HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-03-19 - Orange Coast Pilotj Ylll lllRlll IAllY NPll FRIDi\V M.i fl Ii t'l 1•11i; OHA N Gl COU N 1 'V CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS 25,000 • Ill Indiana pray for di to hold FORT WAYNE. Ind. (AP) -;The Ooodwa"'°' that have driven ,10.000 people from their homes and mobiltzed armies of .andbaa·toting volunteers inched .back today from near-record le· vela, but thia city is still locked in :a race against the weather. . "I feel if it doesn't rain, we're aoing to win," Mayor Winfield 'MQsea Jr. ,said as hundreds of volunteers piled 50-pound sand· )>ags to shore up mushy dikes in a 'threatened area along the Mau- ·mee River, one of three in In- dtana'a aecond·lal'28t ci~ The N•tional We.ther Servi.oe foreeut an 80 pe.rc:ent cha.net ol thundentonna with winda, haJJ and rain. but cJty apokeaman Mark Rozeen said only a U41ht d.riDle bad arrived th.la momlni· Rivers engorged by thawins snow and nearly a week of rain continued to flood in aouthern Michigan and central lllinola. Moees said the weather Mrvice told him that the rivers rile by 6 Inches for every half-inch of ra1n that falls. Rain could send the river over the dike• or punch holee ln them add flood part o1 \he dty, he llJd, leavtna perhaps . 2)~ people homele11. .l!lven without more rain, the network of dlkea built after a record 1913 flood have been weakened aerloualy, and offlc1ala worried that~ mi8ht not hold while the rivers al.owly recede. Terrell would not predict a rainfall amount for the saturated Fort Wayne area Thursday ~iaht, but did say aevere thun- dentonm aometlmes dump up to 2 inches of rain. The Maumee River, formed at the confluence of the St. Joeeph and St. Mary's rivers in this city of 170,000 people, stood at 24.6 feet early today, down one foot from 2 p.m. PST Thursday, Rozeen said. The river hit a record 26.1 feet in 1913 when flooding killed 70.0 people in Indiana and neighboring states. ''We've been luck y," Rozeen said. "The more time we can buy, the more our rivers will go down. If there la more rain, the rivers will crest at a lower level." Sandbagging continued today, he said, but moat of the high- school-age volunteers who hel- ped during the week were back al their desks as Fort Wayne community echoob reopened. Moses estimated that 10,000 people had left their homes by Thursday night, up from a mor- n ing estimate o{ 8,500. Four emergency she lters held 210 people, down from 300 earlier 'l'hursdav. according to William Kerr of ihe American Red Cro.. In Ohio o n Thvraday, a 3-year-old girl wu killed when a car slid into a fiood-ewollen ditch and sank in 10 feet of water near Delphos, the Sixth death in a week of flooding In the Midwest. Three people have died ln Ohio, two in Michigan and one in In- diana. Floodwate rs wer e receding Thursday in northern Ohio, but the St. Joseph in Southwestern Michigan rose into homes and businesses in some communities. ;First swallows Jury mulls Wisely fate Prosecutor demands death for 'cold, cold killing' return By JACKIE HYMAN AtU cl1'9d ,,... Wrttef The first\f lock of swallows came back to San Ju"n Capi- strano this morning, as they have for 200 years on St. Joseph's Day, and were greeted by tourists from around the nation. The small fork-tailed birds were seen over the ruins of Mis- sion San Juan Capistrano, foun- d~ in 1776, at 7:55 a.m. "I'm so excited!" said Anne Baker of Lafayette, Calif. The visitor from the San Francisco Bay area was celebrating her 65th birthday today. "I've been wanting to come here as long as I can remember. I thought what a wonderfuJ gift to see them come on my birthday," she said. "I saw four!" said Linda Wil- son, who recently moved to neighboring Mission Viejo from Richland, Wash. "I hope to see some more. Tell me more spar- rows are coming, swallows, whatever 'they are." The main body of birds was expected to follow. Some 500 to 1,000 of them nest in the eaves of the mission. The return of the main flock is marked each year by the ringing of the m.ls&on bells. The swallow watch began at 6 a .m. with the opening of the 1 mission. About a dozen people huddled outside in.50-degree weather. Marga~et Mater~a of Mor- (See SWALLOWS, Page At) Airline plans drawings for free flights As part of a nationwide pro- motion, Republic Airlines will bold four drawings next week to give away tickets good for any of the 170 American destinations llerved by the airline. At each drawing, 150 tickets will be awarded, according to Bill Gerrard, regional manager of sales. The promotion is aimed at boosting Republic sales, suffering like the rest of the airline indu- stry. but primarily to familiarize people with the company name, Gerrard said. Gerrard said the first drawing will be held Mar. 23 at Ontario International Airport, followed by another March 24 at West- minater Mall in Orange CoWlty. and two on Mar. 25 at the Gal- leria Mall in Shennan Oaks and Arco Plaza in Los Angeles. WORLD OlllJ,... ............ BULLSEYE -Fem Pirkle displays her James Watt Dart Board, a pointed comment about the secretary o.f the Interior's policies. It may prove to be a pretty shar~ idea. Pointed criticism Coast group makes Watt da rt board By STEVE MARBLE Otttleo.ly.......... • Fern Pirkle is hoping James Watt gets the point. The Corona del Mar woman and her colleagues on the environmentally-minded Friends of the Irvine Coast have taken aim at the controversial interior secretary with their "James Watt Dart Board." For $9.9.5 plus tax and postage, Watt critics can take out their environmental frustrations by winging dar:ts at a likeness of the interior secretary. AND JUST IN CASE any of Watt's detractors have les.5 than perfect aim, the package comes with six darts. "We've already had five orders from Kentucky," says Mrs. Pirkle, adding, "strip mining -that's what they're upset about back there." The dart board features Watt's smiling face in the center and is ringed with illustrations of offshore drilling plat.fonns, strip mining and the remains of a forest. The board also has a drawing of the proposed national park site south of Corona del Mar with a tiny sign warning, "Out of Site." She says there's enough on the board to appeal to even the most marginal of environmentalists. Even Republicans will like it, she adds. A BULLSEYE SHOT on the board will result in nic- king Watt in the comer of the left eye but, members of the Friends say, any head shot is good for a few points. · STATE By DAVID KUTZMANN ol'h Diiiy ..... ,..., After hearing a prosecutor de- mand his execution and his mo- ther deecrlbe her son's troubled past, a Superior Court jur y wrestled today w ith its final declsion in Willie Wisely's mur- der trial -should he live or die for kilJiQi his stepfather? The"1f'anel of seven men and five women began its delibera- tions in the penalty phase of Wisely's trial late Thursday. It did so after hearing Assis- tant District Attorney Edgar Freeman describe the death of Hunt.ington Beach truck driver Robert B~a).'_ a year ago as a "cold, cold killing' by a very cold, bright, articulate and dangerous human being." Wisely, 29, was convicted of first-degree murder and special circumstances (lying in wait) by the same jury earlier in the week. Bray suffocated beneath the 2,000-pound cab of his Sewer line break shuts beaches 8y PHIL SNEIDERMAN o<t11eDteJ .......... Orange C.Ounty health officials cloeed two Corona del Mar bea- ches early today in the wake of a sewer line break that sent raw untreated sewage waste into the ocean near the entrance of New- port Harbor. The closures came one day af- ter health officials reopened the waters off Seal Beach, which had been closed because of concern over an e arlier, unre lated sewage spill. Bob Merryman, the county's director of environmental health, said the beac hes from China Cove to the Sheriff's Harbor Pa- trol headquarters would be clo- sed through the weekend. The closure involves about a half mile of beach altogether, he said. The b~ak occurred in a New- port Beach city sewage line near Carnation Avenue and Bayside Drive. The line carries raw se- wage to the Orange C.Ounty Sa- nitation Plant in Huntington Beach for treatment. Newport Beach city c rews were reported still repairing the line tod&y. City officials said to- day the flow of sewage into the harbor has been halted. County health officials reope- ned the waters off Seal Beach Thursday aft.er tests determined that partially treated effluent from a Los Angeles C.Ounty Sa- nitation plant in Long Beach had produced no hazardous contami- nation off Seal Beach. LEGHORN, Italy (AP) -Pope John Paul II heard a barrage of political complainta today by chemical workers in this communist-governed city~ denounced "of ten savage" violations of hwnan rights. The pontiff flew here on the feast day of St. Joeeph, patron saint of workers. How to locate a freeway NATION Nomination reform has flaw • The latest propoaal to reform the pre1tdential nomlnation pl'OC..'ell faill to addrell • key fact: Then are winners and loeers. Pap A3. Lik e oil and water Harry S Truman th~t little of Richard Nixon, and Dl'Obably would have eitp1oded about a propca1_ to put lnxon'• Pftllktentlal library ln .. horr.ftowD. In- dependlra, "Mo. Paae 83. Any true Callfomiari loves a freeway -as long as it is located away from the homestead and will get him an~here he wants in 10 minutes. Page Bl. Pizza disrupts m eeting Could a moua that repreeente ~iua and family fun •park near-fi.stfightl at a aupervaon meeting? It happened in Marin County. Pace 86. COUNTY Price control term reduced \ The Bo.rd of SuP9f'Yt8on Nil lhonened fl'ml 30 yun to 20 yean reale 2_rlce control• on an "af· fordllble" ~ projlact.. Pap Bl. tractor-trailer rig, which prose- cutors claim Wisely lowered on him. At the time the verdict was a nnounced , the d efendant, a one-lime student at Golden West College and UC Irvine, said he pre f erred to go to the gas chamber at San Que ntin than serve a life term without possi- bility of parole in state prison. However, Wisely. who i:epre- sented himself throughout most of his lengthy and highly publi- cized trial, changed tactics and on Thursday had his advisory la- wyer argue that his life should be spared. "The question of whether Mr. Wisely lives or dies is in your hands," defense lawyer Daye Shinn told somber-faced jurors. "It is an awesome task." Shinn argued that it w.as bet- ter to attempt to rehabilitate his client, who has continued to deny any involvement in Bray's death, than to execute him. "This is not a Manson or Bonin (freeway killings) kind of case," the Los Angeles lawyer said. "It is not that horrible." But Freeman, often pacing in front of the jury box in Superior Court Judge Kenneth E. Lae's courtroom, told jurors that the circ umstances of Bray's death were "cold, calculated, deliberate and inhuman." "The agony of his last mo- ments was enormous," the P'°- secutor said. "He died under in- tolerable circumstances." Bray's bodY. was found on March 9, 1981 pinned beneath the one-ton, tilt-away cab of his. 1975 International Harvester tractor-trailer rig, which was parked on Springdale Street near Edinger Avenue in Huntington Beach. (See PENALTY, Page At) Lovin g, losing tab s g oing up BOISE. Idaho (AP) -In a quick 24 hours, the Idaho Legis- lature made it more expensive to be joined together and torn asunder. 'the Senate passed a bill ad- ding $15 to the fee for a marriage license Thursday, one day after the House finished action on a bill adding $20 to the divorce fi- ling fee. The extra money from mar- riage licenses will help provide funding for centers for battered wives, while the extra divorce fee will help set up agencies for displaced homemakers, women who have lost their spouses throu~h divorce or death. . Death cJaim used to evade police? By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL Of"the OellJ Not l e.ft A woman's alleged attempt to evade several arrest warrants by having her daughter claim she had died has been disclosed by the Orange C.Ounty marshal's of- fice. According to Sgt. Don Spears, Lee Smith Hoffman, 48, and her daughter, Deborah. 22, both of Fountain Valley, conspired to make it appear that Ms. Hoffman had died undergoing surgery in Houston while facing warrants on bad ch eck and grand theft charges. Spears said in late December, 1981, investigators were convin- ced -via a tearful story given by t he dau~hter -that Ms. Drug ring broken LANCASTER (AP) -Up to 41 students were arrested along with an unknown number of adults Thursday in the culmina- tion of a month-long undercover drug operation in a local high school district, sheriffs deputies said. INDEX Hoffman h ad s uccumbed to internal bleeding. At that time, the daughter produced a death certificate purporting to show that Ms. Hoffman died Dec. 28. Following that visit, the marshal's office requested that three misdemeanor warrants and one felony warrant against Ms. Hoffman be d ismissed. They were. F.arly this month, Spears said, an informant who he refused to identify contacted investigators and told them that Ms. Hoffman was still alive. Upon contacting Houston officials, investigators learned the death certificateiven them in December had been fal- sified. The two women were taken into custody Wednesday. Debo- rah Hoffman was booked into Orange County jail on suspicion of filing a 'false instrument and was being held in lieu of $5,000 bail. Lee Hoffman wu booked into the jail on similar charges and a grand theft charge contai'- n ed In on e of the dismissed warrants. She was being held in lieu of $250,000 bail, Spears aid. ' At Your Service A4 lnt.enni.slion Weekender Ann Landers B2 Movies Weekender Mutual Funds B6 National News A3 Public Noticel A 7,B6-6,C7 Restaurants Weekender SJ>Ol:la Cl .e Dr. Stelncrohn B2 Stock Markell 87 Televtaion TV Los 'Thee ten Weekender Weather A2 World News A3 L.M. Boyd A6 Businea B6-7 California A5 Cavalcade B2 Classified Dl-8 Comics B4 Croaword B4 Death NotJcea C7 F.dltorial A6 Entertainment Weekender Hy Gardner B2 Home/Garden B8 HotolCOpe 82 SPORTS • PCAA 's a better loop The PCM ii better than the Big 8 ln buketball. That'a the opln1on of UC Irvine Coach BW Mullipn in a column by sporta editor Craig Sheff.~ Cl. . ~ . . f l r :· ' " . .. I j, ···-·- IPEN~LTY. • • A.ccotdlnc to crtal teatlmony, WlMlr, sneaked up on hil 1c.p- tather • ril while the older man orked bentlath the cab ancr tripped a Jwltch which caused the eab to fall. 'l' Freeman 1aid both Bray'• t• deJlth -and the robbery of a Loe A..ncelee-area antique 1to~ •1 1everal week1 before, a crime 1j Wilely a1.o la char1ed with - OOCUJ1'ed only a matter of weeb followlni the defendant'• re1eue v from San Quentin Pri1on. He 1:· served a three-yepr term for forgery: Wiaety al80 had been p.reviou. lly con\rtcted of second-dearee ~iuY can't make it on the atreeta without wreckln1 .oltler peopJe'11Jv"," Freeman uaer- t.ed. . Wlaely'1 own life, however, was de1c~rd by hlt mother Thunday being one offering few advan . · "If~ ever had a helping hand, extended to h1m in hia life," Ha- zel Bray said, "thlnp wouldn't be u they are now.•• '1 SW ALLOWS. • • I ristown, N .J., said she had vimted the mision on a tour three yeen 1, ago and promised herself ahe ~. would come back eome day to eee the awallowa arrive, becauae her ,,, hueband, who died eight years c ago, had been a binl lover who • "Wied to rai8e parakeets." "Today would have been my 51at wedding anniversary,'' she .. said. Bartender Alice Farmer and waitreu Paui Thomas of Ana- heim said they drove down at 2 . a.m. after getting off work. l ''I wanted to see the ~ swallows," said Miss Thomu. "I've been to the mlasion a thou- sand times, but I've never seen them." Angie Zaleeki of San Juan 'Capistrano was standing on the sidewalk at ~:30 a.m. and looked surprised when asked why she had come. "I'm just here to catch the bus," she said. Dick Landy, director of tou- rism for Miaalon San Juan Capi- strano, said a few scouts had been seen Tbunday which all ~ut guaranteed the swallows were to arrive on IChedule. I .. )Shrittle site shift r. !letdown in Lancaster I LANCASTER (AP) -News l that" the space shuttle C.Olwnbia f won't land at Edwards Air Force ~ 'Bue, Where days of rain turned a· . solid de9ert lakebed into mu.thy clay, was "a big letdown" for • merchants anticipating the briak tourist bwdnem generated by two previous shuttle landings. "We're all eeared up for this," Jan Roelan of the Desert Inn ~H~tel in Lancaster said' Tbura- •.day. "We're usually booked for : weeks in advance when they're ,. landing. 1''1 kind of controfled ~ I clutoa, with people always trying to wheedle a room one way or another. So fat we haven't had a lot ol canceDations but rm sure there will be." The National Aeronautics and Space Administration opted to have Columbia land at White Sends M.iasile Range in southern New Mexico u the countdown began for its third launch which takes off at 7 a.m. PST Monday. The space shuttle landed at Ed- wards after ia first and aecond missions last April and Novem- ber. , f 'Pro,ected' otter slain : MONTEREY (AP) -A sea it is the firlt confirmed shooting ; ot~. clulUied aa a threatened of a sea otter in this area in four ~ species under federal law, hu years, and one of• har~dful of ! been found dead of bullet such incidents in the last deCade. ; wounds at Marina Beach .. · The body of the 12-year-old ' Phil Nelms. captain of the state male otter, which washed ashore . Department of Fish and Game's last weekend~ contained two· . marine enforcement division for bullets, believea to be .22 caliber, f the central coat. 'said Thursday Nelms said. Sunny • spring skies due BY JERRY HERTENSTEIN or ... OllJ NeiM Sunny lki• and wanner wee- ther weft expected to Mrald the arrival of spring Saturday along the Oran1e Coast after three day. of wet weather. Some residents U9ed the wea- ther break to clean up fallen trees and other debris from the storm. Spring arrives officiallµt 2:56 p.m. Saturday. That's the time the sun cro111e1 the equator overhead of Jarvis Ialand In the Central Pacific Ocean. It marka the equal division of day into light and darkness and the be- ginning of the season when there is more daylight than darkness north of equator. This morning's blue skies with puffy white cfouds alao greete9 the annual return of the swal· lows to the city of San Jaun Capiatrano and brought relief to the thousands of county commu· ters who had ~attled rain the past thlee days. The end of the storm brought some unusual weather to the coast early Thursday evening. One Costa Mesa commuter re- ported ge tting drenched in a shower when leaving work. Lem than six blocks away the streell were dry, the worker said. Resident.a in Santa Ana, La- guna Beach and sectioN of Irvine. reported seeing beady drops of hail fall at 5 p.m. lasting "about a minute and melting as soon as they hit the windshield," accor- dina to one Laguna resident. The three--day storm dropped a total of 2.89 inches of rain on Costa Mesa in a period from 8 a.m. Tuesday to 8 a.m . today, according to gauges of the Orange County Flood Control district. And ~hile a spokesman for the county Environmental Manase- ment Agency reported no major trouble he said canyon areas and flood control channels were being watched closely. A landslide was reported along El Toro Road, one mile south of Live Oak C anyon Road near Cook's Corner in the northeas- tern section of the county, the spokesman said. Lost plane sought BAKERSFIELD (AP) -The U.S. Army was expected to join a search today for a plane miasing in Mexico that was believed to be ciuTytng four San Joaquin Valley residents, said the wife of a pas- senger. Mexican authorities were joined by friends of the missing people Thursday in a search of the de9ert between Mexicali and Mazatlan. Weekend to be warmer , I ............ --llr ' . .. t I IW I I W I I W D.-, ..... ..._....,,....,.. 0,,... NEITHER RAIN NOR -Despite cold wind.a, intermittent rain and aoggy turf, Orange I County aolfen tum out tQ play. The driving range at "Mile .Square Park Coune in Fountain Valley was packed Tuesday afternoon. Rick Lombard, foreground, wearing cap, of Foun- tain Valley, says "If they're open, rn be here." Age '110 I actor' in campaign San Juan senior moves to unseat St,qJervisor Riley San' Juan Capiatrano'• Al Arps retired Los Angeles scbodt tea-larly traffic congestion. A.rps said won't d.18cloee how old he is. · cher and coach, said he held no growth should be held In check But he wW tell you he doesn't "penonal anirnml.ty" toward Ri-until transportation problems can think age wll1 be a factor in hia ley who b the only supervisor be aolved. attempt to unseat lncumbent facing oppositlon this year. On a smattering of other issues Orange County Supervisor Arps said that he is againat re- Thomu Riley in the June 8 pri-Arps said he has two themes in development of the Treasure his campaign: "Rapid growth and mary election. home rule." He said rapid '""'wth Island mobile home park in .,..~ South Laguna Into a condomi-Speaklng at a press conference has led to 1'serious p~blems" In nium dtwelopment; said John in Santa Ana Thunday, Arps, a south Orange County, particu:-Wayne airport will remain and City Hall lockout Heavy business forces Friday closure SANTA CRtJZ (AP) -The crush of business has become so great for dty employees in little Scotts Valley that they've decided U:> shoo out the citiz.ens and lock the doors U:> City Hall every Friday. Not only will citizens be locked out, they'll be cut oU by phone as well. City Administraror Bob Rockett says nobody - outside.of the police and fire departments -will answer the phone. The closure, approved by the City Council Wednesday, was inspired by a flurry of city hall buSinea -espedally applications by developers hoping U:> have their projects ap- proved before Scotts Valley citizens vote on two growth control ordinances June 8. The city of roughly 5,000 people is located a few miles north of Santa Cruz. should remain; said he supported oomtruction of a new airport for private airplanes, but not in San Juan Capistra,no, and said he supported construction of a mo- bile home park east of El Toro as a means of providing affordable ho~ in _the county. Arps said he could not provide a specific figure on the amount of money his campaign committee has raised. He said bis campaign finances will be handled b y Shirley Grindle, a fonner county planning comrnlasioner and pro- ponent of a county campaign fi- nance disclosure ordinance. He said that he and his wile ha\•e lived in San Juan Capi- strano for 14 years. Arps said he has previowily held elective of- fice as a city counci1man In San Fernando and for 37 years taught biology and coached in city schools in Los Angeles. ' ~ry. bedspread 8t \VallPJlper . sile. 25%off March 19th-31st Save on custom draperies, bedspreads, wallpapers, mini-blinds -and be ready for those spring guests! Shuhers are also available at special prices. fatur1nQ1 Ncttlcc~. Plndler, S. Harris, Schumlchtt. Wavuly, Stnclalr, DuM Edwards and Frazu. VlSA/MASTERCARO 90 Day No lntaat Plan ii~~m~~ t Yur Ftnanctng 18% lntaat . . ---------~-------- Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Frldey, March 19, 1982 • ... plan skips I goal: winning WASHINGTON (AP) -Re· formen propcl91.nc an overhaul of • the presidential nominating l)"ltem have come up with a un- ique idea: they want to make it fair. That's always a worthy goal, and it might even be pcmible - ao long as there ~no candidates to win or to loae. In politics, fairness is in the eye of the vic- tor. The losers always figure they were fouled in one way or another. ~ In the name of fair play. Dwight D. Eiae~ower's suppor- ters prie d aw the dele gate votes to clinch is Republican presidential nomination 32 yean .,o. It didn't look all that fair to Sen . .Robert A Taft. who loet. Lut campa!IJl, Sen. Edward M. Kennedy rontended that open- neu and fairneu required the release of Democratic. delegates pledged by primary election and caucus instructions to renominate Jimmy Carter. And' Carter argued that it wasn't fair to change the rules afte.r he'd won the contest for a delegate majority. The ronven- tion uphdd him. · ' A suocesalon of reform panela has labored for years trying to streamline, simplify and shorten the process by which the major 11111111n11 parties chooee nominees for the White Houle. The late&\ attempt, sponsored by a public affain center at the University of Virginia, offers this description of the goals of the proce91: "People want a system that is fair and takes into account the preferences of the party rank and file, including those who do not vote in primaries; a system that selects qualified candidates capable of exercising the respon- WAREHOUSE BLAZE -Firemen battle a fi_ve-alarm fire at a seven-story warehouse ., WtNphoto building in lower downtown St. Paul, Minn. No injuries were reported in the fire this wee!<. von Bulow orders revealed. Prosecutor tells of 'do not revive' instructions PROVIDENCE. R.I. (AP) - Claus von Bulow told doctors not to try reviving his heiress wife if her condition worsened at the Boston hospital where she was taken after lapsing into a conti- nuing coma, pr06eCutor Stephen R. Famiglietti said. The informatio n was n ot introduced during the nine-week trial that l ed to von Bulow's conviction on two counts of trying to kill Martha "Sunny" von Bulow because Judge Thomas H. Needham thought it might unduly prejudice the jury. lion and marry his actress lover, Thursday also dismissed defense lawyer Herald P . Fahringer's claim to have found a witness who can testify Mrs. von Bulow injected herself wtth insulin. "That's vintage Fahringer," he said. "I'm not concerned and I'm not surprised either that Fah- ringer is continuing to try thls case in the media." F amiglietti said he did not oonsider the testimony about von Bulow's request essential to his case. ''The arguillent could be made that he loved fiis wife and did not want to see her languish like that ... I don't think that was the case. I think he wanted her out of the way as soon as possible so he could get her money," Fami- glietti said. Referring to the l'\eW evidence of Mn. von Bulow's alleged drug use, Famiglietti said Fahringer will have to prove the witness was unavailable during the trial and that the new testimony would change the outcome of the case. Famiglietti said the verdicts probably would stand even if the new evidence were introduced. Von Bulow, 55, was convicted of twice trying to kill his wife with insulin injection s that pl~ged her into two comas du- ring Christmas visits to their Newport mansion. Joint chiefs choices . She recovered from a Dec. 27. 1979, episode but is not expected to revive from the coma that be- gan Dec. 21, 1980. Now 50, she remains at a New York City hospital. introduced by Reagan briel to be the ne w Air Force chief of staff. (See photo, Page B5.) Stephen R . Famiglietti, the prosecutor who convinced the jury von Bulow tried to kill his wife so he could inherit $14 mil- WASHINGTON (AP) -Pre- sident Reagan has introduced his choices for two poets on the Joint Chiefs of Staff, saying he would nominate Adm. James D. Wat- kins to be chief of naval opera- tions and Gen. Charles A. Ga- "These men have great records in serv ice to their country," Reagan said Thursday, in an Oval Office meeting with the two and with Gen. John Vet19ey, the president's previously announced choice as chairman of the joint chiefs. ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Thomas P. Haley P~ ano CP\ .. f E 1ec.v11•• ()ft,c:•' Robert N. Weed ,._ Thomas A. Murph1ne Ecl110t L. Kay Schultz V\CeP-nl ""'Oorect0t ol ()perottOM Michael P. Harvey _,,. °"9c'lor Kenneth N. Goddard Jr Charles H. Loos ~'"''°' hlly ....... .,, ........ CIH•Hled •dvertlslng 71 •1142-5679 All other departments 6'2 .... 321 MAIN OFFICE 330 WHt 8rt SI., Cost. Me$o0, CA. M•ll •ddreo: Bo• 1560, Ca.I•~ ... (A .... C09yr'9f11 1"2 Orange CoHI Pullllilllfto '-Y· No ft•ws stotM" 111..str•llon•, .c!Hori.t m-or N- .,.,.llMmenb llerelft .,.., be '""Od1K4KI wttltDoil -Mil P9rmltlloll of <OPYrl9111 _,_,, Secono etas .-.cave peld •I Coote MeM, Cellfomla. CUPS 1..-0> SWKr1ptlon bV c.,.rter M 1S ,,_,, by mell ».JOmontllly VOL. 75, NO. 78 "I shall certainly be seeking their advice at eve ry opportunity," Reagan told repor- ters who had been' summoned to h~s office for a picture-taking seaaion at the start of the meet- ~atkinl is now commander in chief of the U.S. Navy's Pacific Fleet. He waa previously vice chief of naval operations. Gabriel, commander. in chief of the U.S. A1t Force in Europe, ii a former deputy chief of staff for operation.a, plans and readine11. He wa1 a1.ao a deputy commander of U.S. fona in Korea. We're Listening ••• What do you like about the Daily Pilot? Whai don't you Uke? Call the numtfer below and your mesaa1e will be recorded, transcribed and delivered lo the appropriate editor. The same 24·hour answertng service may be used to record let· ters to the editor oo any topic. MallboJt contributors must include their name ind t.elephooe number for verification. No circulation calls, please. Tell us what's on your mind. t' ' sibllities of the presidency; a system that does not encourage unnecessary divisions within the parties; and finally, a system that promotes the delicate network of contacts among political leaders that will enable a president to govern effectively." They skipped one goal, the central one for the people most directly concerned with the pro- cess, and that is to win. 1''aim~. and the wishes of people who do not bother to participate, may be of concern in the reform labora- tory, but they don't count when the campaign begins and people start choosing up sides. The University of Virginia panel, headed by former Secre- tary of Defense Melvin R Laird and former Sen. Adlai E. Ste- venson m. notes that the current process grew without guidelines or deliberate design In to some- thing cumbersome, complicated and confusing. That happened in large part because of the work of ear lier reformers who set out to broaden participation in the Democratic Party's nominating system. That set of rules made prealdentlaJ primary elections the safest way to chooee nominating delegates Immune from change at the national convention. Those re- forms, plus the candidate interest and publicity primary elections generate, led state after state to adopt that system. There were 37 primary elections in the last campaign, and that is where both nominations were settled. The Laird-Stevenson com.mis- sion recommend ed that the number of primaries be cut to no more than 16. That isn't going to happen. Somebody would have to rule on which 21 stat.es have to drop out of the primary busin~. Congress wouldn't touch that task. The panel wants primaries held between the first week in March and the fi'rst week in , June, with Congress scheduling regional primary dates, grouped by time zones, and the sequence established by lottery. That won't work either. The odds are better for adop- tion of commission recorrunenda- tions that would include office- holders and party leaden • un· committed delegates to national nominating conventJons. It u.ed to work that way, but an earlier generation of reformers decided that was a relic of the smoke- filled room and the tx.. ayttem, and so ruled out a free ride for officeholders and the party hi· erarchy. The Republicans have no changes in the works for the next campaign. But the Democratic National Committee i.s meeting lat.er this month to act on reform proposal& that include groupin1 the primaries into a 13-week pe- riod -with a loophole for New Hampshire's treasured leadoff s p ot -easing the rule that bound delegates irrevocably ~ the candidate they were pledgl!d to support, and seating 549 un- committed delegates at the 1984 convention. Most of them would be elected officeholders and par- ty leaders. It may work better. But when the campaign ia done, it will look fair only to the winner. Journey to South Coast Plaza's • Kingdom of·Lego © No Passport Needed Discover European Cities, Castles, a Space Command Center-even a building blocks play area , •sOu:rHCOAST PLA~ I I } l' Orange CoMt DAILY PILOT/Fnday, M~ ie. 1112 DEAR READERS: One of the most popular waya that adults overseas have· of getttn4 to know America,is by writing to Americana. Through 'Letters Abroad,•• a clea- rlna house operation for international correspondence, most of theee potential friends 16 years of age or older are able to find an American pen pal of the same age, lnteresta and .. hobbies. • Since its founding in 1952, this volunteer organization has linked more than 1.2 million people in the United States and 140 nations overseas in an exchange of letters that in many cases lasts for years and often results in personal visits between correspondents. "Letters Abroad" now has more applications from overseas in its files than it has American applicants to fuUill them. Anyone, 16 or over, interested in helping meet this need should write to: Letters Abroad, 209 E. 56th St., New York, N.Y. 10022, for a brochure, enclosing a return self- addressed stamped envelope. For immediate action, send name, ad<kess, age, occupation and hobbies. "Letters Abroad" is a non-profit, non-governmental organization. There is no charge for its services, but a contribution is suggested to help defray expenses. Auto I ee chea ters beware ) . DEAR READERS: A project to catch state residents who register their vehicles in other states to avoid Califor- nia fees and taxes is now being expanded into Southern California and should become operational on a statewide basis in a few weeks. Three state agencies cooperating in the project say there are an estimated 200,000 violators of California Vehicle Code Section 4000(a), which requires that a car owned by a Californian and driven in California be registered in this state. The agencies include the California Department of Motor Vehicles, the California Highway Patrol and the state Boa.rd of F.qualization. A pilot ·program started last July 1 in three Northern California counties reported after four months of activity that the joint effort restored some $626,352 in state funds at a cost of $51,771. The cooperating agencies expect to recover a conser- vative $3.3 million in fees and taxes. in the expanded program. As in thea pilot, the statewide program will rely upon observations and citations made by the CHP, plus leads from the public. These will be pursued by F.qualiza- tion for investigation and by the DMV for evaluation and fee collection. If needed, DMV says it will institute seizure and criminal proceedings. Mattel sells • circus WASHINGTON (AP)-Th, Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Baile~mblned Showa, Inc. hal been ht from Mattel, Inc. for f22.8 ml lion by a family who once owned the circus and hu been involved in ita management for 26 years. With a backdrop of balloons, clowns, an elephant and show- girls, Irvin Feld and his sort, Kenneth, announced Thursday that the cash deal Includes the circus, Ice Follies, HoUdar. on ke, and the new Walt Disney s World on Ice. The transaction includes a Las Vegas nightclub act called "Beyond Belief." The Felds said the sale was important because it returns ow- nership of the circus, known as "The Greatest Show on F.arth," to p,rivat.e hands. ' I am the happiest man in the world ," Irvin Feld said. "There's no other tradition like it. I want to be sure it's perpe- tuated for my grandchlldren's kids. The good Lord never meant for a ci.reus to be owned by a big corporation." Kenneth Feld said both sides wanted the deal. ".We knew Mattel was inter- ested in divesting its live en~r­ tairunent interests, and concen- trating on their toy manufactu- ring and other interests. A circus and family entertainments are better suited for family ownership," he said. The acquisition involves more than 1,200 performers and em- ployees, 500 circus animals and 98 railroad cars. Irvin Feld was a record and music promoter, and music store C?hain owner before becoming involved with the circus in 1956. In 1967 he and a brother acqui- red total uaets of Ringling Bros. and Barnwn & Balley Combined Shows, Inc. from the Ringling and North families for $8 million. Two yean later, the circus be- ,,..,._. .. BULLET BITERS -Senate Majority Leader Howard Baker of Tennessee, left, and Sen. Paul Laxalt, R-Nevada, sa.mrle some "Bitin' Bullets" they were presented on Ca- pito Hill. F.ach member of Congress received one of the bullets, urging the l~gislators to get the economy moving through further budget cuts. Actress candid about young lover Victoria Principal, who $the ingenue Pamela on CBS-TV's ''I>allaa, '' ys e has no qualms about having a lover who is eight years younger than herself. "When 1 meet an attractive, intelligent man, I don't check his birth.certificate," Miss Principal, 32, said about her lover, singer ADdy Glbb, who ia 24. Comedian Jolan BelHlll'• father said he was "very proud" of his son and glad he never wanted him to follow his father's footsteps into restaurant work. In an interview in McCall's magazine, Mias Principal ex- plained, "What happens as we get older is that we expe- rience so much that there isn't a lot that's fresh and new. Andy has this wonder- fully unjaded attitude toward everything, and it's taken the edge off me, too. I appreciate things more.'' "I never wanted that for my sons." Oeor1e Harrl1oa NY• hl1 r.ean with tbt 8Mdff WIN 'never ... that aooct." and that 1ookJna beck he bellevel the band WU "doomed" alnoe they were "like monkeys in a zoo." In a new book, "I, Me, Mine," the Utle of a Beet.lei tong, Harrtaon aay1: "There wu never anything, in any of the Beetle experiences really, ttuat eood· Even the best thrill eoon got tiring. "There was never any doubt. The Beatles were doomed. Your own apace, man, it's ao important. That'• why we were doomed, be- cauae we dJdn't have any. We were like monkeys in a"UK>." ABC News hired former presidential news secretary Jody Powell u a commenta- tor and consultant. Powell. who eerved in the administration of former President Jlmmy Career and now writes a twice-weekly colwnn for the Dallas Times Herald, will appear from time to time on ABC's ''Nlghtline'' and "This Week with David Brinkley." A farmer who loaned PresldeDt Reagan a pair of boots so he could sling sand- bags in flood-stricken Fort Wayne didn't have time to sit around waiting for the gov- enunent to sort out the mixup he unknowingly caused. Greg L . Miller met the president during sandbagging and complained that he hadn't received an emergency loan to help him plant this year's crops. · The president offered to help, but it turned out there are two Greg L. Millers, both grain farmers, both living in Indiana's Jay County, both· seeking federal emergency loans aft.er crop disasters last year. • "Got a problem? Then write to Pat Dunn. Pat will came a publicly held corporation. cut red tape, getting the answers and action you In 1971, the company waa aold "It's too hard," said Adam BelHlll, who owned a Chi- cago restaurant for 27 years. An Albanian immigrant. the elder Belushi said he re- tired almost three years ago to Julian, a mountain com- munity east of San Diego. He traveled to Vineyard Haven, Mass., for the private family funeral. A last-minute decision by U.S . mezzo-soprano Marilyn Horne not to sing at La Scala forced the prestigious opera house to cancel perfonnances of Rossini's "L'Italiana in Al- geri" and reshuffle its sche- dule for two months. need tosolveinequitiesillgovernmentand bu.sines&. to Mattel for $50 million in Mail your questions to Pat Dunn, At Your Service, shares. Mattel has owned the Actress Carol Barnett says that at 48 she's in the autumn of her li!e, "and that's super. Things keep getting better and better." said in an interview in Mc- Call's magazine, "A woman who at 80 is so vital and interesting that her kids are always saying, 'We have been trying to get hold of you for days.' .. Reliable sources said Miss Horne was angered by La Scala management's decision to cast the Soviet mez%o Elena Obraztsova instead of her in a revival of Heeter Berlioz's "The Trojans." ,.., · Orange Coast Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa circus and other shows since ! I Mesa, CA 92626. Aa many letters as possible will be then, while Feld has been active amwered, but phoned inquiries or letters not including the rea· in its production. der'a fWl name, address and business hours' phone number can-Matt.el, baaed in Hawthorne, not be considered." Calif., retains ownership of Cir-"When I grow up, I want to be actress Radl Gordon," she i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ii~~~~~~~;cus~W;,iorld Florida theme park. ,,.,..,.,..,., ,,..w .......... ..... STORa HOURSr 9 A.M. -2 A.M. LIQUOR STORE Pr•• Delivery Hom• or Office 646-6878 Save up t~ $4.00 on our ne"7 dinners! Try something new and delicious on our newly expanded dinner menu. And with this coupan, save up to $4.00 on dinner for two (or $2.00 on a single new dinner). Alaskan King Crab Lege Teriyaki Chicken and Prime Rib Rih Eye Steak Shellfieh Sampler Filet Mignon Stuffed Slariinp New Vork Strip Steak All dinners served complete with soup or unlimited salad bar, rice or potato plus a basket of heeh bread. But hurry-these scrumptious introductory savings only last through April 8. Victoria Stlation Tiie bat Prime D . Aed now a wltole lot more. ~Newport Beacb, MacArthur and Jamboree, '15Z·tz!t Lal•• lllll1, 24231 Avenida de la Carlota. '168·19N ""'Llfuna HllJa Mall u..ic 2 ~ .. \llftte ,.,. COllllOft and '4!" tab!«. ci-.n ltom •nlnrn htltd ~. ,.,._,, lloC ba 11Md le c~llcm With Af1Y oltlar coupon• or promoclof\lll food alfen. CoutMMI u,W.. 4/l/l:t. ~--'=--------Fw\ISoMCe--------- !t191121M'#ol .. lll~ In( JllellilW_.,.....,.,.......,..._ .. ......,,........,_ "G e...i ... _.... ..... _ ....,,.... __ ,..... .......... ~f/1-UT..i-,..w•Ot~fllll- lfT YOUR LOCAL BMW DEALERS ARRANGE A TijOROUGH TEST DRIVE. ALHAMBRA CAMARILLO LA HABRA LOS ANGELES NORW!'lK ...., ...... ____ ·~ _ ... __ --- 1811 Wtil Main 411 Dally OfNe L.. 3443 Wes143rd St 10840 Firestone Street {805) 482-8878 850 ltl BeaCh (213) 299-3270 Boultvard (213) 570-8444 (213) 889·2312 8ou!evttd MISSION VlltJO (213) 868-3233 AZUSA CANOGAPARK f213~691·6701 •••!M...., (714)636-6775 .__,.. ----714 522·5333 -• 1 r-. PALM SPftlNGS 791 East Arrow 7050 Tgpanp LANCASTER 28402 ~-. .. _ H11hw~ ~ Boulevald -Parkw~ cm• (213) 967·5331 (213) 346-3144 S (714) 831·2040 4095 East PMn't BEVERlV Hit.LS HERMOSA BEACH ~S20l h ltfra NEWPQAI BEACH Canwn Dflw FRiii' ..... _ (I'S);. -~-. c11•>32e-652s .._.. 2901 Pacthc Cotst 5> 9-6004 1540 Jamborelt Rd RIVERSIDE Many automobiles afe now adver· t 1s1ng themselves as less expensive alter-natives to the BMW 3201 What's missing from aM this setf- promot1on 1s an accounting of the costs involved 1n not buying a 3201 It means. fG< example, dotn~ with· out an engine so respons1..-e, 1t ·acts as 1f there were no such thing as em1s· s1ons controls" (Car and Dnver) It means doing Without a suspen- sion that can "not only .. flatten moun· tainous bumps." according to one ob- server, but 1s "also blessed with that rare abd1tv t~.Hter out extraneous informa- tion fr• the road surface without 1so· lat1ng you from what yoo need to know" And 1t means dotng without the 3201's remarkable perlonnance on the used-car market Performance that is graphtcally illustrated by the fact that. according to the January 1982 NADA Used-Cai GUide. a 19 79 BMW 3201 is ncm worth 101 % of its Ol'lgNI pur chase price.• Alt things considered, the pnce of settling for a less expensive version of the BMW 3201 can be summed up very simply It means doing without the unqual- ified pleaSUfes ofowoog. drlWlg, and even selleng one of the world's great performance sedans. If these sound hke pleasures you'd rather not do without. we suggest you contact yotx nearest BMW dealer to arrange a tt'Qough test drive at your converwence. 9022W4shlre H~hw~ =BEACH (714)640·6444 «' --&f3'r17~.J980 (2 3)3 35 3670=~ NORlHHOlLYWOOO 78501ndeN1" SANTA MONICA ~NNUVS HUNTlNOTONPf.RK (213)427·5494 -0 -.. (714)785-4444 -------.. , B• (714) 636·5790 4270 lriel'Vwn' SANTA ANA 1820 Sent• Moolcl !230 Vin~ -•· Boulevard r ..._ .. ._ 8oole¥ard 9oulev«d • 6000Plcifc1M It (213) 761.6133 208 WlstF~IStrett (213) 829·3S35 (213) 788-1"791 (213) ~ ~901 (714) 835.3171 ·• .. ' -.-~ ---~ --.. --,.--. - ------... -- : I I . . . i I I ' i l l j ! : . . I# W'llepllolo JOB PLAN TOLD -Assembly Speaker Willie Brown, D-San Francisco, with Assemblywoman Teresa Hughes, D-Los An- geles, and Assemblyman Chet Wray, D-Westminster, discuss a nine-bill package they have introduced in an attempt to put unem lo ed Californians back to work. Follow your teqm in the .. Or~ Cout DAILY PILOT/Fr._, ¥Itch 10, 1912 Al Bakke will graduate Subject of reverse discrimination to intern at Mayo Clinic DA VIS (AP) -Allan Bakke, who foucht a revene dllCJ'imi- natim suit to the U.S. Supreme Court to win admiNfon to the Unive.nlty of California medical 1ehool here, will aerve ht• lb- ternahip at the Mayo Clinic ln Minnmota. Bakke, 41, who will Jf'8duate In June, received the newa Wectn.day alona with the other 100 mem.bera of the clua of 1982. He refu.ed to talk to reporters. Firemen find fungus I actory OAKLAND (AP) -Fire- ficht.en battling an apartment houae blaze atumhled onto a ptychedellc muahroom factory jurlmed with about 2,000 jars of apore c:ulturell, police aald today. He estimated that the 8 to 10 pounds of dehydrated mush- rooms taken from the four-room apartment were worth about '$100 an ounce. RTD projects doubled deficit LOS ANGELES (AP) -In- flation could more than double the projected 1982 deficit of the Southern C alifornia Rapid 1111•1111 Transit I>ia'1'ict to $48 million, RTD of:fidali Mid. General Manacer John Dyer said that inflation-fed COila could add another $27 million in red ink to the bus '• budget on top of a $21 on la. of federal subsidies. Vot orms not I or aliens SACRAMENTO (AP) -So many non-citizens may be re- gistering to vote in California that the voter registration fonna are being changed. Secretary of "State March Fong Eu said tbat the forms will hereafter carry a bold-faced no- tice in red saying they are for the citizens of the United States only. The notice ia to be printed in English and Spanish in counties covered by the Federal Voting Rights Act, and in Chinese aa well in San Francisco. Marines rescue woman in flood FALLBROOK (AP) -A wo- man who clung two hours to the roof of her flood-submereecl car waa reacued by a Marine heli- copter crew. The ru1hin1 watera of the Santa Margarita Rlver awept Patricia Barraclough'• Datsun about 250 feet downstream, pin- nJn1 it against a tree. But the water was too swift for a reecue by firefighters. Lt. Col W.F. Percival, piloting a helicopter from nearby Camp Pendleton, hovered overhead while Sgt. C. Slmonlon lowered himself oy rope and hauled up the 25-year-old woman. Public rights of access told SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - The J>th U .S . Circuit Court of Appeals -ln the first such ru-llni of ita kind -said today the public haa a limited rights of ac- cess to "ministerial" r«orda of a sitting federal grand jury. Thia right, it said, la subject to the rule of grand jury secrecy. . The court said ministerial re- cords generally relate to proce- dural aspects of the empanelling and operation of a special grand jury aa opposed to record.a rela- ting to the substance of a grand jury's investigation. ·: Boys steal to play l video games ! SACRAMENTO (AP) -An ; 18-year-old boy 1ald be and a . friend robbed elderly W(lfDen in , their mobile homes at ntcht to ~ get money to play video games. , That explanation was offered 1 by Gabriel Parriah, a hlsh echool ; ~ni~. ~ Superior Court Judae Sheldon ! Groeafeld 1111ntenced Pariah and t David Waym Johmon, alao 18, to i the California Youth Authority ' for up to six years. ·1 Police aald the pair broke into the North Sacramento mobile homes of a 65-year-old woman ; ~ and a 77-year-old wc;man while 'i they were asleep and stole mon-I ey, jewelry and other items. 1 They were captured Jan. 6 af-1 ter trying to break into the mo-l bile home of a 68-year-old deal l woman, whOlle face waa cut by a i window they broke. • I Probation Officer Wayne Har-I bert said neither youth had been 't in trouble before. He said Parrish told him they "needed money to play electronic games." State shorted SAC RAMENTO (AP)- About $500 million due the state will not be collected this fiscal year because of inadequate col- lection procedures, says Auditor General Thomas Hayes. Nrwport 6r.stt C!tonsuuatarv "Calente in M.Mc f:d.cotion" tJiano , n..r .................. Our Art Bags Get Carried Away C111 ••ya... voioe-violill-flut~uttar Mll'y • .._... IJiL ...... Cell for Brochure ts7 .. Jll. 25th year Anniversary ~ , in the Harbor Area ;,-. ~ , f MMEIS NISIUMCE UGI.IP 441 ow ..... ,.... .,.,cl .....,.,..._11,CA Ul-7740 ·whale Walch Cruises OUR RIGULAR MARCH SPECIALS • • OJ. mlO CWS, REG. 50 FOR "' •.•.........•. st• CllPI PAPllSTaAMllS, 166 YD., REG. S2.7S .... '211 PAPll MT S0UD CO&.OI t" PlASY1C COAnD PAPll PUllS, PACUGI Of H REG. $6.50 .•.•.•.. •411 Of ....,_TOii YAWT 19171 ~~ MJ-11M -.. .... tti.._,f, fetU ·-·come in arid see our large selection of Swimwear •!J Off Monuc Art e.g. At ''2 off the regular price. our Monsac art bags are getting carried away by the dozens. These lightweight totables are perfect for packing artwork posters. books and suppl;es. Zippered portfolios ln parachute nylon. 13x17" Reg. 14.95 17.48; 16x21" Reg. 19.95 19.98: 20x25" Reg. 24.95 112.48. Canvas tote bags Reg. ll.95and 12.95 S5.98and 16.48. Vinyl cany-on bags Reg. 19.95 and 20.95 $9.98 and U0.48. Backpacks in water·proof nylon Reg. 15.95· 25.95 17.98-112.98. Get the Pkture at •J,. the Pdc:el Get •12 off the original price of all framed posters and framed or un · framed paintings (Except pai'ltingsby Hoffman. Bladunan . . ~1!1!1111~:::::::::: Jansen and Vela.) Then ~you wish to pick a ITI!me to flt the painting. the ITI!me 's yours for 11z price, too. AS50Kr/1tNf M4Y &(ARY ffa-1 5 roRE TO 5TORE r~ " HUNTINGTON BEACH 1470 ~ Aw./Open MON • .fAt. 1N, SAT. • BUN. 1CM COITA ~ 1714 NNpaft lhd./Ostln MON • .fRI. N, IAT. • IUN. 104 IL TORO Ma ..-. Dr./Open lltON.~. we, W. 1M, SUN. 11-1 LACUM 1UCH 1ld a. C... Hwy./Open llON,ffl. M, IAT. • IUN. 10-1 • . I . l ' . .. J I -------_.,. Or1nge CoMt DAILY PILOT/fl~, Maroh 11, 1811 . ' :.~;·Alf ordable housing .... . ;~:resale change seen Orange County supervisors seem to be ln shaky agreement that 10mething needs to be done to modify an existing program that P. l ace a r e'I a 1 e con t r o ls o n 'affordable" unita constructed with county-issued revenue bonds. As the program now is de- signed, controls limiting future resale prices are imposed for a 30-year period. That's a long time. The first attempt to reduce that amount of time came this week. At the urging of Supervisor Roger Stanton, the period was reduced to 20 years for 1,100 units to be built under a $109 million &honer, perhaps only five to seven years. Under such a program, the argument goes, the first-time home buyer could reap the bene- U ts of purchasing a lower-cost home, building equity and prog- ressing sooner to better or larger housing. The rub here is that a short holding period simply means that the publicly subsidized housing unit will move up and out of the low-income housing market and not be available for another low- income family. Public funds and public policy will have subsidized o nly one family. How is tf'\at worth the effort and money in- volved? Just as 30 years of resale control seems too long, five to seven years seems too short. · bond package. (The 30-year pro- vision will remain on units funded through a previous $100 million issue). The board was split on ta- king the action -Supervisors Ralph Clark and Thomas Riley joined with Stanton while Super- visors Harriett Wieder and Bruce Nestande were opposed. Stanton thinks the resale . control period should be even Supervisors will be giving thought to changes over the next few months as they consider amendments to the housing ele- ment of th~ county general plan. Chemical war probe stacked Presidential lament Like many presidents before him, Ronald Reagan is becoming a little paranoid about the ne w s media, especially television new s. Twice this m onth, in inter- views, he has accused the media of bias in covering his administra- tion's role in both foreign and do- mestic events, a bias he feels is damaging his efforts. Reporting on Central Ame- rica, the president claimed, shows an "editorial slant" re miniscent of coverage of the Vie tnam war. which makes it difficult to con- vince the American people of the true dangers in that area. On sensitive issues, Reagan said he would pref er to have re- porters "trust us, and put them- selves in our hands" by, in effect, checking stories with the admini- stration before publishing them. He certainly is not the first president to wish that could be the case, and he probably won't be the last. On the domestic front, Reag- an blamed television news cove- rage for creating a psychological climate that tends to slow re- covery. ''Is it news," he asked, "that some fellow in South Succotash somewhere has been laid off ... or that someone is complaining that budget cuts will hurt a program?" Yes, Mr. President, we belie- ve it is news. Especially to the fe llow in South Succotash to whom, unfortunately, some nine million others can directly relate. It also is news to people whose programs have been hurt, right in line with your campaign promise to cut back social programs. The news is that it now is happening. There is no doubt that televi- sion news tends, by necessity, to use the visual approach and is more likely to interview the un- employed worker, or show work- ers filing out of a closed plant than to put charts and numbers on the screen to report on une mploy- ment. And that sort of thing can be disconcerting. On the other hand, it would be just as biased for the news media to try to gloss over the un- employment picture and ignore all but the administration's views of events in Central America. American viewers and rea- ders are not. ready for managed ne ws, appealing as the idea might be to some in government. Protecting the coast The California Coastal Com- mission was on target this week when members voted, 11-0, to ask the Interior Department to delay the entire proposed June sale of 172 oil and gas leases off the Southern California coast, and to warn that it would seek. to veto the sale of 35 of the tracts. The latter would include 11 tracts off Orange County, eight in the Santa Barbara federal Ecolo- gical Preserve buffer wne, 12 at the south side of Santa Monica bay and four off the JX>rts of Los Angeles and Long Beach. Under the federal Coastal .,.zone Management Act, activities , in federal offshore waters must be CQl\Sistent with a state's coastal plan. The Coastal Commission contends that leasing in the 35 tracts in question would violate the provisions of the California coastal plan. • Last year a U .S. District Cou rt judge in Los Angeles blocked the leasing of 29 tracts, citing the federal 1aw. Interior Secretary James Watt contends the consisten cy finding does not apply to leasing and has appealed the decision. In seeking to delay ·the new lease sales, the Coastal Commis- sion cited adverse effects on air and water quality, commercial fishing, vessel traffic safety and coastal marine resources resulting from pre vious federal lease sales. A ruling has yet to be made on Secretary Watt's appeal, but the action of the Coastal Commis- sion can undoubtedly lend weight to the state's contention that his effort to open virtually all the federal offshore waters to oil and gas exploration goes beyond rea- son or need. Opinions eJCpressed In the space above are those of the Daily Pilot. Other views e>C· pressed on tnis page are tnose ot their authors and artists. Reader commen1 .1s 1!lv11 ed. Address· The va1ly Pilot, P.O. Box 1soo. Costa Mesa, CA 92626 .• Phone -<714 ) 6•:HJ21. L.M. Boyd I Equal opportunity Weapons have been made by men, water has been carried by women, historically. You knew that. But were you aware that the crarting of r jewelry has been equal-opportunity work? Yes. sir. Q. Wbere is tbe oldest Jewish community that has been in continuous exiatence? A. ln Ethiopia. Three oat ol nve women ln t.be United Stat. -yes, 80 percent - ORANGE COAST .Pilat are overweight. These are round fi- gures. Q. WbJch band of a typist does the most work? A. The lef\. Wlt.b 80 percent of the keystrokes. ' 1\ was the mother or Bjorn Bort who taught him lo keep his cool. Starting when he was about l.J, she locked his tennis rackets in the cloeet every Ume he lost hls temper on the court. Thorus P. Hiley PubllSher Thomn A. Murplalne Editor t Barbar• Krelblctl Edltorlal Page E-ltor WASHINGTON -The e ffects of mustard gas were so horrible that chemical warfare was outlawed ~O years a~o by solemn international agreement. Smee then no major power has used poison gas against another major power -not, unfortunately, because of hu- manitarian consideration, but from fear of retaliation in kind. There is no such restraint when one side has no chemical weapons. Even the fear of world condemnation can be avoided if the victims are primitive tribesmen in areas that are inaocessible to neutral obeervers. Proof is difficult if not iinpoesible to obtain. THE RESULT is that chemical warfare has become a political propaganda weapon. The Soviets accused the United States of dropping germs on North Korea 30 years ago; the State Department has accused the Soviets and their satraJ?S of using nerve gas against rebellious tribesmen in Laos, Cambodia and Af- ghanistan. The Soviets were never able to prove their germ-warfare charges because no evidence existed. Now the State De- partment is genuinely convinced that the Russians have unleashed chemical- biological weapons in remote areas, but eo far the available evidence has not convinced the ~erlcan public, let alone the rest of the world. Last September, Secretary of St.ate Alexander Haig announced dramatically that "we now have physical evidence from Southeast Asia which has been analyzed and found to contain abnor- mally high levels of three potent mycotoxins," which are deadly poisons. But the evidence -a s~le leaf and stem from a tree exposed to • yellow rain" - drew sneers of disbelief, not cries of outrage. Two months later, Richard Burt, di- rector of politico-military affairs in Foggy G. -Ja-c1-a1-1-11-so-1 -~ .Jk>ttom, told Congress, "We now have the smoking gun." But again the evidence was seen as meager and unconvincing. That's why the State Department as- signed its supposedly unbiased Bureau of Intelligence and Research to oversee a thorough study of all the evidence, new and old. The idea was to lend professional authority to the political charges against the Soviets. Meanwhile, the Kremlin hasn't limited itself to mere denials of the U.S. The United Nations has appointed a panel to investigate the charges, and the Soviets have done their best to stack the panel in their favor. Believe it or not, the investigative team is overseen by a Soviet diplomat, U.N. Undersecretary Gene ral Viacheslav Ustinov. And the man directly in charge of the team is Gen. F.smat Ezz of Egypt. According to U.S. intelligence sources. If only we could plan it It's not easy to find a bright side lo the possibiJity of a nuclear war, but if our cities are ever destroyed and there's anyone left to rebuild them, I hope they do a better job next time. Even if you love our count.ry, you can't go many places in it w,ithoul thinking what a mess we've made. Too many of our houses and commercial buildings are ugly and we've tom up too many places of natural beauty lo put them there. Where there aren't any buildings, we've covered the earth with a net of roads. THE TROUBLE is, of course the United States was never really planned. Even if someone had had the forriight to lay out our country to make it look the way it should look, no one would have had the time, the money or the know-how to do it. When the Pilgrims got here , they weren't thinking of us. They were worried about staying warm and dry. They weren't builders. carpenters or architects. They'd been living in cities in England and most of them didn't even know how to build themselves a shelter a s good as the Indian wigwam. Our cities. our s uburbs and our countrysides aren't the result of any grand plan at all. They're th e result of millions of diCferent people doing things less than the very best way because of time. money, ability or greed. On a lot near our home . a developer has recenUy put up six houses in a space too small for three. He leveled two barns. 1:~\ -AN-DY-RD-DN-IY-..... ~ look down a hill with all the big old trees on it and filled in an interesting s wampy area at one end with rocks bulldoied from the bill. It broke my heart. That's prelly much the way all America bas been put up. I suppose when our owrt house was built in the late lMOs, someone in the farmhouse half a mile down the dirt road thought the man who built it was crowding him. We shouldn 't give in easily to badly planned and poorly located housing. though. I like the people in any town who fight the developers. but it's very difficult to know what's progress and what's simply greed. Greed keeps 'Aid' is a point of view Thoughts at Lorfle: -It is usually the same people who object to our "squanderint" money abroad on foreign aid instead of "helping our own" wbo at the same IYlllY 111111 Ume object to "helpi.nJ our own" ii 1uch aid coes lo frou,ps or cluaes they are unsympat!Mtlc to. -Adoleteeatl tend to rebel not IO much ...inst Wbat U..lr pannta do u what thel' faU to 4oi iD Jani'• trencha.n wordJ, "N~t~IDI baa a Itron ... IDfla.te PIJCllOIOllealJJ -thetr cbll*ea•1 ~ dlmi tbil "1tlfvtd,.,. ot the ......... -Our dtut 'law1.riiare btctidlbly outmoded, for ln tbe ant _... we wlll aee a tenfold laereaae ln the numbtr and typea of m1Dd·alfectin1 dra11, aad thl1 mu1t become a medfco-aoclal matter ratber lban limply a Seaal GM. -Communlsrn as a long-term threat bas always seemed more myth than reality to me: foT if it fails it disintegrates lnto anarchy: and if it succeeds lt becoaM1' more and more like cap1tailam. -Nlnet.y percent of what people think is corning out ol thelr mind.a is being exuded by thelr 1laodl. -Whenever I bur a citizen ranUng against · '•b'vernment tontrol," it invariably turns out upon closer inspectloa tbat b,e wanu the government ~ aerelte less control over him and mor. control over the peoplet....,._wMb. A married woman is much more likely to, tell lbe truth about her cooJqal ~· \o a female friend thaa a manWd mus to a male friend ; women are almoet perversely proud or thlr marital dlfflcultiea, wblle men tend to be obecunly a1bamed of thel.n . -AA)' "cause" will do to JutUfy a deatructlve act, and a cauae le nece11ary becauH, 11 Nlet11che oblerved tone aft', "Man would 1000er have lhe void for bla pu..po.. lbu1 be void ot purpoee." Ezz is viewed with dlStrust and is sus- ted of being the driving force behind pt's own chemical weapons program he 1960s when the Egyptians were heavily influenced by their Soviet mili- tary advisers. THE U.N. TEAM has included staff from Poland and Bulgaria, as well as scientists from Peru, Kenya and the Philippines. But Gen. Ezz dominates the group -and U.S. sources are suspicious of him. The political tug-of-war .that has wracked the U.N. team during its investi- gation is illustrated by the squabble over evidentiary samples collected last fall. According to U.S. intelligence sources, Ustinov tried to pressure the team into having the samples analyzed by a labo- ratory of his choosing. The group resisted this pressure, but the samples have yet to be tested. "It•s a bit of a scandal.'' one U.N. source told my associate Lucette Lagnado. "They collected these. samples back in October and November, a nd this is March." "The U.N. group has not been the most vigorous of investigatory groups," said Amba.sMdor Kenneth Adelman, the No. 2 official in the U.S. mission to the United Nations. "The group is not a go-getter," he added. Thus, U.S. intelligence analysts hold out little hope that the U.N. team's ultimate report will be the "smoking gun" the St.ate Department so clearly wants. • over again intruding on the right all of us should have to live in an area that looks nice. The trouble is. of course. greed isn't illegal. It's not only the buildings in our cities and towns that are poorl,y built and located, either. Many of our cities themselves should look better and be somewhere else. Several years ago I new across the United States and back in a helicopter with a cameraman. his assistant and a pilot. The country is some sight at that speed and that altitude, but I've often thought I'd like to redesign the whole thing. tHE LANDSCAPE is dominated by cemeteries, car dumps and gravel pits that have been dug out of hillsides for road construction. These are the three things you see more of from the air at low level than you do from the ground. The other thing I knew all along .but was most impressed by from a helicopter trip across this country, is that almost all our major cities were put where they are because of water. Name a city and see if it isn't on a major river, lake or ocean. Water isn't as important to commerce today as it used to be when our cities were founded. Sometimes the bridges and tunnels you have to use to get over or under the water and into the city now are more trouble than the waler is worth. I'd move a lot of cities away from the water. Fd rather have it to play in, anyway. l have a million changes I'd like to make in the layout of our land. I wouldn't want to do anything you don't go along with, of course. Just to start with, I 'd move .Fort Worth a little farther away from Dallas. I'd move one major city into both Maine and Utah so that Utah had something other than just Salt Lake. And there's no doubt I'd implement the old plans to move Washington, D.C., to Kansas, and sell the old Washington to Disneyland. 1mm• . The once un1lghtly label b11 now be· come a "1tatus 1ytnbol'' for which we pe.y exorbltant pric8. SUCKER ....., ... ..:...-l ·~ ........... 1 .. ~·-•d............. . .... ,... ,.... ...... ~....., ....... .. I I -. . The MW Imm llOyl • Gtrll ~ .,m, to --It oftl-Club ICbHwed '° ..,_ la No-llK vember ba1 b••• 1&ven a ._ *--... w.. built on t l&0,000 .,_, Cnm TM Hoac .,.._ HID. ott rarcl ac.d In J'oundaUon for operatiou Ju lfewport .. •ch, ltl you•a•r tint year. ••ldinll lalw atteadld ICbooll Currently under COIWtnactioD ~~~ =rt .. 111 ... Unlfled at a lite w Burw:a hskway ...-. mdlllltYU.~tblldubwill a&t they've doDI eo cmJy Oft a be th• f ourtb brueb of tb• permit becewie Spyllua Hill of-youth orpnlsadon In the bMtJot flelally hat been in the Irvine -.. UnlfMcl School °'8trict.. 'n'8 .,..._ JI ti* Jae.t flnu- Now. IChool boa* in the two clal commitment made by the cliMric1a haw ~ to tranllfer foundation to ......... n a'bo Spy,.._ Hill, conllatinc of ap-lmde damtlonl towwd ~ proximately 800 homea, to the Uoo of the Upper Bey bnuxh In Newport-Mae district. 1965 and the~ Bluff bluch In blilbed ln lMO by bit ~t.. ..... wt Mia. a.r,. =· ...,.. foundation.. -tbe .... for lMa ~&h_ faoW~y 18 lrvtat, and • ,...... to jDm the IMDJ otMr chui'9bie orpniu .. .... oompanlea and lndlYkluala who bave donated to the buil- dlq fund/' he aald.. I ' 'ftw founct.tiCJn Qo I.I the be- nefactor and supporter of Hoa, ·Memorial H0tpltal ln Newport a.eh. . Gradln1 for t he Irvine club tie8ln on Feb. 24 1n Woodbridce -a an otftdal iroundbreaking ta scheduled for March 26. The next a~ep _la for pubUc 1974 heartnp to be held, one at 7 p.m. M~ than $1 million air.dy Art re tum 0 K' d March 24 at University Hl1h baa been railed for ~ -.. 8chool in ltYtne and another at of the Irvine facility, m• Rob WASHINGTON (AP) -Pre-'1:4~ p.m. on the aame nt1ht at Ingold, pretident of the Harbor aident Reqan bu aiDled legiala- Lincoln Intermediate School in Area Bova Clu'-who -..L1.-.1 ...... t Uon permit•' .. "' the Defenee De- Corona del Mar. the f~tioo~ .---;w ;'y partment i:-r:wrn to West Ger-PACKAGING HONORS -Three sixth graders The county Committee on for operationa durin1 lta flnt many up to 6,300 plecea of at Northcutt School in Fountain Valley were School Diatrict Or1antzatlon la year. mWtary-related art eeized by the winners in a National Packaging Association expected to approve the transfer aeor. Ha.a 11 la director ot U.S. Army at the end of W0tld contest requiring students to devise flexible .,..., .... ,.... llllr ~ • ...., Bonnie Wirthlin. center, was named Western Region winner for her \,Squeeze·A·Noodle" package. Her two classmates, who were local winners, are Marc Cardwell, left, anct Mark Hawks. ~ mne niebt. the foundation, which w.. esta-Warn packaging designs for various products. ,=:~================::.::::====:::;::::~1-;::::=::::::::::::=:=================::::::;==::::::::::::::====:::=-; ============================~ ~N ••• Interior Design iecmca 0. ~ ftCT1TIOU9 -· • 0.PMlnlll 11• MAmSTA,_,-Nollce la given puraue11t to S.ctlon The lolcMlr'8 .,._ la dlllr>O ~ 150$6.& of Ille Cellfornle Ootpotellona - Code tll9I AOMRT A. STAATH!AAH. ell UTT\£ WINO PAOOUCTl<>Ha 1N _,., "*'-encl tiM:KAEl. 0. WOlF, •wolnle "'-· Coeta w-. Ca1H0rn1a an unmarried man, lleretolor• doing '207. bualnaaa H Pattnera unffl Illa patt• Ke,, s1: 0r-. tH Ylrglflla ,_... -Of llQIOENTIAL IHVUT· ....._ C-. c.lb'llla 112C7. MENT8 u ............. ,..,...,. -Thia~ .. OOftduCled by ell .... Of ... 11111-OfMardi,1~,:::::-....... ~Md111111 ... mld "° IC-'0.- ,._ llaa ~to lncurp~ Thia atata111ent waa 111841 with t11e -on~ Of ....,,_ -c-.., ~Of ar..,.. c_,. on-. EXECUTEO I/Ila 11th day ol Matcll, 17, 1t12. 11112. ,,..., ~ A. ..,..,_,, ~ Orllft99 ~ Oelly l'tlot, P\lbllaMd Orange Cou t Dally POot,1 ..._,.. ,.. H, Apit z. t 1112 tf19-C. "'-"" "· 1tl2 t-..z: . "9C1TT10Ua ..... U..STA,_,. ,,,. I09owlftg ,._.. ............ --SEA GATE~ HO. ti, 1901 Oove, Suite •OO, IMwpott llMcll. CA t2leO. ....... -~.o..91 ,,.,,,,., 1301 ~ ... "°°· ....,., 8->ll,CAl2MO. Thia.....,_ la~ by a ........ ,.,_...,,. ...... -Co. o.yw.w. Thia ata1amen1 waa llled with Ill• Count)' a.ti Of Ot-. Couftl)' on IMtall 17. 1112. ,... Publlallad Of ..... Cout Dally Hot. Mardi It, M. Apt 2, t , 1M2 1i.1t-a f'ICTmOUI --Mm 9TA,_,. The ....... ,._ .. doing ...... --BASIC BUSINHI BASICI. 1S.21 ~A.,..,T-.c.11.uelll. ........ ._.. ..... lrlC.. • c.llDrnlia ... ,..."*"'-"412 ....,., ,...._ T-. CAllltlO. • Thia ~ la oondudecl by • _,,. ...... ........ 9-d ..... lllO. ~~:----Tiii• atatell\enl waa llled with the County an Of ar..,.. Couftl)' on Mwdl 17, ,..._ , __ PubHaMd Or ..... COUI Detty Piiot, Maroll 11, 2t, 1112 1311.a Countr Airs·. Maid In •un .... , '''n• . A •'°"6oo.t •nd llowel'• Pinafores. Ths":---Petticoats 8~d a"'-· -s What our Qoi vvut. Burgundy 6SS Is Bl/ cotton. 5 -to 13 8 Polyester and • • '.Y Gunne SiJx Enjoy •n ln,::.,ng Attitude, 37':- of the new Gunne "'-n1t111on South Coast Pl:x collection., March 20. ' Saturday, , from • 0 .I OrMge COMI DMLY PILOT/llrtday, u.oh 11, 1111 ... • • untington re1ects · a.-k care proposal \ . for 9Ytcttd mabde home ........ .. It'• not that MIYCo move a. mobile home coKb;A lakl COwi· dlmln Ron PatUman. ww. ooWd I baw a beck ot a tima IMUnc blm out of there." SolutiQn studied Harbor Island exchange plan eyed wbme diltrtd • .,.....,,.. tbt= llld tbt 1llDd ~ ha1 the approval of arbor 1lland property OWMl'I. TM propmed pl'Oll'UD, lf ap- prowd. would llMalw ......... lpedal ..... =tlon permlt-dnl a land . B....+nta are ~they ,avwn f:tve yeua to ~ ol the le- p.latloa. Community Servkw Dlnctor Vince Moorbou1e had recom· mmded the idea of a~ to redUc:e the tl0,000 annual van- dalllm at the park located alollc Talbert Avenue and Golden We9t StNet.. On a 4-3 vote the council de- feated the propoHl. Council memben Pattinlon. Ruth Bailey, Ruth Finley and John Thom.u voted a1aln1t the propoaal. Councilmen Don MacAlllater •• ,Jack Kelly and Bob Mandie IUJ>- EAGLE R'ONORS -Guy TbomM Baker, 17' of Troop 42, Fountain Valley, will receive his Eagle Scout award March 24 In ceremo- nies at M•ada School He LI a junior at Fountain Valley Hfgh School, wh~re he par- ticipates on the water polo and swim team. A lbDmertDI oaatrovwwy bet- w .. n 0r...,. County pvern- ment and 28 ~ OWW'I CID M•wport BMeh 1 Harbor 1l1and ma.ht a. bMdM' for .-oludcn. County 1upervl1ora tbil wHk im~ oou.nt1 Coun- ..i Adrian Ku~ to NY'9w the l.rallty of a taftd acbanae Jll'O-ce'au..-whereby Harbor lal&nd tldeluda owned b1 the county would be tramfernd to the ho-meownen in achanp for their :r=m-t to put fun.di for pur-of pubUc larMil ... here. '!be ... ...., feud between the county and the Harbor llland Nmeownen loe9 beck yean. · The problem ii that lancbca· JMn1. 9tnaCtUrel, and, in one CMe, a 1wlmmln1 pool, have been placed on the public tldelanda abuttlna private properties. LMt year, the COWlty aUemp- ted to illue e~hment per· mita under which property OW• ner1 were aaked~ ~ toay the county nntal feel from tlOO to 136,000. per year UM of cw Udelanda. Accordlnl to CO:!f offidall, 12 ot the remidelltl the rental SEES RED -illlam { Greene of Lacey, Waah., hu sued Warren Beatty, claiming the "Redl" 1ereenplay wiea much of his material on Louise Bryant, the wife of John Reed, portrayed by Beatty in the film. ported l~ ' Supervlaor 'l'boma1 Riley, fee and allned a permit. Three otben paid the rent, but n!fuaed to lien a permit. The remainder took DO action. SPECIAL PURCHASE!! 1981 . FAlmNT FUTURA WAGONS THEY ARE REALLY LOADED! Including factory arr' conditioning, automatic transml•lon, power brak•. electric windows, door locks, tilt wheel, crulM control, am/fm st9'90, deluxe wheels & MORE, MORE. MORE (1 BOF815) mSJ59SID WILSON FORD 18255 Beach Blvd., Huntington Beach 842-6611, 556-1070 SOUTH COAST HONDA (714) 957-1966 300 I So. MGM. s..ta Ana. CA. ' 1982 V-45 SCllbre D WHERE OUR REPUTATION IS EVERYTHING -YOU'RE #I WITH US! Contest Rates: 1. Correctly CX>n1>1ete the secret phrase by finding and using letters appearing in dealer ad1 on this page. See "How to Play" tor inatructlons. 2. All entries must be completed on coupons clipped from the OWiy Piiot or on hand-Qrawn fec1lmlles. Mec:hine duplicated entries wlll not be eligible. Entries must be legible, completely filled out and sJgned by entrant. 3. One winner of 50 gallons of gas will be randomly dt1lwn eech wMk for 6 weaka from correctly oomp-..c:t entrt.. A grand prize winner wlll be df'8Wn April 15, 1982 from all w .. kly entries reoeMtd during the 6 weeks, Including wMkly wtnner-. for 100 gallons of gas. Oecl1lon of the Judges Is final. 4. You mey submit only one entry per wMk. No peraon mey ytln more than one w .. kly contest. Entriea rm.t be r8C!tlved afthe Dally Pilot by 5:30 p.m. the Wednesday following publication. 5. M conalderatlon for winning any prize, winners will llUthorlza publl~ of their names and/or photographs by Orange Coaat Publl1hlng Co. without further compen .. tion. 6. Gasoline ahall be IHded regular, unlHded regular, pr9mlum or di.at. Winnen mu1t redeem wtnnlng eoupon within 2 months of notification ttwy hllY9 won tt\elr prtza. 7. eom.tJ• open to anyone 18 ye1r9 of age or older. ~ Qt Onlnge Co.-PublWtlng Co. and their lrivnedi. femlllee .. not 8119lbte to win. THE ORANGE COAST DAIL1 PILOTS .. New Chevys CHEAP! '710111 Rellatel ...__.._......_ .. ,_.'12CihltloM, C.W•n. 10.lO TNdi.s! . •soo--a-...1 M.w..d ........... 'II ...t'l2 c ........ . Celllwltp, S-10 wt WV pklalpl! LIMITED TIME ONLY ' I @Meister PORSCHE AUDI m ... in the trsidition of excellence Get a ht 1 Ilk. dhcounhd HOWARD ct.al PWS RHAn MOW! 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Picked from 627 entries ' SERVICE Reason _______ '!"'T"" ____ __ IF YOU'VE BEEN WAITING TO II PUT YOURSELF BEHIND THE WHEEL OF A NEW CADILLAC SEE OUR FULL PAGE COLOR AD 1IN TODAYS PAPER! YOU'LL Bl m. GLAD m YOU DIDI How to Play: · A Winner Every We .. for 6 Weeks • 50 Gallons One GRAND PRIZE WINNER of I 00 Galons lt'1 -.yt In each of the advertlMrMnta on thl1 pege there are one or more letters for a total of 12 that rrWcel • MCt9I phrMe when unscrambled. UM each lett., only once and use all the letters provided, Including the two letters that have been eotved lor yau Of'I the entry blank. Simply find the letters. unacnrnble them to make the aecret phrase, and bring or mall your CC>uPOnto: GREAT GAS GIVEAWAY The Delly Pilot 330 West Bay St. Costa Mesa, CA 92626 ENTRIES MUST BE RECEIVED BY 5:30 P .M. WEDNESDAY MARCH 24, 1982 - I. ' I t 1 1 I "' + ~ .f: FRIDAY. M~ACH 19, 1982 CAVALCADE 82 COMICS 84 GARDEN 88 A few glimmers of light are snowing on the economic horizon, but the picture is atilt dark. See J<Jhn Cunniff on Page B6. Welfare crackdOwn asked , -County supervisor cites millions in potential savings if cheaters caught in lime By GLENNA JO~SON FOSTER There are two things that can s~e terror into the heart of a Calilornian. Not having a suntan and the phrase, "proposed freeway route." Not that Californians hate freew ays -w ould Kit Carson have hated the Oregon Tra il? It's just that we would prefer a freeway be located somewhere n ear Barstow lha~ would get us to the beach in 10 minutes; We don't mind driving in bumper-to-bumper traffic fot 45 minutes to get to a freeway that will save us seven minutes in ~ving time to Garden Grove. What we hate, detest and deplore is discovering that the freeway also has bumper-to-bumper traffic. · TQAT IS WHEN WE BEGIN to demand another freeway. If Barstow won't have it. then put it in Fresno. Just make sure it gives us ~ to South Coast Plaz.a. Those who say nay to yet another freeway and de- mand a rapid transit system, usually mean "everyone else take the bus and leave the car driving to me.'' The United States government may have put 12 men 'OaTER on the moon but even OPEC can 't get Californians out of their cars and onto a bus. . It has nothing to do with status .. The only status symbols furnished by cars are those lapel buttons worn by the Japanese and Germans that read, "I put 10 million Americans on the Santa Ana Freeway in 1981." . IT HAS TO DO WITH SP ACE. The only private space we have anymore is the privacy of our cars, doors locked, windows rolled up, with only the cassette of our choice for companionship. And it's not only privaie space, it's portable as well. After all, we cannot move our condominiums around from place to place unless we take our neighbors with us. Besides, the only time a California home can move at 55 miles an hour is when it's raining. Of course when it's raining, our cars can only drive 30 miles an hour on the freeway. I don't know why. I think it has to do with the fact that there is no smog when it rains and the fresh air clogs the exhaust system. The advantages of car space are enormous. No one dumps "occupant" junk mail through our ventilators. Real estate agents do not knock on our car doors demanding to put our Buie~ up for sale. ~S CANNOT LEAVE calling cards on a moving hood, ca1s cannot yearn for romance under the windshield. Even our radios offer no Brady Bunch reruns. One does not give up such luxury easily. Californians respect eac1' other when they are behind the wheel heading for a freew~y. It's the same sort of ca- maraderie the Marines have just before they storm the beach. I have known people who got tattooed in co~e­ moration of surviving a trip to LAX at 5:30 p.m. They hold a reunion at Disneyland every year. Another example of the respect we have for our fellow freeway travelers is that any appearance of a black-and- whi te car on the freeway can make 100,000 Orange Countians late for dinner. • It's an unwritten "code of the 'ol west" law that one's foot must remain suspended above the accelerator in. the presence of an officer of the law. LIIE OUR ANCESTORS, WE respect t erritorial rights. The homesteaders used barbed wire to protect their crops. We use eight-foot block wall fences to protect our dichondra patches from the livestock and sing "Marna don't ' 'llow no freeways 'round here," around the pool. So what do you say pardner? Let's take our tanning lotion, get on the Barstow freeway and head for the beach! Orange County Supervl1or Roler Stanton la rec:ommendJ.nc that a pl'Oir8.ID to detect CMe9 of alleged welfare fraud be expan- ded. Citing llCtual and projected COit figures, Stanton aaia the county, state and federal•govemmenta could save $7 .5 mllllon over a two-year period by early detec- tion of welfare fraud. S ianton said he based those savings on the number of fraud cases detected, the projected amount of financial aid \hat would have beer\ awarded if the fraud bed not been det.ected and estimates of how long a recipient remains on the welfant rolla. The 1upervilor aaid be la ba-li1'8 hJa ~tion on the aucce11 of a fraud de\ectlon program implemented by a US-member mve1t1ganve torce formed from penonnel from the county Hwnan Services Agency and the district attorney's office. In March 1980, he said, before the unit was formed, only 18 cases of suspected fraud were Supervisors approve resale price curbs on housing project Despite misgiving$,· the Orange County Board of Supervilora has decided to impose resale price controls on a $109 million reve- nue bond issue that will help fi- nance construction of l , l 00 af- fordable housing units .. The supervisors action came on a 3 to 2 vote. Board Chairman Bruce Nestande and Supervisor Harriett Wieder -both vocal critics of resale controls -dis- sented in Wednesday's voting. Resale controls are designed to preserve so-called affordability of certain housing units as they are passed on from one buyer to the next. The permitted annual increase in the price of the bond-financed units is tied to the yearly increase in the county's median income figure. College sets nuclear plant bus excursions Anyone interested in a fi rst- hand look at nuclear and solar power plants can sign up for two one-day bus excursiona sponso- red by Coastline College. Participants will v}sit the San Onofre Nuclear ~rating Sta- tion just 80Uth of San Clemente Monday. On the way back, par- ticipants will have a chance for sight-seeing after lunch in San Juan Capistrano. The following Monday a sim- ilar tour will visit Solar One, a 10-megawatt solar pilot plant near Barstow. A aide trip to Ca- lico Ghost Town will be made for lunch and sight-seeing. Representatives of the Sou- thern California Edison Com- p any wlll take part in both programs .. Combined fee for the two trips is $18. Bookings can also be made singly to either location for $8 (San Onofre) and $11 (Solar One). More information can be obtained by calling Coastline at 963-0811, ext. 273. About $109 million in revenue bond• are being sold b y the county. Bonded indebtedneM will be repaid through a portion of the mortgage payments on the units to be conatructed throug- hout the county by various buil- den. At the urging of supervisor Roger Stanton. the board decided to impoee resale controls over a 20-year period, rather than 30, the figure attached to the coun- ty's initial $100 million housing bond offering. Stanton said he was "reluctantly" recommending the 20-year price control period. He said he would prefer the period to be r educed to five to seven years. But to do so, according to coun- ty officials, supervisors must first amend the Housing Element of the county's General Plan. Supervlaon Thomas Riley and Ralph Clark joined in support of Stanton's motion. Riley succeM- fully offered an amendment in- structing county housing prog- ram officials to investigate ways of h elping buyers qualify for purcllaae of bond-financed Wlits when they become available for resale. ' Riley said housing officials are finding that few buyers have sufficient money to cover the d ifference between the initial mortgage amount and the resale price. In 1981 alone, the allowa- ble resale price for bond financed units shot up 30 percent because of increases in the county's me- dian income figure. El Salvador talk at UCI Blase Bo npane, a f ormer ~aryknoll miaaionary in CE:ntral · America and anti-war activist, will speak on the current political siwation in El Salvador Sunday at UCI's Cross-Cultural Center. Bonpane, a Cal State North- ridge professor, will review Pre- sident Reagan's Central Amer- ican policies during his 2 p.m. speech. Sills tells GOP to stay mum The speech is sponsored by three groups: the Catholic Peace Coalition of Southern California, CISPES of Laguna Beach and the Coastline Chapter of the United Nations Association. Irvine mayor stresses panel's neutrality in primary BY GLENN SCOTf or ... .,..,,......,. Irvine Mayor David Sills, trying to buck established oppo- lttion to his challenge to Assem- blyman Nolan Frizzelle In the Republican primary election, iB reminding the Orange County Republican Centtal Committee not to take aides. In a letter aent Thw"llday to the committee, SW. stre88ed that the 1tate Election Code prohibits central committees from endor- libi candidates in primaries. through in11uendo that the in- cumbent has the broad support of the central committee and mott Republican organizations. He saJd the supporters are "too cle- ver" to say F rizzelle has the committee's support, because they know he can't. But Sllls says most members of the public ,don't know the diffe- rence. Reached in Sacramento, Friz- zelle said he has been careful to explain ''in every case" that group& supporting him are Wlits that do make endorsement>-not thoae who don't. He added that he is claiming the backing of many Republican leaden, but not necessarily their groups. Frillelle said he is "probably more aware than Mr. Silla" of the party guidelines. Sills' letter was addresaed to bois Lundberg, chairman of the county central committee. Mrs. Lundberg had earlier 1ent a let- ter to Slllt discouraging him from challenging Fri.aelle. Final Upper Bay tour set Saturday The final guided tour of the Upper Newport Bay ecological reserve this season will be con- ducted Saturday by the Friends of Newport Bay. Tour groups will depart every 15 minutes starting at 9 a.m. from the inter9eet1on of Eutbluff and &ck Bay drives. The 742-acre n!eerve la owned by the state and managed by the department of Fish and Game. The tour takee roughly two houra, with stops for talks. detected when penoru epplled for welfare. One year later, in March 1981, alter inve1tigatora began wor- king out of regional welfare of- fic:ea, fraud W8' found in 46 per- cent of 102 cues investigated. For the last nine months of 1981, Stanton said, fraud was found in 6Q percent of 1,314 cases lnveatlgated a fter .a person ap- plied for welfare. "I . . . want to make it clear that thi• continuing effort to crack down on welfare fraud in the county will no\ deprive or . deny benefit.a to the ~b)e ap- plicant.a and ndplen1a who are bl need," Stanton aid. "My intent la only to cat.ch and proteeute thote welfare fraud perpetraton who abu.e the wel- fare l}'Btem. Welt.are fraud ii not only an undue burden on the taxpayer, it ii an alfront to thoee who are truly in need." Stanton is aak.ing county offi- d.als to investigate expanding the welfare fraua unit. llia reque.t will be considered by supervi9on at a meeting Tueeday. 0.-, ............... RAMS AUCTION -Costa Mesa Police Sgt. William Bechtel displays some of the Rams jerseys and footballs being auc- tioned as part of the annual Cop Bowl fundraiser April 2. For more information about the auction.and the game call 754-5282. Shirts off hacks Rams' jerseys auctioned at OCC These aren't just any old once-sweaty jerseys being offer- ed for sale by the Costa Mesa Police Department. Pat Haden's body once filled the number 11 jersey waiting to be auctioned as part of the an- nual Cop Bowl April 2 at Orange Coast College. J ack Youngblood's number 85 and Jim Youngblood's 64 will go on the bidding block today along with eight other shirts donated by Rams players. Proceed from the auction and the game will go to support local high school athletic programs. So far more than $70,000 has been raised, according to Cost.a Mesa Sgt. William Bechtel. Police are now accepting bids on jerseys once worn by Wendel) Tyler, Nolan Cromwell, Preston Denn8'-rJi, Rich Saul, Larry Brooks,·Fred Dryer and Dennis Harrah .. Also, about 10 footballs will be auctioned. Some of the jerseys and footballs will be given away at the game as priz.es. Officials are asking that writ- ten bids of no less than ~ be . submitted in writing to P.O. Box 1742. Winners will be announced at the game beginning at 8 p.m. Tickets for the football game pitting Irvine and Costa Mesa police against Buena Park and Garden Grove officers are $15 a family, $5 for adults, $3 for stu- dents and children under eight are admitted free. For more information call 754-5282. \ Bunney new chief of UCI psychiatry William E. Bunney has been appointed professor and chair- man of the Department of Psy- chiatry at the UC Irvine College of Medicine. Before coming to UCI , Dr. Bunney was acting acientific di- rector of the Intramural Res- earch Pro11rarn of the National Institute of Mental Health. Bunney has received nume- rou1 awards including the McAlpin Mental Health A.ocia- tion Research Ach ievement Award, the Taylor Manor Hoe- pltal Psychiatric Award and the U.S . Public Health Service Dia- tinauished Service Medal. He serves on the editorial boards of the American Journal of Psychiatry, the Journal of Psychiatric Reeeareh, Psychiairic Annala, Human Neurobiology and Psychiatry Research. He la alao president-elect of the Amer- ican College of Ne uropeycho- pharmacology for 1982-83. In addition, he said he believes "from long experience In che Republican Party,'1 that mott lo- cal clube allo don't endone pri- mary candidates. "There are aupposed to be ceria1n ru1e1 of the pme, and rm trytnc to emphMbe to the central committee that I ex~t thote Nl .. to be followed, ' Silla ex· plaiMd In an interview. Hispanics blast Schmitz, urge removal Red Cross off ets two disaster cl888e8 'nw ~County Bed era. will ofter two lnlt'Oductory COW'- won dmlter ..-rlcM in April The tree cow.. will define Silla and Frlnelle each are 111H"C the puty nomination f« \be MW 88t!l ~y diltric.1, whlcll lncludea Irvinf", Co1ta ,._, l'om1taln Valley and put ol llun.UNrton 8-:il. Jlrtuelle, Jrona Huatln1ton Beecb, ta oa""""iered the loc;.-um• bent ....... the .... dilSlid t. dudl9 smt ol ol hll '73rd Dllaict. ,.,..,..--..,.,_ ....... = that -of nu. ............. ~ 1 A ooe.UUoo of H.lapanlc group baa ritidad recent statements of state Sen. John Schmits H ''verbel vandal1ml and unbridled bi&W'Y'' and demanded that the Corona del Mar Republican be removed from office. 8peUdna at a pnm oanference in s.n .. Ana Thunct.y, tpc>Ma- man Amin O*vid Mid commen• by Schmlw'followtnc a Deoem· ber bemnc on an and-ebortklft OOl'lllUtutioftal ~t ~ .-.-~ com~ u.en.IUYtty to Che Jiit democ:ntlc ...... Qf ih• J•wlab conunu,nhy and WOIQel\ ID eenenJ ..... The WI~ repreeentat!ves called 00 ltate ~Senate Prelldlrat Pro T.m DIYid .RoberU, !).Loe Anet ... 1•to lmmedlalel,y under- take all DKl•atY meuu.ree to §::ently remove Senator from offke." Scbmlta already bae been ltrtDDed of bla ~p of the' Benet•'• conetttuttonal amendment• com.mlttee and memNnhlp on~ panel The 1tatement wu endoned bj', among othen, Al Serpto. a Santa Ana city councilman; Loula Veluquei, former Fuller- toft mayor; Ray a!::!:i!.~ a.a-. Ana dty • Sun Ramero, chalrman of the Sant.a ADa Neiahbarbooda A_,,...tlon. rather Alan Deck Fi1UerOA, of the Htapanic 111lnl1try of the DtOC*I Of Ora.nee County, and of ttie AnrCIO. by telephone from .... floor ~. Sc:b· 'mltl dtm.' d the erttkllim. "I mn plunmc Clft • 1lllpanlc followtnl In the Jum Jllimlu'y, .. "" laid Schmltz, who II aek:inc the Republican nomination for the U.S. Senate teat be~ vacated by-SJ. Hay¥awa. The Mftator aald he clJd not COOlldli' It ~" tor die H1· spanle ........ to attldt him. Re· ther. he 111111. It .. .n eu.t by ... Democratic: Plarty to uadlnnlnt his candidacy. "Pickinc oa Sch· m.lta mUa DrMlt" SchlDl• .ad. sa..u point.cl out that lllDCla th• Senate voted to 11dlluloclate" ilMlf from blm Win bM belll no furths COllll- dentlon of a removal wee. d i .. ~ and the role of n1Wapnd81. 1be I! I 'OM 1'fD .. held April • from ?:30 tb t :ao p.m. at th• Red Crom Weat County a.WQt CenterinW..-....-an.s~ 16 fram 7:30 lo •.ao p.iA. ~ .. w a.. North ooun~ -• Oen• tn l\a1lilNil. ' For further infonnadGn. oau 835-5381, tnnlan 17&. . \ , 1 ... •HOROSCOPE •DR. STEINCROHN • . Parents' wait for medical test results 'agony' DEAR AtfN LANDDS: I .an what you mlibt tall a ~· When It came to clill· I , dren, I knew I wanted a boy and a pl (boy I flret) four yeua apart. My IOft WM barn in I 197'1. So far, IO aood· MJ dauahter WM barn in 1981. Thi.I ta whebl:J, plan enda. My r • beauUlul baby Jill ta CIMI, cerebral· palaled and hopeleuly retarded. She will . never_prosre19 put a 2-to-3-week-old in- fant. She hM bydrocepbalua. The prognolil for normalcy la rero. Ber life expectaDcy la debatable. Beallty. Acceptance. I would like to use your soapbox to appeal to all thoee doctors out there who deal with thta sort of thing every day. I work for two fine phymdam and know bow busy doctors are. f have tremendous respect for them. But why does it have to take an etemity to relay teet and procedure tellU.lta to the parents? Dwina my daughter's three-week -. pital coa{inement lhe had 1eVeD major pro- cedune, ellCb of whlcb was suwc-cf to give . ' llOIOSCOPI BY SIDNEY OMARA , Sagittarius: Be selective Satarday I Mud H ARIES (March 21-Aoril 19): What be- gins as mild becomes hot and heavy. Know ft, don't play games -unless you are playing for keeps. You get what you aaked for and it might be m0f1? than you can ac- commodate at this time. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): You get rid of burden -you draw to you people who trust and are willinl to give you credit due. Aries, Libra, Leo persons play key roles. Lunar emphast. on prestige, promo- tion, dealings with profelBional superiors. GEMINI (May 21..June 20): New pro- cedures are emphasired in connection with communication, publishing, education and long-range policies. A chance meeting could be start of important relationship. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Face facts as they are, not merely as you wish they might exist. Applies especially in areas of money and love. Follow through on hunch, seek counsel of one who aided you in recent past. . LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Let others take initiative -play role qf keen observer, realiJ.e that patience is your ally. &nphasia on legal rights, permissions, poeslble agree- ment which insures sales territory. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Study Leo message for possible hint. Check details, be specific where home ap£!,8ncea, safety measures are concerned. phui• on re- view, revision and process of rebuilding on a more lfJCUl'e hue. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Imprint style, encourage changes, express views, find out where you stand with one whose actions have been provocative. Lunar em- phasis on speculation, travel plans and ro- mance. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Reject superticial answers: strive for security, insist on thorough explanation and quality mate- rial. Focus on domestic situation, home en- vironment, family relationships. SAGl'M'AIUUS (Nov. 22~Dec. 21): You could be inundated with suggestions, espe- cially from relatives. Key is to be aelective, to avoid 1Cattering your forces and to clearly define terms, meanings. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Em- phasis on income potential, locating needed material. added responsibility and fncreased compensation. You're on brink of important ~iacovery_. Relationship µttensifles. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): You're due f91' added recotnf UPn. people are more attentive, many are c:Oncemed with your view.. You'll complete project and finally be tin1lhed with bwden that drained emotional and financial l'e9burces. I PllCES (Feb. 19-Marcb 20): Yoti pin freab tnqhu mablinl you to reeolve recent mystery. Oreeter light will be abed on areas previ<>usly hidden. ua .. the answera we were lookln1 for.'' Every procedure wu done before 10 a.m. (for futtq reuom) and all reeults were evident at the time of the prooedure. We never •w our doct.ar before 8 p.m. Do you haw any Idea what lt II like to wait for 10 to 12 houn for an anawer about your child'• life? 'lbe anxiety la ..,.uztng. Certainly the doctors could call the room or nunee' stauap and leave a meua1e like, "The test was politive. I'll t::,O:. when I can." When it comm to your , the adage, "No news ls aood neW1," doem't hold up. -VICI'IM IN \'OUNGSTOWN WrtJT BecaHe It It part of Ute lao1pltal rMUlle ud tlaey wut to 1et It over wltla.) 'l'llen 11 ao &ood reuee people 1lloald "kept waldlla for day1 to lean tlle res.its of teat• aad ilop1IH. Wlay Uaea does U u,,.T Beaw too away docton are la· MUldve to tM ..... of tllelr patteau ud tllelr famllle1. Yo• caa be tare wlaea THEIR lovecl oaes laave lab te1t1 tut de· termllle WHdler tMre II a teriMI ,lllaett, tlley doa't wait aroad. fte resalts are ID tllelr laudl at tile earliest possible moment. I bave beea oatrqed tiy tile lDllllllWltty of some of tile doeton I bave lmown ud lleard aboat. Tiley tlloald be OJI Wall Street or telllD& .. ec1 can. Tile problem, It seem1 to me, may be tile criteria atecl for selec- Uq pre-med 1hlcleat1. Too macll emplla1t1 11 placed on grades. Not eno.O oa 'llllWl qaaUttes -sacb as klndlle11, Integrity, ca- rlag, compa11loa, ""11DP•• to sacrtffoe. It all teem• to be grades, srades, grades. DEAR VICTIM: Yoar letter strack a raw aerve. Per a 10•1 time I laave beea •:-J:;:.• bJ tlae·very flllD& yoa are com-p ...... I uve bow• for a1e•· tlaat laoapltal1 are n• la a way tbat 11 coavenleat for dteton u• aaraes. (Example: Tiie)' wW &l•e a ,.ueat a 1leepta1 pW at mldlllglat ... awak• Mm at l a.m.. ta..w.U Illa face. At you can tee, yoa lllt a bot button, Lady. I lladn't plaued to a1.e tJae entire ROME DEUVERY -Dorothy Maxwell rests in a Little Rock hospital with twin infant daughters born at home. Mrs. Maxwell went into labor a week ahead of schedule. Her ,., ,,.. ... a•a husband was out of town, so daughters Angela, 13, and Megan, 11, called the doctor and hel- ped their mother until an ambulance arrived. GOREN ON BRIDGE BY CHARLES H. GOREN AND OMAR SHARIF Both vulnenble. Weel deals. NORTH l:i'IU O QlOtH5 •AQ +llH ! WEST EAST , •AQT +nu Q JlH41 1:1 tl OAK O U •TU •1H8'1 SOUTH +1H4 Q AQf5 ·o HZ ••us The bidding: Wfft Nwt.lt Eut 8"dl 1 Q Z o P-Z NT P-INT P-Pua p- Openlng lead: Four of 9. The battle between an utut.e defen~r and a fine declarer ii one of tbe most uhllaraling 1ighl1 at a bridge table. Weal'• defenae "" wu a brilliant effort, but dedarer was equal to the tuk. De1plte We1t'1 openlng bid, North-South had little problem In read\1111 three no trump. Wut made bla nor- mal lead of the fourtb·but . heart. Declarer look lhe king in dummy and East con· tribute<! the three lo thi1 trick. Declarer led a diamond lo the jack and Weal'• king. Since hie partner had followed with the thne ol heart.I to the fir1t trick, dedareT was vlrtuall1 mark· ed with both the ace and queen of that 1uit. Therefore, Weal dedded lhal there wu little future In persilting with that 1uil. South 1urely had lbe king of clubs for hie venture lnlo no trump. IO if the contract wu going to be defeated, the only 1ull likely to produce enough trick.I quickly wu 1pa~. And Eut had to hold the jack of spades if that wa1 to be accompli1hed. A apade 1hift In itself was not enough. Suppose that Weal led the ace ind queen of 1pades. Declarer would •Imply hold up the king one round, and the defenders would gel· only two apadea and two diamondt. In an ef· fort lo force declarer to play the kinr of apade1, Wut made the devUilh shift lo the queen! Note that It declarer I covert with the king of spades. the defenders will coiled three spade tricks when Weat wins his 1econd diamond trick. But declarer wu aware of what wu hap- pening and he foiled that plan by playing a low spade from dumm,yl We1t had yel another 1ur- pri1t up hit sleeve for declarer. He continued with a low 1padel Had declarer ducked a aeeond time. the contract would have been defeated. But Weal was marked with lhe ace of apadea for hil opening bid. so declarer put up dummy's king. Another diamond fore· ed oul the ace. and the best that West could do 'Ya• to cash th41" ace or 1pade1 lo hold declarer lo hi• contract. Ravey .. -. • ......, ... te •Hiiie trHltle? Let CltutMGweallelpf"&M yew way din.p Ute .... ef OOUILE8.. fer pnaldea aa4 ler tak...t. Per a eepy ef k&. DOUBLES MMJet.. eelMI '1.85 a. we-. .,....... .. can 9' d"9 ... .,.,... P .0 . Bea ISt, Nerw.... N.J. tTNI. Make dMcka ,.,..w. a. New.,., arltnb. colUlll to respond to yoar letter. Bat Udl 1abjeet II ODe I am MDDed OL I laope every medfcial at.lat ud every practtclil1 pllyslclu wlao seet you letter u• my response wUI aak lllmaelf, "DH• 1~e mean me?" If we llave scored a few bell'•;:r.es aroaod tile coantry, let u laope some 1 will be done aboat It. ....... -Don't Dunk your chemistry tart. Love i6 more than one set of gl.ands calling to ano- ther. If you have trouble maJdng a diatinc- tion you need Ann's booklet, "Love er Sex and' How to Tell the J)Jfference." Send a long, aell-addressed, stamped envelope with yotir request and 50 cents to Ann Landen, P.O. Box 11995, Chi~, Ill. 60811 . . I Pf ISOllAllTJ Q.&A. BY MARIL·YN AND HY"'GARONER 2 legends introduced Overheard at ABC-TV's "Night of 100 Stars": Bette Davis, a legend in her own right, walked over to Lillian Gish, a legend of an earlier era, and said: "Mias Gish, rm Bette Davis. I just wanted to introduce myself!" Q: Our teacher told us tkat Loa Fer- ripo died. Is thi1 true? -Mlclaele, JW, Cynthia, Donaa, c.rrte and Sal&lllle, Scottsdale Wgb School. A; Dear Michele, Jill, Cynthia, Donna, Carrie and Suzanne: We don't like to disa- gree with your teacher, but it is not true. Ferrigno, the not-so-jolly green giant of TV's ''The Incredible Hulk," is alive and kicking. ,. · Q: I read somewhere that Dr. Chriltiaan Barnard refen to aging u a dllease. h this trae? And bow old ls Dr. Barnard? -Simon G., Pittsbvgll. A: The pioneer of the heart transplant is a young 59 years old. But he laments the aging process. "I can't run uphill the way I used to. Can't read without my glares. Aging is a disease," he shrugs. "And it comes to us all sooner or later. An irreversible destiny for our bodily functions. That's why I believe in euthanasia, il the quality of one's life is not acceptable." , Q. Are Batman aad Robin really comlq back to TV u a regular series again? -Jolla C., Las Vegas. A; No. But Adam West and Burt Ward, who played the two roles, will be reunited with a new game show called "What Have You Got to Lose?" Adam is host and Burt is executive producer . (Guess they figured they had nothing to loee!) Personal Post.card to Abigail Van Bu- ren: Thanks for your suggestion that chil- dren send flowers-to their mothers on their birthdays. And we agree with your oom- ment that "a letter of appreciation to both parents at any time would be sufficient to drive them to tears of joy." Send your questions to Hy Gardner, "Glad You Asked That," in care of~ Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 19620, Irvine, Calif. 92714. Marilyn and Hy Gardner wpl answer • many questions as they can in their column. but the volume of mail makes personal re- plies Impossible. Insomnia common among elde·rly ' DEAR DR. STBINCROBN: I've rea- cllell Ille ap of ft ...... e aner tUea a 1leeplq pm. Sleep ._, aever beea a pro. blem. ll•t m7 modi~.~ 71, It coatlllully ta-kta& _~ fl:lad of pw,. ........ tlaere UJ ~ nun :I •l•erb pertftl ~ _,._..,.... T-KRS.R. T rou1 111A1111· DR. PETER J. STEINCROtiN " 800 co~dos aj.pro:ved for HB Units near Beach and Adams to be priced up to $140,000 Develop~ent of up _t_~ 800 condom1nhu6~ bee'"n.IP ro· ved on a CU~-acre 1ite in Hunt· tacton Beach 1outh of Adame Avenue and eut of Beech Bou- 1Tf:!· "Seabrldge'' project i1 proJ>C*(i by Mola De~lopment Co. and will Include cluaten of •tort.I ~ ltl eMtem and IOU· ment mixt~r~o'Y.l mtsl.ium_ tneri\60unClinee niir exlittnc -.na hiih ~ houllna tncta, laid D6ck Harlow. Harlow~ a tma1l ~ fllled a OONUltant fm-the developer. with rainw•ter alon1 Beach There wW be .a 40-foot-wlde Boulevard will be mov«l llJchtly buffer area. lncludlnc lancS.ca-=but malntained ln a natural pine and a two-lane road, bet-00 pwn~ will tln ln ween the condo• and exi1tln1 . • f4.: d ffcoBen ueh j at hOUlee Harlow Wd ~our-acre nr o ac u1 ' ' · IOUth of Adami but pumps will TRAVELS -Ferdi- nand Marco1 will make the tint Middle • two, three abd four-1tory bull'· dint• aet amid man-made ltreaml and waterfalla. The one and two-bedroom unh1 will tell for between $80,000 and $140,000 each, wd Frank Mola, developer. Nearby homeowner Stephen be fenced and landacaped, Har-La.Bonae preeented Qty Council low aald. When oil productlon 11 membent with what he uJd were exhausted. the four acres will be peUUona with 300 lignaturea..,. converted into a man-made aalt king that the entire project be' marsh for wildlife, Harlow said. llmfted to two 1toriea. Con1tructlon on the condo _Eut visit by a Pbilip- t; ,pine president March ·~ 1, touring Saudi ~Arabia. I·--------- The project will have a max- imum building height of two But on a 6-1 vote, the councll project ii tentatively llCheduled to members approved a develop-begin th1I spring. in this town for two presidents? INDEPENDENCE, Mo. (AP) -A pro~ to place former President Ni-. xon a official library in the hometown of Harry S Truman has been greeted not only doesn't give a damn about people; he doesn't know how to tell the truth." Wilson's proposal calls for a Nixon li- brary to be built less than a half-mile from the Truman Library. •coolly. • City Manager Keith Wilson, who '• proposed bringing the Nixon library ·~ here, says it w o uld be a "rare and "°ever-to-occur again opportunity to · bring a permanent asset to the culture of the area." "I stand opposed to it and feel most of the people of the community would stand opposed if not outraged at the thought,' said Independence Council- man John Carnes. Independence's most famoim citizen, ·-the late Democratic President Truman, once said of Nixon, a Re publican: "He Bess Truman, the late president's 97-year-old widow, still lives at the fa- mily home here. ,., •, ... ... . , .. •:,. .,, •'I " ' ALL BLIN......, A fresh opportunity to Improve your window treatments: across-the-board savings on Pier I 's wide assortment of bamboo, wood, and rice paper blinds. You'll love them because they're hand- made, durable and easy to hang. Pier I 's blinds are so versatile and work with so many color schemes that more and more Interior designers are redis- covering their value. If you're in the mar- ket for a fresh, natural look, shop Pier I today. Save 25% off these regular low prices Slat bamboo I 3x6'-3 .99, 4x6'·S.99, 6x7'-9.99, 8x7'-12.99 Matchstick 2x6'·S.H21/ix6'-•.H 3x6'·,7.H 4x6'-.9." 6x7'-14.99, 8x7'-19.99 ~--~---+ ~~--~~--~~~- Tortoise shell 3x6' • 12.99 Sale prices good one week only. The new • collections ·ANAHEIM -509 Katella Avenue, 772-2472 COST A MESA -2710 Harbor .Boulev-.rcl. 540-7337 Now You May Rent A Lu.xury Apartment on Newport Bay. Gracious living 1n a country club setting that overlooks the bay Thats Park Newoort The finest apartment community in fashionable Newoort Beach Here. for your pleasure. a $1 ~2-m1lhon Social and Health club. 8 lighted tennis courts racquetball courts. 7 sw1mm1ng pools and acres of gardens Leases are available for 1. 2 and 3 bedroom units Some are elegantly furnished PARKN APARTMENTS ANO TOWNHOUSES ON THE BAY IN NEWPORT BEACH FROM $540 TO $1,600. Conveniently located on the Upper Bay Park Newport IS JUSt 5 QUICk minutes from the Orange Counry Airport and all ma1or busmess cenlers On Jamboree Road al San Joaquin Hills Road Telephone (714) 644·1900 ·---------------------------------~---------, I r~\. I We Didn't "Gl~e Away" All Our •·· I La• Vega• Winning• Last Week 1 So We Are repeating Our Offer Of I Gratitude For One More Week - EVERYTHING AT OUR COST! For Sending U• To La• Vegas, And We Won't Run· Out Thi• Week! OPEN DAILY 'Tll S ~ W.Wlrt m§ • ~no r----R•llf:.l•Til-----, r-----((1llI:Z•J1J----,r-----{(1JJI;N1l----, : MIDtUM Mll 1111 •"f'RICIATIOtl SAi.& 111 At'rttlCtATIOtl IAl.I I I ,OR ITUP'111G AT COITI I AT COITI I HI.I. 11 II I I PEPPERS I I 110. l IOAHO •AKllK " MAIKMaURtt'I Cll.1.0 I I l 9e l l · POT A TOES ll CARROTS I : .. _. II 5 49e ll l 5e 9fO 1 I UMlt I Lk. 11 .... ... II HQ I •---------------' •---------------'L---------------' COMPAU COMrAll COMPAll r---1••l•f:l•T11-----, r -----((tltJfiZ•IiJ----,r-----{<•Piil•Itl----, I Af'f'WICIATIOtt IAl.I I I At'PltlCIATIOtt IAl.I II ICMOOI. MY I I AT COITI 11 AT COITI It llUIUll .. , I tt&W CllCM' I I II Ml-OU I I I DARtl Ott HIDUll I I IMALL Olt MID. II I 1 RAISINS 11 MUSHROOMS 'I TANGELOS 1 I II I 5 $ I I $00 II e I 00 I I l f'-4 11 89 ,.....,.. II u.. l I I u.itl&JM. II u..MILM. II L'-"IOU.. I ~--------------J•---------------'L---------------' COMl'Alll C~Alll COMPAU -----<<•l'lil!111-----·r-----{(tJIJ:l•Jir---, .. -----wur:N1t-----. APf'llCCIATIDtt SAi.i "I A ..... CtATIOM IALI 11 APf'HCIATIC* IAU 'r AT COIT! I AT COSTl I I AT CO.Tl I n•A• I .....aua 11 ._MD I : oaAmiu" , 11 cARNAT10Ns 11 ART1cHoKEs 1 I . It lOt II 49c I i '---~-~~~~: ___ !. ------~~::~ __ Jl_ _____ ~~----J J COUPONS KXPIRK TllUM., .. ARCll ntll • P••· aottoto ''"'" '""'"" '°" 4' ft.Ml I "Which shall we cleon first, Mommy -the nooks or the crannies?" MARM!\Dt:Kt: by Brad Anderson "It's your fault. You thought I had plenty of room!" .lt:DGE P i\RKER MOON Mt: LLI NH ® <:,ET IN YOUR USUAL PosfTION, WILL-Y,AM --AFTER .ALL, I H,AV~ TO LOOI< AT you ~__..,...,,,_. EVERY NIGHT. ACROSS S4 "H!PPY - !~dress s &dude sa Oeltanc:es 10 FllUOets 59 0ttt 14 Biking unft eo Euy ChOf• 15 lrudble 82 Lodge 18 "TMre ought 85 Loomed to bl -87 Hlegll glin -•• 119 W1r god 17 HlrdJ girt 70 Geflllll llte · ta VlllillpOlnt 11 Eklritdl 1t Foolltl 72 Fflle'l\n 20 DllUlllOn 73 a.tty llm 22 S•Ollk'Q 74 Plldled 24 L""9rtlll 75 -blen 25 Loll•• DOWN 27 Lectura 1 Orunlll 2t lterlt«I 2 Wltfl: Fr. 32SllrnP 3~ J3 Sic. "'"" ... ,.. Oekot• 4 Secrec . lldln 5 Add JI 2 .,.... 8W ... blrd medlulft 1 ClpM9I 40 T elllttd 8 SdlOOl tellt 42...., t SltgOltt(I 44 Trtdl!IOn 10 Kldt' 91'"' . 41 llnr 11 r-47.,..,,.... .,.,. • 0. 12 Hldonllt THUMDAY'I PUZZLI IOLYED :JJ'.J:.JJ '.ll'JJ 'J~r.1'1 :IOIJ:::u JDJJ 1.ilJtJLI '.J.!l:JOii .J J'JiJ.:'JllmJ :l:!l!Jli JJJ J:.'..OlJll JLl!J J .1.JJ'JlJLIU :BOJJ:l :lJJJJ.:J :.l!J.JO:J .:OJ Ll '.J:JU :.JJLIJ :J::JJLIJ U.JLi~ .Ji.I!] 0:-JLl'.l J 0 J :lt.l[J JJJJJ.J .:..'JiJJJU :.l.JJJJJLi .:J.:J.JJ '.J'.JJ:JJ JD J J:1JLii:l :.JJ:JJJJUiJJ JJ.JOLI iJrJJJ '.lJ'.liJ '.1.JtJ'-.JW '.J.JiJJ J:JJJ Ju::;wLJ 23 Frollc 21--1re·· 28Foddlr 29 Redlon 30Act0f --31 '""""'"°' 35 Ami 11 l.e'Nlldlr 38UU .... . .,,.... 41--41F\lldon 51 Ao\lld suu•-54,,..... MO.. lllledloMd 17Cooi.t• 11 141*: Prtl. .,,... • by Virgil Partch (VI') • .. --- "He,., stupid, a.t ME. do th1t." I • DENNIS THE MENACE Hank Ketchum ~ 111~~~11 i l ~TA~t)'(! I~YNEEDA~ ... • I w ~REAU,'( 11J~ 1UAT ~CAN !.a.Vf. 'IOlJI'~~ ~rmNG~AND mNKINGA~? -----tt'.) ... ~ ~MFCZ ... ... ...,_ ___ _....~-----o;:& --.~-·~(I:----~ ~~-...:ai ...... .a...liii;;;; I'M WO~RIED ' ABOUT MY EXAMS THIS Al=TERNOON ONE FOR ARITHMETIC, ONE FOR HISTOR'Yi ONE FOR GEOGRAPHY ~i GORDO 3 -19 : --------~ by Gus Amola • MMMMM .. .l lHINK l ~ELL SPRING ~IN'~. ~ I 1 Sf~ I bv Jim Davis WrTH ALL iMI~ HORSE Mf'.A"f, THERE MA5 TO BE A PONV MERE 50MEWHERE by Ferd & Tom Johnson llMM ... Nor BAD ... Do You HAVE: ANYTHING IN A ~SRRIN~BONE ? C'MQVf QJ)IT KIOOIJJr.:tf A>J EXPMJDJJJ6 VOCA/!IULA!N lfJ VITAL! NOW, TUE N&I NEW WCRD~ T004Y IS1 •IE~W'f Fl'NKl' 1'1NKERBEt\N rm ~ ABOOT ALL ~ 1ME COM~ [))RI~ 1HE mo~! DRABBLE I tu. 'iOO ~. lfli LlfH.E Of!U IS QRtV\~ ME *1fSI ~ 'f1rtf. I 11N 1"0 E.A'f ~~I~ 'fMA'f's ~'f oM Mi 0\£.t, ME a1c11E-s Mf. ~ DR.SMOCK >.Guess 1-r'S OKAY FOR A POC1'"0R ,.-o ee WA,.-CHING "Ge!NESRAL,.. .-.osP1-rAL-" ON HIS PAY OFF ... If I "flN '0 ~E.AI( ~ ~T Oil ~ ~IE O~ ~ VIEl E ~ a~t. ~E. fors uf ovi-Of ~£.~ 10 ~'tE.A\. rT ~~ f~ Mf. ~ I I&)\~" 119 l4E '-OME. oH 'f"'IS ~IU. '4 O\E't \ FOR •ETTIEa OR rea •Oa8t: WfU..1f\1'4N\E-'ioJ ~'rLOOK f f'RE.GNAITT • ~ 'flt~1' "°" ~~'flON IT, NOIUi\~~. 'foV ~LOOI( \.0(£ '40U1'4E L.OS'f '-ff.Ill foot.IQ$. by Tom Bat1uk by Kevin Fagan by George Lemont .COll ...... 13Hltl . .......... 21,L4Mtr ., ...... ~ 41 Llfl t4C11#1• I • ... L.-.1-.;...I.~-.~...... I ~.._,;~~-...... '!'"'-~--~~-=-....-~" .. I . •• .. ~ .. • ... Barbs t:ri -=-=----=--arb_e~· -------.......... ,,..,.,, ... NOMINEES -President ~an poees in the Oval Office with his nominees to the Joint Chieu of Sl4f{. From left are Defense Secre- tary Caspar Weinberger, Army General John Vessey as chairman, Reagan, Admiral James Watkins as chief of naval operations and Air Fbrce General Charles Gabriel as Air Force chief of staff. Reagan's first order to h1s nom- inees was to stand closer together, as photog- r•phers don't like gaps in a picture. • Gay in dispute over suspension Battles college over removal from police academy course An avowed homosexual suspended from a police academy course at Saddleback College ls embroiled ln a dispute with school officials over the suspension. A college memo~dum stat.es the Laguna Beach man, who aoes only by the name CU.rtis. was suspended because of an unco.operative attitude in answering a questionnaire. But Curtis claims in a written statement that be believes hi~ suspension "is based upon my sexual orientation." The 25-year-old provided what appears to be documented evidence of his birth certificate listing Curtis, bis last name, as his only name. In bis written statement, Curtis also says the "police academy staff was aware of his sexual orientation from the Carst week of the class. ''Because ol that, coupled with the exceedingly derogatory, homophobic remarks ln my criminal investigation class I cannot dismiss this manifested prejudice as .JD ulterior motive," the statement reads. A copy of the 15-points memorandum, which the college refused lo release, was obtained from Curtis. The instructor of the academy class held at the Marine Corps Air Station, El Toro, did not return several telephone calls made to his office. Jack Swartzbaugh, dean of students at the Mission Viejo-based college, and William Schreiber, director of public infor~ation, have declined comment. ''The college has a policy to protect all students in such matters and to comment would be in violation of a student's privacy," said Schreiber. He noted that any student with a co mplaint can appeal to grievance committees. Hearing set on Laguna WA8llJN()fl0t (AP) -lt cmm M no IUlllrile to &eo; ~ Johutoe, R-1".C., that a Korth Carolfna chits -'ii bubecue toe* tint pl.-in lb. .,..... annual~ Bowl" MW .U. the fnsbmul ~ dedand. 'hr B..a ~ Ii WU.. r..i thlnl. dsllrly supe- rior '° the IDUllardy ooncoctlon .,.....,... In the Jo. w• CeroUna.'' .. JqwMh.'' retorlild Rep. John Napier, ft..8.C., who alone with John1ton conceived UM idea of havln1 outllden judae North -SOuth Carolina hots· ~Bowl~trom th• Vlr&Wa and Georaia con-~&onal deleaaUom declared c f Short Sugars ot Leesvtlle1 N .c .. the winner. Sec:ond and tblrd place were captured by South Carolinian• from He- mfnlwaY and Bennet111Yil1e. "llundreda of polltlciana, statten and djgnitlrles conver--... fied on Capitol Hlll for the occaaion. Sen. Jeue elma, R-N.C., waa maat.er of ceremonies and entertainen from both state. performed . Helma. who ta1d he bad hoped foe a tie ao there would be a reinaich, wu auW"ed that another Barbecue Bowl will be held next year. "Everybody had a swine Ume," Johnston said. fur flies, as panel hears pizza p l an SAN RAFAEL (AP) -Chuck E. Cbeeee, the diminutive symbol of a faat-growins pizza and vi- deo entertainment emporium, la not a likely penon to bring out the wont In people. But he did .just that .. county board meeting to diacuu the propoeed location of a new Chuck E. Cheese Pizza Time Theatre operation in the Ma- rinwood community of Marin County north of San Francilco. Although Chuck E. bad the backing of the Marin Planning Commiaion. the county Board of Supervilon balked at approving the operation and gave in to some residents demands for an environ- mental a.e•a•i.ent. That was enough for Chuck E. Cheese, who through consultant Jett Raleigh, told a packed but sharply divided room that, "Chuck E. Cheese ia Quartz synthesizes, New Class A receiver. 65 watts per channel, minimum RMS into 8 ohms, from 20-20,000 Hz, no more than 0.005% total harmonic distortion. RS-M240X Soft touch control cassette deck with peak hold FL meters and dbx noise reduction for extra wide dynamic range. Wow/flutter: 0.048% WRMS. Dynamic range: 11 Odb (dbx in, at 1kHz, CA02 tape). Onofre test delay so ught by coalition . . cremator1um appalled by the lack of conalderation of a good, 1 .. •••••••••••••••••ll family ~." II A coalition of anti-nuclear groups has asked the federal Atomic Safety and Licensing Ap~ Board to delay testing Urut 2 at the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station. 1 The group, represented by San Diego attorney Rl.cbard Wharton, contends that evidence of earth- quake danger to the new 1,100-megawatt plant was im- properly excluded during licen- sing hearings last summer. The reactor is scheduled to begin low power operation in May for testing purposes, accor- ding to Southei:n California Edi- son Co. officials. approved for Unit 2 Jan. 11, the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board ruled that the aeismic issue had been decided during 1975 construction permit hearings. Al that time evidence was ac- cepted from the U.S. Geological SW"Vey that eaid the fault Dad been inactive for at least l~.000 years. The appeals board is expected to take several weeks to decide if it will hold up testing of the reactor, one of two new nuclear · generators at the facility three miles south of San Clemente. County split eyed An Orange County Superior Court judge has scheduled a hearing for May 4 on a Laguna Beach mortuary's challe~ of a city decision prohibiting crema- tion of non-residents. The hearing before Judge Phillip A . Petty was ordered this week after McCormick Mortuaries I,nc. sought a court order allowing it to cremate the body of at least one non-resident a day. A Laguna Beach ordinance currently iillows three bodies to be cremated in every 24-hour period. ~ the meeting ended, eome residents squared off with each other in angry shouting matches, each side hurling insults. Several clusters of raucous residents eeemed ready to come to blows as they yelled at each other before the auperviaon. One angry woman questioning Superviaor Gail . Wilhelm In a le91 than polite manner brought th.ls rebuke from Supervisor Robert A. Roumiguiere: "Don't get Clll her cue, sweetheart. This job ia bad enough without having aome weirdo ecreeching." From there it went downhill. Marinwood reeident. Lou Diner, anti-Chuck E. Cheeee, Mid. "The cllee9e aowd promi9eS a sugar- plum fairy place for cbiJdren. They come lugging the gift ol progrea. But the community is concer- ned .that this cute and folksy mouR they ~ar would really tum out to be a problem-filled Trojan rat." Hearing enough, Raleigh said the company had had enough of Marin County for now and be withdrew the developnent plan. _ Sitting throughout the controversy in a front row suit was a man in a mouse suit. It waa Chuck E. F E D CO MEMBERSHIP DEPARTMENT STORES RDCO LA CIO£GA (213) 837·4487 3535 S LA CIENEGA BL VO LOS ANGELES 90016 FfDCO •Ml (213) 786-6863 14920 RAYMER STREET. VAN NUYS 91 405 flDCQ 'AIADEllA (213) 449·8620 3111 E COLORADO BLVD . PASADENA 91107 FfDCO C8WTOI (213) 860·771' 11525 SOUTH STREET. CERRITOS 90701 FEDCO com .u (7r4J 979-266C 3030 HARBOR BLVD , COSTA MESA 92626 FIDCO UI ORO {1'4) 262·2411 54TH & EUCLID, SAN DIEGO 92105 F£DCO U1 1EN1MD110 (71 4) 888-4 181 570 S MT. VERNON AVE . SAN BERNARDINO 92410 STORE HOURS WEEK DAYS Wharton claimed at an appeal board hearing in San Diego that operation of the plant is dange- rous because of nearby earth- quake faults. FRESNO (AP) -A report outlining the pros and cons of splitting Fresno County in two was adopted by a governor's cominission assigned to study the issue. The report by the Ponde- rosa County Fonnation Commis~ sion will be forwarded to Fresno County supervisors for review. At the hearing in May, the city will have to show cause why It should not be ordered to over- turn its action establishing the prohibition against non-resident cremation. Meanwhile, city attorney Marc Winthrop said that the rule re- main.a in effect. 11:111 AM It l:IG Pfll ,..Ch_eeee __ -_1n_pe_n_900_~_. ___________ ~• • LA CIENEGA• IM IERIWtDINO AND SM DIEGO STORES "At no time during the licen-. sing hearings were we allowed to pre.sent evidence about the Christlanitoa Fa\tlt, which lies adjacent to the plant," Wharton said. When a testing permit was McCormick had appealed the city's decision last January, but was unsuccessful in convincing officials that there was little reason to place geographical res- trictions on cremations. People all along the Orange Coast rely on the Daily Pilat 642-4321 fllCTIT10US MIM••u fltcTIT10US aust••• fllCTIT10US •USINHS fllCTITIOUS IMISIM•ss fltCTITIOUS •UMM•SS 12:00 NOON to 1:00 PM • CERNTOS • COSTA MHA • PASADENA MO WI MUYI ITOMI SATURDAYS • ALL ITORH lUI AM to 1:00 PM SUNDAYS • ALL STORES 10:00 AM ti 5:00 PM ALL STORU CLOSED WEDNESDAYS OPEN TO FEDCO MEMBERS ONLY fllCTITIOUS IMlllNHS ...._STAT•MaNT Tiie tollowlno ""on h 001110 lllltl-•: MAMe ITAT ... WT ..._. STAftJMWT NAM• STATEM•MT N-• ITATHWNT MAMI STATIEM•MT Tiie fOllowl"9 --• •re delng Tiie foll•wlno perton 11 CIOl"O Tiie followlno persons are Ool"O Tiie tollowino penont .,. dol,.9 Tiie tollowlno perwns are Ool"O / !Mal-•: tlutlnesses: bu1lnen as : bllslnouM· 11u11nns": 1----------OASIS CATERINO, 17S7S MorOM ' Line, Hwillnvton llM<ll. Glllloml• '2647. a & a ASSOCIATES. !IOU SKY HAR BO II Ol'l'ICI! CAREER VENTURE AGENCY, SRI. IN.VESTMENTS 17H N MARRIAGE ANO INOIVIOUAI. Skypark Clrcla, Suite I'!. lrvlllO. l'UllNITUllE, llOOl Slly ,_ Clrcl9. 165'1 T._1 l..1,.., Hunllnvto" Herber. OlaH•ll, 0r-.. CAftt6J. • COUNSEi.i NO, ... llOer C•nler, VI'"' A"" Sharp, 25' Cotto"· Hewplll1 llN<h, GIHtom la '"62. Ctllto ...... f%7M Suitt .. .., .. lrvtne. Ctl-..1• mu. CA '1M'. Onie! L Sftlp 1114 OU-1119 °' Sult• •s. T. c.oai. INM, CA '26». 8yf'OflA.a.tdlelt«,UH«'m1""9 JeckW.t..one.1601W.MecArtllut CAREERS UNLIMITED. INC ... i..tiv11ea..chCAtM51 .• llonnl•TOllllll·MendorA,IOftTul- Tiiis boal..u Is condUCI~ tty ., l..Olvldllal. 1.-• ........,IMdl.CllltofftlatllMO aivct 2IJ s.ntaAlta C.tllfomlet'1104 Calllornla corporation. 16591 T._1 Larry O. Ilk.. 1f11 HOllvMck l..I,., Or .• c-""'"'CAm». Geoory I.. BrlOlll. 2..U Vere Ttth ~ ts ~ llY .,. l aM. Huntlng!Oll Herllor •CA.,.... Pl-lie CA 92'10 Claire M. --lit Mira Vhla, VldllNll~ Cnu LMw. Mltsloft Viejo, CtllfOnlla lftdl\'lfull. Tiiis 1Mnlnn1 Is coneluct..s lly a Jack M. Kidd. 112o1 I.AO ColllM. El N-l'ClrtllMdl,CA- '116fl Jeck w ~ Corpof'allon. p-Tu.,,..._ Tiiis llutlneu 11 conouct..s lly • Tiits .......... Wiit flied Wllll Ille Couflty C,.rll ot Oranoe County °" .. .,.,,..., 2A, 1911. Tiiis business Is c-clecl lrf • Tiiis ~t ... flled wllfl -Careen Unllmlt«I, '"'· la~ry A. Pertatto, 21Slt Aul>llrn .,.,..,.,.,..,,...,hip. • .. ,.,., ~·letn Cou,.ty C .. rtl of On1n .. Co•.,.IY on Ellen Liiio. ArclWs Dale Or., El Toro. CA '1UO. 8-lle Toltll~u .. ,....., Pullfltlled Or .... CMst °"''' PllCll, ,._ L .~ MMcll 10. 1W2. -,-Tiii ~: tlled "" ti. Tiiis 11us1 .... , h COllduCted lly • Tiiis ~ ... ft leO wllll lN -.._. • •....,. .. -1 1 --w ge<Wral -1nenllip. Covt1tY Clertl of Or....-C-y °" TlllS -~w .. pf.,,._I~ .-,~ ....,.. ...... 0r.,.. eoett Dally Pltot. c°"""' Ct•r1l of 0r.,.. CouMy °" l..lrrt A. "9rtetto March J. nia. F.O. 16, Merell S, 11, ~. 1'12 IJS.C. _...., ,_ ,..., ,.. ~-t• It ..... _ • 1_ IOM-a March 1, IW2. T'hll ... ~ w., tu~ wllll tt. flt ... C-ty Cler'll of Or1n9t Couflty Oft ~' •• • -· ....... ' •• -JKlll-I(~ & S.llll.. .,..,..,_" •• -Mlr<ll tO, 1911. A""-.;.. at uw Cou11ty Clertl of Ora .... C-y on PUtllllNO Or .... Cotti O.lly :i':i MUflSTS-... Mtu.•• PIU ma kit• 1414 .... -... ......... Mlrcll 4, Hl2. Mlrcll s. It. 1•. 2', 1W2 CAaL.IOle a MAllDa.aY ... N~ Cefrter °"" ,.,..., -Mad,_........... IMWjlOtt llMcll, CA tM6I PUtlllsNO Ora19 CN1I Dally Piiot, "CTtTtoUS autlMUS NAMm STA 'RMaNT .......,, a.ca. Ca..... PICTITIOUS •ustNHS .. , .. m March s. 12. "· 2'. IW2 ~ .. ,... MAMllTAT•M•NT PulllllheO Oranve Coesl Dally Piiot. Tllo ftllOWlllO """ .. dol"e 11111"-•: .....,i.... 0r-. CNtl Dally Piie(. Tiie tollowlno ,,."°"' .,. Oo1n9 Maren i. 12. 2'. i.. Itta IOH-12 llvslMHas· SUNIUSE COM .. UTING, 1174~ Senla 1..-. Strw(, .._..aln Velle'f. CA"* OONAl.O El.VIN COLE, 1174.J SMla ..-era Mr-. ~al" Valley, CA.,,._ TIQM1-l1 c~llyan lndl'ltdu9I. OONAl.0 COl.E Thia .....,.,. -n..-with u. Couo1tY Cleft! of Or•.... Ceullly °" MM. U, "· •• AfW.1, tm tl'7-G PACIFiC TRENDS FUllNIT'URE • MANUFACTURING, 2111 ScMllh AllM ------.,.-------Slrfft. SUit• A. S.111• Ane, C.lllornl• .. _ .... -. '170f. Denis Jnter & Comllany, Inc .. A fllCT1TtOUSet111••U Cellfornle corporellon. U 4U •AMllSTAT•MmNT ·Perrlwlnllle, Laguna NIQUel, Tiie fotlewlfl9 .,.,_, ,,. Hing Calllor"la """ ~ .. : Tiiis _.,.... II co!ldUCted lly e LAUlllNCE I.TO., 17 .. e. 11UI 'orv«etlClll. F.O.lt,'9. Streot, NO. P, TY!ld11. Callfornla... D. Jetter,""''°"" ff1111JT 11-ill'--,l*Olloll•ldaa 'Tiiis tt.i...-t was flleo wllll ,,,. l"ulllllflld ~ eoeet Delly PllOt. Terrace.~ Callfamla ... , CO<Hlty Clertl of Or.,... County on ...... MercllS,tt.lt.'9 ..,_ alcllanl ._..,,""••SJ .. 0...11 Mar<lll.lt . ftldle TertKe • .......,....,, Callferftla Pt..a. ------------,_, .. .,.., .... 0r"'91 C:O.lt Dally PllOt, PlaJC ma Tiiis bull-II coMuc:letl tty e Marclt S. 11. It, i.. IW2 t~. -.-----------1 teMf'•I =--.___. PICTITIOUS !Mitt••• Tiiis ......___. -flleO wltll .. -· ~ llAMm tTAT•Mll•T _.._... ~ "91-. Tiie f.tlow'"9 ..,_, ere CIOlllO C-ty Clerll of Ora1199 c-ity en~---------- llllllMH M : Merell 10, 1-IUN8tOll couaTOP UHl·YID, 1112 K•Mn, lrvlM, CA :=:.:·.:UA• CAUNIU .. A.COVWTY f't71t. ,.................. CWMMM• akllanl L WlllOll, 2''6 Ja .. Rd., la tlla M.-r el .... _,,atltll et ewtaM9M,CA9"». ,...,_., _......-••1c o....,.... a. Thalenl, u11 KoMn, ... T-c:ii.llrDt.,e-. Mant• L.uc1u.a ~ .... ..,.. ll"flM,CA"7M. C..--.Clllfilf'IM-~~-tNa 1.V)IM IJUMIC Tllb ...,.,_, Is c~tetl •Y a (tM) tlf•"" If.._. CAM ..:..--::;,_. ..-ol :--.:d-::'.11Wi1-........... GI'.._ ca.II Dally l'ffltC. OaMa TO MOWCAUsa TM• ............ WM tlleO wttll tM ~r.lt.,,, .... 1,tm t1 .. N•Ti;:~r~:. JON C-ty (*" Ill Or ..... C-y ell ----------UUC "UNI( aflCI JINNt,all LYNN Merclll, ,.._ ~tdJ '9& 1111f FUNK lla\'O fllW a llltltlell 111 """ PWll.,.. 0r-CllM1 Dally ..i... ceurt fw Ill orCl9r .,..,..,.. "4111oMr _...,. ..._ to~ *Jllet -,,_ NeTTt• Merell S, ti,"· -,_ •11• ... ff,_ -1.UCll.L.l "UHK, .JOH 1a1c .. UNK ·w -.. •' -ftAW lfllf JIENN .... R 1.VHN l'UHK te fml 1111( TM ........... ,_.... ......... H•Ttll L.UCIU.E DEAUGUSTIN•. '-"'~------·--~~ l'MAllMACY IMC .... w JON a1uc D•AuOUITIHI! on• l'tCf1TICIUilUll .... • .............. ...-.·~ JaNNl .. lfll.YNMDCAUOUSTIN8. - • ''".._.,.. ... all,.._ .._nAftMateT ..._ K ...... ,_. ~ lllff'"'" 11'1 tM ~er •'--.If ..!.':.. .......... ...,_. a,. ...... 1M. • ~ ........ , 111t i.. •11 .. oar ••for e ttlh COii rt Ill OOU~WINDew CL.UNI ... , a.-. Tllllitl,~iimil D1pe •:wl .... I at,. CM< C911W 1-.. ......_ ---.............. ,,, °"""~ ..... Ml,CelNwfll• ... -A,..,. C.ta-... CA~,.._~_,... "-'tfM.W .. teiaa'dlC'tte.lft.,.,,. -:..... ,_, .-........., 1-A"'--.... v. -:.=~,~~ "'"_.._ .... ,.we, If lf!Y .... ... _ .... ... ........... -. ~ ..... ,...._..,c,_... .. Allt.,C.. __ CA..... ftllit ...._. a,, I_,. MflW ............. ..... • .,.,.... ..... ,, .......... ~ -~-...--.... ...., .......... a~Of •+:.:-'O.-.CA...._ .--..~·-... .,..., .. .._~ .. ........... ..... ::r.i:.c=~ ==--11'1 .. Datt9 ........ a .. --,.: .. ·--. .... ........................... .......... ---. ...... ,...., ....... _a ..... ... 'nMit =.:.":-:... ... -.,... ... ...._,_fllMwlttl (I HC ..... _,,. ___ _ ~ °"' .. o,._ '-"Y .. °""If 0...0.-."' -=-~ ...... MW<111.,.. llClleM.O ~. r_..lfll ~or._ Gwl o.l... .......::r.-:.:u.. '::'"'-'. ~ .. fl."· .. ,.. = ¥attllt. ........ ,.. ...,.. oaANGE COUNTY su,.aa10• cou•T Ot'e,...c-nty~ 1• CMC CilM4I' Ori,.. Wetl Santa AM. CA tm1 "UUMTlfl .. : AIM W•,_ ._ OIEfl•MOANT: Mef'y LllCllMile ..,._., O.IM'• J. ~.IM OOH I..__ IC, IM 1..iw. SUMMC*ION fll•ST A.MSNOllO COMf'UINT CAM NUMa••: aMne NOTIC•I v .. M¥e MM ...._ TIM <Mf'I _., acl* ........ -...... ,..r ........... f.....__,......, ...... *"' ..... ....._._ ....... ... CTIT10US aUllMUS MAMa STAT•M•MT TM lollowlftt lliltr1i0fll are dol"t bu~neun: STAii ~NOS. J1177 P•-Acacla, S." JYefl Cap!Mr-. CA fM7S. Cll,..... G. """""' lfld w-Mae Mlln'ey, J1112 ,_ Acecla. Sen Ji;a,. Ceplltr-, CA tM7S. Tiiis busllltll Is Con4'Y<t~ by lft llldl\'lfuol. W_M._.,., Tiiis ........... -flleO Wltll .... c-1, c;1ertt of 0r.,... c...,,.y ... MlrcllJ. 1• It you WISll ID -k ,,. advice of "' -.., -aUonMy 111 llllt nwtter, Voll.,_....* f9JC 1111( ,._ _,WK Ml promptly Ml tllal your wrm ... , __________ ....... ----------,.*"°"-·If-·....., .. 11 ... Oft ...... . AVllOI U.... Ila"*.,........._ •1 8..UOS =.."':* ....:::.c::~ SYNOPSIS Of' THe ANNUAL STATaMeNT ....,.., • ..._ ...... ....._... OP --:, ~ .._. H11c11..-.1 ,-ie., SELECT INSURANCE COMftANY un • ....., on ist• awnto. dtllerle J015 CMar Sprl., DeMel, TX 7511t 11ecar10 1,,_..101em.1111, ff Ula YMf' •ftdld Dtctn*r S1, 1"1 ,,,_,a, ., ,..... .. ncrltil, '1 M., Total edmltt.d HMtS $47 ,479,552 • ...,., _.., ,....., ..... "-· 35 329 955 • 1. To T"• DPl!NOANT: A c1.t1 Total llilbllltles , • com11111111 Ila• .,.. .. fll•f •• tlle $peclal IUf'Pl\11 funds 0 ::;'.:" 1111~ ~ ,::"":'.: Capital palckAp/Gueranty • • • .. .,. ...., ""•--1s --Capltat/Statutorv Deposit 1,500,000 on '*'• t11e wtth ""' c_. a "'"*' Gross paid-In and ~ ::.:=~ =v:: contributed surplus ,,IOS,239 _.~.., " .. l'lo!Mlff, .,. t1111 UnanlQMd funds cwrt _, -a,....,.._. .... fllt (l~rPlUI) . Si ..... ,351 ,_ "" .. ,.1.., --~ "' , .. SUrphlt ••..-...-,policy-~ 12 1-... c.aM11la l11t. whlc.11 <•ulf re1111t 111 • ....,..,v ,..,.....,. • • .. 7,IY• •arftlt11-fllt at ...... t•lllfl9 •• 01n,come fOr the YMr 2' .... ,617 _, ., ,,_,., ., _.. re11et Sbur9mlnts for the ve-r 26,47',.eoe ":'=~~:.,""· W• MNlw cwttty thet thl abovt Items art In ._.,"' "'~ accoro.nc. wtttt the Annual 5qtement for tM ,.., c.. •ndect O.Ctmber 31, 1tlt, medt to the IMuranet =---Commttston.r Of the Ste .. Of Cellfom6' pursuant to '--....... .._........ law. r m 1 .... R.c . Ftthtrstof• • Cllr === Vfce.orM!dlnt :,.;a~ R.C. l'tttlettton == ... ,._, A&M WAYH Secf'Nry •..:.....er ... c.. °"" rte11. 11 :"°''__.Orange Cwt Delly Pftot, M9rc"~t !! Mertll .. t, "·".. , , • 22. ,. 1 n>G CMAin'all MO. !Ull COMPTllOl.1.ER OF TtlE CURRENCY T.....,.,.y Oet>¥tmenl ot lM Unllecl ~ WajftlngtOfl, O.C. Wl\ef'-Wl~«IOrY ev-• ,,_ _,, ptfteflteO tio llW Comperooer of Ille Currency tllal "INTERIM CAPISTRANO NATIONAi. BANK" loCAIM '" Sell J i;a" Cepl$1r-. Si.le of Calltomie. llM complied wftll all PfOVISloM ol IM 1latvlH of tM Ulllt• States reqi,1...., to lie c-llecl wlttl llefot'O llolflo euthorlreo to ,.,,,_. llw bu"-of ..,,.'"9 es a NetlollOI .......... "-tMlon. ltow, ~. I twrollY certfly thet Ill• allov• nameo H10clallo11 Is aulhorlncl to common<• Ille bllslneu ol 11•""'"9 • • Nallonal Banltlft11 Auoclatlon. In 1ut1many .....,'°' wltllfft my slonatu,. -SHI of oflle• 1111• ttli Oey of C>Kemlllf' 1•1. /l/o.net E . ..._ Ac:ll,. Comptroller of Ille Cur-rency Pullllllwd Or ..... Coe.st Dally Piiot, l'ell. n. tt. 11. Mtrd\ s. n. "· 2' Aprllt,t,1m 1 .STATWMlllfT Ofl AUMDO•UIMltfT Ofl UH 04' fltCTITIOUS aUS.MUS NAMI Tllo lollowlno panolls 11•¥• • .,.~ --of -lkfltlow ..,.,_. -HYATT ORA .. l'llllS, "4 "t"OClllct'-' Plec• • ..._, a..ctl, C.llfllrmt ftMO: Tllo fictitious .,.,,,,. ... "am• , ... ,,.. • -s "'" Ill ~oul'lty ... ~n-n. ••lt'f E . Hyett. ...0 . 80• l.W, .._.,.. F«Ty, I .... ...s. G .... D. Hyett. ,._, S.-UM, Hllftt ....... 8-dl. Calttwnl• ..... Tlllt ..-...U WU c.-..C1N tly - lndlv lcluM: ....,E.Hyett Thll .._..,. -fllecl w"" ._ C01111ty CIWtl of Or ..... CwnlY .., Mlrch10,lm. ...,n, l.lppel4 . H e,.de rse" 011d 01-T ..... W.lll J rm.Jr . ... ,,.. ... , .... m .... o.a.'tt c:..la .... , ca..., ..... ,,_Or ... c... Dally ....... Mracll 12. It,-. Aprtl 2. t•. u..._ .... .......... ..................... ........., ~ 1"100.000 Oro.,...... ........ ..,.... uoo.ooo - IJllMlllfWI ""* '= l,111,0111 ..,,..,. .......... -----, UN.Oii -'°' "° w-11.ue.a11 ~-.. .,.. t3,I01,Ga We ...... --llllt .......... -Ill .......... ...,, ........ ~ .., .......... DMaMer *'· 1111 ...... 10 .. --CMu:ilWIOr:• .......... -~........,.to ... . '°',....,_ VIOi ....... ft.C.~ ~=~~NM.--1T,11.'9,l0,tt,,_ "''. _...~----------1 ~--------~----..... Palll'lll ... _ fltCTJTIOUS MIMNHS --ITA,..,...llfT Tiie ""'"lflt WIOlll ars dolne ""'""""' . CHASl·Nl!WPORT CAPITAL, " .... -... ...... Or1119t c..i 0 .. ly ....... Mlar. U, "· ... ,,..,, t, 1W 11 ..... NU llTll l NS-tH41 NOTIC E OP DEATH or V !:RONICA ALLGAIER O'B&IRN AND or PETmON TO ADMINISTER ESTATE NO. A-HUH. 7SIO Catrltot Avenue, Stanton, CA ..... MAl.COl.M O. McltEEL, W VllU 8ofllta, Mt-' ~II. CA '2660. OARRl!ll. KISl!lt, 1201 ,._tlock, Rlvenie,CA. crediton and continge n t credl· T o all heirs. beneflclarlee,IJ~~5iii5;~~iii;;;;;;;;::::!~ tors of VERONICA ALLGAIER O'BEIRN and penona who may Tiiis lllillne11 fJi c~ted by • ....,.., INll1Nnlllp. MalcotmO. MtRHI Tiiis -..ment -llted wllll Ille County Cieri! ol Or•neo C:OU,,ty on "'"-lA, 1!112. be otherwise internted In t he --------------will and/or eelate: A petition haa been filed by ROBERT K SALL in the CIH'IPU S upe rior C ourt o f Oran11e NOTICEOflTaUST••'$SAL• T .S ..... tl .. 1tiM:D "''*' County request ing tha t RO-. o n Aprll 2, tt12, e t t :lS o•c•oc• Publlltlecl 0rllllQ9 Coest O.lly PllOt, BERT K. SALL be appointed M e .m., on l:r14ey, el the lrom flltreN:e !'ell. 2', Metcll s, tt " 1"2 ...,..,. _____ ...... ...._ _____ ..,. 1>4!r.Onal representative to ad-to 111e old~.,. COunly C"'"'-. ~ PlaJC 1111( m iniste r th e estate of V ERO · loutHI on S...... AM Blvd., - NICA ALL G AIER O'B EIRN, ~~~1~'."0f'• St." BrolldW'"" Sent• AM, ,ICTITIOUS8USINHI Irvine, CA (under the lndepen· F . &. W. R ECONVEVANCE llAM91TATUHNT dent Admlniatratlon of Estates CO RPO R AT ION, • C•llfornl• Tiie fellowlne "n on h clolno Act ). T he pe tition ii iet for co1·pou 11on. H Trusiee Of' w1>11Jtu lecl MIMH•: h I • De t N 3 t 700 Trustu, under the dH d oJ 1rust J O A N A N N NI A L 0 N E ear ng m P. • o . a e ireculecl bY Urbllnltu . Inc .• heroin CONTRACT FURNISHINGS. ttll Civic Center Drive West, Santa catlecl Truslor, racoro.o Sept, 4, '"1 11.Wranca CIRCLE, HuntlnotCM'I BH cll, ANI. CA 92701 on April 7, 1982 as lnstrvmfllt Ho. Mn, Of Offlclel C.,ftomlll,,.... at 9.30 a.m . Rocorc1s ot Or-county, Callfornl•, J oan Ann Trtm mu , ttJI I F YOU OBJEC T t o the wlll sellat JM>ll<•IKllontotM 11'9hftl e a rranca , Huntington Beach , 1 f h 't' bidder for osll, p;ayeble In l•wful c.tltorni.,,.... grant n11 o I e pell ton, you moneyotthe UnltedSUtflat tlle tlme Tiiis lloai"HS ts condU<tocl by en s h o uld e ithe r appe ar at t h e of wto. the Interest conveYHI to •nd lndlv~. hearing and 11Ale your ob,ec· now lleld I>\' wid ll'\lstee under wld .-Ann Trim,,_ ll s or file writte n objections dffd of truslfn tM-rtv sltuelod In Tlllt s18..,_t wos lllHI with IN ~nh h t bef th h a H id County ...0 $lete, dHCrlbed n : c wnty Cieri! Of Orenge County on ~at l e cour o re e e. • P•rcel t· Marc111, 1m. nni. Your a ppearance may be m u .. 11 4, es --defined on tll•t flllMIM penon or by your attorney. c•rt•lfl ~lnlum Pl<WI r.cordod PubllllWd Oranoo CoaJt Dally PllOt, CF YOU ARE A C REDiToR June IS, 1919, In Boal< Utft, P•ve t:JIS Merell 12 tt, 2') Aprll 2 1"2 12:M-n. t'nge t ~---'itor of the of Olllclal Racorcts of Or•"99 Cou"'y, • ' or a con 1 n •""' . catl'°'nl•. d eceased , you must file your Percel 2: claim with the court or present it An undivided 1/tlll ln1eres1 '" end to to the perso na l representative lot I of tract Ho. '°'"· In 111e City OI "ICTITIOUS 8USINIESS h I h i Costa Mew, as per ,._ recorded In NAMSSTAT•MSNT appoin ted by t e court w t n Book Ht, P•11es 21 to 22 or Tll• Collowl11g ""on 11 doln four m o nth• from the d ate o f Mlsc•ll•noous M•ps, records of lllUSfnets 81: first muance of le tters as provi-Or•"ll• Countv. C.,llornl•, together RENE MCCLAN E AT SHEAR lded in Section 700 o f the Pro-wltll •II lmprovem .. 111 thereon, DESIGN, 1710 Warner Ave nue, bate Code of Callfot nill. T h e u ceptlng tllorefrom Conclomlfllum Foun1aln Valley, C..lfomle t270I U Units t trwOUllll • lnclu•I.,., locelecl Irene R McClane, IUt? Bay-. time for filing claims w I not ttiereon. Lane, Hllftllngton hacll, Celllornl• expire prior to four months from P•rc•I l . _., the date of the hearing noticed An u clvstv• .. ...._., •ppurtenent Tiiis buslnets Is conducted by en bo to H Cll unit for IN uso •nd occ-y ndlvldloel. 8 ve. of tlloso -"""' of Ille rutrk tHI 1.-R. Mee•-YOU MAY EXAM INE the common eru designated In tll• Tiiis -ment w• 111.0 wltl\ ttie file kept by the court. U you are Docle rallon of Restr,l<llons, recordod County Cler1< of Orange County °" interested In the estate, you may In eoo.. Ulft, Pav-IJ2t 01 Offlclal March 10. 1"1. file a ,_,uest with the court lo Rocord1 ot w kl County -"'°'"" on ,.,..., --, the Condominium Plen lor HCll unit PvlllllNd Orenoe CoaJil D.,ly Pll.,., ~ive special not.ice o f the m-Tiie llreet addreu end/or otller Mar. It, 19, 2',Apr. 2, 1t11 1....a ventory of Htate assets and of c ommon dul11natlon, If any I• -------------1 the petitions, accounts a nd re-purported to be: _.,. a.TIM ...,,,.. cSe.Tlbed in Section 1200.5 220S Pacific Av• • 102, COit• ~ .... -. ..--,.._,_ Maw,C .. lfoml• -------------( of the Callforrua Probate ........,., Selcl wle will 1M made wltlloul NOTICE 0, TltUSTIEE'S SALE LOAN NO. ltll,.,._t T.S. N0. 7ml-I llENEFICIAI. SERVICE CO as dwfy appolnlecl TruslH under Ille lotlOwlne CIH<rltM<l -of trust WILL Sl!LL AT PUBLIC AUCTION to Ille 111011ost bl-• tor <•sh payable •I limo OI sele In lewful money of 11- SALL A HENRY, Attonaey al werranty as to 1111• possenlon Of' Law, by: Rld1ar4 M. Beery, encumbrencos, lor tM pUrpoae of UU l PHeo De Alicia, S•lte P<tY~ ttw ociooat-wc:uroct b\' Mid UI, La&Ha 81111, CA HUS: ::::"':.."'°.':::~~,:=~~=:: ( 71 f ) 8$$-0HS. H id dHd, advllncos thereUnder, wftll PuDll•hHI 0••"11• COH I D•ll, Pllol lnterut H provided ,..... ..... •nd the M•Ch 18 19. 25 19e2 1292-112 unpeld prlnclpel -lnl0tHI of Ille Un lled Sl•losl •II rl1111t, llllo •nd ------------moto(sl tacurect by wikl deed, to-w" Ml,611 76. lnl•r•st conwyed lo end now llelO by It under said Dud ol Tru•t '" tM p10P9rtY ,,....lnatte.--ribed · TltUSTOA JEltAV W. FELLOWS and ANGEL T. FELLOWS, l)u~no •nd wile. BENEFICIARY: ST ATE MUTUAL SAVINGS AHO LOAN ASSOCIATION. •corporation 'ICTITIOUS auSINE0'5 NAME STATEMI NT f lle followl"ll ll@"on• •rt dolno b\l~lnus n · SWEET SUCCESS. 10711 Slaler Ave Suite 103·4'2 Fovnt••n Vell•Y. CA 92109 fllecorOOd January,., 1'90 " lnslr. No 21S9'9 fn booll 13471 -1111 ot Kathlffn M 81unman, 2S11 W Ofilclel Records In 111e' otlke of Ille Sunflower Ave E ... Sent• Ane, CA Recorder of Orenoe c-tv; •ekl oeoo 9210. ot lrust -re-recorded on Oc-r JO, Terou A BellevMle, 2SOt w lteo •• Instr No. 01S3 In 8oOll 1Jll2 Sunllow•r Ave E·2, S...t• Ane. CA Dated· Fot>ruarv "· t'lt? F .& w Recon.,.y ... u Coro 101 S Kr-r, $ulle 124 Placentl•. CA 92610 ( 7Ul 9f.M631 HWCll fru1tff By· ChrlstlM Dr-nov T.-e. S.le OH leer Publl~ Or-Coe•I D.tlly Pllol, Me rell 12, 19, i.. 1"2 tSS-tt CH'-1S1tl NOTIC• O .. TaUSTill'S SALi T •. S. .... 11..,,.D. On Aprll 2, 1912, alt: 15 o'clocll a.m., on Friday, •I ttw r,.,,t -•eftC• to the otd Or ..... e-tr C~1IOC•lled on Sant• Ane llvd., between SycamOl'O St ... ll"Oec:IW•Y. Sent• AM, Callf. F . & W. R ECONll E vANCE CO It POAA T ION, e Callfornle tOIPOf'•llon, ff Tr-or ...ostltvted f f Ulleo, under Ille deed of trust 'ucvted by UrbanltH, Inc., lleroln cati.o T~. recorded 5"t. '· 1•1 •• '"''~ Ho. MJO, '" ._ 1n 10. P•t• 143', of Olflclal 1tocord1 ol Oranoe CCU11y, Calltomla, will salt at ;>Ubllc euc:tlon to ttw 11111twst bidder tor Catft, pay ..... WI lawtvt _., of the UnMecl Stattl at Ille time of seto ..... lnterosl convoyed to and MW lleld by tald tru-.. _,said dMd of ll'\ltl In the pr_.ty lltua--tn wlcl ~Y •rid Stew, -rlllecl as: PARCEL I: Unit t , County of Or•~. SC.te OI Caflfonll•, es tllown •nd deflhed on 111•1 ce r tain Condomlnlvm Plen -J-U, lf7' In -f31ft, P89e IJIS of OHk lal RocorebofOr.,. Counly, C•lltornle PARCE L 2: An undlvldHI l/ttll Interest In end to Lot 1 of Tract No. 10425, In Ille City of Cost• Mew. c-ty Of Or8ft9t, St•• of California. H per mM1recordledInllooll4SI, p .... 21 to 22 of MIKella-Maps, In ttw offk• ot the County Rec-. of said c oun ty , toeotller wllll e ll Improvements llleroon, ••cepllno tllorefrom Condominium Units I throuefl t lnclllllv•, locatHI ,,,.,......, PARCEL J; An H Cluslw -· ~to -"""for tile u• .. K CuPan<Y of ltlOM -1Jons of tN rntrlcled CGmn*I arM dH!Qnated '" Ill• Decleretlon of ltutrlctlon• roco..-In bOM 131.,, .,.... 1111 of Offk lel ltec-ot .said <-IV and -n on IN C-..lnlum Plan for eacll unit. Tiie slrHt eclclron •nd/or other common designation, II any, It -ported llo be: 2205 Paclfk • 103, COila Maw, Calforla. Said 1a10 wlll IM mede without :,!':~"t:~.:.:~ ~~·u..-.:.= r. ~Int.,. o411'911tloM --..., ..... Deed lncludlftt ttw fM and .. _ al the '"'''" end of Ille trvm crHted by said oe.ct, actvenc" ,,,.,.._,, wltll Interest •• --.......,., -the u-lcl prlnclpal -ln .... Jt of IN Note secured Dv wld -· to-wit "2,27',ll, De led: MM<ll J, 1"2 fl. & W. ••CIO"VIE'fANCE COtlf'OttATIOM ltl '·It..-,.,,. Ptac.Mla, ca._,. 1714),.....,, a1MdlT ........ 8y:e>i-•- T ..... S-.Oflkw PullllllWd Oranoe Coest Dally Piiot, Mar n , tt. i.. 1"2 11a..n Peoe 4 . 9210.. PARCEL 1· Unit 27. In the Clly ol Mer• f Gerero, f'IS I Memmoth Dr , OF'1CIAL l'fllOCHDINOI OF THI: llOAllO OF IUPl•YISOlla Of OfllAMOa HtwPOrt B .. cll, Counh of Orenoo, HuntlnQlon Beech, CA,,... COUNTY, CMI~ ._. AM, C......... St•t• of C•lllornl•. H shown •no Tllh b\lslM'U " conducteci ll y • A reoulet "'"'"'9 ot the Board ot ~of Orengo County, Caltfot1M. 9lllO defined on thal cert.tin Condominium llmll•<I partneMlp, llllinll ., ,,,. 0.,_""'11 eo..o of 1,,. Dloll'lctll ~ by the Boerd ot ~ Plen Ctlle "Condominium Plen" Terft8A Bollevllle we1helcl on MMC11 e. t982"'t'.30A.M Thel~,__,,,..,.,..._"'Fe::!. heroin) attecllecl ., •n ulllDU lo that This stet-I was fli.d with Ille Aooer R. g~ ~ Hwl1MI M. wi.o.r, "-" B. ~ n.oi-. ,_, certain O.c laration of Coveneni.. County Cle•ll Of Or•n .. County on .,.,f Ille~.~ er-.....,. tow~ D.C. on c--ity .,...,_, C•ndlllons •nd Rutrlctlons for Merell 4, 1912 Monlllly ~· Agr_,t lor bua pe.-It ec>i>roved. NewPOr1 8oa<ll T---· ltd., (Ille fltlM42t A.cl HiH Ave ~., .... ~· wltll the City of Tuatln It 9j)plowcl. "Decleratlon'' llereln) recorded Mev Published Or.,. C.O.st Oelly Piiot, J T--ie eopolnled to Emet;enCY Medlcal Cele Committee. H. -• II, 1m .. Instrument No. 11412, In Merell S, 12, It, 26, 1"1 ,....., eppo4nfed 10 Senior Cull-Ac1-., ~. L Wow--S ain.1men .,. "°"" 10122. ~ JI), Oflkl•I Aacorcts. IPl)Olnled 10 Ille Dena PoWll Speoflc "*' &owd of "*"--D Hwwood .. Ill>-• l)Olnled to Ille Uw Llbf•ry 8oard of TN91-. °'p~1~ CC-EL•;-, An undlYldecl l/Hth PVlllC tlTICE Newporl Herbor Are• Choml)er Of Commate:a, Mr end Mrs. F Slllllng1, 0 " Poorman. E Q Warmington •• commended., P-Pr..,.,,llon W-. Rao Clou Interest In end to Loi I of Tract No. N" HHI Monlll ~ A•..,_ w-. -Ouelity w-.,. pr~; Cancer 1S., es .,_., on • """' recOf'dtd In .,. ,._ w-18 -ed end Ille City ot Cypr-Voutll Comm'-lon ..., Cypr-b o o k 2'7, P•oes JS and H . NOTIC E OF DEATH OF C011ege S1u<1enteou<d etowllhed..-..eior111e1rs1uc1en11n ao--1 0,., Mlsco1ta....n Meol. In 111e office of WALTER DOUGLAS ENGEL· Pro0c::;..,, eon"ructlon contrecu •• P<GPOMd. ew11t0ed, ChoanQed end oor"l*led tlle county t.cOf'cler of seld 'ountv, HARDT au WALTER D. EN Pet-,...,._. •• _......, ~=~·~1':;,'.:.~ ~°:~ .:;: G ELHARDT AND OF PETI Ch.-o K.,... 1e dMlgNlad Dlreaor of t.oct1 Mentel~,.,_ Con6omlnlvm-TIO N TO ADMINIS TER ES F" incr-'°' -...rt Du.,. ere-oveo. • PARCEL l: TIW tl<lu.slve r'9111 to TATE NO. A-11%511. Coast Community Col'-Dtt1r1e1 Conlllct or '"'er•t Code Is emended POss.esslon and occupency or tllos. T o all heirs, beneficiaries ~A~:C'::8:.~1~o::'11or1zeo 10 putc:tl&N ~and 1r..,,_ P<M'llO!ts of ltlo Common ArHs 01 Lot 1 creditors and contingent credl Treci matter••• ac>P<-. • of w ld Trect No. 1SJO, de•i-tod on LTER DOUGLA S H-CD tuno1 l0< 0ypreat •-.,. --Ille C..-nlnlum Plan H bllleonles, tors o f WA Or~ HO. 3312 11 adopted patios and/Of' POl'che•. •net,,,.,_ on ENGELHARDT, aka W ALTER ~uon rege1C11nO S8COlld Morfgeoe A1rYenuo Bond i-.. 11 adopted H id Condomlr1lum Pl•" as bolno D. ENGELHARDT and pel"ION Accoununo ~ ~1 le~ -rt•'*'1 to Parcel t •bOv•. who may be o therwise inte r Conaultent Serviceo Contrac:11 '°' Demal DI .... Pr-lion Pr~<am eno PARCEL 4 nw exclusive r'911t to ~-' in the wW and/« esta\e: Election lnlon.,.tlon Menagament S-,.•em •• 91>Pfovecl --•lion ~ 0941 UM •nd OCC-.Cy lor Wharf-end _..,.. . PYooeai<IO ConllK1 It COllllflued Oocklnt Pll-5 or such portion of tM A ~t!tlon hu been filed bv BuOoel l renolen.,. aulllO<lud. common Al'HI ot LOI 1 of wild Tract R AY M 0 N D W . E NG EL ~=-M.::..-:-~c:;:=:_ ":.c,°":.: :c'O:... No. 7SJO, -end defined on Ille HARDT In the Superior Cow-,,,. ~ S&S ConttNC!lon "-1 Dlelt1cl la --In cooncoepi pndorn'""'"' Plan n ._ SllP No. 1, ot Orang e County riuntln g v-"'"'-.-to-•• Noe It eull•ortzed. "l oet Slips" w111c 11 hes b .. n that RAYM OND W. NOEL Emf)loJmerl•of -1noOfltoetto llewW1Aml>ul11nOe lleen•~•~o-'P•<lflca11y deilon•l•d H belno u & .,,...,.. be poln•-' vecl •PPllrt•Mlll to Parcel I •bove In II• n.n.nu~ · ap ,..... U peno-~ 19adopledonP"~1n19ee11on ,...,ding H-CO Otwlta me nner provided for In 1110 nal repre1entatlve to admi TheCounty CouneelltautllONadto -l!leJ1_,. DKl•r••ton nin1ter the e.tale of WALTER Tb,,("4111.,. •• lll>PfOV.O. 44'3 w. Coast Hwy., Ne-rt B .. c11, DOUG LAS ENG ELHARDT ~Put~ ~~:"=0.. ie _0,,... c~.~t'! street address or common Costa Mesa. CA (under the ln Donetlon ot diap.y-IS~ aufgnatlon is sllown •llo .... no dependepnt Adminbtratlon of ~of~ tor "'°"°"' 1or Mentel Heellh CNlclfen'• S..-• eu111o- w. r r • n I y I I g Iv. n • I '0 I I s Eatata Act). 'n>e pelitlon ii llf!t l1nd Aor-• for ~ V•lley ~ ...... Rea'e9tlon Pro0•-.. authorl.lad completeness Of' correclneu )" Tiit for hearlni In Dept. No. 3 It 700 Trevel au111o11ze11ona •• ac>P<oved -flcl•ry _, sakl Dee<! Of Tr<rtl, Qvlc Cent.er Drive Wat. San\I A·E S.0-.__,. wltl\ Berryman W1C1 S.....,.._, lr'leorpof'eled i. _... by reason ol • -acll or clefeult In Ille ...... , 7 1""2 -ob ll9•tlon1 H Cured tlloroby, Ana. CA 92701 00 "f'"U • .., AHfP ~te-llleCl\leeof W...-arandLOeAIMlitoe -llPP'O"ld herotofOl'e e11e<utecl end delivered to a t 9:30 1.m. o.ner.. u.. ~ with Ille City of .._, 8-119 __......, the Ulldtf'sfOned •written DKl•r•tlon • IF Y OU O BJEC T to the Mortoaoaeer•refMMd 01 O.fallll end Dem9"d for Sale, •lld g ran ting of th e petit ion. yo u AH•~ OCHA AQerlda. Ille loefO aotoumeci'" _., o4 Jaoob wrt11annot1<oofbroacll•ndofel«tlon ahou ld eith e r appear at the ~s"•LI and a-.. ta ,_ Ille ~ lo wll said b la.. ' "" fH'lllMMY to Nltlsty wld Ol>lloatlons, heartna and at.ate your o ~-JUNE ALEXANOEA end ttierwlt0t the -lloned cauMd tlon.s. o r tile written objectlo111 Clerk of the Mid notice of brM<ll end Of e1ec11on to with the court before the bea-8-d of~· lie llocwdld .._, n . '"'· as ""ft" Your a........,,.. !bl)' be ln on:taAL ~•DINOe °",.. OAANOI: COUWl"f MOU9IMO AVTMOlllTY lllllr. Ho. 1)111 In llclof< 1aa,-.. •u,.. rr---..,...,,._,C......... , ... ,ol MldOffk l•• RacordS. penon or by your attonwy. A_..., meel'"9 °'Ille OfMge Cou111y HOue1ftG Aul!lori'Y -lleld lil#Clfl e. Safd Mio wlll be madt, but wllllOut IF YOU ARE A CIUCDITOR 1t12 et t:30 A.M Tiie fOlowlno '*'*' eom.,,,..,..,. 9*'111 ~ T1-f cevMant or w•rrenly, o preu or or a contlnaent creditor o f th« Nly, Olelrmeft; "°91' fl tlMtOn. H1rri11t M. Wiider, ~I. Cillrll Ind Ille a.ti, lmt>llacl, reoardlnt llllt, -'°"·Of' d tteaaed you mull file your Abeenl. lruot ....._.. '° \f'l...,..,..on o.c. °" CouMy .,....._,, -umlM'WICft. to fNIY tlW ,...,.1n1ng ' I AlllDNtlon of OOnl'l9 "-la -*' Pfln<lpal -ot tM not•<•I MCUred •cJalm wU.h the court or P'9H'I t Secllon I .. ~ ~MIOn l>r()Or'*n _, ,_,._ld•llOne .,. .., M .. o..i ot Trust, wltll lntorttt as to the pereonal repreeentatJvt 1111Ptoved. In Mid,...._..,_ ""8'KOI, "•nv. appointed by the court within OCHA _.,. lliMllllN .,. tt-..ct '°Ille~.-. ..__ T ~ ....,*'O ConltNelfon HGtt PtAllc 8alt le _,..,,,. ~ tN......,. of .. ,..._ of nm.. four month• from the date o f Tiit ,.._for .. ,.,.......°""",,,_ to llOI •...,.,.tot OCHA...., -'"'· cMttt Md e1pansas ot Ille first il9uance o{ letten • -"· -11 .,.,,_ frut• lilld flf ttw lru$1s created by .,..,.. -·-;;;;;..~ .......... .a..;.,..,.., ~ Mid C..0 of Trvtt. Said sale WIN 119 ded In Section 700 of the Pro· v v-n r llelf ~ ,,._y, ~ ,., •• •• 2.• bate Code of Caltfor11la. The IHALI JUNI Al.ECAHO«R ,.m., •t Ill• c11.,"'•" A .. n.,.. lime for Ullnc c l.irna will not Cllltl of 1111 ::-::; ~;:.~:"•:.If~'; !t~ prtorf ~~~thl from Bowel al..,.,.,..,. • .. Of••· ....... t.e 0 .. .., ·-.... noUoed ~ MC>Ca ..... °' ,... 80.ulO °" IUNll'fleOM °' ~ Al ,,. tlnw ..... Initial pulllkatt... abow. cowrrr. CM IN " ... -c• ... flf t11t1 f'lltke, .. ....,, .-11111 flf -YOU MAY ICXAMIN& the o-.y ~ ""' ... '-'•"'• ., 1t1e 01111 .. uet1 rue kept by the COW'\. u yw.,. .. ~:":'~.':ro8o;"'.i::-'c5:V ... ._.e1.._ • ..:: =====~~= In~ In tM 9'111e, )'O'l INY -lilld Oii...,,. 10, 1"2 • U O A.M. 'Ole ~_..,. lllillll ..._. •.... a4118Mel" ,, .. "'OU ... Te file a "*"iu.t wf\b the court to -*....., ........... ~............ . a.Clllft."l'llelflit,. ~· • .., Nly91C1tMCMlll.~-.......... w.....-o. on~...., ....,,,,.,.. Ille -" • 1'911 may rtettw epeda1 not"-of the In. ~ ,,...,. -_,....., to ..,... Ulltftnl Mllll••ioe l*Wlllt 11 • , .. , 11141 to....._ Wl''"""" of .. ta ........ and of ~ IWtA 1. OAT&D~-•• -·1 ..._ __ ,. .............., _1, ............... 8IN9fllCIAliiav1C•OO. the~~--.~-c:::;;.~~lorQMil,._.. .. ...,_. M .... T........ ~~ ... ~..,., OCMAlt...,_.._. ...... ,.....,...~ ............. eyT.D.SSRVIC•COMfl'ANV, of b~ Nlf04llile..-OCIA. ..-it DAVID M. aOl.KD. IN l:".::S"!!!.~.:.-.., .. ...,_,8 ,.__.._~ !IS!O,J·==:r, ... ., .. , ....... lilt ----··--· 0.Cllr~---· ti=·~-::·:::... =:, ~C:.-o.ily ....... ~ ....... 0,.,,. 0..... I ._. ..... "··'""" --..... , ....... .. • Dim ligllt n horizon Picture may be brightening. but it's still ~ark '1.~.~ I ' H1:W YORK-Wl&b .o~y out of work· and .o many bullneteee to •ta)' alive, bow can economt•tt fHl co dent that, u one beedllned a report the oth•r day, the borhon 11 ~~ IJ, .. eaJd another who wu uk~d to cql"l\IOenl on what eeem1 to be the ~ fore- c:Mt. .. But if you want to find a streak ot aold or blue,'' he aid, ••you may ltra1n YOW' eyee." When ecooam1tta talk about 11111Q>Wry," tt eeema. they're not alwaye talking aboul fine we.tber. Moce likely they're re1errtng to the petering out of a bad wea- ther cycle, and the beg1nn.lnc ol improvement. At the moment, the oonaensus teema to be that the worst will be over by early summer . But the e xtent of improvement ls another matter; most forecasts examined this week seem to contain cautionary advillories. Worst of all, many economiJts believe the recovery will be short-lived. Among the caution signals: the size of the federal deficit, the high level of interest rates, an abun- dance of ahort-tenn corporate debt, the poaibllity of re-inflation, the fragile finances of corporaUons. Why then do they t8lk about an end to the down cycle, as they say, and the beginning of an up cycle, however short-lived? Among the reasons being gi- ven:· --The laat seven recessions -in 1949, 1954, 1958, 1961, 1970, 1975 and 1980 -lasted an average of 9.3 months. If you accept July 1981 as the be- ginning of the current recession , it would average out in April Some economists question reliance an averages. The 1954 recession lasted 13 months, the 1970 rec- ession 12. Some studenta of cycles say the current downturn may even be a continuation of the 1980 recession. -The fall in petroleum prices may help pare price increases to relatively low levels. -There is some evidence of a decline in long- term interest rates. From early F'ebruary to early March the yield on long-term government bonds fell by more than a pereentage point. OVER THE COUNTER NASO LISTINGS HI Yid lllllFd Mun I ~ ---- Corporatlona, and pemmenta and lndlvlduala too. would be in a bet* pOllUOn to tpBld U In_._ expenees wen pared. MerrµJ Lynch't lkaaln .. OUtlook obMrvM th.al tntereet expemee for non- tinu*l cmn.,..U. rme 4& percent to '84 bOlion from 1979 to 1981. ' -Cuta tn ~ tnventOriee, which ~ted tor much of tbt drop In pcm nadonal product du,. rtnc \ht downturn. Wtll be Uowtnc by t&il llUDW'Der'. ft That. at leMt, la a~ fOC'eClllt. -·Income ta:te refu.nda will return purchuln1 ~ to the OONUmef' MC'tor. Caution, however, la exprffled by t0rn.. The Barut of New Yo.rk commenta that refundl wW be less than the $10 billion of 1980. which made "onlr, a questionable impact on overall economJc activity.' -Some lndicaton of eoonomk activity may be turning poeltive. Factory production rote ln Fe- bryftY by 1.6 percent. Housing ltar1a roee 6.5 per- cent, retail lales 1.6 percent. Again, widespread caution la expremed. Activity was depresled jn January by meteorologlcal u well purel~ economic factora. All three measures remain at low levels. And the numbera could be revised oown. . The horiwn may be brightening. It is still dark. U.S. personal • income. WASHINGTON (AP) -Americans' personal income rose 0.5 percent last month, a modest im- provement over the acant January gain and a De- cember decline, the government has reported. Personal income had fallen less than 0.1 per- cent in December, the first decline since the 1975 recession, before climbing 0.2 percent in January, the Commerce Department had reported earlier. The income report joined a string of apparently encouraging economic indicators published in recent days, but analysts inside and outside the govern- ment are still not proclaiming an end to the reces- sion. 1,17 ..,. 10.71 11,70 •.:n U4 11.54 12.61 tU~ 16.:M -.... t Ollol• 2 Micron un J Flair Q 4 ~w ' • Hiit~ 1 AR I OnnFln ' Miit"*'. IO Onwnd II UMC El 12 "'"'En IJ eaw:o M """'Har IS ~s " 11 =· " " WlwAt 111 AudlM ti AIOSOlr Z2 ~Iv ZJ GCBay,? M PCA "' ZS °"'°" • l1N91n 11 1.,,.. "" u~ IA•I Cha 4.\lo • 1'4 ,.., • 1 214 • .... • • 1 l 1·16 +11-16 ..... • 114 2~ • v. , ..... + -~ •I 2" • .... ~. "" 614 • I 6\lo + I IN • 2 )Y, • .... ••'9 • 1V. ~ ..... ,.,,, + 114 100,i. • , .... 1YJ • .... 20\4 • -2'1(, • -~·­m.-IS + 2 OOllWNS !Ast .?"t.. J 2 ... -~ 1 14 • "" J''" -•V. -"" JV. -'11 411o Tllo "" ' .... 5 .... ~ 14 m \lo J"' v. ~ -12 .... ' NII 4 16 3'41 -14 ·~ -.... 14 -t ~ 14 11 .... -'41 1V. -v. 3"' 14 , '" ' -·~ 2 ..... Pel. Up 1S 1 Up :M.AI Up 21.6 Up 21.6 Up U.O Up 2.U Up %2.2 Up 21.4 Up 11.I Up 21.1 Up 20.1 UP lt.O Up lt.O Uo IU Up 11.2 Up 17.1 Up 11.4 Up 11.2 Up 17.1 Up 16 7 Up IS i Up IS.I Up IS.I Up IS i Up ls.4 Pct. Oii 14 3 Off 12.0 Off II. I Off 11. I Off 10.~ Off 10 Off IO.l Off IU Off t.4 Oii '·' Off '·' Oii IJ Off u Off ~i Off Off '·• OH 7.l gr, 7.1 ... Off •• 1 OH .. , Off ,,, Off •. 1 OH .. , Off H Off 5.t Off u Ta• Ea .... , 21 e..At .... N Trm c..tt t.00 '·" T°'Re '·" S. 14 Grwtll 11.U N Tr'M Inv 7,,, NL Fa!r11d 5.77 • JI lnco 9.6' H Tr•v Eci .... 10.tt NEUlt l"uncl' StPaul Invest: TUdr Fd tUll NL Eq.olt 11.i t lt,7' ~~ t: eh ~ ~ t.U NL ~ 'rn :~: ~· ,.... N T'lilnC UI 'rM 4~~ ;::'" ' ' ScllOltw Fun$ USM Gt 9,,. NL T lCI l7.1' II.I' <:om St 10 15 NL USAA Inc t.4' NL .. S..1t U I OWf1 ,i:., NL USAA 51111 .... NL ~· llHTn: lncom 10 02 NL l.t>t A<CV 1"' NL =~ ~:J& :t ~Fd t~ tt I.WI MoA 1.70 NL ll3 NL So9d Jt.'2 "l ........ F ..... : NL l'•Fre ·" NL -~t S«vr=y FINI· = ~:: tOi ~L 7. 16 7.16 lnlGlll IL" 14.20 NL ~ s.p ,s.. °"' Inc t .IO t .'5 NL. I 1 .• 1 ,32 Aouc n.01 U.12 NL tr• l.16 6·7' HI Inc 11 .61 12.M NL Selt<Md FIA'ICIS: Inc om I.ti t. IS NL Am Slls 6';W N l NU'll U S s.s7 U2 5115f: 9'I IUI . NL Scll!fte I 05 1.• NL ."::' °'::·IO.l6 11,$2 tUt Braniff routes WASHINGTON (AP) -Pan American World. Alrwaya will take owr almmt all of Braniff Intern.a· donal Airlinee' routes to South America for tour yean and provide Braniff with an lmmedf.ate $20 m1Won to, eaae ill aevere caah ehortage,, the two airllnes an- nounced. • Braniff, which hu been fllrtlng whl\ po11lble bankruptcy, thus geta an oppoitunlty to shed rout.et that loet $16 million laat yeer and half that amount the yeat before. Tough OPEC meet seen . VIENNA, Austria <AP) -OPEC'• emeraency meeting today to deal wfth the world oil glut ta aoina to be a rough one, but the Saudis will defend t.bi $34 benchmark price. Venezuela'• energy m1n.later aid. "It's going to be a ftllficult meeting. It's a dltficult situation. I don't believe we can make a final dedllon ~production levels," said Energy Minister Humberto Calderon, who was among the early arrivals foe the mee\ing. • Firms announce layoffs NEW YORK (AP) -Several major companies have announced layoffs and another postponed an expansion program. -Texas Instruments lnc., citing a slump in sales of computer components, laid off 21700 workers, or about 3 percent of its worldwide work force. -Westinghouse Electric Corp. said it will reduce work schedules of 3,000 employees at its electrical products plant in Beaver, Pa .. because of sagging or-d~. . -Kennecott Minerals Co., blaming the slumping copper market, said it will shut its Tucson, Ariz.-area mining operations, putting 1,800 employees out of work. • I • I -Melbourne, Fla.-based Harris Corp. said it was canceling a $20 million expansion in Poughkeepsie, N.Y., and instead closing its semiconductor plant there. because of sluggish sales. Most of the plant's 125 workers already have been laid of1. I : ~ Deficits discounted · WASHINGTON (AP) -A Nobel prize-winning economist thinks Congress is making too much of federal budget deficits, but says the preoccupatipn at least is keeping Congress from attempting spending increases that would fuel inflation as they stimulate the economy. _ "All this talk about deCicits, all this concentration about compromise and so on is a sign of the ab6olute triumph of President Reagan's economic policy," Mil- ton Friedman said. Tax auditing declines WASHINGTON (AP) -An individual taxpayer's chances of being audited by the Internal Revenue Service will drop to a record iow this year -even though tax cheating is on the rise. But the IRS. rejecting oven.ealous enforcement as too mudr like "a police state," said Wednesday it is expanding other programs intended to pick up at least a little of the estimated $72 billion in taxes the U.S. Treasury may be losing each year because of unint- entional errors and outright cheating. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES AMERICAN LEADERS HEW YORK (AP) • Se!M. Thu,.. ptk:4 and ne1 chang• of IM 19" mott K11ve A1Mrtc1n Stodl ~ ...._, 1redlng ndonely at mor. lllan • , . .... 109,100 ~ +1'-""41Tr lSl,100 1~ + '-°""'"'1 • 1llli.l00 7'4 + ~ M'dlfll 1CD.t00 lt!W + 1~ -.-.oll •.100 s v. + "' DllrdlltGes ,... 1•~ + 1'4 lldllrra-71,ADO • • ,,_ Omrtl Nr SUOO I~ + "t l"IMn:ll.w 56,200 1~ • '"' llllrOyGa • ...JOO ~ + Vt NEW Y~IC(API RMI °""'"~•V9L far l'lllridey, Mat. 11. STOCKS JD Ind cr.rto :/:1 ~ ~~ f'A ID Tm m .10 l31.1S m.7' m .o+ •.u 1J Ull 105.U 106.a 105.CD J05.15 + 0.'5 66 Stk 31161 31US 31U3 31',13+ UO ,.... .. . ............. . •..m.100 Tran . • • • • . • • . . . • . . . • • • • • • • 1,"4,SOO Ulll• . .. . •. • .. . .. . .. ... •.. . tll,000 J66 5111 • • • • •• • •• • •• • • • • • • •• • 1.Jn,100 WHAT STOCKS DID NEW Y~K (AP) IMt. 11 Thun. 1Clll -o• 1tsl 1 " NEW Ya.IC IAPI lier 1e Thurwclay m 111 10Z 1U s 1' METALS ' Thuradey Pnv CS:T. 11' 41t 1m 1 1Cll c.,_, 74~18 c•nta a pound, U.S. deallMtlona. L..cl 28-32 c.nta. pound. I' Z1M 39 c.nt1 a pound. ~1-.c:I. Ttn $8.7888 ~1'11 WMlc compoalt• .· lb. AkHftiftum 7S.77 cents a pound, N.Y . ......_, 1395.00 par nU11. "8ttnum '305.00 troy oz.. N.Y. SILVER Thur.oey Hendy & Herman, $7 105 per troy ouncie Thurwclay LOftdon: morning fixing $322.40. up , M40 Loncfoft: •fl«noon lbt~ 1320.00. ue> $4.00 itert.: $331.90, 119 M .09. ''eM!twt: 1327.80, uc> $1 U1. ' ~: Lat• nx~ 1319.00, ~ ..-.oo • ~j 1322.00 Mked. ftaMIJ a H~Man: only dally quote *;i.<>:> .. ~o:; dally quote $320.00. llO .00. SYMBOLS J Civic beautification wW benefit froM fundl railed by the La1Una Beach Garden Club at a lunchlon. ~ of bridle and a fuhlon ahow. 'nw ewllt will beCln at noon March 2e at the Republic hderal Savtnp and Loan bulldlna. La- pna Ntcuel. ITUDBNTS CAN LEARN hc)w to remount and care for 8'alhorn fema and the care of indoor planta at two worklhope at the Sherman Library and Gudem, Ccr'ona del Mar. Femi will be the topic at 9:30 a.m. Saturday. Indoor plantl wW be discuued at the same time . Wedneeday. PLANTS AND EASTER baskets will be among feetured items at the Harbor View Hilla Garden Club 1araie sale March 26 and 27 at 1520 Keel Drive. Corona del Mar. Hours are 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. each day. Proceeds are to aid the Onilae County MUlk Center and the Newport Harbor Art. MWllWn. A LECl'Ul\E ON FERNS and African violeta I.I planned by the Irvine Garden Club at 10 a.m . Wedneeday at Lloyd'• Nunery, Colla Meta. PLANTS GROWN exclusively at the San Dteao Wild Animal Park will be-offered for ale today and Sunday,~ park 1ardenera will be on hand to diacuu optimum growing condltlona of unusual spedmena. Aocetl to the plant ahow and sale '8 included In park admiaaion. A PHOTOGRAPHIC EXCURSION through Chinese gardens will be preeented by Maggie Kes- wick, author of "The Chinete Garden." The presentation of UC Irvine Extension is scheduled at 7 p.m. Tuesday in F-110 Medical Sciences I, UCI campus. · •If you started vegeta- ble leed indoorS, be sure to thin seedlings to pre- vent overcrowded or stunted plants. This can be done when the plants are 2-3 inches high. IMPATIENS •Min imize the pos- -1 bili t y o f turf graaa diaeue by planting die right grasa variety for your particular climate at the recommended rate and at the right time of year. •Moo annuals will give. you more and better bloom if you pinch out the terminal •buds at planting time. spmg Fashion Show .... ,.,. ......... ........ 4 .. Pot •NURSERY ALL ITEMS SUBJECT TO STOCK ON HANO Sele good lfWough Merc:ll 26, 1982 .f'ATIO F~ OPEN MON. THAU SAT. 7-6 -SUN. 9-5 FOR SALE -J osie Pryor arranges plants for Tustana African Violet Society show and sale at the Santa Ana Ebell Clubhouse. Hours are 11 a.m.-4:30 p .m . Saturday; 10 a .m .-4:30 p .m . Sun- day. Huntington Center's Spring collections presented by Dorothy Shreve Modeling Studio Fri. at 7 :30, Sot. & Sun. at 1 & 3, Mor. 19-21. -uH~HG LLOYD'S NURSERY ANO LANDSCAPE CO., INC. ::~~~ 2028 Newoort 8M1. (.t 8-y St.) Cotta MeM. CA 92827 / (714) 848-7441 Why buy or lease your new Porsche or Audi from just any dealership when you can get the special treatment at Park. At Park Porschct/Audi, we're committed to offering the ultimate in customer service. Your new Park Porsche or Audi comes complete with a Park Preferred Service Club Card, entitling you to a multitude of complimentary services. You'll also have a personal Park Consumer Representative, here to af)swer all your automotive questions. An.d, if you'd like ~~< y. to pick up your new automobile right from the factory, ask about our unique European Delivery Program. The professionals at Park Porsche/Audi are dedi-i»O=l)(l-i: // J\Ui)i cated to giv~ng you t~e first class treatment you de~erve. II Come m and discover the Park Porsche/Audi UNLIKE ANY OTHER difference. 6700 Manchester Blvd., Buena Park, Ca. 90621 (714) Sll-8621(213)921-7744' The Beach Blvd. exit off the Santa Ana Freeway. • It'• Tim• To Plant A VEGETABLE GARDEN •• / I !t I .t• ftitl MAKES IT EASY ' And we can help too with• large vartety of vegetablel to plant now. TOMATOES•LETTUCE•CELEAY• ONIONS JM PEPPEAS•EGGPLANT AND MANY MORE. ~ ~~:~r::~: •X:leACH ~ i :flrt•fti11Prepere1 Your .Soll ~ Properly a.tore Plantlng. lliJ:l BANDINI VEGETABLE ~ FOOD 'EJ:J .. I lb. bet Reg. S2.H V BANDINI VEGETABLEIC ... J • PLANTING MIX •-lll--=----2 cu. ft. bet Reg. SUt ......,,.........,.,, ... FREE·Veget.ble Planting Gulde. I W• ..... OM of the..,... • ..,.... I v....-bt• leed Mlectlone In Onnee County ( Floriat Special J CARNATIONS Come In tor dozens of our frffh-cut C.rMtlona. Manycoton. Since 1946 FLY Ha)ltmi.s Nursery -Florist 2'40 Harb~r Blvd., Costa M11a AND DUY. Pe rte Porsche/Audi lnvlt .. you to• spedet evening. Taking a European vacation? Join us for complimentary wine, cheese and travel films, on Friday, March 19th at 7:00 p.m. Park Porsche/Audi will introduce its all new, unique and unlike any other European Delivery Program. Our expert travel advisors will be on hand to explain how you can save time and money by picking up your new car in Europe. I For more information call 714/521-8621 or 213/921-7744. .,, UNLIKEANYOTHER M=t<Y. 6700 Manchester Blvd. ~>Cl-I AUDi Buena Park. Ca 90621 . ' I . I .-.--------~----...------ Beasley, did al I he was uked during OCC s-eason; Page CJ.-.~~} ·Mulligan: PCA.A better. than -Big 8 The PCAA la better than the B1c 8 in buket- ball. Sound far-fetched? \, 'PoRTS EDfTOR 0 r m pulhlnc fer a Jona-term cont.net. but I'll )l8t eee 1-ow the convenadon ao-.'' MuJJJon, in the eecond year of a three-year plCt. wouJa really like a five-year contract with a renewal cla-.-fNf!rJ year. Which would mean that if he wu fired he would atlll be paid for the re- ~ fou.r yean. I've ttAned here, and I mean that alncerely. When you pt older, it'a important where you live.'' .. • M~ hat IOl'Oe t.h1np '°'1'8 h1a way: Well, that'• not me talk.lrur. Thoee worcl,I of· wladom come from UC Irvine bUketball coach Bill Mulllpn. CRAIG SHEFF -He a corn1nc off a very .uccellful IMllOn and recruitina hat been pretty aood. -A new gymnuiwn (capacity 7,000) ii in the planning stape and ii three or four yeua down the road. And he'• down-right adamant about it. ·~are alx t.eama in our conference aa aood or better than Oklahoma," aaya Mulliaan, whOM team fell to the Soonen (80-77) in Norman durfna eecond round play of the NIT Monday nlaht. "Oklahoma lost just one aame at home this aeuon and that waa to Mlaaouri by about four polnta. The PCAA ta definitely every bit u aood u the Big 8 or better. The problem la no one else knows lt." aaya MullJaan. reputation. And with Nevada Lu Vegu movfna into the conference next aeuon, it ahould be up-araded conaiderably. 'lbat'1 the aame kU\d of contiw:t that Oklaho- ma Coach Billy Tu~ hal. But th1a ii Irvine, not Oklahoma, and one wouldn't figure that lrf ulllgan would aet that kind of pact. But who knowa? • • • MULLIGAN BAS BEEN contacted by the Univenity of Wt.oonain about Us vacant basketball job, And he's also had lndlrect conversation with people from Stanford and Arlzoria. -~edullng ii aett.tnc better. Next tea- IOll he'll not o~y play a ruae<l PCAA 11ehedule (including UNL V), but he'll meet Oregon. P~pper­ dine and 1dabo, and probably ColondO (if UCI s:8Jl book the Anaheim Convention Center or l,,Ona Beach Arena). . • • • • • • But Ucra play, and that of Freme> State in the NCAA toumament. have to enhance the .PCAA'a MUWGAN SAYS he wanta to atay at UCI and he'a currently talkina contract with athletic d.itector Linda Dempuy. "Sure, I've ltatened to 10me of these people, but I really want to atay here. I'd like.to continue what MY ADVICE (for what it's worth) to Linda Dempsay: Give M~an what he wanta. lt'a worth (See SHEFF, Pase C%) CLOSE QUARTERS -Oregon State's Lester Conner (32) goes up for a jumper over Idaho's NCAA Western Regional, game at Provo won by the Beaven, 60-42. See story, C2. Dodgers face suit Fan files charges against players SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - The Los Angeles Dodgers and three of lut year's players are being sued for $5 mlllion by a San Francisco Gianta' fan who contends he was attacked in the ~ at Candlestick Park, court offidaJa said Thunday. Ironically, the Superior Court auit names Reggie Smith, who oow la with the Giants, u well u Jay Johnstone and Davey Lopes, bow with the Oakland A'a. Ma-n.acer Tommy Laorda and Dod-ter Prelddent Peter O'Malley are allO lilted .. defendan11. Michael Doole~38, of Red- wood Qty admita Smith from the atanda near the duaout durtna a bueball aame Sept. 24. Smidi and other players char1ed into the atanda after Dooley alleaedly hurled a 90Uve- nlr batllnl DebDet at $mith. Dooley was arrested on suspicion of assault and battery and dia- turbing the peace, but police re- leased him the next morning. "Fam· have the rights to yell and scream and boo, to b e boo-birds," Joeeph W. Cardone Jr., Dooley's attorney, said Wed- needay. Smith was fined $50 by the Dodgers and $5,000 by the National League for his actions. "My client could have been killed in that incident and it . would have been homicide, '1 Cardone said. ''Thia la corporate lm!aponalbt- lity ... For 90IDe damn reMOll when they put the corpcnte hat on. they forget about morality." Dodger officlala at a aprlng training game In Tampa, Fla., could not be reached for com- ment. .. A win and UCI was home free Anteaters now must deal with the present . and the future NOTES JN A COOltlE JAR: UC Irvlne'a buketball team was origi- nally tol.d It would be on the road throuahout the National Invitation Tour- nament. However, if the Anteaters had won their nme with Oklahoma, one NIT off.icial aaid UCl'a next. game would have been against Texas A&M at the Forum in hWewood tonight . . . 'I'be game, incidentally, would have been televiaed. And, ju.st to lnaure the report, UCI athletic buaineaa manager Rob Halvaks confirmed the fact Irvine had secured a date at the Forum . . . Kevin Magee won't be the only UCI ae- nior continuing his.career. Rainer Wulf and Kevin Fuller hope to hook on with a team in Europe. Randy Whieldon, meanwhile, is keepin, his fingen crOl8ed he'll get a crack at the pros. Magee's ticket to the NBA is already usured . . . Chris Beasley, who was recently named to the Community College Division I All- State team, has reportedly narrowed his choicea for next 1eason to UC Irvine or I Fresno State. Beaale~ scored more than 1,- Welch IDuffles Reds, 11-0 TAMP A, Fla. (AP) -Combi- ning Bob Wekh'a lively arm and the Cincinnati Reds' snoozing bata Thunday got the anticipated resulta. Welch, showing no sign of the elbow problems tbat trou- . bled him a year ago, pitched five no-hit inninp, and two other Los Angeles pitchers surrendered just two hita as the Dodaera routed the Reda 11-0 in an ex- hibition bueball game. Last spring training, Welch was bothered by a bone apur in his right elbow. Thia year, he's 2-0 and haa given upJust nine hita and three earne runs in three starts ~ 12 innings. "I feel very ," Welch aaid. "Laat year at time, I wasn't throwing because my elbow didn't want to cooperate. So far thia apring, everyth ing's all right." Reda' Manager John McNa- mara aaid the spring training workouta in the bot Florida sun have caught up with hia club, which had very little hitting for the 1eOOnd CONeCUtive game. The Reda managed just one run and three hita on Wedneeday against the New York Meta. "What we aee now ia that we have reached the stage where people are tired -the bata are heavy, the legs are heavy. lt'a a atage you go through," McNa- mara aid. Ron Cey slammed a two run homer and Jorge Orta knocked in three runs to pace the Dodgen' attack. IPOAT8 COU.MUT JOHN SEVANO 000 pointa during hiS two years at Orange Coast College . . . -fresno State Coach Boyd Grant was leahing heavily on OCC Coach Tandy Gillis for 80llle help in recruiting Beasley at the recent Community College state cham- pionships. Gillis was smart enough, though, to stay noncommittal. Wally Torkells, Gillis' assistant at OCC the past four seasons, has retired in order to spend more time with his family. Gillis is hopekll he can get· Ray Orgill as a r e- placement. Orgill, the MVP of OCC's '79 state championship squad, spent the past season coaching the Laguna Beach High junior vars.it}' ... Univ~tylligh's 6-7 atar forward Brad Guess has narrowed his choices to Orange Coast and Saddleback. Estancia'• point guard, Jeff Gardner, ia reportedly leaning toward Orange Coast -not only for bas- ketball, but for baseball, too . . . No less than nine colleges have shown interest ln Beasley. They are Oral Roberta, West Texas State, UC Santa Barbara, TCU, Houston, Santa Clara and the University of San Diego. UCI and Fresno State round out the field ... Beasley paid a visit to the Fresno area recently. He was rumored to be very im- pressed with Grant and his program, but very l~wann on Pie city itaelf . . . One of the more heart-wanning 10eDeS that took place after UCl's loea to the ::;oo- ners occurred in one of the hotel rooms hours later. Guard Leonard Johnson and forward Rainer Wulf were kidding with eaclfother when Johnson said, "I gues,, this means we're not teammates any more?" A more serious Wulf replied: ''We're still teammates ... we'll be teammates for life." The comment was followed (See JOHN, Page C4) Pedro Guerrero doubled home a run in the firat inninc off Reda atarter Bill Bonham, 0-1. Cey followed one out later with hit third home run of the apring traln1na aeuon to give the Dod- aen a 3-0 lead. THROUGH THE WICKETS -Fresno State's Don Muon bounces a paas throuah the lega of Georgetown def ender Mlie Hancock during Thursday night'a Western Regional game in provo. Bulldop were eli- minated. 58-40. The imulatian pu1a ~ aald the playera attacked him, llreakina h1a left hand and three ribe before order waa rettond. Georgetown puts BUildogs ·to sleep, 58~40 ANGEL GAME WASHED AWAY PROVO, Utah (AP) -S!xth .. ranked with auarct Eric "Sleepy" tUna from iM outakle and 7.fOot in that flurry, durine wbieh Fremo ICC). Nd just one field pl in more than a .five-minute lplUl. 'lbree bMketa by Rod HJaina helped points on two ocrwdom early in the aec- Ond half, bUt both Una J:wtna took Job ~ underneath and alammed the ball tlon, WU• paced by Hi11in1 with 12 polntl. .· ' .. I I · d , I . : I I • i: I : )I .J ! i ~ . . .I f I SUN CITY, Aria. (AP) -The Milwaukee Brewen nhl.,.tlon .... with the Anpil WM raimd out 11sunday, but the day w.m't a "*1 io. for the Baewen. center Patrick hinC aetUnl aome crucial lnaide buketa, dOwn.a 1'remo State lMl-40 Thunday nllbt ln the NCAA Weat Re1lonal buketball 9l!IDifinala. The triumph 11enda Geor-.. town Into the ~ final Saturday aoimt Ore-aon State, which defeated ldaI.o eo-.f2 in the odm ..mf1na1. 'He (Ewing) dictated the whole game. He does so much for them offensively A.her • ttu.-pbint play by Flwno'• Bernard ThomptOn had trimmed th• lHd to 31-SO, Ewlq countered aaun wttlCa Up-in and, .aandl latier, ICGred on lti11 another lob-and-dunk play. "Ewlna was extremely ~h on w and be bot them ahe9d," Fremo State eo.ch Boyd Grant. \'Drfenalvely, be IDtlmkWted i. a btt. We rmde a rub and took a couple of abota inllde and be blocked them. lt'a like. tun¥M:r.'' ~· Whm ltclnD waminlt a.me up earl~ in the morntnc, Boclaen Im& Pwta Vudrovlch 10 ptich In a E pme aplmt the Chl-Olbi In ...... Arts. Vucla>- pltcbed five ICOl'eletl In- .... the aewa1 won S-1. Floyd, who fln!ahed with 11 potntl, converted a ......._~t play -.rly in the pme 10 ltlirt the ~on a l!P'll1 that .aw them outleor'e "'-» 14-2 and take • 20-10 ... wtth 9:29 left tn the flnt ~· htnc .... Md • .,...pamt p1a1 and def ensir:;Zi ' -..a.,... the Bu)~ reducll the balftbM cWidt 10 2&-20. Fremo State drew wttbin thrw Two more buketa by Ewin&, _.vlnc him 12 pob\ta 1n the half and 1& for tht pine, helped the HoyM 10 an eilbt-pomt ldvan .... and J'Nmo. fOl'C*l 1IO foW in the dolmc ......... oouldn't catch up. . Geor~ converted 12 ot 12 fne throw8. llx of them by J'red Brown. in tbe llna1 2:19 10 cUncb the Y9Cwy • rnmo State, rtnbd 11th ln the 'na- • HJ.aina noted Uult Ewtnc .. dkta'41d . ; the WfM>le pme. He dom IO m\dl f;r' them offemlvely and def~." Geor .. town ·eo.ch John Tbom'*'8 aa&d be ... pl1111tl to .. htnl ..... 101M offenllw atridm. "I don't tbink .. k>Okl ~ to ........ aa&d Tbomplala: "Hela not Mlfiah enouah. H7. ~ oantent ;.t to win." " -------~-----~_...-,...~--~~~~--~.-......----1 ................ ..;_.__~.-,.~--·----~-----f---........ ._...---------_.--~~....-~~~-~~ - ..._.._, -------~~ .. ........ WNtelox ...... llPipandllamt.. ................. ...,.. .... Qt',. nb911111Da l0--, mddbl· ..... .... ~Che Dlraait ~ ~~ bit a 1·2 ptteb over ... •-o.'hi'lftff off 1Tlf:. atarier La;!, .:;.. .... ,,-;_-~---..-----·--·-.-' ....... tO ... a ICOl'e Ui • T • ,_,,... ~lljar and Vletate a.me ,,......_...a tw.bltW •St. Louie Ill.Did Che ..... a-1 . . . IUpt..bmder. ... ..,.., threw• lnnln9' ai U...blt ball • Cleveland blanked Seattle, 2-0 . . . ... c.., ......... a bomt rub and • triple to 1eed Bal- dmore to • 7-3 victory over Adanta,'th• Brav .. • aeccmd MILWAUKKE-.Joha JaH· a lou ln 11 outlnaa thh ~··perfect,._. Ml DOt ._. • ;&'::~ ... UnbMten Riek Hncttoaecl yet ti1 Uae AaerlcaD woo hil third....-ot Bowu~c:.:---But jf it .. John ! l-l•D the eablbltlon HHOn, .. would the 10':' .•:.e;-ewl' to nJll a PlalburP banded Philldelphla Ila fifth ~t mnct:kJmd IOO pme. to ABC recordl. ia., f.2. Rhoden pve up ~ hlla ln lfve John, you -, 19 jl.llt 11 ,_. old. Lnn1no for the Pintee . . . by a Toronto A twice• week bawm with a 189 .,,....., error,~X-City puahed acra. three rum in John roDed Che pme 1lllt Saturdlly at the Three the bottom of the 9ixth lnnlna to ab.ade the Blue Su1ma Bowl Jaya. 3-2 ... B ... y Bell lluaed a thfee.run ABC recorda lhow the JOU11P1t bolder of a bcmer' in the fil'lt inn1na and 'l'ex.u went m to perfect bowllna aeon WM Matt 'nlrone of MW-lhut out Manv.I. 4-0 . . . Dan Eqle'• ~ lne, ~ .• w6o had a aanctloned 300 pme in run homer ln the fifth inning gave Minne.ota a 1971 when he WM 12. 4-3 Yktal'y OYel' Bo8ton, the TWlna' lfJCODd Wtn ln Jobn'a mocber', who worb at Three Se 11 :ma, nine OUtlncl . laid abe ... llDO ddted to look. ''When I aw that be Md five ltrtbl ln a Olympic atar now a prince's cook row, I didn't look anymore,'' lbe Mid. "I get too . LA JOLLA -Almost a decade II pmllcky. Then, lat.er when I beard be had nine. I aher he won a Gold Medal and two thoucht 'JO. 11, 12' ·" · 1llven in the Munich Olymplca of John Mid he felt "really 1oocl" when be 19'72, IWimmlng star Mike Stamm ii rolled the 1alt ball buay making mldnlght snacks for a Saudi Ara-" All the people who were there were ao bUn prince. e.xcited and happy," be Aid. "My mom wu At least five eveninp a week, be drivee to ahaldna IO much. My dad WM ~· too." work at the ocean-view mansion of Prince Fahlld He ia a fifth-grade student a blleblll. ' T. Abdulam, 26-year-old nephew of King Kha-football and basketball player at Blakewoocl led of Saudi Arabia: Be ad· ~-t=. tw~~ he wu 5 or 6 veerl Yiw Fabad about food, puta Piii: -.. ~ menua together, prepan!9 and old and ja a junior bowler ln the United Alley eerve. meals , ... Moi ...... u late Wcr~.er·s:Leecue. aa 10 p.m. and-;;:~ aa late aa 3:30 a.m. . Quote of the day "Any company that can inveat .in the Chicago Cubis bu a view of the future we cannot even betzin to comprehend," -Jeff ~cNelly, the Pulitzer PriJle-winning poli- ticill cartoonist who left the bualneaa to concentrate on b1a comic atriP1 "Shoe,r on why be had d~ded to resume drawing political peneJs for the Chicago Tribune. Stamm. 30, who took the night job last September, al80 works part-time as~ maitre d' at a nearby restaurant. · "I learned to cook in ITMm college," he said. "I lived with one of the other swimmers and we uaed to cook for each other." "'lbey're young people," aaid Stamm of the prince and bis friends. Oregon State romps Virginia's season ended by Birmingham From AP diapatdles PROVO, Utah -Senior guard Lester Conner acored 24 points and 80phomore Ow-Ile Sitton lldcled 16 -fourtb-nmked Orepi State \.-id ita patient offeme to repeatedly ~ up easy t.aketa underneetb in the .caftd half and defeat Idaho 60-t2 Thunday night ln the NCAA Weat Begienal baaketball M!llliflMJs The victory aendl the Beaven lnto Saturday• l"tlOma1 final. Idaho, 1u1Ierlng throu1h a poor ahootinC night, rarely aot more than one abot at the buket u Ute taller Beaven controlled the boerda. Ala.-Blrm-...,..m II, Vlrpua If BIRMINGHAM, Ala. -Oliver Robinaon led upatart Alabama- Btrmln1bam on a hot 1treak that comumed 4 ~ minutea of the .-mxl half, and the Blazen \&led emotion and a hllhly partisan crowd to re- gllter a et.-vict«y over VifSlnla in the Mideeat Repmala. Bobinaon acorecl nine points ln a streak that helped Alabama- Birmlngham. wbme bMketbal1 proc· ram la only four yean old' nlly fl'CB under the thumb of the mieht giant that la ~ and Ralph $amp.on. IAmvOle l'J, M'=l•ta 11 high 27 points ln the aecond hall to power the Georgia Bulldoge to a cmne-from-behind 90-73 quarterfinal National Invitation Tournament vic- tory avw VitpUa Tech. The l:ulldop. 19-11, advanced to the •nlflna) round Mcinday m,ht in New York'• Nac&oo &ware Garden with the victory over the Bokie1, 20-11. . Georp, which trailed 38-33 at lntermilllon, took charp in the ae- cond half. The Bulldop ecored the firat f lve points to Ue it before a 3-point..play by Wi1ldm put the host team ahead to ltay at 47-44 with 14:52 remainlnR. OklaJloma 11, Daytoa IZ · NORMAN, Okla. -David Little and Chuck.y Bunett hit for 53 points aa Oklahoma piled up a masaive aeamd·half leed and held on to defeat Da~, 91~82, and earn a berty ii\ the NIT aemifinala. Uttle' collected 30 points and Bar- nett added 23, with much of their ~rinc coming early in the second half when Barnett'• free throw gave \the &onen a 71-50 advantase. The Soonen, 22-10, uaed a full- court J!'e9I lntennitt.ently throuQhout 'the pme to t~ man than 2(J"Day- 1on tumoven. Bradley '17, Tldaae 11 Leonard wins verbal sparring match l•aar Ray .Leoaard, mixln1 • pra.IM and r1d.1cWe u effectively u left bookl and rl&ht croues, aet up challenger Rocer Staff• ... Thunday and chopped him down at the news conference that offlclally announced their upcomina title flght. Leonard, the undiaputed world welter- weight champion with 22 knockouta and only one loee ln 32 fJghta, called Stafford a wOl'thy challenger, then predicted he'd knock him out with eae. The 15-round bout wu aet for May 14. "I.a quick aa bis speech waa, that'• how Iona the fight la going to Iaat," Leonard said aher Staf- ford had spoken only for a couple of minutes . . . Gres Robluaa, who had aerved u linebackers coach on the North Carolina State football ataU for the past two yeara, baa been hired as defensive. line coach at UCLA, it w. announced Thursday . . . Dale Earallardt whipped b1a Ford around the Atlanta Intema- tlon&I Raceway at 163.774 mph to lead Thurs- day'• qualifying for the NASCAR Gr-.nd National race Sunday at Harppton, Ga .. ~ .. The Philadelphia F.agles, hurting for speed at their receiver positions, have given a tryout to hurdler Reuldo NehmiU, one of the fastest men in the world. Nehemiah, the only man to nm under 13 · aeconda for the 110-meter high hwdlea, U. con- sidering foraaking the 1984 Olympics f« a career in pro football . . . Stu Gallap, executive di- rector of the National Golden Glove. A9odatlon of America, has been permanently 1uapended from amateur boxing in the United States. Gal- lup has been under suspension Ii.nee November, 1978 for participating ln arrangements for a box- ing team to compete in South Africa, in viola- tion of national and international federation rules. lonlOI .., further behind &:.ktirf &ell~···~ ... ~~.,:".,,......,491:9 duvwl tD .,. .. Dltralt ....... :=-t.L~.:a~~T1: ..... behind tbe i..an tn the $1111 fClr thi Pldtic DMllan crown ••• ••wt... Calttll Nan aannec...s an .u 11 ol-hil a.Id ..i trill for 2e po&nla to lMd ParUand to a 1Cl9·"16 wtn ovw ylahtaa Golden State . . . W•J•• llellla1 ~---11n A.Dea 1.iea .. a lho& wtth three ..a.• left to live the Hawk.I a 9&-94 triumph over HOUltoft. • Television .. radio FollowinJ are top 1port1 eventa on TV io-nlcht. Ratinp are....., ....., ....., ....., exicellent;....., v ....., worth w•tditna: ....., v fair; ....., forget it. ~., CUuel 11 "" "" V' BIGB SCHOOL BA8UTBALL: Riverside Poly VI. Loi Gatoa. Aaa0Heer1: Barry Thompkln1 and Pete Newell. Rlvenide Poly'• undefeated Bean will be fadni another team with an undefeated record in the Loa Gatol Orange Cn.lah, champlona of the Cout Section in Northern Callfomia. "&th teuna have 33-0 records going into the game and the <>ranee Cruab la led by "&-10 tenlor forward Suzy Meckenatock, a Jeaaue MVP for two yean with an 18.7 acorina avence. Poly la led by Cheryl Mill~r who II averaQlna 37 pointa a game. 11 .. IO p.m., Clwmel 11 V' V' "" moe SCHOOL BASKETBALL! Canon VI. Wuhlngton. Aaao1acera: Barry Thompldna and Pete Newell. Canon'• Colts are the Loa Anaeles City champions with a 25-2 record. Eldridae Hudaon la the ie.m acoring leader with a' 23] aven,e. The 6-6 aeni« center wu named MVP in two toumamenta th.la year. Waahin«ton'• Ea&Ies are 22~8 .:nd are the Norhem California champlone from San Franclsoo. . . OTHER TELEVISION Basketball -NIT quarterfinal game, 11 p.m., Channel 9; NCAA regional eemWnal. North Carolina VI. Ala~ ~!_:3() p.m., Channel 2. n.JWIO Basketball -Lakera at Dallas, 6 p.m., KLAC (570). THE BIGGESTTRUCKSALES EVENT IN TOYOT~S HISTORY! BIRMINGHAM, Ala. -Derek S~lth and Lancaater Gordon led 20th-ranked Louiavllle on two aeeond-half acorlng •purta, and the c..dinala upeet aeventh-ranked Min- nm>ta 67-61 ln the Mideut Regional MmiflNJs Pl!X>IUA, m. -Mitchell Andenon acored 18 poinla and led four Bradley playera in double figures aa the Braves tc0red a 77-61 win over Tu- lane to adVance to New York and the .eemifin.ala of the NIT. ..;,. Choose &om a $200.000.000 Inventory-of 12 models- the laraest selectfon of small trucks In America . Beds. spacious Long Beds. sporty smooth-riding SR5s. rugged go-anywhere 4x4s. Nothing Is held back. Truck you want and make the deal of the v8H · Twice, the underaized CarCllnalJ need to a lead, the tint time surren- dering lt to a tenacious Mlnneaota team, the second time ref uaing to ~· Bradley, 24-10, exchanged leads with Tulane for the tint 12 minutes, lthen took an 18-14 lead on two con- aecut:lve a1aJn dunks by tenior ceilter Donald Ree.. LouJnille earned the riaht to play ln the regional champlonal:up Satur- day, ancf the Cardinali earned it delplte llvtnc away abe and bulk to Mbmeeota. GMflla M, Vqlala Tedi 'Jf . The Bravea then went on a 14-2 ICOrinl ~and held a 31-22 lead at the 1'alf. Tulane waa unable to trim the Bradley IDU'lin ln the aecond bal1 despite the efforta of forward Paul Thompai. who led all acoren with 19 pohlta. ATHENS, Ga. -Dominique WUldna exploded for 19 of bia ,.me.. NCA}\ penalizes St. Louis MISSION I Kan .. (AP) -The NCAA pi.ced St. LotaJ• Unlveraity on a one-year probation ~b!ii vlolatlona ln .. pn>pam. =e~~b= ~ lnbmation" by C-Ch Ron Ekker and otlm'I durtna an &nwati-....._ Tbe NCAA l9ld l.kker- ooedueted ---pnc-u.. wtth memben of * buketball team on aumeroua oeCUIOM I.ft 11,8, 1110 and ltll ...... '&Mllt..t. .................... rt« • Clft two-~ ~ the auamHtr of . lllL • From Page Ci SHEFF'S COLUMN .. it to the .::bool and the community. U YC>U don't it's ~ he'll be p1ie ln no time and UCI wW be to playing tor lat pi.a before a handful of f.ana. • • • UCl'I BIGGEST obetacle next eeuon la re· pl.adne All-American Kevln Mllllft, and tb,at can't be doDe. An All-Ameriica at a acliool llke UC Irvine COID8I akma once ln a ar-t wblle. Mi!° would Undoubtedly like a 7-foo~r who II and can lhoot, but be wcn't atay up aa,htl that dolm't ....... He doee have Bn McDonald (0-8) and Bob• Thamton (8--9) ~xt ._.., Uma with acme other pntty "UCLA and t ~ ln the NCAA fJnall a t.w ~.., md die~ 1UJ an the floor W11 8-7. I thlni ~ ....-acOJty are IDUl!b man Important thua blqtlt. •• • • • Toyota dealers have special Incentives from Toyota to sell 17.000 new trucks in a limited time.That means just one thing ... dtals. Deals on tough Standard The inventory is enormous: the choice of models. equip- ment colors. and options Is tremendous. Right now is the tJme to buy the new Toyota ~'-dOfl ~INCll~ll>~dw"'9MMll year at your LJ /\T Toyota L'\lr\l deai.. FEEL~G TOYOTA WE'RE DEALING ... AND Y0U'RE THE WINNER. a• I ' Impr essive year . Orange Coast's Beasley did it all Onnn Cout Colle._. ba1k1tball Cololl finely GUlia dldJi't want to do tt, but he had no che>lce. He a1ked aophomore aenutlon Chria Beuley to to evetYthina thla IHIOI\. Beufey cilan't cUlappolnt. The 8-2 •wtnaman capped hll out· •tanclin& year by being n&rned to the All-1tate community colleae basket- ball team, 1elected by the Cautomia Community Collep c.o.c.het "->cia- tion Sunday. The votina took place prior to the final.a of the 1982 California Commu- nity <:::ollege basketball tournament at \he University of Santa Clara. • ::-BEASLEY AND HIS teammates weren't on hand for the tournament. They didn't quite make it, which was no surprise considering the Bucs lost a · couple of their biggest guys midway thi'ouch the season. When that bccurred, Beaaley was again asked to fill in. So. he promptly became the second-leading rebounder in the South Coast Conference. "He's just a ~at competitor and a great athlete,' notes Gillis who has seen plenty of them while at OCC. The last one to attain such greatness was John Vallely, who, like Beasley, was also named to the all-state squad back in 1968. No other Pirate has ac- complished that feat in between Val- lely and ,J3easley. The Costa Mesa High graduate averaged 23 .4 points per game this season and was the easy choice for the South Coast Conference "player of the year" laurels. That's because he set a conference scor:ing record for the 13-15 Pirates. ."He's the best individual player rve ever coached," Gillis says. "It would have been nice if we had someone to rebound so we wouldn't have had to ask Chris. But he just did everything with no complaints." By scoring 320 points this season, Beasley surpassed the old conference record for most paints set by Cerritos' Ron Kruidhoff m 1972. His 26. 7 con- ference scoring average was a record, breaking the old mark set by Cerritos' Al Fruhwirth in 1974. "Chris won't have any ·problems on the four-year level," Gillis assures. "He always plays hard. He wound up being a rretty good defensive player on top o everything else." BEASLEY MANAGED to score 30 or more points in eight games during his sophomore year, topped by a 37-point performance against Skyline College which went on to win the state Division n championship. "I'm very surprised, mysel!," Bea- aleir says of his selection to the all-atate team. "Nonnally, the teama that dd better have the j{Uys chosen to the state team." COMMUNITY CQ\..LEGES CURT SEED EN Beuley ii taking lt alow and eaay in deciding on a four.year echool to fi- nish up the basketball career. There's just one small ca~h: H~ wanta to play baseball there, too, wherever lt ia. "I will be playing both aporta. My decision will be &.lid on a achool that has good baseball and basketball programs," he says. Beasley was drafted this year by the ChiC88o White Sox, even though he didn't play for OCC last year. He did play plenty of basketball, however. Beasley owns the third highest scoring average in OCC history (17.6), ranks fourth in career assista (224); possesses the third-beat weer free throw percentage (79.6); is 9ee0nd on OCC's career field goal' attempts list (918) and ranks.second in career field goals made (425). JOINING BEASLEY on the all- state team is another area talent - Saddleback's George Turner. "I feel Geor~e is the best guard we've ever had, ' says Gaucho Coach Bill Brummel. "I coached Artie Green (77-78) but George does everything well." Turner, who played last season at the University of Texas before trans- ferring to Saddleback, scored 629 points for the Gauchos, averaging 20.3 overall. He also averaged 1.3 rebounds in helping the Gauchos to a 20-lZ record and a berth in the state playoffs. . "He can run, shoot, handle the ball and play good defense. He was an iron man for us," Brummel continues. "With the exception of (UC Irvine's) Kevin Magee, he's the best plar.er we've ever had at Saddleback, with- out a doubt." • • • Speaking of all-state performers, the OCC volleyball team has lost a good one in sophomore Gary Whee- lock. The 6-2, outside hitter has yet to play this season because of a s tress fracture in his foot. Beach Cities delayed The Beach Cities Track and Field Invitational, scheduled for Saturday at Newport Harbor High, has been postponed because of the recent in- clement weather. The meet has been rescheduled for the follow!ng Sa~urday, March 27. Or1nge COMt DAILY PILOT/Friday, March 11. 1912 !iAVE UP I 0 •10 PER PER!iDl\I AT THE I Dl'U I~ liRAl\ID PRIX OF LDl\lli BEACH, APRIL i!-4 Get set for the challenging Toyota Grand Pnx of Long Beach! It's the world's fastest Formula One street race and one of the biggest. most exciting and richest races on the international Grand Pnx cireuit. Another big attraction of the action-packed weekend will be top professional and celebrity drivers competing in the annual Toyota Pro/ Celebrity race for a S45.000 purse. Get an exclusive money-saving dis- count ticket package for all the excitement Pnx circuit 1n Long Beach from any participating Southern CELICA SUPRA- Californ1a Toyota dealer. ALL THE RIGHT STUFF EXCLUSIVE DISCOUNT Take a good long look at the TICKET PACKAGES Celrca Supra. Official Pace Car Choose from four thrill-packed of the Toyota Grand Prix of Long ticket packages. Depending on the Beach. Supra has the right stuff ticket package you choose. you to set the pace for the world's can save up to $10 per person greatest drivers Like Formula One on thre9'1ay general admission. race cars. the wind-cheating 2.8 reserved grandstand seating, liter 6-cylinder Supra has a fuel.- racing garage pass. and morel injected Twin Cam powerplant. See your Toyota dealer for It also has responsive rack- details today because ticket and-pinion steering with variable supplies are limited. No product power assist Independent rear purchase necessary, licensed suspension. L1m1ted-slip differ- drivers only. ential. Close-ratio 5-speed gear- And while you're there. box. Aggressive 225/60HR14 check out his line of steel-belted radials on 7" wide qualitvToyota cars J aluminum alloy wheels Venti- and trucks for l lated and power-assisted -.---....... -.. ,, 1982. Espe-4-wheel disc brakes. An 8-way cially the all adjustable. body conforming new Celica driver's Sport Seat. And more. Supra. the Let your Toyota dealer show car you'll you why the pace-setting Supra see pacing is the right stuff ... for your own the Formula motor sports. And pick up an One race cats ·exclusive Toyota discount ticket on the Grand package while they last. , .. • •• Collision mars yach·t race JOHN SEVANO'S COLUMN. LONG BEACH -A black .. uall packln1 30-35 knotl of wlnd and drenchlna rain vlr- Nally bt.w the Conp•lonal a... match redna fleet out of the --halfway tfirouah the third l"ICe'l'bunday. • The race commlttee prudently ...,,.lled an abandonment aft.er t"'o yachtl collided on a down-wind 1plnnaker run and eeverl1 othera came near broachln1 a1 they hurtled downwind under lull lpinnaken. 'The brief 1torm apparently came out of nowhere after the 10-match racing 1kippers had cbmpleted two sets of races in i(~UFFELL'$ '. • UPHOLSTERY ·~ ,· t filii. -~~J : ltU HAHOa ILYD. • ~OSTA MISA-141-1 INc REDWOOD ' 2X6-36LINFT. 775-1491 16808 S. HARBOR DECKING £"' "'-~·ICATINO _ .............. • $• loC 1176~' 1 Sft~ """ SI_,. II Y OUf OOOf 1c.., 5..,., _ .. , •°"" A1u1 COSTA •u641'• 1289 ... "-'_ ··-~95-0401 -c:.-~ .... ~~" .'!!;!t-~_, "A•wy ""WI' I .. Incredible lr11d l1chin1 Free fantasy theater show for the kids at Huntington Center features magic, mechanical wizardry & mime. Shows every afternoon on the hour Thurs. thru Sun .• Mar. 18- 21 plus 7 & 8 on Thurs./Frl. , __ P11bll9'MO Oret19e CoHI Delly Pllol, Merell 11, 21. APl'I 2. I . 11182 h15-12 PtCT1T10U9 .,_.. U..ITAnmNT The lallOwll>t .,.,_ le doing - M! ~ ~ l 8PA CARE. 2tOI l'loflda eer-. IVlllngton 8eecl\. Cellfor • ......... "Obert c. TllOlllH, 2801 FlorlO• ltr-. H1H11Jno1on a..c11. Celllornl• ..... T1W ......,_. la concluc19d by en In-........._ l\obert c. n.om. Tiiie alate111en1 wu llled wllll Ille ~an of Or-. County on ...._ ,,..,, ........., O.enoe Cout Dellr Pilot, liMrdl 11. 21, Apt 2. I. IM2 f2n-12 , ... ,. ~ O.enoe Cout Delly Piiot. _. "· .. Apt 2. I , 1112 1297-12. moderate wind and Ha condl: tion&. The two yKhta wh&cb collided were aalled by two Newport Beach 1ldpper1, both former two-time Con1rH1lonal Cup wlnnera battlina for an unpre· cendent9d third victory. The colllaion occurred when the ~t Llckety Split -1led by Dick Deaver, r~preaentlq Loa Anael• Yacht Club, broecl\ed to leeward and rammed Denni• Dur1an11 Chanteuse, Newport Harbor Yacht Club, at the waterline 'bout amJdahipe. The colli1lon knocked Dur. gan'1 boat on its beam 'end1 to weather.· Here ii bow the first two t1ee1 were ICOnld: RACK I-Dennla ~def. John Bertrand 47 _., Dick Deaver def. Ruaaell Loni, H ••i•: Phil Crebbln def. Pelle ~ 1 min. 18 aeca; Terry McLau1hUn def. Scott Pery . 1:39; Rod Davia, def. Harofd Cudmore, 23 ... RACE II -Scott Perrv def. Dick Deaver, 23 aeca (pend.ina a prote1t by Deaver); Phil Creb6tn Clef. Dennis ~. 1:21; Harold Cudmore def. Terry McLauahlin, 26 aeca; Rod Davia def. Ruuell Long, 29 aecs; John Bertrand def. Pelle Pettel'90n, 30 aecs. by an exchance of low fives •.. Quipped UCI forward Mark Spbm, concenUnc the que1tlonable offlclatlna the Anteatera 1ot a1ainlt Oklahoma; 0 1 lived In Omaha (Nebrub) ·for five yean and now I know why the Comhua· ken never won here. It'• all that hOme-irown of-fidatlhl they get around here." The Pac-Man champion of the UCI team ia Bob Thornton, who will drop ln a quarter and then proceed to apend the next hour playinJr the game. The A.lteroldl kingpen in Ben MCDOnafd . . . One of the best ll.nel of the trip waa delivered by Mulllgan to hit players. "I want you ~ya to ~t on yoUJ!..Own and be ln the lobby at 6:16 ready to go,'' he 1aid, some 6 ~ houn before the 1tart of the game. "I don't want you guys sitting ln your rooms FREE OFFER "Datsun Guide to Bootstrap Busi~:,· Pick up yours from any O.ttun dNler or send S2 check or money order to co~r postage and handllryg to: Datsun Gui~ to Bootstrap Businesses. P.0~ Box 10799-A. Des Mo1MS, Iowa 50340. Allow 6 weeks for ~livery. I . . • • and I don't want you pl.a~ UM>M video ..,..__ I want you walldnl around.' Mulllcan, obVloualy1 hu never tried to kill 6 \.i houri walk.lnc around Norman, Okla. After five minutee, you've seen ft all SpeaklnQ of aood llnll. Laura Rutledp, wife •of Ra1Yl 9uarterback Je,ff Rutledge, Ru~ aup. pl.led thil one alter the Wit in a recent mixed dou. blea tenni1 tournament ... He choked and I wa1 dyiwnite," Laura joked about her husbmd after the two lead 5-2 ln the final aet wi\h JeU aervtng. "He couldn!t handle the preeaure. He can handle 1t on the football field but not on the tennia court." And here I wa1 always under the aNumption a charging 6-9, 280-pound defensive llnemari wu a frightening experience. NISSAN IS PROUD TO SPONSOR ABC TV'S TELECAST Of TliE 1984 OLYMPIC GAMES ·. suN Pr1111ct.tllSIAll l+I 01112 NMC.usA •MSEO ON THE DIF1EltENCE IEJWfEN MANU"'4CTUltElt'S SUGGEST!O ltETAIL M/Cl OF Ol'T10NS flltJltCHASEO SEMMT!LY ANO AS AN MW' MOCAGf. MICfl INCLIJDI DISCOCJllTS •Y MANV"'4CTU1tllt ANO MltTIOMnNG OfA.UlfS, ANO EXQCJOf TAKES. • • • • ' , Onlnge COMt DAILY PILOT IFridrJ, M9rOh 11, 1112 . NCAA tournament .tons weekend television HAPPENINGS rr~ IN THE DAILY PILOT'S ~·srv.rwtio IU.DIO (22:1) vi. Scott hank (18-0) In a scheduled I AUTO MARKET PrubeU -Dodan w. New York Metl at St. 10-round bea~t bout, teJecMt live from At-I • • • •• TBLBVlllON • J>ewnburs, na .• lG:lO ..... KA.BC ('790); Mawau-lantlc City, N.J . A&o: The "Maten of BocUy" *** t :ao a.m. (2) -NJamBALL TOU&. -YL ~at Palla'"'•' lt:DI p.a. IDIPC ablbltlan. ....... Mmda 7 In New-York. ., NAllBN'I' -J&.hnt final. (110). l:IO p.m. (2) _ OOLP _ rtnaJ round play In the TORRANCE ••• A cou.edon of pmi, pwent 11 a.m. <&> -WCI' HOckey -Plttlburp at v•--8:00 p.m., KPRZ T -...nt Jtla -""---1 .... f p .... probAbl. futwe ndnl st.an with vtctori1a In • ll:t& a.m. (2) -NCAA 8A.ll.BTaALL TOUll· (UDO). .w~ • 0"""•.._ Y••• "'aamp oun&p rom on-nnrD.J411v .very type of ndna JDlld\inery bM been NADNT -W• ~ tina1 at frovo. Utah. ~ •ftAau'• lV radio vm-~na. (7) -WIDB WOllLD OJ' SPORTS -... eml>led t.o reprtllent the "profwional'' ranJq In Noon (4) -NBC IPORTI: RING81DE -iiAbi ~· -7 9 ~ WBC t bea~t ch.m t Pro/c.elebrtty Race durlnc the Toyota Otand even~ Mlchael ''Dynamite''' .Q>kee'(24..o;.1)'tlefendll TBLBVlllON (18·1·1 mak.t hll°llrat de~ ~na~ of Lone BHch r.cinl weekmd April 2..... 1 tu. NA.W' bea~t uue ~ l'r'ancO '.l'bolMI O a.m. (2} -NCAA BAIKETBALL TOURNA· Mut1n (224) In a tehedWed 16-round bout. taped Makinc up 1he p.ro ldde of the field wjl!-be Dan (23-.3) In a echeduJea 12-round bout fJ'Ol1\ Atlantic MENT -!'.Mt Re1iona1 final at Qw-Jott.e, N.C. at X... V .... Allo: The wamen11 WOl'ld record ti1ch y, PameW Jones. Bobby u,_.,., Jwele Gana, Qty, N.J. 10 a.m. (4) -N'IC SPOllft RJNOllDE -Aa-,dive cbelJence, taped at Ori.and<>, Fla. Mark Thatcher and Kathy Rude. Comblned, the 1 1 p.m. (5)-ANGEL BASEBALL -The Anae11 ron Pryor (29-0), owner of thi bi1be1t KO J*'Clll· RADIO p hu won races in everythma from Indiana· t hoet Milwaukee In Palm Sprinp ln an exhibition : tage in the hl1tory of the junior welterweight Bueball -New York Meta vs. Dodaen at Vero polia and Formula One ncen to slOC.k can., 1print game. divilion with 27 In 29 ctemlcnl, defends h1a WBA Beach, 10:10 a .m., KABC (790); Milwaukee va. 1por1a can and off-roed ncet9. 2 p.m . (2) -GOLF -Tournament Players title agalnlt Mlgue1 Montilla (32~2) ln a echeduled Anaell at Palm SPl'lno. 12::5~ p.m., KMPC (710). This unique racing event plta p.roteaslonal dri-1 Ownpionahlp. 15-round bout lrom Atlantic City, N.J. IJuketball -liou1ton at Laker1, 6:50 p.m., ven aplnst a select field ot 10 "celebrity" driven 5 p.m.-(7) _WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS._ The 10:25 a .m . (11) -DODGER BASEBALL -KLAC (570). MONDAY'S RADIO ln Identically prepared Toyo1a C-ellca GT-S modela. flnall of the Superblken motocrou competition, New fork Meta vs. ~ at Vero Be.ch. profellionals receive a timed handicap at the taped at Carlabad Alao· The NCAA wrestling 11:15 a .m. (2) -NCAA BASKETBALL TOUR-Baseball -Dodf.en vs. Minnesota at Orlando, start of the event.. bued on the average qualifying championahipe, ta~ Marclt 11-13 at Ames. Iowa. NAMENT_.-_MidSPOwRettTSReeionalW .RLD ~ ........ :ldo Sni plOalm:lO Sa.m., KABC12 55790); MilKMPCwaukee7 vs. Angela at times of the two groupa. lt'1 not u one--lided u one ~w..u......i:,u.::::::!!~~i..!:!~~WO~RLD~.=..!!.l\C1Ml~~--~:!!.!:~~...!....:=..::=.t:~E?....!!!::=...r..m~ .. !..!!:~..!:::.:~10~. ----Jlmight think u the celebrities attend a profe.tonal race driving school to become lioenled nee drivers. ~ KJR~A8111 .---- Auta Supply St. Patrick's Day . il~i~j~~j~~ s ALE ! :::i;fi~!l~ifiiiliWJ~£ ' PRICES EFFf(TIVE THROUGH TUESDAY, MARCH 23, 1912 24FL69 oz. • .... DUPONT IXTINGUllHIR Wllmltm• WAIMlll RIDCA'· CONCINTRATI ldeol for Home ond 14 OZ.·#4013 Cora. Coast Coneentroted Guo rd for outomotic Approved. ~~· windahleld ~ ' "'d woahers. ... , ... ,·.., 6!! ... 0 .99 \ .. #310R WRENCH SD PRO· TECH 6 PIECE OPEN END STANDARD #64171n or METRIC #,6417115 YOUR CHOICE 3?E~ 1974.77 Dodge Monoeo, Plymouth Fury, , Chrysler, ond lmperioli 1978·'79 Dodge Omni ond Plymouth Horizon; 1978· '79 Ford Fairmont ond Mercury Zephyr; 1976·'79 7 49 Chevy Monzo, Chev•"•· Olds Storfire, Pontioc Sunbird, ond SET Buick Skyhowk. 48 MONTH-MAINTENANCE FREE BAnERIES FOR MOST CARS AND TRUCKS 22FMF-'8 300CC AM'S 3311 EXCH 24MF·41 375CC AM'S 4011 24FMF·'8 375CC AM'S S5MF·41325CC AM'5 fXCH 74MF-41 375CC AM'S MOTORCRAFT SPIN-ON OIL FILTERS For Most Ford Produeta. Duol Depth, long life quolity oil filtera. FL· 1 A 2'!~ FLOOR MATS 164S1FC 688 PAI RUBBER QUEEN O.opcutp;lo TWIN 897 corpetin~. Block, FRONT Blue, God/ Beige, or Red. •6450FC PAI JACK STANDS HUFFY 12" 369 #2102 15"469 #2103 HYDllAUUC VALVIWIW McOVAY MOHIS-r-or moe1FOIO, CHfYY,& OOOGE/ 'lYMOUTH with 60'1~ (beep! hl- 3 ,, 239' IHUllD. EA ~---"~"' THERMOSTATS TRU-TEMP-FOR MOST CARS 19 1 EACH Anaheim 1280 N. Euclid • 772-9MO •Anaheim 2340 W. Lincoln AYe. • 999-1621 luena Park ~R1A81N 5256 8eocf, Blvd .• 994-1320 • Auto SuRply Cotta~ 1739 Superior Ave.• ~2-3314 J· , Wl'lll 1111PmG YOU DO n •IGHI CASTROL-1 OW-40 or 20W-50 SALE PRICE• ff or luy 5 QTa of ony CASTROL MOTOR Oil ond reeiev• S 1.SO Rebote offer from Costrol. EFFECTIVE PRICE£. (Afterl9'ool•) eV QT s.. StO•• L" . 2" Q ... 99 For Deloll1 1m1t "' "·""· -STA-LUBE MOTOR MEDIC IACKOIL OIL TREATMENT #M19·1S Hydroulie Juat odd to your Jocks. Motor Oil. 160Z. 9 1~! BURGLAR ALARM ANES • HI-LOW ELECTRONIC Kit include• IOlid 11010 olo""' olorm twitch.a, coded koy lode twitch. wire, torminolt. hordwor• & wiring diagram. u..m• ... STA·LUIE· Speciol Formula w/lonolin. 11211 .99 16oz. NEW-MASTER FUEL PUMPS For moat Chevrolet• (be. Corvette and Monzo) I Cyt. 1959·10 (267-213·305-307·350 Eng. exc. eorly 1966 ond lot• 1967 Chevelle ond 1977.79 350 Eng. w/outomotic trona. AA9 ond oir cond.) 6 Cyl. l·6 196lo-79 (be. y IACH Chevette) For moet Chevroleta 1971-IO V·6 231 I A88 Eng. (he. Monzo ond Turbo Chor99) VIACH 'or moat Forde I Cyl. 1966-10 (219-302·351 Eng. exe. Muatong lou. 6 C~I. 1966-. 10 (he. Y·6) Oodge·Plymouth I Cyl. 1964-IO (31f.36().J61·3t3 Eng. H e. 11 •• Hl·PerformoMe) IACH for mott Chevy, Mon10 & Vega 1'72·77 (L~ 140 Eng.) Pord Muttong ond Pinto 1974.79 V·ll 171 En9. 2IOOCC. Chevy·Mon10 I •88 1 f7l·IO V ·6 2S 1 Eng. # IACH P'lnto·Coprl 4 Cyl. 1971 ·74(91·122 Eng.) I ~ •Fullerton 2978 Yorba Lindo • 996-4780 •La Mirada 15081 Imperial • (213) 947 -5641 •Minion Viejo 24510 Alido Pkwy .• 951-9175 Orange 1 t6o N. Tust;n • 771 -3000 •fountain Valley • 988ow~,~~;_•64-642~ .. •1 DAILY 9-9 SA1'. 9-6 SUN. 9-5 141 E. lmp9riol • 731-6971 w ~ ~ •Riverside . 1<M03 Magnolia Ave.• 359·3041 Santa Ana 2604 S. Bristol St.• 754-1432 ........ -'" lmllllllll b2:.J •Santa Ana 1302 E. 17th St.• 953 6061 In fact two of the 1alt three races have been won by celebrity drivers Bruce J enner and Robert Haya. The lO·lap Toyota Pro/Celebrity Race gets the green flag at 11:45 Saturday morning, April 3. The ~ driven will compete on the same OOW'9e that'a Uled ~ for the Toyota Grand Prix and will be driving for ~ aharea ol a $45,000 pune. !S Although retired from professional competi-~ tion, Gurney and Jones have continued their years ... of bead-to-head competition through the Toyota ~ eventr. J ones, a former Indianapolis 500 winner, ~ has twice won Toyota P.ro/Celebrity events, inclu-! ding the 1980 Long Beach race. Gurney has wat-~ ched his Eagle racen win at Indianapolia and has ' finished second (twice) and a third there himself. ~ He ia the aecond American ever to win a Grand Prix I race ln an American-made car. He did it in the 1967 . Belgian Grand Prix in one of his own Eagles. Unser also I.a no stranger to victory circle, either at Indianapolia or a Toyota event. Winner of three • Indy 500a, including the controversial 1981 race, • Unser drove to overall victory in the Toyota Father/Son race at Rivenide last year with his son Bobby Jr. finishing second. Thia year Unser I.a ta- king on the added responsibility of serving as an ... • adviM>r for the up and ooming Gana. Garza, the young Mexican sensation, too~ tbe Indy car world by storm last year, qualifying at over 195 mph on the second row for the Indy 500 . He ran with the leaders through much of the event before mechanical failure wrecked his car. Kathy Rude l.s off t.o a flying start in '82, ha- ving teamed with Lee Mueller to win the lMSA GTU ~ at the Daytona 24-hour race to become the first woman ever to win an lMSA race or any race at Daytona Speedway. Thatcher, the son of British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and a veteran of formula and sedan races, attracted worldwide attention in January when he disap- peared while running the 6,200-mile Paris-to-Dakar rally. His racer sulfered a broken axle while cro&- aing the Sahara Desert and it was six days before eearch teams led by Algerian and French military aircraft were able to find Thatcher, his co-driver and mechanic. Names of the celebrities competing in this year's event will be announced in the coming weeks. *** IR VINE ... For those of you who did not know. Subaru of Southern California bas a new 60,000 square foot facility located on 8.6 acres in ~· Irvine, which is visible from the east side of the San Diego Freeway just before the Lake Forest offramp heading south. The new building features 50,000 square feet of warehouae space, including a 2,500 square foot · ultra-modem training area. The training center otters both technical and sales experience and fea- tures the most modern testing equipment and tools for dealer service managers and mechanics. In addition, a two-story attached adm.inistra-' tive building provides office space for the 41 em- ployees in the sales, service, parts and administra· tive departments. Subaru of Southern California maintains approxlmately $1.5 million in parts in ·. their Irvine facility. "We are laying the groundwork for even better customer relations through quality service, acce980- ry, and admlnJstrative asaistance,'' commented Jim Welsh, vice president and general manager. "This is . ' one of our prime goals." Subaru of Southern California, Inc. is a wholly - owned subsidiary of Subaru of America, Inc., tra-.•1 ded on the national OTC market under the desig-' nation SBRU. *** .•, ANAHEIM ... Visitors to the Orange County International Auto Show, April 21-25 at the Ana-, heim Convention Center, will be able to learn from professionals what color car and upholstery best suits their per10nality. Sandra Clark, co-owner of Image Works, a professional color and image consulting firm, be-• lieves color is an es11ential factor in selecting a new . car. She and her partner, Cecilla Goodman, will be •· at the Auto Show daily, demonstrating the impor ,, tanoe df choosing the right colon. "'There are many factora to be considered ln ch008ing a new car,'' aa ... Clark. "For instance, red may be flashy and attract 1 a lot of att.enUon, but 'llthen you have t.o oonsi driving record. You might attract the w of attention." Clark and Goodman wtD involve the aud.i<encel their demonstration of the psycholoa of color. olunteen will be uked what type of rneeM&e they t.o convey through their cars, and encouraged ·~ t.o help determine their own penonal color ,":., ·ea. In addition t.o their appearance on cent.er stace. · representative from Imace Worka will be avalla ~ le throughout the day t.o talk with vtslt.on about and tmaae on an individual basis. The Show'• 1poruora, Cahners Expo1ltlo " Grolap and the Mot.or Car Dealers Allociation of ·: .,...,._.,.1.,. County, have scheduled a variety of other tenalnln& and educational activttiea for e.cb ot 'the five days of the Show. - The focu1 of the Show will be the latea 1082·~ veblcles which are a culmination of new•t innovatlona in encmeering and detdan of both=and domelU:c modela. Area dealen will ! cwnnt modell from Ford. Chevrolet. /Plymouth. Unco1n/Mercury. Old· .. I and BuJck, .. well -the latat Off t' ~ r.nwt, MMeraU. BMW, a.ab. Volvo1 • Toyota, American Honda, ROU.Royce, Maida, f olklwaaen, Dat1un/Na.an1 Aaton·Martln and ~acuar. .,~ , I SEE WHAT YOUR LOcAL . AUTO DEALERS RA VE IN ~g~~'8Rpl~~-~ 1 . , .. .. ,.... .. ... .. " ·' .. • ~ > . Cotleae K«n NCAAT--• "t' .. ~ .788 .7 18 3141 .516 111141 A&f 19141 .439 2114 .en - .a10 13'A ... 1314 .•&& ,. ... .415 11 . 238 211 <•..,....UWI) OBgon Slate eo, Ide/lo 42 Georgetown 69, Fr-Slate .a ................ I• ., ... .,._,, Ale.) LOUlavtlle 11. Mlnnelole II 1 Ale~ ea. v1rg1n1e ee ......_.~T--1 """'Rowld Georgie 80, Vl<glnle Tech 73 Brlldley 77. Tul-111 Oklal>oma 111. Oeyton 82 Tclftltfll'e 0.W- NCAA T__,t ....... ...._.. (et IL Louie) Bolton College (21·11) ve. Kan1ea St•t• (23-7) He1aton (23·7) va. Mlaeourt (27-3) lalt..,..._.. (llf .......... N.C.) Mempllla Stale (24-4) va. Vll1anov1 (23-7) Not:lh car0::-J~A:b!m8 (~4-t) .............. (et ~lllfWd. ..... , Cll16111e Bekenlleld (2~) va Olttrlet of Columbia (23-5) Adnda Southern (21·11) VI Kentuel!y W• 11ey811 (2M) NCAA DMa6oft • ........... (et Qr1Nld .......... ..,.) Slanlllaul Slale ( 1e. f 1) vs. Wabalh (22-4) Brooklyn College (21-tl va Pol ad am Slit• 1111-11) NIT Tl*d~ Teua .UM (20-10) II P\lrdul ( 16-131 WCT tournament (et I.,.__.,,_, a-tdRewtd ....... IV811 Landi "411. Robert Ven'I Hof, 6-3, &-2. Wo)11k Flblk def. COfrldO Blf'UZUltl. 11·4, 4-41. &-a: BlllD Taroczy "411. GllMI Ociel>- po, 7-11. M ; John Flttgetllld def. Tom Celn. 7-5. &-a. Grand Prtx tOUrNrtMftl ( .......................... , ,,.,.~ ........ John Sadri def. Gena Meyer. default: Jimmy Connor• "411. Vince Ven P111en. 7·5. &-2; Stten Goltfrled cMI. Herold Solomon. &-2, &-1: T-Smid clef, St.,...,, B!mer. e-a.e-1. Gfend Prtx tOWWUllMnt ( ........ ,_) 9909MflelN ...... Cllrl1t09M ROQet·VUMltn def. Semmy Glam1N1l¥1, 6-3, 7·11: Sieve Oencon def. Andy P1t111on. 7-11. 11-1; Chalk v1n der • ~def. PIUI Torre, &-a. $-7, 6-3: Peec.el Pon• def. Uoyd Bourne. &-2, 3--11. &-2 Women'• toumam.nt (•9Mtell) 9909M"-MI ..... Anne Smith def. Barbare Jorden, 7.5, 7.5, 8et91 NlgelMn def. MM Hol:>bt, 4-41, 7-11. f-3: Bonnie Gadullk def. Jo Orurll. S-2. .. , ----"-Ml 0.-... Candy Reynoldl·Mary Lou Plllek dll. l ..... Allan-Mime J..,_, &-1, &-1 C.mmunlty cottege °""" c.... .. ,...,._ 0 ...... Feddlr'lytOCC)def. KelloQQ, 2-e. &-2. &-1: Kline (OCC) dlf. POMe. ~~ &-2: Rllltonk !DCC) de1. T111uya, •-e. e-2. e-3; Boni• OCC) def. Ferrlno, 6-0, 6-2; Breun (OCC) det Nlcllc*on. &-2. &-1: Sdlueter (000(1111. o.w.ld. &-2. t-3. 0.-... Feddlr'ly-Bonl9 (OCC) def. Kellogg-~. 8· 1, 7-e : Breun-Aehlorlk (OC-C) d1I. Tettuy•·Ferrlno, &-1, &-a: Kline-Schutter (OCC} 1111. o.nld-Elem. &.2. 1-e. High tct.ool "' ....... , ............. ~. G111flll (Hll) .:r. Mirth, 2-8; IOll lo L-.. 4-t; Ckrf. HotmM:n. f.2; def. Trent· INI, M; Genz (H8} I09I CM, 1 ... +4, -.. 1: Cerrol (Ml) lo.I +4. M , 2 ... _, M: ..,. {He) io.t w . S-7, -...... 2. .,....... Andr-.-Cremner (Hiii def. Jolln1on-,,._, W , M: dll. -.on.~. 7·8. W i EMNM-Oodd9 (Hll) _, .. 1. &-1; M ... 2. ........ ~...,., cou.ae9 °'91111 c..l 7, ......... 1 ..... ~ (OOC) def. Vllld, .. , ... 1, ~ OCC) clef. Co111n11. 8-2. t -1; Kllorey dlr. ~ •z. ~ EMn ~ 0oMn. .. 2, M · ....... IOOC:) dtlf. M . f.O; Derwin (OCC) HI. Turnbull, , ......... ....... ._.. ..... , (0001 o.I~, M , .. ,:~(QC()~-MOer't. M .. 2: (l'IMI Olll~ ~ 't I' . " 34-35-811 3s-s.4-1111 33-37-70 3$-341.--71 30-36--71 34-37-71 34-37-71 3&-3$--71 35-37-72 37-35-72 32-40-72 34-38-72 34-39-73 36-35-73 SS-38-73 36-38-73 38-37-73 36-37-7'3 3&-38-7• ----7• ~74 38-37-75 3847-75 36-39-75 3847-715 37-38-75 M-17-711 364t-711 3&47-75 ,..._75 114-75 1141-18 ----75 $147-711 TPA t&alllllce ...... l.aM9'9 1 Tom Kite, M.90: 2. Johnny Miier, et.la; s. CIMrt ....... ..611; • Orlllg 8t9dMt. 88.113: 5. Jldl Hldd9ue. ... u. 1. ~~~~Ill) Tlteo Oz.llkl Md an-OOuQIMe. 27 U ; 4. FllV.'J Zoelllr~Tam """"-r, 2tl.t. "'4wt1ll;lllllP .... 1. G1Mn .111; L Denny Edwlrde, .1ee: a. Tom Kit., .1a., 4 ..... IWd • .757: e. JolWI .. ~ •• ?82. 0.-llllA 11 "1 I. JolWI Mafllflllr, .nt; t, Mike Alld •. 784; 3. (tl9I Tom I( ... Ind OM Halldorlol._ .787; 5 ..... ~ •• , ... ................... 1. Tom ltMiw, t7.lt; t LJif'.'Y Air*•, 30I: '· ..., AoN. 211.20: 4. IW\ ~. "u: .... ""'°"' --.... ':'1::.' .......... 1.r-ia.. .. ,2.T•w~.-a. ~ Zoelllr • ..24; 4, er-. ....... .MO: II. !*II;-....._ Md ...... """' .ZN '· _, letf"/ =t .'=9,..., tc a. !9le TOlll W..Ofl.:=. ~ l , <-! TOM KM Mf /Wit 9-1.. 14': a. Qrtll ........ '~ .. Olll'lll..,.... 111: .. v ... ....._.1 t Scoring In college basketball NCAA DM9'on I AVlflOI poinla !»• Olf"I b0111 .._ 1115.4 1~ 153.1 143.t 140 I 11171 72 73 74 7S 76 77 78 711 llO 1!11 92· NHL CAllNIU. COWIMMCI llft)'IN .,..,...... WLTOI' .. 17 13 sM 2e 31 111 304 26 33 15 253 22 3a 15 2711 17 .. 11 218 QA .... 278 101 318 ea Me 115 318 59 3111 ~ Monti~ M'-• Winnipeg Sc Louie ChlcaOO Toronco OeltOll 32 20 20 313 211 211 IS 283 211 37 I 280 2e 35 11 21111 111 38 18 273 18 •2 12 2aa 2se ea 302 71 S15 64 ~ 83 3Sll 52 3111 44 WA.Lii CONPPINCe l"etrtok DMlllfl •·NY telll1dlra 48 15 8 345 NV Renget9 3a 24 13 273 Plllladllphla 3a 211 II 2112 P«llbu'V'I 27 34 11 270 WM!llng1on 23 37 11 297 223 104 270 81 2811 77 304 &5 301 57 MelMDMl6oft Mon1tNI 42 13 17 330 11111 101 Bolton 34 24 10 2llO 247 ea Bultllo 35 22 15 218 230 115 Ovlb.c 31 27 14 321 312 78 Hlr110fd 21 34 111 2.a 307 68 • -cllnehld llnt pl-In dMtlon. "'......,.. lcotll St. LOUii 7, Oetrol1 4 Har11otd a, Butlalo 1 Chtc.go 4, PlllleOllptlla 4 Vancouver 4, Moncr..i 2 TOfliOlll'I GMM Calgary at Edmonton Klngt I, Flame. 4 ._.. " l"9ftodl Cllgary 2 2 o-a LOI Angelee 2 5 2-9 1, c.ig;,y. 8letl 1 (Brldgmln. MiKdocll). 1 45. 2. LOI Angllet.. Olonne 411 IL Murphy). 5 31 3, c.ig.,y, Bndgmln 3, 8outveoltl. 5 .... Lo• An9•IH . Boiek 32 (Fox. T errionl. 1'37 Penalllle -Boutgeoia. Cll, 12 4 1, Nlcnolla, LA. 17:23 .__. "9ftod 5. Loa Angella. Hlchol• 3 (Korab, T9)40r). 2 52 8, LOI At19ele1, Fo• 211 ll. Murphy, Kelly), 3:58. 7, C1lgary, McDonald 3• (RaullQlllo. NllMon). 7:58. 8. LOI Angella, Simmer 12 (Dionne. H1rdy). a:ae. II. Los Angella, Nlcholla 4 (T1ylot, Olonne), 11: 18. 10, C11gery. MoOon ald 35 (Nllaaon. a.ouw-d>. 14·40. 11, LOI Angella. Bozek 33 (Smllhl. 15:211. Penllllle -Choulnard, c 11, 2 11. Korab. LA. m•Jor~lnor, e:aa: Plett. Cal. maJOf. 8·u ; B-•. Cai. 9:48: MU<doc:h. Cll, 10:511; M. Murphy, LA, la: 14; Plet1, Cll, mejor, 15:211, K0t1b, LA, 15:211; Hltlop. Cll. 111:~ =· LA. 111:04. 12 Lo• An111IH , Simmer 13 (Fo x. T1trtonl. 10·47. 13. LOI McMllla. NklhOlta 5 '(Simmer. T•JI0~1 13:08. PenalllH - Brldgmen, Cll, 11:411; Wiiia, LA, 17:28. Shot• on QOll-Calgery 8-10-11-21. LOI Angelee 1&-:!"2-10-50. Goellea -Cllgery, Rlooln. Lemefln. LOI AllQllll. L-d. A -8.~5 . NHL ....... f1"lnMlll ..... 14) 0 A 82 108 51 78 •• 72 51 115 II 11 41 • 30 75 43 1!11 52 ae ae 51 3-4 eo Loe Alemltot TMURIDA Y'I MIUL. Tl (22nd of ......... ...,_.......,., MIT IUCI. One mill s-e. .... 190 183 121 120 117 107 105 104 91 ea ea Mlty'e Abe (°""1) UO 3.20 3.00 ZanlCN (Sleelhl 4.00 4.20 Almond Miid (J. Aubln) 3.80 Al10 raced: L1put1n, June Att11r. Slum• blrlng, ArwlY9 Tleldy. Alt<tya Angel, Tlme: 2:0?. • DACTA (3-4) plld 128.80. MCOND RACI. One mile trot. Omltk tfllcol 13.20 u o uo Plllolero Pl1 (Wlllleml) 4.00 2.80 f'lnll Gem (Ounnigln) 2.40 "*> rlC9d: S.. Nellie LOU, Elkla Col*-111, F1blln, HouberL Timi: Z:Oa. TI9N) IUCI. One mll PIQI. Jimmy Bllt• (Mdnn) 3.40 3.oo a.oo ~ .i-•1 Wfl'/ (Uglltfllll) 1 UO UO A Ma Qr'°Y a-, (C.-) UO Al9o r-0: Ortenl-. Golden C.d, Fox Vftllfl'/ Pl'1dl, Gigi FroM. Arbor Cf-. St• ~ Time: 2:05-415, • DACTA (7-.6) peld $44.IO. '°"'"" RAca. One m11e trot JlrU:I CT$ 1.20 a.40 uo ~~ 5.20 uo w.,,. °"""" •> 2.10 AllO ''° : Tlckll Aoom. Noble Aul•. 8opemelt(, 9"'1111 eount, . Tlrne: 2:04 21&. ,.,.,. MC&. °"' !Tiiie .,_. Nwl'I• Deir! (~l 12.20 9.20 uo --=~ ..... :glllm 7.00 uo El ~ (l4MlllJ uo AltO rl:OM: Loyll Hunt1t, Klno-Doublt. J1191beert, Iron Duke, Scrembllno Rell, ,_ Wiii! UNe. 'T"'* 1:0."- • DACTA (t-7) peld ~.eo. ...,,. MC9.. °"' lllllt ,,. Nd\19 ew.ne {OmlN) a.IO MO UO = ~,,..,. (~ uo uo "~ a.ao AllO flHcl; ,U)f M1t1t1n11y, Ho11or ......... '"""' ""*Ht Ill. ~ AACll. °"'""" .... Notclel Trr•• (Y1111ndln•ll•MI 1.00 uo uo =-~ .. ~~ AIM ,,_.: Tlltllllllrtl. ltfMll Or-. a..,:·:-."';-,..""" ... ..,._. • llMTA ~1) ,..117.ID. •..:a-~.........., ........ :" :-:1'. -.c::-.-~.n: ............. EIQHT'H RACI. One mite s-e Fluhy Frank (Taelllr) 11.00 5.80 5 . .a Amblenoe (Yeilendlngl\lln) UO 4.20 Rlll'1 Rhythm (S ... lh) 111.llO Alto raced: Booze Bay, Three Finger•, Lynna Expraa1. King• Nuoo••. To Li v• • Andy9 Cl\erget. Timi: 2:03 115. • UACTA (5-111 plld 17a.eo ~ AAC.. One mite~. The Thllly 8'\IOder (KOlr) 2.eo 2.10 2.10 Uttle 8,.c Rutter (Andefeon) 2 . .a 2.10 Jibe Ho (GrlClotY) 2 20 Aleo r1c1d: l:foquenl Roy. OeHrl So"· ArrlcM, lloela. Uerna, PrlnllTllllW. Time: 2:00. a IXACTA (1-2) plld S5 80. ntmt AACI. One mlll ~ Windy ,_.(~I a.20 3.40 2 ao Annbt0911• (Vll!lndlnghaml 3 80 2 40 Btet'a Boy (Longo) 4 20 Aleo r~ Ao'flll Edwatd, Ten Peroanllf, Reuben Froel. Welcome l"'9 Timi' 2-03 115. t:t IXACTA 13--11) plld S13 40 Attendlnc4r. 4. 1111 a.rite Anta. THUlllOA'l'9 MSULTI 111"' of.....,~ -itf!o. hRST IUCI. e tunonga. Don1111 (Vlllnzuela) 5 .a 3 00 2 .a Olemond e.t IMeHlr9Ull 1a.40 e.eo ..... (c.tlnedl) :uo Alto reOICI: Petit• Power, Connie Biii, Chrl• R•m-. Darting Hoat"•· Mlrege. AINlnecida, lmf*lll Tr-. Timi: 1: 11 115. MCOND AACL e lut10nga s.w <~> 13.oo s.eo 3.eo Tw4b (Femandell a.eo 2.80 l)()..Shlttey'1 SI-R. (Vlllnzuell) 2.eo 00 -Flnlahld ..oond, dllqullllled and plec.d third. · Al80 reoed: Ounl.lr Lunch, Wiiiing Ruler, Red Volc•no, Longpo FrH , Siar Courc, Cepychlno. Tlme: 1:1~ . II DAILY ooua. (11-41 peld $52.20 TI9N) AACL e tunonga. Mi. 8wi. (S...,_I 3 llO 2.IO 2.80 Seabr-Pmyon (Onttwroa) a.oo 3.oo Jenny Feet« (Biid!) 5.20 "*> r~ Bo0'1 Su:r, Wiii a ~1. Mini CNllo. AIMr1olln HoMI. ~ Pley . nn. 1:13 215. f'OUATM AAC1. 1 1118 mill. Tel 0on (Dill! 13.ao 8.oo a.ao Hobtl JeeMe (Stein#) e..20 a.20 8IOlfl'/ (Mc:Ceminl a.oo Al9o r..i: Veni9tlln0, Jenela'a &o., Ar· gyle'1 Brother, Blecede. Orphan'• Court, Aotund Hat.delfs. Timi: 1:47. AFTlt AAC£. 1 11111 mtle9. Gar1bl (~ergue) 14.llO 5 20 3.20 llltll S11a11 cv111niue111 3.eo 2 40 l.and<-(Shoetnak•) 2.80 Alto rloed: Elce1u1lv1 S eulon. Mldnlla Copper, D•o•n. Blarlng11o"g· Lee Ou ~1;4e3/5. • UACTA (a-8) plld 1114 50 llX1l4 AACL 1 1118 mha. Our a..1 C()9ll (C1tned1} 8 20 4 .a 3.40. ~ Court (Gulrrl) 10.llO 7.40 a-. (Slbllll 8;00 "*> recld: Diamond A.oe. Susanne'• Boy. RotcOIOt• Gr-. OllM>lll FeUa, Air a. '°"· l*tlnl ci-t. Time: 1:48 315. ~ AACa.. One mlle. e-Cen•UtY't Laoi (PClrul 4 eo 2.40 ...,_llllty P-1 (Ola} 3.20 ..o.r Frencfly (0..-.) UO 2.40 ·-~. Al9o r.cect: ,,.., .. 8UnlNne Room. Tlm« 1:41115. • DACTA (1-3) pe1c1 $35.00. 2.80 3.80 2.IO .. '""* .. (~1) plld 1'4.169.20 wlUI lour IMnnlng lldcaU (1$bt ~).12 Ptdl SIX COl:ecMillotl peld 1147;80 with 133 ....._ '*'11 lll*eta lllve ~~ S2 P"1k • 9Cf111Cfl ooneolatlon pllld 1247 AO wllfl 21 a wlnf*'G tlcklla trour !lof-. one ecr11c11 Of lhr• hOr.-, iwo -.. ~~ lllQltTM uca. e IUrtonQI. Ft1edl Fr-= 8 40 5.00 a.40 1r1t111 O'erten < uo a.40 -'l>OU1 SunwC 1au.rr11 a.eo AJao raced: Aatral Light, Miii PenMln, Or9wner'• Holdly, lnWadL nm.: 1:11 115. ...-TM RAC&. 8 fUrlonQe. SMnUn (Guin-I) l;eo a.oo 3.20 Delly Alpot1 (Celtllnldl) uo 4.20 U Pell:dlno (Slbllle) UO Al80 rlC9d: RM!bll On John. Betl• With Age, L'Cep, Cl\rl8'1 l..8d. lime: 1:1:t. is UACTA (W) peld 1130.50. Anandance; 17,578, ~ . . " .. • ... *"' oondttloft9 eountlM CAUPOANIA ......_ -12 tnc:ti. nn, 1 to 3 loot ~. lull :ri"'°"' . ...... -°'*' When IOC.elbll. MHRlllfl lalt -2 flll new, 42 Inch baM, I lift.I ooetetlng. Mt. ••••r -a to 8 loot b111, 3 11111 opetl11ng. ...... • ...,_ -°'*' When ICOlelll>i. . ...., ......... -°'*' '°' weellend . ._,.... -°'*' l0t WMkend. 1111 car-v..., -°'*' '°' welllend. ._ ._.. -e to 8 lllOhll new '°' 2 10 • loot IOlll, 2 ..,. Ol*"•llng. ._ v..., -• ,_ -· 72 "'°' IJMI, MllRA..VADA ~ hrtl -T-~ nn, 7141 loot bMI, powder groomecl, ttne llUrfec)l llfla. ..... -80.-41gf11 lnctMI OI nn, 12-14 loot II-. open powder and pecked powder, tour ch1ir1 during Ille day, two chain II "'CM. al,.,_. -~ tnct..OI new. 10-14 tool b111. powder groomed, one cNif, ""-r-'Y '°' .... end. l1d1 ''"''"•• -Six lnch11 or new. 11141-14141 fool b .... l>OW01t groomed. M l opetltlon ...... 9ow1 -SIX..ight lncllee of ,_, 10-20' ,_ b-. powder groomed, aeven doublea. one tram and an -cflllr. TMle o...--Tllr ... llve lnchl1 ot -. 6-8 loot ~ powder G'OOfTl«I, two c:Nilra Ind one .,,._ 1111. ....... -ThrM lndl9 of MW, 8141 loot l>MI. powder, groomecl, pecked and open powder. light llft.I and a 1 run& .............. -A\19 tnct.. of,_, ·8.,..i5 toot llMI. powder, mecNne !>Idled Ind unt!'11dc.ed. 10 Chelf• and one aurt- llf\. 1191M•Md -Hiii WI Inch 01 nn, 3-10'AI toot i... powder groomed, one qUld, one double end !fir• eurt-lllta. .... v..., -8,200 lwl. tl'ltel tnct.. of -· 13 loot l>MI. powder groomed and pecked, 11 11t1a anc1 QOndolL 8.200 teet. two lrldlll OI MW, !Ille toot beM, -llfll. TIMe lld llowt -an.t..o tnc:n. of.-. 2-e loot bMI, powder groomed, two c:halrl Ind one I-bet. ........., • ..., -Aw~ OI netunl enow, 12 fnc;tlea m1nmade, 8'AI 1001 ball, powder PKked, 2 trlple. H doubln , tlve _,_ Md lrllnl . lkl .... -One fool new, 3~'A loot bMI, grocfmld powder end !>Idled powder, ""' dlllr'I and 21 """-.. "-' -ThrM lnl::h9 of new, e.,.., ,.,.. fool i-e. powder and G'OOfTl9d powder. lull ~ ...... ....... -T-lnd19 new, M lool ba•, powder and groomed powder. lull ~ liwrli lkl "-" -Thr• lnchll ,_, .... foot b-. powder. -c:halrl. lt.lr1lw ... -Sh1-elg111 lnchea or new. 10-22 loot bUI. powder Ind pecked pow- der, NII oper1t1on. Mt."* -Elghl lnch11 ol n-. 11-111 toot b ... , powder and groomed powclet, -cNlrl end .. Nnl. D•••· Rlda• -Shi Inch•• ol new. 51+-lool !>me. powder end pecked powder, lour INb and two rQPe9. ...... .._ -T_.... ltlCh9 ,_, ll'At loot t>eM. powder and pec:lted powder, lour chllra and -l·ber. CINTRAL CAUFORNIA .....,_.. .._..... -No repor1. ~""' ..._, .... -Flll11n lnchH new, nine loot beM. powder and pecked POWder. lour cNlrs. Clllfl• 1"1111 -S lx111n lnchu new, 5~7\i IOOI l>IM. powder Ind peaced pow- •• ""' cNlrl. "'eh tct.ool volle,WI San CllmaM• cW. Cotona dll Mar, 7-15, 15-13, 11-15, 1'-10 ~ourse noprohleDl for Nelson I PONTE VEDRA. Fla. (AP) -POA titleholder Larry Net.on took Jl(lvani.et of ~lattvely euy plf,ylng condltlons to compile a 5-under-par 67 for a lhare of the first round lead Thunday in the $500,000 Tournament Players· CbamplonahJp. He was tied for the top spot with Lyn Lott and George Burnt, who Joined ln the ma.tve usauJt on the fearsome reputa- tion of the new and controversial Players Club coune. "The golf course wu not aa hard -by that I mean unfair - as I'd heard," aaid Nebon, who had played only one previous round over the 6,857-yard layout that will aerve as the permanent aite for the annual champlonahip of golf'• touring pros . The course, hacked out of woods, swamp and wasteland, is being played in competition for, the first time. It features water on every hole, severely undula- ting greens, mounds, and vast expanses of sand and water. It was reputed to be a raging tiger- of a course, one on which par would be an excellent 800re. But, In the absence of the winds common to this area, it was a tame and toothless tabby. "The conditions weren't perfect," Nelson said, "but on a acale of one to 10, it probably was a seven." The weather was warm, in the mid-80's, and mug- gy. The wind blew only in the early afternoon, and then not severely, probably a one-club wind," said Lott. Unknowns have lead on Lopez LAS VEGAS (AP) -Alice Ritzman and Judy Clark, both non-winners on the women's golf tour, battled cold, windy weather to match 4-under-par 69s Thurs- day and share a 1-shot lead over Nancy f.opez-Meltqn after the first round of the women's pro· am toUnUUnent here. Ritzman, a fourth-year pro who has won only $1,800 on the Ladies Professional Golf Asso· ciation tour this year, was 6-under-par at one point on the back nine alter an eagle and two birdies. But she bogeyed the 17th and 18th holes to earn a share of the lead. Clark, whose best career finish was a second last year in the Heru-edon Classic, was among the late starters and played in some- what better conditions. She bir- died her next-to-last hole to tie for the lead. The weather conditions sent scores soaring, with only a handful of women able to better par. All the leaders played at the 5,814-yard, par 73 Laa Vegas Country Club course, generally considered easier than the 6,237-yard, par 72 Desert Inn Country Club course on which the wbmen will play three of their four rounds. Bunched at two shots off the lead after the first rou.nd were Marlene Floyd-DeArman, Alice Miller, Sandra Haynie, Pat Bradley and Sally Little. Hand to play for Pomona ELIZABETHTOWN, Pa. - Pomona-Pitzer College's wo- men's basketball team meets North Carolina-Greensboro to- night in the AlA w Division m eemifinals. Starting for Pomona-Pitzer is freshman Brownwyn Hand, a product of Estancia High. Hand scored 16 point• and grabbed 15 rebounds I n the qwu1erfinals, to help propel her teammates into the Final l'our. Pomona-Pitzer la 27 -3 overall and went unbeaten ln confenmce play. Aho big in Pomona-Pit&er's game la Carol F-.ran, who rec- ently established an AIAW national IOOrlng record. It's Boogie time Saturday at HB ' Boo1le boudera and skim boarden will tab to the watien of Huntinaton &e.ch S.twdaY at 7:45 a.m. lor the More_y BocJcie &.rd and Sldmboerd Omtiea. The competition will be held on the aouth lid' of tb• Huat- lnlton 8-dl ~. a4j1Certt '° tbe Marine 8dtY ~ There will be OM dlvlDon In the tklmboard pO.ttlon of tla• event and five ln the ~· Board compedtloe; with .,._ P'S tlO tbe '°' tm. ...... In ..., dMlltolL .._ v.-a...., a..• a..._.., IM torpnea M far M the LPOA UMI ~ =-.. ama11mid bUt DDC lllj CM -Pftll Wbo the aoww tbe pllt tbne ,_..1n the Wo- .. 'l~Opm. .• Whh"·tlie .... °' that taumlmlnt .............. )lt&'a tu. a kJak at -al the cams.• ol tit piawn about.,_ v ... Nancy i.o.--Meltan, wiDNI' at Ntm VWdl tn 1880, --= ura W. to paa.y at U.. V ... l UM that coune Wlf'J much. Md ~~ to Ha· wait II.._ to be much mme " JoANwi Carnet, winner of the ftnt toummnent Mn added .. ~-before •vtna fw w. v..., and the J&B Scotch Pro-Am um w..und. .. Sur., I lllr.• that courae at Mesa Vetcle. I would reelly like to be ecMI *le there." · Pat Bradley, winner of the event lut year, Kipped the Olympia Gold ClMlic lalt week but will be at the Delert fnn in Lu Veps th1I week. "Everybody likea to defend a title on the coune where It wM won. rd like to be retum!nc to Meu Verde." The lilt F9 on and on but the lponlOl'I have ~ a deaf' ear to retumlna here and have taken the event to HawaU next wee&. Perhaps the future will aee anoth~r ioumament placed itt Oranae County, pel'hap1 at Meea Verde where the men'• TP A tour poup bal had aeveral appearanoe1 in the pest M well. * * * LOPEZ-MELTON IS STILL the charming, p-adoua youns lady who played her way to fame and early fortune on the LPGA tour. She has allmmed down and has that winning mille that makes her a pllery favorite whether she ahoota a 78 or a 64 on the aoU course. And appa- rently, she ii over the naai"I injuries that ham- pered her in 1981 when she injw'ed her rotator cuff and developed tendinitis in her left wrist. She started with a 78 at lnduatry Hilla lut week in the Olympia Gold Clulic, then finished with a 68 to tie for third. She made no excuaea for the 78 but simply played her way back to the front ot the pack. 9' But tbe injuries frustrated her a year ac« "I waa apend.ina more time in doctors' offioee than I did on the goll coune. I very much wanted to be No. 1 last year, ao it WM very frustraUna to lit at home and watch the others s--me on the money list." Don't count her out of any tournament. She'• more mature now and is hitting the ball with au- thority once again. And with the to. of 26 p>\&nda in addition to putting the in;.trlee behind her, she could win the J&B, tlie Kemper or the Dinah Shore tournaments or all three in the next three weeks. * * * THE GOLDEN STATE PRO tour returns to Green River Golf Coune today and Friday, then ahifta to San Lui.a Rey Downs April 5-6 and Va- lencia April 18-19 with purses averaging $7,500 according to one of the SponlOn, Dowr lves. The event bas been averqin& ~ players per outing with Newport Be.ch'• Lew Cooper winnlJll over the Los Serranoa South course in the laat event with a 6-under-par total for two rounds. &y Carruco of Irvine baa been the most consistent Rose examined CLEARWATER, Fla. (AP) -Philadelphia Phillies first baseman Pete Role was scheduled to be examined for mua.- cle apasma in bi.a lower back by the team physi- cian today to determine ii he can participate in the club's spring training camp. PhllliP8 manager Pat Corrales said, however, be didn't want Rose to •111 llTlal .IOMl8 ROSEMARY K. JONES, ,.._ dent of Huntington Beech. Ca. Pa11ed away on March 15, 1982. SM 11 aurvlved by her huebend Benjamin, aon 8NCe Jonee, daught• Vallerie Jonee, brother Donald Kffnan, pa- rent• Mr. & Mra. Loren Keenan! Memofllll .....io. .. .,. held on Sunday at tM Comm= United Methodllt Church,. . Hell Av. .. Huntington &Mch, Ca. Prtvate lnt•ment. Vltlt•• tlon wlll be held on Friday, ~ 1t. 1~ from t:OOAM to 9:00PM. Arrangement• by W•etmlntter Memorial Park Mortuary. 893-2421. work out unlesa the National League's all- Ume hit producer la entirely free of pain. Roae, who continued daily treatments Thurs- day, laid he felt about 95 percellt~ "rve been optimistic," Corrales said of Roae, who will be 41 April 14. "But as rve said, I don't . want to rush him." Corrales WU reminded about Friday'• examina- tion and the pouibWty that Roae miaht make his second effort to worit out if he aeta the doct«'a ·~al. 'I'll fight the doctor about that," said Cor- rales, "unleaa Pete feela absolutely no pain. I don't want him on the· field feellna 75, 80 per- cent. He hu to tell me that he bas no pain.'' "We'll .ee," Roee said •he lay on the~ table when told of Cor- ralee' f~. ~ tnm the OOUll!.t1 wtth -~ -.. ~10 ....... * * * I TD NA'ftONAL IEN'IOR 8pcirW AMociaUon .. boldln1 • thrModay toumament Lil San Dte,o Apr'U M 1DO llDOftl tbe prbM wtl1 be $6,000 foe a hOJe.ln-one. Play wW be over the Torrey Pines, Cotton- wood and wtmpertnc Palml cow.. and aD UDl- teun, &O yean of ace and over, are welcome to partldfate. '!be COit la $160 for aolf wtth no hotel roam. Entry b1anb are available at the ·~ Cout Pecleral Savin•• office. or by writing to N~ 31'7 Cameron St., Alexandrta, Va. 22814 or by Cll1lna (703) &49 .. 8711. * * * Tiii: INDVSTaY AND Services Golf A.9oc:ia- Uon 11 apln oHertna a~ valued at $500 or more to a )anlor .,Uer who in Loi An@les, <>rans•. Weetem Rlvenide or West.em San Ber- nardi.no c.ounty and who p1ana to attend coJJeae ln the fall. '!be ICholanhlp ii offered for ICbolutic apti- tude, '°'§· ty and finaneial need and the criteria for a winner bas been aet up by 1he Southern GoU A.9oc:iatlon in coo.junct1on with the SoCal unlor GoU A.9oc:iation. Applications are now available by writing to the ISCfA Office, P.O. Box lW, Chino 91110 or by caWnc (714) 594-5442. Two A YSO tealDs in pltiyoff finals Two area American Youth Soccer Amoclation team.a have reached the final.a of the Southern California playoffs. · 'nley include the Fabt.ab.D '6, a Hwitington Beach Reaion 56 team compaaed of aeven and eUEht-.,._ old bo}'I. and the Golden Wm,.. a Costa Meaa Re1ion 120 team composed of nine and 10-year.&d boys. Both teams play Sunday in Upland. The Fa- bulous 58 team la scheduled to play at 11th Street Park in Ul)land at 10 a.m. ap1nst an undetermined oppenent. 'Ibe perk la located at Foothlll Boulevard and Motmtain Avenue in Upland. The Golden Wincl wilf mo pl 'lY Sunday, but the Umt and ~t have not been determined. The Gclden Winet are COIChed b~ Mora and Matt Collette. Members lndude Ablett, Joa Baldwin. Shane Cocmll. Jeh Hildebnnd, Scott Hinkle, Brian .1one1, Mau MatUnn. cmoa Mora, Matt Monti. 8-.wn Nomura. Robert N,e, &mUe Raya. Scott Taylor and Dm Worden. The Ga6den Winp edvmad with a 2-1 double overtime victd'y OYel' Bonita Hilla last weekend in Chula Villa. M9nwblle, the Huntington :ee.cb Fabulous '6 team tapp)ed San Clemente, 2--0, last weekend to gain the .mifinala. Members of the team include Mike Yamaahlge, Ryan Bettaru, Brent.Nicboh, Matt McGlnley, Taylor Marcu., Randy Loranger, Jeae Gomez, Brian Steidl, Brian Chen, Brian Cttnak, Bm Cerri. Darren Brink, Ryan Martin and Ryan Blard>ard. Larry Reed ii the heed ~ of the Fabulous S6 and his umtants are Don Gunn and Bob Cor- nelius. Basketball changes? SPRINGFIELD, M-. (AP) -:e.ketbell ~t be better if jump ban. pve way to coin m.. .... .Jam dunks into 10-foot-hilh baaketa were Mt.laced by three-pet f pis aimed at hlgber bool-. Cloe of the lpOl't'• J"\llmnaken ..,.. "It'• a ~ man'• game whether you lik• it or not," aaya Dr. Edward Steitz ... But I .think we'w aot to try to keep tbl pme in balance so M not to atve any man ad-van.,. to the hie man.'' IAlT21HMaOM SMl'"4 & TVTHtlL WISfCUff CH~rtt.. High Boler tops 427 E 17th St Costt Mesa 6'6-9371 ..... CIMO,.._S SNtTMs· NOtrrUM• .627 Main St ~ntinQton S..ach S36-6539 MICCMIMICll MOITUil•S LeQun•8'.ch 494-9415 LaQunaH1lls 78Ml33 s.n Juen C.p111t1no .f95.1 ns • .-- SORC • winners PIU .. f'ICTITtOUI .uM•IM llAMll 1Ta'9Meln' PICTITIOUI IUllMlll MAMl IT ATIMINT Tiie lollowl110 .,.,..,. II dol110 bvtlrwHo• STRAIGHT L I NE PEltl"OltMAHCE, IUO Newport Blvd., Coet. Mno, CA t2'27. ltOftolel 0 . POtttlt Jr .. ..., Homlllon $1 .. Cosio MIKO, CA ma. Tiii• buMMSI II t-ucttcl l>Y an llldMduot. "°"91d0.fllrtt11Jr. Tiiis tai-t wn fllecl wltll Ille C-ly Clolk of OrOllQe Cou11ty Oft Mo#cllJ,tt The tollowt119 "'""It doll10•------------llMIM-•: f'ICTITJOUI eutlMlll IYltOff MUSIC. ttll l.-4 Clttte, MAMS ITATOMMT H11ntlflOllOftlMd\,c.tlfontloftW. Tiie fottewlnt panon II dOlnt ltollert o. Holl, tm LlllOI Clrcte, '*"-•: H11nllfltlonlMc:h,Colltorllloft'46.. MIMI PteRltE BltlOALS • Tiii• l>uMn•H I• con4'>Ct.s by e11 f'OltMAU. 11110 anM*Jluf'lt 5tnel, lndlvldwot. •SJ, l"-.111 VOiiey, Cotltomlo "*' ~ O. Hall Toltlotlll Ajemloll. 10114 Kingbird Thia .............. wn lllod wllll 11\e Avattuo. f'ourlqln Valley, Collfoml• County Clef'lt of OronQe C-y °" '27._ 1 ~--0 .,, Morell a, 1-. Tiiis bullMtl s <-v ,., .... INlvld ... t. Pvbll-Or.,. Coest Dolly Piiot, Telt.llN AJemlon Mff<ll 5. 12, "· 2', 1"2 --a. Tiii• •*'-" -fllocl wltrl 1tle -----------c°""'' Clff1l of <>ranee County "" Monll 10, 1112. ,.._ .. ~ C011t DAILY PILOT/f'rtder, u.ah 11. 1111 .i ., I. '82 626 Sedan s speed, air cond., AM/FM stereo, cruise control. (Ser. 618126) (Sit<. 25125) $ · 1 '82 RX-7 JUST ARRIVED! A NEW SHIPMENT. EXCELLENT · SELECTION. 0r.,. Cout DAIL. v PILOT /Friday, March 19, 19'2 r '82 GLC Hatchback 4 speed, fully carpeted. $ (Ser. 621247) '82 B-2000 s speed, steel belted radials. (Ser.554014) ( Stk. 23047) • 11 I -:.=llUB3 1 "-......... --....... ......... ... ...... ............. . ...,.,. .. a.,.._..,......., ~~~~ ~~.:..~':. ... ,... * NO. .... ... -'h .u ............. ftctulel • .,_, M. ""'NII< ... Y•••• .......... -"-' •edi· .. .,., ~ .. ecti. ( ..... , ....... cal VllGIHlA CA&aOLL ~ -....-•• ceM1K1.-•Y • MD•rvu. • VDtODUA P . ..,_., ,.._,...., MD.aDIAN and .,.._ who ..., .,.-it, _, be oca-wt. tn.......i In . the wm tatJJ• ..w. '"'.' ...._.... -'"" •1111 "" A peUUon Ml beftl Wed by C..ty Clll'tl ., Or.,. C.-ty Ill 1tMOnlY PAUL MDIUMAN *'°'fl a, ,_ Pl.... In the hpM'iolr Court CJi Onin8t Pl.IMI ... 0r-. CN .. Deity Pl ... , Coi.aaty Nel\MllUna that TUI-*"" J, n, 1t," t• eu-er. OTHY PAUL MDlUJ(AH be •· ' ==rr ....,_ t ' appoint~ .. ~NOnel r•pl' .. I ... •IM · I "ntaU~ tc> edmlnllter the • . .. .. of V1801NIA CARl\OLL uw~llUIH14111 M.DllMAH, CoeUI 11 .. , CA ...... ITAftMHT (\lncMr the Iadependena A.dml- Tllll ,......... ...,._. .,.. etlllt n.latradon of l'.lta&ee ~). The ~rt1..1 MICHANllC.t 2~• ~tltlon 11 Mt for bearlna In Pttctw, ••t. ~ ._ c:.e-• Dept. No. a at TOO avtc Omter --. Drive Well, Santa Ana, CA 111c.Af"0::,9:. =:.=-ir :=:1 '2701 oo April '1, Ital at t :SO =:"' .. ~~~=, ur-.. YOU OBJECT to the T1'lt _,_, It cllld!IK"'41 •Y • 1ranlln1 of cbe petition, you lll'llltN~.~~uct Mar,etlni l ahould either appear at the S\"llllllN. lllC. he~ and 1tate your objec- c 111r1u s. Helnu, dona or file written objecdona . ~ .......,_ -Ill• w191 IM with the court ti.fore \he Me· ~ Cltf'll .. Orlflll' c-.lY .... fine, YOW'~DM)'beln ~,..,., ~or by your •homey. D' YOU ARE A CRl:nt'l'OR lll*l!Md 0...... COllll Dell• l'ttot. or • continpnt Cl'edJtor of the F•~~!-t2:."·,.. MC. deceued, you m uet file your NI.JC 1911( claim whb the court ar pr-.it It to the penonal reprMentatlve ------. ----appointed by the court within PIC'Ttnousautte••• four montha from t&.t.. date of ...... ITAT8MllNT Y"' Tiie follewlnt ""°"' .,. dolno first lmuance of leuen • provt. llUMMSS .. , ded in Sec:Uoo 700 of the Pro- T A Y L o It K H t o H T. bate Code of California, Tbe $HUITMAKIEM, -~ *'"' St., S..ll• ~me for flllQs cla1ma ~ not II, Ntwllllf19eKll, CA '1Ma. , "''"'-....._ ............ _ • ..._ ....._ 1t1c11e..-T. Knlflll, um A..-1e e-.-w ... -.., ~ mon ... "'""" Wey, tl'VIM, CA tf7". the date of the hmrin& nodced Herold A. HMte Jr .. Ill Made St., above. ~=· ~~~· 11 cOftCl..ctect 11, • YOU MAY EXAMINI! tbe .. ...,.1 .....-nlllP. file kept by the court. U you are ltle:Nrll T. KntoM In~ IA the ...... you may Tiii• ....,,_ -..... •"" -fUe • requmt with the oou.rt to c-•• c.ien of <>f'ene-c_., 111 recrive special notice of the ln· M.er<ll 4, Im. PIMGI ventory of estate a.eta and of ...,..,.... O'Mll CMst Deity Pl..._ the peUUona, accou.nta and re- MM<ll s. It. ''· M. ·-... parts dmcribed ln SecUcin 1200.:1 the Calibma Probate Code. PaJClllll ..... A. ....... ~ ----------at Law, t• N • ..,._ ......._, ...onca o:::.t:.., UL• ... .,........ CA HIU; T.S.. .... TS...., (1H) nMMl. ' ato•ll>U Pvl>ll8Mcl Of'M09 C-t Oelly Piiot On Me~ 2', ltl2, et t :IO e.111. w.dl 1-. 11 za. 1t12 1211-G' TtTLE IHSUltAHCE ANO n1uST 1..,.----·-------COMPANY, ....... ~ TnlHM ~ Md --to Deed ef TrW Cle1eCI J-ts, ,_ reconlM July 1, 1----~-----tW , .. Wt. No. '21, 111 bOoll IM.51, ~ ............. 11111 °'-of Offklet Recordl In tN Olli9lr °"*"" .... olllc• of Ille County ltKOrMr OI ... AM ...... Orenoe County, Cellfornl•, WILL _...._.a-. .... • SELL AT PUllLtC AUCTION TO .eonc.•·=-:~t=­HIGHEST 8IOOE1t FOlt CASH, CASHl6ft'S CHECK OR CERTIFIED ~,...;:',_ WMTW CHECK, (pey..,._ at time of sale In DllCM' .. MQIO IT8 lawf11I maMy of ti. Unttect SC•"l at ~,,....... .......... U. Soutll Iron! entrwe to !tie Old a ; o e,_ ~ Or•noe c-.ty Collrtllouw toc•ect In .. Ille 200 llloc.k of Wal S...la Ana Blvd. ...... T ....... (formerly West H1 St.>. Sent• Me, Ca 11 n D *4"4 Cellfornle •II right, lllle -Interest P..-0 T......,,. 11M t191S • NPOrt o1 conve'(ect to end now llekl trr It --~ end lllPled '°' ~ Mid 0.-Of Tnnt In !tie Pf'.-rtl' _,,, fOf IM~dlec:Nrge Of ~IOll sltueted In Mid County and Slate .._... -to -of ... 81*. dtscrllled as: On ... i,...,. Of~...,.,...... Lot 2t In &lock 10 ol Tree I No. n.. In == C..:::: == Ille City cl .....,,.,, S..Cll, County of o..tMy Control--.... 8er1111 Ma......._ Or•noe. Slate of Call!of"nle, .. ..,. --~ pr~"io ,_. .,..--. IMP rec:..-ctln llOOll tJ, PetH•-=~=-=~ 71 Of Ml~ Metll. lft tile off Ke - -.----of ttle County -of Mid Olunty. ....... to -14*1 ...... to ... Trvt•.,. t9C.,.d _,, DAVID T . ...,._ ................... -1111- SMITH Md PATRICK J , SWEENEY. vttecl to ~ -Ill wrltlnt to tM Tiie strHI actctreu enct otller ._..,,_"°...,._ .... IMZ. common ~Ion H •llY ef .,. Al_•.....,..,..._ prtor rHI property detc~lllff .t.ove II .... ._4-wlllle.......,lrl.,. ' __._to lie: ""W. &elbM Blvcl., ~...: =.:w•-=• .... IMwpor1 lleedl,~. . ~ ..................... ~ The ........... T ........ dllClellftt lo .................... ~-•"Y lletllllty lot any ~ ef lllldW9t ,.... .. _Md, 1or.,.. ,... ttM strwt ...,,_, -00.r c-..-, • llotd • pwiMlc '-"18 • 9alD-= ctnltMIMn, H 111y, -""'9111. OATI: Wer t4, tm Seki .... •"I ... rnedt, but •"'*" TIMI:~ -covenant°' w ... renty, e1pr"s °' l'lAC«! ~~~ llOO Implied, ....... tine,,.,........, 01r ,,..._..... ,._._. enc11mbf'ences. lo pay Ille vnpeld ...__, ,.,_ -......, to 111"91111 belMCe of ... -sec:-trr Mid to._......,....,.. on"-'-. releftrlt to ii..__.. dl9dwfe, O•ect of Tr1.1sl, •-It. POJ,10.11, ,..._ ...-.1ng pr-i.U-lllOUICI lllChHllnt .. -vi-In UICI -e. confine tllelr ttel-to Ille abo¥e ectvenc", If any, _, .,. temot ef ... t41d i.i-. Oral flat-.. lie Miki 0...S of TnnC, '-• Cher9" end -.!, W. IOr 1M _..,of .. --ci, UP9111H of the T,...,... -ef tM ell lfftpottent ~ lllOUld lie Wb-trvm cl"Ntltd trr MNCI ~of Tr1111. ""'*'In......_ ONI .....,_ ~ TM ...._..klery ...,., NICI Oeecl Of be brlllf to llllow ell lnl-ed ..._ Trust lleretofore e1ec1.1tee1 end tlrlll to be'-<!. Clellwered to U. .....,tloMd • wrltwn TM NPOrt Of -.....,,.. ......., Decler.Clon ol Oeleutt -Dlmeftll ~ "'°' .._, .. llowd'e .,,. tor Sele, end • written Notke of POMd ,..,.,-'9, -.. ~ O.te1111 end EtecllOft to s.11: Tiie = ~~"': t."r..:: une1er111nec1 ullMCI selcl Notice ef 11111 IMleM A-._ 100 "'-· O.fe111t -EIKtlon to Sell te lie llde. CA 12IOI ~ 71 ........ tnell recol'Oect In IN c--Cy wtlef'e llM .... 1 ~ IM"°"" o1 ea> -.-Md 4:00 ~ II loc-. TNllM er ...,,y P.111. tootcinder .... ...._, conductlnl .... : TITLE IHSUltAHc• ....... twffte Ute-.....,;. to Ille ... AHO Tl•UST COMPANY, -N. Melll ..,.... cr1 .... ,._..._to llOll llN St.. SMiie AM, eel ...... fVG; Allft: _..lie ........ 11t 1121 ...... Joyce WllllerM (JUI • .._ o.t.: ~ Or .... c.Mt Delly Pl!of, Merell t, 1•. Title 1_._. efl4I Merdl It. ,.. ~ Tl'Vtlt e.,..,., by Jo~ Wlttl--, e• - MldT,,.._, -·--.......... Or ... CMSI Dally Piiot. ,._ Merell s. 12. "· nia "1,« ----c-"'-,.,.----- lllOTIC& v ... -... °"9lltt ....... 0... .. ----------I Tnnt, ..... JM. tS. ttl1. U ..... .,_ NOTICE OF DEATH 0 BLANCHE II. CU&TIS, 1k BLANCHE CURTIS, all BLANCHE MAlllE CUBTI AND OF PETrnON TO ADMI NllTEJ\ EST ATE NO. AllUfl !AIM ecU.. • ~ ,_. ~." _., ......... PIMlc ..... " ""' Med ... _ .................. ... .. ptl ............... .,_ ..... c:-..ctei..,... NOTIC1l CM' ~I'S I.AL.a T.S. ... W.. °" Atlorl l. ...... t : 1J .. dot. -·· To all belr1 beneflclarlea ._ Frtdn. •IN'""' ..v-.. t• "°" • o6d()r ... (".Mfty~ ....... credit.on and c:onUnaent credl e11 Sent• All• 81•41 .. •etwHn ton of Blanche M. Curtb and ,.,.,. St. & .,_,_.,, senta AN. Jll!IWXl9 who may be otherwlae • . • w E s T E It N M u T u A L ln--.cf In the will and/ar ._ COit POltATtOH, • Cel1te,r11le ~..-.aT,,....,trll .-., tate: ... __ ....__ f"_. b Tr11ttH, ...,., lM Deed ef Trvtt A petition,....._.. .-.. y _.,._by..._... a.-Merdllll Ronald Huber and Guy Ouu. In _. 1,_ "'-Mlnllll, ......_. _. the Superior Court of Oranae Wff9, ._. C.8lled T.,...,, ,_,..... C.ounty ~t RonAid Mer<!'. t7, "'1 .. ,_,_,.. ~. req m47, HI ..... tMt ..... ·I• et Huber and Guy be ap-Ottk ... __. • OP ... c-icy, llOb*d .. penonal ,..._ .. Cllt...,. .......... ..-c ..... .. Uve to admlnil'9r the ..ia1e of. * 11itM11t...., fW ~-, ...-.111 Blanche 9'1. Curtil (uacler th. ==..m:::==·=.:: Independent Admtn .... tlon of. .. _, -.... t¥ 1M ~ ""*' fatatlM Ad). 1be pedtion ii l9t NWI 0... crl Tl'Wt IA tM 111"--'Y for bem1nl In Dept.. Ito. I at 700 "'"'•'" 111 ..-. °"'"'' .,.. Stet• a,ic c..c.r Drive, w-. In U. ~"::,~at..., Pit, .. ,., ,... Qty oi Santa Ana, Calitomla Oii _., 111 ... n., ~ n • ta Apt) 14, 1912 at •.JO Lm. lllchltlw fl tt tt m .... Ill .. lJ' YOU OBJJ:CT to the ~••~..,..._fl.­ sraaUDc of th. petition, you c:...q, ahould either apnaar at tbe ••Cl"' • ..i. -. ......,.. ....-...., .. _ .. ____ ., ...._ hurinf and ..... JOW't:· ............ ...., .. ..... Uom or file WTl\tln ob ..... ...., a .... ., • wt th tM court baCore .... .... ........ __..._ .. rtnc. Yciur11f1M'wtmqbaln fll ._.,.....,. ....,.. .. ~-..,~~ .. """ ........ ~. ..,_,., A . ., ................. ,, ""•vu .......... ..,...., ....... « .......... CNdlw ot the .,, .. ,,,.., "''•'••· 4?r1111119, d~. 7ft ••t file JO\lr _......_ elllYectllle w --.tllll me. wllll dleeoun or ~t It ..._ • a111 ic.. """"" .,.. • to die~ 1 sJ ,.,._ .. uve ::..--:. =-,;::-.:.=: appolaW .., the court wtthln recenrl119 Hl42 ••Nle11<H, H {ow_....,...... the dace of ,...,... "'o.42 _.. ~ flnl __ ol. ...... prm.. ''· ......... ,..,, ....... .. .. Ill ....... .,.. ol. the Pro. ...,..:;· ;;;;r ..... _,,., ... ·i ba .. Code ef California. 'J'b9 UMM ............... If eAy, II time ........... will not :::...-~: -c-y o.e.. ..... ~ ..... ---tram lal42 .... ""' .. --....... the .. ., ........ lllDdmd ----.. ,,.., .... , •• ~ __ ....._.= .. ..... YOU IL\Y ~!J'I ii,• C'.."'..-~•..::...-:::.., ..... -. ....... K J'ICIU ......... Y-,.... .. ef .. IUMMI ftlli ... _..,,..mq ...... CW., .... 0..ettTrwt. ................. GIU't '° ...,_ .................... . ................. °' ~--==.::.::. =......, ~·-~----o1. _..., ......... ~ .... : .. ~-··• ....... ...... ~ lllllll:lml ........... . .. --- • 5 6 1 7 8 D A I L y p I L 0 T c L A s s I F I E D 6 4 2 5 ' 7 The marketplace on the Orang~ Coaat ... 642-5678 CLASSIAED · 1NDEX ,,,.,.ltCll 142-5171 lllm•SAU ci-• e:r....l a.-.. 11.,, == G1Wt ' =~ .... "-.. .,.. ::=:.. ...... Yll;t ~"5::..e:-.. --~- -= .. -------... --... -Miii Miii ::-.::. == -... -MIU WOODS --------1 aeiUITful cuatom cablutry by master ...,._._ -... uman ~--Im ~ ... -Im '""~. IJll ..._ ,, .. . ~ c.,. .... . ==-"='' . = ~u ... 11e1o •• •• -1-.. 11-... =..~ .. ·= :=.: ._ '"'rm : ;;,~~ ··= ~.=~~ = ::"""r.!.~i.;." = -r...~-.. -BTAlS ...... ... w. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ '1001 ............ ,.. .....•................. ---~ -:-:-rr-•::, ::, ~20,GOO = e -ue1 -~ Tovtly ' bdrm =~ : me. It's 1 baflaiD at .,...._"'"' • thl1 price. Cell now =:"r;.u• : m.s370, craftamn really aet1 tlU I Bdrm 2 Ba home apart. Lovely f"'bo aDd be•rinc trul trees. Low rate, new loan 1v1U1ble, Fu II prl ce MOYE UP TO MIWPOIT Low -pncecl executive home. Beautiful aod specious 4· Bdrm corner location with many ameai\ies. Assume low latereit loan. Don't miss tJiut only 125 ,900. Ca II THE REAL ESTATERG ~~., § ! ·A LL$TATE =-~ ... · REAL~ ! liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii•I ifg § •~:r~~.~ -.~ .. ;}) . -- ........ -um 4 bedroom. 2~ bath • t L I =...... t: home hu bun r e· e1s..a1t~c_. -. _ .!:::" : ' rmdekd amt attractive· ~ _ ~ -.T ty decorated. Features a _..,,..n• · bonu1 room. muter Woo cl It; I cl 9 • IOT,FIMC( suite and cozy family Da•••• !:::"-= : room for r elaxing. J .......... . 5;:~' 5 ~::;~}~e!~il~~jl~~ ~ ., ..... Hit ~-!..~ -will assist. 1210.000. Call utry & . •lrrorecl ---IJ79.23llO ....... Cioocl .... lllllllCEl~TS, awt.le I at TD & Pl'ISIUlS& --=-T,.....,,A=R=B-=E=LL=-_1 owe • Z.d. Y•ry LIST I ftM VIEW TOWMHOMIS ... , .. ,4 S 149 ,000. ~.. ::: Master suitea. \Tiew of - !Acal --Ocean & Night lights. -COU OP MWPOln' ~"'!"" : ~et Area. Parks, ~n · mAl.TORI s.-ia.· -spaces. $137,000. tint HULc..t.....,. Tmtl• SOYICES -F\n. Hal or Pat A&ts c.-.. - ...,..ow.not) _ 751·9905,6'13·1300 17Mlt t otPllflOO & PlfPMAl* ---·-· ..... _ ... , --... GE .... -......... Beaut. 4 bednm. hm rm w/fireplace, for- mal din:rm. 2 ~ be. Newly decorated in 1Dft pleulnt colors. Beautiful new cptng & drapes. New marble entry. Pool & 1.-, JlllS.~ ....... MIWJIOln' C11111. M.1. 644-49 I 0 ...... , HOttis Remodeled, decorated 3 bdrm, 3 bat~ •. rmtr bdrm witJl ocean view $425,000 . ·'Owner will consider trade. West Bay bayfront. Slips for 2 boats. remodeled 3 bdrm, 3 bath $1,200,000. · Ocean &: jetty views. ~farine room, 4 bdrm, 3 bath, 3700 sq.ft. $1,385,000 . UDO ISi.i HOMES Prime Lido Nord bayfrof¥. S bdrm. S • bath. Lge L.R. 2 boat slips $1,500,000. Remodeled 3 tx\rm, 2 bath + large rec. rm. beam ceilings, $420,000. UteA ISi.i IA YfltOMT LagoQO view from 6 bdrm, S bath, playroom, dark rm, den. $1,350,000! IAYSIDI COYI Spectacular bayfront view 4 bdrm, 4 bath, 2 boat slips $\900,000. 1'115 YISTAS-MSSIOM YllJO New French Normandy 4 bdrm, 4 bath, guest house, pool. $795,000. BILL GRUNDY . REALTOR \ 1 •• 'f 1 • : • t. t µ f1 •) f-i J b 1 Q ' .. •we .__.,..,.On MESA YEIDE m;5dlf-auuma&re-tst S •Rftf.OOM! OWC 2Dd. 2 bdrJn, aJI 9a1 OIMI$( =::.. -I -GEORGE ELKINS CO elec, pooi, RV Piling, Mc:st popu ar Bucco• 5 Clubbse. Adil tomm. Bdrm or 4+ den, over 714 . 415-90 2 9 . or 3.0001q.ft. Formal livln& $CD-SIZ-ODI and din.in& room. coun- try siJ.ed kitchen with 1·---.. ---•1 breakfast nook over-COMMHCIAL k1ots huce family room. -=11-C-.••~-· Colo llU ---::- ................. .,. ,.... ............. . CUit.om built by owner. S.ut C.OUOtry French 3Bt, 3ba, din.Ina nn, family rm. dbl paneled wlndowa thru-out W-W cpt't . encl upper petio, 2 frpla. J,e 2 car gar w-atorage. See to appreciate. $750. 000. •~-atLln•'lll On the "Point": 2 yr old 4Br, 2 ~ ba, 3 beaut frplca. Sunny comer -next to Bay w-aml vu. $469,000 w~great uau- mable flnandng. STOP BY FOR OPEN HOUSE PREVIEW SAT 12-4 Refr!lhmtmta Served. t..rlJT-mL .... M. Top location, ateps to ocean. Get your plans and •tart driving nalla. Priced rig.ht at $200,000 to aell quick. I OOJ C.... .. Ms I 022 • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• $93,500 COSTA MESA Fa~ f Bdrm 2 bath condo with a master 51.ite loft, bright sunny kitchen. double car gara1,e. patio. great r111111C1n1. Call now for m>re detail.a. $46-2313 ''-•1 AISOWTI STUL IWl:c.ed SI S0,000 MOW $525,000 SPYGLASS IYOWNER OWJIER FlNANCiNG 6br/4"'ba. 4100 sq ft 25 Bodqa Bay Call OWDef' I 751-0717 RXaUPP~ Fl'Ult row Dolphin Ter· race. OverlookiJl1 Y achl Club on Bayside Dr. Larceat U E lot. &.tlder unable to f1Dilh renovation. 30 year rt.nancin& available al 12~%. Needs appros. $150.000to fmllb project. Priced far below market for quick sale. Verr. large profit potentia . All plant approved. Bltr. 79).7292 IYOWNEI DuPLEX · Priced to ltll! Great terms, fine locadon. UU-8580 LOT .. OlclCdM Ol'amide of hwy. 30. ll 118'. S300.000. Write to P.O. Bos 1'04, Kailua. WFYl M>T rt! Kana, Hawlii K74-0 or Lovely 3 8cfrm home call a/32M310 with wet bar. marble COUMftY IH6USH fire$>1•H •more. Owner _" 11WOUS to move. Only ,.,.,._ $1)1:11' !IMLrL.1$11'1t-~~531T,O.E -=tBr=+=--28-r._l_y_r_n_e•_. S31t,OOO. 851-9135, 709 OrdUd OCEAN VIEW 4 BR. ~ llwlOV• ...... c..w. ---...... --Spectacular CUst.om &ilt +View Home. 2 stores. I block to sputling pool and hot ocean. 25% down. Owner spa. Truly a huae family I will carry balance. borne. Great ranancanc. 1265. 000 ! Prieoe oaly S299 · 000. Ca II iiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I __ ........ •~.tt.':'.:.,"'.,·o.~.--11 RMin REALTORS motivated, S37s .ooo. Prin. only. 1000 Sea Ln. 644--4612 --~ t=-==--·-_ .. ..,,... ... °"'" """ • """' ,... ="= t::".= ..... , ~.'r-.H1ro.a- 11AfS&•• (IMDf -~--=-= ..... · ----·-l:=~ _....:;;:;_ MT.al 0-11 · .._,a-... -v-............ _ ·--Un-"""' V• =.·,= AITIS.*"'T£1 0-11 ,.. . ._ """' . A..U.Hoa..,. .... gr. .... rottatt PIM -· ,_ -...,.. .. 01u1 =--· lltrfftdft ... , *' 1101 ~ ,_. = -.... ..,.. .... ~ . E. ... . ·• ········· .. . ~ ......... :. =-.... o-.1 --,._., . ~ "'" ..•. ---tm --.. --------- '---------... -... 'IA Ila -"" ... -----------,,. ,,., ,,. ITU ~ 1111 -mi mt . ,rm ,,. ma mt mt ,,. ,,. llQ --"" ,,. -"" -"" a --'"' '"' -·---I~~ ........ : .. = ~: ... -. .. = .... ' ..• ......... ·-........... ,-........... ·-........ -........ ··-............. .._ .... ::.: :: ,'". ·:.: ·····-···· ····-. ............. - ....... , •• 1 ... .............. - """""" ..... "'''', ···-''!""""'""'.,. ............... .. . Private Security Gated Location In San Clemente. 3600 Sq. Ft. -4 Bedrma -3 Ftreplaoea • Solarium Hot Tub -Exercise Room -Maid's Quarters -You Must See This Breathtaking Home Built On ~ Acre & Priced ll00,000 Under Value For Fut Sale. Call Now To Inspect. ·751-9100 #JC ...... ,._ .... ,..c ...... tlSTORIC t.IDITERRANEAN LAfl>MARK ESTATE ................. ,, ... ,..... ........... .-...... J't' ............... , .. Jal ...... .,. ,_.,. ......... = ...... ruH1111 .... • ... .... .. ..... 1'I ...., ....... ,., ............. st .. .... .,...,... . ......, ....... .. ..... ....., ...... ~1111111, ...... .. ~-· ..,, "":=-' ... .............. ..,..... ,..,. ... ................. hlfll=: ....... .... ,..., 1 ....... ,..... ,..., :t!....,,... ......... ......., ................ Liii' ...... ....................... ~ ................................. .,..,.......a.-. ... .._14,11111 r::-sar..:·: :r=n~ WATERFRONT HOMES, INC. REAL ESTA Tl s... ~ "-"' "'"'--... 24J6 W Co.t Hwy 315 Mlirlllf Aw ~ 8teth !Wbol ltlllld .,.... '7utel i:::' ~~~-~i~s· = -----.... "QA' L "*Ml ................. " .. low......W ... .. ......... ..., .... ... BATMIG: I I I I I I . A£SIDENTIAL AEAl ESTATE SERVICES ... ...- ,11,111,111 Stain ,iu. windows carved, beam cei-· linp emphMiie the IJ*iousne. of thia outatandlnt 3 BR home nested in the hills. Expansive view !ram~ room. DR, Fam. Room. guest quarters . IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 ·~· 11,171'8.ml it all you pay when you takeover exittlng lat T.D. Spacious 4 br ex- ecutive detached home. FeatW'ing frml din, fmly rm & frpk. Only $213,600 FEE. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport 8-:h. 7:!0-1501or752-7378. •WPP•--* Senaatiodal PORTOnNO model on e~cepdonally Jarae lot on FD land with 4 bedroaml, .... ~ Only '349,.POO with 10.971..M&Umable flnanclq!! 2870 San Miauel Dr., Newport~. 75$.1501 cr752.-'137S. . ... ....,_. ...... s.n.tiJ.i 4 br home llnack on the watsfl ~~ trench doon. frplc, G=18i1Zc~~J:i~.~l,~: .... wU1 carry Al'l'DI l8'70 Sen Mi-r=s.:: :.:1501 or ........... o.~ ,., (1M) 111-7111 2 ~~e~'~n~o .• eo.e.Mno 1024 beamed ceilings, near ••••••••••••••••••••••• shopping «nter. Check GREAT STARTEI out the rlnanring . Rem>deled 2 Br. lrg lat sm.ooo. in C.M. OnJy 189,900. Bill UPllllOOf li() ... fl ... Ul-12&6 Realton. 675-6000 • ,, . Ava=i~1Some 1--------dlstress situetions. Mwner, ~~1r 2b'.z 7a).98111 Act '~!h~e~lf1 ~atw Br Owner ' Br. i"" e..1 __ ~_ina_.r.a._._U92_ Assu~ 12%. F.Jf.A. G.P.M. Ill with 128.000 down. $836.06 PJTl. Principals only . 833-l&M . AU~=~r·B~ + family room. many spel'l1l decorating features, inter.com. ceo· tral vacuum, huge lrtt covered lol. S379,SOO . owe. VACANT LOT EuUideCOiu Meu R·l lot. a>XW clear aod re· ady to build. Only ~,•.Call ror more de· la.II S.2313 RZ~~'m~pen beams, carved cabinets. New carpet. Below •P· praised value. have documents. Low dn w /H20 K lsl . F I P $141,500. Ph 64S·6266 OwnerAgt. LEA.SE/OPTION SlOK dwn. Sl,000 mo. 3Br, 2Ba E. Side. 673-3112, S.·5331 MESA VERDE •12ba. lam. rm.. fl:;pl . SllOK. Owner, 7S2·0'1S9. ' · HERITAGf I fH ,'\I .. _,.._ -----·-.._,.., ....... E.idtJ.t~ .=~.:t&R Property. ~ ... IPk"'.'?w •"· . I=--lilCla bdriDt .,. .... ..,~•.-. = •/YllllW cla . call fllt. Tatal ,,... si;:: ,., -. llJJ U.S. DI i TS1..m'1 __ ... e .. •ee•ee•• .; ... :::.:..::. ______ _ DUPLEX-IV OWNER a.1111'-.U -E~~-2 ............. ............ IM U1t1 OH ••lclt . 91111 Orengt Cout Oil.ILV PILOT/Frldly. Mwcn 191 1982 •• '~.~!'!. ....... ~."!':~ Mwei ii.w. Olilr....... Oller......... ...... ........... , ...... u. ...... , ...... U.flnl.W ....... ~ Jf ........ ~ . c..e. • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• , ....................... ....................... ··················•••J • ...... ~ ....... !!~~ lt.U 1041 ............. 106' MIMli"'-1 W.fwW. J JOO C:..MtNI )224 ...... •ltec• J240 Nawp41rtlten l26t ..... , ...... J707 c.NMIM H24 I •.•.•••••••••..•.•••••. ··•••••··•••••·•·•••••• lllrs.lt .· I 100 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• IXTU SHAIP A Lot IHALUJ( ••••••••Hn••••••••••• HARBOR RlDG! II OMI OF 2 Br Coodo pool Jacuzzi ~ aldGt '-:rfi t M. J I I. J la I MOM'nCIUO ,_. A.UHle NNU 2 bdrm, 1 bath, new Wlll tr~de/Jolnt venturt. THI LUCKY N W clbbse, carpori, frlge: ·~~.. ·!!ml3In111a, tr. IAY VIEW NtwlY dtfOr <111· pd • T0Wt4HOUSI lacre + bldi-iHi,&ent SJ(AL!I carpet & d r apes. lmillion.&44·03'77 Renttn Costa Meu's No pell. ISOO/mo l•t at .... y, ..... aut. dee, lKt fl'uilteeuiilycJeluxecon· encl aar. d /wuher, lS'7 Yorktown "Ln , ort ly 1\opn& parctl 1hort • Beautiful adult park, t1 .t•Dtwrt NEWEST aated 20 last +d , 788-7 S decka, fab. view I pvt do. 1 bdrm, 2 b1ths, pool, bbQ Adults, no •• Ftirvlew btt. Wilson" di.stance r~m tennis' htake!Jl)'teput~tlonon Iowa <'trmL846·8812_ ~ I 2400 'rownbome VILLAO£ 18r.Condo,pool,tennls, ~~r::o,:: r:.'~nb nicely furnished t.s.842-5b'l3 . .,. fl'8alr. ODt\ Sat 1·$, 3 Br 2 beach. Own r bu In the F'ACTthat th11 la tht Newport Beach De Ania COMMUNITY. 2 & 3 8r. "lb1.-.. fr·ice .. arport or Dovie Koo 7.f.1...,1 Bayfront building Pool a........,,-OC~NCY• ,,. • .LL dbl a a r' pool , eluded plans ror cu tom BEST BUY In Newport bayfront Park Mint ....................... 2~ 8a.180().1800aq. rt. or N '111"• • ~.._ • ' .. _ .... _. IQ)Oper mo. -• •• • <'luonouse, Hl1hly Op· vllla. $12S.OOO Spe('· Beach. II you are a cond. '78 dbl ' wide, Park City Utah condo. pure luxury. Gua.iea, l~l pe~a. ~~~i_@ · 151 3br.2ba, pool din rm /fm '714J 67).4400 p 00l~a~lc 1 1u8: ... f raded . Au ume a t tacular vlew•I legitimate buyer-CALL fireplace, brick p11tio, :?:.tntr ~lngf ror bydro-tubl in muler -· rm. 1100 Clay, NB 'IJIJI Ua.uu 1 ~ Ne n · 2W~ or new 80'~ at Mls.5JON REAi.TY ME DIRECTLY and you 98'1,<MXI. '63 double wide r..n1ner.-""' up ront. auiteL dining rooma. 1 BR 1ba, adult rondo. lJOOOJrro.~.M l 5032 ~tu'l~00r~nt 0 pets Ml3~,:t. Askin& SI02,500. 494.0731 will be Im pr uud. romer lot $39.000 Bill t ol Im>. 642·0671 wood oumlng rireplacea, Ovlc center areu Close ---HAR IOA TSL MGMT · IWZ 1603 a..e oHer. Own er GREAT BUY! OCEAN G~s..e1s1. n..h!/Wtr•ol micro wave ovens. to beach No pets WES LIFF ----·- ' transtemd,outurarea W~toS.lt. VU,LRG4BDR,PROF. Mobile H;me dbl Id 0-.rlNp 2450 gr1vate path11 & yard& ~/mo 8337890 &'60L t•ft-4St.•trltffr Plotan<.>!:amLac,uocnaeanBevai!hw ~F£ORATED11'poor l,spla Sl72 mo sp'ace ~en~'••••••••••••••••••••••• .,.,ar~~neur p rov1lded1s' Llgenouuhforafumily UYTIMIUS .., .. "' uae nu a or ·on ;y .... _ ·r OK' r~1eg..,,, vmg on y 2 Br with garage t hlld & bo • 1 Call Leooe or details S376.500. A trade will be awui pre , sm pet . , Ca .. o ldmd minutes from Fashion ITllil pet ok. S6SO/mo t not too lurae or one Mobeed & Rylee Dvlp. considered. You won't quiet H.B. corner lot t,; Porlnerslilp-in 2 bland, 7 minutes to s c SJS.7979 Elegant dec?r, exec ~ llur~r ~~~:;.~~~~t Co SPACIOUS I Br Ml$• vllDE 714/640-2912 beUeveituntilyouseeit S29.~ or best. Owner bdrm. 2 ba w/water Plaza or o C.Airport Bd, gar~ne1 & vool ~H Flreplacl!. pool & much ""., WY FIMANCIMG ca I I p AT R I c K 147-29M view 13'1 fixed loun for Just east or New~ort ~ incl Avail wash dryer I rmre ~b1Bdlr:a~~all2 i~at!~i A 2 bdrm conClo with TENORE D 1 re ct ly By owner, double wide :.>yrs. B~?!! Blvd 'so. of San Diego ttcri °" 3242 ~& Sl650 mo Agt ,._~.__ ...,. __ 0 372.. 646-tlll I f d 63J.1266 or 760 8702 adlts, no pet.s, new rpts, """ Frwy. Starting al S900 a ~ I 1266 ...__. ~ .. con lion. $1 29,500. room or out oor enter· drpl & Alran siding, lo month. 631·5439, 2473 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Bl.Uf'F'S ••••••••••••••••••••••• Sl.9.SOOdown. Owner wlll tainina. Great invest-space rent 714-893·3377. CM of~ Orange Ave , Costa HUNTIMGTO H 3 br, 2•,, ba, on f.rl!en Roomy 3 Br Townhouse assist In financing mrnt pot~tial with its 714 n0-0459 "•r+J 2550 Mesa __ u••iou• bel 1 L d CASA DE ORO ~ in quiet adult t·om · •-M Co,.. IUtr lareeusumableloanat --••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ t,nrpoo ge enre AUUTILITIESPAID x Newly decorated, --r c • · less than current rates SHOPPl ... I!. Lo ly M Ve de 3 Bit IEACH NO,H TY patio New crpt, drps 1replace, enclsd patio & 541·772t Owner says submit all c._tf!y Loh/ t ottl" ... C'4TH r ve ~ab rS800 OWNERS Xlnt cond. $1050 494 6306 Compare before you garage. Sorry, no pets ---------1 olfers Sl38,SOO. Cryph 1500 JU$t ol Hwy 78 in Vista. K-:J ~m't a,. J jo Let~ rent ~our mrnme or J 21Jl551H676 rent Custom dei.1gn SS75 Mo 645·3381 or ---------1 NO DOWN OR ••••••••••••••••••••••• S27S,OOO will handle I s pe s neg u ic , features Pool BBQ. ________ _, W AU( 4 Cemrtery plots. Harbor 1/433-1723 Bkr. a . 546-2313 property y the Sea Ckean View 3 br rondo. 675-~9 BY OWNER. 4br, 2ba, to town and beach. TRADE Lawn Mtmonal P.ark, House, horse ok , 2 Br Realty, <2•3is92 287 1. Nwpt Crest, yr!), ;Hail ~~~~~dt•dga;~tt"·pjuu;h I Br E aide, small but family rm, central patio This charmer could be ••• CM. 00.9578187 ~,Farwts, 2 OO li50/mo.2020281rchSl askforBill • !~; .. .;.'0 1rf Clark. al(I la.ndscapina Nopets C'OlY w1lots of neat &ba ·k u Sl76M either a 2 or 3 bdrm and p 1 ct ..n1•ff 7 s 1-1....-3244 .,...,,,....,, a 1 6. "' ood $350 Ad I 1 336Jist~aBa0ya S48·1392 is immaculate and FALLBROOKer!n~h~1~C:O...rclol ••••••••••••••••••••••• antacc~69n;l.llgts .':"::.•••••••••••••••••l.ARGE DUPLEX 2br tBrfurn from$4~" · ulsony SAUIYOWNER MISA VUDE ea.trYHo.e 4 Bdrm, poo1, spa, solar Lots or oak. Xlnt financ- ing and you can get the 3'7o comm. Open Sal/Sun .,, 12-5 at 2078 Phalarope ··:• 9S1·1S68 pnced to sell. Featuring acres lo el ho 'th .... _,......, 1600 t..t....L.-Ca ..... -1--h oN lb I d 20' 2 Br furA from SS80 851·9522. - . - Sky''tes, tra~k 11i· ht1'ng , v Y mew1 -r"rrr -mor -EASTSIDE Cl .. ~n I Br1'wnhome.new3br,3ba, a gar. n ry, to 365WWilson, 6421971 F IREPLA CE , Pool. u '" 4500 ft. + tennis court,••••••••••••••••••••••• 8,200 deeded acres. ~~ t'o p k I hchU50_)1rl.)'962 4914 and separate tning pool.ridinf trails Trade 12,000 BLM. Resen•oir cottage, couple or sngl. pa 1 • gar ar • poo · -· -Nice I Br d!JIX Quiet private patio & dis· room. Owner offers ex· ror smwl er home in '~'Jtiflcl~l~l streams, 45 min from 16 +sec. 8S7·W40 JilC. j9151mo 833·9057 BLUFFS 3 BR 2'" ba. Sep. b)' gar 1 emplyd hwashers in XTRA 1.G I cellent financing Orange Co. Full pr1re i~sqlft~entable~R,., world ra mous Sun Exec.4Br.customhome, 1\u11erock 3bdrm. 2ba, fplc . upgraded. patio. adultoverJ.S No pets &2Br.gardenapts on $299.500. $995,000. Call wknds acres. Out of town Valley. Toni Lash. Ram 3 frplc, private street !block park/pool, $1175 $900 mo or lse opt. P51J 548·1021 Eastside $460 1$560 NORTH END 645-5000. ext 206 or ext owner Sl.800,000 Terms. Real Estate, Box 509, Rent or lease option Isl & lust. 644·5444. 7fl0.8.'.ll4 l.ocJlna le h 37 48 ~7 Z841. Ocean side. Walk to 110. Weekdays 831-1400 1714) 846 3278. 1213 > Sun Valley, Idaho. 83353. SOOO/mo. (80S)6S4·0322. TURT1 EROCK Hcrbor Yltw Homes .......... ~........... Bah111 Mar Apts. beach from this 2 bdrm $S OOO DOW~ ~9M2 l_2(lil726·0122 _ l7t4 >997-8600 ask for JBr. at~~m. $92S mo 3 BR, fam rm. l'VI de Luxury studio. ~pa. TV. Lurge I Br carport. own)'Ourown apt. Seller 1 " Pat. , A 1 Ent'Rlt 731 ,445 sac. $1150_760 060_ 1 maid scrvn·e. phon"s. pool. laundry. Adult6. no may trade ror other & taKe over loans on C01tdomh1i11nt1/Tow11· NO DOWN ---..... u e 'j, r ~ ~ ~ pelS S4SO 931 W 19th Laguna Beach property Versailles 1 Br penthse hOUMt for salt I 700 Brand new dlx condo for RENTALS Dover Or in Westd1 ff ll 15 wk 499·2227 St ~Q:49Z _ _ _ . MO N•JJ.tFYING '140. condo, $25.000 below ap. ••••••••••••••••••••••• OR TRADE rent. 2 master BR's. 2' 2 1br.1 ba $650 Condo L'lt1matc ilv111.:. Beuut furn 2 Br apt. M'ove ilnow, 3 Bl\ 2 Ba . ~-:.. praisal Take over $1585 Condo Spec1ahst Assume ... ba. fplc. back med yd 2 2 br +den 2 ba $975 master suite with frplc, Ol'ean view, spu , ~uuna. I Br icarage, yard No •4 Nwpt Riviera condo. ...~~ .... -, pmts. No qualifying V.A loan with $25.000 P 1 ct u r e s q u e car gar. Located at 1932 Jb 2b $950 sundet•k + I Hr & den. Satellite TV , ma 1d pets Kids OK S450 mo IOI. ... '-:: .. ".'.'"'~ .... ,. $115.000 Dominictagt down~ 968-2297 FALLBROOK ranch, 15 Meyer See to apprec Jb~· 2b: 51500 furn frpic, h\mt,: rm & hugl' serv1re SIOOU 1 mo . 64!-0763 S: · s~a. tennis, Sl0,000 631-0749, 752·1920 -acres. lovely home with Call ~-4322 for a11pt 4 br 2, ba s1200 patto, pool, spa bbq WU1ters~c1al 499 3015 ·• wn ~mts $1100 per 2 or 3br, low do""· nr 4.5(X) ft +tennis court, Vacant 3 br twnhse dbl b . , SIOOU mo 645 7298. mo r In . on I 'Y ,,.. .. eo.~ 1---------orean in F V Lg bonus pool, ndlllg trails. Trade N SC Pl 3 r2ba $975Costa Mesa 493-<Bn Htwport leech 3769 Ownr1a .64.2·1523 ..__C._t ~ltT CR"ST rrn,~entBob963·8678 I ror smaller home In gar. k d OKla Im I 4br 2ba $80011untBrh i·------------i······················· We.at Held ... --•.....&...& bd,.;nr-v m; Or Co Full mac. Is S625 l,t!Ra1sorRlty8JJll600 I Want somethin.: xtra \'iew. pool & tennis f.Wts S. 1100 995,000. Call wknds S42S mo 2Br. IBa , nol ~~™l1~~~~:~u:~~:I~ $6$(.1 ~~=~h~us:.\.impletel) =::::'!':' ........ ~?.2.~ 17141 49 .. 1177 13 nn condo "'ith ocean o.ltxes/ I ange . price 548·7374 2 Br Apt nr Westchfr I 2 B Al'llTMEHTS 8e1ut1fol garden apts Pauos decks Spa heat paid Nopets UD&,cED t501 &.-forfft I 055 ~~1~1~0h be::~· ~~~~~\0 •'-•••C••D•••••••••••••••1 m.W'eet~~~s~l-~~~xt dogs, 64S V1ctona •6 rnurse & night 1 ite~ Eas1blufft'am1I) Home rum~ 1895 ~10 760·9117 Fantasuc buy· ana Pt ••••••••••••••••••••••• OWC large 2nd $195.000. M DPLX RMI Estcft 546-9124 Avail Apr I $875 mo SISOO whitewater view Owner.._ ________ , Ba) front 5 °drm u do"k .. IY OWMH I 3 Br 2 Ba aor, 9 year'. &1>7716 u " .. 2BR 2 BA $525 398W Wilson _631·5583 anxious Pnced for fast I "-.. ..__ 2800 ~ $3250 sale or trade $279,000 ,AIK PUCE Tuo 2 bdrm units, so of .:;a_..,.. girl 5years we come 287 The L.ikes l.o\el) 2 Br Waterfront Homes Int NO LEASE 1.Jlte ne"' lge I br apts Quiet <'Omplex. no pets $470 & up Mesa Pmes. ~Harla....§49-~j? 640-7000 661 8237 EST A TES PC H. corner Io t . , ••••••••••••••••••••••• Brent~ood 646·8788 1 Townhouse man\ t'~ 631 1400 4 Br. 21,, Ba. single1story . d1v1ded by NtarPalm Sprinqs Exel'Ut1ve ltv1nJ! Ne" Lru meld pool, spa. ten &Toro I 032 2174Sq. Ft garages, assumable 10 7 Will trade $4.ruo eQuity Orleans Condo L.ir.:e ms No pet:o $625 mo Dl•.BOA BAY CLUB ••••••••••••••••••••••• Br........ER THAN Isl TD or SI00.000. owner ll1 5 acres parrel. sma II 714 497 4072 UN. Beaullful 2 Br 2 Ba $.SSO'rm Carpets. dis hwasher Avail 3·15 67~ e Toro Canyon 1 . $98 500 2 bdrm, 2 6a. condo 61 rmnths new. High as sumable loan. By owner. 213493·1151or768·4589 "''' will assist finance, ree. cabin. Full price $13.SOO end unit. 3 Br. 2 Ba I Br Extellent \'ll'" MODEL 1mmac. $290.000. 521 Take over low pay· frplc. patio. pool , dbhse, Woodbndl(eLake view SIOOO mo Take over HASC IEdVER:THI NG Carnation Ave . CdM ment.s Trade for mobile walk to shops S750. 3 Br 21, Ba fam rm, I , 4 9 3 u · e-s~c street OHLY $129 500 Call673·0241 675 5142 hollV! Camper trurk P ~·79531 493-~3 frpk. wet bar & a c·. c·m· ~~e:t" I tu 51 0 r Sun' Sall II Club I . --~ p ea1'1 A Ad .63 ered patio. rren<·h door~ 20 m1'n, to Newport ~ ifr fltMAMCIMG d Sale by Owner. Corona nswer 11 I. Eastside. clean 2 BH. I 3 b '30024 hrs Ba t' & t N<J to largl' sun dcrk SI05U Center r. l"·• a. Locate nr del Mar Duplex, corner a. pa 10 yar< · N t 752 2550 REQUIRED $210,000 with $160,000 S.A. Country Club .. 20"; lot. x In l in r om e ,Newport Beach Cd M. ~f;I'S ~ "!> 548 6680 o_pe s. · MlllHRclonS.och 1040 atl2"2flxedrale&fully <!n . f~lly amortized S385 ,000 640 6175 . sperlacular view of Nice clean 2 Br 1 Uu Lt:ASE OPTION ••••••••••••••••••••••• amortized. financing offered. For 644·2S78 Balboa I s land & enclsd garage. yard. for I yr Woodbndgerot I br Versailles 1·nndo. highly UpJ!r:idcd. greal ame nties. $600 tfurn avail 1631 0749, 752 192S SPIClout studios. one al'ld two bedroom aoari· men1s FURNISHED end UNFURNISHED. I & 2 Br Traders $18S & up + $150 Set'. No C'h1ldren or dogs t.33 E 16tb St. 642·9193 _ Super sharp 2 Br. garage & patio No pet. BE HEALTHY: Fan· Nopoinlsorqualirying. pvt showing call Agt .__...=..... • rty 2000 Peninsula . s Bath. 2 fplc new pa.int & carpet :-.io tagt' Good term~ Great Under market l'ondo tastic Sol Vista pool 770.0347 731·5556 __ -.-rope +den+ pool room , ext. pets S525 + ~ec·urity bu)' 530-6288 llG CANYON Oakwood also otters 642 55(B home. No qualifying. Owner/Agent ••••••••••••••••••••••• remodel, lge home 2546 Orange, house 1-: On 4th green. 2 bdrm . 2 Just Sl35, 900 Bk r i--------•I RESIDENTIAL LOT 6 UNl'l'S·HUNTIN<;:TON Trade ror income prop . S48·Z77S. _ Uftinrsitv Portt ba St'C. pool. spu. tennis • All Utilities Ptld •trnmedi•le ~ '$1 Miiiion1n F..asts1de 2 BR. sm yard attarh gar $525 mo 900 sgJl S48 48J5 __ 848-0709 llalloaOctmrottt BCH-7yrsnew.pndeof small home or condo. Twnhme . ~hr 2ba S975_644·~9e,,9S73046 Lake Forest 3BR. den, 40 £ 202 h . Plans to date ownership. 38r + S·2Br. Pvt ply, 640-4947 3 BR + bonusrm 2 ba. Ii: + boou.~ room 2 story. BEACHWALK 5 Br 2BA Terms by owner 111cluded. Days 966·1333 $359.000. OWC w/20'i --· yd. trtts. frpc. hot tub fireplace Nevt' r pts Westcllfr area <·ondo. l~e Largest fir plan Pvt ___ no.9549 or eves. wknds 673·7161 dwn Prin only Bkr WANTED · House on Lido Sl,000, 1st, last. Se<' drps Nr poob schools 2 br. den. 2 ba. newly Recfeetlon E side tn-plex. lg. quiet 2br lndr>, patio. adlts. AOJ!'lS ~. 673-3600 spa. 20'l dn and OWC Ask for Bill Warm 536-0123 bit' for income pro~r· 548-1488· $825 9GH9Z7 de<' .. frplc. patio. pool ... AskJnc $200.000 Bkr Mlwportleodl 106t ington. COSTA MESA TRI J;y.Prinonly64.2-0369 -~stDlt ·--·-och 3248 £750 646-4-067 And Much More' B48..(170J ••••••••••••••••••••••• E h H I I 2 BR s; ~ .....,..... ._ 3 bd ' b h 3 Ca I F t N t PLEX-$189.500 Owner xc ono u u 2 Br. ouse with den, ••••••••••••••••••••••• rm. ,, at s tar Fo1 a month or a 11te nme Model~ ooen c;)a•ly 9amto!>Pm No pels CM SA area nr SC Plaza 2 bdrm. 2 ba. air rond Pool Child or cat OK $595 <·all 991 0621 or 754 0030 * 2BR 2BA Manner 's na ron . ewpor rnoovated Has o" ner's Mtrina rondo for Isl TD garage. w/d hook up~ Varant 5 rm ~itl fam1h garage l nobstrul·table Cove Condo. Pool, Ten· Shores, 4 Br. De~ WYTOOWM _urut 8kr 536·0123 I or?$95Meq. BalS72M at 329 University Dr See d"elhnJ!. $815 mo ind \ISta \1e" $3000. mo nis. Security $2500 ON. $25,000down, Ow~er will Lowest priced one 8""'l~P714·641·70JO manager at S ~ 0648 uardrner 442 Mon tere\ S480040orl·568·1_826 lyr. lease option. c~ Must sell Make bedroom unit in the Af'PlEYALUY E " · • Oakwood $12.SOtmo. $12SK 96K as· offer Tennis. pool, walk h 1 g h I y reg a rd e d TRADE OR SELL _ "._es Dr 494 015'4 1 :"'ewpon Hts Cute Wr sum. owe. Prtn only to beach Agent 646· 1044 Versailles adult rondo Tax sai.tt.r I Sacramento Residenre EASTS I DE Qua 1n t & l.ar~ I bdrm dplx. ocean Zba l'otlag(' Lg ) .ird Garden Apartments W side. lge 1 & 2 br OW drps lndr), carport $39S & $485 &t~-6625 900-nss or645-280S community Guarded f!ie~. ;i;th"e~~~xum~i for South Coast rot)' 2 bed. patio )d.I 11e". frpc. ut1I~ inl'I ~ail immed S7SO mo gate. pool, spa and rec with fireplace. enl'losed • 1 Residence 4 bdrm. 6 ba, gar ~5 BACHELOR $700 mo ~2 5698 • ·7t45 Newport Beach/No 880 Irvine :.· Sl251C VA 12% La. Sha!J> ~00 sq fi 4 BR on •. cul-de· sac. s179,900 OPEH SAT /.SUN I 1-6 New 3 story beach house Bay & ocean views Oceanside1Balboa Blvd 1911 Court Ave. nr 19th. 675·Zl91 or 848·3 t33 room. Large assumable patio. garage gJ,o, bl formal d1ningroom. ~ Ut~~GJ_l 4320 , f'i rstt·aller 1?eLHh1s loan and seller will help Pos cash rio" Now redwood extenor. swim-180 degree view ne~ Ot ~an V1tw 3br. gar, spa NUW S6Z5 tar 161,.,J (714) 645-1~ For rent or sale. 2Br l·'·Ba rondo. AC. rerent ly rede<.'orated. serunt~ fenre. pools sauna. So Cst Plata area $525 mo 962·7521 VACANT 3 IR on cul-de-sac Try 10•·1 dn. Sll9,000 _Am le arkin in rear in financing. ONLY 1159,500 Bill Crundv. ming pool. private and bh.tffcondo 2 Br 2·, Ba 2 Br. 111ba. 2 rar gar I <X!:RENTALS 750·3314 $106,000. ' pubhc srhools close . · ' $77S mo A\'a1I Mar ''0 ~l~675-6161. I Prefer Corona del Mar. ITllcro. spa. dbl gar $825 call 760 1041before•5p;,,. 4 Br 3 Ba home near HUN TI NGTON BCll Newport, Dana Point or ~.533-4300,675·1781. or4944R02 Ba r k Ha) 2 ston TRl-PLEX-all 2Rr. hvy Laguna S275 .000 2bdrmduplex, rarpctf'd, : $875 mo 894·3119 RCTaylorCo Newport Beach/So. 1700 161h SI !Dover •I 161n (714) M2-5113 EASTSIDE 2 bdrm. 1 ba . pet and l'hild welcome $57S 642·977 I ~ R.E Professionals !!'.I: 963-8377 . .,....._____ -- ~ 1044 ••••••••••••••••••••••• .,..., CONDO ON LAKE Woodbridge. Arbor Lake. Great view. Super terms. $229.000 assuma ·-ble. s.»62118, SS1·9559 ••ST•Ul'TO THELAMDIMG Beautirul Woodbridge Landin g 3 Bdrm I-level home. Su~rb appoint ments & location. Newly on the market S259,900 \\bod bridge Ru l1g 551·3000 4121Banuca Pkwy, lrvlllt BIGCAMYOM Guardea community Beaut. 3 Br 212 ba home w/mirrored walls, lots or marble, 3 rar gar. $600,000. Call 644·0448 ()40 09()() Harbor Ridge, sharp con· do w/view. Try 10~; dn or lse. opt. $425. ooo Patrick Tenore. agt 631-1266 Low •ortr~ Venailles studio Pen· S.Clew..tt 1076 I.house condo. Take over •••••••••••• •••. ••. •• •• hiih assumable loan at 11~•7r. Owner will con· ore. S&IM 1-5 sider late model car as ~. (foancmii. , Ore an down paym 'l Seller view 3 Br 2" ba desperate. Act fast!! 1 Sl32.500. 3807 Ca lie La Only $89,900. Call Jim Qwlta. A . 979-5370962·9597 _ Ttn"ell Realty SH,000 491-1653 CONOO · Balcony ocean View. guarded gate, sub· Othft-RHI &tot• terranean parking.••••••••••••••••••••••• elegant clubhouse & Mobile Homts gym Mullan Realty ForSale 1100 540-2960 ask for Lori ... ••••••••••••• ••• •••• --------•LEASE/OPTION exec One of Irvine's nicest condo. NB. OsA,an & bay parks. 24x6(f dbl wide. 2 -NEW~~-~~d unit View. 1 BR + ilen For br,2ba.551·8640 _ I Bdrm, large ltving more info. call 673-4899 IOxS_O f1twood. ideai for room with fireplace. din· _evs. reurement. $102 mo inc. ing ar ea and roomy SELL idle items with a tncl uttl. Carport & encl garden kitchen with eat· Daily Pilot Classified patio. furn & cln. S8SOO Ing area. Great location Ad. F\nn. 545-4452 __ ,._... Valey I 034 ..._... Yaffey I 014 ·'····················· ...................... . diredly over your own gar age. Bea utifully landscaped with mature trees and lakes pl1.1s all the other amenities. lm mediate possession $100,000 with excellent ff! a.ssumabJt financing. 1101111 llEEI YIWY IOIE 3 Community Pools, Greenbelt, Play- ground, clme to school, freshly painted, new carpeting, well landscaped yard . Open on Sunday. ltt4 Fr1111i11 . , 642-5200 J PETE BARRED ~EALTY a .. 11 .. 1e1 1111,111 shake roofs. t wn hse 916-487 0321 gar no pets. $475 l.ocJlna NiC)Ufl 32521 N e w p o r t (.' r e s t style. $192.SOO. 20'; down 642· 7927 ••••••••• ••••••••• • •• • • Townhou~e z Br 2'" R:i owe _B.kr 536_:0123 Coll for Poc:k0cat --. Ckean \'lt'W JBr' den, 2ba with tenms pool spa TRADE YOUR llARO Sharp up pe~ E s ide Shores home Gate S9001mo G42·38SO or \'er sa 1lle~ Newporl EASTSIDE LAGUNA HACH TO SELL S.F.R 'sicon twnhm 2Br 2 2ba. den , guard Nl'ar pool. bcarh &V>~l!lm Bearh. fully furnished ,.. _ _._.Woods Comm'l lindus 14 unlt!i dos/TD's for 5 ACRES frplc. dbl garage. pool. $800 lease O\\<ner -Jr I bdrm S.500 per mo I ·-~'fj''1 r 9.3 times gross Owner PALM DESERT. Ready jar. sauna $625 mo . no 499 3638or493 9268 Super l.ont1on. Exer 5 Call Mor'ls 549·1020 ~rn:c, r 18~ 1 2~s~ pe~~ fin. Askmg $550,000 By to b111ld-0r hold for in· pets. Wayne . A Kl Pvt .,_ T BR Westcliff. StSOO mo r_ ...... L 3716 Days 545.4262. E\'eS owner 645 3477 vestment 714 673 2290 ~8816 romm .,.,a errare. ind aard. 646-5355 ~ CICJlll'O --·-· ~ ----·-·---Plan J 4 BR. 2 Ba. fam _ _D --••••••••••••••••••••••• 64.S-9543 Walk to beach, beautiful ......,. EASTSIOE -Move in rm. Comm pool, Ja e. 3Br, 2·~~a Concto. hu~e Laguna Bearh. beaut Eashidt 4.Pltx tri-plex. 2·2 Br I 3 Br cond 4Br 2ba, Newport tenms. walk tn pvt heh m.~tr, vie". end unit fum , swte 2 BR. spa. 2 Br 1 Ba. lar~e sun Patio. frplc 5499,000 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Schls S800 /mo Refs No pets 1 yr lse j $750 rm <213) 829-0446 sauna. satellite TV . "'~k 1 Ownerwillhelpfinance HD.esfttnlislMcl 752-50t0blw9-5. 114·8S71200, 6756892 . (jys. 12 13 ) 372·4'155 maid sen SJOO "k '""' ·f3ragewit aun entHedda646·1044 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Beaut. 3 BR . 2'z ba . ~8142 I ~es-~nQ~-J14499·22Z7 !i's ~P7·52~~~~s. no IUHITS lolboalllmtd 3106 twnhse. fplc, pool. etr 3 br 2 ba lge ma sler lBLUFFS COND0·3Br I Newport Bch Fee land ••••••••••••••••••••••• S7!l5 mo S48·Sl28 suiie. mi~·ro. rom m l'".!Ba, 2452 Vista llo.:ar .~nts E side lrg bachelor full Excellent Deprec1allon Bayfront. 2Br tba. avail Love~ 3 bdrm house nea pool S775 mo W kd " $750 mo. 640·5274 I' Unfw'llishf.d kite patio. no pets. "ork 411 to 6 11, $300 wk or 599 ....., 640 ,,. ~ - -1 gent $350 S48·0908 -Own~ Bkr9SS 3454 $975 mo 673·8821 or So st Pla3JW family .._1 .... evs ·40~ 2Bd" bay "e" & pool at ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 675-4000 rm. dining "'V-1· bit ins . Lease Condo El N1~uel P\'t club on PC H. Onl) Gfftlrd 3102 Quiet I Br t Ba New T~x/Pool -utJlrm,2ba.frpc.2ra Golf Course Clean & $1800 mo Patri r k l••• .. ••• .. •• .. •••u • .. • rrpls & drps . Good NEW RT llEIGHTS eon.a .. Mar 3 122 gar Covered patio, qwet 3 Br a<' "d 760-8702 A 1$370 S460 Garden apts I Easts1de lor Mature $270,000 Sam Agt ••••••••••••••••••••••• gardener, many extra ~I $725 8311678, . &2BR Pool Jae-. Buena adultsonly $350 mo 700.1756 Decorator's Bit Canyon ~· ~751 2474 UDO ISU . Park area 714 821 7490 J47 E 18th St :4. C M SU,H Twnhome. 2 r, 2 ba, 2 Br. frpl c bit ins , ttlwportleodl 326' Immaculate 3 bdrm. 'lalboalsbtd 3106 2Br. 2Ba twnhse, E Side T•v SH""T"a formal DR. compl. furn refrige, was'her dryer. ••••••••••••••••••••••• den family r d " 4 yrs old, yd, $565 mo ""' u. ~ !!!75. Bkr,646-0295 · oom. '"'""' j••••••••••••••••••••••• 99 d FOllHVESTOR! --dblgar.gardener.nea SEAVIEWLEASE room.Sl800mo. lbdrmapt.beamed ccli 1 87300 ys. Dick. San Clemente pride of l.GIJ-oleoch 3141 park.nicearea.Nopets 4Bdrm38a.FR.,DR.. 1ngs. S600 mo . yrls 640·~26!\'eswknds owner s hip. Modern ....................... $575.00·3603. rlty +ocean vu Guard l~~i..ulllspd ~75 9869 Ava1l 1mmed . lovely 2 Br Spanish style. four unit 3 br, 2 ba. whitewater 4 BR. No. Costa Mesa gate Pool + tennis. 2 Ba Lrg kit & lndry apartment house with view home. frplc, Apr. l , home, cul de sac street. $1700/rm. Bob or Dovie ldboo '"""Mii• 3107 ~· 631.3537 ocean-hills&goircourse $1600/mo.4~·9655 nopels.S800 mo.S4S·7 Koop,ast.1~·1221 ....................... TRI PLEX 2-8 2 B view. close to ever· Buzz Nu 2&3BR. 2BA. yearly. · r. I a. yt})ing, only three years Frplc. bll·ins, gar, park-~ltn range & oven. walk· old, shows like new, will Homtt U"*'"""aMd QUIET SINGLE S395 IAYFIONT Ing Close to bay & '"rlosels. W ID hook-up, sell wi t h excellent ••••••••••••••••••••••• Utlls pd. l Br 960-3989. 2 story, 4 + bdrms. 2 ocean. Brkr675·4912. .J!.8l10.j!7Smo ~-334Q_ financing. or trade equi· lalaoa l"-d 3206 2335 Elden. No D<_> s. baths . fire p I ace, ---(k nf----2 BR, J?ar. dwnstrs. child ty ror residential ocean ••••••••••••••••••••••• •BEAUTIFUL/QUIET• gliorgeous view Pier al)1d San Oetmnt. 3276 3 ~~ /~\~rtNoa;;:· OK. tst & last + StOO 136 view lot or home, or Duplex, 48r, bay view. 2 Br. home. yrd\ gar, s · S3000 per mo. Avai ••••••••••••••••••••••• t ye a r s le 8 5 e a t E. Bay Apt B 541·™1 commercial property. newl~ decor ated, no laWldry bkp. 1 chi d. No Fe . l. $1350/rm 675-8904 art 5 ~· PRCNCIPALS ONLY !! pets, l!IXIO. 752-1820 Dogs. 980-3989. 337·2414 days Ca 11 0 w n er ( 7 14 1 3 Br 2ba, furnished. Short 181 CSanta laabel 157~ lbdrm, betwttn beach & 3 bd~i ':a~a~~Y un11 642.()1.38. le rm. $900 + per mo . Aat 6'1H OOO r..e•Ytlty 323 5/mo.496.8811!... ~Y;.17S350 mo Yrly ~~.780-1882.,_522·1734 f l/J ASSUMAIL/l ,,... · ...................... u•......., F.astside 2 Br. 2 Ba dis· ID£ALTAXSHf:L r.R. eon.a .. M.-1222 DeluxeTiberonCondo OlllhLogitllMI 1286 eor.a .. M.. 1122 hwasher. garbage dis UKE NEW QUALTTY •••••••••n•••••••••••• 3 br, 2 ba, fam. rm. S68S Newport ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• posal. patio & laundry Well kept Tri.Plex near S&ledacular ocean & city 42/3. Appl. no/2w13. •38 """'3 Shores, 4 Br + Lease or Oldrr 3 br, I ba Ocean ~pac 3 br. 21, ba 2 blks room $5q!limo 640·099]_ ~~::i!~~~4~~~ 6ghta Laview f2roBm efve1ry l.J..429.4Z23_ ~ . ....., oPliol! to buy. SISOO/mo. vu S850 mo 30331 'from beach. S8SO mo 2 bdrm. 2 ba built ins 1111 Elfltt ~J ICYIJ Owner will carry 2nd. room. rge ~· rp c. llulflt9•1tecla 324 TenntS, pool, walk lo MarilYnDr.840-t441 (213)493-3680 eves or drapu, pr.Iv patio ''. e"'X!ff0,!00 Save yourself com-many ame nit les ....................... beach. Agent646·1G44 or Cmadcmmelw ..1ll!l613·~ Townhouse Carport ~ II• •••1 -1-1•-. poi1rn•· •· bt' g1b S1200/mo. Call Anthony 5 B1ks lo ........ El ga t 2 645-~ •11...o1L.-1..L.-...1 l • Ldry 1 tll pd :.by=slf:Y fo~n~a~ ~::j _..... i;,t:,;l. 0pe:THURS. ~~~·eves' Br. Fa~ .. Rm 1 D~n. llGC.ANYONLSI -•• =::::::'. ••••• ~:.~ L::~,c~~e~~l:f~ l'ttitd"8ic~S46oumo 1st'. bar 3 Br 2 Ba de· lltt I ..., ltisttr thnJ SUN. 817 Jennifer · BIO Mo. Pluih crpts. 21~ 2Dlf McLain Condo EASTILUFF ~S-49S7 _ last+ dep. Nr Harbor & home in dHira· Lane. C.M. By Owner LWE OR OPTION 4br Ba. Cedar & glass, sun-Sll25 per mo Call Gerry 3 bdrm, 2'-" ba, frpc. S975 19th St. See M1tr at 1976 bleDeerflt Jd, Pri~may Mawpertltd 106' 1069 *-lS7S. 2ba vu uec bm. $1400 d eck., dbl car prv mn610r 760.1397 86:!0 Mo, large 2 bdrm. I Ma ltStA J b d d • • ,.,,_1,,,,e "Avln'"onc!l· lex mo. OwnrJAr.. 759-8006. garaae. fully ma lnl. mo. 640-85S9 ba. prh yd, beach ar· N"'AT 1 Br. en"l gar. e re uce approx. ••••• .. •••••• •••••n • ........ ••••••••••••••• """-~ •• • --N t "' ' -."""If you "In '4ro· , , .......,_F Y ,,.,. G as 5f:'""'••2Br frplc d•n Yard.;,. .. oJ>ets.lnquireat Bluffs 3 Br . 2 Ba . LEAS E/OPTION exec cess.no~Cfts.,..,oc adh.s,no -ts Frio,eler _...,., ' •;nu''"' · · "'" -~..,..... · ' "'' SZ7 111U1.St,M0-63Jl. Townhou s A, 2 "ar condo.NB.Ocean Clbay ->-R •• ...,.,_ ,... " ~· vlde Hlh to sub eel aum lotn. owe. Great mo. -.. ' ~.642·~--.~loan. Thlt property la wma Bkrm -4383. 840.t087 DUPLEX 119 Hunt· 11arage w/opener. Avail view. ! BR + den, for Bachelor, no kl\chen S . • well 1mlticured and is a ••&ra.tAa lnaon Ave. Ocean view, May lat. $900/mo ' m>re inro call 673-41199 0( Hw1. Quiet $.125 Inc. '-'.. 1126 locltedonane1tralarge ~V'\U 7UMITSSllOOOO CollaMtto UJ4 vcilleyball crt 1 Br 642-95119. evs ..!!!.!h.§1!·341.1.__ ........... 4:_.~····~·••• I ol . ro r fur t b e r R\IM All I:8i f Sa units wllh ............. •••••••••• ISOO/rno; 2 Br i6ootmo: Exec'. 4 er, 3 Ba. rpl. 2 bdrl1). d~n gar age, pvt 2 2 Br· ocean v 1 e w, artlcliltrt. call Lea carports. Excell. condl· OOODDEAL,lg3br,2b• otl'!nt entlre dufleit for dahwaher new decor •do. Gorgeous decor. ColMMtto ll 4 balwn,y, ,prege. clun. ~ Uon. Aatull'lll txl1U111 w/tr0plcalpatio$495 $1100/mo . ca t Bob r dnr , 'wutc tld mo.840-5324. ••••••••••••••••••••••• a.612 "A Cordova Dr. ·-•·--~ll'l1•0WC. · OC-RENTA~ 7S0•3314 Meyer ses.asoo, oCc or fl,325/mo. 646-72&0 , UR NI\ SC PLAZA EtSIDETRl·PLEX 2_13/402·26S7 <rolle~L_ OHMYt crt•t l brstart 8S1·7822home, 7D 25li0. Adull condos. Trees, l(e 2 br, 1°"' ba, di n. Ot .. Yltwl I !J..VIR/aJI a9API. N07!,_ ~~ 4bd. 2ba, $750/mo. 19111 M,. auyftM POOi. Jae. SS6S gu incl atta, frplc. lndry uu Dix 'T'Ownhou~ Apt. 3 1 "" ENT~.~ ---14 Gloucdter. Nr. Bushard ""~ vn S.W.l~1 77S.2580 Vflr)' /.'ivate Avail 4" bdrm, 21' ba. frpl. enc I •Mama. •0991. fa~~ l62$ · -• ~no pets Maater I 1:,::~Tt~~ ~· C:."!~to~~.~ 'If a 1w• ,_ 11-.4 No ha Catb ctlllnf --__;~.o,...;;..::..;.;....,;:...,;._il 7SO-Jll4 To.din leue . Avail. now. _.................... 2 Bt. •clad •ar. upptr, .. C Patio. sn . . -. . -r 1111111 "'-" J7N d/w No pets Adults ~ .!,D~.:PLlllB Eut1ldt a Br, l 81, . • ...................... MIS OCEAHVllW 'fir :'Ortat U-'7'0/ftll»,, i.t lut•tet. ~-n... ... i.... 8 5t4I 54HOM J br z M lal'llt H••' t Ion a o f ~ Cali· $41-4m 1f'¥ ~!'-. pnt. l r. I • • . ••ea; n to n . •lt.s · · a+ Ct 41a' a..''=',., opt, no .__ Mil Mlb1 at 1 =-Prti oelf. AIL ll&Adllllf? .. 1171 ~.···· aooo· r.':)/:.m~·f:r. Ef.!af:!r·:·!~ Ir,' \I' 'I • I d I 1 ' h'' I I I I I: .. Ortnge COM\ DAJL.V PtLOT/Ft1day, Mnh 1t. tt82 te LAt9 IHI I.elf I._., . llff '1c JJlfl \ UH WlllH 71 ff " ................... .. ....................... ...•..................• ....................... •···••················· aid To •1 top ooo 000 ~ M ~ ANSW!RING SERV. 8AIJVSl'M'ER '""to ... ~n DOwney' .•. n.~1 da T11lephone Opr • T ·3 J\lllUint chlldure It _ "'" l/N · mttUa lllr _.... llUft, 3'Z 3rd St., tC, ch 11 d r • n ) ' I t &i 281li -ruunu IUN days a w«k ~Buch. boutecluntoi IA our BORROW tt1aln1t lour ID( flEE ~;or,1e~~· '~r~~z:f A p A RT M 'ENT As Woodbrld1e home for R.E. "ulty (rttl . or M CU: i.Jalus well it SJSTANT MANAGP:R Mon.·Frl. lam·''m ~ t •• U..... tWtk......... 4100 Oflct...... 44H Oflct...... 4400 comm'll Broker coop "•II. to u r I 1 l 1 8 1 n k Oluplt ror 6S unil Apl Own trans. rtq. Rt 1 • ...................... •••••••u••••••utt••• ............................ ~••• .. •• .. •••••••• .................... ,. .. :\eo~ell[y0'st~~t:!~d WI! Amerlc1rd, Mister co':&lex l n II . 8 ~;~· !}t~~/~~· Call IT.. JIU •• •69 ...,APUCl7 1417 WeatcUtt, N.B. Want 144 ar prof omce + Bancorp 64'·3921 · 642-1671 Ct\.aree. Arnerlcan Eit· ~513._ --...... , ............. ,.. ....................... ~U.WeeiTy-Ratu flnanelat tnat. VOOOIJ. secretary •r' ace. Avail 541-2'11 evi. Lic'd R.E'. preu • DI o er' •II APT MANAGER Blbyslttu>a. need female 28r I&. ntw(Ondo,d.11· Adulu . 2 Br 2 Ba Kilcblnettte·Pho1IH .J!h.!12gr.A tnt54l·~ 5-15. s:m + m. Oran&t Bttlrs,2180.lOUO 82.11 welrome. 714/~5·3433 Semi·retlred couple tor b\'e·UJ altw. 11 tfor 2 hwuhtr, rt hi&e, pool. Venailta. cr1u. drapea, "Z"Cbannel Mov ie. EXECUTIV• Cout fl'inant'lal Center 2112H1rbor Bl. CM 11 unlL Adults, in Nwpt. lltUt (lrb, It hlekeeplns )(Ada OK. lat, lu t' de 111. pool, S'7SO/mo yrly. Sandl>ii>trd967 Newport Ii "CM H 414. Mltt1 .... Tn11t llW~D H>l IMFO Coeds would love to party Mllntmanceexp. req. t COQk:L In rcban1~ posit. SSt5. /mo . Avail . 54B_·BM1,N&,.M__ .Coeta M 1645·9137 $UITES .,_.. 50l5 letdlna to thi cecovery with )'OU. Leslie or •1801. °'j rm :z.3t1p1+ ·~ •·l. Dan 10·6800 , n.. ... _ ..... a"h "'-•·lroo-s. f~ lAl\ll'I• NlrueH!e1uUful •••••tt•••••••••••••••• otPowrrUt.eracln&blke Sylvia . anytime , 111ry acen J , 5111..-. voUJCuir .. """" ... om coa·Beceptionl1t, SlftlerMta. c tak"1 trom condoe near 111.gooe M'f MAMA(i;HS •D. C.M. Mon·'ri an . ON THE BAY kitchen" bath, $300 HlllTA•I SHY , meaunger All types onl ar:itate Enctand " Memphis, • Qua.lided reildenl mar ~~M.Sat/Sun!!JW'lle_. Ht'-IM111_111al-IG01•IHc~ lt40 +$300 deposit. 2306 W. rt.Ali aervlce, Law & Tax lnvatmontulnce l949. tLB. Chronw rrame · rto ~le. Strong renter/· Babysitter ror In/ant. 1 ....................... Luxurious 2 bedroom . I Oceanfront , Ntwport New luxury ,onrce 'face Libary Xerox . phone handlebar•. wheels .. Lilda ' Vicki's ~Int. team ror 180+ AM to2:30 Mon· Fri Wl,......Alth bath apartment located Beach.6'1 41M In Irvine• bus ut anawe.rine. From S3$0 S,.Cltl .. la brake&; black Un111ut uruts. Must be rully ex· 6'.s.6140 Unfum. l b<lrm lpt All dlrectlY acrou from the v...._1_.. 4ZSO t'tllttr! Eaay Frwy ac Cal1'11·5333 WTD1 P1euecall"6·9832. PHOfO MODELS ~UOOJmo. 752 2197_ --- utJI Pd. All amenllle1. Reut>en E . Lee .••••••••••••••••••••••• ~et:it:.11. now l Cill Prime Office Space,, 642:2171 545-0611 • ISCOITS Are you looking ror .a ~~ ~19. Overlooks Newport Bay. OCEANFRONT 2' 4 Br. Corona del Mar. 1070 sq. 1 __ -· BACK & D~ER home? I need a I.Ive-in Darlin& 1 mo 0 d need£ Deluxe poolside xtra $1800 month. For ap· Avallnow.Wetkly thru 551-1231 640-4230 rt suite S8SO/mo __ .,_, lAlStSun.aft ;Smo oldM lllANEVER' 2AHRS housekeeper & compa· bawobryas1tt8e.r3ow~1.lme.~3m0 tar-2br, 2 ba , bltns, polntment, pleaae call swnmer 673-7813 -•nr10~1s 675-9510 N9e4 Colla? Peke, It brn & wht, vie 669-0207 n •on PI ease ca 11 ·Jci • . ~ .... (114l7'20-?.473 M·lo'8·5 · · •-A ~ • · Rear l:itat e money 22nd & Placentia, CM . 720-0416 p.m. Mon & Wed 1n our dswhr, ii,, mites beach. Palm Springs urea (Mon· From l room up to 2000 II• frffrfft available 2nd or 3rd TD Reward.645-2248 (Outc11ll ) ---·. -. --homt. da 8'5-9147. ev Adul\6, no pets. S500mo. terey CC> condO 3 BR 2 sq. ft. From Sl 16 ~ sq 4.SOO'sq. h. office space Loans on residential or Ch h h I ~SEMBLER _646-45_!!__ 5.16-1362. Newport Versailles Ba. rurn. w/atrium ft . No lease required. & ret'eption area inromr properties. We Last Sml 1 ua ua. t Wbt/maieS6.secure,in Rapidly growing THE WHIFFLETREE s~o . pool, sp~. club. Gotr, tennis . Daily, Adj. A1rporter Inn 2172 Secunty system wel· handle a ruu range of brn, Fem .. Pomona/ lelligent, affectionate, manufacturer needs Barber/Stylist or be11utl 1·2·3 Bdrm. AplS. Gym . pnv. Gar. Secunty gate weekly & monthly rates Du po n L Ca 11 AM . bar, optlonal wur~house rrortg1ge Coverage at Hamllton. 6'6·9905 com Passionate. no tal~nted pers~n to help c1an wanted to work in Soa.Sauna,pool,lennis. ~1-8090eves __ avail. 714·558 -8001 833-3223. spact.SS6S/mo utilincl. very rompehtive rates. Found: Sml blond fem games. would like lo bwld prec1S1on equip-Laguna Btach salon ekM&-0&19. OCEAN VIEW 3 Br 9-5PM,asldorMark. BAYFRO..._.T O.C. Airport area. Courtesy to Brokers dog Newport Height meet woman 45·SO. Pat ~nt. Near OC Ai~rt Good environment, w i new cpts drps . •~toir ... _ ,.300 " ~ 714·160·1S51 ask for Area.642-41~ ~--Callforappt.546-64 -somt> following pre· MAllMllS WALK p l ~/ -_..., .. Prime office 613 1003 · SteveorDu_ane G ferred.494·H88_· _ Lrg 3 Br. 'townhouse ermanen mo. req ••••••••••••••••••••••• · · · :nll-8 Harbor Blvd. in Found ma le er man Steve love your girlish Apartmenl. Frplc . lst/last+c/ <refunda Costa Mesa, 2SO sq. ft. Harbor-Baker ctr CM 3So/o Yi.td Shepmix,blk/gold.lrv figure !Keepupthegood ATTENTION: llEAllTICIAN enclsd gar, patio/yard ble J>!'O'raled l. Cr. rers ROOMMATE suite. $115/rro .Utils in Across from Fecico. S80 $16.~ Seasoned lst TD area. 551·4751 __ work. Pauline Amb1t1ous boys and S&S. pernl. Jlayr Barn. ·Near Hunt. Harbour ln~utre by mall. A. rid. 719 W l9th. St. sq.ft.,vacant,oHeredat onl3.33acresatAdelan· Found. Persian Ca t.ptnoMISerflcesSl60 g1rls1013yearsold,to 609 W. 19lh, C.M "'Id-OK. ttc.n mn ~c ntosh, 8560 Hu,nl· fli...IDERS ~l-8928. $475. See today. Agt. lo, Sa.n Bernard111· o Co. Hu t Sch Bot Ch work one or two even· 646-8480 "'u '"" ~ "' mgton Dr. San Gabnel. " <UQ ,....., n · · sa ica •••••••••••••••••••••• • . -=-='-=~---840-61m. Ca. 911'15 Oldest & largest agency. 5al & 512 sq rt. Sl.00 per _ _._.......,_ ---15"1c int only monthly & Heil 840-4710 SWEDISH MASSAGE ings a week gf'thng l,.._l(RaaER ----i ft 3975 Bi h N. B Ex 1 S300 Due 1 yr 2()'"; dlst·ount. F •-news pa per subs c rt P· """"' .:; ...... MitoBcblbdrm/2bdrm --Allclientsscreenedw1lh SQ ·· re .. ·· ec.swtesava1 .. Found M.brnwh1Aust or men"' women, lions Transportalton Custo~rservlcewanl· wt (um no gar $390 and Dll DnA BAY CLUB ~&rererence~ A entS41· . ~ r:rw>· 8:30-5:00 recep n ! '.7/913 .\812: 3 ~ ~ Shep milt. M whl mixed mecalls Robert 661·7820 and ronstant ad u It ed by small but growing mo.1146-9501 DfLDU . Credits : Cosmopohtan liorust. conference rm, 7 9 Terrier & F whl mix (9-81 suri:rvision ~rovided medical·electronics I Br. Excellent view GoodMorninaAmerica furn. orrice (optional ), 14·55!·1l l__ M JI N t k f r · EIT o 9513602 3Br,l'h8a,2cargarage, $1000/mo . Take over TheTomorr~wShow . execuplan secretarialserv & col· -a ese ewpor Trcrvtl 54S0 Cal3to530Pt.as or irmUI or~-nopets. gastwtr pd. 215 lease 644 ·9H3 or ,,, orr• lo all new . fee machine avail. 4.~.+s/ Shelter 644 36S6 125 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Andrea. 642·4321 . ext looldl F/C Ad• ms · S 5 9 O m 0 645-5000ext. 110. clients who need a place Citizen's Ba hk Bldg P«tOftflllta/ M!Sa Dr, CM RJdtr to Alaua 343 CPAOffi~:~~an'ge Co. 968-2100 OCEAN NO MT NEWPORT 641-1199 ~1t:~~:m:rot~ Craig. 631·02f!. Lost & Fomcl F~r?: b~ adco~~· 21t~ho~ Late Ml!I~63_1_1595 _ Salary i;j~xper 2 Bdrm. 2 Ba. upstairs 2 Br 2 88. blt·in kitchen, office & desk space. ......_ R...tal 44SO ••••••••••••••••••••••• Orange. CM . OC Shelter 2 for I Worldwide pass on HB.P WANTED apt. dw. bal, sgl gar 1 D/W. frplc , 2 car Nr.O.C.Airport .......................... w ... .+s SIOO 00-7643_ Pan Am, good ·111 5 JI, 5.a.1E5 •Uf0 child ok. Water paid garage. Yrly $97S. Roomma Le wanted, Dana .. .,_to Appreciate!.. Store for lease. 15x60 .. 696 •••••••••••••••• •••• ••• -110_ ea~962·2fl1.4 A1o10 "' CARPENTERS Good remodelers. Al so apprentices. 760·6859 S47S. 545-2000. Agent, no Point. 2 br. 2 ba. S2SO, lst ~ 897 w 9th St CM 1 . FOWld. sml blk ma le dog. ALAN MAGNON fee. J.R.PROP.MGR &last+ a,, utils. Avail. 759-8 686~ t9th'st.orc~~UOfli CA$0v1eTIENxGtraNs.OmoWde!~. Vic HB Cit>' Hall 3 15 r...uy....t& PONTIAC /SUIARU 1 Br ll. I A .1. 493-0987 .,.c ._,.. M 1 5313-~-~ Excellent lfonefats. no . pa o. car port. poo . _,........, 1ng iAh.. all types No spa. secunty, S4SO Ulll Block to beach steps 10 Fem. Nwpt Bch 3 Bdrm exiieJVV"• Found : Lr~ set or keyi.. ••••••••••••••••••••••• experience necessary . CJ.SHIEi& HOOSEWAR E SA LES Apply in person: Crown Hardware. 1614 San Miguel, Newport Beacl!_ incl.Avail.417 892·6745 bay. S475. 1 B~. yearly, Condo. furn . non · ....--RTC ...... TEI • OCUMVIEW r. Ellis&Hunlington. HB. JobsW..ted, 707S We will train. Looking all lls 64 9 smoker. $250 + 1~ uUI. .-n..-v "" 162() sq ft offi ce space The Job Source tdenill>'.:_847·1855 ••••••••••••••••••••••• rorout·goll\g, ambitious. tt.eWoa ut ,garage. 6'64 1 Avail immed Don bctlelltOtfic• avail in quiet Costa .§ifB.{Ylj/llAM-7PM ---Young marned man hard·wo rk1n g 10 · Hartao. 3142 Across rrom beach, lrg 2 _631.Q!LSS/S_9·.L s.ac: Mesa 1ndustr1al com Found Morns l<?CJk ahke would hke odd Jobs eves d1V1dual Just 2openmgs ••••••••••••••••••••••• Br,l8a,hkenu$700/mo sooto200ifsq ft Ava.ta plex . I deal for HapprAds Sl20 cal. M, vie Slater & & wkends. Ca n do a available. CATEllNG QUIET STUDIO CONDO .l!!.L963-8263 . __ Need M or F room male ble for Lease architects. engineers. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Edwar<bJ_H.B. 675·4947' variety of handyman Come m person to sales Frplc, refrige. bltins, Ocean front Ba Ibo a. ~~ -~~~ :f~·:r0~~~ Call Wm. F Cole ' artists, etc. 979·8533_ lA6l E. Bluff area a gra> jobs 912·952S eves: ask manager Homema kers. barlen· d e r s. "alters . waitresses E0& rn $125-$275/week , approx .• 3 hours/day. Need car. Easy & eQJoyable Call 646-8Kll bet 9 & 12 across frm bch $460 beau. on Greenbelt. 4 rrunded student desired. ror rrore mformallon I Park concesuon-f asl Schnauzer Poodle mix l9r Bill __ Harbor at Fair Dr 962-(914 bdrm, lower dplx. 2 car Mike. 552·1~ . ,, foods ·r1ty of Hunl. Bch. dog, old, deaf & bhnd , Pl para legals w1z kid. 13 Costa Mesa L.acJ-e•oda 3141 752 9442eve wknds Shr hse Nwpl Brh. pool. 111cl 2 lakes. Bldg apx. Lost ladies gold & fense & invesllgations FULLCHAIGE gar $1400. 784-11551 da . '*Cote Reafty I Located in 218 ac. park _named J1shes" ~0·1291 yrs exper m plaintiff. de· AL"T'OMOTIVE . ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~-Oc ' L.--A ~rf~cag~r ~c3b002 ~~~ &lnvestmenl l 1280sq ft.parking in diamond watch. lost Handlefiles.frominit1al IOOIU(ffPER Ckeanlroot 2 br, l ba. in : ""1TVfn m.oros ' 640-5777 frontfor 39 vehicles For Jt 16, VIC Lido Isle. interview to settlement. w eeo S< r II old Medit. villa. Frpk , 2 'l ba. $750 mo -appl. Mr Mo rri s We stcliff Plaz-a or No agency. Ms. Webb en someone u >' ClilLDCARE & HSKPG In exch. for room & board Student or pl lime empl OK. Nwpt 64 4·481 7 1pls I ve .!!11.'SS~) yearly 642 3912 SJ&.5486 ,, ••• ...,., trained in all phases of I ea de d w n d w s 6 ' • Shr N.B. apt. 3 br. above ' -----Westport. REWARD ....,..__, automotive accounllng. $1140/mo Sgl prer 2Br studio waterfront, Nwpl C4'nler. S232 +~ -Park concess 1on -fa st 673-~.IL_ __ DutchLadywouldlike lo Accounts payable. ~SQ& w1carport S875 mo. utils. 7~ e\'S KOLL CBfTEI foods.City of Huntington t'lean your home analyimg accounts. s 1 bdrm, liv rm studio., 67~ Clean F nsmkr wtd for MEWPORT Beach. loc. 111 210 acre SCRAM-LETS ___ 7704648 day week. immediate ocean vu , pvt beach. I IALIOA IAY ClUI friendly coop CdM hse Elegant Exec suites in park which incl 2 lakes. Companion1See ')' seeks open 1 n g Ca 11 Ev a Clencal &5304 or499·2624. Studio. mo . 631-6000 nr bch own rm $195 + prestif ious loc. In cl Building approx 1280 ANSWERS h\•e.1n position, pref Hauser at PRICING CLERK, full I ~5992 sec re aria I. recep 5Q n parking m front La guna Nwr• a rea COMll Chnrot.t I 13':· Some ocean view. LIDO VIEW lJOn.ist, telephone ans & for 39 vehicles. For appt Gamb1l Juror . Educated. rave led 2828 Harbor Blvd l1~. must be accurate dining area. $550/mo I 2 Br 2 Ba. 2 patio MI F 3b r park NP l more. Ofcs from $436 ca 11 Mr . Morris . MAKE SOMEONE HAPPY i\hbot Ossify (lived lll Europe 8 yrs l COSTA MESA w ifigures, xlnt company Refs752-5040btwn9·5 Adults. 1000615·6359 Twnhse Pool/spa, ten· rm On-call ofcs $165 (714 1~~ MAl<ESOMIEONESMlllE STARTS dnve Good local reri. ~anerf1.inlse CHaallrdB~·laborae IUS. vu back bay Jan mo . THE HEAD . It's okay to be tem 6JJ 9S23_ _ _SU.J.2.QO. _ "' ft LAMfoonlt llSS 2br.2 ba,gar.pool.sun 759-0048 QUARTERS CO M lll.clllstrialRtfttal 4500 PlaceaHAPPY AD pera menlal but -549·9671.EO.E.MJFH. ••••••••••••••••••••••• deck, dishwasher $650 Gorgeous 2 br. 2 ba condo PANIES: A professional ••••••••••••••••••••••• in this column sometimes 11 's hard lo ExeC'ut1ve St>netar)' B~~~~1J'0~~. ~oe~rl'!d --------Beau, 2 BR condo, 1 blk Avail. now. wtpool, J·a~. etc Nr SC environment ( 714 1 N.B .. 3915 Birch. 8860 SQ for only SJ 25 tell where the temper wan l s week e n d from lake. Individual 67J.2287 646·2992 ' fl.orless.MIA z.one.50' Call642·5678 ends and the mental secretanal work. your for ne~born l'3re ' COMPUTEI gar&clubmembersh1p tBr.JlJJ3rdSt Ba ckun Plaza. OCC & Fluor. ~l-068.J_ per sq rt Agent STARTS ornceCall5461307after wkdys My home Cd M ~TOR SS60/mo. Avail 411 Call 556-4T16afl 7 m 54 __ 1·~ s·~ ~~eves Refs. · 714 .,.,< •798. w1·11 show 1t, old but clean. 2 blks -aur•....,SS •DflESS ~ HAPPY BI RT IIDA Y f ound while• red Lab. Rapt Y g owing 1n .,.,.,.... r b h g Need rmmale lo shr lg ~n.:; • A · M I d IP k 711 N' I M D tt 1 I II R h R.tfl d 1· Buy ts II 'lh t~rnalional company knds rom eac . gara e, 2BraplinH.B .. nrbch.2 Answering mull esa n ustna ar . 1coe ane uque e ma e, vie· uni c e1 ne 1ve·10 nurse. er mee se er·WI • w · $450 rm Sierra Mgmt. pools, S2SO mo.+ 1, util. service .. confe~enc e W. 17th St Pacifi e rmnth LOVE: Momm1e bt~'n PCH & Warner xlht local refs 9S7·3063 an errective class1f1ed seeks r o m Put er Co. 641 l324 960-'?<maft 6PM room. AdJ. oc Airport. Bh"s lndustr]al Park. & Oaddl'.. 12131592-1664 ext 204.,._ _ I ad 642·5618 _ _ _ operator for swing shift tte..,..,t leodl ll69 BAY FRONT PAD -------j!OO/mo. 71Al8Sl·ll42 1835 Whtlller Ave 1500. Mmimum 6 months ex ••p•·;~·.·•N••[•W•••PO•••R•J.... Big 2Br. \Ba w /every 2pref~~ ~e~~~b~~e ~tom executive office. :~ 37!'!~~u~~ll:p!~e •• • • • •• • • ••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ~~~c~. k~~wre:g~ NI xlra, quiet, pvt, nr ~5+ •2 ullls.640·6419 400sq rt. Pvt bath with ~carpets, drapes. wet • View& KSAM a+ Ex APARTMENTS ::.~.=_:ail S750 ~ ~5· pvtSlOOba .;~n ~""~);.~.:.. Penin I bar 642:_"46!1_G4Z· 7604 •• 8-DAY WEEK SPECIAL • b:n~b~~~leca~a~t~~o~~ COUNTRY CLUI UVINGIN NEWPORT IEACH 1tOGft11 4000 ~589r ... 1 • + 450 SQ fl furn orflre R&D A1Mtttbly • ing environment. Con-""°' u...ltiU 8 O 3 LI 8 O 11 tact Pal Mills . ;\MF •••••••••••••••••••• ••• ----spaC'e SJOO'mo I ... .. e ays • nes • o ars Rm. w bathroom pri\• 2 BR nr SC Plaza. lge 641-0763 Focilty • Sctenllhc Drilling ln- Nr So Cst Plaza. & 405 deck. pool. jar S21S. --I Heavy power. air rond • It s eas to pla e 0 8 Da w ek Cl SS f db I d t terna11o nal. 18011 Fwy. Non·smkr. Female Nonsmkr.SS6~~26 Newport Beach near High mtensily h~htmg y C y ur -y e a I ie Y mat · an 1 • Mitchell So · Irvine, ~$Mwk.SS6·1137 Rmmate wanted MtF 111 ~-~ ... H0os00pr o1fooori~essqarmt · 1 1oncar8kpking SA oc Jsr e costs iustf1s8 -thats only a dollar a day' To qualify for this • ~0'-t. M F Laguna Beach, lg rum Npt Sch, comm pool. """"'"' ' . SQ.I r • special 0 er you must be a non·commerc1al user offering i--------lenrus. on canal $325 pie parlon~. well ma m OC Reali.>: Inc 542·3317 d f 800 • A luxury community 00 nn. pnv ba. 1240 mo .. 00.2C9S tamed bldg. Vicky days - --• merchan 1Se Or sate.up to $ per ad, and the price mu5t COOK the Ba ck Ba y. Spec ~~499-5550 --714 164~4800. Rt'lltak w-.d 4600 be 1n your ad The cost s tays the same whether your ad e Breakfast experience l t Spa 7 s •m Room wt full house M!F toshare2 bdrm hse ••••••••••••••••••••••• • Apply Pallo Cafe. 1900 ~g ~Is. 8 i1ghled :en. privileges. Npl Bch Call ID Huntmgton Beach WESTMINSTER vw me chanic. 29. seeks needs e1ghl d a ys selhng time or JUSI one • w ~!.~ Blv~'< .B ~ ~r::g bi:~ ;r:i~s. ~6=~~ dnnking. MtF 2S-35~:9mkr. shr t4Z>81&~~hSjl-!1,·atwn ~st~~l~~s~anp:ntoHs~r • Use one w ord 1n each box About 4 words make one • ~~;i~~ h{~~d~1deex~ Bachelors. l and 2 kilchtba pnv E's1de Jbr/2baoceanfronldplx. 2 f'rwys. Civic Center _Qr1".!.B .842·#44 • • hel r I F f bedrooms apartments. CM r>nn 631 2410 n10. I 54114148 Shopping Center Prune ~ • classified line of type M1 n1mum ad IS 3 lines Please print p u em pre . can and townhouses from ... ..,.,imo. ~--!::" yr Y -· --location Dix. offl~e ·~ 46s0 plainly • hve 10 Rtr req No ~toSlOOOpermonlh P-"P~-&htr Rmmte wanted. N.B. space. 919·8889 or -• srroke.CM642-348l. OnJamboreeAt '" -oceanfront rurn dplx. 00-1260. ••••••••••••••••••••••• • SanJ . 1•·11 R d room and bath. Xlnt loc. S330 /mo Cal I T1 m ------:-IOGll9Rinr0,_ • r------------------------------, COUMTB HELP oaqwn ~• s oa S275mo.700.0189 673-4320 704 sq.ft. proress1onal $300-ril'Olbdrm,allelec. • thru Fri SO PER {714)644·1900 Laguna Beach. Room , bldg Costa Mesa. Nr pool. RV pking. Clubhse. • I I • SANDWICH . Cos t a NO FEE! Apt. & Condo pvt bath, $250. Pr11f. over Share luxury C.M home Harbor & Baker· Adlt comm. 714-495·9028 • I I Mesa rentals.VillaRentals. 40,non·smoker.494-0451 w /prof. perso n . 714.494.4797 __ or50.1·582·0226 I I • -~$45_.:4867_ -- 615-4912Broker. -Pvt. home in Westcliff ~.;:t+dep $285 . campusL Dr orr.Mce !IO<sq • I I • 't~e't1::~~~erh~8~~~ Large tBR. Util pd. Spot· area No smoketdrink· fl se or 0 ' mo lusNss/l1t•Ht/ • c M. 3 3 m . 6 a m . t:·St~~J:4f:· 2421 E ~nvgerQ~ioe.t f~~~,rr;;~e .P~fc!rued.,., L63ut~ls8S4~rF3e2mn~6f~ C~~l'.a~:s~:~ ~O·~h~ ••~•~••••••••••••• I $ 1.00 I • F.ronomy car required preerr t a •I I No colltct1 ng Spar. l or 2 br apts. 1 m1 642·6846ev. · · · Storage avail. $250/mo. Swimmlng pool chemical 10 60 • ~5450 mo + bonus from beach. No pets. For prof/travf'hng man. 2 Br apt. pool, game rm 548·3345,494·3803___ service business. Costa • I • I • 646-0637 __ 642-2357 Kitch pnv. Beach/Bay elc .. across' rrolT! OCC. Design to suite executive Mesa. Hunt. Beach area • I 13 20 I CUff Haven. 2 br. 1 ba. $200 I mo . 673·BO 13. $220/mo + ·2 uttl. Call olrices with secretarial No exp. nee. Will train. • I • Dftltd Aufst new crpt. freshNpa int. 634-4449 __ --:S9-3~~2r~~ Ne"1>0rt ~ir1•co:°t~!t1~i~~ ~f':'e~u.11 ~~~ntn~'t e 15 IO I • ~xrrE~~ov.~n:f~cr~r frpk,eat·inkil opets SZ!Supslairs.$250.~tr b $40000+ Call collect • • Pleasant s urround· sm .642-2134 bdrmpvtbat.h,SlOO s~. Crest Townhouse wit CanneryVUlage.Broker M · Ft gAM GPM • 'ngs/good pa\.' F IT - -tennis. spa. non smoker 675-4912 on· r • add $2 60 f f 1 Newport HeighlS condo, 3 nr Beach & Adams . pref. $350/mo . fi.42.8850 d t867--0lll ___ • " • or each addltlon1l llne or 8 times • 631·3380 bd townhouse. 2 bath. Judy 960·6030 dys . 17t11St ~.M • I ~ 7814 evs or646-llllll. • • c ...-.St Dffthll A11i1t.t powder rm. frp c. 1 & 2 room or ices. At • C>pporhRity SOOS • Newport Beach. 4 daf ~W:.S-=1or:S~48~~· ~~~ .... !!.~~ N~~'"::!.'~~~10~~~ ~{l~~~M·1~til. incl. ....................... • Publish my ad for 8 days starting e weehk 1Expe(d. or pro 3710SEASHORE DR. NEWPO RT BEACH 3 bdr, IC1'065 from bcb, avail. immed. -Newly dec.,Jndry. •1mo. . (ZU) 283·5882 mcluut,no lst,lut.no Realonomlcs 675·6700 PRICE • sc oo lra1n10g pre SUU.HMOTa dep.S.92ts • ~rred.646.:_;·3535=--- Wkly rentals now avail. M/Fnonsmkr to shr 4 br MIDICAL SUITE REDUCED e Classification _________________ ....., Desk clerk & porter SlOS & up. Color TV. b m sq. ft. front ground • needed for sml motel on Phones in room. 2274 housenrUCl,master r, noor. Jarden setting, forSS9.000 you t'ouldown • Name_________________________ PCH Full /part time . Newport Bl vd. CM . + utlls. 833-88l4 professional bldg. in top uur OW!" VENUS DE •• • Apply in person to gnl ~1445 F3'·32SOahr3 bdrm, 2ba uea of Newport Btach, ILO hgurt cont~ol A ddress • mgr. 34862 So. Coast dupla 1l the beach in xlnl access to Hoag center. ~pe.rb location • -----------------------H Ca B h Nwpt. S300. lst' last. Hosp. $1.25 sq. rt. Long great pot!nt1al. Ca ll to· C1'ty z1·p Phone • ~!.I!> c . --Ken642-3338 term lease avail. Also day, ~on, l last long 11 • DOMESTIC 385 sq. Ct. prestigious this pnce. • L i v e i n , c o o k . • Share hOU!e .on bear~. Weetclitr area. SJ.00 sq. • Check or M.O. enclosed 0 housekeeper . compa- pvt rommumty, secun· fl 645-6501 • • nion to elderly lady ly. s2u mo . 12 13 ) ' Charge my ad to: Refs.req.C.11731·0443 51rl.3e) ~l. 300 IQ rt. a /C, in • • al\~ 30 me downtown loc. on .. : pm. Kennebunkport? .. Wasn't she the biologist who won The Nobel Prize for Medicine In '69? ~ro~ M/F abr4Bdrmhse, wtBlvd .C.M. o~ * E • Nw pl Shoresz .. n r S20C1mo. 631·7420; • 'Tf xp .___ IXIC.SICRET~Y bt'h/pool /tennls. ~ /D. 674-1921 • • Seekinc intelligent "" trpJc, 1arage, piano. II per. rc:rson •/excel. , ~o . + \'a utll. o~~~~/SZ.~.D~~h. ~ • O # Exp. e !~11:Pr:~~·:e~s~.teJ.'C Fem. bc h hse San blc~1~c&o53cr. serv .• t52~CAMPUSDl:frl11E • L------------------------------• ~W.~!!':iaio~~t~!ro~ Clemente. SZtO mo. + avai . . ays. No tnvestmentRtqui~ e r········· WE 'LL PAY THE POSTAGE ·············i e • .114 sse.a1ss CZ.7"3,141·2684 sai.f..,_IM Largeshareof very pro· t • ~.':/~f:.t~~:r~~ ~tab111«ebormrg co.til ex~~· e : 11111 NO POSTAGE : • E'1~~c?JYc~llr ror 05.0 sq n bld11. Fountain :r~. eo:f m one~~ed~ • : NECESSAR Y t first clau Newrort ....................... V1lley School District. write Ad 11942. Da'~I • i'· If MAILEO •• • men's hai r S I on Oarap, slnate Cor rent. PO lbx S.SlO FV 92708 Pll t Bo 1uo c N yue ~2718 "• blk to Main bch, Ms. Wieland71HM2·6651 a:e: " "" ' · • I " Q • LUuna· llS,4t4"*4 Private olllct needed. ~te• --IOJI • .9 UNITE D STATES "' • ·~.~:nM~T wilh 9in0e, 1'f Harbor High, Wiii share rece})Clonl•t .._., --r BUSINESS REPLY LABEL .. ~ltcllentele needed Npt effonlti._J.?~.To . ~Olta.O.C.Alrportarea ................ •••••••• • ~ t • ~~131boalal1ndS1lon. VI-.,,, Fl•ST Cl.AU P£•MIT NO IJ COSTA lll(SA CALl'ORNIA ~ • .,,,,.._ • i • '' ~~· ~!.•rrom !S "'OSTAGf WLl Ill PAO·~ •DOAESSH s • Sl&5.uu1.1nc1ucted. OfflctM161p • ~ Or1nge Co11t 011ly Piiot I e RnlonomlCI 67$-t700 1....: • .. I ·-1·1at Ml*lll Wte 11 '~~to ~.ooo ... ~rms · e a. • I 1 •• ttffttttt•ttttttttttttt fr~ ~ -'rt( ; , to 3 yean. Call to see If • u HUMT'IMeTOM Wntcl . 646·8eU j we blve \M bell t•tft I IOl 1llO '1 '. llACH t'lloaU!DITINn · av.Uable for JOUr k>an. • I • •oU,lllt/fMl&.et CORONA DEL MAil . C&ll llr ...... C7lt) I 330 w • .. I • for lm•d Ott. Full Oc1111 view omce .,. 9"·01S5. Ca11brjd1• • • •Y ~. ' • a.we.,.1 .... 1rom -.... ft 2IMI nr Caplllf Otoup • ' • I Cotti ....... ca &'Ml... ' •· lhll • "trlda 11 -;.i:z,'f11 'carpeted CaHfonl• real t1tate • ,,,. • "' •&..: •, •• Pldlta Hmp <>war/ • fDO M latl .,.., 111o adial • • I Ml~ • al 1 •• to mo olil. .... . ..;.:.;.ll.JD8-~~I ...-... i--..--••• •• • • ••••• ••••• • ••••••• ,. • 0r-. C011t DAILY PILOT/Fttdly, Mitch 19, 1te2 -~---·-•-t1° .. 1111~••1ecv: c:.,.tien1c. · b.ywil ' · · iZ•*• "-•*....,. lwT• ,..... "-"'--...................... . JllJ a.., !! •M•••••••••••••• •••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••• •• •••••••••••• • •• •••••' •• ••••••••••••••••••• •••• •••••••••••••••• ••• •••• •••••••••••••••' ••••• •• ••••••••••••••••••• ••• • TILE INst ALL!D ~ rWI 'WaUyountedtoknow WeCareCrptCltantn DRYWALLTAPlNG J.viM&wdttft .. HAADWOOOFLOORS Pmonal • BualneH In· P'lnepatnUnabyRlcha~~ PIAMO~MS AllKindlGuarentHd tlA~ayoupy •boutblnk tcy.(AJI Steamc~ulupbole. Allttstum•acouttlc ~eit. lcen~ Bltal&lflAllycleaMd c-01M Tu Return &Dor.JJc,lna.lSyrtv. lfldmu.lc ~.00 Raft .Ju.MO.f2l1 Iv. 7 . tlSZ Tturk mount unit t v ·llOl8 GAROENlNG and waxed. • .at ~ration. Avail for happy localtuatomera. per i..on. C.ll n at · ~ - 3Dday1d ...,._ -Wort r. &u.3'718 -'1.AN~"APINO ........_ EvtninplWeehndOI· 1.'.hWX9U· '31-iilO ..... OalC.omC.r1mJtTlle lnlht Sha ' 1 ~ ._, fl.ct or Homt Appoint· ..__19--a.. P'nlmptMrv. frHnt. D.t.uy ....................... mPoO •team t ean ........................ J . Gto. :MS.'1072 ....................... ment.a Jame• L Zlm c.to.,.._ ~1 -r--~Ct11k'lr!1S.lfOI -FINEHOME Color brt1bten•r1, ,rhl ELECTRIClAN prittd Landsc . VdCI DUMP JOBS • CPA MS-421' ~ Yl'1 exp Lie. 4'0ttl ...................... . PILOT IMPROVEMENTS crp,a • 10 min. beach. nlhl trte au;.,, on 'l'rfttriAJ!mJ.J,ert ::~ •Small Movlot Jobi prtp!n. · ~ a,ndcld, 1ni. Reia. Color Neatpatthet Uextum (~ramie UJe • marbi. ta. smYICI AddlUona' Rtmodelln1 Hall, Uv/dio. rm $11: lar,e'oumalljobi JI · 8Sl.Ol29 · Call MIKE 144.m 1 t Cl,.. u . 98.1-0911 Dick fntftt ltJ.10! atallatlon. Rcuonable DlllCTNOlf. ~-· • • ;:1: ~~~~~ c:ir~b 1 &i3-0Js9 Ruld t~"!-m;-ti~ HAUUNO•DUMP ....................... PAINTER NEEDS PLASTERPATCHJNO onces.'llobJ15- 1>011' NOW rittOdor. Cf.,t repair. . UC'D ELECTRICIAN M1lnl, cleao·upa , tree JO~. uktor Randy, VANDENBERG WORK! 30 yrs exp Int/ Rntutcos. Int/ext. 30 f,. Srtlc. A.tr Per S.... l 15 yra ex!. Do work ual. work · Reas. rates trim. Free est. 64t-1096 &tl·8427 l.AN~CAPINO·tndscp ext. AcousUc celhnaa. Yl"f. Neat. Paul W 2977 .. , ................... .. ~f!~fe~~ ~ ................... .!!).Y!elf. Ref!. $31•0101 e.e~!._631·5072 Tom ~t.>t~ DermUtlon-Gradln& :~~er;::~:: tree D~vla PalnSotlQJP f47in·5~ MR. ED'S PLASTERING c=,~r: &';:d".~:;. Repretentatlve c. '171>.:M~ NoSteam/NoShampoo TOPQUALlTV CleanujlS.TreeTrim 'lnolport.Aapbalt.i(on· lns'd/booded/lic'd. Bishop& n 11nt I AJITypes lntorEx.t. Strvkea tt'1·8388 MKHALICOMSTI Sta.inSpeclallat. Fast ELECTIUCALWORK Malnt Resid./Comm 'I. crete le tree removal 979·S146 30 yrs exp. in Beach ~ Pree est"' -- -'•411iJ.llilli61i17iill,mtiixtlilill2ii2._1 Cuitom 11-omes, lram-dry. Free est. m -1$82 Heu. rates. 531·5055 Arni 541-1414 So~IJ aprep~lculfip·ICoanmtlnm~·I Ma:xrv 11u Pree est. 548·1029 Pll ·~ T .... . d I f h R~ID COMM'l. IND tecft --• -'Sr.t.t....,l.:.a'-• mg •0 .. •0 •••••••••••••0 Ill&. remo. e. reoc CllldCert I I Jes ie'sGardenlng 41 ld'I. 531 ••••••••••••••••••••••• n;;na ._·"' "• ••••••••••••••••••••••• MoltSubje(,'ls K·l2&COI· Acct Ila; doon, skyliaht• & paUo ....................... 20yrs. Do my own work Clean·ups, trtt trim BRICKWORK Smu II IOyrsexper, int or ext Dralna cleared from SlO leae 25 yrs ~xp 54 hr •••••u•••••••••••••••• covers. 11411·38S2 East.er vac . day camp Uc. ~1 Al 646-8126 &maint ser.Y_ M0.803S HAUUNG-ctudent hu jobs, Newport, Costa SS2-0tS8 Plumbing Repairs Mr. Mor an 642-9033. P/RQtrUes-fin.Stmts ROBTSTEINBRONER, Hilung, f1Sh111g1 boatln1. R~JD/COMM 'L ~truck. Lowest rate. Mesa, Irvine Rers Painting, wallcoverioa. .JU1M642-9033 --- Compl.Set-up &Serv. GEN'LCONTRACTOR Aoril5th·9lh.AgesS·l.2 ~p.Clean.dependable ~" pt.Calll5e·l9?S 67s.317$. wood rdlnishing by ._ ..., M .t T--S.,.,k• Reasonable. 540. Uc. 11399463 645·6456 Warm, homey. Newport-Ql.lck & reasonable. ....................... Thank YOU, John. German·trained rather tta,eny •119•• .: .. ~.~ ............... .. Ha Mesa area. 540-6468, .Ye. 11337168 631·2345 Carpentry · Masonry MW.... & 500, 40 yrs exp. Rers ••••••••••••••••••••••• Typln1 -resume1. term vecalculator. will .._., S.. lel t 7 7546 -Roofing . Plumbing HAUUMG/CllAMUr ••••• .. •••••••••••••••• U 967 'aorBTY d' t t. travel! All acctg serv. Custom c(rcpe orry . . f; 1fl ~ h'-Drywall · Stucco . Tile CO.Ut.·Tr~·Ya:-GarOfia MINI· BLINDS Cleaned c JS4256. 831· 8 papers, issler a R1ons, Califorappt,760-7122. CHILD CARE 1n9trt 1 .. g R d I Generallabor 631 ••--RV' bo I MA.Ml.CHMEHT word proceaa ng. eas. -. --. decks & patios. J .S. M C.M. home. Xlnt ref. ••••••••. ••.••••••••••• em> e . J.B. 64~ . . """' s, ats, tr rs. a...tv r••ca Orange Co. area. LS yrs rates. L. p . Orfi ce FIRST RATE BKKPG Const. Co. Top quality l~ant -4 645-6846 ~and stnpping. repair-General Maintenance ..... tdl ... g !lllbile homes. aircraft, lil'teno~ & ext:enors. experience. Call for info. Services: S41M135. Services for lnd1v. & work. Lie. no. 380801. · mg. Antiques, rattan. Repairs & Decorating ••••••••••••••••••••••• etc. Free est. 64S·8616 Wayne Lerner (lXOY E 1 and rates small business. 966-2993 Freusl. ~SSll Careful & loving mama or new .furniture. <;hair •quail~• Ra1.,~0·SI~.!.. Want' REALLY CLEAN MoYlag 7Sl·9103 t6l.f 112 ~;'l.~li:r~~nffou~~'.t~n~I Ptr bookkeer;r ror sm ADD'NS/REMODEL ~l mosho. lO carFe/fror,yorurs cSPaEnC1 nlAgL, rush ibn I! HO .. E HOOSE? Call Gingham ••••••••••••••••••••••• ,__._... ..i. ., • ., 2142 b I I P A/ R Des. . 1 Ul my me . n ant any c air. "' IMPROVEMENT Girl Free ... l '"S·S123 ...,..._., P§gF. MGMT ........... -us nessJ • · ign inrl. Wlfert & OK. 631-3187 any rolor. hand stripped REPAIR-PLUMBING . "" .... ~C MOVIMG-••••••••••••••••••••••• payroll & quarterlies Son.S48·1837an.4.P!!!.. or reglued. $19 7S A Heating. rarpentry, ROBlN'SCLEANING QUicl:.CarerufServ1ce FarthlnglntenurDes1gn By IP !Orange C-0. WlltdowC ..... 641-2'1IS Colltrodon. GtMrol Touch of Class Interiors. elec. tile Free est No Service-a thoroughly Free estimates. SS2·0410 HAb/GlNG $10/ROLL Inv. Proe.> Ed 534-0940 ..................... ~ .. ..,......,. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 711 w 17th St • ., c .. ""'toosmall 64S·281_1_ clunbouae. S40.06S7 Quality. Lic11ns. Stnp· "LetlheSunshin.elo ....,...... ••••••••••••••••••••••• ADD'NS R O · · ""· "' .I:!!" - -•A-I MOVIHG ping. Drsc. on paper. lefWllliluJ Call Sunshine Window ••••••••••••••••••••••• REPAIRS/REMO D Plans. IL~~. o~;~~~ 642·7712 Carpentry. remodel. re-ExJa'd Houseclean er Top ,Quality,. Sp:c i a i Visa-MC Scou 64S·S32S ••••••••••••••••.··~ •••• Clearun1. Ltd S48-8&S3 ~ATE PAVING Int/ext & boat docks Pil~r& Sons, ss7.6932_ G. dt•g pair. patios. painting. ature & Reh able care ll1 hand.µ~g. 2S yrs ---J.D. Hom Refinlllhtng ~Monthly Dl5count D..!!~a~g · StrWiinB 25 yrs ..... Char 64H749 -COMM 'L/RESID •••••••••••••••• •• •.•• •• windows. drs. quality S42·a5/689·0t 16 exp. Co'!lpetltive rates UC. PAPER HANG ER Antiques, kit. cabinets. R~IDENTIAL U.~.,...rs. mm./ es1d. FlNE FINISH WORK o._ .. Add' R . . K&DLandscape Maint work 545.2901 -(6-7pm ) --Noovert1me. 730-13» &nded & guar. No JOb rane ainting. 645·0664. A • ...,. 2• l c.11397362 64S·8181 nculll\.L ns epa1rs R -toosmallortoolarge. vg 1 sty_,; avg s Y Rermdeling/Doors hung Very ~as Lie . 3902SO esidlCo'!lm. Clean-up JAC.'K OF ALL TRADES HOUSECLEANING SfARVING COLLEGE Free est. Tony 898.2728 ..,... _"5.'ChriJ ~7.a388 Dnveways, Parkin~ Lot Randy 720:12160CdM Jack H. Bennett. J r.· UHaullng. 548·24~ Coll day or night, Exp'd, rers & reliable. snJDENTS MOVING ....................... WINDOW CLEANING Repairs$ Sealcoahng. BOB'S CARPENTRY Gen. Contr. 552-9142 MOWING . CLEAN·UPS •~ack 675·30!!.•__ Call anytime, 9SS·2418 CO. Lie. l!Tl24-436. Exs•~llrtatl wallRc~vesring !~ REPAIRS FOR LESS 7 yrs in area . Excellent S & Asphalt All types. No job too Hauling . Landscaping llome Maintenance Housecleaning morning lns11red. 641-8427 "' on. "3 . pnc..... Shingles, rtat. 30 yrs. 642 5449 64S 7972 ---'L:::lc::.c.:::;63:.:1-'-4:.:.l=.:99:....---1 lge/sml. Refs. 839·6297 All construdion, large & Free E!st... .. .. 642-9907 Yard work & tree trim hrs. Mesa Verde area. WATCH USG ROW! Consultant Assignment exp. Free est. 770-272S · ' ........ · ~'---labplttilMJ CUSTOM CARPENTRY smaU. Dist' to Sr. adults. ~------20.!_rs. -G~ne 552·04~ C.M. Have refs. S40·991S STARVING ACTORS 581·~ ---Huber Roofing~all types. Orange Coast Windows ....................... BY• •JAY•• WayneS39-lll2 ~ma int. & rlean·ups . HOUSECLEANING MOVING COMPANY WALLPAPER ING New·ree<>ver·decks. "W~ leave you wn,~.a Bab,,.ittmg in our C.M n DRAFTING SERVICE ....,.. .. in romm. & shop LOVE TO WOIK u~~ &d d bl F t & c r l Lo t Exp'd, bonded Lie. Li 11•11802 "a 97.,• bngbteroutlook. bo.;;s. I Yr & up . Any 642-~ a . Spm 20 yrs exper.comm/ re· J!!!1fL.t'trs. Tony 646-7556 Carpentry. paint ang, nunc,.t962-~n a e ~es La!'°~l~o~a M~~ C.0/366843. Discounts on t' , . .....,. .., Freeesllmates. 830·~ time.642·8482/646·S7S9 RESID/COMM 'L s1d.67J..6047dys/evs GARDENING WANTED treei. & grdn s, gen Ho! itH.g -Vis~.t.ac/lns.6?3·08S3 ~co1_739verings. Free est ROOFLEAK??????~ ~ Ali Around Carnontry Mowuig edging ak · ma mt. It hauhn~ Free _ -......., .S8()() Courtright & Son '" .. ..., ClULDCARE . J-'--77" ~~ REMODEL/ADD·ONS . . r mg. l.'St ~"' M • I~ rr-...... t """·"""" ••••••••••••••••••••••• "'"' ,,_ and"-L' 'd 5 wee P 1 n g · fre e ••••••••••••••••••••••• WIC~MMU WALLPAPER -~-...,. ....., oK.<><. u''RITING, RESEARCH. C.M.homew/yard. --..... rpentry. IC • t t 64" •737 Pr f " . 642·0162 Hungry carpenter needs 25 yrs. Irwin 548-2719 es Ima es. ...,, or D ess1'onal Prof'I couple WIShes to ••••••••••••••••••••••• Contractor & Pa1ntml( Orange Coast Roormg EDITING Any subject, work ! No mo re rood 00-~2 bouses1t, Newport area. St.art your ~hild learning O c 23 yrs. Lie. 328240 Re· roofing / Repairs fonnat, style. 646-496S Babysitllng in my home stamps.NoJobtoosmall Drywal Mowing Sl O·SL5 -S211. T h S · C July,refs.644·6839evs music: Piano lessons Ga'1'GQ.mpf49~·4366 ~u.rat~ 548-1733 E. Costa Mesa area or too big. 8 yrs local ••••••••••••••••••••••• Haul/dumping $15·$211. OLE erv1ce 0. -given'" my SJC home "you're not reading the es H to3. 548·7286 __ exp. Refs. DR YWALL/ACOUSTIC 754.9004 955--0005 Mark. 1 12131 S92·3S37 or (714 I lllCOR9 Tax 496-~_.__ SCllldblctstilMJ little ads in Classified . ., •• """I 1"'9 l"O< 14 FUii r 'd & ~---I 840 8618 ••••••••••••••••••••••• p d . Explore the world or ••••••••••••••••••••••• . . . I t r March to your phon~ to .,...,....,.. ,,.. . """ .. yrsexp. y IC TREES/CLEAN-UPS , . -FEDERATED ut your a verlls1ni: vall!~S found in BUDGETRATES/Lic'd you re mLSsang a o o place a ,fast-acting Have something to sell? insured. S32-SM9 EXPERTGARDENING Sell! Sell~ Sell ! And let lnromeTaxServit•e message where the classified every day. Low min.SmljobsOK. newsy lnformal1on as classified ad. 642-5678 Classified ads do 1t well Want Ad Results 642·5678 I ~ JQ.l'.!l ~-4. 7819 classified help. 642~ 63l·"87l_ readers are 642·5678 642·5678 Free est. Ins. 641. 7581 well as some great buys HvaN.lst Tues An!trefm. 879-2000 LlGAl./SCTIY To Sl920. No fee to appli· cant. Mary Hickle Agen-cy, 19762 Ma cArthur Blvd., Suite 200, Irvine. 641)..2920 LaURIAH No fee to applicant Mary Hickle Agency ___ 640-2920 Medic a.I llld office Asslstc.t F'ulfiime, salary open Send resume to P 0. Box 2932. Mission Viejo, Ca !I'S!. Use ,,,,,,,, M service when placing your ad ... a Daily Pilot ad number will appear in your classified ad . we take your messages 24 hours a day •.. you call in at your convenience during off ice hours and get the responses to your ad ... this service Is only $S.OO wHk. For more informa· tlon and to plac.e your Id .call ... 2-5678. • • CALL CIRCULATION WAATMENT ._.., ... : 842~321 Use lht Dally Pilot "Fiil Resutl" Hnkt &lrectary. Vow ..tcthCNt ....-, .. Olll..,.nt,m 516 7•St.HI Sat-Sun ·Lota of stuff 642·Sb78 .. ' Doberman pups. AKC. 9 wb, male. ears & tail gypped. $250. 964-36S4 Beagle Pup. Fem. AKC. 9/m>'s $100. gentle. all abol.s. C.117'1S·521S Lge aide·bY·•lde refria ice maker. avocado $4!15: 1 pair (Old velvet swivel chairs Sl2S . 497·3121, 216 Cy press. LI a Beach **I BUY** Good used Furniture tk AppUances OR l wlll wUorSELLror You MASTllS >.UCTIOM '461616.,ll).tHI KING INNERSPRING EXTRA Fl RM ma tlrets set. never utd. worth S301 NC. II• del. Never ..a qiaten u . worth 1319. cash only, S:UI del. lltu.ally home, 7S4.:l_ISO_ .. Or~ Colet DAILY PILOT/F~. Mlf'Ctl 18, 1882 ,_I ; IH1'81 • ; Ifft ltlll'8 I ; IOIO ,_I 1 IOlt • • IOIJ .... Pewtr 9040tWallN .... tl40 ~"'9fa!.Pwtt ....... " Hit -················ .................................................................................................................................................................. -'Ac~ f 400 ...................... . n l'OCllplett Cu opl Waterbed 1tln1111 w WANTll ll'ormaloakdbi rmtbl 9 lpeach racedloveblrds.1 CANV~S ' PLASTIC MOPED Veap1: red; ...................... •Mtw .. ICM•y MUSTSILL. tet w mall tell.i. idn t Wfvt1 j. Mater. i100 PL.\Yf't:N'COUCll SET matelUna wldser bac~ YMtold. e111lftd'd $85. BRJOOE ENCLOSURE a..-. dlic. 1880. Mu1t ~v:.:=c~t1!c'r.t 4w...1Dtht Ma~aar dOilift btd ,$400 Aftl1911t tsarbtr Al\ li..131.:.7118 _ m N41 chain. 2·1uvu. New 531-85 for 28' SklpJu~ Used be Nell to a,preclate. auto trans boih sioo ' UN Pldiml with mattreH Moon rhalr Sn c.old bfveled Gteen velvet sora S$OO Sf 1 Q SI f 12000 Sell seso o BO PERSIAN ROLLERS ~· M'·47SI.__ Dual exhaust, u rritr M2>51Sl • Loadec1 1 1t 1eS"l•118' ~mlrror on heed· ~~~d&11e:tiia~~~ 1~!0 Flowered cotton' sofa, Hae:~ul"o n ';,:~:. 873-'91_ f'ockoftOperform11nre u· Avon Sportboat :!;.Ti~Ko~~~ft"3>~~ Mai wheels, 4 lue Flt 1721111n1 5'00rtb1lt' ~~lli\ •• t ...... 1t• flOO 117112 Ro.._rt L: S300 Both like ntw, ,, ~/~torr W ·1328 2 rorMr aect sofaa wt4 birdl.~. w/1rr lS hp John1on .QM.!m•fl1PM orSun nt11t t'Ompacta. 110 0 Mttflrict$6791 -wa.i --L ••• • v ~ • ~.6*l137 ydl l'fJ)laremrnt fabnc, __ ~~ 018 wtelec starter-. Ap-~ HOWAl~C._•,..... l 8 12·8pfn MOVING· Mutt sell 111 S Custom made Picnic ..1!_15. 9112 3282 CAJ>\JCH1N PIG l::ONS prox 30 hts on both. 11200 '9l 103 Peugeot Moped. 1162-2116. . . -Oove/ all Sta l auvm1Autft1,J K.lnesfte bed S'IS Twin this wknd. Almost new Tllblet, Ureth ne finish. Fancy show bird•. both or will sell sep 1400 ml, excel cond. N£WPO TBEACH -· rvw"nv bfds S.SO •et Queen sofa derorator llt'ction1l aora. SO uch. M alchlnJ Honet I060 prit'ed perqu1Uty. {71U. 9 bstolr. 559-7328 74 COUllH IJJ4 H1 -9S 133 bed SIOO Dining ta~le form1lgl111dlnaet Spc benehesSlSeach. 6' •1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 6U·4&3 • IBOO. '73 Sltlpjack 20' Motwcydn/ MlJSTS£LL NOW! '6l lntem1Uon1I Scout 4 Malnua1 ~<'h & chair. $~ J!:~• $(~0~h~~r~ dinette .• euy c~r. 111 Beautiful 540-l73S 2Hor..etra1Jcr.dual ule, Hanci.tamed talklna flfcln& bridge. Tralle~ Sc....,.. tlSO CO~lttt cab body. orr ryl .. n eeds work . bFl .. °'ro'r"e pe2 "'orPonMd. SC111s101 fee tt1ble .~ End tables se l ehclt ionri or l ho to ~~;asbu,.ys.:. u11'm'<I,.. ''Uunat' too/bet ~ll· """" umbrella Cockatoo !.~~~tr~.dM9·4306 eva. ••••••••••••••••••••••• tmlsrur "-~l otrer Also 646-HAl. Chea . " ~ 10 ea. Color TV 1175 grap c &; nt& .. more :'u. 83i~3t3o. ,..... ' "' .. ,,.,.,......,, 84MS73 """'~ wa ~ 7 I RM 125 "U>Une~rta. ~ ~rr\11. 14cu rt.~. Girls &7:H603 _M.,_ -Jewelry 1070 5 man Achilles inflatable u~~. '6'15 536' Tnldaa fHO Slmmon11 blond crib HuHy 3 spd bike $6S. 20 Soras new , S98 1111. to Sol id Che r ry Wood ••••••••••••••••••••••• "-&°'911111 1090 wf\6 h.p, SuzuJcl. 2 hrs 714-473-6849 ••••••••••••••••••••••• w/matt.dresser/change 644-5166 loveseal' $88 eu Mui dresser with mirror Diamond l 75 ct ••0 ••••••• .. •••••••••• runnlnatlme Sl400 Eves ~v dual fuel pick up table.Xlnt cond.S200ea tres•••n09S7-570s Sl2S E Id ' l . E VSl' Thomas electric 2 key 968-UllA Yamaha Vlrago7SO wllh ..,_fotS. '7 9. Bl& 10 model MB·1434 2pc1Sftsor1,gold1 with ~"·-CullMB·0910 u'rcf~1 cu . 1 d board. Exrellent cond -~ extru like new. only ••••••••••••••••••••••• Propane &11as powered. ------greentone.$9() Cooeh, lo,•eseat, t•hr, ot 13 00 . ap pdra seh ~8j§;!!.23 Luhrs 28' sport fisher . .oo>nlltes.12.600 IM PO RTANT Auto Tr11 ns. PS. AC Hlde·a·bed. ve ry nice, 900PresidioDrCM lomancorreetblendtbl 2yellow8'soras.SIOOe11. 4• o. nee cas · twin engines, ca bin & 646·4629 NOTlCE TO Rear wind ow . Till hardly used S3SO/bst Wknd · & lamp. contem0porary C.Ompl Maple bdrm set, J3,900. Dy~: 642-5640 . ,UJ>~l Steinway piano, nybridge, nav. & ndlo FUiiy ct.."'"ped Triumph READERS AND wheel. stereo. Stockland olr. 493-330? . -~/bst orr. 545.9971 art dresser, 3 la mps, $49S. eves/wknds. ill:_li,g_l._ fSWs:cond. Best orfer equip .. outriggers. bait '""" ADVERTISERS camper shell Black & New t d t 41! 2 Wicker lou nge chrs 6PM. Alrmstnewmattress & Diamond, Brill11nt l-OSll --lank. full covers Mint 6.50:1~fworJt.S300o~ The price or items whittext. Luxury gray 1 hrat and 1~elle se · wicushions ~a Qn 51 ----s Pr in II s. dbl & Cut. .26 Appraised at Wurlitzer Baby Grand rond. 646-2024 ma e 0 er. ss2-397 advertised by vehicle inLerior, 36K ma $67.000, t:e" rhub l a~a ttopti 4 deep pale cinnamon New Henredon Alvarado Hollywood bed. Spanish S896 WlJI sell for S2SO Goodcond. 11500 Dyer 16 yacht tender eves 'til lO. dealer& in the vehicle 9'124500 si.: 1 .:r ~~ :1:.,s brwn fur bed sprd SIOO. Bdrm sel In storage rotreetubl._i100 642 9308 cash. Call Answer ad 575.0305 bay boat, 4 tyl diesel, RMl2S um. runs good . dauirled advertising .64 Chev ,, ton 6 cyl. 3 wi_,12re se ~rollerl~..._MB·604_7 __ Cost ~.sell ~soo or 2 1 1 th •S73 64.H30024hrs. --new 8 w .. hydr trans loobgood, $450. columns does not 1n spd trans tool boA & ~-GOLDEN OAK dining bstQ.f!'.:_760~20 rh~~r~ ~~ e::h e~~Y. ..;_~el -~---80_8_0 Sld9g 8093 67S-09_1~/~73·7272 Call evenlngs 646·114S elude any applicable canopy Creal shape New Singer Touch tronic tbl. s legs, 2 I\'~ w 6 pre· Rollaway bed. used twi ce blk whi TV $4S u, ~ 2 -••oa ........................ --·i.i Suzuki 450, 2500 mi . taxes. IJcense. transfer 2001 Memory marhine ssl'd bk t•hrs. $1200 pd $149 Sears. will ~l'll mos All good cll~nd s;t•••••••ik•··~··d•••• Mens Siu Boots. Nord1ra '18 21· WELLCRAFT raaring, xlras, _perf fees. finance charges, 646-4072or~~7 0809601316 rn.~73 ror S60.SJ6.8079 645-&US vertone ey ar or· 91'1M. used once $39 NOVA XL wltrlr In rond. SISOO 080 feesfora1rpollut1on con '76 Toyota. ~ spd, long · -gan. good rond , S3SO 673-5819. brd/outbrd Volvo eng trot device cert1flcat1ons bed nu tires clutch A.tot. Mew HOO Awtos. Mtw HOO Awtot, Hew 9100 Allto1, Hew HOO 6J~7144 Balboa Pe.nin:.. C:,:,.,.: G--.L. 8094 Less tlO hrs Llkt new 54.5-12!!2__ or dealer documentary brakes1195!! in9.161L ' •••••••••• • •••••••••••• ••••• ••• •• • •••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• LOVE I ... UOO .... S ..,.-_, _.,. SI0,000 Ca 11 SS8· 1193, '78 HONDA. 350 preparation charges un I !•----~ ~ .... ~~ "" " ••.••••••••••••••••••••• 832·alt8or731 0443 "'-duro 6'2·3338 Jess otherwise spec1r1ed 79 Oat.sun P1rkup. long ll e I 1 um Bouquets Discount sporting goods u • · b I.be advertiser bed, 5 spd, air. eampr Delivered Perfect for Top names. m an> loah, Soil 9060 Yamaha SR.2.:506, 1980 El(· shell, xlnl cond. Lo m1. ever)' Occasio11. Green specials O.C Swap ....................... 1ter I, windshield, lug ~•/ ~~.:J660 __ for lit Pal's673·'!_4!!__ meet_._C72. SIS SO LING Ru c 1 n g rack, 6SO nu. Lake new CIOllkt 9520 REMI NGTON Marlin 375 Win 5150 eqwpped 3 sets sails, S.6411-8798 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Elec Typwriter. xlnt Firm. H&R \2 J,?lluge trlr $39006-16 4474 MotorHo...t Sole/ MOOR "A."t! con4._l!10. 493-0987 O/U. made in Spam S3SO 30'. Islander Loud~d. Re.it/~ 9160 Shay replicas. pickups Rowe jukebox. stained fi.L'!!.0~·3307 mml cond. wtmooring ••••••••••••••••••••••• & coupes 4 to rhoose glass front . with records ..., Rocio near Pavillion 631 S379 R e n t : 2 2 · 1 u x from' ( 006768 l ( Stk $•20 B • • • • A3003l Prices starllng " ; ar type ~on~ ttFi Sttno 8098 loah. Sllpt/ rmtomome, sips 6. self· al game & Coo s a I ••••••;•••••••••••••••• Dodu 9070 oonl. $295/wk + IO'/m1 t7~/ll90SS7 8681--BEAUTIFUL 2S" Rl'A ••••••••••••••••••••••• t!'i<l:~t.. ---Power Eled lawn mower color TV sale. 2 yr wrn Lido Slip for 50' + Power RENT 26 rt motor home . Black&Decker$75 ty.$148 Freedelivery. Boot. $1000 per Ct. PP Slps8.fullyloaded 646-~. _TV John's646-1786 67Slm4 or 527·7408 _ _MS·8616 C!}'stal chandelier SISO. Teac 4 channel S1mul Hunungton Harbour Bay 7 round area rug, sync tape recorder, & Rat-quel Club Boal bm.:,goldJ7S 963·1932 ~~t_oft. 67S·7870 Slips available. Ca ll '74 Roadliner 21 ft. Class A. clean. roof air. generator. $6900 673·3826 Studio beds w1bolsters loah&Marine 846 -7766. 846 -7167. SIOO. Wide screen for TV Ecpipmtnt 2~1m 1359. Tr91en. Tro•el 9170 ~ 963-19.;12 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2.s side tte. near the ••••••••••••••••••••••• Naug rrcli ner. $1 25. GeMral 9010 Ferry. Ba67131s114a4n0d '71 Yellowstone trailer Ea h $7• Wh I h I 2Sft . sleeps 4, fully self sy c r. " ee r r ••••••••••••••••••••••• rontained. great rondi· [IS 645-2357 13 rt Lapstrake fishing HeWDOrt MoriRO f!on. 642-5~ - Local Yarhl Club mem boat 10 rt oar:. Xlnt Slips at-ail day. wk or I bership ror sale. S2.000 cond.: ~ ~I 6352 mo. ~I '81 Prowler trailer 19', 673 9•70 sips 6, self cont • great -. ., IS'• ft loah & sood ~~ C.iliBa F• FIBER BOAT I Ski' s,.tct 9010 Casa bell~. ti' ever used --494·3202 ••••••••••• ••••••. •• •• • W tuhp hghts. Was S260. loak. MaifttetlClftce/ WANTED Bo-. Rider 17 ·74 Terry 23 1., fl A C Very clean $3750 642.:..IJ89 sell Sl20 Stnice fO 20 to 20· PP seeks clean 552 0796 ·n Ideal trailer. 22•, rt · ••••••••••••••••••••••• boat from pp 957 0292 Self contained. Air PAN AM two for one Manne.Electnc1an ~ 962.0583 coupon . 13 countries Design install repair TIWllpCN'fotioft ~· -- $150 1 _Q!l!L~or~9 2520 •••••••••••• ••••• •••••• Jwfto Senrice, I' art• 546-0SOOaJt4P_M loab,Marine ~.Salt/ &Accestoritt 9400 2 for I Worldwide J?<ISS on ~ nt 9030 Reftt 9120 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Pan Am. good •taJ 5131 . ••••••~••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••·1--------• ~ea 962;2844 1962 E\'inrudes at 10'. CAMPER, 10 '. Open A.TTIEHTIOM Port sewing ma rh S50 JO over rost 7.5HP $749.99 Road. self l'Ontaaned. MG gal aquariu.m. almost 4.S HP $599 95. 211 P $6~0 or be st offe r OWNERS new SI.SO Girls student p19.99. &_more. 673 1434 893 8053 TONN EAU COVER desk ~ 851·9143 loah l'ower 904 0 1·10 VW ramperP T.reblt FilSMG's,'71-'81 Baby Fu rn playpen.•••••;•••••••••••••••••! mtr New lirts & bat· Neverused.$75 stroller. swing. etl-. Wellcraft 26' No\a or ~i?~~~32l:z track. Maria631·7797 lve msg Nothing O\'er $7S. Ship fshore. l\\n 188 ll P.1 __ _ _ _ rrodelk1ls Art.5befor1 lan.dem tr lr . R Dr . Diewt/CafftPerA·I LITEBODYWORK& &46·4113 radio. ba11 tank. xtra 100'· rompl ·equipped, 1 pamt-up to 50r,. off your \Vaterbed. ne\\ mall & factory fighting rhrs. cost $18,000 nol incl body shqp est. 536 9832 liner Sl20. 2 T\\in bed s. bmum. rovers. stereo 8 labor. pnced for am med ·---I ""mnlti:"both 673 '417 trk. tnm tabs lmmar saleewvi 675 1358 w r r"' . - . ., co nd Sll ,900 0 80 ~ ALFA ROMEO PARTS I Stroller. genwne English 839-8221 or839 7203 Motoriud IAl11 9140 All parts lo convert IOI I Pra m, rompl $45 --••••••••••••••••••••••• 1600 to Veloce. exc OH&.Y $9,9'5! THEODORE ROBINS FORD 20C>O HARBOR 61110 COSTA IAl~A 642 001(, ThellcPst ~ on the Or-. COllt DAILY PILDT CLASSIFIED ADS You Can Sell It, Rnd It, T rodt It W'rt!I a WD'lt Ad [642·5878 ) Airline dog s hipping It's so-0-0 easy to use Mo-ped for sale ·77 Purh pistons. $1400. Dennis. 1 crateJ~. 58_1.(J6J8 _ classlfied. Just give us a Newporter Good cond 979·2748 after 6pm or Sgl '4'\t bd. 6 dr\\rs on calJ 64.2·5678_ 1?99754 l..~.70 wknds-=--____ '------------------1 btm . htr 550. Trs h I Allfoa, Mtw 9100 A.Mto1, Hew 9100 l.Alltos. Hew 9100 A.Mtos, Hew 9100 IA.tlto•. Hew 9100 rmj>ct.r $275 752-5968 •••••••••••••••••••••••J•••••••••••••••••••••••I••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• l AD & D modules & books . 1 for sale Call James .t!J7 1321 aft_,,_2 3.Ql>m 4hp long shaft outboard. I 23 cu fl side side refng dbl bdrm set 83t·l230 I Wicker da-y -bed $95 . Rern" SSS. Shutters for (I )~lix42" & 12)48"x48" windows SSO. Hohner 12·bass aecordian SSO. Men's _golf clubs & bag S35 Girls bicycle $20, ~·4139 eves. Wedding dress-Never worn.Size lO·Appliqued lace.pea r ls S2SO. 962-51S9 ADLER SE 1000 seU cor· rectlng typewriter. $650. excel cond. J3H!41 __ _ BOUTIQUE The biggest most beautiful. Follow yellow tulips. 8361 Deep· _yi<:_W_,Hunt. Beach. Sora & Chair, hke new Marble top coffee table Ampex Ca ssette 979-9Sllll FUii sola bed. SIOO: kin g hdbrd, walnut. $40: bard ca~S2S. 760·0344_ _ ~al IMtrw.nts 8083 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Quilter PA + a Boss Echo l>el a, c horus line , falanger. $500/bst ofr. 67S-7870 Bundy clarinet Like new w/Sumner mouthpiece, used I yr. 1250. M9·6386 S-9pm ALTO SAX. Compl over· hauled Mar 82. Extras. Top cood . $42S /obo. 67J.&.U , .. I Kuslom II. 8S wall bass amplifier with one lS .. speaker. plus. l Guild cabinet with 2 JBL IS" s aken. 846-226$ Offtce ,.. ....... & 1cp1,_.t IOIS ••••••••••••••••••••••• Office furniture for sale at discount prices. 64.l-<1763. N.Star 'Horiion JI, quad density 64K incl . U.C.S.D. \>ascal IV. 0. new "fact. carton''. 13000. Call Neil. J.727·0202 or Craig 63Hl'Zll 1982 Standard 3·Dr. Hatchback This 4-spd. has pinstripes. 3-yr. paint warranty and great gas mileage s5377 1982 DL 4·Door Here's a 5-spd. with pinstripes and 3-yr. paint warranty. Hurry! Won't last long at this price. Ser. 211 343 '6371 82 DL Brat 4x4 --SUBA~U P. ~. h 1 u A C' D n r r ' v ,.." I~ \ c r (' ' ' ' ' ' I ' E ..... -ri ' ' .. ,, l .. ' \.._ 1 J..-..\ I I I \,___ • _l '--' " __._ i I I I· . ,,, .. 0.-.. c:..., Z!mHarbOrBlvd. ' ca;TAME$A 979-2500 WE PAY TOPDOLL~R FOIUS8CAIS ALAM MA~ r P-~~vf.U COSTA MESA 54MJH 149°1417 WEIUY Q.IAMCAIS AteTIUCKS COMMEL L CHE VROI ET . ' . . ' '4b-1 2or ·- MOOll.S IN ITOCIC . MOW! . Che~ .. , , .. , ............... °' ea4 J:ALITJ .. D'llll IWWI• wtfl" •er flH ...... ...... - I OrlnQI Co11t DAILY PtLOT/Frtdly, MltOh 1t, 1H2 CONNELL CHEVROLET ..... ,.111 1,.' 11 I' I \ \1 r ' \ ~46-1200 '71 REGAL 211111 '71 ELECTRA nnn 'ICEITURYeu1 78 ESTATE WAGON 14nz 79 RfSl-W '19 ElfCTIA ,,,.. 'IO SIYLARI IAPP4'2 '81 CEmJRY •MZP• '10 ELECTRA IDflMJ 'JI RIVIERA 11• '12 SIYWl1m2 'I IVIEIA 151Z01 lllMW tm1 '4115 '411 ... 15595 15915 ,. '1115 --,. '1145 s995 s1 CHEVROLET 7& CAPllCE 1111154 s2995 '7llOIZA.. - '73 PU I SMll 21ma '3115 '71WA&Olnu '395 'II CITATIOl mm . - 'I CITATIOl 1-'511 ·11 coRmTE .. 11: . . '15,715 FORD '75 PIMTO WGM mw.L 77 Lm II #57&1 '75 GRAUDl Jn '• '79 FllRMOMT •1m 53115 '71 PllTO WGl ucuu '395 '71 GRAllDA•m '3115 '71FllRfllOIT111m '4415 'II fllUSTllG mm SS• MERCURY . '71 fllOITEGO num . '1• '74 CAPRla.n1 . 52115 '74CAPRls...c..,. '295 '1& couua.. . szm '71 llAICM '""' BRITISH '71 TRIUMPH S,ttf lrt ... '71188 LTD EdttOlm"' '711111• 'II 117 Ctnvertible 1arm1 JI JAGUAR XI 1• '79 JAGUAR ll 1um '11 JAGUAR llsna•• '4115 ,. -s795 )12,915 '14. '11• fMPORTS 'lt DATSUI rthmis '• '71OlTSUl111 Cph1 '11PIT '3411 77 HllA Civic mzo .s 3995 121ATSUN 248Z 1411tZ s. 19 111191510 Ip 311m \ '71DAnR211 mm 'llmAAccon .. 'I llZI IC ..... 'I llUDAll ... OUMDIR FACTOllY IMVotCE LOOK AT 1971 1976 PLYMOUTH LINCOLN VOLAR I CONTININTAL 1947WYt>·50721 1650ZOf' -50 I 41 . '2l9a '3599 1971 1969 DATSUN PORD 510 GALAX II 1272TXE-0614l IZUS.SOt-50731 '3199 s1799 u. ....... Factory ••Ital• ••1t ... Dlsceu11t Ser. 130401 Slti:. 107 I E LO W, 1971 1979 FORD FORD PINTO GRANADA 1613WCNl 128 IXWP-46<>51 '2999 $459 1977 1980 DATSUN CHIVIOLIT 210 CHIVITTI 13399 I 4-50981 1766XlE-50701 OW ·USED ·CAR 1976 1975 DATSUN FORD 210 ILITE 11735,8-50991 1816KYV-50671 $299.9 $2999 1979 1911 FORD POU . MUSTANG GT P-250 PICKUP 1Hr0719-1207l IW86<W5-.49601 '4699 SJ899 U.t lt•lc• Ftldory ••Ital• •••••DIH-•t Ser. A50243 Slti:. T 1165 1977 1911 PONTIAC FORD GRAND PRIX MUSTANG 167 lllf-50761 U8GC771-48911 $3999 $5999 1979 1979 CHIVROLn PORD CAMAIO PINTO 1571WY0-50481 194lWQY.04191 s1499 s3499 --~ ... ±5 ~-How to use Pilot TV. ~og on Pag~ 3 ( >R.\~( ;1·: ( :c l\s·r ·s \ 1( )S l' ( ,( )\ li>l.1. ll: 11-:1 J:\'ISI( ):\ \ l,\( ;,\/.!~I . 'Q ~E.D.' . . . American scientist finds unusual action "Q.E.D." ii a mult-~ted adventure lleries to be broadcut for six weeks on '!Ue9daya at 8 p.m. on Channel 2. The ahow, which begins March 23, ltan Sam Waterston u an American lcientist who goes to England in 1912 to pursue hia hlahly outrageous experimentl and beoomee involved with mystery, , intrigue and a host of colorful characten u well as challenges that range from tum-of-the-century rockets to a sinister Hitler-like rmdmm who claims responsibility for diwten such • the sinking of the Titanic. • • • A mysterious black automobile terrorizes a small Utafi town in ''The Car,'' an NBC movie al.ring tonight at 9 on Channel 4. James Brolln portrays Wade Parent, the aberiff of the small, rural town who ia perplexed by a leries of trqic highway aocldenta -all caw.ed by a ~y out-of-control black car. " . This pllton-engine menace nma down a couple of bkycliata, a hitchhiker, a ICboolteacher, a sheriff and aeveral policemen. Then Parent steps in to confront this homicidal vehkle. Since the windows have been blacked out, Parent can't identify the culprit behind the wheel But determined to stop thJa four-wheeled killer, he deviaes a trap to wreck the car and learn who -or what -has been driving a path of destruction. . . ~ Steve M~ueen and Paul Newman heed an all-star cut -in 'Tlie Toweriiig Inferno,'' an Irwin. Allen disaster flick to be broadcut on Sunday and Monday evening at 9 p.m. on NBC (Channel 4). William Holden, Faye Dunaway Fred Astaire, Susan Blakely, Richard Chamberlah;, Jennifer Jones, O.J . Simpson, Robert Vaughn, Robert Wagner and Susan Flannery appear m thla drama about a rq1na fire in a new akya:ra~. The niovie won 09cara for Best rum Zditfna. Best Cinematography and Best Original Sonc. • • • Some fun on the alopes will be the theme of the "John Denver Celebrity Ski R8ce," to be aired at 3 p.m. Sundav oo NBC Chanbel 4. Thia la the fifth annual ou~ fOI' John and hia friends. Celebrity frienda anticipated fot the event include actor Timothy ButtonJ membera ot· the caat from TV'1 "HUI Ertreet Blue~'' aDcl NBC'a .. Flamln&o Road" stars Morpn Falrcblld and Mark Harmon. Otber_partidpantl tnd•ede Leif GeJTeU, Parker See 'Q.E.D.,, Page 31 Ben G azzara plays honest N.Y. cop See Inside TV on Page 33 -r . t N CIO 0) -or -i ~ ~ 'Q 't: LL ~ ~ ·. ~ ii: NOW AT ATLANTICI THE LINE OF PERSONAL PORTABLES FROM TECHNIDYNEI COMPARE THE FEATURESll .. COMPARE THE SOUNDI COMPARE THE PRICElll TIE TEClllllYIE IPl-114 $J1500 . llW IT ITUITIO llLl ... -......... !I ' THI DCHNIDYNI HPS.1IO CASSITTI PLA Yll.alCOIDIR $11 1 00. WITH PM TUNll' NOW ·AT A nANTIC ONL ~ ................ . *ldju1t11tl1 Fold11tle El'19h••• THI TICHNIDYNI HPS-175 $ 1900 WITH FM TUNERI NOW AT A nANTIC ONLY ..•.....................•• PROBLEMS WITH YOUR FM RECEPTION? LET THE TECHNICS SHF-101 FM WING ANTENNA . CLEAR THE STATIC FOR YOUI NOW AT ATLANTIC ONLY $a9oo • --------------------.... --~----------------------~~~~r--order-:---:-to-reecue-----:'.tbej~~:klne-~-~nmnine-::':-'an".'::tbO~loo'~leries:::3 bun obllvkn. '"O lllJ,. ~INOFFICE TV Antenna A. you may recaU. the Dimey eerie9 met fallen • g: on hard timel in the rati1J81 game durtna recent ~ years. < 330 West Bay St., Costa Mesa, Ca. Mall eddress: Box 1'60, Costa Mesa, Ca., 92626 Telephone: 642--t321 At NBC, the Disney 9eries had the mLdol1une ,... to occupy one o1 the two "IUicide alota" co the .g current prime time programming 8Chedule -the - one opposite ratinga powerhoule "60 Minutea." ~ (The other "lllicide alot" ia oppoeite "~·") a. Index Orange Coa3t TV Antenna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 3 Sports Highlights ........................ Page S Daytime Schedule ...................... Page 6 Evening Schedule .. .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . Page 8 Letters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 29 Word Game ............................ Page 29 Inside TV .............................. Page 33 TV Puzzle .............................. Page 33 Daytime Drama ............... : . . . . . . . Page 34 Channels 9 KNXT <CBS> 6121 W. Sunset Blvd .. Los Angeles, Ca. 8 KNBC<NBC> 3000 W. Alameda A'fe.,Burbank, Ca. e KTLA <Ind.> • 5800 W. Sunset Blvd .. Los An1eles, Ca. 8 KABC <ABC> 4151 Prospect Ave., Los Angeles. Ca. (8) KFMB <CBS) 7617 Engineer Rd., San Diego, Ca. 8 KHJ·TV (lnd.) 5515 Melrose Ave., Los Angeles, Ca. (10) KCST CABCI 8330 Eqineer Rd., San.Diego, Ca. . e K1TV <Ind. l 57'6 W. Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, Ca. e KCOP·TV <Ind.) 915 N. La Brea Ave., Los AIJgeles, Ca. (24) CBS Cable 9 KCETCPBS> 4401 Sunset Blvd .. Los Angeles-, Ca. 9 KOCE (PBS> 15t44 Golden West St., Huntington Beach (0) On·TV 1139 Grand Central Ave .. GlendaJe. Ca. (Z) Z·TV 2939 Nebraska Ave., Santa Monica. Ca. <H> HBQ . . Time-We Bid& .. Rockefeller Center. N. Y .. N. Y. (C) Cinemax Time-UJe Bldg .. Rockefeller Center. N.Y .. N.Y. 8 <WORl N.Y.,N.Y, (17 > <WfBS) Atlanta, Ga. <E> ESPN <L) Select (S) Sbowt.ime <Sl Spotliabt . CC> (Cable News Network> '"~ What would good old Walt say? By PBIL SNEIDERMAN ol'tMDelr .......... He's been dead since 1966, but they aay old Walt's ghost still haunts the hallways and aoundatages at Disney Studioe in Burbank. More precisely, the spirit of Walt Disney. his wish-upon-a-star imaglnation and his dedication to wholesome family entertainment still hover over the people now at the creative helm of the empire he founded. Before any project. ~is the go.ahead, veteran Disney people traditi~ ask. "What would Walt have thought about this?' In the corning w~ televialon vtewen will have a chance to decide for thenwelves whether old Walt's spirit is still alive and kicking in three new series pomlbilitiea dreamed up by the Dimex folka. On Wednesday, "Herbie, the Love Bug" rolled out for a five-w~ trial run. On April 10, bimeys regular Saturday night hour will be filled by ''The Adventures of Pollyanna." And by late April. you'll probably get a look at a half-hour Disney det.ective comedy pilot called "Small and Frye.I' Thete pilots have been produced aa part of a deal the Disney people signed with ~ last yeer in New TV log covers it all The newly reviled Pilot TV Lot often reeden expanded u.un,.. i.raer. emer-to-re.d type and a complete IUlde to your favorite cable TV ltationa. 'The complete lilt of weekly dayUme ~­ ming appean in the combined "Daytime' eection, ' which detaila all ahoW11 that appear each wee)tday at the same ti.me. C.able TV movie. al80 are listed, with reference to a specific time and day of week the ~ will appe_ar. A complete q of everung ~ ~­mtnc. with. detalleia delcriptiona of leriee epUodea and movie plots, ii lilted In new columm featu.rina biaeJ' type and wider columns. Momine and a£- temoon moYiea are bJ«hlilhted in a IPdA1 eection Lut aprtna, NBC announeed it lll• canceling ~ =k~~=-=~~~ ·~ slot, s p.m. Saturdays. n The ~ deal called for the Disney aeries to ':3" consist rouahly of one-third Disney theatrical mo-<O vies, one-tliird cartoon prognum compiled from :.. Dianey'a animation library, and one-third new ~ ~terial. ~ Some of the.e live action new programs were to be considered pilots for possible series Disney· could produce. Ahd 80, showing great imagination. the Disney folb have already broadcast pilots entitled "Beyond Witch Mountain" and "The Ad.venture of the Apple Dwnplina Gang." The atuaio ia now ~ on "llerble, the Love Bug" and "Pollyanna." If theee titles 90Und suspicioualy like old Disney movies, give younelf a ~Id star. In tDe.e pi.Jots., the Dlmey people simply lif- ted the concepts from their popular movies and plugged in a few new atan. In the cue of "Herbie," they recruited the original "Love Bug" star, Dean Jones. To be fair, the Disney folks are probably counting on name recognition to draw viewen to theee pilots. After an. you have a _Jlfttty good idea what to expect from '"Ille Love Bug," and you're not anticipating bloody crime drama or steamy love t:ria.naJes from a tleriei called "Pollyanna." Still, you wonder what old Walt would aay. See Dimey, Page 31 each day and ''Tube Toppen" zero in on your beSt beta in TV entertainment. "Sports ~'f\,ta" still remaina a popular feature of the Loe and reedel'I can get the lnlide tnck co who'• who and what's what in the world of the tube with Jeff Parlrer'1 "lnlkle TV'' colwnn. New to the TV ~,,,. la Phil ~ whcm ''Orance c.o.t ~tenna" ii always on the lookout for S::::,.finl teporta on TV and the people who make on what coma beamed into our llvina l'OOlm. nilaydme Drama" otters a weekly lynopmia of what ha~ to whom in your favorite'i:t opera. And Lynda Hinch l1Ve8 rMder'S m lnlide at the world of the .,.ps and a chance to poee their own ~in her tesuJar colwnn. If ~ have a complaint, comment or question about a TV IJl'08am. t6e ~ o1 all networks and cable stations are listed oo Pace 3 of the macaDne- VIDEO MOVIES SPOKEN HERE • FOR YOUR EYES OHL Y • FINAL CONFUCT • THUMDIRIOLT & LIGHTFOOT • EYE OF 'rHE NEEDLE • TAnoo • ROCKY 1 • CARION COPY • PURSUIT OF D.L COOPIR • GAWPOU • HOUSECAUS N CID O> .,.. a) .... AUTHORIZED SALES/SERVICE/SATISFACTION AMC-JEEP ORANGE COAST AMC-JEEP-RENAULT 2524 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -549-8023 -- . SADDLEIACK BMW /SUBARU 28402 Marguerite Parkway Mission Viejo ~ 831-2040 -495-4949 . . ROY CARVER IMW 1540 Jamboree Road Newport Beach -640-6444 IOI Mel.ARENS IMW At Beach Blvd. & Whittier La Habra -522-5333 CREVIER MOTORS 208 W. 1st St. Santa Ana -835-3171 CADILLAC MAIERS CADILLAC 2000 Harbor Blvd. · Costa Mesa -540-9100 CHEVROLET CONNELL CHIVROLET 2800 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -546-1200 CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH ATLAS CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH 2929 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -546-1934 DATSUN ·NEWPORT DATSUN 888 Dbve Street Newport Beach -833-1300 FORD THEODORE ROBINS FORD 2060 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa ·· 642-00 I 0 -. 540-821 I LINCOLN-MERCURY JOHNSON & SOH UMCOLM-MERCURY 2626 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -540-5630 SANTA ANA - UNCOLN·M&CURY 1301 N . Tustin Avenue Sal'}ta Ana -547-051 I MAZDA MIRACLE MAIDA 1425 Baker Street Costa Mesa -545-3334 ANAHEIM MAZDA 601 S. Anaheim Blvd . Anaheim -956-1820 PEUGEOT IEACH IMPORTS 848 Dove Street Newport Beach -752-0900 PONTIAC BOB LONGPRE PONTIAC 13600 Beach Blvd. Westminster . 892-6651 -636-2500 PORSCHE-AUDI CHICK IVERSON. INC. 445 E. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach -673-0900 -MBSTER PORSCHE-AUDI · 13631 Harbor Blvd. Garden Grove-636-2333 SAAB BEACH IMPORTS 848 Dove Street Newport Beach -752-0900 TOYOTA -., EARLE IKE TOYOTA 1966 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -646-9303 MAXEY TOY OT A 18881 Beach Blvd. Huntington Beach 847-855!:· VOLKSWAGEN JIM MARINO VOLKSWAGEN 18711 Beach Blvd., Huntington Beach 842-2000 VOLVO · EARLE IKE VOL VO 1966 Harbor Blvd. Q>sta Mesa -646-9303 Sports Highlights Friday MAACH1t, ,_ t.tOAHNI 5:30. WOtoef'8 MUD WAE8T\JNQ "WOf'ld l.lghtW91ght Cllam- plonehjp" e:oo CH> 8PORT'8 IU.U8TRA TED: TliE ARST 25YEAA8 J-Cun llostl • tr1b- u1• to ~ lllultrsted'a llrat quarter-century or Jlerflng IOOr19 COYerllge. AFTEANOOH 12:IO C8) INTEANATlONAL F10UAE SKATIHG fAoM PEKING Dorothy HllT\lll pertorm. end c:o--llOllt9 wl111 Greg Lewll In "' .... ltar eichlbl- llon f .. turlng Jo Jo Star· bucll, Toler Cr-1on and John Corry ........ emai.-....,.. l'IOplng to ,._, China In the '84 Winter Olymplc:I. • Eve.G l:OO • HIGH ICHOOt. MSKETMU HIGHUQH'T8 9:30 . HIGH 8CHOOl. MIKETMU. ~ 11:00 • COlJ..EGE ~ ''NIT Ou.-Fin.II'" 11:80. Cl) NCAA 8AIKETUl.L. Mldwelt Of East regional _.ltNI g9IN. 12:00. woe.era MUD WMST\JNG Saturday MARCH 20, 1982 MO....a 9:80 . Cl) HCM IMKETMU. MldeUt reglonel lfnlll (h trom BlrmlngNm. AIL) or W• region.I llnal (llve trom Provo, Utllh). 11:00. WCT TENN8 ··u20.ooo W0<ld Cup ~·· SNomo Glick· lteln VI. Eliot T elt80her 11:411 8 Cl) NCAA 8A8«ETMU. M~ reglonel flNI (U... from 81nnlnghem. Ala.) or W-1 reglonel flnal (!Mt trom Provo. Utah). AFT'EANOOH 12:00. Ill NN08U 10-round lleavywtlglll bout ti.I-~k:lleel Dok .. and Franco Thom- •: 1C)..round mkldllt light bout with Robbie Eppe YL Teddy Mann (live trom Atlantic City, N.J.). 12:10 a SKJNO HIQHlJQHT8 .. JerTy Ford CAletlrtty Cup Townernent'' 1:00. PM IEA80N M9f.8AU Celltornle Angell vi. ......... ..,_. 2.'00. Cl) TOUNWimlT fl\AYERI ~ TIWd-<ound -. ol U. TPA _,. (l¥e from the TourNllMrlt Ae)w'I Club et 8awgrme In Pome Vedra. Ra.I. • DAYTONA 8'M'ER .caw t:aO. MIGAA RAY LIOW.N)'8 GOl.OIN Ql.OW8 Kentuclly VI. loullillNI a "'°'"8llO'W. 80Wl.EM TOUR $100,000 Long l111nd Open (trom Garden City Bowl In Garden City, H.Y.). S::30 • PAOfU8IONAl. IOWl.EM TOUR S10j),OOO Long laland Open (trom Garden City Bowl In Gerden City, H.Y .). Cl) .. 8BN.J.. llUNCH 5.-00. WIOE WON.D Of' SPORT8 Flnele of the Superblk .. (from c.n.t>ed, Calif.); NCAA Wree111nQ Ctwn- plonanlps (from Amee, loweJ. • IOOCE1' MADE .. GSWAN'( U.8.8.Ft YL W .... 6:30 (II WIDE WON.D Of' SPORTS Anell of the Superblken (from Carlabed, Callf.); NCAA Wree11ng Chem- plonahlp1 (from Am ... low•). £VINNI 8:00. 8PORT'8 AMERCA "College BMkeeb.tl: iow. Va. W19cone1n'• MARCH 21.1Mt MOflNN1 ..oo•CI) NCAA IAIKET8AU. e.t ~ "'* (llve from IWlllgfl, N.C.). 10:00 8 e AMMNDE , tkound W8A Jw11or w• tetWelght ~ ~ tftlellolder AMOO Pryor IN M9"' ..--. i/f-e~tt cBeaa~ ~~ 1912 ·WINTER AVAUILE * **•LIMITED NUMBEI COIPOIATE AMI IECULAI MEMIEISHIPS COIPO&An MIMalHHtP'S have full club prlvlleges inchJdlng a tax advantage. Members frequently use our attractive facilltles for banquets, boatd meetinos. client luncheons and eocial ICtlvitles (minimum 2 families). u.UlAl ~ for families and single people are offered In a variety or membership programs Including extenelve Jr. programs 12 yrs. and up. Wedding receptJons and private parties are a specialty at N.B.T.C .. tor members only. 11 MEW 11 **** AllOllC ........ Taught in our ~..chlni C.nter by Phil Johnson with 12 ye1ra experience in phyalctil fltneta. 1150 Initiation fee Includes 2 months free °' 24 dM9M PLUS 8 monttls of ~ng a •AIULOUS SOCIAL UN. S100 Initiation fee will be applied to any other type membership at M.1.T.C. TIAMSNRAIU for 6 momths only. JM -• and experience the "good life." Find out why the N.B.T.C . hu been aucoeearutly Ntlafylng ita members for the past 17 ~·· For ,,,.mberahlp application and Information, p ..... call our s.t Directer, ..... l.U...Ht•I. 2601 ~TBLllFF DRIVE, NEWPORT BEACH, CAL tfi (he trom AUen* City, H.J.). ...... 'IU8'JNCH Hoit: Jollnny Benell. I~~ 10:10 DOOGa .... ~ 10:25 PA6-llEA80N M sa'IUGAME LOI Anoe!M Dodger'I VI. HewYOtttMeta 11: 16 • NCAA llAltCETIALL M~ ~ llnel (llY9 from St. L.oull, Mo.). 11:411 Cl) 1AH DEG<> PADAEI PflE..QAME AFTDNOON 12:00 •• JOHN DeM'1' caE8NTY 8KI MCE John o.n-hOltl ""' -t 1-turlng Cllebrltlel trom the WOl1d of en1ar· tainment end eporta (trom Heavenly Velley S ki ~). Cl)~ 8"80AU. S*1 Diego Padr.. va. s..tu. Mwlnerl 1:00 D 8 8POAT8WOflU> 10-round heavyweight bout bet-~ ~ end Scott Fr** (l¥e ffom Altentk: City, H.J.); Wor1d lee~ Motorcycle Cll•mplon· lflipe (ffom "-· The N«lwWldl). I Ill 8PORT88EAT 1:15 Ill n« 8UPEM'TAM Flnel round of tll• ~ ... luring tlle ~ of .. fOclU*I end blMbaJI prellmln•tlH (from Honolulu, Hawaii). 1:30 8 TOUMAMBIT fl\AftM CH.\WICl•W Flnakound Q0'4'"09 of thia TPA _,. (!Ille ffom ,,_ TOl.WnMlent ~ Clwb .. Sawgr-In Pome Vedra, Aa.J, • MlrO AACINO ... adlan Gnnd Pmr·· t:aO • Ill u.a.A. Ya. THI WOALO .. OLYWIC SPORT8 The U.8. netJoM1 '-'II YL the ~ '-" al Hun- GWY In gymn1111tlcl (trom Atlentlc: City, H.J.). Cl) TOUNWilENT Pt.Aval ~ (Joined In Pr.-> 8 8'IBA.A RAY LEOHAAD'8 GOLDEN GLOYY Aondllw.T~ S:30 • Ill W10E WOALO Of' SPORT8 15-round wee World Light llMVt~I (:Mm. piOnlNp ~ OwWtl 8'aJClon end .-ry M.tln (from Lu Vegul: Wom· en'a WOf'ld A9cotd H1gt1 Div• Cllalleng• (from ONndo, Fla.). &.00. GAEA TEST 8PO«ra LEOEND8 ··Boe> Heyee" EYENNO 1:00 cm~ llWN<ETIWJ. Houlton Rodleta VI. LOI Angelel l.MtWI 11:30 • 8PORT8 ANAL. Monday MA..cH 22, 1M2 MOfNNQ UO CH> WOMEN'S OYMHAITICa .. ,982 c-,..._ lfwl.. tatlonal" Otymplc-ct ... ~· ClOl'llPMe tor .... eround and lndMduel tftlel In ftoor -a.. tM hot9 wutt, the~~ end the.,,_ l>era. ,,,. llMNOON 5 "1N2 CMlar8 Pai-lr'M- tetlonal" OtymplO-d... J! gyn'WIMta ~ kw .. •ound Md.,....., 1ltlle ~ In "°°' -a-. tM ~ -i vault. the baleitCe ~ < Ind the -bllf'I. ,.. l:OO • ..._HOCKEY ~ Loe AnoelM IOngl VI. Min-~.Gt ~• Nottti St... ._ 11:00. OOUEGa MllCET1W.l "NIT &ernl-Anell" 1:30. WOMEN'S MUD WM.8TUNG -"World llghtwelgllt !D Flnels" Tuesday MAACff 21, 1112 EVENMI l:OO CH> INTERNATIONAL f10UAE SKATIHG FROM fl9CJNG ~ Hamll pertorme and ec>-holtl with G~ Lewtl In "' ......, ....... tlon ~ Jo Jo Star· boc*, Toler er.n.ton end JoM Cuny, ..... . _.,, ...... hoping 1o nliP'-' aMe In ...... Winier~. NllMNOON l:.to CH> WOMEN'• ~ "1N2 C-. ,,.._ ln\4- tetlonat" otymplc-ctue ~~tor ... •ound Md lndMdual ... In ftoor ......... hor'M YllUlt. the baliel1Ce be9'll end the---- What has been a better investment than BUILDING? NOTHING! Let your investment make money for you ... build a new home, an apartment or remodel the one you have. Phone (714) 7~ I (213) 80'2-2688 211t CENTURY CONSTRUC110N CO 1~ Finandn1 We parantee our work and completion U. .---... -- 6 :Daytime \ I< >l C\ I \'< ; ~ 6:00e 6UNAl8E SEMESTER :g WOMAN'S OOEST (WED-FRI) LL. MAYBEAR't R.F.D. (FRI) SPORTS CENTEA (t=RI) g> WOMEN'S COLLEGE SWIMMING (MON) ..J POWERBOAT RACING (TUE) GOLF (WED) PAOFESSIONAL RODEO (THU) MOVIE (1HR.,30 MIN.) (TUE) FLASH8ACK: THE GREAT PLAGUE (1 HR.) .i:~~ HR., .e MIN.) (TUE) {!) MOV1E 1 HR., 45 MIN.) (MON) 6:06 (tl) I M Of JEANNIE (%)MOVIE (1HR.,31 MtN.) (WED) 6:10® REAL DETECTIVES: l"HE SPECK CASE (1 6:~· (=~ORY Of MEXICO (MON, WED, FRt) I AMERICAN GOVERNMEN't (TUE. THU) ctNEMAX SHORT FEATURE (WED) MOVIE (1HR.,45 MIN.) (TUE, THU) 6:30 8 JUN106 (MON. we>. FRI) YOU ANO THE LAW (TUE. THU) JIMMY SWAGGART LET THEAE BE LIGHT (FRI) INTEJl'otA T10NAl HOUA (MON, TUE) TV-8 LOOKS AT LEAANING (WED) PUBUCAFfAtRS (THU) NEWARK ANC>REALITY (FRI) MEETTHEMAYORS (MON, WED) NEW YORK RE.PORT (TUE) NINE ON NEW JERSEY (TH~ UNfVER8ITY Of THE AJA n fRI} A CEl.EBRA T10N (1 HR., MtN.) (WED) LAFF-A-THON (THU) WOMEN'S MUD WRam.ING (1 HR. 30 MIN.) &r'Jov.e =· 44 MtN.) (FRI) 6:361 MY SONS 6:46 HEAL TH F1ELO e A.M. WEATHER CB) SNEAK PREVIEW (THU) 6:501NEW8 6:65 REAL ESTATE PRINCIPLES (MON, WED. ~GAADENER ~THU) 6:18Ell 8PECW. REPORT (MON) ~ LA. MOANlilG FUOOE =J.~ (MON, WED) OCEAHU8 CTUE. THU) MOAl..ONEWe OCMANTY FEEDBACK (FRI) YOUTH AHO TIE l88UES (MON} MEETntEMAYOA~ FRANKLY FEMALE ) JT CAN BE DOHE 8l1WQHT TALK JUIV SWAOO.Nff NEW8 UNDSWTNC*G HUMAN BEHAVIOR (FR~ rra EVERVBOOY'& BU81EB8 CMON. WED tUWITE.8 THROUGH THE: ARTS r PROJECT UNIVERSE~ WED. FRI) MATHEMATIC8 FOR l.MNQ (TUE. ~ FOA A REASON Cl\IE. THU) ~·"'> REACHNGO ~le\ C()t I B'JE~FRI) AU.-8TAR 800C8' ~ LcFAf) LEFTY, THE~ LYN>C (WED} MOYIE (1.-t,46 MtN.) (FAI) MOYIE (1 .-t, 30 MIN.) (MON) WN:XY WOAlD Of JONA1HAN W1NTERS aiFJ~· 68MIN.) (MON) 8:15m~OFASIA eJl.riTHATTEACH &2il7:EM 8:20 e 8PECW. -REPORJ~tt (MON) 8:30 CAYf AM KAHGA.AOO • ~VIREAKLA. JT CAN IE DONE (RI) OCWJNfTY F&DeACK '(~) YOUTH AHO THE l88U!8 (1\JE) OFFHAND I GREAT SPACE COASTER FEUXTHECAT CAPTIONED ABC NEWS (TUE-f'RI) TO BE ANNOUNCED (MON) JIMMY SWAGGART PERSONAL FINANCE ANO MONEY MANAGE-MENT (FRI) INTAOOUCING BIOLOGY (MON, WED) AMERICAN STORY (TUE. THU) =m-HU) THJS WEEK IN THt: NBA (WED) WOMEN'S GYMNASin1 HR.) (MON) MOVIE (1 .HR .• 91 MIN.) UE) IN SHAPE WITH VON KE (THU) THE ISLAND OF NEVAWUZ (THU) ACADEMY SHORTS (WED) 6:40 CZ> CHARLIE CHAPLIN COMEDY THEA me (WED) 6:.e I(() SPECIAL REPORT (MON) 7:00 MORNING NEWS TOOAY 700CLUB 0 G000 MOANING AMERICA THE FROOZLES AOMPERAOOM BUGS BUNNY ANO FRIENDS BUSeNESS REPORT PERSONAL ANANCE AND MONEY MANAGE- MENT (FRI) AM~AN GOVERNMENT (MON, WED) OF EARTH ANO MAN (TUE. THU) MOVIE (MON, THU) SPORTS CENTER (MON-THU) MOVIE (2 HRS.) (~) L£FTY, tHE OINGAUNG LYNX (WED) MEETING HALFWAY (TUE) MOVIE (1 HR., 30 MIN.) (FRI) MOVIE (1HR.,45 MtN.) (TUE) ANTHONY NEWLY AT SEA WORLD (WED) au HR., 34 MINU (MON) MOVIE 1 HR, 43 MIN. (TUE) MOVIE 1 HR., 45 MIN. (WED) 7:16(%) (1HR.,45 IN.) (THU) 7:30• THERE IS A WAY THE FUNTSTONES t<AOFFT SUPEAST AAS YOGA FOR HEAL TH MAGIC Of OL PAJNTING MOVIEes MOVIE 2 HRB.;-10 MIN.) (MON) THE MERMAtO (THU) MOVIE ~ ~ 40 MIN.) (MON) SCRAM FEET ( 1 HR., 40 MIN..) (TUE) MOVIE 11 HA., 53 Mlk} s} MOVIE 2 HAS., 8 MIN. U) MOVIE 1 HR., 31 MIN. FRI) 8:00(1) SUNUP SAN DIEGO ... BAIO<ER JOHN DAVID80N RJPPER CARTOONS BIG BLUE MARBLE (FRt) MBllA AOOER8 (R) (MON-THU) 800V 8UODE8 . MOVIE (TUE, FRI) SPORTS CEHTEA (FRI) 001 LEOE BA8KEl'BALltiTHU) MOVIE {2 HAS., 2 MIN. MOVIE 1 HA., 40 MIN. ) MOVIE 1 HA., 46 MK ~) THE a.ANO Of HEVA (Fh) ~HR., 80 MlN.) (MON) MOVIE THU) e:oam~ e:ao~ve..g.To BEAVER I VI.LA ALEORE (R) (WED-FRI) VUAALEOAE~~l . VI.LA Al.BJAE 9 (TUE) ~TANGO 1 HA. (FRI) · 1:46(1) MOVIE ( 1 HA., :J.) (MON) l:OO. (I) ONEbAY AT A TIME (R) REOl8 PHILBIN OZZIE AHO HAAAIET A.M. l08 AHQEI ES JACK LALANNE NEWS THE AOCKFOAO FILES tLOVELUCY AOMPERAOOM 8fBAME 8mEEI Q DONAHUE $-~1 CONT=.!:u. MOVIE (MON, TH OOUEOE (FRI} 8POA'1"8 U.UBTRA TB>: l'HE RAST 25 YEARS ~~WOA..O OF JONATHAN WINT£R8 I ~ 1HA.,31 MIN. MOYIE 1 HR, 45 MIN. ..,. MOVIE 1 HA.. 44 ..._ THU) BLOCKBUSTERS THE RIFLEMAN MIDMORNING LA. BEWJTCHED MOVIE ELECTRtC COMPANY ~R) MOVIE (TVE. WED, FRI AER081CISE (MON, W 0, FRI) MOVIE (1 HR., 45 MIN.) (FRI) MOVIE (THU) 10:00 8 (()THE PIUCE IS RIGHT WHEB. Of FORTUNE BIG VALLEY a.I LOVE BOAT (R) TIC TAC DOUGH I DREAM Of JEANNIE EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMING RtCHARO SIMMONS GETI'IN' TO KNOW ME (FRI) EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMING (MON-THU) COLLEGE INDOOR TRACK (MON) COLLEGE HOCKEY (TUE) PROFESSIONAL RODEO (WED) GOLF (THU) MOVIE 2 HRS., 10 MIN.) (FRI) MOVIE 1 HR, •9 MIN.) (MON) MOVIE 2 HRS., .. MIN.) (TUE) MOVIE 1 HR.. 30 MIN.) (WED) MOVIE 1 HR., 36 MIN.) (THU) MOVIE 1 HR., 10 MIN.) (TUE. FRI) MOVIE 2 HRS.) (MON) MOVIE 1 HR., 40 MIN.) (WED) MOVIE 2 HRS., 30 MIN.) (THU) MOVIE 1 HR., 30 MIN.) (MON) CHlL OF THEATRE STREtT (WED) 10:06 (tl) MOVIE 10:130M~TTLEST AAS GHOST ANO MRS. MUIR (TUE-fRI) 1W1CE A WOMAN (MON) tNOEPENOENT NEl'WORK NEWS EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMING (FRI) MOVIE (1 HR., 45 MIN.) (TUE) 10:45(%) MOVIE (1HR,45 MIN.) (MON) (%) CHARLIE CHAPLIN CoMEOY THEATRE (THU) 11 :OCUll TA TTL.ET ALES PASSWORD PLUS BONANZA 0 FAMtL Y FEUO "THE YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS TREASURE HUNT BUU8EYE ~PAY CAR08 (TUE-FRI) HEAL1:i?) LOVE. 81'Vl.E WHY IN THE WOAl.D (THU, FRI) ELECTRIC COMPNN (R) (MON-WED) MOVIE (MON, WED) COLL.EOE BASKET8ALL5. FRI) ~HR., "6 MIN.u MOVIE 1 HA., 31 MIN. ) 11:061 Ul5HR., 45 IN.u;U) 11:15 MOVIE 1HA.,46MtN.) FRI) 11:SO THEY ANOTHE :rt.ES8 THE DOCTORS RVAN'SHOPE i~GAME LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE MACNEIL I LEHRER REPORT aeG BLUE MARBLE (WED) MOVIE =THU, Fh) MOVIE 1HR.,38 MIN.) (WED) SHOAT ~ (Ffl) WACKY WORlD Of JONATHAN WINTERS GMOVIE u:HR.· 39 MIN.) (FRI) MOVIE 1 HR.. "6 MIN.) (MON) MOVIE ) \I J 1-.l {'\< H >'\ 1~·. DAYS Of OUR LIVES 1WUOtfT ZONE ~MY CHILDREN e:re DICK CAVETT EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMING (FRI) GED (MON) QUE PABA. U.S.A.? Q (TUE) QETTIN' TO KNOW ME (R) Q (WED) FABT FORWARD f™U) F18 WOALOCUP SKlmNG) THIS WEEK IN THE NBA ) MOVIE 1 HR. 45 MIN. MON) ~CK:0 THE G T PLAGUE (1 HR.) 12:30 8 Cl) A8 THE WORLD TURNS lWUOHTZONE OVEAEASY FROM JUMPSl!'ll&ft!TAEE~ET.,.... (R) O (FRI) UP AND~ (R) Q (MON) WHY IN THE WOAlO (TUE. THU) gg> ~INDOOR TRACK (TUE) F.A. 80CCER (WED) INTEANA TIONAL ~URE SKATING FROM ~1(~)~FRt) (I) BARAY MANtl..OW: IN lfHE ROUND (2 HRS.) ~QHR..67 .... ) (THU) • MOVIE 1 HR., 30 MfN.) (TUE) 12:35(1l)THE INTSTONEB (%)MOVIE k HA., 45 :;J_ (WED) 1:100~~~LM 0 EDUCATIONAL PAOGAAMMtNG EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMING (MON, TUE. ITH~ UPON A~ (WED) MOYIE (MON-THU) COLL~ BA8kE1'8AU (FRI) COl1.EOE SWl•INl (THU) MOVIE (2 HRS., 10 MIN.) (THU) 1:06 (Ill THE MUN8TER8 (%)MOVIE ( 1 HR., 30 MIN.) (THU) 1:15(%) MOYIE (1HR.,46 aMN.> (~) (%)MOVIE ( 1 HR., 34 MtN.) (~) 1:30 8 Cl) SEARCH FOR TOMOAROw NEWS SIONA Ttff (TUE-FA) OANCE ANO OANCE.RS: TAPDANCJH' (MON) BIG BLUE MAR8lE (MON) EDUCATIONAL PAOORAMMING (WED) MOVIE (FRI) COL.LEGE tfOCKEY (MON) NHL HOCKEY (WED) BAAEFOOT IN THE PARK (2 HRS.) (WED) ~MULL (1 HA.) (FAI) MOYIEEHR., 50 MIN.) (MON) MOYIE , THU) 1:351LEA rr TO BEAVER 1:46 MOVIE (1 HA., 43 ~) (TUE) 1:60 ELEV9t8 KIOS (THU) ~ Cl) OUl*G LIGHT TEXAS . JOHN DAVIDSON 9 GENERAL H06PfT AL IAONlllDE OPENUE 8UPENilAH BOTANC MAN: LATTTUOE ZERO AND THE SOUTH AMSICAN ANDES (FRI) . MIXED~ EYE TO EYE (TUE) ~ OUTEN TAG, WIE ~S? (FRI) OOTEN TAG IN OElrr8CHl..At« (MON) LES GAMMAS (TUE) TOMORROW'S F'AMIUES, TOMORROW'S FRIENDS (WED) I HA8lAMOS ESPANOL (THU~ MOVIE (1HR.,35 MIN.) (FRt REAL bETECTIVES: THE PECK CASE ( 1 HR.) _(MON) I MOYIE . AER08C:eE 8CfW&.ED =-('i:k. 40 Mil) (T\IE) N;>08IV SHOATS (TUE) 2:051THE BAAOV BUNdH -2: 16 AEA08ICl8E (MOH) 2:30 THEWALTON& BIEAClENCY ~·~:BURTON LANE (MON) KENNEDV"8 CHl.DAEN (TUE) DANCE AND DAHCERS: ~NCHINE (WED) ONE IN A THOU8AND (THU) M8TEA AOOE'! ~~ ~ntt1 G'ileAT PLAGUE (1 HR.) FEET (1HR.,40 MIN.) (FRI) 11, HA.. 261.....1, MOVIE 1 HR., 45 MIN. ) MOYIE 1 HR., 38 MIN. ) MOVIE 1 HR., 30 MIN. FRI MOYIE 1 HR, 56 MIN. 2:3511!) Y HILUM (%)MOYIE ~11Fi) ) (%) MOVIE 1 HA., 44 MIN.) ) 3:008THE · DONAHUE AICHAll> 8IMMON6 EDOE~NIGHT JOHN DAVIDSON MOYIE (MON-WED, FRI) l(()JAK <THU) HAWAI~ PEOPLFS COURT POPEYE YOU AND THE LAW (FRI) HOME GAADENER (MON. WED) ~GOVERNMENT (TUE. THU) HOUR MAGAZINE SESAME STREET Q CHtLDREN OF ARE MOUNTAIN (MON. WED, FRI) MOVIE (TUE. THU) ~ BASKE't8All REPORT (FRI) F.A. SOCCER (TUE) SPORTS FORUM (THU) MOVIE f:'·> (MON) MOYIE , 1HO) MOVE 1 HR., 31 MIN.) (FRI) MOVIE 1 HR.,45MtN.) (MON) 3:051 N«1Y GRFRTH 3;30 flCHAAD --..oN8 PEOPt.£8 COURT CHAAUE'S AHGB.8 IEWIT04ED woaav~ STAUMPETCl~rY (MON A Pl.A Y FOR Lav£ )) THE SONG : ARTHUR SCHWARTZ v8u ANO THE LAW (FRI) FMT FORWN'D ~WED) ~~RRE~AIN (FRI) ONE LAST RIDE (MON) MOVIE (WED) SPORTS CEN'rER (FRI) THIS WE.EK IN THE NHL {THU) MOVIE (1 ~.r. ~7 MIN.) (TUE) WOMEN'SGTMNAS'TICS (1 HR.) (THU) Costa Mesa's Only Complete Funeral Facilities "Serving All Faiths" ·~HR.,66 .... ) (MON) 3:3151 PYLE 3:46 MOYIE (1 HR., 45 ....._) (TUE) 4:00 8AANEY MU.ER MARY TYL.EA MOORE COUPt..EB NEWS ~~~IT THE BAADV BUNCH MIGHTY MOUSE BlEEN FARRELL: S'WONOERFU... (TUE) 8-2-1 CONTACT (R) O UTTLE HOU6E ~ ~ PRAllE VICTOAV-oAAOEH (FRI) CAl.UGRAPHY (MON, WED) HOME GAADENEA <TUE. THU) REACHING OUT (~) COUEOE 8A8Kt'r8All (FRI) ALL-8TAA SPORTS CHA~E (MON) THIS WEEJC .. THE NBA (TUE) 8PORT8 FORUM (WED) SPORTS CENTER (THU) TIME WAS (1 HR.) (FRI) MOVIE ( 1 HR., 45 ..... ) {WED) HOU VW000 (MON) ~· $3 MIN.) (TUE) 4:06 (Ill W'NER8 (FRI) (Ill CAROL BURNETT AHO FRIEN06 (MON-TiiU) 4:30•NEW8 808NEWHAAT (!) ENTERTANEIT TONIGHT M•A•s•H LAVERNE & 8HR.EY & COMPN'1 THE BRADY BUNCH saGNATURE PlEDOE BAEAK (FRI) MISTER~':J:> (MON-THU) MACHEL I ReP0RT OVERTURE (THU, FRI) REAa.tG OUT (TUE) SPORTS CENTER (MON-WED) COLLEGE HOCKEY (THU) MOVIE (1 HR., 67 .... ) (THU) THE ISlANO ~ HIEVAWUZ (THU, FRI) MOVIE ( 1 HR., 40 MIN.) (MON) MOVIE (1HR.,30 MIN.) (WED) . EDDIE AAB8fTT (1 HR., 30 MtN.) (FRI) =~HR.. so-.., (TUE) MOVIE 1 , 46 Mil) (THU) 4:35Gl) N«J~MON. WED-fRI) to9I\ 8A8KET8Al1. . ~wc:~.,._,45 .) (FRI) 4:40 I AOOER8 (A) (Ffl) 4:4& MOYIE 11 HR, 31 ...._) (WED) 5:00 •••Cl) 9 NEWS UT1'lE ~ON THE PRARE ~~MON-WED. Al) HOLLYWOOQ ~ J~E LIGHT (MON) MOVIE (TUE. THU) NBA 8A$<ETBALL (WED). INCREDIBl.E HULK . FRED FLINTSTONE ANO FRIE.NOS MIXED BAG: NEW WAVE (FRI) MtXEO BAG: EVE TO EYE (MON) QUIZ KIDS (TUE) COLLULECTING (WED) BOTANIC MAN: oN THE UMfT (THU) SESAME STREET Q (MON-THU) =-Harbor Lawn· Mount Olive Men1orial Park· Mortuary· Mausoleums I -Shipment-Cremation. Plans Available r I 8 !Friday .,.. ~ (,) :a ~ >. e ~ "C ~ ~ _, ~ -..2 a: l .\l .'\I'\<, e:oo•e•NEWS ~SANGa..S C8SNEWS WHfTE SHADOW ABC NEWS THE JEfFERSONS HAWAII AVE.() NBC NEWS ~ A recent medical breakthrough In the early diagnosis of a condition known as congeni- tal hypothyroidism Is examined. (8) 8AARV MA.Nil.OW IN CONCERT Manilow per- forms a selectlon of his hits. ( 1 hr .. 25 min.) (I) MOVIE "The Asphalt Jungle" ( 1950, Suspense) SterUng Hayden, James Whltl'T\()(e. The police are baffled by e etlminal mastermind's half- mlllion-dollar robbery. (1 hr., SO min.) D MOVIE "Any Which Way '¥ou Can" ( 1980, Comedy) Clint Eastwood, Sondra Locke. Before settling down with his girt and pet orangutan, a bare-fisted fighter signs up tor one last. lucrative matoh. 'PG' {1 hr., 45 min.) 8:15. PLEDGE BREAK Regularly scheduled pro- 8:~-™ ~doe to pledge breaks. e:30leNEWS I BAANEY MLLER WELCOME'BACK. KOTTER STRUMPET CITY Peter O'Toole sta'rs In an adaptation of James Plunkett's novel about one men's struggle to CfMte better · 1Mng conditions amid the poverty and social lnjuatjce of Dublin from 1907 to 1914. (Part 5) (1 hr.) Tube Topper The Phoenix Channe.I 7 -8:30 p.m. • 8U8INE88 AEPOAT Cl) CQ I fOI! BA8KET8ALL "National Collegiate ChempbWllp" Regional &em-Flnels (Game 6} (2 8:~~ MOYIE "Leadbelly" ( 1975, Bk>graphy) Rog- ., E. Moeley, Paol Benjamin. The life of the legend· ary bluee-folk sirlgef and guitarist ttuddle led- bettet. 1s traced. c~ tn.. e "*'·> 8:56 e ()Y9' EASY Gu.ts: Jo8h Logan and his wife Nedda Hemg9n. (R) Q 7:001Ee: AGAIN ABC NEWS P.M. MAGAZINE A 25-yeer-old cookie tyc<X?": a former member of the early rock ·n· roll group. the Cfewcuta. I YOU A8ICED fOA IT NEWARK ANO AEAUTY 91TERTAltWENT TONIGHT An lnteMew with Uze MlfwMlll. IM•A•a•H JOt<ER'8 WILD I.ea Bt8BI Pt DAYS, 80UTHEAN NIGHTS oeoK CAVETT Guest: Barbara Carttand. (R) MOYIE "Sunday In New YOf'tc" ( 1964, Comedy) Ottf Aobettson. Jene Fonda. Atter being jilted by her boyftlend and treveflng to New Y Of1c to vl8lt her brothef, a young woman considers hef poeftlon on ~-(1)w .. 45mln.) W MOYIE "Second Hand Hearts" (1980, Orama) Aobett Bleke, Barbefa Harris. A Texaa car-wash attendant wakes up one morning to find that he IS married to a nlghtclUb waitress wlth three kids. 'PG' i! hr .. 38 min.) (II) MOYIE "The Poetman Always Rings Twice" (1981, Orama) Jeck Nichol8on, Jessk:a Lange. A young woman and her lover plot to murder her hus· bend. 'R' (1 hr., 37 min.) T:061NEW8 7'.JO 2 ON lHE TOWN Fettured: a search for the oomplete Y8f'lk>n of director Frank Capra' a film clas· lie, "LOlt Hortzon"; a truck rodeo where big rig drivers compete; the low-down on how tlefrtlt Lynch'• "BJI In The China Shop" t~ com· l"*=P.:..ev & COMPANY Pe0Pll"8 COURT • nc T~ DOUGH IW..IEVE NEW VOAK N:POM"-,._,, 8~ HOGG AND ERA -Sorrell Brooke, as &. Hogg, finds bis wife wants equal rights on "The -Dukes of Hazzard" Friday at 8 p.m. on CBS (Ch. 2). I YOU ASKED FOR IT w·A·s·H 8IGNA TURE Guest: Agnes Nixon. MACNEIL/ LEHRER REPORT WALL STREE I WEBC "Can You Bank On Them?" Guest1 Jame6 Wooden, vice president, Merrlll Lt_nch. Pierce. Fenner & Smith. 8:00 8 CIJ THE DUKES OF HAZZARD Daisy joins L'*t.~~ualrlghtsforwomen. (1 hr.) I MOYIE "Doomsday Right" (1966, Suspense) Jack Lord, Van Johnson. A bomb hidden on a New York-bound jet must be found befOl'e It e.xplodes. (2 hrt..) . e (II BENSON The governor's public relations man liOrrqws Benson's new car and then ema8hea it lnto~·avan.Q l:V~~HtGHOOHrs I MOYIE "Unknown Wilderness" (1973. Adven- ture) Two teen-ege boys explore the mountain regions of WyonWlg and Montana In eeerch of a tr..-.e reputedly buried there. (2 hrs.) QI MIXED BAG! NEW WAVE. the effecta of New Wave music on young people, clothes, parents, clubs. radio and records are examined. l\10RNING MOVIES aOG(.C) "Flareup" (1969, Suapenae) Raquel W8'ch. Cl) "Why wciuld 1 Ue?" ( 1980, Comedy) Treat Wii- iia~ Use Elchhom. 8:0611t1 "God ts My Co-Pilot" ( 1945, Adventure) Oennla Morgan, Dene Clark 7:00(8) ''When Hel Was In Session" ( 1979. Orama) Hal Holbrook, Eva Marte Saint. a "Plnotdtf Grand Prix'. ( 1980, Adventure) Anl- meted.. · 7:30(1) "Return Of The Dragon" (1972, Adventure) . Bruce Lee. Chuck Norrts. l:OO(C) "Belles Of St. Trlnlan't" (1954, Comedy) Alastair Sim. JOyce Grenfell. 1:05111) "Wiid And Wondetful" (1964, Comedy) T any_ Cor111. Christine Kaufmenn. • 9:06 (~} "Leadbely" (1976. Biography) Roger E. . Moeley, PaUI Benjamin. t:30e ''The Night Riders" (1939, Western) John waynt. Doreen McKay. CC) 'From Noon Tiii Three" ( 1977. Orama) Chartes Qr.onson, Jiff Ireland. • "The Other Side Of The Mountain -Part II" ( 1978, Orame) Matlfyn Haaett, Timothy Bottoms: 10:00(8) "The Rolicicing Adveotur" Of Eliza Fraser" 1.197!i_~dventure) Susannah VOf'tc. John Waters. Cl) "me GrNt [)(amond Robbery" (195", Come- cM ~ Skelton.. Cera Wiiiiams. 10:06@ "Jl.lbllee Trall" (1953, Western) Vera Rals-ton Pat O'Brten. U:1100 "Afr/ Which Way You Cen" (1980. COl°ne'- CIY) Clint Eatwood, Sondra Locke. 11:30(C) ''Ot\ Godl Book II" (1980, (;()me(Jy) CJeorge 8urna, Suanne~ •. e "Lltttt MM Mencer" ( 1990, Comedy) WaHer Metthau. ~ ......... •• WASHINGTON WEEK IN REVIEW (8) Cl) MOVIE "The F'inaJ Conflict" (1981, Orama) Sam Neill, Rossano Brazzi. In the third part of "The Omen" trilogy, young Damien. the embodiment of the Antichrist, Is now an adult and a trusted advisor to the president of the u.s. ·a· ( 1 hr., 49 min.) D MOVIE "Hard Country" ( 1981, Orama} Jan- Michael Vincent. Kim Basinger. A Texas factory worker is tom between his desire to continue In lhe "good old boy" lifestyle and his fiancee's show business ambitions. 'PG' (1 hr .. 4.S min.) 8:06@ ALL IN THE FAMILY 8:30 8 91 THE PHOENIX A god-like being is discov- ered In an ancient Andean sarcophagus and brought to Ille. (R) ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) It ERIC SEVAREID'S CHRONICU: IRONSIDE RICHARD STRAUSS The Vienna Philharmonic performs "Burleske For Piano And Orchestra In D Minor" and "Ooo Juan, Opus 20." ( 1 hr.) fD THE LAWMAKERS Correspondents Linda Wer- theimer and Cokie Roberts join Paul Duke for an up- to-the-minute summary of Congressional activities. CE SPORTS CENTER • 8:;JS@ MOVIE "Ten Tall Men" (1951, Adventure) Burt Lancaster. Gilbert Roland. When Legionnaires try to stop a Ritt attack on Tarts, a sergeant cap- tures a younq~irl and falls lh love with her. (2 hrs.) • WALL S AEEf WEEK "Can You Bank On Them?" Guest: James Wooden, vice president. Merrin Lynch, Pierce. Fenner & Smith. 8:45(Z)CHARUECHAPLIN "One A.M." 9:008 ())DALLAS Bobby's worst fears are realized when Farraday Is murdered and J.R. takes over as blackmailer. (1 hr.) D e MOVIE "The Car" (1977, Horror) James Brolin, Kathleen Lloyd. A drlverless car terrorizes a smaU Utah town as it thirsts for victims. (R) (2 hrs.) II All GOO'S CHILDREN Millions of the wood's children live in a delicate balaoce between life and death, hope and despair. (1 hr.) • VOTER'S PIPELINE Jim COC>pef lnt8f'Vlews Tube Topper "The Car" Channel 4 -9 p.m. Orange County Supervisots Bruce Neetande and ~Stanton. CC) MOVIE "From Noon Tiii Three" (1977. Orama) Char1es Bronson, Jiii Ireland. A drifter Is recruited Into a rag-tag robbery gang. ( 1 hr., 40 min.) ([)MOVIE ''The Hearse" (1980, Horror) Trish Van Oewre, Joseph Cotten. A achoolteacher tries to reoowlf from a nervous breakdoWn at her late aunt's home, which la besieged by demons. 'PG' (1 hr .• 40 min.) CD) MOVIE "The Man With Bogart's Face" ( 1980. Comedy) Robert Sacchi, OIMa Hussey. A man decides to change his lifestyle and physical appear- ance to resemble his screen Idol. 'PG' (1 hr .. 31 mlnJ__ 0:06(%) MOVIE "The Hand" (1981, Horror) Michael Celoe, Andrea Marcovlcci. Ba..rre Incidents and nlghtmaree begin happening In a cartoonist's life after_ he suffers the loss of a hand. 'A' ( 1 hr .. « min.I . t: 10 PREBENT'lilG NELSON RIOOlE 9:30 MOVIE "Monterey Pop" (1968. Musical) Janis ~. The Mamas and The Papas. Many top rock start of the 1960s perform at the Monterey P~ Musical fiestlval. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) I HIOH 8CHOOl BA81<ETBALL HIGHLIGHTS STRUMPET aTY Peter O'Toole stars In an adeptatlon of Ja.mes Plunkett's novel about one man's atr!JQQle to create better Hvlng conditions amid the s)overty and aoc:lal Injustice of Oublln from 1907to1914. (Part5) (1hr.) e MllE WASHNGtON Cl) ~ HIQHUQHTS "1982 Davis Cup Open· Ing Round" United States vs. lndla ( t hr.) 10:00e (I) FALCON CREST Cole blames hlmseff for 1 friend'• tragic accident. and Ange4a tries to under-mine~ a a c:Ounty aupervlsor. ( 1 hr.) 11 TTAl<E FORCE A gang of teen-age hood- lums terrorize and humiliate their robbery victims In order to keep the Witnesses from testifying against them In court. ( 1 hr.) • FIRRl LINE "It Italy ComlnQ' Apart?" Guest: RJchafd N. Gardner. former U.S. AfttbaSsador to lta- ~ ( 1tw.) . CB> MOVIE "The Elec1rto Hol'Mmen" ( 1979, Ora- ma) Rc»ett Redford. Jane Fonda. A Laa Vegas oowbOy ateale a $12 mllllon thoroughb{ed hOlM to MW him from haa exQIO!tati..,. ownena. 'PG' (2 hrt.) Cl> 8CAAaa.EO FIET ComedWM Medellne Kahn ...... In a mualoll comedy rewe.that tatklnl Show ~ tncludlng ~ rock. ''*"' OtflCC. ertttah --~--_..--------------------------------------------------------------------------------9 Championship" Regional Seml-Anals (Game 4) (2 Friday (oontinued) ptays and performers. ( 1 hr .. 40 min.) CJ MOVI~ "The Dogs Of War" (1980, AdVenture) Christopher Walken. Tom Berenger. After being tor- tured and deported b9 an African dictator, e merce- na'L_ retums to lead a revolution. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 45 min.) 10:15. BIG BAND CAVALCADE Bob Crosby. Frankie Carle. Margaret Whiting. Freddy Martin and other great big band performers are featured In filmed highlights of a • 30s and • 40s music revival. ( t hr.) 10:30. NEWS a SIGNA T\JRE Guest: Agnes Nixon. (!) COLLEGE BASKETBALL "Natlonal Collegiate Championship" Reglonal Seml-Anals (Game 6) (2 hrs.) cm A MOVIE IS FOR HOLDING HANDS? 10:35@ MOVIE "My Blood Runs Cold" (1965, Hor- ror) Troy Donahue, Joey Heatherton. A girl's life Is endangered when she becomes involved with a man who calls her by the name of e long-dead ancestor. (2 hrs .. 5 mln.L 11:008 8 8 (I) O •.NEWS I SATURDAY NIGHT COLLEGE BASKETBAU "NIT Quarter Flnals" i ':.oi FRANKLIN . SANFORD ANO SON ~IXED BAG: NEW WAVE The effects of New Wave music on young people. clothes. parents. clubs, radio end records are examined. e CALIFORNIA WEEK IN REVIEW CC) MOVIE "Oh God! Book II" ( 1980. Comedy) George Burns, Suzanne Pleshette. God returns to Earth and chooses the young daughter ol en adver- tising executive to spread his message to the world. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 35 min.) (IJ MOVIE "The Vampire Lovers" (1970, Horror) lngrld Pitt, Peter Cushing. A beautlful lady vampire entices her victims Into Intense physical relation- ships before biting him. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) cm LEON RUSSS.L The New Grass Revival accom- panies Leon Russell in a concert taped at Perkins Palace in Pasadena. ( 1 hr.) CZ) MOVIE "Any Which Wey You Can" (1980, Comedy) Cllnt Eastwood. Sondra Locke. &tore settling down with his girl and pet orangutan. a bare-fisted fAhler signs up for one last, lucrative match. 'PG' 1 hr .. 45 min.) · 11:151 OCK AVETT Guest: Leontyne Price. (R) 11:30 (I) NCAA BASKETBAU Midwest or East r~I semi-final game. (2 hrs.) 8 • TONIGHT Host: Johnny Carson. Guests: loa~:::;;:~::tney. Lmda Hopkins. LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE RICHARD STRAUSS The Vienna Philharmonic perlorms "Burleske For Piano And Orchestra In D Minor" and "Don Juan. Opus 20." (1 hr.) e CAPTIONED ABC NEWS 1 bt5 (I) BIZARRE "Roaster's Family" 12:00. ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT An Interview with Liza Mlnnelll. 8 O FRIDAYS Host" Marilu Henne<. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) Cl) MOVIE "The Murder Clinic" (1966. Horror) Wll· llam Berger. Francois Prevost. A razor-wielding creature stalks the corridors of a remote medical clinic. (2 hrs.) • MOVIE "Navy Blue And Gold" (1937. Comedy) RObert Young, Lionel Barrymore. Three sailors love and adventure In the Navy. (2 hrs.) AMEJVCAN STYLE "The Stunt Man" ( 1980. Orama) Peter O'Toole, Steve Railsback. Wanted by the police, a disturbed Vietnam veteran finds an unsure haven on a movie 8et where a World War I epic Is being filmed. 'R' (2 hrs .. 9 min.) (])) MOVIE "The EJ<termlnator" ( 1980. Orama) Christopher Geofge. Samantha Eggar. After his war buddy Is left paralyzed by a New YOtk youth gang. a Vietnam 1191 decides to take his r~ by murder· Ing street crlmlnals thfough gruesome. tortuous means. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 41 min.) 0 WOMEN'S MUD WAE8TUNG "WOtid Light· weigtlt ChampionlNp" ( lhl .. 30 min.) 12:15(1) M0VM: "BuStln' Looee" (1981, Comedy) Rlciwd Pryor. Cicely Tyson. A bUmbllng burglar, a concerned 9Choolteecher and eight chll6en meke a frightening croee-country tr!J1 Tn a bfol<eM:lown scnoot bUL 'A' ( 1 hr .. 34 mill.) 12:30e e 8CTV COMEOV NETWORK (R) • COOPt.E8Today'scouple18 IMng together, and he's a homoeuual W'ho cannot 1djU8t to a normal relatlonahip. I~ CfTY Peter O'Toole ttatt In an adllptatlon of Jemee Pblkett'a ooY9I about one man'• struggle to crute better llvfna oondltk>na amid the poverty and aoelal lnjUltloe of Dublin ~om 1907 to 191~) (1 hr.) ,~....:._ "Uloeny. lno.'' (*2. ~) A TV MAGAZINE -NBC News corre- spondents (from left) Jack Perk.ins, Betsy Aaron, Garrick Utley and Douglas Kilter continue to provide special fe atures, in- vestigative report.a and personality profiles on "NBC Maz.azine" Fridays at 8 p.m. on Channel 4. Edward G. Robinson, Jane Wyman. An ex-<X>n buys a luggage store as a means of access to the bank next d()()(, bot discovers he doesn't have lo steal to make money. (2 hrs.) 12:.S(C> MOVIE "Flareup" (1969, Suspense) Raquel Weteh. James Stacy. A beautiful young go-go dancer is porsued to Los Angeles by a deranged. paranOlac killef who believes that she Is the cause ol the failure of his marriage. ( 1 hr .• 35 min.) 1:ooe MOVIE "Three Nuts In Search Of A Bolt" (1964, Comedy) Mamie Van Doren, Tommy Noonan. An actor gets a break when he tries to solve his friends' psychological problems. ( 1 hr .• 25 min.) a MOVIE "Canoel My Reservation" ( 1972. Come- dy) Bob Hope. Eva Marie Saint. A tetevlslon celebrl· ~becomes the object of a homicide Investigation. hf.) MOVIE "Tower Of Terror" ( 1972. Mystery) Suzy Kendall, Frank Finlay. A teacher and a detec· !Ive attempt to catch a murderer I009e at a girls' school. (1 hr .• 30 niln.) (!) COLLEGE BASK£T8AU "National COiiegiate AFTERNOON l\10VIES 12:0011 "The Big Steal" (1949. Adventure) Robert Mitchum. Jane Greer. e · "The Pajama Game" (1957, Musical) Doris Day. John Raitt. e "Flight Ao Tangier" ( t953, Adventure) Joan Fontaine. Jack Palance. Cl> "Bustin' Loose" (1981. Comedy) Richard Pryor, Cloely Tyson. 1:00(1) "Man Friday" ( 1975. Orama) Peter O'Toole, Richard Roundtree. 1:16(%) "Dressed f'oKltl"(TOSO. Suspense) Michael Caine. Angle Dickinson. 1:30(e:l "Beltes Of St. Ttlt'llan'a" ( t954. Comedy) Alastair Slm. Joyce Gr9rtfell. 2:00(8) "The Bleck Peetr' (1978, Adventure) GIJ. bert AoAand. Car1 AncJetttoll. . ({J "Rock 'N' Roi High School" (1979, Comedy) P.J. Sole8. Vincent Ven Patten. 2:309 "Spidef's Strategem1 • GluiiO Br""-J·b VaJ. 11. • "Thundetblrdl In Outer Spece" ( 1981, Adven- tureL Pwoeft, ~00· ''Cancel My ReiervatlOn" ( 1Y/2, ~). 8ob Hope. Eva Marie Saint. (%) "Return C>f the Dragon" (1972, Advwthn) Sf\IOI LM. Chud< No<rla. 4:81&~'Any Whtch Way You Cen" ,(1980, C<>me-cM t £81tWOC>d. Sondra Locke. 6:00 ''Lovtng Couplee" (1980, Comedy) 8hltley Mect.alne. an. Oobum. A rMNled oouple end a pU of ~ --..tlch pertner : 5:051!) "Ring Of ~ Wattf" ( ~9. AdYanture) Bill Travers. Virginia McKenne. An aspiring .nter becomes ettectled to an oner and lolel .. inlpn· tton wt'8n hit f)tt la k .. , ......... hrs.) _ _ . • J! (%) MOVIE "Mean Streets" ( 1973, Orama) Ha1Vey - Keitel, Robert De Niro. A small-time hood and his 9. lrresponslble friend find plenty of trouble In New ~ York's Little Italy. 'R' (1 hr., 50 min.) 1:308NEWS r 8 I EVENING AT THE IMPAOV MOV1E "Hard Country" ( 1981. Orama) Jan-..,_,, Mlcha;el Vinoent. Kim Basinger. A Texas factory worker Is tom between his desire to continue In the fi:' "good old boy" lifestyle and his flancee's show ~ business ambitions.. 'PG' (1 hr .. 45 min.) J: 1:60(1) MOVIE "Camy" ( 1900; Orama) Jodie Fos-~ ter, Gary Busey. An adventurous young woman g. joins a ca~lval troupe and learns about the hidden emotions and frustrations behind the surface happi-IO ness of the,.r;smers. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 46 min.) 2::~1MPOSSIBLE ~ 2:069 MOVIE "Suddenly. Last Summer' ( 1960. "' Orama) Elizabeth Taylor, Katharine Hepbum. After watch~ her cousin's brutal murder. a beautlful young Is Institutionalized in a sanitarium. (2 hrs .. 20mln. (])NEWS 2: 15 (8) BARRY MANILOW IN CONCERT Manllow performs a selection of..hls hits. ( 1 hr., 25 min.) 2:26 • MOVIE "Manflsh" (1956, Adventure) John Bromfield, Lon Chaney. A Jamaican treasure hunt turns Into an expedition of deceit and terror. ( 1 hr., 30mln.) CC) MOVIE "Sunday In New York" ( 1964, Comedy) Cliff Robertson. Jane Fonda. After being jilted by her boyfriend and traveling to New York to visit her brot~. a young women considers her position on vilglnlty. ( 1 hr .. 45 min.) 2:308NEWS Cf) MOVIE "Where There's Life" ( 1947, Comedy) Bob Hope, WINlam Bendix. A foreign officer Is sent to New Yori( to find the heir to his country's throne. { 1 hr .. 30 min.) . • MOVIE "The Fury Of The Wolfman" ( 1973, Hor- ror) Perla Cristal. Merk Stev,ns. Aft8f' suffering a Tube Topper . Falcon Crest Channel 2 -I 0 p. m. smatl chest wound that changes shape. a scientist Is transformed Into a ferocious. lupine beast. ( 1 hr .• 30 min.) 2:40@ WORLD AT LARGE 3:00. MOVIE "Emperor OtThe North Pole" ( 1973. Adventure) Lee Marvin. Ernest Borgnlne. A tough ra.llroad guard matches wits and wil'9 with a c<afty• hobo determined to hitch a ride. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) (11) CABl£ NETWORK NEWS (I) COLLEGE BASKETBALL "National Collegiate Championship" Regional Semi-Finals (Game 5) (2 hrs.) (%)MOVIE "Who's That Knocking At My Door?" (1967. Orama) Harvey Keitel, Zina Bethune. A young man IMng In New York's Uttle Italy has trou-· ble adjusting when he embari(s on a romance with a blonde WASP. (1hr .. 30mln.) 3:30• MOVIE "Eyewitness" (1981. Mystery) Sigourney Weaver. WIHlam Hurt. A television report· er becomes Involved with a janitor who may know more about a murder that he witnessed then he Is sayl~. 'A' ( 1 hr .. 43 min.) 3:~(1) MOVIE "The Final Conftk:t'' (1981, Orama) Sam Neill. Rossano Brazzi In the third pert of "The Omen" trilogy, young Damien, the embodiment of the AnUchrtst, Is now an adult ahd a t~ted edvlsof to the president of the U.S. ·~ ( 1 ht .. 49 min.) 3:66. MOVE "Instinct F0t Sutvlval" (1973) Docu- mentary. Nef'rated by Alelcandef Scourby. Men's mating and IUMwal habit• fonn a cioee parallel to thole of the animal kingdom. (2 hrs.. 6 min.) 4;001NEW8 4.-GI VEOETA8l.£80lP 4-10 MOYIE "Hopecotch" ( 1980, ~: ter MatthaU, Glenda JKkton. A fofmer In egent II aided by an old ..,_ In dodging the KG8 and the ~. who .,. trying to ~ hkn from • publllhlng hit memolrl. 'ff (l hr .. 44 min.) .._·11ec> MOYE "loWIQ Couplet" (1980. ~) Shirley MlclAlne. ........ Coburn. A mlfl'jed ~ end a pe1r of young -... IWhch pertners In • geme of llftltytt Wnf*ID and romantic ~-'PG' (1tw .. 37"*'.) • 4;30 (!) MAICE flEAC£ wmt NA TUE Cl) MCWIE "Leadbelly" ( 1975. 8-iphy) Rager· E. ~. Peul Benjamin. The "'-of lhe tegencMry' -blues--folk 8'rlg8f and gubttlt. Huddle LedbetW." tnadf&.~6~ ...., I I f f ~ • i l I I I f ! I I 1 I !'satumay ... \ I< >l l '\ I'\< ~ 1 ' :I 5:00~0PHEAcloseuP • <I> CENTER ~ 5:05G!) BASEBALL BUNCH ~ 5:30 CJ) NEWARK ANO REALITY ... • VIEWPOeNT ON Nl1TRT10N ci (I) BIZARRE "Roaster's FamllY" _3 5:361 THREE STOOGES I U1TLE RASCALS ~ 8:00- WOMAWS DIGEST ~ PU8UC AffNAS ii: TEEN TAU< APPLE POU6HERS NEWSMM<EAS BUREAU REPORT SATURDAY MOANING MOVIE .. The Gh1 And The General" ( 1967, Ora· ma) Rod Steiger. Vlma List During World War II, an Italian village girt ~ a strange relatlonshfp with a Bavarian general being held captive by an llt~~~~::r·> VUO JUt<EBOX SHORT PICKS MOVIE "Honeysoolde Rose" ( 1980, Romance) Willie Nelson, Dyan cannon. While on tour, a Texas country-western singer becomes Involved with the &edUctlve daughter of his sidekick even though he stll loves his stay-at-home wtfe. 'PG' (1 hr.. 59 8:~~ AGAJNST THE WINO "The Whip Hand" Gr• vllle closes In on Jonathan and his friend Will, and It eeems nothing can save them. (Part 12) ( 1 hr.) 8:201NEW8 8:30 DU81YS TREEHOUSE ITHArSCAT PACEBEtt EHS YC*:E OF AGAICOl T\JRE AMEJICA: THE SECOND CENTURY MUSIC WOfl..O Tube Topper Country Classics Channel 28 -3:30 p.m. I rrs YOUR BU6INEB8 SPEAK OUT CAPTIONED ABC NEWS DA. 8NUOOlES At.L-6TAR SPORT8 CHALLENGE AD-Time Dodgers vs. NBA All-T1me All-Stars (II) i.tOVIE "Any Which Way You Can" (1980, Comedy) Clint Eastwood, Sondra Locke. Before eettllng down with hls gift and pet orangutan, a bare-ftated fighter signs up for one ~t. lucrative match. 'PG' (1 hr., 45 min.) (I) MOVIE "The Man Who ~Oiied Bears" {1978, Ad\ienture) Documentary. Narrated by Henry Fon- da. A true to llfe story or a naturalist's adoption and training of a grmty beer cub for auMv&I In the wtl- dlme98. ·a· 8:401 cHNl..IE CHAPLIN "One A.M." 7:00 tclDSWOALO n4E FUNTSTONES BIG BLUE MARBLE 98UPERfflENl8 INYEANATlONAL HOUR DAVEY AHD GOLIATH DOCTOAWHO T\JRNA80UT' YOGA FOR HEAL TH COi i FOE BASl<ET8AlL "Natlonal Collegiate Chempk>nlhlp" Regional Seml-Anals (Game 6) (2 In.) (Z) ·MOVIE "Any Which Way You Can" ( 1980, Comedy) Cllnt Eatwood, Sondra loci<•. Before llftlna down with NI gltf and pet orangutan, • t..trat 11gr-. up kw one &ast, lucfatlw metoh. • 45 mn.) 7:0S Im Al Quiet On The Weatem Front" ( 1930. C>l'wM) Lew Ayr-. LOUii Wollelm. A Ger-"*' YoUltl eegerty entn Wortd War I, but soon ec... hla enct.icment • he getl • fWtthend view of ... honor Md dlllructlon. (2 lwa. > .. -. .L 1:11MMLO NIDTHEMAGIC MOYE MACHM -= • a INCHiilcH / ecooev ooo bb"TOW. "°"' MWW'.MD'GIOtMJll - --- SPACE GHOST Superhuman strength, powers of invisibility and magical ray- emitting wristbands enable Space Ghost to combat evil in "Space Stars" Saturdays at 10:30 a.m. on NBC (Ch. 4). I DOCTOR WHO NEWS UNDEMTANONl HUMAN eetAVIOR MOVIE "Bronco Billy" ( 1980, Comedy) Clint Eastwood. Sondra Locke. A former shoe salesman from·~ Jersey realizes his dream of performing In a WildWest show. 'PG' (1 hr .. 57 min.) 8:008 Cl) POPEYE • MOVIE "Robin Hood Of Texas" (1947, West- ern) Gene Autry. Lynne Roberts. Gene and his pal assist a sheriff In oorraNng a gang of bank robbers. and also help a fairing dUde ranch. ( 1 hr.) G REAL ESTATE TOOAY CJ) MOVIE "House Of Wax" ( 1953. Horror) Vlrr cent Price, Frank Lovejoy. A man disfigured by a file resorts to stealing from the m<>l'gue to help in his wax re.creations. (2 hrs.) I REX HUMBAAO UNOEASTANOING SPACE ANO TIME MOVIE "It's Alive" (1974, Honor) John Ryan. Sharon Farrell. A bouncing baby comes Into the wood with tangs, claws and a strong desire to kill. (1hr .. 30 min.) D MOVIE "Any Which Way You Can" (1980. Comedy) Clint Eastwood. Sondra Locke. Before 88ttllng down with his girl and pet orangutan, a bare-fisted ~er signs ~ for one 1881, lucrative match. 'PG' 1 hr .. '45 min. 8:301(1) T / LON RANGER I KIO~ POWER HOUR FONZ I HAPPY DAYS GANG MOVIE "Intermezzo" ( 1939, Romance) Ingrid Bergman. Leslie Howard. An intense love affair develops between a married concert violinist and his daUQhter's music teacher. ( 1 hr .. 30 "lln.) • CRl8t8 IN COAAECTION8: NEVADA'S PRISON SYSTEM (II) MOVIE "The Cat And The Canary" ( 1978, My&- lery) Honor Blackman. Michael Gallen. Heirs battle -for a fortune at the spooky estate of a deceased millionaire. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 30 mJn.) . 9:00, LEAVE rr TO BEAVER I LAVERNE & &HR.EV MOYE "The Navy Va. The Night Monsters" ( 1966, Sclence-Flcflon) Mamie Van boren, Pamela Mason. A beautiful muse and a Naval officer anoounter man-eating Underwater vegetation. ( 1 hr .• 30 min.) ITO LIGHT A CANOLE NtW VOtCE (R) c AMENCAN~ENT OOlLEOE SWIMMING ''Dtvtek>r\ II Women's Chemplonthlp" from N.E. Mi980Ufl Slate Unfvenlty (time period extended for Sports Center Plus). (2 hrs .. 30 min.) Cl) MOVE ''The Black Stdion" (1979, AdVenture) Kelly Reno, Mickey Rooney. After being reecued from the llilnd on which they w.re lhlpwrecked togethet •• young bOy llnd a hof'M become tnvofwd In the race ot the century. 'G' ( 1 hr .. "3 min.) t:ostr) MOYIE ''Band Of AnaiMI" (1967, A""9n- tunt) ca.rte Gable. Sidney Poitter. An ec:M:eled blKk aiev. meets • Southern gentteman who ha MCt9tl to oonceel. (2 tn., 30 rrin.) t:aoe (J) NCAA llAllCE18AL.l. MtdeMt r9g6oNll _ • flnal_jllve from Provo. Utah). (2 hrs .. 15 min.} I. SPIDER-MAN 0 OZZIE AND HARRIET 0 HEA THCUFF I MARMADUKE GUITAR WITH FREDERICK NOAD AMERICAN GOVERNMENT MOVIE "The Apple" (1980, Musical) Catherine Mary Stewart, George Giimour. In 1994, a singing duo falls Into the hands of a diabolical impresario 'PG' (1 hr .. 34 min.) 10:008• SPACE STARS ISHANANA ' 0 THUNOARR I GOLDIE GOLD MUSIC WORLD CAR CARE CENTRAL BOB JONES THIS OLD HOUSE Bob Vila shows how lo trim windows and doors. and gives advice on preparing and painting Interior walls. (A) Q e VOTER'S PIPELINE Jim Cooper interviews Orange qounty Supervisors Bruce Nestande and f3Qger Stanton. CH) MOVIE "Dirty Tricks" (1981, Comedy) Elliolt Gould, Kate Jackson. A Harvard professor becomes the quarry or persons anxious to get their hands on a receotly discovered letter written by George Washington. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) Cl) MOVIE "A Global Affair" (1964, Comedy) Bob Hope. Lilo Pulver. A baby, found by a bachelor in the lobby of the United Nations. is claimed by all the member nations. (1 hr .. 25 min.) D MOV1E "The Shogun Warriors: Grandlzer" (1981-,· Fantasy) Animated. A powerful robot defends Earth when it is Invaded by Vegan invaders. ( 1 hr .. 41 min.) 10:30 8 AMERICA'S TOP TEN 8 WILD, WILD WORLD OF ANIMALS (!) PRE.SEASON BASEBALL Los Angeles l~,:M~~ork Mets (2 hrs .. 30 min.) DORISDAY PHOTO SHOW PORTRArr8 IN PASTB..S 11:00 8. DAFFY I SPEEDY e WCT TENNIS "$320,000 Worl~ Cup Challenge" Shlomo Glicksteln vs. Eliot Tettscher ( 1 hr.) 8 ttl WEEKEND SPECIAL "Zack And The Magic Factory" Two young people combine their talents to up a magic shof). (Part 2) (R) Q WILD, WILD WORLD OF ANIMALS SOUL TRAIN THEAOOKJES COOKING MEXJCAN ALLIGRAPHY MOVIE "Hopscotch" ( 1980, Comedy) Waller Matthau, Glenda Jackson. A former Intelligence agent is aided by an old flame In dodging the KGB and the CIA. who are trying to pt"event him from publish~ his memoirs. 'R' (1 hr .. « min.) 11:301• BULLWINKLE I AMERICAN BANDSTAND WILD. WILD WEST .AJLIA CHILO AND MORE COMPANY CALLIGRAPHY MOVIE "Caddie" (1981, Orama) Helen Morse. Jack Thompson. A young woman leaves her com- fortable subUrban home and her cruel husband, determined to take full responslblllty for supporting her children by doing Whatever odd jobs she can Q!.I. (1 hr .. 47 min.) (l) GOLF "Pro-Celebrity Series" Lee Trevino and Fuzzy Zoeller 'IS. Bruce Forsyfh and Sean Connery t! hr.) CH) MOVIE "Somewhere In Time" ( 1980, Fantasy) Christophe< Reeve. Jane Seymour. Ob&essed with the portrait of a 19th.-century actress. a modem-day New York playwright uses hypnosis to travel back In time and meet her. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 45 min.) Cl) FRACTURED FUC~ 11:36@ MOVE "Fahrenheit 451" (1987. Sclence- Flctlon) Oskar Werner. Julie Christle. Based on the story by Ray Bradbury. In a Mure society. an offl- clal ban 19 placed on reading and firemen dre a~ to bUrn all books. (2 hrs .. 30 min.) 11:46 8 Cl) NCAA BASKET8At.L Mideast regional flntl (live from Birmingham. Ala.) Of Wast raglonal flnal (Ive from Provo, Utah). (2 hra.. 15 min.) .\l 11 I{'\<><>', 12:008 e MI08l>E to-round l'\eevyweight bout betweef'I MictMl8f °'*" and Franco 'Thomas: 10-round middleweight bout with Robbie Epps va. T~ dy MaM (live from Atlantic City. N.J.). (2 hrs.. 30 min.) I L08TIN8PACE MOYIE "Tlmln And HIS Mate'' ( 1~. Adverr ture) Johnny WliMmUller, Mtlureeo 0'&*'9n. Two white huntn force Jlne to make Tarun lead them to•~ t>urlel ground. (2 hfa.) ADA»-12 alMOl...e NEEDI EICf'AFT MOYIE "Bronco Bllty" (1980, Com.dy~ Clint &enllM '-911•• .................... 114 1!'• j I II Saturday (continued) from New Jersey realizes hls dream Of perlormlng in ti Wiid West show. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 57 min.) D MOVIE "I Sent A Lett8f To My Love" ( 1981. Romance) Simone Slanoret, Jean Rochefort. A m~aged woman who has spent most of her. adult life caring for her Invalid brothef decides to write a lett8f to a newspaper lonefy hearts column. 'PG' (2 tvs., 2 min.) 12:30. MOVIE "Girls, Glr1s. Glr1s" (1962, Muslcal) Elvis Presley, Stella Stevens. A boy refuses his girl's glf1 until he sees another woulO-be suitor after her. U hr., 30 min.) G MOVIE "Wagonmaster" (1950, Western) Ben Johnson. Joanne Dru. A group of MOJmons hires a guide and heeds fOf Utah. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) 9 8Kll«) HIGHLIGHTS "Jeffy Fofd Celebflty Cup T oum&mef"lt'' I ADAM-12 C0C I £:GE FOR CA....:.8 8ruoe Sessions reviews the commands learned so far anc:tdlscusses how~ dog from being poisoned. (R) IF.A. soccer.'The Road To Wembley" (Match 9) (time period extended for Sports Center Plus). (1 hr., 30 min.) 12:46(%.)MOVIE "Leadbelly" (1975, Biography) Rog· er E. Mo&My, Paul Benjamin. The life of the legend· ary blues-fotk singer and guitarist. Huddle Led- better, ls traced. (2hrs., 6 min.) 1 :00. PAE-SEASON BASEBALL callfornla Angels vs. MllweukM Brewers (3 hrs.) (!)THE PERSUADERS (fl MOVIE "No Place To Run" (1972, Drama) Her- schel Bernardi, Larry Hagman. An orphan and his grandfather flee the country when authorities refuse them permlSSloo to live together. (1 hr., 30 min.) • MOVIE "The Adventures Of Huoklebefry Ann" ( 198 1, Adventure) Kurt Ida. Dan Monahan. When he learns that he'll be sent away to boarding school, Huck. Tom Sawyer and a slave named Jim embark on a raft trip down the MlsslsSIP.J>i River. (2 hrs.) • THE HUMMINGBIRD MAN A profile of Russell Ogg. a commercial photographer who lo6t nearly all his vision through a bout with diabetes. ID GROWING YEARS 1:30• NOVA "Anlmal Impostors" The remarkable forms of deception used by both predators and their intended victims -to eat or avoid being eaten -are examined. 9 {1 hr.) • GROW1NG YEARS CC) MOVIE "The Attic" ( 1979, Hooor) Carrie Snodgfess. Ray MIRand. A llbrarlan lives In the past with her memo<ies of a love who disappeared. 'R' ( 1 • hr .• ..Omln.) Cll) MOVIE ''Wholly Mo&esl" ( 1980, Comedy) Dud- ley Moofe, Laraine Newman. In biblical Egypt, a false prophet named Herschel eaveedr<>QS -on a divine conversation with Moses and decides~ must be the one to lead his people out of slavety. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 49 min.) 2:00 8 Cl) 'TOURNAMENT Pl.A YEAS CHAMPfON- SHIP Third-round covefage of this TPA event (live from the Tournament Players Club at Sawgrass In Ponte Vedra, Fla.). ( 1 hr.) I DAYTONA SUPE'A BIKERS MOVIE "Big.Oundown" (1968, Western) Lee Van Cleef, Thomas Milan. At the lKglng of a wealthy Texas la~a Texas Ranger tracks down a Mexican suspected of rape. (2 hrs.) Cl) OUTER LIMITS e MOVIE "Brannigan" ( 1975, Mystery) John Wayne. Richard Attenborough. An Ameflcan police det.ctive attempts to locate a racketeer who has been abducted from his hiding pla~ In London. (2 In.) '- l saGNA TURE Guest: Agnes Nixon. UNDERSTANDING HUMAN BEHAVIOR OOllEGE BA8f<ETBALL "National Collegiate ChamplonShlp" Regional Semi-Anals (Best Game ~ (2 hrs.) W MOVIE "Hopscotch" (1980, Comedy) Walter Matthau, Glenda Jackeon. A former lntelllgenoe agent Is aided by an o6d name In dodging the KGB and the CIA, who are trying to prevent him from publlshlng his memoirs. 'R' (l bl' .• -« min.) KEEPING WAR ALIVE - A wounded Vietnam veteran (Gregory Sierra, right) tries to reason with an old war buddy (David Ackroyd) who has taken two other people as hostages to back up his demands for better medical care for other injured vets in "McClain's Law" Saturday at 10 p.m. on NBC (Ch. 4). CS) MOVIE "The FOUi Horsemen Of The Apoca- lypse" (1962, Drama) Glenn Ford. Lee J. Cobb. Wof'td War II produces differing loyalties among the members ot a German family. (2 hrs .. 30 min.) D MOVIE ."Hawk The Slayer" (1981. Adventure) Jack Palance, John Terry. An adventurous young man enlists the aid of a band of warriof's to fight his evil uncle, the overlOfd who killed his father and Is hoking an abbess for ransom. ( 1 hr .• 34 rt)fn.) 2:05 al) lA8T OF THE Wl..D 2:30 8 AGAICUL T\JAE U.S.A. • 800AR AAY LEONARD'S GOLDEN GLOVES Ken~va. Louisiana (1 hr.) Ill ~ 80WlEAB TOUR $100,000 Long llland Open (from Garden City Bowl In Ga,.. den City, N.Y.). (1hr.,30mln.) tB MO(El) BAG: NEW WA'Vf!. The effects of New Wave music on young people, clothes, parents, clubs, radio and records are examined. • a..oee HARMONY Arlene Symons, a Brooklyn ,music teacher, brings together a group of senior citi- zens and a group of young students fa< a unique lnter~~horus. I WEBCLY UNDER8TAHOING HUMAN BaiAVIOA 2:35 GZ) MOTORWEE< ILLUSTRATED 3:008 MOVIE "Contplracy Of Terra<" (1975. Mys- tery) Michael Constantine, Batbara Rhoades. When a man Is Ute<aly scared to death, a huaband-and- wlfe detective team la called In to Investigate. (2 twa.) 8 ON CAMPUS FMtured: a discussion on how learning aboUt dying teeches you about IMng. I SEAGEANT PRESTON OF THE YUKON RACING FROM AQUEDUCT MOVIE "The White WarrlOf" (1961, Adventure) eYe Reeves. Georgie Moll A tribal hefo leads his ~ against a tyrannical czar. (2 hrs.) QI RICHARD fTRAU88 The Vienna Phllharmonlc l)efforma "But1eske For Plano And 'Orchestra In 0 Minor" and "Don Juan. Opus 20." ( 1 hr.} • OYE WLLE "The Letter" Wlllle and Papo forge a love letter to Grandpa from his o6d aweethMrt, ·U G6o11a del Mar (V~ De Ceno). Q e MOYIE "The Sande>ll:>ef'' (1965, Orama) Elim· .,, beth Tay!Ot, Richard 9Urton. A married clergyman ~ falls In love with a Ubefated artist who lives wlth her -~lmate son. (2 hrs.) ~ e HOME GARDENER CC) MOVIE "The Angel Wore Red" (1960, Drama)_ 0r- Ava Gardner, Ok1c Bogatde. A priest leaves his c order to retum to a wof1d rOcked by a violent war. ~ (! hr., 40 min.) (%)MOVIE "The Black Stallion" (1979, Adventure) : Kelly Reno, Mickey Rooney. After being rescued ~ from the ISiand on which they were shipwrecked ~ together. a young boy and a horse become involved • In the race of the century. 'G' ( 1 hr., 43 min.) g. 3:05 Gl> WRESTLING 3:30 8 EVERYWHERE location: from the Ontario IO Centennial Parade. (1hr.,30 min.) • PAOFE8SIONAL BOWLERS TOUR $100,000 ;O Long Island Open (from Garden City Bowl In Gar-~ den~.~30mln.) "' ~WILD KINGDOM W COUNTRY CLASStCS: THE BEST OF AUSTIN CfTY UMfT8 Wittie Nelson. the Charlie Daniels Band. ;Jimmy Buffet and Earl Scruaas headline the bill of stars In a country music spe(:Tal recall.ing the most memorable moments from the first five years of Austin City Limits. ( 1 hr .• 25 min.) 1=~ ':100 E€~ne ENTERTAINMENT THIS WEEK Jane Fonda Interviews Bonnie Raitt; Interviews with Peter Usti- nov, Liza Mlnnelll. Albert Anney and Bo Derek. ( t hr.) • MOVIE "The Taking Of Pelham One. Two. Three" (1974, Suspense) Walter Matthau, Robert Shaw. Four men hijad( a crowded subway train and threaten to murder one hostage fa< every minute the ransom demand Is tale. (2 hrs.) tB STRUMPET CfTY Petef O'Toole stars In an adaptation of James Plunkett's novel about one man's struggle to create better living conditions Tube Topper Fred Astaire Channel 28 -5:05 p.m. amid the poverty and tocial Injustice of Dublin from 1907 to 1914. (~art 5) ( 1 hr.) I INTROOUCING EMOLOOV SPORTS CENTER MOVIE "Tribute" (1980, Drama) Jack Lem- mon. Robby Benson. An lrreeponslble Broadway press agent begins tq regret his wasted life and his tenuous relatlonshlp with his grown aon. 'PG' (2 hrs.) e MOYIE "An Enemy Of The People" (t9n, Ora· ma) Steve McQueen, Chartes Durning. Based on Ibsen's play. TM oltlz.ena of a small town lirst appleud then petMCOte a local physician tor dedar· Ing the local hot springs unsafe due to pollution. 'G' (f hr., 43 min.) · ':SO• GLLIGAN'S ISLAND . i AQAON8KY AHOCOMPAHY INTROOUCING 8'0l.OGY MOVIE ''The Men Who Loved Beers" (1978. Ad\ienture) Documef"ltary. Narrated by Henry Fon- da. A. true to life story of a neturalis1's adoption and training of a gr12:zly bear cub fOf survtval In the wii- ~-·a· 4:&6. PLEDGE BAEAK Regulatly scheduled pro-grammkm fMY be delayed due to pledge breaks. s.-oo• M8ICAN ADVENTURE l fNli4AU. 8TAATREK y~~~~ NATIONALLY,~1 • AWARD WINNING JEWELRY OE~IGNER Creative Jewelers, Inc. L~ :1:. . (714) 760-6766. . .2810 ·~._P~qtAc. COASt tiWY. •:CORONA DEL ~R-: ... - l I I I l I I ' I I I l I ' N Cl) CJ) .... -~· a: - ~=:~~~~ ~~: ~· l~SCH&LOMI SOFT CONT ACT LENSES s79~s INQUDES: Chemical Care Kit, ln1truction, Follow Up Vilit. Examination and Lena Determination $65.00. All Profellional Services Performed By The Doctor. Same. Day Service On Most Preacription1. EYEG_L_A$SES s49•s INQUDES: Your preacription In Quality Oear Gla11 Single Vllion, liofocal1 or Trifocala In frame of Your Choice ft'om Our Con1umer Selection. Examination If Desired Not lnduded. ADDED CONVENIENCE: EXAMINATION ANO FITTING AT SAME LOCATION Monthly Special Blended Bif6cals -Mo U... Plastic R~ular Size Lenses Req. '9991 NOW s69'5 ~FER GOOD UNTIL MARCH 31 THE BROADWAY Huntington Center Anaheim Plaza Or. Ronald Jenson Or. Kevin McGrath 891-735'4 635-3281 Newport Fashion Center Or. John Connole 644-0165 USE YOUR BROADWAY CHA RGE - YOUR DOCTORS PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED -' ' : I I 1 tJ01tm"'1DAY11ATURDAv ~~ I I ...... flOllUVIJAZZ. ,,----.. I r • . ~m=.'& 1~:='-I ~--····--·--·--·--·-------------.J -J --.... ·- IJEES 136111 mRTHDAY SAVEN W!! During our birthday celebration, you'll find a-.yjde selection c:A Lees Carpets on sale. Hundreds of colors, textures and patterns. ' • The ' • selection includes Lees Carpets with exclusive Biofresh. Biofresh is the patented process that fights odor and odor· causing bacteria and keeps your carpet fibers·hygienicalty fresh for life. You'll find Lees carpets made from soi.I and crush-resistant Dupont Antron. Our 136th Birthday Celebration lasts only until the 25th. so hurryt Come to the party ... and save! lONE-ON· lONE. Richly styled twist created for your elegant lifestyfe. Deep sumptuous pile texture and natural tone· on-tone shading are the hallmarks of this fine s2195 lees Carpet. CARVED TEXTURE. A luxunous carved texture that reflects the finest of traditional carpet styling. A.wide range of decorator colors. Designed to perform anywhere in 22x29.3 $ 1 L q} busy homes. U'"'- MULTl· lONE. Multi-tone saxony plush, the ultimate for luxurious living. Designed for years of good looks. Antron• nylon lace fibers give this carpet soil hiding and easy cleaning $ 1 Cq} features you'll love. J- SAXONY PWSH. A luxurious saxony plush made with Antron nylon-today's most durable tong-=Wearing carpet fiber. MOf'8 • fash.ion colofs mal<e It easy to coordinate with your , •$ 1 '105 part1eular decor. J t::J ' · DU PONT ANTRON.- lftl THE UFE OF Ula Made bett8r bY Burlington 00 _, SaleEndsThurs.,March2-Y"ll 1663 Pllcentil Ave. Costa Mesa, 92627 646-4131 961-lllO Satwday (rontinued) e WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS Anals of the Super- blkers (from Carlsbad. Calif.); NCAA Wrestling Championships (from Ames. Iowa). ( 1 hr.. 30 min.) I M•A•s•H KOJAK NHL HOCKEY New Yort< Rangers vs. Washing- ton Capitals (2 hrs., 30 min.) l =OOtD MOVIE "Man Of Marble" Krystyna Janda, Jerzy Radzlwllowlcz. This wii:mer of the International Crit- ics Prize. Cannes 1978. from Polish dlrect0< Andrezj Wajda, deals with a young filmmaker who is trying to reconstruct a truthful picture of Poland's Stalinist i st obscured by 20 years of propaganda. (3 hrs.) LAWRENCE WELK SOCCER MADE IN GERMANY U.S.S.R. vs. Wales ( 1 tv.) CC) MOVIE "The Glt1 And The General" ( 1967, Ora- ma) Rod Stelgef, Vlrna LisJ. During W0tld War II, an Italian village girl develops a strange relationship with a Bavarian general being held captive by an Italian soldief. ( 1 hr., 45 min.) (I) COLI.EGE BASKET8AU. "Men's Division II Championship" from Springfield. Massachusetts. (2 hrs.) cm MOVIE "Lt. Robin Crusoe. U.S.N " ( 1966. Com- edy) Dick Van Dyke, Nancy Kwan. A Navy pilot runs into a band of native girls when he Is f0tced to parachute from his burning plane Into the Pacific. ( 1 hr .. 50 min.) CZ> MOVIE "Hopscotch" ( 1980. Comedy) Walter Matthau. Glenda Jackson. A former Intelligence agent is aided by an old flame in dodging the KGB and the CIA. who are trying to prevent him from publishing his memoirs. 'R' ( 1 hr .. « min.) 6:06Q'.l) NBA BASKETBAll Atlanta HaWks vs. New Yen Knicks (2 hrs.. 15 min.) • RE> AST AJRE: PUTTIN' ON HIS TOP HAT Fred Astaire's remarkable career, from the early days with his &isle< Adela through his heyday at AKO with .Ginger Rogers. is highlighted through film cJips and interviews with many of his associates. ( 1 hr.) 6:308 LAST OF THE W1lD I NEWS • waCOME BACK. KOTTER WIDE WORLO OF SPORTS Anals of the Super- bikers (from Carlsbad, Calif.); NCAA Wrestling Championships (from Ames, Iowa). ( t hr.. 30 min.) Cl> MOVIE "The WOt1d's Greatest Athlete" ( 1973. Comedy) John Amos.. Jan-Micheel Vincent. A COtlCt\ who II having a run of bed tudc returns to hie roots In Atrtc:a and dllcovers a 91.lpef athlete. 'G' ( 1 hr .. 33mtn.) 1. \ l . \I\< , 8:001 (I) C88 NEWS ! NBCNEWS MOYIE "40 Pounds Of Trouble" ( 1963. Come- ) Tony Curtis. Suzanne Pleshette. A cabaret owner and his club singer find the!< handa full when they agree to take in a trout>tesome bUt lovable tyke. (2 hrs.) B MISS WOALD PAGEANT Sixty-seven beauties compete In three events. Helen Reddy hosts. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) I THE MUPPETS MOVE "Inside Out" ( 1975. Adventure) T elty SavaJas. Rober1 Culp. An American and an ex-Nazi otfic« infiltrate an East German prison to spring a war criminal who knows the loCatlon of a gold cache which has been burled f()( 35 years. (2 hrs.) • SPORTS AMERICA '"College Basketball: Iowa Vs. Wlsconsln" 00 MOYIE "Any Which Way You Can" (1980, Comedy) Clint Eastwood, Sondra Locke. Before settling down with his girt and pet orangutan, a bare-fisted flghtM signs up for one last. IUcfatlve <Mich. 'PG' (1 hr., 45 min.) •MOVIE "Roadie" (1980. Comedy) Meat Loaf. Kafli Hunter. A rock music roadie lets nothing get In his way In his pursuit of the girl of his dreams. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. .ts roln.) .. 8~06. FRED AST AIRE: CHANGE PARTNERS ANO DANCE Fred Astawe's career It ptcked up after his depaltlJre In 1939 from RKO and fo41ows him through a IOCCelSlon of beautiful par1'*'9 lncludlng Paui.tte Goddard. Rita Hayworth. Betty Hutton. Leslie Caton Ind Audrey Hepburn. e:30un~ I THEMUPPETS ™-OlO HOUSE Bot> VIII dltcUSMt the wttlng In the titeal'MIY end puts lneutltton In the famltV room. O (1 hr.) e•<J> M(ME "A!'ftl Which Wey YW Cen" ( 1980. Comldy) Clnt ~. SOndr9 loeke. 9efcn Mt*9 down wtltl hie girt end pet P!angulafl, a ANGRY ENCOUNTER·-Hayley Mills struggles with Eli Wallach during a tense scene from "The Moon-Spinners," a two-part suspense mystery Saturday at 8 p.m . on CBS (Ch. 2). bare-fisted fighter signs up for one last, IUCfatlve match. 'PG' (1 hr .. 45 min.) 8:56 e Pl.EDGE BREAK Regularly scheduled pro- gramming may be delayed due to pledge breaks. 7:100,.~~~0F... . WHERE WERE YOU? PEOPLE'S COURT LAWRENCE WBJ< THEMUPPETS MOVIE "The Apple" ( 1980, Musical) Catherine Mary Stewart, George Gilmour. In 199~. a singing duo falls into the hands of a diabolical impresario. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 34 min.) (I) TENNIS HIGHUGHT8 ''1982 Davis Cup Open- ing Round" United States vs. Inda (Round 4) ( 1 hr.) (IJ MOYIE '"The Kid From Not·So-Blg" (1978. Comedy) Jennffer McAllister. A 12-year-<>ld gil1 finds r...tf In end out of trouble while running the town newspaper. 'G' (1hr.,30 min.) cm MOVIE "Night Moves" ( t975. Mystery) Gene Hackman. JennlfM Warren. A private eye hired to locate the daugtlter of a former movie actress becomes entangled In a web of Intrigue with a May- an smugging ring. 'R' ( t hr .. .W min.) 7:06• ~PLAYHOUSE ''The Great Ameri- can Fourth Of July And Other Disasters" Jean Shepherd's orlglnal t~y centers around the bit- tersweet pangs of gr up In the Midwest during the late 1930s and early · Os. Q ( 1 hr .. 10 min.) 7:20ENEW8 7:30 DANCE FEVER I ATU8 OMNI: THE NEW FRONTIER AGHTBACK THE HARDY BOYS I MANGY DREW MYSTER- (f) NINE ON NEW JERSEY 0 TALK OF THE TOWN John Beatty takes a look at the plans for Balboa Park's Japanese Gardens . I THI: MUPPET'S SNEAK PAEV1EW8 Roger Eber1 and Gene Sisk· el review "Oeattl Trap" end "Das Boot." 8:00 8 (I) WALT OtSNEY "The Moon-Spinners" A a vacationat In Crete becomes Involved with a smuggling ring. (Part 2) ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) ONE-OF THE80"VS Adam'e tlrat aselgnment for the college newepaper Is to review Jonathen'e J)lay. • MOVIE "Short Walk To Daylight" (1912, Ora- ma) Jamn Brolln. Don Mitchell. A smaM graop of people are trapped In a subway aftM an eerthquftfle destrgys New YC>tk City. (2 tws.) • O T.J. HOOt<ER Sgt. Hooker'• only clue to the Identity of a psychotic preying on femaJee Is a MIN Bible left at the ecene of each attack. ( 1 hr.) I PAUL HOGAN MERVOAFFIN MOVE ''Tht Big Game" ('1972, Adventure) S1ephen Boyd. Fr9nee Nuyen. Forejgn goY81'nmtnta ettempt to obteln a powerlUI mind-control deYloe fnlm Amenc.n tc*ltlltl. (2 hrs.) ~M9n Of w.t>le" Krystyna Jenda. Jerry Thie winner of the International Cftt.. lcl Prtza, C.W. 1978. from POllth ~1!8Ctor Andretl as Wajda. deal& wtth a VoW10 Nmmlkw who .. tndna • to reconstruct • truthful picture of~· 8ta11Nsf .,, ~t obscured by 20 years of propaganda. (3 hrs.) ~ • MOVIE "A Study In Scarlet" (1933, Mystery) - Reginald Owen. Alan Mowbray. Based on the story ~ Arthur Conan Doyle. Sherlock Holmes Investigates a bizarre murder involving a f0<elgn word written In. or blood at the scene of the crime. (1 hr .. 30 min.) e> (I) SPORTS CENTER .,, 00 MOVIE "Dirty Trlci<s" (1981. Comedy) Bliott 1 Gould, Kate Jackson. A Harvard professor becomes ~ the quarry of pe<sons anxious to get their hands on ~ a recently discovered letter written by George 3: Washington. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) ~ (I) MOVIE "Eyewitness" (1981, Mystery) Sigour-g. ney Weaver. William Hurt. A television reporter becomes Involved with a janit0< who may know jO more about a murder that he witnessed than he is _. ~ 'A' ( 1 hr .. 43 min.) U> g MOVIE "Little Darlings" (1980, Comedy) ~ Tatum O'Neal, Kristy McNichol. At suqimer camp. two teen-age girls compete to ~ who will be the first to lose her virginity. 'A' ( 1 hr .. 32 min.) 8: 16. THE ALL-TIME AMERICAN SCRAPBOOK Host Dinah Shore Is joined by Judy Collins, Sergio Franchi, Melba Moore and many others f0t a musi- cal trlbUte to America's fav0<ite popolar classics from Tin Pan Alley to Hollywood. (3 hrs .• 5 min.) 8:20 (11) WORLD AT WAR 8:30 8 e CHICAGO STORY A small-time hood refuses to allow doctors to remove a bullet lodged in his spine and Gilland's niece becomes Involved with a_plmJ>. (1 hr .. 30 min.) G MOVIE "Necromancy" ( 1972. Mystery) Orson Welles. PamelS Franklin. A young couple discover to their horror that the husband's employer manufactures toys that are actually Instruments of the occult. (2 hts.) Cl) RAcaNG FROM YONKERS 8:46(%) MOVIE "Mean Streets" (1973, Drama) Har- Vf/'f Kettel, Robert De Niro. A small-time hood and his Irresponsible friend find plenty of trouble In New Yort<'s Little Italy. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 50 min.) 9:00 8 0 Lovt: BOAT Isaac tries to avoid his year- ly physical, a young woman and her mother learn ~ing news, and Jutle's cousin tries to dump his ~~=Q(1hr.) • THev CRf ALONE Tube Topper Walt Disney (The Moon-Spinners) ChanMI 2 -8 p.m. CC) MOVIE "First Family" (1980. Comedy) Gilda Redner. Bob Newhart. The sexually repressed daughter of the country's weirdest presldential fami- ly compllcates her father's attempts to conduct the affalfs of state. 'R' ( 1 hr .. « min.) (I) COLLEGE BASKET8Al.L "National Collegiate Championship" Regional SemJ-AnalS (Best Game Ill (2 hrs.) ([) CD) MOVIE "Bustin' Loose" (1981, Comedy) Rlchatd Pry0t. Cicely Tyson. A bumbling bUrgtar. a o<>ncefned schoolteacher and eiqht children make a frightening ctOS&-Country trip in a bfoken-down school bus. 'A' (1 hr .. 34 min.) 9:20(11) MOVIE "Death Wish" (1974, &ama) Charles &onson, Hope Lange. After three hood- lums murder his wife and leave his daughter in a state of speechless shock. an enraged man sets out OA 8 one-man vengeance campaign. (2 hra.) 9:30 8 (I) CENTRAL AMERICA IN REVOLT The C8U9e9 of the turbutenoe In Nicacagua. Et Salvador and Guatemala. and the debate over American poli- c;y. are e~. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) • MATIEE AT THE BIJOU Gene Autry and Smi- ley Burnett are featured In "The Man From Music '-Mountain" (1938): the shorts lnckJde "Weettend lo Holywood" (1932) and a cartoon; and the serial Is ChaptM 1 of "Z0tro's Fighting Legion." (R) ( 1 hr .. 30mln.) 00 MOVIE "Tribute" (1980. Drama) Jeck Lem- mon. Robby Benson. An lrresponllble Broadway pr-8g8nt begins to regret hie W8tlt9d 11'9 and h9 tenuoue re&atlonahlp wtth hill grown aon. 'PG' (2 10::-t. e MOO 4.IN'8 LAW McClain and two ottl- .,. .. held holtage In • hoepltat by • ment.ity .dis- turbed Vietnam V9Ceran. ( 1 hr.) 11,mv l8LAHO. A S*olt officer tries to help out a bitter tormer rObblf, 1nd en lf't gellefy curator unJawlt the mYllefY of • lady In a p(>rt,.ft .no .. her double. Q < f tw.r MOV9E "ChMdten ShoUldn't Ally Wltt'I Dead ( 1969. Horror) Alff\ Omilby, Anya OnM-• by memb8'a of an ectlng company antw at a e ~ .. I ,. ......... --... .. ,,......_. ~ I \ .3'\fOM ~ -&turday (~noed)' '' m-• _., i remote Island to film a movie, they find It Inhabited ~ghouls. (2 ~.) Cl)l.tOVIE "The Klmng Kind" (1973, Orama) John Savage. Cindy WIHlams. After serving two years on a trumped up sex charge, a young woman Is reteased from prison and begins seeking her r~. 'R' (1 hr., 35 min.) e MOVIE "Eyewitness" ( 1981, Mystery) Sigour- ney Weave<, WiUlam Hurt. A television reporter becomes Involved with a janitor who may know more about a murder that he witnessed than he is ci say~. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 43 min.) _3 10:30D MOVIE ''ZOf'ba The Greek" (1964. Drama) Anthony OulM, Alan Bates. A Bri1ish wrtler and an ~ exuberant Greek take lodgings with an aging cour- tesan on Crete. (3 hrs., 5 min.) I ~fT Of A LEGEND 10:315 cm ptpSt 10:~(%) MOVIE "Retum Of The Dragon" {1972, Adventure) Bruoe Lee. Chuck Norris. A martial arts expert journeys from Hong Kong to Rome lo help a friend who Is In trouble•wtth the mob. 'R' ( t hr . 3 t mln.1 11:00e 8. Cl> die NEWS • ENTERTAINMENT TH&S WEEK Jane· Fonda lnteMewl ~ Raitt; lntetVlews with Peter Usti- nov, Liza Minnelli, Albert Finney and Bo Der~. ( 1 hr.) I M•A•S•H · PMONER C8.l BLOCK H • MOVE "Man Of Marble" Krystyna Janda, Jerry Radzfwllowtcz.. This winner of the International Crit- ics Prize, Cannes 1978, from Polish dlfector Andrezj Wajda, deals with a young filmmaker who Is trying to reoonttruct a truthful picture of Poland's Stalinist ~ obJfoJled Jlv 20 yea'1 of propegaoda. (3 hrs.) e AUSTIN LIMT8 Tompan and the Glaser &others perform many of their hits and George Strait debUll with "Unwound." ( 1 hr.) ~ MCWIE ".hi Hendrix" ( 1973, Biogfaphy) Doc:- urnentaty. A montage of concert footage and Inter- views wfth assoctetes, admirers, friends and lovers of the '608 rodt star whose death In 1970 signaled the end of a mtJSical era. 'R' (1 hr., 39 min.) (I) ALL.STAR SPORTS CHAUEHGE All-Time Dodger'I vs. NBA Ai-Time A~tars ([) MoVIE "French Pussycat" ( 1973, Comedy) Sybil Denning. Katie Buchele. A young woman I ... '• '>. .L _ makes a wager that she can bi1ng any man to we altar without first giv~hlm a sample of connubial bliss. 'R' ( 1 hr., 21 min. cm EVERYTHING Kip Addotta hosts this one-and-only adult game show with guests carol Wa~. Pat McCormick and the Unknown Comic. 11:2001) MOVIE "Wall Of Noise" (1963, Orama) Suzanne Pleshette. Ty Hardin. A hofse trainer returns 10 his fiancee after having a fl!ng with a mar- ried hofse owner. (2 hrs .. 30 roln.) • GAEA T PERFORMANCES "Brldeshead Revisit- ed: Orphans Of The Storm" Charles and Julia. both married. begin a clandeStlne affair aboard a trans- Atlantic liner during a raging storm. (Part 9) Q ( 1 hr.) · 11:308 BARNABY .K>NES Tube Topper Chicago Story Channel 4 -8:30 p.m. VINCENT SAOOETTA 8 e SA TUADAY NIGHT LIVE Host: Robert t.klch. Guest: Mink Deville. ( 1 hf .. 30 min.) I~ ~The Lawless Nineties" ( 1936. West- ern) JoM Wayne, Gabby Hayes. A fedefal agent goes underOOYef In a smell Western &own to nab a ga~ of outlaws WhO have been te<rortzing the t8fri- tory. ( 1 hr .. 15 min.) 9 MOYIE "UMC" (1969, Drama) Richard Brad- ford, James Daty. A large univetSlty medical center is plagued with dally crises Including malpfactice suits. (2 ht&., 15 min.) • MOYIE "The Taking Of Pellam One, Two, Three" ( 1974, Suspense) W8119f Matthau, Robert Shaw. Four men hijack a crowded subway train and threaten to murder one hostage for evefY minute the ransom dem&nd Is late. (2 hrs.) (I) SPORTS CENTER Cll) MOVIE "Bustin' Loose" (1981 . Comedy) Rich- ard Pryor, Cicely Tyson. A bumbling burglar, a oon- cemed schoolteacher and eight chffdren make a frightening cross-oountry trip in a broken-down school bus. 'R' ( I hf., 34 min.) cm MOV1E "More Than Sisters" ( 1980, Drama) Leslie Murray. A young woman;e husband sends Mr to a psychiatrist when she begins to complain aboUt bizarre dreams. 'R' (1 hr.. 16 min.) 11:36 Cl) BIZARRE "The Ullimale Movie" 11:45• MOV1E "OB VII" (Part 2) (1974, Orama) Ben Gazzara, Anthony Hopkins. An American author accuses a Polish-born doctor of being a war criminal. (3 hrs .. 15 min.) 12:00. MOVIE "Northwest Mounted Police" ( 1940. Adventure) Gary Cooper, Madeleine Carroll. A Tex- as Ranger encounters adventure and romance while combing the Canadian wilds for a fugitive from 1us- tice. (2hrs.) (!) MOvtE "Bittersweet Lov•" ( 1977. Drama) Lana Turner. Robert Lansing. A woman unknowing· i marrles her half-brother. ONE STEP BEYOND COUEGE BASKETBALL "Men's Division II Championship" from Springfield, Massachusetts. II MOVIE "Honeysuckle Aose" (1980, Romance) Willie Nelson, Dyan Cannon. While on tour. a Texas country~western singer becomes Involved wtth the seductive daughter of his sidekick even though he still loves his stay-at-home wife. 'PG' ( t hr .. 59 min.} 12:05 Cl) MOVIE "D<essed To Kill" ( 1980. Suspense) Michael Caine, Angle Dickinson. Police search for the psychotic murderer who butchered a suburban housewife. 'R' ( 1 hr., 45 min.) 12: 16 CZl MOVIE "Images" ( 1972, Orama) Susannah York, Rene Auberjonois. A young woman loses toucf'I with hef sanity and Is unab&e to distinguish between reality and fantasy. 'R' (1 hr., 45 min.) 12:20. THE MARX BROTHERS IN A NUTSHELL Alm ciiPs and interviews ere featlJ(ed In a salute to the most celebrated comedy team In the history of motion ptctures -Groucho. Harpe>, Chico, Zeppo and Gummo Marx. (2 hrs.) 1~• MOYIE "Serptco" ( 1973, Orama) Al Paclno, Tony Roberts. An honest policeman secrlfioes his careet and almost his lite to expose high-level cor- ruption In the New York Police Depertment. (2 hrs . 30 min.) e MOVIE "Murder Mansion" (1970. Horror) Analla Gade, Evelyn Stewart. A couple and a young heiress spend a fright-filled night In a dreary old house. (2 hrs.) 12:46 Cl) MOVIE "Lawless Range" ( 1935. Western) John Wayr,e. Shella MannOJ$. An undefcove< agent Investigates the cause of seemingly senseleSS raids occurring In a remote mining region: (1 hr .. 15 min.) CC) MOVIE "It's Alive" f 1974. Horror) John Ryan, Announcing The M . I a•nott Tennis Oub r···---··-----------------------• I S 5. Gift Cll tificate $ 5 i I Chad Towards Pscllase of •25 .. or More I I . .......-0.-.-. ... J/,I J -------------~------------~----1 & D lliktic Wear 9594 HAMIL TON A VE. HUNTINGTON IEACH 964-3256 • Umited Membership Available • No InitiaDm Fee • lO~Courts • Full Club He111e Facilities • RobynRay- D&ec:u d Tennis Stifiday 6:00 Cf) NIE OH NEW JERSEY (I) C0UE0E BASl<ET8All "Division II Men's Champonships" from Sprlngflekl. Massachusetts. (2 bts.) 6:061 JAMES ROBasoN 6: 10 LAST Of THE W1LD 6:30 WOMAN'S OOEST Cf) DAY Of DISCOVERY 6:361 CARTOONS 6:46 CHRISTOPHERCLOSEUP 8:00 TODAY'S RELIGION I SEAENDIPfTY MUSIC AND THE SPOKEN WORD DAYBAEAK LA. SUNDAY MORNING Scheduled: an interview with ex-CIA agent and author Frank Snepp; a profile of Pulitzer Prize-winning writer Paul HOl'gan. ( 1 hr., 30min.) I YOUTH AND THE ISSUES ORAL ROBERTS OtRECTIONS BIBLE ANSWERS ROMPER ROOM HARRY CHAPIN'S COTTON PATCH Some of the late Harry Chapln's last sonqs from the off- Broadway musical "Cotton Patch Gospel" ate ~­ formed. ( 1 hr.) ~MOVIE "Hardly Working" (1981, Comedy) Jer- ry Lee lewis, S~n Oliver. After the circus closes down, a veteran clown tries his hand at va1lous jobs, faUl~mlserably at them all. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 31 min.) 8:06 LOST lfll SPACE 8:20 MOVIE "Who's That Knocking At My Door?" (1967, Ofama) Harvey Keitel, Zina Bethune. A young man living in New York's little Italy has trou- ble adjusting when he embarks on a romance with a blonde WASP. (1hr.,30 min.) 8:309 COMMITMENT THATS CAT ROBERT SCHULLER 'PEOPt.£7 AMERICA: THE SECOND CENTURY POeNT Of VIEW I PUBLIC PULSE . -NEWS ~ ~ EU8IE A IPirifed trlbUte to the genius of com- poeer Eubie Baake. featuring 24 of his best songs lnclucl n Honeysuckle Time" and "I'm Just Wild AbOUt ." ( 1 hr., 30 min.) e ''The Shogun Warriors: Grandlzer" (1981, Fantasy) Animated. A oowerful robot defendS Earth when It Is Invaded by Vegan Invaders. (1 hr., 41 min.) a.SCJI) MOVIE' "Chapter Two" (1979, Comedy) James Caan, Mar1ha Mason. Soon after his wlte's death, a writer finds himself reluctantly falling In love again. 'PG' (2 hra., 4 min.) • 7:009 LOU9 RlJKEYSEA 8 WHrTNEY AND THE ROBOT TubeTqpper _Evening at Symphony Channel 50 -6 p.m. LITTLE RASCALS rT IS WRITTEN KENNETH COPEl..ANO • SUNDAY MASS 8PECTAUM DAV OF OtSCOVERY CARTOONS YOGA FOR HEAL TH SPORTS CENTER 7:06 all LJGHTER SIOE Of THE NEWS 7:308 8UNOAY MORNING Scheduled: an Interview with ex-CIA agen1 and author Frank Snapp; a profile of Pulitzer Prize-winning writer Paul Horgan. ( 1 hr., 30mln .. ) I RAINBOW PATCH CAMPUS PROFllE "Pelvic Health" Guests: Or. Bette Adams, actress Janis Paige, actress Kim Lankford. I TV..S LOOKS AT LEARNING THA rs THE SPIRfT 8EAACH .1'MIV SWAGGART MISTER ROGERS (R) THE WORLD TOMOAROW ROOM ADDITIONS -REMODELING AS LOW AS 596°0 A MONTH* THERE HAS NEVER BEEN A BETTER ;-' TIME TO ADO ON THAT EXTRA BEDROOM OR BATH. OR ADD A COZY FAMILY ROOM. ~r"'I WE ARE ALSO SPECIALISTS IN KITCHEN~ ANO BATH REMODELING. 1~ ' CALL NOW FOR A FREE ESTIMATE OR~ VISIT OUR SHOWROOMS AT w:w1I {;3 JtJ WIST,_STll MALL ~~ I IUPMI LIYIL Mid SIAISI :!fl· 100% PERFORMANCE BOND -. a a=raCOMPLETION DATE GUARANTEE -LIEN JJ ~FREE CONSTRUCTION. rY.ft :aJ 714-ltMl7' -714iltl-4tl7 ~ a LAMO .Na ~MOVIE "The Kid From Left Fleld" (1979, Dra- e ma) Gary Coleman, Robert Guillaume. A bat boy's ,, strategy launches a losing basebaH team on a wfo. g nlng streak that takes them to the Wo<ld Serles. ( 1 hr., 35 min.) 7:36@ MOVIE "Mr. Deeds Goes To Town" (1936, Comedy) Gary Cooper, Jean Arthur. A female b' reporter persuades her mllllonaire boyfriend to give ~ his fortune away. (2 hrs., 30 min.) .,, 8:00 8 THIS IS TH£ LIFE 5: POPEYE AND FRIEN08 GI PERSONAL DIMENSIONS ~ ORAL ROBERTS • LLOYD OOM.. VIE DAVEY ANO GOLIATH JEMV FALWELL OVE W1l.UE "The Letter" Wiiiie and Papo f0<ge !D a love letter to Grandpa trom his old sweetheart. Gloria del Mar (Yvonne De Carlo). Q <0 • REX HUMBARD CD (I) F.A. SOCCER "The Road To Wembley" (Match "> ~ ( 1 hr.) Cl) MOVIE "Pinchcliff Grand Prix" ( 1980, Adven- ture) Animated. Atter his car design Is stolen by an ex-colleague, a brilliant 'mechanic decides to build an even better racing machine and compete with his nemesis. 'G' (1 hr.,~ min.) (%)MOVIE "The Stranger" ( 1967, Drama) Marcello Mastroianni, Anna Katina. Adapted from the novel by Albert Camus. A handsome, stone-hearted stranger Ignores society's oonventions and pays the price. (1 hr., 45 min.) 8:30D ODYSSEY Guests: Of. Murphy C. Wiiiiams. minister ot Roger Wiiiiams Misslonary Baptist Church, Los Angeles; Reverend Joan Campbell, Associate General Secretary of the National Council of Church; Sister Therese Dodge of Our Lady of Malibu School. I TODAY'S Bl.ACK WOMAN THE l.AHA YES • MEETING TIME AT CALVARY REXHUMBARO FREDERICK K. PRICE NA T\JAAL HISTORY Of A SUNBEAM "Making Light Work" Sir George Porter looks at various kinds of solar collectors. (Part 2) I KNOW YOUR BIBLE MOVIE "Roadie" ( 1980, Comedy) Meat Loaf, Kakl Hunter. A rock music roadie lets nothing get in his way In his pursuit of the glr1 of his dreams. 'PG' (1 hr., 45 min.) 9:009 (I) NCAA BASKETBALL East reciional final 175-llSO MEN'S TRADmONAL WEAR For those who shop ror quality Pat Marley's unparalleled traditlonala wear on forever! We have he correct fit ... handsomely detailed, successful.look that sets you out front in the best-dressed realm. Come see. Ladles tradltlonals too. :iJ ;: mJ CONSTRUCTION I m •eA&EDON Ml.ES ~E ~ 11.000 ' ! fiil1ft 1ft A.".A. O.A.C. • ~ ~, a5 Ent CoMt HlP"Y Corona del Mar .l.'IJIU 81~73291 ~· ___,_,,. - i Sunday (oontinued) a. CID MONEY MA TIERS Special advice on personal money management on topics nlhging from Income tax savings to investment Ideas In the stock market and money market funds Is offered. (1 hr.) ..-live from Raleigh, N.C.). (2 hrs .• 15 min.) o; NEWS CONf:ERENCE ..-PEOPLE7 OAAl R08ERTS A08E'RT SCHULLER rT 18 WRITTEN SESAME STfEE"~ 0 ALL~AA CHALLENGE NBA All· Time All-Stars vs. Philadelphia Whiz Kids (8) MCME "Oh Godl'' (1977, Comedy) George ci Burns, John Denver. God selects an unsuspecting o young supermarket manager to deliver a message -' of hope and good will to the skeptical people of the ~ modern-day world. 'PG' ( 1 hr .• 36 min.) KENNETH COPELAND THE WORLD TOMORROW ~ 9:130=-~PfeS MOVIE "North By Northwest" ( 1969, Suspense) Cary Grant, Eva Marie Saint. An adver- tising man's Hfe Is changed drastically when he Is mistaken for a CIA agent. (2 hrs .. 15 min.) (!) COLLEGE HOCKEY "Division II Championship Finals" (2 hrs .. 30 min.) 9:45(%) MOVIE "North By Northwest" ( t959. Suspense) Cary Grant, Eva Marie Saint. An adver- tising man's life Is changed drastically when he Is mistaken for a CIA agent. (2 hrs •• 15 min.) ·10:ooe e RINGSmE 1S-round WBA Junior Wel- tetWelghf Championship between titleholder Aaron Pryor and Mlg\Jel Montilla (live from Atlantic City, N.J.). (2 hrs.) • MCME "Wonder Man" (1945, Comedy) Danny Kaye, Virginia Mayo. A nightclub enter1ainef's twin brother Is accused of murder. (2 hrs.) · • BASEBALL BUNCH Host: Johnny Bench. Guest: Pete Rose. e HERALD OF TRUTH (!)MOVIE "The War Lover" (1962. Orama) Steve McOueen. Robe~ Wagner. A captain and•hls co- pilot become Interested in the same girl. (2 hrs.) I DODGER OUGOVT THE LAWMAKERS Correspondents Linda Wer- theimer and CokJe Roberts join Paul Duke for an up- to-th&-minute summarv of Congressional activities. . - Tube Topper America at Movies Channel 5 -6 p.m. JOH VOIOHT fr '• THAT FIRST REVIEW -Jonathan Bums (Nathan Lane, center) feels betrayed by his colleie buddy Adam's (Dana C.a.rvey) review of his opening night performance and Grandpa Nuf.ent (Mickey Rooney) must play mediator in ' One ol the Boys" Saturday at 8 p.m. on NBC (Ch. 4). (I) TO BE ANNOUNCED 11:308 0 THIS WEEK WITH DAVID BRINKLEY I MOMENTS IN TIME TERRY COLE-WHITT AKER WALL STREET WEEK "Can You Bank On Them?" Guest: James Wooden. vice president, M«rlll Lynch, Pierce. Fenner & Smith. (R) 11:45()) SAN DIEGO PADRES PRE-GAME 1:06 (%) MOVIE "The Hand" ( 1981. Horror) Michael Caine, Andrea Marcovlcci. Bizarre ·incidents and nightmares begin happening in a cartoonist's Ille after he sutlers the loss of a hand. •R' ( 1 hr., 44 mln-1 1:1se (II THE SUPERSTARS Final round ot the superteams. featuring the winners of the football and baseball preliminaries (from Honolulu. Hawaii) . l1 hr., 15 min.) • THE GENTLE KILLERS Dutch scientists refute the traditional notion of the "killer" whale by captur- ing and domesticating a young female to determine its nature and intelligence. ( 1 hf .• 5 min.) 1:309 TOURNAMENT PLAYERS CHAMPIONSHIP Anal-round coverage of this TPA event (live from the Tournament Players Club at Sawgrass In Ponte IVed~=~::s~~Brazillan Grand Prix" ( 1 hr ) HOGAN'S HEROES ADAM-12 AMERICAN STORY MOVIE "I Sent A Letter To My Love" (1981. Romance) Simone Signore!. Jean Rochefort. A middle-aged woman who has spent most ol her adult Ille caring for her invalid brother decideS to write a letter to a "ewspaper lonely hearts column 'PG' (2 hrs., 2 min.) 1:35t1Z) MfSSK>N: IMPOSSIBLE 2:00 8 GIUIGAN'S ISLAND (I) THE HARDY BOYS I NANCY DREW MYSTER- IES e MOVIE "Dear Brigitte" ( 1965. Comedy) James Stewart, Brigitte Bardot. An eight-year-old math wizard forgets his philanthropic Interests tor a school art foundation when he develops a case of ~ppy love over actress Brigitte Bardot. (2 hrs..) • MCME "The Bobo" ( 1967, Comedy) Peter Seiters, Britt Ektand. A bumbling matador-turned- slngef Is promised the limelight If he can seduce the loveliest lady 1n Barcelona within three days. (2 hrs.) a MOVIE "Man Of Marble" Krystyna Janda, Jerzy Radzlwllowicz. This winner of the International Crit- ics Prtze. Cannes 1978, from Polish direclor Andrezf Wajda. deals with a young filmmaker who is trying 10 reconstrucl a truthful picture of Poland's Stalinist Qast obscured by 20 y.eeaarrss o orf 1 propaganda (3 hrs.) • WRfTING FOR A REASON CC) MOVIE "Hardly Working" (1981, Comedy) Jer- -ry Lee Lewis. Susan Oliver. After the circus closes 12:008 e JOHN DENVER CELEBRfTV SKI RACE down. a vetetan clown tries his hand at various jobs. .\l lLl{"<Hf\ John Denver hosts this event featuring celebritles falling miserably at them ah. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 31 min.) from the wot'ld of entertainment and spons (from (!) F18 WORLD CUP SKIING "Men's Slalom" from Heavenly Valley Ski Resort). ( 1 hr.) • . Jasna, CzechoslovaJda. (2 hrs.) 9 LOST IN SPACE CS) MOVIE "The Asphalt Jungle" ( 1950. (I) PAE-8EA80N BASEBAU San Diego Padres vs. Suspense) Sterling Hayden. James Whitmore. The • MAGIC OF Oil PAINTING Seattle Mari!HHIL(2 hes .• 3D..min.) ---polio&-efe-beffled-by-9 criminal mastermind'rtatt- (1) MOYIE 'The Big Red one· ( 1980, A~ilHilnr----.SEARCH million-dollar robbery. ( 1 hr .. 50 min.) Lee Marvin, Mark Hamill. A tough Army sergeant MOVIE "Sitting Target" ( 1972. Suspense) 0ACADEMV SHOATS leads four young. inexperienced recruits into the vio-Oliv8f Reed. Jill St. John. A convict escapes from 2:20• THE VANISHING GIANTS Loretta Swlt nar- lence-filled fray of World War II combat. 'PG' ( 1 hr., prison planning to kill his wife after she has become rates a documentary on the dangers facing the 53 min.) pregnant by another man. (2 hrs.) w()(ld's Whale population and steps being taken to 10:061 LAST OF THE WILD • PLEDGE BAEAK Regularty scheduled program-aid In theif suNlval. 10:10 DODGER PRE-GAME ming may be delayed due to pledge breaks. 2:308 INSIGHT 10:26 PAE-8EA80N BASEBAU GAME Los Ange-• PERSONAL ANANCE Ali«> ~EY MANAGE-I Gll.UGAN'S ISLAND les Q9dQers vs. New VOl'k Mets (3 hr&, 6 min.) MENT 0 U.S.A. VS. THE WORLD IN OL VMPIC 10:30. GI KJOS ARE PEOPLE too Guests: actO<S ~ MCME "Johnny, We Hardly Knew Ye" ( 1977. SPORTS The U.S. national team vs. the national Jamie Farr and Greg Hines, Robinson The Magician. Biography) Paul Rudd, Wllllam Prince. An ambl· team of Hungary In gymnastics (from Atlantic City, sewlna whiz Robert Hyatt Dian Thomas with hotJS&-tloOs young Irish Bostonian, John F. Kennedy, N.J.). ( 1 hr.) hold hlnts. (R) ( 1 hr.) shows early signs of a gift tor greatness as he begins (I) TOURNAMENT PLAYERS CHAMPIONSHIP I ROeERTacHUUER his polltlcal journey toward the presidency. (1 hr.. {Joined In Progress) (1 hr.) OPEN MINO <40 min.) D MOVIE "Sherlock Hotmes And The Secret MAGIC OF Oft. PAINTING Cl) COLLEGE 1NOOOR TRACK "Olvlslon I" from Weapon" ( 1942. Mystery) Basil Rathbone. Nigel MOVIE "Hawk The Slayer'' ( 1981, Adventure) Pontiac, Mlchloan. (2 tn.) Bruce. After Professor M<>flarty kidnaps an lnventOf', Jack Palance •. John Terry. An adventurous young CS) MOVIE "Any Which Way You Can" (1980, Holmes steps In to bring him to justice. (1 hr .• 30 man enlists the aid of a band of warriors to fight his Comedy) Clint Eastwood. Sondra Locke. BefOJe min.) evil uncie. the OV8(1ord who killed hls father and Is settling down with his girl and pet Of'angutan, a e SUGAR RAV lEON.AAO'S GOLDEN GLOVES hold~anabbessforransom. (1hr .. 34mln,) bar•flat~· f hter signs up fOf one last, lucrative FIOtldavs. Tennessee (1 hr.) 10:36a!) PRE-8EASON BA8EBAU. Atlanta araves match. 'PG' 1 hr,, •5 min.) IWAITING FOR A REASON vs. Montreal~ (3 hrs.) 12:10• OF SANO Cameras capture the MOYIE "The Fiendish Plot Of Or. Fu Manchu" 11:00• MOVIE 'The White WarrlOf" (1961. Adveo-e.xtrllOfdlnary animal behavlOr exhibited when a (1980, Comedv) Pet• Seiters. Sid Caesar. The FBI ture) Steve Reeves, Georgia Molt. A tribal hero four-year drought strikes the Tlva River In Kenya. ( 1 and Scotland Yard's Oet. Nayland Smith pursue the 1eedt his P90Qle IQalnlt a tyrannlcet czar. (2 hrs.) hr .• 5 min.) 16&-year~ arch vlltatn as he aeerchee fOf' the e MASTEAPl:CETHEA~ "I Remember Nellon: 12:30• DIAECTlONS l.ngredients, Including the Clown Jewels, used to Battle" Wiiiem Bledtie, a lower-deck gonnet. seet I THE 8AXTER8 make his itt.t-er~ng elllclr. 'PG' (1 hr., 38 min.) ectlOn with Nellofl at Ttafalgat -a blttte thet Wine NEWSMAKEAS 2:36 ~WfESTUNG 8ri\lln command of the .... for a century to come. PEASONAl FINANCE ANO MONEY MANAGE-2:50 WE8TMIN8TER DOG SHOW HIGHLIGHTS iPeftW~~ O ptv~ .__, .. ~ WENT _ 3:00 AT ONE Guest: P9tty Duke Aslin. ( 1 hr.) A8flNGT<* "~ rw;,,.._" (Al e MOVIE "Allegro Non Troppo" (1976, Fantasy) e .. 'The Qhost BrNkers" (HMO, COmedy) M0\1E .. The Bleck Peart" (1978, Adventure) Animated. Life In the machine age Is satirized. 'PG' Bob Hope. Peutette Goddard. An easUy frightened Gibert Aolllid. ~ Anderlon. A ~ PMft ( 1 hr., 25 min ) men helps a YOUt1Q heireel rid her West Indies Island <1Nel must contend ~ha deedty nwnt• ray In order 1:00• e SPORTSWOALO 10.-rounct heavyweight of~· Ind zomblee. (2 tn.) to retrieve e vatullbte black peart. 'PG' (1 ht., 35 bout between RenaldO Sn!pee and Scott Frank (ilve Cl) ENTERT~THIB WEEK Jane Fonda mlnl__ from Atlantic C'ty. N,J.); World Ice Speedway In..,... Bonnie Raitt lnteMewl with Peter U.tl- 11:05(%) MOVE "Any WhlQh Way You Cen" ~· Motorcycle Chemplolllhlpe (from Allen, The new. Liza Mm.-. Albert Ann9y and Bo Oefett. (1 Comedy) cant Eastwood, Sondra L()cl(e. • ~'He· 30mlo.) hr.) 19tt1na down with h9 girt and pet OfanglJtan, a. e 01F EAATtf ~NO MAN blte-ffited flghttf a6grll up for one i..t, lucrative T (Z)MOVE ''l'M8tr8nQ1f" (1967, Orame) Marcelo 'PG' . ( 1_ ht •• '6 rnlft.) ''On 8ulclcW• Meltrolenri, MM teemL Adllpted from the n<MI tt:11 Mlcbllt !Jy_ Alblrt Cenq, A helldlOme. 8'~ dr!A=~~~_,~,-1 [i·:snsm:=~:w=.•:w:vjt --------------------------------------------'!!!!'~!!!!'!!!!!~~"""!!!!!!!!!!""""'~----------------------------n Cl) 8POAT8 CENTER Swxlay (continued) . price. ( 1 hr., 45 min .. ) 3:30 'LAST Of THE WILD • WIDE WORLD Of SPORTS 15-round wee World Light Heavyweight Championship between Dwight Braxton and Jerry Martin (from las Vegas): Women's World Record High Dive Challenge (from Orlando, Fla.). ( 1 hr., 30 mln.) Cl) FACE THE NATION e MOVIE "Mackenna's Gold" ( 1969, Western) Gregory Peck, Omar Sharif. A party of 21 Is reduced to three through the hardships they encounter In their search tor gold. (2 hrs., 30 min.) • OF EARTH ANO MAN (C) MOVIE "Battleground" ( 1949, Adventure) Van Johnson. John Hodlak. American soldiers of the 101st Alrbome OMsion eng8Q8 in the French cam- e!!.iQn and the Battle of the Bulge. (2 hrs.) CHJ MOVIE "A Nightingale Sang In Berkeley Square" ( 1979, Comedy) Richard Jordan, David Niven. The night watchman at a British Bank Is temi ed to return to a life of crime. ( 1 hr., 40 min,) 3::t5 NICE PEOPLE 4:00 INTERFACE 8 SUNDAY Location: Anaheim's Independence Hall for the Calilornla Crime Prevention Fair. (1 hr., 30 min.) Cl) VJCTORY AT SEA G MOVIE "Necromancy" ( 1972, Mystery) Orson Welles, Pamela Franklin. A young couple discover to their horror that the husband's employer manufactures toys that are actually instruments of the occutt. (2 hrs.) Cl) NHL HOCKEY New Yorlt lslanderS vs. Washing- ton Capitals (2 hrs., 30 min.) e MOVIE "Brannigan" ( 1975. Mystery) John Wayne, Richard Attenborough. An American police detective attempts to locate a racketeer who has been abducted from his hiding place In London. (2 hrs.) . e MOVIE "She" (1965, Adventure) Ursula Andress, John Richardson. A mysterious woman convinces an Englishman travellng In Palestine that he Is the reincarnation of her former lover. (2 hrs .. ) • THE All-TIME AMERICAN SONGBOOK Host Dinah Shore Is joined by Judy Cofllns, Sergio Fran- chi, Melba Moore and many others for a musical tribute to America's favorite popuJar classics from Tin Pan Alley to Hollywood. (3 hrs.) e PROJEC'I' UNrvERSE \ PRE-PAID DENTAL PLAN . NO DEDUCTIBLE NO WAITING PERIOD ON PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS f REE -OFFICE v1sm FREE-exAMINATIONS FREE :....CLEANING • X-RAYS Our Special Yearly Rates For Dental Services Include : Surgery, Othtodontics and Optometry Benefits. lndlvldu•I ............ $46 yeer Co.uple .............. $71 yeer Femlly .............. $96 ye•r Concepts 36 Dental Plans (714) 545-7310 Cl) B9EI A eplrlted tribute to the ~ of com- 8'*>6e B1ake, fMturtng 2' of his best songs ............ "In Hooeysud<le Time" and ''t'm Alst Wiid About • " ( t hr., 30 min.) 4:06a!) "The Balad Of Jolie" (1968, eon. dy) Doris Dey, Peter Gf•YeL A widow begins rala- lng sheep, causing h« cam.rancher neighbors to fume. (2 l'n.) 4:308 HEWSMAKERS I LOUIS AUKEYSER PROJECT UNIVERSE MOVIE "The Cat And The Canary" (1978, Mys- tery) Honor Blackman. Mk:hMf Gallen. Hen battle fOf a fortune at the spooky estate of a deceased millionaire. 'PG' (1hr .• 30 min.) Tube Topper Father Murphy Channel 7 -7 run. '=46 (%)CHARLIE CHAPLIN COMEDY THEATRE 6:008 FACE THE NATION GREATEST 8POA'TS LEGENOS "Bob Hayes" ISTARTRB< M•A•s•H . NEWS DANCE ANO DANCERS: TAPOANCIN' A look at the resurgence and the hist()(}' of tap by filmmak- er Christian Blackwood. ( 1 hr.) e PROJECT UNIVERSE (I) COLLEGE BASKETBALL "Division Ill Men's Championships" from Grand Rapids, Michigan. (2 hrs.) CD MOVIE "Pape< Tiger" ( 1976, Comedy) David Niven, Toshlro Mifune. The tutor of a Japanese ambassador's son finds he must live up to his great- ly exaggerated tales of heroism when the boy is kld- ~pped. (1 hr., 39 min.) CO) MOVIE "This Is Elvis" ( 1981, Blog.raptly) Docu- mentary. Alm footage and dramatic re-creations are used to tell the st()(}' of Elvis Presley's life and career. (1 hr., 42 min.) 5:06(%) MOVIE "Any Which Way You Can" (1980, Comedy) Clint Eastwood, Sondra Loc:l<e. Before • Le-asinCJ--'- As• AIOUT VALET LEASE OUlt • ~N ' 900 So. Coast Hwy., 1..-. hec• 494-1131 -546-996 7 H-.: ~. f.J, U . f·S, S.. 10.4 BRIGETTE BAROOT I I PANTS settling down with his gin and pet orangutan • .- bare-fisted fighter sjgrls up for one last, lucrative -a match. 'PG' {1 hr., 4S min.) _g: 6:301888~ I GI ABC NEWS ~ HEALTH8EAT FROM JUMPSTAEET "Dance To The Music" ~ Oscar Brown Jr. traces black dance from the cake--n walk through the 20th century, featuring parlor-1 mances by the Rod Rodgers Dance Troupe and tap i' dancer Honi Coles. <R) Q ~ (C) MOV1E "The Kid From Left Field" ( 1979, Ora-~ ma) Gary Coleman. Robert GulHaume. A bat boy's • strategy launcheS a losing basebah team on a win-g. nlng streak that takes them to the World Serles. ( 1 hr .• 35 mtn.) ~ CB) MOVIE "Chapter Two" ( 1979, Comedy) James !D Caan, Marsha Mason. Soon after his wife's death. a co writer llnds himself reluctantly fahing in love again. ClD 'PG' (2 hrs., 4 min.) I\) Cl) MOVIE "The Competition" (1980, Drama) Richard Oreyfuss, Amy Irving. Two pianists at a San Franclsoo music competition find that their love tor each other conflicts With their professional ambi- tions. 'PG' (2 hrs., 9 min.) L\.L:\l:\C; 8:0088eNEWS e AMERICA AT THE MOVIES Charlie Chaplin, Laurel and Hardy, Jean Harlow, Candice Bergen, Jon Voight, James Dean and Anne Banc10ft are 1ea: lured In a montage of past cinema favorites. (2 hNi .. 130~NeNS KOJAK CHARLIE'S ANGas M*A•s•H MOVIE "Escape From Bogen County" (1977, Orama) Jaclyn Smith. Mttchell Ryan. An lnvestlga· tor for the attorney gen8f'al's office attempts to get a powerful political czar's wife to testify against him. (2 hrs.) . Qj THE 80HG WRI I EkS: BlMrON LANE Compos- M·lyrlcist of "How Are Thlogs In Glocca Morra," "Ofd OeW Moon," and "On a Clear Dey Yoo Can See Forever," Is joined by singers Larry Kert, Bobbi Baird, and Martha Wright. (1 hr.) I N8CNEWS EVENNG AT SYMPHONY Sel~ Ozawa and the -... ..... ) ~ Swday (oontinued ~ Boston Symphony Orchestra perlorm Tchaikov· a; sky's Violin Concerto In D. Opus 35 with soloist Sor· .-Is Belkin, and Bee1hoven's "Leonora Overture No. 'fi 3." (R) (1 hr.) ~ D M(ME "Bedknobs And Broomsticks" (1971, ~ Fantasy) Angela Lansbury, David Tomlinson. Dur- ing WOrld War II, a novice sorceress and her three ~ young friends set off for a magic island where she -o Intends to learn~h about witchcraft to use It 't: against the Nazis. 'G' 1 hr .. 57 min.) u.. 8:0611 WEEK IN ~ 8:30 AGHT BACK _, I THArs HOU vwooo > eNEWS ..._ THE WORLD TOMORROW -THE JEFFEASONS g 7:008 Cl) 80 MINUTES Q. 8. FATHER MURPHY When rustlers steal the orphans' favorite horse, the children plan a daring esc&J2.8 for the animal. (1 hr.) e g CODE RED Danny risks his life In an attempt to aid a friend undergoing emergency surgery. ( 1 hr.) I YOU ASKED FOA IT JIWIV SWAGGART ROCK COMEDY STRUMPET crTY Peter O'T<><*I sta.rs In an adaptation of James Plunkett'& novel about one man's struggle to create bett9f IMng conditions amid the paverty and social lnjust.lce of Dublin from 1907 to 1914. (l>art 6) (1 hr.) e PlEOOE ~K Regularly scheduled program- O'llng may be delayed due to nlAdne breaks. e MCNA "Animal 1mposfo;;.r·The remart<able foons of deception used by both predators and their Intended victims -to eat or avoid being eaten -are exaE:r1~ hr.) • Cl) "Legendary Pocket Stars" Luther Lassiter vs. Cowboy Jimmy Moore ( 1 hr.) CD BAAAV MANLOW If CONCERT Manllow per- forms a setectlon of his hlts. ( 1 hr .. 25 min.) CD> NBA BASKETBALL Houston Rockets vs. Los A~ Lak8'S (2 hrs.) . 7:06 GZ> NEWS Tube Topper American Playhouse Channel 50 -9 p.m. CZ) MOV1E "North By Northwest" ( 1959, Suspense) ~ ~r~ ~rle Saint. An advef-tlslng JNl1'.. '8Stically when...be la mistaken fOf 1 Cl~ ~t. (2 hrs., 15 min.) 7:10. UQHT8I CAMBW ANNE ''The Making Of A Map ~wood Mualcar' In ttvee entertalning acts •. '°'9S! lnteMewl and special production num-bers highlight an Inside IOok at Ate on the Mt of a big Hollyw(>od musical ( 1 hr., 10 min.Y 7:30. BUlL8EYE Draperies mad• In our workroom. ~Jl for free .. um•l• IA your home. NO PLACE LIKE HOME-Newlywed C.Orie Bratt.er (Bess Armstrong) tries to convince h er mother (Barbara Barrie) t he rustic fifth-floor walk-up she and husband Paul (Richard Thomas) have rented is a charming place on "Barefoot in the Park" Sunday at 8 p.m. on Home Box Office. CC> MOVIE "Belles Of St. Trlnlan's" (1954, Come- dy) Alastair Sim, Joyce Grenfell. The problems of running a girts' school are Increased by the arrival of the headmistress's bookmaker brother. ( 1 hr .. 20 mln.J 8:008 Cl) AACHE BUNKER'S PLACE One of Stephanie's birthday presents creates a rift between her and Archie. (R) 8 e CHIPS Jon and Pooch try to quell a gang war In Pooch's old neighborhood. ( 1 hr.) e O TODAY'S FBI A religious fanatic takes over a federal 1>ulldlng and threatens to kill his captives. rT 18 WRITTEN MORECAMBE & WISE i) (1 hr.) MOVIE "The Taking Of Pelham One. Two. Three" (1974, Suspense) Walter Matthau, Robert Shaw. Four men hijack a crowded subway train and threaten to murdef one hostage for every minute the ransom demahd IS late. (2 hrs.) I SOUOGOLD DANCE ANO DANCEAS: TAPOANCIN' A took at the resurgence and the history of tap by fitmmak· er Christian Blackwood. ( 1 hr.) • EDWIN HAWKINS At THE SYMPHONY Edwin Hawkins Is l<>lned by the Hawkins family and the Oakland Symphony for en evening of gospel music James L. Zimmerman Certttled P.ubllc Accountant Full range of person•llzed professional services for small buslnes541s & individuals • INCOME TAX PREPARATION• ..uNNING • SYSTEMS DESIGN • INITAUATION • COMPUTERIZED FINANCIAL 9'EIPORTINQ 645-4212 IMPORTANT CARS from the Paramount Theater In Oakland. (R) ( 1 hr.) (I) SPORTS CENTER (II) BAREFOOT IN THE PARK Richard Thomas and Bess Armstrong star In this performance of Neil Simon's comedy about a pair of New York newlyweds. Taped at the Moore Theater in Seattle, Wash. (2 hrs.) Cl) MOVIE "One On One" ( 1977, Orama) Robby Benson, Annette O'Toole. A boy who goes to col· lege on a basketball scholarship is abused by the coach. scorned by his tutor and used by the school for its own purposes. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 38 min.) D ANTHONY NEWLEY AT SEA WORLD ( 1 HR.) 8:06 (fl) CARl88EAN NIGHTS 8:209 GALA OF STARS 1982 Beverly Sills hosts an evening of performances by top stars in the worlds of opera. dance, symphony, chamber music and the theatef; James Levine is muslc director for the gala. (3 hrs .. 10 min.) 8:30 8 (I) ONE DAY AT A TIME A six-foot female Russian basketball player falls for Schneider, entan- gling him in the middle of a brewing international incident. 8 ENTERTAINMENT THIS WEEK Jane Fonda interviews Bonnie Raitt; interviews with Peter Usti- nov, Liza Minnelli. Albert Finney and Bo Derek. ( 1 hr.) G THE WORLD TOMORROW (I) EVENING AT THE IMPROV 8:36 (fl) OPEN UP 9:00 8 Cl) Al.ICE Mel, thinking about having a nose job, nearly drives everyone crazy asking for their advice. • 8 e MOV1E "The Towering Inferno" (Part 1) ( 1974. Orama) Steve McOueeo. Paul Newman. Fire breaks out In a 138-floor skyscraper on the night it Isbel~ dedicated. (R) (2 hrs.) 8 111J I LOVE U9ER1'Y A roster of prominent Americans celebrate the 250th anniversary of 0eoior ~ington's birth. c:;> (2 hrs.> I HEEHAW · THE SONG WRt I ERS: BURTON LANE Compos- er-lyricist of "How Are Things In Giocca Morra," "Old Devil Moon." and "On a Clear Day You Can See Forever," Is joined by lingers Larry Kert. Bobbi Baird. and Martha Wright. (1 hr.) e AMERICAN PLAYftOUSE "The Great American Fourth Of July And Other Disasters" Jean Shep- herd's original leleplay centers around the bit· tmsweet pangs of growing up In the Midwest during thelate 1930sandearty'40s.Q (1 hr.) (C) MOVIE "North By Northwest" ( 1959, Suspense) Cary Grant. Eva Marie Saint. An adver- tising man'a life is changed drastically when he Is mistaken for a CIA agent. (2 hrs., 15 min.) Cl) COLLEGE INDOOR TRACK "OMslon I" from Pontiac, Michigan. (2 hrs.) CD MOV1E "fhe Hand" (1981, Horror) Michael Caine, Andrea Marcovioci. Bizarre Incidents and nightmares begin happening In a cartoonist's life aft8f he sutters the loss of a hand. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 44 min.) (Q) MOV1E "The Jazz Singer" (1 980. Musical) Nell Diamond. Laurence OliVler. A New York cantor breaks with family tradition and sets out to find sue· cessas a pop music star. 'PG' (1 hr .. 55 min.) D MOVIE "Somewhere In Time" (1980. Fantasy) SuOOay (continued) Christopher Reeve. Jane Seymour. Obsessed with the portrait of a 19th-century actress, a modem-day New York playwright uses hypnosis to travel back In time and meet her.~~ hr .• 45 min.) 9:308 Cl) THE J · ON8 Louise and Helen become convinced that their efforts at the help cen- ter are useless. I WILD KINGOOM BREATH OF UfE MOVIE "Suez" (1938, Adventure) Tyrone Pow· er, Loretta Young. The builder of the Suez Canal, Ferdinand de Lesseps. achieves success 11nd popu- larity for his efforts .. (2 hrs.) (%) MOVIE "Hopscotch" ( 1980. Comedy) Waltet Matthau, Glenda Jackson. A former intelllgence agent Is aided by an old flame In dodging the KGB and the CIA. who are trying to prevent him from publishing his memoirs. 'A' (1 hr .. 44 min.) 9:3501) MOVIE "I Married A Woman" ( 1956, Come- dy) George Gobel. John Wayne. A man almost los-es hls wife by overworking at his ad agency. ( 1 hr .. 45 min.L 10:008 Cl) ·TRAPPER JOHN. M.O. Gonzo suspects ltha~f;::lan Is an unprincipled pill-pusher. EANEST ANGLEY ,STRUMPET CITY Peter O'Toole stars in an adaptation of James Plunkett's novel about one man's struggle to create better living conditions amid the poverty and social Injustice of Dublin from 1907 to 1914. (Part 5) ( 1 hr.) e SEAACK FOR ALEXAN~ THE GREAT ''The Yoong UOn" James Mason hosts this r~reatlon of the extraordinary Ufe ol the man historians have called the world's greatest leader. Nicholas Clay stars. (Part 1) ( 1 hr.) Cl) MOVIE "Any Which Way You Can" (1980, Comedy) Clint Eastwood. Sondra Locke. Before settling down with his girl and pet orangutan. a bare-fisted fighter signs up for one last, lucrative match. 'PG' (1 hi., 45 min.) 10:30 • .1E1fR'( FALWELL • JMIY SWAGGART CID MOVIE "The Anal Conftict" (1981, Drama) Sam Nell, Rossano Brazzi. In the third part of "The Omen" trilogy. young Damien. the embodiment of the Antichrist, Is now an adult and a trusted advisor to the j)!esident of the U.S. 'A' ( 1 hr • 49 min.) 11:008 8. Cl) die NEWS I~ DANCE ANO DANCERS: TAPOANCtN' A look at the resurgence and the history of tap by filmmak- er Chtistian Blackwood. ( 1 hr.) • SEARCH FOR ALEXANDER THE GREAT "The Young Conquer°'" The Greek city-states are stunned into submission as Alexande< prepares for war. Nichotas C!liy stars. (Part 2) ( 1 hr.) (I) WWNTERWORLO ''Moments'' (t) HAMMER HOUSE OF HORROR "Guardian Of The Abyss" Laura and Michael Stephens buy an antique mirror once ued In human sacrtfloe rituals. (D> MOVIE "A Change Of Seasons" ( 1980. Come- dy) Shirley Maclaine. Anthony Hopkins. A mlddle- aged couple try out younger pertners during a mountain vacation. 'R' (1 hr .. 42 min.) • MOYIE "The Fiendish Plot Of Dr. Fu Manchu" (1980, ComedY) Peter Sellers, Sid Caesar. The FBI and Scotland Yard's Det. Naytand Smith pursue the t6&-year-old arch villain as he searches for the ingredients, Including the Crown Jewels, used to make his ~olonglngellxlf. 'PG' (t hr., 38 min.) 11:158C88NEWS (%) MOVIE "The Hand" (1981, Horror) Michael Caine, Andtea MarCO\llcci. Bizarre Incidents and nightmares begin happening In a cartoonist's Ute after he suffers the loss of a hand. 'A' ( 1 hr., 44 mktl 11:20all MOVIE "V8<botenl" (1958. Drama) James Belt. Susan Cummings. An American uncovers a Germen youth organization formed by a group of ex-Nazis. (1hr .. 65 min.) 11:30. SPORTS ANAL e 100 Q.UB Guest: composer I arranger Johnny lu-t!~J MOYIE "The Impatient Heart" ( 1971, Ofama') c.tie Snodgrese. Mlohael Constantine. A aoclal wortter can't eotve her own problems because she's too buSy ~ng everyone alN's. (2 hrs.) e MOYE "Brannigan" ( 1976, Mystery) John Wayne. Rictwd Attenborough. NI American police detective attempts to locate • raoketeer who has been abdUCtld from hil hading p6eo. In LondOn. (2 ltn.tALES OF THE UNEXPECTED W&llNQ OIF MN>8 Ste\'9 Allen talk• wttti ,,.,,__ ThlodOl'e. Thomel Jefferson. Bertrand Rueeelends.fntAugustlne. (Part 1) (R) (1 hr.) ~ " • (Part 2> (1980, Orama) Joe COMES OVER TO OUR SIDE -After an evening with Schneider (Pat Harringt.on), a Soviet athlete (Marta Ferguson) decides to defect on "One Day at a Time" Sunday at 8:30 p.m. on CBS (Ch. 2). Don Baker. Ralph Bellamy. A strong-willed Chicago dockworker battles his way out of the Depression to becOme head ol a powerful union. (R) (2 hrs.) ~ MOVIE "Battlegf'ound" (1949. Adventure) Van Johnson, John Hodiak. Ameflcan soldiers of the 101st Airborne Dlvlsiotl engage In the French cam- fi>=,t~ ~f the Bulge. (2 hrs.) 11:"58 THE ROCKFORD ALES a MOVIE "Power" (Part 2) ( ~980. Drama) Joe Don Beker, Ralph Beltamy. A strong.-wllled Chicago dockworker battles his way out of the Depression to become head of a powerful union. (A) (2 his.) •MOVIE "The Girts Of Huntington House" (1973, Drama) Shifley Jones. Mercedes McCambtidge. A young teacher working at a home for unwed'moth- ers becomes personally Involved In her students' problems. ( 1 hf., 30 min.) 12:00(1) MOVIE "The Shrike" (1955, Drama) Jose Ferrer. June Allyson. An over-possessive wife and a suicidal husband attempt to Iron out their problems with the hetp of a psychla~rlst (2 hrs.) • THEY RUN FOR THEIR LIVES Johnny Mann nar- rates the plight of Ethiopian refugees In Somalia. ( 1 hr.) QI THE SONG WRllEHS: BURTON LANE~­ er-lyricist of "How' Are Things In Glocca Morra." "Old Devit Moon." and "On a Clear Day You Can See FOfever," Is joined by singers Larry Kert. Bobbi Baird, and Martha Wright. (1 hr.) (!) COLLEGE BASt<ETBALL "OMslon Ill Men's Championships" from Grand Rapids. Michigan. (2 htS.) Cl) MOVIE "The Bia Red One" ( 1980, Adventure) Lee Marvin. Mark Ramlll. A tough Army sergeant leads lour young, Inexperienced recruits Into the vio- lence-filled tray of World War II combat. 'PG' (1 hr .. S3 mln.) 12:20 CH> MOVIE "The Postman Always Rings Twice" ( 1981, Drama) Jack Nicholson, Jessica Lange. A young woman and her lover plot to murder her hus· band. 'A' ( 1 hr., 37 min.) 12:30• TOP OF THE WOALO Contestants from the United States. Great Britain and Australia compete In a quiz program that test~ their expertise Ina wide veri of IUbjeeta. 12:46 NAME OF THE GAME 1:00 LOUIS~ '9 STAUMPET CITY Peter O'Toole stars In an adaptallon of James f?tunkett't novel about one man's struggle to crMt• better IMng conditions amid the poverty and aoclal Injustice of Oublln from t907 to 1914. (Part it) (1 hr.) e SNEAK PREVIEWS Aoger Ebert and Gene Sisk· el review ''Death Trap" and "Des Boot." (R) e MOVIE "Buatln' Loose'' (1981, Comedy) Rlch- 8'd Pryor. Cloety Tyson. A wmbllng burglar. a con- oamed ecnootteechef and eight ChRdren ~· a frightening croea-oountry trip In a brOken-down IClllool bus. 'R' (1 hr., 34 min.) 1:05CJ) MOVIE "The Piiot" (1980. Orama) Clift Robef'teon, Diane Beker. A pllOt lUt'ns to drinking to eecape the ~ of his marrlage and the fr'ultteflon of hfa-=--. IPQ' ( 1 hf., 3'f min.) 1: 15 all MOV1E "Sherlock Holmes In Terror By Night" (1946. Mystery) Basil Rathbone, Nigel Bruce. Aid-~ ed by Or. Watson. Stwloci< Holmes sets out to trap 0_= a clever jewel thief. (1 hr .. 16 min.) 1:300AbCNEWS ~ •:soor f) (i!S MOVIE "Hardly Working" (1981, Comedy) Jef-~ ry Lee Lewis. Susan Oliver. A,fter the circus closes ~ down, a veteran clown tries his hand at various jobs. - fallli miserably at them all. 'PG' ( 1 hi .. 31 min.) ~ 1:'6 AT ONE' Guest: Gordon Parks. (1 hr.) ':< 2:00 COLLEGE INDOOR TRACK "Division I" (2 ~ ~) ~ Cl) MOVIE "The Competition" ( 1980, Drama) g. Richard Dreyfuss, Amy Irving. Two pianists at a San Francisco music competition find that their love tor ;, each other conflicts with their professional am~ 2:~1. ·~hrs., 9 min.) i 2:15 LOUIS RUKEYSER N 2:20 MOVIE "Eyewitness" (1981, Mv.stery) Sigourney Weaver, WiUiam Hurt. A television report- er becomes Involved with a janitor who may know more abollt a murde< that he witnessed than he Is say~. 'A' ( 1 hr .• "3 min.) 2:30 CJ) MOANING STRETCH all rrs YOUR BUStNEBS 2:~ (%) MOVIE "Ulysses" ( 1966. Adventure) Kirk Douglas. Anthony Quinn. Whlle Ulysses makes a roundabout return journey from the trojan Wars, his wife st~protect his throne. ( 1 hr .. 45 min.) ~I TODAY'S RELIGION ~JOEmANKUN !}':e "Johnny, We Herdly Knew Ye" (1977. Biography) Paul Rudd, William Prince. An am~ tlous young Irish Bostonian, John F. Kennedy, shows early IMgnS of a gift for greatness as he begins his pofltical journey toward the presidency. (1 hi .• 40 min.) D MOVIE "Separate Ways" ( 1980, Drama) Karen BlacJ(, Tony Lo Blanco. A young coupte'a failure to communicate nearly results in the destruction of their marriage. 'A' (1hf .• 32 min.) Tube Topper "Towering Inferno" Chann~I 4 -9 p.m. 3:301 NEWSMAKERS •:OO INTERFACE (!) .11AMY SWAGGART (I) SPORTS CENTER 4:05 a.I FUNTIME CH) M<WIE "Cha.pt• Two" (1979. Comedy) James Caan. Marsha Mason. Soon after his wife's death, a writer finds himself reluctantly falling In love again. 'PG' (2 hla .. 4 min.) 4:10()) MOVIE "Ona On One" ( 1977, Drama) Rob- by Benson. Annette O'T~. A boy who goes to college on a basketball scho&arShlp Is abused by the coach, scomed by his tutor and used by the school '°'Its own purpoaes. 'PG' ( 1 hi .• 38 min.) •:30 Cf) JIM BAKKER D MOVIE "My Bloody Valentine" ( 1981. Suspense) Paul Kelman, Lori Heller. A small town becomes a scene of terrOf during their annual Valen- tine's Dey dance. 'A' (1 hr .. 31 min.) •:~~ MOVIE "Belles Of St. Trlnlan's" (1954. Comedy) Alastair Sim. Joyce Grenfell. The prob- lems of running a girls' school are lncreesed by the arrlYal of the heedmlstresa'• boot<maker brother. ( 1 hf .. 20 min.) PT A recommends specials HOLLYWOOD~ Two spect•ta of ''The National Crime and Test" have become the =~tllm~~vethe National PTA 1bt &It ahow, "'What Would YOU Do If a Robbs Stuck a Oun In Your Rlbe?" will be telecut by Menmedia ProdUl*'I Q>rp. in March. The ~ "What Would You Do If Aeoolted by a Rap.tr' will be ~ In Ap.11. Opera gets warm reception MILAN, Italy (AP) -11La Vera Storia" The True Tale, the new opera by Luciano Berlo. received a warm reception and a few iaolab!d whistle. at tia wmold premiere at La Scala. MUva, the Italian pop,-muelc l\ar who debuled in the Milan thea• emonc • CMt of os--an,en. aot a~ from the 11....-. IDd .... from the cridl:a for her Pl!l'f•»• f P I ~ ~ \ f ~__,..----------~--------_. ................ ~s•a .... a ........ ... !O !Monday ...- l.\ l·. '\ J:\(; e:oo•e•NEWS . ~ I aw.JE'S ANGELS • 't> CBS NEWS Lf NHL HOCKEY Los Angeles Kings vs. Minnesota North Stars (3 hrs.) (!)COLLEGE BASKETBALL "NIT Tournament" (2 hrs.) ABC NEWS THE JEFfERSONS HAWAII F1VE-O BUSINESS REPORT NBC NEWS NEEDLECAAFT MOVIE "Bedknobs And Broomsticks" (197 1. Fantasy) Angela Lansbury. David Tomlinson. Dur- ing W<>fld War II, a novice SOfe«ess and her three young friends set off for a magic Island where she Intends to learn ~h about witchcraft to use it 3riinst the Nazis. 'G' (1 hr .• 57 min.) &:1=r~ KOTTER NEWSBEAT: CONGRESSIONAL REPORT BUSINESS REPORT LAFF-~ THON A comedian host and four comic contestants who compete against one another are featured In this uncensored comedy game show. D MOVIE "Caveman" (1 981. Comedy) Ringo Starr. Dennis Quaid. The clownlsh member of a barely human prehistoric tribe begins to discover that brains and not brawn will be the key to his pe<>Qle's survival. 'PG' (1 hr .• 31 min.) 7:00• CBS NEWS I ~:C~vs AGAJN ABC NEWS P.M. MAGAZJNE An Interview with Marla Gibbs of "The.Jeffefsons"; a 19-year-old attempts to swim the length of Lake Erie. (fl EHlen'AINMENT TONtGHT An interview with Kris Kristofferson. I M*A*S*H JOKER'S Wl.D Chef Tseng Szechwan Chinese Restaurant 19482 Bo ... Chica Hunti ton 8"ott. CA t.41 • Cl) WHATS UP AMERICA! This month's edition features a well-known tattoo artist. a look at the 'w<><ld of transexuallty and a group of O<ange Coun- ty_resldents who relive the 50s. ( 1 hr.) CZ) MOVIE "The PllOt" (1980. Orama) Cliff Robert· son. Diane Baker. A pllOt turns to drinking to escape the unhappiness of his marriage and the frustration of his career. 'PG' ( 1 hr .• 34 min.) 7:06al)NEWS 7:309 2 ON THE TOWN Featured: visit with a top Los Angeles advertising duo to see how television commercials are made; In a continuing examination of psychic surgery, the co-hosts take a closer look at fts effects. I . FAMfL Y FEUD LAVERNE &·SHIRLEY & COMPANY EYE ON LA. Featured: the Elegant Man of the Year awards; a profile of singer Lacy J. Dalton; ide- as for home entertainment. I. TIC TAC DOUGH YOU ASKED FOR IT M*A*S•H SIGNATURE Guest: Martin Sheen'. MACNBL I LEHRER REPORT GREAT PERFORMANCES "Brldeshead Revisit- ed: A Twitch Upon The Thread" Julia and Charles make plans to get married until Lord Brldeshead rebuffs his sister's adulterous affair. (Part 10) Q ( 1 hr.) CHILD OF THE FUTURE -Stephanie. Zimbe.list and William Atherton are not like other young couplee expecting a baby, be- cause her maternity dress covers only a pillow while their unborn bab?,: is growing secretly in a laboratory jar in 'Tomorrow's Child" on ABC (Ch. 7) Monday at 9 p.m. ~MOVIE "Girl Friends" (1978, Orama) Melanie Mayron. Ell Wallach. A young woman learns the car- dinal rules of romance by watching the "flings" of her closest friend and deciding to have one herself. ( 1 hr .• 30 min.) 8:00 9 (I) IT'S MAGIC, CHARLIE BROWN Animal· ed. Snoopy puts on an exhiblllOn of legerdemain after flndlng a book on magic at the library. (R) 8 • UTTl.E HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE The chil· dren of Walnut Grove try to duplicate the antics of an aging circus daredevil. (R) Q (1 hr.) Qj BLEEH FARREU.: S'WONOERFUL American e:2PtJlar classics are perfol'med by this opera star. • OVER EASY Guests: Phyflls Diiier. lawyer Harriet e ~E "Santee" ( 1973, Orama) Glenn Ford. Michael Burns. A bounty hunter befriends the son of a man he murdered. (2 hrs.) niJ~u~PETS otCK CAVETf Guest: Leontyne Price. (R) POWERBOAT RACING From Miami. A<><ida. ( 1 hr.) • • ((I THA rs INCREDIBLE Featured: a 9-year-old female welghtlifter's attempt to lift a 1,200-pound oar; a SYpercar that gets better than 100 miles to the gallon. ( 1 hr.) CD (0) MOVIE "Dressed To Kiii" ('\980. Suspense) Michael Caine. Angie Dickinson. Police search le>< the psychOtlc murderer whO butchered a SYburban housewife. 'R' (2 hrs.) Cf) BENNY HU • P.M. MAGAZINE An Interview with Marla Gibbs of "The Jeffersons"; The stress-reducing benefits of Tai Chi meditation. • MOVIE "The Wrong Man" ( 1957, Mystery) , _______ ( COUPON J--------. : IOMITMtN•4 NOTHHt•l I During our somethln' 4 nothln' sale, you can I take advantage of our low, low prices and also I I get a free gift for ab~olutely nothln'. I II I NOW I ~~ I ; S31! .. oo : I seoo.oo I I I I I I I I All beds come complete I I with mattress. heater, fl. I '*· pedestal. and 1111 kit. I DRAWERS OPTIONAL. I I You can have your choice of any one of these great Items below I I (or absolutely nothln' with an y bed purcnase of at leas t, I $250.00. J'-iiiii-1--Fni--r--;.;y-... ~ I 1 Sheet Set & I 1 6-Drawer : DOLLA81 I \ Comforter I Pede1tal 1 CAIH I ~------~-------------; • • Monday (oontinued) Henry Fonda. V8fa Miies. Directed by Alfred Hitch- cock. A married couple suffer great hardships when the man Is mistaken fOf a thief who resembles him. (2 hrs.) ta MIXED BAG: EYE TO EYE "Photography As Art" Featuring Robert Frank. who pioneered the medium as an art form end William Eggleston, who WOl'kS wf th colors. • ~T Pfff()RMANCES ''Brideshead Revisit· ed: A Twitch Upon The Thread" Julia and Charles make plans to get married until LOfd Brldeshead rebuffs his sister's adulterous affair. (Pert 10) Q (1 hr.) Tube Topper Charlie Brown · Channel 2 -8 p. m. (I) SPORT'S CENTER CID MOVIE "Wholly Mosesl" ( 1980, Comedy) Dud· ley Moore, Laraine Newman. In biblical Egypt. a talse prophet named Herschel eavesdrops on a divine conversation with Moses and decides he must be the one to lead his people out of slavery. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 49 min.) (I) TWO TOP BANANAS Don Adams and Don Ric· kles team up for a showcase of bUrlesque and uncensored comedy. ( 1 hr.) D THE GOLDEN AGE Of TELEVISION "Requiem For A Heavyweight" Originally produced as part ot CBS's Playhouse 90 series, this teledrama starring Jack Palanoe gives a glimpse into the shabby WOfld of P!izefigating. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) 8:05 al) ALL IN TliE FAMILY 8:309 MA. MERLIN Zac's attempt to help Leo over· come a spell of sell-doubt ~ts them both in trouble ; PUBLIC AFFAIRS "Latin Profile" IRONSIDE ALL IN THE FAMILY KENNEDY'S CHILDREN This play by Robert Patrick recalls the 1980's In America and the effect it had on the lives of live indivlduals. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) c;) BERNSTEIN I BEETHOVEN Leonard Bernstein and the Vienna Philharmonic perform Beethoven's "The Creatures Of Prometheus,.. Opus 43 and Symj>hony No. 8 In F Major, Opus 93. ( 1 hr.) 8:35 (fl) MOVIE "The Black Knight" ( 1954. Adven· ture) Alan 'Ladd, Patricia Medina. King Arthur finds en ally In an unknown knight who helps thwart an atte!!!Pt to over1hrow him. ( 1 hr .• SO min.) 8:45CZJ MOVIE "Ulysses" (1955. Adventure) Kirk Douglas, Anthony Quinn. While Ulysses makes a roundabout return journey from the trojan Wars, his wife strL199les to protect his throne. ( 1 hr., 45 min.) 9:009 Cl) M*A•s•H Colonel Potter turns the 4077th into a bowling alley to challenge a group of Mafines to a match. D e MOVIE "The Towering Inferno" (Part 2) (1974, Drama) Steve MoOueen. Paul Newman Are breaks out in a 13&-floor skyscraper on the night It is being dedicated. (Fj) (2 hrs.) 8 tII MOVIE "Tomorrow's Child" (Premlefe. Ora· ma) Stephanie Zimballst. Winlam Atherton. A young couple agree to become the t>erents of the first baby grown entirely outside the mother's body. (2 hrs.) I VOU ASKED FOR IT MERV GRIFF1N BERNST8N I BEETMOVEN Leonard Bernstein and the Vtenna Philharmonic perform Beethoven's "The Creatures Of Prometheus." Opus '43 and §t_mphony No. 8 In F Major, Opus 93. ( 1 ht.) ~ M<M£ "Ode To Billy Joe" ( 1978, Orama) Rob- by Benson, Glynnis O'Connor. Based on the song by Bobble Gentry. A tOfmented teen-.ager's past experiences complicate his first true romance. 'PG' (1 hr., 48 min.) (!)TOP RANK BOXING From Atlantic City. New ~· (2 hrs .• 30 min.) ([) MOVIE "The Dogs Of War" ( 1980, Adventure) Christopher Walken, Tom Berenger. After being tQf- tured and deported by an African dlctatOf. amerce- n~ returns to lead a revolution. 'A' ( 1 hr., 45 min.) (0) MOVIE "I Sent A Letter To My Love" (1981 , Romance) Simone Slgnoret, Jean Rochefort. A middle-aged woman who hes spent most of hef adlilt life caring fOf her invalid brother decides to write a letter to a newspaper lonely hearts column. 'PG' (2 hrs •. 2 min.) (I) MOVIE "King Of Kings" (1962. Drama) Jeffrey Hunter, RQbert Ryan. The coming of Jesus and the events of his Hie gave birth to a new religion. (3 hrs .• 20 mln.) MORNING MOVIES 6:00()) "Pinchcliff Grand Prix" (1980. Adventure) Animated. Cl ''Honeysuckle ROSll" ( 1980, Romance) Willie Nelson, Dyan Cannon. 7:00 ~ "Loving Couples" (1980, Comedy) Shirley MacLaine. James Coburn. (%) "The Piiot''. (1980, Drema) Cliff Robertson. Diane Baker. 7:30CID "The ROiiicking Adventures Of Eliza Fraser" (1976, Adventure) Susannah York. John Waters. Cl) "FOl'ce Five: Starvengers" (1981, Science-Fie· lion) Animated. 8:00 II "Billy Jack .. ( 1971. Drama) Tom Laughlin, Delores Taylor. 8:05(1l) "The Suspect" (1945; Suspense) Charles La~ton. Ella Raines. 8:45CZJ "The Hand" (1981. HorrOf) Michael Galne. Andrea Marcovicci. 9:00 ~ "Ode To Billy Joe" ( 1976. Orama) Robby Benson, Glynnis O'Conl'\OI'. 9:30• "Overland Stage Raiders" ( 1938. Western) John Wayne. Ray Corrigan. 10:00CID "Wholly Moses!" ( 1980. vomedyJ uudtey Moore. Laraine Newmao. • (I) "Never So Few" ( 1980, Orama) Frank Sinatra. Gina Lollobr!Qlda. Ct "The Cal And The Canary" ( 1978. Mystery) Honor Blackman. Michael Gallen. · 10:06 @ "The Sound Of Anger" (1968, Orama) Burl Ives. James Farentlno. 10:45(%) "Ulysses" (1955, Adventure) Kirk Douglas 11:00~ "From Noon Till Three" (1977, Drama) C~ Bronson. Jill lre~nd. 11:309 "Somewhere In Time" (1980. Fantasy) Christopher Reeve, Jane Seymour. William E. Smeltzer, M.D. Wishes to Announce the opening of hla Office for General & Family Practice At Newport Penlntuta Ceflter Wells Fargo Bank Building. 'lJZ1 Newport. Blvd. #102. NB 92683. Hours by appt. 675-61 ~4 9:308 ())HOUSE CALLS A patient who thinks he's tl a werewolf bites Conrad Peckler. .,, GBULLSEYE ~ (Y) MOVIE "Necromancy" (1972, Mystery) Orson - Welles. Pamela Franklin. A young couple discover ~ to their horrOf that the husband's employer ,- manufactures toys that are actually Instruments ot 8 the oocult. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) ID NORMAN AOCl<WELL'S WORLD: AN AMERJ.. ~ CAN DREAM A nostalgic IOOk Is taken at the late Q. artist's life, worl< and hometown of Stockbridge, ~ Massachusetts. -II MOVIE "Honeysuckle Rose" ( 1980, Romance) ~ Willle Nelson, Dyan Cannon. While on tour, a Texas at country-western singer becomes Involved with the g. seductive daughter of his sJdeklck even thouah he ~ Tube Topper Little House Channe/'4 -8 p.m. MICHAEL LANDON !Ill!~!!!!!!!!~~ !" still loves his stay-at·home wife. 'PG' ( 1 hr.. 59 min.} , 10:00 8 (I) LOU GRANT The routine job of writing obituaries becomes an elCtutOfdlnary assignment tor Lou end Biffle. (1 hr.) 1 11 •• NEWS EILEEN FARREU..: S'WONOERRJL American er classics are performed by this opera star. BE ANNOUNCED SEARCH FOR ALEXANDER THE GREAT "Con- quest Of The Persian Empire" Alexander leads his armies out of Egypt and the Persian army tums on its leader Darius. Nicho&as Clay stars. (Part 3) ( 1 hr.) CID MOVIE "The Cat And The Canary" ( 1978, Mys- tery) Honor Blackman. Michael Gallen. Heirs battle fOf a tOflune at the spooky estate of a deceased millionaire. 'PG' (1 hr., 30 min.) 10:25 al) MOVIE "A Lion Is In The Streets" ( 1~53. Drema) James Cagney. Barbara Hale. A rural Southern demagogue gains the suppOl'l ot poOt dirt farmers and lies his way to political power. ( 1 hr . SO min.) 10:30. NEWS I SIGNATURE Guest: Martin Sheen. TONY BROWN'S JOURNAL "South Africa: Time Running Oot" Tony Brown examines the find- ings and reoommendatlons of e study on U.S. policy toward South Africa. 11:008D8(1)1J.1e NEWS I SA TUROAY NIGHT COLLEGE BASKETBALL "NIT Semi-Flnals" ( 1 hr.) - I JOE FRANKLIN THE JEFFERSON8 SANFORD ANO SON MIXED BAG: EYE TO EYE "Photography As Art" Featuring Robert Frank, who pioneered the medium as an art fOfm and Wllllam Eggleston, who works with colors. I C>eCK CAVETT SEARCH FOR ALEXANDER THE GAEA T "The Last March" Within slx weet<s of Hepha£stion's Aft YOUR UTILITY BILU INCRUSING? Oiif•MfWY .... " ........ •r• ... ' CM NdltCe,..,...., OCMDI Call ut for FREE lntOnMtlon II •I -.2 0: ' . STARRING WPORTBEACH Programming That Gets You Right Where You Live! MONDAY· 7:00 PM "Newport Now" 7:30 PM Live Newport Beach City Council coverage or "Citizens Forum .. <alternate Mondays 1 111ll:8DAY 7: 00 PM "Sound Off" Wl:Dllfll:8DAY 7:00 PM ''Newport Now" TllUR8DAY 7: 00 PM ••A Better Way'' . 7:00 f:'M '"Newport Now'" TUN1t JN TO CABLE CHANNEL 34 or K Our local programming lineup in- cludes the discussion series -"Sound Off'· our interview s how hosted by May~r Heather -''Citizens Forum,·· and live coverage of Newport Beach City Council meetings . Plus, we continue to cablecast our popular magazine rormat show ··Newport Now.'' Our focus is on the issues that are happening around you, and we feature people and places that you know. Your neighborhood and its residents are our stars. · ' ... . FOR PROGRAM INFORMATION CALL (11•) M2·8797 ' ..... :Monday (coobmed) death. Alexander plant the conquest of Arabia but does not liYe to aee hls dream fulfilled. Nicholas Clay stata. (Part 4) ( 1 hr.) ce> MOVIE "Sunday In New York" (1964, Comedy) Cliff Robertson. Jane Fonda. Atter being Pl1ed by her boyfriend and traveling to New York to visit her brother, a young womari considers her position on ~. ( 1 hr., 45 min.) CD MOVIE "H.O.T.S.I" (1979, Comedy) Susan Kiger. Lisa London. A sorority reject decides to f~m her own club of co-eds who concentrate on gratlfy- l!'lg sex-starved collegians. 'R' ( 1 hr., 35 min.) (DJ MOVIE "The Postman Always Rings Twice" (1981. Orama) Jack NlchOl&on. Jessica Lange. A -.. young woman and her lover plot to murder her hus- band. 'R' (1 hr., 37 min.) 11:15(%) MOVIE "Any Which Way You Can" (1980, ~) Clint Eastwood. Sondra Locke. Before settli~ dOWn with his girl and pet orangutan. a bare-fisted fighter signs up for one last. lucrative match. 'PG' (1 hr., 45 min.) 11:30 8 Cl) QUfNCY A malpractice lawyer convinces an accident victim's parents to sue Quincy. (R) (I hr .. 10 min.) 8 • THE BEST OF CARSON Guests: Dionne Warwick. Beau Brldges, GaMn Trillin (R) ( 1 hr.) I al ABC NEWS NIGHTUNE All IN THE FAMIL V • LOVE. AMERICAN S1YLE KENNEDY-8 CHILDREN This p(ay by Robert Patrick recalls the 1960's In America and lhe effect It had on the lives of five Individuals. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) I NEWSBEAT: CONGRESSIONAL REPORT SPORTS CENTER MOVIE "Hopscotch" ( 1980, Comedy) Walter Matthau. Glenda Jackson. A former Intelligence agent Is aided by an old flame In dodging the KGB and the CIA, who are trying to prevent him from publishing his memolfs. 'R' ( 1 hr., 44 min.) D MOV1£ ''The Other Side Of The Mountain -Part II" ( 1978. Drama) Marilyn Hassett, Timothy Bot- toms. Former champion skier. Jill Klnmont. rendered a quadrtpleglc by a tragic accident, wrestles with self-doubt when a new love enters her life. (1 hr .. 45 mln.l_ 11:'6 Cl) BARRY MANILOW: IN THE ROUND Manilow performs a selection of his hits, Including "Mandy." ·•1 Write The Songs," "Gan't Smile Without You" and "Copacabana." Taped at Pittsburgh's Civic Arena. (2 hrs.) 12:00. SofT'EJttAINMENT TONIGHT An lntef'Vlew with Kris Kristofferson. . • 1.11 MOVIE "Where The Ladles Go" ( 1980, Comedy) Earl Hofllman. Karen Blaclc. Women meet men, dance. dream and live out their fantasies In a wild Httle bar open only during school hours. (R) (2 hrs .• 15 min.) G MOYIE "Drum Beat" (19~. Western) Alan Ladd, Marisa Pavan. Following the CMI War. an Indian fighter Is requested by the president to nego- tiate peace by nonviolent means with a tribe of renegade Indians. (2 hrs.) (I) MOVIE "A Belt For Adano" ( 1945, Drama) AFTERNOON MOVIES ' 12:00G "The Swinger" (1966, Comedy) Ann-Mar- Q!_el, Tony Franciosa. • "Stairway To Heaven" (19~7. Fantasy) David M_lven. Kim Hunter. • "Portrait Of A Mobster" (1961, Drama) Vic tt6"~~~::r~ Sea~I Island" ( 1981. S se Jeremy Britt. Nie Henson. 1:~ .. ~ Cteature From ck Lake" ( 1975, Horror) Jack Elam._ Dub Tayt()f. ce> "Sunday In New York" ( 1S64, Comedy) Clltt Robertson, Jane Fonda. 1:15(%) "The Pilot" (1980. Drama) Cliff Robertson, Diane Baker. 1:30e "Bitty Jack" (1971, Orama) Tom Laughlin, Delores Taytor. 2:00([) "Urban Cowboy" (1980, Drama) John Tra- votta, Oebta WlOQef'. 2:30(1) "A Global Affair'' (1964. Comedy) Bob Hope, l..lto Pulver. 3:00• "Orum Beet" (19&4. Western) Alan Ladd. Marisa Pavan. CID ''The Electric Horaeman•· ( 1979, Orama) . Rob- ! Redford Jane Fonda. ' "Aoy WNCh Way You Can" (1980, Comady) t Eastwood, Sondra Locke. a:30e "TM Lcw.d an." <1eos. COmedy) Rober1 Motte, Ani.n.tt• Comet. «30(1) "Force~ StervengetS" (1981, Science- Action) Anlmeted. S:OO<J) "The Hand" (1981, Horror) Mlcheel Caine, AndrM M9rocMocf. lcOIQ) "A T1me For .Low" (1913, Orama) Rack ~ Jlne Merrow. ..~ 1:~~ ''UMna ~ .. (1NO, COmedy) "' ...... , . ~.,..,. OOburn. MOVE OVER, MERLIN-Snoopy, ttie Ca- nine cutup, finds a book about magic and starts putting his dangerously little knowl- edge about the subject to work in "It's Magic, Charlie Brown," Monday at 8 p.m. on CBS (Ch. 2). John Hodiak. Gene Tierney. An American occupa- tion officer In Italy wins the love of the townspeople when he replaces the bell In their church. (2 hrs.) • MOVIE "Whistling In Dixie" ( 1942, Comedy) Red Skelton, Ann Rutherford. A radio detec1ive goes down South on his honeymoon and discovers strange events occurring. (1 hr .. 30 min.) I LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE AMEJllCA: THE SECOND CENTURY COLLEGE HOCKEY "Oivislon II Championship Finals" (2 hrs.. 30 min.) 12:15al) MOVIE "Best Of The Badmen" (1951, West· em) Robert Ryan. Clalre Trevor. Tired of life as a fugitive, an outlaw ex-Union officer surrenders. ( 1 hr., 45mln.) 12:30G e LATE NIGHT WITH DAVID LETTERMAN Guests: former baseball umpire and author Ron Luciano. cartoonist Guise White (1 hr.) 8 COUPLES A woman's job as a nude dancer make's her husband jealous. Dr. Walter Brackel- manns hosts this series. .NEWS 12:40 8 (I) COLUMBO A mystery writer plans the "perfect Cflme" -the murder of his partner. (R) ( 1 hr., 35 min.) 12:'6ce> MOVIE "From Noon Till Three" (1977, Dra- ma) Charles Bronson. Jill Ireland. A drifter is recruit- ed Into a r90"tag robbery gang. ( 1 hr .. 40 min.) 1:00 e GENE AUTRY • MOVlE "D.O.A." (1949, Mystery) Edmond O'Brlan. Pamela Britton. When a man realizes that he has been given a dose of time-released poison, he sets out to locate his killer before his life ends. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) 9 EllEEH FARRELL: S'WONOERFUL Amefican ~lar cla8'ics are performed by this opera etar. 1:20 00 MOVIE "The Rollicking Adventures Of EJlz.a Fraser" ( 1976, Adventure) Susannah York. John Waters. In 19th-<:entury Australia. a sea C8J)taln's wife falls for a lecherous rogue aboard ship. (2 hrs., 10 mln.l 1:308eNEWS I GENE AUTRY SPEAK OUT MOVIE "Hopscotch" ( 1980, Comedy) Waller Matthau, Glenda Jackson. A former Intelligence agent Is aided by an old flame In dodging the KGB and the CIA, who are trying to prevent him from bllshing his memo1ta. 'R' (1 hr., 44 min.) 9 ~"Manhattan" (1979. Comedy) Woody Allen, Diane Keeton. A New York City comedy writ-er breaka up With his lonQ-tlme gltttrlend to aqUlre around an lnteflectuaHy vapid t~ager. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 36 min.) CZ) MOYE "The Stack StalAoo" ( 1979. AdYentufe) Kelty Reno, Mtictcey Rooney. After being ~ from the ltland on which they were lhfpwrecked together •• young boy and a horM becOme lrM:>tved In h r.ce of the cen~ 'G' ( 1 ht., 43 min.) t;OOllllllON: ~a.£ l:OI NIM - 1:11 1--. N•GITAETCH ~~ ''Girt Frlendl" ( 1978, Orwne) ,....,. ~. B Wllllech. A~ woman'-"' h~ s:ooee•News CHARLIE'S ANGEL-$ CBS NEWS WHITE SHADOW ABC NEWS THE JEfFE.RSONS HAWAII FIVE-0 BUS.NESS REPORT N8CNEWS UNOERSTANOINGHUMANBEHA~OR MOVIE "Olly. Olly Oxen Free" ( 1978, Adven- ture) Katharine Hepburn, Dennis Dimster. A high- spirited woman takes ott in a balloon with two young boys en route to an exciting adventure. 'G' L1 hr .. 31 min.) II MO~E "Little Miss Marker" ( 1980. Comedy) Walter Matthau, Julie Andrews. Based on the r;>amon Runyon s1ory. A gruff. stingy 1930s bookie's hie Is turned around when he accepts a 6-year-old moppet as a marker tor a racing bet. 'PG' ( l hr . 39 mln.J 8:30(1) e e NEWS I BARNEY MILLER WR.COME BACK, KOTTER ( A Pl.AV FOR LOVE "Across 'A Crowded Room" Glynis Johns and Richard Johnson star In this showbiz farce. (1 hr.) • BU8INES6 REPORT Cl> A CEl.E8RA T10N Some of the biggest stars of pop-country music perlorm their greatest hits at The Forum In Los Angeles; lociuded 9fe Matxeen McGo-• vem ("The Morning Aher"). Kris Kristofferson (''Bobby Magee"). Rocky Burnene ("Tear 11 Up"). Glen Campbell ("Rhinestone Cowboy") and Tanya Tucker ("Lay Back In The Arms Of Love"). (1 hr., 30 min.) 8:501NEWS 7 :IOO =~AGAIN" ABC NEWS P.M. MAGAZINE A se<vice that lets you record your will on videotape; a company that pots con- l~=t~ torturous tests. APPLE POLISHERS ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT Alex Haley Inter- views Harry-Selafonte. IM•A•s•H JOKER'S WILD OVER EASY Guest: Diahann Carroll (A) Q THEMUPPETS DOC CAVETT MOVIE "The .-00 Blows" ( 1959. Drama) Jean.- Pierre Leeud. Patrick Auttey. A yout'lg boy deprived of perental warmth and the acceptance ot his peers turns his alienation and despair toward a lite of small crimes.. ( 1 hr., <45 min.) A CLASSIC TALE -George C. Scott stars as the evil F~ in the new adaptation of the Charles Dickens classic novel "Oliver Twist," Juesciay at 9 p.m. on cM (Ch. 2). American science prof&SSO< In 1912, goes to Eng- land and meets a host of colorful characters; Sam Waterston stars. ( 1 hr.) 8 e BRET MAVBICK Maverici< Is &CCU9ed of the cotd-blooded shooting of the sheriff. (1 hr.) • MOVIE "Five Million Years To Earth" (1968 Science-Action) James Donald, Andrew Keir. A~ unearthed time capsule oontains ctoes to a prehis- tOflc Martian visit to Earth. (2 hrs.) •«I HAPPY DAYS Al's plans to marry Chachl's mother, Louisa. hit a snag. o II MO~E "Born Yesterday" ( 1950 Comedy) Judy Holliday, William Holden. When 'a beautiful blonde discovers that her boyfriend is lnvofved in some underhanded dealings, she runs away with her etiquette Instructor. (2 hrs.) Cl) BENNY HIU • P.M. MAGAZINE A servlce that lets you record your will on videotape; a company that puts con- sumer products through torturous tests. e THE DREAM MERCHANTS An ambitious young man (Mark Harmon) joins forces with an optimistic nickelodeon operatOf (Vincent Gardenia) to con· struct one of the earliest dynasties In the motion i. ture Industry. (Part 1) (2 hrs.) QUIZK106 LIFE ON EARlli "Hunters And Hunted" David CJ;) MO\ilE "The Black Hole" ( 1979, Science-Flc· tion) Maximilian Schell, AObert Forster, Yvette Mim-MORNING-MO;\ 'JES leux. The crew of a futuristic speoeehlp diacoYers , y another vessel perched on the edge of a formation which putts anything nearby Into a giant void where 1:061!) "Oty Fot Conquest" ( 1940, Orama) James ~end lp9Ce cease to exJst. 'PG' ( 1 tv .. 57 min.) Cagney, Mn Sheridan. uu MOYIE "Bustin' loose" (193t, Comedy) Rich--S:~(C)''~n The Wilderness'' (1hr .. 30 min.) •rd Pry0t, Cicely Tysoo. A bumbling burglar, a con--CR> "Olfy, Oxen Free" ( 1978, Adwntu'e) cerned schoolteecher and eight chlldren make 8 Katharine n, Dennis Oimatet. frigha.nlng CIOSS--COUOtry trip In 8 broken-down 7:00• "Aoy Which Wsy You Can" (1980, Come- schoo4 bus. 'R' (1 hr., 3" min.) ~Clint Eastwood, Sondra Locke. • 7:30• 2 ON nE TOWN Featuutd! visit wtth Nathan The lilack Sta!Mon" (1979, Adventure) Kelty Lam. otherwise known as CantOf to the Stars; meet · Mic:key Rooney. the 8f'ti9t Vargas, creatOf of a classic magazine pin-8:00(C) . "The Attic" ( 1979, Horror) Carrie . §; examine the new fad of persona. llzed flags. ~--. Ray MIMand. FAMLY FEUD CB> ''I Sent A letter To My love" (1981, Romance) VE.NE & Sf-ft.EV & COMPANY Simone Slgnoret. Jean ~hetort. EVE ON LA. FeatUJed: a kx* at the jets execu-· 1:06@ "Tammy And The Bechelor" ( 195 7. Come- '"'" uae: a report on agars; a kx* at fashion dan-dy) Debbie Reyno6da, Letlle Niellen. c:eweer. 9'.00 e "Caveman" (1981, r~) a..vv.. Starr • TIC TAC DOUGH Dennie Quaid. ...,... •"'lrWr ' -""" ' IUU8EYE (%) "Any Which Way Yoo Can" ( 1980, COmedy) MU8ac WOAlO CHnt Eattwood, Sondra Locke. YOUASkEOFOfHT 9:30. "Rldefs Of Destiny" (1933. Western) John M•A•S•H Wayne, Gabby Hayes. . SIOHATUAE Guest: Gore Vidal. (C) "The 400 Blows" ( 1gg9, Drema) Jeall-Plerre MAaEJL I ~REPORT Leaud, Patrlek Autfey. NEWS tO:OOQD "Chapter Twet" (1979, Comedy) James ¥#41 ERWOALD "Go FOf It" C.an. Marsha Muon. MONEY MATTERS Special ad\llce on personal Cl> "The Great Diamond Robbery" (1964. Come- money menegement on topics ranging from Income dy) ~ Skelton, Cara Wllllerns. tax Mvingl to invettment Ideas In the atocic market 10:06al) "Battle Shock" (1958, Mystery) ~ and money l'l\lWttet fUnds Is offered. ( 1 hr.) Meeker. Janice Rule. CZ> MOVIE "The Strang«'' (1987, Orama) Marcello .. 10:30• "Tht Other Side Of The Mountain -Part II" Matro6anni, Anna Kar1na. Adapted trom the flOY8I t t978, Orama) Merilyn Heuett, Timothy Bottoms. by Albert C.mus. A handaome, ltone-hMrted 11:00(%) "The Strangar" (1967, Drama) MarceHo atranget IQnot• socitty't conventlone and~ the Mutro&llMI, Anna Rartna. prlcf. UJw .. 45 min.) t 1:30(C) "lt'a A!Ne" ( 1974, Horror) John Ryen we<1> ~E.D. (Pt•tllw) OU..tln E. o..t!!, .,.f":t::~z:....;Slw~~on~.S.~~~~.....:.:...:=~....:_....:_~-.:.._:· Attenborough look.sat the vegetarian and carnivo- rous mammals of the anlmal kingdom. Q ( 1 hr.) e RIV9' OF SAND Cameras capture the axtra0<di-:2 nary animal behavior exhibited when a four-year 2 dr~es the Tlva River In Kenya. (1 hr.) ~ ~ INTERN~ AGURE SKATING Foo.. ' PEKI~ ~othy Hamill performs and co-hosts with 8 Greg Lewis in an all-s1ar exhibition featuring Jo Jo Starbuck, Toller Cranston and John Curry, as well ~ as amateur skaters hOplng to represent China in the a: '8" Winier Olympics. (1 hr .. 30 min.) ~ Cl) MOVIE "Eyewitness" (1981, Mystery) Sigour-~ ney Weaver. William Hurt. A televiS1on reporter ID becomes Involved with a janitor who may know ~ more about a murder that he witnessed than he is g. ~1ng. 'A' ( 1 hr., 43 min.) Ill MOvtE "The Flhh Floor" ( 1980. Orama) Bo Hopkins. Dianne HuU. An sane young woman is - Incarcerated In a bizarre mental hospital where vio-~ lence and drug abuse are the order of the day. 'R' f\> ( 1 hr., 30 min.) 8:06 (IZ) All IN THE FAMILY 8:30 8 0 JOANIE LOVES CHACHI (Premiere) Joanie and Chachi move to Chicago to pursue a career Ill roci< music. O ~ ~u: THE FAMILY • DANCE ANO DANCERS: BALANCHIHE "D1vldsbundlertanze" Choreographer GeOfge Balanchine based this performance by the New York Clty Balet on the llfe and muslc of 19th centu- ry ~Robert Sc~nn. ( 1 hr.) 8:36(1Z) MOVIE "Boots Matone" (1952, Drama) Wll- Mam, Hokten, Johnny Stewart. An otder !NO, who nellef had a son, trains a young boy to be a toctcey. ~tn .. 5mln.) Cal ""8 Comedy is the topic when 0.vld &enner Arwty Kaufman. Robert Kle4n and Steve ~ get together at the nightspot where they all got ltl8lr starts. t:OO. (I) OLIVER TWIST George C. Scot1 and Tim CU<ry .,e feetured io a new adaptation of the time- less Dickens classic about the troubles of a poor OfpNn boy. (2 hrs.) e • FLAMINGO ROAD Fleld realizes that Sande has been helping Tyrone to blackmail him and Skipper and Alicia ek>pe. ( 1 h<.) . Tube Topper P.M. Magazine Channel 11 -8 p.m . • 9 THREFS COMPANY Jack, doing a cooking demonstration on a TV talk show, panics when the QM-==y~ i MBW~. AMENCAN Pl.AVHOUf,IE "Pllgrlm, Farewell" An lndeptudent woman d68ocwets that she has can-°"' In Mlohael Aoemer's two-hour drwna. Q (2 ;-LR OH EARTH "Hunt&fS And Hunted'' ~ Attenborough looks at the Yegetarian and e.rwo- rcu ,..,.., .... of the a!Wnal kingdom. Q ( 1 hr.) (C) ~ "lt'a AINe" (197<4, Horror) Jdwl Ryan, Sheron F•el. A bouncing beby oomea Into the wortd wtth fengs, ctewa end • strong ~ to kill. {_t hr .• 30 min.) (I) C-Ol lmE 8A8ICET8All "OMeion • WOf'Mn'a rt...~"'1-" frOfTI ~~ .... __ _...., __ Tu~-..... V,..'"'11' ....... --··· CI)MOVIE "The Stranger" (1967. Dreml) Me!Ollo MllltroleMI, Anna Karina. A handlome, .--..... ed stranger Ignores SOOiety'a COO\leOllOM end peys the Pfbi In this adaptation of the famed Ce.mus noYel. (2 twa..) CD> MCME "l=oxes'' (1980. Oranwi) Jode FOltef, Saly ~-The lo'lcttme of broken homes Ind uncaring parents, fOUC' teen-age gtrta try to IOOthe ..,.., emotional wounds through drugs ~ ... 'A' ( 1 tv., 46 min.) t: 16 CZ) MOVIE "Dressed To t<lll" ( 1980, 9uapenae) MICNel Caine, Angle Olcklnton. Polloe ... ch tot the ~ychotlc ~cferer who blltchered a suburban ~fe. 'A' (1 hr., '45mln.) •uoe a roo a.oee FOA COMFORT s.r.h dlcidet to quit college to taJce an 0041r TV job on a morning tlllc show. Cl) M01{llE "The CAptalri'a Paradise" ( 1953. ~ dy) Alec GuMesl, Yvonne 0. CMo. A feny boat captain haa two different wtves of oontrutlng per- eonalltlee, one In~ pott. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) 8 A PlA Y FOA l.OYE "AcfOll A Crowded Room" Glynla Johne end Alchlfd Johnson • ater ~ this ahowt>li fetce. ( 1 tv.) (JI) MOYE "C'-Pter Two" ( 1979. Comedy) JwMe Cien. ...... ...,,... Soon ·~ ~ wtfe'• died\, • . .. . .. - M· N -~hesday (cmtirurl) ; writer finds him8eH reluct111tty ra111ng In love again. 'PG' (2 hrs., 4 min.) 'i • MOVIE "Apocatypee Now" (1979, Orama) Marlon Brando, Martin Sheen. Directed by Francis ~ Ford Coppola. An lntelllgence agent embarks on a ,: mission up river into the Vietnamese jungle to find ' and kid a mysterious, AWOL Army office< who has iii' foiled all previous attempts !lt his cap ture. 'R' (2 'O hrs., 19 min .. ) ~ 10:00 8 • BARBARA MANDAELL ANO THE MAN- -ORELL SISTERS Guests: Brenda Lee, Paul Wit.- Iiams, Meadowtark Lemon. (R) (1 hr.) 11 ••• NEWS HART TO HART Jonathan's partner in wine production discovefs a murder and a sales fraud that could ru.in the Harts' reputation. Q ( 1 hr.) (I) MOVIE "The Exterminator'' (1980, Drama) Christopher Geor~ Samantha Eggar. After his war buddy is left para ed by a New York youth gang, a Vietnam vet dee to take his revenge by murder· Ing street criminals through gruesome, tortuous meatlS. 'R' ( 1 hr., 4 1 min.) 10:30eNEWS 18'GNATURE Guest: Gore Vidal. AMERCAN PLAYHOUSE "Pilgrim, Farewell" An independent woman discovers that she has can- ~ in Michael Roemef'a two-hour drama. Q (2 hrs.) (el MOVIE "First Famlly" (1980. Comedy) Gilda Radnef Bob Newhart. The sexually repfessed daughtec ot the country's weirdest presidential fami- ly complicates'* fathef's attempts to conduct the affairs of state. 'A' ( 1 hr .• 44 min.) 10:40Gl) MOVIE "Once Before I Die" ( 1966, Drama) John Derek. Ursula Andfess. An Army major orders his troops on a dangerous mission when he and his flancee are ca!Jght In a Japanese attack. (2 hrs.) 11:009 8 8 (I) (fJ. NEWS SATUROAV NIGHT KOJAK JOE FAANKLlf THE JEFFEA80N8 SANFOAO ANO SON QUIZKJD6 DD< CAVETT THt8 WEB< IN THE NBA Tube Topper River of Sand Channel 50 -8 p.m. CD MOVIE "Journey Among Women" (1977, Adventure) Jeune Pritchard. Martin Ptletan. In the days of the Australian frontier, the badly mistreated Inmates at a women's prison stage a breakout and set up their own society In the Outback. ( 1 hr., 50 min.) CD> l£ON RC '888 L The New Grass Revival accom- panies Leon Russell In a concert taped at Perl<lns Palace In Pasadena. ( 1 hr.) (%)MOVIE "The Black Stanion" ( 1979, Adventure) Kefty Reno, Mickey Rooney. After being rescued from the Island on which they were shipwrecked together, a young boy and a hcne become Involved In the race of the century. 'G' (1 hr .• 43 min.) 11:30• (I) ALICE Alice auspects that one of her faYOrite customers ls a mob6ter In hiding. (R) 8 e TONIGHT Host: Johnny Carson. Guest: Rick·~~~ I ALL IN THE FAMILY LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE DANCE ANO DANCERS: BALANCHINE "Oavldsbundlertanze" Choreographer George BmncNne baed this perlotmanoe by the New Yonc City Ballet on the life and music of 19th c:entu· ~ ~ Robert Schomenn. ( 1 hr.) I) 8PORT'8 CENTER 11:40® MOVE "Ame<lcen Pop" (1981, Muslcal) Animated. The hist~ of Amerlcan pop music. from Y9udrMe to roek 'n rofl, Is traced through ~I generations of a family of musictllns. 'A' (1 hr •• 37 mlnJ__ 11:-46(1) MOVIE "Carny" (1980, Drama) Jodie Foe- • tef, Gery Busey. An adventurous young woman )olns • carnival troupe and teame about the hidden emotions and frustratlont behind the surface happl- ,,... of the perfOl'tners. 'A' ( 1 hr., 4$ min.) 12:00. EN'TERT.u.MENT TONIGHT Alex Haley lntaMewl Harry BeMfonte. e O FAHTNJV l8lANO A m9lrtad couple return to their hloh 8Chool days, and a eoldltf of fortune aearc:hee (Of the tabled f<Qll ain Of youth. (R) ( 1 ht .. 10 min.) e MOVIE "a.phant Weltt" (1964, Or*M) EJlm. ... A NEW OFFERING -Sam Waterston stars as an American science professor who goes to England in 1912 to P.ursue controversial experiments in 1'Q.E.D. • The new advei:-ture series, which was filmed in England, will be broadcast Tuesdays for the next six weeks at 8 p.m. on CBS (Ch. 2). beth Taylor. Dana Andrews. A young English 91r1 faces many difficult adjustments when she marnes the owner of a tea plantation in Ceylon. (2 hrs.) Cl) MOVIE "Carry On Jack" ( 1966, Comedy) Juliet Mils. Kenneth Williams. The Royal Navy has adven-- tures aboard the "H.M.S. Venus" as it heads for the Spanish Main. (2 hrs.) •MOVIE "The White CUtta Of Dover" (1944, Ora- ma) Irene Dunne, Peter Lawford. An American woman living in England awaits news of her son. whoL~~d~ (2hrs.,20mln,) • FOCU8 ON SOCIETY Cl) NHl. HOCKEY New York Islanders vs. Washing- ton Capitals (2 hrs., 30 min.) CD> MOVIE "Se• With The Stars" ( 1979, Comedy) Thlcic Wilton, Martin Borrows. The writer of a sexual ad'ke column embarks on • major research PfOJect -a study of the r9'atlonshlp between a woman's sex drive and hef birth sign. 'R' (1 hr., 30 min.) 12:069 (I) MCCLOUD McCloud tries to exonerate a fellow policeman who has been framed as a cop on the take. (R) (2 hrs.) 12:10 (e> MOVIE "The Attic" (1979, Horror) Carrie AFTERNOON MOVIES 12:00G "East Of Kilimanjaro" (1962, Adventure) M81Sha11 Thompson, Gabby A~e. • ''Gidget" ( 1959. Comedy) Sandra Dee, Qiff Robertson. e "Detective Story" (1951, Drama) Kirk Doug- 18$. Eleanor Parker. (I) "Eyewitness" ( 1981, Mystery) Sigourney Weaver, Wiiiiam Hurt. 12:30(8) "When Hell Was In Session" (1979, Drama) Hal Holbrook, Eva Marie Saint. e "Thunderbltds In Outer Space" (1981, Adven- turel_ Puppets. 1:00(!) "Mighty Joe Young" ( 1949, Adventure) Terrv Moore, Robert Armatrong. (el ''The Apple" {1980. Musk:al) Catherine Mary Stewart, George GlltnOUt. 1:46(%) "The 8'ae« Stelllon" ( 1979, Adventure) Kel- ly Reno. Mickey Rooney. 2:00(1J "Serial" ( 1980, Comedy) Martin Mull Tue&- day Weld. 2:30. "Boys' Night Out" ( 1962, Comedy) Kim Novak, James Garner. 3:008 "Elephant We#<" ( 1954, Orama) Elizabeth Taylor, Dena Andrews. (el "Wlngs In The Wlldemesa" ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 3:30 ® "Lott Horizon" ( 1937. Fantasy) Ronald Cot· man, Jana Wyett. 3:46(%) "Oreseed To Kii" ( 1980, Suspense) Michael Caine, Angla Dickinson. 4:00(1) "The Wortd'a Greatatt Ath&ete" ( 1973, ~) John Amoe, Jen-Mlehltl Vincent. 4:80. "Thundefblrdt In Outer Spece" (1981, 6:00(!) "Adam's Rib" (1949, Comedy) Spencef Tracy. Ktthetlne Hepburn. \ Snodgrass. F9y Miiiand. A ffbraria11.Uves in the past with her memories of a love who disappeared, 'R' ( 1 • hr., 40 min.) 12:308. LATE NIGHT wtTH DAVID LETTERMAN Guests: video artist Jon Albert, "human spider" Dan GOOdwio. ( 1 hr.) e COUPLES Problems tesult when a young girl is afraid of her father's temper. Or. Walter Braokel· manns hosts this series. I NEWS A PlAY FOR LOVE "Across A Crowded Room" Glynis Johns and Richard Johnson star in this showbiz farce. ( 1 hr ) D MOVIE "Any Which Way You Can" ( 1980. Comedy) Chnt Eastwood, Sondra Locke. Before settling down with his girl and pet orangutan, a bare-fisted fighter signs up for one last. lucrative match. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 45 min.) 12:40@ MOVIE "You'll Ftnd Out" (1940. Musical) Kay Kyser. Peter Lorre. While entertaining at a house party. a bandleader becomes involved in the goi~ of some spooky soothsayers. (2 hrs.) 1:009 MOVIE "The Day The World Ended" ( 1956. Science-Fiction) Rjchard Denning, Lori Nelson. Sev· eral survivors of an atomic war discover a house uncontaminated by radiation ( 1 hr., 30 min.) • MOVIE "Young At Heart" ( 1954, Musical) Frank Sinatra. Doris Day Problems beset a young couple after the man steals his partner's nancee. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) (%) MOVIE "Leadbelly" ( 1975, Biography) Roger E. Mosley, Paul Beniamin. The life of the legendary bkJes..folk singer and guitariSt, Huddle Ledbetter, is traced. (2 hrs .. 6 min.) 1: 108 MOVIE "The Tiger Makes Out" ( 1967. Com· edy) Eli Wallach, Anne Jackson. A mailman kid· naps a middle-aged woman alter making plans to seize only young girls. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) · tllNEWS 1:20(8) MOVIE "Bustin' Loose" (1981, Comedy) Richard Pryor. Cicely Tyson. A bumbling burglar, a concerned schoolteacher and eight children make a frightening cross-country trip in a broliten-down school bus. 'A' ( 1 hr .. 34 min.) 1:308.NEWS ' (I) MOVIE "Where The Buffalo Roam" ( 1980, Comedy) Bill Murray. Peter Boyte. Joumartst Hunter S. Thompson uses his unorthodox reporting tech- niques to cover some of the major political and social events of the late '60s and early '70s. 'R' (1 hr., 36 min.) 1:60(e> MOVIE "The Apple" ( 1980, Musical) Cathe- rine Mary Stewart, George Gilmour. In 1994, a slng· Ing duo falls Info the hands of a diabolical impresar- io. 'PG' (1 hr .. 34 min.) 2:061 Cl) NEWS 2:20 MOVIE "The Big Sky" ( 1952. Western) Kirk Douglas, Dewey Martin. Explorers travel up the Missouri River to Blackfoot Indian territory despite the hazards. (2 hrs.) 2:30.ISPY i MORNING STRETCH SPORTSWOMAN MOVIE "The Dogs Of War" ( 1980, Adventure) Christopher Walken, Tom Berenger. After being tor- tured and deported by an African dictator. a merce- na~eturns to lead a revolution. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 45 min.) 2:409 MOVIE "Jack Slade" (1953, Western) Mark Stevens, Dorothy Malone. A gunman, once a respectable citizen. breaks the law he once upheld. ~~min.) ~WORLD AT LARGE 2:66 CH> MOVIE "Thiel" ( 1981, Drama) James caan. Tuesday Weld. A professional crook gives up his Independence for a b'g score thet he hopes will secure his family's future. 'R' (2 hrs.) 3:00 Cl) JOE FRANKLIN ~ mAR SOCCER Aston Villa vs. Leicester ( t hr.) 3:10()) WACKY WORLD OF JONATHAN WINTERS Guest: Barbara Feldon. 3:15(%) MOVIE "The Hand" (1981, Horror) Mlchael Caine, Andrea Marcovlccl. Bizarre Incidents and nightmares begin happening In a cartoonist's life after he suffers the loss of a hand. 'R' (1 hr.. 44 min.) 3:30e MOVIE "Affair In Havana" (1957, Suspense) John Cassavetes. RaymOnd Burr. A trl- a~r love a ff a.Ir results In murder. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) (CJ MOVIE "First Family" ( 1980, Comedy) Giida Redner. Bob Newhart. The sexually repressed daughter of the country's weirdest presidential faml· ty complicates her father's attempts to condUct rhe affalns of state. 'R' ( 1 hr., 44 min.) 3:40(1) MOVE "The Exterminator" (1980. Drama) Chrittopher G80fge, Samantha Egdar. After his war buddy rs '9ft paralyzed by a New 'i'Ork youth gang. a Vietnam V'9t decides to take his revenge by murder· Ing street criminals through gruesome, lortuous means. 'A' ( 1 hr., 4 1 min.) 4.'00~ 8WAOOAAT ~ tSCEHTER 4:201 ~rv R.F.o. ~ .. ...... ~----..... i7IT?ffi a L\. L'\ I'\<~ 8:00888NEWS CHARLIE'S ANGELS C8SNEWS WHrTE SHAOOW ABC NEWS THE JEfFERSONS HAWAII FIVE-0 BUSINESS REPORT NBC NEWS NEEDLECRAFT LEFTY, THE OINGALING LYNX Mayf Nutter nar- rates the story of a lynx cub who tries to find his way In the wilderness. (Part 1) Cl) MOVIE "The Big Red One" ( 1980, Adventure) Lee Marvin. Mark Hamill. A tough Army sergeant leads four young, lnexperjenced recruits Into the vio- lence-filled fray of World War II combat. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 53 min.) D MOVIE "Somewhere In Time" ( 1980. Fantasy) Christopher Reeve, Jane Seymour. Obsessed with the portrait of a 19th-century actress. a mOdem-day New York playwright uses hypnosis to travel back in time and me6I her. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 45 min.) 6:30 Cl) e. NEWS I BAANEY MILLER WELCOME BACK. KOTIER THE SONG WRITERS: ARTHUR SCHWARTZ Composer Arthur Schwartz performs "Bandwagon," "A Tree Grows In Brool<lyn," "Dancing In The Park," and others. (1 hr.) GI) BUSINeSs REPORT (%)MOVIE "The Black Stallion" (1979, Adventure) Kelly Reno. Mickey Rooney. Aher being rescued from the island on which they were shipwrecked together, a young boy and a horse become Involved Ir the race of the century. 'G' ( 1 hr .. 43 min.) 1:loosg~ews HAPPY DAYS AGAIN ABC NEWS P.M. MAGAZJNE A profile of P.M. 's travel corre- spondent Linda Harris; a child-raising concept that advocates parents getting tough with their children. I YOU ASKED FOR fT ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT An interview with Henry Winkler. I M•A•s•H JOKER'S WILD OVER EASY "Middle-Age Children" Guests: the fathers of Hugh Downs and Frank Blair, Dr. Barbara Siiverstone. (R) O I THE MUPPETS CO< CAVETT MOVIE "Battleground" ( 1949. Adventure) Van Johnson. John HOdiak. American soldiefs of the 101st Airborne oMslon engage In the French cam- ~lgn and the Battle of the Bulge. (2 hrs.) Cl) BILLIAROS "Legendary Pocket Stars" Minneso- ta Fats vs. U.J. Puckett ( 1 hr.) CID LEFTY. THE oeNGALING l YNX Mayf Nutter nar- -SHAPE S.11 In and Shape Try on our "1d J acuts. Look trln Skort. All the looks AHOY up with PMllChe S.llof Penta. TQPll in a Mini, Zouave or you need or shore at . A HERO'S LADY -Faye Grant stars as the beautiful Rhonda in "The Great.est American Hero," Ralph's love interest, Wednesday at 8 p.m. on ABC (Ch. 7). rates the story of a lynx cub who tries to find his way in the wilderness. (Part 2) (1J MOVIE "Raging Bull" ( 1980, Biography) Rob- ert De Niro, Cathy Moriarty. Boxing champion Jake La M6tta's aptitude for violence brings him success In the ring but disrupts his personal Ille. 'A' (2 hrs .. 8 min.) (Q) MOVIE "The Man With Bogart's Face" ( 1980, Comedy) Robert Sacchi. OIMa Hussey. A man decides to change his lifestyle and physical appear- ance to resemble his screen idol. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 31 min.) 7:30 8 2 ON THE TOWN Featured: make a stop at the HollywoOd Greyhound Station to see some of the daily occureooes; travel to Newhall to a Cowboy Hall of Fame. LAVEJIE & SHIRLEY & COMPANY l eFAMtLYFEUO EYE ON LA. Featured: a report on a gym IOt children: a report on DMSO: a look at people who build rockets in their yard; a profile of Jane F'onda. i?. TIC TAC DOUGH (15 ~BASKETBALL ''NIT Tournament'' (2 hrs.) I YOU ASKED FOR rT M•A•s •H SIGNATURE Guest: Diane Von Furstenberg. MACNEJL I LEHRER REPORT ..... 011111 ·~p • HANDMADE QUILTS • GIFT Bl• ANTIQUES •FABRICS • BEGINNING TO ADVANCED CLASSES • DOLLMAKINC SUPPLIES noauwaa -IJ'tmtTo~· ... ~ I.JI I II!) CLC>SaNG RANKS> The ~a.el .Qsit~IA&ellh ~ gence to uncover a postlb18'Sovlet1hfilfrlltot trrtlfeif · -o midst are followed In this thriller starring Joss Ack--~ land and Harry Andrews. ( 1 hr.) 7:60 all NEWS . ~ 8:008 (I) HEASIE. THE LOVE BUG The Depart- ment of Motor Vehicles closes down Jim's Famous _ 01 Drlvl~ School after a surprise Inspection. ( 1 hr.) c D flD REAL PEOPLE More than 100 former guests, including the world's fastest beer drinker. =t1 consumer advocate Captain Sticky and the human Ci echo are seen in clips and In the studio. (A) ( 1 hr., ~ 30mln.) 8 MOVIE "Madame X" ( 1966, Orama) Lana Turner. John Forsythe. A woman presumed to have died years before uses any means she can to keep her son from knowing of her sinful Ufa. (2 hrs.) !') 8 9 THE·GREA TEST AMERIC'AN HERO Ralph becomes the target of a mysterious carload of <D assailants after he rescues a kidnapped little girt and co recovers the ransom money. ( 1 hr.) ...., D MOVIE "One Man Jury" (1978, Suspense) Jack Palance. Christopher Mitchum. A psychotic murder leads a vengeful policeman to become a one-man vigilante squad. (2 hrs.) • P.M. MAGAZJNE A profile of P.M.'s travel corre- spondent Linda Harris; a child-raising concept that advocates parents getting tough with their children. • THE DREAM Mt:ACHANTS An ambitious young man (Mark Harmon) joins forces with an optimistic nickelOdeon operator (Vincent Gardenia) to con- struct one of the earliest dynasties In the motion ~ture industry (Part 1~ (2 hrs.) fB COllllLECTING Featuring: patent models; Netsuke (ritual jewelry) ; a look at how Items ue ~alsed. • CLC>SaNG RANKS The efforts of British Intelli- gence to uncover a possible Soviet Infiltrator In their midst are followed In this thriller starring Joss Ack- land and Harry Andrews. ( 1 hr.) (!)SPORTS CENTER CB) MOVIE "A Nightingale Sang In ~eley Square" ( 1979. Comedy) Richard Jordan, David Niven. The night watchman at a British Bank Is tempted to return to a life of crime. ( 1 hr .. 40 min.) (I) BIZARRE "The Ultimate Movie" 0 MOVIE "One-Trick Pony" (1980. Drama) Paul Slmon. Blair Brown. A once-popular performer Is presstJred by everyone around him to drop his style o1 music and write songs that can bring him baci< to the IQP 40. 'R' (1 hr.,39 min.) 8:30• All IN nfE FAMILY QI ONE IN A THOUSAND A drama of a young bOy who suffers from Spina Biflda and Hydrocephalus and how Ns family deals with this handlcapp. (1 hr.) e ..x>LETOWN (Premiere) "The Campaign" The pet90nalftle8. atrategles and pressures Involved In Muncie, Indiana's mayoral raoe are examined. Q OO hr., 30 min.) A MOYIE 1$ FOR HOLDING HANDS? LAFF-A-THON A comedian hos1 and tour comic contestants who compete against one another are featured In this uncensored comedy game show. (%) MOVIE "Leadbelly" (1975, Biography) Roger E. ~. Paul Ben)amin. The life of the legendary blues-folk singe/ and guitarist, HUddle Ledbetter. Is traced. (2 hra., 6 min.) & EMtERT A-INMENT CENTER SB.BJ Fml-5111 FES11VAl HAll •attl 11DIS GERMAN BAND Fm Ill IMI 111 ... I -=-----------------------------------------------------------i \\ednesday (continued) war against the gophers Inhabiting his turf. 'R' ( t hr .. 4'7 min.) .-8:50GZ) MOVIE "All The King's Men" (HM9, Orama) o) Broderick Crawford, John Ireland. Based on the .-novel by Robert Penn Warren. An ldAllstlc South- ern polltlclan qulck.ly becomes corrupted by power and ambition. (2 hrs .• 10 min.) 9:00 9 WKRP IN ctNCINNA Tl Balley covers a story on a ohlldten's clinic In her first crack at field report- !~. •(fl THE FALL GUY Howie and Jody become babysttters tor a precocious 11-year-Oid who Is wanted by the mob because of what she knows. ( 1 hr.) (I) YOUR CHOtcE FOR THE OSCARS Rich little and Debbie Reynqlds hosf the 17th annual edition of these awards hOnofing the winners of a popular pofl In the six major Oscar categories: Best Actor. Actress, Supporting Actor and Supporting Actress. Best Picture and Best Song. (2 hrs.) I MERV GRIFFIN MIDDLETOWN (Premiere) "The Campaign" The personalities, strategies and pressures Involved In Muncie, Indiana's mayoral race are examlried. Q L! hr .. 30 min.) CC> MOVIE "Fame" ( 1980. Orama) Irene Cara, Bar- ry Mlle<. Sev«al gifted students at a New York high school for the perlorming arts experience various setbacks and successes of both personal and pro- fessional natures. 'PG' (2 hrs., 14' min.) Cl) COLLEGE BASKETBALL ''Division 111 Women's Championships" from Elizabethtown. Pennsylvania. ~hrs.) CO) MOVIE "Gigi" ( 1958. Musical) Maurice Cheval- le<, Leslie Caron. A tomboy being groomed by he< ~t and grandmolhe< sets out on her own to catch a man. (2 hrs.) Cl) WACKY WORLD OF JONATHAN WtNTERS Guest: Debbie Reynolds. 9:308 BAKER'S OOZEN Mike tries to prove to Terry that he Is in a class by himself. 8 e THE FACTS OF LIFE Blair sneaks and reads Natalie's diary. · Cl) MOVIE "A Swlngin' Sum~·· ( 1965, Musical) James Stacy. Winiam A..Wellman Jr. A group ot teen-agers take over 8 place on Lake Arrowhead Tube Topper Real People Channel 4 -8 p.m. with the financial aid of one of their fathef9 and engage popular singing groups. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) ta-ntl: SONG WRITERS: ARtHUR SOCWARTZ Composer Arthur Schwartz perfotms "BandwagOn." "A Tree Grows In Brooklyn." "Qenclng In The Pane," and othenl. ( 1 hr.) CO THE GOLDEN AGE Of TB.EVISK>N "Requiem FCK A Heavyweight'' Orlglnally produced as part of CBS's Playhouse 90 series, this teledrama starring Jack Palance gives a glimpse into the shabby wOfld Q!_prizeflghting. ( 1 hr .. 30 min .. ) (I) M0\1IE "Ore&&ed To Kill" (1980. Suspense) Michael Caine, Angle Dickinson. Pollce search fCK the psychotic murderer who butchered a suburban hoosewtfe. 'R' ( 1 hr., 4'5 min.) 10:008 SHANNON The Investigation of a black politi- cian's murder II complcated by the Involvement of the~te. (1 hr.) e e OUNCV An agoraphobic'• life Is endangered whef'I ahe wltnB!I•• a slaying and becomes the ldller'a next ta~1 hr.) 11 U:tv Blake, furious over Colby's dee._ lngs with Claudia. decks Colby, and Nick and Kry. tie Nlh to 8top a menlc Claudia from kllllng Colby. u~ . 8 JZABETH A promising young dancer oopes with changes In her llfe aft9f an automobile accident leeves her a perapleglo. (JI) MOVIE "Eyewttneee" (1981. MystefY) Slgour· rtfll/ Weaver. Wlllam Hurt. " t....., reportef beoomet lnvolwld with a Janitor who may know more about a murdtr thet he wltneeeed than he it t@Ylng. 'R' (1 hr .• 43 min.) • MOVIE "LlttJe Owilngl" ( 1980. Comedy) Tatum O'Neet, Krtaty McNlchol At summer c.mp, two teen-age girts compete to ... who wl" be the first to loee her virginity. 'R' ( 1 hr •• 32 "*'·) 10:S08NEW8 I ifQNAT\R Gueiat: Olene Von FUtttenberj. _ TOQETI4ER. •. WfTH LEO IUICAOl IA Sf**'" Ing before an IUClenoe In Sectarnento. c.lfomilt, Or. Leo $"'gee ... _. to move away from the "me tlon·• Md Into the IOYlng ....itty ofdc*"-==· . 8 OEXIEA .. OOHCSn' Dlxt• Gordon peifofmt In.~ ..... In the~ Of 1179 .. A HELPING HAND -QumcY (Jack Klug- man) helps out an agoraphobic, whose life is in danger a.f~r witnessing a killing. She becomes the killer's pext target on ''Quincy" Thursday at "10 p.m. on NBC (Ch. 4). MefShln Auditorium on the Ohio State University ca~. (1 hr.) 10:46. rARl..JE CHAPLIN COMEDY THEATRE I l:IOO =~:~'NIT Anals" (2 hrs.) JOEFRAHKUN THE JEfFERSONS SANFOAO ANO SON MOVIE "Chicago Syndicate" (1955. Drama) Dennis O'Keefe. Abbe Lane. A young accountant makes ·a single-handed attempt to break up a 10- blllloo-doller Cflme netwCKk. ( 1 hr .. 55 min.) ta COt..l.LLLECT1N ~turing: patent models; Net~~rltUal jewelry) ; a look at how items are DICK CAVETT SPORTSWOMAN MOVIE "The Stud" (1978, Drama) Joan eo.- lloa, Oliver Tobias. A wait91' advances his career by ~Ing with his boss's wife. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 35 mln.) CD> MOVIE "Caddyshack" (1980, Comedy) ~ Murray, Rodney Dangerfield. The demented grounds-keeper of a swanky country club wages MORNING MOVIES 6:06Cl) "Return Of The Dragon" (1972. Adventure) Bruce Lee, Chuck Norris. 8:00(C) "The Last Snow Of Spring" (1977. Orama) 8:0641) "Corne Next Spring" (1955, Orama) Ann Sheridan. Steve Cochran. 7:00Cl)"'Any Whlch-WSyYou Can" (1980. Come- dy) Clint Eastwood, Sondra Locke. 7:30 CC> "JohMv. Wi Hifclty K""new Ye" ( 1977. Blog- raJ>hi > Paul ~. WllHam Prince Cl) '1"he Big Red one-rr-( ,980, AdYenture) Lee Marvin. Mane Hamill. 8:00(11) ''A Nightingale Sang In Berkeley Square" l1979, Comedy) Richard Jordan. OcMd NlVen. • "Boyt' Night Out" (1962, Comedy) -Kim Novak. James Garner. 8:0617) "Gunpoint" ( 1966. Western) AUdle Murphy. Joan Staley. 9:00(%) "The Hand" ( 1981, Horror) Mlehael Caine. ·Andrea Marcovlccl. , lt30e ''Saget>Nsh Trait" (1933, Wntem) Joi'n Wayne. Nancy. Shubert ~ "Hardty W-ortcln,r 11981, Comedy) Jerry Lee lewis, Suaan Oltl/«. · 1ctOOCll) "Olttv Trick•" (1981. Comedy) Elllott Gould Kite Jackson Cl) "The Tunnel Of Love" (1958, Comedy) Doria O.~Rlcherd Wldmattc. 10:06CW "Casbah" (11M8. Mualcal) T"""' Martin ~Toren. ~·, • 11;00(C} "8attteground" (1949. A<Mnture) Van Johneon. John Hoclak. CJ). "Altum Of The OrlQOO" ( 1972. Adventure) 8Nce L•. Chuck Norrie. • u :ao(JI) "Oh Gosft" (1tn. ComedV) George Bums, • "°"" OlrMr. · (%) MOVIE "The Hand" ( 1981, Horror) Michael Caine. Andrea Marcovlcel. Bizarre incidents and nightmares beg.in happening in a car1oonist's life after he suffers the loss of a hand. 'R' ( l hr .• 44 min.1 11:30 8 Cl> MOVIE "Blue Sunshine" ( 1979. Horror) Zelman King, Deborah Winters. A man wrongly accused of murder looks for the real killer among several people who had taken a rare drug years before. (R) (2 hrs .. 10 min.) 8 e TONtGHT Host: Johnny Carson. Guests: Shelley Winters, Bill Cosby. (1 hr.) I (!I ABC NEWS NIGHTLINE All IN THE FAMILY LOVE. MERJCAN STYLE ONE IN~ THOUSAND A drama of a youn9 boy who wtters from Spina Biflda and Hydrocephalus and how his family deals with this handicapp. ( 1 lhr.)NEWS CAPTIONED ABC NEWS MOVIE "Two English Girls" ( 1 hr .• 45 min ) SPORTS~ MOVIE "Bustin' loose" (1981. Comedy) Rich- ard Pryor, Cicely Tyson. A bumbling burglar. a con- cerned schoolteacher and eight children make a frightening cross-country trip in a broken-down school bus. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 34 min.), 11:<45® SNEAK PREVIEW A look at the movies. spe- cials and sports events coming up on Home Box Office. 12:008 ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT An Interview with Henry Wlnkle<. 8 «I LOVE BOAT Doc's ex-wife schemes to get him back. a marriage counselor's wife resists an open marriage and a mature woman runs Into an 'old flame. (R) ( 1 hr .. 10 min.) CI> MOVIE "Ride Beyond Vengeance" ( 1966, Western) Chuck Connors: Michael Rennie. A buffa- lo huntef seeks revenge on sevefal outlaws who iatt~~r'Mld robbed him alter his wile rejected him MVG:GREA37 LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE AMERICA: THE SECOND CENTURY Tube Topper Closing Ranks Channel 50 -7:30 p.m. Cf) SPORTS FORUM 0 MOVIE "Arst Family" ( 1980. Comedy) Gilda Radner, Bob Newhart. The sexµally repressed daughter of the country's weirdest presidential fami- ly oomplicates her lathe<'s attempts to conduct the affairs of state. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 44 min.) 12:15® MOVIE "Dirty Tricks" (1981, Comedy) Elliott Gould, Kate Jackson. A Harvard professor becomes the quarry of persons anxious to get their hands on a recently discoV9f'ed letter written by Geof_geWashington. 'PG' (1hr .• 30mln.) 12:309. LATE NIGHT WITH DAVID L£TTERMAN Guests: journalist Hunter Thompson. Commander ~. (1 hr.) e COUPLES The decision of whether .or not to marry Is todays topic. Walt91' Bracketmanns hosts this &eries. I~ SONG WRfTERS: ARTHUR SCHWARTZ Composer Arthur Schwartz performs "BandwaQOf!." "A Tree Grows In Brooklyn" "Dancing lnrhe Park," and others. (1 hr.) · • (I) COLLEGE BASKETBALL "Division 11 Women's Championships" from Sprlngfiekt. Massachusetts. (2 hrs.) 12:66 GZl MOVIE "Dangerous Exile" (1958, Adven- ture) Louis Joyrdan. Belinda Lee. °""°O the French Revolution. a young glrl and a dadng young rascal rescue a king from decapitation at the golllotlne. (2 hra., 5 min.) 1:ooe MOVIE "The Oblong Box" (1969, Horror) Vlnceot Price. Christopher lee. A madqlan burled allve dllflng a supposed treatment eventually achieves revenge. ( 1 hr .. 55 min.) e MOVIE "Escape From Zahraln" ( 1962, Adven- ture) Sal Mineo, Yul Brynner. A natlonallet leader ln • an Arab Oil state Is saved from execution by hlS r.llow rebets. (1 hr .• 30 min.) 8 MOVIE "Five Golden OJagons" (1967, Adven- ture) Aobef1 Cummings, Matgatet Lee. An Amen- can dilettante In Hong Kong g9ts •wept up In the oper1tlone of a secret lntematlonal network of ~_(1hr.,30mtn.) CZ) ~ "UlytMI" (1955. Advtnture) Kirk Doug•. AnthOny Quinn, Whit uiv.... mak .. a raundlbout l9lum journey from the f rojan WM. hie .......... to~Nitthrerle.· '""'·· 46"*'-t ----------------------------------------------------------------------------n Cl) BIZARRE "The Ultimaie Movie" Wrlnesday (continued) 1:05(1) MOVIE "Death Race 2000" ( t975, Sclence- Flction) David Carradine, Simone Griffith. In the year 2000 A.O.. hit-and-run driving is a national sport in which female victims are worth 10 points. 'R' l1 hr., t9 min.) 1:108 MOVIE ''The Gun Riders" (1969, Western) Jim Davis, Scott Brady. A cold-blooded killer stages senseless. brutal attacks upon settlers with weap- ons supplied by renegadeS. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) ltlNEWS 1:15(C) MOVIE "Jlml Hendrix" (1973, Biography) Documentary. A montage of concect footage and interviews with associates, admirers, friendS and lov- ers of the '60s rock star whose death in 1970 sig- naled the end of a musical era. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 39 min.) 1:301·NEWS 1:40 NEWS 1:46 MOVIE "The Postman Always Rings Twioe" ( 1981. Orama) Jack Nicholson. Jessica Lange. A Tube Topper The Fall Guy . Channel 7 -·9 p. m. young woman and her lover plol to murder her hus- band. 'A' (1 hr., 37 min.) 2:00 II MOVIE "One-Trick Pony" ( 1980. Orama) Paul Simon, Blair Stown. A once-popular performer Is pressured by everyone around him to drop his style of music and write songs that can bring him back to the top 40. 'R' ( 1 hr., 39 min.) 2:06 (f).¥WS 2:168 MOVIE "Only With Married Men" (1974, Comedy) David Birney. Michele Lee. A bachelor wins the heart of an Independent girt by posing as a married man. (1 hr., 25 min.) • MOVIE "Arch Of Triumph" ( 1948, Orama) Ingrid Bergman. Charles Boyer. An Austrian refugee searches Paris fOf a Gestapo agent ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 2:30 Cf) MORNING smETCH (I) AU-STAA SPORTS CHALLENGE NBA All- Time All-Stars vs. Philadelohla Whiz Kids TENSION A PROBLEM? FOR A TOTAL RELAXING BODY MASSAGE CALLOuR PROFESSIONAL STAFF. Ml¥lf'Oln' TtBAPIUTIC 404 \\ESTMINSTER #2. NPT. BEACH (behind Le Blanitzl BY APPOINTMENT 10-6 s• 0407 141·21I7 II. R. lllS IJSSD.l ~~ ~ .. FOOT Sl'fCIAUST .•• ) ... A.,.1, CMWren encl Seniors ~ Welco•• ~ FREE l11itl9I E1• & Consultation ly Appointment 979-0313 Dr.1.o..1t ... ~,o.,.•. OtSOltOfltS AND SuttGEh Of THE FOOT , , , ........ AYI., sum,,, .-...,..!"' I(>"""',.'' 1ro11.,, c.--,.1~ Mot.t>•tel 2:401NEWS 2:66 18PV 3:00 JOE FRANKLIN ~=''Hardly WC>Jklng" (1981, Comedy) Jer- ry lee lewis, Susan Oliver. After the circus closes down, a veteran clown tries his hend at various )obs, falling miserably at them an. 'PG' ( t hr., 31 min.) (I) BIUIAROS "Legendary Pocket Stars'' Minneso- ta Fats vs. U.J. Puckett ( 1 hr.) • 3:15(1) MOVIE "Somewhere In Time" (1980, Fanta- sy) Christopher Reeve, Jane Seymour. Obsessed with the portrait ot a 19th-<:entury actress. a mod- em-day New Yori< playwdght uses hypnosis to travel back In time and meet her. 'PG' ( t hr .. 45 min.) AFTERNOON MOVIES 12:0011 "A Girt In Every Port" ( 1952. Comedy) Groucho Marx. Marie Wiison. e "Kiss The Girts And Maise Them Die" (1967, Adventure) Michael Connors. Dorothy Provine. e "Tomorrow Is FC>Jever" { 1946, Orama) <.;la~ dette Colbert. Orson Welles. (I) "Dressed To Km" ( 1980, Suspense) Michael Caine. Angle Dickinson. 12:35(%) "Any Which Way You Can" (1980, Come- dy) CHnt EastwOOd. Sondra Locke. " 1:00(!) "The Thing" (1951.Scleoce-Flctlon) James Arness, Dewey Martin. CC> ''Two English Girts" ( 1 ht., 45 min.) 1:30D "White Water Sam" (Adventure) Kelth Lar- sen. . 2:00([) "Meetings With Remarkable Men" (t979, 81ography) Dragan Maksimovic, Terence Stamp. 2:30 Cl) "Somewhefe In Time" ( 1980, Fantasy) Christopher Reeve, Jane Seymour. 2:35 (%) "Leadbelly" ( 1975. Biography) Roger E. Mosley, Paul Benjamin. 3:00Cil "Escape From Zahraln" (1962. Adventure) Sal Mineo, Yul Brynner. Cl "This Is Elvis" ( t981, Biography) Documentary. 3:30(C) "The Last Snow Of Spring" ( t977, Drama) 4:0000 "Any Which Way You Can" (1980, Come- dy) Clint EastwOOd, Sondra Locke. , 4:30(1) "PlnchcJiff Grand Prix" (1980, Adventure) Animated. 4:46(%) "Return Of The Dragoo'' (1972, Adventure) Bruce Lee. Chuck Norris. HEARING AID BATTERIES $1 OFF! wmtlNISAD Cmlpbell Heaing Aids In Montgomery Ward Bldg. H•tiltgtoRC ...... ............. 898-4833 3:30(%) MOVIE "Hopscotch" (1980, Comedy) Wal- ter Matthau, Glenda Jackson. A former intelligence 3! agent Is aided by an old flame In dodging the KGS--~ and the CIA, who are trying to prevent him from publishing his memoirs. 'R' (1 hr .. 44 min.) 3:4600 MOVIE "Any Which Way You Can" (1980, Comedy) Clint Eastwood, Sondra Locke. Before 8_r settling down with his girt and pet orangutan. a bare-fls1ed f~hter signs up for one last. lucrative ,, match. •PG• 1 hr .. 45 min.) 5: 3:66EOYA E TO THE BOTIOM OF THE SEA '<_• 4:00 JIMMY SWAGGART . (l)S CENTm ~ Cl MOVIE "Hard Country" (1981, Orama) Jan-~ Michael Vincent, Kim Basinger. A Tex.as factory n wori<er Is torn between his desire to continue in the :7' "good old boy" Utestyte and his llancee's show IO business ambitions. 'PG' (1 hr., 45 min.) 4:05 OZ) RJNTIME c0 4:30 Cf) JIM BAKKER ~ (C) MOVIE "BettleQround" (1949, Adventure) Van Tube Topper Shannon Channel 2 -10 p.m . ,Johnsqn, John Hodiak. American soldiers of the 101st Airborne Olvislon engage in the.French cam- paign and the Bettle of the Bulge. (2 hrs.) Romantic movie readied HOLLYWOOD (AP) -Mel Git.on. Sigourney Weaver and Michael Murphy will star in the MGM romantic adventure movie '"!be Year of Living DangerousJ •• A~ director Pet.er Wetr will direct from a anenplay by David W111iaawoo.. The movie is eet against the t.ckground of the 1965 lndonetdan dvil war and will be filmed on location in Manila. Git.on starred in the bit movie ''Gallipoli," which ai.o WU directed by Weir. HAVE YOU BEEN INJURED? .• AUTO ACCIDENTS •CONSTRUCTION AOOOENTS •'PERSONAL ACCIDENTS - The Law Offices of R. Steven · . Peters Emphasizes in the Handlillg. of Personal Injury Claims that may be the Result of Accidents. · We will Make ~ure That you ·Obtain all That you are Legally Eotitled. • _ Call for a FREE Consultatkin and Determine What Rights you Have against all Parties. Including lnsuranoe Companies. • Housecalla or hospital visits can be arranged. Law OHien. lf4-0133 .. 24 ... R. SI~~ PE~tRS, .INC.' I MIMiPwllC P ........ ._ •. .. · ! I I : I. ~---~-----------------!"---------------191111!1----·--------!Thursday - -.2 ~ e:ooeeeNEWS CHARUE"S ANGELS C8SNEWS ABC NEWS THE JEFFERSONS HAWAI RVE-0 BUSINESS REPORT N8CNEWS UNOERST ANOING HUMAN BEHAytOR MOVIE "Bronco Biiiy" (1980, COmedy) Clint Eas1W<>Od, Sondra Loeke. A former shoe salesman from New Jersey realizes his dream of perlormlng In a Wiid West show. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 57 min.) e:1oe MOYIE "CasablaMe" (1943. Orama) tngrld Befgman. Humphrey Bogart. A gambling casino owner holds the key lo the escape of a French Resistance leader and his wife, who are fleeing from the Nazis. ( 1 hr., 50 min.) tk16(%) CHARLIE CHAPLIN COMEDY THEATRE WELCOME BACK. KOTIER 8:130fM= 8UB1NES8 REPORT THE UTTl.E8T MERMAID Animated. Richard Chamberlain narrates Hans Christian Andersen's story abou1 a mermaid who wants to become a hYman being. D UT1l.E JOHNNY JOHES This revival of the 1904 George M. Cohan musical comedy about an a Ameflcan }ockey who tries to win the English Derby features such favorites as "Give My ~rds To Broadway" and "Yankee Doodle Dandy. ' ( 1 hr .. 3Clmln.) Tube Topper- "Casablanca" Channel 9 -6: I 0 p. m. HUMPHREY BOOART 8:36(%) MOVIE "Any Which Way Vou Can" ( 1980, Comedy) Clint Eastwood, Sondra Loeke. Before settffng down with his girl and pet orangutan, a bale--ffSted tighter slg(ls up for one last. lucrative match. 'PG' (1 hf .. 46 min.) 7:100Sc~EWS HAPPY DAYS AGAIN ABC NEWS P.M. MAGAZINE Snow Pros. MEET THE MAYORS ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT Backstage at "The Young And The Restless" with Jamie Lyn Bauer, DennlS Cole. Debra Adair and Steven Ford. I M•A•s·H· JOKER'S WILD OVER EASY Guest: Ralph Bellamy. (R) Q ' $ s s s-$ s s s $ $ $ s. s $ s s $ $ $ .... 1st FAST CASH 3rd TQ's '-Juewl• t•ar-4 to,_. .... •Short Term • t.or:ig Term • Swing JAans Personalized service in your home or office m-=tt . LYON~ THE BOSS'S SECRETARY -Rachel Den- ni.son will star as Doralee, the boss's sec.re· tary, in the new half-hour comedy series, "9 to 5," on ABC (Ch. 7) Thursday at 9 p.m. I THE MUPPETS DICK CAVETT MOVIE "Ode To Billy Joe" (1976, Orama) Rob- by Benson, Glynnis O'Connor. Based on the song by Bobbie Gentry. A tor~ted teen-agar's past experiences complicate his first true romance. 'PO' {J hr., 46 min.) CE) TOP RANK BOXING From Las Vegas, Nevada. {.? hrs .. 30 min.) CH) TIME WAS "The 1940s" Dick Cavett examines the entertainment and social situations during a time period when every COfnGf of the world was Involved In war on a massive scale. (1 hf.) (I)MCME "And Now My Love" (1974, Romance) Marthe Keller. Andre Oussolller. A wealthy young woman and• ne'er-do-well meet and unexpectedly fall In love. J2 hrs., 1 min.) CD> MOVIE 'The JazZ Singer" (1980, Musical) Neil Diamond. Laurence Ollvler. A New York cantor breaks with family tradition and •ts out to find suc- oess as a pop music star. 'PG' ( 1 hr .• 55 min.) 7:30 8 2 ON THE TOWN Featured: a profile of some of Los Angeles' female disc jockeys; find out how the city school's musical Instruments are repaired: lv!sl~HF~~~I dream, a sports museum. LAVERNE & SHIRLEY & COMPANY EYE ON LA. Featured: a report on talking ani- mals; a look at cakes that are works of art; a week- end ~!away with Elmer Dills. (I)• TIC TAC DOUGH RIAL. liTA TILOAllS . lat • 2nd•3rd T.D. LOANS 1INCOME PROPERTY COMMllCIAL • ·• • INDUSTRIAL ••• APARTMENT ILDGS .. ukfor ,,.,,. Of' ..... I NEWARK ANO REALITY YOU ASKED FOR rT · u·A·s·H SIGNATURE Guest: David Letterman MACNEJL I LEHRER REPORT NEWS 7:35 dlJ NEWS 8:008 (I) MAGNUM, P.1. Magnum encounters a swagqerlng, cowboy hat-wearing Texan who looks exactly like Higgins ( 1 hr ) • DID FAME A magazine writer poses as a teaching assistant to get information for an article he is wril- 1~. (1hr.) . , ' 9 MOVIE "Charade" ( 1964, Mystety) Cary Grant, Audrey Hepburn. A woman becomes the target of her murdered hYsband's cronies who believe she knows where a vast fortune is hidden. (2 hrs.) 8 OJ) POLICE SOUADI Detective Orebin's probe of a murder leads him into a love triangle in which he becomes entangled with a vengeful ex-wife. a cho- rus girt and an ex-con. II YOUR CHOICE FOR THE OSCARS Rich Little and Debbie Reynolds host the 17th annual edition of these awards honoring the winners of a popular poll In the six major Oscar categories: Best Actor. Actress. Supporting Actor and Supporting Actress. Best Picture and Best Song. (2 hrs.) Cl) BENNY HILL e P.M. MAGAZINE An animal trainer's close friendship with a klller whale; a man who moved hlS family to the country to bring them closer together. • MOVIE "The Young Philadetphians" ( 1959, Orama) Paul Newman. Barbara ~ush. The integrity of a young lawyer Is instrumental in his gaining a prestigious position and a beautiful girl. (2 hrs.) I BOTANIC MAN: ON THE LIMrT THIS OlD HOUSE Bob Vita instal(s the new kitchen appliances and Ne><m Abram bullds a new rear patio. Q Gil SNEAK PREVIEWS Roger Ebert and Gene Sisk- e! look at this year's Oscar nominees. (8) BOXING'S BEST: JACK JOHNSON A rare look Is taken al the extraordinary life of the "Galveston Giant." the first black to become world heavyweight champion. ( 1 hr.) ()) MOVIE "One On One" ( 1977. Orama) Robby Benson. Annette O'Toole. A boy who goes to col- lege on a basketball scholarship is abused by the coach. sce><ned by his tute>< and used by the school for its own purposes. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 38 min.) Cl MOVIE "The Competition" ( 1980, Orama) Richard Dreyfuss. Amy Irving. Two pianists at a San Francisco music competition find that their love for each other conflicts with their professional ambi- tions. 'PG' (2 hrs.. 9 min.) 8:30 8 Ill 8060M BVOOIES Kip, Henry and the rest of the gang imagine themselves as senior cm- zeos In a Muristic society. Q i RACING FROM YONKERS ALL IN THE FAMILY MOVIE "Ten Day's Wonder" Orson Welles, thony Perkins. Claude Chabrol's drama of the complex love I hate relationships among the rich and tyrannical Deitrich Von Horn, his weak son and his young and beautiful wife. (2 hrs.) • AUSTIN CITY LIMITS Clarinetis1 Pete Fountain. fiddler Johnny Gimble and saxophonist Tomas Ramirez and his band Jazzmanian Devil are fea- tured. CID PORTRAITS IN PASTELS 8:35 ti?) AU IN THE FAMILY HEADACHES1 YOU DE~ER'vE TO FfEL GOOD CALL64W3" WISTCUJf C .. IOPIACTIC OMCl1 Ir .............. 2043 w.-lff Dr .. We IOI ----~--------------------------------........................ . Thursday (c.ooiinued) , (%) MOVIE "Who's That Knocking At My Doot?" (1967. Orama) Harvey Keitel, lina Bethune. A young man living In New YOtk's Little Italy has trou· ble adjusting when he embarks on a romance with a blonde WASP. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 9:008 (I) CAGNEY & LACEY (Premiere) Two female detectives struggling against sexism are assigned by their reluctant. chauvinist boss to Inves- tigate a murder case: Tyne Daly and Meg Foster S(ar. ( 1 hr.) 8 cm OIFPRENT STROKES Willis assumes a supe- rior attitude while trying to get into a fraternity. 8 aJ 9 TO 5 (Premlerp) Alta Moreno, Valerie Cur- tin and Rachel Dennison star as three working wom- en humorously struggling to make it In a man's world. (J) MOVIE "Belle Starr" ( 194 1, Western) Gene Tierney, Randolph Scott. A daring woman leaves her home to become the leader of an outlaw band et the close of the Civil War (2 hrs.) I MERV GRIFFIN NON-ACTION TB..EVlSION "'Third Avenue. Only The Strong Survive" Jon Alpert and Kelkl Tsuno's documentary looks at six different family situations along New York's Third Avenue, a street of diverse classes and cultures. (A) ( 1 hr.) ID NON-ACTION TELEVlSION "No Maps On My Taps" Three black jazz tap dancers -Sandman Sims. Chuck Green and Bunny Briggs -remlnlsce about the past and show what they are doing to continue a very special tradition. (A) ( 1 hr.) CC) MOVIE "Best Friends" ( 1975. Suspense) Rich- ard Hatch, Doug Chapin. During a trip to CaUfornia, an emotionally distressed young man tries to destroy his best friend's relationship with his girl- friend. ( 1 hr., 25 min.) • CH> MOVIE "The Rollicking Adventures Of EJlz.a Fraser" ( 1976, Adventure) Susannah York, John Waters. In 19th-century Australia, a sea captain's wife falls for a lecherous rogue aboard ship. (2 hrs., 10 min.) CD MOVIE "Which Way Is Up?" (1977, Comedy) Richard Pryor, Lanette McKee. A sex-starved fruit plck8f' is caught io a comic crossfire between his ooion and the Mob, and a hypocntlcal preacher finds heaven in a ladieS' choir. 'A' ( 1 hr., 34 min.) CD) MOVIE !'The Postman Always Rings Twlca" (1981, Orama) Jack Nicholson, Jessica Lange. A young woman and her loll9f plot to murder her hus· band. 'A' (1 hr.,37 min.) 9:06G1} MOVIE "The Brigand" (1952, Adventure) Anthony Dexter, Anthony Quinn. A royal guard who beers a striking resemblance to the king Is accused of • J>Oll!lcal aaaaaslnatlon. (2 tn.) 9:30 e e GIMME A BREAK Ne4I saves the day when the Kamlne«y home Is robbed. • 0 TAXI Lalka end Slmka decide to get married and choose the Sunshine Ceb Company getage to be the .Ute for thelf nuptial vows. Q Cl) SPORTS CENTER 10:ooe Cl) KNOTS LANOtNG Laura tella Richard thet She is pregnant. and Val writes a novel ab0u1 the Ewings. ( 1 ~ 8 e Hl.1. 8 I BLUES The cops take on the locel ge~ In a benefit baske1bal game, end Belkef and Washington catch an X·rated marathon when ~ stake outa pomo movie house. ( 1 hr.) lll~20·NaW TO THE MA.HOA BOAN AB WORLO CUP &KUNG "Men's Slalom" from Jeane. Czecho91ovakla. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) Cl) TWO TOP 8AHANA.S Don Adams and Don RJc. kles tMm up fOf a showcase of buflesque and uncensored comedy. ( 1 hr.) 10:06 CZ> MOVIE "Mean Streets" ( 1973, Orama) Har- W'/ Kettel. Robert De Niro. A smalHlme hood and his kresponslble f'f1end find plenty of trouble In New Y«k's Little ltaty. 'A' (1 hr .. 50 min.) 10:aoeNaW I liGNATUAE Guest: Oevtd Lettennan. ~Correspondents Linda Wer· thelmer and Cottle Roberta Join Paul Duke fOf an up- to-the-mlnute summery of Conaressional actlvtties. Cl:) MOVIE "North By NOfthw"t" '1959, Suapenee) Cery Grant, Eva Marie Saint. An adver· tiling men'a llfe II changed drastically when he la mist Men for a CIA agent. (2 hrs.. 16 min.) • MOYE "Bustin' Loose" (1981, Comedy) Rlch-- •d Pryor. Ocely Tyson. A bumbtlnQ bul'glar, a con- cerned ICh<>Olteachef and eight Children make a frightening Cfoes-<:OUntry trip In a broken-down u=!M~ii~ KOJNC JOEFMNfCL.lf THE JEff'ENOH8 IAWOfl> NII) 80N BOT~ MAN: ON THE UMfT llCI( CMl£TT FEMALE COPS -Meg Foster {right), as Chris C-agney, and Tyne Daly, as Mary Beth Lacey, co-star as New York Qty undercover police detectives in "Cagney & Lacey," a new dramatic aeries premiering Thursday at 9 p.m. on CBS (Ch. 2). (lJ MOVIE "Emmanuelle" ( 197-4, Drama) Sylvia Kristel. Alain Cuny. ·x· (1 hr., 31 min.) CID MOVIE "Funhouse" (1981, Horror) Elizabeth Berridge, Sylvia Miies. Four teen--agers spend a frightful night In a carnival funhouse Inhabited by a demented barker and his monstrous son. 'R' ( 1 hr., 35min.) • (I) MOVIE "The Kiiiing Kind" ( 1973. Orama) John Savage, Cindy Williams.. After ·serv1ng two years on a trumped up sex charge, a young woman is released from prison and begins seeking her r~. 'R' (t hr., 35 min.) 11:06(1l) MOVIE "Portrait Of A Mobster" (1981, Dr• • ma) Vlo Morrow. Leelle Perrleh. Outen Schultz gains power to become a major underwor1d figure. (2 hra., 10 min.) · 11:30 e Cl> Ol*CY Quincy Investigates charges that an Inmate at an Institution for the cr1minallV Insane was ~alty beeten by guards. (R) (f hr .. fO min.) • • TONIGHT Host: Johnny Carson. Guests: lav;~=~T· c1 hr.) ALL .. THE FA.Mil Y LOVE. AMBICAH 8TVLE MORNING MOVIES e:oo• "A()8die" (1980, Comedy) Meet Loet. 8:06Gl> "Toold Zone" (19-40, Adventure) James Ca~. Ann Sheridan. 7:00~ "The Kid From Left Field" (1979, Orama) Gal}'.__ Cdefnan, Robert Gufftaume. 7:15(.Z) "The Stranger" (1967. Orama) Marcello Mastroianni, Anna Karina. 7:30()) "The Competition" (1980, Orama) Richard Dreyfuss, Amy Irving. 8:00 CB) "The Secret Of Seagull l&land" ( 198 t , ~) Jeremy Britt, Nicky Henson. • 'White Wat• Sam" (Adventure) Kel1h Larsen. 8:06G1} "I Sailed To Tahiti With An Alf.Gk1 Crew" ( 1968, Comedy) Gardner McKay. Pat Buttram. 9:00(C) "North By Northwest" ( 1959, Suspense) Cary Grant, Eva Marie Saint. C%> "Hopaootch" (1980. Comedy) Watter Matthau, G6enda Jackson. a:aoe "The Star Pack•" (193-4. Western) John Wayne, Verna HOOe. •"A Thunder Of Drums" (196~. Western) Rlch-- ard Boone. Geof'g..-Hamllton. 10:00 CH> "The 8'ack Peerl" ( 1978, Adventure) Gll-- bert Rotand. Can Andenon. ~ "The Four Horaemen Of The Apocalypee" 982. Orama) Glann F0td, L .. J. Cobb. 10: Gl) "Flv9 Golden Oragonl'' (1987, Ad'4nt-...) Aobeft Curnmklga. Margaret Let. 11:06(1) ''Any WNoh Wey You Can" (1980. eom. dY) Clint Eastwood. Sondra Locke. 11:3D{C)_"Glt1 FrJendl" (1978. Orama) Melat"9 M8Y" ron.ta Walach. e "The 8hOgUn Werrlors: Grandlzt(' (1981. Fan. t9 a MOVIE "Ten Day's Wonder"" Orson Welles, Anthony Perkins. Claude Chab<ol'• drama of the -o complex love I hate relatlonshlps among the rich ~ and tyrannical Deitrich Von HorA, his weak soo and -his ~ and beautiful wile. (2 hrs.) ~ I CAPTIONED A.BC NEWS_ or SPORTS CENTER c MOVIE "The Secret Of Seagull Island" ( t 981, ,, Suspense) Jeremy Britt, Nicky Henson. A young ::!. Ameflca=lrl tries to tree her blind sister lrom her $ island ca I · . ( 1 hr .. 45 min.) 12:008 AJNMENT TONIGHT Beckstage at ~ "The Young And The Restless" with Jamie Lyn a Bauer. Dennis Cole, Debra Adair and Steven Ford. ., 8 (!I VEGA.$ A Vietnam veteran who holds Dan responsible for his wartime Injuries hires a hit man to f.Q kill him. {A) ( 1 hr .. 10 min.) _. Cl MOVIE "AU The Brothers Were Valiant" (1953, ~. Adventure) Robert Taylor. Stewart Granger. Two "' New England whaling captains, who are brothers, pan ways when they disagree over searching for a treasure. (2 hrs ) (J) MOVIE "The Miracle Of Morgan's Creek" ( 1944." Comedy) Bet1y Hutton, Eddie Bracken. When a young glrl finds herself p1egnant after a night on the town with a group of Gls. she Is hard- ~essed to Identify the father. (2 hrs.) •MOVIE "Mary, Queen Of Scots" ( 1972, Drama) Vanessa Redgrave, Glende Jackson. Queen Mary of Scotland Is beheaded after she defies the rule of her I~~~~= (2hrs, 25min.) FOCUS ON 80CETY THIS WEB< IN THE NHL MOVIE "The Anal Conflict" {1981, Orama) Sam ~H. Rossano Brazzi. In the third part of "The Omen" trilogy, young Damien, the embodiment of the Antichrist, is now an adult and a trusted advisor to the presldent of the U.S. 'A' ( 1 hr., 49 min.) 12:308. LAT6"NIGHT WrTH DAVIO l..ETTEAMAN Guest: author John Ehdichman. {1 hr.) e COUPl..E8 T~ episode deals with a woman who claims that shed leave her husband if she had =~· Tube Topper Magnum, P.I. Channel 2 -8 p. m. ' -~ Cl) CO • EOE HOCKEY ··~ I Championehlp Semifinals" from the Provtdenoe Civic Center. (2 hrs.. 30 min.) e THE ~ sam:A8 Anita. Ruth and June perform In a concert feetunng "Fire," "Yes We Can C.n" and "He's So Shy." ( 1 hr.) 12:36(1) MOYE "Bronco Billy" ( 1980, Comedy) Clint Eutwood. Sondra L~e. A former lhoe MJeaman from New Jefsey reelizee his dream of performing In a Wild West show. 'PG' (1hr.,57 min.) 12:40• Cl> MCMILLAN 6 WIFE Sally's aecret admif· er kllla a petty thief who tried to steel her purae. (A) ( 1 hr., 40 min.) 12:45(1:) MOYE "Sunday In New Y«k" (1964, Com- edy) aft Robertson. Jane Fonda. Atte< being jilted by her boyfriend and travellng to New YOf'k to visit her b<other, •young woman oon&iden her poattlon on~. (1hr.,45 min.) 1:00• MOVIE "Jungle Woman" (19-M, HOfTOf) Evelyn Ankers. Lole Collier. A doctor revttaJlzes a Jungle ape which becomes a fierce woman. ( t hr., 20 min.) • MOVIE "Impact" (19-49, Mystery) Brian Oon- levy, Ella Raines. A wefk:onoelved plot by a woman and her peral'OOu' to dlspoee of her husband via an "accidental" death backfires Ironically for the echemlna pelf. (1 hr .. 30 min.) 1:1oe WOVIE "To Love A Vamplte" (1971, Hor· ror) Ralph 8at9t. Barbera Jeff0td. An evt1 count adtpt In the black arts returns to oonduct his grlsly ir~" 30 min.) 1:16Gl) MOYIE "The Nak9d StrNt" (1955, Myltery) Anthony Quinn, Anne Bancroft. A crime reporter cleara en lnnooent man who wu framed for murder ~a gengtter. (1 hr.,~ min.) CID MOYIE ''Wholly t.Aoaeel'' ( 1980, Comedy) Qud. ley Moore, lMllne NewmM. In btbleeJ Egypt. a falae prophet named Hertohel MY98dtope on a dMnt OOfWerl8tlon wtttt Motel and~ he mtJ91 be the one to lead hill people out of alaY&ty. 'PG' ( 1 hr •• .ctm.) 1·m· ~NEWS · . llCME "F\ll'lhoute1' ( 1981, Horrot) Elz.ebtth , SyMa ...... Four t~ epand a tnghttUI ~ In • oemlval funhouM IMM*ed by • ···-----~ ..... 'ff (tilr., 36m.) - -I .. ! l . . SONY BETAMK• PORTABLE BETAMAX~ VIDEOCASSETTE RECORDER Announcing the second ~tion In home vldeoc:aaene recorders: Sony's inCf'edible B«aPlkt It's emllller, lighter. more comped )nan wry y,· r900fder In history ... ii brings you· an utoundi~ range of new video featuree and cmpebilities ... and beat of 111. It's fu4ty ~ -eo YoU can UM It with .... lndoora °' outdoora. to reclOfd off the air or to aelle }QK own home vlcMo programs! YOUR CHOICE! SCOTCH VIDE(). CASSETTES ,,JA,... s' o .• ,-5 S2.50as•• LIMIT: 6 PER CUSTOMER ' VIDEO FllOI RECORDERS 5569 WE HAVE A COMPLETE CHOOSE FROM THESE SELECTION OF; FAMOUS IRANOS: • VTRS •TAPES• CCTV• • AcMnt • Akll •TDK MOVIES• Vl>EO CAMER-Maanavox •RCA• Httachl AS• WIDE SCAEEN TV'S• • PUuonk • JYC •Sony ACCESSOMES •RENTALS • M6A • G.E. • Ouuar CffN NOi nRU mJRS. 10-6 •FRI 10-8 •SAT 10-6 ·~ 12..S YOU'LL LllCE OUR PRICE• AT ••• Thursday (contirued) 1:60(%) MOYIE "American Pop" (1981, Musical~ Animated. The history of American pop music, from vaudeYIMe to rock 'n' roll, Is traced through several generations of a family of musicians. 'R' ( 1 hr.1 37 mini 2:06 NEWS 2:20 NEWS e MOVIE "J\lngle Captive" ( 1945, HOfror) Ono Kruger, Jefome Cowan. A mad scientist, an ape woman and a scared secretary are an lnvofved in ju~ horror. (1 hr .• 10 min.) 2:25• MOW: "t<lss Tomorrow Goodbye" (1950. Orama) James Cagney. Ward Bond. A convicted murclef« escapes and marries a wealthy young woman. but la later confronted by his victim's sister. (2 hrs.) 2:30 Cf) MORNING STRETCH e MOVIE "The Unbelievable Varan" ( 1962. Scl- enoe-Flcilon) Myron Healy. Tsuruko Kobayashi. A primeval monster emerges from a chemical experi- ment and proves to be' Invincible In Its power. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) Ct) MOVIE "Loving Cou les" ( 1980. Comedy) Shirley Maclalne. James iobUrn. A married couple and a pair of young singles switch partners In a ~ of lifestyle sampll.ng and romantic revenge. PG' ( t hr., 37 min.) • 2:36 Cl) TWO TOP BANANAS Don Adams and Don Ricl<les team up for a showcase of buttesque and uncensored comedy. (1 hr.) 2:401NEWS 2:55 MOVIE "The Law" (1974, Orama) Judd Hirsch. John Beck. A sensational homicide trial leads to unsavory manewerings behind the scenes (2 hrs .. 5 min.) 3:00 (!) JOE FRANKLIN ~~FORUM {I) MOVIE "The Stunt Man" (1980, Orama) Peter O'Toole. Steve Railsback Wanted by the police. a disturbed Vietnam veteran finds an unsure haven on a movie set where a World War I epic Is being filmed. 'R' (2 hrs., 9 min.) 3:30 e MOVIE "The Jungle" ( 1952. Scienoe-Fic- tion) Rod Cameron. Cesar Romero. Members of an expedition encoonter huge preNsto<lc creatures deep in the jungles of India. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) Cl) THas W£E){ IN THE NHL • MOYIE "Eyewitness" ( 1981. Mystery) SigOur- Ofl'f Weaver. Wlllam Hurt. A television reporter becOmeS lnvofved with a janitor Who may know more about a murder that he witnessed than he Is !!Ying. 'A' ( 1 hr .• 43 nWI.) (XJ MbVIE "Seven Beauties;' (1976, Orama) Gian· catlo Giannini. Shirley Stolet. While lmprlsooed In a Nazi concentration camp, a petty thief find1I his obsessive desire fO( self-presef'Vatlon put to the ulti- mate test. (1 hr., 55 min.) 3:315(1) MOVIE "The Killlng Kind" (1973. Orama) John Savage. Cindy Wllllams. After serving two years on a trumped up sex charge, a yoong woman IS released from prison and begins seeking her revenQe. 'R' ( 1 hr .• 35 min.) .......................................... _ AFTERNOON MOVIES FREE AT LAST -Constance McCashin stars as the level-headed Laura Avery, who finds success in a real-estate career and frees herself from the influence of an indifferent husband, on ''Knots Landing" Thursday at 10 p.m. on CBS (Ch. 2). The popular series has been moved to a new time slot from 9 p.m . 4:0000 JtMMY SWAGGART Cl) SPORTS CENTER 4:06 G1) FUNTIME ... ':tO(C) MCME "Ode To Biiiy Joe" (1976. Orama) Robby Benson. GtynniS O'Connor. Based on the song by Bobbie Gentry. A tormented teen·ager's past experiences complicate his first true romance. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 46 min.) 4:25. MA YBERRV RF.D. ':30(1) JIM BAKKER Nickelodeon takes roller-coaster ride Passive viewing is on the way out at Nickel- odeon, which wants kids to get involved with television. Their new program ''Wild Rides'' (March 12:008 "The Body Snatcher" ( 1945. Horror) Bela 28) aearches for the greatest roller-coaster ride in Lugosi. Boris Karloff. America -and you are there. • "The Moose That Roared" ( t959. ComedY) Matt Dillon hosts the half-hour show, which Peter Sellers, Jean Sebe<g. uses a new camera mount to make viewers feel as if e ·•warpath" (1951, Western) Edmond O'Brien. the,'re in the seat of the ride; the combination of Polly Bergen. 12:30(S) "Bronco Billy" ( 1980, Comedy) Clint East-roe music and the noiae of the ride itaelf combine to wood, Sondra Locke. provide the cloeest actual experience. 1:00(1) "The Monster Club" ( 198 t. Horror) Vincent The pilots for "Kids' Writes," another show Price, John Carradine. designed to get children ·'('lively involved with TV, Ct) "Loving Cooples" ( 1980. Comedy) Shirley make encore appearanreo on March 24 and 26. A MacLalne. James Cobum. trou if fi _. .L I CH> "The Rollicking Advenll.lfes Of Eliza Fraser" ~ 0 ve pei ~ormers act out u:ie etten. poems, _ _{1976, Adventure) Susannah Yori<. John Waters. rid es, dreams, songs and compositions that chil- 1:06(%) "Who's That Knocking At My Door?" ( 1967, dren have sent in without changing the words or Orama) Harvey Keitel, Zina Bethune. characters. It's the closest kids can oome to writing 1:30e "Pinchcllff Grand Prix" (1980, Adventure) their own TV show. Animated. ~ HBO's new "Flashback" docwnen••ru series 2:00 "American Pop'' ( 1981, Musical) Animated. 1 hopes \0 make history oome alive by ~bining 2::! A~~ gir~'.' P 977• Orama) Robby Ben· actual footage of even ta with dramatic re- 2:3&~ "Hopscotch" (1980. Comedy) Walter enactmenia. 'The first epilode tor5:p ia ''The Matjh.91.1, Glenda Jackson. Greet Pluue," about the 1918 S lnfluema 3:00(.C) "Choppy And The Princess" ( 1973, Fanta-epidemic ihat killed more than 2 mlWon people ~ Animated. • f.hrouahout the world.~ Sevareid hosts the fint • "Cardiac Arrest" (1978, Mystery) Garry Goo-show. airiq March 23 and 25. 1421 WIST llicAllTHUR a VD. 4:'&>°' ~.I~ ~~e Of The Slefra Madre" ( 194a. On a u&htet note, "Barefoot 1n the Park" will (.AJl!JT WDTOFBRlllTOI.} Orama) Humphrey BoQar1, Walt« Huston. play March ~1. 24 and 27 on HBO. RJclwd 'nM>n\89 •• .. 1 ••• e .. Ill .. llZZ 4:3C)(JI) "Bedknobs An<fBroomstlcka" (1971. Fan-and Besa Annltrong •tar aa newlyweda who move ... 11 -• tuy) AttQela LanabtMy, David Tomlinson. into a rooftop apartment 1n a aixth·floor waJ!t·up -e "Aoeale" (1980, Come<ty) Meat Loef, .Kekl one that bu no beet and a brobn blthtub. Buban ONL~ Hunter. Barrte and Hana c.onrled (tn hil 1ut oerfonNnee) -~ I (.I) '"The Stranger-" (1967, Ofema) Marcello Mas-also ata.r in this new~ of the Neil Simon play, 1 • v: : tr06ennl, Anna Karina. which WI taped at the MOm-e n..ter in Seattle, ~~~--._:..--~_,.._..;~~~~;;::;;.i;;;;;;;;~~~~====~~~Wllh . --------- • • . Disney From Page 3 Disney was an innovator, a man who created fresh imaginative entertainment. His accomplishments in animation, live action films and amusement parks are well known. But it is worthwhile to remember that Disney was also a pioneer in television proghmming. In 1955, he telecast "Davy Crockett, King of 'the Wild Frontier" and created a coonskin hat fad that swept the nation. His "Zorro" series was equally popular. Disney was also among the first to televise his progam in color, beginning in 1961. Disney's death created a giant void in his stu- dio's creative circles, a space that has never been adequately filled. On the movie side, Disney's live action features have flopped miserably one after another in recent years. In part tJiis is because of changing audience tastes; as movie.goers crave more sex and violence on the screen, what chance does a wholesome fa- mily fihn have? The problem also is that "wholesome" often translates in to "dull." The current TV climate might be the best place for traditional Disney fare. "Wholesome" family programs, if produced with interesting characters and intelligent scripts, can deliver the ratinp. "Little House on the Prairie" is proof 0£ thaL Because a telecast of the original "Love Bug" movie garnered high ratings last year and because CBS liked the pilot script, five episodes of the po- tential leries were filmed. One CBS official said the "Love Bug" episodes are being broadcast at 8 p.m. Wed:ne9daya becaUle the network knows there's a family show audience out there at that time already watching ABC's "The Greatest American Hero." Two Disney TV projects should be mentioned simply becauae they're not based on old movies. ''The Cherokee Trail," a Western pilot about a woman running a stagecoach station, was well- received and is being considered by CBS as a pas.- Bible eeries. And the upcoming "Small and Frye" will fea- ture TV veterana Darren McGavin and Boddy McDowall ln a comedy about a detective who pins the ;.1:!7..:d shrink in me. Lota o1 apedaJ effects are in thla one. It will be interesting to 9ee il the new Disney pilots find their audience. Maybe we'll learn whe- ther the Disney studio is on the brink of a creative reawakening or ia just plowing the mne old ground. I wonder what old Walt would uy ..... WORTH A LOOlt: If you didn't catch it laat weekend on KOCE, watch for the rebroadcast Cooking School MARCH Schedule 2119 E . Cout KJCbway Corona del Mar, CA 92lm t"IS-ZMI ,,,.,,. to .... ~ T'filMtw) ' NEW FROM DISNEY ... Or is it? Shirley Jones fieft) as Aunt Polly, and Patsy Kensit •as Pollyanna, appear in the new 1'V film, "The Adventures of Pollyanna.'' from Dis- ney Studios. In the original movie Jane Wyman and Hayley Mills were Aunt Polly and Pollyanna. Sunday of "'The Marx Brothen in a Nutabell" on KCET Channel 28. It's a well-made documentary filled with hilarious bits from the Marx Brothers' movies, plua IOlDe rare . studio publicity clipe. Al.lo included are int.erview'I with family and friends of the Marx Brothen along with commenta from admUen Dick Cavett and llavid Steinberg. CHEERS AND TEARS: Fans of two critically acclaimed aeri.• will find thermelvee p1eued and saddened by recent network repcrta. The bad news la that "Barney Miller," the po~ p>lice comedy on ABC, ii calling it quits aft.er ~t 11eUOns. A final epUode ia be1na written . ooncerrung the c1ming of the lel'ies' police precinct office. The good news ia that "Hill Street Blues," which bounced back thia year from poor ratings ln ita tint aeuon, bu been picked up by NBC for another full 8ea80ll in 1982-83. MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDA\' .. ..,. .. CUWIO llWICM Cllec.-. waa, ~~ ~ O..WCOOICIM• 23 ,,,.. 24 ~ 'A TI)UCIH °" CUii" • • PtM1JI INIY OQUMllT Net ..... TMl.A ~ Ml..IANml 22 ' 31 Q.E.D.' ~ . From Page 1 ~ • • • Stevenson,· DaVld Soul, Cathy Lee Crosby, Kristy 8 and .funmy McNichol, M0rgan Brittany, former - Boston Celtic player John Havlicek and Randi Oakes ,, and Brodie Greer of NBC's "CHlPs." S: Formerly the "John Denver Celebrity Pro Am," ~ the event is billed as a race but really Is designed to • encourage the public to take up the sport of skiing. ~ . . . ... "I Love Liberty," a gala two-hour extravaganza g. featuring a cast o! 1,750 performers airs on ABC _. Channel 7 at 9 p.m. Sunday. !D The show includes stars such as Barbra Strei· _. sand, Robin Williams, Anthony Geary, Kristy Mc-~ Nichol, Christopher Reeve and Kenny Rogers in N perhaps the largest party ever mounted in honor of George Washington. The event was taped in front of an audience of 10,000 at the Loe Angeles Sports Arena. . The show buainesa penonalltiea are joined by five marching bands, auxiliary performing units, choirs, adult Choral groups and gospel singers. • • • ''Tomorrow's Child" 1s an ABC movie about two parents who take part in a aecret experiment to have their child grown outside the mother's body. The show airs at 9 p.m. Monday on Channel 7. Stephanie Zimballat, Wllliam Atherton, Arthur Hill. Bruce Daviaon and Ed Flanders star in this film, which 1s projected from !lcientific procedures in use today. · \V}len ~ecplogist Janice Bender is acciden- tally drowned, Dr. Anders Stenalund (Flanders) and his colleagues at the 8eC\lrity-conadous St.enslund Institute must decide whether to abort top-eecret "Project Genesis." A radical, history-malting at- tempt to produce the ultimate test-tube baby, "Genesis" la designed to bring a human fetus to full-term birth, completely in the laboratory. • • • Snoopy, the precodous P'JP who ia both a baJ;M? and a bie.R'lC in the llvee of Charlie Brown and the "Peanuts" youngsten. ii aotnc a bit too far in his ego-trippiq. He beooloea the eelf-ctyled star ol a maO: l6oW and proceeds to rendel' Ow-lie Brown lnvflibJe IJxl levttate Llx:y into limbo in "It's Magic, Olarlie Brown." The animated 8Pedal, featuring the chanders of Charla Schulz. wl1l be retin.dcUt on Monday at 8 p.m. on CBS (Channel 2). • • • Georae C. Soou st.an aa F8ld.n in 'l()liver Twist," a new adaptation of the timeTelB Charla Dlckena clulic about an Ol'J>han rai8ed ln a workhou.e who underaom bardahfp1 before ~ hia teeret ancestry. 'The two-hour movie airs at 9 p.m. Tue.day on~ (Channel 2). Encliah newcamer Richard Ow-lee plays Oliver and the dilUnpilbed British actor Michael llordem playt BrownlOw in the apedal preeentation. THURSDAY rfltlDAV ·SATURDAY It 20 ~ %5 ,, .... 26 %7 ..... oi..L H UI. IO~M °'''lA 10IC)CCWI 1Clll M OOOICS" OCllTA HIM. nl 111991• ICMBl.-TZ 9'jl" ~T~ WHIPPLE'S HEALTHY FDDDS of Newport ... w • .,....,,_ .. _ Hlm YIEW CENTER 1628 San Miguel Drive Newport leach, Ca. 644-77.33 • °'94 7 DAYS • • MOM. "'9 ... t .. 6 • SAT. t:JO .. l~JO PM • IUMDAYS IZ .. 4 PM ALL Lil l atural J UICES All Your Favorite -~ N ............................................ .. s ..- A. KllCHEI SO BEAUTIFUL· o.ur friends will hate · _,_ OPEN THUR. Till 9 PM Letters Harrison did own stripping STRIPPED-I ave a activity was cut some-Avea1en." Bat I tb1D1' Week's allowuce rldlq what in the final TV ne WU la uodler IHW. w tMs; Jrdle TV-mffte veniion Becauae it was Caa yoa tell as tbe an- uFer Ladles Oaly," my felt he bared too much. 1wer' motlier 1ay1 tllat Gre-First, Mias Raffin was pry 11.urtsoD dJd Ht do NEVER ENOUGH -still in high school when ill llll OWll duda& ud We receatly saw die film "The Avengers" was on 1trlppjq. I uy lie dJd. "Oace 11 Not Eaoagla" the air. Second, it was WM wlU? aad eajoyecl Deborall filmed in England, with Harrison did all his Raffia la tbe role of the following British ac- own d~clng and strip-Juaary. My wile uy1 tresses: Hi>nor Blackman J>i.ni, althoUgh the la~r tllat Debbie wa1 la "Tiie (only seen in the early ep isodes in England), \\Ord Game Diana Rigg (as Emma Peel), Linda Thorsen (as Tara King) and Joanna ...---------------..... Lumley (as Purdey in FILL ltJ ~ MISSING LElfE!S'S /tJ "The New Avengers"). ·me ''TV IA.IOROS" &LOW. Mias Raff in did star briefly last year in a I I IRl11 I IAJRI I ~ =ti~-~~~~vis:r~ IBIEI IRI IAft lSI I ~ "F:::Y·"DAZE Ii IL IE I ~IRI I I I ~6~~JC~ Whatever bappeaed to -------""' ,,--Ricltle Cunlngbam'• lc l MIP~I IVI , .. '!/f~r:'' ~~di:~ ~B':~·p;116.~: ~ ~EARiA>JGE nee ~ 1 Alain"' 8 £.E'T'rfl.ZS Yoo F/LC.~D rtJ ~ ~he character of i l'"'O SJiEi.L THE ~a: A Chuck Cunningham, played by Randolph Ro- i ~6 ~ • berts, was written out of ' the aeries after its first i ~~~~~see f I I him in early reruns. I (Send your letters to Pepper O'Brien, Unir.ed ·;ii:xJ-'~~ OSI"! -hrt>IJHY.) ::>W::>i1~ Feature Syndicate, 200 J S.l.V.:::74!1Vd9 '£ii2!Vd ..J.21~ :~~NV Park Avenue, Room 602, New York, N. Y. 10166 FOR SAFETY ..• SECURITY ... CONVENIENCE Automatic Garage Door Operators by Stanley LOWEST PRICES IN ORANGE COUNTY "We Are Never Undersold" FREE extra transmitter with garage door opener Stanley Digital "High Security" -Radk> controls -three signals . 'f I STANLEY ~~ ~.' •I f'oay or Nighl 'Prompt, courteous - ~.conscientious service . .............. .. ,..,. "Le•dlnf ln••ll•r ot Autometlc Door Openen In o,.,.,. County" IRVINE DOOR COMPANY Sales 8c Service • 1•1uNd. Bonded a ~!!; ~~~ N!. 312381. ~ Inside TV Gazzara plays honest N. -Y. cop-~ Ben Gazz,asa will star as an honest New York cop caught in a deadly trap by federal narcotics agents in "A Question of Honor," set for broadcast on CBS April 28. Also starring are Paul Sorvino, Robert Vaughn, Tony Roberts, Danny Aiello and Anthony Zerbe. In the story, Ganara plays Joe DeFalco, a hardworkin¥. and honest cop. Federal agents have set up a "bust • to snare conupt cops and city' off:idals, but when DeFalco is called on at the last minute to make the bust instead of the scheduled officer, trouble starts ... Linda Gray, star of "Dallas." will be named Woman of the Year in broadcasting by the Holly- wood Radio and Television Society at the 22nd annual International Broadcasting Awards March 23 in Century City. The popular star is CWTently filming a television movie, "Not in Front of the Children" ... In recent remarks to the CBS Broadcast Group, CBS VP James Rosenfield said that the numbers of people watching television is growing and will continue to grow. "We estimate that the number of television households will increase from 80.4 million last year to some 90.3 million by 1986 .. .last year a record was set when the average household used its television set for six hours and 45 minutes a day ... " Albert R. "Cubby" Broccoli will honored with the Irving G. Thalberg Awa.rd at the 54th annual Academy Awards program Monday, March 29 Cubby is the fellow who baa produced 12 James Bond movies, starting with "Dr. No'' in 1962 and continuing through the recent "For Your Eyes Only." Seine quarter billion moviegoers have been eatimated to have eeel'l hit movies ... Rory ~oun. Carolyn Jones, Ed Nelson and Conltance Towen have been ."'°1ed tor roles in '4Capitol," a new .,.P 1et to debut Friday, March 26. The one-hour drama deals with the return of Air Force Captain Tyler McCandless. hero of a reoenl Persian Gulf incident . . . John Savage will ll8r as a young American in Russia whose dream of returning to hi& homeland sustains him through a rather grueling 18 years of torture, starvation and brutality in Siberia, in "Com.ina Out of the lee," based on the memoirs of Victor llennan and filmed in Ioeland and Finland. The broadcast is set for May 23. In 1931, 16-year old Victor went with m. parents to Gocky. where his father was to work in a car plant. The young man excelled In sports and embraced the life of a Soviet athlete. In 1934 he broke the world's parachute jump record, but refused to sign the official form that TV Puzzle BEN GAZZARA. . .is one of New York's finest in "A Question of Honor:• to be telecast April 28 on ~ (Ch. 2). would identify him as a Soviet citizen -he wanted to be an American. Four years later he was arrested for alleged counter-revolutionary activities, and spent the next 18 years in hard labor camps, exile ''As the World Tums" has added a couple of new faces to Its regular lineup -Judith BW.er, who will play ~ent Arid Aldrein and Hugo Napier who will play Gunnar St. Claire, a ''mysterious figure'' The filminc of the comina minhlerles "Mam> Polo'' on three continents baa le() to une interesting tales. Thia eeerned a winner: Ken Marsball, while filming in Morocco, 1oet his wig one evening when he got lost in the de9ert and was given a motorcycle ride back to town by a kind Arab. The next day, a taxi driver went into the desert to find the wig, but found a bold Bedouin wearing it in his tent. The Bedouin sold the wig back to Marshall for $25, which waa considered a wile buy, since lt would have cost a lot mon! than that to replace. By the way, the 10-hour miniseries will air four consecutive nights: May 16 through 19, on NBC When asked what experiences he had to call on to help him play Sidney Sebo.er in "Love, Sidney," ACROSS 1,6 Shown, plays Shannon 33 Plays Sam on Flamingo 12 -M.cMshon Road 13 Falk role 36 Ely and Gina 14 NelGhbOr of MA. 37 Mr. Outager 16 Neel-egg 40 Sergeent - 17 Mr. Redford'• lnetgne 42 Joan Van - 18 Compue point 43 Tk>Tec> - 20 -Luft 46 S~ldc 21 -Aetd on WKRP 48 Mr. RusHll's lnstgne 22 TV science ehow 47 Matt Diiion, e.g. 24 Pat&ntand 49 Do, "· -25 Joel Mc-!50 -Adair play• Jiii 28 -FOIOC Fotlet' 218 Baaz Of Colllns 52 Sophia -' 2t MIM Ekberg'I hanlty ~ -Sanford ptays d.c« Loulae 30 Miss Aolle't algn-off 66 PrOduoer Ray - .31 Prime - DOWN 1 TV• flVOf'tl• Vat.ntlne 37 Yel~sh pink 'rony Randall told this story: "I was riding along 09 a bus and I saw a man I ]! knew -l~ or 20 years ago -wa.1.kiJ18 down the o street. New York traffic being what it was, the bus ~ hardly moved faster than the man walking. I < watched him walking for a block or two. He dian't r- know 1 was watching him. 'The way he walked 8 broke my heart. rd known that he WU an unhappy • pel'llOn but rd never seen it crystalir.ed. rd p.ever ~ 8ee1l such lonelinesa as 1n his walk. It stayed with me ~ and rve thought of it leVenal times since then. That's "!= the way it is with actors and writers. When Sidney ~ Shorr came along -pluck!! -I had him." e: n Pat Boone will be host of the National F.asttt :7 Seal Telethon on Saturday and Sunday, March ~ ~~ - The 20-hour telethon, featuring numerous ~ stars, will be telecast over 120 stations in the United "' States and Canada. This will be the second consecutive year Boone has been hc»t of the telethon. He is also national c.ampaign chairman for the Eas1er Seal Society. Actor Bert C.onvy will assist Boone as host on the West Coast and c:ompc.er Marvin ffamlMch will be host in New York. . John Hillennan will flay a Nazi agent in the ABC movie-pilot "Tales o the Brais Money." HillenMn. who normally plays the majordomo Hisadns on the CBS series "Magnum, P.L," plays a villain named Monocle, who gets involved in in- ternational intrigue in the South Pacific before World War II. Stephen Collins stars in the movie as a pilot and mldier of forwne in the South Pacific in the 1930s. The prc»pective series. created by Don BeJUsario, abo atars Jefi McKay, c.aitlin O'Heaney and Ron Moody. Richard Pryor stars in the Paramount movie "Some Kind ol Hero," which allO stars Margot Kidder and Ray Sharkey. MJchae1 Pn.man dl.rected from a ICript by James Kirkwood and Robert Boria. based on the book by Kirkwood. lta world premiere on March 23 will benefit the Foundation fM Bum Re.earcb, a nonprofit orpni- r.atlon supportins the new field of cell culturing and lk.1n donlna. Pryor auttend aeven bums en an eocident at fUs home le'Yel'al ~ .,o. Audra Lindley will star with Burt Reynolds and Goldle Hawn in "Best Frienda," now ahooUng on location 1n Virginia. Mill Lindley al8o 1tara OOPOSlte Nick Nolte and Debra Winger in ''Cannery !Ow.'' Nonnan Jewison .is the producer-director. Va- lerie CUrt1n and Barry Levinlon wrote the ecreen- play. Francis Coppola will direct his own screenplay of ''The Outaiden" for Warner Broe. The movie ii bued on the best-lell.i.ng novel by S.E. Hinton, which is enormoualy popular among young people. Coppola'• most recent picture is ''One From the Heart,' which he made at h1a financially troubled studio, Zoetrope Studios. 4 Thoae elected 5 Pstrlcla -e -Dixon plays Sonny 7 Role for Sylvla Sidney 8 The Wayward~ - 9 MllJ McKenna'a t\andbea 10 10 ht Ot M#;aret 11 A...._ ,, 9Hotl, amooth flbtlo 19 Volunt..,, fOf •hOtt 1t All About - 21 litUelOll 9Yllable 23 Ptayed Male Smart 2& Jeff -play• Ralph 27 Ruby Ott J~ 21 Kin 9tWtMr rc>te ~ ~ ";' =•Elena 34 CHIPe rote 35 left -on Texu 38 -OM .. on CHIPa 41 Role for Klemperer 43 Get up nerve 44 Linden and Holbrook 47 The Lavender Hiii - 48 Realty unit 51 Ml•• Arthur'• algn-ofl 53 Heyerdahl'• raft SOLUTION 2 Donahue Of Wylre 31 Opulent LOW._... ._ 80uf'l4ol. .• IJllll~.JJ:i.W~~~W~~i.t.l!:~~~~-~~"':t:ii:Ui~ - . ' ·1 ' t r. I ~ . ~ f No 'Dee-light' Jo_bn's book By LYNDA HIRSCH ~ ALL MY CHILDREN: Crushed by Jen-o: ny's returning his class ring, Greg goes to see her but doesn't buy her story that her mode- ling career now has top priority. Greg disco- vers a collapsed Jessie, rushes him to the hos.- pita! where Jessie is found to have pneumonia and a collapsed lung.·& Greg keeps his vigil at the hospital, Liza appears and keeps him company, much to Jenny's displeasure. ,Cliff. unhappy with Nina's appointment to Cortland board of directors. Benny assures Donna his gambling problem is not ee.rious. When he no longer has to return the $1,500 to Brooke, since she separated from Tom, Benny saves some of the money but gambles with the rest. . -----ANOTHER WORLD: Ed plays up to Quinn and hopes she will use her cloeeness to Steve to help with Ed's electronics firm. Italian film producer Milo Simonelli comes to Bay 'City and romances Liz. Pete goes to Steve and voices his suspicion that Masterson was paid off. Blaine upeet when Sandy agrees to Cecil- le's Florida vacation. Anll.rY about Bob's affair, T .J . gets his friend Willy to hell> torch the King Fellowship Gym. Just as Alice and Steve are about to elope, Rachel calls from San Dlego and Steve rushes to her side to help in her ~arch for Matthew. · AS THE WORLD TURNS: Steve is served with divorce papers. Margo takes police exam but is fearful she is not in good physical shape for the rtgoroUI work. Ariel throws a party and mistakenly invites John, Dee, James and Margo, among others. At the party Barbara has another flaabback with Dee as a lady-in- waiting named Deidre and James as Jason, with the twoeome having a lustful eye for each other. James le.ams h1a brother Lars has been in £81' crash in Switzerland!... DAYS OF OUR LIVES: Marlena helps Eugene remember the~i ht of his wife's murder to try and learn if e killed her, or if it was the Salem S er. Melissa has run away fro!!l~achool an<1 Mickey gets Roman to file an B on ihe 15-year-old. On the plane to Salem, Phyllis diacovers Linda is also a passenger. Maggie is obviously un-. happy about Linda's return, recalling Mickey and Linda's long-ago affair. Stephano tells Alex h1a next job is_ to teduce Phyllis .. THE DOCTORS: Billy blackmails Natalie for $1,500 or he will publish her prostitute put. After Natalia takea the money from Luke's bank account, Billy says he wants more. Billy plana to contest Greta'a divorce action and sue for cUatody of Lee Ann. Phillip puts NEW MORNING NEWS FACES -It's an all new~ with~ news correspondents Bill Kurtia and Diane Sawyer now co- anchorina the ·~ Morning News" from 7 to 9 weeidays on Channel 2. Billy in charge of ihe Whitney bank acount. Although Nat has said goodbye to M.J ., Mag- gie stilf wants a divorce. Nat decides to stay with Mike and Greta plans to buy Matt's houae. The Medicine Man has its gala opening. EDGE OF NIGHT: Spencer upset by Sky's restlelSJ\e!IS. Raven returns from her trip and tells Geraldine she has met a wonderful man named Lance. When Lance shows up at ~ door Geraldine ls stunned because she tecognizel that be is Johnny. Johnny explains to Raven that Lance is his real name and Johnny hit ataRe name. GENERAL HOSPITAL: Laura T. learns of plan to steal · two priceless art ob~ and repl~ce them with David's hologram' -a three-dimensional image that looks like the real thing. Heather shows Dr. Katz article about psychiatrist who took sexual advantage of h1a patients. At Beecher's Corners a friend of the Whitakers dreams she sees Laura and then actually does appear to see her in the barn, causing Luke to head for the farm. Leslie in Washington trying to get funding for sports center. Alter Dr. Bradshaw's patient dies, Anne notices him wri~ something on chart. GUIDING LIGHT: Amanda moves when Alan turns over hh~ Spalding stock to her. Hope gets another threatening rnes8age saying Alan's life is in danger once he exits prison. Carrie believes Vanessa broke into the apart- ment to find Henry's letter and when she no- ticed the wedding gifts on the table, turns them over in a jealous rage. Under hypnosis, Carrie recalls aeeing a blond man the night she attempted suicide, but cannot identify him. Mike nabl the man tailing Henry and learns it's a detective Vanessa hired. -ONE LIFE TO LIVE: Having lured Larry to hospital, Ivan, disguised as an old man, hypnotizes Larry into not pressing charges against prowler. When Larry seems to resllt Ivan's control, Ivan considers moving up fre- quency of brain electrodes, which could cauae irreversible damage. Asa and Dorian join f OIUS against Tony and Bo. Georgine's younger bro- ther runs away from school and shows up in Landview. Following Peter's funeral, Jenny shows surprising strength but wants to know why Peter was driving over speed limit before his car crashed. Marco sneaks into Peter's of- fice to get hold of letter Peter wrote to Jenny about baby switch. RYAN'S HOPE: The plane lands and Arly, Pat and Kim are rushed to the hospital. The baby is suffering from meningitis but seems to be corning through the crisis. Seneca takes charge and tells Kim that he plans to have authority over the child. Rae tells Kim she can come back to live with her but that she 1 intends to fight Seneca for control of the baby.1 St. Patrick's Day is a happy occasion when 1 Siobhan comes for a visit and says she may 1 stay. Dee informs Siobhan that Joe saved Faith's life. When Ox goes to sell the pearls Jane .Bav~him he's. told they are fake. SEARCH FOR TOMORROW: While Sunny is tracking Dane in New York, the hooded stranger unleashes a sand bag above Dane's head. Sunny screams and Dane moves an inch, and although he sustains broken ribs and a. shoulder injury, his life is saved. After Sunny and Dane beoome lovers in ~ew York, he tells her about his double life as composer-secret agent. McClure informs Travis Dane has been injured in New York and cannot accompany him to St. Kitt. · TEXAS: When an upset Gregory tells Ashley he is upset by Alice's departure and cannot understand why his mother would die and leave him, Ashley s.ilently whispers that his mother's not dead. Brette and Rikki disco- ver the rock and start toward the cave en- trance, unaware that Gretchen is on their trail, with Mark and Ruby not far behind. Paige cannot understand why Ashley lied about her relationship with T.J. It is learned that Ashley and T.J . were engaged in college but the en- gagement was broken and she left ~Jt~l. YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS: Liz is stunned when Jill says she sold the house Liz has had for all these years for $65,000. Chris goes to ~t Snapper and suggests getting back together, but he says they are better off apart. With Chuckie needing a kidney transplant, Sally volunteers to be the donor. Unhappily, Nikki learns she is pregnant but tells Paw it was a false alarm. Lance and Leslie admit they both want Brooks back in their life but don't know how to go about it. Lance visits Laurie· and says he understands why she hid the fact that he was Brooks' father, but he begins to explain that he can't forgive her for her busi- ness manipulation. . • --Have a question about your favorite soap or soap star? Wi~ to Ly_nda Hersch, c_lo Fiel#_ Newspaper S-yndicate, P.O. Box 19620, IrWne, Calif. 92714. She will answ~r /AS many ques- tions as she can in her column, but the volume of mail malcm per90nal replies jmJXJSSible. fine statK:rery · 2823 east coast highway 675-10 I 0 caooa del rrar ... 0 Daytime CBS's 'Capitol' • set to preHJ1ere By LYNDA HIRSCH Nearly a year ago, producer John Conboy and two amodates bad a capital idea -it wu about a aoap opera that took place in Wuhington. D.C. And on March 26 at 10 p.m. (PT), a apeda1 premiere epi8ode of "Capitol' will air. Following that, cm March 29, "Capitol" will be ReD at 2:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, on CBS. Conboy saya the show, wh1ch ia going to be filmed at Kollywood's Television City, will take tripe to Waahington "four times a year as the 1ie11Cllll chanae" arid film a variety of ext.erion. While the ahow ia llated to have ita spedal next week, as of last week thlnp were just gettir1'E under way. Several of the location ahootinet baa to be c.anceled due to foul W81hinslton weather, and a few major characters bad yet to be cast. 1be cbaract.er of Sloane Denning, for example, was cut Just last week. She will be Deboran Mullowney. SJOan.e is OObSidered the pivotal character-a character, •ya Conboy, "bued on power, a pel'80tl who gets what ahe wan1a." Sloane la a char8cter who haS stood in her f.ather'a shadow and watched him groom young men for office, but who feell that she should be groomed for the Congress, even the presidency. John Cypher had been signed up to play Mark Denning, but at the last minute Ed Nebon, re- membered by many as Dr. Mike Rossi on "Peyton Place,'' waa put in that central role. Constance Towers, Carolyn Jones, Rory Cal- houn. David Mason Daniels, Nicholas Walker (1aat aeen on daytime as Brad Huntington on "The Doctora") and Kimberfy Beck-Hilton are allO signed. Conboy says that the character .of Tyler Mc- Candlea (played by Daniels) was the first character created, a priaoner of war who wu taken in an incident at the Persian Gulf and a good-guy superhero. C-onboy delCl'ibea Daniell u a ''Cui.a Reeve type; one of the best-looklng men on TV." We've 1ee11 David and we agree. Conboy allO eaya he feels that this Is an important show, that it's different beca1.11e it deall with a real place in the real world. However, there are no plans to perallel actual political eventa except for elections. He recalls that he did a real-life theme on "Young and the Rest.le." when he waa producing that show and it made him nervoua. He a.dded to send IOl'De ol the cbaracten olf to Prince Charlee and Lady Diana's wedding. Saya Ccioboy, "We taped that, of CIOW'le, ahead of the event. _It was llatecl to The E. S. Carpenter Co. Certified Publio Accountant Call or write tooay for a ... "TAX Ol•AMZa• to help minimize your 1981 Taxes Full NNlce ecoountlng, tu planning and retum .,,.- paratlon tor lndMduelt and btlel~. m•w.c.-HwT .. w.it1,......,..._....c. M.C. ·~·--llCl squMlt VISA 712·16_tl ........... ., !5. news abowa. 'Ibey Ml that pet"ha .. people w~ . Wee a IOAp at noon and they're going to give it· to :!! them. Alto, NBC recently purchaled "'The l>octon" o from Colpt.e-Palmolive, which meaill all the ~fill ~ are theirs, and even a lovi-ratea aoep-llke ""nle < Docton" ~ 1n hefty revenue. For now, we think ,.... "The Doctors wUl stay. g q. Deriu Lep_tato OD "Oae Way hflJve" l0ob ~ vag.ely familiar: Noae of my otlaer frlead1 re· ~ memben liter. Bu lite doae-uotlaer IOap or~ commercial penapi! -L.Z., Peuaeola, FIL s: A:. l>riot to be«ming Samantha on "One Life to ~ Uve" after Julie Monf&Omeey departed for the g. leCIDOd time, Dorian WM Rell u M.iasy on "The .... • Doc:t.on.0 Sbe WM allO hired by ABC in their "New~ ,.._., conte.t and appeared on an epUode of "Love .... Boat." Dorian la eniaged to a Connecticut busi-I neMman and Is p1anDirig to get man1ed later thla ~ year. j NEW CBARACTEJ.l, NEW SHOW -Ed Nelson. who was Dr. Romi of the old "Peyton . Place" series, will play John Cypher in the new CBS daytime series, ''Capitol," which premieres March 26 at 10..p.m. on Ciwmel 2. air the day ol the weddingt and I !tei>t feai:.tng that aomething would happen. iuch at Diana bacldrig out of the nupUal.a. It made me 80 nervous. 80 teme, rve decided never to do that aoln." C.00.boy haa allO deaded not to show any political affiliations, specific 1deologie1 or make apecific mention of the president. 'nils makes ua wonder, then, how realistic the show can tie. However, we have aeen the first three ICripta and we will venture to say that this abow la a bloctbuster. It bat an amazing array of cbanicten. Carolyn Jones' a Myrna is a villalnell amoog vt na1n er et; they even have a crippled IW'poll. What could be more heroic or more sympathetic? Allo, the abow 1ee1D1 to get into the cbar8Cten QUiddy, ICllDeCh1na which many I08p operu are una'l>Je tO do. We'll call tb1t a hit, and we tbJnk CBS ii truly at~ It all It can by aMna up No. 3-rat.ed ''Falcon 'en.ta" spot on the ~th to 0 Cal>itoV' Q: I'm c-r..e. b "Tiie Doden." Cbracten\ seem to be co~ :.:l 1otu, ud H• wUll ''Seard for Tomornw" ...._ bi10 _..,time llot, I w_.er If die .a.ow It_-Plill to be euceled. -8.N., . Wu'1Qtoa.D.C. A:. Ro plant at preeent to cancel '"lbe Doctors." It ia moving to the noon Ume llot. NBC ii hopng that' it will keep ita old audience and gamer a new audience, since it will be mainly up apilllt local r~---·---------------~ DM1nAL WATCH PIM = sa = s7 Day, date & lime. Parker refill. Completely guaranlffd. Q: rm v~ ~ dlat dleJ aot rt• o1 tile eMndel' ef Peter Iii "OM Life to Lfve." Wu ..U tM adv'• cWce or tile prod11eer'1? -J.S., Baffalo, N .. Y. . A:. A combination of both. Denny Albee, who played Peter, mam DO eecret that this haa not been hia favorite role. He felt Jle had much more fun and was much more_~ when he played Steve Guthrie an "Edae o1 Nilbt." All llCtor'I like to work, but Denny let it be known that he wouldn't be unhappy it the character o1 Peter wu axed. The producers decided that Peter's one real tie was his marriage to Jenny, and they thought Jenny as a wiMw woufd be more sympathetic and more interesting for Brynn Thayer to play. Q: 0. ''Texu," I bow tile claaracter of Bea• Ml bea ._. ud 1oae for a loq time, evea tlloap M1 co~emalU, bat Robert Butoa Ml doae oelter • Cu yo. tell me wlaere else I mJpt laave Ha ? -J.N., Plttabvp, Pa. A:. Robert's last aoap stint wu u Peter Jansen on "One l.Jfe to Live,'' where be wu replaced by Denny Albee. He haa a1ao done many prime-time thino. Robert waa once married to actress Karen B1acK. He allO bas been doing 101De slngina and recently appeared at the Lone Star Cafe -in Man- hattan. &ve a_ que.Uon about your favorite BOap or .,.P nart Write to Lynda Hlncb, clo Field New. IMP« S..)'Ddb~, P.O: Box 19620, Irvine, c.JJ.f. 92714. She will mswer u many qUftlticm as ahe can ln ber oal&ann, buc the wlume of IDlil makes penonal replies lm~ble. Mulligan Pink Panther pop HOLL YwOOD (AP) -Richard Mulligan will ntay Impectior Cbwu'1 80-year-old father in r.rr.u of the Pink Panther." . . M~. ho ltarred 1n "Soap" and "S.O.B.,"~ will turn the Pllfil of the OOWJeau• ~ hllt«y urlna an lpterview with a French TV teporter, played f>y Jomma Lwnlaey. Blake Ed"warda will direct the movie. ( ltlafu, ~ 'htafutiL1 £.. C!.a1futlli~ c:ew.c TU l.INOl.EUM WOYEH W000S WN.IP"'91 aotlTTUIS W000 '1.00flS MINI BLINDS 50% OFF 100% PWSH NYLON CARPET & PAO INSTAI 1 en From $8.95 P.r Verd WE DISCOUNT PRICE -NOT OUAUTY (714)~ •' I . I tii. I i i .I -ai -1 2 ·~ 'O "C "- j ~ -.S! .o: } I ----.A. ---- • ~ b' ~ _..,. • elOb bNnoh e Same dlr...-Sn IDU'1W e Btfooa1a 0Dl7118 lddNona1 • a.u.ab • IAimb--ocim.a& ._ OD17198 pr. • IODI.QAL ~ Pullelton eoo N. Halbor BM:1. ( ot Chap'nan) 870-7 .. 1 ,,, ...... 1205 N. Euc:ld Ave. 7~ f :a I! a E a uns '! I JI ; . I , \ ~ i ' I l I l I . I : ; ) I l I I ( Ii·'. \ . _I I I I ) \ ' : • ) ' • I : .' • -,, I I • ") SCR provides 'hoot camp' for actors By JEFF PARUI\ O( .. DmlJ ........ The aprtq ..-&ml of the South c.o.t Repertory. J:veniD1 o.-rv.~ ~nine weeks of bMic ~· vocal tiainina and Shakespeare -ia aet to begin next week. Led by three experienced fnltructon, all of whom are Oooneet.ed With SCR • llCton or teachen, the Eveninl c.omervatory la aeared for both aapl-~ormen and thme who nave no career llCt1ng Beldnn1na ActinC m ii tet for Mondays at 7 p.m. and will be -~t by SCR Comervatory staff member David Partinaton. u Althoucb Ulla lit • clam for people with profelliooa1 a.phatiam, lt'a UC> cte.tped for people who have always wanted to act but never made a oommitment to it," aid Partington. · "I focua on aetttna the Ida to come out in my students. lt'a the bl lnilde UI who doel the llCUJll - the kid baa the lpOrltaneity -an4 that'• richt at the heart of the 1iCUna prooe19. We begin by~ pmea and Nae exerd8m to relax the studenta ancf reJeae tenllon. Only when people feel protected and ate INSIDE 'Although this is a class for people With profeadonal aspiratiom, it's ai.o de-. signf!d for people who have always wanted to act . . . ' will they be able to rMCh inside and find the kid. My whole te.ch1na a. ppi'OllCb la to create a ate place for studenta to tUe iiilb." he laid. J>~ then le.di hla ltUdenta throuah lmproviaatiOnal exerdaea and "neutral diaJolue8"ln wtiich the 1fnee can mean ''nothing and eYel'ything. Thia kind of dialogue help generate blickgrot.mda and color to a 1eene. The studenta J>laY a acene in· their own worda. lt'a hard to take aneone elae'• words, 10 we begin with our own," he aald. Studenta are UC> tauabt methoda for cbanicter prepua1iool in whicJl fictional autobiolfaphlel are drawn up to live lnalgbt into a performance. "The beCbminl COW'le paves the way for the acene atudy coune that foiiow.." ~ aald. "In terms of what atudenta lhouJd ex1*t from t-..1 ...... 1 ..... ~..... ......,., -to feel c:anfar1able·on ~i:yu~3 a-~ fluency in improyi-::ai Jmawicle arid be liven the bllllc toola for chanct.erizadon. lt'a a place foe anybody with a Jove for tbeats or a yen for llCUJll. A .ale place to explore thme Mpirationl." The probleml and joys o( Shakespeare are the. -C011-a1-m-a11 of John-Frederick JCln89p w~ Introduc- tion to Shakeepeete dMI la tet for W~ya from 7 to 10 p.m. ''Some ~ IO th.rouib yeen flounderina from one Shake9peue ~next," Jones aid: "The reMOG I t.Mcb S la becau. then are eo many aood llCton who don't know what to do with ~hakmpeere. I can think of a Jot of very aood American llCton who wocry w.hen they look at !2 lines of lmapry that don't have anything to do with fur1herinC the plot. "There are broldet-lmplicationa and broader applicationa too," be aid. "You may apply a aood WorkiJll knowledge of a text to any p~y. and belleve me, aettine to knOw \t'9 text la the bAgellt thina we do in thil~ ''There'• ~ ao much Janauaae in Shakespeare; aa ~ to~ or lblen where the. ieallty llel in the manl&ltadon of the .... through Ianauaa9, Shakwp-re'a reality llel in the luwuqe ii.elf. l'.ii Shau.peere what you're ..-mtma la die reality of the words, not Che reality of a batile6eld in J'.hlland. There'• a token ....-wkln of diabelief, but the reality of the play la in what the cbaraden •y," aald Jones. . Jon• abo aald that theory uide, learnlnt Shakeapeare can help actora find work. ''SbakMP-nt f..Uvala are ~ like muah- rooml u'ound the country," he Ilk!. '1Y ou can ,.i work ii you know what you're dame· Sbakmpeare la 1tiD Che anly penalD wbo cu .,..._. a d~ coundl to bankroll a festival. For the ldclr, that. ~that'• ...... ~ cmch ~ lii:-::=ftl\-L~ = a . T.,.. J'ana In LaaA..a-, will be Wchlnl Voke far tbe S.. T\mdu DIP• flan 7 to I. ·Tm edilr•<nc the pNblwaol the YOCal ~ s..~,..JJ .................. ...._... .,... .. . I I iM.OYles -................. !ll!!!B!!!!!!!!I! .......... ~ oi -~ 'Missing' will ~ ~ put you on edge ... u.. -By JEFF PARKER .8 ~-II!!.,.., ........ i Recent~~ in Central America cast a spooky 1 W'aencY on "M.l.an&" the Jat.t, and tint American movie directed by the Greek expatriate Costa-~ GaVr.. The story ia bued on fact: a young Amer- ~ ican named Charlie Horman=yed here by John a: Sbea) dtgppeared while tra · · in the interior of ~ aborify after the eoup President Al- lende in 1973. He WM officially comkiered "in hi- ding'' by the U.S. State Department, latel' as ·~." then finally, due to the efforta of bia father.liQd wife to find b1m, confirmed Mone of hundreds of people oppmec! to the new government who wen beid8d into a Santiago 8000tf stadium and lhot. Cdta-Oavna (met Ed Honnan. Ow-lie'•· father) contend that the youna man w• executed with the approval of the U.S . Government, that bia aU:Watioll with left-wine pnm and bis inqumtive nature led him to ''know too much'' and eventually caueed him to be rounded up • a counter-revolutionary. The U.S. State Department denied thia tn 1973 to Ed &nnan. and .,.m a few ween af10 when "Milling" opened natiollwid[e. -The movie ia a stunner. Throuah Costa-Gavraa, the mWtary terrorism in Chile (the name of the country ia not mentioned) boUa and chums lib an undercurrent. Gunshots rattle in peueee between convena~ _daylight hours are punctuated with raidl and lhakedowm, and curfew -at aunaet - marb a time when dtl.Jena on the street are likely to be abot. Vilual black jokes poke their way into the narrative, then dangle wfthout punchllnea: a man caught out after curfew rum up the street. turns a corner, then flees back down the way he has come. The camera regards him from a distance and we wait for him to draw fire. He doesn't. When the scene enda, we get the feelina he's still· running aomewhere, waittn,g to draw lire. Later, a white hone gallops down a boulevard, its hooves echoing off the pavement aa a trUck filled with aoldiera overtakes it and they open fire. We don't aee what happens. This movie ian't full C1f awpeme ao much as it'• full of nervousness. It puta you on edge. Charlie and his wife, Beth (Sim)' Spacek) are on the verge ol leaving the city; she's terrified and he's ~ddy with excitement. Charlie is apperently a traveling Idealist. He's taking notes, translating stories for a leftist newspaper, developing a cartoon strip, writing a novel. Their house in the Santiago suburbs has an open-door policy for other Ameri- cans, Chilean f:rienda and the neighborhood kids. They're practically packed and reedy to leave when Charlie fa arrested and the houae ia looted. Beth, who bu been caught after curfew .and spendl the night asleep behind a grating on the atreet, miws the arrest raid, and embarb on the futile aearch to find her husband. After two weeka of aearching and no 1uoce., bis father alTivee to help. Ed Horman (Jack Lemmon) ii • comervative Chriltian Sdence bulinemman wbo•s irritated that his 80ll has made him fly all the way to South America to pt him out of trouble. He teiia Beth that Charlie doem't have the backbone nor mental captdty to be ,.radical," that he's a wanderer, a lout, a bum. F.d haa bad bis noee to the irlndltone -you can eee it in his face aa he aquinta liia eyes in dJ8bellef at the lncftul.ngly ci.rcuUoua run-around be. 'a .Oven by the U.S . Consulate ''belpblQ'~bim find Charlie. The core of .. Milllnt' ii F.d'i raclic!!ttution, but it'• not a _ POiitical radficalitation ao piucb • a penonal one. Ed'1 awakening ia ju8t that: be ie.ma to u. bia eyes .,.in. There11 a fat CWTent of meJodraml In "Miallng. •• but tpbwt the n1ghtma- rllh 'i.lity of what'• happened to Charlie. llnea like Ed'• "What kind of world ii thla?"' rtnc with • belpl ww that'• abmlutely alJl)l'Ollriate. One of the themes of thia movie ia the way ihat wordl can be deYb.-weapom in the hmda of burmucrats (''!Nery pomlble method at our dllpcm1 ii being utilbed to locatt JOUI' aon") or~~ -~to wham they ..... IMt nmort. W1ien I'd teDI Bltb toward the end al the movie that abe'• .. one of the mc.t ~ peopla l'w .,,.. knOwn." '°" cu aauae the OlmlinM ot ha. wonta. 'bf ti• dePtM of wmthe'1 )Ill bem throuch and II trytnc to communkaie to her. I'd'• r..rt II broken: IMPOSSIBLE MISSION -Jack Lemmon plays a father in aearch of a mJasing son in he's lc.t hia only 90n to the sya1em he's believed in all hil life. $~ Spacek ,eems to honor the screen every time she s on it. She's 90 natural an acttt98 that you never have to cornprctnlae rOW'9elf to believe her, you don't have to "get uaed' to her in a part -any part. There's something genuinely remote about her, which adds a sense of m~ and vulnera- bility to her roles. She has been ectJy cast here, too. AB beth, Spacek can use that wondering, wide-eyed innocence to great effect. She's 80ft, pastel. When Beth has to battle the oonsulate offi- cials, led by the ectomorphic C.onsul Putnam (a thankleas role played with wit ana aplomb by Da- vid Clennon), you ainge at the way they maul her pyachologically and you cheer the dry, heated re- torts she firet back at them. Spacek doesn't handle South America and Sissy Spacek portrays his daughter-in-law. anger with much comfort: when she acts mad, you feel it~· Lemmon doesn't try to stretch F.d to heroic proportions -he knows better. F.d is a little irritant ma big wheel, and Lemmon gives a tight, nervous performance. Lemmon is great at looking uncom- fortable. In "Missing" he ahulfles from hospital to hotel to morgue, his coat a shapeless tent over his stooped body, his neck dang.ling like a tortoise's. Lemmon bas an anti-romantic, staunchly middle- class face; it's expressive in all its dullness. He isn't a phyaical threat either -when Ed gets angry you wait for someone to punch his lights out. The final stooped, dispirited walk with which he exits the movie aaya more than his words. It hurts to identify with Ed, because you have to. OCC to host Big Bluegrass Jani Blg Bluegra11 Jam, a festival featuring the Osborne Brothen, the Reel World String Band and Transatlantic Bluegrass, ii aet for 8 p.m. March 28 in Orange Cout College Auditorium. Bluegra11 11 a thumping, energetic musical aound that IJlee ltrf.nged instruments lncludfus the fiddle, t>.njo, mando1fn. acoustic guitar and atandup ham fiddle. Rooted in the t.llad. ppel, blue. and mountain dance mualc of the .Outlieutem United Sto-. bl~a trodlUcmol muaical field, yet II a field rich in new DlPrittnc and I 1Une-wrltinc. 'lbe jun will IPOtltOt l"JUP8 noted for new aonp and ttylizatiOm that fit into the blue- gr.. mode. The 0.borne Brothera, who perform on the Grand Ole Op_ry, are reaponatble for one of the all-time bmt..wnc blue,rw WClll reeardl. .. Rocky Top." The Reel World Strf.nl Band, an all-female lfOUP from Be .... , Ky., 1pec1au ... ill old-time mountain IDUlic. · Tran1atlantic Blue1ra11 con1i1t1 of five ,..ncbmen who ..... mnueneed by America! l / I ' • I I.! I I ·, r. bluegrua musicians Bill Keith and T~ Trischka. Transatlantic members speak fluent EnglUh and offer authentic renderings of traditional American bluegrua aonga. Tickets will be aold at the door. For advance pure.hues, call 556-5527. Admilslon is $8.50, $7 .50 and $6.50. Kids art classes scheduled The San Juan Capilvano Recreation Depart- ment will be offering aeveral art c1&llel for children dwinc the u~prtna IMIOft. An art and art dw for children. ages 7-14, will be held every turday morning from 9-10:30a.m.,be81nn1nlApril17. The coat ii $20 plus to lab fee. A mamm)'/dlldd)' and me toddler art dw will be offend Oft Thur.day~ from 10:00-10:45 a.m., bepmlnc April 1&. Tbe COit II $16 plUI '51.ab fee. For more infonnatioll call the San Juan C.pi- atrano Rec:ratlon Department at 493-1171, mxt. 247. Art ----------------------- Two Inajor exhibits open at southland IDuseuIDs By JEFF PARKER or-..,.., ........ Twomajorexhi~mopenedataouth county mu1eums recently - "C.alifonlia C.onnectiona: Sacramento'' at the Lluzuna Beach Mueeum of Art, and "On the Ellipse, Works by Larry Bell" at the Newport Harbor Art Museum. The ''California Connectiooa'' show fOCUleS oo 35 artists who were either teachen or students at c.al State ~ ramento in the 1970., and traces their development lnto the current decade. Vauahn will be on display through April 22. • • • The tint one-man ahowtna of worka by influential Los Angeles artist Larry Bell will continue on exhibit at the Newport muaeum th.rough May 2. 'l'he show includes ane 60 new ilua aculpturea, dra~ ~ pieoee of lumiture created by Bell, who baa been identified with Southern Cali- fornia art since the 19609. A "total room environment" done by Bell is-part of the exhibit. Bell took at interest ln making hia own furniture Among the artistl are Joeeph Raf-after l'.DOJ;'inC to 1"--. New Mexico f.ae1+ Jim Nutt, c.arlol Vi.Ila, Joan recently. The "room" exhibit includes Brown and Ken Watentreet. LBMA a dNk. coffee table lldeboard dinner director WW1am Otton. a student at tab·'-and-'--•-~-__ ... ' -'-A~­Cal State Sacramento in the 1970., • "" \a~, a.,.,. :-UU MIY ~-. Larry Bell'• "GU. Sculpture" la on d16play at the Newport Harbor Art Mwieum. llid that the artista at the IChool were all~ with Bell s unmiltakable = lyricist Jmeph Raffael in one atyThe exhibition wu Ol'ganized by the on and the more eocially con-Hudloo River MUleWD under the di- ackM.18 Jim Nutt on the other. rection of Richard Kmhalek, and ii "They were ~ly at odda on accompulied by a comprebemive cat- campus," Otton said. .. ,Rattael waa my aJot of Bell's work. u well u a adVllel' and Nutt was my most influ-1Upplement written by Bell himlelf ential teacher. I came out aa 90l1 of a for the NHAM lhow. hyb!'id. AllO on exhibit la "Sollle 17," a "Sacramento State was a very good tableau done by artists Edward n~ for art in the 1970.," Otton Mid. Kienhoh and Nancy Reddin Kienhnl&. r..-.: --'-~ tableau la oomtructed of found 'A lot of avant 6 -...... eestern artista --.... .......-........... e•~-ta ,;;,_..a 1..~ been came to the San Francilco area and •nu ~-1.na."\CU M:U.::"11 IUJU , ... were hired by the college in Sacra-exhibited twice before·-at the Whitney Muaeum of American Art ~t:!'n eee 'two bMic polaritie1 ln and at the L.A. Louver Gallery in thil show. One ii the lyrical. natural v~9~~~constructedlnHope, and eomewbat intrOlpeedve work of Idaho, duriD8 1979 and 1980, and" ii artilta alJcned with Rallael. ~other hued 00 the K.einbolz'a experiencee ii made up of arUsta led by Nutt ~ "in vilitlng a low-rent botel 1n 1962." mare cynlCal. IDOft tuned mto 80Ci.al The full-aised facade represent. a realitiea," Ott.on said. corridor from the hotel, wttb one open A eeperate exhibit of black and door affording viewen a look into the white pbototiraphlc portraim by Al world of the tableau'• interior. Bei.:n ii now showing ln the muaeum The Newport Harbor Art Mueeum la entrance and the Cuprien Galleries at open Tueaday throuah &mday from I..quna. In the doWmtalra pllery, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., ancf on Fridays until woi'ks by PbyW. Green anCI Nkilt 9 p.m. · He's a craftsIDan in sculptures . By JOHN NEEDHAM , .............. Sculpted portraits of the everydQ c1Uzen tinen't &em in vogue for mmy years becauae ol their hilh cost and the lenltb ol time needed for the artist to complete a single work. But llendrik of Lacuna Beach, who prefers to be can~ a craft.sman rather than an artist, SQS he's tryin& to brine back pcrtralt sculptures for the masses. A Hendrik in bron1e starts at about St.~. while a stone "bead" runs for about •no. According to Hendrik, that's not much month• the cost ol a good pboto1r11>b, and tbe Ume required ol the client 11 only 45 minutes. "'lbe portrait sculpture hu been dead alnce the Dutch Muten started.,.._.., portnka for anyone-'"> could afford oae," B-6ik said. "Paintinl jult looll over bee ..... lt wa1 cheaper and more people eould afford to have a likeness done, wbereu the costa ol a sculpted portrait were pl"Gblbltlve. '' The 55·year-old crattamaa 11ld modera techniques and matertala combined with aid wortd aowledle al acu1pUnc and carviq '-" .OOWed blln to l'dlllaee \be time md COit ....... for a , ....... ICU)pWn. "fte metlaod •• ue la tll• 1ame u tlM Rom-Uled,..., ...... c•..,...•mddtllJ .. •tuwtolit._._..,"~11111. ........ tt: ~---•.......... lakn from e 1ubjeet'• face bJ laaftll1 l rubber-like substance applied to the akin. From this facial mask, a series of molds are carved of the person's facial likeness. 'lbe molds are then used in the casting of the portrait in either bronze or ground marble. The only tlme the client bu to sit for their portrait in Hendrik's studio is for the faciai impression to be taken. The rest of the carvtnc ls done from photocrapba., - In Hendrik's showroom Is a portrait of astronaut Edward Gibson, while a still uncompleted portrait of the Rev. Robert Schuller, putor of the Garden Grove Community Church, sits OD his work bench. Hendrik said he received bia early education in art in hls native Holland, but also studied in Germany and New Yorlt. "Many artlats have been taucht the free form of art u interpreted by one' a penanal feellQJ," . Hendrik aald. "I come from the old school of dlaclpllne, where we were laQlbt to dupUcate nature u i1 la. rm a reaJllt, not an lmp~l" He added that bia work requ1nl a portrait to be aa daee a Uk• ... of die cu.t u pasllble, not a pencmal lmp...alon or iD&eqlretatklll. . Hmdrtk said realism In art la maklnl a comea.ct, wbkb la a nfteetiaD ol the UDUSY eeoaomic timel. Reallalll fGDcRra tbe pocllttbook." be uld. "ID taucb ~ times peaple bQ naUIUc art bee .... ttitir lmoW at wW ..... , ....... . S.. Hendrtll. Pl.-D ' ~Records °' --~ ------------------------------a; • £Third World, ; ----~--i Wonder together 'C u. BJ JORN NEEDHAM ..: or .. Dmllr,... ...,. G> ''You've Got the Power" Columbia (FC37744) j Third World's leCOnd Columbia releue, ~ "You've Got the Power/' includes the much· ! anticipated collaboration betvfeen the enduring Ja. > maican IJ'OUP and Stevie Wender. ~ Together, Wonder and Third World have Ci: ~~~~~~·~u;ab~ and "'l'be:y're Playing U1 Too Cloee.'' · Tbrouch their muric, memben of Third World aeek to spread ideals of pMCe and love, the teneta of their RMtafartan faith. Their latest LP abouJd serve as a forceful m r nger foe thole belief:s. WoOder, who wrote both lyrics and mUlic (or the two cuts, Invites the listener to live at -~ in the spiritual light of god Jab Rastafari in ''Try Jab Love." In "They're Playing Us Too Cloee" he militates for IOdal justice for "We in the ghetto ... red, black. white, brown and yellow poor people." More oppretlBlon to the have nots is how you play-· ·~ 1::.'Jd fi6h~ is the writing from tbo.e/ say tbeyknow And 11 tbat')• true we bow }&.wt who you'll be pkJcj,rw to ,, "rhe paths of Thi.rd World and Wooder fint cr<Wd in 1969 during a ooocert in Jam.aka The group appeared with Wander at many dates durina University ti of California. ~ :;Jo ,~ Irvine -~ ~ ~ Committee for Arts preeent1: • SANDRA TAMMAM • Plenlet Tues. Mar. 23, 1982 -8pm -Concert HIM. Program Includes selectlon1 by Schumann. Beethoven and Mussorgsky. General-SS, UCI Fae/staff/alumni/Sr. Cit. & Other Students-$4, UCI Students. SUKAY Muelc of the Andel Sun. Mar. 28, 1982 -3pm -Concert Hall. Traditional mualc of Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chlle, and Argentina. General-$5, UCI Fae/ staff/alumnt, Sr. Cit. and Other Students-$4, UCI Students-$3 LOI ANGELES CHAMRR ORCHESTRA with ELLY AMELING, DUtch loprano Sun. Mar. 28, 1982 -7PM -VIiiage Theatre. Program Includes 1electlon1 by Bach and Stravlneky. General-$10.50, ·UCI Fac./1taff/alumnl, Sr. Clt.-$47.50 and UCI Students-$4. Ticket• available at the ASUCI Box Office, Mon;-Frt. 9:ao.m-.4pm, 833-5549. For further program Info, call 833-8379. It's your retum Suppott that counts! MachofDmes the next 12 years, including the Reggae Sunsplash in Kingston laat July. - There, Third World jo!rled Wonder_ on·~ for 1Uatit1>ute to the late Bob ""Mar1ey, performing the reggae master's "Redemption Song." At that point, talk of recording together began. However, they didn't meet again until the Black Music Association's Family Fair at the Rose Sowl in August 1981. The event began at noon, with most of the audience remaining through the other nine acta to 1ee Third World bring the day to a rousing oon- cluaioo at cloee to midnight. Third World bas been an integral part of reg- gae'• journey from Jamaica to the rest of the world. The ll'OUP'e musical debt to fellow regae pioneer and countryman Bob Marley la recognized in its dedication on "You've Got the Power." Keyboardist Michael "Ibo" C-ooper and guita· rist Stephen "Cat" Coore founded Third World in Kinpion ln 197S. With William "Rt.Ip" Clarke (lead... vocals), Irvin "Carrott" Jarrett (percussion), Richie Daley 0-) and WDlie "Root" Stewart (drums), they combine traditional reggae with rock and rhythm and blues flavorings. A highly gifted and powerful linger, Clarke's powerful, sweet voice helps provide the unmista· kable Third World 80UDd -a IOWld that 8llWOeS different forms with great eale, yet never forgets its origins. As reggae has become more familiar, so has Tbird World. The six Rasta men were recently featured on televillon'~ "Rock Conc.t.11 They have toured with Tbe Jackaona, Bob Marley'& The WaOers and Stevie Wonder, among others. Their nine-year, 9e'Ven-LP c8reer bu given them a m•,..,..J prow.-that justifiee their fMt growing foUowtnc. Their previow hita such .. "96 Degrees in the Shade" and "Now That We've Made Love" intro- duced many to a popular music form which was relftively_unknown. With "You've Got the ~ower," ThirO World is once again bru\ging their universal sound to the forefront. "KOKOMO'' -Jn its aeoond LP for C.Olumbia after a six-year layoff, the UK's Kokomo brings back the thriving club sound of the early 70s with a clear veering away f. rom the megawatt bawlinga of "Angel Stadium rock." What could be called "British Soul" finds a home in Kokomo's clear melodies and dance music. The tunes, especially the JeeCl song, "A Little Bit F\lrther Away," reflec18 rock 'n roll and rhythm 'n blues at a level both personal and involving. F.cboMlof Joe Cocker's Greaae Band are heard throughouT this latest, effort thanks to former Cocker players Alan Spenner on bass and guitarist Nell Hubbard. The pair fonns the heart of the rhythm section for Kokomo, a group well worth listening to. "JAPAN" -High glO!IS David Bowie-style rock on the Epic label with . 90IDe shadings of jazz. This la the sixth LP by Japan. again a UK group. "Japan" contains most of the group's tracks from its mdlt recent British album, 'Tin Drum," along with three cuts from an earlier LP, "Gentlemen Take Polaroid&" Notireable are efforts by lead singer David Sylvian, wno alao takes a hand at guitar and key- board chores. Sylvian's vocals project an expression of love and m at times, an appreciable standout overall. "STEALER" -An all stops out USA rock 'n roll band with a hard boogie sound. Solid lead guitar work by Stealer Robin Miller. Also bard driving drums by Lee Kix. Thia is the group's debut album. It's on the MCA label THE llURTlllflS ''Between Rock ... and a $oft place." .... Music Chicago blues at Golden Bear Two Chicago blues specialists who were deve- . loping their sound long before the late John Belushi and Dan Ackroyd made it a middle cla88 fashion will appefr on Thursday, March 25, at the Golden Bear in H\mtington Beach. - au \ $ s ta± .. t 4 J§!&Ck _:sc:s Billing themselves as the Chicago Blues Bro- thers, guitarist Buddy Guy and harmonica man Junior Wella have played with such legendary bluesmen as Muddy Waters, Guitar Slim and T-~JUNI----0---R_WEL~..;;...;.;;LS_;;;:. _________ ..:__ __ ._B_UD_D_Y_G.:...UY..:.....:;__ __________ _ Bone Walker. - Don't expect a droll sound from these musi- cians, because the Chk:ago blues la hot and sweaty, ~--•••••••••••••••111!1•••••••••••••••-. whether played on Guy's sUck guitar or manifest in Wells' lucid singing voice and fancy harmonica work. Wells was the first to record one of the all-time blues favorites, "Messin' with the Kid," a tune highlighted on the Belushi-Ackroyd album. An aspect of the Chicago sound that makes it different from the more programmed pop music is the need for the entertainers to immerse tiemselves in their free-flowing style. As a result, tl\e quality of the performance can vary from show to show. Tickets for the performance are $7.50 each. The Golden Bear also serves dinner and cocktails . ... Hendrik From Page 3 Hendrik, whose early 5'udies were ln wood carving, said he cooslders himself a student of the face. "A person's life is reflected in his race," he said. "An individual's strength or weakness can be seen in the race." Hendrik said 10 percent ~ bis customers are men, 25 percent women and 5 percent children. "Women's characters are much easier to capture than a man's," he said. "Men tend to try to hide their character, while women are more open." He said the greatest advantage to having a sculpted portrait done is that it will last forever. ''In the 25th Century we'll still be enjoying 15th Century sculpture," he said. .. A painting or a photograph won't last that long." 642-5678 Put a few words to work for you in the Daily Pilat ORANO•COASTCOLL•O• SUNDAY, MARCH 28 ..... ,. ... TH• OS9CHtN• •ROTH•Ra TMa n•L WCMILD 8TlllllQ •A• fAOM 8EREA ICINTUCKY T1'AMSATLAllTIC aumoRA .. l'AOM PARIS. fllti'NCI a P& , OCC AUINTORNM RESEAVED SEA TS: ;uo. 17.tfO, " 50 A Family Shopping/Dining & Entertainment Center Bi~bo Baggins, 545-1718 • Coco's, 540-9651 • Hamburger Hamlet, 546-7392 • M1ones, 979-6735 • ReUben's, ·540-9672 • Swensen·s. 556-6937 s s :2 0 -~ I ~ CD ::> Q. CD :" ..,, 1 Q. SID ~ ~ SID .... (') ::r ..... <O ..... <O CD I\) 6 NMoftes ; . a; ---------... 'Quest' journey ~ 2 to understa!Jding ~ ~ ;f .,; BY PATIUCK UNNEDY IU Qt' ............. ~ ''Quest IOI' Fire"• nted "R" and la playin6 at 1i tbe Eclwarda South a..t Plaza Town Center CJnenY in a.ta Mesa. ~ Direct.or Jean Jacques Annaud atrives for 0 authenticity In this work on prehistcric man. ~ creating a lerioua and memorable film interlaced with rem.bing hUJDOI'. Believable makeup, acting and wildeme88 ee~ in Scotland, Canada and Africa con.Jure up a faecinating view of various specimens of early man. The environment is hostile and "Quest for Fire" makes no attempt to be a pretty film. Instad. it'a a time machine that takee an understandlna and penooal look at life • lt may have been fi>,000 years•· And, • the Utle ....-., Umee were brutal and there wam't a flicli-of a bic or a book of matches to be found. · The . mm fc:icu.. on three humanoids who eearch to rekindle the tribal Oame that· was e xtm,uiahed ~hen their cave dwelline was ... .-., . ., take home SJJ,G CHllSE f:ASIO The Grinder is proud to announce the serving of Fresh Fish on Friday anc:t Saturday evenings only. Lightly breaded and grilled to a golden brown Only S4.45 California Style topped with a mild Spalllsh Sauce and sliced tomato and avocado Only l4.95 attacked by an ape-like race. The cave dwellen don't undentand how to make fire but view it 81 a prir.ed and N'C"'P")' poeeesaion to be captured and nourished for the comforts. of warmth, cooking, light and protection against wolves. The three companions are cloae Unka to man of today and their preh.iltorit quest to reJum fire to the tribe is heroic in the epic tradition. But like nothing you've aeen before. Language is primitive and limited. Facial expremiooa and body ~ -119ttemed after man and chimpanzee -proVlde insight into their gu~Jevel emotions and thoughta. quat n;: ~ a!tuataecwit>ebecco~m~es ~ innocent primitives face the unknown with a blend of admirable cunning and luck. Aw~ human qualities of friendship, loyalty, learning, a.t.om and love unfold .. they have cloae encounters with other races and new experiences. Tbe three become four as a stranded female from a more advanced marsh tribe joiDI the jeumey. Cultural interc:banpe from the manb tribe to the cave dwellers provide 80IDe of the film•a most humorous and upllfUng ICl!Del. The film eems ita .. R" rating for depictiooa of eexual int.ercour8e that don't include a aerenade or a dozen roees. & Josef f rildlrich ''Y'' PIESPOllll GOLDllWKIB 4 Sll,~dri£ter Distinctive Waterfront Dining Oyster Bar · Cocktails 3333 W. Pacific'Coast Highway, N.B.• 642-2295 Great Drinks Delightful Lunches Glorious Dinners 37 F88hlon Island Newport Beach 644·2030 500 N. Euclid St. Anaheim Plaza 772·2130 BONDED FOR LIFE -Stan of the film. ''Quest for Fire" huddle during trip to New York. They are Ray Dawn Chong (top}, Everett McGill (left) Ron Perlman and Na- meer El-Kadi (front). iscover .Blackbeard's ·• 1 v , New Look \ . . We've changed and have a newly remodeled lounge, oyster bar & dinner menu. ENTERTAINMENT 6NIGB'J'S Compllmen&ar)' Bon D' oellTI"ft 4-7 weekdaye Morulay Nighl Ja~~ ·---_....,.... Music -- -------------- Giulini conducts interesting concert AVERY SPECIAL DINING EXPERIENCE By MARY JANE SCARCEUO or .. ...., ....... Carlo Marla Giulinl, who bam't been eeen or beard in tb~ ~ lince Novembel', returned to the Santa Ana HJcb School auditorium Saturday for the final coocert of the Oranae County Philharmonic Society's recuJar' le8IOJl. 11ie conductor, who baa been criticized for ignoring oontemporary music, choee an interestine J>l'Oll"&ID -three of the four pieces were cxmpoeed in th!a century. Introduction, PenecagU.a and Flnale wu oom- poeed in 1934 by Giovanni Salviucd, a compceer little known outside h1a native Italy becauae be died before h1a 30th birthday. Giulini. probably more acquainted with the ~· vitlC'b than American m•uric:iana and ucton. gave it hia usual thoughtful interpreta- tion. Hayden'• Sinfonia Coocertante in B fiat put the spotlight on prindpala from the c:rcbt9tra. Aasistant Coocet1mMter Alexander Treael' WU joined by Ronald Leonard on cello, DaviO Weill on oboe and Alan Goodman on buloon for a generally cheerful and well-p1ayed piece. "Firebird Suite,'' a1ao conducted with the drama and intensity audiences have come to expect from Giu-Award wlMlng traditional linl. Japanese cuisine and Tbe evening wu a IPKX'ell, and the Ol'Chelltra , .. superb w-.stem-styte speolattles. teemed in aurpria1ngly good abape oona1derln8 the Your favortte seafood, endlem chain of guest conductors plowing ~ chicken, and steak. Delicate lately. soups and delightful When Giulinl first came to Los Angeles, he was salads. Impeccable service In. critidz.ed tor ignoring 20th century music, but lately a most beautiful setting. be bu begun to incfude it. Discover Yamato ... a very special Now a liin1lar ~~ mood bu emenred dining exper1enoe. concerning his number or appearances with i the orchestra, which are fewer and farther ~ betw~=~se:~· ~~pe that he's equally saillB D respomive to the latest criUdsm. Chapman to honor composer Chapman College music department in con- junction with the Chapman New Music Enlemble will sponsor a day of activities honoring the visit of guest oompoaer and artist Elliott Schwartz. 7 I J Tbe only excepUion wu Leonard. usually a fine eololst, who actually milled nota and slopped through rum between bunts of hla UIUAl excellence. Navel's "Mother Gooee" suite wu a delight. Giullni led the orcheetra through a luah, silky version that somehow managed to be sprightly and childllke at the same time. The big event will be held M.an:h 30 and the music at noon will feature a presentation by Sch- wartz on musical, devioes of the 20th Century u featured in h1a own works and, where appropriate, fJ:;ilSll=:IQ=:::::a~--=x:=--ts:;:::=:m:irJ in works of others. The noon music will be-in Bertea Hall. The program ended with Stravinsky's -Schwartz will also conduct a muter clua at 2 p.m. and an open recital is acbeduled from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. in the Choral Room in Bertea Hall New art class due Artist Mimi Sharon Stein will offer a new claaa in personalized drawing and Plintina for beginners ana advanced students be.inning March 24 ln the Mariners Library of Newport Beach. SUNDAY CHAMPAGNE BRUNCH· C1aaes are aet for eight weeks on Wednesdays from 10 a.m. to noon. Registration may be handled at Newport Beach City Hall. For more information call 640-2271. in the Mediterranean Room from 10-3 ~ Call 642-5171. Put a few word• to work for ou. A~·I Hotel 18700 MacAr:r Bl., Irvine l"'R_--=--1"""-~_m___ (714 ) 833 -2770 STARRING JEANE BYRON , Music By JULE STYNE Book By STEPHEN SONDHEIM Directed and Choreo0raphed by JOHN SPINDLER 1122 A Tradition for IO Yeara · , 1N2 ReMt'YatlOrie lu911111d ........ ,.,, I I ~ _1 8 ~Theater · ..- ------------------------------ ..-~ Barn uni 's world niuseuni on wheels co ~ By CAROL MOORE ~ Of1'1eDllr ......... For those who need more color in their 'O "t: LL lives during dreary midwinter doldrums, the ~ staging and razzmatazz of ''Barnum" provide a -o rainbow. ~ Michael Stewart's rousiiig lyrics chronicle ! the life of circus impresario P. T. Barnum who ::> believed that ''miracle is a fancy word for ~ humbug" and set out to give the world a paint 0:: job. The fun starts half an hour before the 8 p.m. curtain at Hollywood's Pantages Theater as cast members scattered throughout the houae do magic, aculpt balloom. walk the balcony rail and 1cauction off" fur coats and spouaes bor- rowed 10 rows away. . Sucli spontaneity is a mainStay of the entire show. It's hard to imagine the casting calla. For instance, one actor has to play a violin while walking a tightrope; others swing on the trapeze and juggle while delivering their lines. Most versatile of all is Jim Dale who won a Tony for giving his all in this feverish reincamaUon of Bamum"s attempts to attract the world to his "muaeum on wheels." While he is gadding about, hiring Tom Thumb for $25 a week and entertaining Jenny Lind after hours, Glenn Cloee, as Mrs. Barnum. leaves a shining light to show the way home. She wishes he would nln a clock factory in Connecticut instead of following the gleam of green and gold. Hokum ii a tricky theme, but director Joe Layton gets generally high marks for sustai- ning the spontaneity. The~ visual treats and simple biographical plot _ e this show a good one for introducing children to live theater. W the immenle, ornately Pantages, complete with calliope, is a natural for the setting. Maximum use is made of the thick ropes that are so essential to circus aerial acts and backstage maneuvers. Scenery and lighting devised by David Mitchell and Craig Miller are at their most . ingenious in the sequences that acrentuate the proportions of Tom Thumb and the biggest elephant on earth. Dazzling 19th century circus costumes by Theoni Aldredge are especially appreciated after Barnum surrenders temporarily to the black and white world of "respectability, pundtuality and temperance." The lapee is uncharacteristic, though, for someone who is addicted to the glories of the rainbow. After all there's John Ringling's offer of a merger and always the challenges of the Fe- male of the Species -his wife, Miss Lind and Susan B. Anthony. For each of these episodes ~ter emphasU:es that Barnum is Catherine Gaines as the Swedish 90prano and Betty LaRusso as the suffragette perform admirably, making these historical figures much more human. And Miss Cloee contributes a rarity on stage these days -a touching tes- timonial to the strength of marriage -which earned a Tony nomination. All the rnadCap whirl is tuned to Cy Coleman's music with extra oom-pah courtesy of the Potomac Marching Band Society. But even colors have a way of disappearing -so we can better appreciate different seasons and the oneness of humanity. Finally Barnum. along with the audience, has to go home. Yet · they r' reaaured that "just out of sight, the world s blazing with light." tfyouwantmll Cord Straight Legs, 'We've Got'em. Our four basic colors are off-while, It. blue. tan JIM DALE ... recreates his Tony-winning role of P.T. Barnum in "Barnum." and navy In 84% cotton. 16% polyester for shnnkage control -------- ---- I ~~[; 56 FASHION ISLAND · NBW0RT BEACH · (714) 644-7030 Currentl! saftnlng ABSENCE OF MALICE: Raled PG, Paul Newman and Sally Field. A careful study of the power of the ~ and Its conteq~nces, neetly execuled by Sidney Pou.ck. The PG r•ting la for lldult larlcua&e· THE AMATEUR: Rated R, 1W1 John S.vaee and Marthe Keller In • t.le of ClA lnll'igue and betny.1. The R rating Is for violence. ATLANTIC.CITY: Rated R, .ian Bun t.a.ncuwr u an~ bottom-rung VC·fAPPt« who feta one latt chance IO nWa! • bie buck when ty.ppeN upon a large amount ot cocaine, and one Lut chance •t rumnc:e when he meets Susan Sarandon. • card dealer, Louis M.Ue directed this bit of whimly, written by John Guare. It'• tre.h, funny, and .UV.. The R rating Is for vlolence and lldult liW.tlont. THE BEAST WITHIN: Rated R, 1W'1 Ronny Cox, Bibi Bach and Pw.1 Cements In• Weof horror. The B rattnc ii for violence. BODY BEAT: Rated R, ttanina William Hurt u • bun&llna. lovestruclt •ttomey and Kathlem Turner u the fmune f•t&l. This iexy, deviow m)'l1tt)' takes pbice In • flcUtiout Florida town ., hot th.t people In cal• order lced 1-two •t • time. Oirec"ted by t..~ K.dan a ui bomace IO film noir, the R rattnc comes from brief nudity, alty ~and• ,.neral .i.r of ~. THE BORDER: Rated R, start J~ Nichoml M • dllillu· lioned border l'Jlll'd and Valerie Perrine M hit tndlt-l'lllid wife. Nlchollon Is bdlllant • the <lillWted Ow-lie Smith; ~ Keitel la taut• hla corrupt friend and partner. The R ralinl It fer violence, tome nudity and ~- BUTTEJlFL Y: Rated R, ttan SUIC)' Keach and Pia :z.dora in the Wm venlon of Junes M. c..in'1 novel of lnce9t. Oirec"ted by M.u Clmber from• tcrlpt by John Goff and Omber. The R rating It for .clul t mater'W. CANNERY JlOW: Rated PG, 1tar1 Nick Nolte and Debra Wtnau In•~ film .ct.pc.don of John Stelnbedt't ttoriee ''Cannery Bow'' and "Swwt Thunday." Shot on MGM 80W'ld llqea, OU. movie bM • tweet. enctwlted look and fine perfonnancet by Nolte, Wmaer and Audra Unciley u the madame. Narnted by John Hutt.on. The PG rattnc la foe texual .clult litu.tiont. C1LUU01'1 OP P'lllE: Rated PO and $ain& Ben 0'09 and Ian Charleeon • ninnert In the 1924 Olympiad, who run races for dilfer'ftlt reUOl19 but mam&e IO w1n just the .arne. The PO rating mutt be for Its lofty themes: there ii no nudity, no violence and very little offenalve i..ncu.. DEA~ Rated PO, ttan Ouiltopher Reeve, Michael c.ine and DyWl Cuinoo In • dever mwder mytt.ery about • wuhed up writer and • promilline yout11 •uthor who pens• greet m)'l1tt)'. The PO ralina lit for violence. DEATH WISH: 8-ted R. ttarl Ow-1-Brorlllon and JlU Ireland. This ttory continues the 1111• of • man who teU out to •v~ the deeth of hit wile at the hand.a of mU&ifl'W. The-R raunc Is for~- Evn. UNDER THE SUN: Rated PO, 1tart Pet.er U.unov, Jane Bitldn. sr,tvs. Mila, Junea Muoo Md DiaM Ria In Apth. Christie 1 tale of murder and lnfrilue. The PO nun, Is for .clul t ti ruatlona. THE FRENCH Ul:tJTENANT'S WOMAN:·Rated R. ttara Meryl Streep in the role oi the ~ and beartbreeldne Frtnch l.Jeutenant't -and Jeremy ~ • the VIC'IOrlan &ftltleman who pmblet hll love and reput.iion on her. The Victorian love ttary f&bl,e Is lnteran with mother plot:: the modem city film crew maJdnc •movie of ''The French Lieu- tenant'• Woman" bM ltl own romantic dramM and down1al.la which ue mNDt to corn..,-e ud oontnlt with the Viic:torim aqumce. The R ratlnl II for .clult eaual llW.tlont. GAUJPOLI: Rated R. stan Mel~ and Mu1l Lee• two yoW'\I Al.Wtnllan ddlen who flcht In the tl'aciC battle of G.u.lpoll In World Wv L The R rat.Inc la for ~ and violence. GREAT WHITE: &ted PO, 1tart Vk: Morrow, J- Frandlcw and• sreet white thariL The PO ratl.ni la foe vto&ence. IJlillNG LOVE: Rated B, mn Michael On&ban. Kate J.:klan and Harry u.mlin In a ttary ti>out • woman, • m11n and hia bOmmexu.l lowr. The R ratl.ni la for .clult litu.tiont and hommexu.allty. MIUION: Rated PO, Nrl JllCk Lemmon md Silly Specek u • man and tm-cS.uchw ln law who .arch for bill milltnc .an. The TEMPERATURE'S RISING AT ORANGE COUNTY , FAIRGROUNDS See and talk to GENERAL HOSPlTAL'S flrey HEATHER WEBBER (Robin Mattson) this Sat .3/20, 1-JPM l!t hot GOLD MEDALIST BRUCE JENNER this Sun. . 1-.3 PM at the SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA KIT CAR i!t ULTRALIGHT SHOW. It's the world's most sizzling l!t sensational KIT CARS based on '55 Mercedes Gull Wing, ·49 Jag XK 120, '55 Bathtub Porsche, '29 Mercedes, ·37 .Jag., Hall Pantera, '52 MO. ·55 T·Blrd, Cobra, Manta, and m o re. Also t he ..Quicksilver, Falcoln, Pterodactyl, Tomcat Ultralights. f'.arth sta- tion demonstration l!t Kits by Heathkit. AMERI 12 Noon-9 PM friday 9 AM-9 l'M Saturd•y March 20 11 AM-7 PM Sunday March 21 AdmlMlon •~(Children under 10 free with adult) Orange C.OUnty l'•lrgro\lnds Co9tJI Mesa, Callfomta 9 :2 0 - even ta we ~ oo • true ttory ln which • ~-American w• I apparmtly allowed to be k11led In • IAUQ Amertcan country by " fore. friendly wttb the U.S. Gowmment. The PG radna It foe ~ adult una.t1ont. i' _ ... ON GOLDEN POND: RAud PO, lllU't Henry Fonda and Katharine Hepburn • mi .,i.nc ClOUple returnlnc to live on ~ Golden Pend. H.e't tWed with anxiedet ti>out death; the't Ci lntermlnably c:b.rlu1. They b6cker politely until the arriv.t o( I» their d.tl.llb&« (JMe Fonda). her lalelt boyfriend. Billy (played ~ brlll.IMtly by Dabney Coleman) and hla 13-year-old boy. The 'PG ~ radna It {OC' ~·) I» a ONE PROM THE HEART: Rated B. talus pbice In • aound ~ 1~ re-cnetion of lAt Vept and tel1a the ttary of 24 bows In _;D the Uws of two lawn. The tum -~by Franda Coppola. written by Armyan Bernttetn and Coppola, md ...,.. rreileric .... ForTWt, Teri Gtirr, Raul Jul.La aiid N...-. KiDlld. The B rat1J:li <O la for .clult litu.ciont. ~ PENNIES PROM REA VEN: Rated R, 1tar1 S~ Martin and Bem9dtt1e Peters In • throwt.ck to 19309 ml.llkalt. Set 1!pin1t the deprwioll, the 1tory It~ even• Utt.le blllCk.. The R rattnc It fer .clult litulltiont and RX. PERSONAL BEn: Rated R, 1tar1 Mariel Heminp'•Y and P•trice Donnelly In the ltory of two •thletel vytna for• b4d In the 1980 Olympic Pent.thalon. It'• • celebndon.QLoompetilk>n. frlmdtb.lp. FOCI health and P>d bodlm, wn~ and produced by Robert Towne. 'l'be R ratl.ni la for nudity, bomo- ~ty and .dult tltuadonl.. / POR&Y'S: Rated R. 1tar1 KllD C..ttrall, Scot <::okmby md Akx Karna in • tale of boys pvwina up. The R radna it for nudity. QVDT JPOR P'DlE: Rated R, la• look •t prehlttoric man and wom.m, complete with primitive ~ Md • IM of "body lanp.lp" developed by ... ~ Dimond Morria. The film ttan !vereu~ md Rae 0.wii °'°"I· The R ratl.ni II f.cr violence and RX. RAGTIME: Rated PO. It an lnteJlilent. m:reen VMtlon of E. L. Doctorow'• 1975 novel, which weeva hiltorical chuecten - Harry Thaw. St.mfonl White, Evelyn Nesbit, J . P. Morpn -Into See Currently, Page 10 With • competitor ... how close can yotJ get ? I I , I ' ' ' IO i .... I .. • Fascinating "A unique achievement ... a touching, funny and suspenseful drama."-'1aNe/ Ma$/;,., NEW YORK TIMES ·Daring "Thi• darinc film will give you a new respect for thoee C1"Caturee who became us." -PEOPLE MAGAZINE Exciting " •.. an expansion of the primitive-man sequence in '2001' ... Jta a true original." DavidD~. NEW YORK MAGAZINE ON:NS WITH * AHCA!Jf IJF liAr.HS 9C))(~"1C:. ll())(()fl'lrlC:. It's FUNI lt't IJCCITINOI It's CHALLENGINOI RICllAllD PWYIR UYE•THE sumET S'Ta.(R) 1 :00 2:45 4:30 6:15 1:00 9:45 Sissy Spacek ·Jack Lemmon --(PG)At 12:30 2:50 5:10 7:4010:00 Michael Caine DEATHTRAP (PG) 12:40 3:00 5:20 7:35 9:50 ~~ ...... CllMIOlSOF FIRE (PG) 12:30 2:505:1 s 7:45 10:10 Agatha Christie's EVIL •DER THE SU• (PG) At 1:00.3: 15 5:35 7:5510:111 ~:,E~:,~~u0~,' .. P.d-;!.','!J.:~~:~:~u~t· ,:·i~ * Two Horror H1t1 1llE llEASTMTHlllllRI DEADLY BLESSINGIRI I John Belushi lllEIGI •ORSI RI MocMrn ProblemslPGI ARTHUR(~) 1 Pia Zadof .. Jn BUTTERFLY I Rt Th•Amerlc:.n G1polo !RI Oscar Nom1n .. 11 RAIOEM OF 1llE UWT AAKIPGI Plus TAPS IPGI Terror At See GREAT 1911TEIPGI THE ISLANDIRI currently screen•!i From Page 9 the llvtll ci! what triel. wry hard to be a tYPcaJ American family. l2babetb McGcM!rn IJwa a wtnnlQa perlOrmance u the dreamy eyed N.tlit and Howard E. Boll.Ina la commandinc u Collhou.e Walker, a b111Ck piano player who la abuled by b1eota and tiw.ucnll alilm. 'lbe direcw, Mllal J'Cllrelmn. ~a dl.tficu.h talk in CUUinf the lp'Wlinc book into film abape, anclbe'I dQne the job admlrabl,y. The PO ratina ii for nudity and .ame~. UDI: Ra.ted PO, stan Wtlftl\ Beetty • John Reed, the American jouma1Jat and Diane Keaton u Lou1R Bryant. who beccma bl. wife. Thia film Nnl well aver three hou.n on • budlet ol over $30 m1llion. and the kMnc care of Beetty, who allo produced and d!Tect.ed, lhowa. The PG ratina ii ror laQiuaae and adult lltuadona. ~Y'S MACHINE: Rated R, 1t1n Burt Reynolds u a touch cop oa\liht between• corrupt department and evtt-~nt bed IUYL The R ratina II f« vloJence and~· &BOOT THE MOON: Rated R, ltarl Albert Finney u George Dunlate:'.~ marriaae to Faith (Diane Ke.ton) ii on the rocks. They Involved with different people, and for the fint time ln yean. -to Involve thelmelv. apln. 11'1 an accurate, movtna -.ml of a break-up. more Intuitive and p'«ile than meat movies on divorce. Aa their da\lihter, Sherry, Diana Hill ii brilliant. Ke.ton Cfwa the performance of a lifecime. Tbe R ratina II f« adult lituatlona. P~ay opens at Golden West "A Gown for His Mistress," Georges Feydeau's matrimonial farce, opens a three-weekend run at Golden West College today. Perlonnitnoes of the comedy about a hapless Don Juan whoee amorou.e plans continually go awry will be given Thundays through Saturdays at 8 p.m. through April 3 with a 2:30 matinee scheduled for Sunday, April 4. Charles Mitchell directs the play, which fea- tures David Scaglione, Lida Pingree, Gina Hile, Todd Hart, Jill Martin and Charle9 DeWitt. Tickets, at $3.50, may be reserved at the college ticket office, 894-6070. ·.~olJen ~· . . Z;)~agon · -~~ GENU•CHllEE AWIDMtM DISHES . .1 Specializing In Chinese' lo Corte Dishes -.LWlCh. OinCIJt!.Oaibt ~Food To Take Out 4711 Ct • OUMll r 1 JOU H..t1w llff. 50-7171 • 7S0-IOM ' COST A MISA ............ I . . • . ..• : . ,642·7"2 • Ul-Hl I -'--·-·~----. Intermission ,. tt :!! 2 ~ . -----...... -------- --------------------- --------- 'South .Pacific' stays on By TOM TITUS or .. .,..,,......,. You can't beat the old favoriteS, aa Sebastian's West Dinner Playhouae baa learned to its im- meme aatisf.action. The popular "Rodgers and Hammentein musi- cal "South Pacific," which had been IChedu- ' · led to wrap up its en- gegement at the San Clelnente ahowplaoe on I April 11, now will be held over through May 9, offering local theater- 1 oe ra an· additional month of enchanted ~· That works out quite well for Sebutlan'a, which had the Neil Siln- on comedy "I Ou&ht to Be in Pictures" perid]ed in fer an April IS opening. That particular abow Ia the current attraction at the Harlequin Dinner Playhouse, running throulh March 28 . . When "South P.ific'' runa its course, Sebas- tian 'a will follow the musical with a previously announced but shelved project, "On Golden Pond" with Pat O'Brien. hla wife, Eloise, and t::ftbter, Brigid. Thia affair will conti- nue June 20 and will be owed by the muaical "George M." * CLOSINGS-Winding up their respective runs on the coastline thia weekend are "Bleacher Bums" at the Newport '!beater Arts Center and ''Uncommon Women and Others" at Saddleback College. "Bleecher Bums" goes on stage tonight and Saturday at 8 and Sun- day at' 2 at the Newport Beach theater. 2501 Cliff Drive, and reeervationa are available at 675~3143. You can catch 0 Uncommon Women" tmiBbt and Saturday at 8 and Sundal at 3 in Saddleback a Studio Tbeeter Oil the millkln Viejo campus. Call 811-4630 fer tickets. C.ooUpuipa the local J1ghta thla weekend at the Harlequm Dinner Playhouse (847-4465) Laiuna Moulton Play-with either British or i are 0 Henry IV, Part r • on l'.'_!ayhouae (979-5511), and "Ladies in Retire-hotile will hold auditions Indian accents will be f the ~ and "The ''Pajama Game" at the ment" at the San Cle-Monday at 7 p.m. for the eought at the theater, 606 !) Blood Knot' on the Sec-Westminster Community mente Community The-Sherlock lfolmea mya-Laguna ii:&on Road, i" ond Stage of South Cout Theater (995-4113). ater (492-.0465). · t.ery, "The Cnldfer of Lastuna call - Repert.ory (957-4033), "I "Ring Round the Moon" * Bleod" ... a cut of 12 494-0743 for furth~ de-~ Qught to Be in Pictures" at the Huntington Beach CALLBOARD -The men and one woman tails. a. .............. liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiillmiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiili ......................................... ~ DEATHTRAP MICHAEL c;AINE CHRISTOPHER REEVE DYAN CANNON The trap is set •.. For a wickedly funny who'lbdc>-it. ( in IRALEVINtS "DE~THTRAP~' Executive Produc~r JAY PRESSON ALLEN As'sociate Producer ALFRED de LIAGRE, JR. Music by JO.HNNY MANDEL Produced by BURTI HARRIS Screenplay by JAY PRESSON ALLEN Based on the stage ptay by IRA LEVIN Directed by SIDNEY LL!MET -_ . ..._ I~ •. '. ,, ~ -__ ..,.. __ -. . I~ 1, ~ .. , J I l tt N GO • • .SCR C1> .... From Page 1 C1> ,... of the acting process," he said. "rll be working wiib s: actors from the point of view of voice. ~ "My courae involves making sure that voice :E reflects the experience that yoµ're having on stage -instead of being limited because of tension. The voice ~ simply reflects 'the experience an actor is having. ~ Our goal is to make sure that the actor is able to ~ experience what his character experiences, then ..: OOl1ll'Qunicate it," he said. ~ "So many people simply can't do what they i want to with their voices. Of the many modes of .)It. communication, ~ge is the most common. A i voice is the mirror of what a pel"90n is experiencing 3: neuromuscu.larly. My job u voice teacher is to ~ reduce the fear ao that freedom of communication is ii: experienced," he said Wilaon said that his class will help establish the "fundamentals of the acting proc:eu, ao that nothing phony is golna on." He said tbat a good voice is more than just a "sonorous" one. ''GeOrge C. Soott doesn't have what you'd call a beautiful speaking voice," be said. "But you always listen to him when he speaks. That's because there's so much l(Oing on inside him during a performance." Big doings at The Farm May promises to be a big, Cun-filled month down on the farm. T.G. Sheppard, Terri Gibbs and other top stars in country music, popular Latin singers, 36 young ladies vying for the Miss Latina beauty crown and dazz- ling Memorial Day Weekend fireworks will provide nonstop entertainment for guests at Knott's Berry Farm during the month. The first weekend of the month will present a roster of surprise headline performers du- ring Knott's Country Music Par- ty on the evenings of Friday and Saturday, April 30 and May 1. The same weekend will also feature Cinco de Mayo festivities in the afternoons with pinata breakings, strolllng mariachi bands and entertainers Felipe Arriga and Tito Guizar on Sat- urday and Sunday, May 1 and 2; highlighted with many of Sou- thern California's loveliest Hi- spanic girls competing in the Los Angeles Mm Latina Beauty Pa- geant in Knott's 2100-seat Good Time Theatre on Sunday, May 2. Additional special events scheduled for May include the 1982 Acoordian Music Festival in the Good Time Theatre with special TV guest star Myron Floren of the Lawrence Welk Show on Friday, May 7, and the Kal Kan Pet Dog Show slated 'for Sunday, May 9. Knott's special events in May will climax with "Urban Cowboy Days" when countcy entertainer T .G. Sheppard sings ''I Loved' Em Every One," "Party Time" and "Only One You," along with Terri Gibbs performing her curr ent hit "Mis'ry River," during the Memorial Day Weekend on Sat- urday, Sunday and Monday, May 29. 30 and 31. And Knott's Fireworks Spectacular show will light up the evening sky during Memorial Day Weekend with an awesome computer-controlled display of cascading aerial fire- works synchronized to a musical score on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, May 28, 29 and 30. Knoll's regular cancan dan- cers, Wild West Stunt Show and Rene's Marionettes will continue to entertain guests daily. The operating hours at Knott's during May will be 10 a.m. to midnight Saturdays, 10 a.m . to 9 p .m . Sundays, 10 a.m . to 6 p.m. Mon- days through Thursdays and 10 a.m. to 11 p.m. Fridays, from May 1 through 20. missing ... .. **** 'MU.ing' ii a lruly ri•elint mo•ie ... execated with Coua·C••r••' uaual brisk iDteuity."-KatlJJHJJ Carrol, NEW' YORK DAI· LY NEW'S A Hinty ~ ltmb Prock:tioll 'The 8et.'il W'dlin" ....., Cal llii Be9dl Paul Clemens Don <bdon Millie by La a.. f'.llrdiw Prcdm Jd 8. eem.in Saeen say 11111 ~by 'bn HoMI 8-1 on IM fb9 by F.dwlrd Levy Prtdad by Hlrwy 8emlllld nf Glbriel Kmb Directed by ~ Mora ,_.,...,.....,.r.., ....... ........... ,~~armaw· --.o......--... d -- IRJGll• I===---- UW.IM Btooltllursl 772114411 ... Brea Plaza 528-53311 NOW PLAYING COITA MIU GUiii IUllll Edwards BrlllOI Orenot Mall • UA DIY Cinema 540·7444 1137.0340 134·3011 RTOlll ..._ ~Ta Eclwlllfds Saddleback Stadklll Onvt·ln 141 W't 3t OrlYl·ln 51t-5180 113 ... 770 ltl·3H3 Foa.TI• fAUll Foonlaltl Vlllty 139 t 500 I llO , ..... ACCIPTU 'Oii TN PllUGWlfT I Witch tht ACldlmy Aw1rds M1rclt 2t H AIC missing. .. .. ELECTRIFYING ..• "Milting' i1 a magnificent achievement tJoiat towers over mo.I films one &eeS in the course or a year, and I recommend it atrongly. "-J!ex Reed, GQ MAGAZINE missing ... - " •Mi11ing' is a fatcinating and powerful drama .. . the climax or the film i1 ahauering, and Spacek and Lemmon are hearbreaking ... Riveting from 11art to finis h I reco mmend it wit h o ut re1e"alion."-Srew1111 Kleio, W'NEW-TV missing. .. •• 'Mia1ing' u one or the finest films I ha•e ever teen ... one of the moet .. unalng, most important films of recent years. "-Jeffrey Lyons, WPIX- TV IWCBS R•dlo missing. -··-""" Diversions '.!! - ---------------- - --------- - -----~ --- --~ ~ -PLAYS-' ----- "THECEREMONY OF INNOCENCE," a tu.torical drama.. is pta)'ini at Orange ec-t ~ae toniaht. Saturday and March 25-27 at 8 p.m. and March 28 at 2 p.m. Call 5~27 Coe reaervationa. "DIVISION STREET," a comedy populated with w8Cky cha111cten, opens tonight at the Laguna Moulton Playhoull!, 606 Laguna Canyon Road, Laguna Beach. Perlonnances are Tuadays through Saturdays at 8 p.m. (with Sunday matinen at 2 this Sunday and April 4) th.rough April 10. Re.ervations 4~743. "LADIES IN JlETIREMENT," a drama about murder, ls the current production at the San Cemente C4mmunlty 'Il>e9ter. 202 Ave. c.hrillo. San Oemen1e. The play runs Fridays and Saturdays at.JI p.m., Sunda)"I at 2:30. th.rough April 3 with re1ervallona beinc taken at 492-0465. "NUMBER ONE PICI1JRE OF THE YEAR ... ~JOIL--AK" N ..... Ce41 fer le Aea•e•>'A••nlll ln.1Uihnit BEST PICTIJRE -DRAMA BEST DIRECTOR MarkRydcU One of the Year'iS 10 lkst. THOUSANDS OF TAPES & DISCS · TO CHOOSE FROM N EWEST RELEASES· NOSTALGIA• CONCERTS RELIGIOUS· SPORTS• CHILOAENS • AOUL T INCLUDING THESE EXCITING TITLES {l . . · * · . THE *· · •. WARNER HOME VIDEO RENTAL LIBRARY !OPEN: M·F. 10·9 -SAT. 10·8-SUN.12·11 ONE STOP FOR ALL YOUR VIDEO NEEDS VCR"S•llO SCAEENl •COLOR CAMERAS COLOR TV'S•VIDEO OAMH•ACCESIOAIH ,._EM S...MtHmfl $1/Hf C.• flH••· Calhuw• 12621 ""'., ''°" • 13, ,.., ~~gl,p IMl.JIH'I "ALPHIE JS A FRIEND OF MINE," a ~n'1 fanta1y, w1nda up at the Costa Meu Ovlc Playhoule on the Orange C-ounty Fairgrounds. Final performance. are at 8 p.m. tonight ancU p.m. Saturday with re.ervallona 1t 754-5159. "UNCOMMON WOMEN AND OTHERS," an all·WOGWl play about reunited aorori~rs. ctc.s tonJlht and Saturday at 8, Sunday at 3 at lebeck College in Miallon V~jo. Re!iervatlOl\I are taken at 831-4530. "THE BLOOD KNOT," a drama about apartheid In South Africa, ii playing th.rough March 28 on the Second Staae of South Cou\ Bei)ertory, 655 Town Cent.er Drive, Costa Mele. Curt.a1n " 8:30 Tue.days th.rough Satwdays, 8 p.m. Sundays, with weekend matinees at 3 p.m. Call 957-4033 for dcketl. "11IE PAJAMA GAME,H a musical comedy, continues at the We1tminster Community Theater, 7272 Maple St.. Westmlnltet', with performances given Fridays and Saturda)"l at 8:30 throu&h March 27. Call 995-4113 for ..-vatlonl. 8ACADEMY AWARD NOMINATIONS AIWWQMT FQlff ~ 1111 °'"'ol-111 1UU IOU.UI • , . ... .... -.... NOW PLAYING .-a.nCllUT P\AlA -" ......... s...c..-c--... =l!.!..~1)GO Orqe IJll710 ~462111 lllMMMf ,,_, llO~ ~Or-Ut~ ..._1141 I I __ ,_ -r n. S)1 llSS !"0'0 1 .... .._._CMMWPMF I·----.. -..... -.... ...-! * •ARGAIN MATIN•U • .... ., ... ,.. ... ..., All~ before 5:00 PM (rae,e ........ En111•••• llMI ...... , ''alnlNl\:r · ........ _,..,:. ''OMTM ...... ~ • -............ ... ...oM'f' ..... ............... I f\ldWO()(l Cl NTf'1 ',l)tJ. h ,., ,. •• . .... ._1'19..,." ................ ' . , SQ ,:nt.:'T ,,_J\ll< IN ~~ -~.~ . '"THI IM8T MTHIM"" . "' ..... ______ _ "THI MIAlSUll'' "'---·--.a..- -------''CHA.NOTS"' ... " ... --. ...... ... ~CMllMlwelf ......... ~1114 "RJNG ROUND THE MOON," a French comedy, ii on Nee I at the Hun~ Beacll PlayboUle, Main 81.t'ftt at Yorktown ~ Avenue In the $e9diff Villlce ahoppinC oenter. Perfonnancel :i att Fridays and Saturdays at 8:30 through April 3 with dcket 0. informadon available at 847~. ~ ,, "HENRY lV, PART I," a Shakespean!all tracedy. la beinc a: praented on the malnstage of South ec-t Repertoe')', M5 Town Center Drive, c.o.ta Mesa, throu.ah April 4. Performance11 wlD be ~ given Tuetdays th.rough Satunfa)"I at 8 p.m., Sundays at 7:30 , with ma~ Saturday and Sunday at 2:30 and n.rvadonl ~ taken at 957-4033. • ~ =s- ... OUGHT TO BE IN PICl'UllES," the latest Neil Simor1 ,... comedy, ii on~ at the Harlequin Dinner Pl.aybou.e, 3503 S. !D Harbor Blvd., Santa Ana. playing nJ&htly l!'Xcept Monda)"I at ,... varyina cw1aln times th.rough M.aidi 28. Call 97~ 11 foe dckel ~ infonnatJon. N See ·Diven.ions, Page 14. -,..., ... , -9:16 I• s..6:00--•8:46 IMf'OflTAH llOTICE! CMILDAH UHIR 12 FAHi -· ... ··--, ... '" 61)0. hi , ......... ~,. ~ S01M •'l'CU Ml CM._ C ~ PEM111 fl •Ml CM..., 11111 81111111 aa:llaf,.,.. _... • ..,.._l•ML~---··- • t. ~ ... ,. ANAHEIM DRIVf IN CM • fl S01111D ---------.---------- .-, ,, a ,. W ~ BUENA PARK D~l~I IN lllleelft_..., ........ 12M070 ---I -. ' ~ :. ~ . LI N c 0 l N [-. R w' f . N I .._.... ....... _ UMOJO I A ~ "' A LA HABRA :1~ ,, ,.. . ·. . ORANGE r•P11. 1 ,,.. ,.., .... -----.UMl9 ~ .. ,. _.. ..... Ml"SIU~ '·• .! -. ~ ~ .~ "mATM ....... " -.....mtAWK9"" Clllt ·A MXlllO "RICHMD "'"°" lM ON TI9 IUNKT STitlf"' .,.. -• .,. .... DtlnY'' " ·~y· .. -"UT1U DMLW'" ''f'OMY'I"" '- .......THING'." -""°' I llC1" .. C:..·fllCMID ''llQWID ~ UVll ON 1'19 IUNUT ..,... " -·-n.. DIRT'I''" . I i· I 14 ~ DIYerslons ... ai ---------------~ --------------------------------... FhJm Page 13 i MBLEACBER BUMS," a new CIXDl!dy about i-bell tam, ii ~ on Rap at the Newport "n-ter Arts Center, "°1 aut Drive, Newport 8-::h. Show lilm9 are Fridays and Saturdays at 8 =--.-p.m., Sundays at 2 p.m. throuah March 20. with relerVltiona ,, taken at 67~3143. -DANCE------ "PRE-BALLET FOR ADULTS," a lix-week mlni<ou.ne foe adults who don't have pttVioul nperience with bellet, ii oUered at Oranae CoMt CoUece from 8:30 10 10 a.m. Saiwdays through May 1. a-meets In OCC'1 1lance Room. ln!ormation, call 5~-~- exhibit.a, flhm and TV per-11tiea are at Knott'1 Berry Farm. 8039 Be9ch Blvd., Buena Park. Saturday and Sunday. "BEGINNING ACTING," "Voioe for the Srap" and "lntroducdon &o Shakespeare," are ooones offered this spring at South Coat Repertory Theeltt'1 Evening Con.ervat.ory. For tuition and enrollment information, ca! ~7-2602. "t: LL ~ i "OUVER" will be ,.-need by the Performl.ng Arts Center at the Q-yatal Cathedral, Chapnan Aw. and Lewi8 Street, Garden Gow, on Match 27, 30 and 31 and A,priJ 1, 2 and 3. Adult dcbta are $5. Call 971-414~ for 1'8ef'Vationa. ·-nc.-------MUSIC------ J -ART------- WILD WEST STUNT SHOW, Cancan Dancera and Rene's Marionettes appew daily It Knott'I Berry Fann, 8039 Beach Blvd., Buena Park. CAUFORNIA CRIME PREVENTION FAIR with boot.ha. OPERATIC SOPRANO NATASHA YUPE is &o perform at 2 p.m. Sunday ln Turtle Rock <Ammunlty Cenier, I Sunnybill Drive, Irvine. The performance is part of the dty of Irvine'• See Diversions, Page 15 -.2 "THE LIGHT OF ART AND SPACE," a lalk by Melinda 0: Wenz, ~ of the UC Irvine An Gallery, ii ICheduled at 4 OCC jazz fest set p.m. Sunday In the Newport Harbor An Mueeum. ~ San Clemente Drive, Newport Beech. She'll focua on the Larry Bell exhibition of g.ta. ICulpture at the mu.eum. Wine and cheeee will be eerved after the kcture. Admillion ii $2.50 for memben and $3 for non-memben. "SOLLIE 17," a dramatic tabau crealed by Edward K.lenholz and Nancy Reddin KJenholz, ii oo dlilpl.ay throulh April 25 at Newport Harbor Al't MUleUm. ~ San Clemente Driw, Newport Be.ch. Gallery bows are 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tusiay thrcJUCh Sunday and unW 9 P:-"1-Friday. Th e 14th annual Or- ~ Cout College Jazz FeatlvaL.wllLbe held March 25-27 in the col- lege auditorium. Appear ing at the three-day juz feat will be MEXICAN AND MAYAN ARTD'ACl'S m.n thecolledion °' Bo b Florence, Gerald enn-c.oueae art bwtrudor Terry O'Brien and pboCocnipha WU.On and Louie Bell-.nil ~ deqrl9 by studmt St.even~ are on display In the Cyiw-~ Ubrary Mini Gallery, 9200 aon. All ahowa begin at 8 Valley View St., Cyix-. Gallery hours are 8. a.m. to II p.m.. p.m. Mcnday thtoulh Tbunday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday and noon to T ickets are $8 /er 4 p..m. San.day. show if purchase in "SPLENDOR OP THE SOID'l'F.S,,. an art 1bow ..,.odyint lta../ advance or $9 at the doer. prototyps from the Metropolitan M.-um of Art. 11 to be A apedal three-day ticket dilplayed at UC IMne'11'lne Arts Gallery from April 1 throucb can be purchaled for $21 29. fftahll&ht of the show ii San Wiener's Metropollian Containtt in ad~. For infonna-Piii----: · al Art.'" a .,aiff U-tprayed dumpster filled with anlfacta ti on , call 5 56-5 819 or excavaled from the art colony of the late 20th century S:ilX> -556-5527 ••..,•• New York Oty. Gallery houn are noon to$ p.m.. 'I'uelday ----·-----throuih Saturday. Admi-'on la free. "ANCIENT AMEIUCAN ART: AN A.ESTBETIC VIEW," a photocraphk collection of Pre-Columbian art objlecta. Iii on dilplay throulh April 2 '\ ttie Rmoli Oellery, Sou\b CoMt P1ua. Coeta M-. w.91 IN il6UTliAH Cl!LfalMW91T~.r N. ~ TCaa ..,..~ lnhc;.tak~ fcwnou.~· ~ Poatot lpOttcd 0 bcoutfful woman on h bcod\. ~that IM W06 dead, he dtd not oak h&t to dlnncf. C•li 142-5178. Put • few word• to work for MELVIN SIMON PRODUCTIONS/ASTRAL BELLEVUE PATHE INC. Pim BOB CLARK'S 11PORKY'S'' KIM CAITRAll SCOTT COLOMBY·KAKI HUNTER· ALEX KARRAS as TheSl8ilt SUSAN CLARK IS 08Ty t(IM Uio6e ~fWWID GREENBERG 1111 MELVIN SIMON Ptldad 1rt DON CARMODY., BOB CLARK ~ 1111 Orac1 b't BOB CLARK IRl-EWNll=I /. ~~~-1;.!.__~· WATGI Tim ACADUIY. AWAllDI llAICll 2 ..... A8C ·~~ ,\ ' •, . .......... .. ,, ·~ ~ ~ Dlwerslons ------------ From Page 14 Sunday PlaybouR. General admilllon ii $3. Information, call 754-3143. PIANJST ARMEN GVZF.LIMIAN, French hom1't IUchud T~. viollnlat O.yton HaaJop, cello v1rtuolo Michael Mathewl are ID perform at 3;30 p.m. Sunday at the Perfonnlna Arts Center of Sunny HWs High School. FulJertGn. Adml8llion la free. THE llAGTDIE ENSEMBLE. 1 Woodwind quintet plus piano. will perform at 4 p.m. Sunday at UnltariM Unlversalilt Church, 5450 Atherton St., Lona Beach. Admilllon ii $3. THE TANNAHILL WEA VERB, a Scottilh i.nd performing on banjo, pipes. bodhran. bagppe1 and oUler Cehk lmtn.unenta. will preRnt a concert ai 3 p.m. Sonday m nne Ar11 vw. 'l'beet.er at UC Irvine. General adml-'cn la $5. Information. c:a11 113-6379. ROMANTIC CHORAL SELECTIONS will be performed at 8 p.m. Saturday by Oranp c.o.t Coneae'• Coat )aster Chon.la. Admmion ID the ccncert In the 00C Auditorium. C-. Mesa, la U. Information. call 5M-M2?. VJOUNJST EUDICE SBA.Piilo II to perform In concert wtth the Orange c.o.t Cc1Jeae Symphony~ at 4 p.m. Sunday In the OOC Audltoriwn: General adml-'cn la $4. Information, call m.M27. "atOilAL DEUGHTS," a pn>eram for all ..... will be perfcrmed at 8 p.m. Saturday by Coat Malt.ft' OMJnJI and Oranp County Children'• OMln.11 at Orange Coat Q,1Jece Auditorium, Co.ta Meu. AdmlaDoo la $2. Information, call m.M27. "EIGHT INSTRUMENTAL MINIATURES BY JOOR ITllAVINKY," a coocert by the Chapman C.O~ Chamber Oru-tra, la ylanned for 4 p.m. Sunday In Bertee lwl, 333 N. 01-ll St.. On.riae· Admission la free. SOPRANO KATHY BL.BOURNE •wW perform at B p.m. Saturday h\ Bertee Hall. Chapnan C.Ollece, 333 N. 01-ll, ~-Adm.1-'on la free. lnfonnat.lon, calJ 997-6871. BASsooNJsT DANIEL PEDERSON will be featured in a aenl« recital at 8 ton.lgbt In Bene. Hall, Chapman Collep, 333 H. Gi..-11. Oranp. Ad.mimion la ftte. PIANIST SONDRA TAMMAM · wW perform worb .by ~ and Beethoven It an 8 p.m. Tuelday concert in l'lne Ar11 c.onmrt Hall, UC Irvine. General admlalion la $5. In- bmlltioo, call m-.&379. CANADIAN OONDUCTOll B. COLIN IUll II to leed the hlne S)'lllllbony Orch.an In a ~ at 8 p.m. S.turday In Newport Harbor Hilb School AudU.orium. 8-tinl the pn>eram 61 the Beeb Bnndeabura No. 5 c.oncerto ln D Major for n uw, VklUn and Harpmic:hord. 'tlcketa are IUO and IUO. lnfonnation, aal1 Ml-1'67. ''fllCHMO ""°" Lift ON THE IUNRT.,,... Ml. 7:11, 9:11, , ... MT18UMMl..._l:al, 1: "THE SWAMP THING" Ml. 7:11, t:OO, 11:41 IAT .... t:OI, 1:41 ~. 7:11, 1:00. 11:41 (PG) DEATHTRAP -ca==·-• -M .1:91, 1:11, 10:30 IATllUN'.1='1, l:41 l:Ol, 1:11. 10:• .. ·---' :"!! ............ -. ........... - THE M N' B~ "PORKY'&" , .... 1:11, , •• SATMI• 1:41. &.elT... P'N. 1:11. I;• ••. ,.. .....1:• .. .. -·so11AL ... ,..". IAT.,.., 1:11 r5" • ~•.t:t1 utn"' .... 1 .... , ... CR) MD' MT NI. llL------™lf! •• -... - ...-AT WllTE'' ..... ,. MTllUM. l:tt .... " .... .. .,,,,_THING'' ... ,._ ... -~ .. 1111.M:ll • • ' I I H I l 1 f\ ''( M 1 r 1 t 1 1 q I 'HI.' Deir ..... ,...."'....,..~ ... SCANNING SKIES -Monica Bailon of Riverside was among crowd watching swallows return to San Juan Capistrano. Jury mulls Wisely's fate in HB murder By DAVID KUTZMANN O(' ... DelJ ......... After hearing a prosecutor de- mand his execution and his mo- ther describe her aon's troubled past, a Superior Court jury wrestled today with its final dedaion in Willie Wisely's mur- der trial -should he live or die for killing his stepfather? The panel of seven men and five women began its delibera- tions in the penalty phase of Wisely's trial late Thursday. It did so after hearing Assis: tant District Attorney Edgar Freeman describe the death of Hunilngton Beach truck driver Robert Br:ax a year ago aa a "cold. cold killing by a very cold, bn,ht, articulate and dangerous h ~" uman . Wisely, 2 , wu convicted of first-degree murder and special circumatances (\ying in wait) by the same jury earlier fn the week. Bray suffocated beneath Sewer line break shuts beaches By PIDL SNEIDERMAN O(' ... DelJ .......... Orange C.Ounty health officials cloeed two C.Orona del Mar bea- ches early today in the wake of a 1ewer line break that sent raw untreated sewage waste into the ocean near the entrance of New- port Harbor. The closures came one day af- ter health officials reopened the waters off Seal Beach, which had been closed because of concern over an earlier, unrelated ~~age spill. the 2,000-pound cab of his tractor-trailer rig, which prose- cutors claim Wisely lowered on him. At the time the verdict was announced, the defendant, a one-time student at Golden West College and UC l.rvine, said he preferred to go to the gas chamber at San Quentin than serve a life term without possi- bility of parole in state priaon. However, Wisely, who repre- sented himself throughout most of his lengthy and highly publi- cized trial, changed tactics and on Thursday had his advisory la- wyer argue that hit life should be soared. • "16!l'be q\iestion of whether 11r: Wisely lives or dies la in your hands," defense lawyer Daye Shinn told somber-faced juron. "It is an aw~ taak.'' Shinn argued that it WM be~ ter to attempt to rehabilitate his client. who has continued to deny any involvement in Brays death; than to execute him. "This la not a Manson or Bonin (freeway ki.J.lings) kind of cue," the Los Angeles lawyer said. "It is not that horrible." But Freeman, often pacing in front of the jury box in Superior C.Ourt Judge Kenneth E. Lae'a courtroom, told jurors that the circumstances of Bray's death were "cold, calculated, deliberate and inhuman.•• "The agony of his last mo- ments was enormous," the pro- secutor said. "He died under in- tolerable circumstances." Bray's bodY. waa found on March 9, 1981 pinned beneath the one-ton, tilt-away cab of his. 1975 International Harvester tractor-trailer rig, which was parked on Springdale Street near Edinger Avenue in Huntington Beach. (See PENALTY, Page A%) .. .. . - l H~ANG l COUNTY CALll OH NIA 25 CENTS Swallows return to Capistrano H undreds witness annual arrival of birds to mission nesting sites 1l y JEFP ADLER or ... ....,,... ... The 1wallow1 did what they were 1u ppo1ed to do thl1 mor- ~ no one'• IW'priR -but to the dellaht of hu.ndred1 -the 1mall bfrd1 returned to their ~ at Mlallon San Juan C.apl-' atrano u they have for the put 200 years. The mmlon belJa proudly pro- clalmed their arrival at 9 a .m. thl1 day of St. Joaeph. But ,roup1 of swallows could be aeen swooplna down to their D)illion neating litea earlier in the mor- nljf Und.red. of touriata, bundled up against chilly momin1 tem- peraturet, tbronaed to the mia- sion to celebrate the swallows' return under exceptionally clear skies. "I'm delighted with the weather," said Richard Landy, director of tourlam for the mill- slon. "St. Joaeph ii on our aide." As tourists explored the old mlsalon, its official "voice," 80-year-old Leon Rene, announ- ced to the world that he swal- lows had returned. Hunched over a telephone, Rene wu Interviewed by repor- ten cal.llng from u tar away as Ireland. 'l'"o some, he sang snip- pets of hia famous aong, "When the Swallows Come Back to Ca iltrano." tou rists from around the world began arriving at the mis- sion before 7:30 a.m. to watch the annual occurrence. Armed with binoculars and cameras, their necks craned skyward in search of a glimpse of the small. swift cliff swallows. "I've always been fascinated by the legends and we stayed over just to b e here this POWDER OVER THE PASS -Winter's chill, due to offi- cially subside into springtime Saturday afternoon, remains in morning,'' said Nina Silcox, of Salt Lake Oty, Utah. And Mary Salenblen, ot May- bee, Mich., kept repeating, ''Thia ii amazing, it's so beautiful.'' Eighty-nine-year-old Maria Jota Mercado, from San Bernar- dino, who is confined to a wheelchair, said she was very happy to be able to witness the swallows' return. Her eyes bright with the ex- citement of the day, Mrs. Mer- cado said the birds' return is wonderful. "I'm very happy to be here, e verything is muy bonita," she said through an interpreter. Be it legend Qr ornithological fact, the swallows have returned for 200 years to the mission from their winter home in Goya, Ar- gentina, some 6,000 miles south, on St. Joseph's Day. Upon their arrival, they lm- medlately begin the talk of re- building their mud nesta 1n and around the million. In fact, the miaaion encourages the birdt by providing ready pools of. mud for their reconatructlon project. The swallows always have re- turned punct1~, aay thoee who take note of thinp, except in 1935 when they were three days late. Their tardiness attri- buted to heavy stonna in Central America. The swallows' return kicka off a week-long fiesta in San Juan Capistrano that culminates March 27 with the annual Fietta de las Golondrinas parade. The mission, founded in 1776 by Father Junipero Serra, ii one of the oldest remaining in Cali- fornia and also is known aa the "Jewel of the Missions." Deir .... ,...."' a.....,, this dusting of snow atop Old Saddleback in the Santa Ana Mountains looking north from Lake Mission Viejo. Laguna moratorium on times shares set City council halts conversions to allow study of projects' impact By STEVE MITCHELL O('tfleDelJNot •Uft Laguna Beach City Council memben have imposed a foµr- month moratorium on time-share conversions in order for the city to study the impact of such pro- jects on Laguna Beach. The action came as a result of several time-share projects ap- proved by the council in recent. years, and the indication that more hotel and motel operators might be considering such a change. Operators of time-share facili- ties "sell" time in a unit to buyers, who purchase a grant deed enabling them to spend a certain amount of time -usually one to two weeks per year -in a time-share project. Mayor Sally Bellerue two weeks~ raised questions as to whether such conversions adver- sely affect the city. And a proliferation of such conversions miJzht drastically re-duce the numl>er of hotel and motel rooms available to over- night and weekend visitors. Councilman Neil Fitzpatrick echoed the mayor's concerns. "We're not opposed to time-shares," he said, pointing to the Laguna Shores project as an example of a conversion whkh seems to be working well in La- guna Beach. with interests In future time- share projects argued the units do not deplete rooms for short- time visitors. They said vacant time-share unita are rented out on a regular basil. And, they said, the projects enable people who otherwise could not afford to live.near the beach, to own a piece of beach property. "It's the only chance some people ever have to own land in the area," said one Los Angeles businessman. Bob Merryman, the county's director of environmental health, said the beaches from China Cove to the Sheriff's Harbor Pa- trol headquarters would be clo- led through the weekend. The closure involves about a half mile of beach altogether, he said. Mesa rape s tory phony? She aaid the city should hold off on future conversion appro- vals until the economic effects are studied, and until the city can ascertain its ability to provide visitor-serving faciliites on a short-time buis for the tQwn's thousands of tourists. The council recen~ approved a conversion pro by opera- tors of the San aarten Hotel, and the Inn at Laguna is cur- rently seeking time-share status. He said hotel and mot.el rooms -especially near the ocean - now go for $100 a night, u op- posed to time-share units which work out ''in the low $30 range per night." The break occurred in a New- port Beach city sewage line near Carnation Avenue anti Bayside Drive. The line carries raw se- wage to the Orange County Sa- nitation Plant in Huntington (See SEWER, Page A!) WORLD Police in Costa Mesa are in- vestigating the story of an alle- ged rape victim who said she was repeatedly assaulted and held against her will Wednesday. Lt. John Calnon said today that the Costa Mesa woman, who had earlier told police that she had been overpowered by a man Tuelday night and held hostage in her apartment nearly 24 hours, later admitted she had Pope speaks to workers LEGHORN, Italy (AP) -Pope John Paul II heard a barrage of political complaint• today by dlemical worken in this communist-governed ci~ and e~ "o1ten sayage" violationa of human ri«bta. NATION Reagan's support slipping? WASHING TON (AP) -Opinion analyn Lou1t Rania told ~ today that public IUppol't for Pre.tdent fte81an'1 ti!conomic PfOll'Ull la erodinC ra· pidly. . Like oil and water l!anY S Tnamn •hooCbt little ol !Ucha.rd N~ aid iiobably woWd haft a,aoa.d about a~ to put ltbmn'• ~ libn.ry In hil borMtow~ ln-~a, .... ea. phoned the suspect herself. Originally the Costa Mesa wo- man told police she had been held hostage before being forced to drive to a bank in Costa Mesa where she allegedly withdrew money from her savings account and handed it over to her assai- lant. Police now believe that the accused suspect may be an ex- boyfriend of the woman. STATE ''We really don't know where we're going with time-share," the mayor said. Questions such as whether the city can legally charge time-share operators a transient tax -Qi bed tax -must be considered, she said. How to locate a lreeway Any true Californian loves a freeway -as long as it is located away from the homestead and will get him an~here he wantl in 10 minutes. Page Bl. Pizza disrupts m eeting Could a mou1e thai repreeenta pizza and family fun 1park near·filtflahta at a supervilon meeting? It happened in Marin County. Paae 85. , COUNTY Price e0ntrol term redu'ced "We need ans wers t o. questions,"' Fitzpatrick said. sug- gesting the city should find out about who is to maintain such projects. But the council said it wanted four months to study the impact of such conversions before ft will approve any other projects. Councilman Kelly Boyd said there may be a need for such a study, but added, "U this is just a process to slow down develop- ment, then I'm oppoeed." Several out-of-town speakers They suggested operators of the Inn at Laguna continue to work their plans th.rough the city while the freeze is under way. INDEX lntenniallon Weekender Ann Landers B2 Movies Weekender At Your Service . A4 L.M. Boyd A6 Business B6-7 c.alifomia A5 Mutual Funds B6 National Newt A3 Public Notices A7,.86-6,C7 Restaurants Weekender Sports Cl -8 Dr. Steincrohn B2 Stock Marketa B7 Television TY Log Theelen Weekendet" Weather' A2 World News A3 Cavalcade 82 Classified Dl-8 Comics B4 Crossword B4 Death Notices C7 Editorial A6 Entertainment Weekender Hy Gardner , 82 Home/Ovden B8 Horoacope . B2 SPORTS . PCAA 's a better looR 'nM PCAA ii better than the ~ 8 ln b rhltbell. That'• the optnion of UC Irvine c.cli BIU lluptpn in a column by ap>rta editor Crall Sheff. Pap Cl. . i . l PENALTY .•.. Accordinc to trial tettimony. w~ aneeked up on hil ltep-fa 1 n, while the oldll' m.a worked beneath the cab and' tripped a 1wlteh which cau.ed the cab to fall. . Freeman aald both Bray'• death -and the ro~ry of a Los Anaetea-area antique store several week• before, a crime Wl8ely alto la char1et1 with - occurred only a matter of weeks folJowina the defendant'• releue from San Quentin Prtaon. He served a three-year term for fo~. SEWER LINE. Beach foe treatment. , ~ewport Heach city crews were reported still repai.rlng the line todal City officlala Mid to-day the ow of .ew._,e in~ the harbor been halted. ~nty health officials reope- Wileiy af8o had &.ill\~· a11 conVkted of MCGDCI--..... ~PY. can't IMb It on the 1treett without "#r'eddna .ott\,er people'• Uvea," Freeman MMr· tied. Wlaety'1 own Ufe, bowever. wa1 dea.crlbed by his mother Thunday u being one offering few advantaca. "If he ever had a helpln8 hand, eI'tlnded to him in lalt llfe," Ha- zel Bray said, ''thlnp wouldn't be. \hey~.,..,,., ... .. . ned the waters off Seal Beach Thuraday after tel1a determined that partially treated effluent from a Los Anftl~ County Sa- nitation plant in I.Ong Beach had produced no hazardous contami- nation off Seal Beach. Student shoots teacher to · death? l:aAS VIDAS, Nev. (AP)-~ 55-yeer-old teacher wu shot to death today and two other stu- dents wounded by a hlah tchool le!lior student de8c:ribecl by clas- smatet • "very gulet." 1be stu- Irvine b'tJme tour slated loz: Sunday Diversity will diatiJllulah the home tour to be pttM!ftted from 12:30 to 5 p.m. Sunday in Irvine by the American A.odation of University Women. Included in the itinerary through Turtle Rock. Unlventty Park, Woodbridge, The Ranch and Northwood will be a boU8e • featured in a local ma1adne, • homei with water orientation and canyon viewa_ one 1n a gated community and another that's · had extensive rew.oeJing to ac- • commodate a large family. Proceecb from the $5 t,lckets a'd a bo'§Uque of handmade items will benefit the AAUW • F..ciucational Foundation Prog- ram. Judy Michalek, tour chairman, notes that Mike Manahan of the Irvine Company and Bob Lituchwager of Tranaamerica Insurance group have been gen- erous in their support of the event. dent was himtelf ahot by police aa he fled the 9Cene. Clarence Pi&aott, a psychotosY aad todology teacher, was ahot through the ~ abartly before cl-.. tiegan at 8 a.m. at Valley Hilb School. He died later at SuiuW Hclpltal. Tile tvlo students, identified .. Martin Jameeon, 17, a junior, and Joee Garcia, 17, a senior, were reported in •table condition at the botpital. The alleged aual· 1ant, identified u 17-year-old Pat lhotte, .,, .. WlderaoinB .uraery for bullet wounds. Police aay Limtte, a aenior at the achool, walked into Pl1- gott's cluaroom, called out hla name, and then 1hot him once. He then fied outaide where he ahot the two other studenta. School vice principal Bob Sternod said he chued the alle- aed assailant from the school property after being told by stu- denta of th• 1hoottn1. Sternod chased th4t youth about five block• through a residential neighborhood before police called to the tcene pulled up and orde- red the youth to balL Police said the youth turned and pulled a .22-atliber pistol and police opened fire, hitting the youth at least once in the che9t. The 2,450 atudents at the school were clJanillllf'd from c1ase about two hours after the shoo- ting and told to '° atraight home to halt the Oood of calls from worried pa.rent&. • spring sliies due By JERRY HERTENSTEIN .................. Sunny lkJee and warmer wee· ther were expected to herald the amval of sprillg Saturday alofll the Orange Coast after three daya of wet weather. Some resldenta uaed the wea- ther break to clean up fallen treet and other debria from the storm. Spring arrives officially at 2:66 p.m. Saturday. That'• the time the sun crosses the equator overhead of Jarvia Wand in the Central Pacific Ocean. It marks the equal division of day into light and darkness and the be- ginning of the seuon when there is more daylight than darkness north of equator. • This morning's blue skies with puffy white clouds also greeted the annual return of the swal- lows to the city of San Jaun Capistrano and brought relief to the thousands of county commu· tera who had battled rain the past three days. The end of the storm brought some unusual weather to the coast early Thuraday evening. One Costa Mesa commuter re- ported getting drenched in a shower when leaving work. Less than six blocks away the streeta were dry, the worker aald. Residents ln Santa Ana, La- guna Beach and aectiona of Irvine reported seeing beady drope of hail fall at 5 p.m. 1astinC "about a minute and melting u aoon aa they hit the windshield," accor- ding to one ~guna reedent. Weekend "to be lVarmer Moumlllr'I ,..,,, ., .. ~ lft wp lo uw .. t .. t of eno. en4 bnlC*f tof M ~ICM of IOW- • IMd vt-.n eur• lo c:ome 11119 Coastal ~~=~ ,___ aear-Lall• Arrowhead r .. IOn Fair '°"'911' and BaUdar. ..... ..,. Cloaed ~. att"°"1t1 mlr..,.. ~·s: .. .:. 18 wae OS*\ to ... eo.tal ,hlgll 82 Setwday, -A mudlllde _., beDclk· niaht IOw .e. Wnw 58. " •t•t• rovt• 2. the Oi.M• llllend hlall ta Saturdey. 0¥tf· ~. 1n AngaMI Natlonet f'o. nfdt{ .. &!. ,._. ' ~. llpht vwleble wtnda Big ... r9t>onld 2"i fMt of . nlgM Md morililo llOurt beooml119 anow from th• atorm with low .-to _........ to to 1s knol9 ....,..w.111 tt1e 20a. Saturdlly .,..,,._. Wllld .... ' ., .... ~. the NdoNI to 4 fNt. W•*'Y ...... Z to I WMtMr S«vq NPOf1ed 1.11 ... s..w., tellt. Fair tonlgM and 9tllurdliy. lm:MI of rain frttm tfle atorm __ .. _ . ..._ w .... ., .. -L.09 Alt-~ Col• w .... ~V: ____ _ Us. =Ctwtcc.nter.fora-~ - -.. • • ummarv of .. 71 lnCMa. atlll below.. s.: H " S•n«••o•. C>:":'i':7. d • .! normal tota1of1\.11 lnc:hH. ammJ --• ::: . A lar .. low preHur• ''''•"' .Aver1119.,.....,..... for~ ~iiiiiii00 ____________ .._....,....,,....,.~"""1 ..,,.... anow Mr ... pen. of tM ~ Lo. A ...... le 14 lnc:'-- W••t on ThureHy wlllle 11ew TM wi t:tp:: Ntt 1. ~ 63 40 o.trolt 44 36 ::;-.. -:i:••cpedCMt._ ~ ,.._,.ie : ~ .eo ~ ~ ~ -"'°"' ... -... o..... .._ i emperature• · ::: 8emerdlno ~2 39 u1 Hertford 54 37 and-.-...~~ Senta~ 5~ ~ .·8044 ~.... 72! 179 -!! ~to,.,,..,,._ """"·--'" CM"11•M a.nta ~ ., .,.. ....,...,.._ • v .-. ==-~"'c::::' ~ ~7 q .ll TlhoeV"'-f ~ ~~ ::=. :: ~ .oe ,.,..~n1:c:-.t.-::' •--~ 54 41 .21 NATIOM .Mckin* N 93 ""d ~ f2 q .~. .. Le l(#le City 52 .... 17 Ttui*''*"Mldei I .... In .. ~ 49 38 •. 04 ~ 47 35 .01 1.MVege1 56 38 .01 °"""' ,.._ L.09 Anollel a. 41 .ft A111uque n 31 T Uttle Aoc:1t ee es 8olM of.,_ Mid 1M11 ...... M•;s.... 67 42 NMrtllo 82 50 T ~ 82 116 .18 "'°"" w ,. .., fllllllnll ._ ~ 12 • ~ 19 47 MempHa 11 ee .,.._,. tD ........ but floo6u:* i Need'-12 Attama 14 91 ~laml 115 75 8'Uld F«t ~,Ind.,,......., Oltdlrld 41 Attanto C1y 63 41 MtlwUI• ~" 8335 ,.., ....... llMlll. ,._ ,..,.,._ 52 ,.. .oe 8ilalW9 49 38 Mp1 ... s1.P. -w""' ....., oonctN9d lft ._ "Id ..,, M • •• ._m 87 81 T HMIWlle ee 93 '°""*" ....... __. •CllMO-,...._.. QeJ M 42 . to ;:;;; 1 a1 22 tM ~ • 71 -.r.....,........., .. =: • N 40 .01..... 49 29 .11 • 40 tM .. *"'llleGIMC.-eM 11 31 .41 ._.,. 50 34 17 91 aor01i T-. Ian Otaeo 93 IO 1.11 ai •lie t2 72 44 • Ut I TM .. .,_ wound .. __. Ian ~ 53 47 .OI ;;:::;;-42 34 T 90 86 ...... ~,....hlfte ---~ 84 31 .11 ~ "'" 1w .. 56 ~ ,11 IClwdtl•o.1111!.IM.N.D.,to • larM-4t . NC 70 ~ ~ - Ngfl OI IO M 810WMVll-. Tw. ~ ~ 41 , 8C 82 68 PAM Aa.NCM =-,._..,.. ;:~ 0.""°''• WV 71 50 ~. 11 12 -.... 02 8ertNidoe 86 73 IO 41 a.,... :, U . . 8ermude 71 93 2.43 .. ... • • 1.tq .g:::o... 78 ... .21 '°90'• 75 52 .18 ll!liMP • • ·~ 52 as ·cur-ee 15 ~...... : : .41 C....... • 40 .15 Freeport 82 71 ::::!-..... N 41 J7 ~ ~ IS 11 T Oued ....... a 50 _....... . OlfWilf 4t 33 T ~ ~ a a.. uo ... ..._ .... 31 .11 Smog TM Air QualltJ Men8f9"'9t\l '*""°' ~ ~ "'~ ... ...,yone "' .. '°""' Co9lt"' ~ '9W'OUltl ""'-· TM AQtift> ..... Md PollutlcNI ...,.,,. .,..... (NI) ..... of 41• ........... ' DlilJ ..... ,......, ...... O'DIM ... FORTUNE IN COKE -Newport Beach Police Lt. Jim Car- son holds up bag of cocaine that was part of $1 million drug seizure this week from home in Spyglass Hill. Police arresteCi four people, confiscated $36,000 in cash as well as small quantities of heroin and marijuana. FlaSh-flood watch set in Fort Wayne Rivers engorged by thawing snow and nearly a week of rain continued to flood in southern Michigan ~d central Illinois. Moses said the weather aervice told him that the rivers rise by 6 inches for every half-inch of rain that falls. Rain could send the river over the dikes or punch holes in them and flood part of the city, he said, leaving perhape 25,000 people homeless .. Even without more rain, the network of dikes built after a record 1913 floqd have been weakened aeriously, and officials worried that some might not hold while the rivers slowly recede. Terrell would not predict a rainfall amount for the saturated Fort Wayne area Thursday night, but did say severe thun- der-storms sometimes dump up to 2 inches of rain. Death fraud • JD county? BY Jl'RBDEIUCK SCBODIEBL or .. ...., ........ A woman'• auepd an.Dpt to eva teYeral anwt warnnta by havtn1 her dau1hter claim the had dfed hu been dlacloeed by \he Ora.nee County marshaPa of- fice. ~ to s,t. Don Spears, Lee Smith llolfrrian, 48, and her daughter, Deborah, 22, both of Fountain Valley, conaptfed to make it appear that Ma. HOUman had died u.nderaUnl a.arserY in Houston while facinl warrants on bad check and 1rand theft c~. Spean aald in late Oecem~, 1981, investigators were convm- ced -via a tearful stoey given by the daughter -that Ma. Hoffm1rn had succumbed to internal bleeding. At that time, the daughter produced a death certificate purporting to show that Ma. Hottman died Dec. 28. Following that vhlt, the marshal's office requested that three misdemeanor warrants and one felony warrant agalruat Ms. Hoffman be dismissed. They were. Early this month, Spears said, an infonnant who he refuaed to identify contacted investigators and told them that Ma. Hoffman was still alive. Upon contacting Houston officials, investigators learned the death certificateiv,~n them in December had been fal- sified. I Man perishes in death leap An unidentified man appa- rently jumped to his death today from the Walnut Avenue over- pass on the Newport Freeway in Orange, according to police. Sgt. Dennis Fianagan of the Orange Police Department said the man jumped from the over- pas at about 8 a.m .. ~g in the southbound shoulder of the roadway. I Few details of the incident Ii were immediately available. Ho- we1er, according to initial re- ports, no vehicles struck the man. California Highway Patrol Offi- cer Brian Duquesne! said traffic was snarled for at least a mile.on the freeway following the i..rici- dent. i March 19th-31st Save on custom draperies, bedspreads. . wallpapers, mini-blinds -and be ready for those spring guests! · . Shutters are also available at special prices. ~' Ncttlecrulc, Ptndl~r. S. Harrts. SchumllCha', Wavctty, Slnclalr, Dunn Edwards and Frazu. VJSA/MASTERCARD 90 Day No foterat Ptan t Vear flnancJng 18" Interest • ID dress rehearsal CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) -A1troaHt1 and fli1ht controllera conducted a rare, mldcountdown dress rehearsal today -a final simulation of the ., shuttle Columbia'• descent and • landing onto an ill-equipped l)'pSum runway in New Mexico's desolate Tularou Basin. Equip- ment is corning, by the trainload, from California w.here furious rains washed out the primary. landing site at Edwards Air For- ce Bue. The moet cruda1 machi- n e ry ls to arrive well before Monday's 7 a.m. PST launch. · LOS ANGELES (AP) -Jenny Kao'• partially clothed, battered .· body was found buried under piles of garbage at a landfill a , . week after the 9-year-old disap- peared from a shopping center where she was selling candy, .• police said. Investigators could not immediately say whether she bud1et reductloru are conatde· rln1 a 0 percent aalary cut for membera of Conareu and top- ranking federal workera, accot- dlrur to cohgre91lonal IOUna. In adcfltlon; private dlacu11lon1 amona GOP aenaton on perina the record defici~ projected ln Pr.tdent Reqan's budaet have produced an idea for allclna scheduled coet-of-livtng tncreues for Social Security and other benefit programs by two-thirds, 90W'CeS said Thuraday. SACRAMENTO'(AP) -Aa· sembly Democratic leaders pro- posed a nine-bill job-training pac~ that they said would put a million welfare recipients and 1 jobless people to work without raising taxes. Speaker Willie Brown said Thursday the prog- ram would "provide new s ti- mulus to business to h ire the unemployed, assist in the retrai- ning of displaced workers and reform our education and wel- fare delivery systems." new evidence represents a "pretty aJanlflcant" link with the 23-year-old Willla11U1. Wllliama was convicted last month of murdering Natanie l Cater , 27, and Jimmy Ray Payne, 21, and waa sentenced to two conaecutive lile terms. BRENTWOOD, Pa. (AP) -A team of trench-coated bandits pulled off a cash heist of more than $2 million, one of the big- gest ln U.S. hiatory, by e as FBI agents to disarm a in an armored-truck col ection center, officials said. The bandits carried walkie-talkies but show- ed no weapons. VANDENBERG AFB (AP) -An Air Force Minuteman II missile was successfully launched from Vandenberg Air Force &se Thursd~y, an Air Force spoke- sman srud. partment 1ubata\lon in Lake- wood, SACRAMENTO (AP) -Tbe California Solid Wqte Manage- ment Board is refuaing to support the conclusions of a pro-deposit re port on litter problems. T he refusal Thursday was seen as a defeat for an environmen tal gro up. Califo rnians Against Waste, which is trying to put an initiative on the November ~ot to require at least a five-cent deposit on most beer and soft- drink containers. ST. PAUL1 Minn. (AP) -Eu-gene Mc<.:ar1hy, twice an unsuc- cessful anu-war candidate for the presidencv. has announced he will re-enter politics and seek the U.S. Senate 5eat he gave up 12 years ago. McCarthy, who marks his 66th birthday March 29, is the third candidate for the u ..,.._. Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party INSPECTION -Actress Michelle Lee, left, checks out the nomination In the Sept. 14 pri-bottom of People's Choice Award sheMcresented to en tertainer mary . H e said Thursday he B ., had been sexually molested. An autopsy was planned to deter- mine that and the cause of death. Pasadena Police Cmdr. Bruce Philpott said after Jenny's de- composing body was discovered at the Scholl Canyon dumpsite. a canyon straddling the north ern would seek the nomination no a rbara Mandrell, right, a t Santa onica Thursday night. SIGNAL HILL (AP ) -The matter who gets the endorsement Ms. Mandrell was honored as favorite a ll-around fema le parents of college football player of the DFL Party conventio n performer. favorite female television performer and favorite Ron Settles filed a $12-million June 4-6. female musical performer. civil suit charging the city with ,.-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ negligence in the young ma n's . · suburbs of Glendale and Pasa- dena, Thursday. ATLANTA (AP) -At least two types of fibers found on the clothing of another slain black teen-ager "seem to match" fibers taken from the home of Wayne B. Williams, convicted of killing two young blacks in a string of slayings here, officials say. A source close to the investigation of the slaying of 16-year-old Pa- trick Rogers said T hursday the death, where Settles was found hanged. We rt, who the City Council retained as chief even though an outside cons ulting firm recommended he be fired , said the city jail operations should be turned over to the Los Angeles County Sheriff's De- c r I WASHINGTON (AP) -Se- nate Republicans looking for ways to dramatize the need for OPEC urged not to cut price VIENNA, AUSTRIA (AP) - OPEC's president today urged the world oil cartel to main -tain its benchmark price of $34 a barr.el as the group focused on ways to reduce production in or- der to dry up the world market surplus of oU. "There is no way to touch the $34-p er -barrel benchmark," said Mana Saeed Oteiba, the United Arab Emirates oil miqist.er who is the current president of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries and chairman of the oil ministers' conference here. Market analysts believe t hat if OPEC does not agree on production cu ts below the current lev.el, estimated as high as 19 million barrels a day, prices of cr ude oil and refined products will continue to fall. SAN SALVADOR (AP) - f o ur Dutc h TV n e wsme n were killed when they went to cover the guerrilla side of El Salvador's war, and the Dutch government said today reports Indicate Salvadoran troops mur- dered them. At a n ew s confe- rence in The Hague, the Dutch capital, a reporter asked Foreign Minister Max van der Stoel whether he believed the shooting d e aths w e r e a case o f "cold-blooded murder," and van der Stoel responded: "There are reports that indicate it was." WARSAW, POLAND (AP) - Poland's martial law regime c laims it has cracked a militant underground opposition group, a nd said some of its m e mbers were linked to the shooting death of a police ser- geant, two attacks on soldiers and the theft of guns. A report Thursday in the hardline Army newspape r Zolnierz Wblnosci COCAINE CHARGE -Actor Lou Gossett, 44, was arrested along with a woman compan- ion at his M a libu home for investigation of cocaine posse- sion Thursday. Authorities said th ey were also probing allegation s the two had s up- plied the drug to their chil- dren. named the opposition group as the·"Armed Forces of Under- ground Poland." LONDON (AP) -RESTO- ring diplomatic ties sundered in the 16th century papal ambassador Monsignor Bruno B. Heim preseQted his credentials to Queen Elizabeth II, and both pledged to seek closer ties bet- ween Anglicans and Roman Ca- ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat CIH•"led •dv•rtl1lng 714/M2-5678 All other "-P•r1ment1 642-4321 Thomas P . .,.atey "--Chlell!•ec:v•1•• Ollie•• Robert N. Weed ,,,__,, Thomas A. Murphine t- L. Kay Schultz lllcll..._... -°"""'°'Of cio..11-· Michael P. Harvey ..,_,no O.n!Clor Kenneth N. Goddard Jr. Charles H. Loo~ .......,..,_ MAIN OFFICE DO Wnt e.y $1 • COUa Maw, CA. Mall acldt9SS: eo. '"°·Costa Mna, CA .... ~yr'911t 1"2 Or.not Coast PuoUJNnt C..._.,, No news 1tcwt.s, lltu11rallon1, edllortat m-°" • verll'-m.nl~ llereln may be reprOClu«cl wltllaul -··· permtukln Of COCIY•'9hl -·. tholics. "It is a ve r y h appy occasion," Heim said Thursday alter the brief cer emo ny at Buckingh a m Palace. "We are looking forward to having more and more cl0&e and friendly col- laboration and contact." WASHING TON (AP) -THE Reagan administration appears to have succeeded in heading off a potential new outbreak of fighting between Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organiza- tion, although officials caution that a ceasefire remains fragile. Philip C. Habib, President llea- gan's special Mideast negotiator, managed to strengthen the cea- sefire between the PLO and Is- rael during a recently completed mission to the region, it was clear from the comments of several officials Thursday. Habib told reporters following a meeting with Reagan that he d oesn't think Israel will attack Palesti- nian forces in southern Lebanon. MANAGUA, NICARAGUA (AP) -Nicaragua's leftist government is bee fing up its defenses to counter what it says are U.S. plans for an inva- sion from Honduras and is slap- ping a "patriotic tax" on busi- nesses to pay for the buildup. Reporters saw increased military patrols on the.streets of this Central American capital Thurs- day as Defel)Se Minister Hum- berto announced plans for the war tax. · WASHINGTON (AP) - Army Brig. Gen. James L . Dozier, held captive by Italian Red Brigades terrorists for 42 days, is being reassigned from his NATO post to become deputy commander of the U.S. Army's Armor Center at Fort Knox, Ky., Army officials said today. After he was ~ by Italian police in la te January, Dozier flew to Washington to meet with Presi- dent Reagan and said then that he wanted to return to the post he held when he was kidnapped. I EL BIREB. OCCUPIED West Bank (AP) -Israel( troop• clashed with rioting Paleatlnlana h=a= aa West Ban1c Arabi p a general strike to protest larael'a firing of the El Blreh mayor and town council. .., ...... .., ........... We're Listening ••• Whal do you like about the Daily Pilot? What don't you like? CaU the numtA?r below and your messa1e. will be recorded, tran1crlbed and delivered lo the appropriate editor. The same 24-hour an1werin1 Mrvlce may be used &o record let· lera lo the editor on any topic. Matlbox contributors muat Include their name and telephone numbtt for verification. No circulation calla, pleue. · Tell us whal'a on your mlnd. - ._/ J / -- -. Journey to South .Coast Plaza's Kin.gdom .of Lego© .No Passport Needed Discover European Cities, Castles, a Space Command Center-even a building blocks play area The lntereet rate on tax-exempt All Savin .... tlfteatet will fall to 10.16 ~nt on depolitl ,... beatnnln« next week, down from the CUJTe))t 10.7t pe~n\, Treasury offtcla.la aaid. The rate chanae. ef. fectlve Sunday, will cover one-year certlfTcatee throuah April 17 . . . COrporate profits fell at an annual rate of 8.4 percent in the fourth quarter of 1981, ending the 1ftltl. with a 4.8 percent decline that followed a 3.9 peaOIBftt dip ln 1980. Aft.er-tax profits were down 7.1 pe.t"Ca\t for the quarter and 4.5 percent for the year. Inflation-ad).&ated gro11 aatloul prodaet declined at a 4.5 percent annual rate in the final three monthl ol 1981, the Commerce Department reported, rather than the 4.7 percent estimated one month ago. Real GNP still roee 2 pereent for all of last year, the departnm1t said. _n_n1 ___ ~~---------- Wickes Cos. Inc. said ita board of directors bu named Jou Dnm president and chlef operating of- ficer, posts he held in the mid-1970s for the old Wfdtea Corp. Drum, 61, replaces David J . Prlmatb, 43, who . resigned earlier th.is week . . . Soatben CalUoraia Gas Co. said it has tUed a registration statement with the Securities and Ex- change Commission relating to a proposed public offering of $60 million of first mortgage bonds due in 2002 ... For the second time this year, Pac1flc Ga1 Ir Electric Co. i5 asking for a reduction in rates for ree- idential electricity customers. Rate Department ma- nager Steve Reynolds said PG&E will ask the Public Utilities Commission to cut $227 million from res- idential electric rates immediately . Ullllll S; Golden Wnt Romes of Santa Ana reported a mt operating lea of $667,000, or 20 cents a sh.are, for the third quarter ended Feb. 27. Thia compares with net income of $154,000, or 5 cents, reported in the like period a year a,so. Sales for the quarter were •10..5 million compared with $13.7 million in fiacal 1981 ... Compreben1lve Care Corp. of Newport Beach announced third-quarter earnings of •1.5 mill.ion for the period ended Feb. 28, a 50 percent increase over the previous year's third-quarter earnings of $1 mil- lion. Revenues in the period were $17.7 million com- pared with $13 million last year ... · Carter Rawley Hale Stores lnc.'1 net earnings for the 52 weeks ended Jan. 30 were $44.8 million, down 22 percent from the $57.3 million recorded the pdot year. Primary eamlnp per share we~ $1.55, down from $2.08 in fi8cal 1980. F\&.lly diluted per-share ear- nings were $1.51, down from $1.97 a year ago ... Federated Department Stores Inc. for the ymr ended Jan. 30 had net earnings lnc:rease 18 percent to $258.5 million, or $5.33 a share, over the $219.3 mil· lion, or $4.53 a share last year. Sales were $7.l billioo compared with $6.3 billion ... NattouJ Semlceadactor Corp., one of the world'• largest makers of ln~ated circuits: said it lost $7.8 mill.ion through the first three quarters of its filcaI year. The W. compared with net earni.ngB of $39.1 'million for the same period last year, and it came Oil sales that slumped to $819.9 million from $834.7 mO- lion ... STOCKS IN ·THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES H£Vlt YORIC(API FIMI ~ ..... w,.. \'r'9"'. ,., . "' • 11111 ~'° ::t.1 ~ =· ft ID 'tm m.10 nus m.1' JIM!• 4.1a " ~ m:i m:n m:fi ma· 11 = ...................... ti """ : ::: ::: :: : :: : :: : :: : :: : 1 ... .... ....................... , ., .. ·~ + ... ..... . .. + 114 + .. + .. + w. + \'\ WHAT STOCKS DID NfiW YORK (AP) ~. II Thin. 1Cll1 -'" llSJ 1 ~ NllW Y0tttt (AP) ~. It ni.ncs.y m 111 2<ll 1SS s " '9w. •• m UI 75' J '4 UPS AND DOWNS ' METALS· :; Tlllnd«Y HIW VOM< (Al') -Tlw .__.,. lltt Copper 78·71 cont• • pound, U.S. ~ -... r-:... $llC:ll bdillflOI daltlnatlona. r:*'...:'•-= .. ;= .C : &.Md 28-29 cent.I a pound . ..... " ~ ......... 'fl ......,,,. a. '9--40 OOl1U. pound, dl!MNd. lllr ,,.,....,. . Tiii M .1307 Ma1all Weell QOl'llPOelta No _,,,.... tr8Cllle .,.._ A -In-lb. CllYdlM. Niii Ind...,,,.,...,.~ -~ 1&-n oen19 a polllld, N.Y • ..... °""'** .,.._ "'° ~ clo---..... 5 00 • .-.. elllO Olb Ind T'hunlclllf• prtoo. --~ .... • per ·-· ,....._ '306.00 troy oz., N.Y. lllilfl'llll FRIDAY, MARCH 18. 1882 H/F C6 Beasley did all_ he was asked during DCC season. Page C3. ·Mulligan: PCAA better than Big 8 The PCAA I.a better than the Big 8 in buket- ball. Sound far-fetched? Well, that'• not me talkina. Those words of· wt9dom come from UC Irvine bUketball coach BW MuJUgan And he's down-right adamant about it. "There are six teams in our conference u Rood or better than Oklahoma," says Mulligan, whoee team fell to the Soonera (80-77) in Norm.1U1 during eecond round play of the NIT Monday night. "Oklahoma lost just one game at home this aeuon and that was to Miuouri by about four _.P.Ointa. ~ PCAA I.a definitely every bit as good as the Big '8 or better. The problem is no one else knows lt, ''Uya MullJgan. But UCI'a play, and that of Fresno State in the NCAA tournament, have to enhance the PCAA's SPORTS EDITOR CRAIG SHEFF reputation. And with Nevada Laa Vegu moving into the con1erence neX1 season, it ahould be up- gJ"aded considerably. • • • MULLIGAN SAYS he wanta to stay at UCI and he's currently talk.1ng contract with athletic director Linda Dempuy. "rm puah1nc far a long-term contrllCt, but ru Just 1ee bow the conversation goes." Mulligan, In the aecond year of a three-year pact, would really like a five-year contract wiih a renewal clau.e every year. Which would mean that if he wu fired he would 1tlll be paid for the re- main1ng four yeara. · That'• the same kind of contract that Oklaho-ma eo.ch Billy Tubbe bu. But th1I la Irvine, not Oklah<llDA, and one wouldn't figure that Mulligan would get that kind of pact. But who knowa? • • • MULLIGAN HAS BEEN cont.acted by the University of Wisconsin about ita vacant basketball job. And he's a1lo had indirect conversation with people from Stanford and Arizona. "Sure, I've listened to aome of theee people, but I really want to stay here. rd like to continue what I've ltarted here, and I mean that lincerely. When you pt older, lt'• important where you live." .. M~ has aome thinga'goina his way: -He 1 corning off a very 1ucce11ful aeuon and recruiting has been pretty good. #-A new gymnasium {capacity 7 ,000) 1t in the planning atages and la three or four years down the road. -The scheduling ia getting better. Next aea- eon he'll not onJy play a ruiged PCAA IChedule (including UNL V), but he'll meet Oregon, Pepper- dlne and ldaho, and probably Colorado (if UCI can book the Anaheim Convention Center or Long Beach Arena). · • • • MY ADVICE (for what it's worth) to Linda Dempeay: Give.Mulligan what he wanta. It's worth (See SHEFF, Page C%) A win and UCI was home free Anteaters now must deal with the present . and the future CLOSE QUARTERS -Oregon State's Lester C.Onner (32) goes up for a jumper over Idaho's NCAA Western Regional game at Provo won by the Beavers. 60-42. See ~ry. C2. Dodgers face suit Fan files charges against players . SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - The Loa Angeles Dodgers and three of last year's players are being sued for $5 mlllion by a S,.n Francleco Giants' fan who contends he was attacked in the stands at Candlestick Park. court officiala said Tbunday. Iroriically, the Superior c.ourt suit names Reggie Smith, who now ill with the Gianta, as well as Jay. Johnstone and Davey L'opea. no.-·with the Oakland A's. Ma-n..-Tommy Luorda and Dod-ter Preddent Peter O'Malley are allo listed .. defendants. Dooley was arres1ed on auapicion of assault and battery and dis- turbing the peace, but police re- leued him the next morning. "Fana have the rights to yell and scream and boo, to be boo-birds," Joeeph W. Ca.rcione Jr .• Dooley's attorney, l8kl Wed- nesday. Smith was fined $50 by the Dodgers and $5,000 by the National League for his actiont. "My client could have been killed in that incident and If . would have been homicide,' Cardone aaid. "Thia 1t corponte lneapo1alibi- lity . . . For 80llle damn rmmn when they put the corporate hat on, they forget about morality." NOTES IN A COOKIE JAR: UC Irvine's basketball team was origi- n a 11 y told it would be on the road throuchout the National Invitation Tour-nament. However, if the Anteaters had won their .rame. with Oklahoma, one NIT official said UCI'a next_ game would have been against Texas A&M at the Forum ln InalewOod tonight ... 'the game, incidentally, would have been televiaed. And, just to insure the report, UCI athletic buaineea manager Rob Halvaks confirmed the fact Irvine had secured a date at the Forum . . . Kevin Ma,ee won't be the only UCI se- nior continuing his career. Rainer Wulf and Kevin Fuller liope to book on with a t.eam in Europe. Randy Whieldon, meanwhile, la keeping his fingers crosaed he'll get a crack at the pros. Mqee's ticket to the NBA is alreadr assured . . . Chria Beasley, who was recently named to the Community College Division I All- State team. bu reportedly narrowed his cholcea for next season to UC Irvine or I Fresno State. Beasle:y_ 8COred more than 1,- Welch· Dluffles Reds, 11-0 TAMPA, Fla. (AP) -Combi- ning Bob Welch's lively arm and the Cincinnati Reda' snoozing bats Thunday got the anticipated resulta. Welch, showing no sign of the elbow problems \l)at trou- . bled him a year ago, pit.C?hed five no-hit innings. and two other Los Angeles pitchers surrendered just two hits as the Dodgers routed the Reda 11-0 in an ex- hibition baseball game. Last spring training, Welch was bothered by a bone spur in hil right elbow. This year, he's 2-0 and baa given upduat nine hlta and three earne runs in three starts to~ 12 tnninga. "I feel very " Welch said. "Lut year at time, I wasn't throwing because my elbow didn't want to oooperate. So far this spring, everything's all right." Reds' Manager John McNa-- mara said the spring training workouts in the hot Florida sun have caught up with his club, which had very little hitting for the 8eCOlld coNeCUtive game. The Reda managed juat one run and three hita on Wedneeday against the New York Meta. "What we see now la that we have reached the stage where people are tired -the bata are heavy, the legs are heavy. It's a st.age you go through," McNa- mara Mid. Ron Cey slammed a two run homer and Jorge Orta knocked in three rum to pace the Dodgen' attack. ll'OIU'I COWWUT JOHN SEVANO 000 points during his two years at Orange . Coast College . . . Fresno State Coach Boyd Grant was leaning heavily on OCC Coach Tandy Gillis for some help in recruiting Beasley at the recent Community College state cham- pionships. Gillis was smart enough. though, to stay nonconunittal. Wally Torkells, Gillis' assistant at OCC the past four eeasons, has retired in order to spend more time with his family. Gillis is hoperul he can get Ray Orgill as a re- placement. Orgill, the MVP of OCC's '79 st.ate championship squad, spent the past season coaching the Laguna Beach High junior varsity ... University High'a 6-7 star forward Brad Guess has narrowed his choices to Orange Coast and Saddleback. Eatancia's point guard, Jeff Gardner, Is reportedly leaning toward Orange Coast -not only for bas- ketball, but for baseball, too . . . No less than nine colleges have shown interest in Beasley. They are Oral Roberta, • West Texas State, UC Santa Barbara, TCU, Houston, Santa Clara and the University of San Diego. UCI and Fresno State round out the field ... Beasley paid a visit to the Fresno area recently. He was rumored to be very im- pressed with Grant and his program, but ve.ry lukewarm on the city itself ... One of the more heart-warming .aoenes that took place after UCl's losa to the Soo- ners occurred in one of the hotel rooma hours lat.er. Guard Leonard Johnson and forward Rainer Wulf were kidding with each other when Johnson said, "I guess this means we're not teammates any more?" A more serious Wulf replied: ''We're still teammates ... we'll be teammates for life." The comment waa followed (See JOHN, Page C4) Michael Dooley, ~~.of Red- wood Oty admits beck.ling Smith from the 8t.anda near the Dodcer' dqout durlna a bueball game Sept. 24. Smith and other players charged Into the 1tand1 after Dooley alleledly hurled a eouve- nir bettina helmet at Smith. The inlWation perts ulmnan aaid the players attacked him, tir.kinll hil left band and three ribl before order wu restored. Dodger offlciala at a aprlna training game In Tampa, Fla., could not be reached for com- ment. Pedro Guerrero doubled home a run in ttii! firlt lnnin& off Reda starter Bill Bonham, 0-1. Cey followed one out later with his third home run of the aprlng tratnJ.na eeaon to give the Dod- gen a 3-0 lead. . THROUGH THE WICltETS -Freano State's Don MMOll bouncee a pue th.rouah the legs of Georgetown defender Ml~e Hancock during Thunday night's Western Regional game in Provo. Bulldogs were ell-. minated, 58-40. ANGEL GAME 1VASHED AWAY SUN ClTY, A111. (AP) -'l'be Milwaukee Brewen nhlbttlon ~with the Anae1a Wiii ralnld ..... 'lbunda;y, ~ the ct.y -...•t • IDtal -for the Brewen. When ttcJlm Warnlnea came up early ln the morntna, Roc11en ..a l>wtie V\.ICkovlcb to pt11cb in a • lll'Jed ...... aplnllt the Chi· C1111 Qabi In ..... 4ria-Vucko- via pitched five 1COnl .. In· .._ • the aew .. wan 1-1. Georgetown· puts Bulldogs ,to sleep, 58~40 PROVO, Utah (AP) -Stxth·ranked with auard l:rlc ••SJeeDy'' tUna from tne outlide and 7-lOot cents Patrick hina aietUna eome crucial IMlde buketa. -d0wn.a J'remo State 58.fO Tbunday nllbt tn the NCAA West Realonal buketball lll!mlftnaJa The triumph Milda Georptown into the ~ final S.turday iD1nlt Ore- p Stat., wbic:h defeated ldaI.o eo-42 in aw odm' wn1anat no,d. who flnllbed with 18 potnta, conwn.d. ---~ pa.7 earlJ in d)e pme to~ the ~ Cll'l. ~drat . •• tlMm outacme J'Nmo 14-1 ...... • 20-10 leed with .... llfl In die tint hat(. h,lnc Mo Md • ~paint play • int.bat UUITJ1 durinl which Jl"remo ICO- red just one field Pl 1n more than a five-minute lpUl. • 'Ibree bMketa by Bod Hla1na helped 'He· (EWing) Cllctateci the whole game. He does so much for them offensively and defensi~lli' ,.. --.-..0,..,...., . the Bu~ ,..._ the blllfdme dllkit to ..... J'i...o ... drww within tbne tlon, waa paced by Higgin• with 12 potnta. 16Ewlng was extremely tough on ua and he kept them ahHd," aald Frem¥> State COM:h Boyd Grant. 0 DefemlWly, he IDUmAdat.t w a bit. We mMle a nm and took a aoup)e ol U'°'8 lrwide and he blocked them. lt'a like a tumoYer." .. H1alnS noted that Ewtna .. dictated the whole pme. He doel 10 much for them offemlvely and deftnlM!y." Qeorptown "Cqecb John 'thomi*>D aid he w. pl1r11 d to .. ....._ tab ... offentlve .......... " ... he ... enoulb. to ....... '' llkt ~·· "Het1 not •ullb enou1h. B•'• 111 ~--t )Ill '° wtn.'' 1 1 t I i 1 I I t I I --·~-~ _,.. __ _ \ Lwtn11d'1 ...,.. lgnttel Whtt• Sox ' Vancouver eurprlw Montreat 0 1.9•.,..'I panel llam ho. II Dare1 Rota ecored thr" pll. ..-.w,;;.,..~~~ ........ ~..._~~---= .......... ~rad Iba -andJarull')omu Gradll plokea up ' Cbkqo White Sox to • 10-'7 exhibt-\h.ree ulilta u the Vancouver C-anUCICI Youngest member· may join 300 club MlLWAUKES -John JaH· g kowaltl'• perfect 11JDe baa not bee , eanctloned yet b;y the American Bowlina eoncr-. a&t tf lt .. John would --the ~-PlllGll ever to roll a lanctioned 300 .... ~to ABC~ • John. you eee, la jl..t 11 ,.an old. A twk:e-+ .... bowler with a 189 a~, John ~ the pme la.a S.turday at the Thiee Seumw.Bowt ABC ftlCOl'dl mow the younawt holder of a perfect bowling an wu Matt Throne of Mill-brae, Calif., who had a aancUclmd 300 game In 1971 when be w. 12. John'• mother, who wortm at~ 8-ma, Mid the WM too exd .. to look. "When I aaw that he had ftW ltrikee ln a row, I didn't look anymore, .. lhe said. "I get too panicky. Then, lat.er when I beard he had nine, I thouiht '10, 11, 12'... . John said be felt "really aood" when he rolled the I.Mt ball. "All the people who were there were 10 excited and happy," he said. "My mom was ahak1ng., much. My dad WM happy, ioo." He la a fifth~ student and a baRball, football and basketball player at Blakewood School in South Milwaukee. . He began bowtinC when be WU 5 or 8 ran old and la a junior bowler in the United Alley Workeni League. Quote of the day "Any company that can lnveet.in the . Chicago Cube baa a view of the future w~ cannot even be8in to OOl'Dllfthend." -Jeff · MacNelly, the PWitzer ~winnln8 poli· tlcaI cartoon.lat who left the bua1nesl to ooocentrate on bia comic strip, "'Shoe." on why he bad decided to ~ume drawing politbl panels for the Chicago Tribune. don il••bell vSctaty aver the Detroit but the Montreal Canadlen1, 4.2, 1n ~ TIMnda.Y. LUllmld hit a 1·2 pitch over National Hockey Leque acdon Thwwday nJcbL tbe loft·fi•ld loace off Ti1er 1tarter Larry The win sJV91 tne~Caftudclln .i..! U •poinf !,,.~ ~ Pamle~ '° bnak a 1COreJeea tie . . . Bob the Loe Ancelet vav nice or ""'"' .--Pone• Joa_. A••"ar and Vtcoato Romo ln the Smythe DI of the Campbell Conte--oomhlmd an a two-hitter a1 St. Louil IUfJed the nmce and ended M '• 10-pine unbeaten Meta. S-1 ... •Rlaht-bandel' ltrelk. . . Darryl Slttlor land hll 400th career Lea Barter threw ax b:m1no aoa1 wtth 22 .x>nda Wt ln the pme to lift the ol three-bit h.11 u CleYelaDd Philadelphia nyen '° a 4-4 tie Wlth the Cbklqo blanked Seattle, 2-0 • . • Black Hawka. . . Hanford defememan Blab Man Corey llDldred a home Wetley acortd what proved to be the wln.ning run and a triple to leed Bal-aoa1 ln the Whalen 4-1 victory over the Buffalo 1imore to a 7-3 victory over Sabret ... Wa>"e Babycla acored two goal.a and Atlanta, the Braves' aecood -.ted an two others to J>llCe the St. Lou.la Blues Jou ln 11 ouUn11 tbh 10 a 7-4 win over the Detroit Red Wings. if::• . . . Unbeaten Riek •wonhJathirdpmeof d I b I I t h 1 Lua1arn the exhibition aea~'.!L~' ~eonar w ns ver a sparr ng r:na c Pitt.bu.rah handed Philadelphia lta fifth nrmg.nt S•1ar Ray LeoDard, mixing ,. W., 6-2. Rhoden gave up only two hlta ln five praile and ridicule as effectively aa i 1nn1nal fw the Ptraie. . . . Aided by a Toronto left hook. and right crosaet, aet up error,leamaa City p.wbeci aero. three runa 1n challenger Roser Stafford Thunday the bottom of the lixth lnnina to lhade the mue and chopped him down at the news conference Jays, S-2 • . . BllCldJ Bell aluaed a three-run that officially announced their upcoming title hclmer 1n the lint 1nn1ng and 'l'exu went on to fight. Leonard, the undi.sputed world welter- lhut out MontrMl, 4-0 ... Dave Eqle'1 tw~ weight champion with 22 knockouts and only run bcmer 1n the fifth inning gave Mhmellota a one lOlll in 32 fights, caUed Stafford a worthy 4-3 victory over Boston, the 'IWina' aeoond win in challenger, then predicted he'd knock him out nine outlnp · with eaae. The 1~-f'O\U'ld bout wu eet for May 14. Olymplc star now a prince's cook ">.. quick as hia speech wu, that's how long the flght is going to last," Leonard said after Staf- . LA JOLLA -Almost a decade II ford had spoken only for a couple of after he won a Gold Medal and two minutes . . . Greg RoblnMa, who had eerved ailvers in the Munich Olympics of u llnebackera coach on the North Carolina State 1972, 9filmm1ng star Mike Stamm ia football staff for the paat two years, 'bu been bu8y making midnight snacks for a Saudi Ara-hired u defensive line coach at UCLA, it was bWi prince. announced Thursday . . . Dale Earallardt At leatt five evenlngs a week. he drives to whipped his Ford around the Atlanta Interna- work at the ocean-view mansion of Prince Fabad tion.81 Raceway at 163.774 mph to lead Thun- T. Abdululz. 26-year-old nephew of King Kha-day's qualif~ing for the NASCAR Grand ._ led of Saudi Arabia. fie ad-National race Sunday at Hal!1Pton. Ga .... The vi8es Fahad about food, puts Philadelphia F.agles, hurting for speed at their menua together, preparea and receiver poeitiona, have given a try<>.'lt to hurdler aerves meels starting as late Reaaldo "NelaemlU, one of the faste.t men in the aa 10 p.m. and works u late world. Nehemiah, the only man to run under 13 u 3:30 a.m. seconds for the 110-meter hi&h hurdlee, is con- Stamm. 30, who took the lidering foraaking the 1984 Olympics for a career- night job last September, al80 in pro football . . . Sta.JI Gall•p, executive di- worka part-time aa a maitre d' rector of the National Golden Gloves Allociation at a nearby restaurant. of America, has been permanently auapended "I learned to cook in from amateur boxing in the United States. Gal- STAml college," he said. "I lived with lup baa been under suspension since November, one of the other swimmers an? we Wied to cook 1978 for participating In ammgementll for a box- for MCh other." ing team 10 compete in South Africa, in viola- 'Tbey're young people," said Stamm of the tion of national and international federation prince and hia friends. rules. Oregon State romps Virginia, s season ended by Birmingham From AP dbpa&eHI PROVO, Utah -Senior guard Lester Conner BCOred 24 pointa and aophomal-e Charlie Sitton edded 18 M fourth-nnbd 0rescn State uaed lta patient offen.e 10 repea"9dly ~ easy bMketl undemeeth In the half and defeat Idaho ecJ-f2 Tb~ night in the NCAA West Regi basketball 91!1Difinala. nie victery 1enda the Beaven into Saturday'• reOxW 8nal. high 27 potots 1n the 8l!COOd half to power the Georgia Bulldog• to a come-from-behind 90-73 quarterfinal National Invitation Tournament vic- tory over Viqpnia Tech. The Julldop,'19-11, advanced 10 the """""' round Monday niCht 1n New Ycdt'1 Macfteoo Suuare Garden with the victory over the Hokiee, 20-11. 8onlel lllP further behind Laker9 wlnnlnl martin ud ftelul it.u, ,,,,,c1ia &;••d•d •h•m . follow.a with.'*" ol ....... ,,.. throwa 10 llw tbe DICNit Ptatam a 119-110 ~ OYW s.ttJe Ttwnda_y .qbt in th• NBA. The Mtbeck pUlhed the Somes 2 ~ lamel behind the Laken ln the ct.. ,... the PIClfic Dlvilion crown • • • Ellewhen, Calvt. Natt connected on all 13 of hia field ioa1 CIW for 28 J)Ofnta to leed Portland to a 109-10 win over vl1lttn1 Golden State . • . Wayae ftelUH blocked an ..._ IAevtll ahot with thrM llCOIMla left to atve the Hawka a 95-H triwnph over HOUltOn. Television .. radio Followina are 10p 1port1 events on TV io. night. RatiOP are-.., .., .., .., excellent; .., .., .., worth watching; V' " fair; V' forget lt. n 8 p.m., CllUDel 11 V V V • HIGH SCHOOL BASKETBALL: Rivenlde Poly vs. Loa Gatoa. Aaauacen: Barry Thompkins and Pete Newell. Riverside Poly'• undefeated Bears will be facing another team with an undefeated record in the Loe Gatoa Orange Crush, champiopa of the C.O.St Section ln Northern c.alifomia. Bo\h teams have 33-0 recoro. going lnto the game and the Orange Crush la led by 5-10 aenlor forward Suzy Meckenatock, a league MVP for two years with an 18.7 acorin8 average. Poly la led by Cheryl ~r who ia averuinR 37 polntl a game. n 1:30 p.m .• Cltannel 11 v ........ ........ WGH SCHOOL BASKETBALL: Carson VI. Waahlngton. ADDOHeen: Barry Thompkins and Pete Newell. , Carson's Colt• are the Loa Angeles City champions with a 25-2 record. Eldridge Hudson 1a the team scoring leader with a 23.0 average. The 6-6 aenior center wu rwned MVP in two tournaments this year. Wuhlngton'a Eagles are 22-8 and are ~ Norhem California champions from San Franci.oo. . OTHER TELEVISION Basketball -NIT quarterfinal game, 11 p.m., Channel 9; NCAA regional aemif1nal, North Carolina VI. Alabama, l l:j() p.m., Channel 2. RADIO Basketball -Lakers at Dallas, 6 p.m., KLAC (570). Idaho, 1uflerlng throuah a poor shootlnc night, rwely ,ot snore than one ahot at the basket u the taller Beaven controlled the bomda. . Georata, Which trailed 38-33 at lntenm.ton, took char1e in these- cond half. The Bulldop 8COrecl the first five polnta to tie it before a S-poin~ by WilJdm put the host team to stay at 47-44 with 14;52 nmainlnl· THE BIGGESTTRUCKSALES EVENT · . INTOYOT.A:SHISTORY! Ala.·BtrmtmcNm H, VlrPa&a II BIRMiNGHAM, Ala. -Oliver Robin100 led upstart Alabama- Birmingham on a bot 1treak that CODIUllled 4 ~ minutea of the eecancl half, and the Blalen uaed emotion and a highly partisan crowd to re- gister a 68-66 victory over V'iqpnia 1n the Mideast Repnah Robinaon 1COred nine points In a streak that helped Alabama- Birmingham. whme ~ prog- nun is only four yean old' rally from under the thumb of the 1111Cht al-' that ii Vqlnla and Ralph Aw 1••1 to.Uvllle 11, Mhn HHa 11 BIRMINGHAM, Ala. -Derek ~1th and Lancaster Gordon led 20th-ranked Loui1Vllle on two aecond-half 1COrin11purta, and the C.ard1nala ui-t teYeDth.ranked Min- nelOta 87-61 1n the MldeMt Reg)oal wmtflruals. Twice, the undenbed Caritlnall raced to a leM, the lint time aarrert· der1n1 It to a tenacJeua Mlaneeoia team, the second time refushlg to· yield. Louisville earned tM rWit to play in the l"ellonal cha(bptcmlilp Satur- day, aacf the Carc:Uaal1 earned It delpite 8ivtna •way 1i1.Je and bulk to MlnDmota. Geeqla M, Vlrabda Teda 7' ATHENS, Ga, -l>omloique WiDdDI exploded far 11 ., hll ~-. otJUoma tl, Daytea I! NORMAN, Okla. -David Little and Chucky Bamttt hit for 53 pointll as Oklahoma piled up a maaaive ....and-half lead and held on 10 defeat DaJton, 91-82, and earn a berty iJ\ the NIT RD\ffinall. Little eollected 30 points and Bar- nett added 23, with much of their ICOt'lDa coming ~ly ln the second halt wnen Barnim'a free throw gave 'the Soonen .a 71-50 advantace. The Soeaen, 22-10, uaed a full- court ~ lntennlttently throwrbout lhe pme to fanie mcift than 2CfDay- ton turnaYen. Bradley 77, hlue 11 PIX>RIA. nl -Mitchell Andenon scored 18 poln1a and led tour Bradley playere in double fl1urea aa the Braves tcored a 77-61 win over Tu- lane to advance 10 New York and the aemitlnah of the NIT. Br~!ilt;.'4-10, exchanfed leads widi for the first 1 minutea, ~ iook an 18-14 lead on two con-l~~tive slam dunks by aen1or center Donal4 Ree.. - The Bl'avee then went on a 14-2 a:ortna nmpace and held a 31-22 lead at the lWf. TUlane wu unable to trim the Bndley margin 1n the aecond half despite the eUorta of forward Paul Th<imi-on, who led all acoren with 19 points. .. NCAA penalizes St. Louis From P!09 Ci SHEFF'S COLUMN .. tt to ibe IChool and the community. If YC>U don't it's orobable he'll be aone tn no time and UCI will be beck te playtna for lalt place before a handful of fans. • • • UCl'I BIOODT ebetac$ MUOD 11 re· Plldnl 4U-Amerbn 1'.eYtn , and that can't be deae. An All-A.mdlcan at a like UC Irvine ChooH from a $200,000,000 lnvenmry-of 12 models- the laraest selection of small tnacb Tn America. Toyota dealers have special Incentives fr9m Toyota to sell 17.000 new trucks In a limited time. That means just one thing ... dtids. Deals on tough Standard Beds. spacious Long Beds. sporty smooth-riding SR5s. ruaaed go-anywhere 4x4s. Nothing is held back. The Inventory is enormous: the choice of models. equip- ment colors. and options Is tremendous. Right now Is the time to buy the new Toyota Truck you want and make the deal of the OH t~;:,~t your WWAT dealet Fl!:EL~G TOYOTA WE'RE DEALING ... AND YOU'RE THE WINNER \ . - I .1 I .. I Rose examined CLEARWATER, Fla. (AP) -Philadelphia Phllllea first bueman Pete ROR w• acbeduled to be examirwd fot mu. cle apuma in h.ll lower a.ck by the teem physi- cian today to determine lf he can participate in the club'• sprtna train1n«i camp. Phillipe manaier Pat Corrales aaid, however, he didn't want Rose to 427 E t7tti St Costa Mesa ~&-9371 work out unleu the National Leape'• all- time hit proctucer 11 entirely free of piin. ·. fltCTIT10UI IMISlltall MAMafTATtMalfT Tll• tollowl111 per1011 Is doing ...... _ .. , !.TltAIOHT LI NE fll!:ltflOltMANCI, ltSO Newport 11...t., ce.ce ,...._ CA '1U7. ltoHld 0. "'"" Jr .• 440 Homlllo11 St., Coa\o ,...._CA ta6». Tiiis .,_..,... Is COftdUCted l>Y 011 lrodlv1411el . 9'11Nld0 . ll'otttlt Jr. Tiiis NI'"*" •• flied wltll the C-ty CMB of Or0"99 County on MMCflJ. ,.._ r ~ H I U A Y M .1 , l. h I ~J I q ii.' .,.., ........... .,, ....... ~ · SCANNING SKIES -Monica Bailon of Riverside was among crowd watching swallows return to San Juan Capistrano. Jury mulls Wisely's fate in HB Inurder By DAVID KUTZMANN or .. .,..,,.. • ..,, After hearing a prosecutor de- mand his execution and his mo- ther describe her son's troubled past, a Superior Court jury w restled today with its final decision in Willie Wisely's mur- der trial -should he live or die for killing his stepfather? The panel of seven men and five women began its delibera- tions in the pe nalty phase of Wiaely's trial late Thursday. It did so after hearing Assis- tant District Attorney Edgar Freeman describe the death of Huntington Beach truck driver Rpbert Bray a year ago aa a "oold, cold killing by a very cold, bright, articulate and dangerous b ~ .. uman . Wisely, 2 , was convicted of first-degree murder and special circumstances (lying in wait) by the same jury earlier in the week. Bray suffocated beneath Sewer line break shuts beaches BY PHIL SNEIDERMAN or .. .,..,,.. • ..,, Orange County health officials cloeed two Corona del Mar bea- ches early today in the wake of a sewer line break that sent raw un~ted sewage waste into the ocean near the entrance of New- port Harbor. The closures came one day af- ter health officials reopened the waters off Seal Beach, which had been closed because of concern over an earlier, unrelate d eewage spill. the 2,000-pound cab of his tractor-trailer rig, which prose- cutors claim Wisely lowered on him. At the time the verdict was announced, the defendant, a one-time student at Golden West College and UC Irvine, said he preferred to go to the gas chamber at San Quentin than serve a life term without possi- bility of parole in state prison. However, Wisely, who repre- sented himself throughout most of his lengthy and highly publi- cized trial, changed tactics and on Thursday had~is advisory la- wy~r ar e that h.ia life lhouJd be . . ., -·on of whether Mr." Wiaely lives or dies is in your hands," defense lawyer Daye Shinn told somber-faced juron. "It is an awesome task." Shinn argued that it WU bet- ter t.o attempt to rehabWtate his client, who has continued t.o deny any involvement in Bray's death, than to execute him. "This is not a Manson or Bonin (freeway killing,) kind c,f cue," the Los Angeles lawyer said. "It is not that horrible.'' But Freeman, often paciJl8 in front of the jury box in Superior Court Judge Kenneth E. Lae'a courtroom, told jurors that the circumstances of Bray's death were "cold, calculated, deliberate and inhuman." "The agony of his last mo- ments was enormous," the pro- secutor said. "He died under in- tolerable circumstances.'' Bray's bodY. was found on March 9, 1981 pinned beneath the one-ton, tilt-away cab of his. 1975 International Harveater tractoF-ti'ailel'-r-1g,whieh wa..- parked on Springdale Street near Edinger Avenue in Huntington Beach. (See PENALTY, Pa1e A!) OP/\NGF ( l)tJN I'( · fl.1 11 Ull NIA /'' < f ~I .-Swallows retUrn··· to Capistrano Hundreds witness annual arrival of birds to mission nesting sites 1a, JDT ADLaa 1or .. ._ .... ..-- The •wallow1 did what they 'were auppoeed to do tht. mor- ~ DO OM'I llW"prile -but t.o the dell1ht of hundredl -the amall blrda returned to their Mita at Million San Juan Capi-· strano • they have for ti» pllt, 200 ~nm.don belll piooudly pro- claimed their arrival at 9 a .m . thi1 day of St. Joaepb. But ll'OUP9 ot IWallowl could be 8e1n n'ooplnc down t.o their miMlm ll'9tins litea earlier in the mor-~~ of tourlaU, bundled up 81ainat chilly mornJna tem- peraturet, thronced t.o the mt.. 1ion to celebrate the 1wallow1' return under exceptionally clear aki• . "I'm delighte d with the weather," aald Richard Landy, director of t.ourlam for the mia- lllon. "St. Jc.ph ia on our tide.'' A.1 touriata explored the old mi11lon, its official "voice," 80-year-old Leon Rene, announ- ced to the world that he awal- lowa bad returned. Hunched over a telephone, Bene wu interviewed by repor- ters calling from u far away as Ireland. T"o 10me, he ~ mlp- pets of his famoua eong, 'When the Swallow1 Come· Back to Capiltrano •• 'touri1t1 from around the world began arriving at the mia- aion before 7:30 a.m. t.o watch the annual occurrence. Armed with binoculars and cameras, their necks craned skyward in 9e&l'Ch of a gllmpee of the small, swift cliff swallows. "I've always been fascinated by the legends and w e stayed over just to be here this POWDER OVER TllE PASS -Wtnter'a chill, due to offi- cially subdde into ~ Saturday afternoon. remains in morning," said Nina Silcox, of Salt Lake City, Utah. And Mary Salenblen, of May- bee, Mich., kept repeatfnl, "Thia la amazing, lt'a IO beautiful" Eighty-nine-year-old Marla Jota Mercado, from San Bernar- dino, who is confined to a wheelchair, said ahe waa very happy t.o'be able t.o wit.nets the swallows' return. Her eyes bright with the ex- citement of the day, Mn. Mer- cado aald the bird1' return 11 wonderful. "I'm very happy to be here, everything is muy bonita," she said throuah an interpreter. Be it legend or ornithological fact, the swallows have returned for 200 years to the milsion from their winter home in Goya, Ar- gentina, some 6,000 milee south, on St. Joeeph'a Day. Upon their arrival, they im- mediately begin the tuk of re-bulldina thelr mud nests ln and a.round the m.l..ton. In fact, the m.l.mion encourage1 the bkdl by provtd.inc ready pooll of mud fot' their reconstruction pro~. The sw.,UOwa always have re- turned ~· .. y thoee who take note of thinp, except in 1935 when they were three days late. Their tardiness attri- buted t.o MAivy storms in Central America. The swallows' return kiclal off a week-long fiesta in San Juan Caplatran9 that culminates March 27 with the annual Fiesta de las Golondrinaa parade. The mission, founded in 1776 by Father JuniPero Serra, is one of the oldest remaining. in Cali- fornia and also is known as the ''Jewel of the Missions." Dlllf......... a.tee...,. thia dusting of snow atOp Old Saddleback in the Santa Ana Mountains looking nortli from Lake Mission ViejQ. Laguna moratorium on ti~e shares set City council halts conversions to allow study of projects' impact By STEVE MITCHELL or ... ...,,......., La1una Beach City Council memben have impoeed a four- month moratorium on time-share conveniona tn order for the dty to study the impact of auch pro- jects on Lquna Beach. The ac:Uon ~ -a re9tllt ef- aeveral time-shat'e project& ap- proved by the council in recent. years, and the indication that more hotel and motel operators might be considering such a chaJl&e. Operat.ora of time-1hare facili- ties ''sell" time in a unit to buyers, who purchase a grant deed enabling them to •pend 1 certain amount of time -usually one t.o two weeka per year -in a ti:me1hare project. M-eyor--Sally Bellerue two weeks ago railed questions as t.o whether such conve.nions adver- sely affect the city. And a proliferation of such · conversions might drastic.ally re- duce the number of hotel and motel rooms available to over- night and weekend viaiton. Councilman Neil F,itzpatrick echoed lhe mayor's concerns. "We're not opposed to time-shares," he said, pointing to •the-l..aguna Sheres-project as an exampfe of a conversion which seems to be working well in La- guna Beach. with interests in future time- share projects argued the units do not deplete rooms for short- time visitors. They said vacant time-share units are rented out on a regular basis. And, they said, the projects enable people who otherwise could not afford to live near the t:t.ach, to own a piece of beach property. - "lt's ,the only chance some people ever have to own land in the area," said one Los Angeles busi.nesarnan. \ Bob Merryman, the county's director of environmental health, aaid the beaches from China Cove to the Sherifrs Harbor Pa- trol headquarters would be clo- sed through the weekend. The closure involves about a half mile of beach altogether, he said. Mesa rape story phony? She said the city should hold off on future conversion appro- val.a until the economic effecta are studied, and until the city can ascertain ita ability to provide vi1itor-1ervlng faciliitea on a short-time basis for the town's thousands of tourist.a. The council recently approved a conversion proposal by opera- t.ora of the San Maarten Hotel, and the Inn at Laguna Is cur- rently seeking time-1hare status. He said hotel and motel rooms -especially near the ocean - now go for $100 a night, as op- poeed to time-share units which work out "in the low $30 range per night." The break occurred in a New- poct Beach city sewage line near Carnation Avenue and Bayside Drive. The line carries raw se- wage to the Orange County Sa- nitation Plant in Huntington (See SEWER, Page A!) WORLD Police in Costa Mesa are in- vestigating the s1ory of an alle- ged rape victim who said ahe was repeatedly assaulted and held against her will Wedneeday. Lt. J ohn Calnon said today that the Costa Mesa woman, who had earlier told police that 1he had been overpowered by a man Tueaday night and held hoatase in her apartment nearly 24 houra, later admitted she had Pope speaks to workers LEGHORN, Italy (AP) -Pope John Paul II heard a barrage of political comp lainta today by chemical worken in this oouununiat-govemed dty and denounced "often uv.ge" violations of human rlghta. NATION Reaga~'s support 8lippiast phoned the suspect henelf. Originally the Costa Mesa wo- man told police ahe bad been held hoetaae before beinl forced to drive to a bank in Coeta Mesa where ahe allegedly withdrew money from her aavinp aocount and handed it over t.o ner ..ai- lant. Police now believe that the_ aCCUMd auapect may be an ex- boyfriend of the woman. STATE "We really don't know where • we're going with time-share," the mayor aaid. Q\lestiona such u whether the city can legally charee time-ahare operaton a transient tax -or bed tax -muat be considered, she said. How to locate a lreeway Any true Californian loves a freeway -u long aa it ii Jomted away from the homsteed and will pt him anyw_here he wantl in 10 minutes. Pap Bl. . Pizza diarupu meeting Could • ~ that ,....i:: and family tun tpark near•fllt.fiPtl at a IU meetfnl? It ' happened ln M.nn ONnty. 'Paai 85. COUNTY "We need answers t o. questions," Fitzpatrick said, sug- gesting the city should find out about who ia to maintain such projects . But the council said it wanted four months t.o Study the impact of such conversions pefore n will approve any other projects. Councilman Kelly Boyd nid there may be a need for such a atudy, but added, "If thia la ju.It a proceas to slow down develop- ment, then I'm oppoeed.'' Several out-of-town s~ken They sugeated operators of the Inn ai La1una continue to work their pl.am through the dty while the freeze ta uncJer way. INDEX A4 AS BS-7 .u B2 01..a JM JM C7 Intermll8ioQ Weekender Ann Landen 82 Moviea Weekender Mutual Funda B6 National NeWI A3 Public Notka A7,~6,C7 s.taurantl · Weekender Sports Cl-6 Dr. St.elncrohn . 82 8'ock Markell B7 Tele\'ilion TV Los ,,_._.. Weekender W•lhilr • A2 W.WTWWI A3 . ' • Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Friday, Mll'Oh 18, 1N2 [f]ffi u~ oo rn Astronauts • Ill dress rehearsal CAPE CANA \'KRAL, P'L"A . l. (AP) -NASA wu creatiJl8 an lnltant deeert lpk'tlport today to receive the 1huttle Columbia on ltl return to Earth, u utronauta , Jack Lou1ma and C. Gordon •. . Fullerton flew barrel rolla over l· Texaa to condition their bodies for the ship's seven-day teat flight. On launch pad 39A at ·. Kennedy Space Center here, ·, officials reported only minor hit- 1· ches in getting the 1huttle ready " for liftoff at 7 a.m. PST Monday. ~. Landing ~uipment was en route ··: from California to a new landing ..... site in New Mexico aboard a .; charter train with clear-track priority. :· LOS ANGELES (AP) -Jenny Kao'• partially clothed, battered v body was found buried under plies of garbage at a landfill a ·~ week after the 9-year-old diaap- "· peared from a shopping center where she was selling candy, police said. Investigators could 1• not immediately say whether she · · had been sexually molested. An autopsy was planned to deter- .· mine that and the cause of death. Oszy Osbourne'• band and two othen were killed today when • plane in which they were bu1- zlng a mansion a1ammed f1am1na Into the home, deputlea uiO. Guitarist Randall Rhodea, 2~, pl. lot Andrew ~ycock, 36, and Jta. chel Youngblood, 68, were killed in the crash. Osbourne, the for- mer Black Sabbath lead singer who in his aolo career has become known for outrageous stage antics, was in a van when one of the plane's winp clipped it but eecaped injury. SACRAMENTO (AP) -A1- 1embly Democradc leaders pro- posed a nine-bill job-training ~ that they said would put a million welfare recipients and jobless people to work without raising taxes. Speaker Willie Brown said Thursday the prog- ram would "pt:ovide new sti- mulus to business to hire the unemployed, assist in the retrai- ning of displaced workers and reform our education and wel- fare delivery systems." new eviden ce repreaents a "pretty Qnificant" link with the 23-year-o)d Wlllianu. Williama waa convict ed last month of murdering Nataniel Cater, 27, and Jimmy Ray Payne, 21, and was sentenced to two conaecutive life terms. NEW YORK (AP ) -The Federal Reserve reported this afternoon that the nation'• mon- ey supply (M-1) wu down for the week by $400 million while business loana were up $«mil- lion. Analysts had hoped for a bigger M-1 drop but there was no appreciable after-market respon- se. VANDENBERG AFB (AP) -An Air Force Minuteman II missile was successfully launched from Vandenberg Air Force Base Thursd~y. an Air Force spoke- sman said. SIGNAL HIL'L (AP) -T he parents of college football player Ron Settles filed a $12-million partment substation in Lake- wood. SACRAMENTO (AP) -Tbe Callfornl• Solid Waste Manage· ment Board is refuaina to support the conclusions of a pro-deposit report on litter problem•. The refusal Thursday wu seen as a defeat for an environmental group, Californians Against Waste, which ls trying to put an initiative on the November ballot to require at least a five-cent deposit on most beer and soft- drink containers. ST. P~!Jl.i Mlna. (AP) -Eu· gene M~anby, twice an unauc- cessf u l anti-war candidate for the presidencv. has announced he will re-enter eolitics and aeek the U.S. Senate seat. he gave up 12 years ago. McCarthy, who marks his 66th birthday March 29, is the third candidate for the Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party nomination in the Sept. 14 pr1- mary. H e said Thursday h e would seek the nomination no matter who gets the endorsement of the DFL Party convention APWlr.,-.. INSPECTION -Actress Michelle Lee, left, checks out the bottom of People's Choice Award she presented to entertainer Barbara Mandrell, right, at Santa Monie~ Thursday night. Ms. Mandrell was honored as favorite all-around female performer, favorite female television performer and favorite female musical performer. Pasadena Police Cmdr. Bruce Philpott said after Jenny's de- composing body was discovered ATLANTA (AP) -At least two types of fibers found on the clothing of another slain black teen-ager "seem to match" fibers taken from the home of Wayne B. Williams, convicted of killing two young blacks in a string of slayings here, officials say. A source close to the investigation of the slaying of 16-year-old Pa- trick Rogers said Thursday the civil suit charging the city with .----------------------------------------- negligence in the young man's death, where Settles was found hanged. Wert, who the City - Council retained as chief even though an outside consulting firm recommended he be fired, said the city jail operations should be turned over to the Los Angeles County Sheriff's De- June 4-6. · at the Scholl Canyon dumpsite, a · canyon straddling the northern suburbs of Glendale and Pasa- :, dena, Thursday. LEESBURG, FLA. (AP) - The lead guitarist of rock star wrnrnarn -OPEC sticks to $34 VIENNA, AUSTRIA (AP) - :. OPEC oilmin.isters adjourned an emergency meeting today and Saudi Arabia oil minister Sheik . Ahmeti Zaki Yamani said the cartel agreed to impose a pro- duction ceiling of 18 million bar- rel.a a day to help preserve the baae price of $3.f a barrel. The · decision means a marginal cut in OPi'X: production, now estimated at between 18.5 million 'tfnd 19 million barrels a day. But that level still had left about 2 million baITels a day unsold on the world market. SAN SALVADOR (AP) - four Dutch TV newsmen were killed when they went to cover the guerrilla side of El Salvador's war, and the Dutch government said today reports indicate Salvadoran troops mur- dered them. At a news confe- rence in The Hague, the Dutch capital, a reporter asked Foreign Minister Max van der Stoel whether he believed the shooting deaths were a case o1 "cold-blooded murder," and van der Stoel responded: ''There are reports that indicate it was." WARSAW, POLAND (AP) - Poland's martial law regime claims it has cracked a rOllitant underground opposition group, and said some of its members were linked to the shooting death of a police ser- geant, two attacks on soldiers and the theft of guns. A report Thunday in the hardline Army newspaper Zolnierz Wolnosci named the opposition group as the "Armed Forces of Under- ground Poland." COCAINE CHARGE -Actor Lou Gossett, 44, was arrested along with a woipan compan- ion at his Malibu home for investigation of cocaine posse- si on Thursday. Authorities said they wer~ a.lso probing allegations the two h~d sup- plied t he drug to their chil- dren. · LONDON (AP) -RESTO- ring diplomatic ties sundered in the 16th century papal ambassador Monsignor Bruno B. Heim presented his credentials to Queen Elizabeth II, and both pledged to seek closer ties bet- ween Anglicans and Roman Ca- tholics. "It is a very happy occasion," Heim said Thursday after the brief ceremony at Buckingham Palace. ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat CIHIH!ff edvertl1ln9 71•1842·5e71 All other dep9rtment1 6"2-4321 • Thomas P. Haley P--C..... ttKlllMI Olfo<e• Robert N. Weed "-t Thomas A. Murphtne 16* L Kay Schultz Ila,.,_,,. -°" ... °' OI Opefa1"'"1 Michael P. Harvey loWMlt"GOINelOf Kenneth N. Goddard Jr. Otallal-Oo..c!Of' Charles H. Loos -.rooEe1ttor MAIN OFACE D Wett lay St .. C..U Mffa, CA. Mall~: kll ISIO, C~ -·CA. ft6» COl)yrloftt 1m Or ... Cout PubllsN119 ~. No MW•~. lth11tr.Uons.. editorial ...-w • .... 11 .. ..-u 11en1n may IM r~ed ""'*" SPKNI pennlulon Of CoPYrlflrt _,., • price MOSCOW (AP) -MARSHAL Vasily I. Chuikov, the hero of the defense of Stalingrad and the man who received the German surrender after the Soviet assault on Berlin, has died at age 82, his family said todav. WASHINGTON (AP) -THE Reagan administration appears to have succeeded in heading off a potential new outbreak of fighting between brael and the Palestine Liberation Organiza- tion, although officials caution that a ceasefire remains fragile. Philip C. Habib, President Rea- gan's special Mideast negotiator, managed to strengthen the cea- sefire between the PLO and Is- rael during a recently completed mission to the region, it was clear from the comments of several officials Thursday. Habib told reporters following a meeting with Reagan that h e doesn't think Israel will attack Palesti- nian forces in southern Lebanon. MANAGUA, NICARAGUA (AP) -Nicaragua's leftist goxernment is beefing up its defenses to counter what it says are U.S. plans for an inva- sion from Hond4fas and is slap- ping a "patriotic tax" on busi- nesses to pay for the buildup. Reporters saw increased military patrols on the streets of this Central American capital Thurs- day as Defense Minister Hum- berto announced plans for the war tax. WASHINGTON (AP) -Army Brig. Gen. James L . Dozier, held captive by Italian Red Brigades terrorists for 42 days, is being reassigned from his NATO post to become deputy commander of the U.S. Army's Armor Center at Fort Knox, Ky., Army officials aaid today. After he was freed by Italian pol.M:e in late January, Dozier flew to Washington to meet with Presi- dent Re.gan and said then tJ\lat he wanted to return to the post he held when he was kidnapped. EL BIRES, OCCUPIED Weat Bank (AP) -hraeH troop1 claabed with rioting Paleltinlanl ~•= as West BanJt Arabi p a general 1trlke to protest Israel'• firing of the El Bireh mayor and town council. .., .... ..._, ............. We're Listening ••• IY What do you like about the Dally Pilot? What don't you like? C1ll the num~r below and your meaaa1e wUl be recorded, ... t anaeribed and delivered to the 1ppropri1te editor. The same 24·hour an1werin1 aervice mey be uaed to record let· teu lo lhe editor on any topic. Mailbox contributors must include their name and telephone number for veriflc.Uon. No clrcul1tloo cells, please. Tell us what'a on your mind. / /• . .,. . . ~ . Journey to ~uth Coast Plaza's Kingdom of Lego© ( .No Passport Needed Discover European Cities, Castles, ~pace Command Center-even a bull~ blocks play area It I'. 1, I I . I [' .. ·. f' N . Save rates to di IDll ~-----, ~ . The interest rate on tax-exempt All Sav•nri ttftcatet will fall to 10.16 percent on deposits beginning next week, down from the current 10. percent, Treuµry ofticiala said. The rate cha.nae, fective Sunday, will cover one-year certiflca ~April 17 ... C"ol'fOra&e profit• fell at an annual rate of. I ... percent in the fourth quarter of 1981, ending the~ with a 4.8 peroent decline that followed a 3.9 per'Clll!I dip in 1980. After-tax profits were down 7 .1 ~ for the quarter and 4 .5 percent for the year. Inflation-adjusted gro11 national prodact declined at t · 4.5 percent annual rate in the final three montt. GC 1981, the Conunen::e Department reported, rather ~· the 4. 7 percent estimated one month ago. Real CJllp, still roee 2 percent for all of last year, the de,nar1:1111.-t~: said. •ictn C.1. Inc. said ita board of directors ~ J• Dnm president and chief opera Heer, posts he held in the mid-1970. for the old W Corp. Drum, 61, replaces David J. Prlmatll, 43, resigned earlier this week ... 8Ht .. en CalUonla Gu Ce. said It hu fi regia(ration ltatement with the Securities and change Commlsaion relating to a proposed oUerfnl of $60 million of first mortgage in 2002 ... 1'or the second time this year, Pacific Gat ~trlc Ce. is asking for a reduction in rates for tdential electricity customers. Rate Department naeei' Steve Reynolds said PG&E will ask the .....__,_,,, ·.r Utilltie. Commission to cut $227 million from ldentill electric rates immediately ... 1M11!$ . ,·1 OeWa Wnt Bomn of Santa Ana reported a operating km of $667,000, or 20 centa a aha.re, for third q\C1er ended Feb. 27. This compares with ~of $164,000, or 5 cents, reported in the period a year 8'0· Sales for the quarter were $1 million compared with $13.7 million in fi.9cal 1981 •• Comprellen1ive Care Corp. of Newport Beteh announced third-quarter earntnp of $1.5 million for the period ended Feb. 28, a 50 percent increue OY'el' the previous year's third-quarter earnings of $1 mil- lion. Revenues In the period were $17. 7 million com. pa.red with $13 million last year ... Carter Hawley Hale Storn hlc.'s net earnings fol the 52 weeb ended Jan. 30 were $44.8 million. down 22 percent from the $57.3 million recorded the prior year. Primary earnings per share were $1.55, ~. from $2.08 in fiacaJ 1980. Fully diluted per-share ew- ninp were $1.51, down from $1.97 a year ago ... Federated Department Store• Inc. for the year ended Jan. 30 had net earnings increase 18 percent 1ID $258.5 milllon, or $5.33 a share, over the $219.3 mil- lion, or $4.53 a share last year. Sales were $7.l billka compared with $6.3 billion ... 'Natiou.I SemlcoadKtor Corp., one of the worlll largest maken of integrated circuits, said it lost $1A million through the first thtte quarters of ita fillal year. The loll compared with net earnings of $38.1 million for the same period last year, and it came ca sales that slwnped to $819.9 million from $834.7 mt. lion . .,. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT AMERICAN LEADERS lt\4 + ... ,,_ --'~-ti! ~ •"' sr-. -... ·~ + ~ .... -\It .._ _,. 1~ _.,. IA + ... SJ -... 21 .. -" 23 + ... .... _,. . _.,. lllW VON< IM"l -.... -,,.... .... .,,..... " ...... - -Mwimt ..... ~--~....-,--..- .... 1ts,200 ~ + I ..am aAOO 11 • ,,.,.._ u ,tOO 1n11 +" Dlwl9~ • ·-"" -• m!i ~= = :: . ~ ,, .. •"' ....... 47 600 ~ ·.1 · ThQlftlb " 4;: 100 • • OaOI 0.. 44, IOO "-~ METALS GOLD QUOTATIONS