedroom suite. Surroun· dings are well landscaped. VA can as· sume low balance loan at 7't! $210.000. For your appointment. rail lo· day! 979-2390 ASSUME THIS OME Well maintained 4 Bdrm 2 Ba famUy room home with nice noor plan for large family. High balance 10''" assuma ble loan. owe 2nd T. o. Full price Sl-45,000 * ~· • I t 00 • ~ Q) ~ • FOR AEAL ESTATE 1 70 e. 1 7TH STREET. SUITE 200·0 COSTA MESA. CAL.IFORNIA 9C?626 IAY FIOMT HIOl AWAY Vintage 2 bedroom cottage located on the quiet sid'e of Balboa Island with its own pier and dock. 2 bedroom income unit over double garage. Seller financing to qualified buyer. Own a piece of the Island - call today. 549-8547 SECLUSIOH WITH COHYEHtEMCE This French Normandy home. snuggly sheltered under great sycamore trees in the quiet gated community of Bayshores. seems worlm apart from everything that surrounds it. A separate guest cottage will welcome house guests. l:njoy your spa or a refreshing bay swim just steps away. Make an appointment to see this lovely 3 bedroom, den home by calling 549·8547. VACATIOH AT HOME Resort luxury in your own backyard with a sparkling pool and spa. Sumptuous master suite + 3 other bedrooms. Located on a Quiet going no-where street in the Mesa Del Mar section of Costa Mesa. Can for details and appointment. 549-8547. i-------• Trade equity 4bd 2ba Anaheim hse Boal. H.l.COMDO I.Jg 3 Bclrm 2 Ba. rorme r I model Amenities 1n el ude 2 car gar age, comm pool. A C As· sume existtn& financing. f\111 price Sl.29.900. TR.\DI T 10 \,\L 1<1 .\1 n b)l .7)70 airplane. auto. etc? MikelMG-~14, 539.5904 PEHIMSUU PT. 5 Br colonial on Ir~ lot. brk patio, formal dining. guest qtrs w sep en· trance S495,000 2157 MIRAMAR. OPEN SUN 1·5 NMidULA MOt.S. 2113 .. AMil OPIM SAT/SUM l·I Remodeled, decorated 3 bdrm. 3 bath, mstr bdrm, ocean view. $425,000. 1411 w. IAY °"" SAT l·I I West Bay bayfront. Slips for 2 boats, remodeled 3 bdrm, 3 bath $1,200,000. Oceanfront, jetty views. Marine rm , 4 bdrm. 3 bath, 3700 sq. rt. $1 ,385.000. UDO ISU HOMES 70I VIA UDO MOU SUM l·I Prime Lido Nord bayf ront. 5 bdrm, 5 bath, lge L.R. 2 boat slips $1,500.000. Remodeled 3 bdrm. 2 bath + large rec. rm .. beam ceilings, $420,000. UMDA ISU IA YFIOMTS Lagoon view from 6 bdrm. 5 bath, , playroom, dark rm, den. $1,350,000 ! CARHATIOM COVE Spectacular bayfront view 4 bdrm. 4 bath, 2 boat slips. $1 ,900,000. TUS VIST AS.MISSIOM VIEJO New French Normandy 4 bdrm. 4 bath, guest house in lakefront comm. $795,000. Bl LL GRUNDY. REALTOR ' ! ' ·~ " t j • ' , I • • • ... ' • J ' I t; CAN'T BEAT THIS! •FORECLOSURE 4 SR w/pool $420,000. 2Br w/pool $399,000. •AB.SOLUTE STEAL 4 BR w/spa. Below market at $176,995. ASSUME 12%1NT. I •OCEAN VIEW. Lrg 4 BR w/POOL & SPA. Lrg Assume 11. 78'1. Onl y $399,000. •COUNTRY LIVING 1 Acre estate w/pool + spa. lg 4BR . 4 BR, reduced to $474.000. •SECU RITY GATE + VU , 2 lrg homes. like new. Assume 10.5'7<. From $439,000. CONDOS DAVIDSON REALTY -•3 BR. 2 BA/SHARP! TRY Sl0,000 -------------• DOWN. or more. Only $150,000. •3 BR 2 BA, W /$20,000 DOWN a WANTED -REWARD beauty Sl52,500. Patrick Denort 759-1221. JUST LISTED THE LOWEST PllCED HOME IN MlWPOIT IUCH With all new carpet and paint, and l }14 ~ assumable financink. Move real fast! Call now. >< . I People who would like to own their own home-but can't fulfill the full down paym ent MUST have impeccable credit. history of longevit y & employment. few outstanding financial obligations. be capable in meeting and fulfilling STOPGAP owner standards . * Shared Tenancy OF Potential ' 752-4699 SIJ7,000 & SIH.000 HAL w PAT IAUB AGTS. 67J.7JOO OP9t HOUSE SAT.·SUM. 1·4 U771'ACFIC llMD Of WILSOMI MESA WEST TOWNHOMES a~ MACMAl-llVN UM.TY PIESIMTS '"fHI llST Of MIWPOIT" Back Bay custom 3 BR pool Mme-low down +terms .......................... $205,000 7McLain-Big Canyon 3 BR · 2 ~~~~~. ·" ·l·~·~·~:r~ New Peninsula Point cbaJi~: 3 BR cottage. Superb location-low down t t t t t •ti I to t I It t t f It It to I .$325.000 Baycrest 4 BR beautiful "Ivan Wells" built quaJity home throughout · Outstanding Value . ' ........................ $335,000 Harbor R id_f{e Custo m • Munificent Mediterranean Villa wft6 unparalleled vm . ....................... ss.000,000 USTMS IY -=:.-- MMIJI C) • ~ 3707 S. BRISTOL SANTAANA Tarl1rll. • I t IU \l .IOH~ Utile Miss Mufret stt •(in ill spen · sivl not high in price; reuon- able coet; clusifled advertising. a Tltfet. along came a spider and read in the O.Aly Pilot Classified section a.bout Miss Muf· fd 's Tltfet and boufht It fol' IU5. You can sell yaur tl.ifet and lots of other tilings through o Dally J>tlot ClasaiCied Ads. Callau,5678 RESIO£HTIAL REAL ESTATE SERVICES OPIM HOUSI l·I PM IA YCllST SJtl.000 Understated elegance, spacious 4 BR overlooting sparklinJ. pool-spa. Enlarged' remodeled kitchen wlth Garden eating area. Picture perfect. AssUIDe First Towner wm carry lg 2nd. See JAMI MITCHUI At 1140 TIADIW•s COIOMA D& MAI $411,0H Attention builders t ! Great lot to remodel. Pi.rUal ocean view, one block to beach. S..¥MmMAISHAU Mll.2POPPY IN NnlPOin'C•llfllt 644-9060 ' Growth Alld Profit. ' • Copyright Program of Eq1.c1al , Opportunity. • Properties Loe . in & About th e Costa Mesa & Irvine Areas. * Priced Between $110,000 to $175.000. • A Rewarding Experience. • Principals Need Only Apply. CALL TODAY STOPGAP 720.0220 STAR GA~EK•"-. ~=.:..:..:..:...--~· LUY • POLI.AN tt ,_ o..lt _, c;..-. ~ Y lou•f'""f t1 fh S•en To d••tloo mn"'90 fO< Mo<>doy, reod • .,.cl\ coo•ftl'O"d"'9 10 rvrobf<1 ol yo..r Zoclooc borlli "9" P E T D U Y I r I I I NEE..TRI I' r 'I I I DIEARM I r I' I I ,,_ 111111 ...... u.._ ..... ··-. .._ ,.,._ .... ._ ... ·-.,_ ·---.. .... """' ,, ...... ,, .. ,. .... nw .... ,., .. ,,...,. .. "ci... ..... ::;:---AQllAll\lt '11#"9 /All. If ::: /U II ...... ..19.J).l) ·-.. 14Cl-7• ~~:..... ""a LIDS~14 I . -1-r-1-1-1 .... or:i:. ="•a:'r:; · · · --·'the medt them look llkt __ Y_A_N_E_E_L_ ... 1 ll!tltnl tlottomt. If eM cute -------ott 1t1ymore w 'll hm tM r I' I I I ""' -:-:· Plan Ill Realty LUXUIY OffHIHG OM Spyglass. Charming Southcourt model w /breathtaking 180 degree view of ocean. Ca talina. Newport Harbor & coastline visible from most rooms. 5 lg BR. 41f.r BA, 3 car garage, pool & spa and much more. $1,100,000. Myrna Boom 551-8700 CX13~ HAltlOlt ltlOGE 4 BR + loft Beautifully decorated "Kensington " w /view of city lites. Loft. ideal for study or den . Lovely spa in entry. 3 car garage, formal dining & more! $695,000 Darlene Herman 752-1414 (Xl4) aALIOA PEMIMSULA - Beautifully decorated 2 BR condo w/rich carpeting, exciting wallcovering & plantation shutters. steam bath & whirlpool. Secured bui lding w /pool & rooftop sundeck. Boat slips & good financing. Low cash down. Assum. 1st &c 2nd T.D. Seller financing. $297.500 Bill Wedmore 551-8700 (X 15) OU COIOMA Dfl. MAI Charmin_g 2 BR home with bachelor unit m back. Professionally decorated. 5 blocks to ocean. owner will assist w /financing . Mus t see to appreciate. $265,000 Pat Oakson 752·1414 CX16) TUITLI IOCI Fiii• 4 BR Broadmoor detached home on fee land rriced at only Sl•1000. One leve neat park ' schools. Anxious owner wi!!_ belt>_ finance. LolTaine Reid 551-GTOO (X17) PltCI llDUCTIOM •AMTASTIC MWa• For lhts I BR. 2~ 1 !__A_, formal dtnlna area • peUo. UIUY 1 ~ _,..,. old k»cated near Harbor H_IJb School ' wiWa ..... dlllanH ., ....... IHI.Ole Pee la1d~Doaa1 OoMantMeoo ! • • • l • ~ ! t l I I I' .. MIWPQIT llACM $119,908 2 ~~den, 2 bath. Intertor just r~""'ated. Owner wlde open so off er your down and terms. JACOBS REALTY '7M'70. HI t Mtw,...t •cL. corw Hiit Dir ~I I INVESTll Co, *"~,.l ~oraltd Bi '_,__ Cove" 2 IR, dtll pentbouae. Aun. ON!BD lfCONDO pool, 1pa, prl. bfach. Northwood, Jrville, xlnl Loob lllte model. Great lotatlon, upgr1ded, low auwna blt . Try 20% dawn, •uoo. clown or 8 months option. Greatly reduced for THREE BEDROOM' mot Iva t e d buyer. Heritaile Park, lrvlne, $484.000. Debbie Fratt . nr park, pool, shopploa. Macnab·lrvine Realty 10% or less down . 842·8235 Sl~.~ OPIM SUM J·S 'llfREE BED RO-OM IOlllerta. Terrace, Newport C..e llst Beach, 2\Ai Ba overlook• I •-===·~•:Jlt~.j Green Meadows, xlnt jlll cood, low down. $129,900. 1-------1 liSTSIDE -EAUTY! Charming 3 ~rm 2 bath home in prime location. Great financing terms avallable on this one. Ind no gualifying, Price $1411,500. Hurry. call us for complete details. 646-7171 THE REAL ESTATERS TIIREE BEDROOM Tuttlerock Vista, Irvine, ni ce views, good up· cond. 1$9,~. ' LOWEST PRICE CDMHOME WOODlllD.•1 con A'iE' This pot>'Jlar 3 BR"Cannel" floorplan is m a prime location. tastefullY, upgraded & in ''move in • condition. Other amenities include a spa & air conditioning. O~er will . carry financing & desires a qwck sale. Don 't miss this opportunity . $175 ,900 HARIORRIDGE $23>,000. Reduced agairt- by rrotivated seller. As· suina ble financing. Cozy fireplace, beautiful kitchen. Covered patio, call now. 673-.&i.W Kathleen Kelley 855-4343 $399,000 1110 V1enna·single story FAMILY HOME IH COIOMA DB. home, beautiful view , THE REAL ESTATE:RS MAI A place for the executive cul·de·sac location. w/a family. Beautiful private &:ces~:~1 c~it'H~1-------1 pool side home on quiet street. Rhone 631 ·1266 or FllNCHVILLAS ---- )'his 4 BR, 2lh BA home shows MC>D&~..QPIM-- better than a model Walk to your SAT /SUH I l·SPM 3 private beaches. All at a price 1404'French st. S.f.. you can afford -Good financing 12 unique 2&3 bdrm~on-' too! $357,000 Pat Aden 8.55·4343 dos. lots of square I S....Tiirow footage. loft area ,~ TOtiLlllTlal.fOUJ.l.l!miO!lla l')oom-F'afrways and ten· microwave & fireplace. L.&OVJU. IDLL8 nis club. Delightful 3 $94-$107,000. Excellent Alicia omoe Park Bdrm3 bath Villa in best financing ! 541·8670 or neighborhood, Mesa .$46.00'l2. 25201 Paaeode Allc1a "'105 Verde. O'look s lovely WALKER & LEE R.E. Laguna H1lls, CA 92653 grounds. owe lst loan. I (714)856-4343 Offered at $174,500 $7900 DOWN ~.!=:::::::i========~ .. ~ow;i:A~:·;Mll;-~1366=;;~ TAKEOVER ~ Loans of $1a7,100 al an effective interest rate of HARB<>RREALTY IA YFIOMr HOME Just listed! Spacious family home with 60 feet on the bay an~ private pier and float. 4 bdrm. plus a convertible den. fo~mal dining rm ., deluxe workshop and cheerful bay .view klt.chen with adjoining eating area. Large bnck patio on the ba y ideal for entertaining o'r sunning. Priced to sell at $985,000 L.H. IWFfS "'C" PUN Terrific location overlooking the pool. Extra size 4 bdrm. C Plan with r~l old Cashion terms -only 10% down and owner will carry a 30 year fixed rate 12 lh% !Tiortg~ge ! Full price $299,500 L.H. Quick escrow is possible. · ·OCEAMFIOMT CAMIC> SHOIH Spectacular setting-with waves breaking on the rocks .and }?ea'ch below, A lovely 4 bdrm home, lite and airy with lots of glass to capture the view and lush laJ?dscaping. Formal dining rm., family rm ., professional workshop and even a wine cellar. $2,900,000. OlDll DUPLU Located in Corona del Mar just 2 blocks from town . A super location & in vestment opportunity, could use a little cosmetic type fixin g to maximize rents. 2 bdrm. and 1 bdrm. units. Priced virtually at lot value at on- ly $289 ,500. WESTCUff * SIZt,500 Another new listing! No. that's not the down payment -~at's the full price for this sharp. 2 bdrm. condo Just a short walk from Westcliff Plaza. Choice first floor location with private enclosed patio. Nicely maintained development with beautiful swimming pool. Owner will finance. lOTS & ACREAGE OCEAN VIEW LOTS Prime Corona del Mar location with bay and ocean views. 4 contiguous oversized R·l lots can be purchased individually or all together. Quiet location away from ·summer crowds. Owner will finance with 25% down. $595,000 per lot. CAPISTIAMO HOISi IANCH. Secluded bi.at only \ fei'minutes· from town or Dana Point Yacht Haroor .. Fabulous view all the way from Saddleback to the ocean. Build the horse ranch of your dreams on the terrific 5.5 acre site. $695 000 owner will finance. ' APAITMINT sm 7.3 Acres on Highland Ave. in San Bernardino. High visibility site near crosstown freeways easily accessible to the whole valley. Approved for condos. Surrounded by development. $2,100,000. INVESTMENTS IA&IOA ISLAND COUtBaM. IUUl•I On Marine Ave., lOOC/o occupied with 3 apartments and popular Mione's Restaurant. Asking $498,000 with attractive terms. COSTA MISA SttOf Plel CIMTll . Prime comer locaUon on West 19th Street leased to 4 reliable tenants. Offered with attractive owner fmancing, $477,000 L.H . .., ,f 714) 673-4400 f2UI 621-UH ....... .,... ...... ........ ~ ....... C..-11 HARBOR 13'7c. 3 Bdrm 2 bath, dougle garage, on a la.rte lot. A must see for onfy $115 ,000 . Ca ll 546-2313 THE :REAL ESTATE:RS ------- By owner. trade or sale. beaut. home, very ex· elusive area. Close to Strip. Sl.85,000. 4 BR 2•• ba. 2 wetbars. patio, sawia. poot, .., acre lot. Auto sprinklers, lots of mature trees. For more details call owne r 700. 733-6776 Simple T 1M1ks Create Top Drama Rows of easy·t-b·sew tucks release into full sleeves, a dramatic oounterpolnt to slender lines. This dress zips up the back, front stitching is decorative. For soft. fabrics. Printed Paue.m A511 by Morton Myles comes In Misses Sizes 8. 101 12, 14, ~1 18. Size 12 (bust 34) taes 3'14 yards 60-lncb fabric. I Send SUO for "'Is Print· eel Pattern to DAILY PILOT, Box 59, Old OaelMa Sta., New. Yorlc, N.Y. 10113. Add 50' for po1ta1e ud special bandllna. Print Name, Addre.11, Zip, Style Number and Siu. ~ 11vlap on ....alonal clothes are )'OUl't wttll our!!' n llllZ PROMINENT DDIGNER PATl'!RN CATALOG. You aave '80 1 to -and .. ,. •• '°" aew! AU tb• top DUnff, ........ y.to-....... , loot• ht drt11t1 , eoau, U0111wttr. Pl•• At BONUS COUl'OM for HJ patten OI 101r m ... 11.• ,. - ,, --------·-- l111A ~ M CMCYOM •OADMOOl 1711,HO Fantutic J>lan 4. 4 Bedrma. Family Rm w /fireplace[ formal dtning rm, 2~ baths. New y decorated ln soft pleasing colors. Beautiful new cptng ' window coverings. New marble entry. ~=-= "d;· :rJ0':A'"i~M l·I M CANYON COUMTIY CLUI Magnificent location o'looking 8th green of golf · course. L\lxurious majestic Col·onial custom by o~r/builder. 5 bdnns, lge formal duung rm, family rm. billiard rm, refrigerated wine rm, le 61h bathl. Marble, finest wood panelin~, great • storage air cond... + man other c~tom features. 62,150,000 inc land. land. 8.15ANT WA,,.,.OMf -Fii LAND Extensively Improved. 4 bdrms, 31h ba. Teak library. Rich oak wet bar. Gourmet k:itcb. Superb master suite w/rosewood paneled sitting rm. Luxury throughout. Decorator's masterpiece. $1,500,000 including land w /rx,' front on water. Lg. boat slip. H CANYON "'ftlSAttUS .. Located on largest lot of all Deane homes. Beautiful go1! course view ! Professionally landscaped. Private park-like setting. Lovely lge pool, spa, & gazebo. Gated front courtyard entry with fount ain . Marble foyer w/glittering chandelier. 4 bdrms, den, formal din rm, 4lh ba. $950,000. ,HAllOI VU HIU.S llOADMOOI - View of ocean, bay & Pavilion lights. 4 Br, 21h Ba, fam rm, 2 fplcs, community pool & parks. $420,000 including land, or $330.000 leasehold. 01'\ly $665 per yr ground rent until 1991. Owner will help finance. llll SUlfUME WAY SAT/SUM 1·5 I UkE MOO& HOMl-OOYR SHOIES Elegance describes this nr new 4 bdrm & fam rm . Library with fireplace. Spacious entr_y. Formal dining. Huge kitchen. Gourmet's delight. Bright, cheerful throughout. Pool &c spa. $625,000 including land. GUAT ASSU~ AMAHCIH'i Prime Harbor View Homes location. 4 bdrms, fam rm, 31h bat-Guest or teenage.r 's private suite. Spa. Commuruty __ pool. $345,000 including the land. $.52,000 dn. Owner fin ance. 1107 HEWPOIT MIU.S DR.SAT/SUH 1·5 H.UIOI YIEW -HUGE Y AID Quiet, park-like setting. 179' wide rear yard. Rm for paddle tennis and pool. Great for orchard. Picturesque cul de ~ac street. 3 bdrms, fam rm. $379,500 mclucling the land. See now. LOOI AT THESE LOW PllCIS 2 .._ Caadanli.,_ $ 74,'50 4 ... s.,.ae.Hw ' $175,000 4 .._ S.pm• Hw Pool S.l tt,ooor 3 ... ..._.View H... .... : .$225,000 4 .......... Vltw.... $405,000 WESLEY H. TAnOI CO .. UALTOIS 2111 S.~Hlilaloed M,-EW.,.'POl_IT_ C&na. N.I. '44-4tl 0 RCTaylorCo 64Q.lJ900 PllCI SLA5IB on this 4 BR, 3 BA Tradewinds OX>del ! on Spyglass Hill. Motivated. seller will consider trades, try lease option. Ready for immediate OC· Ctq>ancy only $459,500. RCTaylorCo C->40-~1900 RESIOENTIM. REAL ESTATE SERVICES Prettiest home in ·this guard gated community. Ute aod airy, t level, 2 bdrm ~nd den. Staihed 11111, plantattolt ·Shutters, charming gardens, air cand. in ideal private end location. Well priced at '$33$,000. ' °"" ._., •.• I Ste CMOL MINAHAN CllfTEMPORARY NW BAY O,.wlll .... ofwMd.tlaaM w...._ Yomt 2 .. tory wltll ...-, ,..,...., _..,. 1111te w... IMlk••J 0¥tft11'k1 ..... ,_ ... 2 ...., 11e•a111i,-.., ,_ ..t ..._. rooa 11C11111 "Pd coest'" _..._ c• .., dtWk oa lo-. o•allable. $431,000. '31·1400. DOVER ·SHORES FORMALITY ladoltd .w...tae. foi Pri••r ..t M-*J .. lp1d for •M•rt•lll9 wltll ..-.,. le.eiM ii. OfltJ//OlrA wltll pool .ct bria pllffo: 3 ~ fo,.ol ..... rooM .... f..ily rooa Utt.ooo .... 63i.1400. CHARtlNG IM:EANFRONT .......... wffll 4 ... 2 bedroo. •lta r• colllcl•'t dllpllcot. todor. Affordlllh at $550,000. ..._. ... EXCLUSIVE VIEW HOME r-m1c ~ • Yfew of~. octe .. """ ~ Spoc-. .,.. -,......, for-' llo9t wllll lcrgt hiag ,.... ..., rooM. tor.al 6l9g rooM ..... 3 ........ Mrila bottl ....... ..,.. md 2 lcrgt •ltw ~ $795,000 '"· IEEAN FRONT CONTEMPOURY 9'llet .btacllfro.t wltll oritflia' ....,. ..... rt• .. tlttlr ...... s ... riol ".._..,. ' ocaoa •lew fr-. Hlis 3 ......_,.. a.o.s roo. '--· s.attor c mtnictloll OW carry flnt TD for the ri4JW ....... $7.25,000. Ul-1400. BEST PRICED ON "POINT" o,,a1t.1t, to owa o 3 ......... 2 ~ ..... Oii tldlllJM ,. ...... Poiat. If ftw part. $295,000. 1723 ,._ dtl Sw. W• to Mr mid btodL 67UtOO. WATERFRONT RETREAT! F• •a• p•ar•c .Ww co-op °" U. , .... ii • starftr ~ close to • Mglit. dlaauM. opa11 ffflllg. 0.. b1 •ooa.aw..t. • c.mrr . ..finlJ.D~ at. 12 ,.aM. ~to $251,000. BEACH COTTAGE-tHARMING °"" 2 blodm to ocea. 0..... ... of state mtd .. tt•ohd to sell tltls 3 INdroota, 2 both IMHM. $136,900. 631-1400. BALBOA ISLAND ADORABLE! lrldi. ..... .... ...... Iii tltls 3 ••aa• ... lite..,..loc..tio..U•e la It lit w., It II or JOI! c. WW a MW c., Cod. ,._ .,. IKWad la price. SH tllls 9reot ••I••· 6l I· 1400. sns.ooo. IMMACIATE/FRESH BAI.BOA IS. 0.. of ....... priced ...... Oii .... 111194, uw all sltop1. Spotless 2 ...... ,.. bridl patio. $295,000. 67Ut00. 117 W.W A• .... UDO HOME Pl.US ............... ,..,... ..... z ~ ....... 1 ................ . HPff locotloa. Clrc.1• flrtploce. $355,000. tlW CONDOS BY BEACH 0.. block to beecla. Coat1.;orary •• tic ..dlltec•• ill 2 ... ..._ ,._ .... ....... FMlcllg ...... 631°1400. 122 Ord off lalboa. $307,tOO. LEASE/OPTION OPPORTUNITY , .......... :£, ..... ..... ......... , ..... ... ... .., ...... ~ ................ .. 211·211 1flll ~ •. off ..... lt.d. ,..._. ._ IJlt,000. .._ .... .. ................... 160 ..... ,... ...... -~ ,.,., .. ,., ... $11.000 .... -,... ....... $2,000 ,., ... * WATRJllOMf MOMI . ~ATI llACH • Sensattonal 4 bedroom borne smack on the water f ! Featuring fr en c h d o.o rs • f i rep l a c e , professM>nally decorated and private SANDY BEACH. Only $249,000 and seller will carry AITD! 2670 San Miguel Drive, Mewport Beach 759·1501 or 752.7373, '* TUITUAOCI S 1.27t PB MONTH ••• • IS ALL YOU PAY WHEN YOU TAKE OVER EXJSTII'iG tST T .D. Spac ious 4 bedroom executive detached home. Featuring formal dining, family room and fireplace. Only $213,500 ' FEE. 2670 San Miguel Drive, Newport Beach. 759·1501 or 752·7373. • STEPS TO llACH I OD/o AMAHCIHG AV AUAE * Gorgeous 4 bedroom detached home 1 block from ocean on FEE land. Only $299,000. 2670 Sa n Miguel Dr ive, Newport Beach . 759· 1501 or 752· 7373. • JASMINE CUB< PUH4 • Extremely popular 3 bedroom pl an featuring magnificent decorating, fireplace, gourmet Island kitchen. formal dining, family room and in-house laundry. All this and more for only $389.000 F EE. 2670 San Miguel Dri ve, Newport Beach. 759· 1501 or 752-7373. * 12.9% INTEREST * HARIOR VIEW HOME Immaculate MONACO model featuring 2br/den, frplc & spa !! Low interest financing available. $241,500. FEE. 2670 San Miguel .Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. * * INVESTORS • * Bring builders and contractors ! ! Have two units now -build later? Developing Costa Mesa area. Great financing. $135,850. 759-1.501 or 752· 7373. LEASE WrTH OPTION TO IUY $10,000 moves you into th is luxury townhome on a private lagoon in a guard gated co mmunity. Gourmet kitchen with Jennaire and r andom o a k planke d flooring. $1200 /month. 556·7035. SlOOO REIA TE Superb financing at a low interest rate available on this bright and cheery four bedroom two bath home PLUS the seller will give you a $3000 rebate at the close of escrow. Asking $119 000. 556•7035, I 120/o MONEY! Spacious four bedroom pool home on large lot in desirable Westcliff area. Sellers will help fin ance by issuing a trust deed at 12o/c. Ideal for large young family. Offered at $339,900 with one year home protection pl an provided . - 556-7035. ZERO DOWN PA YMEHT On the water. Price slashed $10,000 to $214.900. Owner will finance totally. Professionally decorated thru-out to model home standards. 556· 7035. O!MEI AMAHCIMG AT 120/o Executive home with soaring cathedral ceilings plus a solar heated pool and s pa . Professionally d ecorate d throughout, Hs ideal for entertainme nt . Fabulous landscaping front and rear. Offered at $239,000. 556· 7035. MASSIVE CUSTOM ARIPUCE Spen~ t~e romantic evenings baskmg m the glow from this massive fireplace. This spacious four bedroom home is ideally located close to Westminster Mall & Goldenwest College. 90~ Adams, H.B. 556-7035. • 1/1 ACU ESTATI Completely remodeled home with new kitchen featuring custom oak cabinets, built·in microwave and trash compactor. Luge formal dining room has built·in oak buffet and 'cabinets. Hu_ge detached, garage has ~ bath & could be easily converted to l uesl house. Sacrifice for 174,900. 556-7035. MIWPOIT llACH OMCI 2'70S. .......... f714t 11t.tlll C714t 712-7171 HUMIMTOM llACM OMCI • ttu.._ ... 1714t ffN671 17141116-7111 . I - . CCMftlY CUii LnM Located on 3rd 1reen or the private · Nlpel Country Club. One of a li mited edition ol unique UnlrJ Polnte fairway bomM. 4BR 3 ba, with tuteful decor. A11umable loans. Call now ror Information. $390,000. WI/tit • LUY 11IMS 48R, Sba, fam rm. Great floor plan. Asaumable loan .Plus sellers help make this one of the best buys in Lap a Niguel. WM& llA&.n 495-JO 16 #3 RUI POMTAl•lAU _.CANYON OP94 SUN 1·5 Finally! A Big Canyon Dover On The Market! Huge.Master Bedroom . -Mirrored Dressing Room & Bath -Pvt Guest BR & BA -+ Den - Beautiful Decor -Shows Like A Model -Pride Of -Ownership - Owner/ Agent Will Finance - Priced Under Market Value Al k 25,000. I Hl POIT SIAIOUINE HAllOI YllW"'AOMIS -- OPIM SUN 1·5 New Listing. Corner Location. Great Curb Appeal. Carmel Model. 3 BRs. Skylight In F.R. Very -8ecluded Yard. Comm. .PooJ.U..ark Al End Of Block. Call Regarding Outstanding Financing. Asking Only $23.5,000. 542 HAllOI ISLAHD DllYI PROMOHTOIY IAY Of'84 SUM 1·5 Custom Bayfront. FEE LAND . Parquet Floors, New Carpets. 3 BRs Plus Conv. Den. 31/2 Ba. Sep D.R. Huge Fam. Rm W/Wet Bar. Kitchen-W/Pantry. Brkfsl Rm. Sawia. 3-Car Garage. Wood Deck. 1 Bay, Dock. Owner Will Carry Lrg 2nd. $1,400,000. 2067 VISTA Da ORO ILUffS ore. SUM 1·5 Lovely View -2 Bedrooms, 2 Baths -End Un it -Decorator Wallpapers, Drapes -Plantation Shutters -Super Financing - Large Assumabl~ Low Int. Loan - Shows Like A Jewel -$235,000. A "Joy Of Newp<>rt" Listing. 1412 SIUMADI TRUCE IRYIMI TllRACE OP84 SUN 1·5 Secluded Gardens & Trees W /Brick Patios. Sunny Glass Enclooed 4 BR Home. Pvt Gated Entry. Hardwood Parquet Flrs & French Doors. YOU OWN THE LAND . Exclnt Financing Available. Asking $378,<XX>. 2646 IASSWOOD STRHT EASTIWFf OPIN SUH 1·5 Sale Or Lease/Option. Owner Financing. Flexible Terms. Large 4 Bedroom Lusk. Spacious Family Room W /Parquet Firs. Formal Living/Dining Area. 2 Fireplaces. Sunny & Cheerful. Beautiful Mountain & Night Lights View. $229,500. BIG CANYON -VIEW ! Walle Tbru Garden Courtyard To Towering Door Leading To Marble Entry. Winding Staircase & Spac. L.R. Lrg D.R. Den W/Fireplace. Huge Master BR & BA, Plus 3 Add 'l BRs. Big Lot W /Paddle Tennis Court. Mountain, Ocean Views . $825,000. COIOMA oa MAI DWUX Recently Completed Custom Home W /Used Brick Fireplace, Mex. Tiles " Vaulted Ceilings. Master Suite W /Cathedral Windows & Treetop Views. Cozy, Secluded 2 BR Rear Unit Plus Poss. Guest Quarters! Great Finan e-ing~ $356,000. SANTA AMA IAMAIM One BR Condo, Adult Living. Upstairs Unit W /Deck. Close To Pool Ii Spa. Walk To So Coast Plaza. J ust Reduced To $69,000. Aleot, Owner. a•ALD IAY MODmtM Exquisite Decorated View Home. Superb Modem Styling. If Your Taates Are Inclined Toward Today's Sharp, Clear , Clean r eatures, Thia Attractive Home O 'Lookinl Ocean Should Be llllpected lmmed. Many Special Attributes, Including Exclnt rlnlnciJ\I. Undoubtedly One Of The lest Priced Houses Jn Emerald ,...., ...... • f S1llY PER1llll 28r, dtD (or 38 r) hu it alf. Vaulted c1illn11, cstD\ •butters, mir rored doon, central aJr, formal dlninc rm, enormous wrap.around patio by Rogers Garden Ii much' more! Superb decor throughout this Newport finer townhome. Free A clear. Submit on yourterms. Now only $2.$5,0001 Call NANCY N••tO GOBEM SUNSEJS.IOOl.-SPA 3Br Calif. Ranch. gated for privacy. Views thru waHI of glass. 2 f rplcs, family rm, formal din rm~ nook Ii more! View from setluded mstr suite, s unsets, Newport 2 Ii beyond. Minimum down. Anxious owner. Assisted financing. Now only $298,500! Call tWCY IMURMIMO, o,,,,_/ Atf. 75f.IUI 644-661' HOUSES FOR SALE I M ... FAM IM or DIH 10 Navarre, Irvine 640-9900 $159,000 Sun 1·5 2 llDROOM lOlOW. Wilson , Costa Mesa 7141545-2901 $110,000 Sun 12·4 4 Melody Ln., Irvine 675-5511 $149,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 218 Baltimore, Hwitington Bch 963-0161 $138.000 Sat/Sun 12·5 -~ V-an~s. Costa Mesa 675-5511 $140,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 2 M ,.. FAM IM or DIN 117 Marine Ave .. Balboa Island 673-e900 $295,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 227 Via.Orvieto, Lido l sle. N.B. 644-9060 Sun 1·5 #2.Maritime Dr.(Jasmine Ck>CdM 644-9060 Sun 1·5 8 White Water. Jasmine Creek. CdM 644-9060 $335 .000 Sun l ·5 2221 Mesa Dr., Back Bay, N.B. 644-9060 Swt 1·5 3 Woodland, Woodbridge,'lrvine · 644-6200 $159,900 Sat/Sun 1·5 1700 Miramar, Balboa Penin Pt., NB 642·5200 $325,000 Sun 1·5 1561 Miramar. Balboa Penin Pt.. NB 642-5200 $339.000 Sun 1·5 #3 Rue rowitainbleau (Big Cyn) NB 759-9100 $425,000 Sun 1·5 1667 Louise, Emerald Terr. N. Lag. 494-8284 $392,<XX> Sun 11·5 2513 Santa Ana #E. Costa Mesa 759-1501 $137,500 Sun 1·5 1409 Dolphin Terrace, CdM 644·6200 $950,000 Sun 1·5 5\ Harbor Ridge Dr, Hrbr Rdg, NB 644-6200 $675,000 Sun l ·5 2 IR ... LOFT 552 Hamilton. A· l, Costa Mesa 759-1501 $123,950 Sun 1·5 3 IEOROOM IH Rue Fontainbleau. Big Cyn, NB 640-5m ssoo.<XX> Sun 1·5 208 Via Mentone (Lido Isle) NB 673-5644 $560,000 Sun 1·5 418 San Bernardino, Nwpt Bch 631·1.266 $279,500 Sun 1·5 706 Bison (Bluffs) NB 673-8550 $223,500-L/H Sun l ·4 559 Vista Flora (Bluffs ) NB 673-8550 $242,700 Sun 1-4:30 1101 Debra, Costa Mesa · 546-2313 $207,<XX> Sun 12·4 428 Onda, Bluffs. Newport Beach 642·8235 $215,000 Sun 2·5 1437 Serenade Terr, lrv. Terr, CdM 673-1181 $398,000-fee Sat/Sun 1·5 1245 Blue Gum, Newport Bcb 645-9850 or 548·0581 Sat/Sun 12·4 •11174 pt Locksleigh Pl (HVH) NB 644-2573 $274,500 Sat/Sun 1·4 2421 Bunya, Newport Beach 675-1771 $275,000 Sun 1·4 3024 Ocean Bl., Corona del Mar 631·1400 $1,350,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 ••12S E-.Balboa Bl (BalPen) NB '" 1·524·5980 Sl,495,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 212 Via Eboli, C.ido Isle, N. B. 673-7300 $487,234 Sun 1·4 ••510S. Bayfront (Bal tsl) NB 675-6000 $995,000 Sat/Swt 1·5 409 Columbus Cr .. Corona del Mar 673-8550 $345.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 •682 Capital, Costa Mesa 751·3191 $135,000 Sun 1-4 312 Poppy, Corona del Mar -6"4:_9000_$425.000 -Sun.1:5 1436 Serenade Terrace, Irv. 675-5511 $349,SOO Sat/Sun 1·5 2001 Arnold (Cenval) C.M. Mi-5200 $98,500 Sun 1·5 ·~ Glou~r (Cape Series) CM 642·5200 $145,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 • .l ....... AMIM•DIM 1900 Commodore Rd, Baycrest, NB 831·14'16 '380,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 542 Hrbr Isl Dr.<Promontory Bay) NB 759-9100 St,400,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 •198.1 PortSeaboume (ffVH) NB 758-9100 ~.ooo sat/Sun 1·5 26:m Solana Way, Laguna Beach. 49t-8C $3'5,000 Sun 1·~ 123 Via Gema, Lido Isle, NB 875-tTn 1399,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 20tB Commodore Rd., Newpmt kh at.(8, •1758 Saf/Sun 12·5 •12 8'dl1ndl CE/8'cle) CM ' ... 1141.IOO 3: lei **• tlnd a., Nwpt Shn, 1'. S ll01 --I~ I • • J. 11m COLI M9 ~ 14CHS A TUM Cl' llA&. IJTAft .. ONSMOMALS tmn YOUfO Pll\IWW A MIW UITM lt4" J>.YA IOAI, .-SA YllDI. C. MIU S&HaAY r•••HY II t-4 OTHER LISTINGS AVAILABLE: 3 Br, 2 Ba, Costa Mes~ $125,000 3 Br. 2 Ba. Costa Mesa $119,500 3 Br. 2 Ba. Newport Beach $139,500 3 Br. 2 Ba. Pool Santa Ana $ 92,SOO 3 Br. 2 Ba. Condo Santa Ana $118,500 Call us for a viewing appointment. A4Jt for Betty or Phyllis 146-UU THE REAL ESTA1ERS · · Mernli Lynch " Realty . ..... A MUST saL NIAi lHI ILUffS • BR, 2 Ba, 2 years young. Mlnµtes to aurf, all creative offers considered. $269,500. 7t4-HJ.t7t4 DIRECTORY 1..,..._.._.,~ .. ,_..._...._.:.C..".._'k:zll tAl .. lec..._WM~ ~ .................... '1 ••wtt' I .. ...,., tAILT N.OT WAMT ADS.,._ .......... ~ fw .. w,... _..,... .... _ ......... Ill ... ullm ... w.., .... ..,. 1721 Kings Rd, Cliffhaven, NB 759-1501 $650,000 Sat/Sun l.'5 •1100 Sandpiper, HVH. CdM 644-4910 $405,000 Sun 1·5· 25 Rustling Wind, Trtlrk, Irvine 759-1501 $280,<XX> / Sat/Swt .1·5 2298 Redlands <Back Bay), NB 631-18.51 $259.000 Sat/Sun 12·5 2323 Cliff Drive, Newport Beach ; .631-1400 $895,000 ~at/Sun 1·5 502 "I" St.. Balboa Peninsula, NB 631-1400 $438,<XX> Sat/Sun 1·5 2725 Fremont, Costa Mesa 646-7171 $129,999 Sun 12·4 2901 Catalpa, Eastbluff. N.B. "Tro.1211 $260,000 Sun 1·5 2113 Miramar, Penin Pt., N.B. 675-6161 $425,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 #7 Bordeaux, Hrbr Rdge, N.B. 644-9060 $589,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 200 Via Genoa, Lido Isle, N.B. 644-9060 $7 45,000 Sun 1 : 30-4.: 30 120 Shorecliff Rd, ShoteclifC, CdM 644-9060 $495,000 Sun 1-5 2100 E. Ocean Blvd, Bal Penin, NB 644-9060 $795,000 Sat/Sun 1·4 •1472 Galaxy Dr., Dover Shores. NB 642-2510 $739,000·f ee ·Sat/Sun l ·5 215 AbaloneiJ!~boa Island 6754822 ~.ooo Sun 1-S 2651 Crestview (Bayshores) NB 644-2282 $349,500 Sun 1-5 1610 Tustin Ave. (Newp<>rt Hghts) CM 644·2282 $190,000 Sun 1·5 366 Genoa. Costa Mesa 642·1523 $130,<XX> Sun 11·5 2109 Yacht Daphne (Oen View ) NB 700.8702 $475 <XX> Sun 1·5 • l~ Glen Circle, Costa Mesa 640-9900 $229. <XX> Sun l ·5 • 16891 Harkness Circ .. Hunt. Harb. 640-9900 $389;900 • Sun 1-4 4627 Cortland, Corona del Mar 673-8550 $3.59,900 Sun l ·4: 30 • •3415 Ocean Bl .. Cdm 673-5354 $1 ,250,000 Sur. 1·5 ••3711 Seashore, Newport Beach 644-6200 $820, <XX> Sun 1 ·5 • •3713 Seashore, Newp<>rt Beach 644-6200 $850,000 Sun l ·5 ••101 N. Bayfront, Balboa Isl. 642-8235 $695,000 Sun l ·4 l • .... Q.UEST 2211 Waterfront. Corona del Mar 642-823.5 $569,000 Sun 1·5 4 •ROOM 2646 BaMwood St. (E .. Bluffs) NB 759-9100 $229 500 Sun l ·5 1541 Ocean Blvd, Balboa Penin Pl. 673-S2'l0 ~ 000 Sun 12·5 · •822Santiafo, COSta Mesa 546-2319' 139,000 Snn 1·4 17632 Sherbrook, Mt.in 546-2313 $269 000 Sun 1·4 4506 Wayne Rd., Ca meo Hghlnds, CdM 644-6200 $357 000 Sun l · 5 4726 Cort)~ COrona del Mar -6'13-5354 $220,000 Sun 1·5 222 Coral, Balboa Island 675-6921 $539,<XX> Sat/Sun 1·5 1•142 Serenade Terr. (Irv. Ter ) CclM 759-9100 $.178,000 Sat/S\Ul 1 ·5 •1720 Candlestick Ln., Nwpt Bcb 752·1920 $324,SOO Sat/Sun 1·5 •1707 Bayadere Terr ((rv.Ter r ) CclM ~ $975,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 4 .... ,.... ........ -• •25 Warmsprtna (Wdbrdg) Irv. 751-3191 $425,000 Sun 12·• 213 Sin Pablo, San Clemente •M SZ17,000 Sat/Sun 1·6 •l«m White Sails, CdM 780-1756 S.WZ.500 Sat/Sun 1·5 Dl !. Nine Dr., Laguna Nl1uel a201e '380,000 Sit/Sun 1.5 •lUJSd•Dr.,Nwpt leeeb Ill·• Sat 1·5 *1 lloataukOr., H~Beb .... ..,. Slt/lm l0.5 2220 Waterfront. Corona del Mar 760-9333 $650.<XX> Sat/Sun 2·6 #7 Tralalgar, Harbor Ridge, NB 640-5777 $1,595,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 4 Narbonne, Harbor Ridge, Npt Bch 631-1400 $2,200,000 Sat/Sun l ·4 105 Via Ravenna. Lido, Newp<>rt Bch 673-6900 $445,<XX> Sat/Sun 1·5 2221 Francisco Dr .. Newp<>rt Beach 634-3646 $295,000 . Sat/Sun 10·5 3202 Delaware Pl., Mesa Verde, CM 54.S-9'l58 $139.500 Sa 1·5/Sun 11·5 1251 SurOine Way. Harbor Vu . CdM &44-4910 $420,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 14 Merro Bay. Newport Bch 552·1714 $615,000 Sun 1·5 25022Trailview Terr., Lk. Forest 768-4589 $314,000 Sun 1-5 14 Burning Tree Rd. Big Cyn, NB 644-4910 $750.000 Sat/Sun l ·5 1807 Newport HiHs Dr. HrbrVu, NB 644-4910 $345,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 30552 No. Hampton, Laguna Niguel 495-2016 $247,000 Sun 1·5 2032 Swan Drive (Mesa Verde> CM 631·1266 $218.500 Sun 1·5 #3 San Sebastian. Harbor Ridge. NB 640-5777 $2.3 Million Sun l ·5 15111\iiramar, Penin. Pt .. N.B. 673-9080 $595,000 Sun 1·5 1818 Port. Manleigh, HVH., N.B. 759-1501 $399,000.Fee Sun 12-.4:30 3.5 Sycamore Creek, Trtlrk, Irv. 833-9293 S365,000 Sun 1 ·5 19~ Biddle, Turtleroclt, Irv. 759-1501 $213;.500 Sun 12-5 3444 Plumeria, U>Sta Mesa 546-2313 $169.900 Sun 1-4 2946 Java, Costa Mesa 546-2313 $265,000 Sun l ·4 3077 MAdison, Costa Mesa 546-2313 $13.5,900 Sun l ·4 •2029 Swan, Costa Mesa 546-2313 $260,<XX> Sun 1·4 •••Via Lido Soud, Lido Isle 642-823.5 $2,250,000 Sun 1·5 1909 Lanai (Mesa Verde) CM 963-6767 $345,000 Sun 1-5 1209 Santiago Dr. Dover Shrs, NB 642-823.5 $319,500-L.H. Sun 1 •1776 Panay (Mes~ Verde) CM 1100.Essex) New.eort Beach... 646-7171 $269,900 Sa 1·5/Sun 12·5 18 Cherry Hills Ln. Big Cyn. NB 644·9060 $1,395,000 Sun l ·5 1441 Galaxy Dr., Dover Shores, NB 548-5647 $420,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 ••f617 Bayside Dr, Yachtsmans Cove, Corona del Mar 644-9060 SJ,795,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 1306Sandcastle, Corona del Mar 673-8550 $.550,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 210 Via San Remo, Lido Isl, NB 673-2556 or 675·=->48 Sat/Sun l ·5 333 Poppy, Corona del Mar 675-5511 $.598.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 3484 Windsor, Costa Mesa 546-2313 $239 900 Sun 12·4 133 Via Undine (Udo Isle ) N.B. 675-7298 $13.5,000 . Sat/Sun l ·S 2862Tabago (Mesa Verde) CM 642-5200 $173,750 Sun 1·5 222 Via Koron (Lido Isle) NB 642·5200 Sat 12-4/Sun 1·5 l ... OOM ••mt Via Lido Nord, Udo Isle, NB 675-6161 Sl.500.000 Sun 1·5 215'1 Miramar, Perlin. Pt., NB 873-9060 1495,000 Sun 1·5 ..... ,.... ........ 186.1Boa Vista, Cotta Mesa M0-9800 $210 000 Sun 1·4 2.824San Juan <Mesa del Mar) CM 540-1.lSl S1G1000 Sun 2·5 •1792 Oriole Dr., Calta Mesa 541-DlJ 1299,000 , Sun 1·4 204 KinO Pl.. Newport Beach 871-ZlCR $790,000 Sun l ·4 **• W. Bay, Balbol Penlnlula, NB 111·1• ll.SS0.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 111 Via LOrel, Lido lall, N. 8. · --Sulll·S asTIUYI 4 Ir -ioiM in Coal• Mela. Owner wilt 111l•t with tlnancln1. $120,000 Call97t-S370 ALLSTATE . R14LTOM 6 IR ... FAM RM or 094 6812 Defian ce (S&S Tract ) Hunt.Sch. 963-7077 $245,000 Sun 1·5 CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE IACHROR •100 Scholz Plaza #205 Versailles, NB 673-7300 S97.900 Sun 1·4 2 HDROOM •2600 Block of Santa Ana Av. CM 631-6194 $129,500 Sat/Sun 11·5 4325Senisa, Univ. Prk Vig I, Irv. 552-7500 $125,000 Sat 1·5 600 E. Oceanfront #3E, NB 752-6499 Sat/Sun 1·5 209/215191.h St .. Newp<>rt Beach 631-1400 $.119,000 Sat/Sun 12·4 •25Canyon Island, Big Cyn, NB 67J.. 7300 $26.5,<XX> Sun 1-4: 30 300Cagney #101 , Versailles. NB 673-7300 $127,000 Sun 1·4 2277 Pacific Ave., Costa Mesa 673-7300 $189,000 Sat/Sun 1·4 •501 St. Andrews. Nwpt Hts. NB 673-7300 $162,500 Sun 1·4 2277 Pacific Ave., Costa Mesa 673-7300 $137,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 411·4ll 1h Dahlia, Corona del Mar 675-5511 $605.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 •2067 Vista Del Oro <Bluffs) NB 759-9100 $23.5,000 Sun 1·5· 1214 Rutland Rd . Westcliff. NB 640-5777 $123,900 Sun 1·5 1030 Bayside Coves. Newp<>rt Beach 642-823.5 $325,000 Sun 2-5 2 ll ... FAM RM or D94 45 Canyon l sland, N.ewp<>rt Beach 631·1400 $350,000 Sun 1·5 U)l8 Bayside Cove E. Newp<>rt Bch 642-8235 $484,000 Sun 2·5 1404 French St., Santa Ana 541·8670 $94 ,000 Sat/Sun 11·5 •LO Crest Cir, Canyon Crest. CdM 673-8494 $165,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 • lOCurl Dr., Jasmine Creek. CdM 640-1515/1·728-5151 Sat/Sun 11·4 · :12 Maritime Dr. Jasmine Creek. CdM 644·9060 Sun l ·5 3 IEDROOM 823 Village Creek, Costa Mesa 540-2313 $136,500 Sun 12·4 2559-F Elc;len (E'Si6e) C.M. 675-1771 $159.000 Sun 1·5 •55Ashbrook. Woodbridge. Irv. 673-7300 $164.<XX> Sun 1·3 9 Encore Ct .. Newp<>rt Beach 546-2313 $199,500 Sat /Sun 1-4 3 II pM FAM RM or D94 701 Goldenrod. Corona del Mar 631·1400 $325,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 TOWNHOUSES FOR SA~ 2 llDIOOM 33839Castano Dr., Dana Point 549-1400 $169,900 Sat/Sun 1·5 397 Bayview Terrace, Costa Mesa 963-6767 $210,000 Sun 1·4 3 llDROOM 15912 Calera, Fountain Valley 963-6767 $115,000 Sun 1·5 DUPLEXES FOR SALE 2 IR .... I ll *1911 Cliff Dr .. ~ewport Bch 631·1400 $325,000 Sun 1·5 llR~lll . 1510 Abalone Pl., Balboa Island 673-6900 $575,000 Sun 1·5 . MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE I M .... FAM IM • DIN '300 E: CoaSt Hwy #113. NB 675-3347 $60,000 Sat/Sun 1·4 HOUSE FOR LEASE J ........... ~Port Weyb ridge, lMi. N.B. 759-lSOl, $1350 mo Sat/Sun 1·5 CONDOMINIUM FOR LEASE ·~ •aotColwnbia, Rwpt Cnt. NB m.mo •mo. s..1.5 I .. WTOHIB•T Ptt•1~~•10t•· • & • 2~ S&$ Owner retlrtn1 to the deHrt and ~~1.f5:~11;,1: •tt • -CUITOM IUltDSR s Near Goldin W•t CoUep' . Over 3000 anxiom to aell OU. lovely ZBr 2ba l r'.MI for Oftlft view io,!_CMMNW OWH • atory condo In Univeralty Park. ~J~h home . IRVINI T!RRAC! ·~··"~'° O.olU.arta'1ltadla1 sq-ft hmily nnJwet bar, formal OwnerwW CllT)' 11e 2ncl with 18% dn. ' . OCEANVl!WHOllE .......... 2400 aq rt, 4Bdrm Condo, aunny patios, near pool. Brand new bulde. ......... 1121 .... ••t•~bdrm aufte,2 .. :'ir ~ed and =~\ 2~ ba, 2 frplea, 3 car Ill', Offered at $125,000. ' ~ 'frt2t'.'':o ProleNiol\llly decorat· t ~fbal kooi.., • 2~ =ri. r11~enc':°:it: a ~·~~·ln~~tuc.~OOOme ... ~ ~-be•cAll. o~~~ ~ 'ae:tiei::m! •· rep ICtd com,ltlt ucurlty """~ •OU . .-, WI ONLYSl2',f00 .. W0011911•1 .. .., nuance. ppra .. -halbttllaitaklnaocean ll&M•. mlrrore •)Item. H111tll1bted b)' pcm. l uaumable Joana. A1kin1 Vacant 3 Br, air cood condo with for s175 M uklna bay and nl1bt111hl ........... Uii microwave a~ and waterf1U1 ~000. Aaent will work terms to ault $48,500 lit T.D. at 10% fixed ratei 9 •500· views. Extras include • •tr com1pactor. thl1 home un be A k I u s t ·u '" -.a n..-t l HNrtOIL.-. lar19 bonlAI room com· ra Cauor1la s:::,i.Hed with 20% you. I or aar1ery argen . ownerwi carry -.ec.uu. n~aen a ~••>' w111r-rcrm-1 1n plete alum' and Open country setting, warm le cozy 3 Br Condo, only $229,000. vi.-•t thla priC't ..,.12 963-7077. Res: 960-8037 off en. bttdl •town. Like new 1prtnlcler a)'ttema pool I eoon bt hl1tor~ • A* t. J.I. llJ.71M wood 6 aJau 2BR 2 b• IPI o1111 a .. umable and ........ "" ... flunclnHaav:~:bie 14 D.M.Mwit•1t••• ~.GOodoceanvlew. 1eller flnanclu . .......... ···•iii 11000 c..-IOZ41C:..-IH4 -.m:,4-7111 .E ...... , ... '2 Story, 3 Br, 2~ Ba, good location, sharp price at a solid value at $205,000. 54t-1'00 ~ ....................... _............... .. McCMwda •• ,kill.._ ..... 1040 1m. 1044 Unga ·--LUm s-·L .,._ ......... _ ... c_....._ :F.J ti'' .............................................. a....,... 'o11 -•-C.WtWM9" IOJJ ....... ~ -3 1~ 4br 3ba nr bcb Sl$$K, 4 Br 2b1. w/frplc ............. ;.......... ...,.,._. ••941110,000 ....................... 425..._..ttr huae'1:ced SllKdoOWC.SllOOmo. $167 .000. uo.ooo dn. -I MOW SIH,HO ~~~ACR~:.f. Hi=~-1·5 back yard. Neel incl Udy =mnta. 962-1227 &: Ownr flnan at uw,-~. or PAii PUCI BAYSHORES , SPY6WS OWN/AGT FINANCED trees~ ~us~yla=~~~~~ with remodeled kltc~en =ume ~,000 lst at HTAftS $BR 2 Ba, pvt balcony IY OWNH MG-1515/MZ:S.5151 . In& thl:s 3 Bdrm single and baths; new p11nt :l>r older home. cnr lot. >41, flJr. 21,t lll. df mutu suite. aated OPIM SAT/SUM 11-6 N"nhtory"btach houte Bay&ocean view• Oceaiulde/Balboa Blvd JJU Court Ave. nr 11th. 675-2211or848·3133 '32 FULLERTON U..500. Sale, lease oP· lion. rent. Opn Hae S1t /Su11, ownr1a1t . 1141-1220 loWrd:R Fi:NAN"~ING st«y end unit Is very and drapes. Very conve· new tool & furn. owe. SILL IY OWMll 2174 SQ. Pt. comm u n It Y w ll h 2 • tbr/4Ylba.4100sqft ~.,_.Co* special. Not often nlent to •toru and 213"'47-76801'48·3278 WOOCThnd&e2bdrm con· BE'M'El{THAN beacbel.$349,500 f Z58ode&aBay llC.. available lhishomehas schools. lm!dn Beaut l•e 4 b do,$4.000undermarket. MODEL ECSureaJ~lew • Calloner1se..cn37 Unobltnaeted' Ocean & tbe benefits of a JOOIA...W tiome.uiK.B.or'3br~ XlntfUW\clna.s122,500. ~EVERYTHJNG ..,,..... .. n ... yt·5 Ample earldna In rear New custom home . ' Olanel View. 2BR. 2BA, clubhouse, pool and put· 0,. = 1·5 f'.V. 9&2·'1t40 a N0-9605. CUI-de-He alreet. Act 64412282 -------• Pool Jae. Boat Slip tine green plus its ex-64•52 ~&Sall II Club Avail. SS!5.000. Prine cellent iocition. Sl'5,000 r 0 ._._ .... ~M .... K ...,...._. 1041 20 min. to Newport ~• .. .._7..,3 ~· _.., -•H•••••••••••••••••••• Ctnter 10"-DOWN Prestigiou.s bcb area, wlk to wtr, 3Br. 3Ba , sunrm, gourment kit, xlntlg lot. PANIC! Payments late ' SacrHlce almost all equity. 3 Br ho me Sl&o.OOOassume loans. Newport Hel&)>ts, spac. 4 Bil. 3 fplc 'a, 3000 sq.ft Qu1lity construction. $425,000 Ownrt aat S4MOO "'..,· _,. "' wilhowner ftnancln1. By OWMr, lBr. lBa. will Fantastic buy ! North 1210,000 with Sl&o,000 COUMTIY IHGUSH 642-5200 carry 1Jt TD. 960·~ end. 3 bd, 2 ba, lge liv.. at 121,;, fixed rate & fully DUPLEX 48r +2Br, 1 IWzt• frpl, brkfst area+ guest amortized. llGCAMYOM . -.. · .. yr new, $311,000. 709 & H1-.t..~ 1042 quaikn. Walk lo beach. No points or qualifying. Creetbomes 709Va Orchid. Ca 11 'au• Assume loan. Owner 770-0347 I J4 Liie 851·913SOwner/bkr. .. .............. ~·~.... help finance. $269,000. Owner/Agent OPEN SAT /SUN 12·4 12A5BLUEGUM R&"Mt\X Guerded community. Beaut. 3 Br 2~ ba home w/mirrored waits. lots ol marble, 3 car gar. GO EAL ~stXW ,.._.lllillliilllllllllWlflJ-...i....__...... •·-------BEST 8.UY. Tr1n1dad Pff Allen Rllr '94-7518. ED It ,... 3 + FAMILY lsld. Pnme toe 3Br 3ba. . •. ,._. JUDY .... IMs.u.h $I07 SOO OWC at 14% Int. Bkr. Asteal!Sparkllng3bd,2 By oWner, 3bdrm, 2ba, Ail· 00.98SOor 5411·0581 ' 000. Call 644·0448 ~ --- • Ll--I AT A PRfC£. · · A.. 1 1• 10.., d t Tom Gottier646·9200 ba condo, Irr.I, beam spa, many custom xtras, NEWPORT HEIG HTS -I 006 YOU CA"' AFF R """,,ume n w .,. wn a --ceil .. patio, e . garaae. BR2 BA . h u••••••••••••••••• ''" 0 D * MESA YIEIDE * 12 •%or with 20'l dwn. 1"9 I 044 pool clubhouse Owner low down, Ofx. terms. 3 ;J wit separate WISTCLIFF Lill Waterfr1nt $240 000 3 LARGE UN ITS on $347,000. ~arbor View Wl111POOLANDSPA ll~%.CallRuthLaurie, ••••••••••••••••••••••• ,. .. ~loan.sl59:oooPeg 77M(l.u!!,_.act ~ulck l y . office. ureat starter Hilllt.!_br,2ba.Callagt, Spacious 3 Bdrm. 2 ba. Rll.r &46-GO ~·, ......, with very low down. er·part of monthly Nan rryer. 644·2999. Beautiful area. Sl5,000 . BEAT THIS Allen, Rltr, '94·7578 S00,000 yment on Ba lboa ~~~~~~~~ dn. Asking S24o.ooo HOMOMIYDOWN SIOOOODM / MlulollYleio 10'7 l6t0Tustin and property. Low $1605/mo pymt. PP. Agt. (toqualified buyer) ' ' ••••••••••0 ••••••••••• Open Sunday 1·5 ortrade. O,.WS..1°5 ~7089 Mesa Verde custom. 1i 9 % 'i~· 3Br. 28a Mission Viejo Agt644·2282 Lovely 3 J\drm plug SAND Y B E AC H . ramlly room, located in rt,000.000 with S600.000 prestigious West cliff. assumable lit. Minutes to the beach •1&-....... ...._ ... _. • •-•:z. lltr. 120 fhlllllrOd I~~:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 3bdrm + bonus rm. J0 0 L~eas~ase it~9ytt1~~b~o Twnhle. good rinan0cing1 --• .!.!A .. 5:..:: .... ~u""'-=--- Low Do-I• 2~ba. 2 frplcs, lrg yrd • · · • owner will carry. ooo -·-r-.-,. 675-JI 6 _., -.i111 ·r~F"'MIA~ $235,000. Owner/Bkr (e ective rate g rm . fam rm. 2car terms,firiced und er mkt • rr..t.••-1oa..a $190,000 in usu ma ble -• financing) gar, fncd yrd, ocean vu. 1 1-000 ~ "'"' " Owner anxious and will _.. .,,,......,....., ,,..,., help with the financ111g . -__ 7,_.S...,2-11:.tilSLZ.a.;10...__ __ For an appointment to FEE FH see, call 540-nst IEACH loans. Remodeled 2 MORE A R F 00-9777. $35 000 ~.ooo. 49'1·1051 va iuA-Jr PL.ACE 3 Br. 2 Ba. Family room. bdnn. Nice patio. R·tlo over. your head ! Soat'lous Eastslde 3 BR p L.. Dining room. frplc, gat- wkb plaos for unit. Only BeautiluJ4~rm2bath. foveLy . Bring orrers 1 n! A'\.OW ROPERTIES ed court yard. up · $249.500 owe; 3rd la.rge family room . 49~.A .642·6368 I (uvwn) DQWN"DUL 752·!920 graded. CWner/A,_ • Fireplace in living , 4 BR·38A. High ui value, low on Mt.,.ttleedl 1069 $260,000 ~1'30, 957-9303 room, large play area in 1 down paymenL Ocean ....................... 8y0wner720·1211 quiet neiJhborhood. 100/oDOWN OWNER TRANSFER· view included with this -------• FORECLOSURE ,.DM DUP'LEX Move _.,..t m! Sl73.7SO. RED! Must sell now. · 3 bd 2 .. lh ~. HERITAGE REALTOR:) ----- BILl~!o~1~92.SOO. IAIGAIM owe lit for 10 years on this 3Br beach home . xlnt cond. Steps to beach. owner may take notes & trades •. Diana !.' ' . ae:fbuy in CdM. Lrg 3 2t'62Tabaqo Price ledlictiott Absolutely impeccable 2 ~':'in~ Io c ~U:'e l'1i n DOVER SHORIE$ -Fixer-·~;:::;::;;;::~;;! Bclnn home w/frplc, + 2 '•* T~o custom Newlorl I story 2 yr old on rul-de· Laguna's prestigious 4 Br. Den. f'ormal f>IJ\· Oreanfront duplex. 2 lge Bclnn apt. Only 1262.000. ~ ~ I 5 ~1t~ conyar~M&,3 PB ati~~1 sac with .. Hum ungus Temple Hilb area. Split in& Room. 2 Fireplaces. 3Br 2ba units. Try low or EXCEPTIONAL f1NANCING 3 Br 2 Ba. l level. end unit . 2 patios. frplr. lovely' As· sumable ftnancmg 12"'<. low down owe balance Annual lease S3Z4. re R&"Mt\X owe w/$40,000 dwn. _,.... _, • . • I backyard'' AND. GET level noor plan features 3 car garage + large no down. Lender/Owner Joyce Waltie, agt 642-5200 Now.Sl7o.ooo. nDS ... YOU CAN TAKE beamed ceilin1. random Hobby Room. Pool siied can be very creative. " .· '·· j PETE OPIMSAT/SUN 12·4 OVERTHJSOUTSTAN· plank style flooring. lot. beaut. landscaped. PlayaR.E.67J.l900 'l27 OGLl ST., CM. DlNG FINANCING! sparkling stepsa ver Owner will assj.Jt at $195,000 R&IM~ ' BARRETI REALTY ,ent. 63l·S661 Isl at 12~'2% $786 mo. kitchen and huge family ruianc1ng. Only S42ll.OOO S74,500. room with stained glass. ()pfn Sat/Sun 1-4:30 WESTCLIFF neg. date 1991. Agent Beautifully decorated ra>-12.llO, 957-2504 la •u-ftu Lo.. on this beau ul 4 Bdrm ---~ 2nd at u~.% S901 mo. AIJ at the low asking ftobll\SOI\: Realtor llSyr.).$68,500. price of: $264,500! For 541 5647 and designed 3 Br 2ba w/greatoffice/den and 2 Priced to SeU Portofino model in Harbor View. Separate mother-in-Jaw qrtrs. almost new carpeting Close to pool. $319.500 WHllill Yow M .. 1 --------1 1..utopt or shared equity 3rd at 15'7c straight note terms CALL ----· ----frplcs. Assume lge 12'k S I 5 5. 0 0 O . Lo v e I y In w~ dn. $269.500 fee Versailles Penthouse land. 00-7408 ccndo. Largest l Br + 2M....,S.lh1 terms $15.000. Ml~ION REAL TY A truly rine oppty at ~So. Cst Hwy. Laguna SI 19,tOO 675-1771 ~~:e~~;!et's ~talk· 17141494-0Zll OPEN HOUSE No _.Mil US0,000 Waterfroot 4 Br. home. 20"'0 down. arrordable. low interest loan. ~:=...:=-~'-----1 rumpus rm. 2 ba. Nicely decorated . All amenities. owner. As· sum. ltll•'i'< In . By 6.11-6410 or 2~/283·8333 S.. Celf. IHlty 546-5'05 U I ·61 t4 Brokers or sales{>eople FUil or part-time Fantastic com mission ofc. SAT·SUN 1·4 Orean view~ :f b'rm. 2 fiO PLYMO UTH ba. Excellent finanrmg. Hlnar-VlewHo-1 Beaufifu.I Car me I with solar-pool. 3BR. 2 run BA . Pri vate pro · fessionally landscape yard. Central A/C & filter. $274,500, 10~. 'l mortgage assumable. For appt. call 644·2573. IMMIDIAn f'OSSISSIOH lovely home · 4 BR 2"'2 ba. liv rm, ram rm. 2 frplcs. lg pool. Orig Fin· n1sh s auna. alarm Directly from owner. $295,000. Open house Sat/Sun 10..S 2221 Fran· cisco Dr. NB I Btwn Irvine It Tusun Av l Call I·~~ NORTHWOOD 000. 499.2355 Warner·& 559-9400 rRJCEllDUCED Sl2t,t50 3 Br. ~ Ba. affordable John Carey G RI ~ ~ --- REAL TORS 1n.m1 ,-, .. u 1~"" Betty Klff RNtty 0... s.t/S.. 1·5 1'3'7 Seredade Terr IRVINE TERRACE 3 Br 2ba, pvt yard, custom Jeck. spa. and bay view. $398,000 with land. '73-1111 1024 ••••••••••••••••••••••• $ 117 ,500 TU,~'c,Ew~~fK Newtwnhse. e>.ar.. I 026 Vacant, clean. ready to Sat& S.. 1·4 ••••••••••••••••••••••• rrove in! 3 br. 2 ba sgl 2ll6a..An. 15000DOWN ramily Broadmoor __ ..z.;;i~(Zl...i._ __ 1 I BR and conv den condo ~ · CalJ 752· 1324 · Cu"'•MIEI w pool and spa. Mm1 I llSTIRVINE ,,_ ocean view! flOS.900 30 C,...,...DO IUY' 2 Units + Separate Cot· yr fixed 14 l'J.'< loan ' "'" · tage Great Owners Unit ow c Own 6.1 6666 Immaculate Northwood or Rental Prop. Cabin · · r, I· I I Br overlooking lake & Like Int. Eastside ~ I stream. Pool. jacun1. Creative Terms 10-; · I tennis. upgraded. Down . 8 rea k even S84.500 Xlnt financing. $149.SOO. Brkr. ,!!I!!!! r67J.1923 64S-i266 : TUITU IOCI OPat SUNDAY ~5 zt42S.J-. O,..S-1·5 35 Svc-re Crffll New.~60 market. This WHERE ELSE? Can you find 5 Bdrms. 3 bath,,, big family room . large yard with patio 10 a prime section or Costa Mesa for Sl6S.OOO? This spacious 2 story beauty 1--------1 has a huge living room ~~~~~~~ with massive used brick OUTST ANDINO WHITEWATER VIEWS Located on "Blue Lantern one of lhe most charm· in~ streets In the area. lh15 contemporary wood home with dramatic stairway entry a nd elegant amenities has added features or bn ck patios, spa, rirepit and ll'l>re. Great finanrin11. PIS.000. 493-8812 home Is the quintessence o( quality & style. Spec· tarular 2 story entry. 4 bdr~. 21,.) baths. family rm. 2 flreplares. dining rm. lower level ma ster suite. ,,Intimate sky·lit library or conversation area. wet bar. Lots or oak. Superb deror. As· sumable 1st T.D. Ex· celleot value at $365,000. ~ SHAlrlASTSIDE fireplace ! Flexible 6 rt.IX financing. Call to see. ONLY 154'/o DOWN M0-1.151 •. arid 0wner will 1inance L" to qualified buyer. weu .• Jn_go located. good looking 6 '""' units + 4 car garage + ample parking. Below 11 1 ________ ----- DAVID D. CA.ILSON _IW,TOl IU0t2U IRVIME'S IESTIUY! 411. l IA limesaross. 1 Lovely 6 ~old. walk to C!IT..-Y 644-7211 SSOOO ~low appra!sa · beach. 3 BR 2i; ba. fully Beautiful Park Bnstol upgraded, ur, dwn min $29.915 rJn 'ilCEl [}AIL('' '· :·,<:,u[I AT[5 DOwn 9.6150/o ~· Low dowo. t0.78'7c int. rate avail. . $220,000. lilll·DIBOr641·925$ ( tirst) PRIME E. SIDE 1-------1 OWNER HELPING TO lmmac home on large FlNANCE. Spacious 3"'2 R-2 w/buildable poten· I.I AC ESTAn year old~ story w/fam tiaL Assume loans, only &iperb early CaOlornia rm. fonn\I dining, sun· SlS5,000. Cill Deli a design and quality ron· ken living rm. "Huge" 631-12&11 structlon. featuring yard w/k\ddie's play custom pool and spa. area, spa. ~t clkl·de-mtq Mexican pavera, 3 •-lo hi •· h fireplaces, sky lights, sac c ..... e ac 5 .. s op· air cond & much more. ping. CHECK THlS Beaut. hlll and valley ~~~~~~~~~~~o~ FANTASTIC FIMAM. l.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;I ylews. Small orchard. new equity 2nd. Take lmmac. 3 Br 2 ba + Plenty of room for tennis over exlsllng •loan. no ~add-on. RV access. MESA YIEIDE court and horses. or. qualifying! A true frplc. Only S18K dn. 3 Bdrm, 2 bath . feredatSl.200,000.Ask bareain al $199 ,900. OWC 11%. Make ofr. fireplaee,$120,000. forLl.nda. WamerAgt .559-9400 '128,$00 by owner . OPEN Fri 10-2. Sat/Sun Wlholit & Wein I .I 56-7081 1-4 4tl-27U 320SMONTANA ,.._..Gold Miu Roy McCerclt, lltr. Laree R-2 lot with nice S•·77zt 1 .......... leedl I 040 remodeled 2 bdrm ......... •••••••••••••• S5600DOWM IUYS WOODIRIDGE TRl·PLEX. SSS.OOO down. bearh home with un· Assume lst. TD 9,,r:. believableterms. OWC Balance at 12<l Call for more info. Principals o nly DOClsaDE I.E. Panoram1r ocean views. ..... & c""' O'lriH $325 .000. Broker __ ..11.:1.!E:ll.fl.Jl:iK--- 499-1.5.26. on Lusk single story 3 or ~ Br home with pool. F\nan. avail. Open Fri 10 ·2 at Aleppo , Eastbhif. ()pen Sun 1·5 Eileen Artukovich Rily. ...._. VJ.w H-• 720-0.132 YOU DESllVE A IMO UHIT V,EW 3 br, 2 ba. Good rin. Fee YaSAIWS Sweeping Ocean View. Aria yoo own the and on land. By owner. S279,SOO. OCliM YllW or 634-3646 Pia a~ walk to the ti;each I.his lovely Blufrs home -~$49==--8'7=SS::...:o::.;.r.=.644.:..:....:.· 7=220=--• BeaUtiTullyv decorated 2 and uns new 3 Br 2 , ba I 3 8drms or 2 and den d •-------ho~. designed for easy lovely b~ing room with MEWPOIT ICH DrLX Br. I Ba. ron o 1n adult living. Available at fi,_..lace O""ns lo extra Lg 3Br 2Ba units w/v community. guarded $34$ 000 1-~.. i~ L h w/frplc. patio, gar. & 15• gate. pool, spa ' rec F.ctni A Lundberg arge pal 0 · at · cov· sumable Ins. Quiei Joe room. Owner may con· & Assoc ettd area for sr.c11nen ~ bay & S3lO 000 · er low down pay Call'94-z894 plants, low WI I g1yes o=::er/ag~S45·1S . Sl!M,$00. For de· prh•acy a specia I ~.5(66 tai rail Sandy Alex-C~ST" Trina ~del ! S295.000. CIR REALTORS ander Bkr67J.2749. ... house Ul Coast Royal. 642-5200 , .-.-.-= •.:.: •.:..:: •::.= .= .=. =.;• ~. =-. -.,;1 ....__ ~ H-Spectacula r vl.ew ol ,_.,., rof.&.'SY -waves breaking on the OC£ .a. .... FttO 11o.1y -st.~~; · Easy terms! sand from th is 3 ~ " SS-uock.feesimple bedroom home with 3 lHY tN 1·524·5980 car garage on large lot. a>% i"Uiancin • at t2 t2'1r -------• Situates near homes for S y,rs. ill Trade priced from SSOQ,000 to 1 •--------1 673-6498 or 673-0619 ,_._tk Ho. St.000.000. It's not as Orig ifo<lel or Baycrest large nor as pretty but 1t Move in cond 2 £pies. lg UDO ISLE BARGAIN! $217,000 ColforDtt.ih BURR WHITE REAL TOR . IHC. 67S-4630 has exrellent owner OCEAN VU llUFFS HST family rer rm. Beau financing. 1295.ooo. "'9U •LL WEE11 GIHNIELT pool. Excellent rin. EXCLUSIVE • ...... S•TI~"'L.. """""' " OpeohouseSat&Sun N rt Ht 1· t' -,. ,,_ All rooms in this Call "" "'"'" ewpo gs is mg. . .ocean viewa rom this 2 IR.OW Mil KET! customized "E" plan ---A•gt._ ..... · 1.·---•I white picket fence. used bedroom condo w Ith ~ & BAV-Vut. 4 overlook a fabulous pvt brick roua.ge. new cpts. fireplace and decks. BR W/BONUS RM . park like setting. New drps. $169.SOO. Linda Community p<>ol and POOL, SPA AND CITY kitchen. baths. rpts. llAte MIW UDO Hart elevator from 11rage. UTES! Assume 11 78"(. cl.rps 'great assumable CUSTOM HOME SUS.000. A steal al $399,900. Won't loan make tbis a must BlO sq n. or traditional WY AMAHCING last. Patrick 'tenore, agt see. Call for appt. or in· eleaance + 3 car gar & A 2 bdrm condo with fo. Howard Rosenberg. boat yrd on bst Lido Sl. , 4bdrm or +3bdrm + --=======-room'°" outdoor enter· 'r.i&-l221. denl. 4ba. lrg. din rm, GOOD fllllAMCIMG lainlng. Great invest· fam rm. lndi1/sewin~ 3bdr~ +fr. Fabulous rn!llt potential with ita CHIArlST largeauumableloan•t lUMITSOHWATB ~opt mai 's rm, . k.ltchen.S37S.OOO. less than rurnnt rates. Canal Front, Newport ~T D-11 fl"p cs. incl lndst"PC & 1837 Commodo~ Rd . ,.,___says """bmi't all Sb 4 B "' .--spklrs. sec. pre wire. N.B. vwuu "" ores. r . uen. IN RTBEACH crpts. Open Sat/Sun . Sho .. mbyappointment olfers".Sta,500. S25.000down. Owner will M5K down, assume long 1·5pm . 210 Via San '31·1476 ~... tlrT)'. Must sell! Make term financing. OWC Remo. 67S.3048. 673·!556. 'a-..~.. <trer! Tmnis. pool, walk balance at 12",t w/NO Owner A . - lll("'•OP" to beach. Agent 6'&·l0« PAYMENTS $549,000. or00.280S. Prin only. Owner ..... a.......,_ ........... °" .. ' DOYEi SHOIES DIC.HOME C ... , Med.stYle courtyard. 71 ~ 494-1177 Pool, jacuzzi, overlooks OCUM VIEW bay. Galaxy Dr. Formal 4 br. 3 ba. cllstom oak Dining Rm, 2 frplca. fl Q i 1739,000 fee. ra. sec. syst. u el 6'2·2510/846·411'8 street. lge pvt lot. Low .-.-.-•""' .--•"" .............. =·""'• --. =. -. -. maint. landscape. Walk 675-7104 Orean + Night Light View.'3 Br. 3 Ba. Condo S20I DOWM TwwbyPtrfed in Newport Crest. Ten· Two-blocks to beach. 0 1-....11 nil, pool, spa. $245.000. owe 14'k. pool & tennis . •-· Call Delores for terms. 3 BR 2 Ba. only $1'1,900. Beautiful, large 5 bdrm TSLPropertles.842·1603 L/H Bkr. 960-5580 ·, + den, 4~ ba home on estate size lot w 12 --------...!m.==l ____ _ flrp l cs , jac + OUTSTANDING VIEW. S790.000. Attractive to town, schools or beach. Owner fin. or lse I opt. $437 ,$00. tW 8'J!le CCHMlo rtnandng. 204 Kings Pl, Ellcant En~sh motif Newport Beach. Open crown mouldln1 . Sun H . 646-3328 or handcarved frplc , abut--'m.~2=102=-. ----- Pete Barre~ tm, brua appta, etc. 2 it---a 497-1430/951·3557 presents home . Low Interest 517 OOO f~inl-<>ptn Sun lH MESA YEIDE I ZO/o s Br. 1\; lb. txiltin1 ~~~~~~ w. WUaoa.7W5U-2901 ora. SAT I·~. SSSK at lO ~'l-. SlOK 2U-..m4 Come to aee lllO flaw down, will carry. Owner, Circle and 1ee tbl1 caUm.•. Bta~~~.~Sec1 3er Condo~ unll w /xtra l~ patio. "A Doll house Call Pea Dameron -... '.' Y•OWll•L-' Eme r a\~d Bay whitewater view, 2000 sq. ft ., underground WlM cellar, Jae., Ht. system, 29' den, 3ba, 2 br, 2 ba, fllll sec:. 1011.1.ti -~ fta. avail. Leue/opt 5 bdrm, 3 ba, 3 car 11r. Sl&S,250. IS5-1l20 Nat to~mmllDity pool. 4 blocks to Community School. 2 houses from Park. $300,000 $190 000 a11umable loan. Fe~ land. SPACIOUS, 0 UDO ISLE New CWltom home featuring the finest in design a nd quality. Soaring ceilings, skylig hts, 4 fireplaces, and custom tile. Large. family room ope n i ng to entertainer's dream kitchen with sep arat e wet bar. Beautiful detailln& thructut with custom built armoire bar ln living room and llLLm flMT ..... IACMCll UZ' 8Qfi'aat w/dodl, 3 BR, den, ._.. _,_ Sellll' wlD fluaee. 11.llO.O. MARTHA MACNAB -- custom bit executive 3Br 4 er. 2~ Ba. nooi, f1mlly pool borne on qwet cul· nn, 3 car 1arage, prof. tt.sac. Seller. wan~ to landauped, 2 patio• rmve fNt It will carry a w/cov~. wal~aper & 2nd at 12%. Terms • CUICOm paint lhru-out, flulblltty revall . l«Urity 1yatem, crown l·lm mouldln1. Mexican pever f'lo0ri1&. 2 uaed brick frpla, blt-ln TV stereo ubtnet &i • boabhelves In f1m. rm. DOW.... HICh ... umable. Muat LOW " aee to 1ppreclate. -Z" • SZlt,000. Open Sat/Sun. 1'0Vftl IOMt! ...:7-=14 ..... tM..,__l ·_tt_u_._P_r_I v_•_te btvestora • l•t tfme p bu.Yen take your . pick fnim 2 xlllt buya. Tbelt ... aclmt" propertlte DOt la multiple. Xl1t O..S 6 tirnm. Prletd ,.. ............ . QEll ... 111$ .... ....... I • • ' "r ~ ~ ~ "' t I ' ~ y. • R VM ~ lr1 bdrma1 a 4 oven Upcrad«t Palermo with JOUJ'J'lltt lutche.n. For PoOI ID H.V.H. Prin. on· mo re de ta I ts ca I I lhlg,000, 7tMOl3 49'·1214, owner/bkr. $St2.000/offer. Open Sunday, 11-Jpm, 1&e7 LoWe. No. Ll&llAa. SIJJ,OOOIM ASSUMAIU Corn~~ooda Cove fanal.'1 home, 1sr Ult beaeb w /lot• of ' 5 · Grttt for nter-, ctiUld bt COft• to a lqal cl11ple1. Jmt reduNd to •• ooo. Call lr•I• Qul1lo UNOO REAL llTATE ·- • MACNAB IWN: AEAIJ'Y · . .__..,. _ _. MAllOI ... Award·wtsaniq Caaa Blanca wltb •Ptdacular view ct ocean' clty ~·~ 3 BR, fam rm fr formal dilUDC· Gated eourtyard entry A spa. Cuatoni eartlatone decor tlnuoal. Greal 111umablt • ............ Putd ••n ;~sn. . f abrlc covered walls in elegan.l m aster suite with its private aundeck. Plus 3 addiUonal bdrms. On larae street to street lot. IDWA IOIOM a.IN NII YOUI .. ..,-IC.,.C11 .. IOMW'I .... IUM 1-1 • .... OHL Y ONE LEFT! Peninsula Pt. orean- front · just beach. no sidewalk. See and make olr! Ji ·e:: Specious stod1ds one and two b«lroom apan- ments FURNISHED lll'C2 UNFURNISHED. • OakwOOd also offers • All Utilities P11d 'lmmediel• Occupency ' 51 Million In Aecreetlon And Mueh M0<e' For a month or a hfe- bme Models open daily 9am to6om No pets Newport Beach/No. 680 Irvine (II 16th) (71"4) MS-110"4 Newport Beach/So. 1700 16th St (Dover II 16th) (71"4J "42-5113 SPACIOUS 1 Br. Cathedral ceilings, walk in closet. dishwasher. fireplace, garage, ooou, l aund r y f ari1ity . 545' rm 399 W. Bay St. 646-!IU Bachelor& I Br. Apls. All adult no pets Pool. bbq & enrlsd garages ~ mo. 63lc..::-227::::..;_;:;6 __ _ La~e'1~k,.Ttw o v. patio & yard . up w balrony & catbed,.I ceiling frplr, d/w, pool. spa. car port. No pets. Quiet & pnvate. $465 & ~ Harla. 549-2447. QUIET ADULTS over 35. unfum I Br. upper. $340. Beautl landscaping No pets. LEEWARD APTS. ~ FUiierton, 631·0397. TIIE VICTORIAN : New· ly de<.'Or. 2 Br w tgar .. new rrpts & drapes, blt- 11\S, patio. Adults. Call between 1·5PM. 636-4120 f@ ':_G" Victoria $470 Roomy 3 Br. Townhou5e apt ll1 quiet adult com-plex Newly decorated. fireplace. eodsd patio & garage Adults only Sarr). no pets. SS7S !'tfo 645-3381 or 67~5949. Nev. 3 Br Pool. Rer rm rttls paid. Walk So Coast Plata. Call roUect 213 377.fi606=----- IMSTAMTIM! $HS mo. l Br 1 Ba. Apl f'rplc. carport. lauoclrr room Cal ok. Real sun-m .. This one.. wont las.L 'IB_!.. M_&_'!!!· 642·9412_. _, 2 Br I' i Ba . Townhouse. garage. patio. s ma II )Ord No pets. SStO 645-4837. I br. 2 rar gar. wtopener frplr . micro. dl x . ~~!!!!.545·31~5 -- Bachelor E'side loc'a t100. Patio Stove refrig. gentleman pref. no pets. &150~ ~-~_!_ ___ _ REAtrrlf1JL2 Br. 2 Ba-. Mesa Verde. GardenApl. .. t-rpk . Lndry. Dshwshr Enclosed garage SS2S. Di Ma£! _ 546-4016 1 Br E side. small but ro1) v. lots of ne-at wood SJ60 Adults only ~19522 larat 3 Ir. 2 Eo. • i>oot no pets.~ ~7-1634.~9908 , •AcmSSH MODllS• FOUND ADS llollywoocf1>irector IM.'tkl ntw talent to d~· ~ I 11t1Ulfn. ...... ._.. 000 ...... .,. 4HO Oflcit......, 4400M.11•1•1. Tnttt ARE FREE ~:1~m~~cf~'• nw:;\';'i .. ..................... . ................ ~···· .................................................................. , ........................... ~ .......... !!.1.! cai~ ll<M 3711. 7$2.~. AlrliMI Aight- Attendants -.......................... •••••••••••• ...................... , .. ~.. w/female over 45 . ,....,.....,rt v · pprox All types or '11f eit1te 642°5671 ~tnCllMllSenlctt 5360 ......... __ ~--M24 .. _. JIH Ms putlNdt )169 ~l:.t 28R NB apt to alwlrt ~~ 1pa8e1ed oAn busy s.tllerMhLCo Nnwinour6th Vear Rraut. 1 BR. quiet bld1. p1111 NEWPORT 1JDOW11erfront 38r lb• ·fJl ltfle..._A:1 SlfUO+~ utJI. 645·T460 ~ eq_,ilsft ... ~N/mt>. ln· invC!ltmont.a1lnce 1949. ••••••••••••••••••••••• For ._,He C91JTIWT smell do&• accepted. •ft d b h '" aftlPM ciw ut • _..., ewport c-..1..11.a..... 1-te ........... __ ..,. '-S • bltns, 2l30a.87g1 or on un lft eac ... _____ Blvd. Costa Mesa. See ~--..."' Lost · Blue Vclvrl ~-· .r.tw sn_~ A.'AITMENTS r:~~511olta Wr iter, Oldt1Udar1est a1ency. ~=Iv~ .::~~et:: Mana hdTOa Jewtlry Box &t contents *THE* LA: Celt,....._,... • Allclientametnedwitb Bch. No pet.a. $350/mo Me rtA•IT ta. iil:.U7J 541·06 U Vic Nev.1>0r1er Inn, NB. SW££TffC1DJS ~,.WC c ... ed, ·, ~· Duplex, &;'J:· cl'\llU'PRY CLUI Deautlrul bay view, lower photoa•reftrencee. !nclutll. •·1856..r. ti~~l__ •nXJo;{}RATE2ndTO or Elk5 Club, N 8 LM ....... e .,..., ... -4 ,a ry room. . o """1 duplex, 2 Br. 2 Ba Credit.a: COlmopolltan • F\illy Amortlr.ed REWARD. '7~8645 24 HR. ~ORTS ...,_ fleallMlty 111 ~9494-UVIMGIM garage. HOO/mo. No Good Momln1 America M/F rmmtetoahrwith 2 •F\illYAssumuble Ulilt · Orangey-0ungT11b· OUTCALLONLY worti ,....,, *•• I br, 1111"'r clean, encl. ts.~ ..... 873·7092 S .. Aw others, 3br home, pvt EXECUI'IVESUITE •No Pre-p 11 v me nt b~male cat White l"""~1 Nwfit Blvd a. US cltflttl or -- d..,..,1 MEWIM'\RT nv · pool, ja". H.B. •••.•91'1·, N""'l Center. ocn view, , "'" ,,.... gar. A u ta, no pets 279 r-v 11 blk to bch, rm/ba. •~off• to 111 new '" -.. ~.. 00 r 11 Penalty c 11/paws CDM UVll COSTA 1~A • • W. Wilson, Apt 8 IE ... CH R r I kl h . 11ou~..1 .... ~.Mitch. . I ~~~.1°!.~;.,.P. ' u 8978 ~ ..... s... 51 64~ 1 9 " e r g ; no I r . clientl w im a place. .... y'"" iR ~J'<I Asl!Q! Sktp, S.6·0283 _ 159· J _ ~L~ Mi = 11 ,,..,.,,_. rm. 1 J __ A luxury community on ~/im.yrly.96a.B263. MIWPOtT 641-!ltt ':~~~·:;t:i~I~ ~O~ Prhre Newport Beach of· lrv1ne·Newport Beach lAst. gray & while F cat. W~EK_E_NDSPl':CIAI. c..tl _.1 be I I 0-,.. lll' the Buk Bay. Spec· Across rrom' beh. Lrg Wkd 631·0115 rice space. Newly re· trust deed investments. collar w/rab1es lng Crom •••••• .. ••••••••••••••• tacular Spai 7 swim· bright 2bdrm. $700/mo. Prof. M/F over 30 to m>deled, beautiful. Call Call for late11t lisl Saudi Arabia, L11guna .,.... of tlCJf• lleH • !ltper neat small I Br. mingpools,8 ightedten· rl .968·8263.;., ____ share 2 Br. 2 Ba . h..-Marlt873~. -19·217. yield 13 yrs. Niguel.Reward 643·01$11 Lt;?:yw.t& ..,_ lltltMll of VIUa with courtyard. nis courts. bike trails, Garage Apt, steps to Newport Beaeh Condo. fw._. 050 830 fl crptd newly de· Prin only Crrug Glass. afl-22!!1 Pl ,....io. S'I" wltlt wtWJM • ?iliet, no ruts· S3'75 un p u t l 1 n g g r e e n . beach & tennis courts, 12 9 5 in e Ids u ti I s . •••••••••••••" •••••• •• e« &q aie incl all ulils Re/M!JC 759..: 12:21 La;t. lge blk F dog, pt , .............. •••• • ••• pro,ortlo• e•d b9' um. S395 urn 493-0803, Bachelors. 1 and 2 $320/mo. incl util. Prkg 1146-73.12. Double gar•r ror Affii>le prke. ·Ideal ro; Red&tahLoCllll L.ab/Shep-, ~1blue rol· Jot.eW..t.d, 7075 well grao•d Hd 64$-1953.____ bedrooms apartments, ~ace . Avai l now . Shrlrglux home w/.prof. ~09a~ only. 90/mo law. acct~, engineer, Income property, com· lar,Oanalomt.953·2696 ....................... penD1111ili.C.ll4 ISt OCEAN VIEW ! Lg 2+2. and townhouses rrom 8473· penon. lat, last & dep. · · 5260· ete.Nr405 &Beach merc1al, Industrial or $100 REWARD Blk Young married man ln.Gl74 S-hb. fplc, spUt level, adlts on· SS40toSUlOO i:r month Across rrom beach. Lg $265111>. 966·8479 Blvd. 847-7727 -~ Apr Bldgs. Competitive Lonfha1red rat. "Meat· ~'OUld like odd Jobs evu Oil • I 5mo.t96-02'1l San OnJoaJqawmnHrielelsARload IBr+den Yrly S435, 3 car 1arage or storage (Jfi e 750sq ft nr rate on credit or Equity bal .. 673 -8972 dys , & wkends. Can do ll 21 ar Moa. Merell I. 2 Br. ocean view , Adlts pool enclgar nu 3BR~st~.NB,nrbuch, Nr.N'ewport&l9th,AI-~ce~pa&'e k Ss50 Loans.1st. 2nd or 3rd 975·377tev. vanely or handyman loMKhtcw.dfor• __J7141644·1900 ~ ~.,..cN.8 · teMts. $350. 540·9712. leyaccess.640-8107 r r a er, T D' c 1 t - -~· 972·9525 eves, ask lltlt .t i. balconu 11.arag"" cl•an """ ,,,,, 7""~ 63 36 8 -Ill> u~os11 . s our es Y o L' d· Bik CdM . . H'll mp r ~ • 'I"' 346112 .~A.y c J' .. D · NO FEE• Apt & Condo • ---""""""'• 1· 1 -... __ ,.........._. "'400 __ ....... _~ -Brokers714/76b 1~51 ,.'?°" · · e: area. ' -~ _ ·-..1 i-......... 2131~""·1 orllova r rentals Villa Rentals S.Cleftlt• ll76 M/F -3' BR Park ~ _,,. ~ <Xfice for rent. nr Costa SteveorDuane Culltoid~nllfy Man with mlellerlual -.----· .,... -=o-.-==-'.;;;;"'°"~ !co ect) 57•' .,. 2 B k . ••• .... •••••••••••••••• N T h p I ••••••••••••••••••••••• M-a Post Office Park --64!.6006 .._. to ,ac ffc: h · ---=-"",,._·....,=-.:..:1 '-=ro er. ewpon wn se. oo I 1611 Westcliff N 8 Want """ ba<·kground seeks live . ......... o.leac:h ll40 LargelBR Utilpd Spot MrSCGte'sHosp spa/ tennis. Vu back financial ini1.'700os.f. Ill $400moMBS804 _ Alwtc,_flh/ FowidlOspeedb1kemW in position as cook al· prtU ,,0 . lo1 1072 ........................ less. QtDel 5425. 2421 E I b~rm, s tove. cl>ls . Bay.Jan759·0048 1st noor.A&ents.4l·S032. 300 sq. h . + patio ;;;c;:.., I CM 11rea Please call lo tendant for elderly or s.f. Wt. Airport, 5• WlfftefrM ADb 16lhSt 645·4118 aY01I Mar 6, S370 mo 2500 sq ft condo to shr, I, balcony, across from Lott & r!:_... identiry 5411-11197 rook, secretary for pro· Fr a'" c h c: o ' CA Unfum. ibdim !pit. All -'""---Qall891·1644An6·30 rms on bnuut1'fu EXECUTIVE WestcliHPlaia Avail in rvwiu F' d h ressional person Call 94121 . Mu1t be St l be h 2 B t' .. • ...... ••••••••••••••••• oun Husky, w Ile A Ad 6 2 I util pd. All amenities. eps o ac r. ~ T..tiit 3190 Greenblt & view or the SUITES AP r I I S 2 4 0 I mo ~hep mix, Col he mix, n s we r i: • avallabl• to itart 846-0619 Ba, frplc. Immaculate b 1 '7l4>64&4884 "----£ 5100 D T .~4:MX>,24h~ .. ....o.=...o=~· oond. 673.2507 A"' •••••••••••• .. ••••••••• ay,wlpoos,SS7·7883or IN L----"-~ttntn•I ox1e errier m1i.. ~ l-dlcrttly. Deluxe poolside xtra -· cc.. Lge2Br, children ok Enc IJ46.&339 ......... Rtlltol 4450 ••••••••••• .. •• .. •••••• Great Dane. Bloodhound Young marned man "ill ~ large 2br, 2 ba, bllns. ~ac1oos3BR2Ra ,fplc gar S43Siyrly . l6S96·C Rmmte wanted. male HSITAGE .. ••••••••••••••••••••• •SPIRITUAL mix, Welsh Cor~1. dohaulJngmV.sn !teas.-~-------• dswhr, 1'2 miles beach ecks.gar,$850. Alliance 640·5078 over 35. empl'd, quiet, P'l.Ali Storeor0Hiee. L3S0sq.rt RE•"IM<; Beagle mix lr\'lpe 63141134 ... 642·7366 CM ·~~no pets. SSOOmo. --..!13·9060 agent Roona 4000 liberal. Lag Bch 494-6216 ~new, ~u:iun~ .~rf~~ ~f=~~ Mesa Verde Area 1815 S fTcamin~ Heal. ~~;~l Ca re Center. Http W._.ed 7100 Apartrnenl Manager. Ex •<'><. Sh.a"' 28R. 2BA WATBtFROMT •••••••••••• .. ••••••••• House to share m C.M. center! Easy Frwy ac· ~__:4123-San Clemente 492 7296 Lost F Chihuahua rnix~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• penenred c~uple. Beaut ~ .,.. W1TH DOCK Laguna Beach Motor Inn, OlO + 40"'r utilities. ceu. Avail. now! Call Exec, Ste's. f\111 service. ~\Illy he brown be 1 0 e. , 0 ~~ mainlaine 44 units, Mint. Nr Bch Ideal Real nice 2 Br 2 Ba 985 No. Pac1r1c C~sl 645-6330 for details. greaLlv reduced " ~ eo~· sta M5easala.ryNobopneul5 5 share rental No Pets . bl H L 8 h , SCR'M LETS friendly, on 16th SI ACCOUNTS w/spa in mstr B;i. t·in wy, aguna e . S r oo g th . 55 H 2ll U0-4230 754-6789 ft • Nwpt H~s Child's pet ... wkdvs_9·4. -833.Dn,642·1\19 kttch., frplc, dbl car Daily. Weekly, Kit chen ~a e/ ms 8 ertng ,_ garage, + 2 additional a\'UilaLle. Low winter ust ·. Mak~ money· •DELUXE OFFICES• C-rc:lal ANSWERS 5411·08 PAYABLE API' MANAGER *•MEW•• •W,RISAS• Adlt on ented a pt . 2 Bedroom orr.stspaces Sl300. rates.494·5294 meet interesting guests. From 1 room up to 2000 R...tds 4475 LOST Burme~e male Semi retired coupl e ror JR.P ------Become Be d and sq t\. From Sl.t6 a sq .... ••••••••••• .. ••••••• Deputy Entire cal. ()ark sable. almost 18urut Adults. ID N\\pl 67S-6i7l ropM1~·6670 P..1 ent. 00 smoking or Breakfast Host Writeor rt No lease required. Prime Tustin & San Ad~e Di~mal blark. Re\\ard Call Ponderosa Home~. one M111ntenanceexp req _ __._ dnnking. qwel 111 over call ~l Lindley, No. 6 A<ij. Airporter Inn. 2172 Clemente retail or office . Lt'ave~ ~arkup 551.3876 or Cahrorn1a'i. major G46.J~J. 2 blks from ocean paddle tennis cl~ balconies or bk yard carports MEPTUHEAVE :Kl.~moSS6·0637 _ Tal'l3.llaCA913S6 <213! ou.pont. Call AM ~ce.731H47o ;B31-ll699.I DENIM STA111P home builders. ha~ .in 2 Br 2 Ba. frplc , garage, Hoomlpvt BA, kitch pnv. 344-7878 1 8.13-3223 · -111) kid sister made t•ut· Personals 5350 1 opening for ;in Act·ount Att..dont S62S/mo 11rlv 548 5682 w D F"· Q 1 Rm + pvt bath Ocean I · Mdillhiol l..tal 4500 orrs from her Jeans ••••••••••••••••••••••• ing Clerk workin1ot wtth PART TIME Orange ~-~ ._._ . , ,.,m wet ~o \'lew. Sea Terrace Apls,. 6(X) sq. ft. Mesa Verde ••••••••"·~··••••••••• Then she madl• them ....... __.... M our llome Det0rJllng Co Swap Meet Sat an· BEACH I bdrm. bnghtl hme.tz15,S45·510S_!J...L Laguna Niguel S267.SO atta NB ,l!n581rch 8860sq looklJkebtlunibottom~ MnumlS assage Center dorSun Apply SWAP and airy. ,, blk Ocean. Wanted room or sm apt. ± i,,, utils 661. 7943 54S·4123 n or less. MIA tone. 51> If s~e cuts orr ;inymore Open 2~ hr~ a da~ ~I E E T 0 f F I C E all ulll pd exctepl eler Nope s Atlanta· Delaware. HR (714) 536· 4400 \'rly refr1g beamed employed nonsmokmg per sq ft Agent ~ht•ll have the r1rs1 ?daysaweek Thepos1l1on requ1rl's a \\eekends7AMtol PM cei1i~gs.N0Ch1ldrenor gentlemen , wrillng Bayfront,pvtbeach.Bal. BAYFROMT . 541·5032. • l)~~llMSTAMP 69 Gorgeou~ i:irb lo rrunimum or 1 2 years UC F1urgrounds Costa I pets. Avail Mar I. $49S book,seek5 qulelspoton Pen. Sgl F' wants lo shr Primeoffice.673·1003. pamper you Jar u1.u. al.'eounts payablC' {''I( Mesa per mo. 36th & Balboa Pen in Pl Rers. John w/same. Resp person. ~3000 sq fl by Npl l.olt & Found 5300 Sauna LO<'als as " ell as perience --- ---------Area Days 675·2699. 673-8 07 qtDet living Aft 6 & •Costa Mesa, 250 sq. fl. fwy & 405 (wy F'rom ••••••••••••••••••••••• Io u r 1 s I s H" n k ..... --E\es673 910S --1----wknd 675·2025 s11t.e. Sl75/mo. Utils in· S504 Mr 0 'Keer l' America rd . ~I ai.1 e r We pro11de a full l'Om ~r 2ba tn 4·plex S475. --· F'\trn room. kitchen ' ---rid . 779 W 19th. St. 851·8928 found Medium s1ied Charge. Amcm-Jn Ex pensat1 o n benefit W·d1 hdk·up, prNv patio. 2 Bdrm 2 bath near the privgs. C.M $200 mo. Fmle, 21 +. res pons. 851-11928. furry an 1 ma I n e" r p rl'b s. D 1 n <'r s all package plus out~tand ATTINTIOM: Amb1t1ous boys and girls 10·13 years old. lo work one or two even 1ngs a "eek getting newspaper s ubscrip lions Transport at1on and constant adult supervision provided. Call 3 to s 30PM. ask ror Andrea . 642·4321 . ext 343 enc 8 gar o pets. beach. $600 per mo . -~·867_7 __ clean, share nice CM CONST. CIRCLE Garfield & Ward area welt•ome 714 645 3•133 mg working surround 645-9494 ---·1 <vearl l 752·2841 apt, w/same. $225/mo. S20 & 572 sq. ft. Sl.OOJ.er 2500 sq.11. unit incl. 322 962 5297 21l2Harbor Bl. CM in~ Please appl) lo 2bdrm. 2ba. fresh as ne\\. &'vr~nl 2bdr; !;°ar NJ!PL&lr~~ ~~~~ab:~~ 631-1564 ~ rt., l!n~irch. • · B. sq rt or oHice + 5000 sq lenclgar.5.500 I gar, nr Lido 'island View or bay & open Roommate F preferred, 2 gents.4l· fl fenced asphalt co,· ~ 968·66081 $700 mo Annual lse ocean. Non smoker S3SO. BR house. 2 car gar. DANAPOINT's best loc. es-ed yard • WALK TO BEACH . 1 Br iSS-0933 &ID-~ W 1D. 2 blks to Main bch. 200' to500' at 70< incl all. Courte1y to lrilrs • Turn your Linda & Vicki's PONDEROSA HOMES stove~ refr1ge 3 bdm. 2 ba. close to -S365 includ. utilities Util.&Janitor.975·1120 C714)751·476Q. • unusables •ESCORTS• J:!:lli.mo~SJ6.7!ryJ1.c _ _ ocean. 675 491 2 da. Older waterfront hme. 49'1·2621 <Jficespace for rent, 385 lndustnal Park Units for into BACK&BEi'TEH r k 2 r d fl I 500 1900 3700 • THAN EVER I 24 II ns GettaMHO 17141975-1609 WALK TO BEACll 67S..12lle\e .... B~r em non sm r 1·35, TEMPShrLUXTwnhse sq. t. secon oor. ease.I . . sq usable Bah r $250 mo all pn' w vu at PK NWPT Prestigious WestcliU ft uruts Avail for 1m 669-0207 c stove & re rtl(e 3 Br 2 Ba 1'2 bloch to 6]~_ EVER y TH I N G areaSl.OOsq. ft . Medical med. occupancy OHtce • Cash. Call 1 OutcallJ Gas & water pa id ocean $ 7 SO mo ruRNISHED' Avail 3.1 Bld2. Call64S-6SOI. & warehouse space with • Daily Pilot 2lM2 Bu.,mess Center Dr Eager buyers read the S350 rrn. 53§-711!~ Owner Agent 675 2373 OCEAN breetes, Jog or carpets, drarws & wet· Irvine. CA 92715 Classified ads every no.8598 bike to beach Lite. brite to 7·1. SSOO mo. Call ,.~ • classified 12) lbr collages . or ___ . fum.rmforbusy work Answer Ad 1'612, S255Mo-PrivateoHice bars 39'·41•asqft Call 642_5678. Coeds\\ouldlo,etopart> day If lou ha\'e $.'115-bch, S385See mo. 12 blkA t1o Lido baybfrontb. on the mg person Pool, ,. ac 642-0I0, 24 hrs parltin~/ki't~h•n•UA s~c 64£4463, Mon-F);I 8 5 I • "1th > ou Le'tlle or Equal Opponunit) something or sale. re· -~nagAr p l 2 2 l ' " "' " S > I\ 1 a a n\ t 1 mu Employer M F H ach tham rasl and 1n°x. .. ""' " · "a er r. a. ne\\ } ~fature. clean. neat, sta Pror. woman w H.S 18600 ain St.Hunt Be llOO sq fl 2 uHices. ------• · ' · .. • "D at l22 7lh~t. H 8 decor · frpk. S97!i mo ble. resp "up" type Senior needs F to share Daily Jantr All util pd o head door. frqrn & re 761 !Kl36 • I -~ive!i. callll42·S67L. DaUXE 2 IR I IA yrly lease 413 Via Lido Nonsmoke. nondrlnk COM ocea nside $400 + Avail. now !<714)848·3133 arentry. frwy close . top ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~. I mi Beach, frplc. enC'I Sou d I ups lair s I TV. kit. pnv Refs 5300 '1. Penn 800·252·7796 -~· 675·6251. gar, dishwasher, blt·ms. 67~J?.83.67S·35St -incl. ut1ls 631·2288_ --u..-4550 • • • srmke alarm. balcony 2Br. 28a twnhse. gara11e NB Room. p\I bath. F~lc~w+o.2S:iJ1~~r~1~i 1 • H u NB11J'H~ TON ::::::r................ • 8•DAY WEEK SPECIAL e Water pd $46.5 before 8 ~ opnr. sm pauo. S4i5 k1tch pm Non smoker. 545-1473,955--0900 IOIOS/FS.lte Garage for rent on PM 893-0465 _ rro 642·4387 S275_6;!,!. 72L5 I , * 3 Priva(e O(flces Balboa Pen next to Fun I • THE \VHI FFLE1'R EE 3Br. 2.Ba. frplc. sm patio. L.arge attractive room. DANA POINT Sh are • •2 Starr Areas Zone <IO'~x20• 21. Sl50 I • 8 Days • 3 Lines • 8 Dollars 1·2·3 Bdrm Apts. Gym. garage w opnr. $600 mo stead 1 ly em pl 0 ye d house available now I • • Wetbar ~ 673-2943, 673·3930 • • Spa, Sauna. pool. tennis. ~2-43117 ~erson 40 years + Bill I Available now-1st Floor RV. boal, auto storage I Its easy to place your 8-0ay Week Classified by mall and 1t • etc.846-06l9 -.. Large 2 bdrm. 2 ba cpts. eferences.with or 831-1257,496-2969 I Calll714)848·3133 Fenced. secure $30 mo • costs IUSI $8 -thats only a dollar a day• To Qualify for this MARINERS WALK walk-in closet. nr ocean ;;:l~1 kitchen pnv Share 4 Br home btwn HEWPOITllEACH Costa Mesa.64S·IS66 • special offer you must be a non-commercial user offering • Lrg 2 Br Townhouse 5650-~~·8190 - ---Bay & Ocean .. Avail 1st AIRPORT: Custom of-R_.. W..ted 4600 • merchandise for s ale up to $800 per ad and the price must e Apartment. Frplc , 38r)•early Nearb~ach Male roommate needed fjl~26:f/afl6PM . I rices.600 to l800s.q fl ....... ••••••••••••••••• T enclsd gar. patio. Near ~ ror 2 br house in CM No Fr 90' perstr • be in your ad he cost stays the same whether your ad •.• Hunt. Harbour. Children $725 Pla)'a R E drugs please $190 + Spectacular vu, sec. gate. ~"h RI . 0 2960 REFINED lady lo shr ottss75 mo 840.6807 _ 6731900_ _ 646-1_~-pool. ;ac SJ45 mo u an ty.5-4 · w same WALK TO • needs eight days selhng time or 1ust one • e 1-.-------1 -+hskno, 760-9301.__ BCH. 720--0375 New. nr Hunt llaTbour 1• Room to rent in Newport ~ • 2bdrm, 2ba, frplc , S6SO ON THE BAY Beach. Female, Nwpt Bch 3Br execuplan Couple desires furnished • Use one word in each box About 4 words make one C do f apt or home rental • 846-4360. _ 754-t56lor673·4§~ on· urn. non · BalboaBeachareaJune • class1f1edlrneoftype Min1mumad1s31ines Please print WALK TO REAL'll Luxurious. open 2 On the beach. Nwpt orn srroker. 5295 mrl. util. "A._._,. ___ ..... Bachelor s to\ e & bedroomh1deawayo,·er new 2 br. S400 mo Don 631·0815. Sat Sun f\il~~sfom ~f~ ~~~~e/T~~~~: • plainly • refnge Gas & \\ater IPoolktnhl! Newpor~ Ba )& Call John,645·3853 &-6. --otfice&deskspace Az.85719. • • paidSJOOmo_~·7979 us carpeting ----Lidolsle.M Fnon smkr I r -----------------------------..., l drapes enhanct this one Beaut. \'U rm . steps to SJSO/mo ,, ulll. Nr. O.C. Airport , • 2 Br, 1'2 Ba, 2 story con or a kind upstairs unit bch. Tennis & pool. Kit. 675·9449 ··SeetoAppreciate!" li11llleu/ht•Ht/ • I ~ do. S500 mo Bryan which is also graced priv. Ulll & phone incl. 759·8978 ....Ce • I ~ • (714 )995·6766 wkdays with Damsh fireplace. _$l"JO_.~·~ __ Fmlewantsroommateto --------··••••••••••••••••••••• 1213l924-4040messgs spactOUS deck. mirrored ~................... 4100 share F.V Condo. frplc. ...U.U • I ~ • " 2 B 2 Ba I 2 B wardrobe door & picture """"""'•••v.,..,.. washer/dryer. priv. ba. ..wp()IT lliCtt "'--..._ 5005 I ~ • ,,ew r . a so r windows orrering a ....................... gar 963-9584, wkends. & •ruLLSE:RVICE• ~ • tll~~~~'n ~~b.2224!~le panoram1r view or the SEAL.Uk MOTa 5S7·SOOOX:.>6, wkdays. M ~c:t fret :\;;;;ta·t~";i~h·S~O~OOO • I S 1.00 • frpl. central \'ac, w D Ba)'! F'or ~poinlmenl Wkly rentals now avail. MtF 4 BR hse, Newport •SUites rom $49 cash to join me m ran I hkup, wet-bar, 846·9501. fleasecall ~on thru Fri ~~! ~~ r~~r JJ4 Shores, near beach, •Bran~rf~~~=mo. tastic opportunity. I • I 10.60 • 9:»s loS pm Bl d · C 1 pool, & tennis. W ID . have a company con-• ARLINGTON APTS 17141720.2473 ~~~rl v --~ ~~~tif~~go. S3SO + tract lhal reqwres I day • ! 13.20 • Spacious. quiet 2 br. I', HIWPORT CIHTEI per wk worl< This is • , • - batwnhse.Adultsonly. Clirr Haven.2i;-lba,..,.Ho•••H 4175 Shr2br/2ba apt, Lag. bc: ...... Offfct buying & selling I 1580 • No pets. Nr the beach. new crpt fresh paint ••• .. ••••••••••••••• .. • Bch. ocean vu. terrace. services & products 3rd • • gro..8656 frplc eat ;n kit. No pets' 8>ard & Care for ladies ~. 4S4-6l09, 493·2308 500 to ~1t. Avail•· ~~i~~ obrusi!:1ae~~v~8 C~~ e II Add $2.60 for each 1ddltlon1l llne for 8 times • 1"99 --3144 '600.002134 ---roooroa:~l::e ~:~7:~~1r~~ F to shr Laguna Beach bleforLease 956-JM& or 720-1145. ask f I I C M home. Nonsmkr, refs. Call Wm.F.Cote for ... -.J-1 ... lles. • I I • ....................... Versailles bachelor con· or specia peop e. · · $290 97·3017 rt 2 ..., ~ "' WALNUT S9UAR• do. Walk to beach. 642-348l -'4 a . pm. forrmreinformation Natural Food. Prime • I • 2 bdrm. SGSO. very ·nice Outstanding amenities, YOCGliot!R..tah 4250 In Nwpt. N;n·Smk!ng *Cote Realty Balboa Pier loc Owner • Publish my ad for 8 days starting -• with laundry room and compl sec. S485 mo fem only. ool, qwet. •· Jnv-lm•nl !.'!x2810 10 uAs._.make orr. enc garlM&-3873 833-3209 ........... •••••••••••• @total. 631·3526 w ""' '"' u•.r •n C • ---OCEANFRONT 2 & 4 Br. 640-S17T e lassification Mt..,.,. lead llH BAY FRONT CONDO _ Avail. now. Weekly thru Fem 18-.30 to shr lg 3Br, • ........... -------------------• ....................... Lg 2Br, 2Ba. se.c. bldg. summer.673-7873. ~shl~oln ~~·h:fr~ 0,,ort.lty 5015 ·• Name _______________________ _ Jbr,w/garage,lndryrm, $795 mo. Avail now PalmSprlngsareaCMon· 5411.a1117 KOUIRVIMI ....................... ·• Address • pd utils. Nwpt Hgts. Adults preferred. terey CC) condo 3 BR 2 . . 1 n vest or I s Wan · • ~.645·62641.494·0395 .675-6175 Ba . furn. w/atrium. Female w 1 ch 1I~ will l~S'lPAlK ted·Sl0,000 total or • Golf tennis oa ily shatt my home 1n H.B. a.oo sq. . total. 900 sq. 10.$1,000. 20':t" 2 yr. loan • City z j p Phone e lkz(s-• ltedl lt40 I ...... • ltec:ll ll40 weair & monthly rates S275 / mo Ca 11 eve fl. deluxe ornce. 1500 sq. pay. int. only mo . <200'1 .............................................. avai . 714 ·558 ·8001 714/9Q).2836 It.warehouse. sec.) PLUS 2007r Dep. • Check O(M.O. enclosed 0 • 9·SPM, ask for Mark. 3 BR 2ba house with all c:o.ifty to lrtn write-arr PLUS 25"< Tax • ·Kenn ebunkport ? Didn t 'he win the Noncxo Grand Prix in ·rn ~ro~ If you " not SUl'f who (or what) Kennybonkp()rt was. don't ftel bid-you l'f not ak>ne. Keflnybunkport.1s one of 14 dlstlnctJvtly different apartment noofl)lans at Seawind VIII~ 1n HU11tmgton Beach. Seawind Vinage 1s a result of touuy personalii«I prof sonai ~ The kind of attention you deslrvt. A perfect blend of nat\.lre and IMng- ntStled in a forest with blt>bling brooks and quiet ponds. cooled by natural ocun brtfles. Add to tNt tenniS l'OUrts. SW1mmtng pools. 1.JXUUJ and a convtrntnt loQtlOn nNr SllOpping and employment and you·Yf OOt a plu anyone would prOUdly call riome. (E't'tn KennybunkpOrtl) One and rwo Ded10om. one and rwo bltll ·-~;i -~onV1111gt 15555 IU'icinglon Vlll9t ln tUlmgton llled\. CA (114) ....... , f!Ulll trlt San Ollgo ,,_.., eM llClftll on lllctl tD .,...., '*' .... OI\ ..,_ 1IO...,-. 111111 ............ .._10/M'd-. Murumth 3 bdrm condo. amenities. Non.smoker, (714)7Sl·4160 Cttdit PLUS 5~ or bUSI· •• Charge my ad to·. • $225 +\t util. Days "OU.C .... ll ness net. Call Bill &SllO/::.~ 832-476:!z !Ye& 83&·515'7 " mni 75i-~ ~ PALMSPRlNGSTAN! asldorl\00. Eleean~~tea In Need equity share • 0 L -' # Exp. • 1 Br, den Condo. Mtn, Housemate wanted, preall1lou1 toe. Incl pa~r wt/$2.Sof,OOOC Mtobuy • • pool vu. Newly furn. family atmosphere lo secretarial, recep· X·wue au · ·con· • 0 • # Exp . • 125()/wk. 110/d1y. Avail. Newport Beach, near Uonllt, telephone ans ' do.631-91.27 Bill eves. 3-22. (714)551-4255. beach and community Ol)l'e. Ofcs from $436 MolllyteL.e. son • ... CC p 1 ~.h_S300 a month. DI). On-call ofc1 $1'5 o••••••••••••••••••••• • L---------·---------------------...onterey , a m 7Sknsl mo . THE HEAD . ..._ _______ ! ' • Deaert. 3 bdrm, well QUA RTERS COM·... • r·-----··· WE 'LL PAY THE POSTAGE ·······-··-··· fumbypool condo. Avail F tow 2 br. 2 ba apt, flANlES: A profeulonal • •, ( +11111 I NO POST.GE , I, • for Marc h . S1500. C.M.$2.50/roo. + \ll uUls. environment. (114 ) P£1SON " 1-~anvtlme. m-56121.ft.6. &sl•l • I , I ·- MAUl Hawlll, ocean· Rooaumte, non·1mkr for IUSNSS ADDUSS TO I N:CESS~~y : • , ~f ro~~k.12 bbr~~t'. ~~a1.1 t~~1.Nc~prt~f1~ An1wtrlna-1s m a ll PERSON • !. 1 1:~1~E ~. Ult...... 1trvlee~ conference e ~ •re tt ·• ...,,._ oc • 1 -UNITED sr .. s u ... ,.. room. A . Airport. Don't Dul with a ...... SW. 000 9lt ccndo, ocn •lew, •3 poo/mo. 14/IS1·1M2 BUSINESS REPLY LABEL " ••••••• .... • .. ••••••••• N.8. + muc~1.. much ~ M~M • m>re •mo "' A Ju I h ·a • w i -Larte3 Br. Condo on The · · • PA.ClllC PLAli ~ w F11tn CLASSPEllMIT NO u cosu ~U•. C•L1Fo11N1A • Bhtra bayvlew to shr Reap. tem. to ehal'e Old Spellilb llaCJ,!nda LIMDll • a -- w/prof. Womi n who Eatlbluff cond~1 NB. Mtt.lnc. 90014. ft. ( .. UJ ..,ynex_pefrenct • ! llOSTAOE WlL IE PAO ev •OOMSSEE 5 • =,~: ~: turn. =:='!). Tert =•iv.t~1~,~;.r~~: ·11t•2;'o~u'P •: =.~ Olrel9l•ICoJ11Pt D,··1"atY Pilot --i ·. ·:. Hieatt. a+ wanted by QW«remaieto1ba.re 112 vlew 0i~~:n;,aft 9'1cl~._,..,, prof. female w/furn. bdnnut.lllO Callafttr 1 ~ cupeUna' A/C, ,.,_,....,...._ Look to••ther, beach 1.MWlll Wildel • Jai.iOrial Ill· s.tUftdbf a~boor ... Ptande: at.Olli: Rmmte 1br nu Condd dudld..CoD..mtntloe•· reaJ•ptl'IOealproperty • I 1011-..A -. • e.2118. c.•. DOD 1mk, W/D. ••l.nutlt,Coata ...., r»11tolllrldbo110,r,z~ =~ me11111 ""'"gUtfHm. ..._..._... e , 1 330 W. lay It , I • , Qt oa le a tn1u. -lrviat Alrpor& Utt. 11um1· C t u-.... ... ca.,_.,... • "581ft.t, rem roo•••fl for '""·alee .men 11 11 • • 01 I.,.._, "'!avaw · -,._to 111r I br ...,_. Ml.au.I Pn•atorJ ~ ~~· 0,.1 1: ... :111 • I -• • dllit ...... N.1. ij6 ft. Vtlla ... ea •in, ~.l!liLIHil:: -~.iii. ........ ,.,.. ,ltfl!-.: -~-' -. ' -L~.•••···-··············,···,······-·-=-.,.··= I \ - -------11,; ......... ;, c.,.es... ...... .....llnlut ..... ,. ,..... ,...., ........................................... ~·· ................................................................................................................................................................ . P'otboutall~ .. need to lu1ow Sbampoo 6 •team dean. SllNa ClHnlA& Special. TrteTrim6 Ramo val DemoUUod-Or1dln1 EXPf:R. PRl:PAR!R c.t.f~ WALLPAPERl.NO '"u~-~STG Al.L~!>_. a -ia tc , nil Color briiltttntn wbt lA"'1on t mlnl bUnd.t Home ln 'l'relllport. t..phalt con· Enrolled lo J>ractlct 25 ~ 1 .. 'd b d d LI A ~ 11aran-n 11 C11U • 10 mln. bleach. c leaud. Ca II now ,.,. eou_ crttt ' t,.. rem0v11. bdon Lhe JRS. Quality ~·~. R~r.~ Color C:r,..Ma.081s~unta :n Alf• J N0-1217 ....... ~· Uvtdln. r~ SIJ : or~ Rototllliof , cleanup, Soll P,.JI • plaoU.11~. ·24 ex .ea.-OIUDil' wallcovcrinp fo'rtt tat Cul&omC.ramlcTUe ••••••••••••••••••••••• nl ~.~~·r ~b Dry-.. haUliu, odd Jobi. Fret ·~m"f.·Comm I FA.ST ·ACCURATt NELSONSPAINTING RodMa.5800 Prom~ffrv Frett1l e I SON Pf'tOdor ctpt repair ........................ •· 41i.5141 btflam, art ' I. • 1tltOfne tauervlc:t·)'our lot/Ext Resld/Co mm ,...,.._... C uc:k 97~1408 liiee iM7 ts yrs 'exp. Do work DRYWALL/ACOUSTIC HAUUNG-.tlldeat has hotN b a.Rl)t. _MUl2l Ac:ouatlc: c:eiUnp. Ref a, ....................... etramlc: tile It marble lft. AddlUona tmodelln1 _myself, Ref•. Nl.0101 14 yruxp. J'\ally llc'd It HAWM&/CLUMUP lie tN:k. Loweat rate. Ptrlonal ' BualneH lo· Uc:'d. Free est. 837·2637 •BRYANT'S• at~llation at aenalble Doon,willdow•.patlo NoSte m/N Sh · 532•5541 COUf.·TM·Ya~araae Pronlpt.CaUT!ll-1'78· come Tax Retusn IN'T/!XTPAINTING W1Jlooverln1RcmoV1l R!lc.fS.8ob615..:..SCM1 __ coven. Frffeat. Reas. StalnaSpec:i~li.•~~~ 9'drictll • · re air 83l.o322 ~you, John. Pre~ratlon. Avail ror Quality work. Reas. All a. 842-U.3 Trtt 5wftct Uc. t l 549·2170 dry. Free est. 839·1512 ....................... & • John s f11t movln& • Eventn11 It Weekend Of. Freent. Steve 547·428! .....,./I...&. ••••••••••••••••••••••• FINE HOM! ELECTRICIAN -priced -1 I h11ll101. Tree/yd/gar. fl~ or Home Appoint· BOO O G -r-•Ex-rt Tree Prunln&• IMPROVEMENTS c.,.t/U19ll1le ... t ri&ht free eellmale on ....................... Cln·!.!P. Free eat. 842·•59'7 ~ntl. J1mo1 L. Zlm· DAN V PAINTIN ....................... Com°"merc:ial Landscape Addlt10«11,Remodellna ....................... larteoramall joba. TRACTOR, Ideal fo.~ U di Ill n n.C A 84H212 16)'l'l'0.C.~quallty. Neatpatche•fll1.1xtures rvlees 9S?·l388 ~~~ cdMe. NewYl''1Specl1l!Crpt Uc.#*4121 813-0359 ~dellKaceeu areu,d41 1 11 • I .._-T~P-p Nea~ .• ~~C:9,;,,0_.501 .. .;0 fnult... Hl·lfil "-mpl••·Tr"e"-rvl- 1 D al ~· cleanin.1. Scotch WI ubota ald=oa er. ....................... --.... ....."""'u--....... "'"' " ~ u o our a y.,"' uard ....._ t 972 ... ..., LIC'DELECTRICIAN hr •-·'d •~.. WaataREALLY CLEAN Year round klna. Sml ------PLASTER PATCHING Cen'lc:ln·up4ilrri1. Sttvlce Directory • neeea · ·-Qual. work . Reas. rates ·.,.. · ..... HOUSE? Call Glnaham business & personal QUU~d JRT~ INTFr/EXTt BA!stucc:os, lnt tex.t 30 Lawn renov. 531·0914 Representatlvt 11 u.ww c....t/C.C,... ~eerat. 131·5072To m H•IJ•• Girl. Freeest.6'5·5123 fUl&!\c:e. 962.Jll~ __ <' .~ ~s. !~es · ..}'.!!;._Neat. Paul_S46-~71 -- 64J.1671,td lJ2 Uc:. 113498112 770·6554 ......... ,,.,.......... TOP QUALITY"' ...................... , ROBlN'ScLEANING FEDERATED 1146-1067 MR.. ED'S PLASTERING Trwt.,... -lllliillilililiil.lliiiiliiiii•I M CftUSTI. R~ll). CONCRETE t ELECTRICAL WORK ~~'!.try p. Ml aaob~ry Service-a t.horouahly Income Tax Service Quallty Ptg. Low winter AJJ Types Int or Ext ••••••••••••••••••••••• llCHALI ~ Spart c:owts. Uc:. 3'14067 Reas la 53 5055 l\UU!lwl • um ID& lean boot 831.4871 ra~es in effect. Honest. 645..a258 •f'ree eat DELINQUENT' Acea• tla:; Cuttom bome1, tram· Jk>b851-1986/847·7078 · ra · 1· Drywall · St~co ·Tile c: e. 540.0857 reliable. 848,5648 ----Judlc11I Foredosures ....................... Inf, remodel, Freneh Con t tf & R~lD/COMM 'L/IND Remodel. 1.8.544>9990 TopQuallty/Reaa.R1te1 Mm•r PAINTERNEED~ ........ , Harold~.Ml·l~r1athf.aq. P/R Qtrlie&·Fin. Stmts dooin, 1kyli1ht.s ' patio ~re eu:ud ID~ ' re· 20 yn u~. Do my own General Maintenance Pref. bachelor homes ••••••••••••••••••••••• WORK! 30 yrs exp. tnt/ ••··~··•••••••••••••••• --°" Compl.Sel·up•Serv. cnven.IMB-3652 Pl (~>63 .;J cov· MXt..Uc:d.Al646>8126 Repain,Dec:oraling (2U)43Mt07 BRICKWORK : Smalr ext. Acousllcceilings Dramsc:learedfromSIO T~ Reas. 540·5134 ROBTSTEINBRONER. era. 1 · G.•111 g •Quality• Ray84().5144 I will clean your home as jobs. Newport. Costa Davis Pa1t1ttng 847·5186 Plumbtnll Reprurs ...................... . Have c:alc:ulalor, will GEN'LCONTRACTOR Cle•, Sef"Ylcn ....................... m v own. D•rendabl•. Mesa, Irvine Refs ------ft"reeesl M&M 642·9033 R .... •· I t-.. Jtlll U 21 HOME IMPROVEMENT ~ .. "' 67•317• College student 1 yrs ex -----e. .. tnl •re a cv 5 5• travel ! AIJ acctg serv c:. ·~ 645·6456 ....................... TREES REPAlR·PLUM BING reasonable. 85 ·90~ .,. ., per. lnt/exl. refs. Dana flropttty M•191•..t Credentialed •. exp. car· Call for appl, 160-7122. ....., ~lei t Exper couple with ref. Topped/removed,. dean Hu tang. carpentry' Quality. Dependable CUstom Bnck, Stone. 646-18111 (keeptrym"' ...................... , Ulg. Spec1allz111g grades ........... I would like olrice bldg to I 7 •• I UJ Fr t N Call p •· B b "'···ld" Blocki.,_Concrete, Stucco ---~ -r 1 thr4 ~-7779 ....,..._. Custom c rpentry , cleaneve.S54-665S awnrenov 51· ... 78 eec:, e. ee es . o amcs o uw &<•l. rT Bishop&SonPaintmg ... _, llTY ••••••••••••••••••••••• decks & patios. J .S. v•·DLan ..... a,,.. Mat'nt. iobtoosrnall. 645·2811 673·1012 Reis. ee Est. 9·9492 , 30 · B h ..., ....... ~ ...... ., ... T Pm ale Tutor to teach AU.STATE PAVING Qlnst. Co. Top quality Cantvvt-G...,.., ""' ~ ... ,... yrs exp. 10 eac '"""'"Awl:ll"lm bas Fr b R Sealroaling . Striplne1 work . Lie 380801. •••• ~:.::.......... Resld/Comm. Clean.up Ra Y, s Hand Yin a n CLEAN-UP MASONRY amt. Free est. S48.t029 Oran•e Co. area. 15 yr~ ee!an ~~~ l~av~fs:~~: Repairs.Comm./Resrd. Bonded. Free est. ADD'NStREMODELING LtHaulln ·543•2499 !:f:~;·,r~~:r,i;.~r:s Kitchens, bedrooms. JZ..H/.._ftUS~lli PETERSPAIMTIMG :~r~~:Sce Callformfo venienceorlonger term Uc:. 11397362 645-8111 55N511 • Plans. Lic:'d. George Landsc:.apinJ·Yd Clnups yrsex .... r ....... H..... garages· wbatev~r! Mo-a... 10 yn exper. int or ext cu., ... I•, ror study or literature. -----Pilmer&Sons,557-61932. Treetnm.£xpertmalnt. -~ ....,......., ArecentUnlveraatyorll •-,, 552·04.58 ..Di~ _.,. Call Answer Ad 11622. Driveways, Parktn' Lot C.,..ttt" REMODEL/ ADD·ONS Jim &51·0129 Cp\try, Hm ~rs. drwl. linois c;oUeae &raduate .. >:H•••••••••••••••• ••••• p • RoofincJ 642-4300...._M hi!:_ __ _ RepSTs~sa~~~r:mg. ••••••••••••••••••••••• &Carpentry Lic'd Mowing n o SIS S20 pntng, rnt rx -up . hasdec:adedtobecome a . CMOVIMG-~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• T...-.."'--I LkG3l-4l9S CHAR RENOVATING 2Syrs. lrwiii 548.2719 Haull~g/ Dumping: yrdwr'k. reas. Jerry, California millionaire ~c_:.ear!ful 552·0410 ....................... Rf~PAIRSFOR LESS ,,.....,.-....ct Compl. Int/ext & boat SIH20. 154·9904, 955.0095 ~3395 by HdARhD WOoodRK. She " MOVl .... G StHANri ~INGd.SlO/ROLL Shingles, flat. 30 yrs ..... •••••••••••••••••• Res/comm. Sealcoal re-doc:ks.25yrs. 845-3749 COMM'L/RESio: Mark Ben's Malnlenanc:eServ. ~lrea y u a g start •-I " * 1pp1ng. iscon paper exJ>. Free est. 710.2725 SAME DAY TYPING pairs, resurface. Free FINE FINISH WORK Rermd.·Add'ns·Repairs Pl 111 your area and can Top Qua lit~ Special VlSA/MC 645·9325 , Service now serving est. 64.5-4269 evs/wknd Reroodeling/Doors hung Very reas. Lie. 390250. Res id I comm t l n d us. Pai:!~~lel'C~~~f~~l provide TOP references care In hand in11. as yrs UC P PER H NGER Huber RooOng.all types local businesses! Will Rand CdM Jack H. Bennett. Jr. Malnli... clean.ups. tree -"""' (for straliht people). exp. Competlt.ive rates. · A A . N,ew·recover·decks. ..P!~~ & del. 556·2724 -'.M--Y 72Q·l.260. Gen. Conlr. 552·9142 trim. n ee est. 641·1096 ~ndable & Honest. Averaoe . S45 per week No~ertime. 730-1353 Bonded & guar. No Job Lie J41180'..! 548·9734 ..,,__,. Cab' .... c l l p ... a Udo l fH • toosmallorlo>large. --Typing.resumes. term •••• .. ••••••••••••••••• Ill"'"';. oun er O{>S. All · 1 & "'"' 1 any ypeo ome SSO every two. weeks. SfARVINGCOLLEGE Freeest. Tony"n8.2728 ROOF'LEAK?H?~•• pa""rs. dissertations. AGCRF.SSIVE LEGAL Doors, ureenhouse wm · construction. uge lml{:rove~nts. F-rurth•rdelaals, "all STUDENTS MOVING --°"--"·· .. rtnghl & Son ,.., D-· L r d Fi i h k small. Disc to Sr. adults. Clean.ups, Tree Trim "' ... ~ .....,.. word processing. Reas •KO,.resentataon. awo ows, n s wor . Wayne539·7112 Maint.Resld /Comm 'I. easonable.554-4454 THEllOOMSQUAD CO.Lic.l!T124·436. 111EPAPER.HANG ER Roofing rates L.P . Orrice fices, 24 hrs. ~H422 754.4420 -Amie 548·8414 673-3121 Insured. 641·8427 Prof., quabty work f"ree F..llt. 5116-ma Sen icrs. Sf8-11AA· labylfffilMJ • Custom spa decks . C....WoodwortiilM) ....... WATCHUSGROW1 Freeesl. St~veS4H2.81 , ••••••••••••••••••••••• patios, Fr. doors. Lic'd. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Expert . Reasonable ••••••••••••••••••••••• Sc.~~vian ~oman STARVING ACTORS __ ,QUALITY ___ S..._ffftg wi.dow Ci..ilM) Babysit, ou. r CM homes. I John or Rick 979·3218 CU~OM HARDWOOD Gardenlngtc:leao·ups, DUMP JOBS W1 usec: eaning MOVl NC COMPANY Pape ng1P l g ............................... -. ................ .- yr& up, anytime. Bob's ea..-nlry·r•mod. ~tenm:s.bars.~nUes.. Tnmrrun . om631·i8~ &SmallMovlngJobs 548-6027 Fast & Careful Lowest Freeest Janr;'h~~02:ll BUDGETRATES L1r:t1 "LettheSu.nshin.eln" .,,... "' libraries cabinets Jess'· Gir! · d CallM IKE6461391 H .i...IMI---Lowmm SmlJobsOK CallSunshineWintlqw M2·8482, 646-5759 repair No Job too small b k · · · "5 8 en1D., , · Gms.MNiiJ Rates Law Allows M C Wallpaper rontractor & 1-heesl Ins 641 7581 Cleaning. Ltd. 548-8853 . . Ref fi-eeest 839-629? • oo rases. skyhtes. Clean·ups reetrim HAULING & DUMP ••••••••••••••••••••••• Visa Lie/Ins 573.0853 p . C ----Lic-d rrother will car~ for · · c:ust. molding Refs &maant. serv. 54o.so35 1 1 JOBS. ask for Randy, Avatl. Mar 20th, reliable r..w.g--amung. Lac 328240 0 . ., __ __.__,_.. ., __ 1 2Q'", Monthly Discount your todd!er Mon·Fr1. lg r....-6 Sef"Ylce 646-0002 adlt.s Ref 23 yrs Gar} Gompf _............ .. .-..-•CH -·yd nulnllous meals -,..... JClll••M G ... !Mr 641-8427 · · 494-4366 ....................... •RFSIDENTIAL• s.S.5313 . ·-w;c;.;;<;p·(cie•;;;r~ .. lkG'inl and selling at a F'teeest Ken 839·~ a.EAM ur YOUI ACT 64G-l286 i.1;·.;;r;;~;·b;•it;c·h;;; Expert wallco venng in Office Set'Yices ~g 6,~; =~g 2 sty l..oving1 exp'd Mom will Steam clean & ~Is. ru.sooable pric:e·tbat's GARDENING TODAY ! Yard/garage SEU. Idle itema with a Sinor Lie. ms 13 yrs of stallaLion. Reas pnces. ~lllg, secretarial babysit newborn to 3 yrt Truck rrounl unit wbat classified is all & LANDSCAPING ctn.up, etc. 1 ton truck. Daily Pilot Classified happy local customers.· Consultant Assignment _k~tn..&...64_4·~ WANT ACTION! old.C.M.556-2724 _'Work uar. 84>3716 about.642-5678 Ja . Geo.545·7072 $30.631-1993 124hrs> Ad. Thank you ~410 !!1-8500 WantAdResulls ~ ClassifedAdsM2·56'18 tWp W-.cl 7100 ~ Wcmhd 7100 Hlfp W..ttd 7100 HICp W..ted 7100 oWp W..t.cl 7100 Help W..ted 7100 Http WGllted 7100 Help W•ted 7100 ... WGllted 7100 Help W•ted 7100 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• AIJl'OMOTIVE I Clerical. part time CUSTOMEISHVICE General LEGAL.SECRETARY Mechanic, MB Exper & * LOTMEMI Banking IOOllCHl'H F/C $3.SO/hr. Up to 10 hrs13r COORDINATOR Orange County firm hir· 2 openings. I temp. ap· SECRETARY /RECEPTIONIST foreign ma de. Vol vo, Cbevyd~aerorrersfull ME'WACCOUMTS Positioow/Npt.Bch.ln· ~No exp d . neededtoprocessaUor· lngtoriU~positio~sin · prox6wks.1P'T .. cur Want•TopJobll" Te'~mun1e·a•u.ns?. BMW & Mercedes . or tiart·Ume permanent COUNSELOR v es t m e n t F I r m . -ders & communications •Sec:retanaJ...•DeUvery rent II Ligation ex per req. I\ l'C\Mlll uv 558-0193 Jl!>Sl~ions to youths to ~S· f'ULLTlME Responsible For daily ror our di.stricts & dis· •Distribution ... •Recep· Noo-smkr Nwpl Center. sisl in th!! body & service Experience prererre<4 financialtransact1ons & Front~~l~~~onsull· tri bu tors on major tioo.i.st. .. & other posl· 7oo.8866 _ * * BORED? * * ~~al A13i1~ depts,. 1n varied. 1n ror our Huntington Comruterized G/L's .. Fi Ned equipment & ac· lions. LEGAL SEC y Part T1"me Full T1'rne7 w l 1mile . ay Stter00esung tasks. See Mr Beac:hOffic:e Ana ytical minded :~phon":·pe~so:aV~~80£ cessories. Responsible STAITINGAT Newport Cente'r reul • • ~;m!;/l;g~~;tfo~o~~: eat Contact·J~hnJune ~rson. Expr. Required. typing skills, willing to for processing all orders estate litigation ,firm W e need 30 te l e phone re · \anc emenl Salary HOWARDChenolet 848·0111 ll64(}.0l23 learn busineu FJT. fram rec:eipttocomple-$11600 needs very exper'd ceptionist/secretariestoserviceour negotiable Dove/Quail Sls. Diglish must be first lion. foUow up back or· Legal/Exec Sec')' Xlnl _ 7~·6300 NEWPORT BEAClf C'"fQRNIA CAFETERIA. mature Ian ua e.642·8444. ~a~~~~n~av~an~ I sttpolnrtgh. adnidctaaphmonuest& cp~~r~~ ;r~ ~ a't ~a \·nmd~•ds it cr a,. al ·, '"'----AtrrOMOTIVE NJ Fmle.part-time. perma· minimum of 2 years "" He~Delnry s~'"!~:,~" FmERAL !!:.:~J:~tlli:06~j.44~ ~~k n~:·th~~:tio~~ ~u:f!':.r ~.~;~cea e!: MQ':.~IC. Sa~~GE:·1:·::: ~~~~er:~s~!::~ t~~~c~~~~~sou~ Mt~~ :J:i::Jl~~ UnUmited opportunity. Scrt._&Lo. aft.6Eves. booth. Exper. helpful good communication' <maomelleldlf has openings for clerks accounting systems!! v.eek .s 4s 8441 or &Tei: t~r=~~~ 11u~~~ng~:C'i,~ ·cA CAI IEHT AL AGT ~:! n"fn~~~U-~C:: ~ ~U:ke~oy~ Fav~~&:!i~red. _1c_models __ ,_S48-6444 c .M fledlle!!.fick Your OWn H1urs ~1413-- auto sales experience 92647 f\illtime. F1ex1ble hrs 6GIZ10 ing worltinc with people. l714t!64:5l54 M,::4,~~/~~~·e;t~~~I lf9UllWS MURSEIY SALES necessary but sales ex Equal Opportunity • Experience preferred • ! 65wpm. 10 tey by null. l7l4!S3l·9200 l. ~90 tested wpm typing speed L.ookang for personable. perience preferred Employer Pleasecall,557.0182. Colledions Our office will be ~LOfftCE 2 M t h le sa t 0·ce & neat energeuc person 1beodore Robins Ford · oc:atlng to Tustin Shari>aggreaslveperson Mamtenance · us ave P a n v 1 able to grov. v.ilh a well Call Tom Aiken al C ... LDCARE CREDIT COLLECTOR Apnll.1982.Pleaserep· f~Myt'Olltractor's or O•Slte manner established Co Min I GC2-0010fordeta!J!.:. 8.1rber Styhst wanted to Seeking someone lo needed for Mfg eom. 1 IY .in c:onndence to Mr. rue. Typing . hllnf. I Maintenance position !:~ust be able to read·listen·speak )'r retail nursery selling ---------i work in Laguna Beach rome into my home a pany 111 Laguna Niguel F'ranlt Parker: phones· F IT C & a vai I able Newport &: type al the same time exper req'd F time salon. good en\' iron· few days a week for •P· Previous experience re· T~ M .. c.. s.48-5541 --Beach Area. Send re """"" Starting salary Sl.000 to IAIYSITTEI mPnt. 5 days a week prox 4 hrs per day lo quired. Long term as· frr'--sume lo 18001 Sky Park Ex ll · Sl ,400 per mo. Pd Person needed lo meet Call494-8888. care for my 5 mo old slgnment. Call 752·9109 .... ·~ S Heir Stwht So Suite C. lr\'lne CA I I. ce ent CO'lnpensat1on holidays & vacations 6/yroldgirlaftersc:hool a; or· ---baby. Please C3ll l\arell ' ~rsoo~C~~~1~S ~~;. ~ :::0~:s~v5~ ~14Allenl~nSar_a 2. Fulltimeoroarttime • Hosr1lallzation IDS =~~~P~:!spk~e~vue~~ ~~~~ers to work m _641-1250 <213)6:.·5153. out ol your career Op MAICE A IUCK 3. Flexible ljours. choose your s hift ~~~ J~Yr~1~:t~~ua~~: day. Mon-F'ra MUST BE plush Ne~port Bea ch Cl.~IC"L/ ptys unlimited. If you ST••r HERE 4. Paid vacatio~s·holidays·medicaJ ab64&-7441 DEPENDABLE Must salon. High pa)'. gd _ A •1W011A~v 1111Vicu INC Dental Receptionist/ Of. are into haar r ail. ""' 5. Management advancement LLOYDS NURSERY_ live nr Stonec reek working conds .. rnnge GAL FRIDAY fice Manager. Xlnt pay 546-7186,askforGlori!_ The l..os Aniieles Times! nationally Elem .. Woodbridge. benefits. some chentele Assistant to ofrice Mgr. wtbenefits. N.B. omce. Housekeepers needed. is look1n l( ror well SAMf'USHIFTSCHIDUUS I rvl.na. Student ok . nrer ~6164. Typing, lite bookkeep-646-4868. groomed. enthus1ast1 c 8a 8 2p 2 ~ e:. --• II & b Comranion f'or elderly Some exp. nee. Call · people to earn up 10 8am·10am m·llam am·lpm l m· pm Ref 's. Pl ease call BeautySpace rental.uni· ing, pa yro us)' DentalorriceManager Anl!ie4926103Ext14S $4().$50perda vforafe.,. \2pm·3pm5pm·ipm6pm·8pm 552-0461after5 30pm. que decor. spacious ~~~~;s.cos~.m~onssut::tl~ ~:~;l :~PrMe ~~t:k: ~e:~· s"::~~rael!Vp~ 'r::~ I • -hours work as p time 6pm·10pm 6pm·lam Banking TB.LEI Ir you have at least I year ol experience as a Teller and you're look· ing ror more than just anocher ~b. consider a career with us. We are a major Savings & Loan, seeking appll· cants lo fill a run.time position. Duties will in elude Tellenng and New Acrou.nts We provide excellenl company paid benefits. including dental. optical and dependent COY· erage. ColMFoxat 770.7171 area. Super opportunity 'lh d l b'l'l l b 1,, Call · before 2pM sales rep Hour& are 7am·Spm 8am·5pm l2pm'8pm for rifhl person in a full "1 a ap a 1 1 Y 0 10 , oriented indiv. looking IMY84TOIY ASST. from 4pm·9pm & tram· .Spm·lam lam·9:30am sen ce salon . Call position. 40 hr week. 962'1843 ror a highly responsible Assisting In operations mg will be provi ded cann1coRN . Kelle Hannum.. 645·0662 Call: Mary Anne. btwn cooers ilSIST. position. Returning a ol Corporate mail/stock I Your earnings as ii KRI 9-124.9J.0935or831·0751 FllimeExp'oprer but high level or esteem. rooms . Deli ve ries , Ti~ssales rep will be TB.£COMMUtlCATIONSNETWOR• lll(f MECHANIC n 0 t n e c S 0 up 5 / Xlnt fringe benefits. operation or machines. based on a guaranteed 9 & Counter pe rson Ex· sandwiches Apply in Sl600 + incentive if shippint1 . receiving hourly wage or SJ.SO + 151-4600 pr'd. w local refs . C ERK person 3·5pm M·F quali0ed.63!.)490 Heavy Lif\ing mvoh·ed generous commissions p ID Salary depends on expr. L Gower St Restaurant. Dental Assistant Trainee. Exper. prer Fashion Smee thu is a nev.• pro· ersonne epartm ent Call 615-6510 Oceanfront 1000 Bnslol St North. $4/hr. 28/hr week, Mon· l ~la nd Invest men l gram opportunities for Wbetlworlts U you possess an ap. NewportBeach. Thws.642-7998. Firm. Call: 760·0501 . advancement are ex· MANAGER-APT MAIKmNG litude for math. have l:J0.5:30. cellenl Call now for Semi·retired couple for Join our mull! million IOATSHOW Homemakers. students. PT. temp help . Cashier. lirkel takers. parking attendant. etc Call Heather al 646·3963. ~S~l~nl & management Firm needs tnature, resp In-dividual to take charge ol accounting dept Incl payroll. AP/AR. gen'I ledger thru trial bal. & banldng for numerous acc:oonls. Contact Janet 833·3544 hadatleast6monlhs ex· COOKS DINTALASSIST. rro~ information about 18unit. Adults. in Nwpt dot I a r c 0 mp an> perienc:e as a <'ashier or Full or part hme Ex NEWPORT BEACH Uus great opportunity Maintenance exp req. Daversif)' your income bookkeeper with a cellenl benents inl'I ms IFYOU: Call Mon· Fri. 957·2361. _646-lBfil_ Want moli\•ated sharp ~h knowledge or & profit shanng Exp. * Are an experienced Toplac:eyourmessage ext 1204 MAMAGll menor womenformgml balancmg. you may be pref. but not nee:. Apply dent.a.I assistant. before tlle M iTe position.,. Set your own the one ror us we are a an person Coco's, 78 •Ar-e eager lo work in a rud.lng public, Ir you've never plal'ed a ature coup e lo 3 hours Fantastic in major Savings & Loan Fashion Island Square, rut· paced progressive phone Classified ad. you're In manage large· ~ uiel rome . No ~elhna re seek.:.n,fi a8J Individual N.B olfice. Daily Pllot the mlnonty! Try it once complex in Costa "esa uired. S46-670S " woo · uu..s.uppo •Have a friendly outgo. Classified', 642'-5678 and see how quickly you Salary + Apt. 645·3381 rl.WlrtionforourNewport Ing personality. 11et reauli.a. Phone 67~ Malhr Jewelff Beach Loan Service C.._r Sef"Ylce •Have a mature al· 642-5678. •--------1 SlO per hour Mu st have Unit. Duties will include R4 WI Utude. 5 years experience. balancing daily work, s'ft.'lr~WicY •Have good verbal Classified salespeople DesiJll. manufacture & reconc:ilement or reject· Challenging positions skills. know bow to say it repair jewelry. reshape ed checks and verifying exist in our Semlcondur· •Ar-ea non·smoker. right. Call us today at & restyle old jewelry. set c-t•t reports tors sa le• office ror • W o u Id enjoy a 642·5678 ror assistance & replace prec1ou~ or or· .,,...., · custome0r serv ice challenging c:areer. in placing and wording namenlal stones. Take We provide excellent representatives. Prior Pleuec:all~·059S. your ad for the best I ad lo EDD. 1001 S. company paid benefits customer service ex· D84TIST results. Gr~nd Ave .. Santa Ana. Nursing RHs, LVHs CM As Be treated like a pro fess1onal BE A NURSE NOT A NUMBER . Non profit con,'a lesc:enl & Rehabilitation center putting toj?ether nursing learns EXTRA VACATION BENEFITS VERYCOMPETITl\'E SA.LARI ES ACUTE HOSP IT AL. MEDICAL BENEFITS New patient care onenl-ed administration & supervLS1on Talk with us Wev.·111 prove it ..... C.llter 800 E Washington. SA 7141973-1656 Exl. 22 Use the Dally Pilot "Fast Result" service directory Your service 1s our\ specially. Call 642·5678 ext. 322 HOMEFEDPAL SAYINGS & LOAM 24300 Pauode Valencia Laguna Hills, 92653 IOOIKHPP Newport Beach ad· vertislrtg agency. Duties include T/B, P/R AIP, AIR:., payroll. billing, etc:. nesume with salary illcludingdenlal.oplical perlence, map ap· wanted. busy ~ractice, IOI. ESTATE D .. T7~281·010. and de~endent c:ov ~itudes. '"pin" 45wpm . -------------.....:...---. I t t 'Y .. Newporl Beac Area. erage. ease con ac RT exp. preferr ed. Excellent pay with Personnel for an ap· Xlnt benefits package & benefits. PROftSSIQMllS All Equal Opportunity his~ to. Forsythe Ad· pointment,835-4336. salary commensurate &46-4868 nAL with experience. Please .----........---~---If•, ___ l:•mlilp•lo11y•e•r --r1111 vertisangl 1817 Westc:llrr Dr .. Su te 212. N. B. Thlakinl 'o( a new home ror ·~~ See the lnlll1 ln today'• c:llllUlld c:otumna. 9216a>. Results-that 'a what you 1et with c:laulfled. IQ.5171 HOME F9EIA&. SAVINGS l LOAM F.qual Opportunity Employer am1n person: B.ECTllCIAN · PUSSY 2·5 yeara commercial SIMICOHOUCTOIS experience. 846-8200 11141 Ka1Hr Ave .. lrvloe.CA.92714 p.=~!'J,en. E•perienced only. Sdlllk& ........... S..l 7005 ........... Sdleeh& 7005 .......... Sdloallla 700I .......... 7001 MU990 ............................................................................................ WE HAVE THE ANSWER! Yoga In. The t-4orning! •Peace of mind •Whole Body •healthy Body APPfOach •Breathing • Toni.ng •l>eep •Tension Relaxation • MeditaUon ... , .. OMSllAnote Till. ............. Mlrd JM. a.. .......... ., , w .... ....,.....,.,t:HA.Mo YOGA CENTER OfC...,.. ... , ,.,. ... (~ TUldn & !MM It.I E~rf.'~t .. 6 all daJ Sundaya. 14.25/br. M4.a.I General otnce/ Alliltant Lea11na A1efll, part U•1obavall foullarp1 reliable ~non for a .J 11r1 orftc~1 ll&lll aec:rttarial duut1 to ln· elude tulnf, pbone ...-• ftlbll, llea•ant ..._._, abW'1 '° demi dll ..... el• ............. :you WANT to work in a plus h , well·located office with a group or highly motivated professionals. YOU desire the chance to grow with a rapidly expanding, progressive multi-office company, YOU deserve to earn the highest possible splits and still receive fantutic company tools. YOU crave specialized, personal training and management asalstance. CALL ME NOW in absolute confidence. ..... , •• UM '4Mtll <>mces In Newport Beach, Pllm Sprtaaa 6 Rwbo llir11e f .... ' ,...... . ......... .. ..... Ttt-.llJ.000, •• ~ ............ 21F V.·W1t111 • nraa to aecw tnAM uw. 1._ 6 <•••er eHpled >. .,.. flltltl ID t,,, matla aptftildi. ao.t LA 0....,. ',. '"' "1•~-'· •l•t. MOO. ii PllM offlct. Varlt&J boollhn~ ...... cau. a.a•a I-ltd .f!tlR. ~:\t· ... e;::1,• ... .... _. .. , ,...... Lad • Pa&eil&lal _.... ........... 1040 .. -:.i._-L--• 75 OIANOIOOUNTY'I LAIOllT llGSCREEN MIMfUAITlll '-"" 1111t lfPbsl aDd 11 offlee mau•er. ,,.,,,,......,,,r:·\i!!L-•1- ........ ,_,tntaer ~· . TIUCIDllY• ' -................... Ilium• w/HI Hat ll50. MGA,SONY·RCA·GE 101r 1rt1 off th ~ ~~·-,arttlmt ~OND hl)t, AKC. ·-bench w/ltl lift HITACIU·QUASAR ltrlfHI view I &a.11111------•I RlllNd OK.'VEFO 7U ....._tin. M/F. Pet Ii llld U. w1l1hts llti, ....................... NeartY MW • pradlcallJ perfttl Hob••(U . Cdortd aall ' tritltr. SUDO ..,., __ _ Sall Boardl • l qulp· mtllt Cott •new. aell ror Dll1 .o Alao llted tat Head S•ll• SIJO. .....-... ..__-Mo. No'"' 111 , .... """";. u 1' • h 0 w · Pvt Pt Y • " an" 1pell ••o ---· SEC ElAI ~!!...:__._ 213/tPMHlatu em...:--a la u ... • AU. DISCOUMTID IHU• ,, •eallll_,,ra,•··. R y ""J' ~ Fox Terrier RSO 0 C)'clclnt. v,;;f.;t. lllol r.::; -..........._, Experfeati P•UOD. ~ ..... remale NEVERUNOE L rood Many special ~!:fllt V"W"fl-Mllll ty~ at lC'ltt. Alt .• wlu. USO WEBW!ORRL'SVDIDEO reatum '""yd dolly. d' t Q)lt SteOO, HC $1,000 Pondmll1Hot11111ma• wpm. mmt I t, MtRJVERSIDE,N.8 t , Clnc. wort, •ll&l't In· Jor Callrornla Home permaeeat opu11,. Mia.I ld•11aaers-male, lJ~ tu ft 2 dr rerr1t/frlr 548 2213 ~791, __ _ div., •Ill tralo. t ·ll, Bullder bu ID I 111· lluat be re1ponalble. Ale daame Hatt 8 wit• $115. t ' Teak Arcbittd'• · -'11 CAL 27 hingfd ma.at. L • Mon-rrl., all 411 Sat. medlate optnln• for a Call Oaarlene, Ul-1141 51Ma•Mpmltwknds ,_.. delklllO.W=!lfl ~/SANYO Good uh Inventory. ••· Part Time 8ffrlla11 to 1!!IUk · --FOR SAL£: e wrouaht l.OWilitWlliSle11le price ~QB98"·8881 __ Part-tlmt 14211 Yorba St., TuaUn work approx!malely 24 AIC Ytllow/blk LAB. 6AIAAl IAU ilUI fenee pieces. &•l•. o o n e w c 1 r .... ,1.._.... 131·7711 houri a week. tfle••ble Puait.Swb,browulre, N11ti,-tiofb, 1crew1, WAlt .. OUSI 5/080.Gl·l438. ~=ra~e~a-witfAf~1liup, I Or-.~ 4WC-= Dr .• N.B. boon). lS~M~o\lf~ ~.~di , U$O /UOO, ~ ~.r.~ ,11~!':'.Y SAU Jim Beam Old lhsters · --Clean, w1tb VHf·RDF. 1 1 Tht Ideal candidate will ntm Mell• retpoulble UiHOOT ANIMALS thowodl. Filler eloUI Nut1, bolt•. 1crew1, -* ol eolled.ibl• bot· STBtlO/St'; AW> Pllot·depth rtn~r ~ ol Amenca'1 lead-IHTAUIAMT have 2·3 yeara ad-penc.a for lmmed. f\llt y, ...... _ ....... _1r1A .. •d bY lar-roJl. Metal oil brau llttiDfS. all 1i1ea tletD ndl. Bra-o~dn-ew A11t /FM and lot more equip· 1111 Nat'! i191rketh11 NOWlalrln& wailers. minislratlve Secretarial lime open1.11 .1 ln In--~ e&f'_.7''8o8 ffltercan• Sell to "all nt• • several 751-00eO cauelte stereo, clock ment Pnced to sell at • firml la DOW expaodinl wallreues, 6wi penoos. experience with ex· wllNhotlM rece1vln& " . hi.,_ offer. Bob Koop, l.bouiaaod. approx 3,000 timer•1pkrs. Saleends 16~.673-5200 _ • need1 lntelll1ent, Lundi" dinner shifts. cellent typln& s kills shlpph\1 dept. Call: M. Lab 11111, btn\nds ed _c_7lil7•122t. ydaoUrutercloth, metal Mll11!1 ,_. Fri.850-0535 "19 Oowneuter 38', !ully adaptable people who AllPlY ln peraon. Mon.· l7~m) and or'tnlu· Elsa.W-.i home, 1~ yra, ad 1bot1. -filler cans. Oil Filter W...., IOll / 1 J"b = N•blic cootact. We YI ed. l 2 . 5 : T b e u· sk"1"-. Rt"'I tat• ~but dd watch dog. ~.....___, Com~ "Wt. Sell all ....................... ¥IDIO AUDIO loaded w f'arr ey x'1n· .... ,..___ c r WI -.. ,_..., _ ..... __ .. ,:-b Bob w w Al I' c··SITTI~ BimMarautop1lot t o r e/tirne employ. ._ .... rstooe a e. 3000 le&al experience help_Cul ...... tw .... kfor lndlv(duals --Ev must go. ~ ............... e c eap. ant 1 estem r ine -cond. Owner purchased ment for mature In· Bristol St., Costa Mesa but not. necessary. For i;' dlslrlbute nutritional AKC M• OaJmatlon, 18 F\lmit , amp&. some . 759-1221 Hawaii Ucket < SlOO Al.I brands, who eaale new boat. needs to sell. dlvidoals who are in· ~~~er or Brjstol & l!Jlmedaate conslden· --iueu. No selling re· lll>I old. Good disposl· antiques. clothes. re· Men's clothes tools val.), wUI pay more. pnce.85().0535 $66,000. 1714 ,6zs.8438 ; • ier.ted in auppliment· ). 545-SS70. ~on. plea.se.call or apply qa.i~ for lnlormatlon, lion. iie..5152 cords, kitchenware. col· fumlw-e, office' equipt'. 631·913U SONY TV'S 1714)!_96-6246. ~~.r t!':,.~rr:;c::f ~v'l. ~ reading The Pen· an penon to send setr ·addressed' l.onibalr Chihuahua 1 yr ~to~:,' ~i~~f,'.'i:r; 2!!00 Avon N.8. 673#79 ..._, Low-wholesale Prke 14. Laser Com-pe-t-lt-10-n For lnter\'\ew appoint· nysaver! The Reader· Gena Mezo sMt~pedCoenvelotpeBoto: mile,pedl reed.$200. 2 /28, 10-2 . 439 1,.o, MOVING: Everyth1ne •-its toll 850-0535 Sailboat, SWO w/dolly. ment ull llr. Mc.Kin· ad ....... of Tb• P•n. 1714)97>1609 uucm ncep s, • 3014 _Hell must go. 513 Narciasus. ••••••••••••••••••••••• A t h tr Xlnt cond. 675-1798. 545-5776 ...,,.. " "' 566-S, American Fork. CdM l \.'J blk N or Coast 11181 Gibson Firebrand mp. ma c ma am m ------non: · n)'.laver is accepting ap· trrl4003. . Doberman PURI. AKC, 7 16/20" bikes S30 ea. Misc. Hwy. SG Deluxe, $400 or best tuner, R /R tape re. Part Time/Salts\ pllc:alioos for full-time POMDERO SA weeks, blk/nut, S150. 1st jwlry $2.SO ea. Skis S60 -otter 494.1590 corder, turntable, INh. Slim/ M9M1 XINMMM1 ••let POsitfons. CJe.ar WIU OPHA lOI -vk. incl. 9'4-3864 ea. deM . 975-0321 Car. openai..$95, deak S95.-Gui -~Guild ... .'7S-a:m :.r t070 Pciiftfciil available" de. prin&g, good spellinf & HOMES Nwpt Center brokerafe . Sol S 00 Wood orr. tble sso. jwlry tar, 12 st .. ng. RCA rolor TV 19 .. Good ••••••••••••••••••••••• rmnslratin& products ln • frieoclly smile are he Dl2BusinessCe.nler Dr. firm, early hrs, salary hto Y• 1045 f)-ag.PIO. a l • 12.SOea. Lady golf clubs O.~. $275 or best orrer. picture. Sl.25. GE black N~ B. Shp Up to 36 .. grocery stores in your buic requirements. We Irvine, CA. 92714 open. Call Marjorie ........... •••••••••••• 900Paug_~.~!ur!1!1Sc·SSOd.,.; 97s.o321. a -"wtite$2S.IMB-52:89_. _· Water power. nr Lido $4/br + bon will train you to assist 644-2'42 Free to good home. ~ _..e " ~· m - area. . us. OW' customers In com· WORD PROCESSOR I aYtttgul.zefamUydog. ~ 3 FAMILY GARAGE Afll .. 1eil• .. t. IHh&MariM ~2756 (7142963-3107 poling their ads. Apply : ~p?o'>fe:.'-:.uf~ty SEC'Y Type 65, Xlnt. 548~. Sat/Sun f to 8. 21932 Sale. Sat/Sun 8-6, 4206 ~uJ~: :!... c:;~~ttl~~i ...,_.. ftt". sbtp. boNaetwoponlyrl Bch .. ...!_,~~Pl.!!a~c:!:!en!!.!u:!.!·aLlA~v!'..!e:.:... ~C~M~·'-f·--------1 benefits. Beautlrul or. t\11.e small white Poodle Kaneobt, HB. Bushard/ River Avenue. Nwpt Bch S b I ••• .. •••••••••••••••••• pnva e . ,••TTIMI i U ht ~olia area Furn Ur· urst co o r s . A---1 tOIO 642-4644 -SALES fices. No ree lo appli. m x, cense & s o s. · • SAT/SUN 9.5 at 2775 $129/0BO. Call 1714> ---. 6-9pm. Expanding youth SENIORS·PART·TIME cant. 6'2-\014. *!ls_te,et.e. Cibola Ave, Mesa del t23-4l89 pm or 1714 1 ....................... ~· N.B. boat slip, avail. counseling firm has ~~~o~ rDl~e~t ~a~ -'1""ry .... ou-'=c"-'a"-'n=-se:.:.1_1s_h_oes_ea_n_ 1 MIJ')'ffJrkleAgency }Tee Germ Shep/Husky Garage sale Sail & Sun Mar. Sick rm equipmt SM·522:5da orevea. 12' lollatable sport boat. on .boat . usage share ·~~~t~;!ap'i! auccessfolly started a J 7l4>644-0424. • (114)64()..2920 pups, mil'ed breed. 7 130lN.B11front,Ba.lboa assorte d hseh old 6 drwn et b 1 w/9hpEvinrude &xtras. basis. 644-6400 wkftis· ~Tvate ambit.lout new• more proritable STOlEMAMAfB YAID Pll<OM weekaokl 549.5334 l.slaod. Leu of furniture furni1blogs. Ca mes, pc nds & shd cymMa s, .19M778 543·5280 e vs < r . l~U1f'olds.C.ll2-5pm. business. Looking for JotmWayneTenmsClub ResPoftlTble-witfl valid (21 fem. SJh Terriers. & bolditemsl! clothlll &more. ~! /OBO~~-~t ........ IH•ct/ :;:c;~JP INN B r 842421.ext.34.3.Asllfor success-minded people. Pro~· Sa11es exr.~i Ca.llr. Lie. 1971 Placen-AKC res. Need lovlng Houle Salt. Sat. le Sun. 5pcle<'tlooalSISO Drum stt: 7 pc chrome Sink. f020 40• 1 754 .694j ~~ Andrea. Call: (114)735-8338. nee. op sa ary · 1 tla., Ccllta Mesa 7·2 PM bm...~ftM· 97!L3666.--ll:S. 170S Los Al1mo1, 8 Heritage,, Irv. ~ Sat. 91ngefland. 4 cym. bi-........................ Sf8JJ's1ev ---------1------=S~A~L~E:-::S~--1 ~eLwMA t -5pm!-YA.a~ -rLE F--11.. 1050 Sanatm. totsotmn. Sun e.12 ~ Dames ... hat elc vd3Hl43 Clpt. Alfrey/Electrical ----- . V""9 rsv G g Sale Sat /Sun Unes. 552.·1456 · fnginetr w/30 yra expr. Slips, sail boats 26'-36' ' PaSOHRIDAY/ l.c!*ingrorexperlenced1•-------• PltlFBllD ....................... ~deve,.Ything.1565 OfflwfW,..e& just returned from eltt&wtrondock.Ftee SICllTAIY sa:esla~Y1· Golf Shop Student Jobs M....., S."ey * * I BUY * * Winter C.M. M 0 V IN G SALE . ...,_.. IOIS Carib. offersconsultfngs prking, everything 1st For busy wiodsurrlog ::i:iOn. ~=~~ ~~~b HEY! Aahfa.h I, Good uteel Furniture & 3 family aale. Sat-sun. Everything Joes. All ••••••••••••••••••••••• on all yacht systems. rlass. Best ln Nwpt business. Must be or-Golf Course. Contact IOY llLS Appli -OR 1 111 T\cood CM Items price to sell. Desks, chairs . riles. 2131582·1432 673·8711 'til8PM · ganized, neat & able to JotmLeonard: 7SJ.46S3. How ~"OOls;;u llJae to j1200 'Se1lor8Gm.rorvou w ~cello i::~~·So oi Baby toods. furn .. mist PIY!Dlster. typewriter"$, 1..._...__ • 40,Moor' M t handle a variety or eamasmuchasl50.00a ........... S ou F & F . . M ' 1t.eins.645-691L2073Na· addiq machine, mi.st. 'w' ., 9010 SID rvs:?.~ duties. Send resume lo: SALISLADY MOu.H -·-AUCTI " air airv1ew. rise tiooal,C.M. etc.SG-1174 ""T",.. ~-------711 W 17th Sl Box 0 6 . .week? Do you like drive-"' ,., 161' 113.9625 htebold, ladies clothes ....................... U 20· Sl50 / 233 c M 92.627 ·• ·· ' wanted for retail store tn in movtes, picnics, piua -Cash Bonuses...>· ESTATE SALE <Jfice furniture for sale '81 Kerc 9 a OJB motor P to mo. · · · Lacuna Beach. p/time. parties, beach parties, •RapktAdv1ncemenL .. KING INNERSPRING Old footed b1tbtubl old Antiques, collectiblu. at discount prices. xlnl cond. 10 hrs. ssOO 1B9lh. Sht 11 6 C7, 5 Ne0WJ>0236rt PLASTICSMIXll ~. plusmanyotherthings? •Medical/H06pt.lns •.. EXTRAPtRMmattress mirrora, 20" I rls' Sat /Sun 9.4 265 641-07a3 firml64-20si eac · · ·• Sal Then you wouJd pTobaby •Paid ror Vacations. set, never used, worth Schwinn oike, dee. cur· · · · -673·700'.!. ~!O~ es probably enjoy working NODPB.MEC. l530 sic.l241del.Never lain r•d•. pictures, · Take over l ease . INh.Power t040 Newport Beach shore lo m esavea, PIOFESSIOMAL forus. 1714196._3555 111;i queen szizworth boob. Atari cartridges Rowboat, b1.kes, maple Roy1lfax 115. plain ••••••••••••••••••••••• . 'th 9 ft kl£f • coaters & sealants. 1'8.B'HOME SALES ------------_ ~... ly 8 d 1 & more. 20552 Queens din rm set. & Jots or paper dry copier. Super moonng. w1 . s . • Permalite P\u tlcs Sl00.000 yrly potential. QUALIFICATIONS: tk'' c-~ 754_~350e · Park Ln. H.B. Sat/Suo lOOdies. 25' to $200. 1525 Deal! Ca.l.Jnow,S36..a565 -'m.-=-1=-'440~----- Corp., 1537 Monrovia u:i 25~ comm. paid l.Overl2yearsora3e. ~5 kiramar Dr .. Balboa U2 500 INh.SpHdlr Ave. N.B. w . Quallned write-in ~~j honest an de-Mtl it•••• (In Alley). "-Ir °"JIM IOtO 28' Uninlte' SF. brand Sid tOIO Pool Maintenance, l . Plush Nwpt Bch 3.Wocke.rt hool d ... •••••••••••••••••••• MUSTSIU. .. yaCWt ~ ••• .. •••••••••••••••••• oew270HP ~rus.Loran ••••••••••••••••••••••• Laguna Bmprd hive lot'aUoo. Major incen· Sat.:ia1ma. er sc an Ailll--1005 M"''""-any cfoul>Te bed I 'f. We G G Gulbrasea Realto Org1n C · Pol a ri ' VHF 33 rt Campbell s peed ti.. I oew car ~ .. ..,. SAT uA~ "12 noon · 0 12 • ~u S>pk rl Creative fina11 cing owntruck. ·Sl09 &!.fla~n!~cation. yrly ~-~!~~~Jis1 •··•· .... ·.·.··.·.··.·.·.··.·.·.··.·.·.·1 ;!!~":~~:son~~ REA .. SCHOOL . 601 cart $19S; Sears Power w ndS e rH1/s·sf.r50· avail. Newport Yacht boat. Xlnt cond S22·500 PIE-SCHOOL bonuses. Ken Brown: 8AMto10PM rif' Hamilton C.M. Dona-MateVae;$170;Howard ~1.s6n ac ce . Exchanae.675-1800 ororrer833::.7381 __ _ 67M.ll2. WESTMINSTER bol · lions needed . Ca 11 Miiier world clock $100; · · 8 30A~UC30HAH T S ABBEY ~080 63H797aft6 .,,,<,._, l6Q3 Sylvania Console radio Piano, smalt antique T-.. rt~- : m · : (}I, ue, SALIS rERSOM AHI'IQUE MALL .......,...,, record player $40; round ftlglisb upright W/stool. Pll'ff FOR BOATS .::::;.:.::-::: ••••••••• Wedi>~ur. N.8. 962-3257 ror Plant Store. part or Tired oft to. S? 11751 Westminster Ave. 40 yr..-t~! patlo table and chairs. Like new. tuned. $850. WU .. :.........-t I I 0 aft4 · full time. exper only. Female 25•35 yrs lo OARDENOROVE 1 IUYfUIMITUIE Carpemry tools. build· Furn. tools. Infant 8C7..s672. , ~ NIMTIM& l'he Biurre Bai a a r . travd to Acapu!co, Mex· ~103 Les 957-11133 in& materials. house bold clothes. ladies clothes Pl St . G d ••••••••••••••••••••••• Camera'/lclateroom 85. ~33921~ ico andlivelnmybe1ch --------•1Like new Simmons ~,rurniture.lamps . size 10.16. toys , books. 1~·1 e~~•Y;1 !~e •i partnersh1p.mbea.u1t. i home Condo. All e w. SJ Sol b to e corator Item. car knlcknacs andmore.336 • • •78 27.,·rt BAYLINER ·79 T 21 0 ava1 . s'---' on Tu-Ft le •-.-------•I " Victon·ao lov .. seat, 6', i:rr 1• rown ne ma~o any S18 000 .,... ha d oc r 11 .,......... • ~... •• 1 " · .-.cl\ OBO ...,, 7520 ~· _.... Ora~e Ave Cabrillo. Costa Mesa · · · "Vi"'--'a". ""y bridg~, ngere. at . u . Sat Will work vertical penses pd, 1i1ntl we re· NM color, tufted back, pnn · N-N _.,,..4. _,.. 1 a. """' r• IFR k k ' cori,mercial camera. SECRETARY II turn to U.S. Require· rosewood frame . $600 Asttror0iana9to5. ta Mesa. Sa , Sun. 8 Sal·Sun 9°" Cash on y! · VHF radio. bait t•'] . · mg eqbpt .. j 1 Know1ed,eofPMTpro· mints:SpeakSpanlsh& to4PM j411-9673 S.w'=U1cW.n IOtz depthfinder,outrig~ers, pod. S4.000 uy n . h dri W ill be finn.67S.1S28 Bunk beds. $100. 080, ._, .,,, A,...•· M 8 +~/mo S49·3040 ~ elpul.Xlntfor col· SI051-$1lll/ ve car. e w by b h ' •••••••••••••••••••••••...,amp.gen .. "'"' ~ • ---lege students with relat· ...._ gone6mos. Be• compa· AnUque ornate iron and Ba crl • S50. was er/ SINGER SEWING trackstereowitb trailer. C..-n. Sde/ ed classes.A_pply in •--1 nionwithyourown Br& brassdblebed. Matt. In· er .s.48-4388 MACHJNEDEALER Call 646-2843. Wall sell a;.t 9120 penoo: 1660 Placentia Huntington Beach Union bath. No sex or love or cl'd SM-1113 Solld Birch hand made in CdM goes discount! balanceolloan. •••••••••••••••••-•••• Ave., C.M. High School Daslnct bas involvement I am a 4.5 1923 Remington Cash twin bed fral1\I!. com-Example: Touch Troni c Pullman camper. steel Pl.tMT SHOP an opening for an In· yphrys~~~I ~=~~lc~pit~n~ Regjlter. $350. Make or-p!eu, $65. Call: 631-4638 I 87~~l :k~· now ~9. '72 TOLLYCRAFT Ex· skin. ansuJat,ed. storage. M.usttype40wpm. divldual with \fod need someone to travel fer646-8998 1111 drk oak medit. din f'8 • i . I050 Jewetry I070 .,.-.... arguen e. P~ Cruiser 24". 30SV8. fits Ford 8 bed, S800. , Real &tateSales ~a:ei:h~Jha~d -:f ;6 care £or myself and Just Amer. oak curio cab: chrs. '450/best orter · MOVING. Furniture for tlGH SECURITY sma.r A.._ 2000 new. Cov'd storage, lo Motoriwd likes 9140 3333rdSt. Laguna Bcb secretarial skills. ust wiUl me. I am able to Q..OCICS· wall Fr S2SO I set, 4 carved highback ............. •••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• 225 hp. Mint cond. Like 842·lll!!O~·l9S9~·-- ~-c 1 1 __ • WPm. Good orrke skills wantsomeonetogowlth S475, Oriental vases S45' 645·~:ioJis: 631·1066 sale. 1 BDRM set 8 Privat-e ownership or EledtOnic ti>ud1 sewing hrs. sips 4, galley. head ••••••••••••••••••••••• I_,. OH II 11-reqlired. me. We will leave April &$7S. 080. 631·5979 eves · pieces. 1set3 pieces. OC· salet)' deposit box, fan· machine. Large wood & full instruments. Dual Me>-Ped for sale •77 Pugh S. ..._ c..ktrmo l.sl and return ln.,Oct . or L--el•n• IO 10 aun2 J, a11Ca51bns'hl.e3lvgelass.~ ~1nrs1_. casiooaJ chairs corree tast1c rac ility. tot a I cabinet witb...storase. ule....trlr... Many extra Newport er-GOO<rcon~.--.. pnvate~k-s Appllcatioosi..ere being November. WKen in .,.,... ..... ta6Te.2endta'6 es.naug. privacy, 24 lir. access, Never used $800/orfer. 714/564-4343 _ $299.754,1570 ·~3[!11c: accepted daily through ~capu~.bemost of th1 ••••;;AitooRA.REA•••• Li L Antique Wt. Xlnt 71.1' sl~r sofa, color private transaction S56-6303eves&wknds. 28• Cris..Crart Express PUCH MAXIMOPED , .. b Manb 10. Please apply ume your own. APPLlANCESERVICE cood. 541·5002 1V.consoestereo set . l room. 1966. Clean' Fast ' b h -Greatwau.·in usiness atRoomlJlorClll have full time maid & solid mapl~ table + 4 _!nfo 714·536-7~6 Ne~'port Slip. askm~ Looks ne~. rig l -Company-paid cook so it wiU not be nee. We lxO' used appliances captain chairs, other or· ...._ • .L 1071 51111.t IOU SIO 500 Trades Financ· E!!.'!A'..J360 645·~ ,. adverttSing ror you to do domestic -WeseU rttond .. guar. ('Ut~al pieces. Garage ... EilrJ ••••••••••••••••••••••• in "ava· •. , pp 6°73.5200 ·s1 Puch. blue. xlnt •Strong management _chores. Call 2t3/926·2874 liaoces. 549.3077 sale items also. 2391 Bay ....................... · · ,. Pport h"ld d ~"~ F Pl s t A KMEISSl SKIS .,,. Ow T h . 1. cond. S4SO. su Washers/dryers , late Ant.Q. c 1 's esk . ..,., arm ace. an a na Size 175 w/boots and ..., ens . a 1t1~n. 1ve· 67~3479 •lnternaUooalreferrals TIAVB.AGEMT mo dels. s100 up . Obi hdbrd, S75. Bunk Heights (Back Bay>. AIRCOMPRESSOI PGles.lngreatcondition. aboard slip avail. Call. - •UptoSl,000,000 le&al Immediate openln~, full De I i v e r y • 11 u a r beds, S80. Ch rs. SS· 15 7 1 4 I 7 S 1 · O 1 7 4 1 hp port. Binks Sl50 Like new. s1581 o BO Judy or Harvey 642·46«, ~o!f:.~1 protection lime. Apollo tra ned. Mastercha rge / Visa . Elec. g uitar . S80 Irvine/Mesa to upper BinkspressuTepotSlOO eanS?A-S225 days Mon· tlwn.,9AM&5-PM 9150 •Jiinancial Stability 846-4-481. 636-2840.l<lnss ™11M bay l1U11 lert i.., block. ·~ 531..9132 Sat; Eves Sun· Tues. 24' Sea bard. swordfish •. •••••••••••••••••••••• -Growth opportunities block to Bay Farms .,.. · Co 73 Ka k 100 End Call in Confidence HUMID Tiie lllgMt ,......,.. I IUY APPLIAtt~ES 1£ orange oval shag rug. 2nd. house on right. lV, laclo, boat & trailer. mplele wasa I oro. 493--1.341 Les ir.>Hll33 ){Int cond. SS' Tall 115 ,000. Ba re boat. Good rond $350 OBO. F•MActiH Call a lts'lt &42-5111 . 10251 Vork:towo Ave. on tht Or-.Cwt cabn't dk. bwn. S60. 2 pc. Kit tbl $94. Living rm Mkcel•tMI IOIO tlA. Steno lotl no.ooo. Call: 495·586.L_ _(d!JL.640!353, Eve_s. __ Huntington Beach. ft.&11 1y Pl•""' Refrig, frost free. display cabn"t, walnut chair $60 2 end-tbls $40 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •S97.500• •73 Honda 450 CB DOHC CA92G46 ._..., .,..,, icemaker, xlnt cond. S70.Coffeetbl,glass top Allxlntcood.84"·1401 LOSING LEAS~. quit· BEAUTIFUL25'" RCA 40'Medallionartcabln $700orbestoffer. Gd {714) 964-3339 CLASSIFIED $'l50. 5411~S 541-5002 ting ~iness. selling out color TV sale. 2 yr wrn· t raw. twn dsl, VHF, rood ADS Sears 17.1 cu rt refriJ, Chandelier elega nt BEAUTlFUL solid oak AU. supplies and fix· ty.$148. Free delivery. RDF. D/S, totally de· . 96()..5388 l;',.ual Opportunity /L" ema'-er almon I dbl be I . lures including: 1V John's 646-1786 --ated. Low bre. Dir EmployerM/F/H YovCllftStU,FWltt, PnS4i.tman.6. · ~'!C..11 U~eh~~~:~ =~~~~~r~1o1:8· ~~aychc~sr':.' ::!t~~~ ORANtf.t~TY'S ~~~.:_New~r800t "vacht ·~~";!~:rvr~~~.x!~~ TraidtltWllhoW.Ad Fteeur szoo. Washer. S1800., SlOOO O BO 979-4398al\.6. Salon ~alrdry_ers 1od VIDEO SALES ..... rnaugt.67$-l -tras,$750 642-891_7 __ Jl&St sWting up in a busl· dryer. d/W, sml ref rig lm-0395 hydraulic chairs. mlr· Stolen: 18' fbgls dory. ..Tl HONDA XL 75 ness of your own ? A ( 642•5878 J $125ea.fW6..S848 Beautiful antique burled Mahog. china cabinet rors.shelvesandplants. D~TALS reg. CF28SSGA. on trlr Xlntrond,$295. f>Od way to tell people . FottedAir ~mace walnut din. r~m set, s2501 corner chin 8 Also, make·up. shampoo ~13"'111 lie. JA7401. SlOO reward ~....P!lrt 833·9442. a.bout it ii with a low· <>nee.ls.nu Fruer & Johnson Co. bwfet. 6 chairs. ap-cabinet S25 0 . lge andhalrproducts. ror info leading to re· --- cost Classified ad. mt c...11 ~ Model lOOCl, 100,000 prailed 1t SZOOO. Ulke dropleaf table S2SO. Ken· Call631-9754 or RCA·HITACHl·SONY tum. S43-~ ltlO HONDA Pbooe6'2·5678· BTU,$160.642·05&4 fl000.850-0395. more cab. sew. mach. after6,fl98.0809 ~ASAR·MGA·SANYO '67Calitorniao 28.SF. TS. OwwrMll1t ;:::==:.;;;::~,..;.1,;;:;;;;;;;::==::.-I...:====•=~ Bacbtlor'g kitchenette: S pc butcher blk/~r. iron . 645-84$1 Ladies . b a v e a C.PANASO!'itC-ETC. eqp'd, rast. musl sell. W Mow! see ad in Class 8025. din.. Mt, $100. 8 cotton Houseful of furniture! NAUGHTY LA DY $18,500/0BO May lse. OnlyUOOmiles .,. r J f i J \ <0> , .,, r . 080. MU701 n lvet tan sofa, $150. Some antiques; Baldwin Home Party. Lingerie, ALL DISCOUMTED Bkr/ : 646-~. Exrellentshape Ml·• aft. 6. piano Sun oalY. 10.3 lotions. potions and lots _£8_!! SS9-9399_afl.6 m. ~f.!..i~,: !i~~ft~ side Walerbecl, the Ii nest Cash ·~·. 460 'E. 19th m>re fllll. call Alison NEVER UN[)ERSOLD IMh. ... , '78 Yamaha 650 Special. ""9•MI """" ...... 968·0178. Sales Reps •EXAMPLE• ---9050 '1142-rra. • made . K lngsi:r.e Sl., C •. 670-0240, needed. 51UCTAYISIOH _..,..... lom1.t'lean.newtlm, Beautyteat Flotation 548-40 ....................... JllS0.494·7832......_e.._v .... s __ C..rance,Oaffers&Sat· imUn!ll combo. Perl. Sim--crib/matt $80 Leon 'Franks Painlin~ RCA 1268 YACHTING · Placing your Classified tier. dble oven. $150. or oood. 6/mo. old. Cost Yo~th .. bed/matt $80' FLO RA L 24 "x U ' 3000MOVlERENTALS CONSULTANTS ., ad is so simple ... juai, otrer.S52-17M SlOOO: will sac. for ~. cbif(erobe $4$, set siso: frand. $1800. 646-6557 WEBER'S VIDEO aiaiter/Power & Sail give us a c11.l on the Rerrigerator Uke new. ~MN. Gd. CoodS41-877l MIW GUIMIA WORLD NIJt. ltdl. 67$-2960 phone and we'll help you Frost f)-ee $15$. 2 blue striped crushed LIT&!! dining table & 8 Tribaf Initiation mask, 149 RJVERSIDE. N .8. "Your Vear Round · v.'Ol'd your ad rorrast re· 1183-9060 velvel L. R. chairs, Sl50 chain $200 4• high, Seplk river. 548-2213 Charter Service" suits &&2-5678 Plllco lefri pr.2bulocksSIOea. ' 64iJt08 4!M-72Mafter 4pm. 14cuft,cro.slree!exlnt •2'56 NEVER USED· Bunks o.tomBedspreads, ltln& cond $175173-4453 after 6 sruDIO BEDS $'lOO &laas toP dinette slr.ed, navy blue w /fold Kenmore portable dis· ~~b~r!w1:~::~· =· 'Sofa/love seats wheat pattern. I SO. bw11ber. xlnt. cond ., in . M ' Qt 1l4rm ~~lo. ~le/a•!!!edwl.tb rt;:;rtle sreen, c:uWnt board top. · *SI boupnnp: , w o "" • ...... m.--.. Girl'• bdrm set, French 91, l\ll~~ $130, dUielllSO. 720-1211. u cu. n. refn1, xtnt ~·Cott SIOO: tel~ M 1 ~1 nm.ooct.spllt.seuooed COlld, p portable dta· •· ~bed, 1'15. lblllle bed 920 t drawer Euulyptu1, oran1e hwaabe.r.Uke ntW.Sla5· fut:,_r.L!fflr~ desk ckaler•. ciu Cyrus. woo•. $175 /eora . antique fold cr11t1i •I_ ~· •1 2839. Delhered. I ma 11er r handel er, 5 can· ...... l'lllltable,Zlves,6 ~:Sol• bed 1175. ~ltles av.II. delabra.P.fft3471. , dlltrl * eoftd, ll7S. ~bid StlO. Kit. table · ...... 1120 .,. m. UUNtw. Ml·Gll 0111111, Arc1d1, Video ;;;:;;;; ............ ~~ BAROCf Mu1t ~u lh uluM._. IOH t:.'°:ft!t' Pim. Sdlwm-..'50ea.• :aw.:.~~~ ....................... -.1174 ' •H c::.:.:s:m.r ....... rUrBl'OI. ~raataa ;a: N.&AWkChlb••· ._ kllwllla Craiffr 11119 • :m'l:.* • ~~ ns ber1'6p. UH. Call Good.--. a• lilt ~~ .C cbJ~ ... ~mo. ;,•• •1•. as1.nee t11'!r.M••P ,. ~11. color t .v. Jiwihr 1071 ..._Mlll .... llD .. nala. cbalr ~ ..... "....... lllllTml ~............... •• md·tblt llO, Cut .... •dt COt'ktaU llaifil-Wtilew.WIDI *...,.... ~ c... lill. •• ........., . t d , dma. i..1 ''""'· lllain, nd·lblel, .... ~ llHt ..... fllft;r ;~~~l!Lilll~~·~·~a·~·t· ... &;.'P"• "11 -..... SSA¥1SA¥1$ wmtUS.PAITS Jmporlecltar parts IMPORT AUTO SU PPLY 101 N. Mucbester Anaheim 776·9900 UT£BOOY WORK I< · l·up to 50% off your est.~-9132 ALFA ROMEO PARTS . All parts to convert 101 1600 to Veloce, exc. plstona. $1400. Dennis, 979-27Gl 11\er 6pm or wknds. COMMELL .c ... ~1E,v~o~,n . j , " I \ \1 ~ " \ S4b-I 200 ro1t\WA,L v .. GH IUYER CHEAP S36-9832 I Top · dollars for Sports --------.:• Cars, Bu~s. Campers, --------' 914's, Auch s Van IUll, hi-back brwn Askfor U C MGR vi n y I • pa s s en g e r JIM MARINO recliners, &ood cond VOU(SWAGEH OO · SSl·3t1S 18711 Beach Blvd. ••••••••••••••••••••••• IMPORTANT NOTICE TO READERS ANO ADVERTISERS The priee of Items advertised by vehicle dealers in the vehicle classified advertising columns does not in· elude any applicable taxes, liceme. transfer fees. f111 a11ce charges. fees for air pollution con· trol device certifications or de.aler documentary prepantloa charaes un· leaa otherwiae specified by the advertiser 9520 ••••••••••••••••••••••• MODB."A111! Shay replicas; pickups ft coupes. 4 to choose from! (006768) (Stk. A:n:J). Prices starting at ONLY $9,995! ltd ODORE ROBINS FORO 6 'llJ• HAW"' 1G ALV(J (0\TA"'J,A t,J/ 'OIO HUNTINGTON BEACll H2·20DO WIMES> YOUR EXOTIC &IRmSHCARS r• 3100W Coast Hwy Newport Beach 642-9405 b'arle lke TOYOTA.YOUO ·, 1976 BMW. A dynamite 2002 with 4 speed transmission. sunroof and air cond1t1oning Very clean. ( 12SXNZl $6995. J i m Marino Volkswa en 842·2!.!QQ,__ The Mott &citing PwtOfYow IMW ftwochoM Or LeowC.Wh McLaren BMW!! t.,Orleose ly Ow Piiotte Pl•! _1114) 522-5333 OUHGE COUMTY 'S OLDEST $ Get Ready For Spring' 1970 FtAT .. 150 SPIDEi COHVEIT\llE ONLY ~.000 mi es on re '79 Strada s spd. am 1rm stereo. AIC. excel cond P'.!00, 49.$-4782 '72 f'iot 128. Xlnt cond $1.SOOor best ofr. £a 11 545-2022 "70" C.V T. S23SO Restored. WTCM BO Resale Sales. 443 W Bay, Costa Mes a 645--2963 We have over 30 1979 and 1980 Fairmonts, Cita. lions, Monte Carlos and r.tiec H65 LTDS. These are Fleet ••••••••••••••••••••••• Return Cars and being 73 Pontiac Grand Prix offered lo the public for decent car. reasonabl~ between S800 and $1200 ofr S48·0832 below wholesale Blue · -- Book . All excellent YICJO H74 maintained and carry ••••••••••••••••••••••• Warranty f\trther info '74 Vega. new black I ca 11 . J o e Ca t r on . pa Ult, valve job. See to Dom i n 1 s · Co o k . believe S2000. 646·8189 Mc Farland Co ---Newport Anaheim Have something you 832-8374. SS9·59S8 v.·ant to sell~ Classirted ads do 1t well. 642-567.L_ A ..... UMd Allllol,UMCI •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• AHY USED CAI aaow PLUS 40 MOii USID CAIS AU. SALE PllCID 79 CHEVY s1951t CAMARO . ·-°" -.~!!·. (S77WYO) ~:..,.~1c.1.vJ1 2111n '79 GHIA 136'' GRANADA · .. -°" .,..",~f..c-(281XWP1 ~~~llcl VII Jlf" 18 I F250 520615 FORD PU .... -°" .-~~:" (W86095) . = ~ ..:;.1oc.1 VII 10 CHEVY s 1241_ CHEVETI"E ::-=. c: -ct -m•n (7MXT1:) c.•• '79 GT Sl36fl. MUSTANG .... --........ IH'Q711) ~ ~.:..., "'~ .,. -. " l1M SORRV~::vOU 'MAV.ffor ·eeLIEVE .......... ~ TMIS, BUT I WAS READ~G 111E BOOK Ir.-'--.,,,,... OF PSALMS, AND FORGOT Wi4AT • TIME IT WA5 •.• NANCY B Ernie Bushmiller I'LL TRY THESE PEBBLES . GAREIELD® 1> > [> nYINC, IN FROM LOS AN(;ELE5, 510 MITCHELL. HURRIES TO .. -LINDA MAY'fJ ~ HOTE"'1WH6RE · HE FINO& 6AM .. ORIVER WAITIN6 ." FORHIM -tft•~OJ.'Z' 1~~-Pia't SU~IGOT MC>Nf3.Y! I GOTTA~ PIGGY-~K FUU.A~! YA WANNA 5ee1T? .. t H.t(J" W#;; A WRON6 NUMEM:R! SOME CRAZY WOMAN ~HT SHeWA9W MOTHeR! ~IJDGE PARKER I'M AN AGENTFORMOKETHANTWENTY·FIVE ACTORS! 6HE GIVE5 ME MORE TROU6LE 1HAN ALL 1HE OTHERS PUTTO<;ETHER! I eor A 0000 MINO TO DUMP HER! THAT WOUL.D BE A CRUEL THIN6 TO DO AT THl5 TIME, 5lD! SHE NEEDS H.ELP ! r----< 5HE ALWAYS NEEDS HELP! <l<2<l LINDA MAY! DARLING, HOW ARE YOU?......__ ., .. ,. Dear WVstvJsw Barut Alumni, A1Umni contributing five hWidred dollars or more will receive a handsome eaz-~-America.n chair with the scapegoat insignia. emblazoned on the back. ! Those -who contribute one hundred dollars or more will get a. beautiful ceramic mug with a. scapegoat hand.- For COdtributors or tweirt\Y-five . dollars or more, we have a glow-in - the -dark Frisbee with a scapegoat . ;. • •-•; ( ~-_..-...,...,..-... , ~~:--·.-r-~r• · --.-.1Gll'l ~~~­ \ .. MOON MULL.INS IS THIS ONE -OF THOSE LAR<;El ~CoNoMY-SI ZE FEBRU,ARYS ? No,-rHAT ONLY HAPPENS IN LEAP YE:ARS, l<AYo . DOCTOR s ·MOCK SMOCK? OH, He: WE:N-r"' -ro L..oNr::>ON "T'O Ge:-r "T'Hf: l-OWc::>OWN ON SIR eARCl-A'Y''s excti"IN<S Ne!W Ft...O seRLJM! painted on it ! ·drawn on it in Magic i Marker! i i I ,, ! by Ferd and Tom Johnson· ,AND THIS YE,AR THE: IAl<t= Ht:ART ! BY CotJNTRY CERTAINLY ) SPRIN<1 THE ~CoNoMY J.fASN1T HAt> MUCH ' • 15 SUPPOSED To -ro LEAPABoLJT. B~ our OF l'He SHALLOWS .:: ~ ,AND BACf< IN -: A ~ Mtt>STREAM ~ .-..~._......... • ' A~A'N ! BY SUMMER, iH,ANKS iO iJ..lS ~oVeFZNMENT,. WE CSJ.loUL.D REALLY BS <5f:TTIN<1 SOAICED! By George Lemont . I . -r"HESY PR I Ve· ON i"He . WRONG SJPe OF -rHe ROAP OVESR HeRe: .' \ \ G~ON OF WIFE· SUeuRSSf . ' .. I ' • t ___ ... __ , ___ _ • , • . ... .. . . . , • CAii YOU TRUST YOUR EYES? There ere et IN•t Ila ....,. Mat In drewt1t1 detelfl between top .,... Nttom .,......._ Htw ~ulddy can ~ thMI thetftt CMdl Htwert with tMM Maew. fu!H IW II etod 't 'l**IO 11 IWA 'f A!lltWI •1 Allf1 't Al~ •1 6u11.1•y 't 'IN6u9'1> ., el!Jd c eu1n 1w •t l.llfl.HI) ., :w~1110 . l·J.B .. ----... ----bJ Hal Kaufma111 .... ._...__, ........ ._._ e 11.ANICTNOUUTl "Awttl& r _ ltllkuMk:E_....INlft ..... .,....... ................ ,.....,. ~ ..... _.....,, Oesttrlleld. ... • ....., ...-.. ,,...... "'9t lt'1 .. 1y te eMwef YIU IMff ~"''"'ti It, WILL llOUNDID MATMTIS'I How qukllly Clft YoU lneert MWft mltllng """"" . '" "" ., .... .... fl "" ...... ~ 10 tn,t the totel '" •h 1trelght llnt of fl._. 1trclts 11 the ume -MOT Clues After you've ,....,_. tN number et "" bottom. think In "'""of e progressive Mrtel of multlples of five proceeding from *' et top clockwls. arouM the wheel. Set If you c•n work out the answer In YOU' head. Remember. the total sought In etch raw of five numbers Is 3'0. ft 'Ot 'ft 'O( 'SC 'OC 'ti '01 Ml•OOI) .. ~ .... ,_ lllf'ltw 111£ e Own Handed? Of the II• centtnder1 '" 1 ~ prim et the .,.king con ... t, five~ 12. 10 one WOft how ~y? Answer QUICkly. .. .. ~ e Setlnt Double! How fett cen you think of e com· mon worcf contelnlnt: 1. A double O. 1. A double Z. 3. A double A. 4. A double 11 6u1•~s t ,,,,,., c "'' ' ..-e 1 ,,.,..,u, tt111004 e Flu Ed! 1. Standing before a mirror, try to rels. your right eyebrow without raising your left. 2. Tr y to touch your Hr with your elbow. CAST PARTY! Wtwlt cen you drew to complete the emus· Ing scene ebove? To find out. add lines 1 to 2. 3, etc. llAMI LIKll Md thtte color1 nee.tty to ttw .............. sc•ne 1bow1 1-lted. 1-Lt. blue. a-Yellow. 4-Lt • .,....... t- Fltth. 6-lt. purple. 7-Dk. brtwn. t-Dk. pu,,.. ,_,..._, TMIN score 2 points Heft for all worct1 of -four lettert °' more ---"""+~...,.~­ found P1ont tM ""'"· TryteMeNatleatt ........... .•• ,.~.I. llAl•..O.U...--4 WE'RE COMPLETELY LOST! I DON'T SEC' A ROAD ANYWHERE . .. J ' .: •• c:> .... ' ... '" 0 ··" ,, MEY, WE'RE SAVED! T11ERE'S A PARl-</NG METER!! . ,.. . .. ,. \. IT'S ON ''VIOLATION! \lUST WAfnA MINUTE. • . .. .. • • .. .. , 0 ----... 4 GORDO c F:l~~T1 ,,_ . A () CfZ.lSP'/ 1. ~IJ:D ~iJ 0 1Z>f<r"ll-LA I 0 c. 0 c SHOE . 5KVL£F-T~ -rn~ eAU.. ''"'";;:"',,,_ IN ntE IMCK CCVl<T ~~ ,, 0. 0 A 'ILJMM'/ ?McAS< OF ~1'l€1 --· -rHe1J A Pl-OP OF ., CHo!ie.IZ01 .. OJ2.10el£5 UP 'lllE. FLOOR ... c 1882 Unli.d fMtur• Syndicate. Inc. FAKES LEFT!! By Gus Arriola /Tis ..JUST -,,./e SOUR.CREAM I leeALL V 1-IK.e, ANO, ... 11'5 THE ONLV WAV :L KAJOW ro etT ITJ' ~ ta- •• ·- lh091 RE ULTRA LIGHTS: 5 mg. "ta(, 0.5 mg. nicotine. LIGHTS: 11 mg. "tar", 0.9 mg. nicotine. KING: 15 mg. "tar".1.1 mg. nicotine. av. per c1garene by FTC method. x I I l j I ·' I THSTl YOURSELF Send .. ~ ••• ,...... IO .. ,. N,...,... Wllldv. 841 ~ lwe .• NM Volt!, NY. l0022 Wfl'I PIY S.S tor~~ Sony, we can'1 ~others FOR EJllC. SE\NIEID. hOlt of Poly- Gram lVs Enc s.o.d'• Owonkfe ... 'I ... ,.. .......... ----• -of va-' ,...1 ............... of c:omm.-katloM c"aa1ed llDce you ....... 111 -E.S ......... OWo • Some ye.. ago I was on the Mt of a movie, Irma lo Douce. and I asked dnc:tor Bly Wilder If he would consider dkedlng ,..,. for lV. He aid, "No, rm too old, too tired, too rtch .• But rm not Seuared: Not ouer dte hll Jld. too old for this. rm a lot lal tired than I was when I retired &om the CBS aft In 1977. They presented me wlh an 1890 ~ -I think that Is the way they realy tho"!# of me. And,• you get older, you haw the cowage of your convic:tions. As for rtch, there are anchorwomen. making twice• much as me. That , I suppose, Is the biggest change In oommWlic:ations -nralactng salmin. FOR RICHARD E. HALLQREN, director. National Wad\• Service lve..._mvlaa111111111.....,..to .._..,... hm vol- mailc • ..,._? -N.C., o.t-. lbh • 8endts from volcanic eruptions range from lnaeasing soil fertlltty to creating new land. After the erupdon of Mount St. Helens. some agricultural crops produced record yields In areas of eastern Washington showered by volcanic ash. FOR PEGGY Gl£NN, author of How to Slarl and Run a Suoca1/ul Home Typing BUlinas WlaM .. cM ........ of running • homH)lplng bull· -? -R.C., Ewrect, w..h. •The btggat Is an untteady Income. At the start, work Is !pOradjc, making It dlfftcult to plan ahead or Mick to a budget. The second negative Is the ilola-- tion. To make It bearable, a home typist should be In regular contact with others doing the same work. FOR DIANA QUICK. • of PSS-lVs Btfdahead Rnll#led Did ,.... .._.In tM liawy of thllt ... Illa. ... I It II. how ...U ill* t M1t1d wllb ~ CM11 home? -W.M., a-neoop. ........ •Quite honady, no. h made me appreciate my house aD the more. No way could I live there -too co&d, too much housekeeping. no staff to do It. I prefer something more modest. PRO .... I 'efM ,..., .w .... .Ir. (0.-N.J.)~ chairmen, Judidmy CornmlnM Va. I have Introduced ieg611atb1 to ~ .... compenlllle atme Vk:tirns. We protect the rights of the accused and provide humane an for atrninals and MrVices for ex- ohnden. We could do no lal tn a cMli2ed society. But we alto have the duty to show compalllon for vtctims of alrne -people our FROM TifE .. ASK"" EDrTOR OllNA: ls there any place In our wortd. ~ by modem transportation, where Frmk Slnma's face is not im- mediately recognizable? Yes, three places: Canton, Peking, Hangc:how. A portrait of Slnaara was Included by mis- take (irutead of a watercolor of the Acropolis) In an exhilit of ~ King- ... , works ~ to O\lna and Japan. The lone portnllt was admired in the artist's one-man Jhow. although the s.na.ra: A ltl'anga in the Orient. viewers didn't haw the foggjat Idea of the blue-eyed subject's ldently .... A 30-year-old Chinese woman. who sames she llYed with .Iola 1......, for 18 months In the early 7<Ys. Is convinced she1 find fame and fortune via the book she's writing about their affair, which she's sure will be turned Into a movie .... CNIEERS: Chrta .llaler. 33, earns his dally bread -between acting chores -as a substttute mailman. But when he goes out, people dor(t question him on either job. Al they're Interested In Is gossip on his brother, Mick ..._. of the .Rolling Stones .... With an eye to a backup career In singing. Ed McG&a.on. 6-foot-4 N.Y. Giants p&ayer, Is studying with Carlo Menotti, Carnegie Hall's vocal coach. Menotti says his student is ~ with a fine set of pipes .... ChrW W=•en, the tap-dancing Chicago pimp In Pennies From Heauen and Natalie Wood's I.Annon co-star In the 111-f ated BraNtorm. entered show-biz with dreams of becom- ing a choreographer. In his first Off Btoadway show, Bat Foot Forward, he danced with another newcomer, Ura Mrs 1W •... GAFFS: As The \\brid Tums.._ Bem F..._., ~red cheeks were not ~t on by pBITioll or a high fever. They were Minne/II cawed by the bipll gaff she Ma made since puberty. An ex-beau promlled her tk:Jcet.s to a society benefit of Broadway's !Mam Girls, so she acted lilce a big shot and asked the owner of the supper club where she often appears to be her guat. lnvttation was accepted mnd Ellemi knew she had toared In her boss's e.stirna· Hon . P .S. Ex-beau didn't deliver .... When etiquette expert Ledda a.ldrlge graduated from college. she predtcted that by the time she turned 50 she'd be ter- rtiy rich, beautiful and retired ... None of this came true," lighs lAtttta, "and I'm constandy reminded of that Inane remark." She adds that she's still hoping. CON ............,. F .... s.n..br-D, {R.-W..C.}. member. Judldwy CommtUM I oppoee SlY Federal prowams that encowage « fund .... vtcllrn- co111pensatk>n programs. \Vllether or not a state wants to provide for vidtrn~n ~Is a matter of lb own tpending prior- • ltia. Too many times the Federal carrot * been used to get states Involved In prolJ'am5 In which they IOd9ly .... fated to pl'Qted. Such cornpcnsMk>n wit work lo r9duce • vtcdm'• allen8llon &om IOdety and encowage cooperation with law enforcern.nt. ................................. .,,..c..-.... ..,. Mt ~-..-M:•Y ,_, Wtt..,Sltw ... ....... would not haw otherwile pa1idplted. The primary emph M8 In thll a1tical aru of concem should be on Nlllluaon by the wrongdoer to the victim . (;> 1111 FAMILY WEEKLY. All rtgtrta ,...,.._ ' Mom Jonict gJua Andv «>me mndet bulngan: He W01 t0 ahv he couldn't rm. hfs hand In grammar tchool. • e e ,,,__y .-U.Y, ...._,a - Taxi's Andy Kaufman: He's a Gas! la Andy Katlman, a.le.a. -iatka Grauaa, • lnaanely funny or ju.I plain bonken? As the author learned, It'• hard to tell where the act end. and Andy begfna. Sy . Andrea Dotvl "I'm always being mv-}f, no moder what chorocler I am.,. L ...... usual ... ~ dUs time he got k>lt In cum tpaee," !JOWis actor Jeff Conaway. "No, no," explains a arcastic Tony Danza, destroying his dgllette In an alblray. "He's Jiving owr Laa Vegas, by ~ -with no airplanet" Even the·~ Judd Hnch, who plays .. Ala" on Taxf, the smash ABC sit- com, peca the set and complUls. Then dnctor Jim Burrows breaks In to announce that Andy Kaufman, the show's famed "l.atka Gravat," wl1l re- quire another hour before antvtng for reheanal. Thia news Mnda Hll'lc:h up the wall. "It's one thing to be late," he snaps. "It's something elte to be in onc>tNr llOwn." Suddenly dnetor Burrows orders the aew not to wall any longer. "Let's do Same A without him," he yeJls. But a pcrformai a by Andy Kaufman II well worth waltmg for -as ~ on the Mt of Stage 23 at Holywood'1 Psamount Studios fuDy undealtalds. The 12-time Emmy- ~ Taxf would *'1ply not be the hit that 111 wllhout him. Ana when he doa ftnaly ..,.,._ oo the Mt -an how mid a half..._ -he ii tm- ....._"; br8ant ... deMwry ls c:ap- ttvadng, ha gll'\U obW>us. The Nhwal hums with cledrtdty. The pmformance thlt afternoon WM Ylnf9 Kaufman -M he d.pk:ted the now-famous LatJca (a character Taxf writers developed from hie .. Fontgn Man" ntghtclub routine). But Kaufman's talent Is 10 hlghJy dewk>ped that he now hat more roles In his repertoire than he has perts. Laddng a show-biz outlet for al ol them, he maka room for many 1 odl811n his private. off-tereen 111e. If I you se a &tend or publicity agent or 1 produce or ~ c:alng on hbn, '1 you can newr be an which Andy Kaufman w1 au1t up for the occasion. I Wtll he be the tou{I\, obnmdout, ~ Qg8r-snoklng foreigl tycoon? Tony Clifton. the loud-mouthed, bnmy Las Vegas lounge singer wtth a compul- sion to insult people? The Mafta- backed entertainer who sets his hit men oo his attics? The uJtnsexist, ultratleazy wrestling champion? ~ufman Is always walking on the edge In his comedy, his life -skip- ping beck and forth across the fine line between reality and lllualon. ln his ad, he's read The Great GcDbv and sung .. A Hundntd Bottles ol Beer on the war (al of It) before confuted fans. After a show at New York's Carnegie Hal, he buted members of the audf.. ence to a IChool cafeteria for c:OOdes and mmc. Hosting ABCs bve late- ~t comedy show, Fridays, last year, Kaufman argued loudly ~ fellow cast members and ended up In a fist- fight with co-producer Jack Bums - all In front of the rollng cameras. Was it ad-libbed or not? Nobody knows. "How brtlliant a charac:teriadon can he do?" ~ veteran comic Cart Reiner of Kaufman ... It's 10 ful and dean nobody can ... past the edga, where the character begins and he ends." And IO, when I drow to his hoUM tucked away In the Hollywood hl.Ds, I was reasonably apprehensive: I wasn't OCl1aln which one of thae An- dy Kaufmans I would get to Interview. As it turned out, I would get to meet almolt al of them. Laural Canyon, one of thc richat lldlonl of one ol the rtchat dlla In the world, .. lnhebbd by the cnm. de la cMmc ol the eartalnment wortd. But K.ufman •• home ii mode9t by Hollywood's atandards and, when I rtng his doorbell, I am tm- mediMaly met by a c:asually ctre.ed. arudouJ -you might even say In· llCUN -young entertai'ler In his ear- ly 30's. There Is an edge of hosdllty In hJs manner, but I see that as a reflection ol the lnl«Urity. As we walk Into the living room, the tel.phone rtngs and he picks It up. Spealcing Into the reodYer In hushed, ~-guy tona, Kaufman barb, as If playing out a .::ene &om The God/ather: .. Just '°"91 'em up a llttle, aac:k a few rbs, leave a few tcan 0n their faces." Then he M1gs up, turns to me and anjes, He quk:k)y explains It was all a joka. GainJng c:onMenc:e, Kaufman next tranlfonns hifNelf from the Mafia Entertainer Into the Profnsk>nal \Mader, c.hallenging me to a rnaiech. Kaufman. tt seems, has indeed chalJenged women wrestlers -pro- fa8onal and otherwise -ln arenas and ~ &om Los Angela to MmaiptUI. He dalms wldefeated status and a tide aD his own: "The Worfdwtde lrar-G.lder \\\Ullng • Champion, .. -he JM* ti. And he wtl contklue to wrade only women. '"\\bnen don't haw It, • t. as wradlpg goes." he ~ to me, his tyll bul(h a>mbedwly. "They haw Whallna abow the ~. oM· meal In the bndna. TMy .. superior wtlh regmd to ~ potllllDa and mldng an of babla, but not In wrad· Ing." . Wei, rm not mUch at peeling pcailoa, but I figure now rve got my whole MX to cWelld. And to -at 5 feet even and ~In at jutt over 90 pounds -I ecc:.pt his challnga. I am ..:orted Into wtYlt Klufmlr\ daat. • his "Sacred Rubbs Room." The &oar II CDYad with ~ rubber IDllll. '"Thil • wt.. l ........ people whml they come over to wrestle," he says ner· VOU!ly. We en bodl nervous. But l am not Pl9 to ardl~ His ob- noxious comments about women, even If Intended as a joka, haw got· ten my goat. I smnd ready to go the ful 15 rounds. Suddenly -like a chameleon chm¥ng his protective oolortng to sd the satuaHon -Kauf. man changes bis tune. Senq I am serious, he becomes defensive. He explains apologdcaDy that he does not always have control over himself. "Once I became this fomgn tycoon with the cigar in Atlantic City for a whole month," he Insists. "I c.ouldn't stop it. . . .Euen In mv Meep." The \NOfnan he was with then, he says, ltterally fell In low wllh tomeOne he wasn't. .. And I can't always bring these characten back." l have a chance to look around while he qwetfY sips a cup of Instant coffee and stares through the sliding glass door looking out on the pool. He swtms a mile by himself every day. '11#U--.r, ~--., 3•nirrar 1 111 fra1.ne tray · • Available In T Mle OecotlW COiors • Belgt, Blut, Oraoge e lllnbll Plastic e UntnllWlle Mirror • Comes~ a.llCI Ready lo Hang Hitt' S I c""9f IOte to help you UllWU'8cl space. Up II' S a mlrror/frllN, Oown "'s a conwnient shtll M11111ras a ~• r•)t s•. Made ot ciura111e plas1iC In your cnolCt ot 1'1ree decOrllltor coiors. MaktS a grNl gift! only Je.....,Y•'IW .... tt.Y• 129. 5 ~ .. All"I ........ "' ---~---------------~---------------Order your 3 In 1 Mirror· Fram• Tray here! Pl ..... ..,,d me ___ a i. 1 • ....,..,,_ ,.._ Tl8~ r One for $2.95 + ''" •NOOinO IAftlTWC>torM.90 + St.I01h~ IN Y STATE RESIOEHTll AOO A~TE IAU::S City __ S1a1e ___ z.io __ _ TAXS____J Make check ot mone, order P•••ble 10· MOtlA ......._EndoMO ~S ----- N Mall lo: NCMIA MD.80W OU'T .... '21 Me. of IN~ -YCIR. NY 10011 NOAA N£\.SON IW2 ------------------------------------ I I i i ' i l j ANDY IC.AUPllAN (contm!Md from page 7} that people recognize me," he says, breaking character only once tn the several hours we spend togsthcr. .. lbe reason ls, rm IO shy .. .I went to ~when I~ 4 years old ... I was *> thy, I couldn't even raise my hand and say 'Here' in elementary achool." Ka"fman Is a loner everywhere he goes. Durtng the months Tmd II not In production, he Ilka to hifchhice. He says lt helps him "to keep &om lollng .-.;.t of humanity .. .I might put up a Honest Wheat T..ae. Thal's just · A Ftber Favartte. Kellogg's 40% 1be mrt. Kdloa 's 40% Boo flakes Boo Bekn a:real is an cxceUent ceral is~. 'IOaled source of fiber. The fiber many · to make it casee especially delicious. Americans need in lhcir diecs. And 'blled to rmlre-4()% Bm RW:s 40'i Bran Btbs ij one delicious light md aisp. hsted so every way to heJp keep your digestive f1lke is bunting with a hearty system running smoodlly. wheal bran ftavor. Yoa Love It. You're oonccmed lbout a nutritious diet and ~ heaJlh, and ~·vc shown rt. In fact, more Amencans buy Kclloa:S m Brm fletcs lhan 1be ocher leading bran flake a:real. That's why KeUoa 's is IUl1ber one. sign that says, 'I am Andy Kaufman of Tmd,"' he c:onceda, "but only If rm caught In the same tpOt for two houn." And one night a week, time. permitting, he pall In a full shift as a butbov at Jef'r/s Famous DeJI. In the San Fernando Valley area of Los Angeles. "Being a bulboy was my first )ob," he says. "I want to stay In touch wtth my rootl." Also a great believer In trans· cendental meditation, he maintains a verbal ~ with the Tmd pro- ducers, allOwlng him a "Special two- hour break on Fridays, between rehearsal and fllming , In order to meditate. E ven his publicists find this show- btz phenomenon -only 32 - hard to explain. "When I was about to draw up Andy's. bk>-J graphy." one cl them recalled, "I ~-1. plained that all actors lie about their age." I '"Then rm 45, .. he to&d her. l Of courte, molt oelebrltia· fudge their ve--down, not up; but that's Kaufman for you. Adualy. by the time he .. 45. he hopes to haw added CONlderably to his anady subltanaal aa:ompWvnents. He'd Ilea to have -·knocked off at lea.tone more national tour \only 99 cents a ticket," he pro- poees to his manager, who tuddenly looks vay worried). He'd love to pro- duce~ Tony Cllftpn Story -not sure yet whether the ftlm would be a comedy or a tragedy. (Heanbupt, whk:h starred Kaufman and Berna· deue Peters as loVaick robots, was suppoeed to be a comedy but turned out to be a box~ t1'9dy.) A TV ldddie show -and an hour-Jong TV va18ty _show -.. ., In hls drums. In the maname, thou!;l, he hOIMI the nm mm.. ticks on forever -• the· ewr-1..._ Kaufman bq\I the teach b another houte and awh pad for himlel, his C.P.A. brother MlchaeJ and periodic lady friends . Suddenly Kaufman emerges &om anoctm room with a portable electric organ. He praea the buttons furious. ly end thoutl out tunes to the .... nallng sambas, rhurnbas and wabn the wrellChed lnlb'wnent ~ produces. W. .. IUddenly tran. ported to an ice-skating r1nk In Buf. falo, whens Kaufman has landed yet anoCher pmt-tlme job. I,.._, tMn, that I wlll neuer ptn Andy Kaufman . down. We haw WNlded afW al, and he has won - no holds bmNd. Then, as If c:cnvtnoed that the malllCh ii owr, he looks deep Into my eyes and says, with that In· tmllab&e, wide-eyed, Latka-aque ct.m, '"Tri you Oerny much." Tri VoU wry 'much, Andy Kauf· man. You .. W1Y ~ ..... -whowsyoU... ... ··~Wl9CU.~·- Have Fun While You Make Chocolate Bunnies, Eggs And Other Delicious Chocolate Goodies. r--------------------1 I Malec check or money ordcr payable to: I I AMl:.RICAN FAMILY. Box 21 . Dept. 20~-B I I t(("''"!!lon Station. Bmoklyn. N. Y. 11211< I 1 1 Please wnd the fabulous new Easter SWttt I Treatstm plus FREE Prol'~lonal Candy Dttora· I tor for only 87.98 plus 81.00 poetagt' and hand· I ling. tNY. ILL. PA. CA and MICH mildcnts add I approprtatc sale. tax) - I Uftl Order • Kita for only t H .M. We pay I an posiage and bancWnc. I Name __________ ~ I Address ----------- 1 ;OtiMrlfllft•~~~ I City __________ _ tl;;':•lta=-1 I State ------- r ·-----IATlllACflOll ~l .. ..,L TOOH! ------, , ........ , ................. -,.., ... .._, .. l1JJl I lllfe. 1·11 .., -. ..w-1 .... ...,.,..... ........... .-.., •n __ ,,._ lileft11 TM l•lller (lltt4n7a) 111*--WidlJI __ J.~ ---llf• ....... lllcll l•tlltf (1112Jll02t) 111• --Wielll -- _.... --"'· ...... .,_ ~ (llll42SMI) Silt --•• --__ .., ..... s. .... ~ !Ml:mllll s.,. __ ..,. -- r1 --llfl . .._..,TN l•ll1tr (lll20Ht2ll Slrt __ Wldtll -- 1 ... --llfl· ,.,._,1 lllCa l•llltr (lill20lM71) Sue --WlfUI -- 1 -llfl· .._., Wllitt l•llltr (lltt>l•lll Sl.te --Wt4t11 --m n IT --"'· W1MN11'11r-...... (lllW7MIJ Sire __ Wlftll __ •Bl I '°'vt~··" "·n:l,• $2.t0 flJlf. "· ""':.'! .,... 1111t111t111t. ~-=-I SA I Ol'wr pelr i. )lllt Ut." 111 ss.oo llOltllt 8"d llallclllnt ,._,.. I CUlllO MtriCM (.,,..U 8 CMte ..... 0 Mtlttr CU.11 (t lCIPI S111p ff! 0 VISA 0111t11' Cl•• I 11Ctl1.). [M:IMeel Is Acc't ti Datt hp __ ... •~·~IWll[ ________________ _ t)9l1Mlr I AOOllSS -----------------~ I CITY STAT Z"-----~ I ::J °*' ........ -50c .... ,_,, •tc'1,i• .. -···~ t.llt .......... Clftt .....,_, ra. I ~ ::r='O:.;! :.-=: ~· .:=·~.::.'!.. .:.,-:.~ ::"' ..... 11.SSI '------_._.. e>tt.1t.t. 11e.. tm ~----..-.------' Don't Pa"5Q..,-Don't Pa~ NOW JUST 14.88 Genuine Leather Smooth or Sueded NOwt 8USSRJL COMFORT MORJlelG TO NIGln1 11w doene ..... kt .-. ._,cfootl " #1•••~ Co•1P..-C lllloeo wo die • ...._ .. • COlllfon ... Md qllolllty-cnifted wtdl fatwa ,o.'4 o..-c:t .. ,... i. a $50 -$25 lllloc! Lanrte. .................... ....._... __.. -....... ......, ... '-"....., •t.,.. -···· ....... , .• Tiie ....... c-Pc* arch~ --CGmfon ....... ..._.of 10 C: I• • I ... A ..... celw ,. ........ ,... dm6tJa .................. Alli# f•-.. ••' 1 •• , ....... CGmfon ....._Md a.,...._,..._ , .. feet,, ............ , .. TM -a&.ck _... .......... -S...t ..................... 14.11. WOMIN'S 11119 .. '"· .... ,_,, '· '"· .. "'· .. '"·ti; AL80" 1Nmll! .. c. D, .... - _ .. Illa '"· '· '"· .. '"· .. '"· , .. ""· "· ""· , ...... ta w.mtl: c:. o. .. - lame clwable aatertala found ID •xpemlY• competlllft hNDd.s ••• AT 1/5 THE PRICEll You can now enjoy the time/us beouly and proctico/ benelirs ol 9enuine copper clod sroinleu •IH I cookery 01 on al· fordable pflce. Yow lritchen won I be comp/eta without tbtn e/~ont and eftl· cienr help matu. Turns coolr1n9 chore~ into o ,oyful pleoirure. You'll rel11h 1he orl of 9ourmel lood prepo101Jon . • adds a •p«1a/ touch to eHryday meob COPPER: THE SUPER HEAT CONDUCTOR That• n11ht1 Gaautne copper clCld bot loma provide llnproved heot d1sperc1on (reducH hot 1potUn91. Heovy ·9ou9e •talnl ... •IHI bod;ea ... con't nal. pll or corrode. Atttac:tive aurror lmlah exteriors enhance any kitchen decor Jeweled aoUn·liniah 1.Atedora a,re eo1y to·deon rtaut •Ucldn9 and Krotclun9. Space 09e heot-remtant hondlea a nd knobs .. mad• tou9h lor yeora ol wear. Superb crall•· monahlp_ W hy epend thrM lime• the money. You can awn thi• hand.some 10 piece hut·quouty Copper Clad S101nlt1a Cookware. Hurry! Order NOW and beol the ruah. All ordera shipped on o hrat come-1.u•l·Hrved ba11a. Only 518.88 .. DON·r Dtl.A Y .. tbU incredJble Jow puce ron I last' DYNAMIC PRICE COMPARISON!! COMPUAILC CO~~CLAOSET VALUE '1 qi. Sauce Pan with cove1 : 9.~ I qt. Souce Pan with cover 13 SO 2 ql Sauce Pon with cover 18 00 s• 2 qL Dutch Oven W1th cover 27.7S 8" SlrJllet COMBINED 14.00 101 •. Skillet· PRICE• .-J.!19_ Sll.88 Sl02.2S tplus 1ol1s lax ·cover interc.hon9eoble with Dutch Oven YOUR GUARANTEE You must 1>1 complllely )tti1htd II not return """"" I• days fo• 1 lull refund •t•ttot OOSI I hdle Old Village Shop Hanover, PA 11331 ·-----------------------------------, OlO VIWQE lffOP, ~. vz.7111, ~ ,..., ltrttt. Ka-. PA 17Jit Plea .. ruah -H t(a) of l().paece Cepper Clecl ,......_ .... I Cootware (Z611371) for the in· Name -----------c:tecb.bt. la-w pnce al only II... plu.a 14 9e. A4cl,.... ~--a\~''Q\f'~. hondlm9 = f'llU ·:....:===;:...:;;;:;;_;;_..;;....__ I Coty------------C OlrTS! SAVE MOR£· Order TWO M lt lar juat I "7• plu1 • 00 Mcrlyw119b1 sh.ppanc, and S1a1e Zip I ho:ndlu)g OD MDll.e money back ouarani.e• _ ClltO fttrt lfld Hftd &Ge fOf subsc:rop • CllAIQ& rT1 0 Moa1etCard C Dintr'1 Club tlOll to .,.,, "'''°' of ~nt 111u alld I 0 Aa.Nc=i ta!>(-0 ear .. Blanche :J VISA ~tllloM (l~•I °"' potq ,, to I N fl'otfll all O<clt{l llfCMIPllJ, Crtd1t cerf I Ace I o Ofdtfl trt proceutd UllOft crtdol •P· £1.p Dote--proval. Otlars 110llfitd O•Offtptfy, Otli•· I Eneloetd111 (PAr..id.ntaaddtaleato&) .,, '"'""''" ••• ~111 eo tNJS. I --------------~M .. M.t.t.c .. lM2 -----------~--• New Immunizations: A Shot In the Ann Against Disease "lmmuni.atton has toued more lives than anv other mcdkal ckuelopment." By mike Oppenheim, m.o. m ost of us ere famillar wtth such widely discussed medical miracles as cardiac pacemakers (cost: $2,000). coronary-bypass surgery ($15.000) and total body CAT scan X-rays_ ($800.UOO}. But we don't usually hear much dlSCussion of lmmunlz.a· tk>ns. which are perhaps the greatest mtntcles of all and cost a patient only a few dollars. The lowly Immunization . has saved more Uves, prevented more Illness and saved more money than any other medical development In the history of the human race. Millions of Amertc:ans who haven't had poho, tetanus. dlphthetlls or measles are In· debted to Immunizations, often without realizing It. Generally we associate the word "Immunization" with the old standbys (tetanus, diphtheria, whooping cough. measles) we suffered through u children. In fact, Important new vaccines are being studied.and tested all the time and several have just been released. Hepatitis One of the most exciting new vac- cines. which was approved by the Food and Drug Administration (F.D.A.) last year and will be available in several months, protects against hepatitis B, the most serious known form of viral hepatitis. Hepatitis B Is usually spread by bodily fluids, in- cluding bk>od and saliva. Formerly called "serum hepatttis," It used to be associated prtmarUy with drug addlcts who shared needles, but It Is actually much more w\despread. Hepatttts B ls the worst type of hepatitis because It Is the one most likely to result in serious Illness or death. There are 200,000 to 300 ,000 cases in the U.S. every year. h causes only about 250 deaths annually. but several thousand vk:tlms are left wtth a wry unpleatant problem. They re- cover, but they ere a constant threat to others becaute they can ICilJ tpread the d!Mase. In addition, a large num- fcontlltwd on PQSle 13) 'AMIL.7 Wll)(LY, feoNely a mi • 1\ A tradition of beauty ... The WedgWood Easter Egg Pendant t For that uery apedal oaxmon ... or no occaaon at all! A limited edition of 12,500 Shown ac1ual size When Lilies of the Valley shOwer the meadows with beautiful blossoms of white, it signals the arTlval of Spring ... the Season of Love. Now you can share in the joys of the season with The Wedgwood Easter Egg Pendant. EtemaJ symbol of Spring and Easter, the egg is transfooned into the ultimate fashion pendant by the renowned craftsmen of Wedgwood. Imported from Eng- land, the pendant Is created by hand in Wedgwood's timeless whit~blue Jasper ware. The Uly of the Valley is delicately modelled In bas·relief and applied by hand individually to each pendant~ from a beautifut 18-inch neckctiain, The Wedgwood Easter Egg Pendant is a fashion treasure you can wear anytime ... and will cherish f0f9Ver. Or give it to that special someone ... it's the peffect way to say "I love you." Just $27.50, including a beautiful 18-inch neckchain and special gift box. If you are not totally detighted. simply retum your pendant within 15 days for a complete refund. Order today! RESERVATION C81houn'• CoflKtors Soci9Cy, Inc. 7275 Bush Lake Road. P.O. Box 1218. MinnNpolis, Mtnnesota 55440 O YES! Please enter my Aetefvatlon for The Wedgwood Easter Egg Pendant. Send me __ (qty.) Pendanl(s) atS21.so· each, plus $1 .76postage and handling each. Q Mr O Mrs O M .. O M5. S~nawre _____________________________ __ (required) I prefer to pay the fOllOWing way: O My check Is encioHd. O Charge my credit card. 0 Mastet'Card 0 VISA 0 American Express Exp. Date Account Number ----------------------~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Name I (plMM pnnt c1Mtty1 I Addrelt I l ~ ..... --... ,., .. ,_.= ___ Zlp l !~..:..~~~~~--------------~YAl_j I ' • • PLANT NOW-STEP BACK-WATCH IT SKYROCKET FORTH! and keeps on skyrocketing 30 ~0-50 EVEN UP TO 60 FEET HIGH, OR MORE, In leu time than most trees nudg• themselves a few feet off the ground. 1n1.a. Ourl'a=s'~nvs...an: A RIU Va ffJllT EM:# WfBC Mranarr•rt••ram Yes• Buea on 9m&ZWlQgtOWUI rates •4IOOl'19d by planl SClenllSli--11 orows so FAST arclleS out so WIDE you c.n llC1ually ta!r.I a ruler ano measure the 1ncrecl1ole d•ft•rt nct 111 "-!ghl tv•ry 2 to 3 Clays! OR. 10 really lea•• your naognt>ors gaso1ng 1n awe and won de• give tti.m a yardslock end let them meuure the dtflerenc;e IN FEET every 2 to 3 wMl!s' '*• g<>e• on 10 1nn.o~ ~Mii to llogfl. to last tf\at •t actually 1ow~s over even a JaP9ntM Red Maple Cnerry T•M °' even lhe moS1 gt tcefvl Siiky willOw on sucn a r>dlculoully SllOrt lime you w.n Stmoly r9lute 10 oeloeve your eyes• Th1nl< ol 11• GROWi MC>Ra IN JUIT Otol4l MONTH THAM MOIT ,... ... MOW IN •NnRa YIARI Beceute eec(lfdtftg to lll•nl nptftl, Govt 11C""111S11 and Bola'lteal Gardens ~a1che0 this wonoe• nyboO onct tstaohsh~ou merely water II Of1C41·a· .. -ano oe absolutely ftoortO as during 11s SUPER·SOARING growing season ,, GROWS AS MUCH AS A FULL •,·FOOT WEEKLY AFTER EVERY TIME YOU WATER IT' That s rogllt' .Grows noght r than even a lull grown FiOwertng OoQwood IN JUST ONE SINGLE SEASON• GrOW5 highel than evtn a futi.grown Siar Magno11a IN JUST ONE SINGLE YEAR' ~LANT ..OW-ltlAat OUT UD Touat ITI WIH, THICK a~NCHH FROM YOUR MCOttO ITOfWY MDROOM WINDOW av TH• NUT IUMM••u No dOIJt>I at>out 11 Tl'lltre s 11111 l'\01 another instant Shade Trff hke11 on t111s p1ane11 BtcauH thaMs 10 this mode of plane M:l&OC•. 1nstHO of spending 1 small tortu!ltl on 1 tree and tl'lltn wa1t1ng hell • klellme lot II 10 grow gee set 101 !he garden-wonoer OI you! l•I• IS ,,_,, suoer-soanng l'l)'OnO rOC41ets fOl'lh from a onie nursery-grown Diam 10 a tower ol rool·hlgtl beauty on •ess tome 1nan you even oreamtd oossrt>le G"OWl IN V1"TUAUY ANY SOii. -"IOUIRU NO .,._CtAI. CA"a- SOARI INTO A MAITS"~9Ca Of' YTTAL nanmct FflO• l.Wllltll EXnm MATUl'I GROWTH ~ 11 llftllCll H .-0 to U , ... MATUR• IPWUD: a1llftUctl11 JO te JI, ... ZO• ()IJ MAJHM•a .. : Haroy from 11'18 oe.o.st Sou1" 10 at far North as 'Jeunont Monn Ouet>« BrlllSh COluml>t&. W1n1e1 Hardy on a11u -• 1emo Clrop& u low u 30 oegr1ts t>elow zero LgtoHT MUOI: Grows bHUltfully on Sunny IOC1t1on oac~TIV• MPITI: Highly recommended oy 1anasc:epe arehnecl5 as oeaU1duf oecor11"'e 1oec1· mens l0t nomes oarti& highways Ile wriere eacep- llONll lul growth ano beauty are reou1reo Per1ect Ill' tut scrHning and onvacy fU.~D fU.Te Of' G"OWTI4: Ellpel11 rll)Of1 g<owtll ratH on soecomen 1ree1 trial measure up IO 8 FEET THE VERY FIRST YE.AR ALONE Thats more then most shaci. trffS grow on 3 ~ S even 7 yea" ,... once es1at>hthed w~I grow ranc:h·l'IOuse-rool h'iJh IN JUS~ ONE SINGLE YEAR tl"lll s rognt-Tl'le very next year aftet planltng' Eioet11 also rlC)Ol1 rt soars an amazing 5 to 8 toll each year IOf YEARS thereafter Naturally •HU11t ••• t>ase<I on Ol)IJmum growing conc)I ''°"' Te•es t>U1 10 m•nUlH to p4ant ano no<maJ ca•e rew1ros you w"h a llleume ol t>eautV 11an1ng tnos very year CA"l: N04111ng spec1a;_,us1 nor••llt garoen c.re Weier tully onee weeic1y N11u1ally resistant to mos1 o.seasn oest 0< •flffCtS WI HAYS AT ntll lllOMIMT ONLY A U•'RD aut'Pl.Y AYA.ILAllLI "'"' "llL.aAH TO TMa PUaUC-P'UU. IUPftLY WOWT .. RUDY UNTIL 1911 SO ACT NOW! Now the Otoe• ol this ~r growing shade tree '' not 520or 530as you might e•C>OCI t>ut 1 mere S3 95' Thats ngn1 only S3 95 101 tlltt magntlount Beauty mar rewards you wrth sucn a 9tor10Us OrtOlay Ol g<owin IN JUST ONE SINGLE YEAR Howev11 our 5upo4y '' llmitec:tl Full suoot1H lrom the grow•flg toelds will not be reaov until 111t 1982 01 earty t983 There•ore. au Of· ders musi t>e sh•e>c>eO on a hrtt-<:ome hrst-sl'I~ oasis 10 m1ktf sure you oon t moss Olll ACT NOW• aUUTY IN JUST A MATIM ()IJ MONTHll ~s1 ot alt unltke most trees that oemano constant SATISFACTIOt(GUAAANTEED care constant 01moenng aoout the only '"'"II you OA MONEY BACK! oo after you ollnt 1"115 s.ooer-grow1ng wonoer-hyt>rtd rs Remember SattSlec:loon •s lvlly guaran- water 11 ana 1nioy •t' Tl'lat 1why1 .. oong ootanocal gar· leecl You must be thrl11td 1n every way GroW9 More In One Month Then Molt Other Shlde n..a Grow In An Entire Yeer-More In One S.eao11 Then Ordinery Shade Tr..1 Grow in 2 YHrt. 3 Yeara or Even 5 Years! 1ntustr11o0n shows mago111Gent size spieao ano oeau1y ot mature Poovlu5 nybfld·lam Sakcaceae l oet1s l1fldtcape anoM . garden td1t0<1 c.n I with 11115 spectacular 1 • .,,., growmg stop raving 1t>ou1 111 111<1tacnt>allle oeauly 111 Shade trM 0< RETURN AT ANYTIME r••-•••• llAIL N0°RIUl CO~N TOOAY •••••••'I troul)it·lrff c.r1 •ts surging towenng growin Wl111m 90 days '°' a lull r9'und Of put· "°°""""" 'n'le, DetM· TPTA-20 l - Smau wonoer that lead•ng e.cpe11s ha~ 111n ,,... mo5t cl\a$e once ANYTIME wrthtn 1 year I 16 5-'tlng #We~ P.O. eo11011 • ..._..,New 'lbftl 111111111 glowing ttfms r~ommenoed 111ga1n and ~n fOf tor lree rep4~ment Could anyinong be I vts plNH Mod me tor oroper Oltntong t·me on my art• tne SUPER GROWING ~ntrsWl'IOwat11astunn•ngd~yolt>e1u1y f11rer? Now 15 tne time to O<de< and HY8R1D!Sl onellcateooe10w ooin a w•nd and pnvacy serffn aocs deto cool Slllde repent-send no-nsk coupon today' I _ ( #001) 1 lor only $3.95 plus 75c PQstage and n1nahng ;.:!!!ano~w~1~tn~o£r1e:"!toc~a~11:y~no~mo<=•~w=or11:t~n=an~e~th:or~ou=g=h~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~@ l I L (#002) 2 IOf only $6.95 tSAVE OVER $1) plus $1.00 postage snd ttan-wattrong tach week' ; I <-dUng JUST MINUTES TO PLANT-SOARS UP TO ROOF-HIGH IN A SINGLE YEAR ! i II -C•004J ~~~1~Y 510•00 (SAVE OVER 57 OOI plus SI SO postage •nd I -t•OI0} 10 for only 520 00 (SAVE OVER $20 001 plus S3 00 postage and l I ttandhng :: ( #0201 20 '°' onty $30 00 (SAVE OVER $55.00} plus $5.00 postage and JI handling ~ I If alter rece1v1ng my Ofder I am not fully delighted. I may return anytime within 90 days and you will refund my purcttase pnce in full (less postage and :t I ttandl1ng. ol course) jJ • 1 ~'!1:,mount enclosed (N '(residents adO sates tax.) No C 0 .0 ·s N~• I .,.,,1.,1tU110USllglllvoA/'1ofilnM Pcture ywi PlllO..,.., "'Ille coot Jull a 111W '""*' pllnlflg Mll--t i 11 Address --------------------I to •Ill 111n 1 ~•mt 9rO"Mt10-• beluly Of tru lhow-lllOPl*IO !l'lllC:lil 1llW -.ens· vroiMnO ,.,,. IMICll t llewG I»" Cl hS.e '°""'tnG sllD>lr ~.::~~IOhltst'anows ,-OU""°1 IWln'°""'10IOIWy 'l City State Zip J .._1MC1m ______________________ .._ ___________ w ----------tin IWll ... ._....,.,,telt\. ··---------- ber of carriers develop chronic liver disease leading to almost 4,000 deaths a year from cirrhosis (an Infec- tion which destroys Uver cells). Immunization against hepatitis B re- quires three doses over six months and protects for at least five years. Hepatitis B Is easily spread by sex- ual Intercourse, and the more sex partners one has. the greater one's chances of catching It. Homosexuals have the highest risk of all. Experts urge those with numerous sex part- ners to get the vaccine. Others with a high risk Include health-care workers and laboratory workers. Pneumonia SdentiSts were on the verge of pro- ducing a vaccine against pneumococ- c:al pneumonia, the most common and severe bact~ lung infection. 40 years ago. Then penicillin was discov- ered. and everyone thought the prob- lem was solved. The pneumococ.cal germ could be killed by a small amount of penicillin. But. curable or not. pneumococcal pneumonia has remained a danger- ous disease. Penicillin does not aeate Immunity, It only works on those who have the disease. and often pneu- monia can make people seriously ill and even kill them if 1:hey aren't treated soon. There are 500.000 cases every year. and it's still among the 10 leading causes of death in the U.S. Because of this. researchers resumed their work. and a vac:dne WM approved in 19n. Only one Injection is re- quired in a lif etlme. Still. young, healthy people shoukl continue to rely on penicillin because the vaccine is rare and experts reserve it for groups wtth an lnaeased risk of getting the disease and less ability to ftght It off. These include padents with heart failure, emphysema. chronic kidney disease, diabetes, alcoholic cir· rtl05is and sk:kJe ceU anemia. Any person who's had his or her spleen removed should be immunized (research has shown that the spleen fights pneumococcal pneumonia). Some (but not all) doctors advise It for everyone o~ age 50. Chicken Pox and Shingles Chicken pox is a mild lllnesa except fn chlldren with chronic diseases and I thoee receiving cortisone for skin I disease. ~ or arthritis (cortisone lowers the body's resistance to Infec- tion). In these victims it's severe and often fatal. Also, the chicken pox virus causes shingles, a common and very painful adult skin disease. A vac- cine has been IUCCftlfully tested S1 Japan but haen't attracted much In· wrest In the U.S. Atxording to Or. Ahrt Sabin. profemor of blometrtc:s at the Medical University of South Carolina who developed the oral polio vaccine, "The effort to confirm the excellent results reported by the Japanese has been too small and too slow when one considers how much misery could be prevented by the eradication of shingles." Smallpox Although the smaJlpox vaccine Is not new (It was the first vaccine, In- vented In 1796) experts recently an- nounced a new smallpox devel· opment: The diseate has been wiped out. The vtrus exists only In test tubes m the relrigentors of a few public health laboratories around the world . Eradication was possible for two reasons: Animals are not carriers of smallpox. and humans do not become chronic carriers. Once the cy- cle of human-to-human transmlsslon is broken. the virus has no place to go. A massive, worldwide vaccination program carried out over the past 15 years has accomplished this. No case has been reported since August. 1978. Today, no one really needs a smaU· pox vaccination except people ln laboratories where the virus is stored. A few countries still (unnecessarily) require it of travelers. Nothing illustrates the miracle of immunization better than the dlsap· pea.ranee of smallpox. Most Infectious diseases cannot be wiped out in this way. but when use of a vaccine is widespread they are suppressed to the point of insignificance. U too many people are not immunized. however, an outbreak can occur -such as the diphtheria epidemic that swept through San Antonio a few years ago. Other Good News A new, sefer and much less painful rabies vaccine .has recently been ap- proved. Vaccines for some types of meningococc.al meningitis are already in use, and a vaccine for prevention of another type ls still in the research stage. Work Is far advanced on pre- vention of cytomegalovtrus disease. a mild viral Infection which (like Ger· man measles or rubelle) could cause birth def ec::ts If It attacks pregnant women. Respiratory syncytjal virus Is a major caUM of severe bronchiolitis and pneumonia In babies under 6 months of age. Research Into a live virus vaccine for respiratory syncytial has been under way for many years. Scientists are also ~ on lm- munlzatk>ns against recurrent herpes infections, gonorrhea, syphilis and other forms of hepatitis. So exciting devc)opments In im- munlzation are not a thing of the l1WI past. More are on the way. ~ ILi FAMtl.Y WUICl.Y, ,..,_., .. .a • 1i Mrs. Eleanor May. Headache Sufferer. "I had this throbbing right on the top of my head. Then I took Anacin~ After taking Anacin pain reliever, Mrs. May's throbbing headache was gone. Anacine has more pain reliever. Two tablets of regular strength aspirin or non-aspirin products contain only 650 milligrams of pain reliever. But Anacin gives you more. 800 milligrams in a special formula. Mrs. May got rid of her headache fast. Next time you get a headache, get the Anacin drfference. Tablets or capsules. Use only as directed. Get the Anacin difference. \ A Strangelouean .ite of rodwute In Nevada: ...,,.ere la no ainount of radiation ao maall that It cannot provide harndul eJ/ecta. • By Fred C. Shoptro management plan." To formulate soch a plan, President Carter appoint· ed In 1980 an 18-member commts- A question posed by my high· slon of eight governors, six state, local school chemistry teacher: and American Indian tribal offida1s .. Suppose 1 gave you all the and the heads ol fpw Federal agenda. money and all the fadJtties It A year and a half later. however. woukf take to produce an add So when this panel was ready to present powerful that It would dissolve any its recommendations, its chairman , known substance -what would be · South Carolina Governor Richard your first step In going about it?'' Riley, a Democrat. was unable to His answer (after shrugging off a secure an appointment with Presklent number of our responses): "The first Reagan. The new Admlnlslradon sub- thing you have to determine In any sequendy announced lnaeases In nu- expertment ls. when you get whatever dear-weapons production and nu- it ls you're going after, what are you dear~energy ~· going to keep It In?" In connection with the latter. the Ave ye.-s before I was taught that President promised .. to proceed swtft- much about ~ scientific principles. ly" toward a .. deployment of means" physicist Enrico Fermi and his col-to contain and dlspo9e of radwaste - leagues had initiated the first c:ontroll-· a term which Federal energy officials ed atomic chain reaction at the Uni-have coined to daa1be nudear ellu· verslty of Chicago -and had thereby ents which wtD remain lett\&Uy radio- aeated the fkst reactor-made nudear active for thousands of ye.MS. In the wastes. That experiment, leading to meantime. the wastes already ac- • the development of the atomic bomb. cumulated are leaking &om aac:k.ed was canied out under the priorities of underground storage tanks at Federal wartime necessity. Today, however, nuclear sites. blowing from the sur· 39 years later, the United States and faces of towering uranium mlD tailings an lnaeastng number of other nations piles In the West, seeping from &eaky c.ondnue to produce nuclear wea-bwtal SJ"Ounds tcabred around the pons, generate nucllw power and country and piling up In ovcaowded ~ nudear tec:hnoiogy to meet spent·fuel pools at reactor lita medk:al ..ct Industrial needs, all Whllc radiMJon &om thae laking wllhout y« hNng d«eimited how to Wlllla can be wnd In the sur- dilpote of molt of their dangerously rounding environment, there Is no ~wa.aa. way of determining predlely what In this country, as then Comptroller harm It may have Uudy cauted - \ General Elmer B. Staats pointed out and Is likely to cause In the future. lJto Congras In 1979, there has ''never "There Is no amount of radiation so been a dearly defined. technlcaDy small that It cannot provide hmmfu.I feasible , long-term (nuclear) Watte effects," wrote Nobel l.aUNete He· rMnn J. M&.ller who Wwd ..,. tnutlllklnl to ..tllllan. lladw'o.r WSUCld CMC111 e1n h8YI ~ Plltd ol 15 "9111 °' ~ lftd whln~ .......... ~ •• d ~ .. lmpMllilil to lllrllUle IO a specific cause. In the United St.ates. radwastes are classified In six forms: Urmlum mill tllillnga: This Is by far the most abundant form of rad- waste. The milling process ls unable to remove more than 90 percent of the uranium In the ore. and the sand-like particles, known as "tailings," that re- main are stored In piles around 19 ac- tive uranium mills and 25 inactive ones. ·They continually exude radon. a radJoadtve gas. The present volume would be about enoU!it to lay a foot- deep pavement over three four-lane highways between New Vorit and Los Angeles. Most, but not all, of these piles are In the West, where some resemble football stadiums plunked down in the desert and where they are subject to high winds. Sheldon Nov\ck, now a counsel for the Environmental Protec- tion Agency, calculated ln 1969 that three mJlllon tons of tailings had already been blown Into the Co&orado River watershed. High.-.. ..... : Spent nuclear fuel , removed from reactors, can be repooaMd to reclaim the unfissk>ned uranium, but the add effluents &om this chemkal separation are both ther· maUy and radioactiYely "hot." By 1980, 10.2 million cubic feet of these w..-had been poured Into massive stnl tanks buried underground at four American lites. The largest of these. i'l both me and quantity of waste stored, Is Hanford, a Federal nuclear racvadon occupying 568 square mUa ln the 90Uthustem comer of Wahtnglon ate. So far, leaks total-- Ing more than 450,000 g9llons hive t.n coufluned In 26 ol 162 tt.nford ......... -end the ln-'Y of 38 odMls .. COl-'dlNd .. quelllonlble." Nod.mg Me~ been done IO remove thll hWl·a.v.I l'Nlf8tll from Hin· ford's desert plain. and the General Accounting Office reported to Con· gress In 1974 that five to 10 square miles of the reservation's waste area are "so~ contaminated" that they probably never can be cleaned up. Spent Ml from nuclear raK:ton: Most spent-fuel assemblies -which hold the tubular uranium-filled rods -are now piling up under at least 14 feet of water at "swimming pools" at the sites of 73 licensed power reac- tors. By the end of 1980. there were over 28.000 stored assemblies. com· prising about 8,000 tons of uranium. Because spent fuel is not being reprocessed at this time (and because there are now no legal means of disposing of these as&e:mblies). the original storage capacities ol most of these pools have long since been ex· hausted. So far. the Nuclear Regula- t6ry Commillk>n has acted favorably upon 59 applications from reactor openstors either to expand their pools or to .. rerack" the assemblies closer together wtthin them. Even so. 28 of the commetdal reactors are expected to run out of pool capacity by 1990. Tr....,mlc .,...: This classdica· tion of radwaste was aeated In 1970 when the Atomic Energy Commisston ordered that all materiaJs containing as much as 10 bWionths of a curie (a unit of radioactive waste) per !J1lm of any of th• man-made elements heav· '\er than uranium -neptunium. plutonium. americium and so on - be separately stored. It ls estimated that 24 milbon cubic feet of material now considered transuranic waste had been burted at e~t Govemmen· lal and ftw commerdal lites before 1970, and In the -10 yan 1.9 mJlbon cubie feet ol this mmnel has been pl.ad In NINv.ble .,,. . Thae ~ do not Include the miJ. (cooflN-' on ,,..a J6) Kin • • • At~ 25, he'• conquered hia demons and put hla paat behind. Though he /acea the bat and swtftetd every night, hla biggest battle haa been with hlmaelf. By Ron 8orgee H e doesn't an to ml< about It anymore. It's as slrrlPe as that. He only nope. those daY$ are behind him. Men recent ac- tions -both on and off the basMtbel cot.at -haw now placed them there Bernard King, forward for the Golden State Warriors, would like to believe. "That old reputation thJng Is his- tory," the ~year-old says. "I want to talt about the future." But nothing, not 4&-pomt ~ na National Basketball Association (N.B.A.) c:hmnpionship rings, can erase his past. He has battled with akohoasm, been arrested a half-dozen ttmes, mosdy on mtnor dulrges. In the wlnta al 1980, he was chmged wtth the sexuBil abuse of a Utah womati. Thc>tq\ the chmges were lam reduced, the tnpdent meant suspension by the Utah Jazz for almost the entire 197~80 season. •rm an ab:>ho&c," King admits. '"That's my p1 oblem. It \Nll1 always be my prob&em . .. But I think fear of failure ftnally made me recognize the problem. I knew if I dJdn't stop drinking ttMre would be no caeer, no life. Atta that, what's left?" After the Jazz decided they had no use for a troubled star, It seemed llttle was left. Ewn his uncanny knack for putting a lather bell ~ a metal hoop couldn't MW hbn: Some sports wrt.s datmed King would never play basketball again. In an effort to tum his life sound, he traveled to St. John '1 Hotpbl and Health Center in Santa Monka where he recetved the tremnent that helped him to conquer his drtnklng problem. It 'did not come with the same ea.e (continued on poge C 2} Ron 8oflea It o /IMJance ..,-.,. ..,...... 1 lj In lpOrfl M\119. Retutns to the Coutt ajestlcally ' -useell. "Once I get on the court, o player's not o /rfend of mlne." I ., - auNARDKINQ (conlln~d from po~ CJJ as breaking away from a defender, but slowly. and with the help of his girl- friend , Collette Caeser (now his wife) , he began to gain control of his life. And for the first time he learned who he was. Until then, King had thought of himself only as a ballplayer. It had been that way since he emerged as a star at Fort Hamilton High In Brook· lyn , N.Y. He became a legend In the Brooklyn ghettos. "It became a dream for me to play professional basketball. And it be- came a goal once I got Into my sopho- more year In college, although I never really believed I was good enough to King and wife, CoaGt.. met when he was wih the Nm and she was dividing Rutgers. play pro ba.U," explains King. King's self-Image solldified at the Unfverstty of Tennessee. where he be- came an alJ.American In 1976, and remained with him when he left with- out a degree after three years to join the New Jersey Nets In 1977. Even after he took the N.B.A. by storm In his rookie year. averaging 24.2 points and 9.1 rebounds for an ailing team, his intensity didn't sub- side. He saw himself only in terms of basketball. But in 1980. after two years with the Nets and a short stint with the Utah Jazz. his career was )eopardlzed and he suddenly felt lost . At that time, King finally learned he was much more than a basketball player. He was a man, a young and confused one perhaps, but a man all the same. After King left St. John's Hospital in spring 1980, he took his basketball and started working at his game. He practiced with the fervor of his earliest days as a player. He joined the Los Angeles Sum- mer Pro League, usually dominated by rookies and unknowns hoping to be discovered. Although he was rusty, having played oajy 19 games for lhah before his troub&es began, he tore the league apart. Named its M.V.P., he took a step back toward the N.B.A. Once the summer league ended. King traveled to Hall of Fame coach Pete Newell's basketball camp. At first Nev.oe.11 was reluctant to admit King, but by the time the camp closed, Newell recommended that the Golden State Warriors find some way to acquire i&g before the 1980-81 season. With the Jazz looking for a place to unJoad King, the trade was made the day before the training camp opened In September. Neither King nor the Wmriors have lived to regret it. King became the N.B.A.'s Come· back Player of the Year, averaging 21.9 points (11th best In the league). 6.8 rebounds and 36' minutes a game. His personal resurgence was, In large measure. responsible for Golden State's return to respectability . .. aher having gone an embarrassing 24-58 (their worst performance in 15 years) a year earlier. He has foUowed that with an even better start this season. averaging roughly 23 points while shooting at a record 61-percent pace and playing his game at the usual frenetic pace. And for the first time In his career. he was chosen to play In the N.B.A.'s all- Star game. held last month . .. How is Bernard playing?" 76e:r star Jullus Erving saki aher a recent game in which King poured in 35 points to Dr. J's 34. "WeU. the only person I can think of that he's playing like ... I don't know how to say thls. but the only person I can think of ls me. "His approach reminds me of me now. back some years ago, when every night was a challenge. some- thing to prove. He's having an aD-Stzir year. It's a pleasure to watch him." '1'1aylng releaaa a aide of me I can't e:xprea. If• always been Hice poetry to me.,. King has gone about proving him- self at everyone's expense, including his younger brother Albert's. Albert, who colnddentally began his rookie season this year with the Nets, suf- fered through a long night early In the season when the Warriors and Nets dashed. Brother Bernard poured In the points while Albert could do bttle but admire the performance. "I wasn't looking forward to that game. rm just happy to see my brother in the league. But once I get on the court, a player Is not a friend of mine," says Bernard. Coach Al Attles has been a friend to King. Legendary around the N.B.A. for his tolerance and patience. he was perhaps the perfect coach for King during the most dlfflcult of times: that first season back. "fve never been one to go on past reputations," Attles says. "I deal with a guy on how he treats me. That's It. Bernard had a choice to make and we had nothing to do with It. "I don't know what he was like be- fore he came here, but fve never seen all those horror stories. We thought he was an excellent player, but he has performed beyond our expectations." He has not, however, performed beyond his own expectations. "I knew If I got another chance fd make the most of It," King says. "I never lost that confidence In myse.lf, although some days were very tough. "Doing It [playtng professlonaDy) has always been my way of expressing myself. It gives me an outlet to release a CAUFOANIA EDITION, Fe«iruaty 28. '112 • C3 ..... side of me I can't express. It's always been somewhat like poetry to me. "I've played against guys more talented than I, but you have to fit with the team. You have to be able to work with everyone . . . and with yourself. Some guys are too indi- vidualistic: for that. There are so many kids out there and so few openings. J had the right coachlng and I played with the right players. I had the talent, but I know I was lucky." He was also courageous enough to do it twice . . . and to find him-JWI self along the way. ta:J .. ·Callfotnla Scenes What to See, What to Do,""--to Go That' She Blows So•• Tipa on ~tchlng W hell. you decide to brave the wmr In a anal fWUng vaMl OI' ~a~ Liner, whale wllllehtng Is one of the Welt Coast's molt unique -and ex- dltng -experiences. The California !J'ey whales mvate 10,000 mUa &om the Arcdc to Baja and beck be- tween Dec.ember and Ap.11, pmng along the Los Angela COOldlne on their journey. Just what you 11 tee depends on the type of boat. where the aulM heads, and the lkipper's luck In locadng whales that day. Most often, whales are lighted bt; their spouas, the vapor column reAeated when the mammals surface after holding their breath for five mktutes or more. At. other tima, whala may .. spyhop" bt; poppJng their heads straight up. Whales may sometimes dJsappear on1~· to surface a few feet from the ship. And, you may see ftve OI' six whales at once. To prevent tun.· ment of whales (whJch can diltulb ~), boats keep a diltanc:e of 50 feet from the mammals. In good weather, the boats often Just drtft alongside a whale. Pe11engeas may see the hump of the whale's beck, Its entire tall as the whale diva deeper underwater or sometimes a "breach," when whala actuely shoot almOlt ~ up out ol the ocean. )s whale Walchklg danglrout? ~- Mdtc• &by " 0 .oudwm C41/omlo-bmed ...,,... ond 0 .,,,.. ""*"'"'Jon, oordk'lg to the Amertcan Cet.aoean Soddy, a national whale-wald\ing organtzadon. and oompan6es spon- sorlrig whale-watch cruises, the answer Is an emphatic "no." The anti- harras.sment guidelines guarantee safety, and even when whala do c.ome dose bt;. their fNly tuned 10Mr nayVation •em prevents col- lisions with the C08lldine or puling ... Cn.dle opendon -enbce guidcllna on board, such as llmllng the number of pr•wgen. A. for wtMlt you1 lwn, c...... Sodlty membas or trained Ntruc· tors on board generaly -lhow how to locate whales throudt theJr IPOUt OI' "footpo b1tl," an °"9llddlke image Wt on the surface when a whale diva t... neath. Guida allo flll passengers In on facts about the whales' life ttyles, from mating and nursing habb (a calf drtnks 50 geJlons of m8k dally) to m9adon pallems. The type of whale-watch aw. you choose depends on where you'd Mke to leaw &om and the kind of experi- ence you pNf.r: Smlller bom hokt· Ing 20 to 120 people, for example, ~ the sen• of being ~ next to whales. But lmger bom wllb a~ ty for 500 oc more pm11 ngers ~ times offer a better view, have 8ger declcs and may be reallUdng for anyone faint-hearted. Family-ori- ented auila usualy ofter the best deal for the ClOll; luxury aw.es con· vert whale w..amg to a two-to three-hour 8oalfng perty oomplirte wlh ~ and waiters. The best advice: Alk about amentiel. There are other tips to keep In mind. wtMllle wCllchlng Qlrt get cokl or wet, IO molt companies recommend bringing layc1 of dothlng that you can peel off ~ good wadler. Bring a&ong bkloc:ulln .,d cameras, and Mal6clcnaa medicadon if you're prone to gdjng ID on bowel. Oper- aaors gener.Jy .....-at1ng a good . tnMfalt that mon*'9· In molt CllleS, lunch iln't provkled. but auiM times generaly alow for dher an arty or la lunch on lhore bGore Ol' ,._ the whale Wllld'I. Wh.le w-.:ha .. popular. and aihoudi IOlM ope,. ators can book as I.ate as one day ahead, it's a good idea to make reser- vations as soon as p<>Mib&e, usually no lal than a week in advance. Here's a lilting of cruises to choose from: MmtDll del Re,. Offered bt; Fun Fleet, Fisherman's VIDage, 1375.5 Fiji Way. Marina deJ Rey, 90291. fOl' In· formation : {213) 823-6481. The Fun Fleet has a single whale· watch boat, the 60-foot Martfn Queen luxury yacht. Three-hour auises leave once daily on Wednesday, Thunday and Friday and two times dally on weekends thro"9l April. (CaD for departure times.) Capadty ls 28 people at $18 each. Ameniies In- clude complimentary c.offee, tea, lem- onade and soft drinks, and passen- gers can bring dleir own picnic lunch. Two deckhands are gJ&duates of a Cetacean Society training oourse. Cruilea generaiy go south toward the Palos Verdes Peninsula. Ncapcwt 8-ch. Offered by the Catalina Passenger Service. Balboa PavUion, 40 Main Street. Bal>oa, 92661. For information: (714) 673-5345. CataMrla Pauenger teMce offers two whale-wmch boab: the 300-pas- 9el'9r Cataana Holiday and the 120-passenger Western Pride. Cru1tes last two to three hours, and .. held Msch 21. These family auila are $8 for adults $5 for children on week- ends, $ for adults and $5 for dUldren w-.~·ys. Catalina Paaenger ~vm::.illvgua-antees you will tee a . ff not, you11 receive a "whale check" good for free passage on another whale·watch aulse or partial payment of the $18 Newport-to- Catalina-Island fare during nonwkale- wakhlng months. American Ceta- cean Soddy members are on board to narrate all aulses. Both ships have snack bars. s... Pedro. (Los Angeles Harbor.) Offered bt; Ports of CaD (213) 547-9916 and 22nd Street LandJng (213) 832-8304. Phone reservations pr•1ed. Pen of Call, a recraled ftlhlng vllllige, haa dwee boats: the Sport King , Fury 2 and Mattwalsh. each With a capadty for 80 to 100 ~­ gen. The 1ea1on begar'I on Dec. 26 and IMts indeftniely. There are six ,tr1pl daily at a cost of $8 fOf adulls and • SS for chJldren. Nearby 22nd Street Landing often two cndla on week- days at SS tor adulls and $4.25 for c:hidren and ltne on~ at 9 A.M., 12 P.M. md 3 P.M., pdced at $7 for adub and SS for kids. Spedal ~ rates avellable. Csts' • en... Allo In the Los Angeles harbor, they u. the a..a.na lk\en for whale watching. For inb- matlon, ca1 (213) nS-6111. The Monarch and KJng both hold 525 pilf- scnge.rs and saa thro~ Mmd\ 13 at 9 A.M. and 12:30 P.M. weeJcends, and 10 A.M. on weekdays. Fare Is $7.75 per JMl'IO" tor adub and SS.25 for c.hadrer'I ages 2 to 11. Group rates .. aval&able. I La.a a.di. Offered by Queen's Wh.mf. Phone reservations preferred: (213) 432-8993. Ftil». 16-Mmdt 7: CallbTUa Mid- winier F•, Imperial. Mmda 1-4: Oreus Vargas, Lynwood Mmdl 5-14: '"Snowtelt," 1iuckee Mlilda 6: Owens Rlwr Trout Dmby, Bilhop Msda 6: Monte Carto Night .. Cow- boy ea.no ... Wat Sacramento I Msda •1: eameaa Show, Atwater Mardi 7: Whale-Watching Boat Trtps, Santa a.bara Mmdt 10: lnvernees Prtmroee Tea M.-da IS: S.U Oda Valley Beauty Pag,ant. Newhall Msch IS: Folk and Pop Festival, Covina MMdl 14: Snow Memorial Golf Tournament, Colton Mmdt 15: Watwood \Nlnd Qu.tnt.t, Ridgeaat Mmda 16-18: Nor-Cal Conllruction f and lndUlb1al &po, Stockton " Mmda 17: Annual St. Pabick's Day Pldde,Oekland Mmda 17: St. Patrick's Day Card I Party. Auburn March 19-21: International Cymbldlum Orchid Show , Sn.a Barbara March 19-28: Centennial CclebeatJun 1 Ontario M8lda IO: lrumadonal ~·. Msathon, Chula Vtlta Mmdl 20-!l: Sptng BlollOm Tour, ~ Mmdl M-11: Chowchilla Western Stampede- Mmda 27-11: Good Old Days, Paci- fic Grow Mmch 27-18: Gem and Mineral Show, San Mateo M8lda II: Wlaria Festtval, W\l- "*'9bl• Mmm II: Uon's Cub Hamal Races, Shafter . Queen's Whan operates eJght shtps for whale watching. scheduled to Nn through the last week ln March. Boats le.ave at 10 A.M. and 1 P.M. b the three-hour cndla. Fara are $7 for adults and $5.50 for children on weekends. and S6 and $4.50 on weekdays. Group rates availab&e. onJy on the 145-paseenger Voyager, leaving at 10 A.M. and 1 P.M. weekdays, and 9 A.M. and 1 P.M. on weekends. Prices are $4.25 on week- days, and $6.50 for adulb and 1W1 S5.2Sbdllkbes1 on weekends. ~ Redondo Bach. Offered by Redondo Sportftshing. Phone reser- vations prefened: (213) 372-2111. Redondo Sportftshing off en crulMs I ALL-AMERICAN l '~ I Now ... an Edr&vaganza of quality American-111ade products at local hardware/hol•• center stores! 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A young detective unr;!vels ten separate mysteries. ranging from some stolen cherries to a baffling theft at the circus ... •The Dukes of Hazzard Scrapbook-a softcover album filled with pictures and personal facts on the performers who play all those zany characters on the top-rated TV senes .. • ~UPERMAG -it's a No. 1 fun magazine with America's kids! Exclusive features and color photos of favorite TV. movie and music stars ... plus Jokes. puzzles. rlddles ... and the latest scoop on fads and fun-things-to-do. •PLUS A FREE Bonus full-color Poster-"The Dukes of Hazzard and Boss Hogg.' yours to keep. Why do we m.ke this extraordinary ofter? Because we're confident that once you and your child experience the high Quality. the·delightful variety, and the sheer fun of the Popcorn Bag- plus books that are chosen for your child's read· 1ng level-you'll want more. SAVE over 50% off retail price ach month! Fill out and mail the Gift Certificate today. Along with the Free Introductory Reading Group de- scribed above-worth S16.35-your child will receive the first regular Popcorn Bag Reading Group containing 2 hard· cover books at $2.99• each. one of which will be an "Encyclopedia Brown" mys- tery, plus a soft-cover book at ~·. You'll also receive the latest issue of SuperMag Absollltely Free. If not de- lighted. simply return the Reading Group and owe nothing. Keep the Introduc- tory Group Free. If you decide to keep the Reading Groups. about every 4 weeks thereafter your child will receive a new Reading Group-always on a 10-day approval. You will continue to save over 50% off the retail price and SuperMag Is always abso- lutely Free. •plus shiPP'ntJ end handl1no and appllcable sales "" YourFREE - lntrodudory Offer includes: 2 Hardcover BOOKS ••• a softcover CELEBRITY SCRAPBOOK Plus a FREE and .. SUPERMAG! BONUS 'POSTER 82/FWll Send This Gift Certificate TODAY! r -------------, I SEND NO MONEY I I THE POPCORN BAG 11 •I '•·H 1rru• 11.-1/ llc..clt-rlJouL I 1250 Feltwood -.-. PO Ito• 1"41. Coluonbus. ONo •3216 I YES! Please send to the child named below FREE Also send the child the first regular Pop-I the FREE Introductory Popcorn Bag R,eadlntJ oorn Bag ~eadmg Group as described elsewhere I Group as shown. plus The Dukes of Hazzard 1n this announcement with no obliga11on to buy I and Boss Hogg" poster as a special free bonus a thing now or ever. I They re a s1e 35 value-everything to keep NOTE, IF·lhe bill Is'° be ._1 to • dltfwent Mdresa I! Check eppllcabte boa: from the child 1, piMH 1111 out the Mellon below. A letter I I 0 JUNIOR DIVISION For 7-to·lO year-olds •nnouncl"9 rour gift IO the cttlld wlM be Included. I 0 SEN IOR DIVISION For 11-10-13 year-olds I I Pttnll I Pnnt' I Childs Name Your Name I 1 Child 1 Addres Apt No Your Add res ot No I City Stale Z.10 City State Zop I I Parenl t S19na1ure _______ _,,.,,__~...--r--...i..r. I Ill perent is Ofdenng1 I I Phone No I 1.,., c:oo.. Phone No 1 I t If perenl 1s ordenng 1 • ••r• cod<I L L1m11 one per family A/8219-FW N098 N099 J ____________________ ..,. ' , Lieut. Gov. ffilke Curb On the · Record First he waa In •how-biz. Then he switched to polltlca. Now thla conaervatlve Republican a.plrea to the Governor'• 8eat and la running hla campaign on economic faua. Sound famUlar? L ast summer, he considered himleJf a shoo-in for the Gowr- nor' s seat. The political climate Memld suited to the eJevlltion of Lieut. Gov. Mike Curb to the state's hlghat olftce. It was allUIDed that Curb's Oemoamic opponent would be Gov. Jmy Brown, then plagued by the medfly a1lil and trailing In the pols. Curb had been endorsed by Reagmt's KMcherl Cabinet, and Curb's campa9l was bolstered wllh S2.5 million in hmds. A ~ R..,ubbn, Curb counted heavlly on hJs ~ albad".I the vote, too: He'd proven his~ sawy by buiding the blg- gat oountry-watem record c:ompeny In the Unled 5aMs; he'd won quick polllical sua:.aa wllh his fnt (and on· ly) election in 1978. And he had maneuvered tome "30 to 40 appoint· ments" to various gowmment polll ... dl.Olg the 204 days l:trown was out of the 1tA11ta and CUrb atted as Govcnor. No tmel fat, conliclatng the posldon of Ueutanant Governor II often devoid of power. Then came the fnt in a laies of political Mtbacb ... Brown decided not to go for a thkd term, but to run for the Senate agatn• Hayakawa," ex- p&a\s the 37-year-old Curb. '"The litulltion was not a. simple anymore." When Attorney General George Deukmcjan, a 20-year·wt•an of California politics, unexpectedly chaJ. lenged Curb in the G.0 .P. primary. the situation grew more complex. . "People Mked him why," Cwt> •ys, "*'°8 I IMmed to have the nomhltion l8wed up. HS 1ntw1r: 'Mike Curb ... has a llnge(.tig nega.- ttve ... .' " Curb lmila Nlfuly. 'The only negmtve factor I haw among Re· publk::MI ii the fact a record company I wortced for was tnvatigllted by DeukmcJan." Curb .. been publldy deared of MllPldOnl conoanlng his buslneN prcxwlil:r during the time he heed- .. up M. .M. NCOrds betwet:n 1971 end 1973. Alegld to haw been N · .,. .... for ..... of NCOrda to Olglldlld-atme flguia, Curb WM was, 'Why dld you aey this to that reporter?' It's unfortunate that It came at a lime when it.. WBW'l't much • to report." To lmprow hJs relations wlh the media, Curb has NqUeDd thlit Lyn Nofziger, former wlltant to Praident Rugarl for pollnc:al ....... advt. him. '"When I had my record compiany.1 hnd the bat media QPertl to edVIM me, end that'• what I lhouJd haw done when I fnt took pubic ollk:ie and Intend to do now," he edds. ~ a drop in the pols, Curb ...._. tMt tt... 9Y9rD hliwrl't cb- mi\llhed his c:Mnms tor the goY9n· ~. "The baaocn lne ii thlit now we're about~ ... he~ of~ na Wlh ~.The~. he fMll.lldlnbearfyltagel.ln~ (eott11ni-' on ,,.. CIJ I " I .. •Ka CUM (conanucd from ,,. C7J sped. he contends he was never real- ly that far ahead And factors others perceive as drawbacks -Cwb's lack of polltlcal experience. for example -Cwt> touts as assets. "f ve been 16 years In business, and have had good experience and back- ground as l.Jeutenant Governor." Cwb argues ... , don't find It a problem that I've onJy thrv;e years In politics. "l think It's an advantage to come &om the outside. After all, Ragan came from the outside." Cwb alto aligns himself wlh Ragan 's budget tadk:s. He dw"'a h1mteJf as part of the new-wave Re- publicans, a member of the Ragan ~-side ec:onomk: ~oup. He be- lieves his stance on economic lllues can provide the edge to win the primary elec:Hon. U nbke Deukrncjan, says Cwb. be · has strongly supported Proposition 13 and still favors the blll. 1'here are areas of Proposition 13 that c:ouJd be refined. There's an In- equity between what the new buyer and the pre-1979 buyer pays with raped to their property taxes. "SCill, the new buyer Is In a better position with the 1-percent bd than he would have been without Proposition 13. so I do not favor a change at this time. I think there was a hidden man- date in Proposition 13 for government to cut. squeeze and trim Its expen- ditures. That part has not been ad- hered to by Brown and the Legis- lature. There's still fat in everything." Q.ut, notes. Acknowledging that his relationship wlh Brown has not been a close one (for the ftnt time since 1894, Gover- nor and Lieutenant Governor hall ~ QPPOtln9 pmtia), Cwb 1¥ he prefers to ref• to II • a '"\AIOl'king rela- tionsh.lp." He points to hit IUCC 11111 • lJeutenant Gov.nor • proO(" of this. Tumlng the Seate Economic Development Commilllon, which he chars, Into a vt:tal board dealing ~ Callfomla'1 economy. he oonsldaa hir biggest accomplishment. The office of Lieutenant Governor has not been wlhout tts disappoint- ments. though. '1be Ueutenwlt Gov- ernor can find himself without any re- ~ many days," Curb says. Cmb's pmonal life hal been dis- rupted by the job, too. He tptnds half of his time In Sacramento In a rented home and half In Loa Angela where he, his 32-year-old wife, Linda (dausjar of KABC-lV •adon an- chorman Jerry Dunphy). and their dausjden Megan Carole, 4. and Courtney, born last October, ltve In fashionable TroUJdale &ates. To Insure agmrut any conftlct of ln- terat whlJe Curb's In office, he's also p&ac:ed h1s nicord company -whlch chalked up nearfy SO gold records - In blind trust with the Bank of Amer- ica. Cwb's lnterat Jn music: stems from his college days at Valley State -now Northridge State Unlvtrdy - where he had a llNlll1 b.nd c:aled the Mike Curb Congregation. ~erring the bu8lal end of the Industry, he eventually began his own record com- S*'Y. Mike Curb Produc:Hons. "/think lti on oduantoge to come from the OUfllde," IOVI Curb. "A/Mt oil, Reagan came from the oullkW." • Why did Curb leave the song busi· nas? "h Is a taertfice to be In govern- ment, but It's alao very rewarding," he says. "I've learned so much about this weat state, and I really do enjoy working with people ... Curb admts to no polJtical ambl· tlons beyond the Governor's office. "The people of California are not go- ing to elect a Governor who Is inter- ated In doing other things besides running the state. The issue ls going to be the economy, and It's going to take someone wlh common-sense and businesslike experience to cope with It." Then he adds with a smile. "Of cowse. If I don't make It, there's 1'!111 always the record business ... " llLI · Curb on the Issues On the Pertphenl Cana.I: "In the past I've been for the canal. but now It's tied to a bill that not only builds the $600-mllllon canal but about $4 bil- lion In ad<fjjooaJ pro)ect.s. In the pro- cess, certain segments of water deve.lopment have been removed. the bond market has drastically · changed. and I've come to the con· cluslon that the state simply can't finance the project at this time." Curb's solution to southern Califor- nia's water shortage: "In the Imperial and Coachella Valleys we lose about 900.000 acre-feet of water a year due to conveyance problems and Im· proper lining. We should do some- thing there. We can also better utilize the Chino Basin because, even though we've lost 600,000 acre-feet of our Colorado River supply to Arizona. that development Is not tak- ing place as fast as they thought. so we could end up with the excess water for J>erl\aps 20 yars." On gun control: Though opposed to gun control. he Insists. "I feel we should have tough restrictions and not allow the mentally insane or ex-felons to purchase guns." On the .-t4'0l'br prvgram: .. , support the concept as a means of ldentifytng lndMduak who are in this country so they're here legally and peytng taxes for the services they re· cetve. I don't think we should crttk:l.ze guest workers who are willing to take jobs American workers often refUM to ec:cept." On o&horc oO drtlllng: "I'm on the Lands Commission and I think there will have to be some offshore drilling." On Income tua: "I support the Indexing of the Income tax so workers are not pushed lnto higher tax brack- ets by tnflatk>n ." Hand Crafted & Painted In West Germany \lade Of Real Wood ! _Cut"koo's Every Half Hour For centu11es, generat10ns of gifted Yloodcrafts· men from the mountainous Black Forest re11on of West Germany have made thtse deli&htful C.ket Cilek These world famous clocks have olten been illltltM ~ Mm ...,...., This w1ent "ooctcralt and clock·makina 111. jeal· ously IUMded. hu been passed from fattier to son down ttlfoop the years. &ch C-.. Cledl is meticulQC1$ly hand made with methodical German precision -every one fashioned with the rich sepia woods and fine quality materials of the Black fOfesl You'll be deli1hted with the charm1n1 hllle Cuckoo that clearly calls the time each quarter liour ..• the slowly sw1ngin1 pendulum .•. the rich c;olors of this hand made masterpiece . tht accuracy and dependabllity of the fine clock movement ... all so metitulously put topthef Ind carefl.dly _. ....... Tht ca.. Cllctl is a BIG 12 ~ lftCtltl tall fr am the lllfld. ~ top to tht penduhm. You'd expect to Piii a tidy ""' for ttws little marvtl--but now rt't rourJ-4hct ...... ..,.._,t a bi& sMIPt An Utt• Llrp .......... ca. Clld Is also iv11lttlle fOf the dlscrlmln1t1n1 CClllKlll. • ~ i ~ow ~ Only W s219s eA Tllf AC'TIOH OUMMTllO 0.-'l'OUll _,.., M Cll' A FANTASTIC VALUE Ill llAllD 11£1 , llOll·PllSIATIC 50 MILE ·POWER BINOCULARS IT IAIES · l PHF£CT can I i l l ....... ......,......., .. .- fl1 ...... tt•'• .. c ....... Jt O-............. .... 441 ---, ................. ...... t>, ........ ...... ... ---,, ...... 4 &.-C...... ................. ,. ............... .._1......-<...,....c.-t...-... l•i•1 llS. $ •ti V#rn .t ll•t•r•I ,, .. ,.,,. l'H,I•. Wi1' A•i••/1 .. N-a.fort alld '"'"'"' -· c-w1111 tlltlr OMI carrrl11a not 11111111111 from stores or 1111 1p 111 wlll $5.11 INiy ao MUdl strip fof ttttl -i-.. ,_ otfler IOW'9. Order direct from Olltical •l.i. ..• aftd doooftrlcllt .,,..,,.-.... L-c-. are 111. tlM 1..,.ort•n l pluswe! 11·1 euy to u11ctenta11e1 eluded-to 114'otect tllae PAClslon "'· at.._..._IC w11y1 Attff 111. t111s """ precision I'"" ff om dult 1nd dirt. Tiit ......,. ·-· _ -· --··---ts.It Bi11ocullr Is just sr•t for NM· fint t14M 1Qll use Ill-. )OU'rt ~ ... at4 (U9lt) ttr.., 11111. football. soccer. llOIM. auto wrt to 1UM: ,_IC llllK· ttt..•I 111d DOit """'· Also "'*' tor IUlll ""' do conquer 111tet' a .... , ~ .__ O"" tmd-w1tclli111 •nd 111ture stlldJ. 1·0n111.ooo Pieces"""'"' a... Carrr111 C111 ttr ,_. lhultf, 11u11 1111 c. Tiit k11urlld AYllllblt ) PMIOUMIC .......... ,, _I .. foe. usl11a wllttl locks dl1t1nt vltw1 llOJICI: lnapection ind • HY •le ftf •Ir 12. ta1r1 lldl. onto &lllfP foe.us -;--it puts you f'HI TllAl permitted. If you .,, WHY UMITll •WMYln where tllt action Is. not 100~ utltfied. return wlthl11 aVAtUIU• Out to IU oowertul lt111ts, It'• 30 dlys for , _ _.., Ille• 11 "'· a11 1 o., ltl.P• ._I ld•I tor d1tekl111 b r .. way NP. onct (leu POStlJt I llalldllftl)-,_1Ch1«911n wta .....,.J penl11c1. Trtftltr-s UJt "'"" for no Qutttlons 1sllld! Due to Ult ...,. ..-..rs ····-···· ..n• breltflt.l~C.1::;1mu. PMltl· limited wptlt)', tllls off.-11 for 1 TWt ... a11 s.,. ltla•.....,. .. IC • JO Wlltft JOU sllort tlllt• only. To . Hold db· IUlllTl .............................. .SU.II ao. lllt)''re 11111t • niuld 111C1 111P0111t111e11t rush ~ todly. lllta9 c.m.. Cese ttr ..,_ can bt conWtftl111tJy atorld 1w11 Orw a recelftd too i.te ••II bt ...-. ....," -u . atn ..ell. Ill pcdtt OI '""'"· TMy -rttvmed ti . Tiiis ofttr II //, *** SIPH DUUl L•ITtl lff11h Wt have • ,,.,, IWll HLllll W11tw llwae. Wi t•tvres. It 11 "'ucll 1111tr 111 sl1t "omt decor. ... tel~ ................ """'· /) . /,;;;ti tft/I ..., --··--·---...... _,,_,,_, __ ........ $11.IS _JIJ!fJ.CJ!ll.J11rawUJJ11\all.tJ1.l.IJ11£ll'ltll.S..UJ.IDL~ oete ir..t:rre.._t ii23451t1t111,.. ..... •924BAUrdlMlt. U . 115311 t~e ttflM o<eltrM lit*" on • l &Y fllll -COMCl'*lt tattsf«tlOll lllAUllTUO or 1117 ~ b.to °'-"' 1tar~1 llCllllC lland•~ NI' .-,Nnt ",,.,towf •Ml"""" t 211w ,_.a......._ !So•"'' ... eoo • -Mii !TUI .. IOCllPT• NC« 1oo usm uPS Otlo1t"'' Slll,,lllC & IWIOllNC t II ..,..__ __ ......;. ___ _ II Y.S ev.1-1 '°'UsT Moll $.tlfl lu Cllt-------~"" I -tou1 CJictoM ------------------------------------------- "-... to eea. Drtang for oil on • IMDcl Eda olf the Callfomla coast DewJoplng teal e:slatil on S. FrMci.co &.y. Mining an eventual 320 mi11on tons d coal from th«~.---. Anclng a gas Reid near 1lN Gnnieyard oJ the Nordt AdcMdc" oif Nova Scotia. These are just a few d the things Mobil Is doing ln North Ama1ca. But what. some d you haw asked, are we doing to the ftWironmenl? Not only p~ and prwrv1ng tt. but aihandng and enriching It ... hand In hand with our main job a pr<Mdins eMl'S'f Reda c cd S..0.-.. Some ol today'• valullble land around the pertmeta ol San fnndlc:o Bay w once • poUukd manh, andcoatrownilll: WouJdn't redcdm ... ft tlrreaurt marine and bl.rd IJU Harcn,. WMn Mobll'1 MlllMR 8ICCl'dnd the 1.400·acnt lite nine yan ..,, no manh birds found fonige *•'"no fllh IWMll In tu Weta and llde brook.. But now lb~ _.. property clunMd through --thlit ... the tides 8ulh the IY'tetn dally-and both peHcamm and ..-a 6eecl on the M.tood •• .... b uni below. Sharing the wtldltfe will be our plumed '"o----tty for up to 20,000 people. Sable a.aa.d-The name Is from "Sand Island" in French. and It's apt for some 20 square miles d treeless sandbar 176 miles east of Halifax. Nova Scotia. Its fog and "8Chaous shallows made a ~ for 500 or so ships. but now a herd of *>Clcy wtW '*'--and several species d eat are among the dlwrse wildlife llvlng on and around the ll&and. To prot.ec:t this desolate but delicate environment during drUJing In the area. a Mobil affll\atE asked for-and can1ed out-the adW:e d the Nova Scctia Resources Coundl. Its chairman praised our "~ care:· and andhermanbcthinbourpraence "may in foct lmpro~ the situation" Going beyond exhausdw prot«tiof'I, our affiliate Is now funding a dune-ratoration project to undo cen- turles of damage from nature and early settlers. Meanwhile. eJght miles offshore. we halie found a • • potentially ma)or gas 6eki. Ecoloe. ....,. ...._oap. Wh.t we seek are sound bultna9 wntura •.• but .. In hllnnony with the eavlronmalL We'r« building our Caballo Rofo coal ..._ In ~ end .&adv ww plWMd how to ...0, redala tbe pnllte end Pl ala ct ... ...._ from •cheolotw (myttaicM .. ,_,,_,..,._.of rock) to IOolotw (cwn down to moeltodnt bird dlopplngl~ On lovely Sina Rau WMd ~ Callfonn.. ......... did 8nd oU Of 98' In the 1970s. bul ndher dldu ..._.... r&ed ~Ind-. .. o dfordlt Mi or,,.., eadc" llfter-·d FftL Scf\ ~ la ~ bul .. doll't dlWa ....., ...iop•mt ..S ecoea•c -..ap•9M .._.to cw .a tM _, .... of• eoud. buaut.I 81Wbc w em. Behind our wordl Is ldioa-for all the ~ who ltw In our land. '°' the birda and beatts tMf ltw ""CHii: It .. • fKt: To prolec:t th« environment around the world, Mobil expended $590 mOlJon In 1980. Moblr lions of cubic feet of soU that may have been contaminated either by tran.suranics leaking from lnsuffldent waste containers or by the residues of 35 known "broken arrows," the Pentagon's term for nonexpk>Slve accidents Involving nudear weapons. Low-'evel ..-te: This Is a catch-all classtftcaHon for anything not in the categories above. It Is the only form of radwaste that Is now being per· manendy disposed of -although the word "'permanently" Is open to some question considering the leaks of con· tamlnatlon from both clvll1an and military low-level sites. Low-level material ranges from the discardable g)oves wom by workers at nuclear plants to such intense radiatk>n emit· ten as sealed cobalt sources used In radiotherapy. By 1980, 62.2 million cubic feet of this matertal had been buried at 17 Federal sttes and 13.6 million cubic feet of It at stx commercial sites. Addi· tionaly, an unknown amount of low- level wa.te was dumped oil the Atlan- tic and Pad8c coasts until 1970. A1 the land sites, ttleM quanttttes ac- cumulata at a rapid rate, both from clvtlian operations and &om Govern· ment sources. There have been con- tainment failures at the Federal sites but the leaka causing most of the political prob&em.s are coming from the commada.I sites. Employees at a Site at Beatty, Nev., were found to have sold or gi\/en away radioactive tools diverted from the burial tren· ches . At present, three low-'-vel sites re· main In commercial operation, In· duding the Beatty dump. although Nevada's governor, Robert Ust, said law latt year that one of his goals Is "to shut dot.vn that raposttol y, and we're 95 peroent of the way to ac- complishing It." Decontamlnadon .nd decomm»- Uonlng ...-: In additk>n to weanng out like everything else, nuclear~ ties and the equipment used In them take on a burden of rac:lloac:tMty which inr.rea.s with time and I ultt- mately, they become dangerous to appoed\. For that rauon, commer· dal nucleer racton arw 1lcented to operate for only 40 yeerf, and btJ that tt . 'MIU WIBU.Y, ,..,_, .... The map (left) lndJoola rod· waste ltOrQge sites; (below) tuhnfdam at the Sauannah River Plant (S.C.) UN robot arms to handle rodWCllM. time the radk>logical protections re· quired for their dismantling may make them more expensive to decommis- sion than they were to build In the first - place. The operators of nuclear fac:ill. ties have suggested that It would be prudent to "mothball" decommis- sioned reactors. or to entomb them In conaete fot about a century until thetr rad1oactMty decays to a point where they can be dismantled more safely. Eventually, however, the costs of monitoring and safeguarding these f acibties for that length of time will off. set any monetary saving -and that's not even ftgurtng for inflalk>n. The stupendous cost of d!Sposlng of It will have to be borne by our c:hiJ.. dren . and probably their children, putting future generations ln the posi· tlon of having to pey a good part of the blJI for the nuclear weapons, power and medical and lndU9bial benefltl we now enjoy. Recent Federal surveys have calculated that approximately 30 mtDlon cubk: feet of material from Gowmmmtal nuclear sites still remains to be dispo9ed ol. Technologies for the safe and perpetual containment of these wastes are being developed. How- ever, they will be expenstve: Such altemattves as shooting the most radioactive fractions of the material In· to space or burying them bmulh the tec:tonk pl9* In mldoc:un Of letting tNm mek their w.y thro'9i lhe An· tarcttc Ice Clp .. under ltUdy. Ultl· mately, though. the Federal Govcn· ment Is expected to .pend a minimum of SlO billion (perhaps at much as $50 blDlon) to build' high-level repost- torla deep underground. The loca· lions of that repolitorla and the typa of rocks In which they1 be loclmd ... d open qudlont, and In any CW, adu.i dtlpoAl of )ult tt\11 one ol the llX radwaa forms II not expeded to b9l befcn lhe ... ya!' 2002. l9AI I I I Household Hints Je1 fWlh w..t Liit Aft &pin! O.ln1sh 0 11 colOf boolclet shows how one War~o appl 1c .l· lion ~.lls. prunes. finisht-s. h.lrdt>ns. protecu from within: 1nttrt0r/extrrnx IM>od>, floor~ OutlHIH urli<e Co.I h ) to I ""TCO-OE N· NIS. Booklet. FREE J02~W-....-. 16-p.lllf' lull<olOt boolclet .lns_.s ~·.lsl.ed Q~hon) .lbout "'1ndows .lnd ghd1ng doof) for replacins w1n- JQws which .lrt' ~Of ~y l~IClf'flt Mdl'IV window ~les illustrated. ANDERSEN CORP . Booklet. FREE JOJ Oubidf '-clfttft4 fnffl'. ln>tru\. hon hool.- let tells how to bfeak throu11h loundauon and build bk>cl. ~.urwell for d11tct route to baw-- fTI(>fll lrom outside. M.l~ b.l)(>ment u~ul. c~ient. salt-for 1.1m1h aclt\<11~. THE BILC"O COMPANY. Boal.let. 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Giits. Stcltt0r1en Noce cards, blnhd..,. Rcxh H•~an.1h grftl1ng~. >tatl()tl('fy en~. gift> bf children. Unique mtf'rn•h<>1:1al roll«· hon. beclut1ful as the children 11 htolps U.S Comm111tt Inf UNICEF. Catalog. FREE JJS letter Opn <14 • lttttt Price. Factory. frt>)h, direct from la~. nation's fine "IP' Ca1>1tal. Minihan IOOdtffef.,-itlU~ cijprs. Full tnfo 1n ·C"..MtlM\.ln's Guldto to Smc,.on11f'!Nslft . THOMPSON CIGAR CO . Brochure. FREE Jl-. ,_,.. Ow9' SO TH lflfonu4ioft. Lm ·10· undtrstand booklet ei.pla•n> "°" Pt"Oc>le°"" 50 rnav be 1bk> to wve on tht-11 income Ines. V1tu~ for prf'·rt'lll't'ment tell\ re1ums. COlONIAL EXCHANGE. Boolilt't. FREE Warning : The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarene Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. Regular: 8 mg"tar;'0.6 mg nico11ne-Menlhol: 91119"1ar: • 0.7 mg nicotine av. per c1gar1tte. FTCBepori Mer'.81 Are Your Eyes A Clue to l.Q.? By John E. Glbaon TRUE OR FALSE? 1. How intelligent a person co nSJders you to be could depend on how much eye contact you have with him or her during an encounter. 2. People with higher·than·average l.Q.'s are action·minded and consider daydreaming a waste of time. 3. Depression lo~ your abtl1ty to think. 4. Women with high 1.Q.'s tend to have specific personality traits and this is particularly true when they make the best use of their abilities. 5~ Creative Intelligence is an lnvalua ble asset -but almost impossible to define. ANSWERS l. True. Studies of how people per· ceive intelligence. conducted by in· vestlgators at South\.WSl Texas State University. showed eye contact to be a highly potent source of nonverbal communication. and that persons who exhibited longer duration of eye contact and fewer eye shifts were like ly 10 be rated by inteMewers as sig nificantly more intelligent than indi· v1duals who generally avoided eye contact during the interview. 2. Folse A study of daydreaming·s relation to LQ conducted by a team of behavior specialists at Lancaster General Hospital (Pa.) found that per· sons with higher l.Q.'s accepted daydreaming more. enjoyed it more. had fewer hostile daydreams and ex· perienced less guilt in daydreams than did persons who had lower sco res on Intelligence tests 3. True If you have a difficuh prob· lem to resolve. or an exae11ng mental task to perform. don't tackle it when you're 1n a blue mood. Psychiatric studies at the University of California showed that .. d epressed peo ple scored significantly lower on tests measunng therr ability to think ab· stractly. their ability to screen out ir· relevant but associated information and their speed ~f Information pro · cessing." · -- 4. True A University of Georgia study of women with above·average intelligence -which also evaluated the results of other research -found that independence and autonomy charactenzed most gifted females who used their abilities. It wzis further noted that "Successful gifted women appear to possess a high degree of perseverance in the face of adversity " 5. Folse One of the best definitio ns of creative intelligence was set fo rth m a Rutgers University study of mental ability: "Creat1vrty is. .charactenzed by behavioral qualities of cunos1ty. openness of attitude toward leammg. highly Individual perception. connect· ing of mformatlon m a personally m~anmgful way and acceptance r. of thmgs realistically. ·· 11L1 QUIPS & QUOTES CAR POOL COOL My ride is o uery poor driver But I con ·t bring myself to say I'd r01her compare him to o boy acout: One good tum o day .... -Ruth Walsh GROUNDS FOR CONFUSION Trying to strike up zi conversation with the waitress as she brought me my coffee. I said. "Looks like rain. · huh?" "Can't help what It looks like," she replied. "we sell It for coffee." -George E. &rymon FARE STATEMENT I trted zi brand·new restziurant and gave the place a C: The food was whzit I'd call a 8 , but I'd rank the maltre D. -Dick Emmons Designing Ways: Now we know why they call them designer jeans. They're designed to make you spend more money -Herm Albright K.os ... hie d1lleren11~ Send or1g11111 con· trit>ut1011s to "Chlld," Family Weellly. 641 lexl11gton Ave . NY N.Y 10022 S10 If uaeo-none retuined THROUGH A. CHU.O'S EYES When my daughter Saleha was 21/t. she wu very in1ightful tor her age. When I asked her what h meant to think. she answered. '"to cloM my eyes and look in· lkie." -M,.. Borbon> Theberge. North Andover. Ma.. '\." 11',f A ( '1l '-(.1,&MAN'( l 0 y ,;.•\ : (" 11Pr.1Jt T(1Q .. Y r----------------~ I LUElMO IWRSOIES SAUS, o.,t. N1.-tHO.UO r.,i.r St.,"-·~ 17Ul I Su,., I w1nl to tllJOr 1,.•n·P·t~td tonulo 1oo0 CnclonoisS cntckormon1r0<d1•l ntsS-t•lll out of seuon• Kondlr ROSH 1REC IPA r111d1nts add Ult \ II• > I TOMATO£$ (llOll 70() 11 1nd1cat1d belo" on I mo111r·llaO £uar1111et. PRINT NAM( I I TllCC TOMATO 'I only SS 99 + 90c PO\I & ndli. AOORCIS I -2 TR[[ TOMATOCS ~ onlr $9.99 + $140 post. ----------- ' I 1101, CITY I 4 Tiil£ TOMAT0£S "" only S16 99 •HAO ---"------------ po\! ' ndle STAT( ZIP I CMAaa IT: '-A"'t"tl" l •PrtU = C1rt1 ll1ncllt -------1 D1ntr\ Club r Yiu -Ma\ltr Cllar1e -: Cllec-lltll and H iid S0c for I Jflr ' I subscrip11on 10 our full color nursery c1ta10a . Acc'I Ho. bp. 0.te --(U S99S7X) l-------------·" HH 1. Inc., 1M2.·--------------' DOES 60 lbs. OF TOMATOES FROM ONE YIELD SOUND INCREDIBLE? NOT IF\OU <M7N THE ~·•g TREE IDMAID uow " ou1000115 u • racc-111000~' U A HOU,f'l Ulf rne TlllE TOMAIO ,.111 tnmt maNtlou~l)-•ndoo" or olll! It you h'le •ft a llMIM••le ll)nt . plan! II ·011ldoorl alld 111101 111 l>Ount1tul, e1ot1c 11nut1 '" your 111dtll! Or, tUb•ffO'if 1n1 flt[[ 10 MATO. l>flnl It 1mloon for winier. 1nd suror•n )Our 1am1ly i nd lr1t nds wllll ripe. 1u\l·O•t~td tom11oes t•t n du 1111 tne toldts1 monlll\ ol 1111 year' 0• tull•· •l lt Ille TRU TOMATO n a noust·plant 1nrt1mc . 1nywneret Tht TREE TOMATO will 1cn1eve n11111ts of up to • II. ou1d00n but 11 tan ot 1rimmt0 and t111ntd tc anr site or s111pt yo11.,.1s11• l lllOT TTIU TOMATOH 50 MAllY OCLlCT&ILl wan Wt tlloftk TMl TOMA JOU art m11th 1ast1tr 1111n 01dl111ry t0tn1toes • • 11's nanS to ~no a meat111 tirmtr, more bu•st111&·••tn·1oodnen tu1e 1reat• l lell In V1t1mln C, TlllE·TOMATOCS ut fabulous 1n .altds. HM#IClltS and are atisolultly t1nt1st1 Just l llttd .,_ tlld popped l11 1011r moutll' Not111111 l>Wh ''"" product. so WllY cont11111t to pay 111111 sucierm11~1t p11ces for 1nltfl0f lo<Nlotl Wlltll J041c.a111ro"' your OWi! TMC TOMATO($! R!~U!ICR M SHll' MATUllC l'lANTS . , NOT SECOS •.. bliOEll YOUll TllCC TOMATOU TODAY• full frOWlfll IMlflKliOllS lncllldtd Tiit fltt ftmft ... t 1tllltfbl>l1 llt'# llOftl cw11ura1 c-tPt ••• Ullllk• 111yt111111 you'•• ever -~·-. • "'"' .ef •fttlfltr tomalo P"*"I UUl 11utllttt W d•K afltt Ollt .-nmer •• Cl'1 .,.,..... GIOWS INOOOIS Ga OU1000IS ... YOU PICI IASllT Ami IASllT Of llft, TASTY TOMATon •••. OM IUlftl CIOP Anll MOnD ••• S TO 1 MONTMS a YIU ••• nu Ami YWf \\t,C.n I tlhr.'. l<Nd • '"" L. I \ OJ 11 1 • '"" I> ttil• •• •• J,ot ,, /IHt lu /4'1 1 "ff J,..,.,,.,. llft' 1 rtr• I e1HNJlt1 I\ JOUff rtt'tU • of., ul J 4J JI lol/ I t)H lUlt/ /1141, c·1 lll'h / _t lfUtt1' Mlt /j IJftJ /lit /I • /II I ''~'""''"' 'ttff"t t tfrtc ttlHHhl f'4 'r• l•alau" "'' ""R •1Jt .. .,, •• m '. • 1.twlJ,,,J ,,,,,,, lult" Apnl '•' r1U/\ \ u' t H#ftrr lhl' '''" lllm11lt1 1110 ft I t'll /oni.,,, '"'"'"' ""'",. ''' .. ,.Ir 1.m~t ,,, cul1nu,, ''''' u hJ.\.t u ,, , ul11t1f•/r .. ,,,, •. , •"'·' .,,,,,,, ,,,,,, •• tl ti.. thom1• u,t.luion ''' ,1,,.. "'''"' 'A llllfmflt tlftrodtu tJ llflO \ • ._ Lf*ttl11tttl "'""' ''''" uro II ' n1tl) "' rrn•1u 1•"'1 Ihm iht ,,~,. IUlrWIU huJ bc-t omt btt/f:1 lno• n fo, 111 "'"'" ,,H.. 11 ,,., .. HfNclt "'"''" u/hT ''"'' ti, puruf,,,,,,, ,, 1rtJu..,,,n "' "'" ,,,,,, f"lf ft ,_.,,,,:,d /tit ,, (Ill lot H tHnrlt. II • I "tlrr uHltl/tf, I 0 111/111{1•" ti" p/UJtl ""' fJ•o· du1v: Jl'Onl .JfJ 10 60 '"'· "' '"'" Olflttmlh.'' From New Zealand <Olllts tht biggest garden sensation of tht <tntury ... THE PllENflll TOMATO! tnt Till TOMATO IS a hvtni . 1row1n~ u ee tllal MAH FIUIT IHSOll Arni IUSOll .. , YUi AfTtl YUi! Wiiy H llll IO< tlrdtll·lrtlll \Ollll lOU • It « inor1 """' or 1n1 rta•' V.nr Put uo '"t' ftofllouH tOflll lOts tn11 tistt hkt cardll:ara tnt 1n l ol tnt 1im11 Nol when/ou can pick crop a1111 crop or red. pluf!lp /"Icy n t TOMATOU llP 10 1 mon111s 1 yu r (11 ''" roulld Wlltn arow• tndoon' W.l'it ann •nt 01 SUCCUtOIT Ti ll f0Mlf01l 'llOW A$ QUICll H TOU tu ''C• (M· Yo111 TIH TOMATO will 1mvt 111t1d1 ltaltO·Oul , .. In full. lrt•n ll11dy vicor! Y.llen rudr lo bear 1ne brancnei wilt llttrally o~ w1tll 11w41 c111, ltrs o1 dt hr1ous TIU TOIUfOU, l\Undrtcll 1100ft llunelf.0\ . • elld, H ont crop 11 llarvultd. 1notnt r r11lhH tortll to la'• 1u pl1ce •• , so you "••e I v1rtu~lly constlnl luPPIY Of IUJCIOUS Tft( TOtM..UI L.U1LAllO'I oonu GUAUllTH All 01111h must 11~v1 In perfect condition II ~ou frt Mt tottlly satlshtd w1t11 1nr Gtder, ••turn wi1h111 10 dlyt fort p•ompt rtPlM;tmtnt 1tluno of pyrellaH PflCt (HCllll Poll & llCll&.\1 Md all pla1111 ... , ttrlwe t fttr Dl1n1ln1. or return all'!• time w1111111 .l 111011ths tor prOftlllt 1tPl1tMllll-110 CllltStlOlll tliedl 1Htt1fl1Jii»f ~1f lir 1111 f UrHJf Wt ••• H:i11Hilfi}' ii . ~ ~ r i •· 2 l!clfli~ !l !f{ ;zfrl( ~,!IJIHIJ! N .. •i1r r1i;J•· fr! i-~~ ~ti J !r! 0-to s.: ._.;-. • r!~Jtl1l1 •Ga~ 1 tJ ( f • __ f )C•i · : : : f ilf I f l t. r . • l ~ : I o ~ . ~ ~ ~ !i ·! _r 1: ! 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''( I 1fl1 1~1~1 ~ 1 1 1 1-~1 1~ 11 1!;111._;riHl CJ ! •"'•"'•· i ~I t •is J·1•za 1 9 ! 1~1=r r }Is~~ l 1 •i 1 111 =: ~ ~ I!' I f l·:-j =-i : l i l~ 8 a111 !11(( '"~ • 6 " 0 -: -: -: if f ! 1 I If J 4. ;. !? ... r i l ! ! ! ql I JH' ·l1J • . I I I ' ' ! ~ ; ; du I ~.1rf h I \ii.--------------------~ ! I . s 1 s. ~ t 1 .. a:;. 0 ... - - ~ =-11 • -· = C1eate With Wood 8y Roeolyn Abrevayo Here's an easy and lnexpeNtvc way to make dever wooden gadgets for your home and gifts for your own children, or the cub ICOldl. You could aleo donate thae Items to the next hospb1 beneftt or bazaar. AD you need are wooden dochaplns, avalleble at ~ 0t hardware otores, 0t tongue deprasors, which you can get from any clrugmore. You u. them to make napkin- holdert, ftnger pupped, note and ,.. dpt, rnMmholct.n and -IC8l'fhoiders, penonebed lapel p6ns and dothapb1 doll. The Idea of using dochaplns for holdlng_ ~ cards II not new, but With our deslgnt they can be made decorative and no one wtD know of ttllj' "fomw W. ... Naplctn dpt and dak·top ltadoncy· w.fghted holden made &om clochapins can allo be cloChapln da9Mci IO that they don't reveal tt\9 real doll mob /mdnollng J>W1>C* -you'd gladJy put them on your aoye. table OI cWt. The ftldplholden ca\ be aaacheci to rnagnetJ IO that they adhere conveniently to the front of the re&tgerat0t. Tongue depraeon can be glued to a rack to hold mMtens and ICa'Vel. Deco- rate a halway wtd'I i 0t hang It on the Inside of a dotet door. Toaster tongs made &om tongue depressors are very useful gadgets. You can also UM deprason to make plantholders and trtvcts, wood-mined to match your furniture. Or make a personalll.ed haircllp 0t name pin for a IHde girt. Finger puppets are weat fun; as are clothespin dolls which can be made to dance on a wn. Gtue vour rplrlU a lt/t aa/llrtg a "** (abow) and charming /lng•r puppet. (right) from ~-.... ~' find« Vo"~- Complete dlrec:dons with ~ ~ and IDustratlons for .. of the projedl .. lnduded In the booklet, "\\bod 'N Tiwiga. • F« your copy of this booklet (~' tend $1 .25 plus 2Se P'C*9 md handling to: FAMLY WE:r.xl.v P.O. Bos 431 D.pt. D IQc"own 5tMIM N.. York. N.Y. 10018 Be IUN to Include bookid number and your name, addr... and ZIP code. (New York radeuta, 1'111 .... edd ... tu.) .. ---------------------------------------llHld ltt Cllfte, Dept U·161, 500 Mark.t Street, Pertt'I Amboy, N.J. 088e1 o Pteue ruah me my!'°'! ....._. c._.."" o vi .. o MuterCard C-*f ......... ,_....f9f only •·• plua U.M ~ and hand· Bank # ---_Exp. Date __ _ llna (TOWI lt2c:le, Accountf ________ _ O U WIL• 'IWD ...,.. .... for"* "7.H plu1 13.90 poetage (Totat90doMdS __ ,....._,_ ... ..__, and handltng (Total $21.85). PnmName ____________________ __ Addreu----.--------------------Cfty _______________________ _ Sta•-------------~ "Que Me Teng1t, VocemMe•m Audit" Priee Breakthrough s99s • One and a half feet high • Never needs Polishing- luster lasts forever • A true Collector's Item G"'9 your home or pdo a touch of luxury out of the put-en auth9ntlc replica of the Roman Country E•tate Bell that might have once ~= the royal 1ummer palace of th• mighty hlmMlfl Since you may not have u large a houMhold 9tatf u c....,., we've had the entire bell care- fully antiqued eo that It wrn neV9r n..ct pollsh· tng. na beautttut tuater wtM tut year after year, throughout the tour MUOnS. and It• muek:al refrain wtn deMaht you~tl. Of oourM. wfttl the of metell and cratt.- manahlp 9k~ettng. yoy could expect to pay tm emperor • raneom for a coHector'• treuure Ilk• thla. oomptete wtttl lte own chein pull! 20" tong. Act now,E can d ®'llln thl9 deco-retot'• gem fof uat $8.95-t>eceuM our supply comes dlrecity rom the eource. ~--Last Chance! Millions of TV-Viewers Loved His . Every song An All-Time Favonte BLUE EYES CRYING IN THE RAIN THERE GOES MY EVERYTHING HAVE I TOLD YOU LATELY THAT I LOVE YOU WHEN MY BWE MOON TURNS TO GOLD AGAIN MY HEART CRIES FOR YOU ROSE-MARIE VAYA CON DIOS ROSES ARE RED UNA PALOMA BLANCA I CAN'T STOP LOVING YOU RED RIVER VALLEY MY HAPPINESS JUST CALL ME LDNESOME YOU BELONG TO MY HEART SOMEBODY LOVES YOU BOUQUET OF ROSES NOBODY'S DARLING BUTMINE MAKING BELIEVE SINCE VOU'VE GONE First 2 TV Albums Sllm His Beautiful Voice Has Won America's Heart! Now Here Is The Best From Both Of His Famous TV Albums! This beloved singing star made all America fall in love with him when he sang on his first two TV record commercials. Already-over two million people have sent for these two albums. So remarkable has been the response to Slim Whitman that he has been interviewed on the Johnny Carson shaN, among many, and been written about all over America. Now here are the fawrite 20 songs from both of Slim Whitman's two Gold Record award winning TV Albums: THERE GOES MY EVERYTHING ... RED RIVER VALLEY ... WHEN MY BWE MOON TURNS 10 GOLD ... BWE EYES CRYING IN THE RAIN ... and 16 m0re! tf you missed getting either one of Slim's first two albums ... here's your chance to discover one of the most unforgettable listening experiences of your life. Check the list of songs on the left. Slim Whitman makes fNefY all-time favorite sound more beautiful than you 've ever heard it before. MAIL TODAY. NOT SOLD IN STORES OFFER WILL NOT BE REPEATED ·---------------------------· I Suffolk Mertcetlng, Inc., Dept. SWD-106 I I 360 Lexington Avenue I I New 'tbrk, N.Y.10017 I I Please rush me the SLIM WHITMAN album.on your I I unconditionaJ guarantee that it must be the most I If you don't play this beautiful al-I beautiful alb~'!' I've ewr heard or you will refund my 1 I purchase pf1Ce. I bum more than ~ny .you've e~r I o 1 endose $7.98. Send Record Album. I owned . . . and enJOY it more ... it 1 o t endose $9.98. Send a-Track Tape. 1 won't cost you a penny. But please I O I enclose $9.98. Send Cassette Tape. I order yours nqw. It's not sold in I I stores at any price and we do not I Name 1 plan to repeat this advertisement in I Addi... I this publication. Mall the no-risk I I today. I Qty State Tip • I coupon . •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Home-Gtown Attlchoke Recipes 8y Rbtllyn Honaen F rom the farm communi- ty of Castroville' Calif. ' whlc~ produces all of the fresh artichokes grown in the United States, come recipes for artichoke dishes that me the favorites of the peop&e who help grow them. AR11CHOKE SPINACH SQUARES l QIP9 cooli.cl .._ rice ............ ~ClllP .. 1111•• rpaw _,...... ..... I ta'olrEF cam chopped oa6oft l 111b'l11paw chopped~ l MlllPOCMI I I I I Med Mk in 11upai. Mk l ClllP cooli.ed., ....... chopped~ l ClllP cooli.ed., chopped ~ l aipe ~Cheddar dMeM l . Tum cooked rice Into large bowl. 2. Aad eggs. milk, margarine, onion, parsley and sahs; mix well. 3. Stir ln spinach. artichokes and cheese; mix well. Spoon mix ture Into greased 9 x 9 x 2-tnch ovenproof bak· ing dish; sprad evenly. 4. Bake In "preheated 325°F own for about 45 minutes or until knife inserted in center comes out dean. Maka 9 squoru "Recipe &om Dolores Totino. Castroville, Calif. GARUCHOKES •• # Jtuf~ ....... in ClllP .... ol .,. GEii .... ... 6cto.....,tk.alrlced in ctlP ...., c:hopped .,.,.., in .. 11paan Mk o.h ...... Mid .,...,., AIDl.rwctpe .... l ~ .. yoll. Mwd l. Rinse and trim artichokes and cut aaOfol the tops of artl· d10ka l heh down. Trim outer leaws fO ... of .a. WAM!s. Piece .,,ugiy *'1\..-nd down In MUClpBI'\. Pour bolllog w-. to awer them, mum'°~ and cook untll "'*. about 30 tO 40 What do you do when you want the latest news? If ou're like most people, you probably tum on the radio. \\'ell. maybe it's Lime you get ac- quainted with a different kind of radio-the Bearcat 160 Scanner Radio. Unlikl• regular radios. ~ Bearcat 160 tunes in police and fire calls. weather warnings. mobne tele- phone com·ersations. aJmost any type of two way radio communications. instantly, automatically. You heir what ·s going on. whik it ·s going on. instead of during a regular newscast. when the news may not be so "new" anymore. • The &arcat 160 is an inexpensive scanner radio built with computer chip technology SM\ D-L-4w... that makes it easy to use. You just program it to monitor what you Al ~ want to hear. And until March 15th. you can get a SlO rebate tha makes the Bearcat 160 Scanner Radio a better deal than ever. If you(j like to know more about where to buy the Bearcat 160 Scanner Radio and how to take advantage of the $10 rebatt!. just pick up the phone. right now. and call: 800-Sau>Df'! <t!OU-7Zl·5555 m Indiana>. ~'--~ °""'"°"Ill -Car'll °' --a r. Courol't....,. "-' Cloolr.uo-...... .a -----~ S-102 ll29....,. c ,,., -c.r.. ol ~ -Kor.-()ly ..._. .. , .. minutes. Drain weD; cool. 2. When artichokes are cool enough to handle, tcoop out and dilcard cen&er thorned cone and fuzzy "choke." S. Comblnlt olive oil, lemon Juice, garlc, peiWy. salt and pepper. Retum artichokes to saucepan and pour over the oil· lemon mixture. Heat to boiltng, reduce hffl Md tlmmer for 10 minu&a. Let lland until room temperaaure. 4. When ready to tcrYe. ar· range anlchoka on lndlvldual MJV!ng pleta and f.n out each arUchoke In sunburst fashion. 5. FUl amter with Aloll and gar- nish with 9ewd egg yolk. Serve as a alad with the main dish or uan~. lrfolca 6 Nr&llngl Recipe from Bina &oggs.tto, C.trovilJc' Calf. QUICKAIOU l to s douee ..,tAc l .. llOlt l U'I J IMI ...._,... l ClllP •-r==*' 1. In blender, procaa garlic, ' egg yo.. lemon juice and I/• cup mayonnaillt until smooth. 2. Fold puree Into remaining mayonnaise. Serve chUled. Makes about 1 cup ARTICHOKES IN WINE ·---~ 'i4 ClllP ·; , ..... oll in ClllP ... chopped ptinley I mu-..,tic • ...._.. l ts "'aoe onpao ~ Y, t111paoe Nit o-11 ..,_,.. blKk ~ Y,aipdrywhleewlM l . Rime artichokes and cut acros.s tops of arUc:hokq 1 Inch down. Trim chokes down to tender laves and trim bottom evenly. Cut into quarters. 2. Saute artichoMs in vegetable oU In skillet until light brown. Add parsley, gartic, ~egano. sah and pepper. 3. Add wine. cover and simmer 15 to 20 minutes until artichoke hottoms are tender. Ma/ca 6 servings Recipe from Joy Pieri. Castro· vtlle. Calif. STUFFED ARTICHOKES 6...audcholl9 1,'Jlb . ..-1 ....... -... 'II ~ ~ ~ perWy I ~ prtk. minced l ....,_ dry haKan herbe 11Jts lfDClllNit • o..a..-....blMk~ "" ClllP ~. Elalllt °'1 "'~--• 1. Rinse artichokes and cut across tops of mtlchokes l inch down. Trim outer leaves down to first layer of tender edible leaves. Trtm bottom evenly. 2. On a cutting board, roll ar· tlchokes to open up. Spread ar· tlchokes and use spoon to saape out the canter thorned cone and pink fuzzy choke. 3. Cut casings off aausages; dJs • carci. Chop sausage finely and mix with parsley. garlic, herbs, alt and pepper. &uff artichokes with mixture. 4. Stand up filled artichokes In shallow baM-and-serw pan. 5. Cover with foll and bake ln preheated 3750f oven for 1 hour; uncover and bake for •n addidonal 15 to 20 mJnuta un- tll btowl'I. s..,,. hot. The whole artichoke and trufflng ts eaten. Maka 3 to 6 ~Inge Recipe from Joy Pieri, c.cro- vlU.. Calif. flEa..lllZO UCElllE flAllE YOUI own peno111I toudl fOI Cll, CMllJ*. trtilet. YOUI ,...., CS llMMe, 11111, rind! Of COftllllny --111¥ wordilll-"' to 12 ltnen & speces on toP. 12 Oii bottOlll. Big wtlite lltten Oii b4tdt .aytk. lilolllts witll I~ ptete bolts. 2-4 ..-S deliwlfy. 040t1 UceMe ...... ,,.... f 11 ... a..1ETIBm1TU1tY1 FHI blttlf. too. witll ""'"'' Bra. CoMfoft. Ible elastic bedt ......... .-iY flolds 91)111 stiouldlfs. helfllS you stand str1igllllf. 'foll look slimmer. YollllOlf. Whit1 l1e1 Oii conoo CllPI. Elestic strips, side l bottOlll penels. Ordlf by bf• $Ill: 11108513481 )11()88 J34CI 11081 ICOCl --111086 13881 111089138CI 11093 13801 1108713881 111090138CI 111094 13801 Posture 9,. ................ "-" 251 lllf-ITlll 111111 AllRlll LAllLI $1 Self-stick llbets "' !flt llllft, • .., WIY lO pe1SOM1in letten. books, ttc. Ally Mllll, M- dfess Mid zip code llP to 4 liftn bNutifutly printed Ml bleclt oa the fi111tt white self-stict llbtl PIPI( n11IU11. l lL...loag.. 8eud. P5032 250 8 .. t-Slidl Ubela. ... S1 RWl EllffOmT COVEii ....... ....... OMrl.c:lllft ..... stools. ltC. ........ ......, " ,... needl'fl'i• witllolil "" wort .... ,,...,.. of ..... it ..,...,, LIOlll .... flare! prl• with ,_ dlllice of ll6ect. tr• or blill bedtgrouM. (lllp to lftlldl. 20" ..... ffis lllOlt aim&. Order color by it• ...... . Fto11 .... Cower •....... f I .It FI072 ar... Cower.. . . . . . . • 6.11 FI013 llelge Cower ........ S I.It 41or .............•. fU.lt YOUR OWll POCln Plm?ER Print yo1.r Mlllt llld eMeu or 111¥ 3 lintt (lllD. 25 l1tt•1 & lPICIS Plf liMI Oii st• tlonlfy, boots, ltc. Doztns of uses IVtfY day. Prilltlf Clllllll in COl"'*2 Sllf·iMine cau llllll inlldl for pcdlt or pun1-11wtys hMdyl P400t Pocket Printer ...•.... S1.71 Any 2 $3.21 Any 3 ..... IATH_. UD I IEAT COVIii Ltmrieul COlltaft .. ~ ~ ---'*tar ... ~ .... tOft .... lid, .... with ..................... fits ......... Ordlr collJ .., ....-..: H7106 Gold.L,.H7108 ""*; H7107 Blur. H71Cll Mill; H71uw A-*: lt1430 lkown. N'teoe .... IUdht. ...... tt.• DElUIE .,._IS CA* ._ -· ....... ~.etc. pntadOll tint c:lfd llod. Oloole blitt Clld With dllp bfown Pfinting & twin·blnd border, Of 11111 Ptlfl with IOftst 91""· 5 lines. 35 lllllfl llld ..... ndl. llo dlsitns. l'lasa print. P404I 200 Green C.rdl ... U .18 NCMt 200 c.dl ... U .11 .. AUTimATIC CAii lllUffl.Ell Piii 1 or 2 ~If ts*""' die*'""'· Plllh tllt~lflf I PRESTO!'llllllltwdsn lhufflld quietly llld tlloroulhtv MfJ ti1111. Medi " stwdw p1a1ic, r 1 s· 1 T. 0per. eta Oii 2 "C" bettlfin lnot incl.I; 11sy lnttructiona iaclud.t. A Plff tct gift! F1250 c.rd ................ St2.lt 1•MTU•..-SSLMnSS1 Outcll llld ffSY •1¥ to put Y811f 11a1111 and r• 1111n address on ltlltfs, records, books. etc. Any naint, llddf111 i nd zip code up 10 4 hnts be1Ulilully llfinted 1n blect on the lints! while gummed 1.0.1 peper 11n 1l1ble ta, .. IOflt. FrH dtcol1tin boll !Of purse 111 dtsli 8717 Bet of 1.000 I.abets •...... S 1 --------waiter Drake~~:::.~ .... , '---1----rm ..____ _____ , .._ ____ , ZIP _,,_ .. __ -, __ _ ._ ______ _,. __ -r:....= .__., ...... ii,._... 1 ••w ____ .., __ "11 , • IOO colorflll ......... ~ dllr I cu11e .... 314 • • si.-• ,,. : "" ,.. I ,icl ... 1111 IC t ii... Celttt.I """ If :g,,...-.. -.--.. -----=-.JC-.-J..------ .............................. I ---1-------.·.---... ---.---+----I - I :I .... -•!.i• ....... ..,._ .. _ ...._ ______ , ________ .. _______ _ ~oao IOO ....... lftc.M •. M .M .,.._ ..... ,11 .... .._ .. _----._ ______ _.'1.-0liil1--IOOiiiiiiiili~lliii•iiiiL--fte.iiii ... iiiiiiiiioiii'';,;,·,;,;··-U-.M_, &.:~:..':---:;;: .. -=-=: .... _:_--_J ' Rlany Happy Returns: An Expert's Advke on Taxes I l f Sy mettte Spaeth For months lost ~or. newt reporlJ heodJiMd the ~ ouer President Reagan's tax propo«Jls. The bill that the Praldent /Ina/Iv ~ wUl Pro~ Ho&mon. .. mean lower taxes for many American famlhu -but mo.st chonga won't go into effect until next year, when we ftk our 1982 tax returns. You11 wont to take aduan· toge of euery way to mtnlmiie your 1981 tax lia- bllftv. For •Ome •uggesllons on how to do this, FAMILY WEEKLY spoke to Dr. Robert S. Holvnon, author of the ~ntJv relemed book A Survival Kit for Taxpayers (Macmillan). He II also pro- fnaor' emerttu. of taxatlon at New York Unl~rslty. Q ; Dr. Holzman, how docs a taxpayer kn0\11 If he needs help with his return? A: A safe bet Is to figure you wlll need help. Even flgurtng things .. medic.al and educational deductions can be complicated now. The best chance a taxpayer has to fUe a cOtTeci return and not miss any deductions is to find someone more knowledgeable than he ta to ask questk>ns of. Q : What about tax-pre- pantlon businesses? A: Stay away from them! Some people who prepare returns for them know abso- lutely nothing. There are no Federal regulations for these firms: If tMy make a mistake. ~ Spoltth fl a /rftlonce ""1Ser "'"" 0 ~· degrH '" bt.lliNw odml~. I I I you get stud< with the In- terest payment and perhaps even a negligence charge. Q: Who then should the taxpayer tum to? A: A lawyer or c:erti6ed public: accountant {C.P.A.) specializing ln tax returns Is the best bet. The Internal Revenue Service (LR.S.) also has taxpayer assistance programs ln many of Its local offices, but these are aowd- ed at this time of year. and the J.R.S. agent helping you may be too rushed to ask you the proper questions. Q: What are the m06t common deductions people owrtook? A: Without a doubt. medical expenses and casualty losses. Last year, a man was allowed to deduct the cost of removing palm from his f enc.e as a medias] expense because he had a lit- tle boy who was eating the paint. Let me caution you here. however. The test Is not whether your doctor tells you to do something but whether what he tells you applies to a specific medical condition. Casualty loss refers to something that happens sud- denly because of some exter- nal foo::e . The most common losses result from floods . ftres, thefts. storms and tor- nadoes, but losing money to a confidence man could also be included In this category. To claim these expenses. you almost certainly need pic- tures of the damage to your house or your possessions; If It was theft, It's important for you to haoe reported It to the police right away. Q: What are some com· mon mistakes on tax returns that can cost you money? A: One common mistake Involves Social Security deductions. If you work for more than one employer, you may not realize that ~h employer Is ta.king out the fuD amount due to Soda! Secu- rtty, ewn though you may UQdy have reached the oelllng ($29,700 for 1981). You are allowed to take a aedit on your tax return for that overwtthholding and have It returned to you . Another missed saving Is in the area al dependency deductions. lf you provide more than half the support for someone. you can claim him or her as a dependent. Another aspect to this is when seveniJ people con- tribute to one person's in- come, as In the case of several grown children sup- porttng a parent. Each child indlvidually may not provide more than half the support. but together they do. In such a case, the claim for the de- pendency deduction can rotate among the children year by year. Q: Are there any signifi- cant changes In the tax laws which took effect In 1981? A:. Yes. there are some specialty deductions. The biggest change is an expan- sion and liberalization of what you can do with money you make from the sale of your home. Before last year. people over 55 were allowed to take the profit from selling a home and sink It back Into a new resldence. They were allowed $100.000 tax-free income and 18 months to reinvest. Now the time limit has been extended to two years and the amount has been raised to $125,000. Q: With f am Uy budgeting getting increasingly com- plicated. what sor1 of records should the average family keep? A: Everything. Receipts for all expenses. and be sure to note exactly what they were for. Put Information on checks. Take pictures of everything. Keep bUls of sale. and get the bill or the receipt for something if it's a gift or inheritance. The 1.R.S. has the power to look at a deposit In your bank ac· count, designate It Income. and tax you accordingly, unle56 you can prove where It came from and all other relevant Information. Keep records In a safe-de-,_ posit box. ..... l'AMILY WUIU.Y, f""*Y •• 1111 • 35 It is a ·matter of concern to many sincere people that the Christian Church in the time of the Apostles moved from a special observance of sabbath on the seventh day of the week to observance on the first day. The day of rest became "The lord's Day" and was celebrated on Sunday, the day of Christ's Resurrection. The reasons and circumstances of the change are considered in our pamphlet. More important than any debate about changes is the need for all of us to f'econsider the place of a special day of worship in our lives. Too many of us have forgotten. Writt. for the free booklet. "Remember the Sabbath ... Keep it Holy!" No one will call on you. --FREE-Mail Coupon Today!---------- Plff6e s.nd FrH Pamphlet tmtitled ·Remember th• Silbbath ... KHp it Holy/" FM 36 T ... ott.r •"""led 10 -tr .. pemohlet ~•me ------------------ Addr .. ----------------- City --------St•te -----Zip __ _ CATHOLIC INFORMATION SERVICE KRIGIRS OF COLU••us -~ P.O. Bo• 1971. New Haven. Conn. OIS21 -------------------------- Patchwork Doll This aOOrable dolly with her patchwork skirt and peasant blouse Is sure to be the dailng of the ~l.ll9 ~ Craft No. 161 has pattern pk!ces and ~ sewing clrections.. Send $2.00 to lnduda ,_.... Md hllndllnt fOr •adt pattaft; F811111r Weekly ........ P.O. Box 431, Dept. A·19l. Midtown Stlldon Nftl Ycd. N.V.10018 , .. , ....... -............ ..-......... -(Pl.-~\ Stt<t .......... _,. ..i.. ..._, DR.'S ORDBRS: HAI Next time you wonder why you're not healing fast enough, consider this: Anywhere from SO to 80 percent of patients don't follow their doctors' orders. Dr. Harold Levinson of the University of Wisconsin, Madi- son, m:endy noted in P¥,hok>gy .._~ Today that many patlen1S think they know more about the symp- toms and treatment of their 11- nesse:s than do their doctors. For Instance, even though evidence shows that you cannot accurately tell when your blood pressure has risen, 90 percent of high- blood-pressure victims in one study said they could. citing such (false) symptoms as headaches, flushed faces and ten- sion. According to Levinson, patients are gulded by these faulty assumpdons when deciding whether or not to follow a doctor's presc:rbed treat11\4mt. CHARTllUSTDS Poor Kenny Rogers. There Is actually one music honor he 1 didn't win last year. Any reoent Gnimmy Awards notwithstanding, Blllx>ords 1981 • l : Rogers. . . year-end review ... and' &natar. reveals REO Speedwagon beat him out for top pop artist, based on record sales and alrplay. But Rogers did aspture top spot in the country category (over Nabama and DoDy Parton) and proved to be top ma&e artist (whipping Bruce Springsteen and Christopher Cl'Ol6) . Pat Benatar was top female artist. says Bili>oard (Klm Carnes and Barbra Streisand were runner5-up), while REO Speedwagon outdid AC/DC and Hall and Oates in the duo/group slot. Sheena Easton was top new artist, while Grover Washington was the crown jewel of jazz. Rick James supreme In soul and Luciano Pavarotti king of cJassira!. Here are the top five pop singles and abums of 1981: ~ 1. "Bette Davis Eyes," Kim Carnes. 2. "Endless Love," Diana Ross & Lionel Richie 3. "Lady," Kenny Rogers. 4. "Stm1lng Over," John Lennon. 5. ''Jessie's Girl." Rick Sprb IQflekt. Albl.ant 1. HI /n/lddty. REO Speed- wagon. 2. Double Fantasy, John Lennon & Yd<o Ono. 3. Greatest Hits, Kenny Rogers. 4. ChrtstopheT Croa. Chnstopher Crom. 5. Ofma of Pa.Ion. Pat Bena tar. co• ON BACK, HOWDY DOODY At age 3. Gary Gross- man became the first kld on his block to have a lV, and he spent hours mesmeriz.ed by his kiddie favorites. Now 33, Grossman Is still hooked, as witnessed by his charm- ing new book on kldvid's history, Saturday Morn ing T\I. They're all there. from Superman to Soupy Sales. Top Cat to Underdog, Hopalong Cassidy to Road Runner. Ahhough today's k!dvid Is less vk>lent. less blatandy commercial and more new- sy, Grossman sees a dis- turbing trend. Due to sky- rocketing costs. networi<s have switched from the classic shows starring real people to cartoons. "Let's face it." Grossman told us. .. Yogi Bear doesn't need a health plan; Scooby- Doo doesn't get residuals. & "But kids are misslng out l on aduh role models. Many 1 folks at NASA say they z were Inspired by Mr. Wizard: airline pilots by Sky King. Now. BUJ Cosby is the last human on Saturday momlng lV." 641 1.atlttfton A .... '""1 'lbt* N. 'I, !0022 Chelrman Ind Publl1her Monon F ""111 Pr9alcMn1 and Auoc. Publl.n.r Pl ttiell M. l.Jntl(1y Vle•Prealdent ano Genl. Mgr. Jonetllln~ E .. cut~ Editor, Antiur Coopef ~111aalna Editor, Tim Mut1101ri. 5enlOfECfltOl'I, Kite White (Arl'iC~I. I •ADmR OP ,,. NCKS For the third time In seven years, tiny St. David, Ariz. (population 1.600) can boast the most physically ftt Cub Scouts In the U.S. - Late last year. Hondo Judd, 10. Peter Haymore, 9, and Brandon Men111, 8. beat out 100.000 other Scouts in a na- tionwide competttion. whkh Included softball throw. push-Judd & king Cum. ups, sltups, long jump and 50-yard dash. Incredibly, Hay- more did 122 pushups In 60 seconds, Judd 120. The Inspiration behind St. David's succ.ess IS Hondo's father, Clay. Despite having rheumatic fever as '1ooy, J udd, 44. has become a fitness nut Each summer morn- ing &om 5:30 to 7:30 he led the boys In workouts with the weights set up In his basement. 1 J I Among Judd's six kids, son Nepbi, 16. was on 1975's winning Scout squad, and daughter Estrella. 14. Is a na- tional weight-lifting champ. Judd already is preparing a team for this year's Cub contest, but all his sons are too old. "Unfortunately," he says. laughing, "rm out al boys ... ~'--~~~~~~~~~~~~~-I <:;~~ 'S:; LOVE AT PIRST Sllll'F We wetted until after Val- entine's Day to tell you this because we hated to ruin your notions of romance, but speculation Is mounting that what attnlcts us to the opposite sex may not be the twinkle in his or her eye, but the twinge ln yow nose. Scientists are beginning to look Into pheromones. which are specific scents secreted by some creatures (female in- sects. for example) that can lure a mate from miles away. Before pigs mate. the boar gives off an odor In his saliva that attracts the female. "There's no hard evidence yet of pheromones in humans ... admits Dr. John Labows of Philadelphla's Monell Chemk:aJ Senses Center. But he says research is being done on indMd.u.als' unique odon and their possible effec1S on the behavior a others. It's been found. for in· stance. that women who live or wori< together tend to ex- perience their periods at the same time. and this may be related to subtle smells emitted during the menstrual cycle. (All P'asces) ~ -Ber- nadette Peters 34. MOftd8Y -Dinah Shore 65: David Niven 72: Ron Howard 28: Harry Belafonte 55: Cath· erine Bach 28: Robert Con- Roea!Y!l M>tevay1. Patnce Adcrott FQOd E~~~ Han1«1 . .\sloe. Edit()(,_ ' 'h.t=~ EdllO<, Mary Ell rre t h, ~llOI Villa~, Pfloto Edit0<1~Vlc1e1e "· Art IOf. Rlcha(cf vwldltl. I. Art lrector. ~ "-teora M , r • Ing EollOf, Peer er trlbutloa Wtltera, 1ey Flder. John or>son, Not man t:.QCMl\i Anita Summer x·:i:r!P· 11' . ~~ or .9r.'=· ~11na· ~"or.. ~f11~k~~r 1nnl~ Mlfhlll Montemurro. Pogr9lef, ~ Aoee v.e-M MaMC* :i='ld s. w!. V.f'.·W..tem Mar.. . Fruer, r · e.11.m Mgr .. ~ Powers. • 'rad 43. Tuelday -Dr. Seuss 78. Wednad9y - Lee Radzlwill 49. 'Thurs- d.y -Paula Prentiss 43. Friday -Andy Gibb 24: Rex Hamson 74. Saturd.y -Ed McMahon 59: Rob Reiner 37, e. Eutern Mat , Richerd K CanOll !'Pit Mac.. l..awr1nce M Ftnn If .. Peri'rnt. SllO!lenS~llOl't der ~11th ano Ha~1rc:1. V.P.· 1111111ng It, StanlfY. 'Aos4nfelCI: rtcet ng a«.. l<enl D Alesaanc:tro. ere:~ dll lng Mgr., Donni Genllle Ant. Md1g. Mgr., L)llaja Jlnow =,;VP., LH Enis; ~ Setvlc~~n J ~q. ~hertran nH. Ma=: ~c&~'l•trlbu~~. ~· liS Ptllefo c'ltc~lltlon ~IOn, Roben Ba,..., c.1, l,.lndl Moun! .. Adm n. Mat., . rblll Sl'llO•to: v.P.·r:lnance, Allan Witt, COntroller, Jlmet Eflrlghl ....... iliiiiiiil ..................... __________________ ~~ BARCIAY ~- .... ·, fl! ' t.1. -. ~- l MG TAR I Has Determined Warni~g: The 5Su~~0"1:~:~~ous to Your Health. That Cigarette mur.tng F()ll i\ PRIZE WI NNIN<; R<>SE GA RDEN , -t/le warltls MY 12 FOi $21.95 MY & FOi $11.50 -MY 3 FOi $5.15 Already Selected and Tried •.• The Best Roeea You Can Bay .•• Now at Low, Low Prices. Only the row haa auch g,..t beauty of form. pi.aal"fl color range, delightful fragrance and la ao adaptable to almoet every flo-r garden. Ho-Yer, alnce there are thouNnda of different verletlea of rosea. you can only be sure of -be.ulolhd blooma bV~v.,....._.tbat Mw wlthatood the test of time and rem1lned popul1r yHr after year wltt\ amateur and ellpert allke. Each rote offered In thl1 spring pl1ntlng Hie la • formerly patented variety lh•t haa been teated and proven for HM of growth. be1uty and abun- dance of bloom. and hardlnna In 111 parta of the country. Theae are strong, healthy, vlgoroua rote buahea. At only $1.98 H cfi; they are an amazing v1luel Order now. You will receiYe 1 PROMPTNESS BONUS of a GIANT HIBISCUS when your rO... arrlYe for spring pl.ming. MONTEZUMA l'al'l&ll•Cally QO<QeOUI' T .... ur"·lllllP«I Oud' OOe " •"'O la rc;ie l'UQf\.Ct ""'t 0 OOUOle OIOOtnl Of Otol hll/ll tcarll l·O<llnOf Vet• ••QO<OUI Q<O-l lOOlftl OIOIUMI~ o" a comoacf ou111 111gn11gn"o ''"'" tu•-· ...... 1JIOH y lotoac;ie 0..ly ,, .• EMiiy " ......... tlll OtOIUM and,._ m11-eo1y '°"O po.1\1.0 tluda oC>e" 10 dH p-cuop.o. lOl\O•IHh~ dOulll.O OOIOel' .,..row 0100tns tr.at come '"·-,., 11\fO ta ll k hPM •S .,._.,, ..... _., Qfaetl ............ ,°"" °"'"''·· FREE •:i,w 4* GIANT "9HIBISCUS : ........ c... ..... 1 .. 2 , ...................... .. I,.._ .... .-.,. ........... • dllcMf ...... -.............. If ..-, 1 -'llf ..... ,_. ft. ("'1 ,_ II'...--. 1 C Mtl)Ml9 ......... ~-tl ..... ,_ .. _._,.., Pt.• :a..,•..,.... :J ... u.., t.11.• :::i .., •.., '"·" c ... J "' .... -:: ....... .., .. .. cat. ... 119tCAft .. ...., ..... -"· 1.00)_.... (40l)_(t..,.. (tll>-Oi•Jtltf ..... 1a1 C.01)_.._... llllHtflll (4101-flftr...... C40t>-o..ttl lll18"tll (.01>__....., 14"1-M.., C4Ml--MeM-(402>-cn....., <40ll-a.1 .. llltt 14041-C....._ ,._, 0 1t•11t1ttaM1 -loltd. Jhll Sl,90 towarff 1111'8tt 1..-11•114111 ... Siii• ,.._.14 n 1111 1111 .., trMlt ~·-· .................. " .... , ... 1111• ...... . °*'-a .... o MlltwCMf o AIMr.r..,ta• c..... ' CM • ..... Ill•-------- ..._ ... __ ~~--~~~~~~--------~----------~~ .... ~~~~--------------------....... --------~--~~' ~Save! :LIMITm OFFER y_.p.,,.. ... Plaulo .... •rv•d 400S In Pull Colorl To redeem thta couoon. eend with any photo. aide. ~ or Pl:lllrocl (color Of belck an! -""'~ plus yOUf full,,.,,. and addrMI E~ I 1 P'l9 70C to help dehy pc.-oe' ~tor mc:h pnoto, UMll. ............ ooupofl. Print name and add'9U on back of eech original photo -to be returned 10 yau wittl e· 11 10· GIANT PHOTO PORTRAITS. -....................... oa•••111 11tlllaDINit1. e.M tr. HHNflT-ORM. IMC. t410•U.tna.aa..4'14A. ... ...-. .... ss111 -OUT-IN Fr-ICl'•M .......__ """--..... you CMonn CIMlfll "'°"' ...... ,_ '~·~-the o.-. ...._ ... '-'"'-· -· s--·--..utlfMOM. \_ ~~~~' r.. , ___________________ _ # FfllDlll.ICIC'SO, HOLLVWOOO 'Cl1M2 # •10 HOLUWOOO tl VO • l>E'T lt«l II MOLL V'fllOOO. CALIF IClll2I O ••NC1-U J1W1111Mu&l-F<A••• .... 1 •• 0 0 1ucu:•a•CM1•..,ftMIMASG•l#•o0oo I ...... , ________ ....,.. ____ : AOOllUS "'-I aN ~ I I ',, ITATl Z'll'------J , __________________ __ Male Sock Dolls ~m instructions when vou subscribe to Ctafb 'n Thinga ff Y• _.., ..... ,,.ay ....... (Of' -nt to 1-n how, th«! you'll en;ov Creftl 'n Tiiings, the colorful how-to m..rlne. 0...41 ..,....,,._la""' ..._from INCl'WM to c:nldwt, quilting to l'\'8 rugs, be-_. ~ to Jiffy tlfU . ... .._.Melt• thinga few 113 !he coat of bllyl"' them. Cflfls •• n-.. .... , ...... _wlttl ..., dlrwtionl, tt~«ep lllutt•etlo111, full-.lre Pdlteme . ..._....,..,._.,_ I c.. • 1'illls. DIM. SH, I Pwiltilllt.IL- Enter mv l<.lblcTll)tlon to er.tu ·n Tlllntil I end tend my FREE innructloftl. I $1 for I Y'S /6 ,_, •FREE dlnctloM) I C Pevment •nctoted C 1111 me I It..... '" I Aaa-. 1 =.Slet~p -1 L.2!l _ -._, ----.l!.J Na, .. ~'-------------~ Aadres,,._ ___________ _ Cit\' Stat he> Havevoueve1wornaw1g'C!Yes. ClNo AnEvaGaoorWig'C!Yes. O lllo Original U.S. Morgan Silver Dollars Pbiladelpbia.Febnauy 1912. IMM anoounced !Oday the release for sale cl a smaJI cache cl less lhan 10.0000fi&inal U.S. Government Morpn Silver DoUars. Esteemed by collectors worid- widc. Morpn Silver Dollars are amon1 the last .900 rme silver doUars to have been suuck for ciml' ~ by the U.S. Government and have .. ne euremety scan:e in recent years. . •namwional Monetary Mint is releasing for sa)e these ratt Morpn Dollars in very line con<Ution at the SpcciaJ Invest.or Opportunity price cl only $35 each. Investors who respond frotn this publication may purchase from I to 10 individual coios at this price. Because of the limited number available. all orders will be mled on a first-come. first•served t.sis with a strict limit cl I 0 coins per customer. This announce- ment will only be repeated in the unlikely event that coins from this cache are still available beyond the deadline published here. The Morpn Silver Dollar waa "authorized by an Act cl the United States Congress in 1878 and was struck for circulation from 1878-1904. Due to a bullioo shonqe. coinqe was sus- pended until 1921 . when Morpns were once apin minted for a sinaJe year. Durina Worid War I it is estimated that over 270 milliol1 silver dollars were melted down for bu.Ilion and aa a re- sult. all survivin& Morpn Dollars are in short suppty. The specimens in this oft'erin& a.re all in very fine condition and to procect your invest- ment each coin will be acccimpMied by a Cen:i.6- cate cl AuthenticitY to that effect. To qualify for this olferina. call Lee Collins toll free at l -800- J4S-8S02. Dept. MDlr1886. (lo Pennsylvania. caJI our Spe- cial Operator at 1-800-662-S 180 for cmlit cant onlers: or if you would prefer, mail check« mooey order in the full amount to: lncemMional Monewy Mint. Dept. MDLr I 886. 390 Pike Ro8d.. Huntinedoo Valley. PA 19006. An additional S2.7S is requesled to cover insu.rancc. posiqe and special haddlin& per Older. If not completely satisfied. you may return your U.S. Morpn Silver Dollar{s) in their ori&inal condition withia 14 days f0t a Ml refund. Thia otter expires March 23, 1982. ~ttllDOt.t. ; -• FOR THIS EASTER. A Letter From The Easter Bunny Mailed to Your Child! EASTER BUNNY Tht South Hole , U.S./\. (~ 1112- • Written in si mple, easy to read language • Addressed to your child, and mailed .• The Easter Bunny's name and return directly to your C"hild address on every letter and envelope • A thri~ling surprise for any C"hild • Envelope muked, "Do not open • Guaranteed to arrive before Easter until Eastl'r" 1/ you 'd lilct Tht Euttr Bunny lo writt to mort than 2 rhildrtn, plt1ist mdost your own list. F!~~•ryl ~~!~! The Easter Bunny: • Puzzles • Word Games • Jokes • Riddles • And More! UNCONDITIONAL GUARANTEE: Every child on your list must ~ thrilled with their personalized let· ter from The Euter Bunny. plus their FREE Gifts, or your money will ~refunded. r-----------------· lnt•n to Ollldnn, OC'pt a.-~7QO, St.,,lonit Bu1ldin11, ('4rn•rv1lw. N.\' 1002.l Y ... plf'•W' uk Th .. Cotn Bunny to wrol• tn tht' fnllowin11 choldnn on my [ .. , .. , C.1ft Ion: N•m•--------- Add'"" --------- Coty --St4tl' --Zip -- Blrthd•y Mn --D•y-_YHt-- N•m•' --------- AddrH• --------- C 1ty --St•teo --Zip --- B1r1hd•y Mo __ o.y __ v .. , __ f ndnM' nnlv ~I 00 plu1 .lSC J"•SllJI<' •nd h•nJhn11 lor each lt'ttt'r, 1nclud1nit FREE ClfTS. My N•mt" --------- Addr•o --------- (."1ty --St1teo --Zip -- \.------------------------------------------------------------- HEARING AIDS 40 °o T060 °a 0ff ... 4 .... \. IUY °'"f\AvlOFlffVfilMKUrl ..., AWi 111.M llJ, MM •...... llt-(fr ~t. a. .. tlll .................. qully .w.. r .. lrfllllld. '"' 1111 MnlfJ ..,._, Wt1ll tw Fl&......,., ltt .......... Mt Cll. iU.oY., 'Hw1Ni ;.o coRP.. ~;-r:Wi 11211as ...... • 111Ctt1rc1. ••· 1111M I I Name ..uAIE llUSH FllEE UTEllATUllE I I Addms I ' I City Slate IP I -----------•J!llllillll I .... HOE ... U9"10Uml I ~~~~· I I I I I I ~'!"""'~,,..,.,...~· I JUST ONE HAND ! A. comptet9fy NEW concept In Dl'der1lna IMChlilesl the amazing 2·1n:1 TROY. BIL,.. Roto TllJer la not only a wonder· fully better rototiller, It's also a wonder· fut compoet aht9dder-chopperl It tuma your whole ~. however large or email, Into a fabuloualy fertile "compost plle"I So tuY to handle,...,.,, tor ladles a older folks. You guide It with JUST ONE HA.NOi For complete details, prices, "off-eeuon" aavinga, aend eoupon below for free booklet. TROY· BILT9 Roto Tiller-Power Compostera, 102nd SL & 9th A.Ye., Troy, New Yen 12180 ~1192GlrdenWlly ------------i TROY•L'P ,.._.Tlllf~a l I Dlllt. A•1202, I 1Q2ndli.AWIA .... Tro,,M.Y.121111 , ,...._. ...... WOftd9rM ..,,,. I I T9'0Y-etLT9 iwo-........,.,,.._... I "Of'F.RAION" IAWtOS now Ill effect tor I • ...... -.. wi-Pl'lnt ci.wty> I ltwne I IAddfeu I · 1 I l City Stai9 --Zip --I ------------· ,, Now, you too cart ~n tightly sealed jars and bottles quickly and easily with this amazing ... Restaaraat Sapply Jar U Bottle Opener Just slide yout jar o r bottle bd into tne grippers of this amazmg o~r. Tnen twist or pop the top nght off! Gives you a tight gnp, leverage. and lets you grasp the container with both hands. Therefo re, far less UNCONDrTIONAl strength and effort '40NfV·llAO< are required. GlJAllANTll Of'£NS ALL LIDS. ,H _41,H f'ROM BOTT\.£ TOPS TO ECONOMY SIZE JARS c.., .................... .. ........................... ............................. ~ ....... ,.... .................. ......................... • ....-. .......... ! • Heavy gauge metal lor heavy duty )Obs Chrome plated. Measures 4l,-x 517- Should IMt tndef1nuely! • Perfect for anyone tired ol strugghng with tightly sealed bottles and 1ars • A must IOf anYone wnh painful arthn11c hand.. smcill or weak hands. • A most considerate gilt for an elderly friend or relative, a child. or anyone! Order more than one now. and SAVE r:----------STERUNG HOUSE. Dept. JA· S791. I Sc~ Builcins. G~. N.Y. 109ZJ I I Va. I ...,. uin oaM tW. -int RfttMrwu I s....lv J·~. &o.tk ~! I D OM ior onJo,, S2 99 • 1oc P&H 0 SAVE! Two for only $5.50 • 9SC P&H I I 0 SAVE MORE! Thrtt ior otW S7 69 ·SI 20 P&H Enclowd .. s _ __ CHARGE rr ON I ORDERS OF THREE OR MORE I 0 VISA D MastftC ard hporfS I I Card • I I :::u I I Caty I St111~ Zip J .. ______________ ... ---- ----- - -c