HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-03-29 - Orange Coast PilotTWO KINDS OF SPORTSMEN IN ACTION -Competitors in S Kand 10 K runs whiz. along in a strung-out formation along the edge of Laguna Niguel Lake Saturday in competition sponsored by_0~ Laguna Ni,guel L ions Club while below Stabbing mystery deepens Housing priority Reagan promises to aid homehuyers WASHINGTON (AP) -Pre- s ide nt Reagan, declaring thal "housing is one of our highest social prioriues." told a real es- tate group today that his admi- nistration will ease guidelines to help potential homebuyers qua- lify for FHA mortgages and take More showers due tonight, rest of week Weather that brought only a trace of rain to some pans of Orange County this morning and Sunday night but in other spots pelted the ground w1lh hat!, could prove bothersome all w~k. according to the National Wea- ther Service. The forecast calls for increa- sing cloudiness with 80 percent chance of scattered showers and heavy thunderstorms accompa- nied by hail along the Orange Coast tonight, according to the weather bureau. The chance of scattered show- ers from low pressure systems that have moved down from the Gulf of Alaska is 40 percent Tuesday. The long-range predic- tion calls for considerable clou- diness with scatter~d showers (See RAIN, Page A2) WORLD other measures to help the ailing industry. • Reagan made his comments in a speech to the National Associa- t 1 on of Kealtors at the hotel where he was shot a year ago Tuesday. While the president asked h tS audience to support his economic program. he also announced a few measures to help them out. Reagan said: -The L abor De partment is removing barriers to "free a flow o f critically needed funds for housmg from pension funds." He said more than $500 billion is invested by pemion funds, but only 10 percent of that amount is invested in mortgages. -He will ease guidelines "to expand the number of potential homebuyers for FHA mortgage loans. This action will be of par· ticular benefit to those purchas- ing t heir first home -such as lower-cost condomin iums -and will allow relatives to assist young p eo pl e i n the down payment." -He is taking action to enable real estate firms to be "free to establis h subsidiaries to provide additional services, like title in- surance. which are necessary to complete the purchase of a home." -He will change the mort- gage r.evenue bond program "to ... broaden our definitions of (See REAGAN, Paie At) Angry residents march ROSARITO BEACH, Mexico (AP) -Angry . residents say the Mexican government's expropriation of 8,000 acres of land -including the entire munici- pality of Rosarlto Beach -is an attempt to turn the city into "another Acapulco or Cancun." NATION Shuttle waved off WlllTE SANDS MISSILE RANGE. N.M. (AP) - Space shuttle Columbia, scheduled to return from its ambitious third test Oight, was 0 waved off" today just 39 minutes before deorblt as desert winds whipped the . gypsum sands across Northrup Strip, 14 miles below. Politicians on take? Does Washington corrupt, or were politldana al· ready on the take when they arrived ln the capital. PapA6. . a1onR the tranquil waters, fish-ermen tend their lines or just gaze into the glassy surface, seemingly oblivious to the more s trenuous sport that is causing participants to perspire just above them. Clearly, there is more than one way to win the eat YIR 11111111 llllY PIPll D .. ly Pllol Pholo bJ ChaliM l bwr title of sportsman, and some ways take a lot more straining, huffing a nd puffing than other ways. The runners began their Saturday competition at the Ziggurat a t Laguna Niguel. ------ pro D•llJ Ptlol Photo by LM Payne e Victi1n slain • Ill Arizona Arizona authorities plan to re- trace the route of a recently dis- charged sailor who disappeared during a trip from Huntington Beach to El Centro and was found stabbed to death near Gila Bend. The slam man. Jerome Edward P1tch1e Jr .. 20, was discharged from the U.S Navy on March l a nd left his Huntington Beach home March 6 to visit htS father, accordmg to Detective L. Jesser of the Maricopa County Sheriff's Department. A group of college students on a field trip in the desert found his body March 21 about 20 miles southeast of Gila Bend. The body was identified Saturday. EAVESDROPPING ON SQUIRRELS? -No, Donald Olsinki o f Huntington Beach. He's the man in the fi eld near Pacific Coast High-checking Pacific Telephone cable for rain da· way and Fashion Island in Corona del Mar is mage. ''There are a lot of un~~ered questions." Jesser said, ~cer­ ning Pitchie's ill-fated trip. He said Pitchie failed to call a close friend in Garden Grove before leaving, as he had promi- sed. Also. the discharged sailor's route to Arizona apparently took him through El Centro, but he fa iled to contact his father there, Jesser said. County jobless rate climbing Increasing e Cfec t s of the national economic recession on Orange Co\.mty is evident in un- employment figures released by the state Employme nt Develop- ment Department. The unemployment rate du- ring February was 6.1 percent, compared to 6 percent during January. The rate in February 1981 was 4.4 pero-nt STATE Figures showed that 72.200 people in Orange County were out of work, up 1,400 from Ja- nuary and 20.600 Crom the same month in 1980. Alta Yetter. an EDD resear - cher said "more o{ the same" is expected this month and in the next few months. She said many firms have plans for layoffs during the se- Oscar awards tonight The 54th annual Academy Awards will be tele- vised this evening at 6 on Channel 7. Where to spend weekend Looking for a place to stay for the weekend? Try the San Luis Rey M~ion in Oceanside. Page A5. COUNTY Martial arts learned lncreulng numbers of Cout relidenta are lear- . nin& the Japane.e martial art of aikldo. Page Bl. cond quarter beginrung Apnl l . Offsetting some of those layoffs will be some increases in hiring in the services and trade sectors. The 6 percent unemployment rate in January and the 6.1 per· cent rate in F ebruary marked only the second time since 1977 that the jobles.5 rate exceeded 6 percent for two consecutive months. INDEX At Your Service Ertha Bombeck L .M. lloyd California Cavalcade Classified Comics Crossword Death Notices F.ditorial Entertainment Hor09C0pe A4 B2 A6 A5 B2 Cl,C3-6 B4 B4 C2 A6 BS B2 SPORTS Medical examiners have de· termined Pitchie was dead for four days to a week before he was found, leavmg an unexplai- ned time gap between his de- parture from Huntington Beach and his death. Jesser said Pitchie "had a habit of picking up hitchltikers," and officers speculate he might have (See SAIWR, Page Atl Intermission Ann Landers Movies National News Public Notices Sports Stock Markets Television Theaters Weather World News BS B2 BS A3 C2 B6-8 B3 A7 B5 A2 A3 Close game predicted Coaches predict a cl09e one tonight when North. Carolina meets Georgetown at 6 on Channel 2 for the NCAA basketball championship. Page B6. . • _..., • l I 8 Orange Oout DAILY PILOT I REAGAN .. • .dlatr..ed attU," whkh he sald "wlll make It poaible for state •1enclea to provide mortg11e fund1 for S0,000 more home buyel'I It lower COit." aaravate the tnterett r~~.,~ blt!m -the W\derlyt.nc proo-m ln the housing lnduatry .' The president al.lo maintained that the ~t economic 9U'aitA I Democrats lead • Ill Salvador But the prealdent made it clear he did not intend to bail out the lndu1try, nor change hit b11ic! economJc couree, even tho~h he acknowledged the housing indu- stry was "in transition and crisis. Consumers can 't buy. Sellers can't sell and bullden can't build." were not his dotnc. NOMIN .&.ll'Vh Th ''Thia admlnittratlon holda no . a a~ -:-eee five performen are in r.atent on rece11lon," he 11ld. the running for the belt actor o.car tonight. We did not lnvent sky-high:. From left are Henry Fonda, 140n Golden ,., ........ Pond''; Dudley Moore, "Arthur"; Paul New- man, 11Abaence of Malice"; Burt Lancaster. .. Atlantic City," and Warren Beatty, "Reds." SAN SALVADOR, El Salva- dor (AP) -President Joae Napoleon Dua..-te'• cent1"11t Chriutan~Democratl led five rl1ht11t parties tn part1al election return• today for a con1tltuent u.embly but appeared to be fal- ling 1hott of a majority . Reagan said the "only hope for lona-term Improvement in inte- rest rates is for the Congress to ~ me in a biJ)a.rtisan effort to cut spending'' and reduce budget de!iclta, - W.bile concedln._.g that <11omething has gone very wrong," Reagan said that "budget-bW!ing. bailouts will only • • lntere9t rat.ea and inflation or the traaedy of umemployment. Those problems were in place long before we took office.' The cldent originally fore- cast a 1983 deficit of $91.5 billion. The administration since then bas raised the figure to $96.4 billion. And the Congres- sional Budget Office, whose fi- gures are accepted by Republi- cans and Democrats In the House and Senate, says the deficit un- der the president's program will be $121 billion ln 1983. With only about 10 percent of the polling places reporting, a Christian Democrat spokesman said hla party had opened talke with other parties on forming an alliance. But a !J>Okesman for the ultra-righfist Republican Nation- alist Alliance, In second place, claimed it would be able to form a coalition excluding Duarte'a party. ugh Friday. Coastal residents can also ex- ect winds of 15 to 25 mph at es. Sunday's late afternoon rain attered 10,000 people gathered •t Doheny State Beach in Dana l>oint to protest the operation of San Onofre Nuc lear Power Huntington Beach, according to J . Sherman Denny, weather- man, had only a trace of rain this morning and Sunday night. But in Fullerton it hailed Sunday night, according 'to Emmett Franklin of the county flood VIE TONIGHT -These five, three of whom have won before, will bid for the best actr~ Oscar tonight. From left are triple winner Katharine Hepburn, "On Golden Pond"; Me- ryl Streep, "The French Lieutenant's Wo- man"; Diane Keaton, "Reds"; Susan Saran-' don, "Atlantic City," and Mars h a Mason, "Only When I Laugh." t There was no reliable estimate of the turnout for S"unday'a vo- ting in which at least 60 people were killed as security forces fought guerrillas who apparently failed to prevent large numbers of Salvadorans from voting. New fighting.was reported today In Usulutan and in a San Salvador suburb. Unofficial partial returns gave the Christian Democrats 50,606 votes, or 40.3 percent, to 36,837, or 29.3 percent , for the retired Maj. Roben d'Aubuia:son's ultra- rightist Republican Nationalist 1!..Plant. control district. , Franklin said dfstric't rain gauges showed .03 for Costa Mesa from 8 p.m. Sunday to 8 a .m. today bringing the yearly total to 10.92 compared to 7.72 on March 29 of 1981. 'Pond' bes t O scar bet Alliance. in second place. · t-And the rain fell steady and : hard in spotty areas in southern "parts of the coynty. . • Henry Fonda favored for 'best actor' honors The National Conciliation Par- ty, which ran the government from 1961 until the 1979 coup , had 20,314 votes (16.2 percent); Democratic Action was fourth with 12,171 (9.7 percent); the Popular Salvadoran Party and 4,191 (3.3 percent) and the Po- pular Orientation Party had l.- ··· It raineq steadily in South Laguna while the sun was set- ting near Catalina Island. And this morning at 6:50 a rain squall brought white beads of hail to South Laguna while in down- town Laguna Beach the sun was shining. SAILOR. • • been killed by one or more peo- ple he picked up. He said officers are continuing 'their search for the 1967 brown Ford F.conoline van P.itchie was 'driving, along w1 th the 1971 Santiago Peak, where thun- derclouds made it impossible to determine if a new coat of snow had fallen, had .90 inches of rain for a yearly total ·of 29. l. The snow level was reported below the 4,000-foot mark. black Suzuki motorcycle he was hauling inside the van. Jesser said investigators will try to retrace Pitchie's route between Arizona and Huntington Beach. seeking clues to his death. ··K iller's job d e f e nded NEWARK, N.J . (AP) L.. A ·New Jersey official has defended •the hiring of a convicted killer :serving a life sentence for a $17,000-a-year job giving reading 11essons to inmates at a boys' re- formatory. HOLLYWOOD (AP) -The most intriguing Oscar race in re- cent years reaches a climax to- night with "Reds" and "On Gol- den Pond" projected as the big winners. Broadcast of the 54th awards of the Academy of Motion Pic- ture Arts and Sciences will begin at 6 p.m. PST on Channel 7 from the Los ~geles Music Center. Most polls and forecasters indi- RELATED STORIES -A 7 ,85 cated the winner for best actor will be a man who won't be there: Henry Fonda. The 76-year-old star, who has been nominated only twice be- fore -for "Grapes of Wrath" in 1940 and "12 Angry Men" in 1957 -will watch the ceremony at his BelJAfr home. He has been confined for months with heart problems. Jane Fonda will accept her father's Oscar if he wins for his role in "On Golden Pond." sia. is generally expected to score as best picture. The best indica- uon was Warren Beatty's award two weeks ago from the Direc- tors Guild for his direction of "Reds." Only twice in 34 years have the Guild and Academy awards not coincided. The competition for best ac- tress lS less predictable The lea- ders are Meryl Streep for "The French Lieutenant's Woman" and Diane Keaton for "Reds." But the Academy voters might want another salute to a veteran, Katharine Hepburn. for "On Golden Pond." If she did win. she would set a record: no actor or actress has won four perfor- mance Oscars. Like her costar of "On Golden Pond," Miss Hepburn will not attend the Music Center extra- vaganza. She has been appearing In a play. "West Side Waltz," but in any case she did not show up on the 11 other oocasions she was nominated as best actress. Her only appearance at the Oscars was to present the Irving Thalberg award for consistent high qaulity an production to a friend. Lawrence Weingarten, In 19(4. Beatty is expected to be in the audience. Among those not ap- pearing will be Robert Redford, who won for best direction for "Ordinary People" In last year's Oscars. Barbara Stanwyck, who has been ill with pneumonia, is ex- pected to be present to accept her s pecial Oscar for her dis- tinguished acting career J ohn Travolta will make the presenta- tion. Roger Moore will hand the Thalberg award to his boss in the James Bond movies, producer Albert (Cubby) Broccoli. . 419 (1.1 percent). The Central Election Commis- sion, in announcing the returns, did not say how many of the 4,- 600 voting stations were repor- ting. but less than 10 percent appeared to be included, based on earlier reporting rates. The 60-member constituent assembly will meet on a date to be decjded later to write a new constitution and name an interim government to replace the U.S. backed civilian-military junta that seized power in a 1979 coup. The elections are considered important to continued support from the United States, which has provided the Central Amer- ican nation with millions of dol- lars in military aid and about 50 milllary advisers. ' "I think it wouJd be hypocriti- cal for us not to hire the people 'who have bee n rehabilitated," Corrections Commissioner Wil- " liam Fauver said Sunday, refer- ring to the job given Matthew Sheridan, 33, who was aent.enoed for the murders 13 yean ago of a Cape May couple. Sheridan works as an instructor-counaelor at Jamesburg Reformatory for Boys. His salary is kept for him In a prison account, and Sheriqan is charged $20 a week for room and board at the reformatory. "P.eds," the $30 million epic of radicalism in America and Rus-! Burg lars hit NB offices Tradition ·dictates that last year's winners return to present thlS year's acting awards. Howe- ver. Robert DeNiro, the 1981 choice for "Raging Bull," decli- n ed the 1nv1tat1on, and· J on Voight will announce the winner for best actress . Sissy Spacek, best actress last year for "Coal Miner's Daughter," will return to make the best-actor presentation. N B physician charged in store burglary :~' Rain probable ,, # Cherttle NC !.Co<Utal g~::';;• Con1ldereble c1oudlnes1 Clric:innatl lllrough Tuesclew with ,,_lo<!• ol Clevelen;:t , .. -Columbus tight 1howers Continued cool Oal·FI Wlh High• 56 10 62. Lowa 50 10 55. Denver Wlnda 15 to 25 mph wtth k>Ctllly' o.s M<>IMI strong« guat1 In Ill• 1flernoon1. Detroit Huntlngton-N8W?<Jrt *'" tem~ rlhKM range lrom • high ol 82 to ~!:a a tow of 54. F I ba k • EIMWhere. from Point Concep. a r n 1 llon to the Mexican bord•• and ~:r!o:d out 60 miles: Smell crafl ecMaory Honot 1u pr.-,,1111 with southwest winds In-u crHllng 15 to 25 knots with ~~~.?:'. 50 60 45 48 39 43 57 68 ~ 41 38 78 20 37 47 80 63 46 17 28 21 19 09 17 41 29 2e 18 19 .... 2 18 1, ,. 31 .19 69 42 23 t o•"' ~ ("'lrt Wo•-weetertv ~ta tonight and T-n n..,,.i !lay. W•terty awet11 2 10 4 leet. Jectc911v11e •xcept w••I 10 northwHt 1wet1 ~=t:.1Z, 81 55 51 29 -= 10~10 •o 09 u ....... \• .. • ...... ., O .. t.,.d.d ~ .... J10NAI WfAf a:mIII) ---=== NOAA U \ o • .,_, I over outer w11er1 of 8 to 10 fMt ..,. Sc11t•r•d 1hower1 tonight tnd' :::,:~~ TUMdey. Memphll V.S: summary' Record low1 wer• ;:;ported In the upjl9( Olllo v1119y and •tong lh• mld-Atlentlc Cout whlle 1howera were 1c111er•d from central CalllornlJI lo the northern Roc:tla A lew ltoleted lhund•r1lorm1 wwe reported Sunday lfl IOUlhem ldlhO, Ind hell WU r•pOrlld In the Sen Freric:leco Bey eree. Miami Mllweul\ee N llSllvllll N-Orleant N-Yorlc Nor1olk 72 53 50 55 76 .... 58 58 43 41 55 34 64 43 80 41 49 36 23 34 74 29 25 46 11 22 28 39 31 57 .62 22 55 11 Neecllel 78 58 N8W?<Jrt Beach 64 55 Oekllll<I 55 48 . 30 Ont11lo 58 49 Pelm Springe 76 51 Pueoena 64 47 Puo Roblel 58 47 21 RI~ 57 48 Red 8tufl 67 42 02 ReOwooCI Clly 58 48 Secramento 52 48 111 18 Sallnn 55 45 26' Slan Sernerdlno 58 50 Sen Gabriel 85 50 Regina Toronto VlrlOOUve< Winnipeg Ticles 33 17 34 12 50 37 1.2 47 31 TOOAY Second low 5:32 pm 1.8 Second high Midnight 5.2 Sen Otego 88 159 TUllDAY Rain reached acroH Norlh•rn Celtfornla Into Ille Peclllo North- weet and Changed to 111\0W In the mount81na ol the WMt. Rein 1911 In Flortde Ind tt drlnle<I trom wee-. tern~ end In T- Otlle City Oman• Or1•ndo Phlledphle Phoenht Piiis burgh Ptland. Me Piiand, Ora Rapid City Reno 30 53 69 12 43 29 • Sen Frlnell8co 53 47 .34 First low 7:27 a.m. o 1 . 27 I S8n JOM 58 54 30 Fl h~h 2 6 3 Santa Barbara 58 48 "' : 1 P m. .0 e-te ...... ,.,. a 20 8eeon tow 8;24 p.m. 2.3 SklM -• ma.Uy clMf In 1he ... tern half ol the country. T1mper11urH around lh• ne- llon at mld·d•y Sunday r•nged from •low of 10 et Loring Air Force 8eM In Llmulone, Miine, 10 a htgh of 76 at Key W•t, Fla_ . Extended 8 1orecast · {'..,u I HERN CALIFORNIA COASTAL ANO MOUNTAIN AREAS -Con1ld•rabt• cloudl-~ nHI with IClll•rad 1how•re at llmta and ohenc:e ot 1hunderlllo- wer1 through Friday Continued• COOi with highs In COUll l ., .... 6110 85 encflows 42 to 52. In tile mountllne highs 28 to 42 and IOWI 20 to 32. . -emper a turea i • Sall Lake SNllle SI Loult SI P-Tempa SI Ste M.,te spo11- Tuceon TulM WNhlngtll W1Chl11 • 42 33 88 48 50 40 49 27 81 53 38 -01 6A 34 79 47 58 415 47 23 48 36 C~OftMA Apple Valley 64 « .01 • .08. .68 .oa . Bakeralleld 85 58 .02 ' B1r11ow 118 54 Beaumont 5& 42 Btg Beer 61 28 Blythe 7,, 53 C1lellne 64 S3 Eur•lcl 51 38 1. 40 Fr•no 52 47 .21 1..1nC811er 64 47 Long 8-:11 84 S4 l()9 Angeiee 92 55 MetylVMe 55 48 Monr~ t.4 50 Mon1ebello 70 52 Mon1erer se 4t Ml. Wffton 3t 30 _,.., ...... "" ...., Sun ••1• today •t 8 11 pm., Sllllt• Monica 60 51 rlMI Tuesday 115·431 m. Stocttton 57 48 Moon Mii at 11·10 p.m today, Tahoe Vlll9y 40 29 rl-Tueedey at t :42 1 m Thermll 78 64 Torrance 87 52 01p' _________ .. ~AN AmMCAN AcliPl*lO se 75 Blrbedoe 88 75 Bennud• 70 81 Bogo11 84 ~ 0ut-.ceo se 11 c.NedeieJer• 91 50 Ouedelouc>e ae 12 ~on aa 72 Mont.go Bey 70 Mautl8n M 81 ~ 87 70 ~City 81 57 Montlr9y 63 60 N-.U· 72 San .luM, P.A. M 72 TIO!~ 81 54 T~ to 73 V«ICNI 82 76 CANADA 35 23 34 24 2t 8 ao 1 Arrests up' on drunks ' Burglars apparently armed with a pass key. ransacked 43 medical offices in two Newport Beach professional buildings this weekend, making off with $6,177 in cash and goods. Police said the thieves took money, narcotics and stamps and ' in one office ignored expensive equipment in favor of a single candy bar. The office building burglaries at 1441 and 1401 Avocado Ave. were discovered by janitors who showed up to do routine cleaning. The nominees for the best pic- ture are "Reds," "On Golden Pond," "Atlantic City," "Chariots of F1re," and "Raiders of the Lost Ark." Best actor nominees are Beat- ty. Fonda. Burt Lancaster, for "Atlantic City"; Dudley Moore. "Arthur"; and Paul Newman, "Absence of Malice." Best actress nominees are Miss Hepburn, Miss Keaton, Miss Streep, Marsha Ma.son for "Only When I Laugh"; and Susan Sa- randon, "Atlantic Citv." A 53-year-old man, claiming to be a Newport Beach physician, faces burglary charges after po- lice arrested him inside a closed department store allegedly car- rying two suitcases filled with merchandise. police report. Dr. Jerome Jablon, who told oUicers he lives in Eastbluff and has medical offices at 2345 E. Coast Highway, posted $10,000 bail Saturday and was released. He is to be arraigned on bur- glary charges this week. ··found at Onofre Police assert the .man hid in- side Robinson's department store in Fashion Island, gathered merchandise and then tripped a silent alarm when attempting to leave the store. Inspection crews at the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Sta- t1 on have discovered three , stream generator tubes which are leaking small amounts of water. Spokesmen for Southern Cali- fornia Edison Co. said the amount of leakage is well below safety limits and immediate re- oairs arc not contemplated. The three leaking tubes are part of several thou.ciand tubes in San Onofre's Unit 1 steam gene- rator which had to be repaired a year ago fo~owing discovery of heavy oorroe1on. * * * ' - The repair work cost nearly $70 million. Edison spokesman Dave Bar- ron said the new leaks were dis- covered during visual inspection of the tubes. Unit 1 is currently out of ope- ration for repair work until June . The planned ..shutdl)wn, which began early this month, is to permit various repairs to the steam generator as well as new work on the turbine building. Barron said further inspection work will take place to make sure the tubes are not corroding again. * * * Officers reportedly were wai- ting outside the store when the man first stepped out with the sui teases. Police said he spotted the officers and ducked back into the store where he was appre- hended. The s uitcases, police said, contained costume jewelry, wal- lets, a shirt,f'es, a key chain and several lzo sweaters. Officers said the suitcases were also sto- len. Dr. Jablon reportedly told of- ficera he had been accidentally locked inside the department store. 10,000 protest nuclea:t;· plant Celebrities appear at 'mellow' San Onofre rally An estimated 10,000 people flocked to Doheny State Beach in . Dana Point Sunday for a com· binatlon concert and rally againlt the San Onofre nuclear power plant 10 miles eouth of here. Among the speakers were mu1lclan1 Graham Naah and I ~n Stilla and llCtol" Robert But many of thole auendlns l&id they came for the musk - and they were not diaappolnted. The crowd wu "mellow t en- joy~ 1u.nny ak.iee with "white billowy cloud• and a little bn!ele," ..Id Set-Perry Boyd ol the vr.np U>Unty :;nenu·a ue- partment. Ne,ther aherlff'a de· putiel nor }>oMnY park ranpn • reported any arrests duriJ'\I the what we did at-Diablo," a refe- four-hour event, I rence to the blockade• and de- Park ran1er J erry Spanaail mon1tt1Uona againlt the Dlablo aaid one person was arrested Canyon nuclear power plant ln Saturday night for being drunk San LW. Obiapo County. ln public. -· i . Spomored by the Alliance for Jim J1CObeen, a apokelman or Survival, an anti-nuclMr group, \he Community Eneray Action the event wu bilM!d u a •'Three' Network, one of the rally'• or- T-d Anni DaltuO aan.i.dna poupt, admitted \t W. MJle .... Ian venary .. ~ th• mulic \Nt In ~ put drew to atop San Onofre from opera-Sunday'• crowd ... lt'• bard to MY Url radiation leak caUled closure how c:ommlt1ed they are," be said of the Three MUe ltlt.u\d nucleet looldoa at the youn1 people plant ln Pennaylvanla three munchil\I aaodwicbel ind low>· yeen .., s~ -dina on the ..... and bmchll. Blake 1ald he would 1Jadly By la'• afternoon th• 1l le1 joln I blocbde to ahut doWn the clouctld, wtndt CUM ~p and nln San Onofre plant. Be Mid he fell. The crowd qulckly packed w•nt.ed Uw .,.,.,._ there tit> "do up Ind mowd out.• ' • T .. •• Or1no-CoHt DAILY PILOT/Mond1y, March 29, 1982 s A.I I I ' AP Wlr99hoto ESCAPE DEVICE -Las Vegas fireman James Perkins lo- wers himself lo the ground from the 15th floor of New York's Roosevelt Hote l. while demonstrating a lifeline called "The Educator." The device, which e mploys a friction brake. a steel cable a nd a n ylon body harness. 1s designed to enable a person endangered by a fire in a high-rise building to lower himself to a soft landing. Rum big headache to Caribbean aid WASHINGTON (AP) -De- mon ~·um , long blamed by its crlllCS (or br<.'aking Up marriages and blighting careers. 1s now be- deviling President Reagan's $350 million package of aid to Carib- bean Basin t'OUntries. Jewelry and machine toots also arc causing problems for the emergency economic assistance pal'kage. which calls for changes in U.S. laws to shore up flagging econ omies 1n countries-of the Canblx·an and Central America. SpcdCica ll y , th<.' prcsidcnt propos<.'s eliminating tariffs on Carablx•an Basin produt·ts. exc{'pt textiles. for 12 tears. Ht• also calls for tax incentives to encourage U.S. mvc·slmt•nt in the troubled region. Of the $350 million in direct aid. $128 million. or about 36 pl'rc·ent, would gu to El Salvador, where the Reagan administration is backing a m1htary-c1villan junta against a leftist uprising. While this might sound like good news to rum drinkers, de Lugo said it would be devasta- ting to the Virgin Islands, which m 1980 received 18 percent of its government revenues from fed- eral excise taxes on rum sold on the mainland. These taxes are rebated to the territory's trea- sury The administration proposes to make up this loss by giving the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico a share of the excise taxes collected on rum imported from indepen- dent Canbban nations. Even though the administra lion wants LO remove tariffs. the excise taxes would remain in ef- fect Howt•ver . Gov Car l os Romero-Barcelo of Puerto Rico said being given part of the ex- c: i i.c taxes o n imported rum would not make up for the lost business his 1Sland and the Virgin Islands would suffer from remo- ving tariffs. Demos need • an alternative \l{ASHINGTON (AP)·-A. a party, Democrats once lOOk pride in the diversity of view. among people who ran on their ticket. They called It the "Roosevelt coalition" and exploited It to hold power for moet of the laat half century. To this day, Democratic mem- bers of Congress range from Ro- nald Reagan's right to Edward Kennedy's left. But. a lot of assumpticms within the party were shaken by the results on Election Day 1980 and the joy of diversity may have been one of them. The idea of looking for a way to enforce some ideological disci- p Ii n e within the Democratic Party didn't begin with the Reagan victory. But that event certainly gave the movement impetus it never would have had if Jimmy Carter were now ser· ving his second term. Threatened with the possibi- lity of spending years as a mino- rity party. Democrats are feeling a need to stand for something, to offer people an alternative. For amid a ll the current opti- mism generated by polls showing growing disenchantment with President Reagan and his poli- cies, Democrats are uneasy. They worry that you can't beat some- thing with no thing. Peo ple may be growing un- happy with the Reagan program, but that doesn 't mean they'll turn back to the Democrats 1f the opposition party fails to offer any alternatives. But coming up with alterna- tives to the Republican program requires som• agreement among Democrats on their own beliefs. That problem dominated the discussion recently when Demo- crats met for the first session of the party's Commission on Plat- fonn Accountability. There are elements in the Re- publican P arty who practice ideological puritanism. Witness the right-wing demands that the administration purge itself of all those late-<:<>mers LO the Reagan camp. But it would be hard to ima- 1111 llllDll gine Republicans following the lead of the last Democratic con- vention and demanding that presidential candidates declare in writing where they disagree with the party platform. That was a brief, bizarre ex- pre11lon of the more serious concern now being felt within the partly. "When a candidate stands be- fore the electorate and says, 'I am a Democract.' does he say any- thing of significance to the electorate?" Terry Herndon, ex· ecutive director of the National F.c:lucalion Association, askfd his fellow members of the accounta- bility commission. "It does not matter what they believe in," he continued. "They say they are a Democrat. they are a Democrat." . Larry McDonald says he's a Democrat, so he's a Democrat. Mickey Leland also runs as a Democrat. M cDonald sits In the U .S . House as a Democratic con- gressman from Georgia. He's a member of the John Birch So- ciety and his conservative views make Reagan seem a bit leftist. From Houston, Leland is one of the most liberal members of Congress. If McDonald is the most ex- treme example of the conserva- tive element in the Democratic Party. he isn't the only one. Party leaders still smart over the actions o f the so-called Bo ll Weevils, those Southern and Western conservative Democrats who supported the Reagan tax and budget program.'! last year. Doing something about them is another matter. Some Democrats were quick to urge that the party find a way. to punish deserters like Phil Gramm a nd Kent Hance. two Texans who were prominent Boll Weevils. TMl's real damage was psychological NEW YORK (AP) -Three years si nt-e the accident at Three Mile Is la nd triggered a mass evacuation. the government still hasn't addressed the problem of long-term psychological damage to people forced from their homes, a new sociological study says. plan LO compensate people." she said. "Some guarantee of help in the restoration of meaningful life and well-being for anyone eva- cuated is clearly required." APWlr~to RESTING SPOT -P ostal Clerk 2nd CJ~ss Tom McConnon w aits for mail to arrive to be distributed to other sailors. In the background 1s the amphibious warship Belleau Wood. Drug could save 6,500 lives yearly CHICAGO (AP) -Up to 6,500 the heart, arteries and lungs. lt lives could be saved each year if has been used to control high heart attack survivors regularly blood pressure and alleviate chest used a pulsc-slowmg drug that pain:.. reduces high 11Jlood pressure and The drug, however. can cause chest pains, researchers say. side.• effet·ts suc.·h as bronchial .t\ report in the Journal of the spasms and reduced blood <:ircu-latton in the extrem1t1es. American Medical Association .The study. coordinated by the says that when the drug -pro-National Heart. Blood and Lung pranolol hydrochloride -was Institute in Bethesda. Md .. also used daily by pa tients who rec-s howed that propranolol - ently suffe red heart attacks. the whit-h slows the pulse rate and overall death rate dropped 26 mak<•s th<' heart o pe rate more percent. t.'ffil'1cntly -was beneficial for Dr. Wilham Friedewald, a thrt't' years. wllh the mest pro- coordinator of the study, said an nounn•d ('ffe<:Lc; occurring in the estimated 350,000 people survive first 12 to 18 months heart attacks each year, and re-Preliminary results of the gular use of the drug could save four-year study. conducted at about 6.500 lives annually more than 100 medical centers, Heart disC'ase is the leading wen' released last fall. but this is cause of death in the country. the first detailed report of the killing 800,000 people a year, the findings. The study was s topped doctor said. nine months early because the Propranolol prevents certain drug·s benefits already had been nerve impulses from st1mula ting,_..i:P..:.r.::.o..:..vcd=--=be~y..:.o..:..n..:.d_a:...n..:..:yc.......:d....:o_u..:..b_t __ _ Al both Hou se and Senate hearings last week some Demo- crats said they thought this was a disproportionate amount and in- dicated they would try to rewrite lhC' dis tribution formula. Romero-Barcelo said he did not object to allowing bottled rum to be imported free of tariff, but urged tanHs continue to be col- lected on bulk rum, which ac- counts for the major share of Puerto Rican and Virgin Island shipments to the mainland. Jane C . Kron ic k, associate professor at Bryn Mawr College's Graduate School of Social Work and Social Research, said that while government has come up with evacuation plans at nuclear power plant sites, it has not ad- dressed the social upheaval cau- sed by evacuations. our w.ry own stroight 1aj cuff<l..d. }l5nts Representatives of the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico, howe- ver. were more conc:erned about rum, a principal product of the two U S . flag territories. They were concerned about how the proposed changes would a ffect their treasuries Delegate d e Lugo. taking a slightly different tack, proposed that a certain percentage of Car- 1 bbean rum production to be admitted duty free and that this percentage be increased grad- ually. Ron de Lugo. d elegate t o Congress from the Virgm Islands, told the commitlN' that if the tariff of $1.62 per gallon on im- ported Caribbean rum 1s elimi- nated, imported rum will be "cheaper than our own rurn and wtll therefore replace 1t" Virgin Islands Gov. Juan Luis also testified that safeguards for the rum industry needed to be strengthened. Despite their con- cerns on the rum question, he and Romero-Barcelo said they favor the overall package. ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Thomas P Haley P~-""'' 1no Cf't·tf E•ttut ~f' Qft ,., Robert N. Weed Thomas A Murph1 ne Edll°' L Kay Schultz VQP.__ ano E>ttcttw of Oplitauo~t Michael P Harvey -"'l>•«lOt Kenneth N. Goddard Jr Charles H Loos Clu1Hled advertl1lng 71416'2-5678 All other departments 642-4321 MAIN OFFICE llO Wttt 8•Y St . Cotla Mew. CA Mall add.-.u 80• 1560, Costa Me ... CA m2' COC1Ytl9 .. t 1"2 o.-.....,_ Co.it Puti4••"1119 C- No ,._, •te><lo . lllu.Crellew1•. edlte><la 1 mMter or a~ vertlw~tt herein may M reproclu<ect without •PKl•I "'"'lulonol cocoyrlfttt owner Secono etas. Plttlaot peld at Coste Mew C.llfomla. !UPS 1""900) SuOKrlpllon by c.rrler M rs..-t.,ly by mall '6 50"-lhty Tiit Or11199 CoeJI 0.lly Piiot, wn11 wlll<ll Is com- •blnect tlle N""t-Prto, 11 Mllllled by IN 0.-11199 Coetl Pllbll'111119 Com-y s.pe.M• ecllUclftt are Pllblltllecl -.., llltOlltft Fr._.. IOI c.-. Met.a, N••llOf1 8Mctt, HuntlflOIOn 8HCll, l'ount.eln vao.,, '"'Int, 1. ...... 8HCll, SOultl Coell. A tlft91t ,...._. edition II pwbllllWcl ktlll'Nyt -~'"-The ptoncl~l lll*ft11"'9 ..,, It at nD WHt .. y St ..... , P 0 8oa 1' ... Costa MIU, Ctllfor,.lt t2'2'. VOL. 75, No. 88 "You may be able to bring the Army in and get people out, but there is going to be such a sense of outrage that it's going to be very hard to restore any sense of social order," the professor said m an interview. "Maintenance of social order in the area around TMI was a se- rious problem as long as a year after the accident." Mrs . Kronick's study of gov- ernment response to TMI. set for release in April, is the last of three related studies paid for by the National Science Founda- tion's section on Ethjcs and Val- ues in Science and Technology. Three years ago as many as 250,000 people fled their homes near the nation's worst commer- cial nuclear power accident. To- day there is an evacuation plan for that area of Pennsylvania, including pa.rt of Harrisburg. But more is needed, she says. "TMl shows clearly that if you had to evacuate a population you would find it extremely difficult to ever calm them down again," Mrs. Kronick said. Since the TMI accident, "there has been anxiety, dislocation, fear. material losa -lost wages, travel costs, extra living expen ses. And there haa really been no We're Listening ••• MonGey ,,.,.y " "°" 00 "°' -"°"' -l)y ~ lO 0 "' tall .....,,. , 0"' -.,c>ut CC.Py Wiii be Clth ... ld What do you like about the Dally Piiot? What don't you like? Ca ll the number below and your message will be recorded. transcribed and delivered to tHe appropriate editor. The same 24·hour answering service may be uaed to record let· tcrs to the editor on any topic. Mailbox contributors must Include their name and telephone number tor vertncation. No clrculatlon rails. please. Tell uS'whal's on your mind • , l:Joans revoc~hle DEAR READERS: Jf you alan a ~t contract N:Quirina the UM of yow-home aa collateral, you can reeclnd the tranuctlon wtthln three bualnesa ~YI for any reuon. If you do reeclnd the · contract, you're alto enUtled to get back all the money you paid to 1et the loan or aervlcee. Thia Includes f~ charges, application and comm1unent feet, Jnd feet for title leal'Ches or apprailala. Even If the creditor has already given your money to a third party -such u a credit bureau for )'our credit report -you 1tlU get your money back. Within 20 days after creditors receive your notlre of re1cla- sion. they must return all money or property you gave 41rect1y to them. They alao must take steps to release your home as colla- teral. If you've already received any money or property from t!'te creditor, keep it until notified that your home is no longer being held as collateral and any money you paid to the creditor has been returned. If the creditor doesn't claim the money or pro- perty within 20 days C'f your offer, It's yours to keep. Caring for dwarf trees DEAR PAT DUNN: I decided to plant aome dwarf fruit t1'ffl in my yard, but when I went to a plant s tore to buy aome, tbey told me to be sure my yard bad good drainage. I really don't know bow to tell If tbe soil drains well or not. Is tbere any way of tes ting to find out? P.L., Irvine Dig a hole for the tree and fill it with water. If the water drains out within 24 hours, the 90i.l is good enough for dwarf fruit trees. If not, find another location. More information about planting and caring for these trees is in a $1. 75 booklet, "Dwarf Fruit Trees." It's available ·lrom the Consumer Information Center. Dept. 138K, Pueblo, Colo. 81009. Medical card available DEAR READERS: The National Safety Council is promoting a new medical information card that can hold a wealth of medical data due to its use of microfilm and a magnifying Jens. By ben· ding the plastic card and holding its microfilmed data up to a bright light, bospjt.al and emergency personnel can read every. thing from a patient's blood type to his electrocardiogram to the phone number of his next of kin. Anyone who would like one of the medical informatiop cards can obtain the necessary application and medical information form by sending a self-addressed, st.amped envelope to: National Safety Council, Dep).. D .. National Health and Safety Awareness Center, 333 N. Michigan Ave .. Chicago. Ill. 60611. The actual card costs $9.95 plus 35 cents postage, according to recent reports. Stitch not in time DE AR PAT DUNN: I ordered a $1%.95 "Super Stitch Hand Machine" from Nora Nelson Co. last Dec. 7. As you might guess, my check has been cashed and the machine has not arrived. Help! H.S., Costa Mesa A customer service spokeswoman for Nora Nelson Co. said your order will be "reshipped." Whe n asked the date it had originally been shipped, she said she didn't know but assumed it had been mailed several weeks ago. ln view of this sketchy res- ponse, be sure to let A YS know if you don't receive the machine within a few weeks. Silver set pattern found DEAR PAT DUNN: I received a set of sterling sliver jo 1950 as a wedding present. Tbe only name on each piece l s "Riviera." I've checked wltb a number of department stores la this area, but cannot find tbe name of tbe manufacturer. I'd like to replace a missing piece of this silver and don't know what to do a t tbis point. Can you ~elp? F.P., Huntington Beach Beverly Antiques. 8827 Beverly Blvd .. Los Angeles 90048, probably can provide the replacement piece you need. This store car~ a large selection of current, active and inactive sterling silver patterns. You can order by mail or phone (213) 271 -8517. The firm requests mailed orders to include a tracing of the silver and blade description for knives. Include the manufacturer (not , possible in your case). pattern name and year of purchase. Another source is Charles Fuller. P.O. Box 4325, Main Sta- tion, San Francisco 9410 I. This firm has an inventory of patterns dating from 1828 to those recently discontinued. Provide identi· fying information and include a stamped, self-addressed envelope for each pattern list requested. If neither of these leads work out. let A YS know. • "Got a problem? Then write to Pat Dunn. Pat will · cut red tape, getting the answers and action you -_ 'l need to solve inequities in government and business. . Mail your quest.ions to Pa t Dunn, A t Your Service, ,.... • Orange Coast Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, 'Costa ! I Mesa, CA 92626. As many letters aa possible will be answered •. bui phoned inquiries or letters not including the .rea· der'• tun name, address and business houn' phone number can- not be consid~red." REDWOOD 2X6 -36'hn 11 775-1491 16808 S. HARBOR DECKING ... ~~-.-.,,.z SARL'S ~~• ... AT- ' ----... ...... • ~t lo< 1•16~'" ~·n r.,..,. 4i•wt,, ., v""' oci-• fCatt S1or_. ,.....,.,, ¥°"' ,., .... cosu...:a.641-1289 , ... ..__ ··-~95-0401 l J-c.-~­,ISH,,..._,,.,, otA.-y .. ._, It-- 25th year Anniversary ~. in t~ Harbor Area ,~. ·, JMIOSWE a. 441 °" ....,.,. .. 4. ........... CA 6Jl07140 Cell Nl-1171. ~ ...... otd. to work for 1922 A Tradition for IO Years 1982 Serving Nightly Tit 1 A.M. ,,. _,,.,,.,, ,,,... ........ .... STOft HOURSI 9 A.M. • Z A.M. Cologne· not all • it seems SAN DIEGO (AP) -lmagine all the use• for a new colos ne that .-nella like marijuana. You pour It on the hlah 1ehool prlncipal's luagage before hit next trip to Tijuana, drawlJ'\I the au entlon of the border auardl' dogs. Dump it around the llvlng room, crank up the stereo and pretent you've got a balcony aeit at a rock concert. Dab it behlnd your ears, forget your 40th birthday and regale some college students with tales of Woodstock. The possibilities are endless but, aJas, Stash, a men's cologne due to make its retail debut in San Diego department stores this spring, smells like the flower ra- ther than the smoke. In that, it Is li ke Opium, the perfume which doesn't smell like opium. A spokesman for Pippo inc. of Burbank said the cologne is the synthesized essense of the "Mauie Wowie" flower and de· spite Its advance hoopla was ne- ver intended to smell like & bur- ning joint. "We try to compare it to a rose. You wouldn't want to dry out a rose, set it on fire and use that smell for your cologne." the spo- kesman said. A rose might even then be still a rose but what exactly ls the olfactory essence of the Mauie Wowie? You can find out by ordering Stash by mail, at $20 for about three ounces. Stash is legal to buy. being only man-made Mauie Wowie - an explanation you might want to keep handy for post.al autho- rities when you get your sample an the mail. Or, you can take the results of an infonnal sniff test in The San Diego Union newsroom, where opinions raneed from "Yeech" to "kinda nice. ,y One person said it smelled like a combination of turpentine and Old Spice. Another said it smelled like the breath of someone smoking ma- rijuana and drinking gin and to- nics. Bird's bogus bill beak of perfection SALISBURY, Md. (AP) - When a jaguar at the Salisbury Zoo apparently took a bite from the beak of Paul the pelican, zoo officials found just the thing to ht the bill -fiberglass. Now, one year after Paul was outfitted with the counterfeit bill. wo director George Speidel Jr. says the pelican is doing just fine. thank you. "We have to inspect it every now and then. but so far it hasn't needed replacing ... Speidel said of the man-made schnoz. The new bill for Paul has meant a respite for wo workers . When he was beakless, Paul had to be fed by hand, Speidel said. "He couldn't eat at all," Spei· del recalled. "We had to force feed him by dropping fish down his mouth." Reservations Suggested &4s-1on Nnper1 llhd. ',,C.H., Newpert Btadl AP Wlteptwtto WARM FRIENDS -Entertainers Ginger Rogers and Jimmy Stewart exchange fond greetings as they meet during a dinner-dance in Beve rly Hills in honor of businessman Mar - vin Davis. The Friars Club sponsored the affair. Shooting victim returns to bank Rebecca Folden is back at her bank teller·s job three months after a robber jumped behind the counter where she worked in Long Beach, scoo- ped up money. then shot her in the chest for no apparent reason. "I still check out strangers when they walk 1n ," the 19-year-old former beauty contestant said. "And if it's a m an with his hands in his Howa rd Denny of Sewell. N.J .. jokes that when he got a $214,979 check as a tax refu· nd "I called my wife at home and said, 'Get your bags packed m 15 minutes because we're going to Rio.· " However, the check was given back to the Internal Revenue Service because. he said, he and his wife ar.e "just country people" who would never s ki p town with that much loot. It was nice to thank about the possibilities, though. pockets and h e's wearing glasses. then I die." . She nearly did die after the Dec:. 16 holdup at Fidelity Federal Savings and Loan Association. lt was her first day on the job. She underwent emergency surgery at Long Beach Com· munity Hospital and later suffered a mild stroke when one of the pellets traveled to her brain. "l immediately thought of the things I could do with 1l. like paying off some loans," the 62 ·year ·old insuranc:e dealer said. Rep. Claud e Pepper, 81. as feuding with a 72-year·old man over $208 m d a mages from an auto collision that happened while Pepper was on his way to a dinner party here. Peppe r , D -Fla .. and Edward Goldfein both say they were not to blame for the Feb. 27 accident. Happy Easter Before h ew•• b o rn, HetlllH 1'1,014'• Germ.n parent. tettlcd above the OU· venhaln valley a Cew mUea north of San Olqo. He'• 91 now, working hi.a ranch ahd livlng in the houie he 1ot married in. Noflonaer doea he run 500 head ot call!~ on l.~ ac:r;es of land, though. The 20-acre spread in view of the Paclflo Ocean keep• Wiegand busy from sunup to duak . Tod ay. the land i• worth $7,000 per acre compa- red w1th $125 for which he aold 800 acres of land in 1956. The bipatti1an Congress- women'• Ca•cus was created in 1977 ''to promo~ the pas- sage of legislation improving the stat us of women" and opened its ranks to supportlve congressmen in 198 l. But with maJe members of the caucus now outnumbering female meml:>Eirs 66 to 11, the group has announced a name change: h will henceforth be known as the Coaf.resslonal Caucus for Women s Issues." ''The new name better re· fleets what the caucus is all about," said co-chair Rep . Patricia Shroeder, D-Colo. The owner of a tiny general store in Boothbay Har bor. Maine , won't be required to change its moniker fro m Gimbel, but must post a dJs- claimer sayjng 1t has nothing to do with t he New York concern of the same name, a rourt has ruled. ''Although I didn't think there was a'ny, I'm happy to dispel any public confusio n between the two businesses," said Jack Gimbel, owner of Gimbel a nd Soos Country Store. A spo kesman for Gimbel Brothers Inc. told The New York Tames that the stores' management was "pleased with the s~ttlement and be- lieved that it would satisfac· torily p r o t e c t G1mbel s' trademarks." Residents of St. Joseph. Mo .. have raised $10.162 to stop a foreclosure on their mayor's home. "l don't know ot any other city an this c.'Ountry where the citizens have ra llied in this manner to help an e lected official," Mayor Gordon Wi- ser said after a drive collected enough money Lo pay off a perso.nal n ote to American National Bank and keep the house from being sold on the c.'Ourthouse steps Whirligig has all you need in cards, party supplies, invitations for weddings, birthdays, all occasions and seasons. Come in and see our Easter finery. . EASTER BOOKLETS • GRASS • CANOY CHOCOLATE BUNNIES & EGGS CARDS • PAPER GOODS • EASTER EGG DYING KITS • Fill.ABLE PLASTIC EASTER EGGS • STUFFED TOV EASTER BUNNIES • OECORA TIONS 801 W. BAKER (Between Bear l Brlttol) COSTA MESA 97M570 KEDDIE (AP) -For ale: One town.· Keddle, a community of 302 lnNbttanta natled ln the ruaed Slerra Nevada about 100 miles north of Sacrament.<>, la on the ...,.ket for $1.8 million. rt'he 72-year-old town, set amid plnea and oak.a on a tributary of the Feather River In rugged Plumas C.ounty, has a rustic log cabin look and includes 32 hou- ses, a lodge, restaurant, general store, saloon and donnitory. "There were more dogs than people here when we took over," aald pan owner Dol..-g Albin. 42, ''&tld the dormit.ory -I can't tell you what a mess that was." Albin and his wife, Jan, along with Les Hogabpam, 42, and his wife, Barbara, have owned the community for four years. The couples -the women are sisten -came from Southern Califor- nia and say they are looking for new challenges. The town, named after .Arthur Keddie who surveyed Western Pacific railroad's Feather River Route across the Sierra, was built in 1910 as a construction camp for th~ railroad. ~ wtrephoto ROOMS TO LET -The Rev. Warren Rouse strolls along arched courtyard of San Luis Rey Mission in Oceanside. where priests are renting rooms to raise money for the mis- sion. Orange Coast DAILY PILOT /Monday, March 29, 1982 .Budget brel)k for sOul Mission San Luis Rey offers rooms at $100 for 5 ,days ~ OCEANSIDE (AP) -"The body and the spirit bo th need recreation and rest," Hid the priest. "Why not tie them toge· ther? Why not vacation with ua?" An Inexpensive, Informal but intriguing invttatiO'\· The largest 6f the 21 Roman Catholic mialona along the Call· fornia coast, Miasion San Lula Rey de Francia is unique with its Moorish-design buildings in a valley so quiet you can hear the rustle of the ocean breere in the monastery garden's 152-year-old ln an experiment, the priest.I decided last y~ar to try renting the :)4 rooms of their retreat center, the former Franciscan seminary whe re eight friars supply the priestly needs. Pariah bulletins advertised the rooms and "people came from as far as . Canada.'' recalled Deacon Mi- chael Newman. "It was only five weeks, but we sold out every room. Even ''Even D.C .• has also opened ita retttat . center to vt.ltors. At Oceanside, the rooms are simple -without maid service -''but they're clean" and all but one equipped with twin beds. Newman said. Outalde, there is a huge swimming pool. A free barbecue picnic is planned with 30 acres available to roam . Newman, in an Interview, said "we're not trying to compete" Oceanside pepper tree. As a new vacation spot, the residents. . arrived to get away from , their routine." price is far below average -a "suggested donation" of $100 for a five-day stay for two, including two hearty meals per day. The padres can use the money since no government aid comes to this registered historical la ndmark founded In 1798. Mexico seized it in 1834 and let the buildings deteriorate badly. Since 1865, whe n Preside nt Abrabam Lincoln returned the mission to the Franciscan Order, it has been slowly restored. Today, the original walls of the 60-acre "King of the Missions" still stand on a rise in the lush. lovely San Luis Rey River valley north of San Diego. residents of Oceanside, so near to us, arrived to get a way from their own routine." he said. A bus brought 43 retirees from Sun Valley, Calif.. for a serene stay during the last week after visitors with l'hildren returned home to school. This summer, the retreat will be available to anyone over a longer period -from May 31 to Sept. 17. In a similar move, an order of Catholic sisters in Washington , with commercial hot.els or mo~ls, despite the budget-rate rooms. In the mornings. Mass is sung nearby and in the evening there are devotions, but attending both is optional. The Rev. Warre n Rouse. a Franciscan who runs the retreat, says no pressure will be put on guests to a ttend the Ca· tholic services. Books on display inc lude a Latin trans lation of the Bible done in 1584 a nd a volume on law printed in 1575 in Antwerp. Belgium. Robinsons ·· S99.99 ANY SIZE FEATHER/DOWN COMFORTER SALE. YOU'LL SAVE 41%·60% ON OUR EXCLUSIVE STYLES. Our exclusive blend of fluffy down and small feathers by Northern Feather gives you unsurpassed llghfwe1ght warmth and comfort When you curl up underneath. the snug. cozy feeling 1ust comes naturally No surprise cold spots either Our all colton down-proof cover 1s channel constructed to keep the ltll1ng from shilling And the price? A phenomenal savings right now. and then you can turn down the thermostat and save even more 1 Choose from reversible colors in chocolate/ecru or navyll1gh1 blue. or solid camel Color selection varies 1n rd each store Quantities are limited to stock on hand ~ Robinson's Bedding. 54 Twin Full/Queen King Orig $170 $230 $280 Sale $99.99 $99.99 $99.99 ROllNIONJ COMPUTERIZED WEDDING GIFT REGISTRY MAKI AN APPOINTMINT WITH OUR CONSULTANT AT YOUR NEAREST ROllNSON'S. ... WIU RICORD YOUR GIFT PllFIRENCIS iN MRY STORE VIA THI ONLY COMPUTERIZED SERVICE IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. · .. . . .. .. .. . I ) ~· Orange Oout DAILY PILOT/Monday. March 29, 1982 • Welfare fraud unit saves county dollars One of the most aggravating as~ts of most programs d esigned to catch persons cheating county welfare syste ms is that be n efits are paid befor e the c rook is de- t ect ed. R ecovering money ob- tained fraudulently is next to im- possible. In Orange County, however. an "early detection" program is producing some dramatic and en- couraging results. One year ago. 16 investigators from the county Human Services Agency a nd District Attorney's office w ere stationed at regional welfare offices. Applications which appeared s uspiciou s t o w e lfare eligibility workers were· turned over to the investigators for review. ln the first 10 months of operation. 1,440 cases w ere ex- amined. Alleged fraud was found in about 50 percent. Early detection, according to figures released by county Super- visor Roger Stanton, saved the county about $7.5 million. That figure is based o n the number of fraudulent applications d e tected; the amount of welfare assistance that would have bee n paid had the fraud not been dis- covered, and the average time persons remain on welfare. Obviously. the early detection program is off to an impressive start. And Stanton thinks it should be expanded. He's right. The 'secrecy' shelter Indications a re that the White H ouse is havi n g some second thoughts about a proposed execu - tive order that has been described as giving federal officials a "blank check" to hidt! the ir mis takes, manage the n e w s a nd expand gove rnme nt secrecy. Presidential aides, responding to criticism of the draft ord~r which has been floating around for months, now say the document still is unde r review and that some "editing" is anticipated. That's jus t as well. The order, if signed by the presid ent (it is s ubject to congres- sional review b':Jt does not require congressional approval), would dras ticaUy change some of the re- quirements an a 1978 o rder o n government secrecy s igned by President Carter. -It would eliminate the po- licy that the claim of national security be ba la nced against the public's right to know. -It would reverse classifica- tion procedures by authorizing the highest secrecy stamp on a d ocu - m ent if there 1s "r easonabl e doubt" about the need for confi- dentiality, instead of the lowes t cla5sification. or none at all. in case of doubt. -It would e liminate the re- quirement that potential national security be "identifiable" before information is withheld, leaving that judgment up tQ the official. -It would give vaguc and sweeping authority to classify any document concerning "systems, installations. projects or plans relating to national security." That covers just about anything. A serious effect of increasing the number of documents stamped secret would be to impede the Freedo m o f Information Act, which cannot b e used to release classified information. Obviously. much information generated in Washington must be kept under wraps. But the t en - dency o f bureaucrats to over-use their "secr e t" stamps is well known. Indeed. 1t was that habit that gene rated the rules drafted by previous administrations. The White House will be well advised to pull back and re-study the more sensitive provisions of this oroposed order. Preferential justice? Did three former Anahe im police officers get more than rou- tine treatment as they face d charges of misconduct in Orange County Superior Court? It certainJy appears that way. given the recent actions and com- ments of Judge Luis Cardenas. who presides over the court's master criminal calendar. The three former o fficers w ere scheduled t-0 appear in court last Tuesday for arraignment on a county Grand Jury indictment alleging con sp1r.acy to obstruct justice, false imprisonment anJ assault under cover of authority. At the request of de fe nse at- torneys. Cardenas permitted the men to enter innocent pleas away from public view by conducting the arraignment proceedings in his • chambers. Defense a ttorneys had contended that public arraignment would have ca used massive and p re judicial publici ty for their clients. Cardenas bought that s pe- cious argument. Later, even Car- denas said his decision to conduct the private arraignment was "highly unusual." We've no problem with an additional ruling to keep grand jury transcripts sealed from public view pending a preliminary h earing. But the request and the order to close the most routine of court procedures -the arraignment - to the public says little for the res pect Cardenas and th e defen- dants have for our legal system . Opinions expressed in the space abOve are those of the Daily Pilot. Other views ex-pressep on 1n1s pdge an inose ol tne1r dulnors dnCI clrt1sts Reader comment •'> env11 eel ACldres'> Tnt> Dally P11ot P 0 Box 15!>0. Costa Mesa, CA 92b2b Pnone t 11-l l ,641 4311 L.M. Boyd/ Kissing style Q. What's the so-called Florentine kiss? A. You mean that intimate bit said to have been developed by Napoleon? He supposedly squeezed his partner's earlobes as his lips touched hers, and the chroniclers called it the Florentine kiss. Why this was so sensational I ~an't say. Maybe the acupressure specialists know Geologists seem to think they have a way 0£ knowing that only ;about 10 percent of the earth's gold has been found. so far. How they figured that out is a mystery. at least to ordinary people, but the specialists have their ways, evidently. Claim is the gold al- ready discovered worldwide only amounts to enough to fill a one-car garage. Q . We know 264 men died with Gen. George Armstrong Custer at the Battle of the Little Big Hom, but we don't know how many Indians died. Why not? A . The Indians carried off their ORANGE COAST Daily Pilot .. dead before anybody s howed up af- terwards. Estimates run from 30 to 300. Ruby Goldstein has explained why he quit prizefighting to become a re- feree: "I was shadowboxing in front of a long mirror when all of a sudden I realized I was losing." Q. Quick. name the only ruler of England who was neither a king nor a queen. A. Oliver Cromwell. Mexican-Americans tend to lose weight as their incomes rJse, according to U.S. Agriculture Department res- earchers. This may also be \rue of other ethnic groups, but the study that turned up this finding only in- volved Chicanos. It was Scottish author James M. Barrie who noted: "Nothing ii really work unless you would Ukc to do something else.." Thomas P. Haley Publishe r Tttom.s A. Murptelne Editor BartNr• Krelblch Ed itorial Page Editor Does Washington corrupt? If the public has l'Ome to view con- gressmen as corrupt, money grabbing pobuc1ans out for all they can get. they have none to blame but themselves. The question is whet her lht-congressmen were that way before they were elected or 1f Washington has b<'t·omr a place· that cleslroys lht• ability lo know nght from wrong. Take the case of George Danielson of Monterey Park A former FBI agent and later an assistant U.S attorney in Sou- ther)') California. he was electect to the Assembly tn 1962 where he served four years and then was elected state senator serving until his t•lect1on to \•)ngress in 1970 As a member of the Legislature he was well regarded and c:ons1dered to ~ honest. moral and elhical. NOW THE St:rtpps Howard News Service reports that Danielson has been diverting campaign funds to support his family. According to those reports Da - nielson paid out more than $15,000 lo his wife. Gladys. during the past year He admitted payments totaling over $68.000 had been made to her since 1970. saying 1t was for research work. writing and re lated duties as wl'll as servacf's as campaign manager He JUSt1f1ed the pay ments stating that she was un - questionably the best campaign manager in California. Danielson also reportedly paid $7,200 to hJS brother-in-law to reorganize cam· pa1gn Ciles and payments of $2.600 to his mother-in-law who he said was a great stamp-licker. He also spent $5,100 for a 1981 Chevrolet which he said was for campaign use. But Danielson has no upc.•oming campaign. He has been nomi- nated for a state appellate court seat by Gov Jerrv Brown. He nev"ertheless defended 1he spen- ding stating "you run for election all IARl WATIRS year long." He also said hl• had done nothing illegal. That was the same defense made bv Congressman John McFall of Mantet·a when he was racked up by a t'ongres- sional committee for improper use of campaign money and failure to report contributions McFall, also a former member of the state Assembly. had ser ved as mayor of Manteca before gaining state office. He too was well regarded and 1t is a known fact that he wouldn't take as much as a postage stamp. In Washington things obviously changed Danielson and McFall are only two of a myriad of cases which stream from Washington on an almost daily basts. So technically they didn't do anything Ille- gal but what has happened to morality and ethics? Obviously t·ongressmen who would vote themselvt-:. the unconSt·1onable pay raise of boosting thetr salaries from $42.000 to $00.000 in one fell swoop and then al'l to l'Mludt• that salarv from p<.'1 sonal IOl'OITll' taxel> hav<• lost all sense of 1mpropr1l•ty As if being 1n the top 5 pt•rt·ent ant'Ome bral'kt>t isn't enough. the full-llml· con- gressmen abo engage 111 thl• highly qul·st1onabk• pr<.it'lll'l' of at't.vptmg money for "spe<Jkmg t•ngagements" bt'forf' po- werful spl't·1al tnterest groups st•l•king their favors. Thal thl·~l· fet·s c.1re high!) prof1tablC' 1s ev1dcm·ed by tht'1r finilnc1al d1sclosun· n ·ports wh1l'h ... how \omt· mt•mbers r('('e1v1ng a'> muth as $I 00,00(1 m a s1nglt year for 'iUl'h <'ngag(•111enls and few gt•tting lt•ss than $20.000 THIS MONEY JS 1n add1t1on to that which they attept as t'ampa1gn lunds and also 111 add1t1on to mont·y il<.'H•pll'd for th1:1r "off1le funds" frnrn pnvall' SOUrt't'S T h a t t h c· ~ 1 n 1.-. l t• r 1 n I I u c· n l' l' o I Washington h<1s bl•t·onw pt•rvas1v<-. ex- tending lll tht· ... tall' lt'gisloturc•s 1~ all too evident Whc·n Mt:fo all and Dan1t·lson n1me to lhl• Lt•g1!.laturc· nonl' wuuld haVC' drt:dmt•d of using t<ixp;i;,ers' UOllars for partisan polllll'al puq.mses Now 11 has bet·omc• common µrm llll' And the state legislators too .ire b('g1nn1ng to pc·ddle tht·msc·lvl•s ils "s1.wa kers" for s pc· l' 1 a I 1 n t ,. r c ~ l gr 11 u p.., w 1 t h "honorariums' ol t'llllfSC• Laws aside, buyer still must beware I'm constantly pleased with the fact that I can sit hen· and complain about \Omt'thrni: without ever having to m ake a hu rd dl'C'1s1on <1bout what ought to be donl' about 1t Congrcs~ 1s trying to decide whether to pass :.i law making 1t mandatory for u!>cd C'ar dealer\ to reveal any known d efl'cts 1n the cars the y se ll Congressmen an• getting a lot of help tn makmg up their minds from Poht1cal Action Committees ( PACSI supported bv the dealers. which have contributed to the polttmans campaign funds ON THE SU RFACE. it all seems obvious. Of course an hones\ used car dealer s hould tell a customer that the engine is shot. the brakes are about gone or the body 1s almost rusted out under the bright. shiny new paint job. The question. though. 1s this Is anyone else selling anything to us being held to that same standard? Do the companies that sell us brand new merchandise have to be honest with us about what's wrong with their product? They don't. of course We all know that when it comes to an adver tisement. almost any lhtng goes. There's a common understanding among us that we take ads with a grain of salt. There's no doubt about it, asking used car dealers to be absolutely honest may be asking too much. Assume you're an Thinking can lt ls well known in physical sports that "thinking" can be the enemy of "doing." The more Ume you have to think about returning a tennis shot, the more likely you are to flub it. Likewise, in musical performance, ff a pianist has to think about. the keys or the notes. h e cannot play the muslc. No ~ IYlllY 111111' lf') conscious cerebration mu11t interfere with the production of strokes or of melody. Strangely e nough, lhis axiom holds true even for forms of lntellectual com- bat, where "thinking .. la supposed to reign supreme. H you followed the re· cent world cheu ch.vnplonship between Karpov and Korchno1, this paradox be- came quite evident during the match. Karpov did not tO much beat Korchnol as Korchnoi beat hiJTI1ell. And he beat htmaolf, ev«"n In auputor poaltion., br, wha' the upMt• call "out-thlnklna·' hhn1elf. He would take ao long to deU - btrate that finally, u.ndet the preteUtt of Um4t, ho madto a faulc.y, or fatal, move honest person llow would you behave unclt!r \lm1lar circumstances? If )Ou w1..•n• selling a house 1n the fall when 11 h(1dn 't rained in \\eeks. would you go to a lot of t rouhlt.• to ll'll a prospective ANDY ROONEY buyer that the cellar often has water 6 inches dl-ep during the spring when it rains a lol ? Or would you bother to mention at'' Would you buy a used car from a PQrson like yourself? If the buyer asked you directly. "Does the cellar leak when it rains"" you'd be rti i;honest 1f you told him it did not. Are you being dishonest by not offenng that rnformat1on 1f he doesn't ask? Maybe it just slipped your mind. We'd all like to livt# in a world where no law had lo be passed to enforce hont•sty. decency and ethical standards. but Wt' don't live in that world The Romans hfld that Latin phrase we've borrowed. "caveat emptor .. It means "Let the buyer beware." and most of us recognize with some sadness that we ha vc lo Ii ve by that rule. It's why we pinch the fruit In the big. cut -rate. self-ser vice impede action 1 have often observed the same myself in duplicate bridge events. The top-flight players take a long time to play a card only when they have to; much of the time their play is instinctive and intui- tive. Sut many of those below this rank ponder and meditate and brood -and then make exactly the wrong play. More competitors ln nearly every field beat themselves than are beaten by opponents. It is well known in tennis ~t the winner Is the player who makes th~ fewest errors, not the one who exe- cutes the most brilliant shots. It ls even truer in a contest like chess, where many more games are lost than are won. OSUBERATION la a useful trait, but "thlnklna t.Oo preclllely upon the event," as Hamlet put it, it a rommon abuse of the faculty. The fabled example, of course. ls Bundan's ... placed midway between two tqual h'eystacks. w hich starved to death btcause It could not decidt: which one to choose. To achieve excellence In almost any punuJt, the uncoNC:lou.a mlnd muat be allowed to t.ue over -but, of cou~. this can aafefy be done only alt.er Iona practice and Lediou.a trainlna. The ul\J~ mate end of such dltdpllne la frttdotn (rom the l•boriou.a procem of thlnkin1 too much on \M comciowa plane. cll'partmrnt store· .... managers are angt·n:tl h~ l'U'>lom1·rs "'ho tear open bo'<<'" and p.ll'kal!C'" lf1 anspe<.'t the m<.·n·hanrl1..,t· hdure the' t:.ike 1t to the front t1111n1t·1 111 pa~ for 11 It makes a m t•s ... of t ht•1 r s to<'k , hut from a t·u ... tomt'r·.., l>'llnt of 'll'\\ it's th<.· on ly "a~ to mJke ... ure \\ h:.il !) an thl' hox •~ \\hat's pt<·lu1 t•<I on the s1c11• nf 11 We're a 11 sU'>Jlll'toU\ .,.. hl•n we 1>ut out our monc~ .and \H' ought to be I N NO ('ASF: are we more s uspicious than in the purchase of a second ·hand car. but ut the same time there's nothing Wt' buy that we're so incapable of Judging acC'uratcly . You can look at a l'ar 1n a lot for <1n hour and you can d11vc 1t around the block. but you're still not goanJ! to know that 1t was in a bud uecidcnt four months ago and the fr:.ime"' \\Cakl'nl·d :.ind bent You're not go1n~ to know the piston nngs are gone und thl' C'ur U\t'" a quart of oil with five gallons of ga.., You can see for yourself that tht• t1n•s l.lfl' OK. hut you can't ill'tcrmant· that th<.· trnnsm1ssion is shot \\lthout taking the <.·:.ir apart This 1s a lot hard(•r than opc·ning the box an the de pa rtml'nt store Used l'ar cleall'rs h<J ve never been on anyonl' s 11 ... 1 of Mo st Tru s ted Merchant... /\ lot 11f miles have been turned hack on a lot of speedometers over the year-; und we know it You hu ve to conct•dc. though. that used car dealers are in <1 tough spot The chances arc that when soml'One turns in a car, there's som<'thang wrong wilh it other than the color By the very nature of the business, thosl' car dealers are selling faulty merchund1st• In sp1tt' of the money being spent by the car dealers tryi ng to ~et Congress to vote against the bill . I'm against it anyway. Somc·t1mes the car dealers themselves don't knclw what's wrong with a car and 1t \\Ould cost them more to fi nd out than the car 1s worth. The law would make the dealer fill out a checklist of 52 possible defects the car might have. l'm in favor or that only If everyone else selling us anything has to do the same thing. lllllYCll A sayina for today that could gb aa • parallt'l to "there's no free lunch'' ta "thf're's no su~h thing as a ~hort lane." J .V. .... , ... -.....~ ....... lily ~---,.......,,.... _____ ~ .... ,__ -.. .._, o.. Oe!lt ~ .... 1• Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Monday, Merch 29, 1982 A7 · \111\.ll\' -EVENltO- t:OOI NIWI OtWIUl'I AHCMLI •@ AOAO«MY AWAN>I No 9 In D Minor, 0t>ut t26 (I) a.t•A•t•H 9 IA.....V MIL~" o.tnonlC ~. 111 llltOtl llliel'I encl 1111 ~ ,.,,, With a poek1!1u1 of or ... ar• lllOl.IQh 10 mike the CS.l1Cth1.. with they h.O Oteoma lllemen t:46 Cl) MOVll • • • * "Ooo D•y Atl4H• "°°" · t 1976) Al Peclno, John Clltlt A New Yont Clly li•r>ll. robbtry ""'et•• Into 1 ,....,. " cl•CV• Wtl4N1 conun\11\ity Kitvl•t• )Oln 1n to 11ega 1111 anlt-pollca PrOtNI during theCllO*t 10:00 D 8 TWO OUYt ""'* MUOt< A reportw and pnotoO••· P'* from • 1'-Uy 1c:lllldal '""' •r• llNIOn«I 10 Int~ a mvMU1T1 OUatd Tht 54111 ennuel edition of , """' 8WWda wlll ti. , ... cut live from the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion or ltwt Loe Ange6ae Mulic: Centw, JoMny c.tr90l'I " mu* Of ceramonlte. Q PERFORMS -Luciano P avacolti 1s joi- ned by friends on hour-long special to· night at 8:30 on KABC (7) I ... Ntwl CIAOLI! OF ITAM l.NTERTAINMEHT TO..IOHT An lntarvlft wllh Chrlllo- pher Reeva. (}i)MO)'ll • WHITE SHADOW ·THE~ • HAWAJlm!i-0 l ~A90RT MUTIHO HAl.FWAY TWo IMnage<I on the wrong Ilda ol the law remain on the right side of lriandahlp. (J)MOVIE •• * "S-S..Uti.a" ( 1978) Glanc:arto Giannini, Shtrley Stoler. While lmprltoned In a Nazi con- oantratlon c:.mp, a petty thief llnds hll obMMlva daelra tor Mlf•pr'MerVaUon put to the ultimate test e:ao . WELCOME BACK. KOTTER • HEW88EAT: CAUFOANIA COHORES&OHAL AEPORT ID BUSINESS REPOAT 8NEWS @ THEUTIUST MERMAID Animated. Richard Cham b•r laln narratu Hans Chrostlan Anderse'1'1 story about a mermaid who wants to become a human being, (l)EUBIEJ A tplrltlld tribute to the .genlue of compoaer Euble Blake, reaturlng 24 of his best songs Including "In Honeytuekle Time" and 'Tm Just Wiid About Har· 1:00 ~ H8C NEWS • HAPPY DAYS AGAIN D YoU ASKED FORJT Featured: "Pig And FO<'d Race" and "The Man Who Wunes Money." • M•A•S•H Thi doctors Of the •077th have more than they can handle on a bad day In the O.R. • JC>t<.EWS WILO • OVE1'EA8Y Guest Bob Keeahan. (R) •• DICK CAVETT Guest. D1vid HllCllney 8THE M~ Guest· ChrlltopMI Reeve ~MOVIE **'~ .. St. ,_ .. (19781 Ch11... Bronaon, Jacque- llne Bluet. A IO<'mer Jour- nalllt II hired by a -ithy film lanclec to recover e Mt of Incriminating ledger• In HChanga 10<' S 100,000 (ft) BOXING'S BEST: JACK JAC1<80N A rare look 11 taken at the a1ttr80fdlnary ttle of the "Galveston' Giant." the IJrst black to 1>ecome world heavyweight cham- ploo (D) BARAY MANllOW: IN ntEAOUHO CHANNEL LISTINGS 8 KNXT CCBSI 01 8 KNBC INBCI z 8 t<TLA I Ind.I HI .l(ABC CABCI 'Cl D KFMB lCBSI ()) 0 KHJ·TV (Ind.I 01) D KCST CABCI If e KTTV (Ind I ($ 'e KCOP·TV (Ind.) u e KCET IPBSI • •KOCE (PBS) ManllOw partorma • Mlec· lion or hit hlll, Including "Mandy," "I Write The Songt," "Can't Smit• Without You" and "~•· caban1 .. T8'*1 at Plt11- bul'gh'1 CMc Ar-1.'t ANTHONY HEWl.EY AT SEAWOALO 7:30 G JACK AHO THE BEAH8TAU< D 800Y WORK8 D LAVERNE & SHIRLEY &COMPANY Lenny dllcovers I hat ha la a Polian count. 0 BULLSEYE G) M0A•S•H Hawkeye and B J become lost In enemy tllfrllory • TIC TAC OOUOH SI MACNEIL/ ~HRER REPORT 6i) OREAT PEAFOAMANCES "Brldeshead Revisited" Thi 0y1ng Lord Marcnmalri (Laurenc41 Otlv191) returns from Europe with his 0ml1" treas to spend his last year1 at the !amity home (Part 11)0 ()) MOVIE * * * •;, "The W1z:erd 01 Oz" (1939) JU<ly Garland Rey Bolger. A young girt from Kansas dreams ol traveling to the mystical. magical land of Oz with her dog and three mak•· belleve lrlerids. (R) QI FAMILY FEUD 1:00 a a MOVIE * * 'l'I "Wiid HOfH Hank" (1980) Linda Blair, Richard Crenna 8 WONDER WOMAN C1J MOVIE * * * * "Z.iegleld Foltlel" ( 19-48) Fred Astaire. Judy Gaf1and. From neaveri. Flo Ziegfeld envisions • revue with every maJo< lier play- ., a:,: MAGAZJNE A IOoll at the specie! effec:ll uMd In the movi. "Raider's Of Tne Lost Arlt". a 77-year.old midwlte WllO atilt delivers bebies at home . • MOVIE • * • "Mls1er Moses" (1965) Robert Mitchum, Clll"Oll 8Mer. The head of an Afncan tribe ~ that an American hU bMrl Mrtt es a~ or Goel to relOceC• hit tnbe. fD OREAT PERFORMANCES "Brldeshead Revisited'' The dying Lord Marchmllln (Laurence OIMer) retums rrom Europe W1th his mir.· tresa to spend his last )'911(• at the family nome (Part 11)0 ®MOVIE • • '"' "The Secret 01 Seagull Island" ( 1981) Jeremy Britt. NiClty Hen· son. A young American girt On·TV Z-TV HBO CCiMmaXI (WORI NY , N.V (WTBSI IESPNI c Sllowtime 1 Sl>othont <Cable News NetworkJ 111 .. to tree her blind aleter lrom her lllllld oapttvlty. UTTlE JOHNNY JC>fjES Thll revival of th• 19Q4 GIC>fgtt M Coh111 musical Comedy 8boelt an I Am9fi. can jockey wtlo trlN to win the Engllllll Derby tealurM auch lavO<'ll .. u "GIW My Aeg.lrd• To BrOldway" 111<1 "Yankee Doodle Dan• d .. 0MOVIE * • • "First F1mlly • ( 1980) Gild• Redner, Bob Newhart The 1uually represalld <laughter ot Iha country's -lrdelt preal- dentl81 tamtty complleates her lather's attempts lo conduct the allatrs of Slate R (%)MOVIE **'It "Game 0 1 Death" ( t9791 Bruce Lee. Cnuck Norns The king ol kung ru battles two lormldebll vii· ta1ns 'R' 8:30 t) THE ROCKFORD FILES Rockford must do<1ge mobste1s and hit men whlle trying to protect 1 legendary &•·cop from the lam.I un<Jerwortd llgure fJ @) PAVAROTTI ANO FRIENDS Richard Thomes John McEnroe 1nd compoS8f I conductor John W1lllam1 tom worlo-renowned tenOf Luciano Pavaro111 in an nour-long special G) All IN THE FAMILY Archie s tokeo ellons to llbefatoze his roooe baci<· lire. 9~00 g) MERV GRIFFIN Guests Git)' COieman Or Robert Jastrow. Terry Gre-q_ory. Lisa Raggio ~ BEANSTEIN I BEETHOVEN Leonard Bernstein lead• the' Vienna Ph1lh11rrnon1c Orchestra and Concert ChO<u1 1n a performance of Beethoven's Symphony No 9 1n D Minor Opus 12S (C)MOVIE • * The Alft<:' ( 19791 Came Sr>odgress. Ray Mii· land A hbran11n lives In lhe past wtth her memot-of a love wno <1111.appeared 'R' (O)MOVIE * * The Jau Singer (1980) Natl Diamond, Lau· rence Olivier A New York cantOf bfeakS with ramlly tradition arid sets out to find su~s a• e pop mu1iC star 'PG t'.30 IJ AND THE WINNERS AAE. •• This Channel 2 n-s spe- cial laetures 1 special guest cefflbrlly. a took " previous Oscar winners and the dltterence 11 has made In their llvea. ttle his- tory or the O.Cars and lntllNiewl ... th th11 year's winner• 8 TWIUOHT ZONE Chua and Ruth Millet are awaklfled .n tn. mlddle ol the night t>y the cries of their child. • THE06CAR WIHHEAS • BERNSTEIN I BEETHOVEN Leonard Bernstetn leads the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra and Concert Chorus in a performance ot Beethoven's Symphony • • ~ "The Pollman Alway• Ring• Twloa" (1981) Jaclc Nlcholaon, Jasa.c. L.atiga A young woman and her IOVlf plot to murder her hu1band 'R' MOVIE • • The Final conn1e1 · ( 1981) Sam Neill. Roenno Branl In lhe third port or "The O~" trilogy, young Oami.n. the embodiment or th• Antletlrlat. 11 now an 11dutt and a trusted 1dvlaor 10 Ille prelldent of th• U.S 'R' 0MOVIE * * * "All Night Long" ( 1981) Gane Hackman. Barbra Str•sand Altllf being demoted lrom cor· pOr ate executive to chain· 1t0fe night manager. a middle-~ man·1 llfe- 11y1e ar>d values are turned up11de-down 'A' 10:30 t) LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT A burglary trlgtttena a woman and leaves her blond 11u1ban<1 queattOning h1amanhood C!) NEWS Qt!) IN PERFORMANCE AT THE WHITE HOUSE Famed actor. singer and dancer Gone l<elty per- rorms al the White House w1lh SJ>. young dancers @) YOU ASKED FOR IT Featured "Belgium's Nalted Boy Hero" and Wend s Only Wild Boar Circus (~MOVIE • * "If 1 Alive" ( 1974) JOhn Ryan, Sharon Farrell A bouncing baby comes into the world with langs. claws ar>d • strong ci.alre to kill 11:00 8 D O Cil ®l a HEWS 0 SATUROAY HIOHT Hos1 Buck Henry Guests. The Band 0 KOJAK When a Ch"-street gang kidnaps an underworld rigure, Kolak tries to preven1 re1allallon (Par11) • THE JEFFER80NI Louise and GeOfge eacn try to duck out of Qllebral· 1ng their wedding anniver- sary Q) SANFOAD ANO SON Fred hat dllferet1l plans Wilen Lamoot and Rollo plan a romantic evening with two girls &;) TOHV BAOWN'S JOUANAL "Is Work A Four-Letter Word?" Tony Brown toolts at ttle unemployment rate among toeley's blade tMO- ~ers (0)MOVlE • •'• Dange<ous D•vies' (1981) Bern11d (;(lbbln•. Biii Maynard A bumbllng datecilve IOfves a 1S-yeat· Old murdet 11:30 t) ()) QUINCY D Q! SPECIAL AEPOAT Roger Mudd and Tom Bro- k-repon on ttle outcome ot yesterd1y·1 elections In El Salvador, eJ1amlne the meaning ot the reeu1t1. 1nd look at the reaction In the U S and other countries . fJ @) ABC MEWS HIGHTUNE ID AU IN THE FAMILY G) LOVE, AMERICAN STYLE • Love And Carmen Looez How will best movies of 1981 NEW YORK (AP) -Tonigh t's Academ y. Award nominees for best picture will be tomorrow's fractured {~ on free television. How w1U they eventually translate to the small screen? Can art and deodorant commercials mix? At best, the theatrical film industry and TV co-exist uneasily. Their inherent incompatibility is bridged only because people from both media want to make money and reach wide audiences. Filmmakers fear TV won't do justice to their work. inte rrupting building tension with a station break, or lessening dramatic impact with a message from our sponsor. (Academy Awards airs tonight at 6 on Channel 7.) To an extent, TV executives are interested in the film's integrity. too, but also whether it will have mass appeal and tqo much (or too li ttle) sex and violence. "Reds," "On Golden Pond," "Chariots of Fire," and "Raiders of the Los Ark" are rated PG. Only "Atlantic City" is R-rated. reflection on thl' quality, but it's 3 small-sca le movie ... Well -told. Creates an atmosphere and mood . . . With JUdil'1ous edaung. can maintain its emo- tion. mood and impact." -"Reds," Warren Beattv's fi lm abou t an Ame rican communist caught tn-the philosophical and h1stoncal turbulence of the Russian Revolution: "Overcomes the fo reign and period-piece disad - vantages o f 'Chariots' because it has a major American cast and ts a sweeping, epic love story ... Longest film, but it's so nicely done that it would be hard to cut. I see it as a four-hour movie over two nights." -"Raiders of the Lost Ark," director Steven GAIFllLD IAI« IS GOING PLACES .... "12 .. ~so c•wi YOU• Oerl .. lclat Maonoll• ... ,......., "'" • Hur\ltfiQtO" le•Ch TU BE TOPPERS KABC (7) 6:00 -.. Acade my Awards." Johnny Carson ts master of Ct!remonlrs for the 54th edition of the awards KNXT (2) 8:30 -"The Rockford Files." Rock ford dodges mobsters whllc trying to protl'<=t Ii le ge ndary l'X·COp. KABC (7 ) 8 :3 0 -"Pa v aro tti a nd Friends." Richard Thomas, John McEnroe a nd composer-conductor J ohn Willia ms join renowned tt?nor. See photo, le ft. KOCE (50) 10:30 -"In Perform~ce at the White House." Famed dancer, singer and actor Gene Kelly performs. • CMCKCAYm Ou .. t: Jonathan Miii«. (P.,t 1) • ()APTlOHEO A8C HfWI et.t0v1e • • •,r, "Llllla Darilng1" (1980) Tatum.O'NMI. Kri. ty MeNlchol At eumm« camp, two tnn-1111• girts compete to -"'™> wlll bl Iha llr1t to IOM h« vlrgln4- ty. R' -MIONIGHT- 12.-00 D 8 l'tiE BUT OF CA AS ON Gu .. 11 Alan King, George s.Qal, lhe a...rty Hilla Unlllted J1112 Band. Aroua Hemlllon, Se,vannah Smllh.(R) 8 ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT An Interview with Chrl1to- pllet All\la fJ MOVIE ***'-'\"Klute" (19711 Jane Fonda, Donald Sutherland C1J MOVIE o<' • • • "W•tem Union" (1941) Robert Young, DHn Jeooe< g) MOVIE • • • "Rebecea 01 Sun· nybrook Farm" ( 1938) Shirley Tam~. Gtor11 Stu· art C!) LOVE, AMERICAN STYLE · Love And The Patrp Pllf· IOI'" fB AMERICA: THE SECOHD CENTUAY 9 MOVIE **'A "Th• Swinger" (1968) Ann-Margret, Tony Franclota. A young girt trying to get her work pub- hlhed wrltM a steaming p0rnogr14>11lc novel and dalm1 11 i. autoblograplll· cal. (C)MOVIE * * * 11 "Tile -400 Blowa" ( 19S9) Jean-Pierre LMUO. Patrick Aulfay A young boy aepnved or paren!at warmth and the accep1· ance of his PM<S tuma Ills allanabon and desoelr 1owar<1 1 Ille of am.ii Crimea. (h)MOVIE • • • "I Sent A Lauer To My Love" P981) Simone Slgnoret, Jffl1 Rochetor1. A mlddi.ag«S woman wno nu sc>ent moet of her adult 111• caring '°" ,_ Invalid brother decldea 10 w ha a letter to a ~­ per lonely llear1a COluriin 'PG' rs:J MOVIE * * • '" Eyewitnen" (1981) Sigourney WHVllf. Wllllllll Hurt A televltlon raponer becomes Involved wUh • 1anll0f Who mey know more 1b0Ut a mur· der thlt he wtlnesaecl than he la S«ylng 'R' tZ)MOVlE • • ... "W1urds" (1977) Animated. ln a WO<ld Of the future, tO<'cary plays • maJo< rote In the bett'" of two great conlllcllng arm .... 'PO' 12:ao I oouPLES NEWS 12:AO Cl) OOUJMIO 1:00 D 81..ATE HIGHT WfTH DAVID LETTERMAN Gueall Jeck Anderson, MlchNIKNlon 8 OENEAVTRY • MOVIE II'* * "Champegna FO<' c-•r 111soi eet111• Holrn. Ronald Colmen. (D:JMOVIE • • ... "Bustin' LOOM " ( 198 1) Rich 1rd Pryo<. Clcl- ly Tyson. A bumbling bur· g lar. • concerned lchoollMChllf •nd eight ctilldran mah • frighten· Ing cross-country trip 1n a brol!en-down schOOI bus 'R' 1:30 8 OEHE AVTRY • TURNABOUT 0 AHTHOHV NEWLEY AT SEAWOALO {%)MOVIE •*'II "American Pop" (19811 Anlmeted The hll· tory of Americen pop musfC. lrom vau<ltt'(tlle to rock 'n' roll, Is traced through S8V9fai genera. ttons ol a family of mull· cien1 'R 1:40 (tJ MOVIE * * "The Apple" ( 1980) Catherine Mary Staw111, GIOfge Gilmour tn 1994, a singing duo falls Into the hand• of 1 <11abollca1 lmpr-IO 'PG 1:-44 0i)MOVIE • • • "The Longest Yard" ( 1974) Burt Reynolds. Eddie Atbllfl A former pro quarterback doing time in a Southern prlaon Is given the ,Ob coaching a group of convtets for a no-hold1- b11 red football game ~•Inst the guards (SJMOVlE ••• ,, "Bustin' LOOM ( t981 I Rt<:hard PryOf, Clee- ty Tyson. A bumbling bur· glar. a concerned schooltelldllf and eight chlldren make a frighten· Ing cross-country trip In 1 broken-down IChoOI bul 'A' 2:00D 8NEWS 2:158 HEWS 2".20 1 HEWS 2:30 MOVIE • •• "Roadie" I t980) Mell Loaf, Kelli Hunter A rock music roadie lltS nothing get 1n h•S way 1n hll pursuit of Ina girl of 1111 draerns 'PG' 2:568 MOVIE * * * "The Dark Mirror" ( 1946) Olivia da Havlllend, Lew AyrH 3:06 (%) MOVIE * * "The Final ConlllC1" (1981) Sam NatH, Rossano BrlUI tn the third par1 of "Tne Orne<l" trilogy, young Demien. the embodiment JOHN DARLING WHAi GIVES, PHIL~ 1 T HOUGHT IHA"T MARCH 'WAS 5UPPOSEO TO COME IN LIK E A LION , AND GO OUT LtKE A LAM~! ol Int Anlldlflll. .. no-"' 9CNlt encl • trualed ~ 10 '"' l)f98idtflf of tlW u • ·111· l:tl CC> MOYie ••'"' "II. tve." (11711 "".,... eroneon, Jaoqu.- h llaMt. A IOfmtf jour • """'' 11 llltld by . WNlthy mm f~ to r-var a Ml 01 lncrlm1na11ng led~• In •AChanOI fOf • 100.000 l:.IO Cl) MOVll • * "Tiit F'IMI Conflict" 11111!1 Sam Nettt, Aou1no Bruzt In the 1hlfd pan Of "The Omen" trilogy, young Damlln. the embodiment of the Antlct'ltltt, te now en lldutt 1111<1 • truttld adVllOf' to the prMldent o1 the u.a 'R' 1:48®...0Vlt! * * '"' "American P09" p N1) Anlmlled The 111.- tory ol Amarlc•n pop mullc, from vauci.YUll to rodl 'n' roll, II lracacl 11\tough -al ganer•· uona of 1 lamlly ol mutl· ciant. 'R' 4:300MOVIE **'II "Thill ' (19811 JamH CH n, TuHC!ey Weld A prolatllorlat crOOk giv" up hit Independence fOf a Dig ICOf8 1hat ha h09ff will MCura his laml· ft'1 lulura 'R' 4:50 (CJ MOVIE • • "11'1 Alive· ( t97•) Jottn Ry1n, Sharon Farrell ~Tue•doy•111 Dayf l•t-MovlP# -MORMNG- •"°~ • • • JOhnny, Wa Hardly Knew· Ye" ( 1977) Paul Rudel, Wllll•m Prince An llllblllOul young lrl1t1 B<Mtonlan, JOhn F l<anna· dy, anowa earty signs of a gift for greatness 11 he begins his polltlCal iourney toward Iha pr .. ldency t:00 0 **'It "F11sco Kid" (193S) Jamal Cagney. M11garet Unduy A girt N •et a tough N llor trom being hung by gamblers. CIJ •••;"Wizards" ( 1977) Anlm.etlld In a world of 1he lutu1e. sorcery play1 a major rote 1n the battles of two great con- flicting armllS PG' 11:30 Q) * * "Santi Fe Stampede" (19381 JOhn Wayne, Ray Corrigan 10:00 CS) • * • Never So Few ( 1960) Fr&r>k Sin.ire. Gina Lollobriglda A learlaaa otlicer leads 600 men In sabotage etlorts agalnll tne Japanese durtng World War II. 10:30 Ct) * * * "North By Northwest" ( 19591 Cary Grant. Eva Marie Saint An advertl11ng man's Ille 1s changed dru tically when he 11 mistaken IOf a CIA Cf);:• '~ "American Pop · (1981) Antmatlld The his· tory of Amertcan pop mulle rrom vaudeville to rock 'n' roll. 11 traced through several genera· Ilona of a family ot musi- cians 'R' 12:00 0 •111 "Tne Mighty Jun· gle ( 198•) Marshall ThOmpson. Dave Delle ai • • • The Man F1orn The Olners· CkJb" ( 1963) Danny Kaye, Cara W1l· liam1 G> • • • • · The One Thet Got Away" \ 19S8) "ardy Kruger. Cotin Gor· don 0 **'""The loved One" ( 1965) Robert Morse Anjanette Comar The ~hew of a Cl-ued HOI· lywood star lnou~ some debts and headeches wharl It comet time IO make the hlntlfal arrange- mtnll tllOI •• \t .. ..., llllnd" !tNOI Doneld ~. V1rttNt AldOfl~ An Arctlo wfflhlr-r....,oh 1Hm'1 member• 111 r«C.O Into a light IOt lhlir ¥tfY llHVIVal PG' U:ac> (If) * * '" "A NIOl'ltif191119 Sang In 8"1talav &4uar•" ( 111711) Rlcllerd Jordan, ~ Ntv*1 TM ftiQt'll w1tcnman •1 t lrillllll Bent\ 11 tampttd 10 ...ium to • Ill• of crltn1. •• 'I "T,.,-' (1M 1) JamH Ctan. Tue1d1y W .. CI A prolMllonal crooil Ol*uphll l~ ror • blO acor• ''* 111 hopetl,jWH lllCWI Illa faint. f}'.'.t lutJI.. 'A' 1:00 (CJ ••*'" "Two Enolieh Girlt" ( tt71J ,,..,,_Pltf,1 LMud, Kika Mat1('*'1, In pr•World Wll I P1tll. two Watah glrla lflOllQI In a rornMltlc triangle wlltl • young Frencnman 1:48 C%> * * "Thi Finll Con-' lllcl" ( t98 1) S1111 Haiti. Roaaano Bran.I In !hi third p111 of "The Omen" trltogy, young Damian, the ambodl"*"t of the A.ntl- ctwllt. 11 now 111 adult and a trusted edvlsor to thl president of thl U S 'R' 2lOO U • • 't BIUy JaOk" (1971) Tom Laughlln, OelOfN hylor An 8•· GrMn Bllfet hall-brNd cnampt0n1 the cau .. of a freedom lcilool for 1\1118· way• on an Arizona Indian r--.a11on. 2:30 • • • 'Oh Goel!" ( t977) GIOfge Burnt, JOhn Dertv91'. God Mlactl an Ul'ltulPICflng young IUpal'· market manager to deliver • menage ot hope and good will lo the skeptical people or the modern-day world PG' 3:00 0 • * * Summer Stock ' (19S 11 Judy Oar· land, G-Kelly A lroul)I of actOfl partlclpst• 1n daily farm chorea ln exchange lor the u11 or 1 Connecticut barn to act In cc • * . I The LUI Snow 01 Spring" ( 1977) Olag· nosed as 11av1no leukemia. a 9· year ·old boy and hll lather t>eg1n 1 lh<>rl. dllfl· cult perlO<I of reacqualn- tence alter years of llP•· ratton 'G' 3:35 i.L • • Converntlon Piece" (1977) Burt l.anc:H· te1 . Siivana Magnano. An aging proteuor ~ tn•otva<J in the lives of 11 woman. htw c111tdren and her lover •:OO * * FOfce Five· SW · 11engers I t 9811 Animated An army of llllle robot• ban<I together to delend Earth aga1ns1 • rorce of atteri mvaders ·G 0 * •' 1 Somewhere In Tune ( 1980) ChnllopMI Reeve, Jane Seymour Obsened with the portrait of a 19th-century actress. a modern-day New YO<'k playwright UMI hypnoll1 10 travel back 1n time and meet her ·PG• •:30(t)••'• Flareup"(1989) Raquel Welch, James Sii· ey A beaulllul young OO· go dancer 11 pursued to Los Angeles by a <leranged parlf\O<ac kllllr wno belie,,.. that sne is the c11use 01 the laffure of 111s marr1age 5:30 (tl * * ' , Otty Otty Olien Free ( t978) Kathatlne Hepburn, Oenn11 Oimller A 111gh-sp111ted woman tPes 011 in a balloon with two young boyS en rou1a 10 en exc111ng adveflfure. 'G' 5:"'5 (?' • • ,.., "Bear Island" ( 19801 Oona.Id Suthetlaod Vanessa Redgreve. An Arctic weather-research team s members are lorcec into a fight for lheif very su1 v1val PG• by Armstrong & Batiuk WAY ~O GO, PH tL.' L AY T HE BLAME ON v.JOM EN.' • with commercials? UJlX Spielberg's action-adventure t hnllcr: "This w ill be major TV success. But ifs really a btg-screen movie. Soml' scope, size and soun d w tl l be lost . ~ . ·Ra iders' will be hurt most by commercial inte r- ruptions. It was made without lulls." "On Golden Pond," Henry Fonda a nd Ka- thenne Hepburn as elderly couple coming to terms with li fe and death ''Near-perfect picture in any medium. by virtue of scope. story, cast, universality. sensitivity ... Appeals to women and people of all ages . . T hree major, proven stars (including J ane Fonda). as well as brightest young newcome r in years (Doug McKeon) ... Loses least in translation to TV." Call 642-5678. Put a few word• to work for ou. .. Kane cxp<.'Cts ::ill five ftl ms on TV within 18 months to four years. with tonigh t's winnC'r gaining promotional and resale value. "T here can onJy be one bt'St picture of the year." he said. If it f loats, c hances are you'll read about it in the Daily Pilat 642-4321 "As a group, these five pictures will be relati- vely problem-free for the standards and practice de pa rtment," said Josh Kane, an NSc vice presi- dent for programs, among whoee reeponsjbllities i.s lhe evalua tion of feature films. "lt'a an incredibly strong field." CAREER WOMEN ·SF'\ If ,H ( 'I TIZE'\S SI .Ott I lt ·ar1n~~ Tt·"t~. St·l 1:or '\t•\\ port l~t·~u ·h ~ .. ' . . ' w given at Newport Beach Hearing . id Center Mon., Mar. 29, Taes., Mar. 30, Wed., Mar. 31 9 A.M. te S P.M. - The following Is Kane'a asseument of how well the nominees will move to commercial TV. after their cable run, of coune, and their relative strength as future audience attractJona. -"C hanot.s of Fire," about two runners in lhe 1924 Olympics: "Probably at a disadvantage be - cause lt'a a ~riod, aetting piece . . . but basically unknown to American au~iencea ... Beautiful ltell-told human drama, but picture owes part ol it• -/aucce11 to strong visual, IOWld and musk. Thae arc ie. reliable element.I on the home? 11ereen." - 0'Atlanllc City," about •atna numbers run- ner (Burt La.neut.er) who ia d petately holding on to hit youth ln • det.eriorallna city: "ln tM same Umltcd·~tiaJ "9~ .. 'Chariot.I' . . • Not • ' Hearinf tests will be conducted by a Hearing Aid Specialist, who is hcensed by the California State Board of Medical Quality Assw-ance as a Hearing A.id Dispenser. . Anyone who has trouble hearing or understanding is welcom~ to a test empJoiyinl the latest electronic equiP,ment which will determine tiis or lier particular loss. You wall see a modem hearing ald so tiny it fits totally within the ear. NEWPORT BEACH HEARING AID CE TER •'orml'rly Montgomery Ward Heanoa Aid Center. Cotta M :11 1600 West C~ast Highway Newport Beach 646-8281 \ • ., f ~· .. ! ~I f t • . . . . • ----- - -~ ~- ---·-~ ... -1i~-.:i-=-=;==--~-------__, --·. ~-.. -· - Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Monday, ~arch 29, 1982 p STCLIFF . PLA.ZA ANTHONY'S SHOE SE RVICE BANK 0F AMERICA CHARLES BARR JEWELERS CROWN HARDWAR E DR. LOU ELDER optometrist 1 HAIR HANDLERS SA LON HALLIDAY'S MEN 'S CLOTH ING HICKORY FARMS specialty feed items HUMPTY DUMPTY children 's clothing LA GALLERIA elegance in fashion MARKET BASKET MES AMIES TEENS NANCY DUNN ANTIQUE S NEWPORT BALBOA SAVINGS PAPER UNLIMITED cards, gifts and party wore SAV -ON DRUGS STOREKEEPER traditional sportswear VET A'S INTIMATE APPAREL WESTCLIFF CLEANERS WESTCLIFF CORNERS gourmet ware and collectables WESTCLIFF SHO:S Quality in fashion and services with that personal. touch Thursday Nights 'till 8 p.m. -· .. I THI c• DI THI coum MONDAY, MARCH 29, 1982 CAVALCADE COMICS SPORTS .. 82 ' Orange Coast area lands 1 3 players on South A/l.:.star football squad. B6. Aikido: Supremacy with a twist Delly Piiot Photoe by lM Peyne "ATTACKERS" GROUNDED -Kim Morgan and David Dye go through the mo tions of an all-direction throw, above and lower right. Their classmates practice approaches and watch instructor Wa yne Tourda show the reverse hand throw. Some enthusiasts of the relati- vely modern Japanese martial ar t o f a ik ido describe it as "meditation with momentum."' They claim the bod y is willed to be strong and to react in such a way that an attacker 's thrust leads to his downfall. By con- centrating on one's own physical advantages, the ''victim"' can de- flect dangerous moves. Wayne Tourda, a second- degree black belt, who teaches aikido at Orange Coast College. conte nds the non -aggressive. non -competitive art based on harmony with nature and control of body and mind can be learned by a n yo ne w h o can li f t 15 pounds. "This makes aikido ideal for women since they are at a d 1s- advan•.age because or size, ... he says. ''It's an excelle nt way for t h em to lear n t o d e f e nd themselves." In aik1do. an attack is never stopped. It is guided so that an assailant is detoured and the re- stster is left standing in command or the situation. Besides throwing techniq ues, ai kido practitioners aim for weak parts or the body, applying control to joints and pressure points. , Increasing numbers of Orange Pick of the litter cl e ared f ro111 lots FIGURES DON'T LIE BUT ... Some evidence surfaced this w eek that Santa Ana, our be loved County Seat, is going on a spring cleanup spree. Some observers might view such a campaign as the Impos- sible Dream. Years ago, Santa Ana was considered the mecca of all culture and commerce in our region. That was before Anaheim surfaced with the three modem seats of culture and com- merce -Disneyland, the Angels and the raml~ Rams. ' .. ~ . r.\ But I digress. In ~ earlier times, Santa JIM MURPHINI ,~ Ana was the cross---------------roads of Orange County's world. Why, it had buil- dings of "'ore than three stories, vacuum tubes in department stores and even a railroad station. It was metropolis. . MORE RECENTLY, however, as Mickey Mouse began luring Big Business up the road, Santa Ana's central business district appeared to be suffering a terminal case of urban decay. Commerce seemed to tum to used car lots and Going Out of Business sales. Department stores fled \0 better economic climate while porno movie houses found a market. In battling blight, there has been a gallant campaign, with aome measure of SUtteSS, to refurbish Santa Ana's old downtown sector near Fourth and Main. County govenunent al80 tried to help by buil- ding a new Hall of Administration but alas, like much of the city, it fell apart. Against thia backdrop, however, some news re- ports have surfaced out of the County Seat that might suggest th1no are indeed looking up. Thia involved the number Of Santa Ana Vlleant low that are strewn with trash, gluck, rubbish and weeds. Santa Ana does have a weed abatement program. Las t y ear, city inspecto rs we nt out on their rounds and, accord ing to the reports, discovered 3.300 vacant lots where w eeds and other disgus ting mate- rials were considered a menace to society. These ow- ners got city notices, ordering cleanup. BY COMPARISON this year , the news s tory noted that only 390 vacants lots were found in the entire me tropolis that would require weed chopping and trash hauling. You have to be amazed by this record of civic improvement accomplished in just a single year. Simple mathematics would suggest he re that in Santa Ana, 2,910 lots that were a civic d isgrace in 1981 have now bf:en upgraded and no longer contribute to blight in our County Seat. But wait a minute. ALAS, IT IS necessal-y to read much deeper into the dispatch where you learn that the rules requiring vacant lot cleanup have changed in Santa Ana since 1981. This year, when an offending parcel is discovered, the diligent in~tor· who made such discovery is re- qullj~ to fill out a lot more paperwork than he did in pre'\'!OW¥Years. Thus the record suggests that the Santa Ana in- spectors abruptly unearthed signifieantlr fewer va- cant lots that required cleanup, as wel as a lot of bureaucratic paper-writing. • SADLY, YOU MIGHT conclude that civic pride in Santa Ana may not be tied directly to how many parcela of land need purifying. It's really a question of how many carbon copies it takes to aet the job done. Coast residents are learning the maneuvers in private sport stu- dios, three beginning a nd ooe advanced class at OCC and SPS- sions conducted l.Jy the Costa Mesa Leisure Services Dcpart-- ment. Registration can be arranged by phoning 556-5772 for OCC. 540-6263 for Tourda or 754-5300 for Leisure Services. Funeral held for Valley • camp er pair A funeral service will be ron- d ucted today in Grants Pass, Ore., for Fountain Valley resi- dents Jerry W. Schultz, 45, and Irene Komatz Schultz. 47, who died during a camping accidE'ns Schroeder Park, Ore. The couple were married thr m<?nths ago and honeymoone<l in Las Vegas and Hawaii. The~ we re vacation ing in OrC'gpn when the mishap occurred. Mr. Schultz was a barber in Newport Beach for 22 years. He also was an avid boater a nd fisherman. Most recently. he had bee n employed by Red Balloon Stores. He was a gradua te ot Newport Harbor High School. He is survived by his daughter: Mary Kay Schultz, and his pa- ren ls, Ernest and Fr a n~ Schultz, all of Newport Beach· his siste r, Sandra Pa tterson of Orange; his bro ther , Howa~d Schulu of San Diego; his gr~­ mother, Ruth Clayton of Nesy- port Beach: and his uhcle, 81- chard Clayton of Hunting\011 Beach. · •· Irene Schultz was a native '<>1 WiJconsin. She worked as a real estate agent in Huntington Be~ and Fountain Valley. : • She if survived by her mothet>. Ct.ra Silt.I of Fountain Vall~)'1 and her brother, Wayne Situ o( Lona Beach. -Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT/Monday, March 29, 1982 • • • Clergy, counseling services ratOO by readers DEAR READERS: Recently a woman wrote to say she followed my advice and sought counseling from her clergyman. He gave her no help -said he was "too busy." She felt huroiliated. More bad news. Her son, a high school junior, tried (at my sug- gestion) to see his school counselor. The counselor was "tied up." Her final line: "Stop telling people to try these two sources. They don't help anybody." I printed her letter and asked you rea- ders to drop a postcard and report on your results with school counselors and clergy- man. Was help received? Yes or no. The responses were surprising. About·75 percent DID get help from clergymen. Only 40 percent received help from school counselors. Here are some com- ments from the mailbags: ADAMS, NEB.: In 1962 I was in the middle of a ·nervous breakdown. We lived in a small town and there were no psychiatrists around, so I went to our pastor. That won- derful man pulled me through. I shall never forget his kindness, generosity and wisdom. . --S.B. ST. LOUIS: Three years ago I was in ...... ~ . ... THEIR PARK -Some of the Norwood Street School students gather with signs and a dia- gram of the soon-to-be-constructed park on a vac:ant lo t near the Los Angeles elementary the depths of despair over the break-up of my marriage, financial rever1e1 and two klds who were on drugs. I phoned my cler- gyman and blurted out, "Life ls too much for me. I'm going to commit suicide!" Hi1 response, "You'll have to make an appoint- ment. I'm busy." FROM CHARLOTTE, N .C .: La1t Christmas Eve our minister got out of a sick bed to counsel me on a family criala. The man is a saint. -GRATEFUL PRESBYTERIAN LONG ISLAND: When I went to our school counselor, after a suicide attempt, she said, "I have 15 minutes." Then she spent the whole time putting on nail polish. My parents were split. Mom was letUng a at.ring of crummy guys move in with us, and Dad was coming over every weekend, drunk, looking for a fight. Three times I called for an appointment with a school counselor. I was told, "They are all booked. We'll call you.'' After waiting a month, I went to see a Catholic priest I had heard about from a friend. (I was brought up Protestant). That priest saw me three times a week for four Afl' Wlrephoeo school. Afte r 18 months of hard work, the childre n raised $93.000 for construction of the park. Ground was broken last week. New start for Taurus Tuesday, March 30 ARIES (March 21-April 19): Response to recent inquiry is favorable, you'll get green light to proceed and to fi~h a w~ry important project. Moon e~phas1s on tn~, visits and quick return on investment. Li- bra and another Aries figure prominently. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): New start results in profit. Study Aries message for valuable hint. You get to heart of matters, member of opposite sex expresses feelings and your morale soars. Your s tyle is im- printed. you'll be more confident as result. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Numerous fears, doubts, suspicions will be erased. You are going in right 'direction. lndividual who aided in past will once again lend benefit of experience. Family member is loyal and proves it. CANCER (June 21-July 22): What be- gins as drudgery could be transformed into a sparkling, creative endeavor. Apparent de- feat becomes a resounding victory. Accent on celebration, expansion of personal hori- 7.0J?S, added popularity and planning ahead for travel. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Numerous questions will be asked; those interviewing you may demand source material. Be ready, check details and put together puzzle pieces. P.opularity remains strong, powers of per- suasion are heightened and you will get yi>ur wish. ~ VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): O rders from top may lack substance. Knew it, have alternatives at hand. Legal ma~ers could ~minate acenario. Be aware of rights, per- Missions -you'll be ln position to negotiate f ~vorable terms. ~ LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Family ~ber could be involved with long-range project tha,t eventually requira overseaa HOIOSCOPE BY SIDNEY OMARA travel. Taurus, Scorpio and another Libra figure prominently. Emphasis on communi- cation, publishing and higher education. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Layers of pretense require penetration; dig deep, rec- ognize superficial claims, insist on hard facts. Money is involved -individual who makes grandiose statements could be whistling in dark. Refuse to give up something for no- thing. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Le- gal documents command attention. Com- mitment is made, emphasis on status, image, public relations, marriage. Material which had been lost, missing or stolen can now be located. Cancer, Taurus, Capricorn natives figure prominently. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Basic issues dominate -you can successfully ' complete project if you personally attend to details. Whal begins as mere acquaintance could develop into a significant relationship. Aries, Leo, Libra persons play important roles. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Focus on contests, sporting events, speculative ven- tures and a romantic fllng. Leo, Aries and another Aquarius flgure promin ntly. Young person seeks your aid, is sincere and has been singing your prai.les. PISCES (Feb. 19·March 20): Ernphuia on home, leCW'ity, dealingl wtth auihority figure or parent. Re9olutiom concem.lna diet are very important -dJs~tlve problem results if you lnllst on ruah1nC me.la. Flnrt impreMlons are apt to be corr~t. . .. montht. He was like a gift from heaven. I'll never forget him. _ R.D. ALBUQUERQUE: If you're a top col- wnnilt like Ann Landers, you can call up anybody and they'll listen. Too bad it doesn't work tor ua common folk.a. I went to a achool counselor and she told me HER troublee. I then made an appointment with a miniater. He didn't listen to a word I said, just preached a tennon I'd heard before and e nded up asking ME what to do about a used car salesman who had sold him a le- q_A.._._' ___ , ...-- MIDLOTHIAN, ILL.: The school counselor at Bremen High not only helped me cope with an alcoholic father, he shaped my life. I will never forget Donald Sevek. mon. --A.P. -M.N. KALAMAZOO, Mich.: My childre n were put on the track by two understanding and compassionate school counselors. My sister confided that she tried ~er clergyman first and he never returned her phone call. LOS ANGELES: Don't send people to school counselors or clergymen. Send them to the Almighty Father. He's the only one , who is never too busy to listen. ClUCAGO: No help from our church. They are only interested in people who vo- lunteer to sing in the choir, work in the kitchen for big suppers or drop folding money in the collection box. -C.L. Do you feel awkward, self-conscious -- lonely? Welcome to the club. There's help for you in Ann Landers' booklet, "The Key to Popularity." Send 50 cents with your re- quest and a Jong, stamped, self-addressed envelope to Ann Landers, P.O. Box 11995, Chicago, Dl. 60611 . Why 'Warranty' expires 1 read the other day that the average ·marriage that ends in divorce is over at six and a half years. Why? Why is six and a hall years the end of the line for I-said-I-do-but-I-didn't, and I-said-I-will, but-I-won't? There isn't anything mystical about it. flMA IOMlfCI ATWIT'S END Born in all of us is a level of tolerance. The marital warranty is set to expire at 78 months. At the end of this time the bride will have cooked 5,048 meals. It's as good or as bad as it's going to get. The decision is yours. or worse. When y ou ask . "Do you know what day it is? you hear, "I told you I put the garbage at the curb last night before I went to bed." AT THE END OF 78 months, you will have met all of his/her relatives ... away from the church. The father-in-law who eats like a Cro-Magnon at the table, a bro- ther who sponges, and a mother-in-law who will call your husband "Baby" when his gut hangs over his belt buckle and his hairline looks like the state of Florida . Affection at 78 months becomes a no- tation on your calendar of "THINGS TO 00 TODAY" and the goodbye kiss in the mor- ning has all the fervor of giving mouth-to· mouth resuscitation to a dead parakeet. At the end of six and a half years. you are both yourselves. And if that's what you thought you married. you're probably good for another 30 or 40 years. At the end of six and a half years, the pre tenses go. Company manners are put aside. Courtesies are no longer a consid era- tion. His feet have started to smell. She leaves toothpaste on the bowl. He cleans his fingernails at the table. She doesn't just blow her nose. She flushes it! POT SHOTS BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT At six and a half years, the trousseau is · faded a nd r aggy. 'l,'he see-through night- gown is worn with unde rwear and wool socks. Tile wedding proofs have faded on command from the photographer who didn't want you to get anything for nothing. THERE IS A CHILD who has taken over your whole life with his demands, and must be watered, fed, educated, clothed. maintained and disciplined. Anniversaries berome just another day GOIEN ON lllDGf IF I KNE'W THE EXACT LOCATION OF THEIF\ WEAKEST POU~T. ·---.. ,....·-0... ,,....,_..~.~ ..... BY CHARLES H. GOREN AND OMAR SHARIF Q.1-Aa South, vulnerable, you hold: •Al <;i Aln 0 ta • gQJ65Z The biddinlf baa proceeded: s. .. WMl NerA Eut 1 • P .. I 0 P .. ? What do you bid now? A.-We would not fault you if you chote t.o rebid three club.. but to our mind a jump t.o two no trump is more con· 1truclive. Thou1h you have only 18 HCP, your 1ood aix· card auit compenaate1 for any point deficiency. Euen· tially, your hand ia ti.lanced and DO trump lc,ob like fOur moet likely game. la Midi· tion, you want the i..ct to come up t.o your hand in cue partner baa 80!Mthin1 like 10..JMt In lpUea. Q.1-Both •ulnerable, a1 South you hold: •A&I OA&QIN 01 •1.Jt T\e b'ddl111 baa proc:eeded: S... w.-N~ Eut I ~ r .. INT 1 0 ' What actloo do you take? A.-Bld three heana. E•eo tho111h your hand mlsht DOt produce a pme, ,_ 1ho11ld tak• U\Ja opportunity to \ell p&rtMr that you .,.. DOt in· tunltd la der.ncHnr three dla!DOll4t doubled. U ,.,U.r ii complet.lJ llnke, .. Ml ltMbinc Mil •..wd ..... la dla90..,, M It allowed to ,._ thne MalU -with \ea trieb in your owa bud, 7ou wouJd ha•• rebid low Marta. The bidding bu proceeded: 8Mtll We1t N~ Eut l • P .. I 0 P&M 1 • , ... a• , ... ? What do you bid now? A.-Oppoaite the right band your better tban minimum openlnr bid could produce a alam, but you cannot yet judp iu potential. All you can do for the moment is to 1how your 1upport for part· ner'a 1uit. Bid three diamond1. If partner makes an a11reulve move. cue-bid your fint·round heart con· t.roL Q.4-Both vulnerable, aa South you hold: •16 <;iJIM OAQISZ •ATJ The biddlnt hu proceeded: W.-N~ Ea8t SMdl 1• •~ r ... 1 Wbat do you bid now? A.-Don'\ pu.u7foot around -raite to four hearu. Part· ner must have a pod suit and ex~Uent trick·taking abiJJt7 to OHtulJ at the two- level vulnerable. You have adequa\e 1uppori and aolid controll. A bid of three dlamonda woald be a wu\e of time. aod three h&rU puu t.oo much prtaun on partner. Q.1-A• Soutla, vulnerable, JOU bold: ' •A.&tt o &Jlfr ot •&• The Mclcl'-S w Pfooe1ded: &Mt ........ N~ 1 0 ...... J O , .. ' . ... , ....... ,..&ab, A.-81... ,artau qlil\ .... llialt ............. forced response. don't get too excited about your hand. A raiM to two hearu is all it merits. That tell• pptner lbat you have better than a minimum takeout double, and invitee him to game if he bu the equivalent of about 8 working points. Q.1 -Both vulnerable. 11 South you hold: •4 <;iK.QHU o IUl85Z •7 The bidding bu proceeded: N~ Eut S.d Weet 1 0 I• z c;, Z• 3. , ... ? What do you bid now? A. -Distributionally. you have a very powerful hand. But it hu one Oaw -it a acele11. So proceed with care. Since you have already bid freely at tbe two-level, a jump preference to lour diamonds Is adequat.e. JI you launch into Blackwood. you run the riak of findinr part· ner with only two acea. What then? R•ltlter ltrl•1• el•'-• diia .......... ~ .. ................. ~ 0. ... , be• _ .... h.,.. •••'&1 ClaarlH Ger••'• .., • .,.o • .a lrtqe" wm ..... ,.. .......... ... ..... ........ .,.... .. ....... dilit ,, ...... ... ....... ,,........_ .•. ..., .... =~··· .... ,..,, .. "'Ga .. Deal," ure ef '~11 ••M' If"• P.O • ._ -· N_..111,•u ........... .............. N .... .......... .. i 11EAE ARE a Read all today's lJJ news, every day Local, county, state, national and international events, come to your doorstep in the bright, light and li- vely Daily Pilot. • li5) Keep an eye on ~local government No other newspaper brings you more news of your city co.uncil, planning commis- sion , school and . college districts and county government. ~ Laugh, cry or get ~smart Advice from Ann Landers, humor from Erma Bombeck, interesting fe~tu.res o~ people, I I l Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Monday, March 29, 1082 S • YIUI Hlllllll llllY PAPIR To keep up with ~~·all that's happening in your community you need the Daily Pilot ••• every day I REASONS Wl1Y. • • fll_. Follow your team "17/ The sports action at 15 Orange Coast high schools, three community co1- leges, UC Irvine and Cal State campuses is regularly reported by the Daily Pilot sports staff. Keep up with nationally ranked college and pro teams, too! B Save money and dJ shopping time Real values on items from apple- • sauce to zippers are advertised every day in the Daily Pilot. Because the ads are from firms in this area, you save time, effort and money. Enjoy your ~Sunday ~Family Weekly, color comrcs , finance, "Style" section and fea - tures about you highlight the inter- esting reading packaged i n your ,,,,- Sunday Daily Pilot. i.t::;;y Enough to read - and enjoy. GiJ Tu·ne in to the {/ latest TV logs The latest, most accurate televi- sion guide is published· each weekday in the Daily Pilot. On Fridays, Pilot TV Log charts the tube in a conve- nient, easy-to-find format. op1n1ons , informa- tive columns and Au Get into the Daily Pilot Da1·1y ,. ·11a1~ comics brighten for only $4.75 per month. your world. -----------~~-~~~~~-~~--~--~~=-~-~-:~~-~-----------, 642-4321 : I'd like to enjoy the comforts of a home ..... 111111 II() ~s,,c, 1 1 delivered Dally Piiot every,.day. r;:;~,!~~y : ~-... ---mi' Enclosed Is $4.75 for one month. u~111 o sum ,_ _____ ~ I BUSINESS REPLY LABEL : Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . ;::;~::::~;: :','.:''.::""""'~·· ~ : i Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ::n:oCoHt Daily Pilot !ii : I City ...................... 1 ....•... Phone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Costa ~u. CA. 92626 I I I I : Signature ....... : . • .. . .. . • .. . . . . .. . • . .. .. . . . . . . .. .. .. .. CIRCULATION DEPT I I : I 1,., 0111<• uM10lstrrct •..•.•............• Rate . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . 1 ·---------------------------------------------------------· \. ~ - -__...::;.. ..... .r-• . . ... .. ·. .. ·. Orange Coatt DAILY PILOT /Monday, M1tch 29, 1982 I : • C:IiI I r~: .. THE t•t\MIL l' CIBCl:S "It's not a truck, Dolly. It's a space shuttle!" by Brad Anderson 3 ·2'1 'A' .i1?-~J L,:;.;:...:_ ______________ ~ "Not that chair, Mrs. Marsh ... It's Marmaduke's!" i' GARnt:1.o I BIGG£0RGE by Virgil Partch (VIP) I l·" "I hate Mondeya." DE:\:\IS THE MENACE Hank Ketchum by Jim D~v1s IT LOOKS LI K£ 1~ER£ WILl 0€ A BUMPER CROP Of-CAT FOOP TMl5 VE.AP. I l! i.=:::~======~=============-..!==~~===~::::!::=- ACROSS 1 Famous ._. Day I,· 6 Fastlnef ._ 10 $4fpenl1 1" Arehie'I Wilt 15 Sheltenward 16Enlr .. ty --17 Aqua 16 Rtllg.IOUS period 1t LJquid meaaure 20Lawm•n 22 lmpfllon- ment 24 Teosc1ty 26 Prowled 27 Halberd 30 Prelldenlill nleltname 31 Wooctwfnd 32 Timid • 37 Math Ml 3t llcenMI .OCont•t 4 1~ 43 """ pllnt -44Tlle : 45 llldl llnd: '""' ·41a.- 51 Ancestor 52 Titles lnft S<l Hebrew tribe IATUN>Art PUZZLE IOl VED 56 Indigo shrub t::."CT.,-coci 59Grat - 61 Oclc&slon 62 Commuter 'plane 63 Mineral 6<6 Lariat 65 Tltular: A bl><. 66 "Step - -I .. e 7 Author Ra DOWN 1 Dawn liquors 2 Tvrlllsh room 3Ceremony 4 Say again 5 Pi«oing 6 PlflOnof mh1ed desc:ent 7 P\lb drlntl •Contton t Fretful 10Garb 11 Lurtl 12 Pen OU pound 13 .... 21 .. ......, .. 23 ....... 25 Colt ~ lemon or 2'1 ...... animal lime 28 Adept "eddltl¥e" 29 Clothes 47 Eucllng 33 Menlall1y .. lmpttuoul ~~·cry 4tSIOw'Mu* 3$ Window ptr1 50 I.M's kin 36 Stam,> 53 8'1dge 36 Opllctl 55 E•poe 0t de\llca C.dl 3t ~t: H Herlldic 2 WOl'dl bNrint 42AttMI 67~ 43~ IOMr.~ 1 2 3 4 "' P&\NtT8 AllRt9rr, TEAM, THIS YfAA 1HIN65 AA£ 601N6 TO BE OIFF~ENT ! SHOE :\.\:\Cl' DO I HAV E TO TAKE THAT STUl=F AGAIN? ,,~ 3-~" ---- ~AVING!> rROM M "r ''4'o'''G. 51 AM.. IE lllT 8cn: CY CUN( '.>E. Pit~ DB.SMOCK eetNG A CARP IOl-OGIS"f' IS IN ... eetN<S A c::;. P. Is OL.rr ... o·-·-·-.. 1ransferthe~ into a small }'an ... I'M SURPRISE D THAT MY SHOES SQUEAK--- £OOI( AT THAT CAT/ by Ernie B ushm1ller I HAV E COD LIVER OIL COMING OUT OF EV ERY PORE by .Tom Bat1uk THE MA5iER 5Ph'5 : AN €L.E.C.iRICAl ~T THAT CRIES REAL TEAR6 ... IS SiRICTLV AN E.IYlOTIONAl OUTLET ! by Kevin Fagan by George Lemont KINDL,,Y RE:AD WOME:N'S WE!AR DAI 1..-Y -ro YOUR- Sf: L...F, KIPPO .' by Lynn Johnston -IS IT t'f'I FM.\ 5"e 1-\ffi AN IMRGmfl()4 ? I Harlequin marks fift!i year BY TOM TITU Of'theD.it1111t1ot lllff 'Ti11 th<' &uson of festivity al the Harlequin Dmn r Pluyhou.e u Barbara and Al Hampton pr1.•pnrt• to puff o ut five candles on the plush the ter'!I hirthdny cake. Tlw I lomptom1' drewn. delayed nellrly three y,·urti by l'OnRtruction strikes and loss of flnanclnl{ In thl' m1ddlt• t 970s, finally materiallr.ed In April of 11177 wht•t\ the doora ot 3503 S . Harbor Blvd., a Oscar not always • ticket to f aine 11n1i1a1111 ston 'a throw lrom Cost• Mesa, opened with a production of lhe comedy "Forty Carats." That was live years and 86 ahows ago, and there ha.an'\ been a dark week alnce as the Harle- quin t.roti.ed out Its menu of comedies and musicals as the dessert course for a buffet repast. Amon1 lts more memorable productions have been "Pajama Game" (1978), "The WI%" and "Paint Your Wagon'' (1981)1 and the superlative $laging of "Grease" (1980) . Now1 in celebration of its fifth anniversary, the Harlequin Is reviving the show that started it all, ''Forty Carats." The Jay Presson Alle n comedy opens Tuesday and will be on the theater's horse- By BOB THOMAS shoe stage through May 8 under the direction of AHocl•tMt PreH Wrtt.. Harvey Levine, who guided the playhouse arlisti-H OLLY W 00 D -What i s an Oscar cally through four of those five years. worth? ''Forty Carats" wm be presented nightly ex- Thc price the Dodge Trophy and Awards Co. cept Mondays at varying curtain times. Reserya- tharges for the statuettes the Academy of Motion tions and information are available at the box office, Picture A1·ts and Sdcnces wilJ hand out tonight is a 979-5511. secret, but Hollywood leg&nd has it that win~g ~n Also mounting the local boards, opening Fri.- Os<:ar can bring actors and movie companies mil-day. is a revival of George S. Kaufman and Edna 110ns of dollars. Ferber's golden oldie "The Royal Family," a co- TMt,..,,l1Mt ... For• wkMdty funny who.II-do-it. Wh1lc the legend may be accurate for some tnedy about showbiz folks patterned not too loosely rompam<'s, it's not always so for actors. after the notorious Barrymores or the 1920s, by the L-~====::=:::_ __ _:::;:::::::::::;;;;!.. _ _, Theater owners are apt to book and rebook the Newport Harbor Ac tors Theater. James Patrick winning film, and viewers of the Oscar awards O'Hannon is directing. assisted by Susan Kelly. , C<'rcmony arc drawn to theaters by the hoopla and Lncluded in the cast are Florence Ehlers. Eve- by film dips of the winner, said Charles Powell, rctt Olenick. Mitche ll Nunn, Jim Flynn, Sorrel former publicity and advertising chief for MGM Wayne. Lisa Wilcox. Tony Reverditto, Patricia and Un1vt'rS<Jl and now head of a film marketing Gilchrist, Jack Byron. Mary Sullivan. John Szura. firm. George Bradford and Sheila Waterworth. ··Th<• best-picture award can mean a rrunimum Performances will be given Thursdays through of $6 million but closer to $10 million in ticket Saturdays at 8 p.m. and Sundays at 2:30 for f?ur sall-s," said Powell. "That has been the experience weekends, closing April 25. at the Back Bay High ov<'r th(• past 10 years." School theater. 390 Monte Vista St .. Costa Mesa. "Winnmg best picture didn't help 'The Lost Reservations are being taken at 631 -5110. Wc•ekc•nd'." s:.11d Billy Wilder, who directed the * 1945 film. "But in those days, once a picture was BA t..:KSTAGE -The Newport Beach Parks, released, that was ll. Today the companies will Beaches and Recreation Department will present its bring bot·k a n Oscar winner a nd make millio ns third production , the Fifties musical "Grease," at more." Newport's Lim.'Oln School April 16-17-18. 23-24-25. S uml'timt•s the entire re lease pat~ern is built 30-May 1. Peter Marc and Nancy Herman head the aro und the awards Four years ~go, ymversal fa~ cast of the show, directed by Robert Conrad. and a problPm with "The Deer Hunter, .an expensive. ~ets can be ordered by calling 640-2271. unrl'lenllng tn•atmcnt o f the V1e t':1am war. The T h e regular ml'eting o f the Orange County company d{'('.1ded to release the film m Los Angeles Theater A<iSOCiation will be held Wednesday at 7:30 JUSt m time to qualify for the awards: A few more p.m. ·at the Newport Theater Arts Center, 2501 Cliff bookmgs wen.• addt-d I~ Febru".11'Y· Wllh the broad Drive, Newport Beach ... plans will be formulated n.•leaS<' S<:ht>dult'd to coincide with the Oscars. for the third annual OCTA festival. ThP stratC'gy worked. "The Deer Hunter" was Casting has been a nnoun<'ed for the Newport named bt·st pic ture of the year, and a proble!"' Theater Arts Center's upcoming comedy "See How p1t·turc tx.x·aml· a huge moneymaker. The ren~~ m They Run,'' to be presented April 16-May 15 under the• Umtt•d States and Canada totaled $31 m1lhon, the direction of Kent Johnson ... Tom Regan and mt•an1ng mon • than twice that amount po ured Beth Titus head the cast. which includes Valerie through box offlt'es. Mellroy. John Greenslade. Les Reed, Colin Guiver Docs Oscar have the same golden touch for and Neal Kopil ... call 675-3143 for ticket m for- actmg oward winners? . mation . "lt n•rtainly didn't help Luise Ramer. who Children from 8 to 17 are eligible to enroll in won two years in a row and then dropped out of the spring session of South Coast Repertory's sight." Wilder <;al(} "It certain!~ didn't help Ernest Young Conse rvatory which begins Saturday and Bt>rgnmt·" And w hat about winners Louise Flet-runs through June 19 . . youngsters will learn to cht•r. Miyoshi Umekj and Geo~ge C~akiris? read, select. rehearse and perform short plays Wilham Morris ag~nt M~ke Z_amrmg dou.bts for more information, call 957-2602. thc·rc 1s an automatic JUmp in prices for acting winnt•rs .. r f an al· tor 1s a newcomer. the n his asking prn·c• might rise," ht! said. "But the Oscar doesn't mc•an as much to established stars. If Burt Reynolds wc•re to wm an award, what would that change? He can already make $5 million for a picture deal." "lnd1v1dual winners don't mean as much for a box offic'<' gross." sajd Gordon ~trong, adverti- sing a nd publicity head at Universal. "What counts 1s thf' b<-st-p1cture award or multiple winners. Last )'l'<tr th<' Oscar for Sissy Spacek added little to the 'Coal Mi ner's Daughter' business. The picture had bc•t•n relC'ased more than a year before, and it had alrt•ady played out." Armstrong is hoping for a big win Monday night for UmvcrsaJ's "On Golden Pond." The film, wh1l·h wns playing in 972 theaters, added another 200 this wl'Ck It has grossed $70 million so far. "Th<' public doesn't really care about mdivi- du:il winners," Powell said. "Ask almost anyone, 'Who won tht• s upporting awards last year?' and I doubt if you'll get an answer." In i:nse you don't remember, either, the win- ni·rs w1·re Timothy Hutton for "Ordinary People" and Mary Stecnburgen for "Melvin and Howard." Libby Tucker hitchhiked from Brooklyn to take Hollywood by stonn. And her father by surprise. \\Al n-M Ml\f'Tlll\U Mil\: MARC.Rll 111-.All \1AM IH ~ 111118~ RT Rt....,.., Ill \1 N[ll '>IMON .., It llK .ti I t\l llf II\ 11l ru1u .. ""'' h"I' .~ f"t'\i.ll(t'):'df .. " (\,\\II> \t \\o\I O.,lf II.hi-·"' '-11\lt"" II" \111..,. 11 t'n,tU<,"\J t9\ 111 Nl\110 Nt )'..., .m.INlll "'IMO:>.. t "' \111\t• rr,-.h. .... "f k\'l(,IR\t 11,1111'-ll" "'n''""'"" k -.. 11 o.,1M,1-. D""'"'~ Ill NOi RI Ml,..,.., '~ .. '. ,. ~ ~ ........ •' ---- BASED ON A TRUE STORY. • • m1SSltlg. UM lhe Dally Piiot "Fut Result" service directory Vour MrVlce 11 our apedalty. Call ea.s.11 ext. m " --• Live Chicks See them hatch for Easter from our form incubator at the Huntington Center Moll doily thru Apr. 10. I '°' JUllj• '°' [XClf(M[NT• I 9-;,,,,. The'•""•'• lo Ot.1• Nl~ "if!!'""'"'' r-_ WMh8o~ RICHARD NYOR UVEOlllTIC SUlaET STRIP (R) 1 ·00 2 :4 S 4 :30 6 :1 S 1:00 9 :4 5 Micl'IHI C.1"e 04IATH TRAP CPO) 12:40 2:5S 5 :25 7:55 10:10 r SIU)' Sp1cek Ml$SIMG (PG) 12 JS 2:50 5:20 7 :50 10·05 I Peter U'ti"o• I" EVILU..• T'HEMMCPQ) 12:45 3 :00 5:30 c:::===·=·=00==1=0:=1=5====~ Acadlrny A~....,....._ CHARfOTS CW l'I ... (POl12:45 3110 5 :40 1 :10 10:35 ~A~~, •AIDIUtS M TitS LOST A•ll (PG} 1 :00 3:15 5:30 7:45 t :55 1 .. 70mm STADIUffi [;, ScHzczn OrivtZ In coll 6l9 8770 ~ Terror On T~~ SeH I • ••CAT 'n Cf'QI Plual Co·Hlt n. ~ (l't) Joltn .. 1u1111 1n ........ ,., Mo ... n ~0111!•1111 (PG) Artllur (PG) • .::J'=9 A•Clll'Gl6 "'"llil'G) Orin 1n1 Olltn 1•415 Woellnt9hu/t ~_.,. u.-.12fAHU"'9tlHo•ld ' - *BARGAIN MATINEES • Monday thru Saturday All PerformancH before 5:00 PM (ElctJt Special Enga,.ments end Ho4id1y1) IA M IUA.(JA M•ll M11000 ot to1ec1on1 LA MIRADA WALK 1"1 994·2400 'A STRANGER IS WATCHiNG" (R) ,,.._,,, .......... , • ._"''~-.u. . I "EVIL UNOElt THE SUN" IPG) , .. A . l'A. o.-. ..... t •· -"ATLANTIC CITY" 1t11 l ,M._ ... ~Tlll1 II '-•~U "RICHARD PR'tOR UV£ OH THE SUNSET STRIP" <Ill ..... t ............ -, __ _ ''CHAIUOTS OF FlltE" -.__ .......... LAKEWOOD CENTER WALK ·IN ·-·----r-"ARTHUR" 1N 1 ·-~····-·· ., . ".oRkY'S"-1a-.ua..--.• ... ••••1t focul!y OI Co"Ol••OOO 213/531·9580 ...... NG .. ,... ta:& J ti,. t a. I "· 1't • _°" __ ._ .......... "POflKY'S" - O..•_o..,..__.__ ..... °""" .... ,. ............... ~ , ..... ,.,, . .,, ... ,.. LAKEWOOD CENTER SOUTH WAlll IN FocullY ., Del Amo 213/6J4-f211 "EVIL UNOER TH£ SUN" -..................... LAGUNA "REOS" IOOI ....... "THE FRENCH LIEUTENANT'S WOMAN'' IOI ,,, , .. "ATLANTIC CITY'' Ml ............ ,........., ..... ..._...... ''CttARIOTS Of FIRE" - tt;a, , .•• ·~~·-, .... so . COAST WALIC·IN Souln Coo11 l!twO'I' OI lrooO•OY 494-1514 "RICHARD ~YOR LI~ ON THE SUNSET STRIP" lllt _, __ _ ..... -.................. -"DEATHTRAP" -_,,... ... MT .. ~·L~r1•.tt• ......... , .,..6:11> '" ,.. 6:00 Siio"' St¥t 116 4S IMPORTANT NOTICI! CHILDREN UNDER 12 f RH! MMllOI ••f w ..... llfll 1~11 111 5 30 • S.I S.• -6 00 r11 CM-fl SOUllO • y'IJuli ... CAii -tS l'Oljll PUllEll tf llO AM CAii MDt0 ~ iGNmOtl .CCESSOllT IOSIT'CIN -lllllll AM IOllTMU I• AU CM.fl OIWMIS l30 Otl AM llAOIO ANAHllM ANAHEIM DRIVIHN Jreewoy •1 01 l e"'Ofl SI 179·9150 1. "FONMOOEN LESSONS",,_. 2. "CA..ut TEASER&" fll 3. "SOPHOMORE SENSATIONS" Clltf JI SO\llOO BUI"'" PAPK BUENA PARK DRIVE IN llftCOlll A•• W•tl Of 111on 121-4070 &ul NA PA Pl LINCOLN DRI VE·IN lt~co•n Ave We" ot Cnott 121·4070 I iJ.iiif ll"'i' so" Otego lrw, 01 1rooih11rtt (So) "A STRANGER IS WATC .. NO""" -·•DfAnt VALLEY" 1111 "DEATH WISH II" .,. -"VICE SQUAD" ~I Clllt '' Ml\lll<l "RICHAltO PRYO.. LIV£ ON THE &UNSET STRIP" 1111 -"THINK DIRTY" 1111 "PORKY'S"t111 -'UP IN SMOKE'' _.., 962•2411 CUI( fl SOUllO 1BM•L....-Goll-r_:._~_,_;1_·:0_, __ .. __, __ "OH OOL.o.H l'ONO" "9 -"STARTING OVER" .,. Cllll fl 5011110 'ASTl'IA~ ISWATC .. N0"1111 -"DEATH VALLEY" 1111 Cllll fl SOUllO A ~•A. 8'-' A LA HABRA [)QIV( IN ---·---·---ITMl62 -- ~ ......... j 1. "FOMIOO£N L.UIONS" "'' 2. "CA...US TEASERS" .,I I>. "lbflttoMoRE !IEHSA TlONS" "DOTH WllH II" 1111 -'1--.uT WITHIN" lflt Clllf fl SOU110 -• ..,.... DeR'TY'' "" ORANGE Dlllv'f IN Soll!o A"°,...., • siore coeeee 551·7022 ''f'OMY'I''" -"TMI NIGHr THI UQtfta •NT OUT IN GliOl'tGIA"" .... .... ... .. ..... MISSION DlllVf IN lo " lJ w ARN l R , . t. I • I '~. ._.., __ . .. "'""""" .... -"lllfWATI elN.IA•N" 1111 You '11 be glad you camel . 1--~k8 t ouatfTTOM IN PICTUMI" ...... , .......... Orange COUt DAILY PILOTIMonOllY. March H. 1982 VIEW FROM THE TOP -T his is a view from behind the top seats in the upper level of the giant Superdome in New Or- leans. Over 61,000 tickets have been sold for tonight's cham- pionship game, despite a warning by the NCAA seats are a long way from courtsidc. ' Rivals see eye-to-eye Coaches have comm<?n bond 1 • NEW ORLEANS (AP) -"I can say for certain that he Five-foot-9 Dean Smith smiles was the person who signed, 1ea- when someone asks about his led and delivered me to one-on-one basketball games Georgetown," Thompeon says, with 6-foot-10 John Thompson at Smith, however, never envi- the 1976 Olympics. sioned that he was setting up "It was no contest," says competition for the national Smith, the North Carolina roach. championship that haa eluded "All he had to do was take me him for two decades. inside." In fact, Smith says he has al- Smith will be put in a more ways felt uncomfortable coa- awkward position tonight when ching against people he likes, and his North Carolina team meets he and Thompson are close the Thompson-coached George-friends. town club in the finals of the That's why North Carolina has NCAA basketball championship. never scheduled Georgetown. SMITH RECOMMENDED On TV tonight Thompson for the Georgetown job in 1972. channel 2 at 5 Mc~doo comes to the Lakers' rescue The only time that their teams have met was last seaso11, in the Great Ala!ka Shootout Tourna- ment, when the Tar Heels won 83-71. R_eserve center ( 30 points) is offensive to Kansas City,· Jabbar plays in garne No. J 000 KANSAS CITY (AP) -His l ,OOOth professional basketball game looked hke it might be one to forget when Kareem Abdul-Jabbar went out with his third foul seven minutes into the first quarter. But up jumped Bob M<;Adoo. And by the time Sunday's game was over , McAdoo sroi:ed a game-high 30 points, Abdul-Jabbar came back to help snuff out a late Kansas City rally, and the Lakers pocke t.ed a 116-111 National Basketball Association victory over the Kings. It was McAdoo's first extensive duty since suffering a leg injury that shelved him for 10 games. The veteran power forward played 31 minutes, hitting 9 of 13 fi eld goal attempts, 12 of 16 free throws, grabbing a team-high 10 re- bounds and committing only one turn- for . B ut with McAdoo and Jamaal Wilkes leading the charge. the Lakers, without Ab.dul-J abbar. open<!d a n eight-point lead midway through the first half. "They're killing us," exda1med Kings' Coach Cotton Fitzsimmons at that point. ''And without Abdul-Jabbar m th<!re" over. - "Bob McAdoo had a Cine performance off the bench today and that's what we're looking for from him," said Riley. "His conditioning is better and he just olay~ a very fine ball game today. "We've been using him mosUy as a re- bounder, but now we're starting to put plays in specifically for him, and we'll start to use him as our fifth offensive player." The Kings tratled by 12 points early m the fourth period, then put on a charge that brought them to within three But Abdul-Jabbar broke the Laker drought with one of his famous sky hooks. then Earvin "Magic" Johnson fed McAdQO underneath for a layup that broke Kansas City's momentum. Both the victory and the way 1t was achieved pleased Los Angeles Coach Pat Riley. "That's one down and 11 to go," said the ~ch of the'playlMf-bound Lakers. "If we get that kind of effort for the last 11 games, we should do very well. We played consistent ball today " Getting Abdul-Jabba.r out of the game in the first period with three fouls is about all any opposing coach can hope "I think that our biggest problem to- day was that we couldn't stop them," said Fitzsimmons. "The best team won. The difference in the game was McAdoo with 30 points and 10 rebounds. Area lands 13 All-star berths Edison, FY, Mater Dei dominate; Major left out By ROGER CAR~ON oftM o.n, Piiot Staff Thirteen of the 31-rnan squad for the South team in the Orange County AU-star football game hail from five Orange Coast area schools, as selected by Rebels Coach Bob Lester of El Modena High. The game, featuring many of th-e top players to be graduated ftom Orange County ranks, is sche- duled for June 28 at Orange Coast College. EDISON HIGH placed four players on the squad, as did El Modena -the most from any. Gl!ROUX school -while Fountain Valley and Mater Dei l!dt_.. each contributed three players. PONDER l!dleon OUMITY l!dlltOn Manna sends a pair and Corona del Mar was tapped for one -but the rest of the Orange Coast area -Estancia, Costa Mesa, Laguna Beach , . Huntington Beach, Ocean View, University and Irvine -was shut out. Most notable among the missing is Edison High quarterback Ken Major, an All-CIF Division I choice· who completed 136 of 214 passes for 1,823 yards and 28 TDs with only 4 interceptions while leading his teammates to a 10-1 record. LESTER CHOSE Fountain Valley High quar- terback Matt Stevens to guide his team's backfield, and should the South require a backup, it'll be in ' the form of defensive back Ken Laszlo, Marina High's quarterback. Other Fountain Valley stars include tight end 80UN F-t.lnValley IEAY Fount .. n Velie, Greg Bolin and wide receiver Joel Seay. Game rules limit three players per school, ex- cept .for CIF finalis ts, which are allowed four players. Each coach has the option of an additional "wild card" pick, regardless of the school, and Lester went for Edison defensive lineman Rick Ponder. Lester called his squad, "A very good croue.''. OTHER EDISON players in clude fullback Dave Geroux, linebacker Rick DiBemardo and of· fensive suard Craig Dumity. DiBernardo ii headed for Notre Dame with two-time All-CIF honors and I Geroux, another All-CIF Division 1 pick, la bound for Kanua. cieclding be.wec·u which Ivy League schoo! be wants (he can boost a gpa of 4.0). Pola has signed with t,JSC, Arizona State has Lopker and Locy is set for Long Beach State, while Edison 's Dumity and P onder are signed up for Fresno State and Cal State Northridge, respecti- vely. The South squad: Offensive backs -Matt Stevens (Fountain Valley), 6-0, 195; Dave Geroux (Edison). 6-0. 216; Mark Templeton (Foothill), 6-2. 190: Jim Torok (El Modena). 5-10. 170. Receivers -Johnny Jamison (Santa Ana Valley). 6-0, 175; Joel Seay (Fountain Valley), 5-11, 165; Dan Blanck (Laguna Hills), 6-1, 200; Greg Bohn (Fountain Valley). 6-3, 225. . Offensive line -Glenn Rogers (Corona del Mar; 6-2, 245; Greg Sellers (Foothill), 6-2. 200; Chuck Steele (El Modena). 6-1, 230; Craig Durnity (Edison), 6-2, 214); Gerry Heidrich (El Modena), 5-9. 200; Brian Lopker (Mater Dei), 6-4. 235; Tom Sharp (El Modena), 6-1, 200; Steve Svitenko (El Toro), 6-2, 198. Defensive line -Sid Liafau (Santa Ana Valley), 6-0, 192; Greg Locy .(Mater Del), 6-4, 195; Tino Rivera (Santa Ana), 5·10. 180: Pat Cemen · (Marina), 6-1, 215; Rick Ponder (F.c:liaon), 5-10, 211. 5-10, 211. Linebackers -Mike Adelman (Pacifica), 5-11, 200: Rick DiBernardo (F.diaon), 6-4, 218; Kennedy Pola (Maier Del): 6-1. 215: Bob Silvas (Saddleback), ~-11. 215. Def enalve backs -John Collard (Tustin), 5-11. 180; Sam Finch (Capistrano Valley), 6-3, 185; Gregg Haley (Foothill), 6-2, 170; Jeff Holmes (Mission Viejo), 5· 10, 170; Ken Laszlo (Marina~. 6-0, 170; Mike Waters (Westminster), ~-9, 160. "We had some bad calls," Fitzsimmons added. "Maybe 1t was a psychological thing -maybe they were supposed to win since they're top in the division." Wilkes had 24 points for the Lakers and Abdul-Jabbar had 18 while playing o nly 26 minutes. Steve Johnson led Kansas City with 26 points and Mike Woodson added 24 for the Kings. Meanwhile, the Lakers begin a four- game series against Pacific Division foes on Tuesday night ·When they host the San Diego Clippers. Then, it's down to San Diego for a rematch on Thursday night, followed by home games against Phoenix Friday night and Portland Sunday afternoon. The Lakers still maintain a 11h game lead over second-place Seattle in the Pac1f1c Division. . Mater Dei'• trio Includes linebadCer Kennedy Pola, au.rd Brian Lopker and end Orea Locy. Other area atan include Marina noee guard Pat cemm and Corona del Mar tackle Glenn ftoten. • APWll1Stll1 Amona the area'• pl.ayen tabbed for duty are aeven1 heeded for major unlvendtiel in the fall In addldon to jX8emal"dd and ueroux, ~teverw. and Bolin are hMded for UCLA. while ~Y ii tU1l t ON THE LOW SIDE -Lakers star Magic Johnaon f.U. &o the . floor under the defense of Kanau City'• Kevin Loder (reaching in from lefl) as Reale Kine looka on. 1be Laker1 . took the NBA teat Suridav, 118-111. Smith first met Thompson when he was recruiting some of his plarers at St. Anthony's high school in Washington, D.C .. and a warm friendship developed. HOW CLOSE ARE THEY? "The only way to say it," says Smith, "is to tell you that he was a t our pre-game meal for the Marquette game in 1977 (before the NCAA title game). The players know we never have any strangers there. That should tell you a little bit about how close friends we are." · Thompson seconds the senti- ment. Asked at Sunday's pre- game news conference if he was "a Tar Heel fan," Thompson re- plied, "I've never been a Tar Heel fan in my life. I'm a Dean Smith fan -there is a vast difference." The two men talk often on the phone, usually at.odd hours. "His wife always says when the phone rings between 1 and 2 she knows who it is," Smith said. "That's a.m." THOMPSON WAS ONE of Smith's assistants on the gold medal-winning U.S . baslsetball team at the 1976 Olympics. "From the Olympics, he knows our philosophy, and I know his philosophy," Smith says. "He's his own man. He teaches well and he certainly has done a fa- bulous job with his team. I think it's remarkable how at the be- ginning the impression they made and how far they've come. It's a real tribute to John and his coaching staff." When Thompson first came to Georaetown out of St. Anthony's m 11172, he assumed a floundenng program. The Hoyas had won but three games in 26 the year before. In Thompson's first year. the Hoyas had a 12-14 record. then moved up to 13-13 the next year. Kings prove records made to be broken INGLEWOOD (AP) -Mark Messier and Dave Lumley scored goals in the first 24 seconds to set a National Hockey League record Sunday night aa the Edmontod Oilers rolled to a 6-2 victory over the Los Angeles Kings. Messier scored after only 14 seconds of play and Lumley connected 10 seconds later for the fastest two goals by one team at the beginning of a g&JQe in NHL history. Pittsburgh held the pre- vious record, scoring twice in the first 29 seconds of a game against Chicago on Dec. 6, 1980. . Wayne Gretzky, Edmonton's record-brea kl ng 21-year-old center, KOred his 92nd goal of the seuon in the third period and added an assist, his l 16th, to ex- tend hJs point total for the yeer to 208. Glenn Anderson scored bis 37th and 38th pll of the aeeeon in the open.tnc period to live the Oilers a 4-0 lead af'« only 10:$1 'of action. Gretzky aaal1t.cl on • Andel"IOn's flnt ,oat, a power- play ICOn! at 3:20. Loa Anae1-Coech Don Pen-y pulled atarUn1 1oaMe ~ Keena after Ander1CJD11 pl. Keena; who wa re~ by rookie Mu. .... hid'~ =-pit cm llWll itMM ID ,....Gliilt.lfa~ lllilDt .. "":'..:&:r-~ MWOftMln lfGilliy ............. Death threat ainieil at seven-foot Ewing ........ .., ..... teMI NEW ORl.EANS -Georptown m buketball ea.ch John Thammon laid Sunday be ta "a little afraid'' becauee of a death threat a1ain1t 7-foot fnlhman center Pat Ewina and haa Uliped • bodwlwd for the· pla'Jf!r. "fhom1>9on alao aaid the three-week-old threat w11 the reuon be haa kept the team at BUo Mila. lnl•d of New Orleans, for the NCAA bMketball final. The threat WIJ telepho- ned to a Georgetown campua operator March 8, just two dayw after the Hoyaa compet- ed in the Big F.ut Ollllference tournament in Hartford, Conn., Thompson said. The caller asked for Ewi.ng'a dor- mitory room number and, af. ter the operator refuaed, said he would kill the player, Quote of the day Bowle Kwlua, telling a Daytona Beach, Fla. Hot Stove League audience why he baa taken up jogging: "Normalcy has returned ... Owners again are chasing the oornmisaioner. '' Watson shaping up for Masters · Tom Watson subdued Frank Couer with a routine, 2-putt par on the third !I playoff hole and scored hia second victory of the season Sunday in the Sea Pines-Heritage golf class.le. "I feel like I'm tournament-tough and tournament-ready," said Watson after his last at.art before defending his title two weeks from now in the Masters, the first of the year's four major tests . . . Amy Alcott shot a 2-under-par 71 to capture the Women's Kemper Open goU tournament by one stroke over veteran Jo.Ann Caraer. Alcott had a 72-hole score of 286 in winning a showdown against Carner and Nancy Lopez-Melton, who finished third with a one- over par 74 for a total of 288. RaJllch roughl up Yanke' Devt1 ·O., ........... UJ» IM'"9tb ........ wtth a home nm olf a. DIYll and •• lifted the New York Meta to a 4.3 viciory over the Kew York YanUel SuncMy ln an ahibldon ..,._ c:aDld afW '™ tnnm,. ...._ Ol rlin. The Mata. lbu1 out by T..-j ,,. tar ti\19 ~ tied the pme with thNt 1'\11111 otf .. a.ft..h.lncMd wt.e- nm.~ a~ l'llln la the liXtb to llt it up for 8aJllda ... ....., Wiii. maldnc Im CUceaO OAt. debut, rapp.d two lln- .._ ... • bale and ~ ._ fin& nm 11 the CUbe de- feat.cl Seattle, M ... Dale Mu,~1·1 two-run double broke a 2-2 tie and led At- lanta to a 7-2 wln over Cin- cinnati ... Milwaukee ex- ploded for alx runa In the ninth lnnln1 to poet a 7-1 victory over Oakland. An er- .... ror by Oakland ahor1ltop Doa BW ope{led the way for the big ~ ~ Oaklancfrellever Dllv&d Beard ... J ... Billllla Md thne hita. drove 1n thfte runs and atarted three double pla}'8 to JiMCi San Dieeo to a 6-4 decision over Cleveland ... Baltimore and Texas played to a 1-1 tie that wu called after nine in- nings. Du Ford had an RBI double for Balti- more ... 'The Dodgen' game with Sl Louil waa rained out, aa were three other games ... The Phillies acquired Dave Roberta from Houaton for minor l~e pltcher Steve Dme1u ... Detroit J!>ld Al Cowen1 to Seattle. Slkma makes Portland sick Jack Stkma scored a 1t.ame-hi1t.h 25 f?C>lnts and grabbed 11 rebounds Sunday to m lead Seattle to a 109-101 vi~ over Portland in National Basket Asao-· ciation play, keeping the SuperSonica · 1 ~ games off the Laken' pace in the Pacific Division . . . Clemon Joluaaon had 20 points and 16 rebounds, leading Indiana to a 102-101 victory over Chicago. Chicago's Artl1 Gilmore led all acorers with 25 points and pulled down 12 re- bounds . . . Andre,w Toney scored 23 points as Philadel- phia opened a 20-point lead in the first two minutes of the second quarte.r and rolled to a 116-98 victory over Boston, snappihg the Celtics' win!Ung streak at 18 games . . . Greg Ballard'• 23 points led ·" Washington to a 104-101 !\ triwnpi,l over Cleveland . . . ..tllA Ray Williams scored 23 .,;ointa and James Bailey hit 10 of his 19 in the fourth quarter to lead New Jersey to a 113-106 decision over the New York Knicks . . . Mike Duleavy and Allen Leavell scored three-point goaJa in the closing seconds to give Houston a 94-92 verdict over Golden State. I Or:lft09 CoMt DAILY PILOT IMond11Y. Mln:lh 29. 1912 117 Heinz rnak• moet of hie et.n · A d • P111rve IOAlie .._. 1191aa ldc:W out 11 , D rettJ auree ahotl IA a rare Nrt to i.d Vancouver m· e-. to a 5-0 Natklnal Hockn ~ vie• , • .. tory ovH Wlnntp•a 8u~day • . . ! • .,.,,, ..... ,., ecored t*ke to lift • to race JD LB ~lpbla to a lil wtn ovw tbt New York ..., · Ranfl'I ... -... ......_ awect cnce and •t up R t -. d two Otherl .. DMrcitt rallied tor. M w1n over eu emann opens oor Toronto ... )( ........... 5-2 d.cWon from Hanford beaund third-period -11 ea wonda apart by Al M.cH•• aDd NelfBre._ ... Jim flamllta and .... 0 .... Meh acored twice. .. Pit'8bw'sh !Upped w~. e-5 ... artaa U. ICicnd two p1I to pece St. LcM.ai1 put Chlc:qo, a.s . . . BUffalo posted a 9.5 wtn over ~ton. Perrault get• hie revenge Britiah-bred Perraalt equared eccounta with Job Beary by winnlne the $206,200 • San LWa Rey Stakes before a crowd of ~9,288, at Santa Anita Sunday. Perrault fbUahed 3 ~ IencthJ in front of hil atablemate, E1pl-4ed. John Henry was third in a f1eld of five. Jol\n Henry wu a winner on March 7 when Perrault wu dllquallfied after crouin~ the flnilh line ahead by a nose . . . Sylvia Butta won $100,000 with a 1-6, 6-3, 6-4 victory over Martlaa Navratilova in a women'• tennis tournament in New York ... Argentine G.nlermo VUu collected $70,000 with a 6-3, 6-3 wln over top-seeded-Jimmy CoDDon at Mi- lan, Italy ... R~ma quarterback Pat Baden la recovering from surgery to remove exceta carti- lage from hia right knee . T elevlslon, radio Following are the top sports events on TV tonight. Ratinga are: v....,.,. v v excellent; v v v worth watching; V' v fair; v forget lt. S p.m., Cban.nel % v v v v NCAA BASKETBALL FINALS: North Carolina VI. George10wn. Annoucera: Gary Bender and Billy Packer. No. 1 ranked North Carolina will be favored to topple No. 6 ranked Georgetown in tonight's battle in the New Orleans Superdome before another crowd of 61,000. The Tar Heels defeated Hous10n 68-63 while Georgetown was winrung over LouiBville, 50-46 in the semifinals. RADIO Basketball -NCAA Finals, 4:55 p.m., KNX (1070). BaaebaJl -Baseball preview with Curt Gowdy, 11:45 _p.m., KNX (1070). TUESDAY'S RADIO Bueball -New York Yankees vs. Dodgers at Vero Beach. 10:10 a.m., K.ABC (790); Angels vs. Chicago Cubs at Mesa, 11:55 a.m., KMPC (710). Prem AP._.~" PHOENIX -Mario Andrettl conflrmed Sun- day he wm drive a w~ car in the Lona Beech Grand Prue . .Andretd, the 1978 world champjon who Md retired from Formula One rac~ during the off. aeuOn, wlll be litting in the driver 1 eeat left vacant • laat week by the tmexpected retirement of CarlOll Reutemann of ArgenUna. The 40-year-old Reutemann told team owner · Frank Willlama of hia ded&ion following laat Sun- day's Brazil Grand Pr0c. Andrettl aald Wlllta,.,. ;::r.honed him at hil Nazareth, Pa., home Wed; y to ask about hia availability for the Loni Beach race Sun<!ay. .-; * * * * * ·~~ Yarborough avoids crash ROCKINGHAM, N.C. (AP) -Cale Yarbo ... • rough eluded a aix-car accident on the 44-4th lap and'-. guided hia Valvollne Buick to victory 1n the twice:,.-. rain delayed Warner Hodgdon Carolina 500 NA-.,:. SCAR Grand NaUonal race Sunday. . Yarborough, who led twice for 51 lapa includ: ing the last 49, averaged 108.992 mph in recordin,i· hia first victory in three •tarts thia season and bii' 29th career 1uper-1peedway triumph. He earned· $17,360 of the $232,665 purse with the victory on· the 1.017 North Carolina Motor Speedway oval. Mears Kraco 150 victor PHOENIX -Rick Mears roared away from the field Sunday, cruising to an easy victory in the Kraco 150 Indy car race at Phoenix International Raceway. - The defending n.tltional champion started from: the po)e and led virtually all the way, relinquishing ~ the top spot only briefly after pitting for fuel unde,.. the green 50 laps from the end. • Mears' sleek, needle-nosed blue and white•~ Penske PC-10, spob!IOred by Gould, roared across the finish line 4.2 seconds ahead of second-place Mario Andretti. Kevin Cogan, Mears' teammate, was third, a lap down. Andretti's son a winner PHOENIX -Michael Andretti, 19-year-old aon of formerworld champion and Indy 500 winner~ Mario Andretti, led from start to finish Sunday in:. winning the Bosch VW Super Vee season opener. Andretti started from the pole position in a red Ralt RT-5 with the same No. 40 displayed on his · father's Indy cars. • Long Beach State, USC split Al Unser Jr., 20-year-old son of three-time Indy winner Al Unser, started on the outside of the front row, fell behind quickly and brought his Ralt . RT-5 horrie in second place, far behind Andretti. h 0 fl 0 rs· Ard triumphs by a bumper MARTINSVILLE, Va. -Sam Ard of Ashe-. i>oro, N.C., edged Butch Lindley of Greenville. S .C., by a bumper in the 250-lap Late Model Sportsman haU of the Dogwood 500 Classic dou- bleheader Sunday and Greg Sacks of Mattituck, N.Y., won the 250-lap Modified race that compleaed . the auto racing twin-bill. ' . Golison, Miller, Franco pace 49ers; Silvestri, Drasnin pace Trojan yachts By ALMON LOCK.ABEY w.,... .......... ·~ Long Beach State and USC split the honors BOA TING Sunday in the Pacific Coast Intercollegiate Yacht Racina Amoc:iation Southern Serles No. 3 and 4. ----------------- .The series was sailed in Newport Harbor in Pendragon, John McLaurin, CYC; 3. Amante, Mel flying Jr. dinghies. Richley LIYC Long BeaCh State with ~ppers Mark Golison IOR-B ......: 1. Brooke Ann, Larry Harvev. and Kurt Miller won the third aeries with a low CBYC; 2. Showtime, Ballentine-Cottrell, KHYC, aoore of 38 ~inta to 91 for ·USC. 3. Red Shift, Goetz-Kahle, LA YC. The Tro)llna of USC, with skippers Russ Sil· IOR-C -1. Couer de Lion, F.d Hart, K.HYC; 2. vestri and ?eter Drasnin, .were the winners in the VictorY, Don Peake, DRYC; 3. Medicine Man. Bob fourth senes with 42 pomta to 52 for runner-up Lane, ·LBYC. Stanford. PHRF-A -1. Bug Off, Andy Sibert, SSYC; 2. In the third aeries Jack Franco of Long Beach Obeession Paul Meeger WWYC: 3. Mimi B .. Bill Temerity clicks Temerity, skippered by Ted Kerr Bahia Co- rinthian Yacht Club, was the ClaM A winner Sat- urday in the initial race of BCYC's Angelman Se- ries for Performance Handicap Racing Fleet yachts. Fifty-six boats in three classes turned out for the event which was a race around the buoys in the ocean. Class B winner was Stress Breaker, co- skippered bf Jack and J:k'uce Larson •. .H(.;YC), and the Class C winner was Scotch Mist. Don Anderson, Balboa Yacht Club. Trophy winners in each class: Geoff Bodine, st.artingJ rom the No. 1 spot in both races on the Martinsville Speedway, finished fourth in the Sportsman event but was never a factor aft.er the early part of the Modified race. Davis chills Angels State was .the low point skipper in the A diviaion Wilson, K'.Hvc. ' ' • with ~5-~mta and 49en ~te Kurt Miller was PHRF-B -1. Hurricane Gulch, Steve Jost, the DiVlSlOJ?-B low scorer with 22. CBYC; 2. Conaensus, Partridge-Richards, LA YC; 3. CLASS A -1. Temerity; 2. No Name, Richard Schlesinger, SSYC; 3. Pele, Jim Emmi, BCYC. CLASS B -1. Stresa Breaker; 2. Mariposa, Dick Hayden, BCYC; 3. Flying Circus, Nick Tol- man, BYC. SCOTTSDALE, Ari;t. (AP) -Rookie outfiel- der Chili Davis knocked in three runs with a two- run homer and a single, lifting the San Francisco Giants to a 7-2 exhibition baseball victory over the Angels Sunday. Doug Deances' two-run homer after a single by Bobby Grich had given the Angela a 2-1 lead in the fifth before the Giants rallied for four runs on . five straight singles and a sacrifice fl y in the bottom of the sixth. ,, In Senes IV Peter Draanin of USC was the Wiley Coyote Messinger-Rosen~~ KHYC low-point A skipper with 21 points and Rua SU-PHRF-C '-1. Windy, Don 1'U~hae11S, ABYC; vestri was the low-point B ~rer, also with 21. 2. Excalibur, Al Jones, WCYC; 3. Rorch, Al Gea- Top five ICOttl'S in Series ID -1. Long Beach ring, CBYC. State, 38; 2. USC, 91; 3. Orange Cout College, 96; 4. MORC -1. Restle11, A.G. Kading, Capo BYC; UC Irvine, 99; 5. UC Santa Barbara, 106. 2. Triple Crown, Marshall-Bates-Ray, NHYC; 3. SERIES IV -1. USC, 42; 2. ~tantord, 53; 3. Fast Lane, Shadden-Coleman, LBYC. Long Beach State, 58; 4. UC San Diego, 90; 5. UCI PHRF (Todd Pacific) -1. Quicksilver, Bob 95. . . Newsome, LA YC; 2. Tomara, Tom and Doug Jor-Standin~a af~er four series: 1. Long Beach ~nsen, LA YC; 3. Ribbit, Hambrick-Infelise, State, USC tied with 5 points; 3. occ. 12; 4. UCL YC 1~ . No surprises here UCI settles I or tie CLASS C -1. Scot.ch Mist· 2. Aloha Il, Glenn Reed, SS YC; a. lilueberry MUffin, Karen Mason, BCYC. Prindle-l 6s scheduled The 9th annual Prindle-16 catamaran cham- pionship regatta will be held in Ocean City.-,.,d., from Sept. 19 through 25. Regatta headquarters will be at the Holiday Inn ocean front resort. Chesapeake Catamaran of Antlapoljs and Ocean City Saila will join forces with the Prindle Class Ateociation to coordinate the event. Partici- One-out singles by Jeff Leonard and Jeff Ransom triggered the rally off loeer Angel Moreno. Johnnie LeMaster, pinch-batter Jim WohUord and Davis followed with run-scoring singles and Duane Kuiper added a sacrifice fly. Davis, the Giants' hottest hitter this spring, belted a two-run homer off Don Aase in the ninth. The victory gave the Giants a 6-10 record. The Angels iU"e 9-9. Dan Schaueder was the winner, improving his record to 3-1. GAIR D MMC IS .OIM& PLACES .... J Ate SO CAM YOU! 08:.':' ... ~ .. T.:: LOS ANGELES -Moderate winds and smooth aeaa provided lltUe excitement and no sur- prl1e1 in the fourth race of Loa Angeles Yacht Club'• ocean racing aeries for the Whitney, L.A. Times, Little Whitney and Todd Pacific trophies. Rain kept UC Irvine's McPher son and Rob pation ia expected from throughout the U.S. as well ten n i a team f r om a Nelson. as Canada, Europe and Thailand. A large contingent chance at capturing its Quade stopped Utah from Orange County la expected as this is where the Anteater Invitational All-American Jeff Rob-Prindle Cats are manufactured. ~~;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;~;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Sunda~. but it didn't bins for hia sixth straight The third running of the Prindle-18 national h ~ ~ • vour The International Offshore Rule ra~!" the Whitney Series, and the Performance . p Racin1 Fleet, competing for ~e Times Trophy, sailed a coune frOm Los Angeles Harbor around' Santa Berbara Ia1and and return. The Midget Ocean Racine C1ua (MORC) sai- ling for the Little Whitney ~&by, and the PHRF yacnta aallbur in the Todd P . aeries aa.lled from Los Angelell ltarbor to Eagle Rocle, Catalina Island. a.. wi.nnen: I IOR-A -1. Brisa, Choate-Meine. LA YC; 2. atop the unbeaten streak match victory, McPher-championships ia scheduled to commence Oct. 31 11 aa the Anteaters settled aon was an easy winner and run through Nov. 6 at Fort Myers Beach, na. Professional for a 3-3 standoff with and Nelson. following • Lani Kai Ialand Retort will be the headquarten. Ft · t the University of Utah at 40-minute rain delay. John C. Glover & Co. of Fairhope, Ala.; Wheeland R.ORST OflS the UCI courts in the picked up the point ne-Keel. Fort Myera, and Fort Myen Sailina Club will 2915 Red Hill Avenue championship finals. ceuary to guarantee a co-spc>D10r the regatta alone with the Prindle >..-Stone Mill Business Park A-108 Costa Mesa The Ant.eaten upped tie. aociation. their overall record to Doubles play began, The Prindle nationals ere preceded by· qualifi-20-9~ l and extended but was stopped when cation aeries held in the seven major areas where their unbeeten streak to more rain came to wash the clue haa been moet active -Calltornla, Ari- 12 behind the 1h:~gle1 out the balance of the zona, Florida, Florida Panhandle, Otµo/Michlgan, play of Eric Quade, F.d r-in_vi_ta_tl_o_nal_. _____ Tex.aa and Kanau/Oklahoma. Rose back in swing ~Ill ~~,·ll DI 111 DI Ill~ For Backache, Stiff Neck, Constructioo ~ available at •· CLEA.tlWA'l'Ek, Fla. (APl. -I\ taMa Pete !be only a few swinp to aet beck into the awing of thinp. Boee injured bi1 beck Feb. 20 whlle enytnc tenni11n OnclnMU. He haa underlOlnl treatment ever since for beck mwde ..--. Spinal Problems & Streaa. Neweet Moat Modern Technique of Self Help Heritage. Bank. ..~ ' ac.., the PhilMlelphia Phillies' atar sidelined with a back Injury tbla lllrin& stepped up to the plate for the flrat Ume.fn _a 1ame Saturday and prampdy llnlled· The NauaOal Leacue'• all-time blt leader added another atnale a few lnnillflt lat.er ._m.t the Loil An8i. Dodlin and eY9ll stole a t-wfdl a ~ bMd-fln& tUde. The .0-1W'-ald ftnt 'DI ;wa left tbt ~ .,_ tbe fourth ~ .. ......, and law-'td he felt no plln tram .. --.. mmcle Injury. -nae ,....... la .... bllCk tMt Wl!llt down !;land ... but diat'• .. " liilil: ...,.. ~. thre 110W II . 1 ~ iiet-.... It .,.. .... But that loca• It la OM .,.. and I can 1•• tbe lnatment ........ t -- - The pain appeared to le11en u a result of eleciric lmpul8e treatmenta and Rem Wll able to pnctiae for the pMt ftek to prepare for the aprtna debut.. ROie said he lt11l felt a little eore. ~. "But that'• from the trmtlnent I pt every claJ. It wm;cway. I'll came to dw bial1park wery day and Ill 1111 U.tmlntl," -'cl.. He eddtd thet "it dolm't hurt me to nm. awl .. or artve. rm ready to .._ _ P!9Jtrw. I think whllt <M-· .. °ht) Ccirnlil wanted to ... maM Wll the dlw." Why did b• &all• a chance cm di· Ybf only know one .., to p&aJ and wt•1 tie way I'm IOilll 10 ;laJ,'' ..... , --- .L luy 'or Rent 11c11•11 ffll lllllJ m l111uli• A~~"i Clll for Fdlr Ill tlOI Ccwmct ·Jdf Jobneon SOUda~~ 1..-... • ·~ ~ > . N8A WHTERN CONHMNCE PecNlcDI~ W L l'cL 08 Laken 48 23 878 Seetlle 48 24 .857 Golden Sl•te 311 32 5411 Phoenl• 38 32 543 POr111lld 35 35 500 San Olego 11 55 225 Mldw"tDIYi.loft San Antonio « 27 .810 Denver 40 30 571 ~on 40 32 556 KensN City 25 48 .352 Dallas 24 4 7 338 Vlei\ 19 52 268 EASTERN COHFEMNCI! Atlantic Dl•IMclft SS 16 775 49 21 700 38 34 514 38 38 500 30 4, 423 Central OMalon •·MllWaukee 48 23 878 All.nla 35 35 500 Detroit 34 37 479 lndl.nl 32 39 45 t Chicago 29 41 414 Cre..et.nd 15 SS 214 •-dlr\Ched division 110e y-clinc:hed playoff 9'>041 811ndey'•k -Lak.,. 118. K._ Clly t t 1 PhtlacMlp/1111 118. Botton 98 ln<li•n• 102. Chlc8QO tO t HOllSton 94. GOl<!en State 92 Suttle 109. Portlanel 10 t New Jersey t 13, N-Yoo t06 WaShlngton 104. Cleveland 101 Phil-Ip!\ .. 118. Boston 98 ln<11an• t 02, Chlc8QO I 0 t Tonlehl'• a- Plloenl• at Utlh TllHday'aO-San Diego at Lall.,• . n 1noi.n• at N-York n Oelroot at Wuhlngton. n Ph1lao.ll)fl .. at Mllwauk•, n Golden Stata 11 San Antonio. n Allanla at CNcago. n DallU al HOuston. n Seattle at Oenvet. n Kansu Cny •• Portlanel. n t'lt 9 9V. 12'-t 32 31't 41'1 tll 20 25 5'1t 18'/t tllV. 25 12'/t 14 t8 t8'1t 32'1t Laker9 116, Kings 111 LOS ANGEL.El -Wiikes 24, RMnbot 12, Ab<lul-Jabbar t8. Nixon 6. E. John· son 14 McAdoo 30. Cooc>et 6. Landa.- befQet 2. Jo<d.n 2. Bt-2 Totall 44 28-40 , 18 KANSAS CITY King S. Loder 6, FOfd t t, Woo<laon 24 S JoMIOn 28, E John50f'I 2, R Jonnson 8. Gruntekl 13, Drew 16 To1a11 44 22·32 111. ~bfo-ten Los Angeles 27 32 35 22-t t6 KantH City 23 33 29 26-t t t Th<•-poW>I goals 0<-Total lou19 Lot Ang9M 3 t Kantu City 32 A - 9,521 NHL CAMP9ELL CONFEllENCI! Smythe Otrillon •·Edmonton y· Vancouver y-Calgary y·Klflea Colo< ado W L T Gf GA Ptl 46 17 15 408 291 107 28 33 16 273 278 72 27 33 17 315 337 71 24 37 15 302 342 63 17 48 12 234 348 46 Nome OMeklft •-MtnrHISOla 36 21 20 333 275 92 y·W1on1peg 32 30 14 307 318 78 y·S1 LOUIS 30 39 8 303 337 1111 y-Choc:.tg0 28 37 12 320 352 1111 Toronto 20 41 t8 290 382 56 Oetroo1 20 46 t 2 265 345 52 WAL.El CONFERENCE Patttcll OIYlelon •·NY 191~ 52 15 9 387 234 t 13 y-NY Rangers 38 25 13 301 288 89 y-PhH&delphla 37 30 tO 312 303 84 y·Pitltburgll 29 38 12 292 32t 70 w at111ng1on 24 4 1 12 306 329 eo Adams 01¥191oft •·MonlrNl 44 15 t7 344 210 105 y-Botton 41 26 10 30e 271 92 y·Bullato 37 25 t5 292 258 89 y-Oueb«: 31 29 t8 333 327 78 H111110fd 2 t 38 17 254 330 59 a-cllnclled llrSI pl-in division. y-cfinclled playoll IPOll ......... ._... Edmonton 8. IC!nee 2 vancou-5, Winnipeg o St LOiiis 8. °'ICIOO 3 Oetroot 8. T0<on10 4 Minnesota 5. Harlt0<d 2 Phlladelphle 3. NY Rangws I Pilltbutr. 8 Walh!ngton 5 BuHllO , Boc1on 5 TonJght'aO- NY lalandefs •I NY ~ Tlollldet'•O-Klnfl at Calgary. n Butlalo al Ouebec, n Hartford al Montreal, n Winnipeg at MinneeOla. n T Ofonlo •I SL Lou1a. n Ollets 11 Kings 2 Sc«e br ........ Edmonton 4 1 t-8 LOI Angela 0 1 t -2 F1rwt ..... 1 Edmonlon. Meuler 47 (FOQollnl. 14. 2 Edmonton.~ 37 (°'9lzlly, Hunlet). 3 28: 4 Edmonton, Anci..- 38 (s.mentio. Coftey). 10:51. PenalUea -Bonar. LA. 2:05; Well1. LA, 4:11; Semen-o. Edm, double·mlnor, 11:23: ~~lln, Edm. 12:44; Lariviere, Edm. SCOREBOARD J '-' •·· ... -- r ~ ~ Angel, Dodger Schedules ¥~ 'I " '• Angela on R•dlo KMPC (710) Angela on TV Ch•nnel 5 ,, . Dodgeflt on A•dlo KABC (790) Dodgers on TV Ch•nnel 11 ·-ft-, I I Sunday Monday Tueaday Wedne8day Thur8day Friday Saturday I Aprll 2 .... -3 • Angels at Dodt•n, 7·35 Angels al Dodttu. 7 05 4 5 e 7 8 9 10 Dodgers al Anc•. l ·Alll• at Oakland, 7:35 •Anctk at Oakland, 7:35 Anc• at Oakland, 7:35 Anc• al Twins. 5:35 • qels al Twins. 11·1 s Giants at Dodctn, l :05 Giants at Dodcen, 7:35 Padres at Oodaen. 7:35 Padres al Dod1en , 1:20 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 ·Alll• at twins, 11:1:> •Oodaen at Aslros. 5·35 Sattle at Alll•. 7:30 Seattle 11 AllC•, 7:30 Seattle at AllC•, 7:30 •Twins at Ancels. 1:~0 Twins al q eh, 7 Padres at Dodten. l :05 •Dodcen at Astros, 5:35 •Dldctn at Astros, 5:35 DMsen at Padres, 7:05 Dodrer1 at Padres. 7·05 •Dodten al Padres, 7 05 " -18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Twins al Ancels. 1 •Ancels at Seattle, 7:35 ·Alll• at Suttle, 7:35 ...-at Seattle, 7:35 Oakland at Ancets. /'30 Oakland al qels, I •Dod&en at Padres. 1 :05 Astros al Dod&en, 7·35 Astros at Dldctn. 7:35 Astros at DIMlcen. 7:35 •Dod&en at Grants. 7:35 ·Dodten at Giants, 7.35 25 Oakland al Al!lets, l • Dod1ers at Giants, I :05 I.. S.Coftd~ 5 Loa Angella. M Murpfly 4 (Nlchob, Evant). 7 t2; 8 Ednlonton. ~ 48 (Lumle'fl ll:tll Penalties -t.rlvlefe. Edm, t I 40; Samanko. Edm. t4 18· Kelly. LA. 151>1 ll*d PMocl 7 Edmooton, Gretzky 92 (Andetaon). I 50, 8 Loa AnQelft. 8onM 12 (Hatdy). 17 t6. Pena1tlt1 -Lumley, Edm, major.minor, 1;20; Kelly, LA, t 20; Botchman, Edm. 2 52, Lumley, Edm, 16 17. Kelly, LA. 17'04 Sholl on goal -Edmonton t 1· t"-12-37 Lot AngeleS t"-6-9-29 Goallell -Edmonton, Fullr Loa An· geles. Keant, Blake. A -18,005. ~ . . " . MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL ExMbfflon ae.ndlnas AIENCAM L.EAGU< ~ Teas TOfonlo Cllbgo Balumore A .... KanMS Ctly MllwaukM Oaklanel Detroit M""->ta BOiton S..ttle NewYorlt W L Pct. 12 8 867 12 7 832 13 8 6111 tO 9 52t tl tO 524 9 9 .500 8 9 471 7 9 438 7 9 438 8 12 400 7 t2 368 7 13 350 5 10 333 8 14 300 NATIONAL LEAGU« w L l'ct. Atl1t1la t5 8 7 t4 Pi111burgh t3 6 684 San OiflgO t 1 8 84 7 CllicagO tO 8 558 St LOI.Ila tO 8 .556 Clnclnnatl 10 II 526 Montreal tO 10 500 OocleWS 9 9 500 PMadelpllia II 9 500 New Yor1' 7 10 412 Houlton 6 9 .400 San Ftanclllco 6 10 3 7 5 Tode1'• 0.-Mrnn.ota .... OocleWS at Vwo Beach B.illmor• vs Allanla al Well P•lm Beecll Montreal vs. T0<on10 at Dunedin, Fla. Plllladelphla vs. c111cago ('ALI 11 Sanlaola. Fla Oelroll v1. Bolton at Winter Haven. Fla San Franci9CO va. Mllweult• at Sun Clty , San Olego vs Sea1tle 11 Tempe. Oaldand vs. Ql-oc> (NL) at Mesa ~ vs. CieYeland al Tucaon Pilt1burgh vs New Y0<11 (NL) al St ....... g .• Aa. Hou.ton vs. ~•II at Temoa ,....,..a.- A111••• "'· Chicago (N) at Mesa. 3 pm New Y0<11 (AL) n . Dode«• at Vero Beecll Plttsburgll vs SI. LOiiis at SI. Petera.- burg Blllllmore ve. Phlladelptlla al Claar· .. 1 •• Fla Montreel (SS) va. Toronto at Dunedin, Fla. New York (NL) va. Detroit at laltaland, Fla Cincinnati va. Kansai Clly al Fort Myer9. Fla. 801to11 va. Ctllcego (Al.) at Saraeota. Fla Mlnne101a 1ra. Te••• 11 Pompano Beed\, AL MontrMI (SS) va. Unlwnlty of M11rn1 at Coral Gablea, Fla. Seattle "8. 8an Ffandllco 11 Scott .. dale. Ariz. San Oteoo .... Oekland •• Phoenlll .......... .,._ Clewland at Tucaon 26 27 28 29 Ancets at Yankees. 5 Pt11lhes at Dod&en. 7:35 Anc• at Yankees, 5 Anc• at Yankees. 5 Ancels at Onolu, 4:30 Pll11tres at Dodcen, 7:35 P111H1ts at Dodcen. 7:35 Expos at Dodcen, 7:35 LIMSCOl'ff Also raced Cailnda, Miu Maun• Liu. a..nta 7, .,_.. 2 Added Pl<uure. Ooonable. Oelieate G,_ (al lcottedete) Time 1 18 216 CalllOfnla 000 020 000-2 6 2 - San Frandaco001 004 02x-7 11 I • 1~ !UCL t -1116 mile A Moreno. AH • (6) and Ferguson. Halamoto (Culanedll 8 40 3 40 2 60 Schatzedtr. Minton (7), Barr (91 and Th• Hague (T0<0) 8 00 4 00 May. Ran-., (5~ W -Schalnder L Young 0..tr~ (Plnc;ay) 5.00 A. Mo<eno HRa -Calllornia. OeCtncet AllO raced Seventh Dwarf. Prince 01 '>•n Franci.co. Oavi1. Nole. SalH Goal, BrHk And Try. Bold Metae, Y...--J Toondar, Publlc SpHker, Eerly M11ter. ( .. Fen laoldenWa) T~. New York (N) 000 003 10-4 11 O Time· 1 43 116. New York (A) 201 000 Oll-3 6 0 Scoll. Oro1co (5). Allen (7) and f1FTif RACI. One Mile Steema. Jolln. Davia C7l and Cerone. W Gesllea (Oelahouuayel 5.80 4 00 3.00 -Orosco L -Oavi1 HRt -Mall Hatd To LM (Ollvatlll 8 40 5 •O Rajslcll Y8'11t-Murnpllrey. . Mall•'• TIYWn (S•-• 4 60 llf-7, Reda 2 AllO raced Prior Approval, Something (at W•t ,....,. llMch) Oaring. P Vlk, SuslOW. Pli'1 Prince Al Ctnelnnatl 200 000 000-2 7 O T1tnt 1 35 315 Atlanla Ott 000 06x-7 9 2 '5EXACTA (2·8)~$tl850 Berenyl. Bonllam (6) end Van Gorder· Mahler. Walk (81 and Benedict w _: SUCTH flACI. 8 lurlOngt W... L -Bonllam F.,,... i.-(Sllmkr/ • eG 3 00 2 00 ~ 1, OrtolH 1 Collett Maid (Gt.lerfl 3 20 2 80 (at llllltlml) Jena G (Ohw111 3 20 Tnu 000 lOO 000-t 5 t Also raced Bankrupt Sue, Windy O C Ba111rn«a 100 000 000-t 4 O T erresto'1 Pazau. COi.intesa Cebrl"o. Hazel Bulcher, Corner (8), Matlack (71 and Stitt Sundbero. B John-. (7). 0. Mlll11nU. Time 1 tO Ramirez (t) end Dempsey. ClllM 5, i111er1nera 4 lllEWNTH RACE. t t/18 mtle {al .... , _$unlhlnl S-o (McCrm)t t 80 5 80 2 80 S..llle 000 001 111-4 t2 2 A Run (Guerra1 4 20 2 20 Cllloego (N) 120 0 10 tOx-5 8 t Rock Softly (OelMouaslye) 2 20 e..111e. Vandert>erge (71 and El9lan Also raced Ba1tan11. City Born. Romeo Larson. Ripley (8). Segelka (7), C8ITIPbefl Romani. Panchlcuy. Bullalo Hart (9) and Morel•nd W -Lu1on L -Time t 4 t 115 BNllMI HR -Chicago. Bucltner ........ lndlaM4 (atTucaon) San Olego 000 015 ~ 12 1 Cleveland 000 000 400-4 8 1 Elchetberoer, Tellman (7), Boone (9) and Gwosdz. Denny. MarllMz 8. SplM.- 9 and HMMY W -Elcllelbetger L - Denny llrew-7,A'a1 (at""°8nl•I Mlfwaul\• 010 000 006-7 16 t Oaldand 000 000 100-1 3 1 Vucltovlch. PllTOll (I~ and Simmons. Schroeder (II); Langford, 8-d (81 an<I HN lh, Newman (7), W -PattOll L - Bewd Cotleg• Scores aCaA f>ec>p«dlne t4, Loyolll·Marymounl 10 "8dflc·10 Arttona s1 10. use 4 NCNl-conf91'- H awe II 2, CS Fullerlon t Comell 8·2. San 01eO<> St 8-3 An1ona 5. Clll,.. AH·llart 4 TOURNAMRNTS SWIU.. Lawle & Clark 10, USIU 0 (5 1nnlng1. tG-run rule) (Champl0n1hip) 'aante Anita SIJNDAY'S MISULTa (-.ti .. ..., ......... ,... -*'el F'IRaT flACI. 8'1t lutlong1. WM.I Reb (HaWley) 0.20 !I 40 3 40 Solltarlo (Torol t5 20 7 20 Briglltwell (Plnc:ey) 3 00 Al10 raced: JudgH Folly, Annl11 l ark, Rodly L.ancMt1. Soy R.y, Bulldog Prenllc•. Carnlt11, Jade Ring, Haro1d·1 Oynamll•. Anotllet Tout Time: 1.18. HCOMD AAC.. 8 lur1ong1 Batten Poellet (Zooll) 25.20 7 .20 4.80 \/lfdng Hutti« (Othaaeye) 3 20 2 eG Go Tell Bonnie (Upham) 3 80 Alao raced. Orum Orum. Saml, Sam·• Cornet. C-1•. Ooc10f 0.1 Time: t.09 415. II DAILY DOUeLI (5-11 paid St 15.00. TI-.> ""c•. 8 ~ luflonOI. 8llaaful MOt!*ll (Hawley) 2f.80 t t .00 8.80 T!'\191 U. (Btacll) 1.00 5 00 Castilla (Mc:Canon) 3 20 ta PICK SIX ( t-3-8·2·2-8) peid $84,843 40 to 3 winners (II• horses). $2 Pick SI• con· aolatk>n paid $593 20 with t"3 wtn.-s (11¥9 llOr-1 EIGHTI4 llACL 1•,, miles on lurl Plffaun (Plncay) S 40 II 80 ExptOde<I (Siblllel 5 40 8.80 JOlln Henry (Shoemeltet) Aleo raced Tiie Bwt. L.anarklan<I Time 2 24 11 D ACTA (1·3) paid $22 00 NINTH RACE. 1116 rntle Ot.11 oul Ot.11 RasJa1 Falcon ( 011111yel 3 80 2 80 2 20 llbwlon (Mc:Carronl 3 40 2 4(' Strtka 11 Big (Valenzuetal 2 80 Alto raced Guarantee, Mulll, Summit Run. Paraon·1 Laadet. °'8IK1 Time t 41 •15 II UACTA (t-61paid'3250. Al1end.,_ -59,2U CUOf9 Cup (at fllllen, tt.fr) Slftt ... f'1nale Gt.liltermo Vllu def. Jimmy Connors. 6-3, 6-3 (Vil .. wine $70,000~ OOlltJlee ,.,.... Haln1 Guntherdl·Petar McNamara del Marll Edmondaon·Sllerwood S1e- w1tl. 7·6, 7·8 (Gunthardt·McNamara Illar• $21,0001 Women's toumam.nt ~-.:== Sylvia Hanlka def Matlin• Navr•tl· lova. 1-0, 6-3. 8-4 (Hanlka wins SlOO., 000. NavratllQVa llltllM ~.UUU). ........ ~ ...... Weocty Turnbull def. Anne Smtih, &-1. 6-0 (Turnbull wW18 S30.000, Stnllh WINI $22,000). ANTU-r.~=notW. (el UC lrWM) F1nt ...... UC .,..... I, Utatl I H~ (Utlh)~Snyder, 4-41, S.1, 8-1, Ou*'-(UCI) 6'1. Robb1M. 6-0, M . 6-3: McPheraon (UCI) <lei. Teumu. S.2. 7·5: Ne190nJUCI) d•I Baro. 7·8, 8-7, 6-3. Heeth (1 18'1) dtlf. "-· 8-1, a.t, 8lolM (Utah) <lei. ZOiier, 8-4, &-3. ~ Cancaled, rain. ~ ...... Harvatd 5, Nort,_t LOl.lltlene 4 """' ..... Nevacs.Lu Vegu 5. Notlllern Colo- rlldo I 9"enttl l'lece Fraeno St. 8. Hawaii 3 ~Cleealc (at......, Maed lelMd. a.c.) -•·Torn wa1--..SS4.000 Fr anlt Conner ,$32. 400 282 0 A Walt>rlng.S20. 400 m ~72·71 71-~7~·73 89-73-70-70 Bob Slleater.S 12.400 89· 7 t· 7 t· 72 Bobby Clarnplt,St2.400 70-71·72·70 Doug T ....... $12.400 116-71-7t-73 ... Ed Sneed.Sll.350 Ctaig S1eoter .Sll.350 I Fred Covplet,$9,350 215 G~ MOfgan,se. tOO -Gery P1ayet .suoo Mike Oonald,$6,900 a.Jodie Mudd Scott Hoc:ll,$6,llOO 281 J c SnNd.$4,950 Fuzzy Zoeller .14.1150 Milt~.$4.1150 Peter Oottemuis,S4.1150 George Ardler ,$4, 950 John Mahal1ey.S4.950 -Nick Faklo,$3,372 0.vld Edwards.$3.372 George Bums.S3.372 81» Rogtn.$3,372 Bobby Wadklna.$3,372 -Bob Gllder.S2.620 Tom Purtz.er ,12 .520 Tom Jenlrone,12,085 2IO Gibby GHberl,$2.085 Jey Cucld.$2,085 Merit Mcellmber,$2.085 Woody Bleckburn,$2,085 Larry Netlon.12.0~ 7~9-68-73 69-70-71·74 611-68-7t·76 72-7t·72·70 73-69-73-71 84-75-76-71 72-74·88-74 88-72-69· 77 73-67·77·70 69-74-73-71 117·70-78-73 74-70-71·72 70-69·74-74 88-71-13-75 611·73·74·72 57-74-75-72 116-75-73-72 72-71·72·73 116-78-70-74 7t·72·73-73 71-71·70-77 69·73-77·7 t 67·74-78-71 72·70-7&-72 72-72·72-74 7~70-69-75 72..ea.-73-77 Women'• KemP9f' Open (at ic-,:. 'Hewal) Amy Alcott,$28,250 72-74-69-7 t 281 JoAnne Carner.S17, 150 74-70·70-73 -Nancy LOPl·Mltn.$12.250 72-75-69-74 -Myra VanHooae,$3,750 -OonN Caponl,M .562 Bet1y KlngS.8,562 293 P•t Btadley,$4.5711 JoAnn Wallam,$4,579 Sanora Haynle.$4,6 79 7&-73·70·73 78-71·77·78 73-73-73-7 4 7&-74-69-7• 30 Mey' Ancels at Orioles. 4.30 Expos at Dod1en, I.OS .I' Vlclu Teb0<.$4.579 Dela Eggeling,$4.579 C•rotyn Hlll.S4.5711 2IM C.ndy Hiii. S3,097 Donna Wllila,S3,0ll 7 l0ti GerblC%.S3,097 2M Debbie M111ey.S2.695 211 Hotly Hartley,$2,432 Jeannetta Kerr .S2 ,432 ~ 75-73·72·73 76-75-7 t-73 77·74-70-72 78-7t·71·7• 78-71-75·70 7g.74.73..a9 74·71·78-73 Wffkend tr9Maetlon1 aASEaALL Am~an Leeg111 BALTIMORE ORIOLES -Oplloned Oen Gr.,..m, ca1cner. S10<m Oavts 1>11· cller, ind Mark Corey. oulflelder. 10 Richmond of Ille 1n1ernahonal La~ue ReiMMd Paul Moskau, 1>1leller DETROIT TIGERS -Sold Al Cowens Ot.11fNllder. 10 tha Seattle Mariner• for an undisclosed amount of cash Placed AUfallO Lopez, pt I Cher, on 2 t ·dly dll8· bled llst Pieced RICI< Peters, Ot.11lletd9r on 60-day emergency d1 .. ble<I Hll Re- IUMd George C~zetlO potcl\ef MILWAUKEE BREWERS -Sent Mike Madden pllcller. 10 lhet< m1n0t league camp '°' reassovnmenl NEW YORK YANKEES -Sen• Batry Evans, inllel<ler. and Ted Winborn Ot.11· 1'9kle<. to their rntnor leaQUe camp for reua;gnment SEA TTLE MARINERS -Signed 0.ylO<d PCl'ry. pltcller TORONTO BLUE JAYS -Releaseo Nino Espinosa and Juan Berenguer l>flc;herS and Tad Coa. lnloelder NetlOMI LMtUI ATLANTA BRAVES Opuoned Terry Hatper Ot.llllelde< Larry Owen catCl\ef Paul Zubella, onlleldef. and Ken Oayley pttcllet. 10 Richmond 01111e 1n1e•na11ona1 League Atlled waivers on Lu11 Gomez 1nlielder and Larry Bradl0<d and Rod< Matula, p11c11er1 • HOUSTON ASTROS -Traded Oa.e Roberts 1nllelder to Ille P111ladelph1a PhllliH lot Steve Dunnegan. p11char Asaloned Dunnegan 10 ColumbOs ol Ille Southern League PHILADELPHIA PHILLIES -Sen1 Kelly Oown1. Joe Kerrigan and Porll Al· 1am1rano. pOchen, Jell Ultleh ano G«ry • Wiiiard, c atchers. and Rusty Hamric. second baseman. 10 lheir m1n0< league cainp tor reualgnment ST LOUIS CARDINALS -ASSlgned Ralph Cllarella, pitcher Ketly Paris, in· llelder. and Wlllle McGee outlieloer, 10 Louil"'He OI Ille American Assoet•lk>n AHlgned Jose Go11n1e1. 1nlle1der, to Arkansas ot Ille Taos League aASl(ETIIALL Nattonal ...... !ball Aaaoclatlon SEATTLE SUPERSONICS -RHC· quired and ect1va1ed John Johnson forward Placed Pllll Smith, guud. on Ille lnjunKI list. COUEGI! SOUTHERN -Announced Iha , ... lgnetlon ol Cerl Stewart. ~ead beskel· ball coach . Cam~l. Where a man belongs. Warning : The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarene Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. ., olJ .I •J .. , (I 1 ' ,. " ~ . .. ' ' > ... ... . " "' .· I •1 ·I ' t l ~ ,, • I .; I A .1 •J '• •I "' ~ • l " ,, I .,, " ~ ' I .1 J I ol .. .. It •: ,,, • ft •' .t .. ti II '( II I ~ ,,. •' .. ·' •f .. ~ ·I d "' .. " " " 1 " .. " 1 ' .I ... " ~ ' ' ·' ·' .. I I " •I I ., '".-' •'I •• ~ .,. •' .1 •l ..i " ~ H. l!I ~· ., •'l ... ·-h .. "" ... ~ ~~ •I ~" .. ., •' '" .. "' ') ,,, "'' I/) •3 ..., IV .i •' • •t 11oJ .. ... -I ~ - CLASSIFIED INDEX , .......... Cll 142-5171 ~~:~·= .. .... :: ....... ..... = =.viii., . . -......... ~ ·= ........ . .... ....... IHft -L;;:$:c.:.. i ::.~~-=-. . .. = =..--c.w-lfll ... .::. ... :... .. ·:: ::..-=.~ = IUUSTATE. ......... a.. . lat ~ .. s... .. . . e.,. ........ estate ICI vertlsed In this newspaper is 1ub· iect to the Federal Pair Housing Act of 196 which makes it illegal to advertise "any pre· rereoce, limitation~ or discrimination basea on ra~. color, reliCIQn, aex. or naUonal ori&tn, or an 1.nlentlon to make any such preference. limita· Uon,ordiscrimlnataon " ..... ~ .. ~·.:::er · .. 1100 This newspaper will not ~ '· ','-',."!~ · .: :,_ knowinflY accept any ¥ • ··-· -advert aln& ror real o.i.-u..iu1a1t · ·.. •• estaU which Is in viola· ................ • ·-lionol' .. -1 !*:-~ :: 1 ___ u..,_a_w_. ___ -f LAll .. Wt . • mt ll*llKIM Trlt Pft1 mt i--------· .._,o-rt.'-' -s=~. = ._...,,._.,o,.... I: :==:::=· = IOOAlS ....... ~. llOll ..... ~ -........... 11., -c 1 1+•s "'"' ,.. Cttft , ... Ua/ )m T ............. -~:!.. = i--------· =.,u•'.. = .._..forW. ==:.u.r -••••••••••••••••••••••• ....... :._.. 1002 =-~d ::: ................. , .... . Cioreol ..... s UJt ==· :1 ......... .,.. ... SPACIOUS Ger......... .. C::.~ .... · -TOWNMOf-'E .....,. .. 1....i :: The best in M'lSsson Vie· f:1: ... · w. jo. bljoy the comrort Milt . .:.-::-. : • and oPtn reeling of this WSS. UMST· 11:::. ~e!~~: ~cl~~~ IOfT, flWI( I •bar. firepit, French ..._~. ,. doors and much more. =:-. :: Great terms available! ......... =l -For complete details, . =:=::. . = call&tS-7171 .......... Tf>'t ..... AlllllllCOIOTS, POSINAlS & llSUfMI ~ c ...... ......,~ . ..... , .... r:rc::;.~ ,... .... , BIES ...... ~. OIPUYMOO & PDlllllt ...... ,.........u.. ..... _ ... ••-.••r IOCIMIS( =---==: .. _, ... ~ ... r.i .. , .... 1 Olp ~ .. v .. .......... o ..... s... ...... i-.....a.... '"'*1 ... U-k ==-......_ ..... ...,. .. ,..._nu Ofllft ...... 6 &4WP ..... =~~= ~ ... ~n.S-·. •TS&MMINE .,.., a-.i .... ........... SoniN ==s.t• ......... Qan.t ............... ......... 0..h ==:a1 . TIMSPllTl TIOM = 1111 -•10 llU --.. --------*'IS ------------.. .. -------- AlrttaA • tu• ~·-tilt lltriltt c.n tilt =:=:-~ ... r:: .-Hm..W.IMI -~Tt.... tilt :..~Jana ... :: llllmllE 0-11 .. :... . ~Cl-... ~Vdl<l8 ·• =.~ .. ~····· 1'lwU ...... .. v-........ . A*Lut ... . -'-"..... . AITIS. *"'TB ... -----. ... --0-11.. .. .., Al•'-•.. ... A.... . rlll ~·Icy . ,,,. ................. flli Clfr> ... • fits !: .. · .: .. :.:::. :::·:. ~ Fmttl im:I l\ot.. . ...• • . . rm ...... . .•.. fm ,.,..... . .. . ..... . . ri• ,_ .............. 11711 ra:-w~ ... :::...... = ••. •• • •••••••. . .mir ~t .......... '1• llO .• • . • •...•.. .flu MGa • • .......... • f!tt 0... ............. fl• ...................... flfl ""-"'· .............. fl• ~ ........... -............... 11111 ... ..," .......... sns ....... ~.... . .. , ... ,,.,, It!!·· .. :.::::.::::: .. :: ... = ;;:;w . ............ -,.... ................. .. ~················· ··"" ~= .... ·········· ·= - THE REAL ESTATERS * ~ • p t 00 • = Q.) ~ • >< Q) • ·= . ' t --· .~· Ortftge Colet DAILY PILOT/Mondly, Mlt'ch 29, 1N2 Cl .The marketplace on the Orange Coast ... 642-5678 N earlu half of till ~ti Pi1"t reGdn• have Uled thf ckuli/Wd uctton to '*' or sell o product. Pl•llU- Remodeled, 3 bdrm, 3 bath, matr bdrm wttb ocean view $425,000. Conaider trade. West Bay bayfront. Slips for 2 boats, re- modeled 3 bdrm, 3 bath $1,200,000. bocean & jetty views, Marine room, 4 bdrm, 3 bath, 3700 eq.ft. $1,385,000. Ullllll..S Prime Lido Nord bayCront. 5 bdrm, 5 bath. Lge L.R. 2 boat slips $1,500,000. ~modeled 3 bdrm, 2 bath + large rec. nn. beam ceilings, furnished. $420,000 . , UllA Ill.I llYFlllT Lagoon view from 6 bdrm, 5 bath, play- room, dark rm, den. $1,350,000! UYllll llYE Spectacular bayfront view 4 bdrm, 4 bath, 2 boat slips $1,900.000. . TIES YllTIS •1111 YIHI New French Normandy 4 bdrm. 4 bath, guest house. pool, $795,000 . •111111un Coronado Isld cust. baylrof1l lot. 85! boat dock. Plans avail. $425,000 w/terms. BILL GRUNDY , REALTOR j : ... j., ') ':• l ' . • .. t ... , f,,.) ('-\ b. MOVE UP TO M~WPORT ExclusTve residentia area or suc cessrul ex eculives and thei ramilies. This beautiru and spacious 4 Bdr home offers low interes assumable loans and i priced at only S269,900 . CIJI now! 846-7111 THE REAL ESTATERS THE REAL ESTATERS AvaJ~~1Some distress situations 18().9678 Ait ·~ IUff1 • -~T One story, 3 BR "Bonita". Newly painted, carpeted, shutters, lovely wallpapers. Perfect for small family or retired couple. Excellent financing. Cdmmunity pool near b y . $2 25,000. Jan Young 642-8235 (F50) 11111 Ull Situated across from the lake & on a greenbelt. This upper S10ry CoVington is priced to tell. Two master BR, eat-In kitchen. A/C, & many additlonal upgrades. $189,900 - Lqrraine Reid -551-8700 (F51) .... Big C.nyon McLain Condo. 3 BR, 2 ~ BA. Dlnin1 Room. El Dorado Model. Community Pool & Tennis. SFOJRJTY O.ted. Grftt Flnand.nc· Priced At Only $230,000. Marilyn Twitchell'• LiaUng. • . .. ..... ... Forever S.y & Ocean View. Built On Oveniaed Lot ln c.orona del Mar Over-lookine China Cove. GrMt lnW!llment. Owner WW flnanct. $1,500,000. Sharon Collini' Liat.lnc· ~YLOR-~·o' I 1J . ---------............ Magnifk'e.nt location o'looklnc 8th areen of golf course. Majestic Colonial cuatom by owner/builder, 5 bdntw, lae formal din rm, fam rm, bllllard rm. refrigerated wine nn. & 6 ~ ba. Marble, finest wood paneling, air cond. +many custom features $2,150,000 including land. May tell fwiuahed . 2111 ........... •-1N1 ... n" .....,.... • ,,. u u • '".~;;~~~slfTTm IN I' r r I' I' r I 6 ~,~'c;~~~~1 l£11(1S I I I I I I I SCl•M-l.nS A•twen .. a..Hlailaa IOIO ..f.C~'?.~ Bdrm 2 Be tath unit on the Wld, will take 1m1 II down or trade and carry ___ _ the entire balance. -iamucno..a '150,000-bett deal on the .,._ " ..-. C4M CMrwr D•'-• J4COIS IWTY wM "-'cma $40,000 3 +GUEST ALet I acre '?t41~ 1ent1y aloplna pantl abort di•· tance rrom tenola It beach. Ownr hu in· duded plans for custom villa. 1125.000. Spec· tacular views! MISSION REALTY 494-0731 PIOflllTY M61 3 Br 2tii or 2+ iU'st in '7tt .-.17~ owners unit · also 2 8 .,.. ~ rental cottage. All In to Eastsl~~ler wrll carry at l~. 10 }'Hrs Only 1183,500. Guest house rented for $350. -------- --115--,-,-1-1C-~--i cood . excel location Owner will carry 'lg 2nd Great starter ome. T.D. Owner will consider AL NOW ONL V $200.$00 olfen. 2 Bdrms. area CAI '44·7211 Co1la M esa oei1bborhood. Loweat priced home in the area at$l07,000. 751-3191 Call 64>9161 . OPW HOU'if Rl A1 r r / 75~6 t,A& s .. .1. Lease/Option Woodbridge, rottage 2 • bdrm. 2 ba. $149.900. 551·9559. ~..S288 Newes! Mii COii-¢ couldft 'I be '9Sltf OI SIMltef lftJ IMIOft ,., a lortvne Of "'" tlus roly nl>Wd cott fTom the neck down of syntllttic wonled all ill one piea_ ltCHI stitch bind\ on L offT 1fT -' )OM. pocMh. Pattern 7~46. "l tlliw\i-tnt.i\1 .... d1rectrons IOI Sii.ti S.14 rncl SUS fllr llCll petter• Add SOC nch petletn lot post.,e tnd hudhftl St•• tt: ..... .......... Oept.10I Delly Not FRfl YOORSHF llOlll luu-... au, .. CW. .... .... slide !nlO tfllS ltCltl ~I lof ,.. •t 11111 Mil ..... dlylltnes t~ll art bllsy 01 ttlaJ-..... JIJ. ,.... ..... " Mil> Sq1111t -' •• hont. Y-Oaa **BUILDER'S tlDEL llY'4 low interest assuma · ble fin~ncing Rare op-portunity. Luxury Ap· Dletoo former model. 3 lldtm 2 Ba, bright ram1ly room, hl11hly decorated thruout. $209.000 (Uj)1!!!"° tHUlarrHU ~•). lrvliw -am ....,.. ea1111s l _,.,., ..,_.. "'9 pettelllS 1MICll. 170 Mst Priftttd Pattern 9133: M1ws TElllFiC $6,000 DOWN! Versaafles studio Pen thouse condo. Take over hiah assumable loan at 11l ,r:. Owner will con· sider late model car as down paym't. Act rast! ! ! Only S89.900. Call Jim Agt. 979-s.TTO or 962·9597 IYTHlSEA IUYTHISE& For nle or trade ~41 Lin· da Isle. Located on very tip ol island. Best IC)(a· UOn and view on entire harbor. Wlll take two 90' yachts. swim up · bar. prne room. wine cellar. Fantastic Newport '1 finest entertainment home built for 1 movie star. Moat romantlr master bdrm In the ~uld · overlooking en· tire Newport Bay. Stp. rraid qrtrs It sep guest qrtrs. Can ~se Tut. f.asy terms. Pnced to sell rar below market. Bltr. 760-7292. jacltlts, dolls, -· lllOlt! Sim I. 10. 12. 14, 16, 18, 20 l...vl~MRMlJ W. C.W. £-..... SI.SO S.. 12 ~ 34) ta• 3 r•ds l~ """'2 Find whit you want In a&. CWf mt.srM _. IS«ll '*ic. : ors er me. rm, DeilyPilotClasslf~s • ... • CUlaNc ... • sm StJS llJ _. ' 2 ba. Windsor Model In • _. Ill ...... .._ .. * 111 _. :.::-: the Terrece. E~erythsn« ' W1rJt it mfm18 JJl.llllJ I CllllllOI ,_ _. ._..... S.. within walking dis· lJ4.14W....._.... =--• lance ... prired below 11::-,_ ..... ... ~"':. '" quit• .... hr !PU!' "' ti u • .. :i..":.i .. """ . . be~" ..,,_,__ .. L.. mms. 'I . ........ • ... --. waL.--=-=-.it M I .. ? flld 111t //,.~ ---...... 11 w ID srtlflG. ~ ~~ .. ,.... M II I I J t1 .,._. ,_lTtll CATM.OC 89 ICM llMI tMI..... . :i. 9\:~1~•*= uuw I ... 18' ~ c.11111. I SO II llft9 ... flllllll ............... ffDCWitla.-llM &. -~ ---------·- lliiiiii Ill:! J ;,,. apert•at? FIN 1 ... .. • • !M'•1mlrlllit .. ............. 1 ·¥~ .• r , NEW ART MUSEUM -This is how the Los Angeles Museum of Contemporary Art will look when it's completed in 1984. The model AP Wlnlphofo was designed by Arata Isozakl, Japanese ar"' chitect, for his first u:s. project. Dr.inks on the house Court orders bar to ser ve free beer CINCINNATI (AP) -A bar cited for overcrowding is being ordered to cough up a round for old timers' sake. When Flani,gan's Landing was cited by the Fire Department for allowing too many people inside, Municipal Court Judge Clayton Shea saw the opportunity to do something for t he Jess fortunate. So instead of a fine, Shea ordered the s ingles bar to provide $1,000 worth of beer to Longview State Hospital -allowing the old folks' Sunday afternoon ''happy hour" to continue twice a month. "I'm delighted," said Longview Superintendent Thomas S . Grogan Jr. of the decision. "Because of money problems, we w ere going to have to limit it (the happy hour) to once a month." The 5-year-old program allows pa- tients eight ounces of beer -or four ounces of wine -and snacks. Soft drinks a lso are available. Usually, about 30 of the mental institution's 138 patients attend. The downtown bar was cited on a Friday night in January for having 140 customers. Its capacity was 96, but it since has expanded to accommodate 280. "All Flanigan's is going to do is provide beer and pretzels to old peo- ple at Longview, on a lirnjted basis," S hea said. "They're s hut out tbere, this is their social Life." Shea was appointed in February, 1981 and is known for creative sent- encing. H e sentenced one College Conservatory of Music student con- victed of drunke n driving to three days imprisonment and four Saturday piano concerts at Longview. Another time, he orde,red a pizza parlor owner involved irl a cr iminal offense to send pizzas to a children's convalescent center. Shea said he learned about Long- view's "happy hour" while acting as a lawyer for patients. "They had a problem getting these old people out on the floor and mo- ving, so they s tarte d it as a social activity," he said. As for Flanigan's Landing, which pleaded' no contest to the charge, la- wye r and part-owner Dominic P er - rino said he was pleased even though $1 ,000 was the maximum fine allo- wed. "We're happy to help out," he said. Drivers license altered State DMV form to have new look SACRAMENTO (AP) -New style drivers' licenses are being issued by the California Department of Motor Vehicles. In place of the words "California Driver License" across the top on a white background, the single word "California" appears on a background of blue Lines bordered by gold. At the top corners are the state seal and De- partment of Motor Vehicles seal. On the n e xt line appear the words "Driver License" or "Identification c8.rd" for non-drivers. The yellow strip underneath the top line, saying the license "must be carried when operating a motor vehi- cle and when applying Cor renewal," has been eliminated. not list the e xpiAaion date -has been moved downQ'line. OMV spokesman Dave Davis said the c hanges are needed to fit the li- censes for an automa ted production process that will start in the fall of 1982. Since the department orders Li- cense fonns a year in advance, it de- cided to start making ch anges now. Re said the com is minor. OMV Director Doris Alexis said the de partment has no plans to replace any of the 16 million old-style licenses until the drivers need new·ones. A new state law Jets many drivers with safe records extend their licenses for four years by mail. Big league bingo on the way? QUEBEX:: (AP) -A $1-million prize to the world's best bingo player? Why not! says a group of bingo suppliers preparing to make its dre am of a World Bingo League come true. C>rigene Vezina, presi- dent of Bingo Vezina Inc. of Montreal and Quebec Ci!?;, said: ' There's a World Football League, there's a World Baseball League; so we said: 'Why not a World Bingo League?' " The idea came up at a meeting o f an informal association of bingo sup- 1>liers from Canada and F1orida. Already, the promoters have printed a logo -a globe where the grid of latitude and longitude lines fom\S a bingo "card -as well as posten, in- formation pamphlets and a membership card. To be eligible to play in the world oingo champi- onships. a player will buy a membership in the World Bingo League for $5, and the bingo hall will have to pay a fee. Tigers kill 90 people NEW DELHI, India (AP) -Man-eating ti- gers have killed 90 pee>-' pie in India's Khe ri' region in four years, in- cluding four since the start o f 1982, officials said. Ashok Singh, director of the Dudhwa National Park 240 miles 10Utheast of New f>elhl, aafd at leas t three man-eaters are at large in the area. DEATHS RSEWHERE \ L08 ANGJ:U:S (AP) -MUeW.ltl&l81,90,a moytnc and 1torap ex- ecutive and one of the principal• In the oompan1 that bean hll name, died Wedneeday. KALAMAZOo. M.kh. <AP) -G•1&ave Stamm, 92, founder of ::;~ INpline, NEW YORK jAP) -WUUam ''SouJ Greer, 78, a drummer who worked in the Elli.nQton band for 80 years, ated Tue.day. TUCSON, Ariz. (AP) -l1or GorlD, 72, a re- ~ opera baritone, died Wedneeday. Lrl'TLE ROCK, Ark (AP)-Dr ...... u .. ,, •••••• ,, 83, teach e r of th• role o nutrition ln health and con1U.ltant to the Worl Health Oraanlution diect'Monday. SAN FRANCISC (AP) -Dr. Be.Jami Praaklla Fela101•1._ 81 an allerpt and pewatrl dan who laid hypenictl vlty ln c h ildren w aa caused by additives l \heir food, died Tueeday BARRYTOWN, N .Y (AP) -Cllaaler A Cllapmaa, 80, a dalr tanner and writer wb life was the model for novel by Nobel Priz winner Saul Bello w died Monday. The nove ARLINGTON waa "Henderson th HEIGHTS, Ill. (AP) -Rain King." The Rev. Carl W. Pfo· I teallaaer, 85, whose fa · SAN DIEGO (AP) - mily included 62 Lu-Edward Silva 71 ene oq theran ministen in direct San Diego's beat 0knowni · descent from the tuna fishermen die d l chwcll's ~ with Tuesday. He retired a the Protestant Relonna-. year ago as execu tive lion. dJed Wednesday. vice president of the CALIFORNIA, N.J . (AP) -Harriet Strate· meyer Adami, 89, who created many of the Nancy Drew and H ardy B oys mystery books, died Sat· urday. STORRS, Conn. (AP) - E dmund C. Rice, 72, ai radJo and television writer, produrer and commentator, died Sunday. VEBEY, Switzerland (AP) -Jua Vfllara, 86,. Swiss poet and songwriter' whose peeudonym "Gilles"' was a trademark of popu-· Jar entertainment ln Fran·i ce a nd Switzerland, died· Friday. IOWA CITY, Iowa (AP> -Yaa Wal Woa1, 67, the state's first virologilt and an authority on the viral dis- ease encephalitis, died Fri- day. PARKERSBURG, W.Va. (AP) -Herbert S. Btre- maa, 81, a fonner federal llt>peala court judge and srand-nepbew of West. Virginia's flnt governor, died Friday. HAMPTON, N.H. (AP) -CadaerlH A. Duley, 87, honorary chairwoman of the board of Dunfey Ho~ls -the company ahe started with her eight sons, died Thursday. LEVIT'l'OWN, N.Y. (AP) I-Hal Terkel, 64, award- winnlng producer of CBS radio's World News Roun- dup for over 17 years, died Frid9. -- LONDON (AP) -Dr. Helena .Wright, 94, a pioneer of birth control in Britain. died Sunday CARLSBAD (AP) - Carl William Sclloou, 73, publisher of the Palm Sprines Desert Sun 15 yelll"S, died Thursday. American Tunaboat As, sociation, which he h el-: ped found. TICONDEROGA , N.Y. (AP) -L. Judson Morbou..se, 68, the dri- v ing force behind the state's Republican Party in the 1950s and an early supporter of Nelson A . Rockefeller, died S un- day. flCTITIOUI .,._ .. HAlllllTATDmNT Tiie followlnt ~ -dolllQ bUai--- -.. '1C1'T'10UI -AMERICAN TELEPHONE SUPPLY ...... .,.,,_,.. CORPORATION 0' SOUTHERN CALI· Tiie IOllOWlng panonit -doing bu.._ FOflHIA. 2915 Aed tW A-.~ -• "G", S.Ulle !OS. Coete ....... Cellfornle OOlOEN STAR QUALITY C:lf.A• t21M HlffO. 6 llM A Weet 1• 841-. ...... ""6. T-'9P11one Educ:at!Ofl Allelyll I •nd CA 9270$. Mell\ods Comp.tny, tnccwPOr.-cl. • -GOl.DEN GIRL EHT£APR18E8. INC , Jau~ ccwpore1io... 97 All• Vteta Of .... • ~ ooq>OtMlof\. 6134 A w.i 114 ~ -...,_ 07456 Sl!tet. 8erU Atta. CA 92103 Thie -.. 4*ldUCMCI br • ccwpo. TNa bUllr.-le eondudld br • -~ i911on ,.,*' T~ Eduea!lon Anlll)otile ~ Glt1 ~Inc. and Mal-~. 1nC Eve M Cler1i, -Fr.,. J Fellz, Pr-6denl Thia 1111emen1 wu lll•d •1111 lh• Thi• 1111emen1 wu llled wltll Iha County Clerli of °""lie eo..nty on Ma-di Counly Clwl< OI Or81>ge County on M•dl tt, t .. 2. 28. 1882. LAW OfftCel M OC*ALD r. MmLIOM. ,,.., ..-.... .. '-......... ..., -........ ~ ... ,,,. 4tl0 lllcAl1hw ...... Leo.-.,...., CA_,. ................ c..-,_ (714) ~ Publlahed Orenge Coeat Dally Pilol, Pubfllllad Ortr111• Co••' Delly Pllnt Merell 22. 29. AP!'• s. 12, 19121337-12 Mardi 211. Apll 6 f2, "· 1812 1431-12 ----------- FOGG IA, Italy (AP) I MJC 1111( -Cardinal Perlcle F e-MOno1 o.,.,..,.,.... aAU Ucl, 70, Vatican expert in I AC~:r.. T'::.":.. ~.=., c hurch law, died Mon-n.e~--ledOlno-VAL BAH CORP u duty •Pt><>lftt.a d .. Tru1IM unde< Ill• IOllOWl"9 ~ecrlb• ay. AOUATRONIX, 31:1 ENI 22nd Strwt, dMd of llual Will SELL AT PU ll Co.le ""-~ ~7 AUCT!Otf TO THE HIGME.8T lllOOEA N E W Y 0 R K ( AP ) Jeroalev Jlrovec. 313 Eut Und CASH [peyeble 11 time ot Mle In lawfu $11... C-. ""-Cei40tn1e 92827 mon.y ol Ille United SIM•) II l1glll. Edward F itzgerald, 89, 1111i nu1me11 11 c0flduc:1eo by an In· and lnMreat _,Wloed 10 _,now !Mid whose living-room dis-dMduel ~oe1av .Jlfovec :::.:::,::0 =..:::,_ "'uw "'· cussions with his wife Tllll ll•t•m•nt ... lll•CI wltll Ill• TRUSTOR DOUGLAS M. MAR ,.. __ Cletli 01 o.-County on M9ldl SHA.ll _, &OffNIE F MA~U... Pegeen were broadcast M.19'2 -...... -.o -w11e live as ''Th e Fitzgeralds" ,,_ BENEFICIARY VALIEHCIA BANI(, WOR rad• f Publlalled Orenge CDUI Oally Pilot. Celdofnla ~~ on io or more Maid> n Acwtl s. 12. "· 1e.a 14:za.12 AecGtded ......-·-2. 1110 • 1M1r than 40 yea rs, die d · ~~'::::.!::;.~.;:~ Monday W Illa orde< 01 Or•no:c,5 .. 10 d..a o • 111111 --the Ot-'Y ...,._ DI SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -Restaurant critic Robert Barna Read, 65, w h ose book on San Francisco eateries ope- ned new doors for tens of thousands, died. SOUTH LAKE TA- HOE CAP) -Psych ia- trist Walter Rapaport, 86, Cal iforn ia mental health director for four years in the 1950s, died Friday. BOSTON (AP) - Bishop Mark I. Lipa, 62, s piritual leader of the Albanian Orthodox Church in the United States, died Tuesday. MOSCOW (AP) - Marietta S. Slaa1bayan, 93, a Soviet novelist wh was active in Russian li te r ature since the firs decade of the century died. ACm10U9 ._.. PARCEi. I ~ ITAl'lmMT LOI 32 ol TrlCI Ho 9511. In the qty TM lollowlf>O pet-... Oolng 1>1191-.._, 8-:11. County ol Orenoe. Stet --ol ~lornle. -per mep ,_.,..,Ill SACO. lTO. 3 Upcler .._, ...... 407, Pee•• 7 IO 12 lncluolV9. M~ll• Dtl .. , Suite 200, Newporl Beecll. CA -"'-· In IN ollloe ol Ille •:zteO Rec:ordet "' -County AAHOAll F. GEDOU. Truat .. uftder PARCEL 2. Ill• Rendell F. Oeddu Tru11. d•l•d e-ite • --ta .,. -1111111. a UPI*' __ , Pleu Dttw. llC:Vletly .. , ICWlll kl Ille Atllete enlllleO 8'A'9 200. Hawport 8-:ft, CA t2teO •• .,_. •• OI IN OecW9lloll ol DENNIS W HARWOOO, TruM .. .,,.. ll\lftla. Cond1tlon1 and "'-~ ree Cler Ill• Wiii or ••th E. H9fWOOd, HO -~ded In boOll 12305. Peve 746, H4oWporl cetlt« om... Sult• aoo . .._, .. ecord1. II/Id r--m book 12311 8-fl. CA t2teO paga 327. Olfk:la.t Rac:orda. ullCI« Ill OEHHIS W HAAWOOO, T,.... .,,.. Sacllon ._. In IUCll #1IC:le ., o.a.ret1on o1 r.-. d9taCI 7f26n 2. u 1_, ·~end 0u11M. u1Nt1 5SO N.-por1 Center Drlwa, Sull• 100, enG Cebl8 T ", ··~, Sett H4oWporl 8-lll CA 92MO. mant end Enu,,__,t ... "Community JOHN e HEFFERNAN, 3 Upper FadNllM e-11" .• :·Prlvel• S\f -...... °""" s..rie 200 ..___ lanclllclpe ....,..,_ • -W:-C:A t2teO • . .............. c-my ,_.. THOMAS A HEFFEANAN. T,_ o1 PAACa 3. tM TllOnlu end Clelr• Heffernen U'llllg E•Hmenta over Ill• 1011 own•d b Truat Cleled Ju11a 22, 1981, :l Uppar "Subiect Owners'" lor U. ..._ OI ea *""°" Pl9z:e DtM. s.M 200. ~ wc:lei>g Ille rtgM OI ~ -• 8-:ft, CA t2teO "Elltcwc>ng o-·· .. euct> 1wma.1ot A08ERT E. HEFFERNAN, 3 Uppat --rlgMa-onor• .... ~ Hawport Plaze Drtw, S11i1e 200, Hewpot1 defined --.tbed In Ille ._,Ot\'I LOI 8-fl. CA t2teO Decletetlon r-ded Ill -12306. PATRICK J. HEFFERNAN, 3 Ullll9f 114, OfllcUI Aeoorda *-POrt Pima o.M. Sulla 200, __, EXCEPT Tl<EREFAOM al Oil. ,_ 8-:ft CA t2te0 •ala end OI-llyclrocatbone, -a eiAHICf a. HEFl'ERHAH, Trwt" o1 deplll of 500 '"'· w1111ou1 tlle right or 111e TllomAla E. Hatfernet1 T•t-tary ...,._ entty. • t..wd • ~. T,,.., s Upcler .._, .... °""'a.. ol ,_,, 200, *""°"a.cl\. CA t2teO It --~. Hawport, ~ Thia~ le -by .... .,,... 92980 • __..., eMOClellon -than a_,. ··111 • ..,. .. , eoor-or OOlllll>Ofl o. _.,,.., llanallon .. --. "° ---le . -e ...,..._ ,r •• n •• 10 ti• compl•l•n••• or Tiii• atetement wu llled with Ill• con«ll-1" County a-11 o1 Or9!09 County on -Th• l>a<lallclery under Hid ~ of 12 1112. Truet, by,_ of e -cw daleull !cl ...... ~ IM C)bjlga11on9 --tNrtlty, '*910-.... ......., ,_,..... l0te •-led end..__ lo Ille un- ............ CA -:::=:.,-~ of'OelWI 'NCUR, 80Qltn I ;e ; 1>11 and tor S.. Ind "'""811 ...-io. l'•MO of bfMCll end of elec:flofl ID -.. I ....,.,1111o•d to ... Mid ptopeny lo Ml· Publ~ OrllflO• Coell Delly Piiot, 1ely -otillge~. Md ,.......,., IN The "date of birth" space has been moved up a line, and the space headed "veh. lie. exp." -which may or may Davis said the OMV assumes that people know they have to carry their licenses while driving, so it felt safe in omitting the yellow Une that said so. He said one was a ti- gress who has killed 11 people, including one this year. f DR THE RECORD Mlordl 22. 29. Aptf15, IZ. 1112 1331-12 ::"'ot"::':::::::oo"::"ti!c: 1. IHI. u lnllr. No. 1381 rn book Piil.JC ll11C( 14307. P109 474, OI -Oflldll Aecotdol 11 ___________ 1 Seid u le will be made, but wllllout 11111 lllDCll , 8IRT"8 IOUTit COAST •oteAL caNft-. ,.,,..,,2 Mr. and Mr.. Mlchael Lehrer, I.a· gune 8Mc:ll. gin ,.,..,. LANCASTER •March 211, 1982. She 11 IWVived homl. ststers Helen Garman of STRAUSS EVELYN ETTA MAY LAN· by her husband Frank. Mass of Oklahoma and Mae Wiiis of SADIE STRAUSS. a l'ftldent CASTER. a 20·year resldett of the Resurnctlon wu held on Texu, alto survived by 2 of Lakewood. Ca Pilled awey Bly Shores. Ca. P-.ed away on Monday, at Our Lady or Mount grandchildren Services will be on March 26. 1982. She 11 sur· -----------cermel Catholic Church, New-held on Tuesday, March 30, 1982 v1ved by her hu1b1nd Henry port Beach, Ca. Final Interment at l:OO PM at Harbor Lawn children Simone Mac:Doneld of services wUJ be held at t"e fa· Memorial Chafel with Rev" Lakewood Ce and Stuert mily plot.Jn Lakewood Ceme·I Raymond Nicke or the United StraUlll of Q.mu.. ea.. brother tery, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Lutheran Chutt'h of Santa AN Harry Feierstatadt of Lo& An- Mr. •nd Mre. Rudy Petre. Sen Clemente. boy ,__,, Mr. llncl Mrs. Wlllllm P1rker, I.•· oun• Niguel. boy ..... Cll901'HRS SMITMS' MOllTUAaY 627 ~am St Huntington Beach 536-6539 PAClffC Y•W .-.OatAlPAal Cemetery Mortuary Chapet·Crematory 3500 Pacific View Drive NewpOrt Beach 6«·2700 McCoaMICll MOllTUAl•S Laguna Beach •94·9415 Laguna Hills San ~~straoo •95-1776 ...ct•or ... s .... llOMWAY NOllTUAH '10 lfoectway Cotta Mesa 6'2·9150 ~· Bever!)' Goble and JemM Parle. Legune Beec:tl. boy 1 Servicn under the direction of offlciatln1. Interment services iP\es, Ca. and 6 grllldchlld~. Baltz Beraeron-Smlth & Tutblll lmm~l•tely following at Har· Crypllide 1ervicu were held on Wee~llff Cbepel Mortuary of bor Lawn-Mount Olive MOrtl.la-Sunday March 28 1982 et ,.,,..,, 12 Mr. and Mre.. Dew Cel'ter. lAguna e..ch, gin C-ta Meu. 6411·9371. ry. Servicea under the dlr«iion Sharon Oerden1 Ma'u1bleum, DUNN of Baltz Bergeron-Smith &i Tu-S unn)'lkle Memorial Park Set'- ,.....,1. . Mr. end Mre. T.,rence Neptune. Lagun• BMch, girt ROBERT JOSEPH OU~N. thW Wettcllff Ollpel Mortuary vices under the dlrectl~n of SR.,• resident of Cotta Mesa~ of Colta Mesa. 646-9371 Herbor Lawn.Mount Oil ·e ,..,_, 11 Mr. ll'ld Mre. Steven so.omfn. Sen Juen Cllc>iltrMO, girt Ca. P~ aw•y on March 27, Mortuary of Cosu Met 1. 1982. He ls=:ved by hla wife, SCHMITZER 1 540..55M hllNlfJl1 Mr. end Mre. JoHph Zimmer, South Laguna. boy Marie A. of Costa Mesa. RITA A. SCHMITZER. a ' '*-'D Ca., 1 mlfl J . Dunn, Jr. of 20.yeer resident of Or1n1e Mr, Ind Mn. RobM Utter. LIO'llll Costa Me11. Ca., 2 dau1htera County, puled ewey on Maft)h Deborlh Jean Peter.on of New· 25, 1982. She 11 IW'Vfved by her I Scots port Beech. Ca., and JOlll\ Marie husb&nd Frank, ch1ldren Jc:.ph McMah•n of Costa Mn•. Ca., Hardwick of Arle&e, Ca .. Marie h N~.boy tee I Mr. 1nd Mra.:z:1n, sen Ju9r'I ~ano. hil mother Row Ellen Dunn of Tatan.10 of S.n Clemen~ Ca., Costa Meta. Ca., 2 listua Doro-Suzanne Br•ndt o( Felr ~ka, thy Dunn of Coesa Meu, Ca., Ca. and Frll\k, Jr. of Au1tin, ind Gerald I ne Oun n of Texu. brother Bud Mayher of Wuhlniton, O.C., 3 .arendcbU· MlllllCh'-UI, mten Oerlldhle dren, Jemes, Mloe.hael and Kerry Rum. of M-.ech\mUS. Loula Mc:Meh•n of Cotta M .... Ca. Bohrw of Flocide, M9deUne Ho. Mr. Dunn w• • ~bet of \ti. decker of M11NchuMtt1 end Knl1ht1 of Colwnbu1 of the Grace Trott of Arlqtnw, aao YMCA, the Youns Republl· survived by 3 ar•ndcblldren dam, and the M1Uonel Health Ma. of the Raurrec:tlon w .. Federeilon •nd Of th• ucr held on Monday at St. CcWl'a Alumni A.llodlllon RoNry will Catholic Church, Tu1tln, Ca. be redt.d on Monday. Mucll 29. Servic.9 under tM dinlcUon 0( 1M2, et 7:!JOPM 1t Pierce Bro-Herbor Lawn-Mount Olive there Bell Broedway Chapel. Mortuary of Cotta Me ... .,._ of Ou1iatian Bw1a.i will be 640-~~M. Mii GIMML NOel'ITAL sweet, bad Mr. •nd Mr1~1: Wide, Ian °""*"•· "'1 EDINBURGH, Scot-Mr. 1nd Mrt~..:t Allen, tan land (AP) -Scotl have caem.n•. g1r1 the wont teeth in Brit-...... alb, -~•y becat.m they Dr. Md Mre. Mtonlo f«Nt, ... .,... ... ci.rn.nte, "'1 eat too many tweet roll9, -... ' health authOritlel -Mr . .,....,., DMt .....,., 1an ·~---"'*'~Mr The Scottieb Health Mr. Ind Mre. Al.;n htefto, l1n J:ducadon Group, oam-Juan ~·.1°1 palgDina to convince Mr. n Mrs. '°°" Tron.. o.ne i>eoPle to vtlit den*" Mit. lloY .... . e.lebr•ted on 1\ieed&y, Marett 30. 1982 1t l :OOAM al St. Joa- chim'• Catholic 0.W'Ch. P'l1erMk m•Y call 1t tht mortu1ry on Monday, Marth 29, 1N2 from 12:00 "°°" to t:OOP.M PlH'C'e Brothen Bell .,_way Nor iUd l9Ml'Cb lhawl.. ""'· ~-........... w..... .. SCO'IT mab r..... *• • die ~ =··---MILISSA ANN SCOTT. dfntlll t!wa Sha. :.-c .. ~.:--.---· Ian WllY dirwton. 1111.LD IV A MILLD, a rteident of dM Santa ,.... -for &he Piil 16 ,_.. ._... 9W'1 an N.lfth ll.18'28Mll~bJ­ c:Mw.. Iva Me.Mlllr "°"* of lani. Au .. C.. alil Donna i:.e lillDlr" ~ v.n.,. ea.. , tlrillMr lerl "P°O'Well of Otii.· Pl.ed awa,y on March 21, 1882. QI' Wellh. haw mpn li.:'-.lllre.......,. Olmier .... SM II 8'U"Ytwd by hit ~ MCb ind •t llllft L ~ Relph and Michel• seou of = .:ular na1ar· ..,.... l.oOf\I 9Mdl. c. .. ,,..,..,... ... ....... n... Collfl. Ian Ira Ind Herrlet ShH'IH of oe...a..., I ~f-"i.::: ~:t.~ .. Tffth 1Hm to pt ---Ol.IUtJ ....,.; ..., ....... Om1911de~ llRCMwlY ~ .. ' Will w llmld on~ • .,... ,.._. nartb·~ .. ID Mr. Md '"'"".' so, lift '•' ll:OOAM llatW Mtalil ..... Dr An· laple~· wwn·Mount OHve ,.__.. = :S.. -' Pwll ...,._ t.'"'•"°'*'OIM W vdlll. diDW Mr. 8" n .,..,....., ~ ot eo... ,._ dlni· ad 1er ID &la• bealt.b ·~.ft.. 'Ii. >-.,,i ... .... MCMI04 .,.,... Calla............ . -°' wwnnt(. -SW-°' lnlPled. '*'-' M llOTa TO COMTMCTOM I regarding title, poeaaulon, or encvm CA&..l.MO fOfl •1 btencee, to Pe\' tM ~ pl1nc:lpal Mf. end Mrs. J-~. Sdl001 DIWlcl: NEWPORT·MESA UNI· IUm of Ille note(t) ._,,.., 111 Mid Deed Sin Juen Cepletrano, girl. "1£0 8CliOOl DISTRICT. ol Trull. With lntereat u In Ul4 llOle f*-1 11 Sid OMdlll9 :uo o·-p.l'ft_ OI lhel provlci.d, edve-. II lllJ, IHldef Illa Mr end Mft. Antt10ny Cleneroe, 14111 Oey OI Apt. TM2. -of Mid o..ct ol T.-..... _,... Sll'I ~ ~rll'I0¥1 "'-Ol BM.....,., 1151 "'-'llllt , -~ ol Ille T--Of IN • • Ccel• -· Celffomla t2t27. -· _..., 111 Mid o..ct ol TNll • .., '*'-' 11 PrOleel Identification ~ HV)IC EN-' eala wlll l>a lleld Ofl Tuatdey, "Pfll 13, Mr. •nd Mre. Robert tM«y. L•· EAGl' COHSEAVATION MEAauM.8 AT IN2•a:oc>p111.el lhe~A-guna Niguel, boy. ESTANCIA HS NEWPORT HARBOI' H -10111eCMcO...W~300 ,....., ,. AND ENStoH SCHOOLS. Eul Cllepmen Aveflua, In Ill• cli)' Of Mr •nd Mre. Jo .. ph Al1rcon "'-Pt-.,. on Ille 1'67 "'-111 O.ange. CelllotnlL 811n .iu.,, Cepletrll'IO boy ' St,. eo.te "'-.•Calllom4il '2827. Al Illa tllM ol IM inlll9' ~ of ........__ • . NOTICE 18 HERHY GIVEN 11191 Ill• 1H11 nottoe. Ille I-amount Of lM Ufipeld ~--, ~ ~ Dletrlcl OI Orange ~ Ol It. OblOMlon -br .. Mr. Md Mra. Edwerd Wh41•. San County. Cllbnlll. acting !Ir enct 1"'°"'1111 al>GW ~ Oeed OI ~ -e1oti. JUMI Cllc>iltrll'IO, gll'I. Ill GoveminD loeN, ~ reltr..O fftlled C09Ca, ~ and --" ........, t1 to • "DIST'AIOT'' *'II~ IC> to. bU1 1820,611128. To delermltMI Ille O!*llllO Mr. •nd Mre. Ooneld Lehm•n. no :ai.. llWt INt atloW4\Mtd-. -bid, )IOI'....,, ceif.14) 137~ S11n Juen Cepi9tlWIC>, girt lecl -tor 1"' wwd ol e -.trect tor Ille DATE. M.-dl 1 • 1112 if -projeCt. Vlol. BAH COIP. • ._ ..... ,..,_,M M·... a...__,,. , • lldt tllefl M ra<:elwed In Ille plac• • lllld T ........ -· •"' r. .• ,. "''"""'• ....-ldentlfted-,end.,,.,.ne~-ByT.D.Sar..ie.Co.. gunl NIQUll. boy. publldy ..... eloud •t '"' IOova-.i-egerll ,..,_, a 11rr1e -pi.-8Y Clrldy ~oo·•· Mr. Ind Mra. awt. Mount)o)' '"'--... be• NO 00 .__ ........, ,...._ ._...,, Deni Point boy • fOt Mell Mt 01 .id docv....,,11 to 1111•· One City IMI. w.t . ;....,;..,, M rentee Ille """" ';J::! conclfflon wit!IWI °""lie~~ 11*9 Mr. end Mra. CherlH White, 14r= :.=" ..=1 cOfl°C~'t_ rM· T.O. ~co.:.. UlguW N!guei, boy. POf'llM 10 IN oonlttcl ~ OM C-, ....... .,_ ,._, a Eac11 * INll be _.,....... llY "" .... ,,,. Mr. end Mr1. 01vld t.•nv S•n ~ ~ 10.., 111e oontrlCI ~ or-... c:.11. -Clemente, C, • menll elld by tlla 1111 or Pf'OllMM tut>-('ft4) . ., ... · -.1r-. P11blltlla4 ~ Coett 0..... .... I . Mr. ll'ld John 8enborl\ Sin ""'-'to a.c1IOll 4StO Ol tlle Oo... M• ti, tt, ""'· 5; 1112 f...a "'*' c:e girt. ........ ()Ode of .... a-of Cllkltnle, COAl'T 1M ~ w111 ~:.:ovleloN -··-----------! AL cmna .. _.., to IUl9lliUla -If' -I ,...., • ilaf.,,., ~..........,bl' INt ~ .... llK Mr ......... ~ StlMhy, Ian :..'° -'*""11i:w-_.., .. ---:;:;;;:;:;;;;-;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;---t ~ =....,. TM 11181'1CT ,_.,.,, ... "8111 to,... ':11~=:9 Mr. lllCI Mrl. Urry Htlptm. Ian 2';':. ';.. :..~~0111~ :,Z t': .,.._The lolOoollllO i*Mll le...,. a.mene.. --..... I T~T 1'91 .....,._ hM Ille IONACIO"S lANOICA,.MO, t OW..._, .. °"I ... _If of~ CMyOfl °""· Coel• ....... Mr ... Mrl. ........ .........,, "'9altOM tlle ..,_., Pfl"llllnt r•t• OI ttG:f. &....-"9d\ •. .., ...... 11! ... IOGlllytll..... ....... ~n-.~Ortoot ..... , ........................ _ .... 0.-.... ~_,. Mr ... MrL ---""""Ill, "" ----....... -.. ~----.. _....... w"" 8cMfl ~--. MMfMt. T1le9 ... -°" ... "Ille ............. ..... I OllT.-.CT Ol'lllC• lOCATIO AT IH7 Tlllt Jllte111en1 wH flied wltll t Mr Md Mf1. "'°""""" ~ l'l .... 111 II., C:..te ...... CalllOtftla c-ey Cllr\ Of er..,.. a..., ell . ....... .._ .... ,. c..-. ..._. ...... alMd -,.. 1tll. Oel. l.ll'IM ....... •. .-. e: .. ,,._,., ..... ell" ... .._ ,.... • ... .... "".,...,... °'M: COM! oellw .... Mr. Ind Mrl. ..... 91M, ~ nte f ....,..,, OI lief 4llMI -II .-• a. ---,. t• 111.:11 pt ..... le ""°" I -"1111 4ey OI • ...,.... • ••· •- Mr. i.111 Mt.; Dllwld COOM, lltl 111111 Ill-. TM,_"' ~ -~-...... ==-----·-----·----... ---------. ..... _.... .._ -.. -............ :f!"' -••wy ..... •COM-, __ ~ ..... --~----~ ..... ---..---...-.. -................... _ ... ............ .. ........ ·--........ -.... a ..., .. .., ...... ._ ...... .-:-•·---. -''· ...... ,.. "Ofllld '"'" ................ ~., .... ,,. ........... ~-.--...... ~. . ...... -:::r.:a ............. -Wfl!!...~--- MP • .,., ""· AUt•U Ayala,=~-==--... --·--4~.;..ni: ..... .ovt .. L ....... ,,r,. ~a& ........ _________ ...... ...:.ir;:: ,. ..... ........ ". ilta:•• -~--'* ...... ~ ~"2\t;!!!'-..,... ] . .... .... ... ,..., l •-Mi--:nurr:-::r .. ~ MM1ttl fllCTIT10UI •USINEU MAMa fTATeMUtT Tiie lollowlft9 per10f11 er• ctolng llMMI-•:" NATEC. I NC .• e100 Alr••Y Avel'lu•, Sulle "'· Coste M•H, CellfotftletM3' L. F. SI-, In<., e Delewere c•rPOr•llon, 100 Alrw•y AV.l'lue, -' Sulle 11•. C.O.U. • CeHllOmle t2'2' • Tlll1 _,...., Is (Oncl\Klecl Dy e I _,. QW'PO ... lleft. 1 F. , Inc. • t 4 1 Tllll sU(-Wiii llMlcl wltll Ille 1 C_,., C'"11 ot Or•nee County °" 1 Fftr\lery 17, 1'1:2. I . fllln'• M • ""4MltllM Or11n91 c-Delly Pllol, : •• MAr. I, U. 22, 2', tte lou.2 1 ..... MIC •m ! ·---------~ I M5'911JI 11~• ' fllCTITIOUI •Ul lHIQS '•' MAM8 ITATeMaMT "TM followll'll .,_... Is ctolng Du.i ..... t 1-n: 1 E ·Z ·M M•rketlf•o Servlce1 • C-INftY, al Red Hiii A-. S..lte 1--m. •Ide-2, eoste'Mew, C.lltonll• I ... StellllM E ... st, 2221·8 Eest Sente t i.re •-. S.ftte An.9, Cellloml• w•Ut119t ".;• 1}111$ buslnen 11 conctucted llY an , lftdlvlcluel. ,' S'°"'*' E. 8ett ~· 'Tllb Sletement WH llled with the .,~ COUftty c .. rk of Ore,... counly on ..,, _ ,t4>Nar; n. 1m. FIU17' • Pultllslled Or"'Ot Coesl Delly Piiot, ~ Mer. I, 15. 22. 2'. 1"2 IOU .. -----------~ .. C..W17 m'lllllLY 1&1.9 lllUMCIPM. COURT ___ ..,._ .......... ~ ... Plelnlllf: ,AMILIAN PIPE 6 SUP Pl V co. INC.. • Cellolfte _,......, 1 ~ DAW> fl ICIMllAU. lndM- -tk.tlllY lftel eloino llU..,._ M DAVID R. ~ KIMtALL CONSTRUCTION: LAURA LYNN COOT A: JOSEPH OOCITA. lndM- ' Cluellr lftel cl04nO ~ M DAVID R IUMtALL CONSTRUCTION: 00£8 I lllfOUClll xx. ~ C..---1141U • te0ncm Y• !left "" ...... Tiie _..., ............. ,.. ......... ,_ ...... llMH ..... ,.. t....-M ................. _....,_._. ~ ..... II ~ ...... to _. the ael'llOa Of ., 111-~· IOflMll In lllle _It.,, roo> eho;,icl Clo eo ·~., 1181.,.,.. ~ .....-" " 91'1. ~ lie .., °" lime. '• ANO! U.. ............ t 11 .,....,.........,_.,.u.. ... ......... _ _.. ....... I .............. L .. le ...... UllA ~· ~ = elwe ........ _..,Cle ~ .... ~M-~elellerieM­-'' 09fto .._..__ .. de ... ,,..,..,., _. ... IU .....-~el~...-. puecle ,., _.,...,..,_ . ...._. • 1. 1'0 TH£ OEFEHDAN~: A c1¥11-pialnl hH llffn lllad lly Ille plalnllll I .... ~t YoU· II J0<1 wlall 10 delMCI 1111~ .......... you-·_..... day9..,., -"~ _ ........ Oft.,.,...lle--' J'-' e -reepoMe IO .... -........ I U,_. you Clo ao, your d•leull wlU lie ••• ~°"~Of lhepWnlllf, ---' ...... -•~eo** I youtotlhe ..... ~lft!M_,,_ t ......... ""'*" -,..,,. "' gwnllfwMM I r of ....., *Jno Of ,__ or IWCll*'lY or I _,._.,.._..ll'lllle~ I o.act: October 14, 1llO e,P .......... J .... ce:7:·c~ I... ..... , ............ C........9911 ~ "°"'Mel or.,... Co•• Delly Piiot. • ...,. n. 21. ~a, 12, 111a ~ .,. ----------~!~ ___ PIU __ ._lU ____ I (• "°~::::"".:;°"' SdlOOI Olllltlct: HEWPORT-ME4A UHl-FlED 8aiOOL OISTAICT ~ , e.d ~ 2:00 o'CIOC* P M. ol Ille '-? 14111 ~ ol ••. 1982. "' ,.._ of 8ld "9oelPI: 1857 "'-'tie St •• • ' Colla ......_ CA '2627 . ~ Pfojeol leleltllt'lcaUOn "-AUTOMA· 1 TIC CONmOl SYSTEMS AT NEWPORT • ' HAA•OA HS, CORONA DEL MAR HS, • ESTAHCIA HI 6 EHSION ~ ~ ,.._ ~ .,. on lie. 1157 PlacM!lil ' St., Coal• ....._ CA. : NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN 11181 lfte ... ebO--. _., 1c11oo1 01M11ct o1 0r-. • • c:o...wy, ~ sano ~ -tllrfN!llt ' • Qower1*lo 9oatel. ,...,,., • ......,.., i .~lo • "OISTlllCT', ... •-11P to. Dul ,• nol let .. than tll• •llO•••l•t•d lfm•, ,~ ......, llldf lor .. ~ ol • conlfae1 tor I .... ~project. 8kh ahall ba r•t;alvael In th• piece ...... ..... -.,... be opal'lecl - I pUlllajy ,..., aioolel It ... ·~ llmelftelP-. . T"9f'e 'Ml be • l60.00 dapoalt requWacl IOf _,, Mt of llld documanla lo J:::; ,_Ille -.. OOOd _........ 14Clll\ll ...... tll6 __ .... l!eoh bid _, oonlorm ~and Ila rN• pono111a 10 the concract ~ bell ""' .,... be _,,....., by, .... _..,. ,...,,.. to '" Ille --tel clocU-_,. Ind lly 1111 llat ol propoMCI eub- OOl'llt-~ lo 8acUOll 4MO of Ille Gov· r ' .._,. a... of ........ °' Calllofflla. .... -ncl .... ~=°"'--,,.,. ........ "'9~ IOIUNltiule I _...., 81'1 _,. w!ll'Mld ~ ... Dlleltct IO-iMllWW•I09 -Ille _..,.,.. I -,... Ol8TllllCT -... fltM IO ,.. 19et _, 0t .. llldl or to -. MY Irr• r:-.;:: or..,"..._ Ill..,,...,. or Ill ~ ~flllCT ,,_ MlllMCI lfom Ille • '*"""' ..... ~ "'~ ............ ..,.. .. ~,-°' t ,_ .......... Ill 1119IOellily11'1 wNclll l'ill ! • ..,.ll lO lle~IOt.-iorllftor I .,.. fl_.._ MelMd to ...... Ille 00111r9111. ""-·--Oii ..... -' 0!8TMCT O,,ICE lOGl\T£0 AT IHT : ....._ It., Cotlte ...... CA. 0opMt ~ llllr M ___ Gll,.....A cwYOI .... _ .... .,.... ......... I ~..: :=:.-.o::.:: .................. ,,. .... ......, ... f = .............. . I ....... _.. .. y,...,..CC*. I ~ .................... _. r -...... 9IW e l I L.-Wiider -. .................. ...... .................... '¥'*"111 I .. _. .... ....... ---~ ............ . =---.7:-----1 ~.~ ......... "*'" ~ii:::,..·----· --._ ......... Ill ... f9rlll ... feftll Ill tlle Ml\tfMI -~ ~~=-T• .. ~ 0.... OOiill Diii ~ ............. ,.. ,....... 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 D A I L y p I L 0 T c L A s s I F I E D 6 4 2 • - I ...... ._.. OlllPM..... .._.9'wzl ••• .... a • 'tf I 1t1 r.nl h~ ....................... ...................... ....................... ...................... . ...... , ........................................................ . Ml ........ IMt ~ 11 .._Pl I h JIOJ c.llW.. t 1114 1144 tll utt..... JJ6t M1M J7J4 ....................... ..... .................................................................... , ........................................ . _................... ,._.. lb Iba ' OfWIA.JJlllML:ut ODldl cOrt t.kal ti' x 10 0., ONu froat Aull. 4 U.M~ ra. detl, No ~ ·"'p·_..~r, • sa.YllWLIAll •1•. I •r. auept. 28 .. .,RSCPL"Z" ?Vti"hliaij·'Midi + I r. ('I . I. I .. Ull , .. I Ir or I Ool&a ... hollll ('Ill df I> •• ., ..... • •lli1D n.e: t:I tJ".ll c1 .. a. q.altt, Hfllrt. n"' " ,. lay 6~,·1tw1 F1lil•lo111 coad. fllt lr+dln. I ur p•rldn1. w *"' no pet,. -· "71/mo,m · etty +. OffaD v,u."Gulrd Ad1alt1. 10 peta. lHl Adult tondot. Trtu. <>rtan alclt lllbol l h·d t••liaa tlaroualilout an 8 • C lttMtl. -mt. »1* Bun . f,'-!:i Pool + tennis flltwport Bl. Nf.'*71 C:iJr77:::J11 Incl. ll~~~!.'t.~1~r· ~~~i=-~v· +uti9 MMM$. aar~a .. mo. ~'-·1:.tJI Dovl "70,Llrl• rum. I br UP· ___ • __ ;.......;,... __ Amplo1rklna lnrtar · ' ~~ lllf.10!. ~M Laia\entttRltr 73l·...S • 1 per apt, qlllet perlOQ, no lBr. tneloted 1ara1e • . . · -· --· --Cp ... ..Mir JIJJ watt~ tld 1fni::· OC·AENTALS pet, .11r. 22J4C Rut1ert drpa, .. l'llO Wiison It Ut,oot ,.:;;;; 16 ........................ l•Ml-tlfi. i.'5uo6s. ·The l.aket: Lovely 2 Br. l·Sbr'8l200to$ZOOO Dr. '(ZlJ)""4,5104 HarborW-3"2 Mce .... llM ••H•••••••H•H•u•••• B R IN G y 0 U R ~· r:-:yt':nt:~· ~SSH 7·d•Y• t_.___ 117•• F.utlldt3 Br. 2 Ba f11>lc lmmaruialtTBi'~-t-81. Corana del Mar 2 atory TOO'l'HIRUSH. lmmat MlwW..MfC... Nl(ld pool, td I · -.--• -*' Cloat to btach. 1ur: rommerclal. Prl u zBr. 181.JMIUO. 11r. utll. l lr. z~ 8i.ft:lltro. tpa. 11:1Jr9.:Ji2 5 mo. •••••••• .... ••••••• .. •• P~ERTY HOUSE do11.1\, ••41,000. A1ent btlow mkt ror qwrk ul MIU Pf'tf. no pell. I mo • m..aoo 175-1781 · Luxury atudJo. •P•· TV· ecimo N! 1010 fllr Clarl 142.aso. u 1350. 000 0 w II t 80 mo.144.... , Woodbrid&e Lake view. 2 ttory, 4 + rm1, 2 maid nrvlct, phones, . ···--ftnlftclnl at io14r; 3 y •IAITllD.. ~Br. 2"' Ba. fam rm. bathe , flreJlaced Sll5wk.Ull·2227 2 bdrm, 1~ bat\t,•llo, Lo!~Tr:':f .... W/1130.000 dn. No. n••·t .,...... 3141 2 Br. TtllllG. no dor.· frplc. wetbar•a1c, COY• r~~y~ino~'~v~I Beaut. rum. 2 Br. •pl, r:~~· iooc1:;~-a:ol0t. I XI t nib flow Own All new detorator crp 1. erect patio, frent'h doort 1 or.~an view •P• uuna .-... f450. l~~b0~0 Eu~&rl& a1.10N ;•8•R•;•b•••••• .. w•·•1•k••t• drp1. laundry hk·up , tolar1t1undeck.ll050. · · sitelllte 'tv.' maid BRM v ... ' . I , &Ir. I O yai'd, llT. '80-31118. $67$, Nopett 752-2550 tervlce 11000/mo •Z ell erucupper. O'Aner Alt Ce•~e•l••/Towa• bctl It town. Ortal View' WawrPd. wintera~ciil. •te·JOlS. ' New decor. No pell . .... fw... 1100 .. .., 111 C Sant1 l11bel lflf($I Oarqe.1$25. 833-89'74. M'1' '':.~~~:>MDO .............. ••••••••• Nlte 2 Br New Cond. * * UN • 1225. f\&m, am, cozy b1ch. Nlct 2 Br 2 Ba Condo Lor1ttd'-.,.,ttl11n a lux· C...'--clalkt. .._. 3169 thru·out. Lota o f Two Woodbridl• 3 Br :_bc';~~1!1itN4o~~1 (iym. pool. Near S.C. urio~a rarded rom· --Ait .lli·»M-1menitle1 It zrlva1.. l:.'J':'~o0~h~! Callll Front Newport p. p . . Plua.157S/mo. 832•1786· ~~\\~n:~~rt~.>~~ Dllllmt/ ll'faOAT ~P :f.riffl: ~~~ • ~knnJi ~· 'e're the onet to Shorn.• Br+. Leueor ~ ... ""rtleocla 3769 Spa.rldin& new cl]>t, tile, A•k fort.Ori U.. S. 1100 ~. ~l/'b1trn t·1~~'ir. 549-91.Sl. or "1"· ootlon to buy. 11500/mo. 000•••0000•00••••••••• ai,..1r1 lbdrm. fdeal for ........... •••••••••••• rt l1$f77S (i~hrldtc Tennis, pool, w1lk t Want 1omethin1 xtra wcrtin'couple.·No pett . ._ __ .... 11!!1!!1!!11--•I ~a y. · EM<".4Br.customhomt. ~ch.A1entM6-l044o 1perl1I In a 2 Br. 1415/mo . Ut il pd aU"S 3 ftJ>lc. wet bar. Mutt Reaiht 2Sl5. To~bouse, rompletely 548·7&19. · UST UY rtnt. *O. \8051454·0322. 55l·3000 3br 2ba 1 d. f Cum . 9119$ Mo. 760-9117 3 bdrm. 2 s'o~· Plata PCH. rorner lot.•00••••••00•••••00••00• t7Hl9'7·8800aak~orPat. m11terrallt1 Pk•>olrvl.J r~. liro°Cl~~~mNf. l blk to ocean, nr Npt l~rS~~~g~~.~!5t. Coodo. Near shops. pool. •in1le11tory, divided b C... .. M• UJ2 28, lBa rpt newly de· F I • 1 -2-t • ~/mo.Ast.541·5032 Pier, 1400/mo. Apr 6· 752-0911,'645-9181 asrfor schools. Only Sl31,950. 1ara1ea. auumablt 10. ....................... • t .... · · t t Bdor ease. "'' · ·• >' " July l Sips 4 cute & M J HURRY! lit TD ol 1100 000 ownt 3BlkJ lo ocn 11 0$0 l1t cor1 ....,, !lO pe a. ren rm, campus vu home WESTCLIFF I w· . -.ill IHllt finanre. ftt, drim1tir 3Br. 28U. split· neiollable. eenior tltlien wtvu. 211 Ba. dining rm. ~~~oyce altze. •et Sm--. _lB_r_D_u_ip-1le_x_._n_ic_e_y_d_, lmma r. $290 .000. 521 level. r le. 41M Fernleur. prrf. 5411•5827• 646"3682 1ardener. ne~ly painted. & POOL E. ol Harbor. 1 person Carnation Ave .. CdM . 1ppt.87'f-6675 E"SioE:-c<>sTi: MESA ~~ UCI. ~~3:,.chool Lr1 enough for a family h wlh S32Smo.642·0461 Call~l.8'75·5H2 --__ •.•.... _ . . 3Br 2Ba 2 ciir jlur l'OV· .. ..,.,renter. · but not too l11r1e for one. Tu.fwwltlwd ._.___. 2000 4.:~ fO BEA,f!1 113 md patio. no ~ta: kids &:1;vi~e·n·e~·2-Br 2 Ra ~a:::de~e"ro~ ~csv~ ••000000000000•00•00••• 2 BR 2 Ba, near schools. Ii : ..... , ... , ... ;:.7-:;t ....... nowlll85.'a1/z:/~: '11 · :M75J·U8ll.645·9161 uilll backyard, pool. spa. Incl. Avail wash tdryer/· ltlloal.a.d 3106 5400· Agent ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~I __ ... . . . . . . . . · · $875. 640·7631. 760·11196 reCrlg. $1650 mo Agt ........................ ____ 1MG-_6_l6_1 __ ~ r: LACMINA llA.CH ZBR 38A *> d 8 le • • • • • • • • • · · • · • · • • • Lois 631-1266 U1TLE ISLAND Extra ,ric-... toStl Comni"'filridua. 14 units. Oc V~ , e~ u~, 3bdrm.2b11.fam11yroomwalnutSquure.2br,2bu. ···-·· . . nl~lbdrmS675 yrly .No IBr.Ulilspa1d ~Imo. I wv 9.3 tlmt1 gro11. Owner ean. ""'.. ~urmc t w/pool tble u.nd f~Pl' S8CJO din. rm. ln<lry rm . u <'. BLUFFS 3 BR 2' 1 b11. Carport. Adult complex. S 149 , 9 0 0 . Lo v e I y On. Asking $650.000. By kltr.1u1rdt'nrr mdd SWOO 11'11 + steunty 675-11918. gar put i o Po o I f I d d t' pets 673-9"'73 no pets 383 W 81 y • \'ersaillu Penthouse owner. 645-3471 rm. 12131 S.5-1430 548.QlZJ $675 rm 515.1171 $~is ~:r~re 1~t10~~: S48·9516 condo Largest lBr+· ---. --. · · · 700·04615·~30 ISLAND CHARMER --. ------rumpus rm. 2ba . N)rel~· Walk to beach. beaullCul 3 ~r 2 Ba upper ,uni~. SC Sdl5 mo. Spul'iouic Wood· _. . _ 5 ar 1 BR r le bell med Wests1de2 BR. I Ba. D W. decorated. All amemties. lri·P.ltx. 2·2 Br. 1·3 Br. w... 3224 V1ll~1. nr S C I h1111 . bndite Townhousl' 2 Hr 2 bdrm den <'<>ndo Pvt .r~ lndry Pr· c 1 , P\1 patio. a\•ail now 1460 Assum S80M at 11".'. Paho. frplc f4~9.00ll. ....................... Cum1ly sec11on. S600 mo . I': fla l'I0!4l' le> park, putio · l(ani:e A ,.1111 from sundeck a 1 1 ·bike~ rro. 640-0997 Owner 631 ·6410 or Ownerwlnhelpfm11nre.1 OC·RENTALS JerryJone~.u11tH31 ·12fltl pool. ja(•ua.I. tenni$ Ap ri°I 1 '18511 mo So Ba · S700 y;1. Avl ----- 213 283·8333 AgentHtd<la646·104•. l·Sbr'sS200toS2000 Lease Pm·utl• !'art):. 640-SJ'lA 4 I 8~· Ev . ~knds 2 Br. Apt Up~r Crpts. -: .. 3 BR twnhm.'. 2'J ha . 2 ~l·3'7l2 : . s drps. stove. S410 1mo IY OWNER OwwerD ·ate 7.~~-1~... . !·i1ay~ Cpk's. new. 1'"<_1rma~ t1in. ~'.~· "'.k~ys . 83~·34«~ 8J3.8S33 6 bdf1 4 b 3500-fl 7 unlt$10:Cat~lfemet. PURCH OPT' fumilv 3 h~r ba1·k yd. 641 ms Colle1t1• l'urk 3 hr, ikn. 3 Rd ll~FfS, <I'. .........__ p--1.-.... 1107 ---.-------, Nm. 1 B' h c;5q ai All l Br l Ba units. As· · DE. I ' · dm .. ll(l' k11 G:mlt•nl'r rm. 2 u. new uor. ---• 2 br. I•'• ba. a c. secunty on wpt r o sumr $111000 in louns br~llo. I A .. 1495 Oull'I 2 br i•ondo nr ~I 1142-6124 upl(ruded I level $900 ••oo•oo•••••••••••••••• fence rec fac S525 'mo C~urse $2K 6~.~· dTa.ke and 0 WC A 5 kin R OC· ENTALS 750·3314 Hurbor' l9th St. 1tar & · mo leu!lt'. t\va1I upprox Nu 2 & 38R. 2RA yearly 962·7sll ~1~6~Ct ·1:~ ov.n . Sll>.000.631·i37o · .. · prkl(.~ mo 1131 511!17 LOIJl-aleech 3241 4/1 ~-44112 fo'rpk. bh·in~. i:ar. purk· ----------------1 IE OME OF ........................ ei rr h h IOR. Clo~e lo bay & s:ll5. lge upper 2 br. Iba. Owner must liquidate THt LUCKY FEW E.ASTSIDE t.arite 1 bdrm dplx. ot·c•a 3 ~/ nl'W1 ,t, ~oui:. ou~ c1<•ean Rrkr67S 4912 q11et. stove. refr1g 3ll NOW " Lo d I Rent In Costa Ml'sa·M Neat -f.bdrm. n•ilrt'. · r 1 1 rm . • a ton W Willon 631·2117 w own. rg NEWEST gated ~O n•Cni:. ,:ar. p.11111 Nu Yu•v.. rpt'. ul1 II inc· do.F'rpk. mc·I patw. l'l1•t· (\·eanfront pnme area 3 . assumable loans Here is Town home VI I.LAC., I': petJI or i·h1l<lrl•n S4!JS 1111'1 S150 rm. SS2 ~*Ill i:ar opnr. rnmm 1>11<>1. Hr 2 Bit ri-pl(• No pet~· '1 NEW BREED APTS your chance ~o take over COMMUNITY. 2 & 3 Hr i:urdener A1·nt>.~ Crom Cd M llii:h )ear.. lease •t SI~ ,00 I RR OR BACH. from !. pooBdrl "!. ',·pieaw·1nhomTnet 2•, &. 1600-1~ sq Ct or 642·96211 Nort("·l·hanl·,~<lll": ~11prlml'X. 1$712>~. Sd100641 $775 mo Call art 67S·S904 art ~ 337 Z414 S36S. Frplr. rec room . "' ~ure luxury. Gura11es. " w" J 4pm 4-l~'IJ.'>. d· · pool. jaruui Gas & l'Ol'ld. Contact ownr agt --• ----d t ..... m 1 r 494 34113. 494 75.'>4 ays d N l 393 TODAY.644.6636 50ceanviewunits.ln Sun Y ro· u.,.. in Ull l' MF.SA vt:1un: 4 ll r v.aterpa1 opes Cl~ment s.420.000 llil(h suite. dining room,. larjC{'family hull'll·.qml'l 4Hr.3Ra.2lrvh-i-.li:tllTk. EASTILUFFS OCUHFtlOHT llam11ton.C.M 645·4411 gross inc. ZS'. dn Call wood bum1ni: f1replac'l'S, area. manv anwmtll's Ol'IH')1l \'ll'" SllMMI 0111 Nurtnlllu(lstwnhsi• Luxury 4 b!lrm tlplx · Paul Yoder Ai!l art ~ PM mu· ro· w 11 v l' o Vl' n ~ · biS..4912 llkr m "2911l·\~ wknch. 2 br + dl•n, 21" ha & ~pa s1<11.i Hob 7~·9442 da. 0-Poiflt 3126 WA.TBFtlOMT 71._.7448 pri\•ate patios le y;ird.~ :-.lt•v.I) rt•<lonl' &· up IW0·2434l'ves. 14kn<I:. ••oo••••••••••ooooooooo CUSTOM G11rdener prunrlrc1 WOW!lcrok allh1~2 2 llH 2 bJ, i:ur Walk to i:rnc1l't1 Com 111 l'l'l'r 2 Br ocean view baltony Luxunous one or a kind 4 plex Cos la Mesu Ele11ant livini: onlY 15 br.apl)l.l•asl:rnh•S:ZliO ht·h&tn'tl>n t:n•;il \'H•v. 1·1hm1: Ll'USl' or ll·a~l' · ... : custom 3 bedroom home $186.000. Long term rm minutes from Fas'h1on oc HF.NTAI-" 1~1 :1:114 Sll.'lll 494.311.,1 1tp11110 SISOtl mi \pr I eon.a ckl M• 3122 ltdC·irrdoaR~·a1'1t'ran21243 ~22 ,!<7 v.ith 2 bedroom guest $20.000 dn szso pt'r mo Island. 7 minutes to SC ICJ:l 7K12. 640 fi.1511 ••••••••••••00••••••••• ' Di """ quarters or rental unit. neg. Prmcipuls only. Pluia or O.C.t\1rport . 4 llU>l'KS TO REAt'll 2 lrolled > Located on waterfront John 646-7660 A~ Just east of Nrwpnrl Vali.y 3234 LGIJIM MHJ-1 3252 • Harbor Vu H-s Hr I Ra Cp ~unM1·k .,, complete"' Ith your own Blvd & so o( Sun Owi:u •••••••••oo••oo•••oo ••• •••••••••00•••••••••••• 3 bdrm ·• b 1 '"''.Jhhh· $6511 ht & IJ~l b-12 5290 Dh l141llbe. 2 br. ~ ' ba. pier and shp H1ghhghts I f'rwy. Startmit at S91H> a llOM E 1"01l llENT l'\1 t'tlmm Sl•a Tara1'l'. ~h" 1 ~t ~49 11isi 111 j oc·ean. 11e" No pels of lhl.S home include Ille Newport ~~IT~t>e land month 631 ·S43!1 .• 24 73 3 tldrm S72S 1-"i•nc·i•tl l'h1n J. 4 Hit . 2 ll.1. fom t~ n20 2 Rr 2 Ra. dt•n frpk . ,h'~ S77S 661 !ll l3 spa. sauna. security Ex.cttllent Depreciallon Oranl(e Av\' l '"tu yard & l(Jr:iJ!t' l\tcb & rm lomm pool J.J• . lo bt'J<'h. SI ICICI m11 ( 'FAN VIEW 1, ? 2 system, 2 Cl replaces and Owner/bkr 955•34~ Mesa Pl'L, wi·h~iflk• ~4~ 21.""' lt'lllll~. "alk lo 111 I hl'h Np! 11._1~ an•:i 2 !Ir I Ila. Ownr a._1 l)arn•ll l'a~h ~ · b 1 , · b 'f.<' 1 • + ,1 · pnvaLe sundeck. $789,000 __ • Alll'llt no fri· N 11 pl'l ~ I ' r I Sl' S62S p1 mu No tll'll-He MJx iSlf 12'll ~~nNl(o. at 1 496 :m~lt mcludes theland. Two pnde or ownership Easts1<1e 3 Kr .. 2 Ba . 714~7121kl. t17:1tiK!l2 . 645.11-1-17 ""'"' pe s tri·plexes for sale b} S'lOO mo . ~st. IUNt & Sl''" i11i M142 Sti2S Mo. lari:1• 2Hr. tHa owner. 446 & 765 depe>s1t. t:all. S411 ·431111 IJtatot lu:..un :i st~ 2 llr. i P'ty<l.nopt·l~. ~Oftluch 3140 Hamilton. c M. Owner 11ft S ~Oft leoch 3240 3 lktrm 2 ha 'l'·11·1e111' 11.1 + ckn t pool t i:.1r ~ !121~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• will help f1n11nte · · •••••••••00•00•••••••••1 hulll<.• Sll!lll mo \\.111 :11171h&T11).tlll Sli~lmo ~ADb RCTaylorCo , _; •\ H )l1 760-07J4or6JIHU2!GerilS425 mo 2Rr. IHu . n~1 l'llTt:1br1·11ttui:l•nn 41i,4!YlJli(l2 t>tti7S.'1.~ Costo~sa 3124 l"nfurn-·fbdim5pt All CUFfH.AVEH or Jacki I dol(s. 64S V1l1ona. Pfi IJt•ath. Cn1·d. appl S:l4•1 •••••••••••••••••••oo•• ulll pd All JOWmlles $225.000, big R2 lot. 3 Br ---546-912A 01..' Rt:NTALA" 7!l0 3314 Co;J.,thnt' \II''\\ l'on1t11 1lhl s rna.ASS HIU<;t: 4llr. I II. 2 IR 3 IR IW>-11619 '\\llh peg & groove noors. 01.!luxe 4. Plex Cosl a -. i:arajll'. 3 llr 2 Ha frl'k I 1nc•l i:l'ltnr Sl71JO mo t\1!1 ew~ cfi.l'or· (;as' pt! Great financing. Must Mesa. spil'e streets. as N1cel~leun. 2 H~ J Hu I & 2 Kr i·ooclu~. S39S & No pe t~ S7SCI rno IH2K'.!3S.1~s1m1; i•nd11Jr cl v.J~h1'r pool Deluxl' poob 1<le 'Ira sell ' Make ofCer sumable loan. owe enc 1taral(e.yrJ' .n""." 5475 + <ll01'0~11 l'nul. 4932256 hbq Adull~. nu µt"l~ la11tr 2br. 2 ba . bltn~. Own AG-642 9666 C 0 0 d t erms H k r paint & carpt'l 0 pet:<: l'lbl\~e 768 71i33 lt.irlxw \'"'" 1 lorrw :1 llr :! l"2 smJ cl~\\ hr. I': nuh::-bearh 'liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil 979-4383. S52S+seturity 25~6 LalwFornt 3255 1 H.1 ram rm nl''\\I\ <ll' ArlullS no pet-SS1N1mc1 1111 -----Oranjte . housr Jo. OC HJo:NT1\l.S •oo•••••oo••••••••••••• t"t1rJll'<I. l.t•:f"l' Sl:JllO 5368362 ~ALAXYDllVE f Me c-.is1t 548-2778 15br'~S2tMlloS:ZINkl S Hr. 3 Ha l.1kl' ill'w . t;M-tlln IMMfOOCCPHCY! 3Bdrmhomeononeo ·~ 750·3314 7-clay,.Garch-nn L l'UH' s.11S-W>mu ZRrlHar1n:WHIFt'LF.TRl-:F. lhe largest lots in the ~ 4.f'tex EA.STSIDE 11511 rm 714 752 SK.'19 H\11 M1111a1·11 2 I.Hit rn. 2 Pool. beamrd l'l'1hni:. I 2 3 Bdrm Apts c;, m. area Perfect Cor enter· $325,000~i~~e SSS.OOO dn 2 Br. house with den. HOMES Jo'OH HJo:NT b:1. <ll•n. i:ar<11•nl'r lm<'I~ l:rnnclry room No l>t'l~ Spa. Sauna. pool. ten"nill. ta.ming and fam1I)' II\· 17r; nancmg 9' i lo garage. wt~ hook.ups. 3 & 4 R<lrms S07S·S7511 UL..•-yi.i.,. 3267 hOITll' 111 1·hn11·1• ;1n•a No last rm rent l'lr 846 0619 mg. Special features in· )Vt,.. Owner carried 10 329 u i l o Se F ..... .... .. ,...._ ic,... """< • s 7 • -TSLMGMT ~2 1603 elude large formal din VEAR DUE DATE J n versi ~ r e ent~ y;m.,, .. 11arai:r~ •••••••00000•00•••••••• ~ 6'l 82411nr~ ""°'' Ulg room . den. breakCasl bdrm. 21, ba owner·s un-~anager at S48-0648 Kub & peb "'''11"'.''."~ llOM E Jo"OR H Jo:NT Room~ 3 Br To\\ nhuu~r area 1n kitchen and 1t. Remainder 2 bdrm. 2 Yes. ~~ A)!enl. nn (l( 3 R<lrm S67S f1•n1·rcl HA<.."I\ BAY Jbr. 21i:ith ae tn qwet .1<lull 1·om MAIUHEIS WA.LI Lrit 2 & 3ffr Tov. nlioust' · d · ------1 "' dbl gar. pJltn Sollll custom des1gne patio ba. Newport Beach Area. EASTS IDE. Qua int & UTIL PO S600 MO ) ard & l(arai:l' l\1ds & OC Rf:NTAl.S 7~11 3314 ~ex Nev.-1~ <lt>ror Jtrd. Apartment f'rpll·.· enclsd gur. patio 'arc! Neur Hunt Harbour tiuldren 01\ SS8S & S6SO rm. SW.6MY7. andf spa1. Large la~1e-oble 972P at rl ck ~~~~ < 7 14 l cozy. 2 bed, patio. )'d. 2 br + ram. rm dupi~x . pets welrome. M~ 20CJC1 1replareSo. enl'lsrl patio & ananc ng ava1 a e. ·9:KI0,846·"""" ear. $595. BACHELOR carpet, l1te fenl'ed yet .Aiien1.nofee. s.11..AM l 2IO f~~~lt'M0 r~k~~sr'~, $399.SOO. 1pt. Utll pd. S36S 63l-4320 N1«> area Next to purk ....................... 675-5949 642-5200 t1am •• D , Sec. dep. S36·07!M Huport leech 326' Beautiful lmmiu·ulute A PETE BARREn .. REALTY a...+ 2400 2 B.Rl t&Ba ~uplex. new ----· 0000••00••00•00••••0000 3 br . 2 bu home 1o1 ~.d;sm 1 Br Natural • ~ 2 BR 2 ba pool ~··.~·1••••0000•-;•;;;5• I::!' SS2Scp.'·d::r I~ 2 Br I Ba Luke fark Exrlwnve Mobile Home . Cirt-plare & sw1mm1n11 wood t•eilintc & t•abmets. Patio kids. no pets Id\ vi m acres c · Meyer Mi·3484 · ar~a. new rrpl. urps. Mature couple or sin)!lt•. pool Cor ltase. S69S mo $350. Call 3:30·6 8Sl 9522. 646-9666. 960·7484 water, pe>wer. L;A. Coun· · paint. Avail. 4·10 $625 Month to month onl~ ~ w Carlton 9 ~pm. - - - --- ty. Next to Nil I ro~est. 2 Br. eorl yard. pets1k1ds s.16-4806 ----$350 mo &40.S74S E\'es 8 4 & 3 3 7 2 I . ~ 9 . I Br-~a~~ite. ~~rd N.o 3 Br 2 Ba DA. Cp. rrpts. Brea\hlakln1 setting ok Avail now 2223 C _ _ _ _ . 213.592.3855 pets l\i<ls 0 1\ S4SO mo. <!rps. r o. dw. end 1tar. lit ~~!!!~!!!~~~~ UX>.000. Bkr. 644·0~. Pomona ss·so I mo 3BrTwnhse. 1 • ,sa. st~ve. Be11utiru1 3 br. 3 ba home ~Hl763 rms S600 968-1021 646-6238 carport & patio. 2 m1 to o\·erlookmg lge 1treen ""--"'-L 3216 ---------- ---~ _...,........ bch S600 mo. 673·5685 ""I s _... CICJlll"' WQOD' "'I("' ""/r ..,.....,. ...,.,. ...., 1. 1000/mo ....................... -11:;"' Property 2600 2 BR+ den. F.P. 2 Ba · 644-6848art.4.30pm Older3br.lba Oceanvu \\4ellt,._... Spar1ou1 I & 2 B rm ....................... AA-"o. near WestcllCf. 3 IDlM 111.-IA ------s en -~1 •1 1 I W!LI armn• beauttCul lakes & ~voiu Fam .. rm.' frprc. Nr Balboa Ba>• Club 2 Bd. ~mo. """" "an yn " 08:f ~t~rur~s 0:c~:~: S6SOll'll. David. 6"·3255 Cioldenwest & Edinger bay vu. s 1650 mo Dr. 840·1441 Bea~~Lla~~Sipts ~':'::~~~I.Jae · & rer S2•.000 Trees, Creek, Eastalde 2 Br private Water & gardener pd Patnck. agt 631-1266 W....._,_ ..__ -3291 PaUOS decks Heat pa1<1 ~ 6591 River, Deer, Access. yard. garage. commty S750mo 84&·643l __ ,...,... No pets. 2 c hildren --.-----SlOOO down. east terms. pool. adults. no pets. Exreptionally nire I Br. lg ••••00•••0000••••00••00 welrome. Qualitv 28r. 2Ba. p\1 yd. O-A•ner financing . ~/mo.Maoager2453B ~Oll living rm. frplc, d w. 23bdnn.2ba.dblegar ex· 2BR.l'•BA ssos nr Slater Newland & 9!19-l329 Oran1eAve. Hsta~' 3242 paliosilaundfacil.12blk cellenl area S650 mo 2BR.2BA. S525 Bearh Blvd. 17671 \"an ---------r ---------1 ........ .r.............. rrom oe1ch. tenms. etc. 962·7940 3!18W Wilson 631 5583 Buren S500 mo tall Cor .__.._.. Fsw 2 Br. enclsd 1arage. Hu(e tri·level w1terfront S62S/yrly. util pd. Avail ----appt 848·592-&or960-t3~i MOMACOMODEL _., • privateyard.qulet,COU· condowl30'sidelle.gat Apr •th 6•5·1771 or cu•11 •a1-Uke new lge I br apts. ----- 2 BR arid Clen, many up GroYn 2700 pie only, 1 child ok, no td. pool. tennis. Lon" !la).5844 .,...,..d 3425 Ql.iet comrlex. no pets. 1-J...-J1•• grldes. a.ssumable loan 00000000000000 ••••00•00 fiets $525 548 8251 " ti C d I ~ "" · · · · lease possible Phil ....................... pa o, rp . "'· poo , ...................... . S21S,000 NO DOWN OR 68-7633 M0-2:207.846·3336 a.v Vie" ,ool Hiil. w~ ... S79S spa. $470. 26SO Harla Orangrtrtt l BR + loft . Call Sara Marvin I.ii! Br 2ba +den. Spa. Luxunout 2 bftrm + den. 549-2447 ~•s. tennis. S53S mo 615s6000 TWE ••• HOME FOR RENT Bfg enclosed yard right bath C · """' 'Bdrm. $750. Fenced !,.... 3244 on Back Bay. Country 2 .A .mirrowa,·e. 1&2Br Trailers S185& 730·1250: S42·j 609. p Ir tu res q u e ylJ'd & 11ra1e. Kids & ••00•00•00000000•••••00 settin1. $1050/mo In· r ~for~·2din rm. up + $1 50 ser. No 5(16.XQ) • • s.lltL.dglM 1016 FALLBROOK RANCH, pets wefcome. 545-2000. FANTASTIC eludes gardening & pool &'.rt/i:,1· sp:at~ng:~· children or dogs 133 £ --- .. ....... •••••••••••••• tS acres. Lovely home Alent. no fee. Woodbndie. 1900 aq rt. sen-752·2197 12131837.8339·. · UilhSl 6'2·9193 La1J191 leecla 3141 Upper Three Arch Bay. with 4$00 at + tennis bdrm 2~ ba home Nr -•••••••000000•••••••••• Pano Ocean View. 2 BR court.~· riding trails. lake&tennls club. Never Bluffs 3 Br. 212 Ba . 2 Bt 1 Ba a/c pool rer Wrside.n:fie l ' 2 br. OW. 2Br. 28a ocnfront ('Ondo, 11• ba. $328,000. 15'::\ dn. TinradeOr Nor sComau_~r11 hpon!"'ce •THI RIST ~befsore. Hl&hlY upd. !_ownbowl10penere. A2vcaa11r ~ar1. facil. sec. gates. no i>ets. ~·I ,,.~·~~C..~rport. S39S rb.,,I k.1 btklP"s. rom1pletel~ CaJIPaulVoderAataft an e · "u TOMOYltMI sraoea. HOO. Rowar .. · · ... · $530.P.P.968-3652 &1485,...., . .,_. tn·n 1t. arn1 now . PM7H.-T'411 199$_,0 o. Weekends Absolutt ljl new con· 55-0648 MO/mo.876-lOSl. momo 494-&Ml e•S·:>OOO, ext llO or domlnlunu. 1 • 2 C teMeM ~'-"-• ------------1 &.U·U13 weekd1ya bdrm/w wood burnlna Twtlerock. t'ffec. 3 Br. 2 BLUFFS 38r, 2•\Ba on 3 bcfr~. 2 12 2 Br~YBa-large sun· Vll'toria Beach. la<'. 2 BR ......... Dl·1400or'44·95l3. flreplace1 dbl aarage Ba. house. saso. Ref'1. GrtT!,n~elt. r~ Cenc~d fireplace 2 car :aar. deck. gara1t -.·Ith l1un· apt Whitew1ter \'1h-. -~.... w/auto. aoor openett, req.644-5444. f,-xllt°°conJw sfoso Patio. p0ol. clOlf to do· hk·Up. Adults. no f11>I~. balrony. ,~:amed -akyU1ht1 It I& private mo ........... 3"" 0 · <213 ) srhool• and shopplna pets. mo. 752-25$0. Cf\lini, l BA. • blk to 1100 1 i••I• JIOO patio1 11IE WILLOWS · u .. ·v "" r sa 1.a:z1.4570 1213; slnd. sil gar utll incl . ....................... ....................... J. MUST Slit • BR 2 Ba, liv rm. din~ 556·18'76 •Tm or · 2Br, 2Ba twnhse. E Side 1B50 .,., ~t4·22M ewport Beach De Ania WANTED: House on Lido ~SMSptrmonth rm, fain rm. dbl 1ar. . •yrs old. yd. SS6S mo . ----· b1yfront Park. Mint 1.sJeforlncome property. (714)131.-$77.5.444·1.SO sr;c., panoramic view: Witerfrool 3 Br 21, Ba 1·991·1300 dys. Dick. Lat-e... 3150 cond. '78 dbl wid e , PrinonlyMZ.O:W tmMonrovia EG NT L K ES ~ ba.'e~' ~:m~pen eltllnl rondominlum. 640-Ut\'tl 11.·knds •:••oo•oo•oooo••oooo .. • fireplace, brick patio. Colt.alllna EL A A ~· Ml-1»t ' H.ant. Harbour m•tn ~1ew3BR28a. ISC>Osq n •i.oao. Alto 2 br .• 2 ba .. Ma.J cooc1o. betLKapalu• Irt"eE ZB{' it~B:i1 y. channel. 11100 Oya ~ YBDI AC. 2 raqar. as mo double wldt, corner lot location. SIOK equity. no.ir rplf. ~·css..~.. -~s~ ff&.34tS. eves af~ I . Total pn\ilry. 2llr. Zba. ~1·9031. T•-0&89 ut.000 8111 Grundy ~roro.C.pNPtrty. Pl111112Br,2"BaCondo.2 · • · ..,.., 512•2113 '••ln.H.aso•·nlaun· -····· • 1'1Wl&l CallDanACl551Mlll car car. f {u t loc. lb'l.56Hl54eves. ~=er f::iv g: dry rm .. frplr . dlsp .... ,artlMdl JHt By DWMr. double wide I t!~:v~ ITSO mo. UMv Pk 2Br 2ba. eo&7. Ina.-~· llOOO/mo. .......... !~l'lw~r·N:b~f.8r.U,t _ ................. .. lcltl, no pett, new c~. io l1m l1M':f So. trp7k5.111m }~~111ppl7t. ~rate Plua Rlt)' •-...... , .. ,........ ;T'm, · ' ...... , dr1ll • Akan 1tdln1. lo DMota for Cout proper· ..._.... blch pad, frplc, ~ mo · v .... • n · •• p1 ' 1 41 J7t7 -------••n "*'no: 114·•·1377: 11.m.ms l&oft, "r:.li."o pttt. i-. ...._....... -................ I IN• cOftdo. nr So COUMllTCLW 7WTll I --.._..., ........ -.-.. 0DMt Pl111 AtC POOlt UWllA 1 • SUPIR 5 BR w/frplt. W dr...... -r l Br I la utptr, 1p1. Ht' '11tt' )4U 0 l 1d1eltft. ilfl1telroom *50 "'"1'9:-1 for 1J bdr•, 2 ba. •= -*'· Nr Gt· perk. \J:llrdotk · · .,...r~'t-ear''"d° 111~11 ••to•a•" ....._..l.C t, Ca. .. ............ i.o... !':lr"l . ..., •. ,.. ~=-• r.t..D,iTMmUoy · ,.,_ ... ._ .... ,. P-'!· .... ~~.~:: .. I t I~ !!:.. ~~ r .,T:' wr·us ~= ;;:r:.. '"1 --.... ........... Plnl.·i--.... -" ........ ~ T" 1' lllr a.-·-.-.. lillli 1714 · ""' r -! ~ --fllllit 1116 :;& aw:1111 SllllftnF.¥! ... -.... I . m:i.• ~ ........ Or,a.. I • I Ir ......... _ _....____;;..._. __ • ______ ~--"-..:' JJt 1•·-:: •1t.1•.--....... tar,,_.. I•. eh t H :r.• ... I:-= Ir. a-. la. 111 f111. ·=~ l 1U =-·~-· . --..... ·::~==--............• .::.·-.... .,., . .air' --..... • • .................... ........,. 111..... . ....................... ....................... ....................... ....................... . .•.•...................•...................................................•.......•.... IJ '1N&HOME Dr. YooChlropranor Formica rounter to1» 6 Gtftltall .. loltnance W111taREALLVCLt:AN Ac WOR S Drailllrltared(romlJO CultomC.ramltTllf ~ '.... IMPROVIMINTS A~i::-~ El Toro taWMta rtlaod .. frtt a.lnlDewrall.of HOllSI' Call Olll1bam Jo~t KNtwp!~ c~!tl~ f11Tm'SPAINTIN6 Plumbln1 Rfpalra ~Mn' Pl'Nnt 1AI!',ou'Pl1 Addatloel•lttnDdeUal lJOr1 llt.141~7 •QUlllly•RayN0-51~ Cltl.Frttttt"HJ23 Mu •. Irvine ' Rtfa . lOyrsell':r,lntorut. Fr•eetl.M6M6'U033 M2 CtlUC"k'751tOI »'::ad cclll'9 ,....,.,..__ LOYITOW II ROBIN'SCL£ANINO t75-3175• 045ll •Plumblna •Heat1n1 'C.ramlc·Llnoi;"°m Tilt lal.be : SerY.... Carpentry , p ntloa. Strvt atboroqhly Patntlna. wallcuvrrin1. •Elertrlul z~ hr prol. lnltalJ RtMOfttblt DAILY -__ _,__, ..... , ....................................... treet6ircina. I malnl, dt'anho\ale 540 °" PBaU>CKt'~. D~~~w!':ayi.. wood ref1nlahlna by tmtrlfllt')' EdM 1825 rata. 8obf7S.SO. MOT WWW ~IUMDS K.60Land ope Malnt. lthaUUDs. Fret t Nfl n ... °'5i Gern'Mln trained father' --------- - SllYICI Ut ·~ 71°'~ romm. rr:n::: r::l~18 R'tid~~tTn~.'~':."1i9P • UI ~~u~:fe11f !~f: Uc'd. Denni• 634 ~ l,~ :fa Hers. LI~· Pr~ M••1••.t QuantyA~t~1tf ;:, ••· INllCTNOIY ADD'NS/REMODEL ------y-a. t-..:-Cl. so~1•.o.1e ....................... prr Geora•83t·M7t -[)(Hf OW! Dtll&n lnrl Wlllfrt " 1 Landacapln& Yd Clnu91 ... '191 JM 18-7pm) ~tv P.-+iaa PIOPllTY ------- Allll '-S-.. Son 548-1&3'7 ah.4pm Ca•ector-.. 4itMral Trtttrim E~pert malnl (213> m 3537 or 1714) •A-I Ul'\YIM~• lnteriortlexterl3ra M.UU.GIMIMT rteS....lct ·vour l>alli'lfot -....................... Jim ~t-01211 MO 8818 HOUSECLEANING Too QuatftY. Speci':I care W~e ~mu (IXOY E 1 Ora.nie CO. area t$ yrs ...................... . ServlttDlrectory ADD'NS1REMOOELINC -Ex6'd,rera"rtliable. in llllldUni. 2$ yr• exp 751 9103 exp.:rie~e Call tor into •Elcper1TrtePrunln1• ~ntatlve c:.,. .. ., Plans. Ltr·d. Oeor&f MOWlNG CLEAN·UPS HOME JllPROVEMENT I Ca anytlme,IW 2418 Compellllvt rates. No "WW LOOK" anitratH CommerclaJ Land1c1Pt' 642-1671, td UJ •;:::.:::.:·c•A••R·r·~~N·T••n•Y•• Pllmer It Sons , 557 6932. Hauling · Landarapin1 R~PAIR·PLU M BING -ovtrtlme. 730 13.53 PAJNT.,.INO SE RV IC L'S 963-t 112 Serviees 957-8388 "'v..,,v,.. "' to'ree ~t ....... fl.42·9907 Hea ·011, rarpentry, eloc. Houaeeleanin& morning,___ c.. 8Y ••JAY u DRAFTING SERVICE tile ee ttl. No job too· hrs. Meta Verde area, SfARVlNO COLLP.G E lnt/e,xt Refs. lns'd r~Ot MGMT Complete Tree Service A.cc t1sg ••••••••••••••••••••••• P/RQtrllet·Fln. Stmts Compl. Stt·up & Serv. Reuooable. 540·5834 642·8809 an 5pm 20 yrs exper comm/ re· l'Ull IJl:ilint. & ~Inn Uf>S small 84.S-2811 C.M. Have rtfa. MO 9915 STUDENTS MO Vi NG Claudio s $t5 117$ 0 1 • <O C Gfll'I eln·up" lrne sld. 8'r.l·6047 dys evs Spec, 10 comm. & shop co u T12A 36 -Y ranae 0 Lawn renov 538·0.914 Rl!:SID/COMM'L --'-elng ctrc. Tony 646·7556 JOHN THE HANDYMAN Experienced. Reasonable lrusur~~ 60-844:v LIC'S PAINTF;R Inv. Prop.) £d 534 11940 All·AroundCarpentry RF.MOOEL/AOD·ONS Plumbing-elec.·oddjoba rates. Refettnen. WATCH USG ROW ' lnt·Exl IOyrsexp . - John 775·8082 1tndCarpentry. Llc'd, GAROENINO WANTED FreeesUmates 638·4068 840-3655 Rt>b FreHsl 536·9898 RefW~ 2Syrs. Irwin 548·271 Mowing, ed&ing, raking, ;;:::-- -_,, --Ii weep l n g , fre e .... ~nlry, remodel. re· HOUSEWORK o;fctC MOV,~G-p~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ....... c.,.t S....lct estimates. 645-5737 or pa r, patios, painll~&. ~est~~!~. sr;~~o ........................ ~~q~!:" ~~,,~~::~:ts. ............ ••••••••••• ................. •••••• Drywal 645-4372 windows. dra, q uahty W AHTED ~·arth1no In tenor l)e91gn fi 645 0664 Subject" K-12 & col· Jege. 2S YN e•p. $4 hr Mr. Morgan. 642·9033 AJJ.sl'ATE PAVING We Care Crpt Cloners •••••oo•••••••••••••••• work 545-2901 llANCING SIO ROLL ine pauat1n11 . Sealcoating -Striplng Steamclean&uphols ORYWALL1ACOUSTIC Mowing SIO ·SlS S20 JACKOFALLTRADES High quality housework. STARVING ACTORS Quahty. Lictlns. Strip Tpg StrYlu Repairs. Comm /Resid. Truek mount unit 14 yrs exp l'Ully he'd & H11ulftlumping $15·$20 Expeneneed, dependa· MOVING COMPANY ping. Oise:. on pa""r Vilt Uc. J39736.2 645·8181 Work guar. 645·3716 !Nured. 532.5549 7S4·9904. !IM-0095 M :irk Call day or night, ble, honest, intelHgenl. Fast &: Careful. Lowes a-MC "'-ott "a9.:;;;, Roofillg ·············~·····~··· ••••••••••••••• •••••••• Typing Writing · Ed.It· Drivt-:•Y5s. Parkin' Lot Repair1, ;:,ealeoat1ng S&S Asphll 631-4199 Llr Dan Hallberg Gradtng "Paving Co. Res/·eomm. Uc. 11397804. 842·1720 .. ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• Babysitting in our C.M. homes. l Yr & up. Any· time. 642-M82/646·S759 Shampoo & steam dean. Color bnghteners, wht crpts · 10 min. bleach Hall, liv/di.n. rms $151 avg room S7 50. rou<.'n $10, chr SS. Guar elim pet odor. Crpl repair. DRYWALL TAPING All textures & acoustic Free est Kevin 67S·9088 RESIO COMM 'L IND 20yrs Do my own work. Lie. 278041. Al 646 8126 ------•Jack675·3014• ~bell. Phone 873-7012 Rates Law Allows M .x '".,.. """' TIIEGRASSHOPPER -------aller6:00PM. Visa.Uc/Ins 673·08S3 Complete lawn ma int. Home Mai ntenance ---Domink f..42·4851 Yard work & tree trim Hia ,,.,...... _ _ 20yrs. Gene552>0458 ....... •••••••••••••••• PallfilMJ GARDENING MAINT Prol'I • rouple wishes to •••00••~••••••••••••••• Expert walkovering lJ\ stallution. Reas pn ccs Consultant Assignment ss1.~ I Landseaping Tree tnm Hsdwood Roon housesit. Newport area, F'tne pa11~tin11 by Richard & removal. Clean -ups. ••••••••••••··~··•••••• July, refs. 644·6839 evs Sinor. Lie. tns. 13 yrs of WALLPAPER Free estimates. S42 4389 HARDWOOD FLOORS bappy loeal custornt'ts Contral1or & Paint1111( J5 yrs ex p. Do .work myself Refs 531·0101 ----Eltdric_, ---_ Beautifully cleaned i.c.o..Tu Thankyou 6314410 OC 23yrs Lie 328240 TREES and waxed 832·4881 ••••••••••••••••••••. •• ---_G_a_I')_' ~mpr 494-4366 NoSteam,NoShampoo Stam Specialist Fast dry. Free est 839· t582 ••••••••••••••••••••••• T ..,.,i FEDERATED Cus..__ P•t.!... w.11.'LPAPER ELECTRICIAN pnc-ed op~/removed. C:lean ~ . •um C:ic ... flis.i p.w right. free esti1TU1 It on up;, lawn renov. 7SI 3476 ••••••••••••••••••••••• lncomt Ta.x Service ~~e~~s ~~rs 4 Col~r sNI ~l~~lief'l"•e~ large or sma II jobs OUM P JOBS 6ll·.ul7l expert. 963·0911 Dick Norm 645-0880 Huber Roofing.all types ing. My office or yours. New-recover decks. Sml Jobs ok 642·2142 Ut· 1'411802 548 9734 ----Wlmdow C ...... Orange Coast Roohng Re roor111g Repairs Reas. rates 548·1733 •HENRY ROOFING• SIUNGLES& REPAIR Lic «LS232 548 6213 ROOF LEAK' Wespe~ in Jobs under $200 ! ••••••••••••••••••••••• "Let lhe Sunshine In" call Sunshine Window Cleaning. Ltd. 548·88S3 20';( Monthly Disrount •RESIDENTIAL• Avg I sty SJO; avg '2 sty $4.5 Chris 957 .8388 Freeesttmatel> S111i S292 WINDOW CLEANING llf/C Llr 11396621 573.0359 Str•lcH &Small Moving Jobs -'-""' OllCrfft ••••••••••••••••••••••• Call MIKE 646· 1391 Lmdlc..,....., PAINTER NEF.DS Babysitting M·F, approx. ••••••••••••••••••••••• LIC'O ELECTRl(.'IA N nt•rease sales tbru effer· --------••••• .. •••• .. •••••••••• WORK! JO yrs exp, inti /Repair Stucco 8·6, newborn-up, CM . CONCRETE/ASP HALT Qual. work . Reas rates U\e DISPLAY. wmdows Oemohlion·Gruding YANOENBERG ext Acousttr ee1hngs ••••••••••••••••••••••• 7 yrs in area · Excellent 6(2.5449, 645. 7972 642>2995. $1 pr hr Onveways, patios. block ~ & or mt Syrs •xp. Transport. As"" all. ron· LAN. DSCAPING·Lndsrp o p · 84 Neat patehl'S & texture' ••••••••••••••••••••••• walls Dennis 6.'16·0458 c' eeest 631·5072 Tom , "" avas ainllng 7 5186 Re SltJ(.'<'OS/tn m painted G1g1640·1044 02·Jpm I I rrete & tree remo.val. ~mt. romm/res1d. tree ""-Ht. 89l· I 4l9 free Sandblast & bril·k Orange Coast Windows ··we leave you with a bnghler outlook ' " f)"ee estimates. 830 6111 CHILO CARE TOP QUALl'J'Y ---Soil prep & planting lnmming, clean.up Uishop & Son Pa1nlin1t Urensed 957.8218 CM, w/yud Days, evs. ChldCo ELECTRICAL WORK _. Operated equip Comm 'I lns'd bonded1hr'd JO yrs exp 1n Bea ch PLASTER PATCHING wlmds. SI/hr. 642·0162 re Reas rates 531 505S rbdplan & Res1d'I 642 7638 979-Sl46 area. Free est 548 1029 Resturro~ Int ext 30 ---------••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••'. _ ---yrs Neat Paul54529n WrltincJ Got something to say but Young mother loving RE.510 COMM 'L Carpentry Masonry I HAULING student has Thinking .or a new homl! Read the c:lassificd ads not sure how to say it? home atmosphere. any Exp. Clean. dependable Rooring Plumbing lge truck. Lowest rate tor sp.ring? .See th.e for the br!lt deal~ in EU'S Pw\STl::RING •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• TILE INSTALLED WRITING. RESEARCH. Call us tor friendly hrs. On the bearh Quick&rea~onable On·wall Sturco·T1le Prompt Call759·1976 many listings 111 todays belpfuladvice.S42-S678 · Provrdemt'als646·7617 Llr.ltJ.17168 631 ·2.J..IS Remxtel J~~69990 Th~nkyou.J~~ ~~~1ed rolumnl> :J2~8~en1 rcntali. All Types Int ur l::\l ~82S8 for f'ree l'Sl All K111ds Guaranleed ~:OITING Any subject. Refs Joltn 840·9217 format. style. 646-496S ·Monty to loon 5025 Lost & Found 5100 Jobs WCMttd, 7 075 Http W..t.d 7100 ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2nd T D.'s S?O.OOO.Sl50.000 Found Blal'k dog. tan A Hollywood TY CATERING hell? netd(d fully amort lo 20 •) rs four pal4s. rhoke l'ha111 & C tina S ~penenced with cater· Cllher 2nds to Sl.000,000 F \' area 962 6S t 7 k f"ble"' err r llll(trays&saladdeeora ltd Esfate-...the Complete Orange Coast Market P'ace Apyts, eomm'I & non 96802SS · see 5 re ia ~ peop l' '?r lions. Light baking owner programs No catalogue. pnnt work in duties. Salaf)' open Hrs bkrs Brent 963·2611 p--....t 5150 ltahan ~wim swt hne and nex1ble. Lon 's Kitchen. ~s designer Jean' rnm m.m4i ••••••••••••••••••••••• mert1Jls al'o for Apwl...,.hu.fwa. 'Rooms 4000 lttfttabtoShon 4300 OfficeRmoC 4400 Office Rttttol 4400 lulilMtslttttal 4450 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Me-port leodt 3169 Perunsula Point nvate 1617 Westrhff, N B. Want 450 sq fl. rurn oHirc: Iii V1s1b1hty Allrartl\·e ••••••••••••••••••••••• entranre. no sniof ing or Waterfront Home F to r111anc1al inst 7000s r spoce SJOO mo. st.ore. 2330 ~el4'J)Orl Blvd. VISA&/OR MASTERCA.RD Guarantet>cl · reg:irdll'ss of past rred1l problems Call Mike 494 2819 Affanti1 Mauaa~ rea1urc film Hark ()pen24hrsada.\"' l(round p arl~ lnOn · CHILDCARE 7daysaweek speak111g onl) 1 II~ appt L1Rhl housekeeping OCliMROMT eook 1 n g s 1 7 s mo shr w M&F'. :-4wpt Reh. L~I noor Al(enlS41·S032 641 0763 C M 1200 glass rron 2 Br 2 na: bft:fo kitchen. 675·3391 S2SO. 752 8532. 675 3487 tage S600 mo 67S 7788 69 Gorgeous girb to onh 213 841 !H77 3808 needed 111 lrvme home pamper )OU Jarn111, R1,·ers1de Or Ste 301. Tues WedSS2 9~ DtW, frplc. 2 car garage Yrly$975. J.R. PROP. MGR 6754171 2Br studio. waterfront, w/earport S875 mo 675-8900 LIDO VIEW 2 Br. 2 Ba. 2 patio Adults prer. s1000 575.5359 2 Br. 2 Ba. Partially furn Steps from beach. S7SO ean for appl. ask for Kate 67S..0124 "OCEAN VIEW" J710Seashore Or. N.B. 3 Br. newly reder. Child ok. tllOOlmo yrly, Isl & last. !2131283-5882 Yrly on water. 3 Br 21, Ba. w/34' boat slip 1ne. SllOOlmo Agt 673·4062 • Ocffllfront• Frpc. paneled. patio. br. S650 mo Yrly F004.5 eves only Ocean vu 2 Br I Ba Yearly S800 646--4410 4 houses from sand. NB F' M to shr 2 br C.M apt, EXECUTIVE HUKTIHGTOH Pnme Tustin 1800 to 2900 Sauna Lorali. 3l> Wl'll Jl> Burbank I IJlk north CIRCUS VARGAS N ds Laund facil. S21S mo + S2 30 mo Gar age SUfTN ES 6.50. 785 :rlf1~1~ r suites fl. retail or orfll't' spare ~1. Trust ~ o u r i s l ds ~r a n k Burbank Studio~ temp help. must :!ve sec: + util 22 )rs up 645-2318aft 6pm '1»1470.831·1Wm DtidS 5035 merira r · '.a~l.H A~IRITIOUS&Sl <.TESS own car. housew1\•es Call art 10 30 am , ----HERITAGE ~rimmed f er rull --••••••••••••••••••••••• Charge. Amer1<'an f.i. ORIE.'llTFD• I l k ~eloome Call957·1120 675·~ Shr Jbr hse. sgls or cple, 1'1ce gross eas~ rom llldilstriol Rtwtol 4500 r......._ Ma.. Co. Press . 0 In i! rs a 11 • m oo . - --- lae d Cordoa C .. ...,,0 ftl.Ali 95' Ma111 & F1onda nr _......... • .,. wekome. 714 6<15·3433 mg for u few u~~oc1ates COOK Ai-0503Y .,. · '"· _, New luxury oTrlee s1>ace Pa.ririea Hosp. Ownr •N••B•••397•••5•B••••h••::;,7• .. All types of real estate 2ll2 Harbor Bl CM J to expand m' husiness B 11 k' S h C Lg rm & bath. separate "" e\'S in Irvine's busiest BobJarrard · . ire . oovv sq investments since 1949 _ _ 848·8331 u <><' s out oast enmol .. 67s~e529pslto bch. $285 F non.smkr~o sbr NB renter! Easy Frwy ar· C714ll41-llll fl or less MIAzone.50' ~•allilKJill c.oeds would lo\eloparH , -has a ru11 time ~s111on " ress A,·ail now! Call for ---------persq rt Agenl541 5032 ...-;: ... TOs with you Leslie ur Aru. sen ·f bnt ofr NB a\~tlable ror an ex· ~. frplr. )d. vu bay. nr details. 144 sr prof orr1 ee + ---:-• --6'fU Sylvia anytime 761 9036 exper pre or 14 11J trc11n penenced cook ror our N~3~~ Collei:e. re· brh.~+'2.67S·9677 551•1231 640•4230 secretary space A\'Ull MesalndustnalFark.711 642-2171 545-0611 _ ' _ · J.llsMt 6315640 ~~t~a~~r~ts~~~'avc~.f!: 540-2872 Shr rondo. all amenities. HS S32S + Sl7S Orange :is/{7\h d St Pa~ifar ,_ ________ ,Art Slud•nt·Part lime for bit incl medical. dental, -S28.\ mo Jar & ,auna •DElUXEOFRCES• Coast F1nanml Center 1835 ki~Ll~t'l~le 1~: ~DCo~r? Linda I Yl.Ckl.'$ T·sh1rt pnntt•r s:.150 hr paid 'ac at1 o ns & Pvt rm w '• bath. must 966-8479. SS7 3984 f)"om I room up to 2000 l!S. CM 957·1414 1000. 3700 sq rt units Of I ~ >n • ""5 8431 holidays lnlerv1ew1n g like kids. Fair\'iel4 & ---sq rt. FromSl.l6aSQ rt i ------fire warehouse space Real Estate mone~ ftHOfOMODELS hrs Tues.f'n IO·SPM ' Baker.S200 6410710 NB shr l41th eal>) goml( No lease required AdJ Design to swte executive w carpets drapes wet available 2nd or lrd T ~COR~ .a.es£..UIWS BullO<'k's South Coast -----emplo)ed M F' pm ba A1mnrter Inn 2172 Du I ol'Ores with secret.anal bar 642.4•;,"1642 7""· Loans on res1dent1al or BA &. l'E ER -....., Pl P I Off . ,,.. bl I ....., "'"' me t W , W ~ .. , I I I t r a I n aza ersonne ice. Walk to OCC. shops & bus $275+ SSO secur pont Call AM 833 3223 service. poosi e . IVll)(( --- -mro proper ies e ' ft 3333 B ·stol C M E O E Rm 111 pvt home. pool. 6317215 area. Good IOl'allon in Fenced indus'I lot handle a full range of THAN EVER ' 24 llnS MatGrei:or Yad1ts. 1631 ~-·~· · · lndry rar S22S + small BAYfRO.,..T CaMery Village Broker 87X123 ideal ror ronlrac· mortgage Coveraiie at 669-0207 Plarenlla. C :it °'6mellr1an dep 754.1747 ev-; M F' to shr 2Br nr So Cst " 675-4912 tor or storage S600 mo \ery rompel1t1ve rates tOutcall 1 u ... ottr. "P ... •TIST Pia 2S Pool ~«"' Pnme orf1 673 1003 -• Courtes" to Broke rs ·--------1 """"PV '""' za. + -"' re <n57 .Plarent1a A\ (re 714 760·1~1 a~k for Steve Needed ror full time mo.966-2077 17thSt,C.M. arl.C.M.SSl·ll49 o r -ATTIEHTIOH: ·t t N rt MoMls 4100 -C05la Mesu, 2511 1tQ rt 1 & 2 room orfil-es A C. -_ or uane IMus1c1an nl'w 1n town Amb1lJous boys and !(iris r;:6kic:°r:aW 1 2~121:~s ••••••;•••••••••••••••• Shr condo next to SC swte Sl7S mo L1t1b in plentv or prk.i: Ulll mrl OCEAN VIEW 1620 ~Q rt WIDOW HAS SSS for TD·s~ seeks re ma le com pa IG.IJ )ears old to work SUL.All( MOTEL Plaza. p\1 hr & ba furn rid 779 W 19th St A\111f now (all ideal rordesigners artist RE Loans. IOK lJp No niomh1p Oa\ld 646·0729 one or two C\enini:s a Wkly rentals now avail or~rum 7!'>1-i796 &'ii 8928 Realonom1cs 675·6700 & eng111eers. qu1e1 at Credit Check No Penal -~l'l'k 11etlin1? newspaper TV tractive 111dustnal park l 0 · A .. ~I shm. attr. s ubs r r i pt 1 o n s SHIS & up Color Ftoshr ll(e 2 br. I 12 ba tn ~ & 572 SQ ft· $1 00 11er Mr:DICAL SUITE 101 w 17th. CM J°J.mrn nison ~soc 40's 9q1re) . Transportatmn and eons Phones '" room 2274 plex apt S250 mo , , sq ft , 3975 B1r<'h . "" U al!S ~ fi. front l(round 979_.511 sensual fem mid :io, tanl adult suptrv1s1on CustodiOll For Newport Beach Church. 3PM to llPM f\111 tune Call Chuek 631·2880, Mon Fri. 8 5 Ne14 port Bl\d c:it ut1ls :.:opelsorch1ldren Ai?ent541~ floor . garden setting. _ acc'Olllpa ~I pd var pronded. Ca ll 3 t o 6'16-7445 645-2968 (' M s min. from t I t p -'I M s JOPM k r A d bea~h professional bldi:. in top Wais W..t.d 4600 Allnounc:etfttn s o ue •• arta ex . as or n rea. OE'LIVERY PERSON ' area or Ne14'J>Orl Bear h PtnOMls/ Apr lS· 9 Subm it rN·enl 642·4321. ext 343 • · Guttttto. 4150 -i.lnt access to Hoag •••••• .. ••••••••••••••• Lost &FcM.d bath111gswtphoto&bnef deh,·er & inslall ap· ••••••••••••••••••••••• female to shr 48r home, execuplan "-p St 2S •q. rt Lona rrs data incl 1st name ----phanres 494·0506 Cb R l I & Ft VI nuo " ,. p y ra u~ e u •••••••••••• •••• • ••• • •• I n st1an etiremen poo spa. n Y termleaseavail Alllo38S " le Ho2005 W Balboa Babysitter. Mon -Fri --, ---Soectacular 3 Br. 2 Ba. ~me for women. a lov· Prfoeopen 775·7128 ''AMewC011cept" so. ft. prestigious dent seeks guest house. ~Ith 5100 BISte318.N.B Ca 92663 8·6PM . 8 mos. girl Orivers, l~vme area. ear· Ocean Front. Highly up· mg canng atmosphere in ,.. --k -1 Sh·· F'ul! serviceieustom \\'estrllrr area. St.00 sq studio. or garagl! apt. in ••••••••••••••••••••••• NB/E'ash Isl Natalie ly morning newspape.r graded. SJ.SOO/mo . a home setting. Located "" non.sm r. 21ti us II offiee & desk space n 645-6501 c M. Irvine. Newport 0 BREAK INTO 640· 89SO ex l I 14 0 r delivery Mon lhru FJ-1 PROPERTY HOUSE in C M Beaullrul facil , lge 3 bdrm d m No Nr 0 C Airport . --~ CdM. Ron 549·3616 ACTl .... G L1..,...t & 64().6139 eves Sl2S.OO per week Ca II 6G:BSC> 642·1010 rum rms. Yummy home nakes. AftS,644-4773 "Seet0Apprel'1ate!·· R-w...1..'-/ ......... •ol " PNpcrotlOfl ----m4l953·8110 759 8978 ...,_ -"'..... •No exp. ner All types Bab 'tt r 9 Id · I cooki.ng. Call 549·2169 F·emalene;ds7m mte.~t · I Leoser/p Retired lady wri t e -$2:5.$85day.3·10hr9 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ysi er or yr o gir -----DllDnA BAY CLUB Gat 5.iJ.14 or F nr Goldenl4est Orange Co prime offlee wishes to rent small •Extra11.orkmmov1es JobsWCMted, 7075 ~~P~5~ ~~~:1 e~f ~~. ~~alll~~15~~~a14~~~e:, lllUU --:i_ -1 -ol 4-250 College. 014n BA 842 8708 spaee CiP. 12,SOO & 2180 house or 2 bdrm apt 10 m1 •lnd1.11i. lram11111 film ••••••••••••••••••••••• 640-61WX>dys. 641-3272 J Bdrm, excellent view. ocunun tM s ---_ _ , , sq ft bldgs. Fountain radius Laguna Beach Young ma rr1 ed man ---- 11000/mo . Take .over ••••••••••••••••••••••• M F ror nice house al ·~~dlx swte .. f C. ~m· Valley School 01stri'ct Priee range 1400 SSOO TM Job Source would like odd jobs l'HS DENTAL ASSISTANT- lease. 644·9513 private OCEANFRONT 2 & 4 Br beach Yearly. $300 ~eCst~!1"56~~1J~· 2ss5 PO Box 8510 f'V 92708 Write ad no. 989. r o Oa1 6111-0'17? tllam·7pm l & wkends Ca n do a , ~OotCKHPER full or part lime. exper·d party Ava il now Weekly thru last sec dep. 645·4695 5 > Ms Wieland 114 842·6651 ly Pilot. P.O. Box t560 ''artely of handy mun, Exp d Pt lime· 16·20 (or bus) ofr nr So Coast summer 673·7873 -----Costa Mesa 92626. SCRAM-LETS J~. 972·952S eves . .ti.k• hrs 14k My home Hunt Plata. 545 4553 curt Haven, 2 br. 1 ba. ~ Near San D1e1<0 Frwy & COST ... ~ss.a. __ ---. _ for Rill 1 lleach Nonsmoker t r h t --- -t Harbor 4 office suite & "' "' "' '""" 8261 •2131665 5201 new rrp . res pain . Palm S~nngs area <Mon· ,,__ _... 4 350 1 & 2 room or ices from Mature responsible 14ork· ANSWERS ""' ·' DENTAL ASSISTANT· trplc. eat-in·kit. No pets c d 3 BR 2 .,.,... '"" front omc:e & recept · f I d · 1 bd Dutch ' -d Id I k 1 -h d terey I con o ••••••••••••••••••••••• are a . 2 bat h 5 & $185. vlll.111cluded I.Ilg ema e es1res r ...... > 140U 1 e o lbokk <' a1rs1 e. ex per req. SS'75. 00·2134 Ba. rum w atrium. Golr. Realonomics 675-6700 apt . reasonable rent. Knight Quota rlean your home eepmg N 8. 544.0032 l.eruus Daily, weekly & 1,000 SQ rt ~t.o.~?.R ef lutchenette. air & furn Prefer beach area Call Flord Malted 770·4648 BORED ON BEACH1 21'2 br, I ba. Compl. reoec. Gar S850 yrty. 1213lel2·2604 monthly rates ava il garages. 2-1 hrs alt~ss. 7 avail.S850lmo 549·2928 MtdlcolWtt 6'J3..0519belween 8 AM & TOOLKIT 714·SS8 8001 9·5PM. a~k dys wk · 645-6811 4 PM daily. Y.ou've got to be ~us Exper'd mature l'ouple ror Mack OfACEFURMITURE forleose ----p1c1ous of a warranty · •1 EMCEE HEEDED Office Rentol 4400 FOR REMT l Westehrr NB 646·8614 8 4 Need long term Camper that is printed on the lid now res. mgr~ exc usl\e Af lllwllh ,,,rwlslted Mammoth Condo. sips 10 ...................... 0 Inexpensive rales SS S.10. Mon thru Thurs space. W ril e R 0 of a do-1t.yourself TOOL p · S · Hole I des 1 re:.. flt u.fwlli.e..d 3900 avaJI Easter vacation. nr 546·1339 ---Cooper KIT manage exclusive rondo Youn~. a~gr~~s1ve . d)Tiam1c gro141n1t <'nm pany. North Orange Co need5 a ggre ss 1 ,.e dynamic. full charge . non·smoking bookkeeper to grol4 with them Salary to $18.000. Ca II Exp'd only apply Magir or sland·up comedy to ca rry interest at seminar 3 hrs. S100 ...... ••••••••••••••••• Urt8&16Call644 140S HEWPORTCEHTER Lalfuna Niguel-BeautiCul IS15S.CoastDrC M _· ---or apt ro m plei.. &c..,..Offlce HEWPORT HACH ~e~r;~·':ne::~t~~0~!\ ..... t/lt1•tst/--Lost&Foo.d 5300 ~aiim~i~.1~~:Cea Pis The Job Source filB-0777 111am-7pm l SEA WIND VILLAGE New 1&2 bdrm luxury apts in 14 plans. 1 Bdrm Crom $515. 2 bdrm from $510, Townhouse Crom M4o + pools, tennis. waterfalls. ponds ! Gas tor cooklng " heating paid. From San Diego Frwy drive North on Beach to McFadden then West on McFadden to Seawlnd Vlllal(e . (714)-5198. ltftltatstoS(tare 4300 ~Cfi A.i~rtA~a service. Law & Tax ,._, ....... •••••••••••••••• - ••••••••••••••••••••••• 5(X)to200l sq I Ava1la 600 sq ft$$4partially Libary. Xerox. phone , ........ ••••••••••••••1·--------1 (714)891 0253 --------gmeer Mierow••• Fftter blerra:f~~ F Cote ~~~~edrede~rr~t~ ~jering. F'rom S350. Swimming pool chemlra ~~~.: ••• ?!~~ ROOMMATE for 1mre information Mullan Realty S40·2960 8Jl·S333 service business. Cost FOUND ADS AAA·lf you would like to Fl.,..DERS ---Prime Ortiee Space, Mesa,Hunt.Beacharea. getaheadmany way ca ll Oldest&largestagency a Y c~""'.a.DuM.a.R Ct. sui te. S8SO /mo SS0.000 Ml amount rt \ HcJsW!\ff tALES. Apply In person . Crown Hard11.•are. 1614 San Miguel. Newport Beach " t' C..te Re It ,. Corona del Mar. 1070 sq. No exp. nee. Wiii train AIE FREE Tom 645-8395 All rllcnts srreened with & ln v-tment """""' ... "' I d W 111 &all phoWs & references. u "' 22~0 SO. FT. 675-95lO. q u t e · n e : ACCTS PAY AILE Credits: Cosmopolitan 640-5777 ' May div1de. l..Oeated in --S40,000+ · Call collect CUIK CASHIER GoodMomingAmerica, theNe"-portBalboaSav· OfflctSMct Moo -Fri 9AM 6PM '4J·S67I SllS()to a>o.atleasttyr KCUSEWARESAUS DflECTOI BS MS£. 10·15 years ex· perien~. Own up to 5r4 ol' company. Top salary & benefits. Immediate E. Coast Write Ad •912. Daily Pilot. Box lfl60. CM. 921626. TheTomorro\\ Show ----1015 Building Retail use NEWP01{1'"'"8EACH/ at86'7·0lll. _ exper.,Balance reports. ~-or Ptt1me. Apply· *'' oCC• to all nel4 KOLLCEMTH OK. Air conditioning, 0 .C. Airport Area . l...o6t· small brindle Pit batch & code for <'Om· Crown Hardware. 1024 ~~~~~~~11!'~ clients who need a pla<'e o.111tw-1T janitorial & ulillUes In· Deluxe office In custom ...... · o .. 10 k b 1 h 1 · w 1 rr N s r. NEWPORT 641 ·119' Elegarrt5Ex~~ ~ultes in eluded S22SO per mo desi111ed Lawyers Suite 0,,011-lty SOOS Bu.II, M, vie. range & i'{,;1icauon!1 no~ g~fng ~me 1 _:stc 1 l. · _ Ex Per Busboys ' prestigious loc. Incl now avail. $550 mo 1n •••0 ••• ............... 21$1.C.M.646-6859 taken 8-SPM al US Ren Hostesses needed. Apply ._ 4000 ~~~~~~~-·I secretJinal. receptionist, c lude~ furn Is h ed l...,woodMo•lt Lost: Male Silky Terrler, ta.I! Corp office. 17811 Keep an eye on prices the In person Mon -Thurs . ...................... , M/F Jbr Park N pt telephone ans & more. secretanal station, eon· 1Y,.-~c.-black silver gray&tan Mitchell Irv 17 14 1 ell.\Y ~a~·be a rel(ular 2'4pmat Reubens. U t E. R r 11 h ""·-hs p I/ CXcs Crom $436 mo On ferenee room. Library. -.,....... • • · w.4800 ' class1r1ed reader. Coast Hwy . N 8 . oom w/ u ouse !1":'.',~·ba~ ~~~,' ~eann callolrsSl65mo .THE Share cost of recep· dea1tt1wotk g.partne EaslBhdfarea.Reward -6425678 EmployttbeMf1ts privi~, Npt Bch. Call •"'l , 11 EA 0 QUART £KS UOnllt. private telephone wth rall!.!:l for Buch 640-7890. --___ _ aftS.142·~. 7SD-0048. COMPA~IES : A pro· system and roNee ex· Arta Of 1 · l.Atw inveat f1'. d G -ld--kl -D11•1y P1•1at .................. • Experienced Jive ·ln Aide bd re9slonal environment. PfNf.1 °Xerox av•ll Call ment • b &h rel urn· 1;>un ; 0 ne~ ace. '· Uioustkeeper. best con 1.4e bdrm In big, clean M/F to share 2 rm hse m4> 8SI 0681 714-133'.ttMO · ZlJ..MS.9156 our Newport II arbor Iii, •• dJtions ' salary. mus ~' aep. bath. shr kit. lnHIJnlingtoo Beach, A Om~ioo ol muatldenUfy. «73 Mot • :" tiave bett of rderenres Nr. narbor Blvd ' Ed· 962.5759 llatrbor lnvMtmcnt Co ...., .. Lo. IOU --, 7141499·1'72. lnltr. • mo. 1"" req. PEACEFUL 2 Br. 2 Ea. NHC::OH~p~,t~ s:~rT.~ ~l:fM~~ to., ..................... lf'l~.!. •ut.,lca1'·,bme~a~hl'lt. Pert time person '°deliver Daily Pilot - -- lllS/mo. Incl. ullls. sm + ,., utils. Female ~ noor omc 11 t:i. um · ---1120 2 rm ate, $300. 6ec'I Cu you make lht P•Y H..B'ean...,, 9442 "' ' fOOO MAMA•B Sllrf113Ml?8evs pmemd 83l~an6 re parklna. we matn · MIWPOITIUCH suv. avtll. 33'5 Via n~u on • borne but · _,.. auto route in i.., Bch·7 dl.ys ptr wk· Seasonal, April 1.hru '4tmHttrbdnn,pvtba • -laJOedbldg Vicky days OC: Airjlort area Lr1 Udo.873·41S8 <'61nt,havtidownpa, Found Golden Librador about2hrsperday,M·F,3:30PM. 5-.ofoodcowtttrlaelp. i t 11 t . G o o d 2 BR hollff in COM, walk 714/645-400. window offlct In btaut 1 --ment Paul ts:J.2.872 agt. Retriever, blk collar e!~t-Sun-6AM. Ollce wotk HunU,_.on ~· Nr GWC. tob(h. M/prer. &275 + 1t urden 1lyle bid& on 6roomotnee. 17hQJt. Nr --HaveaYtdSclD4·SD4 ~ Beach aro. StnlQr ....... lut. dep 1't) • ..a.t419 --l~~~·~sasil ~~rva~y~lreci~~r~1,~=~1 ~~~'1t~~$ftlm~" ;r;::.:..i, Found ''"'.,;;lud MUST LIVE IN LAO BCH AREA. No : r:.'~.:.~:J;.~ · Hllfe lOOO ICL· ft homt. urvlcf~ co11 reuncc prk&, decor•llnl al· 714/84Ml84 -TomorJiiiia1 Ba1t11Ji brwn • wht collecting F.arninp $300 .,.r mod\h w :. 11m 111 occ DOOi non •to 1aod on Balboa room. A , OC Airport. low111ce, ISOO/mq. lt1tl ----to.8l$Z ~ K1rbor Animal N ~r• Bookll.,e ••ohr '11 u' mo . Penlo. 1250 + ulll $JOO/mo l418SHJ42 HtrtUrlal a part.=" low coat1 hive . Hollillal. 125 Mesa Dr , up Call Dally PUot. 642-4321-'w Mft'le : rorparHl•PGlktoa.4 ....._Mll..aAll. m.a8'l.epm m«rn. a.et •I.!) aivlde. c.1C.a1 roao h~ per ct11. nueblt 0.-execuliYe omc,. C.M. • Mab 1 mat dluove17 &r ~for call beck & in~.. • ldlldale. f• a CPA ol· ltatll, Balboa fU. Pnll. II •Ill allr lit a 1q ft. M baU. with lattullve offlctt avall. . -Sllop claulfttd to; ra.d: 8111, whlltl ta • : fke ...... ,., Of ..,.,., Herbor Vltw llomt .....,.,. Balboa Ptnln o.t Kw5', Corona dtl He\lt __..... IO Mil" toda •1 bt1t atu11 e. ,..,,, loll•• !I', \ • ___ .....__.....-....;:;,;;., _ _. ........ ., ........ ..---ta..-.... ,.. l-41JO Q.afted--!twtll: ........ ...,.... •• ••• , ........................................ . ·i to w rs• "" ..... 1140 "" ... '"1 M7t t12t w~~ .... !!.'.~ ...................... .................... -················· -"················· ......... . • ltlmlClfD "-· AKC amll) lhmbeullllip, aM.U.aMallort l.llk'm ......................... "................... MMIH IUY!I MOT& MAm lfJ•111i1.C!?S:..•ill· lll•lill'1llllill• W..ca'W~ ~ llrt II Tr. l'tl • Ulll**' Aw.tic Clull. arm., !Wadlni ,120 MO•··~~ Top,:~.,. 1or -Spnrt• flrtl ttau Ntwiorl llal•rt, H -p.rltattd l °'1~ U1•· :-· Fciol7cod'8-0 fOID O I h 0 W P ~ t pt y . llOO. 752-toJO, !vet 0Vill65o... ' , ... AMII Shay "f~~t' f,P1 ~ f~~··,.~f.• C1m1m ....... hal r 11 01 . -'fwrtcl MH038N I "I na oa• rta Ill Nlfly An ~raon: Bh,. IJJ/9'1·LM11fttpm, 19-11• ' •UflOJeft,CDll Area ~ lta.. Ae irqm. ~f u c Mnt ... " ~r_-_....._ ____ , ediiratioD co taPHdla1 BU& Cafe aor 21at Pl •a.c.u Peuy Patu.oa ~·l ':~· 3"31 or i • _... _______ ,,_..,~ ~l'!!IOllll mltrO· N• ~1. hn thf YotkalUrt Ttrrler Plil9P)'. ~IDl*ttr TIS·IO l•vtl ,,.,...... IM4 m•ana. w\dal·S Nlltlrt 1at , JIMM..UtNO ... lrSASS'T ~1 procra• We UlfybtlllndtbtRll1I 1111&e,Al<Ceti::f lft1H, one.-« RAM_ .• .,1Ubuc ... ".................. _ __ OMLYSf.Hll Y~W~jftEH .... ~iy. With Open)ni-for uper ble~~r.::, Wlilrt ... Exl)trltactd, .~·:.~ -('OW'M·c..~~j'" NE:WSAILBOARDS•. ~L~S a:.;~!~;;:, lll~ING!b~n~t~c11 ~ rii:.t,1e nffdtd for Nunu Au t Day ahlf\ unique 1,etd rudlna 1ood waiu. no tips. H<MGIE 11 mo. mlt -F.n--.lllh Call BiJl •l650. Ev ao··. ti'·. ,. . .o· 50. 17• 141·2000 lllboa bland 61lo11 lum conval holpt. A ~att to tomp11ltr mmo 5'wta1tr fpaoltl ntteh aiou.r. ,...... I 117·• · • · • • tTJ.40\J lllY at: n. Oardtna, 1tor11. Industry ud _ ' __ ~e Ir IC'tlbn. xlnt <'Om Pr,m, (ompl. U M2-~.t-Spm ...... "'-••iH Ohnneyrt, Laauna Khoob 'nail la 1 1&11'411t WAITlESS/WAJTER panlon. Sac. UOO Afr lae d OI ahlpplna New Stiauy urfbrd. NB "'IP 20 , ••••••u•i• .. ••u••••u ....... _Oul Beach opportunity to ma)e w./tarforwlclltr b111ltt '1541841 tr1te •u.s111.oe11 5ftlin, awallowtall. .;, . q.., c"J>,t:nel Mf.a-o t70S ........, -"' lat sa for lht rl&ht I h t 30 l n ---Catm. lirbMh artwork 1 •Ir<' Ill b • OffOITVMtn Nla"lb\a o:.n or man Ctll .: J:t•-i.n ~.~ l~S AKC Golden Retriever b lanJ wft outbo1trd, Mlkeotrcr Call betwtt. S.00/mo, m ·IJ4Sevts. ••••••••••••••••••••••• w 1 ·• · -• ..,.,. 1 · just ln tune tot d cu ft IWe/akle re r11. _.._ .. m o. 12SI -Ifft • ..._,.., Alf• 1800 lllll!HS' All( 1110198 HSI for n willy. Nuat be otal, ater Chimp. ll11u, dblbdrnuel3M230 ........ .., · • _. _ _...._ c-..i& 4 DOOR, -ri(Jfo-:-heaklr, V~Co••trtlon7 1 $1000 -fllA-tervlew. pet"IOlllblc • ener11t1c. .1'0.oa.o. --r-auto irans complete Afl parts to c()nvrrt 1111 F.aper all shift&. Conv m-cnu art. ioun ror ll_t e, bl• J u o 1· o-r TV ..... Sid tOIO needs f(•p;alr SliOO neat 1100 10 Vtlorl!, t>it• ti oa p, N w pt. 8 t h. S.lea J!tl, ou1aolft1 i nd appt. .. > IO-.._chair 125. ctl 714 I:' 4l.a....-..... 1091 ••• .. •••••••••••••••••• offer 545 1019 pi1tons 51400 t1•1 i1.ut Cheerful, dedicated lo S fri~ 11 yrs or older. ,..,. • -8&1-417t ,... --'1'9Stuwlrl Comb .. V hull --iltltr6pm or wltn\l'I pvt. t'll't Xlnl l.ns pro J!&nior Sportswear, full Wtnted for Newport •••• .. ••••••••••••••••• ••• .. •••••••••••~.•••••• low rider, near new, '58 Metropolitan Clas.le. IJ'Ul. llM2·.W4. orparttlme • Beath Company: Di•· ** 11uy ** Lawnn>wer'L'roollbrow, BEAUTIFUL 25 RCA '7500.631-2345 $1950. UKA079. 443 w. w 97t2 . s.co.. 61mc:t bwlementt Clerk with Good uael 'lUmlt1,1re , reel $150. tr=. ·~gr C'Olor 'IV sale. 2 yr wrnt.y. n.ty. c.M 00·2963 Dir ••••••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• YMODPG~MMJ19N ll!IED LYN cleriul 1billtfo, re· uuTmmS •ucrll.Au ~WJ>O[.. ... ~chi e!l""" ••••••• .. •••••••••••••• & comp let~ top as Pw M-.. Nursinf '7S..J>6 I ~~:~~ r ~f ~·r!~ ~W>~'s"ta 12~0~ wlll :s. a,~ e~ce h ~· la $1"' Fj~~:~~716 f-rp' rttfiM ~ ~et body • • &' . 'OlJNCi ND SAL~ liabllily ol J>r"emlum Im· -·-.. _." "''ub ••m-rs P· -· BanJlay lfi·FI cabinet. C S./ sembly. M11c parts ~oi~ifr~ tARME\~ ~~ti. i:~·a~l~:/e0~ ~ 00~~~1:r"t:Jlv:u:i f:i•nce. Call Bnan at 6461616.lll·"JS 6'44l3I walnutfinlah,2JBLD130 ;::rs. tllO $2CXX> m. 3175 • POSITION. smiles nee~ed. Xlnt ness artounls.for ad 521400ext231'1. 20solas. New. $98. Lov·Sup eru•ope Tajl_e 15'nspkra$300846-"81 ... ••••••••••••••••••••--CREVIER BMW ' 1714tf64-21t0 bentflts.Call. 842 *>' 4 · vertlsin&.Mon-Fri,9am Wr!tPIOCI~~· :1•!_•,lFsAHIO.RYSlt_e~ce7r081. ~~~l:i~tr~k 19"AdmlralColorTV '77 Ford f ·ZSO w/8' Wt.elDrhH 9550 Spm Base + com ... er • .,r.:, -J rl Wocts~ood S7Sne& Al11kan tabovet ••••••••••••••••••••••• n.tbcftiit~'82 HOM'"' AIDE, 20 "rs -r .... _,.IHIUP• m1's1.1'on. "'Ompan 2n •let • F ex ble Ta~.oeveruted,va e . . t ... _ 'It C"'-~W's.,.. ere!, " ~ ,.... '"~ .,. ' h E I d RSP NG l ,.. ·-I ..,c Cul1nart 846-/549-6524 camper, reg. &as, x ras, • rww -•r A ··--'-I L h c Position open an real benefits. will train. Nea ours • xper ence KING INN E RI LYw m ... c. •1"' • Jn ~,, ..,....., " 797~ A ew rema :nrn1: HI ..._.. n am. ite s..pa I I r· 11 Dictaphone/ Artec 2000. EXTRA .FIRM nu&ttreH Food Procea1or. hke new , x t '-V""· _,.,.,. 4.,.3. .. 4 W..... Drhe M~ll & Demoi. an• ~1111 and u re for young estate appra sa arm appearance & good ape Fut, accurate. Expand· stt never used worth s.'iO. 631-09 Walnut stero combo, 8 LUY Pf k1 I a\•ailabte• Wi> ~J*1•1;ah1• woman.MS-·9502 ¥~pa:~:~:yts~l.~f: lneess.ential. A/iply Pen In& service. The office ii sat. $2Udel. Never . --cabinet. xlnt tone, Motonmcl••• tl40 Loadecl! t2~$'f 68881 in European ch·liH•r nysaver. 1660 larentia 549·2181 used queen ul.. worth lft Nau&abyde COll<'h Sl2S. sacrifice l200. 751·9472 ••••••••••••••••••••••• $7298 less SSOO rebllll'. and nawress prt• u~ 111·.! Housekeepers, P rr ---C.M S3119. cuh only, "18 del Portable dithwasher SSS. Puch moped Xlnl rond Net Price S6 791 BMW'it TheSeaclifCMolel OFFICl ---WordProcttlOf' Uauallyhome,754·7350 &lhAlcond.548·6801 . 19" Sony Trinllron '390. +extras SJiio · HOWil~Clwi ,_., WhertCU!>tOmt"• 494·9'117. Cindy Sharp gfrl.-good with Set-retary, typing & book· Oiierator. L.-nJer no pro-n..1n·a. 15 "U ft Wh irl"""I. Call 1!\SPM.. S.s-i$43 -oo"Vi? uaffSU Service Conlt'~ I-It' ----1 numbers M arG regor keeping. Sobstad Sall bfer La Hiii L S /c!\\ na00 frost ~s·. Head'Siis 646--U)S ___ NEW PO T BEA<:ll Sales Sen ice Lt."1111! HOOSEKEEPER Yachts. 1631 Placentia, Makl?rs. 845-7950. 888 W, F'iem.. cuna 111s ad MU 17S's ne-:~r used 175 . . . MOTOBECANE 133 OSSS ~W lst .Sunta.\n;i Must be reliable & have C.M. 16th. St N.B rm·tu.ing w 5 an M,aho1anr ou e bed Ru crafter kit with tool Pioneer dire cl ~r1 ve MOPED. runs good . • 17141835 Jt7t own transportation , trusts. usthaveatrong with ma ,tress. Moon ::Jerame never used P~tumtable.P1oneer S200/0BO 548 . 6889 , 70 F .IOO ClosedSunllu~ Sfhrs pr day/S dys gr wk . Part·Time ~retary P/f Mon.Wed. ~kfl/:.iea~rArf.r~~~!~ w~ mirror oo head· S40: lg anliquechest 145. XS650 ~watt receive:-, 2 · 4 x 360 vs 4 spd S92S or :ae_;;.s req'd. 64 ·6962 $4/hr + loM11t1 ~:s.Jrrson orrire. rorappt837-1060 =·00 631.77971cu ~129ev ~~?~so~~.48~5k· M.1ni:ike, s HP motor bestotre~ 0948 --------1 Le 1d1 n g Nation• I Sterlin~ Silver Reed & 549· · 645 ,5036 Ins. agency needs flt seU m•ketlng firm needs in SECIETAIY ~ Ba~ s Lark 10 pl~ce Mlcrowave TV Antenna. _ __ ___ '73 Landt·1·wser. VII. ps , starter. Min. 3/yrs ex· telligenl, adaptable peo No shortnorid. 60+ WPM •••••• .. •• .. ••••••••••• , !IUY RIRMIT~s,!133 setting + Info)' serving at run movies, $159 inst. .82 Motobecane Mo·Ped ~ ... auto. al!X .. ~as !ank . per. In Personal Lines. pie who enjoy public ron· & dictating equipment Alllll IOOS ......, fg: Sic. Alt500. 841·6126, km·9pm: 638·1724 l400 l'Oll ~'I S6000 f,than Anfs1t in tt.1 Com.m'I. tact. Must have rlea experience required.~.~.......... . Solas new $98 r.a 10 72981 PM. - 1 .-d 847 2308 • 646-at 6 Dul es in r r • t 1 n g. tel~e voice. An ideal Duties include maintain· 5 Hitchf'Oek chairs ~ats $88 el ·Mal· -Tukwood stereo 1ne -marketin~, corres~on· pos1Lion for an outgoing mg mailing . list. cor· Hooked floral rug: Sloo: tressesS.19. 9$T·S7o8 Je<?r~!A¥-0~0~l t 1 w/pearwood. Ge~~~ Motobecane Traveller Tncb 9560 denre & te ephones. re· person who can work on respondence f!les, dealer 640-539() _ Dell d p ( q t · r made. $300080. 64 · 1981. good cond, S32S or ••••••••••••••••••••••• employment t esting. a regular schedule after· files. pro«ss1ng orders Antique 1920•11 Mahog. vere . er 7e~419or best offer. 759 9581 Long BedTruek S a I a r Y o P e n · noons, evenings or Satur· r~r samples & promo· Scrolled iroll headboard Dining room set w ,, every Orcuaon6 3 _ Betamax video tapes, 5, ___ _ _ cam r shell S3SO <7l•l752·8438 , ask for day. Opportunity for on t1onal literature Ex· $14.5, Type. set t.r•y 565. t:twrs &.buffet 1700. An For sale membership in bra~d new . Scotch Quld1. Mini Bike. Sears 9~2786day& Mis.sGreen. excellent part time in-pert enc e !> n Word bread dOug~ ma,ker $95. lK1ue Chinese Lamp Ta· John Wayne Tennis Club. L-500 s. SOO/l>Ht. 839·t949 Single Cycle. S'7S 080 ---ln•tall"r for alum·inum rome. For confidenllal Processor with Floppr. broktn violin $60. bleS350.SS9·8664. 11100 Contact Kath>: --------545.4138 .78 CHEV Ll"V Low a .. interview call M ik Disc: & S~reen hel~(u . ~ -Wilson at tennis club I WHOLtSALE -----mileage. jJrH·e. $3000 seamless rain gutters. Slrota: 54S·S778. Good Fnghsh & spelling. . . ---4 pr sofa. brow~. almo~t interested 644-6900 ()pen to pubhr. Stereo H1 Motoberane moped S.75 Showriiom <'<>nd 645 1982 MODELS HERE NOW! • Mustbtexper llaveown fTontoffireappearance Deni.Isl Cha.ir, circa 1940 newSZSO: 6~nt1quesot.d __ ___ Fl. Video VCR. Seiko. orbesloHer OnlyG70mi alt6pm lransp.5'2·1242. PARTC,l~E CAMllO MFG eler. movement. S800 back oa.k dining chairs 3·x5' Garden Window blank Video and Audio 642·7000 v • . No eek n S ashl.er & C • 645-04931754-1030 I S350; 42 in round form1ra $100. • Antique Kitt'hen1 tapes All brands and ____ e_s 73 Luv. rstm paint, cm pr INTERIOR DESIGN w e · . 7601 ._. '"'•e di t bl d 3 '" A•1 F•t " k i tchen help for ... ,A · ---, nang a e an rhairsl40eat'h 615·5820 I modeis 8500535 tO{>. " " <'as~1 n .. ~ . SALES sandwich shop.Applyon ~o.hach Antique bdrm set, Quee1 molded rhairs $25 __ __._ . · ~~•/ brlts, \ahes be ts CIMck our good MfecHon of DEMOs _. quAUn"T; Pl&()WNB> AUTOMOBILES OS wel OS Ott.fr flM frodt...ln seeking se!f·slarter with ly 8.toam & 2.4pm Mon 1So.of-Gt rfield, -w-or size bed I A rmo I re 646-7628 Wht dinner jacket 1401. ---91 SO hoses. & altnr 1981 Bat design ab1hty, eye for fTi . at. lS2ISSpringdale Beal'h t dresser. '. u I-length mar -----tux pants 36 waist, bolhlloah • MsiM ••••••••••••••••••••••• lery, starter, tire~ 1982 color Flex hrs Mg.mt H 8 !b"'l Bolsa & E.0.E. Mt F' rors1 marble. lopshxln. Queen Anne desk S300. likenewSJ0.673-6345 ~...... 1974 ~0..,.0 • 644·2064.6441509 Pl S W,·11 train I · · " · conn. 11400.firm. eves. corree tbt 1200. 10 boy --· --.---~··••••••••••••••••••••• ..... ~ __ 2 ul1.. . M"Fadden). ., ... 1888 S200 5' S I I .,,...,.,.. I be l ffer ·79 F' d s ab .,........., ~ .,..... . . a em map e Admira.1 Refrigerator $85 Ge.rd tO tO .,.,~ ega . s o <!" • ton. super c ' ---~ • chest $100. 962-3597 evs Hohn"'r arrordian sso Call 494-3202. lo rru, ps 1 pb, a <'. 8 trk . 8 SECRETIDY Bdrm set. drop-mlddl --". ~··••••••••••••••••••••• ___ -bed, s n a rp · $6500 lnteriorDeslgn Sales 1--~~11111111111 .... l!llllm-•I M dressing .table. s dw Ele&ant e~rtbtone sofa & Girlsbik~SlS 631-2259 9'Se~ylorPVC Ran Honda JSO, $400, Yamaha 546-7486 Need moth·ated ind. Xlnt ., a.. PtAT T~ME8 youtt E x p · d , W O R D dresser, 2 lwin hdbrds loveseat in polished rot· Chemistry glassware all w1sa1ls & pump, S12S 80 51 bike. rcrenl tune·un . --1 • • • caNer opply No exp . .,.""m. .xpan !n PROCESSING typist. ftbrdll oi rails. S22S. Cal too. xlnt cond. $650/bst kinds & a lot of it. 1250 for Call 493-0987 SIOO. Suzuki 400. Baket 66 Ford Ranrhero. 302 nee. Will train SS2·8023 · counseling fl rm h 81 prefer Qyx u : Order an. Spm, 7Sl·2343. otr. 893·3'770 all. G75-Jl 75 frame dirt bike S200 eng, run~. needs 11.ork --l ffpenings ror 3 · 5 sharr processing & phones. . . . 1.odhlr Cadet with 9.9 HP 751-0JIJ F\x 1 or U.St' for parts ·--.·· s~·r I outto gmooinl,1vamal..,tuarme bpe1•t!>1oput', Irvine Furn. Mhg can: VANJ'J'.Y DR.ES.5ERI Uvuig rrn(5Pc) & dantng Fami~ Membersh1~ Evlnrude long shaft $500. 51·8876 ...,_ ... Oak, V1ctor1an. x n rm set S2SO all (Grn · · ----~ Ex per1 e !1 re e g a I 10.13 yr olds. Call 2·Spm E.H..540-8894. l'OOd. 127S. 963-2073 yellow brwn I 613.931 Jam ayne Tennis Clu . engine. Good cond. $1300. '78 HONDA. 7SO·F. blk, 4 ·m EL CAMI NO $300 11202 secret.al)' in upaoding, 642-4321 ext 943. Ask fo1 ·art7pm HOO. 752·6020· Eves 675-9961. In I Kerker hdr chrome 91awL.ane H B ~esllf.lous Newport Andrea ' ..... WH 1010 . 759-1790. -~· ong miles. Mint Sjt964o ach aw firm. Must~ · ....................... Qu. si water bed w/htr, Watubed king sz w 6. SLSSO firm. 547-1845 ---- sell·starter. ·Mag Car ::ilUlleOtJo«>s HARBOR AREA oadded frame . ped., bed· bookus'e headboiird loah.M•tu•c:•/ ------8' all steel truck rtatbed 0 , System 6 exp. Real Petition circulator. HEY! APPUANCESERVICE mng,S12S.646·5398 S200.539·Sl38 S.-.ia f020 '78 Yamaha 400XS. ver> for s , or 1 ton trurk. estate barkground Pr/PT $.H8 hr Work IOYs-.GtlLS Wesell recond.,guar ----------••••••••••••••••••••••• lo ml. new tires. xlnt S2<Xli0BO 979·3048 .tomobiles. Cal or Come In TODAY' SALES • SHVICl LU5'HG SADDLEBACK IMW 11402 llWIGUEl.m rtlWY. MIS$10M YIUO Avery Pkwy otf 1 '> helpful. Salary open ownhrS 840·6912 · How would you Tike to appliances. Also avail. Elegant 1 ~ a k w a 11 Near new Atari game.+ 8 Marine Electrician cond. S8lO 080 760-0239 Send resume to Ad 11898 · · earn as much as S.S0.00 a in.home repair 549.307 ~~1$se;~. c:~~~· u~h~1 lapes. $125. Des1gn11n.stalltrepa1r ----AMtos W.ted 9 590 8~1y~ot. Box 1560. Real flltate week? Do you Uke drive· -----noOr ma'uresstw 2 huge --~ !138 Qual work 549.2520 ~~arer~3::> m1 1500 •••::;;::E•::•Y•O··u··.•••• Open Sundays · · · TO THE TOP in movies, picnics, pizza I IUY APPLIANCES ptllows St25 Must sell. Amwlly direct distributor 891:8494 n1;"" A> L---------' Le I S N 8 Commercial real estate parties. beach partie11. Le -9S-7-8l3 makeoHer 645 86t9 qw·lling business . 50'.4 ~~p USEO J;A~! ga ecretary · · · r1·rm se"ks 1"nvestment ~many olher th1·ngs~ -------._-., u......1 __ . f l " . ------Off all literature & tapes. -.. ,..._ IOI( ron~I l'r(' . COrp. experience, ha~ trainee to fill existing you would probaby Washers, dryer. refrlg 1.enllh Spare Command 25', off wholesale on all ... ,.... 9030 '78YAMAHA IT4oo 1977thru 19811 831 -2040 49~949 accurate typist, s. . Pro Pert Y s a I es & probably enjoy working 1Vs Guar. Also trade 600 Me~__,~onsole TkV produAts 30'"', orr on ••••••••••••••••••••••• Street legal. Kint cond. expenence on memory for us bey. working or not Sl IS n~ some w :......i.. ' d like ne~. apprOK-$800 &/orword~rocessorpre management position QUALIFICATIONS: 859·0682 rerri·g Admiral Frost' ~3232· wareev.es960. -9537 ys. NcaEWtl SBAllllL99880A9SSORDSES69·0 6.11·2345 ("'rred. alarbe com· No ex Per I enc e ~ 'es " All t l.Over12yearsora~e -les.~. avocado S200. Ma· __ _ · · petitlve.frinoc nefits. necessary. rac1ve SEWJNG MACHINE r blf. bed 8272854 n .. u. I d ?52--7072. " compensation/benefit 2. Neat. honest an de · s· I most new pie rof tt t lS.. Continental up r1 ghl · Honda c.,,.,,.,, x nt con . package. call Mr. Boice pendable. ~er b ~0 494 7382 frames. metal or dbl & freeur SlSO comer bar -----S500 080. Also helmet. ~oaJ Secretary 67S-6'700. 3_ Work after school and ra ____ lung Call eves 962·8191 w 3 stoOls. si.So. 675-8518. 14' Sailboat Trailer G~ood s.'iO. 631-5195 ., Saturdays. Hot_point side by s1d --.------. --I rond1t1on SlSO. ----Newport Beach law firm RECEPTIO ... IST CALL TODA y ! refnlg/fn.r w /auto ic~ King.me ma P.le bdrm set. Front. throw lawi;imower. 675-6906 Motor HoMts, Sole~ needs civil ht sec'y " s:rT!i936orS3l5257 k 5400 8484730 7·~: Spanish bar & 2 refr1g 15' sw1mm1ng -----•--"j U-- 160 w/min. 3 yrs ex per. Must for prestigious salon. So· · M OPM ma er · · stOols & lrg Med it . corree DOOi 3o aal hot water Dtngh> 9· fiberglass 2h -... ,_ -r have xlnl typing & SH. l'Tl!one who enjoys people 8A t~ 1 West 1 ~gh 0 use-G;;J tab~e. rrAll xln9308t rond . heater. Call aft 2pm. Sal. Suzuki mo tor. S800 -.,·~··22·~·1•••••••t •;;;•••• Sal. & benefits co m & can handle busy Rfng l'rsl/fr 22 ctr Ma...eo er 642· . or all week , eves· (714)855-6260_ /""""· ux.moo ome. mensurate w ex per. phones. Must be fashion ___ ~ can 64s ~42 aft ----. fl42..llS3. _ __ __ sips 6, self.cont. S295 wk Non·smkr. must have conscious. Oppty for ad Tete..k.... S 1 5pm Lounge ch~1r, blue. down --19 ft boat trailer. steel + l!>"lmi. 640·8585 Crontok. appearance. vanrement for right "'""'e aes __ · ___ --backrushionS9S • frame.lgwheels.humbs.------ No agencies pls. 851 ·2044. person. Richard Ouelette WORK Fl~M HQME RE F'R IG ERA TOR hk ~9933 Mnical bghlS. winch. good shape! RENT 26 rt motor homt> Salon 200 Newport Toprommiss1onpaidfor new, Frost Free, tw NEVER Us ED IMti-ftts 1013 m> m -964-3990 Slps8.(ullyloaded l.ealll S.Cretm-Y Center 'or .. N.B. p lime work. No pre· door. S1S5. 893-9060 Sola loveseat $300 glass ••••••••••••••••,••••••• ------645 8616 Lafl.in\-Hftis-Reeefit C~ ----ssure sales Commission -l dinette S22S, Qn bdrm Bundy clllnnet hke new Compass E.S_ Ritchie, 6" ----- probate exp er lECEPT/TYPIST paid daily. Call Mr. Kenmore Washer St25 s.;; Matt/box spring_s. w1Sumner mouthpiece. sphere, Hush mount, fOR RENT. 81 T10J(a •ecessary. Excellent DefinHe gfowth poten Baker· 8'2·8807-.Maytag Gas dryr SI3S single S80 full $90 ~n used I yr. $25()_ SS9·6386 lighted w/chrome rove aum motor home Sips ly\>ing and SH skills re tial, non smoker pre Mars:f.~ltn dshwsh 1130 n~1 · S-9pm Sl2S 673-1950 5-1>, generator. air. awn ~red. CaU Mrs Winslow (erred. Fountain Valley 117 2 ~ ----·-ing. 645-3009 or 962·9996 forappt. 837·1060 location. Call John or 20 TRAINEES . . 1 d --f -. Yellow nowered courh, 2 S P!et.-e Pearl Fiberglas !bot trailer. $125, for 14 · --- CaroJyn, 964·90!MI MHDB> SiJ?r~u~t~~: r r {3 sr~ ~el~!g12~r~~~n~br!. ~1 Drum Set. 964.2 boat. med. s11e wheels. Trciltn, Tra\ltt 9170 Umu:.u~Da c .... ·L18 ,.. k 673-0732 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ,.-_..... _,,..., ble/4 r hrs woodwor --The City of unt nglon Restaurant --------1 $150 642 30731 ·m Silver Streak Trlr. Z4 • Beach bas 1mmed. lm~clp/timeope.nlngs Westinghouse Rdrig · · vmsg. IHh,Power 9040 Fully equipped. $4100. emploament opplys for avail. C~r cooks & de· $1200 fl'Oltfree.22cu.fl.Sl'75 Bunk beds w /bunk ~~&IOIS •• .. ••••••••••••••••••• Callearlyam.536·3206 , -rl'1 •d lifeguard & llveidrivers. Cooks: l8 960-4637 b d t70 M"'tal .....--... 16' °"·nabout V Hull with --------..... ~ '·ol ( Drl ers21 oar s. , " •• .. ••'•••••••••••••••• nu , water safety instructors. "' r pre ·; , 'f · Washer.dryer 1125 ea storage s elves $35. <rfice furniture for sale 11 '58 35 HP Evinrude OB. 1979 31~~ ft .• Prowler fully For rurther In Co ca I =· ~f~~~vb~gabr~ ref.rig S22S dishwashe Shower dr like SJS. Chest diseounl pnces 641_0763 +shore mooring. ssoo or self·~lamed, xlnt rond. II I lit o,_,. C-.ty 2925 llarbor Hh'd CC>blA MESA 979.2500 WE PAY TOP DOLLAR FOR USlO CARS AUHMAGHOM 'qm\fa~~~'m~u COSTA MESA 549-4300 549.1457 WEIUY ClEANCARS AND TRUCKS COHHEU CHEVROLET 960-8884. to work eves. Accepting Sl00.646-5848 ol drwn 4 drwrs. 125 , · · beslolfer.67S-7474. Ste~ 6. 15500 080 applications datly an er Per~ to Start 64G-0073 Royal Typewriter, self· 832-__ _ Looking for part lif?~ Spm. Ask for Jean: Me & I Rapi1rAcrvancement lkydtt 1020 Perfect Beautyrest queen rorrectiilg, pd 1785. Ask· 40· Owens Tahitian, live· ~ .... HD senior citizen SO+ wit Ed's Plzz.a, l7lh & INoexper.nec. ••••••••••••••••••••••• set. Back Care 11 S200. ingS375 546-8392 aboard slip avail. Call Trciltn,Uffltf 9110 n1;" ~11.trr..r l\."1 ·•t-1\\H'-.\ 546-1200 experience in merrhan· '1'mtin c M IMoolbly Bonuses 5 Bikes for sale. S25 each. 87J.73ll . JUdy or Harvey . 642· ••••••••••••••••••••••• YOUR EXOTIC dislng produce. Call · · · IYoungPeoplePreC. 645·5036 Wal. finish desk SSO ttv.119am·5pm. Wlitylrlr.new·allmelal. &IRwlSHCARS SM-1186 . I tf 1-~555 "'-·· C II . It l Credenza 17S, exec chal • 10 b k S800 " · Retail sales he1p , ex· 1714 6 ., 1-.cw u s1ie f!la ress se SSO lamp table 120 .. x • ramp. r s, , -~~" ... CE ._.AM perienred, for French R.ampar RllXL( red ~;~een size set SIOO. ~t.68sl M.J'9.5 · 642-8915 ~ "' D""A",a r Country store in Fashion fitrome lm:,11{59~re 75(). • ure, defaln ab e. ex-Island. Full & part·time. TRAVEL AGENT·Mln 2 enew, 1 · 8' Walnut CQnCerenre Ta. J:~~;o, F1t!.ub7:::: .,_Sertict,P.+t r.r;:· f':': J~i1:~ ~~~: 644-80. ~:~~1::.1 f>:v er:: .. .., MClhrfak I025 ~~ •••••• !!.~! ~k (i11~~ JF5223Walnul de"°' 'W;der, outriggers, • Acceuones 9400 Newport Beach. Phone: 552·3052. 552-199S aft ••••••••••••••••••••••• Rdrif, icemaker$t50. TV with trailer. Will sell••••••••••••••••••••••• ' 3100W.Coasl Hwy 644·1526. 9·12, wkdays SJ.LES SPM. NOW 3f$/r:'f ctr 100. New crib 17S. (3) 6' glass display cases. balance of loan. N1!wport Beach only. !nterest fn art/dec'?rat· Re<lwoo(f 2x flec\ing New pr I amps S50 wrap counter & reg. C•ll 646·2843 ATT94TIOH 1142 9405 mg f~ll or part l1~. 4-3>' Ion . abo redw 499-5787evs. counter almost new . MG ---Unft m1ted osportun~. Seil ! Sell! Sell! Aod let Cen,lng''Lowest s>rir $1250.963·2611. OWMEIS Mart. H..ctwcn Part time help . Perfect for tile retired. Call Den· nis. 673-3533 Medical ~.Mon ay4·7P · clusifiedhelp.642·5678 guar. ·Jim or Ke J.wfty 8070 . . 1972 18 ft Sportsllner TONNEAlJCOVER ----anytime ,775-1491 •••••••••••••••••••••••27efiuuvefd1"1~s.36in~ rabind 140 HP Mere. FilSMG's,'7l·'81 Di• mo n d · I. 7 5 ct .. Se(ret°eria desk !..~side eq\ip~ ~J":~ing. Xlnl Never used. S'7S WANTED! Late n¥Jdel TQl•otas and Volvos . Call us TODAY !!' c-,.& Emerald cut. E .VSlJ Frt Sl2S: 1 steno chair cond ~. Maria63l·T197 lvemsg Em-.t 1030 USG SI a PP r a 1 s ea : 2 swivel chairs. $40: 932.0359 •• ;.-r.r.;;.-~•-•••••••••••• $34 .000: need cash. noor mats II ea, 1 4 ___ ..:...:__~---~1~~~~~~~~~J ,_.~lliij~aMlililll soomm /F8 mirror lens $13,900. Dys : 642·5640: drawer file rab S7S. llftTwil41.ui UTEBODYWORK" The Most b c1tin9 Peri Of Your IMW f'urchas~ Or L.as• Could Bt Mclaren BMW!! 11tfY Or Luu 11 OW Phone P!On! 1714) 522·5333 ~GECOUMTY'S OLDEST & Salt'!. Sen It! I 1·,1 111• lDr'.CAI\v'ER I015 l(J1CE · l~\ 1\\1 IMW DEMO SJ.LE 8igS3\ iOlfb '' SADDLHJ.Ck SMW 131°2040 495-4949 Late '79 7331\ low 1ni1,. new cond t lru •>Ul \~ swre lease ~1th '"" m terest rate Ca II \ nthor ... days 642·57~7 l'\ ~, ~ wlmds 631 6630 ~WMEO IMW's Maroon ,141o111 ·79320i Anlhcte. sn~ :\Zl'Jill "79320I Seo1a. loaded IMi:>.i'.\I 'Sl'~L Safan. st l'BSS /.C'ZllV~ SADDLEIACK IMW/SUIARU 28402Mafguentl' pi11.~ Mission V1eJo 1131 ;111111 j911 IMW UOI white. w brown 1ntcnot sunroof. ra bH'l l l'. AM IF'M !.ter~n l~I\ miles. xlnt <'ond1t11>ri Resume paymcnh S28 I 143 or 8Si !HJf ... offk•Altistc.t ~II lime, salary open. Send resume to P.O. Box 2132, Mission Viejo, Ca. •1. S17S. eves/wknds : 642-6421. 714·964·39905411·0148. F'ibttglassribTnr-rU.lser. l>ll!'l·up to~ oH your 91J8.9462. approx 100 hrs. large bOd)'shopest.536-9832 -----Emelllds, Rubies, Sap. R 101 Se I e cl r i r slate rooms. s hower. ---------1 s T A R T y o u R Dbires, Aquamarines & typewriltr, dual pitch, Value ll0,000, cash or , ~====--=~~ .... . .,...... 9720 ~10FFICE. some x-ray,lab.temporary Crom May lS ror approx 2 mo . -31Kl3 ·...Uta! Lfboratory front aftlce Manager In N. 8. DARKROOM TODAYl 0.roets at wholesale extra type styles It rib· finance $55,000. 646-6112. ALFAR()MEOPARTS Beseler 23Cll enlarger. pn~orbetonlow,t~F},,_omSS boas.M90.84M965 office714-629-S800 Al~tU to convert ·101 T111 n-uar e n I tr 1 i o .1. I ens~ s . to I-per s e . ....,.aaea, v• 1 UI safelijhl Ir mtera e1ec'. IBMtnewriter 1 to e oce , exc. trooic timer, virioua ..._..,,., 1071 tlntcoilc1iUoo. SlSs. loth, W 9060 plltons. $1.00. Dennis, Paid ="Ir every type o ......... J............. 851·130S ....................... ~U after Spm or forYour Car' Medical uperienct pre t9'r.t but not neceua~. llperien"' in billing lllht _bookkeeping. Xlnt benefits. salary com· me11ur1te with n · pwlentt. 549·$512. .:f!~m•a~:r,i~~b Amt!~ISM>lt 15'/J'DIMGHY . JOHMSOH&SOM rmre All in excellent 37rltY one aae-40 111 Na 1017 Fiberglused • with ·• vw Fastback front ~-...~JWY cooditloe. Will tell aa vtrt. ~M tOde tank, ....................... oan ... call 4M·l202. end. Ntw roton. ahockl. DJfarbOr Blvd' ~~~~ii;o;iiiiiii~~ pachae only. seoo. neverueect. •. Terma. OULLF1NCOCKAT00 auto trans, both $100. Qiat1Mesa 5405630 ~ 751·Mllrevea. '772-531kl With beauti(UI bleck so L 1 NG R 1 c1n 1 ss,i.~ -------Special F.d1t1on Use "'1t1lfl At/ service when placing vour ad ... a Oaitv Pilot ad number will appear in your classified ad . . . we take your messages 24 hours a day ... vou caU in at your convenience during office hours and get the responses to your ad ... this ~ervfce Js only $5 .00 week. For more Informa- tion ind to piece your ad call M2·S678. · ......... I IOIO wrouaht Iron c1ge, eq~pped. 3 sets sails, -------~mlum prices T""" AMi•~rsory IOl>mm VIYtlar lenses.••••••• .. •••••• • tm1toompact1. $l0each. UortiJaorClomest1c1 Beavurur car. Rc.-d and Nikltormat w/JSmm i-~• • 1 -• ...... orbealotter.M2-1'741 trlr.13100~• M., wheela, 4 lug. Fit ~tdforanyusedrar HOU SZZ:SorofCer.'7S-M31 Slmi~I.A~play &OrflM IHO "1tl>owneuter3B'Cutter. ta-•. in ditior. · black, one or onlt' f;tKt area· cuatom dHilD H••••H••••••••••••••• auto pilot, VHF, radio. ---------1 Sont•.1lna21h.4~~1 I rJ.: d~~' c.tl IOJI ...,. ''*' w/all acceu' ...._,.... c I ea D , $ • S • 0 0 0 Your car • (Ofllt'fllt art v.1l00 y ....................... S7IO.m.ti , Intl 1tsl'rltht-ir11d, 1w•u. 714.._., valuable 'ehit'I 1'70240Z. ~•Iver. AM fo'l\1 Ptr•len kitten , re tlu•oa excellenlcood. TI4-.c75e S!CURITY ia pricele111! 11 rtn.le. rec• 11aota. -~Zelitb JS" eolor tv, SUI. lillt Hif Sl250 or beat tlftlO Bot vetltcle aecurl =· ~1r292°~·2 l':~., · ~ MOllt!I, 980. Scb~an ~ 14'Mt•hrM2-l036 · 11 CaDri JS. loedtd for ty l)'lttm. "" In bOx, ''"' b•k.!.&. $75. vifl• . ~ ~ tl'fW, ll ...... rrom ca11ck lverao ~t.sun a.oz. auto. ne~ Dip It ~.l ..,~ Motor bike, dod1er, auto pilot. Ponclllle, rea. u.uo. um• brk1. xlnt con•• -................ U ."9-aut dill'ly. VH.F ' more. wW a«"ePl ll50 or bst :.'88t llo1rb11r Hhd I.ml ga 117!> S -• S 1 1 2 ., :fr. ~II • term• avail olr •• ('1,..t:i \l,•!\;i~03.10 1pn{'ll1r DAD e 1 · ~·a...__,_ "' " ia -~,. xlnt rond, 11r. weea P piet. *100. 11 ..-... ltJI. llNllenl coed ··------Sy AM~·,,. rau ma "> 1ur ofl ma It IS0.1 ..aen::'lradloft U.. IJSGD -USED I t 0 1\RUCLKS llll'U..i..1'11115. ntv. pn& MMOIZ l ol Clfta ,COlt. 2 JtaU.ti 4'14111 11t ll~u51BS7 -----'"---'--._l COIK'Mi I Htde In -- --~ ~~,. wtl L.opard W /tlteitr "12 SJO ~~ w.. Xl111 _.,...,.ma~· '"'-'~~ Num•r=111i•1 .. 1111._11 ~·.~JB~·:.m·.PM --1!!!' ..... ~.... '~'D 1ht1flpool ~'W1'ir1r • Hl1fllllffll\VACK .... p&\r" ~r ·u~z , dark cm • Alfi reidlo, AIC, 1.lnt coe . MtOt, tU0l$H• ""· M)'l la4172 ........ ....................... MIW .. $14,tlO HONDA liNl'&AMA -.w'Warner .... 700 t7Jl ....................... '11 Ferrari SOI GTSI. ll0-1323 days. IJ.42·9282 ews. ~eit.h. 9725 ....................... ·a Flat : 12uP Hadlback, &ood cond, new Urea . am /fm callette, low miles $2150. mtlll • n 11Ur -TE llllEIY. llST llDRS SAVE AT HONDA SANTA ANA ATLAS CHRYSl.a-PLYMOUTH ..,,. f>Oa T04M MllTMAlM. .. "' ,_ __ ,....,, 2929 Harbor Blvd .. Costa Mesa. Tel. 546-193-4. 3 blocks aouth of San Diego Freeway ott Hert>or Blvd. Complete 1 body shop. Sales. Service. Parts. Service Depl. open Monday thru Friday 7 30 AM. to 5:30 P.M. and 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. on Saturday. IEACH l~S ~ Dove Street. Newport Beach. Tel. 752·0900 Call us. we're the specialists '°' Alta Romeo. Peugeot. Saau & Maserat I • • THEODOREIOllMSFOID Modern aales. MNlce, parts, body, pelnt & ure depta. Competitive rates on lease & dally rentals. 2060 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa. 642-0010"' 5-40-a211. • JOHNSON Ii SOM UMCOLM MllCUIY 2e28 Harbor Blvd .. Costa Mesa. Tel. 540-5630. 57 Years ot friendly family seNlce -Orange County's oldest Ltn· coin-Mercury dealerahlp • SOUTH COAST DODGI 2888 H9'bor Blvd .. Costa Meea. Tel. 540-0330. RV MNioe epeciallats, custom van con.wralon.. MIWPOIT IMPObl 3100 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. Tel. 642-9405/540-17&4. The Ferrari Heedq~. f .... \ MATCH THE NUMBERS OM THE MAP WITH THE NUMBERS IN THE BOXES • MEWPOIT DATSUN 888 Dove Street. Newport Beach. Tel. 833-1300. At the •rlangle of Jamboree, MacArtllur & Bristol behind Vic- toria Station. Salu, Service, Leasing & Parts. Fleet dis- oounta to the public. • MAIERS CADILLAC 2600 Harbor Blvd .. Costa Mesa Tel. 54().9100. Orange County's Largest Cadillac deale< Sales. Service. Leas· ing . • DAVID J . PHILLIPS IUIQC.ftONTIAC·MA%DA Sales • Service • Leung 24888 Alicia Part<way Laguna Hiiis 837-2400 • CHICIC IVHSOH P'ORSCHE-AUDJ.YW 415 E. Coast Hwy., Newport Beach. 673-0900. The only dealership In Orange County with these three great !Tlllkes under one roofl , ALAM MAGHOM POMT'IAC-SUIARU 2A80 Harbor Blvd .. Costa Mesa. Tel. 54~. Sar ... a.vie.. Leellng. "Mr. Goodwrench." 0 HOUSI OP IWOITS MllC .. S•IZ ............. Lemlltt 1882 Manchester Blvd.. BueNI Park (on Santa Ana Freeway). Take Beach Btvd. offr9fnP -sharp rlgtrt on Manchffter. 1 OW. MER-CEDES (213 or 71 4) 137-23$3 • • IOI LOMGPIE PONTIAC 13600 Beach Blvd .. Westminster. Tel. 892-6651 . Orange County's oldest and largest Pontiac dealership Saras. Service. Parts • SAIL CHEVIOUT 900 South Coast Highway Laguna Beach "Cl!Hy'a pt It ti ... ..,_ y..I" SALES HOURS: Mon.-Frl. {\-7, Sat. ~5. Sun 10-4 494·1131 546-9967 COSTA MlSA DATSUM 2&45 Harbor Blvd .. Costa Me11. Tel. 5-4<>-6-410. Serving Orange County tor 16 years. 1 Mlle So. 405. SUNSET FORD. IMC. (Home of Willie tile Whale~ 5-440 Garden GroV9 Blvd., Westminster. Tel ~10. • • SAMTA AMADATSUM 2001 E. 17th StrMt, Sar\ta Ana. Tel. 558·7811 Your· Original Dedicated pataun Dealer. • MllACU MAZDA We'Ye moV9dl Our new location la 1425 Baker StrHt. co.ta Mesa. Tel. 5-45-33G4. Stop by & vlllt our brand new ehowroom and sM why "We're tile #1 Mazda dealer In South9rn C.llfomla. Sa,.., s.vic.. Parts and Leasing . • AMAHmMMAZDA .. cw,o.c: ............ •• '"8s-t..Le9C..." 801 S. Anaheim BIVd .• Anehelm 958-1820. Just o~rth of Santa Ana Frwy. on Anaheim 81Vd. C.11 us flrttl "WE ARE HARD TO RHO-BUT WORTH IT!" • SADOLllACI IMW~AIU 26402 M111g~9f'lte Pkwy., Al*V ~ t111t W. offer wttlt no bank or ..... company cwi: 1. ExP«tty awted, rnoec modem HtVloe & perts dept.: 2. One of IN Southland'• mott npertencec:t ..._ I IMllnQ 1tllff: 3 EllmlNtlon Of the middleman by t..ing demer direct. 831•2040 MltelOn V ___.. DGM LEASING, IMC. 730 W 19th St .. Costa Mesa 642-19+4 You're In tor a surprise at DGM Leasing. 0 COMMB.L CHlftOUT .2828 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa. Oi9f 20 yNrs MfYlng Orange County! Sales, IMalng, MrVlce. C.11 548·1200; epeclal pam line: 548-9400: body shop line; 7~ • lOY CAlVa IOU.S IOYCMMW 1540 JamborM Road, Newport Beach.~ a.Me, Setvloe, Parts And L ... lng. ·FOR ~··ftJRJHER INFOR~ATION, .OR TO BE PLACED N THIS~D, C()NTACT' ~OUR DAILY PILOJ.' REP. ' . MONDAV. MARCH 79 19H:1 OHANCit: COUN TY C ALI FOH N IA 25 CEN TS Space shuttle landing 'waved off' Anti-Onofre rally said big success An anti-nuclear rally Sunday at Doheny State Beach was de- clared a great success by rally organizers today. Sponsored by the Orange County-based Alliance for Sur~ vival, the rock concert and rally * * * Stea01 tube leak found at Onofre Inspection crews at the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Sta- tion have discovered three stream generator tubes whi~h are leaking small amounts of water. Spokesmen for Southern Cali- . fornia Edison Co. said the amount of leakage is well below safety limits and immediate re- pairs are not contemplated. The three leaking tubes are part of several thousand tubes in San Onofre's Unit 1 steam gene- rator which had to be repaired a year ago fo~owing discovery of heavy corros1on. The repair work cost nearly $70 million. Edison spokesman Dave Bar- ron said the new leaks were dis- covered during visual inspection of the tubes. Unit l is currently out of ope- ration for repair work until June. The planned shutd~wn. which began early this month, is to permit various repairs to the steam generator as well as new work on the turbine building. Barron said further inspection work will take place to make sure the tubes are not corroding again. were billed as a "Three Mile Island Anniversary Rally" aimed at shutting down the San Onofre nuclear plant, located about 10 miles away. The noon rally, which began under sunny skies and lasted until rain fell shortly after 4 p.m., was orderly and no arrests were reported, according to an Orange County Sheriff's Depart- ment spokeswoman. "People came because they didn't like the nuke plant being there," said Ellie Cohen a rally organizer. "We made a political dent into people's feelings on San Onofre. It was very s~ful." Ms. Cohen said the rally was intended to drum up support for the organization 's call to shut down San Onofre's Unit l reactor and for an independent audit of the safety of Unit 2, which rec- ently was approved for low- power testing. The rally was held on the third anniversary of the radiation leak that closed down Pennsylvania's Three Mile Island nuclear plant. Three Mile Island accident was the nation's worst commercial nuclear accident. Among speakers at the rally were featured musicians Graham Nash and Stephen Stills and ac- tor Robert Blake. Blake promised rally-goers that he would gladly join a blockade of the San Onofre plant similar to one several mondu aao at the Di.ablo Canyon plant ln San Luis Obispo county. Also addressing the crowd, which rally organizers said reach ed 16,000, were Anna Gyorgy, of Ralph Nader's Ctiti- cal Mass Energy Project, and Dr. Henry Vyner, co-director of the (See RALLY, Page At) AP Wl,..,tloto DISAPPOINTED -Not only was the blowing Mexico to watch the space shuttle landing, but sand an irritant to these folks, who arrived the crowning blow came when the landing was early at White Sands Missile Range in New postponed 24 hours. Reagan: Housing l<?P priority President prom ises guidelines to aid hom ebuyers WASHINGTON (AP) -Pre- sident Reagan, declaring that "housing is one of our highest social priorities," told a real es- tate group today that his admi- nistration will ease guidelines to help potential homebuyers qua- lify for FHA mortgages and take other measures to help the ailing industrv. Reagan made hia comments in a speech to the National Associa- tion of Healtors at the hotel where he was shot a year ago Tuesday. While the president asked rui. audience to support his economic program, he also announced a few measures to help them out. Reagan said: -The Labor Department is removing barriers to "free a flow of critically needed funds for housing from pension funds." He aaid more than $500 billion is invested by pet\Sion funds, but only 10 percent of that amount ls invested in mortaages. -He will eue guidelines "to R ealto rs as k e d to back economic program. expand the number of potential homebu yers for l'HA mortaa1e loans. This action will be of par- ticular benefit to those purchas- ing their first home -such as lower-<:ost condominiums -and will allow relatives to assist young peo p l(! in the down payment." • -He is taking action to enable real estate firms to be "free to establish subsidiaries to provide additional services, like title in- surance, which are necessary to complete the purchase of a home.'' -He will change the mort- • gage revenue bond program "to ... broaden our definitions of d.iscre11 ed areas," which he said "will make it possible for state . a1en cle1 to pr ovide mortgage funds for 50,000 more home buyers at lower oost." But the president made it clear he did not intend to bail out the in dustry, nor change his basic economic coune, even though he acknowledged the housing indu- stry was "in transition and crisis .. Consumers can't buy. Sellers can't sell and builders can't build." Rainy week due on Orange Coast ~ It looks like a week of rain gear will be in store for Orange Coast residents. Patchy showers and thunders- torms that began falling Sunday are expected to last through Fri- day due to a series of low - pressure systems tnoving down from the Gulf of Alaska, accor- ding to the National Weather Bureau. The forecast calls for increa- sing cloudiness with 80 percent chance of scatte~ showers and heavy thundentorms accompa- nied by hail along the Oranae Coast tonight, according to the weather bureau. pect winds of 15 to 2.5 mph at times. S unday's late afternoon rain scattered 10,000 people gathered at Doheny State Beach in Dana Point to protest the operation of San Onofre Nuclear Power Plant. And the rain fell steady and hard in spotty areas in southern parts of the county. It rained steadily in South Laguna while the sun was set- ting near Catalina Island. And this morning at 6:50 a rain squall brought white beads of hail to South Laguna while in down- town Laguna Beach the sun was shining. Kennedy site eyed Tuesday WHITE SANDS MISSILE RANGE, N.M . (AP) -Space shuttle Columbia, scheduled to return from its ambitious third test flight, was "waved off" to- day just 39 minutes before deor- bit as desert winds whipped the gypsum sands across Northrup Strif, 141 miles below. " think we ought to knock this off," John Young, comman- der of Flight 1, told Mission Control after taking a NASA jet aloft to test the skies. "OK, John, we copy and we concur." "Sorr y about that guys," Young said. Another attempt to bring the ship home was set for'l'uesday - and tentatively at Kennedy Space Center in Fl6rida. Ironi- cally, the weather was simply miserable there today and for the past 24 hours. Astronauts Jack R. Lousma and C. Gordon Fullerton, who were in no danger, were infor- med of the decision al 10:02 a.m., PST. They were to have landed at 11:27 a .m. on the gypsum {loor of New Mexico's Tularosa Basin. The shuttle, the Hrst craft to make runway landings, is the first American spacecraft held in space because of bad weather below. In bad weather, the old space capsules would simply shift descent paths and land in calmer seas elsewhere. (See SHUTl'LE, Page A2) Henry Fonda favored in Qscar race HOLLYWOOD (AP) -The most intriguing Oscar race in re- cent years reaches a climax to- night with "Reds" and "On Gol- den Pond" projected as the big winners. Broadcast of the 54th awards of the Academy of Motion Pic- ture Arts and Sciences will begin at 6 p.m. PST on Channel 7 from RELATED STORIES -A 7 ,85 the Los Angeles Music Center. Most polls and forecasters indi- cated the winner for best actor will be a man who won 't be there: Henry Fonda. The 76-year-old star, who has been nominated only twice be- fore -for "Grapes of Wrath" in 1940 and "12 Angry Men" in 1957 -will watch the ceremony at his Bel-Air home. He has been confined for months with heart problems. Jane Fonda will accept her father's Oscar if he wins for his role in "On Golden Pond." EAVESDROPPING ON SQUIRRE~? -No, the man in the field near Pacific Coast High- way and Fashion Island in Corona del Mar is D.etr Pffot fttloto by L" Perne Donald Olsinki of Huntington Beach. He's checking Pacific Telephone cable for rain da- mage. The chance of scattered show- ers from low pressure systems that have moved down from the Gulf of Alaska is 40 percent Tuesday. The long-range predic- tion calls for considerable clou- diness with scattered showers through Friday. Coastal residents can also ex- Huntlng'ton Beach, according to J . Sherman Denny, weather- man, had only a trace of rain this morning and Sunday night. But in Fullerton it hailed Sunday night, according to Emmett Franklin of the county flood control district. "Reds,'' the $30 million epic of radicalism in America and Rus- 11ia, is generally expecteci to score as best picture. The best indica- uon was Warren Beatty's award two weeks ago from the Direc- tors C..uild for his direction of "Reds." Only twice in 34 years have the Guild and Academy awards not coincided. The competition for best ac- tress is less predictable. 'fhe lea- ders are Meryl Streep for ''The (See OSCARS, Page At) r- WORLD Angry r esidents march ROSARITO BEACH, Mexi.co (AP) -_\ngry . residents say the Mexican government's expropriation of 8,000 acres of land -including the entire munici- pality of Rosarito Beach -is an attempt to tum the city into "another Acapulco or Cancun." NATION Ga s prices hit low SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -Gasoline p rices in Northern California and Nevada are the lowest in 14 months, the California State AutomobUe Allociation reported today. Politicians on take? Does Washington corrupt, or were poUtkiana al- ready on the take wh~m they arrived . in the aq>ltal. Page A6. STATE Oscar awards tonight The 54th annual Academy Awards will be tele- vised this evening at 6 on Channel 7. Where to spend weekend Looking for a place to stay for the weekend? Try the San Luis Rey Mission in Oceanside. Page A5. COUNTY . Martial arts learned lncreaatna numben of Cout rettdenta are lear· · n1nC the Japanae marUa1 art of aikido. P-ae Bl. LT INDEX At Your Service Erma Bombeck L .M. Boyd California Cavalcade Classified Comics Crossword 1 Death Notices F.ditorial Entertainment Horoecope A4 B2 A6 A5 B2 Cl,C3-6 B4 B4 C2 A6 B5 B2 SPORTS Intermission Ann Landers Movies National News Public Notices Sports Stock Markets Television Theaters Weather World News Close game predicted B5 B2 B5 A3 C2 B6-8 B3 A7 B5 A2 A3 CoKhel predict a cl~ one toniaht when North. Carollna meets Georgetown at 5 on Channel 2 for the NCAA buketball championship. Pap 86. ... .. ... • I . I ' HIF Orange Coelt DAILY PILOT/MOnday, M.,ch II, 1111 / ========::::::~~~----------r~------!.-- SHUTTLE WAVED OFF e e e ,. ; . :·vr· On Northrup Strip, In the houn before acheduled landing, ltrona wind• aot even stronger throuahout the morning. With aand 1wtrllnj across the runway and wlnch gusting above, Young first recommended a !lhlft In runways, then he aald forget It. "There ne about two mile1 visibility on runway 17. Runway 23 is covered up with sand. I think we ought to knock thl1 off," he said. I ,I :.·.!~ OSCARS TONIGHT ... . ' ~ .. ·• . French Lieutenant's Woman" ,.,. , and Dlaoe Keaton for "Reds." ?' • But the Academy voters might • · •. want another salute to a veteran, "/ .i • Katharine Hepburn. for "On 1"1,, >Golden Pond." If she did win, •:· • , she would set a re<:ord : no actor ;:· " or actress haB won four perfor- . · mance Oscars. Oscars was to present the Irving Thalberg award for consistent· high qaulity in production to a friend, t.rwrence Weingarten, in 1974. Beatty i.~ expected to be in the awjience. Among those not ap- pearing will be Robert Redford, who won for best direction for "Ordinary P eople" in last year's Oscars. Like her costar of "On Golden Pond," Miss Hepburn will not attend the Music Center extril- vaganza. She has been appearing Bar:bara. Stanwyck, ~h~ has , ... ; in a play, "West Side Waltz," but . been 111 with pneumonia, is ex- in any case she did not show up pee~ to be present to accept her 1 • on the 11 other occasions she was 8.pecial Osc~r for her d ls-li ,.•nominated as best actr~. tinguished. acting career . J ohn "'° Her only appearance at th~ Travolta will make the preeenta-tion. THE FROZEN CHOSEN -Tripods still vacant of ~ = two news photographers huddle against chill w~df i • effort, to keep warm early today while holdin their i~oan aw~ting return. of space shuttle Colwnbia.gNote s~b ns hold~ down tripod at right. ags Newport doctor held in burglary A 53-year-old man, claiming to department store aJlegedly car-~ a ~ewpo1 rt Behach. physician, ryin~wo suitcases filled with . ces urg ary Cl arges after po-m«e dise oollpe reoort. lice arrested him inside a closed Dr. erome Jablon, who told officers he lives in Eastbluff and has medical offices at 2345 E. Coast Highway, posted $10 000 bail Saturday and was releas'ect. He is to be arraigned on bur- glary charges this week. Police assert the man hid in- side Robinson's department store in Fashion Island, gathered merchandise and then tripped a silent alarm when attempting to leave the store. Officers reportedly were wai- ting outside the store when the man first stepped out with the suitcases. Police said he spotted the officers and ducked back into the store where he was appre-hended. The s uitcases, police said contained costume jewelry, wal: lets, a shirt, ties, a key chain and several lzod sweaters. Officers said the suitcases were also sto- len. . Dr. Jablon reportedly told of- ficers he had been accidentally locked inside the departmen t store. Station heist thwarted in Costa Mesa ·Singer Crosby. crashes car, • misses A scheduled reunion of the veteran rock trio Crosby, Stille and Nash failed to materialize Sunday whe n singer David Crosby was arrested on drug charges in C.O.ta Mesa, police re- port. , Officers said Crosby was ar· rested after he allegedly plowed hia rented Ford into a center di- vider in the southbound lanes of the. San Diego Freeway near the Harbor Boulevard offramp. Crosby reportedly was on his way to an anti-nuclear rally at Doheny State Beach where he was to join his former singing partners Stephen Stills and Gra-ham Nash. Califqmia Highway Patrol of- ficers said Crosby initially was arrested Sunday afternoon on suspicion of driving u nder the influence of drugs but that a subsequent search of h is car turned up a gun and substances they sald 'they believed to be druRs. Officers described the seized substances as a white powder and. a second as a brown residue. Police would not speculate what the substances were. Crosby was uninjured in the accident and was released on his own recognizance from Orange County Jail. The rock trio gained recogni- tion .after performing at the rock fesu,val Woodstock in the late 196°*and had several top-selling albums. In recent years the trio has appeared together infrequently but was scheduled to entertain at the Doheny rally. Stills and Nash performed at the rally. · * * From Page A1 RALLY. e * • Radiation Research Institute. Ms. Cohen said the Alliance for Survival began receiving tele- phone calls early this morning from people who wanted to vo- 'lunteer their services a8 a result of the rally. rally N.ABBEµ -Rock singer Da- v id Crosby w as arrest e d in Costa M esa a fte r a tralfic accident on his way to an anti-nuclear rally. HB man's slaying probed Arizona authorities plan to re- trace the route of a recently dis- charged sailor who disappeared during a trip from Huntington Beach to El Centro and was found stabbed to death near Gila Bend. The slain man, Jerome F.dward P ltchie Jr., 20, was discharged from the U.S. Navy on March 1 and left his Huntington Beach home March 6 to visit his father, according to Detective L . Jesser of the Maricopa County Sheriff's Department. A group of college students on a field trip in the desert found his body March 21 about 20 miles southeast of Gila Bend. The body was identified Saturday. "There are a lot of unanswered questions.'' Jesser said, concer- ning r'1h:hie's ill-fated trip. VIE TONIGHT -These ,five. three of whom have won before, will bid for the best actress > Oscar tonight. From left are triple winne r ryl Streep, "The French Lieutenant's Wo- man"; Diane K eaton , "Reds"; Susan Saran-' don, "Atlantic City," and Marsha Mason "Only When I Laugh." ' · I K~tharine Hepburn. "On Golden Pond"; Me- i ~\ ,__R_a_i_n_p_r_o~b-ab.....:..· J_e_~, A Costa Mesa gas station at- tendant fought off a rifle- carrymg would-be bandit early today only to be choked, slugged and left on the _ground by the gunman's woman companion police said. ' She said that if only 1 percent of those who attended Sunday somehow became involved in a~ti-nuclear activities the rally will have been a smashing suc-cess. The Alliance for Survival is about to begin a letter-writing campaign which calls into ques- tion S~n Onofre's emergency evacuation plan, Ms. Cohen said. He said Pltchie failed to call a close friend in Garden G rove before leaving, as he had promi- sed. Also, the discharged sailor's route to Anzona apparently took him through El Centro, but he failed to contact his father there, Jesser said. • r Daytime 1empera1ur11s should' . range from 52 to 62 In upper det-r-~r----------""P"P"~P"'IJl"'P ........ , C l ert• and 62 10 72 In lower ~s. OQS la Boeiers can expeci -terly winds between 15 and 25 knots with Contlderat>le cl oud1neu gusts 10 30 knots and choppy seas through Tuesday wllh periods ol wtth 2 10 4 root swells lncreulng to light showers Continued cool. 6 10 10 feet oYer oute< wlle<s. Highs 5.S lo 62 Lows 60 10 55 Wlnda t5 to 25 mph with ioea1,Y· ~ • atronger gustt In l111e •lternoon1 i emneratures Huntington-Newport 11ree tempe-T raturff range from • high of 82 10 •low of~. EINWt!efe, from Point Conoep. Albany lion to the Medcen border end AlbuQue out 60 miles Smalt craft edvllOr)I Amerlllo prevails with sou1hwes1 winds In-AtMvllle creeslng 15 10 25 knoll with Allente westerly gusts tonight end Tues-Atlante Cty dey. Weeterry sweifi 2 10 4 feet. Banlmore except we11 10 northwe11 awell Bifmlnghm over outer weters of 6 10 tO fM1 Bltmarcit Scettered lhowers tonight end • Boise Tuesday Botton Browna1111e US-· Buffalo • 0 S Ummary Charlatn SC Ch11l1tn WV Sli:let -re clear and tempera-j Charllle NC tur• cold over the Northe111 '<>:I Cheyenne day. while rain drenched much oll Chicago Florida. Ctnclnnau • More than 5 Inches of rain fell Clevetand over the weekend et We91 Palm COiumbus R"""'h Fla Fair 1klea atretche<I Dal-Ft WOf1h from the middle MIHllllppl Valley; Oen_. acron Iha Ohio Valley to Naw Dee Molnes England. Frost warnlnga were Detroit posted In Nor1h Carolin• and nor-Duluth tllern South Carollna. El Pao In the Wnt, 1 anowttOl'm moved Fairbank• through the Sierra and Cate8<1et Hartford Into the hleher etev1t1on1 of the Helena GrNt Buln. Shower• we<• acat-Honolulu tared over the SouthwHI and Houston Southam c.u1om11 lndnaplls The N1tlon1I Weather Service Jecbnvlta predicted more 1h~1 fOf Flo-1(-qty rld1 and aoutharn Taxaa. Rain, w vaoaa with anow In tile higher alevallooa, Utile Rock waa l oracaat from the Pacific LouleYtlla Coaat acroaa the Great Balin to ~ the northam Roell* Miami Cloudt .,,...,. 8llpec1ed av« Iha MllwilukM northern Plalna, with tunny lie.... Mpls.-St.P from the Gulf Cout 10 moet ol the N~ Soutl!wwt. New on.ans T91Tl9«atur• 11oun<1 Ille Miion New Yori! earl)' today ranged from 8 In LI-Nof'folk mHtone, Maine. to 71 In Key Okla Clty W•t. FIL Omaha Orlando California · ~ HI Lo Pep 32 18 69 44 46 37 50 19 53 42 44 32 44 25 60 48 43 35 57 35 .04 40 30 &4 54 .04 31 21 62 49 48 23 50 29 60 27 45 28 48 26 39 24 43 22 57 45 68 29 54 33 41 22 38 38 78 52 23 8 37 19 47 32 .47 80 73 .05 83 58 48 28 81 56 S5 24 72 20 53 39 50 29 55 40 78 72 1.45. .... 24 49 39 58 32 58 61 43 33 41 25 55 41 50 42 54 52 1.43 43 2e 80 59 Pltttburgh Ptlln<I, Me Pttand, Ore Reno Rlch!TIOl\d Salt Lake Seattle SI Louil St P·Tampa St Ste Marie SpoUnti TUC80n Tul .. W8'hlngtn Wichita 4t 20 30 17 53 38 42 23 48 25 56 38 50 33 49 31 82 60 37 28 54 31 79 52 58 45 47 39 48 ,41 CA&.#0..NIA Baker1tleld 85 47 .02 f •• M,ew,,cto, ... ... '" .. , Long eeacn 64 54 21 Monro111e 64 50 Ml Wilson 38 30 Newport Beach 64 SS OnllrlO 58 49 03 Palm Springs 78 51 10 Puadena 64 ., San Bernardino 56 50 78· San Joae 56 54 .30 08 Tahoe Valley 40 29 PAN AMERICAN Acapuklo 66 75 Berbado1 86 75 Bermuda 70 61 . 19 Bogoll 64 54 Curacao 86 77 Blylhe 78 Eureka 51 35 39 Gu11dal•J1ra 91 50 Guadeloupe 86 72 Freano 52 4 t .33 Klngllon 88 72 Lancal18' 54 35 02 Monrego Bay 70 LOI AAgMa 82 44 Marytvllle 55 43 Monterey 56 NMdlaa 78 Oekland 55 4 7 Puo AoblM 56 39 Red Bluff 57 41 Redwood cny 56 44 s.ctarnento 52 41 Selr\88 55 39 Sen Otego 56 51 Sen Frandaco 53 43 a.it•~ 58 39 Senta M.rtl 56 Stoeltton 57 Thlrmll 78 Ultllfl S5 Blntow 88 54 Big...., 51 28 Cltlllna 84 53 Mazatlan 86 81 Merida 97 70 Mexico City 81 57 21 catgary 01 Edmonton 19 Montreal 01 Ot18"'a 42 Aaglna 301 Toronto 41 Vancouv« 24 Winni~ CAHAOA 35 30 34 32 27 23 30 23 3>' 33 34 25 50 50 47 35 Extended ,forecast .8 .2 1.8 ' .3 SOUTHERN CA LIFORN IA COASTAL AND MOUNTAIN AREAS -Conelcletabla cloudl· naH l'Wllh ec1ttared 1howera at Chilly, wet, blu1tery wHthar ehould blanket Southern Cellfomla tl1tougtl TUeldey along with occ.- •lona l tllunder11orm1, hell and high wind• Pl'omt>llng trawl ed\11. eortM In mountalM llnd <1Mert1. Th• Natlon•I WHthlr Service bl1med • COHiii low prHaura l)'llem. SURF llmet and cnenc. of thunderlho-. . . . llPIRT were through Friday. Continued cool with hlgh1 In coutar area• 611 lo 85 111d lowt 42 to 52. In the "•· , • tow• 20 to 32. l •iliiilii.im----------mountain• high• H to 42 and Yemper11urH In Lo• Anoet91 llhoutd howt In Ille low eot TUM- day -end raech only N mld·60e .. beadlee. Cloudy .... wtl ~ viii _,wtwe with a 40 f*Olnl chlrlOe 04 lhowlnl. ~,.., = a, A~ Tide, a1111a NMli ,._ Jet'Y -w .... poor oe Mountalf! ., ... could gel a OOllt of lflOw ~ 4,000 ,_. wlltl rlllnl It lo-~llont The W•lllet a....,,...., ..... ...,. M'" llnO 10 .. """" --~ In lfle30llftd~ low91n .... 20a. Wlndl fUltlnO to <ti fl'IPfl 00\M lllO lllCll up deMJI Mndltorma. h • 40111 81. Newpoi1 W.... poor 58 TODAY 22nd 81. Nllwport 2-3 ..... poor 58 . Second IOw 11:32 p.m. u =::-.,._~ ~ ~ = : Second htvh Midnight 5.2 8lelo'I W ..... -poor 5t TUHOAY ~ W ..... poor 118 Flftl low 7:27 Lm. 0 1 8lrl ~ Pter 1 '°°' poor 58 Fll"ll lllQll 2' 15 p.m. 3.0 r........., leconcf" tow 8·14 p.m. u (T..-"-> 1 root poor 58 811n ••t• 1od1y at 8.11 p.m .. t~a TIOU: HIOll 2:18 p.m. Low 7:a7 a.m. lwl ow.c-· "* Tueedey at 11·43 a.m. 11on w.-. Moon Mll 11 11.10 p.m. today. t1eel TlllllMy It t:.42 LnL Officers said the man and woman pulled into Fast Sav Gas. 1740 Newport Blvd .. at 4 a.m. in ~ old car. The man, police said, Jumped out of the car carrying a rifle and approached attendant Dan Cardenas. The attendant, police said, g~abbed the rifle and struggled with the gunman. While the two fought, officers said the woman ran up and started choking and hitting Cardenas. Police said the man and wom- an team got back in the car and sped off empty-handed. They to?k the rifle with them, police said. Laguna crash kills cyclist A 22-year-old Garden Grove man was killed on Laguna Ca- nyon Road early Sunday when he lost control of his motorcycle and struck a power pole. David Lee Wright was appa- rently headed toward Laguna just a fter midnight whe n he skidded across three lanes neal' the big bend and hit the pole. Laguna Beach police reported that he was pronounced dead at the scene. There w ere no wit- nesses to the accident. Jobless rate • Ill to county up 6.1 percent Increasing effects o f the national economic recession on Orange County is evident in un- employment figures released by the state Employment Develop- ment Department. The unemployment r ate du- ring February was 6.1 percent, compared to 6 p ercent during January. The rate in February 1981 was 4.4 percem .. Figures showed that 72,200 people in Orange County were out of work, up 1,400 from Ja- nuary and 20,600 Crom the same month in 1980. Alta Yetter, an EDD resear- cher said "more of the same'' is expected this month and in the next few months. She said many firms have plans for layoffs during the se- cond quarter beginning April l. Offsetting some of those layoffs will be some increases in hiring in the services and trade sectors. Medical examiners have de- termined Pitchie was dead for four days to a week before he was found, leaving an unexplai- ned time gap between his de- parture from Huntington Beach and his death. Jesser said Pitchie "had a habit of picking up hitchhikers," and o!ficers speculate he might have been killed by one or more peo- ple he picked up. He said offi~.rs are continuing their search for the 196? brown Ford Econoline van Pitchie was driving, along with the 1971 black Suzuki motorcycle he was hauling inside the van. Leaper death said suicide Fountain Valley police said to- day there is no indication of foul play In the death o f an 81 -year-old Huntington Beach man whose body was Cound Fri- day beneath the Ward S treet overpass on the San Diego Free- way. The dead man was identified as Masaji (Martin) Kawai. "His death is being handled as a suicide," a police spokesm an said. Rains flood Florida city Freezt: in Dix ieland threatens fruit orchards By Tile AHOClated l>reH Thunderatonns 1oo9ed '/inches of rain on West Palm Beach, Fla., today. cJosing schools and forcing the evacuation o f 200 mobile homes, while another freeze hit the orchard.a of the Caroll.nu and heavy snow fell in the West. Temperatures dipped near zero in Maine and readings in the 20. were poste d as far south a s Kentucky and North Carolina, where a weekend freeze caused eevere damage to the apple and peach cropa. It wu 19 degrees in Roanoke, Va., breaking a record for the date of 26 1et in 1959. Snow fell llCl"OIS the Sierra 'and the plateau region, oominl down at the rate of an inch an flour In Aha, Utah, eHt of Sah Lake City. 1n Idaho, 3 lnchet of wet• snow fell at Grangeville, With ~ • inches measured at Strevell' and Malad. In Florida, two tornadoes touched down near Lake Worth and Boynton Beach, but there was no signifJcant ~perty da- mage, accOc'ding to Sfrt. Thomu Euton of \he Palm Beach County sheriff's department. Water 2 feet d eep washed through the Waterview Trailer Court in We11t Palm Beach, some road• and int.enledions weie flooded in the city and there were scattered power outages, authoritiei said. ~araaota, 11·1a. got a lncbes of rain and Tampa measured 2 in- ches. T«"mperaturea again plunged below freedni ln the apple ll'O'" wing region of western North Carolina, with Athevllle repor· tina a l"ffiClinil of 19. Sut ..,tcufture offtda1t Mid lt • will take a week or two to assess damage to North Carolina's mult\milllon-dollar apple and peach Cf'O}!S· ''There s no question that we'· ve had aome apele mm.ge, but I don't think we ve been comple- tely wiped out," said Grover Westmoreland, chairman of the Henderson Cout ty Agriculture Extension Servioo. "It will be at least two w eeka before we know." The lut 100 percent apple kill in North Carolina, the nation's 1eventh lar19t producer, wu in 1955 when a cold snap came on the heels of an unuaually warm late winter aealOn, similar to conditiotw thil yeer. ln 1980, North Carollna had apple aalu totallna more than $24 million. t&aur~• for 1981 wen not availa~. i I WASHE D UP -Two firemen ,Yiew the wreckage of a 50-foot Haitian sailboat as it sitll on the surf-blasted beach in Highland Beach , Fla. The boat capsized early t his morning, killing two Haitians. Six others survived and two Haitians are still missing. Stalled passenger train hit . . by locomotive; 26 pe~ple hurt BRISTOL, Pa. (AP) -A oassenger train, stalled about 24 miles from its destination. was struck today by a locomotive sent to its aid, and 26 people were injured, officials said. Three of the injured were admitted to Bucks County hospitals in satis- factory condition while the others were treated for cuts and bruises and released, authorities said. . WASHINGTON (AP) -Presi- dent Reagan's spokesman said today the president was pleased with the conduct of the election Sunday in El Salvador and that the administration was conti- nuing to assess the results. De- puty White House press secre- tary Larry Speakes said the ad- ministration had monitored the election through the U.S. Em- bassy in San Salvador, and that Reagan had been briefed today and Sunday by William Clark, the White House national secu- rity adviser. HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) - Customers should stop paying their electric bills unless promi- sed that none of the money will go for the cleanup of Three Mile Island, protesters urged on the third anniversary of the nation'• worst commercial nuclear acci- dent. A chilled, sparse crowd marked the anniversary Sunday, watching utility bills crumple in flames in a charcoa.l grill on the state Capitol steps. WASHINGTON (AP) -Presi- dent Reagan will hold his first prime-time news conference at 5 p.m. PST on Wednesday, deputy press secretary Larry Speakes announced today. It will be the president's ninth news conferen- ce. Speakes said there was no special reason for holding this one in the evening, except that Reagan had not done it before. WASHINGTON (AP) -Sen. Alan Cranston, D-Calif., said Sunday more than 3 billion peo- ol e, about 80 percent of the world's population, could be killed in an all-out nuclear war· between the United States and the Soviet Union. Cranston, the second ranking Democrat in the Senate, also said the war would not only kill all the people who. live in the Northern Hemisphere, but that millions more living be- low the equator in the Southern Hemisphere would probably die from the eUects of fallout. ~ENO, Nev. (AP) -A former schoolteacher who was convicted of ruruilng down 29 people with her cat, killing six of them, bas become the first woman sentenc- ed to die in Nevada since 1890. Priscilla Ford was sentenced to the gas chamber Sunday for the Thanksgiving Day 1980 deaths. She is the only woman on Ne- vada's death row, where 11 male inmates await execution. GAINESVILLE, F la. (AP) - A defense lawyer's plan to force a jury trial for a 6-year-old girl accused of hitting a schoolmate with a stick has fallen apart be- cause the prosecutor doesn't want to argue the case in adult court. "Either they take this thing back to juvenile court . . . for arbitration or I'll di.!llmias It," Stale Attorney Eugene Whit- worth said Sunday, adding that "the best interests of the child became forgotten." Dinner honors chief Justice Rose Bird feted on fifth anniversary on Supreme Court BEVERLY HILLS (AP) -Fir! Department Capt. Bill Put-concern that if we get more Cali~ornia Supreme. ~urt. Chief nam said. The Fullerton y01.~th heavy rair_is "· · we ~y l~ ~ Justice Rose Bird didn t directly was camping and biking with the matenal ~to .the n~er, said address a recall drive against her, two hometown companions, Da-Dave Clark, district e~eer for but told guests at a dinner in her vid Marshall, 15, and Jerry the state ~~alt~ Services De- honor that independent courts Hallbrook. 14, when he plunged partmen~. We re going to be aren't influenced by the "strident from the cliff at Seal Point about monitoring every ~our at a voices of the moment." 10:15 a.m. Sunday. Los Angeles number of key locations along "An independent judiciary is a County lifeguard Lt. Steve •the river." symbol of even-handed justice Wagner said Perrone apparently that wears a blindfold -one suffered head injuries and brui- that doesn't confuse a siren song ses. or a harangue with the true voice of the people," Ms. Bird said (lt LOS ANGELES (AP) -Cen- tral California's scenic coastline could be damaged if a major oil spill started in offshore areas targeted by Interior Secretary James Watt for expanded oil and gas leasing, a recent report indi- cates. The report by Glenn R . Van Blaricom and Ronald J. Ja- meson, research wildlife biolo- gists with the U .S . Fish and Wildlife Service, concentrated on a spill's possible effect on the sea otter population. the $75-a-plate tribute Sunday to her fifth anniversary as chief justice. • F R ESNO (AP) -Rep. Bob Dornan has won a lopsided vic- tory, 196 to 31, over Rep. Barry Goldwater Jr. for the U.S. Se- nate endorsement of the conser· vative California Republican AB- sembly. In balloting Sunday for CRA's endonement for governor, Lt. Gov. Mike Curb fell just one vote short of the required twoJ thirds majority over Attorney General George Deukmejian. Both Curb and Deulanejlan sup- porters claimed victory in the gubernatorial balloting, since Deukmejian wu conJJidered the underdog for CRA support. AVALON (AP) -Gregory Perrone, 13, was hoapitaliJJed in fair condition today aft.el' falling of' a 150-foot oce8Jllllde cliff on Santa Catalina Island, Avalon SAN DIEGO (AP) -Police were investigating whether a 9-year-old girl abducted near her home may be the ninth victim of the ao-<:al.led "Lost Dog Raplst," who has attacked at least eight girls in Loa Angeles and Orange counties. The man typically lures his victims, ages 6 to 12, by as- king their help in locating a lost dog. Jennifer Balaama wu found about 8:25 a.m. Sunday, wande- ring the grounds of a Presbyte- rian church in the San Carlos area of eutern San Diego. She was kidnaped about 6 p.m. Sat- urday from Carllbad, about 20 miles north of San Diego. UUAB fAP) -About 250,000 people continued without nonna1 water terVice today after ~vy rain destroyed a dike in a wtch, releellna ~ of pllona of toxic formaldeh yde into the Buman Rlver in the .cond ma- jor chemical ~ there in recent days. "There a a J(l'eat deal of KINGSBURG (AP) -A tor- nado touched down ln aouthem Fresno County. damaging a shed, house trailer and the roof of a home. However, no injuries were reported. Sheriff'• deputies re- ported that the tWiater s\l'Uek the Gessner property oo Ellt Kamm Avenue near Kingsburl between 7 p.m. and 8 p.m. sunaay night. A mobile home waa shoved about 50 yards and overtu.rneO, and a shed was damaged when it wae pushed 100 feet, deputies were told. ........ ~.., ............ We're LIStenlng ••• . . , What do you like' about the Daily Pilot! What don't you like? Call the number below and your message will be recorded, transcribed and delivered lO the appropriate editor. The same 24-hour an1werin1 aervl~ may be used lo record let· ters to the editor on any topic. MaiU>o. contrlbuton muat Include their name and telephone number for vertflcaUon. No circul•tlon calla. pleue. Tell ua what's on your mind. ' , Ot.nge CoMt DAILY PtLOT/Mond-. M•ch 29, 1982 l./F Al I ~~!~!s~gf ~1~u?r!1:. 6:~~cee~s SAN SALVADOllJ E l Salva .. r ma task torce off &uth Korea'• and Saturday before movinl into (AP) -Prelldent Jme Napoleon eut cout, lt WU reported today. the South China Sea. :buarw'1 modetaie ChriltJan De-The U.S. 1hip1 ~ tak.ina part ln I mocnta Md rich= partiel in amphlblou. landlnai maneuvers, eerly elecdon today after part of "Team Spirit '82," the hundreds of of Salva-annual U.S.-South Korean jolnt LONDON (AP) -A teen-apr dorana voted despite widespread military exerclte. with a kitchen knife slashed two \ leftilt rebel ati.cJa. At leut 60 paintlnaa worth "milliona of people were reported killed aa ~ pounds',. in London'• Na'.lonal security forces fought guerrilla.a Gallery, gallery spokesmen -1d. attempting to d1srupt the votinai MANILA, Ulpplnea (AP) -The paintings are "The Sun Ri- Sunday for a oonatituent uaem-'fypnoon Nelson killed at least 38 sing Through Vapor" by Brl- bly to write a new constitution people and left more than 83,000 tain'a great landscape artilt Jo.- and name an interim government people homeless In a powerful aeph Mallord Wllliam Turner, to replace the U .S .-backed weekend thrust across the cen-and "The Mill" by Claude Lor- civilian-military junta. tral and southern Philippines, rain, the 17th century French officials said 'today. Most of the painter. "They have not been WASHINGTON (AP~-Du-ring the Berlin crts1s of 59, the Elaenhower adminl.ttra on was prepared to "hold Berl at all costs," ev~n if it mea t using nuclear weapoM, previously se- cret Senate testimony diaclosed. Transcripts released by the Se- nate Foreign ·Relations Commit- tee also show that Christian Herter, then acting secretary of state, believed that any war over Berlin "would have to" involve nuclear weapons. RABAT, Moro~co (AP) -It was classic Richard M. Nixon: beaming, arms spread wide above h is head and hollering . "hasta luego!" to enthusiastic crowds during a week-long visit to Morocco. Murmurs of "That's Nixon" spread quickly through every town he viSiied: &me 75,-000 people gatnerea outs1ae tne 69-year-old former president's hotel in Marrakech and security people had to call the governor for help. For four days in Mar- rakech, Nixon plunged into exci- ted crowds to hold babies and squeeze the palms of people who told him in a dozen languages: "You should still be president." JERUSALEM (AP) -Eight Arab mayors pledged to boycott Israel's civil administration on the West Bank of the Jordan River and the Gau Strip as Is- raeli gunfire wounded three Pa- leat.inif.n ,temonstratora in the 10th day of violence in the occu- pied territory. The shooting erupted Sunday between Israeli troops and Arab protesters in Jenin, 40 miles north of Jerusa- lem. • SEOUL, South Korea (AP) - Soviet intelligence-gathering ships and reconnaissance planes are shadowing the U.S . aircraft carrier Midway ~i:1 other vessels deaths were blamed on high destroyed but they "1'e distres· waves and flooding generated by singly damaged. After a lot of the storm. The storm, packing patience they can be restored,'' 113 mph winds, slammed across gallery director Sir Michael Le- eiggt Philippine provinces Friday vey said. .,..,...... WELCOMED -Italian President Sandro P ertini is greeted during a visit to the Sebastiani winery in Sonoma. The pre- sident had lunch in this small town in the heart of California's wine country before flying to Chicago today. ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Thomas P Haley p~ •"CS C.-...-i (•K..,t•ttP Off•C•' Robert N Weed ,.,__. Thomas A Murph1ne EOol<>' L. Kay Schultz vaP1..oe"' _.,., Ou'ectOf o• Oorr11 on• Michael P Harvey ~·"9 0.tKtOI Kenneth N Goddard Jr Charles H Loos Cla11lfled advertising 714/642·567' All other department• 642 ... 321 MAIN OFFICE Pl WHI B.ly SI., C0&I• M4PMI, CA M•ll edd,...s Boa IMO, COSI• M<tM, CA '1..,. COPyrloM ,.., Or-co .. 1 PIA>!lst"no ~' Ho news stories. llh1S1r•llon•. edllO<"ial maller °" - ver11Setne<'h IWreln mey be reproctuc.d wit"""' spec1•1 permluion of cooyrf11lll owner Second ct .. , PGSI-iw•d •I Cos I• Meu , c.tlfon>I• (UPS 14'-4001 S..C..Croptton by <•rrier \-' 15 "*lflllY by m•1I S6 SO "-lflly TIW Or ... Cc»st Daily PllOI, •1111 wfl~h Is com- bined the -Pr11$s, ts pUbllsheCI by the Or- CoHI Put>tlsl\lno com-,. See>e•••• edi11ons e<• pul>lllhecl MondeV l"rougt> Frid•Y for C..U -. H.-.oon a..m, Hunll11Q10fl e .. cfl, Founteln Veli.y, lrvl"•· L~ BHCll, Souln COAll A,,.._ rwQionel edi11on •~ P<All•-Sarurd•Y• -s..ncs.~. TIM prlnc1p•l l>UC>llsflor>o Pl•nl h •I 330 w .. 1 a.., Slrwl, P 0 Bo• tleO, Co.I• MHA. C•lllornl• ~ VOL. 75, No. 88 our w,ry own stroight 1aj cuf'f<Z.d ~nts .. NYSE COMPOSITE TRAN ACTION ouotarioe. •llCLl.IO• T•AOltO• , ....... Yoa• ....... ". 1'.Cll'IC, .... ~·-OlfllOIT AllO CIM(I•"•" noo aaC•&•OH UO .1,...flO l'f '"' •aH A"O INnt"lf "-'" Mtl '-'" ..... "''" .. ,. ~ Hfl "''"' Ifft "''/;',1.·~ l'j1c~ .. ~~ .4 J-,c~ ci =:1.:: ·i· c1o .. ': i=:." '"'':''f~;"~': ] .. ~ ., ~ ~~~: ·~ ~~ e· .:·t ~:~ .t! ·1·} : lt~i·~ l ;~'r~' .. ct_~ !~: .r~ J~~i .·. ~~ E~i ai::~ 11 Jt.;·: r '. ' . .::~ ;t I. :; l~~ ~I ~a~ l:.e 1 I lt 111" , .. ·: ~ :!t: I I u 1~ [!i "'lo\ I. • ,.. u J .... . fj S I l Y, ,_J t J + , ~l ..J " ~ j' -,,l'J i Ml f.l....7. ~ , f7 ft'+":_.:. 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IO 31 iw.."" ~,,, •. ~' 21: ~~·"' 14 .. ~ ~~U:~\4t1Ji "''-~-~.: :~:: T.ax a1·d p1'11pointe . 8oelnD 1.411 UllO d ""--· or-a • 111 24"11 •• • ~·..... 45 ..._ 14t ....... ... 11 ,._,_ '-IOl.C I.to • " ~ ~ D'nS I.... . " lf\lt. . • ..... Al .. Jt1 u -14t • . ........ ...-... .• .....,. U5 • 212 ...._ \4t' ._.._ --1 ... ,._, Honwtt 1AD ' ,., ~· ~ llilU7 .. 1 21*..... 75 .. 1 nv.+ ,... WASHINGTON AP Th Re eorvw11.e, m n..._ l'i, ~ ·;:; 41,Q; :Dv.·;·~ -v 1.M • • 1414t-~ " P• 1 10 1.._ ..... ~tEG ~ •,J!! !:!!!• ~ ( ) -e a -eon-. . » > -"'' ~ flil1.llO .. • .v..1v. Hon.,. •.411 s 7 1~· "' .n.a ·· 1 ti ....... • .__ ..,.. ,,_"' gan ~inist ati d fe d ' •h ._,.,,. s tM 22 ........... f114.JO •• • ~· v. _._, ..1nt0 SJ ,.._.,. nJM • n ~· v, G.-S.Cll .. dD as _, r on, e n ing. e .... "1.11 .. > .......... ~ UD 1 2t1 nv.-14 ~ ""u .,. iw.-'" ,, .. ' 567 11 -"" l'Sl.G lllfZ.17 .. • i..-.. "" con tr versial tax-leasing program ... .!.f''·• .. 7 10 ··~· Qlllt p1 a.10 . dlllO ff"ll+ \It _,_ IMI • J 22 ..... *-IA 1 1e U\4 ..... ~~:::=.::,,_:;·~ t~r 1.-;; ig ~:;· · =iJP' t: :: ~ ~ ~ ~ =:f: 1_:: ., ?:= ~ = 1i~ : ~ t;:; ~ l"SEa,h':iO •• S111t+ ~ created last year to help spur the ettttM 1.1012 .as ~. "' a. 1... .. 4 ~ v. Ho1111 "uo. 1 ZM. ... • ---·" , > 1~ 111 PWo 11'1-• .. ~10 a-"' economy, says that most of the bene-lt'ltMflf 2 .• J SJ .. + 141 CM! .lol •• 1100" + l\o liellll ...... 25 •• IO 41 ........ .,_..tilt i 33 E.+ tll l'SEG !lftAa .. r:llf '1 + ~ fits are noi.., .... •-•'-e ln•--..led -"l.pl·-tlfltPt l.111t 4 ZI tll'it b.f'8r 2.a 14 2115 60 ... . Houlllt 1.16 4 12' 1' "". ... 10 1170 " l'l.llllldi .. IS t . ~ uoa "'1 UJ ICJIU • ..._ ~"" .10tt 1111 •M ..... c:ua.t u o 1 1S1 1)1111+ l4t 91.10 • w. ~ ~ ~ • ..... P11et60 tt ' • """· • ents -unprofitable com""""' M..cil u 11 , • 1M-Dia"! .ne , ,3 11 • -,...,., .. ' ""'• ~ I AO .. 1 11 •... ~11 ' s !\lo+ " . _.-es. = U• • 25 M • -._. -12 ' ~ ... · 1.1111 • M ,.~,. 1·,. ' '" .-.... "' The Treasury Department said that .. pfl.tS .. • • -.... 11· .• 14 .. 1~+ "' "'*""' i • 11 14 .... , ... s 4 • -.. 1All, 12S t1'Mt+ 14 d 1,i • 11 .._..,. , 17 11 :w--. ... ..,... A .. 4 1~-. ~ s u !"'"··· """'"" • 2" IM-141 urin.g the last five months of 1981 ::=."· J~ ~-~ " ·" t ~ 'J:"·~ =::h:: :,.: ~-~ f2A4 ::1iJ U:n• 1: ~11.0.~ J 2::;.·;t money-losing firms captu red 84.5 .,_ 1 5 tot ,._. '-'' 1"2 1"'+ """-•Mlhltl t:~ S:' 2 4*6 tj;:~ ~I.Ill 7 t1 ~I\ f th ' d tltVlllW u 11 11 " • ...._ l4ti W10 1~ 1 .. ~ $"2.JO . .i1 -14 .. .. t + l4t •·• '£ '""' ~ ... :..:.. percent o e progr.am s tax a van- 11ur:rar • • 1u ,,,.. v.1 ii 1 + " .•w ' • ~ ·•,. " • -" • • • IO\lt-.. t.•nea. Profitable com~es received ..,.. 1.1' • 1 1.-. • . • • • •• 2-• + "' ~ • !2 , -" ... • .. II + 14 -..,.,.. 1.• i tt ......... ,,. ·1 si ... iii ""* .. 1.,. , 14 -. .. " s 1 ......... .. ,,, 2 ~ i U:~·;• 14.2 percent, while mJ dlemen such as 9'1Nllll ... t 227 ~ ~' Ut 6 a 1 t " -1-4 t bl !!14..... la d b-L 1 3 .,.,.._, ·• ·; t s~"" a. , .,, 71 .. "' 1c 1• , .. 4 n ~·~... • ·I • • "'-'• "41 -..._. -wyers an '<Vf\.ers got . percent, =• .~ ' ~ f: ~ "~ ' • 1=..... I~"",,.., 1S: M;: i :11 l 1i ~: ~ :I~ 5 ~ t: offidala aald, •rln "1' 1 " ..... • :: ': 1; ;....:..:·-. •NACJ 2A" • 4M'I• ~ uo • ~ ~... ,, •.. :a is -_. Steel losses· ci·te 1 ..,... • » .... . ,.,.. • • ""'• 14 '""'" ,,.. .. • IM• "' i ': .... . "' • . a ~ "' a -c.-c -"l'1e 6 U 11-.-" IVllll 1.10 St•~" 2A +Ii''-" l.U .. It ..... ,, cat .... I• 7 It 11-...... !;II t • M _ ,,_ IV IMA •1 t St..,+I ...... 'Ii .. 14 ... ,! "'JM.. S IN+~ cas .,. , au -· '-....::. 2 ~ ~ 5f u.,-.. 1M• 111 llOIN . • " .. • A• 11 "'-..... WASun.tGTON (AP) -The US i . ~ & If-~ . .• ~ rt 10 , .. , , 1.11 S n ~-+ " -.C t I "9!1PW .Pl I .. I~ ~ O.U'I • ' • ~ -n a n.. ... sa 111 • + " Mrill-, '" • .. ......, .. '" .Ai.-14t ateel lnduatry loet $6715 million In "" IO "".:... • .. H • ~·~ 1ri,... tA '1 ""• '-.... i. j; ..... ,_.. ..... * 25 --befOl'e-tax profitJt durtng 1981 becau.o ~r 1t~l :i .ti ::~ uo 1 ,: ,r -;·tt lS:=;t. ii~ tf ~ ... : 5. ~Ii ff !!_~ of Imports f rom count ries where S!.,Nlll U1 t .: ~:: t.1' ~t Cl =~·~ l...o ~.! ~ l:• ':I flf ~·'-!I= \t steeJmakl~ is Atblklbecf by the WfJV• cw .& 1 £ I I !!!"-~ I .. :; ~ -~ ·:: --·I-J ... ·~·-eminent, ~ baa been told. I . ' , ~·: t.; .J! »+ ~ ·~ " William L . Hoppe of h'hlehem .. 1'.l '=1·E~ o.Jf]f;:; a;;,, a.~ .. ~·t 'JH~·~ ·=?=~'i~nf.!5 ~iL PH ., . ~--i s . ii a:ri !(~:. ttu &;-'-! !::.'W:i"•nlO•~lly dumped •• d I ' " .. ,,. . •• Gas price said going back up ~ LOS ANGELES (AP) -Enjoy lower gasoline pri~ t.rtaered by the tn~matJonal oil glut while you can, aay1 an Industry expert: They may .oon head back up . That's because governments are hungry for new . revenue such as oil import fees or higher aasollne excise taxes would generate, says oil Industry analyst Dan Lundberg. He predlcts in this week's "Lundberg Letter" that gas prices could plummet by as much as 19.05 cents a gallon by the end of a year as conseryation and a worldwide reoesaion crimp oil demand. Ford execs boosted DEARBORN, Mich. (AP)-Ford Motor Co. gave top executives raises of as much as 11.8 percent in 1981 despite posting a $1.06 billion loss for the year, accor- ding to a proxy statement. But top officials' salaries still were below levels of two and three years earlier, said the report. Ford's 106,000 hourly workers agreed to wage freezes, deferred cost-of-Living allowances and other concessions over the next 2 'h years in a contract sigl')ed March l between the automaker and the Un- ited Auto Workers union. School cuts viewed SACRAMENTO (AP) -Two business groups say the state could save billions of dollars and avoid new taxes by such measures as double sessions in kinder- gartens, $50 tuition at community colleges and elimi- nation of a medical program for the "working poor." The proposal by the California Taxpayers Asso- ciation , a nonprofit business-funded lobby. was en - dorsed by the state Chamber of Commerce in Its newsletter. ~ Oil leases eyed IMPERIAL (AP) -Over the objections of bird and fish enthusiasts. an advisory panel to the Bureau of Land Management has recommended that 138,000 acres of Salton Sea shoreline be leased for oil and gas exploration. . . The U.S. Geological Survey has esumated there 1s a 1 percent chance of finding commercial quantities of oil and gas under the 36-mile-long Salton Sea. Most of the drilling sites would be in Imperial County al- though the sea runs into Riverside County. Steel shift posed PITTSBURGH (AP) -United Steelworkers union members are being asked this week to exchange $35 million in deferred be n e fits for stock in Wheeling-Pittsburgh Steel Corp, The plan, aimed at averting further layoffs by the nation's eighth largest steelmaker, was worke~ out near Wheeling, W.Va., a!ter a month of negouauons. ''Under the proposed agreement our members will, in effect, make a long-term, low -interest invest- ment of about $35 million in our future." said Paul Rusen, president of USW District 23 St~te oil flowing SACRAMENTO (AP) -California's producuon of crude oil is averaging about a million barrels per day, close to the state's record output of two decades ago, a top state engineering official has reported. The steadily increasing output is paralleled by a surge in natural gas production, said Bob Reid, a senior engineer for the state Division of Oil and Gas. . . During 1981 , gas output rose to well over a billion cubic feet per day, nearly 75 billion cubic feet per year more than 1980. Most of the gas comes from Northern California fields. Receivership due ? LOS ANGELES (AP) -After state officials es- timated more than $4.5 million in trust funds cannot be accounted for. a Woodland Hills mortgage loan firm .· has been ordered to show cause why it should not be put under court receivership. Tarzana Equities Inc. and three individuals - Ardythe Laverne Raphael, Bertram Mazur and Ar· lene Zwemke -were the target of a civil action filed by the state Deparunent of Real Estate. It alleges they broke the law co-mingling and converting funds received from investors in second- trust deeds. Gold, metals quotations Gold By The Associated Press ked. Selected world gold prices today: London: morning fixing $319.50, off $2.75. London: alternoon fixing $318.50, off $3.75 Paris: $326.62, off $5.95. Frankfurt. $320.63, off $3.11. Zorich: Late fixing $317.00, off $4.00 bid; $321.00 as- Handy & Harman: only daily quote $318.50, off $3.75. Engelbard: Only daily quote $318.50, off $3.75. Engelhard: only daily quote fabricated $334.43, off $3.93. STARTING A NEW1 8U91NESS? • Acc:onlng to Cellfajnl• BualnHs end Prof .. elons' Code (S.C:. 17900 to Ut30) all per1ona doing bualn•H under a ftctttloua name mwt ftle a atatement wfth the County Clerk and ha• It pubflahed four llnte• In • ne.t•p8P9f Mrvlng th• •,.a In which the bu .. neaa It loc•tod. T,.. ,.. .. rM('t la requited by l•w •nd la ""9 ... f'y. In protecting your bualneH n•rne. !Mo• bank9 requite proof of flllnt to of»~I' commerol•I ICCOUntl. ' I • The 'fAIL Y "PILOT .provldea bOth ·1lllng •nd publldtlof\ MfVtcM. We ~we 111 lh• nee••''' fonM end ~•lnteln e 'dfatt; ..,._ to 1M 0.-. : I ~unty ~. lllher...,.,-. 6&.our 90ftftnlent omc.1 or piNM IM .LtGAL DIPARTMINT MMn'I, bt. : au tor men ""°""""°" 1nd tonne. .~ I ,. Harlequin marks fifth year av TOM mus Of"' ........... 'Tie th t>llOn of festivity at. the Harlequin pinn •r l>l1yhou1t as ~rbara and Al Hampton pr•por to puff out five candlH on the plush th ut 1 '1 b1rthdoy c•ke. The-Hamptons' dr am, delayed nearly three y ,.. by construct.ion atrlke1 and Iola of finand= ln I.he nuddl 1970., flruill ma~riallzed ln A of 1977 when the doors ol 3603 S. Harbor vd.. a Oscar not always ticket to f aIDe By 808 THOMAS A•toel•Md ..,._ .. Wrllef HOLLi'WOOD -What is an Oscar worth? The pnce the Dodge Trophy and Awards Co. chargt.>5 for the statueu.es I.he Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences will hand out tonight is a secret, but Hollywood legend has it that winning an Oscar can brmg actors and movie companies mil- lions of dollars. 1111111n111 atone'• throw from Costa Mesa, opened wlth a produdJon of the comedy "Forty Ca.rat.a." That wa1 five years and 36 1how1 •so. and thet'e hun't been a dark week since as \he Harle- quin trotted out Us menu of comedlee and muaicals u the demert coune for a buffet repast. Among ltl more memorable productions bave been "Pajama Game" (1978), "The Wlz'' and "Paint Your Wagon" (1981) and the superlative staging of "Grease" (1980). Now, in celebration of its fifth anniversary, the Harlequin is reviving the show that started it all, ''Forty Carats." The Jay Presson Allen comedy! opens Tuesday and will be on the theater'• horse- shoe stage through May 8 under the direction of, Harvey Levine, who guided the playhouse artisti- cally through four of those five years. "Forty Carats'' will be presented nightly ex- cept Mondays at varyi.Og curtain times. Reserva lions and information are available at the box office, 979-551 l. Also mounting the local boards, opening Fri- day, is a revival of George S. Kaufman and Edna Ferber's golden oldie "The Royal Family," a co- medy about s howbiz folks patterned not too loosely The trap .. Mt ... for a wict.dly funny who't~ft. While the legend may be accurate for some companies, it's not always so for actors. Theater owners are apt to book and rebook the winning film. and viewers of the Oscar awards c.-eremony an, drawn to theaters by the hoopla arld by ftlm dtps of the winner, said Charles Powell, former publicity and advertising chief for MGM and Un1vt'rsal and now head of a film markeung firm. after I.he notorious Barrymores of I.he 1920s, by theL_..J..;:==::=:=;:::;:. __ ...!;:::=c::::::;:::::1;;;;;;;o;;;!... __ Newport Harbor Actors Theater. James Patrick O'Hannon is direcUng, assisted by Susan Kelly. "Thi• l.x·st-picture award can mean a minimum of $6 million but closer lo $10 million 1n ticket sales," said Powell. "That has been the experience ove1 the p.ist 10 yPars." "Wuuung best picture didn't help 'The Lost Weekend'." :.aid Btlly Wilder, who directed the 1945 furn "But in those days, once a picture was released, thc1t was 1t. Today the companies will bring batk an Oscar winner a nd make millions mon•" Sometinw~ the entire release pattern is built around thl' awards. Four years ago, Universal faced a prublem with "The Deer Hunter," an expensive. unn•llntmg treatment of the Vietnam war. The company dt~tdt'd to release the film in Los Angeles JUSt 111 llml to qualify for the awards. A few more bookings wt·re .tdded in February, with the broad relt•as<' S1:h1oduletl to <.'Omcide with the Oscars. The stratt·gy worked. "The Deer Hunter" was na1md bt ~t plllure of toe year, and a problem p1ctU1l' lx'l:;•mt a huge moneymaker The rent:als in tht-U111tt:d Slate:. .md Canada totaled $31 million, meaning 111ur1: than twice that amount poured through bo>. of£1cPs. Dl•LS Osl·ar have the same golde n touch for al'ttng awartl winners'! "It tl.'rlainly didn't help Luise Rainer, who won two y .. ars m a row and then dropped out of sight," Wilder Stod. "It certainl)'. dldn't help Ernest &11 gnme " And what about winners Louise Flet- rhN. M1yrn.h1 Umf'k1 and George Chakins? W1l11arn Morns agent Mike Zimring doubts th<:rt' 1s <.tn automatic Jump m prices for acting winrwn. "If an actor 1s a newcomer , then his asking prn.:c might nse," he said. "But the Oscar doesn't mean as mm·h to established stars. If Burt Reynolds wcr<· to win an award, what would that change? He <.:an ..ilready make $5 nullion for a picture deal." "lr1d1v1dual winners don't mean as much for a box offtt't' gross:· said Gordon Annstrong, adverti- :.1ng and pubht·1ty head at Uruversal. "What counts is tlil' best p1ctur<' award or multiple winners. Last year the Osc·ar for Sissy Spacek added little to the c~...il Mm£•r's Daughter' business. The picture had been rc.•lea.\t>d more than a year before, and it had alrt-ouy pl<1yed out" Armstrong 1!> hoping for a big wm Monday night for Umversal's "On Golden Pond." The film, wh.c h was playing in 972 theaters, added another 200 this Wt~ k It has grossed $70 million so far. "Tht· public doesn't really care about indivi- du<il Y.lnO( rs." Pnwell said. "Ask almost anyone, Who won the· supporting awards last year?' and I doubt 1f )ou'll g<'I an answer." !11 cas<· vnu don't remember, either. the win- ner:. \H·n.• rimolhy Hutton for "Ordinary People" and Mc.ry Stl.·<..nburgen for "Melvin and Howard." L1bbv Tucker hitchhiked from Brooklyn to ta.ke Hollywood by storm. And her father by surprise. \\\I !I I{\! \rl It \l "' \JAl<C.111 I I tl'I; \II \IA/\01 ti I A 111 J{lll1<11« '""I II M 'I II Slto,J<. l'>I"' 11 ll 'C .in lt1lll 'l'K It RI" r,.,.,,,," ,,, f'h\ ... 1,,,.t,, !»,\ 11 l \I "' " .. .. Mu r \!Alt\,' 11'\\U l'A II f~r,,tuc t-'\t bi\ tll Hiii II I 1i1 '~°' AnJ "I II '>1\14 l'lo; f •t'\.Uh"'. rrni•kt' R11c.1 U \I k\lllt..,111' °'"' .. nf""' h~ ,, ll '>l\I•" Included in the cast are Florence Ehlers. Eve- rett Olenick, Mitchell Nunn, Jim Flynn, Sorrel Wayne, Lisa Wilcox, Tony Reverdltto, Patricia Gilchrist, Jack Byron, Mary Sullivan, John Szura, George Bradford and Sheila Waterworth. Performances will be given Thursdays through Saturdays al 8 p.m. and Sundays at 2:30 for four weekends. closing April 26, at the Back Bay High School theater, 390 Monte Vista St., Costa Mesa. Reservations are being taken at 631-5110. * BACKSTAGE -The Newport Beach Parks, Beaches and Recreation Department will present its third production, the Fifties musical "Grease," at Newport's Lincoln School April 16-17-18, 23-24-25, 30-May 1. Peter Marc and Nancy Herman head the ! cast of the show, directed by Robert Conrad, and uckets can be ordered by calling 640-2271 . The regular meeting of the Orange County Theater Associauon will be held Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. at the Newport Theater Arts <::enter, 2501 Cllff Drive, Newport Beach .. plans will be formulated for the third annual OC'T A fE"Staval Casting has been announced for the Newport Theater Arts Center's upcoming comedy "See How They Run." to be presented Apnl 16-May 15 under the direction of Kent Johnson ... Tom Regan and Beth Titus head the cast, which includes Valerie Mcllroy, Richard Allen , Stanley Tudor. Alan Schreiber, Colin Guiver a nd Ned Kopit ... call . 675-3143 for ticket Information. Children from 8 to 17 are eligible to enroll m the spring session of South Coast Repertory's Young Conservatory which begins Saturday and runs through June 19 . youngsters will learn to read, select, rehearse and perform short plays . . . for more informatwn, call 957-2602 BASED ON A TRUE STORY. • • • m1sSl!lg. CMI• M.w•t1t-4Ul Use the Dally Pilot "Fui Result" service directory. Your service Is our 1peclalty. Call &42·5678 Ht. 322 Live Chicks See them hatch for Easter from our form incubator at the Huntington Center Mall daily thru Apr. 10. I ~o. FUN• Fcu ll!CITlMlHT• lttnt fh• fl•m•tY To Owr NEW '4il@lil*"*tt4Mli ,. With BoMOffce r= --:=::==i AICHA9'0 "'\'DA UVEC>ftnte SUNSET STiltP (A) 1•002:4 5 4 :306:15 1:00 t :4S MlchHI (;aln• OCA TH TlltAI' (PG) 12·40 2:55 !>:25 7 :55 10:10 I Sluy Spacek Ml.SSINQ (PO) 12:35 2 :50 5 :20 i:::===7=·=5=0 =1=0=:0=5=====> I Peter Ultlnow In EVtLUNOEA TttE 5Uft (PQ) 12:45 3:00 5 :30 <===='='=00::::::1=0·=·1='====~ A<:adern>IA~~ CHAAfOTS CW ...... (PQ) I 2:45 3: I 0 5:40 1:10 10:35 .Aad9mY A~ ,,..,.,.._ lilAIDClllS OP TIC LOST A9'K (PO) 1 :00 3 :15 5:30 7:45 t :U I" 70mm l ....... 0..1"15-114 ~,,P!" ~ Soul'td D.ect To y.,,.,.. C:. AMio or "°'1:atllt I ~oUS•ndENJOVI 1 -Willer M1th1u IOUGNTTO• , IN "CTUltUIPO) l'lu1 Nine To ~lwe(PO) Turor On The Hl1h S.ul 09'SAT WHITS (JO) Pl u 1 I Co· Hit 'Tll9 lllllnd ("> uouble Terrorl THS9SAST MTHIN jRI 6 O.ldly 8 euln9 (R) Jonn .. huhl In •lelteOIU ( Rl Mo dun PfMlema (f'G) Aftllur (PO} *BARGAIN MATINEES • Monday thru Saturday All Performance• before 5:00 PM (Except Speclll Eng1ge1111nta 1no Holidays, lA MlllAOA MAil M(rooo 01 to1ecron1 LA MIRADA WALK·IN 994·2400 I "EVIL UND£11 THE SUN" IPGI "A $'Tll)fNGEA IS WATCHING" IA) '·"'-• 11.1 ... 1111 .............. ,~ .. , .. ._.. ... , .. ,... "ATLANTIC CITY" 1!111 "RICHARD PAYOR UV£ OH TH£ SUNSET STRIP' 111> 11:11 1 .. kM.. • • " ,.. , ....... ._.. ........... "CHARIOTS CW FIRE"~ ,~.._.... .......... , .... LAKEWOOD CENTER WALl<·IN ....._ __ "OH OOl.OEH PONO" -, ........ ~···· ... LAKEWOOD CENTER SOUTH WAlK·IN Focutiv Al 0.1 Arno 213/6U·9211 "EVIL UNDER THE SUN" "' '",...·~········ 1.AGUNA '· M I.JI L-. •1" t ,. '-•.1•11 . ........,. ................. "ARTHUR" lPOI , ..... :ti, ........ . .. ,,.SSIHO"'"' tl:M.UI.~• ... , .. , .... nu...°"' ..... ,.,..,..,.. ,._.. 0., ... ,,... o;r.::::;:~"':---i=::".::" REOS -,,. ..... .,,. 'THE FRENCH LIEUTENANTS WOMAN' 11111 , .•. , .. "ATI..ANTIC CITY" 1"1 ............ ,......., ................ "aiAAIOTS 01" l"IAE"' -11.Jll.,l .. IM I •,._. so. COAST WALK·IN ioutr1 COOll Hlwoy 01 lrooowoy 494-1514 "RICHARD PAYOR Lii/£ ON THE SUNSET STIUP" 1111 'OU.TKTRAP" -__ ,__ ... , .... 1;1, t:• , ...... .,. •·• .,.,. 6 1 S '" ,. 6 :00 Sho-n SIMI II 6 0 IMPORTANT NOTICE' CHllORlN UNDER 12 fRH! "" ... •Of • .,_ 11.., I••• r.. S 30 • hr h• ""' •.OO r11 ~ ~HO. fOUR ... CAii MOii) rs !OUR Sl'{Ar([ll If "° '"' CAii l\ADtO WfTlj ICIH!TlGN .-ccuso•n l'OSITlON -..C "" 1'1)111-a.l 1 • .U Clllf..fl CllWMCS &10 Giii AM MDC ANAH!IM ANAHEIM DRIVE·IN Jteewoy 91 ot l emon SI 879·9850 A STRANGER IS WATCHING" 4111 -"OU.TH VALLEY" Jiil 1. "FOABIOOEN LESSONS" 1111 "DEATH WISH II" 1111 -2. "CAMPUS TEASEllS" 1111 3. "IOPHOMORf SENSATIONS" Clhl 11 SOUNO llUENA PAllK BUENA PARK ORIVE·IN llt"tCotrt Ave W•at of cnott 121·4070 ,· llU(NA PAllK LINCOLN DRIVE·IN l1nc:otn Av• ••ti Of IN>lf I 121·4070 1 11•11Mil\?NB1 Son Oi•oo 1..,., 01 _,,_,<So) "VICE SOUAO" 1111 "RICHARD PflYOA LIV[ OH THE SUNSET S'TfllP" I'll .... "THIN K DIRTY" 1~1 S''C*_A_..,_ ........... (11. L~·---ocn-1111 • "COC900, _, 11'•-flll "POAKY'S" "'' -"UP IN SMOKE" I'll I 962·24'1 Cl-! ,, $0UNO i .. ,. .:;;.~~;f ). "OH,.~~ND" -j 1. "FOABIOOEN U!SSONS" 1111 I ~ ..-v 2. "CA....US TEASERS" 1111 ! "STARTING OVER" !"I J. "SOPHOMORE SENSATIONS" ' Cl llf I I 50\lflO 'A STRANGER II WATCHING" Cl'll -"DEATH VALLEY" ,ii Clllt " SOUllO ,.., "'"'e~• LA HABRA DRIVE IN ,_.,, ...... -~-....... -171-1162 ()llllNGI ORANGE DlllVf·IN "flOMY'r'"' -"THI NIGHT n1R UQtfTI MNT OUT IN cmJRGIA" 1111 .... .... ... ......... MISSION D lllVf IN . •, .. · .... WARNER •L'IV! IN ~IN( "SOUllO __ _ "OUTltWllftW"' -''lltE BeAl'T WITHIN" "' Cdll ,,_ -''THINK DIRTY"' "' I.onto Ano ',..., a ••o•• Co11•0• 558·7022 -"THIQ Dtlln'Y'' 1111 ·-..----. "AllTHUlll" ... -"l'ftlVATI 81NJAMIN" 111t You '11 be glad you ca.mer ~rtL~ ''1 OUGHT1'0 M IN~I" ... MM.,11 ..... .,.. .. Rivals see eye-to-eye Coaches have common bond NEW ORLEANS (AP) - Five-foot-9 Dean Smith amiles when someone asks about his one-on-one batketball games with 6-foot-10 John Thompson at the 1976 Olympics. "It was no con test," says Smith, the North Carolina coach. "All he had to do was take me inside." • VIEW FROM THE TOP -This is a view from behind the top seats in the upper level of the giant Superdome in New Or- leans. Over 61,000 tickets have been sold for tonight's cham- AP Wk..,ewito pionship game, despite a warning by the NCAA that some seats are a long way from courtside. Smith will be put in a more awkward position tonight when his North Carolina team meets the Thompson-coached George- town club in the finals of the NCAA basketbaJl championship. SMITH R ECOMMENDED Thompson for the Georgetown job an 1972. McAdoo comes to the Lakers' rescue Reserve ce nter (30 points) ls offensive to Kansas City,· Jabbar plays in game No. 1000 KANSAS CITY (AP) -His l ,OOOth professional basketball game looked like it might be one to forget when Kareem Abdul-J®bar went out with his third foul seven minutes into the first quarter. But up jumped Bob McAdoo. And by the time Sunday's game was over, McAdoo scored a game-high 30 points, Abdul-Jabbar came back to help snuff out a late Kansas City rally, and the Lakers pocketed a 116-111 National Basketball Association victory over the Kings. It was McAdoo's first extensive duty since suffering a leg injury that shelved him for 10 games. The veteran power forward played 31 minutes, hitting 9 of 13 field goal attempts, 12 of 16 free throws, grabbing a team-high 10 re- bounds and committing only one turn- over. for. But with McAdoo and Jamaal Wilkes leading the charge, the Lakers, without Abdul-Jabbar, opened an eight-point lead midway through the first half. "They're killing us," exclaimed Kings' Coach Cotton Fitzsimmons at that point. "And without Abdul-Jabbar in there." · Both the victory and the way it was achieved pleased Los Angeles Coach Pat Riley. "Bob McAdoo had a fine performance off the bench today and that's what we're looking for from him," said Riley. "His conditioning is better and he just olaved a very fine ball game today. "W~'ve been usmg h1m mostly as.a re- bounder, but now we're starting to put plays in specifically for him, and we'll start to use him as our fifth offensive player." The Kings trailed by 12 points early in the fourth period, then put on a charge that brough.t them to within three. But Abdul-Jabbar broke the Laker drought with one of his famous sky hooks, then Earvin "Magic" Johnson fed McAdqo underneath for a layup that brol<e Kansas City's momentum. "That's one down and 11 t.o go," said ·the coach of the playoff-bound Lakers. "If we get that kind of effort for th~ last 11 games, we should do very well. We played consistent ball today." Getting Abdul-Jabbar out of the game in the first period with three fouls is about all any opposing coach can hoper "I think that our biggest problem to- day was that we couldn't stop them," said Fiwimmons. "T~e best team won. The difference in the game was McAdoo with 30 points and 10 rebounds. Area lands 13 All-star berths Edison, FY, M ater Dei dominate; Major left out By ROGER CARLSON 0( the Diiiy Ptlot ae.n Thirteen of the 31 -man squad for the South team in the Orange County All-star football game , hail from five Orange Coast area schools, as selected by Rebels Coach Bob Lester of El Modena High. The game, featuring many of the top players to be graduated from Orange County ranks, is sche- duled for June 28 at Orange Coast College. EDISON HIGH placed four players on the squad, as did El Modena -the most from any1 ci£R<>Ux school -while Fountain Valley and Mater Dei1 Edleon each contributed three players. DUMfTY Edleon Manna senC1S a pair and t.:orona del Mar w.as tapped for one -but the rest of the Orange Coast area -Estancia, Costa Mesa, Laguna Beach, . Huntington Beach, Ocean View, University and Irvine -was shut out. Most notable among the missing is Edison High quarterback Ken Major, an All-CIF Division I choice w.ho completed 136 of 214 passes for 1,823 yards and 28 TDs with only 4 interceptions while leading his teamm~tes to a 10-1 record. ., LESTER CHOSE Fountain Valley High quar- terback Matt Stevens to guide his team's backfield, and should the South require a backup, it'll be in ' the form of defensive back Ken Laszlo, Marina }i.igh's quarterback. Other Fountain Valley stars· include tight end ' MAY ,_...,. VelleJ Greg Bolin and wide receiver Joel Seay. Game rules limit three players per school, ex- cept for CIF finalists, which are allowed four players. Each coach has the option of an additional "wild card" pick, regardless of the school. and Lester went for Edison defensive lineman Rick Ponder. Lester called his squad, "A very good p u e· ''. . OTHER -EDISON players include fullback Dave Geroux, linebacker Rick DiBema.rdo and of- fensive guard Craig Dumity. DiBemardo ls headed I for Notre Dame wfth tw<>:o-time All-CIF honors and Geroux., another All-CIF Ilvision 1 pick, ls bound for Kansas. . deciding be:we<-11 which Ivy League school he wants (he can boost a gpa of 4.0). Pola has signed with USC, Ariz.ona State has Lopker and Locy is set for Long Beach State, while Edison's Dumity and Ponder are signed up for Fresno State and Cal State Northridge, respecti- vely. The South squad: Offensive backs -Matt Stevens (Fountain Valley), 6-0, 195; Dave Geroux (Edison). 6-0. 216; Mark Templeton (Foothill), 6-2, 190; J im Torok (El Modena), 5-10. 170. Receivers -Johnny Jamison (Santa Ana Valley), 6-0, 175; Joel Seay (Fountain Valley), 5-11, 165: Dan Blanck (Laguna Hills), 6-1, 200; Greg Bolin (Fountain Valley), 6-3, 225. Offensive line -Glenn Rogers (Corona del : Mar; 6-2, 245; Greg Sellers (Foothill), 6-2, 200; Chuck Steele (El Modena), 6-1, 230; Craig Dumity (F.ctison), 6-2, 214); Gerry Heidrich (El Modena), 5-9, 200; Brian Lopker (Mater Dei), 6-4, 235; Tom Sharp (El Modena), 6-1. 200; Steve Svitenko (El Toro). 6-2, 198. Defensive line -Sid Llafau (Santa Ana Valley), 6-0, 192; Greg Locy (Mater Dei), 6-4, 195; Tino Rivera (Santa Ana), 5-10, 180; Pat Cemen (Marina), 6-1, 215; Rick Ponder (Edison), 5-10, 211. 5-10. 211. Linebackers -Mike Adelman (Pacifica), 5-1 1, 200: Rick DiBernardo (F,dison), 6-4, 218; Kennedy Pola (Mater Del), 6-1, 215; Bob Silvas (Saddleback), ~-·11. 215. DefuslYe backs -John Collard (Tustin), 5-11, 180; Sam Finch (Capistrano Valley), 6-3, 185; Gregg Haley (Foothill), 6-2, 170; Jeff Holmes (Mission Viejo), 5-10, 170; Ken Laszlo (Marina), 6-0, 170; Mike Waters (Westminster), 5-9, 160. "We had some bad calls," Fitzsimmons added. "Maybe it was a psychological thing -maybe they were supposed to win since they're top in the division.'' Wilkes had 24 points for the Lakers and Abdul-Jabbar had 18 while playing only 26 minutes. Steve Johnson led Kansas City with ~6 points and Mike Woodson added 24 for the Kings. Meanwhile, the Lakers begin a four- game series against Pacific Division foes on Tuesday night when they host the San Diego Clippers. Then, it's down to San Diego for a rematch on Thursday rught, followed by home games against Phoenix Friday night and Portland Sunday afternoon. The Lakers still maintain a 11/2 game lead over second-place Seattle in the Pacific Division. Mater Dei'a trio includes linebacl(er Kennedy Pola, auard Brian Lopker and end Greg Locy. Other area at.an include Mal'ina noae guard Pat Cernen and Cormia del Mar tackle Glenn Rqien. ~ the .,.., players tabbed for duty ate eewral bMded for major universities in the fall. la eddition to j)lSerpetdo and uerou.x, ~tevena and Bolin ~ he9ded for UCLA. while ae..Y ii...,. .uu Ill/' .... , ..... ON THE LOW SIDE -Lakers star Magic John80n falls to the , floor under the defense of Kansas City's Kevin Loder (reaching in from left) as Reggie King lookl on. The Lakers t0ok the NBA test Sunday, 116-111, J "l can say for certain that he was the person who signed, sea- 1 e d and delivered me to Georgetown.'' Thompson says. Smith, however, never envi- sioned that he was setting up competition for the national championship that has eluded ham for two decades. In fact, Smith says he has al- ways felt uncomfortable coa- ching against people he likes, and . h e and Thompson are close friends. That's why North Carolina has never scheduled George town. On TV tonight channel 2 at 5 The only time that their teams have met was last season 10 the Great Alaska Shootout Tourna- ment, when the Tar Heels won 83-71. Smith first met Thompson when he was recruiting some of his players at St. Anthony's high school in Washmgton, D.C., and a wann friendship developed. HOW CLOSE ARE THEY? "The only way to say it,'' says Smith. "is to tell you that he was at our pre-game meal for the Marquette game in 1977 (before the NCAA title game). The players know we never have any strangers there. That should tell you a little bat about how close friends we are." Thompson seconds the senti- ment. Asked at Sunday's pre- game news conference if he was "a Tar Heel fan," Thompson re- plied, "I've never been a Tar Heel fan 10 my life. I'm a· Dean Smith fan -there is a vast difference." The two men talk often' on the phone, usually at odd hours . .;'His wife always says when the phone rings between 1 and 2 she knows who it is," Smith said. "That's a.m " THOMPSON WAS ONE o f Smith's assistants on the gold medal-winning U.S . basketball team at the 1976 Olympics. "From the Olympics, he knows our philosophy, and I know his philosophy," Smith says. "He's his own man. He teaches well and he certainly has done a fa- bulous pb with his team. I think it's remarkable how at the be- ginning the impression they made and how far they've come. It's a real tnbute to John and his coaching staff." When Thompson first came to Geor~etown out of St. Arlthony's m l Yn, he assumed a floundering program. The Hoyas had won but three games in 26 the year before. In Thompson's first year, the Hoyas had a 12-14 record, then moved up t.o 13-13 the next year. K i n gs prove record s mad e t o h e b rok e n INGLEWOOD (AP) -Mark Messier and Dave Lumley scored goals in the first 24 seconds to set a National Hockey League record 'Sunday night as the Edmonton Oilers rolled to a 6-2 victory over the Los Angeles Kings. Messier scored after only 14 seconds o f play and Lumley connected 10 seconds later for the fastest two goals by one team at the beginning of a game in NHL history. Pittsburgh held the pre- vious record, scoring twice in the first 29 seconds of a game against Chicago on Dec. 6, 1980. Wayne Gretzky, Edmonton's record-breaking 21 -year-old center, scored his 92nd goal of the season In th'e third period and added an asmst. his l 16th, to ex- ' tend his point total for the year to 208. Glenn Anderson scored his 37th and 38th goal 1 of the season In the opening per od to give the ·Oilers a 4-0 lead after only 10:51 of action. Gretzky assisted on Anderson's fi'1!t goal, a power- play ICOl'e at 3:26. Los Angeles c.oech Don Perry pulled starting goalie Doug Keans after Anderson'• second goal. Keana, who wu replaced by rookie Mike Blake, had afven U.t> four goall on aeym lhota in aUghtly mont than half.~. Blake wu called up from Saci- naw ot the International Hockey Lague lut w~k • ' Orange Cout DAILY Pll.OT/Mond1y, March 29, 1982 H/F Cl The marketplace..on the Orange Coast 642-5678 Nearly half of all DiUly Pilot reC1Mr1 have wed the cla!sified aection to bu~ or !ell a product. CLASSIFIED INDEX T1ftlaY•M,tal 642-5678 mlFllSAU =. ........... .............. C..--lu<it c... .... ., c.a•-.. . OMA ... ll'hn ~c. lrtiM ... ............ '-MIU. t....-H1 ..... .,..._v .. ;. Newpon ..... SMO...ote t:.!"::. Ca,W ... SotollMtlo s.11i..,.... ,,. ........... ....... 11oone. s.i. HAI.ESTATE Acff ... fOf Salt A~OUIOfSalt llo.<ldt~y .._.p,_,, ~ t.ou1Cryptt Coeftmal l'toMrt7 c..io.n1 .. ~•s&Jo ~U..Ul&k . ............... ,_,~ llldultn1l l'r-l7 I.al.I fOf Slit ..,..leHN'TtlrPru .._DIM<\.lnort ~-,.c~~ O..elSlott l''WI' R.MdMl~Fllt'al.GtO'tH lul tatoU '·~· llfll falale 'ft'Hltcl ROITALS IOll ·-1111 ltlt 11111 .... EQUAL HOUSING O~PORTUN ITY •• : ,....._.,Notice: ... ~ttliestate a<lvertised 1-.. in this newspaper Is sub· I: .iect to the Federal !"air 1111 Housing Act of 1968 11111 which makes it illegal to t:: advertise "a ny pre 1111 lerence. limitation. or :: disc:nnunatlo11 based on 1• race. color, reli~ion . sex. :: or national origin. or an intention to make any such preference. hmlta· :: tion,ordiscriminat1on " 1:1» ltCIO llCIO JD 1100 IU IU - This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which IS m \ 1ola lion of the law llOO ----JD ::i------------1 2lCIO Zl.!O -ll!IO --._,......_ JllU lalORS: Adnrtl1ers *-Id dwell tti.lr ads .., .. ~rt.,. ron '-wdl~. Th• DA.IL y PILOT OHUIH w.ilty for the first ilt- ccwnd i..s.rtion oftly. ._V•f-i.lted JlllO llaoiMs F'vn 0< Vo/ D10 ~IAIUIM Furn -~ ......... u.r MZS T.......,_hto ~ =";t~"' = ________ ... =•Uni = ttDmet for Sale ~~::'C:.v111 -••••••••••••••••••••••• -. = GeMral I 002 =~=d :: ...................... . C--• 4UG Sldnmor IHUD a.o I ~::!:'"'~ ; ' SPACIOUS c ... , .. f« 11•111 - <lmff•eMAJ -TOWHMOME1 =".i'::::!i !: The best 1n M1ss1on Vie !larut 1.1.lt jo. Enjoy the comfort =-;=Id =. and open feeling or this lllltWttt 111"EST I large 3 Bdrm 3 bath .. """"""' "' · home. Features include MENT, FINANCE j wetbar. nrepit. Prenr h =~ -1 doors and much more -~~ soio Great terms available' ::=::::=' :i: For complete details. :::n==· = call646-7171 ...,..,..,m·a -THE REAL ESTATERS ' Pllllllll•• Remodeled, 3 bdnn, 3 bath, m,,tr bdrm with ocean view $425,000. Consider trade. West Bay bayfront. Slips for 2 boats, re- modeled 3 bdnn, 3 bath $1 ,200,000. bocean & jetty views. Marine room, 4 bdrm, 3 bath. 3700 sq.ft. $1,38MOO. LllO llLE lllES Prime Lido Nord bayfront. 5 bdrm, 5 bath. Lge LR. 2 boat slips $1,500,000. Remodeled 3 bdrm, 2 bath + large rec. nn. beam ceilings, furnished. $420,000. Liii& tllE IAYFlllT Lagoon view from 6 bdrm, 5 bath, play- room, dark rm, den. $1,350,000! UYSIH CIVE Spectacular bayfront view 4 bdrm, 4 bath, 2 boat shps $1 .900,000. TIES YIST&S-llllSlll YIUt New French Normandy 4 bdrm, 4 bath, guest house. pool, $795,000 . COlllUll OHS Coronado lsld cust. bayfront lot. 85! boat dock. Plans avail. $425,000 w/tenns. BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 341 Bnys•d .. o,,,,. ~. B bl~ 61bl MOVE UP TO FIXER NEWPORT 5BEDROOM~ • lllYll IUSllY .. Magnificent location o'looking 8th green of golf course. Majestic Colonial custom by owner/builder. 5 bdnna. lge formal din nn, fam nn, billiard rm, refrigerated wine rm. & 6 'A ba. Marble, finest wood paneling, air cond + mp.ny custom features $2,150,000 including land. May aeU furnished. 1111a. ........... •-m-PM-IT.., mta. U. t U • 4t 11 COME & ~ET IT! A super sharp 38drm ho~ with wet bar, mar· ble frplc and much more. Anxious owner looking for anxious buyer. Only Sl.29,500 Ca 11 979-537 0 ALLSTATE REALTORS IM)hildoba. PMMlktLot with two bdrm units + gar to rent till you de velop Earh unit has COLE OP NEWPORT yard. Retired owner RULTORS helps. $27$,000 2SU LC-Nwr. C..-eMIMIMM 1 5-Hts & Mlf• LitH &75·5511 $184,900· Spectarular ------Bhtf rondo m prime N CM area Pm•acy, sky lites. custom decor. frplr. deck and patio orr MBr 2Br 211ba deluxe hon.! Coll for D•toH1 Re· W~ VA Loan -the bonus to thi s ADORABLE 3 Bdrm . form dining rm house on huge lot. NEW LISTING $125,000. • . sume 1125,000 al 12'1 R.E Professionals 963-8377 COLDWeu. BANl(eRC Exclusive res1dent111 area or sucressful ex erut l\CS and thci fumibes This beaut1fu and spar1ous 4 Bdr home offers low tnteres ~umable loans and 1 priced at only $269.900 Call now• 640·7171 Most popular BuccOTa Bdrm or 4 Bdrms + den :.m sq.ft Forma I f1V1n & dinmg room. Country kitchen \.\Ith breakfast nook overlooking hug family roo m. Truly a huge family home Great financing. price only Gazebo & T•c* Sp• SZ79,950. Call s.tS-2313 S160.000. Walk to su'H. 2 ,.."'°'"".,. ..... ,,.,, v ...... " HEWPOIT CllEST THE REAL ESTATERS AllMCEMENTS, PHSllALS & LOST & FOUND tt-&tl ~\ ;~;i~:!~1§j ~:: s:15.ooo5~~!'lft. trg .. --------loantoo' = Br.Assume FANTASTIC •IAYFIONT• ~120 000 Cal~ 5...a.. $240,000 Spectacular OCEAN· CATALINA VIEW in Newport. Impossible! Professionally decorated 3 BR with vaulted ceil· in11. fireplace. Decks, community pool, spa & taws. S£JYIC£S sa $1K),000 at 8\'J ~ OWC IOAT SLIP for thlS Tov~fy 4 Bdrm 1 -,er = small 2nd. Only S139.900. $555,000 Ix>~. It's a bargain at l!!'B'ii7•1ii7rl7ai'mi1n Patrick or Fred Tenore. WOW ' Lowest priced this price Call now 1000 agt631-l.266 bayfronl home O 979-5370 BALBOA COVES. Large A 4 bdrm. 3 bath. double LL STA TE fireplace. co~ered pallo I,. 644-9060 EITOf"O 1032 r---------1 ······ ·· • ·· · · · · · · · · · · · • Et Toro Canyon r._d.:..a-R·2 L t $98 500 -antUll' • O 2 bdrm, 2 ba l'Ondo ti P~Tefe~sE ~~~~r~an view' 2 bdrm, I ba at Main Bear h Walk to 1 illage. s hops, et c 494 9318 , < 7021732 984C collert Attention 1 .. 1c1en nunths new f1 1gh a~ Newly-decoratr<l 2 Odrm ~urrable loan 8) O\o\ nl'r 1-11.11-J 1052 home on 60X 125 lot ''IJ •93 I l<I -,,u 4cao --r-.,..,......, Room to build Jo'1r'1 TD ~ ~ ·• or""' "°" ••••••••••••••••••••••• S102.000 as~umahlt> all . 4 BR + bonus rm . --------• 14'; Askrng SlJi 5011l ~ot18uch 1040 ~.000 Pool & Jarum For an appoint m nt tc ••••• • • •••••••• •• •• ••• • Xlntterrns 495·07 18 ---------St't'.l'all:;.w.1151 l' \'Ol"LL LOn: th•~ 3 LOT• PLAHS Hrlrm lo\ 1th ('harm•, interest in a main· Onve by 309 Sapph1r galore He~t area . best lenanre free 3 Br 211 Ba and rail for detail!, bu~ Sll9 .~HO flkr condo Frplrbothinmstr Plans for smgle family Si8 mm Br & bving rm. Close to hom> approved and re ·--------t'OOOtry club. golf. tennis ady to bwld Reduced t NO Ql 'Al.lf'Yl:'\C & sv.1 mm1ng Walk to S329,SOO 0 1.\ner wil ________ ... t..ir!(l':.l1Wal'h\o\afk5 Br s hops & bank s bwld to suJt for tota •MESA DR MAR • lll'i.t 11:rm~ Asking Ownr Agl 170 2317 . pack;AeE~:i 6900 $2 l;OOO DOWN ~1.00.1 Bkr 1141111100 ~1202. 495 6630 __ .---------1 Sensational 3br home (Xcr :ltKNI Mt ft exec flv LAlb Forfft I 055 with Sl<W 000 in lov. 10 · u • tl .1 lerest " ' . ., l'·ill 1 1ng 5 nl + l'O Pnl'Cu ••••••••••••••••••••••• lolbooPfftinsulo I 007 ....................... OuonFront Luxury lower dupleir. 4 bdrm Gar. Sl400. Bob 784-C6.Sl da , 752 9442 eve. wknds March to your phone to place a fast·act1ng cla.ss1hed ad 642 5678 I 1inanc in., ' 0 ht-lo\.\ mkl JI $379 900 da> 26711San M1gu<'I Dr owe ,\gt \'irginia 1--•,• .. -.. K•r•·-.. -CE--Newport lk'ac•h 7~!1 l~I 1121 8400 --M7S2·7373 ESTATES 4lJr 21., Ba ~ Walker& Lee GA.lllO w/HOT TUB 4Br 2ba charmi:r l'uv <'OOd Walk to lH·h $160.IMJO 67§..1771 2174 Sq. Ft. BETTER THAN MODEL HAS EVERYTHING Cul ·de·sar street. Sun & Sail I I Club 20 min to Ne\,\port 'Center $210.000 with $160,000 at 1211 fixed rate & full\ amort1ied · No points or qualifying. 770 0347 Owner Agent plus much more ~ Will RE•LTORS TEHHIS A IT D or l rad e r or ft One block away. This un-, EastbluH Bayshores or ----SJ95.000 custom home '." ique condo 10 the Bluffs I NEVF.R AGAI~ lo\ 111 you .;_... S. h-I 06' be able to bu) this 5 B -,.-. • OC !'learhrr re home ro ••••••••••••••••••••••• IOOli ftOIO IOIS IQll -... lll:lS -*' ---lll&.S -#IS wra l!ClllO ... IOD -------- llOIO -------- 9110 tlJO tl)O tt• tllll "*' 9110 11110 - •H11 HUGE I acre. ne1ghbonng tennis is close to shops and lal»oo lay Prop. CHIEAPYI • club, xlnl fi nan ownr sch~ls. The owner is Realtors Mesa Verde, large tn I ~-4833 motivated Sl95,000 •675-7060• level with formal living Are you pl an nin g a U,_.1001 OO~fS and dming rooms Large move' Classified ads Realtors. 675·6000 $93,500 I COSTAMESA Fabulous 2 Bdrm 2 bath I rondo. with a ma st er suite loft. Bnght. sunny kitchen. double ca r ga rage Patio Creal ruianr1ng Call now for rrore details, 546·2313 THEREAL ESTATERS family room . bric k' fireplace. 4 Bdrms. 2 11.ill point you 1n the nght e~~~~~~~~I baths Covered patio d1rect1on to find the Great finan cing. only ho~ouneed 64~7l. ~~ul!!__S42 56_'!!1 $187.500. ea11 s.t&-2313 r::~~.~, S@ \\c:il ~ _ ~ ~~s· ::: tlflH ·~·=~::;; ~ .. ----"-......... For Ad Action """ "' 100 '" 10 •• ~1111>1e -d• I BULODE ca II a ........... , 1.;_.;..l'...;;....;..I ....,...;.I ............. , Dai"' Pilot · IJ I A H G l E I I Ava~~ruw:1Some AIJ.VISOR -~'-'-' I_ i distress situations · · · · · t ~-9678-JjiAgt·-·····64121·156.78 I UN R 0 M I ! I m•d• a bad mlaiakt For I I I 14 -,.-my son's l>illll<lat I bought 111m • • . _ one of uiose unb<tthablt lo)'l ....--------.. 1'1e used 11 to h1mmer my golf I R A W D O C I clubs 1n10 the -. Is I I I' I 0 C-'-•• ..,. cl>v<lle -ed . _ • • _ • bv Ml•f't.9 •" fht "'*_.no word ,__....._...._ ........ _, ....._...._-' yov d ..... loo ''""' "tP No 3 below e P•~;:f~~~.~sl!llm IN I' I' I' r r r 1 · 6 ~~·~~~~[ l!Tl!•s I I I I I I I SCRAM.LETS A111w•n hi C~ IOIO All One Piece! j Freedom from Fuss I ' S249.~0U ;11 ake ofr Canal Front. Newport Ot>sperate Bkr 848-0709 Shores. 4 Br Den S25.000 down. 01.\ner will carry Must sell: Make offer' Tennis, pool. walk to beal'h Agent 640 1044 or ~~. SI 25K VA 12°/~ Ln. Sharp 24110 ~q Ct 4 Bdrm on rul de ~at Sli9,900 R F: Profe~s1ona ls 963-8377 1042 ........•.•••••.•.•.••. WATERFRONT llu~e custom 11. ate.rlron home. free & clear. lo\ ii trarle for mdus, comm · or aptS Pme $895,000. l'hanrr of a lifetime' As for Phil or Lou. 840·2207, 846-®14 ••••••••••••••• PLL'S need fast l'3Sh sal on lo\o\est pri ce waterfront home o Tnmdad Island 01.\ne desperate & \,\ 111 dea! '1 Call Phil 840 220? 1044 ..................••... WOODBRIDGE 4 Br home on c·ul·de·sa<' w air cond1tmn1ng 12•·; fman on $130.000. Sll33 per rm Askmg Sl89.500 Own A!!l 645·0776 Lt>ase Option Woodbndge. roll 1ge 2 bdrm. 2 ba Sl49,900 551-9559. 530·6288 * *BUILDER'S flJOEL *>', low interest assume . ble financing Rare op portunlly Luxury Ap (>leton former model. 3 Bdrm2 Ba, bnghl family room. highly decorated lhruout. S20!l.OOO \\OOd bridge RH Ilg 551·3000 IH91hrrann Ph1), lr~ln~ ABSOLUTE STEAL!! I stake my reputation on the FACT that this 1s the B£ST BUY m Newport Beach. If you a re a leg1lmiate buyer.CALL ME DIRECTLY and you will be i mpressed GREAT BUY! OCEAN VU. LRG 4 BDR . PROF. DECORATED. pool. spa & hke nu all for only $376.500. A trade will be considered You won't believe it until you see 1t Call PATRICK TENORE Directly 63t·1266 or 760-87<Y.! TODAY ! $6,000 DOWH! Versa1fles stud io Pen· thouse rondo Take 01•er tu~ assuma ble loan al 11 •'~. Owner \.\'ill con· sider lale model car as down paym 't Act fast' 1' Only S89.900. Ca ll Jim Agt. 979-5370 or 9S2·9597 IYTHESEA IUYTHIESEA Forsaleortrad e ui Lin· da Isle. Located on very lip or island Best loca· lion and view on entire harbor Will lake two 90' yachts. swi m up bar, game room. wine cellar Pantasllc Newport 's finest entertainme nt ho~ built for a movie star Mosl romanti c master bdrm in the world · overlooking en· Ure Newport Bay Sep m11d qrtrs & sep guest qrtrs. Can close fast. F.asy terms. Priced lo st'll far below ma rktt Bkr. 700-7292. .. .111111111m 1 •mm MONDAY. MARCH 29. 1982 ORANGE COUNTY . CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS Sp·ace shuttle landing 'waved off' Sponsors say anti.;.Onof re rally success An anti-nuclear rally Sunday at Doheny State Beach was de- clared a great success by rally organizers today. Sponsored by the Orange County-based Alliance for Sur-' vival, the rock concert and rally * * * Steam tube leak found at Onofre Inspection crews at the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Sta- tion have discovered three stream generator tubes which are leaking small amounts of water. Spokesmen for Southern Cali- . fornia Edison Co. said the amount of leakage is well below safety limits and immediate re- pairs arc not contemplated. The three leaking tubes are part of several thousand tubes in San Onofre's Unit l steam gene- rator which had to be repaired a year ago following discovery of heavy corrosion. The repair work cost nearly $70 million. Edison spokesman Dave Bar- ron said the new leaks were dis- covered during visual inspection oi the tubes. Unit 1 IS-currently out of ope- ration for repair work until June. The planned shutcbwn, which began early this month, is to permit various repairs to the steam generator as well as new work on the turbine building. Barron said further inspection work will take place to make sure the tubes are not corroding again. were billed as a "Three Mile Lsland Anniversary Rally" aimed at shutting down the San Onofre nuclear plant, located about 10 miles away. The noon rally, which began under sunny skies and lasted until rain fell shortly after 4 p.m., was orderly and no arrests were reported, according to an Orange County Sheriff's Depart- ment spokeswoman. "People came because they didn't like the nuke plant being there," said Ellie Cohen a rally organizer. ''We made a political dent into people's feelings on San Onofre. It was very successful." Ms. Cohen said the rally was intended to drum up support for the orkan ization's call to shut down San Onofre's Unit 1 reactor and for an independent audit of the safety of Unit 2, which rec- ently was approved for low- power testing. The rally was held on the third anniversary of the radiation leak that closed down Pennsylvania's Three Mile Island nuclear plant. Three Mile Island accident was the nation's worst commercial nuclear accident. Among speakers at the rally were featured musicians Graham Nash and Stephen Stills and ac- tor Robert Blake. Blake promised rally-goers that he would gladly join a blockade of the San Onofre plant similar to one several months ago at the Diablo Canyon plant in San Luis Obispo county. Also addressing the crowd, which rally organizers said reached 16,000, were Anna Gyorgy, of Ralph Nader's Criti- cal Mass Energy Project, and Dr. Henry Vyner, co-director of the (See RALLY, Page A%) DISAPPOINTED -Not only was the blowing sand an irritant to these folks, who arrived early at White Sands Missile Range in New "'" Wlrephoto Mexico to watch the space shuttle landing, but the crowning blow came when the landing was postponed 24 hours. Reagan: Housing top priority President p romises guidelines to aid homebuyers WASHINGTON (AP) -Pre- sident Reagan, declaring that "housing is one of our highest social priorities," told a real es- tate group today that his admi- nistration will ease guidelines to help potential homebuyers qua- lify for FHA mortgages and take other measures to help the ailing industrv. Reagan made his comments in a speech to the National Aaaocia-tio n ol ttealtors at the hotel where he was shot a year ago Tuesday. · While the president asked tw. audience to support his economic program, he also announced a few measures to help them out Reagan said: -The Labor Department is removing barriers to "free a flow of critically needed funds for housing from pension funds." He said more than $~ billion is invested by pension funds, but only 10 percent of that amount ii invested in mortg.,es. -He will ea. guidelines "to R eal tors a sked to back econo m ic program. expand the number of potential homebuyers for FHA mortgage loans. This action will be of par- ticular benefit to those purchas- ing their first home -such aa lower-<.'OSt condominiums -and will allow relatives to assist young people in the down payment." -He is taking action to enable real estate firms to be "free to establish subsidiaries to provide additional services, like title in- surance, which are necessary to complete the purchase of a honle." -He will change the mort- ' gaae revenue bond program "to ... broaden our definitions of cH.tresaed areas." which he said "will ma~e it possible for state . agencies to provide mortgage funds for 50,000 more home bUyen at lower coet." But the president made it clear he did not intend to bail out the industry, nor change his basic economic course, even though he acknowledged the housing indu- stry was "in transition and crisis .. Consumers can 't buy. Sellers c~'t sell and builders can't build." Kennedy site eyed Tuesday WHITE SANDS MISSILE RANGE,. N.M. (AP) -Space shuttle Columbia, schedu,led t.o return from l\S ambitious third test flight, W84 "waved off" to- day just 39 minutes before deor- bit as desert winds whipped the gypsum sands across Northrup Strip, 141 miles below. "I think we ought to knock this off," John Young, comman- der of Flight l , told Mission Control after taking a NASA jet aloft J,o test the skies. "OK , John. we copy and we concur." "Sorry about that guys," Young said. Another attempt to bring the ship home was set for Tuesday - and tentatively at Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Ironi- cally, the weather was simply miserable there today and for the past 24 hours. Astronauts Jack R. Lousma and C. Gordon Fullerton, who were in no danger. were infor- med of the decision at 10:02 a.m., PST. They were to have landed at 11:27 a.m. on the gypsum floor of New Mexico's Tularosa Basin. The shuttle, the first craft to make runway landings, is the first American spacecraft held in space because of bad weather below. In bad weather, the old space capsules would simply shift descent paths and land in calmer seas elsewhere. (See SHUTTLE, Page AZ) Henry Fonda favored in Oscar race HOLLYWOOD (AP) -The most intriguing Oscar race in re- cent years reaches a climax to- night with "Reds" and "On Gol- den Pond" projected as the big winners. Rainy week due on Orange Coast Broadcast of the 54th awards of the Academy of Motion Pie- , ture Art.a and Sciences will begin at 6 p.m. PST on Channel 7 from ~ It looks like a week of rain gear will be in store for <>ranee Coast resident.a. Patchy showers and thunders- torms that began falling Sunday are expected to last through Fri- d a y due to a series of low- pressure systems moving down from the Gulf of Alaska, accor- ding to the National Weath er Bureau. The forecast calh for increa- sing cloudiness with 80 percent chance of scattered showers and heavy thunderstorms accompa- nied by hail along the Oran1e Coast tonight, according to the weather bureau. pect winds of 15 to 25 mph at times. S unday's late afternoon rain 1eattered 10,000 people gathered at Doheny State Beach in Dana Point to protest the operation of San Onofre Nuclear P ower Plant. And the rain fell strady and hard in spotty areas in southern part.a of the county. It rained steadily in South Laguna while the sun was set- ting near Catalina Island. And this morning at 6:50 a rain squall brought white beads of hail to South Laguna while in down- town Laguna Beach the sun was shining. RELATED STORIES -A7,85 the Los Angeles Music Center. Most polls and forecasters indi- cated the winner for best actor will be a man who won't be there: Henry Fonda. The 76-year-old star, who has been nominated only twice be- fore -for "Grapes of Wrath" in 1940 and "12 Angry Men" in 1957 -will watch the ceremony at his Bel-Air home. He has beep confined for months with hea~ problems. Jane Fonda will accept her father's Oscar if he wins for his role in "On Golden Pond." EAVESDROPPING ON SQUIRRELS? -No, the man in the field near Pacific Coast High- way and Fashion Island in Corona del Mar is Delly "''°' Photo bf LM P•rne Donald Olsinki of Huntington Beach . He's checking Pacific Telephone cable for rain da- mage. .'1'he chance of scattered shOw- ers Crom low pressure 1ystem1 that have moved down from the Gulf of Alaska is 40 percent Tu~!Ji~ The long-range predic-tion for considerable clou- diness with scattered showers through Friday. Coastal resident.a can also ex- Huntington Beach. according to J . Sherman Denny, weather- man, had only a trace of rain this morning and Sunday night. But in Fullerton it hailed Sunday night, according to Emmett Franklin of the county flood control district. "Reds," the $30 million epic of radicalism m America and Rus- sia, is generally expect.eel to score as best picture. The best indica- tion was Warren Beatty's award two weeks ago from the Direc- tors Czuild for his direction of "Reds." Only twice in 34 years have the Guild and Academy awards not coincided. The competition for best ac- tress is less predlctable. The lea- ders are Meryl Streep for "The (See OSCARS, Page A%) WORLD Angr y residents m ar ch ROSARITO BEACH, Mexico (AP) -\nt{ry . residents say the Mexican government's expropriation of 8,000 acres of land -including the entire munici- pality of Rosarlto Beach -is an attempt to· tum the city into "another Acapulco or Cancun." NATION Oscar awards tonight The 54th annual Academy Awards will be tele- vised this evening at 6 on Channel 7. Politicians on take ? Does Washington corrupt, or were polldciana al- ready on U., take when they arrived in the capital. Page A6. I STATE Gas prices hit low SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -Gasoline prices in Northern California and Nevada are the lowest in 14 months, the California State Auiomoblle Association reported today. Where to sp end weekend Looking for a place to stay for the weekend? Try · the San Luis Rey Mission in Oceanside. Page A5. COUNTY . Martial arts learned lncreuln& numben of Cout resldenta are lear- . ning the Japaneee martial art of aikido. Page Bl. • 4 INDEX At Your Service A4 Intermission B5 Erma Bombeck B2 Ann Landers B2 L.M. Boyd A6 Movies B5 California A5 National News A3 Cavalcade B2 Public Notices C2 Classified Cl,C3-6 Sports B6~8 Comics B4 Stock Markets B3 Crossword B4 Television A7 Death Notices C2 Theaters B5 Editorial A6 Weather A2 Entertainment B5 World News A3 80l"()IC()pe B2 SPORTS Close game predicted Coachel predict a cloee one tonight when North Carolina meeta Georgetown at 5 on Channel 2 for the NCAA basketball championship. Page B6. · ' - .. . • I WASHE D UP -Two firemen view the wreckage of a 50-foot Haitian sailboat as it sits on the surf-blasted beach in High land Beach, AP Wlrephoto Fla. The boat capsized early this morning. killing two Haitians. Six others survived and two Haitians are still missing. Stalled passenger train hit by locomotive; 26 people hurt BR I STOL, Pa. (AP) -A oassenger train, stalled about 24 miles from its destination , was struck today by a locomotive sent to its aid, and 26 people were injured, officials said. Three oC the injured were admitted to Bucks County hospitals in satis- factory condition while the others were treated for cuts and bruises and released, authorities said. WASHINGTON (AP) -Presi- dent Reagan's spokesman said today the president was pleased with the conduct of the election Sunday in El Salvador and that the administration was conti- nuing to assess the results. De- puty White House press secre- tary Larry Speakes said the ad- ministration had monitored the election through the U.S . Em- bassy in San Salvador, and that Reagan had been briefed today and Sunday by William Clark, the White House national secu- rity adviser. HARRISBURG, Pa. CAP ) - Customers should stop paying their electric bills unless promi- sed that none of the money will go for the cleanup of Three Mile Island. protesters urged on the third anniversary of the nation's worst commercial nuclear acci- dent. A chilled, sparse crowd marked the anruversary Sunday, watching utmty bills crumple in flames in a charcoal grill on the st.ate Capitol steps. WASHI NGTON (AP) -Presi- dent Reagan will hold his first prime-time news conference at 5 p.m. PST on Wednesday, deputy press secretary Larry Speakes announced today It will be the president's ninth news conferen- ce. Speakes said there was no special reason for holding this one in the evening, except that Reagan had not done it before. WASHINGTON (AP) -Sen. Alan Cranston, D-Calif .. said Sunday more than 3 billion peo- o le. about 80 percent of the world's population , could be killed in an all-out nuclear war between the United States and the Soviet Union. Cranston, the second ranking Democrat in the Senate, also said the war would not only kill aJJ the people who live in the Northern Hemisphere. but that millions more living be- low the equator in the Southern Hemisphere would probably die from the effects of Callout. RENO, Nev. lAP) -A former schoolteacher who was convicted of running down 29 people with her car, killing six of them. has become the first woman sentenc- ed to die in Nevada since 1890. Priscilla Ford was sentenced to the gas chamber Sunday for the Thanksgiving Day 1980 deaths. She is the only woman on Ne- vada's death row, where 11 male inmates await execution. GAINESVILLE, Fla. (AP) - A defense lawyer's plan to force a Jury trial for a 6-year-old girl accused of hitting a schoolmate with a stick has fallen apart be- cause the prosecutor doesn 't want to argue the case m adult court. "Either they take this thing back to juvenile court . . for arbitration or I'll dismiss it," State Attorney Eugene Whit- worth said Sunday. adding that "the best interests of the child became forgotten·· Dinner honors chief jus tice R ose Bird feted on fifth anniversary on Supreme Cou rt BEVER LY H I LLS (AP ) - California Supreme Court Chief Justice Rose Bird didn't directly address a recall drive against her, but told guests at a dinner in her honor that independent courts aren't influenced by the "strident voices of the moment." "An independent judiciary is a symbol of even-handed justice that wears a blindfold -one that doesn't confuse a siren song or a harangue with the true voice of the people," Ms. Bird said at the $75-a-plate tribute Sunday to her fifth anniversary as chief justice. FRESNO (AP) -Rep. Bob Dornan has won a lopsided vic- tory, 196 to 31, over Rep. Barry Goldwater Jr. for the U.S. Se- nate endorsement of the conser- vative California Republican As- sembly. In balloting Sunday for CRA's endorsement for governor, Lt. Gov. Mike Curb fell just one vote short ot the required two- t hirds majority over Attorney Gener al George Deukmejian. Both Curb an~ Deukmejjan aup- por ters claimed victory in the gubern~torial balloting, since Deukmejian was considered the underdog for CRA support. AVALON (AP) -Gregory Perrone, 13, was hospitaliz.ed in fair condition t.Oday after falling oU a 150-foot ocean.side cliff on Santa Catalina l-1and, Avalon Fire Department Capt. Bill Put- nam said . The Fullerton youth was camping and biking w:th two hometown companions, Da- v id Marshall. 15 , and Jerry Hallbrook, 14, when he plunged from the cliff at Seal Point about 10:15 a.m. Sunday. Los Angeles County lifeguard Lt. Steve Wagner said Perrone apparently suffered head injuries and brui- ses. SAN DIEGO (AP) -Police were investigating whether a 9-year-old girl a~ucted near her home may be the ninth victim of the so-called "Lost Dog Rapist," who has attacked at least eight girls in Los Angeles and Orange counties. The man typically lures his victims, ages 6 to 12, by as- king their help in locating a lost dog. Jennifer Balsama was found about 8:25 a .m. Sunday, wande- ring the grounds of a Presbyte- rian church in the San Carlos area of eastern San Diego. She was kidnaped about 6 p.m. Sat- urday from Carlsbad, about 20 miles north of San Diego. UKIAH (.AP) -At:>ut 250,000 people continued without normal water service today after heavy rain destroyed a dike ln a ditch, releasing thousands of gallons of toxic formaldeh yde in to the Russian River in the second ma- jor chemical spill there in recent days. "There's a ~reat deal of concern that tf we get more heavy rams ... we may lose all the material into the river,'· said Dave Clark, district engineer for the state Health Services De- partment. "We're going to be monitoring eve r y hour a t a number of key locations along the river." LOS ANGELES (AP) -Cen- tral California's scenic coastline could be damaged if a major 011 spill started in offshore areas targeted by Interior Secretary Ja"'es Watt for expanded oil. an~ gas leasing, a recent report md1- cates. The report by Glenn R. Van Blaricom and Ronald J . Ja- meson, research wildlife biolo- gists with the U .S _ Fis h a nd Wildlife Service, concentrated on a spill's possible effect on the sea otter population. KI NGSBURG (AP ) - A tor- nado touched down in southern Fresno County. damaging a shed, house trailer and the roof of a home. However, no injuries were reported. Sheriff's deputies re- ported that the twister struck the Gessner property on East Kamm Avenue near Kingsburg between 7 p.m. and 8 p.m. Sunday night. A mobile home was shoved about 50 yards and overturned, and a shed was damaged when it was pushed 100 feet, deputies were told. • We1re Listening ••. What do you like about the Daily Pilot? What don't you like? Call the number below and your message will be recorded. transcribed and delivered to the appropriate editor. The same 24-hour answering service may be used to record let- ters to lhe editor on any topic. Mailbox contributors must include their name and telephone number ror vertricatlon. No circulation calls, please. Tell us what's on your mind Orange Oo11t DAil Y PIL.OT /Monday, March 291 1982 N ~· Salvador vote succeedS Security forces fight off guerrillas; 60 killed ,. SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador (AP) -President Jose Napoleon Duarte's centrist Christian De- mocrats led five rightist parties in parual election returns today for a constituent aS&embly but appeared to be falling short of a majority. With only about 200,- 000 votes counted, a Christian Democrat spokesman said his pa rty had opened talks with other parties on forming an al- liance. But a spokesman for the ultra-rightist Republican Nation- alist Alliance. in second place, claimed it would be able to form a coalition excluding Duarte's party. At least 60 people were killed Sunday as security forces fought guerrillas who apparently failed to prevent large numbers of Salvadorans from voting. WASHINGTON (AP) -Du- ring the DerlJn ctislS of 1959, the Eisenhower adtnin1stration was prepared to "h\>ld Beriin at all costs.'' even 1f it meant using nuclear weapons, previously se- cret Senate testimony disclosed. Transcripts released by the Se- nate Foreign Relauons Commit- tee also show that Christian Herter. then acting secretary of st.ate. believed that any war over Berlin ··would have to'· involve nuclear weapons. RABAT, Morocco (AP) It was classic Richard M. Nixon : beaming. arms spread wide above his head and hollering ··hasta luego!" to enthusiastic crowds during a week-loniz visit to Morocco. Murmurs of "That's Nixon·· s pread quickly through every town he visited: Some 75.- 000 people gathered outside the 69-year-old former president's hotel in Marrakech and se<:unty people had to call the governor for help. For four days in Mar- rakech. Nixon plunged into exci- ted crowds to hold babies and squee:ie the palms of people who told him in a dozen languages: "You should still be presicient." VILLAHERMOSA, Mexico (AP ) -A volcano in Mexico's rich southeast oilfields spewed dense columns of smoke ancL ashes for miles around, forcing airlines to cancel flights through the area No casualties were re- ported. Many of the 20,000 peo· pie of Pichucalco, a town a~ut 800 miles southeast of Mexico City, fled the area as the volcano nearby started rumbhng shortly after midnight. Chiapas State police said. The peak, El Chin- chonal. is located about 36 miles south of Villahermosa. the Tab- asco stale capital. "chmo" PARIS (AP) -An explosion on a speeding Paris-Toulouse express train t oday. caused "man y victims, ii;icludmg dead and injuri?d,'' a spokesman of the s tate-owned French railroad network S NCF said. He sa1d he did not know 1mmed1ately how many victims or If any foreign.ers were involved in the explosion on the express tram called the Capitole. An official at the Pre- fecture regional authority of. the nearby c1ty of Limoges descnbed t hP Pxolosion as ··a bomb." TEL A VIV, larael (AP) -Is- raeli troops used tear gas to break up a Palestinian demonstration in Nablus and an Israeli settler fired his pistol to eiieape a road ambush in the oa:upied West Bank today, the military command reported. It was the 11th straight day of clashes In a wave of troubles in the occupied Arab territories in which five Arabs have been kil- led by Israeli gunfire. .. SEOUL, South Korea (AP) - Soviet intelligence-gathering ships and reconna1ssan~ planes are shadowing the US. aircraft carrier Midway and other vessels m a task force ott ~uth Korea's east coast , 1t was reported todav. The U.S. ships are taking part in amph1b1ous landing maneuvers. part of "Team Spirit '82" AP Wlrephoto WELCOMED -Italian President Sandro Pertmi is greeted during a visit to the Sebastiani winery in Sonoma. The pre- sident had lunch m this small town m the heart of California's wine country before flying to Chicago today. ORANGE COAST Daily Pilot Thoma s P Haley P"°'t "tf t ""idCn f~ ( ·~ "' • «10 to Robert N Weed Thomas A MurphtnP £0• L Kay Schu ltz V.c~P,..,_C)e,.1 "'"'° r\•IJIC11 ...,, 'l"''•ll Michael P Harvey Kenneth N Go ddard Jr .,.~ .. , ·~ Charles H LOO!> Clauified advertising 714/642-5678 All other departments 642-4321 MAIN OFFICE 330 Wot 8~V SI , Co.I• MH<I CA M•il •Odreu Bo• 150() '°''" MH• CA 9262• (opytt9n1 1'197 Ot-Co.t\I Pul>ll\n1119 Co''-'" No nf'•\ ''Ortr\. 1llustr•l1on\ P01torl•I matttr or •O- Yt't•\f'mMh Mr•Hn m•y be reorOducf'd w'thot.11 spe< ••• ~rmt\\1on Of copvr;9nt owrwr Sircond cf..K\ 00\9119"' CM1d •t (01>t• ~\• C•1tforn1• CUPS l'.t-IOO) Sutr\<r1pt1on bv c.arr1tr \4 1Smonthty by m •'' 1i6 SO monttlfv Ttv Or~ Coa\t 0•1•v P1•01 • .with which tt, corn- b1n.o the N.,.\ Prf"\, t\ t>Ubtlsri.d by ow Or•,.. C.,.•I Pul>h•h•"Q Com1><1nv ~P•• .,. e<11toon• •re pubtl•he<I Mo<tOav lhrOUQll Friday tor Co.I• Mew, Ntwoort 9~h Hunhn9fon 8~ath. r:ount•ln V•Ue1t '"'"" l"9<Jn.t 8ea<n Sovlll ,.,.., A ••"9 .. rt9,_1 e<1111on •• P<A>4•~ Salurdn• •nd Su""•" TM princ •0•' ou~1~n1l'IQ ot•nt '' "' l30 Wf'\t B•v Street P 0 80• IS60 (O\la Me•• C•h•ornoa ~?U• VOL 75, No. 88 @J~o@@)~@ 44 Fo hlon lalond •Newport Beoch • 7141644-5070 -1001 ~•tu.tOOd Blud •• Watwood Vlllogc. 213/208-3213 i . ' • I . • ·. .. .. ., .. .. .. "''"' .. ,, ,.,.. N•I "I ,,.,, (111w C"O I> E llC\ (IO~ '"' ;;::o;i no J "0: ft~ ~ ~" .~ ! •J :~ • ~ ~"' ; • ti nr. . ~ 10 • "" ~ ~= f :tt 1 : a bi; :l a:_ ..... ~ I f ii1 """ lit ~ lil •ft. .. ~Ill t 2't 1S I "" • ~141 11 1 ~¥. , , =•1111·f'l ' .. ~"".: . ~'.' .::1.,. ~~ ~ ~ I ia 1' i: "'" + ~• ~ 60 ~ 4f !WI ~"""' .. tl t 1~. ~~ = 1 ' ~ ,~: ~ lllM»Y It .. 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Ii\ Y*yr tJ1 1AD JZ IWt· \lo ~=-.. .: : ': ~::. ~ ~ rtt ., ,ff ;1~: ~ ='C: 1-: ! .= ;{:,: t: =r, .t' t . • a • -. 5401flll ta U 0 1 11 =J.': HS f" n~ "" =~~ 'fi ~: = It. 1~ E+·~ ~M ·~ ~ ,;, :=::: WllttMl"'fJ t IA1 ~ ~ = t 1 t """· • . ~ S2r I .. 1 i\.'t • ',J'·· ,:: ~ t ~ uo • ,J ~·~Yi 1a 1 !1 J\4o>.-"" wi:=,n 6l'6011U\lt ... tll6 -~ :,,.r ·~.... ~ ;~a; ;: ~!. ~ 111 41t )M+ \It "'°"= JlltW i-• \lo ~··~Hi.·~ 11(li if;~ " .nl:'= =:,:: ; :· 1 m~ ~ !,Ji! • " ... ... "' , • J .,, .,... . ..... ·+~·;: ==~ = , .. ~ ':~.:.~ N •• Dow Jones Final UP 5.90 . CLOSING 823.82 ~\\\ Gas price said going hack up LOS ANGELES CAP) -Enjoy lower g~oline pric:es triggered by the international oil glut while you can, says an industry exper t: They may soon head back up. That's because governments are hungry for new revenue such as oil import lees or h igher gasoline excise taxes would gener:ite, says oil industry analyst Dan Lundberg. He predkts in this week's "Lundberg Letter" that gas prices ('OuJd plummet by as much as 19.05 cents a gallon by ,the end of a year as conse rvation and a worldwide recession crimp oil demand. Ford execs boosted DEARBORN. Mich. (AP) -Ford Motor Co gave top executives raises of as much as 11.8 percent in 1981 despite posting a $1.06 billion loss for the year. accor- ding to a proxy statement But lop officials' salanes sull were below levels of two and three :rears earlie r, said the report. .. Ford's 106,000 hourly worke rs agreed to wage freezes, deferred cost-of-laving allowances and other concessions over the next 2 1fJ years 1n a contract signed March l between the automake r and the Un 1ted Auto Workers union :· Sch ool cuts viewed SACRAMENTO (AP) -Two business groups say the state could save billions of dollars and avoid new taxes bv such measures as double sessions Ln kinder · gartens: $50 tuition at community coUeges and elami- na tio" of a medical program for the "working poor." The proposal by the California Taxpayers Asso· ciauon . a nonprofit business.funded lobby. was en· dorsed by the state Chamber of Commerce in its newsletter. Oil leases eyed lMPERlAL (AP) -Over the ob.,e<:t1ons of bird and hsh enthusiasts. an advisory panel to the Bureau of Land Management has rerommended that 138.000 acres of Salton Sea shoreline be leased for oil and gas exploration. The U S. Geological Survey has estimated there 1s a 1 percent chance of finding commercial quantities of ml and gas under the 36-rrule-long Salton Sea Most of the drilling sites would be in Imperial County al- though the sea runs mto Riverside County S t eel sh i ft posed PITTSBURGH (AP) -Unite d Steelworkers union membe~ are being asked this week to exchange $35 m11l 1on 10 defe rred ben efits for s tock in Wht-ehng-Pittsburgh Steel Corp The plan. aimed at averting further layoffs by the nation's e ighth largest steelmaker. was worked out near Wheeling. W Va., after a month of negotiations "Under the proposed agreement our members will, m e ffect, make a long-term, low-interest invest- ment of about $35 million in our future," said Paul Rusen. president of USW District 23 S t ate oil flowing SACRAMENTO (AP) -CaJifomaa's producuon of cr ude oil is averaging about a rrullion barrels per day, close to the ~tat.e's record output of two decades ago. a top state engineennl( official has reported. ~TOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT •IO.JOO f?t,IOO •200 3'1,AOO J?•.SOO Jll,IOO ]1)1, 100 1'3200 10 .JOO , ... ,900 li.200 m ,600 m.ooo 111,600 212.JOO UPS AND DOWNS GOLD COINS o~. _,,,., lJl/.. I 1 11'. • • 17'• t. JO-. •• ff'1t • "' 111\ • '• ll'• ... Ill,, •• It\, .. 10'• I 9 IJ:\. 'I 30 JO'lo• ' .... . .. ~· Up M O Up 11 t Up l>O Up It 0 UP 10 7 uo 10 s Up I I Uo 11 Up 1 S UP U Up 6 7 Up 61 Up '1 \Jo '' Up U Up U Up S..' Up SJ Uo SJ ~I. ~ It ••• •o OH 1 J Ott u Off u Off 60 Off s.a g: S.1 u s .• ~ u I S • SI s' ~ u s:: ... 1tN19rt1n4I, 1 troy or • 134$.60, oll 11 50. \ ... , .. 1111, 1 lroy 01 • •343.60, off suo . ....... ao .,..o. 1 '·~ oi.. So& 11.so. oft,., 75 A1t1trlat1 100 crown. 0802 troy 01 , •nuo, ott sa.oo. AMERICAN LEADERS NE¥i VOA• C>PI -Salet noon pu._,. lt'tO ~; ~ Of ,,_ Mt\ "'Oii Kl•W-. .,,.,._,ICM ~ ~ • ..._.. tl.Of"V na110f\.9l11 •• ""O• ttww t.n.Plrl ' 170.SOO I ' Wlrl!I 8 92, too 71 •I Allvlll'll lo 61,900 1~ • , •• ~Tr,._ 6&,200 11 • :0 :-.,...,.... ...-M,SOO 11'• IClf'bofExo ' s.. 100 111' • ... •• llUQErQ " 11.AOO 1''> NII "'!Mt SO,AOO ,... I . • .. Dlln:.t'&IG.s •l,JOO 111., ~ ~Eng • 41,000 141' MOALS NEW YORK IAPI P<IOM !Oday Spol nonferrous metal C09P9f 76·78 cents a ooond. u.s Clftli• na11on1 l Md 28-32 eenll I POUnd Zinc 37~ cen11 • PQUftd o.11-ecs Tift se 5722 MetelS WMk comPoSlle lb Alllfftlnllm 70-77 Cftl'lll I pound, US '•: ...,CllfJ $39!> 00 pet ll19'c Plallnum $3 16 00 troy oz N Y SILVER NEW YORK (AP) -Handy & Hllmll\ 11"1r S8 910. 011 so 095 Engel111rd silver $6.1120 oll SO 09f ; !!_brlclllld !lllVer J7.458. oll S0.0112. • GOLD QUOTATIONS London: morning ll•lng S3 111.60. oil $2.75. London: 1119'noon hxlng $318 50, oft $3.75 ~ P8'1e: S328.82, of! $5.115 •. Fr11nkflnt: S320.S3, ott S3 11. •: ZIRtctl: I.ate fixing 1317.00, on $4 oO ' bid; $321 00 Uited. I , Handr a H1rm1n: only <11lly Q1101, $318.60, of! $3.76. ~ l ne-ttl•rd: only dally Quote $318 60 • ottU.76 • I~ only <1111y Q\IOle talHic;ltld $334,~. Oii S3 9~ SYMBOLS ~-if•m2•2••2•2ilslllllilm _ _. ... _ _. ..... ...:..._. .......... ....._.iiiiii0iiiiii~::====~:=::==~=====