HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-03-20 - Orange Coast PilotIUlll CIUT Yim lllllllll IAllY MR 1 H<ANGI LOIJN 1 Y < A l H OH NIA 25 CENl S St.Helens spews ash, steam Breakthrough told V ANOOUVER, Wash. (AP) - Mount St. Helens erupted Friday evening, sending a towering plume of ash and steam seven miles above the volcano. The NaUonal Weather Service imme- diately warned of flash flooding and mudflows downstream. • ID UCIMC dispute· About 75 people were evacua- ted along nearby rivers due to fear of floods from snowmelt. ''We have an explosive erup- tion at Mount St. Helens," said Larry Voshall of the Washington state Department of Emergency Services. V oshall said the ash cloud roee 45,000 feet above the 8,400-foot mountain. The cloud was trave- ling south-southeast toward Pendleton, Ore., and Cascade Locks. Ore., at 16 to 22 mph. The plume was not headed for any major population areas. The explosive blast took scien- tists by surprise as they had been predicting a non-explosive lava dome e ruption. The eruption followed warnings that the vol- cano was about to blow. An eruption alert was issued at 9 a .m . PST following a series of earthquakes. Harmonic tremors followed later. The eruption was picked up by seismographs at the University of Washington geophysics center at 7:28 p.m. Da11J ...iot Photo by P•llldl O'OoMetl DEATH PENALTY -Defendant Willie Wisely maintains that he is innocent. "What did I do to deserve to be here?", he asks. Death penalty backed Jury recommends gas chamber for convicted killer Wisely "I kind of feel like a guy who's in a foxhole in Vietnam with rockei. raining down on him," Willie Wisely said Friday, mo- ments after a superior court jury recommended he die in the gas c 1ilmll>ertor killing his stepfa- ther. "After two or three days, when you figure you're gonna die, you say, 'What the hell did I do to deserve to be here?' " convicted Wisely, 29, of first- de1ree murder earliu in tfle week came back with lta death verdict Friday afternoon. follow- ing less than four hours of de- liberations which began briefly Thursday. Wisely, facing reporters before being taken back to Orange County Jail, once agaln main- tained that he was innocent of any Involvement in Bray's death on March 9, 1981. "To sit through a trial and watch yourself be proven guilty of something that was never even done by anybody, that's a hell of a shock," Wisely said, adding, "It makes me quite angry.'' was accidental, that no one wu Involved at all In hi. at.epf.a~1 death. The 61 -year-old truck driver's body was found pinned beneath the 2,000-pound, tilt-away cab of his 1975 International Harvester tractor-trailer rig, which was parked on Springdale Street near &:linger Avenue. The prosecution alleged that Wisely tripped a selector awtt.ch -after sneaking up on the rig - that caused the cab to fall over ,Bray as he worked beneath it. By DA VlD ~UTZMANN Of .... Mtr ........ Oranae County and University of California officials announced Friday a major breakthrough in negotiaUona aimed at reeolving a multi-million dollar billing dis- pute involvlna care of indigent patients at UC lrvine Medical Center. Following a meeting in Los Angeles, Board of Supervisors Chairman Bruce Nestande and UCI Chancellor Daniel Aldrich said the proceee for resolving the disagTeement had been aJ{reed upon tentatively. Additionally, both sides said that a set of principles had been agreed upon that would lead to development of a new indigent care contract between the county and UC beginning in July 1982. Few detaila were releued. Friday's announcement ap- peared to bring nearer reeolution a lingering dispute over the county'• refusal to pay more than $8 million in medical care bills from the medical center in OranQe. In an interview later Friday, Aldrich said the county had, in effect, agreed to pay a sum of money "up front" as a form of good faith payment while arbi- tration over the disputed amounta continues. Aldrich said the agreement represented a significant break in the deadlock between the county and university system. "The process for resolution has been agreed upon," he said. Nestande exrlained that a memorandum o understandina reached in talJca ''incorporates a method to resolve the financial dispute· and a county payment against the dispute amount.." The di&pute most recently had drawn the attention of the Cali- fornia M edical Association, which passed a resolution Wed- nesday urging its members to reinlnd county official.a throug- hout the state of their duty to provide medical care for the poor. Friday's meeting on the UCLA campus was attended by Aldrich, Nestande, UC Board of Regents Chairman Joseph A. Moore and UC President David Saxon. -The lengthy arbitration pro- ceedinp were launched in 1979. Of the $8 million in dispute, more than $6.9 million involves am- ounts the county has refused to pay the university for treatment of indigents. The county had cited various reasons for disallowing certain billa, including a belief that the services provided were excessive or were not permitted under the 1976 indigent care contract sig- ned with the university. Last May, UC Board of Re- gents, angry over the billing dt- spute, canceled the contract, ef- fective Jan. 1, 1985. Both Nes tande and Aldrich said specific details of Friday's agreement would be withheld until the Board of Supervisors and Board of Regents had a chance to review the documents. County supervisors will review the plan on Tuesday. State expected to back terminal By GLENN SCOTT ofttle D.., Plot ltalff Caltrans Director Adriana Gianturco has scheduled a visit Monday to Orange County whtte she is expected to an- nounce a recommendation that should virtually guarantee im- mediate funding for Irvine's proposed train and bus station. Miss Gianturco has called a press conference at 10:30 a.m .. either at Santa Ana City Hall or the Orange County Hall of Ad- ministration. She is expected to swing through Irvine later in the day. A press aide ~ould say today only that she will air her recom- mendations on funding the so- called multi-modal centers (combined train, bus station) in Orange County. But local officials have confir- med that she will throw her support behind a proposal to spend $2.3 million in state funds for construction of the $6.8 mil- lion Irvine terminal on the Santa Fe Railway tracks. In January, Caltrans planners ranked the Irvine station top on the state priority list for rnulti- modal funding. The decision to sS>end the state money must be made by the California Trans- portation Commission, but Miss Gianturco's recommendation in such cases is considered tan- tamount to approval. It was not clear today whether she also will recommend funding $1.8 million for a Mission Viejo station, which planners ranked second this year on the state list. The Irvine station wouJd be a 7,500-square-foot building at the tracks just north of the intersec- tion of the San Diego and Santa Ana freeways. The facility would sit on eight acres of land, valued at $3.4 million. donated by the Irvine Company. The remaining $700,000 would be paid by the city govemmnt. City oHicials have expected the station to receive funding this year and say construction will begin soon. The station could be in operation by the summer of 1983, they say. The Mission Viejo station. if funded, would be located on six acres donated by the Mission Viejo Company at Cabot Road just-*>Uth oi-Oao Parkway. -- Currently, Amtrak passenger trains stop in Fullerton, Santa Ana, San Juan Capistrano Ind San Clemente in Orange County. Besides stops in Irvine and Mission Viejo, Caltrans planners also are considering stations near Anaheim Stadium and possibly in Buena Park. The Irvine and Mission Viejo stations are designed to incorpo- rate stops for both trains and buses so travelers could commute without usfog automobiles According to the seven-man, five-woman OraJJ8e·County jury which heard Wisely's case for the past three months, the ex-convict from Huntington Beach and one-time studepl leader at Gol- den West College deserved to go to California's gas chamber al San Quentin for the suffocation death of Huntington Beach truck driver Robert Bray a year ago. The same jury which had Wisely insisted throughout his triaJ -one in which he served as his own attorney for much of the proceedings -that Bray's death N-M officials irked Key to the prosecution's case was the t estimony of alleged crime partner James Marshall Dunagan, who testified that he acted as lookout for Wisely in a nearby panel truck while the murder took place. Dunagan, also charged with murder at one time, was allowed to plead guilty to lesser charges of conspiracy and voluntary manslaughter. Shoestring campaign a civics lesson for Irvine principal at USC _campus denial Local school officials reacted with surprise and a touch of anger Friday to news that the University of Southern Califor- nia might be blocked from set- ting up a satellite campus at a vacant Corona del Ma r grade achool. The state Coastal Commission. meeting in Los Angeles Thurs- day, denied USC a permit for converting the elementary cam- pus into a business administra- tion graduate achool. USC has leased the vacant school from the Newport-Mesa Unified School District for $69,000 a year. The Trojans have encountered one setback after another -In- cluding a lawsuit -with most of the criticism to their graduate achool plan coming from Corona del Mar rftidents. WORLD "I'm disappointed that a few people can deprive our district from needed dollars for educa- ting our students," remarked Newport-Mesa achool board Pre- sident B.J . Skilling. She said school officials now must huddle with their attorneys to see what their~ move i:s. USC officials weren't ready today to admit defeat, but said they will be looking for an al- ternate site in Orange County. Officials from USC and the school district had maintained they don't need a Coastal Com- mission permit to open the gra- duate school. So far, though. USC has been kept away from the elementary school and is conducting its class schedule in the evening hours at Corona del Mar High School and (See USC, Page A%) Golan ·controversy said over An Israeli diplomat who is a1ao an Arab believes the controversy over Israel's annexation of Syria's Golan Heigbta ia nearl~ over. Page A4 . NATION Gu•rd plane crash kills 20 AA DJ.lnoq NaUonal Guard plane cnahed Friday night In northern Dllnoit. k.illinir all 20 aboard. Wit- .,.... told authorities they heanl an explosion . UAW, GM work toward pact Profit-Mum. w .. a major Unre10lved iaaue u the United Auto Worken and General Moton worked toward Mttlina a eonc._km9 <XJntnct that would Ave GM ti.6 bllllon. Wisely, who once said he would argue for his own execu- tion rather than face a life term in prison. said Friday that he wasn't surprised by the jury's death penalty finding. "I kind of figured they would come back with that verdict," he said, noting that the panel had little choice based on its guilty verdkt of five days earlier. The defendant said he would ask Judge Kenneth Lae at for- mal sentencing proceedings on May 14 to consider modifying the jury's death penalty findings and also grant a new trial. Lae has the authority to over- ride the jury's recommendation if he feels circumstances warrant. Friday's verdict climaxed one of Orange Couniy's most unusual murder cases. Wisely's self- representation had attracted considerable media attention as (See WISELY, Page A%) STATE Irvine school principal John Inmon's campaign for Orange County superintendent of schools is going to be a little peculiar. He has his mother-in-Jaw as his campaign manager, h e was considering a "dinner party" at a fast-food restaurant to announce his candidacy and he may buy classified ads in weekly shoppers because that's all he can afford. But the 50-year-old principal at Rancho San Joaquin Interme- diate School says he is not fru- strated by his lack of campaign funds or the difficulty in unsea- ting long-time incumbent Dr. Robert Peterson in the June 8 election. He says he's going to enjoy the chance to exercise bis option to run for elected office, even if he is a longshot. For Inmon, an Orange County educator for 27 yean, his candi- dacy is almost like a real life lesson in civics. "For my own kids, a nd the Celebrities fear derlJ!lged fans Obsessed fans, lost in their own fantuy worlds yet stalk.1ng their idols, are a btg fear for celebrities foll.owing tne Lennon and Saldana ....autta. Pace 89. 'Phan.tom taxes' strike "Phantom taxes," paid by utilitlee only on 1>9per, are a culprit behind aoarlna electric and au .ram. Page A6. COUNTY kids at Rancho, win or lose, I want to be able to go back to them and say 'I was unhappy with something and I tried to do something about it," he said. As a school principal, Inmon earns just more than $39,000, while Peterson's job pays $64,- 000. But Inmon said he wasn't aware of the salary difference when he filed to run. He said he had been contemplating running for office for several years and finally decided the time was right. "I'm or the opinion that it is time for some changes," he said. The superintendent admin- isters the county Department of Education. which operates special education schools, those for in- carcerated youths and outdoor education programs. It also con- ducts countywide c urriculum programs for all 28 public school districts and other private ones. About 450 workers, mostly teachers, are employed by the INDEX A5 Bl4 Cl-6 B8 A6 B8 BlO Bll-12 BlO SPORTS department. Inmon and Peter- son both used to be principals in the Santa Ana Unified School District and it is apparent that the campaign will be a polite one. But both men still want to make some points. Peterson, 61, see- king his fifth four-year term (and probably his last), says he plans to "speak everywhere" during the next few months. Of lnmon he says: "I don't think he realizes what we do here in the department." The challenger, who didn't raise the $5,000 to include a list of his qualifications in the sample ballot. says he will take the campaign seriously too. But in the only fashion he can afford. After Peterson announced his candidacy at a fancy luncheon, Inmon said he tried to talk a few managers of fast-food restaurants into hosting a tongue-in-cheek dinner party for his announce- ment. (See LONG, Page AZ) Movies National News Public Notices Sporta Televiaion Theatera Weather World News Youth Bll-12 A3 Bl0,C2 Bl-6 813 Bll-12 A2 A3 B7 MUllipa conln~I renewed BOl MulJ.IPl hat Qned on tM>ucb the 1984-85 11UOn with the UCI b8lbtbail SllUnl Pace Bl. •I I Orange Coa1t DAILY '9lOT/lat~1 March IO, 1182 WISELY PENAL TY ... well u lhe lntereet ol other la- wyert. Many conceded that Wilely, as a layman, had defended b1m9elf with aklll. Freeman himself said Wisely had been a .. very able" opponent. The defendant, who still faces armed robbery chargea in Los Angeles County ln connection with the he .. t of $200,000 in antique jewelry, •id be would .eek prolemlanal repneentation if he had the chance to repeat the case. He admitted that his attitude had deteriorated during the final days of the trial. -By DAVID KU'I'ZMANN US C DENIED .. • a local bank. Joe Stewart, a Corona del Mar resident who has been critical of the graduate IChool plan, descri· bed the Coastal Commission decision as a victory. "I'm flabbergasted and happy," said Stewart, who sug- gested he has nothing against use. only their plans for night classes and the resulting traffic in the neighborhood. "Our only interest all along was to preserve the quality of the neighborhood," he said. Stewart said he hopes the school district now will work to- ward getting another tenant to take over the tlve-year USC lea- se. Howevet, Mrs. Sk illlng said that, unlea1 there ia legal room to challenge the Coesta-1 Commis- sion decislOA, the district will have to go back to square one and seek new bkls on the elementary campus. It is unclear whether money would have to be returned to USC. "This whole thing is going to mean a Iai,, of time and money," Mrs. Skill.Jng said. AP W1"tlhoto R IVER RESCUE -L ynn Tremelling of Racine, Wis., is pulled from the raging Root River after he and a companion overturned in their rubber life raft. LONG SHOT RACE ... Irvine Co. added to cOast lawsuit The managers told hJm their corporate offices wouldn't want to get involved. And while some other political candidates hire high-priced cam- paign consulting firms to raise money and plot sU-ategieti, Inmon has placed his in the hands of mother-in-law Lillian Beckwith of Orange, founding president of the Tustin Woman's Club. "She's a novice, as I am," he explained. "And It's not a full- time job. B\rt she's enjoying the activity as rm planning to." By GLENN SCOTT The lrvine Company has been drawn into a lawsuit challenging a state Coastal Commission- approved plan for building homes, high-rise hotels and of- fices along the frvtne Coast. The plan would allow the Ir- vine Company to build up to 2, 000 estate-type homes as well as hotels and offices. Sewage spill closes NB stretch of beach I An attorney for the Friends of the Irvine Coast, an e nviron· me~tal group, said that for tech- nical reasons a new suit has been filed over the coastal develop· ment plans and that the Irvine Company has been added to the Fire damages Treasure park clubhouse list of defendants. Fire caused about $3,000 worth A raw sewage spill in Newport Harbor has forced COUDty health officials to close a half-mile stretch of beach while they wait for ti~ action to pull the spilled material out to sea. • .. • • • The stretch of beach betWeen the Orange County Sheriff's Harbor Patrol headquarters and China Cove is expected to be -closed tQ humaa cont.act u ntil- early next week. The suit, which seeks to over-of damage to the Treasure Island sewer line near the intersection turn the multi-million dollar de-Trailer Park clubhouse in South of Bayside Drive and Carnation velopment plan, also names the Laguna Friday evening, accor- Avenue in c.orona del Mar rup-state Coastal Commission and ding to a spokesman for the ured Orange County, which developed Orange County Fire Department. t : the pJan along with the Irvine , Y<a.\"Nn~d ~cnr, . e;--.J ~ . -. 1'h a ik..UJUn said damage une broke uae -Zifii ..... for ~ _ the roo( of tile _... stru ana th small biaz.e was . ~~ . Beach devel~pment · reacted b h ...u 1 b f' Gil Gomez, .ne~s utilities to the refiled suit quickly. roug t uuuer tontro y tre - superlntendent, satd city crews "We're not fretting about it," fighters .in only four minutes. we~ expected to have the line said Jerry_ Collins of the Irvine The fire began at about 6: 10 repaired today. He said workmen Company p.m., the spokesman said. No prevented .more of the .e~age "We ex.pect to join the Coastal cause ha:s been determined. One 1!"om ~achina \he bay by diver-CommJssion and thJ county In -fireman waw take1:1 to nearby ung tts courie •lon g Bay1ide .ee.k.ing an ~ly disn:ailaal of the South Coa•t id1cal Center Drive to a ll'Jlmh ole t hrough fUil, w hlch we're ctntidElJ>' . g})e(e )» w. _ ted foq irnoke ~hJch the~ could ause t~ .. IDh•hllii~eleased. The •ta eourae O> a Hun WJ!la abeO tely without merit.'' cau~e of the fire is under in- sewage treatment P The suit argues that the adop: vestigalion. Health officials, meanwhile, ted development plan does not SECOND THOUGHTS ON SWALLOWING: After our • days of rain, plugged drains and pesky puddles, no weather along thia best of all poeaible coasts could have been more beautiful than yesterday -St. Joseph's Day. And indeed, the aw-.Ilows did return to Mission San Juan Capistrano. Behind the ml.aaion, Old Saddleback mountain gliste- ned under a mantle of snow as bright sunlight filtered through ancient adobe s tructures and landscaping at the Jewel of the Miasions. Steam rose from soaked tree trunks in the main plaza. PERHAPS TRYING to emulate the imminent arrival of the sw allow flocks, goldfish formed a tight school and hovered in the waters in ~ the central plaza fountain. Mariachi music filled the ~ f air and set the tone for the ~I' festiTeo~~~~tes. that TOM MURPHINI .~ I' man about Newport Beach , Who al.so serves as director of communications for the Ro- man Catholic Diocese of Orange, cast h is eyes skyward and declared, "Somebody up there mwt be with us . . . " He didn't need to elaborate. A. m orning wore on toward the swallows' arrival time, tourists filled the old mission grounds and helpful guides were everywhere. One guide was even directing foot traffic as early Ma§ concluded in the historic little Serra chapel. "Please move in the other direction, sir," the guide said to a sh irt.sleeved man emerging from the Mass. "But I live here," the worshiper protested. "At least I think I do ... " HUGE TELEVISION TRUCKS, one with a grotesque antenna that looked like it might have been a radar for swallows, seemed centuries out of place, backdropped by ancient adobe walls. Former Daily Pilot staffer Jac kie H yman, now a premier writer for The Associated Press, was on hand with the smallest pair of binoculars ever seen. She must have figured they were swallow-sized. Jackie was on the phone to AP insisting that she'd sighted the swallows at 7:44 a .m . in the old m1ss1on ruins. Oh come on, Jackie. Everybody knows the swallows are going to arrive at 9 a.m .• Pacific Standard Time. BACK ON THE FAR side of the mission grounds lies the Old Mission School, where youngsters from the sec.-ond grade had tacked up a couple of posters. Each youngster had added a thought about the return Qf the s wallows. In a slam a t South America, Tracy DeRienzo wrote. "Tbey dQ not like the .tood there." Dustin Lorman sug- gested1 "They want to see how the mission JS doing." Matt Paradee added, "God sends them back." And Dennis Ruple noted, "They were born here." ABRUPTLY AT 9 A.M., Pacific Standard Time, the clarion at the old mission began to ring and shortly there- after, came the clinking, somewhat tinny peals Crom the old mission bells, reminiscent of another time and another age. All was right in the world. The swallows had returned to Mission San Juan Capisttano. Right on time, again, by golly. Health officials contend more than 2,000 gallons of r•w. un- treated sewage pqured Into \he harbor. !Jut NewJUS Beach cny officia~~ claim tH'e spill was smaller, no more than 400 gal· lons. The sewage poured into the water late Thursday after a said that it is \Ullikely that any of conform with the state Coastal the contamina~ water will be Act and could spell environ· pushed farther into the bay. mental disaster. Man dies off Corona del Mar Fair and warm the Sen 8em110ln0 Counly Public ,---,~----------~,.. .............. lnfonnatlon Otta. Cocutal. Wlncla moelly light encl Vllftable In th• night end mornln9 h0ur9 becOMlnQ -1.rty 8 to 1$ knots •11emoon. Westerly twtlll 2 to 3 feet. Mo9ily llllr through loolgtrt. "Wh•l tht.I mean• I• for ttl• elders, ttiey fin get Into Bit 88lt to fl"9 reeorte," Wetlt Mid. '"You oan't g•t eny plec• •IN . Y~ cennol gel 10 CrHtlln•. l.elle Arrowt\Md. Runnlt\g ..,....... or Snow VtlMly:' Som• mounteln communlfl•• ~ m«9 than 3 IMC Qll MOW end the Clilllomle HlgtlW1IY ~ repol1ed drift• of 8 feet lllong lhf ----------road• as enow plowe wort(ed to U .S. summary ~t'::'tione1 weather StrV1Ce t~:,q ... fOf'eCUt •-ming 1~ for naict -., Winter atorm wunlng1 wer• week elt•r en Ala1kan 1torm "•'"•• 10 ~ ••• S..1w4ey poat•d Frld•y for flH central brought anow. half end rein to ale [!TI!) ~~~-<; al•tH, wllh up to 10 lnchee of Soulhland end c:ei.IMd """*1N8 t "-.~~-......,.,,,.,., enow lorecut In Minn..ota. 8 In· flOWflf outages. ~ ~ ~ ":rV chat In aoulhern South Dekote "A high Pl'Mtur• hu bl.lilt up · -end 3 lo 6 lnchea In 1outhern along lhe coa1." M6d NWS ~ S• .... S•~· ••·· O •'·d•d NorthDllkotL ~PalAowe.'•Tiw«ore llillIIll --• ::: Hou u10 ••. ,.<•-··· Aleo on the wernlng lie& W«• we'r• going to 118119 nl09....,.... ._ _____________ .._ ...... ...._...,,...., ......... eastern Mont•n,• and northern O\l'8r tM weelcend:' IOW8. frevelen edvleof'tH tor For•cut•ra pr•dlct9d ov•r· --------------------enow encl blo'iwinQ snow _.. i. night lows of 43 In Loe ~ ~ 28 18 "* for Pllrtt of Mont-. Ncw1h 22 to 32 In Iha mountlllna, a& to Honolulu 82 65 Dekot• end Wyoming.• fell • , 45 In 1he Sen Femlllldo, s. G. HoU9ton 83 71 Ille mounleln• of Colotedo and br1al end Sai llemel-dlno Wllllp. lndneplll 49 43 Attzona. 38 to 48 along Iha coat encl 32 to Jedtenvtl'e ae 63 FIMl't flood wetc:Ne ..,.. -.0 42 In th• Ant•lop• Valle)' and KaM City 79 48 posted 0"9f' ptlrtt of lowe. llllnola, Mojl!Y9 o..t. Lm Vagae 57 37 Nebruke. Wleconlln and lndl• A high of 81 wu for9Cal1 lof' Uttle Rock 84 85 na.....,.. gale~ r~ Loa AngelH, with the m•c«y L~ 82 65 C)Y9r Lall• Supettcw and i..11• w. expected to rHCh eo to 89 In' ~phle 78 86 chlgan. i'llend velleys, S2 to 68 8'ong n. Mi.ml 80 75 Snow dlenglng to rain .,..0 oout. 53 lO 80 In ttie cMMrte Ind Mlfw9uk• 33 32 ecroae th• UPI*' MldWMt,r... 43 to 63 1n tti. mountalne. NmtllMte ae 83 chlng from nonti.rn KeneH to' New 011Mn1 87 71 north•rn Mltaourl and •lreedy ..... ----·------....,, Yortl 50 43 lodd«I ltllnOla, lndlane enc1 Otllo. .,, Olde City 79 es Rein WH K'1t9f•d from tlle .. emperaturea Omlfle 41 39 Cerollnu to nortti.m Florida.. ~ 54 39 wtl!M lllOW extended from Moll-NATION 91 44 ten• acroae th• OakotH. n.,. ~ 53 IO ~ 41 35 tl'Htm Nebruke. Minn.at• Md ....,...,._ T1 47 "'*"d, Me 49 36 upper Mlchlgarl. 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Sl>f1ng9 P•Nden• Redwood City ~lo s.lln• Sen BernerdlnO San Gabftel Sen D1-oo Sen F r8llCleco San JOM Sant• An• Satite Blt1Mlre Sanle Cruz Santa Mwle Sante Monlce Stockton Tallo9 VllWf TMrmal Ton'anc. Yuma 59 44 83 40 65 39 55 38 53 38 81 42 83 40 68 41 84 35 84 40 56 43 38 20 83 44 59 45 55 41 68 38 87 43 81 38 68 42 55 40 58 38 57 38 85 38 82 50 H 4e 58 42 83 42 82 37 eo 40 58 32 47 '3 11 31 37 22 70 48 81 42 83 44 eourl V•l'-Y end the nortllefll O.W. 47 as s:• 5-t 3-4 Roc:lllM; In tlHt 401 In ,.._ ':; 0. ~ It S7 -"'91ct-90 48 ----------=-~ ·::o.:-n:·~, il"'.:O ~ : ..,_,... : ;~ Smoo- CMll; IOI In SOUIMm ~ ,..,.,.,.. 4S Q .... 51 22 " ~ :,";:~~ ,*"'«d 50 » lfV"'9 89 47 Th• Air Quellty Menegement ~-Tua tP.P-------------------oi.trlc1 indlc:U good air QUallty .......,.. ---I« ~ In IM South CoMt ............ ... .... Dir 1 I SW 1 i IW 2 s w 2 s w • buln through today. TM AQMD aMlanad Poll\.ltlon 81anda«t .,.. (Pit) ,...,. 9' t7 '°' tM ........ Polnofta ... llys. 51 '°' ......... ..., ..... ·-l'Nirdlno ... encl 41 .. ""* ,... gloM. Sun,moon, tides . An autopsy is scheduled to be performed today on the body of a Minnesota man who died Friday after his 15-foot aluminum canoe overturned in the surf just south of Corona deJ Mar. A spokesman for the Orange County Coroner's omce identi· fied the man as Clarence Lid- berg, 67. The coroner's spoke- sman said the autopsy wu nee- ded to reveal whether Lidberg died from drowning or othe r causes. According to a spokesman for the sheriff's harbor patrol at Newport Harbor, Lidberg and his son , Jerome L1dberg, 42, of Huntington Beach, were fishing in their canoe in the waters off the Irvine F.questrian Center. The spokesman said the pair apparently got caught in the two to four-foot surf, which flipped their light craft over at about 11:50 a.m. Friday_ Both men attempted to keep their canoe from drifting away, the spokesman said, and strug- gled with the boat in the water ----------------·---------- • L..Uxurtoue Locker Facmttea for Men & Women •Sauna, Stemn, Jacuzzi • 2 sand Vofleybal Cou'1t • 118 Mlle Jogging Trec:t< • Ind~ ExerclM Programs • GymnUlum (Buketbel, Volleyball) • Free ~ Service • 18 Ctwnptonahlp Racquetbel Courta • Nt uttlul Equipment • Speclll Mn>bic Cluaea • 25 Meter Olympie Pool & Sundeck •Pro Shop • An.,,.t, e.r a Soclel Lounge •M•••urlMu.,.. TOURS CONDUCTED , DAILY M01 MMIOREta RD. N!WPORT BEACH a.. 81.m. • 1 p m • Sun. 1 1.m.·&p.m .• Mon,.,rt ea.in.· 10 l).m. tor about an hour. During this lime. the e lder Lidberg either drowned or was overcome by what the coroner's ofhce 1s speculating was a heart attack. He was pronounced dead at Hoag Memorial Hosp1 ta I. The younger Lidbcrg was lr<'ated there and released. The harbor patrol spokesman said Newport Beach lifeguards and paramedics responded to the emergency. ~rms up $114 billion WASHING TON (AP) -The Peqtaaon announ- ced a record $114.5 billlon increue Friday in the estimated coat of 44 major present and future weapona Pl'Olfama. A defense offldal who declined to be identified said the vast boolt over esiimat.es made public three months earlier reflected "a lot of extra capabilities and quantities" of w.eapona to be produced as far ahead as 1995, as well as what officials called more realistic estimatee of future cost inflation. the perfect political eoludon to w~ in Congreq -particularly amona Republicans -about ap- proving record budaet deftdta just before the No- vember elections. DENVER (AP) -A feqeral court jury ruled Friday th.at Procter & Gamble Co. waa negligent in selling Rely ttm~ns but refused to award damages to the teen-ager who brought suit after she said sh e had a near-fatal bout with toxic shock syndrome. WASHINGTON (AP) -President Reagan, now advocating the largest deficits in history. is expec- ted to throw his support behind a proposed consti- tutional amendment requiring a balanced budget, administration sources said Friday. Several sources, who did not want their names used, said the y anticipate that Reagan soon will endorse a Senate bill cal.li.ni for a balanced-budget amendment. Ad- ministration officials described the amendment as RENO (AP) -The woman accused of running her car through a Tha.nkagiving holiday crowd along Reno's casino row waa convicU!d Friday of six counts of first-d~ murder and 23 counts of at- tempted murdef. Priscilla Ford, 53, looked straight ahead without emotion as the 29 verdicts were read separately in the· Washoe District courtroom. LOS ANGELES (AP ) -As the body of murdered 9-year-old Jenny Kao underwent autopsy Friday; Los Angeles police said they had ruled out .any connection between her death ~d the so-called lost-dog rapist, a man responsible for raping eight little girls since last August. . "Yes, we h ave ruled out such a connection," said Detective Joe Macis. one of the investigators working on the rape cases. "There's always the possibility down the road, but right now it is not considered part of it (the other eight cases)." The most obvious and tragic diffe- rence between Jenny Kao's case and . the others is that all eight rape victims -who had been lured with pleas to help a man look for a lost dog -were released. Jenny was brutally killed. WASHINGTON (AP ) -T wo Nu- clear Regulatory Commission mem- bers on Friday criticized the NRC's refusal to review the basic design of the Diablo Canyon nuclear plant to see if the troubled California plant can withstand earthquakes. The NRC is ducking the question because "the prospect of reviewing it is so unsettling,'' said NRC members Peter Bradford and Victor Gilinsky. The NRC decided Thursday not to review the ruling by its Atomic Sa- fety and Licensing Board. HONOLULU (AP ) -Consumers carrying cartons of milk lined up for refunds at supermarkets Friday and state officials worked on a plan to distribute safe milk aft.er most of the fresh milk produced on the island was found to be contaminated with a cancer-causing pesticide. The milk was r ecalled Thursday because the pesticide heptachlor, used to spray pineapple fields, had been found in the milk of many cows which feed on chopped pineapple leaves. Heptachlor has been found to cause cancer in laboratory mice. The milk shortage on the island of Oahu, home to 78 percent of Hawaii's people, could last 39 days, sta t e Health Director George Yuen said. CHICAGO (AP) -A ban on new registration of handguns was appro- ve d Friday by the C hicago City Council, with Mayor Jane Byrne cal- ling it the "first step in a nationwide campaign" for tight.er gun controls. Besides prohibiting ownership of handguns not already registered with police, the ordinance requires holders of registered weapons to renew their applications every two years. A $5 fee was established to coveci all ~ owned by a teglitra.dt. The ban does 'not apply to on-duty law enforcement and military per- sonnel. • I Invasion 'imlllinent' MANAGUA,NICARAGUA(AP)- Foreign Minister Miguel D'F.acoto said Friday a U.S.-backed invasion of Ni- caragua is imminent and "could be starting at this very moment." He told a news conference that was the reason Nicaragua's left-wing junta asked for an urgent ~ting of the United Na- tions Security Council. "We feel cer- tain . . . a decision has been taken not only to hurt Nicaragua but to invade Nicaragua and that this decision is being implemented," D'Escoto said. TEGUCI GALP A, HONDURAS (AP ) -The number of U.S. military non-combat advisers in Honduras has increased to as many as 90 at a time while relations with the leftist regime in ,neighboring Nicarag:ua are beco- ming more tense. The increase also coincides with efforts by the United States to stop what American officials claim is large-scale smuggling of Cu- ban anns through here and Nicaragua to left(st guerrillas in El Salvador. The U.S. govenunent has stationed 50 non-combat military advisers in El Salvador to help that country's junta put down a 2 ~-year-old leftist guer- rilla uprising that has claimed more than 32,000 lives. LOS ANGELES (AP ) -A Los Angeles-based relief group claimed Friday that Afghani children are being maimed by small, toy-shaped mines dropped by Soviet aircraft onto mountain roads U8ed by fleeing refu- gees and guerrilla fighters. Interna- tional Christian Aid, which runs a child sponsor program for Afghani children at refugee camps acrosa the border in Pakistan, says It has reason to believe the mines are not aimed solely at Afghani fighters resisting the Soviets. EL BIREH. OCCUPIED WEST BANK (AP) --Palestinians burled rocka and gaaollne bombs in El Bireh Friday and began a general strike in much of the occupied West Bank of the Jordan to protest the dismissal of El Bireh's mayor and the ci\y's ta- keover by Israeli authorities. About 40 Arabs chanted Palestinlan nationalist slogans. ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat CIH11fled a~rtJalng 7141642-5178 All other department• t42~321 MAIN OFACE Thomas P Haley JIO WHI S.., SI , C•Q Mna, CA. llMll adcl,..H: So• U.O, C•IA ~.CA. "'2' Publtthlf end Ctvef E •KYlJ•• OfhC•' Copyr19M ltl2 0r81191 Coast PuOlllfll ... '-Y No news Ronn. llt~r•llons, ""Of'lal ,,,....,. or -n rllse,,_ts ltereln may lie rellfOd;K• wlll•out ...... ~Mon of ~ ••• , .. 19M _,,.,, Robert N Weed p- Thomas A. Murphine I04ar L. Kay Schultz '1ic."'- -Oweclcw o1 Oper111- M1chael P Harvey -·"9 o...c;or Kenneth N. Goddard Jr. Charles H. Loos --.....r- ~ .... ......., ............ VOL. 75. NO. 78 We',.. Llet.nlng •.• What do you like about the Dally Pilot? What don't you like? Call the number below and your mm• will be recorded. tranmibed and delivettd to the aPllfOPl'late edttcr. T&e ...... :M-bour aiwwertnc terYtce may be Uled to ncord leUen to the eclltcr on any topc. Mallbmt oontrtbutcn tnUlt Include their lllllM and'telephone nwnber for verification. No drculadon CSU.. pleMe. Ttll Ut what'• on your mind. • Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Saturday, March ~O. 1082 BREATHTAKING -A mantle of fresh snow covered the San Bernardino Mountains near Big Bear today after a big Alaskan storm ~ Wlr.,tiofo dumped up to 3 feet of the white stuff this week, creating a delight for skiers and pro-' blems for residents. ~ 8 HOUR VHS RECORDER • 4 HEAD VHS RECORDER • WIRELESS REMOTE CONTROL • ~E READV-{1G5 CttAMECSJ •PICW. •FFICT8 , , • 14 DAY PROORAMMABU TUNIR LOWEST PRICE EYER -. '" . ..__ ,., .. ..-m•-741"=' C---.W .,_) UIT I HR. NRTllLE VHS RECORDER WIRELESS REMOTE CONTROL FOR ALL PRIMARY FUNCTIONS AND SPECIAL EFFECTS • 4 HEADS • CABLE READY • 21 DAY mn1,....Tt llU "'· LIWllT Pl•-AIT1MMI PROGRAMMABLE -------' 11111 ...... 11111 ~ ... .... "". RCA XL-100 19" YESI PllCES UE SPECIAL FOR TlllS SILE! PUSH BUTION TUNING-NOW AT ANEW LOW PRICE cllgOllll 2&" Di11on1I ColorTr1k 2000 With lnf1red · Wireless Remote Control •~CABLE READY • COLORTRAK AUTOMATIC COLOR • QUARTZ XT AL TUNING SPECIAL LOW PRICll& OILY DURlll THIS SALE ; WHY BUY: . • • Aek about t«ms • VI.a OI MMllr CMroe AooecltM • 3 Year Picture Ta, 1 Yr: Plftl. 1 Yr. 8ervk:e Werranty On ,. Cotor Tl'lk lftd ~ Ill COnlOIM • ~ Mehorimd Service on Premf ... • AH A..-11119 Madlll kt 8'c>ak • No Oommlllk>Md 8111'&T°"' • • l<now Our ~ ..... lftd NOi ~ ,,,. Price. Oulftty. ,.,.,....,. HDlllllY. # ........ At A.:,_ U. A ~ 111 l!rlJ'!, '389" T= RCA ColorTrak 25" ..... 11:... ColorTRll REMOTE CONTROL • COLO..TRAK 2IOO • •ARED RANDOM ACCEU MMOTE CONTROL • .CA8UMADY . ,, . I I . . I VISITOR -Zeidan At.ashi, a member of a religious sect in the Golan Heights, told an Orange County audience that much of the controversy after annexation has tapered off. IY JODI CADENHEAD ............. An Arab who t• an leraell diplomat aay1 the controveray that qulfed the Golan ~" followtna annexation by Israel last January of the former Sy. rtan region la nearly over. In an interview prior to hl1 1peech1'.l'hunday to the Jewish Federauon of Oranae County tn Garden Grove, Zeidan Atashi, a Oru~e. who acted aa an laraell neaotiator during the crillt, said that mue 1trikes have ended and that life in the region ls returntna to normal. UntU the annexation of the Golan Heights last January that brought Israeli clvil law to the region, few Americana ~ere aware of the Druze, memben of a secret religious 1ect of Arabs who make up the majOrity of the Golan Heights' population. Atast,i, an Israeli citizen, said that most of the Oruze, who number 10,000 i n the Golan Heights, vehemently opposed the annexation. Mass stdkes that closed down all businesses and . schools remained in effect..~f\lil about three weeks ago. ~T' Soup lines back Salvation Army serving free meals SACRAMENTO (AP) -The Salvation Army has opened soup kitchens here to feed the poor for the first time slnce the depression of the 1930s. · sch ool during the week, but there was no help on weekends. Capt. Hoogstad said most of those who line up at achools are mothers and children, although some unemployed fathers are com)ng, too. A former member of the Knenet, the llr•tli con1re11, Atubt voluni.ered to ao to the northern realon to .help ease tenaionl. Once there, he found that many opposed the annexation becauae they f alaely believed they would be drafted Into the laraell army poet.lbly to ftgbt one day against relatives llvlne In . Syria. "They abo feared that Israel might one day return the Golan Heights to Syria and then what would happen to them?" said Ataahl. t Ata1hl supports the an exa- tion, believing that civil la will help stabilize the northem region ihat has bee n under nearly constant attack from Arab neighbors. ''The mood now is better,'' said Atashl. "People are going to work and the schools hav~ been open." ' H e contended that the sche- duled Israeli withdrawal next month from the Sinai, near sou- thern Israel, will have no effect on the Oruze or the Golan Heights. Cla ss of. '72 • r euni on set by Uni High Back in 1972, Irvine was just weaning Itself from its struggle for cityhood and about 230 teen- agers were honored with the distinction of being the first to =te from University High ... one for dad The latt Uvlq aon In a fa· mily decimated and deformed by cancer haa f"Ullled ~he wishea of hla dylne fatner and brother b)". wlnnlng the presidency of the University oJ FJorlda atudent body. Steve Soatberland, who campAigned on crutches be- ca\,&le be lost a leg to cancer, wu voted student body pre- s l dent. He received 2r210 votes to Brian Ballard's. 1,998. Cancer has struck every generation of his family but one since 1840, and killed his father arfd two brothers. A Merced man accused oJ a.windHng real estate in- vestors out of $3.4 million was married in a jailhouse cere- mony to •he woman foun~ wlth him after h~ fled the state. However, Merced County officials are questioning whe· ther the wedding of David Warran Holder, 28, and Cathy Dunvllle, 23, was legal. For- mer Merced Municipal Court Judge Haven P . Courtney performed the ceremony. -But County Counsel Rus- sell Koch contended that the only former judges pennit1ed to perform weddings are re- tired judges. Court.hey lost his job in an e lection after six years on t!!_e bench1 THANKS FANS -Yoko Ono, widow of John Lennon, and their son Sean are wi- s hing "happy Spring" to people across the universe who sent thoughtful mes- sages after the former Beatie was slain. Lech Walesa, the labor leader detained by the Polish government since martial law was declared in Poland last year, will be given an hono- rary degree by MacMurray College in Jacksonville, lll. The leader of. the indepen- dent Solidarity labor move- ment was chosen as one of five honorary degree winners by the small, private college. Walesa was awarded the degree because his fight against oppression Is in har- mony with the school's liberal arts philosophy, college spo- kesman Jim Murphy said. A memorial fund Ml '-" eHablt1hed on behalf of CIQMt .. •n ...... l.a•ttll The John Beluthl Memo- rial FoundaUon lt to bneftt tho ch.aritl• in whkh tM late actor took an lntereal, Mid a 1tate~nt releued by hll ~­ blk relation• firm, loltert, RoAJ.11 U4I Frledmu. Belu1hi died Marc h 6 of respiratory !allure that medi· cal authorhiea have attribu- ted to an overoote of cocaine. Richard Leakey, one of the world's leading paleontolo- gl1ts, says a "reappraisal of foail evidence" leada him to believe early man walked the earth about 12 million years later than he originally thought. In a British Broadcasting Corp. television program last May, Leakey told millions of viewers he believed the origin of mankind went back at least 15 million yean. But in an issue of the New Scientist ·magazine, the 37-year-old Leakey was quo- ted as telling a private au- dience last week that the ex- pl a na t1on was "probably . wrong in a number of crucial ar·eas." Doctors believe simple ex- haustion may have caused Ohio Rep. John Ashbrook to faint at a restaurant while dining with members of his staff, says an aide. The Republican underwent tests at Mansfield General Hospital in Ohio and was in stable condition, said a h08pi- tal spokesmarl. Ashbrook, 53, who is cam- paigning for the Republican nomination for the U.S. Se- nate. lost consciousness while dining with me mbers of his staff. Capt. Eileen Hoogstad said the kitchens here are the first in Northern California, but plans are under way to set them up in cities throughout the state. About 350 people are served each Saturday and Sunday at three S'acramento kitchens. They serve noon meals at two schools in the Del Paso area of r.f orth Sacramento and at the Bannon Street Mission, run by the Vo- lunteers of America in downtown Sacramento. At the mission, which houses and feeds single adults, more homeless families are showing up for the hot lunch on weekends. Thoe, pioneers of Irvine's firsl hlgh school are planning to re-vive the spirit of their special ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "And we are seeing a lot) more single women down there," Capt. Hoo1stid said. "They ran~e in age from 20 to the late 50s. We don'~ know where they're co- ming from. The schools were chosen be- cause children get a free lunch at "Most of the young ones seem to be traveling with a man, but the older women are mostly on their own \ Use the Daily Pilot .. Fast Result" service directory. Your service is our specialty. Call 642-5678 ext 322 ATT...-.otrAlllORI ~~ .. ... in Mission Viejo offers a secure family en- vironment in a beautiful setting. We give 24 hr supervision & chaffeur service anytime. We offer home-cooked, nutritious meals & snacks. Total service for a reasonable fee! Licensed. Don or Kathy 855-1190 ,,,. ,,,..,,,..,, ,,... academic heritage with a reunion of the class of 1972. Students from the 1972 gra- duating class are invited to at- tend a reunion pl.apn.ing meeting at classmat(; Dee Dee Mallicoat's Irvine home Tuesday, March 23, at 7:30 p.m. University High alumni may call Ms. Malllcoat at 559-6283 or Kevin Hassett at 546-9716 tor more information. You can help your newspaper carrien collect at Uqies conVe- niem to you by having your check or money order ready so the earner won t have lo call back Because this young person is in business for himself Of herself. please be ready - and watch that big smile which says Thank you ·· Daily Pilat HIPEI ... ...... STOR• HOURS1 9 A.M. -2 A.M. l'r•• Dellvery Home M Office 646-6878 Plummer's gives it to you straight! our warehouse concept allows us to offer the finest design in contemporary furniture at refreshingly straight-from-the-shoulder savings! •• I Give vour nome a touch of flame grain teak w1m mese lovely boOkcases cr.tfteo.<>f ttie finest veneer Ancl tor a touch of practlcalltV. the shelves are actJustao1e1 llKk ~ consr:ru~ wttn matcntn<1 PVC A. 21W lC12Y1 x76Y• S149val s89 c. 35'/1" • 1iv1 · x 76Y.' 5169 val 1WO for $171 • White Patio Fumtture ' OutOoOr dinlno table 35·· dla. sasvatue OUtOOor stack1no 24 Chairs $ $35vatue... .. ... Breuer Style Chairs and Barstools from Italy These QualltV chairs are carefully handcrafted Of walnut or natural wood finish w1tt1 genuine heavv·dutV cane backs and seats on sturov chrome frames Director 's Chair Director's chairs are perfect for summer entertalntno. indoors and out Natural wOOd frames. w1tt1 a vanecv of bright canvas colors Good value at 539 Orange Coett DAIL V PflOT /Seturday, March 20, 1982 ~ll\W~~ . Playmate left . Slain Dorot hy Stratten wrote thoughts abou t f ame, sex Paper's garden page wafts scent of roses LOS ANGELES (AP) -~y Stratt.en, the 20-year-old fllm 1tar and Playmate of &he Y.ar aLain by her jeeJoua huaband ln 1980, left a 18·pi88e memoir that reveala her naivete and conf\.mon both about fame and relatlOnahipe with men. "Sometimel I cried before I went to aSeep;" ahe wrote ol her first stay at Hugh Hefner's Playboy mansion. "A lot of men were enterlni my llte all of a sudden and a lot of them wanted me. No one wu ever pushy or forceful -but talk can be very po- werful -especially to a mixed-up little girl." The memoir was part of court papen obtained by the Loe Angeles Herald Examiner, which pu- blished excerpts. ''Everyone says that when you really love a person you'll know it, but if you don't know what love is bow are you supposed to know if you're in love?" wrote the former Vancouver, B.C., Dairy Queen waitress, whose real name was Dorothy Ruth Hoogstraten. Concerning an early boyfriend, she said, ''The only thing I dreaded was the end of the night when I had to give myself to him. It was sort of like a game that I kept losing and that was how I lost." The memoir was filed in federal court as part of a copyright infringemept and breach of contract lawsuit by -her estate and director Peter Bogdano- vich's production company over the 1981 TV-movie "The Dorothy Stratten Story." The memoir had been obtained by a private investigator, Marc Goldstein, who had been hired by Miss Stratten's husband, Paul Snider, jealous over a reported love affair between his wife and Bogdanovich. Two weeks after Snider was shown the memoir, he shot both his wife and himself to death. The suit contended that Goldstein, NBC and MGM had violated a copyright on the material by using it in preparing the November 1981, TV-movie "The Dorothy Stratten Story." The suit against Goldstein was dismissed by U.S . District Judge Malcolm Lucas, who called the film "exploitive" but said it was not based on any confidential material. • • her *'> ~ for nude~ to enw Playb()y maaazine'• 2~th· annf~ dmtelt. Sm WU le· lected Playmate of the Y..r tn Jauary 18IO. She played a atan'tlti role In the ldela fiction film "Galaxlna" and WM awarded a featured role In Botfdanovich'1 "'Ibey All t.uahed." Then, In Au- gust, 1980, ahe WM found dNd with hlr 29-)'Mr-old husband In his West Loi Ana-Jee apartment. Her memoir, copYrtchted in 1979, endl durina a period 1n which ahe dmcrlbea being t«n between depremion and exhilaration: "I wu livin1 a wonderful llfe in the warm sun.shine -bein1 catered to 24 hours a dar - butlers to feed me and mUdl to clean my room.' ahe wrote. "I could have anything I wanted and more, and I enjoyed it 90 much -and I started getd.ng mixed up because I wanted Paul and I was getting lonely and I was getting depressed . , . "In trying to get over my depressioo," she said, "I had to think of Paul less and start enjoying myself with other people. I knew that wouldn't work either." REDWOOD 2X6-36LINFT. 775-1491 16808 S. HARBOR DECKING .. J.·-............ . o~ .. .... I &JUU.'S ~i-... •r--·-.... ..... • 5• Loe 21m1 ~••w-u T .... $1.-t't al YOUt 0oot !Catt Sien~ .... , Y-Alul COSTA•ul41•1289 •ut----. Mll-~95-0401 MIXED UP -Doro- thy Stratum's memoir indicated her early confusion about rela- tions with men. SAN JOSE (AP) -A rciM, .. 1a roee, ls Page l·P. "Stop and smell OU("~·' thf San Joae MelWI')' N~W• invt~ ~bove a paae ~ 1pr1n4r wdenlna· ~new· l'paper vowed that you ~ 0~ll Jt like i\ II." And you 6ould. "Oh, ho, i\ lsri't perfume, it's sprlll8 in bloom," prodalmed tne rol'e· acented blue ink above a de1ieate pink and blue picture of flower-anifflng nymphs. Iris Frost,' special features editor, said her staff wa• inspired by a "wonder.tu{,· beautltul piece of art work" planned for the page and joked about a scratch and sniff page. "Wait a minute. How do they do tha~?" she recalls asking. AB nearly every nose in San Jose now knows, she found out: kcented ink. "I said, hey, that's kind of fun. Let's do it," said Bob Ingle, executive edi- 29DC.-.~-,!h• oe..., ,....,, .... ..,., .. ...,. ·-• NOW DURING THIS ANNUAL tor ... 1 )alt thought, there'• to much gloomy news in the world that ~ thin& ~ like aprina fiowera • . . ia a fun ihlnf•" he added. And he l8ld the paper maght do it ~· The reacUon WU ' just generally IOrt of surprise and laughter," said Ma. Froet, although one woman called to say that she was allergic to the llJ)ell and Ingle said five or six people called to complain about the odor. Scented inks were common in newspapers eight or nine years ago, especially in advertising, said Pete Romano of the American Newspaper Publishers Association research de- partment in F.aston, Pa. But he said they lost favor because they aren't very practical. "The press rooms smell like a you- know-what, a French bordello," he said. · "It does stink," said San Jose pressman Leo Stednitz. GET SUPER t Miss Stratten rose from her waitress job to fame after she met Snider. In 1978, he persuaded Photos with Easler B1111y • TRAINLOAD PRICES. DUE TO OUR HUGE VOLUME BUYING, 14 college prex ies blast cuts in aid SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -The presidents of 14 Northern California private schools of higher learning have denounced President Reagan's pro- posed cuts in student financial a.id. A joint, formal statement issued after a mee- ting at Mills College said, "We foresee that many students will be forced to give up their plans of attending private colleges and universities." The cuts will hurt middle-class students most, the educators warned. Beside Mills, the institutions participating in the anti-administration move included Stanford, St. Mary's, San Francisco Art lnstitute, California College of Arts and Crafts, Cogswell, College of Notre Dame, Dominican, Holy Name, Humphreys, Monterey Institute of International Studies, Uni- versity of the Pacific, University of San Francisco and University of Santa Clara. • Bring yovr child to Huntington Center for o fr" fun visit with the Easter Bunny. Photos only $2.88 on request. Doily 'til EC>Ster. The Shen11an Clay Story America's Largest Piano and Organ Retailer The California Gold Rush was barely over In 1870 when Leander Sherman started his music business In the booming, bustling. commerdal dty of San Francisco. Established two years before San Francisco saw its first experimental cable car, Sherman Clay has prospered and expanded through good times and bad. lhere are over se SHERMAN CLAY locations aa05S the West In downtown, suburban and shopping center .~ locatlom . . . and still growing. For 100 years we have been building a tradl· tlon of SERVICE to those In the Western S141tc1 who cant about musk. Yow PIANO or ORGAN from Sherman Clay makes you' part of this tradition and you have every reason to expect that as long as you own yow Instrument you will receive the kind of · personalized Mrvlce that has given us our flne reputation throughout the Music Industry. To the advan· ~ tages of tradition, we add the advantage of size. Sher· _ man Clay Is the OLDEST and LARGEST Plano •nd Organ chain In the United States. We are still In buslnas long aftl'I' many ol our competlton have disappeared ... that's STABWTY. Our REPUTATION for INTEGRITY Is the product of ears of commitment to the musical develop- ment to the Wat. A reputation that stands fOI' QUAUTY and SfJtVICE to our many hundreds of thousands of customers. We have the [I] largest SELECTION of models and ttyla In every price range. We ltock aU MAJOR BRANDS of pianos and organs whether new or uM<I, Including: Steinway, Wwlttur, Baldwln, KlrnbeD. Hammond. Lowrey, Chickering and Yamaha. You don't need much cash to buy today. Sherman Clay offers convcnwftt • FINANClNG to fU your pat0nal budget requlremcnll with a m.lnlmum of red tape. In most cata, you can ftnaMa. right MN with ue. You c.an SHOP wntt CONFIDENCE at SMnn9n Clay '*8~ you know wd be here tomorrow. Our 100,.... in the ~ and Organ butAnete ehould _.,,. you the con· ~you need for making thll .ublantllJ purchue. You .ron't be elone, we have *'9dy IOld on mJllon lnlDwMNI k> cwtomen JY8I ... you! NOW FEATIJRINGSTEINWAY PIANOS .............. 1411•11 " -· • • • ... .. • YOU GET SPECIAL DISCOUNTS. SAVE ON REFRIGERATORS, FRFf'ZFRS, WASHERS & DRYERS, MICROWAVE OVENS, COLOR . TV, PROJECTION TV & VIDEO TAPE RECORDERS •••••• ictr-211..-.um~~-FO• Aw do ww•••• FACTORY AUl'HOlllDD ..... ...," ........ ,,. .. e ;IK'llM ..... ,., .... ..,....., TVSBYICI CALL 541-1437 MOM. THlq f'b. 9 fO t SAT. f ~IO 6 i" \ • SUM. II to 4 wm 1111111 ...... WITU lllnlSD •22.1 CL ft. ltfricer..., witll 1.41 11. ft. frffzer ...... .., let M4 cllllff nter •T..,.,141 &fausltthn •Ttdwm lfHI 4Hn 1.-., ~, .. ,_, -11.,. rnqrt.I A/tao Nar\al' " ... twr " ... •ntt .... , ~ sitt. ~\'r '" lhf' '°"" run ....-, IM'C·au~ MaH•• •a•Mf' Ah 11\lmbtor •ts •· '"' W~h "' hff' ,,....,...., ,...,.1,... ............ "~('0lllJri ; t I ~ l I .., o.-.us . ·-Tiift~-4 and pkbted all over ~-callfar9'ta l.ut month -~­.... Cd. faclflc Gaa & .&leotrlc Co. et•mNn whme rates toet by M much u t280 a month when the firm'• new $900 mOUon price inc:reue lhowed up on tMlr WU.. TMy were furious and they'd have been ewe angrier if they'd known about anodm-~te llilce In store for them and -eYf:'l'Y other electric, gas and telephone Ulef m eau1om1a. The next big hike will not reflect en- ergy COit.a, oonstnlction expenses, labor conb'act* or any of the other factors that have gone Into the massive utility rat.e increases of the last three years. , TBIS ONE WILL BE purely because of a practice called "phantom taxes." Parties to blame include the Reagan ad- ministration, Congress and the utility industry's potent Washington lobby. Here's what's happening: In a much-ballyhooed move laat year, the administration joined both Demo- cratic and Republican congressmen and announced H was helping assure the financial heaitb of major utilities by creating a new "accelerated cost reco- very system." or ACRS. ACRS allows Clllflllll flCDS companies to depreciate new equi~t for tax purposes much faster than ever before. Nuclear power plants, for in- stance, can be depreciated over 10 years, about one-third their projected lifetime. These rapid write-offs cut the utilities' taxes by billions of dollars a year because they allow inflated expense statements. But woe to the utility that tries to pass the benefits through to its custo~ers. For utilities only get the new tax benefit i1 they "nonnalize," or keep for them- 11elves, two earlier tax breaks in addition to.the new one. Some utilities in Cali- fornia have previously passed s uch benefits along to consumers -with PG&E, ironically the most generous, al- ways passing through its investment tax credits. BUT NOW TBE 1LAW says a utility cuts its own throat if it gives consumers a break by passing along some tax breaks in the form of lower rates. Another way to look at it is this: Uti- lities lose the new tax benefit if tt\ey don't charge customers as much as they would if they got no tax breaks at all. In California, this could mean as much as $500 million a year more for utilities in the form of "phantom taxes" -taxes they don't pay, but which they can list among the expenses on which rates are based. It will be up to the state's Public Uti- lities Commission to decide whether phantom taxes will be allowed in Cali- fornia. Precedent says they will be per- mitted. For the PUC tried to allow telephone companies to use the same sort of.device in the early 1970s, only to see the state Supreme Court order massive refunds, finally paid in 1980. THE NEW ACRS LAW changes th.inga, though. California's three largest cities were able to sue for refunds of phantom taxes ln the 1970s, but the new law has been written precisely to justify those charges. So a new refund effort would stand little chance of success in the courts. That means it is squarely up to the PUC. If it can withstand presaUre from utility companies who figure to make hundreds of millions of dollars annually from the ACRS plan, consumers will save that much. · Quotes. "Let's pray for Lech Walesa to be released. , so he can stand again. His presence doesn't threaten anybody." - Pollall Arcllblsbop Jozef Glemp in praying for the release of the imprisoned Solidarity leader. But the PUC haa ahown little atomacb for filbd.na th& uWlUes ln recent years. Even when last month'• PG&E proteata produced a 45-1 vote ln the atate A..- aembly calling for complete revlew of recent rate lncreues, the commwlon merely altered electric rate atructures a bit, dropping charges slightly for big users and increasing them for small customen to make up for it. So the prospects are good for more rate increases baaed aolely on taxes the utilities will never have to pay. Thomas Elias, a free-lance columni.st based Jn Santa Monica, analyzes stat~ issu~. I' OverView of· El Salvador conflict By RICHARD BOUDREAUX MIMctetect ~ ...... SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador - Leftist guerrillas and forces of the c ivilian-military junta have been fighting here for more than two years in a conflict that has killed about 32,000 of the country's 4.8 million people. The conflict shows no sign of end.ins. The guerrillas say it is a home-grown strUggle spawned by a military-backed upper cl.us that kept most of the country in poverty for decades. But involvement by the United States and poesibly by CUba and Nicaragua baa made the war a symbol of the Eaat-West stn.Aggle. The U.S. assistant secretary of statelor Latin American a.ffai.rs, Thomas 0. Enders, has called it "the decisive struggle for Central America." NO DEFINITIVE figures are availa- ble but it is estimated that 4,000 to 6,000 guerrillas face about 22,000 government troope in a war both claim to be winning. Here are some answers to questions often raised about the conflict: Q . Who governs El Salvador? A. A junta, or council, of three civi- lians and one military man in power since an October 1979, coup against a rightist military regime. The junta insti- tuted land and other finandal and 90dll reforms to try to head off a gtowlng revolutionary sentiment. After several changes, the junta now is led by Jose Napoleon Duarte , a civilian, whose Chriatian Democrat Party co-governs with Ule military. Q . Who is fighting the junta? A. The llUerrillaa are mostly of peasant stock, men and women, with little schooling who volunteered or were pressed into service. The five main guerrilla groupe are led by middle-<:lass Marxists who form a joint command. the Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front. They get lnd\rect support in the way of food, medicine and temporary hiding places from thousands of other Salvadorans but their real support is unclear. A coalition of exiled Salvadoran leftiat.s, the Nation.al Democratic Front. is their political arm and handles public relatio~ abroad Q. HOW IS THE WAR being fought? A. Witne88e8 claim the guerrillas roam with relative eMe aero. about a third of the less-populous part of the country. The guerrillas allo claim control of six small municipalities. They occasionally raid army posts to get weapons. They do not try to hold cities but claim they will be able to do this when people are 90 fed up with the junta that they will join in a ••popular uprising." Army troops try to defend strategic areas while U.S.-trained battalions launch offensives. The.re are few Jong battles and the guerrillas usually melt quickly back into the hills. Q. Then why are so many people dying? A. The evidence indicates that ~er­ rillu kill suspected inlonners while the armed forces and paramilitary "death squads" kill suspected guerrilla suppor- ters among the civilian population. which has borne the brunt of the deaths. Q. Who is winning? A. Neither side appears on the verge of a military victory. The guerrillas claim to control the rhythm of the conflict. Geography guessing Poll shows location illiteracy high RENO (AP) -University of Nevada-Reno students who don't know the location• El Salvac:lol-shouldn't be alngled out for criticism, according to the chairman ol. the achool's geography department. Chris Exline said the pro- ble m of "geographic lllite- rw:y" is a national one. In a recent survey conduc- ted by the campus newspa- per, fewer than 20 percent of 200 students polled could say where the embattled Central American nati.on is. A greater number believed El Salvador was in Africa Exline said the students' ignorance is ''not really excu- sed, but lt's not unique either." He said a national survey probably would show a ai.milar level of ignorance. The profe810r said geogra- phy conferences are rile with "horror stories'' about a gen- choosing when and where battles will be fought and gaining support among peo- ple embittered by what they see a s government abuses of human rights. Duarte 8CCUleS the guerrillas of human rights abuses. He claims that junta re - fomlB and elections set for March 28 - for a repreeentat.ive assembly to draft a new constitution -have given people faith in democracy and undermined guerrilla support. Q . What role is the United States playing? I A. The Reagan administration has committed $50 million ln military aid and is seeking $60 million more for the junta. Fifty U.S. advisere have trained e ral lack o f geographic knowledae, includina caaee of bi1b ac6ool student• who dan't ide•UIJ 01• 1ta\e Ill which they live. ''People identify with their own local place so much that they don't look at a state or region, or where they sit in the national scene," he said. He added that people tend to look at El Salvador as a "political problem," but pay no attention to the country's hi.story or geographic setting. A cartoon in the U NK c ampus newspaper , "Sagebrush ," featured a tongue-in-ch eek map of Africa with El Salvador pla- ced squarely along the Ivory Coast. The outlines of Cali- fornia, Nevada and Texas were clearly visible elsewhere on the map, which was entit- led "Map of the Unknown World." one Salvadoran battalion and are trai- ning two more. In addition the entire class fror:n the Salvadoran military aca· dcmy has been sent to Fort Benning, Ga., for instruction destgned to produce disciplined officers. The United States also is proposing $100 million in econo· mic aid for El Salvador this year. Q. WHY IS THE United St.ates aiding the junta? A . Assistant Secretary of St.ate Enders told a congressional hearing in February, "If, after Nicaragua, El Salvador is cap- tured by a violent minority, who in Central America would not live in fear?" U.S. interests, he added, may be threa- tened -such as the Panama Canal. Q. What outside aid are the guerrlllas getting? A. 0 .S. officials say they believe, on the basis of intelligence reports, that Cuba has kept the guerrilla movement alive with arms shipments delivered through Nicaragua, which fell into the hands of Marxist-led Sandinista guerril- las in July 1979, and that both countries. are training and directing the Salvado- ran rebels. CUba, Nicaragua and the re- bels deny this, saying most arms are being bought on the black market or are captured from the government. Q . What will the United States do about this alleged outside aid? A. President Beagan has ruled out the use of U.S. combat troops in the region but Secretary of State Alexander M. Haig Jr. has warned of some kind of American military counteraction there. Last month the U.S. Navy stationed a destroyer equipped with eavesdropping gear in the Gulf of Fonseca, which washes on the shores of El Salvador, Honduras and Nicaragua, apparently to detect weapons flowing to guerrillas from the outside. Q . CAN THE WAR b e settle d peacefully? ' j A. Guerrilla leadert are pretalna a year-old offer to negotiate a settlement that wou11 give~ a-snare-of t.--e---• power. The junta has rejected th.is and proposed the leftists bid for a share of Ule power ln the March 28 electtona. ~ prrillaa have refU9ed, and have vowed to d~ugt the votina. The left llaf r•-jected a government offer to negoU&te lf the guerrillas lay down their arms fint. Q. What kind of government do the guerrillas want? A. Although Marxist-led. the guerril- las claim they want a non-socialist coa- lition that would guarantee free elec- tions and "dignified" relations with the United States. They speak vaguely of a combined force of government a nd guerrilla troops. Q. Why are the guerrillas boycotting the elections? A . They claim the vote. m a time of armed conflict, is a farce and that their candidates would be in mortal danger if they appeared in public. The junta claims the left wants to ge t at the bar- gaining table what it cannot gain at the polls or on the battlefield. Q . Without the le ft. what can the elections accomplish? A. Duarte and his U.S. backers say the elections won't end the war but hope they will give the country a legitimate civilian government that will isolate guerrilla supporters from their Marxist leaders t hrough amnesty offers and promises of general elections in 1983. Q . Who is running and what are the ~ues in the March 28 balloting? A. Five rightist parties generally cri- tical of Duarte's refonns are opposing his middle-of-the-road Christian Democrats. The rightists appear to have a chance of putting together a coalition majority in the 60-seat Constituent Assembly that would exclude the Christian Democrats from the provisional government that is to serve until 1983. The Christian De- mocrats claim that a reversal of their reforms will swell the guerrilla ranks and escalate the war. State's transp.ortation system stalls in wake of tax revolt By JACK D. MALTESTER Jade Maltester u co-dlairman of Ca.J- IJomJ.ana foe Bette 7huuPorfatton. Not too many yeara ago, Califomia boasted the world'• model system of highways, f9ads and bridges. Today, that syatern i.I ln ~ ruins due to yeara of neglect and hard-driven miles. When aeen in the cold litbt of ata- dlticl. the situation is staggering. Sped- OAAHGECOAIT Th~ comment paae ollhe Dally Piiot seeks to lr\lorm and 1t1r111.1late rtadtts by present· ln1 a variety of commentary oa topics of Interest ud alsnlfica~from lnformed 01>-.. rven and spokumen • flea.Uy, more than 40 percent of Califor- nia'• main roads need immediate r es- ' urfadng or rebuilding; 15 percent of the roada are simply obsolete for current traffic loads, and one in seven of ltl bridaes is unaafe. Tfie Road l~formatlon Program (TRIP), a h18hway re9eatCh group, that made public thi.a data, ealimatea these deflcienciea coat the atate's motorist• more than $1.5 bill.Ion a ~ 1n wasted fuel and repair billa. That 1 a price tag of $104 per driver, per yeer to drive over a bad road ~ of a_aood ~· THE PICTURE JS EVEN more 1rim when you lnclude the 128,000 ac:dcfenbl (or one 1n four 1Mt yem-) that could have been prevented lf hlebways were up to "8nd9rd. . . The Wall Stnet Journal rl&htly DGinted OU\ In an ll'ddt on Feb. 18 tNit tdtomla'• p.lblif!•vtml have aaffered ID the wab of. tax·rwvalt ~ tvt1 and wtll continue to un ~the New ~ T°""" Off the Ult al euf· fertnl _...icm 18 tr.....,nadon. Mon . . than any other public utility, when transportation hurta we all feel the pain. Why? Becauae almo8t everything Cal- ifornia conau.mers uae ewry day moves at 101De point over the at.ate•• roads. Try to think of something that doesn't. Li- terally, no one goes untouched b.y a de-- terioratine tra.nspot1ation network. Farm goods. for example, move almolt exclusively over our roads, en route to railheads, ports, trucking cen~n and eventually the ahelvea of local atorea. And, naturally, traffic conaeauon and damagee to delivery veb.icl.ee result.inc from bad roads are palled aloQg to evwy conaumer in the form of hJgber prica at the marketplace. The consunwr always p6dcl up the tab. roads. This means fewer jobs for a com-to waste fuel, pay inordinate repair bills, munity and the corresponding loss of and watch their investment go down the wages, corporate spending, and local and drain. state taxes. In meet cities, the move of a major company can devastate the local economy. It becomes obvious to the Leglslature in 1981 that aomething bad tO be done to atop the neglect of California's r:,nulti-bll- Uort dollar transportation investment. The partial anawer came with the paa- Mge of the highway funding reform bill, SB 215. In ldgn.ing the bill. which boosts u.er feet, Gov. -Brown reversed hia lona• atandlng commitment to never Gan • tax lncttaae durtn1 hia term -'a good in- dication of the maarutude of the pro- blem. But tl\e revenue SB 215 w111 ge.nent.e will only bea1n to relieve the 1tate11 tremendous road maintenance beck.Joa. Thia la ~t the netWI')' f1m 11ep in puttinl our hiabway sysiem beck on lta feet. The California economy -and lta ·filMyle -la bleed Oil the mobility of efficient tranaportatlon. If w• fafl \0 ~ the sylterft, driven will continue llilJPllat COMICS ENTERTAINMENT TELEVISION Top-ranked North Carolina moves into regional final by turning back Tide. 8 2. Reggie stirs up ticket sales ' With Jackson, A nge ls now have four M VPs to lure bigger crowds • ~ Jl»McCUllDIE So, when Jackaon entered the tree of the club'• ticket department. Gordon our eeuon CUltomerl this year. Maybe it .. ..., ,... .... agent market, the Singin& Cowboy e1Umate1 that the Ansell have sold helped them decide to renew their aea- Regie Jacluon1 the aelt-proclaimed threw hil Stetaon back in the rinl and "well over 15,000 aeuon Ucketa," just 1<>n tickets." 1'atraw that •Un tne drink," appears to eventually out-bid (or out-coaxed) Ted ~tly behind lut year'• pace. Ttlat would seem a safe uaumption. be having an equally •tirrlna effect at 'We're be~ to approach where Even Jackson i1 in agreement that hla the Ancell' box office. we were last year, Gordon said. 11A.nd new team abould be exciti.na to watch in Granted, that'• not alto,ether surpri-' 'We're very pleased with we rtlll have about a month to go (before 1982. . ainl· Certainly I it's what Angel owner I h e res u Its we , v e been the regular te&IOn home opener on April "I think this ball club la excited about Gene Autry was counting on when he 13)." itself," Jackaon said. "I know I'm thrilled invested an eatimated $:f.6 million for getting.' Gordon wasn't willing to to say that to be playing with the Burleaons, the Jackaon'a four-year contract. '--------------the alQn1na of Jackaon was all that pre-Griches, the Carews, the Boones, the Autry once vowed to resist the temp-vented a Clownward trend in the sales DeCinces and the rest of them." tation to bid for the aervices of highly Turner, the dynamic owner of the At· department, but he did admit there was Jackson's addition gives manager priced free agents, perhaps due t-0 the lanta Braves, to obtain Mr. October. a relation between Jackson and increa-Gene Mauch four American League fact that a few of his more recent in-The drink has gone from a Manhattan &ed sales. MVPs on his roster and provides fans vestments proved lees than profitable. lo a Margarita, but Jackson keeps on "It's hard to put into figures because it with a smorgasbord of all-star talent to But failure on the field breeds failure stirring. (the Jan. 22 signing) kind of coincided watch. at the turnstiles and, after a dismal 1981 After a slow start, season ticket sales with our renewal date for season ticket And that sells tickets. season, early ticket sales for 1982 were are approaching where they were last holders," Gordon said. "We're very pleased with the responae .;;;..sl:...;um=PU?i:...;. ~·-------------=-y_ear__;_, _acco __ rding_·_;.._to_Car_l_Go_rd_o_n_,_d.irecto_· __ r ___ .. _W.;..;e;....;f;.;ee..;;;.l:;...hia;;.;;;;;;....;;;.aigning~~i.....;ao..._ll_· difi_'_ed_aome __ of __ ...;.;w;..;:e'"-'-'ve been getttnc,'' Gordon said. E QUALIZER -Reuie Jackson's presence has hel- ped maintain Angels season ticket sales . Mulligan rewarded with new contract Pact extended an extra two years By JORN SEV ANO or tt1e Delly Noe ,..., UC Irvine coach Bill Mulligan, who has transformed the school's basketball program from rags to riches in two short years, was rewarded for his efforts with a new two-year extension of his contract, UCI Athletic Director Linda Dempsy announced Fri- day. Mulligan, who had one year remaining on his original pact (signed in 1980), will remain with the Anteaters now through the 1984-85 season. us. I prefer dealing in those JdM of situations rather than threats." Mulligan had expressed a de- sire in recent weeks to talk with Dempsay about a new contract. The two sides, h owever, had been unable to get together until Thursday afternoon. Mulligan admitted that prior to Thursday's meeting he had talked to a number of other in- stitutions in recent weeks, inclu- ding the University of Wlaconsin and~tantoro.ttewasextreme.ly pleased with what happened in his meeting with Dempsay, ho- wever. "I'm delighted," said Mulligan of his new contract. "It's the place I want to live and I'm at the school I want to coach at." , I e ;f I i "It was really just a matter of the two of us getting together," explained Dempsay. "I t hink' people need to realize he's going to be around. I certainly had no . . . . -Gt*t-<>n-- the lltreet.'' "We got tog~er_~u.se .-JIU::.---t- ihought some~ needed to get done pretty soon.' Mulligan's two-year record at Irvine ls 40-17. He also guided the Anteaters this past season to . their best finish (second place) in the PCAA and to their first-ever post-season app earance in a Division I tournament (NIT). Although the two sides have agreed to tenns verbally, Mulli- gan said a few details have to be worked out. LATE THROW -Corona del Mar's Gordon Moss com- Qletes steal of second base during first inning of Friday's Deir ..... Pftotee bf 0., Ambrwe Sea View League game: Tom Sullivan is the Mustang se- cond baseman. Mesa won, 5-0. See story, Page B3. "My intent, as I told Bill, was to keep him here," Dempsay ad- ded. "He's done a great job for "Everything isn't complete," he said, "but I'm ~PPY about it. I told her I wanted to stay and she told me she said wanted me to stay." Asked if he was happy, Mulli- gan quipped: "For three more y~. yes." Congressional Cup within Davis' grasp By ALMON LOCKABEY o.ilr ............ -'*' LONG BEACH -Rod Davis of Long Beach Yacht Club was on the verge of becoming the second straight back-to-back Congressional Cup match racing champion Friday with six wins and no losses and only three races remaining. The only skipper with a re- mote chance of beating Davis in the final three matches today was Scott Perry of Annapolis, Md., who had five wins and one loss, but one of his wins was under protest by Russell Long of New York. To beat Davis, Perry would have to win the protest and all three of his matches today, in- cluding the final one against Davis. The only other skippers to score back-to-back wins were Gerry Driscoll of San Diego in the 1965-66 series, and Dennis Durgan, Newport Harbor Yacht Club in 1979-80. ... had lost his T hursday protest against Perry leaving him with a 1-1 as h e started his match against Durgan. He defeated Durgan by a whopping 2 minutes and 8 seconds. On the previous day Deaver and Durgan were sailing dead even when a vicious squall slam- med the yachts together. The race was aborted by the race committee because of too much wind. Of the five foreign skippers the best showing is being made by Terry McLaughlin of Canada with a score of 4-2. John Bertra- nd of Australia had 3-3, Phil Crebbin. England, 2-4 , Pelle ~ Petter90n, Sweden, 1-5, and Ha- rold Cudmore, Ireland, 2-4. Here is how the pairings faired Friday: RACE III -Perry def. Cud- more, 3 min. 50 secs; Davis def. Petterson, 2: 10; Deaver def. Durgan, 2:08; Bertrand def, Crebbin, 1 :10; Long def. McLaughl.1!11 :56. RACE Iv -Davis def. Dur- gan, :36; Perry def. Long, 2:16 (pending protest); Petterson def. (See CUP, Page 83) WI NNING FORM ...-Costa Mesa High pitcher Jim Hyde was at the top of his game Friday afternoon in hurling the Mustangs to a shutout win in the league opener against Corona del Mar. . Mulligan, a long with All - American center Kevin Magee have been principally credited with UCI's turnaround the past two years. ''We think we've accomplished a lot," said Mulligan. "The big thing is to keep it going. We've enjoyed a lot of success because of what he (Magee) has accom- plished. You have to give him credit for a lot of UCI's success and mine. But I've had success before Magee, too, and I hope to have some after him." No tenns of the contract were revealed. DIABLOS'FALL IN STA TE FINALS OAKLAND -Mission Viejo High's girls' basketball team, hampered by 17 percent shooting in the second half, fell to Sir Francis Drake 58-53 Friday in the finals of the Division Il State Championships at Oakland Coliseum. Coach John Hattrup's Diablos finished the season with a 29~ record. The Diablos were led by Cindy Rohrig who acored 20 points and added 13 rebounds, while team- mate Mary Madigan. a 6-0 jwUor forward, added 11 points. Davia stands a ch&nce of win- ning with a perfect score ol 9 wins and no losses which he ICOl"ed last year. A perfect score is highll unuau.al in the com- petitive congressional Cup. Friday'• four races were sailed in ideal wind and aea conditions ' with the breeze never exceeding 15 knots. But the condition• made for 90IDe dull racing from a spectator polnt of view u there were only three close finishes throughout the day. Lakers need fourth-quarter magic to top Dallas In the fifth set of matches Harold Cudmore of Ireland beat Phil Crebbin of England by three aeconda, and John Bertran d of Awtralia ~ RUllell Long of New York by nine aeconda. Long ii aI.o protesting Bertrand'• win. In the atxth race Peny added ane exdtement when fw came =::r=to·~u:t~ tenon of Swedln by 1'1 leCClnda. To do eo be hid to tnlUate a fu- rioua tackine duel on the final "fro a tart off the day, Dick l>Mver', Loa Anp1-Y.cht Oub, \ Johnson's seven points down the stretch paces Los Angeles' 112-106 victory over M avericks DALLAS (AP) -Earvln "Magic" Johnaon scored only seven points in the second half, but they all came in a late surge that rallied the Lo. Angeles La- kera to a 112-106 National Baaketball Auoclatlon victory over the Dallas Mavericks Friday night. "It WM really a tough game and Dallu played well, It said Johnlon. 0 We did the thlnp we needed down the stretch, _. ped.Ally the good defeme we played ln the fourth Quarter." DaDu had built an etcht-polnt lead, 93-M, with 8:30 rem&l.nlni· But Johnlon acored aeven polnta and Mike Cooper ll'IOftd four in a two-minute ap.n 11 the Laken outacored the Mawrk:ll:I :12-2 to take the lead for good at 97 -95. Kareem Abdul..J1bbar led all scorers with 23 Pointa. Jamaal Wilkes added 22, Johnlon 1uid 17, Nonn Nixon acored 16 arid Cooper had 14. Rookie toward Jay Vincent paced Maverick scorers with 22 points and Bnd Davia got 20. "Dallu played a much better pme at home than they did in LA. They put more ~ on u., cau.d u. to JO to full-OM't premure and we hlld to pa.y a mucb better defen1ive a•me than Sunday (when the Lakera beat Dallu 138-118),' laid Laker Coech Pat Riley. ''I don't know bow they ever lc.e 'the way they play .amt um," sUd DaUlil .. Coach Dick Motta, whose Mavericks have lost all nin e games they have played agalnlt the Laken. Dal1u jumped to an 11-4 leed early in the fint period. The Lakera rallied to take a 43-35 advantap midway throu&h the leCOll<I period, but led by just one, 57-56, at halftime .. Devil' three-point pl pve DallM a 82-8\ lead at the end of a wlld tblrd period that aaw the le.ct chan&e handa nine timee and the ..-ore tied five Umea. n,e win w.. the fourh in a row fm the Laken, who leed the Pacific Dlvtaion with a 46-21 record. DallM, pla)'b'C before a lellout ~ of 17,134 lW for only the third time tbil aeuon, dropped ltl third eol\HCUtlve game to fall to 22-44 for the -..on. By winnlna, the Lakera remain 2 ~ 1amea ahead of second-place Suttle which defeated Kana .. City J'riday nllbt. The Laken return home Sunday to hoat Moaea Malone and tbe Houaton Rockett, one of the hottest temm in be NBA. Malone bu avenaied 32 pomia and 16 1ame rebound.I ln three 1amea apinlt the Labn thJI yeer. How wnatile ii Malone? In one pme ap1mt San Dleeo. he acored 53 pointl IU'lier tbil .-,n. And. he'• Mo hM.ale(i down 32 rebound• in one pme - aplnlt Seattle b.ck on Feb. 11. f I f : I l I ' • '-J . Boston College, Villanova, Boston also rMy alive wit'h ~ Fnm AP ........ fumbled the WI out ol ~ 8'a& Adw Orane_er add9d two more co cllnal9 ti le RALEIGH, N.C. -Jam. WOl"tbj ud darted behlM tM Wtkbtl' at Oelvao • MCOnde later u Villanova u.-. Dlnth· Sam PerkiN combined tor all the ~ • he droY9 to tM budrM and -tched away ranked Memphil State 70..ee ln tbe .-.i a 10·2 IP"J'l midway th~ tt..1 •riad the ball 11M1 Joma ....,,.JUI In twv fNe 8C hUf Iha& put North CaroUM an adlltrctl • throwa • llw wu•dl -1,-..-. 1& IMI. ~ 1 burly 228-poudllei', hid faraid the top-nnked Tw ffMll .._ii No.' II ICamu ..... 99V« ~--· 'ftle •· the ... Dlriod with a '91uP lhM CW It at AJat.ma 74-88 In the NCAA r.. .a.p;aaJ iie., who .,_ '*' .... M ytim'a MC.AA 82 with 38 aecondl Wt tD ......... • ~ aanl·flnU ~ nlchL Cinderella lllOl'y, haw MW tum.ct uide • Memptua State caIW dmeout wttb 18 · The victory, the 13th tn a :i foe ~ St.n ~ DtPaul 11M1 Jltanlaf State. '80Dftda Wt but never .,i a play In modon llna, advlnCed the Tv Heell In Sunday'a ..._.. ..... _ 919 llnawt _ and Odl Jaclc.aon bad-a 30-footer at the felional dwnpionahip pine .,.tnlt = ,,__, . .., ... buaer rim out of the bMlcet. 1ar eeuon Btc Eaat Conference cham ST. LOUIS -Lynden Roae led six The Wlldcata, 24.7, newr trailed In the Villanova, which upset ninth-ran ed Houston players In doul* ficu.ree and the extra period, takinB the IMd atts a minute Memphia State. Couaan donilnllted M1->wi lm6de en route ·when Plnone acored on a 14-footer jUll In- Alabama, which never led, ,had clOled to a 79-78 Vietor)' ovn-the flfth-ranked aide the free.throw line. Carolina'• lead to ~3-~l with jult over 12 Ttaen in the Midwat ReclDnala Phillip Haynes came briek with a »tOOWt" minutes to play when Worthy launched the In Sw.day'a f'eliona1 tma1a. the Cougan from the ~t comer to deadlock It ._u at 10-2 spurt with a layup. will meet Boston Collep. 64. Villanova'• Aaron Howard ad Mem- The second-team All-American then Mi.ourt, traWnc by aa mmy u 12 points phis State'• Garry Tayloe awapped baalceta convttted four straight free throws to off. in the second half, ataaed a 1-t-ditch rally momenta later to aet up the wtnninc tree set a basket by Alabama's Eddie PbiWpe. that fell short. With a1x leCOl'lds left, Ricky throws in the final halt-minute. Perklna came back to 900re on a 6-footer Frazier hit a follow shot to make It 79-76, Memphia State, 24-5, bad anfo5ty from in front of the basket and added two then the Tigers intercepted a c.ou,ar J>88S to break the tie when Haynes ed off an free throws that gave the Tar Heela a 63-5~ and Frazier scored the final buket at the ernnt pus, but attempted to orce a layup, advantage with 5:30 left. buzzer. which he mlsaed. Rose paced Houston's balanced offense Boeton College 19, KaMM 8tete II with 16 points, Michael Young had 15, Purdue 111 Teue AAM II ST. LOUIS -Michael Adame and John Clyde Drexler 14, Akeem Abdul Olajuwon WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. -Cent.er Garris combined for 38 points and helped 13, Larry MJcheaux 11 and Rob Williams Russell Croa scored 26 points and guard Boston College erue a five-point halftime 10. Keith Edmonson added 22, aa Purdue deficit to beat Kanaa State 69-65 in the Frazier, the Big F.ight player of the year, pounded Texas A&M 86-68 in the quar- Midwetit Regional. finished with 29 points, 25 after intermia-terfinals of the National Invitation Tour- Adama scored 11 points in the second half slon. nament. and executed a daring steal in the final Houston. 24-7 and the Southwest Con-The Boilermakers, thJrd:Place NIT fi. minute that. helped the upstart ~ pre-ferenoe runner-up, took the lead for good n.lahera tut year, will play Ge9r11A In the aerve a two-point leed. on Micheau.x'1 jump shot with 6:06 left in tourney aemifinals at New Y ork'1 M8dl9orl Garris, a 6-8 junior who averaaed lew8' the fim half and Jed 38-32 at lntennlasion. Square Gal'd~n Uonday night.. Bradley than eight po!nta during the ....., poured The Coupra' bigelt teed waa 69-57 with tafc.es on Oklahoma in the other llellllfinal, HAPPY MAN -Villanova basketball coach Rollie Massi- mino reacts with joy as his Wildcats complete 70-66 over- time win over Memphis State Friday night in the East Regionals. · in 16 In the flnt half to keep Kanw State just over six minutee to play. with the two winners meetlnc Wednewt•y from assum1ng an overwhelming lead. night for the championahip. 'The F.agles took their tint lead 48-47 on V1Uancwa 70, Ml ..... ltele • l>uroue, 17-13, held a 16-point lead In the Jay Murpny'a basket with 14:52 remainine· RALEIGH, N.C. -John Ptnone'a two first half but the Aggies' Claude Riley Jed a Then, with 1:45 left and Bolton College free throws broke a deadlock with 26 ae-comeback that closed the gap to seven Church's prime time invaded by NCAA From AP dllpatcbet RALEIGH, N.C. -Chapel Hill m ministers are crying foul at a decision by CBS Television for deeiding to broadcast the NCAA East-Regional basketball tournament during their Sunday prime time church hours. The tournament finals will be televised Sunday at 12:10 p.m. ~T) which the ministers say could mean sparse church attendance. About 35,000 fans are expected to be on hand for the three men's and three women's games involving a total of eight teams, said Frank Weedon, North Carolina State associate athletic director and tournament manager. Major city hotels reported heavy bookinaa during the tournament, which began Tbunday and will e nd Sunday. The teama from other states were placed in different hotels to spread the business around. The favored team in the men'• competition is top-ranked University of North Carolina. lo- cated in Chapel Hill, and that's why the Ouapel Hill Ministers Alliance is concerned about Sun- day's starting time. The. alliance, representing about 25 congre- gations, passed a resolution earlier this week protesting the potential church-~ club. The Rev. Robert E. Seymour, putor of Brinkley Baptist Church -the church attenct.111 by North Carolina basketball coach Demi Smith -said Thursday he had a telepboDe oonvena- tion with CBS President James Roeenfield on the subject. "He told me that CBS had locked Into that schedule for over a year," Seymour said. "But I told him that churches in North Carolina have had a prior claim on the 11 a.m. to 12 slot on Sundays for the past 200 years." Quote of the day Toronto Blue Jays rookie T•J P ..... dez • who was the victim of the ol' Hidden . Ball Trick during an exhibitlon conteat against Boston: "It ia the first time 90me· thing like this has happened to me -and the last time." Valentine breaks Utah's heart Darnell Valeatlae bit a jumper m from the top of the key at the final buzzer in overtime to give the Port.- land Trailblazers a 131-129 National Basketball Aslociatlon ~over the Utah Jazz In Salt Lake City. Portland a Jlm PUMll, who scored 25 pointa, tied the pme at 120 with four aeconds remajning In resuJatlon . . . Ellewhe.re, rookie ltelly Trtpmeb scored 14 of tu. pme-hJcb . 30 points in the fourth quar- ter to lead Detrol t to a 111-102 victory over Houaton . . . Brin Wlaten notched 20 of hla 22 poUita In the tint three period to help , Milwaukee bnne to a 119-t'I victory over Cleve- land ..• Denver's front line combined for aa poUttl and ta. Jfumata .. • ...,.. advanta1e of 28-Cbtcqo t u r no v e r a in be a ti n I t h e B u 11-1 , 180-120 ... Se.ttle center 198 llbaa Jmde two jumpen In the final ........ -.... topped KaDlu City, 109-lOI .•. W~ overc.moe the 31-pomt effort of 1111 ~ ~ ,..... ......... to hind the a... .... lou ln 22 aam•, 108-tl . . • ........ ~ pwnped ln 20 ootn• to Seed ftw ~ DlaJWI tn dou61e ~ .. ttie ..... ...... lncftana. 112-96 ... 11.L Can .... .......,.. ....-. au.ell• Bo110D rolled pMl Im Antaa6o, 134-tlb. trying to protect a 61-59 lead, Martin Clark conda remainina in overtime and Stewart points early in the-final period. Lea tames Yankee hitters Claarlle Lea allowed one hit in Iii five innings and two other pitchers gave up only four more hits as the Montreal Expos blanked the New York Yankees 2-0 Friday in exhibition bueball action ... In other games, Mike Ivie, belted a two-run homer and drove in another nm to help Houston down Minnesota 5-2 ... Toay Armas hit a three-run homer and Mickey Kl1tt1 a solo shot Jo power U8kJanQ to an 8-2 victory over the Chicago Cubs . . . Jolla Mayberry had two doubles and three RBI as Toronto whipped the Chicago White Sox 13-9 . . . Cltamp Sammen' three-run homer in the bottom of the seventh powered San Francisco to a LIA 6-5 triumph over San Diego . . . Philadelphia exploded for six runs in the seventh inning en route to a 14-7 mauling of St. Louis . . . Terry Harper scored one run and drove home another with a aac:rifice fly as Atlanta topped Kanau City 4-0 . . . Four Pittsburgh pitchers limited the New York Mets to three hits as the Pirates 8COl"ed a 4-0 victory . . . Baltimore snapped Texas' four-game winning streak with a 5-2 victory over Tex.as . . . Rodney Craig drove in three runs to lead Cleveland to a 6-2 triumph over , Milwaukee . . . Detroit improved its exhibi- tion record to 5-7 with a 7-4 verdict over Cin- cinnati. Old NIT give Tulane a raw deal? NEW ORLEANS -Tulane bas-m ketball coach Ned Fowler said Friday that National Invitational Tourna- ment officials finally got what they wanted when Bradley University defeated a road-weary Green Wave 77-61 Thunday njghL Fowler said Tulane waa the only sc6ool subjected to three straight road games in the tournament b ecause the NIT didn't want a little-known team to reach the Final Four in M8di90n Square Garden in New York. The chairman of the NIT's selection com- mittee, Peter Carlesimo, denied the accusation - but declined to comment on how home teams were aelected. / "I don't remember. I don't know and I don't think that's important," Carlesimo said when uked if he was aware that only Tulane waa forced to play three road games. "I really felt that the deck was stacked on us all the way," Fowler said. "There was no doubt about it that the NIT did not want. Tulane~to get to New York and didn't think they ever had a chance.'' Gretzky reaches a new plateau Wayne Gretzky scored bis 88th ~ pl of the seaaon at 13:04 of the third ' period and added an assist to move with1n a point of 200 for the seuon as Edmonton played a 3-3 tie with Calgary in the lone National Hockey League game Friday night. The goal, romblned with Gretzky's aaslst on Edmonton's eecond JfOlll. gave the Oller center 500 career points in 234 NHL games. At 21, he la the youngest player to reach the 500-point pla- teau. Hagler sets next title defense Marvla Hagler wtll defend hla • middleweight championship next March 7 against Tltomaa Bean1, it waa announced Friday. No aite was an.nouneed, but it la poesible the bout will be held in Lu V91as, probably with a cloeed circuit, pay TV ~t ... ~ apec:t.er of 7-0 tn.hman ==·:~=~=1:fl= the eve of the CAA West RepJnal ftml tn Provo today. '"lbe difference, of coune, 11 that Geocwn hu the big man and we don't." aakl Ralpli Miller of No. 4-rated Orepn State. The two teama battle today to ..,.... wbo will adv.nee to the Final Four In ""' Orleu1 .•. World Bo~ Auociatton ...,,..ellbt cbampkm .... ,, ...... will cW· wi. .. •"*-'lhth-ranlrild.....,...,.... CM, ~ May, ~omoe.n for u. '911lt annouDced rrtday . . . France'• Alala Pritt ..... tM,..... time In l'ridaY• offldal dine .... for tM Gnnd Prix formula l auto r.ce ln Rio de J~Sunday. Stanislaus beaten • • ID seIDIS From AP dlspatdel GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. - Clutch free-throw shooting by guards Terry Parker and Mike Holcomb paced Wabuh, Ind., to a 68-64 vlctory over Stanislaus &ate Friday night in the NCAA Divilion m aemifinals. Potadam, N.Y ., will meet Wa- bash for the National Collegiate Athletic Association cham- pionship tonight at Calvin Col- lege. Brooklyn and Stanialaua will meet in a oomolation pine prior to the title oonteet. Huntington Beach Hlgh and Orange C-oast Colle1e product Curt Wooten paced the Warrlon with 14 paints, followed by Daw Atkins (Golden Weat) with 13 and Rico 1bompeon (Huntington Beach High and Golden West) added 11. The victory for Wabuh, 23-4, was tbe Little Giants 18th straight. Ql'Mlt8boro 17, Pomw A ELIZABETHTOWN, Pa. - 'The University of North Carollna- Greensboro knocked off aixth- ranked Pomona-Pitzer, 77-68 In the semifinals of the women's Divilion m tournament here. Pomona-Pitzer will face Clark (Mui.) in the Division m eon- lolation pme tonight. Carol Fagen 9COred 22 points for Pomona-Pitrer, while fumer Estancia Hlgh star Brownwyn Hand tbipped in 10 polnb and added 13 rebounds in a 10tlng effort. UDC 79, a.keret1ek1 71 ...... ,, .. SPRINGFIELD, Ma& -Led by Mich.el Britt's 40 po&ntm. the Uniwnity of the Distrk:t ~ Col- umt:U 9Cl'Ullbled put Cal State Bakenfield 76-71 in the temlfi- nals of the NCAA Division II rnen•a championship. WORTHY OPPONENT -North Carolina's James Worthy (52) goes high to block the shot attemft of Alabama's F.ddie Philips during the first half of Friday s East Regional game in Raleigh, N.C. Angels·, Dodgers blank foes <"'Downing, Grich combine for five RBI; Marshall homers From AP dlspatdff TEMPE -Four pitchers combined on a three-hitter while Brian Downing drove in three runs and Bobby Grich two, powertnc the Anaela to a 10..0 exhlbiUon baaemil Vldol'y owr the Seattle Mariners Friday. Geoff Zahn pitched the first inning for the Ancell with Lula Sanches and Mickey Mahler' e9Ch pitcbiac three lnninp and Don AMJe WOl'kinc the final two. The Marlnera didn't aet their lint hit ap.lnlt the AngelB unW David Hendenon do"bled with one out tn the eeventh apinlt Mahler.· Todd Cruz dOubled off IVllle In the etchth and Henderwon added a ninth lnnlng llnaJe. Grich aot the Ancel otteme ltart9d with a 8olo home nm In the ~ ol1 Jim 8eaaie md al8o ~ to drive in • nm in &be fifth. DDwnlnl. who enteNd the ,.._ tn lbe Ulla lnn1nl. a&ncJed to drtw In nam In the llxtb and ninth lbnlnp and axnd inodMr' nm an • fielder's cho6ce In the eighth. Beattie pve up llx NM and tbla blta in five lnnin8I of work. and bested Sox left-hander John Tudor. Goltz struck out five batters and pitched out of his only aerioua trouble in the fifth inning when Rick Millet was thrown out at the plate by former Oriole Mark Beianaer on an infield hit by Jim Rice. Marshall homered with one out in the MCOnd lnnlna. One out later, Jorge Orta doubled to left and acored from aeoond on an error by Bolton ahor1atop Glenn Hoffman. The Dodgers scored a third nm in the fourth lnninC· Manball WU hit by a pitch and acored from fim an a booming double to deep right center by Greg Brodt. In the seventh, Belaneer drew a walk off relief pitcher Tom .8urpleler and acored oo a triple by plncb-hitter Mark Bndley. Former Ancel Camey Lan.ford, lut year's American League battlna cbam:rton, wu a late ICl'atcb from the pme beciau. a lhoulder pro- blem. HOMEWARD BOUND -Costa Mesa's Tom Sullivan touches home plate for the Mus- .. 'tangs' fifth run Friday at Corona del Mar. 0.-, ............ by o.y ~ Sullivan had earlier hit a bases:.clearing triple and came home here on a wild pitch. From Page 81 CUP ... Cudmore, 1:18; Deaver def.. Crebbin, 1:07; McLaughlin def. Pirates top Griffins; Gauchos win in track Bertrand, 1:13. Gary Stenlund nipped team-in the 110 highs with a 15.2 ~ACE V -McLaughlin def. mate Steve Southward in both clocking. Petterson, 1:12; Cudmore def. the 100 and 200, and then scored OCC's Mike S e rna, mean- Crebbin, :03; Bertrand def. Long, a victory in the 400 intermediate while, handled the 800 (1:54.9) :09 (pending protest); Davis def. hurdles to pace Orange Coast and 1,500 (3:58.1) as the Pirates Deaver, :39; Perry def. Durgan, College to a 78-67 victory over improved the ir South Coast 1:14 . Groamont Friday in South Coast Conference record to 4-1. RACE VI -Long def. Creb-Conference track action on the More importantly, it was the bin, 1:05; Perry def, Petterson, losers' oval. Pirates' first victory over liros- : 17; Davis def. Bertrand, 1:04; In another meet, Saddleback smont in five years. The Pirates Deaver def. Cudmore, 1:08; overpowered MiraCosta in Mis-picked up 10 first places, with McLaughlin def. Durgan, 1:08. s ion Conference action with Serna, Southward and Stenlund Coeta ..... 5, COIOM del Mar 0 The Muatanga opened Sea View play with their first win over Corona del Mar in four yeara. Cotta Mesa pitcher Jim Hyde allowed just three hits and struck out ~ght en route to h1a third win of the year. The Mustangs gave Hyde all the support he needed in the second Inning when Jeff Field sin- aled with two outs, stole &e(Ond and ICOred on a <louble by Stan Kurnett. Mesa added four insurance runs in the third inning as Tom Sullivan hit a bases loaded triple and later acored on a wild pitch. The closest Hyde came to trouble waa ln the third inning when the Sea Kings put runners at first and 1eCOnd with two out but the Mustangs got out of the inning. Untverelty 4, lrvlne 1 The Trojans came up with four runs 1n the top of the seventh to win a wild intra-city rivalry in the league opener for both teams. . Rich Sorenson started the seventh with a one-out walk, then Irvine committed two crucial errors to open the door for University. • Both Randy Myers and Mike Frei got aboard on ground ball errors, Frei's scoring Sorenson with the tying run. That brought up Jeff Miller, who got his second hit of the game to drive in Myers and give University the lead, 2-1. Jeff Frei followed with a run-scor ing single and Miller scored the game's last run when he beat a play at the plate following an infield hit by Mike Miller. "There w e r e a lot of c lose pla ys 1n tha t seventh," Trojan Coach Jerry Jelnick said. "It could have gone either way." SaddlebKk 8, E•t•ncla 2 Jesus Ochoa's bases-loaded. triple keyed a six- run fourth inning. Erick Jordan made the lead stand up as the Roadrunners defeated Estancia in the Sea View opener. , Leonard Damian also tripled in the fourth and added a two-run double in the sixth to conclude Saddleback's scoring. Fstancia's biggest threat came in the fifth in- ning when the Eagles loaded the bases but Jordan g~t out of it by striking out clean-u p hitter Eric Riggs. STANDINGS, 6 of 9 races-: speedy David Ashford turning in in on seven of the victories. Davis, 6-0; Perry, 5-1 (pending an impressive perfonnanoe in the At MiraCosta, Ashford recor-Newport. H•rbor 4, El Toro 3 ~rot.est); Deaver, 4-2; McLaugh-110 high hurdles. ded a 14.l to easily win the 110 Ron Nugent escaped a jam in the top of t..he lin, 4-2; Bertrand, 3-3; Long 2-4 At Grossmont, Stenlund rolled highs, while teammate Jim seventh inning by allowing just the tying run, then (pending protests); Crebbin. 2-4; to wins in the 100 (l0.9), 200 Gleed, a freshman oµt of Dana carried home the game-winner in the bottom of that Cudmore, 2-4; Durgan, 1-5; Pet (22.6) and hurdles (:>8.6), while Hills High, won the 100 (10.6) frame"aS the Sailors captured their league opener. tenon, 1-5. Southward settled for a victory and 200 (22.2). Nugent took a 3-2 lead into the top of the ~~..:.._~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-=-~;.:..;_:__:...:....;,,__:.~-=--~~~~~~--~~--=~ 1eventh when El Toro l08ded the buel. lfio\nwr, a double-steal attempt by the Charaen baddb .. and El Toro could only man.,e the tYina run. In the bottom of the leVeftth, Nucem ciDaMd a leadoff walk, stole second , moved to tbird on a palled ball, and rode home on a atnale ~ 81\awn Culp. Culp had doubled in two of the Sallon' early runs. Kerry Colina also doubled for Newport, which plays Saddleback ln a makeup pme Mon- day. foutt'91n V .. ley 3, Oc9an View 2 The Barons used some daring base ru.nnin8 by Dave Stewart in the fourth inning to ecore one run and then benefitted from his RBI alngle 1n the eight to even their Sunset League record at 1-1. Stewart finished the day with a 3-for~ per- formance. He helped Fountain Valley open• 2-0 lead in the bottom of the fourth inning by walking and then stealing both second and third. Steve Pratt's RBI alngle, then scored Stewart. Ocean View tied the game with slna1e talliel in the fifth and sixth frames. The Seahawlu got their run in the fifth compliments of three walb and an error. Ocean View's Phil Hillman, who finished ·the day 2-for-3, rapped an RBI single in the aixt.h to get the Seahawka even. Don Gregor picked up the win in relief, his third against no defeats. Capletrano Veller 1, Lagun• Buch o Jeff Hull tJipJed to lead off the fourth inning for the Cougars, then scored on an errant Laguna Beach pick-off attempt. Actually, it was a missed sign that helped Hull score the game's only run. When a Cougar hitter failed to pick up the signal for a squeeze attempt, Hull was caught down the third baseline but the throw back to third went into ,eft field, enabling him to score. Bill Dodd went the distance to record the ,win for Capistrano Valley, striking out nine and yield- ing just one walk. MIHlon VleJo 11, Dana Hiiia 2 The Diablos cut loose with 13 hits and got some overpowering relief pitching from Mike LeVesque to notch their first South Coast League win. I'..eVesque came on in the sixth inning and struck out five of the sax men he faced. NFL attendance up NEW YORK (AP) -More than 17 million Cans attended National Football League games last season, breaking records set the previous year, the NFL announced Friday. Average attendance for regular season games was 60,745, the first time the 60,000-mark has been broken. Paid atten~ance, for all games, inclyding preseason exhibitions and postseaaon playoffS. was 17,223,212, compared to 16,824,762 in 1980-81. STATESIDE Why buy o r lease your new Porsche o r Audi from just any dealership when you can get the special treatment at Park. At Park Porsche/Audi, we're committed to o ffering the ultimate in customer service. Your new Park Porsche o r Audi comes complete with a Park Preferred Ser vice Cl uh Card, entitling you to a multitude of complimentary services. You'll also have a personal Park Consumer Representative, here to answer all your automo tive questio ns. And, if you'd like ~~(y. to pick up your new auto mobile rig ht from the factory, ask about o ur unique European Delivery Program. The profess io nals at Park Porsche/Aud i are <leJ i-i»O=l)(Fi: II AUi>i cated to giv~ng you t_he first class trea tment you de~erve . II Come m and discover the Park Porsche/Audi UN LIKE ANY OTHER difference . \ ~..:.... __ .;.._ __ ..:.;.... ....... ----.-.-.------.....---==,..__--.c=~----""~-~ ti: • - DELIVERY SALE For those of you who can't go to Euro pe this spr ing to pick up your new Porsche or Audi, we hove great savings on stateside deliveries. For more information call 714/521-8621 or 213/921.-7744. L'NUKE ANYOTHER i'A=t<Y. I• 6700 Manchester Blvd. ?O=t)Ct-i 4Ui>i Buena Park, Ca 90621 Gow.ia W•t Colle1e lmpro••d U1 overall reeOl'd to 14-1, while nei1bborln1 Oran1e Coaat made It 13-1, aa both a.ml swept confe- rence foea In wqmen'a bubtball action Friday nl&bt. At Golden Wett, the Ruatlen thumped vJal-ttna l!ut Lot An1elet, WOMEN 120-71 for their third 1tral1ht Southern Cal Conference victory a1alnat no 1011ea. The outbunt marka the fifth time th1a year GWC hall bettered the 100-polnt mark. --f-..,+~~ ..... ~='\ ....................... . ll'a Mw you"''° llMt game." Jill Guthrie led the Rustler attack with 33 points, while Marci• Mathews had 21 and ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, Carol Krikorian had 20. n Janet Ramae~en ad- ded 19 f0t .the Rustlen, and Kelly Harriaon, de- spit~ ~corina just two points, dished off 15 as- sists. At OCC, the Pirates are now 4-0 in South Coast Conference play following their 75-63 decision over Mt. San Antonio. StARCWNG FOR FERNANDO -Dodger ~er Tommy Laaorda looks over his lineup card during a recent exhibition game in Flo- rljla. Conspicuously missing from training a:fnp ~ days is Fernando Valenzuela, last ,.,...,.,... year's Cy Young Award winner and Rookie of the Year. Lasorda would like to see Valenzuela in camp soon, with the start of the season 17 days away. • Tammy Parker scored 18 of her 25 points iii the second half for the Pi- rates. while Kris Kroyer chipped in 18 and Col- leen Berry had 11. Mt. San Antonio rec- eived 22 points from Alacia Archie. ~ ~osta Mesa surprises Eagles ' Vikings, Seahawks earn Sunse( League victories; Uni breezes, too Both Corona del Mar and Univel'llity highs did what was expected of them Friday night in Sea View Lea.gue vol- leyball action, but Costa Mesa High threw the·fi~t big twist into the race a surpriae victory over visiting F.a- in four games.- other action Friday night. Marina, • an View and La Quinta pulled off ries in Sunset League play, Foun- Valley couldn't handle its alumni , and both Golden West and Orange st colleges earned victories on the unity college level. t Costa Mesa. the Mustangs received lid effort from middle blocker Tom Id in handing F.etancia its first loss Sea View League play and only, the ond defeat of the year against six ries. t wasn't easy for Costa Mesa, how- e r . The Mustangs, after winning two e first three games. needed a 16-14 · on in the deciding match. t El Toro, Corona del Mar improved league mark to 2-1 and overall record ,5-1 as senior Mike Johnston was a s id performer at setter and senior dle blocker Joel ~en al9o turned strong performance. atting title ext goal ' r TeIDpleton EMPE, Ariz. (AP) -Garry Tem- ton, claiming his years with the St. Cardinals cramped his style, aays s striving to finally win a National e batting title this season with the Diego Padres plus steal a career- h 60 bases. I think they're both goals within my "said the outspoken shortstop be- a recent exhibition game here. 'TU ·batting UUrd this year instead of lea- . nu.t11 mean lt!98 at-bats, but that t8elf might give me a better shot at a .. The Sea Kings, in sweeping the Charge.rs, al9o benefined from the play of junior outside hitter Steve Martin. Ocean View's three-game triumph ~er F.dison evened t~\,¥ka' lea- gue record at 1-1. Setter Mike Hicka VOLLEYBALL paced the Otean View attack while middle blocker Jim Gane was also im- pressive. The loss al9o made the Chargers 1-1 on the young seaaon. University's straight game triumph over Woodbridge leaves the Trojans with a 4-0 league record and a 7-1 over- all mark. The win was alao the Trojans' seventh straight -a school record. Dave Enles, a senior outside hitter1 and Chris Miller, whoee spiking sparkeo the Trojan attack, turned in tinpressive .performances for University. In the Sunset League, Marina had little difficulty with Westminster, sweep- illR the Lions, 15-3, 15-0, 15-3. 'The Vikinp, by winning their league opener, are now 5-1 overall. La Quinta ia a perfect 2-0 in league pla~ after taking Huntington Beach in four games. The Aztecs received spark- ling efforts from Junior Utu at middle blocker and Scott Hail. Huntington Beach was led by outside hitter Greg Klecker. Fountain Valley's alumni team defea- ted the Barons in three games, despite 10me fine play from John Koety at the net. The Barona were without the services of Ken Harter who was ill. On the community college level, Orange Coast needed four games to down Cerritos as outside hitter Billy Mattias and setter Paul Kubas paced the Pirate attack. . The Pirates are now 2-0 in South Coast Conference play. They'll host San Bernardino Wednesday night in another conference outing. Golden West, meanwhile, swept LA Harbor in the Rustlers' Southern Cal Conference opener. Dave Devick, a sophomore middle blocker, and Gary Nakamura, a sopho- more setter, led the Rustlers. GWC travela to Santa Barbara Wednesday night. Irwin among live leaders Early fog delays second-round TPC play PONTE VEDRA, Fla. (AP) -Hale Irwin birdied three of his last four holes for a 68 that lifted him into a five-way tie for the lead Friday in the fog-delayed and uncompleted second round of the Tournament Players Championship. "I'm very ple&fed to have posted my 900re now rather than have to come back tomorrow morning to finish." Irwin said. Sixty-six men in the field of 147 face that situation -returning to the Players• Club course this morning to complete aecond-round play. They were stranded by darkness on the controversial, 6,857-yard layout after heavy fog delayed the at.art of the day's play 2 hours, 16 minutes. 'Illey marked their poaitiona on the coune and will re8Ume play from that point today. At least two of tboee oo the courae - PGA =Larry Nellon and Jay Hw -ap to have a chance to overtake lrwln and hia co-leaders, Lyn Lott1 Vance Heafner and the unrelatea Slmpeonl, Sa>tt and Tun. They were tied at 138, · 6 ahota under par on the coune that wu designed aa a w ebaads get bye 'Ille Dlvbdon II girla' IOUler' team from Amerian Yo"'th Soccer Or1anbat1on IWIOmi 120 hM drawn a bye th.II Wftk· ena ln aectlonal playoff action after defeatlrw North H~ttngton Bes.c~ 5-1 1-tw..Dnd. eo.cb Barry Baldwtn'1 Webuda team, ~ of Cir ... 1'·18 y.n of .... ._ ~y llhedu1ed to fMe UplliMS ~. ,,,. W .... will now pie~ GD ._.,,Mardi 28 •II UD. In P-.1 au for tM ilK.1ioM1 ~p. ......... of the w ..... are: DqiDna Allen. L.eaJJe Baldwtn. Noreen DoorlJ, let11 Oasda, Lort BarlfOVe Monica ~anly, Joanne Molr....1. KaUe O'ReUlJ, I' ·J'ludl .,. ...... Nilly Quamltrom, Mftlt Itta.a; 1'INlt 8Mftl7 and DIDI 'J'homp9gn. permanent home for the annual cham- pionship of golf's touring proa. It ia being played in competition for the first ti.me. Nelaon, a first-round co-leader, was 5 under par for the tournament -1 shot off the lead -with three holes to play. He retained a apot among tournament leaders with a 3-iron shot that found the cup for an eagle-2 on bia 14th hole. Jay Haas was 4 under par for the day and the tournament -2 off the lead -with six holes to go. Lopez takes pro-am lead LAS VEGAS (AP) -A allmmed- down Nancy Lopez-Melton fired a courae record-tytna 5-under-par 87 Fri- day to take a 2...bot lelld over veteran Sandra Haynie midway throu1h the ~ women'• aolf townunent here. Lopez-Melton, one lhot off the lead after an opemn, round 70, blniled the first two holee and Cook the lieed from Haynie f0t IO<>CI when lbe aank a 8-foot blrdie putt on the par~& No. 15. 8b9 .S- ded a blrdie-3 on the 17th 10 Cllllbe In at 8-under-par 137 altel: two rounda. Haynie, playlnc earlier ln the day, h.ed a ea to put bs at 1~. &-under-par tor the toumammt. Molt of ct. i.den, bduclbw ~ Melton aad Haynie, played tbe 8 237-Jarcl J>nert Inn Cour1e after ytnc thlt &.814-yard, p.13 la v ... try a.. the fin& dllr· ~--~ ehllmplon Danna Caponi niOwtd l8IO eonteatloa with a ~. ttiltii. 142; ftw .. the ...... ..__puftMS the flDl1 bole for -.,., of the ~t. Tbe WWW wtl,..., 6* .... two roundt an the Dilllrt Inn ~­\ D D ./ ... 'l'ijf' ~- ,;~ .. SlRATEGIC GAMES s.:lt As Ca 1 "'"of tt.. World MC:Ja. .GAMES SPORTS GAMES EDUCATIONAL GAMES Model 42.eS STAR REMOTE Model RB4265 Enjoy the ultimate in state-of-the-art technology with this 19" diagonal Star Touch-Tune Color TV. There's also a 1 O channel favorite station feature. on screen time and channel display, high resolution filter and an audio output jack. Factory programmed to receive 105 channels. $599 95 FREE DELI VERY with Hi-Fi Sound $869.95 With Remote Control .. Grand Prix show is gearing for tons Beach ,.,,. __ B_esides the main event, there's ilFormula Atlantic race and foot and bicyel1 events~.___ .. Auto Ndftc tam are...,.. up far the llll1nl and the nnt w.at on UMt Clacai a. the Lona 8-:li CJnnd Prix. 'l'M went II a.-. ._. t.Uvlty that conchadee wltb the ruaatna of the ~ornnlla One NCe on Sunday, ADril 4 atf o'dock. Prior to that time, thin .. foot ...... b6eyele rec.w, c:oncoun and cal' tbo'Wll and a Formula At· landc,...... on Saturday at 4:30 which could Involve ..wral Onnte Cout ..... drtvwL Th• Grand Prix clrcuJt bu had one race in which Alaln Proet was th• winner. Another it IChedUled Sunday jn Brull before tbe ,..cup movee Into Long Beech. 1 Accord1na to no ie. an authority than Cara Reutemann, Pro.t could be ~ Jim Clark. 0 1 cla11 him (Prost) with Jim Clark and Jackie Stewart, .. lteutemann uya. ''The difference bet· ween him and the ,..t ot ua ii CIOnllkterable. No one approechee him -not even roe. He la ane of the ll'Ntat Jn hlawry, born with a aieertna wheel In hla hands. ''He achieves a perfect union with hla car, and hla car la <Mfln1'ely the belt in P'onnula One today." Both will be on hand for the race in Long Beach. * * * Down Orange County International Raceway wa•1o the major event IChedule ahOws at least one major event per month through l)ecember. The NHRA pointa meet is aet on March 27-28 for all categoriel. April 17 la the date of the Coon 64 Funny Car charnptonahipe with May 22 the date of the OCIR pro show for mU8C'Ular dystrophy. June 26 will find the Nitro Champi0Nhip1 takinc place. The American Trucker Maaazine Tr\lck Drag races will take place July 17 with the Summer Showdown, another muacular dystrophy benefit race, aet Aug. 14. The Pepsi Parade of Champions ii on Sept. 11 with the NHRA Winston World l'lna1s on Oct. 15-17 followed by the Coors U.S . Manufacturer's m~t Nov. 6 and the Jet and Tr\lck Nationals on Dec. 11. Now, if the weather man will only cooperate, the dates will remain firm for the balance of the year at the Orange County track. * ·* * The next date on the calendar ii April 23-24 when the Times Grand pri.x la ataged at Riverside International Raceway. A historic car race will be held on Saturday. Sunday's activities will include the Warner HOO.don-Champion spark plug challenae, a 75,mile aprint race; the Toyota veteran-rookie challenge; and the Times-Toyota Grand Prtx of Endurance, a six-hour enduro for grand touring cars. More on th1a one later. * * * Indianapolis isn't that far oH, either, and the 4 x-a-x 1/8" . lilt ol area driwn and ownen la Iner•' JfDC with almolt fNWY maWnc of entriel few w~ appean to be a record 1'at of can. Already in the fold are Dick Simon of Capi- strano Beach, Michael Chandler of Dena Point, Danny On1at1 of Costa Mesa, Pete Halamer of HunUniton Beach, Lee Kunzman of Dana Polnt and Duane ''Pancho" Carter, the Marina Hl1h gnduate who now makea hla home In Brownaburc,' lecl'M -oWl6de ot ... . Newport Harbor owaer O.a Gur.nu.t• •teftcl two can With Fal.llWOok'a Mike y Ulled • the dl+M-. Tbi -. wai be powtNcl "1 CheYroa.t ltOCk block :'I!:' 1im1Jai to the OM that Mcllley put on th9 mw far 1Mt ,_..,, .... * * * Nail-biting time in the NCAA I Mideast, West regionals highlight today's TV agenda Followini are the top sporta eventa on TV to- day. Ratinp are:#"'.,,.,,.,, excellent; ...... ...., ...... worth watchina; .,, .,, fair; ...., forset it. ~ t:M a.m., Cbaael I """"""""" NCAA BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT: Louisville VB. Alabama-Birmingham. Auoacen: Gary Bender and Billy Pecker. The young Blazers (25-5), in their aecond NCAA appearance In four years, upset third-ranked Virginia to reach today's final. Louiavllle (22-9) wasn't expected to be in ita position, either, but the Cardinals stunned seventh-ranked Minnesota, 67-61. (1)1 11:45 a.m., Cbannel % I/""" I/ """ NCAA BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT: Geor- getown vs. Oregon State Anaoaacen: Frank Glieber and Steve Grote. Today's West final pits the region's top two seeds against each other. The Beavers (25-4) are led by guard Lester Conner. The 6-4 senior scored 24 point'I, grabbed 10 rebounds and had five assists in OSU's 60-42 semifinal win over Idaho. Seven-foot center Pat Ewing paces Hoyas' attack. He had 15 points in Georgetown's 58-40 win over Fresno State. ~ 1 p.m., Channel 5 I/ I/ I/ ANGEL BASEBALL: Milwaukee vs. Angela. SALE Soring Baaeball For Boys & Girts March-June AQe 7-10. 11-13 O>St '20>0 O:>aches Also Needed Tryouts March 27, 1982 S.11 am. -12-1 p.m. 968-5252 9840Ta1Mt 1981 633i IUROPIAN DILIYDID CAR Sapphire blue with blue interior. Sunroof, cassette, air cond. & only 22.000 miles. (0959). LEASEOIMm In Newport Beech ·Roy Carver BMW I 540 JAMBOREE RD., NEWPORT CENTER • NEWPORT BEACH, CA. 92660 714-640-6444 BIRCH PLYWOOD reg. 2000 s1499 Family-Styled Condominium1 on the Bluff UaM•1t1-R11dpte ... ' "PANELING SALE" S-..P I 10..,-a. ... ...... __, ,_. WOCNI ••111 ..t ... ,. SALE 20%oFF List Price SALE ~$3699 4 x 8 x 3/4" ~ BIRCH PLYWOOD "GARDEN TOOL SAlf" Alp•1 ....... MAHOGANY SALE ~~~!?JORs1~s999s ......... I MJ/1•6/ls 1¥4 . SALE ~!~~ .. ~s19a9, reg. 699 SALE s4es INTEREST IS AVAILABLE (13.SO/o A.P.R.) Details at the Sales Center I • RXED RATE FOR THE 1st 5 YEARS A view ... A practically maintenance-free lifestyle, and Huntington Beach, too! Welcome to an uncommon residential opportu- hlty, and a luxurious nelll, practically maintenance- free lifestyle. It'• all available NOW, and In your choice of 8 architecturally designed 1 & 2 story floor plan arrangements ranging In size from ap- proximately 1524 to 2142 square feet. Out.tandlng appointment.for your elegant, new 11/e.tyle In· elude: Carpeting • Wood-burning fireplaces • Microwave, plu1 a continuous-cleaning oven • Cathedral celllngs • Ceramic tile counter tops • Dl1tlnctlve hard-surface entry foyers • Private patio, deck or vtev.i balcony • Double, attached 2- car garage • Red tile roo& • Pressed steel bath tubs • Onyx pullman tops with oval basins. Community amenltle• Include: A completely furnished recreation bulldln~ with lounge assembly room and men'• and womens shower, pool, hot water swirl· pool1pa. Open Daly 10 to 15 ··~ Frtday By S11nal Landmerll Properties Inc T 011t of Tiit Sirnal Companies ~ # • ..... -' _.,......... 2 &: 3 bedroom•. 2 & 3 baths from $139,950 to $179,950 ..... Varttt!Mn Av-. • LANDMARK YORKTOWN (22) Q i map not to acale (714) 963-0042. (714) 963-7072 ,, ( -{_ > . U8TDN CGI B&Nal ............... 11 15 .m 41 11 .12' , ... M S2 .515 17 S2 S3 .482 1~ 2tl7 .-4S922 c.wllll .... 46 21 S2 SS SO M 30 $1 27 ,. 15 4t '*-"• ..... ....... 112, 0.... '°' eo.ot'I IS4, 8-11 MtOlllo 110 f'Nlldelphla 112. lndflN ff Wtlltllngton IOI, Sen Oleoo 91 a.en.. 108. ~ City lOS .......... 11g.~g1 o.trOll 111, Houelon 102 PotlMnd 111, U18'1129(ol) 0.-130, Cllic:eaO 120 T ......... •0- New '*MY et lndlllrle en AntOflio .. ~ Allllnte et New Yj)ttc .M2 -.471 1S~ .... 14 ...... 15~ . 40t 1t .2'4 2t Lall .. 112, llllwettcka 10I l09 AMOB.E• -Ramble ... Wiil• 22, Abd11l-J.Ob•r 23, Nixon II, Jonn1on 17, .,_ 2. .... Cooper 14, ..loRWo o. McAdOO I. McGee 2, LAlodeb911191 I. T«>t* 49 14-2' 112. DALLAa -B1l1t0'* 0, Vlncefll 22, W. Cooper 12, Oe¥le 20, T-II, ,...,_ 11, 81..:timen t 4, Nfmplll111 t, Spanerttel 15, l.AIO«de O. T OUl6: $t 2~ I IOI. .... _,o..wr. Loe Mgelee 25 32 24 al-112 0.... 2t so 2t 24-108 Thr ... polnt goell -Devte 2, Ag11lrre. FO\lted 0111 -W. Cooper. Toca! '°'* -Loe A~ 21, Della 20. T~ -Loe Ange1m -2. A-17, 1'4. DtwWon a 8emtllnM (ettp(.I ,..., ...... , fM)AY'f M*'t.Ta Dtstrlet of COlumbl• 71, Cal Sl•I• B•· k«lllelcl 11 Aorlda SoutNm 00, Ken4uc*y WeeleyM 89(204) TGOA n l'MM.9 D11trlct of co111mbla (24-51 n . Florid• ScMllem (,tt-9) (Cflalnplonehlp) C-1 Slate BM~ (2M) vs.~ w~ C2tl C-.oletlclnl Dlwtelaft • lemlllNlle (etcar...11~ ... , l'M>An-...n Potadam SU.le 60, 8rooldyn College 40 W111be91114. SI ...... 8t.IM M TODA Y'S l'MM.9 Potadam Slate (20-g) vt. Wabuh (23-41 (c:flamplonlhlp) Broolllyn College (21-gl n . Sten..._ State I 18-121 ("°'**lion) NIT l'M>AY'a Maul.Ta Purdue ae. Tex• A&M 111 lllOMDA Y'a GAma ( ...... YMIC*y) 4 (S.mlllnal1 wlll be played at Madlaon Squw• a.r~. c:flemolorllhlP 9Cfleduled lot Wec!Medey, Mwc:fl ~4) ~ COl.UQI Wo.N Goldelt WMt 118. t.t LA 71 IMT L.A -l. G#cte 14, I . Oetele 4, ~ 12. Gllndo 10, ......... Alrnl 2, ...,._ 21. T..-: M '4 11. ~ ...., =<:.-7, Kttlorlen , 20, ~ aa, HeMeon 2. ~ ft. ,._ t . ....,.... 21. OuncM t . Totele! II 14-JO 180, H11111me: 001cM11 W•. 8048. TC141tblllk .. LAll,~w..t11. ...._\4,C.._.1 ( ............ ,, P1lll9Clelphle 321 010 1-14 It 1 8t. Louie 000 108 000-7 15 1 Ruth~. Ra)elofl (I ). Monge (I), Altlll\e-rwo (I). Proly (I ) ancl D1u. McComwdt (I ): 8hlrley, Utt .. (4), a..... (I I. SIUS* (8) anc1 Porter, 8 enche1 (5), 8Jorllmeri (I). W- Mono•. l -Clt•r•ll•. HR-Phlledelphla, Diez. A'el,C-.2 ( ......... ) Chlceoo (NI.) 000 0 Ii 000-2 I 1 Oelclelld 400 121 00•-• 14 1 Kr•-· Tldrow (4), Hernencta (11). Eeet-wlcJ (I) and Dev11. Ibarra (7): Lengford, Kingman (5). 8Hrd (II end l<Mmey, New- men (7). W-Langford. L-KreY9C. HR•- ~. DYrtlaon. Oeklend, AnMa, KluttL .,_.,...,.... (et fert ...,... Pia.) Atlenla 001 000 102,...4 II 0 ~ ~ 000 000 000-0 3 0 Badroalen, COWiey (I). G81ber (8) 1nd Benedict: Spllttorff, Froet (5). Brown (gl Incl Sleugftt. W-Bedroellln. L-Spllttorll. HR- Au.nte, Wtlleenton. bpeel,Y.._O ( ....................... , New Yortt (Al) 000 000 000-0 5 0 Montl'MI 100 100 OOx-2 7 1 Roghettl, Frater \'I end Ould4ih; LH , ....... (l).Aeerdon(l llncl~.~ (1). W-L-. L-Righenl. _,,.,.u. .......... , .. ~,..,, ~ (Al) 000 003 132-g 14 3 Toronto 450 001 24.x-13 16 2 DollOrl, Hldtey (3), Agosto 171 and Flelc, .. (5); ElcMom. ~ (5). Mcl.alghlln (7) llnCI MW1lnR. W-IElcMom. L-Dot9on. HAI-~. Kle'ltl, Klute. ............. ( .. ...., , I ) San Diego 100 020 020-5 12 2 SW! Francleco 100 200 30x-I I 2 WIN, Elcl>elberg« (5), SMman (I ) anel Kennedy; Fowllt ... Lavelle (5). Minton (I) end May, Bre nly (7). W-L•nlle. L- Elc:Nlbelgei. HAe-S.. Frandloo, Morgen, Swmws. ......... .._.2 (eta.a.,) Clwllend OOt 013 100-e 10 0 Mllweult• 100 000 OOf -2 • 1 Walla, Sutc:lfle (II). Br_, (I) ancl Ben- dO: IMch, Slaton (9). EMteny (7), DIPlno (I). Porter (gl lllld 8lmmon1. W-W•lt• L- Lerdl. Titlarw 7, ,_.... 2 ( .. ~,..,, Clncinnetl 000 001 102-4 I 1 Detroit 000 040 21x-7 10 2 · P..tore, R)'d9r (5). Edelen (7) Ind NolM.. O'&erry (II)'; Uldur, RobblM (5), ~ (7). LM (g) and Fahey. W-Robblna. l - R)'d9r. Hl\-o.trott. Whllaltw. High echool Uftl¥waltJ ......... 1 Uni-9lty 000 000 4-4 3 I !MM 010 000 0-1 4 2 M. Frei llnCI J. Frei; Sirna, Tierney (I) encl Klral. W -Frei ( 1-0). L -Tierney. 28 - """"9lutla. ............ 4,llT-1 El T0t0 001 010 1-3 I 0 N9WpOf1 HIWtlot 000 03d 1-4 • 3 Pifer, Lornell (I) 111d Gonul•: N1199nt lllld K. T wry. W -Nugent (2-0). L -L.o-mell. 2B -Kollna (Newport Herbor). Qilp {N9Wp0fl Hlrtlot). c..-..... a.e.-•Mero Coeta...... 1114 000 0-5 • 1 eor-.. Mir 000 000 0--0 3 2 Hyde ancl Reid; ....._,_ Whit• (3) and Melbon. W-Hyde (3-0). l-Petereon. 2B-K11me11 (Co1ta Meaa). 38-Sulllvan (Coete MeM). ._.,a 111,1....,..2 Eetanola 001 001 0-2 7 1 8edclleOedt 000 ll02 x-8 II 2 Talley, Roec:hele ( 4). Union (I) and 8ey9r; Jorden Md Beller. W-Jordan (1·1). L- T111ey. 2B-Nlchol1 (Eltancl•). Damian (8~). SB-Demian (Saddlebacll). 00-(8addW>ec*.). ,_..... • ...,a. 0... View 2 ~ v... 000 011 00-2 7 0 FOllflteln V'*'t 001 100 01--4 7 lf~ and Ho.kin: Le Merclle, Gregor (5) end Pren. W~ (3--0). L-Slenley :!B -.10119•-1 d (Fduntatn Vlllley). Aelnlloftz (~ ~ 18 -Tlltlle (OwM VleW). Csot ' -V..., 1, i...t-llMoll I ~V"""1 000 100 0-1 5 0 L..,ne ._.. 000 000 ·0--0 3 2 UOOC1 encl Alllle; upeon end 8en)Nll, 38 -Hiii jCeplm-Valley). o-::-~o~~°O:~: 5 s M11e1cw1 Vlljo 431 003 X-11 13 2 Kelly, 8ch-'t (2) and S 1nche&: Mc-Keen, Lev...,. (II) and Se\lter. w -Mc- K••n (3-1). I. -Kelly. 28 -Hol'"H (Mltlllon Vlljo), .._. (Milalon Vlljo). Hf' - ....... ~Viejo). Kelly (Dine Hiii). ... View~ • l -COIU,,._ 1 0 ~IWbor I 0 ~ 1 0 :-JI...., ~ ~ El Toro 0 I IMM 0 1 &tlndll 0 1 ,,..,.. ..... ooet• .,.... 11. Conllll dlll ...., o N9WpOf1 HlftlOr 4, El Toro I ~4.ntlle1 er 2 n Ure• 1, bterlda a ....,.. ...... (1111) ~ececw-delmer c.-...... UltMnlly ~elBToro .......... ~HerW ~~Wl• I 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 I 14 1 114 I ...._.•&tne \Wl.-U ~euc.. ~ Trllllllazeta ow.. ..... HMloll~ ..,, Alllofllo l!lpllW ~~ ~76el9 A111rMHaWkl lndletw,._.. $en OleOOCt!PC*1 Delloll flletone WMHrqlton 8Yllem S-..&onlel 1<An1111 City Kings N9w Yotll Knlci!I New.JerMyNecl JO Loa NoelM l.lil\els • ao.o.. CelllCa ..,..,... ....... 1UI 11 u 11 05 10811 10 74 1012 10..41 092 911 Golden S4ele wamora ClliolOOBYMe "'"'-'-~ ----_ .... &UMetl.Ngue w L oe HUntlng1on 8Mctl 1 O Edleon I 0 OcMt\ Vlew 1 I Vt FOlll'ltaln V..., I I ~ Mllf1na 0 1 I W•tmlMtw 0 I 1 ,,..,. . ._. Tedl'l'eO-Mllflna at Huntlnglon 8Mdl (noonl W•tmlnetet 11 Edleon ( 1 p.m.) ......,..a.....(1<15) Founlllin v..., et Mann. Edleon •• OoMl'I View TUeecler'• o.n-FOUlll*' v..., et Wa.tmlnaler (3:15) Edlaon YI . H11nllngton BHCll at Mii• Square Patlt (7 p.m.) ........,..OelMe H11ntlngton a..ch at WHtmlnster (3· 15 p.m.) Oceen View vt. Mlrlna II Blalr Fleld (7 p.m.) WCT toumarnMtt let •.,.._.,,_, Querterflliel ........ lven Landi def. WoJt.., Fiball, 6--0. 11-4. Sandy~ def. Heinz Guntl\ilfdt, 44, 11-3. 11-3: 1lrn Mayone def. ll8llC9 Twoczy, 6-3, 11-4: Terry Moor def. John Flttg«ald. 11;3. ..... Qf8nd Prbt toumam.nt ( .. "414WMln, ~) OuertwtlMI ....... Bueter Mourem def. Chip Hooper, 1-4, 1-1; ~ Vll• def. P1vel Slozll, 8-2, 6..Q; .,,,,,_,~oat. T-Smid. 7-e. &-S: Brian QOll1fled def. Jonn Sedrl, tr1. w .e-2. Women'• toumement , ......... , OWWMilll••lllflee Bonnie GedYeelt def. a.tty NegalMn, tr2, 1-7. tr3; Andr .. Leend def Yvonne Var- mull, ...... e-o. Community coltege Ot" ... C:O.I f, CMpmeft 2 ...,.... FadOel1Y (OOC) cMf K-. 11-3, &-1: l<llM (OCC) Oe/. AIU. e-o. &-2: S-nam (C) def Rhetor111, &-I, ..... ; Sonia (OCC) def. Beck, 6-3, 8-1: lreun (OCC) def. ~. 1-2, fr1. ScftMW COCCI dlll. Swame. 7-5, e.o. Cl.-... Fedderly-8011fa (OCO) del. Alu- s -1n1m, &-3, 1-4: Olaon·Race lOl def. fthetorlk·8re11n, 1-5, 3,9, l -4;'1<11n•· 8dlYeMr (OCC) ... 8«*-Surlf!la. ..... 8-1 tr•• a rtl,Gr-•11 StrObl (Saddl O:.~t1.'oley. 11-7. 7-5, 11-2. Sctlbner (Sadd) def, P«ry, 7.e, 7.e; Etier (G) def. OlmatHd, 8-3, 11-4; S199hefla (Saddl del w..c. 7-5, 6-3: Bledta1one (Sade!) def Mauz, &-I. fr2; MIHer (Sedd) def. ()ellerl, ............ ~ 8radler-Parrt (0) def. Scr1bMr-olrnltNd, 4-5, 4-4, 7-1, '1-5. Erler-We~t (0) def. Strobl-Blecltltone. 4-1, 7-5, r'9t .. Stepllena- Mlller (Sedd) def. Maa..f'romme. &s 1. 7.e. High achoo! .......... ._.. 17 V., ...... Del 10 v. ...... Gebrlel IH8 ) def. Ruegger, 8·1, d•I Scenlon. &-2, def. Bd. 11-3; def. Aerlng, M ; 01n1 (H9) loll, 4·1, 2-1. 4-11, won, 1-2; Cen1111 (HB) Iott. M , t-5, 4-1. II-7, Bertie (H8) to.I, 44, 2-5, _,, M , 11-1. Dottblee ~--(HB) def H .. ·Aeloelte, 7-5, 6-3, def. Ll11de11-Crome, 11-0, 11-0: &n.t·Oockl• (HB) loll. 4-1. won. 11-2, won. M ,a.2. ue-.._,.ao,F-1e1nv...,1 ...... 1..-ch (L8) def. SMughn. 8-1, det P9r'R. dafa\111, def. LM, 8-0, del. Sponwr, 11-0; Wlllerd (LB) won, M, 11-0, &-1, 11-f; Boehmer (LB) _,, 7-5, 11-2. 1-4: IOel. M ; 8Nmlleld (LI)_,, 8-1, ll-O, e.1. frt. .,....... Schantr.· Perry (LB) def. B11ohenon- capu1ono, 6..Q, 8-1. def. Wendzel-Munda. 8-4 ... 3: Koftend1,8randyt (L8) loet, 1-5, o-e. k>lt, 2 .... &-7. c:-....... c-. ..... o Ewing (Cdm) 0:.>t..:-. M : def. Koga, 11-2: •. Tt111, S.0: c?el. "'11111. e.1; Gerlten (CdM) -e.1, e-4, 11-0, M: Propp (CdM) _, l-0, 8-2, l-0.1-0: ~ (CdM) won 1-5. 1-2. e.1. ~ • Hoeteller·HlntMn (CdM) d•t. i.tchey- Nguyen. M , e-0: def. 8mlth-8lrnYone. 1-3, ~;. Houealfe.W._ (CdMl won 5-3, &-3; 11-0, M , ........ 11,arf' Intl Stuclebeltw (&I=-~t.ee. W ; c?et. Oii T'ran. 6:2'; 691. Kl YI, 1-4; . Prado. 8-0: .._ (btl loall 44, won 7-&, won by c?elMlll, -W ; ltOW!I (Eel) IOet M, won l-0. l-0, e.1: a.oar (EM) loel 2 .... won w , 1-6. a.o . D.-... ~·toiotf IElt) def, rtiam,Wong, .. 2. 1·11: dtf. Ao11 rre-Tomuln, 1•f , e..o: OllcfeM4enc?OYll (l•I) loe1 2•1, .... W0'1 e.1.w. I ....,_.,....u•a•T-•• ...... y.,_. ( .... )tell 10 C-, 0·11 fff, Ile· ~·~· ''"".:.:'.:°""'· •1; .... "9y· ,....... 1(ttH)IOel 1 ... , ... _ M , M: (HH) "* M , M. "llfl •l.Ml.,_.CHHl.IOelM.-...a. ..... 1 ......... ....._.._. 00t~-;11 T. w.-,; ............ ,:... --. .. 1 • ..o; .. , .... _ ........... w.w. Community col'-9• o.-.. c-• n. ar-• ~ 100 -1 Stenlund (OCCl. 10 g, 2 S0Ylhwa1d (OCC). I I 1; 3 Snoc:tgr ... (G), 11 3 . 200 -I. Sten11111d (OCC), 22.1: 2 lfOulh-d (OCC). 22 I: 3. Antonio (0). 23.0 400 -I. Moor• (G). SI 7: 2 Oarcl1 cocci. s2.5; 3. i..wier cai. 52.5. 800 -I S.na (OCC), 1.54.t, 2 UdlytM (OCC). 1(55 8, 3 Dyer (0CC). 1:57.5 1,500 -1. Serna IOCC). 3:58. t: 2 Uchylll (0CC). 41>1 O; 3. AgYllat (0). 4:G4.7 5,000 -I Even1 (G). 14 37.2: 2 Brownebero« (0). 14 41 2. 3. HatOld (OCC). 1505.!> 110HH -I Sout11ward (OCC). 16.2: 2 Avant (GI. 1511, 3 ~ (G). 15 g, 4001H -I Stenlund (OCC), 511.11. 2 Tremper (OCCI. 5g 4. 3 Pater.on (OCC), 5114 400 f ... y -I Orange Coul, 43 7 1,500 relay -I Orange Coat, 3.30.2. LJ -1. Morae (0), 21-11 •1 •• 2 Hick• (OCC). 20-7, 3 McCalmo<1t (0), 20-5 T J -1 Mceelmont (G). 45-3, 2 8utlllo (Gl, 43-1 '"'· 3 Paine (Gl, 41·11 HJ -1, Garrett COCCI. t-4, 2. 8uttko (G). M . 3. McCalmonl (0). M JT -I. Young (G). 182· 10, 2 DoYgherly (OCC). 17fr0: 1 Odgan (OCCl. 174-11. SP -I.~ (OCC). 47-6; 2 Keagy (GI. 46-4: 3. (GI. 4M. OT -1. Coc1Mot1 (GI. 145-11. 2. Keagy (G). 130-tt; 3. Joflneon (0). 137-3. PY -1. Col>b (0), 14..0: 2 SNtler (G). 14..Q, 3 Avant (0). IM alddhb•cll 111, Mlt.C•Ui 12 100 -I Gleed ($). 10 8, 2. Aallford (S). 10 II. 3 Brown (M), 11.0 • 200 -I. GIMCI ($), 22 2. 2 McColey (M). 22 83 3 DeMilr9 ($), 23.0. 400 -I. McColley (M). 48.5, 2 Milf'INll 181. 50.3, 3 DeMar• (Sl. 51 50 g 800 -1 Nieto (S), 1 57 I, 2 Eltradll (S). 2.00.0; 3. Vert IS). 2:0 ue. t,500 -1. Vetl (S). 4 05 3, 2 Hilo IS), 4 OI 2; 3 Olmedo ($). 41)11 5 5,000 -I. Howwd (S), 15:06.4, 2 0ut.o (S). f5:32 8; 3. Lelher (M), 15:50 0 I 10HH -I. Aahlord ($). 14.1. 2 FlllMMldt tS). 15 7. 3 UndMy ($), 15 g 400tH -1. Cawtey (S). 58 3, 2 UndMy ($), 59 6, 3 Slleelll• tSl. I 00.2. 400 relay -1 MlraCoala. 43 3 , (SaddJeC)ad( dl9qllalilledl 1,600 reley -I Saddlebaclt, 3 31.4. U -I Mlcnell ($). 23· 1 '"'; 2 Anderaon (S). 2 I· 10, 3 A¥811a ($). 10-8 HJ -1 Kllne !SI. 6-0. 2 Swander (S). 11-0, 3 L"'1Celord ($). 11-0 T J -I Oat• (S). (6-8 ¥,, 2. LaSel\lle (M). .u. 10; 3 KllM IS). 43-4 PV -I MOYt• (S). 13-11, 2. Troatred (M). 13-0, 3 Oerc1a (M). 13-0 SP -I lnM ($). 43-2: 2 Ale.x (M). $4-3, 3 Slanley (Ml. ~ 1 'A. OT -1. W*"9Ueh ($), 122-7; 2. Ataun- der (M), 00:3: 3. Undaey (S).97,g. JT -1. O'Ooonal ($), t72-3 '-+: 2. l<Jlne (S). 1114-3, 3.. W•ner (S). 111-4. Women COMMUNITY CGU.ECJa l.OdhhcAI •1. WnlCoete. 100 -I. Reyee (S), 12.11: 200 -1. ~ dltlon ($). 27 t , 400 -I. HawkH (M). 1-00 3, toe) -I Hoflngt ($), 2.22.1; t.500 -I Olua (M). 4 53.0, 3,000 -I. Thome>- _, (M), 10:S5.0, 100LH -1. WhltJOw (M). I 5 7; 400IH -I Ven Wle ($). t Ol.4; 400 relay -1. Mlr'ICoeta. 51, 1; HJ -I, WttlUow (M). 4-10. U -1. ~on IS), IM 'h; SP -1. Wllb (M). 37-4; JT -I. Wlllll (M), 100-l'A. l/T -Hletl ~!T.2-4. Qf-t 70, C-t '7 100 -I. Kally (G), 12 , 200 -1. Kally (G). 26.81400 -I. Steven1(0CC). lll.2: llOO -I. Rlnj!•r (OCC), 2:20.2; 1,500 -I ludovtae (0CC). 4;53.5; 3,000 -1. Ludo- lllee (OCC). 10-17 11; 100 HH -1. JoMaon (0). 18. !; 4001H -1. MoM tO), 1°14.0; 400 relay -Oroamonl, 51.0. 1.1100 relay - Orange C-, 4 I 1.7: HJ -I. JohMon COi. 5·2: LJ -1. Mo .. (0), 11·1; SP -1. Walava 101. 35 36-4 '-+; OT -I. Muawnen (OCC), 114-3; JT -I Wiiner (0). 118-0 . Men'• vofteybell COMMUNITV COLUGll Or•noe CoHt def. Cerrlloa, IM. 15-4, 14· 11. fS-1. Oolder1 WM! def. LA H•bor. tU, 15-1, 15'9 . -.. .. 11 ..... -· sat. "' 41 . m 104 270 It • n .... SOI 51 Hlgttechool , .... v..., 117, c.-..... ., 200 ~ley relay -1. F°""teln Vlllley, 1.49.1. 200 "-1yte -I. Scho.fU (FV). 1:62.5: 2 Brighi (FV). 1-$7.38; 3. 8llntley (FV). 2:00.6. 200 IM -1. Wen (FV). 2:08,1; 2. W.._ (FV), 2: 19.0; 3. 8elMO (FV). 2'.21. 7 . 50 ~ -1. Morrow (CdM). 22.7; 2. Nomura (FV). 23.17: 3. McCwtny (FV). 23.19. 100 blll1erlly -I, 8hellhan (FV), 1:00.0: 2. Roman (FV). f:01.1: 3. &ltton (CdM). 1:02.1. 100 ~ -I . Mottow(CdM). 41.t; 2 Sc:hYIU (FV), 51.5: 3. ~ (FV) .. 52.5. 500 lr-tyle -I. 8llntley (FV), S.1U, 2. w,.,., CFV>. 5:24. 1: 3. Beumo (FVl. u e.o. 100 INliebtrolte -1. WM (fVI, 1:01.t ; 2. Rlchm1n (FY), 1:05.0: 3. Sheahan (FY). 1:0e.3. 100 bt_,Cltte -I . Hllw'l!(FV). l:CMU; 2. Nom11re (FV). l:Og.O: 3 Yo11ng (FV), 1:10.6 . 400 lrM1tyle retey -Fo;intllln Veltey, 3:35.1. Women HIGH 9CMOGl c... ..... .,.,,........ v..., T7 200 medley re.y -1. CorOfte del Met, 2:041; 200 lra.tyte -1. AmwltonQ (FV). 2:02.5; 200 IM -1. Cl-(FV). 2'.21.7; 50 "-tyle -I. Bird (CdM). 25.7; 100 blltlet· lly -1. Armetrong (FY). 1:06. 1: 100 ~ I. Bird (CdM), 55.0; 500 ffeM!yte -1. l\obb (CdM), 5:33.g; 100 IMldtstrolle - 1. McG•h•m (CdM), 1:17 4; 100 brHll· 1111<*• breMlt<*• -Clan. (FV). 1:10.1; 400 tre.tyte reley -1. FOlllllllln v...,. 4:05.3. ~ f I . ' . " Women'e90ftbell CWNTY COl.UGa 0..-.. C.-1, Ill. ........... 1 Orange Cout KIO 000 001-2 4 2 Ml San Anlonlo 000 100 000-I 2 2 Culp end Cn.1t;Evlelh Md Kane. 2B - Pe1rona (Orang• Coall). 38 -Tincher (Orange Coael). Loe Alamttoe f'NDAY'a RUULTS (Dnlef.......,....,__.., NST llACL One mlllt pace. AaN9y Lord CPanl•I 37.40 17.40 11.00 Oypey Sam (Wllfterd) • 00 g_oo Seminole Ctllel (V•l•11dillQllam) 12.40 Ateo raced· JllD ~ttval, 8lg Spmg. Bon BM, Ruatlc Sco11, Poderoeo. La Petron Tim« 2.>02 215 . 121.XACTA ( ... 21 r;ll9lcl $302.40. •COM> ""'"' One llllle ~ Breekwlnd ~I 5 80 3.20 2.40 W1ee lnvWb1•1t (er-lord) 3.40 S.00 Golde Meir (Onn?y) 3.40 Aleo raoecl: Bye Bye Tl9d Ka11y ~. MIM()ey Olrl. THlllO """·One mlle pace. Plncfl "" C' 42.20 11.00 15.80 Thauahla (Kuebler) :t.'.40 t4.20 F.,.,., TnldltiOn (DerWe) 3.90 Alao ..-cl: lw11na Skip, Splnller Anne, White I.aught.,, S11mmer Frollc. Monk1nl a.le, """9me'I Girt Tlme: 2.>02. 12 OACTA (2-11 paid $443.00. '°"'"" llACS. One mlle pm». -Spot1lghl Oel (~) 11..20 4.20 3.40 Bonnie i... (Wet) 1.80 4.40 Shady Hiii ocw-.(M*-) 5.40 Aleo raced: T-ller, W•Jovw RoM, Jo- a1e·1 ~. N.tMI Jat. Time; 2·02 116. l"Fnf llACL One mlle ~ C91m Y--" (TOdd} 29.IO 1 UO 5.00 Spilflllltme ·~1 3.20 2.40 Phantom Don (er-lord} 3.80 ~lao raoltd: Hit AM Alln, fnergelle t<ld, U.... Wire, I Arn "-~y l<il10- Tlma: 2:03 S/5. 12 UACTA (1-71 pllld St2S.IO. afXTH ltACI. On• mlle pace. lndlan ~(~: uo 2.80 2.20 Aatr1d Anti ('llMI~) S.00 2.20 Sumrnet ..,_CT l uo AWo raoed! La~ No~ Tlme: 2:00 ,,._ /, I Once apin, Uncle 1..-n and h1I helpera had a hard time chOOlins Wlnnera from the peat batch of koala dra~ln1a entered this week. A1 some of you may have foi.and out while looking for koala pbotoa in reference books, they aren't beara at all. They're marsupial, which means the babies grow in a pouch, and arboreal, a fancy word to mean Qley live ln ~. (Encyclopedia writers litte to ute big word.I like that eo people think they're smarter than the rest of us). , Koalas not pnly live in trees, but they eat tree leaves -euca- lyptus, to be exact. That's im- portant to know if you evet In- vite a koala over to eat lunch. • . a tree Koalas live in Australia, but the new grouf. at the Los An- geles Zoo wont go hungry, be- cause California is full of euca- lyptus trees. Flrat place and $5 this week goes to the fuzzy li~tle guy drawn by Quyen-Dao, 12, ol Huntington Beach, who joined two class- mates from Bushard Middle School with entries. Good work! FIRST PLACE WINNER Quyen-Dao of Huntington Beach. Second place and a $2 award goes t~ Robyn Landess, 13, of Fountain Valley. The decisions were hard, and Uncle Len had a large number of top-quality honorable mentions this week: Mblly Hurst, 9, and Gregory Hurst, 12, of Fountain Valley; Laurie.Clements, 13, and Erik Van Velzen, 6 ~ of Laguna Beach; Jeff Carlyle, 11, Shanowa Scott, 11, and Cindy Stout, 12, of Huntington Beach; Jenny Fuller, 10, Michelle Bawnmer, 12, Katy Eklof, 7, and Michelle Strand, 11, of Costa Mesa; Michael Knecht, 5, and Kelly Knecht, 7, of New- port Beach; Misty Bulley, 7 ~, of Corona d e l Mar, and Scott Townsend, 11, of Laguna Niguel. And Uncle Len ••nds many thanks to Room 13 at Wilson School, because they came up with the.ir usual great artwork. It's getting to be the windy season again -no, not the peo- ple who talk all the time, but the weather outside -so Uncle Len thought it might be time to draw kites. SECOND PLACE WINNER Robyn Landess of Fountain Valley - They don't have to be just the usual shapes, you know. In Ja- pan, kitemakers create all sorts of fancy varieties, such as dragons, and kiteflyers battle it out in the skies to see whose kite can knock down the others. Be sure to include your name, address and age. Draw pictures with black ink on a white piece of paper 4 inches square and mail them to Uncle Len, Daily Pilo't, P .O. ,Box 1560. Cost.a Mesa. CA 92626. Uncle Len needs to get the entries by Wednesday, so send them in early, but don't use a kite to send it airmail. Your entry might fly away to Japan instead of Costa Mesa. Grandmother enrolls in basics BROOMALL, Pa. CAP) - Teachers wanting to further their education often bead ror nearby -colleges and evening classes, but Cha· Yun Wang Lin chose the neighborhood. kindergarten. Mrs. Lin, a native of mainland China, taught elementary school for 35 years in Taiwan before joining her daughter's family in ttri s Delaware Cou nt y community, last March. Eager to learn English, Mrs. Lin, 60, asked her daughter, Helen, if she could go with her grandchildren to the Russell Elementary School to study the language. Principal Richard Herbster made the arrangements with the Marple Newtown School District, and Mrs. Lln started school all over again. Since September, Mrs. Lin and the 21 other pupils have studied numbers, drawing, pre- reading exercises and reading. · Kindergarten teacher Eleanor Reynolds bas already given Mrs . Lin som e advanced practice, posting signs around the room labeling the wall, door, window, closet door and plant. Fellow classmates also pitch in. Al snack time, for example, a pupil called Mrs . Lin's attention to a pear on another Nit ......... WANTS A ROME -Tim 2-year-old Wellh Terrier IMIDI to be walUnl -..,... to pet h1m and take him bomei He'd make a aoocf hcxMI pet becau.e he la houlebroken. You can call for him at tbe 0ranae O:M.anty Animal Shelter, &el Qty Drive South, Onnee: Phone 834-7301. , child's desk and tried to help her identify it. "Apple? No, .. said Mrs. Lin. •·Pear, Yes ." In return, Mrs. Lin helps the youngsters with tasks such as tying, buttoning and zipping up their clothing. • And, perhaps by force of habit , s he also helps Mrs. Reynolds dis tribute paper, pencils and crayons, mop up spills, straighten desks and - with looks and gestures familiar to schoolchildren worldwide - tells resUess children to sit down and pay attention. New status f or turtle? COLUMBUS, Ohio <AP> Bending to the request of a fourth.grade class. state Sen. John Kasich has introduced a bill seeking to make the box turtle the stale reptile. Calling the box turtle "mild·mannered, courteous and well·liked," the students in Betsy Marlin 's class al Chapelfield Elementary School in Gahanna convinced Kasicb to support their request. "In the fable 'The Tortoise and the Hare.' the tortoise won the race because of his slow. constant pace. Our lives are like they are today because of the slow, c:oostant work the early Ohioans put into the making of t.his state," the students said in i letter to the Republican haw maker. "Little Turtle was an Indian · chief who lived in Ohio much ol hi• We. He WU mild·maMered, courteous and well-Jiked, as la the box turtle," they said. Kulch's blll lsn't the only one dealln1 with animals currently before the General Assembly .. House members last year approved and Mat to the Senate a meaaure maktn1 tbe white-tailed deer th• otnclal 1tate animal. Peadln1 in the lower chamber lt a meuure that woukl bave liven UM tUM atatue to tile CGUGDtaU rabblt. NO P LACE LIKE HOME -Glaza, a male koala bear from Australia, appears content in his new habitat at the F.ducation Center of the Los Angeles Zoo. Glaza was one of six koalas that arrived this month. The new residents are ,,..,..,...0 the subject of the Uncle Len drawing contest today. And you can see the young artists know their subjects -witn~ the winning works at left. Swim students teach instructor CASSELBERRY, Fla. (AP) - Dr. Harvey Barnett, a psycholo- gist turned swimming teacher, was more than apprehensive when parents of a handicapped youngster pleaded with him to teach their son to swim. Later on, I stopped reading so much and let the kids show me what they needed." Since 1972, Barnett has taught 6,000 youngsters to swim, 1,600 of whom are disabled and brain- damaged. He became a swimming teach- er after one of his infant neigh- bors died in a drainage ditch, and he refined his techniques at the University of Florida. The first goal for infants and young c h ildre n is "drown proofing." They learn to roll over and float on their backs after weeks of being dunked under- water. But from that beginning came techniques which are now .. belng used throughout thls country and several other nations to help dis- abled and brain-damaged chil- dren overcome their handicaps -both in the water and in daily life. The handicaps run the gamut from blindness to cerebral palsy. muscular dystrophy and ~wn's Syndrome. On land , the youngsters' limbs are listless, ri- gid or spastic. In the pool, they are controlled and useful. "Gravity is the biggest enemy of these kids," says Barnett. "In the water, they're weightless. They can do things that would be impoesible for them on land." · For handicapped children, drown-proofing often takes much longer. But there are the added benefits of improving blood flow , muscle tone, body strength and self-image. "I didn't know what to expect," says Barnett, 33, about his first experience with the small victim of Down's Syn- drome, a cogenital 'form of mental retardation. "At jirst, I spent a lot of time in the library d oing research. Barnett's Orland-based Infant Swimming Research company has 130 franchised Instructors in 100 cities. Films of his work have been shown at the United Nations. And instructors are being trained to teach his method in West Germany, Saudi Arabia, Japan and Canada. world scope (10 PG'nta fof Heh q"99tion M8Wered conectty) 1 5ecretary of State Halt met with Fomsn Minister Jorp c.stanedl of .. l .. In New YOC'k Chy to dbcua w.ys In whkti our two nations could f'elONe problems In Centr1I Amerla and the C.ribbe111. 2 The Reqan Admlnhtr1tldn released aeri1I photographs of military lnst1ll1tions In Nlcar1gua In 1n effort to prove th.It th.It n1tlon Is lnvo"'ed In a muslve military buildup supported by (CHOOSE ONE: Guatemala, Cuba). J In retaliation for Moammar Khadafy's sup· port for terrorism throushout the WOl'ld, the U.S. banned all oil Imports from Libya. TRUE OR FALSE : Before the ban, the majority of U.S. oil Imports came from Libya. 4 Moammar Khadafy visited Austria for talks with ChancellOC' Bruno Krelsky. TRUE OR FALSE: It was Khadlfy's flrtt " ·ial visit to 1 Westem country 1s Libya's leader. S The worst flooding In several decades led CiovemOI' Robert Orr of Indiana and Gover- nor James Rhodes of .. l .. to declare sever ii 1'e9IOm Of their states IS disaster areas. newsname (10 polnta It you cen Identity thle pel'lon In the newt) The dvll w1r In the coun- try I lead hlS Inspired controveny 1t hive etec. tlons scheduled there IOI' March llth. Recently, the UN Hu1n1n ltlshts Commkslon criticized . my n1tlon'1 record on humen rl1ht1. Who 1m I and whit country do I leecn". matchwords 1•Junta ... tour or journey c-connectlon or ~ point ...,, "9fl'-' ahtub ~In power afMt .~ Answers appear (upside down) below qob • newsp1cture · (10 point. If you tnt-r thlt quntlon correctly) Senator Harrison Wllllams of New Jersey resigned before he could be expelled from the Senate ;fter his ABSCAM conviction on bribery and conspiracy charges. Williams claimed that he had done nothing wrong. TRUE OR FALSE: No U.S. Senator has ever been expelled from the Senate. peoplewatch/sportlight (2 point. for HC:h quHtlon en1wered correctly) 1 Lucllle Mair of Jamaica was named undersecretary-general of the U.N. TRUE OR FALSE: She is the lint woman to hold this high post. :Z •• l .. , star and director of "Reds," a film that ha been nominated fOf 12 Academy Awards, won the Directors Guild Award for 1982. J Ken Sln9leton of the Baltimore Orioles received the 12th Roberto Clemente Award fOI' contributions on and off the bueball fleld. Clemente, the (CHOOSE ONE: Pittlbursti Pirates, New York Yankees) aft•star, died In 11lrplane 'trlSl'I In 1972 on 1 ml.ion of mercy. 4 Oefendins chlmpion Scott Hlmllton of the U.S. won the Men's World (CHOOSE ONE: figure, Speed) Skating tftle In Copenhqen, Denmlrk. S lt.alph Sampeon, who pecmd the University of •. l •. bllketball teem to a No. J "8tlonll r1nltlns, was hlmed to the flnt tqWld of the 1912 Alt.American team. 1-tlltnoll b-vtralnla c-North C.rolln1 roundtable ,....., •• •11 ... , ... ICON) Should the F•havethe power to operate "ttln1" ~ •• AISCAM which ire desl1ned to tett the lntetnty of publk offtdlW YOUlt ICOM.: t1 .. ,_ ,..._ -TOfl ICOlm ., .. ",_..... -I......_ •ftC, IM .. 122•12 0 .. . t. . ' I • ,. . "Maybe he'll grow up to be a tennis player." "Mom, he wants peanut butter and jelly on his bone!'' "I hate bluebirds of happlneaa." \_/' ~~ 'lkts THE NEEtlE RfAU.Y SPIN All 1HE WAY AfnJNU AND Ri~ A BELL LI KE MY~ SAYS ~. by Harold Le Doux TAKE IT l:A&Y. 1..INDA MAY' THERE'!> NO 00 UP AND (:JET HER WITC.A&E, 51D' WE'L.I.. G:\Rt'IEl~D OOIE'5 ASLEEP ANO N0000V'5 WATCHING' Pl.ACE TO oo • 61D'& OVl IN Tl-E LOeeY.' WAIT FOi( YOV OVf FRONT IN MY CM! by Jim' Davis 1 KEE.P MV AFFECTION IN THE Cl.OSEI GORDO OH, WAITER--- ! HAVE A COMPLAINT aurr CLOWAJtAA:f W:)(JIJ...L NE'l/ER. IMPRQ'l/E "KJ<JI< ~l!XJL.AR.Y IF '/01) a:)AJ"r MM& me E:ffa!i!lf by Ernie Bushm1ller 0 SPECIAL BEEF STEW by Gus Arriola t'l'~K\' "l~Kt:RBEi\~ by Tom Bat 1uk HARRQ'5 ~D TO SE 00 lX)(J -rn1NK TEXA5 WILL 6€'TTIN6 BACK~ Hl~"TRIP HAVE CAANGE.D HIM NllX..H ~ 10 5AN ANTONIO 1000Q ! by Kevin Fagan • \ • ~ • • Deir,... ....... .., Gwy ........ THE DUKE'S BACK -Newport Beach bank teller Camie Ethell gazes up at 9-foot-high brass statue of John Wayne. The ~-pound artwork is the working of Huntington Beach sculptor Gino Perry and is on display through March at California First Bank, 1090 Bayside Drive. $~20 million in prizes Builde r of super-mileage car sought WASHINGTON (AP) -Rep. Bob Shamansky and Sen. Ted Stevens want the federal government to offer up to $220 million in prizes for d evelopment of a production-model, four-passenger car that gets up to 100 miles per gallon on diesel fuel or 80 mpg on gasoline. Shamansky, an Ohio Democrat, introduced a bill i.p the House that would give the winner of the super-mileage car competition up to $140 million, based on a formula involving the unit price for the first 10,000 vehicles produced. Stevens, R-Alask.a. is offering a similar bill in the Senate. John A. Krajian D.D.S. Or~ ca.t DAJLY PILOT /Saturday, March 20, 1182 .. elehrities' night Many fear violence, even death or injury, f rom fans • mo1t common of clua dream., HOLLYWOOD (AP) -1"1 a celebrity'• Dl&htmare -\he "fan" wbo boldi • sun ar .• knlte lnitMd of u auflOINph book. the 8dmlrer whoeit «• 11llve love hM twlltecl Into ... and vtolence. The blld ..... became ,...Uty for John Lennon , kllled by a deranced fan on a New York ~ln 1980. Th.II week the dream recurred, thil time to -.ctre9I Thereea Sal- dana, 1tabbed In the cheat and critically wounded on a Holly- wood street by an UMilant who "formed a fixation on her" alter he aaw her In the movlea, au- thorities aald. "We feel he WU in love with her," a aherifh detective uJd. As t h e latest attack made headlines. other celebridel were taking action -inten11fylng aecurity precautions, hiring bo- dyguards and leamlng to handle guns. The chic Beverly Hilla Gun Club, opened last year in res- ponse to t h e g rowing crime wave, ts doing a brisk busineu among celebrities who practice shooting at the club's targe t range. Hollywood'• \op 1tar1 &ake preceu tlona -they re~mber thM the~ man who took a 1h o& at P rwldent Reac an lut March did '° after h1a other at.- teml* to catch the eye of actnm JOclie ,..... falled. • Frank Sinatr a, Bob Hope, Johnny Canon and Jane Fonda are amonc &be celebr ities w ho employ permanent bodyl\W'(ll. "Every Ume Frank aivea a chari&y 1how , we provide the aecurlty/' Clyde Duber, whoee body1uard aervlce ha• branch office• throu1hout California, aald 1hortly after Lennon wa1 killed. "Before he 1tep1 on an airplane, there are bodyguards in there." The home• of Carol Burnett and Barbra Streisand are sur- rounded by high wan., barbed wire-topped fences and electric gates. - And, at an awards ceremony last year, John Travolta'• body- guard stood behind hia chair constantly, one Hollywood col- umnist recalls. Why do celebrities get attack- ed? "It has to do with one of the Cities face hike in netw-ork costs An emergency communications system costing Orange County government more than $2.7 mil- lion to operate is under 11CtUtiny with the idea of paatng along a large r share of the cost to the county's 26 cities. According to figures given to county supervisors, cities are paying only $281,000 of the ca1t of operating the communication network that links police, fire, lifeguard a'ld other emergency services. Yet the cost, county officials say, applicable to the cities is more than $1.5 million, the re- port said. After reviewing the figures, s upervisor s agreed that the county should study charging the cities more for the service and make further recommendations in four months. ln other action this week, county supervisors: -Called for a study of a county takeover of the seven in- dependent sanitation districts in Orange County. The county and the districts are locked In a dis- pute over transfer of property tax revenues. -Allocated $30,000 for a one-time cleanup of waterways in Huntington Harbour and Sunset Aquatic Park. Supervisor Har riett Wieder said the grant of money, to be matched with funds from Hunt- ington Beach, shows that the county is willing to accept some responsibility for debris that flows into the harbor from flood control channels. w hat we call the dream of celebrity," aay1 Dr. CharlH Wahl, profeMOr of clinical PIY· chiatry at UCLA. "Y °" d...m °' intimacy 'With a celebrity. lt II a aelf..agrandb.1n1 dream -you want to be Important." "But thFre la a aecond u~t to thia -envy and rivalry, • ho said. ''lt la 1tron1e.t in people who have not worked out envy and rivalry In their own lives.'' Wahl noted Mark David Chapman, convicted of killing Lennon, began hia interest ln the atar with "intense idolatry" and tried to contact him. "ln the cue of the devoted fan. you believe if you could ju1t make contact with the celebrity, they would recogniz.e your parti- sanship and embrace you as a frie'nd," WaJ\l said. "Instead , when this person reaches the celebrity'• house, he finds guard dogs and walls 12 feet high, a rejection.'' Even so, Duber and former Lo. Angeles Police Chief Tom Red- din say the biggest demand for guards comes from corporate ex- ecutives. "The companies know that if an executive is kidnapped, it may cost them a year's profits to get him back," Duber said. Personal manager J ay Berns- tein, who has guided the careers of several top TV actresses, said some have r eceived multiple threats and even he has been stalked. Bernstein, who said he em- ploys a full-time bodyguard and has a security ser vice walChing his house around the clock, was interviewed on condition that he not have to name stars who have been in danger. He said he feared it might incite more threats. One of h is female clients has received mo re tha n 30 d eath threats, he said. Once he hired a bodyguard for a star but didn't tell her. Threats to his clients do mate- rialize, he said. One actress fen- ded off a would-be attacker in her trailer dressing room after a day of shooting on a TV show, he recalled. Another escaped from a gunman who waited in her car when she left work. VICTI MS -John L ennon, top, and The resa S a ldana, have been victims of the fan w h ose obsessive love has turned to hate and violence. Lennon, former Beatle, was killed by a deranged fan on a New York street in 1980. Actress Saldana was stabbed and critically wounded on a Hollywood street this week by an assailant who "formed a fixation on her." Survey a pproved LOS ANGELES (AP) County super visors approved conservative Supervisor Deane Dana's suggesuon for surveys to determjne how much the county, its cities and the Los Angeles Unified School District spend serving illegal aliens .. • When the Ekeasion eaus for Elegance CROWN & BRIDGE* DENTURES* FILLINGS DENTAL PLANS ACCEPTED \ Senior Citizens Discount ~706 Harbor Blvd ., Costa Mesa 556-8013 IN FRONT ROW CENTIR CLUB • ONE STOP FOR ALL ·- NEWPORT BEACH 341 2 Via Lido / 67>-273 1 1 t • . ••• ,,,...,, "'*"'-Or .. C.. O.lly Pllet, .. ~II 11. JI. tf, ~It, t1ltt 12JM2 r .... ---"•J:afEW1 "' , ......... ,., .... .,. ... ,,. .......... ,, .. ........ ............. CllATIYI tOLUTION, JMll YWTADIQUl.-...... ===11111-............. -..... ......._, W9ilN "'*·CA ti .. ..,. ............. ..,_ .., .. ••• • ... ,,., -......,.. ",. •.....,. • *'· , .. ~1cm-. ........ , ••-~~m,~ U31P.fti'l:ll'UIWM ,..,,.._ ...... -:--· °' .... ~--V~l.o~ ~~-=~ ... , .... t.a... ................. a·mm ..... u.-..... c·-......... 1 !* ...... II,._• .............. M Aoc .. r,_ ~. ... 1 .... ... H l'I ........ l'W• * ,,,,.. CAtllW ,..._. ,.,.,.... Vtllr. ... • ... ·-----' -' • • ... ........ ~.._..._....._ ___ ...... __ JJJ ·-............ ....-... ...,.. TMI*--_....,.,...,. ,.......... ........... ,................. I 9 ·-----...., .. ,.,...':"" .... -C-, Oln tf Or .... C....y ., ,_ .. t .. ,, .... ..._ ... _,. ............. ........ ,_. Motc1111 ... ............... ,,...._ ..... ~ ... --• ..-.-TMI.....,... _ ..... 1111111 IN _.,..&'•C~I-. ,....., ... -~ .... ,...... ... ...,.. ,_. ................... C-tf CIH'IL tf OrMel ColHltv ., .,.C ........... , ..... ,,~ .... ~ .. ...._......_, ...... .._... • ., ... llfll""''·"" ,, ..... .....,. .... ,ca-. "'°"&\ flllT 1t:'c~L NO. '· ...,....,. .......... 1119'0 ... .......,. NIMllMd °' .... c...c O•llr ,,..... ~ ..... °' .... c .... Dell~'= NOTICEO~OEATHO~ =i~1 ._.,..,_~ ••tui. Met(fttUt .. n.~u.t• "..., Me•<llta20,21,A11t1t1,tt1S1 1u,.ea M~IULYN Ll!I! PAUGH ""'"'*'-' w.. ,,_...vow AND 0~ PITITION TO ""-Mrt IWH. Ab1tott ADMINISTER ESTATE ==~t11~ , ___ PIU_;.__ma ___ _ HO. A·112231. • Ol8TMO l\.KTOMl NO. I . ...,_,.. ............. .....,....,..,.. ----------- r o a I I he I rs , ~"!v..,.·c.o.~HWI...., ,.. ........... .._ MMWnOllNO,,.. beneficiaries, creditors :;:..,. w. . ....., ~ M90f..VTICMI.,,'"' cm cou.c1&. °''"' c1n °' l'ouetTa. VAUIY, and contl'9tf\l creditors of "'-..,.., ....,.,.~ EE°" .. ••11 VOTW flWTe MD NU-. JJUCa.,,,. Marllyn Lee Paugh and = =:: =:.i,w:=-:,_-r .. ~-= t:=.-v. ':S: ":',: p. rs on s who may be OllTNTO !ilCTOAAL NO .•• ---.................. ,....... CAU8 "lllnOUmOll ... ""~ TMI °'" ~ th I I t ted I th ttl/aM WH1NA1, o ...... ,,.._..~to be....., Oft T1 I~ ... Im. o erw sen eres n e "-•~1...-....... ._....._. ... ,___...,_..,.~~,..,._,..,1111,MopMden 11,1t11: w ll 1 and/or estate. -.--: Mr. AMII OOoll4I ••• !!?~L~· ntf cm COUNCM. ~TIC CITY <W '°'-WYNH VMUY. A petition has been filed .iuc ..,. 10111111 o. CHoN ...-. oou H1111Uv MaOC.ve. DeCUM. ~ NIO ORDER A& ·o ._...,. ...... ...._ o-.. ~: by arren Paugh and ..,.,. ...._ Mlr«*J • ..._. MOTIOH 1. TN!! tor 11111 .w"°" .::.:::c"r:I u1c1 ':ir:E., rnlllllCllp,tl. 0 e v 0 n pa u g h t 0 be • OllT!tlTO •LaCTOAAA. NO. 4, ....... -........ ....... --J ....,. ..... .,. end .,. ,..,. 21 WOltolO _......,. OI appoin ted "'s personal 01012... •n•1•a.•011MNlll*t~~·1na..ce.y "-'"ttllflva1ey,-. • .. l..utW • V~: &tallOll de......,......_ t •11r ........ k ...._.,let._.......,. ·--'*"'IV~.• Mid,....,~ Pf-*'Ol!I representatives to .,,._...,...,.,...,..w.... -Gftt11eM1eot......,ot..,.........., T11e11N,.,.,.._1ot.,.,.. administer the estate of "'*',,.,., ~ McNliy ,..... _._ 11111.,...,. '*-.....,.,.., ~n191~. Mei"*.,.. -~""' '-1 Dew! ................. Niflt~ _,~_,_, ......... Of Nldaty Marilyn Lee Paugh (under ~..,. Lonlllnl...._ .. ....,.....,_,PNCll\d.,_d,_,..,.'°',....,,__....,.,,..,,..... t h e I n d e p e n d e n t OllTIUTO ELECTORAL NO .•• ---......................... '"' -.. Niii lilld llecliofl _, ....... ·-tller'tOI Ill ... --prOOldecl b.t' Administration of Estates =.,m::i:~-~--11••u..-...w.c •·voTIHQ.HllCllNCT 1,_.,.,...,,....e1ea1on pr-omo13!20SA A.ct). The petition Is set for ~ ..,._...., ~ ,_. ,..._. W"'4leor a....~ 11111 i.-= w,,, h I I Dept N 3 t Jue ..... ,_..,_. ~ "'-*1or: .,.._ "'*"'-Yollt NM1w• -•1111( earng n . o. a ._.... ...... ~c...... Jucllllt . ..,.,....,,,.~ "fP'•T1ouseus1 .. Ess fttctmouseusi .. us ........., 700 Civic Center Drive, .___.., .. a..iotL.lluMU a.ti ..,.,,K&-enl<imlllll ~ IMAMollo•IEISnToApTelErM•o.n"T,. dolno MAMllSTATEMIENT ... -West, In the City of Santa • OISTRfTO IUCTOl\AL NO ... --... ...... ......... Cllttl;Mra.t. T ..... T lie lollowlllt ~r.en 11 dolnt --006/244 VOTINQ l"MC*CT 2, ~ ,..-.iectlotl ~ 24012A2 ~ »•« ..,._,., ••n• ouon '"""'" Ana, Callto•n•a on A0<ll _._.__.,.. ,,.~..,._,_ --..,--=-,...,_,_ co~oFFS1Te.111west11111 G O L D£N LIMITE D Ot1TateT 7 1982at9·30am 1Mpec1otcMte .1_w_ E'*!dwWd · Strwt. IM, Cosl• AMs•. Cllllo"'I• PAllTNEllSHIP Ho.'"'""• p 1111 ... lortlltleT.... ·,F You 'oeJec T t th .iu.:Mt .. Juenit•Atnold • ......~ .,~ 5'1\Mlffr ,.,, 1to111,,..._ "-· e1 ,,...._, ee.,... o e Sectel-Mta. w-. 11en111m : ..,.. Dor~ . ".,OMld Ray Al'SHI, 20ll Sl•tt Toro C.."'30. fi"": C & W ACTION oranting Of the petition, ._._ Mt9. 9"rtlf1 T~ Oletll: Mn. At1n1a Sir~. COlteMtw. C•llfornl• .,.,,_ T11i1 bldl ..... Is COondu<lld •.y • .. HC. you should either appear • DISTlllTO !LIECTOML NO. 7, ----... -'"-......,.... .......... • VOTING PMCINCT 3, ~ ....... elec'llOn P<ecinct• 21812'36 T'tlla ~·,I~• I• ·~··t~ b •n 11-11~ ----~• •~. JULI• ...,.. .. AL'""S· 0031223 ......._ "'-: Morwoe 8ClllOOI 18215 --S-lnclWldu'; ·~~ ~ ~~ ~ Y • ., ~ ..... i.;.:;~. klleelffr T ";LES; oo'E:~'itiro:.; at the hearing and state 1.ugor oe vot-. ~ ~ ,... Lo °"IMllee A.._ ~ w.. E. AMn eo.. R0NldA•vA•ssa1 O..r•IP-.1,.., xxi1~1ww. your objections or file ....... _..,..Und•C:-~=--lolllllaC.Ol\llcote 'l)la Jl•lemenl •• OIM wltll 11'1 Tllll ... ...._, wes llled wlll1 l'fle IUMMONI Written objections With the :::.:::, ::. 8::.. z..a ~::: = ~ ~:=~~~.:. o .... oe county on ~:".;'~:,.;~~~,: 0r.,. county NOTICe~~-= _,., r11e court before the hearlno. == :;c~~. a . .-CMdo ... ....,_ •aeuw,...... ~~~':~ r.-a1ec11on ~.;~~~ ~ ,.,.,.,, ,.,111 .. <-1 rne., '9Klcllt ..-inst -w1t11ou1 Your appearance may be • 0011241 ~ .., .. _.,. ~ ,._,.,...,0r.,. cou 1 D•lly Piiot, Put111....., 0r.,,.. Coe•t Delly P11ot. ~ ..i.. ,,..,. unllM "°" ,.._..., In person or by your lytlrdeVOUlcllOft: &1111c1edllci.-oc;_,,,. ,_._.A.._ .-...... ....._ ~ ~ Fetl J), MM.• IJ.10. 19'? 11147 Fetl 17. Mtr •. ll. 2t. 1"2 '"'42. wltllln Jt uys. ltNd tile lftfwtn<ttlon attorney .,,..,_.. MrL e.-...... a.\ ..... ~o.tl _ _.._____________________ M-. · Juer Mre ~ 0 0..-a.to. Mre Lorr-~ u veu wltll te -11w -k • ot .,. I F Y 0 U A R E A a---. Mr1 ~ l Soule YOTING PM.CIHCT a. COft'ClfllinO """*' ~ pr-. 004122212•1 .,..._., 111 t111s ....n.r . .,... si-td "° C R E D I T 0 R o r a a--Mrl .,,_ o Krtll\ ..-. l'leoe. ~a-11415 Loe .--w• llllSCIPI . Snclay, Marcb U By SYDNEY OMARR . ARJES {March 21-April 19): You gain added recognition; some individuals who bad l>een skep- tical concerning your ideas, abilities will now ac- knOwledge y our talents. Accent on friends, hopes and re-evaluation of spiritual concepts. TAURUS {April 20-May 20): Welcome new contacts, opportunities, challenges. Accent on pio- neering spirit, community projecta and special achievements. Individual you admire will return compliment. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Follow through on f~t Impressions. Intuition is on target. Plan ahead for holiday travel. Open lines of communication. You'll gain fresh spiritual insights. CANCER (June 21 -July 22): A special person roofides problems, seeks your counsel. By giving, you'll receive satisfaction. Golden Rule will be very much in evide nce. La ter you'll have reason to CEiebrate. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Be willin& to make changes, revisions and to attend to detaila. Visit to individual confined to home or ~could be on a~d,a. Maintain low profile. Be · t. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Trawl news is part of scenario. Focus also on dependents and pets. Keep recent resolutions concerning nutrition and health. Change of attitude will aid in completing basic chores. to promptly so tll•t Y°"' ••llten contingent creditor of the OISTlllTO l LECTOl\AL NO. •. _ _.. ... -·11• --........,.. ~:...,..,......, ~ ,..~~i1~":"!:.:'':.::..":~. deceased, yoo must flle ~2:v0111C1oncktllldede'--..,. mtt.....,_et, ·t;::r:::::::'ri:f::::-• •1 w.,._. ""* '9Kldlr cOftlra u•. your claim with the court .....,.._...,.., ,._. £...,,... Cieri.: ..... a.nor L 8ubllU ''" ........ , ••• """°' Qtjl Ut. 0 r present It t 0 the Julll: Mrl....., u eo.... VOTING PllECIHCT I. c:omprltlng flOIA8' elecilon precinct• 0061244 l«rwlerlc Ml'a. l-""""" • ..... "'-Cox Sc:11oo1 1711 S Lot wdinee £1111 r"4*!M .,,.,.. .. •dies. u • 1• personal representative ~MrLlletW•J,F'lllon lnlpeclor:Mta .1-w..., 1~":.::=-.t.,.ic-1o .. appointed by the court • ~~JmoELtCTOl\AL Ho.10 .• 1>.,-*•~~,...,..,.. ~::,.,.,.:,::,•,:::;::.. "" • ......, ... ---. ....... ,,. within four months from i..., de VOUICIOft: r-..n ~ 10111 ~,.._A"" °""'· 1io1n ~ Ti-n ll.c•tl• 11111Mcll•t.me11••. • 111• the date of first issuance "-'«-=Mr. 1'11""9 M . ..-.. VOTIHO l'AECINCT 1. -~......, e19e11on P'-• 0031223 "1-•. tu ~ -rite. JI ft•Y , Julll: Ml'a. ......_, W. 0.-..... "-Cornw91 Aelider'Clt 10;,H u o..pe... "-......... .--...... ~r-• tlemoo, of letter;.s as provided 1n ~.., c 11tec119r "-1<lr ....._ UncM eornwe. I TO THIE OEFEND~HT: A CMI Section 700 of the Probate Sect-. !oh. AoClet1AI J. Hon9I Ndgl< .... Alta... I c•Mitl•l"I llH -n lll•d by Ill• Code of California. The OISTM'O l!l.EC:TOAAL HO. 11, -CMde'" -°' ._._ ,....,..,.. a.ti. ..... M.nez..I itleloltlff ... IMI ~ 11 "°" wl$l\ lo • • 221/HO Cl9rtl. Mta K-1e a- af!Md !fib '-It, you m .. 1. wltllln time for filing Claims Wiii l uoet de VOleCIOn E.-Gi.r 11720 l.M Aeo'ilt SL VOTINO l'MCIHCT I ,_.,. r.,.-eleclloft pr-.:U 007-241 • dey1 -'"'' ._ '' .. ,...., not expire prior to four ~ora. Mta flMrlot 8-11 ..-. "-COftwnunlty o.nw a-.o 10200 Slew"-en y .... ll1e w1t1o 1111s -• wr1n.n months from the date of ~~-=--~·..,..~~ ,...._..'°OW ~t. U"'-U Y06' the h i t' ...,. bo S.0.~ Mn. ........ KoH MrL 8lle ~ 8°'Alt •• .. --........ Wiii ..... ,_.. ear ng no ICocv a ve. • Dl&T"ITO l LECTOAAL NO 12, _..,.. ... ----one.......... a.to Mta ..._ 0. l(rell ~ -'k•llon of "" ~lltlff, -1"" YOU MAY EXAM INE 21S1211 VOTING ""EOHCT 1. ~,...., -.c11on precincta 22•m t .. .... " m-. ~ • ..........,, •te•1111 the file kept by the court. u.ow.,. Vo40clon:......,. Sell I04Cll...,... "-,.... ....... ,_ -~ 11110 •~ s""" :S yeu Mf 1119 ,.., ... .,.,.,..,,.... "' ..,. If you are Interested In the .......,_.,Mr. Mwy Sell ~or .. , ... "-1 E Noble <Offt•l•lnt, wtllcll could <Hull In t t f I I Julll: W... """*'" J, MoMa11en ..,.., He6en u 8CNe 'i ,.,.1111ment 01 •noes.••~'"' 01 es a e, you may e a -.-. ...-.o.-.H.~ .... ,. Et11e1Aover• ... mono Of pro.-1y or other ...... r equest with the court to • =mr ~':i::~o~.t:;, ... ,3 .... .,_,..o lot d'91.rlloe -Of-tlg<ll•ft ~.:·:RE~~~ ~o~~ regular MC\IOn P<ectnc:U 2141237 r9quttlldlntlle<GmPl•in1. receive special notice of' 2021243 POllnQPleoe·Tlbunlt>Oubt>ouee 10101 AOot>e..._A_ o.,.., ~~~": 11,11 c1e..a the inventory of estate and Luow de voiec1on &eue1e"""" 11200 ...,..,., st "-lor: Mre. "'¥11 w e..ec11ey ev c.-i.~.~Y of the petitions. accounts ~,;,•t:,.•w."'':l,..,.,..Mortori =·~M~w Gemm111 0-..lybh;lll and repcrts described in s--Mn ~ ............. Olft: Mta. ~ J - ... WltsNrw .1\1._ ... S t i 2 0 S f t h S.0-. Mn Kor., E--'VOTINQ PRECINCT 11. ~ regular elec'llOn P<-t 2211250 9-tylt .... C..,lfll eclf o~ 1 0. 0 e • OISTlllTO ELECTOllAL NO 1•.-1oe-...ioee1ee10<_,......_ .... Piece 0....Schoot lt720 LMAor.a S~ 1n1> uwttt Cal orn1a Probate Code. OOl/2» ....,._°' Mta a.no. 8-11 "'*lsllell Or-coest o.i1v P11o1. Mark S. Sliver Luoet oe v-&<.-. ~ M71 •-... : Mre ~ Sin"'90fl ¥••<11 u.a.u.~i J.it12 11....,. 1900 Bank of America ";:::c::..a.::;,,,.v.::.r:-can'::==-- Tow•r 1ecor-Mta .,.....,.. """' YOTIHO l'AECIHCT 12. -..ino,.., _1on .,.-. 2111211 s--.... ~ i.--..... Pleor a.a~ 10405 .... ..,,i. ... _ 1 City Blvd. West OISTAITO ELECTORAL NO 15, ---... dleetttot ---....... ~ ..... Marys... iecmc:a TO c• TOM Orange, ca. 92618 2111241 Mta . ........,,,, J ............. O.IUUl-·-(714) 6"•.3867 LugarO.V-· ,,_....,.,__,._ lftlu--.MA.O....H ._., ·-,... """*1or, Mt "-"'' ~ Cllt!ll Mta. 0 A ..._ c--. .,..... u.c.c.1 Published Orange Coast Ala: ..... oo-~ VOTING MIECINCT 13, ~,..,.,.., -...., prec1nct. 2021243 111e":.11..=rtr=.':f:':"...: Daily Pilot, March 13, 14, :=-..::,::_~~i!:9' =-"':':' .. ":v~"4M°" 1&200a...ds1,... ........, .. ._ IO M ""* Gft ,..__ 20, 1982 1163-82. • Ol&TlllTO ELECTORAL NO. It, ~ loe dllllrllw ............. ,.....,._ JudQe' Mta. 1111• M. Kolw' ~ ~ d9crlbed. 0151211 . a.ti· .... Joroe llt'lnklNln ....:i..~ ~ --OI Ille PlllJC 9llC( L...-de VOleCIOn: "--US-. 111" ......... 8t Oter1<. MtL Keren E-eon J •W. E •E1P-•, 6217 e.11 lloed. """*1ora: MIL Mery Wlleon VOTING PMCINCT 14, ~ reg<Ht -iori P<ecinctl 006/233 " " r~ JI.a: MfL ~A. Miiel..i ~ P1eor ,..,..._ Sd>OOI M75 W1<-A- LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Focua on domestic isaaes, home environment, surprise gift involving -family member. Expressions of love will dominate Scenario. • C\11r-CA toao. a--Mta. A L CllOdll ....,..,...,. Mta. -11i1u1* ·t11e 1oce1ion "'ce1110.ni. 011111 -NOTICE OF DEATH OF a--Mr1 Mary Alce Wlllbtldge NC1f1< ...... ~ 11--.g ~ Olllo9 or prtndpel --of. FREDONIA D. BARNUM, • OISTlllTO ELECTOAAL HO 17. -~ ioe-... ..._... .....--a.to'*" M•get94"""" llol of Ille.._,,~ la'. s....... I00123t a.ti ............. ~ -. aka FREOONtA. DURBIN l"'91Wcle V-lleeldenctll~ ...,,_.... YOTINOPMC1HCT 1s.~,..,._~pr--2111241 AJA 011* ....,_ -and "°"'-B A R N U M A N D 0 F .,...._,... Mta -'--~ Pe11110 "*-' """"'-~ Ree "?$ t.a ,...,,._ =-~=~~:.::': P E T t T I 0 N T 0 ~..,. louille._ ~Mr llelpt>F c;_,_ SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov 21): Matt.en of choice d<fllinate -means you can select. trim, streamline. Perfect technigues, define terms, take steps to in· sure security. Pisces person hel.-you make neces- &al!.Y change. SAGITTARIUS {Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Idea which h!-'P been discarded will once again be viable. »n- Ptl-is on responsibility connected with relative in transit. Money comes from aurprae 80urce. Rela- ticnhi is intensified. .__,...,,_.__...,... ADMINISTER ESTA.TE :::..-::::: ~~ t:::c":t:::t:::::;:" ...::..-==..--:::-~°' ... NO. A-112566. • DllTlllTO f l.LCTORAL HO 18, --........ ........_ .......... Cler1' Mrl I M~ CLlff'O'IO L. Mil. MENLVH II. A8El T 0 a I I h e i r s • 201/UI ~ 81 VOTINO PRECINCT 11, ~ ~ elecllon PflClnel• 0151212 '""OWIGMT 0 MEL •• o.ne..i Part· b efl . I ed"to s Luger cM v~ ~ .._ .,.., . PomlllQ Place Aet.cho u SO.I• 11UM -d s ...... ,..,,,,.., 12121 ~t11 Anno.i .... Len en c 1.ar es, er . 1 r ~e:i::.~o.a. .=':...."'~~=. ...,.,..oe, ~ eono. and contingent creditors of ~ MrL P11y11e _ o.i.: ...,.. A. L. c- T11e1 1 ... P<ot>«:J p.,t1Mn1'-"o 11 Fredonia O Barnum and a-...na....,., ~ ,..,. °""' "'"· MIWY Allee w~ ~:.:::. 1rit::.i~ per son s .;.,ho may b e • Ol&TRITO El.ECTO"AL HO 19, •~ ... _.•ttlt" -=ior-.. regulerel VOTING PflECINCT 17, comcin.ino regulet elec'llon ptectncl1109/231 -·CA 110110 otherwise Interested in the ='!"t~:...O., ~vi.ti v-. te:nu -°" t.1 :=.:-=.~ =:-9480 rouce11 •-tr.!:..~":::.::-.! 'l~A= will arid/or estate. IMpeelora.,,.,... 00ro111y ~ -""llr. loullle ._ CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): You •trike chord of universal appeal -more people -.ip .. ud your efforts. You locate article that had been lost or stolen. Income potential is spotlighted -your fi. naocial posit.ion improves. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Moon cycle high -you'll be at right place at crucial moment. Forua on originality, independence, new starts, fresq contacts -and concepts. Surpri9e offer brightens scenario -morale is l::>oa>ted. MINTM A petition has been flled ~ ~ ~ ~,:::: ~~ ..::.=.:-.. ~~:.b y Laura Ellzabeth g;rr:::cr"O:.r::7:-..... ... ._..._...,.......,.. ~,.::.<=.'~111•.-e1ec1ionpr-.c1a~7~~s-.. ,_........_,~_,..,......., .... Barnum Kellogg , aka ot11n1 ~or M,.,1.1ery~ u.~~eo11111,ot1w.iw Laura B. Kellogg and u.r•~i...-....,.. ... ..,......_ ~Mn.P"l'tll T,_,, ~t.:'...., .... ..._ .. a.. Pat r i cia Da't/e nport :c==:.:::...._ =.o~~~~regu1e<-=i1on,.,-1o1•m3A1215 -.... l.llllfllnll ~ c-.---. Lackner. aka Patricia M . .___...., T . .._ .,_ ~ "'-· v.. View~ 18250 Hlcllory s-•i::. ,.._Md __ o1.,.. ""'°" Lackner In the Superior :;,;.~· :f:cr'~Le::,. 21• __ •.....,.........,........,.. F "'.:' :::".:..':.. ~ -.1111 -Cleln'9 _, 111Med1a "-... Court of Orange County, ootitte ... ,. E. McCllllOm M111.tcr-a.111c .10021•1001t111e1d requesting that Laura U.-deV-~~ t7aotBMlnM ci.n.,Mta 1F'~ ....__ ....'... L~ ~.!.._"-C..~ ~7!! E I lzabeth Sarnum Keflnng "-tote: Mt9 l<M4lfl -i.r VOTIHO PRECINCT :ZO. ~ •evulet llllC110n P<lldnCl• 0111236 .... -_, ""' -. -... ..,., -·· ...., ""-. MA.~ K-~ 111.-HieCIM Sc:llool ll:JOO aw-._..... --..11111 ... AJJrte. 1ttz.-11111e and Patricia DavenPOrt ~ 1io1n Cllf1ltle 1111ngwot111 ~or....,._ .i.... M•-:_~:::::1i..coneumm1t1on Lackner be appointed '9cretwte:Mrl.L.A.~ "'"SueBltlli. o-d Mlr'dl 11, 1112. as personal representative • g:;~o eucroAAL NO. 22• ·--'" ....,,, • ...., ... .....,. an ::· ~ ~ PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): You eeme pul9e of public -you'll have knowledge of story behind story. Intuitive intellect ia actfva.ted -hunches and first impressions serve as valid guides. CMard= ~ = tO administer the estate Of Lugar cM Vocedoft· ~ 0. lomberoe .... I 11'17 ........ at: VOTING PAlCIHCT 21, comp•llll\Q reoular •lecllon pr~lncll 001122' D.·~ Fredonia 0 . Barnum ~-..,._~._ ~"'-L-"---1r:mE1ms~ .... ..1\111: Mt. ,.., Jolw-. '""'9Clor' ..... Koren -19)1 ......,..r......,_ (under the Independent .....,_.....,l.uGla•.~ Mloe Mr. .....,Kmult•' =~..._._ Admlnlstr'atlon of Estates ~.~=L~ ~ ... ~.......,.......,.. ==-~~ ,__ ~~ _. A.ct). The petition is set tor ooam1 voTINO PREOtHCT 22. oompr191ng revui--.,.-. 2061225 '-::;-~ 0r--. eo..1 Ody itNot.. hearing In Dept. No. 3 at weer oe vai-. °'--~ ,._..,......,,. ~Piece Are 8ttlllon,.., 1 1m1 ~ s~ IALTZIHGHON SMITH & TUTHILL ""ISTCllff CHA'IL 4'}7 [ 171h SI Costa Mr<.a f;4fl-Cl:171 "HCE llOTHUS , 5Mf1HS' MOITU41Y 627 Maon SI HonhnQl on Bt:al"n 536 6539 ,ACIJIC VIEW "41MOllAL , .... Cernitery Mortuary Chapel-Crematory ~Pac;1l1c View Dri11e NewPOrt Beach 644 2700 .,..CObllCIC MOITUAllH L.auna Beaoti 4!M·9415 lMiuna H•lts 768-0933 r.J-.~ltfl Cap1su11no 495.1n e . ,, .. -- wia~·L.&WM-Mf. OllYI ·"":Mot~• CetNterv CrerNtorv - 1625 Gisler ANe Cost• Mesa 540-5554 ....... ,.. fMMZ 700 C ivic Center Drive, ~r':::e' $=':..~=:.,a.- West. In the City of Santa ,_....,."'" ......,.. ~ ....._ u.ci. a ~ A C I If • A It 1 ~ Mta Oor°"'Y a--Cllrti: Mta e~ "' w.,.,_ na. a orn1a on pr • • DlaTAfTO ELICTORAL NO 14. ~ -----........ YOTINO l"flEClNCT NO. 23. ccwnpri91n1J,....., -~ 00012.27 1982 at 9: 30 a.m . u amo .....,. ,._ ~ ~ 11222 ..,.,. ,,__ • ......,. • I F YOU OBJECT to the Luow .. VOledon, 1-.-...._ tee11...,.. .,_ ",. ~er. w.. u... Kr9J WN•t• C9UltT W TN a IMpeclor9. Mrl AdelN a-tcllel Juclae: Mr-. EOllll G9wtn1i IT•Tawuu,..._,,. grant I no of the petition, Juaa: ..... J." Ameto Cler\:.,.,.,.,......,.., I{,.,,.,,..,, VELA N• nea cou.n< OJJ .. ANO• you should either appear a-.t.1e· ......_ c~"""" ca.ti: ...... OofO!lty o-. A~lAS ,,_' :c· NG.tl~on....... t the .. _ · d t t S-..wle•Mf9.P M.lleeit VOH~P'M'.OINCl'H0.24,COfnP<lelngraQUW-.ctlonpreolnct1221/230 1 "'"" ' ,......_, • o · a ncllrtnO an S a e • DlaTIUTO I L!CTOllAL HO. 21, --IM ....... .-i...-,,.,...... l'ollllf Place:~~ 1Ml6 s.nt• y,_ Stfwl resldent of Hunun,ton h, PMlfflttff~Mo.CallllnllotlMI your objections or flle 20l/232 ~or....., Adtillne Mc:M1 Co. POIMd •way on Thuniday • T1MOT.iv SCM1fll1r£• _, w ritten objections wfth the ......., • Voti.dOn, E-'""""' t1MI ._. '-c.;r,, .. ,., J "· A1M1o M.rch 18, Hlht the HW'ltlrc· o.av1owa1NHM court before the hearing. ~~"':.::' Clerli~ ::;-~.:"'~ ton lnwrcommumty Hot,.cal. ~: Your appearance may be s.or..n.: ....._.....,CM.-VOTING f'NCINCT NO. 26.-.....,.,.., _ Prldne!a 20tl232 Huntu\l\On 8-::h. c.. ~ ltlCHAltOHeA-n.CMAM&LISS, 1 ..._.. Mta. !Mrdl ...,._ PellllO ,_., ,_. 8alOOI 17340 Sant•,..__ , p _,__._.._ J• n person or by your DllTNTOl!LLCTOAALNO.ft....._.. ... ...,.........,._,......_ "-**Mrl-'-'.._ wife of .. UM ·Vela...., --T001tA"TW10N• • .wooas1 attorney. 011m1 Judoe'Mre L-~ ved mc>Uter of S..th« 1""9 of 1f1fwtf1 •. IMhltl.. 1 F y 0 U A R E A UitW • vo1..-.i. ~ F..-. '"'• ..._. •-a.\· "'" "*-r c:r-Hunll.GC'Gft ..._.., C.., 8-U.. 111211••• ........... Mta. Mlt1MI ~ ~ Mta Mlltdl ....-~ 1 f Oard Q Ca ...... C R E 0 I T 0 R 0 r a Ma'...._ 11w1tw '-VOTING PMCINCT HO 21. COfflPltllrlo,...., e1o1ct1on ~ 01112:s1 ma 0 •n rove, ·• .....,~,, """'..,,. ... ..-. ne cont lnnant creditor of the ._._ Mra. C... ~ ~ ,_, ,_ ~ •77• a l-.c> "_,.,. Fell~ h~ of Wwttlrineter, «-' _,, _.. ..... ,_ ...._ ,,.. .....,. Mrl. ~ "°9e C-.-E Mn MWIMI tlc*..- C.., Mlpl .I. Vela ot I.-.....,,_._...,...._,..,...,,.. deceased, you must file • DllT'IVTonacTCIMLN0.27,...,.......,....,....,..,......,_ MIL=:= & Ca., ~ t..w. Ve .. ot ff""*'I· .-.. •.,.. ....... ..._ .._ your cl aim with the court t°U:4:. Vo1«11on: bcwll Court..-,.,. ..,.. ~ ; =:: ='"°'9 c.-'°" Bwh. c... ..., ... Vela., ...... -0 r present I t t 0 t he '""'9c1or1: Mtt. ..... eoun...,. VOTIHO PRECINCT NO. 27' -.ptlolng •eoulet -.ct.Ion pr~ 001/241 So&.•~ C.. allo IW'\'t-"••"""" • -11 "" """10 of en personal representative ""-...,.. OlddY ~ E"-: c-r..-9c:hoal 1nu s.r.t• Cet1ottll yj .. , ...;..........::.. .... _ and ..,_., "' -~. --..... .. I t d b th t Secntllrle: ~ • ..._ Coa ....... H-eo.tmoee 11~~ :.:.=.·.:;.:~~ ~~.!.~:;.::11!:.n :Ji8'~n n f~r ;:,ont~s cf~~~ • =~~ :f:c=L~ H .• .,.,_.. 1oe ~.....,... .....-.. ::::, =~ m:r.Y c•lf at Pitre. Brothen av1eo1 u.... 11t ..,. ............ the date of first Issuance oot/221 a.ti:..,.,,,,.,... W111te ......_ -U.. •·-~ v~ ........... --............. ,_ oa'9 Tiiie ""--. ...,.......,. --NO. 21,-... _.._ _...,,. ~ OOV2tt S thl' Mortua"" Oft S.blrday •• .,.,_ .,... e.c-c • .. f lette s as p lded I ---..._,. ..__ .._ -..... .._ .. ._.._, -·--.... .._ ........... .-...1 tram 12~ to t:toPM ••• •• _._,. • 111•••• o• u•. o r rov n lnlClectotc ...... o. A. ~ ,,.... ,.._Allton Alilldetloe ...,, Ne ....., ...._ ...... • · ...,,.... ....,. • • ..., "-• ,. Section 700 of the Probate .iuc Mr. J. •·MIO!! ~ ...._ o. "'~ on S\&ndt1. Th• Kol1 lloMry ..., ........... Code of CJllfornle. The =:::=:~ ~=~~ will b• recited ea lun4l1_y • II u ..... "'""°' .. _,. • time for flllrng clalms wlll • ~ • ,.,_ =. ... · Cln:,... ..._ ;;;;" ....... , .• E.lc. ........... -........ -....n • oO.so...¥:\,1 .,.__,.,,__.,_ MM•r•• ..._., .. ,_,., .. ttt• not expir e prior to four aeoaDN L 0ua 11 • • • • ,.._ -• • 1 '* *'*' . ._.. .. ,. n " .. '...,'•111e11 .........-.. ....._ -.-.,.,." ..... months f-t .. -... _te of _....,.. ... ,..... ...... ,., ........ ==--• leCTQa.,,.1111 • i1111 .. .._,. ....... ,_.....,... Chu..& .... af .. ..'....'-" =~-~··-'"'" ,.,. ua ...... , ..................... __...&.: '1:.#8 .... ._......_.11.._._. .... _.,~0..W.CIM.OOllllr ban CatlM!lk OW$. _ 0( '· TO net """cwn1 A cM the ~rl~ notl~td •bov•. r ..._ '*"_,.. ......_ • ..., ,,., ·-~ ...;:, .... .,_."*-~•.oat._...,.-.. wa.-.., _....., ChrutJen Burt.I wtU M con-c-IMot•.,.. ._ '''"' ar * YOU MAY EXAMINE eeero .. -.=:::.::_=~w.t•• ,..._. .. :-=~===--=--•.._..•--.-..... -=~:::a~ == .:= !.'."..:.:::.. "::.: :~:~~::.,.. ... ~~ ~::-:;.'.; ::-;z.:=--==.::=..--·-€t;,c:7:a: •• '" l"" -..:.-~'=-"'=".::..-=-.~=--= ~!::.";::= = wtu. ... ,.. • ,.._. Du«1 :.;.:::.::=:::= est•tt1 YOtl may flit • 1 ~=11,':rr-:&r:: •tea ::.-::.E:=c:::.::;:i::::.:=:::.-..": • • lak-. ..... m 1 a wtll 1lle • .. ~. UldttO ,._. request wfth the court to U 11 .--... "' mad•l•tb10.-c!8lll•i:,•cnl •• . .-•~•••...-•receive 'Pe(lal notk• of · •1111i?M•~v-. 'Alie. AMOAOOl"T1D"""11111_,.,,..,_,,,.._ C...t.ery, ..._.,_ Ill, ... •c8"111• • ,._.,, ... w. the lnventorvof tstat•and ATDT~........ • ~'---:. "'·. ~~-....... ._. Cl9ft__., .................. of 1"' --~........ __ ., .. -· ,..,_ -•--,.. ,. .. ,..... •Pr r11 "' 1111 tfM pet ttons, .ccounts l"'IWIMO..,..c-ta..,.,..,_,,,,~ 1111(: A"9T'! a.,.,.,......_ --· ~••etttt, wMI• ffll,. '""" 111 and reports dtscrl.,_, 1n _ -• ~~ • ..,.,..._..., ............ •• Section 1700.J of "'' ,.. -OM I ....., tr .....,,. tr ..,_ ,...., Callfomle Probe• Code. O'~ • ..................... It R ~ °' I .. --=~ :.:c;:...•-.,:,:,.•r,· ••••~...... -~--nw-,C:..'"~ • ....,_.,._,.,.":.~::-·,.-- Clllfl ..... --...... Vllllr; ...................... _......._.....,. .... _<:-.. .. L .. • ,.,. ... .. ..,.,. C....... Dr. • .-, .... ,. o..-•~-...i ... ...,..0-...-.11111 ... ,.,..,:E' ... ....._.,1,.._..,_ .. :a...-w.. .,.. " ......... ..... ""=• .. -... , .. ,. --~ .......... ,.... ....... .,.. ,,... .... • --:nr r,,r~",c•·""' !O!!S =-li\E =. EE :=-.. ._ , Publtthed Orange Coe st ....... ...,. ~...a ... .,....~°""'....., Datly_Pnot, ~rctt 13, 14, __....___,--~----...,Otto.. .. • •• -.,.. 201 1912 f151-12. .._ --.... -_.._ --.... - .... .-. .. A "~mt: • BURBANK -"Fantaala, .. a flop In to ........ but lat.el' dwa ........ perionMr In the bmey ....,.., new. to the nation .. &b1a1111 Ulll 1WDmtt with a brand-new IDUDd. Walt Dllney Producdonl bu ~t fl mllUon -almoet half ot what the movie or1llMllY cmt - to re-l'«'Ol'd the entlN ICOr'e With a 116-p&eee or· che9tra on a cUclW. Dolby stereo IOUDdtridL 'nM9 conductor: Irwin Koew. Academy Award Winner for "Welt S&de St«Y' and "'!be Sound of MUllic:." The orlainal ICOre, a co1Jaae of S.Ch, 'l:chal· koftky, Stravinsky, Schubert, etc., wu NCOrdecl tn 1937 under the bat.on of Leopold Stokow'lld. 'nM!ll the animators let thelr irna8lnationa fiy, relUldnc ln what many consider the most brUJJant art tn Dhlney hiltory. But the publlc respome wu a bitter diaap· l>OLDtment for Walt Disney. Even thou&h Mickey ~ starred in "The Soreerer'1 Apprentice" 1e- quence, people found the film tar removed ~ the ~ Disney entertainment. "Fantasia" pioneered 1tel'eo sound, and the proCe. proved too expenlive except for a few blg- city theaters. It took almost 30 years for "Fantasia" to redeem itaelf. • ~tly 1 visited the recording ~ at CBS Stud.lo Cen ter, where Kostal was conducting the hyge orchestra in "Night on Bald Mountain." Among the observers was author Ray Bradbury .who aaid "Fantasia" remaina his favorite Wm: "I'~ seen it 30 times, and it still causes huckleberries down my back." Also visiting was Irving Ludwig, retired chief of Disney distribution. He remembered the original reiease of "Fantasia": "Mothers came rushing into the lobby alter 'Night on Bald Mountain,' inoenaed that Walt Disney would give their children such a ~-·· Ludwig recalled how Walt, s1rapped for cash after the World Wat. Il froze the foreign market, regretfully agreed to shorten "Fantasia" and release it in monaural sound. Vindication came in 1969. Said Ludwig: "I remember going into a theater in New York and sniffing an odor 1 had never smelled before. The young pot-smoking crowd diacovered a brand· new psychedelic experience. 'Fantasia' has been in constant release ever since and has pulled in a steady $2 million every year." The original Fantasound, which required 36 speakers behind the screen and 54 others throug- • • missing. .. "**** 7Mi11iog' is a truly rivet.ing mone ~· eJtecuted with Co1ta·Ca•ra1' a1ual bri1k inten1ity." Kath/us C.rroll. NEW YORK DA.I· LY NEWS missing .... 0 ELECTRIFYING ... •Mi .. ing' ii a m.apificent achievement that towen o.er m09t films one see. in the course of a year, and I recommend it 1trongly."-Rex Reed, GQ MA.GA.ZIIVE • • missing. WED CMI A TRUE STORY. Fascinating .. A unique achievement ... a touching, funny and suspenseful drama."-Jo,,et Maslin, NEW YORK TIMES Daring "This daring film will tive you a new respect for those creatures who became us." -PEOPLE MAGAZINE . . Exciting " ... an expansion of the primitive-man sequence in '2001' ... It's a true original." David Denby, NEW YORK MAGAZINE bout ..__ ... ~=' thM.BUt ncarcliAI tiaYe mowd t 19119 linct ~~ 1be 1tudlo d d on tb• re-~. a.cw.en c:iondUC'dna I IJlioal, KGsta1 admlu.d ..... .,....,..lkl ... /A ~ act lo follow. ''He WM a liirriftc oaaductor wlth hit own etyle; he took lllwtlill tbllt are bard to duplicate ., Mid K.atta1. .. Hll b11 if am la ID1 jail.'' ' UauaQ1 mualc 11 recorded before an.lmatlon· tht. tlme Koltal wu faced with the metlculoui work of fi&Unl the mw6c to the finJahed film. ''The onl~ cMn&-1 have been able to make ii in 'Nlaht on Mountain'," said the conductor. "I recently heard tt dorMr by the London Srmphony, which went bllCk to the M~ OfiClna.l. 'nwat had been considered too 1lr'Ol:ag lor -audieOOM, and mott oreheetraa have played a politer vmton by Rimaky-Konakov.'' IMA flUITlll HWY lllWM °"'*" IJA Mo-;on fountain V1/lley fdwlids WoocltlrodQt UA City ~ t7t4' 990 4022 839 tSOO (714) SSI 06SS 6343~11 COITI M(U FULUllTCMI OllAllGI • WESTMlltSTlll UA t.ne1llu fo• OrJ1191 ~· UA 111a1 S40 OS94 525 4747 637 0340 893 0541 u TOAO fdw11Clli ~k s91 saao -------DRIVE·INS-- CAllS4* Seollll ~ DrHt ~ 532 Ill t OU11G1 Staoium Dr••e In 639 8170 NO,_ ACCll'TDI -THIS lNQAOUtfNT WAUllN.-AnT~ DIAllSUATOH REDS -··-~· .. FRI. 1:30 SAT/SUN. 1:00, 4:45, 1:45 Whk wx.otk>nlnq In the ~ W...fomout~tt¥& U."ut. Pollot apottcd o bcouttfvl woman on h ~.~that 6M WQ6 dead. he did . not CMk het to dinner. mm ®ISllt'S tvlLUnDfR rtttsun TIM"°'" M' •• A,..,i«._.. "'',."''•"" SH<DT THE M<DN ~ "'· 1:21 SATllUN. 4:00, 1:25 1be Am8tels l!l .... 1:15, 1C>:40 Mt 2:00 1:11 10:40 .. "EVIL UNDER THE SUN''1l'01 FN.1:15,•.a IAT/IUN.1:00, 3:15 5:30, 7:46, 10:00 --1------':....:..-~------R~O"PRYOfr ~1J11~.§; jfJ?~ ..... "';ii ~-) FRI. 1:30, 1:30, 10:30 SAT/SUM. 1:00, 3;00, 5•00 7:00, 9:00 & SAT. ONLY 10:50 "RICHARD PRYOR LIVEON THE SUNSET STRIP" FRI. 7:15, t:OO, 10:35 SAT/SUN 2:00, 3:45, 5:30, 7:15 t:OO 10:3' ft ...,...CAM ~_,.,. Cl -c,-Ill FRl.1:00, 1:15, 10:30 SAT/SUN. 1:30, 3:45 1:00, 1:15, 10:30 0'1,=~-· u;;;;- FAI. 7:t0. t:11 •• ,_1._,_ .... ...... 1"1 .... ·--tmJ!fnl_ .. .,.__ "SHOOT ·~··--THE MOON' '/)EIU ""'· 1:15, Ur.JO OF TH~ "PORKY'S" S~!ISllN 1:u. lOST Altl( "''· 1:15, l :IO .20. 10:45 FRI. l:>O . 10:31 "PERSONAL BE~T" FRl.'i:4o SAT/SUN •:10. e:30 IATllUN. 2:00 4rtlu 4:00, 1:11 '"'· 1:11, 10:>0 1:30, 10:35 (Ill) .. ,,..,.. 2:10. •:30. 1t:IO LIVE ON THE SUNSET STRIP" FN. 7:00, 1:40, 1C>:15 SAT/IUH. 2:00, 3:40, 5:20 7:00, t:40, 10:11 (9') FRI. 7:00, 1:15 SAT/SUN 1:"5, 4:00, 1:15. l :JO. 10:"5 ..... ............... Tf:t_E.,,.. ~!!!· ..,,...::: .. RICHARD "'VOA LIYEONT .. SUNSET STRI~' ... 1:11.tt-.•• IAT/IUN.1!11, t:• 4:•, t:11, 1:00, t:IO & MT. CM&.'t' 11:00 "GREAT WHITE" "'· t:11 IAT/IUM. 2:10 ..... 11('°} "WIMP TtlNO" ..... 7:20, 10:90 IATllUN. 1.:IO 7:20, 10:IO A _ _.. "EVIL . UNDER THE SUN" ,.., t:t0, 1:11, 11>'.20 MW.UN 1:IO, 1:41, 1:00, 1:11, 10:20 (N) "RICHARD PRYOR LIV!ONTHC SUNIU fTR"" 1111 , .... 7:11, .... 1t:• *BARGAIN MATIN•llS * Monday tltru Saturday All Performence1 before 5:00 PM (Except l,edll £ ............. llld Htlldlys} "IUTTDWl. Y'' .. ·---. ... - "WA1"Ylll .. 11".,. ·------ -------... LAKEWOOD C ENTER WALi< IN .. ......., __ "ON QOUIDt ~· ""' ,.... ___ _ ·?ONCYS'' ·---.,,..,~ .. LAKEWOOD CENTER SOUTH WALN IN focully Al Del Nrto 211/6J4.9211 'TllL UNDtllt THE SUN" -..... -.... -... ., . ·---~.,,,,,. .... _... -----. •'f'OMYI" .. --..... --- •oc11lly Of Co"Cll••OOd 21J/IJ1·9llO .............. _ __ .. ,.._ _°"'_,___.., .... _ ~.... ___ ..,_ ---------. I "REDS" .. I t ..... -- "llUTTEllf\. Y" "" '''~att....-.u• __ ..,. __ 'CHARIOTS~ ~E" -1 H~a-A&,a'M.Mil.19:11 -Soul,, Coo•I Mi...., } OI llloodwoY 494-1514 '°"ICMMO ""'°" LIW ON THE IUNMT ITIU~" 1111 -·---.. ,-.,, ... .-. ....... -''WATMTRN"' .. --------- ........ ., .. .,., 0...1'8:15 ~~ , .. 6:00, ........... •8:45 IMPOATllllT lllOTIC(! CMllOfUN UNDER 12 fflH! M•k• ......... M• flW• fro 5 30 • Sat h• ... , 30 Ht CM.ft -• 'IOUll ._. W MOIO 11 'IOUll SPlMDI If NO lM W llAOIO WITlt Ofl10ll ACCaSOll\' IO$ll10ll -lllNG /IM l'Oll1MU I• AU CM..ft OMMIS d Oii M AA0G ANM<ll~ ANAHEIM DRIVE·IN ,,. • ...,.,ttotu -st ___ 1~7_9_·9_1_.;IO;....:;.,.. __ ~--_ o~ !'-~ __ _ •'QWITIANI! ..... "" -•-ya IQUAD'' ... Cl#f fl$OUNO f\ , ~~A PAPI BUENA PARK DRIVE IH LlllColn A•• W••I ol '"°" 121-4070 ft ., .,,,. ··~· LINCOLN DlllVE·IN lll•U>tn Ave We ll ol ""°" 121·4070 .... 11') .. \ LA HABR A (J~IVI lh .....,.._._..,.,..., ... _ 17NaH --~ - - ~ .... ORANGE 0111Vl IN W'fW'_, -'"THI -.r M .UGHT'I -.r OUT .. -..a"" I• ~ll' WARNfR ••1.1 IN "a.IA'" 'Mlltt 11" ... -"NKJHfHAWKS'' " CINt ' fl M>UllO "RICffARD ""Of! UW ON THE IUNIET ITRI~" 11111 -"llttNK OMTY" 11111 "llUTTIJU'l Y'. flt -"U'Tl\.I DAM.I ...... Ctllf·A~ --- "~TMINQ'·--·~· .. Clll(.,.~ . ate, •cro11. the street from Hollywood ~i*h SChool. Here's the next batch of bafflers. l . ~ o•Reed brought'broad grinS to her . aud1ences u whom? . · 2.' Name the dog in the Partridge F&mµy TV seri~. : . : 3. The song which begi~s "I was born to .w11nder, l wa.s born to roam" goes under what title? 4 .. The legendary Cas.ey Jones worked for what railroad.? . . 5. Name the only actress ever to be billed above · ElVis Presley in a movie. . '6. A baby tied to the railroad tracks in a '."Perils of Pauline" silent movie later became one of Ame- rjca's top comedians. Name him. ·. " . ·7. The Ola Shore Tropby is given to the winner of ·a .college football game between 'which two ~? ... · ·a. Sir Rowlapd Delahave is the leading cha- raeter in what mystery play? 9. In the movie ".The Competition," name (a) the top tune ~icbari! Dreyfuss and Amy Irving played .bn the piano af')d (b) t~e order in which ·each ~mpeted in.the finals. , \ · 10. Judy had ·many. luxuries she hadn't paid tor, ~t she didn't mind when her benefactor sent her, the. bQl in what· movie? l ·=~s:.:~~01 Your C. ~or ~Dir • Tune To l:ZS~nd ENJOY' ,,___ I TRIVIA BOWL XXV STANDINGS 1. IDd lchmiirW (ll) 114 a . .larbara O.lf•do 1. ~ .. 01> m < ~> .e~ I. Owl' &he HW ~ (ll)lOS 9. John &.ell (S) 37 '-~ G~ (6~) N~ 10. IUdl Wlll'fWI (1) :SO a. ~=t= (f~~ 87K U . ert.Uehound (2) 111 e. ~ .._. (I) 1'1 no entry tffelved - T C..,.. Kidd (I) U ~ hall ol AM& ~ awarded Laat Week'• Auwen l. Mitzi G~ (name change) 2. DeSllk (Ace'• lut name) 3. 11Undetdo8" (Polly Purebred) 4. Oeorp W-uhinp>n (dancing president) 5. "Moonrunnen" (movie about "Dukes") .6. Candy Candido (Abbott's eecond partner) 7. Paul "Bear" Bryant (cover boy) 8. "You Can't Take It Wlth You" (Gay Wel- lington) 9 . (a) Loa Angeles, (b) Baltimore ("Battl6f.t!un&" home towns) 10. 'Blazina Saddles" (movie riddle) (Sencf your answen to TRIVIA, c/o the Daily Pilot, Box 1580, Costa Mesa 92626. All entries must be received by Wednesday, otberwise hall the player's last score will be awarded) Vocalists Jessie Dixson March 21 an~ Linda Hopkins March 28 ........ ~A. Sdlillr'I s.ecw Glltsts ... , ....... . SMIOUIACll CllJS( GYllWUI , ... ....,(Jl(M ..... ....., ........ "NUMBER ONE Pl€Tl:JRE OF THE~ .. :'.--.;•~ ~ ......... fer It A .. •••Y Awa ... ..... llJI .. BEST Pl~ -ORAMA BEST DIRECTOR MarkRydeU ..... n. .... ., •• ., ... ., .. 2"' .. uo "Like a greatest hits album of grue and gore!" Urnd Chute L A HERA LU D AMIN~ H This motion picture contains scenes of graphic and Violent horror . ANAHEIM Brookhurs1 772-606 IRU Brea Plala 529·5339 ......._ __ MGM/U"ald~ ~---. ~·~"'*'---~,.,.. ......... NOW PLAYING COSTA MEil OIWMIE OIWll( Edwards 8'1s1ol Oranoe MaN UA C11y Cinema 540 740 637-0340 634·3911 El TOllO otWl8I WllTl.itlllU Edwards 5addleback Stadium Olive-In Hl·Way 39 OOve-ln 581 5880 639·8770 891·3693 FOUITAlll YALLET Foonta111 Valley 839·1500 I HO·-ACCUtlO 'Otl '" .. -NT I &ACADEMY AWARD _ NOMINATIONS ... l.._..,n ... .... U!11'1D .,,_ JOWUOI WOOllAllNll ACCl'TIO '°" IN.II L_'.!:~~~~~~ Ir-~>1 otU OICMOtlH#l '°""" .. -..111wMMr I·---:. .. !:"',..~-· ... --J I W.lefl tl!e ~r Aw•nl• M•>eh 2ttt1 0 0fl AIC I ...... n. ..... ., ••• ., •• ,. .. 2ttll .. llO · Adrienne Barbnu SWAMP THING (PG) Talcc TIUJ Job And Shove It (P~) You '11 be glad you camel THI fNTfRTAINf RS I uouble Terror! THE KAST . WfTHIN (A)&. • OHdly.Bleu1n9 (R) I • Pia Zadora in ' · llJ.f1'TE RF\. V ( R} The Ameroun . Gi9010 CRJ Joli" 8elu1h• In NEJGHeotlS (RI Mode>n Ptoblem1 (PC) Arthur (PC) Orove·•ns Open 6 :45 ~Hkn19h1s/6:30Weekends .Undtr12FR EEUnfeuNoted I --- PERSONAL BEST ----- ''Between Rock ... and a Soft place:' DEATHTRAP MICHAEL CAINE CHRISTOPHER REEVE DYAN CANNON The trap is set ... For a wickedly funny who'll-do-it. 1n ru LIVIH'I "DEATHTRAP" hecu10.e Proauct• JAY PRESSON ALLEN Auoc,.te Produ«r ALffiEO de LIAGRE. JR Muw b y JOHNNY MANDEL Produced b~ BURTT HARRIS · Sc:rCoenp111 br JAY PRESSON ALLEN 81~ on tile \ta&e P'•1 br fRA LEVIN O.rec:tt:d by SIDNEY LUMET r-..;:======;;;:i ·~· . ' . ' . ~ i '1 t f DANCE PARTNER -Fred Astaire and his partners, includina eerty performances with his sister Adele (above) are hlgh- us~.d in film clips tonight at 5:05 on K: (28). d-..d mllllonelre. 'PG' .. , LIAV&rrTOIEAV£R 0 LAYMNE& IHIN..EY .MOYE *'A ''The NaY)I V1. The Hight MonllWI" ( 10M) Memle Ven Ooten, Pwnele Muon. A beautiful muM and a Naval olllcer enco1mi.r man-eating Undef'weler vegetlllon. • TO LIGHT A CAHDl.E • NEW VoecE l">Q • AMINCAH GOY'IRNMENT (%)MOVIE ***'A "The B1ec1t St• lion" P 070l Kally Reno. Mickey Rooney. Aller being reacued trom the ltland on wtllc.h they -• lhipWfeclled together. • young boy and • hor'M become lnvofved In the r-of 111ecaotury. ·o· ta08CI) NCAA 8ASKET8AlL Mldeut regional llnel (!Ive from 81rmlngham, Ala.) I 8 SPIDER-MAH OZZIE AHO tWWET • 9 HEATHCUFF I MARMADUKE • OUfTAA wrTH FNDENCK NOAO ·~ OOYSNotENT (C)MOVIE * * "The Apple" ( 1080) Catharine M8IY St-ar1, George Gilmour. In 191M. a singing duo lalls Into the hand• of • dlabollcal lmpr-'o. 'PG' 1~ 8 8 SPACE 8TAR8 9 SHANANA • 9 THUNOARR I OOU>IEGOU> • CAii CARE CENTRA.L • 808JOHES • TlflS OlD HOUSE Bob VIia lhowe how to trim wtndowS and dOon, and oi-adlltoe on prec>at1ng and pelntlng lntertor ..... (R)CJ •wmrs~ Jim COOP« Interviews Or11ng9 C-ty ~ 10n1 BNce Neslende and Roger 8tanlOI\ ®MOVIE * * "Dirty Trick•" (1H1) Eliott Gould. ~ Jack- -· A Hatvsd Pl'~ ~ Ille quarry of pertone anxious to o-t "*' lwldl on • recientty ~ letl• writlWI by George Waahlngton. 'PG' (l)MOVte * * ~ .. A Glotlal Atflllr" ( t964) Bob Hope. lllo Pu1wr. A beby. found by a bachelOf In the IObby ol the United Nations. .. dalrMd by all 1t1e mernb..- natlons. .M9'JIE * * ._. "The ShOgun WllM- on; Ofandlnr" I 1081) AN. meted. A ~ robot dltends Eanh wtien It .. lnvlded by Vegan lrwad-.,.. -· AMENCA'I TOP TEN ,.fl Wl.D, WILD WON.D OFANMM..a I =:':'"' PHOTO SHOW PORTIWTSIH PASTEl.8 1ffl0 8 8 OAR'Y /SPEEDY • WCTTEHMS "1320,000 World Cup ~·· Shlomo Glldl.- lteln n . Eliot TalCac:Mr •a W&kENO 8f'!QAl "l..adl And The Magic Fec.- tory" Two young people combine their talentl to opell up I maglC . ~­ (htt 2)(R)CJ • WILD. Vf1L.D WON..O MAHNAl.8 I ~~ ~ * • "Hopecotcll" C 18IO) Wiii• Mattheu. Oler* JlldCIOfl. A lonner In..._ g9l1Cl9 ......... aided "Y .... old flame In dodglnO ... KGB and the CIA, who - tfYln8 '° Pl-" him "°"' Pl u .... 1111 mernon. 'A' thlOll=-' ....rAND I WILD, Wll..O WUT MIA CHIU) NIO MOMOO#lf>Ntr !~ ••• "Ceddle" '1N1) HIMfl Mof'M. Jeck Thomp- IOfl. A young woman IMV9I her c:omfOftabte IUIM'ban home and '* ... tiueoend, detertN!led to tllle full ~blllty tor eupporttng her ctllldrtn by dolnO wn.1.-odd jobe the can o-i. ®MOVIE * •-.. "8om-.ht1re In Time" (1980) Ctwil109her RMve. Jane Seymour. ObeMMd .-Ith the POf1rlll of e 19tl\-.c:l9nlury actr ... • modern-day ,.._ Yont ~t UMI hypnoei9 to lrewl bedt In lime and meethef.•PG' (l)t'MCTUMD FUa<EA8 11:46.CI) NCAA aA8ICET8ALl WMI reglonll llnel (!Ne !Tom Provo, Utah). -.AFTERNOON- 12:00 U (ii RINGSIDE to-round hetvywalght bout belwHn MlctlMI Doll• and Francx> Thom- aa; 10-round mlddlewelgtlt bout with Robbie Eppe ...... Teddy M9M (11¥e lrom Al.lanllc City, N.J.). 9 LOST IN SPACE Wentlng the Rocot tor their IMder, tiny rnechW- cal men trade hill voice and peraonallly wi th Smith'•· • MOVIE **'h "Tarun And His Mlle" ( 1034) Johnny Wel11muller, Maureen o ·s u111v1n. • AOAM-12 • SUM cuiSlHE "The Alh Shaw" !~ ** "Btonco Blly'' (1MOI Cflnl. Ealtwood, Sondta Locke. A rorl!l4W lhoe M6elmen trorn New .-.,,Y ,..._ his df91n of ..,. forming In I Wiid WMI lhow.'PO' .MOlnl ** * "11*ll A U1tter To My Love" (1081) SIMal'9 Slgftoret, Jean Roc::Nlort. A mlddi.aged worne.n ""° hM "*'' rn011 ae ..., edllft ... cartne tor .. lmllld brother decldea to ....._a letter 10 a~ .... ~ heart• column. 'flO' 12:30 8 MOYIE * ·~ "Gk1s, GWll. GIM" (1H2) EMs Prftlev. Stella S'-!t . 8 MOVIE • • 'h "Wagonmaater" ( 19&0) Ban John1on, Joanne Dru. A group of Monnona hirel a guide and Medi IOJ Utah. -~12 • COil.EOE~ CNIHE8 ~ ~ rftlewl the conwnancll '-Md ao lar and dlKUeeM haw IO pr.-it "°"' dog "°"' being polaoned. (R) I~ "J..-rf Ford celeMly Cup Toumement'' 12:46 (J) MOVIE ••'A "l.Mdbelly" (1075) Roger E. Malley, Peul Benjamin. The Ille ot IM legendary~...,... and giyllerle1, Hvddle Lad- bett• ... tr~. 1:00. f'M.8EA80N MIE8ALL Calllornl1 Angela v1. ......... .___ -~ •• ''The Advent-Of ~ Finn" (1t1'1) k..n Ida, Dan Monlhan. • nE HUMueGllFIO MAN A pr°"'9 ,of ~ ()go. a ciomrnerc:lal pt\01..- who loet . r-.1y .. .. ~ ltlraugh a bout wlttl cllabetel • • QROWINO Y£AM .. ,,.._. Phy9lcal ~ ·~ ** "Ho "'-To Aun" (1172) HerlcMI 8emerdl, I.any Hagman. An «PIWI and Ille grandfather lliM 11111 country wnen auttlCJri. Ilea ,-.. "*" ....... IAon to IM tog9lhef. 1:30. NOVA .. "'*""' lll\9(lelon'' The remarkable lorm1 of ~ UMd by both ~and their Intend- ed w:tl!N -to eat or ftOld being Mien -.,. ~ftAM "Nutrition" (C)MOVIE * '* •'The Alt lo" ( 1t1t) eeme ~.Rey Mii- iand. A Mbfarlan 11"91 In the .,... wlttl -m.mattM "' I~ wtlo.~PUM. 'A' (JDMCW.a ··~ .. ~ Moeael" (1'*01 Dudley Moore. LW9IM *""*'· "' ..... -.......... ,........ Nll'l&d ......... --........ dMne cimwer-..... """ ..... ... ---.. ,..,.. .. .. ........... ,_. --~ ~1a1•• !t::' ~-.· -~----­... T.,,,.... ,_.. ~· ~ c:.llfJ; ~ .,...,. ~ _..... (trOfll Amee, r~ Kofi* .. 11111 nMiled to find the dar of a tmalltlme car t• wflo waa murdered tor no_._,,,__ I eouDGOl.O 90CC)IR MAo. IH Gl!MINtr u.a.s.A. va. w.- (1) ae•A•t•tt M1f. Houllhan'1 flanca arrtwe • .. .-on 1h and 9'loctla .Frri by Mklng him IO be hit beet man. ·~WELJ( "Salute T•WOfklng Folka" CC)MOVE * * ''Tlle Girl And The General" ( 19117) Rod Stllgef', Vlma Utl During Workl War II, en It...,, ¥11- 11ge "91fl develop1 a ltrange relallon9hlp with a 8averlaft ~ being held c.pt"'9 by an ltallan IOlcler. (DJMCMI **'n "U. Robin ~. U.S.N." (10M) Olclt Van C¥ie. Heney Kwan. A Navy pllO« NM i.ito I band of native g1r11 when he 19 lorced IO perachute lrom hie bumlng ~ Into the Pacllle • (%)MOVIE * * "Hopecotch" (1980) W..._, Matthau. Glenda Jadl.aon. A '°"'* 1n1• oei-agent is aided by an old "-In dodging Ille KGB and the CIA. who are trying to prevent him trom publlal*lg hie memolra. 'R' 5"°5. FAIDASTAIAE: PVTT1N' OH Hl8 TOP HAT Fr9d Altllfe'a remlf1table car-. trom the _.1y days with hi• lister Adel• through l"8 ~IY at RKO with Ginger Rogerl. • ~ through """ dlpe lnlervt.wl wttn many of 1111 auod8t•. a:ao I ~Of THE WILD WB.COME Ma<, KC7TTER @ WIDE WOALD OF 8flCMTI - F1Mlil of .. ~ (lrOfft ~. Cellf.): NCAA WrMtflng Cham- pion~ (trom Amee, lowl). Cl)MCMI * * * ''The WOf1d'I Greet· ..t AtNM" ( 1873) John Atno1,. Jan...Mlot\MI Vin· C*1C.. A 009dl who le hav- ing • ""' of bid ludt returnt lo hil roat1 In Alti- ce and ~· a 814* a1Hate.'G' -EYBM-· _ ... ,.,. .. ~ ... "'"-'' ~~~i:.c:: ·-· . .. .... , .... ilit"4•••·~ -!.:.... .. . .. ..... .. I ..... --=-.-.... &·•~:. °"'* 1111/tr/ .... ~ ......... ......-111 ''The .... ,.,._ .... MCMIMaitl" l'nt>: m. "*'* ...... ''WteMnd In ..... *a.I' ( 1m1 end~ cartoon; end flt ..W II ,Cn.pter 1 04 "Zofro'• ~~"("> -- ··~ "T.-ute" (1M0) Jack L-on. fllotlby Benion. An lrreeponelble Broadway pr-aoen• lleglf\l to,.._. hie WMted life and 1111 tenuout , .... tlonetllp with !Iii grown eon. 'PG' 10:00. QI lllOCt.AJN'I LAW McClain and two otherw .,. held hoetage In a hoe- pllal by a mentally di9- tutbed Vietnam veteran. •• ,.ANT~ teLAHO A PNC>r. officer trite 10 help OUI a bitter IOtmtir robber. and an trt gallery curator unravall the ~ 1.wy of a ledy In a POflrlll WhO 11 h..-double. Q (l)MOVIE *~ "The KHling Kind" (1073) John Savage, Cindy Wllllam1. Alter tervlng two ~on • trumped up lh Charge, a young woman la , .... Md lrOJn prtaon and begins Heklng her rewnoe.'R' OMOVIE ***~ "Eyew1tne11" (t981) S91urney w-. Wiiiiam Hun. A televlllon rtip()(lar beCOl'llM Involved with • janllOf WhO '""f know rnOJ• about a mut· der lhll he wllMSMd than he la ~ 'R' 10:30 G MOYIE • * • • "Zortla The Graell" (19641 Anthony Quinn, Alan Sa-. -~OFA Lmec> "Merle Haggard" • NeWS , 10:S5 ©) Plf'SI 10:46 Cl) MOVIE • * "Relum 01 The Of"a- gon" ( 1972> 8ruca L ... _;;huc:tt Non1s A mar1ial art• expert journey• lrorn Hong Kong to ROfne lo help 1 lriend WhO is In trou- ble with I.he mob. 'R' 11:00 8 D 8 Cl) 9 QI NEWI • ENTERTAIHMENT THllWES< J-Fonda lnlerv\ewl Bonnie Raitt: lnlel'Ylewl • with p ..... UallnoY, Ura ......... Albel1 Finney and 9o0... • M•A•t•H 8..J. trt. to orgeni. 1 pre .. nt-day. 1tate1ldt ptMrlng of 40771h faml-.... • PNeOHER: cal lll.OCI< H • AUSTIN CITY UMfT8 T ompe11 and the G'- Brothen perlOJm many of their hits Ind 0-ge Stra- H detluta with .. ~." (C)MOVllE **'-' "Jlml Handrl•" (1073) Ooc:umentary. A montage of Concar1 foot- age and lnlerv\ewl with 111oclate1. admlrert, frieMa and IOwlrl of Ille 'IOI rod! star whoM death " 1170 llgM6ed Ille end of I muM:ll tra. 'A' (Dl~GOES Kip Addotta hOetl this ~ adult game tt10W With ~ Carol Wltyna, Pet McConnidc end !fie ~nawn Comic. t1:IO. MIAT ~ "8rldHltead Revl11ted: ~ Of The Storm" CMr1ta and Jlllla. both married. lleglr'I • dandel- tlne lfl• eiboercl I Iran• Attantle IMr during a rag- ~....,.,, CP1'1 9)0 11:90·~~ • QIMTUN>AV MGKT lN! Hoet; fllobert Ur1ctl. Guelt: ...,. Oelllle. l=:-8 **'A "The Taltlng OI ~ 1wn One. Two. Three'' (1174) Walter li11tthau, Aobel'I stlaw. Cl) MOW ·~ "The ~.NI,. Ilea" 110/Je) John Wayne, Gabby H«)'M. ·~ **" "UMC'' C1MI) ,.._ .... ......_, ,..,,.. Delv. <IDM0¥9 **" ....... !ft' Looee" (tte1)~~.cio.. ty 1'y9Dft. A~ bUr· glar, • concerned edlclc....._ and llllht dlllclr9ll ""*• • lt1gflten-ln0 ~ tfip'" • M• •u11 eClltoal bu9. .... (JDMOYll .... ''Mori lllen .... ..... (ltlO} Lealle Murrey. A "°""9 ......,..'a llulbend -* 9-ID a P9'J'Cifllt"llM ......... to_ pl1rn about tllaarr• dr--.'R' 11:al(J)~ ''The Ultlmate Mawlt'' 11:.W. MDVII ···~ "Ge W' (...,, ., (117~) l•n Gauera, "'"''*" "°"'"''· -m•IT ' merit • MOVIE * * 'h "Mutder Manelan" I 1970) Analla Gade. Ell'lfyft s1-1rt. A couple and a young heir-spend a frlghl·lilled night In • dteery old houM. 12:46 ([) MOVIE •-A "Lawta11 Range" ( 1035) John Wayne. Shell• M111not1. An underCOVer agenl invfft ... le1 Iha C1UM OI -Jngly - 1e11 raid• oc:cufffng In • remote mining region. (C)MOVIE * * "It's ANve" ( t074> Johll Ryan. Sharon Farrell • A bouncing baby -Into the world with fano&. clawl end a strong ._.. toklll. 1:00 D ROCt< CONCERT QI EVEHING AT THE .. PROV 1:.06{8)MOVIE * ·~ "American Pop" (1981) Antmat9d. The .._ tory of American pop music, lrom vaudevflle to rode ·n· toll, Is tr-S through _., oer-•· tlons or a tamlly ol moll· Cllll'IS 'R' 1:30 G» MOVIE * * * "The Comic" ( UMIO) Dick Van Dylla. Mlellete Lee. A laded lilllnl twm star regains lame when he 1>901n1 milking comical talllvttion corrvn«dals .. 1:460 ABCNEW8 1:60 (I) MOVIE • *'"' "The Outsider" (1078) Slerltng Hayden. Craig Wasson A y<Ml'10 ldNlllt travail to Nor1bel'n l'llllnd to join the all'\lllOl8 1or Independence. 'R' ~-MOVIE *** "Flamln9 F" ..... I 1952) Starling Htlyden, Arleen Whelan ~NEWS OMOVIE * *'~ "Thiel" (1011) Jamea Caan. Tuelday Wald. A proleeaional Ol'OOk gN'8I up his llldepeildelioe IOf a big ICOre that he hopM wiU -.:ure hll fllrftl.. 'i_a futute. 'R' 2: 15 CZ) MOVIE ••'II "Uiyn." (1055) Kirk Oouglu. Anthony Quinn. While UlyaaH m1ke1 a roundabout return journey lrorn the Trojan W1rs. hie wile atrugolff lo protec1 hll throne 2:20 (t) MOVIE * * "The Attic:" (1070) C-ie Snodgr-. Ray Mii- iand A II~"-In \tie past with her .,._IN of a love who dlsappaerad. 'R' 2:30D NEWS 2:45 CID MOVIE * *'II "Or9SlllCI To IC.ill" ( t980> MichHI Caln•. Ang.le Ok*lnaon. PoUoe ~ IOf lhe psychotic murderer WhO bulehared • aitlurban houMwlfe. 'R' &'008 NEWS 3:308 MOVIE ••Ill "Look Who's lalghlng" ( 104 1) Edg.lt S.gen. Luchle Ball. • MOVIE * * "U'I Scratch" (1070) An ou1do0f anlhU~ dll- covws an orphaned bear llUb. • MOVIE * * * "The SIOJY Of Eath-er co.1e11o" t 1osn Joan CrlWford. ROlllllO Brazzi. 4.'00 (t) MOVI£ * * * "Flrll Famlly" (1980) Gilda Rldn..., Bob Newhtr1. The MX~ ~ daught• OI the country'• welrdelt Pftll- denllll ltmlly ~ her lather's 111.,,.. to con®ct the eflMrt OI llete. 'R' (l)BaARM ''The Ullll'nal• M<Me'' 4:*1 ())MOVIE • • •~ "EyewltMM" (1981)~---. WllllMI Hul'I. A lelftlllon rep0f1er ~ lnvoNed with • janl10t "'"' !Ny know -about a mur- der that he wltneaeed "*' lie la NYlnO-'R' .MOVIE **'A "Uttle O.llngl" (IMO) Tatum O'NM. Kit. ty McNchol. At .,._ Cll'flCI, two ....... Glrtl ~to --.t!Owll M ttte llr9t to loee her ""'91111- 4:11 (JD'~ ··~ "My WNc:ill -You Cen" (1M0) '""' E.--d. &ondfe ~ ...,,. -"'"O ..., """ 1'111 glr1 and .... .,...,..,.., a ... Atllf .... ... up,., ...... ........ matclll. 'li'G' (J)MCMI ** "t11p1cMlfl" I~ w.... ,,....,_, ... .,.....,,. ............. .................. ...... 11'1 ... .. KMMdlM<M, ... ... Wl!llO..,.... .... ....................... ' I 1 t ' .... Or.,.. CoMt DAILY PfLOT /8aturdly, Mlr'Oh IO, 1112 ON TD OTHER SIDE -Ben Berg of Bur- bank reeds information displayed by Conti- ., ......... nuum Foundation at a Glendale shopping mall. Display probes poseibilities of life after death. Shoppers view immortality GLENDALE (AP) -When they came to the shopping mall, mon of the customers didn't expect such questions as: "Do we exist in all dimensions? Where is the root of our consciousness?" and "What comes after judgment?" But there the questions are, in big black and white print, shouting out from huge illuminated display boards in the center of the Glendale Gal- leria shopplng center. One man ia hooked up to eome wires, testing his biofeedback capabilities; a woman is explaining how a Kirlian photograph reveals another shop- per's mood through the colored "aura" around his fingertip, and a half dozen customers are watchinS a film about out-of-body experiences in a makeshift theater. It's all part of "Continuum: The Inunortality Principle," an exhibit about the possibilities of life aft.er death that interrelates the newest discoveries of physics, medicine, psychiatry, death reeearch and technology with ancient religious beliefs and art. The exhibit suggests that there might be aome reason why ancient paintings and sculpture repre- sented a "halo" or "aura" around the heads of holy men, and tries to draw parallel.a between the tea- chings of the world's major religions about what happens at death, noting that most have a concept .of travel through a tunnel or passageway, a notion of punishment or reward and the concept of spiri- tual guides or greeters. "Continuum" started out at the Museum of Science and Industry in Los Angeles. Philanthro- pist Hugh Harrison, who made his fortWle in iron mining ahd has now retreated to North Bend, Ore., was so excited about the show that he set up the Continuum Foundation in 1980 so that the ideu could be presented to people all over the country. Shopping malls were chosen as the best way to1 go, because of the draw from crowds with money. LECTURES on eonll'Oftnl.a and~Clnent ~ of wUl fttday M .7 p.& •t Of•na• ~llep~miltty buJl na. "The Life Of JllUI '.fh.rou8h the Artilt'a Eym" II to be dt8Culled by Euaene Moore. rellcloua 1tud1ee pro-t..or. • 11The Reaurrectlon of Jeiut -Hl1tory or hntM)'f" will be the topic of Dr. John WarWick Mcm~. historian-~, on April 2. Ad· mllllon ii ~ per l«ture or $6 for the pelr. Ttcketl wW be told at the door. CAL STATE LONG BEACH Chamber Slnpn And Handbell Choir are to preeent a boncert at • p.m. Sunday at the Nel&hborhood Co~tlonal Church, St. Ann'• Drive and Olenneyre Street, w,u.na Beech. • HANDEL'S MESSIAH is to be perfonned by the Callfomla Lutheran College Music Department at 7:80 p.m. Sunday a\ the Red Hill Lutheran Church, Tuatln. "DISCOVER OUR JEWISH ROOTS" ii to be the topic of author Hildy Sheinman at 7:30 p.m. Sunday at the Jewish Community Center of South Oran,e County, 298 Broadway, Laguna Beach. A BOOK SALE is to be conducted trom 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. today at Ralphs market, San Juan Capi- strano. Spon&0r is the Mission Science of Mlnd. A HEALING SERVICE is to be conducted by Vicki Jamison, evangellst.-ainger, at 7:30 p.m. Fri- day at the Inn at the Park, Anaheim. AUTHOR JOYCE LANDORP ti to aptak on "Freah IM New, It Can Be You" at 1n 8:30 a.m. break.fast meettna Matth 27 at the CeystaJ Cathe-- drat, Oarde.n Grove. I ' CASA SANT A MARIA, a 100-unlt aenior dtizen hOUling project In Buena Park, la to be dedicated a t 3:30 p .m. Wednesday by Jhe Moat Rev. Wil- liam R. Joh.Non, biahop of the Catholic Dk>oe9e of Orange. A DINNER DANCE is planned in celebration of the Ba'hai New Year at 6:30 tonight at the Santa Ana College cafeteria. AN INTRODUCTORY WORKSHOP for the "Leaming With Love" aeries will begin al 1 p.m. Sunday at the Church of Religious Science, 2223 Main St., Huntington Beach. MIDDLE EAST DEVELOPMENTS will be discuased by Amir Tadmor, of IJirael. The former information officer of the Israeli Consulate in Los Angeles is to speak at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in Room 19. Calvary Chapel, Costa Mesa. MAURICE OGDEN, author of "The Ballad of the Hangman," will participate in the 10 a.m. ser- vice Sunday at the Fairview Community Church, 2525 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa. Biola names new president ~ South Coast Community Church Dr. Clyde Cook has been named president of Biola University in La Mirada. Dr. Cook, who will begin his n ew duties July 1, is president o'f Biola'a Overseas Crusade Ministries . Services 8:30 A.M. & 10: 15 A.M. Corona del Mar High School, 2101 Eastbluff Or., Corona del Mar '"TURNING GOO 0~" Tim Timmons Speaking For Info: Call 644-1350 ORANGE COAST CHURCH DffiECTORY Freedom of Worship An " ou've tried the rest, NOW try the BEST!" In. Dr • .._. C. J9CkscNI ~-~~1¥..piht .... T'-tM C......._Clllurcll S..., s-tc.. ,__ Clllurcll I ltti. '"'-·.....,.,. .... IO:JO .+..M. "How To Pray lffectlvely" C._..Offk«lntT..._c .... w... 646-ltJl 11111 A 646-6464 hu;cn of St. Matthew by the Sea (Tradltiortal Episcopal) HOL y COMMUNION -Each Sundar-9:00 AM (Book of OJnmon Prayer· 1928 MERTZ HALL of Community Congregations/ Church 411 Heliotrope, Corona <Jel Mer 1'llt .... _,_. Hollfetd -Sl2·220 I . . • I ST • .iollfS THI .WSCOPA.L CHURCH 114 COST A MISA .., ~ •o.-.. .,,_ l:OO Holy Co1•..ao. ., t:oo ...., . ._._...t 1 O:oo s-t.y Sct.oot • 'Nu raery C4re ....... ew.. .......... Y1c. 541-lll7 Tn . iAMEs ~auat· I'~~~ , W8COMn YOU j:no9 Via Udl, ..... '"' leach ~ WA..M.,,..,.. ..... MlltC i:ll _, .. A..M. a.... S.....•W I 0 a«a: ....., ..... µ4 ...... ,....,. '"""".... • twrCa . ....._ ........ ....,'k:rtrc.a.• ,.. • , .... A.M......, c... CNAJllSNATIC MASI • ..,.. s..., ..... ..._. _ , .. , ..... ,...,_ IMIA.M.....,S '1W ...... ..,.,...-.. ~O.Of .... fttmt.. p A ...... ...__,._'7M ti CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES BllAHO<ES OF TME MOTHER CHUACM TME FoRST CHURCH OF CMRo~T SOEMTIST IN BOSTON ... ASSACHU!IETTS "MATIER" March 21, 1912 Costa MeM -Ant Clmrda of a.mt, Sci.tht JHOW...Y .... ~ .• c .. t•W... Ci.re. & ,.., Sc-.. -I O:tO A..M. ........... JllOMeMY .... ~. 9 A.M,.4-.JO , ..M. .......... s.t. W• 7.7:1t ,_.., -9·9:JO ,.M. . '"a.. -Ant a.re.. of c·llrht. ~.t ·---~-· .. -· ... ~ 4161 tt tt I • CNMr T•t C1-dt & ,.., ~ -I t:OO A..M. CHM..O CARE PllOlllOEO AT SUNDAY SERVICE ttuatls::gta ...C..:.... Ant c~ of amt, Sc ....... .... a..-..1 ............... Ci.re. & ,.., Scllool -I 0:00 A.M. 1 ..... 1--JHM•St. ~ .._.. -Ant Ce.di of Cllrtd, Ul ..... Drt•• Ci.re. & ,.., Scltoof -I 0:00 A.M. • .....,.. __ J14'-"t• ... Newport.._.. -Ant C~ of Clwftt. Sc ....... JJOJ nt LWo. Mewpori IMcll Cilllrdl & ,.., Scllool -9:00 & I .. JO A.M. ....... 1-. JJll ... LWo M-... s.t. -9 A.M. • 5 P .M. T--7 -9 '.M. 0....C... """'-T---930-11 30AM "°' 81Wy T- Hewport .._. -S.COMI a.rdt of c ....... Sc ....... JtOOf'-.HkYa-~ .. c-.. .._ ci.rc. •,..,Sc-.. -I O:tO A..M. 11 •• ~ •• ~IOO "I" LC.... Hwy., C .. WID. TISTIMOMT t illTIUeS - I P .M. AU CHUICHIS A• a<•~ --IOetl_ .... C"u<C~ ___ .... _.._ o4 .... """""' ~ CllM e-...... Wed AT AL!-smt¥1Cn -J WESTMINSTBt WTIBAN OtU10t 11141...._A ... l.,_lt to S-D .... Prwy. & W11t• .... lt¥'-1 -WOltSHIP S1P1CB - l :JO & I 0:00 A.M. ,.noa JOIL A. Swt••UM PMOMI ltMlH C ... ST C H (Missouri $ynod) , .. flct.t. St .. c:.... .... ...._. Y. T....,, ,_.._ Hf.161 I ' W6i .... SHYICl-1:11 & 11:11 AJool. s..., w.... A4tM .... ca..-t-.>t ........ an.. ~ -141-616• S.... Topk Mwcll 7tlt t:Jtrl. IO:JO A:M. "LH•'• lxcltlft9 New Tune" HMr In.,..., ...... C HUl<;H OF lllJGIOUS SCllM_CI Member of the United Church of Rellglou1 9\:19". ~ lfAQJfF VIU.-of IUITE 45 2223 W-STlllE.(T, HOWTlHGTON NAOH, CA._... -·~ \·ao & !O*IAM. ... _ ..... _ l caM. ID.COME FIOM 111 mm c.a OF CHllST. CllllllTT Cmll C-CATw. "' " .......... .. c-.. w.. 644-1400 .,...... ....... ........_ '0 .+..M.-s.., w....., °""°'~ -~c.. a11111• ~T..a.a.11 J4elt.Am'• .... ....... ,. .. ~ .... 4t ..... NI _ JONif W. llTMOLDS MAl6AllT AHH 11\'MOUS ........... 10 A..M. -s.-, w.,... Clllrdl Scllool & Minrt HAllOletmmAM CHUaCH IDftc .... "" arwt 2401 '"'-.. ,... ...... 645-1711 ! Attend The Church of Your Choice ""llAllNG FllUIT" A C_... WtkOtM frOtll THE UMITID MITHODIST ·CHU~CH Costa Mesa Huntington Beactl MST '"'1D MST UMIT9 MITHODtST C..,_CH MITHOOfST C ... CH tlth St & HarbOr Blvd 2721 17th St 5~3537 , C...-Cll SdlMI t:JO W ...... ~r. 10:11- Wenllip 10:41 c...:~~;"_ Charles 0 Clari<. Minister ----·----- C&Sts Mesa North Huntington Beach North MISA YllDI COMMUNITY UMIT9 UM1111 MITMOOtST CHUttCH MITHODIST CHUICM w_...., & a.. Sc-.. 6662 Hell Ave 842~1 l:Jt-1 l:tO .+..M. w.,.... s..t.. Dr........... l 1JO ...... CAillfcWA l :JtS--,......, 10:00 1Y THI SIA Founblln Vall9Y Newport Beacti MST...,.. 1"00 W. 811~ Blvd MITHOOIRCIUCH This Sunday Worship In ST. ANMIWS PllSIYTBIAM CHUtlCH 6Q.O St Andrews Road • Newe>Ort Beach • 631-2880 ~.,,.... ............ ,,~,...._ W...W, Serrlce1 -7:J0.1:45 .... tO:l 5-.A,.M. MUSTAID SHD FAITH Dr. John A. Hutfmon 'r••chlne ,.OG«AMS 7:JO &&&-~lalff.t-.1 t1in1 ..... -,..,.,.._ __ Qllld C... 1:45... .. .... "'"' .... a..... I 0:15 -l•f.t1 tin ........ & A"'1M a... AIC It • I 645-JJZJ Cu:Mwity Presbyhri• c....... . 415 ............ ~..... 494-1111 Rev. Arthur J Tankersley Rev Craig Williams Christian Education Hour 9:00-to 00 AM worship -10: 15 AM -MllY CAlll rllOYIOIO AT ALL PIESIYTERIAN CHUICH OF THE COVEMAMT JHO ,......_I&. Co• W... -H7-ll40 ln&e A. ..,.,.., ,_..,. Terry McCanne. D1ree1or ol Youth Min1str1es Howard K1lllon, Otrect~ ol Adult M1n1stnes Donald Maddox. Director oj Singles Ministries S.., W ....... -l:JO & 10:00 A.M. Clllrdl SdlMI -~ .......... I 0:00 A.M. Hiur..y C99 ....... -l:JO & 10:00 A.M • v..,...-7:00 P.M. CHUICH OF C .. IST 217 w. w.... c..t..... 645-Jltt We re A Going Glowing Growing Church SUMOA l S8YICIS l•LI Stwl 9 .+..M. WOlllHIP 10 A.M,& 6 , ..... I 0 a.II\ ''The .Attvlbutu of God" -JoM 6:4 5 6 p.-.,,_ TrWty'' -11 CorWh: 1l:14 ,_.,........ l6hhr -D ... C •• l-'Mliuhtw ·m HAHOll .~ ..... S......s.r.tc" ,,....,....., l :ISP.M.. .. 0 ,, • 0 et ,..., S-k• ·Ant,.,...,.,,......... 7:)t , ..... Rabbt Bernard.., King Jamboree & Eastblull Dr Music Ane Sh1kler Newport Beach. Calif , Educator. Nancy Levin ,_ .... .....,. ctl 644-7HJ AM vi.woro ""- TEM LE SHARON vAV (Conservattve)I ¥ · Rabbi Hershel Brooks 617 Weat Hamilton, Coata Mffa, C.IU. 92127 11141 Hl·l2'2 e13-3905 1a22& 8ulNrd St. 1:1, n:i .-...,. Robert s~. Jr fU.ntJ RITT .... s.ma SHANA T SlllYICIS M-1...--w .. 1 .. .Jt ... w....., & a...11 s..... Dr. Carroll E. Word, Minister t:JtA.M. W.-.111,Aa..llS..... ...., ,...k....,,.., e-t-MA.M. ~::::~~7-~Al;;M~.-6;P~.M.~;;:;;;:;~;·~-~MM.~~_,;;;a~•;Cl~I ~~ OJ MIWf'OIT .............. Femlly Servlc.-1st Friday of Month~ p.m. Rellg1ous School, Adul1 Ed., Youth Groups, Sll'lgles K.bbelat Shebbllt, l~t Friday of monlh 5:00 P.M. MIWPOaT C..,_ ...,_ MITHODIST ,, ............... c.w .. .... 644-4741 WORSHIP & CHURCH SCHOOL-9:30 A.M. Rev. 1<91'1 MeMlllM T•WlllltW I 1• _ ..... ,.,. PllST C .. ISTIAM CtUQt ...................... IUMIATI C .. um llJll IWAM , WwMf: •H.IWAM.tctlPM ...... , .. .....,._~ ....... I 011 C•••••dl. Mt.,..,. IHdll.H ,...,..., •4~1'" C.....I ~· ...... ~l•I ... L11oki11J( for I\ CllOI/, Cltrisl-Crntrrril Churrlt7 /0111 u~ for Wo,.,J.111 Al 'MARINERS CHURCH Rn11 OrllNHll. l'rMth111,( o 00 •m. Worship ind Sund•y School to to 6th itr.del 10 1!5 •m, Bible Cl.is~• (Children & Adults) Bfso11 A111111u nt Jnmhortr Bo.lrt1nnf l'lro111640-"010 Nir lttft11'1,111t1Cm "And the pr.tee of God, whl('h •urpu~• •II rom~en· •Ion, 1h1ll 1111ard your hr1r11 •nd your mind• In Chrlet Jn us." Phlllppl•n• 4:7 • Saturday, March 20. 1982 Furniture is bought and sold every day with ~ classification 8050 ad. ~fOr Real Estate Sales and Rentals? ~.~.~ ...... ~?!! ~!~ ..... ?!.~~ ~!~~~ ..... ?!!! ~'!.~~.~ ..... ?!.~.. ·~:! ..... ?~~ ~~~ ..... ?~~. !.~!.~ ..... ?!~~ ~~~ ...... ?!~! 1-------IA«t• Clerk CR. CD. fll. llAUTICI ~ clerk 6 porter ~ '°' pert time PMT/ftMI· ll'fAJl SAU$ IKllrAIY Pn llSWl.a.•o 11._._ lft&, •ome typln11 &ood SAS, 111rm. -n ayr • aeeded for •ml mottl on ..., ttU.. 60+ wtlla Tntnl.-U~ 1'00\keep· Fl•• -n-111 er a e " Ex«.-se:t'r •Ith jtron1 -.f"-llC> """' btnea New90rt B4iac:b 109 w 19th M PCH. F\111/part time itll*~ bl anertlatfl _, pboMt ' tJllppin• 1wlmwtar boutique In tYDlna. SH tlul11 nef'dflJ ollt~~ ~U UM re1co,b·e11try area. Call Shuon · • · · AtlPlY In !)f'rton to ant dlataa .produce. Call fcll''amall mar\llt c:om· Newport loc atio n . allemooo1. lnter~stina ..-uwtr tt rec n1 e _m.2922, . MM2 So. Cout 1711 C t M hlltlme. rtaponslblt work Jlot Nwpt tt!nt.tr liken from condos near -H h. . --an . o• • u 1 . nit• person needed Joe:. Non·•moker pr•f Entland • Memphis ANSWERING SERV -w.a.-"---•··I t I r .. 11Pam·f444492 H.B.Chromeframtr· red Telephone O~r .. 7.3 DOMISTIC Expertenre'prelerrtd. PAllT·T IME SECY ~ooma~f~~uu:X ~ ~ -- bandlebua, who , & shift, llS2 3rd St.. #C, L l v-, -1 n. coo k , ea. Homemalttr·1ludent, 4.f to: f1amin&o. 272I E !l~f lDJ brakes; black Unlleal Lafl;U!A Beach bOu1theP.er. com Pa· lln wk .. nex hrt. Leaal c M P1ea1tc:all538>9832. APARTME NT AS · llioD to elderly lad)'. ~~~~OTNEN Al~f~e~ o r Jn1 bk1 r nd . £o!flJlwy, dM92ti~.._ Sel ·a:tol vated ot SISTANT MANAGER Reta. req, Call 73l-M43 pereo wi:\i'"ttr~nl MJ0.$5.00 br. Over 21 Sall boat lnatructor ganiud lndMdu1I. aood Couple for 6S unit Apt _!!U;JO mech~n lcal back· . Vic .• M.S5e·219 needed lo Nwpt Beach. typin1s1tUls.Knowled1e Pleaseitt today's special REAL ESTATE SECTION Found: Lr& tel of keys. Ellis & Huntington. HB Identify. 847-1855 co mp I ex In H . B . F.am xlnt money typlna, around. to urvlce ult 25-27' cn.Uln1 sail boat. d M., Cini U. N~wport 213/S92·1573. --l()()kl(U.ll lddreaelng or stuffin1 fiolh ln local charter PAITTIMI ~e:~'1:c~uJ~ll~ Beacba:.-0 Found: Morrla look-111ike cat, M. vie:. Slater & F.dwards, H.B. 675.:,4947 APT. MANAGER Customer se~~ce want· envelopes at home. For Oeet. F/Ums poa. lncld "9pm. £xpa.ndln1 youth weettnds.Call645·7100_ Srml·retlred couple for ed by small but growing details send 20' stamp '4Dde.MS-1100 -counsellol firm has -------- 18 unit. Adults. In Nwpt medical.elect ronars top: 08'HB Enter1p0ri3se3•. openings for J.5 sharp Sa!Hatsmiltoo Co"e/330 lux S£CR£JlDJ Maintenance exp. req firm In El Toro. 951-3602 • · 0 x · M ... ,._ It outgoin• mature people • M 646-1801 WUdomar,CA.9239S. ~oral1 Executive to mot•avate ambita'ous unous condominiums Exp'd, word pro"eusang Lost E. Bluff area 1t gray Sc:hnauier/Poodle max dog. old. dear & blind, na~d Ashes. 640· 1291. _ ---------help in wholesale. under eonstrurtion on ' "' An, MANAGERS c ~~:'<'~a~~ co DIC. SIClfT AIY retail dislribulion busl· .~13 yr olds. Call 2-spm. Santa Catalina ls land typi.st, prefer Qyx u Qualified resident mar Salary open to ex~r sefllii1 -lntel1i1ent ex ness. Peraonal Interview 642·4321. ext. 343. Ask for Jon Douglas Co. Sale~ Order process an g & rouple. Strong renter/-__ 833·ll08:4__ _ per. person w /excel. only. 714/964·5058 Andrea. Agents are interviewini phones. Irvine Furn •llOOHWAID• Los{ 3117· Fem. Bea~le puppy 15 mos oldl. vac. Beach /Slater. Family heartbroken 848.7723 art 6PM matnt. team for 180+ -skills for real estate de for ex f. er 1 enc e d Mfg Ca 11 , E H uni •• M st ... r II l~B~ velopmenl team 0 c Manicurist with rlien· ----1es.-. t be ... ol 54()..88N. ~. u .,.. u Y ex · Airport area. Call btwn tele; rental or top com· PAYIOLL Clllll sa ..--P e 0 pa.• --------A new, rtc)Ular Sahlrday feahn of the Daily Pilot ~~J~. 7S2-21_97 -EXPERIENr~ 8:J01m and 10:30 am for mission. Dazzlers Salon. The Jolly Roger Inc . an ~ :;;~~Fe!ear~nt~~: SERVICE STATION AT Are you looking for a NECESSARY ~14/556-81~ 61~3828. _ established restaurant Fred M c M 111 8 n T EN DA NT . ma tu re . =1e~;~& a c~~e~~n Good op1;><>rtun1ty with Female Blonde models MEAT MARKET counter (!1,'1~· :aa;roTr c~~r1~~ 213·82().2S48. 6AM 10AM shift. part nion p 1 ease r a 11 fast·growang com pany wanted for summer help, expernec work in 8 4 person dept. --------• lime attendant l'Ves & CLASSIFIED INDEX ' Ld~~~o~dd~!tcgh~l~o~ 7_21).Q(J§_ 00.2444 beach pubhration, no --646-677~ Payroll exper helpful, wknds, apply in person 3/16. vie. Lido Is le. CARPENTERS nuruty. Send composite Medical but will train an in ~~LES 18502BeachBlvd ,HJL Westrhrr Pla:r.a or Rap~ifyM~\~Rwing Good remodelers Also to ~ewport Beach Ad IKllofflttAttkt.t divadualwhohashmlled l~PEfi~AJsE SH I P PING ' Westport. REWARD manuracturer needs aR.P_i:.enuc~. 760·6859 vert.tsang. PO Box 2000. F\il[ time, salary open. exper. & a desir~ lo f or PIT r eader ad PACKAGING. rull ·time . -..sa ..... TUNSPOITATION -.... ti• •L» ,.. 613·3778'-talented person to help c;9.M,.Ca.~-~resume to P.O. Box learn. Salarfi rom representatives for '" wtlltrain,C.M.645 s.4.?!_ Found . white/red Lab, build precision equip 11oc.fsM'lf f ALES HAii STYLIST 2932. Mission Viejo, Ca ;uiri~,;~~ be~~:,; side salt.'S po~ation. App Site Director to work ltPlaceY•M.Cal till , .. tile mo male. vie Hunt. Bch ment. Near OC Airport Apply in person Crown Experienced cutter ror 9'.&L_ -Sam·Spm or send re· ly in person Pen wtch1ldren 1-6 grades in btwn PC H & Warner Callforapp!_Si6·6458 Hardware. 1614 San r1rst class Newrort Medkal sumeto nysaver. 1660 Plarenlia Costa Mesa aneri.chool t213l~.:1664 1--------• MiJ:.\.ll'J~rtBellrh. me n's hair sa o n BACKOPFICE,somex· JOU.YROGERINC Ave .. C.M. program. Eng.1Spanish ~2716_ ray, lab. temporary 17ooGalletteAve speaking req'd Call -642-5678 IWSllt£$S,INY£ST· M£lll. nNANCE ==· = :::::~:.· = -, .. 1.our le _, ...... ". -~ ... ,,n, lU.\ AlllOllllCEMCNTS, POSOllllS & LIST & FOUND SEIYICES s.n..., o. ..... .., EMPl.DYMOIJ & rt£PUATlttl Sr--.at lnt.ln.itUOft J.-WHtfd• .............. ,, MEICNANDISE •• ------- '°'" '°"" '6111 ---~ .. -- Found Dog dk grey w lite tnm. catara<'ts. Brookhurst I Al la nt a 72fil_ Found Fern; Rabbit, full grown. super laml' Blkw/fl~·~ FOWld. E.bluff shopping ctr. 3117. gry Corkapoo No collar 631 1030 or 673-8682 ATTEMTIOM: CATERING Ambitious boys and Homemakers. barten- g1rls 1~13 years old. to de rs . w a 1 t e rs . work one or two even " a at re 5 s e 5 E 11 r n ings a week i:ettinR Sl2S S275/week. approx. n.ewspaper subse r.ip 3 hours'da~ Need c;ir. lions. Transportation Easy & enJO)'c1ble Call and constant a.du It 646.alOObet.9& 112. supervision provided ' · - Call 3 to 5:30PM. ask for I CHJLDCAR E & HSK PG Andrea. 642-4321. ext , In exrh. for room & 343 board. Student or pt - Found Watch. Fashion __ _ ti~ empt. OK. N"pt 644 ·4817 l pl i. l\l' Square March 18 Owner ldenli fy. 831·~7 Found female Maltese mix-white. male Poodle mix.gray, male Dobie blk & brwn. ma le German Shepherd-blk & tan, male Husky mix blk. wht & brwn, male Corgi.Sable & wht. male Short hair cat-0range & wht Newport Shelter. 12S Mesa Dr . C.M 644-3656. HELP WANTED rressa.sei SALES AUTO CHILDCAR .. : lo\ in!( ... 1 .. ._. M .. r-._.0 ._. ' mature wonuin to l'ar'l' A~ Aw" " for~wbom Lt hsk111t 5 PONTIAC/SUIARU dyi.. 8-6pm Must drive Excellent tfener1ts. no CdM_. ~ 8S64 e' es. experience neressary We will tram Lookml( forout·g01ni!. ambitious. hard·wo rkin11 1n d1v1dual. Just 2 opemn11s available Come in person to sales manager Oeriral PRICING CLERK. full time. must bt• a1·1·uralt' w f1i:ures. xlnl rnmp:rn~ bener11s Cull Balbou Marine ll ardwJrl' 549-9671 E.O E M ... II F0tu1d: F puppy. blk w llarboratFa1rDr WI fare. Alpha Beta on --~st.i Mesa COMPUTEI -~ H~bor.C..:.M.~O 149.6 AUTOMOTIVE OPEIATOR Found· tan Razorback RJLLCHAIGE Rapidl) 1tro" 1nl( 1n -· -..... •m .,, -ftZ$ ---W1l ~ -.... -"'7 -.., -,., -_,, -•II dog. n ew mother. IOOIU(IEEPER lt>rnat1onal l'ompan.v Fairview & El Ca mino We need someone fully seeks r·o m p u t l' r 53'7·1~ trained an all phases or ope rator ror swmi: shirt automotive accountmi:. Minimum 6 months ex Peuoul1 5350 Ac counts payable. perienre with HP :iooo ••••••••••••••••••••••• analyzing ar1;ounts. s Senes 3. knowll'dl(l' of Affafttis MaHGCM day week . immediate V'tew IMAGE & KSAM a Open34hrsadaf opening Ca ll E va +. Exrellenl 1·ompuny 7 days a week Hauser at benefits. pleasJnt "ork 69 Gorgeous girls to COMY Ch.•rolet I '"~tn\'irollltl(•nt l':xva. pamper you. Jacuzzi. -2828Rarborntvd net.'C:l~lyapply Contat·t Sawia Locals as well as COSTA MESA Pat Miiis AMF Sl·1en t 0 u r 1 s 1 s Ba n k 1 taf1r Dnlhni: lnterna Amerirard. Master _ i.46·1200 . taonal. 18011 M1ll'hl'll Charge. Amencan Ex Babys1tt1ng. need rema le ! So . In me. SS7 9051 F press. Diners al l hve·1n sitter. 18 +for 21 E.O.E M welcome 714 645 3433 little girl' It hsekeepmi: 2112 Harbor Bl CM & cookmi: in l'xt·hanl(e COOi\ ._...t/lltnat/ ~. Trvst .»fllh you Lei.lie o·r sala11· 2236 Pla<·t:nlla . i\ppl~ Palm Cafe. 1900 Coeds would love to partv for rm & board + small l lireakfasl experif'nn' Am.Ct DMdi 5035 1Sylvia anyt im e . llD. C M Mon Fri ..ifl W.BalboaBlvrl.NH ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• 76l·0036 · 4PM, Sat1Sun anytime Swimming pool chemical Satflet-Mta. Co --Babysitter ror 1nrant. 1 COUM'f.EI f:tELP . service business. Costa All types of ~al estate AM to2·30 Mon Fri I hr U Fri. SU ,P ~. ~ Mesa. Hunt. Beach area mvestments since 1949 Linda O V1'ckl.'S 645-6140 SAN ow I c II ( o ~la No exp. nee. Will train Spedalag la · • lob ~' Mesa ~.000 rutt amount re· ~-... TD PHOTO MODELS Darling 1r'mo old needs 54.'>·41167 quired . Wall net ~ I $40.000+ Call collect 642-2171 545:-0611 BA~<i~mER ~~~r;t~r30w~il~ ~~I ~:x.!r-~ ~'a'~~!d ror Mon ·Fri 9AM ·6P M loc.Dw? THANEVER! 2411RS p.m Mon &Wcdmour NB F.ndo offil'e d /867·0111. home da SSS 9147. e\ Pleasant s urround--L-. MNclC.111? 669-0207 _646-4.516 1nas1good pay f' T -Rear Estate money <Outcalll 63 " 0,part.ity 5005 available 2nd or 3rd TD BABYSITTER Lovinii. 1·3380 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Loans on residential or ----mature woman, needed Dtwt.t Aatlat...t No lnvestment Required lneome properties. We Wht/male S6, secure. In· fo r newborn l'are ! Newport Beach 4 daf Lule share of very pro· handle a full range of telllgenl. arreclionate. wkdys. My home CdM week. Exper'd or pro fita61e mfg co. in excb. rrortgage Coverage at compassionate. no 644·8S64 eves. Rers. school training pre- for labor, mgmt & sales very competitive rates. games. would like to Ba be-St r be ferred 646-3S3S effort. Const. oriented. Courtesy to Brokers. meet woman 4S so. Pat Cl~ ~ant~\~'" ortu~~ Dental back orr1re ass't Write Ad 11942, Dally 714-760·1551 ask ror 49&-SS!M Laguna Beach salon needed t o i•ontinue Pilot, Box IS60. C.M. St.eveor Duane Steve love your 11irhsh Good envi ronment. growth Pleasant Npt 92626· 350/o Yiekl . figure! Keep up the good some following pre lkh group practice Ex ARCADE MAC HINES ! $16.7~ Seasoned lst TD work. Pauline (erred. 494·~. ~!Jl~~-610-11~ 41 different latest money on tJ.33 acres at A. delan· r-.-1 5450 n11king models! Brand San Be d c ..... TllATMAT ~fiQ"tl j),..( f)t:;. ~C..• nu new. Fr~ PC board ex-to, mar '"0 o. ••••••••••••••••••••••• P11u11 ~\!;:) l'"l.I !."'--~ P<r v ta•• changers. Sl995 & up. 15~ int only '!'onthly 2 for 1 Worldwide pass on ,.,., "'cu• L POUAH C.11 (213)345-7303. Due I yr. 20<t discount. Pan Am. good ·111 Sill. 0 lef! al "'-7 14 . 7 S l · 4 8 2 7 . e v ea 962·2844 ~ .. ':" .. b1ec1.,:.0.d• btt· ·~1-::i~~ Orange County's only tea 7 1 4 · 4 9 J -I 1 5 3 o r · low ro 1,,.,.. '°"' .,,..pie _d, shop. Tea & Sympathy. 114·~·119t AUSTRALIAN Comp!. rum. wtantiques --y s• SAFARI I Ip RI E ,~ SI HI I le China incl wine & beer • r .. -I • lie Fully staffed hoWJMr Cuddle a Koala. camp ooo. Call 645·4860. $30,000-tD for $27,000 the Outback. snorkle the due '5 days. Serured by Great Barrier Reer this ..., .. Lo. 5025 primeRE.613-5451 summer.WA.Y.Tours I ERPCT ] 1 , ••••••••••••••••••••••• Inc:. 7141974·4332. 1-,-1-1.....-... 1-.,1~-1 ••a•c ... .ts/ l rl:1P9.t& f Al tw ... : Ptt nult/ ~ . ...,.,.... I I .,;I, 1.-..Cet Lost & Fot.d ..... • • •••• •• •• • • • • • • • K L H A p -Office W&.G..-....................... Jobi W..tecl. 7 075 I I I 11 .~ "9-=t911h 5100 ....................... ... ...... __..__ .... __.__, Office 111...._ ••••••••••••••••••••••• Young married man I Loans to S2SO.oOO~'rerms ~~Tl ... G ... OW!• would like odd Jobs eves ...._"S-'0;,...;..0 r-P-'Er-P-.--t " " \ & wkends. Can do a l I' I I I I to 3 years. Call lo see if v e Extras. mode · variety or handyman we have t.he best rates Ing. jobs. all types. No '-· ...... _ __..._...__.....__.__, available for your loan. exper. Jobs, 972·9SZS eves; ask ...... -....,..-----,.,......,..--....-,....,...-..-...... -...-. C.11 Mr. Nelson mo The Job ~e for Bill. 966-0755. Ca mbridge tl811-0777 llAM·7PM. Lady will be companion Capital Gr oup · a for congenial person1 Cahfomia real e-state Lf911Motkes 5200 must be mobile. will not bn*er. also acting as a ••••••••••••••••••••••• live·in. Ha ve own lfllder. Lost: Sub1lantlal re· transp.642·4809 ward: man 's Rolex Paralegal Wbli kid. 13 Watch. Lost 2 /17 In yrs ex.per In plaintiff. de· Ea1tblurf1 area . reme le invest11ations. , 2nd T.D.'a to Sl.000,000. Up to 20 years. Downey Savin 963·2611. 80RROW against your R.E. eqtity (resid. or comm·n. Broker coop welcome. For details, ral~ fidelity St•ndard Bancorp. 446·3921: S..2971 tn. Uc'd R.E. ~.JIO.lOIS.30 8%-lt 7»9420, 752.-7669 Handle files, from initial • F-4 SJOO interview lo settlement. No agency. Ms. Webb ....................... -~'-=-="------ FDMADS AIE FIEE call: '41-1671 Dutch Lady would like to clta.n your home. 77().4648 Compan.lon/Sec'y seeks llve·in poaltlon, pref. La,una/Nwpt area . Edurattd , traveled (lived IJl Europe 8 yrs), drive Good loul reft. GHSZI ----· 1-lla. aft: 5 rno. old II l! .. evtlve Stcfetary Me. l bra 6 wlll, vie. w a ft t • w e e k e n d ... • Placent.le. C.11 . aeuttartal work. your •MIMI omc.. Call W.-1'°1 alter ·-s·a ,._.: tml blk JUie dot . .--::' ---------• Y1t 111 CM.J HaU. J/15. IWlaed U••·la H~ .. allt •al reft. •T·IUll HAii STYLIST Crom May IS ror approx Irvine. CA. 92714 Amy. Orange Co!ist VM · High energy stylist with .~.J!!).~·390~ -~ _ _ill4 Js.4~-0331 Sales CA&42·99!Ml 1 rull clientele needed MODILS WAMTID Position avatlable in ftn MAJllCETIMG REPS ror Balboa Island Salon Ungene catalog, up to Vly for pttime typist to 673-~13__ $150 per day. ~isl in typang letters. Progressive o c Com- Handyma n needtd at •Fashaon shows. S2S to uwoices and proeei.sing pany seekin g sell small resort to help '6Sdy. paper work for shi p moti\'ated ind1\•1duals. wtmaintenance & care •Hair shows. S2S lo $50 ment Call 7i4-~·SSOO fr anchise or di s ol rluaar/antique autos dy. SR.WComputer tnbutorslup background & to do groondskeeping. •Print work open -C9_m!>Onents Co preferred Must possess Apply to 1en. mgr •Leather catalog S8S + Pre school teacher. AM astronisalesaphtude& C.pistranoCountry Ba y =ryartphotosupto only, comm ro·op profess1onaldemeanor. IM. 34862 S Coast Hwy. SIOO NeW{JClrt Beach 644·6541 •Co Training ~a~Ja"' Noexpernee. All types PllNTIMG :~l~~~~sg HAIDWAlE SALES T .. JOI SOURCE Plate room person, •HighCommissioni. Full time Crown -~·07_77 1 tt>M·7P M p/tanT Mon. 2.30pm to •No Investment 01 Hardware 3107E t'oast NEED EXTRA SS? approx 8pm. Tues , UcenseReqwred lh~·y. CdM Part it1me or work Ill 1 ·~m to approx 8pm Call 833 0159 Mr l\e1th No exper nel· Apply A + R E ca r l' e 1 HotteJ1Positi0tt1 home Call Dee ~·3683 Pl'nnysaver . 1660 available. Call <!' JohnJ59·66:0IJ. Placentia i\\'e . (' M •De-v•e•lop._me_nt ___ _ A T Leo':..7S9 I~ I ........ , Dtl•try HOUSECLJ.o.:ANING L.A Tl'lntfs to homes on Proress1onal lntt'r1or Des1gne1 needed with r911~g 714 9S7 1057 Working Mom needs Balboa Isl and 3 JO am ht-Ip.pref.Sal mo1n10i! to 6 am $650 mo ~/hr H B S36·2tlflOt•vs ~·8441 or646-14 IJ Prr Re<>eplion1st Typ1i.t. weekend). res1dent1al HooSt"keeper Coolt Nunitnii re a I estate o rr ll' e Ll\·l' in. m1ddlt• al(ed. LVN Sal /Sun 11.JO·S oo. Lu· r1"s 640-7776 {'referred 631 0213 Housekttpers. P T Conv Hosp Newport TheSeachH Motel Bea<·h Pos att1tudt• & RHI Estete 494·9717. Cindy smiles needed X Int Auist.t HOUSEKEEPER benefits. Call· 642·8044 t-:xtremely busy broker requires an assistanl lu Must 1Jto reliabll' & have Nursin11 handle adminislr1tll\t' own trans. S hr.< pr rl:i)' YllR~ AIDE tasks and work direc·tls 5 dys pr wk Reb req d. nu w1lh broker's clients. 640-W62days Exper al shifts t'om Mu st ha\·e t·urrent ll OllSEKF.f:t•ER Hos p Nwpt B1·h llrl'l\W.l'X«llentphonl' Mature lady ror 2 vr old Cheerful. dedicated lb personality. and be able f.trl and 5 bdrm ho~ good pvt rare. Xlnt ins to work under pressure Rers req S9U wk pvt erogram Call 642·*>44 Call Wilham Cote for an mom w/bath. 752 7498 INursinit interview HUPa(LIYE·IM CEITIFtED * Cote"'Realty ror fam i y w bally MURSESAIDES • & Investment Hunt Harbour Jl'l'a 5 7-3 30 -S-m . <'On\•al 640-5777 da) "k R ..r,. 1 t'Q hospt nr C.M Fair I 840·5811 grounds S49·3061. R~lf'TIOMI ST Hvaittli t OHm• Manager. S At Part/llll'll', for Ne"port Tues An51fhm 187!1 211011 tomey Lu"· Farm Lei!11 I At> a ch firm near O r Jew.-Y fltqreYiltcl Creative en11r!lver "!lnl ed for expandini: bul·kle company Mu~t bt-able to work with G~rman sil\'er Help us i:rolo\. 11o·e II help you grow Call now 661-62.89 for appl ex p e r 1 e n l' e n o l 1 AlfP.Ort Ans"~r phones. lleC'es~al) Airport area I mail. hl(ht 1.vp1ni! Neat 851·22$.S · appearam•e & persona h OfACE MAMA&EI/ l) a must Call 833-o.140 RECEPT OFC MGR So. Oran11e Co Ca II 661·16S8 Restaurant SALE.5 PR persons needt'd Magic Island 1s lookin~ for a rew lntelhi:ent. al tracl 1\e & s1nl·erc persons to rl'present them 1n their pn\atc club m Ne~port Beac:h ln1erv1ews requ1 red. Call for an appointment. 9-6 Mon Fri . ask for Mr ~l~t:.8· 67!HJ900 _ Seamilress with ex· perience 11et-ded. pa rt lune for sll)a ll manurar· toter 957 11 OR or S4().1192S SECRETARY F'tn Vly Community College offer~ opportuni ty lo !tarn nelo\ l'd systems. S 111 100. t~ pul!l SO Sl2SI Sl.'i24 mo. ~ully paid med1ral dental & other 1nsuranc·e Re quest applir<it1on from Coast Communll~ Collei:e. 13iU Adums Ave. C M . 556 59H & submit b~ ~PM \pnl 2nd. EOE MFll. SKntarv/Recep TYPIS'fofat't t1me!>lnall l'OOl(enia orflt'e. 2S hrs. afternoons. 548·3464 Ask for Mr Schachteu>r Mrs Sroll Teco Id S.Cmary is lookin1t for full and Legal sec:relal)' "'anted part time help Da~ 01 for business and Rul night. Opportunity for fl!tate La" Practice on advancement APPLY Dalboa Island. Word IP.I Coast Hwv La.B Bch t proressor exper hl'lprul Student Jobs HEY! IOYS--GIRLS Ho"' ~ould you T11'e to earn as much as $S0 00 a week' Do you likl' dnve· in rrov1es. p1cnici.. pizza parties. beach parties. plus many other things' 'Then you "ould proba b>' probabl> enJOY working lorus QUALi FICA TIOl"S I Overl2)earsorage. 2 Neat. honest and de pendable 3. Work afttr school and Saturdays CALL TODAY ' S37 5936 or SJJ -52S 7 8AM tolOPM s TtCHHICIAH for Exercise & Weitthl l.oss Health Clinic Gro~1ng ro "1lh op portunily for substantial ad~·ancemen!_. 64S·771i Telephone Soliciting We need gOGCI people to set up ll ppol ntine n ls m the cvenil\.g, n,:>m my N B o(Jjce Pot ffolida) Inns' nelo\ tra\t'I duh Salary + romm + bonus Call 7Sl·U41M art IOAM Upio111 Hffffttc are Stnlcn HMK'S. ClliA·s . Ll\'E INS Work l'lose 10 home Pl"'11Y or patient contact Competll1\e pa) Call before 3 19 752-0992 EOE M F Waitert/W aitre15e-s <>.er 18 ~rs. Apply io (lerson El Matador Restaurant 168 Newport l!l_,_CM Waitress. experienred. for rm Ill' COUntr) 4:1UIJ ~al K~.§!4·9SSQ Mtrd1••M ••••••••••••••••••••••• .,...._, 1005 ••••••••••••••••••••••• LIGALSEC'Y General prart1t·e Orange County Airport area S/yrs. legal ex· perience. Must know dis· solution. Efficient. or ganiied seH ·Sta rt er ~!:17~ ACCOUNT AMT Excellent career op portunity ror the R1(lht Person 1n a Progres:u Vl' Company The 1n div1dual should possess strong Arrtg. & Ad min1strat1ve s kills Pleasant worklnii en· vironment. Send resume to . P edorm ance Saikran Corp .. 7M W. 17th St . JF. CM CA ~- ~t-t • J Non-smo ker . pref 8 Raorn E R M A N I Satar~ commensurate Clock SIOO. Curio rab BUSYBOYS & OYSTF'R "1th a ihty Shell~ 1 ~k ~~~. b~~~~o s:.% BAR. Apply in pers~n 675.8628 $1.511 Onenl \·ases SO. btwn 3 S The Rust~ SECRETARY Wa s h ba s in $1 00 REAL ESTATE PROFESSIONALS f: YOU WANT to work ln a plush, well· located office with a group of highly motivated profe91ionala. YOU desire the chance to lf'f1W with ·a rapidly expanding, proiJ'ftllve mulU- office company. YOU delerve to Nm the bJahe9t polll- ble splits and still receive fantlltic oom- pany tools. YOU want spedaliled, penonal tnbUnl llid IDINl'l'Mft\ ............ Pelican. 2735 Par 1r11 1 person ofr for rf.'g1onal 6.11·59'79 Cst. Hwy. N_. B mgr at tht' Eureka Co leteil Ci.rt Setr·moll\'ated " t~ ping Lge oak F.ngl table $2SO Pharmary-fu ll t11ne lO·i & tran~c:nbmii skills ~i1~~YS2~d~ri:I b~~~ Tues thru Sat Con11~n1al I Benefits. holiday:; & c·on wret. S3SO. Xlnl Call neighborhood shoppint? I gemal "orkmg t'O\ iron collc1·t. 213 ·271 3939. ren~r .. 644·21 l I ~'!! S56·8390 Beth i}4·760·3667 Nwpt Bl'h ( { ___ co_> __ > > •• < c,,_~c----) > 'Newspaper Carfjiers tor routes in Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley & Newport Beach CALl CIRClJWJON . O~PART~~,..T ..... 842-4321 PUlllC •ta f'ICTITIOUS BUSINllH HAMii STATEMeNT Tiie lollowl,,. person Is dolt1t butl-•: f'ICTITIOUS 8UllN .. NAM• ITATSMeNT The lollowlt10 penons ere ...,_. buslMSSM. THE GllloAT WESTERN OIL COMPANY~~Anhw c ... n S11lte 100A. e..a.. c:. taw. , f'ICTITIOUS BUSINHI MAME ITATellHNT Tiie followlng person Is dolno -.nlneues ICE STAR FASHIONS av RU8Y, '1'2 Vie Carone Drt .. , Hu11t1no1on Beecll,CAmD. CHERYL YVONNE KENDRON, NU1'111TIONAL RESEARCH, 117·F Riverside Dr •• N•wPon 8-11. CA ft~ Th• Gnret WHtem Oii company C• Oelewu• C•rpore tlon l , 4665 MKArtllll< C-', Slllle 1004, .......,.,, a..a., C.llloml• ttt60. 67'2 VI• CM..,. Drive. HunUnoton 1-------------8M<h, CA mAIP • Leo Dabollb. 210 Nlee Ln • 209, Newp0rt 8"cll, CA 92~ Thi& busln.u Is c:ol'l<lucted by •11 lndlvld ... I. UOO.boub Tiiis st.at-• wM flled will\ tfle Cownty Clffll of Or•noe County on Marc11s. tm. 1'1MSJ1 Publllllld Or•noe Coetl 0.11., l"tlot. Muell'· 13, 20. 11. 1'8? t0t2-«I Tiiis blltlr>Hs Is eol'l<lueted 111f • CCN'Porallon. TheGreatWHtem OllC-y Wiii ..... McOONwll vice President This , ............. , llltld wltll , ... County Clerk ot Orenoe ~, on M.,ch 10, 1"2. Thh Ml,_• IS conoucted oy an INIMChlal. Qleryl Y. Kenclron This stet........t wet filed wllh the (ounty Clffk ol Oranoe Co11nly on Mat<ll s. 1'8? "IMSJS Publlsllld Oreft91t C:O.st Dally Piiot, M.trcll •. 13. 10, 21. 1"7 1030-t2 PUU llltE f'tMlfl Pllbllshed Or-C-t 0.lly Pllet, March U, 20. 27, A!Wll J, 1'12 11C,.., ------------"CTITIDUS 8USINESS NAM!! STATEMENT l'ICTIT10US 8USINi!SS flCTmOUS __,.. .. ~STATEMENT NAm ITAftmlfr Th• fo1111w1no person U Ooln9 The IOllowlflO ~·.,.. doinO bull- bu1lnns •: ,,.. n; ALPHA DISTRIBUTING C0.,"31 (a) SUNBELT PUBLICATIONS: (bl Bell sit Ire Ori .. , Hunll"ltOll lleocll, WORLD WEST PUBLICATIONS; (cl~ Calllonll•-SEHOLO MAGAZINE. 3001 R ..... A- A11tonlo Vele., H J! 8•11shlre nue. 8ldo 1.209, C..t• MeM. CA'2t21 Drive, Huntington Beach, ca111o<111a Deborell L. aH1ne, 8417 H81MJ.., ,,..... a.-P811<, CA ~1 Thi• b<Mntu " conciucted by on 0-.... Lattomue. ... 17 Handll ... ondlvl-. 1111 -·CA tol21 AntontOVtlH ~-lo--bya ...... Thi• '181-1 was lllecl •1111 the o.bottll L. -.a County Clerk ol Oran99 Collffty on This 11a1emen1 wH filed wllll the March'· 1992. County Cieri. of er.,. C-ty an -.. 1 ... 7 11. 11112 • Pvbtl.-0 Or-co .. , O<tlly Pilot. ,,... M.,<116, ll. lO. 27, 1"'2 -.n Publllhed O•ange Coe1t Deity ~lot. Mereh 20, 27. April 3, 10, tfHl2 1~2 The lollowlno persons •re Ootno D\Hltlfts M : SPECIALTY GLASS I. MIRROR CO , 1109 Victor!• Coste Meu , C.elfomla t26JI. RI chard C Anderson 10041 Si.rboard Circle, Hunlinoton 8HCI\, Collforftlon... Garv 5 Qriffln, 11SSI Broo1111urst, # 173, Huntlnolon e .. cll, Calllornla ~ Thi• buslnHs Is condu< led by a .,.., •• ~hip Gory Griffin Th~ m'""-I was filed with th• County Clerk of Or•noe County °" Ftbruery U. 1"7 ,1._ PubHlMG <><•noe Coast D••ly PllOI. Feb. 17, MM. 6, 1J. 20. 1"1 'IOl.f2 STATKMENTO, ABANDONMENT l'ICTITIOUS BUSINESS 01' UH 0 .... ICTITIOUS NAME STATEMENT "~~~r;!~~:,.·:::s BUSlllllllS NAME The tollowlno persons ere dolno The followl119 Persons have t>usl~SM The lollowlno l>tt""" are dolnt •O.-ow ""' of h Fktlllovs J & • EQUITIES. L TO .. , .... ~lntts.. Buslneu Nome· M•ln Street, Sulle 110, HunllnOl•n THE HAUS FOLK, 3'1A Via LldD CHAPEL STREET PROPERTIES, B 11 CA '1MI Soud, N....,.wt Btocll, CA f1t63,. 2' T~lne Way, lrvlne, C•lllornl• .. ~OHN w. TATT AM, ltOl6 Via Soft Maxine H•l'M•. 3'1A Via Udo Soud, '1114 Vincente, Son J ... n Coplstrono. c.-Newp0rt 8Mch, CA. '26'.J The Fictitious 8 11sineu Name 92'7S Fron.k Randall, 2'1• Irvine ""· referr.., 10-... was flied In OrOf191 ROBE AT M SMITH • ._, eo-NewPort 8NCh. CA '7MO. C....my on J......., U , IM . Fiie No. Drive, HUMlllQlon BHch, CA '1"7. This buslnen 15 c-.Cttd .., •n F131Dm. Thi I buslneu Is bPlno conouc-bo/ unlncorPorOl.0 asWM:latlon other lllon Tllomn J . Pogt, Sr • ,, T •noerlne a 1M1rt...,,,.lp I pertnerP\lp Way, Irvine. c.tlllonll• tVU R_, M Smoltl Fr-R-1 Dennis D Ruole, 17056 L• Pe l• Thlt stat-I lllt!d with ,,,. Count, Thi• ... -... filed wM -Stnel, Mlalen Vle)o, c.tlllornl• t2t'1 NklC ~E NOTICE OF DEATH OF PAULE. MELANDER AND OF PETITION TO ADMINIST- ER ESTATE NO. Al lHtO. To all heirs. beneficiaries. creditors and contingen t cred1· lors of Paul E Melander and persons who may be otherwl.lle interested In the will and/or estate; A pelJlJOn has been filed by Carol A. Paubon m the Supenor Co urt o f Orang e County re· questing that Carol A. Paulson be appointed as pel'llONl reprt- sc.>n uit ive to administer the es· tale of Paul E Melander (under the lndependent Admmistrauon of ~tales Act) Thl' pelltJon Ill set for tie.Iring m DepL No. 3 at 700 Ovic ~nter Dnve, West, m the City of Santa Ana. Califor· nia on April 14, 1982 al 9:30 a .m IF YOU OBJECT to the granting o f the pet111on. you should eit her appear a t the hearing a nd sw.tl' your obJl'C lio ns or file wr11.ten objeclloru with the court before the hea· nng Your appearance may be in pl'nJOn or by your attorney. IF YOU ARE A CREDITOH or a ronungent c reditor of the decl'ased. you mus t file your chum wt th the court or p~nt 1t to the personal reprc>sentat1 ve appointed b y the court Within fo ur months from the date of hna ISSuaOl't' of lettt>r'S as provi ded m Secuon 700 or the Pro· bate Code of California. The time ror filing claims will not expire prior to four months from the dal.e of the heartng not.Jc\'d Clerk Of Or-County Oii March 4 County Cieri. of Oronoe COlllll'f on Tltls business WH conowc1ec1 b' a ----'"'?IL Mn<h 10, 1w:r-· ...,eral partnenflfp ~*1l ....... TllomMJ POQit,Sr above , YOU MAY EXAMINE the hie kept by lhe court H you al\' mi.en'Sled m the estate, you may hie a request with the rourt to l"('(.'£'1ve special notice of the in- ventory of estate asseu and of the pet1uons, acroun t.s and re- pons descnbed m Sectlon 1200 of the Cahfomia PrQb.11<' c.ode • • N I I .! ~ l I ' Pllbll-Or-CoMI Daily Piiot, P11bli~ Or-. Cors1 Oolly l'llol, Otts WI-was llled wllll the March'· 1:1, 20.11, 1912 1037-C Morell U, 10.17, Aprll l, 1"1 llS142 C°"nlf Cler• of <><•-County on .. ICTITIOUS auSINllSI MAM• STATEME.n The 1o11-1no persons ar• doing bu•lnoss .,.· CAR·OON ENTERPRISES, lllWI UPC1trlalle Clrcte. Hunlinoton Beocll. C•lllorni.-. Gordon f' Hj~lmstrom, ''°" UPC1trlake Clr<le, Hunt1119'on Beoc 11, Calltorni.~ Culeon F Hjelmstrom, 1 ... 1 UPC1tr1olt• Circle Hunt1noton e..c11 c a111o .. .i ..... Tiiis llminn• Is conducted b'f &r> lndlvla ... 1. Con.en I' H"lf'nttrom Tiits .Ute..-1 WM hied with lllt County Clerk of Oranoe Cownty on February 2S, 1912 1'1UD4 RCTmOU9 .,_.. MAmlTAnmlff The -no pw.-.. dOlllQ -,_ .. ADAPTIVE RESOURCES, 610 F•n- IMI Ave , Corona del M•. CA t2e25 Sl\.W'I 0 -· 510 ,....., A..._ Cor-o.t Mar, CA 92626 Ehn G Au•ton. 510 ,..,. ... 1 A-. Corona o.t M•, CA 92«25 Thi• ~ .. conduC1*I bJ 1111 --CO<pora!Od ..oda,_ Olher llw1 • ...,. ~ SiuattO Aultlft a.no Aultlft Tlltt 11a1em•n1 WH llled with Ill• County Cltwt! Of Orenoe C-ty on Merell 10, 19112 ,,... Pu1>11.-Orenoe Cout Deity Pilot, Mareh 20, 27, Apnl 3, 10. 1"2 PubllSheO 0r•"9* Ca.s! Delly Pilot, -------.,.-------- Feb 27. MM •. 11 10. 1'92 1n _.1 ,..._ .. ,llt< A PUCE OF HEALTH AHO &EAUTY. 120 h at 18111 St<"I. Coate M ... , CA 92127 -'-~ Undlh'om, 120 £.-1lltl s1.-, c.ta -. CA 92927 Thl9 -le c;ondUc:led by en In· dlYIOuM. J-Unclttrom Thi• ste1emen1 wH filed wltft Ill• c.iunty Cieri< Of Orange Collnty on MM:to II, IN2 ..... Publltlled D•ange cout O•ll'f Piiot. Publlahttd O•enge Co••I Delly PllOI March 20. 27. AP<~ 3. 10. 19'12 Mareh 20, :n, Al>rll 3. 10. 1"2 1 ..... - 1345-«I -~~----------- l'IC'TITIOUS 8USINIHI NAME ITATaMaNT The loll-Int persons ore Clolno 1>11Sl11euas MOTOR SPORTS SWM> MEET, to• WlmbledOn Wey, C.Sta Mesa, Celllornla 92'». Ursllla Hubft«, )4.1' WI ......... Wey. Coate ¥eu. eatlfonli. .... JOl\11 O. GI-. IMOO S.~ Lane CSo«e at>, Hunt""'911 -..11, rellon ~ Huot-CA 91-•. Thlt etet•"'ent wH flied wlltl Ille Tiiis ~l""s Is cenclvclff '¥ O Coutlly Clertl of Of'lnOe ~ on Merell 98flffOI ~. 18, 1142. .._.., This tta=tH~lllfl •itll h PwOH•NCI Or•noe c -t 0.11., "'°'· CCMltlly Cieri( of Or•-'°"""" -Mardi IQ, 27. Aprtl >. 10. IOll Merell 12, 1"2. ~ ,.,... Pllblls-Or.not Conl Del!J PllM, M.llr.U,10,V,Aprll3,1"2 119!of2 Ml.I- March 12,1C. 1Cra18S..- C-..,.alU. ... ~ ............. __. ._., CAftlill P•lllNll er-. C:O.st Delly Pilot. March 13, 20, 11, Aprll J, 1.., "'~ c....... ........... _ OMlllyC-..... ._..._......,. _....._,._ ..... _ -.....cA- NOTICE ~"*IC~ -Al'f'UCATION l'Olll WMTll DISC"-"'-MOUIMMIWTB ...IM Cicconi & Cicconi, Attorney at Law, !04 Bick.aell Avtaat, Snll Monica. Callf. 9040&, (till 39%-9$17. PuDtt•'"'d Orano• COHI 0•11~ Ptlllol Maren 20 21 27 1M2 1338-82 PllUC MOTtE City ............ ._. M U N I C I P A L C 0 U II T 0 I' Ca All II 0.W....... CALIFORNIA TNCltyof.......,.,,,8-CllllMftlad en WEST ORANGE JU DICIAL HP0ES permH eppllcotlon end epp4led lor 01 STRICT wHt• dlacllaro• requirement a lor the 1141 1"" st. died*Qe Of ground -t• wUl• • ...,.. WHtmh,.tltr Ca '2Ml =~c;'Mlleewllhln P L A INT I Fl-. C ll OWELL Otllhe.,.-.of~attlll-WEEOONl.CO Olld eppllcotion of _. 118ncl11<dt and 0 E F E N 0 A N T t..E 5 T E A H ~.Ille Cellfornla ~Wal• BEAMAN ~Control a-d, hnta Me fle9ion. SUMMONS ~...-to -WU1.e -C-N-rlll5' c:Nr98 ....--.i. lnc:luclillg ellluenl .. NOTICEI v .. koW --· Ttw -mNI epeo1e1 condlllone. ,..._,. cown may _,.... ... llltt veu """-' wW!lnl to_, upon or oOtec1 lo "" YCHlr Ming hN,.. llftleH yow r8_. ~ ClleChet1le '*""'-'• are In-wltlllft • Ciao. It•.., Ill• l11fwmatlot1 Vlted to tubmll ..,,,. 111 wrlllno 10 lhe Mtew ..,... oddr.-no...., -"""8. 1* II y,;.. wish to -the oov1ce of a" M-or~--to Ille~ Gel• wf11 be COl'lliOered In Ille attorney In tlllt m•tter, you ~Id oo lomlllleltOn of final del.m>inetloM reoer· so promptly so lll•t your wrilten ding""-•• d~ response. II any, may be 111.., o" tlm« Tlleeo..d....._lq_.lnlot_llOn AVISOI UslH M tide tlefn•- IO .-1e1 It In OeterminlnQ pr-WUle El trt--" .-.Ci.Ir C""'ra Ud ~,......_.and. for tllat pur-''" e wdle11cl• • lrlt llH ~·· Ud -· wil llold t pwibllc-ino •I-· rH .. ttda tMfllre cle • dla-. LH la DAT'E: May 14, 1M2. lllformaclonq118sl-. TIME· 11".30 a.m. SI usttd cletc!A sotlcllar el conse10 de Pl.ACE: City Councll et.nberW, 3900 un •OOV-en nit Hunto Oeberl• W::: ........... C: encl II.Cerio lmmeota1eme111e.' oo est• 10 UP<•• 1~": on Ill•: 1:., .. naberam •Y rtt0y~i. tKrutam $u O<ll rel•ll"O 10 ,,... •l><>v• wute Olactoeroe a ioun•. P-sar reomrao.t • uemp0 Peraon• meklno pr-nl•tlon• •hould I TO THE DEFENDANT " Clvll confine their atot.,...enll to ,.,. ebove complaint "•' been llled by tile .cetad 1-. Orel atatem•nll will be ple lntlff ~Inst you II vou wish to ~. but. lllr l1'e ~ of the rooord, deNnd lhis lew"1il, you mu\\ within •II llrlpor1ent teetlfNlny alloUlcl lie eub-30 oay$ •lttr this """"'°"' Is served INtted In wnttno. Ollll ..-111 llllould on yow, fll• wllh this cowrt • written lie &rlOI to ellow ell Ill-led pereom respon.se to Ille <°""Plalnl. Unless"°" """ IO be '-"• do so, "°"' o.teull wlll M enl~ed on n. NI*\ OI -~. relMod appllcetlon of the plelt1tlt1, -this ~ let ......, tlMI lloerd't pro. c..,rt moy mer • luOQmonl •oelnst JIOMd reqvlr-te. olld ell oommente Y°" for the rellel O.mancMCt In the :::: :':i'::".::,..,."': ::..":: complaint. whlcll could rtso.111 In -tn41ena A-, 8""e 200, Alvw· oernlthment .,., WOteS, 101110 Of t1ci.. CA tnoe lpf!On• 714 ... 4-93301 money ot P<-ty or othtr relief .._, 1119 "--of t'OO a.m. encl •:OO ••Que1tect In IM <ornpf•lnt jt.11\.. MoncMy 9-ig11 Frtd.ly. Daleo: O.Cemoer 21. , .. , ...._ brlfto Ille l«eoe>lno to ,,... •I-ltk llo .. J . WOCll, Cleni tenllOn of 9'11' l*'I0"8 k-10 you wflO Ev• Pelemlne, o.pwty -*'be~ In~.....,,., Halt RltT Le"IE Gltll•NBEltG Pwbll.,,_. 0rM0e Coeat Dally Piiot, Jut~ f'Of11 91 .... hi .. ._ Mwdl ao. 1tl2 s..u MeMc•. co • ...s 1331-12 ltU) 4S2_.... -------.--------Publl$1\ed <><•noe Cont Delly Pllof. f'1'lllA .. ,~ Feb, 27, -r •. tl, 10, ,.., t31M1'1 • 5 6 7 8 D A I L y p I L 0 T c L A s s I F I E D 6 4 2 • "" 11T w,; c.., llf "",.._ SAIL AWAY lo summtr 1a • Piii· OYel 11111 s petlect fOI n1ut1CJI 1ed blue or creen and while str1~ ind 1>4111-on pants tllal ht instantly Selld noiw' P11nted P1ttt1ft 93~ MISSel S11H 8. 10. 12. 14. 16. 18. 20. Silt 12 (bust 34) lop I 118 r11d1 c>i11Cll. Plftll 2 Sii S.4 SUS t. eacti ,.n-. U4SO.t.Mdl,..... .. ........... s-t. lllAIWI llAITll P1nem Dept. 442 Dally Ptlol 232 West 11111 St.. •• Yd, •Y 10011. Pnat JIMI[, AllOI($$, ZIP. Sl2l IM mu llUlllll. Vfhal sllalt I m1? Frnd tllt answm 1n our NEW SPRING SIJMMU! PAnERN CAIAl.OC SM ~ SM-!* adnl!IJCt ol frtf Pallttn Colipon Ovei I 100 styles. C.tllol. SI.~ AU WfT IOOU •. $2.0l llCll I 11~Cltdllt 117.f.llrM"~ I U Sliedl '1' Plldl Qlilll 1n-Qtia '•' u., ,...., Boo«s Jlld C.IJloe-add ~' uth b po$IJct lad "-d~lll SIZES 10'h-201h "" 1{fi..,;._ llf~~ .. Sail hlit ends sl1dt soht, lhrou&h a simple <ab. the ht is ntCe and eny to !lit hem lh1s step.in dress rs lf\llt l)IUWre l0t tnte11n1 a -suson Pnnttd Pattein 9291 ~II S11n 10\li. 12\li. 14\>1. 16\oi. 18\li. 20\li Sile 101 tb~ 37) tM 2 I/I prds 60-1nch labuc s-t SUS .. ucll ,_,.. IM5Mt.eacti,,._.i. =-=.r.. ........ 5-41• Patt•m Dept. 442 0111, Plot • 2lZ ... 11111 ~.._ ... ""· ., 10011. Prill -. AOOIUS. M . SQ[ IM mu •UMlll. WllaC shall I •Ur 1 find lhe answt1s 1n 0ti1 NEW SPRING· SUMMER PAnERN CAIAl.OC SM sne ~ aclonlllf ol fttf Pattern Colipon Otet 100 s1y1es. ~lot SI ~O All CWT IOOIS .. 12.00 tK11 us...,i.c..w 117.W, Alt"' ...... t IU-Slitdl '•' Plki Qwilts I~ 'rl U., Trmlm Boo«s 1nd Caltlo&-add ~Ot exll lol ~ 111d hilldhna WF31'MINSTF.R ABBEY ANTIQUE.MALL UUl Wntmlnattr Ave GARDEN GROVE SS. $103 Reautirul Qernia n Clock. urly 1800's. Sl1951b•l ~5373 ... pl11ten 80 I 0 • •••••••••••••••••••••• HARBOR AK EA APPLIANCE SE It Vl'E We buy uM'<I appl111nC't5 Wesell r eeond • guar ~lnft'S ~9 3077 1 IUY APPLIAMCES ~ 957 11133 JtdrigeralOr. ice moker. S2:50 Walnut debk Sl50 Xlnt l'OOd 673 ~ 23.5 cu rt c F. rro~t rree rcrn~l ~~s. like nc" ~-- Washers. dl')er. r<-(n)( TVs Guar Al:.o 11 ade. buy, working or not 1159·0682 Admiral Rdn)(er.1tor. 1op~door rr~czer. 590 060. 831 267~ after SJ>m Washer l>r)l'I Db hwasher $125 r a r h Rerrigt•r alur $250 646 5848 Side b) Side R1•rn 1:erator with lrl' \taker SISll 545-ZNI SING EH SEWl~t; MAC:lll~F. DE,\LEll in CdM Remodl'l1nl! Sale Display mo1frh. l ea. Toul'h trnn11· 211ori reg $1099 no" Sti50 :132 ~argucnlt• tii5 364>3 Admiral Hern~ S11i1· h1 side Covpt•r. t.?d 1·oncl $2CXI. 642 3657 REAUCHltATOIS f.ACTOltf DEMOS Ont) 14 o cfi(. l>e ~t modrl1 mobl s tu~ . hurn' in no" & :.ave SI Q0.$200.$300-off l'loo t "an "ht-n 1firy n· .:ooe. thc) n· >:om· WASHERS & DRYERS G J:: \t .i > I J IC F'ri>:1dair1• \\ h1tlpool S µt•t·d (Jlll'l'll r1 o m uni} S!.511 DISHWASHERS Curr e r l> & S :111ln K1tch~nA1d. f'ng11Ju111• ti E G1b:.on. fro m Sl75 \o rea w nablt> 11H1•1 11• hl\l'<l Oswn Sun 11 <iarck•n 1;ro\t' ApphJnC'1· I Jl!JI II arbor Bh 11 liankon Gro\'C' 537 li333 Wldiftg Materiols 8025 ....................... HOW 25•/FT 11,-t1"t1tid 2"6 &1'1"!..111.: I .!II long. aho rt•tll\OIHI it'llt'lnl? LOI\ 1·~1 1111 n• ~ n J r J 1 m 11 r I\ 1• 11 Jll~ u me i15 14\11 Cc:wntra~ & EqYpment 8030 •••..•••....•.......... llJ,wlblJd 51111t· 1 om V I t' l t• 'I II J I to In ll.ill1h11 1 lon 1 ··~·· Kit 1;111 2511\I M 11:.; :mo:! t•\' Side b' Std1· rdri1: rre~ter N111 t.?t' 1:111111 ICots 8035 l'Ond $1">0 6:tl 5·120 ••••••••••••••••••••••• West1n)(huu~1· d'h"'h1 6. SiS l't•.-un..iltt1 I 1'1•r-i;.m~' :! atluh f1·m S.\11 Hancst 1•0101 IJll~rn +m;_ih• 51~11 :>-169!lfi!"> good rond S5t 1 !\!\ I Jll • h Adm1rJI ,1d1· In 'l trh· 1DocJs 8040 I .. • ·, •••••••••••• e ••• e e e ee e f rern): SI .s ~11i.:11l a1n• L •"'-·s111J,() I' ' \•1· l''Shr Sl¥.> ~I d\ IJ )! j!a~ "~·r--ur. 1 " dr)er $1511 ·\I J1tac lhJmp,1n• \I~ lt•l& dsh h Sl-5 'II' Ht'-., 'h O I' (' I I jl I 1 "~ r " ., • "· 1 ··1·1 ~-I"'" 'I,. ... "·""' ...... , ii• •I''" Ma\lal( Elt•1·1 rn lln t>I W0rklo hl.e """' Sli5 l>.1lr11Jhan ml\ puf'I'"'" •1 b42 i i.Ii:! -=.:· '!l,J Huli:! I'\ I "o I •·'-Ml IJ d.11 Sui· Rern~eralOr 1 ··r~ d 1·,1n. . . • f'ro ... 1 rrcl' llk1· """ '111 l..,htrt' I 1•11w1 jlll(ll•~ $155 11!13 ~lli41 11\tlt \l\C I hJm(I hn" ,hot "1111 1 Ito Kio~ I Ii Cu 1"1 \\t·,1111i:h111"' j He fri1:rr.o1111 SI~.'\ llolk·1n~111 p1111' \1\1 •t 754~Ti ""' rtlJ It· t•Jr.., 6. t.111 Sto 1 e. h1 tu" 1111•11 • l••J11 "ork~ \Int 11·r1 111u SI~ 5-114 1185 nup1~·1I S/.W %~ :11.;;~ ~11rt'l,1"'ll1t•tl \ti \1·1111, lJtl J IJ..i1h fl ilnl \I>\ ISO[( ht! :w;;K • • • • 8-DA Y WEEK SPEC IAL • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 8 Days 3 Lines 8 Dollars 11 s easy to place your 8-Day Wee~ Classified by mall and 1t costs 1ust S8 -that s only a dollar a day' To oualtf y for 1h1<:> special offer you must be a non-commercial user otler1111 merchandise for sale up to S800 per ad and the pric.e mu~t be 1n your ad The cost stays the same whether your ad needs eight days selling time or 1ust one Use one word 1n each oox About 4 words mal-.e one classll1ed line o f type Minimum ad is 3 lines Please pr1n1 plainly r-----------------------------, s 8.00 10.60 13.20 15.80 \ I I I Add $2.60 for each addltlonal llne for 8 times I I 1 Publish my ad for 8 days starting _______ _ I Classification ______________ _ t Name ________________ __ I Ad dress _______________ _ I City Zip Phone ___ _ 1 Check or M.O. enclosed O I Charge my ad to: I 0 .. # Exp. __ I l loll# Exp. __ L----~-------------------------r········· WE 'LL I I I I I ' PAY THE POSTAGE 111111 g_· 9 ----------------~--~--------~---. ~ BUSINESS REPLY LABEL w 9 !! ::: ~ ··-----------· r NO POSTAGE NE CESSARY tr MAlllO IN THE UNITCO ST AHS ' ' ' t t t I 9 ............................. =::...... . ......... . .-;-... ..... .;....,,.. ,..,.· ....... /..,..,. Tit 'INI HONE Sha~ tat a I t ........ ••••••••••••••• ... ••••••"••••••••••••• .... ••••••••••••••••••• ....................... -"•••••••••••••••••• ....... •••••••••••••••• •••• .. ••••••••••••••••• UtlPllOVt:MENTS Ookli bn bte mra<'t tn TOPQUAUT'Y • 0A.RDENlNGWANT£D DUMP JOBS n:DtllATCD ~·... f>WTER PATClllNC TIL£1NSTALLEO Additlona6 R.->delloa ~ • ii rn~ bitl!~~t =.:CAL ~Y~ Mowifta. tc111n1. rak. Ina. fiSmlltMovln1 Jobs lnromtTu Ser11lc:o 211n u p ,CJC.-4«*1. ~ut~os. fnt/ut 30 All Kind' Cuar1n1eed -· • Hill, Uv/dlft, rma Sl~ • • I we e p In & , r re t C.l MlXF.e41_l.39L _ 1314871 IDMed. w. Rtf1 Color i,.· , t P1ul 545-29'77 Rtts , John MO 9217 , av~ r'90'1I f7.50i tc>Utb R!SlD/COIUtl'L/IND tathnalff 645·5731 or Den»Uhon·Gradln& L••c .. 111 n 88.1 Qtll Dirk MR. £D'S PLASTERING C....,tomCtramlr Tilr SlO: chr ~. 011ar. ellm. l!f,.· Domy own work. wpott, A1ph11t, con· ........... !........... PAINTER NEEDS All T>'Pta Int or Ext Prompt 1uv. f'ttu•'t ,.1 ... _......, • Pttodor Crptrepalr. ~motl. AlffH12t Mowloa SlO·SU ·SZO . c~ • tree removal. VANDENBERG WORK! aoyrusp int/ ~112:$8 _l!.H st' 6*Chuclt6'1S·1408 ~ 15 Yr• [3.· Do work Ri'SID/COMM'L Halll/du~l1lt Sl5·120. ~Soil· P~ • pl1ntln~. LANDSCAPlN(H,,ndnp ext. Acoustic celll~ft' , Ctta.Mfc Ill<'" marble In ~ · a.$31..:Q!ll_ ~.Cltu.depeisdable • .Di'!!9f·~~S Mu!._ ac r1t 'I ~':l)p.i~mnt I malnt,comm/rtald,lree 0.vlsP lntin 8'7· 8E M t.11 1t1llallon Reasonable w.MAUCOMSTI. QIWC.. rk•rut001ble. TREES/<l.£AN UPS ·~--t.rim..m,tn1,clean·UJ>., P•lntina. wallcoverlna. •••0 •••••••••••••••••• pnres.~bfl75.J048 Oui fom T omes. l n m· .......................t11'Ilfl Ul-2M5 EXP ERT GARDENING HAtJUNG-atudent baa Ins d!bonded/llc d wood rertnla~lnll by °"'tr-'c~"1t0'?' SIO T ~-le lne. remodel, Frtnch Easter var day u mp F ..... , le+!st+ R om 631·7819 lee truck. Lowest rate. 979·5146 t.crman·tratned father · uml M& .. "f.8., r90s 3 '"......,. • cloOn. akyU hts • patio 111.k.ina. f\Qln boi tm ~1 , Prompt. Call 1$9·1976. & son. 40 t1 ex . Ref1 ee J .. ·~· ... , .................. , rovers. ADril ~-tth. IA es 5.1!' ....................... t........ Thanltyou,John. Mlla.-y ~y 1.9/?s •Plurobl •Healin & •Expe.nTrHPrumng• .. Warm homey ~tY\'port: Hand altlppilla. rt palr· •n•••••••••••••••••••• •••• .. ••••••••••••••••• · t* • P.lec~i u I 2 4" hr Commereial LandJcape ._ .. SmHllltt M • · 641 lna. Antiques. ral\an. Carpent.r)'-'tltuonry HAUUMG/CLIAMUr BRICKWORK Smoll ' E 25 ~rvlc 957·11388 ----Custom a rpenlr)', ~~~area 540 488• new furniture. Chair RoOlln&·Plumbtnlt I Coflaf.}J'ieV((J.Cilrage Jobs, Newport. Coal& WI le irn e(\~o~~ emer enc . d8'8·78-....... I decks & patios. J .S. · -cao\n1. rushlo1. Dryw1ll·Stucco Tne Generall•bor. 631·o.122 Meu. l rvlnt' Rers ayne 751:[03 > fllropttiyM9t0CJt•.t -h O>nat. ~-Top quaUty CHILDCARE SPECIAl.-any ch1rr1 Remodel. J.B. 1146·9990 H.Nc.._.g -67~3175. . •••••u•••••••••••••••• ••••··~··•••••••••••• work. Lie. no. 380801. My C.M. home. Xlnt ref. any colo(. bond 11rippeo General M Int --....................... u t. . ..i __ ..a.. -rHTY Most Sub1cct.1. K t2 & col Freetst.M9·5511 lnlan\·4.645·6846 or reclued. $19.75 A a enance w•ftt REALLY Cl EAN --,."v Iese 2S yn eip S4 hr • . Touch ol Clua Interiors, Repairs & ~coral mg ... 1 , c t ' 11••••••••••••••••••••' •••••••••••••••••••••.. MAHAGEMEHT Mr. MO_!i!fh 842-9033 -=-=:ir:..-..o::.:..-~54:!l0w58~34~ ~D N~/REMOOEL CattfuJ& loving mama or 711 W.17th St. A2. C.M. • Illy• Bay640·5t!!_ HOUSE. al Ging~am MI NI-BLINDS Cleaned Fart.hinJ Interior De111gn Orange Co. area IS yrs -- FIRST RATE BKKPG Design inrl Wllrert & ~l rro1. lo care for froura 642·7712 HOME IM PROVEMENT Girl...:.li.'r est. 64S·Sl23_ A1ao RV's, boau. lrlrs. HAN ING SIO/ROLL expenence. C11ltror mfo T,,... W.lu Services for lnd1v. & Son~837~1H!!.:._ ~mtb~lnf Frr. nfant REPAJR·PLU MBING ROBIN'SCLEANING rroblle homes, aircraft. Quality. Lic ilr1s. Stnp· andrults. ••··~··• .. ••••••••••••• ll business.Q66.299J C.-,.llltt -h•alllg Healing, carpentry . Servlce-athoroughly etc.Frt>eest.64S·8616 tina.Mg1~1°~5~t· :HJJi Typing-resumes. term Ptr bookk -7 -....................... CQ•edors. CittMtel ....................... elec tile. Free est No clean house. 540-0857 MoYll:g -58' -..:.. papers. d1ssertat1ons. business eer,~ OA Nf REPAJRSrREMOD. • ... ~················· ~Jd~~~.~l:a~i-~tp.. ~smalL64_5.:2811_. Exp'd Housecleaner ....................... UC. PAPER HANG ER PROF MGMT ~~~:~es~ingo r~~~se payroll & quarlerhes Int/ext & boat docks ADO NS/R~~ODF.LING 4 1Uuling. 548·?489 Carpentry. remodel. re-Mature& Reliable -AIC MOY/H'--Bunded & guar. No job By OCI ~ •<Orange Co. Services 548 7135 646-?lU _ _ 2S yrs .... Char 645·3'149 Plan.s. L1c d. George pair patios, painting, 542-6085/669·0416 Qwwccl<. Careru 5 .. •r11.1,.e ~small or loo large Inv. ~Ed 534 004Q. --- FINE F N S P\lmer & ~. 557-6932. Landscaping.Yd ClnuM 1 d '6·7nm "' • -~t. T_Qny 898·2728 Typing. Writing. l-:d1t1011 . ~ I I H WORK """'!• .:.. Treetrim·Expert mafrii. winaowa. rs. quality --~,,.,. fteeesti~tes. 552·0410 Expert wallrove nno In· RefWshlag ~Y office or you rs Sml ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ra d 7""1""'"CdM II Di t Sr I "" ----E 'd r " ~ a on eas prtces .,..,. Remodelin&/Dool'Shung All construction. la~e & Ji'm"~l·Ol~-work.545-2901 HOUSECL NI ---. ... :;-,~~--~G-• ••nu ti R ci ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ok ~• ... 2142 AU..SfATE PAVING -!!lC!L!~.,. _, sma · sr o a u ts JA(]{ OF ALL TRADES xp . re reh11ble. Top Qua 11 . pec1111 . . , J.D. Horn Refinishing . -· Sealcoalin ·Stri in BOB'SCARPENTRY WaxneS39·7112 Reaid/comm /Indus. Calldayornight. ~11.!!!l'..!: 955·24!! care In hand . g. 25 yrs if.~ant Assignme nt Antiques. kil rabmets. WlndowClt°"""J Repairs. Co~m. ~esfd. AU lyr.s No Job too DRAITING SERVICE Mainl. clean·ups. tree _•Jack 675·~0 Houseclea ng morning exp Coi:npet1l1ve rates ----finepalnlmg. 645·0664 ..................... .. Uc. 362 64 ·8l8l lgetsm . Rers. im:§2!I_ 29 yrs exper.comm/ re· trim. frtt est 641-1096 Home Maintenance hrs. M Verde area, Noov~rtl.!!lf. 730-1353 WALLPAPERING -"Let the Sunshine In' Driveways, Parking Lot CUSTOM CAR PENTR y .!!!!:,673-ro47 dys/eY!_ -~~~:an.ups. Tree Tn m Yard work & tree trim C.M_llave rerL_~0.~1_5 STARVING COLLEGE ~~r~f.0~i~~:~nl~ •;n ~....... ........ C~~~g~·t~d'.e W~~~3 Repairs. Seakoating BY .. JAY ** REMODEL/ ADD-ONS Maint. Resid./Comm ·1. !>.m ~ene SS2·0458 HOUSECLEAN ING S'ruD~NTS MOVING wallcoverings Free est 11 be R f II 2ll'"'. ~onthl.l' Discount S&S Asphalt __ 642·8809art. Spm_ andCarpentrv . Lir'd. _Amie ...... 84t..!_ Honest& dependable. CO. Lie. #Tl24436 Rod 1·1~·5800_ u r 00 mg a types ~ Llr63l-4l99 RESIDtCOMM 'L Mrs lrw(n548-2719 """ LOVETOWORI( 962·2690 lnsured.6418427 ~-New.recoverdecks •RESIDENTIAL• All·AroundCa , -Jessie'sGardening Ca,rpentry, painting. *iGERMANLADY•• _WA~UU~QRO~" WALLPAPER LicJ!ll802.5489734 AvglstyS30.avg 2sty labpHtiftcJ John 775-~nll') l>ulwal Clean-ups. tree trim trees & grdns. gen Housework. Exp Refs STARVING ACTORS Contractor & Painting ROOF LEAK' 'tHH• ~~Cti_ris 957.:11;!88 ••••••••••••••••••••••• --••••••••••••••••••••••• & maint_sen::. 540-8035 ma int. It hauling t'ree 960-0719 645-2043 MOVING COMPANY O C. 23J'rs Lie 32S240 Courtright & Son WINDOW CLEAN ING Babysitting m our C.M Hungry carpenter needs DRYWALL/ACOUSTIC esl. ---/ -Fru.l & Careful Lowest -Ga~OrnJ!.f 49:!-4366 t'r~Est _ ~.5;ig2 homes. 1 Yr & up. Any. work! No more food 14 yrs exp. F\Jlly lic'd & ~muM GarcMaer ProfeSSl'onal Mature woman. ex cell Rates Law Allows M c "-o Lessons 7 yrs in area Excellent Ume. 642·8482/646-S7S9 stamps. No job too sn\ll II insured. __ 532.5549 el? est. Ken~ 5035 refs, $20 pr week Visa Lie Ins. 673.0853 ................. ...... ~ange <f.oaslRRoofing 642 ~9, 69·7972 Cl-OLD CARE or too big. 8 yrs local DRYWALL TAPING GARDENING T h S --979·6815 Palntlncj--e-roo mg epa1rs Orange Coast Wmdows MyC.M. home w /yard. exp. Refs. All textures & acoustir & LANDSCAPING OIE ervice Co. C-0Uege Student Wiii !'iean •••••••••••• -;.......... a!J~g.~~!i"i 00 Reas. rat~-548"1733 "We lea\e you\\ Ith a I/hour. _!42·0162 M5-6S2l /S49·l68S__ fteeest Ke\·in 61~.JIO~ Ja~e. ~eo 545 7072 1213) 592·353'7 or 1714 l bour condo Ai.k for Fine pamttn8 by Richard ~.,~on Call ~n at ~"-tr!"Jtt~~~~~00J~~~l t 1 Babysitting in my home Strflce Btctrical MOWING -CLEAN-UPS 84Q:8618 111£_e775·3681 Sinor. Lie. ms 13 yrs ol ~ '-J Lt-.. Iii:..-ha I I t St- -• ••• • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • Wr......_ E. Cosla Mesa area ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ha 1· La d LL-....a.. •• ood A "'*'"'"*'I PP~ Ol'a r us omen, art }Our child learm a BUDGET "'"" Ages1'2to3.S48-7286 No~eamlNoS_hampoo ELECTRICIAN pric-" Fr;~~gl. n s~~2p1990ng7 ,.._._ oori ••••••••••••••••••••••• Thankyou 631·44lt p n,. RATl::S1L1c'd ••••••••••••••••••••••• -..a-L..L...!. ---StamSpecialist. Fast """ --U)-~~··"!.' -... ••••••••••••••••••••YACHT SITTER-College music: iano lessons Lowmin SmljobsOK WRJTING RESEARCll -~ dry. Free est. 839·1582 rght. free ~sllmate on FUii maint. & clean-ups HARDWOOD FLOORS student will hve un )OUr Bishop & Son Pamtm.: I ~~n my SJC home free est I~ _641 7581 EDITING An} subjert'. ••••••••••••••••••• •••. ~ge or sma I JObs. Spec. m comm & shop· , Beautifully cleaned yal'ht. clean it al no cost 30 yrs ex P m Beach -Sfuc format !!Jle 646·496S We care Crpt Cleaners _£:. 1139662L 6 7lO~~ nmg ctrs. Tonv 646._7556 and ~axed~ 832 4881 to you. Marv 633_ .8728 art!a. Jl'ree est. 54El· 1029 Pkllhr/R--' eo ,;-ak ' •-ROBT STEIN BRON ER. Steam clean & uphols. LJC'D ELECTRICIAN .c. .., I .,,, -.. ,....r ••••••••••••••••••••••• •u e a great disro\lllfry GEN'LCONTRACTOR Truck mount unit Qual.work -Reas.rales Have somettung lo sell?' lAULING&DUMI' Prof'I t-ouple wishes to PETBl'SPAINTIMG ••••••••••••••••••••••• Re-slucros/tnm pamted Shop class1f1 ed for Uc. #399463 645-6456 Work uar. 645-37 16 Jo? Classified ads do it well. I JOBS. ask'for Randy. hoUSt>S1t. Newport area. 10 yrsexper. inl or ext Neat patrhes & textures free. Sandblast & brick lod a y 's best buys eeest. 631-5072Tom 641,:8427 JJl.!Y.,ref~6441!839eys 552.~ .&tt...nJ. 8U=.li3t Llc'd.957-8218 ___ 64.2·5678_ DoCJ5 I 040 r. Rltun ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Beagle Pup. Fem. AKC Kings1z.e bed $7.5. Twm 9/ITW)'s SJOO. gentle. all beds SSO set. Queen sofa shots. Call 775-5215 bed SlOO. Dming table Coe -rnd glass w/4 chairs ker Spaniel. male. I Sl50. Lamps SIO ea. Cof· Yl' old. Good wrch1ldren ree table sso. End tables F_5offer. 644·048t __ SIO ea. Color TV Sl7S Germ. Shepherd Pups· 1· Ref rig. 14cu ft. $50. Girls AKC. Excel disposition. Huffy 3 spd bike S65 Sl50, ev t-683·1190 eves. I 644-5166 __ _ AKC Springer Spaniel. 7 New Singer Touch-trO!"lt' mos, liver & white. 2001 Memory machme male too. 646-9107 080960-1316 _ Acceptional German Waterbed. kmg·s1ze. w. Shep. pups AKC, see shelves & healer. $100 parents. Xlnt tempera Aft. 6, 631-778§_ _ ment. 7 wks. Sl25 up Green velvet sofa. S500 963-~ F1owered cotton sofa. DOIEIMAM PUPPIES ~-Both Like new. ·~ -~ --Blacli&tan pnce 642·1737 __ -- s. 538·5964 MOV ING.Must sell all Labrador R~ie:;;. this wknd. Almost new Puiis. 6/wks old, yellows decorator sectional sofa. & 'blacks. $200 ca 11 formal glass dm set. 5 pl' 964-5141; 759-5089. _ dinette. easy chr. Jg selection of photo Yorkshire Terrier M pup graphic pnnts & more. py, champ line. tO wks 673-fi603CdM old 963·3339 --------. -20 Sofas new. S98 ea. 10 Go!den Retriever pups. loveseats. $88 ea. Mat wt th shols. tresses . 95 7 ·S 708 --754·7~ -C.ouch. loveseat. ch~~t· me to You 1045 toman. corree tbl. end tbl ••••••••••••••••••••••• & lamp, contemporary Adorable Benjie look S650/bst ofr. 645-9977 aft alike, l yr, trained 6PM. _ S49· 1000 2 pc 15 ft sofa. gold I with Ge Sb I' ood greentone.$90. rm. ep. '2 yrs. g 990 Presidio Dr CM watch dog, needs fenced Wknd d. 751·9740 wkd s ---- £..-l.L.-1050 2 Wick~r lounge chrs ~ w cushions. SSOea. Qn SI ••••••••••••••••••••••• deep pile cinnamon * * I BUY * * ~:~$~548~~1 SlOO. Good used Furniture & ----. Appliances-OR I will GOLDEN OAK dining sellorSELLforYou lbl.Slegs. 2 lvs w 6 pre· MASTllS AUCTIOH ~~7~k ch rs. s1200. WAMTED 20 !!Olas. New. $98. Lov· PLAYPEN COUC H SET eseals $88. SI eepers. ..:613-c.:=944=1:..._ ____ _ . FACTORY 957-5708 Sealey Qn Siz.e sofa. KJNG INNE RSPRING Herculon plaid EXTRA F1 RM mattress $250/best orr. 559-7328 set. never usedj worth s Custom maf e Picnic ~.sac. $248 de . Never Tables. Urelhene finish. used queen si, worth 545 each. Matchin~ $399. cash only, $218 del. benches SIS each. 6' & 7 . Usually borne, 754.7350 BeauU!ul 540-1735 Gd. buys. used furn ., MUST SELL solas. chrs. lamps. Must Mahogany double bed sell. 831-3130. with ma~tress. Moon Solid Cherry Wood shaped m1J'l'Or on head-dresser with mirror boa;it. Sl2S ~OBO 631-7797 art 6 . CaJI 548·0910 2 yellow 8' sofas, SlOO ea. I IUT FURNITURE Compl Maple bdrm set.. Les 957·8133 dresser. 3 lamps. S49S. Alrrost new mattress & New rull·slze mattress s pr i n gs . db I & ~.ISO. New queen·siz.e, Hollywood bed. Spanish $100. 750-5832 co(fee t.abl, SlOO. 642·9308 GARAGE SALE·Bltn·tn oven & range. books, woterbed. kins SI be frame , magazines. pie lu res. collectibles. games, crart s. lamps. m1n1 bike. furniture Sat/Sun 9001 Rhodesia Dr I H.B. 962.9757 Garage Sales: SI lo $75. Sun<Jay 9AM. 12 & 17 ~~So!J.!'1. Irvine Sat 9·4. Giant 2 family yard sale Sml appl . furn .. a few antiques. books. toys. clothing 1010 ~ 1010 Offic• fvraiture & TV, Rocio. loah. Power 9040 Motorc des/ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Eqlifl"'tnt 1015 ltFi, Stereo• 8091 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Sc~ 9150 N~ug herhnewh ·Sl~S. Polaris s nowmob1ll.' ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••MOO.RING & bo~l . ••••••••••••••••••••••• , nss~-.tisf5 ~ekhr $'l21XI S·pc Basst>ll ~cl~m , (Xf1ce furniture for s11le lnlelbvision . 3 l'olrt . 1230 Ne\\pclrl Harbor (all f\Jll) l'hopped Tnumph 1.·. _ set $1200 SS9·531-"1 aft at disl'ount pril'l'S or ma kt· ofrcr Call 973-~9 650 Needs work S300 or C.lhq FClft SPM 64MY763 Arawer Ad 11572. 642 4300 34' Royal Cr ·74 make offer 552 3970 casabella. never used 2 Et11geres. waln ut . N.Star Horizon II. iiuad .M~ ftom S\\eden. ernn I\\ e\~ 'til 10 Wtuhphgh~ WasS260. r hrome & ..:las ~ density 64K 1nrl M h 100 HP Vol\'O dsl. like RM125 1977 ood sellS120 11·11ights.S89ea.6459442 UCS D Pas•" I IV () ane ester hm :.pkri.. De\\.A!kino$47.500 fin ·runs II - -• .. 'a · .. · Walnut l'ab1nets. , rn " looks good. $ISO 552·0796 I .tnnhousto & I foldinu nf.'\\ fal'I l'Jrton rure 12" bass S7S 1•a &slip &\ail Trade pos:. Callevemngs646 114S """ bl . " $ 3 ti ti 0 Ca I I N e ii . · · N 0 R D Y A C II T S pokertu e.SIO/e.1 1-727 -02112 or Cr1tll! 546-2011 67~8878 '!kl Suzuki 450. 2500 m1. '6L.MIRkWMRYou 675 1536· 6310213 AllCADE MA<:lllNt:s• fairing. xtras . perr .. "J ARC DEM ClllN"' 4 dff I 1979 Appol o Cabin d $1500 OBO CGll Hove Sable A A ' r.S' Near new IBM Seledri1· 1 1 erl'nl alest monc-) en.user 25· and trJiler <: 0 n Natural Russian sable 41 djffereot latest money makmg rmdels' Brand ~1202 rape jacket. Pr1 \'ate ma km!( model~• Rrand II I) Pf\\ nter. i·orre1·1 ne\\ t'rt't' PC bo.ird ex FUiiy eqwp for oa' iga party. $7.500. Shown by new. Pree PC board u '!'&· etr. ~I. 646 3389 l'hangers $199S & up Uon & f1shm1t. Xlnl l'Clnd 'll HOHOA 350 appointment only changers. S1995 & up Oflke fum1lure for sail' Call t21.Jl34S·7303 Must sell ~..!!ro~ 642·33311 &Th-4824 or 493-7082 GaJI 12l31;J4$-7303 17141 &l2 7781 daily 9 5: -Al~ lo. I 1.3% Yamaha SR2506. 1980 Ex --------•I For &lie . mcmbersh1J1 1n Mon·f'ri. loah & Marine £m~ Jl96 mo 832· 7242 1ter I. wmdshield lug •••••• pvt. Fountain Valley RQyal Typewnlt•r. self Eqii,..nt loah, RH&t/ radt. 650 m1 Like ne1o1. PAN A-1" two for one Tennis Club ': rei.:. rorre<1init. pd $785 Ask· ••••••••••••••••••••••• Charttt 9050 1!J7_5. 548-8798 Mrh20tti ~~n . l3 rountries. price-$600.CallDurlene '!1&~5.S46·8392 ~ 9010 ••••••••••••••••••••••• MotorHoftlts Sate/ t801 ana~rC~95 ~aft 4PM 111634-0371 . 646 12S4 Type\\nter Elel'I. port ••••••••••••••••••••••• 40' B.erth l'IOH' lo RH!t/Storocj. 9160 INTHE ALLEY . ~~· w/l'ase. Sears Smith IS'' fl Pav1hon now available ••••••••••••••••••••••• Sat /Sun 4205 Dana Rd 2 for l Worldwide J>a~s on Queen size box springs & Corona. Perl t·ond SISU FIBER ROAT ~ R en l 2 2 I u x N B. tnr Hoa.1.Ho~ita1'1 Pan Am. good 'hi 5 31 · mattress used 6 mo 979-S299 4!M 3202 ._..._. ~-:• 9060 motorhome, ~lps G. self ----~e.!:_962·2844 $125 reg $449 9i I -.. ~ t S295 k 11'.r I DAV GARAGE~ALE l Port sewing mal'h SSU 30 968-0620_ Left handt>d Se<'l'l.'t<1nul OCllh. M•tt'ltmc•/ ....................... ~ w + m1 Sat. 9.4 Mont1rello gal aquarium. almost desk. xlnt l'Ond Walnut Senkt f020 udo 14 No 3210. trlr. 5 T w n h ome s . 2 4 O 5 new Sl.SO. Girls slucient SCRAM-LETS Cuush Ji2135. 966-5232 ••••••••••••••••••••••• sails. Xlnl t'Ond. SIS50 RENT 26 ft motor home Richmond. CM (nr desk$2S.8St·9743 Desk,\\alnullini:.h.Jloodl ManneElectrman. 9§2·6775 Slps8.fuU)loaded F'airv1ew Fairl I -· ANS £RS I ('OllditionSl20 Design install repair Wanted partner for 645 861_6 - --·Baby Furn. pla\•pen. W Qual work 549 2520 w I Freezer. books. l'lothes,1 stroller s wina · ett· 966 S232 · . eslSa1 32diesel. 7 baits ·74 lloaclliner 21 ft Cla~s and assorted m1 st•1 · ... Sphere Crent lo..., u.......: sails. attrart1\e Id ' A. dean. roof air treasure Sal 3 20 9' 4.1 =t~f il~v~~t s;~f~~j Plank Oppo~t' ~.~ ~nd~I h?;ic De~k • &..-:i=.::e 90 30 benefits w l'harter bus1 generator $6900 6i3 3826 455E 20th Cost· Mes POCKET!S I.' za. l air. uni( ...,..,....-ness Belthed in N\\pl --· "' a 11 j 646-4fl3 I didn't say my brother tl6CXJ,s~llS800 67S-ikl92 1••••••••••••••••••••••• Bch..Ph 675·2324 Traiteri, Travel 9170 Alley Sale. 3tS On;h1d .I Waterbed. new matt & in-law was a t-rook But LIKE MEW 51 mps0 n La\\ re n <' t' • ••••••••••••••••••••••• Corona del Mar. Sat on I hner. Sl20, 2 Twm beds, l\e is the kind of l!U~ 11ho Offit•e (urmtun• llys PE'l'd w 1nd111 s s 30 . Islander Loaded. ·11 Vello11 ~lone trailer Trinkets to treasures. l}'8lol l'O!llPIJ6Sboth 673 4<l17 buvs a suit with t1111 8S7·4271 Never used San1f11·e mmt l'Ond w muonn)? 25ft .. sleepei ~-full~ self magazines to II boal ' f POCKETS $275 67S SIMO near Pa\ ilhon 631·5379 rontamed. great cond1 Some anll·qu"s. 52 8 Dmettetable. roffee tbl. Stroller.genuine Enulish P3!rsO · O'fll'e Desk PJle llRhl 1· 8f :I bo · "'2515- 2341 Donn1e_~d_,N~. ~ k' I · 9 " a r .. e n .. Pu 11 0 11 l l sa1 mg sa t wanted uon "" -• Seaward Rd CdM Sat it ut1 .. misc. 842 Pram. compl $45 M11Hicd .... ' " loah,P 9040 Pn t p g..5PM Hanul_tonL ~19. HB A1rhne dog sh1pn1n1t L....&.---'s 1013 lypewnter stand. $70.110 ower \a e 8331n_1~ '81 Prowler trailer 19'. y WDJTWnrnT il'lll!A •••••••••• ••• • • • • • • • • • • {l;,JQ I 6 If n.. lh th r .1 crate4:1S 581 0618 ""'· 6739, 964 l!Ollll Wellcraft 2.,. No\ u of s ps se rnnt areal 1st Annual Augusta Sl ..,.,a m e am1 Y 318 -r ••••••••••••••••••••••• " " Garage Sale. Sunday 2nd St tgarai:e in rear 4hp long shaft outboard Quilter P1\ + a Bos~ Echo P.+s 1017 fshore. l v. n I Rll HP. loah.DodtSllps/ ~d 960 ·_2065 9-Jpm.1175AugustaSl .. 'lplLake&Atlanlal,11 B 23cuns1de/s1derefn11. Dela. l'horus line.••••••••••••••••••••••• l"'.indem trlr, RDF. s 9070 ·74 Ter~ 231 ~ ll A ( CM. _ _ Sat.&Su'}_._ <!,bl~rmset831·1230 falanger. S500 bi.I ofr 2Pl.'a<'hla<'edlO\ebirds 1 radio. bait tank. Jo.Ira ••••••••••••••••••••••• \'en clean S3i50 Wedd ing dress-Ne\·er ~7870_ yearold.ca1teincl"dS65 factory h1thtinl( r hrs. LldoShpfor5Cf+ Pov.er ~·I~ Garage Sale. F\Jrniture. S' 11 d Bund 1 5.16-8S74_ b1mmi. covers, stereo I! Bual. $10.00 per It PP ,72 Ideal trail•r. 221 •• fl Refngerator $50. Ant19ue iron bed. twin $125. Wmit back chair SIS. Kitchen dinette. a~pllances . glassware. kitchenware. toys. b'eller quality clothing. infairts thru adults. Sat 9.3 2781 Cibola AveC.M. Antiques, bed. picture frames. radio, clothes & furniture. 370 La Perle Lane, CM. Moving Sale Horse trailer. antique cars. misc. items. 2236 Meyer Place, C M. Sat/Sun. GARAGE SALE IOAM-Du.sk. 2187t Kio\\ a U'I. HB. S. of Hamilton. E. or Magnolia Green rdrig. S200 : Hobby rrodel planes, couch & loveseat. brown plaid. S40 set. Misc hshld & garden items. S\ln. 3/21 baby clothes & 11xlures. worn· 1ze tO·App que Y c annet hkc new lrk. trim t11bs lmmac 67S.lm4orS27 7408 ~ IBM typewnter. books lare·pearl s S2SO . w1Surnner mouthpiect', Hand-tamedlalkinit cond $ll 900 ,oso I -. --Self rontained . Air :m2Banyanlrv.S~t93. 962~ _ used I yr $250 559·6386 umbrellaCockatoo 83!J.1122lors:i9·7203 llwitington llarbour Bay ~ 962·1~. S:.!1P!n _ 847-7573 ~---& Racquet Club Boat 516 71ti St HI ADLER SE 1000 self cor· - ----iCANVASS & PLASTIC Slips 3\ ail able Ca II Sat..SUnLotsofsluH rectlngtypewnter $650. ALTO SAX. Compl over UmbrellaCorkatoo.S7SO. BRIDGE ENCLOSURE ' 846·7766. 846-7767. A.llto5trfic•,Part1 excel eond. 731-4445 hauled Mar 82. Extras Red Lord. SJSO Very for 28' Skipjack Used 2131592· l3S9 & AccHsoriH 9400 Garage sale Sat 7:30 lo 4. eOUTIQUE The biggest Top cond S425 obo t_ame ~-5!4.Q. onceAISO 557-4758 ---••••••••••••••••••••••• 424 Prospect. N.B. tThe be r 1 ., 11 67J.6D Lido resident needs shp 1---------Shores in the alle.n:_ _ ITW)St aull u . ~o ow ----P'imuos&OnJCNtS 8090 16' boal. rabln. 45hp. for4.5'powerboat yellow tulips. 8361 Deep· J Kustom II. 85 wall bass ••••••••••••••••••••••• l r a 1 le r + ex 1 r as Days t2l3l278-8610 1' Art work. living room view, Hunl'-Beai:_h. _ amplil1er with one is· lbomas electnc 2 keJ 1..1500.080, 831 2678. Wkr!ds'evs lil4 1_!>73 205!1 rum. Answering service speaker plus I Guild !Phone Mate) propane Sofa & Chair. like new. . · It · .. board. Excellent con MUST SELL' ~lboat 25· side tie. neai thl' lank 63 Marble lop coffee table. cabinet w th 2 JBL 15 ~~848-8123_ o..,ner. Sea ray 1977 Fern. Bal Isl.ind ,etc. 12600 -Ampex Cassette s akers.846-226S --Upnght Steinway piano. '77-24' t'uddy l'ruiser. 673-t440 WT CHAHCE! 979-9596 Tenor sax. new. sacrHice. good cond Best orrer. Twm 470 1 0 Meres. bet· - -MO VI MG! FUii sofa bed. SlOO: king must sell.~. ~l-0611 lt'r than ne\\. ISO hrs , He~ Marina Saturday only 9 to 3. 603 hdbrd, walnut. $40 : bird 645-7278 _ Asking Sl6.SOO.Dys 1213 1' Slips ahil. <la)· 11 k or Jasmine Ave. CdM (tn cage,@.760·0344 __ OffiuFvulitwe& ~l~d8$~6o Grand 278-8610. evs 17 14 11 mL.-64§05?1 the alley). Moving out or State Eqti,....t IOIS 675-0305 _6'73-21l>& loah, Spffd & ESTATEGARA~E Refrig sideXside S75 •••••••••••••••••••11•• 12· Avon Sportboat SkJ 9080 S u it Coffee. 2 end tables $75 Xerox 3100 LDC. assume Antique U~ht Piano w/acc. IS hp Johnson ••••••••••••••••••••••• -Plants up to S20 5122 bal Xerox sales con O/B w/elec starter. AP· WANTED·Bo11 Rider ti Furn . a pplianc es . Maple !Terrace) Irv tract at S163.23 mo . JO -~0·0942 -proxJOhrsonboth.$1200 to 20· PP ~eeks clean clothes. etc. 13tS Bonnie u 1 """• u""" "a,.._ BRINK ER HOFF Oak both or will sell sep boat rrom pp 957 (1""2 Doone Terrace, CdM . "".,_., mos,orrow·54"'""""-1 · I (7l4 198635t9 --"' Sa1 8AM·ZPM payer piano. a I uni:. . -17'6" Schiada. Oat bot needs work S800 ~· ·73 ~kip1ack . 20'. tom. 1Hallrraft 1 \' 64S-4Jl!l__ flying bndge. Trailer dnve. 31Z ford fresh!\· Sldllug IOU SlOOO extra. 559-4306 e\'s : rebll O hrs. Ne\\ Epox~ t.42-5678 ATT&fTIOH MG OWM~S TONNEAU CO\'ER F'1ts MG's. 'ii '81 Ne\·er used. S7S Mana631-7797 he msJi? UTE BODY WORI\ & paint· up to so•. off rnur baj) shc?P est 536.9832 ALFA ROMEO PARTS All parts to ron1 ert 1111 16011 to Velol·e. e>1 r pistons $1400 Denni-1 . 979 2i48 aft er 6pm or ~·knds New rattan dinette set. 48 2 vinyl leather ea sr, inch round glass top, 4 chairs, sso each. 13 · beau hi back host chrs blktwht TV $45. Used 2 Sl200 new · sell $700. mos All good cond. 11 497·3121 64>841S. ,. ..... IOSO ll:a•oW Goods 8065 MttJhJ.IJliltVJ.drf ••••••••••••••••••••••• 834-4643wk!!)~ pamt, uphol itood Boal L..LL.i;~:J:;: J.J Mens Ski Boots. Nordica 5 man A. chilies mn alable Io o k s I 1 k e n e ~ 1lJ l'V~ 9"aM. used once. S39 w/16 h.p. Suzuki. 2 hrs S38 00 0 B 0 t 7 14 I L...~ • ..-1 J.. 673.5919. running time $1400. Eves ~-8961_ (,'lq fY'11 l f --968.5484 rut ~.,~ s,ortt.MJGoodt 1094 ---.:.._ --- '69 \'W Fastback front end Ne,. rolors. hhoc:ks. auto trans both SlllO ~-~! -=<-=~------1 New Henredon Alvarado Bdrm set. In storage. Cogt ~. sell $2500 or bst ofr. 760-0&20 Lge side·b)'·Side refrig ice maker. avocado 1495: I pair gold velvet swivel chairs S12S 497·3121. 316 Cypress. La una Buch Rollaway bed. used twice Wattrbed s:zoo. heater. ri,! Sl4!1 Sears, will sell and bookcue. 10 mo old. or · SJ6..8079 ..:.75~1~·9227=------tDinlng set. Fr . Prov., t ' 1.ofi w /ma t ch ing solid birch. 11 pea xlnt draperies. S75. 2 chairs. cond. · 1145-9442 l50ea. Rnd corree table, 2 comer sttt. sofH w/4 SlOO. Duncan Phyfe din. yds repl1cement rabric:. table. mahoa. S'l9S. 2 end SUS. 982_3282 llllitt. SIS ea. 01nlth - w1ln. dealt w/chair. Dinlna r m sel. 9pc .i;l.50=. 67,""-'3-._,~::.:1""'3 ____ 1 Danisli Modem. A"1 of ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Formal oak din. rm lbl. 6 ~fry cooker. electric, matching wicker back 2 volts, 1250 OBO. chai rs, 2-leaves. New 831·21678after Spm. S2~ Sell S650 OBO 67), l . Jrwttry 8070 K1nl az water bed. hdbd, ••••••••••••••••••••••• 6 awm, heater. liner. Diamo nd. 1. 75 cl • l'Ol!U!I. $350. 893-2188 Eme rald cut. E VSld , USGSl a ppraise DeslgnerslnventoSJso 134,000 ; need cub. Diel. oak buffet. . 1a.800. Dys : 642-5640: Country French china eves/wknds· 642.11421. cabinet. S6~0. Carved · Allllrian armo ire, Sl500. Diamond Bri llian t Cou n try F rench Cut. .26. ·Ap~raised 1t fnitwood table, 8'x3', •· Will se I for l2SO cltta 1860, moo. PLUS cul\. Call Answer ad m>rt. XJnt. Best ofrett. nn1 142-4300 :Mhrs . C.U 780-31187 or collect MM .. IOIO l2Ul271·3t39 N!i!l Bch. -c 1-11 .. Iron' brass bed wtnew MartinsvUle. 158-1126 ball s1>rlng Ir mall .• xlnt Couch 9· aood condition . • ...................... 1 C!l!!lt.~-Q~. '4H 916. StOO. Twin·liu matttus 6 box SilYft'lOM I keyboard or· o.i_,,,r·1 Inventory 'P!in1. br1nd new Spr. PA.:... 1ood cond, SSSO. houn&ry laddtr chairs. NB IJl>del home: decor. JyAltt,@.14$-MU m:_·u44 Bilbo• Penin. 1tral .. 1200. 4 t'ou11tr1 DRlll.8 uphol. chra. lge Must lelhol1 • lovese1t LOYI IAU.OOMS C'fl•Lra.1 oak. mo. En· Inf . 1'1$>0092 ~. Blk ltllr reclnr "5· lft l t u 1n 1ro u q 11 et• ~Nftt. oak. 2 dwr. •Pt' dteoralor bdrm set. Gl .. lhlUPM, o.lvtrecl. Perfect for 1 J:i: ~1i'U:91.?.~~ ~ ~--· aell for llv•·Barlter Lo1n1•r, '"'1 Occu&ocl. Oreent ~~ 1-.tof1h'ftlliia1 far&.Ptt'1ff~ll I l!J:!ll!!!~B.J!NJJB!:,.. --INI •dtl holM : ofc 11111111>. nu med. 111 OOI\ lllllNGTOH = Cuopl. dttlt, uedtnu. cllr. 111 II.Zoo. Sac SUI. Site .. Trpwrtter, lint • n• ... _a.lal ~,,,,_. .... tell -•• Ml.lllll..., Al It Nrbtr "" •• I . ......,_ ..... ;z.:· .... _~='--·I Ill bn.W 1tr 1t11t..-HH .~ .... atalaed _. .. ..., f~M OI-Dl1la1 __................ ... ,..,. 4 pttct lot~ IVCAIPITIMO ; lar tJpe PHI .,. .... ........ ,, .. ••ll &SE" ~ft.YOU( ....................... Luhrs 28' sport fisher. T..-partatioft h B u 0 y 11 n r y c 0 m . twin . engines. cabin !'-•••••••11••••••••• •• ••• JU~~L..a~~_,.-ll. DU611 ~. pensator/backpack flybndge. na\I & rad1.o C~ua.S./ """' AL.. 7 combination. Srubba equip .. outnggers. bait .. 9120 ~ 117V· , pro Mdl 570. SllO. Tom tanlt. full covers. M Int ...... ••••••••••••••••. .,,.27()6 conc1 646·202A '70 VW camper P T. re bit TV I.to Qyer 16 yacht tender . mtr. New llrt>s & bat· $SAYESAVH WITH USED PARTS lmporte<fc11r parts IMPORT A\,;1'0Sl'PPLY 101 N :'tlanthei1ter Anaheim 776:9900 :.....0. .. ,:___ IOtl bay boll. 4 cyl. diesel. tel')'. AM FM 8 track. "'"• --new B.W .. bydr. lrans. _gJ. . 494·3202 •-------• ••••••• •• ••• e e. •• e •• e •• &i'S ()915 /873 7272 T Use AnsWfl At/ service when placing your ad .•. a Daily Pilot ad number will appear in ydur classified ad ••. we take your messages 24 hours a day .•• you call in at your convenience during office hours and get the responses to your ad ... this service Is only SS.00 WHk. For more informa- tion and to place your ad call 642·5678. · · BEAUTIFUL 25 " RCA . :__ 1972 Van Camper. e\'er. colorTV11le 2yrwrn· '78 21' WEt.LCRAFT )'th.inginit.M.500 2SSll ty. 148.Fteedellvery. NOVA XL wttrlr. In Falrwa}'Dr.C.M John's 646.1786 brd/olltbrd Volvo eng Dinlf/C. A 1 Teac 4 t'h1nnel Simul· ~oJJ~ ~':i1 L~~;. fies~: JOO'", tb~Ju1p'Jx.d. sync tape r ecorder. 832·1»l8or73l·0443 cost Sl8.QOO not lnrl bstofr 61H870 -------11~_._~redfot tmmtcf .._....,..., 90 IMh.Powtr 9040 ,!_11'.Jll5W.67S·t3511 • ............................................. Clmper ror 011sun pick ~--· 01\ld ~91)$1 X~NT.JERMS Ready to sai Nowt ..... ........... 9140 '74COUIUH M\:ST st:l.I. ~c)W. Complete-('lib bod,\. orr trul'lt. best offt•r .\l!'u m111t'Cou~~rt~ Aif1 1eoo · Vtloc• C..•.,...7 • 3100-W. Coast Hwy All parts to convert 101 OHl.Y $122 64 Newport Beach 1600 to Vt'ltlee. exc . pm!$ on• montliieue. __ __.,642=..:·IM05:;.:::;:,__ __ 1 pistons. Sl400. 979-2748 Ori J. Value 16310. 72. er6 or wknds. "61 lntematioaal Scout 4 Res1dU1l $3680.32. Total WANTED! IMW 9711 cyl • needs work pmts. 16240.00. Total Late rrodel Toyotas and •••• .. ••••• .. •••••• ••• 646-1481. Cheap. leaseoblig. '9920.32, Vo I v o s . C a I I u s WILSON~•D TODAY!!! !~!t ............ !~~.~ 18255 Buch B1v·d Chev dual fuel pick up Huntington Beach '79. Big 10 model. 142-Hl 1 ~an~r~::s ~$.er~i Alltos Wmhd 9590 .-.-.,;;--..-.-...;.;.;i-..-t Rear window. Tilt 11•••11•••••••••••••••• wheel. stereo. Stockland · WE MllD YOUI camper shell. Slar k & GOOD USID Cill ~hi~ ext. Luxury gray Anything coosicfertd: 1ntenor. 36K m1 $67.000, 1mthru 1980 !n2·~ "64 Chev 12 ton 6 C} I. 3 spd trans tool box & canopy. Great s hape. 646-4072 or 545·6561 '76 Toyota, S spd. long bed, nu tires. clutch. #I hi ~c-ty J brakes 1950. 979·7613 292S Harbor Blvd '66 Ford L., loo P U COSTA MESA ~"l~~~~:JbJ xlnt -~'-7~9_._2_s_o~o~- '77 0--P.U. Auto. air. stereo. $3195 6'5-6244 WE PAY TOP DOLLAR Just moved into town? FOR USED CAIS Then ;:el a cq_uainteci I ALAMMA&NOM . with the Classified Ad.s. PONTUC/SUl.UU They're the easiest way -24*> Tflr&or lllvcI:- to tind just the items and COSTA MESA setvi('eS rou need! 549-4300 549-145.l Top Dellar Paid For Your Car' JOHKSOH & SOM '2:Tf:r~~f:l Costa Mesa 'S40·5630 Premium prices paid for any us ed car Hore1gn or dome stir I in good condition. . See Us First! 488 llarbor Hh·d l°•,,.la .\h•s:1 ~ o;J;IO MODas IM STOCk MOW! c lite• •• , , •• , 1ti.ct1ee ef OIMOt ••4 OUA&.ITY ru.o-. ... w •• well •1 •flltr flH ........ , on - Ctl or Colllt In · TODAY! SALIS• saYICI LIASlfG SADDLEIACK IMW .... ~ P'llWY. MIS90M 'YlllO Avery Plcwv on 1•5 831-21MO ~ Open Sundays 1't Meet lac .. 19702401 Fh'tt year roJTectors' car. Complete1r rebuilt qine. New Urea and wbffls, 2 ntra sell tlrti and wheel•. Olher,p•rt• int'luded. $5500 Eves and ~ends 859· 1770 '74 610 Sta W&n. orli owner, a harp, $1195 S.11-<*19 eves/ wknt11_. _ '74 BMW Bavuia 3.05, '7l D1taun 240Z, dk 1utomatic, AC. 857·2602 areen, AM /FM radio, 'Tl r1tt l2'3P HeUllMdl, lood rond, 11w ttro, am t fm UlfttltL_low milts JIUO...:.fl&.nal •FANTITIC• •FIATS• .. Stltctloft Prt-Owned , .. .., IK•cltloMd Prfttlllt :=..~·~ Many to-<!liOO!e fl'rom All vehicles guaranteed P..tOfYo.r IMW,..._Or LHMC..Wle evea. AC, xlnl cond. Orig ~ 9715 o~. 'S7H528 DICK .............. •••••••••• 'IK> Oat. 310 GX. Cold, air, Mc ....... IMW!I '73 Capri. U , good cond, tape, 5 spd, 11,000 ml. MILLER • ~ 0r lHM recond. ena .. '1eW tires, XJnl cdnd. $6400, 494-8734 lyOir,.._,._, brakes Ir ball. Air rond. or2l3 ·5997 _ 1z141 s21.s11i .. ~~~~·~:~ ~W:~ ~~re~\iso8~~iix8~l llnJQRS ~I COUMTY•s Package, new. brakes. lllU I A....L'....-. 9720 warranty ma intalned. 120 W. WflfMr St. -metallic blue. mint con· · 5ST 2132 H•••••••••H•••••••••• diti o n Be 1t of • l~DATSUN 8104 Door rer/$9.199.00 Lir 1-•_..mlililmillillillliilll-~ St1ckwithpwr .. steenng 337 ZRP. 964 6739. 9727 lmmacull4,te 1ns1de & HOlldo Sales-Se ce Leasing out! 1822BZP I J3995. ~--· 11••••11•••••••••••1111 l(J(rAD\1CD J i m M a r 1 n o DeLorNt 9721 SEE "-'~Y ~ Volks wagen. 18711 ....................... HONDA ICUSiOICE·IMW ~-~.Blvd .• II B MEW OM>~=~ -------DELORraN S1 .. TA ANA -'*I Dal. 510. 2 dr, auto, Lft M IMWDIMO SALE arr. lo m1 , like new <•060571 u..10 S•VE' BigSivlJiea!_! ! Must sell 760·06211 or "'" "' • SADOLBAQ IMW Sjl·~ $24,950 GREAT SELECTIOH Jll-2040 os.fttt ;1 240'l: Xlnt rond. sun· HOHDA CIVICS roor. am1rm r a ssette. s•.....,. ........... "' CORDS '80 633. While/tan, 20.000 air cond. $3500 080. "'"" •"' "'"""' AC ml. Perf cond. Takeover 962-7346. 301 W. Wa mer PIELUDES ~ 494-HS6 1971DATSUMIJIO __ _H0.74.lO 540-7430 llatchbark . S·s pee d . Rat 9725 -Ll"\WNID IMW'i mint r ond., I owner, •••••••••oo•••••••••••• 301 W Warner, ·~ blk ·7em 30.320 m i les. FAN · ;g Flat Spider 3GK. xlnl w~ofS Main TA.5TIC. thr436VNJI ~320i~ -. . . . . . . sr4601 54995 rood $.5950, 11• rall 644·4289 Antbcte, snrf . XZP3S8 Dta 1M01UEI ·61 Pon.che in parts: ·72 I '79733i MO RS" Flat Al rondihon Call ~ Topaz. loaded .. 947XZM t» W. Wamer St • SA Peoav 645·9l61/~5·91MHL '*' m ssz.21 u ._,,_,,_ ---Sari r1. st. cass .. ZCZ802 -i5 Spyder Conv • M inl SADOLllAc:IC 71D.\TSUM240'1 r ood. Must sell. $4000 $3.WO. 714-966_:52169. :IJl40'2 Ma~ue~t'i!'kwy. _ __Me..:JJ!:! '79 Spyder convert. red 1 1 MissionVlt-Jo 1·20411 ~iJ~Ot~~:1ni~:wll~d~ '::::. ~~irmm~:s~".. ~!r Sell idle items 642-5678 ~· 645-m B wnd~s. ~-6617 AT HONDA SANTA ANA WE'RE DEALING SAVE HOW ACCORDS CIVICS 301 W Warner _ _540·74l0 ,,..------..... '73 Civic, run11 KOOd, :IOMPG. i\MtFM uu, cltlft, 11900 bsl orr oo-47:111_ 71 .... CYCC 5 spd. r:iffds aome body .. ..'Cl!'.!J950 ~ 7140 '77 Acrord , ~11vrr , J~l_sa ver, gd t•ond ~ 6446610 C1V 1981 1500DX 5 ~peed. AM1rM cassette 857 1330 'IO RX7GS 5 speid. glass 1unroof, !itereo w cassette, •1 r Jtlpts' 9730 1·ondihomna & alloy1. ........ ,.............. 25k milea Private Par· 1979 J AGUAR XJ12L t y $9700 <·L1 r I f\ill po'!' er. maroon w1lh lACM168l <7141 497·6333 ma tch1ng leather in or 556-2620 ~eekdaJs.:_ tenor. Must see 10 ap '79 Mende RX 1 prec111te IJHWYG l Loaded with extras. Steal lhlli one for only J!i~ 752·2619 Sll,995 J im Manno -..a...·le 9740 18 7 l I "4en:..-. ftl Volks wagen Beac h Bl\d II 8 ••••1111111•••••00••••• ~-mJ •Ml, pttfff o SACRIFICE UMdMtrcedt1 '11 XJ6: mini l'Ond. re to 0 .. W built roo tor. ne" patnl itwR tfM7 Runs s uperbl> $6.000 Com::°Fe-fl~e of Im 675-3684 ports Direct lease and 60 '76 J aguar XJ6L Rebll rms sensible pym ts eng P rimrose >ello" D 1 a I 2 I 3 o r Xlnt rare 99,000 Mt 714 MERCEDES 11 213 £7000 0B05_5l·2439 or 7~&J"1 ·2333_ '72 XJ & gre\ blk I 1974 MERCEDES 280C owner Serv1re recor0ds u ght blue extenor, blue Sunroof, very dean 1nten or Naturally has S ~ 1 o o II o m e fu ll power. (IA02S291 C714 1494 ·0102, \\Ork $7499 J im Ma rino 17141644 74S4 Volk s" age n 18 7 I I '74XKEVJ2rd<ilr Sih·er Beat•h Bhd , H.B grey blk, e\ l'r) thrni: 84Z·2'XX! new JB K miles A Mui.lsell 1979300SD Ex· perfect l"dr If > ou "anl tellenl ron<l an ·E·· lype. th1~ onl:' 1~ 100-6285 finished $19.500 Lie "78~L silver w blark 14ETYPE ll o me · l7 H l494 0 102 \\u rk uph Pr1\ale Part> 1714>644 7454. 213 59'l t57;i_ ·76 -XJ12L, xlnl rontl. '8l:WSD f'llc wrntys1I bl ~.000 ong ma 12 131 532.000 337-<l>8S 1714 ' b4 I 1291 640. 5192 Karmotw1Ghia 9734 '743SOS. ....................... Rare 4 spd. Pol alloys m KG . xlnl. 91.00o onjl Many xtras. fast & beau mJles.$31!()() 52K m1 $21 .900 0 80 San tie me ntr 4!16 9786 499-3053 Here's How You Can Use Ouf Famous Dimes-A-Line • lrfng them or mell them wfth corrtd cHh to Deity Alot, 330 W. l•y St .• Costa Mell, CA. '2126 our famous DIMES·A·LINE DIMES-A-LINE ADS MUST BE PLACED BY 3 p.m. ON FRIDAY. • Eech ll•m muat be prtced with no It.wt over SSO. 20c pe1 ltne -S1.00 mtr tmum. • No tlveatock, produce or ptenta • No commercial ad• allowed TWO 2'Tin mens bicyclel, JO apttd. Good condl· lion . $50 eac h . 641-3™. DOUBLE~ $35. Wood d!ninC table $20. Twin bait ~ & $30. a.t of c1ra ..... $25 to .. Cbllda duk U O. RI chllr $10. Crib tu. Roll·a"-wey bed '21. Couch end love int $20. Lempt end tables $5 to $10. Rull color couch~ ~end mirror $3~ Book cue tJO. Bleck 1nd wbite ttlevlalon t ao . ~2887. 867-1109. BOX 11Prina & me ttnll UO. hanie $10. Lllu MW. Bent wood rode«. aw\vel $1$. Refnaer•· tor, tmall. IOOd c:Ondl· tlon UO. White cuh· mere coll U5. Ba· throOlll vanily, new t20. S7Ml74. SOFA at Ion teat t50 Bdge with peach W ~-floweu Ml:N'S 10 apeed Bo)'lt Ulllon, aood conditton ~.175-511M DOUBLE Rnk Clt.tl lnJn. new $$0. Lady Mac- Gregor 1olf clube, 2 wooda, 4 lrona, e~l­ lent $4$. lncludea ~­Mel'•.,., clut:., dMlk Iron& s l 0 eech. 9ft IOfA. DOt b9d t7 .50. I 9in c:ol« TV not worklne $12. MB-9702 WILSON T-2000 tenn.11 ncbt $20. 631-0208 PI.HG Pons table UO. Pachlnlto $25. La(~ ttl Elenronlc kit f2$. Mrty metal detector $15. Avon bottles $2. Yant.~ 2k-$1. Mon- key Pod bowls $2. Copper mup 13. 24.ln brau decorator plale U O. ~o aets Eledro atrip p. Tftlw boUle aplce raek U . Lar1e Hera.Idle Shield $10. Picture tramei S~SlO. "9w puns $2-'8. (M. Ja board $2. Sheet• t2•S$. 2214 W. Ocean rr.it. ~Be.ch. PJ,.ASTlC 5 1allon ~ •1th handle *2 lllllh.111.o208. TWO 20m boy01 biket $20 each. 18tn kitchen fixture, yello• tl•u 12$ Delwllt bllf dipp. set $$. Call Lola 5~-7829 NINETEENTH centlU)' Octagon CHe l(bOOI hoUllP we.ll clock .. $. Unique wood det and rope two pawn porch swil\I SIS. Old cowboy lutliera ch1p1 $10. Jackets U O. Antique prHIUre J•ce collec- 110 n, muc'-.brau $2-$50. SolJd brl9 Pl;' beveled aia. $7. 8 lllCb hand hNnmeftd Chit· aman 1i1ned = bowl SS. er.. spilOOn $3. H.vy IOlkl bnm round ldtchtn jlOt ~with boab $25. Old nine Inch 101ld copper and brl9 tinned end cowred coot pots $18 mt. All .... 'N- lery lteroe.ene beat.er end lamp $7, Brau wnbreDa or Cllllt IW¥S $4.50. Oki brl9 waffle Irons tf-$12. AnUqut door tmot.. door . •ta end pll.llJlbinc flxtum. br-. glul and porce- l 1 In $2-$7. Antlq_ue brau ao•p d lah n . Copper Jood worklng rtodlant t.lectrle belltt 18·$1 2. Ler1e variety of ll1ht1 and lamp• from every era for flocr.tea. ...... $3-S~O. C1a.k S way floor tamp, amate i- $10. t7 incb br• end mapae table i.m,. ai- ahade tU. rour roll49 bar lamp tit. H lnch clualc old nuoreecnt dflk lan\p ... 5 9 lneh hangln.& Ca_pb 1bell 1lobes0f35. Br• dou· ble chimne1 1Wdent Ooor lam.p '30, %7 lndl double ab1dt' 'able lamp $7. II tlldt unique blue cnillilr7 ~ um from twnty't =. Gu lire toe and ptk fl8. Luft aeleetiqn ol Vllllaft and ~oU uble 1-.pe and lan· knll '6-•· Old D6eta \ MOMl'dl oU llntem $5. Mlny antique and vin-tace brl9 or !nm flft.. piece ... ·e· Rare petlle round bnlt fireplace • dlrona. er.. 1ft m.-n tao .. er.. ,,_ ntftood or ftllPllne i.keot f 12. CIMlle .no .,..., ar- CHIOrlu and 1Amp1 U -$35. 843 W. Utb Street, Co1t1 M t H (betwem ~Ind Monrovia Suuta). Ml..Ol31 M .. .....,, UM&alay. HUFPY bike UO. La Mecbine $25. Boob 25c-t L 8-trd ~ Sl. Antique aewlng 11'1•· chine UO. Goll club U ·S4. Chain AW $30. Yasurt mlktt ~. OW. a-Brew $10. Curlinc trouts end $4. Golf b•I $10. Wine racka tl0-12$. cable apool. ~. 4 d\lin $50. Nik $25. &r liles SI0-$2S. 2887 VelatOO Ln. Coat.a Mtta. DINING room ch11r1 Set of 4, walnut, excel· lent $1 5 earh. Lawn tnllWtf' and catcher $ 15. 675-Q78 AHTIQUE 118mer WIZ• drobe trunk with dr•· wu·1 prime condition UO. Many antique_ woodm trunkl. cheatl end boxea $2-$36. Vuy old C«ler °'"' csved wooden mda $38. Huet brua bo und Pine 8Jaoke1 chea.t US. 8oXlt of Nautical ,,.,, !IP• end rope llk-410. Good belt b11 and blaclr:et tu. 10 lb ll'llMhroom anchor with chain and line US. Antique aolld maho· ' any ahlJl' cabin door 15. Old 1hlp1 hatch cover t35. Large allk California Bear fl•I ~~~~c;: -allla pat tor deco tl0-$50. Jen.ny Lind wood apool double bed $35. Rae Mitt $1!~. Many old woodtn. chain and rocktra U -$$0. Antlqu• oak hearth rocker ue. OllJda rocker $$. Good llpbolmttcl diair $12. Authentic we11em ... loon chain t45. Sinclt' bed ff'Ullft "· Larp te.lectioo wood lhutten fl·UO. Lob1ter trap coffee table $35. Anti- qut ahlpt lanten $4$. W.W.U Nav1 bat ud coat reek 00. Ntw Redwood planten llln tuba ,a. 1:11.ncinf bu· ket• fl. a 111• •tc1· wood lh1nC1e ~ hou· • $8-fH. ~ VI. 15th Street, Colla Me11 ~ l'lllclenlil ll'ld Moilrovl• Streeu). &48-0135 W Sat.. JM Sun. BIKJ J0-1pMd $35. Olrll doCbee. lilt lo.14. lltdric rod.rie tl&. Ccdie jar p. Cnldt pot $3. Popcam ~ $3. 5122 lila111t (Terrace), Jrvlae. Saturday 9·$. &Ol.ftU LAROE Bamboo tier· bird cage $20. Hoover CONteU.taon vecuum S U c each 3SlnX I 2ft wroufht Iron rallln1 t4~. 871 Chevrolet truck front fender ~mper bracu $LO. Pender well $10. Wi-nne ba,.. tio. Vot-..., ,.. ... ~.Hood lflri"I -u. Pll'T'Ot c11e t7 481n width flber-&!Na cloth Sl.~ yard. Six l 2rn X 7111n and two 9ul X 78in shutten $10 lot. Threr adjust.a- ble petio wnbttllat 15 Need cover1. Double wlllh cub $15 Good for wuhif\I dog. Pullrnln deluxe porcelain alnk. Amtrbn "8lldatd Rnk U~. Three 3SXU 1Ju,minum atiden sa. 642-08S:l. 1853 Repu- blX' Ave., Coat.a~-' CH.ARMIMG ""-...,,. dinf 181 T Oak. ca.billet sewing macbl.ne that worb tu. Cdlecdon o( antique cameraa and lrlpoda $7-$3$. Heevy Iron Ice tor1P ~. Mint dlnln1. kitchen and ~ ublea t l2-$50. mebCJCany library uble tl8 Hardwood maple drop \NI din1nl teb1e UO. Ten detkl. ar:hool to office $1G-$50. Ml11ion oak library dmll $50. Vlriety of old ty,_nwnr and of floe . e quipment U -$35. ANTIQUE 1tumer wudroM trunk with drewen prime condl· t1on ~-Many endque wooden tnmb. cha• end bolls $2-$35. Very old Cedar Olelt ClrVtd wooden endl '3(1. Ht.tee bran bound Pine Blanket cheat U8. Boxea of Nautical. anr. llahlll end rope lOc-SIO. Good bait bas and blacktt U5. JO lb mutllroom uchot wilh chain and line US. Antique solid maho- luy ahlJll ubin door 1$. Old ahlpa batch cov,r $35. !Arie alllt C11lfornl1 'Bur flag $10. Sile pair ol dMllc GU 1end hickory wood ll'!OW ~ l1'eat for d«!O $10-'50. J~lnd wood.. bad ... Riis !\IP f lZ.. ... thn1 old woodtn cbalu 1 ad rocltera f4·$50. Antique o•k ht1rth rocker $28, CblJdl rocker ~-Oood upllolltend dlalr Sj2. Authentic ·~ •· '°"' ct.In ... ~ ~rr...aete.Larp Mtdlan wood lbutWt ...... o ........ .,.,,., eGON tablt ... Mid· ~ lt!IJll '-ntem ... ~. w.w.a Nav1 bat and iJ~IJ f30. Ntw ~-== u" ''· a .... w . wood ...... hcN. I • .... lltl0'1f. ltcb I ··-··~ee.·· =::.. ·'I N IM , I BIKE lO·apced f35. Girls dol.ba. ._ 10.14. Electric rotillitrie tl$. Qdde Jar $3. Crodt pee S3 Popcorn popper $3. 5122 Maple (Terr~). Irvine Saturday 8-5.. "'~· REFRIO!RATOll UO. Wing bacll cbaJr $l6. Kitchen dinette &20 . KJtchm CS-Wart' ll'ld appliances 10c·$5 In- fa n ll ceraeat t l O S1rolltt $2 Better qua- h t y clothing, 1nlan11 lhru adults IOc:-S~. Sporting equip. ft•t· qutll $2. Renlrd player $5 Toys IOc-15 Satur· day 9-3. 278 I Cibola Ave, Cotta Mesa LARGE Bamboo lier bird ca.-.20. H~eor con1tell1tlot1 vacuum SIO. 75 12Xt2X4 Vista bloc ka 45 c eac h. MlnXl2ft wrowdll inJo "1lina t4&, tt'l_I O.V· rolet iN.i& b'Ont ftndmr bumper bracu $JO. Fender well $10. Wt-· rln1 ,,_mesa $10. VoJ· • recWelOr ~-Hood aprinf '5. Perrot CICt" $7. 4 in width fiber· glaa clolh $1.~ yard. Six 121n X 781n end two 9in X 78in abutten 110 lot. Thrtt edjulta· ble patio umbmlel ». Need coven. Oouble WISb tub f l5. Good ... waabln& "°I• Pullman deluxe porcelain aln1t. American atanderd link $35. Three 38X48 1lu,ml11um 1lldul $8. 842·0812. 1853 Repu· ' bile Ave., C.olla Meu.. SUNBEAM lnduatrlal VICUUlll (canlattt type, used Indoor or out) •lone with aJI attach· ment.a•nd dolly $H . Slim .Jim exerdltr cot, May 1110 be uaed u lounp ct.&r,. ~ fot the tum•y S U . 873-3587. WlloHTS ao lb ind hli' $10. Good Jl~ac.,lce aultar SlS. OU ~laCI end HHI $30. Two black oWat ... uo. LerJt executive typt deak $50. Deak cbi lt '30. 30 ~ Jllh ~ =A*)·.:~· fwiw~et 115. MO Royal ·~ \YlleWri· ter, need• #ori UO. Rounc1_,..-s10. Older wbltt wood chain $10. Two unaU lln&le btde f.30, tout i nd ublt1 $20 each. eou=.e:. Two :;r KJldlln .... ~ ~tlS.honll e locka UO uc.); Wri>uJht IAn c11t«W. holder for wan, _... ..,.. about an ~ :l,~~c.o; $15.1._. ':"" ~ ........ ~ ~--..... ==. ..... -~ WASKP.ft UO. Dr1er s56. Dl•hwaaher 1$0. Bo\ory power mower UO. Electric inower $50. El«tnQ . .., '20. Electric cul bvetor $20 Push mowf.f tlO Seed apneder $10, Poldma bi\e $50. ~ bllle ~. ikdrit ~ ..... 20 pDoo ~ 8r:ne1I ,,..,.., ::i-.srr..~ cabinet $5 221 Flower S 1reet. Costa Meu. S.wnjay afte' 12:00. !L!CTRlC dryer. while, K~. works greet $36 Call r\l'9 or leave meuaa e ~ 6f3-:>686 can ~liver. EXTRA Ion& twin mat- treu end box 1prh1g $10. Double rnetereu end bo• 1prln1 $50 Both tleda are Vf't'/ Wl' Call ews or ll"IV'41 cnes--• •'13· tl86 SMALL llCt'Ordloll $45. 540-0942 TENNIS racket. Pru\C'e graphite "Woodle'". nt'W $50 Merine hard- ware and um1onlie line ,SH20. 552-3519 DOLL furniture: High ~t.!w~~ 1met, carry case. All tx.cdlent cooditlon $2!1 842-&lltt TENNIS t ki jac ket. mens new "Filas" s1r:t 40. Prlnte C raph11e tenn11 racket $50 Sk1°s 1901 new 0 0. Ne w Smith goggll'S SIO 552·"18 CHARMING ~'rtt st.an· ding 1917 Oak ca btnel sewing mechmt lhal worU t4~, ColiecUon of antique camena and tnpo<J. &7-$35, Huvy iron ice longs $5 N me d1n1ng. kitchen and lamp lables St2-0 0 Solid rnahopny library table $18. Hardwood meple drop leaf duung table $M . Ten deaks, lfhool to ol!ke $10-t50. Miulon oak library dfsk $50. Variety of old typewri.en and offict equipment t 1-$35. Good working twenty's L.C. Smith typewnler $18. ~t lllt3 cop- per ropper plated ad- ding toltblnr S36 Good portablt Royal type- writer $23. Sttona va- cuum cleaner tl2. Ten old oek end walnut of- fice chain S l'l·S50 20'1 Tiit swivel offb clwr 0 5. Big aelec1lon of antique and vlnt11e Wm end kitchen lools end containers 2Sc:·t l 0. Hup old wa«oo wheel t50. Wooden dynamile c11:J5· Old wooden det 1923 field fruit boxe11 '5. Haild tumed II inch walnut ulad bowl t4 Cllten pjae wood boolr:c11e $12. Vbttaip llnOt day bed with 'Pi• back tilll up $ . Rollodn file t'1. 180011 dmlh C0\11'\ ).Id. ~ i.p dnk m. f932 gu':' f.c~=.~ ChUda ·-11W. ,;J'i wood te. HI W. 11th S t. Co18' M.eu ~and Monrovia Streeta) 548-011$ .. ~ Sa~. JM Sunday. EXTRA Iona twin mat· tren end box 1prln1 l15e.t1.Ne-712t LADllS Wllaol\ foll ~ J-S-4·$ $40 Nt Odd Iron• U each Heav7 w.t(tlt bean t,.. oowr. lr;lnjpUt $4. 121n bid and Wblllt 3 Jill TV .iund nllCfa ftik',; kit\& SlO. Auto1111Ut' ftecord ''"i!•r ud d~. ~m. llteuic w cladt N. Aehtra11 !Oc tac\. Small elide projtctor. ...... o c.i..a,. Ml-1'1ot PLY MOUTH '66 w1nd1hield $30 "6J! Plyrnoulh rear end $50 ·&e Plymouth doon s 10 u ch ·1111 Plymouth uunk hd Sl5 °66 Mus· tang 3 •i-d tranl $4() 'GS M ust.ang lllOIOr t 25 Oaiaun and other 111'\all , truck rear diamond plattd step bumpers $15-$20 °66 Plymouth back window $30 ~8.8109 S NOW trat'to r tires mounltd on Cad1llal" wheels (2) $50 t>al"h, lik e ntw Assorted hand !ools 40t-~ Tool bous SS 52 quart •~ chest $20 El«tn<' dnll $10 Jon Bell sander wnh YIC\lum S36 Rou· let $~ Portable lra1 ler nurror $I 0 Alllorwd oi.I pamllngs all framed SI 5-$25 eal"h Zen11h f'm/ Am radio or1gmal rost S 125 sell for $50. Sign painters blow up camera S50. Ne1-Dry shop vacuum wllh 111 1tllt'hrnen11 $25. Snare dnnm with lnl'lal 1Wld and brushes. all for S20 let. ~lls $45 Artist and sign pai n ter bnLWI, toob. ·~-~ 24in boat hfe ring $8 Br111 boat propeller 18in $35 Antique bras! aea strainer $20 Both good for makll\I nautl· cal lamps 500 Pi per· back books 35t' ea<"h. Medical weight S('ale. cost 1300 ull for $50 Two 37in furniture <"lamps SIO each IOm "C" clamps $5 uch Complete scuba tank $50. Davers leg knife. fins. snorkle, lead be I is Sl·UO. Palnten equip- ment and tools $I ·SS 0-.rdtn tools $1-S~. Sporl shirts. aweateTS, co1u, an orted 11ies JXXXL. Panll. lhn 52 all In good conjfltlon tome new $2-$10. LI· die lkl.rta, COiia, blou..I 1weaten, slecltl, 11zes &-8 t2-$50, Complete tralJer hh<"h for 1979 Mercedes 280C $50 4•)7 W. Co111 H11h· way. N-port Beach, '11(-675-0092 DINlNG roOrn dlolin. let of 4, walnut. ucellent $15 each. Lawnmower and c atcher S 15, S75-e2'TI " PECEGO stroller S30 MOltl besltet with quilt S20 Car Ifft 115. w .. bet blRetw $30 ~ dtd hairdryer 112. Farberwere rotlu erli- $25. Booater chair n Potty chair U. Chll· dre.na elolbea f5 and leaa. IU~ Pon Man· ltt1ll Plttt. Newport "4-l711. ff.arllor ~ boma. FOR tNFORMATION CALL LOIS 642-5678, ext. 319. REFHICERATOR $45 I 21n blal"k and white TV $45 Maple lea cart $40 Chair $I 0 Desk lamp S8. Table lamps S5 and $7. To;u1er SS WK'ker Aand $10 Dft-. lr1<" roll.\1t'ne and broi- ler SIO 4361~ Onidmr· od A V'l"flue, Corona dt-1 Mar 675-9407 DRESSER $1 5 Dark wood dr-r S20 Wal- nut drt'Sll'r $30 Ch~I of drawers $-10 WK'kn stand SJS Two 1w1vel Wll"ker bar stools $15 each Maple la ving room chair S35 0 las.s coffee table SU Two beau11ful lamps $20 each Two wge nauu- ca 1 lamps $1 ~ each Wicker wall shtlf $10 Old wheel barr('I SIO Two 11de tablts Sl5 each Oak plant s1and $10 Mahogany 1ea1 $15 Slu.nsled roor dog hosue S8 Lota of clo- t.hes 25c-$2 Paperbacks 2:>c. Saturday, Sunday 9-5 203~ Fullerton Ave .. an batk Cotta Mesa. SPRING Wet Suit, large $40 2035 Fmllerton Avt (in backl Cos1a Mesa Saturday. Sun· day 9.5 LARGE stack of pint hrewood $25 Tether ball $6 Rabbit catie $3. Boy"a 20in bkyde need5 rear wheel S8 Htx61t doubll' strenghl glau pianes $20 elll"h Wh11r toilet S4 Roi I up clothes li ne w11h po le '6 Cord len gnu wted whip and edgl'f S9 Large roll of hn fiber· gW, f7 Motor driven ice crtam f r41'rer f6 ~8-9673 CARPET JOxl2 nylon plush CTMmY ~ (2) • 15 eec:h. Sew1n1 rna· thlM In walnut cabinet $50. 646-3372 BLACK nay chair (rocks & 1w1vel1) $40. Adjustable hrl1ht tel- evmon lalbe S30 Rt· cord a.ITV table $10 Oacilks'ope $20.' Brand new airway brltf cue $50. Olld bnef cur S5 3 <'lrry baga S4 n ch Microtcope 15 Foun· tam Vallty 963·9445 after 6 p.m CMh only pleue DRESSER $45. GAF movie ramer1 $50 100 watt amp S25 S k1u U O Boots S25 Polf'a tl6. Table lll'ar\f"'lftlt 2' Queen comforter. shams end bed 1klrt $50. Toaster 17 Pop· rorn popper $3 P1r . turn U-$2~ Poclm camera $5 Cam«• '2. Al"t'hery se-t Sl2 Atta Nil $8 and $14 Hunt• in1to n Harbo ur MM1$5 WOODEN lh('IVl'I (2) tit ..ti 3 Chow llOld Ital .._.. all for l». C«ftt \lblt SI~. L&rlf i.np m ...,... "*" rored drt11lnt_ lablt US T ... for -nv or 6klta US. AMlque ch1lr ,U. W•\erbed ,,.. ll. • ..., ..,. ':t H Pt111t h · . .. ........ , ~ ......... . OUTDOO R light fix· tures $20 Draperies, beige 8ft high $20 Slerto speakera $25 New l"IO('k radio Sony $25 552-3519 LIBRARY of 8 tra<"k tapes 40 tapes. variety or mU$1<". Symphonette Soaety $50 631-4369 I TAPE rtororder. S1.1pe.r· scope. used twice S50 631-4369 DRAPERIES 811 high. beige. JUSI deaned $50 New dot'k radio, Sony $25 EIP<"tron1c pesl con1ro l new $25 552-3519 PORT ABLE typl'wnter SB aa 11 Short "''avt rt<'etvtr, S W -VHF PB $20 3 way lamp $8 Working blar k and wh1 te le levlsaon 17 inch· $20 P1onrer Am/Fm MXP stef't'O tube model SJO. w11h speakers Martel lube type HIF! sttreo f'<'el ver with speakers t JO. Marine radio telt'phone trans· ce1ver. needs c1bine1 $20 Solid State Amo Fm Multiplex stereo' with record changer and speakers S45 Va- riable strobetiaht $12 15 mch ure a.nd wheel SIO 2130 Docton Ctr· de. Apt D. a.ca Meu 642-27111 CHILDS record player S20 Childs booster teat ... 631-27t9 ROTARY mower. runs good $40 Lamp SIS Colortd lamp shade $15 Color TV bar gen- erator &35. Bike $I~ Tablts S35 each 2060 State. Cotta Meu Fol· low Oak Strttt, home alter lpm LOVE Jeall. 2, ~ elC'b Sola pillo\11$ SI 50 ttK'h. Lari!e rofftt table $50. End table U Table lamp $10 Draft.Ing tal>- le $50 ~ dlair UO Du k lamp $20 Royal lypewn lt'r •~ Tvpt.ng table no Pot- tl0ble TV IFM/ AM $50 631-3416 DI.NETTE or pine table. walnut fmllh M5 Up- holslered chafrs. blacll vinyl S 10 each ~9-0022 GOODYEAR trl('ktt (2) 9xl5 t1rl's mounted on while spoke nms, fit $ hole Chevrolet U5 each One ntw Goo· dytar L-18mtf1 wh1tr ...11 $35 963·1626 HONDA b1kt' It'll end ~ mt $20 3~•11tn Knobby tirt' 1141-2245 VW parts, Monn l'I• h1u11 145, IV60-7 h11b \•Pl S5 t'leh Car~ t30 t>1<11 ns ev ~­au pump ts d11tnbu· tor S7 Karman Ghia eir cluntr n o. lHt ;,•artt.k pw1a. °"" S 0 rudtra JH Ll&tlla SS-IU Tlr" ts-m SNl ns .-tL JacUIO ...._.11 .. 1171 Ma'8 ... ..... ....... 79 3IO E. like new. loaded, Maple yellow. lo mi, 000.642-~7 '73 450SL. red w/white 1nt. 1 owner Asking $15.750. 760-8101 evs & ~knds; 759-1221 wkdys !ask for Craig Glass! '79 MBZ 300TD. hard to find, Diesel Sta. wgn. Snrf. cass .. am/fm . new Um, beige. very sharp. l 500. 489·«60. P. P. --------------- ...-;::=;.:.:.... _____ , .... _ very &ood ·--"'. '79 blk raUye cple, nu " "':.&. ~ Uree, brakes 6 alw>clt~. All/r•.11u en1 .. clutch. A/C, lo mi, precnant, brakes. $3'00(0 8 0 . m1111 sell . .-0/0BO. • me. m.. •omu. o1 slu.n. Pnc'e ·• Gbla. xlnt cond, must a..,... ttJO Cll fekr tt21 '15 ford Elite, new Urea. isaa.oo. SaJe1 tu lfll.Melleolfer. ••••••••n••••••••••••• .......... ••••••••••••• ::.'°_.brali:ldt' amd/fm, J>S, 6.48 , C.nb Price M0-7013. "12 ~It ooo INiet. i45.. -~ x n con · $2&00. 004.4~ c;aoif\ down ·~k~~~:'~ c~tl w~~!!s~VJ1on _. d '7' ~es.ta. sunrr. new c1ot~OC:ee.us~ 1o·w~ 1980 VW Rabbit 'L' $5.500. ot N ~W & USED lt7'CHIYSUI h ~rfectahape,Ask $734.48. Uppaid Bal. DI es e I. 4 speed 964-9884. Cbevrolets! 01._ . 1·9193 552·8583 96804 . .S. DMV $118.00, i · r CORD ,. Unpaid bal. $6922.48, ~~~~11't!1°0~i .. ~sun=ruoo r' P~artin& out. 1967 VW All the rl&ht equfpment 1'7110ID Def'. Add-on Sll':OO, Sim· .. ~vuu ....... • uareback. New re-fi I u s a 1 u n r o o fl ~O W~ILA... ti .. 9 20 Af8 $19 ri cle.an. llBEA4 >.. 5. It en°lnes w/papers U·"""PHY> • cy ·er, au wvo .• !"ans. •• · ' ,. . ::.t 1982 MODELS J I m M a r I n o 91U73tlSHIOOll . .:.-. • .. tP 19806.11 ' DI p r HERENOW!!! Volkswagen 18711 ' · $2511 <licl37MHK) _....~......_. ..... 64..._. ____ _ Sales-Service-Leasing Beach Blvd .. H.B. tat.o 977J WILSONFOID SIHI '74M111tang 11, 4 apd, 4 SADDLUACK 842·2000. ••••••••• .. •••••••••••• imsBeith.81vd:.1fs WILSONFOID cyJ, radio ' air, nu SUIAIU •64 VW !Mn. 1 1 VOL •o DI.At.a C-, ,_. 11 142e" 11 11215 etam·llvd.-:-HB pmt. xlnt eoad. good 28402Marguerite Good cond. BOily needs CNORANGECO\JR1'Y! '62BelifrChev2·drNew , !J¥!1.l195().Mf;p! Pk some work. Xlnt trans. brakes1 runs d .. orig C •· I f1' 99)1 , •79 Hatchbacl(. auto. Missio~Vie/·0 $1200080 SALES, SBYICI paintTiresdc. SOOBO ....................... Mlfawy 9950 clea11. loaded. $4700, ~.:...t..!~=:::.::..---= Sitft"~rf!~· ~~ Avery Pkwyo rJ.5 642-5421 ov~~\RY m-7651137•c'"m me Bl wt!fMAU ····,·,·;',·::·c·u··.·y····· 675-6179•1.•ev,es~. m $12,500714-675·692S 131· 040 495-4949 1977 VW Bus. Dynamite 7 TS -- nSunda a passenger with EXPER A beauty ! eao . 7fMillY CAPlllS Nds ...... ir, t ans.un• Mei 9742 aW>malic trans., over-buckets, console, wire Clrtler Deslirier Series 6 cylincltr. automatic. derJaoo. 760-9284 , ~~""'-----•••••••••••••••••••••••Toyota 9765 head air conditioning, WUlll wheels. stereo. air. 549-4414 power &tee.ring. air. 856-nwlbus '71 Ru nabout. 54K mi. ••••••••••••••••••••••• low miles. Cleanest one VOLYO loaded ! Blick with ,._,..,,._ 9932 power windows, till great shage. am/fm ATTIHTION l979TOYOTASupra Op. in town. (Ser. 38134 1 196UbrllorBlvd. black. PP. S4 .000. ~ wheel. custom wheels i9Musung,4spd.lo mi. ~•ss . S2 00 /0BO MG lions inc power steer· $4495 . Jim Mar ano COSTA MESA &&2-1496or673·1630 ••••••••••••••••••••••• IUclBOE189l white, xlnt cond. $4500. 5."i9-9411 -=-=:..:==:...-----~o~/utr(c~~ar~s. r~esa~r ~:~~sh wM: 3:. 1~ '. ~ 1 64'-!JOJ 540.'4'7 '80 Mo nu. II ke new. 1'h t AJ!·b~~~e T~d~1: S6tll ,751-73l5.54S·3S2l, .,. R1a1about, runs f1~· io~Mcao~talc:li a~~;· TON~!r~~VER <Ser 151951. Now $7995. 842.2000 19!0 VOLVO Diesel. Rare $4200. Auto. ps, llK ml. louvered rear window WILSON FOID 65 AIUSTANG 1 6 cyl de-;so ~!Wood . 642·1989 FitaMG's.'71·'81 JI m Marino · 164GL diese.I sedan SC!l-2:165. beaut i~u l pride oi l825Sl!ea-ch'8lvd .. HB luxe.Newe.ngme.trans. .· --SEU. idle Items with a Never used, $75 Volkswagen. 18 711 '66 Volkswagen S850 Good loaded and hke ne.w. •79 Chevette. 4dr. a/c. ownership car. $8200. 142.661 I & rear end. br;Utes and 73 Pinto Wagon, need! Dail Pilot Classified Maria63l-7797 lvemsg Beach Blvd .. H.B tires. rebuilt motor. 1Ser.98475l.Sl0,995.Jam auto. $3.995 or best. 2U /4 04 ·3411 & W d n_. lts &42-56'7B tires . SUOO /OBO. workS37SOB0.63Hi99C Y --------842-2000. 63H!939 Marino Volkswagen. 494-001. 714/673-1219. anlA naiu 1146-11154 or~7V32Sun. eve _A_d ______ _ '75 Midget complete OH. '81 Celka. air cond, spec 1980 V W Rabbit . fill~ach Blvd .. H.B. AllhK. .... ttOr ....._ M•w · .... Alllos. .... 9100 IAlltot, H•w 9100 ....._ .... 9100 ..,, M.w 9100 LDw miles. good . cond. =: i .:s:/· blue. Xlnt Dynamite custom 4 door · ••-••••••••••••••••••• •••'•••••••••·-.. -•• ••••••••••••••••••••u• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• $2100. 642-0835, 646-6423 4 .... 3620• Wk 630_.., .. 5 w 1th • u lo ma t 1 r ·72 P·l800ES Wgn. air. .... . .,.,.. transmission and air sWU'OOf, OD. like new.I MGI 9744 1981 TOYOTA Picku . conditioning. (451RSZl. 000. 77U1S9 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Short bed. white wirh $4995. Jim Marino '79 MGBbAM/FM cass .. blueinterior. Has hi-rise Volks wagen. 111111 -:aX~~~t:"eo~d.°M~T~: wht w/ lk. real rule. mags.stereo.and more! ~~Blvd .. H B. tenance records 14.000 ~/0'30. 642·5784 Iv 1 1130242). Outstanding · -r i r m . 4 9 7 · 1 3 3 2 msg. 1 ~at $S995. Jim Marino For sale: '78 VW Rabbit. ev~twknds. '73MB450Sel Volkswage n. 18711 A/C, AM/FM. 8 truck Xlnt cond. Mon·Fti. art Be ac h Blvd .. IL B stereo. Excellent condi· ...._,Used 5. ~2434, 642-~ 842-2000. boo. Call 979-7244. .. ................... .. '-.at 9741.'76 Toyota. 5 spd, air. 1980 VW Vanagon ... d 9911 •••••••••••••••••••••••! stereo. t a pe $2550. A u t . o. m a t i c ••••••••••••••••••••••• '7S S04 Diesel. 4spd, xlnl 951-1257 _ lr~mission. Blue . ex· '81 Rlviera, full power. tbruout. am/(m, a/c.l 1.981 TOYOTA Tercel SRS teraor. blue interior. all options black/black snrf.$3700. 494-6875. Urtback Red w/~ige Very clea~. l1AKBl~l. xlnt cond 38K hwy ftcirsct. 97S tnt.&only 12.000miles' i1:itssw~1f~nM~S~~~ miles.StO.oOo.Must sell! UBWW485l.JimMarino Be a"h B vd .. H.B. ~dys 776 -4021. Eves •••••••••••••••••••••• V I k ' ....,.7957 1975 PORSCHE 914 . o s wafeo. 18 711 842·2000. · _ Maroon exterior & in· Beach B vd .. H B "76Sk;yhawk. aJr. am/Cm 842·2000 Mau Dune Bucgy · cassette, sunroof. tilt lerior. Immaculate con· · Porsche powered. ex· ....... .,.,._ ..... ., .... dilion! You gotta see 1980 C e l1 c a GT tras. S4500 /0BO . w,.,..,.~rp . .....,........,. this one! !Ser. 11167). automatic. like new. 964-1020 __ 1.980 Buick Regal LTD. $6495. Jim Marano loaded. low m1 S6000. . loaded & Immaculate. Volkswagen. 18711 641·1826 lmywBu~~nvertible. V-6, cream w/tan half !~~-Blvd .• H.B. '80. Celka GT. sunroof. Wh1 te/w 1te \ s uper toe>. Low mileage. $6900. llll"IU-.u sharp. 20,000 miles. One Mi-74SOor673·9060 -====------• air. auto .. $6200. 640·1677 of a kind. (928VODl. ' or546-2429Anlf S8499. J im Marano C:.-.C 9tl MEISTEI PORSCHE/AUDI !XU lfarbo Blvd. Garden Grove W....Senic..uosiiHJ '73Toyota Corona station Volkswagen . 18711 ••••••••••••••••••••••• wa$on $1100. 51.22 Maple !~.~ Bl vd .. H B. COMTIMPUn... lrvtne . 551·0424 ""',,.,.,., 'io eonv:. runs well. ssR . CAPILLAC7 '82 Toyota 4X4 SR5. orig. mi $3500 con.sider We specaalfUln leaHS loaded, must sell. off 645-9'195 · for the business ex· $9.250/0BO. 673-3711. er. et'Ullve & professional. '73 911T·CIS-o~g owner r..-... 9767 ~~!ltficgravceti~~· .... Of~lticMI lo ml good co d ' ••••••••••••••••••••••• It's a beauty 1132S7l. .._..,, 12 windoWs, elec s~rf. ~c~ 1980. TRl,UMPH TR7. S699S . Jim Marino Coc111c:s AM/FM 8 trk stereo. lthr White with blac~ top. Volk s wagen 18 71 I Mow .. Stocla! int 0900 673-6681 Ve ry lo w m 1 I es . BeHh Blvd • H B NA~~ · · · UAP0224 ) It's a steal 842-2000. '61 Porsche in parts; '72 at $7995. Jim Marino ~~---­Fiat Al condition. Call Volkswagen. 18 711 '78 VW Bus. Fold dn bed. CAD LLJ\ ~9161/645-9868 Beach Blvd .. H.B. ice box. leak Ors and 8'2·2000. c a b . c u s p a 1 n t /1-00 H.11h~ LIMI '66 912, wbt. gd cond. w/graphics. radials. c,»1.1 Mt-..1 <;4Q •llOO sa.cr. $4900. 714·957-8751. '77TR7: Has air & stereo, . 714·962·5328 714-897-G&l 213·598-4683 sunroof. $4400. 848 2371. 1971 VW Bug Convertible. '67 912, super clean, reblt IG3070 Yellow with black top. '71 HVJlLl eng, must sell, bought a 1973 TR I UM PH T R6 . lm1XJ551ble to beat this. A fully teadecf real beau-newone! S6500orbslofr. White with black top UAE213 1. $3999. Jim ty with spokes & vo~ue StS.S142 Collector's ite m ! Marino Volkswagen. c:ustombuiltlires.L1c.1 •77 Porsche 91IS. AC, 1489H0Nl. Steal it at the 18711 Beach Blvd .. H.B. JERA. (714) 631·5636 or snri, AM/FM cassette, low price of only $2995. 842·2000. ~2120weekdays. 11 Pp J i m M a r i n o THI Ul(HST must se Sl.5.950. . Volkswa,en . 187 11 l!n6 vw Rabbit. 2 dr. ••-nor, 714 5»8689 B b B d H B wbfteJ 4 spd. 1 owner. ~ ~"""'-'=--==------eac v ·• · . &loots ood 12000 or late mode , low Must sell · 1971 · 914 842-2000. ~1832 PP g · · mileace Cadillacs in Porsche, New brakes, v..a... 9770 Southern California! new clutch new seats, •-WCICJ" 1978 VW Rabbit Diesel 4 body goOd condition. •••n•••••••••••••••••• Door. Options include MAIERS $3.200.00 Lie 98881N. VW Engine. Dual port radio. heater & sunroor. CADILLAC 9&U739 964-8008 1113Scc, new $700. '73 Low miles. (3e!ULZ>. A 21100IG;bor Blvd . ._.. 9755 tr~ rebuilt, $250. Have Bargain at $3995. Jim COSTA MESA ....................... rtteapts, make offer. Marino Volkswagen . GIEAT Ca1149'·240'7 IB711 Beach Blvd., H.B. 540· I 8 0 SEUCTION! f Ad Act• 842-2000. '80 Seville. Xlnt cond. l&tAUlT Ill's Dr IOR i9VWBeetleconvertible Blk /blk . Loaded. Sedans and wagons with ca11 a triple wht. xlnt cond. $14,500. Call St0-2430 many options to choose 962·4217 'al Cad Sedan de Vile. from are available now lkilw Pilot il Karmann Ghia, new loaded. good trana .. at: .,...1 eng & paint. recondi· 80.962-0030. P.P. OIAMGE COAST lftYJSOR tioned. 962·4217 1978 El Dorado Blarrits AMC/Jlfl ~ Must sell fast! '72 Super Wbte on whte. 28,000 ml. l&tAUlT Beetle. new eng. perfect mint cond. Like new 2524U-ai'borBlvd. cond..sunroof.cassette. $8,900, 714-538·41 82 SC!l-MZJ 645-mo $3400.0B0.552-Uno 2~.a..5 ...... N•llt ....._ .... 9100 AllhK. N•w ·9100 Allel.MeW ··••·······•···•••···•· .•..•...........................•....•........ ······~················ INIXnNSIVI AND IUl.T TO STAY THAT WAT WE'VE ·GOT THEM AND WE WANT YOU TO HAVE YOURSI COMI IN TODAY AND ••• MAKE US AN OFFERll PllCIS STAii Al LOW Ala $52367° I I Tax, Ll~111e & D~~ Fee and FACTORY REBATE 5500 FACTORY RE IE (Ser. #230786) AND I ONLY ' IMMEDIATE .1 LIVERY! SAU P'IJCI $5243.00 pllt• tu, l e. & D.c. '"· SttS.00 0.... ... $311.71 ta. Slit.to M ._ dmnJI. s20.oo o.c_ ... .., Liff.• ssqo.oo ,_..,a-... t,r •.,....of sttso..11 .,_.. ...._. .... w lrede, -4 S,9.t4 pw -· fw 60 ....._ $2241.40 ,._. d11r9t, UL 20.J~ ~,.,. .... price 17947.11 • ..,,.. • .4 ~. N 9 Down Plus Tax, Lice111e & D.-lllcrf Fee and FACTORY. REBATE AND ONL SAU NICI SHI0.7',... t•11, le. & D.c. '"· Stt5.00 0....;.. $4J04I -. Sl54.00 DMV ac .. M c...,..,., szo.ooo.-.. .., '"·•sno.oo,._, •• toryl..._fw •tot• of SUJ9.00.,_.P.,...t. C419w.,...,-4Sllt.&- ,... _... fw 41 _......_ S240l.24 Aimee dmn)t. UL"·'""':_:_ • ,.,.... price SttlJ.05 • ...,_...d ~. ,.,. .... ·"' 1982 NNTIAC AND RECEIVE A 5750 FACTOR (Ser. #567270) REBA IE IMMEDIATE DELIVERY I .. Down Plus Te•, Lie .... & Doc .... •tory Fee a-oosE FROM 2 DOOR COUPES OR 5 DOOR HATCHBACKS AND ONLY PEI MONTH Eqllipped·wl .. : • Factory Air Cond. • ·choice of 4 Cyl. or V 6 • Automatic Trans. • Deluxe Wheel Covers • Pow·er Steering • Power Oise Brakes • Body Side Moldings • White Sidewall Tires • AM Radio 79 79 FOltD 6 cyl. englne~~omatlc trans .. $ 2 6 factory air oond., gauges and only 31. 783 miles. 15291 JAJ. POMT'IAC .uMD PllD-V6 $ Opt ions include 1utomati 4 transmission. air condit1onln power steering & disc brakes. tilt wheel & morel 11WAG Al.Aomatl~~-. . . . t5695 steering, AM-FM stereo wit~ Olck. C\.9tOm wheels. delay v.1pers & only 32. 158 mi lelll (507V«>I). WE PERFORM ALL PONTIAC FACTORY WARRANTY WORK REGARDLESS OF R I ·'~. 80 DATSUN 210DB.UXI ~ Economical 4 cylinder engine. speed transmission. AM·FM radio and only 32,665 miles! (438XKA). AMC COHCOltD DLWA.60t4 6 cyl.. automatic trans., pow steering & disc brakes. AM·F stereo, split seat. tilt wheel. roo rack & only 10.2n miles! {736WDI~ WI f'llCI $6495.00 ... hu, le. & Doc. he. !tt5.00 Dow11 pi.a SJtQ.to ta. $121.00 D.M.V. lie-c'-? .cl $20 Doc-11t.ry ,_ fw • ..... of $1527.90 Doww P.y.e ... usll or tr•de ... d $146.U,... __... fw 60 ........_ SJltt.60 FW!..c:e clHI,,,_. A.l'.l . 20.JJO/e. DaftrTtd ,.,_... priu SI 0,327.50 Oii .,prOTed credit. AC GttAHD Pill SJ Loaded! Including auto. trans.. 2 tone paint. pwr. st., windows. dr. lod<S. tilt. cruise. AM·FM st .. cast ah.m v.tils. & morel 1719TXA). BONNEVILLE BRGHM. SEDA.N Automatic trans . air cond , pwr. windows. split seat, door lockl· steering·brakes, tilt, cruise, AM-FM ster eo & wire wheel covers 23tW M . DATSUN PICKUP 4 c ylinder engine. 5 speed transmission, AM·FM stereo. Tonneau cover & only 9867 low miles! l1Z79363\. OEAOLINES For Tuesday through Saturday publications. 5:30 PM the pr'9Wlous day. For Sund~ and Monday publicatlons. 12:00 noon Saturday. ERRORS Advertisers should check their 9ds daily and report emn Immediately. Tfit DAIL V PILOT assumes 1111~111 tor the first Incorrect I Millon only. lllllJ Plat CLASSlflf!ll REAi. ES'l'ATE ~ 642-5678 PUBLISHER'S NOTICE: All real estate adveftlMd in this newtplpef It tubfect to the Federal Fair Housing Ad of 1968 which mak• It llieg.t to lidVertlM "any preference. llmlt8tlon. or dlecrlmlnatlon beeed on rece. color, religion, sex. or natlonaf origin, or an Intention to l1'eM "'f euch pref«ence, llmltatlon. or discnmlnatlon." Thia newspaper will not knowingly accept any lldllertlalng for 1'9111 _... wtllctt It In vlolatlon of the IM. lllSfS ftl SAU Cl.ASSIAED INDEX IOI. £STAT£ ·Ma In this category mU91 be pre-pllid Open &-5:30, Saturday &-noon (Cloled on SUnday) 330 W. Bay St.. Coate MeN. Ca. 927-9113 IOITALS ·-= -.. --= = ---,. ... --... ... ----- ' 2 -Orange County ReaJ Estate/An AdvertllAng Supptement to the DAILY PILOT/ Saturdll)', March 20, 1982 ' JACOBS REAlT<Y USS THAN 100' TO THI SAND Quality-buUt,1arp beautiful studio apartmenta. Three bedrooms. s:lrepl.ca. Double per1Ye11 w.c .. w• .... .,. '" eaeh tnrit. fteedy-m.cie fjNndftC wfil aJ.o p the f\my bu)'U'I. ~ 50000. WATllJIONT w/P•I AND DOCK A remarkable 2 It.or)' deQrl provides thla bid&· to be a.,_ family home (a large one) oc a duplex 11 It ii ~ loc. A cotal of 4 bdrmL 4 bethl that can be convened lnlO any combb1ation that fiw 'f04Jr Meda. mL in KJt. Incl cUlhwlllher, plush cp1& .. Spiral stair-~. antique .wned 0-, \.-d brick petk> and walkways, room for a bolt up to 36' plus • couple llMlltt ona.. STIPS TO THI llACH La.rte 3 Bdrm. 2 Ba. lincJie story on ownlJed 40'x132' loL Bit-In kit. Incl. dishwasher & fittpllce. Vacant and tow priced at $18$,000. IALIOA CHAIMll Walk throuch a pickat '*-and into th.II charminC 3 bedroom. 2 bath Pt!l'linlula home. Terrific location -near beach, bey and ahopl. Only ukina $20,000 with terma. IN NIWPC>aT -S 119,900 &. SHAIP 2 & conv. den-dinln& room. 2 baths. blt-ln kit. incl. dlahwuber etc. Painted, papered & deconted like a ~. Wide open terma. IO, offer your down paymet1t, & lelJer will finance balarK'e. DUPLIX One block IO betlch. 3 Bdrm 2 Ba + 1 Bdrm 1 Ba. blt-lna and fireplace Ill -=:ti unlL 4 car aarase & owner wW finance entlft balance after. small down payment. $315,000. Why worry about lenders?? OUR lenders can't be beat. Reasons Why?? NO POINTS, NO APPRAISAL FEES, NO JUNK CHARGES, NO WAITING ON QUALIFICATIONS, NO DELAYS ON FUNDING, the lowest Int. rates obtainable anywhere, with effective rates from 9 % to 12 % . Yes, our sellers are willing to be the lender, so why worry about financing. We've got itl!!I! AND. with some REAL low down a ments tool · CUSTOM CAPI COD Over 3000 IQ ft on three levell for IJ'edoul lMnt and ent.enaininc. Thia one year old heme bas 4 Bdnm. family room. formal dlnlni room, 2 UleCI brick fireplaces, 3 decb, and ii MOST beeud.fully decorated. Offend at $450,000. 1.0VILY SPANISH OCIANJIONT right in the land. FcNr tarae bedrooms. newly remodeled bit-in kitchen, and h\&p family room. +a fonnal dln1rw room. Specloul llvlni room with fireplac:e. Take over $500,000 Joan attn. Aikin& $876,ooo. Owner will help .. Jacobs Realty has buttt It• reputation on friendly, profellional service. We have a complete property management team to a88ist In the rental and maln,tenance of Income property. This service Insures carefree ownership ,and lets you Hke your Investment ptoperty again. JACOBS REAL T Y 2919 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, CA 92663 .. Orange County ReaJ Estate/ An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT I Saturday, March 20, 1982 - 3 + corr nrl\Lrr © mvrsrnrnr conrnrn HAllOl 151 AND CUSTOM-MAIH CHAHHB. The finest waterfront home with the best location in Newport Beach. Over 5,000 square feet and a pier for a 100 foot yacht. Unusually large bayfront lawn. The price is $5 million and the owner wilJ finance a notable amount. UHDA ISLI CUSTOM-MAIH CHANHIL Breathtaking views of the main channel from every impo rta nt room in the borne. Over 76 feet on the water, 6,500 square feet of sheer elegance. The price. is $3.6 million. HiJt10R RIDGE CUSTOM-IHCOMPAIAILE VIEW This Country French estate offers one or the finest bay and ocean views ever. Over 5,300 square feet of the finest craftsmansMp. The price is $2.3 m.illion. 3 San Sebastian. Open Sun.1·5. llG CANYON CUSTOM-OH THE (i0LF COURSE If Country English and privacy are your choice, this 6 200 square feet estate with ne\V pool and s pa is the a nswer . Ri.ght m the 10th fairway. The price is $2.3 million with over $1 million of assumable financing. UDO ISU-WATEIFROHT CUSTOM Simply the finest waterfront on Lido on the market today. Pier and slip plus oversized lot and $1.4 million in assumable financing. The price is $2.2.5 million. UNDA ISLE MAIM CHAHNEL F\ve ~rm •. all ensuite,. and right on the waler with your own pier and sbp for multiple boats. Owner wi 11 finan ce over $1 million. Call for appointment. The price is $1.85 million. llG CANYON CUSTOM-OH THE (iOLF COURSE Truly the best family home with 6 large bedrooms including a separate 2 bedroom suite with its own living room . On the 9th fairway with private pool. The price is Sl 8 million. 8 Cyp~ Point. Open Sunday 1-5 - llG CANYON CUSTOM-OH THE (i0LF COURSE This award-winning home, on the 7th fairway is country c lub Living at its finest. Over 4,000 square fe et with drama tic architecture and LARGE rooms. The price is $1.75 m illion \\-ith owne r financing. HAllOR RID(il CU$TOM-IRAHD SP AHIUNG MIW Elegant Country French estate with the finest a menities. Terrific views and over 5,000 square feet. VERY creative financing available. The price is $1 ,595 million. llG CANYON CUSTOM-llEA THT AIUH(i YllW Adjoining its own private 2.25 acre park , this 6 bedroom manse iS' vacant and teady oo move in. Over 5,500 s quare feet -Mth a VERY private pool and spa. The price is $1.595 million. 70 Hillcrest Open Sat./Sun. 1·5. UHDA ISLI CUSTOM This 3 bedroom home is a once in a life time opportunity. FEE SIMPLE on Llnda and the owner will finance. Excellent opportunity. The price is $1.4 million. DOVIR 5HOIES AREA CUSTOM-OYER I. I ACRES CAJt of the flight path, this custom home offers ·magnificent opportunities. Separate guest home and private pool a nd spa. Owner will finance entire loan. The price is $985,000. llG CANYON TOWHHOMl-OELUXE ,OOL An "end 'unit" Deane townbome. this fine property offers an exceptional yard with custom pool, s pa and sauna . Three bedroorm and over 3,400 square feet. The price is $895,000. IKi CANYOH TOWHHOME-CA T ALINA VIEW Exquisite in every detail, this 3 bedroom. 3.000 square feet home offers multiple use of skylig hts a nd e normo us privacy. Highly upgraded . The price is $675,000. #7 Chateau Royal. Open Sunday 1-5. UDOTOwtllOME-WjlOATSU, OH THI WARR ''Refined~' is the descriptive word for this lovely 2 bedroom plus den (3rd bedroom) and 3 full baths. Over 2,500 square fee t and a BOATSLlP! The price is $595,000. WEST HEWPOIT DUPUX-W A TEIFIOHT Spacious waterfront home with 7 bedrooms or 4 and 3. Pie r and noat . Excellent owner financing for qualified buyer. The price is $.545,000. llCi CANYON TOWMHOMl-CAHYOH'S llST IUY 'This new to the market home offers 3 bedrooms and 3 baths on its own corner. Excellent assumable financing. Exclusive with Cote Realty . The price is $.500.000. 1 Rue Fontainebleau. Open Sunday 1-5. YIU.A IAUOA TOWHHOME-Hl(iHL Y U,GIADID This lovely 2 bedroom, 2 bath home offers the ultima te in luxury with huge assumable fina ncing and owner will carry. The price is $239,000. MEWPOlrt CUST TOWHHOME-SUPll TllMS Offering 4 bedrooms and 2~ baths. this home has it all. Qnnmunity pool and tennis . Vacant and ready to move in. Large loan availa~le. The price is $225,000. WESTCUfF TOWMHOME-CAH YOU l ti:llY.f'IT7 A 2 bedroom , 2 bath home with pool and a huge a ssum able loan. Seller will lease option with $5,000 down. The price is SIZ3.900. Open Sun. 1·5. 1214 Rutland Road. LEASES IAUOA P&tlHSULA-WITH Piii & SLIP Offering 4 bedrooms and 4 baths with pool all for $3,000 per m:nth. AduJts onlv! •CANYON TOWMHOMl-OH THI •OLF COURSE Highly upgraded, thls 3 bedroom, 2,850 square feel borne has it aµ! Move in right now. $2,600 per month. WEST HEWPOIT-OH THI WA TIR Three bedrooms and 2 baths right on the wate r in a quiet neighborhood. Lease only for $1,100 per m o nth. Or 4 bedrooms and 3 baths with si>ectacular channel view for $1 ,300 per mnh. (714)~5777 2076 San Joaquin Hilla ROid • Newport Beach, Califomla 92880 J ~-~--~~~~~-------------------------------------====-----------~ 4 -Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/ Satul'day, March 20, 1982 FROM AFFO~DABLE •••...... TO AFFLUENT .•.••. - GO MOllLEI Have you ever been inside a mobile home?? They're adorable and just like a home. We have • 1 and 2 bedroom units available in "waterfront communities" priced from $29,500 on up! NEWPORT ADDRESS-SEACLlff Owner will exchange this 2 bed. 2 ba. corner mobile for other property. Great vacation spot in Seacliff Park. $55.000 673-6900. WOODSY CONDO-SECURITY Owner will accept $6,000 cash down on this young one bed . condo near So. Coast Plaza. Community pool, spa, sauna & weight room. Privacy & greenery. $76,000. 631-1400. NEWPORT PINTHOUSI Excellent location and good starter investment. New carpet & paint throughout this bachelor unit with balcony to VU of ocean & lights. OW accept 10% cash down & carry the paper. $87,500. 631-1400. HOMI FOR INVISTOR Perfect 3 bedroom, 2 bath home on large lot. New carpet and painL Owner will help finance. $114,000. 631-1400. WALK YO llACH, & POOL Lowest priced home in Newport Shores. Owner will leue/option thie 2 bed, 2 ba. home or eell with favorable temlS, $126,000. 631-1400. VllW CONDO IOWNHOUSl-COSTA MISA Beautiful & spadow 2 bed. 2 bath with loft & aJcyUght. Large kitchen & JIMlllteT' su.i te. Ocean & night light vu. $179,900. 673-6900. OUNGI PARK ACRIS One acre parcel-perfect for an estate-sized home. Pastoral v)ews amongst lovely h omes. $198,500. - NIWPORT QUtn s111n On cul-de--sac, surrounded by trees. Comfortable 3 bed. 2 ba. with tireplace in country kitchen and living room. $17~.ooo fee. 678~900. ADORAILI MOllLE HOME ln a "water oriented" Newport community, near restaurants & shops. Comfortable 2 bed. 2 bath. Community pool & rec. room. $69,000. DUPLEX NEAR llACH Large units with 2 bedroom, 2 bath master sui- tes. Wood paneling. Community pool and tennis. Owner will carry paper. $279,000. 631-1400. NEWPORT HEIGHTS-NEW EXI Super Iocaµon on great street. Large lot with trees, flowers and beautiful pool. Perfect family home with 3 bed. & farn. rm. Low caah down & owner will carry. Call for financing details. $279,000. COWAN HllOHTl-PRIME LOI One of the few remaining lots av.U.ble in this exclusive area of afQuent homes. Trees, greenery and a creek. Drive by 9842 Brentwood and call toe details. $~.ooo. LOWIST PRICID COTTAGI ON "POINT'' Opportunity to own a 3 bedroom, 2 bath home on exclusive Peninsula Point. By the park. $295,000. 1723 Plaza del Sur. Walk to bay and beach. IMMACULATl/FRISH IALIOA IS. One of the best priced homes on the island, near all shops. Spotless 2 bedroom plus brick patio. $295,000. 673-6900. 117 Marine Avenue. DUPLIX ACROSS 10 WARR A great Newport location near l.Jdo ahope and beach. Two spacious 3 bedroom units of quality oonatruction. Street to street location. $299/ 10. CORONA DEL MAR CONDOS Soaring 26' open beams, Solar glass, new spa plus interesting levels and generous rooms. Unique 3 bedroom plus den on com er, with many ameru- ties and lots of square footage. $350,000. We have 2 available, 1 at $325,000. CLIFF HAVEN DUPLEX Channing 2 bedroom home with skylights. Plus l bedroom rental unit. Both have fireplaces. On large lot. Solar heated pool and spa. Three patios. Superiocation. Reduced to $325,000. IEACH COTIAGl-CHARMING Only 2 blocks to ocean. Owner out of s'8te and motivated to sell this 3 bedroom, 2 bath home. $136,900. 631-1400. IALIOA ISL. LOT • PLANS Drive by 309 Sapphire and call for details. Plans for single family home approved and ready to build. Reduced to $329,500. OW build to suit for total pack.age. $500,000. IALIOA ISLAND, con AGI Brick, beams and warmth in this 3 bedroom home in a super location. Live in it the way it is or you can build a new Cape Cod. Plans are in- cluded in price. See this great value. 631-1400. $335,000. WOODIRIDGl-ON WATIR Gorgeous 2-story condo with superb views across greenery on lake. HUGE ASSUMABLE LOAN OF $208,000 at l~. Profeaionally decorated 3 bedroom, 2 ~ baths. $348,500 fee. llG CANYON-ALL VllW View from all rooms! Courtyard entry to this townhouse with 2 bedrooms plus den. Privacy and serenity. Beautiful decor. Tennis, pool and spa. $350,000. 631-1400. AmNTION DIVILOPIRSI Prime Newport lot near H~ Hoeptal Best uee: multiple condo units. Owner will help finance. Drive by and don't d1aturb 1425 Superior. Large 50x230 ft. loL $398,000. WATERFRONT HOMES, INC. Sales. Rental.s. Property MMagement 315 Martne Ave. Balboa Island 673-6900 ~36 W. Coast Hwy. Newport Beech I 400 peci•li•in3'in pro~ray on ah~ w•lf'r ••. nur IM w•ter ..• anCI whh View ol wattr , , • · ~--· 1 .. Orange County Real Estate/ An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT I Saturday, March 20, 1982 -6 The ultimllte eddr .. at the end of a ptlvate roed. The surroundings .. a nature lo\IW's peradite. The quality -and c:twlsma d this t~itlonal r9Sldlnoe la unpwalleted in design for functioNI liYlng, lavish entlftainlng and healthy rect'Mlion. 12.aoo.000 Fee Land ~a lure• {; • OrwMtlc iwo.1ory entry with eustom o8k, le.cMd & 1t8inld oi-doofa on hydfeutk: pl'lot • nw.i.-1ot-ofllvtngandentertainlng · c.-im 1111, CSP9I enc1 C1M -a lhroughOut • F-"*'°"''*"-with prhwt9 baltll, lflclucllng 1,0QO eq. It.,,...., ti.lite with .. . S-t0181 llllltvooma • Olll-ciellinged blltlerd Of pleno rOOfn • • T.W. room wllh f\111 blr In oM with.,,_ ralHng • Fomlll IMng room • Fomlll dining t00m wlttl Ml b1r • Lodllr dllnge room PININSULA POINT-IY llACH Delightful-<>nly 100 ft. from beach, 2 bedrooms, patio and deck. Assumable financing. Priced for immediate sale ~ $323,500. LARGI DUPLEX IY llACH Great condition and good tenant.a ~ this 4 & 2 Bdrm. property. Some view and just a "stone's throw" to the beach. Good financing $269,500. IRVINI nauc1 Open & airy 3 bed. home with large kitchen, fam. rm. with fireplace & open beams. Nlce patio and back yard. $245,000. 631-1400. 111 Jjeac-1., {!_~/;j,..,,;a . NIWPOtll COil ... LOT Drive by 413 Eut Bay on Comer of Cypress. Very buildable with plans included. Submit yow terms. $200,000. 873-6900. TWO UNITS + IAL. IS •. Woods and warmth in a w bedroom home plm 2 bedroom apartment with deck plua guest unit with bath. Stepe '° north bayfront. A valuable rental property. $360,000. 673-6900. ' NIW CONDOS IY llACH One block to beach. t:orltemporary dramatic ar- chitecture in 2 bedroom plus large sunning deck. Financing flexible. 631-1400. 122 43rd off Balboa. $307,900 . Harbor Ridge -French Manor 180 degree VIEW of Bay1 Ocean and night lishta. Magnificent quality and detail thioughout thia 5,700 sq. rt. residence. Formal home with 4 bedroollll, library, formal dining room. immenee family room and glamoroua maater auite with fireplace, aundeck Muna and spa. Impreuive and custom for the particular homeowner, in the beet tradition of this Louie XIV Manor ho~. S2~200,000 fee. " WATERFRONT HOMES, INC. Sales, Rentals. Property Mftnagement 315 Marine Ave. Balboa Island .673-6900 • • • " I ,. 1.. ,; '" I ... , .. l ~· i I ~" tl• i ~I\ ( I (\f '\ I I I ~ i I 1 I I • 6 -Orange County Real Estate/An Advertlllng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/ Saturday, March 20, 1982 AFFORDABLE JO AFFLUENT • . • NEAR THE WATER ••• VIEW OF WATER LEASE/OPTION OPPORTUNITYJ New luxury condoa, Juat at..,_ to "'9wpott Bayfront and walk to beach! Great location and unu9Ual quality In thla 2 bedroom townhouee condo. Ownet otters tlexlble terma of I 15,000. c..tt doWn, S2000 per month ..... and a one yeer option to purch ... for $319,000. Four total condo unit• avallable wtth rtextble financing plans. Btocfturee and d• tall• avallable on alte at 209-2f5 19th St. off Balboa Blvd. PENINSULA POINT HOME Priced tor Immediate setel Owner wlll carry financing or LEASE/OP. Thia 2-atory, 3 bedroom, 3 bath, 2 fireplaces, family room. Steps to bay end beach. $399,500. 10% CASH-VIEW PROPERTY Super Newport location on large tot wltn two 4! oeoroom unite. Live In one and rent the other or build a new home plua guest house. Plans approved. Almost lot value at S.415,000. Owner. wlll contlder leaae/optlon also. Submit. QUIET PENINSULA PT .I Great location and great 4 bedroom hOl"M on a large tot on a private lane. Remodeled and ready to moye In. $4191000 with good terms. CONTEMPORARY NEAR BAY Open with kNldt of wood, glMa and wwmth. Young 2-atory Wfth IOSlng <*!Inge, IM8C• ..... wtth belcony OYW!ooklng llvlng room plua 2 oth.-bedroom-, fM\lty room and dining room. Excellent "gold c:out" location. Call for~ on loan avallabfe. ~.000. 831·1400. ' . f LIDO ISLE CLASSIC Totally nwnodeted and decorated 2,,1tory In-the bett Med- iterranean navor. Open, bftght 4 bedroom, '4 bath with 2 petloa for entertaining In and out. Stained gl .... and open ti.ams. OW flnanc. wit~ low calh down payment. $445, 000. r- OCEANFRONT TRIPLEX • NEWPORT OWner wlll carry 1st T.D. on thla well priced trl-plex on prime ti.achfront. Never a rental problem. &640,000. 831·1400. OPEN SAT 1-5 2267 Pacific, Coeta Mesa----1119,000 209 19th St, Penlntula Pt. ---··-----1319,000 502 "I" St, Balboa Penlnsul•··-·--·----~.000 214 Sapphire, Balboa laland-···--·---··--··-··-·.$450,000 1911 Cllff Dr, Npt Hta (Dplx) .. ---·····-····-·-·----·1323,000 424 Bellvue Lane, Peninsula Pt--·---··--·---'419,000 117 Marine Ave. Balboa Island----·-1295,000 8 UNITS PLUS HOME Two bedroom home and 8 unite only one bloc!< to beach In San Clemente. Won "beautification" award. Aaaumable loan and owner wlll help finance. $495,000. CORNER LOT+ UNIT unusual & large 4t>x 100 n. comer 1us1 one door to isaytront. Now has 2 bed. apt. plus 3 garagea. l:i Balboa's finest lo- cation. $395,000. FEE. 631-1400. AUTHENTIC ISLAND CHARM Owner wlll carry the note and T.D. on thla family home With 30% cash down. Beam oelttnga, brlek fireplace & 2 bed. New on the market at $450,000. 673-6900. NEAR NORTH BAYFRONT- Oflty 4 years new with appealing lnterlof. Large 4 bedroom. 3 bath home plus 1 bedroom apartment. Three fireplace, cathedral c:elllnga. 30 )'Mr roan for approximately 1250,000 auumable at 13.78% owner motivated. SUbmlt all offera. $460,000. COUNTRY ELEGANCE, LITTLE 18. Charm, etegance and every decorator amenity In thla 3 bedroom home with brick patio and frenctl doors. Aleo one bedroom plus maid's unit on corner. Euy etapa to bay. $575,000. 673-6900. 1610 Abalone Place, 8al. It. POOL/SPA-55' LOT, LIDO Large aunny patio with 16 foot lanat for entertaining. A great !amity home with 3 bedroom• and ~~ths. $595,000. VU-LOCATION-YUi Eapeclally large trl-level home with ti.autltul decor by decorator throughout. Hoapltaltty 'and luxury In this 3 bed- room, formal end mirrored dining room, huge famlty room ptue twv-blllard room MMe. For the "heelth enthusiast" a aaune room plua prtYate apa. UNQUESTIONABLE VIEW OF OCEAN AHO BAY~ONT cloM-up. Ow9'9f w111 help~­ $895,000. CORONA DEL MAR UNOBSTRUCTED VU-FRONT ROW Premium atreet wHh .. tate size grounds, 75' frontage, 2 legal IOU and panoramic VIEW o( ocean and Jetty. Early Newport residence with the ctlann and quaJtty of bygone days -wood paneling, molding• and large rooms. 11,350, 000. Seller wlll asslat with financing. SUBMIT LEASE/OPT VU HOME Panoranu .. ,.,.., .. up view ol bay, ocean and night lights. Spacious. open and potentially formal home with large 11- vlng room. lamlly r~om, lorma.I dining room plus 3 bed· room•. Marble bath•master suite and 2 large view decks. $795.000 FEE. LIDO HOME PLUS Adorable beach retreat wtth 2 bedroom home and \. bed· room apartment In a super location. $355,000. Circular flreplac.. BRICK, BEAMS, CHARM One ol the best Penlnaula Pt. street• near bay and beach. Appealing and adorable 3 bedroom, 2 bath with 2 patios, 2 car garage plus darkroom. Paneling and mouldings throughout. OW help llnance to qualified buyer. $385,000. 631-1400. CHARMING OCEANFRONT Great location with 4 and 2 bedroom units you couldn't duplicate today. Reduced to 1525,000. DOVER SHORES WITH POOL Open and apadous 5 bdrm home with privacy and security. A perfect home tor ent..talnlng and family llvtng In a con- venient Santiago Dr. locatlon. $450,000. 873-6900. OCEANFRONT CAPE COD Homey and Inviting 2 Bdrm comer property wtth room for expanalon. Entoy the ... and turf whlle barbecuing on your charming brick patto. AIMlmabfe loan. and grut financing! $499,800. 831-1400. WATERFRONT HOMES, INC. Sales. RentaJs. Property M1magement 315 Manne Ave. Balboa Island 673-6900 i)fflalblng in propt'r1y on the watflr .•. near lhf' wat~r : •. and with Vif'w fl( .... ,,., , • : .,. ________ ~ ...._.... -~ • -- Orange County Real Estate/An Advertlelng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/ Saturday, March 20, 1982 -7 ON THE ltA Y •••• ON THE OCEANFRONT Identical ooeenfront towers, eect't w/over 2500 eq ft of floor 9PKe on 4 leYelt With 3 bdrm•. 4 baths. Thia So. Coast "landmatk" hu a 2 bdrm gueat apt w/pvt entrance. Each tower tr1mea featurea 3 lrplca. Unparalleled views or Newport Harbor, It• own beect'tfront Ind 360 deg views. This unu.u11 trl-plex la an ld4lel Investment opportunity for syndlctltlon or for a corporation retreat. $1,950,000 2 WATER CONDOS-BAL. ISLE FANTASTIC large condoe ON WATER With great VIEW. A "rerlty" on BalbOe lllend, theee two townhoutea have boat dodcs and are larger than moa1 oome.. Each unit hu 3 bedrooms. 3 b1ths, 2 car garao" and patios. Sold fur- nished. Great rentata or for year 'round residence! OwTlef flexlQle or wlll consider exch1nge. $1, 100,000 FEE. 87~6900. - BAYFRONT-NEW ON MARKET Great location ON THE WATER With dock for 2 boate. Old Newport charm 2-story with 3 bed. & l.,ge patio. Perfect for remodel. Call for flnanclng detalle. $1,200,000 FEE. ON WATER-FRONT ROW Newly decorated 2 bedroom, 2 bath co-op. Gorgeoue Cat.ilna end turning be.in View. A11e.1mable loan. Seller will uslst In financing. "8oal lllp avallablf. $285,000. EXCITING OCEANFRJ)NT Only 7 years old on beach With IPlcic>us 3 and 2 bedfoom unite easily rented on summer/winter basis. Reduced to $875,000. 87W900. LUXURY PENTHOUSE ON WATER Interior It right out of Archltecturm Dlgeet and offers dra- matic ~ living throughout. Spadoue 2 bedroom plus den With seductive muter .,It• with tlrepl.c:e. Brase, IM- ded gtue and antique accente. Boat lllp available. Thia Is only for Jhe dlecrimlnatlng. 1725,000 FEE. OCEANFRONT HOME Quiet beachfront with orlglanl owners who take pride In their ho,,,_. Superior "•It-down" ocean view from this 3 bedroom plus bonue room home. Sui:i«lor construction. OW carry first TD for the right buyer. $725,000. 831-1400. BAYSIDE COVE BAYFRONT Prime Sea Diamond plan on one level with 2 bed 2 ba plus den. Bay view, private beach, pool & spa. Boet iatJp avalla ble. Fee Ian~. $775,000. - LINDA ISLE-FEE LAND An exceptional residence with spacious rooms and winding st11rcue to '4 bedrooms + eeparate maids querters. Open & wetH>lanned llvlng room, f8mlly room, fOfmal dining room + step-down bar & large kitchen. Pier & slip for 3 boats. S2, 750,000 .• OwTlef will exchange °' eubmit7 PRICE REDUCTION ••• BAYFRONT Great locatlon With panoramic vu of bOellng 9Ctlvlty and night light from large patio. Spactoua 2-.tory home With every nec:eutty for enjoying IMna and outdoor entertaining. Pier & lllp for 2 boats. ASSUMABLE LOAN OF S900.000 $1,495,000 FEE. SUBMIT YOUR EXCHANGES. ' . INCREDIBLE LINDA ISLE LINDA ISLE 2-etory with 4 bedroom plus maids room, for- mal dlnll}O room, large famlly room with step down bar and coun(ry kitchen. l~ to perfection plus bridge over dip-pool Ind spa. $1,395,000. Slip for 3 boats. LINDA ISLE DRAMATIC! Versatile floor plan With eecurlty and privacy of courtyard entry. large main rooms for entertaining In.and out. l.ovefY 5 bedroom ea.p...down family room with ber, pier anc:Tallp, FleJClble financing or eubmlt exchange. Reduced to $1 , 495,000. Owner wll C#ry It 1ot't% lntereet. PANORAMIC VU-ON WATER ALL NEW and abou1 to be completed 4 bedroom plus den home on a quiet Newport St. Spa plut aundeck plus bonus room. Now'• the time to Mleot your colors. $1,500,000. Fee. 831-1400. WATERFRONT RETREAT! F1buloua panoramic view co-op on lido Penlneula In a security building clOM to alJ. Bright. cheerful, open feeling. One bedroom. Owner wlll oerry first T.D. at 12 percent. Reduced to $258,000. OCEANFRONT-LAGUNA BEACH Spectacular VIEW and beautiful 2 bedloom, 2 bath co.op right on ocean. Greenery, prlvaC)', eecurlty end swimming . pool. $315,000. 631-1400. BAYFRONT-6 BEDROOMS Unobetructed ~ "Wllterfront" View from thll open and spacious home with large bfleilc patio and pier for two 55' yachta. Convenient loc:etlon and eepeclally large llvlng room, eleYeCed dining room, llrge ber, fiinljy room plus Island kitchen, ... m ... er eutte with mert>Mt flreptace and breatt'ltalclng vtew of alt A Vfll"I comfortable floor plan With • feating of privacy! $1,950,000 lncludee i.nd. 831-1400. NEWPORT BAYFRONT Open Sun. 1·5 PM 1707 E. S.yfront, S.lboa Penn. HISTORIC MEDITERRANEAN LANDMARK ESTATE with 60' on Newport Bay. Sweeping, panoramic vtew from the Pavilion to the mountains. An authentic archltectural statement of bygone days throughout this ~atory reeld9noe plus 4th floor obMrvetlon tower. The quellty and cratt- smanahlp In thla dignified atructure offer 1JM1C1ou1 rooms & privacy, In addition to generous Indoor & outdoor bak:o- nlel, patloe and courtyard entry. Thia magnlftcent VIiia of- fers two wings for pr1vate ~Thi. lncludee 6 bedrooms Ind 8 bathrOC>tM. • formel d room, 2 kltc:hena, formal llvtng room, large famlly room much more. A eepw11te, aeff-c:ontatned master suite. Large s>Mw and float wtll ac- commodate • 80', ptu1 two other bolltt. A detatled bro- c:hur'9 .. be ..,.._ upon reque9t. $2,950,000 ... land. Adlolnlna guest apartment, ptue 3 «* si-age available for $305,000 ~ a eepw11te '45x 100 ft. lot. DOVER SHORES WATERFRONT Courtyard entry Into coordinated= and good taste, Highlights of thla home ~ a=nal pub-bar with large family room, formal dining room With flreplace, ...,. arete Qlwnc>roue meeter sutte J*.113 bedrooma. Pler/allp for larger yacht. Ownet wtll carry large note and T.D. Redueed to $1,500,000. BA YFRONT WITH PIER A dominating reeldentl.i property With a private dock for 2 boats. Stupendou. VIEW on South Bayfront with two large llde-by-llde unite. Each unit It larger than most homes and has • bedroome, 3~ baths, dining and family rooms, plue 2 flreplacea and 2 balconies. Owner will help finance to quallfled buyer. $2,200,000 FEE. 67M900. BEAUTIFUL ON WATERI. lmpeccabta quality and good t•te In thle warm Ind open famtty home on the water. CMltllc Interior with 2 bedroome plul den and large~ patio with .... ~ Ind ftre ting. Your own boat ellp r10ht out your door for 45' bolit. Owner wtll help fln#Q toe quallfled buyer. $818,000 on ... lend. 831-1400 . WATERFRONT I-JOMES, INC. Sala. Rentals. Property Matrtegetneftt 2436 W. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach 631-1400 315 Marine Ave. Balboa Island 673-6900 Speoc:ia~fnt in p~rty on the water •.. nur th~ wattr ..• and with Vi•w or wal•r . _ • • ' . .•. fl .,. ,, '• .. ,,,, ... 9 . \ -.------- 8 -Orange County AMI &tate/An Adwrttelng SUpplement to the °"ILV PILOT/ Saturday, March 20, 1982 DON'T MISS THESE 10% down. Irvine condo. 3 br .• 1 ~ ba., $106,- 500. Newport Terrace, 3br 2 ~ba Greenbelt Vu $129,900 Newport, Seawind, 4br, 2ba. Try Irvine condo exchange $259,900 Rusty Guinther 631-1266 CORONA DEL MAR Sweeping ocean view, private beach access, your own pool, land included. Ocean side of PCH. Favorable financing. Only $698,000. Tom Baron 559-9400. 2 GOLF COURSI ISTATIS Two excellent values for custom prune goli course frontage. One property has 4 bdrs., fam. rm., pool/spa, paddle tennis crt & is priced at $695,000. The other has 5 bdrs., faro. rm., pool/spa & more & Is priced at $599,000. Call JACKIE HANDLEMAN for more info 631-1266. MOTIVATI D SELLERS Unique Mesa Verde location 4 bdr., fam. nn. fonnal dining, 2 fitt~laces. Best valve at $225,000. JAGK1E RANDLEMAN 631-1266. POOL & SPA Spacious 2 stOry 4 bdr. & fam. rm. home in Mesa Verde. Perl~ for entertaining inside and out. Prime loc., asking $21f5,000. JACKIE RANDLEMAN 631-1266. NewpQrt Beach 15 Corporate Plaza 759-1221 _ MESA VERDE Perfect starter or investment property. Assume $62,500 F.H.A. loan and sellers will carry $10,000. 2br condo -$96,900. Call ANNE McCASLAND 631-1266. DOVER SHORES Beautiful Spanish style 4 bedroom pool home ON FEE LAND. Loan is assumable and seller will carry large second. Price $420,000. Call ANNE McCASLAND 631-1266. NEWPORT HEIGHTS Country charmer with super decor, large lot, 3 car parking & GREAT TERMS! Drive by 520 REDLANDS and call RAE ROD- GERS 631-1266. VIEW VIEW VIE·W of foe OCEAN CATALINA & SUNSETS from this superb Cape Cod home high on a hill in Newport Heig_hts. Offered at $590,- 000 with financing. Open Sun 1 to 5. Call RAE RODGERS 631-1266. CLIFF HAVIN This cllstom home has all the quality & quiet elegance th1a area offers. Formal li- ving and dining area. Patio room leads to pool area. Master suite w /jacuz:zi tub. New on market. $349,000 OPEN HOUSE SUN 1-5 RAE RODGE.RS 631-1266. VIEW CONDO Adult security condo·with Newport ad- dress. Assumable financing $127,900. RAE RODGERS 631-1266. BELOW MARKET IY $4 1,000 owe 123 Take advanrage of this reduced price custom bit executive 3bdrm & faro. rm. pool home, on quiet cul de sac. Perfect for entertainment. Walk to Mesa Verde aolf course. Call now for price and tenna. Diana Cappel 631-1266. NPT BLUFFS IS PETE JOHNSON Fee land 4 br remodel $325,000. Call Pete Johnson 631-1266. " SERENE SETIING No neighbors behind this charming 3br condo. Enjoy the open feeling from your lv rm, d .r., and kitchen. Priced $229,000. Call Pete Johnson for details 631-1266. SAVE $20,000 by paying all cash to existing loan. A real bargain 3 Br 2 Ba detached home in desi- rable Deerfield. Price may be reduced ap- prox. $20,000 if you can provide cash to subject loan. Thia property is well manicu- red and is located on an extra large lot. For further particulars, c.all Les, 559-9400. 4482 Barranca P'«wy. 559.9400 ""' Orange County Real Estate/An Adverttalng Supptem«tt to the OAJLY PILOT/ Saturday, March 20, 1982 -9 EQUITY PURCHASE OR LEASE OPTION! Try an equity purchase or leaae option no~ Fine :Eaatbluff view home with pool & spa. Move-in condition -prime location too. For details of E.P . or lse. op. call Nancy Im· bernlno own/ag\. 759-1221 or 644-6636 SIAVllW LIASI 4 BR 3 BA F.R., D.R., city & ocean view. Grd. gate, pool & tennis. $1700 per mo. IOI or DOVll KOOP. 759-1221. COSTA MISA 1·2 I. SIDI Large 2 bedroom, 2 bath, den. Hup living room with dining combo. Larae comer lot with room to park 6 aut.oa. •130,000. IOI or DOVll KOOP. 759-1221. 760-1580. OCIANFRONT-OCIANFRO~T Convert this ex. large duplex to your pri-· va~ relldenoe and live on the finest beach on the coast. •170,000 lat at 11~. 2nd of $250,000 at lK. Steal at $650,000. 101 or DOVll KOOP. 759-1221. LINDA ISLE TIADI Breathtaking bay view, 2 boat docks, room for 4 boats up to 74 ft. 5 bedrooms, 6 baths, aame room. formal dining, eeparate guest ring, pool. Seller &rry lat TD or trade in- dustrial or office building. $2,100,000. IOI or DOVll KOOP. 769-1221. Coita Mesa 234 E. 17th St., 631-1266 ; JfARIOI llDGI LIASI Four bedrooms, 3 baths, formal dining room, family room, study, beautifully de- corated, large decks, fabulous view. Private guarded gate, pool and tennis. $2900 a month. Submit all offers. IOI or DOVll KOOP. 759-1221. CAMIO HIGHLANDS Ocean view, re-decor., and remodel 3 bed- room, 2 bath, formal dining. Very large yard, private beach, $339,000. IOI or DOVll KOOP. 759-1221 . NIWPOIT CllST CONDO Two bedrooms, 2 ~ baths, loft, highly up- graded. oak floon, beeutiful papen.. ocean view. '98.000 lat at l~. Priced at $170,000. IOI or DOVll KOOP. 759-1221 . WALKS TO SCHOOl._5 • STORIS Large family nn, 3 BR. Nice yard.; Upgra- ded. ask for RITA WITNAUIR 759-1221. 3 ID.-CUSTOM IASTSIDI Owner financed -no lender qualifying! Three bedrooms, 2 baths. Quiet cul-de-sac. Parquet entry, brick fireplace, homey kit- chen, family room, water softener and fil- ter. Tub apa. RV pad. Huge patio. Extra stora1e. Reduced to $167,0001 Hurry, call IOI LICATA 759-1221. 30 UNITS POSITIVI CASH FLOWI A rare bird in today's market! 30 bread n' butter apartments ln an excellent location. Income on these have increMed ~ ln past 4 ~ yea.rs! For more INFO CALL IOI LI- CATA broker-owner, 759-1221. CAMIO SHOllS Fabulous ocean and coastline view 3 bed- room, 3 bath, formal dining room, family room, study, large pool and courtyard, pri- vate beaches. $925,000. Fee. IOI or DOVll KOOP. 759-1221. $10,000 DOWN No qualifytnc quiet Cul~ Street add 2nd at.cry, have ooeen view -CARL MOSIN 759-1221. RAii SINGLI STORY OFFlllNG Outstanding condition and location! Enjoy the amenities of Award Wlnning commu- nity. ~ bed pl~ den, wrap around patio by Rogers Garden, beemed oeilin&· Shown by appointment. only. $255,000. NANCY IMIHNINO 7&9-1221.or 644-6636. . " ... SKI, flSH, SHOP Owner will trade equity ln Wrlghtwood mountain cabin and also a condo near So. Coast Plua for a duplex in Corona del Mar. Call Marcia. 759-1221. Irvine W2 Barr111ea Pkwy. 559-9400 ' • l • . 1 l • f I I I . . l . --. I t 1 . . . . ... 10 -Or.nee Coun~ RMI &taWAn AdYwtlalnQ S""*"*'t to tbe DAILY PILOT/ Sai+wday, Merch-20, 182 NEWPORT BEACH BA YCREST $ J 9 5 , 0 0 0. Undentated elegance, spedOUI 4 BR overlooking sparklinc pool/ape. Enlarged • 1eoodeled kitchen. with Garden H\inc area. Pictue perfect. Aa- ~ P'ir9t & owner wOI carry la 2nd. llARllOll VtaW llOMU $264, ... o. ., the lharpm& t ea • , e1 ewt'. HtilWY ........... wialli brick...,.,~ rtr Diie- W ldedwu. lndudel --"'-'-· TNly hard to nm.a. IAITaLUfY S2•,000 ..,._.C1111Llttimfla...-lr1M1 • ...._.._ .-.. v.i... New,... ..... ~-Pool *4:Jw4 widl a *le pMie. THI: LAllD. The owner will ~P " 11Ce. HAll90R VIEW $245,000 FIE Immaculate 3 BR Monaco With upetain room addition. Spanish tile & loU of brick. Terrific Jocatlon aear park. Mamcurecl yard with decking & fountain. Over $183,000 in Jmm. 8AYCRE5T $249,000 More for 'Plr money! Owner will finance with 2K down or lieMe/option. 3 BR, 2 ~ t.th ranch home, well located. Expansion potential. Very dean & Iota of charm. WATERFRONT IALBOA ISLE $1,250,000 3 BR • banm rm oo Balboa bland. VieW ot the Twninc Bu:in. Greet for boatinc. Large slip & 2 llide des. Good finandnc avallable. YACHTSMANS COVE $1,795,000 4 Bil r.mly roam, Very new r"""'"lmce. t..qie ~ bmne with all DWUlnl colon. u,ht ~ my, apece for 2 1arp boaa ph11 ,. lide tie. Ex- cellent financbtl available. LAGUNA UACH $1,250,000 Prt•ate estate on " acres tuctr.i into mature prden • treee with panoramic views! 3 'BR+ ......_ a.ce.tly r-adeW. lludwo..t floon, tl!rmM ~ md Old Wwld a..nn. Nothinc lib it ..,where ia ... RESIDENTIAL REAL EST ATE SERVICES CORONA DEL MAR lllVINE TERRACE $498,000 A auper view home with pool. Lota of potesltial in this apacioua 4 BR. each with. ita own mth. Probate aa1e priced below market w /tinancing available. COllONA DEL MAR $1,lM,000 ~ t.mily ke•e • larae k>t widl views ol white water, c...Jlna • ..n\oets ill the an1et. llea"dfuHy ~ le Nally w mo¥e in. Ex- cellent leller finlndr'S av.u.ble. llAnOll VIEW lllU.S $395,000 CcwNee tree, ............... ..,e, ..nJlm yard. _,...-by QC11¥1ftd patic> • apa Wfth u,,....aed 3 BR hGme • «iecon• ~ pb• greet terma. & you have ,amethlnc special s~L•ss . $2,400,000 CU.tom Mediterranean on top of hill! Superb detailing in every room. ~ BR, 7 baths with ma1ter suite, leCW'ity systems, pool, sauna, fam- ily room, cantina, 4 fireplaces and ''the world in front.'' HARBOR VIEW HILLS $385,000 Too good to be true? Not eo I it's all here! Ex- pansive, uninterrupted ocean view, private courtyard pool, quiet street, comer location, and 4 beautiful BR'a. Financing available. DUPLEXES CORONA DEL MAR $347,750 SPACIOUS 2 BR home oo a wide R-2 lot. Guest unit in the rear can be a rental. Excellent LO- CATION just 1~ bib to the beach. OWner fi- nandnc with 2K down. •ALllOA ISLAND $810,000 3 BR pt quarten & 2 br apt. Unobstructed my&ant view from fnlnt unit. Locat.ec:t on 1aa-ge overslR comer lot. Owner will help with final'l-dni· Move in fcir the summer. OTHER AREAS -· UlllVIERSITY PARK $170,000 Lovely 3 BR stunningly decorated with hard- wood floon, akylite, eye catching decorator waDpapen. Great location near pool, tcbool, 'shopping & freeways. OUTSTANDl'NG!I BEACH COMMUNITIES PENINSULA $295,~00 Heaven for 2 in this immaculate 2 BR cottage ~ block to ocean, bay & wqe. Owner financing. BA YSHOllES ( $536,000 Really live. Lovely home, location & private IIeubea. Owner will oonaider trade for "Fixer," cluplex, or oommerdal. See this lpedal I BR; den briPt. .-ny home. LIDO ISLE $525,000 Completely cusiom remodeled larp four bed- room with tauae up.lain m.eter wite. Enjoy prlvnt ~ & tenNI courts. Owner financing available. PENINSULA $795,000 A one of a kind 3 BR beautiful French CouDtry style. New const:rucUon 1 block from the ocean. No details spared from the copper weather vane 'to the french tiles in the Gounnet kitchen. BAYSHORES $434,200 FEE Outdoor living at ita best. 3 BR w/apac:ioua patios. Excellent owner financing available. Room for remodeling. Al80 can be purchaaed for $298,500 leuebold. CONDOMINIUMS MAI KAI $1,000,000 A limited edition of one elegant 3 BR, 3 BA, Condo on the bayf ront. Remodeled by muter craftmwl in woods & uaed brick. Private patios & pool Good financing available. · ' VILLA •ALBOA $215,000 2 BB or 1 BR, Den, hilh eecurity & marvelous amenities 10 with thJa dJarming Condo. Sunaeta & aalls forever. Pool. Large -.unable loan & 1eller will carry 2nd. DEAN HOMES -IRVINE $253,000 Priced to RW Beeutitully land8c:aped with gor- eec>'.11 patio. Hardwood floon in family room & kitchen. Don't mill thia IUMY brilbt 4 bedroom home. ATE COMPANY _/ -------. , .: Beautiful ocean and ni1ht li1ht1 view 10ff% Finanoin1 · . 22ll P1oifio (1111 of Wil101) l . 1 I ' . ·. .. I 12 -Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/ Saturday, March 20, 1982 VALUE&: FINANCING - Make this home in move in condition, with high assumable loan a super family home. Lo- cated in Harbor View Hills. $325,000 UNIQUE IN BAYCREST - This functional 4 Bdrm family home lends itself to entertai- ning. The large yard with pool & spa even bas room on the side for R.V. parking. $395,000 UNIQUE IN HARBOR VIEW HILLS -Relax with a pan- oramic view of the ocean, can- yon and-rolling hills. This home is situated in one of the most desirable family areas and bas 4 Bdrms &: 2 baths. Sellel' is motivated. $325,000. Open House Sunday 1-5. 978 Sandcastle UNIQUE IN SEAWIND - Dramatic Portofino model with enclosed entry. See this cbar- m er with Mexican pavers, skylight&: French doors. It will knock your socks ofn Well de- corated & own~r will i.elp fi- nance. $.339,000. Open House Sunday 1-5. 2221 Port ~erwick UNIQUE IN JASMINE CREEK -Spa, 3 Bdrm, family room, one level, aprinklera. Secluded patios&: «reat assumable loans. $387 ,500. Open Bouse· Saturday 1-5, 6 Jetty. SETTLE IN SEAVIEW -~·!IJPton tnodel'With 3 'Bdrm on ·qu~f;" cul de sac,· guarded ·sate, spa, pool a tcumia. ~39~,~ BRIGHTEN YO.UR DAY -See thia Monaco ·model in Sea .. wind, Mexican.pa vers, fi:ult . trees &: low price. •2&9,500. · Open Bouie Sunday 1-,5. . · . 2307 Port·.Carlisle CAREFBEE LIVING -At th~.· beautiful Versailles. Wonder- ful loc~tion, some with ocean views, good ftna11cin1, and we have three to choo•lf fro• at. f 24 '1,eoo, •1e1,ooo. a . •21 &.-· 000.·~11~ _, •ppo~m~n~. U~l()UI: ti()MI:' REAL TORS, 675-6000 OUR SALES STAFF IS CAREFUU. Y SELECTED, PROPERLY TRAINED AND VERY SUCCESSFUL. ARCHITECTS QWN -Custom 3 Bdrm, f°ireplace, lots of wood and glass and natural light. Sellers are very motivated. $425_,000. Open House Sat & Son. 1-5, 307 Poinsettia. , 3 BDRM, FAMILY ROOM - Assume financing, Large yard make this a home to see. Own- er agent will consider all. $159,500. Open House Sunday 1-5, 2037 So. Capella. THIS 2 BDRM 1 BATH - House has new carpet, red- ·wood deck, rn•acy a .owner finai;iclng. Al for $128,500. ROMANTIC &: ELEGA.NT -In Turtlerock Glen, enter thru a courtyard hdo ibis 4 Bdrm home with center atrium, spa a fire ring. A r.eal winner at . $310,000 . . N·ICE IN N·ORTHWOOD - Spacious 3 Bdrm, family room, fireplace, apa·&·u,ar a 20 ttcre park. OW.C.,with a 45K down. . $199,000 .. .... THIS BLUE WATER VIEW - Will inspire you as your remo- deling talents go into action. S Bdrm& on a large lot and the center of down coast growth can be had with estate finan- cing. $329,000. Open House Sunday 1-5. 420 DeSola Terrace BAYVIEW IN BAYSHORES - Finest details, gourmet kit- chen, charming floor plan and a bay view. $650,000 UNIQUE IN HARBOR VIEW HILLS -This home has a dramatic entrance, center courtyard for entertaining & 4 Bdrms. Owner will help fi- nance. $495,000. Open House Sat & Sun 1-5, 2706 Lighthouse Lane CL 0 S E BY IN C 0 R 0 N A HIGHLANDS -3 Bdrm l lh bath, lots of charm, inside and out. Owner will help.finance. Access to private beach. $29p,000 COMFORTABLE & WARM - Throughout, 3 Bdrm & den on Balboa Island. Right on the Grand Canal. Thi• home even· has an income unit. Owner will help with the financin.c. 1650,000. Open .house Sat A Sun. 1-5, 123 Grand Canal. NEVER A DULL MOMENT - From any window. Bayfron t duplex overlooking the Pavil- lion, 10 years new. 8995,000. Open House Sat A Sun 1-5, 510 So. Bayfront ., • BEAUTIFUL BEACON BAY ·- 'Bayfront. We have two homes. listed on this beach. Communi- ty tennis, park, boat slips, tranquility and no traffic has- sle. Beacon Bay is· a dream come, trµe. Next to Linda • Harb~r Islands at .S95~;ooo & . • 1.~~0.000 'THE .B~$1r OF EVERY~Hl~G ~ Forever v.iew of prjvate .sahdy beach & roe.ks. ·This home has a pool, spa & he.at~d fish pond .. The complete seoo- . ·rity -~•teln includes T-.V. mon- itors around the huuse an4 .. · g·rounds~ the fin.eat ih ·stereo equiement throughout. Unbe- . lievable woadertul: Yo.ur qwn . fottr••• A yor1)1 tile Drice. .:· ...• ,. ....... ~ ~· . ·. . . .. ' Orange County Reel Estate/An Advertietng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/ Saturday, March 20, 1982 -13 TALL a PROUD $194,500 Executive manor offers 4 big Bdrms over- looking peaceful neighborhood park. Huge bonus room and family room with massive fireplace. 3 car garage, prestigious S&S Home. Just llstedl Act now by celling 962-5585. SELL YOUR SPOUSE. $131,IOO On this spacious 3 Bdrm family home In prime location. Truly a showpiece! Take over 10.6~. loan for low monthly payments. Just Hated. Won't last at S 138,900. CaJI 962-5585. . . &OCKS FROM THE IREAKERS S17SrOOO Feel that ocean a,,.. from your spacious 4 Bdrm, 3 bath family home. Formal dining. Muter autte accent.d by ocean view. Fir• plaCe, wetbar, greenhouM. ~ SS loca- tion -.. ttU far 1111,000f 9lrtcMJI ... ler ... met futt c.11182-aM. a. .. •l·>';TI' ..,,. .. , ....... , :1 4 llDRlf + POOC 1155,000 Brick entry courtyard with mature landscape. Sun1hlne kitchen with adJacent laundry room, family rOOl'J'I plus df nlng wl'h cozy ftrepfta. Solar heeited poof surrounded by decking In MCbSed lllmOtphere. Now onty S155,000r Act t.t, w ~5a85. . llKI TO 1JtB BEACH 1131,000 Lueh land808P6ft0 .ccenta thte 1potleH 4 Bdrm., f81Nfy dining. Country khdlen. Large endaeed S*tY patio. CIOM to lhopplng Ind freeway accea and, tocated In quiet nelgh- borhOOd. Don't W81tl Jutt dlaf 992-5585. ZERO PERCENT INTEREST Seller will consider zero percent ln- te rest offers. This former model home has the Island location and quality you want. From the gated court and through the double doors and expansive tile entry, your eye Is taken back by the soaring celling and double fireplace. Your home provides spacious living and dining rooms. 35' main channel boat dock, bubbling spa. Gourmet kitchen, security systems and wet bar. An Exclusive By Coldwell Banker, Call now 894-7521. . . INCREDIBLE TERMS This new h0me hu raised entry, lar- ge llvlng room. spacious dining room, bright kitchen with bay window, loo- king at huge spa on Tedwood dec- king. 3 large Bdrms, 21A baths. Great terms complete the package. Call Coldwell Banker for details . 894-7521. SPRING SPECIAL $109,900 VA ' .TERMS Dynamite starter home with out- standing ,erma. No qualifying or go VA. Largt country kttehen wl'h tk'• ptac•~ garag.«t hold• 4 cars. work-~. small 6'ftce, patio with BBQ. 3 Sdrms, 1~. balh. Don't miss out, call now, 894-7521. IN¥ESTORS SPE- . CIAL: Six plus bdrms In downtown Hun- tington Beachl R-2 zoned for 3 units. Assume large first. Only $150,000. Call 894-7521. 7 DAYS A WEEK, 8 :30AM TO W. H111tintton Beach (714) 194-7521 (213) 598-3328 at Edn'a & Edilts. H.I. . $122,0001 MESA VERDE Can you believe this pride In prestigious Mesa Verde? Owner la anxious-you gain! Spacious home with loads of privacy and easy care yard. Enjoy Costa Mesa's beat addresa now! CaJI 645-0303 NEWPORT NEW CUSTOM Designed and built for contractor. Qualltyl Numerous amenities. Security gate. Must see. Only $249,900. Call 645-0303 OLD FASHIONED CHARM la fresh aa spdngl Brick f,lreplace, plush carpets, hardwood floors. Cheery kitchen. Large covered brick patio. Separate garage. Huge yard. Priced to sell fast. $135,000, hurryl Call 645-0303 TROPICAL SPLENDOR Gently swaying palms beckon you. Enjoy privacy and teclulion bellde sparkling. pond In your own beck yard paradlae. Fruit trees, aeparate storage acea. Charming home fee. tu,. brick fireplace plus 4 large bdrm•. Only $122,900. Call now, 645-0303 NEWPORT CONDO Approximate 1~ mHea aAong regton.a trails. Exqulltte townhome ,_.urea tlle entry, flr• piece, 3 klna llze bdrma. Charming covered • patio and mint ywd. NMr ecrea of park and tr•ls. Take advantage now of this terrific buy. Call 845-0303 NEAR ~EW . . Less than 2 years old In Plaza del Sol, near South Cout Plaza. Step-down llvlng room wtth wetber and flreptece. Gourmet kitchen. Charming brMkfut ~. Luxwtoua muter suite with fireplace. Air tondftloned. Com- munity pool and RV parking. An exciting home at an unbelievable $199,9001 Hurry. Don't mlaa thlt one. call 845-0303 SPANlalt~ Recently remodet"id-iJ .afory t~ly_home - ,... South eo... Plu& ~ fOnnal IMng room wtth m..eve lt6nl ftteptece. Cozy den. Beautlful ap8Cloul kltc:hen. Three king *9d bdrms. Separate m...., tulte. Lo.di of Im- ported ttle thruout. Sparkllng pool and ape. One-of-a-kind. c.at now, 845--0303 RETIRE Would you llke the convenience of a con- dominium but, eecurtty, i>f'lvacy Ind appre- <*tk>n of owning your own home? You can haw It .. , Un6que dHlgMr owned bungMM, charming Ea1t1ld• Coata Meaa. One of a kind. Hurryt 845-0303 • I .. I I - 14 -Orange County Rea! Estate/An Advertlatng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/ Saturday, M~ch 20, 1982 lhis Weekend ! . eep this handy directory with you this weeJlend as you go /ltouse-huntlng. All the locations listed below •re described In gnater detail elMwhff• In today's DAILY PILOT dHslflect ads. Patrens advertising open houses for s.le or rent. Jn The Dally Pllet may fist such lnforlN!tlon In theM c_,.umns each ~tunlay •nd Sunday. lllSU FM SILE J •••••• 2137 E. Ocean, Penimula Point, NB 631-1400 $323,000 Sunday ~-5 117 Marine Ave, Balboa ls1and 673-6900 $295,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1214 Rutland Rd, We9tcli.ff, NB 640-5777 $123,000 &mday 1-5 214 Sapphire, Balboa 1lland 673-$00 $450,000 Sai/Sun 1-5 2267 P9d.fic, Costa .... 631-1400 $1'71.900 S.ewday 1-5 373 Ralcom, c-. Meu 761-3191 $107,000 s.t 1-4 2512 Santa Ana Ave S, eo.ta ...._ 759-1501 $137,000 &m 1-5 4942 Raintne, Irvine 79-1221 Sat/Sun 1-5 ·······-227 Via Orvieto, Lido Ille. NB 644-9060 Sun 1-5 2701 Hlllside Dr, Newport Beach 644-6200 $265,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 4521 Tremont. Cameo Sbn, CdM 644-9060 ~95,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2308 Ciff, Newport Beech 546-2313 $429,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 1706 Miramar, Penin Pt, Nwpt·Bch 642--5200 $325,000 Sun 1-5 ·-... •455 Vista Roma. (Bluffs) NB 675-5930 $172,000 pm& lse Sat 1-4 616 Marigold, CdM 640-4521 $385,oop Open Daily 1-6 3807 Calle La Quinta. Sen Clemente 498-1653 $13;_~ Sunday 1-5 241 Mesa. Drive, UJSUl Meta, 731-5556 $i29,500 Sun 12:30-5 502 "r' St, Balboa Pellin. Npt Bch 631-1400 $438,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 •• 19 Balboa Coves, NB 675-6044 $575,000 Sat/Sun 12-5 3024 Ocean Ave, Corona del Mar 631-1400 $1,395,000· Sat/Sun 1-5 1510 Aba1ooe Place, Balboa Ia1and 673-6900 ts~.ooo Sun 1-5 1723 Plaza del Sur Pmin Pl, NB 631-1400 $29&,000 81118\m 1-5 • 314 Avenida Cumbre (Bluffs) NB 759-9100 $210,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1 Rue Fontainebleau, Bia canyon, NB 640-5777 tso0,000 Sunday 1-5 7 Rue Chateeu Royale, Bia Canyan, NB 840-5777 te'75,6oo Sunday 1-5 ••1121 &. ..._Pl (a.IPen) Nwpt Sch 1-524-a.t' fl,216,• • ... l-5 311 Walaut, Cotta Iii~• 871-7300 •1•7.IOO 8uft 1-4 325 Rochester, Costa Meu 631-6990 $149,500 Sat 1-5 511 17th St, Huntington Bch 960-5580 $225,000 Sat/Sun 10-5 19072 Pauline. Huntingtoo Bch g&.:1329 $104.000 Sat/Sun 12-3 1437 Serenade Terr, Irv Terr. 673-1181 $398,000 Sat/Sun 12-5 1911 Court Ave, Newport Peninsula, NB 675-4746 or 675-2291 $399,000 Sat/Sun 11-6 •• 1418 W. Bay, Penin Pt, NB 0 675-6161 $1,200,00o Sat 1-5 1101 Debra. ea.ta Meu 546-2313 '207,000 S.t 1-4 116 Via Quito (Udo Ille) NB 64f..7171 p19,500 Sat1&m 1-5 5~ Viilta Iha (Bhalla) NB 673-8550 ~2,700 Sat 1-5 409 O>lumbua Dr, c.c.pna del Mar 673-8650 $330,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1311 Bayside Dr, Corona ctel Mar 644-9060 $1,000,000 Sat 1-5 1824 Port St.irllng, Hrbl' Vu, NB 644-4910 $225,000 Fee Sun 1-5 312 Poppy, Corona del Mar 644-9060 $426,000 Sun 1-5 2675 Riverside (FJSide) CM 645-0303 $135,000 Sat 1-4 315 Iria, Corona del' Mar 644-9060 $347,750 Sat/Sun 1-5 ••42 Balboa Coves, Newport Bch 642-5200 ~50.000 Sun 1-5 . . ,... .... ., .. t298 RedJanda Dr, (Back Bay) NB 631-1851 $255,000 Sat/Sun 12-5 • 10082 Jon Day (Meredth Grdn) HB 646-5215; 6'73-7711 Sun 12-5 . 2421 Bunya, Newport Beach 645-1771 $275,000 Open Sat/Sun 1-4 123 Vla Genow.. :Udo Isle, NB 645-1771 $399,500 Sunday 1-5 2331 Cliff Drive, Newport Hts, NB 631-1400 . $795,000 Saturday 1-5 366 Genoa (Nwpt Riviertt) CM 642-1523 Sat/Sun 11-5 642 Harbor Jal Dr (Prom Bay) NB 759-9100 $1,400,000 Sat/Sun 1-6 Home *1933 Prt Seaboume (Hrbr Vu Homes) NB 759-9100 $235,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * 425 Broadway, C.O.ta Mesa 631-6990 $197,500 Sat 1-4 211 Opal, Balboa laland. Npt Bch 645-4000 $647,500 Sat/Sun 12-4 1436 Serenade Terr, CdM 675-5511 $349,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 irl472 Galaxy Dr, Dover Shores, NB 642-2510 $739,000 Fee Sat/Sun 1-5 1515 Cumberland (West.cliff) NB 540-1151 $240,000 Sat/Sun 12-4 3 Kensington Ct, Hrbr Rdg, NB 644-6200 $555,000 Sat 1-5 lt2501 Harbor View Dr, Corona del Mar 760-6707 $635,000 Sun 1-5 4511 Camden (Cameo Shors) CdM 673-7761 $925,000 Sun 1-5 2113 Miramar,..Fenin a. NB_ - 675-6161 $425,000 ~t/Sun 1-5 8872 Sailport, Huntington Beach 963-6767 $189,000 . Sat 12-4 ••120 s . Bayfront, Balboa Island 644-9060 $1,250,000 Sat 1-5 4931 Hemlock, Univ Pk. Irvine 644-9060 $193,000 Fee . Sat 2-5 102 Via Karon, Lido Isle 642-8235 $685,000 Fee Sun 1-5 928 Goldenrod. Harbor View Hilla, CdM 644-6200 $375,000 (With land)Sun 1-5 317 Poimettia. Corona del Mar 644-6200 $495,000 Fee Sat/Sun 1-5 1543 Sernade Terr, Irv Terr, CdM 644-9060 $335,'000 Fee Sun 1-5 2611 Circle Dr, Bayshores, NB Mf..9060 *530.000 Fee Sun 1-5 R..wtllng Wind, Trt1rk, Irv 759-1501 .280.000 Sun 1-5 2345 18th Street, Nwpt Bcb 645-0303 .241,000 Sat 1-4 m2 Colpte, C.olla Mesa 546-2313 $132,900 Sat/Sun 1-4 1721 K1np Bd, Cliffhaven. NB 759-1501 '650.000 Sun J-5 • 62 Drabs Bay, Corona de1 Mar 640-9900 $495,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 * 904 Lombard, (Mesa North) CM 646-7434 $154,500 Sat 12-4 1393 Galaxy (Dover Shores) NB 642-5200 $495,000 Fee Sun 1-5 2048 Commodore Rd, Newport Beach 631--0680; 64~3758 Sat/Sun 1-5 .... IMl , 214 Ameth)'llt, Balboa laland 644-9060 $469,500 Sun 2-5 4 ...... 233 PoiNettia, CdM 673-4271 $695,000 Sun 1-4 424 Bellvue Lane, Peninlula Pt, NB 631-1400 $419,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 3 San Sebutian, Harbor Ridge, NB 640-5777 $2.3 Million Sun 1-5 4 Narbonne, Harbor Ridge1 Newport Beach 631-1400 $2,200,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2804 West Oceanfront, &!boa Penin, NB 631-1400 $7~.ooo sat1Sun 1-5 474 Hi.1.ledge, Lagum Bch 855-0517; 495-10600pen Sun afternoon Orange County Reel Estate/An Advertlafng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/ Saturday, March 20, 1982 -15 1412 Seremde Terr (Irv Terr) CdM 118-9100 $350,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 222 Coral, Balboa la1and 675-6921 f539,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 760 Via Lido Soud, Udo I.ale, Na 673-9060 $575,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2375 ftedlends. Nwpt Beach 673-9060 $210,000 Sun 1-5 3282 Delaware Place, Mesa Verde, CM S45-9258 $139,500 Sat/Sun 11.5 4 .......... . 1533 Tahiti, Laguna ~ 497-6454 $395,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2839 Catalpa, (F.astbluff) NB 644-1506 $235,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * 1720 Candlestick Ln (Bycnt) NB 752-1920 $324,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 ._ __ Teml>~ Htlll Dr, Lil Beh------- 497-6454 $695,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 . • 1801 Antigua Circle, Nwpt Bch 548-8798 $450;000 SaVSun 1-4 * 2221 Fraoci9co Drive, Nwpt Bch 538-3305 $295,000 Sat/Sun 12-5 ** 27655 Chapala, Tres V~ lt\V 768-2999 , Suriday 1-~ · .** Ul252 Wayfarer Lane, Hunt Harbor · 870-5232 '649;()00 Open Sun 12-5 2078 Pbalarope, Mesa Verde, CM 957-15'8 Sat/Sun 1-5 591 iMJrJIWI. c.o.ta Mesa 751-3191 t135,000 &an 1-5 •••• ~ (Wdbrg) Irv 751-3191 t425,000 Sun 1-5 22:IO Wit fnw1t, CdM 7eo...D3 $596,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1511 Mirmnar, Penin Pl, NB 673-8080 $096,000 . Sun 1-6 3 San SebMtian, Harbor Ridge 640-5777 $2.3 M1Won S.t/Sun 1-5 14 Mom> Bay, SPYll-. CdM 644-1414 $610,000 Sun 1-5 1057 Tulare, Mesa Wooda, CM 979-2390 $210,000 Sat 1-5 * 1915 Chubelco, Irv Terr, CdM 644-8200 $360,000 Fee Sat 1-5 7 Arbor Glen. Woodbridge, Irv 642-8235 $189,500 Sat 1-4 1I06 SandcMtle, Corona del Mar 673-8550 $550,000 Sun 1-~ 1807 Newport Hills Dr, Hrbr Vu, NB &U-4910 $345,000 Fee Sat 1-5 **1817 Baymde Dr, Yachtsman Cove, CdM 644-9060 $1,795,000 Sun 1-5 * 14 Buminc Tree Rd. Big Cyn, NB 644-4910 $750,000 Fee. Sun 1-5 1251 Surfllne Way, HVH, CdM 644-4910 $420,000 Fee Sun 1-5 • 17 Muir Beach Cir, Spyglass, CdM 644-9060 $2,400,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 10122, Biddle, Trtlrk, Irvine 758-1501 $213,500 Sat/Sun 12-5 100'7 TlUer Way, HVH, CdM ~ taff,000 Sun 1-5 ·It 3801 Toplide Ln. HVH. CdM . 6H 9080 $SS:J,OOO Sun 1-15 1715 Galatea Terr, Irv Terr, CdM 644-9060 $498,000 Sun 1-5 20521 Montauk Cr, Huntington Beacli 962-9597 $227,500 Sat/Sun 12-5 3024 Cleveland, Mesa North, CM 646-7434 $134,900Sat 12-3, Sun 12-4 222 Via Koron (Lido lale) NB 642-5200 $849,500 Sun 1-5 1441 Galaxy Dr, Dover Shores, NB 548-5647 $420,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 I MllHI 824 We.t Bay, Balboa Penin Pt 631-1400 $1,495,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2661 Basswood, E. mutt, NB 673-7300 $232,000 ••708 Via Lido Nord, Lido Isle, NB 675-6161 $1,500,000 Sun 1-5 I•,._,.• tr m * 10861 San Leon. Fountain Valley 968-4456 $179,950 Sun 12-5 * 70 Hillcrest, Btg Canyon, NB 640-5777 $1.595 Million Sat/Sun 1-5 * 8 Cypceea Point, Big Canyon, NB 640-5777 $1.8 Million Sunday 1-5 • 1700. ~.Dr, Newport Beach 549-0693 Auction 3128 Sat/Sun 1-5 16 Rocky Point, Spyglaes. C.dM 644-6200 $2,100,000 Sat 1-5 442 Begonia, Corona del Mar 644-6200 $595,000 Fee Sat/Sun 1-5 .. ,.. ..... * 938 Via Udo Saud, Lido Isle, NB 644-9060 Sat/Sun 1-15 I 181111 *1704 Westcllff Dr 18, West.cliff, NB 673-4400 $129,500 Sun 1-5 209 19th St, Penlnlula Pl, NB 631 -1400 $319,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 411 ~ Dahlia, Corona del Mar 675-5511 $295,000 .... 'Sat/Sun 1-5 "*300 Cagney 101, Versailles, NB 673-7300 $127,000 Sun 1-4 2277 Pacific Ave, Costa Mesa 673-7300 Sat/Sun 9-5 •25 Canyon Island Dr, Big Cyn, NB 673-7300 $265,000 Sun 1-4:30 522 Hamilton, D-1, Costa Mesa 759-1501 $114,9!K> Sat/Sun 1-6 594C Hamilton, Costa Mesa 6@-0303 $99,500 Sat 1-4 2 ...... '*501 St. Andrewa, Nwpt Hts, NB 673-7300 $162,500 Sun 1-4 * 10 Crest Circle, Corona del Mar 873-8494 $1~.ooo Sun 1-5 522 Hamilton., A-1, Costa Mesa 759-1501 •123,950 Satl&.frt 1-15 With all the interest in real estatt as an Investment, don't forget that your home rs also where you'll be living. Sure, resale v1lue is Important, but so are your housing needs now. For a good bllance, consult a member of the NATIONAL AssoclATION OF REALTORSfJ. / It could •tlo .. I hMP o' lookin' ...... you ltlrt. Cllt I REAL TORe flnt. . z •,... L#T 146 Yorktown, c.o.ta Mesa 546-2313 $93,500 Sat/Sun 1-4 ....... 411 Dahlia, Corona del Mar 675-5511 $335,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2445 V11ta Noble%.a. Bluffs, NB 675-2373 $275.000 Sun 1-4:30 1741 Tustin sA, F./Side, CM 645-9161 $140,000 Sat 1-4 * 8 Banana Ct, Nwpt Crest, NB 673-7300 $265,000 Sunl-4 2116 Felipe, mutt.a, NB 1644-491 .270,000 Sun 1-5 ....... * 18623 San Marcm, Fountain Valley ---·-9Q.-W2\ 963-8678 Sat/Sun 12--5 TIWllllSD Fii SIU ....... 2559-F J:Jden Ave, c.o.ta Mesa 645-1771 $159,000 Sunday 1-4 157 Yorktown Ln, Costa Mesa 846 . ...8398 $102,000 Sat 1-5 Fllllniew Bd/ Avocado, COila Me.a $48-2238 $152,950 Sat/Sw 10:30-5 ••u ••••• .. llLI . .. ,.. ..... 100 E. c.o.t Hwy 113, Nwpt Bch 875-3347 $60,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 1 •1111 300 E. Cout Hwy, No. 370, Nwpt Bch 675-3347 $45,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 RPI.DES ~, Fii 1111 a. 2 1a1111 1'911 Cliff Dr, Newport Hta, NB 631-1400 $323,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 •SE Fii WSE ..... . 2042r Upper Bay Dr, Santa Ana Hei8bta 549-7962 f1225 Mo. S.t 1-5 •Ill Fii IEIT ,j • all day I ~ I , - - ....... llDlllT •1111 ..,..., 11111 Unique home approx w /8,000 tq. ft. Lg slip, baystde lawn. pool, 3 fplcs, plus His & Hen bathrooms, den office/art room, library, omnaaiwn. Unusually deep lot w/a~rox. 74 ft on the bay. Only 5 yra. old. U.H0,000 .fobn llacrab 1142-8235 Seller will tielp whh ftntndnc (E12) ... 1111amm1n A, home of arand dimension & timelea atyllng, thia single level reeidence Offen 6 BR includipa maid'• q~ & a muter ...Ute w/fplc & sauna. Wood beamed celling in Jg fonrial lMng & dinina rms and tam nn. 5 car prage, pool spa ana tennis court. $2,900,000 Lynne Valentine 644~~13) lllflllT -WIE IP11ll PlllllLE PRIME Corona del Mar location w/wonderful main bay view. Pri- vate master suite plus 3 add'l bedrooms, fam rm, din rm. Dock. Leue option or sale. $1,895,000 Includes land! Martha Macnab 642-8235 (El4) II' lltf.nt Water, water eveeywhere ... 'lbere are water views from all the ~as of th.la innovatively designed home on a 50 ft. lot w/ e docking facillties. 4 BR, 4 BA, FR, DR. Seller w/carry lg W . Best price in town $1,550,000 inclndl"i land. Dona Chichester M~~<El5) lftll llllD Wl1I PB -U . 4 BR beautifully appointed home. Featuring Fr-ench brick floors. peneled library & hand painted kitchen & btlth cabinets. Lg mast.er .Ute w/tiled fplc & deck opening '° bay. Full .rurity & private beeches. $1,475,000 Fee. Lynne V!lentine 644-~200 (El6) .. lllfmt Most elegant & exquisite Ba~t home on F'ee land on th~ markeL Approx. 53.75' on the water. DOCK with room for three boata. App-ox. 3700 1q. ft. Totally CUltlDm1aed 4 BR executive home of .~luxury. •1,395,000 Suzanne Shuler 642-8235 (E17) -..-..-mm Lido Island captures the true emence of 10phlaticated living. Thia 16 room home on 3 Iota enc:ompuees a fluid floor plan of 6 BR, maid's roam and 6 BA built around an expansive landacaped courtyard & lg pool. $1,250,000 Tom A1linlon & Terry Hanes 642-8235 (El8) ..ufiiii•IWNW The ptlud Devomhlre with breathtakin& view location. HiJhly uwuacied wflt many beautiful extras. 5 bed.roama, 3~ .. tha. Ex- cetient existtng fimndnl. $1,100,000 Belle Partch 844-8200 (E19) 11111 •11uu11J1 • •••• lllli Beautiful Country htnch + BR home. Splldoua & luxurious w/ atrNm, matB' .Ute, -. formal livlnc & dining & tam nn. Second fmn nn or aame rm w/three BR ctownataln. S\lbrntt all offers. ~ LlftM Vllta'ino 644-e200 (1:26) .............. Jl'injoyecl frcm uu new CUltom ...._. s 8ll. den, 2~ bethl, im- pNlltve exterior, handcrafted oak cabinets & !ta.Um tDe in kitchen. 2 fpb, R-2 lot, oonwrtible to Wlitll. OWC lat T .D. Low down. WW comder ttade -units or Palm Sprincl Property. $820,000 ~ Sietz 644-6200 (E21) ... Tlllll ... I I Corona DEL MAR P'rant row location in Irvine Terrace! Cuatom wUh tQb ceWnp, lp9doua l'09ft\I tncludina 3 BR, 5 BA. fam rm (or bUIJarda & nifty den. ~autlful "Dream Kitchen". Owner w / ccmidel' amal1 hou9e or condo & will ... t w/llnancing. $695,000 LH Cathy Schweickert 642-8235 (E22). OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 1-4:30. 1223 DOLPHIN TERRACE, IRVIN!! TERRACE, CORONA DELMAR. 901 DOV• DlllVI NIWPOft •Aat, CA 92660 "llPI -TlllllllUL" N UM llU 1st time on market! 21h yean new·· Exquisite detailing. 1 lot to beach w/a little bay view. 3 BR, 21h 11A, fam rm, 3 fplcs. $685,000 w/$297,000 aasum. B of A 1st. Dona Chicheater 642-8235. OPEN SUNDAY 1-5 ... 102 Via Koron, Lido lale. (E23) IA•• ... • llTD llE L&lf Exceptional 3 BR & library w/ocean & nilbt llaht view. Expanded Miramar featurtnc formal llvini rm & IUltil!I' IUite opening IO pri- vate terrace. Upgrades include custom wal.licowrin•· Mirrored di- ning nn wall & akylighta. $675,000 Lynne Valentine 644-6200 (E24) llTIHI WIY Entertain in an atmosphere of elegance in this dramatic residence. Desi.gned around a stained glass atrium w/handaome mirr'Ol'ed bar & the perfect floor for dancing. Formal din rm views lushly landsca- ped $larden w/pool, spa and waterfall. 4 BR & den & full eecwity system. $675,000 including land. Cathy Schweickert 642-8235 (E25) ............. , Wann & cozy 3 BR + 2 aA & IOUth patio~ Enlarged lot -A.·1 condition. Excellent owner financing, $419.500. Tom AJUnlOJl 642-8235 (E26) ~ lllfTlmll9 on a fine view lot 'with 4 BR, plus library and sauna. Everything a · great remodel should be in a neighborhood worth caring about. $369,000 Coby Ward 642-8235 (1!27) llUT TDlll, 11111 LllT Yll.ll m mm P"lm Enjoy this beautifully maintained family home w/4 BR & pool. Extra lg lot w/mature fruit trees. Remodeled country kit.chen, par- quet floors. Low interest 1erma w/leller financing. $360,000 includes land;" Claudia Ding Mueller 644-6200 (E28) .. ...... . In F.utbluff. Best buy at ·1279,500 Pee. OwMa-tmnsferred. Muat Sell. 3 apaciowi BR, large country kitcha, tam rm combinadan w6 lg fplc and bookcales. Barbara Aune 642-8235 (E29) • WllTll.ln .... -All the comforts & warftrdeeor, beam ceillna. custom shutters, sparkling pool, prof. landacapi.ng in this 3 BR -FR Wesfcliff home. $269,000 Incl. land. Jane Paquin 642-8235 (!30) TllTLl-Fantaatlc Bren garden home • Montedto model, Plan B w/great view of l'DOW'ltains, featuring 3 BR, tam nn, highly uJ>6P'lded. 'Thia home ls on a cul-de-sac & fee land. Community pool & tennis. $265,000 Sharon Slnith 644-6200 (131) ...... Rare y pJan townhoule on wide peenbeh. u~ ~ decorated. 3 BR. 2~ BA, buet pado. $129.0ll 1£ DliS Bllf.tll'Wll- 642-823$ (D2) -.a ....,. • RI . Three ... two ... "°'* as Oft ~bek. "9wly pMna.d. ar- pet.ed, wallpapered. Excellent ftnandnl. Perfeel far lnlall f~ * retired couple. Community pool near bJ. 122&,000 Jan Y'*lll 642-8235 (F.33) ........ -- Cul-de-sac locatfon on th.la prime execu~ve 4 BR llnflle family home amm from community pool & tenn1a couru. Central Air. Mparate fam nn, indoor utility rm. Allumable loan at low intereat, owner wlll auiat w/aecondary financina. $193,500 J'ee Joyce Edlund 642-8235 (E34) OPEN HOUSE SAT. 1-4. 7 ARBOR GLEK, WOODBRIDGE. .. 11.lffl • TIWlllla Stnale level "Linda Plan" on p-eenbelt 3 BR, 2 BA, 2 patios. Many extru immaculate. $190,000 L.H . Didt HUdennan 642-8235 (E35) . . . ., SPYGLASS SPICIAL HOMI . NO DOWN Popular aouthport model. complete with 5 bedrooms, pool, ja- cuzzi, and night light view. Seller has bought another and must sell. Will oonsidtt exchange for boat, plane or? Asking $639,500. Yes you could own this 4 bedroom, 3 bath Spyglaas home for as little as Seller'• closing costs. Price has been reduced S 125,000 and is now avai.1-able for an unbelievable $399,500. Hurry, this one won't last. NEWPORT BEACH JUST LISTED 9.5 3 FINANCING This beautiful 3 bedroosn end unit .condo haa ~t. all, including a spectacular view, new appliances, enclosed patio and a large, assumable first loan. owe a 2nd loan and will consi~r trade. $284, 500. JASMINE CRIEK Sensational 3 bedroom end unit located on a magnificent greenbelt Profeuionally de,ciorated with many upgrades. All thia and outstanding finandng is available for $427,000. EASTILUff Macco built 2 story unique 'family home. 4 bed-rooms. 3 baths and large custom ~ family room . Magnificent view. Large low interest aa- awnable Joan available. Aak:i.nfJ.only $299,950. IALIOA ISLAND Attention builden -Choi~ location with tear down. Halfway ~tw~n ferry and shopping. Owner will subordinate with teasonab:e down JS&yment. Call for detalll. $12S7000'. · · JI IASY TO OWN ~west priced ~ bedroom. unit. in ~e. highly regarded Venatltea adult condo community. Guarded gate, pool, apa, ar}d rec room. t..rge aMUmable 10811 and ~Iler will help in fmanclna. Only $106.~. OLD CORONA DUPLEX Premium quality twoi)sbedroom units, beams, fireplaces, shade trees; six years new. Pride of ownership. Seller will exchange. Create your tenTlS. Offered at $347.500. IRVINE TOMORROW'S NESTEGG Ia now available in this charming Rancho San Joaquin Villas 1 bedroom and loft totally up- graded condo. Terrific U1Wn8ble financing. Price HARBOR RIDGE .. has been draatically reduced to $149,950. Call Spectatular view and price on this newly listed 4 today! bedroom Lautremont model home. Professional-- ly deoo~ted and landscaped. What value at only $729,500. COSTA MIS·A. IRVINE-LIASE Beautiful 4 bedroom Pet.en townhome on quiet cul·de-sac street. Has garden type kitchen, laundry ~ fireplace, skylights, stained g1a. windows and Italian marble entry. $1200 month. .. ROOM TO GROW SANTA ANA In the very desirable mesa Verde area. 4 bed- rooms, family room, formal dining room and ST ART Hiii large lot. Seller will help-flmlnce. Offered at In this very affordable tri-level condo. Located $210,000. near South Cout Plua. Complete with 3 bed- •rooms and owner finandng. Only $112,900. PINISHID TO PIRFICTION VILLA p .a •I( Thia pride of ownenhlp home ia for the fussy ""' buyer. 3 bedrooms, family room,.2\-i baths. ---------.------- Profemional interior -land.caping. Dramatic pool I IUILDllt'I IPICIAL and spa complex. $229,000. Villa Park ~ew lot ~ $ milUon dollar homea. HUNTINGTON HARBOUR DRAMATIC HARIOI HOMI Th1a Just listed Huntington Har~r 3 .. BR with open boor plan Vllulted ceWno. aecluded pool & ~ Impeccable decoz: make tIWa a home for the trul)' di9crtmtnatlna. Offered at $S89,50Q with financing available. Seller will subordinate! S ubmit your terms. $395.000. $25,000 Moves you into W• ·1ovely 2 bedroom, 2 bath hCll,lllJ w41h OCNll• view. Reduced for quick sale. Seller extremely motivaled. Try lease option. trade, etc. $159,~. (' 1-,- . ' 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I • j I I I I t I I t I I I I I ... l ~ I I . ~--\ .. - - 18 -Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/ Saturday, Match 20, 1982 ---... ----...iiili---• ......... Wi ........ s. ............ ., ..... Beaut. 4 bdnns. Fam rm wlflttplac!. for. mal din m. 2~ ba. Newly d«orated in IOft pleasin~lors. Beautiful new cptne & d.ra~. marble entry. Pool & spa.. 1•--... • .. , .. •lllYllH&iit .. Magnificent location o'lookinc 8'h pen of golf coune. Majestic Colonial C.\Altom by owner8bWlder. 5 bdrms, lge formal ~in rm, fam rm. billiard rm. refrigerated wine nn, & 6i,.\ be. Marble, finest wood paneling. air cond., +many cuatoro featutts. $2.150:000 incl. land. May Rll fwn. , .............. Just lillld a fantlldc 3 Br .. Linda" model on w1411& 1fffnbelt. Like new. Vaca,nt. $270,080.. See anytime. t11t.... IPU-stl 1·1 ---..S-.. TlfWI 4 ~ fam rm. 3~ ba. Teen.ager's priv. suite. Comm. spa & pool. $345,000 incl. land. $S2.000 dn. Ownerfinance. 1Ml ... , au a L SIT 1-1 W"ll.Ul .... 1111 View of ocean. bay & Pavilion lights. 4 Br, 21h Ba, tam nn, 2 fplcs, $420,000 incl land. or $330,000 leasehold. $665 per yr ground rent til 1991. Owner help finance. Submit. 12~1 ~ WIY IPO Sii 1·1 .... YllWllMSUH .... Popular 3 bdnn. Mo.naco model. Formal din rm. Many extras. 4Security system. Large ~Joan. tu• "" rram '"' • 1-1 • UIYll UWUUIUU" Golf course view! Beaut. landscaped. Park-like telling. Lovely pool, spa & ga- zebo. Gated courtyard with fountain. Mar- ble foyer w8glittering chandelier. 4 bdnns, den, formal din nn, 4 IA ba. $950,000 inclu- ding land. NmlFllHUllllSt ...... Near Westdiff. Newport Beach. Lge. 4 bdrm. Vacant. See anytime. 1111WILiTlWll11H .... 4 Bdnn. family home. Formal din rm. Se- cluded pool and patio. Lfre wumable loan. Land included. IUTllUINJl•- 3 bdrm, nn. Pool. Security system. Vu of nisht ltchta· Lge usum low int. loan. No new loan fees. 174,111 WI M. lt&IT PUD Attractive 2 bdrm condo. A great starter home. Pool & spa. ~ now. _ .. __ ,_ Quiet, plllk-like aetting. Rm for paddle tennis &Jiii fOOl. Great for orchard. Cul de sac street. S ~rrns. farg rm. $379,500 in- cludlna '9le Janet • rt 11111..,..,.um Family 1tome In CoUep -Park of Irvine. Nice yard. Air cond. Spe. Good -.imab&e finandnc. See now. 644-4919 ..................................................................... ...... IH2Geeril IHJCHMHf IMJ .•.•................•.............. , .........•........••...........•• DISTHSS SALi Btach hOme. thousands undtr markC't. Owners *"'iou.s 911'' r1nanr1n11. lll!~- Bu)w mrets seller-wuh an tffecth·e t lassirled ad. 6'2· 5618 PANIC SIO.OI~ dim . 51225 mo. 180 ~e. 1 u. newer con· do ~ qualif~ ing. Linda lbrt. agt 631-1266 &llUTB.YI This Masnificent View Home InGate Guarded Harbor-Ridge, 'fba.l Wlll Be Under Construction Very Soon, Will Be One Of The Finest ln The Area. The Style Is English Tudor. All The Blueprints Are In Our Office. You Are Welcome To Inspect Them At An'J Time. Please Call Us. ..... . Speclaeular Golf Course View. This Elegant Listing Offers Privacy, 3 Large Bedrooms, 3 Baths, Family Room, 3-Car Garage & Lovely Gardens. En;>y Entertaining In This Dra- matic Home. Priced At $850.000. • lllTllUILT English Castle In Laguna Beach, High On A Hill Above The Ocean. Carved Entry Door -Sunken Bar In Game Room - Marble Bath In Master Bedroom -Stained & Leaded Glass - 2-Story Fireplace & A Pool & Spa Complete The Picture. Appointment, Please. $795,000. aw&.IUY .... Ocean View Home. Superb Modem Slyling. Sharp. Clear . Clean Features. It Sparkles, It's So Clean. ExceUent Financing. Undoubtedly One Of The Best Priced Homes In F.merald Bay. $695,000. W&mn.t .. -Promontory Bay. Formal D.R. Den/Library. Master BR O'Looks Bay. Has Fireplace. 3 Other BRa & Maid!a Rm & Ba. Pier, Slip For Lrg Yacht. Owner Will Assist W/Financing - $1,850,000. urrlllff w .. Wll/"'111 Owner Financing. Flexible Terms. Large 4 Bedroom Lusk. Spacious Famil'Room WIParquet Flrs. Fonnal Living/Dining Area. 2 Fireplaces. Sunny & Cheerful. Beautiful Mountain & Night Lights View. $229,500. lllPUl -.... Ill ... Recently Completed. Custom Home WIU9ed Brick Fireplace, Mex. Tiles & Vaulted Ceilings. Master Suite WICathedral Windows & Treetop Views. Coiv. Secluded 2 BR Rear Unit Plus Poa. Guest Quarters! Great Financing. $356,000. llfflllMATm On Quiet Cul-de-Sac In Old Corona del Mar, Just Two Short Blocks From Beach. Comfortable Home On An R-2 Lot Offen Relaxed At:moephere, Typical Of This Desirable Community. Realiltically Priced At $290,000. ...a.um Another Jewel -Delones Model -Vacant · Ready For New Ownera -Three BR.a. 2~ BA · Built-In Bookcases & China Stonge -Large Courtyard Entrance -End Unit On BeautJlul Greenbelt -Price, $218,000. A "Joy Of Newport" Lilting. lllPUl .......... . Channing Corona del Mar Dupln Offered With 7~ Owner Financing. Located On A Quiet Street. Two 2-Bedroom Units Are Surrounded By L4Sh ~ ~ $272.000 presents Tll 1911T-. -...... In Dover Shores. Beautifully m'li.ntained, ready to move in, 3 .Bdnm, den, dining room home. Large l'fft yard with en- trance for boat, RV or room for pool. Reduced to $49~.ooo. ,..,_._ •-llPAUTrll-\AI m Plus pool and view in Cliff Haven. Spacious C\.IStom built 4 Bdrm home with e11y maintenance yard-truly one-of-a- kind famDy ~ome~ $425,000. . ...., ... _.. ....... On Lido Isle. Soaring ceilinp. large rooms on spacious street to street lot. No expe111e was spared ln building this ilarooroua 4 Bdrm. 4 fireplace home. . Tll Wfl• ff I• .. Utnm With your own pier and slip. The owners are anxious to move IO Leisutt World and will consider carrying financi ng for qualified buyer. Move in now to 2 Bdrm home and rent out upstairs unit, or remodel and en;>y new home. $750,000 Tll IWllTUll IF-'llll tWI in On estate sized lot in Dover Shores. fdeaJ home for entertaining and family en· pyment with 3 Bdrms. formal dirung, den and )arge lanai with spa and firepit. $399,000. Call for appt. to see. TIE l ... Tllll lf-YUSITIUTY On Balboa Penins1,1la Point. See this unusual 2 unit home -can be used as income, or easily combined to si ngle family dwelling. $339,000. Tll ... TAlll IF-l'la. & MPlU Cute Spanish bungalow with formal di- ning room and great country kitchen. plus 2 Bdnn income unlt. One block to ocean or. bay. Owner wants larger prop- erty. $289.~00. Call for details. Tll ... TAlll IF-1111 • W&TUFIHT In private community-with your own slip. En;>y morning sun. bayside deck, view from kitchen, dining and living rooms .. $550.000 includes land. Tll ....,. .... _. F• LISI Nice home and big yard for $98,500. Newly refurbished th.ruout. vacant and ready now! Call to see this one. Tll llNllTI• IF-PllllllU PlllT This has everytlng! 3 Bdrms, 3 baths. formal dining room and huge family room. Nice patio with bltn gas BBQ and double praae. $495.000 and owner will help with financing. Tll 1911T• ._,MT&ml nlllllll With WA down -3 Bdrms, 3 baths, walking dlaiance to beach. Near new. owner anxioua to help. $210,00o. • .._ ._.. •-na• Donner windows, picket f~2 Bdrms and extra lar,e family/pme room. Cloee to ocean and bay. •.ooo. ... 911T-.......... ·-Lovely end unit at "Tbt Lam". Aval· table for Immediate occupancy. Call about the many ldvantaaee ln tbia unit! $100,000 with ocellent ftnandnC. S.IAVllW! .REO{J('ED(Shurp lrtt 3 8d +Mn homt> ~ 1·in ui ~ Rat• 1·omn'i Ont> $399.000 w t u m i. P11tr1ck Tenorl'. oi&t 631·~- $120,000 for this To1·ely 4 b4rm homr It's a bar~u1n ltt th is pn re. Ca 11 no,. m s:nu. ALLSTATE .J'EA~ TORS~: $10,000 C.MESA $PECIAL Mow r11:ht 1n to thb ~ Odr ~o qua hf) in it ")-rshly puintrd :-;e\C t·a r pets . llbl ita r I °"11r Agt. Prin-.l 10 ~u at Sll0.11011 Call D1~. 631-1266 I l DIVl RIGHT ,.,. • S"1m an)1ime rn 101.., :.olar hl'atetd pool 3 Bdrm. I '• RJ n.• zmrl<-l<'d k1tt•!ll'n 111 imr I of l'ohta Mesa·~ hl'lll art•as O"nt•r ll'I'~ llt"CI· ble ~\111 pmr sus.ooo iSI 3191 e.urKenReaJly SUCH A DIAL! If you haH·n·t set•n V<'rsai lles for SLSO.IU). ~OU l'i.IO ha1e lh1~ fubolous 2 lldrm ~unn) rondo "ii h un· purallt'led rnmmun11,· foc·1hl1es l.l" Sl'l'lll'll~'. pool. spa. suunu~. pool room. rttrealion room for pm ale enl1trtu1n1111t. serure parkrn)!. "ulk to the beat·h ancl ~hops, and you run t'' en buy it fumlilht>d. APUIJU What has a nnl ~ ard and u pa "Ith 11 11ew from l llt dttk that is 11reat 3 bdrms so t'Ured for and 1o1·fd by Its ma You t'an HI off tht floor "ona plate" So t'IOH to lht bearh kids t•an joi.? lher& "ith pa I or wulk to the shop!> "1th their mate If roo lhink )'OU l'IO but it. I hne lo say baa Jn thousands it ·s 398. 1 Cjt ' \. ,. '1 • ~ 1 r \" t ' _. t l f '( t f t t1 , I +1 t •.t t Orange County.f\eef &t8te/An Adva1191ng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/ saturday, March 20, 1982 -19 * $20,000 DN * ~OU8 family home with aoarinc cathedral oeWngs and bright and *Y country ldtehea. With 4 larse bra, 2 ba'a and a family room, it's a barpin et $1M,900. 9032 Adams, Huntineton Beech. 656-7016. 1tMAUIVI WllOll flRIPLMI* ifelld ._ ,.,...,... ewnift8I tr '.., In tile P,. o1 thil .-w ••1' m. ,,.~. edr.11 four '-koam a..e •=..._. c1ma to ~ __. G.we.e••t e.on.ee ..w to aw $119,800. . -Mliml, It.Mil.....-Beech. W.-7185. *IUl ON A LOY* Six ~ oa an. k>t in prime rental .,. ol C48&a Mesa. All but ane have ftreplaoes end have wtly been peiMed. No defen-ed mainte- .-ee. Aakina $385,000. 9032 Adams. Huntinc'on Beach. 556-7035. $a,OOO RlaAn Superb financins on this bricht and cheery 4 br, 1.75 ba home P~US the aeller will give a $3,000 rebate at C.O.& 9032 A.dams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. *$10,000 aUYS IYH Ladies apparel shop with good lease tennl. Located in btay shopping center. Inve ntory ne gotiable. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach . 556-7035. *ZIRO DOWN* On the water. Price slashed $15,000 to $199,900. Owner will finance. Profeeaionally decorated w/gourmet kit.chen. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. *'4 ACRI ISTATI* Completely remodeled home with new kitchen featuring custom oak cabinets, built~in microwave and truh compactor. Large formal dining room hM built-in oak buffe t and cabinets. Huse detached garage has ~ bath and ooWd be easily converted to gueathou8e. Sacrifice fOI' $169,- 900. 9032 Adams, Buntingioo Beach. 556-7035. *' AKIOYD 11.2" LOAN* Only $20,000 down on this specious four bedroom. 2 bath home with aoarina cathedral ceilin3S. F.arthtone decor throuchout with custom w,.U covert,.. Bright and airy country kitchen plus family room and cuat.am patio. Offered at $154,900. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-70~. •a1xaY KNOUS alAUTY* ~joy the cbarm and stately grace of an era gone by, this 4 beck ~bath home ia for you, Lai-.e formal di.nine room with view ol be9utihllly landlcaped pounds. Guesthouae at rear of property. Offered at $239,600. 9032 Adami, H~ Be.ch. 5&6-'lOM. *LOCATION x 3 + POOi.I* Fq-. an idMl home for the lfOwlnc family eeeldng a prime Newport 9-ctl location WITH land ownenhip. Large llUMY rooms an4 family room owrlook a large pool set in a. low maintenance yard. Sellen offer their owa fln..-cin1 at 12~ and -..ve. reduced the price to under $JGO,OOO. 9032 Mmm, HunUncton. Beach. 55e-7~. • . . * WARR.FRONT flOMI PRIVATI UACH * Sensational 4 bedroom home smack on the water! Featuring &ench doon, fireplace, profemionally clecorat.ed and private SANDY BEACH. Only $249,000 and aeDer will QC1'Y AITD! 2670 Sen Micuel Drive, Newport Beedl. 759-1501 or 752-7373 . ...... *llM~ PINANCll• Available!! FabuJous nmn...l'.llOCK VISTA TOWMHOIO.. l'eaurine 3 br'a. fplc, .-met dinbtc ..... privMe oourtywcl Only $218,800. 2870 San ........ Dr., ~port BeEh. 751-1501OI'752-7373 . **INVUIO.I** ...,. builders and contucton!t Haft 2 &mils ..,.. -buiW another lat.er! DeYeJopinc Costa Mesa Area. Good fiNndns. $131..-2e70 Sm Mi- guel Dr., Newport BMch. 759-1501 or 752-7373 . *HARaO. YllW HOMI* SenaatJonal PORTOFINO model on exceptionally large lot on FEE land with 4 bedroQms, spa. fireplace. Only $349,000 with 10.97~ aa- sumable financing!! 2870 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. *12.9" INTIRIST* HARaOa YllW HOMI Immaculate MONACO model featuring 2br/den, frplc & spa!! Low interest financing available. $241,500. FEE. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. *TURnlROCK* $1,279 PIR MONTH is all you pay when you takeover existing 1st T.D. Spadoul 4 br ex- ecutive detached home. Featuring fnn1 clln, fmly nn & frplc. Only . $213,500 FEE. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach . 759-1501 or 752-7373. *WllTCllff* 12 '.4 FINANCING When you takeover existing loans on th.la EXECUTIVE HOME fea- turing 4 br 2 ~ ba's and pool. Only $339,900. 3670 San MJ«uel 759-1501 Of' 752-7373. *WAftRPRONY HOMI* PRIYATI alACH Sensational 4 br home smack on the water!! Featurinl trench doon, frplc, profeaionally decorated & private SANDY BEACH. Only $249,000 & 1eller will carry AITD! 2670 San MiP.el Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. *12~" FINANCING* available on brand new town home! Feasurtnc 2 awtr adta, encl'd garages & printe court yrd. Only tl 14,HO. 2t7t San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. *PANoaAMIC OCIAN aAY YllW* *Cl.IPf HAWN* Unbelievable VIEW from apedot.-3 tir home on extremely lu'l8 lot overlooldnc ~ Bay Cub & a.nnet. "50,000 nz wtth .,_t terms! 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport each. 758-1501 OI' '7Q.7173. ' I I . ' -, I I I I I . r I I I -· - 20 -Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising SUpplement to the DAILY PILOT/ Saturday, March 20, 1982 .. ,,..._ We have ~ fine t.yfront homes with boet docka. Call for information. " Ill llU 19\11 Fanwtic location. 4 bdrm. 3 bath up. 3 bdnn, 2 bath down. Fire~, 4 car pnge, sundeck. Priced at ~~.ooo _..,. .... 2 bdrm, 2 bath each unit. More than 1 parking space per unit. Prime Balboe Pen- insula area. Opportunity for cttative in- vestor. IEWNIT.a'T End unit Plan 2. lmmaculate split level 2 bdrm, 2th bath, dining room, 3 decks. Stepe to pool and tennis. Only $179,500. MUllYO The most beautiful view awai\a you in this 3 bdrm retreat decorated in the finest taste. Assumable loan at low interest. Priced at $270,000. um-3 bdrm, 2 bath, sing~ story Bonita on wide greenbelt. overlooking pool. New carpet, immaculate condition, 2 private patios. Good income property. Low price at $215,000. ..... 2 story, 5 bdrm 3 baths, romer lot. Bank offers new variable loan for 30 years. This homt neem TLC & save. $$$. Other terms available, call now. YI.LA llLIM .. _ Be the first to enjoy this 2 bdrm, 2 bath with den, family room, dining room, fire- place and large windows to add more light. Dramatic ocean and bay views. Security guard, pool and jacuzzi. wnm Charming small 3 bdrm family home or rental Investment. ~am ceilings, large used brick fireplace, huge yard w/alley ac- cess, quiet street. Owner very motivated. $147,500. , L911SU O\arming 2 story, 5 bdrm spacious home oo extra wide lol Large sunny & ll.llb patio for entertaining. A must to att. Call for appointment. ........ ,..., .. 3 b4rm, 2 bath WestclUf home. Cloeie to achoola, park and tennis. Room for expan- sion. Good financing at $185,500. 111--2 bdrm, 2 bath, largest 2 story unit, lovely beach retreat. Owner will consider trade. Priced low at $149,500. • f1IT If LM llU and you get 4 bdrm plus:\ car garage. bay, beach. tennia, oourta. yacht club and a lot of other amenities. Owner in Eut and will look at any reetenable offf'I'. ~.~.~ ...... J ~~~~.~.~ ........ ~.~.~ ...... ~,~.'!':~ ........ ~!.~.~ ....... j~!.~~···· .. ··2· ._,.. IOIJ•••r.. IOIJ 1002._,.. 1002....,... 1002.S1•rll I I e ••••• e e eee ............ • ••• e e • e e • et• e •••• I I I 11 tlll I I II I I e I I I .-1 I I I I e-1-e NIAi Ill I I I I I I I a I I I I I I I I._ •• ·~ I I. I I I I I .!.!.!.!.! 9..!, I I I I Ill ••• _. ........... llll 1 : . -. -I'/ lohO.W ..... BEST IN BLUFFS I 1i~:~~~E ~~~~·~k~tt:~~'. THE ILUffl -FEE LANO ONLY. Sll4 900 3Brdn.1499.SOO. Poputer 1 etory Linda PIM I Creal 1nanr1ni. lo" 67J.tOH We have a betutifuJ selection ot homes at this time. All floor plans. Good views, good fil\andna, tood buys. Some leue options. Some including land. Please let our experts show them to you. .. 1-1 2t11111ta ..... .... 2111 ""' ... ...., .... .... .., ...... .... OPEN SUNDAY 1_.. j dn pa>.·rmnt. lo" lnt.. 2M5 Vltte ..._..._,,. no qualJrying. no points -,\ dollhouse in a creat (Comef Yltq del Oro) loralion. Call Peg Bright & cheery 3 bdrm, 2 bath, air condi- tioned. security system, 2 patios, $275,000 Fee. Dameron. ut ~-NOO DAVIDS ON REALT Y Lcl\'ely 3 Bcfrm bome "ith "'et bar. marble Wl"VI GOT rTI · 1 RACHELLE AOIEAI. AL TR fireplace &i more. Owner 175-2311 TIAMSRlllD anxious to mo\'e. Only HELEN Bl DOWD to New York or Conner-$129.500. Call 979·5370. I llrut~ Call me tor hous· A IULYM9 • ••• •114 ing information. Phyllis ££$'P• TE ,__, • ...-. IAYVIEW · 1------M. Marr. 98 Elm Street I ....... ~.·111111~"-----------------1 Owner lea\'lng area ! AISOLUTI STEAL I Real F..alate. lnr. I REAL.TORI I Lido Isle comer lol w 2 ._ .... __ ... SISO,OOO 1203>966·3737 ---------------BR. home + separate 2 --1 I BR. unit o\·er garage. MOW $525,000 •••••••••• IRVINE $77 ,500 Completely refurbished. SPYGLASS XI.NT low interest loan Just right for the young executive getting started. Most inex pensive condo in Orangetree. Assume 10.6ti loan w/low down. 631-7370 Sllt.tERTIME I sm.IXX!. Open l·S Sa& " IY OWNER a MACNAB Sun. 790Vla LldoSoud. OWNER FINANCING 67J.t060 6br 411ba 41001q rt ~ 2$ Bodega Bay REALTY Call011Mr, 7S9·0737 ·-·---DAVIDSON REALTY Get ready for it with this affordable 4 Bdrm 2 Ba. C.M. home w/pooJ & spa, Alao has lrg add-on family room. Assume $98,500 loan. Full price $155,000. 631-7300 B.EGAMCE IS ~,~r!P~,t~ur· ~COHDlllOfit 8eaut1fuli)' Ian sraped and maintained 4 Bdrm ho~ Creal corner location w eJt1st1n{ RV •~ Owner wiTI H · si~t w fmancmg. Fu II UtllllTI •m1&1 man Picture this magnificent new custom home situated among rolling hills within an exclusive 24 hr. guarded gate com- munity. The best of tennis, pool and stable facilities for your enjoyment. Abeolutely the most beautiful oountry manor on 3 acres. 4 lg BR includes a rounded by spa<'ious ram rm" Fr doors. de· rorator fans. Oak plank entry. rountrykit. form . din area. 3 Bd 2 Ba. $137.500. l30K dwn. 11057 P&I Mo. Don't delay. i-------•I ' muter wing. Bouquet Canyon rock 1 accentuates the entry. exterior and 2 fplcs. 4 stall automatic barn, tack nn. nd riding arena emphasizes the catt In planning an area to satisfy the .erious or recreational hone-lover. Extenlive landscaping & lavish appointmenta in the prOC'el8 of being completed. Call Paula Gray to aee this cloae--in get.a- tall Diana today. Diana Pielenpol.Vol~ 559-NOO GARDEN PAii VILLAGE FAIRVIEW RD. & AVOCADO, COST A MESA. Two Md Three Bedroom Townhome1from1137,950 ~13~% 30-Year Fixed Rate Leans 109f, and 2096down* Aieumable /No prepayment penalty *'AYFIOMT• IOATSUP SHS,000 WOW! LOwest priced bayfront home ON BALBOA COVES. Large 4 bdrm. 3 bath. double fireplaee. ro,·ered patio plus much more! Wiii AITD or trade t or F..astblufr · Bayshorls or .,.,?!! . way. Priced at $1,150,000-855-4343 TOW. llDlll. TOW. a&mnorm. ....... ,,,.,. ......... •675-7060. LMVllAJaLY AllDI& Ot!loe Park 26001 PMeo de A.Ucla •106 lACUn& Hills, CA 9a6!S.'S ( 714) 866-4343 WI TAILOI "MAMCIH6 TO UCH IUYH'S MllDSt Dllm.~ ....... • ~an 1•,.,es.a spares • Wood bumina fireplace • Mkrowave oven • Duc..1ed ror emtral air • ~ty spa'~ area • 8ooia area/loft • Mirrored closets • Pict~ue courtyard • Enlosed lawldry erea In each unit • Completely t'arpe(td • l'rivate deck$' patios FneV...._ tor l"'o 12 ) In San franrlsro lnrludinl( transportation. l«'Orllmodaliom l SiO 00 t'Hh l\°lth ear h purchase •ur111• Grand Opening Mal'fh 206 21. .. m. Sf 4.IOO I 40l Frncll St. s ...... ....._~T......S. ... ,, .... 17141141~67' ., ...... ""'w ...... I YUM D)Nmk 2 l 3 bdnn l1oor plans for ... families. singles or partnership bll)'ttS (be to mtjor '"°"*'• ams' bln1ness dastri<'t Orange~ Rell Estate/An Adwrtteing Supptement to the DAILY PILOT/ Saturday, M•c:h 20, 1982 -21 &aw.. I002 js-r.I 1002 ..... sForW. HaiiMsfwWt HMttforWt tt.MsForWt . "-"ForWt ... HwesForWt ......•..••............ , ...................••.• ·~····················· •.••...••..•...•....•••...••...•.••••.•....•.• ~···•'-t··············· ••••!•••··············· t••···················· J I 4 J · IOOZ ...,... I 002 ...,... I 002 ._.. 1002 ..... ,....... I 007' .._P1ailM1 I 007 ~···~~~·~~·~·· ......................................................................... , .............................. !.,.•••············· II FUT M 'fll UY Private pier and float for large yacht Beautifully decorated bayfront home in Dover Shores. 4 bcfrms. plus den con- vertible to a 5th bdrm, fonnaJ bayside dlnlng rm., kitchen with separate eeting area. woruhop has outside access con- venient to the dock, large bayside terrace all in brick -big enough for a pool. Elepnt bayfront living. $985,000 LH. ---~ Choice location near shopping. Large WanJlin&ton built duplex with 3 bdrms. and 2 baths in EAC.H unit. Fireplaces, .epara&e ~beam ceilings, bit. ins, carpets and drapes. Terrific value at $319,000 -Owner will financ.'e'wtth 2<S down only 12 ~ ~ intereSt. SIHT-.U ~­Overlooking private community beach and the waves breaking on the shore In exclusive Cameo Shores. A lovely 4 bdrm. home beautifully maintained wit.b sliding glass panels opening onto th~ tropical garden and spacious oceanfront terrace. All the reatures you would ex- pect in a home or this quality includirw formal dining rm., den, refrigerated wine vault, workshop and much, much more. One Q( our area's most magruficent homes and an excellent investment at $2.900,000. tt44MWI Sharp Bluffs Condo overlooking the pool. 4 bdnns .. 3 baths. cheerful kitchen with separate eating area, large Uvina rm. opens onto patio. A great buy a' $299,500 L.H. with great terms -12~­ jpterest. 30 ~an fixed rate IOI down! 19LDIUUD Talk about value -here's a duplex In Corona del Mar priced at just $289,500! c~te 2 bdrm. cotiage clean and nicely decorated plua a 1 bdrm. apartment. Great lecation. 2 blocks from lhopping. Owner will finance with 25% down. 11111.• TEllS Owner will le&R ~ option, carry a 2nd or arry an A.I.T.D. to help you buy this amet. WestcUff condo conveniently lo- cated near shopping and transportation. 2 bdrms., private patio, lat floor. $129,- 500. FUlL Y LEASED INVESTMENTS INOOSTRtAL IUILD*G Hi&h visibility comer location. Concre tilt-up rolwtruction only 4 yean old and nicely maintained. Apx. 15,300 aq. ft. l~•Md to 4 tenant• all with C.P.I. o oompara~ adjustment&. Sl.133,000. A\·a=i~1Some distress situations. 7$)-9678 ;\gt PR~'1t51J&c7.·oN' On exriting nu home nr baf & O<'tan 4 8R. mi.tr suite " marble (pie. formal D.R .. serurll~ system. 3·rar garaJe NOY. ~.000! Open Sun $137,000 W•llingtoe ln Woodt= doors to adult pool It spa. lh1s 2 bed 2 bath is uiting for 50m!one to steal it at the kwoest pnre no~ naila · ble. Call Lois Miller 6.11-12'6 ~HOMES 2113 MllAMAl OPIH SAT/SUM ~-5 Rermdeled, decorated 3 bdrm. 3 bath, nmtr bdrm, ocean view, $425,000. · Owner will consider trade. ............... Lllltm .................. ~ .. Custom built by owner . .Beaut Country French 38', 3ba, dining nn, family nn, dbl paneled windows thru-out W-W cpt'g, encl upper patio, 2 frplcs, lge 2 car gar w-storage. See to appreciate. $750, 000. D4 VfDSON REALTY 1·5. 1511 Miramar I 67J-9NO ---'-"-"''"--- 1411 W. IAY OPIH SAT 1·5 West Bay bayfront. Slips for 2 boats. remodeled 3 bdrm. 3 bath $1,200,000. , , Oceanfront, jetty views. Marine rm. 4 bdrm. 3 bath. 3700 sq. rt. $1,385,000. ....... -fttL .. •·~ On the "Point": 2 yr old 4Br, 2~ ba, 3 beaut frplca. Sunny corner -next to Bay w-sml vu. $469,000 w-great assu- mable financing. Don't let that {>hone just I sit there! Put 1t to work· advertise in classified. 1 642·5678 -1 UDO ISLE HOMES 708 YIA UDO MOU SUM 1·5 Prime Lido Nord bayfront. 5 bdrm, 5 bath. tge L.R. 2 boat slips $1 ,500,000. STOP BY FOR OPEN HOUSE PREVIEW SAT 12-4 Refreshmenta Served. .....,..WLn ... Jiu.. DRASTICALLY REDUCED: French Mediterranean Vllla located atop Harbor Ridge VIE S encompassing Newport Harbor. Catalina, Mountains and city lights. Approximately 6500 sq. It. of total elegance & impeccable taste. You must-see this beautiful property to comp a1e.Seller's el(tre- mety motivated $2.700.000. NEW BA YFRONT: Most elegant and exquisite Bayfront Home on FEE LAND ON THE MARKET. Approxlma- 't.ety 53.75' on the water. DOCK with room for three boets. Totally custo· mized four bedroom executive home ol uncomprlslng luxury. $1,395,000. IAYCAEIT: Lovely four bedroom "Ivan Wells" bunt family home. Ap- proximately 2600 sq. ft. of quality construction throughout. Absolutely immaculate. Island kitchen empha· sizes great floor plan for entertaining. $335,000. PENINSULA POINT: Charming thlee bedroom cottage located on ideal corner lot. Unbelievable potentfal. Walk to beaches, harbor and parks. Superb existing financing and seller help flnanclna. LOW DOWN. $325,000. WE8TCUFF AREA: ~ightfut ttiree bed(oom family home located In one of Newports finest areas. Spectacular POOL and patios area. Price reflects true seller motivation. $249,000. UNDER MARKET: Fantastic three bedroom Mclain BIG CANYON townhome. Amenities plus. two tt.ory, wet bar, fireplace. Move.ff\ condlion- Seller out of area and needs fast ee- aow. $215,000. BACK BAY CUITOM: TERMS· TERMS-TEAMS· You won't believe this value in Newport Beach. Superb. immaculate three bedroom family · l'rome located on cuJ·CSe-sac 11reet. Unbelievable finaucing. GAEA T POOL and patio area. A. V. access. LOW DOWN $198,500. t1W44I ..... i I I I Remodeled 3 bdrm, 2 bath + large rec. rm., beam ceilings, $420,000. I.MA ISU IA YFIOMTS Lagoon· view from 6 bdrm, 5 bath, playroom, dark rm, den. $1,350,000! IAYSIDI COVE Spectacular bayfront view 4 bdrm, 4 bath, 2 boat slips . $1.900,000. 1m YISTASMSSIOM YllJO New French Normandy 4 bdrm, 4 bath, guest t.ou,,e, pool. $195,000. BILL GRUNDY. REALTOR ' ~ ;. 1 I• r, • • .i ~ 'i ' J t f.> ALOT FOi YllAll LIT~H L ....... Top location, steps to ~an. Get your plans and start driving nails. Priced right at $200.000 to sell quick. 10061 .......... 1004 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• TOOAY· ATTIACTIYt the opportunity to own a 2 STOIY 45' rot 2 story bearh +MODERN APT. lwse. nr bays. $385,ooo. w tbltn TOMOllO W. fabulous rm, Save $SS. dtveTol> -property to its RHUALTY fullest potent i al , , AUTTLE ThtS 3 Bdrm lamlly homr has espan4~ v. ith a 4UI Bdrm + lamUy no, Total bvlng space around 2,000 sq (t, Alot for allltlt price Sl23.000. High..usumable VA lst S1005 P&I mo, Don't de-lay. rail Diana today. CALL TO Sii 12131434-0tOI c~pltallzin1 on a Bal. Bia C)'nt 5Br,11 ,950,000 -llllliilililllllllil---• 1 view. ~.ooo. Owner o · Uiofs oa)'YU$575.000 ·-------I ferinl yesterday 's Diana Pleten 1. Volpe ~ I ... .f: ..... ~~I •• b .. 171-5111 C.to.CHdo1 LAntlJ n.dor ·~ cetlltdrol ulll•ti, ....... ldtc ...... Al ... Penin Pt 5 Br 5495.000 financln&. Duplex bo at dor k Trade~T.D's orpro· D.T ..... Astoe. g:i:' nr ocun Sll7.SOO ~'8 hi= r!::!e~:~ '444714 '75-7225 C. Mesa duplex Sl85,500 • ..... :Z ltttr C.... .. M• I 022 Wtrfrt dock ft.12 5499.500' • ........... •••••••••••• '7l-t060 -...-6iiii711itliJill-iilitilml_•!J AS MIN E CR EE K . D4V1DSON REALTY OCUMYllW Laree ~rnt. 2 rlteplacts. + 2 Bdrm over 1arage. Stell' to bearh. $395,000. Easy terms. guarded 11te communi· c.... ltt Hom t,y, w/tennis courts pool, Chiiriiiftg-4 bdrm,-3.... Spl 'rlbhH, ttilhtf UP· ba. 2 aty Doll Peterson 1Nded 2Br. den, formal home. breakfast room, din nri, 2 frplcs, pvt _pool flreplare, many xtrs &spa•aauna. $«5.000. ~000 222Co I 0 OPENSAT1StJNl1·2 ' · ra · pen 11 Sandbar ~n 1·5. Wkda Appl Owner /AgegU7Hi92 I 758· 1206 DUPLEX-BY OWNER ~~~!:.~~n. MUSTSEU! dard lot. Quaet end ot 1911 c.•·olftr Isle $295.000. Bkr.1 __ -=~,;::;m='""mc.=..·.z;.;9667=.:...._ 646.Q2!1S. IY OWMR BY OWNER Lee I bedroom rondo on "NEW" CdM CSTM Balboa Island. All rt k hardwood Ooor&. all lath BLT 2300 ~Q ri · ~ to ' plUler ronslruction. brh, 38r, 3 I~. rlrCUlar t00'1 copper plumbing. stairway. skybtes. grdn hu&e sundeck. gar11e w ID do w'. Ask 1 n & s.. of Hw' locolt. rr .. t ult J I.tr• sns.000.1 .. _. 2 I :.:2:!:~~o~.o'Ol •--'-''_1(J()_ on1 ! 411-411'/2 DtMo inrluded. Sl45.000 full I ··~EN 0.tl}• 1·8 prlre. Ov.•ner ~·i ll &l&IMariaold ruanceat ur;. MO·tlll ~ &eMSZl 617....,71 I W.mtt ,~ ... ""' .. : ........ ftutffer I H yn, T ..... , rt• 1 ••tlhd ,,. .. ,-Ttr- t roct JI .. 3 le .............. , · roo•. U4t,ltt. ' 14Jt Struo• Ttr- lstn...,,, Gnat A.a.em' ..._ISTATI 1111i chiirmiftj'"l:lftlt ""--of •Md -,lass Cos~ Me11 houH 111 wtlll 210 c9'1ret ,·ttw on tltKles range. m1ero. ad Glle1. a llr. z ba. .-1shfr. dl')'er ~lier• rou.trrlrH .. spa. will help • r1nanring ~.ooo. Bkr. M&-0295. •·Ith litllt . do• n Ca 11 z 11 Opiil. W llleM ----- Diana ror dtt11ls, c1-;.1. c • I IY OWMll Diana Pieten 1.\'°'pe -r:;;•T'f I m;fLEX . Priced to -118 es:Htl' quality· j tell~ Great '-'""· (Int clflipfd •. old lbr11• 1.eu IS80 , - •'Cirtd · arm Sohd oak m Pau111tt1a 4 Ir. C'ape Un. oak c1bintll. Old I-lb •UGO Opn ....... nn frpk. mlltt. Sll!I H ... f7>.~I ~.l•*6matrs~. ·-Giiii lbt. fam rm. torm1I dtn 0r:::l of\~~ '< :1~ l«i roof derk . Ill' •.ooo Wrttf to 1 P 0. •• 1804. Katliaa. l••lllli•iliiill•• Mina. Hault H7~ or t'ltlfOID·UIO 1 22 -Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/ Saturday, March 20, 1982 ~~M·5:*., ••••• ,.o··z·2·11·~l::~··,·, .. 2·; ~~~ ••••••• ~.~~ ••••••• ~.~.~ ••••••. ~.~~ •• : ••••• ~.~~ ••••.•. ,~.~.~"····· ------.. _._._ 1024 eost.Mtto 1024 ....._0ttltocll 1040.,.,.. 1044:a...-a.och 104' ~Fornt 1055 .... ~~~·~ .. ·~· .. ·1·:::;;.·t~r.;;~::·: ............ ~=~ .. ~ ....... ;:·::·:: ... ·.:;;:Jrw:t~;: ... s;s;·Sl'oa .. ·T:;~~r.i~~:: ..... ::~:~:· .. .. f)o-ont row ~In Ter-bnms. rarved ublntts 3 Bdr~me 2 'albs l Ir a. Olldo 2ba. frplr. detached DOWNI 13 I on high assumwble ISTAnS rare. O\·erloolunc Yacht New r~t. flelow ap· dbl garage in in A·i Pl . h t cw t bar homt. romm,facililtes I • I loans o .. 11er ,.,11 orr~ 4-Br.212 Ba Club on Bayside Dr praised \'llue. hne condllion: 1129.500. sto'!i'e r~i:· in~ercom' SlS4 ,900-IS'. d1'n I Take your ch~1re of 3rd P.an~amrc '.!74Sg Fl . Largest FEE lot documents Lo,.· d n Sl9.500down.Ownerwlll pis""Sl$90oo · 171419fi8.5430 ___ 1 1~ pnme lr\'lne pro , .. hrte..attt. 10'40 . & BETTERTHA:" BWtder unable to finish w 11120K Isl . F 1 P assist inrin1ncing ' ,... · · perties. A lo,·elx 4 Br. Catabna 1·1e" Wik to MODEL reno\'.ation 30 year $149.500. Ph 645 ·6266 .... ._._.,.._-...···tr 675-17 I ..W• · 2·Sl)' ho~ In an ex twn & bch. 48r. 38u HA5 E\'ERYTHl~C finanl•rog avaih1ble at ~r A(I. -r ,_,__.,"' • llllt1• I 042 ttutll'e neighborhood. 5499.000. 855-0517 Cul.<fe·sarstreet. 12.1,•,. Needs approx. -----541-7729 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Sl65.500 OPEN HOL'SE si.;N Sun le Saal II Club Sl50.000tofini.shprojel'l. s.n.t,MtHW... A btauliful 4 Bdr rondo AM-Om 495·106S 20 min. 10 So port Priced far below market ~nled 111 » qwet area. an fabulous Woodbridge Ce';ller for quir k s ale Very lhis 4 bedroom. 21 2 bath .... SUN 12 5 Sl29.500 WYFfMAMCIHG ro?IO.CXXl1''11h $160.000 large prorit potrnllal home hu bun ,re-BY OWNER. 4br. 2ba. I urU. , · Try U0.000 d" n on A 2 bdrm condo '4 llh at 12'2 fixed rate & full} All plans appru1·ed. Bkr 1111de!ed wnd 111tnl'trve-famijy rm. central patio I 1 ..... it:~ La either of these lo\ely room for outdoor enter amort11ed 7fi0.7292 lydet'onted. Features a 'bar\ patio Sl76M. ..., homes.Ask for Jan tarnrng Great 1n\Hl· Nopotntsorqualrf~rng bonus room. master 336Vista Baya 548-1392 Super 1P 4 r. 4 ba. [JI] nnt potenuat with 11s 770.0347 suite and co1y ra.mily I ~c11~~l~ner 511>·5 ~ "bodbrldte large assumable loan at Owner Agent COUHTIYIMGLISH ·room ~or reining. s.a•ttlYOW ... E• $117,500 1649000 Rtiky less than current rates 1-------· DPLX Crarkhn ic flreplHe -" " Ne11.•townhouse 1 · O..ner says su&mll all 4ar + 2sr.-1 ,·r nt•w keepsofflbet<hill'Seller MISAYUDE &S. 1 Do..tf-.llsRHlty 551-3000 I olfers.Sl311.SOO. ewportltoc• 10'9 $389.000 sSl·9i35. 109 ~J~ist 1210.000. Call ~ H... Sat "1·4 I 870.5232 amB1rr11u ""''·'"""' WALK • ••••••••••••••••••••••• Orrhid ~1"'"""1 4 Bdim;-poot spa. solar 2336 ... AH . , UMY•SITY PA.II( 1 .. to town and beach OCEAN \'IEW 4 HR . r~fl_IELL ~~oak.Xlntfrnta~-557-457' I 3 BR twnhn on green· ~e/~~~:~~~d.~ DOVER SHORES motivated. UU.000 LEASE OPTION ' you nn ae e ir.tltt 1044 bell. formal drorng 11 ammarulate and 14 Br. Dell. formal Din· Mfr onl> 11100 Sea J.n SIOK dwn, Sl.000 mo ~t:~~~:1~'r!'e~ Dm.PoW I 0261••••••••••••••••••••••• room. OWC . C opd pnred to sell. Futunnc ang Room. 2 Fireplaces. 644-~ 38r. 2Ba E . Side . 9157.1588 ••••••••••••••••••••••• pawlC terma.sno.exx>. skylltes trark lighting 3 rar garage+ large 673-2482 S48 5336 --. ----UD••ll) ISOIC I M (). and · 1 d nl g Hobby Room Pool med r~ .. , th+ lar IY Y'-1"' . . ' . -·. -By Owner two 2bdrm F'antasUcbuv.l)ana Pt. BUTTON qeA~rv room s~~e~ ~rre:s :x. ! lot. beaut. landsca~d. """" o e ufe!lt ~·a· u~ir...& VERDE ho~on 1 lot. Assuma -whitewater \•few. Owner 11 · t r· . I Owner will assist al ' I 0 n s i n c D M . ,...,.A ' ble 11 • lst T.D. owe •ft•iou' s Pn' ,,_ ... "'or fast ,._ ~ ~ In an(' Ing (inanring. Only $420.000. Re1\11¥1elffi and dt'rorlll· 4br12ba. fa m. rm. frpl. 2nd. Asiln& SIZS.00011.•ith -d '"" •• SPECIALI . . ' <>Pen Sat Sun 1-5 ed "''h qu11lily and old $_~_011.llt'r, 7~-07~9..-$25.000 do,.•n 20\h & saleortra e S279.000. • ~THIMD Robinson: Realtor 11.orld rharm Approx u ·,900T,j..11Dowa Pomona.640-7464 ~7CXX>_ 661·8237 41R~ll"' TURTUROCK Orean side. Walk lo 5 .... 56 ... 7 $900.000 auuma ble -...,.. ---03 A beach from thlS 2 bdrm ,.._ ____ ._ .. __ _ trnantrntt Offered al M8dlldou..e COLL.EGEPARK38R BToro I 2 I 0/0 GL~a...1 ()111.ll)ouro,.·napt Seller'"--------•1 'Kl\.""" and or 0,.ner Br.loo new-efiianl 2' BR 1 ba Sl27.500 Assume ••••••••••••••••••··~· DOW... '"" may trade for other • _,.,.,., 2 ba r I 2 ..... K 2 A I C " The generous use of ~HOUSE "111 t'OflSK1t•r ex1·han,:e ,, . Pc. ru ttar. "" at I • '" 'ar im-&Toro oityoll OWNER L E AV INC 11.oods and wallpapers Laguna Bearh propeny VI"""' Jennifer Sutho!Tlfl Ajlt 8>th bdrms are master ~d. 01'ner731·4214 $91 500 STATE! CUTS PRICE 111lke this 8 warm faml -$140,CXX> OWHEI DESPllATE COAST AL A R 1': A suites w'vaulted ell§. LARGE ASSUMABLE 2 bdrm. 2 ~a rondo. 6 FO R FAST SALE' ly home 4 bd rms. 2 ba l'liv•r SAT/SlJNt-5 =RTtf:S 675;687<1. ~~e:s s~~\1~a ~erT~~ LOAN. bl'llUI deror. months ne11.". High as· Northwood impeccably all surrounding an tn· '~\.~ ... , I Ba~1~:n~•:s~~~,L~off 12.s. 631.3405: 751.3297 E Side hme. 3 BR. ram sumable loan. By owner. maintained two year tenor garden atrium. A(....... Sant. f H I'd , e\'s rm. spat 4 rar sa.r . 2ll-t93·115t or768-4~-old. two story 1howcase Nicely landscaped ex-1· iaJ!o.soo 01 ay, ATTRA0 .. _:0TIYE Sl9'7.SOO Jarkre C1lhs. ,..... • ...._. 1034 home. 11tuated on. tenor. with ro,·ered ~~~usl ~a~r·J,1~! _... EXTl.ASHAIP ~}~,~·3350 _..., "HUGI: HUGE lot at patro Nice assumable 1 •"00"'.,..,_ Be:iutiful streel rn Oldt -••••••••••••••••••••••• eod oC ci.wet cut-de-sac" loan at low rate. Call for ....,.._°' .... home . pool. covered CdM. o .. ner·s unit MOMTICEUO 3llC°"DO/OPIM .. T A K E _ o v ER details 1316.500. patio. beauttfuttr. ,. bewm l'erlinic11 and TOWNHOUSE llAT 4 mites from ocean. UNHEARD OF FINAN 17141494-1177 lndscpd. cathedral cea · fireplaN• Lict· I 8drm 157 Yorktown Ln. off FOalCLO$Ull l Good assumable loan. CJNC" Isl T.D. approx 1ngs. oew luxurious ;ipt w fr p lr + it Fai"'·ie,., bet. Wilson & PrieeCf-l tOOOa below Low down. 18623 San r SIO,OOOD11/by0ltl' carpeting o .. ·ner barhelor Good lnt·ol'fl(' 1''air. ()pn Sat l S 3 Br 2 ma r k et 1 4 8 r M 8 r c 0 5 , E 0 f !l!,·500 pat1 12 2 3d ;T ~1 I.ease w opt(on lo buy financing at 12~ with Patrouround pool As· Ba. dbl J(a r. pool. Wimbledon · h as Brookhurst.So.ofEtlis. :p;:0~~~500~13,~.; purchase. 3Br, 21.,ba . isr; down. Motivated. sumable loan S31S.OOIJ l'lubhouse. Highly up -Ceatum calore. Choire Open Sa 1 Sun 12· s at 91Gl mo ... 15 YEAR dining rm. fam rm. 2 car leaving area. will sell icraded Auume at designer upgrades. Agent 963-3562 & FULLY AMORTIZED" gar. fncd yard. ocean quickly at $324.500. ln IUtLDAILILOT 1212r; or ne11.• IO'. al FAST SALE NEED ED~ 963-8678 Seller ,.111 rarry Jrd view. 45CXX>.497-1051 above mkt home at a South of h":t ,in Okll' 1312'.. Askrn11 Sl02.SOO. Assume loa.n take ad· --str1J"ht note & is open to New om \•u 4 Bdr. pool. below m,arkel pnce &t ''dM R I I Make offer Owner \'l:llla&e.ull646-7434 ............ 1040 ... te:nm 7~·1920,640-7814 bulld d~·lx <'~~ srn~~~ transferred.out orarea. CentlU')'211Cotd Star ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~~,f/kt i~Jl~ck''N'f 5l f:~'.T·.:;;;.~emple J '-'II •IL fllmlh Nt Sherman t1e:flt'dSh•traltr ... -I.ease"' option. SIMK. TRU L Y EXCEP · 't523CAMS~~-TVA Gard·'r\• T"rm ~. 646 .. '96 S6K dn. Part rent to T I hN AL 0 P Wld.to' L..ltt sz~1.~.J. ~ ' · • -....a.JLot purchast. 962 1227 & PORTUNITY AT A L.,..t.och 104' Panoramjc ~an ''lew PLACE 644-721 f IY OWHll Att..tloaW'4Mrt ~:~ ---BARGA IN OF JUST ••••••••••••••••••••••• lot in Laguna Beach PIOPllTllS• Super 4 Bdrm. 2b11. 2 NeWl)'"llerorated2Bdrm BEAC HW ALK . s Br me.~. UYIJHQtilE CallLeonefordetalls fl]lks. jaruur home. m home on SOX 12s· lot. Largest fir plan. P\·t OPEN HOUSE Business m other. T11.o Molseed & Rylee Ovlp Mesa del Mar Better Room to bui ld. ftrsl TD spa. 20', dn and OWC SAT SUN 1·4 homes. one lot. close rn. 714 640-2912 see thrs one quil'k $102.000 assumable at Askin« S200.000 Bkr &OPLYMOUTH Orean nextdoor.011.ner Nu ocea n\U 4 Br ~ .... ·~ ~~~ 14' •. Aak1n1t Sl37.SOO. HI~--Warner Carr. SS9·9400 fin IM o"'. Z-Rllr. s:J15.000.1533Tahrtr Opn 2 SU' suites.. autrful liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil ....._ an ::tnmnt-nt LO "' decor. Submit an\' price. • l;UI " r-• "''' u....1~1 ""nd , Ueredllh • a 494-6364 (9'7·~ UIL-A., .... ,<..c; ( ~ OHLY SI 2',500 stt. caU 1151 • "'""" w '" --. ~·".!:!i'-""-' ...... ---1031~ er ective rnt as· ledllcdTo Seti + AMAMCIMG + Gardtns. terraced PoOI. $5600 DOWN THIOLD At HM leoch sumable toan. 752·1920. Seller finam'inl(. 10.7'• 3 Br t·11ba. l..Oratt'd nr lge3BR.famrm.O•'ller GUY IAIE nus prireless lor 11.ilh ~'lJJ4. per annum. 15 )eor~. SA Country Club. W--1 ~·fin. Open Sun. 12·S. IUYS "SHE A fN~t-WH AT Orean \'lew 2 bdrm. I ba . '-'U .A.IL SlllOO or mo re per dn. fully a mo rti7.ed !~Jon Day. Tom. agt. WOODlllDGE • at Main Beach Walk to T A rronlh End unit: lar~e 2 finandnic ofrerect For 846·5215; 673·7771 ~E USED TO BE' bdrm. 21, bath, ramit.) h . 11 A"' CONDO And neither is this otde Beat'h, Village. shops. p• •·CE room Pool. tennis le p11 s owrn11 n "' J l 000 Mo 0... Btautiful up1n ded 3Br Dana Point duplex in ell' 494·93'78 or collect Ii.A 73l·M56 ' rm~2&a.goddloc. c.o.doend unltw/xtra lJ. early California design 71rl-7J2.98411 PIOflllTilS"' spa MESA Dll MAI HOUSE ~DUPkEX S36·3286 ' patio. "A Dollhouse . Unique 2 story archltec-Fantas\1r buy ' North IOCmtClr,C4M 3Br. pool home t\skrn« w ; d~n. 1 ,.1 eC ectl\·e DE L I G-H T FU L Call P ea Da meron tuttolhenymasonr)·A tnd 3 bd. 2 ba. lge lr1 . NEWPORT 0,..h·S $136.SOO. O•ner ,.,11 tnl. (approxt o .. ner l MEDITERRAN EAN wood sash wl ndo,..s frpl.brkfstarea +guest HElr-HTSVU U/ H ra~·" only 10' 1 do•·n. fmanclnl(. All 2 lktrm TOWNHOUS E for sale 2 !tature T11.o 2 bdrm un ~uarters. Walk to beach • {!)(JUlllO vfttJt n.. 5.u.8000 ~ner ocrupant •ould bi Bd 1 • 1ts .-HARDWOOD ssum• loa n Qu·n•r Beauufully decorated 4 • ~ner agt ...,. · " pa\' H71 P ITI mo . II rJN.1~uper c ean. FLOOR s. COVE D h ,.~ · " ~ Br homt 1''1th numerous ~ • W EXCELL.ENT SCHOOLS 752:1920 &t0-7814 vacant 13'2 ' flnanrln&. LATH E & PLASTER etp rnance. S269.000. amenities o .. ·ner will 6"7f>-8~4 S&HHOPOPSP'IKN'IG~ C4LObdSrFm: T. 02 ,. '-'I I .._IL ~;i.,~~:~11a!1~:~m:1~ WALLS • large sunny te..&£\llen Rltr. ~·7578,_ finance purr huu i t f"' ~·~ doVi ~-6516 CONDO ON LAKE kitchens. Exterior 1s in A steal' Sparltlitllt 3 bd. 2 I 10'; int _ror 5 yrs" 25r, *11.C...."'7.,C. ba. house on 4·plex lot Bl,·•CE -~ enl · Woodbrldae. A rbor need ot minor repair ba condo. frrl· beam d'<\11. Curt Herbens II. -• Sl58.SOO. Owner flnanl'· rli.A S.a..t Ow.ff LaH OrUI \'WW Super lcurrenth bein11 tended1 cell petio. e garaJe. Ul631-1211ia ini. PIOfllltllS'" 3 t>arm. 2 bat6i: dblt twms. 1229.000 1ssum1 tol But we belie,·e "1th poo1 clubhouse 011. ner eo. Mete I 024 Brolter 646-204_! -~ -aar. ftnred, ttttllent ~~ ... 55U5S9 a little paint ' t'lbo1' Cir!') lo;m. Sl59.000 Peg ...... ••••••••••••••••• rond SUM 000 120 000 grease. you'll ha\t "A Allen, JYt~~·T578 COLLEGEPK 3BR ,_..v.-., 1014 ,....,.._, 1034 dn. i.t pi.oOO. O~ner ••WHY 1£NJ1 fFj~EORRESNETOCFOLAOR~.u.~,-•-tlls IOIO Nr. 1JI a<"hoola. AAC. Gar ••••••••• .. ••••••••• .. • ••••••••••••••••• ........ 1l1' earl')' bal at 12•; • ...,.... .... ______ _ Dr Opnr. Nu Roqf. ()pen Sat & Sun 12·3 Super I Br In adult the 1011. oftertd pl'l~e or ••••••••••••••••••••••••• 183.000 In assumaht, 111.1111 Week da"• •·•· 19012 1 oriented Orangetre, e SI~ 500 FOR TFR~S IY OWMR STIAL ITI l'*'I. Submit dll. P•>'· =-••• . Pauline .1 11untin111on • Eeay1erm5. Call now CALL. ' · • 3 bdrm. 11'~ ba. air cond. Ont yr old 3 Bd 21, 81. No•lifyina. 1125.000 lllD Yll.1EY -Bfat'h 963 Wll j $78.500 Ml~lOS Rf;,\l,T\' fireplace. n~· c:arptt. f1m1h· rm homl' on Bal w ...... T _._ c --lu.i......... 985 s. c,t H11. ~·. l.1111un1 \ It' Vi' • u p I r :a d e d • I Pet1itisul1 One .. eek to Rnitaft -r14 ,f.·o 3 Community Pools, Grttnh.h, Play· * * YJ Ml. JO i Ir.I "9\Jl8 rldte (]J .. ,4, ... _A7 3 I Sl2'1.~. to11. do .. n 1 foredosure Call for de ground, da1e to 1e.hool, freshly painted, BUCHI. ~ IJ• ~~,-~ '1J ,-Y 8590147.552·1511 I tllls.1»·19211 .640-7814 l"'-OOWM new nrpetin1. well land~d y~rd. ..., _ 8u_\·thJ~~~~·•'"'I .,.,...... 10551 J ftUAIL .......... ~.._ Open on Sunday. It•' ,. .... ,,, Super 2 Bdr 4'oncfo · atit "'••u "'••.lt\hw I.> remodeled "Wo11<1~ ••-•• .. •••••••••••••• :;t••CE l{Jft'S im-Hewl A•llllMtl 1171,111 Cofnlfl poob. ''nn:ts ~tr ; Co\·e" hOme .. 1th to• , _.. f' r-.,_ Two ruatom ewporl Tr)•20", ctwn' Askln11 , .u.,IOPTIOH down payme nt _p lu' .....,, orest 38R. dtn. '~t:~~63 :~i!:.~ 1114·900 ! De~Ho me In So seller fin11ncln11 Thre~ aBA TfrN.b)o•nPr PIOl&Tm"' N(Jw,Nl),000. il-...!Wlf lrviM Xlra I" lot •llh b1edro1om. 3~ b:;thh. r.-·_,.110.~ --Of91="'4 IS..4 \'lew of greu btll It "iro 001n11vn1 'Art --u-1n mind but not LEAS£ OPTIO~ tut .... , parlt Optn Ho uu• ~at l>ftan llC'W P~~• ~ •hel r\ ~111 COii' tu*, ~B Oru1t •hi\ t U7 .83f.TAfM Sil -S.t Sun. 4942 Ra1ntrtt t ltUt n pt1on 11'1 llfOl>ably lus than \le1' l BR • den fl( " • " .__ or u ll J r m DI\ h •.ooo Cont art Dennr~ )'Olt th1nlt ~" e uA • imre info. call li'a ell '" ~. ,_ 75-1221 ~•,lfftt.41e-G9~ cal Mi5'71 ~ .. RE/Mt\< Orange County RMI Estate/An AdvertlllnQ Supptement to the DAILY PILOT/ Saturday. M.-dt 20, 1N2 -23 .....S For W. HoetNt For Wt ...._..For Wt Homet For Wt HollMt For Wt O....RHI ..... Ollllr'lHI llhltt OllerRHt ... .••...•................ ...•••................. ..••........•.•......• . ................................................................................................................. . ... ...,..... 106' .... .,.,...... 106' *,.,.,..... 106' .... .,.,. .. tci 106' ... .,.,. .. edl '°'' ...... .._. .,......., .__,,.,.,.., 2000 ~··••••••••••••~· ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• '-'"S. 1100 u.ltt Sile: I 100 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ SS 000 D~WH 3 UHfTS ~~~L,FF ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••" Dri'l:"e CoviaJlon 4-plex ' " ta''A O .. Ar 0101 on w·--o ... T ..... . ..... 8)' O,,."Oer, double wide CDM Oft.I choicer v loc Cood IS· ""' ·~ ACalrR " ""'1 u es an.... .. adlts. no ~u. new cpts. SW11 loaft .. owe. Great DOVER SHORES VmaillH !Br penthse PYTIO"TDO,.., dtoorated 3 Bdr. Ire of· .1-din IYOWMH Beautiful 3 Bdrm. 3 bath, extra wide lot on Galaxy Drive. Dinina room, family room, 2 car &&r•ce, patio. View of Back Bay, Fa- shion Ialand & mountains. POOL & SP A. $100,000 down. Owner will help finance. SSOOODOWH l.liSI OPTION Pi1iii38r in Npl Bch barkbl)'. wase option or-today for Sl70,000. Rae Rodaers. 631-1266 l1CCC--------: onH SAT /SUM I t4tst SH-ly Owllfl' I Remdlcf -36drm. 2ba . 1 ram rm " 2 frplcs S25S.OOO. 0"1ner will carry Sho,,., anytime 2298 Redlands Dr. BACK BAY AR EA 631·5007 631 -1851 Canal Front. Newport -·Cou-rt•es-y.to•B•r•k•rs-• Shores, 4 Br Oen _____ _ 12S.OOO down. Owner ,,. ill •"'SIOir:uTI "I. LOT carry Must sell! Make '"' V"• A ..1r ·-poo1 lk a.oaou•froltt "'er ...... nrs. · wa 40 x 202 ft Plans to date to brach. Agent 646 1044 m<'iuded Days 966•1333 I!'~~ or eH•s wknds 673-7161 DOVER SHORES Ask for. Bill Warm J_XEC. HOME mgt<NI roolr.1 . style ~ouortyral~~ks $6,000 DOWH! . Jacuru. ,.e "" \'en,;11llPs ~tudio Ptn• ~Y: Galax)' Dr F'orma I thouse rondo Take o\tr Dinina Rm. 2 frplri. h111h assumable lo:in at S73P.OOO(('f I II '•'• O-...ner v.·111 t'On _ 6'2·251~ 64§ -1848 • sider late model car as OPBUAT/SUH 11·6 d o-... n pa r m ., Art NeW"3 stor)"bearh house ra5t '" Only $89.00o Call Bay&Ot'ean views Jim A~l 979-5370 or l <ke.'.lnside Balboa Blvd 9597 1911 Court Ave nr l9Ch. li?S-2291 Of'848·3l33 _Amj>lej>ark1ng 1n rear llGCANYOH Gu:ardC'd t'Ommun1t) 8taut. 3 Br 21t b• home w1m1rrortd walls. lot.s o( marble. 3 car gar. ~LIXXI Call ~4·04~ Adult Mobile Purk on the IMMED. POSS. Lo\'ely llOme w 4 brlr. 212 ba. hv . fam rm. 2 frplrs. lge pool. ori g Finnish sauna & alarm Oiret'lly from ov. ner 129S.000. Open house Sat Sun 12-5. 2221 Fran· ris('O Drive tbet. Tuslln & Ir\ ine A'" I S~·3305. ABSOLUTE . bay;• 2 bdrm. 2 ba 146.000 I bdrm. den. I ba 9>.000 2 bdrm. Iba h1rn STEAL!I SU.GOU. 2 bdrm I ba • m.ooo Qoe" Sal . Sun 1 I stake my reput~ll!Jn oo PM to 5 PM. 300 E Coast lhe fACTthat lhlS lS the Hwy Unit No 113. BEST BUY in Ne,,.'port N~""'rt Beach 675.3347 Bearh If you are a I -:.::.r.: ----legitimate buyer-CALL Ut,000 I MEDIRECTLYand you CONO(F8alcony ocean will be Impressed. view, auarded gate. sub-GREAT BUY! OCEAN terraneoen p1rk in1. V\1.LRG48DR.PROF. elegant clubhouse & DECORATED. pool. spa gym. Mullan Realty & hke nu all for only 54().2980 asUor Lori S3'76.SOO. A trade ,,.,ill be ---t'Oft5idered. Yot. ,,.,on 't SIAVllW by OWHB I t>rlleve it until you see it '. $379.000. Rare Bar C all PATRI O K Harbor 38r tposs 4). TENORE Dl rertly 212ba+ram rm. 2rrp1cs. 631· 1266 or 760·8702 Guarded gate. tennis. pool. etc. 1126.000 as-sumable 10•,•, ls t. Ol''Mr may as11st v.' 2nd <;a!I~ 840-l2a'1 1 , R&"M~ Bll.DER IN TROlllE rondo. 125.000 below IP· A -fice1dm. Good Auuma· "'"" & A can si &. 10 Two 2 bdrm unit•. so. of lftlnl. Bkr'1t""313. praisal. Take over SISSS OHLY $525,000 ble loan. 12611.500. Will spare rent. 714-893-"77; PCH, corn er Io t . 2DELUXE4 PLEXES pmts. No qualifying. Low dowa. submit. 15 consider trade for 71'-'770-0IS9 single/story, divided by by Covington. Great as· SllS.000. Dorninlc 'ugl. sume GREAT loans. Newportcondo.645·7408 One of Irvine's nicest garaEes.assumablel0.7 sumabfe loa ns of Fast escrow needed ! k ... 60 dbl l;a 2 , .. T ( $100 000 " 631-0749, 752·1920 UOO'S FlNEST par s. ~x w ue. m o . . owner SZ00.000 ea. ~ to 2h mme 00 50• lot. 4 BR 3., b•. br12ba.SS1·8&40 will assist finance. fee. down. Pfin only. Agt. CUSTOM Baycrest Home lmma" S2"" 000 521 ~ ,_. for sale by owner, 4Br. Ml •vtro.t Ha. A-ench doors lead to lge Dix Royal Lancer tnple. · '• '"'· · -=--=-'-='-------+ den. 3,,ea.. pool " SI.2'-GcXf Easy ·terms! So. patio. Traditional top H.B. adult partc. By Carnation Ave .. CdM . "l:UdoVUlaaeDuplex spa. all cabinets sohd SO f\ dock. feuimple oak floors. great for eo· owner, 968-0626 c.au 173.oau. 675·5142 3 bdrms, 2 full baths walnut. $450.000. Owner l-52H980 tertaioiaa. 400' to lOxSO Fitwood. ideal for e.-rr.,.tty 2000 each. Nr beach. Owner ,,.,11 financeS48·S79S --------cl u bh o us e bea c h . l't'tirement, Hemet, Ca .......... •••••••••••••• willrmance. 998·5868 $735,000. Own rl I gt. Sllrl mo. inc. incl ulil. 6 UNITS-HUNTINqTON •• , .... o~--" •WATllFIOHT• FmhnHcHo.. 67>7298.0penSun l·S ea rt ·· I 1-BCH·7yrsnew,pndeof .... ,.._....., Ong Model of Baycrest 133 VIA UNDIN E . rpo .. enc pa 10· h. 3B 5-2B ....,. 2400 45' 1>oats'l1~~m. 3ba. Move in condo. 2 fplcs. lg fW'll & cln. S8500 Firm. ~e::io1powc + w 12oci ...................... . remodeled like new . family rec rm . Beau S.C.._.te 1076 ~ dwn' Prln ool)' Bkr Park City Utah condo. $575.000 Tr3de part or Pool.Excellentrln. •110 001111111111••11 c.•i.trl.ob/ 536-0lzl . . Owner looking ror equity. Open House. OpenhouseSat&Sun I OPIN SU.M 1°5 Ctypti 1500 TRI pmner. $8000 up front. Sat Sun. t2-5. 1.9 Balboa 1.__ca_U•Aligt•l3-1·.0680--Gooiffmant'tnl Ocean 11001111111•1101111•111 COSTA •tESA 0 · Vi ol /mo.642·0671 Co •n ,,/\A4 1• view 3 Br 21, ba. 4 "· lots H bo PLEX·Sl89.500. wner ves .... .,....,. · SI32.s00 3807 Calle La u::metery P · ar r motivated. ff.as owner's n.. sai..~i.t..-.• WTlluFf .....,_UST.u'_.,1,I n .. ;ft._ Lawn Memonal Park. unit Bkr 536-0123 O'we-, 2450 ,_..... ""'W'l "(WJIWI. I C.M. S2500. 957-8187 . .. • 11 5/r/o 30 yr hd rt. Hlrt»or-View Hwa Tlf'nll Realty ..,_-:rel.... LA~~ HACH •0·~··::.::~·.·~··••••••• By °"1\er. Asslime loan. Charming 2 o·r -3.liR ~ • Co • 1· 1• its - 4BR. ok lden. 3Ba. 3 Monaco. lo excellent Propert, 1600 9.amtl~sma~ss ... o":Oer ~ artneu in ! patios S23S.OOO. 20'{( dn. Phase 2 location. Lo\•el>• OCEAN YllW 111111••••1111•••••••••• fin Asklng ssso 000 By bdrm. 2 ba w /water E z I e r ms 0 n b a I. larr yard with trees 2bdrm. 3ba concfo. fr~c ·I rALM DESERT 0-. 645-3477 • • view. 13~ fixed loan. for 644·1SQ6.~4-8_126_ an privacy 1225.000 wetbar. $198,500. X· SHOPPlNG CENTER U TINGTON BCH 3'yn. By owner. tJi Joan Akerman tensive rec re at 1on 34 ooo sq f\ rentable 7 1, ff N •10&S Harbor Ridge. sharp con ,.·-tal An r facilities. secunt> park· acres Out or tow.n TRl-PLEX·all 2Br, h\•y ,.._,,. _.r__.. do w view. Try l()', dn -a •rop ms. stairway to beat'h, owner. Sl.800.000Terms. shake roofs , twnhse ,.,_.,. ~1 or lse opt. S425.000 '75=61ZQ, 61$.illl_ r!'ildren welcome Opp. m o 846_3278. 12131 style. $192,500. 20'< down ,. .. ,., 2550 Patril'k Tenore, agt --------t y for summer & wint~r 553-!1552 OWC. Bltr 536·0123 111e101111H••••••••••• 631 12116 ILUFFS IARGAIH rental 60, day commit· Walk to beach. beaut1ru1 SHOfrMI C..,_ OCEA.'11 \'U END UNIT 3 Bdrm. 2,2 ba. rrpk 11Tnt.9 2S •on Isl T D tri·plex, 2·2 Br t-3 Br. JUlt o( llWy 711ii Vilta Pnme toe 2 Br Tri lvl Only $l72,000. Le3se opt OfffC[ BLOG Patio, frplc $499.000. $275.000 will band le. N/~~:t~~!:9~ P>SS-~~~tlO lEtil QN THE WATER ~rH~~~~6~::;:4nce .• :=,::.. 3br 2ba 2 blks bearh 5000 sq ft + 60' boat I UMITS ~ 270Cl s1~~s!'t·ti~2;2 ~1n >', --~~PG;xa~~:'~~~:~:~:\j ~~Ji«:~~~P:;~~:~~ ··.-;;~;;·~:.;·· 41127 Bru.:e Crescent §Cllta .Aea 1 OIO Merrell, Owner/BkT~ 8,200 deeded acres . tlido_Sandsl _64_S 11841 SUrEl 12.000 BLM. Reservoir NO DOWN OR OAK! OU! ~YlewH._1 f'lrie-st c usto mized Palermo. OAK rtoors. moldings. cabinetry. bay windows. French doors 4Br 21, ba .. pool. ()ptn SUnday 11·3 1985 Port Claridge. J ohn Shea. Bltr. 95S-34.S4 NEWPOIT COHDO f>restfgious area . guarded fates & pa rtla I ocean view. Upgraded 2 Br. 2 Ba . e1C'gant clubhouse & rec. rac:allliea. Motl\'ated OwMr may help with tlnandng. Sl94.500. Call Sand i Alexander Realtor 673-2'749 NEWPORT HGTS ....................... streams, •s min from SSOOODOWH TAXSHElTH world famo us suo '160,000 1 EH _. ~ FOllNYESTOl! Valley. Tonl Lash, Ram Two Tiouses on I lot ~E Or 1 IO San Clemente pride of Real Estate, Box 509. w'&ood income andh1gh 3)Tnew.beaut.3l rm owners hip. Modern limValley,ldaho 833$3 assumable loans Sub· + ramily rm home Sparush style, four unit (2'll) 7a.0122 mit on down Curt lmmed orcupancy apartment house with HetberU II a 631-l r-.1eoe neitborhood. Call OCUll>hllls & 1011 course now. u s an Han .C-_..--.. -,.-.. -/T-o_w_•_· view, close to ever. ha.est. Mlit I 7t0 >'lhina. only three yurt ....................... old, sliows like new. will Condos 1 11 A sell with excellent pee 1 st. ssume fimann1'ng. or trade equi-v.A. loan with $2S.000 ' HOT TUI do A ... 968 2297 ty for residential ocean wn. "'· · · view lot or home . or l"lspedoc...,.Ylew otllerlHllEshlh 2 or 3br. low down. nr commercial property. Th6t + ocean. moun· •1111••••11••••••••11• ocnn in F.V Lg bonus PRINCIPALS ONLY !~ ta ins and night lights ...a. Ho.ti rm. eot Bob M3.sa78 Ca 11 owne r (7 l4 > and an Eastblurf 3Br. ,_.S. 1100 .,_..Qt}. 6'2-01.38. 2ba 211 ba. Varant and ....................... lAlltl ~ I 10 fl/J ilSUMAILI! rtad>'-? bcJrm. 1 bath. ne w ••••••• .. ••••••••••••• IDEAL tAX sHEt"'T°tR. $275000 carpet & drapes. UKENEWQUALJTY H(lUSTEi WICH Just North of Santa Barbara. La st beach ranch left. 100 acre pemil from $270,000 to S,WO,OIO. I I.\ miles of pd • beach with n · eel lkldnt IJld surli111. Smaller Interest in partnership also avail Call Daniel Johnson. Sundance. 805·963-8773 and -.2111 hm. ' Beaullrut adult park. 2ST°"T OUrLU Well kept TriPlex near l!llJ ........ lowspacerent.6'6·8612 en.a~ S.C.Plaza.Prlcedbelow ti •WN 01 Newport Beach De Anza 4 bcfrliis~·Z'ba lnupper. 2 com119r1bles at SZ.47.500. bay front Parlt. M Int bdrm lower. 2 fplcs. Owner wlll urry ?nd. TalM cond. '78 dbl wide. Some ocean ''1ew. Save yourselr com lallK ••• fireplace. brick patio. Owner carry T.D. of mis.s)on. poirtU • tii&h P I o t )Ir c' q_u e •t.OOO '63 double wide, l220;000at 13'k. interest. Ope11 THURS. PALI.BROOK RANCH. COl'l'W!I' lot a&.000 Bill Mrw Price SlH ,SOO t.hnl SUN. 8l7 JennUer 1S lt'rft, lovely home Grundy675-616t. ~ H. T-rlf!' Co. Lane. C.M. By Owner w\th 4500 n. + Tenn.is Pen~A~~~h. no Mobile Home. dbl wide. Re 644·4910 546-1S75. ~ ~li~~egr t~~~e sidewalk. See and m3 ke S172 mo. space rent. Sale by Owner. Corona IMVESTOlS in Orange Co. Full price ofr adlts prtf, sm pet OK. del Mar Duplex. corner 4 units in CO.ta Mua, 3 · .:.. quiet H.B. corner lot. lot. 11.lnt In come . BR owners unit. take S9H.OOO Weekends _ _.. ... o fi · A 4 645·5000 ext 110 or IATFIOMTCOMDO ~1::. or ucst. ,,.ner UU,000. 140·6115. over inanc1n&. pprolt 644·Ull . wkdays Best 270 deg v .. w Boat ."' _.. , . -=644~·2m='-------{ars1~1·,~·~~ As~ ~o~ .... l'l1-=.;·1-400 __ or .... "4='-""'·95=13=--- slip.sec. bld1. Sm.ooo. ~~!:a" Hi Mi .._,..,.tty 2000 UNIQUE HOMES. lS acre farm Mir Vis· 67Mf76 '7J4ill 567·~· ....................... ,...:::;:.==-----alia. homt equip . • water. Sll0.000 owe. :......~-==~---=211~~=53Ml!~~.4~·---.. -..;:::::::::;~ ........ LIASI VllW-VllW •UCITIN" * OILIASIOPTIOM Newport Beach 3 BR. g Unable to finish. Muai aeU, M compk!· ted 4Br, 3& c:uatom home, 2 frpb. open beemed. cetllnc. jlllt rect\ad to $420,000. F..astblutrf &r." 2 Ba. 21, ba condo. Formal I Famll)' room . Dinln1 dlning room. pluJ 11\'ing With ~"eft~= (urn. I' room. frplt', renced room with rireplace. 3'x64 Gmnbrler Home yard. Partl)' furn if de· Large tOX211 balcony in, • .,,,.1 Hilla nicest 5 I •1h11 HM • •••••••••••••••••••••• Newport Boch CdM . apeetuular view of 81lbo1 laland 6 PtNnaul1 ~ Blth. 2 fplc + dtft + PoOI roocn. est. nmoder. 11• holfte . Tradf for In~ prop,. 1111111 homit or coodo. ~ Pb' I l40.4ttl 142-1414 ........ u.. ~·NEWPORT HORIZONS REALTY sired S2$0.000 290 I ,,.. OC"ean \'it"' 1215.000 ""•-· 1 Catalpa. 7»l2ll • park. Youns adlts 1 OfltUUt!J~l CUSTOM MIWPOIT •'flcome. ' V•SAILLIS PrwltT..,.H.. Bltl~::o;::r:t\m. t t Br. l>enthou.ae. aduh 381t family rOdm. dtn, 28r. 2Ba. Thi• is the best 1 bid&. auardtd 11att. fonnal dining rnom •nd b\i)'lnt<>wn. ! ~·m.~Uia~a,clo&tto breakfast nook I -... ._._.,. • I OrptllM. Frmch 6oor1 ---eac: • o pp "I· and ~indo,..1 thruout MOll.IHOMI 0.'ntf ma) htlp •Ith t1ftanriN. Price rfd~td Prited to sell PIS.000 SALIS to SlOIJOo. for detaila Af.. 21WH.aiilor~S-t•~ ull Sandi A ltuncltr i--•'•l•l ·lilHii6ill!--14Nt J7 ~lorftJ_ZT49_.__ 19-mlli-lllilillilil-- WATERFRONT HOMES. INC R£M lSlATr ., tt. .. ., .. , .-..,\~-.. \l~ -,, I· s n ::;: = WLS ===az 24 -Orange County AMI Eatlte/All Achwtlling SuppWnent to the DAILY PILOT/ Saturday, Mlrd\ 20, 1982 ~~.~~ ...... 1~.!.! ... !.~ .... ~.~:! .. ~£.~ .... ~.~~~!~~ .... ~.~'!~~ .... ~.~!!:!.!.:.~ .... ~.~:!:!.!~:~~ ..... '! .. ~~.~~~ .. ...,.... 1 c..w...-u14c.e.MeN UJ4* •-·••no....-....., uu .._. JJ6f S•ete•• uu"9 ,,,..._. JUt llc• 11 '' 21M ...... ••••••••••--•••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •• ... •••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ... ~··•••••••••••.··~·· ....................... • o.41 Of Beaut. 3 BR. 21-2 ba. 1 yr new 3bdrm 2ba, ~'\ oomna. Sea Terrace. •11 ... , ' Cl!I n IH Exch Honolulu 2 BR TMltMCIYNW twnhse, fplr. pool. etc. r111tc. detached borne, Pll!l J . 4 BR. 2 Ba . ram ....., IA 4 BR 12 ,.~ frp I , Marinacondo for lit TD R !lit Ui Cotta Ill 5 's 1115 mo. S41·U28 comm. farilities tpool. rm .. Comm pool, Jae.. 1 Br. Excellent v ew. wash/dry. Frig, incl P'1 or? 115M eq. Bal 172111 at tn S : 'u ~.....i...clubbouse>. 1175. tennia, walk to pvt l>ch. 11000/mo Ta kt ovtrf )'d. Bdl + clbhse No ToW91Miint VILL. AGE So Cst Plau. Family 1-.L...... JU .. 1H·aM200: 175-6892; 0 111'1 PP7l•""'·7070 NEWE T aue l.oYtlY3bdrmbouseneu lll4>•S430. No pets. 1 yr lse leue. IU -9513 orl Pf\S.1f751mo.••11 TIAHOI. Sill COMMUNITY. 2 It 3 Br. rm, diaiftt rm. bU i11s . ..--4 "'"' l e . S........ lZI• Sacramento · lln~nce 2~181 . .-1•sq. "·of uW l'lll, 2 ba. trpc. z car •••••• .. •••••••••• .. •• 1 br Ver11Ules coado. ·-•••••••••• .. •••••• 1•1111 for Sout h Ce as t pure h1nry. Gara1es. gar. Covered p1t10. ~.new 3 br. 3 ba. Mt ,,,..._. JJH NpJy up&raded. great Cider J br, I ba Ocua Reude 4 bd 1 ba llyhtdl I• mister Prdener. lNlllY extras ~>far. Park~ ........................ ameoties. MOO Hurn. v•. 1150/mo 30831 NO LEASE REvu1RE O rorina'rciinin~oom : Hite, dla l•f. roem1. ~M6-080511Si.2474 _,_lf.Umo.W ·__l_ ~YllWL~I avfil.>'31'9741.7~112$ M Dr.840-1441 redwood exterior. swim· Wl9dllwain& 1repl1ttt. 2 Br frpl" bit 111 5 Tu.rtlerock 3bdrm. 2ba, flJinafll: F. ., .. 1 UMtrmartietcon4'o C:i ,1 • • 1 nWt& pool, prlvite aft4 micro-wave ovens. · '~ · • lblodl oark/PC>Ol. 1875. dty + oetan vu. uara •C...VOlt • •· • • ' pul11hr schools~! e. friv* patiol 6 yerds. retriae. •M r /dryer, l!tftlas'l.944·~. ate. Pool + tenn1S. °" i.h-igreen,'f tidrm, 2 Ua .. ::daluf >4JS ~er Coron• d ar, Ger••tr 'rovl•ed .. Al gar .. &ar4ner. near N oll •-I 'IOI/mo. lob or Dovie ... _ ~.Pool. t I ••••••••••••••••••••••• Newport, Dani Point or ~ant living only 15 Plft. nice area. No pets. RJctto ~"!oaqC. 2 a ·1221 -~spa, tan '· IAnllUff ..... ~one and IWO b9dl'oom .,.,,. menra. ""'MIMED _, UWURNlltiED. Laguna 1275.000 . miAllln Crom Fasllloa .MS-3'83. br. den. 2 ba condo. Sl5. ev.957·3041 3bdnri,l"2ol.fr]>c.S975 91&-41'1--032I lalaad. 7 miftutes to S.C. BR. No. Costa Mesa E /p!>. 9*1120 Westcliff area <'Olldo. l~e !JI!· §40.¥ Oab•ood also offers Plua or 0 .C.Alrport. home, cul de sec strttt. ORANGE TREE PATIO 2 1,_!A, ~FIO+ 1MTrms, 2 ~· r~.:. 2 bit.' .ew r. LEASE/OPTION exec •All U1111e1e1 hid T~~~~~R D TO SELL S.F R 's/coa· doafTD's for 5 ACRES PALM DESERT. Ready to build-or hold for in· Vest!!_ll'nl. 714.67).2291) ..... J111t east of Newport nopets.$llOOmo.S4S.7506 hon 3bdrm 2ba A/C ..,."" bdr """"i/l"'• pa10, poo . condo.NB.Orun libay •1Mm1111At 81vd. • so. of San Dlqo Buu w /D • llr dr oprir no ~ Ji!~ e ~j~: ~~d S7®. 4067 I \'ie'I''. 1 BR + den. ror ()oQ. I ICW motrwyn•i.. St!i;m&,· .u!! ll00247; 2 BR I Bl duplex. new pets.' r,so: mo. Firit "I sliD. $3000 per mo. Avail. 3 bdrm. 4 baths. 3 car rmre info rall 613-48'9 •u-.ontn U1. ... ,,....... Wit A pts ts last. Wllll 1 yr Jae plus aarace. Unobstructable I tvS "-arullD ~~ee Ave., Costa ~ + ~. 1t.:~::er: 115Cidtp.s.52-4lff , 1' ~~~i:A.mo. -""-2~8-R_N_R_SC_P_L_A_Z_A_ And Much More' · S..3414 , Rancho San Joaquin 2 Br "'--rt HU C t 28 Adult_ condos. Tr~es , c 11 Eastside 3 Br. 2 Ba. den. 2 ba. vLew or golf '""-""' u e r, POOi. JIC. SS&5 gas lOCI ... or I moncti °'I • &-mo1mo . tst. last It sec. QUlETSINGLE S39S couru ' night lites. I 2ba ~taeed Lg yard. $56.tQ.6, 775-2519 ~ ~ooen~ d-it Cell: 541-43118 Utlls pd, I Br 960-3989 Avail Apr. I . ...,Simo. Av11I 1mme . 17501mo Qwn to~ No ~..-.,.... Eide N Do ..,, 7 45 Nr. So. Cst Plaz.1, new dlx ~. ....................... lft.5 ,,,,_ n. o gs. 675-771§ Condo. PENTRIDGE1 ...._.. ,........ SpK. 2br. 2•2 ,a, bit-ins, 2 Br. encl rard, pets/kids So. Irvine new. 2 Br 2 Ba. Can.al Front. Newport ~nit caller ~ts tills COVE, 2Br. 2Ba( frplc,I ....................... JIC. pool, quiet area. ok. Avai now. 2:223 A bldtW~!JOOI Ii spa Shores. 4 Br +. Lease or _. ~Xa. OW S62S W D . I e v e o r s . Cerw .. W. JIU Bllr.67S-49U. Pomona. $550 /mo 187}.~~ c· tobuy. SUOO,mo. · LS 750·3314 microwave . 2 c ar ••••••••••• ---~..,.....,.. 11, pool, wal to • Br. 3 Ba. home n"ar "•rage w/opnr. pool, •••••••••••• l.Dvely Mesa Vttdtt 3 BR _._. ---The Lakes: Lovely 2 Br h "o k B 2 ' jacuu.i ~mo + S600 Derorator's Big Canyon ram rm. 2 ba. S800 mo. unL PD UOO MO Townhouse. many U · beac . A&enl 646·1044 or a~ l'IV). ~:311.t story sec dep. 7Sl·914i dys or Twnhome. 2 br.l 2f ba. Kids1pets 11e1. Julie. 2 BR 1 Ba. lge fenced traslncld.pool.spa.ten· !213)431-4506evts. formal DR. comp un1. .546-23U -y1 rd I cb1ld OK . DIS. No ts. ~Imo. ll&CANYON LSI N..,!,,.~J!..?_!2' BrC. 2r,.eBsat. tsatwmhar.rWIMcl IJ175.Bkr_,64S·~ .,.,,_.,. E Cl 8 ,,. .. 9161or ..... 3191 21rlf Mc.Lain COn~o. •vwrv""""" • T D..roiilt 112• r.n.->i.:>ID un 1 r ....,. ....,. --WoodbridgeLakeview. $1125 rmo.ClllGerry with tennis. ~I. s pa. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~16tage. ~f7l~ro sngl. 3 bdrm. 2 be• qualildy 3 Br. 2•2 Ba. ram rm. 67~ 61or760-StOO~. 64 ·3850 o r .... I._. l706 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Olkwood G.dlft~ ~8eech/No. 880 lrvtne (II 1elll) (714)M-11CM Newport IMc:h/So. 1700 16tl\ SI (OoYer at 16th} (714) '42-5113 Lux 3Br. 3Ba. ocn view, pool, lftlnis. s pa. $1200 l!l>-~·6891 . ~93-8812 c +sec_ . ..,_._~--_ home. 287 rent woo frpk, wet bar• 1~c. cov· -· ••••••••••••••••••••••• .,... h _,..or offer Will sell no --'-' " r d tt.4Nw lw.. U... Su Loe 1 E Ba..Aront: 2Br lba. avail -ec. 4 Br cwitom ome. _.., · ~ pa .. o. renc oors 4Br-36a;rrmlllfolng.-f/r. l,)er at on, xec. s 41f lO 8 ll. l300 wk orl 3 ·rrplc, private street. l!l)DeY down, trade~ for to large sun deck. 11050. study. beaut. dee, lge ~R Weslcliff. 11500 mo *"7S/mo . 673.8121 or,._ ______ ~ Rent or luse option. TDs, mo¥::,r: or . No~ 752.2550 decks. rib. view pvt UICI gard. ~S3SS filHqoo. i..,-1toc11 ] 141 ....................... 3 br. Z ba. whitfwaler view home. frplr, Apr. 1, ~/ITI) J?'·~ S8001mo. 180516$4·0322. ---LEASEtOPTlON auarded gate pooltten· 2Bdw/bayviewlipool11 -=..:.:<-:..:::=.:..-----Versailles-Newport 1714lt97 HOO ask for SANTA ANA HTS. 38r, forJyr. Woodbridgecot· nis l2900/mo' A&t Bob pvt club on P.C.H. Only CodeW... 1724 Beach fully furnished Pat. famrm.rrplc, $600, tage.Goodterma.Great · ·e · .· 1 11800/mo . Patrick .. ••••••••••••••••••••• Jrlbdrm.SSOO~mo. PITSKIDSOI lst/laat + 1200 dep. buY-S30i* Bluffs 3 Br. 2 B~-~OZ.Act Cil&DIOIO CaUllorriaMt-l Wesuidt z 8r. I Ba. F\.lllerRealtyS46--0ll4 ~~r~ Townhouse, 2 ca.r UDO ISU AU.lJtflltlESPAID Bacbelorn!pt .. ntmo.~16. 2 BR 2 Ba <'Oftdo. near Twboon rne • 2r /2ba garage w/opener. Avail Immaculate 3 bdrm. f ~ki· .._..U.hwllillllct4 WtstcliH. 1650 mo. t us room. story, Ma 1st. 1900/mo. dtn.lamllyroom,dining Compare be ore ~ou · · ... •••••••••••••••••••• Brand new dlx condo for Dav 146-3291 £treplact. New c pts1 6'2· room. lllOO mo. rent. Custom des1&.n s.lt...... 3716 ~ l20J rt'nl. 2 master BR 's, 2•, 0000 b drol. Nr pools/ schools Buutifully upgraded 3 feetures: Pool, BBQ. •••-•••••••••••••••••• ba. fpk. back fncd yd. 2 D~AL.lgJbr.2 • *MS927 • llr 11 Ba COriClo r I cov'rd 1araae. sur· Laguna Beach beaut. ~·.·:·,·•H•:::1·.·· c~ar ~ J:•~('(Jaaptp~!2 OC.~:lr1~~14 3Br delaclled home .in patio: electric ia~:e rounde with plush tum .. swte 2 BR. spa, .-in "' ""' ,.,_1 ....;,. ... .....,,01 ,,.. t · --Culverdale. entry kit, opener, pooll..park. landscaping.Nopets. sauna. satellite TV, East Santa Ana Heights ..... =;..::--=..;=..=.c _•.rP · ~ ..._.. V., J2J4 1tep1 to pool. tennis. =l, aauna. t12$/mo. 1 Br. fum Crom t: 1n1id str•. $300 wit 1/:~~~; S:. t~tlrre~ $42$ mo. zBr. 1B1• no .......... ••••••••••••• patll.1chl. dbl gar, S800 I · mm1. f:'v/.W11$9f!. '§42.iru m.-mz · & dogs. 645 Victoria. 14. Ot!Wlt Tiberon Con~ mo. -U~ Exet. 4 Br, 3 Ba. fpl. ~~~~«~~:.,i:,.rr::i(I. ~-9124 _ __ 3br. 2 ba. ram. rm. f685. 'l'ultJel"()('k 3 Br 2 Ba . ram dshwaher, ntw decor N'ice 1 Br. dplx. QOiet. ... lwllh Sl225 /mo . 549·7962, Executive living New V~Jj343119693 rm. Uv rm. 2 ur gar. frdnr . Westc11d!!:::::::= ~uitb6v~a~.1N~m~r~\..,.•*d ~er Ai!'!!.· Orleans Condo t..irge --.:._~· -Avail. 411 $900/mo. l ,21S >mo. 646·7250. . .1021 • ••••••••••••••••••••••• end uml. 3 Br 2 Ba . l11111i19•ltedl lJ40 0»5'19 ™"' -2 bdrm. den coodo. Pvt b '"-"" 3102 ..... ,,._.. 3206 r"'k patio pool r lbhse ••••••••••••••••••••••• llNT ... LS .--.C ...... Y0 ... patio. garaae. Avail. $350/mo. 1 r. exceP.l. .. ••••••••••••••••••••• ·r · • · • "' -""" " uri'l l . •ssOJmo . c_leanlquiet,secure.ulil . ...,01tiUl,Gar .... n~.l ••••••••• .. •••••••••••• walk to shops 1750. S Blks to ~tan. Elegant 2 1br.1 ba S6SO ~~~ • I /\dulls 1991 ..,, .-. ..., 3 Br 2be, furnished. Short ~~ 493·0803. Br. Family Rm ft Den. lbr. Zba $950 3 Br ul gol ~ours• 5324. ~ Bl' 00 ~· Ii 2BR Pool, jac. uena teTm $900 + per mo ---SB50 Mo. Plush crpu, 21 • 3 br 2 ba SLSOO f' • ' "' , iJ!Or\ • 64§. 3 Park area. 714,821·7490 ~ 615-4009 Easts1de. rleao 2 BR. 1 Ba. Cedar & glass. sun cer' 21,ba S~~ view, winls. pool. spa "itflrr~T~• ....._ ...... 3740 l l Ba_, patio & yard. NO deck, dbl r ar prv •briba SllOOHuntBch LePriase$l200. Avall.Bnkow. E. . ew custom ••••••••••••••••••••••• a..o.1"-d 3106 CoroM .. Mw 12 PE:J'.S,~_mo.548·6680 garage. fully malnt. l&Raitof:Rlt.y~ _ple~.$4H424 r. decor lhruoul. Sfac. 2 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• yard Noj)eU Inquire at s.waA Hll br. 2 ba, forma din · H.8t'S FtMIST 1 bdrm apt, beamed ce1l-Sc>ertacular ocean ' city Nice rlean 2 Br I Ba. 527tah St.960.wt L.op.•ec• 3241 flc.ti'" bar. refng, W/D mcl. SpanisnFAtatel.Tvlng' lngs 1600/mo ~ly 6ghts ,'iew from every :~!~~a&af:~.J.~~o DUPLEX · 119 •iunl· ....................... ~amitr;~~~t'J~: Gar. w/ope~er. pool. Beaut.i{ul park·like sur· iwe:utllsed.67~·~ room. Large 2 8~. f111lc. p•t_.--..,..2 .. + se:u~r1. ty in~on Ave Ocean vie .. , Vaunt 5 rm sal famur i ~l S2 00 view. expansive green· rouod1ngs. Terraced many amen 111 e s . "' .,,., '" J ' • 1 b 1·1 B" · dwelling. S815fmo. Inc ~~o '.•P•. 0 · belt AvaU. lmmed. to pool. SUnken gas bbq, llllOo ,..._ 1107 $1200 mo. can Anthony ~27780range. house E. m i'J'.,:a2 B~r:.ioo~mor ~ner. 4'2 Monterey 9llf82. $975/mo. Refa. ~parkling fountains ...................... . days 642·5757. evu & ....,. · -----orreitentireduflu for .Q!.49t-Ol a...2ba.pool;.dlnrml(m <um..avail.)71()..3667or Spacious rooms Nu263BR 2BA.yearly wk.nds631"630._ -3BR +bonus rm.2ba.lg u10011no . C1 I Bob Lar-lbdrmdpht.ocean rm. 1100 1..lay. NB. £91&«\!2132271·3939. Sfparat~.dinin& area. Frpk.blt·lns.gu,parlt· d ·-r h l l b r ... 11 1 Sl!l!Olmo, A!t; ~·~ Blu(fs new throu&hout W a I k: 1 n c Io s els . ine. Close to bay &c L~EOROP1'10N4br r ... ..,., •. rpc. o u , eer 586-3500. ot or view, fft>4 ut s inc . "T 3bdrm. l ~b• coo· horpeltlte kitchen &c oqan.Brkr615·19J2. 2ba V\I exec hm. Sl400 !!.~ lat. last. Sec. • S'IQOJmo~W. ~sTCl ... FF do.-pl 1 1 •-I cabinds Walk lo Hunt _..,_ .... •• ... C, nc pit .... e ec . &l ce t . OreanCront prime area mo.0.11r1A .7~~ --~~t 17~'"W· tlll1J 0e._V1ew ll'OOL fc"roe°rfn,:~S:. f:ri'ti 111 ;>"Bdr:..1~m.$.WS 3Br.2ea.'rrptc.Nopets: DICUTIVI t.UTSIDJ tl'.,r. lu• Ir 2 er:Tt.tii. 2 car gar. LruocNihlor. family School•. mm5S/1 c 11 gft 2Bdnn·unfumfroml56S I years lea I(' at sbdrm 3ba fem rm 2 Br.house with den, · S17S/111>. AvJll Mar 20, bufnottoolargdorone. ~mo. a a l1350tmo. 115-8904 al\ s. wttbar pooi jac etc' garage. w/d hook-ups. 28r.Condo.pool,jacui.zl. call780-104l befort5pm. ~ dttor. exec 4 Jpm; · · l'JoPet.a. ·3' 4da . Pvt buch~s. ()cu~ 321 Unlversilf Dr. Sff rlbhle. caf]IOrt. fri1t. ~,aardenerftpool s\'C OCEAN VIEW·4Br t UUlitiesfrff• Deluxe 3 bdrm 12 view. $2.500/mo. Ref menagtt at S. 548·0648 ro Pfl.S. ~/mo. lit. WoodsCove~tan view, 2 111a. Avail wash/dryer/· f1m rm fi dill rcn, pool. Mastera l. 2 bi w Ith please. ao .t654 . ~ ----· · Br. air cond. stove. retri · lll50/mo . Alt. ltlln.la.9pa,'tmltoocn. l..AQUINTAHERMOSA fireplace, 11 blk to 875-2118'1. EASTSID£. Quaint fr 1 Br. Con~ pool.tennis, 1arb11e dlapoul. J!MJllO rt\x.H6-06M 182Jf P1tblde'ln, t bl!! beach. Yorty, furn -C'OZY 2 bed P•tio rd clbble. fn~e. carport. S7SO/mo. 91ot·"6l leave BLUFFS 3Br, 2Ba. atepe to bch, W. fi Be•<'h. 3 blkl S. of avail May lat saso HARBOR RIDGE . gar.· SStS. BACHf!°IA>R No ~-ZS/mo. lat ~ br. zt, ba, on 1reen· r c. d.bl air. J.1\'\, S900. Ediil~r ....... cat .. ral tell· apt, Utll pd. N' 631·4320 !Mt t dep. 611·7§33. .._. J21• btit. nr poof. Let ftn<'td 127 m>42Gll -lbdnn. bftwttn beat'h • ln11, beautiful view. ---= 1 BR Iba adult condo .....,..... • patio. New c.rpt, drps. --..a:a1.L:.111:a::1u...--t b pso v 1 count.I)' l ltdw1. 3 BR. 180 degree view. new QYk~arta CtoM ••••••••••••••••••••••• Xllt(cond.SlOM.414·6306 OOVE1'SHORES ~·-J741 ay. t Imo r >'· Yrlybe.Sl900mo. ~fC'Ondo.2Br.2'1 Ba. to buch No 'pets Oteanv1t1fJBr,dt11,2'1a.I m 38l, .... ldillb1g,•en •• .. ••••••••n••••••••• =.:=o.:.....-----~mtlRllYf42·pl! .Ucro.11~._dbl 11r. l825 •7 Shorn home. Gate I BLUfFS 3 BR ,21, ba. w~bar.atliurn e•*>'· Lwtury *'udio. •P•. TV, 28r. !Ba upper. deck.,., c.t.W... 3224 qp.53.3·4!!!',ili75·1?9l. StNUtrettate• Homt R;':;re':!r.-'6'::~hj. f11k. up1r1ded. patio. ~~it~~.yard. Yrly meld ae.rvl~t. ph.ones. ~ '({J;f:.&O:v':.0· , ...................... ?bdnnd.ae11.c.arpeted. 4br.2t1b1.llJOO or413· 1100 mo or lse opt. rnttB!ll'Ha>S200 -, OtUIV ! 1r.eat l br 1iart pr"° pt(a. 14'75. 142:1012 f)'CJ!hW_ _ 3 ..... 2 .... I t I Beaut. tum. 2 Br· apt, C... .. W. JIU ,=I NOW •115 1421127 .,. • v.. 1e maa er rlt.°t • CAMYOM <>t'f'"' view, •P•. uuna1 ••-•un•••••••••••• erwa 1 · " !.--;---J...._l~f.. suit,, micro. comm.: YltwW-s O....,C.-.. Satellite TV, maiaSPKJllr.2'tba 2blks QC·R~ 1SCl:.p14 $http upper E s14e ~rQOm. !RC. nr ;t).J~~Wltct)'j . am rm:-cilT cit 3 BcJnni.a-, .. -k-Pool. ''rvlct. 110001mo . rrom beach. -.so mo. •8EAlTTIF\JLIQUIE1'• hmlun. 2Br 2',b•. den. Wnt 6 E'dln1ef. · · Jat'\mi a Tennis. Ntwly I 41t·301S. !2Ul413-3C80 tves or 2 Br. 11ome. ynl. 1ar. ~.dbl·~·· pool. "*' aad~rdtner pd. l.eaM Coado El Ni1•li 38r. 21,e. Condo. llUft 4*. v~suoorMo. Ml-..tllectt J76t {...,lH...,>ml.:u;_,.,·Wa:::.. __ _ laundry blip, I ctalld. No jk. sallfta. /mo, no monp,~l Gotr Coul'le. Cltal\ •: lllllr. view. tnd Hit ....... Tnler C. .••• r.:. .............. !Br with doeed 1ara1• Doo.teo·-· els. Wayae. Alt. iDtobda,lbr ~r ~· 3 Br. ale. wJd, 17~ mo. 121J) IZl·CM4f ~ .::.:.MH!!O W11tt sometb\ng xtra talPftl~~.eaciOiid llll:§ln\tl!tbtlPf~ .kld·DlllOiitY'i4eo ~1'125.fll·H.ll dya. lllJl -3'72·4'155 C..CollqlBdrhty. ~dtl la 1 2 Ir ~ BASTSIDE Move In F.NT'aU....lll:iflt 4 br. 3 ba v\tw hofnt. JIJllO't M k Freahly ~. ~l~tly -Mo larte z Wnn 1 l·~·=~~ ~bl 48r 2ba. Nt~R 1rt 2•.rr:wtdlraft,.QIW• b• nn, ft•· rm.i..J BWFn CONDO-JBr. ~Avail llOW. l.l'I f\ll'!~M.Mt..!ftll 7. bfl. prt\ )'f . btach tc· ,.. 141 -s. '/mo. t •· 111111111 ok: ..,, •. ,.,., wtt .ar, llwv J'.,•;J1SZVis~•Ho11r :: RV 1191tina. Canl!W!'!!llli.,,,0 Mir! C9.no --=.;;;;~-----~n~1 •• · • ••·ltill• ~ 111·~... :.g..,._•19.!.n!h. .... ,, Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/ Saturday, March 20, 1982 -25 .,._................ . i.,_lw•hu.twa. .,_twhu.fln. ~·••hu.fwtl. .,_,............. tow 4000 ._..toSMre 000 ..... to~ poo ••••••••••••••••••••••• !••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••· ••••••••••••••••••••••· ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• c.-....... lUi iCostoMeso 1124 ~onltoch 1140 Htwpolf ltoch JH9 Htwpolfltocli 1169 Laguna Beach. Room . Share luxury C.M homi ...... ••••··~··•••••• i••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• pvt bath, $250. Pror. over ROOMM _.TE .,., / prof p erson $1dlelor, no ~llt'hen. S EASTSIOE2 bdrm . Iba. Delux~ poolb1de xtra Large 1BR. lJt1l d SP<ll· IALIOAIAY fa\UI 40,non·~~er 49!:<li~l A lalllast+dep S285. OIJlwy. Qwel. $.'125 inc. and t'hild welcome large 2br. 2. bu. l>ltn~. less. Quiet. $4~ 2421 E ~--1!!!!...Ji· ·0000 Pvt. home 10 Wcstchff FINDERS 966-8479 ___ _ :S.34 · -75642-9771 dswhr, 112 male. beach i6thSt 645·47.lL _ LIOOVIEW .area. N~ smoke1drink· Olde$t& largest agency PEACEFUL 2 Br. 2 Ea. Vt!rY c.ltan. convenient 2 Ea ~1--Adults .. nopets. ~mo 51: I 2b t l 2Br 2Ba 2patio mg Quiet rror mnle AJJcllent&scrttne<lwlth S23S + •2 ullls. Female Br l Ba~I lndn I ..,..,... S.16-11362 ac or r ap 5• ma d L ,.~. over 3 0 2 7 5 mo oref red. 831 9543 /t 6 7 • 646.317~ , 2 Br 1 nrge sun , rom ~ach No pets A ults 100067~9 S42.QW6ev. l>hotc!s&rererences.tt · a ....-""'"' . ......_ -~ deck.garage\\tllllaun THE WHIFFLETREE~~ 2br.2ba.gar.pool.sun -Credits:~mopolttan 2 Brapt,poollgame rm Bachelor " o kll t'hen. dr)' hk·UP Adults no M.J ~rm Ap\s C) m. Newpon Heights condo 3 deck, dishwasher $650 For prof tra\·elmg man • Good Mornlllg America. etc. across rom OCC balrony w ba)· 'lev.. ~· ~ 752 2550 a. una. poo . tennis. bd t h 2 b· t'h A\Bil nov. l\Jtch pm Beat'h. Ba) llleTomorrow Show $220/mo • • ., ullJ. Call rlose lo but'h S260 E sad~ l~i bath~lor rull <' 846-0SJ!t pow~"e"r ~~· rr a11 673-22.87 846 2992 $200 mo 673 8013 •Lt ofr• to all new ~9-3.S.'i&-?!63 67~ ~ltt' ~o. no jll'ts v. ork MARINERS W ALIC romm pool ·~o P mo 6."M-4-M9 cl!ftll! who need 3 place Need •t F for Newport L£e bachelor. frplt'. i.ep ~WQS l.,rg 3 Br Townhoust' .Q!ll64S-495Sor64S·48~ j2bdrm, Iba, adults._ no OCEAN bree1es, JOg or NEWPORT 641-lltt Crest Townhouse \\ith liit.. oev. .~'1>1 $-1115 mo A pa rt men 1 fr p Ir. ~ ---pets. 1403 Clny SI · N .B. btke to bearh Lite. 6nl< •--:. k lllilad7~7 Quiet l Br. I Ba :-\t'\\ enclsd gar. patio yard Adults. 2 Br 2 Ha ~mo •S500sec .dep fum rmforbUS)'\\Ork >Qu...,~,nonsmo er OPl.X 2Br, 2Ba + den. crpt!> & d rps Good Near Hunt. Harbour Versailles. rrpt, drape~. I Rhoda McGilL.642:36® mg person. Pool. jar Roommate wanted. Dana g;e~l81i19. mo 642·385<1 "L In's. S7U\ mo 838 771·' Easts Ide loc. Mature Children OK S6SO mo gar. pool. S7SOlmo yrl> 1rnr.313 J3rd St Bat'k un· Mature. clean. neat. sta Point, 2 br, 2 bal $250. 1st ""' "" • adultsonly $350 mo a .. ,6807 S48•9341.6462848 · Id b 1 blk bl .... 1 &last + •·2ulis. Avail NptTerrareimmedorru or 496-7m _147_E 18th S_tt 11 11.i, C M f!!V'__ • ... ~· -it. 0 ut <' ean. 2 5 e. resp up )'Pe Apr I 493-0987 nnnl, sauna, l·acuu1 $275 MatoBehlbdrm 2bdrm from bea l'h. gara~e. Nonsmokl'., nnndrank -·~·~·~~~ ,...., 2Br."' pool. rarporl. S600 2Br. 2Ba l\\nh~e . F: Sade util rurn no gar $390 and '450 mo Sit>rra Mgmt 1VI kit pnv Rers. S30( Fem, Nwpt Brh 3 Bdrm Ulcl ulil, no st. last. no mo A\'&11 Avr I 4 yr.1 old. yd. S565 mo ~ 8469501 ON THE BAY ~H 24 I !!.lt:~_utils.631·2288 Condo. rurn. non · dep.646·9215 .1.1!2:~ 1·998·7300 d)s. 01\'k. ·rm · 1 .. _ • 2 bed 1 BAVFRONT-PAO Female/referred Room I srmk~r. S2SO + 11 util MtFnon.smkr toshr4br 640-3C26 e\ ei. "knd~ l.AlAUnous room. . C "' f II k h Av a i I J m med 0 on ....... __ UCI t b Cotto MHa 3124 ---I Br patio. car port pool. bath apanmenl lO<'atrd · Big 28r. !Ba "' e\t'r) '" "' · w u rte s:n.Qli5s sg.s ,..,.._. nr ·mas er r . .. ••••••••••••••••••••• A\·ail1mmed .lu\el\2 ttr spa.serunt). $450 lJtil cirect~nt'rossfromthe ! xtra. ~et. p\t. or ~\1leges. $195 idea ------·--lils.833-8814 I u. 211. l IR. ~.63t.1r11 kit & fndn mrj._A\·a1I 4 7 1192·6145 Re. u en E . L ee I beac .. ~:, .... ...!' a\ 1111 S750 _ allon 645· 1839 ShrN ~ B,:.__IPtt. 3 b12r32. abo~e f'3C·32 to shr 3 bdrm . 2 ba NNfy-dtcor Cfas pd · _3517 3 Br 2 Ba garden apt. 2 OvtrlooksNe~rt Ba) ~~ Lee bdrm an big, cltor w.,. \..CO er. + ' duplex at the beat'b an tncl gar d w usher. TRl-PLEX 2Br. I Ba. bltn pr I\ a I e pa t i o s . SllOO month. For ap 2 Br. 2 Ba Part1all) rurn house, sep oath. shr kit j!lils. 760-0524 tvs Nwpt S.100. Jsl & last pool, bbq Adults. no range & O\'en. v. alk 1n v.-asMr dryer hook up I pointmeot. please rail Sttp1 rrom beach. S750 Nr. Harbor Bl\'d & Ed Oean F nsmkr wld for Ken&f.2.3338 · M2·50'7J clost'ls. W 0 hook up mrlsd g11rage S625 mo l114lm2473lt·P 8·5 Can ror appt ask for mger. 6 mo. lease req friendly COOP CdM hse Share house on beat'h. IMMm OCCrHCY! .Al lo.J4J!J!lll 646·3340 Ott _ 968-660f Katt ~Olli_ __ Sl951mo. incl ullls or bt'h own rm S195 + r\'t community, seruri· $40(\;mo . 2 Br I Ba 2 BR 2 l I D W Shre '839-41UJ!VS 640-5992. I y 125 5 mo . I 213 J Pool. beamtd ceiling . 3 bd~1 ~~a~fty unit slo\'e-. Mi ~o·o mo· BALBOA BAJ CLUB ~a~l~~~n~a;~;a~~~ NICE f)Jm1shed. Rerr1 g Npt Bch. We$tcllrr. S2SO I ..=sez=-<·3480=------laundry room. No pets. ~-1~.222·1134 Ava1l._1n1rr~<!. 842·0269 1 Br Excellent view. !>001. lndry. S370 yrly 210 hot plate, TV. male. N1 ~efy 2 Br. 2 Ba lrg hv· · MIF shr •Bdrm hse. No last mo. rent. Eastslde 2 Br. 2 Ba. dis· Huntington Cree~ Apt S\000 mo . Take ovu · Cedar. NewP:On Shores. bcfl.._~JIJ1.538·~~-Ulgrm. pool. 631·5489. N w pt Shores. n r TSLMGMT 6.12·1603 hwasher. iarbaJt' dis.~1"2Br.firplrs. lose. 644 -9513 or Apart. 4. Co dirHt . Pt.rurn.empl.M.lndry M/F 3br Park Npl bch /poolJtennis, ~ID . 1 Br E11icle. sma ll but posal.Watio & laundry TnNsd garages. TV ~50!!0.e'!t,.ill.. ~0-5C1JS -rac Nosmkrs St&s Mt Twnhse. Pool1spa, ten· frplc, garage, pian.o. rozy w/lots or neat room. mo 640·0997 secunty. 848·1613. SAM OCftmOMT S.cte.llh 3176 ioam,646-0936. nis. vu back bay Jan SJSO mo + 'l utll .. __.. MCA Ad It I ~~~ • --~PM onl... ,,_ --. 548-4340 .....,... ......,. u s ony 2 bdrm. 2 ba. built ms.~ 2Br2 . t-1nkill'hen. •••B••••••oo•B•••••oo•••• •FOR PROF rm in ,...,....,.., ~~~------ &'U·l!g2, drapes. pra\ pat io ·~• 0 W. rrplr . 2 r ar 2 r. t •: a. garage. Hunt.Bch.lux hse.$260. Gorgeous2br.2 ba condo G.rws FIREPLACE. P.ool. Townhouse Carport t-..o.. )142 carage. YrlyS975. laundry. blk to bearh. Jm... .147·S64 "pool. iac. elr Nr SC fori..t 4l50 private patio & dis· lAryrm. pool. ulll pd 1 ••••••••••oo••••••••oo• J.R. PROP MGR ~'!10 974·722S. ~ u~ 41 OO Plaza. OCC & Flu,or ...................... . bwasbers 1n XTRA LG I l'hiJC! OK 5460 mo 1st. QUIET STUDIO CONDO • •~ 400" ..__. 556-4176 art. working G . · I r t • 2 Br. aarden apts. on last+ de~Nr Harbor & l'rplc. rern .. e. bltins. • .i1~7l -" ....................... hrs arace. SIDI e or renh. East11de $460 SS60 " ••••••••••••••••••••••• a . . '• bllt to Main be . 19th St Mgr 11t 11176 at'ross rrm brh $460 Ve1:rty sm1ll ba rhelor Rm wibalhroom prh• . SIALAll MOT Nttcf rmmate to shr lg t.acuna. l!!S, 494-3044 7· ~ ~t J. 962·!9.!4_ uo1t on ocean rront. Nr So. Cst Pina & 405 Mij rentals now avail 28rapt111 H.B .. nr bch. 2 s.n le Ha bo H' h Bahia Mar Apts. E SLDE TRl·PLEX .,.,... 1144 S3 SO mo · Br 0 k"' Fwy Non·smkr Pema le Sl05 & up. Color TV POOis. $2SO mo. • 12 util & • or r r ig · Larae l Br. carport. Lee 2 br. p, b11 . din 645-3683. 1!.ftf,'~ wk 556 1737 Phones in room 2274 9,. an 6PM N pt H ti · UO 1m0 · pool. laund'13 Adults. no arta. rrplc. lndn• areu ~;;.~;·r·aR·:·i;r~~ ~~ froi;n beach. lrg 2 Lag~a Be~t·h ... lg r~ ~~~rt Blvd CM 2 Br. house in CdM male SCor~&eonly. 675--0349 . $450. I W 19th Y..t'!Y 91:wale A\·;111 4 1 POOis. tennis. ~ mo Br, 1 Ba. hke nu S1001mo rm. eri\' ba. $240 mo. + --erred, nur library F..asts1de double garage ~l.625 ?30-1250 : 542 7609: l'..r!Y,96811263 ~~.499-SSSO tiB»~PlACE? 5 '2 util .640·6419 f«ltora~only, 20x 20. I Br. lfrafr )·ard. No NEAT I Br. enc:I ~11r. mR. Ocean front Balboa. Ro~~ w rull houu :i~ne~~:!~~~~~~~ 2 BR nr SC Plua, lge @!_mo. "5478 m'-0763 ds K. S4S01m~ adlu. n_c?_J>.ets. rr~ eltC' ~IHd 114' be.au. on . Gre~nbelt. .. 4 privilegl'S. Npt Br h Call "Z"Channtl Movies dttk, ~I, Jae. $215. Oftc......, .._O r!!)A~~~642·5 -.................. ~i•=er1:f.~~f ~~r l!.ft.6,~3655, Slnd~r.1967 New~rt .Nons!Pk!A5$6-1626 .......... ~ .......... .. 2 s.:,~~~~ ~;r, ~~~r. ~""'..::. zvrlli 1 ~I~~ f~"42 e~ ,, v.·knds . P\1 home. No drink an&, .JJI_, _!!a_Mna ~.c 137 Rmmate wanted M /F In lf.17 Wff li(f. N.B. Wa~t d w No Pf(S Adult• 1 .. 1 d ... d w n d w 1 . -kitt'h ba priv. E'slcff Q\Uwbe.acb hotel rooms Npt Bch. t'omm pool. 1na11C'1a 01t. 7000s. · U..-TMan'S te ... ~ L..Oc .. tro.t C~!.J200 mo._831-:.10 kitt'hen " bith. uo ' ttMis. on canal S325. J.st.11oor.Aceat541·5032. ~alilful"iarCJen apts. $t0-5446 -Ml·~ ~o . Sal prtf 2 bitltm. t ba. S7SO mo +S300 deposit 2306 w DECUTIVE mPatiosN~t!: Spa. heat Barbelorl l employed I Br ~ ~ean view. mi:h'.,~·3912 ~~tf ~ loc ~u~~t. New port Fem. br h hst San SUfJES . 2 B•. SS"" aduh. uti . l>d. E sute. no dininj_ area. 5550,mo ZBr studio. waterrront. $.275mo. 760..,189 J!.'.!m __ l~ Cltmente. S290 mo . + N W. wi" 831.ot~ ~.646·5736 ~S.:LS2..:.~_obt.wn 9 :. ~tcarport S875 mo lelttt-s 417 492-7343.641·2684 E c.:.= Beautiful park lake set· -~ S225 up1tairs. $2SO. mull •••••u•••••••• .. ••••• F needs f roommate lo tBITA4" Uke new lge l br apts. ting. pool /spa. l Br. Small Studio apt '• blork bdrm P''t bath. 1100 sec Kelly's Gunl Homf. lie. help find & shart 2 Br. 2 PlAli ~et complex. no pets. ~646-0686. So Coast rrom Main beach. $310. lovely 2-sly 3 nr 2 Ila nr Beach tr Adams board " care, z.c hr Ba . afJ /condo nee r New iux·ury Offfoe s~ace 10• up. Mtsa Pines. llt1.l.!nt'.4fM-3044 rearlyr.ent111S775.Coast Judy 960-6030 dys s•-rv15' lonlnfamlly en· ...... ,.h. l·H-l I i • b t ar~. h I hd Pryeen1es673·5410 ~7874evs ....... •rr """ .... , -n rv ne ' us1es H rl 549·2441. _ . d 1 Vi('loria Bur rg 2 . rm . . . ---· yii:!!!!.!!lt'nt. ~lo;,y _ Shr 2700 sqft tux hse. center! F.asy Frwy ac- Buutiful 2 Br. 2 Ba . ~. 1fnm!~::,.t'iR.u~ a~. whitewater \'ll'W. "f twllhhniilkd ~tlh,.,,..skd V .......... 425 2min to Fwy f .V, $305 ress. Avail. now! Call t5SOJmo. Carpets. dis· Ba.2cargar.w opener. ~a. r~:~· ba,lcb~ke~. orU..fwRltlted ltOO •u.tw•tlted ltOO .~ .................. Incl util & phone. Pvt f«details. bwasher. Ava il 3· 15 2 balt'onies. rerrl ~· --~T re mgsk. d' I o ............ ••••••••••• •••••••• .. ••••••••••••• OC""• ... fRONT Z" 4 Br bath. Male. 964-2768. .J51-12ll UQ.411.Q. lls.ao& . f I ... ...,,.., gar. W n \ ew """'' W k I h micro, Pc. nr .,.,ac · 'Mi Avail around 4 1 Avail. now tt )' t ru Shr 2br CdM apt. frplc. •-• .,, .. ~IS• l '2 Br. Trailers. $185 & shopping & quiet S1SO \ll_l ,9Cl'I ........... L su_m~r. 67_3·7873. SWll'OOm sundeclt Clos. -"~ vrrn.. U.P + $150 sec :-lo mQ..·~_424s M1kt . ~-.~ Kennebunkport?. -. Froftllroomupto2000 <flildren or dogs L33 E F.a•tsa'dt. s harp 1 RR . 1...i.....1L.-t 115 j PalmSprinttsarea tMon to.lsbe~~1'·~1~0• + eq, ft. f)oom Sl.16 a sq. 16th 91111 • _.._..... W 't sh th b' i.v.·iSt who terey CCI rondo 3 BK 2 • 1 1 --1\. No lease required. · -bltns gar. P\1 entr> $435 ••-•••••••••••••••••• asn e e 10~ WOO Ba. furn ~· atrium Prof. M1F 35+. tux. 2 br Adj AJrporter Inn. 2172 Dtluxe 2 BR. fam rm. rmcall S40·11S8.u~kfor Ueau.2 BR rondo.lblk 1 TheNobelPrizeforMedicinein '69? GoHI tennis. Daily. twnlise. C.M Bluffs. Dupont. Call AM . paUo, bltns. $490. tst. Larey from lake lndh1dual "'ffkf&monthlyratea MOO+dro.~1·2089 133-3223 l~tsec.Re(s.645-1693 --gar&rlubmember~h1p ~f'Y"'\~ aul , 714 -558-8001 --• Studio Ap1. for rent. MISAVUDE zso1mo.Av1i14 I.Cull lk/ e..sPM askforMark. 4 Br exec hse. shr 8 _.YfRO .... T Totalpn,•at'y.2l>r.2ba. 714-675-4798. Wiii show lfunt•rtnotsurewho(orWl\it)Ktnn""'•n1tnnn ~--wtowner. lrvlnt "' " Privateentranrt>.bath& •tduplex.lluownlaun. ~~ iv• ,_...,.., LrgBigBUrt'lb!n.pool •••t util. 641·8410. Prirneolfice.673·1003. re1r~1ig e ~t2i5t0c h e n dry rm .. frplc. dlsp . -was.don'tfeel bad-you'rtnotllont. lbl. color h . 2 fpli;, 857 1 ,.._, M ft pr v1 e1.es. mo . dsllwhr. dl>I orage H.wporf IHcll lHt Kennybunkport 1s one of 14 (jstJnctlvtly ~ 14.~Eel~ '-'' esa. 250 a.q. . lnddl ullls 2 lks rrem w,op1r. No pets. S6SO ••••h••••••••••o•••• dit'fer""t ~rt-t """-'""• ... ~-~·-.... ViU"'---Prof. M 1 ~· ovtr 30 lo alile. $115/mo. UlUs in· O.C.C. and 3 mi rrom 96J..8182. ~"...,... """'' ,..,.,,.,. .. ~ •• ~ .... ~ ICAUAl,HAWAU share2br.2ba, Newport cld. '171 w. 19th. st. beach. Lee yard. quiet ptDI N£WPOIJ In Huntlngton 8Nch. Stawlnd Village IS a result For tfftt tiy o~'· 2 br. ~adl Condo. S29S ln t'lds 15l-llZ8 nti.Jhborhood Ca ll o..r.-. llU "" oftotanypef'SOO'UUdprofesslonllplinning. 2 ba rondo In Prln utils 646-1332 __ -=---------·------- wkdln at 7~-88!2.__ -....................... IDl•JMENTS The kind of attentlOO """'' ~ r('\'ille. alps • tastly Fttn allr 3 Br bouSt 1n SllO 'm lq. ft. Sl.00 f)t'.r E. lidt tr1-plex. I&. qultt 2 Br or ea n \•I" w. M• 1-~ .... ~~iJ. lllnl pool~ sc ' ptau. Sl9S+ 11 uUI IQ, ft •• 3175 Blrch . N 8 -lnd~patio' adl'· balrony. J•raae. clean. A perf«t blend o1 nitu1' and tlving-ueKna. t'ablt h • 1s1 ......,.. Mi·.... Ml·SGS2. ""· ~' ' ~. ate "A' Cordou Or nestltdanafomtwithblbbl""'bfooksand ... .w Stteetl), full> tquapped ~· a~• no om.--· fl3-3fOO. 213 7 tollttt1 COUMTIY CLUI "'V 'f" .. , kil. w/mltrow•~• Rtll. Mature MtF to abr 2br, 1-------• CM/SA lttl nr SC Pina. OCEAN \llSW UYIMc; ... pondS. CooleO by natural OCNl'I tJrtftfS: Add to rata. For brothure. call 2ba N.B. a ' mo + 1, ev·ecuplan· ~di~ldb~ra~~t>O'~: ta z bt. z ba. icaraae HIWPOIT tNttent11srourts.swlmtn1ngpools.1jlcuu.iand Mr. Burnt.dy174J0.2670 . ..==11::-.::G!:.'-·==----I\ 169S. t'lll ffl-0621 or lm·61Hl14 -IEACH a coownlent klQUorl *r shopping ana .m.11!:1""~ -Shi' 3 bf home in C.M .. •Spacious 2 er 2 Ba tmplc7jment and .)'OU'vt got a place~ would Mammoth Condo. •IJll to. 19th tr Santa Ant. at5 W!•lde. lge l & 2 bf. OW. dupltx.unlt. Fr!lc . walk A luxury rogtmunl(y on prOOdly can ~.(Ewn KennytiunkpOftl) &\'Iii Eaater v1catlon. m> inc. utils M6· ffr•J.it.'kcsport. =~·b~Z.2~~!a. :~~ul~c~p:.·~· ,s!t~: OntanOtwoac>a=·;::i~~bath nr .~ • ••th c_a_11 ~l,'f,f0 ~ :\1~!br~~ "'or r•nt or ult.~2Br CK'ean vltw. No pet1. ~pools,8ll1htedltn· ~ md ..... _.. 4l00 ~ult ~·C*>Z r ' .. • nK, •. 11 n1s couru. blke trail•. aw ....................... Nftd ~f ~·~ rin"'tc ii~BI (Qftdo. AC. recent· ~ -~ u t t I n e a re t n M , •-... .. bd ... ~ -• 3bd'" --------t.:~rated. 1ecurity 1tlllllll9lldtt•••ecll 1140 Btchtlors. 1 and 2 ~ ...... art' rm""' -.o 1 r rm pool So ... r ........... I in 'II-. lnllml °" Bnrh M hM non-amka mo HUMTl46TON ·~ ..., 11nuna. • ...................... ...,..rooms ap1rtment1. ,57 _ ~·•" aon.--.,.. __ Qt nan area SS2$ mo. Wlffl INe A8h and townho111ts fr9m r ~-..r. llACH Unf;:1f'idfm 'lpt All &MOtoSUIOO per month 15555 ltJtl~ Y"9t i.n ~.-.......1...,_, CA M1F a.a. IMIDlmkr. 1hr PROP II F t.llr arro s 1111. 11$0..2.lll • r tuilet .,_BRE£0 APTS y1 All iintnil~s. OllJaA'lborHAl (?t•> -...-:.1--r:J ... Jaaoe.ufrvntdplx. frm btll NB Patio. for lm•d O(r. Full ''~" n r O SanJ tin Hlllt Road .._..._ p..m:_~l4' Inf . ao llr SSIO. Sen~~ letM from IBRlrW . romM7 • 1 _ FromttltSll\Dllgof,...,dnlleft01111011llllOlto •mml• ..,111~••. N.B. gi.. ____ •· llMt a P1orida nr P't'Plc. ree room. pool. 38r.t•iBa.2car&ar•f'· C d ~dllll.-onWlddllltos..llld~ n "'.. P1ctftca Hosp O•·nr1 JaC:uJd. G .. 6 waltr ao ..... fat1wtr pd, IS NO FEE! Apt, • on o ·-r OC'tft(rotlt tatJl dJI•. HNd ..... Mf'"*ll•r lo .,_, r4 ' paid No ptta. 313 Achmt. 15t0 mo. retall.VUlaltentals. f'umlflingSMllblt •••1bAMtil~ IUt mo 111 Tim ltltaP4,.IZIOmo l•tlr arn Hl.miltO!l.C.M.ttHm m=@l2Brghr. ~ 1 !IJ'~L 171t1Hl:W WcutHl!!ld , . -I l -~ , . ~8 -Orange County Real Estate/An Advertlllng Suppae,n..,t to the DAILY PILOT/ Saturday, March 20,·;982 --~Im ~-1e!~·lllfl~lm•~ II ll~HH.!.4!.! ~~. ·-..... !!~~ ~~ ..... !~.~! :.~ . .'!.~.~ .. !!.~ ~!~ ... ~r~~ .. !~!.! M[C'.&M!LISS Dlllllato•teaeftl&i•e • w*tc/~ Laguna N1guel-Be1.11lif\ll lllesalndlallrialPark .. 111VW•cta.ic.29. Heb Rd.prol.lady.aonsmkr. -..OUC•HM lai '!'efl•• a a11 ~ wD wnurial lw~JP orrit'H·Receplionlst . w. 17th. St.JPat'tfit -"· s11-.1aP! '° shr no pets. nttda 1ar~1e • I 'Of91ie 89HIC~l.t H •fereau ~. flllllllillie Uwlaa ~COi fne om Sety me sun ger BIA led..uial Park. •lltallle ~ID H.B. lllt. bnt'b area. Quiet. s... -.,....OC Airten. -...GoOd IDcailDa ID llllftC/P z.soo•~~ service. Law fl Tax 1835WhiUierAv~. ISOO. orN.B .. ~ Relsndl.'31.-S .......... Aw..._ • lM/mll·dG 0.-., Wlqe. Broker sq ft bldis. Fontain Libary. Xerox, phoae 1900, 3700 sq ft units. or. . ~-1--site oll'ift. m4lZ Vllley ~ District. answering. From $3$0. fice-wa~hol.lle space Read the dass1fied a~ No_smlt. !>Odrk· W. Y ret CWI war Olle • a. Ptt Ndi wb PO .. ISlt FV l2'M calJaJ. •I~. drapes. wet for tlle best deals lO will do lite lhilln an part ... ,........_..._ ~ • .._ Pellill u1/M~ A/C ~....-714..aa..@J bar.MZ-44'3/"2-7I04 aparlmeat rentals. pay for s i p room. , .,; ....., • ,_ . • :13 ...... ....., 4450 ~ I0-5rll $41-71.97 -c.ce ....., . . . ~Glprtc. Util md. COSTA MISA ....................... l&D........., fr ~ • Ill-L f.,... olfiff :n' 98:.!8" '15-f'lOO 1 Is 2 room ottrca from Stott for lease. 1Sx60'. 696 ...... U.. .-.sT1J ..-e-•1-. Sia. UUI. iDduded. W. lJth St. CM. Inquire '-ilh .,... •• ...,_. .. _ _.. ... ,..._,_..,. -------...-----1&1-=---=---11-.loaomics 6'15-6700 6116W. 19th Sl. or call Bill :MOOsq. ll~fiuf1 power. " _. f' ..J.• ... •CAL~.-... -~3250 air cond. Hieb mtensity '" .. -••• 1ee + -I.: rr-.. ........... u.-.a... .... <L-1.L... ljnl.t:-70 ....,,_ IOU.-·aiJ floor de lf -_.,.. OCEAN VIEW 50• ... •J-c~ .,.. .. ,. .. ofcf ::r=r+~-~ .. ,• f:.,.:.s:eia1~ fDra.... 1620 sqlCoffice space -~m loc _.sq n Dllllll Bier lmita Im O.... n...daJ tmlet-uaafNewport Buda. Westclifr NlCMl-8614 avail ~o qui~l Costa OCRealt lnt'S42-l3l1 ,..at.i&Ma .IM . Imel a.Cll•KY. 11 .. acce11 to Hoaf MlilODlhruTbun Mesa industrial tomJ --- aeeret arial . reup-..... SU5 ... ft. Loeg CORONA DEL JIAR PI ex · I de a I f o r N.8., 3l7S Birth ll60 sq. 1illaill. I I ,. I .. • wana1s•• term leaM avail.. ~lso Ocean view office ap· ar~hiterts . engineers. ft. or less. MIA zone. SO' ..re. Ofa from '4JI 121150..fT JIS ICJ..uft. prHU&IOllS prox 400 sq ft. 2nd Or art1Sls,etc.Jr79·8533 per sq. It Agent -· Olwall ola SllS HZll -...-llvcl • Btwa Welkltr area. Sl.Clll sq. walk Lii> Newly t'arpeled S41·S032. -••. TU E B g AD . 2 ,,.,,,... am ~Iller ft.'6«501 • paneled S320 mo inrl I Park roncession-fast QUARTERS CO•-S SS IC Caln. Prime all. Mo to mo ok foods-City of Huntington PANJl!S: A ...,esailul loulioe. Dia. offite I /-"n..free,.., S63115, 752. l830 I Beach. lot' 1n 270 arre HlirHae•t. (TU) I P8U. t7t·llH or 4.Slll-rt: Otbce 1pace -. ---part wlurh tncl 2 lakes. ...... 1619. 6 reuptioa are•. Prime Office Spate. lJuilding approx. 1280 SenrilJ 1ystem, wet· CGrona .del Mar. 1070 sq. ~. (l,. parking in front Newport Be.ell Har * ... ft. profaaloH I •. aplilmal warelioule rt. suite. S8SO/mo for 39 vehirles. For appt Daas Raap. t• .. A.. ..._ c.b Maa. Nr tpKe. ,_,..,_ uUI IAd. m,111510, _ _ ca 11 Mr . Morris . For addition a I classified __.n..r.ma..aa-.Barbo{ Is Bak u . O.C. Alrporl a rea. Eirec. · ·1 ......, t7105.16-5486 flt......,__. .... 7IMtM1rJ ~ aw&es avai .. ..,.,., -----d ftl • tli8lld iaW&. Vidy ~ 0...-Dr. omte ..... m B H bor. Blvd. m ;J:: ~:~=c~e~~. 2 RM OFFICE + gar. 8 Ve Sing, 7Mll6-ell. ft Lu or llo/mo ~ .. ~L C ... f ..I'-< t' 11 xlntNpt BchlOt'.$295. I Ilia. Mf.311 · --·-r rlr. •· um •. "'!1tt op iona • v-sECURE! 646·7641 Pease See OFFICE/STUDIO ~ Aaml from Fedco. SIO 1«retan1I &er'I. fl rof. -~---- a.di/Bu Lu. Bd. 1 c.11. 345 rt + ~alll. 111.ft... wacut. offered at fee ma rbioe av a II 2 RM OFFLCE + gar Se t• C 111ct 1o Id. seer . .n. aniL _, __ Ml$. See tAlday. Agt. Citi_ien'• BanJl Bldg. .tintNp1 Brhtoc. S29S C ion • ft11il.4M-1Z51 •am ~63l~!J._ __ _ V~ll.[e! 646·7641 ~_,._..._,.,...,.kt~ Tumto~ lot -• -·-· lloil>nC "' ....... -''" lot -.. '"' Creative financing helps homebuyers fulfill dream LeamiDa where to go and how to finance a home loan can be confUllng and frustrating without a 1ame plan. As a result. consumer. often wander blindly iD1o t.oo h1ch interesi rate oontndl when they may have found b:!,lalu bad they known what to for. Rule number one is to shop around. ln the pat it was aaid that consumers spent more time sbopptni for a televiaion than a home mort- gage. Today, however high rates are compel.ling people to aho.P a Jot more than they Wied to. acxording to credit officer ~ Lambenon. A know~ble attorney, your banker or locaf Realtor can aid you in your search tor the perfect loan, but you should al80 do reaea.rch on your own. "The Single Penon'a Home- Buying Handbook" by Kristelle Peterson provides a run-down ol. the mortga,e 90W'CeS available in today'• market. Savil&l m IAu Auedadou Savi.np aad Loan A11ocia- tlom no.a the ma~ of bolDe mortg~ on one-to-four-unit resi- dences. 1beir rates are generally slightly lower than other JendJ.na lnstitutMm .... they wumulate money=~tbat area~ -~ mo~ If yo.a 1liaW • llYtnlS .... t •• Sav1np•1:f .. offilea _., • vise tha\~ y tw your IDCllt-gage~.-you~~ client. · ~avlap Dd Loan~ have a lipufadon f« otlnfnr ecJ. van~ tennt. They reporiedly are mere • to be the firat in experimea n w ith alternative • mortgage by taking a note instead of cash. U shopping· turns up diacouraging news, don't give up. Realtors can aometimes re.fer clients to brokers working with creative financing, which are innovative, affordable plans to qualify for loans. F.ach day more families are able to turn toward creative alternative fi nancing to fulfill the American dream of owning a home. I I E Q&A I Q. How many busl.oess schools oow olfer courses and degrees ln real estate? A. About .80 percent of the country's lop business schools now offer real estate courses. Half or the schools award a bachelor's degree in real estate. And about 25 percent offer a graduate degree program in real estate. Q. Bow many used homes were .... last year (1981) and wbat's tbe pr8lllOlts for this year? A. There were about 2,350,000 home resales last year -down from the previous year by 700,000 homes. It was the lowest sales volume since 1974. M fOll' the future, most real estate .. 1uders are e.>u>ectin1 1982 lo be •-~ar of slow but steady recovery. '"The bousing market recovery is how beginning," said Jaclc Carlson, exe¢1.1tf ve vice presidenti ot tbe Rattonel Association of Realtors. Q. Are real es&ate licensees requl~ lo &ake certala courses eatla 7e.ar lo ma111tala tllelr Utta1e! A. Continuln a education reqUJ,..,,ents are leglslated lo each Department· of Real Estate. In California, where conlinuing educ•Uon requirements were born, Ue19111S must com plete at leut ~ bourt ol approved courses, but no ~,_.,. offerinp are required. • and enforced by the However. a new law In California will require licensees to complete a three-hour course on "ethics. professional conduct and legal aspects of real estate" after J an. 1, 1983. This new legislation was sponsored by the Department of Real Estate . It's interesting to note that David Fox, who has j ust resigned as director or the Department of Real Estate in California. announced he will return to private sector and will t eac h continuing e ducation seminars on "Ethics, Professional Conduct and Legal Update." Q . Are there lower premiums of Ore Insu rance available ror homes egulpped wt&h smoke cletedors and sprinklers? A . A 15 percent reduction is being considered by several insurance cempanies al this wnliog. If and when the plan is implemented, it would result in $40 reduction in the average premium. Please direct your ques- tions to: Janine Flddelk• Home a a A Delly Piiot P.O. Box 1MO Coete M-, CA 12121 -Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement tot~ DAILY PtlOT/ Saturday, March 20, 1982 -27 Real estate is not just "three bedrooms, two baths, double garage." Or "18,000 sq. ft, zoned industrial, n~ar railroad siding." It's welcoming a new family to town and helping them feel at home as well as find a home. It's hJ!lping someone who wants to start a business find the best location in terms of purpose, place and price. It's working witli other concerned citizens in the community to improve the quality of life by helping prevent vandalism, revitalizing a rundown neigh- borhood or doing whate\(er else we must. It's helping protect the rights of home- owners by becom.ing politically involved in the issues that affect them, and advising the lawmakers of our interest and opinions. We're the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REAL TORS® -an organization with more than 706,000 members nationwide. We're real estate profes- sionals, but our real business is people . • , A public service of the ..., .... Claaifieds 842·68~8 • \ . I I I .. j I I -· I 28 -Orange County Reel Estate/An Advertllfng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/ Saturday, March 20, 1982 111-1111 -llU W Bike to beach from this cute 2 Bdrm home. Room to buUd rental unit. In pn9tigioua area, onllJ!l:.~· Call now. 11111 UU PIDI, •t .. 1,1111 Below market becauae it needs lots of work. 3 Bdrma, 2 car pnaie. Seller is very motivated and will wock with almost any offer. Won't lut thru the weekend. Call now. .. , .... ... IT~ •t lmJllll Owns must aeU! Low interest auumable loans. Cosy fireplace. Completely remodeled, spark.ling kitchen. Co- vered patio. Walk to beat beaches! Call .... . 111-1111 PIUTllllll UH lllll Priced at only $319,500. This charming home won't last long. Located near clubhOUle & tennis oourta in the midst of a galaxy of brilliant homes. Excellent financing available. Cail for details. .... 1111 0 PHUH" Hill IHAI A fantastic 4 Bdrm, 2 atory home with a magnificent living/family arq, fireplace, country kitchen. l~ financing available. Price only $149,900. Call now .... n11 111&1• llftlnut 10 Units -only $253,500. ·Bnt.d and butter units well maintained and up- graded. Excellent M111rnatJle financing and very flexible eeller make thia property a terrific in- vestment. Hurry. Ml ... 11 IWll IT&ITlll Only $94,500! Outstanding ec.ta Mesa garden home. Owner must aell now. Good ._,rnabJe first bn. Sweeping stairway to~ ter bdrm. Just lJated! Call today. .., .... AW LIW *''*" UUJ Large 3 Bdrm 2 bath floor plan in..a fine area.of Costa Mesa. Great a.umable loan & ae1ler will tailor to meet buyers needs. Best buy at $129,000. ... 1111 ll• .... • tlllJfYml Allume FHA loan -Seller to carry balance with low down and low monthly payments. Thia 3 Bdrm townhome baa low of appeal and many extras. Priced at only $93,900. Call fc. details. Ml ... 11 IH&ilf .. DTA'llJ A world above ... execu- tive livm.J 4 Bdrm, tam rm, living rm & dinlng. 2 fireplaces! Luah grounds, juat steps to golf! AIUDe $87,400 at 10"~ VlR, $800 mo. Owner will carry!.JJ.45,000. -..: -. tlM111 . 11,111 ... Take over Joana of $107,100 at an effective interell of 1~. 3 Bdrm 2 bath, double car ...... home on a Jarp lot. ~ must aee fOI' only f115,000. M1-n11 *lllT• IYU WILLll..In beautiful Baycreat is now reduced! Thia exoellent floor plan features elegant formal dining. Soaring ceilings! Fabulous atrium in master Bdrm suite. Large lot with ~ouse. Only $388,000 fee! Call • ..,, ..... Mll'I Tm ... -You have it all here! Charm, Engliah tudor style, lovely tree lined street, pride of ownership neighborhood and an assumable $754,000 loan at 12~%. Full price on this 3 Bdrm 2 bath dollbou8e ia only $99,900! Ml-1111 ...U Yllll" I mllllll MOit popular Buccola 4 Bdrm or 4 + den. over 3,000 mq. ft. Formal li- ving and c:tining room. country abe kitchen with breakfut noori:, overlooks huge family room. Sparkling p0ol and hot spa. Truly a huge family home. Great~~ only $299,000. ,.. ...._ 11..,.. 3 Bdrm home, abeolutely immaculata. QnJm muter IUite . . . c:rackl1nc fireplace! Larse~yard with fruit trees! Quiet tree-lined street! 'nlO\m.Dda below nelght:iorhood ~ Hurry, Olll, • MM111 ._ .. No quallfytnc. Take over Sl33,~ VA Loan. S1540 per mo. pays allf Llqe 3 Bdrm home. Formal livin1t countey kiichen. Only $129'6()0. Call for all the details. 111-1111