HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-03-10 - Orange Coast Pilot• • • • • • IUlll ~ WEDNESDAY. MARCH 10 1982 OR ANGE COUNTY C ALIFORNIA 25 CENTS 'Jupiter Effect' fizzles Planetary. alignment fails to fulfill doomsday predictions • • By Tiie Aatoclated Pren If you're readinc this, the world obviously didn't come to an end yet today. Some people thought it mlght -or at least that Los Angeles would be destroyed by an earthquake, or islands would be drowned in tidal waves or some * * * other natural catastrophe would shake the planet. Their fears are based on media reports that all nine planets will be on one side of the sun today as part of normal orbital patterns. The planets got together that way about 179 years ago, as they * * * -often do. And in the year 1999, they'll line in a nearly straight line. Today the planets will be clustered in a 90-degree spread -if the sun were the c_enter ol a huge dock, Neptune would be al about noon and the Earth at about 3, with the others * * * !Jar patrons await 'final hour' TOLEDO, Ohio (AP> -After For six bits, Van Alstine said, the Kam1kaze route out. She the miserable winter northwest you could buy a Kamikaze -figured that if the "Jupiter Ohio bas faced, the end of the four parts vodka to one part Effect'' didn't work, the party . world was no big concern to the lime juice -a drink that made will not have been a failure - scattered in between. So what? A spokesman for Griffith Observatory in Los Angeles says it bas aa much significance as Friday the 13th. But a 1974 book, "The Jupiter Effect," by John Gribbin and Stephen Plagemann, predicted there might be earthquakes and extreme weather because of the planetary alignme nt, and thousands of people have called observatories throughout the country in recent years worrying about March 10, 1982. In self-defense, planetariums have been putting on shows this year to explain that the planets are not in a straight line, and I I I I ! ' I ---XoJedoam whG floc~-··~~b-&h&-laH-boUr-w wit.ll~he--wor-ld-st:Hl-~und ,__...__ ~-bar -">~wait the-fin a~ hour: -ne~. A bandi>layed '"nfe1JlltJe--there'lrl>e anOOiercrowa at e -that eyerrif-they_-:were:;::ft::.woald... .=., ......... have no effect on the Earth. ........... PREPARED -Who are those masked men? They're not awaiting the end of the world cas some forecasters predicted for today>. Rather, they're participating in war games against simulate~ nuclear terrorism at Ford Ord: CIA La.tin Al a buck a beer and 75 cents Hymn of the Republic" and bar tonight to celebrate. a shot for schnapps, heaven "The Saints Go Marching In." could wait. Mike Van Alstine, operator of -Lindy's bar, said patrons brought the right spirit to the party. "We had a last supper and came on down here for a couple Marcia, the daytime bartender, said she didn't think the world was really going to end. "But it's a good excuse to come out and drink . . . " of d.rinb before it went," said · Kim Minch, the bartender, one patnin. said many people were cboein1 told Some people had feared the world might end today because all nine planets have moved to the same side of the sun. A 1974 book, "The Jupiter Effect," predicted there might be earthquakes and extreme weather because of the alignment. Covert operations against Nicaragua reported County's jobless rate 6% ·w ASHINGTON (AP > - President Reagan bas approved a CIA plan for covert operations against Nicaragua and is directing the U.S. intelligence agency to start formin1 a paramilitary force of Latin Americans, The Wasbin1ton Three seized in NB thefts; lootfound A million.dollar burglary ring operating out of Ne'fl>Ort Beach bas reportedly been put out of business with the arrest of three m en and the discovery of I several stolen property caches. pollce report. Newport detectives said the ring may be responsible for as many as 50 burglaries in the beach city. The trio of men, police said, would ship stolen loot by bus back to South Carolina where it would be sold. Officers said they've been able to reclaim more than $300,000 worth of the stolen tiema. Arrested in Newport Beach was Matshall Timothy Bailey, 30, and Steve Joseph Yparrea, 31, also of Newport -Beach. Both men are being held in lieu.of $1 million bail. Meanwhile , FBI agents arrested Bailey's brother Terry in South Carolina after allecedly finding stolen property in bis possrision that agents were able to trace to Newport. Police said stolen loot abo was .discovered in two rented Newport houses. Officers said they intend to have a public showing of the recovered items -mostly jewelry -in the near future. It is unlikely, police said, that . there will be other arrests, although · officers believe there may have been several other people connected with the ring from the Phoenix area. ~ Post reported today. White House spokeswoman Kim Hoggard declined to comment on the article T:uesday· night. The newspaper said that according to informed administration officials, which it did not identify, Reagan rejected the use of American military forces in direct operations against Nicaragua. Administration officials have charged that Central American nation is serving as the military command center and supply line for guerrillas in nearby El Salvador. But as part of the administration's strategy in the region, said the Post, the authorized covert plan d.i.rectS the CIA to start recruiting and financing a paramilitary force of up to 500 Latin Americans. They are to operate from camps along the Nicaragua-Honduras border, said the newspaper. In Managua, meanwhile, the Nicaraguan government Lsaued a sharply worded statement Tuesday night, protestin1 "violation of the country's air apace by North American spy planes." See CIA. Pace Ai> Schmitz behind news release Lawmaker said willing to release statement. again BJ IEFP ADLE& .................. Sen. Jolm Sehmjts, R·Corona del II•, bu told bis attorneys be ll wllllnl to re-release a ,..... statement -lD bis own bandwrltinl -tbat' matea references .to lawyer Gloria Allnd, bomalaaa1I and Jewa ln order ID~ lie ltaD.ds behind, tt. the tap lllde wbo orisiully, wrote the statement, said TuetdQ. • ''We 'both meant lf (tb'e' 1tateme~ •• botb stand ....... It -moet lmportatlJ .. (leilmMa) ...........••• : aru a.au, lelamu• elalef &14•, •••l•l••d Hem tbe ........ 8•·---·-........ t...r•••••• at lal1 0.-M _. ..... cledlMI ................. • -!! .......... wltb .......... libel •alt .... ........... I HJ ....... ordeft not to '•••er •••Uoa1 ,.. Sclamlt1 ... 'i \ Evans, who said be ii authorbed to speak OD Sebmlt.a' behalf, abo said be bad been cautiooed by .uom.11 not to comment OD the cue. Evan• admitted tbat even tbou1b Schmlta was tbe "architect" 91 tbe wldeb publicbed Dec. D DIWs nleale, lt WU be wbo HtuaJIJ ..,,.. it. He ai.o aald t.be BeDUUcan senator, wbo 11 IHklq tbe Republican. nomlDatloD few tbe U .5. Senate, did aot ... tbe release prior to lta diltrilMkm to reporten. ...... tbl arddMd of it, U.. WM DD dDUt. 'fbat'I wla; be stood up for lt," ••au COlllttauld. . S•w det'Md .. IC' !lt1 Nq ..... tbel'llHHMWI .... ....... Allnd ........... iD ta.~ ..... ........ ................... ~.., ......... ..., lbow,···-..w. Tiiie parpoH ef tlile J ... ,...... . ... w ... , •• .-·~ in1Uattve back, 11 Evans aald. "Be (Sebmit.a) said make it strong, so I did,'' tbe aide added. Evm also said be doeln't know if Scbmill would bave appl"Oftd the release ii he bad seen lt ft.I'll. "He'• a nicer IUY .than I am," said Evans. He said llonda1'1 news conference, durln1 wblcb Sabmltl' attorney lD tbe libel ease denied tbe senator autbond t.be statemuta, wu part of a le1al defense -...... I ltate-lalnd 1ttorae1 Louts o. ......... the dlaclalmer to "Ht tllie record 1tral1bt," aeeanillll to .... aeea IMI. DeMen .._..a ft••poiat ,,.,, ••• , ••"•• ua. e•• ..... I! .......... -"• dlda-&wrtletllit ........... , ... lta , ..... "'* .. ... ............. lni&l1 ... 1fal It._., ...... IT'I OFFICIAL -Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. formally announced hi s Senate candidacy today. Brown enters Senate race today in LA. LOS ANGELES CAP) -Gov. Edmund Brown Jr., an active but undeclared candidate for the U.S. Senate for more tfaan a year, made lt official today at a series ot meetinp and parties. Brown entered the race for the Democratic nomination u the heavy favorite over th~ poorty financed and less-known rivals: Fresno Mayor Daniel Whitehurst, state Sea. Paul Carpenter of Cypreu, and. novellat Gore Vidal. • (See BaoWN, Pap AJ) For the first time in four years, Orange County's unemployment rate hit the 6 percent level in January, reflecting post-holiday layoffs double lho6e of a year earlier. The new figures, released Tuesday, also seem to show that the recession-spawned slump in . the nati onal economy is beginning to ripple through Southern California. The last time jobless figures bad reflected a similar unemployment rate was in August, 1978, several months following the passage of tax-cutting Proposition 13, which forced closure of summer schools in the area. In actual numbers, however, the 70,800 unemployed Orance County residents in January were the most since. 70,900 people were qut of work in' November, 1976. The statistics, compiled on a . monthly basis by the state's Employment Development Department, indicated that 7 ,900 more l*>)>le were jobless in January tha1,1 in the previ~ month, when holiday-related activities provided extra jobs. That means nearly twice as many people were laid off their jobs followinc the Christmas rush lo 1982 than in 1981, analysts said in their monthly report. ••A seUOllal decline following . the Cbrlltmas retaillnl peat ii to be expected," the report said, (See J0118, Pa1e AJ> Budget would cut .aitf to students · She told a House IUbc:ommiltee OD poet·HCCJDdarY. edueatkln the $14. T billion 'be&Ded' ftDaaee tbe edueatloD of bail OI all coli. atudenta -s mWloD to t million -aacl paid "o••·tblrd of all 1tudeat .. ,_ for tutUon ud ncm ............... .. ..... tbat Tl ........ all 1tadeDt aid pr..ad.. bJ = 'i ... ooll• ..... ..: :~.10: .... 1lr•••1 ••Jro•ed ,, c ... ,_... wlll .......................... , ... ,...An •' l ., "It's always possible to have an earthquake, even on the loth of March,'· said Ed Krupp, director of Griffith Observatory. Two moderate eartbquJlkes did occur in California last weekend, in the sparsely populated Mojave Desert; and the island of Tonga was inundated by a hurricane last week. One caller to Caltech was "a young lady whose parents were going to come out to California and she wanted to know exactly when the earthquake would occur so her parents could come either before or after," said spokesman Dennis Meredith. ·'When the operators explained the situation to her, she decided she'd have her parents come out afterwards," Meredith said. The Griffith planetarium's show, "The Jupiter Effect and the Great California Earthquake," attracted· 500 people Saturday night. The usual Saturday night attendance is about 350 people. All 250 tickets for a Monday night lecture on the planetary alignment sold quickly at the Gates Planetarium in Denver, and the institute reported 130 <See JUPITER. Paie A2> Train rams car; 2 die Two people were killed today in Anaheim when a Southern Pacific train struck their car along a section of track on South· Street near Olive Street. Anaheim police investigators said the two occupants of the car were pronounced dead at tbe scene. Their identities were belng withheld pendinc notification of next of tin. The circumstances of the 8:'1 a.m. accident were not known. A police spokesman said the car was struck by an eJlllne towing a caboose only. Non-toxics urged SAN FRANCISCO <APl - Several environmental groupa Tuesday urced a non-tozlc campaip to eliminate a opay moth menace in Marin, Santa Cru1 and Santa Barbara COUDUes. IUlll C• WUllll Occulonal ral.D likely tonlgbt and Thurada7. Cooler Tbunday. Hi1b1 Tburlday moetly ln tbe • low eo.. Lows toaicbt a '° • 55. Chance of ratn TO })ercent tonl1bt and TbundQ. 11111 UL .... A• -AM == 5 !in.a .,,. ,., ... ... BALLOON BLOCKADE -About 2,000 air balloons from the Greenpeace environmental organization block the main entrance to the ............ agricultural ministry in Bonn, W. German• in protest against imports of seal furs in the co1,mtry. Sperry ·Univac to lay off 350 Irvine-based division to transfer operations Sperry Corp. will lay" off 350 engineers and researchers at its Sperry Univac minicomputer di vision in Irvine, company officials announced today. The division iB slated to shut down manufacturing by June as the company transfers operations to existing Salt Lake City offices. The Philadelphia· based division furloughed 500 workers from the plant last December when it announced it would relocate to Utah. However, at that time the company said the division's •·maTket1ng and re· , search-development would not, be affected. Industry analysts said the turnabout may reflect. , disappointing results in the , From Page A1 'JOBS ... "but this year's decrease was nearly double the 7 ,000 job loss posted last year in the same 30 days." Labor analysts said lbe new ~ figures show that the recession ' is taking its toll on Orange County's ~onomy and that local recovery is tied closely to a ,. nationwide resurgence. ...._ High interest rates also have been blamed as a contributing raetor to the hi gher unemployment rat e , discouraging investment in new facilities and machinery. Jn the manufacturing area, a net loss of 2,600 positions was reported in January, according to the state report. And in the service industries, there was a. •, similar loss of 2,500 positionst compared to a drop of 700 a year earlier. Service industries ~-include amusement parks like j:t'.· Disneyland and Knott's Berry Farm. II'· Though the Orange County 'I>" increase in unemployment is rt considered significant, it is sWl t · w e l l b e l o w f i g u r e s Co r ~· neighboring Loa Angeles county, 1 which bad a jobless rate of 9.9 \... percent for January. ~ From Page A 1 ~ . • • ~JUPITER. i phon e calls in five hours • Monday. ~ "We've literally bad people t;{ ask, 'Should I sell my house and I move away?" said Kevin ~'• Atkins of Gates Planetarium. "Let's face It, if the Earth is going to get it, ~ere aren't too many places tn bide." One small Christian sect in the ~ Philippines is building a maze of padded cubicles and trying out padded suits ln readiness for di~asters their leader, Casiano ' Nasaire, predicts -;-although be says the scientists have cal.led the 'day wrone and the effect will· be strooaest on March ze. Gribbto retracted lbe whole basis for "The Jupiter Effect" theory ln a June 1980 artJcle in Omni magulne. minicomputer field . The divi sion produces computer and visual display terminals and data e ntry equipment primarily used in the aerospace and financial fields. The Irvine division once e mployed 1,100 workers, but only 250 reportedly will remain after the latest layoffs. The company also announced Tuesday that Eugene Rawles bas been appointed vice president and general manager of the division, replacing Neil Gorbow, who was transferred to Philadelphia. The-spokes man denied s uggestions that -the New York·based parent company might be easing out -9f the m inicompuler bu$iness - Men 'suroive' big debate CAMBRIDGE, England CAP> -It was touch and go for a time, but when the debate was over and the votes were counted, an assemblage at Cambridge University bad defeated the proposition: "Resolved: This house believes that women are essential, men are not." The 262 to Sl vote, with 33 abstentions , was not surprising, since men outnumber women 7 to 1 at the university. The attack on the male or the species in the Monday night debate at Cambridge Union was s pirited. "Pl g ·headed," "chauvi ni stic " a nd "incompetent" were some of the epithets hurled at men by both "pro" and "con" teams or women s t udent s in the confrontation. COMING HOME -Rep. John Burton announces that he will not seek re·election during a news conference in San Francisco. Burton said be wanted a change of pace a nd to "come h'ome. '' ORANGE COAST ·11lly Pilat Cte""'9d ........ il71WMe71 ' All olherde....-.flb IU-4321 Thomas P. Hal8y ~-o.r•-1111119 Olf:oet Robet1 N. Weed ......... Thomas A. Murphlne .... L Kay Schultz ......... •Cl!-.fll~ Md9f P. Harvey .._....., tc.rWl9lh N. Goddard Jr~ ~ ...... Owtle H. LOOI ........ instead noting it will unveil a new generation computer this year with twice the processing capacity or its current top model. Sperry Univac has lost money on the Irvine operation since it acquired it in 1977 from Varian Associates of Palo Alto, said Barry Bosak, a securities analyst for F. Eberstadt & Co., Inc. of New York. · The division's 1981 sales of $7' m.i Ilion captured about 0.9 percent of the market for general-purpose computers, off from 1.3 percent in 1979, said Bruce P. Hadburg, a researcher for Dataquest Inc. Dataquest keeps track of1 the computer i.ndustry. From Page A1 BROWN. • • But Brown is rated as the underdog in the November general election against all three top Republican hopefuls, Reps. Barry Goldwater Jr. and' Pete Mccloskey, an<} San Diego Mayor Pete Wilson. Incumbent Eepublican S.I. Hayakawa is retiring Crom the Senate . After hi s f or mal a n · nouncement at a Los Angeles hotel , Brow n sc heduled -appearances at a J ewish senior c itizens ce nte r , a l abor headquarters, and a job training program before a campaign kickoff party in the evening. With more voter recognition than all his rivals combined, . Brown has been able to conduct a l ow-profile ca mpaign , concentrating on raising funds and delaying his formal declaration '\UlW the final two days before the deadline for candidates to file papers. He has held 100 or more rund·rajsing events , most or them with little or no publicity, during the past year, and bas a campaign bank account of $1.6 million -more than the current campaign cash or all three Democratic a nd seven Republican Senate candidates combined. Brown's rivals in both parties have been aiming most of their political fire at him, att.acking bis appointees to the courts, his h.andling of the Mediterranean fruit fly, and blaming him for the state's precarious budget condition. But Brown bas ignored nearly all those attacks while attempting to frame his campaign as a rer~ndum on Pre~id e nt Reagan's administration and the president's economic policies. "We've bad the New Deal. We've had the Falr Deal. We've bad the Square Deal. And now we've got the raw deal. It's time lo change that," Brown says ot Reagan's spending and budcet cuts: "You don't restore pro1Jperity to Callfoml•i.or to America. by taklnl from tnOee who can least afford it, by undermiD.ina our school system. our univenlty system our capacity for research and tecbnolo1ical innovation . . . and tlvinc to tbOle eortoratiom tbat alrud)' have tremendous tu breab. "We've fol to 10 beyond Rea1anom ca, which liYH money to the private Hetol', tNl doean't set prtorlUes, ·• 8J'OWD says. • Browa'1 once phenomenal pencmal popularity bu ll'Odld clurln1 two eampai1•• for ,....dint and mon tbu ..._ Jearl of U oftea eGlllbOt•IAal IOY•rDOHldp, lD "'1cb Blvwa Ht tM llale OD a deal= ........... ~ bll•= .............. ... -~lotap1taa.Jf* .• • • ·Nucle~ freeze sought Congressmen mooe to halt stockpiling by U .. , Soviets WASHINGTON (AP) -Man tban UO con1r .. 1men and 11 aenaton aWed themaelvH t.ocYr with a movement c.wnc for a halt to the atoekplllnl of more nuclear welPOQI ln the United States and the Soviet UnJon. At a new a conference. congreulonal support.era announced that they would Hell enact~ ol a resoluUon utinl President Reaaan to ne1otiate a mutual nudear arms free1e with • the Soviets. / The proposal was endorsed by a list of prominent lea<ters from the worlda of business. rellgioft and public affairs. Amon1 them waa retired diplomat George F. Kennan, who said lo a statement that a movement alone tbe lines proposed is '•a bs<>I utely imperative and urgent. ' The leader s of the congressional push for a nuclear freeze were Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, D·Mass., and Sen. Mark Hatlield, R·Ore., who was an advocate of anti -war initiatives in Congress during the Vietnam conflict. The announcement was made at American University, where nearly 20 years ago President John F. Kennedy made a speech calling for the negotiations that ultimately led to the nuclear test·ban treaty. Edward Kennedy said that a nuclear free ze would be enforced by verification meJ.hods already existing and would by itself save $20 billion a year . "Together, the United States and the Soviet Union stockpile a total of 15,000 strategic nuclear warheads with nearly rour tons of TNT for every man, woman and child presently living on this planet," Kennedy said. "Today the earth itself is an endangered species." The event rertec ts the s urprising appeal of the grassroots campa~gn in the year since it was launched by a handful or long ·tim e disarmament advocates. The campaign comes to Washington just a week after voters if) 159 Vermont town meetings approved resolutions cal ling f or nuclear de-escalation, while only 21 towns rejected it. Voters in 21 New Hampshire towns approved ·a similar resolution Tuesday, while four towns voted against it. From Page A1 AID ..• billion this year and $12.7 billion in fiscal 1983. Reagan is seeking further cuts in loam and grants that would lower the aid to $10.9 billion next year and $7.7 billion in fiscal 1984, she testified. Reagan wants to eliminate Pell grants for 800,000 or the 2.6 million eligible students. She said that would cut the average grant from $1,300 to $800, and mean that a student from a family of four with $15,000 annual income "would receive a bout $500 rather than $1,000." Pell grant s are o utright federal gifts to students based on family size and income. Education Secretary T.H. Bell, in an interview before he testified before a House Appropriations subcommittee, said of Ms. Rivlin 's figures: "I can't imagine the total volume of loans being cut that much." Bell said Ms . Rivlin was inte rpreting figure s and projecting estimates from the perspective of a budget analyst' for Congress rather than the Reagan administration. State te1lllaturea lo Connecticut, llU1acbu.aetta and Or••on bave pe oo record lo la vor of b1ltlnc furtber. produeUOD fll nuclear weapom, aad drivt1 are under way to put the proposal oca the 1tatewlde ballot1 of New Jersey, Delaware, lllchi1an a od Callfornll th1I fall. Tile re1olutlon to be introduced in the House and Senate proposes a ·•mutual and verifiable freeze" in the ounufacture, testing and deplo>:ment of nuclear weapons t alld•Lbe' mluU.. aad &lreraft that. eany them. It propoMI followlnl the fuHe wlUa ntMoU-.d nductlcml ta aMtiD1 weapom 1toekpilet. SuDPOrten have arped tbat vloladcm of a treeH could be detected bt utellltH so aensltlve they cu pbo4o1npb the Ucente number of a car parked on a MOllOW street. And they have termed the proposal moderate because It does not call for unilateral disarmament or for dea~ any existing nuclear weapons. .Plan to pay· ~bts 'of judge approved A bankruptcy plan that auows Centra l Orange Cou nty Municipal Court Judge Bobby Youngblood to pay off more than $13,000 in debts has been approved by a federal judge in Santa Ana. A ccordiog to the plan, Youngblood will pay orf creditors at the rate of $375 per month over a 36-month period. However, bankruptcy court Judge Aaron Phelps s aid Tuesday the reorganization or Youngblood's finances would have to be reconsidered at a later date if a still·dis puted claim for $6,400 is established as a debt. Youngblood, a colorful and blunt·spoken Santa Ana judge, was elected to the bench in November, 1980. He ousted incumbent judge Richard E. Orozco after a prolonged and harshly fought contest that. included a disputed recount and a later runoff. Orozco's supporters had used Youngblood's finances -and a number of lawsuits relating to them -as .campaign ammunition against th e white·baired Texas native. A one-time Santa Ana police officer who went to law school · by night, Youngblood filed his voluntary C h apte r 13 bankruptcy petition l ast November, a year following his election. Among the list of creditors were the Internal Revenue Service, the state Franchise Tax Board a nd the Hollywood compa ny f rom which Youngblood bought his black judicial robes. The latter debt was put at $106. YoungbJood said that be owed the federal government about $6,399 in back taxes. Ralph Dixon, the j udge's lawyer, told Phelps Tuesday that only one debt remains in dis pute -the $6,469 that a Sherman Oaks firm c laims Youngblood owes it for a lost copying machine. Dixon aaid that debt would likely be fought in court. If it is determined that Youngblood owes the money, then his payback schedule to creditors will have t o be a djusted accordingly. Youngblood makes an annual salary of $57,231 as a judge. Dixon said his client already has inade his first two payments of $375 to fe de ral bankruptcy trustee Shannon Raney. Youngblood did not appear at Tuesday's bearing. • Refunds replaced SACRAMENTO (AP > - California has reissued $333,000 in 1980 state income tax refund checks .to 1,845 taxpayers whose original refunds. were stolen by a Los Angeles mail theft ring, a state official says. Delly .............. OFF HOOK? -County Judge Bobby Youngblood will pay o rr his creditors under a plan approved by a federal judge. From Page A1 ·aA ... The foreign m i nistry's com munique s aid, "These irresponsible acts serve to deepen still more the serious c risis and tens ion moving through the Central American area." The CIA ·recruited commandos, said the Post, would try to destroy such targets in Nicaragua as power plants and bridges, with the aim of disrupting the nation's economy a nd diverting the leftist Sandinista government's attention and resources. According to the newspaper, CIA s trategis ts think such operations inside Nicaraeua would slow the flow of arma to El Salvador, whose junta is supported by the United States against leftist insurgents. 1 The newspaper's sources said it wouJd take months for the commandos to be recruited, trained and put in position. President Reagan and other officials have refused to comment on reports of the covert action plan. The Post said Feb. 14 that such a plan existed, but said then that it was not known whether Reagan bad approved the plan. Today's article said that accordinl tn several informed sources Reagan has formally authorized it. The planned 500·mao force would operate under a $19 million CIA budget, and could be enlarged if n~essary, accord.ins to the Post. •. •I t I .: 1 .. :i ~ .. ·: ( TRIBUTE TO BEAR -Alabama football coach Paul "Bear" Bryant, center, is joined f>y. comedian Bob Hope, left, and Billy Graham during a reception before a dinner as America's Tr_!bute to Paul Bryant in Washington. D.C. .,. ........... CELEBRATION -Dan Rat her, left. joined by Harr y Reasoner, center, and Mike Wa llace, cele brates his first anniversary as anchorman and m anaging editor of the CBS Evening News at a restaurant in New York. The trio once worked together on TV's "60 Minutes!·· • I Kenny Rogers eTllloim $1 inillion Singer. Kenny Rogers says he endowed a $1 million "World Hunger Award" for journalists who "bring attention to t he issues or world hunger." Rogers announced that be and his wife, Martaane, felt "although one million dollars is a s ubstantial s um of money, it would have little impact by itself on the war against hunger." Rogers said he conceived or the award after asking the late singer Harry Claapill, who founded the World Hunger Organization, what he would-Oo with $1 million. Tbltvel broke toto tbe blatortc bome at Laocuter, Oblo ol CtvU War 1eneral WUlla• T. 81aer•H and stole more tha.n 100 item.a, the Ohio Historical Society H1d. A mon1 the item a stolen were weapons, mllltary 1coouterment1, palntto11, rurnlture and personal effect.I ol Sherman, wbo led Union aoldlera ·in a destructive march acroaa Georgia and who was commaodlng general or the Army tor 1' years. "Many of the Items are irreplaceable, such as a &><>ttrait of the general, Cive chairs that had been given to Sherman by Gen. Ulysses Grant and many military ltems related to Sherman's career," said Amoe Lo.eday, the society's chief curator. NBC correspondent c.na Wallace says while he was interviewing and videotaping Col. Moammar D adafy in. Libya, the Libyan leader's aides were taping him. Walla ce, a 'Wa s hington -based correspondent who normally questions politicians in studios, said bis interview with Khadafy, conducted Saturday night in a sandy tent in the middle of bis military compound i n Tripoli, was "surreal." Hollywood producer Sid Luft says he and actor Peter Lawfor d represented a Syracuse man in a $2.5 million nationwide loan swindle for several weeks before deciding som ething was wr ong with the operation. Luft, who produced "A Star is Born," a mong other enterprises, told a Syracuse newspaper the scam "would make a good movie." "I like the plot already," he said in a story published in the RerQld-J ournal. More than half the Sl.l million endowment needed for the Harold Stassen Center for World Peace, in honor of a former governor o f Minnesota, has been pledged, officials say. Harlan Cleveland, director of the Hubert B. Humphrey Institute ot Public Affairs, said the Stassen center will be located in the building that is to be erected to house the Humphrey institute, on the University of Minnesota West Bank campus. Chance Of rain WI-be<omlno _ _., 10 to U klloh •llernoon •nd 1venlft11 . Wesl•rly •-lls J to • Ifft. Mostly cloudy with ch•n<• of r•ln by even Inv The AQMO •nl9ned Pollution Sl•IWS•rd lnde• I PSll r•tl~ of H In Ille S•ft GM>rlel--V•llt yS, •7 '" 111e s... f'~s .. u cc.,lt• v•tten. SO In ttw ,.,,...ropolll•n ., .. , . ...,.,,,_. Temperatures ·v.s. NATION summary . Albl>que "' LA 10 :It Snow wn K-r'9d ln>m 11,. Gre•t Asheville " 21 L••u •Cron New En9l•ftd on All•nl• 6S JS TIHIMIO ..-d tr•volo~ •dVllOfltt Atl•ftlC CIY .. lO _,.. _.., _ wntem New v-. B•lllmorw H ,. -lch 11..s ~to.,.,.. l11<1Ws of,.... Blrmlftvhm .. :a "'°"' •IOfll wltfl 9'dtY wlftd. Blvn•rck J1 en A hl9fo wind w...,,1,. wn lswe4 for =..:.. ,. J7 n It the nor11wnttm lootllllls of COIOr-Buff•lo 1' ,, wlltl wlftds fl// 20 to 40 mpll 9'1111"9 to C.,.rlstft SC 61 • 10 •tld IO mpfl •t Bou~ •tld Gr-. C ... rtstn WV 41 ., Mount•lfl. c .... ., ...... S4 ,. A•ln w•s sc•ttored trom tho Chl<"90 11 01 nort ... ,,. P«lllc C:O.st ~'° w.ster" ClftClflnatl 40 n MofltaM, <'*'9'"9 to snow •t 11'9her CC.vtl•ftd 1' 20 elev.lion" Snow •Ito wn scattered Cotumbut J3 " over t he Geftlr•I Mluourl v.1:.y •NS D•l·FI Wiii 10 .. 9'1SIY Wlftdl -the Mstem half of Oeftvor 61 ,. I,_ D•k-Into ~n Ml"""41U OoMolnn 1J Oii c11e:-clrlftlnv--1nv-. uetrott ,. ,.. Tem-tlt\H9s .,_ ttw Mtloft •I OvlllOI " ... mk!Ny T--, ranQi9cl '""" • -El PHO ,., SI of IO •I w....-, Minn .. to • h'911 of Falrlle..U 21 ,. II •I P•lm ~. Ceftf. H•rtford 11 17 For tod•Y. rein showers were .._ .. ,.. H M IOf'IKHI from ... norUwrll PKtflc H-11lu n .. Cont throuefl t ho Great BHln Hou•t°" 70 s. Sc•tt•rM -w.s •-ut _, l~lts JJ .. U-Mlc:1119M. JIKhfWlle •1 • Hlefl1 In llw JllJ _.. PAdictM lt•M City ,. " frem Ille -1'"'rn At1•11t1c Cout LH v-n .. Kress I .. ONat L.elles lflto no<1Mast Lilli• Roe .. S7 ., Ment.,..; !fl tlle-50s 111 the P«tflc L.oulsvllle 0 1'1 Mortllwut wltll Mar M u rou Momtlllls '1 J7 ~~;lft.,.mlclto MIMnt n ,. ~ ... _.,....,.......,_,°' Mii•-• n Cit c.ltfonll•; '" ......... "'"°""' "" ~lt-Sl.P " u lni.ftd ~; In ... IOI In ... NHllYllle S1 D CMvllMs; ,.. ... ti. mid 70S In New Orie-10 ,, --..mFIOride-111uw1owms111 ........ _ .. 2' -hemT .... 0111• City .. ,. o-... 2' ts ""'~ ... 1A ,.....,,,. t) SJ Extended Plttsbvrtll J3 22 .......... Mt ti 11 f'tl•ncl, o ... ... ... forecaat1 "tttMdClty u 11 ,._ .. • ,.lclwneftd '2 II Fri.ay lllt-el' ~'f P•rll'f cl4NNI.,. ~ lfl Ille -111a l11s. ........................... ...... ,,....... ..... llYWN\' lfl --------- S.ltL•ke ... S.•ttl• SJ SI Louis 40 SIP·T-n ~•ne SJ Tue,.,, IO WHhl,.,.,. S4 Wlchll• so CAl.1 P'OllMIA • Ml AllPI• v.11.., n a.itenlleld 1S 8•r1tow 76 BMumont n Bio Bu~ u 8 19'Mll .. 8""'9 ., Cn•llM .. C ... ver CllY n Eur•• .. Fresno .. ~·--n l.anthedl , . LosA ...... Tl ~rysvtfle u Mo,... ..... IO Mot*llello ,. Moftterey '° Ml.WI!-u ......... a ~ ..... .. OHi-.. o..t...lo 7S ....... ""'""' 14 PHedtN 76 ,,_,_....... '7 ,.,..,..... ,, "H8hM .. tllO COHla l ef'OH, Hl ... t In lll• Sllf llPllT ceelWl-Mle 11Mlll •le H lfl -----°""""""' .... ., ... tllllc.....,.,_,.,. .... .,.._ ----.... • • II 4S .. u n 2' LA '3 so SI • tJ 11 so 50 SJ • 4 • ... s. .. .. so • ., ... • ,, ., SI .. .. • .. ... ... ... ............ ._. ... ... .... .. .. .... .., . z-I • • I • .. TN Air 0-.llty M•na .. rn•t1t s..u-.. • 6 • I • ... CMMrtct,,.... ....... -'"" -.......,. s , 11 • • ... _,,_ ..... S...C.. •W ...... s.no-..c-.ey s , 11 • • w ....... ....,. 6-iW ... ,........,: $11tMllK-1111Wf ........ We're listening ••• • '"". A-City •1 S.Cr-ID 61 s.llnH n s.nae.-1no 7S S." G•brlel n s.n Ole911 ,, S...Fr~IKo '° SINIJ-6S Seftl•AM 1• s.m •• ..-• u s.ni.cnn 62 SelltaMMi. .. 5-11• Moftk• 62 Stoc•ton u T•M9 V•lley sa Tllerm•t 13 Torr-70 Yum• 17 CANADA Ml c .... ,., 4S Mofltnet u Ott-• •• ........ n Torollto 27 VM<-n ,. ....... Ml Ac._.,ko " a ........ II a.rm-n Cut'KM ts ,,......,. 7' OueNl•.lllr• ll 0 .. -.1.,.. 14 ltifl9t"" .. -......9.-y 11 ......... 11 l!Mrift es llM•k·•Clt\' IO ...... '"" IO ... _ 71 SenJ-. l'.lt. a T..-.... 7S T,....... 11 Titka TOOAY Pini._ t 11Je,l'I\. l'lntMell •1••·"'· ......... 2:47 .. M • l«eM ... ... .. l';M, What do you like about the Dally Pilot? What don't you like? Call the number below and yow mnaat• w~ll · recorded, transcribed and deliyered to Ute appropriate editor. • The same 24-hour answtrlq lel'Vlce may be record let· lers to lbe editor on any toplc. Mailboll ~lribu\Or mual lnelude • thelr ~me end tel,phone number for verification. o clrculatlon calls, please · · . · Tell us what 'a on yout mind. \ SI .. .. 0 .. SS SI ., • S1 S1 42 n .. M • • SI I u 2t 00 -41 -41 11 4 u n .. .. ,. • • 71 n n SI u a • ., 71 " " ... u .., • •• , Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/WednMday, March 10, 1882 Ot.anges in v ets' office set The director of Oran1e County 1overnment'1 Communlty Services Agency says chantes are being made to improve an office that provides services to military veteraru1. ln a memorandum to County Superviaor Harriett Wieder, CSA director James Heim said his goal Is to provide "quality a nd timely services to the veterans." Operation of the veterans' services office located at 1300 S. Grand Avenue, Santa Ana, came under criticism by Mrs. Wieder following compl ai nts fro m veter ans and after she paid an ®announced visit to the office. Responding Lo concer ns raised by Mrs . Wieder, Heim ouUlned steps being taken to correct deficiencies. According to Heim: -Signs are being installed lo identify the veterans ' services office, which is located among several departments at the county operations center. -Public counter space has been modified so that veterans are able to check in at a location separate from that fo r people with consumer compla ints . (Ve t e rans' a nd consumers' se r v i ces prog r ams were coin bined into a single office by action of county supervisors last year). -Ways of making personal riles or veterans less accessible are being studied .• -Rooms have been provided so that veterans may speak with counselors in private. -A .supply of informational pamphlets outlining services for veterans "has been restored to an acceptable level." -Improvements to the dual telephone system for veterans' a nd consumers' inquiries are being explored. In his memorandum, Heim said he shared Mrs. Wieder's concerns about the runctioning of the veterans' services office. He said his approach was to find ''immediate s9lutions" to problems a nd to establis h meetings with representatives of veterans' groups to determine· what future actions , if any, should be taken. Ve nue chang~ rejected for Rongstad A supertor court judge has rejected defense requests to shift the trial of Ron Rongstad. a Laguna Hills man charged with 42 counts o f sexual abuse against some of his 15 children, to another county. Defense lawyers had asked to have Rongstad 's trial mo~ed because of what. they asserted was extensive pre-trial publicity that prejudiced their · client's right lo a fair and impartial trial. Judge Everett Dic key , however. ruled that there hadn't a ppeared lo be extensive enough publicity to warrant the granting of a change of venue motion. Gem Talk By J.C. HUMPHRIES Cert1f1Pd Gemologist, AGS THE BIG MOVE is at hand .,...,....... BELUSHI MOURNED Actor Bill Murray (top> places a flower on the coffin of John Belushi while comedy pa rtner Dan Aykroyd (below) escorts the funeral procession on motorcycle at funeral for the 33-year -old comic actor in Chilmark , Mass. Doubling of U.S. gas tax proposed WASHINGTON <AP> -The Transportation Department has proposed doubling the federal gaso li n e lax to .fil)an c~ completion or the interstate h ighw ay sys tem , r e p ai r deteriorating roads and bridges a nd p-ay for mass transit projects. The current tax is equal to five cents a gallon and would jump to 10 cents under the plan ouUined to Congress by Transportation Secretary Drew Lewis. ESTAT E DIAMONDS & J EWELRY L e w i s t o I d a S e n at~ a ppropr iat ions $\lbcommitte'~ tha( .. be h~d· pr'esented · tile · proposal tel the CaJ:>inet Council, an advisory panel to Presideet Reagan. The current five cent·a -galloll highway tax includes four ceats on gasoline at the pump. 'Jbe· remaining one cent is a blend ol excise taxes on automotive parts a n d s upplies that raise-a revenues amounting to one ~t a gallon. W e have ac'1uired aome exquu ite, delicate, and unuaual maaterpiece• in our Antique lA•e. Co'*" in and •ee. · . ~~~~~~~~~--~~-~ T -·~~--~--------..__.. ......... .._ ... ._. ................................................................................................... .. 0rMge Cout DAILY PILOT/Wedneed9Y, M~ 10, 1882 • • ~efense debate gr.ows c&tt of Reagan military progr am may exceed expec tations Uil!> • tWASHJNGTON (AP) -eo.M• Thia outlook, lkle uld, Slllte aperta are 1u.,..ttq 1ua1eata .. either a further I. t U.S. mUltary 1lrate11 deterioratioo in our aeeurity or a bave to be 1c:aled down need for a defense inc:rtaae •H of newly dtac:loaed conalderably steeper than what 1 tbat Preeldent Reacan'a the admlnlatratton now ear, Jl.t trillion defense propoees." 1 in 1 plan mlabt f all The Wuhlnlton Poet reported 1 ti.Uy abort of meetiq Jan. 8 that Richard D. DeLauer, oall. the Defense Department's Te1Umoay that m uch more l wtll be needed to fu1tU1 an'1 ambitious, 1001·ranie 1 1trateo a1ain1t the Union WU Siven rec:ently enior planaen for all the led aervices and by Fred C. ~ uadensecretary of defense i if DJillc:y. "1tfMr little-notJced ariuments YNJre made before a Senate Nr'Wied Services manpower ·~ bearing Feb. 28. AW lualfted transcript of the bW r!:cf waa released last 'l~e. supported by senior planners for the Army, Navy, Alr Force abd Marine Corps, testified there was a "bleak ouUook" for closing the 1ap in "accumulated military aaaets" bRllU4!!11 the United States and tllli~iOrviet Union, even with a increase in U.S. defense 01 for the rest of the "We had better go back t o t he drawing boards." research chief, estimated that forces the Joint Chiefs of Staff say they will need to meet civilian military goals will cost $750 billion more t han the Reagan administration bas budgeted for fiscal 1984 to 1988. Afte r the Post report appeared, Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger dismissed the $750 billio n figure as representing the military chiefs' unconstrained wis h list. The Feb. 26 testimony prompted Sen. Sam Nunn, D -Ga., a k ey committee member who is an influential senator ln defen.ae matterat ~ say "lt seems to me we nao better co back to the drawing boards on atratesy." Nunn said ln a subsequent interview that it was Ume for Co n.gresa -fa c ed wltb escalatlng d e fense coat estimates at a time when it ii trying to trim the defense budget -to take a bard look at some elements of adminiatration defense strategy. One element, outlined by Weinberger in bis annual defense posture sta tement to Congress, is ibe "horizontal escalatio n " s trateey of countering a Soviet attack with a U.S. counterattack against Soviet interests around the world, far from the scene of confrontation. Another , says Nunn, is a decision to prepare for a long r a ther than short war. The armed ser vices testified that they h ave neither the manpower, e quipm e nt or supplies t o carry out such strategies. In an interview published by The Baltimore Sun, Sen . William S. Cohen, R-Maine, of the Armed Services Committee said he agreed with Nunn. · OCEAN RANGER HEARING -Hugh Kelley of the Ocean Drilling and Exploration Co .. which ow_ned offshore oil rig Ocean Ranger that sank off Newfoundland in February, holds a photo of rig before it was lost in heavy storm. A~--­K e lley was a witness before House Committee on Me r chant Marine and Fisheries Tuesday on Capitol Hill. The panel is looking into the accident which claimed 84 lives. vponents of ·El Salvador aid have key recr1rtit WASIDNGTON CAP) -Most of the people in Congress trying to restrict U .S . aid to El Salvador also opposed U.S. involvement in Vietnam more than a decade ago., But they have an influential recruit from the ranb of those who supported tba-U.S. role in Vietnam. le Democratic Leader Donald M...Riegle, D·Micb. The bill~ have to make its way through the Foreign Relations Committee, which is about evenly divided between crit~· c · and supporter s of mill aid to the Salvadoran junta. A squrce close to Byrd said that like many in Congress, llWI llllYlll including both backers and foes of the administration policy. the minorit y leader bas found during trips home to West Virginia that voters are fearful of deepening involvement in the Salvadoran conflict. ''He was one of the very last to change his mind on Vietnam, but when be goes home he bears a lot o! concern about not getting involved in El Salvador," said the source, who asked not to be identified. Byrd's proposal does not take a position on continued U.S. military aid to El Salvador, nor does it even say that troops should not be sent. It merely says they should not be sent without specific authorization fr om Co ngr ess . The administration has said the use of troops is highly unlikely, but has refused to rule it out. In the Hotise. one of the most outspoken critics of military aid to the Salvadoran regime is Rep. Cl are n ce Long , D -Md ., chairman of the appropriatiooa s ubcommittee that screens foreign aid requests. Long, too, was a supporter ol the Vietnam War at flnt, but switched in 1970 and became an oppone.nt. He was one of the few C. Byrd is sponsoring ial ation to require resskMlal approval before combat troops could be sent be revoluUon·torn Central rican country. Pair sentenced in fixed Pennsylvania lottery e most of lboae backing ala to limit U.S. aid in El ador, Byrd supported U.S. lvement in the Vietnamese almost to the last . la not clear bow much ort Byrd will get from m inded senators. Of several have sl1ned on as nson of bis bnl, most opponent.a of the Vietnam lvement,. such as Sens . t 0 . Hatfield, R-Ore., and .· HARRISBURG (AP> -Two men convicted of rigging the Pennsylvania lottery were sentenced to up to seven years in prison, fined and ordered to repay their winnings from the fixed drawing. Dauphin County Judge William Upsitt also revoked bail on Tuesday for the two men - Nick Perry, who hosted the nightly televised Daily Number drawi n g at WTAE -TV in .. Pittsburgh, and Edward Plevel, tbe Lottery Bureau official in cha rge o f the drawing's security. However, Llpsitt gave their attorneys two days to try to secure ne w bail from state Superior Court, where both men will appeal their sentences. Perry, 64, was sentenced to 3-7 years for each of the charges for which he was convicted -theft b y deception , c riminal conspiracy, criminal mischief .and five counts of perjury. He also was sentenced from 2~-5 years on each of two counts ol rigging a publicly exhibited contest. Plevel, 53, was sentenced to 2-7 years for each charge in his conviction, including theft by deception, criminal mischief, c riminal cons piracy and perjury. He also was sentenced to 2·5 years for rigging a publicly exhibited contest. Both men were ordered to se rv e th ei r se ntences concurrently. Under state law, Perry could be eligible for parole in 18 months and Plevel could be released in one year. In addition, Perry was fined $3,000 and ordered to repay the state $35,000, which is the amount of mon e y that prosecutors said was his share of the winnings from the April 24, 1980, rigged drawing. A $1,000 fine was imposed on Plevel, who must repay the state $2,SOO be won from that lottery drawing. Both were convicted last May. Perry faced a maximum 61 years imprisdnment and $130,000 in fines while Plevel faced a maximum 33 yea r s imprisonment and $70,000 in fines. Both men have been free on bond since their conviction. "A nother Way to Your Rainbow's End,, DoubleYoUrJax._Advan at 1st Nationwide · lnmne Tax Preparation at Special Discounts. You could save 15% ••• 30% ... up to 50% on your Income tax preparation at 1st Nationwide Savings. Our Vari-Max IRA Gives You the Benefits of Both Long-Term and Short-Term Interest Rates! EvefY year. thousands of Qualified customers have enjoyed . subatantfal tax preparation discounts on their Federal and Califomaa returns. This year. you can too! It's easy to qualify: discounts as high as 50% are based on your saving$ on deposit with 1st Nationwide. We even offer a bonus discount for Senior Savers! 'tt>u save time. trouble. and very often. our year-round "Tax Team" will save Your hard-earned money as well. Your returns will be computer-pn>cessed to see to it that you are taxed' at the lowest possible rate/ With the Eoonomic Recovery Act of 1981, competent, informed preparation is more important than fJVer. So call today to Schedule your private appointment. Almost every financial institution has an IRA account, but only 1st Nationwide has Vari-Max IRA with this significant difference: each month. Vari-Max pays you the HIGHER of either the 6-month T-Bill or the 2*-year Money Market certificate rates. Thus. when short-term certificates pay more, ~ gain; when long-term certificate rates are higher, you still gain! Many other IRA account rates are arbitrarily set by management policy or are keyed to the unpredictability of only one Index. Don't settle for less than the Vari-M ax advantage. · , While you're at 1st Nationwide, ask about our rainbow of flnancaal services-and let us hjtlp you ptan, manage and conserve your money In your tug-of-war with taxes and Inflation. r-------------I 16.481%/15.050% I Annual Yield' Annuel A111 I I *Annual yield baed upon daily com- pounding of principal and intereet. when I left on d8tx>9lt for a 386-day yew. Regulationl • requlnt a aubltantial lmere.t penalty for wty wlthdl IWlll. I Vari-Max IRA rate effective: 3/1-3/31/82 L.--------------.J 1ST NATIONWIDE SAVINGS .. rlEWPORT BEACH: 3300 Wut CoMt HWtwaY nw rtewport Blvd •• 631·9205. • I -------------------- 'I Orange Cout DAILY PILOT /Wedneedey, Marett 10, 1082 8 t ......... Paraphernalia bill delayed Y,l bawmaker considers limiting its coverage to some common drug item.JU SACRAMENTO <AP) -The author of a blll asalnat dru1 parapbemalla has a1reed to narrow Us acope ln order to wln passaae. Seo. Newton Ruasell, ft-Glendale, made the decleion this week after apparenUy reaU1ln1 durin& a bitter bearing that a vote, would probably have killed hls SBMl. Current law requiru r«a.Uers co keep Item• detlped or intended f« df'UI u.ae in separate rooma clOHd to mlDora. Viqlationa cu be punlabed by Sou ot a builness Ucenae. But Runell'• bUl would make the manufacture or sale of the devices to anyone a crime, punlabable by up to six ., HAll you're doing is taking it underground." tamUy problems, for esam,S.a But the pri.nctpal Uf\lmeal WU tbe defln.ltlon of ~ para Tbe bill would COYer d•rieel or de1lped for UH with Ule1al clrup, a definition that oppooenta nld ·~ ~ broad. ,{)"7 The bill could 'atve police "u acme tor a rreaUnt people for 1l1t.•t anythJna." declared A11embly,._ Ell.bu Harril, D·Berkeley. ~lit Dan Kinter of the Sacramento dis trict attorney'• office, a e ' draftsman of the bill, repll~ tba\ .> 4efinition wu the aame one , During the bearin& Monday before t h e Assembly Criminal Justicei Committee, the bill's sponsor accused A11embly Democratic leaden of ~wing to the "criminal element" fO:, a µ price. Assemblyman Richard Floyd accused the bill's supporters or staging a circus, and Sacramento County sheriff Duane Lowe referred to Floyd as "Bozo tile clown." months ln jail and a $500 fme, with doubled penalties for aale1 to mlnon. Illinois town's refulatlon that .,,' current law, and wu alao ~~ft upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court, 1 -~ .......... The bill, modeled alter laws in 24 states and several California cities and counties, is aiated at the now-legal sales or such devices as marljuana sitters and cocaine spoons. But critics said it woul4-cover too many household items not intended for drug use. Russell, in a quest for votes, said be would consider limiting the coverage to certain common devices like water pipes, and certaln types of spoons and cigarette clips , if intended for drug use. Sherlff Lowe, who was instrumental in aetting a similar ordinance puaed In Sacramento County, sa\d every "bead shop" in the county has since been closed. He acknowledted that drua use hasn't been stopped, but said" the ordinance "t ends to retard the inclination." Bu t Assemblyman Tom Bales, D·Oakland, said Russell's bill wouldn't affect drug use. YANKED TANK -A seven-ton water tank hits the ground after being The bill, be said, "will close down an industry which profits ... from drug' use and drug abuse." "We have a drug problem in society," Bates said. "All you're doing is taking it underground." He s aid lbe slate's errorts would be better s pent on preventing drug use by addressing pulled down from a tower in-a dismantling project in Porterville. U.S. exempted on phone files SAN DIEGO (AP) -A judge says federal investigators are exempt from a California law requiring that telephone subscribers be told when records or other information is sought in criminal cases. In his ruling, U.S. District Judge Edward Schwartz denied a motion by the California Public Utilities Commission to dismiss a lawsuit filed against it last August. The lawsuit accused the commission along with Pacific Telephone Co. and General Telephone· Co. of California of frustrating federal criminal investigators in seeking private telephone records and sub5criber credit information. The PUC announced last April that phone companies may release records of calls and subscriber credit information only if the telephone subscriber is given notice of a subpoena for the records and at least 10 days in whi ch to try in court to quash the subpoena. Chiropractor gets I year in death LOS ANGELES CAP) -Superior Court Judge Gerald Levie sentenced a chiropr actor to one year in prison and three years' proltation for bis conviction in the death of an epileptic youth he took off anti-convulsant medicine. Cesar Asuncion, a 21-year-0ld student at Los An eles City College, died May 11, 1980 -10 days EN R IOSE after Dr. Fraterno Francisco Reodica Cabral told the young man's family he could cure the youth by revitalizing his nerve endings. Asuncion bad been treated for epilepsy for nine years through Kaiser Hospital, said George Oakes , the former deputy district attorney who prosecuted Cabral. The University Diet is a clinically proven, medically supervised, supple- mented fast, prescribed by an authorized physician for those who need to lose.twenty powids or more, quickly and saf~ly. Clinically Proven·. The University Diet isn't a fad diet. It's a medical prot.ocol prescribed for raptd weight loss. Over the last eight years. it's proven itself with literally thousands of test sub- jects at teaching hospitals such as Harvard Medical School UCLA and UCL TheJoumal.of the American Medical A ssociation has twice reported f avorabfy on the results and reconunended. the procedure. Medically Supervised. The University Diet is a safe. effective fasting program. personally supervised by an autnori7.ed physician. No shots, pills or surgery are involved. Initially, you are given thorough labora· tory workups. As soon as the physician is positive there are no contraindications, you are taken off traditional foods and you begin the University Diet. You Can Do It. Thousands have. One thing that helpe is. tru that you're only ~ t.o niake one decision: The decision t.o tJy the program. After that. there's no cabie counting. Fast. Safe. A calorie controlled. powder, mixed with water, tea, coffee or a diet soft drink. provides your body with 45 grams of ero- tein and 30 gratns of carbohydrate daily. In addition. yoo get all the vitamins and minerals you need. Some people say it's delicious. The p<?int is, your nutritional needs are fully sat· lSfied without eating. Meanwhile, your body does the natural thing. It burns up pound after pound of unwanted fat. Quickly and safely. Reach Your Ideal Weight. Yoµ can stay on the University Diet as long as you need t.o, burning off fat as quickly as medical safety permits. Lab work is done regularly t.o ensure your safety, and normally there's an ECG test after every loss of 50 pounds. Once you reach your ideal weight. the University ~ht Maintenance program helps you stay there. We Cost Less. The University Diet costs less than similar programs. It's every bit as effective. And your insurance probably covers a·major portion of the cost. Ask for our fee schedule. You 're invited to meet with any of our patients. And of COW'88 we'll gladly send f physician. . Speraw • mrace SACRAMENTO CAP) -State Sen. Ollie Speraw of Long Beach announced Tuesday he will be a candidate for th e R e p ubl i c an nomination for state controller in the June 8 primary. Speraw, a member or t he Legis lature since 19 79 , i s the on l y pro m inent Republican in th e rac e for controller. '· D e mocratic inc umbent Ken Cory announced last week that he would seek a third four-year term. A Tradition for 60 Years 1982 Serving Nightly Tll 1 A.M.• "'r I week. · 1.!91' That didn't satisfy Aaaemblyl Lawrence Kapiloff, D·San Dlesa, ( was added to the committee · r.. Monday by Assembly Speaker · Brown, D-San Franclaco, and may the deciding vote on the bill. 9~11 Kapiloff sald a pipe be bou&bt a lti beach shop in San Diego wo~t~q_'"'!·l treated differently under the bW ~ spoon at a department stor&t-Rl'w jeweler's, where prosecution W/¥1'. unlikely even though the spoon w~;, be used for cocaine. He sald the w14 shouldn't depend on the attit~ or, ff seller. rJt " ., I) Reservation•,. v ' .. -l•1'1fl. SUSfg•ated ., .. ,1- 645-7077 • • • • ' • • ... , . ~ ' . • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • . ' • • • . • • • • • ~ • • You dm't have t.ochoo8e ~ "rbdit" and "wroog'' foods or pcxtion SIZeS. 'You're ~Dee~ the Deed t.o deal with • 1 The University Diet is hr you if you're reedy t.o loee. Jot of wagbt. With the help of a cledicatAd pbysidan and an undentand- ing CCJW"'fh. we know you can achieve your pl 4¥,t.e details to your personal or f you need to loee more than 20 ~.call us for an appointment or information. In Sout.Mrn California ... POTTERY .~ Bna Lalli Beach 1-1HE . UNiVERSl'IY Dim: WHEN WJlJ'AE FfEN7110 LOBE WEDfT. J SHAQK ., Orlngl COllt DAILY fltLOT/Wtlif...,. Mlrdt 10, -. , . . . . , ........ 8 • • by Vtrgll Partch (VIP). . . . 0 I . ?. ~ f r ·-- ,, rubbed every fomp in the house and nothing "It'• 1 sign of good morale when the troops gripe • happened." about tht chow." •• • • • "You're a '10,' Marmaduke, a real '10."' ... -· . ~ ! ms PLACE' IS <aE'TTIN~ F'Af<rnER /'HAY ~VERY '!EAA ;iEDDY. Hank Ketchum . l , PUNIJTI • l Ii I TIJM•l.EW EEDS SHOE Nt\NCl' · NANCY, PLEASE 'WATER OUR BIG PLANT---AND OONTSPfLL WATER ON THE FLOOR GOROO ,f jt IFr~. """"~~ ~ i!11111'1!l 70 iHE LIL'/ OF T>IE NILE OR ~J..L!S/ . . by Jeff MacNelly by Ernie Bushm1ller by Gus Arriola • by Tom Bat1uk by George Lemont • 8!HIND BARS - William J . Scott, SS, former attorney general of Illinois, began serving his i ncome-tax fraud sentence this week at t h e Federal Correctional Institution at Pleasanton, Calif. I Snoopy (the cal) e winner DA VEN PORT, low a CAP) -Maybe you can't teach an old dog I new tricks, but Tom Drbal proved you can teach dog tricks to a cat. Drbal and Snoopy, a 2-year-o1d part Siamese, stole the show from 195 other felines entered in t he Illinois -Iowa Cat Fanciers show with canine-like antics. Snoopy jumped through a hoop, s at on b is h aunches a n d begged for food, sat erect in a baby's bigli chair, and gave Drbal a kiss on the lips -all on voice command. While the other cats, a mixture of rare and exotic breeds, s at in their cages awaiting the scrutiny of the judges, Snoopy draped himself on Drbal's shoulders as the pair strolled about the exhibition hall on the Mississippi Valley Fairgrounds. Drbal, the owner of a beating and air conditioning firm in Lincoln, Neb.. bas had Snoopy since the cat was 4 weeks old. "I talked to him every day, told him the tricks I wanted him to do, and t h e n rewarded him when he did them," Drbal said. · The tricks, which are rewarded with bite-siie pieces or ham, are the same ones he taught to dogs as a child. "Snoopy has learned about one new trick a month," Drbal said. Besides Snoopy's demonstration, be entered general comp etition in t h e relatively new household pet category of the show and took honors as the third best cat of the show in his class. 'ACIOf3 6'' MEN'S T·SMllTS REG. 1.99 T •thlrts In crew or v-neck 1tyle, tlHt S· XL. lrleft In 1lie1 28·..0. 100% cotton. MEN'S & BOY'S "MAG"UM" NYLON SPORT SHOES COMPAIE TO SHOES SELLING ElSEWHEIE FOR$$$ MORE SPICIALIUY ·~ IN U.S.A. Greot sport or wolklng shoe While stock1 lo1tl CAMPMASTER 3-LB. EKCO "SPla GARDEN" SLEEPING BAG KITCHEN TOOLS landed poly fill, RIG. 19.H 14'' tricol lining & 100" heo~ duty zipper. 33 'x75". ~~~:1!:r~!otted ··~-tpoon, smoll tumer, basting 1poon, hom· bur;-r turner, cook- ing fork. WINDSOR TAPE RECORDER HG. 31 .99 2299 TOUCH CONTROL DAWN DIMMER IEG. 9'' 15.99 A touch of your hond sets the light you need. Touch on. Touch off. Brown or Ivory. DELUXE FOOT ·PUMP IEG. 4'' 7.99 Tah thew~ out of pumping I Hot prn· 1ure gouge & 1m0oth action. I VAM-45. TDK 60-MIN. CASSmE TAPES IEG.2'' 3.79 PACI Of 2 Low nolM, high output costette '°P" for quality voice • nw•k eoundt. l "SOFT TOUCH" FASHION TOTES DE~~:oo 9'' STOIU FIOM TOTIS 24.H TO 34.9' YOUICllOKI I Solt touch vinyl that lfovels ins tyle Square duff le, toll duffle or garment bog In Slate. Cele ry or Burgundy. . COMl'All muNG' LOOI TO ~Kift fASMIOll IAGS SIUING flOM $SJ TO $70 GENERAL ELEaRIC STANDARD LIGHT BULBS Stock up. 60, 75. or IOOwoth. PACICOf 12• 4 IEG. FOi 2.99 MULTI-POSITION CASUAL LOUNGE SAU 8'' PllCE Co·polymer strlPfi for obso· lute summer .comfort! CASUAL LOUNGE SNA,-ONTUY Great for 2 99 pool-tide dining. ~ ISAYES.OOI ~"SMOKEY JOE" KITTLE BARBECUE IEG.'27'' 32.99 Porceloln flnl1h lntlde & out. Removo· hie fold-up legs. triple nic:kle-ploted grill. I SAYE 2.00-3.00 I NATURAL BAMBOO MATCHSTICK BLINDS llG. 7.99 . 5" Durable naturol ~. • boo. With bamboo •• £.• foot I "9od rolls. • •• ··'·"·•'•'···'·" ... , .. "····· ... 11.tt IALIA .YllU Ill. 7.lt. 679 t .HUIW .. I ,.... - • 0ttln09 COMt DAILY PILOT/Wedneed9Y. Mlf'Oh 10. 1882 ·World asks CAB I 'to take control' WASHINGTON (AP> -Worlct A1rway1 baa petitioned the Civil Aerooautiea Board to assume ' leadership in endloe what It called the "disastrous and completely irrational rare wara which threat.en t h e long -haul domes tic air transportation system.'' Cl ting record loaaes ln the U .s. airline loduatry tut year, Dal said, these rate wars "could be dlsutroua for all." The petition asks the CAB to exerci s e its leadership reapons lbillties, together with industry leaders, to face the airline crisis and to consider solutions. Edward J. Daly, World's president and chairman, said it was ironic that lt should be bis carrier -an ea•ly proponent or low fares -which initiated this petition to the CAB. "The public is best served by !ares at the lowest economically sensible level," Daly said. "For years they were too high in the transcontinental markets, and World did somethlng World said the board should requtre an airline to justify any fare whJcb is set at a level less than half the Standard Industry Fare Level, a CAB -computed reference fare at which an average carrier would earn a responsible profit .. , about it. Now they are too low and I will not remain silent even though our propos al may offend the deregulation purists." •'This woutcf not eliminate low fares, or discount fares, but it could be an important first step toward eliminating the insanely destru~tive fares in the long-haul domestic markets," World said. Look I I where He said that some carriers "have an immediate need to stimulate cash flow throug h price r eductions , regardless of economics, and others get caught in this ruinous web by insisting they will not be undersold." Most transcontinental fares are now below that figure, World said, "and most of the major airlines operating between the East and West coa s t s c anno t c ar ry en ough passengers to break even." Women's salaries don't $1Q000 ~~!!!~ (A~·.?.~~onto~,OO~~~:~w " • -Median weekl y women office workers, Sh e s aid variou s 1Il rare earnings of women were said the figures supply factors. such as the size much lower than those n e w e v i d e n c e o f of a company and the of men doing essentially discriminat ion in the salaries it pays, have an the same work in many workplace. impact on employe e • co ms 'can get you. occupations last year, ··Preside nt Reagan earnings. But she added I the Labor Department says we don't need the that "a large chunk of has reported. ERA (Equal Rights the wage gap remains $ 10,000 1982 13,000 1983 16,900 1984 21,970 1985 28,561 1986 37,129 1987 48,268 1988 62,749 1989 81,573 1990 106,045 1991 137,858 1992 Rare gem-quality MS-65 U.S. silver dollars arc worth si.'< times today what they were in 1976. Nearly 50% appreciation per year. I(, in the next five y~. they appreciate only 30% per 1 year, $10,<XXl will net a $27,129 1 · profic. In ten years. $127.858 And. smce opening our doors in 1976. not one of our I clients has ever enJOYed le!>S. than a }{)% rerum per year. Quite an achievement, especially over tho last two years when bullion, stocks -even real estate -were extremely soft. Not even money market funds.or T-bills offer that kind' of rerum. I The secret is finding the right coins. And Hannes Tulv- ing is one of only 18 recog· mzed silver dollar experts in Although women held Ame ndment) bec ause unexplained." 90.6 perce nt of the we have all the laws we Among the earnings bookkeeping jobs , for need on the books," she comparisons listed in instance, they earned an said. ''But all you have the survey wt:rt: these: average of $98 a week to do i.s look at these Male admm1stutors less than men holding fi g ures to s ee lb.at o f e l e mentar y and the same· job. according w o m en d o n · t have s e con d a r y s ch o o 1 s to a study by the Bureau e quality. There is no earned an average of of Labor Statistics. excuse for this." $520 a week, compared The s tudy, whic h S h e a dded : "The to $363for women. fo c u se d o n l O O solutions have got to be -M a l e co mpute r occupations employing wom en organizing in the syste m analyst s got atleast S,~peopJe,~d workpl ace to hold average weekly pay not ascribe the wide employers accountable, totaling $546 while their di s parities to s ex because cle arly the fe male co~nte rpart s discrimination or any gove rnment isn't doing ea rn e d a week I y other factor. It said only the job." average of $420. that the "earnings of Nancy Rytina, a BLS _ Although women women were generally _e mployment analys t, held 68 5 percent of the much l~wer than those said "these ratios are health technician jobs in of men. pretty consistent with hospitals and c linics . K a r~n N1;1 ss baum, what has been reported he earned an avera e execu.t1 ve director or o.ver a long period or ~e~kl wa ge of s21\ Workang Women. an time ... They are not compi.-ed with $324 ro; Const.ruction money available at Heritage Bank. · Residential • Conuner'Cial Bulldln~: Takeout Commitment required along with leases. eon&ac1: ·Jeff Johnson SOuth ~ Cour1'y/lrvlM 71-'18514050 men doing the same work. -Female elementary school teachers earned an average $68 a week less than males, even though women held 82.2 percent of those jobs. Chevy loses top spot the country. I IQ'j~ Bank We specialue in aU u.s JI rare gold and silver coins. And ' roi<r MicomllAll!ftd toS111,M1 we offer serious investors 1 ~ DETROIT (AP) - For the first time in 11 years, General Motors Corp. 's C h e vrolet Division has lost its top spot in the number of domestic cars sold per dealership. according to an indus try trade journal. Automo tive News reported that GM 's Oldsmobile Division outsold Chevrolet in av- erage sales per deal- ership last year. with Olds mobjle dealers averaging 263 sales per outlet. Chevrolet dealen averaged 259 sales last year. 1 managed. pcrsonaJ rare coin 1 • ' invesnnent portfolios. com-' · · plere with 60-day money-back ~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.J I po~cy and grade guarantee · on each coin Call us at (714) 851-8202 for a free information packet. 1 Or return the coupon below. Consultation by appoint· ment only. I ~. HANNIS 1UIYING ID ~ : +WC> MecArthur Blvd IM ti•, C:: I Suue 320 .....,, All hit .I , Newport ~:ach, CA 92660 ... , 111111 yGU lo I 111'11 ss1.a202 llll(lllrllnt _. calltanywHre,.., ame-·1111 JOI kllp l1t tolcll wHll home, offlcl, '"""""' urvlcl. I I'. tclloll, kids, etc. Olly Answer Piii often: I O Plta1e conta(t me I' I: • Ctllfomia's largest p.g1ng agent. I I • Inexpensive-Ills tM\ 75C a day undef'f'Jlnd you require• ldl-lltl ....... 15.iOOO squere mtlee. -f S>.lXX> mffilmu111 ,lnvmment • A locltton near you, plus flttd reprnentltlYes al your beck I 0 ~ate tend rnott informeuoo I Ind Clll. I on your rarl' coin portfolios I • 2~r service. We fllWr sleep. I I' • F,. ~ bee9ln0. deliwfy and tun ma1nttnaoet. • Oudty dllc:ounls. • I Ni"" I i c.11...., ......................... , i :· i ~ fU~SWffi MG~ I z~ I I I I HOIMrhilM I .... _ P1IOiif i>Pllt. ~--7---.-. 731-7777 I ,.. Chevrolet bad led the dealership sales since 1970. Following Oldsmobile and Chevrolet ln dealer average sales were Buick in .third, Volkswagen in fourth anti Ford in fifth, the trade journal said. Automotive News said that tn 1981, GM dealers sold an avera1e 349 can per outlet, down rrom 387 in 1980. The record bad been 464 ln 1t71. Ford Motor Co . averaged 238 eats per dealer in ltU_._i1,11t_ l11lnc lb~ of 23'1. Two years earlMr. dealen told m can on an avera1e. ltOl•Mfltl.UI swaaTLMO ..,.. .. Local firms name promotions Ml~-ael D. &01eal•kl bu been promoted to vice president, Wells Fario Bank's lnveatment Advisers Group, Newport Beach. • Cltert SweetlHd h81 been named manJ&er or Far West Savings' new Miaalon Viejo branch at 28641 Margue rite Parkway. The Costa Mesa resident was formerly with Santa Ana First Federal in the same location, before that branch waa purchased by FarWestSavings. • Angeles-based Grisanti & Oalel lnc., elected to the board or dlrectora Mesa·based MSI Data Corp. • baa beeft or Costa Ylal Soeeuldae has been appointed to the board of directors of Santa Ana-based Marine National Bank. • H. Noda of Newport Beach has been appololed a ssistant to the president of Kawasaki Motors Corp. ' ; Raul Dro1aea bas been named assistant comptroller , field locations, for ITT Cannon, Fountain Valley. • • • Keltb OrreU-Jonea has been named president of Newport Beach-based ARC.America Corp. Sbaroa Shroyer has been named manager of I marketing services for Irvine-based Sports and • Leisure International. ! • Gall StelD has been named art directo; for The Cox & Burch Advertising Co. of Newport Beach. She lives in Laguna Beach. • • Richard J . Ftadaa has jo ined Spa g h e tti P o t Investments Inc., Costa Mesa, as vice president of real estate ope rations . • Evan M. Gruber has been a ppointed vice president, finance, of Santa Ana-based Computerized Resta ura nt Geor1e F . Bo1an and Mary D. Miller have joined Crocker Bank's Metropolitan Banking Department in Irvine as assistant vice presidents. Ms . Miller Uves in Irvine and Bogan in Newport Beach. • Systems. '""ovu Rick SplneW has joined Westminster-based Conrac Machine Tool Division as western regional sales manager. • Helen Vldo has been promoted to manager of Gibraltar Savings and Loan Association's Huntington Beach branch at 7777 Edinger. • Dale Kircbborf has been named director of ! advertising and sales promotion for Newport ' Beach-based Monex International Ltd. He lives in Laguna Niguel. • • Michael 0 . Moore has been appointed vice president/manager at Heritage Banlc. • John Dimalanta of Irvine has been named vice president, trust marketing for City National Bank in Beverly Hills. • Cynthia I . Borrero has been promoted to assistant vice president in the Commercial Loan De pa rtment at Union Bank's Orange County ; J erry E . Goldreas, pres ident of Los regional office. He lives in Fountain Valley. OVER COUNTER NASO LISTINGS NEW YORK IA Pl 11 1' JMnlb't 14 1414 P•lllt • NASDAQ ........ IJOM tJ 1J JffkO 1"-1Mli Pettibon l howl"9 """9sl bldl OftPllP 14\to 14~ •JJltfy ).16 Yt Pllll1N1I •M lo-often by dlt 1w, 1"' Joslyn • JOt.'> JI Pl9rceSS me rket ........,.. It of C~Tre 1.w. ..... kekSl pf 1W. h Pl,.krtn t..... Prtcft cllD Ml CuttrFd • "' 1 Kah,.r PlonHlll IMlud.,.Ultm-uP CT'"'°" 4 4\Ci t 1·16 1 ).16 PIHtlrM marlldo-or commo 0 •DH 1 11•4 1M Kem•" • 17~ 111,(, PoHll ·~t'::\ '°' ~~ g;e • 4 ~:4 ~~" ~:!!~!r ~ ~ ~~:!~~ .. AEL Ind t t\lo OetllbA' 11 1114 ltlmlMtll 1114 1,._ PF09rp :~:tc:~ 1~ 1!"" g::;:;EI ;• 'j~ ~::::a' I~.,.. 1~~ ~~·:~ ~~r::~ ~ ~ g::~~ ~"' W' ~~:~v i~ i~~ ~~~ AdvRoss 3"' ,_. Oo<vll s 2.Slh 2"' ltullek• I~ 1414 Ra99nPr Alllllll • 17 ,,..., OotrrGn 11\lo 1711t Lenul" 2Jl4 2414 Aeycllm ~~:~ = :,_ ~~,~~ :;.... :~ t~~ ,;~ ~ =::~": AF11rn 4'N 4 M• OvnllO 1 12\'t 12V. Lflnvt 2~ lS R~Ea AGrfft 1"" 1114 Ourlrl'I s 11\IO 11..., Lt4Stor lSV. 1• It-My AlnGp I M MV. t.•tftVM 1JV. 14V. Llftll"' s 1 ..... 11¥> R-lotl AN•tlM 1"-14\IO EGOflLlb 16 l•'AI L-'r" IJlh 1' lt~M 'QueM Mio f EIP81EI 11.,,. 11\lo MCIC ~ 2Wt S.clller "lttlMt S-Sf\ E~ll• s 5-" MGF 011 Slit ~ s.t.c:o AWeld s 1•v. 17Vt El9NllC I .... ~ ~MCbGE IS\4 15-'41 SlHelGd Anecll19 • • ... EIMocll . 21Vt u M-IP1 ,._ 4'AI SIPeul AngSA IV. ,_ EnrOev IN 1114 MaiJmP .,.,,i. 4>6"'-S<rlpH ' AngAG<I lOV. S01llo EftrlMU\d MaJAI ~ 4Yt S.ftSOf' APCl!eC 1...,, 16'11 1 7_16 1.,, ~rlcNI 4 4\IO Svc#Mr ApldMt 11\l'r 11"4 Ellltlv ~ '"' -ILP »ll'r 21 Sv<m'1 t Ar•nGp l JIN Efttwlsll ""' 12V. ~y Pt 1214 12Yt ShlNd AIOClll • 21"-22\lt EqudL S'N ~ 1 ynOll sy, s" Sttwmut AtlG•Lt 14'h I~ EatOll ~ .... M<Corm IW. I Sleraltt AtleftRI 1"4 IM vJ"SC J.1' \It -l'•rl .,-. 1\IO SlllCOfla 8elrd(p ™t n. F'ermGp J4 M-" McQuey llllt 11 SC•IWtr llellyPP • ..., • ..., Fklleor »V. ~ MlduW 1"'4 t7\lo SwEISv 111"9H E I"" ,..._ FllllSYI JI¥. 3' MdldCac> t '"' Stand'tll lleslCA I 2 1·1• 2.,,. Fttto.111 37 3714 MldlA.. .... StdMIC" llHllFr 20'.4 10Yt FIEmpS 11'1'> 11 Mldlllk s 21'h 11"" ~Wit~' llevl1Mk .w. 10 FtWnF111 3111 >~ 1 111pr .. _ 15¥.' i•..., sl:"isc 11 .. 11... 514 S¥t Ft.ellkl lOlll. JI lnVIG ...... 16¥1 Strr Cl llentP1 1'-I.,. FllC~tr 11 1.-1 -~ 37 •• llm L s ,. ,...,. FllNFI• lS 25'11 .. ~ s Slit Sut>aru 11••""'91 14"-u"' Ft11rocb s-. s""" -uC.p 1~ 1114 BlbCICo 12\4 1J\li F0tftlO II 1114 Pd ts 2.S'i'I lllrdSoll "' 1-. Formloll 2 ,.,, Mor'tltn ~ 91,<o lllr'lcllr '~ 4YI F r•ftllC:p lOV. 11\ot Mor~ln l'l't '" 81yvoor 7\IO 714 F r•,.kEI !Slit 1• tClllb ~ '"" e....nr 114 I 7·1• F re.SG 20'lr. 21 v.1i.r 1~ 17¥1 llrwTom 14Yt 14" Fr...,nl 11Ye 12.,_ NetrtC tt JOYt 1 11..cltbft 114 llo'J FvtlrHll 1.-. 1~ NO.. 14'/'J 14~ · llllff•IS lS ~ GnAulm ~ J I'> NJ Ru~ 141h 1..-. ASOAQ SUMMARY 1 Cll~'i'.":.'ls ~14. ;: G110ev<1 2\o'J 2~ NYAlrl :r-.. 2\lt N J " GftltlEst 1~ 11 NIO OG tYt 10 4 CPT s 1"'-1214 GovEF" IV. l\lo Nkol91 10V. 10\o'J ·-• ·····-S CelWtSv lSlo'J 37 GfeScft l tJI\ l>l<t Nl9ls" A ,2,,. CJ"' NEW YORK IAPJ -Mo1t ectlw .,..... • C•nrldH ~ , .... GreyAd\I 6.S .. Hl9I II ~ 0 ,_ IM<outlt... ltodu WPPllecl by NASO I CIPE" '1' " GHlftl\1 ll u NoC "'G ll'-IJ,_ Heme VOiume llld AP.eel Clltl I C111>S• s 11 111'> Gyrodyn ~ 114 N l~rG' '~ 11 MCIC .... m ,ooo ~ ~ +"" • CIPAlr Jlf> ~ H•mlPt 131/) 1:14 N:s1Ps' ,. .... "'"' Alr FI• . . "°·'°° 4.... 4'11t -'It 10 c .. eep It 11v. Harclwu ,~ ~ N 11 D l4 >3\lt r .. oc1m '· JlJ,400 t> n'4 +2 11 C"9rAlv ).1"1 JSYt Htlllt-tV. Wt OH NllC'll s .. 2m,l00 M 114 -"' 1l c"'ms s "'-•~ Hero<; 21 2IYt Nucrp • "'-,,., llre,.IP g 1 • 200 2 7·1' 2 ... ,. _,,,. ll Cllr'IHov s 17 171,(, HertfN~ lll4 ll 'h NulrSy I 11 llYll .AppleC . . i)J,400 lWI "" • \.\ u CllmLU 11\o'J 14 H9<M41 s 16'11 1..-. 1.9''~ ~ ~14 S.nOH . 111.IOO S S..., + .... 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U,442,100 16 MUTUAL FUND N41mt QMG V•t.iE • Oell•Plr Un"5ec s P•llnd PrabAb4 S.nOil ll•y-lllORIP wt Am•~~ CemOr' NYT~ P•tle• Pell• pf NYAlrl 51<1.,.r StormK Lomeli "" Cllml"" t SolloYrw Vortec: ~~~:"' Cym•I s R•dlofon Name ~~"'.6:: CeotE•P OSI Cp Nucrp • c ... --TomlOll H elton un ~:~~ TllermPr Flftlo9n Helton GISwtln 1n1rSy 0<111• UnWstlcl OllMr MIOISwt g~7~ C.OOSy s llestn lsomet PecStdl..I Palallof' u~ i...~.. .c';?,. u:"«J.• Ho • 11/o Up 35 1 t • 1\io UP 14..1 11~ • \o Up 17,• • • >o Up 14.J 1t • JV. Up 14.J S • '-Up 14.l 1 • 4--Up IU 1\.\ • '• Up U.J I~ • 114 Up U.2 llV. + IV. Up 12.l 21/o • '~ UP 11.S 111 • • ''" Up 11.i """ • t•t.. Up 11.S t-"o • I,(, Up 11.I ~ • '1'1 Up •1 1 1.a. • "• up n ,.a l " • ~·Up 11.l 71., + 'I• Up 11 1 ,._ • .. Up 11 I 10 • I Up 11 I SV. • "' Up 10.S t\t • -., Up 10,.t ~ I Up 10.J ll' > • 1' • UP 10.1 DOWNS i...st C1'0 Pct. , -, Off 40.0 2V. -"" Off 2.5.0 ,.... ''> Off 19.0 411. -I Off lt.0 n~ -.,, Off 1•.o --7'4 V. Off 1L2 lV. 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Op ls.A HL N J-t 7.61 NL IMMft 1 .• L'7 Putn•m F-: Stock 11.oS NL , N JOIN\ H~odl: Ta...... a.n • ,.,.., 11 • tS.07 StnSOI "" NL : ~ 1~ri 1~1~ =~:: ~n :t ~ :rn ::: 1s.~::;;~ :.-: 4~~ us Gvt 1.14 a.as N-•T JI.• HL Grwth ..... 10.J2 1Stnt 0111 ,,.., NL TH £a Lt7 •.• Net A¥1a 7..M N HI Yid l:U4 1UJ SIMGrtl\ t.'7 , .. IC•ufmll .. NL Net 11141 11.11 NL lllCom s.u 6.1 r.. Mod 1UI U.17 ltlmPff F-: Nit s.Glltillft: ,,. .... , , .. t.07 'T,,,.Olb -.n ..... 1r1<om 1.a 1.14 11•••11 t.61 10.a. o.t11 11.AI """ •Tmol Gt 6.SJ 1.1• Gr-LM U6 lleM l..Ot J.JJ Te• Ea t6.JI 17,11 T,..i W 1U7 T1M HI Yid I.JD UO r.,_ "'7 7.19 VllQ 12.,. IJ.7 .,,..,,. C• t.• t .71 llltlFd IOM 11.a rlH s.n •.11 Voy.. • ... 10.a Trns lllV 7.61 HL Mvn 11 ...,, 6,71 ncom s.n 6.17 OllMer 2'.t1 NL Trev Eci _....., o,m 11~ lt.Jt S*11 ._... t.n ltelf!Ow U 4 NL T"* I'd lo.fl NL S1Hnm TH Ea NYSE COMPOSITE 'E RAN SACTIONS __,o,., ...... "'"VM , •••••• nt••sw '"·· .... ·"· l'ACllltc. ..... ••tTO-, O•'r•OIT ANO CINCINNATI ITOC'JI Uetllo .... A#llJ> alNUle a v TMI •AH UIO IMHl•U .. s ... u .. 1u~~·· ; Dr. llobert T. Parry, chief economl.tt for Security Pacific: NaUonal Bank, predicted tbat the prime nte could rau below 15 percent ln the aummer moot.bl u the weak economy takes a further toll on couumer and commercial demand for credit. WllJUaker Corp. is termlnaUnC ita $425 mlllioa otrer for Bnut.1wlck Corp. aft.er lta attempt to block the sale or 8ruMwick's Sherwood YedJcal Product& subsidiary failed. The company aald It would retr the Brunswick shares it had received aa promptly as possible ... Wickes Cot. has reached an atreemenl l9 seU three.fourths or its MacGre1or Goat Co. aub&fdiary and two-thirds or its aec1 Owl supermarket and Sa yder drugstore chains, according to tbe San Diego Union. If the deal goes through, Wickes will receive $72 milUon in cash and $S million notes, a company spokesman told the newspaper . 01111 <;::z.._ ___ _ Yields on short-term 1'reuu.ry ~ut&Jes dropped to their lowest level in more than two months, averaging just over 12 percent, the government reported. About $4.8 billion in six-month bills were sold Monday at an average iliscount rate or 12.064 percent, down from the 12.786 percent or last week. The government also sold about $4.8 billion in three-month bills at an average rate of 12.0M percent, down from 12.45 percent . . . Americans had an increased number or sources for mortgages in February, but the average home loan interest rate rose after declining f9r three stra ight months, the gslJ1..enupeqh{epo.)'led. The average rate for a conventionalmortgage was 17.49 percent, up from 17.34 percent in January and from 1 S.34 percent in February 1981, according to the Federal Home Loan Bank Board ... The Beodh Corp. said it has acquired at least s percent of the voting shares of RCA Corp. for investment purposes and not for any possible takeover attempt . . Wemm Digital Corp. of Irvine bas realigned its s taff to e xpand the company's involvement in research and development partnerships. WUllam a. Benz goes from treasurer to vice president-finance and chief financial officer . Steven J . Drgastln becomes treasurer and corporate officer. Tran.sierra Explora&loe Corp. of Newport Beach has beeen awarded the oil and gas explor ation license on 1.9 million acres or land in the &epubU~ of Sierra Leone, West Africa, the company said. The land is lotated along the south-central coastline• adjacent to an ofrsbore tract that has been subject to extensive geophysical studies in the past year by ·Mobil Oil Corp. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES AMERICAN LEADERS I AOvanuO OKlln.o Unclte"91'1 T01el IHUH No• 1t19M New low, WHAT l\t.IU 010 NEW VOA~ IAPI Mer t ........ ·UPS AND DOWNS METAL'S ,...,.., 1., .. ,_, -llJ • , .. "':11 00 "' "' ' ID NEW VOAIC (A .. l -The lo41owlfto 1111 tllowt Ille -Vor11 Sto<k E•<"- •to<llt .m ..... " -...... ..... "" -...... and °""' ,,. ,,_. be9" "" "rcMI of c-. .._..o1eU of volvme lor T wetllNY. c.,,., n -..11 cent~ e po~t1d, v .s No -wtti.. l•Ml"9 lie-'2 -IMI-~ Ne\ and _.c ... i..,. <"-• .,.. -d.,..reftC• ~ ,,,. orevlOul do~"' Pf'lce end T""9ClllV't,~m. prk e. ,._ I.Alt CllQ 1 Wurll->.._ + '-t FIMll" Fin 21'> + " J SuMNiM 7""' + I 4 O~l.t J.Jelpl 14 • 1111 S eraflltf Int 1 + V. •H.....-. ti .... +'" 1 lllPw 4.42111 17 + I'°' • AM Intl 2* + \lo ·--2""' ..... 10 Allrtul\M I 2~ + JI'> 11 5"9i-&... '"' • .. It HouOllAoy 17~ + 1" II Aolllnl I H iio + lllo • 4 ASA J0\4 + '" IS GIOOolMor t 11"°> + I 1' Cltrl.C PlftJI 1" + '- 17 ~ako#'O 4" + .. 1' EAi. wtO l""' + \lo It PrlrnoCln 1'\i + 11111 M AmAlr1n _, ~ + " ,._ ~ CllQ 1 ...... ,..,. 11 -1 2 CNtttc41 pf& JI t,;, -4" J "~ 714 -... ·= 71W.-•llo S vJI. '""' -\lo ,IC .... fr• '5 -s 1 ~~~ 54 -" i-=~ J:=1" tt Nwllfl C.-. 1S -'" 110-QI '911 -._ U 1,111110~11 n IO -Ill 11 ~I.al.II II Ill' -l\'f 1•v---"' U ArdlOllM I~ -II• 'I• ,,...__ '"' -II.lo 17~1 7'111 -.. ,lliwk....ca 1 -""' It AMled -11'111 -IYt GOLD COINS l"rt VII l•U Up 17.6 Up 1U Up U.S Up 141 Up lt.6 Up IJ,4 Up 11.t Up II.I Up lo.7 Up . lt7 Up 10.1 Up U Ull U Up U Up Lt Up U Up U Up 7.t Up 7.7 ~ .. Ofl ..... °" 1u. Off .... °" 10.r. 8= 10.S Off 't.: Off t.1 Off ... Off ••• °" u Oft ... ; °" ~1 1.A 1.A 1.A u Off 4A clftllnelloM. LHd ~ c-e pourwl. llM 41 c-. POU"d ... 11 .. -. Ti..._..., -.11 w-c.._11. " A-1 .. n t-1 a llOUfld. N. V Men:wy s.m.oo.., 11 • .-. Pi.--.1111.~lroyor., N v SILVER (T-.1 HendY e. H......,, '1000 per troy-·· 1 \-GOL_O_QU-OT-AT-ION-S -- 1 1,_..,I ....-: mornl119 rtal"9 UIS-'°· off UM. ~: .,.,_ flalflQ t.m.U , oft •t..U. •-:UUA2,ofltl1M. l"r...._.: '327.02,offSUS 1.nc": i..-llalne s.b6.00, off '4-00 M ; uat.oo•..i. HD.., & Qttlla ll: oflly delly O~. t.m.50, off , .. u. ......,..., Ollly oolly o-~ u , tft SI.ZS. ......... , only Oelly ..-·-~ ~S.71, 4lft Sl.32. SYMBOLS ., I I I I • ' I ,. I I I I l f I • ; ' , • ' ' ... I .i ~·· J Orange Oout OAll,Y PILOT1Wedne1d1y, Merch 10, 1982 !,...--...... ~------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 ;·~·11ill~ITrnrn~ffi[.TtJffiIB~ ~------------------------------------------------------------~ j ~Political involvement , a risk for university . J. California's Fair Political i t"ractices Commission is moving ·Cnto dangerou s ground b y ·(nandating a system of :monitoring universit y tesearchets to ens ure no conflicts . f f intere~~1'!th J:?rivate funding : sources. I• • . • The l &inmiss ion recently m p o s ea · g ·u l .d e l i n it s f o r esear:chel-s 'ta divulge whether h ey ha e finan'cial ties to unding sources for th e ir rojects. he inteQtion is fine. he com ssion \\!& 0rtts• •o make ure that ~»!~ ·P1~rn1>ers don't buse th ~:~·St\pported roles y linki :.,.~~heir. ~e search to ersonal on(.·,· • • I But t e 1n(roduction of a n gency s entwined with the tate's po~ti~i ~ctivities in an rea· so seosi:t:ive to political pressure ·is indeed worrisom e . .When politics becomes an issue , the uninhibited ability of researchers to investigate new ideas becomes end angered • Officials of the University of alifornia system claim they ere producing their own e 1 f ·· po 1 i c i n g r u 1 es f o r e sea r c h ers wh e n the ommission acted . Under one ersion of the UC guidelines. rivate funding sources simply ould be dro pped if th e niversity r esearcher stood to ain financially through the e lationship. The remedies in both the F'PPC's guidelines and those of the UC system a re not much diffetent. • The key wr,Ntton L~ whether re sea r c I\ e rs. w h o ma y occasionally work on controversial matte rs would be \ better off buffe red from political pr~ssure. It shouldn't be t oo late to readjust the m echanics for e xamining involvements between researchers and funding ag-e n cie s . The com missio n 's g uide lines are too new to be in effect. UC officials need to move promptly and effectively on two fronts : Establis h dear and solid s ys tern wide rules t o pol ice research. Cu mp aig n in the Legis la ture from this position to s witch the j udging role from a g r o up formed mainly out of political concerns to one fotmed mainly for academic purposes In so doing, the universit y will e ns ure a healthier academic en vironment for students and f acuity and. as a result, a more productive one Every step toward more political involve'me nt with the Uni versity. however well intended. is the beginning of less acad emic freedom and th<' fo undation for ever more political involvement : . efugee mytfis hit l One of the more persistent lolrns. or any type of govt!rnment ytbs abo1:1t the Southeast Asian lo~n for the purchase of homes, fugees tn·our midst has to do cars. furniture or the like. f ith al~ged low -i nt eres t But the rumors, the regional [40 v er nm en t Io a n s. which . Office of Refuge(' Resctllemt!nl fi:Cording .to the· rumor. enable in San Francis co told Badham. teem to...start businesses and buy keep r~surracin g . denials not- rs and homes by borrowing 3 withstanding. r cent' maney. Newport Be a ch Congress-It is true that many of the an Robert Badman. who says 40.000 Southt>ast As ian refugees 1 I ff. who have settled in Orange s oca o ice receives a steady Countv have ~tar t t-d s mall ream of queries about s uch businesses. but thl·.v·ve managed ans , ha s don e so m e vestigati ng and says these on their own aftl'r first getting ans are, in fact, non-existent jobs and . 1n th(· c.ase of the Federal funds made avail· earlier a rrivals . acquiring the le for refugee assistance c1t1zens h1p that entitles them to the same privileges as an~· othe r e limited to medical care. J nglish language instruction and American Thal. of course. does me job training and placement. not include J perc rnt money from 1 d even these funds have been Uncle Sam I t back . countv authorities But such myths die hard. I · test. · e specially in today·s competitive : Refugees are not entitled to job market It's time thi:. one was a ll Bus iness' Admirti&tralion put to rest .:liitle tardy advice Lf\st week , March 1-T,Was signaled presumably by me constituted authority as R eturn the Borrowed Book eek.'" .. 0 b'V i p'-1 s 1 y . r e t u r n 1 n g borrowed books is a very good ling to do. If borrowed from a iend, the ·r.eturn or the book can r-e vent · t.h e erosion of a iendship when latent anger j. plode~ as he or she goes to use or loan to·another friend -the w precious. book. It ma¥. even • an acC of self-preservation, gepending on the temper of . th~ t>OJ>k 's owner. '·-. -· · ' · 1 If the book is bQ.rtow~ from a •public or school' library . reluming it is simply playing fair with your fellow citizen, who also ~.Sf.> an \nalienable right to enjoy sBl<f book. Not to mention saving th · tax dollars that. ba\r~ to be ~ · nt to purchas~ extra eopies of library book to make up for • those unavmlable. All because of o u r s 1 &1 b . a v a r i c e . o r un-American behavior. We meant to discuss all these things last week. during .. Return the Borrowed Book Week ... But it turned out that Marc h 1-7 also had been designated (by some presumably equal a uthority l as "National Procras tination Week.'' Honest' So . unsettled b y life 's co nflict ing pre s s ur es a nd demands, we procrastinated. Lest we procras tinate again. we s hould point out that this week is "National Aardvark Week." Which. no doubt. you'll wish to observe. And this e ntire month is .. National Peanut Month.'' Probably· named in honor of the brains that conjure up a ll those other wonderful weeks and months. Enjoy ntons expressed in the space above are those ot the Daily Pilot Other views Cl(· ssed cJn this page are those 01 therr authors and artists Reader comment.is inv11 Address Tl'le Oa1ly Pilot, P.O Box 1~60, Costa M esa, CA 97626. Phon£o C7t•I .. 1321. M. &, yd I Q~ck thinking •You're able lo th~k llbout rour that the audience . can listen a lot Jmes as swiftly, if average, as yoif faster than the actors can de liver. c•D talk. This put.'I you way ahead of almost a n y public speaker. bro a d caster or ordinary If it's exotic nesh, somebody is going to say It tastes like chicken, count on that The lbai;d..-oaUed &he- iguana tastes like chicken. I 'm told. eraatiwa.JUt <Uw:J.ln&-wotda at yo11. It is said to be one reason so many televiaion presentations are orlticlled u .childish. The producers The waUetmakers say men prefer ot same may lail to take into account black billfolds, women brown. ~~~.._,., ...... ... n..ig;.=.~~ .... . Thomas P. Haley Publisher . notw A. Mui'PhlM Editor 'a.rura KrellMcll Editorlet Page Editor JJQIIDblill ™EM T~IS \\WJ.D ~~ BUT aD llJ£Y UmN 1> M[ ~ WMY SUOOLD THEY USn.N b tit: l'M JUST lHES[(RtTAW ~ STAlE? t-0/l M WSSIANS ~VE. I.ANDED A~~~ Sb!Lf Wlli.. nus TIME I SAY WE fm.W A LIN£ IN llJE Dlm'f i SAY WE SEND IN CDM9AT ~ NOW! BUT.AL ~W DO WE SEND COMBAT TROq)S 10 VENUS? Waste-watchers ruffle FBI WASHINGT ON Presid e nt Reagan's waste·watchers have shown such enthus iasm for tracking down fraud in federal agencies that it has aroused concern in, of all places. the FBI. The G·men are upset at the way some inspectors general have been encroaching on the bureau's turf. Things have reached such a pass that a closed-door m eeting was held two months ago at the FBI training center in Quantico. Va .. supposedly to resolve the jurisdictional squabble between the bureau and t he various offi ces of inspectors general <OIGsl JUST HOW seriously the FBI takes thi s bureaucratic brouhaha is illus trated by an internal memo directed to the "personal attention" of FOi o rricials by Director William Webster "His torically, with few exceptions , the FBI has exercised primary criminal 1n vestigative Jurisdiction involving allegations of fraud and bribery in U S. government programs and operations," Webster reminds his agents, But "since the establishment or lht> various OIGs. the FBl's jurisdiction has been seriously challenged," Webster warned. The FBI chief details some of the gripes agains t th e upstart inspectors gener al Some refer only "low prionty cases with which the OIGs chose not to be bothered" to the FBI Wors e yet . '·some OIGs have es tablished a policy or not referring any m alters to the Flit, even if they lack the manpower to work the cas es develoJ.1(.-d." Some i ns pectors general have invaded the bureau's long-sacred Q -JA-Cll-AN_D_IR-SD-N -~ territory by actually handling criminal cases by themselves. The IGs a re demanding "full law enforcement powers... including the authority to make arr ests. execute seaTch warrants a nd t!V en ca rry firearm~ The FBI. Webs ter explains, "does not believe this approach to be necessary, nor cost efrecti ve, s ince the FBI is trained, equipped. riattoncilly dispersed and willing to investigate all criminal allegations .. What t~ do about the 1mpertment s elf-aggrandizement of the tnspectors gene ral ? Kee p your eye on the m , Webster orders his field commanders. Deploy your troops agains t the enemy. ··The personnel of your office are to be ins tructed to be alert for instances whe re maJOr criminal matters \were not J referred for FBI investigation " the director o rdered When agents report s uch j uris dictional lapses, ·1mmN11atc, aggressive action will be expected of you, .. he warns lus satraps. THE WHITE HOUSE and the Justice Department have been trying to put a s t o p to th i s unseem ly Tw eedl edum -Tweedled ee battle betwe en a dult professionals whose mutual goal is s upposed to -be saving the ta'<paycrs' money But there's more than a small boy's rattle at stake in this ram tly feud . there's bureaucratic lerr1to r) involved . and that means pres ttgt-, power and budget money. To illus t rate how t ough tbe pe acemaker's job is in this internecine imbroglio. the President's Council on Integrity and Efficiency set up to s upervise the war on waste -agreed that the f'BI and the individual 1n s pcc·tors genera l wo uld s ign "memorandums of understanding" that defined who had j urisd iction over what The memos were to be worked oat "withtn the next mnnth.'. according to minutes of the meetin g Yet nine months aner the deadline, sources told my associate Lucelle Lagnado, exactly one memo had been s igned. Footnote The General Accounting 0ffll'C I S inves tigating the FBI Inspector General brouhaha. Ao 1-'JH spokes man said "great progress" has been .made in resolving the difficulties between the FBI and the inspectors general Can mayors cope with new burdens? There was a meeting or the governors or a ll the s tates in Washington last week They got together to try to talk to Presutent Reagan about how the states and the redc·ral government are going to divide up this new load he's trying to -tlump -OTT them-The President has 4:1 federal program~ he wants the state!. to handle from now on The governors were s pht on how they felt, de pending on whether lhcy we re strong support<.•rs of Reagan or not. You can bet it won't make much difference when they get home what they said in · Washington. though If the governors get handed a lot of new respons1bil ities. they're going to look for some plat'e to dump them themselves I SUSPF.CT that a lot of governors will be calling a conference or their mayors at the state capitnl. JUSl like th<' me e ting the governor s had in Washington. ··welcome. your llo nors," the governor will s ay. "As you know, the federal governm ent IS going OUl or business and I've called you together to tl'll .. ou that I have a list of 53 programs now handled hy lhe state which henceforth will have to be handled b} ~o u ma yo r -. 1n your lo ca l t•ommunit1es ·· 1·m sun• that"s the way President ll e:1 gan intcnclt!d it should work. too lie '-....... --dl. ANDY RDDNIY ~ has more confide nce in mayors than I do i\s prople. l usually like mayors. but I don't take them seriously. You probably have a mayor and the rhant·es are you'v<' met him. If you haven't met him. you think you know ham pretty well because there aren't many days when his picture isn't an the local pa~r doing something silly. There's no doubt about it. though, mayors are special people. 'Qtey have all the attributes of a politician but they have them multiplied by 100. They are Reasons for living varied It is easy to ca II terrorists .. crazy.'· and no doubt some or them . if not most of them . are. But this does not really explain why they are willing to do what they do. and to glory in it Chesterton pointed out many years ago. "Whe n a man has found something which he prefers to life. he then for the SYlllY llARlll firs t time begin s to live." Most terrorists C as distinguished from mere m ercenary assassins ) have simply found something which they prefer to life . ln_Qur eyes. 'QL.J:tw1'1e., Uw)J-.ha.v found the wrong thing. and are duped or deluded or drunk With fanaticism. Bul this is not really the point: ctals may dlff tJ, but It is only whe n we have lound so'1\ethlng larger than ounelves which we are wUling to live for, and to die for tf need be, that we come IUlly alive. It would be desirable, or co,U'M!1if ou.r object we.re creaUve and alfecuonate rather t.ban deatructJve and based on hate or ven1eance. Moat people. however, art not deep enoqh or broad enough t.d encompau tucb soala: rat.her, they dedicate th IN IO • putleula( piece pf lant! • ..... dal Oaf or a pld'tlal CIUM. tit . ""t the paycbolo•ical llllitdaaatam ,- remains much the sam e : it is the willingness to work for. and be used by, a purpose beyond one 's own ego that most fulfills the personality Both the best and the worst people are animated in this fashion. It may be a lhllary climbing Everest, o r a Nelson aboard the Victory, or an Edith Cavell nursing soldiers, or anyone who feels mos t alive when he or she is living or risking or sacrificing for a goal greater than the satisfaction of one's own selfish wonts. MUCH P ATHOLOGY may be involved here. but 'also much nobUlty and saintliness. And quite apart from these rare extremes, it is t.rue for the ordinary person that unless he or she has a reason for living beyond mere s urvival, there is a certain savor lacking in Ufe. Some people~ ift-b'leir ch , some In the arts, some in exploration, some in worklnJ for manlfold ebaJ'lltlet and causes and crusades of various de1rees ol worth. Many do It to "IOM" themselves in sometttlna : few are wlllln1 to lose everythlnt . Paradox.ically, lt ls those motl U1hUy wrapped in themselves, so preoccupied wilb preservtna what t.bey haft, who a re rno•l p~ to boredom and fear and anxiety and ls )'pochondrla The terroriAt.a are t.errtble bec•ute &hey .,.. doln1 \be. wroo1 tllln11 I« the rilbt reaton1: but. warped u UM)' an, UMy are vMd proof of the old LIUD mulm tbal tbt wont ,la I ~ of t.bt c belt. more poltt1t·al than presidents Ma yo rs <i I most never grow up to be pres1dt•nt !ht• way a lot or governors ha n • in the pc.st . but mayors are often mon• inl<'rt•sting people Governors, l'\'en 't\hen they're faking it. are more il Pl to .id likt> states men Mayors have to gl't right in there and wrestle with 1 hl' hea r!. I cannot for the ltf<' of me understand \~hy an)one would 't\ant to be mayor of il c ity l"d rather he president than mayor. and I'd hate to be president. A mayor doei.n't have much power. He's always in danger of being voted out or office for the slightest m istake. and the money 1s terrible There's nothing good about being mayor that I can see. The work 1s long and hard. everyone's watching so close 1t 's almost impossible to steal. and not even the Methodist minis ter is s ubjected to a s many mandatory appearances at the dullest events an town. Lots of mayors have to go to so many functions at night that they've ne ve r seen one episode of 'Dallt1s " I J UST WONDER how things are going to work out for us when President Rea~an is through givi ng t h e gover<nmcnt back to local government. Mayors are going to have to change their image As things stand now in many towns. the mayor also sells insurance or owns a dry goods store. Being mayor could become a full-tJ me job €.'vcn in a s mall town when res pons ibility filters down from the federal government, through the state to the city . Mayors won't have much. time lor lunch at the Lions Club. Someone.else wiU have to a.ward the bowling trOptcy, a nd Mrs. Sanderson Whitlodc of the Garden Club will have to look elsewhere for a main speaker at their annual dinner. Newspapers will have to find other ways lo fill space because Ute:re's going to be a void once occupied by,• from left to right, Mrs. SltwelJ Bamey, Gladys Schaeffer, Josephene Froblaher, His Honor and Mrs. Wheelri1ht Harnisch <chairwoman). I• I i-......a ,, -.,,_..., ....... 'wlUJ:i:..... · 1==-HA~fM.O I ·~ . me.-. A90 ... NIONIW9 lllCWll • •" "8omewhet• In Time" (1M0) Clwtecoptlet "9e¥e, J-~r. Ob-.d wlltl the portrelt of at~~. a modem-dey New Yortl I --~-~ to tr9W9I II-* In time and I l'Meelw. 'PO' .MCMI ***~ "The W.y We Were" C 19'73) 88tbra 8t~. Aot>ert Aedfotd. A ~ coltgt couple In the 1930e dlaoowr tl\el their polltlcal ----•• etrono -. to Jeoc>- ardlle 1tielr merrtage. 1:11 • Pl.ID8m MEN< AeglMrty ~ pro- Otatnrr*'O mey be deleY9d , clue to ptadge bteaka. UD. ~ NEWl!eEAT wm4 CUTE AC>Mlti8 MO. WB.OOMl llACK. KOTTD Epstein and WMhlngton -pitted aoa1Nt Cvvellt In Buctlenan'• IMant lhow. ..... ll&'ORT Cl)Ql)Nawa 9 IAIWIY MIU.£lll CC>~ "The a.Ilea Of St. Trlni-_ .. CID LIFTY, THE DINGAl.MQ LYNX Mllyf Nutt« n«rat.. the etory of a ly\"IX CUI> who ltlee to find hie wey In I he ...._. CPert 2) • 1:11 • OY!ft fMY • o-t: ,,_ RuMalt. CR) Q 7*>1 C88NIWI 19CNIW9 HAPPY MYS AGAIN • M!CNIW9 8 YOU AIKED FOR rT Feetuted: "J~ Jug- glet King" end "Stull'• Fabub.11 Blrdl.' • • u•A•a•H Father Mulcahy takH being pueed -'°' • pt"OmOtion pllllo.ophleally untll he ~ of the rapid ecN91~mad9 by • lwok: ~pilot. I JOKM"8 WILD DQ((:AYETf aw.t: 0.-. Rober1 Colee. CPw12) Cl) ....... flllAGAZWE How to dt-your mom; a Ylalt with the ftrat Chlmpan- 199~. l1I BfT'Un'AINMENT TOMIQKT An Interview with lubel Santofd, QI THE MUPPET8 Gu.t: Connie s-. (ll)MOYIE * * '4 "FOaH" ( t980) Jodie Foaler. Siiiy K.._. man. The W:tlml of broken hOfT* and uncaring pet· .,,.._ tow t-...ge glr1a try to ~ thelf' emotional woundl lhrough dfuga end -.'R' 7:30 8 I ON THE TOWN Feetured: a Ylllt to the INlgllllleenl. ""-tory-lllled m anaton that once l>elo~ to comedian Harold Uoyd; ~ en CHANNEL LISTINGS· ., KNXT !CBS> (0 1 e KNBC INBCI 11 • KTLA (Ind.) (Ii) '• KABC 114.BCI (~) eKFMB (CBS) e KHJ·TV (Ind.I llll eKCST 114.BCI (f 1 .~ ... (Ind.) lt llKCOP-TV (Ind.) Cl e KCET IPBSI • eKOCE 1Pes1 MmchofDllna ........ ,....... .. ''"' ..-~·· .. '"' ._. ..... • .. • .. PROF1LE OF COURAGE -Quincy (Jack Klugman) finds new meaning ln ,l:lfe after counseling young mother (Tyne ·Daly) who is dying of cancer. Tonight at 10 on KNBC (4). ~ •• the Beringer Wln«y In Napa Valley l0t a gourmet mMI featuring food gtown entirely In C•ll· fOfnla. I Qt ,AMILY FEUO LAY£1'Hf & SHIRLEY & C/OtllPA)f'f Sh!My l>IQIM dating a toOn•IO-be divorced doc· tOt. 8 CANCEA UHOEMAOUHO "The Steve Mc~ Con- nection" Thlt ~••· ry nlj)Ol'll on M••lean can. 0« cllnlct that ottet won- d« cures '°' cence< and the patients who ..... help ,,...,. I 9ULLSEYE u·A·a·H FOf a few days the 4077th hu no caauallles. l>Yt ""-1 the fighting plekl up, lt'a back to bollness u uaull. • (I) TICTACOOUOH MACNEIL I LEHRER AEJIORT D NOAMAN ROCKWELL'S WOAU>: AH AMEAtCAN DREAM A ~lllglc loolc IS taken at the 1111 anlst's Ille, work and l\ometown of Stoc~ bridge, MuaachuMttl. 9 YOU ASKED l<OA IT Featured: "Dolphin Meglc" and "M rs Wheelchair America " CID FLASHBACK: THE GREAT PL.AGUE • Eric Sevarlid hosts this dOCUm9ntary look at the Spanish lnftuenu epidem- ic 01 1918, w'l'llch clalmed 20 mllllon victims WOtld· wide. CZ)MOVIE * • * "Cev9man" (1981) Rltigo Statr. Dennis OuelCI The clownlSh meml>et of a betely rwman P< ehlsl0tlc tribe b9glns to disco_. that br etns •nd not brawn wlll be the key to his peo- ple'• autVivll 'PG' 8:00 9 Cl) BUBS BUNKY: Al.L-AMENCAH HERO Animated. Bug1 Bunny r•t .. 1111 own har..,1111- lng _..,on ol American history 10 his ~ ClycM.CRI D ot REAL PEOf'l.E Featured: • psychologlst who Claims he Catt «ii.tve women'I l>rlUll. I 9ChOOI fat male hula d8neel'I ; a gtandmolh« who race. care. (RI 8 MOVIE ** * "TM Big Sleep" ( 1946) Humphrey Bogaf1 ~en Bacall. A retired general &1111 private eye Phi~ Mllflowe to lnvestl- g.t• • M'tes of strange _,,, lnvotvlng his two d~t·•· 8 9 THE GREATEST AMERICAN HERO Ralph end Muwell are summoned wnen en auto- --manc-mlaslle iystem goos haywh (R) Q FUPWILSON m P.M. MAGAZINE Men'a leahlon expert On·TV Z·TV HBO (C1nema•1 IWORI NV N Y !WTBSI IESPN) IShow11me1 Sp0U19M !Cable New~ Network 1 Chatlea Hilt Ollloee -ttc>e on drelllng well:•~ It with tM tlrll Chlml)llNM utroneut. • MOVIE * * "Vendetta F0t The Saint" C 19611) Rog•r • M00t1, Ian Hendty. An adventurer and two ot his glrllrlend1 attempt to deatroy the Malla. 8D NATIONAL Ql!OORAPHC ~ "Polar 8Mr Alett" The great while polar !>Mr end a Manitoba town'• Mlottl 10 CCH!xlll with them llfl lhe a.ibjec11 ol a docu- mentll)I hoeted l>y E.G. MarSl\llt end narrated by JHon Robarda. O C9 MOVIE •••• "Becket" (196-4) Richard Burton, Pet., O'TOOle King Henry II of England cluhM with the Atchbiahop of Cantwbury during Iha t2th cenlUt)' ~MOYIE * * "loving Couptes" ( 1980) Shirley Macl.alne. J-Coburn. A married C01Jple and • pair of young slnglea switch partneni In • game or lllaatyte aamptlng ertd romantic reven(l9 ·pa• ~BIZARRE "Elephant Man Sings" 0MOVIE • *'A "Biiiy Jedi" C 11171) Tom Laughlin, o.tor&s Te~. An ea-Gr_. Beret hall·brMCI champions ,,,. CIUM of I tre.j()(n acflOol lat runawaya on an Ari· zona 1no11n r__,111o11 t:30 II Cl) 8008 BUNNY IN KJHO ARTHUR'S COURT Animated. Bugs la )olrled l>y Daffy Duclt. Potky Pig, V-11e Sam and Elm« Fudd In a tpeOlal baMcl IOolaly on the M11tk Twain dMalc.CR) at AU. IN THE FAMILY Arcnle entw• Joey In a l>Mutlful b1by COlit•t Ind l1liin lalc• stepa to mall• aura that hi wtns. CIDMOVIE * * 1t ''The Loogeel Y11td" 11974) Burt Reynold•. Eddie All>«t. A fOfm« pro quatterbedt doing tltM In a Sout1lem prison II given the tot> coec;Nng I gtOUP of con*ta lot • no-hold• barred football game egalnat the guard• Cl) lAff'-A-ntON A oomedlan hOll and IOYr comic conlHtants who compete agelnal one another 1re leatured In this UnQllllOfad Comedy g- ahow 9:00 fJ (IJ MOVIE • • * "F1tl11t Figure" (19811 Hll Linden. Timothy Hutton A wldowered per. ant trlea to r .... t•blllh • rlllllonshlp with NI two son• folloWlno • llwt-year --~atlof>-iRr ----0 G! THE FACTS OF LIFE Tootle gets drunk while trying to prove She Is mature (R) 8 9 THE FALL GUY A prolestlOnal Hollywood stuntman moonllghll 11 a bell l>Ond9tnan to help mall•~ meet. (RI U BIU. V GRAHAM CAIJ8ADE !:OIWAN * * "Ful'ltlouM" ( 19111) Elizabeth 8«rtdg41. SyMe Mir.a. FOUt t_,·•~ra apend a lr1ghtlut night In a camtvll funhouM Inhabit- ed by • demented barker and his mol19trout eon. 'R' (1)WA<XY WOAl.D OF JONATHAH W1NT'!M Guest: BarbatS Feldon. Use "'6WB Ii serv.ice when placing your ad .. lllyPllll 642-5678 • • Orange Coat DAILY PILOT/Wedneed8Y, March 10, 1982 . , 111100~ • ··~ "OlrlltlM ...., .. 41t10) ~ ttoNt. """' --~.,,.-­ INllUry °' tM ..... .._. ,.. AIMl'tOlfl tOUt ....... .--of die ...,. and l!Vder 14 en Allamom lpeadwty tree ~. lltO. IATCHMO ~ Afmlttong nwta* Ihle PfoO'&"' cNoniCllng ....... "'°"' ... .-ty ..,. In ,... ONerw 10 ""' .... llPPW'•• at the ...... POt1 .... featlYal "' 1970. .. •a i.ow.. llDNIY 8idn9f• ~-· build· lnO Goel ~. and • , .... otutlon .. paaMd prohibit· lnO dllldren lfOl'll llW'9 ,,...,., ("> (l)MOYW * 1t "HopaoOtefl" (ING) Wlltw ........ Glende J.etillOfl., A lonner lnlelU· ~ ao-• .. aided by .,, Old ...,.,_., In dOdOlng the KOB llftd tt1e CIA, """Oare trying to pniwnt him from ~ 1111.mtmolr"&. 'R' 10;G0 D 8 OU..CV Quincy II allled to GOUl'8ll a C(ftl(lally .. patlllnl wt\O r--~.(A) !::•Niwa •••'A "The HOWilng" 11"1) Oea Wallace. ~alrldc a.tacn.. A woman .; ~ 11 menaced by a kllllr who -• to be • ~.'R' .MOVIE ** "'Thia le Elvia" CINI) ~tary. Alm loou1g• and dfemetlo ~tiof1a -uMd to tell Iha llory of EMa Preaiey't Ille and car-. 10:301= * * •"1i "Eyewltn191" (19111) SlgourMY WM_., Wllllem Hurt A tetevlllon reponer becOtnM Involved with • janitor who may know mot• et>out a mur· d« that ha wn,__, then helaaaylng. 'R' 10:90 (ll) llNO f'OA YOUR Uf'E 11:00 8 D 8 Cll O Qt NEWS 8 IATUAOAY lflOHT Hoel: Buck Henry GUfll. 8111 With«&. Q l(OJN( l(ojak CCfttlldlra IM't'lng 11141 torc;e for a job aa lnveatlg1t0t With a raw llrm 8t THE JEf'f'ERIOH8 • IAHFOAO ANO SON CO) 808 WELCH ANO FRIEH08 ' Solo 1\111 by Bot> Wek:tl - lncludtng "Hypnotized" and "Ebony Eyes" -and e reunlOn with the members ot FIM!wood Mac lllghllgl1t lhl• concart 18'>ed 11119 •• the Roq< CZ)MOVIE **'/\ "ROCklhoW" (1980) Paul McCartney and Wings. Thll niccrd of llM band'• U.S. tOUt lndudea per10fm•tic. of "Jet," "a.r.d °" ,.,,. 111un:· "Silly Love Songe" Md -Old Beetle blllada 'PG' 11:toe DC<CAWTT Guaat: Allen Glnsbwg. (A) 11:.IO • MOYIE ••'A "Deer Detecttw" ( 1979) Brend• Vaccaro. Artan DMn Snyd« A female pollCI -o-•nt b.comH romantlcelly Involved with • college PfO'-....... "-Ugal• Ing lout blzarr• mutders. (R) D a9TONOfT 0.-t hoel: 8111 Colby GUMll: Joe Wiiiiama. Pris. cilia 8arMS, 0.-Joyce Bro theta. 8 9 M!CHEWS ~ at AU. IN THE FAMli. Y g) LOVE, AMElllCAH STYLE Cl) THE WHITE E.aCAP£ fC)MmOE---• * • • "Animal Crack-., ... I 1930) Man Btothera. Margeret Dumont Captain Spaulding. the African 1xpl0ter. re1uma lrbm a r-t e.pedltlon to -Mk havoc II • IOClllY matron's weekend pany. 'G' (1)MOVIE • • '" "Wl1¥e TM Buttaro Roam" ( 1960) BIN Murrey, Pater Boyle. Joumallst Hunter S Thompton u- hla unotthodoa repontng lechnlqUM to C0118r eome of the mator polltJcal and tlOCial _,, of the leta '609 and Nt1y '70.. 'R' 11:36. l<al' NEWleEAT WI™ Cl.ETE ROKATS 12:00 8 SHA NA NA Guwll: Jen and OMn.' D <tJ LOVE BOAT ~UIE TDPPEllS- I KABC Ii 't:30 :... "The Steve' Mc Queen Connection." Documentasy OI'\ Mexican cancer clinics that offer IWonder cures. ' KNXT • s:"so -"Bues BUMY Specials." Cartoon character relates own version of American history and ll joined by friends in Kine Arthur's court. KCET @ 8 :00 -.. Natloq,al Geogr8*>hlc Special. .. Documentary about ireat white polar bear and a town's efforts to co·exisl with them. KNXT 8 9:00 -"Father Fi1ure." Movie stars Hal Linden. Timothy Hutton. A pollttalan befrlencte e repor1er, '-atguM wlltl • lovely lntelectual and • man rulna hie gltltrlend'a QlllflOM ol winning • ~pageent CR) -~ * * "Oww Of The TlrnOer· i.nd" (IMO) Alan Ladd, .,__ Ctaln. Townepeo- ple fMt1ng f0t ,,....,. land bettle ~ who haw permlallon to clMf a hlll· tide. • MOYIE ••• "CMlno Royale" 11ee11 Pet• Sellers. urau- ra Andt-. J-Bond c;omM out of retlfemer11 wherl ealled to hal9 et09 two undetgtound ()(gin· lutlonl lnVOIYed In gem. bllng. .LOVE.~ STYL.e ~~WOMAN • • • ··Mooern Ron\enoe"' (1981) Albert Brook•, Kathryn Hatrold. A f lllm editor trlM repealldly 10 • win bed! lhe '-1 of the woman he lovee. 'R' .MOVIE 1lt * • "Ceddyahack" (1980) Bin Murray. RodMy Oangatfleld. The demenl· ed gtound...i.wp« al a 1wanky country club WagM Wll agalnlt the gophlr1 Inhabiting his turl. 'R' ... 12:<15 ID AMENCA: THE 8ECOHO CENTURY 12:15 CID MOW • • • • "Simon" C 1980) Alan Atkin, Aullln ~ ton. SQlentlall at a IMzan'9'. ly mltdlracled think tanll convince • t>umbllng col- 1eg41 prof-that he le an alien lrOfn OUI« ..,_, 'PG' 12:30 D 8 LATE NfGKT wm. DAVID l..ETT'EMtAH Gu .. ta: certoonlat Jim a.via. auth«-ec1lvllt Glo- ria Steinem. g MOVIE •• 'A .. Bart>ary Coaat" ( 1935) Joat McCrH , Edwwd G. Roblneon. Red llghta. ~ and boo&- ,lng reign In Sen Frw>deoo In the llOOa. 1;00·= * * "Stanley" 11972) Alex Rocco, Qwta Aoblnlon. A rattteenake becom. a 'Vietnam vet•an's ~ Ill weapon ot r-.ge ruo:-lnd. * * * * "Shadow Of A Doubt" 11943) TereH Wright, Joeeph Conen. When a man com. to acay with hie ...,. and her fwn. lly In a tmall Weet C0Mt town. hie nleoa le plagued with the nagging~ I"-! he It reelt; the "Mwry Widow" klltef. 1:to8 MOYE * * "Baker'• Hawk" C W6) a.wt 1-, Lee I I•....- CCkitt Monlg<>me(y A boy reecu.a an abandon.cl • h•wll and becomM cloM 111end• .tlh • myeterloul mounu1n man wflo halpe .-in1ntt1eblrd. rt= " ...... 19 Alld AledY' ( 1990)4 ~ gll1 lofl08 to ~total MftMrnefl1. .... 1:1a(C)~ • * "From Noon TMt Thr .. " (1t77) CtlattM ·-· .. tr.land. A drifter la reoNIWd Into a ~t-o robbery gang. 1::ao. l!Nl'aTANef'f ~ "" ln1eMew with laabel s.ntcwd. . 1:.41·= 1:a(l)MCME • * * UFot1 Apeme, The Bronx" (1911) Peul ....,_ man, Ed ,._, A tougll cop betttaa crtme and COf. wpClon In. New Yorll City'• South Brona MIOM>Ot· hood. 'R' ti»·= **~ "Thief" 119111 ) Jam.. CHn, Tue.day w~. A profeleional er~ Ollloee up Illa 11 ldepel ldeilOI '°' • big ICOt• that he hOpel wttl MCUl'I his faml- ~ -~R' * • \1o "The Olrl WhO Came Gift-Wrapped" (1974) Richard Long. Karen Vllentlne. A "glr111" magllZlne publlehet le giv- en a gltl '°' hie birthday. 2::26. MOYE * * "Captain China" ( 1949) John Payne, Gall Ru.al. A depoMd Ihle>'• ctiptaln .... -ica-IOI agalnat th• ~ who roODed t.-n of conwnand. 2:40!:Sw "Blphent Men Slnga" MO. MOYIE *. '" "Darb(• Rangerl" (19511) Jamee Garner, Elehlka ChOUreau. The herok: ~ Rangerl go IMC> _.,.. under the ...... lip of Cdooel Der· by In .. lrwallon of Italy and...,,.. Alrtca. (C)MOYW "The ..._ Of St. Tnr. _ .. (Z)MCME •••• "HMwotlc" (1978) Feye ~. W..,,, H<*Mn. An ... ~ aiOtl -..._ rat· Inga -~ lllpplng tiecom. • ranting Pf'OPf* of the..,_ apurred on by • crfllly tenWa pt~ ~amm6ng executive. Ult llJ WN:Jl(Y WON..D CW JONATHAN WINT8'I au.t: 8artJata Fekkln. HICIDMCME * * * * "The StUfll Men" 11980) Petet O'Toole, St-Aallabedl. Wanled by the polloe, a dlaturbed vi.tnam ....,~ llndll an una.rw "-on • movie eet ..._...a WIJt1d War I ~la being fllmed. 'R' 4:00 CS) l.AFF-A-THON A comedian hoet and lour comic conteetenta who JOHN DARLING IN HONOR OF CAN~ LAST DAY WITH OUR SHOW, 'l MADE'. HfRA UTTLE o-KE! BANKRUPTCY Ll9UIDATION SALE By Order ot the U.S. Bankruptcy Court Case # SA 82-00334 THE CLOTHES RACK 227 E. 17th Street. Costa Mesa Beginning Friday March 12th. 11 :00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Sundays 12:00 noon to 5:00 p.m. MEN'S and WOMEN'S CLOTHING 1/J OFF ALL MERCHANDISE Al S•s CASH.~ C ...... YIM OMLY1 &% Sales Tax Sale Undet'the SuS*Yilion ot: OSTRIN & OSTRIN CO. 9889 Santa Monica Blvd. Beverty Hiiia, CA 90212 (213) 277-0414 . ........ .,1111e1 on.a ..... ......... 111w. ......... ~ ...... ..... ., ... ..,. ' **" "~wee Of .19"" (1HO) Mlall ... Hoflrtfl, ~ 0' .... A 01rtoon ohareoter ..._ .......... 111. --.... . (C)MCMI •••'4 ''TM ~ .. C 111 t) o.. Wallace. ,..,......._Awoman , Nporw .. ___, .,, • kkwtl0-10 ... a .......... 4190(l)MCMI •• MHopeootcllH (1MO) w...., ......... Glande Jadieon. A IOr'l'IW "'--..,_..-it la elclad by an a6d ._. In ~ the K08 and IN CIA, MM> .,. ~ 10 ~ t.-n lrOM ii=hll memoira. 'A' * • • l4 "Menhatten" I 1t7t) Woorly Mall, Olene K•on. A New YOft< City oomedy _..., b<eake up with .. IOne>-tlme glrl- 111end 10 IQUWe •ound en • lntalllctually vapid 1.-i-ao« 'R' Tllursda11'• Da11•i•e M0t1I•• 1'::IO 1(1} * * * "The WOl1d'1 GrMteat AtNMe" (19r.t) John Amoe. Jan-MlchMI Vincent A coedl who la ha\'lng a run of l>lld luck r•uma to '* roots In Afrt. ca and dlllcoYers • auper alhlele. 'G' 7:.41 Cl) * * *'I\ "Monly Python And The Holy Grall" 11974) Graham ~. JOIVI ca-. KlnQ Arthut and Ne bend of knight• encounter glant9, r1ddlara and • Jero- dua rebblt In their -di for the l9gandery oup. a:IO e * * • "Allegro Non Troppo" (1978) N*nated Ute In the IMdllne • I• Ntlrlzed. 'PO' 9: 11 CZ) "Coup O'Eta!" 9:IO • * * "PatadlM Cen· ~" 11935) John Weyne, Marlon Burns. A ted«ll agent tr aclla down • QlllO of counterfeit•• opet•tlng along the MeJlcan l>Otd«. • (C) * * * "The Other Side Of The Mountain -Pllt1 II" ~Marilyn HNMtt. BOUOfnl. Fotmer champion 8111et, Jill Kln- mont, '9ndered • quadrl· pteglc by a tragic eccldenl. ..ii. whh NII-doubt ...., • -love entera,..., .... tOA10 CID • '4 ''Ctierlle Chan And The CutM Of The 0.-agon ~" (19111) Pet« Ulll- nov, Aictlard Heteh.Charlle Ct\an la aided by Ne bum· • bllng grandsonJn IOlvtng a ttrlng of mutders. 'PG' Cl) ••• "The Asphalt JungM" (1950) StwUng Hayden, ~ Whltmote. The polloe .,. 11.ifted by • crlmlnal meetarmlnd'• half~ root>ery 11:00. **'4 "Any Which Way You Cen" ( 1980) Clint E.Mtwood, Sondta LOCk•. a.fore eettllftg down with 1119 girl and pet 0tangutan, • .,.,..flated light• algne up f0t one rut. luetetl.,,. match. 'PO' 11:06 CZ) •• * * "Networtl" (1978) Faye aune-y, Wii- iiam Holden. An eglrlg t.i. Ylalorl -en wt>OM ra1· lngs .,. ltMdlly . lllpping becolnM • ranting Pfophel of the llrwa-IC)Urrad on by • crafty lemakl P<O- ~lng e.ecullw 11::aD ~ * * .. The Attic" (1979) Carrie Snoc)gt-. Ray Mll- tancl. A lll>tarlan llvee In the - put with ,..., memories of • love who d~ad 'R' CID * * '" "The Cat And The Cenary" 11978) HOOOt .......... MlotlMI ..... ......... -....... . IN IPOOllY ...... ,_ a ........ ....... '°. , .......... ,.,.,.... (1tN) Git YOUft8, .-...... ..... ~t\ll!Wttle _.,...,. °' a tOCleo oow. ~. •**"Young-'IOIMCJ" (1 ... ) ~ ........ Altf/ltl ~. WIWI 1111 _,la ll:lled, a ~ ............. ol•eell•••tt. • .... * ''The Proud Alld Tiie Pf.,_... (I..., W.. llam Hold~. Deborall ~. PtOOlelM ... ....., a ~ -'dOw , ... In tow """ • Manne. Cl) **14 ·~ Ft'OM A)catru" ( 1t1t) Cllnt Eeatwood, Petrick MoOooftan, A hafdened GOm'lct ~ ~ate plaN 10 breM °"' of tM ~ptool or*>n. 'PO' l:OO(C)*** "C.sdie"(tM1) Heier! M«M. Jacll Thomp- aon. A ~no -an tee-het odmfonablll tuburbaf\ flolne end her cruel lluaband, determ4ned to lalta full teepoi ielblllty for aupportlnQ her Child,.., by doing ----odd JobelN-gat . (8) •• .,. ••Sc>f*ut" (1911) FrlNc ~. ~· ANtl Down. A ruttlleM ~ markat antlqultlea rling llttempt• to •oe> an ~ from dlaQoy. erlng the '""-Mboute of a pl'IOalMe ai.tue IN -permitted to view. 'PG' • * * * "The Bectrlc ~ .. 11979) Robert Redf0td, J-F~ A LM Vegas COWboy llMll a 112 milllon thoroughbred hOtM 10 aave him from 1111 exploltetl\19 own.w. 'PO' 1: 11 CZ) • • \1o "The Poelman Atwey1 Ring• Twice" I 19111) Jactl NlcllOlaon, "-lea Lange. A young women end her IOYer ptol to murd« h« ~. 'R' a~D ••"1i "Earthll"(197tl Tony Francloaa. Gery Lockw ood. Th• llrat manned apace •l•tlon --... labota1ory and • home f()( 2000 peoc>e. D • • tA "The Loved One" ( 1965) Robet1 MOt'N, AnJanett• Cotn41r The ~of·~~ lywood llat 1ncu,. aome d•bte and haadach•• when it comea time to mek• the lun«el ~ menta. 3:20 CZ)•** "Allegro Non Troppo" C 1976) AnlmalAKI. Ufe In tM machine age II • Nllrtzed. "PG' ••CC>•• ··~-Of Plnoochlo" (1978) Anlmat· ed The dMllc U11e of the poor Old woodcutt• o.p.. petto and the puppet he brought 10 Hfe le retOld. 'G • Cl) * * * "The WOtld'a GtMi.t Alh!Me" ('973) John Amoe, Jan-Mld\MI VlncenL A coectl who Is having • run of l>lld luck returns 10 his roota In Aftl· ca end ~ a 11.oper athlete. 'G' •• CZ) "Coup O'Etet" 5:00 ~ •• * "Oh Godl 800I< II" (1990) George Burnt, Suzanne PleaMtl• God return• to Earth and Choolee the young ~ t•ofan~­ uttYe to IP'Md '* ,.,._ eage to the WO<tcl. 'PG' CID * • "Smuggler"• Cove" I 1979) Four ·~ agers practtclng on their ~d• etuml>le Into an exciting adl/W\ture off en Australian baedl. • * * * ~ ''Bedknobe And Broometldta" (1971) Angela Lantbwy. De'llld Tomllneon. Our1f1g WOtld War II. a novice llOf'O«- Ad_...., tow 7oung friend• Ml off '°' a meglc ltland where IN lntenda 10 learn enough aboul • 'llttctic..ft to UM It agalnll tile N&Zit. 'G' by Armstrong & Batluk ORIGINAL SINGING TB.EGRAMS "-0 0 •••• Wth this coupon and Your order till April 15th ST. PATIKXS DAY SftOAlJ We deliver to """ Office, Home or Reltaurw'f-Your peraonm t..eprechan 'Mth a Hlwious singing Gr"tlno- A -IQ ex Two--And A FREE bottle of brew ..... 42:2197- FOR l~MATION ANDA RVATIONS .. . , ,.. I -..... . I ~·· Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Wedneeday, March 10, 1882 i ___ Former higher tar smokers_applaud MERIT ; as ''Best-tasting low tar I've tried ~ Can a low tar cigarette provide the taste incentive to switch smokers from higher tar b~ds? Research proves MERIT can. Taste Debate Ends. Nationwide survey reveals over 90% of MERIT smokers who switched from'higher tar are glad they did. In fact, 94%dan't even miss their farmer brands. Further Evidence: 9 out of 10 former higher tar smokers report MERIT an easy switch, that they didn't give up tdste in switching, and that MERIT is the r-_Qest,tas9ng lotv tar dJeyk_ 1 ¢ver tried. . Warning : The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. MERIT Landslide. In addition, extensive unmarked-- pack tests confirm that MERIT delivers a winning combination of taste and low tar when compared with higher tar leaders. Confirmed: The ovewhelming majority of smokers reported MERIT taste equal to-or better than-leading higher tar brands. Confirmed: When tar levels were revealed, 2 out of 3 chose the MERIT combination of low tar and good taste. Year after year, in study after study, MERIT remains unbeaten. The proven taste_alte~tive.to_hi~ ~-­ smoking-is MERIT. OPhlllp Mon~ Inc 1982 Kings: 7 mg "tar:· 0.5 mg nicotme-lOO"s Reg : 10 mg "ta r'.'0.7 mg oicotine-lOO's Meo: 9 mg "tar:· 0. 7 mg nicotine av. per cioareue. FTC Repon Dec'.81 f , -- M ERIT M E RIT ~thd Filter ..... f; ~. l ., .. llllJ Piiat WEDNESDAY, MARCH 10, 1912 CAVALCADE 82 ENTERTAINMENT 83·.4 SPORTS 86·8 For Jane Fonda, working with Dad in ''On Golden Pond'' was nerve-wracking, but worthwhile. See P.age 83. 0 0 ' ~ Skiing d~ctor makes cross-country house cal/,S WORKING GARB Or Matthew Houghton Jr is dressed for a frequent house call made on cross country skis. " EMPIRE, Mich. <AP> -Dr. M a tthe w Houghton Jr. ,still m a kes house calls -and ii that isn't a little out or the ordinary these days, then consider that be makes so m e of t h ose appointments on skis. ''Nothing's be tt e r f or assessing a patient than seeing him or her at home," said the osteopath. Houghton plies his trade in the tour ist haven of Empire, where the steady population is 476. He says he chose the town "because I h ave the ~h a nce to give person alized m ed ica l care . We're all one big family here." Wh e n t h e tow n a nd surrQunding area are blanketed un der sever al feet or snow, Houghton makes his ca lls on skis, a task that for him isn't as diffi cult as it sounds. His expertise both as skier and as a physician is such that he serves as medical director of M ichiga n 's la r ges t cross-country ski race. He also works as safety and medical director for the American Power Boat Associa t ion a nd is a frequent lecturer to area high school coaches on prevention of sports-related injuries. As if that weren't enough, Houghton sometimes provides his services on the other side of the grave -he is the medical examiner for Lelanau County. CABIN CALL -Dr. Houghto n a pproaches thl' rural Empire. Mich .. log home of Robert a nd Megan Jones. Houghton made the trek on s kis "1th his medical bag s trapped to his waist to perform a eht•t·kup on the Jones· twin daughte rs. HEALTHY LUNGS Or Houghfo n checks the heartbeat or-plays. Houghton Chose the -foral'Michigan-area to practice ~ight-month-old Elizabeth Jones as her twin sister J essica because he wanted a. chance to give personalized care Baby issue stirs hue and cry Employees irked as supervisor brings infant to office SAN JOSE (AP> -There's a lot of crying .,oing on about a newborn baby in the Santa Clara County government building. Little Sheila Lofgren is only 3~ weeks old but s he's already embroiled in a political flap. Her mom , 1.oe Lofgren, is a county supervisor who decided to bring Shella into the office with her for two days. When Mrs. Lofgren asked her staff to check on the baby while she was in a meeting and let her know if Sheila cried, a lot or county employees cr ied foul, claiming the supervisor's slaff was baby sitting at taxpayers' expense. "It irks us," said Carole Clark, a revenue officer for the county. "We can't do what she's doing. We can't bring our kids to the office . It w as o ur understanding that there are insurance problems with having our kids here." Some employees sald they would circulate petitions to stop Mrs. Lofp-en from bringlng her baby to work. "I want to know when I can bring my kids up for free baby sitttnc service," asked one employee, Teni Ashfield, in a call to Mn. Lofgren's office. Her husband, Tom, a revenue 'officer, also b upset and doeln't 1Mtlleve Mrs. Lofgren's assertion \bat her aides aren't reaUy ·Nby sitting. "We all know that's not llappenin1," said Ashfield. ''That kid grobabl7 baa more pople looking In on it tban' Carter bu liver pllla." . Child care COili him and bl.at wife MOO • moDUl, Albfleld aald, tad be tblnka tbt Lof1ren1 ... Id alto have to pay for their ... child care. ·'These are tough times we're living in," Ashfield said. "My wife had to go out and buy a· brea st pump and kiss the kids goodbye every morning so we could both work. I'm s ure bet ween her and her husband, Lof(lren can scrape up the same money my wife and I are paying for child care." Mrs. Lofgren said she thought sh e was doing the county a service by returning soon after giving birth and doesn't think s he's abusing her power or cheating the taxpayers. ''I'm sorry some employees feel that way, but bringing Sheila to work is a matter of tradeoffs," Mrs. Lofgren said. "T here are six enclosed offices in the building and I have one of them. That allows me to do som, things others can't." Most county employees work in an "open office" where desks a r e separated only by small partitions. "My staff isn't babysitting," she said. "I can't afford to have them do it. They have work to do." Not everyone opposes Mrs. Lol1ren's actions. "I think what the lady II dolq is admirable," said Gordon Shellard, the count '1 nefit mana1er. )n~. comans 0 work when nobody expected her to." The lssue may be hammered out in a meeting wltb union repreeentaUvea. Mn. Lofsrm la meeUn1 with tbe Senice Employees IDternaUonal Union Local TU, wbicb bu lont uked the c<MllJ to provide child care for employees. The union'• cblel steward aaid ii tbe meetlq II unaaUafactory, muy worken would coulder brin1in1 tbtlr children to work in protest. In the meantime, Sheila had. the weekend off to play at home with her mother. Pickpockets said rampant, around Reno RENO (AP) -There's more than one way to lose your money in a gambling town. but police say more and more t~urists are falling prey to pickpockets. Capt. Charles Williams said within three weeks undercover agents have arrested 17 people on pickpocket charges. He said casinos are especially enticing to pic.ltpockets bec:ause some gamble rs carry large amounts of money, and people are packed together. While no statis tics are available on the number or tbelta in casinos, Capt. Richard Kirkland said the number ls "substantial." Many of the vlcUma believe nothing can be done and doo 't report the thefts to police, be added. Kirkland said police don't call " k ".because the y think the term s misleading. •'When the avera1e person heart the work 'pickpocket' they . think of wbat they see on televlaioo -aomeone who la quick ol band and proleaaional," be aid. "That b not what these people are." He aaid tbe avera1e "larceny from a penon" auspect In Reno "i• the type of thlet' wbo a1ao at.all luitcua and prowll lnto parted ftblcles. Photos by The Associated Press CHECKUP Marie Rader. 97. of Glen Ar bor. Mich .. sits as · Or Houghton cleans and examines her ears. Houghton makes rcf:!ular house c alls to the Rader household. TRAINING PARAMEDICS -A group of winter sports injuries and hypothermia in pa r amedics, volunteers for an upcoming Kingsley. Mich. Houghton is medical director cross-country ski race in Trave rse City. for the race. · Mieh7;-mten as ·Dr. Houghton lectures orr · ---- Auto registration crackdown planned LOS ANGELES <AP> -AutboriUea lnteDll to crack down on California driven who repter their can out of state to avo6d .,.)'int hither local fees, Department of Motor Vebiclea olftdu aay. Offlclala say the move mt1bt brln• an additional $3.3 million revenue. "CHP Will be the major c0ntrtbutor to the pro1rnn. By April 15, they wW be ln full awiq," said Carole Waggoner of the DMV. She said the department a1lo wouA4 take tlP9 from the public on pottnUal violaton. A four-month pilot procram belhm1nl ~ut .July in San Mateo, Santa Cat•, San Joecaula. CalaverH and Mono coantlH ln Nortb•n California added M28.m In l"tftll'* at a colt ol .$51,771. ·' l _..,_J ' . ------·-- .. 11 •ANN LANDERS •tERBCAEN •HOROSCOPE r .. • l. ~ Photo holi~y lle¥elops~rto live performance DEAR ANN LANDl!.RS: A while back you printed letters from amateur pboto1r•pbers who took pictures of their wives and girlfriends in the nude, Some women said they saw nothine wrong wlth lt, Many men thought it was a terrific hobby. My husband Freddy asked me how I felt about posing for him. I wasn't sure. He sold me on it by telling me what a great body I had, said he would develop the pictures himself and keep them for our own private viewing. Three weeks later two friends told me their husban48 ·had seen the nude pictures. Tht'Y were shocked and I was burned up. That night at dinner I tore into Freddy but good. He said he showed the pictures to the guys because he was proud of the way I looked -like an oil painting, beautiful art -no way could it be considered obscene. We argued for an hour. Saturday night Freddy's poker gang met at our house. Nine guys get together every other week in each other's homes to play. At midnight they have a deli. I had a few beers while I was putting the food on "PANESTAKING" EFFORT TO ENO -Paul Flannery bas ~ent the last 36 years· ''hanging around' Cleveland washing Ure windows of many of its downtown buildings. the platters. An idea hit me all of a auddm. 1 needed to prove my point. I waa weartac only a houaecoat and a pair ot 1old allppers at the time. I walked ·idto tbe dining room where the auys we{e playing and announced, "Here's a UWe art before supper, fellas . . . nothing obscene, just art." I opened my housecoat, posed like a model and just stood there. Freddy leaped out of bis chair, grabbed me by the arm, yanked me in the k,it.chen, yelling, "Are you CRAZY? Have you lost your mind? What do.)'OU mean by standing there in the buff ln front of all those guys like some poMJP queen?" I screamed back. "Since you're so proud of the pictures, why not show them the real thing?" The game broke up earlier than usu.al and Freddy hollered at me unW 4 a.m. I leave it to you, Arur.. Is there THAT much difference between pictures and a live model? Please settle it. -KNOB HILL, SAN FRANCISCO DEAR KNOB: I nev..er bought· ,,. ....... The 64-year-0ld Pittsburgh native will give up his unique view of the city when he retires this week. Aquarius to travel Thursday, March 11 ARIES (M arch 21 -April 19 >: Negotiations can be concluded : contract or agreement dominates scenario. Focus on s pecial clauses, options , ad d ed responsibility a nd chances for greater rewards. Relationship i~ strengthened. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Finish rather than initiate project Focus on long-range view. Task at hand may appear mental, but potential is greater tb~n mi~ht be anticipated. You'll be deahng with people who take initiative. GEMINI (May 21-June 20>: Emotional responses are emphasized -you get to heart of matters, you make new cc.ntacts and you could fall madly in love. Leo, Aquarius natives figure promin~ntly . Change of scene proves beneficial. CANCER (June 21-JUly 22): Emphasis on s ecurity , property, dome s tic environment and investments which could involve home improvements . Aquarius and another Cancer figure prominently. Long-range policies come into focus. -LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Spotlight on increased social activity. numerous ideas, short trips, visits connected with relatives. Personal horizons expand, popularity increases and you become aware of body ima~e. · VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): You team POTSHOTS ev ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT THE ,_....,..A...,..THER. YOU ARE FAOM HOME, THE &aGGER .AN AREA •woME" BECOMES. ~ I• ~-------------------- • HOIOSCOPI BY SIDNEY OMARA details connected with financial transaction . Focus on payments, collections, locating needed material and consolidation of assets. Reoraanization is taking place -be aware, alert and recognize need for review and revision. LIBRA <Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Aura of defeatism is replaced by optimism -you make s ignificant changes, valuable contacts and will be at right place at crucial moment. Member of opposite sex is drawn to you and makes no·secret of it. SCORPIO <Oct. 23-Nov. 21): What you have been seekina is handed you on proverbial silver platter. Emfbaais on luxury, diplomacy, restoration o harmony at home. Gift purchase will serve 1lS symbol of affection. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21> !"' Re lationship which bad been termin.ated will be reactivated. Emphasis on desire. renewed friendships and romance that accompanies .cland~stine ~-Terqi1 will be clarified, you'll leani ~rence between fact-8Dd illusion. • ' • CAPRICORN (Dec. 22·Jan. 19): Spotl(gbt on prestige, honor, partlcipatio11 in community activities and Uloelation with one who can ald ta falfJtUaa am bit.ions. Tradition and law are .-rt-of scenario -~lay sense of ~ponsll>Wty. AQUAalUS (Jan . 20-Peb. 18): .LJU)1-ra~~"Y is necesaary · some__ fr1ends 1 associates are definitely shorts\gbted . Focus on travel, ,lepl polic~s. pubUl!bing ofportu~ttiea and commupication. You'l be relieved of udhec.tJCY burden. P18CE8" <Feb. 19-March an : Scenario hlghlllbts money and love. Protect Mlf in emotional clincbe1. Refuse to 1tve up sometblnl of value in return for mere. romantic wblspen. You'll make new ltart and you could meet a · creative, ncWnc member of otJPOBite sex. l••e·,..._I a1 a hobby, a.. yoa.r Uve terfonaaace wa1 tM pita, lbi. How many IMtert did Y08 baye la tM kitelM!tlf Now that yoa,ve ••cceeded In ,....... Freddy. keep yom tlodae• on except wt.ea yea take a llaower or get ready few bed. \ DEAR ANN LANDERS: My husband and I doo't know what to make of this. Pleue· help. Last March our 23-year-old dauahter married a nice young man, Georae. He didn't have any money, but he bad a good job and a bright future. We have a big house and encouraged them to live with us for the first year so they could save a little and get on their feet. · Our daughter worked part-time, spent every dime she made and borrowed money from her father. She nagged George constantly about unimportant things and made belittling remarks in our presence. He never answered her back. Shortly before their first wedding anniversary, George announced he was going to his brother's in Ohio for a week to "think about a lot of thinp." This morning our daughter received. 'a telegram saying he wanted a divorce - "for health reasons." We wonder U Georse might have come down with some ten1.~le illness . What do you t hink ? - BEWILDERED IN OREGON DEAR B: I think George ls sick of her. Confused about what'& righl and wlaal'1 wrong in today'a "new morality"? You're not alone. I f you want honeat , down-to-earlh informatU:m on your sex questionl, read ~rin Landers' new booklet. .. High School Sn and How to Deal With It -A Guide for Teeu aN1 Their Parents." Send 50 cents plua a long, stamped, self -addreued envelope to Ann Landers, P.O. Box 11995, Chicago, JU. 60611. His pen mighty clever EVERYBODY'S A comic these days : Now we're at Mr. Gosling's fifth grade class at St. Helens Elementary, where he asked for compositions on the ~merican Pilgrims. Wrote .Kyle Shuh, age 10: "The pilgrims landed in Plymouth. They thought this was a good place to build a colony becau se there wa s miles of standish" ... And on the Bay Bridge, Don McDaniel asked to buy a book •nd the toll collector smirked, ''Of course -do you prefer Nancy Drew or the Hardy Boys?" ~ HERB MEN OUR MAN IN SAN FRANCISCO . . PRESSING ON: Columnist-Editor Warren Hinckle, en route from The Saloon on Grant St. to Cookie Picetti's on Kearny for some deep mvest~ative drinking, was belted by "a crazy drunk" outside the Tosca on Columbus and rendered unconscious. He came to at St. Francis Hospital, where his mouth was stitched, but not permanently. His good eye now is black as the patch on the other, he has been reduced to sipping Irish whiskey through a straw. Warren is one of our most valuable and colorful characters. and such attacks on his portly person are to be deplored. ADD INFINITEMS: Architect John Carl Warnecke and Mexico's famed Mario Pani <designer of Satellite City and University City> are gettine together to build a city around a bay as big as San · Diego's, on the West Coast of -Baja. "If we want to get San Franciscans down there," chuckles Warnecke, "we may have · j(> change the name . They might not want 1o spend the winter at San Quentin," that being the bay's name. . . Suppose you were wheeled into a}l .,. ope rating room and found yourself in the hands of the .. Macho-Raper Trauma Team"? That. Nurse Scarlett O'Hara informs me, was the billing at S.F. General when Dr. Jim Macho and Dr . Steve Raptr were on duty. Let's hear it for these guj&, fans! ADD SJGllTEMS: The '59 Mercedes newly painted in the colors and general shape of a 49er helmet belongs to Nick Andros, who owns Gino's in the financial district. A SOth birthday gift from his wife. Lorraine ... ,..,,,, .. ,e<t P..HIL. INTERLANOI _of 4Qu~~CO• Spotted by Ann Fibusb : Leland Prussia, board ebairman of Bank of America, anxiously studying the directory in the Wells Fargo lobby on Montgomery. He is not thought to be job-hunting ... Actor ·Harrison Ford, wearing hi s Indiana Jones hat from "Rajders of the Lost Ark,'' lunched at Jovanelo's , where Owner Neil Piccinini, a hat freak, went crazy to good effect. Guess who now owns Indiana Jones' hat. IT'S TRUE. Namephre.akism causes backaches, dizziness and nausea, so we won 't tell you that UCLA's ·Booth Foundation Program in Child Developm~nt is headed by Dean John Goddlad. Almost a 10-pointer, though. GOif ii 011 lllDGf BY CHARLES H. GOREN ANO OMAR SHARIF Bot.Ii vulnera~ South deala. NORTH •AQ7 <::>KJ4 0 J75 ·•AUZ WEST EAST •SU •&HOU <::> IOt <::>QIU! 0 1014! 0 Qt •tone •' SOUTH .,, <::>AU o AltU •&QU The bidding: ._. WMt N_.. EMt INT P .. INT P .. P .. P .. Openi•• lead: Six of •. Some 4-11 DOtbiq .... , to So risbL S.t doe'& rail -•'•A·tbe f.at.ee -It mfsht be you. and not LaclJ Luek, wbo'a to bla.me. South opeaed oDt llO trump deaplte hS. weak doubletoo epade ~ .. bt t.tt tut bt wo.w ..... too .... , problem.a deecriW., b1a baDd If ... tleded to .. OM of I aal8or llllL N.-dl ....... &Mt Ille ..... llOt ....... "1 .... ~·· ........ !'I~ ... .. llat and lacked intermediate card&. Declarer wu ao dauled by the array of high card• \hat appeared in dummy that he hardly gave the play any thousht. He won the dub lead in hand and led toward the diamond jack. Eaat won. the queen and returned the ault. Declarer t.e1ted the dlamoada and dlaeovered that tbe ault wu not brealt- lq. Next be tried the heart tine .... Eut won the queen and exited with ,. heart. Ded&Nr won the ace and ttled tbe apade fin .... , but that. too. failed. Declarer waa atill not done. If dubs were 3-2, be would atill have nine trickl. Since that wu DOt tht c:ue, dedarer ended up dowa one. Wt would be more dw~· the first club trick! U East haa a club to return, declarer can 1till fall back· on all of hia other chances. However, if Eut had indeed atarted with a singleton club, he would be end played and be forced to present South with hia ninth •p trick. Even the correct technical play in diamond• would have given South his contract. If he cashes one dltmond boaor before leadinr' to the jadl. Eaat will have to retura I major auit when he wlnt the ~ queen of diamond• ~ npt into the jawa of dummy'a tenacet. ed to 11mpatblse wttr--..... _.. South'• c:rie1 of woe wert it not for the fact that the eon· t.raet 1hould have b'een made ""~ele ... Wfft.'a lead 1troa1l1 au11e1ttd t.hat dube were aot roflll to bnak. to declarer ahovld ha•• Ii•.. up oa an utn trick ID tbat 1uit iD ta*"P for u enra ehuce lor tlM eomnet. Set wlla& UppeDl If ................. Jane Fonda's 'message movies' gaining favor . •1rasDYAGU ........... NIW YORK 1-· "lllovt• 1bould help people confront reality, DOt escape from 1C," H)'I JmM 'Food&, "and tbat'I t.. criteria with wblch I now cbooM my films." ..JA &M Hollywood 1y1tem ol makln1 movlta tbat make money, "controntln1 reality" uaed to translate lnto •' meuqe movl•" and that often waa met with the old ada1e; "If you want to aend a meua1e. use Westem ~on." But, Jane Fonda's production company, I.P .C. Pictures, run .bJ. her producer partner Bruce 'Gllbert, has tried to prove that I5f.UsUc movies with a meaaage t«C tum a mighty fine profit, 1.P.C.'s first three films, "Comin1 Home," which dealt with the Vietnam War, "The tlbina Syndrome," about the safety of nuclear plants, and t~ine, to Five," about sex • crimlnation in the office, ve all been s ubstantial meneymakers. 'T. P .C. 's latest releases, .:'Rollover" and "On Golden ~nd," are doing respectable b°Uliness. AccontJ.na to Ill. Fooda, "On Golden Pond" ll a Ill\ to her atlln1 father, actor Henry Fonda, who ftaa beea hoapita111ed, unable to attend the premiere of the first rum be ever made with hla dau1hter. ·' l WQ 'tery oervoua about wor1dq with my father," aays Ma. Fonda. "I wanted 10 much to be up to bi.I expectations . • • W1tcbin1 myself was funny ," she adda. ''It waa like I I .ast season for 'MASH?' LOS ANGELES (AP> ··MASH,'' the high-rated, award-winning television comedy set in the Korean W1.1\ will return for an abbreviated 11th season, studio sources have said. The official announcement has not been released, but cast ·memb e rs 'of the 20th Century-Fox Tet~yision series have been told to expect an 11th season , a bbreviated and c ulminating in a two·b9ur movie. • hadn't worked for ZS yean, didn 't have two Academy Awarda . I waa Jut\ an appnnUee actre11 wbo waa 1 acared to deatb." Althoueb there were 1everal dlfferencea between the cbaracters in tbe film ud ID real Jlft, there w11 eaoHh slmllartty ln the emoUona to 1lve the fllm what director Nan Rydell called a "ma1tcal" quality. •·Jane wanted to UM the tum as a way to en1a1e her father wllh whom she felt some distance," says Rydell. For the 44-year-old actreaa, lt was aho an opportunity to learn somethlnl from her father about the act.ina craft. "Sometimes my dad doesn't look like he's acUn1," she recalls. "He seema so natural. Watching him l"#Ork, I realiud the tremendous unconscious technique be bas.•; •'I also learped bow to be humble," she adds . "Dad doesn't behave like a movie star on the set. He never makes any demands. He waits in line for bis food like anyone else. He knows his lines. He's on time. It was a les'Son to watch." ~~~~---:===========================================-===; i!· 11 • ,, Diane Keaton In I SHOOT THE llOOll (It) 2: 10 4:40 • 7 :10&9:40 ' 'tt • ~:_wL~;:nc,~11 --llG IPGI 12:45 3:05 5:30 7 :60 10:10 m,._.Nan*- ar~OF 2:oc;"4:3o \ I 3;ilAHi!' ~~"1.:;;r&:'ominee l~~~~ RevolMtio~y Cine-Fi So11nd v....,.,..'*",-.--o" .... ~~·"04# ................. _ ._. ................... ........ ..,......,_.. .. c::c:::'l'et~ Osti~v EVIL~R ntE-IPG I 011 inentel Divide IPGI M9rlel Hemin!IW_•Y PElllOllAL 8EST IR I PlusCo·Hit Urben Cowboy IPGI The Terror Begin1 GllEAT....-r£ IPGI Plus Ce>-Hit The I.tend IA) Ori,,..lne °"""' 1:30 NIGHTLY C#llZHA THI WORl.D'S #IWIST, l.ATl$1, TOTAt n UP TO THI •l#UTI, t:lf#Z. Wl'RI BllllR, THAT'S WHAT. Under12fREIUnlellNoted '"iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;-~~~~~~~~~~~ ~=====~·· MOVIE RATlllGS FOR MRBnS AND YOUNG PEOPLE Quicker. Fresher. ~minute segments give you the news· .> . 0r.,.e Oout DAJLY PILOT/Wednelday, Mareh 10, 1982 * IARQAIN MATIN•••• Mond•Y ttlrv l1turd1y All Perlormance1 before 5:00 PM (Ex°"' ljlldll Enpt1111tnt1 11141 Holld1y1) - • M W.A.l •Jl> ._._. I Mllooo ot lotec1on• lA MIRADA WAl k IN 994·2400 .. PE .. SONAL aesr· 11111 ............. - ·---.. CMlttOTI Of< fllllE .. -·---uo.- l.AKEWOOD C FNTEQ WALK IN u----"ON OOlOVC .-oNO" -•a: ....... -,. ......... ''TMIY A.LL LAUOHED" -. .,. ........... ~ LAKEWOOD CENTUl SOUTH W jllll ... • ''>CN • ---"DEATH WISH II"' 111 1~1e::• "'THEY ALL LAUGHED" IHI J tl':te.a:•. 1-.., 1 ''· ·~ "'VICE IOUAD .. 11'1 .. ~. l:llt•!ll.•--· ....... .,. foc11ttv ot Conolewooo 211/IJ1·9110 '"MISSINQ" CHI ta=a. ... 1: ......... . ""l!DS"-11:11 .... 1::11 "MAKING LOVI!"' flll ..,., .... ,._. ... ~ ... -.... _.,,.,, t:1i,-. Ut. •-aa~....._..,.,. __ .,. __ ··c...,_IOTS OF Fifi!"" _... '""-""-"''' so . COAST WALl<·IN So111t1 Coott Hlwoy ot lfoochroy 494-1514 ··THEY ALL LAUOHl!D'" -......,..,.,,, ... ........ a::a.••••.~· -.... , ... , -9:115 ,_,, ... ;()C)\-•St..,_9:415 IMPOATHT •OTICl! CMllO"H U•DH 12 f"U! MllMt -...... -IM• '" 15:30 • S.. $... Nth4:30 ,,. ~ S11U11D • l'OUll Ml CM IWllO IS l'Gllll Sl'lMlll 111 llO Ml CM IWllO MTll GllDI ~ '°"1"0I ...... ,. ,.,... ,.llU Clllf.ll IMIMIS .... "" 111111111 ..... ,. ~ ..,, ANAHEIM DR1VI IN ·-"°''-'"°"" --· "~ATH WISH 11·· 111 "-119 ••Tffl! 8URNINO" flll IJ9•fll0 CtNE fl SOUND ~~~..:-..~~~~~-....~~- 1. ··DOCTOft IUTCHI!" M,D," 1111 2. ··SCALH.L"' flll 3. ··!ftMll! CHER"I'" lfll CIM JI - -p..,,, "A.'11 emNA PAR K 0 111vt 1N L11>eott1 11 ... Weit ot cnon 121·4070 ··n. AMA nu .. ·· 11111 • -"°"EU TO lllLL" 1111 Cllll·RSOUllO --··--''CtMIST'IANe , :· "' -'"a.A~·· ... C..·l'I IOUllO A '.l .. • £ LA HABRA f1111 v1 •N "THEY ALL LAUOHEO" --··SEEMS LIKE OLD TJMES" - C>Mtl<~ -----,-.. .._-"V1CI! SQUAD'" 111 -"'KA"DCO"E" 11111 "'EVIL UNDER THE SUN" -.... "CONTINENTAL DIVIDE"'"' Coif n 50UHO e.otll...,., So Of Gortlell G<o.t k-. 191·3693 ••0£ATH WllH II'" 1111 -"THE BU .. NINO" I'll Clllt "SOUND t . "DOCTC)f; BUTCHI!" M.0 ... f111 2. "SCALHL"111 S. "HUfllE CH£ .... I .. flll CM fl 10U110 ··11111S1NO"'--.. ~sun' Of' D.I . COOHA" -____ ..... _ ·-- 11Ml62 --- • a •4 • , 0'1ANG E OlllV f ·~ ,• •• .l. ~ ....... MISSION 0 11 1Vf IN Sonia Ano ,,.... a s101e C01 .... 551·7022 . . •1lfe AMAnU"" 111 -"'°"l!U TO KILL" 1111 . . .._, .. __ .. ON ~DeN ltOND"' --~·nt1 l!UC'lltlC "°" ........ - • ' •• A. WA'lNER 0111vf 1~ ---AU.-11..llAatO 9'0MCO -IL..,....Mt-.DO CO-STARS Jane &rnd Henry Fonda merged their respective careers In "On Golden Pond" and both are up for Oscars. 1,_ . ;,?-;_;;;r:. ;;m2)ibur way. ~ · WW MewonChanne13. ~. MLAOEI MllllTTID tl--l e.1.1111-~2 (ll}~ietll!lJ>-----------~P'-Ck.I_ ... ......,: ,_ --_________ i I MaTAIClSD I u-11...,...--~· ,..,_t0tlldult~ I t· ~am MO•~-ct,.. '"'~ Ol-T'41 MOTION ~Niii' CODI 011111...,..-l'Qt 847-3707 Call Today! I 0 p 0 • 0 E • I ... Orange COMt DAILY PILOT /Wedneeday, M.roh 10, 1M2 aYTOMTrnJI ............ . au • ....,.. at South Cout ~ bu ~ bMla a notable oecMioD, wttb IDOlt ot tbe Colta ..... compuy'I ellbt pnvioul ....... blto tb• Bard'• worb lnt.rpnted wttb clartty &Dd aeal. Now comee "ff•nry JV, Part !t'~ &Dd OM muat lllartren ·beek to the yet·memoraDMt "Otbello" ot 1te5 ln the t1D)' Second 9'ep Tbeater to draw •cnnparilom ln term1 of power and vitality. Wltb _________ tb• added technlcal '1m11111111;::.~~:i t~~:i~!:ion: no~ the Fourth Step ____ _.. ___ _.. howplace, SCR''1 "He nry IV " ls a ma1nlllcent 1pecimen of clualcal theater. The play lllelf la one ot Shakespeare's m<»t 1tral1htforward. Conaplcuoua by thelr welcome near-a bsence are the labyrintblan plot contrivances and often-lrrltatlna rbYmlnl coupleta which characterise much of b1a won . "Henry IV" focuses on political deception in early 15th centw-y Enlland which leads to aavaie c06fllct. It la here that director John Alllson's producUon la particularly lmpreaalve. The battlefield scenes at the play'a cllmu are rivetln1 ln thelr terrifying impact, and the scent of 1unpowder Un1ers in the nostrils at the final tableau. Yet, sandwiched in amid the grim intensity of internal strife are liberal doses of humor, most supplied by the emJnent clown Sir John Falstall, carouaiQa comrade of the YOUDI Prince Hal, heir to the Enclish throne. Through Falstaff, we perceive the virtue of enlightened cowardice in bis classic ~IP.ltiwar statement, "The better part of valor isf6cretion." The relationship betw~ the young prince and the old reprobate was an inspired fictionalization to offer Shakespeare's audiences a character through whom his lower-class audiences could view historical drama. It is superbly portrayed at Fuzzy maybe top stage cat DENVER (AP> -If a1J goes well, they're gonna make Fuuy a star. If it doesn't, there are always Mr.Boots and Dally. The trio, aJong with another feline named Kansas, were selected as star and understudies for "Colette," a new musica1, based on the life of the famous tum-of-the-century French novelist. The show, which stars British actresa Diana Rigg, opens a pre-Broadway encacement here Wednesday. Its original tabby wu ft.fed in Seattle after biting Ms. Rigg, best-known for ber appearances on the television series, "Tbe Avenger." Eight-year-old Fuzzy won out because of her apparent lack of ambition and becl!luse she was declawed. Some of the aspirants snarled and scratched. Another fell asleep. Fuuy's forte was cowering on the casting table as soon as owner Linda Walker took the animal out of a paper sack. "I'm afraid she thinks she's at the vet's," said Ms. Walker. O&ca.r Fever rule8 1) All entries must be on an om cial blank clipped rrom the Daily Pilot. No photocopies or hand-drawn entry blanks will be accepted. 2) Individuals may enter as many times as they like. 3> Entries must be postmarked no later than March 21. 1982. 4) Daily Pilot employees and members or their immediate families are not eligible to enter. ~ .' S) Selections must be m11de in each category. Incomplete entries will not be accepted. I I ~ Oscar Fever 0 FFICIAL BALLOT BEST PIC'TURE O A ti •ntlc City O Chariots of Fire O On Golden Porld O Raiden of the Lost Ark O Reds BEST ACTOR O Warrttn Be•tty 0 Henry Fond• O Burt Lane.star O Dudley Moon O Paul Newm•n • SUPPORTING AM'OR O J•mesCoco O JoM Glelgud O len Holm 0 Jeck Nk hol_, O Howard E. Aotlln1 Jr. BEST DIRECTOR 0 Warren Beatty O Hugh Hudson 0 Louis Mlllle 0 Mark Rydell 0 Steven Spielberg BEST ACTRESS O Katharine Hepburn 0 Diane Keaton O Marsha Miison 0 SuHn SlrandOn O Meryl Streeo SUPPORTING ACTRESS 0 MellllCM Diiion O J•M Fonda O Jo.n Hackett O Ellrebettl McGo¥9m 0 Meur"n St19leton ORIGINAL SONG O Best lllet You Cen Do O Endless Lo~ 0 The Flrlt Time In Happens 0 For YOIK EV" only 0 one Mot-. How Deadllae Mkbllpt Marc:ll rt; 1182 OSCAR l"l:VJ:R II SPONIORl:D BY THI! ..., .... PRIZIS PRESENTED BV Tiie Gralld Dluer TlnH~r I ~AWi~--------------------------~ AOD8 .. -------------:---------------~ CTTV------"'-----------PHOffa~~~~- .......... ~~ ... A ............. , I rt,.._.. ... ~ ............ ,_.,, ~J· .i:---, T-........ _.._ tf ~-~ .... _-. .,._ L.9~~--C... ......... ~ ........................ ,, .... .............. ............. .. .. -.,....,, *T-c..-rDrtw.,c .... .._ ... _ , .. ,.., .... T ... CAn llr.1-.i ............ .,, ............................... ,...._HNI .. n.ce ............................................. o.-tlC...... =1( ...... 1 .............................. Qewtil ...... It v ., ...• , .•............................... ~.,.. N4-WU._...,, ......................................... ~--T ........ ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• : •••• , ......... ~ ·~~ ................................. H,.,...._ ........................................................ ._ .................................. : .................... MJl:.Tlldlt ::~::·:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~== 1..-Y ~ ................................................... "9119 i..MIJ ~ •••••.•••••• ' ••••••••••.•.•.•.•.••• ' • .....,._...._. iletf ............................................. .1-.o.-t1 l(Mtff .., ................................................ ,...,. ... ey MJtt•-Oull:•tv ................................ ~ ... ...._. "rlnea ,,...., ..................................... 9rt• •- SCR by 1bomu Hill u Fa.Lala.ff, callint on a * r eservoir of Interpretive talent and pure OPENING -Arrlvln1 on sca·a Second Staie burlesque "schtick," and David Cbemel u Prince tonl1bt for a three-week nm la Athol l"\alard'a Hal, balancinc a natural freewbeelin1 fiair tor fun "The Blood Knot," a 1toey ot two South Ahican against the overrldJn1 reaponaibWty toward his brothers, one black and the otber lilhl·*1nned . father, the play'a tiUe character. · · . Martin Benson dJreda the play, whlcb alan David Darlow aa Hotapur, Ute leader of the Sydney Hibbert and Tom Bower and runa m,btly insurrection who faces the youna prince one on one except Mondays tbroutb March 21 with cwtabl at in mortal combat, brin11 an inlenaity tempered 8:30 1\seadays tbrou1h Saturdays, 8 p.m. Sundays with humanity to his role. Wayne Grace endows. and 3 p.m. on weekend matineet ... call 957-4033 bis King Henry with determination mixed with for tickets . . . guilt ove.r having usurped the throne bi?-;/ "Ladies in Retirement," a suspense drama, Hugh Re illy emanates ominous powe as opens Thursday at the San Clemente Community Hotspur's duplicitous uncle. Theater. 302 Ave. Cabrillo. San Clemente ... The bawdy, brawllne tavern folk are Mieque Weinstein dJrecta tbe play, which features hilariously enacted by Ron Boussom, Don Tuche Neva Jones, Ltnda Oswald, Diane Delawrak, and Ma rtha McFarland Call lon1lime SCR Colleen Goedhart, Douglas Hartman, Joyce regulars) and Nathan Adler. Kay E. Kuter as the Hanson, Omah Parker and Pat Oswald ... Welsh rebel Glendower looks and acts like a comic performances are Fridays and Saturdays at 8, book villain, wild-eyed and hair askew. Sundays at 2, through April 4, with reservatio.n.s Members of the kin's court· are given fine available at 492-0465 ... REDWOOD 2 X 6 -36 LIN FT. 775-1491 Antique Show 16808 S. HAlilBOR DECKING A TRUE STORY. • • • m1SSltlg. c .. , ....... .,, ... , OOftlttft C~Tlfi ODD COUPLE -Thomas Hill <left ) as Falstaff regales his young friend Prince Hal (David Chemel) in a scene from "Henry IV, Part I" at South Coast Repertory. C.11142-5671. Put • few word• to work for ou. ORANG~ COAST C>U.EOE TH!ATAE TOURS - DESERT SONG Al l.Jmg 8111cl1 Clore Ughl Opn-11 WEDNESDAY, MAR. 17 1. TICKETS: $15. Inc. Trans. Info Nln·MC -556-5527 I • CA TUllNG • coon AILS TO OfHHER. ~ICS • OFFU PAATIE8 • cv.MeAKH • OIVIHO Ol'EHtHGS • MDOIHOS • 8HOMR8 • IAF lolfTZVAHS SERVING ALL OF CALIFORNIA AFFAIRS UNLIMITED DAH MAICHIAMO 17141 Ul~fl Consul! us before y()Ur next affair Thru April 11, 1982 tvlL UMDfR Tttf.SJM OOl-"00--~ Q(.IVC(~QooO -a ~r~o -~'°'~°' c«1111--tlft~1MC; Shrimp & Fish Special •2.99 I WltlJa ·. competitor .•. how close can yot1 get ? .Magic - It's a treat that's worth the trip! Four big Gulf shrimp, our crispy fish fillet, plus fryes, slaw & hushpuppies! Shrimply delicious! THE EITERTAINEIS ''Between ROck ... and a Soft place." I 1, OrMge Cou1 DAILY PILOTIWedneeday, Mtreh 10, 1182 --Magee · a shoo-iii UCl'S All-AMERICAN -Kevin Magee, who has led UC Irvine to a 39-16 record in two years, has been named fir st team All-America by Associated Press for the Dlll9Y ..... ~..,e-y ...... second year in a row. Magee, as he was last year, is among the national le;tders in scoring. (25.4), shooting (.638 percentage > and rebounding (12.4). Lakers do it without the big guy Jabbar kicked out, but K_ansas City still no match INGLEWOOD (AP ) -Karee m Abdul- Jabbar wasn't around to contribute in the final 13:~ of play, but that didn't prevent the Los Angeles Lakers from snapping their three-game losing streak. Abdul-Jabbar drew a pair of technical fouls 13 seconds apart late in the third quarter of the Lakers' 105-99 National Basketball Association victory over the Kansas City Kings Tuesday night. "I TllIN'K THE GAME got out of band," said Los Angeles Coach Pat Riley, who was also hit with a technical foul. "He gets called for picky ouls . .!!... Abdul-Jabbar had to be restrained by four of his teammates after receiving his second technical, which calls for automatic ejection, with 1: 56 remaining in the third period. The Los Angeles center threw his goggles, prompting the second technical. "This was a passionate game," said Riley. "We came ready to pJay. Our guys were stung by the three-game losing streak." The Kings bad a different point of view as far as the officiating of Ed Middleton and Joe Crawford was concerned. "I did not get a chance to get rough because Kareem was getting bis way," said Kansas City center Steve Johnson. "If the referees won't let you put your body on him, he'll go for 50 points every night." Kansas Cit y Coach Cotton Fitzsimmons agreed. "Even though be (Abdul-Jabbar) cot two (technical fouls), everything went their way," be said. ''Let's face it, they got everything." Earvin "Magic" Johnson Jed the Lakers with 27 points and nine rebounds. Johnson scored 14 of bis points in the third quarter when Los Angeles, 42-20, went ahead to stay. "Magic was superb," said Riley. "He made big play after bie play. Once they got close it became a war." Jamaal Wilkes and Norm Nixon added 18 and 17 poiD'ts, respectively. for Los Angeles. Abdul-Jabbar had 16 points before being ejected. Kurt Rambis contributed 10 points and a game-high 12 rebounds for the Lakers, who outrebounded the Kings 49-35. THE I.AKERS LED MOSI' of the way. They held a 10-point lead late in the second' quarter before the Kings tallied the fmal eight points before halftime to narrow the gap to two points, 51-49. Kansas City scored the first four points of the third period to lake a 53-51 lead, but shortly later, the Lakers rattled off 13 straight points to grab a 70-57 advantage. Aft.er falling behind 70-57, the Kings narrowed the gap to 77-71 late in the third quarter, but Loa Angeles tallied the next five points to go ahead by 11. Kansas City didn't threaten seriously in the fourth quarter . Mike Woodson and Phil Ford led a balanced attack for Kansas City, which fell to 21""2, with 14 points each. Erni~,GrUnteld added 12 point.I for the Kings. Reserve ~enny Dennard pulled down a 1 team-leading 11 rebounds fw the losen . UC lrvine star.a two~time .All-American I B.tt~OBN ISVANO .............. Budly OM Ytar ato toda1, tbe bUketball wrlttra of America made a 1tartltn1 an~ouncement wben tbey named UC lrvlne'• Kevin ...... to Aalociated Prell' All·Amtrica ftnt team. Tbil' afternooa, tboee same writ.en made the 111ne ldlntieal announcemtllt, ODI)' tbla Um• It came u DO aurprile. Mape, for tbe aeeond )'eat lD a row, bu been boftor9d u an AU-American. JolniDt the 1.a, 221-pound postman on the first squad are Vlrtlnia'a Ralph SamP.•OD, DePaul'• Terry Cummtnca. Geor1etown a Eric Floyd and San Francileo'• Quintin Dalley. The only other Weit Coast Player to make any of the three teams la Oretoo State senior Lester Conner. Amooa the honorable mentions: USC's Dwicht Anderson, Pepperdlne'1 Boot Bond, UCLA's Kenny Fields, Fresno State's Rod JDccim. and UCLA '• Mike Sanders. llAGEE'S STATISTICS are almost a mirrored renection of last year's. In 1980-81, his numbers read: 27.3 averace (ranking him third in the natio~)J_ 67.l from the field (second ) and 12.5 reboUD011 a game (fourth). Tb1a year they're 25.4 (ranking him third), 63.8 (fourth) and 12.4 (fifth), reapec~~r~k. "I it's amuing his stats are almost the same as last year," says UCI Coach Bill MulU,an. "He's been able to do that and yet he's t>een double-teamed almost every game lhia year. "Last year be had single coverage until the (PCAA) tournament. This year he's been doubled about 20 games (out of 28). In that respect I think he's improved becauae of the defenses he's seen." Magee, unlik~ last year, wasn't s&irprised by his-selection -but he was jwit as appreciative. "TIDS IS A GREAT achievement in makJJi&i it for the second year in a row," says Magee modestly. "It wasa't one of my goals, but I figured if I played good, and we won, I'd be on it again because of last year. "I had a pretty good year," he adds. "We won more games than any other team ever did at UCI.", Magee admits that the pr-essure this season was enormous, and be was surprised be was able to keep up with bis numbers of last season. "The pressure was tremendous," be says. "With everybody always trying to double or triple-team me it was bard to keep my composure. In that respect, it's been a really rough year. All I tried to do was maintain control and get through the year. I think I dld that." Mulligan laughs when uked what be thought of Magee the first time be met him four years ago. "I 11IOUGBT HE WAS A lllG, fat guy who would never get in shape," saya Mulllcan, who . was then bead coach at Saddleback College. "He picked the right school, tboueh. because we gave AEADtNO ALL ABOUT IT -UC Irvine's Kevin Magee takes a moment to read about his selection last year to Associated Press' him the ball. You rarely 1et a player like that and it would h•ve been a sin to have a player like Macee and not 10 to him." 111 think what turned lt ·arouncs (or me wu the • confidence coach showed when 1 didn't have any confidence in myself," says the aenlor, who vla.ited three other colleges before aettl.iDC on Saddleback (and eventually UC lrvioe). ''With that confidence, J started bellevln1 1 could do aome of those tbinta." Associated Press joins a 1001 lilt of 1rouP1 who have honored Magee recenUy. He waa a first-team selection M the United States Basketball Writers Association, and a second-team choice by Basketball Weekly, United Pre11 International and Sporting News. He wu also •· nam ed All-PCAA and was picked as the conference's Player of the Year. M.L TIDS, AND MAGEE SAYS there were still some goals unfulfilled. "Winning the conference and going to the NCAA's, J wanted to do that before I ended my career, but that didn't happen," be says. "Now I would like to go in the first round of the NBA draft and win the NIT tournament. Those are the lut two goals I have." As for the jump from college to the pros, Magee says he's ready to handle it. "I guess everybody has got to prove himself," he says, "no matter what kind of player be wu in college. · I won't be nervous, l'U just go out there and do whatever the coach tells me to do. In college I had to do everything. In the pros I'll prebably have a role. Whatever it is, I'm willing to do it. All . I want to do is win." . Flrst Team Player, school Ralph Sampson, Virginia Kevla Magee, UC lrville Terry Cummings, DePaul Eric Floyd, Georgetown Quintin Daily, San Francisco SeeOlld Team Keith Lee, Memphis State Dale Ellis, Tennessee James Worthy, North Carolina Les'ter Conner. Oregon State Terry Teagle, Baylor Tlllrd Team t>ominque Wilkins, Georgia PaulPressney,Tulsa Ricky Frazier, Missouri Ricky Pierce, Rice Dan Callandrillo, Set.on Hall Ht. CL 7-4 Jr. 1-1 Sr. 6·9 Jr. 6·3 Sr. 6-3 Jr. 6-10 Fr. 6·7 Jr. 6-9 Jr. 6'"' Sr. 6·5 Sr. 6-7 Jr. 6·5 Sr. 6-6 Sr. 6·5 Sr. 6-2 Sr. ..., ............ ..,,, ..... All-American first team. The same honor was awarded to him by the basketball writers across the country today. Nie ho lls makes scoring debut DENVER (AP) -Rookie Bernie Nl~bolls was not used to beint left out ol the 1tatiat1c1 in the American Hockey Leaiue, a6 be naturally fell his ' first major-league goals weTe slow in comJne. . Will owners become minority stockholders? But Nicholls bad to be satisfied wben be got on the scoreboard Tuesday DiCbt. nine eames after NF,L players using Carbo-Palermo type muscle in seeking partnership • bis National Hockey Leap debut. Wa two goab were the only ones aeond u the Loe AngeJea : Kings blanked the Colorado Rockies 2-0. , "Earlier I bad some other cbances, but I just : didn't put it in the net," NicboUa said. "TOGltbt I • eot a couple and burled them. After 1evm or ei1bt tames .1 wu due. It wu about Ume. Tbat wu the longest I've ever been without \COrlnl. : "I BAD TO GET THAT ftlt8T ONE. Now • they should come eoier." • Nicbolll, wbo WU •the ludlq seorer (41) ln ! the· AHL with New Haven btlore beiDa called up, , opened t.be llCOl'lnt on a 1bort,banded toa1 after • 5: 35 and tben came back lea than two m.lautn : tater with a illui t libot ft'Om the rliht 11Cfi.-- ; · Loa An1elel Coach Don Perry bad apedal •praise for .,.Ue Mario Lelaard, who entered tbe • 1ame witb a 4.5'7 toala·ailllmt a .. ra1e, but : stopped all 11 abota t&e Bottiel threw at blm'. , Leaaard'a ftnt abutaut ol the MUClll WU helped ' four times when Co&or9do'• abot bJt the post. ~ "Ilario bad a peat pme.'' Perry said, "and lt'1 bem a 1oGs time llnee be bad a will. TIM ,..aJtJ kill.-. did Jult I INat Job too." Loi. ~ tamed back tbe RoekMI oe ab power plQa. TIM~ w• aa baportut cme lor LA, wllMb bM bwl lta,_ jaat U..t cl c.IDl'lldo lD .... ,.. for t.IM ...... ,.. IDOt la t.IM lmrtlM Dlftllaa.. • In the earlier and more storied days of pugiliam, the owner of a box fithter obtained a partner in a rather unique manner. Representatives of aucb f\rma u tboee of Frankie Carbo and Bllnltey Palermo almply walked in and told the fi&ht manager be bad just assigned 50 percent of his warrior. Thia was generally an offer a guy could hardly ref\ate lest he found himself enteriq t.be water weartn1 a ceDlentovercoat. , The ftpt game, presumably, bu entered a more di.pifted era and there Is far less riolence and boltilit.Y -in and out of the rm,. ANYWAY, YOU NOTE IOIDe 1hnllartty to tbe old system in tb1I day and 81• ol prolellional football. Tbe ownen of tbe NaUoaal Football Leasue are aereamlnt bloody muder that the NFL playen auociat.ioe Is •PDbina aometbitll renmbllna muaele lD •klnl tO l*olDe a partner ln the overall operation ~the puttme. No pl.ken, the playen ba.. uked for 55 percent of the 1ro11 rHenue whicb would immediately reduce tile O'Wllen to minority •tockbohlln. . Tbe Nn.. pl'Opl'teton, of coune, are relactaat to eedlNw _, Maela arr• ... wt. la fact. UM o'Wllen are~ adamaat abollt Ma ......... and Indicate tlaat U.. matter ol tile f~f91'1 partlc9'"n1mU...praftta11 aot enm ............. fl! t s ??''CD 'S one rt n , SPORTS COLUMNIST BUD TUCKER It lbould be noted in paa•int that tbe players are interested only in tbe IJ'Olll revenue and prollt.1. They are not la tbe leut interested ln partldpa~ lD any loaaea. TBS aaVBNV• IBAalNG proposal baa. reptaeed..free .,.DbJ a tbe mm lalw ta tbe ba11ltna Oftl' a new worldq .,....mmt between labor and man~mnt .. A.a lt DOW ataDda, no important NFL yer llaa beeomt a lne acent and cbuapd d after Mtotlatma lt1a own deal. Tbia Is la strWnc coetrut to. •&J. haaeball wben tbe moD1Y ftowa quite like plDat DOU'. TM bottom line, quite ~: ii that there will be DO proleulouJ foolMD ID me autum ol 1111 unltH some oat1taadta1 and fla1by ne1otiattna la ac~mpllabed lD tM immediate · Mure. Golal lD, the owaen will ...tec:t· the plQWI' revntat pion u ~bnrd. lluap1D8t wW alto look at tbe *I ,,.. ... PnPoW -wblcta· calla for a plQW wD ...,_ ,..,. NJ'L experience to become an automatic free aceDt - and tell the rank and file to get lost. . ASll AN OWNEa bow be viewt the poealbWty of an agreement which would avoid a strike and be will not paint an optimtatic portrait of the situation. . __ _ Says Al Davis of the Oakland Raiden, "it ii not even close." Neither will a player put forth much hope. "You can get ready for a atrlke," aaya Douc France ol the Loe Anceles Rama, "becaUH tbere won't be uY serious ne1otiatlq. Tblll ii because the (the ownen) don't want to HIOUate." Davia and France are ukecf abdut'\be bitter leeson learned--by baeb8ll tram It.I untommaw strike ot 1•1 and blJt.b replJ that "they," meanlal · the other aide, are totally unreuoaable. AN INTKaE8'ftNG POIHI' Is that the pl..,.... uaoclatioa ii 1erioualy divided oe the coaa~ of It.I executive direetor l'.d Ganey. Tbert are tboH wbo ban not let• Ganey off tbe boot for acrewmc up tbe "" a1•t mataer .... the lut flve-year a,....m•t wu Nold la tm. Be70Dd all of tbll, we will DOW beila = ..._, ol bow tbe a-.ce ol 1Notw•a1 will alfect our IOdety. It II obYioua a -..., •aillnl tcCIDOIDY will be bsftumeed ,,....._. u tbe ..um.w o1 \be ama-. :ft'::' • NJL,. am• a..t Muon reach Into U. . • ---------- f Orange Qout OAl!-Y. PILOTIWedneeday, Merati 10, 1082 ............ ________________ _. __ ,,.. Attorneys seek end to NFL-Coliseum suit ... DwtcM.._..and.._..l.All&tr · ~ t.w p.oe Chicago vrct11· com bl* for 18 founh.quartv po&ntl l· Prom AP dlapatcbe• • LOS ANGELES -Attorneys ror • to lead <:Idea to a lOt-1 wlD ovtr I SeatUe ln ;rational ea4:ketball Anoe a OD action Tuelday nitht. The Bu.lla trailed by aa much u 1.5 potntl In lb• t.hlrd quarter but rallied to tDap a three·1ame lol1ns 1treak. • • ........... ltd Houlton wttb 28 polntl u lb• Rooketa beat IUlweukH, 103·91. . . Lea ........ •cored as polntl, lncludin1 th• flrat seven ol the fourth quarter, to lead Phoenix to a 103·85 wto over Wubio1ton. . . D•• ••••dfteld had 34 polnta and lt rebou.od.a to lead Atlanta past Denver, 120·108. . . 8el'llard taa1 scored 28 poinll, World l'Ne added 20 and Larry SmJtla 1rabbed, 20 nlboundl u Golden State downed lndlana, 92-8$. • . 'rom Claamben and Mlelaael Broob comblned for 67 point.I to· pace San Dleco to a 138-lZT wlD over San Antonio. The Spurs Gew•e Genta led all scorers with 40 point.a . . • Maarlce Lucaa stored 21 points and pulled down 20 rebound.a to lead New York to a 126-112 win over Utah. '·· the NaUooal Football League and the • ·~ Los Angeles Collseum Commission I 1 ~ . .. have met to exrlore tbe posalbllities of setWng a sui aimed at puttine an NFL team back In Los Angeles, NFL Commissioner Pete Rozelle said Tuesday night. "But there is no deal and there la nothing close," Rozelle said at his home in suburban Ney.t York. "There was a meeting within the last few days to explore settlement possibllities," a high-placed Coliseum Commission source told The Associated Press. "At this time, we have not received the details of those discussions and no settlement has been made. We are currently continuing preparations to go to trial on March 15." PREPS GO CHICKEN -.-he San Diego Chicken is getting around, on the prep level. He'll be at Blair Field in Long Beach Friday night when the Moore League gets under way with a double-header, pitting LB Wilson against J ordan at 5, followe~ by Lakewood and LB Poly at 7. Trottier extends scoring streak _ Bryaa Trottier extended hls 'li1 consecutive-game points streak to 24 ' u the New York Islanders defeated . : . A Los Angeles sportscaster said that the NFL and the Coliseum Commission were on the verge of an agreement which would put an NFL expansion team in the city under the possible ownership of Cleveland Browns owner Art Mode II. the St. Louis Blues, 6-t, Tuesday night In National Hockey League action. The victory clinched first place in the Patrick Division for the two-time defending Stanley Cup cbamploM. lsland~r goalie Rolaad Melauoa made 41 saves in helping bis team extend ill winning streak to five games. . . A short-banded goal by Bob Gainey sparked a three-goal outburst ln a 95-second s pan or the first period to lead Montreal put Boston, 4-2. . . Gary McAdam scored three times and Calgary had fi~e third-period goals as the Flames skated past Quebec. 9-4. WW Palemeat had a goal and an assist in his first game with Quebec. Paiement had arrived earlier in the day from Toronto in a trade that sent forward Mlroslav Frycer to tbe Maple Leafs. Jim Healy of KLAC quoted what he described as a very reliable source close to the L.A. Coliseum Commission as saying there was "a 70-30 chance of s uch a settlement within a few days." Quote of the day Will Chamberlain,' renecting on the night or March 2, 1962. when as a Philadelphia Warrior, he scored an unbelievable 100 points in a 169·147 victory over New York : "Twenty years? I didn't realize J was getting that old:--Frankly, 1 didn 'l even know the anniversary was coming up until you fellows mentioned it." Finding a bed for 7-8 star difficult KANSAS CITY At 7-8, George m Bell stands out. But Coach Howard Lyon knows it's lying down that creates problems for the reserve center o n his Biota Univer sity basketball team. A local hote l had a tall order to fill when Biola traveled from California to begin play in the 45th NAIA tournament. Hotel beds don't measure up to ti:le 8-foot by 5-foot mattress Bell sleeps on at home. "What we're doing is putting him in a king with double bed laid lengthwise at the bottom," explained Barry Hoehn, sales director for the Radisson Muehlebach Hotel. 'Brave hurlers extend scoreless streak Three Atlanta hurlers extended Ii the Braves string of scoreless pitching to 34 innings and the National League team scored an unearned run in the top of the ninth to edge Baltimore, 1-0, in exhibition baseball Tues day. Phil Nlekro, Barry McWUllams and Rick Matula pitched the Braves to their fourth straight win . . . Carney Lansford singled in two runs to spark a six-run fourth inning rally and Boston held on to defeat Detroit , 9 -1 . . . RookieoutfielderT~ncb Davis s ingled ho me the winning run in the 15th inning as Pitts burg h defeated Kansas City, 5-4 ... Myron White singled home J immy Sexton with two out in the ninth inning to give Oakland a 5·4 win over the Chicago Cubs 1111uo ... Len Barker pitched three pe rfect innings and combined with three other Cleveland pitchers for a one-hilt as the Indians beat San Francisco, 5-0 ... Jay Lovtgllo paced Chicago's nine-hit attack with two singles and a pair of RBI as the White Sox beat Toronto. 4-2 ... Rookie Mike Rlchtrdt belted a seventh-inning, two-out grand slam homer to lift Texas to a 4.3 win over the New York Yankees . . . Larry Hisle, who missed most of the last three seasons due to shoulder problems, hit his fi rst home run of the spring as Milwaukee defeated Seattle, 5·2. Mosley, Carter entered at Indy • ·Mike Mosley, who uualified for a • front-row starting position in the 1981 Indianapolis 500-mlle race and a ~ . driver for Newport Beach's Dan Gurney, was added to the list or entries for this year's 66th running. Al so listed Tuesday were Marina High g r aduate Duane "Pancho" Carter, Gary Bettenhausen and Al Loquas&o. Gurney has entered two All-American Eagles which will be powered by Chevrolet stock block engines. Carter, who was rookie of the year in 1974, will <drive for Alex Morales ot Anaheim ... America's Scott HamU&oe was well placed to retain his singles title and East Germans and Soviets took the lead in the pairs competition on the first day of the World Figure Skating champions hips in Copenhagen, Denmark Television. radio 'fV: No events scheduled. RADIO: Hockey -Edmonton at Kings, 7:20 p.m .. KPRZ (U.50). 'lllURSDA V'S RADIO Baseball -Dodgers vs. Atlanta at West Palm Beach, 10: 10 a.m .. KABC (790): Angels vs. San Diego al Yuma. 11 :55 a.m . KMPC (710). ;Ex-Oilers star for Stanislaus State Thompson , Wooten , Glenn, Atkins (Ex-GWC) spark team to Division Ill quarterfinals . There's a lot or 'em out there -but when round (84~> as Atkins scored 22, Thompson 15 :orange Coast area athletes leave the nest a lot of <and five assists) and Wooten 8 points. 1bem become lost in the haystack despite their PREP SPORTS Stanislaus, located in Turlock, finished second '!uccess. ROGER to San Francisco State in the conference race. . ' Here's a look at some, however. who have Should the ex-Oilers .get past Capitol, a berth 'been doing a job th~' found out about. CARLSON in the finals awaits March 19-20 in Michigan. · First -reme HunUngton Beach High's • • • Rico Thompson, urt Wooten and Ricky Glenn? SECONDLY -REMEMBER John Dnscoll? And Golden West College's Dave Alkins. by way or Driscoll was an assistant to Emil Neeme at Los Amigos High? lead Stanislaus to a 62-60 victory over Whittier Costa Mesa High and to Herb Livsey at Orange That quartet has been instrumental in th~ ~t.h_J~~eals, CiY..e...J:~ .S..t.or...l-._coJlu.._College, bef.ore-t..akinlf-l~ -retH e t--success~~~nislaus tJask'ettratt--m-nle performance at the line. University High, then ocr to Sebastopol (north or tune of a NCAA D1vts1on III quarterfinals game Bishop College of Dallas fell in the second San Francisco) for four more years on the high this Friday against visiting Capitol College of school level. Ohio, which advanced by knocking off No. 1 seed Since then he was an assistant a.t Santa Rosa St . Andrews (26-2) of North Carolina. College for a year. then lo Carron College in Thompson and Wooten we.re named to the Helena, Montana, and his second team just second team All-Far Western Conference team concluded a 10·5 Frontier Conference record, with while spearheading their teammates to a 17-11 former Mater Dei High and Orange Coast College r.ecord. standout John Saunders big in the success. , "Things have really turned around," says THOMPSON AVERAGED 11.5 points a game Driscoll. "We have a gymnasium which seats 4,200 and already has the school record for assists ( 153) and at the first of the year we were only getting in a season. Wooten put the ball in at a l2.8 clip, 250 fans a game. Atkins is at 11.2 and Glenn contributed 3.6 points "But our last five games averaged 2,500." per game. Saunder~. a 6-5 junior, was a first team In the playoffs Glenn came off the bench to TNOM...,.. wooTu sau1tous all-confere~e selection and was the leading rebounder and scorer foe Carroll. Padre pitchers stymie Angels Brock hits homer in Dodger loss to Montreal From "AP dlspat~hes YUMA -Shortstop Garry Templeton bad two hits, one a run-scoring single, and three San Diego pitchers limited the ~ngels lo s ix hits as the Padres posted a 2-1 win Tuesday in the exhibition baseball opener for both teams. Trailing 1-0 entering the sixth, \he Pad.res tied the ga me on Templeton's single· and went ahead on Sixto Lezcano's infield out. Fred Lynn opened the game wlth a double and later scored on a single by Reggie Jackson, but the Angels managed only four hits after that off San Diego pitchers IUc~ Wise, John Curtis and Luia DeLeon. · Curtis got the victory and the save went to DeLeon, who allowed only .one bit over the last tr ~-__ A a n Wiggins and Gene Richard.I opened the San Dlefo s ixth with s ingles off ·tosing pitcher Geoff Zahn. Following an infield out, Templeton Ued the game with bis second hit of the day. Lezcano then drove in the winning run when h e grounded out. Starter Ken Forsch opened with three innings or one-hit pitching for the Angels. The Padres collected eight hits off Forsch, Zahn and Don Aase. Templeton, recently acqu.lttd from the St. Louis Cardinala in exchange for shortstop 011ie Smith, got several ovations from the crowd of about 4,800 aft.er a number of eensational defensive plays. Dodaenk>H WEST PALM BEACH -Chris Spe(er and Brad Mills stroked RBI •ln&les tn a three·run fourth !nuin' which 1av.e.tM-MODWeal Expos a 4·2 victory over the Dod1en. Petty cited for speeding ~ QJlEENSBORO, N.C. <AP) -Veteran NASCAR driver Rlehanl Petty Col a dUfermt ki8d ol cttaUoD lut wffk few bl.I c111.-. OD Iii ,.., home Sunday from lb• Rocktn1bain Motor Speedway, the 44·Y•ar-old Randolph County naUve tot a apeedb\c tJcket trom lbe !iiforth CaroUM HiCbway Patrol. htty appar•Uy "Was beaded home an.r tbe Carolina 500 atoek car r4'ce was ralned out. With Terry Francona on third, Rowland Office hit a run-scoring grounder. Gary Carter and John Milner then stroked successive singles. and' with two out Speier lined a single to right. Milner c ame home on the single by Mills . All three runs came off starter and loser Burt Hooten. The Dodgers are 0-2. Bryn Smith, who entered the game in the fourth, was the winner. The Expos' record is 3-1. Rookie Mike Marshall gave the Dodgers a 1-0 lead in the second when be homered orr starter Charlie Lea. Office scored the fourth Montreal run in tbe seventh when he came borne on a grounder by Wallace. Johnson. Greg Brock touched Tom Gorman ror a homer in the ninth for the second Dod1ernn. · ~zuuer;-s . . ar-o left-handed batter who hit 82 !ome runs laal season ln the aexu Lea.cue, bomored twice in lntra·squad 1amea. "All 1 can do 11 fO out and try and do my belt,· Brock Mid, well aware ol tbe altuatlon at ftnt bue wber"e SWve G&n'ty haa flayed for nearly a d9(\ade. • • teaUH my ·cbaacea of makiq tbe bll club are .Um, but lf I 10 to Al........ at leat tt.'a *Q lmprOYemeat from Double AA.'' be adde4. He was the NAIA District l2's fourth leading'" rebounder (9.5 per game) and was an 80.l percent shooter at the line. "I've got four kids from California on the team," says Driscoll, who ls beating the bushes for more, especially some front line help. "We're located on the eastern slope of the djvide in -Helena, which Is about two hours from either Yellowstone or Glacier. ·'That means great hunUng and fishing and not that much snow." * * • LAGUNA BEACH HIGH is taklng applications for the vacant basketball job. No, Jerome Karp hasn't been bumped out after saving the Artists when he stepped in lo take the reins when Craig Falconer quit after the start of the season. "This was the understanding at the time," says Laguna Beach Principal Bob Hughes. "It was an interim basis at the time, now we're looking for a permanent coach (which may still include Karp)." On the surface you might eet the Idea Karp is on the carpet for the Artists' 9-14 season. But in reaUty. be belongs on a red carpet for a lot of devotion over the years to the Art.iata. * * .,, ~G AltOtJND -Mater Del ~b'1 annual toll tournament 11 approach.lnc ...... the Monarchs will put on their biC buh April 38 al Irv ~ast Countf)' Club-..Goll...ud..Jlinoer requires a S150 tab, pretty atitf, but lbe returns are bit, too, incluclinC a trip to Rawall, color televilion sett, m.icrowavet, ete. lntere1ted pilers aboald contact Alblet.ic Director Bob Gc.t1alea al 7N-17ll . . : Mllllon Viejo HiCb h11 plektd up Canoa 8llll Of the Lot AnaeJel H CtiOll U itl t.blrd '8JD• ol tie 1912 football MMGD . . . "'l'My called ua ud "' were bavlq trouble ftadlal • ~ ,_ Saddleback (wb&eb wanted out In order to plQ Santa Ana Valley lo tbe fall)/' 1a71 Miiam Vltio C~cb .. Cnw. "We ~bout It ud Mkt, 'wbr Dlit?• " . , , M••.-la tM ........ Cll' Cmaral co.terw. e'A ...... C-'a Ollt8 an U.)16lwwwdal ~-· ,..,,_ \Mtap 1poU.d tbe dt7. NtT RIVALS -UC lrvlne Coach Bill Mulligan (left) and San Diego State Coach David ·'Smokey" Gaines will meet Friday nlght in the first round of the NIT. Aztecs like to run, too San Diego St. 16-1.at home By JOHN SEVANO Of -04llty ...... Mat! While UC Irvine 's basketball team was di sappointed In be ing unable to sec ure a post-season bid to the NCAA Tournament, San Diego State, the Anteaters' first-round opponent Friday night in the NIT, was just happy to be invited anywhere. "We're very happy to be in the NIT," s ays Aztec Coach Oavid "Smokey" Gaines. "Of course I'm not too excited about who we've got in the first round. With '31 other teams in the tournament, I'm sure we could have gotten a better draw." The Aztecs are one or nine teams in the NIT with 20 or more victories. They finished 20-8 for the season, but were 16-1 at home in 1981-82, s uffering their only loss at the hands or Wyoming, 66·64, in overtime . San Diego State { 11·5> flni.shed in a second plat:e lie with Texas-El Paso in the Western Athletic Conference. "l found out about 2 o'clock Sunday morning that we had been Invited ," s ays Gaines, concerning the NIT. "I really wasn't s urprised because I thought we had a pretty good team this year." The Aztecs are led by their backcourt duo of Keith Smith and Zack Jones. Smith, a 6-0 junior, is averaging 12.9 points and 7.1 assists a game. Jones, a 6·5 senior who has been bothered by a bruised hip in recent weeks; is scoring at a 12.3 cHp. Along the front line, the Aztecs have center Leonard Allen and forwards Michael Cage and Eddie Morris. Cage, a 6-9 sophomore, averages 11.0 points and leads the team in rebounding with 8.8 a game. Morris C6·5) is scoring at a 7.7 clip, while AJlen C6·10) adds 4.6 to San Diego State's offensive output. Of course, what UCI Coach Bill Mulligan likes most about the Aztecs is that they run - something the Anteaters haven't seen in recent weeks from PCAA opponents. "We'll run with anybody," says Gaines. "No, I don't really know much about the Anteaters and I haven't talked to anyone about them. I have seen them play a couple of times on TV, though, and I know they have a sound starting five and Mulligan is a damn good coach." , The Anteaters <22~) will present their usual starting lineup of Kevin Magee, Ben McDonald, Rainer WuU, Randy Wh ieldon and Kevin Fuller to the Aztecs. Gaines admitted, too, that the Aztecs wiU have some sort of gimmick defense waiting when Magee and Co. arrives. "You've got to do that when you're playing an All-American like Kevin," Gaines ins ists. "It's a must." • ' i Gaines added that he, aJong with his players, were excited about the contest~ night (7:30) arffiesj)Offi Arena'Tn-S·anniego. When told that - Mulligan shared his enthusias m, Gaines quipped: "Of course he does. Because we'll run with him he thinks he has a good chance of beating us." Oklahoma awaits UCI or Aztecs TULSA. Okla. CAP) -David Uttle scored 33 points and Chuck Barnett bit 18 of his 24 points in the second half as Oklahoma overcame a sluggish start lo eliminate Oral Roberts 81-73 in the firs t round of the National Invitation Tournament Tuesday night. Oklahoma will host the winner of the UC Irvine and San Diego State game Monday night in a second round ouUng. ORU, finishing the season at 18·12, scored the first 11 points and was up 17-3 aft.er eight minutes as the Sooners were frustrated from the field. But Little began to bit the long-distance buckets rrom the baseline late in lbe half. The 6-7 junior forward scored 12 of the Sooners' final 15 points before halftime, which ended with the Titans holding a 34·28 lead. Oral Roberts, led by Cat Jobhnson's 20 points, appeared to be in charge with 14 minutes left and a 53-59 lead. But five jumpers by Uttle and a tenacious Sooner press allowed Oklahoma to pull even at 55-SS with 9: 17 left. The score was tied 59-69 when Barnett bit bis hot streak. The 6-4 junior hit all 17 of bis second·h~U points in the fmal 10 minutes as the Sooners grabbed a 75-65 lead wilb 3:23 left. The . 1 Titans could get no closer than six afterward. Charger.s get Bell SAN DIEGO <AP> -The Su pieto Cha'J'lers acquired runnlnc back Ricky Bell, tbe flnt pla~r chosen tn lbe urn National ..,ootball Le..-draft, fta,~Buece~dett lor AIL undisdo•ed future elf aft choke. BeU, 38, rushed for a cll"Mr'-bilh 1,Jll yards for tbe Bun ln 1179 but wa bam'pend bJ a knee lnjury In 1980 and m1aaed moet ol the Ult MUGG JWiltr a ahoulder iAjury. ' TM 8-2, DO-pound Bell PYW tbe Charpn more bWk la a ba~fttld beaded b, ~ llundeJ Tampa Ba1'1 leacllDI naner from 1*1t lhroup 1*, tbe former U111'9'11tJ of .........._ California 1tar WM Umlt.d to • Jardll m • e,arrlel lMt 1Nr after luu:tbal bis.-.... ia tM Wrd ... oltbe .......... CMeqo. • c.-Doll Cof1911 .... Bell bu ..... :·· ll"Mt back 111111 I bell.Ve M wUI be a tr••••••• ad41Uall to our lealMll team." · , NIA ~-:.::::.:---• L ..... •• An -. " -'~ .... ~ ,. ...... ' II• .Jll M ,, .... ............. a.A..... • • --.......... . ., -~ ~ 11 • ... , ...... City t'I ... . DeMM •ft .m• vtell ,. • .ltl " ...,....(9N .... ............. .. " 4 " •• . " .. . c-..~ MJIW..,._ ,....,.. AllMl.I oetr.lt Clllc ... c~ " " " . 17 • 17 .. 1A 'II lJ • TWl9r'• ..... lAMn Ml. K-Cetytt AU.Illa 118, 0.-* 0.-.. ............... .._ v.-1-. u..111 .................... ., Cllka911 Mt, INlta * _...., .... ,__ .... _., Sall 0-..1-. s-...... 117 T ........ ._ ............. "'""' ....... ,..,.., G960eft ........ " • 'f Pl• ~ .. ~ Olk ..... .._ ... .......... Delles .119 -.n, t .SM U Al IM'll ... ...,._ .. ""' ..... . ~u ..... .... .. L.all9'9 10I, KMll • KAllSAICrrt -It.~ I , L.-, M, .,..,.... s. ~ .... ~ 14, s. ,,_,_ It, OeMMI ... ~ 11. .... _...._. 1, Onw t. T ..... : 11...-... LOI ~LeS -ltaiMll It, Wllllft It, Alldwl-JlllllW It, IE.II.~ 11, NI-11, ·-·· c:.... 11. ,,._ 4, ....... ,.... 1.T.Uts:•~Ml5. ~ .. ~ ·-City u .. 12 ._ .. L•A...... D tt It ts -• Tll,...........-S-f'-. f' ...... eut-1. J..,.__ T..e ..... -IC-Cltf a, lM A-le• a Tedwlk.Ms -~.-.. t lejKtedl, lM ...,..... C-11 ltllrf. A - 11,614. \ NBAleeden c ......... ~,, ICOttl .. .... " ... Mt Genlft, 1911...,... '6 717 414 tm &A ....... ~ .. ,.. 45S ltll tt.t DMtle,, 11'911 .. ... ... ,.. ... .......... a.-.. a.a "' ltlS !SA Erv .... , f'NI. .. S74 Jll t• MA ..........,....,, LA • m Ml 1117 U.t K"'9, 0........ SI Ml M tm 11.7 e1n1, ...-. u • m '"' DJ Wlll .. IM.. s.attle • UI DI IM & 1 Fr91,0......SI* • --,. n.• .. ..., ..... e °" °"' T• A• ... ._.......... .. ,. .., ........ SlellM, 5-eltl .. ... ,. "1 lt.7 a. Wiii'-NH '1 .. "'1 1" U. t ~,...,...., S1 ,.. 411 '" 11.1 Bini,...... SJ 1• -Ill II.I .....,. ........ S6 SCI t.1 f1 .., .. , • 41' u ti ., ... """"'· CllwNM " .. 112 f't•LDeoAL NIM::aWT ... GO-.CNc ... I, J...,...., W.-City lt .... ,G.-.911-. .......,.._,LA ,.. """' ....... 174 -.. SG tl4 .-.... .- UC1 ••1•a1 ,..,. ...... , .......... "• Knlft ~ • W ltl 111 !SA • ...., .......... -· 61 -15.1 .. McDINN a 111 • -It.A •~'111111 • 1• 'II ...... """' F"1lr • 14 • .. 6.S .. T......... f1 • t1 -11 i.-nt~ IS 11 II 14 11 Je1w1 e.ni.y 11 IS 11 '1 U ltkk Clecd9 ti M 6 • 1A Grr11t T..,_ M 14 I It • J.1 Cwtls C......, 1' 12 I t1 !. t llUl1l~ ,. t ' ,. ... ,_J'. ........ _. -~.a -.-....r.~ ....... ..,20 ~ ...... ,, 1. L...isi-Tldl ( .. I •t 1• 2. ClleyNy 5'Mt .._, 1,ttoe 101111 ~ fl.I 1.IW 4.L .... a.dl..._ a.t 1.- S.T .. a ~ 1.- 6.USC !14 1.8'6 1.111..-n .... .. M•,.,..,.. n.. .. •. 0....,... 21-4 ,. M.T-IM •IA NHL C.....U. COllPllaaMC• .............. ll-E..,.,._ '--" v--..... C.rede , M~ ~ 51. Louis Cl\kego T- Oetro" WLTef'eA,._ au12-..au• 24 • " ... -.. U • 14 m IO 61 " ,. 14 •1 ... ti 41 11 .. 1'1 0 -~ •tttt-2461' 2'17tJ2S1mM .,. ,,..'"., UDM••• 17 • 11 !ft "' • 111t12mm• WAL.al C0Mf'•1t•MC:e ..... .,........ a.ftV 1.-.n 41 14 1 NY II~ Jl2 :M 11 ..... .._lpllle D f1 7 "~ ZS D ti WMll~ 22 • t .,...,.. ...... e!Mele °""9c H•rttenl MIMm.,.,,..... " ., 11 • n ' D. 14 • IS 14 It Jl2 .. ... 214 '" 2M 2S7 7S m w n --It .. -JJ ,... m tS IU Ill II ISi ,., • .. 1"' 14 121 ,.. ti •<•~, ......... ,..,,, ....... ,......... . ._ Cl\lu9D .. T ....... NYINenlltnM___.. .......... v .. - KJnae 2. floclde• 0 "-.. ~ L•A,..._ 2 O 0-1 C-Me •• ·-· ............. 1. LM ......... NICMltS 1, S:IS; t. lM ......... Nk:MHs t, 7:16. -...1H-W... LA. J:f1; 9-, LA. 17:16. ............ H-. P'MMlles -H~. Cel. a:tt; ...... LA. 7:,.; K .. Y. LA, _,__, 11:00; N~. Cd, -tor-IMr, 11:•; AIMoll, Col, 15:14; H.,...,, LA, 11:14; Wlllt, LA, m--.....C'-11:1>; ~. Col, tt:•. TillN ....... "-· ~ ... -Cel, _, _.,... "' o..,.., 4:•; -.,, LA. S:JJ; 1..,1er, LA. l:tt; 11.,,....,c.1, ta:•;....,_ LA. II:& Sflot9 till .... -LA A--•t•wt. ~1-1-1·16. Goell11 -LH A11e111s. Leuerd. ColOredo, It-"-A -t.171 Ctf ............ ... C.__2.~~>• C-C1tf I. ...... AN I CJ et) ~ ....-.2 ........ 1 ......... l.~1 ... U~J,~I ~v .. ....,1.-.-.i,-• , .. LA._..l,._..J o.un.or. t. Ollk ,..,. 1 c.u WINMft .......... MIH C-t. U ..... 1 Wnt Twrefte92, ~ Hlllt I ~ ., " ------'----------~-, . --.:. .... . "' -· -'• --- ....... ,...., &11~"9.l ....... -.. __ ,..,. ,,...... --tit-I It I 0 ..... Hwll (41, .,..,.. U I. ~ Cl) ... Uc=._... (SI, ---Ct>: """1'1, ::r--(4), l'elMktl (.,, ~Ca ---.w -~L -c .......... "" -......,., ~ , ... . ............. , .......... , (.......... .. =--•It . ... ,.,_..,. .. _ _. I t -.n., ..,_ C41, L .... 'fll 111 O~ ,,, ........ H..., (111 ••· k---- (t ). • .....,. m . .,....... m • .,.....,, ~ W , W -a.w L -..... Hit -c ........... c ...... ·····~4 IOI ---4 • 1 .. -"1-S t I Kre•e<. S-.11 C41, T .. ,_ C71 eM Merelelltl, C.. C11J Netrlt, J-t C41, 0Wcl\lll116 (1), CelllNll 8M C .. t , T...._ (S) , W -~. t. -T..,_, Hit -OMieM.O-. . ......,.,Y ....... J , .. ..__.__I ..... v.-cA.U • • •-a • • T---•-• 1 t .,....,..., w..wme1t11• 141. '""'" m, f'llMft fl> ... OlnQI, ,. .... 17); T-C-c.,, o.wlll ftl ..... .......,., ..... . 1,.,. W -0.-. L -1.,-. Hiii -Te-., ttkMM. .............. ,..,., , ....... "'9.1 CNt•IALI 010 JOO •-• t 1 T-000 IOI 000-1 1 0 Dettell, ~ CSI ..... ,. ... .,, HNI (1): Lffl. ~ w, J.._ m ..... -· .... relll 161. W -OotMn. L -Leel. Hiii - T--.U--. .._ ............. , Cn .. (llf,Alta.I ...... .., -001-111 • Mllw_.... 001 03I eh-S 7 0 a-isw. ci., w. c .. ,,. 111. f'lfldl '" 11141 EHien; Vucllovlcll, M<Clure (41, ~N 16), F119n (If, Eest.rly Ctl ... Sim-. l..llke m. w -McClure. L -Cle,. Hiit -Mllw•uk", Hlsle, u.-, ..... ...,.,... ... .,..., C .. f'ertM.,..., ~ 1• -oot -..,_, If 0 lt-1Cltt oot JOO O!:IO 000 ~ It I '"•rn. Sermlento UI. Scurr' ISi, T141111W C'1), er.tt (t), Cr\11 C 111, TUllMH CUI LA1111. (ISi ..... PwM; 5-lmwtf, f'rerl W , Wrtp1 m, Heod CIOI. ciw.-a111 CISI .1111 w.u-. Oulrtr m. 0ewe., 10. w - TWIMI. L -Cllemllerltln. er-1, °"9111 t CetM ..... I AllM\e 000 000 001-1 6 0 .. ltl....,.. OOI 000 000 -0 t 1 · Allente Nllkro, M<Wllllemt ISi, Melllle (I) .,,.. ~ Slftelro Ill. ••"I..._ M<G ........ ,._, C•I. _.., 171 -Oem-y, W-Melula. L -M-.... Cel Sift Fulle~°'!TcLA 7 use •. uc s-.. .....,. • .. _ .... '· "-'"e<lflc J Cel Sift N«lftrlllgt 10, C .. Poly "- J Gonz.,.S, ~LM V-J P-"1tar '· Cler-I-Mudd I It 111111n9s, ...,__., UC ltl_..,.4,CNcNNnl Occ.....,..4,lt....,..J u tell 11, u,.olt s S.11 Dle9oSt. 7, L-8"<11 SI. I L• V-16, WNttlef" J Communltv c:ohge ........ ,. '--MePIUt Gol*n --ltl tit ,.__, • 0 s-.~ -000 ~ J J Menll ... Sr.111111, lliloN'ele (ti; T .......,., Stele' Cll, MICDIMN ltl, .. y_ ltl -Cwrle, ....... Ctl. W -MM'lll 11-41. L -l _.,.. 2e-LMwn (OW). •son 01.~1 ~ -etO --1 4 J ~· 000 .., ... __. 1J t ve41Y-. ..-.111 ... co-:-· e114I '"''"· w-s-11. L-V•••••lt•. 2e-o.-., cs ·s111eekl. ~~. ,.,..._ ., -t-ll 1 1 U11lv9"1t't m . m •-12 11 0 J--. GMules m. ~ 141 ..,. w111 .. ma; v-. c--. m -Fret. w -vosloo. L-Jell111011. 1•-Mlll•• CUlllwnltyl. >e-Gunl IUlllwnltyl . alT-1,..._MMll L.efw>e HMls 010 -1-S I J l!I Tore 003 011 1-' 1 2 ,.lemme!, MMll11 Ct l, Frenel 01 - •-: liMMr ..... Jee-. W -~. L -Fr ...... 29 -It-I"-Hiiis!, Oumu C£1 Tore). R -Meller 11!1 T°"''· f'UtSTOAMa Del,,_,, " ....... ._..4 H_,,...... ••d• 021 -._ • 2 Dos......_ "° Wll )(-4U l "etrtck, ... ..,...,. Ul -5"'.....,; OIMTa, !Ce.,.. Cf) ..... lt-.i. W -G .. rH. L - "•trick. ~Ille (Hwml"9t0n heelll, ...... l~ 1t.oc-. ca-. . HliMis1. MCC*DOAME M ........ ._.11,0.. ........ t H-~ e..c11 JOI Ot.2 -11 S I DesP....,._ Gm6CI0 -1 71 l.et'-M41 SIW19,; Zfhtr•, "-"' lSI .... Eater. W -LetllNr (24). L -Zy ....... 28 -H.me.n IH~ 8"clll, o._.... CO.. ~I; M -Flllcls IDPr ........ ,. Hit -St*1rt c._......,. llHcll), o .. .... CDPr......_). ....... eiow ... , E4llMll 001 021 ._. t 1 El Dor... om 001 t-1 6 J Kwetelt, Tekll.lnen ISi 111• Llno•r•; He, .. 11, 8rulileker CSI end Pelre4le1. W-Hff It ..... L__...,.... S.-Teklt.,__ 29-Mete CEdltonl. 0.. .............. . w..-,.... --._. t s Dene H Ills 012 on ><-' 10 J C.. ... ..._; F°"*9r elld leMML W -f'.....-W. L -Celll. ~a........14.~1 ....._,°'""'*' 000 ., ._14 It 2 CllMwkll t• -t-1 I J ~'1 8M McCewft l II. IC-till, J. ICIMlfmt111 (4), HllMtr 161 ) -Sek,._,e.. W -~ C1-ll. L -It. Keuf!Mft C•2>. ta -~ c......, aw ...... 1. kllft .... ,_,., Olnlllefl), ...,..~ .. ectftcaJ'I! ....... T. CM (f'I -· Scllllfft-... J; -8ruMk-, W ; fief. ,._, •2; dlot. c-..,, •1; ... .,..._ lMI -•1, M , M , ... : Scar~ CM> .... u . -.... w. •t; Smltll (M) -W·~·~·•t . C~•Ull·Cllew (Ml spllt wltll e1r,·DIYl111, l ·J , S ·1 : def. Clwlmbe<leln-ellldH, •t, M ; C"""'"9.Ar ... IMI lestt-4,J.7;-•2,M . • .._.~....., ... v....,.~ ....... l"I ... IEI dlot. Aftver, •t. clef. The, H , dlot. H ..... •1, dlot. H-, M ; $tlker (£) -· M , Ml, M , M ; S.U•11Mller (El -. 1.s ... ,. w. M ; • .,.., u n -. •1 ..... •1. .... ~ I~·-IEl dltf. Gutttn<ont,_, •-1. •·1, def. KO U ·B•no. •·1, •·t: ouc..-.~ 1111 tllll'-w. •'· lol(, u , J..1. Mir ...... 11, C4IM 11 ....... .,_...,..... IC> !ell lo J~. 1-'; .... w .............. ,, clef. Goldeft-. ... 1; loaf to Amelld, 1-'; S..lllYM IC) -M , W , M , 1-'; K_.i CCI -M,M, M , •1, lost M ; AM« IC) Iott 2-', -•2, W . '°" \ 1•. o..e.. WetMr-E"""9 ICI -w ~. w . 6-1; IOA to L.etl._Froomen, •1. •1; Prot11111-llr CCI tost U , 2•; 1-', U. Women COU.llO• uc1,.,...•.'--l ... 11s-t ...... AU. M""" lUCll dltf. C-, M , U , •1; IC"llote IUCO o.t ........ •2. M . N- IUCll Olf. C--., M , 2-', M ; Me. M'l'I" CUCll -· ........... W , •2; El.._ IUCll def. Me.U, ... M , M ; Mellory IUCll -· Stre<flen.M,W . ....... .. o..--.... "'* ..... COMMUl'rrt cou.••• car-..c...1... ... ....... ..... IOCCI Wt. McLevle, 1·5, .. 1; o..tltcll UCC) -· Helftllll, •t, 6-1; K--, IOCCI Olf. ~. •1. •1; L-IGl -Ehtlll, .. 2, •t; Oetwlll COCCI def. H...,., W , W . W; ..._.COCCI dtf. c....,.. 7 .. ,W . ........ It ••41·0••1 lac II C OCC l ••I. McLev .... H ...... 11, M , •1; Klllrey·hl., COCCI 4111. Mll1l1r-He9e 11, .. 1. 1·4: L,_..c....,. IG) -· Etv•H~ •1, U ,M. ~ . ' 'If I I" Women'e eoftbel """'SCMOCK. f'llPSTeAMe c-.-M ........ M ... I Y9UN Hiiis - -t-t I l C... MIY _M~JL.A-l--SIJiifiiQfli" ~-•; MCWetlly -McA ...... J8-Stlr"""" C~ Hltlsl. Hc:oetD OAMll C-.-11, ....... M .. I l...-. Hllh 1• t• t-I J I ~,,.... -•1 ·-· 15 J kllultn -Mec:Melllle; Mew., -McAIHr. I~ CC-U Mete!, 8lelr Cc.tie MKel, St. Clelre CC.te Mffel; Je-u ...... CCMte MllN>. St. c1e1re IC- Mewl. f'llPST ...... Oc.-V ... 1, C,....t OcHftV--•t .,_, 1 I c.,.,... --..... s • Wlllt• end Se lerer; Hower41 •1141 .... m-. ICICllMle .... 0.."'"' 1, c,,..... C""'9U -•• ._. I t ou ... v---1-1 t 0 T...,._ ..... E11911f'; Wtllle ..... $e6eur. ....... 1.•1.....-1 llU•lll• 000 .., t-t • 1 El Se9Uft!11iD 000 -._. t 1 Lt•Hll •114 '-nc ... 1; G ... l lClll eft4I O-rero. W -UW.... Cl-4). L-Oenk lll. --····---1 EI Me-.. t• -t-t I S ...... Del --• ....., 4 1 sc,...,.., w.r.t; ......... GelM'f m Pll4 K-W01!•tr11. L-s.lfleitr • Tunday'e tnneactlone ltOCkaY ....... .....,"---NHt. -~lllN ...... o.Nllw, .. .......,.. ,.... ... c..-r. --• --.a-. , • ._.111 • ...,.......,..w......,...J_ 111. oeTltOIT uo WlfltOI -......... llUfll ~. Cllllltr, .... ,.. •• ... w ...... ---....., ........ ~lleMfc...,..NHt.wetwn. Haw Y01tK ltAMCMltl -• ....., ._ AlllHll, (e11t1r, e114I TIM eetllWell, ........ -,., ,,..lft .. ,.,.., ...... tile •-'<• ....... &Mllfe, ~ Mlle ........ """ ......... Miii 0...-. .......... ,.-r-.. . ST. LOU•• •Lu•• -:t_:re41 .... ._... ..... GMll. ......-E ltre.11. .,,........ ....... ~ ....... ~ 0., ~ ..... '-· .._ tlle llll••tr•al Ca•a411••• fer t•t•r• WJllJ ... •& T .... T-. ~:: Wlfle;I JMI "*• .... W ... I •it• ....... ..., 19 flftlM ..... .... .. VI I I -----taatle..:,c••ltt• II: arl I,., •• , •• ..... _ ..... ~ ...... -, .. .,,. .............. •.c ..... ..,. ....... ,.... ....... ~~ ....... ' '""' .... UM ...... CIMr9i Meclley Ltl .. ttt, lellt JI• ,. • .,. ... ............................ ,. OIMf'te....,' I I I • T09'0lft'O IM~ LIAn -= =~ .,,....:. =.. ... ....... WAJtf ...... CAPtfALI ~ _T .... T ............... ...... a.... .. .._....,., n• ' ._...... I ' ... -:.::.="~­....................... ~ Uni, Edison ·roll, 'oilers gain split Dana Hills, El Toro. also post win8 Ulllverakv bad ·a bil dal... a.t th pla'8 to rout m,tewood 1111.b .and Edlloo lmprovtd ltt~ to 1·2 wtth a win over El to bl~ Oraac• Coast a baaeball action Tuesday. . Dana Hilla abut out WoodbriQe, Huntinston Beach •JJllt a double·beader with DOI Pueblos ud El Toro came up with a run In lhe bottom ol lhe seventh to ed1e taiuna Hilla, 1-5 . Here'a how it went Tuesday: II Toro I. Legun• HHta 5 Doua Maher bleped bis own cauae ~ a one~ut triple in the seventli inninl to drive Brett · Dumu home with the winnine run. Maher went lhe distance on the mound to p)ck up the victory. Dumas, who singled with one out to start the last·inninl' rally, finished the ~ers, :Gauchos tri~ Saddleback College opened Miaaion Conference play on a winning note Tuesday. defeating Chaffey, 5·1, in community college baseball action. Meanwhile, Golden West bad little troubl e remaining unbeaten in Southern California Conference play with a win O'ler host Santa Monica. Here's bow it went: S•ddlebltck 5, Chaffey 1 The Gauchos· scored three times in the fifth inning and starter Doug Sheets ·made the lead st.and up with a four-bitter as Saddleback got off to a good start in Mission play. Dale Hahn went 4 for 4 for the Gauchos while Rick Irwin a.nd Russ Lee were both 2 for 3 as Saddleback pounded out a total of 13 ruts . GWC 7. S,nta Monka 0 Scott Marsh went the distance for the Rustlers, striking out nine while walking five to record Golden West 's first complete-game win of the year. Dan Larsen bad the bot bat for Golden West, going 3 for S with one while center fielder Doug Irvine was 1 for 4 with three RBI. The win puts Golden West at 3-0 in conference play and an 'impressive 8·2 overall. Santa Monica dropped lo 0-3 in Southern Cal play. The Rustlers will put their unbeaten record to the test Thursday when they host LA Harbor at 2:30. 'day 2 ror 3, with one nm acond -nd two RBJ. 1 La1u_oa Hllla bad tled tb• 1ame tn \he top o1 lhe Mveath when Mark leart•n doubled. went to third on Scott Lebbe'a aln1le and tcored on an I.nil.ad out. The laas dropped the Hawk.a to 4-2· 1 while El Toro la now 2·2. Unlvently 12, Inglewood 3 Ritchie Sorenson, Todd Yeaton and Mike Frei bad t.o hlta each to pace an ll·biL Trojan attack as University upped its season mark to 4·1·1 . The Trojans put the aame out or reach in the third lnnin# . parlaying a walk, a double, a sacril'lce-and three sineles into five runs . Edlaon 4. El Dorado 1 . Junior right-hander J eff K wolek went 4~ innlnas. surrendering just one run on five hits, to record his first win of tbe year. Kwolek got relief help from Shawn Takkinen . Todd Mabe, John Emma and Mike Powell bad two hits eaeb to lead the Chargers. HB 4-11 , Doi Pueblo• 8-6 Greg Shirley's fifth-inning grand slam in the second game helped give the Oilers a split that makes them 8-2 overall. After Dos Pueblos ripped Huntington Beach pitching for l2 hits in the first game, Larey Latimer came· back in the second to scatter seven ruts and pick up the complete-game win. Dana Htl1 &. Woodbridge 0 i The Dolphins are 2·4 whil• Woodbridge is 0-5 after Dana Hills pounded out 10 hits ea route to an easy win. Scott Nolan and Shaun Devlio got Woodbridge's only bits. New~~· 14! Chadwick 1 . Scott Kilpatrick went 3 for 4 with three RBI and sophomort right-bander Randy Stuarl. struck out eight without yieklin( a walk to pick up the win for thtr Conquerors. ~denWmgs advance, 2-1 PALM SPRINGS -The Golden Wings, a DivisiQn V American Youth Socce-r Organization team from Costa Mesa, have advanced lo the second round of sectional play with a 2·1 victory over Palm Desert here Sunday. Coach Carlos Mora's squad got goals from Matt Martine~ and Matt Morris lo record the victory. ' The Golden Wings will travt;i to Chula Vista Sunday for a second-round game. Game time has not been set. sionat C-ujr ; preparatiOm begin ; By ~N LOCK.ABEY .... ........... fttW World yachting attention Ww be .fo.cused on Long Beach atartine Monday when preparations begin for the 18th annual Ceogressiooal Cup match racing series out or Long Beach Yacht Club. The actual competition begins Tbursd~ (Marl:h 18) with 10 of the (op match racing teams - mcluding three America's CUp hopefuls -start bead·to·bead two·boal match races in a series· that wUl see 45 matches over a three-day period. For t'be first time in the history ol tbe event there will be five fomgn competiton -three of whom will be seeking the • right to challenge for the America's CUp at Newport, R.I. in 1983. John Bertrand of the Royal Perth Yacht Club, Auatralla, will be makln1 bis first' appear~ in the Congreuional Cup. He bu been aeleeted as helmaman oo one of the two· Australian c:hallen1en for tbe America'• Cup. Phil Crebbin, another newcomer, will be repreMDUQI Royal Burnham Yacht of En1land in tbe America'• CUp cball-.. triala. . Makinl bis third •PJ>Ml'IDCe lD Loa.I Beach wlll be Pell• P•ttenon of Sweden•a Royal ~ Yac:bt-clib, alto a c:baU•aer for the Am•rtc:a•1 Cap. Otbe:r forelp Collpenlonal Cup COlltmderl wW 1M Harold Cudmore of tb• Royal Cork Yacbt= INiand. and Barry McLa • ~ Con Y.cbt Club, aDt'OUftl', B.C. 1 Cudmore I• a veteran Coaitr 111•1• CUp UDlnDt.. He 1bu wm MMral mafcb rMlal ................ ,.. lmatcb ta.a eom,.Uti• ta tM CouNll6aM1 CQ. ... McLaughlin woo his berth hf this year's Congressional Cup by winning Long Beach Yacht Club's Pacific Coast Match Racing Series earlier this year.: Three former winners will be on this year's roster. Rod Davia,( representing the host LBYC was the overall winner in 1981 and a runner-up in 1980. Dennts Durgan, Newport Harbor Yacbt Club, was a back-to-back winnet. in 1979 and 1980, and Dick Deaver of Newport Beat\ (sailing for Los Angeles Yacht Club) was the winner in 1976 and 1978 . Others in the lineup are Russell Long, New York Yacht Club, making bis secon4 appearance, and Scott Perry~ the Naval Academy Sailioc Squadron, Annapolis, Md. _ The Congressional Cup i1 second only to the America's Cup in yacht match racin1. 'Tbe cup aoes to lhe skipper .and crew with the moat wins in the 45-matcb races. The skipper and crew also receive crimson blazers, symbolic: of the cbamplonablp. :- This ia the second year ~ series will be sailed i't Catalln.la38 sloops. Previoualy1 all but one of ih4' aeries was sailed ln Cal-..0 sloope. , Crews wUJ start arrl'flD~ I llonday for aaslomenl.9f boa---· a.ad praetlee recfil1. ' Sallmt will be over a flvfto~ windward-leeward c:oune ln the aam-.. ten ln wbicb the .. .,..,. OIJ~!; c:laues will be com lnllM. "' TradllionallJ tbe Con,.....loaal Cup bu bMa WOD b)' Soutbern California ere~ ITb• oalY aeeptloe hi m wben 'fed Turner of Atlulfh: became the cm1J skippec' ... ti~ the San DMIO Freeway to Jl'ta; the c:owQd c.... - LEADS EAGLES - Estancia Coach Mike Pomeroy's team cl\pped EJ Toro in volleyball actiop. Marina, m ,ov trimnph Marina's Julie Larsen bad a no·hitter, Ocean View's Pam White had a pair of s hutouts and M ater Dei banded El Modena a 3-1 defeat in women's softball action Tuesday. Lar se n h ad a near ·perfect game as M ari n a beat El Segundo , 1 -0 , in non -league action . Larsen walked a batter i n th e s ixth whil e striking out 16 on the way to the win. Marina scored in the s ixth wb e n Patty Cavanaugh singled, stole second and went to third on a passed ball. A fielder's choice got her home. White was the entire s how as Ocean View downed Cypress by identical scores of 1-0 in a double-header. White pitched a one-hitter in the second game and had 15 strikeouts. In the opener, White gave up five hits but had 11 strikeouts and drove in the winning run with a s ingle after Ly nn AJferi singled. Roman Lawson broke up a Cypress no·hitter w.tth a single to lead off the seventh inning of the second game and scored oo Becky Brummel's shigle. Mater Dei spotted E l Modena a run in the top of the first, then tied the count in the fourth and P91 the final two runs on tht board in the sixth. CV gains finals Junior Carmen Noble took a pa ss from sophomore Bob Magyar wJ th ei gbt minutes remaining and headed it i nto goa l to give Capistrano Valley High a n arrow l ·O decision over visiting Be verly ffills in the semifinals of tbe CIF 2·A s occer cbamp1onships Tuesday . . The Cougars, the No. 3 r~presentative from the $obth Coast ·League and a Cinderella t e am ~rougbout the playoffs, will meet top-seeded La Qllinta, a 3-1 winner o v er Calabasas , i n Saturday's (1 p .m . > cbampionihip . final at Gahr Jngh. rThe Cougars have ltpset Valencia (4·1), Bell Gatdeos (3-2), Dana IWla (S-3), the No. 1"'.:.rept'esentative from . tJte i r le ague , and B~verl y H i ll s in reaching the finals. : Nobel, from his left w}ng position, got the Ptis from Magyar after. a; scramble and a couple o} s ave& fro m th e Qeverly Hills goalie in front of the net. • I Basketball I ~ ~ ..... ~l\,Orel ....... 73 ' ,.....TW l • c.eic-c11y1 .......... Orange Coat DAILY PILOTIWedMeday, March 10, 1982 : Vnive.Ts.ity upse ts Costa Mesa in volleyball open e r Unlvenlty Kleh opened up Sea ,view · opened up ltl re•ular Muon wttb UM Lea1ue ~yball play b)" pu1l1q 'otf a lea1ue Joa. 1tunnlftl early·.seaaon upeet ot Colta Senior setter lllk• Jobnaton led Cdll'1 llua TuHday on tbe Tr0Jan1'· paced the Trojana wlth 21 kWa while homecourt. Cbrla Miller -allo a Mnior middle Co1ta Me1a came Into u.e match bloeker -bad 16. Junior out.tide bitter ranked thlrd in the Oran1e County poll Brett McQuold contributed 12 kml for but the Trojarus were apparently not the winners. • lDUmidated u they won ln ftve, 4.15, Meanwhile, Corona del llar 1ot out to 15·13, 15-13, 5-15, 15-11. The wln mallet a fast start by wlnnln1 the ftnt two University 2·1 overall while Colla Meaa 1ames and the Sea Kln1s held on for a is.a , 15-7, 10.15, 15-U Sea VMw win ov.er lrvlM. t Senior Mtter llUle JobneoD led Cd.1111'1 5-1 attack, mabllM mJddle a.locker loe Borden and oufalde bitter Mike llcKibben to contribute t.,avily at the net. In other. Sea View actioD, Ellaliola bad llWe trouble with El Toro u mlddM blocker Derek Daniel.Ion and outaide hitter aw Sieker paved the way to • lJ.7. lM, 15-S win. In DOn·lea1ue action, Founta.ln Valley battled It out for ftve ••mes before the Barona emer•ed with• 12·1&, lM, U-12, 2·15, 15-8 win over bo1t Capl1trano Valley. · Newport Harbor rebou.nded from Monday's three-1ame loea to La1una Beach with a sweep of Woodbr1d1e, 15·7, 12-15, 15-10, 15-9. . ·oQn 't just sit on ·your fortune ••• I e .... ' Look around your house and garCICJe ~ you'll probably discover you have · a mountain of oldies but ~ies you could sell. Move that mountain." . Call a friendly ad-visor at the Daily Pilot. Use the direct line. lllousands of ready-to-buy ad_ readen are shopping the ads in the Daily Pilot every. day. Many are eager to buy iust what you have to sell. Advertise in the ~range Coast Newspaper .with .~~ @M!f L0~i::a:,_ 44.-T! • I 'I • t! _.,._lmlll!M&....._ __ _ i.~· ................ "· Oil..._,. .............. ~· ~· ITn.J 11. x ... iw IUl.J, ~ CIW.J '5, CeMrY!lle tOMel .. Ce11tr•I We1111111te11 H . c-.. ,.... (l(y.)" 1.c ..... r1...-w•1 "· "'•"""" llltwu• Meflt1er1 e 11 It . J J , ..,,..,,..._ le I "II Ct,, ......... I ..,...., • ..,...._., . ..."-......... ' ..,._ L9N ... Lstll M .......... ~ .. ..... ,..., .. .... ,,.,., ......... ,. Wtd,,._y. ~re" 10, 1'12 OUT OF THE KITCHEN SUPERMARKET SHOPPER SLIM GOURMET MICROWAVE RECI PS CJ C6 ca ca -..... ----+---~ ,. I, A kind word for lowly potatoes ... C7 S11re an·d it's ·tiine for an IHsh feast FLAVOR OF IRELAND Corned beef has a crispy toppi~g and i.s accompanied b~· potatoes and a pear cheesecak e. llaising a toast to a great tradition By MARY JANE SCARCELW Dellr ~IMC I"-E-.r "God created whiskey so the lrislt wouldn't rule the world." · -l rt&h saying Leave it to the Irish t o improve something as basic as a cup of coffee. Irish Coffee is a popular drink a ll year round, but for true Irishmen -even the honorary variety -the only way to finish off a St. Paddy 's Day dinner is with -a warm glass of the nectar fit for the gods. One pl ace to fi n d s uch treasure is Muldoon's Irish Pub in Newport Center, where the Cine art of blending the drink bas been r aised to award-winning heights. The r estaurant bas won several Irish Coffee contests, including three years ln a row at o.ne spons ored by NB C, according to Champ Cl ark, the g-eneral manager and a partner in the business. The restaurant/bar was built seven years ago but looks much older, having been desiped to capture the look and feel of the centurtes-old>pubs in Ireland. Main decoratini color, of course , is a deep green combined with Datural oak mug. The other is a lJinlng Room lrisb Coffee. a 17~-ounce drink." The larger drink has earned awards because of the loving ca r e tha t goes into its preparation. "We serve it as a flaminr drink," Clark says. "Mixing and serving really amount to a small show." The drink is s erved in a la rge-bowled, stemmed Bolla Grande glass, and Clark warns against trying a similar drink in' the family's crystal unless It's heat tempered. First the glass is rimmed with lemon and confectioner111 (p0wdered) sugar, and a double' of Irish Whiskey is poured into the glass, 'he explains, The whiskey is heated until It flames, and the glass ls twirled to crystalhe s ugar on the rim. Coffee is poured into the 1ws in a thin stream from far above, Clark says, as part the "show," and then creme de cacao is added. Whether you observe St. Patrick's Day by simply weartn• the green or by going all out with a day of parades and parties, an Irish-style diMer shared with family and friends will make the celebration complete. All eyes will be smllin1 when the traditional corned beef or beef stew i51,selected to head the menu. Flavorsome corned ~f brisket is always a March 17th , favorite, and will be especiaUy enjoyed when crowned with a crispy sweet-sour topping. Traditional corned beef accompaniments or potatoes and cabba1e are given untraditional, but delicious treatment when combined in Paddy's Potato Cups. Pear-feclion Cheesecake ls a moat appropriate dessert for.the day, or for any other special meal. It features a cruncby nut crush and a fluffy no·b¥e filling that's easily made with unflavored gelatine. Chopped canned pean add refresb.iq navor to the smooth filling while creme de mentbe pears form a festive shamrock to top It all off. You don't have to be Irish to appreciate the outstanding qualities of Emerald Isle B~fStew . Universally appealing is the colorful combination of tender beef strips, rutabaga, parsnips, onions and Brussels sprouts. The stew can start with a boneless .beef chuck steak, or even more economically with beef for stew, cut into thin pieces. In keeping with the s pirit of the day serve Shamrock Pear Salads. Tasty canned Bartlett pear halves decorated with green pepper shamrocks are arranged over green salads and topped with a zesty Parsley Dressing. · CORNED BEEF WITH CRISPY TOPPING 3· to 4-pound corned beef brisket Water 1 medium onion, studded with 4 whole cloves 4 peppercorns V:i teaspoon celery seed V:i cup apple jelly 1 tablespoon water 11.4 teaspoons cider vinegar 11/4 cups crushed crisp rice cereal Place corned beef brisket in Dutch oven : add water to cover the onion, peppercorns and celery seed. Cover tightly and simmer 3 to 4 hours or until meat is tender. Heat apple jelly, l tablespoon water and vinegar in 2-quart saucepan until jelly is melted, stirring constantly. Stir in rice cereal. Remove brisket from cooking liquid; place fat side up, on rack irr roasting pan. Spread cereal mixture over·top of brisket. Bake in moderate oven <350 degrees) 10 minutes. Carve diagonally across the grain into thin slices. MICROWAVE DIRECTIONS: Place corned beef brisket in large cooking bag. Cut onion in ball lengthwise. Add onion halves, V:i cup water, peppercorns and celery seed to bag. Close bag loosely, securing with ~-inch strip cut from open end of bag. Place brisket in microwave-safe utility dish. Microwave at 30 percent power (200 watts) 2 to 2'h hours, depending upon size of brisket. Turn bag and rotate dis h 1/4 turn every 30 minutes. Let brisket stand 10 minutes in bag. Meanwhile, place apple jelly, 1 tablespoon water and vinegar in 1-quart glass measure and microwave at High 2 minutes, stirring every 30 seconds. Stir in cereal. Remove brisket from bag; place in utility dish. Spread cereal mixture over top: Microwave at High 30 seconds. PEA&-FECTION CHEESECAICE l can <29 ounce$) pear halves, drained <reserve 111. cups ·syrup) 2 envelopes unflavored gelatine I/, cup s ugar • 4 teaspoon salt (optional) 3 eggs, separated 2 tablespoons lemon j ui ce 2 packages (8 ounces each ) cream cheese, softened 1 teaspoon grated lemon peel 1 cup ( 'h pint) whipping or heavy cream, whipped Crunchy Nut Crust <see below> 2 tablespoons green creme de menlhe liqueur (optional> Reserve 3 pear ha.Ives and I-inch pear slice for garnish; chop remaining. In medium saucepan, mix unflavored gelatine with sugar and salt; blend in egg yolks beaten with l cup reserved syrup and lemon juice. Let stand 1 minute. Stir over low heat until gelatine is completely dissolved, about 5 minutes. Pour into large bowl; with electric mixer, beat in cream cheese and lemon peel until smooth. Chill. stirring occasionally, until mixture mounds slightly when dropped from spoon. In medium bowl, beat egg whites until stiff. Fold egg whites, then whipped cream and chopped pears into gelatine mixture. Turn into prepared crust ; chill until firm. Meanwhile, in small bowl, toss reserved pears with liqueur and remaining reserved syrup. Let stand, stirring occasionally, a bout 30 minutes; drain. To serve, arrange pears on cheesecake to form "shamrock". 12 servings. <See 'lrtdl Feast,' Pa1e Cl) As a drinker r laes his tlllf wood. ~ "The topping should be fresh whipped cream. We use cream with at least 40 percent butterfat, and never anyth!na from a pressurized can,'" Clari says. A tO'tcb of dark creme de cacao l• sprroltled over tbe whipped cream aa • flDal MERE'l "fO'TH! llHIH -Champ Clark. m•a1er of M~ldoon's 11'.'ish Pub7' raises a glass or Jrish Corre.e. ._ for the last dr p of whipped cream from the/ riah coffee, be mlsht notice ltie lriab u)'tngs Md ~/ painted CID tbe ·paneled celBll,a. ··u ff. .. ~· ~ dlf·· f er•t r ~b coff Hs ,I' Clark MJI. "One ii tbe 10-oullce Pub. •1r1.1h Coffee aerved ln a slua nouriab in the produ~n. the creme de cacao became ~ "lt'I" a drink you cu hawe 1weeta9 Md adc11 llaVGr. · Jnstead of a de11ert," Clan lmb Co«ee will be oaly one of po I n t 1 out'., S> e r h a p 1; the trfdllional speclaltiea this unneceuatily. ~ar·wben tbe reata.ureat AltbouP moet recipe1 call,_ • MU'ftl'I. . 1ranulated or browa 1u1ar u -.-ive entertailunml will becln sweetener, Muldoon'• prefers.-at noon and eontlnue . throacb clotinl •" r a.ID., and UM menu wUI fe ...... lrilb stew, net of lamb, GaeUe 1teu and ac:allops 'Cooked witb Jrtab Milt. · For delMrt, u.e lrilb trtme ii baked at tM netaurant wWa a baae of wb1te cake IOaked .ttb aprlcbt:.brandy and apricot compote topped with H1ht cteam. Or diners can •ki.P dessert and lllnl1h the evenln1 •Ith Irish P>ffee and an hilb toast: · · AfQf God ....,_ JOll' ...... Mor lw 1'old .,ou fft yw llolloc of idt ,ltortd. - •. :· .. . •' . . .. . .. .. ' .. . . . ,. • . t-. I I f I i ,. 1 · .. s, r l ll , j . ' ~ . I i a a SJ 5 2 3 Orange Cout DAIL~ PILOTIWedneecs.y,'Mwctt 10, 1H2 ·Iri,sli . potatoes herald St. Pat ' t :J I \ HOLIDAY TREAT Fluffy mashed potatoes surround a loaf of ground·· beef and carrots. I Save $1.00 when you buy four Swivel razors, America's first disposable razor with a movtng head and Giiiette Twin Blades . Add<•u Cty Staie ZIP MMIO S-SI OOAelundOller,PO 8o•8399 SI PILll MN!.5193 Thia'**811emi.91~~ ___ mey_ ... _ duced Oller ......,IO.,.,. ~OI--"'9aM ..,_ w _ _.1ora911-v OfterOOOdOl"'r"'~us" "°"' -·~ ia...,oron.w..-or..., Ofter •>P<" JunelO 1982 c Tne G49!l4I ~ L-----------------------J As an old Irish aayln1 haa it, ''St. Patrick turns the warm side of the stone uppermoat," and farmera h era14 t h e comln1 of Spring by planting potatoes on St. Patrick's Day. The white potato ls as much a part of Irish leeend as the familiar s h amrock or leprechaun. In honor of the potato, h ere 's a s alute to tradition -two Irish favorites, potatoes and cabbage. Flu ff y ma s h e d po t atoes m ake • 'L""el>tecbauns' Meat Log a festive main dish for MN FINICKY EATERS LOVE THE MEATYTASTE1·· SAVE 1l.OO ON~ NfXT P\.MOt&. your St. Patrick '• celebration. Serve lhla taste treat with never -~•il packased brown grav,Y and you have a hearty dish In hall the time. Make-ahead Irish Coleslaw lets you enjoy the reaUvltiet with your family. For an appropriate garnish , add green pepper rings arranged to resemble sha mrocks. LEPRECHAUNS' MEAT LOG 2e11s ~ cup dry bread crumbs 2 tabl espoon s minced onion I 2 l•blespoon s Worcestenhlre sauce 1 teUpoon H it 'Al teupoon 1round sage ~ teaspoon garlic salt ,,.. teupoon pepper 1 ~ pounds eround beef 2 m edium -she cooked carrots, cut in lengthwise strips 1 cup water 'Al cup milk 2 tablespoons butter or m a rgarine 1 teaspoon celery salt 1 e nv e l ope (5 servings) mashed potato 1ranuJes DIVORCED? rme Ame 00es not heal all the wounds. DIVORCE RECOVERY WORKSHOP Help, Support and Guidance for any divorced or separated person. Sb, •• ..,.~ 11h91 t ._cit 16-Aprl 20-7:JO.t:JO St An*ews Presbyterian Church Newpert Baell St. Andr~ Road at 15th St. Across From Newport Hwt>or High $15.00 Registration For..,...111......_call: 631·2115 t :00-5:00 .......,..... 1 en v e lope (~-ounce> brown 1ravy mix SUahUy beat on~ egg; co m blne with bread crumbs, 01lnced onion, Worcestershire sauce, salt. sa1e. garlic salt, and pepper. Add meat and mix thoroughly. Place m eat on wax paper and pat Into an 11 x 9-lnch rectangle. Arrange carrots along 9-inch edge. Roll up, tightly e n c lo s ing carrots . Place in shallow plan, seam side down. Bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes. H eat water, milk , butter, and celery salt just to boiling . G r a du a ll y s tir in potatoes using fork or whisk. Cool sli ghtly. Add remaining egg aod whip briskly until light and Cluffy. Spread over cooked meatloaf. Bake at 450 degrees for 15 minutes. Cut in slices and serve with prepared brown gravy. 6 servings. atand 5 to 10 mlnutea. H eat wate r , milk , butter, and celery 1aJt lo 1la11 bowl, eovered with wax paper, oo HIOH 3 minutes, or until not quite boillne. Pontlnue as In a bove reelfe, rros tln1 l oaf w th' potatoes. Sprinkle with paprika. Microwave 3 minutes on HIGH. IRISH OOLESIA W 1 e nvelope ( l ~ ounces) Hollandaise sauce mil % cup water 1 tablespoon minced onion . 3 tablespoo~ vinegar 2 teaspoons sugar ·~ teas poon dill weed , Dash pepper 6 c up s fin e l y shredded cabbage Green pepper rings Prepare Hollandaise sa u ce with w ater, adding minced onion. Add vinegar, s ugar, dm weed and pepper. Pour hot sauce over cabbage; M I C R 0 WA V & : 1toss lightly . Chill at Microwave meatloar~n least 2 hours. Garnish HIGH 10 to 13 minutes, with pepper r ings to rotating dish after half resemble shamrocks. 6 the cooking time. Let servings. kt ~~B~~~ ~ THE -'J ECONOMIC ~ ADVANTAGES ~ OFAN f EPICUREAN i HAM ti' ~I ore cluck far your b~k •. -------·-------·----- ' • Orange Coat OAlLY PILOT/WednMday, Maren 10, 1882 ·Facing up and liaclrnig Clown with f 8shion By MARY JANE 8CARCELLO lk .. ,~ ........... It bappens every year abottt Ulla time. ~lsplays In all the stores naunt aborts, balhlna ult• and otb~r skimpy atUre before the snow, H beaun to melt from most front porches ln America. Even along the s unny Oran,e Coast, moat or \I S have spent winter months swathed in various layers of woolen sweaters, skirts a¥ pants. Raln may still be bucketing down outside in t.farch, but newspaper and magazine ads show smiling models cavorting in the surf while showing off the latest in resort wt>ar. 'l'hey're all tanned. beauliCul and as slim as the celery that must be their main food source. Seeing enough of them. you can close your eyes and almost Imagine yourself in the same outfits a bronzed goddess strolling along some fashionable beach. After a few weeks or the ads, you give in and aUow yourself the luxury of shopping for new summer clothes. Summer is far away, but the temptation is strong, and you know nothing will be left if you wait until the sun shines. The first shock at the store is that each year Vegetables for St. Paddy's Day Welcome St. Paddy's fresh and green all over Day in all s hades of with c ompa c t bud s eas onal green fresh clusters . Old, generally vege tabl es. Choose tough broccoli, has among many s pring "flo we rs " which are beauties : artichokes, visible inside the buds. as paragus, avocados, Good Brussels s prouts broccoli , Bru sse l s (o ft e n c a 1 I e d s prouts, cabbage, celery "mini-cabbages") are and spinach. firm , compact and fresh P ick ric hly green . bri g ht gr een the compact, heavy plump bette r to pl ea se Iris h artichokes with la rge, palates and plates. tightly clinging fl eshy Puffy or soft sprouts leaf scales. Browning are poor eating. Wilted ma y mean old .age , or yellow leaves show bruise injury. or frost aging. dam age. But then -Cabbage heads should ther e are those people be fairly solid and hea vy who like the "winter m relation to size and• kissed." slightly brown we II tr i m mi w i l h tinged artichokes. s tems cut clos to the F or tender asparagus. head . Fall an winter look for stalks with the cabbage is firm r <more largest amount of green. solid l than early or new Stalks should be fresh. cabbage. firm , with co mpac t Se lect cr is p . c lean closed tips . Open lips cel e r y chopped l o a a r e a s i g n o ( s tanda rd length with over -maturity. Reject stalks that are thick and angular or rtat stalks solfd with good he art whic h are apt to be formation. The stalks woody. should be britUe enough Avoc ados may be t o s nap easily . The b o u g h 't s I i g h t 1 y inside of the stem should unde r-ripe and ripened be s mooth at room temperature . On e of th e mo s t The ripening time can popular gre ens i s be s hortened by placing s pinac h . For be s t the avocados in a paper q u a I i t y , s e I e c l or plastic bag slightly we ll -developed plants closed and held at room with fresh, crisp, clean temperature. leaves of good green A simple trick for color Small, straggly or testing ripeness 1s to overgrown stalky plants stick a toothpick tn the are usually tough. fruit at the stem end. If With good weather it flows freely in and out ·and adequate s upply , of the fruit, the avocado these green delights can is ripe a nd read y to c h ar m y our m ea ls enjoy. d uring the month of Bu y broccoli that 1s March Learn to order in flawless French Diosa 's Books a nd Cookware in Irvine will offer a class in s oups and s tocks taug ht by Tarla FaJlgatter al 6:30 this evening. Cost is $20. Int e rpre t i n g a nd ordering from a French menu will be taught by f o rmer Fr e n c h in s tructo r Do l or es Hoffman at 6 :30 p.m . Friday, and class fee is $10. Pal Cook will ins truct tn bas ic microwave cooking from 1 lo 3 p.m . Saturday. Cost is SlO. Angelo Capell o of Alfredo's Restaurant at the South Coast Plaza Hotel will show students how t o prepare continental cuisine at 6:30 p.m. March 16. Call the store al 551·0280 for r egistration information. tonight at 7. Cost 1s $20 Call 673-2343 KITCHEN THINGS in Corona de l Mar will offer courses by Roy Pingo. On March 11, he ·w i I I s h o w h o w t o prepare fish sourne, and on Ma r c h 18 he will instruct in seafood and vegetable risotto. Fee for each is $20, and information is available by calling 673-3444. SHERMAN LIBRARY and Gardens in Corona del Ma r will present the final two courses in international dinners with Chinese cuisine on March 23 and Mexican c uisine on March 30. Classes are 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m .. and fee for each is $20. Call 673-2261 for p~eregistration and information. WILLIAMS-SONOMA MR. STOX restaurant in South Coast Plaza wiU in Anaheim will offer a offer a class In using class in "An Elegant phyllo dough tau1ht by Ladies Lunctfeon" al 10 Tarla Fallgatrer on a .m. March 18. March 16. She will On March 25, a class return on Mardi 22 with will offer instruction in a spring menu of lamb preparing a n Easter and fresh asparagus. brunch. The store will host A n e v e n 1 n g Joan Gerson Nathan, participation cla,ss and author of "Jewish gourmet dinner wlll Holiday Kitchen" for a· allow participants to cook'thg demonstration prepare the l r own and book signin1 at I dinner at a coat o( $37 .50 p.rh. on•Marcb 30. There per person. ia no charge for the The restaurant will presentation. Call the conduct a culinary tour store at 751-1166 for of Paris, lncludlng two lnformaUon. afternoon demonstration classes1 at La Varenne · FA88£.0'8 in Corona Cooking School. from del M1r will present a May e to 18. Call the class by Betsy Moulton restaurant at 834·299' .In aalad prapantloo for tnformatJon. t ·llT ·lf 1111111:111 dealaners manage to cut baclt more fabric from swim suits and 1hort1. They leap to the challenge of provldlnJ less outfit for more money while stUJ havinc anyt.h1na left to sell. Sometimes price tags are lar1er than whole outfits. The second shock comes In the dressing room. These br~ghUy lit t-Orture chambers are just large enough to hold a three-way mirror and small enough that you can't avoid seeing yourself ln it from all angle$. And there you are. You look white. And lumpy. No bronzed goddes'S. you have all the appeal of a beached whale and 1lance furtively over your shoulder to see if Captain Ahab ll. wailing to harpoon you. · The pleats, folds and fathers of your winter outfits seem to have transferred themselves to your body. That's the breaking point. ''l'M NOT GOING OUT ON THE BEACH IN THIS. BODY," you shriek in a tooe calculated to :~~::~$129 ......... --lb. cr ack a mirror fivo dres ln1 rooms away The saleslady, M 19-year-oJd size three, b aa been lurking nearby. She peers ln, curls her lip lmperceptably and comlorll you by saying, ~·Have you tried our full·fliu.ro department?" She hauls In several bathing s uits resembUng the tent your family used last year ul Yosemite and departs. You try them on, call down a curse on AmeUa Bloomer's name and st•lk out of the store determined to diet and "'ercise until you look like the models ln the phltoi. At least, you tell yourself, no one will m 1stake you for the Goodyear bHmp. So you pass up the calorics , startle the n e ighbors by jogging each morning and generally torture yourself until you can stand a return trip to the storea. You buy summer gear, s pend a few afternoons sunning in the backyard and then venture out to a public beach. Only then do you note an interesting fact No one on the beach looks at all like the skinny models in the photos. People are s wimming. sitting or walking around ln a variety of shapes and s izes standard in the species homo aapiens as we know it. SAFEWAY QUALITY MEAT So where are those celery·leaged modelat • Relax they're somewhere posln1 for photoa in a swelterlnti array or wool aweatera, sktrta. and fur coal!, bccauae clot.hln& companlea have to get a Jump on advertising for the fall and winter seaM>n. Arm yourself with that knowledae before entering the s tore's change rooms this sprln&. and enjoy the thought as you lie on the beach this summer. If you've already decided to lighten up on the calories, here's a recipe for a light soup with un ele"ant taste. For sen ous dieters . serve it with Ry-Crisp cr aC'kers as an easy first course at dinner SUDDENLY SOUP t t"a11s chicken broth 1 cup.tomato juice Grated rind of •".! orange 1 ~ cup vermouth Sall and pepper to taste Boil the chicken broth and tomato juice together until reduced by aoout 1~ Add the orange rind, vermouth, s alt and pepper and heat lo serve . Makes a bout 4 servings. • A._lle t-.-•Allee Stewwt le1A,...tH '"'""" .• -....... ....,,......._ .s-, .... : ....,_. , ..... h-1 fWtecNtf . ._ ...... ~ s.., ... Ower SIS,000,000 --~~-=~=--..-:::::-1-r '" ,ril .. AweiWtie Rib Eye Steak Dual~'t:h.o ID 1349 Fresh Pork Steak si::. 111v lo ~ Kraft Dinners "'-°"' ,.,_,,, 19' .....,... .._.,..,._,c:Miif0..lA11 O · &~ 8o'I C-{ Downyflake Fresh Ground Chuck o-~i~_, Short Ribs ~~~ ~.2r:t~~J;!.SJ..SJW ~l':t:IY ID 1179 lb '159 Ill 122• Sa HlllS/IH F•ml Smoked usage Mui, PGllSI> Sliced Bologna Scolchauv Beef Rib Roast ~t:'IV .. '249 I IO $149 Pl<O lb 1239 3¢ *179 Paclc l1cept 6 12-oz. Co1oli,,o 8ottlH LMN• J 'vttho .. 0.•' Lrntt 11 ?9 • ~ Friskies Buffet ,~ 3~ 5100 C-£ Nu Made Salad Dressings :O~:i. 69' :!::t. Sunny Delight = ~:; 51 '9 Shasta Beverages Thiut 88 Ove.,ch1"9 c 2-1.Jter Bottle Rudy's Sausage Patties Fried Chicken r..01111~~- ''t...-0: '1'9 Fresh Snapper ~::~~ ID s199 rs 2 Lucerne Chocolate Milk 2 lb s249 ~o 98' ~ Pl.o Captain's Choice Fishsticks f•olt~ '" ....-Lucerne Yo gurt 3? 01 S11t re~ Artichokes ~~ 5109 Breaded Perch Golden Bananas o.n .. ov• 48C Wllh lvller -· -· Eoch l11nchbo1 Fovorile, l ip• & fr .. h ....... --· ,.29° Fresh Broccoli ~~* Orange Juice :~ Green Onions .., Green Leaf Lettuce Navel Oranges ~" Crisp carrots T111ty 1b 55' Bronze or Butter Lettuce ~·211 Fresh Avoeados F=. 2 8undllt 49' tofu Bean Cake ~= ..-35• Bell Peppers 0= ., 39' Italian $Quash e 2 ~ 59' Indoor House Plants e= • 19' Mini Carnation Bouquets ~35' ~3SC ~79c Ill 89' II> 49• ~ ::!IC Old Crow s.~8.:bon ~ R' 't •lltlll>Co•Aoaato ....., 1unt e •L.imorUICO ~Almaden Light Chablis ~Dos Equis light Beer • insh Whiskey Olde:.'~"' 11s s911e l•t« 2 1~.m1 s5 00 8onlt$ 1 s s319 l~ft ~P«:k5 2 ~1700 750 1999 ml Baileys Irish Cream , .. ,.... :;:: Van De Kamps Encn.•illu ::S [ Bel Air Pizza var1t11n ~Bel-air Apple Pie 1'~ ; ~;::;=~~--~ ... B B d •s Wriont s. =: erry rea tiont• W11t~• ::=!'Crushed Wheat Mrsfll~·;t•s 1HI 79c l~I 11:1f.15 j :t.j :I I \Iii°·~ , ::=: Oil of Olay Beauty Lotion :: .. 534i:-; =*'Hydrogen Peroxide 5.tlewey ~:. 49! :&-21 White Petroleum Jelly Stltwav ~~ 99• ~Aspirin Tab lets Saltwl'! !°';'~ ~gc ~ ~Cotton Swabs s.!tway :Bo 89'·'{ iC\J·;;,~;;;~;;,;~11 I 51 .iOOFF 1i I FILM DEVELOPllG , • . .~1 'Wtleft .,.., he .. , <-,rlfll ,.. r~ I (' . .. '10, ., • ., IU ....... ,.... ! I 1 (llriftt•,.,1.-..., thlt ,..,,.ft when • : \) ye11 pick 11p ye111 ,Met-. I ; L . .A• • I . I;:~ ---'"'--.-__ , .. ,,,_ ~)· . ~ " .. '-:::..': '::;:Z.:. ,,.,: :::....~l~I ~ ···--·--·········· SAFEWAY I -.. ......_ ...... ,.,, '"'"'--c........1....,._ ..... ..._...c--1 ..................... ~ "' .., Tim•·hated Irhh l••b atew wu flnt cookect ln tbe mlahty m9narcb a heavy three·l•Hed lron pot wbtcb 'bun1 from a sturdy chain ln the flreplacea of Ireland. From lt comes the term. "to take potluck." 'fhrouah the centuries, youn1 tender lamb has been substituted for the orl1lnal mutton, but the Jrilh potato (adopted by Ireland from early Americans) and the :1flftraitous onion have :remained the same. Or9noe Coelt DAILY ,_.LOT~!dneeday, Mweh fO, 1882 romantic aa tilt three·l•11ed ml1hty mona,rch, if you are .amon' the enerl)·conaciou.a. A return to cookln1 atop the .Franklin stove or on a cha.lo rlc lnalde the fireplace ml1ht be in order, 11 ml1ht a "potluck" aupper. The stew ~e rtainly wlll be good enough fo r company. A TASTE OF IRELAND LAMB STEW 4 to I servlnis 2 pounds lamb shoulder, cubed 2 teaspoons u lt \4 t.eatpoon pepper 8 cups chicken bouillon. or 3 cups hot water and 8 chicken bouillon cubes l teaspoon around thyme \4 teaspoon aarllc powder 3 potatoes. peeled and cul into thick slices 2 cups sliced onions 1th cups fresh or frozen green peas Arrange lamb in Dutch oven or large, heavy saucepan with cover. ln 1-quart mlxln1 bowl , combine salt, pepper, bouillon, thyme and 1arlic powder. Mix well and pour over lamb. Heat to bolllna point. Cover and cook over Jow heat 30 minutes. Skim off fat. Add potatoes and onions lo lamb. Cover and cook •s minutes over low heat. or until lamb and vetetables are tender. Add peas and cook until peas are tender , depend.ing upon the kind used. - , lfUIH TA8TI! - Lamb glves an authentic fiavor to a hearty Irish stew. ., l~ :r*~~t i~~:i ,.------G-=---1-E~ •. -... -,-0-.-----. S-. u-r.-L-UE- :( ·1745) said, "There ftl I' Wft 1~ ~~i::t~:,~::.~io~~~ AND SOMETHIN' EXTRA :1 t your kissing should ;b spoiled the onion st be thoroughly ile4." rue Irish stew, then d now , is much the e, but purists are ick to condemn the aence of carrots. Ith or without rrots, its fame and ceptance are uestiooable as is its od reputation for kfng the most of sil y a cq uired n tedients at little cost, cially at this time en there is an ample ply or fresh lamb ~ Hable at prices to fit ry purse or wallet. f you prefer, the stew y be cooked in the' n instead of on top of Ch stove. ~ r, reduce the liquid ne cup and cook it in h electric slow·cooker t' 'le yo u are asleep, y, or at work. one of these modern thods are as ty in ·sh style St.Pat's TABLE KING BEEF-LEAN TENDER WE'LL DO<JBLE THE DIFFERENCE CXJR 0<JARANTEE OF VONS LOW PRICES to convince you d Vons commitment to low prlc~. we're making thil off~. If you con find ~ prices C>Yef'all this week at erry ott-aupermalkd.. Vons wtll PfJY you ~ die difference. JuM shop at Vons Buy 25 diffe~ itenu wor1h •20 or men. Compare poc~ oo the same Items at any other s~rmat11et. 'If !heir total is lower. bring your itemized Vons re«ipt and the ocher marilet's prices to Von• and we'll pey you double the difference in cash Vons-low prices you can be lie'le Ill LIMIT 2 (Purchase oYer Umit·reg. price 2.09 lb.) DELICATESSEN 1 MXl<tt P....ov.oE .99 Sim Prtcen.. Meat Wieners 4-0U!<C Pl',() -~v~ .69 &iddlg Sked Meats 12-0Z. Pl',0 -N"ERJCAM ()II SoWl5S CHEEJE 165 Kraft Cheese Singles FOOD I~ PMJl.N;;L-flolO""' PIQWZ 98 Ponrs Plzu Crust • 160l. P....ov.<lE 7..)9, llOUl'<t; PAC!lloOC 129 Precious ltalan lll'loz:rarela 1201.P~l.M~PICV<L. 175 Vons Cooked H.m 160<.nef: PAOVoOE. SlolOKl'O .75 Rk:h'a Turttey F....,ks FROZEN FOODS 1/1o.I. <:rn ~-A!lllT 1'1.AIOllS ·Old Fuhlon Ice Crum 199 }79 339 llcx.tUCM Vons Or-. Juice .99 VONS BAKLRY ~o:i Cake feed I.OZ 2 69 SA'4! Joe-HA ~ F""'1c.ke Vo:.~°"°""" 511'4! ·~ Holdly o.pcMes If:.:~ .... COAST SOPl!.R SIZE BAA 7-0Z. .7\ 345 511'4!.ll .99 J65 .98 )OZ. ..53 LIQUOR ~ 369 Galo Oewwtztramlner ~ 269 RU* l.anbru9co « Blanco I ~-<""8US. W. ll06f: 2'29 Car1o Rossi Rhine '~-IOP<IOOf 799 Popov Vodka ~ 799 Kahlua Coffee Liqueur ~ l l 19 Amamto DI Saronno 11~U'tr:-.-~PMCJ:, .. 899 Straight Bourbon SERVICE SEAFOOD N!Oll!MOUllOSTm-W!IOIL Oii Hiii.i' l 3 9 Fancy Northweat Selmon U1 AICHl'l\CPIC Oc:e.n Perch F9ets f'liOttl'IOUllOSTU> Alaskan H.m>ut Steeb PRODUCE ~T 'Mnl c::o-t..,. <lenten,... c.....,. ~ ..... BNIMll lpfouts ~~ lil-Whle RoM Pomtoe9 U1 .49 BIL .29 U1 .15 Ul .39 L& ti9 L&.39 179 CREST TOOTHPASTE J139 6 I /2-0Z. CN1 -UClHT -1'1 WI\ TER OR OC U'\11' J IPurdlne <Mr lmll-reg pooe 991 .89 II 20Z. T08E INCL ~OFF. REG. Miff, OEl. U'VT 2 (~'-c a-llmi-reg prlct I Ml MEATS TAl!l£ llHl f/ELF-~ Spencer Steaks f Al!U M«l-llCXIC> CllJ Beef Sh1ofn Tlp Steaks r...a.£ o.roc Beef Cube Steaks ~~~~ Lii 298 Lll 249 UI 258 UI l 97 Lii } 97 TAlll.£ M<O DOU r«>T VICEEO ~ f AT l 88 Fresh Lean Ground Beef U1. TfJ!U'. IU"IO Boneless Stewtng Beef tlOtll!l..E.M Kiii. YU Wl9on l'WtietJJ'ec:e twns UI 199 UI l 99 Lii 339 ~llOl'Y\ney Dnnlllc:hl UI. .6 9 HE-Al. TH[, BEAUTY 2 ~ 100 J35 ·~-Oii~ -6 499 Marnucl Buie LaMdwe Dt'\l l~Y ~ 'l~O f)( Jc I<.-, ~;o...;._... .85 .57 GROCERIES ITOl. CN<-MO..f llVINCL ()II CRCJ'ol'OST'l\L 45 OoldenCom • • 4'0l llOTTU-()(;fAtO YM• -Orapdrult Juice Cocktail ~eonu: Seneca Grape Juice I.OZ. .wt~V ()ltCJIU'<'lfl' Jtl Pe.nut Butter 139 }54 167 GROCERIES 2•<XJl<t: ftOTT\.£ Crisco Salad 00 81120U!<EllOX Cinch Com Muf'ftn Mix 6ol<U<l'. llOTT\.£ Oorox Liquid Bleach .99 118 .24 .64 .79 =M.:rshmalow Creme • 6 9 ai:S.'.=h Bega • 7 9 I PLAY VONS $2,000,000 SOMETHIN' EXTRA GIVEAWAY Ther!!! s no purch•se necessary Must be 18 or oldef to ploy Complele ruin and ~ aveiloble •I 166 Vons Sc.ores 1n C•ltfomla and NeY.clo. So come In and ploy todov. Bec1use there could be Somethln" Extr1 welting fOf you et Vons Voi;is $2.000.000 Somethln' Extra ends May 5. I 982 Of when eH ~ts haw bffn distributed. Odds. The following odds ore In meet until )0 deys aftef February 4, 1982. Thefffltef updated odds w1 be poelled in ~ Von11 end iWfopi1* rww~·ects. ..:D D'PtlC1M'ntrm. nw>a0H MD.. llWICIC 11 TO~ ll, llG. CA&L (2t))519ot400llOll~1'0ft Of'll'Ole.._.,'fOCL l'tOT A&L,,_Ne ,._" nml#j &FS:IMAT "°"" IMOW • ..CO .. , tl11 W.IOT'MtT~~MGILD. IM omaG. .-.0.Ne LAI~ tM.D .. llSfM QIWfmY ON.Y, MARINA OORAFt.AAE OXYDOL BATHROOM TISSUE LAUNDRY DETEROENT WHITE.ASSORTED l'Rl.00 lHOUR 1.96 mot. 7.09 ~PKO. .99 l'llELOO 2 HOUR 1 .44 4tOt. 2.12 ..... . tn ........... ....... --... ...... ~ 4IO(T, 1.99 .. -----------·----- ' Orang• Cout OAILV PILOT/Wednetcf•y, March 10, 1982 \--.. IRVINE RANCH .FARMERS MARKETS j 'J1 ~ f CD • C )0 01 NIAT Irvine Ranch Farmers Markets TURKEY Freah/frozen, 20 to 24 lbe. Reg $1.19 lb 89~ lb Marinated TeriyaJd BEEF KABOBS Reg$3.981b $3.49 lb LINK SAUSAGE Reg $1.S9 lb $1.49 lb Boneless SIRLOIN TIP STEAKS Reg $3.69 lb $2.98 lb SIDE OF BEEF Cut and Wrapped FREEi PLUS One FREE 20 lb Irvine Ranch Farmers Market.a Turkey with each Side ordered! Avg ~t: 375 lbs $1.39 lb HINDQUARTER OF Bi:EF Cut and Wrapped FREE! T Avg \\eight 190 lbs $1. 69 lb Irvine Ranch Farmers Markets CORNED BEEF BRISKET Reg $2:69 lb $1.69 lb Available at the Tustin and Newport stores only! SE.A FOOD Thick and White FRESH SEA BASS Reg $5.98 lb $4 .98 lb STUFFED CLAMS Reg 50~ each 40 ~ JUMBO COOKED SHRIMP Cooked on the Premises! each Reg $13.98 lb $9.98 lb SHARK STEAKS Reg$2.981b $2.49 lb JU1'{BO SPANISH- RED SHRIMP Reg 817098 lb $14 .98 lb Available at the Tustin and Newport stores only! BAKERY Homemade 100% Natural Small FRENCH ROLLS No Sugar or Mille Added Package of 12 $1.13 Homemade Irvine Ranch Farmers Markets ASSORTED COOKIES I lb Paclrage Limit~ Reserved No Dealer Sales. . $2.79 Stort Hours: JO am 10 6 pm. &ltf'n Days IRVINE STORE OF VALUES ~: ):'.>.· • "" O!i:· . . . l'., ·> ;.::(· : * • h : ~ • 'I~ 0. • . ~-----coVPON·---;-i 1 P CELLO CARROTS ~-~ . C:OACBEJ.•.A. PIN& GllAPEFlllJIT . i 3 for $1.00 Health Wley PEANUT BUTTER Unealted, Creamy or Cn.incby '1JI' 16o:i Reg81.99 $l.39 AK MAK CRACKERS 4.75 en Reg 79< 59¢ Extra large PRUNES 16 en Reg 81.89 $1.59 MENTHOL, CINNAMON, LICORICE, AND GLACIAL CHIPS 8ozRe,&2.99 $2.39 I I I Pound rorl~ I I With each $12.50 purcbue. I NoUmitr J Offer Good 3/10 through 3/16/82 ~--------------~--~ Roasted Salted SOYA BEANS Bulk Only. Reg.81.99lb $ l.69 lb Routed Salted CASHEW BUITS Bulk Onty. Reg 84.19 '!.$3.59 lb MONUKK.A RAISINS Bulk Only. Reg 81.99 lb $ l. 69 lb Sun bunt GRANOLA Gone-Nuta and Cllmm>oo·Awle Bulk Only. Rea $L59 lb $1.29 ., Wm. T.1bompt0n Wm. T. Tbompt0n ADULT Pl.EX BUFFERED C-1000 901W».Ret$10.95 $6.47 901W».Rec&8.95 $4.97 Where Tradition ia Country Freahnea. TUSTIN STORE 110 1'11 • lf111 J •I li w 1Ulr q 9111 ,, IT)1!)) •lt"l 11111)\/ no"'' 11 I'll' 11a1i I lo, I .,m•1i /\ ·DEL I From Ireland · 1 • BLARNEY CBEFAE )'~1 ;, Juet In time for St. Patrick'• Day! ' J ,, Jles$4.491b $3 49 ·~~ t: • lb.,11 'i " Cooked ti r. CORN BEEF Lean and Reedy to Serve N Reg $5.49 lb 04 49 ·.:''. I 9 e lb U lJ . ,, : Spring \alley SMOKED TURKEY BREAST Fre8bly Sliced Reg 84.98 lb 100% Sheep's MUie .4 rr " . : I fl .•-,t IMPORTED ·· ·· .:. t FETA CREESE , , Reg$4. 98 1b $3.98 lb '" . GREEN BEANS IN SOUR CREAM Reg$L79lb $l.49 lb ~ ( ... Available at the Tustin and Newport : 1 • stores only! PROVISIONS ' Yoplalt YOGURT AUFlavon 6oz Reg 53¢ 1Wining'8 IRIS& BREAKFAST TEA :1 t( I ' I I ~; i .. , : IOCountReg85¢ 59 ~ • 11 I• . ' : Francisco SOURDOUGH FRENCH BREAD I lb Reg $1.10 7 5 ~ Good Stuff IOGRAIN SPECIAL BREAD 16 oz Reg $1.21 89 ~ SQUAW DINNERllOLIS 'I ! : .. .• . . . •'" .. I, 1' " 12ozRec$1.46 $} 09 \ .. ,. e •I • !• Stort Hours: 9am 1t1 9pm ....... ,.,." P,11' 14002 Myford Road At Santa Ana Freeway 838-2851 13152 Newport Avenue At Irvine Boulevard 838-9570 COSTA MESA/NEWPORT STORE 2651 Irvine Avenue South of MesA D11v,, 631-4404 Slore Hours: 9 am 10 8 pm. ~~n Days ' ,· -ddress labels MP refunders· with requ.est~ -~TIN8t.OAN£ Otrers may not be I> EA R SU P E R . avaUable ln all areas of MARKET SHOPPER the country. Allow 10 -I haven 't. h ad week• to receive each macb to do slnce 1· refund. Mtired two years a10 The followtn1 refund ~use I have never offers are worth $10.ao. Mtll one for hobbies. This week's often have 9ut two months MIO I a total value of $20.29. •tarted c utting out DURKEE Recipe cCMipons. Soon I had so Offer. Receive a recipe may of them that I had book. Send the required to 'buy a coupon wallet. "refund f<>rm and the Each Ume I go shopping name "Durkee" from J ave a few dollars, and I really enjoy It. · the frohu or two cans of Durkee·O and C Real French Fried Onions. Tbta offer I• void In Wa1hl ncton state . Exp.lrel June 30, um. HEINZ CRISCO, ORE·IDA Chicken Coupon Offer. Receive a $2 coupon tor chicken. Send the .required refund form , one front label from 44 -ounce Heinz Ketchup or two , Sept. 30, 1912. SAN ()JORGIO Box Top Otter. Reeelvo a $1 llPllllllR lllPPll. labels from any other 1l1e ol Heln.z Ketchup, tbe r&uld -ounce statement from one bottle of Criaco OU, tbe proof-of-purchase seal from one 2-pound bag of Ore·lda Golden Fries or Golden Crinkles and the register tape with any , refund . Send 4h• chicken purchase required refund form circled. Expires May 1, and flve San OtorsJo box 1982. tops with prlce·•POt H O M E . S T Y L E panels. Expires May 31, VEG-ALL $1 Refund 1982. Offer. Send the requlred S ENE CA MUSH· refund form and three ROOM Coupon Offer. labels from 29-ounce Receive a 50 ·ce nt Home Style Veg-All coupon. Send the vegetables. Expires required refund form and the Seneca 1010 from the label of any Seneca Mushrooms . Explrea July 31, 1982. SKINNER MACARONI CO . Receive a cookbook and $2.70 worlh of coupon• for Skinner macaroni products. Send tht. required refund form and two labels from Skinner macaroni products. Expires July 1, 1982. TONE'S CUPBOARD GARDEN. Receive a $1 refund . Se nd the required refund form, the lower center J>Ort10D of the label (showln1 product weleht> rrom any full -alze jar of Tone 's C upboar d Garden and the dated re.glster tape with the price circled. Expires June 30. 1982. A few weeks ago l •tarted to notice refund form s . There aren't many In my local supermarket, but I have learned to keep my eyes open and to ask the employees . I have already sent for 16 refunds, and I can hardly w4it for the moeey to start coming back. You save Y11r Sharl . Of The 6reenl Since I am a beginner, I have this question : Is it all right to use a pl"inted name aQd 'address labe l on a rehlod form that says '"pnnt your . name and address . . . "? -Late But Learning Fast from Grandview, Wuh. DEAR LEARNING FAST -It's never too late to become a smart shopper. Don't hesitate to use your printed name and address labels . The people .•at the refund fulfillment companies who process refund requests will be delighted because the labels are so easy to read. DEAR SUPER - MARKET SHOPPER -I h ve r ea d your column s co n - cerning errors at the checkout counter and believe that double checking the register tape when you get home is good advice. But going back to the store to gel a refund is often inconvenient and by the followin g week the matter might be forgotten. 1 now use a s mall electronic calculator to total up my purchases. I enter the price of each it.em as I put it in my sbo1>ping cart. By the (ime I get to the cash register, I have a pretty good idea of what my bill will be. If it is more than a few cents different from my total, I can quesiion it r.igbt then and there This saves me time, gas aJHI aggravation. Ann Allar from Chicago DEAR ANN Electronic calculators Have become so small na inexpensive that every supermarket i'bopper s hould ha ve one. Many calc ulators have a memory feature. You can put the total of y.our purchases up to t!h a t p o i n t i n t h e memory while y ou flpre out a unit-price or some other calculation. When you are done, you c..n get the total back ff'om the calculator's memor y and c an proceed to add on the rest of your purchases. CUP 'N' F I LE REFUNDS Ve1etable1, Starches, Fruits (File 4 > Clip out this fil e and ftep it with similar cash-off coupons beverage refund offers wiU. beverage coupons, for example . Start collecting the needed proofs of purchase while looting for the required refund forms at t he supermark et, in newsp aper s and m•gazines, and when trading with friends Vegetarian workshop , LB BEEF Chuck Roast lflF auot. CUl tmSlUI BU., LOIN r.-srua BEU lQH • -• 1t 11 11 • -• • 1111 12 11 17 w.-......... "'--.. ......- _.,._ iiicU • lmlS tJ 11.29 MIZIA 11.29 l..fO'llUCB) LmllATS RUOY't 'ARM • 1 •• SAISAI( PATTIS 1a.oz u .u tilll..8>111\l ,AllM8 & VAl\lf't1£S •2 111 .U SAUWE . tJ • sw.r-IM>ZIA 13.19 Kl' CHUCK AOASl ----IUF C>iUCtl •••llAST HU~lHO •IUST _... atu llOUt40 TIP llAST -...eEO STtW llAT 1..a 11A8 tJ 11.99 tJ 11.99 La12A9 La 11.99 gt. cpatltlc~ ·s COa~ cp1toduce gpeclaQsf FRESH Reel . Snapper ·•;49 flGZll saf flllT ISU. LllSID ~ PmtmusESTW l.11.19 l.12.59 ~·2.89 l• 12.79 ~siiiii1 • 1'T. rch_ TUNA ~LS-OZ KRAn I OUMTERS llC PARKAY AR~~RINE STATER BROS. WHrTE, PINK, OR YELLOW BATH TISSUE 24-0Z AMOftf£D COLORS Ofl WHITE scon TISSUE -· llfOUlAA. ,._ 011 AUTO. 1Li.Si1os COFFEE *OZ '°" LA&INOllY OXJDOL DITIRGEN1 ~faOI • WISHIOll CAl!AMV CUCUMBEll LITE 9'15&1 .. N,FAlHCli Oil T>+()US.oNO ISl.ANO OAl.SSIHG r••XED IUTS r,:;r Delllaltl Plis ~ .... Tmtallice ...... lmla r l.2.19 9 .. «&3c] ·~~J II-OZ 7gc _,.95c ..... 24' ...... 59' .. Mil s119 ._.Bf "°' Sl.48 ''°' '1.49 .... sl.13 .... .,,._ sl.59 ,.,,...15' ._s1.51 -'1.15 _., -'1.49 -'1.31 H I '1.31 ·-'5.31 ·---------------------------, : CB~eod £pec10Qsf I t , ... , QHNAMOHOR 35c •' ' -· ~CIHMAMOH 11'11 t ll'9PIM>NI : Fm 33c t t PIES SfATlUIO()t • ~ : : f IDIH I t ..... 'IWH:llCO one • MUUI lllCEO •..OZ "" . t ~--------------~ OHIO. PIZZA »OZ Hallmt ...... ...-. Fi~ KalM*s ..... ._ ~ l ltdll 5i'._ Totim Pim ~ FAMILY DETERGENT . ..,, S1J9 .,,.'2.49 _s2.04 ..,,, s1.8 ..., Sl.19 C01et COeQ1g~t Era................................. 128-0Z •7 .66 .Bl.EACH Cloroll ................................. 64-0z 66° 'SANDWICH Glad Bap ................ ~T ••.34 I NABISCO PREMIUM UNSALTED OR Saltines .......................... 16-0Z s3• I BOBS BLEU CHEESE Salad Drealn1 ... 1&-0z •i:.59 ' GRAPEFRUIT JUICE WHITE OR PINK TreesW'eet ...................... 46-0Z 89• ALPO, 5 VARIETIES I Doa Foocl ........................ 14.5-0z 39° STATER BROS. PLAIN OR IODIZED • f Salt ......................................... 2tr0z 27° KERNS APRICOT OR APRICOT/PINEAPPLE •Preserves ................... 16-0z •i:.09· LAUNDRY LIQUID I D)'namo ..................... 12&-0Z •6.49 ..... ,. ..... .. ,, .. ,. ,, I Oranoe Cout DAILY PILOT/W9dneed8)', ... .,.ch 10, 1812 ' CT Pota~oes fight blld image By DOROTHY WENCS ~ .... c-ity ..... ...._ More pcHatoee are 1rown worldwide than any other c rop , lncludln1 .any 1raln, according to the Food Jnd Agri c ultur e Oraanilatlon of the United Nations. Why a re potatoes so popular? B asically because they are easy to grow in temperate. regi o ns and are remarkably nourishing. bavln1 70 calories, 1lvu you the tollowlnl percent.sea of your U.S. Recommended Dally 1AJlowances (U.S. RDA> :. protein -' percent, vltamlrt C -30 percent, tblamln -6 percent, rlbofia'tin -2 percent. niacin -6 percent, Iron -4 percent, vitamin 86 ~ 20 percent, folacin - 8 percent, phosphorus - 8 percent; magnesium - 8 percent, zinc -4 percent, copper -10 percent, and iodine -15 percent. They also are a good so u rce of potasalusn. maraartne. Allo. fall or olll aN used to ~repare them when they re pan fried or French fried, t.bereby addlnt IQany extra calories. For dieters the rule of the aame should be : omit the fats, don't omit the potatoes -eat them plain or with low -fat extras. Try some cottage cheese or plain yogurt and chives on them in place or cheese sauce. sour cream, or butter, for example. vary conelderabiy in their nutrient conte nt dependln1 on variety. arowtna condltlon 11. temperature and length of storage. Thus, the values given for the U.S. ROAa of potatoes are based on avera1es ·of many different potatoes held for typical storage times of one. four, and eight months. -Id c han ge In nutrie nt (' values. 111 -Q. Whic h la the best way to cook potatoet to r e tain the moat nutrieJ>lS -bot1101 . baking, microwavina; with or without slclns? A. Experi menta l s tudies in wh ic h potatoes were cooked various ways clearly indicated t hat cooking potatoes without prior peeling definitely is pre f~rable fro m the s tandpoint of retaining nutrients. ,. .... .j ' •tr ( r. \'-i 11 .i.,n HAPPY ENDING -Creme de menthe flavors a minty green pie. Nutritional deficiencies are llttle kno wn in countries where people depend on potatoes as their basic f ood , according to nutrition researchers. Potatoes have only a trace of fat and the main source or their calories i~ comp l ex carbohydrate in the form of starch. In addition to their high nutrient density , potatoes h ave other advantages: their navor is bland and is a good accompaniment to many foods a nd they can be prepared easily in many different ways. Nutrient s s uc h as minerals, protein, fiber, and starch change little In storage -unless potatoes a.re stored at a cold <below 50 degrees) t e mperature which causes the starch to change to sugar. H eat ca u ses som e nutrient lo s s in all cooked potatoes. In addition. nutrients are lost in the cooking water when peeled potatoes are cooked. ~ ~f . .. ' )IU ·J Leprechaun pie secr e t Potaloes are high In nutrient density, that ls, they are relatively high i n m'\ n e r a 1 s a n d vitamins a nd low In T h e nutrient that changes the most is vitamin C. During the fir s t few months of storage there is a sharp decre&'IP in vitamin C. • ....,, J .. ,. ,, , -r.a..1 ·ai :\ 1-sMJ ·-<t' ·"-' I • .~ J, .'Tis time for the little. people, shamrocks. Irish tenors and the wearing ol the green. One branch of the littl e people , Leprechauns, have been chided for their zealous guarding of a treasure that mere mortals have never seen. It can now be revealed that one of the treasures is a lusc ious pie , delicate ,green in color (of course) and nestled in a chocolate crust. Oqe taste and you'll realize why they worked so hard to guard the treasure. LEPRECHAUN P IE 1 chocolate flavored ready-crust 1A cup milk 6 cup s mini marshmallows 1Ai cup green creme d e menthe (add fe w Prices lo~r ATLANTA (AP ) Increased food supplies a nd lowe r d e mand because of the recession will keep prices at the cash register below the a nticipa ted i nflation· rate this ye ar . a D ep-a rtm e n t o f Agriculture economist has reported. Paul Westcott s aid retail food prices will go up 7 percent, compared wit h t h e ex pected inflation rate of 10.4 percent. However, Westcott said prices for fresh fruits and vegetables will rise sharply from now until April because of t he January freeze that left few parts of the U nit e d Sta te s untouched. The key market force this year. Westcott said, will be the same as las t year: "Large s upplies of foodstuffs a nd weak demand ," whic h held down prices during the recession that began last year. ''Beyond midyear, food prices are likely to ris e fas t e r as food demand i n creases _ during the economic recovery." he said. lf W es tcott 's predic tions prove correct, 1982 will be the fourth successive year in which inflation has outpaced food prices. In 1981, retail food prices rose 7.9 percent, l ess than t h e 10 .4 percent rise in the total cons umer price index, according to USDA figures. * * * Stir up a s imple, fres h-tasting cool fish sauce using equal parts mayonnaise and plain yogurt as a base. Put in a generous amount of a minced fresh green or your choice -green onion tops, parsley, watercress and celery leaves are all tood. For a punch of flavor and texture, add finely chopped walnuts. Thls' sauce la tasty combined with leftover naked fish or canned ttma, makinl a maln diab salad or sandwich flll1n1. • Oven·t()Nt.ina walnuts after a 3 ininute dlJ> bi. rapidly boilin1 wat er enhance. their h·eah ta1te and lives them a 1p1cial Uabt, crunchy teature . Bake :W.11-dndned kemell ln ll 1b a llow pan at uo 'delreet, ltlrtlnf often, 'for 12 to u mlnut. unW 11olden. Cool. UH in '1tlaUn1, dre11tn11: HUee1 or other mol1t •latune. dr oes g r ee n fo o d coloring) l teaspoon vanilla 4 cu ps wh ipp ed cream Grated chocolate for garnish Combine milk and marshmallows ; cook and stir over low beat until m ars hmallows -----==-- m e l t . Re move fr om beat ; cool, sti r rin g every 5 minutes until pa r tially set. Stir in li q u e ur a nd f oo d co loring ; fold in whip p~d c r eam and1 fr eeze until fi rm . Spr inkle with chocolate. Let stand 10 minutes before serving. calories. - Low in calories? This is contrary to the belief of many people who conJider potatoes a high calorie food -one of the first to be eliminated on a weight control diet. Wh at a mistalce! Obe medium <boiled > potato • As a calorie source, carbohydrates are no higher than protein and provide less than half the c al o r ies o f a comparable amount of fat. But like bread , potatoes often associaie with th e bigh·fat, high-calorie flavor a-ddilives, butler or -Q. Sometimes we buy large lO·lb. bags of potatoes when they're on sale and it takes us sever al months to eat them all. Wil these potatoes lose nutrients during .storage? -A. Potatoes, just like other plant foods. After four months storage there is little further change. Often potatoes have already bee n stored for four months or more when you buy them, so further s torage lime at home wi ll r esult in little The more s urface a r ea expos ed <the smaller the pieces) the m ore n u trients are dissolved in the cooking water . Mi c rowave cook ing in general tended to result in equal or higher retention of nut r ients t han oven bakiog. • 'C'•J '~~,: ·~~ ~~1· '-.11 ·~ ~1'1 •h f J ,, • .I'd Olt,bO'C 0009E SAVE15¢ ~!l') .ll;•J ? .. : I I --1 I I I 3aooo 109470 ..,,/,._ .. Q' I.t r,> 'Lt°O IJ '''"' 'Z"l '· '1-ilo '.!f Tlt1 ·,tnlJ l'l>tJ1 'l·'1P. ·nnJ ~--r:~I .. _________________________________ ,~.·~ - - - - - - - ---- - ---··'1icC 2Ck off any v..n de Kamps seab>d product. CO'llC\tl'll C.. """"' ,. • .i uni! u• r<od"CI u"ht"Me\I l1mM unr-r.N~)lt Jl'tf p~nN'C' Rt HJLU •~ • 111 IMY fl(c> v.-hw phh '' h•nt..H"'-•f'lirft ,,,""' u.mpl) wrnrh '&. lf'tm-"' ,., ..,. Iha )OW pvr <llbc'J ...tllo. .... pnodun n'IU'<t t't.' l"<Hlahk \'\MJ whrrc- pn.h1Nttd 14*-e-..I ur fC".,. rk, rJ y_,ti ~ ... tU(" I/ lOt M.-1a 111 \.1n Jir. KMnf'' fO &1' l;lltl < ""''"' ..... ., '1""}4 COtrP0-4 l.X'111f' OfrF\480 \t t981 19bOO 1037a2 (/) ~ 0 g 'll ~ ,.fr.,-i •.• 1 {· .. .. 11.:':f . t.~ -.v'J ~ ~-~ , (ll (} l•°lt I>,..., .• H "-"1 \j I· ,.~ ' J•• I ~°'1" ------ - - - - - - - - -'<Cf• '· ~»0 • .i·t:-i -a!k l')ft:~ ,,..~ ;'C.•J~ .~ •! ~ ... ,..,~ ~ k"V' I ,ir. ! Q3'~.I srOAE COUPON New Reynolds Ptastic Wrap. Arly Size rl.i .z..> .. ... ,.,, ... ~ ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -•!t:0 f Save 10• on your next purchase of 1 Q air wand Ql -- 0000 FOR ANY FRAGRANCE ~ TO DeAl.EA AltWiek 1nou11r1 ... Hlc ... i 1re-m thia C011pon t0t 'U:) 10' plue 7' lot l'tendl1r'9 pt0"'6td ""'')'OU -lie .... -,,... 0 ~ wltl lie IOllooilring leflN. ln"°IOe• llho'Oft!O putCh .. e"' lie -IO d919 OI wl!ic:lenl •IDCll IO co ... ooupon• preeeni.ci 5 mualbe"--"'-"·°"•-•muol pey.,y •l•otu Ii Vold ""'9fl Pf9-lly out.ldit ..-CY. Dr'OkM Ot othert Wl'oo .,. not re•I clltlrillulOfo ol our merc:Nlttdl• 0t _,. •••d. prOhll· ltedot rwllrlctMbylew.Ceotl vel .. 11200I t• AIAWICKCQH. SUM£!' 'AOC>UCT'I OIV. All'IWIQ( INOUSTRIES. INC • P 0 eox 1010. et.INTOfl. IOWlll 61714 .. ao.1• NOW-Of''11" EXPl .. H DEC. 31, ttl2 10~ ,, I q ft J " ~· .i ·4.c.,:, ·~~:..! America's Number 1 /. Aerosol Hair spray AVAILABLE IN 6 FORMULAS -· ONE RIGHT FOR YOU. • Regular Hold ~SuperHold • Unscented Regufar Hold • Unscented Super Hold • Ultimate Hold • Soft Hold (NEW!) r i ,, ca . Orange Cout DAILY PILOT /Wedneeday, M•ch 10, 1982 ~ ~--~--~-----1Jt:ci~ r:Dieting go~s beyond willpower POTA'fO WEDG!I wrra aaoccou S medium batla1 potatoel, do not peel { 3 Lableapoons but\er or maraarlne . 8y8A&MIAGIBBON8' the r~h fruit.a of the Let'• ••t one thlni season, the aummer'1 1tral1bt: thens'a no 1ucb bounty or creenery - tbin1.u willpower. • overlnhulgenclea that slimmed-down food lovera are enjoylna what they eat for the first lime in their lives. free ol torment, strugale, self-blame, guilt and remorse. They deUaht In what 2 tableapoons fresh lemon juice they eat far mor than 2 tableapoon.s fresh grated lemon peel llll llUllET I t b o s e w h o • n a c k ~ t.euPoOn paprika t h o u g ht l es s 1 y a n d 3 tablespoons 1rated Parmesan cheese If you're relying on result in st.omach aches moral 1tren1th and rather than midriff met a whuuna loser who discovery or treah herbs. aelf-denial to achieve bulie. talked about willpower the creative challenge or the wellht ypu want to T h 1 a p 0 s I t i v e or the ongoinc struggle combining healthy foods be, you're headed for redettnltlon or what'& to eat Just one potato In original. flavorful indiscriminately on Junk 1 pound lresb broccoli rood. 1 Cut potatoee In wed1es by cuttin1 In ~ quarter11 lengthwlae. Set aside. , Spict 'j' JIOur colori•·wiat In 1 cup measure, microwave butter 1 fa 11 u re. N 0 B 0 DY worth eating Is apparent chip or cookie. ways. vohlnt.arilYaivetupthe lntbeconversalionsand The rood talk of Io other words. They feel tiood about what they eat, about eating In general and, most important, they feel good about themselves. cooking. For a complete 1 minute on HJGH, or until melted. ~dd lemon guide to 1plce calorlea, Julee. Place potato wedges In the other end of including 1odlum content I baking dish. Brush cut edges with butler pleasure o f eating correspondence I've had s uccessful slimmers successful reducers forever -andforeverts with hundr eds or revolves around the really enjoy what they what It lakes. successful weight-losers positive pleasures of eat; the objects ol their and other nutritional and mixture. Combine lemon peel, paprika and cooking tnformatU>n. •md cheese in small cup. Sprinkle over potatoes. Put It seems to me that they are probably the best-fed and most self-indulgent eaters on the face or the earth. a 1el/-<Jddrened •tamped one pound fresh broccoU in the center of baking envelope and SO cenl1 to I dish . Cover dish with plastic wrap. Microwave ~ You may fight off who have managed to c r is p I y cooked affection and attention temptation for six days beat the odds against vegetables. the delicate are nourishing and SL.JM GOURMET SPICE 20 to 25 minutes on HIGH. Let stand 5 minutes or six weeks or six slimming down for good. flavors of dirtere nt non-fattening. GUIDE, P.O. Bo:t 624 , covered before serving. Sparta, N.J. 07811. months to reach a Consider this: I never species or seafood, the In r act. many healthy weight, but if ,--....;...;;..;.;.;;.=;.;......;=;...;._;_;;;;..;__.;.;____;:..--------=--------~----=------------------ you want t-0 stay at that weight, you had better be prepared to make your martyrdom lifelong. That's why the majorily of diets fail. No one human has enough self-control to say no to desirable food three limes a day, every day, for life. How, then, do some 'people -admittedly few -succeed in slimming down for good? Are these people uncanonized saints? Do they have reservoirs or endurance that the rest of humanity lacks? Or is there a secret behind their success? Yes, there really is a secret to permanent weight control , and today I'll share it with you : Redefinition. Redermition? People who lose a lot of weight and keep it orr have merely changed. their defl.llition of what foods are desirable. Wh'al they practice may look like will power but it really isn't. . It may look like saintly strength when s uch a person turns down fudge cake, but that person ha s managed to extinguish the desire for fudge cake by viewing it as a contaminated excrescence of calories. That person sees s ugar and fat as toxins to be avoided. However, a negative view of fattening food is only part of the mental make-over. The more important change of focus is positive : the development of a whole new li st of desirable foods lo be embraced and enjoyed with the sa me passion a nd pleasure other people have for rich and fattening fare. Such a person might be wiJJing to walk a mile -literally -to find perfectly ripe peaches or the Cirst asparagus of the season. Successful slimmers don't waste energy or e motion fighting off temptation in the form of greasy snack foods or gooey junk foods , because s uch far e "simply doesn't taste very good. Ir they have any temptations at all to deal with, it it's the tendency to overdo on Saving: flavor Saving and using "pot liquo r " is as nutritionally valuable today as it was In great g randmother's time, says the California Dietetic Association. Pot liquor, lbe liquid that remains in the pot after a food has been cooked, can be used in soups. gravies or any recipe that calls for thinning with water. "lo deference to extra calories, fat cooked out o f foods s h o uld be s kimmed off and discarded, should there be any," says Susan Kennedy. president of CDA. Pot liquor is just one way to i:ecelve the nutrients lmport.nt in a balanced diet. For optimum nutriUon health , the CDA recommends dally aervinp rrom lbe four food,, 1roups -milk, meat, ve1etable1 and, fruits , bread• and\ cereals. • • • Want to add 1om• eatra a,.nJe to .,.. b1an1? After tlatJ'rt cooked until ul•P·t••••r. H810D ................... ef ••••'' aad a .r.:r· of ....... ~, J,,' U.S.O.A. Choo<• Beef, 8oneleu. Rib Cvr SPENCER ROAST .. ... .. . ........ ll. 3.•9 U S.O.A. Choice a..f 8onelen, Rob Cut BRAISING RIBS ..................... ll . 2.89 U.S.O.A. Choke Beef MEATY RIB BONES .. ll ••• 9 U °' Pottiel, Doe\ Nor Eitc:Md 22% fot LEAN GR UNO BEEF .. Le. 2. 19 BOlllLUI BllF TRI-TIP ROAST lg~-2.79 FURNITURE SALE! 1r .. 16"10UNOOCSOUAllf I 099 :=~·-········· JT,..IO" .. ~U"' 1T•l6..._1 ...... le"- 800KSHElf 16.59 TV TABLE 13." LB. leone1t Ground a..f,OoetNotbceed 15%Fot El Roncho CHOPPED STEAK .................... ll . 2.•9 BRATWURST SAUSAGE ..... ll 1.69 E.R. F0< Chili. Does Not &c..d 30'Mo Foe I 89 U.S.D.A. ChoK• a..f, For Fondue, loin Cvt 2 89 GROU~D BEEF ....................... LI . • BONELESS CUBES ................. ll. • El Roncho E.R. Stvffed, O¥ef'I hody W/Fr .. h Eg91 8-0Z. EA. RANCH STYLE BACON ........... LI. 1.39 CABBAGE ROLLS .................... EA. .69 E.R. Sweet & Hof 1 69 E.lt. O¥ef'I ~ W/Fr .... Egg1 9 ITALIAN SAUSAGE ................. LI.· • ~EAT BALLS .............. . .......... le. 1.8 '••thftlle•ol ~ OCEAN PERCH ............................................................. l~ 1.69 ••01t•lo.ftc...... ~-C-C... MA .. MAHI ......................... L&.2A9 1--RSlllTIAlll ............. Ll .•• ff ftot.,,/o.f•o••td ho.o lot9• Frett. Fillet of .... '" .... ICAU.O.S .......... LI. 6." •C' ................................ LI. 3.89 ''•"' Frett. .... of •..us• CATfllll ................ LI. 2..89 •AC91C ~ c. ................. LI . 2 .89 •BAILEY'S •CAROLANS •WATERFORD Y-CllOIG 21-oi Trog9er 8onle GLASS PLUS CLEANER I ·lb. All Gnnd• FOLGER'S COFFEE 8-oz. 1Crof1 Aul Vorfelie. BUTIERMILK DRESSING 19-or Chocolote Sondwoch OREO COOKIES . .. ... .. 1:15 1.39 2.65 .• 85 1.75 Sohed, Un10hed .. 16-or 7 9 llABllCO. P•IMIUMl .......... e siw..uo ..... _, ... ·- BAMBOO TIPS -..-Sloiro Mite. ».1-01 SOY BEAN PASTE 6/P\ ... 12-oi. Cons I 59 DIET RITr& R.C. 100................... • 6/P\ .... 12-cu. Con• A&WORSUNKIST .................... I.ff lovro Scudde<. R9i1 & Nocho C"-te MINI TACO CHIPS . . ............... • 79 6/P\ ... 12·01. Con1 SEVEN-UP. . . ......................... I . " 73-01. Sporlding PERRIER WATER . . . ....................... 83 S&W ... 16-oz NATURAL 69 IUCIDNARl .... e .........,,_ , ... . NOODLES .. . .....• as 1oi.,..,11Ao• 7 7S-ot Co• PICKLED VEGETABLES 1 .M ...... --s.,_ »-...,.. .................... .............. ."tG .• 89 RICE VINEGAR . .61 1.91 .89 TOFU .65 "'G S-,0 ~ ,.,., Sc*o .. l.l•t "-• NOOOLES ·. .............. . ..... •I ' 11.75-. . ........ LAS AMA 1.43 M 14-01. '-a, ~h, Clom Chowder STOUFFEffS SOUP ......................... 79 12-or.O-,ChMt,locon 9 OH IOY POTATOES ....................... I 10.C. m · Wot •• lf8DSE SPINACH ....................... • 1ha. i.on.IM, lplllodl MICH!lS QUICHE ....................... I.ff ..... ·----~ , ............ -···--......... -. .._. -"-.... -,........,. c.,,..,. --·· ...... .. ... _. . 1•wc...1M . ......... .._. 8-01. M.ot Of' IMf·Slicec:I HUGHES BOLOGNA ....................... 98 12-01.~ •• MOZZARELLA BAllS ................... I. 12 .... '-Wl~Of " VIENNA IEEF FRANKS ............... I. ""9MI....,.., e"'. _....... -.. 111 MONTEREY JACK CHHSE ..... LI.• , .... - \IOIW .......... Dr • ............... c..... --··--....... ................. ,.......,......_.c.- I Fruh Fo1ter Form1 Fry CHICKEN LEGS & THIGHS frffh fo1ter Form• Fry CHICKEN WINGS fruh Fo•ltr Form• fry CHICKEN LIVERS froun O.lro\ted MEATY LAMB SHANKS l6 .89 l& .• 69 l8 1.29 l6 1.69 ROLLED BOITOll BUTT PORK ROAST FRESH EASTERN ARMOUR V£Rt6EST 80NElESSLB. 1.49 MAZO LA MARGARINE ~:·69 .(4 .25 " . l I 1 l Ofenge Coat DAILY PtLOT/Wtdneeday, March 10, 1082 • • • 11-lSfi feast witli , corned beef ~nd potatoes ......... Cl. Notti : For an •ll-oecuklft cheetecako, 11llce rt1erved pear balvet ud 1arnl1b ln any pattern. : caUNCHY N\11 C8\18T: In amall bowl, combine t V• cupe vanlll• -ater crumb1, IA cup eaela finely chopped nuta, au.ear and melted butter tor maraarine. Preaa onto bottom of t-inch spring form pan; chill. butter or mar1arhse and turn alter 2 mlnutea. pared, cut Into 1-lnch o v e n . Po u r o I I be Io r • a• r v In I . 6 oalon ln a 7 x ll~·lnch EMEllALIHSLE BEEF 'Pieces drlppln11. Add water, 1trvlnp. baklnl dish; cover with STEW 3 medium paran1pa , garlic, fennel and S HAll&OCll PEAR pla1Uc wrap and l'AI to 2 · pounds pared, cut lnlo 'Al-Inch nutme1. Cover llC!1,>' &Al.ADI microwave al High 2 boneleaa beef chuck allcea and cook llowly 1 . 1 ean <• ounces) mlnuta. Stir ln cabbaae steak, cut 1 lnch thick 1 large onion, cut Add rut ab at a and pear balv• and carrots, cover, and 3tableapoonafiour lnto8wedgea continue coo.klna. Paraley Dreaalnc microwave at Hich 4 t~ teaspoons salt 1 pack a I e ( 12 covered, 10 mlnutH. <•ee below> minutes, stlrrlna after a Ye teJSpoon pepper ounces) fro1en Brussels Add parsnips and onion; t C\lPI tom lettuce minutes. Stir ln 1reen 2 table1poon 1 sprouts cover, a nd continue ~ cup s hredded pepper and aeaaoned cooking rat Partially freeze steak cookin& 25 to 30 mlnu\es Cheddar cheese mashed s)ot,.toes. Flll 1 IA cups water to firm and slice acrOISs or until meat ls tender 6 to 8 rreen pepper potato cups with 1 c love garlic , grain into strips 'Al Inch and vegetables are rln&a, '/•·inch thick vegetable mixture. minced x 2'AI Inches. Combine done. Cook Brussels Drain pears; reserve Cover with plastic wr•p. ~ teas~n crushed flour, salt and pepper; sprouts ·according to 1.4 c up sy rup r or vented at corner and fennel dredge meat. Brown in package directions; dressing. Pre pare ~ to ~ cup dre11in1. Mound one cup lettuce on each of 1lx individual salad plat.ea. Top lettuce with pear half. (ut aide up . Cut each green pepper rinl at natural Indentations. Arranee 3 pieces in shamrock s hape on top of each pear hall. Use %·inch piece of pepper for stem. Spoon remaining dre ssi ng in s id e Shamrock sh~pes. vlne1ar \4 cup re1trved pear syrup 1 ~ tab 1 eapoona minced parsley 1 tu.tpoon aalt ~ t easpoon dry mustard IA teaspoon tarra1on leav es, cru.shed Dash pepper PADDY'S POTATO CUPS microwave at High 4 Duh nutmeg cooking fat in large drain,. Stir Brussels Parsley Dressing. Toss . .....;:;;01:.:;..in:.:;..u;;.;tes=,-'-rot~a~tin;;;;.g~d=ls=b-'Al-"---1-s_m_al_l_r_u_t_a_b_ag .... a_._fr...;y_i_n""'"g-'.p_a_n_o_r_D_u_t_ch_ ..... s~p_r_ou_ts_1_·n_to_s_te_w__._Just lettuce and cheese with PARSLEY DRESSING ~cup oil ~ cup white wine Combine oil, vinegar, pear ayhp, pars ley, 6 alt, dry mustard , tarragon and pepper; mix well. Yield : 1 cup dressing. 1 small onion , CbOJ>ped v. c up butter or margarine 2 cups ('Al small head) shredded cabbage 2 medium carrots, grated (l cup) 'Al cup water Y.t cup chopped green peP,per 4 warm baked potatoes 1 teaspoon salt .,_ teaspoon white pepper Cook onion in butter or margarine 1 to 2 minutes. Add cabbage, carrots a nd water ;' cover and simmer 8 to 10 minutes. Add green pepper and cook 4 to 5 minutes. Meanwhile, cut baked potatoe s 'crosswise in half. Scoop out .P.!JIPl }eaving_'.4·inch Shells. Mash 1>9tatoes,j season with salt ana p e p p e r ; s ti r i n t ol vegetables. Fill potato c ups with vegetable mixture and heat in a moderate oven (350 'degrees) 12 minutes. Yield: 8 potato cups. MI C ROWAVE DIRECTIONS: Place ·Herbs add extra tang Some recipes call for adding herbs straight from their containers into the pot. Ot hers suggest c rushing the herbs between your palms or with a mortar and pestle before adding them. Many recipes have you add herbs at the beginning of the cooking time, while o thers' recommend adding them the last 10 minutes or cooking. All o f the s e suggestions are workable. It' depends on the situation. According t o t he American Spice Trade • As sociation, when an herb or spice is added at the beginning of a stew or any long-simmered dish , t he fl avo r is released gradually and becomes "one with the dis h " -a mellow. subtle taste. Crushing the herbs and adding them the last 10 minutes will give a lively last-minute burst of basil, or egano or whatever. For di.shes which do not cook as long, or for uncooked preparations like salads and d r e s s i n g s , i t i s. important lo crush the leafy herbs between the finge~ or palms, or in a mortar and pestle. This insures your getting a quick, full release of flavor. * * * A 1ood cheese dip i.a welcome for taking off the e dges of hunger pang• before dinner. Here's one that makes l If• cups: Blend '4 cup a~redded chedd~t ch eese with 2 tablespoons chopped, pimiento-stuffed ollvea, ~ teaspoon aalt, Ye teaspoon 'IJ"OUnd 1a1e and 1 cup dairy aour cream. Oover ud chill before aervinf. * * * Tbe word• "au 1ratln" attached to a recipe title iadlcate It'• a dtab wltb ebeeH. You'll ftDd taao topped ~ppli •n Cabba1• de-I >t1b~. Saute I cupa (1~ jowll) abndded cabb•I• aad I eap1 DM&ed.llced ..... IDt labl..,._. <4' ltlct> batter amo --... Tuna 1ato ..... dllla. Beat t •II, atlr ta I ca pa alar•{ded cbeddai c·laeeH, tableapooaa MlrJ ._. cream ucl 1 ........ Hell of aalt .................. 1,read o•er ca•1ta1e •l•t•re. 8alse l• a ........... -.. !§ ......... I •rowa US'UJ 9acle ~.It'••..._ ........... ,1 ... switch· ave™ least Ralphs abuckaba H,it,0<F-~~ s .......... .... .... 1.09 PetU.leM-F-Conllll 81•e Hens .... lb. .89 .,_,_.,..c.,. 1.49 Cenled Beef lrlslcet .... lb. ~-1.99 Corned Beef Round ':' Limit2 Per Customer Shannon Point-Cut Corned ·Beef Brisket per lb. 29 Solid Green Fresh ~..,bage per lb. Ralphs Natural Grain Honey Ruff Bread 1V2 lb. loa1 ,,.,_ Jofln 1.49 Mixed Pork Chops .... lb . USOA Cllolce-1"1 CtlllCll 1.99 Cross Rib Roast '"' CllllC-1.59 o-aone Ro11t Re'9M ''""' 1.89 lt1llan Sau111e IMf Ill. Special Fisherman's Cove Values F-1t·Otfrosted ':' 3.99 '-" ,,,.., 2.89 E11ten1 Sc1Hop1 Dower Sole .... lb. Fr-·Otfnleled 1.99 Front,.O.lfoeted-Whole cw Hell 2.89 ••hi ••hi .... Sllwer S1l111on .... Ill. lb. Special Frozen Food Valuea friJ"a.1c11 •• 2.49 ......... ,, ... ,... 1.49 S20L M11 Ple11er Dinners ..... iarn~ 2.19 .. ...... _ ... 1.05 ~ .... PWIWIAP PIZZI .. , .. etft. ,. .. ....... ·-.31 FiSia Fihti~'., .... 1.29 .... ,.... Special Dell Yalu•• .... Cf •• ~ .... .19 n;;g. ••• 1.59 ..,..Mee ~ .... 10&. ~·ft. .... .............. 4/'1 a..."'' I ••M 1.03 RlllWllPY~ .... ....... Ells ... ... .... Prices effective March 11 thru March 17, 1982 ·~t 1M2 by Mpht Orocety Compeny. All Right• AeMtVed. W• ....,,,. tht ltght to Nmlt or,..,. ..... to commeroUI--.., Wholeaalera. ............................................... 11"°' .. lftltW ,....,... .............. ~ • ...... ,,_ ............. I MtfftlHd ...._ lft llllt Id .... M1Mptk:t orlowerlftel ,..,.., PMI• other ............... =..,_, ..... ,,.,. ..... locel COfllpltltleft. COil ,............... llL \.., C'1fltl'> Double Coupon Present this coupon along with any one Manufacturer 's ··cents off ccupon and Qet double the savings when you purchase the item Nol 10 include "retailer'', "free" or "grocery purchase" coupons or exceed the value of the Item. F.xcludes liquor, tobacco and dairy products. Limit One Item Per Manufacturers' Coupon and Limit 3 Double Coupons per Customer Coupon effective March 11 thru Marc~ 17, 1982 .. .............. .,... ............... ..... i C~Pbeu~s FREE··· i i Chicken 10~noz. · I •. Noodle Soup with coupon & purchase •• of 1 can at regular price • • • Limit One Item and One Coupon Per Customer • • Coupon effective March ll thru March 17, 1982 • -.................................. . *"Save at-least a b\:1€k-a bag" refers to minimum savings from price comparison of standard size grocery bag of PLAIN WRAP,.products vs. national brands. PLAIN WRAP .. savings average 30o/o . Com- pare quality, value and savings. · Special Grocery Value• COftUfttre!M 2.09 aoilf.C~i1s 1.05 Downey Softener Moz. tlor. 1111 '"' ...... ~ .99 K•ft>l·llelletl 3.99' Wl•d1xR1flll 32oz llbbles 'n BHs tOlb. bll bet AHortM .37 c....-..,· • .97 Alpo Dog Food t•lt or. Texas Chlll •oa. can .,. .. ---------speclal Produce Values --------- '::'. . 33 ii~ia'°;i Sprouts ':' • 39 ':'. .39 Sti~-Fry Ve1et1ble1 '::~ .81. .... c.,. Valencl1 Or11n1n .._ ....... llRnow T111erlne1 ---------•Special Bakery Values--------- E;"ri1ie.Q1u•1 ~ .59 iai-Pound Cllle ·~ 1.09 1.1'11iiac;R.•c.111 t~ 1.99 .. ,. ... l••• Pl• ...c: 1.99 --------1oec1a1 Per.on.a C11e Value•------- :1 2.99 r,.;, ........ ..~ 2.• --------•Speclal Liquor v ..... , _______ _ irtit.cn=•u. "':: 11.18 BM"Tia1m1111 ,.. ........ ..... . I ' • I t Orange Cout DAIL y PILOT IWedneed•y, M~ch 10, 1982 Easy chowder go~s I St. P•trlck's Day Is the UJM (or shamrocks, parade • and celebraUoa.' .Irish la the only thing to be on March 17, when nati ve son s and dauehters Join with once~a·year Irishmen In t~e wearln' of the green. In keeping wlth the festive spirit, a dinner of traditional Irish fare is called for. But a meat with long, involved preparation is sure to prevent you from joining in the merriment, unless you have a few leprechauns to help. · You can grace your table with a simple, but wonderful taste of the Emerald Isle with Harrigan's Corned Beef & Cabbage Chowder. For this hearty meal, all you need is one saucepan, some SiO)ple ingrewents and about 45 minutes. A delicious vegetable combination simmers to tender perfection in a ~flavorful bro~, ' perfecUy seasoned "th an envelope of noo e soup mix with re I chicken broth.. · Sliced corned beer. ~asily obtained from your local supermarket or deli, is added. and it's only a matter of minutes before the chowder is ready. The soup. mix provides just the right blend of seasonings , in one convenient envelope, for guara n teed family-pleasing flavor with no need to rely on the luck of the Irish. Whe n served in a crock and accompanied by shamrock ·S h~p ed biscuits, Harrigan's Corned Beer & Cabbage Chowde r is a m eal which would put a smile even in the eyes of St. Paddy himself. 'HARRIGAN'S CORNED BEEF & CA B BAGE CHOWDER 2 tablespoons butter Fancy foods SAN FRANCISCO (AP ) -Marti ni · flavored candy. caviar in a tube, wine without alcohol and a four-pound c hocolate ki ss that retails for $35 -these were just a few of the goodies at the National Fan cy Food and Confection Show. Mor e than 200 exhibitors of fancy foodstuffs were on hand for the event at Moscone Center. Among the exhibitors was Cedric Waggoner who came from his Canton, Ohio , candy factory ld show off his gourmet junk food : a mix ture of bu tte r scol c h ·CO ated cereal and c rushed cash ews packaged in tiny garbage cans. "We tested t.l)is stuff in bird f ee~rs in Canton, anq.; it was preferred bx.hedbirds 3-to·l over Bif Macs and Twinkles," W aggoner said. The show. sponsored b y the National Association for the Specialty Food Trade, was cJ~ed to the public. Seminar ~ for lnseri .. ' Orange Coast College in Costa Mesa will offer a one -day weight reduction seminar from 9 ll .m . to 3 p .m . Saturday. Robin Freeman, a diet and fitness expert, will direct the seminar in • Science Lecture Hall 1. Registration fee la S!'· The program will offer be h avior modiftoation techniques d esign ed to s h ow participants Jlow to enjoy both food and life, a c c or d Ln I to M s . F reeman. Call 551·5'80 for fnrormatioa about the · semlnai. · or m.arM1arU\e · ~ cup lhinl)" sliced celery Y\ cup finely chopped onion 2 cups water 2 cups coarsely shredded cabbage l cup thinly sliced carrot l envelope noodle soup m1x .wilt\ chicken broth 1 teaspoon dr y mustard 11,'.z tablopoons all-purpose flour 2 cups milk 14 pound thinly sliced eooked corned beet, cut lnto lh1n strips In lar1e saucepan, melt butter ,bd cook celery and onion untU tender. Stir in water, cabbaae and carrot. Bring to a boil, then si mm er covered, stirring occasionally, 15 minutes or unti l vegetables are almost lender Add noodle soup mix, then mustard and flour blended with milk. Bring to the boiling point, then simmer, 11Urrlng constantly I until chowder is thickened , about S mlnutes. Stir in corned beef : heat 'through, but do not boll. Makes about S cups chowder. SIMPLE SHAMROCK BISCUITS Prepare recipe for rolled biscuits according to buttermilk baking mix package directions, adding 2 tablespoons raisins and 'A teaspoon caraway seeds. Makes about 10 bjscuits. QUICK OINN!A - Corned beef flavors an easy dinner meal with a touch of the Irish. LOWER PRICES OVERALL ••• DOlLAR . DAYS SALE!w\t \ 99~ ~ D~i~ .. Bouque~ ''Rnorl•I llM ~ Spa rtan Apples l'uclllll, "'-"'' °' Bi Nectarines GIMn ()f lltd ~ Leaf Lettuce .4-ROLL PKG. .. .99 lb .39 lb .99 3 1 .. 1.QO ~ Cetl C•lllf ·u Large Egg s dOI Coal Cunt< Tomato Sauce a .• , u n ,.,.o f1! Budweise r Beer ll·OI btl& l C.SI CuHlf Apple Ju ice a." bll """ "· '"' '" °""'"" "'"'~'"" "Sm "0!'<1'5'" "" "!"''" COMM'"CO'< USI I LB. f rHh lb 1. 49 f!Hh Wllolt .39 .89 ffi Whole Catfish !I! Stewi~g Chic kens lb .19 m· Fille t Butterfish lb 1. 39 H! FAMILY PACK f111h WIMll hyrnt Ch icken Le gs .79 lb 'Ciieelt 0... at S1'11'f\ -.tfil "" Otti HOI Kruu Bu" f'ortK>n 2.00 ffi B-B-0 Chicken lb 1. 98 ffi Smoked Ham lb 1.19 1.29 ffi ''-" 0.... ., Swn • t• .... ..,,.,, AooltJIUCI dOI 1. 49 lt114 Mqty fllll Bffl " 1. 78 Cake Donuts H! Rib Stea k SAVE WITH HUNDREDS OF DOLLAR DAY VALUES AT.THE STORE!· ' f ,. • ~~~~~ ......... ~~..-..·~_...~--~~~··----~~~·----~~~·~ the health: of it--- TM ~ o1 r r1•1 &ender. 8tir ln 1 ean (I 1 clove 1arllc; well OD alhldel about 11 Ml Ullm P'IM lbidel ouaee1) · tomato uuce minced Cll' lll'••ed m l a uh 1. R •move .. ,...,..., aad 1" eup1 bollla1 , 1 Iara• tomato, cltlcken; drain OD paper '&•sr .. • MW bat.nit water. Cover: aJmmer cbopped towell. Place lD a.quart la..,.._ 11 wM ••ed 11 to• mlnulel or uaW 1 carrot,aUced caa1trole. Add oaloa bJ attt « N at w t • n de r . II a k e • " 1 1mall auccblal, and 1arl1e to atUlet. eUa.lca devoted to tlM Hnlnp. allced StirrtDI tr.quenUy, cook 1ubJeel o1 food, w ~ tea1poon dried about 1 m1Du&e Cll' uaW ret~ bl ..eriUoD Q V IC ll C 81 C & a N thyme leaves t•der. SUr la tomato, and cooklDI cl11ae1 CA880t1LST ~ teaspoon dry carrot, succblnl, thyme, devoted to healthful 1 chlckea·flavored muatard muatard and Ml' leaf. fooda md tM IDcre.,. lD bouillon cube cliasolved 1 bay leaf Coolt 1 minute. Stir ID number of book• m~cupbolllna_wa~r 1 cu (JO ounc") bouillon and beans. devoted to autrttJoa. 2 tabJespoona corn white kidney be••. Spoon bean mixture In aaawer to the oil drained, rlnled over chicken. Cover. queaticmolwbatnumen 1 broiler-fryer ln lar1e skillet beat Bake ln ISO de1reea abould eat. Jane Brody. chicken, cut in part.a corn oil over medium oven 40 mioutel or unW 1clence writer and ~c up chopped heat.Addcbicken._afew chicken ii tender.• .. ( .. Orange bout DAJLY ptLOTIW~ay. March 10, 1982 ' . . t=l I GO '°" IT -Muffins are· a h ealthful favorite for breakfast or lunch. autbor ol "Jue Brody's onion pieces at a Ume. orown llakea 4tos1ervtnc1. :!!::!:::!~~~~~ .-L...,--...u--c~KY-=-=---""L~EA=--=--=-D~S---=-=1N=--=--=-sA--=-""Vi~lN~G-=--s~Wi-==1Ti=H-=---=c--=-o--:--'.:N=-=-si~s-=rs~'N.,........,,.,,T=-L~O-=---w~~-=-R-:::--=IC=-=e=s---::.--1 botb youn1 anCI old, ~~!~~ , S _,,-num~ .. er one ,-n well aa runners, of V coune, have their 'own peraonal opinions, but Dr. Gabe llirkln, a runner and contributing editor to Tbe Runner M acuine, suma it up. "Runnen need to eat a wlcle variety of foods. To be well nourished, runners and non-runners alike need to be provided with tbe three basic nutrients - prote i n , fat and carbohydrate -as well as vitamins and minerals, and water." The follow l n1 selections, approved by a panel ol runners and non-runner's, are not only lood but nutritious as well. ZUCCHINI -NUT •UJ"ftNS 2 cups uns ifted whole wheat nour '12 cup coarsely chopped walnuts '12 cup raisins 2 teaspoons bating powder l teaspoon ground cinnamon \4 teupooo salt 2eus '12 cup milk '12 cup com oil ~cup honey 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 cup s hredded zucchini In ·1ar1e bowl stir together flour, duts, raisins, bak:iq powder, cinnamon and salt. Jn small bowl stir tosetber eggs, milk, corn oil, honey and vanilla. Stir in zucchini. Stir into flour mixture just unW moistened. Spoon into 12 greased 2'12 x 1 'r'•·incb muffin cups. Bake in 375-deetee oven 25 to 30 minutes or until golden. Mates 12 muffins. SCllNl'nELS AND •EDCAN&ICE 1 pound ground beef round 1 small onion, fmely chopped 1 egg , s lightly beaten ~ teaspoon earlic powder 'A teaspoon pepper 1 slice bread, IOaked in water ~ cup (about) seasoned dry bread crumbs 2 tablespoons corn oil Mexican Rice In medium bowl mix together beef, onion, egg, garlic powder and pepper. Partially wrinl out bread; add to beef mixture. Mix until well blended. Shape into 4 oval patties. Roll in bread crumbs. ID large stilllt beat corn oil over medium beat. Add patties. Cook, tufllbi1 once, .10 to 20 minutes until deslred doaenesl. Serve with Mexican Rice. Makes 4 patties.. •BDCAN &ICB: ID larce 1klllet beat 2 tableapooaa eora oil over medium beat. Add 2 elone aUeed 1arUe; cook 1 to 2 .......,. or until U,bU1 browaed. Remo .. and dleeard 1arUe. Md 1 mp rtet; •tlrrbll ec-t•b'. ea 2 to 3 mlDutee or .W upt ............. A.aid l•mallaakm,~; ~ 1 mlDu&e or UDW e __ ... __ rices overa CORNED'. BEEF "129 BRISKET Potn! Cur •Center Cur lb 1 191 LARGE END "188 RIB ROAST aonoea Bfff f"ENGLISH 49 ' ~v~~fvlNS 6Ct Pkg • Plain or sourdougn !GREEN GIANT 11 s COB CORN Frozen 4 Ear Pl<g f"DONUTZ A£~~!,~L !MISS BRECK 149 HAIR SPRAY lt19Ular, super 9 Ot super Unsctntfd or unsc@nt!<I SOLID Lb .14 CABBAGE NutrltlOvs. Healtt1fu1 CROSS ~198 RIB ROAST ~s Bonded Beef Chuck f"LADY LEE 149 l> ~tt~~K TYi~o~can Oil Paci( or water PiKk LENTEN ITEMS PACIFIC 1ss ~~~rSNAPPER lb ~~~~!~TEAK" 31a CLEARSPRING lb 21s TROUT Frozen, 12 oz Pkg FILLET OF POLLOCK Froztn FILLET OF SOLE Froztn . .. 129 .. 129 . COOKED AND 52s f"CAROLAN'S 1199 . ~~.~2.~HRIM~ i~l~EU,! .. ,. !!;~TC~ "169 GENERICS PORK& BEANS DRY ROASTED 179 PEANUTS CllWtC ,. 01. w Keg Buys mean utnl savlnlJS. Kc~ Ru~' a~ n~m' priced bl:lo-. thl'ir C\l't)lfll d1,c1,un1 pnrt"' .. , • n:,ult of m~nu(acturtr,· 1cmporuf\ promu11on11I allo•11111ncc' or cxccpuonal purdM,~·~. You11 C.nd h11ndrcd" nf Kc~ Bu~ 1km. C\ c~ 11"'4: ~OU 'hnp /Yo s-na OT glmllllda. ln,u.~;id of same,, 't•m~ or 11mmu:k\ ttl 0111r1c1 ~u,torncr•. -..: uffct dl\CO\Jnt pncinf. l \Wrtn& \nU 11 lu-.cr m\·r1ll food b1ll 1nd no co,11 frill' BLADE CUT 87 ~~eSK ROASTU>_e LADY LEE BACON Siie!<! '""' 149 FRYING 55 ~~~~~ SOUtnem lb. PORK LOIN ROAST Slr10ln Cut. 3 lb AVl!l'il9f "149 f"HUNT'S 99 d> KETCHUP 32 oz ar1 • 90•~.2'9 TABLE WHITE ROSE BROWN CARROTS POT MOES ONIONS Arm and Frtsn u.s No 1 us No 1 lb .19 Lb .39 lb .35 RED RIPE COLDEN WHITE TOMATOES BANANAS CRAPEFRUIT GoOCI oualltv. Mid. Slit Econornleal l"'9f, C~'S FlntSt Lb .39 ~.29 EKn .25 ""'-~,-~::-~..::''° .. --11\fW ~°' -ll~llW .. """~-- ........, ~ """y_., '' ·-ot~llft~C- • , . 1 I J I 1 , ;1 I -·I ,, ~-----------..,.._---------------.--------------~--........ ------................ ~~~~~r.==:iii~..----.... ----- Orange Coat DAILY PILOTIWedneeday, Match 10, 1882 ose · YOUR CHANCES HAVE ALWAYS BEEN PRETfY SLIM. · And you've probably tried every ... · thing. Weighing yourself, weighing , your food, suffering through celery fasts, starvation. And you know that twenty pounds you lost last year? · You just found it. Somewhere around your thighs. But now, there's hope. ~ow you can try Her bi tol ~ ~ HFRBOULIS LIKE NO OfHER DIET PLAN ON EARTH. ·Why can Herbitol help you succeed when so many other ideas have failed you? Because, in a world full of gim ... micks, it's a major breakthrough. A weight loss system that works on your hunger biologically and psycho-- logically. THE IDEA YOU'VE BEEN HUNGR Y FOR. When you're 9n the Herbitol system, the last thing you're going to do is go· hungry. The system is completely devoted to satis ... fying your appetite. Now what is Herbitol, exactly? It's a superfocxl . A nutrition ... packed powder that you mix with milk. You get a lot of food value, and it doesn't cost you a lot of calories. No, you don't drink it. You shake it up, and it turns into a delightful vanilla custard pudding in a matter of seconds. You lose weight with a pudding? We told you it was a breakthrough. HERBITOL HAS A HEALTHY RESPECT FOR YOUR APPE]l"fE. So how can Herbitol help you drop calories without picking up your appetite? You eat it twice a day, for breakfast and lunch. The pudding is formulated to leave you with a satis ... fied feeling. That's the biological beauty of the system. And at night, you can sit down to a wen ... balanced dinner with your family. You heard it right. You eat what they eat. That's the psychological beauty. We've tried to eliminate the deprived feeling you always get on a diet. So enjoy dinner. ' ,l .. I .• A A ng as you're following the system, you'll lose weight. WHAT A BOWL OF PUDDING DOES FOR YOU 1HAT MOST DIET PILLS DON'T. . True, a diet pill can take away your appetite. Herbitol feeds your body's needs while it takes away that grum ... bling-in your stomach. It supplies you with vitamins, minerals and protein. If you make your pudding · with milk you can fill most of your minimum daily requirements. Plus you11 get extra boosts of B vitamins and C , to help put b ack what stress can take out of you. AFTER YOU TAKE IT OFF, YOU CAN KEEP IT OFF. Once you've reached your goal, and your zippers are sliding neatly into place, Herbitol can help you maintain. You have the pudding for breakfast. Enjoy the fact that you're getting vitamins, minerals, and protein. Then eat lunch an'd dinner as you normally would. Of course, you have to watch the banana cream pies. But who doesn't ? As with any diet program, be sure to check with your doctor. · C O ULD LOSING WEIGHT BE THIS EASY? Absolutely. Herbitol will work for you because it's easy. You don't have to feel deprived. You don't have to weigh out minis ... cule portions of food. You don't have to pop pills, attend meetings, prepare special meals or live on lettuce. , You just lose weight. How's that for a miracle? ·----______ ...... I fsi't A tempting \:::!) mtroductory titiOOO'C 'C0 9EE I offer. Taite th11 coupon to )'OUr favonlf pharmacy or aupcrmarkct Wc11 take I SI off your flnt pacuge of Hcrbitol, ao you can atart ulung 1t off. TodMrntikn Plru.Tcch R<K>rch. Inc w~I par'°" lh< bee val1>< plut 7• hondhn1 P'"'"Mkd JOU I ha"< complitd •1lh th< lffN al th,. olrt and 1f ..,, uqu<•t. tuban proof 1h<m>l 10 N1tltm Clu nna H....., 0.. fOOCI Oftly '4 -pan rr«•..d on cannttbOn Wllh pur ch ... br ntoJ c"'tolll<' al.,,,"" al Habl!GI I On. coupon por pur<hMc Oood only on UllA. R.dcmpuon tluouah ouuodo ·~· brokcT or odwr un1u1horiud partJ ta prohlboic.I. Mint condman and pn.J:.=P""' ,_,,_ noc clm1lattd to, and mlcc:tMd bf tht-) wolf noc b< CU.· I _, . ..,, poy Mio IU C:0U-w ,_.. .. .,,.. .. and -·•ranolrtnblc by,.,.. Vood ti wtd. ,....ncttd "' pnilubmd Pallutt to mlortt anr ol thnc 1tn1a ahall noc b< I dececd • w11-ch<rcal. C..h nlU< ol • 33601 1000 4 4 l/lO ol lC Por proepc ~nl mlll to: Httbltol, P.0 Boo 421)7, ClinlOCI. l!IWo • S1734. 0-.. uplna 0-.llir )I, 1981 ----------- Iftkrbitol ii not available at your local · retailer, write Canepa Pox fl Smith, 1164 Blati Street, Denver, CO 80:204. --= -127 . Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/WednMdJy, March 10, 1982 A subsidiary of the Mission Viejo Company Saddleback Valley's No. 1 Real Estate Firm! e • • BECAUSE ... a home of your own is still your best investment for your future. AND ... the homes listed below offer you a choice of excellent financing terms & desirable locations, in all price ranges. $79,950 INVESTORS SPECIAL -JUST 10% down. Super 1 bedroom condominium, formal dining room, patio, association pool and VIEW. Exceptional financing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Call 581·1000 $96,900 VA -BUYERS -LOOK AT THIS! Three-yes 3 bedrooms, separate utility room and covered patio. Cozy, cute and clean as a pin! Look again at the price! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , .Call 581·1000 $107,900 *VA TERMS-PRIME UNIT. Super location, 3 bedroom, upgraded and new paint. Very private. Come take a look. · ...................... Call 837·9500 I $124,500 Beautifully upgraded El Nido. Three bedroom, private yard, neat and clean throughout. Great financing! · · · · · · ................. Call 83 7 ·95QO $140,000 VA -FHA TERMS! Best in 'Countryside.' Professional Oriental landscaping. Fo ur bedrooms and den. Corner cul-de-sac location, extensive use of wood and many extras! ................ Call 581·1000 . $151,500 Just 20% DOWN ! Fo4' "1acious bedrooms or three bedroorr· ~V. uen. Nice covered patio for surr 1::..0 .dining. Beautiful I Wilderness(.~ view. Loaded with extras. ....................... Call 581-1000 $171·,500 *LEASE OPTION! Desirable Monarch Summit two bedroom hilltop T ownhome. Fully furnished, very private , adult area. For lease or sale information. Call 581-1000. · $194,500 *LEASE OPTION POSSIBLE! Only steps to Lake and pool. Two bedroom, formal dining, A/C, custom plus decor, patio. Start investing now with only 10% down. ....................... Call 581·1000 •••••••••••••••• SECURITY for the future means a decision today! CHECK this ad carefully and clrcle those properties that meet your needs. Then call the Mission VleJo. Re•lty otllce for detallsl Corner of Marguerite Parkway at La Paz Road ' .S81 ·11~0QO Corner of Alicia Parkway at Mulrlands Boulevard $207,900 IRVINE -Elegant Plan 4 in Woodwalk. Outstanding entertainment home. Conversation room , 3 fireplaces, extra decking. Excellent TERMS-Why wait? . ...................... Call 837·9500 $319,900 MAGNIFICENT KITE HILL HOME. Flowing 4 bedroom. 2 story with 3,000 + square feet of elegance. Warm family room, formal dining and a BONUS ROOM, central air, fire pit, and GREAT TERMS OFFERED. . . Serenely beautiful. .... Call 837·9500 . $369,000 BEST LOCATION IN LAGOS! Super lake and mountain VIEW. Very private cul de sac locatiorl. Four e legant bedrooms, all the extras are here. Try 20% down! - ....................... Call 581-1000 $320,000 MARVELOUS PANORAMIC VIEW HOME. Spac;ious 4 bedrooms, family room, a sewing room, all tastefully upgraded. The owner will work with you on financing! This is a home to be proud of!,~U 837·9500 . •. ' .1 I ! • I • ~ Cout DAILY PlLOT/Wedneeday, Marah 10. 1112 ' ":Z:.it.==:• Tiie ,......... '"'"' .,_ ..... ~-"""~' IAl\.AW/liY eGll'T ll•~•lltt. ... .... ""' .......... c-.-e ...... , Court upholds IRS claim against commodity straddjes . . . .. A ........ WASIDNOTON (AP) -, fte ' U.S. Tax Court bu 1tnaek ._ a popular tax abeltn for bilh·income UaYtltort. Tbe oourt be1d t.bat .. ..,_,. trom commoditf atr~ eoald oot be deducted OD the cromd the lnve1tora eDt.red lDIO tM contract. IOlely to avoid tu• .. not to RallM any profit trom the investment. Con'"'8 lut year toot away much ol the tax Incentive for com modlty atraddle1. Tbe rulln1, by Judie Arthur L. NU. lllil wbleb wu reviewed bJ the ru Tax ~ likely will affect . thousand• of top·bracket investors who poured their money Into straddles before mid-1981. A st raddle involves s imultaneous holding of a contract to ~ell a given quantity o( a commodity, typicall~ sliver, at a future date and of a contract, t o buy the 1ame commodit1 in another month. The aim is to create a losa tn o ne year and a profit, which 'ICTtTIOUI •UStM•SI MAMa STAT•M•MT The followln9 perHn •• clolnt .,. .. 1 .... 1es: • SAMS EOUl,.MENT RENTAL,, ANO ASPHALT, 106 S4tll Strffl, NewpOrt 8Mcll, talffon\la "'62. Sam Garcia, 7'21 12111 Straet, Wntm lnMtr, Celllornla '26D. would be •u•d at reduced eapttal-.-... rat.. lD tbe oat year. Tfie Iola would be uMd to offHl taHI d•• OD otb•r lacome. Tbe &......w RneaU. Sentc. bH ta.km the l*WoD IU.C. 1'" tbat commodity 1traddlet are not lelitlmate tax 1beltera. TIM Ta• Court rull.DI upbeld the IRS. The decision went a1aJn1t flarry Lee SmJth IDd Patricia Ann Smith of La Jolla and ' Herbert J: Jacobian and Ruth D. Jacobloo of San Dte10. The two mep were real eatate developers who haveated in allver straddles to reduce the taxes oo proftta made from the sale of their p artnership' interests in lt73. The straddle for the Smit.bl and J acobsona was devlaed by Merrill Lyncb, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Inc. After the IRA ruled aeain.at the two couples, Merrill Lynch offered them a total of $114,000 not to appeal the case to the Tax Court. ' ,........... . That amount II alma.l twift ••N" t . k11•14t tr .. tJtt the ta& that IRS clalmf ii d• u t~1"' Tree, cweH, c.u .. ,,.,, a r e • u l t 0 r l la • . DrM L. ,__Ir~ .. ow... commodity·ltracldle deduftioa. "'";~...:*em ,,...., Tile SmlUa1 wer. bjlled for • .......,~._. 127,5'1: lbe JacoblODI, ror ..!:r':.=:1 '~ W • $30,lM. ...... ~ "'" ........... _,.... ..... Nlnu beld that a deduction c-tt c11<11 _. 0r11111t ~ ., could not be denied 1traddle J-" •· 19 • ..,.., lnv11tors solely becaute they ,.....,... 0r-. c.... o .. .., ...... bad tax avoidance ln mind. In r ..... ". tUMttll J. "· ~"' ,.._ fact, he added, the expectaUon of mald.nc a profit need not be reasonable "so long as lt ls bona fide." But, Nims wrote, lt is clear tbat the Smiths and Jacobeona "were solicited for these investments solely because they • possessed large short·term capital gai n s which these in vestm ents could defer . • . "Indeed, information ... which was made available to petitioners at the time o( their investments indicated that there was no probability o( earning an economic profit on t h eir investments," Nims he ld. ""ns PUllll.-Or ... C-Dally PIW, F.-. 17, 14, Merell), IO, 1"2 ~ TOUGH LUGGAGE Don McLeod, inside the gorilla suit, demonstrates the durability of American Tourister luggage to Julio Fernandez of Miami at Miami's Metro Zoo . McLeod. who appears in the television commerc ials for the luggage company. is in Miami to attend a luggage and leather trade sbow. Tiiis buSlnes1 It <onductacl by ., Individual. SemGef'tla TllK lla'"-'t -"i.ct wllfl ... C011nly Ci.A Of Ora1199 C-. Oft l'--ry "· 1'12. ,.,.... PvblllNd 0..,.. COHI Oalty .. llot,' DllTH IDTICIS BISBEE WAYNE BIS BE E . a resident or Costa Mesa , Ca. for the past 4 years arter moving here from Kansas City, Missouri. He was a repairman for the past 30 years ror the Hazfeld Shoe Company. He Is s urvived by his wife J uanita or Costa Mesa. Ca .. sons Robert J . and Jeffrey B. both or Costa Mesa. Ca .• Geor ge R of Norco, Ca .. Ronald W. of M l s s,o u r i . La r r y 0 . of Missouri, Gary S. also of M issourl, daughters J une Spidle and Delma Russell bolh of Missouri. brother Ross of Whittier. Ca .. sisters Mary Alice Teagarden and Lena Mae Brenton both or Arkansas, 24 grandchildren and 14 great-grandchildren Slumber Room visitation Monday, March 8. 1982 from t2:00 noon to7·00PM and on Tuesday, March 9, 1982 from 8:00AM to S:OOPM al Harbor L a wn Memorial Chape l. Costa Mesa. Services will be held on Wednesday. March 10. 1982 at I :OOPM at Harbor Lawn Memorial Chapel with R ev . R obert Ho d ges om cialing. Services under t he direction or Ba lli Bergeron-Sm ith ·& TuthiH Westclirr Chapel Mortuary of Costa Mesa. 646-937 l. BROZ C HAR LES BROZ, a resident or Costa Mesa, Ca. Passed away on March 5. 1982 . Final i nte rme nt services will be held under the direction of Harbor Lawn-Mount Olive Mortuary or Costa Mesa. 540.5554 PARQUHAR S A L L Y A N N FARQUHA R . age 64. a resident o r Huntingt on Beach. Ca. Passed away on Saturday, March 6. 1982 at Hoag Memorial Hospital. Mrs. Farquhar had attended lhe University of California l'e11.11,14,MwcllJ11t.1t12 ~7~ Editor sticks to PICTITIOUS aUSlMIESS ...... STAT•MENT Tiie fellewl111 per.on h cloln9 "CTlTIOUS aUSINRSS MAMR STATRMRMT at Berkeley and was a past president of the Assistance League of lluntiogton Beach'. Ca. and had been a o/J,.time metlwds -1 ....... : THI! GAIEEN OOOA, Newlencl C...ller, ,,.. 9N<.11 llvcl., Hun1......., The followln9 per5ons are cloln9 =-------------INslnet• n : "CTITIOUS •U51Nl!SS a..c11. c:.INoml• .,,.. .. ANACHE IMPOR'TS, 'IS 17111 MAMa STATEMENT ,.lace, c-~. CalHoNlla '2627. Tiie followlno -'°"' er• c1oln9 ,volunteer at the Thrift Shops BRONSON• Fla. (AP) -In this age of A-• Mlrl• Aldt••Y. 110 Mutuler 0r1 ... Hunllntton .. a<ll, Emlly M. Mlltlalt1•, JIJ 17tll buslnenn: .. le<e,C-Mna,cetHoNlletMV. Ill NEWLAND PAOPEATIES; and the Hospital lo the computer journalism, when satellites beam news Huntington Bea c h area r ound the world and electrons stream at lightning Beloved mother of James A. s peed lo produce the printed word, Elton Cobb Farquhar of Wal~ut Creek. p lies his trade as editors did more than a CalltoNlil .... Tlcll _.,__, 11 <_.,.., by .., EHrlede G. SllMrer, 20t T,_, 121 NEWLAND REAL ESTATE; (JI Hewl*t 9-11, Cellfornla '2663. H E W LAN 0 R EA LT 0 R S ; ( 4 I lncllv ....... .._,,. "'-Ridgway Tiiis llut!nMs It <-<led llY a NEWLANO ASSOCI ATE S, ISi Tiiis ....,._ -lllecl wllll Ille ..-ralpet1119f...... NEWLAND AEALTY, 71' Aclem1 Ave11ue, • IOS, Huntln91on BH<ll, Calltomi.,.-. Ca . George R F' rquhar of half-century ago. Marin a de I R Y. Ca .. Each week, as be bas for 30 years, Cobb sets Annette I. Faus of Blue letters by linotype and hand-feeds one sheet of J a Y. Ca and 'J o hn C · news print at a time into an antique press to Farquhar of San Francisco. produce the Levy County Journal, circulation 800. Ca . also surviving are 8 g r andchildren. Funeral Even visiting a modern newsroom gives him services will be conduC'ted at the cr eeps . 1 :00PM on Wednesday. "l miss m y linotype machine, sitting looking March 10. 1982 at Pierce a t some machine going 'beep.beep·beep' al you," Brothers Smiths' Mortuary s aid Cobb, who has spent m ost o( his !iO years w 1 t h Fa l h e r T e r e n c e working around the converted railroad depot that o·oonneU. Associate Pastor houses the J ournal. of S t Vincent de P a ul "All m y years in the newspaper business, I've orrtcialing. Interment will be a lways s aid J wished that all I had to do i5 run a '" Good Shepherd Cemetery· s m ooth-working linotype machine. All the moving Hu ntington Beach . Ca Pierce Brothers Smiths ' parts fascinate m e," he said. Mortuary directors. 536-6539. Cobb, orphaned at 10, was taken in by his older GENTILOMO siste r , whose husband published the Journal. C-ly Cte,_ of Orange C-y e11 EH'1ecN G. SMA,.r ""· n . tta Tiits ......-•• 11i.c1 with .,. "mas 1:-ty o.r11 of Ore19 Countv on \"'*""-I Or .. Coate Dally Pltoe, F.-. 22, ltl2. , ...... Miii. J, IO, l7, ltl2 1t...i PutMllNct Orange c...,1 O.oll~~~ • -c== ·r ·-,. == ' l'ltll. u , Merell), 10, 17, 191'2 16M1. Gerald L Conley, 1271 Dryl»nll Orin , Hunllnvton Beecn. C•llfomla '1-. PllyllK A Rhyan, IOJOI Jon Dey, Huntlntton 8N<ll, C•llloNlla .,.,.., This t>utlness Is concluctecl lly • veneral l)e(l.,.rlollfp, G<trelcl L. Conley Tlli1 1tatemenl wes filed wlll\ h CCM.Onty Clerk of O.•~ Counly on F et>ruary I. I "7 Ftmll Pullllstlecl ~-CCWISI Oellv PilOI, .... ., 24,Mart113, 10, 17, 191'2 ~. ,,CT1TIOUS aUSINEU MAMI STATRMf!MT T~• followln9 perM>n• •re doi119 bu•ineu as: GRAPHI CS TWO, 1012 8rlol0 Orlve . Suite 107, Costa Mn•, Calllornle 'ffllfl s A Ro o J O s E P H "You might say I've spent my lite here," be GENTILOMO. a .resident or said as he led a visitor into a room cluttered with Irvine. Ca. Passed away on aged printing equipment and a yelJowed, brittle Paula J Zellmel•r. U'IO Pat1l ,. .. ,., Newport, __, Beec:ll, Cell,omle March 7. 1982 at the age of 1937 calenda r s heet hanging on the wall. Puetll.-Orenoe CoMt Dally Piiot, '1440 Mar.), IO, 17, 14, ltl2 ~ Wiiiiam 0 Ll-9, 14'0 Pert< 87. Survived by 1 daughter H di d ' I ed th h' and her husband Anna and e prou Y isp ay e press, w ich experts '=m::.r , ...i l9ll( -----------•· NewPol1, __, Beec:ll. Callfonlla Robert Hardy, Jr or have estimated tobe65to70yearsold. Tll• followl119 person I• cloln9 ----,-ICT-,-TI-----.-u-.-... -.-•• --Newport Beac h . Ca . 2 "It was here the firs t d ay I got here," he said. ._,,..... -· .. -brothers Louis Gentile of ·'The re's no te lling bow old it is." SOUTH.CO.UT 90AT YARO, n10 ..._. UATRMaMT Texas 'and J oseph Gentile or The four·page news paper is printed on a single ~z'!.:::,"·· Newport •u<ll, ~1':.!.::1,0w•"9 penon 11 dolnv F lor ida, sisters Josephme s heet, one s ide a t a time, with composition plates Pwt• s--rt. J14" -street. <•• P. SAAoo ol!S1GNS, 1111 Gehrke or Wisconsin a nd Cobb pounds i'nto place w1'th a wooden mallet. SOUltl ~. Cellfo('nlenM7 MESA VPHOLSTEAY. i.-s ~·"' R h I N . r Ill' . Thi• bla!NH 11 COflcl<>c1.., by en 11..ci .. C.O.U~Ca4Hor"'e'2U7 a c ae ortm 0 mois • The conten t, he said, consists of "mos t 1no11v1....i. Plllllp S¥oo, uu• H•9'1 KllOll He was a Past Commander ,..... 5"war1 ltOM, Encino, ca•lfornl• •m• o r v F W P ost 112018 o f a nything that comes through the door that's not Tiiis ~was fifed wllll the Thi• bullness Is conduct.., lly an Pomona, Ca Recitation of going to sta rt a_ s_quabb_le so.me.w_he_re.:.· CCM.Only Cieri! of Oranve County on lncllvlcluel. -M¥<11 I, 1'12. PNllp SM'do the Ros a r y w ti I be on .....,_....-... ...................... ______ .. ,... Tiiis '""""*" was 111.., •1111 t'- Tuesday, March 9, 1982 at NllJC .TIC( r.i ma PulllllNd Oranvt Coast Dally ,.llol, County Cl«ll of Oranve C°""ty on 7 ·JO PM at Paci fl<' View "CTlTIOUS•UStNIUS Mar.J,I0,17,24,lta ,,..., Marc112.1t12 '1Mm Chapel Friends may call at '"1cT1T1ous •USINEU NAMa STAT•MaMT Pvbll-0r.,,.. ~t o.uy P11o1. Pacl·r1·c v1·ew Mortuary on NAME STATEMENT Tiie followln9 -non 11 do1nv _.., -Mar > tO 11 24 tta "l-C 1 lie lollowlng person Is c101n9 ~-,._ ••--· • • • • Tuesday, March 9. 1982 from t>utinesus 1>uslneu as 11o-----------------------4 .00PM l-0 9·00PM Mass of AR T Hu R JA ME s .. JIM'S MOtllLE LOCK ANO KEY r ,ICTIT10US•USIMHS PIU Illa ~RVICE, lff» ""'I C~. "-t."' . tl&M91TAT•MRMT Christian Buria l will be ASSOCIATES. HSI~ Creehl••. Valley,(Mlfof'lllaft7'0L Tiie folio.Int--· ••• clolnv ~!~bc~al~e.dl~ a~eo~~~~~t c~f~!E.'~: ~:;'~~~~11~04!:! P••~~'7!u~:.-'~!11~~~~111~ :;~;~.~~ '~:;,:,:_~!,A ... ~' ':'re:::' ~ ---CellloNlle '77CIL osi. IMM, c.lltomla m». Tiie foll1Wlllf perMll Is ffl119 Our Lady Queen or Angels tus3 Thia business 11 <onduC-..., ... 1-erew L. 6111wnyard-Smltll, m lluM!leu .. : Catholic Church, Newpor t 1~1~\~u':.'1~5 1' <oncluclecl lly an 1nc11v1c1ua1. ut Quincy Avenue, Oran9e, DUKE Of< HUNTINGTON, l..oJ Be a c h , Ca . Interment ArtnurJ.Sallee J-Edw .. clH_.ty allfoN1la"*7. Altonq11ln, Hunll119lon eucll. 1 This 11allt..._I -flMMI wltll .,. oar...il w. Gulley, 1656 Oranoe CallteNlla.,_ s e r v i c es w i I I b e a t Tiii• II••-• was flied w ~11 ttie county c1ertt of 0ra,,.. county on ... -. emu Mew, Cellfornte mv. MHYcl H. s11e11111, MS4 Delle R o s e c r a n s N a t i o n a I County Cler-of Or•ft911 County on l'ellrvery n. "''· Tiii• l>lalness It <-<tect lly • •-. Atte ~. ea111om1a t1101 Cemetery, Point Loma, Ca. Februeryll, 191'2. 'ff11M2 ,.,_ t1nera1 ~p. Tiiis _.....I• <onduCtect by en if . V PublllNd ~ ... Coatll o.lly Pilot T.,_ L lr-.yercl-5"'1111 )Mlv.-.t. P ac 1c iew Mortuary PublllNOOrenve coastOellyPllot. Fo.24 Merc111.10.11 "!' ...a. This~..., llMMI wtttl.,,. .,._,,,H,SMlllll ~ This tKnlnns " conducted by e 99fter•I -1nenlllp Paula J Zetlmaler ,., ... Tiiis Ila-I wn Ill.ct wltll uw County Clerll of Oranve County on Fn.n ,1t12, Pu1111"'9cl Or-Coast Dally Piiot, Fe!>. 24, --J, 10, 11, l'lln 17°'42 "CTITIOUS eU$1Nl(SS NAM• STA TIEMEMT The lollowln9 per1on I• doing buslneuH EN RI OU E'S HOUSE OF WAX, 9S7 w. 11111 Sl""1. Costa Meu. C•llfornie t'lt27 Eftrlquit R. Moll.,., 1415 E. 1611\ Street. No. 46, Newport eea<h. Calllornle~ Tiiis business Is <oncluelecl 11y .,, lncllYldual. Enr1Qyt'I HOUM ol Wo Enrique R Mof Ina Tiiis •l•-t wa' Ill.., wll.11 11\e Count y Clerk ol Orange County on Fet>ruery n, 1'12. '1..U PublllNd Or-Coast D•llY Piiot, Feb. 24, Mar.), 10, 17, ltl2 I07.C .. , ..... Publlsl\ecl Oranet CCWISI D•lly Piiot, Fell H. Mer 3, 10. 17, 191'2 *12 "CTITIOUI aUMMIU MAM91TAHMRMT Tiie lallowlflt -tonl arw ffl"t llonlneuas: MAIN Pl .. E & SU .. PL 't COMPANY, 1'16 E. M<I'-. 58M• AM, Callfemla 92105 THIE SOU THLANO SU .. PL't COAPOAATION . a Cellfer11la C<)rJIOrellon, ttlt E. M<I'-, S...ta AM, Cel llor'nle '2705 Tiiis IMlllftfll II <ondu<lecl 11y e corporetlon. The '°""'lend Sullllf y c..._ Ollloll JOlln Now!IO, Yl<e PrMldtnt Thi• Ila..,_ wn llMMI wltll ..,. County Clertt of Or._ C-IY on MA>r<ll •. 1"2. ,...,. PUOll-Or-C-11 Dally P16et, MA>r. 10, 11, 24, >I, 1"2 1-.S STATIE-llTO,AUMDOMMaln o,us•o• l'ICTITIOUI •USIMHI N-• T lie 1011owln9 person1 .,.Ila • .,.,,_ , ..... ol -flctll"9ia l>usl11tts-: H.M.I, -ENA OEVEU>PMEMT. 16162 llNcll 91YCI., H""4"'91on hKh, CA9' .. 7. Tiie Fictitious Bu1lneu Name referred to _,,_ -Iii.ct In 0r..,.. Covnty on Aorll lS. 1•. Fite Ne. Fl*41 ENA DEVELOP MENT CO ltPORAT IO N. e Cellfo,111• <-••lion, ... o llo• Doi, Cer41H. Callfol'flla..,.,. HECTOR MAlllSACH, INC .. a Celltornle c°"""etlon, 16161 .._., Bt..ci .. H .......... heell, CA t2lM7. This ~ wn <Ofldu<Wd 11y • 99nera I per1nenlllp. Hector Merwcll, Inc;, Heaor Merwcll, Prwoklent EMA o....--Corp. O.YlclW.-, President Tiiis _, -flMMI wllll IM c-1v c1ertt of ~ ..... c-ty ... Fe . 11, 1"2. ....... Pul>ll-Or-C-Dally Pllet, :"· 11, t4, Mercfl J, 10, 1tl2 7SS-12. ,ICTITIOUS 9UMMHS MAM91TAT•MRMT Tll• fol-Int pertons are OOlnt l>uslnHS es: PLAZA VERDE LIOUOR. IAl Mesa VerOt Ori .. Eest, Unfit 127, N.8. Cost• Mna, catllo<fll• '26». Wllllem S. LAwton, «!ti Ealt La Palma, SUit• e, An-Im, C.11"'""- tU07. Nanc:y J. Lawton, -1 Eest La Palma, SUit• B, Anatlelm, c:.llfonlle directors. F•ll 24. Merclll. 10, 11, 191'2 166-42 . .,.. '1 _ ' ' ' _,. Tlllt ...._ -flled wit!> .. MAJOR 9 c-1., Clerll Of Oranve c--, on c-•r ci.n °' Or-County on "s-tnM ------------tn07. ...C... ' Mlln:llt, ltl2. '1IOll MMdl9,tm. 'ICTITIOUSaUStM•SS FREDERICK A. MAJOR, MlJC •Tl£ . J PwtllMd 0r.,,.. C.O.st Dally Pltoe, ,,..,,. IUolll&ITATVMMT passed away on March 7. Merell a."•"· 24. lta ~. ~..._. Orllltlt Olelt O.Cly Pltoe. Th• tollewln9 personA ts c1oln9 Mk-I E P-11, 40tl Ent Le Palme, SUit• B . ......-Im, Cellfonli• '2t0'7. 1982 In lrvlne. Ca. He Is "CTITIOUl•UStN•SS ·--. -lliller.lt,17,tA,J1,IW 10n.2~fl•Hes: .111----------IL.!j "CTITIOUS •USIMRSS N-• STAT9MaMT ....... -OAAHGE PAAK POOl. SUP~ Y. survived by his wife Cla re NAME STATEMENT Th• fellowl ne per.-n I• Ooln9 .._. -·-...c Illa 4MS IE. ~ A-. o ....... Deyne R P-11, -I Ent La Palma. 5'111• e. Anatlelm. CetllorNa tn07. Tllh buslnns Is <oncl\Ktecl lly a oeneral -1ntnNp. ,- ,_Cl NOTHHS l&.L. NOADWAT MOtlTUAaT 110 Broadway Costa Mesa 642-9150 IAlTZIHGHOH SMITH & TUTHtll WHTCUff CHA'8. •27 E 171h St Costa Mesa 646-9371 .... ClllOYHHS IMt'YHS' NOaTUAAT 627 Main St tt.tntlngton Beach 536-6539 PAC911C¥11W ~, ... c.n.tety Mortuary Chapel-Oematory 3500 Peclltc: VteW Dri ve Newport Be.:h 644·2700 W.Ca.Mdl NOITUAallS L90una Beach 4!M·!M15 ~unaH1lls 788-0933 Sain Juan C.p151reno •95-1n6 M. Major. Final interment .,.,!1':.:,::~1.o•ln9 person 11 cloln9 IM!llnesaes: C•llfemllftMt services will be he ld in R.N G ENTERPRISES, 1'71' COMPUTElll SOLUTIC*S co.. Oarr•ll PrlmroM, •11 Pe<lflc • lll57 llr<ll SCreel, Mlle tn, H...-rt PIC'TtTtOU1•1n1 .. •11 lfOnCaOf'A~ICATIOtf Coast Hlellwey, L•tuna IN<ll, Tempe. Arizona . Services lnverneu, Huntington Buell, eeec11.c:.i11om1a nM9 MAMlllTAT•MSMT TOtau.••eotac•ava•ae•s Cetlfwnla..St d th di l' f B It Calllornla t7W John R ...._, 2.SJO v.._.. Tll I llowl ..,, I Oolflt Mel This IMIMss II <onduc"Mcl by .., un er e r~c ion ° a & Robert N. Gre9ory, 19713 w c · c Me C. lfonll Ml• 0 ne per 1 T1wtl9m1tMevc:-.m: 1nc11v10uet. · Bergeron-Smith & Tuthill lnYtrl\US, HUl\lln9ton Beach, n::. 111• Oii• ... I e ~":~Al .. INO, ,,., ~. PllAMKLIM II. OAAVRS •nd DemlllPrtm,_ Westcliff Chapel Mortuary Callfornl•t7W Tiiis IMlneu It CllftdlKlecl t11y _, CMIAlllllHl,~9MV MYllON LRI! MILLl!fll ---'Ylllt Thlt ......._. -llMMI wllll .. wt11i....s.uwton Tiiis stM.......t "IM 111.0 wllll -county Cieri! of Or•"99 eow.ty • l'ltlln.tery "· ""· ... ,..,, P\11111"*' ~-Coast Dally Pl ... March J, IO, 17, 24, tta ....._ 'or Costa Mesa. 646-9371. 1-11~11sc1 .. ~1.1ness II <oncluc:tecl lly ... lnctlvlclual. JelWI ......,, 1141 """-· c-. ,. tll• De ... rlme111 •• AlcollOll < Ceullty Cle" °' 0.-.... ~ Clfl '"' • -JOllnR .__ Mete C~ftt.V ......... c:.MIW..,. "41" ON SALi! MlrcllJ,1-. -· -Rotllrl N. Gr..,,y Tiii ~I lllW Iv. ... Tllli ..,.._. 11 <Ofldll<MO 111¥ .., • IE • II & W I M II I .. U • L I C ,,.._ ..._ -·-fhis st.-t wlis fll~ wllll ltlo C : c1e.-of:-ea:n, e11 .,,_.,,.,...., ~llRMllllSI, te tell al<ellellc .......... Or .... Coell Dally Piiot, llOnCaOf' County Clertt of Orange County on F=.,:,.... 22 !"2. aflt9 Y JIM HMty .._....et 7111141ftter, Hllllt""""' Mir. IO, 11, M, JI, t• 110642 .....UM.Ma-t Fo.21,1"2 , ,,_.. Tiltt ~ -flied wllfl ._ 9-1\.~. 11"==...::o......;;=-="--...._ .......... ...,. .,._ -'"*'II C-1 Oef1l of Or COUl!tt ,....._.Or ... C..-Oelly ,...., -· -OP Tit9 --Ill OP .... ---------.,,,.--PublllNd 0r..,.. CO.SI Delly Piiot, Pu1111.-Or .... Coell Dally l"l':i' ~21 tm. ..... Clfl ~It, IW ~ ,._ .. ,_ PACIP1C PaDeltM.UVIMS "CTITIOUS lus1l.us F•ll. 24, #N< J, 10, 17, 191'2 '°'"'2."""'""-·-24_._-_._,._,_o._1_1 .... i.. ... • ___ "_'-. • ,,..., A•LOMeAllOCtAT109I NAMIE STATEMENT ............ 0r.,.. eeett o.ity ....... ... · -TK:nn0us IMlsiftis ... u,. 1, ,..,...... •-""" "" bu!1':.:.::~1owln9 per1on ,, doln9 MIC ma ..... '~·Mir. I, It, 17, ltl2 eos.ct _____ P1U ___ 111a_____ Tll• .:=~..:T::.=~~. "'"' =~ ~.:.:: THE SOFTWARE STATION, •s.t ....C llTIC( PtennOUllMllt .. aU llMISl-a: It tlll efflce .. 911 "-lellltl• fft Ham lllon Avenue, Sul le 110 , !"9--........ -..--~....,..---PICTIT10UINSlteaa ----, ...... IT"T••ln THI! MINI aLIND L.AUNORY, ~Wlel1flt A-.......... D, C..-Huntln910n9"Cll,C.llfomla,__ "CTITIOUSaUSIMlfll MAM91TAT8Maln ' nmA.-1._ . ' TllM tellewlflt .,.,_It fffllt I~ Monnlllla A-. •I. HIW'POf'I MilM, ~ • ...... e.y • Robert R Rann, l1Ul MAMSITATIEMSteT Tiie lellewlllt .,.,_II Mlflt _._..., IM<ll.Cetlfor!H~ Mlr<ll,,. .. 1Mlww1tt:•-. ..... Herborbren• Lant, Hul\llneton Trte followlnt person 11 cloll\9 ~::,AA AAM /PAll llA.. PIC'ftTMU&9Vlf ... -· VIC • I LAH D t CA,. R 011""1 IE. Helnly, ~ l.IJell• .... ...,, T1ll ..._, .. • ...._ • &eacll,CetllornlatHo46. l>utlMtSH: , MMl!elTATSflilaln MAIMTRHMK:R, al A""'1 "9c:e, StrHI, ~ ... ell, Callfornle ........ ..,,.... ............ ; , Tiii• bllSlnetl 11 conductecl 11¥ an PERSONAL MANAGEMENT ~U•LICATIONS /OAAY •. 'Tiie lellewlllt .... rMft 11 Mlfll c:.&e ...... ~_,,, 9M6a A.C. ..... .._e....._ .......... , lncllvlduel. SERVICE5,240ft Parlllllll Roed.'L..ak• !ELLISTON/JOHN IELLIOTT, tSJS ~ .. : _j Vldlr&.w...,,., .. Alllll't ...... Wllll-I!. Vier, 17SJI IMflMr ... AflMlll ................... . RoeertR.R-,._11,Callfonlla~ W.,Mr ~· .......... _. ..... IYM~Y SYl.KS, MM L c:.&I ..... ~....,. Drive SMllAM,Cellfwfll•ttm .......... t; ••• 111 .......... , I . Tlll1 ~I WM flied with Ille Maa I". Trall, Jolllft Par1111111 flloed, Yelle~,~ IE I WA IM W II I G HT• CHlt• A-, .. e1tfllel11 V•lley, T1lltl ~ le ~ .. 1111 Tlllt !lull-I It <Ofldll<"41 •Y a ftl tM ............ t• ,....,_, C011nly Cieri! ef Or•llOe C-oul\ly llfl L..all•l'-.C:.llfomle._.. ~tlNI. ~ ttMr•l.....-lfllp. •-• .., ..... 0, C-. Met1f. 1 l'WV.ry II,'*· Tlllt Mlllat It clflduCt9CI by .. PL.ANAONI Ill. 1111 .. .,,,,.. Drlw, ..,_. Je ~ ... W ~ ""11r&.w..... ~ 1. HeMty CeMlftM. • 1'1 .... lncllvlcWal .._..,._lllCfl,CAtlM7, A,,..., ........ V....,, a..... TMI ......_. -..._. _. t111 Tlllt ........... -fllM _.."" If .. ......_ ... -c.ry, .. l'lllllllllect Or.,. CMS( DellY .. 1!04. MH "·Trell '"" .....,_ " --.CIM .. .. a.sty °"" .. Or...-c-4Y .. C-IV Cllrll °' Or ... C-y ....................... -l'H.24,Me~llJ,IO,t7,1tl2 •1.a. Tiiis ----llled wltll 1111 ........ ~........... Tilh ---It~~• ..__.,II,.... M9r<lll,IW. .............. • ... .... c:;llrtlo!Or81199 C-'Ylfl TMa...._._......... .._ ...... " .... ...._ _ _,, ... " 22 ,... ----'9~ ............. c..110ellr...... .......... OrMllt c...a DellY... • ...................... ... ' "'•" c-ey ~"' Of9llllt <:...ew • T* ...._ -"•.. ,_f?,M.Mlfdll..,,. --. M9r.a,te,11,t4."" • -... ... ....., ........... ._ ......,_or....,c11111>e11VPlllll. ,..."·""' .._.. c:-1y c.... • 0r.,... c...ew , ----• " .....,., • ,._T.__.......... , ... t4,lllW.J,lt,17,ltll I,,.. ......... or..,C.-Detty .... "*-l-11.IW. ---1 -·-,. -·-t, CllAI• ....... ,.._ ... itM.iT•ft'••T ,...,11,14,lllmfdla,te,,_ "1• ,.._.°""91C.-Oellr....._ ....,...._ ,_... =-:.::.:..._" "!-... TIMI ........ ,.,_. er· ... flt ·-·-c-= ~ ............. ,., ......... , "'""--:a:· "'""-a···-. .. Cl .............. I llutl-•= rWUll .. ,.. w.. llMllnA'fWllT ....... ~ ......................... ... tUN COAST OENl!"Al. ' , fte .............. 1re ..... Tiie ................ ere ..... -· I ... ; ' COfCT,.ACTOM, Dll1 l"te1a..... ..~w ... •••15 l'IC'tnt .. ~ c ....... ! .......... , a. CllM••·--.... .. Orlvt, l111t1 100, Latulle Hiiia, IUMlllTAft•ln ... ITA'nl...., "0"°'9NS t .. TIEllMATIONA\. ALL W9A'"99' CCMTI ........ lflallllltl ..... lf ...... ... C•.....,......., Tiie ,.......,. ~-.,.. ....._ T111 1e11-11111 ,.,_ I• ... flt ..._ .. ,I 11111 ,..._. CWT'lft DISHNll. --..Clift ~..__,..., .......,. ._, ~~ --·~11 11 : • -~ I 11111 C••lt OtYtl••"''"' ........... : we1 ...... : ................... fer °""· ...... IMO, Cattfwlll• .. -c....,~ ec.AWfl('a ~.u... v10•0 ~••AOIH, '"UN MOOUIN OICOttA.TOltl... .. ...... " -••L••Y IMVJITMlteT ...._ ---• .. UIO ""'-llMMI Ort.,., SoAle *• ............ -.0,~ I! ........ °'1119, HCIMllllP 9Mdl, tan• .. Ctl"9Hle .... ..............__. -Ill ~.eCillllllllaz 11 .__ ~· ~Htlll.~~ OeM .. A, v...., "'' lwca Coll...,,..... """"* •u 1 ~ -Wille• -. • f¥0fb@l'P ...... L .._. e ,_ Tllk MIMM It <M411UC1ff r, • ................ ~-· lltMtt O. HefWetlH•, "81 PfWmif'* = 11 Drhe, ...._,. leedl, ~ ............ ~-ttle ..... et •swM9 <.,,.,...._ flleyll W. IC•~= "0" • ......._ Olt119, llu•-..... ...... .,_ -fttl ..... II c I .. lily e ..._., .. l\••6911ft Mc.Me .......-. ..... --. .,.,, c:.sttlftlle.. ;-~r TMI ......... •f nM 111y a § .... ...._.~_... °' ,,.,.C-...._ Tiii! .......... t:eclfttttll 1ty T1111.._11 ...._.Ir• --=J.... =c.ta-JClt.; D~•'='fEP.·-.-· ......... .....1.... ....1... -----.._.. ........ y... ....0.MuM.... .J.._ Alli-I ,._ --. I Tilll ....._. -..... ...... .. Tlill _.... -... .. .. T'lill ........ -.... ... .. TI9 Ei -.. .. ftll ....... -... -..... c_., °'" .. Of9llllt ~ • ~ ~ " a..... c:.e.w • ~ o.t1 .. a..... ~ • cwr.c. ~ • L~,_." ...._ ....., .......... "*'-""·--~·..... -......,~ ... . ·-~ ~ • • . ........... c-11 DMf¥"""' ,..._~ CIJIAI ..... ""' ,...... .... 4lllill ....,= Mii... ...........e.....,,11'-=~~~ ....... _______ .-:J .............. ,.,11,"91 '" .. ,...,,.~............ ni..& ., ........ a... ..., .... '."!Ir! __ :ii"9;"1i. .. lilt .. • ' '~ -' NOTtC80t'T1Wft•••1 u.La T.L-.tttlt NOTICE 1$ HE•laY GIVEN. lMI ... ···-·· ~ t1, ltll, .. ,, .. e'cleell '·"" °' Nici cle't. In tM r-Mt HI .. for c~ll"9 Tr111t"'' $tiff, Wltllln Ille offlco OI REAL ESTATE Sl!CURITIES SERVICE, locelecl Ill_, *<tll .,.........,, s..ite -· "' "" Clty of SenW ""'· ~. of 04'eft .. , St• of C.l~nle, 8ElL llOTICI Of' A~ICATIOtl P'CNt C..._. lllOWlll•SMIP'Off ALCottell.IC aava•AOI LIC•NM .... ,.... lo Wllom II May eonc.m: •MASUO H. SHEIKH Is lllllMYlnv to Ille 0.'*""*>t of Alcoflolk Be ... r ... COlitrol lor "47" OH SALE GENERAL (PUllllC EATING PU\Cll. to soll -•Jcohollc be v erat•• al UtU A I 9011q11h1, H 1111t1119to11 leacll, Caltfomll lfOTtea TOC•IOfnNtS Off H'-" T•.....,.1 • ANO Ot' '""'""*TO T ......... ALCOltOUC 81VlllUWM Ltc:aNH =;:~':&':;~; TRUST DEED$, INC. e C•lllornle <erpertllOfl ... cl11ly •PPOll'll*O Tr1111 .. _, 9ftd Pll""ant lo Ille power OI ule conler...cl In 11191 cer1eln • Deed of Tr1is1 euc11led b't J11llen Teole, • nw"lecl """ " 1111 tole ...., .._.,.le -1Y. rec,,,_ -cll 2', ""· In .._ 1"" of Olflclal Rec-ol ••Id Co11nty, et P•v• ••••. Recor .. ,., IM......._ No. *5641, by reeton of • brtecll or clele111t In P•'tm•nt or performance ol lh• 11111 ... llOfts -IWM -ebY, lnchldlnt tllel bree<ft or def1111t, Nolle• of wtllch ... ,.,_.... J ""9 ••• 1•1. In ... 14t0J ot Ofllcl•I Records of seld Co11nly, el P•9' a10, Recorder 's lntlN"*" No. MtK, WI LL ~LL AT PU B llC AU CT IO N TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH, 1-1111 ,,_., of Ille United Sllt.s, or 1 <Mlller't clledl dr-. on 1 st .. • or nelkln•I beftll, • sule or lecler11 credit llftlon, or 1 s-or-·• wvl"9' -loen HSO<lallon domlcllecl 111 this Notice II ~ .._ 11\111 a ....... '""''"· l11cluc11ne a n alult•ll< be.,.rege ~. Is Meul '9 be m-. of tll1I 'ortalft 111tM ctw ~ k-lt u ROHSTADTS-_...., •1 11t, 72t -1'U W011t tttll Street, City of Cott• Melo, C ..... Of Of ..... stet. of C11llor11M ftlo27. lteme of Tr .. -.ror~ W.H. and R.R. INC., a C1llfomla c.,,_-atlen, U12 8 11111 Clrc le, H1111t1119to11 leacll. C•tlfornla. Name of T,.,..,...: AUTHORITY INTERNATIONAL, INC .•• Calltomla corporetlon, IMI W•t1111t Aven.,., •tl04. A .......... C1lllonlle,_,, Tolll cOMlcliwatleft to be pakl 10< 1119 .,,_,..., deKr-..S. Ill ...... al ... '" 1110<11 111 tr-. fhrlllres. ~t •net .-Wiii ......,.... With 1119 llcente It .-.000.00 P\lfllltllecl Or'"91 Coost Dally PllOI, M•!Ch 10, ,., ion~ stile, Ill lle't-11 Ille time .... ••le. all rlVfll. 11 .. _ lmerett held'by 11, H Tr11ll•, In 11111 ru l properly Pmll l9TI( ~~:.'.:..,'::~d..,;:~nty and State, ---===,....,.....,,""",.....____ lot 4 of TUd No. tm, as per mep ,. MUT'ICldJlllTlltTiC* recorded In llaoll ll7. P~ 11 -12 ' .TO SIU. ••AL P'•Of'tl•Tv of Ml1ceu-... ""-· Recor~ OI NOTICE IS HERE8Y GIVEN 11111 Ore"90 COllnty. "' FobNOry 16, tta, tllo BMrd ot The strM --or oilier commo" f;j!ucallon ol lh• N••P<1rt·Mn1 deslvn•tlon of the real Pf'-rty ., Vnlfled S<hool District of Ore1191 Mre ln<1100 .. dlncrlbecl Is pyrpor1ed to Co1111ty, C1llfor11l1, 1dopted 1 be. tit HellN Cir< ... Cosll Mew, '"°4vlleft all In-to tell a porcel Callfornle. of real -rty of -ulm11tly Tiie ..-rs'9f*I '*•by dlKlalrn• 10.242 •c:rn 9"0JS located In Ille City of oll llablllty lor any lncorrec:tneu 111 ~Pltl Mtu, Ora n91 Co1111ty, w ld st.--•u or otller common ,Catllornla, com"*lly known " tM clesl9nallon. "Wekeham Site " e ncl more Sa id sale wlll be m1ae wltho11t t.l'~llc11lar1y described In sa id warranty, ••preu or l mplled, ,.,SOllltlol\. re9ard l119 title, poueulon. or ~ 'Jllo R-.ion flxea tlle mlfllm-enc11mbrancn, to Mlll•fy ,,. prtnclpal 'atcept1bl1 bid •t Three Miiiion balance of Iha Nole or olller obll9'1tl011 (Q,000,00UOI Doller .. Tiie .... ~ .... SOCll....S by ""' IMd of Trust. """ prke lo be peld In c-or ••rio..t lnteretl --wms 81 prwlded ctl!Mr '""'"'""'"a• deKrl-In tho lherel11, Plus ectvancot, If a,,.,, ..-, ROIOl11tlon. 1119 termt the?Of -lnt.,.est on -h July 7, tm, at 2:00 o'clcKk p.m. MS eOv<MCOI, -PIYS fen, c---~" flied u tllo llme ot 1 public ·--of -Trvst• -of Ille llurl119 wfllch wlll be IMld 111 Ille tnists c......., by Hid DMd of Tr11tt •11•ln1u Otfk e •I 1as1 Pl•ce!'ll• Tiie total -o1 slld oblloetlOn ~v.-i111. c.osia Miu, C•lllonll•. for lncllldl119 ,._bl., """"'"' , .. ,· Ille receipt, -4119 and doclaratlon ot cl\ar .. s -•-of -Tryst•' ~rltlen ,,_...,, Oral proposals will at !tie time of lnltlal Pllbllcetlon of 1111; ~a,o be receh..cl at 11111 time. Notice, Is 11J,2'l.U. , C#les of Ille R-"'tlon Mtllnt lortll Detect "°"'Ch 4, tm Ille tern::.,:;.condltloM of Ille wi. BELL TRUST DEEDS. l04C .• .,. •••I -~ Otlk• of • Callfoml• (Qrll . "'' School Dlllrkt. tlS7 Pl1<t11tla H Tnmee Ave,,..., Ccllll Miu, C•llfornl1. lly: REAL ESTATE DATE: MarchS, ltl2 SECURITIES SERVICE JOHN W. H ICOLL a Callfomla c~.. ' Secrwtary of tho 111 AoonC Bowel of Eclllaatlon By. CSEALI D J -rver. "'-'-Mnl 111 Presl.,..,I Unified k '-1 Olstrkt 2020 Norttl llr-ay, ~ .. blllllld Or-Coost Dally Piiot, Slllt• ... MM-. tO. 17, 141 1"2 1111~ s.nt. Ana, CA '211» . . . Tll. 11141 fU4e10 P1mJC l9l1C( P11Clll-(>'"91 COo.tt 0.llV Pltot, " to. 17, 14, ""' t01't-e2 --T-NOTIC:E Of' TRUSTIE'S SALE '" T.S.No.-l'lleNo.tt04' T_,.,1 Ott ,\Jlfll 2. lta. al t:OO o'clcKk p.m.. NOTICE o .. TRUSTEE'S SALE S-art THle Co of OrM>OI C-y, T .$. NO-. 311SM7 IOI "-11.-e.,, P.O. 8ox 11ll, Fl .. No. •1' Santi Ana, Catllornl• 92701 (114) Qn APf'll J, 1912. •1 J.OOo'ClcKlr. P.M., -.111• ... clllly -"'"" TNSIH Swwart TM .. Co. of Ora"91 County, • ,.,...., -~_.,......, L-Form Ca llfornla corporation, u Ouly Sec11rlty (ll'lflallmant) Land C.,trect appolnllO Trustee 1111de r All WIV> Po-r of Sal• C"Conlract"I 1111recorcled Lonv Form S.c11rlly r.fQO<-J""9 n . t•. as IMI""""'' (lnttallment L•nd COltlrlCO, with Ille. UIOt In 8-IJMl, P'911 ll of power of s. .. Cll9relltefter referred 10 Offlclal Rec-"" tlM office of t11e as "Sec11rl~ und Conlrect."I cl .. ed Cwnty Recorder of °"""" County, Mlrch 11, 1• • .-c-by WILLIAM Stal• of Callfornla, UICUl•d by M. JOHNSON ... a DONNA M. .t,\NIES L. DICKENS aftd CAllOL JOHNSON, ll111ba11cl a nd wife u LOUISE DICKENS,.,....._ and wlff, communllv proper1y, IS Vend•"• ''Joint -b. as -v ..... s. tee11rl119 soc11rl"9 c"'1aln oblloellont In favor of c91t1l11 obll9af1011s In t1vor of K ENNETH H. WEBSTE R and DONALD 11. MARIENTHAL. a J EANNE W. WEHTER. as Venc!On "''"led men. "Ills -end'-'"' _, 1119 Sec"'11Y unrl Contract - pr-rty .. v....ior ;' """' • Me..-and11m ot Sec11rl1y Tiie ellecl ol an Avreement of llMl•llmantl C-troc1 C"Contrect"I Ruclsslon dlted J""9 IJ, ,..,, -recorded Acirll 9. t•. " 111str11met recor-J..,,. 23, t•. as 1,.1,..,,,ent Ho. t4f, In llook 12567 In -t'32 of No. 23a10, 80Dk llM, P191 42 111 Ille Offl<lel Records In thl office of thl Off lclal Recordsot Or-COllftt y. COllftly Recorder all Oo'anQe County, The eflKt OI a. V-• l11tarest State ol Ca lllor11l1,e•ec11i.o by l\a¥1119 been _._., to Ta119-WILLIAM M. JOHNSON -DONNA Deed Corporallon. a Callfornl• M. JOHNSON, --wile as corporation, by Asslo11 me111 of comm1111lty proper'l't. IS V1nc1ees. vanoor•s Sec11rlty Interest of LOllV soc11rl"9 certain of)ClgellOll• In fa vor of ~erm Sec11rll't (ln1llllrne11t Land KE NNETH H. WEBSTER and COfltra<t Wiii! Power of Sale daled JEANNE W. WEBSTEA. a\ Vendo". October t7, 1 .. 1. -recordM October WILL SELL AT PUllLIC AUCTION to, 1'tl, 11 l"*-1 No. J.SltO In TO HIGHEST lllDOER FOii CASH ..... Mat. P ... tUt 111 Ille Official (payab .. at time of 111• In 1aw1111 Records of Or-c-... -y of ... United Slalffl II "" WILL SIELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION offkes of STEWART TITLE CO. OF to "IGHEST lllODER FOR CASH O RANGE COUNTY, •oo Norlll (payab .. at time of s.11 111 lawflll Bl"Old••Y. P.O. Box 1131, s..rta Ana, mdlley of .,. United Sllolffl et the C1 llfornla '2701 11141 S~11t4, 111 olttlces of STEWART TITLE CO. OF r1tht, tit .. -lnt....,t <Oll.,.'fed to O RANGE COUNTY, too North a ndnowllelclb'tllY-llldContrec ·-"'· P.O. 8o1 1111, S-. Ane, In the p,_rty t""--111 Mid C-y C•· "2101 11141 U.111'. 111 r'911t, tl11e -Stew detrlbecl .. : and lmornt <-'fed lo and now Mid Loi tt lit Blocll 4 of Section S btl It 11ncler Hid contract 111 tile BalbOI 1.-, II per maj) recordocl In ........ rty sltuMed In Miki COlll\ly -B-a, Paot t of MIKellAlleOlll MOPS, State cine~ .. : lft IN otfke of Ille G-y Roc-r of Desc r lptlon A mount I pe,._I Check 11,000.00. J demallll llotet to .. r.piKed In <1111 tllr<Ntll etcrow totalllnt In· sun"""' -$105,GIO.to In favor of -socuncl 11'11 socwlty a~ UCC·t flllanclnt s...._. lndO-ollTrvst ltto,000.00 KIM of lie-to be tralttfer...cl anet 1111mber •,..: On-Se .. Genaral Liq,_ llconso No.~t. The Hie ano transfer wlll '" c-at 10 ...... Oii Of' a""" the IStll ... y of April, 1'12, at t1M •Kr-dltle<1,,_t of e.tts Escrow E ntorprl-. Int. at 505 North T 1111111 Av111ue, S11ll1 160, Senta A111 , CllllO'flla tn05. All Oilier busl111u names and acldrusos uwd by 11\e Tran~feror within IM .... -Y"" to far •• 11 known IAtlleTr_..,..,,., SAME Tiie parties •tr •• thet 1111 consideration IW Ille traMler of Ille IMIMftflS -the 11c .... Is lo be paid altar Ille Department of Alcollollc Boer191 C-rol Ills -o-Illa ,,, __ ,,__, Da-: lilar'ch 4, 1m W.H. Mel R.R. lllC. .,._R_. ............ Tr ....... AUTHORITY llnl•NATIONAL, INC. ,,, ,....,I .,...o-. Tr-.. Pllbllu.d Or-COlll Dally Piiot, March 10, tm t 111~ N......, MUIOCtl'AL COU•T 01' CE NTRAL O•ANGI JUDICIAL DISTRICT COUNTY 01' OUMOI, STATllOl'CAUflO•lflA 1• CIYlc c;-Drift w-. S....AM.~ "1tt PLAINTIFF: COMMUNITY BANIC, • Calltom&a c.._-auon. DEFENDANT: PAUL J . RIZl.0 , lncllvk1111lly, -dba GOLDEN WEST MOVE RS, and DOES 1 tlwOlltfl tO, lncl11slv1. SUMMC*S CAMINUM81•t•W NOTICE! Y• .......... ..._ Tiie c-1 MAY 9cllle _.... -,.._ ,_....,..llNN __ ,.... ........ .,..R ..... -....... ...... II YOll with lo -k Ille °""'Ice of en anorney "" 1111• m.ttar. you -dO 10 promptly IO 11111 l(OUr written re-.11 eny, may be flied on u-. AVllOI Ulllcl ....... -...... a1 ~ ,_ 9clclW _. Ucl. •I• ••ct••ac•• 1 ....... ••• u•. ,......., .............. l..H .. 1 .................. . SI u1tec1-..,lcller1lcon•)o01 11n ·~ ... "1• -o. dlberl• hacerlo lnmedlatamante, de atla m1ner1, w '""""" nc;rlU , >I Illy 1l9un1. p-,... revlstr-a 11em1M1. 1. TO THE DEFENDANT: A cMI complaint llH b .. 11 filed by lh• pl1l11llll 89111M1 YO\I. If "°" wlsll to defltftd ltll$ '-"'"· '°" """'· wttlllfl • d•'t• -r ttll\ wm-Is ••-on VOii, Ille """ 11111 C.Ollrt • wrltte11 rlMIO"SO lo tho C.cr'plAfnt. U-\'Oii dO '°· your dtf"'h wlll be 111tarec1 ,., a1>9llUll011 of tllo Pll ... tlff, and lhls COllrt may entor a l\ldvm4lftt "'"''' YOU for Ille ...... Olmlf'clt;I Ill .... complllnt. which co11ld rHulf In oer11lsllme111 of ••tH, t•kl"9 ol money or P<-'Y or other rell•f req11ttled In 1119 complaint. DATED: Mly'6, nt1 ' Eci-cl W. Bacnll, C.terll E-Velatco, Deputy •os•N. WAClfTIU. .. GIL•••T A ff1 ele1 I I' C-.-- t•t c......, .. .,,, ..... lttltea. LaeA ...... C.-..._, (IU)llM92 -111ct1'1cMll autt••M llAMa ITATWMll•T TM ... lewlftt ,_,_, ore ct.1119 "'1.tlMtt•: HALLETT MARK&TINO, TMa HALLETT COLLECTION, 1'1St s..t• ••rt>ara UM, Huntlltlltfl a.od\, CA m... LUANNE HALLITT 11111 BURDIETTIE L. HALLaTT, 1•Ut la11la B•·~· L•11•. Hlllltlfttton Beocll,CA ...... Tiii• llllSI-• It cond..ctecl tty a 90Mral -1Jwrtfllt1. i..-Heli.tt ""-llldtM Tiii• ·~ wet fllM wltll 1119 c°""tY c1ar1c of Or•,... Co<IMY Ofl MlltCll t, tm 1 "** ...,.".,.. er.,,.. c:oo11 0o41y "''"· Maro >. 10. 11. M, t~ -.ca -l'ICT1Tt6us aui1••t1 •a..STAft ... lfT TM followlll9 _ _., are dol119 -ll'l*HH: 111 KING ANO AUOCl"TES: 121 NIEWPORT /I RVINE AREA LOC KSMITHS; UI NIWIJO'-T IEACH LOCKSMITHS; 141 1•v1Na LOCKSMITHS; CSI aEACH CITIH AUTO LOCK EMEROaNCIES; (6) BIEA C H·COAST HIOHWAY LOCKSMITHS C1) NIWP'OltT CENTER/FASHION ISLAND A•l!A LOCKSM ITHS; !ti MISSION lOCKSMITHS; Ctl DANA P'OINT t,OCKSMITHS; (10) SAN CL£MaHTa LOCKSMITHS; (111 ~All JUAN CAPISTRANO LOCKIMITHS; (11) l!L TORO/LAKE 1'0'-IST ARaA LOCKSMITHS; CU I IL TO•O LOCKSMITHS; 1141 LAKI P'Olt«IT lOCKSMITHS; (IS) LAGUNA A•EA LOCKSMITHS; tit> SAOOLaaACK VALLEY AREA LOCKSMITHS; Cl7l AIRPORT AREA LOCKSMITHS; (It) AIRCRAFT LOCKSMITHS; <tt) MOTOR HOMIE LOCKSMITHS: Utl C AP IST RAN O VALLEY LOCKSMITHS: (21) MISSION VIEJO M OBI Lil lOCKSMITHS: 122' GOLDIE LOCKS, HOME LOCK & K~ SERVICE; 1231 GENESIS V, C24) GENESIS MARKETING; CUI GENESIS INTERNATIONAL; CHI THE FIFTH GENERATION, 3'Jt MacArthur Boulevard, S11I~ tc>e, Newport Baedt, Callfomla '2660. R A. Kint. ~S ....,on R-, 201·8. Loma Linda, Callfomle t2JS4. This bllSlnffs Is c-ted by on lndl•ldllll RA. !tint Tiiis sl•'-"-1 •• flied wllll tlM County Clerk of Ora1191 C01111ly on Ja11111rv U , nm. ffltUM Publls,..., °'""" Coost 0.lly Pllol. Feb.14, Manll J, 10, 17, I_, _17..-, NOTIC• TOC•IDtTO•t 01'8UutTllAllWI• <tou.. •MW• u.c.CJ Notice ls,_,.., ....... le<,_.. el Ille wltftlfl --tr......_ 11\111 1 bulll tr.,....r 11-.. •.,.,.....on P•flon•I property llere ltt•ller clo9C rltled. TIM-MclllodlMM-ol tll91 __ ......... ,_.,_: OCEAN PACl,IC f'OOTWIAR, INC., Jl•D AJrway A-. C... ..... ~ ... TM lec.tloft lft Call'-la -' Ille c11i.t executive oHlco « "''"''"' b11sl11eu office of tll• l1tl•Rd•f l••ltSfe-11: $afN " ....... All otMr ttvslnos 1t1Me1 ORf ••• ,. .... llMcl .. , Ill• IRl•-,,.....,.., wfllllrl tllrw .,_.. Int "91 H fi r .. •M•ll to Ill• 1111•- lronsfwM er•:-. TM -Mel lluSlfleM ..._ el IM lnle,...., tr ....... AN : S1111 Ne1lo11a1 Llml11cl. 1111 8011llom-. Ste. 1414, St. Le11l1. Ml-rl.s105 Tiie! .,_ Pf-1\' "'11MM .._II clo.crlOocl lft 99Mf•l •s: '""~· "'"'"""' & ,. .... ,.. .. and Lie-A.--Is~ at: 3115-D Alrwa., Avettue, CMte Mose.~,.. TM ~ -llSM-., tlle Yid tr-1eror .. ulcl lecMloft Is: OUNI PKNlc F..,._, IM. Tlllt Mid 1i1111k 1r...-.r h 111 ........ to be con111mm110d at tM ottlco of: Ocean Pattie F-. IM .. 11&0 Alrwey A"'""•· Cotta ••••· Caflfornl<ll taU7 on or afttr March 25, tta. This bull! trenster It ,.,.)eel le Callfotnl• Uniform C-clal C"* Sec1-·-TM --addr.-of IM~ wltll w-. ci.lm1 me., • fllocl Is Raymond C. JoMln1, -tM IMt drf for flllnt ,....,_ W MY <......_ INM be Merell u , t..,, wlllcll 11 Ill• --·-....... tM<---cllt• '"""locl ...... . D•-~llt,tta SUN NATIONAL I NC. R..,,.,_, C . .HMIM, PrHldeftt TTT1 .. _,_ ~1414 St. '--·Mo.""' 1.....-Tr ........ Pul>llsNcl 0r-. COMI Dally P'llOI, Mar<htO,tta ,..._ Tllo Nor1M.Hl..,y W IMI of Lot S 1 of lllcl c-.,. Trect No. -as per map --In EXCEPT the Northerly U ful Book 14, pave• 11 and 11 of thereof. be"'9 meesurecl •I-lhl Mll«ll-"'-1111111 ottlc:• of thl West fine of Miid io. P11bll-Or-Coost Dally PllOI, ~ lll1C( M<llr . 10, 17, 14, II, 1m lloi.t2 ------------- Co1111fy Re<ordor of H IO Oran~ Tne streel addrns 111d Oilier C01111ty, Clllfo{nla. common clHignallon, II eny, of tho ------~------ n .. street addren and o111er real pr-rt., described abo•• II .,.., Cornrnoft clotltN11on, If ............. purported to be 111 Jade Avenue, NOT1c• TOC:•IDITOtlS ree 1 pr-rty described •bo•• 11 llltloa Ill-. Ceflfomla. Off auUt TllMSfJI• p11rportec1 10 '' uu Newport Tiie 111..,...., .... T,,,... dhclalm <tea.ttt1<4•u.c.c.1 9wlevard. c..w MoM, Clllfor!llo, eny llablllty IW any lnc.orrectMM of 14otlce ls"°'"" t'-' tocreclllon of Tllo ~ T""'" dlsclalmt IN 1trwt addrOls end -common Ille wltt1l11 ..-tr..,...,_<•> 111111 • -foor llablllty iw ...., lrocorrec-• ot dell9natlon, If.,..,,.,_., llerwln. blllk tr...,..r Is _. to .,. m-. ., ""tlroet -.sa -other ~om-S.ld Mle wlll llt ,...., but wllftout partonll property 1terelft11ter Mltnetlon If An'f .,,_.,herein co¥en•nt or w1rr•1tty, eapreu o clffcrllMd. S.kl'ule,wlll l19 l'Nde, but w'ltlloUt Implied,......,,, .... Ullo,~ Tiie -<•> -WllM• ........ , coveneftt or warronty, ••PfHI or onc~--os. '° .,.., tllo ....,...., of llM l~tr.,lfer•lt) -: lmDl.locl.,.....,..,. tltll, _......,,or pr Inc lp1I 111m H c11rec1 by ••I Fro1tt NNWrl In<., '* arlttol 1nc11mtw8"Cft, '° pey tlle remellt"'9 Cofttrecl, to-wll: 1100.W .H , H StrMt Nor111, ~ Boocll. Ca!H. prlnclpal """ .. c11rec1 by uld "'""'nt net 1nc1oti1"9 Ille prlnclpe '26'0 contract, to-wit: Stts,OtO.to, Hid bolance P•'ta.t/• on 1111derlyln Tiie toutlon 111 Calllorttl• of Ille ame11nt 111clwdl11t tlle principal onc11mllroncel1), -jecl '° wftlcll chief uocutl•• office or PflMf.-1 balance P•Y•lll• to Ynd°"'ylno re1lt-1\'•lllbetotd,wlttl l11teros b111lnen office ol th• l11te11cl1cl 8!)C\lmllroncel•>. Mtec:t to wM<ll .,. tlle,...,.., • --It\ wlf Contract, trenste-••: 1604 Ar1Mla Blw .• S.Ulto rn l pro .. rty may be sold, wltll ..,,one.., If'""· under -t•""s o 4, R-Boact\.C. • ....,. """""" "--· as --111 Mid sa id C01ttr•ct, '"'• cllar-9H .., All ottler b111l11au 111me1 aRcl Ctfttroct. ...,_.., " ....,, ......, Illa •-"'" of Ille TNAM -of 1ddreuu ""d tty tM lnte1tclect "'11tl f//I Miii C'AMrect, IMS, <Mrwot INltl <rMtecl..., Yid Controct. trallft-wltltlft tllrw yeort l<illt .... 9ftde•..-s-' tll0 T""'" onc1 of tlle TM \1....,. -r Mid c.ttrect to far H llMwn lo Ille l11teltdet1 tfttlb <....-ctll¥ ulcl c-troct. llore....,.. e.c:lllld -a11......ci traMf--: -· J'llle ..,...., -· Ulcl CMtlract IN ............... wnttien Oec.lorlt Tllo _,,, ... Milleta ....... ........... ...... ..... ........ to of Def'41ft lftd a...-fOr Sele, -Of tlle l.-....tr9Nlefw(I) -JKli ....... Ill 11 a wr1tteft O.C..,llttM -ltten ....ic.o f//I Ow* -E H ........ lftd allM p ......... f//I ~-~-Sele -· • s.11. ,,. ...,..., 11 ~ sm SC.... on-.. •--,..._ ...,...., .._.Of o.f9t11t Mii ai.c1teu. ,...let ti OtlMlft -ltectleft '° s.tl Ver••. CL te74 -,,.,. D. ~ .. left, TM ,,,.......,,, ~ Mid .. lie reairWll lft .. C-'Y ._.. "'9 anti ~ .......... No. I P'tMe LAM, ..,. .. _, o.teutt 111ti llocllen .. lofl rwet '""'1Y II le<...._ Rolllftt Hiiis ........ Ce. W21• .. 1M ,._..In Ille~ ....... Wlo Al Of tllO wet.I ~ of IN Tlllt Ille,._,., "'1MMI tie,_ II r~ ..-tyltle<MN Nttlu Of ..... a. "'81 ""t"""lof -.Crl'911 Ill .... , .. w ; ,_...,....,.. #c:' 916 llllllet ~--.... 11.-.e i. ... llf!<e Of tM ••11 .. lle -It _..... •1 ,_ ., ..... Mrwt "' ............ _. .... _ ...... ..., .. ,,_,.,.... ..... ~ ......... aooctl.CMll .... . ..,.. .... NI-of tlM ....... ,..._ l1tClt1lll1tt tM trl1tcltal bal•RC Tllo-........ -"'".., tflt ..... ~ .., .. ~ ........ , • ' •• I. • II .. "II., I ., I .. '""''-I•> ...... lec:etlen ... , IUl•lll119 tM trl,.Clt•I ••••11.Jt _ _..._ll), <.-..Cl .. wflkll ,,..... ,-. , .. , •• le ell Yl'tlltrtrl11t, FHI !Jf'.,.rty Wiii M IOlcl) ... Tlletulll ... lr-lt~• _,,,, ................... _. ... lr!IMM -· .. ,....... ... Cott.-.. •t tllo ..,,Cl efl 1Y _, 111 .. ldl Hc1 11111..._lt .. ,.....: It-lie iM ...... IKNW lwlr~" ......-..~.-. T ... I U..-""""'"'91 H4 w, tlll ilrHI, 1111 P'ectr•. ... ......_..... ... _ ·--CM"*""' "'11."'...., ~"'"· . • .......... c..... tta. ~----; &ttl,ltUI aa,.._tlf Tllo !Miik lrHt .. t It lftle<I .. ~--Cllll .. _ .... ! ' eel--• """""' ~ c.-~ 1...-. 1st...._...,_ lectteUtl&. 'WP--..: t,m.sa aNler.l*f//I Tiit.-.......... ,__ ~ v...-,, llrlttl ...... ctetuM ,...., ........ .. .... TOT-.: It-lie lall,.... .. ._ a.v.. .. ..... ! l 9,m .M Datt! 1'&11, ._ W.... ........ lall ,_.., CIM. _.. ~t .. .....,. ..._,.,. .. ~ IK,_ INta ..... UMll.., MtT TtfU CID. OP •Ml99 11°""9 ~ rtr tltlftl <llllllC 1t¥..., ,,..._ .... '" ~ ._..,,.... "Mam•.'"'· wllfell I• tlle __ ......_ lty; ...... Cllerr'y .............. ~tin ............ "*.......... .... ............ . .. . ·~.r-1"9.:-"....... DfttM :-:.r .... -.,. _,;;.r= :.":'"-=-=-... Ul~CA....... ...0 .... ,,___ ...... ,., ··-Clall...,..... ........._e-Dlllr .......... -.c.. ......... ... "·" ... ... ...,..... Memltl,• .:. ,.... NOTIC• TO C•IDtTOtlS OflaUUtT ......... Clecs.•wt4WU.C.C.I N°'lcols.......,t1-•c,.....,.of Ille wltlllll _,,_, tr......,_. -. e bulk tr.-r •• -..it ..... l'ftlllt ... perso11a1 t reterly 1t•ret11•fl•r -.C:rlMcl. Tiie_ .... ...,......._ .. Ille I ....... b'lftlflt"'" .,..: IDWAltO A. aARI..., tUH DMrf'-111. T...,.,, CallMnlle .... CA•OL l!AllL. ,.,... Dlwfletll, Twilit, c:allfemla ftltt Tiie loutlert lit Coflfenlla f//I 916 <lllaf ••e<utl ... otfl<• .. P"IM .. I b111lneu office of Ill• l"t•nll•ll tr•Mferenls: SAME.. All OtMr bllllftHI ftOMAt AAll Addre11n UHd lly t ... l11t•Rclecl Ir ...... ...,.. wftllln .. ,... "'" '"' ............... _ .... "' ........ Ir....,__, lt<INR --• Tllo_ ... ...._.._., INIR ....... tr......,__: IHAHChllN KO, M t llll*IWMll ('lrtle, '""'.._,,( ............ SU MO·TAI CHOI.I, IOI Sof'del""41 Clrde, W"tle!ltlt'6r, ( ........... _ IUNO JUI CHIM CHAllO, •t 1011del""4I Clr<le, .. ,._,,,. ... , Cll"9nlle ... TMt•~ .............. .. , ... M __.. "l All f/f ... '*'"'"'*·~ ........... ····=... ......... ., ... ..... flf• ..-tctl .... ..... eltll It le<MN et: tt'4t ~ .................. ,.,..~ ,... ..... _ _..., ....... ......... ,... ....... ltCati.tt 111• IAMOWICM IAO. ' ,,..= ......................... wc1-.-..c-~J1: ~"°"...,. COM"'9Y ,.. --•-.°'9111. ~ ... ...., ...... .... ,.,, .... tfllMltt " ...... .. ~ """""'asusezrtllt ~ ........ ,,._ .......... ..,_ --------· """.°".... ':'"_.!,[_~ a.L ...... .._, -................. ....... .,_....., .......... .. -. ................ ...... ... ................. ..... ...... o... ....... ; =.~c::, I ...... " --=--4 t .:::I':. ·=- D A I l y p I L 0 T c L· A s s I F I E D 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 Orange Clout DAILY PllOT/WIOMtdly, March 10, 1982 A.Mowatttnt6U ft1~ Ltttl~ft Loot• .. _ , .......... w..iti••· Tu•ft• SltYIClS 5"• .... 0U1t10I') E11Pl8YMEllT & mrua rt• -1-MW..afd• Hotp•-If., MEltllWISl ... 1• llfl .... 1111 -,. IQ .... , .. -11111 lllO llU ,., ,. ,.. -... -1• 1• ... ,. ,. illO . .. llilO Jll» ,,. tlllO ltllO -1111 -DOii --1>loO -l100 --... -Ult ------not -.. --410CI 4Ht ---uoo --'* •lolO """ --IO .. IOll ---- -->r.> """ ••l -~ -... -------.iTI ""' --· -IOI$ ------- 'IQIO ... ----""' -- ""' ... ... .... "" ,.. 111'1 11111 - 161• --ti.II ~ -1610 -- -•1 -... •u •11 --.., -.. .., -.... ---.. ----... -- EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY ~~·~~f:: ad · vert lsed 1n this newspaper ls subject LO t.tie Federal Jo'air Hous Ing Act of 1968 which nwkes it Illegal lo ad vtrtlff "any preference. limitation. or ~i s · crlmlnatlon based on race. color, relig ion. sex. or national or1gin or an intention to make any such preference hm1tat1on, o r dis crinunauon .. 1lUa newspaper will nol knowingly acrept any adverl1stng for real estate which 1s tn viola l!Oflol'the l!W alORS: AdurtiHn *-'d died! ttlleir ods daity -.d report er· ran U...dlatefy. The DAILY PILOT GSWIMS WMtty fw tlM tint l11cDrrect inurtion Olly. ....................... 1002 ..•••••.....••..•••.... 3 BDRM STEAL! Model perfect 3 BD. 2 BA House .on Go tr Course Onl) Sl35.000 TRY $20.000 DN I AS SUME IO'"r INT Pnn. Only PATR ICK TENORE ACT 759·1221 * ~ • I ~ 00 • ~ Om.) ~ • >< Om.) • ~ • I f Tw c. w "· Alld "· , .......... ~ (142•1178 J ····················~· ......•..........••.•. IOOJ l1•NI 1 .. l .............................................. \\ I · l I ' ·~ I TAYLOR CO. IU.:\l l ( ,f\~ 'I 1•1 If, fACIMG FOllC&.OSUll SI IS,000 I i~ear Westcliff Or., Newport Beach. Lge. 4 Bdrm. Vacant. See anytime. WBllY tl TAnOI eo., RULTOIS JlllS-........... MEWPOIT aml, tll. 644-4' I 0 GREATIUY! I.Jg 4 Br wr8onus Rm. ~autifully Decorated. Like NEW with OCEAN . BAY + city lites. vus plus Pool, Spa All for onl) $376 ~00 -.1lh n :RMS or Trade Call agt DIRE CT LY PATRICK TF.NORF. 159 1.221 760 0 PRICE REDUCED on iliis gorgeous llEAC.:11 DUPCEX . 112 blocks from beach and only 2 )ears old Orean vie"' 2 and 3 bdrm unlls 3 bdrm umt. gr~al for owner orcu pancy (h\1ier f1nam·tng ava1la· ble Onl) $280.000 l'a II I.Oda~ 979 5370 ALLSTATE f!EALTORS WTSIDE R-2 2 Bd.rm 2 bath. room for another unit. Only S\37.500 Call 645-9161 . OPEN UOUSt REAL TY / SHAAPUHITS Five pnde or ownership E.s1de un its There are thret I Bdrm unit~ and two 2 Bdrm units w1garagl'S & yard As sume existing financing and owner will nss 1s1 F\J II pn ce S339 .500 TR,\DITIQ\,\L RL\l.TY 631-7370 CONDO STEAL§! 3 BDRMS. 2 BATH i-------• MODEL COND TRY -..- $10.tW ON or more AS S l' M E I 0 ": I N T PATRICK TENORE. AGT 759-1221 Cole ., OUlewped, J · .-::::::)) WOODBRIDGE Mesa Yerdt i11 '12 OOLLHOt:SF. I Bdrm. family room. \ery spacious ~ Nl'w rnn c·rete dnve & µalto As sumable loans at an er- fe({1 \'e rate of 1212'' full pr1 l'e $146 950 751 3191 2 Br Bodega model. h1~hl)' upgraded. Ille en <ry It mirr o r ed "'ardrobes Good a s sumable Isl TD It OWC a 2nd Very mot1\•ated Sl.S.<XM> C:. t,fl lC • COU OF NEWPORT AUL.TORI 21 tS .. c-""'' eor-4af M., '1-" PHOPf H I If<, 675·5511 IOEllll.E LINDA ISLE URda ,. 2-stary witll 4 bedroom pin •Id's rOCMft, fonnal diMlc) "" ... ,_.,, "" with step-dow• bar Hd cou.trf kitchu. La.d1caped to ,.'fediort ... bridgt OYtr clp pool wf tpa. Sl.395,000. Slip for l boab. CHARMING OCEANFIJNT Gnat ............... 4 & 2 w.-. •it• M rat_...., be abW to dllplicote ~· R.ediad to $525,000. WATERFRONT HOMES, INC REAL ESTATE ).W, R.-01,t~ PuJPrfl\. M~nt LIASl/OPTIOM Elegant Qmdo -Neutral Tones · Two Bedrooms, Two Baths · Formal Dining Room · Gorgeous Sunsets · Super Financing · Low Fixed Int. Rate. Seller Will Carry Large 2nd . Poolside Setting · Shown By Appointment · Asking $220,000. A "Joy Of Newport" Listing. ·--............ 759-9100 uc .. ,., ....... H..,.,tC..tw '=~=· s~~4llA-a£~s· .... .... ------...... lly CUT I. PCKLUI ·~: .. -: .. btr~~ ::: ic... "' f0t01 ·-........ _,,. I T E N N t 0 I I' I 12 I I I W H 1 S S I i I' I r I I 1 l I, NA W 0 G I I ~ I I DOL80Y I' I I I' I I S AL E OR TRADE . • Bllboe laland~ ~ Bclrm, 5 Oeean ' Jetty vi-Marin .. , ea. ca unit.a>. "'block to bdrm ........ e room, .. bay larae lat TD. , 3 bath, 3700 sq.ft. $1,385,000, 12~+.. McNuh Realty. daya 642· 1334, evu UDO ISi.i HO•• I ...,15..,_1•=·'---- Prime Lido Nord ba)'f~. 5 bdrm, 5 c._ .. W. I 022 lU~ ~'!tr,~pen beam1, carved cablnet.s. New C"1>tl. Below •P· eralted value, have documents. Low dn W/Sl20K ht. f /P 149,500. Ph 645-IZH ·bath. Lge L.R. 2 boat slips $1,SOO,ooo. iXiPt:EXi;r·~;~·~a:~· 2Br, 1oe Orchid. Call COUIGI PAIK 85\·tWOwner/btr Spac~M2 Ba home Remodeled 3 *m, 2 bath + large rec. rm. beam ceilings, $420,000. LleA ISi.i IA YlllOMT Lagoon view from 6 bdrm, s bath pla.yroom, dark' rm, den. $1,350,000 ! ' MY .. COYI Spectacular bayf ront view 4 bdrm 4 bath, 2 boat slips $1.900,000. ' TIES YIST AS .. SSIOM YllJO New French Normandy 4 bdrm , 4 bath, g~t house, pool. $795,000. BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR I f • ,:, :) • ",. 'i f '') f)l~I t:: •.-I '.» === E F I•..::•=-=.--=.=:.-::..-= •..::.•=•,,,.•"'"'•:::::•:.:.•_•_•_ml_. w/hl&h usum1ble loan, low int. rate. Only $1211900. SUbmlt terms. Cal\ Rbt. Milliken. Gl·Ull6 ld•e4ToW IOCnttClr .. CclM OPINSUM 1.1 $16S,OOO, 960,000 down , bala.nce at 10. 7% $1000 or rmre ~r month. Cafll'on crests lowest price! See youSuoday! ~<IJ~ ~ • 673·8~4 1133,500 i BR, 2'\'J ba condo. Gar. wetbar. pool, jac, terms. ~dn07·645s 1------•IH .... oaltecll 1040 Ocean View, •bdrm . must sell, $375,000. 10% do'.A'n or partnership. Prine. Only. Ii«·~. DUPLEX-BY OWNER ••••••••••••••••••••••• S5(XX) dn. Beaut. lae 4 br home in H.B. or 3 br in . V. 962· 7s.O a 4 Br. 2~ Ba. nook, famllf nn, 3 car garage, pro . landscaped, 2 patios w/covers, wallpaper ' custom paint thru-out, ...................... Ma ftrt .... INt•mlt ........................ . ...•................ ii1i Hatber Rid~ btautlful ------- HOA• HOSPITAL ~~ II '-home, •LI· TE 2 .edNi 2-baU. eon~o llPlndecl. llTS,000. __ Patio ~uble 11ra1e· 1 dOWn. A'fll1. now . fftlllll $UUOo. ' ~r_. ftO.JtJ.'L__ '11W.: l tirMcc.Nlt,lltr. llt.OOO htaktlDJ'rtPUlat.looon '::'.!°'t' 58· ot H0y, t 1•·772' OOND0:-8Ak9ft'Yocea UaerACTUaat Utltlalhe P!U c . •ozr "·ur1Ba lad vft, 1 ..• -11....~11,_1 •ub BEST BUY l.n Newport lll1 comider tra e. Blu · . • tp! 111•1e, llGCAMYON Guaidel communlty. Bdut. 3 Br 2~ ba home w/mlrrored waU., lot.a ol m1rble, 3 car aar. 000. 11644-0Ml UOOISU IATflOMT ,..._ _ _::-·$·.._ 1.,0CICl,!00 u1armm( Y oorm plus den, 2 bath, pier and slip to accommodate •o· boat. North aide. For an appotntment to see this exchaive property, call stO-llSl . '.. HERITAGE REALTORS DOYB VIL.I.AGE ~' ... • arch. If you are • Sf.7HI new carpew ' Cutlom terranean ~arlltna Uaaatt b~er·CALL _ u ... 80R RJDGE dr•JIH, lar1e yud Ir eletnt-clubbou1t ,_ --Uowilh plavhOuae n m. Mu.llu Re alt DIRECTL and you Wl=U tr /Joint venture. ... ' l.';~ will be lmp reued ll u. 0377 peea. No wat.rbed. ~ Mk rLo GREAT 8UY1 OCEAN • · · . + deposit. 5'1·5442, ~!!!!!! &..w•wtNd9 VU, LR04BDR, PROF. COMTIACTOIS/ TJ0.5Gt Canal "'ont, Newport Vm&llla atucffo--Pen· DF.CORATED, pool, •e• IUl(.RllS a br twnhle 2~ ba frplc .,,._,'Br t . I.Alff or thoule ~.Take ove • like nu alJ tor only Lott, two 25 Toll or ont pool, etc. sad mo: ootlon to buy. SUOO/mo. blO uaunwble loan a S37UOO. A trade will be 50• lot. aoned R·2 Ocean stW121.1113-I018 1"eao11, pool, walk to U~~. Owner will con. ~ldered. You won't ....t>)'. Owners Ured oJ Nr So Coast Plau new btadL A.tent ...,.lOM or sider·lat.e model car 11 btlieveltunUlyouaeelt. ~es Make of· dlxcOndo PENTRiDGE ..=::=er....----- down paym 't. Seller C • 11 P A T R I C K -a..t ... 3.1--· · ~ desperate. Act fHt!!I TENORE Directly ~ ' ••·"'. _,, COV!, 2Br, 28a, frplc, •CAMYOML ~ •.900. Call Jim 759·1221 or 180·8702 wabr/dryr, levolora, 281{ 1'c-L1 la Con o. TODAY' tc ,. Dnerf, microwave, 2 car gar 11125 per mo. Call Gerry Alf.979-5"70M2-9597 · a.wt HOC w/OifllU, pool, jac. S8SO 87~T1tlor1~L397 tw.t WMtl Vt.w ....... •••••••••••••••• mo. + $600 sec dep. 2 Br 1 Ba Newport S315,'*·· Auume lat Sd Parll West at Easter. 159·9t4 t d ys · 12 l3 > Heiabta. Ve°ry private. T.D. "Ol $150,000 approx. New 1 br condo 2 mill. 43l-450Seves. 1ara1e. near Hoa1. at LU~. Lr& 3br, 2ba, •fnlm lift. 541.3773 3Br1 281, den, fenced yd, ..::~=-=:...· -----rr! potential. Recent· Get In bot water-build a ~/dlyr book-up 1700 ~ I)' remodeled kitchen. Oller' lttl ..... n1tuttl spa 00 5 ac-s. mo. met. water. MB·3092 .~. frml &. /r, Owner muat sell. Call ••••• .. •••••••••••••••• •.. .sfb. I qlforaddltlonalinfoon ...,...._1 Small cabin. 10 mi. House. hone ok, 2 Br. atudy, beaut. dee. lge financina. Mary Lar· ,_. S. I I OO PALM SPRINGS. $4000 P /mo. ~Birch St. decks, rab. view pvt rick:SC.6173;646·S096. dn. Take over I.ow Santa Aaa Hgt s . guarded aate, poolrten· ••••••••••••••••••••••• pymts. 113.500 full pnce. SSt•31. nis . $2900/mo. A&t. Bob TOlrOwa lo• Slip 2 bdrm, 1 bath, new Call Answer Ad 1499, EASl'SIDE Clean 1 Br or Dovie Koop. 75'·1221. +38r:?~Sl-coodo,ln carpet"° drapes . 642-Gl024hrs ~vt area, bay view, walk Beautiful adult park, ' · ccttage, couple or sngl. VACANr •Br 28a, pool, beach. ms,ooo. low apace rent. Me.8612 Tim ~/...,..al 6 sec. 857-2040 open d a i I y .. 2 2 • 2 Newport Beach De Anza O...tllip 1450 Redec Two bdrm ex-He at be r . $1 4 0 O CONDO Adult complex, 2 bdrm, 2 ..., b at h , p ool , c lubhouse, double garage. Wallt to shops " ' ll'Wlrket. Sl49.SOO. bayfront Park. Mint ....................... cellent loc. Eastslde. Ownr/agt.95$--0809 cond. '78 dbl wide, SO% lot. in custom moun· et646-1078 NEWPORT HEIGHTS fireplace, brick patio, talf! homev · Below a?· Exec.• Br. custom home. Area. 2 bdrm. Iba. S62S 161,000. '63 double wldel pr~ alue. Nr forest, 3 frplc, private slreel. per mo , no pets. " comer lot 139.000. Bil skiing, golf. Low dn, no Rent or lease option. 6'5~7 Gnindy87H161. qua!. Low pymts. lSOO sq $1J7S/mo. 18051654·0322 ft, 3 br. 1..., ba. gar. (714 )997-8600 ask fo; B,!g~r~h~u!~: ~ ::r F\nd out about the high. eamina real estate sales career opportunities with THE REAL ESTATERS. Licensing school fees completely refundable lo school of your choice. Extensive sales training. For in· formation, call 7SHH9l MUST SELL! ltstC.•Offer _m-"063/679·9667 411-POOL· SPA aria-·that 's not a 11. BeauilluU.y maintained ------..i security system, crown lliiiiiiiliiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit moulding, Mex ican -------- Jerry 955-339S Pat. gara1e w /opener. Av a i I .... Ea.. E'side. Lg 1 Br, unique May 1st $900/mo . •EXCITING• wltb many !lmenities ~PIOPHTY paver noorin&. 2 used --------1--------brick frplc:s. blt·in TV that n;iake this borne a lltioy Vlewing tlie ()(ean terrific buy .. Enter and. night. tights from through the enclosed this delightfu.I 4 Bdrm COW'ty!lrd a.nd see all home. Formal dining that th.ii !»<>me has to of· area and family room. fer. ~ou d be proud to Private area with com· own 1t. Only $165,000. munity pool. Excellent Callnow9'19-$170 financing available! stereo ca b I n e t ' UID90I VIEW bootshelves m fam. rm 11191 •WISTCl.IFf• 121/4-to RMAMCIM& when you tab over ex· High assumable. Mustl HlltES see to appre ciate • • iatinJ Joana on thla ex ecuuve borne featuring• Br, 2~ Ba ~ pool only $339,900. 2670San Miguel Or, Newport Beach. ~1501 or752-7373. FORECLQSUlE! Two Beauties: 4 BO w/Pool • 3 BO w /Pool. SUBMIT. PATRICK Tll«>RE, All. 7SH221 A USTA TE 5'29.':'4~5200 $219,000. Open Sat/Sun., 714 /963·6163. Private p . __ • M.ocoModet 3 Bdrm · 2 baths Fftlmd $224,tOO c.... Jollll SMo ...... tSS.3454 ~ REALTORS j PETE BARRETI For Sale By Owner·I Franc11can Fountains, single s try hom •bdrm. 2ba. nearb schools. parks ' library. s BR 3 Ba. q\Uet nbrtid. $1731.000. Open House suhmit all offers. Ask· · Sat/~n. 12·Spm. 6S72 in 000. 631·7215 Walker & Lee COMMBCIAL Jardine Dr . H.B. (Nr 2 storu, 1 block lo Goldenwest Ii Slater). l.alpM Mi4Jlltl I 052 U.,....,... I 052 YIEWTOWNHOMES Ot'ean. 253 down. Owner · t71•>1142-11216. .. ..... ! ................................... .. REALTY .. Master suites. View or will carry balance.,_......_~- Ocean ' Night lights. Sil6S.OOO! _.. --I 024 MO DOWN Qliet Area. Parks, open ,..._._,.. .......... •••••••••••••• IJ•!J•/olMTllEST ~ces. $137,000. Xlnt ' ...-:n op. * ~ YEl~E • 2 Br. Medffe-rranean '1~~l=~tfa& •'7S.7060• ~ a0~~m~~pt!. ~1u' ~~r::)' slf8~~·~~: Beautiful area. Sl5,000 ent SS&-6.516 MOllLEHOME Dbl wide i.xso·. 3 Bdr, wet bar, ample outside storage, frplc. Excellent park w /clubhouse " pool. OWC 2nd. Fu 11 AISOWTI STEAL ~$150,000 MOW $525,000 SPYGLASS oJI&~~Nc 6br1'~ba. noosq ft 2SBodega Bay Call owner, 7:i9·0737 SPECTACUUI l.oc~~t~ Rd. in exclusive Ca meo Shores. Magnificent • bdrm home w itb surf breakin& on the beach ri&ht bdow! Formal din· in& rm .. family rm .. wine cellar and more. $2.900.000. ••1141 u J:.4400 IZIJIUa.JIH H'ARiOR A OIVlsion of Harbor Investment Co. SHOW PUCI OF THI Y1A1 Owners extremely motivated & will consider any offer. 606 Harbor Isle Dr. Promatpru Ba y. Custom craftsmanship thruout. Spacious Family Home with so• slip for your )'~cht. Lovely 4 Bdrm home. light & airy with lots of glus lo capture view. Formal Dining room, Family room. 3 Fireplaces, 4 Baths. Private Ofnce, Muter Bdrm Suite with Ubrary & patio. JOO year old Italian cabinet covers 1 wall In living room. Must see. Call agent Patty PerFette or Margot M'acKerrow for Immediate showing. 87$.37311 or 67~3733. WmMn t c tw,_ RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE SERVICES H CAMYOM SI ,3'5,000 Panoramic view of golf course plus charming 4 BR, Fam Rm home. TcUlly "re-created" with FR & DR skylights, crown moldings & 3 Frpls. Designed by Canterbury; Irieri<rs. Owner financing. IN NEWPORT CENTER ' 644-9060 liMI .,_ .,... ...... ·-•""' ,, .. ... =~ ,,_ "~ ,._ ~­,. F. ,. ... 1044 dn. Asking S240,000 L-...L.-Slim/mo pymt. PP. Agt. ~ -'"~"""-'1~·==------···.-5·a:c;c"Af:iC>;;··· SHARP WTSIDE 6PLD ONl. T 150/o DOWH arid Oimer wifl 1in111ce to qualified buyer. Well ~ated, good looking 6 units + 4 car garaee + ~parking. Below II times gross. ~T.,644-72 11 /.Jn NIGfL ~AILE'. ~ ASSUCIATES IMPORTAMT1 You bet it is ! So settle yo ur famil y Into Uruversity Parle. Thl5 2 bdrm. 2 ba. has cent air cond and a covered patio Within walking di.stance lo everything $1.39.500. •ITA•I PAll~e in your ' bsttlp in tbi1 c 3 IR, 1 '1'1 eaado. Le country tcbea ,overlook in1 lovely pa tio. Laundry rm, Brl&bt l ...... .... 2 Aeemtblt ...... . •·a.• lladlD Rm 111.,.,., l<Jll) PUBLIC NOTICE Notice Is hereby given 1hat a hearln9 Is scheduled to provide a n opportunity for Fountain Valley residents to express their views on Community Development and Housing needs, and to comment on the fotlowlng proposed Statement of Community Development Object ives and on the Community Development performance of the City of Fountain Valley. The hNrl09 Is designed to obtain citizen lhput on projects utilizing approximately $322,000 of Community Development Block Grant Eighth Year Funds. These funds are granted by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development to suppor\ Community Development objectives designated by Fountain Valley residents. Statemem of Community Developmeftt Objectives: Caregory 1: Housing Conservation. Goal: Enable Fountain Valley citizens to live in a safe , decent and s artl tary environment. Ob jective 1: Continue Implementation of Home Rehab i l itation Program. 2: lriitiate a Code Enforcement Program. Category 2: Housing Production. Goal: To improve hou si ng opportunities for low. and moderate-income citizens. Objective: To assist in the acquisition of land for the completion of a low· and moderate-income housing development. Category 3: Public Service. Goal: To upgrade comm unity programs and f~llitles for the elderly. Objective: To provide servkes to senior citizens In conjunction with a Senior Citizen Cen~. Category•: Historic Preservation. Goat: To C'onserve buildings which contribute to local histoty. Objective: To assist In the rehabilitation of structures which are part of the local inventoty of historic places. Category S: D e v e I o p m e n t o f a Comprehensive Community Development P111n. Goal: To provide a decent, safe, and sanlt11ry living environment for every Fountain Valley resident. Objective: To develop a plan quantifying t he City's existing housing stock a nd fut ure housing needs, as well as Its sha~ Of regional housing needs. Notice Is further given that the HouslllCI and Community Development AdvlSOfY Board of the City Of Fountain Valley will conduct a public hearing on the abo'le issues In the City Council Chambers at City Hall, 10200 Slater Avenue, on Wednesday, March 17, 1982, at 7:30 p.m. &dl•p 2IOO cabin like features w/pd ~642-=c9599=:.:..· ------ With ~~t~ furn. ••••••••••••••••••••••• uti Ii lies. S52S I mo Under market condo G b WANrED: House on Lido 6'.5-6266 --c .. MTOM 3'J&4 reen rier Home Isle for income proper· -"' in Lagwia Hills nicest s t,y. Prin only. M2·0369 0-PoW 3226 On 4th. green 2br 2ba star park. Young ad Its Sec. Pool Spa Tennis welcome. H P• s.n.. •• .. ••••••••••••••••••• 1825/mo Dys 957·3046 Gr .... af P.tl 'Ml.1-r,.de $4.~ e4uit Beaut.• Br. 2 811 Fmly Eve~-«>49 B 'lfr:fi in 5 acres parcel smafi rm. gar, patio, 1eoced. ea u t U H X 6 0 cabin. ""'·U pn'c·e s't3.""". View. $72S/mo. 962·2l!M. 3 Br. 1i,; Ba, 2·Slory COD· Kaeywest Hm · 2B r, ru ,,.,., do. Va s ta Hogar 281. Thia Is the best buy Take over low pay· Y..., 1234 (750/mo.640-S274 int.own. menu. Trade for mobile ••••••••••••••••••••••• ·--.-.:....=~'-=:....:..__ __ _ CLASSIC home,Campertruck, P/ HOME FOR RENT Exec. 4 Br, 3 Ba, fpl. P Call Answer Ad• 631. 3 Bdrm Condo, $6SO dshwsher, new decor, MOllLE HOME ~2A hrs Fenced yard ' garage gr d n r. Wes l c Ii If SAW ._la.. Kids Ii pets welcome Sl,32S/mo 646·72SO. 2706 Harbor, Ste 206·A W9hd 2900 ~3KJO. A&ent, no fee. 752-2550. 540.St37 llG c.. y -------~· .. •••••••••••••••••••• ~-ltocti 1240 "'H OM Cadillac of the mobile c•'H FOR ;·&ik:~:;::~·i.~~·a·;;; 3 Br, fu~~s> course homes! Sllvercrest Cot· IU Br. Family Rm ' Den. view, tennis. pool. spa. tage, 2 br. 2 ba, wet bar, a l2,000sq ft office build· ~Mo. Plush crpts, 2i.; Lease $120(). Avail. now. yard w/frult t rees. ingorlandlobllild on in Ba.Cedarltglass,sun· Primeloc.~·7424Bkr. Adults, no pets. Owner, the Orange Co. airport deck, dbl ca r pr v Near ocean and tennis. 3 ...;:;m~'-'i6fi=.,,,ev~s'------i aru. (Fast response). garage, fully m!llnt. bdrm, 2ba , S7SO/mo . Owner '73 12x60, 2Br, Call Howard at 540·0500, yard. No pets. lnqwre al Wat e rho mes In c w Id, m In a g e 5 5 , ext~ 527 l8UI. St. 96().6331. -631-1400 41mofr.1·623-0132 1-------• HOMFS FORRENT 3 Bdrms . S6SO· $700. Sawd.1 Hil Acrfep for S. I ZO l>rivate Party seelung Fenced ya rd 5 " Specflrufar-ocean view. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 3br 2ba home. W. side garages. Kids Ii pets 3+ familY. formal din· San Diego No. Cty, C.M. Have $2SK for welcome. s.s 2000. mg. poo1 /spa. $2000. Otiveohain 10 ac. Lake down payment . No ent nofee. 760-9333a . vu, pood, oaks, septic, Brokers or Realtors. ~ u .... pad. $295.000 1·729-0104, Olot.act Connie or Bill. DUPLEX -119 Hunt· rt "6"' 5 Bd. Cape 4J6.-02l6S 642 ....... aft 5 p f inilon Ave. Ocean view. . den. game room. 3 . ...,.,,,, er pm. re . volleyball crt. I Br car gar .. 3000+ sq ft. C-rclal _loan~~ass==wn=·----E'JOO/rm 2 Br S600/mo walk to hi·scbool. May Ps •rtf 160 or rent entire duf lex for f: lease option. Ca II • ..... •••• •. •• •• ••.... •••••• ••• •• ••. ••....... S 11 oo I mo . Ca I Bob i-==ana=•.=-a&ta:....::::63::..:lc..:· 1266='----....._ F r1lislled Meyer 586-JSOO. ofc or OCEAN VlEW 110 ........ ~ ...... 661·7622bome. Newport Crest condo. •••••••••••••••••••••• i..,..1tec1a 3141 3 BR 2"'1 ba upgraded. teruus/~l /jac .. Walk CDM DPLX ••••••••••••••••••••••• twnsbse in Beachwalk to beac 2 Br 2~ Ba ITOWNEI Large 1 Br. furn . Commpool,j!lr.~milo _p50yrly.646-0686 Two 2 bdrm units so of Beautiful view on beach bch. No children, no S..Wiad Aree PCH cor ner l o t pool, sec. gate Cati pet s . 1 y r lse 3 barm bo-use. Spec- s111glei1tory , dM ded by evea.52Prl910. ~~J·1200 6?S·6892; tacular view. tennis. ga bl 10 7 IMdl 316' pool. SllSO mo. 760-8708 tst-M:'oi ~~ e · Ml s:potf . . , . owner ••••••••• .............. ~-and67>21.« ~II assist finance, fee, Ha rbor 1mmac, $290,000. S21 ~ View Knolls. It.bow 3242 NEAR HOAG HOSPITAL Cod condo. 2 Br, •• .. ••••••••••••••••••• PURELUXURY Carnation Ave .. CdM .' 1 nler. decorated Waterfront Broad moor 2 Br. 2~ Ba . Townhouse. equipped. Avail 2bdnn, 2ba, f~lc, wet Alrmst new. $1000/mo. ay, also Aug bar. ~bl gar, s 'p avail. Agent,nofee.SS6·6516. Call 673-0241, 67S·Sl42 ' fully -..rroperty 200C • •••••••••••••••••••••• ArPLIYAUET Ta~ Near new 4·plex. 2 bdrm, 2 bath each unit with fireplace. enclosed rctio· &•rage. 9~3 1st . os cash flow. Now fJ58.SOO. Bill Grundy, tr,~161. LA~HACH Comm' /indus. 1• units. 9VJ ti~s cross. Owner fan. Aa&g SSS0.000. By owner. MS-3477 Carlsbad 11 unit beach motel. $329.000. Also ocean l lagoon vu t~ex $196 .000. l· 104 .......... , ... 83 spaces, nr Dallas. $400,000 with Sl50,000 cash down. No p1yment on debt service &c ln· terest for 1 yr. Wlll con· sider <>ranee Co11t l ro- perty In trade. all 714 J720.1036 or 7 52· 2213 8yOW11er DLXHOME'1NCOME. m yr oldi J.3Br. S..2Br w/annua Income ol ri;.100. Seller will carry nancins. 25'7 Elden Ave., CM. 9'19·5099 Bkr. Walk lo beac\,. beautiful tri·f!:.· 2-2 . 1·3 Br. Pa , ff!Tlc. ""·000. 0..-wU beJr.. fioance. A.-Hedda lOM. 091/J?AUI wner tarry IDd. ~ALITY welJ kept · Plea near S.C. ~au. TWO UNITS new de- eorated. Bullt·tn I ftnl'ed Jard • eaciOMcl April/M v. $1000/mo + patio. $1100/mo all 760·390S or (714)67>7171 ~ni~iggc>t~~/m~(B" -----2br tux condo on Lagoon. Sl~/m:>. Agt. 54l·S032 thru No elec. C 673-5261 ....... ~· gar Ii many xtras. D~JGNERS TWNHSE Ullfwwlllted Ol mo. Call eves : E. Bhif. Newly decor . ••••••••• .............. 714/84().§309; 831·2932 '"'-·-~ 2 b 2 b uuuuu•. spac. r. a. ..... .a.d 3206 lnflll l244 formal din. Pool vjew. Avajl. im~d. lo Sept. 1, '82. Refs. fl 100/mo. (furn. avai . extra). Appt. ......... •••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Bl yf ront. Bl. 1 g beac.h, 2 Br. 2 'l'wnllomt, new 3 br, 3 ba, ar sp. 123 E. pet», gar. Park, pool, n t , Ba Ibo a ~ @75/mo. 833·9057 $1200 winter. Bay fro Island. ual . Herb, days ,_ llNT ALS S1400ann 2J3./41&-~ -1-ri taa-_. 9650 2br +den 2ba $975 c.... .. M• 3222 3 br, 2 ba S8SO ••••••••• ••••••••••• ••• • br, 2~ ba s1200 cular ocean Ii city 3br 2ba Costa Mesa $1 lSO eW from every Le Raisor Rily 833·8600 sr;: vi Large 2 Br. frpk . amenitie s . . Call Anthony 642·S7S7. eves " 1.e&30. room. man/ f!!>lrm l)'S wlmds63 ~EJ) R OPTION •br exec hm. SHOO Ownr/All. 7:ie·8006. 2ba vu mo. Olkato ocean, 3 Br 2 Ba. arage, $895. ~~' 2 BR fplc bib to Bi 64$.-51146 c... ......... • ~ NEWES Tcnrabo 2~81.JJ Clo Jdro-tu awte d" wood micro· VIie 213-271·mt014· 76().3661 w~t~mea dPlx w/apa in mstr Ba. Blt·in kit. frpl, dbl car ~ + 2 off.st spaces. J.R. PROP. MGR '7M670 '7Ml7l Newport Hits S Bdr 2-sty Cape Coe( Den game nn, lrg yard, 3000tsq n. Vacant. Freshly patnt· ed. May &o lease opt.Ion. Diana Cappel. agt 631-12116 Walk to beach. 3 Br. 2 Ba. ge w/hook·upa , dahwshr. Savage l Co. 67WIOI. PllYAft.PMK;.---3 Br. 2~ba-, \Ida oat. Pets maybe. 631·2242 John M · OrlnQI COllt DAILY PILOT /Wldneldly, Mnh 10, 1882 •I .. ._ Hit ... --....,..·-- % Mlllt r111•ns11 OHlcel ...... ~·: 0 1 ................... 41 ..... .... cw.a--=... 1a..a.11A.A.1• ·~~~~............... ......... _.................. -··-······· -··················· _................ iii'°--~-· 'ftt ~ lllill s .._. JI ~· wota ,_ ..... nlllad. Yrl1 011&a ..... • 1e1 "· aow c~ ~.*:.. ciu io .~ PHOro--.s -•••••••• .... ••• _ .................. -.................... reatall now avaU ,..... OD lllboa Pen.lla. •lite. 1171/mo. UUJt l•· lilOtcaft.l for wt have Ole Nit rata ISCM'l'I •• J • J II. 1 BrtwMoult, frple IUD· Walk to beaeh, I .. Br l Ba, llOI • up. Color TV : »• ~ ortf. 18r Iba, cld. '7U W. llltb. St. ~n. a I.I, avallable for your loan. 8MJl ~ lrM'IR Ntwb'. ditor. (f u-pd, deck, pr, 1tw pa1it le f:' I c • l c Ir I.,· Phooel In room. UH Ct4l1!11,...mt111 -........ AvalL MW. Call Mt. Ntltoo (714) 11fAN EVl!Rl M HU tacl 11 r. d l•uber, oewetl1*.U /mo. tiff»~. UW00 .lad. ldat&c New ort Blvd. CM . '418 ..... II' OOC aDd exe.cup an1 l001W.ln.k,C)I tM-'755. Cambrid•• 66it.02~07 pool, 1> • Ad11lt1, no -u • Ht. ep. 7 SC Plan. Non·amtu. • • t Capital Gr oup • a ~ --ua.i.u.'-----f . I. S.cllelor ·apt. Stove. aiN 5171 ,. M t v. utU IH=M •• Campw Dr otnce 90' 14 eatlfornla real ea tat• < > cu tu: ';'£::1 ~OCCPMCYI relriJIZ7Slmo ,utUpd. s.-....... 3116 ~#~i!~ l ar. 2 matun II. to 1br ~!:F;' lt.uL•:_~J Mo/mo . =· •lao actlilc .. a ... n .... boa .. __ • • I •• 1411 mo. 2 ar. l Bl. ....................... Kitdaattea·Pboclel lfl1 Ira apt. Employed, oftkefl c ncan . W/ .. Npt om t - ---............. ~-~acned e11lln1. Beautiful 2 Br. I Ba. So. Lia Ocean View pvt "2" awu.tl llovlel _.....,, qliet, libtral, N o c Ai •pa e. WAl'n'ED BY New Bual-.-. ~!C~r'Y 1 ~. •-lbdrm i.~ room. No petl. ll50/mo. Cerpet.1, di•· beach l bdrm+ llvtn. ~per 19f7Newpon LM\lna8dtf!'7·... •.S.:toAw~1:~1" neu ofc ru1, w/12 Mlilgia a. Trwt ft>x5'.1.!!!! __ • + dtn, tba, 1 /c, Noi..tcr;,rent. bwaalttr, Avail. 1·15. pm,frpc.P00'9t·53<M jM.Co@,M!!!MS-9137 Fem, roommate to abr 7s.71 phones, WiJJu1ume lit Deidi IOH ...-SentatlJ60 rlcrr~ve . lfr~lcd TSL llT "2·1803 We, I thr 3191 <Ml.bebtadlbotelroomt w/Mlm, 2 Br 2 Bl apt. ~Paul ............................................. . ~car::· :~:~0 2 br, 1 ba duplex apt ..... ,.. .. •••••••••••••• kHcben • bat~A_s30cl No'*'· oon-emkr, CM. 7CM aq.ft. profenlonal s.ltilrMI& c.. p o o t / l e n n I s IAY T1MlaS ~ar. SIGG. Peli 1210. \bdrm +'100 depolit. uw W Avill 411. lttO. 754·n73, bid&. Co1ta Maa. Nr All typet cit .tar estate 'Prol woman with AAA {Ul>@1.&W . ~W-5001 Nr!'®':ttc. Oceanfront. Newport .·3119lvma MIWPOITCIMTll Harbor fl Baker . 1nveetmentulnce 1N9. res, aper In deanina. . SPACIOUS 1 Br. MIWPOIT To~!'llMO Beach. 673-4154 Ea., Pemale over 35 for k1le1I Office I 71H9H797 ~ .... a. 1hopliln1. It cookln&. 2 J:'Hlmll~._,-J:,., 1 F\replace, pool It mucb A.PAITMINTS 1tf ............ IMd S-r..... 420 2br, 2bl, Park Newport. ~ WISTMIMSTB ~TDt ~ptea :~~.~·~~~~i from HB. SS.-03C: ~r imre. 2 Br. SD>liriO. ·rruanu •Ullw .. 1"4 HOO ....................... S300 . .._I :::,Le_: ·Avail•· 1200 SQ~, HJ.2171 54$.0411 room•bathinexchan&e ~Mil 646-tUl only,nope'4. •••••n••••••••••••••••48Rhomenr OCC1ndShr~iuo1Be1cbhome ., ~ ~--.,. 14215lieach-!I .Btwn •nxEDRATf$2ndTD foraame.Calllr letua 2'SC>NewportBlvd. SE•Wlllt..ID SC Plaza. Non·amkr, Non1mkr, refa .. $290 .. tCoteRealty 2 Frwy1, Civ ~~nt~r •F\JllyAmqrtized diaci.u you.r siluatlon, D1l11wrw. 1510 · ColtaMeaa 5A " SilS+V.utiltM·OI09 497·!1>\T. •·ln"est t ShoooincCenter. Prime •F\JUvAuurnable only sincere calla ....................... Roomy 3 Br. Townhouse VILLAGE 3 QI " rne,n locallon 979 8889 or # .Sandra64Z.S149 ... ....., N ly d led - --Br + fam rm. Weekly or nr So. Cat Plua, over 25, _.. -. _!_ ~ · Penalty n.u ...... occPY ~quiet adult com· "--P.-1....& ~.26 . Prime Oceanfront Loe : Nd M/F Prol to shr 2Br uAsm.. · · •No Pre-Payment 1395 mo . Semi furn ew ~~I .; ....................... New W bdrm lwcury moothly. Afall 4/1/82. pool,@.•2077 Lowcostofficeaulte. Ap· AskforSlllp.S46·0283 --------atwlio, w/badt yard, nr aceSo,eoc pa ol 2 Br. ocean vie w ..,caln1'plana..1Bdrm Pla.nlteatty 673-1900 1000 ft Pvtb th SWEDISHM~SAGE 89· CST PLAZA. Ten· saraa75 ~ f!r5• _3n~ .. r 1· balconv f•rage, clean'. tiom MIO. 2 bdrm from · BEACH HOUSE i prox SQ · a · 2nd-3rd .. thTO's For men fl women. 1111, pools, jac fl mu.ch !Jt.:o· v.. ..., or a. "A' Cordova Dr. J\70, Town.house from v-.... ..... 4250 M/F lo ahr 3 br 2 ba ICOU.CIMTll l.tllJnc. Mo to mo. 14;35. Judiclal Foreclosures lwecaJls Robert 661·7820 rmre.S67-7138 v•.r-. 213/G-2157 (collect) S&40 + pools, tennis, ...................... N.B. 873-717j . Elepo~lrt . ~·~~Placentia. Harold F. McGrath, <Ml BF.A~:.'b:r~ .. 2Ba. IWzd•lteclt 3140 ~~1poi'~~a8:': In Big Bear ubln,~1 !ilarelikenewSanta Ana preatl lo~:C1~~ 'rn~ C.M'. 345 fl t bath. AllyatLaw. BSl-1771 ,.... 5450 6t lwllh~ ..,. peid Fr s Di tbl, color tv. 2 pis, h~me , fu ll kitchen aecrefarlal. r.ecep· "'-II t.090.1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• .... , ................. , GardenApt. ....................... Frwy d~'!'e ~~rtb e~~ sleepal4.54.5·&116: pnv,ilefet, Male, pro· t.ionist, telepbooe ans' ilWrage ava . S250/mo. M9edC.1191 m.rtoA.JeMe ..... ..._.. l70 ~~ry,Dshwahr. WI~~ Beach to McFadden .... toSMN 4300 fessional, non·SfD!!ker. rmre. Ofcs from $436 548-l'.M.S,'94·380l Rul £Ila.le money LaltMar.63HS9S ••• .. •••••••••••••••••• 30IM~ aarace. s.sso. Unfum. l rm pt. AJI then West on McFadden ••••••••••••••••••••••• PIO mo incl. utilities. rm. On-call ofc1 $l65 ance space, 7SO sq fl. nr 11vailable 2nd or 3rd TD Lr& 3bdrm, available ace 54&·4016 ut.il pd. All amenities. to Suwind Vil11ge. Shrlrg luxbome w/prof. Evop fc wlmds,556-6303 mo . THE HEAD · Harbor' Baker, C.M. Loans ob residential or •& 3/lS IA>6/LS. $700/mo . 1 Br E/side, small but 8t6-0819. (714)893-51118. person. lat, last It dep. Putt Nwpt Twnhse to shr QUARTERS C 0 M · roo. 641·8200 income properties. We 951-3243. coil' w /lots of neat Deluxe poolside xtra •-4000 •m>. 966-1479 w/prof person, tennis, PANIES: A professional Design to suite executive handle a full range of ..... , ............... .. OWmin vt 1 B 1 wood. $360. Adults only. large 2br, 2 ba, bltns, -spa, many amenities. !.n1v~o1nmenl. t714 > <tfices with secretarial rmrtgage Co~erage at JabaW.t.d. 7075 n... l :::.1JJ>r ' r. &'51·91522. dswhr l\IJ miles beach ••••. ••••••••••••••••••• ~8218~1 d or 759-9541 ""._ serviceGoOdpoosible living very compeuUve rates. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ... aUIRU)'. gar opt. no ....... : no pets '"""--NB. 1 0 e room It full bath. I · · Co rt to B okers pets. S4S\l /yearly . STUNNING1arae2Br.2 rn .............. Sep~. pvt entrance. ROOMMATE eves/ . lmlMISSA.DDUSS area. ocal1on'" u esy r . Young muried m•n 213 /450·1051 eves, Ba. garden apt. Pool. . View of bay It open h..-Ani-werlna Ii mail CanneryVillage.Broker 714·760·1551 ask for \WlUldllkeoddjobsevea 213J831·2412days. ~. 710W. t8th. THE WHIFFLETREE ocean. Non·smoker $350. FINDERS fw.., USO servlcel . conference 67s-4912 SUveorDuane le ~kenda. Can do • ..._,.._.. l707 $530/mo. 2 Br. 1"2 Ba. 1·2-3 Bdrm. Apts. Gyi:o . 64&85 Oldeat.&c lar&eat agency. ••••••••••••••••••••••• room. A<lJ. OC Airport. ATIENTION 36K ~ T.D .. ,5 yr _note al ~anety of hand~man ••••••••••••••••••••••• t1aouwnndhryouse 00 • mg a r6amgaell Soa ... ~~.:.pool, tennis. Nice mldd1e aged person, All clients screened with .J>' lon& dble dliveaccess, $100/mo. 714/8Sl·l342 ATJ'ORNEYS' 1S'1. 111l. Will discount ~· .r-~ eves, uk BAY FRONTAGE beach, rd. Callf ' TSL etc._....... furn rm" ba, $300 mo. =•references. drywall int. Hunt. Bch. Newport Beach near ACCOUNTANTS 20%._ Call 631·7370. Ask or Bi . ... ~·er .. 2 Br ..iso. Util ~· ya"ml "'"l603or _appt. MAll.IMEIS W A.Lk kitch priv. 631-4734, Ev. GoodtaM: CosroopolitJ!n ~9501 (10.5) Haq Hosp. 1000 sq ft.. Arel yUou int.eredsted in re· for Jim ---Exp'd tile setter seeks ap. •· M~ _. --omin( Amenca, second noo offces am oc1 ng to ownl<?wn oreoilceship, avail. now. 111. 5·27 . 303 . Lrg2fl3Br.Townhou.se ,..,.,A, Room/bath pvt TheTomorrowShow SIMGllflA.IA.GE r 1 11 • · · Laguna' IOofficeswtes " -"-/ &cs.2298 F.d&ewater.1-871-2866. FqtEPLAC~. Po<?I. Apartments. Frplc, ,...entrw .. -Prof ove'r 40 • OiiUMeia 0.968-1452 pie parking, we main· II ·be ·1 bl · -=--"'"" --=='-="'-------"'-,. b pnvate patio It dis· enclsd gar patio/ward. ,,....... · r · * \IJ off* lo all new tained bldg. Virky days-wi soon aYll a e ID· ht ~1111/ · Mature person seeks UOA•un;;~ r.~baapt. bwuherslnXTRALGI Near Hunt. Har6our. non smok er. Re s . clierawbon~aplace. S15/mo.HuntB.20xl8dbl 714/64S-4800. ~~i~~ti~~[~~:; Lod&Fot.d position 111 medical of· ()(ean ay view from "2 Br. garden apts. on Children OK. IS7S/$650 494-001 MEWPOIT 641-1199 garage, nr Beach Bl. 930sq ft. Cri>td, newly de-librai)'. Also available ••••••••••••••••••••••• rice. 10 yn exp. (heavy =rk.M~;~~~~Y ~~~de . S460 /SS60 . roo.84<HillY7. Metiosa Verde, p.rlbva~e 833-3307,642-1339 cor .. a/c, 1.11cl. all utlls. will be secretarial ·=~-Ith 5100 on insurance>. Write roo. f'1S.S204 · · 2 BRcoodo. pool ldry fac, pa .• eii~ance • .•t • 12500 sq ft condo to shr lg OHke...... 4400 Ample prkg. Ideal for spaces, word process-••••••••••••••••••••••• Daily Pilot. Ad •!Ml. Box ,.__._ 3 ., I Br. garage, yard. No Hunt Hbr Area $520 ref"!.'' No cookin~., rms on beautiiul ....................... law, acrtg, engineer. 1ng, Xerox and mo.re_ CASTIMGMOW!! IS60.C.M.921626. -Meto 1 A pets. Kids OK. S4SO/mo . 1146-1S07 731-74118 smoaing or overn•e. l I Greenbll l view of the 1617 Westoliff, N.B. Want etc. Nr 405 Fwy ' Beach 1,2, fl 3 yr leases ava1!a· Movie extras. Modeling ...................... 641.(Yl63 ' guests. $250/mo. Avail. bay, w/pool.s, 557-7883 or I financial inst. 70005.f Blvd. 847-7727 M·F, 8·~. b I e Ca 11 0 av 1 d jobs. AJI types. No exp. ~ASA DE ORO .._ . .,...._. 316' now thru Jun e 15 . ~ 1.st noor AcentS41·5032 \\kndsrn/644-6248. WilJiams,497-3331. THEJOISOUICE ALL"lmLITIES PAlD 1 ~.2 ~-h~ereo:~a~~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• Pvt549-~~ "ln I Roommate F preferred. 2 .EXEC. UTIVE CUstom executive office. 17th St, C.M. li&J-077711AM·7PM i S4G-4484 aft. 6 p1•1 NEWPORT UU'l•m::, no smo.. g or BR house 2 car gar . 400 sq. ft . Pvt bath with I ' 2 f(l A IC 11\StruCtor position, ~:~~ac~st~e~ordees1~~ t er. refrig .. enct.sd riar. ~OUMJIY CUii M'U:.~:a., over' ~~· ~~~~~ ~~Y;1~~~ SU~ES show~ .. ~~. Penin. ~tr.'Er~~.:~~k incl'. •&!~f«~ra~,1t!~ :N~~~ b~~k:~~~~1s~~ feat~res : Pool, BBQ. S~~~M646·0341 a ter UVIMG 2 Furni shed rms 49'7·21121 tarTA.GE Office s pace a vaiL Realonom1cs 675-6700 Non-UnlonWaiver Vt\lliag to train to your cov rd gar~ce • 5 u r· 1. · Bacl'lelon l&c2 bedroom w/bathroom priv. Nr. Roomma M F H 8 d PL.Ali Includes desk, phone. Qi Ref 1 Cl b needs. Or sub an el.isl. rl~-~~.e~ wNllh ptslush 2 br, $3S.S/cm. 352 Vic· aptsUownhouses. So. Cst Plaza '405 teloc/ · · ll NewluxuryOTfkesface rm 6410763 MIDICA.LSUITE mpute. erra u. · pcnn.Tina.833-0'23 UJU:K.apU1g ope tori Ad Its ts From 000 644 1900 "'-"' N k sss k . -. ~ SQ. ft: Tront ground THE JOI SOUICE Res lbl 111 l Br furn · from $465 OO.:· u ' no pe · · .., .. ,. on-sm r. w · S2.2S +...., in Irvine's bus eH HUMTIMGTOM floor, oarden setting, li&J.0777 11AM·7PM. poos e woman w 2Br:furn . from$S40 161 NO FEE Apt. le Condo 5.56-l73'7 847-4'78l ·Diana center~ ~ry FT~ca~i llA.CH pro(esironalbldg. in top B lntmentOnl . ~mc?:'~~-l0~5~v~!: 365 W. Wilson 642-1971 Westfield· rentals. ~a9~~~· t:!1.n~1~!r~:nt>J'v~ Dana Pt. shr 3 br bse, f:5detaJ:.L now· 1 650. 785or 2,111 s/fsuites area ol Newport Beach, Loat & Fo.d 5100 ferences. Nonsmoker, • --•__.... 37.o1• •p·•-M-S avail. now. B11183H2S7, ,. .. 230 for immed occ. Fu 11 ~t a$lcc25ess loft RLooagg ••••••••••••••••••••••• nondrinker. 642-3153 -....... .,.. -• -• m• LargelB#l Utilpd Spot-shopping center. n~n-$2911! 55l·J2ll 64,,., Service•rossleasefrom .... p .. sq. . o •••••••••••••••••••••• Beautiful garden apts. less Q · · 5425 242 E smk.r, no alcohol. Chns-95<. Ma.Gt " F1orida nr term lease avail. Also Hlfp W..ted 7100 Luxury studio, spa, TV. Patioa/decks. Spa, heat · 1.1et. · 1 tian family. S22S fl refs. Large 3 Br. Condo on Tile •DB.UXE OFFICES* Pacifica Hosp. Owilr / 385 sq. ft. prestigious ••••••••••••••••••••••• maid service. phones, paid. No pets. 16thSt. 845-4718 S.-336.5. Blllls, bayview, w shr From 1 room up to 2000 a>bJarrard Westcliff area Sl.00 sq FOUND ADS lSwk.(99.2227 2BR.2 BA. SS2S ~". lor2brapts, l mi w/prof. Woman who sq. ft. From SL16 ~sq. ft 1 Accq•&rCIMtl -w Wilson .. BaJfront Master bdrm I Be l f ft . No lease reqwred. (714tl41·Jl ll · exper'd with" excenenl •SIGHT le SOUND OF """' · 1 S3l·SS83 rom beach. No pets with bath. Pool and ten· trave 5· au · urn. Adj. Alrporter lnn. 2172 soo SQ fl of office space fl ID( FREE typing skills for an Elec· SEA I Br, frpk, gar, 2 Br. Eastside. garage. 6G-23SI nis 84Q.Q1 ~mo. 760-805§. Ou~nt . Ca 11 AM . 144 sf prof. office + · M t.rlcal Const. firm. Ex· 714/494-51D•, 337·2222 ti75/ + "'-to .. _ h 2 B I'... Rmma•a want-.. •-shr ...... . secretary space. Avail. rec pl. area. Sbecuroity -II-' "--.•"its, Contact -'"-... mo. sec. .,..,pa ucac · r, ~ Nice lar,e furn. refrige, '" ""' "' .,..... S.1.5. S325 + Sl75. Orange systems. Wet ar. P· Call .. '" ""' uc•'"11 I Br +den. Block to ~1387 Ba, frplc. Immaculate hot-plate, TV. Employed sml 2 BR bae ln E. CM. BAY FRO MT Coast F\Dancial Center 1 U<Nl wareho~e space : Virginia l!each. Fn>k . deck. S.SSO EuUide 2 Br. 1 Ba. Cot· cood. p . 673-2507 Agt. Male, Pvt ent. Nr beach, S265 + util. S2SO dep. Prime office fna-I003 " CM 957•1414 ~/rm. Util incl. O.C. 642-5'71 540-9570 till July. ~ves 49'7·1955 taae. $4195/mo. 262S DflF 2 br, 2 ba, gar .. POOi. sun-ocean. S36-8518. Jeff, 63l·~I3 anytime. · · ' · Airport area. 54.5·0636 Ml ,.,t ••• l7 6 EJaenM. 631-~7~-r . ~!i. :.~~5~1ier. 16SO. • •••••••••• e e e. e e e e e e e e •. e e. e e 97~\ 'jfi~!,c'/~i:~npifi i------• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Costa esa s 1u1esl am•· .,.,,.2287 ,,.,, 2992 • ~ Want some thine xtra l.Y complx, 2 BR. $425 to v•... ''"°" nn. nr Newport/17t St. ltlWA.ID FOil IMFO special in 1 2 Br. ~ ~· New cpts " VIU.ABALBOA • 8-DAY WEEK SPECIAL • Util pd. 80< per sq ft. leading to the recovery A.CCOUMTS PA.YA.Ill Cl.YI Rapidly growlnf ln· ternational Company seeks enthusi.utic self· starting Individu al for (JOSition in our Al P dept. Good typing fl 10 key capabilities reqwred . A/P experience llelpful. Xlnl opportu.nity for ad· vancement. Outstanding compensation It benefits in a pleasant working environ me nL Contact: Townhouse, completely drps, children w,lcome1 2 br. 2 ba. frpk, micro. • _,646=-41184='-------i ol Pcwerlile racing bike furn!~· Mo. 7&G-9117. ~~ .&c c:J'ai:::. ~5 !fN; .. ~6'1~9" bay view. • 8 D•yt • 3 Lines • I Ooll8'1 • ...._.. ._... 4450 ~i'f a~'Xm" ~~::beled~r NO LEASE REQUIRED 9-ba stud101, one and 1WO bedroom IPll1· ments, FURNISHED and UNFUANtlHED. Oakwood also offers • All "'*'*" hid . ,,,.,,...... Occup.ncy • 11 Miiiion In Aec:reMlon And Much More• For a month. or a hfe- tune ~ ocien __1!ily 9lm to 6prn No I"'''"' ""' Oekwood Glrden Apertments Newpcw1 Beec:hlNo. 880 Irvine (II 161h) (714) 145-1104 Newpcw1 IMch/So. 170016th St (Dover at 16111) (7141842-5113 t ~vvr • ••••••••••••••••••••••• H. Chro f ~-Sal. 5S7-478S Cliff Haven. 2 br. 1 ba, • ,..,._ locatloa handleba~ ~~isr fl . 2 Br. 1 Ba. 1981 Maple new crpt. fresh paint. It s easy to plac e your 8-Day Week Classified by mail. and tt e ReWJpro(fkespace.on brakes; black Uniseat. Ave. Upstairs, quiet, no frplc, eat-in kit. No pet.s. e c o sts JU St SB -that's only a dollar a day! To Qualify for this the w ate rt ro n t in Pleasecall536·Q832. pets. 2 persons. $425/mo. . 642-2134 • f I • Newport Beach. High 1-------• Sierra Mgmt. Co . Waterfront, dlx 2 Br. spec ial offer. you must be a non-commercial user 0 ering visibility location. on -------- 641·133t. ~· private. f195Jmo. • merc handise for sale up to $800 per ad. and the price must e Pac Cst Hwy. 1.000 to Loll: Male Yorkie: Ter· Near s c · P 1 a ia av111. fnJ.6336 " e be in your ad The cost stays the same whether yo ur ad e 3·000in~.7100 ~e:in!lkf:-:1u·~~'::n~~~ Beaut.ilu.l park-like set· 642-9866 __ _ ting, pool, spa. car port. Balboa Bay Club, 2 br. e needs eight days selling tune or 1ust one. e jCi uurdd REWARD642·'4MI 1 Br. lffi. &46--0686. lovely bay view. s1100 • • . .... 4475 IUCX CA. T lie new 1 br apts. Quiet tm. yrly.640-9605. Use one word 1n each box About 4 words make one ....................... Male Mar 1 vie north end complex,nopets.$470. "'--"' H -b d 3 • f d f M d 31 Pl t • Prime Tustin fl San Marigold CO M. Mesa Pines. 2650 Harla. '"""""rt eig ls con o, ClaSSI 1e line 0 type. 1nimum a IS ines. ease prtn Oemente retail or office Reward. Ans to J upiter. 549-2447 bd townhouse, 2 bath, • plainly • space. 730-1470; 831-8699. fn~, l&G-6264 powder rm. f rplc , ~-- NEWBREEDAPTS comm. pool. SOOO mo • ........ ......... 4500 Los~. Black Corkahpoto I BR It BACH. from Call645-4955or645-4834. • r-------------------------:----...... ••••••••••••••••••••••• white !Jl8rkLDg on c es ....,c J;'p.,.1 • -1 • Herbie. fem. Afl 6 _,.,. • '" c. rec room. EASJ'BLUFF Spacious 1 I . I Mesa Industrial Park, 711 pool, jacuzzi. Gas ' B I 't I l W. 17th. SL /Pacific 546-21S9.Reward! water paid. No pets. 393 r. poo · qwe ' P easan • I I • Bl"fs Industrial Park. FOUND Female wire Hamilton C M .,..,_.411 area. No pets. $500/ mo. • · ·'""' Avail.4-l.6f4·47fn • I I • 1835 Wbittier Ave. L500. haired Terrier lri·color . 1 BR $360, util pd lll00,3700~ftunits.Of· MaleSpanielmix,blkfl c811JOrt. No pel.s. 383 W. f!!'acyear2brly .• 2sbate.psCaflln;o~ • I I • fice-w douse space wit, male Beagle ~1x Bay. 5411·9516 ""' b. I S I 00 I w/carpets. rapes, wet blk fl tan, male Lab mix, app't: f'15-0124, ask for • • • bar.642-4463/642·7604 blk l wht, Lab mix Newer 2 Br. with garage. Kate or Jackie. • I I • BEATIUGH RENT female puppy. blk fl $4.ll/mo. Br 33rd St 2 block 10.IO I · · wht, female mixed __ _.645-.._. 5577. 1 · h · Ns I • Free move·1n time. Whippet, tan. Mixed from beac , garage. o • I I Plenty ol park 'g, fncd Samoyed female. white, BefVJ:;!· §_~~r~la~~n~~: pets. MS(). Sierra Mgmt. 13.20 I • yard, nr rails lrfrwys. female Lab Terrier mix, C'4. 641·1324 • \ 400 to 800 amp, truck .. , ........ (JO.) Newport aterfalls, streams , 11 • I <In New 13 500 fl fnSO ....... •• spa, pool. S&OO/mo . Adults, 2 Br 2 Ba • I • • (2tl·to~'gro5s) Rancho Animal Sheller. 125 (714\nL9019; f'15·0540. Venailles. crpt, drapes, I I • C g a Mesa Dr .. Costa Mesa. Pal Mills1 AMF Sc1en· tilic Drilling ltl., 18011 Mitchell So., Irvine 5S7·90Sl EOE M/F ACCTS PA. Y AILE a.EU SB50 lo l900. at least 1 yr exper. Balance reports . batch It code for com-puter. 10 key by touc h . Applications now being tUen 8-SPM at US Ren· taJs Corp office. 17871 Mitchell. Irv. (714 ) 556-4800. Aide 45 to 60 yr old woman w usist 93 yr. partially invalid man to bathroom Mon, Wed. Fri, Sat le sun nigt. I OP M lo 7A . ABSOLUTELY o smoking, drinkin& or drugs. $400. mo. NB/CM area. Reliable transp. . ~ . gar> pool, S7SO/mo yrly. • u c a m o n . 644-3&56 1 er. encl gari adlts. no 5411·9341,646-2848 I Add $2.60 for ••ch •ddttlon•l llne for I tlmtl I <714 )985-5810, eves ~~'------ ts Fri ge · I • ~5822 Found. blk, brwn fl fluffy 1t-==-=::..r.-----pets. rng, e ec ran . • I · Shellbard f I m>.64U964 Villa8alboaPenthouse2 • Fenc•d lndus 'I lot , &'57-94 emaepuppy. PARTMENT AS· 2B 2ba condo f/ lio Br. 2 Ba. fam . rm. frpk , • I I 87xl23, ide.al for contrac· SISTANT MANAGER 2 ~ar gar, Ni Ji.P~: ~g~"iro~cb°iic~:; e Publish my ad for 8 days starting I e ~0~t~¥e·P~:~1 7::1~!';:~! b~~ ~o'd~~ ~1~i':'"x 6~ :n~ .Ar. Paulfns.8120 Pool spa, sec. bldg. " e Classification II e Av. C.M.Cal155H149. back tees dr•J. Vic. ~213=/ .... ~=·_._l.5""'73..._. __ _ 2 Br l~ba. twnhse, pool, parking. I block lo 1 cm SF S32S UOO Warner le Spnn&dale A.Pl'. MANAGER bltins, $500. Mgr. beach. tll50. f'15-.8865 or • • i:F *< Ofmo. h M6.(Y116. Semi-rttired cou.ple for --------1 642-IB02or54().3666 -~ Name ;:,. .• -mo. CW se. -.~-------l8unit Adulls . N \ ~with view. on -=~='-=:.==---1-='-=~· -----• fwxcloee67$-Q51 i..wt: 3/5, Nwpt Dunes, Maintenanceu~~ r: • ....,.. 0r. until ''01' e Address e .... w..w uoo w;~1b~~t,:n ie:n~~r 646-1801. ~ _.. =~:~ u . Wtlff~ .• City Zip Phone • ~·i:d;•:;;t;·~;~ 641)..z3•(fns.292:J • -~-o-w-~-h .... i =n""',=A-rc_t_t _c· s.6U,.. 371 perlbdrmapt Found: Mesa del Mar, tural Draftsman . ...................... Vf'Ai.t e Check or M.O. enclosed 0 ~ 642-9381,646-7886 ~=~J.~~iwht Knowledge ot mmwor1t:1 Lacuna Beach .... beaut. ~f;:.} r Alf • -cabinet work. Ba ck - fum., 1uite 2 aft, spa, (.la:::" 1V1 • Charge m y ad to: .• ....../I ..... / FcMtd: Retriever. Mesa rround in restaurants .,l.JQA•, aatellite TV , ~(_ol~7 r.:• deUlararea.on3/I. ae.irable. Call for pre. maid serv. $300 wk. ,::::._-..., • ~ S5'1·3529 inlttvlew&cappt. n..-.222'7 "' · • 0 _ # Exp. •• •••••••••••••••••••••• Found 1 male 1 female RAYGAL DESIGN I ..J.. O,prtllllty 5005 Golden Retrievers. MSOCIATES ~ 1114• ~ • 0 • • .............. ••••••••• taken to O.C. Do& irvine,CA. iii,..., .. / ..,.. M • # Exp. IA.lllY Pountl.eall54MM3. m 4>MJ.f'1!!1 --•••••••••••••• ~ • .• Smack m-tlle middle ot Found : Blllepolnt l•-------.... , ... ,111 JIO fl ~ L------------------------------Bllboa. 41 yra same Samue ~.~ vtc. Santa ATTINT'IOM! ........ ~············· ~,.,, • r---------WE 'LL PAV THE POSTAGE ••••••••••••• , • loc1Uoa. Good leue. AnaH&b.;)oW<-Ambltloua··boi•-ud Nil J. JBR, 2BA. yearly. ~ Great f6ot traffic and ID &bta l~IJ ~·l'I old. to ~c~-=-·t!•r.;:;tt.; . • : 111111 NO POSTAGE i : ~~,r· For ln· = t:e~t=~ = :-.~~-:.::.:, cgm, Mrl'1Htl2. ,,,,.,,, " • J NECESSARY 1 PAvfL'f>N':rj~TOR HB.-.... ' newapa_per sulllcrip· (ktlllfv~ prime area, Use service I 1r MAILED I I • Uou. Traa1portat101 ·• 1 .... f .... N -· : l .. ... THE ' • f7Hl20 hund: Sall malt kit· nd COHtHl adult • · ... ""'' or--· h I I d '" £2' teo, black: 6 wlllte. ~rYltloo_pro•ldecl. =l e ara hue at W en p aC ng your a · · 'a • UNITED STATES ~ Ne'fland/Slater. HB. 001Jt.o5:IOP!l...talllf• 1•. m.-. aft 5· Daily Pltot ad number will j v e MT... ADdtt Maui .-wdan. •• 'f'ed .A •, BUSINESS REPLY LABEL ~ e -._...., "'-l~•Y -•a ao '· . 1' eat . ..... Nll&a1 avail. DOW appear jn your C.,SSI I OU > r~~ ~ .___ 1 -21r111 we take your moc.c.anoc. (• ~ -lllVW1I .. ,,_ --~----., "-· .... • • • • ....... --...... • ft 'lttjTC~Sll'UMIT NO l>.COSTA M ..4.(AllFOtlHIA :: • r_•t:•· 8rook•11rat} Aurot*>Tl\'Z ~ • • .....,,Ulil.pd. 9'50. 24 hours a day ... VOU Cati • • Haallton area, H8 .... IC POSTAGE WU BE PAI) I Y MXWS&U 1 u • •Tm ..... • •z• in at your convenience e e o Co to 11 Piiot 1 INVDTOISWAMTED 7 111tni. l•i••••••• ......... • I < r1n19 11 1 Y • 'or tu wri te.off. Pa I • HM r::;..-.ifdu.. ~~i:::s~':~~:~~ • : aaqPHat • =-~--.. , .......... ·;;; .. tP· this service is only $5.00 e u • 5~ liii ..,. k For I-'--·-I e ~........ ..,..... ..,._ wee . more """ n,.-• 101 ,.., ':'» .. • 0or .... ,., .. te • . tlon and to place your Id • now.11y1e.' ! • ~ -~·= ._.. ... tall 6it2•5678. C tau-... c.a. .,..,.,., • --I e H I ti. I a I' • 01 ...... , "..... • .. ._ .. ... .. ,., ... ft.' . .. .. .. . i• .. ~ rt I, Dllt I l ... llJllnl ....................... ~····~· . . I -- ~. . ,..._. C.pu"'" c:-tr9don, ~ .... ..-·~~·~~·••••••••••••••• •..................... . ..................... . .~ATE PAVING CHAR R~OVA'NNG AOD'NSrREMODELIN(i • Sealcoating · Stnplng Compl int rut' boat Plans. Ll r'd Georgl! . ·n . Comm./RH1a docks.~!!. Gi5·~49 Pllmer fc Sons, 557-~ I c. •m382 645-8181 FINE F~NJSH WORK COMM'LrRESID. Orivew_ayss.P•rkinS Lot Rerrodeling/Doors hung Rerrod.-Add'ns-Repairs : l\epa1n ;:,eakoal1ng _Randy 720· 12Gg_ ~c!M_ Very reas. Lie. 390250. s +sAsphalt Custom spa decks, J ack H Benriett.Jr •. Lie 631-4199 patios. F'r. doors. L1c'd. ~· Conlr. _552·91'2 ~pfftMg J...ohn or Rick 979-3218 ,AJI construction. large ' ••••••••••••••••••••••• &b's Carpentry·remod. small. Disr toSr. adults. LiC'd Cbildc;ue, loving repair. No Job loo sma II. _ W@l'!le 53!J.71Q_ ~re ' companionship, Ref. F'ree_e_!t 839.5297 _ REMODELIADD'NS _tfnced yard. 556-3098 BOB'SCAKPENTRY All & any types. We offer Viry loving mom would All types. No Job too complete service de IOce t.o care for your new lgejsnil. Rers 839-6297 sign. blµeprint, carpen t>om to 3 yr old nights 1n CUSTOM CARPENTRY try, elee .. plumb .. cun IOY ~me. Some wknds BY • •JAY ** cre~e. maso.nry. tile. po&s1ble. Ha ve nursery 642.8809 aft 5nm cabinetry L1r 337169 IZ hr. Call Linda 646-3375 -= We know how to du It 5 m. Wood decks. Gazebos, _right! Quick. 631·23iL 8'bysillm\ in our c M rauo Covers. Rm add1l . ,.._....._ Woodw-..&.1... ho •. 332866Denn.t.960-8013 ~ -. .. 9 rres. 1 r • up Any· -••••••••••••••••••• •••• Ji~.642·8482/~65759 ~tSenlu CUSTOM HARDWOOD Loving Mother ""1 11 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Interiors. bars. mantles. bllbysit F(f. Costa Mesa WeCareCrptCleaners libraries, t11 b1net s. Area. Nr. Fairview and Steam clean & uphols bookcases, s ky htt:s . Baker. 546-86Sl Truck roount unit cu st mo ld1n g Refs Worlt_guar 6-45 3716 _646-00rl SELL idle items w 1th a I NoSteam NoShampoo Daily Pilot Class1 hed StamSpeciaUst. Fast Ad. dLLl'}:eeest 839·1582 Buyer meets seller with an erfecti\·e class1f1ed ad 642-5678 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Hand stn pplng, repair mg Antiques, ratlan, new furniture. Chair cani ng , rushing SPECIAL •ny chair any color, hand sJnpped or reglued, $19 75 A Touch ol Class lntenor&. 711 W 17th St. A2. C.M ~.m2_ TREES Topped/removed. clean lawnreoov. 7513476 K&D Landscape M amt Resid/Comm. Clean up 1t H~lin&:..~·2489 Landscaping Yd Clnups Treetnm·Expert ma mt. --1.l._m 851·Q129 Mowing, $10. SI~. $20. Hauling/ Dumping, $15 $20. 754 9904. 9~ 0095 Mark Res1d comm ind us ~1M G ... ..,. fo'" esl_ l<'en 8~·6035 GARDEN ING 'LANDSCAPING ~~ Geo. 545.7072 MOWING · Cl,EAN·UPS' HauJlng · Landscapln11 ~ ,, .... 642·9907 l'Ull ma int 'clean· ups. Sptt. In comm. ' shop· ~utrs. Tu!!l' 646-1~ LAWN MAINTF;NANCE Need Maintenance Call Mr. Stuloni. oo.. 7158 art er s P M EXPERT GARDENING Kea~able Clean-ups. Tn_ffiming. Tomj3J·7819 Get.rd Senk" ....................... Kotot11l1ng . cleanup, huuhn~ ' general re j>aU'S •194·5841 - LOVITOWOH Carpentry. palnt!ng. treu ' ar dns. atn m11lnt, It tiuuUni;. Frte est. Prafessilnal T•~ Service Co. (21.31 592-m? or 1714 > llj().&ru Hll6lg ••••••••••••••••••••••• OUMPJOUS 'Small Mov!ng Job& _M.MlKE~:.1391 HAULING tudent has lie truck. Lowut rate Prompt Call 759·1976 Thank you..J..2!!!! ~~,~~.~~le •Rental re~a1r 631 0322 HAULING ' OUM P JOBS, ask for Randy. .MJ·8427 • .....,_.. Q.EAN UP YOUR ACT ••••••••••••••••••••••• TO.DAY' Yardfgarage Ceneral Mamtenanct' dn·up etc 1 ton truck Repairs Cc Decorating ~ 63i·1993 (24 hr i •Quallly_* Ra 640·5144 ---· Derrollllon-Grading llOMJo: IM PROVEMENT Transport. Asphalt, con REPAIR PLUMBING crete & tree removal. lleat1ng, carpentry . Soil prep Mt plantsn11. elec. tile Pree est. Nu ~ ed 1 • c "II 1obtoosmall 645·28U rat eqwp. omm ...,, -~ ~id'l._642_-7_ Ray · s II an 1l y mu n L&...-,._ "'--1 Service. roof repairs, nun.--re .HT""' ce Pamlsng &i carpentry 15 ••••••••••••••••••• ••• • HOME HEALTH CARE _yrs ex.J?l!r 646·4336· Avail. by cert. nurse's ~try. llm rlJrS( drwl, aide. Ex_p~d. ~-8194 pntng . rntl ,. up , ~~ yrdwrlt , reas Jerry, ·~ 955 3395 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Maant, clean ups. tre"e Ca!J>entry. remodel, re· tnm Pree est 641 1096 pair, vatios. painting, J?et~ ""mdow~. drs qualit) Clean ups, Tree Tnm 1 work 545 2901 Want a REALLY CLEAN HOUSE~ CaH Gingham Girl. F'ree~t 645-5123 ROBIN'S CLEANING Service a thoroughly ~taint Resid Cumm 'I JACK OF ALL TRADES I Amie 548·8414 Call day orn1ght. Jessie s Gardensn~ I •Jack 67S 301.t- Clean-ups. tree tnm I SMALL JtJllS-pl;mb.1 &mwot se~ 540 8035 elec, carpentry Reas Want Ads Ca 11642-5678 • ~)'ee esl 546-~}l clean hou:.e. 540 0857 WE MAID YOUR OA Y ' Honest & reliable rlean 1ng ser vice. Apls , homes. co ndos Reas !Jiles 548·90ll (Pe...(.U'J_ El<p'd llou.ecltaner Mature It Reliable 1 5•2 8085 /889 0416 (8 7RmJ Quality · Dcpend11ble Call Pam ' Bob Owiabt, _67 70 2 .....UCMOYIM•-.QU§cii~ful. 5'2-0410 •A-I MOVING • Top Qualfty. Speci11l care In llandlln a. 25 y ra exp. O>mpetltlve rates ~_9vertl . 730· 1353 STARVING COJ,.LEG F: Ha111ttffff1NJ STUDENTS MOVING •••••••••••••••.•••••••• CO. Lie JT124 436. MD It wife nail for hse tnaured. 641 8427 llltUn11 for I yr beginning WATCH US GROW! UC. P,4PER .HANGER !boded ' 1uar. No Job t.oo 1ma ll or too lar1e Jl\"H Ht. Ton M..rm El~ wallcoverln1 In· 1ta.llallon. lleu pncea. Consultant Assignme nt ~ WALl,PAP!';KJNG ROOF LtAK! TT!"! Coottrlpt' Son Rooting f)-ee r..t __ ~·~ Oran1e Coast Rootin1 Rl·foofln1/Rep11re R#u. ratea ~-!133 ~ t xp'd, bondl!d. l.lr. ••••••••••••••••:•··~·· C-6/366843 Discounts on BUDGET RATES/Lie d wallcove rin11 ~'rce ut I.ow mln Snil Jubii OK Rod M39~Slt00 Preu11t. Ins 841 7581 S.82. Speciality training ----- completed 7·R3 Coll I STARVINGACTORS P..-rl ... v .. S26-0683 MOVJNGCOMPANY ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Fast ' Careful. Lowest •BRYANT'S• Ceranuc tile" marble in -.. T.-I Rates 1;-aw Allows M/C WaUcovenna Removal sullatlon. reasonable TMt • ...................... I Y'~ Lie/Ins. 673-~ All 'l)pes &42 1343 _pnces Bob 675 5048 EXPER PREPARF.R "" •1.-..A...fl--' fl"MSenlce F.nrolled to prart1ce r~••••••••••••••• :.":'::'. •• :!::': ......... ••••••••••••••••••••••• before the IRS. Quality •ExpertTreePrun1n"• al reas cos 9. 8 f\ne palJltin~ by Richard Neat patches It textures , " Stnor Lir. ins 13 yrs or &......... ~L 193 J ,.lt Com~rcial Land~cape f~·ACCURATE happylocat custorners. ~ • 1 Services 95,.8388 lnco~ taxserv1ce-your 'Jbank_n>u ~1-4410 PLASTER PATCHING t;ompleteTree ~rvt~ ho~ b.t_a_Ht 963.::...6821 Restuccos Int ut 30 Gen'I rln·UP " lrng Personal ' Businebs In C•to. Paiittiaa _m Neal raul 545 2977 l..awn renov ~·0914 co me Tax Ret urn 2S yrs exp Llc. 4<13941. MR ED'S PLASTEHINC Preparation Avail for Bonded. Ins. Rers. Color AllTypes Int or Ext TrwtDHdl Evenings ' Weekend Of C!x~n. 963-il91l Dick 64>8258 Pree est •••••0 ••••••• • ••• ••• •• fice or Home Appoint PAINTER NEEDS OELJNQUENT• ments James L. z1m WORK! 30 yrs exp int/ J & J Plasfffi•tcl Judicial Foreclt>l!Url!) mermun. e r A. ~5 4212 ext Acoustic <'eiliJlgS Lath 41-p aster' Harold F McGrath F..<iq Davis Paio!ing_847 5186 Sandblasting 851 1771 FJo:DEHATl!:D 675-7506 631 2858 T'-'"-c:~1, .. Income Tax St-rv1cc College student 7 yrs ex-,,....,, _...., _.. 6;11·4871 per. Int/ext. refs Dana ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~J_l~l_(keep t_rying) ....................... Typ1ng·resumes. term Drains cleared from SJO paµers. dissertations Bishop" Son Paintmg Plumbing Repairs word processing. Reas 30 yrs exp. in Beach F'!~~l_M_&_M642·9033 rates L .P Offict L..dlc~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• VANDENBEHG LANDSCAPING ·Lndscp are!!: Pree est.~· 1029 Services ~ 7135 rroper+y M•GC)Hltnt rnunt, commtresid, tree PIETER'S PAlHTIHG Lnmming. clean-up. IOyrs ex pe r, ml or ext hu 'd/bondedthc'd ~2-0458 979 5146 Paintmg, wallcovenng, MmDllly wood ref11~1sh1ng by ••••••••••••••••••••••• German-trained rather BRICKWORK Sma II It.son 40 yrs exp. Rers JObs. Newpon. Co&ta Lie. 354256 831·~7J Mes11 . Irvine Refs Painting int. ext. comm 675 3175 It res. Free est quality _1nss,ir~L63J S507 • • •• • • •• • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • ....,...w CS.-""J PROPERTY ·~··•••••••. •••• •• • •• •. MAHAGIEMIEHT "Let the sunshine In " Orange Co area 15 yrs Qlll Sunshine Window expenence Call for info <.:learung. Ltd S48·885~ and rates. 2IY, Mon\,hly D1s,•uunt _ _tiH_I 81 • RESIDENTIAi.• PROF MGMT A\g I sly $30. 3\'l! 2 ~l) • t~ Chns 957-8388 By OCIP tOrange Co . -Inv Pr~ 1Ed534·61940 \\1NDOW CLEANING Custom Bnck. Stone. Rlock. Concrete. Stucco Refs fo'tee F.st 549 9492 7 yrs m area Car wax. People who are :.eek111g Refini~ mg 542.5449 645 7972 an apartment took ftrsl ••••••~•••••••••••• • - MASONRY ~SOJMljt jJS-_Uli 111 Classified. Will your J o Hom Rennishmg f'trst apartment• Find ad be there? To plal'e Antiques. kit cabinet~ one that's jUSt right m your ad. call 642-5678 r~amtin . 645 ~ dass1r1ed 642-5678 JWpW~ •••••!.!,.!._••·•··········· W.W 7100 He4pW..t.d 7100 Help HelpW..t.d 7100 HtlpWmihd 7100 HltpW..ted 7100 He4pW..ted 7100 .... mKH 8010 to You 45 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 7100 BabG ysitter-For infant 1•--------1 G84IEIALOFC/C.M. Secret1 ary. 1Mn~·1 trad101? SerVH'e Station Allen REFRIGERATOR OranN~~_!'_.erTs1LaCnCat d. pay. ApP.I Y 111 Muslty 40wplrl. l'U . r\'tne In Jyrs ex dant 3·11PM. Apply : T~Hffd.d· Lale rmdel. C'lean. auto '-"""s ~~· 313 Cabnllo. l!C. Dental Ca 1'549-3942 PAIT Tl ... f SALES p accurate typist . Shell Station. 17th ' Leam a -skill ano get ex-defrost.J155 1193 9060 9111 548·8273 --01 FIOMT OFFICE -..J--6-9pm. t -ipand1ng youth IMMEDIATE dil'l . some TLX t'XP Irvine, NB perience in the Army w 'h 195 D aoso Establfsh'ed pleasant GIA""'°' AITl$T. counseling firm has OPENINGS Full lime 11·30 4 411 Reserve. Arter training ~ ebor th · 1 ryer. ga= ••••••••••••••••••••••• IABYSITIER groupprartirecontinues Experten('e required. openings ror 3·5 sharp For P /T reader 11d SlOOO mo t Norma SERVICIESTATIOM serve one weekend ea('h -... c ean. wor W TED to grow Now need ex Typesetting helpCul. Call outgoing mature people representatives for m 8;.13-8970 Athftdaftt rmnth plus two weeks ..&ood._548-4485 * * I BUY * * AN ! penenced person for ac· aft: 7pm. 975-0733. to rrollvate ambitious side sales position. App P1t1me eves , 4pm· to earh year Earn extra Gas Range' Oven Gaf Good used Furniture ' Parl·time during thl' l'Ounts control &i Dental Hair Cutter ' Manicunst 11).13 yr olds Call 2·5pm ly in person : Pen SECRET ARY_, /T 9pm 32-~ hr week Must rroney. PX , retirement fers 3 brand new, still in Appliances OR I w1tl dayon MondaylhruFr1 IIIS.ExcellentopPortuni· with following. Ha ir 642-4321.ext 343 Askror nysaver.1660 Plarentia Heavy ph o ne s " be expr'd. CdM area benefits Call today for crate 30 · white scillor SELLforYuu I day. Would li ke! re tr ror the right in West, Newport Beach. •And-•re.a ______ •A•v•e•'•C•M··----• telephone sales. typing m.2276 rroremrormation Builder's l1qu1dt1tion MASTERS AUCTION rerences pleas!'. Ca ll clividual Call·640·1122 67~1§6H>wse 60 wpm <acrura tel. HunungtonB<'h 962·8821 S225 ea to:.ta Mesa .6f6-16li..IU·'6.2.S Danaal Ptnne.7 days,2hrs dai !>horlhand or d1c ~/bceiYMtCJ SantaAna5523173 00·293'7 548 7827 HAIR DIESIGHIEtt I AM d I L A r•LES taphone Knowledge 'ol & 'r.Mk Driur r . • k 20 soras New $98 Lov· • Dental Ass't, Ortho exp Mature excel culler y e1very. ->ft sail.mg helprul. 20 hour FULi.TiME Must haH• VALETPARKIHG Re rig Ff ., icema er. eseats $88 Sleepers. "ROA req 4 d) wk Call Shears C M ~~~·~S..~ Laguna l~1ngforexpenenced ~e ek Nwpt He h good driving re~ord ATIBfDAHTS x.lnt 0<I Stove H1·low J199 FACTORY957·5708 ~USl81AMS New Po rl Be a r h ~~Ev~ 9'1~-5164 saleslady Golr shop 58f>.4179. 646-8886, ask for Buck Salary +-tips Apply in I ~~lean, xlnt $165 KING INNERSPRING AJSet~PrAoslJ Stnyllyes !'2·2621i_..._ Hi hool 11 t tECEPTIOHIST/SIECT'Y sales & some kno"·ledge South Coast Repe t y person No phone calls I EXTRA Fl RM mattress lmmediate()penlngs Dent a I Ass i~ tan t ~tst ya~J .,:grk~gi4 sh~~ ure tns agency, central· I ~eg!~o~laza+c ho~~f Na~~o~~~ needs Orange Cou nty •/ ~~o Thurs between !-3PM Admiral upnght rreezer . set. oe\e. r used. worth THEJOISOUICIE regislered.Areyoulook pr WK No tools req'd l)l<>Catedinlr' lookin~ l'OUrse Contart John expenenced secretary rusional re s ident l333WR6,GIN~~.: 03 xlntroni.:~9 s.\ll.sac $2.&Sdel ~e\'er 6&}-077711AM-7PM mg for rewarding career 631-Slll.N ~~B___ ror sk 111 t'd t > PI s t Leonard Io wo rk In .i on E theatre. has 3 temporary -. ast -"")' 4 • used queen si. worth ByAppointmentOnl • opportunities with ex··---------i rerept1on1s1 Xlnt1 7514653 secretaryofrice mllunt rulltune positions open WAITRESSES W1\ITER Kenrmreftl tove. clean. $399,cashonly.S218del ~llent potential ror'· telephone technl~uc a ington Beach Good r.a\ in Subscnpuon t>epan wrcar for wicker basket woncs w~. $15-0 Daneu e Usual!l'._home~·7350 U BEAo/"edlASSoSIST persona• growth ' re· !W¥.R.-C:a1'.i;~~~~o ~t S T1,YPl!C~ 65 'PM SALESPf.RS<>N F 'T I wth excellent bene Its ment Two Jobs are re lunch serv 9 30 I 30pm. set_..ps 8;178 c req ... r me expr cognition We seek your • o ~ om Pa nJ' 1 Manne hardware exp Hoors 8.4 30. 5 dJYl> JI ce1v1ng " processing Mon-Fri Earn $15-0 S17S licydn 8020 nee. 4 day week Wed h ·d J-.:&-...:01 bener1ts. room for a pref Nwmt Bch 645-1713 mail•· phone orders. the wkly Must he neat. ... _.81 645 02 2 caring c a1rs1 e ex _......... l' 11 bef 2 "r -~~k Call893·2032 • · WI" t _ · 1 pertise to compliment R O t; T E W O I{ K vancement a ore S"'• 1:s p tr• other lS data entrv at a personable & energetic ••••••••••••••••••••••• MUSTSllL Mahogany double bed with mattress ~1 oon shaped mirror on head- board BEAUTY Assistant our highly skilled team. f!:conomy veh1de rt> PM l _.. ·m.i01• S.Cr"ftort Xeroxterrmnal r.fustbe 979.0747 aft toam for Mens 27" 10spd Schlo\tnn needed-tra1n1ng pro Modern pleasant en· qt1red Capehorl ~ature ""'0 n needed ror aircraft · ma 1n or1t11mzed' have good aj>pl _ $90. !'!tens 26" 3spd gram-license req NB v1ronment . eiccellent _213:439·5675 &AssociatH ~t~~~ma~aneig~~ldtyy t enance orr1 re phonesk~lls $450hour,I WAITRESS full time Schwinn $80 6311275 area. Robert" Taylor bener1t pH k age 752·17SO Knowledge of work or 68 hours a day, 3().4( everung mmimumJ yrs <;:.M area ~080 631i797art 6 "-""7""' "' e p 0 t Be a r h LEGAL SIEC'Y I .eJ.3!00 ders. math ab1ht.v and hours a week starting · r Schu'Uln Va rsity 10 spd _. ..,, i, w r . Newport Center rea I March 29 to approic Jul)• dinner exper. re s req ft • Ii ed ' 6312490 RECEl'TIOMIST I Sales Ul>e o( calc ulator Type 2° C 11 n.r. 1 Ap~y 3.sPM . No phone red $100. 0 80 Call dH Beauty. cens expedr estate hllgallon hrm TYPfST R-·'.............ial 60 WPM. parts inven va w""7·2602 ext 42. cal please_ Jolly Roger 4 P~!. 'Jfi().1 050 , !._ IUY FURHfT9U5R7_1E8133 make·up artist wante · DENTAIL "'"'"'l"'T needs very exper'd Good phone personahtv C'>I_..... · •~ Sal d t 0 Ste e mget I ....,, ror F /ti me pos In NEWPORTs'k~ci-1 Legal Exec. Sec'y Xlnl Front ore appearance ~tv S~SMOll "''1· ant' posi I n Restaur ant. 400 So 25" 10 spd Motobecane ------- Newport Salon Ca 11 I If YOU t)ping. diclaphone & Slmrro. Executive Row. Comhin.e tllp income & a Apply m person --------·· CoastH~una.!Jch "Mirage", new cond . NEVER USED , Bunks 21.3·274..a57S • Are an ewperienced shorthand a mus t """l "ta~Arthur. SI" 211 rompallble work. ing al PARSON'S AIR StudeotJobs y..,+-.JR.,., ~J165 675·5194 $200. glass lop dinette ~ """ " ' " h 20•4 19531 So Airport Way. ,...,._...,.. --$225. Sofa love seats Boat Sales Firm seeking dental assistant. Salao· ~n. 640.6960~ -N.B. 752·7170 ::::L~~!~n~r1~ a field l~~:1:~ Sustl.'4 St1nta Ana 92707 HIEY! ••••••••••••••••••••••• 3 Wheel b1rycle, used S.'100. Qn Bdrm $580 persoo for run time. -Are eager I<> work ln a Machinist. lathe. mtll & --------• ~rowing despll<' the IOYS-GIRL~ ~ 8005 twice. ong price S2Z5. Matt box spnngs. Twin commission mg work. fost·paced progressive tooling expenence nee ceunnmy Plt>ase <'all Secretary /Receptionist How would you Tille to ••••••••••••••••••••••• sell ~_,_545-;!479 .i. Full $90. Queen $130 Mus\ be expenenced an omc.> Elitimats~ helpful. Min RIECEf"TIOHIST / &Ind) at 5911.7715. ror Good typist. good phone.I earn as mu1•h as S50 00 a V_.... DrHHr EX F.RCYCL E 8 1 KE MORE' 770.0901 alt areas. Leadership & •Have a rnendly outgo· 8 ye ars experience LIGHT TYPIST int"rvie"' mature person, .Salary week' Do you hke dn\'e· p tt~v·'··'ct 48 x 28 X2J i•·1 "'• like ne ..,5 •1 11 b h bl k good atitude a must lngpcrsonahly 11231 Young R1\'er A\C. Glarrorous I girl orfice ' Ca l mrrov1es,plcnics.pizza reiy 1 · """ w.,, · .. ust se ulcer oc ~. •Ha\'e a mature at Fountain \'alle\' inNewpart Beach 1-:x • open. it" ror appt parties. beach parties, ~.BJ.i_96J.2073 5362684 lookdmellew 'chrs$65 IOOKKIElftlER Seit rmtivated. F /C bk kpr. needed by Garden Grove co. Expr in all areas o( bkkpg thru tnal balance. Must be able to type 60 wpm Non- srmker prer. 714 /891-0253 Cmdv lttail Store Kllchefl help needed fbll or p/time. Applica tJoos Mon lbru F'rl. 9 to llam. Island Sweet 9lop, C.M. 440 E 17th SL, t .M. 645-2883 CAS HI E R -P 1T Marine hardware Wknds nee. Exp pref. 645-1713 Ou.Id care.transportation needed. Mon ·Wed 2:30-5:30. Alt 6, ~-0636 lllude (71 41557 ·3380 ask for Mmg pos1t1on ror the ~~sETCi)~ /~~r:lti~ llJ.5..6367 wn 9AM 4 plus many otherthangs' I G1veawaypnc~'5 ! Oak of llilclncJ Maffriafs 1025 r~~e!'~~d: :id~~~~ •Ha\·e good \erbal l!lar!:._ nghtpersun 60wpmtyp. wnrk ror ""holcsall SecrftartP/T 'Thenbou wouldprobaby rice swivel chair. $95. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Oak gossip bench SSO. ~~!anoo smoker Male or fema le for fast ~)· ap~~tls tf:x~:n~~~ furniture sah•sma n ~;~g.~H s~~~~ ~!~~~ r:: ly enjoy working ~e~~o:rcm.f~ NOW 25' /FT Anlq table w pop-up • Wo u Id en j O > a roods. The Rotisserie., <'Ompanybener1LS ~9·ns28 afternoons. lnterei.tanR QUALIFICATIONS. clock. ~ Old pme 6' Redwood 2x6 flecking. leaf SIOO Misr items challenging career ~Bnstol,.!'; M SECRET ARY wortc. xlnt Nwpl Center 1 Over l2 years of age jelly rabinel. S600. Coun-4-20' long. also redwood 963-3667 Please call &14-~95 M~nt Grubb' Ellis B1hngual Spanish for loc. Non-smoker prer 2. Neat. honest and de-try store counter 14'. rencing Lowest price Beaut cu rved ~ h1te Contat1. PeFig6 Wall •.mall -'r1re nr mro ~o Ca_ H Pam s.«_ .4492 pendable SOOO. Oak rolltop desk. gu a r J 1 m o r Ken velvet sofa It love seat Corporal Executl\e ·' "' "' -o k II f l .vt1 775 1491 Dental Secy Are ) ou needs help in wholesale. Pnnc1pa s nly Prior personnel in SEC 3 Work arter school and S~. ~ dro top51~e ~me.i · Like new J495., 645-2329 searchin g ror a pro· retail distrit>ulion buss 1714)833·2900 suranre background a REJ'DY Saturdays cauuil't.,,. wrs. Glass bwlding brirks. Carved Prov sofa " rt r must Excellent beoerit M CALL TODAY ' Booki:ase. freo c h SUXlea gress1ve, qua I } o c ness. Personal mter\'lew Sell -motivated or c .,., 5936or531·•"•7 walnut. all glass doors. uo """" mitclung chair in ~Int where your cut going on1 . 714 964 5059 package. Qualir1ed ap .,.,, -... ,,..,........, --' r h 1 1 g personality 'dental ex-. Restaurant plirants ONL y ! ' apply ganized individual, good 8A M to IOPM 9' tall. $2700 Hrs 9-5 tvnu. or reup o s enn perllse ID handling Medical Bus Boys needed ror Mon thru F'ri between E lypingsllllls. Knowledge s 642-7712 .Cab 10]5 ms Ol!Q_49J.:~.!5e\'S telephone, appointment ladl offke Assist.t lunch or dinner. Apply AM 4 30 PM Aim Pkg o( Mag Card II Newport 60" 0 k roll top desk ": ••••••••••••••••••••••• 5 pc butcher blk wr iron scheduling II patient fUll ume. salary open A.T Leo's Restaurant 2551 S Garnsey. Saota Beach area Sell thml!S fast with Dail} chr. axlnt cond. $1150 I Persians• 2 adultrem. S50 tin set. $100. 2 oak bar contactisappreciated' Sendresumeto P.O.llox 759-!854 ~a_EOE _____ ---~fill50 PtlolWantAds 675-1612 It S75 Personality stoolsS2Sea rewarded We are a 2932. Mission VieJo. Ca Restaurant FRENCH DAY BE_D_ +male,j!SO. 546·9965 54141524 an,rume_ highly motivated, car· 92ell. Jobs avallror hnHooki.. With intricate iron de· DoCJI 1040 7 n sofa $125. 2 green mg team who is happy to It kitchen preps Ca II tailing, $7SO. 963.1932 ............. .... ...... velvet chairs $100 ea. ofrer top ~alary It xlnt MocMfsNedect'90w 7S9-t854 A.T . Leo 's ;K.E&SHONDPups.AKC Goldrechner S75 ;lamps benefits in.cld medica1 lmnEdiateopeoings. ReslaJ!"ant ~ F'r~nch_ loveseal, $650. Oiamp sire. M t f . Pet' $25 db le matt SI oo. msurance to a dedicated M/F. all types. SAL""' { ~ ) V1ctonan plant stand. ~ h 0 w p v t P t y 847-2U!I. __ _ proress1onal. Sl600 if .....-JOI SOU1tc1r. ~ ( ._ __ .....,..___ ) marble to 5 963 1932 · - t1allried , Newport 'f3:077711AM·7PM~ Qijoy reading The Pen· . • . . 213~7-1345art6_I>m . 6' Gotham Pool Table. ach 6312490 nysaver? The Reader· llNTB I E)igl. Gothic·style over irehaired f'ox Terncr like new w/wall rack " i~ ~Lf.Ti __,__:=--------•MODELS . Interview ad dept. of The Pen· ma ntle w 13 mirrors. puppies, Male " rcmale custom cover $1 50 I I X • Dtwfal A11ist.t Wednesday March 17 nysaver is accepting BP· . 963-1932 AKC. 8 wk 5 • S2 5 o Large metal desk for of- d «1. vtol u eE erox Exper. with X-Ray lie. 6:00PM.3rdnoor atTir'. pticallons for full ·l11ne ,__._.." 8010 846-0472_ rice or home S35 upuca ng. xpr. on Pan tune. full -time if r · N B sales J>OSltions. Clear ~--646-8239 9400 and 9500 series necessary Ca r ma n .:..::Bn=..Y.:.5:...:· -"·-=--·----· printing good spelling & ••••••••••••••••••••••• Yellow Lab Rtvr male --"-ncop~;;.s;,100Call Greg at 661·2290 NURSERY a friendly smile are the HARBOR AREA !Water Dog l 3 mos. SoTefaalt·~· wbarlal nudn.11°eS7w5 ,./_,.... SPECIALIST basic requirements. Wf APPLIANCESERVICE Some shots SJ01orr wuuu Com pa Dion .... ma lure DEHTIST · Greenhouse assistant will train you lo assist { ("---w-..----) ) We buy used appliances 49'1·5641 wilh matching set of ·. r:."' for elderly lady. wanted. busy practlC:e, needed to nu rull-time our customers in com ~ We sell recond .. guar drawers $40 matching d l Newport Beach Area th . d A 1 a liances. 549.3077 2Yellow Labrador Rlvrs, lingerie chest $4 0 ; I m , boar , sa ary . Excellent pay wilb ~·al Public Ga:-dens pos~ eira s p~y 9 wks. s hots. AKC carpet. misc items , a.1609 benefits. in Corona del Mar Must 1660 acent1a Ave.'-" M. I IUY APPLIANCES <'hamp hnes S2501orr M2_ ~ __ aner 6 PM i ~,,.,,_ have exper. working Sal-~ 1 -....io.1Aide ....,. with plants including a """ ' 'Les 957·8133 BRASS CHEST 3·dwr !tW1tm1iieecfmpanion DtSHWASHll/ knowledge or soils. A.llWM~ Ne spaper Frigidaire washer $150. fantasltc German Shep. brassclad chest Bestof. 1 f~'r elderly 1du1 t. P3&1et"'I" rm.1uiers. test control ' Mature. expe e ced ' w Kenmore ~as dryer S75. P'4JS. AKC. see parents. rer. 6'2-9Z15aft 6PM 'IZOO/mo + room + . "'"I' 1 · propagation. Call : Ale~J career minded woman Twinbed~.54.5-981S Xlnt te mperame nt. '&oltd. Mutt be ex pr. as Ratel oap1ta in Moo-Fri, 8:30AM ·4Pm ror m ail salet " au1•· Beaut. S12s-si5oea $pc. m11te bdrm stt. ssoo. • 'I 111-n Beach has an .,.,_ ,...._, man11ger po11't10' n 22 cu ft Hotpoint S/S wht ...... ~.-·• M1ple dining set w /6 _...aide or 11m• ar. i~;;;'.dlate opening for onlr.~67 . .:.:::~:..::uvo=.:...· ---M.'i:;t haf'e &ood retail c • 1175. GE bvy d1'&y ...;:_..._=..;=.__ _____ d\n. SIM. It misc. Sun· ~-:.:o~~~·Must }"/T~~u~1u:~if~0 Ho~~ Nuning ~~=n ::~170: arr1ers for foutes was.~Jrimlni-wiSh AK°8.811E!::~:i:c~rr~t. :;,~ M·F. Eve s . 1!11.ft lmowled&e of sty). will vary. Duties In· LYN pany benerlts Only S150. .. ..... -..... ........... ____ _ ••• blowln1. e11tlin1, elude: d1shwashing • Conv. Hosp. Newport qualified ~ople need ··n Hunt·1ngton Beach, 9M-llli54 , ......... . Qtinmlnl i permln1 o asslstin1 cook. Com· eudl. Pos. attitude • apply. Apropos. 2£ YOl'Uhire Terrier Pup-SETI 847·2Ul i . Knowledae of ptn51llori packa1e com· smiles needed. Xlnt Fashion Isle .. N.8. or Founta1·n "alley & Newport Beac... py, Male.. AKC Champ Medil. llyle dining Rt: I Lan1u1e is req. mensurate wllli back· beoe(tts. Call: 642·9M4 call · y1 H llneu hots, '400$46.P lniltle table ~lea.f a 4 OOO(lel'mo. llu1lhave &round. For Interview 644·2652 .. , ... It h I r eotmetolo1ltt tic. call: Barbara Duran, uning Sales Gor.eo111 fem. H1t1k y i"4uc 0/a::at ~rf ::: e ad to the! State 71'/1145-5707. EOE M/F. ..mtt AJDE purebred, ..... PMOlf Emplo7ment Ofe. In Fut Food Cler k at ftUll~ ,__"._.,... Garcten Grove, 91311 Oranae County's most Exper all shiftl. COnv. Garde~ Orove Blvd, llftlque hot dog at.aftd: Hosp. N w pt B ch. Call us about the out· aiJ!~:W.f7l·010. Ad Parl-llme nlgl\ta • Cheerful, dedicated to 1t1 ndlnf career op· ~bumplorer. ·~4007 f00dpvtc:are.Xlftl i111. portunties u an -Ca11M2 *4. IMW'&nct Agent. Train· r c:lerk for dry f'Qt ,.,:0.lnf comp•Df ...,....m. ' In& wUI nol ln~erferf I __ .._ Jct,. pr wll. needl cten &rfltt/ ,.. Offlce._.t.t with your present IMJ "'ferred c•l•t. Call Jay: Poiftfoi-ICl:a111na employment. I ~· N-ipel Development co. I . V&ried retlk>G11b1Utiff 1_..__.....l:J=t.::1L..-__ ~9!ia=r. """l.ie °"" ''dlldt: ',';twi:.:•t s..t•. upi1 .. , 111 • • .....-...,... Oddlr t:'· err MDst i..:t 11n -.,,_., • •n. ... ~ MAP. C.MOMO up. 1n. ins .. • Good Earnings • Super Trips • Great Prizes I I I ,, \ f #I Ill °'9ltt c..er I msllarl>Qr""'"Blvd. J COSTAIU:SA !7f:21Q WE PAY TOP DOLLAR FOIUlmCAIS ALAMMA...OM ~;f U COSTAIU!SA MMJOO Ut.1417 lllllMIJ!ll WllUY a.UHCAIS AMDTtUCICS COMMHL CHEVROLET ' I • r ' \t I !'>4t> 1100 Mooas IN STOCK HOW! Chck •• ;· t••lf aefectlee ef DINO. ••4 9UALITY PlloOWM9 -.w •• well ea etliller flH .,..... I DI• '762 ••••••••••••••••••••••• OIAMCH COUNTY'S ~~!i SUBARU DEALER WANTED : 78 or 79 Seville, w/lo mi. cash, pyt pty. Jim. 644-1094 '79 Seville. vinyl top, brown over tan. leather seats, loaded. $9,000. Days S42·7201~ves fl11.S6311 '92G ••••••••••••••••••••••• SEEUSRRST! We have a iood selection of NEW ' USED Chev1*tl! COMMELL CHEVROLET '"II 1r1 .. r !' . • ' \ t , I \ \1 t "-\ SU-1200 OWi TAX I UC. ON #'f'flOlf.D CAEOtT) DELIVERS Alff US9 CAI l&OW PLUS 40MOii1119 CAii AU.WIPllC• 182 FORD EISO VAN for 60 mos. Def. (tncl. fin chgs .. tax, he.) A.P.R 20.31 Cash pnce S8699-. pymt. $14,596.54 $22749 (2A14l44) MO. 179 MUSTANG:GT r,. :$7:~·.2~~$13 661 lie.) A.P.R 20.75. c.ti price 54599. MO. (HP0789) '78 DATSUN 51 0. for 42 mos Del. ~n~~~2,c:~s12239 he.) A.P.R. 20 98. Cash pnce $3799. MO (272TXE) • '78 VOLARE for 36 mos. Def. ~ $e020.06 (In· cl. fin. chgt., tax. lie.) A.P.R. 21 .20. c:.ri price S2 799. (947'M'O) sga!? · . '7 5 PORD ELITE ·: for 36 moa. Del. ~.S4233.22 (in·s1o&s3 d, tin. ch9I.. tax, lie.) A.P.R. 21.20. c.eti price $2999 MO. "18KYU) -·- . · .• ,, GALAXIE ·s-oo ~·~~s.~:s1oe11 cl. fin. chgl.. tu, lie.) A..P.A. 21.64. c.h prtoe S1799. MO. ~) . ~ . .. s773016 SU'9CHSTID IETAILNJCE -$750 FACTOllY UIATI 51000 REBATE & DISCOUNT s592385. SUC'i'9ESTID lnAILNJCE -$750 LOMGNE DISCOUNT -$500 FACTORY IHATI -$500 LOMGNE DISCOUNT $ 1500· SA VIMGS • 1982 J-2000 COUPE 5623076 ::.g 5500 FACTORY REBATE (Ser. #504868) 1982 6000 flWGE · GREAT GAS MILEAGE PLUS'FAMILY COMFORT s I 000 SAVINGS 3DOOI S . HATCHIACK (Ser. #230786) 1981 T-1000 'IF YOU HAVEN'T SHOPPED AT IOI LONGPRE PONTIAC ••• YOU HAVEN'T SHOPPED FOR A CAR I 1981 USED PHOENIX ----------------------------------------, SUP& SUPER I I VALUABLE COUPON SAVER! SAVER! I I i CHASSIS !LUBE W• wtl 9n yow c.-a co•pl•t• ct.e11i1 Wtric-"-..t 15 polet Hf•ty ce..cll for 011ly forty._ c..ts. 49~ I I Equipped with: • Factory Air Cond. • Automatic Trans. • Power StffrilHJ • Power Disc lrakn • Whih Siclewal Tires • Low Mileage • Choice of 4 Cyl. or 6 Cyl. • Front WMel Dri•e • AM Radio • Deluxe Whffl Co•ers • Body Side Mol6"Js \$ CHOOSE FROM 2 DOOR COUPE OR 5 DOOR HATCHBACK OVER 20 TO CHOOSE FROM TAKE YOUR PICK WITH COUPON I ~---------------------------------------' WE PERFORM ALL PONTIAC FACTORY WARRANTY WORK REGARDLESS OF . WHERE YOU ORIGINALLY PURCHASED YOUR CAR. SERVICE DEPARTMENT OPEN 7 A.M.-9 P.M. MONDAY 7 A.M.-6 P.M. TUESDAY-FRIDAY r----------------------------------------1 SUPH 1 SUPER I SA VEll! SA VER! I VALUABLE COUPON I ENGINE :-.:: ~ c: ':.:. :-:: 1 0 ~ OR s19 5 Down Plus : ~~c:i-.:,:: Tax, Ucense & Doc-..ry Fee I 0 I L :C: -15 poW ....., PER Cj)UART AND s 14933 L_____ . ___________ :~"::~:...tm -----~~H ~~~~~-- ONLY ::MTH r--5~,.-------------------------ss~;:~----------------t I SAVEil! · · I VALUABLE COUPON MU PllCI 164t1.00,.. ta. le. & he. he. sn1.tt Dew• ,... SJtO.to ta. $122.00 D.M.Y. ~ct..,. ...i SH Dw-•llt•t fH fer• MW ef $1427.to D.-,.,_.., c ... or"'*· ...i $149.JJ ,_.__...,. H ....... SJJH.IO ..._.c ........ A.P•. 20.J~ ~,.,.... ,nc. Stt.m.71 • ...,.. •• ..-cretm. I I I 25% DISCOUNT COUPON IMMEDIATE I W • wll 9•• JCMI • 21 P..a.f Dflcomt °" ..y 1MCltmtical repair o•er I SI 00.00 perfonMd Ill ow .. MtwMll March I 0, 1912 mid March 31, DE LIVE R Y 1 1912. Does Mt .,,ey to .,.ertlsecl specials or accHsory purchase or work I pre•lomly co.,11ted. ~---~~~-~-------------------------------- $ugges~ AMJI price mey hft9 ..._, IMtlllted ~ All Cata,Sotd On~ Credit. All c ... Ptue Tu & Llcenee & Doc. F•. All c ... Sublect to Prior ..... I Pri09I Good Thru MondQ, Merci'! 11. 1112 Feclofy ....,_ lnctudleO... ~ J J IUJIE mll WEDNE SDAY "v1Afktf HI 1qB, O.ange County water ·rates going · up July 1 ( i 8y JEFPADL~a °' .............. Got a headache caused by bl1b prices? 'Now It will cost even more to cure. Water rates will be going up for moat Orange County resideata J\lly 1 and that means it wUl cost about 10 percent more to wash down that old aspirin with a glau of water. The Southern California Metropolitan Water District, the giant rerional water agency, agreed to raise its ra~s between 15 and 22 percent Tuesday to water distributors around Southern California. The rate hJke, one of the steepest ever, will mean Oraqe County reaidenll served by the Orange County Municipal Water District will aee water bllle 10 up sometime tbil aummer, said De nnis MacLaln, ceneral manager of the district. The rate hike could lncreue water bills in other county water districts or not affect them at aJl , according to water district officials. ~ I / • MacLa tn pointed out' however , that the water distri~( will absorb much of the rate hike, passm. lb.rough only one Ex-college trustee Brannon ordered I hack to prison Alyn Brannon, the former Saddleback College trustee convicted three separate times for bookmaking activities in tbe past 10 years, has been ordered back to state prison to finish a two-year sentence on his latest conviction. Brannon, Sl , had been free since last December when he was allowed to leave prison to atte nd the funeral of bis ste p-Cather in Indiana. He bad previously been sentenced in August 1981 by Superior Court Judge William Murray. However, because the former c ollege distric t trus t ee's s entence had been s ubject to review following diagnostic studies, he remained free until a new hearing could be held on whether he should return lo state prison. Judge Murray, who originally sentenced Brannon, told him he would have to finish out the ooe year, eigh~ months remaining on his two-year sentence. Deputy District Attorney Rick Toohey , who prosecuted Brannon, recommended that the convicted bookmaker go back to prisoo. "We felt he should finish out the sentence," Toohey said. Brannon's involvement in gambling activities, principally bookmaking, spa ns n early a Reagan slaps ban on Libyan oil imports WASHINGTON (AP> -The Reagan administration, calling Llby,a a threat to its neighbors and to international order, ordered a ban today on imports of Libyan oil lnto the United States. The decision, approved by President Reagan, also includes a ban on selected exports of U.S.-origin items to Libya. State Department spokesman Dean F1scher said the measures are being taken in response "to a continuing pattern of Libyan activity which violates accepted norms of international behavior. "Libya's large finan cial resources, vas t s upplies of Soviet we apons and active efforts to promote instability and terrorism make it a serious threat to a large number of n ations and individuals, particularly in the Middle East and Africa ." decade. He was indicted by tbe Orange County Grand Jury in 1972. He was placed on probation following a conviction in the case. Brannon was back in court on another bookmaking charge in 1979, for which he also was placed on probation. He was again indicted by the Grand Jury in February 1981 on various bookmaking charges. He pleaded guilty to a single count and was sentenced in August 1981 to the two-year term by Murray. County's jobless rate 6o/o For the first time in four y e a rs, Orange County's unemployment rate hit the 6 p e r c e nt level in January, reflecting post ·boliday layoffs double t.bose of a year earlier. The new figures, released Tuesday, also seem to show that the r ecession-spawned slump in the national economy ls beginning to ripple through Sout hern California. The last time jobless figures had r e flected a s imllar unemployment rate was in August , 1978, several months foll o wing the passage of tax-cutting Proposition 13, which for ced clos ure of summer schools in the area. In actual numbers, however, the 70,800 unemployed Orange County reside nts in January we re the mos t since 70,900 people were out of work in November, 1976. The st atistics, compiled on a monthly basis by the state's Employ ment De velopment Department, indicated that 7,900 more people were jobless in January than in the previous month, when holiday-related activities provided extra jobs. That means nearly twice as many people were laid off their jobs following the Christmas rus h in 1982 than in 1981, analysts said in their monthly report. "A seasonal decline following the Christmas retailing peak is to be expected," the report said, "but this year's decrease was nearly double the 7 ,000 job loss posted last year ln the a.me 30 days ." Newport mayor due for hospital stay Newport Beach Mayor Jack.le Heather, recuperating in a hospital intensive· care unit from a s troke she s uffered laat , Sunday moroln1. likely will remain hospitalised for several weeks. The mayor's husband, a cardioloelst, said hi• wife bu numbaell and lou of feellng on her left side and in her left let. Loren Heather said bis wife la not suffer$DI from para17sls. He said abe la alert, comfortable and can CQmmunlcate. "Sbe'a a little bit better and abowinf, some slans of pro1raa, ' said Dr. Heather. •'I'm eaeoura1ed.'' Offldall at ¥4>•1 llemortal Ro1ptt1l, where Newport C.,meika t.oot·lln. HeMber ' NJ •be la in fair but •table eoGdltlan. Dr . ......._.did aot say trhetl w lf .. wUe would be able to • ,...... to -dl)' ball d..U... Newport CltJ Council members said they have .not been permitted to visit Mrs. Heather and have received little information on her condition. Several council members remarked that Mrs. Heather recently bad been under pressure and was worrylnf over several items facing tbe city council, in cludi n1 a lar1• dnelopmeot project that the coinetJ la to YOte on Friday. Dr. Heather icreed bls wife had been on "an unwuaally busy schedule." . Mrs. Heather bad complained rut week after return.lnl ftom a buaineu trip to Wublnstoa D.C. tbat lbe WU tired and lufferine from Jet tac. Tbe 52-year-old mayor, wbo haa been~ an . 1 llDee ltTt, ... lut fall with a heart . ...... attp~ tbl m = counaJ ,,...... tO would slow down. • •• ,,.;,, t oorUon of it to local conaumen. The rate hike wW incNMe a typical Oran1e County famlb'• '15 residential water blll 1-y St.50 a month, according to Mad.ain. A family of five uses an a\'er~e of 25,500 gallons of watef a month, be said. The Oran1e County Municipal Water Diatrict, which services approiUmately 80 percent of O!'ange County, purchases between eo and 75 percent of ill water from t h e Southern California Metropolitan Water District. "If we didn't have MWD's water two out of every three or ua would have to move elaewbere," llacLaln aald. Cttinc rialq enern c01t.a ln pumpln& water from otber parll of the atate, MWD arproved ralsln1 ratea from 121 an acre.foot to $140 for retideotiai uaen. The water rate f or a1ricultural usera was hiked from tM an acre·foot to $105. An •ere-foot of water ii about 326,000 1allou, rou1bly ·equivalent to the amount needed to sustain an avera1e Southern California family for one year. M acLain predicted the rate increase might only be the flnt over the next aeveraJ yean. He Hld he expected a similar 10 percent rate increaae ror consumen next year. M WD 1eta its water from the Co lorado River or f ro m Northern C alifornia and provides it to 27 member agencies serving 12 mllllon people from Ventura to San Die10 county. The rate increase wiU affect eac h agenc y d i ffe rently depending on the a~ount or water It purchases. The city or Loa An1eles, for example, buys only 3 percent of its water from MWD while the city or Beverly Hl11 1 relies entirely on tbe district for its water 1.µpply. The rate increaH is expected to generate $32.6 million for the district. The money will be used to defray· construcUon coata and higher interest rates on exi.sting re venue bond&. The primary r e a son for the rate bike , however, is the increasing cast of energy. Water rates along the Orqe Coast could be two, three or even four times the current rate by 1990, according to locaJ water officials. <See RATES, Pase A!) . . ~ Sperry Univac firm·: .. - ·: to lay off 350 at Irvine plant :~ m a nufacturing part or the I~ facility will be phased out j) .~ .......... PREPARED -Who are th9se masked men? They're not awaiting the end ol the world (as so~ forecasters Predicted for today>. Rather, they're particjpating in war games against simulated nuclear terrorism at Ford Ord: By JOEL C. DON Of .. ~"-Swt Financial analysts pointed to a tight economy coupled with the recession as a reason for today's announced layoffs at Sperry Univac's minicomputer divisk>n In Irvine. The firm moved to lay off 350 researc h and development personne l, le aving 225 such workers at the plant. A company spokeswoman s aid the layo!b will take effect Friday. Last December, Spe rry Univac furloughed SOO workers Crom the manufacturing portion of its plant operations. The move was of the Philadelphia-based company's plans to relocate its computer builders to Its Salt Lake City facilities. The Irvine plant will concentrate on computer research and development, with apecial emphasis on a Dew state-of-the-art 32-bit mini· computer, sald1 SpeQ"Y Univac apokeswoman Chri s tine Thomas . S h e s aid the 'Jupiter Effect' ineffective Planetary alignment fails predictions .of doomsday By The Aasoclated Presa Ir you're reading this, the world obviously didn't come to an end yet today. Some people thought it might -or at least that Los Angeles would be destroyed by an earthquake, or islands would be drowned in tidal waves or some other natural catastrophe would shake the planet. Theil' fears ar e based on media reports that all nine planets will be on one side of the sun today as part of normal orbilaJ patterns. The planets got together that way about 179 years ago, as they often do. And in the year 1999, they 'll line in a nearly straight line. To day the planets will be clustered in a 00-degree spread Brown enters Senate race today in LA LOS ANGELES (AP) -Gov. Edmund Brown Jr., an active but undeclared candidate for the U .$. Senate for more than a year, made it official today at a series of meelin1s and parties. Brown entered the race for the Democratic nomination as the he avy favorite over three poorly financed and less-known rivals: F r e sno Mayor Daniel Whitehurst, state Sen. Paul Carpenter of Cypresa1 an<l novelist Gore Vidal. · But Brown is rated as ,the underdog in the November 1eneral election a1ainat all three top Republican hopef\lla, Reps. Barry Goldwater Ir. and Pete McCIOlkey, and San Die10 Mayor Pete Wilton. Incumbent Republican S.I. Hayalltawa ls retirin1 from the Senate. After bis formal an· nouncement at a Loe Aneel• hotel, Brown schedule d appearances at a Jewish senior cltlcens center, a labor beadquarten. and a job traJldnc pro1ram before a eampal1n kickoff party ln the eveniq. Wltb more voter ncGIDitlon t han all bit rlvala combined, Brown Ml beeD Ule to CODdud a low-profile campalcn. coecelltndq an rallltq ,__ 111d dela1l111 bl1 formal dedanllaD ..w u.. ftul two. ,c1a11 befon tbe deadU.. for uDdtllll&9 to rue papen. • -if the sun were the center or a huge clock, Neptune would be at a bout noon and the Earth at a bout 3 , wlth the others scattered In between. So what? A spokesman for Griffith Observatory in Los Angeles says it has as much significance as Friday the 13th. But a 1974 book, "The Jupiter Effect," by John Gribbin and Stephen Plagemann, predicted there might be earthquakes and extreme weather because ol lhe planetary ali1nment, a11d thousabda or people have called observatories tbrou1hout the country In r ecent years worryiq about March 10, 1912. In self-defense, planetariums have been puttin1 on shows this year to explain that the planeu are not in a straight line, and that even if they were, it would have no effect on the Earth. "It's always pouible to have an earthquake, even on the iOth of March," said Ed Krupp, direct.or of Griffith Observatory. Two moderate earthquakes did occur in California last weekend, in the sparsely populated Mojave Desert; and the islan d of Tonga was inundated by a hurricane lut week. One caller to Caltech was "a young lady whose parents were * * '*: going to come out to California and she wanted to know exact.ly when the earthquake would occur so her parents could come either before or after," said spokesman Dennis Meredith. "Wh en the oper ato rs explained the situation to her, she decided she'd have he r parents come out afterwards," Meredith said. The Griffith planetarium's show, "The Jupiter Erfect and t h e Gr e at C aliforni a Earthquake," attracted 500 people Saturda y night. The usual Saturday night attendance is about 350 people . All 250 tickets for a Monday night lecture on the planetary alignment sold quickly at the Gates Planetarium in Denver, and the institute reported 130 phone call s in five hours Monday. · "We've literally had people ask, 'Should l sell my house and move away?"' s aid Kevin Atkins of Gates Planetarium. "Let's face it, if the Earth is going to get it, there aren't too many places to hide." One small Christian sect in the Philippines is building a maze of padded cubicles and trying out padded suits in readiness for disasters their leader, Casiano Nasaire, predicts. * * * Bar patrons drink to ·'Jupiter Effect' TOLED01 _Obto (AP> -After the mi.aera1111e winter no11bwe1t Ohio bu faced, tbe end ol the world was no bll coacern to the Toledouw wbo ffocll:ed to a local bar to awalt the final hour. At a buck a bMr ud 75 cent.a a abot for 1ctanapp1, lteaven could watt. , Mlke Van A.lltine operator ot Llady's bar, aaid. patrons brou1ht .... ,... ..,,t ta tM party. "We Md a tut ~ .ct camecmdowaberefol'a~ of drtnb before It ... t:' Nkl OIUI patrce. l'or ab 9*a, V• AllUM aald, JOU cauW ""1 a Ka••"a• -four ,.rta .oAa to_,~ 11111• Juice -.... tW .... ,.tn._..-........ ... ...... A.._. ... ,.. . .,,. ...... Hrm•· ol U. ..,._..e.. ... .. "The Saint.a Go Marching In." Marcia, the d aytime bartender, said she didn't think the world was really gotn1 to end. "But it's a tood excuse to come out and d(lDk • • . " Ktm Minch, the bartender, aald many people were cboaiq the Xamtll:aae route out. Sbe n1ured tbat if the .. Jupiter Effect" didn't wot'k, tbe party will llOt have been a failure - wltb the world 1Ull around, ·there'll be anotber crowd at U.. bar tonlCbt to celebrate. Some=bad feared the world end todQ beea .. all DIM llan moftd to tM .... lklj ol tM IUIL A lift boo-, •'TIM Jupiter Effect." predicted Uaere al11tt be eartta411uakH ••4 eatreme weatlaer bee•••• of tbe . .. .,.... .. July. • "We are reducing the ~ force, we are not closing dowit t he facility," she said. "We wW continue product develop1Jl811tt on these ( m i n icompute~ systems in Irvine." ·~ M s . Thomas als o s a~ engineers and researchers 1• off Frid ay wi ll be offer~ t r ansfe rs to other fac iliti* within Sperry Univac, a divisMtt of the Sperry Corp. of New Veil. The Irvine facility is in tie! final st.ages of development °'' 32·bit minicomputer, whi~ c arries m o r e powe r th.Ma e x i s t I n.g 1 6 • b i t u n i t 1 . Minicomputer s are used by aerospace companies, airlines, private businesses and other firms. They a re. raste r and qontain more memory than microcomputers, the popular home mOOas that have surcect in sales during the last sev1!n years. Jeff Kilpatrick, president al Newport Securi ties Corp.,· suggested Sperry Univac's m0ve to trim its work force ii ·a reflection of the lroubl«Ct economy. "Sperry Univac makes ~p machines," he said. "In tf)IJ kind of economy these are ta m achines that slow down la sales quite a bit. · ·:rhe problem is not isolate4 to Sperry. It's not some problem with the machines they've got. They've got the kind of client or customer base that 's sensitive to the economy.'' Kilpatrick also noted that S perr y Univac depe nds on adding computer capacity to its e xis ting cus tomers and that many companies have already made a commitment lo Sperry. He suggested 75 percent or their bus iness comes from those customers. (See SPERRY, Pa1e AZ> Train rams ·car; 2 die Two people were killed today in Anaheim when a Southern Pacific train s truck their car along a section of track on South Street near Olive Street. Anaheim police investigators said the two occupants of the car were pronounced dead at the scene. Their Identities were being withh e ld pending notification or next or kin. The circumstances or the 6;41 a . m . accident were not known. A police spokesman said the car was struck by an engine towing A caboose only. IRlllil CUii' lllTlll Occasional rain likely tonight and Thursday. Cooler Thursday. Highs Thursday mostly in the low 60s. Lows tonight 45 to 55. Chance of rain 70 percent toni 1ht and Thursday. . ~11111 TDllY 1CtWt MQflft o/ UC Irvaw bu ben ..amed to CM AP All·Amtricota boaketbaU fNm QGllJM. See 8 5. ·. 11111 .. ....1111111 ... .-, 12 M U.L-. • ...... .... _.. ..... ............ ............ ...... eM ---.,. , ... ,... .Aft ........ IM --... ---... ,. 4 \0 ) --.a::...~,~-----~~~--~~-----~i-----~--~---~~~----~--....... ~--~----~--~----~------1;-=-:---..~..-..~------~---....._--__ j~..,._,_._ ...... __ -i;il! -a r n !' ' • Television log throws off heat TEEVEE JEEBIES DEPT. -We have ttils awerina machine here at the ~wapaper that listens to yal subscribers sound off about what's on their heads h en they call 642·8088. Believe me, lots of them do. We listen to what the loyal subscribers have to say by rning QI\ the answertna machine each morning and anscribing the messages. You bear a little bit about everything Some readers may call ln to complain about a ""epairman w.ho h ooked up her washing mac hine f="t>ackwards. Or it may be a ar\pe wherein some local · pundit out there tells us of a politician who Is a cad and bounder and we ought to throw the rascal out. ~ THE RANGE OF W e'r e Li s tenin g commentary is usually wide and long . Editors try to channel the information to reporters or consumer advocates or wherever it's u se ful. Some comments b ecome letters to the editor. -One complaint that has been nagging and rather ·· 1r~istent in r~cent times is a~ut our weekly television . tangs on Fridays, called Pilot TV Log. But plainly, :' · ~ople have declared that the thing is hard to read and ~gure out what the s hows are a nd when. · This is particularly vexing because the.main purpose of a television listing is to tell the reader what shows are at what time. H's like a telephone book. The main ing is to get the name and number. SOME PEOPLE WHO have called in get rather ated about our weekly book. One chap I remember well shouted into that answering machine, "We like your daily TV listings but as for that weekly TV thing. you can take it and .. .'' Ah well, enough said. When you look at our old TV listings in the weekly k, they appear like this: 3:00 1J * * "Guns Of The Tlmbetlend'" ( 1960) AIM Ladd. JHnne Cr1ln. Townspeople fearing tor their land blllle logger• wile> ha"9 permlNlon to C'llar • hllalde 4:00 fZ) * *'A '"Rocllaho'#" ( 1980) Paul McCanney ltld Wings. Thi• rec0<d ol the b1n<1'1 U.S tour Includes perl~ OI "Jet," "e.nd On The Ron," "Siiiy Lo.,.. Songs" and eorne old a.att.*ads. 'PG' 4:30 ~**""from N~ Tlf ThrM" ( 1977) Chat1es Bt-. Jill lrelMd. A drifte< II recruited Into 1 ~-Ilg robbery g911g. (HJ * • • ·~ "Bedknoba And BroomSllcks" ( 1971) Angela L-bury, OaYld "Tomlinson During, Wonct Wer II, 1 novice ~ and her three vo.ing tri.nds -otf fof 1 meglc laland .where IN Intends IO IMr'I\ enough ab<>Ut wfteheraft to UM It ag-'nat the Nana. 'G' CS) * ~ "Up R!Yer" ( 19'llO) Morg8n St-. A young pioneer becomes obMSMd with revenge 1tte< hla wife Is killed by a local lend beron who ,_ .. his suc:ceea. • * •• "Alleg<O Non Tr~" (1976) Animated Lite If! 1M machine ege Is ....,..._'N ' lc'6 CZ) * * * * "Stledow 01 A Doubt" (19•3) TereM Wright, Joeec>h Cotten. When 1 man c~ to atay with hie alste< and h« fem- lly In I 11m111t Wn1 Cout town. his nl9ce II plagued with the nagging au891don thet he II r..., the "Merry Widow" lllllet. ~ TRYING TO BE a fair-minded soul, I would suggest that when massed together, these li~ts are about as eas-y to read as the aforementioned phone book if you're standing .in water beneath the Balboa Island Bridge at midnight. So we went to work on the problem some lime back. Alas. the project is something like fixing the alarm clock you smashed against the wall. It was a lot easier and faster to break it than it is to fix it. After conside rable effort, however. starling this Friday, we will offer television listings in the week -long lf>.i that looks like this : •Jr, I I AFTERNOON 'bi2:00 D Gi) DAYS OF OUR LIVES .1s~ I TWILIGHT ZONE ... !) @) ALL MY CHILDREN r NEWS hn • MOVIE "The Cat Creature" (1973. Mystery) '!~ Meredith Baxter, Stuart Whitman. A stolen amulet .:> brings a detective Into a case involving a cult of cat worshippers. ( 1 hr.. 30 min.) ~ (!) BONANZA OJ MOVIE "Top Secret Affair" (1957, Comedy) Susan Hayward, Kirk Douglas. A publisher attempts to stop a major general from obtaining a diplomatic ~ost. (2 hrs.) ti) MOVIE "The Rising Of The Moon" ( 1957, Dra- ma) Cyril Cusack. Noel Purcell. Introduced by Tyrone Power. A trilogy of different stories examines Ireland and its people. (2 hrs.) · e DICK CAVETT Guest: Gwen Verdon. (Part 2) (R) EVEN MY WEAK and watery eyes can make out the rrer type and wider columns. f\nd the wee.k·long logs ·1 run straight through from s1gn-0n to sign-off. We ink the much larger type on wider columns will be a · gnificant improvement in service to ou~ reader~. The xes and chart grids are gone. The log will be easier for ounger readers -aDd perhaps even some o( us older aders -to handle. We hope you will like the TV log improvements. But 1 spect some readers out there will have ad~itional uggestions or critic~sms . So we'll keep trying for provements. . That's the way it is in the i:iewspaper dodge. NKJE COAST 1ily Pilat a P. Haley -CIWI f19eVllw Olllcer N. Weed s A. Murphine 'CIHlllflM HMt11 .... 11-..2-M11 Aft ottter depertmenta 142-4121 MAIN ()AlllQ mwnt~tt..c......,.,cA. llMll....._; ... tM, C... MIM. "' .. c..., ..... ,. er.. c.• .......... ~-,.. _. ......................... .,.... .. .. ftftl9lfl0Mlllt ..... -.. ... .... 'l .. --- .-c1e1 ........... ~--. SPERRY • • • "I ~ thblt aome portioa ot their problem la compeUUon for new cuatomen," he aald. The Sperry Univac apokuwoman declined to commen.t on report.a that the company la behind schedule ln development of its new computer systems. Sb• also re!Uled t.o comment on reports that Sperry Univac has dropped from 1.3 percent ot the market s hare ror minicomputers ln 1979 to a current 0.9 percent. Legislators back nuclear arms freeze WASffiNGTON (AP) -More than 120 congressmen and 19 senators allied themselves today wlth a movement calling for a halt to the stockpiling or more nuclear weapons in the United States and the Soviet Union. At a n ews tonference, congressional suppo rters announced that they would seek enactme~ of a resolution asking President Reagan to negotiate a mutual nuclear arms freeze with the Soviets. The proposal was endorsed by a list of prominent leaders from the worlds or business, religion and public affairs. Among them was retired diplomat George F. Kennan, who said in a statement that a movement along the lines propos ed is "absolutely imperative and urgent." The l eaders of the congressional push for a nuclear freeze were Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, D·Mass., and Sen. Mark Hatfield, R·Ore., who was an advocate or anti -war initiatives in Congress during the Vietnam conflict. The announcement was made at American University, where nearly 20 years ago President John F. Kennedy made a speech calling for the negotiations that ultimately led lo the nuclear test-ban treaty. Edward Kennedy said that a nuclear freeze would b e en forced by verifi cation methods already existing and would by itself save $20 billion a year. "Together, the United Slat.es and the Soviet Union stockpile a total of 15,000 strategic nuclear warheads with nearly four tons or TNT for every 'man. woman and child presently living on this planet," Kennedy said. "Today the earth itself is an endangered species." The event reflects the surpris ing appeal of the grassroots campa~gn in lhe·~ear s ince it was la unched by a handful or long -time disarmament advocates. · The ca mpaign comes lo Washington just a week after vote rs in 159 Vermont town meetings approved resolutions cal ling f or .nuclear de-escalation. while only 21 towns rejected it. Voters in 21 New Hampshire towns approved a similar resolution Tuesday, while four towns voled against it. State legislatures in Connecticut, Massachusetts and Oregon have gone on record in favor of h a ilin g further production of nuclear weapons, and drives are under way to put the proposal on the statewide ballots of N e w Jer sey, D e l a w a re·, M i c h i g an and California this fall. Error in crime story corrected A typographical error c hanged the m ea ning of c omments in a story in Monday's Dally Pilot about a decrease in major crimes in ·orange County in 1981. County Criminal Justice Director Keith Concannon said the decrease in crime offenses in 1981 "is not an aberration but a pos itive dec rease in crime statistics ... The word "not " was inadvertently omitted from Concannon's comments. BALLOON BLOCKADE -About 2,000 air balloons from the Greenpeace environmental organization block the main entrance to the ,, ........ agricultural ministry in Bonn, W. German! in protest against imports of seal furs in the country. 8 county teachers investigated DA' s probe linked to fraudulent college credits By JORN NEEDHAM 0t1111D.Ji.,.....,_.. · The Orange County District Attorney 's Office is invesllgating the possibility that eight county school teachers used fraudulent college credits to obtain illegaJ pay raises. The investigation is linked to charges filed in Los Angeles again.st 43 Los Angeles County teachers on suspicion that they received salary increases on the basis of credits for college courses they didn 't attend. C Related story Page AS>. Deputy District Attorney Rich Toohey said today the Orange County investigation involves eight teachers employed by six county school districts. Toohey declined to name the teachers or specify which districts were involved, but said they were scattered throughout Orange County. Toohey said materials from the Los Angeles County inve&tiii?ation, handed over to the Orange County District attorney last week, are being rev1ewe<1. He said an announcement would be made soon. More than 80 teachers in So uthe rn California are reportedly under investigation in the scandal, which allegedly involves the forging of documents from California Lutheran College in Thousand Oaks and Ottawa University in Ottawa, Kan . Charges allege that some teachers have in effect been buying pay raises. Public school Plan to pay debts of judge approved A bankruptcy plan that allows Ce ntral O range County Municipal Court Judge Bobby Youngblood to pay off more than $1 3 ,000 in debts has been approved by a federal judge in Santa Ana. According to the plan , Youngblood will pay off creditors al the rate of $375 per month over a 36-month period. However, bankruptcy court Judge Aaron Phelps said Tuesday the reorganization of Youngblood's finances would have lo be reconsidered al a later date if a still-disputed claim for $6,400 is established as a debt. Youngblood, a colorful and blunt-spoken Santa Ana judge, was elected to the bench in November, 1980. He ousted incumbent judge Richard E. Orozco after a prolonged and Men 'survive' big debate CAMBRIDGE, England (AP> -It was touch and go for a lime, but when the debate was over and the votes were counted, an assemblage at Cambridge University bad defeated the proposition: "Resolved: This house believes that women are essential, men are not." The 262 to 51 vole, with 33 abstentions, was not surprising, since men outnumber women 7 to 1 al the university. The attack on the male of the species in the Monday night debate at Cambridge Union was spirited . hars hly fought contest that included a disputed recount aod a later runoff. Orozco's supporters had used Youngblood's finances -and a number 1of lawsuits relating to them -as ca mpaign amm unition against the white-haired Texas native. A one-time Santa Ana police officer who went to law school by night, Youngblood filed his vo luntar y C hapter 13 bankruptcy p etition last November, a year following his election. Among the list of creditors were the Interna l Revenue Service, the state Franchise Tax Boa rd and the Hollywood co mpany from which Youngblood bought his black judicial robes. The latter debt was put al $106. Youngblood said that he owed the federal government about $6,399 in back taxes. Ralph Dixon, the judge's lawyer, told Phelps Tuesday that only one debt remains in dispute -the $6 ,469 that a Sherman Oa~s firm claims Youngblood owes it for a lost copying machine. Dixon said that debt would likely be fought in court. lf it is determined that Youngblood owes the money. then his payback schedule to creditors will have lo 'b e adjusted accordingly. Youngblood makes an annual salary of $57,231 as a judge. Dixon said his client already has made his first two payments of $375 lo federal bankruptcy trustee Shannon Haney. Youngblood did not appear al Tuesday's hearing. teachers are paid additional salary for college units earned beyond their degree, ma.king it financially rewarding lo continue their educatton , officials say. Most of the teachers charged in the investigation are employed by the Los Angeles Unified School Di strict. Teachers in the district are given a $600 annual raise for every 14 units earned. According to investigators in the case , the average overpayment was $3 ,000 per teacher, totaling about a $200,00 expenditure for the Los Angeles Unified district. If convicted. teachers could be sentenced to a year in jail and a $1,000 fine . COMING HOME -Rep. John Burton announces that he will not seek r e-election during a news conference in San Francisco. Burton said he wanted a change of pace and to "come home." From Page A1 RATES. • • But the big hikes in waler rates are not projected lo begin until after 1983, when power contracts negotiated by MWD in the early 1960s expire and new power contracts ar~igned. Refunds replaced SACRAMENTO" (A P > - California bas reissued $333,000 in 1980 state income tax refund checks to 1,845 taxpayers whose original refunds were stolen by a Los Angeles mail theft ring, a state official says. Covert Nicaragua action .OK'd? WASHINGTON (AP> - President Reagan has approved a CIA plan for covert operations against Nicaracua and ii directing the U.S. intellltence agency to start formio1 a par.amilltary force of Lallo Americans, The Washington Poat reported today. White House spokeswoman Kim Hoc card declined to. comment on the 'rticle Tuesday nl1ht. Tbe newspaper said that accordinc to Informed admtnlltratlon olrtcials, which It dld not Identify, Rea1an reJected the uae of American milltary force• tn dtrect operatlcm a1almt Nlcaraiua. Admlnlatratloll offtclala baft cbar1ed tbat . tentral Amttica • nation i.s serving aa the military command center and aupply line for guerrillas In nearby El Salvador. But as part of the admlnlatraUon's atrateo lo the region, said the Poat, the autborhed covert plan directa the CIA to start recruiUn1 and tinanclnl a paramilitary forff 9f up to 500 Latin Americana. They are to Operate from camps alon1 tbe Nicaraaua.ffonduna borde!1 aa1d tbe newapaper. ln •aqua, meanwtalle, tbe Nlcaracuan toYennn•t lllued 'a sharply worded 1tatemut Tue1day ni1ht, protHllDI "VlolatioG of UM c:oun&r1'1 lllr 1pace by Nortb Alllerlcu IP1 planet." Tbe' fottl1n mtat1tr1'1 com muoique said, "These Irresponsible acts serve to deel>fn still more the aer:loua c risis and tension movln1 through the Central American area:'' Tbe CI A ·recruited commandos, aald the Poat, would try to de1troy 1ucb tar1et1 lo Nlcaraaua u power plaDU and brid ... , wttb the aim of dlsruptln1 the natlon•a economy and di vertla1 the tef'tllt Sanctlnl1ta IOVenunml'I aU...doa ucl n90W"Ctll. AcC!Onllaa to tbe newapeper. CIA 1trate1t1t1 Ualnk ..acb optraUou ID1ldt Nlcarape would ... tM Gow of .... to El SalHdor, wt.Ole Junta lt aup~ bJ the Oala.d &tae. •1a.lDlt,ltft11l lDIUf'l•tl. The newspaper's eources Mid it would take montba for tbe commandoe to be recruited, tralned an,11 pUt in poaltloo. Presideat Reaaan ud odM!r officials have refased to comment on reports of the covert action plan, Tile Po1t ~ Feb. 14 that IUcb a p)u ailWd, but said then t.bn it wu qcit kno,ivn whether ftHLU bad approved the plan. Toda1'1 artlcle said that affOl'dlnl to several laformed HUCH Rea1an bu fonoallJ au&Mrt81d • it. Tbe pluuaecl ...... ..,._ would operate .... , a 111 aalWoaCIA ............. .. ..taqed If nece11U1, MCIOI ... 'totM..... . • -; a 1er on in • ti ~· of ti IS Ill - c 0 Cl YI a d1 m rt a rt u a A p s F y l· a Ii [ H (1 s fc T h ieves broke Into the hl1t.orlc home al Lancuter1 Ohio o( CMI War 1ener11 William T. SllleraH and stole more than 100 Items, the Ohio Hl1tor lcal Society said. A-mone the Item• stolen wer e weapons, mllttary accouterments. palntina•i furn iture a nd person a effect.a of Sherm an, who led Union s o ld iers i n a destructive march acro11 Georgia a n d who wu com manding general ol the Army for 14 years. "Many of the items are irreplaceable , such as a portrait of the general, five cha irs that had been given to Sherman by Gen. Ulysses Gr ant and many military items related to Sherman's car eer ," said Amoe Loveday, the society's chief cur ator. TRIBUTE TO BEAR -Alabama football coach Pau_l ''Bear" Bryant, center. is joined by comedian Bob Hope, le ft, and Billy Graham d uring a reception before a dinner as America's Tribute to Paul Bryant in Washington , D.C. NBC correspondent Chrt.s Wallace says while he was interviewing and videotaping Col. Moammar Kbadafy in Libya, the Libyan leader's aides were taping him. A~W ....... CELEBRATION Dan Rather. left. joined by Harry Reasoner, center. and Mike Wa llace, celebrates his first anniversary as anchorman and managing editor of the CBS Evening News at a res taurant in New York The trio once worked together on TV's "fi() Minutes.·· W a l lace . a W a s hi ngto n -ba se d correspondent who normally ques tions politicians in studios, s aid his interview with Khadafy, conducted Saturday night in a sandy tent in the middle of his military co mpo und in Tripoli, was "surreal." Hollywood produce r Sid Luft says he and actor Peter L a wfo rd r epr esented a Syracuse man in a $2.5 million nationwide loan swindle for several weeks before deciding something was wrong w it h the operation. Luft. who produced "A Star 1s Born," among other enterprises. told a Syracuse newspaper the scam "would make a good movie." "I like the plot already," he said in a story published in the Hen1ld-Journal. Kenny Rogers endou:s $1 million More than half the $1.1 million endowment needed for the Haro ld Stassen Center for World Peace, in honor of a former governor of Minnes ota . has been pledged, officials sa y Singer Kenny Rogers says he e ndowed a $1 million "World Hunger Award" for journalists who .. bring attention lo the issues or world hunger." Rogers announced that he and his wife, Martaaae, fell "although one miUion dollars is a subs t antial sum o r money, it would have little impact by itself on the war against hunger." Rogers said he conceived of the award after asking the late si()ger Harn Chapin, w h o founded t h e World Hunger Organization, what he would do with $1 million. Harlan Cleveland, director of the Hubert H. Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs, said the Stassen center wHI be located in the building that is t.a. l>e erected to~dUSlt th e Humphrey institute, on the University of Minnesota West Bank campus . Chance of rain Te mpe ratures ~ Coastal Occas~I rain likely ton19111 al>d Tllurtday Par11y cl-y Tllur..,ay aftem-. wflll l>IQM ,,_Uy In IM low 60s. L~ tonigM o lo SS. H unHn91on-New port •••• l•'"lle••lurn to ••noe from 53 lo M Chance of ••tn 70 perc.nl tonl9M al>d Tllur..Say EIMWNrt. lrom point Conception lo 1111 IM•lccan l)Of'cler and out 60 mites• Winds t>e<omlnQ tovlflwHI to we" 11 to 20 ~nots Tllursd•y Mternoon WHt•rly •-II of l lo • '"' O<c•MoNot ..-.rs tonl9nt al>d Tllur\day. U.S. summary Rain and •now fell today lrom the Mlululppl Valley to the Sierra Nev~ Wiiiie a 1nowf1orm covered New e1111.- Stro1111 wann wln<n I>-across the northern and central Hi911 Plains wlllle temperatures l>elow ''"'i"9 eatended from !tie io-r MIHIUlppf Valley. and .. 11ern W<llons of the Da kotas 10 IM t>Ortllern •11anllc Coast. TM lort>ust lor today called tor rain trom the Pacific CCN>I to Ille Great B•ik't wtltl snow SGattered owr IMN~~l-Gl'NI Lake\. SUMlllne .... •PKted •lonQ .,,. Gull COHI, M...,._, -..11ern Plain\ •"" '"Oii of Ille R«ki.s Te'"perelurH around Ille nation early today ran9e<1 from uro In Pllllllp-9, Pa .• to 70 In Key Well. Ml•'"l •ndWeJI Pal'" Beach. Fl• Tiie Air Quallty Manaoement District predlcb 9000 air quellty for even•-111 IN Sooltll (CNtl air be•ln lllrOU911 t-y. Tiie •OMO aul9neo Pollution Standard Ind .. (PSI) ralln~ of H In the San GMwlel·"""-Vallen, 67 In Ille $an ,,.,,.....Sante Cla.lta vallen, '° Ill the mel,_lltan arMs ..... ., .. _... Extended forecast . COAST•L ANO MOUNT•IH A,_EAS -Friday tlvNQfl Suftdey pa rtly c loudy. Coolar 111 Ill• mo11ntel111. SlrOf\11 ousty west to llOf'lllwasl wl""' In Ille nl<Mlnlalfts .... locally wllldy In Ille COHl•I ...... M .... In IN c-UI -"' 61 to 1S and e tio SS In IN -talll\. OWntltM .... ~to" c-11 •rNs and n to 40 In IN ,,,_talns. ............. ..., -.......... . MondftY'Frldey 11 "°" oo not ,,_ .,.our -II\' a 30 o m cail l>tb• T o"' -'°"' cooy ., .. be o.,,..,.., w•TtO" HI L• ~c, •1wny ,. •• 01 '"twque 70 J3 •m•rlllo 71 lS •'1Mvlllt ., 33 •ll•nt• •S 0 •nantc Ctv SJ 10 Baltimore u 23 Blr'"lnQllrn .. lll Blsm•ro )7 n Bohe St ,. Bos Ion " '° Cl' 8rown\YllC " .0 Buffalo ,, 1S 02 Cllarl1tnSC &I ., Cllarl\tnWV ., ,. Clleyennt " .. (111<•90 71 n .07 Cln<lnn•ll 0 lO Cleveland n 10 Columt>us ,. lS Oal·FIW"' 70 SJ Oenver • .. ,. De• Mointl 23 .. . 01 Oelroll JI .. Oulu Ill .. 11 02 EtPaoo 7' SS H•rttord ]1 11 .10 Htlen• s• ., HOt>OIUlu 77 .. "°"''°" 10 .0 fndfUlj)h\ n lO J a< IUllVlle •7 • Kant City 3' 1S l as VtV'" 12 s• Little Roe~ SI SJ Loul1vlllt OS l7 Mempfl~ 62 .. Miami ,, 10 Mllw•ukw 21 " . II Mpls·Sl.P " IS HHllVll!e SI 40 Hew Orie-10 50 Ne•,JI"'' •o 2t Nor .. JI Okla City .. .. Om•ll• ,. ,. Orlando IS S4 Phlladpl\la .. n PllMnl• l l St PltltbUrQll ll 20 Pllal>d.-,. • " ... ' ~ ~ -- Piiand, Ore .. Reno ., Sall L•k• M SHttl• S2 SI Loul• '° SI P-Tamc>a 12 SI Ste M .. le n Se>ollane SS Tue.on eo TulH 70 Wa$111nvtn si. Wk II Ila so C•Lll'OllNI• B•-orsfltld 7S Blytht ., Eurtu ... F resno .. Lancaster 7) LOS AnoelM 71 Marysville 6S Monterey 60 NHdlts 12 Oakland 60 PHO Robles 61 Red Bluff M Redwood City u Sac ram.mo " Sallnas ., s.noi.oo 71 San Francisco 60 Santa Barber• u Sant• Mari. .. " 0 31 40 37 Sl II ]1 50 " lO ,, 60 - S1 S4 se M s. - s. S2 S3 SS Sot )1 ff S4 -; SIO<klon Ther'"•I Ulllah .11 Barstow 10 B'9 Bear Blsllol> OS Catalina Ol LonQ Seac:ll Monrovl• Mt.Wll_, .. && N •wpor1 8Ncll Ontario Palm Sprl"ll\ . OS ~:~;:r<llno SanJ-~ Sant• Ana Santa Crur T alloe Valley 6S SS 13 61 16 SI 6l 23 .. ]I .. 50 1• •• eo ., '5 •2 .. so 7S 4J M SI 16 .. 7S '2 u .. ,. .. U SI S) ,. ~AN AMEii i CAN •capUICO '3 72 Barbadol ll .. OS Bermud.l 12 .. OI .u ~=!o 15 r. o. .o:a Fr-r1 16 st 02 Gauclalalar• ts .. n °"_.....,. ., 11 01 Hav•na -72 °' Klnoston " 73 Montevo Be, 11 ll Matallan II S7 Merld• as .:i AM•lco Clfv 90 "3 • SU Rf .. A?tiTn n RI PORT Mont• rre y eo so Nanau 7l 67 02 San Juan U 7t SIT-• -71 Ool T99uc19AI~ 7S s• Trinidad 17 70 -... A=. = ";:: t: ,'J, : ] ··~ " l ,_,, SS J tfllr SS I ffllt SS 2·3 lfllr S1 N fair S7 J.] ,.,, ,, ,... ... ,. i... .... • 10 •·'"·• Law• •:U p.m.; s ... I dlrKllOll: We're Listening ••• Tides TOOAT Second low l '7 p.m 0 S Se<ond lllQll tO·Ot P-'" • • THUllSOAY First low l :S7 •·'"· O.S Fli\t llloll IO:OOa.m. S.1 Second low •:to p.m 0.0 Second 11111\ t0:30p.'". • .• Sun Mb loNy .i S·S7 o.m., rl- Tllund41'1'•16:"•·'"· Moo11 rlws tioday et 7:02 p,m •• Mb Tllundey at 6: S7 •·'"· What do you like about the Daily Pilot? What don't you like? Call the number below and your message will ~ recorded. transcribed and deljvered lo the appropriate editor. The same 24-hour answering service may be use~to record lrt- ters to the editor on any topic. Mallboit contributors must Include their name and telephone number for verification No circulation calls. please. • . Tell us what'!4 on your mind Orange CoaaL DAIL V PILOT /Wednelday, March 10, 1982 -Oiiiiges in vets' office s e t The direct.or of Or ange County 1overnmenl 's Com m unity Services Agency says changes are being made to improve an omce that provides services to military veterans. In a memorandum to County Supervillor Harriett Wieder, CSA director James Heim said bis goal is to provide "quality and timely s ervices to the veterans.·· Operation of the veterans' services office located al 1300 S. Grand Avenue, Santa Ana, came under criticism by Mrs. Wieder followin g complaints from veterans and after she paid an unannounced visit to the office. Responding to concer:n.s raised by Mrs. Wieder, Heim outlined steps being taken to correct deficiencies. According to Heim: Signs are being installed to identify the veterans' services office, which is located among several departments at the county operations center. Public counter space has been modified so that veterans are able to check in at a location separate from that for people with consumer compl aints . (Veterans' and con s umers· se rvi ces pr og ram s we r e cotnbined into a s ingle office by action of county supervisors last year). Ways of making personal files or veterans less accessible are being studied. -Rooms have been provided so that veterans may speak with counselors in private. A supply of informal.Jona! pamphlets outlining services for veterans "has been restored lo an acceptable level." Improvements to the dual telephone system for veterans' and consumers' inquiries arc being explored In his me mor andum , Heim said he s hared Mrs. Wi eder's concerns about the functioning of the veterans' services offi ce. He said his approach was to find "im mediate solutions" to proble m s a nd lo establis h meetings with representatives of veter ans' groups to <letermine ' what future actions. if any, should be taken. Venue c hange rej ected for Rongst a d A superior court Judge has rejected defense requests to shift the trial or Ron Rongstad, a Laguna llills man charged with 4 2 counts of sex ual a buse against some of his 15 children. to another county Defense lawyers had as ked to have Rongstad's trial moved because or what they asserted was extensive pre trial publicity that pre judiced their client's right to a fair and impartial trial. Judge Ev e r e tt Dickey. however, ruled that there hadn't appeared lo be extens ive enough publicit y to w ar rant the granting of a change of venue motion. Gem Talk }Jy .re HUMPHRIES Crrt1{1rd Gemolol{1st. ACS THE BIG MOVE is a l hand During the weekend or March 20-21, we will move Into our beautirul new building just a f e'f doors down the st reet at l&Ot Newport Boulevard. We're very proud of our new building, and of our growth which has made the move necessary. Our new quarters will be t wice as big. We believe the move is a classic example or bow a local businessman. spending his own money, can help improve the commercial community. All or our cust o m ers a n d o ur employees share tn the credit ror m aking our new eitpansion possible. We will continue to give very personal ser vice, with our own watchmaker and our own jeweler on h and to help you. We have been in buslneu here for a long time, and expect to be around at our new hpm~ on Monday, March 22. Pleue stop by and say hello. We want to sh a re our pride with the community. We've been dolnC that for yean. BELUSHI MOURNED Actor Bill Murray ttop> ~i:~ fl ower on the coffin of J ohn Belushi while com edy paM~e; Dan Aykroyd <below 1 escorts the fune ral processioq on motorcycle at funeral. for the 33-year-old com ic actot in Chilmark. Mass. f Doubling of l).S. gas tax proposed WASllINGTON <AP> The Transportation Departme nt has proposed douhling the federal g a s o lin e tax to finance com plct1on or t he inte rstate h ig hwa y sys tem , r ep ai r deteriorating roads and bridges a n d va y r o r m a s s l r a n s it . prOJCCts. The current tax is equal to fi ve cents a gallon a nd would jump to 10 cents under the plan outlined to Congress by Trans portation Secretary Drew Lewis . ESTATE DIAMON DS & JEWELRY L e wi s told a Se nate appropriations subcommittee that he had presen te d t he proposal to the Cabinet CoWlcil. an advisory panel to President Reagan. ' The current five cent ·a-gallon highway tax includes four cents on gasoline at the p ump. The· remaining one cent is a blend or e xcise taxes on automotive parts and s uppli es that raises revenues amounting to one cent a gallon. We have acquired some exquisit e , delicate, and u nusua l maaterpieces in our A ntique Case. Co me in and see. " MEMBER AMERICAN GEM SOCIE. TY 1823 NEWPORT BLVD COSTA MESA 35 YEARS IN THE SAME LOCATION B&nkAmBric•rd-M .. ter Charge PHONE ~1 Orange Coatt DAILY PILOT /Wedn•day, March 10, 1982 lnIT~OO ~ (f)P 'senators push "#Ndget alternative l lNGTON CAP ) -S. Republicans concerned t~a b interest rates are de»t a the economy hope to nm aflln• an alternativ6 to PE1i~ent Reagan's red-ink b by next w~k. They are c It i ced be will consider revj,U<>ns even though he's still not;SlyJng so directly. •W'!r\ on alternatives to Rle 's big-deficit 1983 budget pi1 • ' u~ steam after upbeat Ca Hill meetings Tuesday d• which the president privately assured Senate allies tb.a~JWerest rates would drop siJgif,Cantly by summer. ~bb,ooo p rize to "Billy Graham NDV1YORK (AP> -Leading chu11thE figures were on hand Qda"°' to formally announce vangelist pmy Graham as the recipient of the $200,000 Templetol' Foundation prize for progress in religion. Graham, 63, the leading hristian evangelist for more han a quarter·century, is the econd American to win the a w:a~ Scientist-theologia n aJPlR.Burhoe of Chicago was i~' e award for his work in rf! ti.ng reconciliation betJ his two fields. Qr m said be~ will donate he y to worthy projects for he dvancement of hris ity. P~"&l 'lukewarm,' to vet me morial WASJDNGTON CAP> -The g ove151'lment 's Fine Arts Comtnf'ssion appears lukewarm about a plan to mollify some •Vietnam veterans who don't like t he stark design t h at was s ele:t.l.ed for the nation's monument to Ame ricans who ro~thewar. "Ile commission, in ;a letter to In~ri• Secretary James Watt TuEsday, refused to give its ad~n~ approval of the addition o rJ,t a flagpole and or a la(gefllthan-life s tatue of a solJlier in a heroic pose until it seu how those new elements wopld fit into the overall design. ·i 1 1'1lanq's leader 1 returns to office lfUeLIN. Ireland <AP> - For;ner Prime Minister Charles · J . A:aughey won a new chance to . .. .. struggle with Ireland's desperate economic situation _,.... a nd a trip to Washington for St. Patrick's Day -but his second term may be shorter than his first one. The millionaire leader of Fianna Fail, the Soldiers of Destiny Party, was elected Tuesday by the Dail, the lower house ol the Irish parliament, by a vote of 86-79. But his majority• dep e nds on independent deputies, and three are Marxist deputies who said they would back him only when it suited them. Cocain e seizu re natio14's biggest MIAMI CAP> -A customs inspector poked a screwdriver into a cardboard carton that had b een unl oa d ed from a Colombian cargo jet and found what beca m e the nation's biggest cocaine seizure -nearly $1 billion worth. ··As we began opening the boxes, everyone shied away," said U.S. Customs inspector Al Tagliaferro. No one was a rrested. R esidents oppose nuke arms race CONCORD, N.li."<AP> -New Hampshire residents taking part in the nation's oldest and most direct form of democracy -the town meeting -have voted overwhelmingly to ask Moscow and Washington to s top the nuclear arms race. A non-binding .r esolution asking for a nuclear arms freeze was approved at town meetings in at least 21 communities and ·defeated by four Tuesday. Two communities approved changed r esolutions and one tabled the proposal. Mine violations draw sentences LONDON , Ky . <AP J Kenneth Crawford, head of a clan that operated illegal coa.I mines where accidents claimed five lives in 1980, was sentenced to 1 'h years in prison and fined .$25,000 for safety violation convictions. His two sons got five years probation. The s entences Tuesda y capped the firs t crimin al prosecution of individual miners under the U.S. Mine Safety and Health. Act of 1977 . MILITARY BUILDUP Aerial photo shows Soviet and Eas t German military equipment in Nicaragua. Intelligence officials made the reconnaissance photos public Tuesday in .... .,.,.,... support of Reagan administration allegations that Nicaragua armament is threatening to its Central American neighbors . So viet s supplying Nicaragua Aerial photos document ·massive military buildup WASHINGTON (AP ) - 1 ntelligence experts working to build public support for U.S. policy in Central America are showing off aerial photographs thev sav document a massive Soviet·supplied military bujldup in Nicaragua .. Adm. Bobby Inman. deputy direc t o r of the Centr a l Inte lli ge nce Agenc y, told reporters Tuesd ay that the buildup endangers all of Central America and far exceeds what Nicaragua would need for its own defense. He s aid Cuba, w hich the United States c laims also is assisti ng the Nicaraguans, might use bas es there as a jumping o ff point f or intervention elsewhere in the region. Nicaragua, Inman said. may go the same way as Cu ba and be come a "bastio n " for aggression. But Nicaragua's ambassador to the United States, Francisco Fiallos Navarro, said today the aerial photos only "showed ... what we have a lways been saying." Interviewed on A BC-TV's ''Good Morn_ing Ame r ica," Navarro added: "We don't deny that we have som e tanks ; there are some American tanks that belonged to Somoza's National Guard. We have received as a gift some few tanks from a country of the Third World, which is not Cuba." As for aircraft, Navarro said, "We have never denied that ... we have two helicopters out in the ope n at the internationa l air.port at Managua that were a gift of the Soviet Union." But he said "we don't have Soviet military advisers and we don't have more than a dozen Cuban military advisers ... advisi ng us on not very soph isticated weapons." A s ked a bout the U.S . allegations th at Nicaragua's military buildup poses a threat to other Ce ntrjil American governments, the ambassador said his nation has neither an air force nor a navy and only "a s mall army. no more than 15,000 m en. But what we have, and we have been saying that openly and frankly, a big militia ... because we are being pressured by the Reagan administration and by some other governments lately.·· ~Later today, Secret a ry of State Alexander M. Haig Jr. was expected to face questioning from Co n gress on the administration 's El Salvador policy during an appearance before a Senate subcommittee. Jnman's presentation to r eporters Tuesday featured reconnaissance photographs so detailed th ey pinpointed Nicaraguan soldiers in formation a nd turrets on Soviet·s upplied tanks. In Managua, the Nicaraguan government issued a sharply worded state m e nt Tuesday night, protesting "violation of the country's air s pace by North American spy planes." The Foreign Ministry's c o mmunique said , "These irres ponsible acts s erve to deepen still more the serious c ris is and tension moving through the Central American area." Meanwhile, Inman suggested lo reporters Tuesday further ev ide nce to s upport the administration's allegations that C uba and Nicaragua are directing the Salvadoran insurgency will be released later in the week, probably Friday. Navarro, however. repeated his government's denial today that it is aiding the Salvadoran guerrillas. -Ellltion 'fraud' claimed GUATEMALA CITY CAP> - Shots were flred and police toued tear 1a1 to 1ca\ter several hundred demonatratora protesting what they aaid waa widespread electoral fraud in presidential balloting. · Three opposition canclldatea for the presidency were released Tuesday after a brief arrest. They pledged to continue their "civic" protest against Sunday's election, won by Gen. Angel Anibal Guevara, the candidate of the ruling, military-back.eel coalition. ' But there was a relatively s mall turnout for the protest de mons trat ion late Tuesday ~fternoon . The outgoing government-controlled congress was expected to elect Guevara, who held an 85,000-vote lead, in the runoff election required .because he did not get the required majority o.f the votes. · Guevara's opponents at a news conferen'Ce Monday night charged that the government and the army had stolen the election. They appealed to the public to tum out for a rally in front or the presidential palace de manding a new election in 60 days. The government warned that no demonstrations would be allowed and cordoned off the area around the palace. Police cleared it, seized cameras and tape recorders from some journalists and detained several reporters. They were all later released. A bout 100 demonstrators marched from t he Ritz Continental Hotel , where the candidates' s upporters had gathered, but police drove them back with tear gas befor;e they got very far. Another group of about 100 also was scattered by police tear gas In the southern pa rt of the city. Four blocks away at the hotel, the three civilian candidates released portions of a letter they wanted to deliver to outgoing President Gen . Fernando Romero Lucas Garcia. It spoke of the "jailing and murder of our parties' activists in an effort to frighten us from providing more proof of the violation of the elections." After asking their followers to remain behind , the three ca ndidate s an d their vice-presidential running mates set out for the palace shortly after dusk. Scores of journalists and de mons trators followed them. ''Another Way to Your Rainbow's End" Double Your Tax Advantage at 1st Nationwide Income Tax Preparation at Special Discounts. . · :-~: :: .. .. 11 :-.. ... -: ~· You could save 15% ... 30% ... up to 50% on your income tax preparation at 1st Nationwide Savings . Our Vari-Max IRA Gives You the Benefits of Both Long-Term and Short-Term Interest Rates! Every year, thousands of qualified customers have enjoyed substantial tax preparation discounts on their Federal and California returns. This year. you can too! It's easy to qualify: discounts as high as 50% are based on your savings on dePosit with 1st Nationwide. We even offer a bonus discount for Senior Savers! You save time. trouble. and very often. our year-<ound "Tax Team" will save your hard-earned money as well. Your returns will be computer-processed to see to it that you are taxed at the lowest possible rate! With the Economic Recovery Act of 1981. competent. informed preparation is more imPortant than ever. So call today to schedule your private apPointment. Almost every financial institution has an IRA account, but only 1st Nationwide has Vari -Max IRA with this significant difference: each month. Vari-Max pays you the HIGHER of either the 6-month T-Bill or the 2 Yi-year Money Market certificate rates. Thus. when short-term certificates pay more. you gain: when long-term certificate rates are higher, you still gain! Many other IRA account rates are arbitrarily set by management Policy or are keyed to the unpredictability of only one index. Don't settle for less than the Vari-Max advantage. While you're at 1st Nationwide. ask about our rainbow of financial services-and let us help you plan. manage and conserve your money in your tug-of-war with taxes and inflation. r--------:------ : 16.481%/15.050% I Annual Y1ekl' Annual Rate I I I "Annual yield based upon daily com· pounding of principal and interest, when ieft on deposit for a 365-4ay year. Regulations roouire a subStantial interest penalty fOI' earty withdrawal. : Vari-Max IRA rate effective: 3/1-3/31 /82 L--------------..1 1ST NATIONWIDE SAVINGS ·• _. Fonnerl'V Cftlzens Sl\'lnos and Loan Aleociltion •· 138 Oflloes Coat~• Over $7 Biiiion In Assets . . t' A Federal Savings and Loan Association \ NEWPORT BEACH: 3300 West C~st Highway near Newport Blvd., 631-9205. . ~· 1 e • t k ,, h • • . ' .~ .1 . .. ~· •• I I, .. • I i • I ! I I I • • I ! , ' I , ~ I I l l ,.. ~~filIT~ GOP drops hid for Bird recall SACRAMENTO (AP> -·Top California .Rtpubllcarui say they are dropping the plan to calnpalp for the ouster of Chief Justice l\Ole Bird. "We just have too many other things that we are doing at this point," state Senate GOP noor leader William Campbell told reporters Tuesday. a fter a meeting of 12 Republican leaders. The group announced two weeks ago that it was launching a recall of the chie~ justice, a frequent. target of conservatives. Bu ;pampbell insisted Tuesday that he had t.9ld repo l!rs at lbat time that the decision was not final. Court mulls Gann bill SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -The state Supreme Court has until Monday to deeide whether the Paul Gann initiative,. perhaps the. most a mbitious crime-related measure ever propos~ to California voters, will go on the J une ballot. The court, which heard arguments Tuesday in a lawsuit against the initiative, could also reach a decision on the broader issue of whether lbe m easure violates the state constitutional rule requiring initiatives to cover only one subject. Teachers.' scam charged LOS ANGELES (AP > -Grand theft charges are being filed against 43 tea<'hers who supposedly received salary increases based on college courses they never took. Prosecutors said Tuesday that at least 40 more are under investigation. The scam has cost the Los Angeles Unified School District an average $3,000 per teacher or a total or at least $200,000, Associate Superintendent J erry Halverson said. Manson pal p a role nixed SAN LUIS OBISPO CAP> -Convicted Manson F amily murderer Bruce Davis must wait two years before seeking release from a life prison term, a st.ate Board or Prison Ter ms panel ruled after rejecting his fifth parole bid. · Psychiatric reports said Davis, 39, has shown little remorse for the murders or ranch hand O~n ald "Shorty " Shea and musician Ga ry Hinman, who were brutally slain in August 1969, a few weeks before the grisly murders of a ctress Sharon Tate and Rosemarie and Leno La Bianca for which Charles Manson was convicted. ' • Orange Cout DAIL y PILOT /Wedneed1y, March 10A 1982 Belushi probe cautio ... ~- AutOP.sY inconclusive; drugs hinted ,L : LOS ANGELES (AP> -Comedian John Beluahl wu burled on Martha '1 VlneyllJ"d. the llland off Cape Cod he loved, u lbe Loi Ancele1 eowiiy coroner'• office maintained aUence on the caUM of hit death and report.a cocaine mlcht have been involved <Related photos Pa1e A.S ). "Nothing has been ruled out.'' senior coroner's lnvestlgat.or Don Meuerle said Tuesday. "What we're dolng ls being extremely caut.lous because of recent paat experiences and because J ohn Be lushi is so notable." Tbe 33-year-old actor was found nude on a be d in a $200-a -day bungalow on the Chateau Marmont Hotel on Sun.set Strip last Friday. .,......._.. Coroner Thomas Noguchi said an BIO 81TE -:.Sa n .Fr_iln cisco )fayor $1 m illion to the city's "Save the l)Utopsy Saturday did not show what Dianne Feinste in a nd Raymond Cab le Cars" ca m paign. The city killed him and refused to speculate. Kassar, chairm an or Atari Inc.. m us t raise $10 million for the Noguchi bas been under fire from m eet a giant Pac-Ma n during a project county supervisors for his comments cer e mony in which Atar i donated about the Cleaths of act.ors William ----------------------------HoJden and Natalie Wood. Budget . Pair fined $1,600 tradeo/f for killing eagle examined SACRAMENTO (AP I -A $520 m i l l i o n co m p romise bet ween legislative leaders and the governor that might balance the budget goes befo re a wide, critical a udience today. All 119 lawmakers get a detailed look at the package of cuts, sa les tax acceleration, hi ring freeze, money shifts and cost -of-living inc re ase s uspension worked out by the leaders of both parties. And a six-mem ber , A sse m bl y .Se n at e confer ence committee planned hearings on the pack age, contained in A B1 2 52 b y A ·s - semblyman Lou Papan. .D-Millbrae. LONG BEACH (AP> -Two young men, who admitted they killed a rare bald eagle on Santa Catalina Island, have been fined $1,600 each and or dered to perform 300 hours of community service, a spokesman said. J ason P. Barino, 22, of Westminster, and Michael A. Cr ane , 18, of Pasadena , we r e sentenced Tuesday by Long Beach Municipal Court Judge Elvi ra Austin . ..The eagle kill ed was one ~f 12 brought to the island as chk ks in attempt to reestablish the bald eagle in the Channel Islands were they were once num erous," said Ralph Young, information officer for the state Fish and Game Department. The bald eagle is listed as endangered by both the state and federaT gov~rnments The young men pleaded guilty to two counts one or kiUing the eagle in September, the other or damaging s tate property. The state property was a radio trans mitter attached to the eagle's wings, Young said. Although the dead eagle was never found, the radio transmitter, which had been struck by a .22·calibcr bullet. was located m an island dump, Young said Subsequently eagle feathers and large colored wing band attached to the bird were fo und on the island, he said . KABC-TV quote d unattributed "reP<>rts" that a pile of white powder resembling cocaine was found on the night stand next to Belushi's bed, that his body bore needle marks and that the investigation "is likely to show that Belus hi intravenously injected cocaine in the hours before his death." A Tradition for 60 Years 1982 Serving N'9htty Tll 1 A.M. The l.oe Antelea Tlmea 11Jcl today that it had been t.old by four ~ sources that marks on Be 'I arms were made by a needle. was free-hue coke he died ol. Tbat'I stralaht acoop. He abot ~~­base <cocaine> aAd ove ne wspaper quoted an unJde ed source. ~· Free-baaed cocaJne ii the &'• most potent rorm. The Times . reported earlier that an ove~j~ may have caused resplrat.ory (~ and perhaps a heart attack. 1 Comedian R ichar d Bell~~ao acquaintance of BelU!bi, said '-Y"t'fad seen Belushi twice last week. .J 'll "He wasn't abusing hlmseu •r ).th coke or liquor, not when be wu.;ffith me," Beller said. ;:, If Belushi died from a heart a ; ck or choking on food, "normall l , would have been discovered I the autopsy," Messerle saJd. ,11 • Police Lt. Dan Cooke said he dllln't · know whether any drugs or "ftug paraphernalia were found •!dh.e scene, but If so, "they WOUJIUbe t urned over to the coroner, t.o f1Sisl in t he investigation." l\ Belushi new t.o Los Angeles a..wetk before his death t.o discuss a1'118w movie, "No ble R o t ," WJjtb Par a mount Pictures Corp. 1:.t• .,,,, . Reservations ., 110 Suggested J 645-7Qn tH ·~ JL •) POTTERY SHACK SALE~ l '\ 111 • ti The University ~et is a clinically proven, medically supervised, supple- mented fast, prescribed by an authorized physician for those who need to lose twenty pounds or more, quickly and sa.f ely. Clinically Proven. The Uni versity Diet isn't a fad diet. It 's a medical protocol prescribed for rapid weight loss. Over the last eight years. it's proven itself with literally thousands of test sub- jects at teaching-hospitals such as Harvard Medical School. UCLA and UCL TheJoum.al of the A merican Medical A ssociation has twice reported favorably on the results and recommended the procedure. Medically Supervised. The University Diet is a safe, effective fasting program, personally supervised by an authorized physician. No shots, pills or surgery are involved. Initially, you are given thorough labora- tory workups. As soon as the physician is positive there are no contraindications, you are taken off traditional foods and you begin the University Diet. You Can Do It. Thousands have. One thing that helps is that _you 're only required to make one decision: The decision to try the program. . After that, there's no calorie counting. You don't have to chooee amoll¥ "rUdtt" and "wrong'' foods or portion SIZ68. 'You're ~Jet.e!)r free of the need to deal with The University Diet is for you if you're read.~loee a lot of weight. With the help of a · t.ed physician and an understand- ing counselor, we know you can achieve your goal. Fast. Safe. A calorie controlled powder, mixed with water, tea. coffee or a diet soft drink. provides your body with 45 grams of er<>- tein and 30 grams of carbohydrate daily. In addition, you get all the vitamins and minerals you need Some people say it's delicious. The ~int is, your nutritional needs are fully sat· isfied without eating. Meanwhile, your body does the natural thing. It burns up pound after pound of unwanted fat. Quickly and safely. Reach Your Ideal Weight. You can stay on the University Diet as long as you need to, burning off fat as quickly as medical safety permits. Lab work is done regularly to ensure your safety, and normally there's an ECG test after every loss of 50 pounds. Once you reach your ideal weight. the University Weight Maintenance program helps you stay there. We Cost Less. The University Diet costs less than similar programs. It's every bit as effective. And your insurance probably covers a·major portion of the cost. Ask for our fee schedule. You 're invited to meet with any of our patients. And of course we'll gladly send comp. l14ete d.etails to your personal or f~ physician. If you need to lose more than 20 ~· call us for an appointment or information. In Sou thern California ... 1..S00-432-8876 1lIE . UNiVERSITYD~ Newport Saddleback Valley Brea Long Beach ~ VOU"RE RE.ADY TO LOSE WEDfl: ,, From Franciscan·s famous twld·J>Mlted dissics to the timeless beauty of ~a, and ~. t~ are savinfls galore ii\ this ~ Solle. S.ve 36 % otf ht prier on dimer plates, w&ad plate, ~/cef'Nls, cups, s.iucen, a eMnen, supn, i.rwe v~. Ind 14-obtten. In Desert Rose, Apple, Cafe Roy•. Bouquet, tresh Fruit m October. Or s.ve 43 4.\ on the~ items POTTERY EB · SHACK ) • f I . • .. i ; NYSE OMPOSITE TRANSACTIONS "°""'°""' IWGll .. , ....... ~-· .... •o•C.MIDWHT, ,.Cl,lC, ..... '°''°"'· Dlf•on AlliO CllllCl•ll•Afl In><• ell( ...... 11 AlliD ......... e'I T•I MIO AllO UtlTlllCf HIF Al to buy teman Eichler 11111 (~ I . • .. I, BaclM Balaey Stuart SlaMldl IK. ·o1 New York has slicned an a.rreement 1n principle \.0 acquire the Loa Aoseles-based brokerase rlrm or BaS.•H Eichler, HID Rlcbardll Inc. In a lranaacUon valued at $50 million. Bache -which Itself mer1ed last summer with Prudential lnaurance Co. ol America - would acquire Bateman's 31 branch otnces, wboee staff of 1,100 includes 4!"i0 brokers ... CalUonlla's taxable sales dropped l.• percent during the third quarter or 1981 , after adjustment for inflation , according lo the state Board of Equalltation. Sales subject to the at.AU'S sales tax totaled $39.45 billion during July, August a nd September or last year. That's an increase of $3.75 billion, or 10.5 percent, over the total for the same period in 1980. But with the inllation factor, the agency said, sales volume actually dropped 1.4 percent ... Croc:ker Bank lowered its prime home morteaee rate to 16~ percent from 17~ percent. The rate is what the bank charges in interest on fiv e-year, fixed·rate mortgage loans for single-family homes · with ~onthly payment& amortized over 30 years .. ~c-•~••~" ....... C)~--------~zee~· Med.Ian borne prices in-Orange -Coiinty rose 0.7 percent to $133,272 in January, according to the California Association of Realtors. Rome sales io the cqunty dropped 11. l percent for the month after falling 21 percent in December . Bank of America is attempting to seize 1,979 De Lorean sports cars, which the bank says were used as collateraJ on a $33 million loan. The BofA suit states the bank called in the loan, with $17.6 million in principal and $380,000 in interest due, a fte r Belfast-based De Lorean Motor Cars Ltd. was put into receivership . . . The Anaheim City CoucU has approved plans for a $150 million Hilton Hotel to be built on a portion of the Anaheim Convention Center parking lot. The hotel is scheduled fo r completion in spring 1984. Fluor Corp. 's board of directors declared a quarterly cash dividend of 20 cents a share on the company's common stock, payable April 19 to holders of record March 22 . . Baker lntematlonal Corp.'s $225 million public offering of 6 percent debentures due March 15, 2002, al a price of 44.415 percent to yield 14.66 percent was announced by Goldman, Sachs & Co., Blyth Eastman Paine Webber Inc and Lehman Brothers Kuhn Loeb Inc. as joint m anagers of fhe underwriting group. ~Tllil ~-------- A doubling of the federal gasoline tas is being proposed by the Transportation Department as a way to finance completion of the interstate highway system, repair roads and bridges and pay for mass transit systems. The tax would rise to the equivalent of 10 cents a galJon . . . A federal judge has cleared the way for Marathon OU Co. shareholders to vote this week on the company's S6 2 billion merger with tJ.S. S&.eel Corp. The United Auto Workers union, acting at the r equest of General Motors Corp., bas tentatively scheduled a ~eting for Friday to discuss emergency contract talks with the nation's top automaker, a union spokesman said. Meanwhile, UAW officals failed to reach agreement on a counteroffer to a proposal by American Motors Corp. for an employee investment plan. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES AMERICAN LEADERS UPS AND DOWNS 1111 .... 1 ... I treyw., Plt•1S .... '4.71• ........... 1 ,, • ., •••• • •••• u . -... ,,.. . .......... ,..., .., ................. . ...... ........ (_._...,.~ ...... '•U.JS.. • """"' 0.. ,.,..,.. NEW VQRl(IAP) Fl!WI Oow.Jone1 •¥Qi 'lor T...o.v. M<lr • $T0Cl(S ~ ".... lAw c-°" lO Ind "3 .. 11619 ,.. IS IOJ.14 + l.l) 10 T rn lll.~ l2S 03 ll 1 67 J10 ... • 11 IS Utl 107 03 IOI.JI 10..SI 107 IO+ OJ:I 41 Sit JI0.77 J17 37 JOI 01 J14."• l.7C ~~~· ~·;~·= Utll1 1:.1''.IOO 141 Stt ll,'6l ,t00 WHAT STOCKS DID Wl<AT AME• OIO I NEW YORI( IAPI ,,,., ' TW\. METALS· T_, U1 .. JOO Ill • , .. NEW YORI( IAPI SSIOI nonferrou• ~<Mlal prlc.n today Tia M.AG7•~11 WMtt <~11e I&. A_.._,, 1 ... n <4"'b • _.,..i, N Y ~.,., ..,,.,,00 pet "'"" ........... '237.CJOtr'O'tOI .• N.Y. CT......,I I ~ I _ .. CID LEFTY. THE CMNGAUNO LYNX lltlayf Nutter nonet• the lltory of • l)'nJt cut> who trtee 10 find hie wr; In the .....,,_._ (POr1 21 --·~fMY ~: _.. ,__..._ (R)c;> '' ~1 C88NEWS ti • ~NEWS I , HAPf'V DAY9 AGA1H 1: , 8 MCNEWI I• 1 • YOUMKEDFOAIT FMIUf'ad: "J..,.,_ Jug- ;. g1er King" end "Brull'1 l l Febuloua Bird•." • M "A"S"H " •r I Father Mulcahy l•kH IJ , , bllrtg paeaed -tor • '/,. • ) promotion phNotophk:ally untll he '-9 of the t~ !f I '1 J ') I edll•~·t ,.,. by • lwo6o~~ I .IOICIR'8 WILD DOC CAVETT au..t: Dt. Robert Colee. (Pw121 ()) P.M. MAGAZINE How to cir.-your mom; • vt.n with the ""'' clllmpen- --roneul. 9 umMANotENT TONC»fT An lntenlew with laobel Sanford. a THE~ Gwet: Connie St- (D) MCME * *.,. "Foxea" (1980) Jodie Footer. 8ely K....-. man. The Ylcllml Of broken ~ and unc::et1ng par- ..... fOUI ~ gltll try • · to IOOthe their emotlonel '..+ • wound8 tlwough dr"OO end Mlll.'R' 'J ' r:ao . a ON THE TOWN .. ti 1 Feel\lrad: • vtalt to the h megnlflcant, hlatQt'Y·ftlled men1lon thel once belonged to comedian Herold Lloyd; spend .,., HAlllL LISTINGS· I• • KNXT ICBS) <O '.; ·1 e KNBC (NBC> (.I) " • KTLA (Ind.) (Hl , 1e KABC IABCI CC) I· e KFMB ICBSI CJ) "· 8 KHJ-TV <Ind.I @ j; eKCST (ABCI tll ,, ftROALI OF COURAGE -Quincy (Jack Klugman) finds new meaninc in lite after counseling young mot.her <Tyne ·Daly) who is dying of cancer. Tonight at lQ on KNBC (4). -*'Cl ., the 8eringar Winery In Nlipe Valley for a gourmet meal IM!Ul'lng food grown entirely In Cell- lomla. I a '-WI&. v fl'EUO LAV... & IHlflUY & °""'*'NIV ~ beglr'8 dating • soon-t~ dlvocoed doo- '°'· • CANC* ~ .. Tiie Stew McOIMen Con- nection" Thie documenta- ry~ on Melllcan cen- oer dlnlca tllet oflat won- det euree lor ~ and the pallente """'° Miik help there. I BULJ.IEYI M"A"l"H FOf' • ,_ deye the 4077th hoa 110 cosueltlea, but wtlWI the llgNlng plcit1 up, "'• bacll to bualnMS u uaual. I (I) TIC TAC OOUO.. MACNE!L I LEHREJI AEPORT • NORMAH AOaCW£ll'8 WORLD: AH AMERICAN~ A not1elglc k>ok Is taken et the late au111•1 Illa, wor1t Ind hometown ol Stock· bfldga, MuaocriuMtta. 9 YOU AIKEO FOR IT Fae1ured: "Dolphin Mogle" •nd "Mt1. Wheelchelr America.'' CID F\.A.8HBAa<; TI4E GMATPLAOUE Etlc Severeld hOsts t111s documentary look ., ..... Spenlah lnlluanu epidem- ic 01 11118, wNch dalmed 20 million Ylc::11ma WOt1d· wide (%)MOW '*** "Cavemen" (19811 Ringo Sterr, Dennie Quaid. The clownlah member ol • barely human ~lorle tribe begin• to dlecover lhel brelna end not ~ wiM be the key to hll pee>.. 1119·1 turvivel. 'PG' a:oo. ()) 8UQ8 llUMIY: ALL-AMEAICAN HERO Animated. Buo• Bunny retel• 1111 own ~ Ing ~ ot AmMc:on lllttory to hi• ,..,._ Ol)lde. (R) a a REAL PEOPt...E FMturad: a~ wno ctalma he can enlerge woman'• br-11; • td>ool IOf' male hula dancwr. • grendmother .mo recee co.ra. (RI • MOVIE • • '* "The Big Sleep" ( 19'681 Hurnphf9Y Bogan, Lauren e.c.11. A retired general Mk• private aye Phlllp Mlt1owe to Investi- gate • awtee of ltrenge _,II ln\IOlvtng hie two d~leta. 8 0 TME GAEA TEST AMERICAN HERO Relph end Ma~I 11£0 lummoned~-an auto· m1tlc ml1111e ayarem goes lleywlre.(R) • F1.W WIL80N • P.M. MAGAZJNE Men'• IHhlon expert On·TV Z·TV H90 (Cinema)} tWORI NY .. N.Y IWTBSi CESPNJ CMl'IM Hfll Gt--tlpt on ...-ing well;•~ " with the llret ~ a.troneul. • MOYIE • • "Vendetta fOf' The S•lnt" ( 1918) Roget MOOf'O, Ian Hendry. An ad-•-end two of his glrllrlenda •II-Pl to deetroy tile MllllL • NAT'IONA&< Qe)G~ 8"C4M. "Polot 8-Alet1" The g<•t wt\lta P<>'er .,_ and • llAenltot>e town'1 etlon.1 lo G0-4Xial will! them .,.. Iha 1Ubjeel1 of a doeu- mentety hOstad by E.G. Merth~ end narrated by JelOn Roberd•. c;> • MOVI£ ••• * "Badlet" (1964) Richard Burton, Peter O'T oole. King Henry II of England d uhee ""'"" Iha Atdlbllflop of Cantetbury during the t2tll oentury. (C)MO'M • * "Loving CGUP'ea" (1980) Sllltley Maclolne, J-Coburn. A MWried couple and • pelt of young ~ •witch p0r1,,.,.. In • game ol lll•tyte Mn'lpllng end romantic reyenge. 'PG' (l)BIZAARE "Elepllent Men Slllg9" fitM<>Vte • * ~ "Biiiy Jlrcil" ( t9711 Tom L1ughlln. Oelorff T•)'IOf Ao ex-Graen Bantt llalf·bfeed Chemplone the COUM ol • freedom 8Chool lor runaways on en Ari- zona Indian r~•tlon. 1:30 8 ()) IUG8 BUNNY IN KJNG ARTHUf"8 COURT Animated. Bugt 11 jOlnec:I by Detty l>.ldl, POtlcy Pig, YOMmltl Sam Ind Elmer fudd In a lpedal b-.c:1 IOONly on the Mwll Twain claNic.(R) • ALL IH THE f'AMIL Y Arenle ant.,. Jo.y In • ~ t>eby conleat and than tu• 1t999 to make .,,. tlwlt he wino. CIDMOY!e ++•''The Longeat Verd" (tll741 But1 Reynolda, Eddie Albert. A IC>m*' pro quartwbeck doing time In • Southern priaon i. g'-> the job, o6ecnlng • gtoup of conw:11 tor a no-holc:I• barred football g•m• ~1heguerd1 (I) LNF-A-THON A c:omeCllen hoet and IOUf comic cont•tenta wllo compate •g•lnll one another ere IMIU<ad In tllla uncensored comaoy gen>e "'°""'· 9:00 8 ()) MOVIE • • • "Fetllet Figura" (19811 Hal Linden, Timothy Hutton. A ~ pat· ent tn. to r....ieblltlh • ral11lonahlp with h.. two aona lo41owlng a 11119-yoer eeparallon. (RI o a ™E FACTS °" LIFE Tootle gall drunk ..m~ trying to prove 8he II metura (RI 8 0 THE FAU. OUY A prolMlionel Hollywood ltuntman moonllgllta • • bell ~ to help make end• ,,_t. (RI 8 81l.LY GRAHAM a.uMDE 1.::0Aff1H :1 ... ICTTV <Ind.I (Jj ( Show11mt. I ** "FunhouM" (198t) EllDbeth Berridge, SyMa Mllea. Fout 1_,·aoer• aipend • lrtgMf\ll night In • comlYel ~ Inhabit· ad by • dlmelrtod bark• and hllmon9ttoueeon. 'R' Cl) WAOCY WOM.D OF .JONATHAN W1NT'!M G.-t: 8ertlare Fe6don . I• ttKCOP·TV (Ind.I e ICCET IPBSI • tl_l!Q£E (l~ps1 .. 'tr. • ;i 111 • • 5'>otltght Ccat>te Nr ws Network ) Use ,,,..... Ai se rvice w hen placing y our ad ... llllJ Pllll 642-5678. ,..,.,_._~--_.. .... ____________ ~ • . 0tMge COllllf ONLY PtLOT/WeduUdl)', M8"'h 10, 1M2 H/,. llll(l)MCMI ... ,. ............. . ,,.,.,-.... ....... .... ...... .......,.,,...._. ~ ......... ~,-~ .,, ................. TUBE· TOPPER! • t. I '- ,..... w lllWdar .. "' ~ _......,. .,.., KABC e 7 : 30 -''The Steve ·McQueen ConnecUon." Documentary on · 1Mexican cancer clinics that oHef' wonder cures. oonoert. 1110. IATCHMO LOUllll ArlNllfonO ,,.,., ... ... P'oON"I ClhOl-lf .... ,,.,.. ... ~--­lllNewO....to ...... ................. ~ "-,...,,,.."' 1970. .... UM.llDNIY ~~tbul!O­lnf eo-co-oo. and • ,_ olutloft .. pMMd ~· Inf clllldNfl "°"' IMrlO t .... (R) (l)MCMI ** "11oQJIQUlh'' (tteo} w... ........ Glollde Jaak-.A*-.,...._ QIWlm "°"' .. .., by on old ...... Ill 40dOil'o ... 1<08 Md IM CIA, whO .,. ~ to ..,...,.,.. lllm lrom .b ..... 11111 "*'IOlra. 'R' *'° acu.cv ~ 111•ed to counMI • "'"~ • pellont who rwa.~.(R) !=·NIWI •• ·~ "The Howling" (1" I) DH Welleoe. Pllrlok Ml!ClnM. A woman• ,..,.,., .. menooed by • 1111ar wno -"' to be • ___.,,'R' .MO'lll ** "Thie .. EMI" (19811 Documontwy. Alm foot.go and drematlo re-uMllonl .,. UMd to tell the ttory ol EMe Ptaeley'• .,. and ~. 10:a01= •••'A "Eyewllneu" (1M11 SigoutlWIY w .. ._, Wllllam Hun. A televlalon repoft• ~ lnvolll'ed with • jonllOt who may k-mot• about • mur- der 1"81 he~ than he .. ~.'R' 10:IO (D) llNG ~ YC>Uf' UFI! u•ee eCIJaat NIWI 8 IAT\MDAY NIOtfT HGM: &d Hanty. 0.-t: 8111 W"hera. D KOJAK Kojok CONliden IMvlng t~ force IOf' a )ob OI ln-tlgetor with • ..,, llfm. • THE JEFRMOH8 • IAHFON>ANOIOH (a> 908 WILCH ANO FNOCle Solo hltl by Bob Welctl - lncludlng "Hypnotized" end "Ebony EyM" -end I reunion with the memt>en of Fleetwood Mac highlight thl• concet1 taped llw at lt>e RoJCy. (%)MOVIE ••'Ai "Roclcahow" (19801 Paul McCartney end Wing&. Thie ~ of the band'• U.S. tour lndudes perlonnanoee of "Jet," "Bend On The Run ... "Siiiy LO't'8 Songe" and -old lleeUe belleds. 'PO' 1t:10• C*:KCAWTT ~ Allen Glnel>erg. (RI 11:IO 8 MOVIE ..... "O... Oetectlw'' (19791 Brenda Vaccaro, Metl OMtt Snyder. A femMe police _.geent become• romanllc•llY ln\IOlwd wtth • collage profeeaor whlle irw9tlgat· Ing tout bizarre murders. (RI 88TONIGKT G.-t hoet· Biii Colby GUMta Joe Wlltlemt. Pri• cllte Bernae. Dr. Joyce BtotlleB. 89 MCNEWI NIGHT\JNE • ALL IH THE FAMILY • LOVE. AMEAICAN 8TY\..E ~~WHm18CAPE • • • • "Animal C<eclc· en" ( 19301 Mwx Brothen, Mergaret Dumont. Captain Speuldlng. the Afrk:an expiOf'e<, ret1Kn& !Tom • l'«*lt expedition to -Mic h avoc et a society matron's weekend party. 'G' (l)MOYll • • ·~ "W'*9 The Butflllo Roam" (19801 8HI Murr•y. Peter Boyle. JournaJl1t Hunter S. Thompeon u- hlt unOf'thOdO• reporting 1acnniqu. to --ot the map polltlCal end eoclel _,,. of the lat• '809 end~ '70.. 'R' 11:M. KCET ..weelAT WITH Cl.En AJOelM I 8 12:00. IHA NA NA au.t•: Jan end o.on: 89 LOYEllOAT KNXT Iii 8: oo: 8: 30 -"Bu1a BUDllY · Specials." Cartoon character relates own verslon of American hJstory and ts joined by friends ln King Arthur's cou~. KCET ft 8 :00 _. "National Geographic Special." Documentary a bout areal white polar bear and a 'town's efforts to co·exist with them. KNXT 9 9:00 -"Father Figure." Mo vie stars Hal Linde n . Timothy Hutton. A PGll'**" Mfl1enda • r..,.,w, ..... wguee with • lo'tolty ~ end • man Nine 1111 glrtlriend'• f ollaftoee OI winning • ~ .,....,,t, (R) • MO¥ll •• "Oww Of The Timber· land" (1MOI Alan Ladd. "--Crain. T~ 1119 ·"'°""O lot tllelr land battle ....... who flew per11lleelol 1 to doer • flit. side, • MOYIE ••• "Casino ~ .. ( IM71 Peter Sellenl, U..- le And,_, J-Bond comae out ot retirement wtlet'I Olkad to llelp stop two underground orgen- lzotlotw lrwoMd In gam- lllng. • LOYI, A..-.cAH ITYl.I ~ ::::'14 WOMAN ***''Modem~·· (19811 Albert Broou, Katnr;n Hartold. A flrn edMOf' ,,,.. rapeetedly 10 • win beck the ._, of the -heio-,'R' .MOYIE * * '* "Ceddyellack" ( 1980) Bill Murray, Rodney Dengerlleld. The dament- ed ground .. k...,_ of • 1w1nky country club wegee war egelnlt the gopheta lnl\al>ltlng Illa turf. 'R' 12:Ge. AlimlCA: THE l8X>t«> cem.JRY 12:16CID~ • •• • "Simon" (19801 Alen Antin, Auatln ~ ton. SdentlaU et • ...,.,... ly mledlrectad ''** I.II!* conoAnce • bumblng c:d- lege pr.._ lha1 lie II an ..... "°"' out• ~· 'PO' .. 12:80 D 8 LATE NIGHT wmt DAW> l..ETTEMtAN Guatll: cartoonlat Jim De"1e, 9'.lthof·Kllllllt Gk>- rla Steinem. • MOV'E * • ·~ "Barbaty eo.t" ( 1935) Joel McCrea. EOwwd 0, Roblneon. Red llgtlta. ~ and boot· Ing reign Ill "Ian Frencleco • In the 1IOOL 1:001 = * * "Stonl9(' ( 1972) AAox Rocco, awi9 Roblneon. A rett'-'4111• ~ • Vlecnolll ,,....,.,., •• ~ al waopot1 ol r-. ~Ind. * * * * ''Shadow Of A Doubt" (19431 T« ... Wrlgllt, JOMph Cotten. When• men comae to~ with hie ..., and her fam- ily ln • emell Weot eo.t town. hie ni-le ~ with the negglng al8pldon lllet lie II ~ the ''Marry Wldow''k ... 1:10• MOYIE ** "Beller'• Hawk" (1978) 8wt '-· Lee...,_ -.1 Montgomery, A bO)' reec~ en •l>andoned hewk and ~ clOM lr1enda with • rnywtwtoue ........,. manwflollallpe NM WM IM l!Wd. 1= "' ....... 19 Md "'9dy'' ( ,..,,. ~ gilt .. to ..,...__ total l\llllllnont. 'R' 1; 11 CC> MOYll * * "FrOlll Noon Tiii ThrN" ( 1977) Cll ...... Bt-. Jiii "6end. A drtfler II l'9CNlled Into • ~'°II r~ gang. 1:ao. llfTMTMNMBn TOMmff An lnlerWlw with l9abel Sanford. . 1:.41·= 1:t11lMCM1 • • • • "Foti Apache, Tiie .,_ .. (1981) Poul New- mM, lei Altrtef. A tough oop bet1tel cr1me and OOf'. ruptjon In New York City'1 8outtl 8'onx neigflbor- '-d. 'A' HO·= ••'At "Thief" (19111 Jetnea Coan, Tueed•y W.S.Apr~cr~ Gt-up hie llld'C*ldenot for • big --tlwlt he hopee .... _,,.. his fOllll- ly'a M\n, 'R' ,.. MCMI * *141 "The Girt Wllo Came Glft~Wreppad" ( 19741 Alcherd Long. Koren Velentlne. A "girlie" megulne publleller .. ~ ., • girl lot .. birthday . 2:211• MCMI • * "Captain China·· ( UM9) Jotwi Payne, Gell ,_..... A ~ Sllp'• cepteln .... ..'OW_ egelnll the man who robbed lllm of oonwnenc:t .. !=. "Befl!lant Mon Singe" a:to 8 '6cMI • • .... "Darby'• Rongere" (1t58) JemH Gerner, Etc:Nke CtlourMu. The tw«* American Rongere go Into oomba1 under IN I 0 iltllp of Cdonail Dar- by In .. lrwMlon of Italy end Nor1fl Africa. (C)l!Dlll ''The .... Of St T.-. _ .. CZl ltllOV9. ...... ........_ .. (1t18) FtrfO Duf-r, w..n Holden. An ... ...... lion_ ..... ,._ ·--..Ylllpplrle bocomee • renting propflet of Illa..,_ lpllfNd on by • crafty ...,.. pro- t:ao ~;::v~-Of' .JONATHAN wwra. ~ 8ertlere Feldon. a:ll®MOVIE * * ** "The Stunt Mon" (1980) PatM O'Toola, S1-~. Wanted by ltle pOlkle, • dlalurbed Vietnam ,,...on llnda en _.. ,_, on • '"°* aet --.. ·• World Ww I ~ II bllrtg lllmed. 'R' '!OO(l)~THON A comodlon hoot and lour comic contaetonll wllo JOHN DARLING IN HONOR OF C~NP'f46 U6T OAYWITHOUR SHOW,1MADE HERA LITTLE C>.KE.! ~ ! ? BANKRUPTCY Ll9UIDATIOM SALE By Order of the U.S. Bankruptcy Court Case # SA 82-00334 THE CLOTHES RACK 227 E. 17th Street. Costa Mesa Beginning Friday March 12th. 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Sundays 12:00 noon to 5:00 p.m. MEN'S and WOMEN'S CLOTHING 1/J OFF ALL MERCHANDISE Men's S111eks. Shirts, Levts: Women'• Blouset. Tank Tops, Slacks. Levis; Long Sleeve Velour Shlrta: (200) Shirts In Extra Tall Sizes; Cowboy Boots; Sp0rt Coats; AocellOries. Al s-. CASH. M•ltr C ..... VIM ONL YI nSlleeTu S... Under tM Su~lion ot: OSTRIN & OSTRIN CO. 9889 Slnta Monica 8~. B~ Ht"8. CA 90212 (213) 271-0414 ""'' 9'~ .,.iMI Ofle ............... 111 .. ·---~.,.,.. .... .... ..... . ..,. .. AdwotM_ Of Jefte" ( ttlO) MlotlMI ............ O' .... A •• , ••• fl •"•'•CtOt ..... .... In. ... .., ... ,.~""° ...... " (IHI) 0.. Wallaoo, ,.__..___A.,._. .... .. ___.~. ~-----IOllO • ............ dO Cl) MCMI •• "tlcp11Mdl" (IMO) ..... ......,, o.anda Jadlaon, A fofmer .,,.... fOltOeagorillellid9ll~M o6ct ...... In dodOlflo .. KGa Md .,. ~ wno .,.. ..,.,. to sw-'*" from Pl U '*If Ille rtierftOlrL 'R' .MCMI * * *°" "Menllottan" ( tt1t) Wooot Alen, ~ ic.otl. A ,._ Yortl Clly oomedy Mttat .,,... \If> """ 11111 long-time glri-trt.nd to ~ wound on lnlOllec:tuolty vepkl ...... oger.'R' TltMr•d•t1'• Dat1t l•eo Moeleo• 7:;IO(i) ***''The WOttd'a ~A ....... (1973) Jofln Amoe. Jan..Mlc:hMI V"-'t. A ooacfl wno II hfttng • run of bed luck r«uma to hie roots In Afri.. ._ and dlacoYer9 • ~ MNela.'G' 1'41(%) ***IA "Monty ~ And The HOiy Grall" ( 19741 Grollorn ~. JoM a-. KMo Al1hur Ind .... bend of knlgllle enco..tnter glente. rtddler'I and • •o- due rabbit In 1tlOlr MW'Cfl lor the leOllndWY ciup. l::IO ..... ''Magro Non TfOPpO" (1971) ~. Liie In the mootMe ... Nlirliied. 'PG' 9:11 CZJ "Coolp D'E\al" t:10 8 • * "PllNdlM Cen- yon" ( 1935) Jofln Wayne, Mwton &ume. A federal egenl tredl1 doMI • geng of oountartelWI Q9Wetlng • llCwlg the MeJdcan border • CC) ••• "The a.her Sida Of Tiie Mounteln -POrl 11" ( 1971) Mwtl)'n HMMtt, Timottly lot1oms. Fenn. ~ .... Jiii Klr>- 11\0nt, randerad • ~ pleglc by • tragic accident. .,...... wltll sett-dOubt wneri • new ._ enten her Ille. 10;00 CID •,.. "Ollert1e a-. And The ew.. Ot Tiie Or9QOtl Queen" (198tl Peter Ultl· nov. Rlch.wd Hatch.~ Chan .. aided by his bum-• bllng gtandaon In eoNlng • ltr1ng of lllUtdeta. 'PG' (J) .... "The Aaptlalt Jungle" (1950) Starting Heyden, "-Wllltmota. The pOlkle -baffled by • crlml .. al melletmlnd'1 hell~ robbery. 11:00. * * ._. "My WtMct1 Wey You Con" (19801 Clint Eutwood, Sondf• Loci<•. Betof• aetttlng down with his girt and pet orengu1on, • bor9-fleted fight• ~ up for -... t. luct'etlw mateh. 'PO' 11:0I CZl •••• "Netwoti<" (1171) ftrfO eur-y, w.. llem H'*'9n. An ag1t1g I .... \llelot'I -""-r•l· lnge -•eedlly allpplng booon'lee • ran1lng propflet of Iha..,__ ._.,ec:1 on by • er.tty tem8le pro- i!:._emming execu!M. 11:IO (CJ ** "The Attic" ( t9711) Come SnocSot-. Ray Mii- iand. A Nbferlon ll¥M In the poet with lier rnemorlee of • low ""'° dluppeered. 'R' CID • • 'h "The cat And The Canary" (19781 HonOt ~ ........ ---. ...... ............... .. -~--., . ~ ............. tlllt8 * *141 .. ,.,_.. .. (MNI CliO YOUftt, "'-' .....,., .__ ...... NIN .. ~of•rodeo­ boy. • •• ''YOUftt~ Yount" (1 .. 1 ""9t1 ......_ ...... ~ .......... OOfl Ill ...... ~ _.,.. OOfllm out .......... ••••"Tlle~AN Tiie .......... (11N) Wt. 110111 Holden, 0.botoll Karr. Pr006eMe.,... '"'*' • yolMll -'dOW ,.. In ._ wltft • ....,.,,. (I) •• .,. ''E.ecape ,rom AIOetru" ( 19781 Cllflt l!Htwood, Petrlok, MoOootlen. A twdoned OOIWtet "*'• ...., ... .. to ..... out of !fie ~ ptteofl. 'PO' t•(C) *** "Ceodle''(1N11 Holen MorM, ~ Thom9- ton. A yovng women ._ "°' cotnlottoble eubufban hofM and tw cruel hulbond, determined to toke lull reeponall*ty IOf' eupponlng her olllldren by doing ~ odd ~lfleoanget. CID • • °" "lclf*uc" pee 11 ,,... ~ L.aeley- Mne DoMI. A NlHeee bid "*11et ondqultlee Mt ~ to lloC> on ~ from dleoo\l- ertng the~ota ~statue IN - penNtted to vtew. 'PO' •••• "Tiie Electric ~ .. (19791 RoOet1 Rodtord. J-Fonda. A l,M Vagu oowt>oy lteoll I • 12 mlll6on tlloroughl>Nd hOf'M to -him from hie up!Oltetflloe c>wnlWS. 'PG' 1:11(%) **'Ai "The Poelman Alwey1 Rlnga Twice" (1981) Jecti NlchOlaon, Jeeelca Lllnge. A young woman and ._ lovw plot to murdet ._ ~. 'R' ~ D •*'A "Earth II" (197 ti Tony Ft1ncloH, Gery Loollwood. The llrat manned apace lletlon --... lllb0te10f'Y and • hOma lor 2000 people. • **'A "The LOiied Ono" (1H51 Rober1 MorM, Anjanette Comer. The ~ofl~Hol­ t)'WOOd lllr Incurs - debll and h••d•ch•• when It ~ time 10 malt• the lunetel .,,.,... menu l:20 CZl * * • "Allegro Hon Troppo" (19781 Anlmotad. Ufe In the mecHne ega II Mtlf'INd. 'PG' 4:00 CC> * • "AdYOfltur• Of PtnoccNo" (19791 Anltn•t· ed. The dMalc lille of Iha poor old woodcull• Gep- petto Ind Iha puppet he brought to llfe la retold. 'G' (I) * * * "The Wond'I a,....., Athlete" (1973) JoM Amoa. Jan-Mldloel Vlncont. A coed\ who II ~ • run Of bed lldt tetur'IW to his roou In Afri- ca and ~ • ~ MhllMe. 'G' 4:11 CZJ ''Coup D'Etet" .. CC> • *. "Oh Godt 8ook "" (19801 a-go Butna, ~ PlelMne. God return• to Eertll and dlOOOee the young deugll- .. of on ~•'Cl exae- uttw to IPf'Md his -.. to the wor1d. ·pa· CID • * "Smuggler'• Ccwe" { 1979) FOUi 1-. egetS jWOClldng on their -11>owda llumb6e Into en exciting oo-mK• on on Auotrllllon beedl. ........ "8edkno0e And Btoometlm1" (19711 Angela Lanal>ufy. Oolltd Tomllneon. 0unng Wond Ww II, a n4Wlce ~ al'l'd hM thtM young 1nancs1 ae1 on tor • magic llland where .... Intend• to learn enough abcMl1 , wildlcteft lo UM It against the Nada. 'G' by Annstrong & Batiuk .... &: candmnge...._ ·--·--·----· I .. weoNESOAY, MARCH 10, 1912 lllTllBTll lllCI If 1111111 VllllY CAVALCADE 82 SPORTS BS SMOOTH RIDE Two surfers sUde right on a well-formed wave just west of the Huntington Beach City P ie r. Glassy s urface with u.y ~ ,,__.., •ic .... a- 2·l0-4·fOOt waves drew enthusiasts to the beach Tuesday. Ocean View to change system Sclwol's layoffs to erase 'variable credits' By PATRICK KENNEDY Of ttM Dally ~Itel Sutt The innov a t ive go-at-your-own-pace system of learning at Ocean View High School in Huntington Beach will be discarded next September after six. years of controversy. School principal George Bloch s ays the "variable c r edit" system is being erased largely because most of the school's original teachers have been laid oft in lbe past ~wo years and their rf?place ment s favor traditiontl grading. . Bloch, hired last year by, the Huntington Beach Union High School District , s ays he also favors "structured grading" instead of the "open-ended" self-paced system of variable credlt. Because of the layoffs caused by declining enrollment and budget cuts, the variable credit system ·at Ocean View was reduced last year to Include only 40 perc!ent or the school's classes, Bloch said. He says major subjects of mathematics, social studies and English now are all on a ~ixed, traditional grading system. Next September, he says all classes will be. .. It wasn't that the philosophv failed , ' said Brian Lake, school boa rd president. "But without the suppoP, of the entire staff it wasn't a viable option any longer." Superintendent Frank "Jake" Abbott agrees that the program can't work without teacher support. But he endorses the variable credit philosophy because he says it maltes a student "accountable" to learn, a l his own pace. all course material. He says most parents of Ocean View students also have supported the system. H.1wever, since its inception in 1976, the variable credit system also has been attacked as a failure by various parents, teachers and dissenting school board members. They have complained that s tudents fall behind in the self-p:iced system and are denied proper education. Former school board trustee Doris Allen was the major • Candidaletf' /OIUlrla alated Three forums have been scheduled featuring 18 candidates for Huntlngton Beach City Council. The first candidate forum ls set for tonight at 7:30 p.m. at Ocean v•ew Hilh School auditorium, located off Warner Avenue and Got.hard Street. The next rorum ia Mattb 31 at 7:30 p.m. at HunUDitoo Beach City Cou n cil Chambers and the third forum is April 1, 7:30 p.m. at Huntington Beach Hlah So-hoot. The American Aaaociation of Univenity Women, the Lea1ue of Women Voten and the Huntington Union Council PU are sponsorln1 the fo .. ms tb1i Wednesday and on April 1. opponent of the Ocean View system and says she's "verv pleased" to see the school turn to traditional grading. "1 think the statistics indicate that many students fall behind at Ocean View and can only make up credits by taking a battery of tests to make up a year's worth of credits in a few weeks," Mrs. Allen says. "The syste m hasn't been working." District statistics released last year indicated that Ocean View had 5 perc en t more non-graduating seniors than the district average, a 14 percent absentee average compared with a district absentee average of 11 percent, and twice as many students seeking transfers than any other school in the district. The difference between the variable credit and traditional grading can be illµstrated by u si ng a hypd'thelical mathematics class. In a variable credit system, the course could be divided into three sections : multiplication, division and fractions. A student would be required to pass each section to receive full class credit. If a stude nt pa ssed multiplication and division but failed fractions, he would only get two-thirdA credit for the class and would be required to retake the fractions section. In traditional grading, a student In the same position would have bis three section 1rades averaged and could get full credit for the mathematics class even though be (ailed to learn the fractions section. The variable credit syatem allows students to take and retake tests at their own pace, whereas traditional Jcbools usually h,ave all classroom students takinl the same tesb at the same time. Prlnclpal Bloch recommended on March 1 that the program be elJminaled. "I feel structure ls needed in education today," Bloch says. "We'll still have llidlvidual lnstructlon wltb ltldt koowtnc where they be1on1 and i.acben bQldln, them accountable to ( learn.' . For-;Jane Fonda, working unth Dad in ''On Golden Pond'' ~ ner~·toraeking, but worlhWhile. See P.age 83. V a~ey campaign 'light' Cand:idates for council keeping expense& down By PHIL SNBIDEBMAN °' .. .,..., ......... Evidence or a low-key campai1n ror three Fountain· Valley City Council seats can be s een in the most recent carnpai10 finance statements med by the candidates. Of the 10 people competing for the council seats in the April 13 election, only four reported amassing more than Sl,000 for their campaign. The financial reports, filed last week with the city clerk, covered the period ending Feb. 27. F ormer Fountain Valley School District trustee Betty MignaneUi reported that she has raised $2,087 in her campaign, plu s a n o n -m o netar y contribution valued at $55.74 . She has spent $1 ,641.51. For the period from Jan. 1 through Feb. 27, Mrs. Mignanelli said sbe•received no Individual contributions over $100. She' said she received non-itemized donatlQns of less than $50 totallna Sl,S45 durin1 this period. Contrlbuliona or $50 to '10 to Mrs. Ml1nanelli 's campal1n include Fountain Valley School District truatee Suzanne Moore, Fountain Valley. Councilman Eugene \fan Dask,. teacher Peter Burwell and Mrs.· Roser Hamerlinck. Mn. lllgnanelli loaned Sl ,000 to her own campaign, a sum that has been repaid. Mayor Ben Nielsen reported he has received contributions Only four reported more than $1 ,000. totaling $1 ,445 and has loaned his own campaign $C&C. He said he bas spent $600. Nielsen reported a $125 donation from Ralphs Grocery Funeral rites held for Sally Farquhar A funeral service was to be held today for Sally Ann Farquhar. a longtime Huntington Beach resident who was active in community organizations . She die d Saturday at Hoag Memorial Hospital at age 64. A native of Northern California, Mrs. Farquhar attended UC Berkeley. She moved to Huntington Beach in 1937. She was a past president of the Assistance Lea«iue of Huntington Beach and worked in its Thrift Shop. She also volunteered at ~everal area hospitals. She is s ur vived by her children, James. A. Farquhar of Walnut Creek, Calif., George R. Farquhar or Marina del Rey, Annette I. Faust of Blue Jay, Cali.f., and John C. Farquhar of San Francisco; and eight grandchildren. Burial was planned at Good Shepherd Cemetery i n Huntington Beach. Thanks, Mrs. B.; keep spoiling me BY NORA LEHMAN • .. °""' ...... IUff • WRITER TO WRITER: Or should it be columnist to columnist? In any case, Janie Berls, who has done more than her share turning out columns has done the kind of thing I always mean to do. She's dropped a note to say something nice when the written word has appealed to her. She dropped two notes this week. She's spoiling me.· It's going to be a te rrible seven-day period if I don't get something from Mrs . B. I'll feel I've failed miserably. l do thank you, Mrs. B. however, and I'll try to keep my lip from quiver!ng if ... well, you know; BEIUND THE SCENES: South Coast Rep does a magnificent job in the scenic designing field. Those sets knock your eye out. It might be fun for those or you who haven't done it yet to take a backstage tour and see the theater's scenery shops . You'll also see the Mainstage and Second Stage theaters, as well a s the light and sound control booths., • B~U~NQ UP -Mary McLeod Dooley works on her prize winner, "Charge." These tours are conducted every Thursday between 10 a .m . and noon, or if that doesn't fit into your schedule, make your own arrangements with Paula Bond or Michael Bigelow Dixon. If you're the type who started asking "how'' and "why" at an early a~e and never. gave it up, you'll enjoy this. J_.t call 957-2802. "CHARGE": That's the name of the Chinese Brush Painting that won Balboan Mary McLeod Dooley a blue ribbon at Los Angeles' California MU!eum or Science and Industry Show. Focused on American Artists of Chinese Brush Painting, three of her works were chosen for exhibition. The show conUnues through March 21. If you miss this particular show, however, you can catch a glimpse of Ms. Dooley's work at Lapna's Sandston! <?allery. Co mpany of Loa An1eles. Contributors who 1ave $100 each to Nielsen's campai1n Include Three Star Nunery of Fountain Valley, Bendall Exxon Station of Fountain Valley, Newport Beach businessman Isadore Myers, and L . Clyde Wampler, a Fountain Vall\)' property manager. " Nielsen said his non-itemized donations of less than $100 totaled '820. Gem businessm an Dao Morton reported be has raised $615 and has loaned his own campaien $700. He said be bas spent Sl.184.51. Morton said be received $250 from Sylvia Sarvas, the candidate's mother-in-law. Also, Morton said he received $100 from Stan Tkaczyk of Rainbow Disposal, which has the city's trash pickup contract. Non-itemized donations of less than $100 to Morton's campaip totaled $265. The candidate aald he ralaed $295 during a Nov. 29, 1981 fund-raiser. Fred Voss. a Fountain Valley planning commissioner who works for the County of Orange, reported that he has collected $1,062.25 , plus $355.90 in • non-monetary contributions. He als o has loaned his own · campaign $1,000. Voss said he has s pent $1,913.SS. He reported donations of $100 each from the following: Fountain Valley investor Daniel Auda, Isadore Myers, Three Star Nursery, Rainbow Disposal and L. Clyde Wampler. Since Jan. 1, his donations of less than $100 have totaled $269. Former City Manager James Neal said he has loaned his own campai1n $850 and has spent $348.29. He reporled no olher contributors. Teacher Linda Moulton reported contri buttons totaling $379. She sajd she has loaned her own campairn $250. She said she has spent $362. She reported donations of $75 from financial analyst Ronald Marcus, a Huntincton Beach Union High School District trustee, and $100 from William H. ferans, identified as the city manager of Norwalk. Former Fountain Valley police chief Charles W. "Mike" Michae lis reported he has loaned his own campaicn tlOO and has s pent $286.10. He reported no other donors. The remaining three candidates filed forms designed for those who have neither collected nor s pent more than $500. These candidates listed no donors or expenditures. They ar e truck business manager Roy Rodgers, cookie shop owner James Creighton and teacher Kenneth C. Holland Sills ready to announce IW candidacy Irvine Mayor David Silla is expected to announce his official candidacy Thursday in the June 8 election for the Republican nomination to the 69th State Assembly District. The seat currently is held by Nolan Frizzelle, a Republican incumbent from Huntington Beach who aMounced last week that he will seek re·election. Sills has said a shirt in the district (it used to be ltoown as the 73rd District) caused by reapportionment gives him a good a c hance to outpoll Frizzelle. The district now includes Irvine, Costa Mesa, Fountain Valley and about hal(. of Huntineton Beach. Sills has called a press confen!ftce at 10 a.m. ThW'1day at the Ora.nee County Hall of Administration. At Tuesday's city council meetln1. he was solicitln1 st1natur es rrom political allies for nomination papers for the race. Coutal wetlands ~uaalon tonight Ralplla Piaapla, fleld aupervilor tor U.. U.S. Pillb * Wildlife Service, ii teMdaled ·t6 P.resent a ftl1n and ~ ta. 't\ldden valu .. •• of eoutal> well ... toallbt at Ra......, Beaeb Qty Hall. Pllalli• allo .. teliled..... to dlae~ eft'ortl to r. .. m lbe Bolla Cb'ea wet and• llear Hunttaatoa e.aelll. TM 7:• .. ID. preMBtatioo II 1pomond bf' d9e Aml101 de loha C9'lea environmental 81'0QP. UCl'S ALL-AMERICAN -Kevin Magee. who has led UC Irvine to a 39-16 record in two yea rs, h as b een n a m e d fir st t ea m All -America by Associated Press tor the DellY Nl4 ~ ... ~ ·- second year in a row. Magee, as he was last year . is a mong the na tional leaders in scoring (25.4 ). shooting < .638 percentage> and rebounding < 12.4 >. Lakers do it withorit the big guy JablxLr kicked out, but Kansas City still no match I NGLEWOOD (AP> -Kareem Abdul- Jabbar wasn't around to contribute in the final 13:56 of play, but that didn't prevent the Los Angeles Lakers from snapping their three-game losing streak. · Abdul-Jabbar drew a pair of technical fouls 13 seconds apart late in the third quarter of the Lakers' 105-99 National Basketball Association victory over the Kansas City Kings Tuesday night. "I TIDNK THE GAME got oul of hand," said Los Angeles Coach Pat Riley. who was also bit with a technical foul . ''He gets called for picky fouls." Abdul-Jabbar had to be restrained by four of his teammates after r eceiving bis second technical, which calls for automatic ejection, with 1: 56 remaining in the third period. The Los Angeles center threw his goggles, prompting the second technical. "This was a passionate game," said Riley. "We came ready to play. Our guys were stung by the three-game losing streak." The Kings had a different point of view as far as. the officiating of Ed Middleton and J oe Crawford was concerned. "I did not gel a chance to get rough because Kareem was getting his way," said Kansas City center Steve Johnson. "If the referees won't let you put your body on him, he'll go for SO points every night." Kansas City Coach Cotton Fitzsimmons agreed. "Even though he lAbdul-J abbar> got two (technical fouls), everything went their way," he said. "Let's face it, they got everything." Earvin "Magic" Johnson led the Lakers with 27 points and nine rebounds. Johnson scored 14 of his points in the third quarter when Los Angeles, 42-20, went ahead to stay. "Magic was superb," said Riley. "He made big play after big play. Once they got close it became a war.·· Jamaal Wilkes and Norm Nixon added 18 and 17 points , r espectively, for Los Angeles . Abdul-Jabbar had 16 points before being ejected. Kurt Rambis' contributed 10 points and a game-high 12 rebounds for the Lakers, who oulrebowided the Kings 49·35. THE I.AKERS LED MOST of the way. They held a 10-point lead late in the second quarter before the Kings tallied the final eight points before halftime to narrow the gap to two points, 51-49. Kansas City scored the first four points of the third period to take a 53-51 lead, but shortly later, the Lakers ratUed off 13 straight points to grab a 70-57 advantage. After falling behind 70-57, the Kings narrowed the gap to 77-71 late in the third quarter, but Los Angeles tallied the next five points to go ahead by 11. Kansas City didn't threaten seriously in tile fourth quarter. Mike Woodson and Phil Ford led a balanced attack for Kansas City, which fell to 21-42, with 14 points each. Ernie GrUnfeld added 12 points for the Kings. Reserve Kenny Dennard pulled down a team-leading 11 rebounds for the losers. . Orange Cout DAILY PILOT /Wednffday, Maroh 10, 1982 H/F .. Ma·gee-a-slio~-in UC Irvine star. a two-time All-American By JOHN 8EVANO °' ................. Exactly one year a10 today, t.he basketball writera of America made a 1tartlln1 announcement when they named UC Irvine's Kevin Ya1ee to Associated Prest' All·America flrat team. Thia afternoon, those Hme writen made the 1$am~ ldenUcal announcement, only tbls Ume it came u no 1urprlae. . Macee. for the second year ln a row, bu been honored as an All-American .. Jolnln1 the 6·8, 227 -pound postman on the first squad are Virginia's Ralph Sampson, De Paul's Terry Cummings, Geor1etown's Eric Floyd and San Francisco's Qulntln Dailey. The only other West Coast Player to make any of the three teams lB Ore1on State aenJor Lester Conner. Among the honorable mentions: USC's Dwicht Anderson, Pepperdine's Boot Bond, UCLA 's Kenny Fields, Fresno State's Rod Hiecins, Cal Stale Fullerton's Leon Wood and UCLA's Mike Sanders. MAGEE'S STATISTICS are almost a mirrored refiection of last year's. In 1980..Sl, his numbers r ead: 27.3 average cranking him third in the natiof1)1 _ 67.l from the field (second) and 12.5 rebouoas a game (fourth). this year they're 25.4 (ranking him third), 63.8 (fourth) •nd 12.4 (fifth >. respectively. "l think it's amazing his stats are almost the same as last year." says UCI Coach Bill Mulligan. ''He's been able to do that and yet he's been double-teamed almost every game this year. "Last year be hat! single covera·ge until the ( PCAA) tournament. This year he's been doubled about 20 games (out of 28). ln that respect I think he's improved because or the defenses he's seen." Magee, unlike last year, wasn't surprised by his-selection -but he was just as appreciative. "TIDS IS A GREAT achievement in making it for the second year in a row,'' says Magee modesUy. "It wasn't one of my goals, but I figured if I played good, and we won, I'd be on it again because of last year. "I had a pretty good year," he adds. "We won more games than any other team ever did at UCL" Magee admits that the pressure this seasoo was enormous, and he was surprised he was able to keep up with his numbers of last season. "The pressure was tremendous," he says. "With everybody always trying to double or triple-team me it was hard to keep my composure. ln that respect, it's been a really rough year. All I tried to do was maintain control and get through the year. I think I did that." Mulligan laughs when asked what he thought o ( Magee the first time he met him four years ago. "I THOUGHT HE WAS A BIG, Cal guy who would never get in shape," says Mulligan, who was then head coach at Saddleback College. "He picked the right school, though, because we gave READING ALL ABOUT IT -UC Irvine's Kevin Magee takes a moment to read about his selection last year to Associated Press' him the baJI. You rarely 1et a player Uke that and it would nave been a sin to have a player like Magee and not go to him." ''l think what turned It around for me was the confidence coach showed when I didn't have any confidence in myself," says the senior, who visited three other colleges before settling on Saddleback (and eventually UC Irvine). "With that confidence, I started believing I could do some or those things." Associated Press joins a Jong list of groups who have honored Magee recently. He was a first-team selection by t he United States Basketball Writers Association, a nd a second-team choice by Basketball Weekly, United Press International and Sporting News He was also named Al l-PCAA and was picked as the conference's Player of the Year. • ALL TIUS, AND MAGEE SAYS there were still some goals unfulfilled. "Winning the conference and going to the NCAA 's, I wanted to do that before I ended my career , but that didn't happen," he says. "Now I would like to go in the first round of the NBA draft and win the NIT tournament. Those are the last two goals I have." As for the jump from college to the pros, Ma gee says he's ready to handle It. "I guess everybody has got to prove himself," he says, "no matter what kind of player he was in college "I won 't be nervous, I'll just go out there and do whatever the coach tells me to do. In college I had to do everything. In the pros I'll prebably have a role. Whatever it is, I'm willing to do it. All I want t.o do is win.·· First Team Player, school Ralph Sampson, Virginia Kevin Magee, UC lrvl.De Terry Cummings, OePaul Eric F1oyd. Georgetown Quintin Daily, San Francisco Second Team Keith Lee. Memphis State Dale Ellis, Tennessee J ames Worthy, North Carolina Lester Conner, Oregon State Ter ry Teagle, Baylor Third Team t>ominque Wilkins, Georgia Paul Pressney, Tulsa Ricky Frazier , Missouri Ricky Pierce, Ri ce Dan CaJlandrillo, Seton Hall Ht. Cl. 7-4 Jr. 6·8 Sr. 6-9 Jr. 6·3 Sr. 6-3 Jr. 6-10 Fr. 6-7 Jr. 6-9 Jr. 6-4 Sr. 6-5 Sr. 6-7 Jr. 6-5 Sr. 6·6 Sr. 6·5 Sr. 6·2 Sr. All-American first team . The same honor was awarded to him by the basketball writers across the country tod ay. Nicholls makes scoring debut DENVElt (AP) -Rookie Bernie Nicholls was not used to being left out of the statistics in the American Hockey League, so be naturally felt his first major-league goals were slow in coming. Will owners become minority stockholders? But Nicholls bad to be satlafied when be got on the scoreboard Tuesday niCht, nine games aft.er bis National Hockey League debut. His two goals were the only ones scored as the Los Angeles Kings blanked the Colorado Rockies 2-0. ··Earlier 1 bad SOQ)e otber chances, but 1 jwst didn't put it in the net," Nicholls aaid. "Tonight I got a couple and buried them. Aller seven or eight games I was due. 1t was about time. That was the longest I've ever been without scoring. "I HAD TO GET THAT FlaST ONE. fiow they should com~ easier." Nicholls, who was the leading scorer (41) in the AHL with New Haven before belnl called up, opened the scoring on a abort-banded coal after 5: 35 and then came back leu than two minutes later with a short abot from the ri1bt aide. Los Angeles Coach Don Perry bad special praise for 1oa1Je Marlo Lensanl, who entered the game with a 4.57 1oal1-a1alnst avera1e, but stopped all 18 abota the Rockies threw at bha. Lessanl'• tint shutout of the seuon wu helped ft>ur times when Color1do'1 shot bJt the post. 1·11ano bad a sreat 1ame," Perry aaid, "and it'• be9D a lonl Ume since be had a win. Tbe penalty killen did Just a peat Job too." Loi Ant .... turned Net the Rocklel OG lix p0wer plays. Tbe victory wa u important OM for LA, wldC!ll bu beeD llaJIDI jult •ad ol Coloredo in tM nee for tbe ftul plaYOllf tPOt ID tM Sm1tbe Dl•ilbL. • ( NFL players using Carbo-Palermo type muscle in seeking -partner.ship In the earlier and more storied days of pugilism, the owner of a box fighter obtained a partner in a rather unique manner. Representatives of such firms as those of Frankie Carbo and Blinkey Palermo simply walked in and told the fight manager be bad juat assigned SO percent of bis warrior. This was generally an offer a guy could hardly refuse lest be found himself enterinc the water wearinc a cement overcoat. The fight game, presumably, bu entered a more dignified era and there is far leas violence and hostility -ln and out of the rin1. ANYWAY, YOU NOTE some aimllarlty to the old system in this day and a1e ol profeuJonal football. The owners of the Natlaaal Football Lea1u.e are screamln1 bloody murder tbat the NFL players asaoclaUon ls ap=• aometh1n1 resembliag muscle in aaklnl to me a partner in the overall operation of the putime. No pilten, the players have .. ked for $5 percent of the groaa revenue whlcb would lmmedJately reduce the owners to minority stoekholden. . Tbe NFL propriet.on, of coW'M, are relueumt to endone any 1acla arr111Pmeat. ID faet, tbe owners are downrlll'* ... _. about It. nMcUoD and IDdlcat• tbat Ute matter of t.be pla,.. parUdpaliftl la UM proftta ii not enn nqatiable. , SPORTS COLUMNIST BUD TUCKER It should be noted ln paalnl that the players are interested only In the Jl"OIS revenue and profita. They are not in the leut interested in partlcipatln1 in any tones. THE &EVENUE SHA&ING proposal bas replaced free 11entry as the main lalue in the h_a11lin1 over a new workinl aareement between labor and mana1ement. M lt DOW 1tandl, DO 1 imp0rtant Nn. player b .. become a free a1e11t and cbaqed clubl after neaotJ•tinl bla own deal. Thll La in 1triklD1 cont.rut to, say, bueball where the money nows quite Uk• pUMlt DOlr. The bottom line, quite olMoully ti tbat tbere wlll be no profeuloaal football in ti.e autumn of lH2 unleu aom• out•taadlDI and ftaaby ne10Ualin1 ii acco111pU1bed ln the lllUMdlate · fUtun. Golnc ln, tbia oWHn w1D reJeet U. playen' rennue plan as totall1 ablurd. 11.......,...t •W allo loolE n the mod1fted free .,_t propou.1 - wbltb· ealll fOt a player With u.n. 7ean Nli"L ... experience to become an automatic free ageDl - and tell the rank and file to get lost .. ASK AN OWNER how he views the possibility or an agreement which would avoid a strike and be will not paint an optimistic portrait of tbe situation. _ Says Al Davis of the Oakland Raiders, "lt la not even close." Neither will a player put forth much hope. "You can get ready for a strike," says Dou1 France of the Los Angeles Ra.ms, "because there won't be any serious necotiatinc. Thia is because the (the owners) don't want to nelotiate." Davis and France are ukecf about the bitter lesson teamed by baseball from ita unfortunate strike or 1981 and bOtb reply that "they." meanl.q the other side, are totally unreuonable. AN INTERESTING POINT ls that the pl~en association la aerlously divided on the competenee of it.a executive director Ed Garvey. There are those wbo have not let Garvey ott the book for 1crewin1 up the free aaent matter wbea the last five-year *'reement wu alped in tm. Beyond all of UU, we will DOW tMpl = aipa ol bow the ablleft ol .............. will affect our eocieQ. I\ ii *ioal • ......, aa11lq eeonomy wtJr be tanu.ae..s ...__. u the estimatea ot the allMMIMI ~ • Nn.,. 1amea Jut aeuon reach Into the . I • . I • I I I a . -H IF Attorneys seek end to NFL-Coliseum suit From AP dl•Patchea LOS ANGEL~S -Attorneys tor m the National Foo(ball League and the f • Los Angeles Coliseum Commission have met to explore the possibiUties of settling a suit aimed at putting an NFL team back ln Los Angeles, NFL Commissioner Pete Rozelle said Tuesday night. "But there is nQ deal and there ls nothing close," Rozelle said at his home in suburban New York. • 11 ·'There was a meeting within the last few days lo explore settlement possibilities," a high-placed Coliseum Commission source told The Associated Press. "Al this time, we have not received the details of those discussions and no ~etUement has been..made. We ue current~y continuing preparations to go to lrlal on March 15." A Los Ange les sportscaster said that the NFL and the Coliseum Commission were on the ver ge of an agreement which would put an NFL expansion team in the city under lhe possible ownership of Cleveland Browns owner Art Modell. Jim H ealy or KLAC quoted what he desc:ribed as a very reliable source close to the L.A. Coliseum Commission as saying there was ''a 70-30 chance of such a settlement within a few days." Quote of ·the day Wilt Chamberlain." renechng on lhe night of Marc h 2, 1962, when as a Philadelphi a Warrior. he scor ed an unbelievable 100 points in a 169·147 victory over New York: "Twenty years? I didn't realize 1 was getting that old. Frankly, I didn't even know the anniversary was coming up until you fellows mentioned it." Finding a bed for 7-8 star difficult KANSAS CITY !.. At 7·8, George m Bell stands put.· But Coach Howard Lyon knows it's lying down that creates problems for the reserve ce(ll e r on his Biota University basketball team. A local hotel had a tall order to fill when Biola traveled from California to begin play in the 45th NA IA tournam ent. Hote l beds don't measure up to the 8-foot by 5-foot mattress Bell -s1e~on· st·horne. · ·'Whal we're doing is putting him in a ki.ng with double bed laid lengthwise al the bottom," explained Barry Hoehn, sales director for the Radisson Muehlebach Hotel. PREPS GO CHICKEN The San Diego Chicken is getting around. on the prep level. He'll be at Blair Field in Long Beach Friday night when the Moore League gels unde r way with a double-header. pitting LB Wilson agains t Jordan al 5, followe~ by Lakewood and LB P oly at 1 Brave hurlers extend scoreless streak Three Atlanta hurlers extended ii the Braves string of scoreless pitching lo 34 lnrungs and the National League team scored an unearned run in the top of the ninth to edge Baltimore, l ·O, in exhibition baseball Tues d ay . Phil Niekro, Barry McWllllams and Rick Matula pitched the Braves to their fourth straight win . . . Camey Lauford s ingled in two runs to s park a six-run fourth inning rally and Boston held on to d e feat Detroit . 9 -1 . . Rookie outfielder Trench Davis s ingled home th e- wmning run in the 15th inning a s Pitts burgh d e feate d Kansas City, 5·4 . Myron While s ingled home Jimmy Sexton with two out in the ninth inning to give Oakland a 5-4 win over the Chica~o Cubs Niu 110 . . Leo Barker pitched three perfect innings and combined with three other Cleveland pitchers for a one-hilt as the Indians beat San Francisco, 5-0 ... Jay LovigUo paced Chicago's nine-hit attack with two singles and a pair of RBI as the White Sox beat Toronto, 4·2 . . Rookie Mik e Richardt belted a seventh-inning, two-out grand slam homer to lift Texas to a 4.3 win over the New York Yankees ... Larry HJsle, who missed most of the last three seasons due lo shoulder problems, hit his firs t home run of the spring as Milwaukee defeated Seattle. 5-2 ' ~ Jona. L.eeter pace Chicago vie. Dwt1ll& ltMS and &Olllllil IM&er combined for 11 lounb.quan. ~ to lead Chica to a lot-104 w1n over 1 Seattle In ;r.>uonal Basketball A11ocla on acUon Tuetd1y nlaht. The Bulls ltailed by as mucb u ~ polnll ln the third quarter but rallied to snap a three·••me loaln1 •treak. MOHi .. ._. led Houtton wtth 28 polnll u the Rockets beat Milwaukee, 103·91. • . Lea Koba-scored S5 polnll, lnchaclta, t.be flrat seven of Ute fourth quarter, to lead Phoenl:. to a 103·95 wln over W aahln1ton. . . Du &o.adllelcl bad 34 polnt.s and 19 nsbounda to Jead AUanta put Denver, 120·106 ... Benard Klas scored 28 points, World PttJe added 20 and Larry Smtua 1rabbed 20 rebounds H Golden State downe d lndlana, 92·8~. . . Tom Cbamberl and MIC!bael Bl'OOU combined for 67 polnt.s. to· pace San Diego to a '138·127 win over San Antonio. The Spurs Geor«e Gervla Jed all scorers with 40 points . . MHrfc:e Luc:H scored 21 points and pulled down 20 reboundJ to lead New York to a ~-112 win over Ui.h. Trottier extends scoring streak Bryan Trottier extended his consecutive-game points streak to 24 as lhe New York l lllanders defeated the St. Louis Blues, 6·4, Tuesday night In National Hockey League acUoo. The victory clinched rirst place in lbe Patrick Division for the two-tim e defending Stanley Cup champions. Islander goalie Roland MelanlOD made 41 saves in helping his team extend its wiMing streak to five games. . . A short-handed goal by Bob Gainey sparked a three-goal outburst in a 95.second span or t he first period to lead Montreal past Boston, 4-2. . . Gary McAdam scor ed three times and Calgary had five third-period goals as the Flames skated past Quebec, 9-4. WUf Palement had a goal and an ass ist in his first game with Quebec. Paiement had arrived earlier in the day from Toronto in a trade that sent forward Mlroslav Frycer to the Maple Leafs. Mosley, Carter entered at Indy · Mike Mosley. who uualified for a •. front-row starting position in the 1981 Indianapolis 500-mile race and a driver for Newport Beach's Dan Gurney, was added to the list of entries for this year 's 66th running. Also listed Tuesday were Marina High graduate Duane "Pancho" Carter, Gary Bettenhausen and Al Loquasto. Gurney has entered two All-American Eagles whkh will be powe red by Chevrolet stock block engines. Carter. who was rookie of the year in 1974, will <ir1v e for Alex Morales of Anaheim ... America's Scott Hamllto~ was well placed to retain his sing les title and East Germans a na Soviets took the lead in the pairs competition on the first day of lhe World Figure Skating champions hips in Copenhagen, De nmark Television. radio 'l'V: No events scheduled. RADIO: Hockey Edmonton at Kings, 7: 20 p.m .. KPRZ ( 1150). 'l'HURSDA Y 'S RADIO Ba'lebaJJ -Dodgers vs. Atlanta at West Palm Beach, 10:10 a .m . KABC (790): Angels vs. San Diego at Yuma. 11.55 a .m .. KMPC (710) Ex-Oilers star for Stanislaus State Thomps~, Wooten, Glenn, Atkins (Ex-GWC) spark team to Division Ill quarterfinals PREP SPORTS There's a lot or 'em out ther e -but when Orange Coast a r ea athletes leave the nest a lot or them become lost in the haystack despite their success. Here's a look at some, however, who have been doing a job that I 've found out about. First -remember Huntineton Beach High's Rico Thompson, Curt Wooten and Ricky Glenn? And Golden West College's Dave Atkins, by way of Los Amigos High? ROGER CARLSON That quartet has been instrumental in the success of Cal Slate Stanislaus basketball -lo the tune of a NCAA Division Ill quarterfinals game this Friday against visiting Capitol College of Ohio. which advanced by knocking oH No. ·1 seed St. Andrews (26-2) of North Carolina. lead Stanislaus to a 62-60 victory over Whittier with two steals, fi ve rebounds and a 5·for·7 pe rformance at the line. Bishbp College of Dallas feU in the second Thompson and Wooten were named lo the second team All-Far Western Conference team while spearheading their teammates to a 17·11 record. THOMPSON AVERAGED 11.5 points a gam e and already has the school record for assists (153) in a season. Wooten put the ball in at a 12.8 clip, Atkins is at 11.2 and Glenn contributed 3.6 points " per game. In the playoffs Glenn came off the bench to THOMl"SOfj WOOTIN SAUNDlltS Padre pitch e rs stymie A ngels Brock hits homer in Dodger loss to Montreal ' I, From AP dispatches YUMA -Shortstop Garry Templeton had two hits, one a run-scoring single, and three San Diego pitchers limited the Angels to six hits as the Padres posted a 2-1 win Tuesday in the exhibition baseball opener for both teams. Trailing 1-0 entering the sixth. lhe Padres tied the game on Templeton's sing le and went ahead on Sixto Lezcano's infield out. Fred Lynn opened the game with a double and later scored on a single by Reggie Jackson, ,.J but the Angels managed only four hits alter that off San Diego pitchers Rick Wise, John Curtis a nd Luis Del.eon. Curtis got the victory and the save went lo DeLeon , who allowed only one hit over the last three inrungs. Alan Wiggin s and Gene R ichards opened the San Diego s ixth with singles orr losing pitcher Georr Zahn. Following an infield out, Templeton tied t he game with his s econd hit ot the day. Lezcano then drove in t he winning run wh e n he grounded out. Starter Ken Forsch opened with three innings or one-bit pitching for the Angels. The Padres collected eight hits off Forsch. Zahn and Don Aase Texa s f ires Lemo ns AUSTIN, Texas <AP> -The Unlverslty of T exas, whose basketball team . went from fifth ~ ln the nation to eighth In . the 'Southwest Conference this leHOn, fired Coach Abe Lemons tochy. Lemons could not be reached immediately for comment. "Coach Lemons la not 1 accepting calla today," tallen , ••retold. I~ One close follower of the • •aaketbalJ pro1ram aald, "I don't think the firing had anything to do with the 1981 record." Lemons' team had a 14·0 record and was ranked fifth In the nation but the n lost 11 of 13 games, finishing 8-10 tn lbe SWC ·and 16-10 overall. The downfall cam e after player Mike Wacker lnJured hia knee and was out for lbe aeuon. The colorful Lemons came to Texas in W7'1, saying. "It'• Ume to aee ll 1 can make It ln the bts time." ............. ------------- T empleton, recently acquired from the St. Louis Cardinals in exchange for s hortstop Ozzie S mith, got several ovations from the crowd of about 4,800 after a number of sensational defensive plays Dodgers lose WEST PALM BEACH -Chris Speier and Brad Mills stroked RBI singles in a three-run fourth inning which gave the MonlreaJ Expos a 4-2 victory over the Dodgers. With Terry Francona on third, Rowland Office hit a run-scoring grounder. Gary Carter and John Milner the n stroked successive singles, and with two out Speier lined a single to right. Milner ume home on tbe single by Mills . All three runs came off starter and loser Burt Hooten . The Dodgers are 0·2. Bryn Smith, who entered the game In the fourth, was the winner. The Expos' record Is 3-1. Rookie Mike Mars hall gave the Dodgers a 1-0 lead In the second when he homered off starter Charlle Lea. Office scored the fourth Mont.real. nm In tlle ae\tent.b when be came llome on a grounder by Wallace, 'ohMOD. Gres Brock toucbed Tom Gorman for a homer lD the ninth for the lecond Dodier nm. • round (84-67 > as Atkins scored 22. nrompson 15 (and five assists> a nd Wooten 8 points. Stanislaus, localed in Turlock. finished second to San Francisco Stale in the conference race. Should the ex-Oilers get past Capitol, a berth m the finals awaits March 19-20 in Michigan. • • • SECONDLY -REMEMBER John Dnscoll " Driscoll was an assistant to Emil Neeme al Costa Mesa High and lo Herb Livsey at Orange Coas t College, before laking the r eins at University High, then off to Sebastopol <north of San Francisco) for four more years on the high school level. Since then he was an assistant at Santa Rosa College for a year. then to Carroll College in He le na , Montana. and his second team just concluded a 10-5 Frontier Conference record, with former Mater Dei High and Orange Coast College standout John Saunders bi·g in the success. "Things have really turned around," says Driscoll. "We have a gymnasium which seats 4,200 and al the first of the year we were only getting 250 fans a game. "But our last-five games avenged-2,500." Saunder s, a 6·5 junior, was a first team a ll -confere~e selection and was the leading rebounder a nd scorer for Carroll. He was the NAIA District 12's fourth leading · rebounder (9.5 per game) and was an 80.l percent shooter at the line. "I've got four kids from California on the team ." says Driscoll, who is beating the bus hes for more, especially some front line help. "We're located on the eastern slope of the divide in Helena, which is about two hours from either Yellowstone or Glacier. ·'That means great hunting and fishing and not that much snow " * • • LAGUNA BEACH HIGH is taking applications for the vacant basketball job. No, Jerome Karp hasn't been bumped out. after saving the Artists when he stepped in to lake th e reins when Craig Falconer quit after the start or the season. "This was the understanding at the lime," says Laguna Beach Principal Bob Hughes . "It was an interim basis at the time, now we're looking for a permanent coach (which may still include Karp)." On the s urface you might get the idea Karp is on the carpet for the Artists' 9·14 season. Bul Ln reality, he belongs on a red carpet for a lot of devotion over the years to the Artists. • * * CHECK.ING A&OtJND -Mater Del High's annual golf tournament ts approaching -the Monarchs will put on their big bash April M at Irvine Coast Country Club. Golf and dinner requires a $150 tab, pretty stiff, but t.tfe returns are big, too, including a trip to Haw!l1J1 color television sets, microwaves, etc. lnterestea golfers should contact Athletic Director Bob Gonaales at 754--7711 . . . Miss ion Viejo High has picked up Carson Hilb of the Los Angeles sect.loo u lta third same ot \he 1982 football Ha.wn ..• "They called us and we were havtnc trouble flnd1n1 a replacement for Saddleback (which wanted out in order to play Senta Ana Valley in the fall>." says Milaioo Viejo Coach Ml Crow. "We tboulhf, about It and said, 'wby ncit'?' " •.. .Mllllon vi.Jo la the defend.Inc CIF Central OOnference cbamploa. canon·• Colta .,. the puennlaJ cball•DI« to B.tantn1 fOf' tbe top 1pot.4n UM city. NIT RIVALS UC Irvine Coach Bill Mulliga n <left> and San Diego State Coach David "Smokey" Gaines will meet Friday night in the first round or the NI T Aztecs like to run, too San Diego St . 16-1 at home By JOHN SEVANO Ot-Oelly,.llMSla" While UC Irvine's basketball team was disappointed in being unable to secure a post·season bid to the NCAA Tournament, San Diego State, the Anteaters' first-round opponent Friday night in the NIT, was just"\ happy to be invited a nywhere. "We're ver y happy to be m the NIT,'' says Aztec Coa ch David "Smokey" Gaines . ''Of course I'm not too excited about who we've gol in the first round. With 31 other teams in the tournament. I'm sure we could have gotten a better draw.·· The Aztecs are one of nine teams 1n the NIT with 20 or more victories. They finished 20 8 for the season , but we re \fi-l at home in 1981·82, suffering their only loss at the hands of Wyoming, 66·64, in overtime. San Diego State 01·5) finished in a second place tie with Texas El Paso in the Weste rn Athletic Conference. "l round out about 2 o'clock Sunday morning that we had been invited." s a ys Gaines. concerning the NIT. "I really was n 't s urprised because I thought we had a pretty good team this year." T he Aztecs are led by their backcourt duo of Keith Smith and Zack Jones. Smith, a 6·01un1or. is ave raging L2.9 points and 7.1 a ssists a game. Jones, a 6-5 senior who has been bothered by a bruis ed hip in recent weeks, is sconng at a 12 3 clip Along the front llne, the Aztecs have center Leonard Allen and forwards Michael Cage and Eddie Morris . Cage. a 6·9 sophomore, averages 11 .0 points and leads th'e team in rebounding with 8.8 a game Morris 16·51 is scoring at a 7 7 clip , while Allen (6-101 adds 4 6 to San Diego State's offensive output. Of course. what UC! Coach Bill Mulligan likes mos t about the Aztecs is that they run - som ething the Anteaters haven't seen in recent weeks from PCAA opponents. • "We'll run with anybody,'' says Gaines. "No, I don't really know much about the Antcatl!rs and I haven't talked to anyone about them. I have seen them play a couple of times on TV, though, and I know they have a sound starting five and Mulligan is a damn good coach." The Anteaters I 22·6> will present their usual starting lineup or Kevin Magee, Ben Mc Donald, Rainer Wulf, Randy Whie ldon and Kevin Fuller lo the Aztecs . Gaines admitted. loo, that the Aztecs will have some sort or gimmick de fense waiting whe n Magee and Co. arrives. "You've got to do that when you're playing an All-American like Kevin." Gaines insists "It's a must." Gaines added that he. along with his players, were excited about the contest Friday night (7.30) at the Sports Arena in San Diego. When told that Mulligan shared his enthusia sm , Gaines quipped "Of course he does. Because we'll run with him he thinks he has a good c hance of beating us " O k la hotna awaits UC I o r A ztecs T ULSA, Okla t APJ -_Duid 1.itt.le..scored...3.3__ points and Chuck Barnett hit 18 of his 24 points in lhe second half as Oklahoma overcame a sluggish start lo e liminate Oral Roberts 81-73 in the firs t round or the National Invitation Tournament Tuesday night. Oklahoma will host the winner of the UC Irvine and San Uiego Stale game Monday night in a second round outing. ORU, finishing the sea son at 18-12, scored lhe first 11 points and was up 17·3 after eight minutes as the Sooners were frustrated from the fi eld. But Little began lo hit the long-distance buckets from the baseline late in the half. The 6·7 j unior forward scored 12 of the Sooners' final 15 points before halftime, which ended with the Titans holding a 34-28 lead. Oral Roberts. led by Cat Johhnson's 20 points. appeared lo be in charge with 14 minutes left and a 53·59 lead. But fi ve jumpers by Little and a tenacious Sooner press a llowed Oklahoma to pull even at 55-55 with 9: 17 left. The score was lied 59·59 when Barnett hit his hot streak. The 6·4 junior hit all 17 of his second-hall points in the final 10 minutes as the Sooners grabbed a 75-65 lead with 3:23 left. The • Titans could get no closer than s ix afterward. Ch a rge r s get Bell SAN DIEGO <AP> -The San Diego Chargers acquired running back Ricky Bell. the first player chosen in the 1977 National Football League draft, from the Ta mpa Bay Buccaneers Tuesday for an undisclosed future draf\. choice. Bell, 26, rushed for a career-high 1,263 yards for the Bucs in 1979 but was hampered by a knee injury in 1980 and missed most of the 1981 season with a shoulder htjury. The 6·2, ~-pound Bell gives the Chargers more bulk in a backfield headed by Chuck Muncie. Tampa Bay's leadin& rusher from. 1971 through 1980, the former University of Soutbern Caltfomla star was limited to 80 yards In 30 drrles last year after burt.lnc h1I shoulder in the third aame of the eeason a1alnst Chlcaao. Coach Don Coryell said Bell tw bffn "a 1reat buk and 1 beU•v• be will be • tremendous addllk>n to our football le.-a." ...- MllW~ ,.....,.. ....... DatN!t Cllk ... c ........... "" .. ..,,_ ... ·~ .s1e .._ ,., 1 -· -· ·-...., ,.... .. 1 ~= --.... ,,.... ...... MIU .... ... Latcen 10I, Klnp" KANSAS CITY -.-. ~I, L-r It, Oouole• s. Faro IA, --14, s. J~ M, 0.-.. 10, Gnrlletd II. CE._ JotwltOn 1, Onw t. T ... : U ,.,. ... &.OI .... UIS -"amllh ti, Wllhl 1' A_hl ..... 16, Ea.~ fl, Ni-11. ·-•.C-lt.J ...... ~ ... I. T OUK: • H-JJ !OS. tc...,...-n K-Clty IS 24 12 21-" Lot A,..._ II " 2' !S -ICIS Tll""'1IOl!lt ..... -Font. F..,IM °"' -S. J-. TOUI feull -K-s City ts, Lot A-le• a Tac:tlnkel• -,.........,..._ J lelectMl. lM A,.alft C-11 Riiey. A -"·"" . NeA .. eden lftrmlll *'-"'•" '' ICOlll .. Ol'O"'°"A"I Genllll, Saft ..... 5' 721 41• 1172 JL4 MelaM,.......,. 60 111:1 --1a1 JU Daftltay, ~ .. ... "' ltli J0.4 E"tlllll, Oeotwt-.. m m UIS 2U Ervl119, Pllll. .. 57' llS 1"5 J.U ............... LA SS Sii 241 Ul1 D.t KlllO, 0........ ..._ S1 SG .. TISI 2U llrd • ....,._ ss U6 m 1211 D.S Wllllems,SNllle JI lll DI I,. D.I Frff, ~MMe JI -JS2 IDt 12.t •IBOUMOt ... • °" °"' T ...... Ma-, t-.-.. M "7 IU 144 Slluna. s.tlle .. Mt "1 161 11.1 8 . WI""'"" NH 61 2M _, 7'1 IJ.I T~. "'°'11-S1 lft '71 '71 11.a Bird, --SS ISi m "' 11.1 AtstSTI ca ........ Moor'9, SM AMolllo S6 SG t.1 ~Ullin 11 111 t.I Art............ •1 .,, u C-•. P11111•t1'11 SI -1.4 HllRM,C-5' .. U l"IU..D.O.L Pe1tca1n..-... ~ Glltno1'9, Ciika., Jtl m A.JO s. J-.n, ~ c.tty '" 451 .-Kl111, Go6dlll.... S4 t14 .JllS ...... j .... ,L.A ......... UCI etdellc:S ,,.,.,, ....... , l(evlll..._ RMltY__._, .. M<DeMN .-~,... 1( ................ ... , ....... L-nlJ--. JOllll IWIWY RkltCla«la Grallt TaylOf' c...111c,...... Maril SplfWI Totals 0 ... "' • .a ,. . "' ., • IJJ • • ,. u • ,. JS " 3' ,, 2S II 11 11 H 11 11 IO ' " ,. . u 12 3 " 2 • 21 l5t 412 women·• top 20 ~Merdl 7) iota. ..... 111 UA 09 IU .. "·' '" u la u -,.. 14 u a u • u ,. 2.1 f1 2.1 .. 10 t. i.1 n.i 1. l.Olll~ Tec:ll (Ml •1 1.- 1. ClltyMy SllJtl 2 .. J 1,"4 S. Oki Oornllll9ll 11-S 1,IW •. LtlllO lleac:I\ S-U.S 1-5. Tna ,._, •• •.USC 214 1.-it 1. """'"' .... .. t. MaryleM tt• ... •. e>r...,. 21-4 1• 10.T-,...., •IA • . .,,,,,--, .c _J___ NHl. ~eoet,.•••NC• ~~ •·Ed- Cefeary Vellel- 1( .... C*'eclo •'-T•PGA .... 42U12 .. 1'tt6 ,. JO " "° -" 24 JO 14 m MS '2 It >A IA •1 .. Sl .... 11 .. 2970 -...o....... Ml-WI~ Sl l.ovh Cllkaeo Tor-Datrolt 20 1t It -t• .,. 2621umme.s Jt)A 62'42'5'2 151110115•• 11' • " ,,, Jlt • 11 If 12 m • • WAL.Ill CON .. e.ettcl Pellrkll .,......_ •·HYh~ '1 H 1 NYR~ J2 M II ""'la*tpHe II 27 1 Plltsburofl 1i II II w"" ""'°" n • • .. _21• !91 is. m 1s m • n .,. -.. • • s:t .._~ ,. 12 11 ,. n • » JO IA • IS 14 ,. J2 I• J14 l'll:J " ., m " ttll 211 • .. 194 14 220 2'0 SI •<llnc:Md llnt Plac:a 11'1 <IMtloll. ,....,.,.__ 1ClftO's2.~0 c.....-..•.~· NY l1l•11l11·'6.S..Lo11IU MofttrMI 4. ~ 2 KJnae 2, Roddea 0 ............ LotA_..,. 1 0 0 -2 Colerecto o o o-o ............... I. LM ~ Nldllllts I, I :•; 2. ~ A-let, Nldllllts 2, 7: I .. "'"'-"let -Wells, LA. S:07; ..... LA, 11:16. ,... ........ M-. PeNft'" -Nk.._, C-, I :"; 8Gfft., L.A. 1:Jt; l( .. y. L.A. _...,_. 11:•; Nk-. Cd. _..,....,..._. II:•; Alfl'°"• Col. 15:14; H......,. LA, H :U; -·· LA, m-mb<Ofldllet. 17:15: La"°• Ct!. lt:JO. T'*d ........ "-· l'WNltlel -Cal. "°"'"· ..,...., llY G ..... 4:•; __,, LA, S:tJ; T..,,lor, L.A. I: ... ; 11.,,...., <Al. l):a : 8-11, LA, IJ:& Mlob M .... -lM ._ ... ~1 .. ~2'. GMoreclo1·1·M .. Goalies -Los A11eala1, Lesse rd. Coloredo.R-.A-1,Jn. ....... votleybell ., MMMtlCMOCM. Uftlvenlty •· c.nu MtM, •n. tS.ll. U·IJ,).H, 1~11. C-*' MM *'· lrvllle. 154, IS.1, •U.t~IS. E11-la *'·El Tero, IS.7, IM, l~S. Newparl Hertlor Wf. Weodbrid91, IS.J. IMS, IS.It, ls.<I. F__, Valley Wf. c.111r-VaUey, IMS, IM, IS.12. MS, IH. DanaHMllWf.~Dal. IW, IH. IS.t. CF.....-u.ele ... ci..--. t. c...,.. ,.,,.....,., • Cu'-CllY J. SMlll AM I Ct 9'1 ,... .. ~ t, l.eyola 1 Sarvtta2,C ...... I .... u Oulllta a, c:.t.._ t C..,.,_ Vellay I, .. ....,., Hiiis e , ... LAl .... J,~t OllUt• air. t , o.-Pn 1 Ceo ........ ......... Mir• C:-1. v.,._. I wet1Ternl02,_...H .... I ' ., . ... ......... e-::........ . ....... .. -·-· l 1 -... --·· . ............ 41~ ................ . &MeU.1'-... w .... m,..,_ ..... c:.w. --, ••.• -""""' " -............ _ ... .......,...,.... ... ...... ............. ........... , '~ .. ---•tt • .... ,_.. .. --~It ...._, ......_. C•>. '-"" ... ,_. CPJ OfyM eta ........... _.,, .. ,••.~• 181 t r c•>, ...._. m, ...,..... ., .. .,...,, .......... _.....,·'----·""-' (; ....... (nle. ..... e... tel .. --·. I --.. _, t I ICreww • ......,, W , T'*-m .... .., ....... ~ 171; ...,, ......... (0) OwcMlllll 111. ~t w CIM, ,....,... 111 • w -~. &. -''*-· "" -0...1 ..... 0-. -··--"""'' c ............. , Cllk ... IAU -.. •-• t I TertMt -... --2 1. D«Mll, ~ ISi .... l'tley, Hiii 171; LAel • ..,....._ 1•1. Jedi_, 111 eM -• "-'ralll (.,. W -OoeMM. L -L.MI. H._ -T..-.u...,.. e-.s.~2 , ..... ettr ....... , ::.... ~ = ==i·:: ._._.,, Clay (Al, Clar• 11), l'IMll (I) UHi IU~la11; Vucltovlcll, McClure !•I. lhrMnl 161, Fflllan (I), EMWly (ti - Sim-. LAM m. w -M<Clli1'9. L - Cley. ""' -Mllw...-... Hlsle, Sii-. .-u111. ~ •. .-ey•• , ....... ...,.,., .. ~ 1• -- -•1-s 12 • tc:aMa1Clty OOD -llO 000 ..._. II I ... , ... Sarmiento UI, Scurry cu ; TM1u1,,. m. Intl ttJ, crw 1111. T.-t (!JI L9'!1l (ISi Md "9M; 5911"°'11, F..a (411\lir..,...171, Hooll 1101.CMmllarlaltl CHI eM WatMll, Oulr1t CS), 0.Wey 10. W - T-1. l. -Cllllmberlelll, ..... 1.0.-...t , ......... , Atlellla 000 -Giii -I 6 0 laltl"*9 ·----· ' I · Atl•11la Nleltro, MtWllllema UI, Met\N Ill •1'141 .......ict, Sillalro Ctl; ..,.!more McG,...., .-..w,.1 IAI, Moaau 111 - O.m.-y. W--la. L --. Cal St.ate l"lllle~~LA 1 USC I. UC Sell!• .__,. • P1ppao••I. Alvw-"a<lfk J Cal Stett ~ 10, Cal Poly ~ l GOllt999 S, ........ Las V-a J Pom-.Plt»r 6, CIM-·M-• Ct lllfllf19t, .,__, UC "'-"'*4,C'-'>OllJ Occldelllal 4, R ........ J . Utall 12, Loyola S San 01e9os1.1. L-hach SI. 4 l.e y.,.,.. "• Wlllttler I CommunllY cot .. ge ......... 1.S-.~• Golclen -IOI Olt t0>-1 I t Sall'41 --· --000.-. J , .._"11 MCI Sc""'1, -(ti ; Tamayo. Stat.y Ill. -~ ltl, Bayllon If) -Cwrle, "-Cta. W -~(I .. ). L - T em•yo. 28 -LM10f\ CGWI. s1~•111ae11s.c ...... ,1 CNtley 000 Ott Oll0-1 4 S Seddlalleca .. Ill lh4 11 I Vectvna. EKOdldD C11 -o.11o; ~ • a l'l<I lrwll'I. W-SMeh. l.-Yadwarlle. te-Gray C5adlllaMcll). HlahMNoe __..,n. . .......-1 1...--IOI -... , 1 I Ul'ltwnlly OU Jm •-12 II 0 J-..i, Gollafft CJI, G""'°" 141 -Wlllla-; v-. Cort-UI -Fftl. W-'\101100. L-Jof111so11. 18-lillller CUlllftf'Nty). J~ (Ul'llW"'IYI. •1T-• ....... HC...I ........... Hiii$ Oto JOO 1-S t l El T-DO:J 011 1_. 1 7 Plem-1. Merlll'I 16). Fr•nel 111 - Roma11; IN/Mr -J..-. w -~r. L -Fr ...... 18 -"-(~ Hilts) °""'91 <El T-1. JI -~ 11:1 T-1. • l'lllSTGAMe Dea ,._ .... 6 • ... 9aac:ll • H""'lfttllDll lleac:ll t21 000 1-4 6 J Doi,....... CHO 101 lC-t 12 l Petrick, A""" ISi -Slllrlay; G .. rra, ll::aylle UI -"_.,,· W -Guerra. L -Patrk ll. 211-<errltlo CHunll"91011 Baaclll e .. r<I (Huntl,,....... lleaclll, Konon c~ PllMlosl. HCOllDOAMe .. .-..... 9aac:ll II, Dea.._. H 1111tlft911on illeKll 101 ~ t-11 5 • 0os..--600 .... 1 , ut--SNr1ey; h•ll••. H_.., m MCI Elftar. W -LAllnMr 11 .. 1. l. -Zy~•. 18 -HarTtgaft 1-..-BMClll, Gwn-a 10.. .......... ); 38 -Flelcll IOoa "'->· HR -Slllrtay IH1111tl ....... haclll, o .. ,... co.."""""'· • ....... Der ... , E<l!Mft 001 0:11 ......_. • 2 EIOor-000 Giii 0-1 6 2 Kw•l•ll, TaUIMl'I IJI •l'ld Ll119anl; Haydtl'I, Brvbeker UI allCI Pa1re4es. W-.Hff It-. L--ffeydell. 5-Tall-.. ~<E--.1. .................... w.MWldll .. -....... 1 s OeM "'"' ou on x ..... 1t , C.-Md Holan; F°"'9r aM SMci.1. W -..... ~." -c:.t. ~ Clllrtllle9 ,., C11Mwtt111 .....,....~ 000 llR t-M tt 2 ClleiClwtc.ll 1• -0-1 I I Slt611tt Md M<Cowft ; .-. Kllllfln .... J . I( ........ ,.,, -161 ' -Sell ........ w -...... (t.I). &,-.-. Ka..IWIM 1•2). 18 -Rt•ie. (.,.._. Ow'lltlM), k9ft Mlllt< \"'"""" Olf'lttlMI • • ...-.zn..,,.edflUS~ ""'"' T. Ceo 11'1 def. Sclllema1111, .. a; def 8N11t1t-. W ; c9el. Pflaft, .. 1; c9el. c-..,,. ..I; l'a111199d! (MJ -.. I. M , M , M ; Sctrl•wHI <Ml llltl U . -M . w ... 1; SmlUI CM>-..i. W . Ml .... 2. .,.,,.... C ~elOll·Cllaw (M l •Pill ....... lery ·Oevl11a. •·l . S ·7 ; dtl. CJlel!>~ .... I, M ; C......,...Arlta CM> 1os1 ..... w ;-.. 1.w. ..._ .. D¥a, S.... AM Valley·~ , ...... Fl4'ft IEI c9el. Annr, .. 1. c9el. TM, M , Otf. H ........ I. Wf. NHM. M : 5-Ktr IEI won,~. M. M , M ; ~kt< IEI WOii. 1•S, .. J. W , M ; ler-!El-· .. 1, M , ... 1 • .... ~ l11aootnl-I,_ <El*'· Gvltltl.Cont.--. 6·1. 6·1. Clef. KOSS·l •l'IO. 6·1. 6·1; GllC1'99t·,.,,..,al CEI spilt, W .... I. lol1, M, H . ...,....,1,C41Mll s-.... Brow_,.., ICI IOll to Jo,.,,_,, H ; ct.I. Wlntemt>Mt, .. 2; c9el. Gol*ll-., .. 1; lotl to A......S. 1•; S..nlv.,. ICI -M , W, ~. 1•; H..,...,... CCI -~ ..... M , .. 1, Iott W ; AH« ICI 1oM 1•. won ... 2. W . lost , ... DaolMel W~·Ewlfto !Cl lolt '° ~. W , ... 1; 1oM to L-Froam ... , ... 1, .. 1; Propp.Honttltr <Cl iosi. ... 2•; 1 ... W . Women COU.••• UC I,,,..•· L.a919aac:ll I -t s-.... Me. M-,.rs IUCll Clef. c ... ..,... 6-4. W ... 1; Kff11"9 IUCll Wf. Bat-.... 2. 6-J, Nl- (UCll Clef. Comnwn, .... 1 ... M . Me. M¥W' IUCll Wf. --· W ... 2; E1""9e (UCll 6". 1411'1ls. 6-6. M . M ; AMllory CUCll def. Stra<"41n .... , W . 0-. 0 •• , .......... - COMlllUNITY COLLEGE e>r-..~1.0-•t ~ RH<I (DCCI Mf. McLnle, J•S, .. ,; GeettKll UCCI def. Halflllll, ... ,. •·I : KllorltY IOCCI 4llrf -ler, ... 1 ... 1; LYoM 10) 4llrf Elvlft, ... 2, .. 1; Oatwltl IOCCI def. H-. W , W , W ; .. ,., IOCCI def. Ceray, 1 ..... t. DlillMet Reed·Goells<ll COCCI dtf. McLevft.H•lftllll, M , .. I. 1(11o1'9y ...... COCCI def. Mtltler·H•oa11, 6·1, 6-4; Lyo11.C--r (GI def. EIVltl·H~ ... 1. U .M ~ . . ' . .. Women'• eoftben MIOMSCMOOL 1'1.-STOAMe c-. ..... "· La9llM ...... ' Lao ..... Hiiis 020 000 t-' I l Cott• Mffll J20 032 •-IO I l Sc>ravtln• .,.., Macer-•; M<Wetlly - M<Aletr l8-5'1n911il'IS (~,,. Hlllsl. SECOND GAME C-.MIMll,~Mlltt• U.011<1• Hllh 110 IJO 0-6 J 4 Cotta~ S02 D I •-le IS J S<ll111tze --.,.,..._; MtWettly -MtAlffr. 211-Umar CCoo'41 ~). Blair (Coate Illes.a), SI. Clalre ICotla MeNI; JB-umar cc:au Mtsal. SI .. c1a1,. IGollla Mewl ..1.-STOAME Oc>aaa View I, C,.,... t O<e.,. Vlr# 000 e1 0-1 J I CYP'HI - -....... s • Wlllle el'ld Sa laur. Howard al'ld hnn"*L SSCOllDAA.Ma 0c>aaa View I, C~ t C.,.._M 000 -....... I J 0c .. 11v1ew ooo ooo 1-1 2 o TllOl'll--E_,; Wlllte-SelarM. .......... s..-... Merltle 000 001 0-1 I I El SaovfldO 000 000 ....... 0 I L•fltll allCI Sel'lcltet; G•<lllell aftd o ........... W -Unlft 12 .. ). L -Genlclll. Malw D91 I, ........ , El MOC1eN 1• D 0-1 I s Me•r Del 000 IOI •-I 4 1 s~ .., wen1; ......... Get,., m allCI Ka-.~. l.-Sifttltr . H/F Dana Hills, El Toro. also post win$ UDJftr'litv bad a Ml da1 a& tbe plate to rout Jp1lewooll lllP . aDd l:dilall lmprorild lta reeard to .. , with a win onr £1 Dondo to blPlieht Oraap COMl area lpaMMll adloe 1°'Mlday. • Dana Billi 1llul out Woodbrtqe, Hun~ llMela 1pUt a clOuble·beadtr with Dos Pueblas ud El Toro came QP wttb a run ln the bottom of tbe MVeDtb to .Sge Laaua ma.. f.6 . Here'• bow lt wtDt Tuetday: !I Toro t, utuna H•• I ' Douc Maher blepecl IWi own cause wttb a one-out triple ID tbe seventh inning to drive Brett Dumas home with the winning run. Maher went the diatuee on lb• mound to pick op tbe victory. Dumas, who 1lnCled with one out to start the last·innlng rally. flni1bed the Rustlers, Geuchos trimq>h Saddleback College opened Mission Conference play on a winning note Tuesday, defeating Charley, 5·1, in community college baseball action.- Meanwhile, Golden West bad little trouble remaining unbeaten in Southern California Conference play with a win over host Santa Monica. Here's bow it went: S•ddleback 5, <;haffey 1 The Gauchos scored three times in the filth inning and starter Doug Sheets made the lead stand up with a four-bitter as Saddleback got off to a good start in Mission play. Dale Hahn went 4 for 4 for the Gauchos while Rick Irwin and Russ Lee were both 2 for 3 as Saddleback pounded out a total or 13 hits. owe 7, S.nta Monie• o Scott Marsh went the distance for the Rustlers, striking out nine while walking five to re(()rd Golden West 's fir st complete-game win of the year. Dan Larsen had the hot bat for Golden West, got.n, 3 ror 5 with one while center fielder Doug Irvine was 1 for 4 with three RBI. The win puts Golden West at 3-0 in conference play and an impressive 8-2 overall. Santa Monica dropped to 0-3 in Southern Cal play. The Rustlers will put their unbeaten record to the test Thursday when they boat LA Harbor at 2:30. day I for I with one l'Wl lcored and two RBI . La1una UJU1 bad tied lbe 1•m• iD t.be top of tb• MYentb when' llan lifarten doubled, ·went to third OD Scott Lebbe's 1lnlle and scored on an lnfleld O\ll. The lON dropped the Hawk.a to 4·2·1 wblle El Toro Is now 2-2 . Untw....ety 12, lftOlewood 3 ll lteble Sorenson , Todd Yea&cm and Mike Frei bad two bib each to .pace an ll·hit Trojan attack aa Unlverslty upped its season mark to 4·1-1 . Tbe Trojans put the eame out of reach in the third llll\lng, parla.Jtn« a walk, a double, a aaert.ftc£ and three singles into five runs. EdlMn 4, El Dorado 1 Junior right-bander ,Jeff Kwolek went 4% ln oings, surrendering just one run on five hits, to record bis first win or the ·year. Kwolek got relier help from Shawn Takkineo. Todd Mabe, John Emma and Mike Powell bad two hits each to lead the Chargers . HB 4-11, Do• Pueblos 8-6 Greg Shirley's firth-inning grand slam in the second game helped give the Oilers a split that makes them 8-2 overall . Arter Dos Pueblos ripped Huntington Beach pitching for 12 hits in the first game, Larry Latimer came back in tbe second to scatter seven hits and pick up the complete-game win . Dana HIN• 6, Woodbridge O The Dolphins are 2·4 while Woodbridge is 0-5 after Dana Hills pounded out 10 hits en route to an easy win. Scott Nolan and Shaun Devll.Jt got Woodbridge's only hits. Newport Chr. 14, Chadwick 1 Scott Kilpatrick went 3 for 4 with three RBI and sophomore right-bander Randy Stuart struck out eight without yielding a walk to pick up the win for the Conquerors. ~denWmgs advance, 2-1 PALM SPRINGS -Tlle Golden Wing~. a Division V American Youth Soccer Or1ani%ation team Crom Costa Mesa, have advanced to the second round of sectional play with a 2-1 ·victory over Palm Desert here Sunday. Coach Carlos Mora's squad got goals from Matt Martinez and Matt Morris to record the victory. The Golden Wings will travel to Chula Vista Sunday for a second-round game. Game time bas not been set. Congressional Cup preparations begin By ALMON LOCKABEY McLaughlin won his berth in ~:~~hti":; atte~tion Will this year's Congressional Cup by winning Long Beach Yacht be foe.used on Long Beach Club's Pacific Coast Match s t a r l 1 n g M 0 !'l d a Y w b e n Racing Series earlier this year preparations begin for the 16th · · aon11l&-CC11Jiress1011a1-eay---Th~felomer-winners will be match racing series out of Uong on this year's roster. Rod Davis, Beach Yacht Club. representing the host LBYC was The actual competition begins the overall winner in 1981 and a Thursday (Ma~b 18) with 10 ol runner·up in 1980. Dennis t.he ~ match racinir team1 -Durgan, Newport Harbor Yach~ ancluding three America's Cup Club, was a back-to-back winner hopefuls -start bead·to.head in 1979 and 1980, and Dick two·boat match races in a series· Deaver of Newport Beach that will see 45 matches over a . (sailing for Los Angeles Yacht three-day period. Club) was the winner in 1976 and For the first time in the 1978. .• history of the event there will be Others in the lineup are five foreign competiton -three Russell Long, New York Yacht of whom WilJ be aeeltlq tbe Club, making· bis second • right to challence for the appearance, and Scott Perry ol America's Cop at Newport. R.I. the Naval Academy Sailing in 1983. Squadroo. Annapolis, Md . John Bertrand of the Royal Perth Yacbt Club, Au1tn8a, w HJ be makinl hla fl rat' appearance iD the Oonc;reaiollal Cup. He bu been ..-..S. u &ehmmah on one of th two· Australian eball_,... for tbe Ameriea'1 c.p. P bll Cre.bbla, aaotber newcbmer, will be r'tr11attu Royal Burnham ~ aebt ol Sn1land ln the America'• Cup cballeaae triala. II aklnl bll tb1rd appearuee in Loq Beach wlll bt P9ll• Pettenon of Sweden'• act1aJ Guttenbarl Yacbt Club, allo a cballen,.t for ti•• America'• Cup. • . Otber fore1p ContNllkmal Cup e11111.-1 will be H8l'Gld Cudmwe of ~·· Ro1al Cort Vaellt Qab, 1n1mM1. ud ll8rJ •ewlllllallD. lea'et eo.. Yaebt Club, Ywaiww. B.C. · Cudmore II • ••hr•• Co~Cup~ .... 1w .. ......i ...... ..... ... u • Europe but .... Jtll to matcb tbe eompetitlu '8 tbit .con ......... Cu.p • The Con1ressional Cup is seeon4, only to the Ameri,ca's Cup tn yacht match racing. The cup 1oea to the skipper and crew wltll the most wins In the 4S·matcb races. The skipper and crew also receive crimson blaaers, symbolic of the championship. Tbll la the second year the ae r l es w i 11 be s a Ue d i b Catallna-38 sloops. Previously, all but one of the aeries wu 1alled ln Cal-40 sloops. Crews will start arriving Moaday for assignment of boats Uld pnctlce rectnc. s.lllrla will be over a flve-~ 1'iadwaid·leeward course in the Hm• waten in which the aeveli Ol1mplc classes will be COIDJ*lnl in 1114. Traditionally the ~QapbubMD ... tt1 loalbern Callfonala cnwa. 'ne oaly·aeeptian WU la 19" wb•• 'ted Turner of Ata.ut. beeame t.be OGb' lkipper all of · the Su DMso Jl'l"eewa,y_to 1da 1tbe contett cqp. ' -----~-·---~-·-----·------ L EADS EAGLES - Estancia Coach Mike P o m eroy's team c lipped El Toro in volleyball action. Marina, MD,OV tritmiph Marina's Julie Larsen · had a no-hJtter, Ocean Vi ew's Pam White had a pair of shutouts and Mater Oei handed El Modena a 3-1 defeat in women's softball action Tuesday. Lar se n h ad a near-perfect game as Marina b ea t E l S eg und o, 1 -0 , in n o n -le ague a c tion . Larsen walked a batter· in the s ixth while striking out 16 on the way to the win. Marina scored in the s ixth wh e n Patty C a v anaugh s ingled , stole second and went to third on a passed ball. A fielder's choice got her home. White was the entire s how as Oce a n View do wne d Cypress by identical scores of 1-0 in a double-header. White pitched a one-hitter in the second gam e a nd had 15 strikeouts. In the opener, White ga ve up fi ve hits but had 11 strikeouts and drove in the winning run with a single afte r Lynn Al fe ri singled. Roman Lawson broke up a Cy press no-hitter with a single to lead off the seventh inning of the second game and scored on Becky Brummel's s ingle. Mater Dei spotted El Modena a run in the top of the first, then tied the count in the fourth and put the final two runs on the board in the sixth. CV g ains finals Junior Carmen Noble too k a p ass from sophomore Bob Magyar with eight minutes remaining and headed it i nt o goal to g iv e Capistrano Valley High a narrow 1·0 decision over visiting Beverly Hills in the semifinals of the CIF 2-A soccer cha mpionships Tuesday. Tbe Cougars, the No. 3 representative from the South Coast League and a C inderell a team t hroughout the playoffs. will meet top-seeded La Quinta, a 3·1 winner over Calaba s as, in Saturday 's~ ( 1 p .m .) championship final at Gahr High. T he Couga r s have upset Valencia (4 ·1), Bell Gardens (3·2), Dana Hill5 (5-3). the No. 1 representative from thei r leagu e , a nd Beverly Hill s in reaching the finals~ Nobel, from his left wing position, got the pass from Magyar after. a scramble and a couple o r saves fr o m the Beverly Hills goalie in front of the net. Basketball scores ....... ~T-....... ............ Oii.....,. II. Ofel ltei..1• 7J NAIAT_..l I , .. ._City. ,.,.. .... St. T...,_...,..,a, W~ .. H-"911 11114ttvtt '5, Ollleflome CIWlstl.,. .. f • fMl'Y't (TH.I 7J, x ... i.r ll.e.I ,, OVIMy OU ts, c.Mrvllte IOll .. ) •s C entre! We111 l11•teft 14, C.-ller1-(Jty.) 6S S.C.~r1eft~r9 1', F,_11•11• ,.,.,ce '2 Hefttlerteft $1 . S J , llnn~...._,, JI CIP._... .... ................ , .. LAlll .... ._. All•'--"• LalleM ,.,,.,,._, .. ....., . ~Mo~-.... ,,.., ". '""" " .... ' Orange Coaat DAIL y PtLOT /Wedneeday, Mlll'd't 10, 1912 , I -¥niversity upsets e osta Mesa in vOll.e j ball Opener UnJveralty Hlch op.eel up Sea V .. w Le11ue volleyball play br puWna oft • 1tuonina e&rly·ae•aon uoeet ol Cotta Mesa TuHday on the Trojan•' homecourt. Cotta Meaa oam lnaf tbe match ranked third ln the Orance County poll but lbe Trojans were apparenll)' not Intimidated u they won In rtve, 4·15, 15-13, 15-13, 5-15, 15-11. The win ma.tea University 2-l overall whUe Colta Mesa ~I ·----·-._ ....... ·:.-· ·--·-........ .-..... ~ "C" SIZE er "D" SIZE ECONOMY PU Of • General Purpose ~ 99c, .. •trjfJ,f.• DRINK DISPENSER Keeps all types ot l1qu1ds hOI or cold hours lonoer 1.ILT. 4.95 #Yll(414 •trjilp• POT EL "SLIM'' ROLLING WRITER PEN New. smoother. easier way to w11te .,.,442.49 C\rji}U llOTIIEln "Bakert Wa1on " COOKIES . ""'" """ .... ·IOnOA1'9UL ·IC0-11111 IVORY ~ llJfrU Wll1t DITOGUfl' 1 Opened up itl reaulu HUOft wtth tM lea•ue lolll. Seoior aetter lllke Johnatop i..a Cdll'• paced Uae Trojana wlth 11 k1Ja while • Chris MUler .. _ allo a HnAoc' aUdclW blocker -had 18. Junior out.aide btttel- Brett McQuoid contributed 12 kUll for tbe winners. · Meanwhile. Corona del Mar aot out to 8 fast start by winnlq the nrat two games and tbe Sea Kini• held on for a -LIQUOR SUllAM'I 11·1, U."'1, 10.IS, 15-13 Sea View wln over lrvlne. S.nior 1etter Mike Jo~ a,ca bo1•1 s.1 attack, et\abliq bi ..... bloeit( loe Bord e n and outtlde bitter Mike McKlbben to eon&rtbui. beavil1 at the net. ln other !fa View actJon, Eltuda bad UtUe trouble with El Toro u middle blocker Derek Danielaoa and -..1c1e bitter Bill Sieker paved the w., to a WE HONOI YOUI CREDIT! -~ ClUI DPPllD SUIT BAG (WI JI" .... , ... . Features include lull· length lront zipper. ea· p~dable sides & top and c141ac1ty lor 4 garments STICI ANTl-PEISPIUNT 7 CROWN . Uvt •1·• =--: ... 5.19 M11imum pro· tection formula ~r:~~:~~:n . 2 ~ 9 JACARE SAVI .... =~~r.3.39u UAMARINE Ass' . Formulas (II •·> • COMMTIOlll Extra Body or Reg. fll &) • llOllTUll LOTIOI tor Ory Skin (II.I ea.) 2.5 u . llZI .u RAYE SOFT ., IWISPUY Hold so flexible. you can even comb through 11' • M1lOMl (11 u.) •MHU...(l u.) •• Lu... VITAMINS YOUI CllOICIJ MTUU&. ALFALFA 15·7, lM, 15·5 win. In nc>n·lea•ue action~ Fountain Valley batUed It out tor five 1ame1 before the Barona emeried with a 12·15, 15-4, 15-12, 2·15 , 15-8 wln over host Caplatraoo Valley. N ewJ>()rt Harbor r e bounded from Monday's three-game loas to La1una Beach with a aweep of Woodbrid1e. 15·7. 12-15, l S.10, 15-9. RellevH major cold symptoms tor hours! 3.1114u.mE ARRID . DTIADIY SOLID DlODOIMT UIOITtD fOllllULU VASELINE DOMATOLOGY fPIMUU • LOnCNe (11 u.) •CUAll (J 11.) -~ Absorbed Quickly inlo the ~~ skin 10 penetrate deeply Into the dryness area •0--0. - 2.99 :---~.: ....... .... u. •tt'li'» COSllETCO . HAIR REPAIR WITH llO-«UI Economy package con· ~s 16-24 trealments tor damaged hair • ,r-.. .. ,_.. .. ---... ~~ &f;\iljitf•• ™ #EW! DISPOSABLE DIAPERS W11h e1as11c Leo Bands ·-CNll••> •LAMI CNll•Nl : :a. f 19----:::::=====---- UV17_. W11h V1t1m1n D 1 49 S119p1emen1 1•TA1UTS e with Natural UYll 7'l.OO I Vitamin D t•TMLITI • VUSIC KOSHO Dill PICKLES Freshly packed lor c11s~r. more delicious p1c~les I t -· Orange Cout D~IL Y PILOT /Wedneeday, Marett 10. 1882 H / F Eaeing Up and backing dQwn with fa.~hio~ tt happeo1 every year about lb11 Unit . ~M.U~ 'ANE 8CARC£LLO f Hlt"-•-- 1play1 ln all the atores naunt abort.a, bathln1 ta and other skln\PY attire before the anow1 • bep to melt from moet front porchei la America. . Even alone the sunny Orani• Coast, moat of ~a have al)tlnt winter months swathed in various (ayers of woolen sweaters, s kirts and panll. t\ain may still be bucketine down out.aide in (.larch, hut newspaper and ma111ine ads show •n\iline models cavorting in the surf while ~howing olf the latest in resort wear. They're all tanned, beautiful and as slim as ~he celery that must be their main food source. Seeing enough of them, you can close your eyes and a lmost Imagine yourself In the same outfits -a bronzed goddess strolling along some fashionable beach. After a few weeks of the ads, you etve in and allow yourself the luxury of shopping for new summer clothes. Summer is far away, but the temptation is strong, and you know nothing wiJI be left if you wait until the sun shines. The first shock at the store is that each year Vegetables for St. Paddy's Day Welcome St. Paddy's Da y in a ll sh ades of season al green fresh ve g e tables . Choose amo ng many s prin g bea uties: ar t ic hokes , a s paragus, avocados . bro c co li, Bruss el s sprouts, cabbage, celery and spinach. Pick richly g reen , com pact. heavy plump a rtichokes with large, tightly clinging fleshy le af scales. Browning may mean old age , bruise injury, or frost d a m age. But then - there are those people who like the "winter kissed," slightly brown tinged artichokes. For tender asparagus, look for stalks with t he ' largest amount of green. Stalks s hould be fresh. fir m , with com pact closed tips. Open tips ar e a s i g n of ove r -m aturity. Re j ect angula r or flat s t alks whic h a r e a pt to be woody. A vocados m ay be b o u g h 't s I i g h t I y under-ripe and ripened al room te m perature. The ripening lime can be shortened by pl acing the avocados in a paper or plastic bag sli ghtly closed and held at room temperature. A s imple t r ick for tes ting ripeness is to stick a toothpick in the fruit at the st.em end. If it nows freely in and out of the fruit, the avocado is ripe and re acfy to enjoy. Buy broccoli that is fresh and green all over w i lh com p act b u d clusters. Old, ge nerally· tou_g h brocc oli, b a s "flowers " which a re visible inside the buds. Good Brussels sprouts (oft e n c al l e d "mini-cabbages") are fi rm. compact and fresh bright g r een t he better to please Irish pa la tes and plates. Puffy or soft sprouts are poor eating. Wilted or yellow leaves show aging. Cabbage heads should be fa irly solid and heavy in relation to size and w e ll tri mme d w i th s tems cut close to the head. Pall and winter cabbage is firmer <more solid ) than early or new cabbage. Select c ris p , clean ce lery chopped ' to a s tandard length with stalks that-are thick and solid with good heart fo r mation. The s talks should be brittle enough to s nap e a s ily. T he inside of the stem should be s mooth. O ne o f t h e m os t p o pul ar g r ee n s is s p i nac h . F o r best qua l i ty , s e l e c t well-developed plants with fresh, crisp, clean le aves of good green color. Small. s traggly or overgrown stalky plants are usually tough. With good we ather a nd adequate supply, t hese green .delights can c h a rm y o ur m eals during the month of Ma rcf1. Learn to order in rJ flawless French Diosa 's Books and Cook ware in Irvine will offe r a class in soups and stocks taught by Tarla Fallgatter at 6:30 t his evening. Cost is $20. Inte r pre tin g a nd ordering from a French menu will be taught by fo rm er F r e n c h i n s t ructot Do lo r es Hoffman at 6 :30 p.m. Friday. and class fee is '$10. Pat Cook will instruct tonight at 7. Cost is $20. Call 673-2343. KITCHEN THINGS in Corona del Ma r will offe r courses by Roy Pingo. On March 11, he will s h o w h o w t o prepare fish sourne. and on March 18 he will instruct in seafood and vegetable risotto. Fee for e ach is $20, and information is a vailable by calling 673-3444. in bas ic m icrowave SHERMAN LIBRARY cooking from 1 to 3 p.m.' and Gardens in Corona Sat urday. Cost is $10. del Mar will present the f inal t wo cours es in International dinne rs with Chinese .cuisine on March 23 and Mexican cuisine on Marc h 30. Classes are 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m .. and fee for ea ch is $20. CaU 673·2261 for preregistration and information. ' An gelo C apello o f Alfredo's Resta urant at t he South Coast Plata Hotel will s how students how to pr e pare continenta l cuisine a t 6 :30 p.m. March 16. Call the store at 551-0280 for reg i s tr a t io n information. WILLIAMS-SONOMA in South Coast Plua will offer a class in using phyllo dough taught by Tarla Pall1'atter o n Marc h 16, She will return on Marcb 22 with a spring meau of lamb and lresb asparaeus. · MR. STOX restaurant in Anaheim will offer a class tn "An Elegant Ladies Luncheon" at 10 a.m. March 18. On March 25, a class wUl offer lnstrucUon ln prepa.ring a n E aster brunch. The store will boat A n e v e n 1 n g J oan Gerton .Nathan, participation cht,ss and author of "Jewish go urmet dinne r will ,ffolidfY Kitchen" for a ' allow participants to cookihg demonstration pre pare t b e ir o wn and book signing at 1 dinner at a cost of S.37.50 p.lb .. Ckl'March 30. There per person. is no charge for the The resta urant will preaent.atlon. Call the conduct a culinary tour s to re at' 751·11H for ot Parts, including two ;»torfll.U.. altel'DOOll demonstration , claas~ at La Varenn. :·_.f'~WBllO'l iD Coroa:9 CoolriQI School, from dtl ~ di .,._.. • May e to 18. Call t.be olua tiJi .., Mou)toe re1taurant at 834·2"4 ~D u tacf . pre paration tor information. __ ,. ·Ill If 111 llTClll ctealptn mana1e to cut back more-rabric from twim auita and s hort s . They leap to the ehallence of provldtnc le11 outfit for more money whJJe still havlng an)'lhln1 left to sell. Sometimes price tags are lar1er than whole outfits. The second shock comes in the dressing room. These brightly lit torture cham bers are just large enough to hold a three-way mirror and small enough that you can't avoid seeing yourself In It from all angles. And there you are . You look white. A)ld lumpy, No bronzed goddess. you have all the appeal of a beached whale and glance furtively over your shoulder to see lf Captain Ahab is waiting to harpoon you. • The pleats, folds and gaLhen of your winter outfits seem to have transferred themselves to your body. T hat's the breaking point. "I'M NOT GOJ NG OUT ON T H E BE AOH IN THIS BODY," you shriek in ~a tone calculated to c rack u mirror 11ve dreaalna rooma away The talf!lllady a 19·year-old lin Lhree, has been lurktn,a nearby. She peen1 ln, curl1 her llp lmperceptably and oomforta 7ou by saylnJ , "Have you tried our full-figure department?" She ha uls in aeveral bathln1 aulta resembling the tent your family u.sed Jaat year at Yosemite and departs. You try them on, call down a curse on Amelia Bloomer's name and at.alk out of Lhe store determined to diet a nd exercise until you look like the models in the pbolol. At least, you tell youraelt, no one will mistake you for t he Goodyear blimp. So you pass up the calories, startle the neighbons by joggin g each morning an• generall y torture yourself until you can stand a return trip to the stor~. You buy s u mmer gear, spend a few afternoons sunning in the backyard and then venture out to a public beach. Only then do you note an interesting fact: No one on the beach looks at all lilce the skinny models in the photos. People are swimming, sitting or walking around in a variety of shapes and sizes standard in the species homo sapiena as we know it. ... , ·~ ~ " So where are lbote celery·le11ed m Relu -they're IOmewhere poelnc for In a sweltering array of woof 1weaters, aod fur coata, becauae clotbina companies to get a Jump on adverti1ln1 tor the fa winter seQOO. Arm yourself with that knowledse untering the store's chan1e rooma thla 1 and enjoy the thought H you Ue on the this summer. • If you've already decided to lighten the calories, here's a recipe for a light soup an elegant taste For senous dieters, serve It with Ry · crackers as an easy first course at dinner SUDDENL V SOUP 4 cans chicken broth 1 cup tomato juice ·~ Grated rind of 'h orange J•! I/• cup vermouth Sall and pepper to taste Boil the chicken broth and tomato juice toJtether until reduced by about IA. Add tbe orange rind, vermouth. salt and pepper and beat to serve. Makes about 4 servings. •:I~ eff;.TUrlleys • ._,,._ .,.........._ •S--T--. ........ ,,.. .._, ....._.. •W-~•'"wSten •'-tW .... ~:::; .. •129 Fov0<hel ....__-... ~-lb. SAFEWAY QUALITY MIA T Rib Eye Steak Sat~ s3•e Fresh Pork Steak 8laOt Sf 9 Oliillfy R•D lb Sllouloe lb Fresh Ground Chuck Dots"'~~:"° Sf9 Smoked Sausage H•l1$11•t F•11ns s2•9 ID Mt .. l>Pol1.,_ lb Short Ribs ~~~ IO $159 Sliced Bologna Sca1e11111r1 I ID s1•e Pl.g P,2~~~S.!,SJ£i< Sa~tty IO s2n Beef Rib Roast 5'=~ IO $239 2¢ *179 Po ck f .. ept & 12·0 1. Cotollno 8olllH {U'l"l'Wt 2 'vrcheM Ow•' lHntt Sl H Monor Hou ... age Shasta Beverages Thint 88 Ouenchin11 c 2·Liter BC:ttle Rudy's Sausage Patties Frie d Chicken Froun~':ltCn ''t..: 5189 Fresh Snapper ~::~,~"' 0 s199 tE-£ Lucerne Chocolate Milk 2 lb s2•9 to; 98C ~ ""9 Captain's Choice Fishsticks r.o,.,, "• ...,.. Lucerne Yogurt ~ s109 Breaded Perch lemons Coll>U n sChOoct fllltlS 10 s179 ~Lucerne Cottage Cheese ~~~ 89' :...----=-~ ~A' 't •11t.nco•Aolll0 .......,, I uni e H ambrUICO I~ s3 111 lllfl 6-PICb a ' Grapefruit 5!100 ~ 25< "'"'" ~Almaden Light Chablis C-£> Dos Equis Light Beer •Irish Whiskey Old:="·· 2~~ s700 150 $nt9 1111 ..,-- Fresh Broccoli Gr~11uc11 Orange Juice ~!:"'",:1c11 Green Onions Mild Green Leaf Lettuce Navel Oranges ~ Crisp carrots T..ey lb 55• Bronze or Butter Lettuce ~·21• Fresh Avocados ::,. 2 Sulldlll 49• Tofu Bean C~ke ::. M:ll 35• Bell Peppers °'~ Italian $Quash :' Indoor House Plants =: Mini Carnation Bouquets ~35' Nd\39• \:79' IO 89- IO 49c I alleys Irish Cream ,._,,_. ,.,.... ......... . .... o .... $15, ... ,000 -~~-~-~-=-,."-=:' '::o .. T-:_=-i 1. '""' .. ......... .. ...... _ .._ .. .......... "--·· -._,,,. ___ ... ____ .... _ ~--... -.-.... -__ ...__ ... _,,. __ ... ···----=:-·---·---,,,.--... -·-·----· -------FROZEN C-i Downyflake ~ :s-& Van De Kamps (l\CMam 1"-£ Bel Air Piua varlfl..s C-S> Bel-air Apple Pie I~ 59c 7~1 69' 1301 11 29 "'O I 1t: '1" =~~~!ii B B d s Wroglns =-:, erry rea HOnrV~ai ~Crushed Wheat "''1S::'J"'s ':; 79' ~Cinnamon Rolls CS:raJ HEALTH & BEAUTY ~Oil of Olay Beauty Lotion :: .. '347 ~Hydrogen Peroxide s..IY ~ 49' :-£>White Petroleum Jelly Sl!Mtv ~~. 99' ~ :&-£>Aspirin Tablets 5111w1y :\169' ~Cotton Swabs s.-11 :lo 89• ·················!!II =~ SARWAY COUPOI C\J I I •1.000FF I ! FIL~ !~~~~!'~j,.. I I 1 ef 110. 12•., IH 4euhp1U. I : ,.,tfttetl ............. t•llpefl Wheft I I , ' v•v plcll "' reu• ,in-. I .,..J:· I a;:.~ ...i.~ --.. ---"·'""' • I ~··-.:.,-;::,~~,,~er· I ••••••••••••••• • _.._.....,.,,.,,,,.., ........ ~, .................. ~ ................. .. l W ASHINOTON (AP) -fte U .s. Tu Court bu aauet ltowa 1 popular tax 1belter for blth·illeome 6a"'10N. Tbe eourt held that .. ..._ .. from commod1Q llraddaet c:ould not be dedUeted OD die lfOUDd the lnvetton entend lDtq tbe eoetracta .... ly to Jvo&d taus, not to r..u. aay prollt from t.be l.nvHtmenl. eo..,,.,.. tut year toot away rnucb of tbe tax incentive for commodity 1 traddle1. Tbe rulinc, by Judce Artllur L . Nlml Ill which wu reviewed by tbe tud Tu Oourt, Ukely will affect . tbouaanda of top-bracket inveators who poure d tbelr money into straddles before mld·l911. A straddle involves simultaneou s bo ldln1 of a contract to aell a given quantity of a commodity, typically allver, at a ·future dale and of a c~ct . to buy the same commoditJ lo another month. The aim ts to create a loss in one year and a profit, wbicb •• wo•ld be taxed at reduce4 capltal·talnl ratM, la tbe aat , • .,. ,,,. loa would be uMd to offHl taxea due on otber lDcome. Tbe JnUmal.Jlevtn• s.nte. .... takm the Poltdon •lDce am that commodity atradd.l .. are llOl lelltimate tu lbelten. Tbe Tu Court ru.llnC apbeld the JBS. 'llhe decision went •taln1t Hll'ry Lee Smith and Patricia' Ano Smith of La Jolla a nd Herbert J . Jacoblon and Buth D. Jacobloa of San Dte10. Tbe two men were real estate developer s wbo invested in allver atraddlea to reduce the taxes on profit.a made from the sale of their partnership'. interests in 1973. The straddle for the SmitM and Jacoblona waa devised by Merrill Lynch, Pierce, FeMer Ir Smith Inc. After the IRA ruled againat the two couples, Merrill Lynch offered them a tot.al of $114,000 not to appeal the case to the Tax Court. L That amount 1' almoal twtce th• tax that IRS claims la due u a reau l t o f th e commodity·1trad4le deduction. The Smiths were billed for U'J ,5'1; tbe Jacob•ona, for . $80,196. Nim• held that a deductioc could not be denied •traddle Investors •olely because they bad tax avotd&nce in mlnd. In fact, he added, the expectation of making a profit need not be reasonable "so 1001 as it is bona fide." But, Nims wrote, it ia clear that the Smlths and Jacobeona ·'w e re solicited for these investments solely because they · possesse d large s ho r t -term c apital gains whic h these investments could defer . . ··Indeed, information ... which was made available to petitioners at the lime of their investments indicated tbat°lhere was no probability or earning an e~o no mic p ro fit on their Investments," Nims held. FICTITIOUS 8UMNESI NAME STATIMINT Tll• followlnt .,., .. n h clolne buslneuH : IJICTITIOUI IUllMSS HAMI STATIMINT IJICTIT10US eUSIMISI "ICTITIOUI IUMNISI NAMI ITATIMtlNT N.UOW ITATIMllNT Tiie followlnt P•rton ts doing Th• foll-Ing .,...sons or• ctolng I. SAMS EQUIPMENT RENTAL ANO ASPHALT, HI• Miii Strfft, Nt•llOrt llMcll, Callfoml• '2161. $•m O•rcl1, 7921 tlth StrHI, Tiie followlng pe,.on I• doing tlvslllffs•s. MANNY'S IAA, U21 North "elrvleW. 6-lla Ana, Calltoml• 9210.. llutlneu as· ...,,.,,.,.ft Cll MAICI, 121 FANTASYLAND, HAllTNEY VEA BAYICE. 10221 U.. C.allfernla St ..... Co.la Mew, CA Slat•r Av.n .... Suite tOl, Fountain t263'. V•lley, CaOfoml• t11IQI SE TSU KO KA IC I( l , U .. Cl>erlff L.. N.,.,.,...,, 'GO Saa LAM, AP'........-We•tmlns•r, Callf9ml• tHa T 0 U G H L U GGAGE Don Miami's Metro Zoo. McLeod, who n•s -1~s '' con11uc1ao by ., McLeod, inside the gorilla suit, a ppea rs in the t e levisio n inc1iv~.s.ma..n:1a demonstrates the durability of commercials for the luggage c:..~~y ~~ ~::,.::.1ac1c.!:!r., ': Manwt J. H019Uln. ttU West 2nd SttHI, Seti .. Ana, Calltomla 92703 This ~~s Is conctuct•ct by •n lllcll•-· Calllornla $tl'Ml, CoU• Mua, CA No. S4, Cor-dll ,,..,, C.llfornla 92'16. "'1S This ~ II~ 11¥ ... Mary ....,_., Out!wle, -s .. ~IJ.H019<oln lftdlvldual. Lo ne. No. U . Corona ct•I M•r, s.tsui.o t<rklll Catlfornla ta.2S American Tourister luggage to · company, is in Miami to attend a "'"""•"' 11. 1m. _J_u_l_io_F_e_r_n_a_n_d_e_z_o_f_M_i_a_m_i_a_t __ l_u_g_g_a_g_e_a_n_d_l_e_a_th_e_r_tr_a_d_e_sh_o_w_. _ p.,011-0r.,... coett 0 .. 1~':, FtO. 11, 2•, MMc'h J, 10, tta '7M2. Tiiis .. .......,, •M lllecl with lN CO\lnly Cler• ol Ora,... County on F.tlrOllN n, ttel. Ft ... PuOll~ Or-CMS1 Dally Piiot. F.t>. l•, Merd\3. 10, 11, 1"2 _.., Tllll "" .......... was Iliff wtttl IN Tllh tlvslllff• h Conclu<t•cl by • Counly Cler1' of Or-C°""ty -..-ier•I ~. FM!. J. 1"2. ~ l . N..,.,.,... PIGl7t Tiii• -· •HS fllecl wllll u.e PuOll-Or-c-o.i1y Piiot. County Cler• of 0r....-County on DEATH NmCES Fet set HUNT :for scouts TERESA F . HUNT , resident or Fountain valley, Explorer s couts from Ca. Passed away on March the Orange County 4, 1982. Survived by her Council, &y Scouts of husband Warren. daughter America, will attend the L o r ea T W r i g h t o r 12th National Explorer Maryland. son Anthony Congress March 23-27 ih Hunt of Costa Mesa, Ca., Philadelphia. b r other J ose ph M L I Slorestano or New York. oca representatives grandchildre n Lisa and i n c l ude Ca therine Joseph Wr ig ht. Fun eral .Guibert, Nick Ellena, se r vices we re held on Gary WatsQn, Michelle Sunday. March 7, 1982 at Stuutmans and Sheri Harbor Lawn Me morial Tuman of Fountain Chapel with Re v Roger Valley; Darin Siegfried Walke of the First Un1tar1an and Kevin Peterson of Church of Irvine offic1allng 'C 0 st a Me s a : s t an Services under the direction of H11rbor Lawn-Mount Ohve Bressler or Newport Mortuary or Costa Mesa. Beach: Nancy Russell of S40·55S4. Corona del Mar a nd FUC'KWIR Patrick Willi ams of CHARLES s FLICKWIR, ·Capistrano Beach. resident of Corona d'el Mar. Ca. Passed away March 8, 1982 Survived by daughter Mrs Joan Haigh, son Don ' Flickwir, 5 grandchi ldren and 1 great·granddaughter. Services Thursday at 1:00 PM , Pacific View Memorial Women guid e d Park Chapel In lieu of S ddl b k C LI • flowers, contributions to 8 e ac · o ege s Hoag Memorial Hospital. Project View offers help Masonic Children's Home or to women returning to the charity or your choice. the job market in a n Pacific View Memonal Park eight-week session Mortuary, directors. under way on the South McDONELL Campus in Mi ssion M Au R I c E FR As ER Viejo. McOONELL . died on R egistr ation is s till Sun.dar. March 7, 1982 at open. Hours are from 10 Wh1tt1er .. Surv1v~d by _ a a.m until noon Mondays large family. Services will · be held at Rose Hills . and Wednesdays. A~ the Donation in his memory end ~r .the session . ma y be made to UCI part1c1pa nl s are F o u n d a t i o n . s o 2 referred to the Career Administration Building, G uidance Center for Irvine, Ca. 92717. personalized help with . enfune Societ v CREM£T~ llURIAI. AT !IEA 646-7431 I Our literature tells lhe· complete story of our: job search. For information. call J eri l y n C hum a n . director or View, at 831·4611. 1:~1>. 11, u. -~" 3. 10. t"2 10..,. Merell s, 1"2. PUBllC RECORDS ' FICTITIOUS IUSINllSS FtMW Pubtl~ Or ... c ... st Dally Piiot, -· 10. 11, 24, JI,,., 10'2.., Births MIHION COMMUNITY HOSP'ITAL ___,., Mr oncl Mrs Gary lecil•rd, Lag11naN~l,9'rl Mr. alld Mn. Jay Bry•nl, Dana Point. glrl. Mr -Mn. Clwl~ Chrhtl ......... , S.n J11an cac>lstr-, glrl _,.,tt Mr .,,., Mn • .iotel>fl Lov~lu. ............... 1.01r1. -'-"""' Mr. •""Mrs. Tlmol.l\y Harper, $an C~e.t1r1. J-Vt7 Mr •ncl Mf\. John H•gulancl. lrvlne, boy Mr •nd Mn . Wllll•m Po ... hon, San Clemo'1l~. glrl -ryll Mr •net Mrs Brl•n llaln, S.n J11.,. c.,istrono, girl Mr -Mn. SI..,._ Habl!O er, LAQuna Beach. t>oy M,.. and Mrs. Oav~ct Zu11m•n, lrvlM, girl. DEATHS ELSEWHERE SOUT HB OROUGH , Mass <AP> Or. H•dsoa Hoagland, 82, a leader ln the r i~ld o r oeuroendocrinology and c o -founder o f the foundation that developed lhe birth control pill, died Thursday. JACKSON. Mich. (AP > Jacob Louwsma, 75, whose son Mari ne Col J 11ck MIUIC* COMMUNITY NOl~TAl. --.,1 Mr -Mn. Gr....,.y .. ,....cl. S.11 Jvan C...,lstr-, boy. Mr. -Mrs. 0.-Sllaolro Jr., L4'9WI• llHcll, boy. ,.._.,, Mr and Mn. J-Ooyla, l..afllnl Ni9Ml,boy. Mr. e ncl Mn. Larry Rl•ke, Caplstr-Beach, boy. Mr. end Mrs. D••l•I Schvcl•. Newport Bffd>, girt. M r. -~ Erk Scott, ~ Nl9utl, girl "'""-"' Mr. end Mrs. Christopher Wynk-. Corona <lel Mar, glrl. _.,, Mr anet Mn. Ml<l>et l Connelly, COf'ona dtl -· boy -,,1. Mr anet Mr$ 0..-.IO e.,.rs. D•N Pol11t,glrl Mr •nd Mrs. Thomu Rallll, L.a9""• N'-1• boy. Lousma JS to command thi.s month's scheduled third flight of the space shuttle Columbia, died Thursday. GREAT VELDA M, En gland <AP> -lhb Butler, 79, a Conservative Party statesman, Cabinet minister in seven governments and reformer of British education, died Monday •AMa ITATEMllNT '1CTITIOUS IUSINEU Tiie followlnt peflon Is clolng NAME STATEMENT IMKl-n: TH• GAEEN DOOR, Newland llu~~~o~~owlng pertons ••• doing (.entff, \'611 h«h Blvd . H""llnQ1on PANACHE IMPORTS, JU 11th laa<h, Callfon>la.,.... Rollert• Marie Alcloway. 110 P1•«, C•la Mew. C•llfoMI• n•v. Mu111ter Drive, Huntington 8H tll, Emlly M M111lalnt . lll 111~ CallfOt'llla ti.. Piao . Co. .. Mew. ~I• 92'27. Tl\11 llus!Mi1 It conctu<lecl by .., Elfrledo G. Shearer, 20I T-. lnctlvllfllal. New Port 8ea<:I\, C.alltomla 92..i .....,.,,. M AldQW•Y Tiiis business ,, <onclU< .. cl by • Tiiie .....,._, ... Ill.., with the QeMral _,,...\tllt>. Count y Clerk of Or•noe County on This ,..~~ ;M ~=·with ""' F.t>.U ,1"2 . 1"1DNSi 'County Clerk of 0r•"9e County ...., 1 Publl-Oranf'! CMtl O•lly Piiot. "eb. 22. 1"2. .. ... u . ->. 10. "· ,.., .. ..., P1_, Pullll"*' Or ... Coa•I D•ly Piiot, :.-..-...,;------=----! l"eo. 1•. _,,. >. 10. 11, 1"2 ... ..,, .. ICT1TIOUS IUSINllH .. ....._ ITATS-NT "ICTlTIOUS IUSINl\H Tiie tollowlno 11enon IS c101no NAM&STATEMINT buslrt .. s.s· The followlng pe,.on, are doing ROYAL QUEEN HEAL TH SPA, llv•lneu H nsn El TO<O A-. Suitt I-I £•. El P ROFESSION'AL TOU C H Toro. C•llfoml• t2'30 $EAVICE COMPANY. 161n Cl>enntt Norman ManltU , 1J07• Via La .... HUflllnoton a..c11. C.lll«nle Cerua. #IU IOft Vi•lo. Cettfornla 92..., "6tl D• vlcl Rot>erh, .,7 Concord Tiils --Is conctu<ted l>Y .., Awnue, -ovl•. C.lllornl• t1016 lftdlvld\Hll. LM Trlrnote, IM E. Palm AVfl1ue, .,..,,.,,._ -.itte -rovl•. c..iltomla t1016 T~lt u~I ... lllecl with "'-Tiiis t>uM.-s '' concl11ctec1 by • c_,., Cle"' of 0••"9t County on qieMr•I ~·P· "eo<v•rv n , tm. O.vld R_,s FU:1'21 This si.1-1 was Ill.ct wltn tiw FICTITIOUS 8U91NISS N-E 5TATEMENT The foll-Ing persons ••• doing t>uslneu ft· Cl) NEWLAND PRO PERTIES. Ill NEWl..ANO REAL ESTATE. (l) N E W L ANO REALTOR S , l •I NEWLAND ASSOCIATE S , 151 NEWLANO REALTY 71 • Adams AVfnue, • IOS, H""tlng1on Be•cll, Celllomla.'2.~. Gerald l Conley, t211 Drybank Orlve. H""tlnoton BHt h. C•lllornl• .,. ..... Phyllis A Anyan. IOJOt Jon oo. Huntl"910fl BM<h, C•lllom•• .,.,.. This bus1nf''\I '" t onctuc teCI by • Qtntr•I pannerSlllP Gerald L. Conley This sU.1-1 ..... llled wllh In# COllnly Clerli ol Or•f'llle County ...., Fet>ru•ry I, 1"2 l'ltHU Publl\hed Or-Cool Oelly Piiot, Feb 2', Merell l. 10, 11. 1"2 kH11. FICTITIOUS SUSINEH NAMtl STATEMENT Thf' foUow tnQ person' •r• oo•no b\l\tn~u •-' G llAPHICS TWO IOU 8 r1oso Or lve. Sult• 101. Cosu Mo e , C•lltornla 9U21 Pullllsfled Orange CMst D•hy Piiot, County Clerk ol o .. nge County 011 "•II. 2A, MM. 3, 10, 11, 1"2 • 7-2 -rch I,,.., P•ulo J Zellm•ler, 14'IO Park F1Mtl1 NewPort. Hewt>Or1 ~acn. c.iuornl• Putlll-Or-to.st 0.lly Piiot. '1..0 Mor. 3, IO, ti, 2•, 1"2 -Willl•m 0 L1-rg, 14'0 p.,11. -----------.......;• Newport. Newl>O't S.-acll. Calltom1• "ICTITtOUS 9\nlNHS ...-naTeMINT The fettowt"g "rson Is doing llUllNHft' SOUTH COAST BOAT YARD, 1170 New.,.rt S lvcl., Newport Buell, C.elllomla'*3 Pet• Stewart. 31..., West Sir"'• South Lafvne, C..lfo<nl• tl6tl Tiiis tlvslntu Is c-teo by .., lnctlvi-t "-W s-wri FICTITIOUS IUSINal~ •Atttl STA'nMllfT Tiie followl"9 person h doing lluSlnns•s· (•I P. $AADO 01!$1GNS, 11>1 MESA UPttOLSTEAY. 16-15 ~lor lllvcl • Cofta Motta. <:Miio<-.!• t2't7 Plllllp S..cto. t!4S4 lfl ... KMll Rood. E11<lno, Callfo<nla tll16 This tiu,ineu Is c-..Cted by on lndi.tc1 ... 1 ,,..., Tiiis bu•ln~u I• con<111tled by • 91ner•l~P P...C. J Zoflnwi.r "'~ Tl\~ "-1-1 wll\ Ill.ct ••In Uw CO\lnly Cl•rk of Or•noe County on Feb. 12, 1917 P111>tlshed OranQP Co.t•t Dolly Piiot. "" l•, Mar J, 10. 11. 1"2 11o.t2 ...__-=--...... -=>-----·---~-J-"-----------~ This ,......_. wft fllod with the CO\lftlW Cler• of Or-County on ''''"ell I, l'lln. FIMtel Publl-Or-CN\I D•llY Piiot, Piii iip Sarcto Tiiis slat.....,,, *ft lllecl wltn u-. FICTITIOUS 8USINESS NAME 5TATEME NT FICTITIOUS 8USINESS N-E STATEMENT Th• 1011ow1no person h clolng b\lslneuas. AR T HUR JA M E S t. ASSOCIATES, 201• Crukvltw ~Hills. c.tlfoml• t2'Sl. Ar111ur Jamu S•llee, 1016 Creehlew. ~ Hiiis, Callfornl• "2UJ. This 00,lneu Is coftduc:ted t>y en lnctlvld.,.I Arthur J S.lltt Tiiis slatetMnl WU Ille<! with .... FICTITIOUS IUSINllSS HAME n ATEMENT The followlnt otrson h clolno l>u1lneH •S' ->. 10. 11, 2A. 1c • t0-t2 JIM'S MOBILE LOCK ANO l(EY P'ICTIT10US 9USINEH 9EAVICE. 15W Prltll Court, FOl#ftlaln 91AM« ITATEMINT COUfllY Cler• ol Or•"ll" County ...., NUrchl. 1.-J 1'1Mtt1 Put>ll-~-Co.st Dally Piiot, M., l . 10, II, 14, I "2 '12.fJ Valle y, C•llfomla '270I Tri. follow!"' ~sons ue clotng ,.,....,.......,,. IUSINIU J ame1 Ectw.,• Ha.,.nv, um bu s 1 n •, • • 1 : N A T u R A. L ;;-:~ STATEMeNT Prell Court, 1"011nl•ln V•llty, EXPRES$10ffS. 1"6 0r.,... A,,...ue. Th• 10;-owlng perion 11 clolno Calllornl4t '270I. C01ta -... C..llo<-nla 92U7. This buSlnns is conduc:ltd by en T•rew L.. 11.--nyard·Smltl\. J2t -lnffSM' lnctlvlclu•I E a st 0 11lnc y Avenue. Ora nge , DUKE Of' HUNTINGTO... 16'03 J-Ectward H-t1y catllornl•'*7. At1onq11ln, H11nllngton B••cll T111s ..... .._, w•s mecs wltll -D•""'' w. Gu41tv. 16S4 or...-c.ii::;~"': Shel•h. 40u O•ll• County Clen, ol Ora-. C-ty CHI Avtnue, C49ta-u, Calllornlo m 21 Ave-A.I .. Loma C.llfon>la tllOI Th• to11ow1nQ P•r son h d oino ~\IM\s•s EN lllQUE'S HOUSE OF WA)(, •si w 11111 Strttt. C~I• Mew, C•lllom1a .,.,, Enrique A -In•. 7•U E 1'1P> Strut. No ••. Newport Beec n. C.alllorn,. 92Ml Thi• buslneu i• r.-uct..i o. an lnct1vldual. Enrique's House ot Wu EN'lqveR MoflM This \la~ W41S lllecl with the County Cler• of Orange County on F~1>r11ery n. 1.-J "1e:auJ Published Oranve CMst Dallv Piiot, "eb. 14. Mar 3, 10, 11, 1"7 I07 .. 2 flUlllll •cnn.ut ..,., ••• ...... ITllTIIMllfT ,,.. ............ .....,. ., ....... ~~· . SAIL AWAY IM>AT "ll'Alltl, ... Wetl INI ~ "9, C:..U Mew, Ca'Ner .... ..,, .... ,, c. '"""' .. ' Ir., tltt t 1lf11I,_. ,,.., ~.it•, Cat11eu 1ta "1· 0.~ L. """-It .. "7' OleM, ltlwwtl*.~tm>. P'•-AI II ..._.l .,, oi-, ltlwnN9.~'"'7 ffll• ...._. It C.tf.Wk>CIM i.v a .... ,.,II* .......... : ,,_ 1!1 tclltnlcJI Tlllt .........,.. w• 111 .. with .._ C-IY Cleft. 61 Or ..... C-y ., J-rv•.•• ,.,.,.,, ~·--Ct"..,.. C-Oall'r 11'1""4. , ... o , t4, MMe"~. ••. 1m 7Mt P'ICTITtOUI eUMNIU MAMa ITAT11M9NT The foUawlnt pen011• e r• 00!"9 llu•IMM .. : l•I SCIENTIFIC HATCHEl"l!I; ti.I $CIENTIFIC HA.TCHl!lllES, INC , I U2 E .... YN Ctrcle, Hwit~ llff<h.CAn... -OALLAS EARL WEAVE A .0 ., encl J ANET CAOMLE WE.AV II, 115' ~~,,,.Circle, ,H""lin910fl ~ $CIENTIFIC HATCHERIES, INC • • C..lloml• <~etl.,., 1151 Evelyne Clrcte, M""tiftqlCHI l •«h, CA .,. .... This tiu.lnHt Is c-t..i 1>y .,, lncllvlclual -e COtllO"«lon Oalt•i!Mt-5<1e111111C H~ .... ie.. In< O.llas Earl Wea ... r. Pre""9nt This st.t._t Wft 11190 •Ith the Counh Ctert. DI Or-County on J.,., 11, 1"7 Fttntl Pu1111.-Or1M>Qlt CCNISC Delly Piiot. ht>. 11, l•, Marclll. 10. ,.., ,..,_., "ICTITIOUS I USINUS NAME STATEMENT Th~ followlno f'•r•on• ••• doing l>u•lnt.su· B&B IUILDERS. 1310 Al•l>a~ Strfft, Hunti"91011 ~ac11. C•lll«n•• .,. ... Aooert w..,ne R-. UIO Al•l>a"'-StrHI, HunllAOton Beach, C.lllornl• ., ... Guil•v• B11ddy Conler . ?tO Spr1nohetc1 No B. HUf\Unglon ll<tacll, C.lllorn<• 91MI This blalnen •• tOflcluclect t>y • Qtr>e••I pM1nenlllp. Gust• .. Bueldy Confer II-rt W•vne lleed Tiiis •i.tament wH flle<I "'"" ti.. County Cler-ol Or.anqe C°""'' on Fet>ru•ry n ,.., l'I ... Publt•lled Or•f'llle Co.st Dollv Piiot, Feb 2•. MM 3, 10, 11, 1'181 -.a2 f'ICTITIOUS SUSI NIH NAMl ITATEM•NT Tiie followlng person• ••• dol~ llutlnns.s. MAIN PIPE & SUPPLY COMPANY. ttlt E. M<F-.., Sant• Ana, Callfoml• 9210S THE SOUTHLANO SUPPLY CO A PORAT ION, a Calllornl• ca<-etlon. ltl6 E. M<F-, S...u AM. Cellfornla '210S Tllil t>usineu h r.onctuctecl l>Y • tor1>outlon The Soulll .. net ~'I' (Of'T)Oretlon John Novello. VlcePn~- Thls "-Ir,,.... was 11100 wit~ IN County Clerk of Or•noe County on M•rcll t. 1"2 "1M1JI Publls'*I Or ... Co.st D•lly Piiot, Mar 10. 11. 2•.11. ,.., ,_ STATEMENT OF AIANOOMMENT OF USE OF FICTITIOUS SUSINU.S NAME l"~ tollowlno oerso'" h•v• at>enooM<I llW ~ of -ll<tltlous bu••ne~s rntmif' H.M I ENA DEVELOPMENT. ltlU Be«h Blvd., H'..,lln9'Drl lleacll. CA'1M7 The FICllllous Bu•lneu N•m• rf'ferrecl to •llo~ Wft flied In 0raftQll County on April U . ttlO, Fii• No. Ft"'4. E NA OEVELOP MEN T CORPORATION, o C•llfornla c«poratloft. P O Boa SM, C•clllf. C•lllornl• '7007 HECTOR MAASACH, INC .• a C•lllorn1• c«porotlon, tttn e..cn lllvcl .. H..,tlnoton 8Nch. CA '1'7MI ThlS busi.-s •e• conctuclecl by a 9-••I t>MtnenNp He<'lor Ma"°'h, In< He<10r """"°' h. PrnfcliPnt ENA 0....1_.....,1 COf'P o.~w M•llf'e• • PrHIOorll This staw,,_1 •OS hied wllll Ii.. COllnlY Cler~ ol Or•"Of Counly on Feb II, I.., P11tlllsNd Or•noe Co.tst Oelly Piiot. Feb 17, l4, Ma"n 3, 10, ,.., 7SM2. FICTITIOUS IUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Tiie lollowlng Persons are doing llUslnen .. PLAZA VEROE LIQUOR. 15H Meu Verdt Or1w EH i, Units IV. N.11 C0$1• ~. C•lll«nle t2tH Wllllam s. Llwton, .ott EH i LI Palma. Suite B. A11at-.lm. Calllornlo IOCietv. to.--...-. _...... -(loa ... Student cited · Counly Cle"' of Or•nve County on ,, .. , .... ,.,I&.,., Fet>ruaryl1, 1"2. Tiiis bullnet• h conducted t>y • Tiiis •111111,,..s 1," c-..c-l>y an ,.,um .. ,... •. ~ ... F1U4n Publl-Or-Co.hi OeUy Piiot T.,.... L B,._,,yarct-5"'1111 IM I,,...,_., ------------92I07 f'llllCfUOTHlH 18.1 llOADWA Y MOITUAIY 110 Broadway Costa Mesa 642-9150 IALTl IHGllO .. SMfTH & TUTHILL WlSTCLlff CHAf'fl 427 E 17th SI Costa Mesa 646-9371 rtHCl•OTHHS SMITHS' MOITUAIY 627 Main St Huntington Beach 536·6539 PAClftC YllW ......,11.ur••• Cemetery Mortuary Chapel-Crematory 3500 Pacific View Drive Newport Beach 644-2700 MICOIMfQ MOITUAllH Laguna Beach ,. 494-9415 Laguna Hills 76&-0933 &In Juan Cap1atrano 495-1n6 MA1901 L.AWM-MT. OllYI Mortuary• Cemetery Crematory 1625 Gisler Ave . Cost11 Mesa 540-5SS4 0 De nnis R etoske o C Costa Mesa has been named to the honor roll for Lhe fall 1981 sem ester at Western! ' State University College P11tltlSIWd Or-CN\I 0.lly Piiot, Fel> 24, Mar<h ), 10. "· '"2 .....,, This. ~ •ft fllecl •"". IN T~~ ~ ~.:."",.~ .. 1--FM t •.Merchl. 10.11. tm .....,. _ -c 1 c·~ of Or c ...,. --· •• -'" ··~ °"" Y ... ~ ....,. ounty °" c-iy Clerk of Or•noe CO\lnty on or Law in Ful;erton. FICTITIOUS IUMNESS NAME STATEMENT Th• 1011owln9 person Is doing lluSll\ffS H ! THE SOFTWARE STATION, •W Hamilton Aven11e, S11IU 110, HuntlnvtDll llN<I\, Caflfomle .,._.. Ao t>ert R A•nn, 21162 Hart>orbreeH Lane, Huftllngton BHCll, C•lltoml•.,..... This ~s 1s c-ted by •n indlvlclual R-r1A A•M Tiiis Jtetenwnt wft flled wltll the C.O\lnty Clerk of Ore-. County on .. _,, • .., "· 1'92. '11!m Puotl-0r-. Coest o.i1y Piiot, ""· 2•. Marcl\l , to, 17, ,,., 167"1. PICTITIOUS IUSINISS NAME STATEAKNT Th• followlng pe,.on h clolng buslneuH: A.N.G. ENTERPRISES, lt711 l nvernus, Hunllngton Beacll. C.lllO<l\141.,,... Robert N Grego ry, lt7U ln\lerneu, H11nllngton l••cll, Cellfornl• ti.. This IKH!neu Is coftdu<tecl 1>y •n lndlvlcl ... 1. ROOff1N.G~y f hls stat-I w•• lllecl wit~ Ille CO\lnty Cl•"' of Or•f'llle County Otl Feb.22.1"2. I -rch 2, tte1. PIMMS Mer<h t, 1"2. .. ,..,,, Plllllltlleel Orange Coell Oally Piiot, .------------.... Publl"'9cl Or-Cot•t Dally Piiot, "ICTITIOUS IUSINIU NAME STATEMINT The followlng p•rson 11 clolng 11U.slneua1· COMPUTER SOLUTIONS CO., :1857 lllrtll Strwt, 51111• m , N.--t B .. ch, ce11tom1a ti..o JCIM A e..m.... U!O V....-nl Way, Ctt7, Costa Me ... Callfo•rtla .,,,. This buSIMP Is , __ ..., ... lftdlvld..at. Jotwl A 8Hffttln Tiiis nii-was lllH wtttl Irle County Clerk of 0.-•f'llle c-ty on l"eoruery n , 1c. Flau4 Publlslled 0r.,. Co.II Oally Piiot, ..... u . -r. l. 10, 11. 1"2 111-tl Marci\ J, tt, 11, %4, tm -~ P'ICTiflOUS I USINHS NAM9nATEMINT The followlnt perso11 ts clolftg buslMH .. : J T STRIP ING, IHI POmoM, eoct• Ma .. , ca111om1a mu JOlln HHly, 17'1 ~. C•t• Mew. COllfonll• '2627 Thll ~ Is conclucted by .., lnctlvkNal. JelwlHNty flll• st....._. was fllecl wlttl "'- Couftty Cler• of Ora-. County on l"fft11arv :12. 1m . Mar. 10, 17, l•. lt, 1.-J tOn.I) NOTICE 0" Af>PLICATION TO HU AL()OMOUC ••v••Ao•• ..... Ta -.11 May Ceftcenl: ,.ANICLIN e. GaAVES and MYRON LEE MILLER .,.. -'Ylftt ta Ill• 0.11a rtment of Alcohollc lawr ... ~ flOf' "•t" ON SALE IEER lo W I N£ CPUILIC ,.REM1$11$), I• ult alcollollc _...,et nn E~. HVftt,.,._ eNCll, c.alftomta. Publltlled Or ..... Coest Dally P iiot, Merell tO, 1"2 1"'"'7 FtUl.U Publlshed Or-Coatt D•lly Piiot F~. u . Mer. J. 10, 11. 1912 _..; -------------MlX llll( Fl'*7 Pvtltl"'9cl Or..,.. Coest Oally Piiot, • P'ICTITIOUS IUSINESS NA.Ml STATIMINT Tiie lollowlng 1><1rt•n ts doing businesses: PIRSOHAL MANAGEMENT $EAVICES.1«1n Parklllll A-. l •k• "orest. c.iHomi.'26JO Mu "' Tr.ii, uon Pa.-..111 A-, uu ......... c.allfoml• t2'lO Tiiis -'-Is <Oftclu<tH by ., IMlv ....... ..,. F. Troll Thll ~ wn rtled wllll ttle cou11ty c•"' of o.-anoe c_,, °" ~fl.•• "•" ..,..... Or ... CoHt D.ily Piie!, I'•. U , Mir. J, It. 17, 1"2 11M2 ""· 2•. ,,.,, '· 10, 11, 1.-J lff-IJ Nencv J Lawton, «191 Easl l..a Palma, Sull<' 8 Anaftelm, C•lllOrnl• -----------~ t?IOJ Na.tt146 .. ICTIT10US 9USINESS NAMli STA.TIMSNT Th• lollowlng .,."on• Is doln9 t>uslnen as. ORANGE PARK POOl SUPPLY. ., .. , E. '""""•" Avenue, Ora ,.... Calll«nl•'*' Oa rr•ll Primrose. MH Pacific Cant Highway, La g11no Btatll, Callfornla ftUI Tiiis ~' Is c-uc:t .. by .., lllcllv._I. Darrell Primrose This su-..-1 was fllact wltl'I ,,,. County Clef11 of 0r•"911 C.ounty on Marci\ l. tta, .. , .... P\14141.,_, Or-Coest Dally Piiot, -r IO. 17, 2•, JI, t m t I~ -FICTITIOUS aus 11f1SS NAMI STATEMENT The 1011owlr19 perM>nS •re cloln9 llUSl"ffSH! THE MINI BUNO LAUNOAY, I~ #°"""'la A"9nut, •I. NeWl>Of1 lffcll, c.al lfornl•.,.., Gll-1 E Helnly, >09"' 1..aJotla Streel, NewpOfl e.ach, Calllor"I• .,.., Wiiiiam E. Viar . llUI Borw>er' Drive, Sonia Ana, C•lllornla t210$ This b\l.slnn1 I\ conctuclecl l>Y • -···__...,.Ip. Glltl9<1 E. Hei..ty This IWllmlM -fllecl with the C..,nty C .. rll of Orange County on Mar<hl,tt12 .. , .. ,.. ,...,..,.,... or.,,.. Coafl o.11y ,., .... MM. J, 11, ti, 24, t• tla.«2 Ml<,,_1 E P ..... 11 • .cltl EH i LI P•lma, Sull• 8 An.a~lm. C•fltornla t2t01 OOVM A P•rnell . .,., E•sl .... Palma. Su•I• 8 .....-1m, C.lllorni. t7I07 Tiii\ ""'"'"" I\ <ondu<llHI by • o-ner•• P¥t""r~Np Wiiiiam S Lawton cc!."~:.,~~~ 6~n::!ec1c:., ~ Ftt>ru•ry lS, 1"2 F1m77 Put>ll-Orenoe coest 0.11, Piiot, ,,..,ch 3. to. 11, l•, ttlll *-12. ... ---.... , .... .,. ..... y "itllfl"4=:1' ' "ICTl~tout • ..,.. .... "AMlllTATftllaMT Tll• fellewlne ,.,..,. ta 9•1111 .... 1-.... L. (AltL "''41111 COMflANY, 110J2 A-S.-.0., l'_..ln Veltty C•llforl\l.o '110I ' L. C.,I Frt1er. 17052 Av_.,,.. 5-, l'_.glft V•ltY, C.11,_nle moe Tllla M1Mu Is c..-.C-!rt .., lndlYtewol. LC.I Fr ... , Tllla ate..,._t ... flltcl wltll ... c.-ty Clerk of Ort,... C~l\ty on Marc" t, "'l. ) ,,..,. ""~' .... Or-Cotti Delly "''-· Mar,tp,17,14,J\,t!p 10UG "°"'n °" T•unie•1 ~i.• T,I. ..... ,.., NOTICE IS HIAlaV GIVEN, INf °" w........,, M9r<fl n •• e1 •:oe •'<l«ll e.m. f1' WU •o, In tllt ,_ .. t HI .. f., COIWlll<tl ... T"nfM'' Sal .. , wttltl11 I .. otflctt of AlfAL E$TATE SECUlllTllS SEllVICI, *"" .... _,II lr09Ctw•'f. Sllllt ... Ill -CllY Of Sen\e All•, c-ty .. Orel'tt. State of CelH.,l\le, IELL TRUST OEEOS, INC., e Cellfor11le cor1,.,.11 ... , es clWly •PPOlntecl TrwstM Ullder -pwnuent to Ille _,Of .-e conter.W In tllet ce,,.11\ 0-of Tr11tt uecwt.O by JUlltl\ Toole, • -rr• """ • Ill• ooi. tll4I _,. .. ~. r•oro.ct Merell 2'. NOTICE TOCRIDITCHll OPaUutTttiu.tflllt AlfO OP l"TllfTICNI TO TllAIUPea ALCOMCN.IC alVl,_.....111..ICINSI 1-.• .., .... u.c.c. ...,._.,..,.,.~, PIUlllll -lllC'f1T1CIUS autOleU llAMl ITATIMe"T Tiie t0110•1nv "''°"' ere dolno buslneuu: HALLITT -ltKETING, THE HALLETT CC!l.LECTIOH, 162S1 !Mite 8trbert l...eftt. Huntlllflon IMcll, CA "*"' LUAllN I HALL.ETT eno BURDETTE L. HALLITT, t.,tt Se n1• '""'" l.•n•, Hunll "91•n a..<11, CA "6'9 Tiii• buslneu Is condU<ttd lly • ..... re l oartlltnlllp. L-Halletl Prtslcltnl Tiiis stat-I Wts fll.O with Ille Cow11ty Cltfk of Oren .. CoUl\IY on Merell I. !tit. """" Publlt.11111 O'lln9ll CoeS1 Dally Piiot, March l. 10, 11. U, 1~ ttS-t2 '"'· 111 lollt IJN Of Oftkltl Rteordl of sa id Cou11ty, •I P•Ot 160, llt<°'*r't IMtrumeftl No. S56-ll, by ,.•oon ef • breech or clefeult In P•'!'mt 11t or ptrformel\co ot Ill• ....... ,.__ -·· *' ....... !Mt brMdl er dtfawn, -I<• of Wllkll Hotke It ...,_.,., eiWft 11\et e 11u111 transfer, 111c111el11t •11 ••<•!!•lie MYtr ... lie-. >. ....,, 19 bt ,., .. of tllet ct'1.aMI ilftM ct,..-tlllllllotl kllOwn et "ONST ADTS ellcl 1ecM1Uc1 at 11t, 121 -m West lttll Stffft, City et Costa,,.._, c-.tY Of Or-. Stet• ofCellfomient.17.· "lllX • IN~~:"!~=~~,::.~ ,,..i...,_,..., __ ,.-ICT-l•TI-&IS•·-• .....,J""s1-N-.-,-S--•••I "OTICI Of' A"""""TIOW ~II CMA .... IN 0-llt ... lfl 0, ALCOHOLIC llVlltAOI l.ICINH ,... Wts ,._.... J\lnt 16, 1 .. 1, In eo. 14103 of Offklel Rtcordt of u ld County, ti P'99 110, Rtcorcltr's lntlru-No. Mn•, WILL SELL AT PUILIC AUCTION TO THE HIGH EST l l ODEll l'OR CASH ltwful .._Of ti. United Stttn, or a cMfll.,'• CllKk cir-°" • stet• °' nellOfttl '*""· • slete or •-•I crtOll union, or • •late or ttdtral .,.vlnVt - ~!~~rll<i!~Clt, Hwn11n91on BHch, Th• f:=il~~::r~=11:,. llolno N•m• Of Trenm .... AUTliORITY INTERNATIONAL, INC •• Cellfoml• butlntsus· Tow.....,., It Mey CMCer11: MASUO Ii. SHEIKH Is epplylfto lo Ille Oti>ert..-t et Ate~ ........ _ corporetloll, IJll Walnut Ave""*· Ill KING AND ASSOCIATES: lU •ttcM, Anat!Wn, C.11 ....... le '*2. N E W P 0 "T II R V I N E AR E A ContrOI '°' '''7'' ON SALE GENEllAL (PUI LIC EATING "'-ACEl ... 1tll alcollollc bevtrate• •t UtU ~!~f':;,.~ 111. Huntln9ton lte ch, loe11 •Ssoc:l•tlon ctomlcllecl II\ thlt TotalcOMlcleretlontObe SNldf'Ortllt LOCKSMITHS; Ill NEWPORT IH'OPtrtv dtlCrl-, In .. .,. .. ,, es all BEACH L.OCICSMITHS; (41 (RVINE stock 111 tred9. lllrtures, equipment encl LOCKSMITH5; (SI IEACli CITIES ~ w lll tooltt*' wltll tllt llctftso I> AUTO LOCI( EMERGENCIES. <•> l*,000.00 8 E A C H · C 0 A S T H I 0 H W A Y P..-il"'9d ~ C-Dell Piiot state, ell pey-ti 1"' time of >elt. Merell 10 1"2 Yton ' ell rlgflt, lltlt -lnttrttl held by 11, Description A..-LOCKSM ITHS 171 NEWPORT 1 I CENTER/FASHIOH ISLAND AREA _ • H Tt11tt•, In tllel r .. 1 property pe.-. Clltclt '1,000.00. LOCKSMITHS ,· (I ) ~I SSI 0 H 2 cltmencl nottt to bt ,...1eceo In "' NOTfU OJ fiiTHTtOtl - TOSILLlllAl.flltOf>•RTY NOTICE IS HEllJ!IY GIVEN -I on I' tbn.ery "· tt12, a. Botrcl ot E cluce tlon of Ille Newport-Meu UnlllH Sclloot D)strlct of D'•ll9t County, Callfornle, e Oopttcl • rtt0tutlon of 111wnllol\ • t1tll • -<ti 01 reel pr•rty of etN>r••lmetely 10.242 ecrtt .,., foe-In 1"' City of Costa M•se. Ora no• County, C•lllornle, c-ly known " U.. "W•llellem Sitt " and more P•rtlcularly clescrllltd In u lcl Resolution sllu•I• lnHlcl County and Stett , dtscrl-n lollOWl: Lot 4 Of Tract Ho. ta>, H per meo -.<:ordtd In a.... J97, Pt9ff 11 -It of Mlt<tti-.n ~. Records ot Dr ..... c:.ou..ty. c a s ll lhroug ll escr o• lote llno LOCKSMITHS; <ti DANA POINT •1os.ooo.oo' lnstellment not• In levor l,OCICSMITHS; (IOISAN,c;LEMENTE o l soll•r Ucured by sec urity LOCICSMITHS; Cl ll SAN JUAN eoree,,...,t.UCC·lllnenclt19tlet-t CAPISTRANO l.OCKSMITHS; (It) encl 0..0of Ti'Wtl 11D,OOO oo EL TORO/LAKE FOREST AREA _1(1nc1 ot tk-IQ bt trt ntlt rrecl end LOCKSMITHS; I ll) EL TORO number arw: ~Salt G4ntrel Liq-LOCKSMITHS; CU) LAl(E FOREST lletnM No . .-.-:n1. LOCKSMITHS; llS) LAGUNA AREA TM •U---or other common dtslonetlon ot the rNI pr-rty .. lltrelnebove cllK<rl-Is puniorttcl to bt: tll Htl.,.. Circle, Coste -M. Celltornle. Tiie -nlQined -•Oy cllsclalms en "'9bllllY tor any lncorreuneu In wld \tt'M eddrt$> or otller common c1estvnetlon. Tht sete and transfer will bt l.OCKSMITHS; 116) SADDLEBACK consumtNll!td •I 10 • m on or ·-VALLEY AREA LOCKSMITHS; C171 the ISlh O.y of April, 1"1, et ltlt AIRPORT AREA LOCl(SMITHS; (11> escrow clllller1m...t of Batt\ E1<row Al RC R ... FT LOCICSM ITHS; (It> Enterprl-, Inc. •t '°' North Tutlln ¥0TOR HONIE LOCICSMITHS: UOI Avenuo, Sult• 1•0. San•• Ane, c A p I s T RAN 0 v A L L E y Callfomlen?OS. LOCKSMITHS 121) MISSION VIEJO Alt Other buslnt u n•m•s •nd MO BI LE l.OCKSMITHS: 1211 addroua' uWcl by l"t Trensferor GOLDIE L.OCKS, MOME LOCK & wllllln tht Pnt lllr• y"'r• •-o far "Is KeY SERVICE; l2ll GENESIS V , llnowntollleTr_..,...,. SAME (24) GENESIS MARKETING ; (251 The R.-itlon llKed tlle m inimum acceplablt bid et Thrtt Mllllon ($3,000,000.00) Dollars.. Tiit JIUtellett prl<e to bt peld In cMll or verl<Mls otlltt altemetlv.s .. -••bed In '"' Resolution Se id selt •Ill be mtcle wllllout we-1,•nly, e•or•\t or lmpU•ct, reo•rcllno 1111•. pouuSlon, or encumb<tl\Cts, to WllJf'f lht prlnclSNI INlle nu ot lht Nolt or ollltr obll99tlon w curecl by Hid DMd of Trust, with lnter9st -otlltr """' •• provided lllt~ln, plus -anc.., II •ny, unoer Ille rms lflt<eof -lnterHI on suc11 T_ll. perlles •o ru lh•I Ille GENESIS INTERNATIONAL; <2•> conslcler•tlon for the lr•nster of Ille THE F IFTH GENERATION, J9)1 buslnttJ...., the lktnte Is to bt paid MacArthur Boule ve•o. Suitt 1ot. tfter lhe Oto•rtmenl of Al<ollollc ~ewporl BMcll, Celltomle t7MO. Btverei.e Control .... •PP••-tlle R A Klno, JS.US Berton Roea. July 1, 1'12. et 2·00 O'CIO<k pm. lies -n ll•td .. the """ of • publl< ht erl110 Wlllch wlll bt held In Ille llu•lnen Office et 1157 Plactntla Avenue, ~ NWM, Cellfornle, fo< t:llt receipt.....,..,.. -OK le ration of wrttlefl .,._...L Orel Pf-'-wlll .... .,. ••tl-., lllel llmt. -"'"· -plus 1 ... , cller91'5 •nd tx ~ ot tlle Trvs1" end ol lllt trusts creetect by said Otto ot Trust '""'* total .....,..,t of said obll99tlon, lncludlnt •-bly Htlm«'led f"" Chari.es end •-of Ille Trvst .. , Ill !ht time Of lnltl• l>Ulll k«'llon ot•IN> Hotlce, Is 11>.lt'.U. pr--transf., 101·B, Lome Linda, CellfOf'\la t1)S4. Dtttcl March 4, 1"1 • lnJ1~11~.!:~lneu Is conclucttd Dy •n W.H ..... R.11. IM. •Y ·-II-. fltftMetlt R.A Kint Tr-Tiiis slelt"-1 •AS lllecl wlln tlle AUTHO"tTY INTEllNATIONAl,, County Clorll of Ora1>9t Coun1y on UIC. J•nuery U. 1"2. CoPlet of the RtsoMlon t1tttlno fortrl the terms -conattlono ot 111t .... are evellabk et the llut111ns Office of Ill• Scllool Dlstrkl, 1151 Pleunll• A-. ColtA """'· C.llfon'll•. DATE' MercllS, 1"2 JOHNW. NICOLL Secretary of the 8otf'd of EOu<tllon "4-'-~ Unified Scllml Dlslrkt P\>l>llslltcl Or-C-Dally Piiot, ~r. 10, 17, 74, ltl2 1112.r. T-MOTICI! Ofl TllUSTaE'S SALi! T.S.-- Daleo: MarCll 4, 1m BELL TRUST DEEDS. INC , • Cellfo<nla <0<1> .. .. Tnm .. By REAL ESTATE SECURITIES SERVICE. • Celllornla CO<l> , lllA9M>f By· CSEALI D.J -roer. lt,J p, .. ,_,, 2ao Nor111 Br-ay S..Oltt:io., SentA M •, C.A '2706 Tel: C714) t~10 Publl-Dr-. co .. t D•llv Piiot, r. 10 11 .. 74, 1'!!2_ 107~ .......... 1__ T·ttll °" Aprll 2, ltl2, at l:OOo'clO<k p.m . NOTICaOI' TllUliTIE'S SALi Slewar1 Tiiie Co. ot Ore-c-ty, T S No mS~7 '°° Nortll ··-•Y. P.O. Bo• 11ll, Fllt No. •1• Sentt Ant , Cellfornlt t170t C1U I On Aprll 7. 1"2, at> OOo'clO<I< P M . SS..llU, as duly -4nted Trull" Si.wtrt Title C0-of Or-County,• j6n<kr -pursuent to "-Form Ca llfornl• corporetlon. •• dulv ~urlly llnstallrntflll Uncl Contract appol11ttd Trush • under tn Wllll Power of Salt l"Conl r•ct") ul\recordtd Long l'orm Security recoro.d Jl.ftt n, ,..,, .. IMlrvmtnl 1 ln•l•ll,,...,t Lano Contract!, wllll Jojo. 2.,. In -•»cl, P-ll of -r of Seit C...,,,lnelft., , .. .,,.., to Offlclel Recona In Ille otfkt of tlle es "5.clH'llY t...end COftlr4K1,"> oeteo County Rocorclff "' 0r""99 '°""'y· March 17, 1•. •llKuttd.,., WILLIAM Stele of Ct llfornle, t .. culocl by M. JOHNSON t nd DONNA M . J AMES L. DICKENS end CAROl. JOHNSON, husband encl wllt es 'LOUISE DICKENS, llUW>end-wife, community property, es Venclu s, es joint *-Is.. es VtftdMs. -urine wcurlno ctr1Aln -loellonJ In fe"°' of ce rta lll oblltatlons In fevor OI KE NNETH H WEBST ER •nd OONALD B. MARIE NTHAL, a JEANNE W. WEISTER," V~ married men, e s hi• sole end MPtret. ...-r the Stc"ltv t...end Contrect ...0 property" Vendor; under • Mtmor911dum of Security Tllo effect ol e n Aoru ment of Clnste11..-o Contract l"Contre<t"I Rtt<lulon -Jl.ftt u, 1•. -~ordtd ...,,.." t , 1'111. •• lnstl'Vf'Mt recor-June n. 1•. •• INtrumtnt Ho. 14'2 In ._ '"'' In 1>991 1m of No. »110 . ..,... 13'4, P-.. n In ,,. Offklt l "-ell In '"* ""k• ot Ille Offl<lel Roconbof 0r8f19e County. County R•or•r ot Or-C-ty, The tfftc1 of "'* Vtndor's Intern! Stalt of Ct lllornle,1 .. cultd by llevlng bten ns19ntd to T angl-WILLIAM M. JOHNSON -DONNA De ed Corporation, • Cellfornl• M JOliHSOfoj, ..._ -•II• as corporaUon. by A1tl9 nm•n1 of commuriltv orooer1y, a1 Vende•1. Venctor'1 Security Interest of L-se<urlng ctrt•n obU9911oM In lnor of Form 5.curlty llnsle llment L•ncl ICENNETH H WEBSTER e nd Co11trect Wltll Power of Seit cleltd JEANNE W. WEBS~ER," Vendon. October 11, 1'11, •nd recorded October Will. SEl.L AT PUBLIC AUCTION "10, 1'11, H lnttn;ment No. 25110 In TO HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH B-14llU, P-1U1 In lllt Offlcl.ol (P•Y•blt at time ot .. ,. In ltwful RKorclsof~ CounlY.. money ot a. Unit.., St•lftl et Ille WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION offl<H of STEWART TITLE CO. OF TO HIGHEST BIDDER l'OR CASH O RANGE COUNTY, tOO North IP•Y•llle ti time of Mlt In lawful 8roeoway, P.O. 8oa 11•. Senta Ana, m .... , ot a. Ul\lted St•ttt> et the Callfornl• n101 (1141 n•1114, t11 effl<ll Of STEWART TITLE CD OF rlollt, tltlt -lnt.,Ht convey.a to ORANGE COUNTY, 900 North •nd-htlclby II u"°'r wkl Conlr4KI B...ciw..,, P.O. Boa t7•, Senta AM, In lf>t P,_ftY sltuet.<t In .. 1c1 COU<>tY Ce. 92101 C714) U•·lll4, all r'9111, tltlt -Ste•dH<rl-H : allcl ll\terest con,,.'ttd to -now lltlcl Lot It In Block 4 ot Section s of by It under seld conlrect In the Balboa Island, H per map re<ordtd In pr-rty sltuewo In .. 1c1 COUflt., -B-1. Peot •of Mlsull•-• M•Pt. Slat• clH<rltled H : In lhe office of Ille Counly Rtc-r of The ,.._rly .. f .. I of Lot SI of .. lcl C~ Tract No . ., es per map recoroeo In EXCEPT tllt Northerly H fell Book 14, P•ll•• 11 tnd u of thereof, belno meesurecl elono the Mlscoll.-M~ In Ille office of 111t Wut llntof said lot. County Rtcorclor of H id Or•nt• T ht S1'HI eddrus a nd otllor l y: C~y) i•D- T,,_ .. ,.. Publlslltel Orange Co.ii D•lly Piiot, Merell 10, 1"1 1111.., rueuc NO'OCE "~~ MUNIClflAL COUllT OP CE,.TllAL OllA .. OE iUDICIAl. DISTlllCT COU,.TY OP OllANOE, STATEOl'CALIPOR,.IA 1• CMc C-Df1,,. W"1, S-AM, C.-.... "7t1 PLAINTIFF· COllWKHllTY BANI(, a Calllomle <Ofl)Of•tlon. DEFENDANT PAUL J. lllZZO, lndlvlduelly, --GOLDEN wen MOVERS, end DOES 1 tllrOUVll 10, lnclusl•• su-s CASI! llUMIER t•tl6 MOTICll Y• Mw ......... T .. <•r1 _., 9<'* ...... t -........ ,_.....,. _ _,.y .. .......... wltlll••MYt.. .......... ~ ... .. -. II YOU wl>ll lo -k the -Ice of 911 •ttomelf In "'k m•tter, you ~iCS do >O promptly tO lllal your wrltlen ,..,... .. ,II...,., may bt lltecl on time. AVISOI U .... Ila .W. --· El trl-1 ,_ 9<Wlr -.. Ud. t i• a 11dltHla a ....... ••e Uf. ,.__ ........ -• --~ Laa .. ,_..,ec..,_U.-. SI Usltd-• SOiie iier t i consoto dt un ·~ .., Hie .sunto, debtrle llecerlo lnmeOlatamente. cle Ult rn•ner•. w ~ tKrlu , sJ h•Y •toune, ~ -•991•1r-• lltmPo 1 TO TME DEFENDANT A clvll comple lnt llH been llltd by the pleontltf -4Mt you. II rou wlSll to dtl•ml lllls l•wwll. you mutt, wltllln • dey• '""'' this •ummc>n1 Is ~rvecl on you, Ille with 11>1• court • wrllt9n ruPOn-.. to the ~Omc>lalnl Unleu you 00 so, your defai.i" will bit •ntered Of" •Pl>ll<etlon ot Ille plaintiff. •nd INS court may ..,,., • judgment avalnst you for lllt relief elem•-In "'* compla lnl, w11lc11 could result II\ garnishment of ••ou, teklr19 or money or pr-rty or other rellel requested In,,. complt lnl DATED· Mey 2&, lttl Edward w Bec,.k, Clt'11 EclneVNKO, Deputy ltOSIEN, WACHTIEl.L & OILI ERT ,.,.,....._,c.__ ,., c_,, ,,_ E,.., S.twt• '-"A ...... , c.4Hlinlle ,_, (t1 JI SSHllU Publl.-Ortn0t c o .. 1 Delly Piiot. Mer. 10, 11, 7•, l1, 1"2 11(1.).12 County, Cellfornla. common clnlonetlon, If any, of Ille Tiit street edclrus tncl other reel pr-rty described above h ._,_ common cletl9nt11on If t ny of Ille purported lo bt Ill Jt Ot Aven.,., MO~ICETOCRaOtTORS rH I property desc~l ... cl ebovt II lelboe lll-.Celllornle 01' IULK T•ANSfllll purported to bt 2421 Ntwport Tht Uftdef'stonto Tn111 .. dls<lalm1 CSau ,'1tt .. 197 U.C.C.I eou1tverd, ei:.ta Niese, Cellfonll.o. any lltbUlty tot eny Incorrectness ol Notice 11 lltreby olYet'I to ctec11tor1 of The -..ltlNcl Trw.IM dlsclelfns tllt '""' ~ -other common the within ""'*' tr911Slt•orhl thtt • eny llt l>llllY tor 911y lftcorrtc1fttss of Cltslpetlen, H any, -n llereln bulk lrtnS'9r Is .....,t lo bt -on Ille street~ -...._r common Seid Mle wlll be -. bul wltlloU PHsone l property llerelnaflu -lonetlon, 11 any, --.+n. con nt nl or warrenty, ••PrtU o dtt<rl-. Seid Wit will bt made, but •ttftout lmpltecl, ,....cillle tltlt, pou t ulon 'Tiit nemtUI -business •Cldr"' covtl\ent or • .,r enty ••prest or tllCumbt-. to pey tllt remelnl of tllt lnltfldtcl tr.,lferorul are : lmpttecl, ,_dlno t111t.'-MU!oft or prlnclpal sum secured by u l · Front ru,.,..rs """ 1000 Brlttol encumbr...cn, to pey lllt rtmtll\I,,. COfttrect, to-wit. 1100,lll.15, u l Strfft Hort/I, He-' Btecll, C•llf. prll\Clpel sum H CU'*cl tly Hid •-nt .... lncludll\9 Ille Principe nMO Conlrect, to-wit: JttS,010.00, ulcl ll•l•n<• P•Y•blt on underlyln Tiie tocellon (n Ctlllorl\le of Ille a mount lnclucllno Ill• prlnc(pel tl\CIH'llb<enctCSI, -)«I to whlcll I cllltf eucutlvt office or principal be la nc• peyeble to und•rlytno ree l P._.., •Ill bt told, wllll lnltrH busl"•" of flee of Ille lehndtO tMUtnb<tl\C•lll, aUllitct to wtlkt. "'-t:lltreon, es provided In .. 1c1 Contract. transferor Is 16CM Artesia B •. , Suitt real property may .,. sold, wltll MVtllCH, If .,,.,, undlr the ltrms o •. ReOondlll BMCll. Ce. t077f tn•rt1I ...._, .. twovlclecl In Mlcl u lcl Contrect, Ito, cherot> •n All otller but lneu ""'""' e ncl C-trect, -woces, If •ny, lllldet tllt t apen.., of tllt Tnill• end ot l eddreuos u .. cl by tllo Intended ,..mt of said Contract. f .. s. cht,.... lruttt CrM-br Mlcl Conlr•C1. lr•nsltror within 111,.. Yfffl lasl INS1 4llcl••PtMeSofltltTfVIW.-otthe The Vendor's uncltr Mid Contrect so fer•• known to th• Intended frulla ,........, by sMcl (Alntrect. lltttlotort ellt<utecl ano dellvtrecl t lr•n•f•rM-: none. TIM v-...... r Mid COfltrect tM ...... ,...... • wrllttl\ Otcteratlo The nernt(SI -bu•lntH edtfrtSI ............. HKutod -•11-w .. of Default -~for Sele. •llO . of"" Int-lr"'51trwel•l .,., JKk IN"'*' ....... a~ Otcleretlef\ W,ttten '""'*of OMult -EIK'tlon H. lt9c1Mar -EllM D . ...,.._., ,I/If Deftllft -DMNftd fOr $ate, -• w Sell. n. _.,.,,... c-.. SSU Sc~ Drlw , llencht Pelo& 9'ittetl Noekt of Oef .... t -Elect .... Notkt IJf Default -EIK'tlon to Sell V.,dts, Ce. "'274 -"'td D. l -)D S.11. n. ...-.,._. c-ci .. Id to bt '~In tllt county where tllt encl MHalt L.andoft, Ho. I Pinto Lene, ~kt f1' Def-,,.,,, IEle<tlon .. Sett rHI ~ K loC..._ • RolllftO Hlllt Est.tft, Ce. "214 • lie A<en11M "'tM <.-IY W-. IN A.t flf tflt lnftllll llUllll<aflOfl ot Ille Tllet tllt pr_.ty -"lfttflt llertiO ts ~ 11 ---Notk • et Sela, tllt tol•I •-1 of clescrl-In ..-r• es: llttell itore At of ti. ....,lel ,..kaltlon of tM wn••ld -.tenet of tll• oblltttlo tnd I• IO<et.d et; tOOO 8rla10t S-1 'fottc• ef ..... ti. -.1 -ot ti. wcllfM by Ille PfllM<t'f • be told, not NOf'tl\, NewllOf1 l!Mdl, Callf. ttMO. llll••hl 11e1e11ce •f Ill• obllt•tlon l11c1 uc11ne tllt '''"clpel beltl\C The .... .,. .. neme ..-by "'9 .. Id •wred by ti. ~., to be ,..., p a y a b t • o 11 u 11 • • r 1 y 1 11 tre111f.,or<•> et teld leutlon Is: 'll<lwdl,.. Ill• •rhtelpel ll•lu" -11mllfMt•l•l,(~to w11k11 Fl"Oflt- tt•Y •Ille e11 1111e•rlyl 111 r•ll ,,.,.,ty wlll lie solcll '" 'ttlatselcl.,..tt..-.r lt~ta 911<.,.__(t),1Mt9ttd•~--rHw~ ... lfNllllcl<-.n_,.., IN ca111-ec1 t f fflt etfl<t of· real '''""Y "'''lie .. 1e) lllf -~I••,,.. .... : Ilene"° 5M,.,..... Etcrww 5'trotk M ............ ~ c .... ........._ Teul U..-~I au W. tll1 5tr .. t, tel\ Pe d••. ,....,._ .... ,.._,L. . .. ,_ JlCI0.111. C:.lllOrllla t0'7I °"or af1'tr Merell JI, T ... I U...... £1tl!MtldC:-.tflcl 1t'2. .. ,.,._. ..._, JttS,tttM 1...-flf I Tiit llVI-tre11tttr Is tllllftct to 1-...-c.. ,. _ _.; t CellfOtnl• Vf!Mrll'I C-cltl c.- Mf e..,_. , • .-~.. s.ct1on•-. et ,...,_ ...... : t 2,n 1..Q en4I °'""'" TIM_,. -ecldr-If tM .,_ RMIM....i Adll-v...-: t wltll •'*'1 <lellM may M lllecl It ~ 9M Cl'Nltt TOTAL: '112,t'l lttflCtlO Sell """"° £Kr-ltrvlct ... otv...-: , t,m.,4 o..o: ,..., ,.. w. tt11 54-4. s.n "'*'· Cetlf. "1Jt T'OTAL: JS.Hu> ..._, Tltte c""'-"' f.1<.--• ..,,U, .,.. -...... , f,ffWAln flTU CO. M MA... f1' 0.....,. c:-.ty for fflllle cl ...... -., My t,__ lllell couerrv ...... T',.... '" Mar<" II, 1ttt, Wfltc11 1, t11e .... ~ 9'! ....... ClltfTY M!Nt1.., ....... 1t1ec~lool -.i·,._._,_ Vb~ Ntt14*1f!M..._ . ...... Clllftoy <JO...,_,...... 0.-. 11-..y •• ·-...... ,,........... ....... , .... o ......... .. ,........_.._....... --............. ...-..~ -.......... -....,,,. JacaH,......, W.,......_,C&...... Lel ....... c:A ... a 1• IJIMD,....,_ ,...__ <tut.... .......... '~----.....,. °""" c.. Dell¥ Niii ~ ~ c.-D9ly ....... ,........ Or .... c-et Dotty ~ ""·14.• ttt\• ...... ,,...... ...... Mere........ lesMI • 1'111 ... Publl>lltcl Orange Coast Delly Piiot, Feb 24, March J, 10. 11. 1"2 llMJ. NOTICI TOC1t•Oho11s 0,.. IUut TllAtll,IR <Sau. •tet•MIP u.c.c.1 Nolk e ls......, olvtt1 to""'""" of tht wltllln ,,_ trt nderw _, • bulk tr-r Is MDII to be m-on person•• propu ty lltrtln•llt r dH<rlbtd. The 1111rnt -buslllMS -tt• of the lnte-tr.,,,,,.ror ere· OCEAN PACIFIC l<OOTWEAll, INC .. 3115-0 A-•Y A-. Co.t. MtM,C~t2'» The IO<etlOfl In Callfomla ot Ille c lllt l ••ecutlve office or prtnclSNI busine ss olllc• of th• Intended ,, ....... ,.., ... s.n.. .. ·-· All other buslneu 11ames tncl tcldresses used by lllt lllltl\ded tran.,e<or wltllln "'"' 'l'Mfl last Ptt1 so fer H llno•I' to tll• 11\ttnclecl transfer".,..: N-. The --llUslntM -tf the Into_ tr_ ere: Sun Hetlonel Lim ited. 1171 l onllomme, Ste. 1414, St. Loult, Missouri t.JIOS That -_,,, _,.._ lltrtto It deter I-In .....,.1 .. : lnvtmory. l\lmllure • tlatvres. -Lie-A9'-"' -11 loc-el: 3115-D Alr••Y Avt l\ut, CMI• Mt~. Cellfornle .,.._ The bullnftl ,,_ u.c1 lly !tie Mle transferor at Mid location It: 0c .... PecHk F-. Inc. Tllet said-,,.,,.,.r Is 1t1--.i to be consumm.e!M et the office of. Ocu n PecNlc F-, Inc., 3115-D Alr ••Y Avtnut, Coll• Meu, Cellfornle '2677 on or •""r March JS, 1"2. This bulk trensftr It subfecl to Celttornl• Uniform Counmerclet C- St<tlon ''°'· The n.,.. -.--°' Ille i§ffson wllh wllOm claims may bt flltO Is Rom-C. J-lns. encl lllt lest O.y ror mlno c1e1"" l>Y eny crec1nor then bl Marcll H , t .. 2. •lllCll Is Ille builntss c11ry llotor9 Ille c..,_,,mttlon d ttt specified....,..., Dt-~llt,1912 SUN NATIOf'fAL INC. R"""°"° C . .i.nll Int, President TTT1 ~­ Sulttl04 St. Loull, Mo. '11°' ,,,..,...Tr_,.. Publl~ Orenee c-D•ly Plle4, Merell 10, 1"2 11~ MOTtC• TOCal DITO..S 0"' IUUl TllAN9'Ell IS.t.. 6191 .. MIJ U.C,C.l Notice Is lltrliC1y ,..,... to crtcllton of Ille wltllln _.,,.. tr.,...rors ""t • bulk transfer Is -to bt m-on portonel property llerelnefttt clescrl-. The _,.. -liuslMsS --.SS of tlltlnhtftOIUOt,_rorsert : EOWAllD A. EARL, 10t2 Detrlltlcl, Tllltlll, Cellforllle,,.. CAROL EAllL., 14"7 0..rlltld, Tustin, c:.i-..1a tHIO The lo<etlon In Celllor11le ot Ille chief ••t<utlve office or prlnclpel business ofll<• of Ill• Intended tr•nsleroH Is: SAME. -'" otller business ne mes encl •cldr••••s used by Ill• lnttncltcl trensterors wllllln "''" , .. ,. 1•11 Pttt IO fer H It k-to 1"' lntiftdtd tr-11,..ert: NONE _ ·-- Tl>t ,,_ --.. ecldr'ffs of Ille 11\•ndld trtMft,_ ere: SHANGJIN KO, ... , SMdtl- Clrclt. Wt$11'111M1er, Ceilfenllt ~ SUNG-T A I c "ou, •01 Sa11dalwoocl Clrcte, Wttllftlllller, CellfOrl\leftMll SUNG J UI CHIH CliANG, 1461 Sandelwoocl Clrcle, WHllftllltttr, c.111omlefMG n..t Ille -"' peftlMftt --•• dttcrlllecl Ill _._., Ml All f1' ... etocll 111 tr .... Nn'tltvro, 11...WtM, ···-· ............ ., ... -If • certelll ~ ..... ........_ a11e It IO<eto41 et: 22761 Le lftllert ,., .. ,,No."'°· El T-. c~. Tiit.....__.__..., ...... tre11sftlAH'I et Hie tocet1011 1., SANDWICH aAG. ' TMt .... _tr......, 11 IMIMM .. lie c111wmlllftHI et .,... .nice et: IUHOW UC~ QOliljllll~Y~ t.a E.Ltfte""A-,Or .... ~ ..., .... eftH Mwt ... ,, , .. Tlllt Wiit tre11 ... , la .... IKt " c~~~1e1c-. .......... 1,..,._ ....... ., .. ~ •ltfl ..... , ...... ~ _ ......... IUltltOW UCMM ~NfV.. JV! -L--A-.OFMll.~ ............... ., ...... delfllt ~ ...., aMllllr 111111 • lllW'Cll •• .,.., •'*II ........... .., ....... "'• <Oflt11-•tlell ... .,e<lf!M ...... .,.... illMrdl •• ~ :::.w-oi:. ... ,,..«:19C-... ......,..,,....._ ~~c-.. Deity,,,,..,. Mef'C~ " ,.. !.">4!19 D A I I L y p I L 0 T c L A s s I F I E D 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 a 0 a s co l Or1nge Cout DAILY PILOT /Wtdneeday, March 10, 1982 HIF •• 4'190!iilAffMt~ c,., ,._ l.#tlJ NGl~n l.Oll ' •OU"4 '"'"Wlif'}tb• Soi--i.at rtwtJt• Tto PI• SllYICES "°'"'"* 0.""'4or' £•rtmmn ' rtEPAHTIOll \fM)ul' IMtrW'lllM JM• ........ Hfotl'••Mf'lf N 4 r Mf ICllAllllS£ """'"" ::u.:; ,.~,,.,, (Hwr~• ••••iMfllt '4h °""' f'r"''•'w f\itNtti1rit (,_.,..,,,Sa.It --c;-..... ..,,. Lt\'f'ti&ork •M"tWfW'f) ...\('fll.,..... WtvtUMw•o "lrHf4 "•un J IM4,~et• <Jf'l(t .,.,,.' t:qw, '"' ~~~~i:::. .,,..c;_, Slor~knhwull tl•t t:~Ml.H1f't,Slttf0 MATS & MAllll£ CIWMEMT c;,,.,..i &HU .... .-, -.,.," 8o.u ... ,."" t:qwp eo..tro-H eo.t. RtM ( ._.,,., llNUS..1l ....... Q. u.,, --~·""· ...._, .._.., .. , fllllSPORTATION 4'•rr•" C-..,,,.,.,, Mk" ftt>N Drrtnc l'1n =-=---· ....., H•• St.k ftul'l n....,..1""''' :=:·:'i.," AIT8MOlll£ l.rrltr•• A*"'"' l't.n•''"' llKrt.,,•Vd•tln ~~.~~:,~od' Tncc .. v-MaolA•-"""' ,. ........ " Afl8S, llPOIT£J (~UI "f• "oaw• ~ud· A.t~HuH't . .... ,.,,, ~ ~ -t"nu n r ... -· J., •• , J-K111e.u-..e.t1 ~ Jlff"04C"1>ie•• llO MOI o,.t P•~•• ......... ,..,,, .. 1\-IWDft•rn ft"'" So•• -,.. .. , .. r.,.u ,_ \dh••ff9 \11ho --... .... •• • -... ... 1• IM4 , .. IW ,., 1111 1• 19111 -... = -, .. ,. llriil ·~ ltllt •• la ,,. -... -Jlft ID Ult loll Jiit --l'lQI) -llllO 1100 ---JC '""' ~ -.. -... ---4100 mo ..... -... ,.,. -010 41QO ll..\t ---lGIO lGU --:: -"'" '""' -.,. . ell) -.... -<GI) ------..,,, ""' -•1 ----"'" --.... - .... ------..., - 1110 tllll ..... .... tilt tllil '"" .... - '°'" ...... ~ ""' --1)'111 -- -•1 .. lltlt ltU •n --., -tm 111) ----.., = -., ---... MOW IS THI TIMI for Job Mtten to chm tlle Dally Piiot Help WllMCI e1ua1.ncatloll. If • die job 70U wut ll not tJwre you mi1ht COD• aldet olferi11 your .... •!di Ill 1d ill th Job Wanted ClllllrJ, l'llamMl-lm !QUA&. HOUSING OPPORTUNITY ~·~~~··~::ad · vertlud In t his newtjlaper ls subject lo the federal F'alr tlous inl Act of 1968 which ~kn it llle1al lo ad vertile "any preference. li mitation , or dl!>· cr1minalion based on race, color. religion. sex,. or nauon11l ori&in, or an intention lo make any such preference. llm1tal1on. o r dis· cnnunauon " 1lus newspaper .,. ,11 not know1ngl~ at•rl·pt an)' advertising for real estate which lb in \•mla tioo of_the 1! w aac>IS: Adnrtisers *-'cf check IMlr ads dally mid ~rt .,. rws ""-diotety. TIM DAILY PILOT os.._s 1-..+y for ti.. flrst 1.-corrtct insertion ,..,. ....................... 1002 ...•..••...•.•.......•• 3 IDRM STEAL! Madel perfrct 3 BO. 2 BA Ho u se on Golf Course Onl) $135.000 TRY 520.000 l>N ' AS SUM E 10', INT Prin Only . P ATR I C K TEl'JORE AGT 759·1221 * ~ • I t 00 • ~ Q..) ~ • >.< Q..) • = • I 4 Yeu C9ll WI I!. find I!, T ,.._ I! Wlt4I o WOlll Ad (142·5878 ) °"' Cell s.r.;c. '-tCttlll ...... Ttn to ... ,.. cl•hilltd for tlle but hr•. ..... •••••••••••••••••••••• • ••••••••••••••••••••• IOOJ....,... llOJ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• \\ I ~'I I ·, \ TAYL OR CO. I: I .\I .·1u1 :1...., , , 1 ·' 11; MC1M6 R>llCl.OMI St IS,000 Near Westcllff Dr .• Newport Beach_ Lge. 4 Bdrm. \(acant. See anytime. Wl5llT It TAYLOl CO .. llALTOH 2111S. ....... tlhlCHld Nl\WOIT CIJ1ll. M.I. '44-4t I 0 GREATIUY! l..rg 4 Br w/Bonus Rm. Beautifully Decorated. Wee NEW w1lh OCEAN. BAY + r1ly htes. vus plus Pool, Spa All for onl y $376 .~00 with TERMS or Tradl· C11 1l 11 111 DIRE C TLY PATRICK Tl::NORE d: • RVM~ PllCUB>UC B> on this gorgeous BE AC H DUPCEX I', blocks lrom beach and only 2 )ears old Ocean view 2 and 3 bdrm units 3 bdrm untl, great for owner ori•upanry ~'Tier financing ava1la 1.ilr Only $280.000 Call Loda) 979 ~o ALLSTATE REALTORS ==--- WTSIOE R·2 2 Bdrm 2 bath. room ror anol her unit.· Only $137,500. Call 64~-9161 . OPEN HOU~t REAL TY / SHAAPUHITS F'ive pnde or ownership £.side wiits There are three I Bdrm units and lv.•o 2 Bdrm units w garages ' yard As sull'I.' ex1slmg fin ancing and owner will assist f\Jll pnce $339.500 TRlDI TIO\,\I. RL\l.T\ 63 1·737 0 CONDO STEALS! J BDRMS. 2 UATH i--------MODEL COND TRY SI0.000 ON or more AS SU :'>IE 10'• IN T PATRICK TENORE AGT 759·1221 Mt-so Verdt in ·ez I Bdrm. family room \ l.'I) spac1ou~' New i·c.n i•rcte dm l' &: patio As sumable loans at an rf fett1ve rate of 121,•. f"ull pnre Sl~6.9SO 7St 3191 C:.SE\H I ...... PHOPERl ll <, Of af:-pw1'i ... ....... iJ) 175·5511# WOODB RIDGE DOLLllOlJSE 2 Br Bodega model lughl~· upgraded. hie en try &: mirr o red wardrohes Good as suma ble 1st TD &: owe a 2nd Very molt\aled Sl-6.000 COLa Of: NEWPORT REALTORS UtS I. c-1 Hw,. c.r ........... ltafllllE LINDA ISLE Linda •• 2...tory ..... 4 ~ pin mid's roe., fonwal dWllg,., ... fmnity "" witt. 1tep-dow11 bor Olld co1111try kitcllu. Lattdscoptd to pa'fecffoft plm bridgt OHr dip poof wt tpL Sl,ltS.000. Slip for l a.o.ts. CHARMING OCEANFllNT Gnat ~ wfttl 4 & 2 bdrwi wtlts that yow _......, be aMt to dllpllcote today. a.diced to $525.000. WATERFRONT HOMES, INC REAL £STAT£ '9tir' R,nt..i, P11iOJH\ ~.,,,,,., L!ASE/OPTlOH EJegant C.Ondo -Neutral Tones · Two Bedrooms. Two Baths - Formal Dining Room · Gorgeous Sumets -Super Financing · Low F\xed int. Rate. Seller Will Carry Large 2nd -Poolside Setting - Shown By Appointment -Asking $220,000. A "Joy Of Newpo rt .. Li.sting. ,_._ ........... 759-9100 #2 C.,.....Plm M.wpertC..ttr '::~:~' S©~~lA-~ £~s· .... .... ------l-l>y QAY I.~------ • ....... .. ... ,. ol ,... lov1 sc.....bi.d -d• be 1ow uo r., .. •-.....,.. ~ T E H IC I 0 I' I r I I [!I@] i ---l_l:_l__f,_l._J I _,,,_ I M A W 0 G I ' Thefe'd be one good thing i I I r I : ll>oUI c•rt poworecl by the ~ •un. On r1lny <11y1 vou'd ll•YW to --. OOLBOY I ._....I .... , ...... 1-.-1 ..... l'.--.-1-1 • ~ :-"" ~ ~ ....__. __ ... _ ....... _...__ ... _ __, __ '°" ........ "°"' .... No J ...... 'I I I , llllll lllCl/lllTI ~1111 ..., l'llll~,-....- weoNESOAV ,--__.. M~9'CH 10, 1-i CAVALCADE 82 SPORTS B5: . or Jane Fonda ~ working with Dad in "On Golden Pond" waa neroe-t0racking, but ~ worthwhile. See Page 83. Lagµna wins its ~ase against laveii~er boutique 8y 8TEVI MITCHELL °' ............ The litltaUon over lavender in La•una Beach hu resulted in a victory ror the city. roUowin1 a Judie's ruling on the contested color of a Coast Hiahway boutique. Oran1e County Superior Court J udie Robert H. Green said a summary judlmeot should be entered bl favor of the city ln a lawsuit lt broutht a1aln1t Druscilla Tya~>. operator ot tbt Strawberry SbOrteu e bouUqU., 1145 South Coast Hitbway. City officiala said today the rulin• "la a vtclt\ry for the clb' in lts eff~ to force Ma. Tyaea to chanae the color of her store, which she painted a pale purple despite cllaapproval of that color .,... ""' ..... .., ... a.ii... FREE SWINGERS -Jill Harvey of Mission Viejo and her 4-year-old daughter Joey take a sunny moment on Laguna's Main Beach for a li ttle old-fashioned swinging . . •'Love Me or Leave Me' 1lated James Cagney and Doris Day star in the film .. Love Me or Leave Me," which will be screened free of charge for Laguna Beach senior citizens March 19. The 2 p.m. movie will be s hown at the South Coast Theater and free tickets are available to seniors at the Vetera n s Memorial C:::ommunity Center on Legion Street. For more information, call the Senior Citizens Club at 497·2441. • Ril.ey to addre33 realton Members of the Laguna Beach Board or Realtors will hear an optimistic address by Filth District supervisor T•o•as Biley at t h eir Thursday morning breakfast meeting at the Hotel La~una. Riley will update plans for development along the coast from Laguna to La1una Niguel beginning at 8 a.m. For reservations, call 497·2474. • CandUJate set.a fund brunch A champagne brunch and art· auction are scheduled SundJY morning to raise runda ror the Laguna Beach City. Council campaign of Daa Knaey. Kenney's supporters will meet at the home of Dr. Dominic Bo1c:o and Jack aelalaa, 2526 Irvine Cove beginning at 11 a.m. On the auction block will · be artwork from more than two dozen local artists .. A silent auction ror holidays,. gifts, dinners and other su rprises will follow a breakfast or e ns Strada, sausage and bacon, O'Brien potatoes and fruits. A $15 per person donation, or $25 per couple will 10 toward Kenoey's council campaip. For reservations, call 497-4573 or 49'7·18e0. • Chamber mixer 1et toniKht A l.alUJla Beach Chamber or Commerce mixer, featurin1 hors d 'oeuvre1, door prises and no·host dr in ks . will be held toaitlll Ill the Boys Club oe Laiuna Canyon Road. Merchant• a nd Sip.aps an und9r way far tbe Tee-Ball pro1ram •PoUOnd bJ tbe ao,. Chlb ol i..,_. a..da. TIM...._ ta de1l1ned for teaelll•I baseball landamental1 to boJI ......... ,..,. oW. busineumen in La1una Beach are invited to brtac friends to the 5 :30 p .m. iolxer. A donation of '2 ii requested. For information, ·call tlae Boya Club at 49'·2535. RellltratklD II '1 for 8oJI Club membe11, tu for nOJt·memberl. 811•-•P deadllae 11 Marell 11. AddlU•al lalormaUoa ll a• a Hable bJ telepltoal•I · ...... by the c:lty'1 De1l1a Review Board. City Attorney Marc Winthrop aald today the court declaraUoo means "there are no lsauet ol I a c t . r e m a i n I n I' 'tor· deterUlinatioa." ' "Tbe rulinc upboldl tb• design review proc·eu aa a valid exercise. of the city'•· pofice power," W-mthrop e1plalned. "It determlqed. that exterior paint i~ somethln• that ls s ubject to desl1n review." The color conlrov.eray began more than a year ago when a b out 30 residents and merchants near the boutique object~ to the 'sort lavender trim thit rrames the windows and doors of the woman's shop. Last year, a Superior Court judge said be round the color ."attractive,. eye~atcbing and not ortenaive to thJ s court.·· But that judge concurred the controversy wu an appropriate matter to be considered by Laguna's Design Review Board. Monday's ruling means Ms . Tysen can ~ ordered to chanie the color of her shop or seek approval or the present color from the city panel. Trustee_ eyes ·Congress Haseman seeks Democratic nod for Badham's seat Capistrano Untried School District trustee Paul Haseman ·or Laguna Niguel is seeking ijle Oemocratic nomination in the June 8 primary election for the 40th Congressional District. The seat currently is held by three-term Republican Robert Badbam ol Newport Beach, who has a nnounced be will seek re-election in the dominantly ' GOP district. Haseman, 36, is an attorney· ror · Ford Aerosa pc e & Com municatio'ns Cor p . in Newport Beach . He is a · graduate ·or"".the U.S. Military Academy .at West Point and a Vietnam war·veteran. He holm the r&nk or major in the U.S. Army Reserve after serving 10 years on active duty from 1967 to 1977. His military duties included service as a paratrooper in Vietnam and Ranger qualifications. Haseman also is a part-time instructor. for UC Irvine's extension program, teaching a · contracts class. Since 1979 he has served on the Laguna Niguel Community C o u n c i 1 , t h r e e y e a r s a s. president. Haseman is married. CHALLENGER -School trustee Paul Haseman has announced his candidacy for the Democratic nomination in the 40th Congres9ional District. " with two daughters. His wire, Vivian, is expecting a third child in July. • The candidate bolds two law d egrees, one horn l be University or Virginia and the other from George Washington University. Haseman described his incumbent opponent, Badham as an inetrective legislator. "It's not a question or his being a Republican or Democrat " be said . "The fact is he's' just sitting in a safe district and doing very little." The 40th district, which extends from Laguna Hills to ·Santa Ana , is 52 percent' Republican and 34.6 percent Democratic, according to the Orange County Registrar of Voters. Haseman , who describes himself as being moderate to conservative, said he would be bujlding a grass roots campaign to inform voters that "all Democrats aren't aligned with Tom Hayden, and Republicans don't have a monopoly on patriotism." Other candidates in the race are Santa Ana resident Maxine Bell of the Peace and Freedom Party and Raymond Cullen or Costa Mesa, a Llbertariu. Laguna Be acb '. · · , · ... · · Could lose · ·'l'hanks, Mrs. B.; 8~:~~ !::~~Id 1.,. keep .spoiling~ $254,000 or more in state.bailout funds duting the 1982·83 fiscal year if state legislators don't raise revenues to cover the state's deficit. In a written report to the City Council, City Manager Ken Frank said under Governor Brown's proposed budget for the next fiscal year. bailout funding to cities would be cut by $250 million by reducing local shares Qf motor vehJcle license fees. Frank· said last year Laguna lost $1S>,OOO when the state cut the city's share of liquor liceMe fees, highway car:riers' business license fees and ottier state allotments. Frank said state bailout funds, intended to cushion the financial impact of Proposition 13, bad run out and the state, ralhe.r than having a budget surplus, is facing a $350 million deficit. Frank said the exact loss to the city probably won't be known until June when state' lawmakers will complete the budget package for next year. "What worries me is that it a ppears n9w that the state's, financial position is worse tharu previously believed," Frank said. ··Every sign we have so far says we will be losing $254,000.or perhaps ~re." · . . ~ City .m~nage~. ready for . .;. return to job Irvine City Manaier William Woollett Jr. said Tuesday he wants to return to work on a l limited schedule by the end or tbis week. The 53--year-old Woollett was released from Western lleclicai Center Sunday after apeQdlna nine days in the hospltal for' treatment when be black'ed out durint a Feb. 28 bud1et meettn1; with other city admlnlatrators. · ' He said doctor ~. iuve dlacovered a blodled ~ary artery they believe caUHd the " blackout QCl a similar IDddent . in January, 1111, wbic)l k9Jll ldm bospi~ for four week• .. · · , 'I>octon believe they can tU'ej care of the artery tbroup . medJcatlon and therapy without' 1ur1:.zr Woollett aaN Twday la a Ill t'DI eoeffl'MtlGe from bll Ulllftl'lit.J Parll bome. "It'• .., lnteatkm to be back at won at tbe _. o1 ua weet," laid Woolll&t. He .......... be feel• "pretty 1oocl " t By NORA LEHMAN Of .......... ,.... WRITER TO WRITER: Or should it be columnist to columnist? In any case. Janie Berls, who has done more than her share turning out columns has done the kind of thing I always mean to do. She's dropped a note to say something nice when the written word has appealed to her. She dropped two notes this week. She's spoiling me.· It's going to be a terrible seven-day period if I don't get ·n .A something from Mrs. B. I'll feel I've failed miserably. I do thank you, Mrs. 8 . however, and I'll try to keep my lip from quivering if ... well, you know; BEIDND THE SCENES: South Coast Rep does a magnificent job in the scenic designing field. Those sets knock your eye out. It might be fun for those' of you who haven't done it yet to take a backstage tour and see the theater 's scenery.shop~. . · You'll also see the Mainstage and Second Stage theaters, as well as the light and sound control booths. . . . IRUltlNO UP -Mary McLeod Dooley works on her prize winner, "Charge." These tours are conducted every Thursday between 10 .e.m. and noon, or if that doesn't fit into your schedule, mak'e your own arrangements with Paula Bond or ,¥icbael B~elow Pixon .. ·' .If you re the· type who started asking ''how" and ':'~hy'' at an early aJ{e an4 never gave it up, you'll enjoy Ua.l1·. Just ca1HS"1·2802. • f •• ,,,. . . "<BARGE": That's tbe name of the Chinese Brush . · 'Paiilliag that won B.alboan Mary McLeod Dooley a blue ribbon at Los Angeles'. California Museum of Science and Induatry Show. · Focused on American Artists of Chinese Brush Palntiq, ~ of her works were choaen for exhibition. 11le show continues tbroqh March 21. Ir you mlu this DU'tlcular show, however, you can catch a 1llmp1e ol Ma. Dooley's work at Lquna'1 Sanda~ <?allery. --· Los Aqeles attorney WiWam C. Price, who baa represented Ms. Tysen in the matter, said today the woman can appeal the court decision after the summary Judlment is entered. "We can also make a motion ror a new trial," be aald, addint be has yet to talk to hJs client regarding future plans. MISSING PET -This is "Brandy," and she's been missing nearly a month from her Laguna Niguel home. If she's not found soon. she could die from lack of special medication. Lagunan's ailing dog • • DllSSIDg Her lri·color sheltie bas been missing nearly a month now, but Mrs. Louis St. Pierre or Laguna Niguel hasn't given up hope. She is very concerned about Brandy's health, because the 2-year-old pet needs medication and shots for a bone disorder and a disease or the eyes. "I'm afraid if we don't fmd her soon, she'll die or become permanently crippled." the woman said. She's offered a $1,000 reward for the return or Brandy, missing from the home at 23912 Estacia in Laguna Niguel Feb. 12. The family is pretty certain the pedigreed canine was stolen, and they fear the thief is not aware of the weekly injections and medications necessary to keep Brandy alive. "We've put posters in a five-mile radius or the house and have gone door to door for miles," the woman said. Pictures of the black, white and fawn-colored pet have been dis played at grocery stores, newspapers and s hops in Laguna Niguel. "We've had a rew calls, but no Brandy," she said. If you have information as to the whereabouts of the playful sheltie, call Mrs. St. Pierre at 495~462. 4 computers, gear stolen Operators or a Laguna Beach computer firm have reported t he thert of rour computer terminals afiia other equipment valued at $9,100. T he burglars entered Innovative Com puter Applications, lac., in the llOO block ol North Coul Htpway, throufh a slidlnc 1lu1 door. Police said the thieves r-~moved the c omputer terminals, a color television aet1 a tape cassette machine ana other equipment. Paintip'p atolen at L.pana ehureh l'ov ,.........,, wldcll ~ offlclala 1aJ an wortb ••• were 1tolen from a elil•rclil me.tlq nom, poUee repartld today. Offtclala at Urie Comm.at, Pr~ Qaurelil Gf I .... Beacrlil, · 415 Porut Ate.~ repol'Md th tlaeft Tu...U ~ Pollet ..... deleriflWa ., .. ml11la1 artwork w*I W.C prepared bJ cMrela Offtdal1 today. 111111 . ..., ..... WEDNESDAY. MARCH 10, 1912 CAVALCADE 82 SPORTS BS us For Jane Fonda, wof;1dng with Dad in ''Dn Golden Pond" was nerve-wracking, l1Ut worthwhile. See P.age B3 . .----.~..::, -0--- ~ D Aid so11rces available Irvi~ crime victims may turn to four. agencies COP BOWL -Costa Mesa Sgt. Bill "Killer" Bechtel talks to hi s team of Costa Mesa and Irvine officers during practice for the April 2 game against Buena Park and Garden Grove police to .raise funds for • o.lty ............. .., (IWM19e ..... local high school athletic programs. From left are Clint Stites. Irvine; Jim Eppstein. Irvine; Jeff McCaskill. Irvine ; Keith Bell. Costa Mesa. and Fred Lucas. Costa Mesa. For ticket information call 754-5282. By SANDIE JOY °' .. ""' ........... When crime victims need aid, Irvine police can refer them to four different assistance sources, accordJng to Lt. Robert Lennert. Those resources are the Youth Services Program C YSP), Orange County Victim/Witness Program, Salvation Army and churches. Lennert's comments were made in a memo to Police Chief Leo Peart. The memo was prompted by Councilman Larry Agran's proposal last week that Irvine create a program of Aid to Victims of Violent Crime§, similar to the state program, with $25,000 maximum payable in cases of death or major disability as the result of violent assault. Th e councilman proposed payment only after o ther resources bad been exhausted. Agran plans to take h,js prOJ>OSal before the March 23 · City Council session. YSP, one of the assistance sources to which Irvine Police re fer crime victims, offers referrals for medical and psychological counseling, financial assistance and help in filing for state and federal compensation. The Victim·Witness Program offers the same services as YSP, said Lennert, "but ha~ more of Homeowners win landscape tiff Spokesmen for homeowners ' associations that line Walnut Avenue won a concession Tuesday from the Irvine City Council that landscaping along their main thoroughfare isn't up to city standards. Dennis Johnson and Dan H oove r , officers in th e Greentree Homeowners' Association, persuaded council members to examine what they said is a lack of landscaping a long Walnut between Culver Drive and Jeffrey Road. The council, almost without comment, ordered managers in the public works department to submit a report at the March 23 council meeting answering the claims about s ubs tandard appearances along Walnut. WHERE'S GREENERY? -Dennis Johnson, of the Greentree Homeowners Association that wants more la ndscaping mainte nance a.tty ..... ~.., CMrtn a.T provided by the city. walks between too many signs al intersection of Walnut A venue and Culver Drive. Johnson said some city-owned strips alon g the street are barren where dead trees were never replaced. In other parts, he ad'ded, trees and shrubbery are ugly. Other villages in Irvine, he said, are adorned with much more attractive landscaping systems. Zonia Cfub k> host berwfit The Zonta Club of lrvine and Saddleback Valley are hosting a wine and cheese party March 28 al Brecht Orchid Gardens in Costa Mesa to raise funds for the Albert Sitton Home. 1?.roceeas from the 5 p.m. fund·ralser at 1989 Harbor Blvd. will go to help build a new home for the county's displaced children Tickets are $5. For more information call 552·4454. • Eighl named to niedical board Eight south Orange County residents have been named to three-year terms on the South Coast Medical Center's ,board or trustees. Incumbent m e mbers· re-elected to ne w terms include Ken Beyer. Charles JohMOn and Vern Spitaleri, all of Laguna Beach, and IJr: Richard Corcoran and Dr. Hoba r t Proc tor, both of Laguna Niguel. New board members include Dr. Robert Sanchis, South Laguna ; Donna Morosco, Irvine; and Rev. Jerry Tankersley, Laguna Beach. •Teen Cenier alaiea pie eating A pie-eating contest to see who's "the blelest porker in town" ls planned at 7:30 p.m. April I at the Hertta1e Park Teen Center in Irvine. Competition. is_ open to YQ.UthS 13 through ltf. "Prospecli ve contestants can resister at the Teen Center between Thursday, V.arcb 11, and March 25. For more information, call 754-3814. •Irvine Playhouae hoaia aoloUt Britilb Weet Jncliet naUwe Na tuba Yufe la to be featured aololat at 2 p.m. llarcb 21 at lrvine'a Sund-y Playbouae. ~·· Yufe, who ltudiecl at tae New Bn1land Couervatory of llualc and at UC Irvine, bas performed wltb the Downey Sympboay Orehema and t.be Doctors' Symr=y of Oran1e County and Beach. Admlttioa to the plAJboule at l Smmyhlll Drive lD Tw1Je Rock ls free. "We've been, fighting to get this area cleared up and get some attention for several years," he.said. The two m e n said they r ep·r esent ed many of the associations that comprise the El Camino Real Village. Irvine narcs nab heroin suspect Irvine narcotics investigators arrested a Garden Grove man Tue s day on s us picion o f possession of heroin with intent to sell and receiving stolen property. Arrest e d wa s Alphonso Sololero, 52, according to Irvine Police Lt. Robert Lennert. Authorities said they recovered about three ounces or heroin in 104 balloons with an estimated street valu e of $2,600. Also confiscated were numerous television and s tereo sets with serial numbers removed, $1,337 in cash and two handguns, said Lennert. Sololero was booked into Sills planning to announce his candidacy Irvlne Mayor David Sills is expected to announce his official candidacy Thursday in the J\Dle 8 elecUon for the Republican nomination to the 69tb State Assembly Diatrict. The seat cu.rrenUy is held by Nolan Friuelle, a Republican incumbent from Huntln1ton Beach who announced laat week that be will seek re-elecUon. Silla bu said a sbllt in the dlJtrict (it used to be known u tbe 73rd Dlatrlct) caused by reapportionment atvn him a 1ood a chance to outpoll FTiaMlle. Tbe dletrlct now laeludes Jrvlne, Cotta lleaa Fountain Valley and aDoo't baff ot HunUnctaa Beach. . , Orange County Jail with bail set at $25,000. Also wanted in the case according to police, is Roberto L. Cardona, 26. Lennert said Cardona is believed to be in Guatemala. In an unrelated case, Irvine police arrested seven persons las t week on suspicion of possessioo of heroin for s ale and recei~ing stolen properly, according to officers. A month-long investigation that included authorities from Buena Park, Anaheim and the stale netted 1.5 pounds of high-grade heroin with a street value of $500 ,000 . RUNNING -lrvlne'a David ,Silla will announce his candidacy for the ettb A11embly Di s trict Thunklay. an operating budget which allows additional help to victims." The Salvation Army offers direct, short·term aid, such as food and lodging, said J..,ennert, who is in charge o r the i. n vestlgations di\risiori. "A last resource available in Irvine are churches," the lieutenant said . "Several denominations have contacts which the police department can caJI when people are in need of assistance. They offer varying services such as food, clothes. lodging and direct financial assistance." As for a related AJrao suggestio n that a r ecommendation be made regarding desirability of creating a city-operated reward program, Lennert said, "The city presently bas a vehicle available for offering rewards." As indicated in Lennert's memo, that vehicle is for police to ask the City Council to offer rewards on a caae by case basis only after all other possible sources of information on a crime had been exhausted. Railroad crossing ivork! bond backed Irvine residents .have a good chance to win a $9 million to $10 million grant to reduce noise and eliminate traffic delays at railroad crossings without paying an extra cent in taxes, Public Works Director Brent M ucbow said Tuesday. But before they can receive the grant, voters must approve a measure in the June 8 city elections that would authorize sales of as much as $1 million worth of bonds. The lrvine City Council agreed Tuesday to place the measure on the ballot. It will need majority approval to pass. The grant would pay for construction or a 10-foot-deep, landscaped channel through which the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway tracks would pass through residential parts of the city. The chann e l would be designed to soften much of the noise of the trains as they ramble alonjt the channel. It would extend from Culver Drive to Jeffrey Road , and , eventually, to Sand Canyon A venue, Muchow said. The lowered tracks also would enable the city to build short overpasses to span the tracks, thereby eliminating traffic delays at crossings, be said. The bonds would be sold to raise funds to pay for desiens required before the state and the railroad company would pay for the channel construction, Muchow said. They would be paid off over 2S years with portions or annual s tale gasoline tax r eimbursements to the city. Thus, Muchow explained, it would be tax money already spent that would repay the bond debt. No new taxes of fees would be required, he said. The public works director told council members that state officials offered the city $8.3 million last year for the project, but the city didn't have the designs required to qualify. Thanks, Mrs. B.; keep spoiling me By NORA LEHMAN Of ttle Deity Pllll Stllff WRITER To WRITER: Or should it be columnist to columnist? In any case, Janie Berls. who has done more than her share turning out·columns has done the kind of thing I always mean to do. She's dropped a note to say something nice when the written word has appealed to her. She dropped two notes this week. She's spoiling me.· It's going to be a terrible seven-day period if I don't get something from Mrs. B. I'll feel I've failed miserably. I do thank you, Mrs. B. however, and I'll try to keep my lip from quivering if ... well, you know. BEWND THE SCENES: South Caast Re p does a magnific~nt.job in the scenic designing field. Those sets knock your eye out. It might be fun for those of you who haven't done it yet to take a backstage tour and see the theater's scenery shops. You'll also see· the Mainstage and Sec~nd Stage theaters, as well as the light and sound control booths .. BRUSHING UP -Mary McLeod Dooley works on her prize winner, "Charge." · These tours are conducted every· Thursday between 10 a.m. and noon, or if that doesn't fit into your schedule, make your own arrangements with Paula Bond or Michael Bigelow Dixon. . U you're the type who started u kinl "how" and "why" at an early a"e and never 1ave it up, you'll enjoy tbla. Juat call 95'1·2802. ..OIARGE'': That's the name of the Chinese Bruab Paintin1 that won Balboan Mary McLeod Dooley a blue ribbon at lA>S Angeles' California MUMUm of ScleaC!e aod Industry Show. Focused on American Artist.I of Cblneae Bruah Paintine, three of her works were cbolen fdr exhibition. The show continues through March 21. U you mltl thla particular sbow, however, you can catch a 1UlftP9e of Ms. Dooley's work at Lal\lfta'1 Sanda~ <:lallery. ( 1111111:1111 CAVALCADE 82 SPORTS BS ........................... .. EM-Jane Fonda, wor.kmg with Dad in "Oh · Golden Rond" was nerve-wracking, but worthwhile. See Page 83. Newport-Mesa District to lay off 120 teachers By JODI CADENHEAD ........... ""' ..... About 120 teachers tn the Newport·Mesa Unified School Dtst.rict will soon find layoff notices ln their mailboxes. · After an emotional and lenethy bearing Tuesday night, . district trustees voted to cut abo11t '3 full-time teachers from the district's payroll in June and another 30 temporary teachers. However, in order to be on the safe side, dismissal notices will be lmailed to 90 full -time teachers by th e March 15 deadline stipulated by California law. "We have to provide more notices tban needed in order to assure tbat poeple have tbelr· senlority protected," said Kevin Wheeler. assistant district superintendent. Wheeler added that be expect.a about 10 teachers ln the dlatriet to resign. The plan approved by trustees Tuesday includes: -Layin1 off 19 teachers and four principals as a result ol the closure ln June of tbe dlslrict's Evenin1 Hilh School, Llndber1h and Woodland elementary schools, the conversio.n of Kaiser Middle School to an elementary school and the conversion of all elementary school s to • klnderaarten throu1b sixth trade. -Laytna olr 10 teacben u a result o f the dropplDI of continuaUon school claaaea for students over 18. -Laytn1 off one nurse and one psycholotlst, leavlna seven each in the district. · -Aho, the following proarama would be eliminated from district higb schools : nmnaslics, bowling, forei1n foods, Soll, ewtar, silk screen,. speedwrltlng, and a course called "The World Since the Bomb." Tues day• s meeline was dominated not by teachers Banning vote in doubt Mayor's absence could thwart West Newport project By STEVE MARBLE Of ... ....., ...... ,.... With Newport Beach Mayor Jackie Heather hospitalized following a stroke, a new cloud of uncertainty is hanging over the large and controversial Banning Ranch d e velopment project. (Related story Page Al). City coun cil m e mbers speculated t h a t Mayor Heather's continuing absence could spell trouble for the West Newport project. The council -despite threats ·of a recall and a referendum - is expected to vote on the 7S-acre development plan Friday at 6 p.m . The Banning Ranch, a former sheep ranch dotted with oi l wells and s hrubs, is located inland of Pacific Coast Highway and west of Superior A venue. The council tentatively approved a modified version or the Banning Ranch project last month through a series of st.raw votes. As several council members pointed out this week, it was Mayor Heather who broke up what would have b ee n a deadlocked vote on several portions of the multi-million dollar project. Several council members have expressed worry that without the mayor, the development project could be altered or killed. C"onuncilwoman Evelyn Hart, Newport's mayor pro tempore, said· she will attempt to learn later this week whether Mrs. Heather wants to postpone lbe scheduled vole Friday. "As you know," Mrs. Hart said, "I voted against about SO pe r cent of the project and without Jackie, it could make a difference. ··The re could be some Thanks, Mrs. B.; keep spoiling me By NORA LEHMAN oe .. o.... .......... WRITER TO WRITER : Or should it be columnist to. columnist? In any case, Janie Berls , who ha'S done more than her s hare turning out columns has done the kind of thing I always mean to do. She's dropped a note to say something nice when the written word has appealed to her. She dropped two notes this week. She's spoiling me. It's going to be a terrible severi:day period if I don't get something from Mrs. B. I'll feel I've failed miserably. I do thank you, Mrs. B. however, and I'll try to keep my lip from quivef!ng if ... well, you know: BEIOND THE SCENES: South Coast Rep does a maenificent job in the scenic designing field. Those sets knock your eye out. It might be fu~ for those of yoo who haven't done it yet to take a backstage tour and see the theater's scenery_ shops. You'll also see the Mainstage and Second Stage theaters, as well as the light and sound control booths .. · IRUIHINO UP -Mary McLeod Dooley works on her prlze winner, "Charge." These tours are conducted every Thursday between 10 a.m. and noon, or if that doesn't Cit Into your schedule, make your own arrangements with Paula Bond or Michael Bi1elow Dixon. If you're the type who started ukinl "how" and "why" at an early ••e and never glVe it up. you'll enjoy tb11. Just call 157·110l. .. alA&GE .. : That's the name of the Chinese Brush Pai.ntiq that won Balboan Mary lleLeod Dooley a blue ribbon at Los Anleles' California Museum of Science and Industry Show. Focused on American Artiata of Cbln"' Bruab, Paln~. three of her works were eholen for exhlbiUon. Tbe 1how continues throu.lh March 21. U you miq th.la particular show, however, you ean catch a 1Hmpae of Ila. Dooley's work at Lacuna'• Sandatone Gallery. interesting dialogue Friday," she added. Councilmen Don Strauss and Paul Hummel also voted against portions of the plan. The council has tentatively agreed to let l and own er Hancock ··Bill'• Banning build 379 homes and up to 400,000 s quare feet of office and industrial space. Banning had asked for permission to build more than 700,000 square feet of i.ndustrial and offi ce space. He called the council's informal decision ··disappointing.·· A group of homeowners calling themselves t he West Newport Legislative Alliance said they also are disappointed at the council 's tentative decision. The alliance had soueht a maximum of 100,000 square feet of industrial space and no office buildings. Louise Greeley, leader of the alliance, has vowed to lead a referendum drive ii the council d oes n 't back away fro m approving the Banning project. Mrs. Greeley said t.odl)' her group hasn't chan1ed its mind. Council m e mbers . though, don't seem intimidated by the threats. ·'That's the popular threat the se days ," sugeest ed Councilman John Cox. "It's a threat tactic and I guess it's something everyone's entitled to.'' Others in the alliance h111ve said they m ay seek a recall against Councilwoman Ruthelyn Plu11Jmer, a two-year council member who represents West Newport and favors the development project. Residents to discuss condo plan Costa Mesa residents are invited to attend a homeowners meetin1 Thursday night to discuss a proposed l , 155-unit condominium project to be built under a new city zoning plan. Several homeowners' groups are sponsoring the 7:30 p.m. meeting in the Neiebborhood Community Center, 1845 Park Ave., Costa Mesa. Last month, the City Plannine Commiss i o n approved con st ruction of the condominiums on 21 acres of land owned by C.J. Se1eratrom and Sons and t he Coast Community Colleee District. The proposed complex would be near Oran1e Coast Collep on property bounded by Adams A ve nue, Pine Creek Road, Villa1e Way and Harbor Boulevard fronta1e property. The plan calls for 41 units per acre with 56 percent open space. 11 apf'roved by the City Coun c 1 March 15 , the community would be tbe first in the cily built under a new urban center residential 1onln1 that allow• 30 to 50 units per acre. 'Sid N•bt' set at NB library . Ski ftlma and a dlaeuulon on akl equipment will be on the ·••enda at 7 p.m. Tllund•J when ti•• Newport Beaell Library ,.... ... I "Sid NtiM." R1lpb .i.1Unlano of tbe Newport Sid Com~ will be tb• featured 1pea~1r. Tbe llWUJ ta located 1t Ill Saa Cl•••te Ort". ne... 11 no sarae. hoping to save their jobs, but by student.a t.ryln& to spare claues and programs s cheduled for elimination. About ~ current and rormer students enrolled in Bill Leach's "World Since the Bomb" clus at Corona del Mar High School tried 1n vain to save the clas,. •'Without the class many students would be fgnorant of the holocaust, nuclear war and population proble m s .•· said Burton Levine, a sophomore at the high school. •'This class must not be eliminated so as not to cheat the students out of an education.'· "We all live b.ere in Newport Beach," another student told trustees. "About 85 percent of us will go to college. We 're the leaders or tomorrow.'' On the other side of the room sat a group of Evening Hllh School students, fearful that elimination or 18-year-olds from the high school program would e nd the ir c hances for an education. Kevln Burns, 17, Costa Mesa, told trus tees he atte nded Evening High School so that he could work full time because his father has cancer. "I need a diploma to get a good job. If you put yourselves in my position, you would want the same thin"." said Burns. "I turn 18 in October. WW tbe dropped from school at the semester break ln January?" Deputy Su perinte ndent Norman Loats assured the students that only tboH wbo are 18 by September would be afrecled. When the Evenin1 Hllh Scbool is closed in June, students wbo are under 18 ln September will be allowed to attend hi1h scbool at Back Bay. Those over 18 will be able to enroll in one of the adult education progams offered at Orange Coast College, Coastline Community College District or Costa Mesa High School. according lo district officials. COP BOWL -Costa Mesa Sgt. Bill "Killer" Bechtel talks to his team of Costa Mesa and I rvine officers during prac tice for the April 2 game a gainsC Buena Park and Garden Gtove police to .raise funds for ...., ,... ..... .., a.tie~ local high school athletic programs. From left are Clint Stites, l rvine; Jim Eppstein, Irvine ; Jeff Mc Caskill, Irvine: Keith Bell. Costa Mesa, and Fred Lucas, Costa Mesa. For ticket information call 754-5282. Niguel trustee seeks Congress Paul Haseman challenging for Badham's seat Capistr ano Unified School District trustee Paul Haseman or Laguna Niguel is seeking the Democratic nomination in the June 8 primary election for the 40th Congressional District . The seal currently is held by thr ee-term Republican Robert 8adham of Newport Beach, who has announced he will seek re-election in the dominantly GOP district. Haseman, 36, is an attorney for Ford Ae r osapce & Communications Corp . in Newport Be ach . He is a graduate of t he U.S. Military Academy at West Point and a Vietnam war veteran. He holds the rank of major in the U.S. Army Reserve after serving 10 years on active duty from 1967 to 1977. His military duties included service as a paratrooper in Vietnam and Ranger qualifications. Haseman also is a part-time instruc to r for UC Irvine 's extension program, teaching a contracts class. Since 1979 he has ser ved on the Laguna Nigue l Community Co un ci l , three years as president. Haseman is married· with two daughters. His wife, Vivian, is expecting a third child in July. The candidate holds two law d eg r ees, o n e from th e .University or Virginia and the other from George Washington University. Haseman descr ibed h is incumbent opponent, Badham, as an ineffective legislator. "It's not a question or his being a Republican or Democrat," he said. "The fact is he 's just sitting in a safe distr ict and doing very little." •Five join cm;,, Cemer panel F ive Oran ge Coast residents have recently been appointed to the executive council of the Family Crisis Center in Costa Mesa. The non-profit organization offers adult, marriage and hmily counsel ing to residents in the Huntlnaton Beach. Costa Mesa, Newport Beach and Irvine areaa. The new councll members A nine-week course training older people ea voluntHr counaelora for ot.ben in tbei.r ace lrcJUPI will be Clftered by eoa.Wne Community Colle,e. Entitled "Peer Coun1_. Tralnln1 for Senior CUI 1eu," the c°"n• wlll mHt at the Meu Verde L1arnln1 Center, llHa Verde Dnve at Balter ~ a r e : Nancy McNaala of McN ash Realty in Costa Mesa; Jeannie and Fraak Proto or Proto Lincoln & Me r cury in Huntington Bea c h ; Robe rt llo11 , president o f Newport Mes a /I rvine Inte rfaith Council; and Allard Guanine o f All ard Gunning & Associates in Newport Beach. on Tuesday and Thursday mornin11 from March 19 throulb May 11, and otters tbree units <:A credit. ne eoune 1s sponsored by CoaaUlne and the Oran1e Couat1 Hultb Care AlmeJ in e~ with Project Pac e Inc . Further lnformadoa m11 be obtained b1 cont aetln1 lnatruetor •aria SIUMa at Gt.-,. CHALLENGER -School trustee Paul Haseman has announced his candidacy for the Democratic nomination in the 40th Congressional District. Planners each submit Bristol plan Costa Mesa plannin1 CQID· missioners have failed to reach a decision on a plan to let bei gbts on buildin11 alon1 Bristol Street south of San Diero Freeway. The commissioner opted Monday to make individual recommendations on the hellht issue. The lone -await~d Bristol Street spectfic plan, as It la called, would bave allowed increued beithtl aouth <:A the San Dieco, Freeway from two to as much u 10 ltoriea. Chairman Walt Danaport said eommisqlonen e9'dd not agr9.e on a unlforll) bulld.ln1 beitbt. Tbe commlleion did Mft\191' 1 .apptoft a ftve«or, 8dclw. ... tbe llolklaJ 11111 at 1111 8dlllll Strfft. Tiie botll i• eurftlillj nw storlH aad I• one el , .. buildlltll IOUlh Of tM '"":I tb1t ••e•eda tb• ata•d tWO•ltOl'J Umk. The council wtll e ,. F tM ar11.-..,..,._Aprt1 r I . • ..... . • J • ;: . .. .. I I ·, ' • \ .. ,'( .• .. J .. ' J I I • .. Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Wedneeday, March 101 1882 N ~· NYSE COMPOSITE TRANSACTIONS CWOUT .... l INC'l.llH THH• .. YMI HIW 'f'O•k ... 1 .. llf.PACIPIC.#••• ... , .... OIYllOIT A•O CINClllliAtl IYOClf UCM6"U &110 • ._...,~. IW 'IMI N•w. A•O llttTI•" ~ • • lo buy Bateman Eichler mu~,..----... Badie Baltey S&Hrt sMew. be. Of New York has simed an aareement in principle to acquire the Los Angeles -based brokerage firm of Ba&emH Eichler, IWJ Richards lDc. in a transaction valued at· $50 million. Bache -which itself m(ll"ged last summer with Prudential Insurance Co. or America - would acquire Bateman's 31 branch offices, whose staff of 1 100 Includes 450 brokers. . . (;~er Buk lowered its prime home mortgage rate to 16~ percent from 17~ percent. The rate is what the bank charges in interest on five-year, fixed-rate mortgage loans for single-family homes with ~onthly payments amortized over 30 years ... g •• lll!iiiii .... ~6~--------------··- Medlaa home prices in Orange County rose 0.7 percent to $133,272 in January, according to the California Association of Realtors. Home sales in the cqunty dropped 11.1 percent for the month after falling 21 percent in December .•. Bank of America is attempting to seize 1,979 De Lorean sporta cars, which the bank says were used as collateral on a $33 million loan. The BofA suit states the bank called in the loan. with $17.6 million in. principal and $380 ,000 in inte rest due, afte r Belfast-based Oe Lorean Motor Cars Ltd. was put into receivership ... The Anaheim CHy Council has approved plans for a $150 miUion Hilton Hotel to be built on a portion of tht; Anaheim Convention Center parking lot. Tb(l hotel is scheduled for completion in spring 1984. FlllOr Corp.'1 board or directors declared a quarterly cash dividend of 21> cents a share on the company's common stock. payable April 19 to holders of record March 22 ... Baker IDtematloaal Corp.'s $225 million public, offering of 6 percent debentures due March 15, 2002, at a price of 44.415 percent to yield 14.66 percent was announced by Goldman, Sachs & Co., Blyth Eastman Paine Webber Joe. and Lehman Brothers Kuhn Loeb Inc. as joint managers of the underwriting group. 1111• ~,..._ ___ _ The VaJted Auto Worken unJon, acting at the request of Gemeral Moton Corp., bas tentatively scheduled a meeting for Friday to discuss emergency contract tallts with the nation's top automaker, a union spokesman said. Meanwhile. UAW officals failed to reach agreement on a counteroffer to a proposal by American Moton Corp. for an employee investment plan. SfOCIS IN THE SPOTLIGHT ICW~t:l..,-S-___ ,,.. =:.. ----¥~ ...... " -V.-...0 _., •• -- ~ 1,UO,tOO ?0-!11 . "' ~· .... 2'~ • \l'J Mlrtit()ll 3 '~ t ~ MDllll • n .,~ 5-'JRGMI Soll,000 llYt + * Tr_,, Q> 505,100 "~ T ..... s 494,000 211'1 ..... T.-lntl .... 11~ . , I(_, C,400 ,,..., :;,~ = 411,ADO 29¥. 476,400 1114 ... ., ~ ;·v; MllC:o c. at.= 2'" . ~ rr::i ... ,,-. ··~ CJMOO 5'914 UPS AND DOWNS "" L..Ht C1'Q ~·. J + "°' U1> 20.0 11\lo + 1" Up 11.4 ltVt + 1\lo Up 12.1 ;r,_ • 2Vt Up 'I·' not + \lo UI> I .I ~ + 2\lo UI> 11.1 .,._ + 9' U11 10.9 11'-+ 11' UP 10.S • • "' u, 10.J ,,_ • '" U1> 9.1 -+ "' UP ti "" + "' Up U ilM . '"' u, u ,,.. • '" Up ••• 1"' + 1'11 Up Lt M • ~ Up 11 U\41 +1 Up 1 D +I U, ·• HYt • a VP a.s DOWMI ~ ~ Jdis.~ 61 _:;: OH U ~ -'-OH 7,2 ~-i. OH L1 111' -\lo OH 6.S %1Yt -1Vt ~ •.• l7Yo -'"' u "" -"' s .•. 1111 -Vt "' f\j,-"°OH U IM -I OH S.1 .__\lo OH s.o WVt -"' ~ 0 ~=·= ~ tl mi. -'" Ii •. , 6" -M '-' ,.. -" 4.S .COLD COINS . M•W YOltlC CAP> -""'" .... T__, METALS NEW YORIC CAPI -Spot nonftrn>•I> m•t•t pr1«1 ta0av· Tia "·t01' ~lell WMlt ~lie ID Alw""-1 .. 11 tents• pound, H Y MH<wr u.o.oo ,_,fl~ PiatW-ID7.CD l,,,.,01 . H V SILVER Haft(fy •Henn_,, V .IOO.-r lrOy OUft(e GOLD QUOTATIONS iiyTlwA_.._....._ $o'le<tecl-eoM ptlctt today ~: l'Mnll119 fl1lnq ual.15, • u.•. ~: ....,_ ''"'"' s.m.40. 1111 U.7S. ,..,..., "1$.11.111>110.2'. "'~:UM . .,,upSJ.JS. ~•11 ...-. ''"'"' sm.oe, "" ... oo w . .......... NNfY & M-: (only N llY ll\IMe) tm.•,...,u.1s .......,, Ctflly cs.lty ""°"' U».00 ... U.75. .......... , CoNV N lly ~I fabfic-Oft.6.S, ._, S1M. SYMBOLS ' :· •, • ,, ~' •• . ; I i. I• I~ ., •r .· ' .1