HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-04-02 - Orange Coast Pilot,. ~ ~IOA Y. APRIL .' 1 ·rn.· By DAVID ltUTZM.ANN or .. ..,,......, . I A Colt.a Mesa woman who had to undergo an emergency hyste- rectomy after uaing a birth con- trol device alleged to be defective will receive $250,000 from the company which manufactured the intra-uterine Dalkon Shield. The woman's attorney, John M. Van Dyke of Newport Beach, said the settlement wtth the R . H. Robina Co. of lUchmond. Va., ta one of the Iar1eat In Oranae County lnvolvina the cont.rover- aial Dalkon Shield. The OUtrof-court aeuleinent came a month before trial of 25-year-old Kathleen Shannon Whalen's lawiult wu to be,m in Orange County Superior c.ourt. Her legal action bad contended that uee of the Dalkon Shield led to Infection which ultimately cauaed doctora to perform a hysterectomy on her four yea.re ago. Miu Whalen's ault ia one of thouaanda that have been filed against Robina Co. In Orange County and acrou \he country. The suits generally seek millions of dollara in damages againat the Ylll HlllTlll DlllY PAPIR 011 AN<.f COUNT Y C ALIFORNIA 25 CENl S ~ ID pharmaceutical company and contend that the Dalkon IUDs, taken off the market in 1974, lead to eerioua internal injuries. Van Dyke, who since 1975 has handled more than 250 cases against Robins, has been succeea- f ul mainly in reaching out-oC- court settlem:mts on the suits. The Newport Beach attorney said he still had 150 cases pen- IUD • SUit ding against the Virginia-based company. An estimated 2.5 million de - vices were sold between 1970 and 1974. At least. 16 deaths were reported by Dalkon Shield users. Accor ding t o many o f the lawsuits filed against the com - pany, it is contended tha t t he Dalkon Shield's barb-like fins cut the wall of the uterus and that strings dangli ng from tht.> bottom of the small plastic IUDs carried bacteria Into the uterus Miss Whalen. a waitress in Costa Mesa, had used her Dalkon Shield for five years before suf- fering acute pelvic inflammatory disease. Doctors at UC lrvint· Medical Center in Orange then perfor- med a hysterectomy. Stores clearing shelves > • ' • a11nte .., .... ,.... .., Clllffle .... STORM AF'l'ERMATH -While setting sun ainka toward clouds, Steve Snoke of l .<mg Beach works his metal detector acra. the sand beneathi pilings of Huntington Beach Pier. Snoke said just after a s tonn is the best time to aeek hidden treasures in the sand. WORLD ' -Brezhnev st,roke reported WASHINGTON (AP) -Soviet Preaidtstt Leonid Brezhnev's health J 1U "deteriorated ·~y." and he' waa taken to the :Kremlin holpital Jn an ambulance last week for tre.atment of a pouible stroke, the ' Waahington Post f'\l?ported today. NATION Good food I or 5 cenlB You'd have Ito ao bMS 100 yean tq .. • IOOd 5-cent meal, rlgh ·t? WnJGI. GMo l •J'Wma'1 a.stau.- rant --z: Ptn.bu.1rah. Paea A5. • :: Did 'slioot· ·lo-Jdll' cut crime f. The police fofte'1 .,..ldD poMcy may or may • not be the cau.e, but crime ln Terre Haute, Ind., bM dropped abarply. Pace A8. • • ? • sa mon 1n Falkland I s les llg h t ·Argentine gets plea. from Reagan _ ~l{JNGTON (AP) -Pr.!::_ !_ai_d ! calling .on all parties to sident "Reagan telephoned Ar--exerelie restramt. -· __p~ gentinian President Leopoldo The U .N. S ecurity Council Galtieri just hours before Ar-scheduled a session on the dt- gentine f. orce s invaded the spute today. British-ruled Falkland Islands to Speak.es said the United States ask for restraint and urge that had communicated with Britlah "hostilities be avoided," Reagan's Prime Minister Margaret That- spokesman said today. cher and other officials of the Reagan made the call, which British government through dip-- lasted 50 minutes, from the lomatlc channels. White House living quarters at The U . S . govern men t 5:21 p.m. PST Thuraday, deputy "st.ronaly supports" a statement presidential presa secretary Lar-issued by the eecretary genenl of ry Speakes told reporters. the United Nations calling for He said the two leaders spoke restraint, Speakes said. through interpreters. The ir ac-During hiJt phone caµ to Gal- tual conversation, minus the ti.eri, Reagan "expremed concern translations, occup{ed 25 minutes. over the situation and his desire . Speakes said the length of the to .ee that hostilities be avoided call wu unpn:cedented. and QUI' willlngnesa to-contribute •ewe want a peaceful 90lution to a peaceful solution," the press through diPloma.Uc means," he spokesman said. Radio rescue Ham operators aiil couple ~ ROBERT BARKER sisted in pinpoi,;_ting the location .. I , o.lr ,..th~ •ttn ....... _ of the distressed Orange Coast ts not on etr i erary, ..-..... ~ Seal Beach couple find th~-Raus in, who said he is fhe ves on a tuna clipper today, rune owner of· several nightclubs in days out of Panama and about the Houston area. renewed radio 1,600 miles off the Coast of Me-contact Thursday with the Rey-~i and Betty Re Ids 1 ft noldses .w~o by then were safe en . yno e on the fishing veMel. ~ng Beach Jan.•9, ~ting ports "They are enjoying themselves m Mexico before sailing to the now , but they said the after-M~quesas Island In the South tremors of their emergency are p~iast s da ,1,. Re old-just now hitting them," Rausin un y'4'.e yn reported today ses ~9.n~ a sto.nn 8!1d heavy "They didn't know how close a seas m their 32-foot sailing yacht, call they had.'' Faith. . Rausin explai~ed that the When thmga got worse, thE'.Y Reynoldses not only suffered flashed a ~ayday call by radio from severe physical and mental that was ptcked up by Houston exhaustion and dehydration but ham radio operator Ronald Rau-that their boat had taken on a lot alnFrom that time Ra . d more wa.te r than th.ey thought . on usm. an and was m great peril. o~her ham operators, wor~ed He said il was in no condition Virtuall~ non-atop coordinatmg to reach port reecue eliorta for the ~ynoldaes · who were about 18 aaya away "Thank God for that little old from the nearest port. radio. Jt,is only the siz.e of a loaf The couple·waa picked up of bread but it saved their lives." Wednesday by the tuna fishing Rausin' reports that the Seal ship Mar Del Sur, about 1,000 Beach sea adventurers should miles oU the coast of Guatemala. arrive in Panama in nine days on Rausin and others helped the tuna boat and arrive in San coordinate th~ search and as-Diego soon after that. STATE Area braces again S FRANCISCX> (AP) -Hundn!ds of people forced b waters from a San Joee trail.er park huddled in evacuation centers today while workers piled aandbap around threatened buildings and monitoret! potential m udslides along Bay area tµgh- ' ways. SPORTS Five cagers lionored · nve Oranp CoNt area high echool buketball atandoutl have been choeen on the All-CIF 3-A team. · P.,e Cl. Freeway Series arrives The Ane1i and Dod&en open their three-pme Freeway 8111-tonilht at Dodpn Stlldlwn. Pace.Cl. R ETUR NS -President Reagan arrives at the White House from the National Na- val Medical Cente r in Be- thesda, Md., following tests of his urinary tract. Probe started b y FDA ' By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL Of lhe Dalty Piiot Si.ti Orange County health depart- men t of!ic1als w<.•r<.· awaiting further word tuday from the Food and Drug Adm1nastrataon on whether to begin s~t checks of the county 1,858 retail grocery sto res for canned salmon that may contain botulism. Robert Merryman, the county director of environmental health, said t he FDA 1s chC'Ckang d istri- bution lists attempting to deter- mine if cam with SUSJ>«ted code numbers have been shipped to a nd shelved at OrangP County outlets. M ea11whtle. four grocery ch ains -Al pha Beta. Lucky- Gemco, Stater Bros. and Von's - were removing some l'anned sal- mon from the shelves If the FDA tells the county health officials that cans with suspected codes were sent to county markets, Merryman said. inspector s will v1s1t stores at random to make spot che<:ks "If we don't fi nd anything. we relax. lf we do. we'll begin a more concentrated effor t." Mer- ryman said. The FDA said the t•u rrent sal- mon recall will involve more than 26 million cans of salmon that are sold under a variety of brand names. Merryman not ed that o nly 7 ~-ounce size cans are suspected of containing extremely tin y holes that permitted the bacteria tha t produces botulism toxm to enter. H e a t h e r moved to Fullerton Newport Beach Mayor Jackie Heathe r, in the third week of recovery after suffering a stroke, has been moved lo S t . Jude's Hospital in Fullerton in order to participate in a reh abilitation program. The 52-year-old mayor ha~ been receiving treatment at Hoag Memorial Hospital in Newport Beach since March 7. Dr. L o r e n H e ath e r , th e mayor's husband, said Thursday the treatment in Fullerton is de- signed to prepare his wife for her INDEX At Your Service A4 Business C6-7 California A5 Cavalcade B2 Classified. D 1-8 Comics B6 Croeswoni B6 Stan Delaplane B2 Death Notices 02 F.ditorial A6 Entertainment Weekender Home/Garden B7 COUNTY return home. which he said he expects is still a WN'k away. Dr. Heather. a card1ologtsl, also said his w ife should be ready to return to her city hall dulles and begin attending city cou nc.11 meeth~gs within a month He SaJd she will retain her post as mayor. · He added that she's even be- gun talking .1bout a re-election bid next November when her four-year tem . expires "She's doing very well," Dr. Heather r eported. Horoscope B2 Ann Landers B2 Movies Weekender Mutual Funds C6 National News A3 Public Notices . 06,02 Sports Cl-5 Stock Market.I C7 Television TV Log Theaters Weekender Weather A2 World News A3 ·s teeple criticism biglr Relldenta ot a Newport BMcb netahborhood want St. Andre'• Pnlb)'11e11an Church tb stay around, but ~ don't want a 106-foot·Neple. Pace Bl . .. . ---.. -""". -, u 1 ~---=~~~;F----~~~~~::::.=.~~~~~~~---------- Airport: ~by a 1-:,z,.edenl ud a failure to a~t prt te eector fundl, "Newecheck," the only t.elevialon procrain ~ exclualvely to Oran1e County newa, will leav, the airwaves 1, after June 8. • 1 •" KOCE, Channel 60~ the Hunt.- lnaton Beach-hued public t.ele· lfl vlalon station that p.roducea •11 "Newlelbeck," at\nounced the ··~ ~·· dem.lae LhJa, week. ._. "I wut '°•trees that the rea· I ,t; .tll !~Violent \! :~winds rake I • Qf ' ' · =~ C~lorado • w By Tlte AuOclated Presa fl A late-winter storm dumped mow on Utah and thunderatonna roared aero. Texaa and the Gulf Cout ..-ies~ MHnw~.~up to 141 mph! raked ':tolorado's Front Range today, smashing window1, overturning a tanker 'truck.-.nd rb>ptng r®fB off hou· ees irl'O>Janifo s~. A storm that brought Utah a chilling reminder of winter on '/the first day of April knocked 1 down walls with 55 mph gusta, piled mow up to 5 inches ~p at 11 Salt Lake Clty In.ternatlonal ·'1 Airport and cauaed "dor.ena and ·' doz.ens" of. hfghwa)'. accidents. in J• the words of1Jtah ifurhway Pa- ·" trol diapat.cher Mntecadell. l•. "Everything's gone to total 1'. junk out "there. That's the best L, way to put it," he said. '' Up to 7 inches was reported w along the lake's beaches, with 18 ~ new inches in the northern Utah 1:1 mountaina. Skies cleared today, but temperatures dropped shar- ply to 19 degree&-at ~ Heavy snow fell today in the mountain• of Colorado, while brief heavy 1now showers pro- duced 2 inches in an hour In .. Lander, Wyo. • air CU·t=-=.~ G 1 said in an interview Th~ay. "Our teeUna lJ ~t 1 Wt a' 4-~t'>i show mad~'\I of talented nara-workbw I* " ~~ f&id "Newac:6edt' co:.i. . , '6Q(i.C)OO ,annually to produce. He u1d ~ donatiooa QOW pay only 1~ percent" of that aum. A , . • no site in sight 't.poat1n"4n1 drop in federal funda, ' .i. ~t ~ into the 1tatlon'1 budaet. ¥M1 KOCE can oo longer afford. 'CJ.J>rpJ! uce, Uie new a prosram, UVQtl Aki . He aaid, belt-~~ ~ . .laat August, The Orange County Board ot Supen18on Is being told then ia no acceptable 1ite withln the county for use as a new reneral aviation airport tor private air- craft. "No site IB available wheTe the esrJential ihgredlenta of technical feasibility and community sup- port join together," Murry Cable, • John Wayne Airport manager, said in a letter to supervllora. "Then..we re-exar:Nned it in January," he NCalled. 'IQver the put 30 days, ·'Wtth the oontinuoua b a d fl e w' .~om i n g o u t o f .Washington, i~ just portended , serious r~uctiona in the fun<b w.e've be.e.n allocating to 'Newacheck.'" Gerdta said. He said the production crews working on "Newacheclt" can be abeorbed0 into the station'• other operations. But Gerdts said the cancella- tipn will eliminate the positions ~el4,by n~· director -Mellnda Cotton,'mchor Wendy Wetzel and reporters Jere Witter and Deborah M.a.mling. •. ije $id th.,.newa staff mem- bera may b1e offered opportuni- ties to work on other KOCE projeeta. ''Newscheck" started in Sep- Jember 1977. But the program wa• never able to attain ita goal of i.ncreaaed private sector sponsors. Gerdts aaid corporations prefer to be identified with cultural shows or even special issue do- cumentaries. TfltPer th.an a wide- rangii:ig news .show that might turn 1t.s cameras on them one day. He said Ol)ly 10 of the 287 Public Broadcasting Service sta- tions produce regular news programs like "Newacheck,." · "It's one of"'thei&..onfel brthia business," Gerdta said, "that on commercial television-. newa ii one of the bfaert ~ But news on Fblic TV la th~ hardest to ll!lill. 'The board i.s llCheduled to con- sider the general aviation airport site question at a meeting at 9:30 a .m, Wednesday at the county Hall of Administration in Santa Ana. HOW DRY IT ISN'T -Recent stom\8 ch$nged the appearance of the nonnally dry bed of the · Santa Ana River .. which abruptly .became "the Deir .......... "'°441 mighty Santa Ana., as it coursed beneath the MacArthur Avenue Bridge in Fountain Valley Thu.r&day. Cable said, "My commitment to addressing the general avia- tion needs jn Orange County is strong. However. it ls becoming increasingly difficult to justify spending addition al valuable time and re90urce9 on the site se- J ()bless rate hits 9 percent lection study proa9 beyond this point." Six potential sites for a general aviation airport have been under study for more than one year by a n advisory committee and CH2M Hill, a Costa Mesa con- sulting finn. ' Layoffs, closing match unemployment postwar high WASHINGTON (AP) -Wi- despread layoffs and plant clo- ' Sings pushed the nation's unem- ployment rate to 9 percent last month, matching the nation's j>ostwar high, the Labor Depart- ment reported today. Just under 9.9 million people were out of work in March. Since July, some two million have lost jobs. level since the government began keeping that statistic in 1967. The Labor Department said th1a increase was particularly felt among blacks, "who historically have accounted for a dispropor- tionately large number of the discouraged." In the first quarter, blacks comprised nearly 40 per- cent of those who dropped out of the labor force because of fru-March's employment losses, stration encountered in seeking t~e product of the continuing · '-. th JOUl't. recession. cut~ .e s~ But rising unemploym e nt, of the wpulation, with JObless-Treasury Secretary Donald Re- n:ess among adult males, tradi-gan said Thursay does not mean ~~ally th.e fa~ Qre~d"':in-_ J.~a ~nis.trati~n's for.ecast of • ~ling mber s high an economic recovery this sum-of 7.9 percent, the department's mer is wrong Bureau of Labor Statiatics said. · Unemployment among white- collar, blue-collar and full-time workers as a whole roae from February, when the national jo- bless rate was 8.8 percent. Until business is firmly on the upswing, he said, hiring does not pick up. Rather, he added, em- ployers tend to assign longer hours to existing workers before hiring new ones. Private analysts say the ab-A site along San Juan Creek sence of any clear signs of an east of San Juan Capis trano early business turnaround indi-emerged as the leading conten- cat.es there will be no new hiring der. but drew formal opposition any time 900n of the magnitude from city councils in San Juan needed to provide relief from ri-and San Clemente. sing joblessness. For Mareh, total The owner of the property, employment was 99.5 million, Rancho Mission Viejo, also ex- about 100,000 less than the mon-pressed opposition, citing envi- th before. ronmental concerns about the San Juan Creek area. When unemployme nt last A follow-up cont.ender, a site reached 9 percent, at the height located in Santiago Canyon east of the Arab oil embargo, 8.4 of Oqmge, likewise drew oppo- milllon people were out of work, sitiorf from the landowner, the but the labor force was smaller. Irvine Company. Santiago Ca- ln 1938, 10.4 million people nyon also is being s tudied is a - we re out of work, the largest potential location for a regional number ever, but the labor force airport. was only 54.6 million. "To be sure," Cable said in his letter, "choosing a location to 'The highest unemployment build a new general aviation air· rate recorded since data was first port is a diffic:ult task in an area compiled in 1940 was the 1941 ' of hilltops and rooftops, particu- yearly average of 9.9 percent. larly when the prevailing trend Monthly statistics w ere first is to close airports that already '~ In Colorado Springs, gusts . toppled the tower at KSSS, &en· ding it crMhing on cars in the parking lot. Telephone poles ; were knocked down, windows ;. were blown from cars, and eome ~ injuries were reported from fiyina glaas, Cocaine seized in Irvine raid At the 'White Hoeuae, deputy presidential press secretary Lar- ry Speakes said, "We find this, of COW'9e, disappointing and we are sensitive to any increase in un- employment. The president feels this keenly.'' compiled in 1948. exist." "Unemployment is what we Today, private aircraft ~-ba- call a lagging indicator," he said Unemployment in 1940 was :\e<I at three county airports - In New Jeraey, meanwhile, windl up to 5 mph ripped up a .,,. shee~metal hangar· at the Mor- ' riatown Municipal Airport and tent_ piles of conatruction debris craaNng to a Newariutreet. .. The wind picked the hangar ..: up, took it off the foundation and twilted it up like a prettel." said l'I airport manager Tbamaa 7.enick. Investipton leiz.ed 1. 7 ounces of oocaine with a street value of $4,750 durina arrest Wectne.day of two San1a Ana men on char- aes of Jn m llMm and ... of co- caine, acoordinc to IMne Police Lt Robert Lennert. The arre9tl of Scott Sylvester Cratg. 2-S. -.nd Ricky Steven .lames, 25, of 1812 Jefferton Place, Santa Ana. were made by Irvine police narcotics investlp- ton 8lliMed by Santa Ana police. The number of diKouraged workers, who the government ornitt from-the unempleyment total becaU9e they have stopped looking for work, rose by 140,000 in the first three months of the year to 1.3 million, the hi~hest ~,: Warmer d~f s ahead· :coastal . 8n'9I or.ft ICMeory "°"' Point Conoeptlon 10 Iha Maxlcen bot- dlr. Wa.t to•IOl1tt-t .... 15 to 21 knoea Wla\ loc8I gum '° 36 ............ tol9oot-WlllCl9 OI daa ..... .., to I to t2 knota -. :J Inner ~ but continued IU'Ong ·~ and ouaty over outer watera through ·~· • /I. · Over Inner water wait lo J.) n«th-t wlnda 10 to 11 knoll :!:°:~~:.~~~ 10 3 i..t. Pen1y cloudy. ~r<*il. "' the rein let 119 during the morn4n0, Nettoftel WM1Mt Ser· vice forecutn cautJouefy pre- dicted • ,.,,... toclll)' Md OWi' the--..nd. "The foreeMt for 611 of $ou.. t htr11 Calltorttla la varl•bl• ~ .. .-tfol•••• ... Jeff Wltght. ''TillN '9 110 .,....,,. of lnY,. ~ 111.acMlwm Calltornle for tM ..-end." A lllgtlt wermlnQ -predicted by the~~. " An Icy~ of"*' and -In tile Mol"'• Q!tMrt gr .. tad· mambara of 'ttla ~atlonel Guard Thurlday •• Ulay lftMMUWfad • •·. fl Into poe(tlon for 1 mom mac« In ~ ~ _w., .. I IM8llw ITll!ttlry ll(atcila llm-uCattno coriCHllonl In die Mldlalt. \• ••" \•~· •••· • O· "•'•' ... .....,. But the lklel dM6'ad ~I IIImII9 -• • : : : -V.£ summary: :::-~ :::=: ..: .... ::=rtfol=~======8=1 ===Lono==a.ctl====-='2=~ ... :..2 Wlntar-1111• -thar0 contlnuad Severel lncm. ot "'°" f14l In, Helena 40 ~!>' Angliaa 5e 50 .8' to hammer th• WHt Thur1day Baratow. 30 mllea to the aoulh-Hono4ulu 110 ... ~ 54 41 with ...,., storm llnd high wtnd .... Houston 78 Montebello ee 50 .le ww'*'91 In an.ct tor moet of the The CHP blamed wet~ ~ 10 Monterey 48 40 .90 ragk>n'a tnOUfttalnoul •-· lor ~ ot ~ rwig1ng Jadtln!lle IM 5e Mt, Whan 37 28 3.64 Snow wee plla;d up to 18 taat from farlder benWI to lrMway K.w City 77 40 Nwdlel 89 55 deep In eoma ~. and more colll1lon1 In anarlad ruah-hour Lal Vegiae 110 44 ~ 8Mdl llO 48 ..eo . than 12 taat of anow hec:t fallen trafllo. Uttle Rodt n 54 .,..,...., 48 40 .ee lnMld 8ql-. v~. Celt., llllOe The....,..._ -oown to 4,-LouilYlle 71 ae Ontario 53 50 Sunday. , 000 teat and '-In the moun-Mamc>N1 83 52 Palm 6pring1 72 48 .1S Idaho'• mountelna had gotten 18lnl and al rnoumaln motonata MWnl 78 70 Paeadana 51 47 24 inm. of tnOW from Tu.clay _. advlMd to c.ry dlalnl. Mlhnuk• 64 39 Paao Roblel 50 40 .75 1t1ernoon to Thurlday, cloelng Loe Angllaa got .84 of M lnc:h MS*-St.P 51 28 Alvar9lde 53 •5 1.02· lntantllta 15 .,._ Idaho Fall of l'llln In tM "-' r--.t atorm. NalfWtlle 74 39 Rad BIVfl 48 39 ·~°! Ind Monlda P-. rlillng Iha .-on total to 10.04 Haw Orieanl 80 63 RadWOOd City 52 41 .04 Winter 1torm warning• were lnchH compared to a totel 1>t Haw Yortl e5 50 Reno 39 t9 .a. 1 I poatad u8..~~own the moun-0 • U5 lnc::flait one ,_. ago. Hormel Olde City n "3 Sacnmento 50 37 . 11 talna of lliOI*' ..,..,, for tNa time .. 12.87 inm.. OmeN 75 40 SallllM 47 39 .63 tlona ol Arl•on•. and over the ~ ee 42 San Bamardlno 51 50 .92 ~~ai:,~ Bunni.on ~allay' Temperature' : ~ =: ~ : : 1 :: Hlgll wtnd --... In al-• . ~ 57 41 San Ffanclloo 50 "3 .... Met O¥ar nor1tlaMt" and cemre1 MTIM ~. Ora 54 37 1er1 Joee 48 40 .3t I = ....... and IM ..-m tDc*llil .. '--All*f aty 73 31 Santa Alie to 60 .ta I "' of COlcndo.""" .-......., ~ n 41 A1no • 19 s.n,. e.t>era 51 47 ·!:! "klrw:fllOmptiorhWllt'. .. ,.,..._. 81 14 AlclWooncl 75 44 ~Cna 14 .44 1..,.• Stoc*rnen'i ~.... ,..,..,.. 71 47 RMt Lake M ti Santa Mwte 64 44 UI of oold,... cNr9't to lllOW lftd Ml!fM 1t. 64 ..... 50 $enta Morlil:8 ti 48 I ' gutty wl. nd were &:.::oovar Atlentc 'tty 7S 3' 81 Louie 74 3t Stoddon 51 3e Montlne,....,.,. and 8llamont 73 42 8t P·Tam99 12 12 Tahoe V"""1 S3 12 .-.ni Ncw1tl 0.N. . ~ 13 5e SpeMtlne ... 21 T1wmal 74 47 Tl'M'lllarl a1MeOrta1 wern1ng of 8lemlrdl 49 27 Tuc:eon 12 · 48 · Torrenot e5 4t enowencl~wlnd_.llelled· lolel 4t 32 Wlllfllngtn 74 47 ---------• I for""'°"°'"°"'*"~· lo9IOl'I 81 50 Wlotllla 75 ·" end a W1C1 ~ -IMuad •owic... t1 74 ~ '°' tM ~of loutlwn c. 9llflllo 4$ 3' ........ --. a.ttte NC n 54 A.-. Vt!1ey • 41 • M 1.2t ~ OOfttlftued ..., tM C.. ~ SC 74 81 .._......, M .q ,7' '°'* 009lt, dW'lll'll to ._ 1111 ctllltlln WV • 15 ..,.._ 51 46 tM ~ OUr1fte a'""°"" aw.--10 21 .._wom 44 42 1.40 .-too ...... Wllon .. U4 In-CINDligo .. 3' ~ ... 44 " 1.70 -. of,...._ Cttidtwwll fO-a ~ so ,.. ~r1Mllrl~Oll9cw-~ • 4' ...,..-n N nlla loodld Loa Aftlllll .,.._., ~ • S5 Oeai1r19, M N .63 and IOI_._. M6d "'9 9t~· ._...., WWI 71 N Cl"-City 10 80 U1 .... -'°' 10 ,_..,. • o.ww 1• .. ~ ... 42 .32 I._._., MOW -·wtdety Dia..... fa 81 ,.... .. 42 ,at , IGlltMNd ..., tM upper JareM DMrolt 51 40• LAii• ~ 40 10 .to L111ee lftd.....,.,. N1w lnallnd. II l'8IO 11 81 l.Mc*W llO 40 .73 r;-i __ -L. _Calijo~ _ : ' A ......... ...,,._ 111° UI • ~ .... a...,, MOW MCI flood< 111! f'l!lft ......... ~ .......... -:;.-;: =.:=::::..::.. '-"' ......... ..__ ...... _.,..., =.:'=~~ i.= I::. ..-~ ... a.... ......... ,... ....... . ...., ................ ... ' . ·~ _lllf llMIT · ... ........... --.., . I I W I I W I I W I I W Extended /orecmt 8und1y-TuHd1y; \11rl11>le Gtoudl~ Md oool. ~of ---In nortllent _...... aund•r.•nd Tu .. d1r. Looattr wlndY ..... ~'::-·"' .. oOlet9 ..... ...... taln raaotte IO to 4J, Lowe .. COHiii llf ... 41 tf II MCI .. mountlMI 11 to IO. TUia in an appearance on public tel-14.6 percent. Some estimates say .John Wayne Mrport adjacent to evision's "MacNeil-Lehrer the rate was 25 pe rcent in the Newport Beach, Meadowlark Report." "It lags behind a wont of the Great Depres&on in Airport in Huntington Beach and recovery." the early 1930s. 1fi'ullerton Airport in Fullerton. ----------------------~------~ ................. _ reline nHI' HunUqnoa -..1a fter. A lolM 1u.rfer 1prin'811C1W1 lhe wMb. happy to IM .... .... llMriile.'' • • • . '~--~~~~----~~~~~~......:::...-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~--~~~-----~~~-~ ...... - , • .. _,,, Ofan99 OOMt DAIL y PILOT /PrJd1y, Apdf a. 1111 8 Al Security to tighten Space shuttle missions to adopt military secrecy SPACE CENTER, H ouaton (AP) -Space buffa who have tollowed the lN and out.a of apace 1huttle million.a clo9ely had bet- ter enjoy lt while they can, be- cau.e many detalla ot the flichta may aoon be cloaked ln milltary ae&ecy. . The Alr Fonle wW 1tart uaina the Columbia, to launch milltary cargo during lta fourth flight.in late June or early July of this year, and oHlclai. say the mill- tary'1 policy wlll be a>far cry from the sort of openneH the public is uaed to with the civilian National Aeronautics and Space Administratior1. "It's likely that aome types of information the public is ac- customed to will not be releued," said Brian Duff, NASA's chief of public inforynation. "We will at some time say that there are aspects of a space flight that won't be di9culled.'' no choice -the decl1lon hu been made by the prelident that we are to ahare the ahuttle with the Air Force.'' NASA and Alr Force official.a aay the detall1 are attll bein& worked out but rettrictiona un- der conslderation include: -Carefully controlled air-to· ground convenationa with utro- nauts to avoid giving clues about the mllltary satellitea the apace- craf t i.s carrying. -Restriction of television beamed from space to make sure there are no plcturea of military hardware. During the first three flights of Columbia. hours of television showed the payload bay and its scientific-cargo. Such picture., in.stead of being trans- mitted live, might be t ape- delayed and restricted when there are Air Force aatelllte1 aboard. -Wlthholdlna detaU1 about ahuttle maneuvers. There ia con- cern such Information would re- veal when and where Alr Force aatellitea have been released. Restrictiona, offlctai. said, could include 1uch thinga u the alti· tude, Its inclination of orbit and ill location In apace at a 1iven time. The Air Force i.s developi.na it.I own lauiich and landina lite for the shuttle at Vandenbera Air Force Bue, Calif., 165 mllea north of l,A>I Anaeles, to aha~ the load with Cape Canaveral. The first shuttle 1eheduled to uae Vandenberg is the Di.ecovery, in 1985. ~--'Pt'lt!'l"l~~·t-Ieast-2~ military satellites scheduled to be taken aloft by the shuttle. Some of the missions will be all-military - part of what is referred to as the "blue fleet." Forecasts 'bleak' . for Soviet economy MUGGING VICTIM AIDED -Bloodied and bruised mugging victim Helen Kowalczyk lies on the ground near her home in Boston's Dorchester neighborhood after being mugged. She is assisted by Bob McNally, left, who holds ,., .......... his own crutch ; police officer J ohn Donovan and Elimbeth Kinney. The victim lost $15 in cash and $3 worth of postage stamps while sustaining facial and shoulder injuries. Her attacker fled. Reagan says willirig .-lo lis~ei(. But still playing budget cards dealt with poker face WASHINGTON (AP) -Pre- sident Reagan may not be tur- ning a great stone face to com- promise on his embattled deficit budget, but he certainly is playing it with a poker face. All he is saying is that he's willing to listen. He is avoiding any suggestion as to where he might bend in response to con- gressional demands for revisions that would curb the deficit, now pro~ted by the administration at $96 billion. Democrats and some independent analysts say the deficit will be far higher. The closest Reagan came to offering guidance on the subject at his news conference Wednes- day night was to say that he .11• 11111111. might accept some unspecified reduction in the defense budget if it could be accomplished wi- thout slowing the military buil- dup he deems essential. That is not likely to put a big dent in the deficit that plagues members of Congress, particular- ly Republicans, as they look to· ward the elections now seven months away. They will be get- ting a taste of voter reaction to the prospect of record deficits during the Easter recess next week. "I am listening and I'm not 'I talked killer into execution' SALT LAKE CITY (AP) -A former Utah State Prison cha- plain who favors the· death pen- alty has said he talked convicted killer Gary Gilmore into going throygh with his 1977 execution. "Absolutely, as far as I'm con- cerned, I'm totally responsible for llim doing it," Cline Camp- bell, a rabbit rancher living in Heber City, said in a telephone interview on Wednesday. Gilmore, who spent 19 of his 36 years in custody, could have delayed his execution for years by appealing, but did not want to spend the rest of his life behind bars. His was"lhe first American execution in nearly a decade. Campbell, a Mormon prison chaplain from 1974 until three months before Gilmore's execu- tion, said he persuaded Gilmore to choose execution over com- mitting suicide. Gilmore was convicted of kil- ling two Brigham Young Un- iversity students in Provo during two separate robberies in 1976. Campbell's account o f Gil- more's final decision was questioned by Lawrence Schiller. who interviewed Campbell for Norman Mailer's Pulitz.er Prize- winning book on Gilmore, ''The Executioner's Song." Schiller said Campbell never indicated he believed he was responsible for Gilmore's decision. "There are other people who would say they are responsible. I think Gilmore was his own dri- ving force," said Schiller, producer-director of an upcomin1t television movie on Gilmore. " ... Campbell may be right, but I had hot gotten that impression." ORANGE COAST • Daily Pilat Cl•H"i.d advertising 7141142-5671 All other apartment• 142~321 Thomas P Haley Ill.....,__. CMf (•K"'""'• Oft~I Robert N Weed "-Thomas A Murph1ne ~ l. Kay Schultz ---0....CSOt"' 00.-••- Michael P Harvey -·"ll °""""' Kenneth N. Goddard Jr <:«--°''"""' Charles H. Loos .......... [- MAIN OFFICE Q30 WHI aev SI , COii. -·CA. llUll-. ao. IMO,C.i.MeM, CA. f'M» ,....,, ..... t1ll1 Or ... C..tl ~~ '-¥ Ho,....,.__._, ..... , ....... ~.~--v.rtlM..-1'1 ...,..In fNIY Ille r--ed ...,.... spe<lat perrn!Ulofl Of<....,,..,.._,.,. VOL 75.N0.12 inflexible and remaining a great stone face, as they say, down here," Reagan said at his prime time news conference. That was about as conciliatory as it got. . He did say he was open to de- fense budget savings through ''management _improvements.'' But he quickly foreclosed any willingness to compromise on weaponry. "The one thing that I have said is that we can't accept in the de- fense field some kind of a re- duction that would set us back in the course we've taken to rebuild our defenses in view of the So- viet superiority," Reagan said. "But it is possible that there are things that could be done wi- thout hurting that." As evidence of his willingness to heed Congress, Reagan said he's had White House Chief of Staff James A. Baker Ill on Ca- pitol Hill for two weeks now, listening to suggestions on the budget. But he said Baker's mis- sion was to collect information, not to cvt deals for compromise. ''I've authorized Jim to go up and listen and tell me what they're proposing," Reagan said . No more. Reagan also said he would tolerate no retreat on the basic elements of his economic plan. including the second phase of the big tax cut some critics want de- layed. He said that would send exactly the wrong message. As always, he put the em- phasis on more spending curbs, not more revenue. "With regard to further cuts, I am open to hear and willing t o hear any proposals." Reagan said "the most impor- tant thing we can do . . . to be- nefit all the people who are suf- fering so in this recession is a · further cut, a further reduction in government, in federal spending." That's part of the theory: cut spending and the economy will improve so as to benefit everyone. It doesn't play with Democrats or with skeptical Republicans, since the programs that have to be cut are the ones that benefit people who loee income or jobs in a time of ecooom.ic slump. The prospect remains that if Reagan won't parley on the specifics o( a budget eornpromile that would curb deficit apend.lna, Cong:re. wW write lta own. The pn!Sident ia not the one who hllll to eell the product to the voters th.is fall; llowle memben and 34 Senate candida1ea do. But 10 far, Reepn II playi.na the carda he dMlt when he tent the budget to Congre11 in the finJt place. .., ... ......., ............ We're Listening ••• Whal do )'OU like about I.he OaJly Pilot? Whal don't )'OU llke? Call the number below end your measa1e wUI bt recorded. tranacribed and delivered to the approprtale editor. The 11me M·hour answerin1 service may be used to record let· tera to the editor on eny topic. Mailbox contributor& 1T1u1t Include their name and telephone number ror verlflcatJon. No clrculallon calla. pleue. T~l us whet'& oo your mind. 842-8088 --~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~--....-...---------~....:J The first "blue shuttle" mis-BRUSSELS, Belgium (AP) - sion is tentatively.scheduled to Leading West.em financial anal- by more than 200 Western ex- perts on the economies of Com- munist countries .. take place in a year. Air Force ysts have issued bleak forecasts officials say national security re-for the Soviet Union's planned Peter Davies, a researcher for the British Defense Ministry, predicted an annual Soviet eco- npmic growth rate of 2.5 petOent a year over the next five years. David Dyker of the University of Sussex said that while the Soviet Union spends 20 percent of its investment capital on agri.culture. it wi.ij have zero growih in farm output over the next four years. quires that no information be economy and said food shortages, released about military payloads debt to the West and black the shuttle will carry into orbit. marketeering may grow in the Defense Department officials · 1980s. also w ant to withhold details One British expert said there is about shuttle flights that might fear among scholars and refugees give clues to the tyf)e o'f military that the Kremlin may increase satellites being launched. heavy-handed control to "clear NASA has always prided itself up the mess." on the openness of its space The foreeasts were made at the progranr,arn.bcrn~rof its offictal.s-Opening of a three-day North are bristling at the security de-Atlantic Treaty Organization mands. But. Duff said, "We have conference Wednesday attended "This seems unbelievabtrand you can't go on doing it forever," Dyker said. ENTERTAINS POLITICOS -Rebecca Sny- der, who is currently playing the title role in the stage musical "Annie," leads House Spea- ker Thomas P . "Tip" O'Neill Jr. by the hand following her performan~ at the annual De- mocratic Congressional Dinner in Washington. u ........... From left are: Sen. Daniel Inouye, D-Hawait Sen. Wendell Ford, D-Ky.; House Majority Leader Jim Wright of Tex.as; Senate Minority Leader Robert Byrd of W. Va.; O'Neill; and Rep. Tony Coelho, D-Calif. The Carousel Chapter of the Orange County Music Ce'hter • GRATEFUll Y ACKNOWlEDGES THE CONntBUTIONS FROM OUR-UNDERWRITERS ANO PATRONS ABC LUMBER ABLE COMPIJTER AIRPORT BUSINESS CENTER AMINOIL USA. INC. APODACA. FINOCCHIARO & CO. THE ARNOLD ENGINEERING CO. BAKER INTERNATIONAL BENTLEY LA80RATORIES. INC. BURLINGTON NORTHERN AIR FREIGHT INC. CAllFORNIA·CHARTER BUSES. INC. CANON BUSINESS MACHINES. INC CHRIS LINDSAY DESIGNS CIMCO MR. & MRS. JOHN J. CRONIN COUNT PATRICK DeMONTFRIED EIP/CUSHMAN. INC. FHP (FAMILY HEALTH PROGRAM ) DR. & MRS. MORRIS FIER MARTHA & 808 FLUOR GIUMARRA BROTHERS VINEYARDS IMPERIAL BANK DR. & MRS. ROY E. LAU MAILING & MARKETING INC. McKINLEY EQUIPMENT M V PUBLISHING. INC. MIKE PHENJATI REEL/GJ?OBMAN & ASSOC. R08ERl J. ROTHWELL CONSTRUCTION SHILEY. INC. DR. STEVE & SUSAN Sl.INGSBY DR. &. MRS. SERGIO C. STONE TACO BELL MR. & MRS. RICHARD 0 . THIES VPA. tNC VINCENT JN;QJAAT & ASSOC. WAYNE FRANKLtN TRUCK CORP CHARLES M. WEINBERG FUND .. .. DE.A.a PAT DUNN: la lHt I wa• '01pitall1ed aad Md co tab Ht a lou to pay "e blll1 beeHae I Md ao la1uuce. My tae.me wu IO small la lHO &Ut I clid.a'1 uve to Ille a w r•tena. Cu 1 claim taieae expeHH OD my ltll retara •• lte· ...... tld .... , Abo, I •odced &Ut OD my paycbeck 1hlb tlaere are dedec· doa1 taltea out for 8.D.1. Cu I dechlct tbese amout1 on my w forms? -L.P .. Co•ta Mesa The Internal Revenue Service says you cannot claim 1980 medical expeNeS. You may claim only medical expenses which you paid during 1981 on your 1981 return as itemized deduct.Iona. S.D.I. 11anda for State DiaabWty Insurance and the amounts withheld from your check can be claimed on Line 11 of Schedule A, llOOC>rding to ms. IRS tape• available DEAR READERS: The Internal Revenue Service reports that 400 audio ~tte tapes c:Jnroduced by the ms have been sent to bnnches of Southern · omia public libraries. The tapes may be uaed in the library or can be checked out, like a book, so taxpayers can use them at home. The preparation of both the short IRS Form 1040A and the longer Form 1040 is explained on the tapes. Taxpayers also will find instructions for Schedules A and B to help in reporting ite- mized deductions or income from interest and dividends. IRS advi.les taxpayers to have their tax forms, all W-2s (Wage and Tax Statement) and instructions available when using the tapes. M any libraries also c arry IRS Publication 1132, "~producible Federal Tax Forms for Use In Libraries," ~rorq whi~es can0e macfe.-Use of tlie re})rodacible fomlS is treet- but many libracies charge a ruuninal fee for making copies. Taxpayers also can obtain free forms and instruction bookleCs' · by calling the toll-free IRS "forms" number: (800) 242-4585. Firm draws complaints DEAR PAT DUNN: I sent a $11.H cbeck to SMM Mail Order Martettag last Oct. %8 for a tilt-cop table. They reqae•ted uotller t5 cents for sbJpplDg charges wbJch I sent immediately. I bave my canceled checks ud that:• all! I sent a letter of in- qlllry Jan. 8, bat still baven't received tbe table. -M.T., Laguna Beach Mail Order Marketing will "reship" your table immediately, according to its customer service representative. Regarding other readers' complaints about this company: E.J ., Costa Mesa, will receive a $17.78 refund for undelivered merchandise ordered Nov. 23; M .J ., Costa Mesa, will have her Nov. 14 order for a hunting knife filled; and D.W., Balboa Island, is asked to wait anoUws.~weeks for...Ute penonaliz.ed pen and pen set ordered Jan. 14. U that merchandise does not arrive within a reasonable time, let A VS know. 'l ·· • "Got a problem? Then write to Pat Dunn. Pat will • cu1 red tape, getting the answers and action you , -_ 'l need to solve inequities in government and business. · Mail your questions to Pat Dunn, At Your Service, ,.., • Orange Coast Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Metia, CA 92626. Aa many letters as possible will be aruwered, but phoned inquiries or letters not including the rea· der's full name, address and business hours' phone number can- not be considered." Nixon library site eyed LEAVENWORTH, Kan. (AP) -The Leavenworth City Com- millJon may hold the key to en· ding the 12-year search for a home for the Richard M . Nixon Library. The commission agreed to in - vestigate. the poaibWty of loca- ting the propmed Nixon library in Leavenworth. The city's tou- rism and convention committee will look into the proposal by Mayor Pro Tem Clyde Graeber. "He (Nlxon) may be infamous, but he was still ~dent of the United States,' Graeber said. "We're constantly looking !or ways to bring tourists into Lea- venworth, and this w ould cer- tainly do it." However, Commissioner Lee Farnsworth expressed tongue - in-cheek reservations about the plan, saying that in the Leaven- worth area, which has two state prisons, a federal penitentiary and a military prison, Nixon would "feel right at home, sur - rounded by prisons." Nixon ne- ver was charged with a crime. -Nixon's-lawyer, Stan Morten- son, said he h ad not been con- • tacted by' r..eave'nworth officials. But he said that since a proposal to put the library in Inde pen- dence, Mo., was defeated, he has had a flurry of inquiries, mostly from Missouri, O klahoma and Kansas. Plans were under way in early 1970 to build the library in Whittier , Ni xon 's hometown. Whittier planned to. of~r 120 acres for the library, and the non-profit foundation established to build the library boasted a net worth of almost $105,000. Twelve years later, the linge- ring s hadow of the Watergate scandal that forced Nixon to re- sign as president in 1974 has made the library an institution without a home. Like officials in Independence, Duke University in Durham, N.C .• recently rejected plans to accept the Nixon library. Duke, Nixon's law school alma mat.er, cited economic reasons for scuttling a proposal in .February to become the library's home. The sc)lool's faculty council a.l8o had voted to reject plans for a 'Nixon museum on the campus. Jo'bn Chancellor I stepping down , Jolul ai.aae.uor, who ree- ilted the Ude toward celebrity journallam whb a calro. tho\.Wltlul atyle, ate,. down u ''.RSC NlCJ\tly New1" an- chonnan after tonJ&ht'• prog- ram with l)OM of tlw fanfare that •cco~t~ a limilar chanae at a year aao. In fact, Chancellor f• not leaving "Nl~tly Newa." He will provide commentary and anatyU three « four times a weel<, and NBC baa taken paint to Include him in print and broaticut ada promoting the transition to an anchor team of Tom Brokaw and Roaer Madd. ''I regard it as the beet job in journali•m, certainly tel- evision joumallam." Chancel- lor said. Sla1er Te4dy Penderp-a11, who was paralyzed last month when his Rolla-Royce crashed into two trees, has bee n charged with reckleaa driving and driving while his driver's license was sua_pen- ded, police say in Philadel- phia. If convicte d, he could be fined $35 on the first charge and $200 on the second, police said. Pendergrass, 31, a resident of suburban Gladwynne, is at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, where he is recove- ring from surgery to stabiliz.e his neck. Anti-war\cti~·ist Jerome Berrigan says the crime for which h e faces 90 days in federal prison was "an act of divine obedience." Berrigan, 62, is one of six sons of a Syracuse family that produced Vietnam war res- isters the Rev. Daniel Berri· gan and his brother, Pblllip, a former priest. Jerome Ber- rigan was sente nced fo r sprinkJi!ig blood on the Pen- tagon. His imprisonment was de- laye d until M a y 10 so h e could finish teaching his En- gl i s)l classes at Onondaga (N.Y.) Community College. DiL Why buy or lease your new Porsche or Audi fro m just any dealership when you can get the special trea tment at Park. At Park Po rsche/Aud i, we're committed to offering the ultimate in custo mer service. Yo ur new Park Porsche o r Audi comes complete with a Park Preferred ervice Club Card, en titling you to a multitude o f com plimentary ser vices. You '11 also have a personal Park Consumer Representative, here to answer all your automotive questions. And, if you'd like ~~< y. to pick up your n~w automobile rig~t from the facto r x, ask about our unique European Delivery Program. The professionals at Park Porsche/Audi are dedi-i»O=l)(f-c / JlUi)i cated to giv~ng you t.he fi rs t class treatment you de~e rve. UNLIKE ANY OTHER diffe~~~e~ in and d1sco\·er the Park Porsche/Al.ld1 -. " 6700 Manchester Olvd., Buen:1 Pack, Ca. ~21 (714) S21 ·8621(213)921 7744 The Beach Blvd. exit off the Santa Ana PrttWay JUDGING AGAIN -For- mer Supreme Court Jus- tice Potter S t ewart is becoming a judge again - he will sit on the Yale Law School Moot Court to award the Thurman Ar- nold argument prize. Ste-W8£l retired last year . F orme r a s t ron a ut A I Worden decided to enter his name as a candidate for Flo- rida's projected U.S. House of Represent.at.Wes scat. Worden , a Republican, said he will run on his technical backgrounQ and knowledge of defense matters. The boundaries of the new district still are uncertain, but it is expected to e ncoropass parts of nine F1orida counties along the Atlantic coast. It was almost like another episode of American Bands- tand a t the Smithsonian 's National Museum of America when entertainer Dick Clark presented a selectinon of No. 1 hit records for the last 25 years. The host of the TV prog- ram also presented the mu- s eum w i th the o r igina l bandstand lectern. As part of an exhibition that's o pen to t he public, Clark, 53, also contributed black and white photographs showing teen-agers waiting in line to d a n ce on the s how .. • which Clark began hosting in 1956, and entertainer Cbabby Checker with his hit record "The Twist." FLY A group of e ntertatnera who beUeve they oen make 1 dltteren~ aro campaJ1nln1 for an e nd to nuclear wea- porw. 111 believe we have juat u much <.TedJbWty u the pf'Clli· dent. Afte r all, he was an actor," choreographer Eliot Feld said in New York. Autho r and cfrtoonlat Jlilea Felffer aaid he waa ~ar\icipatlna in the project 'beca~ I'm acared." The group, P e rformln1 Arlt.ts for Nuclear Diaarma- ment, includes singers Harry Belalonte, Judy C'Ollla1, Car· ly Simoa and. James Taylor; 4M!tressett JUI Claybar1b Me. ryl Streep and Colleen ~w- 1 bust; producer Josepb Papp; direct.on Robert AJtmaa and ! Artbar Penn; and playwright Jolul Goare. . It w as billed a s a fund- r aiser •fo r the Novembe r e lections . this Democrat ic congressiona l campaign dtn- ner in the Capitol, but it loo- ked more like a lovefest for a once-beleaguered leader. As an estimated 1,300 De- mocrats applauded and laug- hed, 12-year-old Becky Soy. der, a curly-haired tyke from th e hat Broadway show "Annie," serenaded House Speaker Thomas P . O'Neill wi th a song that pe rhaps wiped-away some of tbe cr1- t1cism he suffered in the past year from his own party . "T ogether at l ast," the youngster sang as the Massa- ch usetts congressman bea- med . "Toge ther forever." Former CBS news anchor- man Walter Cronkite has been selected the 23rd winner of the Be llar mine Medal, which is presented annually to an outstanding national or in t.ema tioa nal personality. Cronkite bas "been above htS J¥!ers" in workmg under d1rticull circumstances, accor- ding to Dennis Riggs, vice president for external affairs of Bellarmine (Ky.) College, wh ich presents the award. •Raggs cited Cronkite's profes- sional integrity, sensitivity to world proble ms and contri- bu tions to addressm g those problems. The medal, establish ed in 1955, hon ors a p erson de - monstrating "charity, justice and t.emperaten~ in dealing with controversial problems," Riggs said. AND DUY. lnkoduclng Partl'.a Ewopean Delivery Program. Taking a European vacation? Come to Park Porsche/Audi and check out our unique Euro- pean Delivery Program. The money you save on your car could pay for your vacation! At Park. we coordinate all the details of your trip with our travel agent. and give you a set of Michelin maps, tor exploring those quaint village roads. We'll have your car shipped back to the States. and when it arrives. we can pick it up, completely detail and service it, California certify ii and deliver it to your door. We'll even handle all the cumbersome paperwork tor you. What better way to see Europe, and what bet- ter place to break-in your new car! Call today for all the details. · UN LIKE ANYOTHER M=t< .... 6700 Manchester Blvd . Buena i'O:t)Cl-i 4Ui>i Park, CA 90620(714) 521-8621 (213) 921-7744 (Alongside the Santa Ana Fwy ) , :J l .. ,:, ~ J -- Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Friday, Aprtl 2, 1982 Al t. --------------------------------------~----------------------------------------..... ------------------...-----..... --------------------------------------~----------... • Firm's future rocky LOUISVILLE. Ky. (AP) - Roger Beams hopes that Ma new b1J1lne11 venture geta oft t o a rocky start. H~ wllJ try today to auction boulders to lawn owner,a who want their gr,.assy expanses sto- ned. · The 27-year-old Ford Motor Co. employee and part-time auc- tioneer spent most of the winter collecting limestone boulders and canvassed farms around Taylor County asking farmers for an y spare rocks. Many of them gladly donated their troublesome boulders, and a few hlnted that Beams had more rocks in his head than they had in their fields. Altogether Beams came u p with 29 boulders weighing from • 200 to 700 pounds apiece. He said he has no idea of how his first rock auction will turn out. "Whatever the boulders bring at the auction 1s what ~he 're going to go Cor.'' Beams said." m not shooting for a majority of the people. just a few." The way he sees it. h e can 't lose. "If a whole bunch of people show up, I'll do well," he said. "If there are not many there, I won't be embarrassed in front of too many people. Besides, it only takes two people who want the same rock to make an auction." .,. • \ . AP Wlreptloto : Eat .hearty for 5 cents ! Penn syl vania diner fiHs 'em up for a nickel a throw • PlTISBURGH (AP) -There unemploymt!nt; the restaurant aa four ~verages and four piece. of may be no such thlng as a free , hired two more waltresaea and pie at regular prices. ~ lunch these days, but how about another cook to handle the Unemployed workers auch aa t lunch for only a nickel? customers. Zoller ar~ one reason the reatau-• The own ers of a restaurant included in that crowd was rant 18 serving up' a bargain, Mrs. f about 20 miles southeast of John ZolJer. 37, an unemployed Alexander said. Pittsburgh are offerjng custo-machine operator from Irwin "The n1ck$l lunches aren't f mers a 5-cent lunt:h featuring who was able to take his family going to make us money," but , auch milltown fare as hot <togs out for a meal. thanks to the the restaurant earns a profit and sau e rkraut, cabbage and r estaurant's policy. when customers lured by the low noodles, and macaroni salad. ''The money's a little tlghl, the price11 come back for regular- LaDonna 's Restaurant. on truck's been broken down and I ·prkt.'d lunches and dinners. she busy U.S . 30 in North Hunting-don't go out much Nickel lun-sa1d · don Township, cooked up the ches get the family out br the Mrs Alexander and her family low cost meals six weeks ago to house and 1t hel,ps out," Zoller pla n to continue offering the mark its 20th anniversary said. nickel lunches. • Owner Tony Bonano, 72, de-Zoller ate pizza bagels with his "You turn on the news and cided to keep his no-frills specials wife, Beverly. his youngL'tlt son, you hear all these problems. the on the weekday tnenu to he lp J oseph, and an un1dt>nti fic d economy U; bad, no one has really western Pennsybania's unem-friend a nythinM to smile about. And ployed -and to whip up a little His tab for three spt'<:ials came what can we do about at?" she lunChtime traffic, too. to 15 (·t•nts. Hut he ran up his bill i.aid "We'v<' put a smile on peo- "We've gotten calls asking, to $7.58 when his party ordered pies' fac.:es. indudang our 'Did one of the numbers {Jill o(f onion soup not on th<• special, employees." -• your sign?' " said /\nn Alexan- der, Bonazw's daughter who also is the restaurant's day man ager. "And we say, 'No. it's true.' Then i Fat dog wins reprieve i But the attorney for the con· t domanium said that the associa-i t1on has d ecided lo drop the they say. 'What's the gimmick?' CLEARWATER. Fla. (AP) - "It's been word-of -mouth Duke's problem was the battle of saying, 'Yes, it's true, n 's good the bulge. food, they're not giving you gar-The d og was nine pounds bage. They give good poruons,'" overweight and facing ev1ct1on boasted Mrs. Alexander, 43. by a condominium assodution A nickel lunch, even unpre-which limited the· size dog a tentious cabbage and noodles, resident could have. cfraws hungry customers. Mrs. Th e 6-year-old Spa n iel Alexander said the lunchtime weighed 3 3 p ounds a nd the crowd has tripled to about 150 Trade Winds Condominium told people a day and includes laid-off his own er, William Sattler of industrial workers a nd s triking Chicago, that Duke would either matter. • "The association has better ~ things to 'do than to pay money to • go into c:ourt and lose," said C . &:otl Brainard . "After all this. l'm not going to i drop th1i.," said Satller, however--, adding that the case has "ruined • my life for a year." employees of a nearby Westing. have to go on a diet or be evicted ONLY FIVE CENTS ..._ A plate of bagel pizzas, Om! of the house Air Brake Co. plant. Sattler w as threatened with a nic ke l lunches offered by La.Donna's restaurant in Irwin , Pa., The crowds generated by the $50-a-day fine until Duke rea- He said he and Duke w e re "put on scales like a couple of hogs. They're wrong and they know ll," Sattler said. is displayed by day manager Ann Alexander. )Cinches have even helped ease ched the 24 pounds. ~-------------------,.----"--------------------------~ ----e r- Let The Good Times Roll . Now, at Nabers Cadillac 12·.s% Financing~-->-~ I II APR o: o: • • 1 • Financing on • : Beautiful llew '82 and '81 : • Chevy Cars and Trucks! • : PRICES : :· SLASHED! : H • • • • • • • • • the~ finance • • spectacularly at • • • through Moy 31st Thol is righl Nobers Cod1lloc con flnonce your new Codllloc purchase wllh GMAC 01 on onnuol percer1loge rote of only 12 8~ on o 48 mo purchose controcr wllh on upward balance ol $15 000 lhol tronsloles Info monfhly savings of $39 63 -or a IOlol savings of $1.902 Noturolly, 1f your unpaid bolonce Is higher. your savings will be even greoter Spring Cll·arance Ano wnors more -all our new Cod1llocs ore d1scoun1eo dunng our sonng clearance A specfoculor sole on oll Sev1lles Eldorooos OeVilles NOW is the 8roughoms ond C1mdfri5ns Huge Sel ection Choose from our huge selecllon or ,, hundreds of new Cod1llocs and toke odYontoge Of the most subslonllol s0111ngs !tits veor Tremendous discounts on oll diesels. V·6s fVEN lhe new HT4100 Power system models -In oll lhe colors you wonl -ond with the options vou desire Ano 011 reody for 1mmed101e delivery Whelher you wish to buy or lease now 1s the time Bui the supply 1s definitely hm1led -so be sure 10 hurry in eorly lor your best selecllon time to . ~;~gdnle purchase~-~ __:_andev111e your new ~ Cadillac. 1 · . . ·---------------------------------~---------, • • : When you want the news first tune 4t~. • • NABERS ..._ 1 In Eye Witness News on Channel 7 Los ~ • • CADJLL A ·C eo • .a ononunoo•ooo1onc•01 s1~000 : Angeles -They're dedicated to their • • ~ ~nor>ceo over •emont~• OIOAPI/ 11•'1".0 AC I' viewers, they call everyday to get the e 2600 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa (7 141540-9100 • f213l 587·8266 1: latest conditions of the Produce Market • · ·• to keep their viewers Informed on the e v~~·~~~~~~~~'78% •~---------------------~-----~' ~~stlnProdu~cha~ea. : I L~Ml'l'.ED TIMLONLYI ~I! Eye ~nC..".".9:::~!:!'~;." J~ 1 ~;·.~~~ ! -· · -Now You May Rent A Luxury great Job. : Look! Brand New : OPE .. DAILY 'TIL 6 : ,82 Camaro Coupe! : APartment on Newport Bay. • • • • =* *= • • • No 206817309 • : Only $8398 low! i : t•l .==s 11 : • ....N.m!ClllUllilflDM • : Keep that great GM feeling : wi.th enuine GM Parts! • Gracious hv1ng 1n a country club setting that overlooks the: bay Thal s Park Newoort The finest apartment community 1n fashionable Newoort Beach Here for your pleasure a $1 1 2 million Social and Health club 8 lighted tennis courts racquetball courts 7 sw1mm1ng pools and acres of gardens Leases are available for 1. 2 and 3 bedroom urnls Some are elegantly furnished. APARTMENTS AND TOWNHOUSES ON THE BAY ' IN NEWPORT BEACl1 FROM $540 TO $1,000. Convooently located on the Upper Bay, Park Newpof1 IS JUSI 5 quick minutes from the Orange County Alroort and all majOf business centers OnJamt>o<ee Road at • San JoaQu1n Hills Aoad Teleptoae (114) 844-1900 Ernest Camp, owner Newport Produce LOOK AT THESE 9 SPECIALS AND STOCK UP r---·r<1111:1'T1l-----1 r-----ffllTTJ•TaJ----,r-----«•I•Iil•Itl----, I NO. 1 I I FLOWER SHOP II SNOW WHrTE I I FRESH 11 COLORFUL If I : ASPARAGUS :l CALENDULAS ll CAULIFLOWER : I 0000 SIZE, TOO 11 810 II 59¢ I I 69C II ORIO 89¢ II HEAD . I : lb. : : BCH: :: Llintt 3 : I Limit 3 lbe. I I limit 3 II I •---------------''--------------~L--------------~ OUR COST SPECIAL OUR COST SPECIAL! OUR COST SPECIAL! r---1••l•f :J•ht-----1 r-----ffllTTil•Til----,r----i<•I•I;NJl---·-, I 11 It NEW CROP I I 11 MARSHBURN 't TEXAS I : NO. 1 IDAHO BAKERS l: CARROTS .l ONIONS I I POT A TOES 11 II INCOMPARABLE I I 5 49e ll c:~~o 15' Beg ll 15e : I lb. Beg I I 25 Lb. ~ US II Lb. I I I I Limit 3 of Each II Limit 5 Ute. I •---------------' •--------------.JL--------------~ 2 SPECIALS AT COST AT COIT SPECIAL AT COST SPECIAL! 1------<<•l1tltltr----.,-----rN•r::1•Tir---...... ----'"((•JlJ:lilar---.... I NEW CROP : I NE HAVE THE BEST :i STOCK·UP I l DARK Oft IEl!DLHI ti 1 ILA8T WEIK AT TIU PfUCEj I RAISINS 11 MUSHROOMS _ 11 TaXAI RU9Y MO I • 100 : l 89• F"" 11 GRAPEFRUIT I I f'ound II Pound II 10 100 I It 11 FOf I u..ft J Lbe 11 L.lmlt S U.. • I umtt 10 W/Coupon I '----.-----~-----l l---------------1 l-------------·-...I I COUPONS EXPIRE THURa., APRIL I -I P.M. eoH010 'llUIT '"""" ,01140 YIAlll ( ' _._ ' ; I -· I • t ' I • ' I • I I i I I t _I ..;a., .... --Orange Oout DAIL.Y-i'IL..oT/"rlday. April a. 1912 Airport tiedown flap go~s beyond reason A lot has been laid in the put few daya about prtvate aircraft tledown policies in effect at John Wayne Airport. The covnty Grand Jury re- leased a r~ort that said ,"open warfare" hAs deve loped among various factions competing for tiedown space, and airport man- agement. What the jury seemed to suggest l• that the so-called fixed-~ operators at the airport -finns that provide services to aviators -fare much better in obtaining and holding tiedown s paces than individual aircr aft owners. ' And, the 19-member panel also suggested -without actually saying it bluntly -that current tiedown procedures are sloppy. Predictably. the manager of the county-owned a irport was angered by the jury's report. In an exceptionally strong le tte r , h e termed the J·ury'a findings "ludicrous" an ca.lled lts langullJ(e "inflammatory." He also pointed out, correctly, that many revisions have been made in lied.own policies and that others are contemplated pending completion of a study by an ad hoc .committee of the county Airport· Commission. It's estimated that task will be done in about a month. Unquestionably, the root of the tiedown problem is in the fact that there are too few spaces for too many pilots. Management of a scarce commodity is never easy. Perhaps the Airport Commis- sion and the airport staff can come up with some better solutions to the problem than have been off- ered in the past. We'll see. In the meanti\ne, though, it proba bly would be best for all parties to back off a couple of notches and put the issue in a less emotional perspective. The other arms race Throughout history, humans have devoted considerable sums and a great deal of brain power toward d e v e lo pme nt of ever deadlier means of killing one another. The most terrifying is, of course, the nuclear bomb. Over the last several months, concern over the horrors of nuclear war has grown throughout the W es- tern world. Hundreds of thou- sands have demonstrated against missiles in Europe, while many ~ericans have urged a bilateral freeze on weapons production. But there are other examples of the lows to which humans can sink in warfare, and they haven't received the attention they should have. One is the shocking report in which bombs resembling toys have allegedly been dropped by Soviet forces onto remote moun- tain roads in Afghanistan. The International Christian Aid orga- nization, a Los Angeles-based re- fugee relief group, reports that many children and adults have b een maimed by the d evices, shaped like parrots, dolls, watches or pens. Such weapons are especially inhumane in that, judging from their design, they have no military purpose, but are produced chiefly to kill the most defenseless victims in the Afghan conflict. Other examples include the recurring reports the Soviets and their clients have used chemical a nd biological w eapons on anti- Soviet rebels in Laos, Cambodia and Afghanistan. The State De- partment has been circulating al- legations that "yellow rain" and fungi-based.poison$ have been used. Ten thousand deaths have been ascribed to such weapons by a State Department report. Chemical w arfare was out- lawed by international agreement following World War I, when mustard gas caused utter misery in the tre nches. Since then, agents with even deadlier capabilities have been developed. Although the U.S. is correct in denouncing Soviet use of ~e­ mical weapons, the Reagan admi- nistration proposal to spend $705 million next year on reviving U.S . chemical capabilities muddies the moral credibility of those denun- ciations. With the mushroom cloud still threatening the globe, the last thing civilization needs is a che- mic~! arms race. What is needed are efforts to arrest the spread of chemical and germ warfare mate- rials. A first step is greater aware-· ness of their danger. College aid cuts hit home Examining proposed cuts in federal college loans and grants in President Reagan's budget, the California Post Secondary Educa- tion Committee bas come up with some grim news for would-be college students -and the schools they might like to attend. The t>roposed cuts would re- duce by $108 milliqn, nearly 40 percent, federal aid to California college students through 1984. This year , about 240,000 stu- dents r eceived $280 million through five major federal grant and loan programs. The presi- dent's budget proposals, which sharply stiffen eligibility require- ments for federal aid, would find 227 ,000 students receiv ing $265 million in 1982-83, and 147,450 students receiving $173 million in 1983-84. The UC system would lose more than $8 million from one major federal program, while the state university system would lose $12.6 million. In both systems, federal work-study aid also would be reduced by almost one-third. Fed eral aid to students con- sists of some outright grants, many low-interest loans to be repaid af- ter graduation, and the work- study programs. Officiala of some of the state's private institutions of higher edu- • cation feel they would be hardest hit since many, perhaps most, of their students could not afford their tuitton fees without govern- ment aid. This, they claim, would send many students they have to reject for financial reasons to tax- supported public schools, creating a n additional burde n for tax- payers, since private education is principally underwritte n with private support. O ne would hardly ex-pect school officials at private or public institu tions to welcome c uts in student aid. But the Reagan theory is that too much money has been handed out to students who were less than needy, and there may be some truth to this. However, the notion that we could go back to the good o ld "working my way through col- lege" approach to higher educa- tion no longer is very practical. The cost of attending even a public institution these days is so high it can hardly be met with part-time. wages. And in this highly technical age, it is clearly ln ttfe n ation's interest to encourage its you th to go on to higher levels of education. Budget cutting should be balanced against that national need. Opinions exp~essed In the space above are thOse of the Dally Pilot. Other views ex· pressed on this page are those of their authors and artists. Reader comment Is lnvit· ed. Address The Daily Piiot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa CA 92626. PhOf'le (71•)• 6.42·4321. • ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Thomas P. H•l•Y Publisher 4 Thomas A. MUrplllnt Editor Ba rbar• Krtiblch Editor ial Paoe Editor ~: Britain still strongest ally W ASHlNGTON -In World War Il, the rock on which Adolf Hitler's <;ireams ultimately foundered was the close working relationship between Franklin Roosevelt And Winston Churchill. Now, 40 years later, Ronald Reagan and ano- ther British prime minister, Margare t Thatcher, seem to have arrived at a similar alliance against the threat o r &-viet worldwide aggression. · Top White House advisers tell me that President Reagan is greatly encouraged by Thatcher's stead tast support of his anti-Soviet policies, and would be crushed if she showed signs of wavering, as. for example, our West German allies have done. REAGAN IS evidently sincere in his belief that the Kremlin poses a conti· nuing threat to American freedom -a threat that overshadows the cutbacks in domestic programs for which he is ta- king so much heat. But the president has not succeeded in persuading lll06t of our ~uropean allies that the Soviet threat is as dangerous as h e thinks it is. They prefer to minimize the threat -and do business with the Soviets. The most important exception to this attitude has been Margaret Thatcher's Britain. I sent my associate Dale Van Atta to London to gauge the depth of the British commitment. If the British are uncertain, the Reagan administration's foreign policy is in big trouble. From interviews with military, int.el- ligence and political sou rces an both London and Washington, th.is is the pie· ture that emerges about Britain's positi- on in the F.ast-West struggle: The British are unquestionably our strongest ally against the Soviets -but th;, "alwart •Upport a mid be Q - JACI AIDIRIDI ~ ed by domestic political developments; that is, if Thatcher is unceremoniously given the heave·ho, as Churchill was at the very moment Qf victory in !~45. Unlike other NA TO countries, Britain has supported the alhance co~istently and at great sacrifice, including a com - mitment to increase its military budget by 3 percent at a time when its economy can .ill afford such an expenditure. Un - employment is Car worse in Britain than m the United States, yet Thatcher has kept up her support of increased defense expendit41"es. In fact, the weight of classified evi- dence shows that Thatcher is determined to maintain the British military commit- ment. A top-secret Pentagon report dis- closes that Britain provides bases for 15fj American nuclear bombers, contributes 56 nuclear bombers t.o the NATO front in West Germany and has four nuclear missile su bmarines of its own. The Bri- ush nuclear planes and subs, as well as 400 U.S. Poseidon misstles, are under the control or the Supreme Allied Comman- der in Europe, who has always been an American. In addition, the British are cooperating on U.S . programs to upgrade JOint nu- clear missile forces so that the anti- ballistic missile defenses of Moscow can be penetrated -a vital deterrent to any Soviet plans for a first strike agamst the West. THE BRl'EISH government has also agreed to allow 160 ground-la unched cruise mmiles to be placed in En1tland - a decision not without its touch of irony, considering that Britain was the first vic tim of the cruise m mstic: ·..,....;:ttrma'n ancestor, the V-2 rocket of 1944. What concerns the Wh i te Ho u se, though, is the political equation in Bri- tain. Secret CIA analyses have warned that the Reagan·Thatcher love aff~ir, Like that or Roosevelt and Churchill in World War Il, may be blown away. And m this case, unlike the situation m 1945 when domestic policies were the cause of Churchill's defeat, the Thatcher government's determined support of Reagan policies could be a serious con- trabu ting factor to its downfalL The growing s trength of leftist Labor in Britain is traceable to the British public's distaste for nuclear w eapons in their backyard as weJI as to domestic economic conditions. Drug paraphernalia hill outlook dim' (Today's column is by Mr Waters· associate, PHIL JORDAN). Assembly Speake r Willie Brown is not.ably successful in colleeting campaign funds -a record $1.1 million last year -but he is openly angered by allega- tions he's unduly influenced by their donors. The allegations came ~ntly from a non-legislative group supp:>rting a bill aimed at banning sale of drug -partic- ularly marijuana -paraphernalia. A s evidence, the group's spokesman produ- ced copies of reports, on file with the secretary of state, showing Brown rec- eived contributions totaling $16,000 last year from organizat~ons re presenting drug paraphernalia manufacturers and dealers. AT THIS WRITING, the bill in ques- tion , authored by Republican state Se- nators Newton Russell of Glendale and Ed Davis of Chatsworth , is st.alled in the Assembly Criminal Just.ice Committee; they see Brown's fine San Franciscan hand in the "machinations" in volved and expect the committee once again to live up to its (for Republicans, anyway) IARL WATIRS nickname of "the graveyard of law and order legislation." Brown meets regularly with capitol reporters and, at a meeting in March, he reacted heatedly when one newsman asked if the $16,000 had played a part in detennining whatever may be the para- phernalia bill's fate. "Everybody knows I am unalterably opposed to those kinds of bills," Brown snapped. "[ always have been and I al- A strange new addiction It wait a perfect day. The sun was shining, the sea was cal.m, the sky was blue, and the temperature was 81. I walked through the hotel lobby toward the pool. and heard those strange sounds coming Crom below. I peered down a staircase to the lower lobby, and there in the semi-darkness I could make out a dozen or more strange IYlllY 111111 r forms huddled on stools before machines that flashed and flared and belched out weird noiles. These were almoet all yowia people, on vacatloii from tchool, vlaiUng the Caribbean with their parenta. They were not at the pool or the beach or the tennil courts, but here In thia subterranean room, bunched grotesquely and feeCilna interminable quarters into an inMUable electronlc a~. 1t 10 happened that I w .. there to apeak at a conference of coll:C pres.i- denta. I overtook one ol them Oft hill way t.o the pool and ~doned the bt- urre qht 1 had just teen. He lauched. a Uttl-? ho1lowly. "We tee that .at echool aU the time,'' be aid, .. and it'•~. You know; OW' little collep Ml about one-third 1tu- dents on acholarthlp1 or federal aid . 'nley really can't a1ford to be thfte - but they're the onee who spend doUan every d~y on those damn games.'· "Whe re do they get the !'()one~?" I asked. "Who knows?" he shrugged. ''They don't eat lunch or they don't buy text- books they need or they just con their oarents for more allowance. And it's not just the money -the~·re preci&ely the atudents w ho should be studying instead of triflin~ their time away making an obs,.cene profit f o r the vid eo manufacturen." . "OBSCENE," '-the word, quarter after quarter, dollar after dollar. A cover s tory in Time magazine earlier this winter dlscl~ that the video games took in $5 billion last year -twice the gro. of the whole U.S. movie industry, and three Umes more than the c:ombined television revenuee encl gate receipts last year of major league baaeball, football and basketball. JU1t a fad? 1 would hope '°• althoush I think not. l would tend to c:bl.racteri.se it more .. a apeciel of addicUon, a fonn of alcoholism, the same fliaht from reality taken by the boozer, the mainliner, or tt'ie compulaive 1ambler. Hooked ia hooked, whatever~ thape al the hook. A mint from reaJit.y, but a110 an eecape fram boredoa•. Why 10\lnl peo-ple lbould be bored wtth thelr \Mk of powtna up -wUh to much to aee and FUI> and leem -ii a question educa- tora a nd parenti 1bould be Hkln1 thermelv-. and an noc. Until they do, the only anlwerl wW be pnwtdtd by the mJ)ten of Ss-e lnvaden. Pac--Nan and Alterokla. ways will be, so there is no relationshp -period! "M y histor y, since 1964, has been to· tally consistent on that issue. I've got to be the most noted member of the legi- slature identified with decriminalization of marijuana and its use. ''Certainly cigarette papers and roach clips and things o f that nature fall within the same Willie Brown-protecting category," the man doing the protecting stated, ''so it is ludicrous even to raise that ~ue." Surprisingly, Brown is supported - sort of -by Russell and Davis. "People receive campaign con t ribu- tions all the time," Russell dismissed the allegations. "I believe the speaker phi· losophically opposes the bill -that's his right." Davis, once the Los Ange les police chief and perhaps as a result, has a to· leranlly cynical view of human nature. "I don't think the speaker would be so ad amant about a bill for which he re- ceived only $16,000," Davis chuckled. "The re have been much larger contri- butions for a lot of other things that have neve r received t h is kind of attention." But h e was more serious whe n h e added, "l don't think it hinges on con- tributions -I think it's an ideological hang-up. (Brown) is very sympathetic to the proposition that everybody should be able to grow their own." THE BILL'S ULTIMATE fate? Davis is "pes&rnistic" for this session, seeing it blocked in the Criminal Justice Com· mittee and, given the speaker's power, little chance of bypassing the committee to go to the lower houae floor. "After the November elections," he said hopefully, "ihere might be a difler- ent crowd up here.'' Failing that, he'll aupport an initiative to ban drug para- phernalia. "But,'' F.<t Davis added good natured- ly, "If it does pass, I'll buy the dgan!" • APWINpMto Aollet1 C T""'- Thi 1 llatamant wa1 llla d wllh th1 ~ Clerll 04 O.enga County Oii Match 17.1982.. • SEEKS HUSBAND -Princess Alexandra von Anhalt checks out issue of state publication about Texas with her nephew Prince Jurgen von Anhalt· in their $350-~-day suite in Dallas. The Princess came from Germany looking for a • ,..,,, Publllhad Or111g1 CoHt Dally Pltol. Mardi 11, 28. All<• 2, t , 1M2 1277.U Texas-rancher husband. .....-------- GAO faults Army trai!Jing WASHING TON (AP) -The Army failed to determine whether added instruction would pro- duce better soldiers before extending its basic re- cruit training from seven to eight weeks last fall, says the General Accounting Office. PUIUC MOll:E ftc:TTTIOU9 .,..... MAm ITATllmJfT .. n. ·~ l*9Qll la-. -- SIERRA TURf CO .. ~1 l klejay Oral. HuntlnQ1on ....,,, CA f2t.tt. ST~ DAU 80£TTCttEll. 5041 8luajay Clrcla. Hullllrog 8-:11, CA 12t4t. T'hll l>Ull,,_ 11 conclueled by .,, In· Ol'llduel Steof\allll 0. ~ l'ltlt llllamant wu lll1d wlllt tlt1 County Clan 04 0.enga County Oii Mwell 31, tH2 ,~ PubU11tad Orange CoHt Dally Piiot. Aprjl 2, 9, t8. 23. tH2 1478-112 l'ICTITIOUS •usut•SS flCTITIOUI .U-11 -.. IMnll'( II~ STATRM•NT -ITIITimNT ~ "91111o Tiie lollowl119 perM111 ls dol1111 The 1-.g par-. ia °'*'II -----------lluslneuas • SIC Y HAR 80 R 0 FF ICE GLAZED MEMORIES. t0101 Slate< NOTICE Of' Al't'UCATION FOR fUANITUlfE. 1a1 Slly Patil Clrcla, Avenue. Ho 1M. Fountain llaHey, Cd· CHANGE .. 0~ Of' wit• "M". trvi....ce1-.m14. -12708 -1 ALCottOUC .vaAQE UCENN J.C:k W. ~ ltol W. MKAr1h11' Ao09f AMltony 8alledtcl Byrna 1-S/2S/12 a t.,d., lSJ, s.Ma AM. C.Hlonll• 91704 ~~~;· 1'10 c 1. S1n11 An1, Ca111orn11 To Whom 11 "49)1 Concern: This bullnesA Is <OftdUclacl by .., T"i. bull.,.... 11 ~onducted by an 111-YUKECH. JQMIPh J. 19 llPPIYing1o lnctlvlct ... t. , dMdual. the Department of Alcohollc Beve- JaclL W. L..ot'IJ AOQet A. 8yn>a rege CQntrol for "40" ON SALE This .i.~ w-s flied •Ill\ '"" Thia 11a1amant wu lll•cl with Ula BEEA 10 Mii elcohollc t>evereges et County Clar11 of Ora1199 County on County Clartl 04 O.anga County on Mwell 1714 Plecenlle Ave Coeta Mase March 10, 1''2. f'tMmJ 17. 111&2. ,,....,. CA 92627. " ' Publ~ Orango c-st Dally Pllol. Publlahad Orange CoHt Dally Pllol. Published Orenga CoHI Delly -·· 12, "· u. /44W. 1. na 10M-G -It, 28. A11tt1 2. 8, t882 1297-82. Pilot, AprW 2, 1982 1513-82 ~tltJFFELL 'S -. 'I U.PHOLSTHY h i19; Us .., s.ft." · ~ ....... _ --,.::. · 1922 ...,IOI ILVD. ,COST A. ... HA. -54a. I I 5" HOUSE OF TAJLORJMG ALTERATIONS FOR MEN & WOMEN )v cJA.i ' P.~A )lJ 3!:' Lo--.~ Lr ••·I b, Cor:.Ju\rl ' I ,, I 111 \ .• 1'1 I ' . "" ' f 11" I \ . , \• Orange Cout DAii.. y PILOT /Friday, Aprll 2, 1982 . • • No one buys a house or stock with the expectation of watching its value plummet. why buy a car 1n which that's not iust an expectation. but a virtual c.erta1nty? Particularly when you can avoid all inf enor performance. investment or otherwise, by buying a BMW 3201. According to the January 1982 NADA Used-Car Guide. 1f you'd bought a new BMW 3201 in 1979 and sold 1t this year. you'd get an astonishing 101 % of your money back~ That's more than Audi 4000, Dat- si;n 280ZX. or any other Cdr 1n its price cldS~ Even rnore than many other c.ars 1n substantially higher pnce classes ~uch d~ Cc1d1llac Seville and Mercedes- Benz 280E All of which makes the BMW 3201 one of the worlds most exhilarating cars to lec1ve a dealersl')1p 1n & A car that leaves you ~« er 1nLhed by the expen- ~nc.e lnstffad of impover- ished by 11 THE UUIUll DllVll& MICI ... • H!ifl', •J. ""'' 11 I.! HMANY 'l~'<l Ull l"i•dge lt'ldof P'ol~ Your '>e""'I! "'"" ll'<l)' .. <l(y <l<Ult""11! IO the cono.1oon ot your Cd! ¥C1 .....;,ne< you~ rt r• .ate!\ ()1 10 d Cledif·• ' l<l!ll B~W "' ''"''' Arr.e<cd ~~ '""BMW 11.aoe<T'i"~ or'Cttogo,Y.''~Sff'fed'rclOee'T\ar\s o•&tyiE'f~~tw•Mc:,~1>t•'f1W.•rl.t" l G ... , ALHAMBRA CAMARILLO <aTW'f ..,_WIS Ml WIJ'IJllS Ull'Olm 1811 ~I Main Slreer 411 Da11y Drive (213) 570 8444 (805) 48? 8878 AlUSA (213)889 231? WAii ._, .._ CANOGA PARK 191 Eas1 Arrr:m -Sllml-H1ghway 70!'>0 Topanga Canyon (213)9675331 Boulevafd BEVERLY HILLS (213) 346 3144 llPfll-• GLENDALE llwmt-.U NC..c ... 9022 WtlShtre 818 Sou1h Brand Blvd Boulevii<d (213) ::'>46 6543 (213) 273 3980 f T YOUR LOCAL BMW 0£ Al r RS ARRAN(,[ A l HOAOUGH r f s l fJRIVI HE RM0$A B(AlH VABNUll ... 290 I Pa<.1hc C~sr m~~6 0935 HUNTING10N PARK .. ILll-1....-rs 6000 Pac1f!{. Blv<J 013) 583-1901 LA HABRA .. ...... ...... 8!'>0 Notrt1 Beacn 01~ (t.>13) 691 6701 '714) 522 '}333 LAN<..A5flR ....... ~ua. 4!)201 N ~"d Hwy (805) 948 6004 LONG BlACH UMllllAOl-J6 70 Cllerry Avenue (213)42/!>494 (714)616 5790 LOS ANGfl[5 ITll Niil MTOIS '3443 w1 .. 1 J3•d Sr ~ 13 l'A i.770 Ml'i510N VIEJO ~ACIVAWY lllPOlm,-. 28402 Marguel'lte Pkwy (714) 831 2040 NfWPORT BEACH acn una,-. 1 !>40 Jamboree Ro (714) 640 6444 NORTH HOLLYWWD llOelllT I I Al.-. 42 lO L.;okersttom Bou evaid 2131 761 6133 f-IOR'/IAl ~ .IAUCOIMW 10840 fire5torie Bivo (213) 868-3233 (7 14) 636 6775 PALM SPRING~ V.U _,.UIS t.n.. 409'J.last Palm Canyon Drive (714) 328 6525 RIVERSIO[ <AMPml ... 78'>0 'ncl·il• •c! A,., '14 185 444, ::.AllTA Ar~A CllV1U MOTOIS, ... 108 West r irst StrP,.t (/14)835 3171 'lANlA MONICA OCUll llOTGa 18:?0 Sant.l Monira Bo11le'4Jrd C?l 3! 829 j';>i• VAN UY"> ... MTO<lllTB !)2 30 VJ! Ni;y, Bo,, l'Vi.UO (?13J 788 l /Y! f 1.,re we f rolure jusf a few otf roclions from our WMf special sole collections of BW Newport Beack TODAY'S STAR REDUCTIONS: POPLIN SEPARATES SPEOAUY PRICED Lightweight for warm weather sophistication. Raglan sleeve poplin jacket in khaki, MVY. or White. polyester/cotton, ~16. , Specially priced at $49.90. Matching button-front skirt, Specially priced at $27.90. Play deck FULL LENGTH R08E SAVE TWENTY-AVE PERCENT Consider our lightweight, pure cotton seersudcer robe this season for a cool cover-up at home or while traveling. Pink or blue stripes on white, p-s-m-1, Orig. S-46, SAL£ $33.90. Rcbes. SAVE ON OUR SPRING BLOUSE ANO SKIRT Ease and freshness designed especially for spring. Crisp linen/cotton boetneck b~ in red or turquoise, 4-1•. Orig. SS2. SALE $39.90. Challis skirt from our collection c:J assorted prints, rayon. 4-1•, Orig. $68-$70, SALE $45.90. Townleigh Sportswear • COTTON TEE SHIRTS SAVE ONE-THIRD A natural fOf spring and summer. w ith rib collar and front placket 1n eight colors White, yellow, navy, jade, bright blue. cherry pink, purple or black, s·m·I, Ong. S 18, SALE $11 .90. Playdeck \ ' f J • I Or.not Cout DAILY PILOT/Friday, Aprtl 2, 1882 AP M 1pt 111 APRIL FOOL -"Bandtime," a 23-year-old quarter horse, seems to enjoy a good joke himself after his owner, Patricia Crain of Sa, llnas, left an old pair of boots upended in a woodpile to resemble a tossed rider. SPECIAL PURCHASE!! m -..-.---~-1981 FAIRMONT FUTURA WAGONS THEY ARE REALL V LOADED! Including factory air conditioning. autom11,t1c transmission. power brakes. electric windows. door locks. ltlt wheel, cruise control. - am/fm stereo, deluxe wheels & MORE. MORE. MORE (1BOF815) - 57595° WILSON FORD 18255 Beach Blvd .. Huntington Beach 842-6611. 556-1070 SOUTH COAST HONDA 1714) 957-1966 300 I So. Main. Sm.to AM, CA. 1912 V-45 Sabre D WHERE OUR REPUT ATIOM IS EVERYTHING -YOU'RE #I WITH US! Contest Rules: • -.. ,. . I Crime rate off a fter 'S hoot -io -kili~ p oticy--• • TERRB HA UTlt, Ind. (AP) -In the year 1lnc• Terre Haute Police Chlel Gerald Loudermilk adopted a "ahoot to kill" policy, the city'• crime rate hu dropped more than 12 per- cent -wlth0'4t a alnlle ahot fired by a police officer. • hWe hope we never have to u. our 1una, but if there'• ever a need we want the crim1nall to know we won't ht1ltate," Loudermilk said ln an interview. In the 19501, Terre Haute waa known at Sin City, a border town where a tan1le of. truck routes brought a large tranalent population easy acceee to vice. . In 1979, comedian Steve Martin dubbed it ''the molt nowhere 'pl.ace in America," a place where fast-food franchbles were considered haute cui- sine and even the mayor drove a uaed car. Last year this city of 80,000 gained another ~e. cultiva\ed b~ Louder- milk and reinforced by police: a tough town f« crtmlnala. Loudermilk. 11 quick 'o point out that the DOlJcy merely underllnee In- diana law, which provldee for polJce wie of deMtly force. . "lnd.lana at.ate law aaya a police of- ficer can ahoot a fleeln1 felon," he Mid. "We didn't want them to wonder if the department would back them up iI they did lt." Terre Haute received national me- dia a'ltentlon after the policy went Into effect ln January 1981. Depart- l'l'Mtnt crime atatiltb for the fint year of the policy ahow an overall drop i.n crime of 12.6 percent, with a 49 per- cent decreue ln robberiee and an 18. percent drop ln burglaries. But five people were murdered ln 1981, up from four the previous year. Speaking from hia dty hall office, where a mlnlatu.re electric chair aita on hls desk, Loudermilk said the po- licy had two purposes: to threaten criminals and to give the l~-member force mot conf ldtnce to uae thtJr IJUN. "To me It Just claritied thlnp," aald Sgt. Larry Aken, a 15-year veteran whh the department. "Before, rou had a doubt whether you had a nght to uae deadly force or whether you didn't ... usince thia policy weot Into effec:t, no officer h.u fired a gun. You could pack 10 guna, but if the criminal knowa you're not going to uae them. that'a nothing," Akers aaJd. "There la no uniqueness about any of it," aald Mayor Pete Chaloe. "Every police officer across the country· haa the aame policy. l trunk we just ver· baliz.ed ours.'' In New York City, for e xample, Police Commialoner Robert McGuire aaJd last year th.at a "shoot first and shoot to kill" order for policemen who believed their lives were in danger has been in effect since 1972. Loudermilk has a cabinet full of lettera from people around the coun- try who like the policy. "l 'll bet lf we hacf that here, we wouldn't have one-tenth of the crime wt do now," wrote Bob MJellowtki ot ClUcago. "Abo lf you ever want to run for o{fice In Chicago, you have my vote and I'm aure many othen." Chaloe saya the shoot-to-kill policy la not aolely responaible (CF the drop in crime. "I'm not going to give all the credit to our deadly force policy," the mayor said. "We're doing good police in- veallgatJve work. We want them doi.na the baaka the best to apprehend as many criminals as they can." Still. many local citi%ens like the policy. une 'l'erre Haute resident, Gretu Clendenen. wrote to Loudermilk, "The statement you made to the po- licemen about using guns if necema.ry should be made by every police chief in the United States." THE ORANCE COAST DAILY ,ILors Chewrolets ! * u1m1 TIIE NL YI PllOEI OITJ * lporty llew '82 Camaro No. 206811309 Only '8398 llow! ·Nol appllea~ to venlcies receiving rebates PORSCHE AUD I a ... in the tuidition of excellence SAU;S •SERVICE • LEASING. m 13631 Harbo r Blvd • Garden Grove 636-2333 (where Harbor meeti th~ Garden Grove Freeway) ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~PORSCHE +AUDI NOTHING EVEN COMES CLOSE Answer to contest :: 6 in next Friday's CLASSIFIED SECTION ..,,..~~~ ~-~~111.."911111 UP TQ 400 Gallons OF GAS Just solve the MCret phrase with letters from this page and mail this coupon. WT Charlott• Sobelman, Huntington Beach " WEEK'S 1 Week #5 Answer: DON'T TAIL GATE WINNER: Picked from 000 entries WIMS SO GALLONS of GAS FINANCING .. a tc Let ~ Qood nmes Rott ... Now, at Nabers Cadillac 12 .So/o Fin!1~£}J}g! D lt\Of •"9"" ,,...,._,..COCNI0""40" ~•YfNl ..,..CQOillOC: OVl'C~ .... (j,M.Ai(" 01 O" ~ "''~~ •QlllllOl,-,,,.,•lf'\.ono•"'O QI.A.._,. C.Of'lllOCI -9'11 on \.OWO'O ~ O' '''000 lfiGI ·~ ~ ~. ~OIS>96J -oo...,.M)"""'Ot OI St ~n ~afl\I ,. "'°"" ""'°°""' 000"(• It ~ "°'"'' '°"""Gf .. b9.....,.. O'ecr.' .,~onclC~ lluitc· Sd<-nlon (l"'OOiM ~ °"""' "'"99 ~Of """""°..:11 <11 ,,._C~•°"'°._. _ .. __ _ ~tlf\ltl"«»' ,.~dtK°"'""Ol'Oll O.Ml'I VOt M,_. ... r.-Hr•~~.,. •~-""~ -~Ol9\eCOtOtt\llOM -or'f-O"O~ .. ~'°'--· ,,,,.,,, Ol f.0.,. ~ ~ ...,.,,,,, ~"°"' .. "''°~Ot --l'1tlt)w tt ........ ~"'-"""""'tt~lllV ~ to 0. .......-. IO """~• ri ear1tt ligl!f<.N'W"tt~ SEE OUR FULL PAGE COLOR AD IN TODAYS PAPER! YOU'LL Bl B GLAD D YOU DIDI Ho• to Play: A Winner Every Week for 6 Weeks • 50 Gallons One GRAND PRIZE WIMMER of I 00 Gallons It's easy! 1n each of the advertisements on this page thefe are one or more letters for a total of 12 that makes a secret phrase when unscrambled. Use each letter only once and use all the letters provided. including the two letters that have been solved'°' you on the entry blank. Simply find the letters. unscramble them to make the secret phrase. and bring or mall vour coupon to: GREAT GAS GIVEA'NAY The Daily Pilot 330 West Bay St. Costa Mesa. CA 92626 ENTRIES MUST ll RICEIVlD 8Y 5130 P.M. WEDNESDAY AP•tl 7, 1912 / ( Re~son. ()ets)fte what you may hfte read about record t'llgh interest rates for homes and bvelneee. Ofw9 COunty auto dealers now have Mveral financing options for you, the cuetomer, to chooee from. They know where the money 11 available, and how to get " to you It the towMt poatbte cost. The auto dealers will help you flnd the proper fin.nee program delfgned to make your bank account run ju1t u 1moothly at your new car . --·· TIE~ 111111 allfY FRIDAY, APRIL 2, 1982 ~CAVALCADE COMICS GARDEN 82 86 87 Wife's best friend mistreated. See Ann Landers, Page 82. ' D D • I you were ON THE ROAD DEPT. -Rolling along Pacific Coast Highway through Corona del Mar at yesterday dawn's early light, 8Quinting through sheets of rain, it looked like April Fool's Dey had taken a grim turn of tricks. There was junk everywhere. There were broken automobiles. One appeared to have been crunched into premature junk as it was parked along the curbside near Poppy -• . , Avenue. ·:.r•,, ~ A bit farther into the middle of the. Corona _del · · . ~~ Mar. commun~ty, a gram-Tll lllPHlll fi4? looking motorist stood on ~ the median strip in the 1 1 ' rain, guarding the wreckage of what had been his car only moments before. It looked like somebody had taken a can opener to the top .• REPORTS LATER F O..TERED in here at the news- room that rain-washed highways all across our region had taken their toll. News items relative to our highway -csafety also took other t u rns in the news yesterday rather than the pure road toll. One auto manufacturer was in tepid water with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration on This model had a power steering defect. It took an awful Jot of power to steer it. grounds that some vehicles the company built between 1978 and 1980 had a defect. It was alleged that on these cars, if one of the rear axles broke, the wheel fell off. Another manufacturer was similarly being backed up against the hot bureaucratic pipes on charges that some of this firm's cars upon oocasion wouldn't s1art. THESE CONDITIONS w·ere viewed with alarm as dangers to the motorist. Maybe they are. Years ago, however, there were a lot of early motor cars on the road where veteran drivers just figured that if an axle broke, it was automatic that the wheel fell off. If the wheel didn't fall off, it was put down as a minor miracle in your favor. Wheels falling off were not consi- dered a sin worthy of tattliilg to the federal government about. Abo in those days of motoring, if you hit a self-starter button and the engine actually cranked over, you didn't imwne that was your given destiny. You actually put up a little prayer of thanks. Otherwise, if the heap hadn't started, you would be out there in the rain or freeze, trying to crank the thing over by hand. Or you pushed. Or you hired a couple of mules. THIS WAS ALL standard operating procedure. You didn't demand a federal recall just because your Wheezer Four got a little balky every· now and then. Pondering all of this, and wreckage that was strewn all over the highway in Corona del Mar yesterday mom, you can't help but wonder if the federal safety people aren't off on the wrong track. THEY KEEP DEMANDING recalls on all the vehicles every time some small part like a wheel or two threatens_;c> fall off. Maybe what they ought to consider is a recall on some of the drivers. PROPOSAL -This is an artist's rendering. of the 105-foot steeple St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church in Newport Beach is proposing as part of a building expansion program. Church neighbors are opposed to the plan, calling the steeple "ugly." No peace for Presbyterians Proposed 105-f oot St. Andrew's steeple opposed in Newport neighborhood By STEVE MARBLE of'ttle ~ Not Slaff Plans for a shark fin-shape d church steeple that is expected to soar 101> feet has raised a cry of protest in one Newport Beach neighborhood. "It's n ot that we're against God or anything like that," ex- plains Cliff H:a\.e:;t resident Linda Scheck, "but the truth is, it's going to be ugly." Other neighbors of St. An- drew's Presbyterian Church, 600 . St. Andrew's Rd ., claim the planned steeple will be an archi- tectural intrusion into their com- munity. "It will blot out the sun," sug- gests homeowner George West, who says he attended Sunday services for years at St. Andrew's until he got hooked on boating. The steeple is a part of the church's $9.7 million expansion project, which includes a new sanctuary and two-level parking structure. It comes up for a public hearing before the Newport city Planning commission late this month. The existing ~uary would remain as a chapel. Church leaders say they need to expand because the congrega- tion has swelled and a larger Sunday seating capacity is nee- ded. Present capacity is 600 seats, and the building plans would add -800 more. - Last year, the c hurch was considering moving away from its site near Newport Harbor High School and rebuilding on the nearby Castaways property, a grassy promontory overlooking the Upper Newport Bay. But the cost of the Irvine Company owned-land, named for a r estaurant that once stood there, and deadlocked negotia- tions killed the rlan. Ironically, Clif Haven resident.a had protested the planned move, saying they were concerned what would take the church's plaCe. "But we still need to expand," says Robert Curtis, chairman of 1 ..... ~rel-Hi buildiA{f-<lGllUlli ttee, - "That's part of the cost of having a successful ministry." Cltff Haven resident West says n eighbors !eel the church has been a good member of the community and that "the last thing we want to do is drive them away." , But, h e adds quickly, the planned 105-foot-high steeple, with a cross rising 40 feet higher, is unacceptable. West says that the 90-foot high tower at Newport Harbor High &..boot J~ ~,o.µy landmark t\c._ needs in his neighborhood. "There's also a concern that the church is gearing up for some sort of Schuller South with nightly events," West adds. Church officials say that while th e congregation IS growing, they have no plans to duplicate the architectural achievements of the Re v. Robert Schuller, who spearheaded the giant Crystal Cath~al in Garden Grove. West says Cliff Haven resi- dents intend to launch a petition drive against the church plans this weeken<rii\O, weauref ·per- mitting launch a helium-filled balloon 105 feet into the sky to show how tall the steeple would be. DllllJN.e ..... AS IT LOOKS NOW -This is how the sane-construction of a proposed sanctuary and two- tuary at St. Andrew's Church appears today. level parking structure. The building would remain a chapeLafter Ozone depletion prediction cut By JOEL C. DON of'hDllllr ......... A special group of scientists has scaled down the threat of fluorocarbons to the Earth's atmospheric ozone, but still war- ned continued destruct.ion of the protective layer could lead to in- creased rates of skin cancer and possible damage to the human immune system. A report issued Wednesday by the National Research Council, a But scientists wa rn serious threat from fluorocarbons remains wing of the prestigious National Academy of Sciences, said de- pletion of the ozone layer will be about 50 percent less than was previously predicted. UC Irvine atmospheric chemist F. Sherwood Rowland, who first warned of the dangers of man- made fluorocarbons to the envi- rocarbon production continued at Its 1977 level. The prediction now has been trimmed in half, but the council nevertheless bas not toned down concern about potential for in- creased health hazards. said there wou ld be a 2 to 5 percent increase in non-lethal skin cancer whe n 1 pe rcent of the total ozone layer has been lost. Rowland said scientists have not yet shown a 1 percent de- pletion throughout the atmos- phe re, but note d a National Aeronautics and Space Admini· stration satellite study reported a 5 percent loss in ozone at the 25-mile altitude level. $12 million in health funds due UCI. released by state \ ronment, Thursday said the re- port confirms his findings. Just last week, Dr. Rowland eased a study lha showed the am t of fluor bons in the atmoap e e as ripled during the last decade. He also said yearly release of the chemicals jumped by 20 percent from 1974 to 1979. Eight years ago. Rowland and UCl collegue Mario Molina sug- gested their theory that fluoro· carbons destroy the ozone layer. "U you are worried about skin cancer and the biological effects, There would be a 2 to 5 percent increase in non-lethal skin cancer when I percent of total ozone has been lost. About $12 million in health. care funds withheld from Orange C.OUOty government by the state are being releMed becau.e of the announced tettlement of a long- standing dilpute OYef" be91th care for the county'• indigents. Releue of ,the fuftda wu re- qumted w~ by Amembly Speaker WW.le Brown. in a letter to Peter AbbOtt, an official in the ltate Depu1ment of Health Ser- vicea. T he fund• were impounded 1ut year at Brown'• urama be- cause of a dlep ute between = ~t and the Un- ty of Callfomla over bU-lillD for care provided tndi81nta at the. UC lrvlne Medical Cinter ln9fance. Brown lldcled ..... to tbe 1981-82 l&ate ~ le\ ~ -,.._ of &bi fUIMll to the county untU th• dJ.epuie waa redwd. ~ acUon helped prompt the eettlement announced jointly two weeks ago by Bruce Nestande, chalnnan of. the county Board of ; S upervi8on, and Joeeph Moore, chairman of the UC" Board of Regents. OC library sets fine -£ ree day The Orange County Public Ubrary will apomor a "fine free" day April 24 • part of National Utnry Week llCtitMel. On that day, the library will waive any flnm due on borrowed library maWJiala. The 1-t fine-free day, on April 9, 1980, 19Ult.ed ln 7,000 owrdue materlala beina returned. Li- brary offldeJa My the m ln r.- wnue ban flD9 II~ -than the valu. :;;;a retumed. Under the settlement, the county will make a "good faith" payment of $5 million to the un- iversity apinat about $8 million ln bills now being contested. That figure will be adJuated after an arbitrator rules on charges in a 112-bill sample. An estimated 70,000 bllla have been duput.ed by the county. The county and the university al•o agreed to develop a new contnct whereby the county will make a •Ingle annual "lump sum" J>llYll*Dt for care p-ovided for tndi1enta at the medical center. Under the ext.Ung con- tract, service la billed on • patient.by-s-tlent bellil. UC canceled the old contraci. I effecUw lo 1985, last~. w~ the dUrpute WM ltill dmdJocked, Bobbie Metqer, a apokHwo- man to 8~ Brown, -1d the ·~":ted~~=:: fundl be ral111td. . His data was based on atmos- pheric teats conducted throug- hout the world. The Chemical Manufacturers Association, an industry trade groul>, has reported just the opposite: a 20 percent drop in the yearly release of fluorocarbona. Its information ia baled on indu- stry reports on fluorocarbon production. The group dilputes Rowland's ltUdy. A National Retearch Co,incil spokesman reportedly hu b.ck· ed Rowland1t theory that fluo· rocarbona damaae orpne in the .inlolphere, • layer 7 to 30 m1lel above the F.ar1h'• -.arfece. Ozone, 'wtw.e molecule. 6"m8de up of three •f.9ma of ox.ypn, protects the planet from the harmful ef· fecu of ultravtolet radiation emitted by the IW\. In 1979, the reaarch COUDC:ll pndicted. ·~to 18 percent -ln the total osone la:y.r by the end of the next centmy tf Ouo. Fluorocarbons were banned by the United States and a few other countries as propellants ln aeroeol sprays, but are still wl- deb' \lied ln refrigeration units, as loaming agent.a and industrial aolvent.a. .. ln 197• we said we'd event-- ual)y )oee 7 to 13 perct11t ol the oaone 1-,yer," Rowland aaJd in • 'telephone lnt.ervlew from Laa v...., whete be wu ·~a dty1cJai ~ on 0UCll"C)C8l"- booa apc:Mlalffd by the American Chemical Sodety. "We reprd thia repcrt • f\ar- ther conffnnation," he aid., no.. Una "the fad that they.., the lol\l•tsm ~Uon (of ~) ii . e to e perant i. tomeChb:'I tba-t bM been known U\ the ldent18c ~ty far at '-t • ~·, The Natianal .a..rcb Coundl • then the reduction in total omne is the import.ant figure... he said. "We have not reac h ed the 1 percent loea." Dr. Rowland aaid a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Admi- niatration acientbt, however, re- ported to the Lu Vegu confe- rence a 1 percent drop in total orone above the North American COl'tinent f.run 1960 to 1980. Rowland emphlmed the study la preliminary and dUf&cult to expWn since fiUGl'OC:Mbonl atp- po aed l y . dl1p_erH In equal amounta ~t tbit waltd. He added the~ -.-ii report ctom.'t cbarwe ~ an the toeal MDOWlt ol ftUGNMlaw6 in the atlrlOlphere or the calcu- lated lOle In ttM upper atmcl9- pheft. Baths, he ~ the mady focwed Oft ~ leWla. 0 t ... -Orange Cout DAIL y PILOT /Friday, Aprtl 2, 1882 • ·DEAR ANN LANDERS: When I waa divorced last year I aot cUlf,Qdy of Lady, a mutt -half collie, halt ooc:k«. I kwe her dearly. · The problem: The man I marri9d a few weeks ago cannot stand this d~He kicb her when he thinks I am not • When I hear Lady bark suddenly*· I ow he has done something mean to her. He enjoys speaking to her in a tone of authority and watching her cower. Then he tells me she is the most stupid animal he ever saw. I will keep Lady outside in the spring, but during the cold winter month.I she must be in the apartment with us. She is not al- lowed on the carpeting, so I ·-keep her in the kitchen most of the time. The room is rather small and the poor thing doesn't get much exerdse. Y-think my husband Is jealous of Lady because I love her so much. The friction is growing, and I don't know )Yhat lo do. Please help me. -LOVE MY MAN WHO IS NOT MY DOG'S BEST FRIEND (EVERETT, WASH.) TRADITION DEVELOPED -Jack Dear- dorff, head of L .F. Deardorff and Sons Inc., poses with one of his company's 8-by-10-inch view cameras. The Chicago manufacturers of -.. ~ tANDl:RS • STAN DELAPLANE DEARE~ Some of my readers wHld dYIMJ." to pt rid of yov laaabud. He 11••• a mep, aad11de loat. Bat I'm ..._ to tell YM M pt rid of ae do1. ~t 11 Ufab' to keep Mr eooped ur ID tbe tit· clan, ~ectell .. die cnelty o a mu wi.o altn• w ...., e'8llee -e gets. I realise U'a a Nlafal 1ol•tlta for yoa, Dear, b•t Lady deserves better. See that 1be 1et1 11. P .S. Keep my addre11 band). I think you're going to need It. DEAR ANN LANDERS: Last week I asked my daughter to return the keys to our horne. She no longer lives with ua, having rented an apartment of her own several weeks ago. I was amaz.ed at her response. She said I had inaUlted her, that she was humiliated by my request and ~ot understand why in the world I should object to her keeping the keys to a place she used to call home. Whe n I saw how upset she "-''•· I dropped the matter. I still feel, however, that I was justified. What are yovr thoujthts on thil subject? -SURPRISED IN wtsT ORANGE DEAR W. ORANG&. I cu llQd~•t.14ad wby sac• a req•est mf11tt have~ 10•••e• •ff-key, If yoa wWJlrdon tla• ~· Yoar .. =r laterpreW U as a pen1ul ilv. No ID yoar I..._ 1111gest1 tat •• ••• not. tnastwortby. A person wbo It asked I or 11the keys" can't ielp bat get the feeling of being "locked out." Unle11 there was a specific reason for dolag 10, U woald have been better to laave let ber keep tllem. DEAR ANN LANDERS: My ex - husband left me after 2~ yea.rs of marriage. He and this woman went together for five h:rars before he aak~ for a divorce to f08"Y ·Our eldest (of four) is planning 0her wedding. She does not want her father's n~w 91ife preeent. nor does her tiance, nor do I. U m~ husband had met her after our divorce, Id feel differently. They have a treatment • 1-year~old chlld, and she wants to be rec- ogniz.ed. Arn I wrong? -D.K. IN JAMAI- C"A, N.Y. DEAR D .K .: Who 's paying for tbe wedding? If your husband 11, be does have some rights. The alternative 11 to pay for tbe wedilDg yoanelf and leave them botb off the guest list. Discover how to l>e date bait without !al.ling hook, line and sinker. Ann Landers' booklet, "Dating Do's and Don'ts," will help you be more poised and sure of yourself on dates. Send 50 cents along with a long, st.amped, self-1Jddressed envelope with your request to Ann Landers, P .O. Box 11995, Chicago, m. 60611. Samson's clippers ,., .... , .... wooden, handmade cameras, which have be- come a legend in the trade, was started by Jack's grandfather in 1893. · SAN FRANCISCO -"That should do it," said John. He swept the barber's sheet off me. He took the blower. He shot a stream of hot air over my neck. He took the 9CiB9ol's and did a little snip-snip. It was a rainy day. The room had a mild bay rum smell. I get my hair cut every three weeks. When I step out of the chair I look great. During the next few weeks I get progresSi- vely shaggy -mainly on the neck, more's the pity. However, I like the change. There's much to be learned while the shear s go snip-sNp. #3., • •• • John works at·home, three af tembons -a week. He 'doesn't use a barber chair. He has a sort of high chair like a child's. He does women's haircuttiJ.lg sometimes but prefers men's. - "Females are too demanding." He doesn't want any more business. He's a happy fellow. I'VE HAD HAIRCUTS in some odd places. Once I had _it cut in a pool hall in Samoa. Apia was once known as "the hell hole of the Pacific." Whoever hung that tag on Apia must have had his hair cut there. The haircutter was a Samoan built like a linebacker. He wore a wraparound lava lava. He took handclippers and went up one side. Th~n up the other. It was almost a Mohawk cut. Nobody in Apia minded. Everybody had a haircut like that. I was barefoot and wearing a print wraparound myself. Tou- rists took pictures of me, I was so pictures- que. I HAD SOME PICTURES of a haircut. Sides, front, back and top view. They were - rz ,. . STAN DEUPl.ANE AROUND THE WORLD passport size. I kept them in my wallet. If I couldn't speak the language, I showed them to the barber. I got the haircut in Madrid. In the Hilton on the avenue called Generalis- simo Francisco Franco. It was so good I went out and had it photographed. I think it was the Bf;ST haircut .lever had. It cost me 37 cents. With tip. I used to change around when I lived in London. One time I had it cut in the Mayfair Hotel. It was a poshy place. The sign on the door said: ''Gentlemen's Hairdresser.'' The cutter had a high class accent. "A bit more off the tawp, sah?" He said: "I sh'd like to give it a trifle of the reviving treatmenL" I said I didn't want to be revived, but he said firmly: "It looks so duH and lifeless, sah ." I was instantly des troyed and said meekly: "OK." He got out a kit with a glass tube that glowed violet when he plugged it in. He passed it over m y h ead . My hair s tood straight up. I thought "Good Lord, the man's going to fry me with that 220 volts CUlTent!'' I grabbed him by the other hand and we both got a fearful shock. The cutter lost his West End accent and he shouted in straight Cockney: "F'crissake, mate, don't do that!" Scorpio: Money, love • ID • picture I GOT A GOOD HAIRCUT in Copen- hagen. I didn't like the cut I got in New York even though the man said: "I cut La- wrence Welk's hair." In Japan I was sheared by a Japanese girl who gave me a fool massage as part of the package. She walked on my spine. It was less than $2. Japan hadn't discovered how to sell Sony TV's and Toyotas to the U .S. then. Saturday, April ~ ARIES (March 21-Apri-l 19): Lunar emphasis on romance, creative projed, new contacts and ability to imprint style. You'll get to heart of matters, popularity increases and you meet people who encourage you to pioneer a concept. Leo, Aquarius persons play key roles. . TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Accent on building, security, domestic environment and ability to know when to clOISe transac- tion. Relative who had been skeptical could now become a most enthusiastic ally. Cancer, Capricorn, Aquarius persons play significant roles. GEMINI (May 21 -June 20): Focus on movement, restlessness, ct.rt abundance of· ideas and a message or' call which oould re- sult in short trip. Circumstances favor your efforts, timing improves and you locate ar- ticle that had been lost, missing or stolen. CANCER (June 21 -July 22): Obtain hint from Gemini message. Make inquiries, check assets, take inventory and obtain prof~ssional appraisal. Focus on .review, revision and necessity for rebuilding on a more suitable structure. POT SHOJS BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIAN'l' . . j kaw.tt.'t told. ~self -l'hat j!,n. ~ettt1'S Old.ri; bee.a use ~.,~tt't n.otLce. LEO -(July 23-Aug. 22): Dig beneath surface indications, check motives, piece together bits of information -you can oome up with complete story. Lunar cycle high, creativity is emphasized and your morale is boosted by member of opposite sex. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Look behind scenes for answers. Home appliances or re- pairs could put dent in budget. Plumbing might be a problem. Scenario is dominated by attention to one confined to home or hospital. Taurus, Libra, Scorpio natives play key roles. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Your best qualities surge to forefront; emphasis on graciousness, public relations, charm. Aura of romance dominates scenario. Excellent time for making personal appearances, for directing charity or political campaigns. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Focus on organization, preparation, added responsibi- lity and promotion. You'll have more au- thority and chance for greater rewards. Emphasis on money and love. Capricorn, Taurus, Cancer penons figure prominently. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): You sense pulae of public. You could strike chord of universal appeal. Limitations are put aside; you're able to reach beyond current expectatlona. Lunar empbasis on education, spirituality, communication and long-range travel plans. CAP R ICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): You make new IWt in new dlrecdon. Eml)h.m on employment, ftnancet, solution of myl· tery arid revenue from surprl8e IOW"Ce. You might be called u wttnell in c.r tnvolving mComobile a\Dhap. Leo, Aquarh&1 penona pay by rolae. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Go alow, lie low, collect needed data and cbeck leaal docummta. Y ou11 ttaa1n eenee of d1rec:Uon, manion lndkaWd wlih family ......... and home will be lmdlt 8lt'Ul'e throuah lnltalla- don of safety devbe. HOIOSCOPf Sh~ was .small. What they called a "transistor girl." So walking on my back didn't break it. BY SIDNEY OMARA PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Individual who makes big promises may be sincere but misinformed. Attend to practical matters. ch eck basic facts and take nothing for granted. Make inquiries, respond to social invitations and resolve to broaden personal horizons. I used to have to drag the boy child to a haircut. Since h e became a teen-ager, he can't do enough for his hair. He brushes it. He stands before the mirror and combs it. It's a magnijicent mop. Thick, luxu- rious. He will QJtly have his hair done by a lady named Gloria, he's that particular. I pay $12 for my haircut. They charge me $16 for his. GOif i 011 lllDGf BY CHARLES H. GOREN AND OMAR S~ARIF North-Soutti vulnerable. South deals. NORTH +AIUU <;>l[J 4 O! •QUU WEST EAST +87U +H Ii? 107U Ii? QSJ ·o ~U4 o Qt&• •It •gHa 80UTB +Htt <;>At.I O A10t7 •AH The blddlas: ....... ~ ..... I o P.. t •:0 Ni;I! I NT P .. •flt , .. , ... OpealnJ a.ad: of +. minimum opening. Since lt w's JJnJikely that South held . four '1p&dea, Nor\h Ctidn't • -w.uta.. 'time warni.ng tbe enemy what suit not. to lead! W e1t led a ·~· a.od declarer could coum •Illy eight t.riclts. The nintll, ~uid come either from the beart finesse or from eatabU.hiJJe a long club. Since a losing ¥&.rt fiMue ran t.he riak of opening the 1wt few the enemy, declarer chose t.o go after the clubt. But the play of that eult was alto not. without risk. H Eut eep]d pin the lead . \~Ice (o lead diamonds ~ declater, It. wu ~ to JoM thrff di.a· mond tricks aQd two clllt». '° ~ wu aee.1Mr1 &o adapt 6 ' "1oicl&Det pla7. ~ U.p off lead. ~ TMrtlon, ct.darer took the firlt tpad• Uiek la dum· m7 and led a dub to the 1ix, Wt1t won the ten and rdtn.d to a apade. Dedanr ap1o la dumm1 ud ltd her dub. If &alt ,a..,.ct low, declarer Intended ioaert· ing the eight. But spllt.ting 'he bonots did not help East any. Offlarer won and con· tinu~ t.he 1uit to set. it. up. \Wy clever, you say. But what if West had won the second c.hab as weU? Then t.he suit. would break 3-2, and the ace oext would set u.p two long clubs in dummy. Aha, but what if it wu WHt who held the four clubs? Then Eut wouJd show out. on the seeond club lead. Declarer would hop up with the ace and lead a club up t.o dummy'• queen for bis ninth trick . e ... ,... ..... "=• .. - t• 4l••ltl• &re•ltle? Let CllUht 0..... Wp JM W ,... . ., ............ __ •f DOU8L£8 11r ,_,..._ ........... ,. .. ..., .. W. DOU9LE8 h 11dec.. ..- 11.36 &e "G..ee-0.•1-." .................. P.O. ha !It, Nerw.... N.J. ..,.. ............. ,.... &e~e ......... .. .. ,, '• I ~ .t1 l I " Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Friday, Aprll 2, 1882 Ill . ... i -· •-$1.S ---.... -1">'"·---···----------~-------.. Is that The Irvine Company's i<jlea-of fair play? So it seems to a lot of us who take a good, close look at their recent rent-deferred and financing proposals. See what you think. · When Orange County leaseholders hit the roof over huge land rent Increases, The Irvine Company clucked sympathetlcally. pllght of certain lessees and wants to be of assistance!' the Irvine offers. Put yourself In the place of your leaseholder neighbors, deciding between two can't-win proposals. Then ask yourself: Is The Irvine Company honestly trying to help the leaseholder? Or to enrich Its already-over· stuffed coffers at leaseholder expense? We think the answer Is very clear. "We were concerned about any lessees ,,_ whose ground rent has gone up beyond their ability to pay," said company president, Peter C. Kremer. "The company understands the How touching. But before deciding The Irvine Company Is all heart, all of a sudden, you should play their new rent·deferred and financing proposals on your computer. Look at the conditions and long-term ramifications of ---Irvine Company Proposal: New Rental Plan They propose: * A new lease amendment with first year rent Vz of 6% of Irvine option price less present values of remaining term of lease discounted at 12%. • Annual rent Increase based upon inflation index with maximum increase of 8% ~n any one year. * To extend the lease amendment to a term of 55 years. *To require adjustment at time of future transfer or sale so that new owner is requireQ to pay rental of 6% of the full amount of the then Irvine deter· mined option-to-purchase price at that time of sale. But consider: Several Jokers are lu~lng In this carefully stacked deck. • The 50% first year discount sounds good. But the 8% annual inflation index can cost a lot of money. After 10 years, you'll be paying more than 100% ·of the Irvine full rent After 15 years, 194% of your initial rent! * Irvine's proposed credit for the remaining term of our leases has a sleeper In It, too. They're proposing a 12% discount Isn't it strange that the City of Newport Beach used a 9% discount factor in renewing the City's leases In Beacon Bay? Why should Irvine give leaseholders less credit than co~ parable leaseholden; received from the City? Irvine Company Proposal: Financing Plan They propose: • To finance up to 100% of the option price of the land or up to 80% co~ bined house and land. •To do this at a fixed rate: 12%. * To set up a 7-year loan based upon 30-year amortization, with balloon pay- ment at end of 7 years. ~ • To charge a $150 noo-refundable application fee and a $700 loan process- in_g charge. • To require payment in full upon sale or transfer of house or land. Sounds great, but consider: • They start with outrageous land price quotes. • They have no detailed appraisals to substantiate their prices. * They give no credit for the rent advantage of the remaining term of the lease. • They require credit approval even though the leaseholder has been living on the land for years. * If any appraisals are required, the leaseholder is expected not only to obtain them, but to pay for them. * The loan payments are much higher than paying rent at 6% of the new, inflated land price ($6,000 rent vs. $12,350 on a $100,000 lot.) * Finally, think twice about the harmless sounding clause spelling out what happens when we want to sell our homes. Any new owners would be faced with paying rent based on the then full amount of the Irvine optioo-to-pur· chase price and agree to an annual Inflation Increase of 8%. Who in their l:!ill.!il ~~~t :;;',~~::~be Interested in buyl~ our leasehold homes with this • More than 95% of the loan payment goes to interest, very little to principal. * At the end of 7 years, the leaseholder is faced with coming up with nearly the same amount of cash as was demanded originally. ltWilii;i~ct11::";t1•if1&;~11'.144WJ't~RRtl'W,UtiiiK•J.tJi?hZitJlmt:nB;s;; r Invitation to The Irvine ~mpany: Let's Talk! We homeowners are pleased to see the Irvine Company make some dramatic changes In their programs affect· Ing both the rental and the purchase of our leased lots. There's additional wort< to be done but we're optimistic that our differences can be resolved. We're ready to meet any time with The Irvine Company. We're anxious to do so. Let's work together and put an end to this leaseholder problem. TM CommlllM of •000 •S 1 notl·l)tor.1 01g1111111ion ot tne 4000 ltvine L11senotaers oedlut~ to 1111 end IQOltlble deahngs with Tht ,,.,,.,. ~nv We rteed ~r help! ..... - Special Leaseholder Meeting April 14th Marriott Hotel Save this date Big announcement wm be made f ~·· !rvtt 5035 ~.~~ ...... ??~~ ~~~::! ..... !!~ ~.~~ ..... !!.~~ ~~~ ..... !!.~~ ~.~~ ..... !!.~~ ••••••••••••••••••••·~· Fo d arfe 'llonllte Babysitter for 9 yr old •Dental Recept1on1sl HosfJ/HollHHI MANICURIST hunh ( i: . · girl 3 30PM 6 30PM ·part time AM Ex Part L1fne Apply 3 5 Oppt) ·ror rental or Locmt D•7 ~:~s ~d~ '1.f/! r J~,'-Mon f<'r1 552 3375 e' es, pe!'lenct'd. nt!at, ma11,1re Mon thru Fri Re!Jbl.'n ~; romm basis in Rrov.1ng Mffd Cull? 61H280 · 640 6800 d~s t'TIJOys mce patients m • Lee R~l 151 f. Cpast II B Na 1 I Sa I u n Rear Estate money l BABYSITIER foi '1!~ 6 pleasant bus( offict-wttt ~ll ... 6155790 960-761?,.He1d1 I available 2nd or 3rd TO Found House & l'ltt keys mo old 3 x's wk al w 00 great star M u~t b1 9· --------1--------• •~to C'.i..-430~;.._ _. __ R ........ al 4400j Loans e d nti· I or I !Honda & Furdl Vic sharp. salan open -_.,.. w9"0l)H Offlcel..tal 4400 ~ _... mrome onp;o~Jiesa We I Orantelree, In inc hr Pleasecall64t l25U ~ewpo rl c·c n I er HOl:SECLEANERS to MATEllAL ••••••••••••• •••••••••• for •ewt 4 35o ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••• •••• •••••• • 1 handle a Cull range or C'.ente1..Il!.J52 0525 lilYSITTER ~ S5 50, hr P T <'(Ir COHTIOL Pl!:ACEF'UL 2 Br 2 Ba 1••••••••••••••••••••••• 17th Sl, C.M. :mt B Harbor Blvd . in mortgage Coverage al F'ound Dark ma le cat, I Neccleo Cos( a Mesa Donut Shop. JI t1m1· rar 6:45 5l23 }UPEIYISO~ S235 + •, utils female Storage gara1e for rent 1 &2 room offices AC. Harbor Baker C,tr C,M , \'fl') competiu1·e rates \•1r Westchff Npt Brh I aru 1 305 J0da1l1 111 Jy AM. no l'Wer nee: Housekf~per li\l' 111 A~lf &1en\lfir Drilling ~I'!~ &31 ~3 aft 6 on Balboa Peninsl!I~ plentf of pr~ Util mL'I Acros!> rrom ~ EDC 0 I Courtesy to Brokers Friendlx_64~·8999 vr & 4 mo olds Refs Apph in per~on D1pp1I) Cathoht" Rec:ton m II H In 1erna11 on a I . a Elde~ly lady to s h a re ~\~· ~~~7fne IO'• X AR'e·awl·on~:.cs all 11156700 :>J~/~75' ~~nl~.d:: 7 l4 760 J 551 ask for F~d Silver net·klal·e Call aft 6pm.L!l66 1365 Donub. 185~ Newpu rt area Cookini.:'Rlt h'kll!t 1.;nam1r high gro.,. lh 011 mobile home m Laguna v!. --' . _ _ ·-Agt S49·t366 Sle\'e.Qr uane engra.,ed PNK & SCKS · lliUT,ICIAN Bhd C. M for ~ pnest~. ef ~ r~q· 1eld sen'l<'I.! com pan) Beach. Low rent Call , Double g_arage, can be COSTA ~SA Lom Due7 --_644-<1003 . A5 liarf>er s ass1s1ant, Drv CleaninG ~&~> 6~11;la~~{~f~ i o· ~;: r~r 1:~~~~~1°~~ II· 497.2004_ I divided -St reel entrance I & ~ room o'Hlces from ~/T Pf.~Cfiltt MHd Codi? F'OU~D. Sm llusk) lype etr. Per hour The Ha yr Count et nelp wllnted ~)C 1560. Costa Me!> a. trol Su pen ISOr tr }'OU condo, all amenities, Dana Point. 548·6446, SIRS. Uliqncluded . ,') a~l( enl 1 ~e 1 off i ~e. Rear £5 fate mo ne} dog. mule. recent back Barn. 009 W 19th St.. E:xper or will train full <;A. 9262.6 ha\I.' a minimum 3 y~r!> S28S mo Jae & sauna. 493-18)3 ---Real002m1cs _ _fil:filO(l Kitchen + p11rkin1t a\'ail3ble 2nd or 3rd TD I operation, Jamboree & (M 11468480 lime. hourly wage open expt•nenl·e in malenal 966-8479.M73984 Dblgarage,Slorageonly La~unaNiguel·Beautiful S37S/mo. Non smokers 1Aansonresident1alor Cst H"Y 6733992, C3rWashpersonnecded ~~~pe;95L:t:;~~n~~kgr~!Hri~~1s/n~:~r:~t'hl'r~ conlrolsupems1on. we F lO Shr lge 2 br' I,, ba securite 2 cars, Nwpl 0 1·pes-Repepuonist . "r6'6tred_A"' 675·8170 mcome properties. We 494-504G ror limousine co Teri')· r h h.s\I~ a challenging po)1 pa.. '~. iu6 1158 ' ' "'~ --... , handle a full range or --l~nQ' 7~ Gt:9rM _ erence~ ,0r om.: '" lion a'a1lable for )'Ou tri·plex apt. S250 'mo 'i ~ !>Lmo~. -Secy, mess en g c r ~ R...+°' 4450 irortgage Coverage al SCRAM-LETS FA.5T t'OOD ~art-11me ~__Luna Beach. 494 0751 . Applicants !11USt ha\'e uttls No~ts or """1UI!-R ........ al 4400 servic~. Law & Tax 1 tt te · ~NJ1\ff li 1 h Th IM M E D I \ T L' ex~nenpe in work1nS Ch ldren 645. CM s "'1'TK• '"" Libary Xerox. phone ••••••••••••••••••••••• verv compe ' ive ra s . LI"", ALES dwing unc our e • ' "' , I 1 { be h ••••••••••••••••••••••• answ~' From s~o PrimeTustinl800to 2900 Courtesy lo Brokers ANSWERS •vv • Rotisserie 260 Rn~tol , 0 r £ N I N G WI h an MR P base !JUD.romac ' 1617 Westcltff, N.B. Want Call .' ' n retail or of(i(·e s1H1<'l' 714·760 1551 ask for Apply in person· Crown St c;.M CHALLENG ING SEC l'omputcr 1ntegra\ed F I lo h 48 h C I t 7000 f ---8009 Steveor Duane B lfardw11 re. 1614 San "' , . POSITION' firs 11 30 lo rnanufat'lunng s~stem emae s r .r ome , manc1a ms s .. p Off Sa 7:.>-1470,831· Atomic asm M1guel,Ntwport8each Fine arl salcsper)on S~Monlo~'ri require~. llP :moexpenem•t> dr ~I & spa. ftn Vly Isl. Ooor. Agent S41 ~...b , ~::a del Meir '1K10 ~~. Comm'I orhce sprn~ on WIOOW HAS US for TD's llyeAnaNofi:~a~e needed Fane art s:allel). stat1st1<'al l '.P•ng SJ)t'ed s1rable but nut man ~Q~ 71}.1128 EXECUTIVE fl suite $850 mo Beach Bl. t!B w•excell RE IAans. !OK Up No The kid next door lrtecl CHESS&GAME ~1Pt "9:1-2307 ~PM . S(n IOOWP~ datory We offer ex M. non·smkr, 21_plus Shr UfJES 675·9510. exposure Very reasona l'red1l Cherk No Penal to make a skalehoard UNLTD . R1lm&!lal pref but not l'cllenl salar) & "orktnR Jge 3 bdrm. Cdm No S ---ble rental 1168 sci ft lo I)' Dennison A.ssor Sper1alt) ~amt' store FOOD f".4AHA~ER nee FUii Uenefll Pks: ronditioos a~ .,.ell as an flakes.At 6 64-44773 •CdM dlxswte.A C.am ll68sqJ1847-2547 6737 .. W N~"~e~a~~~~~~>.,..1;:;/s has lmll'lt!d1ate o)lt"ntnl! ~~so~~c~J'~'er~~[J'1 salary open Oppt~ tu ou1s1and1ng_benef1t M F for nice house at HEllTAGE ~e~~~~~1~ 2855 lftdllstrial Rttttal 4500 I buy discounted TD's. gomg one dirl't'l1on .ind ~n1er~?'u~e;a1e:~~1 OCfa·e work llunt1ng1on ~ro" "•th Or~ lonlatt park age Fo r 1 m beach Yearly, S300 Pt.Ali ••••••••••••••••••••••• strai~l notes. el<' Ask one "heel ~01111t 1100 Game knowledge Beach area Senior . ( Blme556 llO mediate cons1derhat1on la.st,sec.dep.645~69S Newluxury .OTrfcespare HEWPORTIEACH NB 3975Birrh 8860sq for eith. broker i\NOTHER_ andnairrorselhngrine t•1uz.ens"elcometoap JEWELRY SAi.ES. sell ~~'f~la~:S;~IS~~~<'~~ FM shr 3br in~ liunl in lr~·ine s busiesl AireortAreQ nor less MIA zone. 5()-!l68~or9694<1?l Found Bascn11 Club mPrrhandise desirable ly .Calle\·es,~ 53'18 ladies Je"elr) ·gl\e AMF Sc1ent1fic Dnlhn~ Bch SI.SS+ 11111 7528600 center Ealsy Fr~)Ca~j 600 ·s-q··n1 • .l?.art1ally per sq rt ARent WE BUY 2ndS w\shestoplacc))t hark I Contact Janet Poland Fvl-r.-Stock parties in 'our o"n lnterna11onal . 18011 o{fice9·5Denise cess A\ai no" a fwrusbed. ~per mo ~ I • less doR that 'odel~ 714~50'21 y 0 u n g m 1 no e d , homl' all relail profits Mitchell Sa Irvine <.:A fordetails Newly redecorated OCEAN VlEW 1620sq fl GRF:ATSOUTHWEST I ~_;)8216 CHJLD CARE TWIN 2 t pers n go into >OUr pocket. 92714 Attn 8111 Wright ~~~;;n~edbdr~ 551-llll UQ..42lO M!!_UanRealty~2960 ideal for drniiners CAPITALCORP FOLlND Irish Sl·tler YR OLDS \1Y HOME ~~!J\1u1s~haveso~ Larr; 968 9088 · EOE MF Beach House $235 + ut1I •DB.UXl OFFtCES• artist & engmeen Quiel I 61~4890 fem Ven old Brn I CALJ. OONl'IA 646·4662 retail exper Pleasan SPM -9 M 548·4069 f'fomlroomupto~ CORO ...... DIE..IM•• allract1\e indu'llrial 1 -leatherColrar 53611389 • surroondmgs&benef1ts l..AL'NDROMATATTEN ---' sq ft From SI 16 a sq n• .,., -park 1001 W 17lh CM 1 ClcnWOOt11.A1de1 Please appl) in per!>On DANT P t11nr :'liewport ~DRS Newport Terrace Condo. ft No lease required 1250 SO. FT. 919~5ll ,~fttrHh/ Penonals 5350 Sul>sITtu1e Classroom Apropo, •29 Fashwn Reh 673 lllHI No" hinng al T1ffan\ s pool. Jae. sauna. no last Ad.J Al11K>rter Inn 2172 May W\'tde~ l..ocated in PentJ/lds/ ••••••••••••••••••••••• Aides needed by Hunt Jslan<I . ~ B or r ail l.e g a I Sr\ ~ t' '< -.;e Audition held Wed ~.~:& ~JiJ5 mo + Du~t ca 11 AM ~. :tu'13i~rJ~:1f~;e ~.~c:'!!~ ... ~~~~ •. ~.~.~ ........ A~fi~as~a'e ~°'j ~~~~~~>Sr~~J I ~ ~"a~~~ ~~~~~\ 0:~·~ .. Apn17th6 PM 83J. .!.. OK Air conditioning. I dn rsa kd per hr Apply 73.S 14th ~ASSTATIOH mun•ur"I" " u• wo. •DRS_M HO~ 't · I & t IH es m ays a wee St II B 536 8851 F.:xp d-1ien •<·e :;tall!ln ' ~ u • -' ' • ·'F"ASmO~ SROW'"~ M/fshrLgCM h~menr BAYfRONT ~~n~250 uir r:.o Employed Graduate ~ewnts 5100 69 Gorgeou~ girl!. to • , Attendant.,.. refi. Day penenrc Mr Clean SJOSSSperday S.C. Plaza " p_\t ba Primeofflct> 673.1003 pe Student seeks 11uesl ••••••••••••••••••••••• Qamper you Jani7.t1. <.1cm·al Gen Ofr Musi I shift ~ hr!i per wk $22 75.2-6841 •SPORTING CATALOG l!:Rk..m~OJ.§9 Cost;-Mesa. 250 5~ ft. 1714) 673-4400 house. sttKl•'M orgarage IREA.k IMTO Sauna Loc3ls a~ well a:. be gd w numbers per wk Npt Heh L'n1on LOAM OFFICER SIOOperda\ +clothes do f II r f n u Newport or CdM Ron "' " Amer1r:ird. Master ment ypmg optiona -· . "' S75perday weekends Fem to shr Nwpt Bch con swte Sl75 tmo ''ti s in· 12 Ill Ul-JIJI apt 'n C Ir" n e , ... CTI ... ~ t o u r ' s l s U a n k PleasaTnl <;>fr en \'I ronl I 644 7151 For mo-rtgaue co -x Int •WORKSHOP MODELS , u Y urn. un ur cld 779 W 19th. St HARBOR 549-3676 •Noe-xp nee A I t}'J>eS Charul' American Ex , <;all 17l·47~. ~ General offlt·e d.ul1es F.r oppt> lo Join salei.. team •ARTIST MODEL bdrm.non·smkr,$240 + 851·8928 •$25-S85day,3·10hrs ress' Diners dll COMMUNITY rands.promol1onalJoh for nal1onally re '.l.l!lil Don&3J·08l5 -• .,... & 572 s~. ft~·sl.oorJ1r •Extra work m mo.vies ~ekome 714 645 3433 WORKER Must have dependable cognized rirm. ex per ~perday ~rtfoho _,, 8 family w1sh1ng lo lse •Indus training film 2112 Harbor 1,1 ('" · • &·ssl ··ciurt-rnJa· tnd 1,11. l.'ar. good dnnnJ( reeord ner. Plea~e ~encl re •fan} more 1st1ngs ShrlrhouseWeslrlifrpvt sq n .. '397 Birch., . . homemCdMi.begmning > ,., "' ' ~ ' &knowledgeorL\&Or sumes to UFM 147il :-locxp ner Alltypes bath & ent, t•ookmg. emp M_eot ?!l-m2 --July I mm J BR. :fsreT Coeds ~ould lo-t• to part'\> tim witness l!.rogra m ., Plaza Dr . Ste D tu~l•n W'f/'1 SOUttCE resp mature non smoke So_,__9f ;'CH Call 675· 901 TH! JOI SOUIC! h L I Orange ro BA . Sor Cty Exc-1tmg enLlertain ,.~ """"'' E 0 L: .llam_·7"•m! '.E _ " G00-017Ulli.m·7..Pl!ll wit you e~ 1e or Serv or Criminal ment<-ompany. aguna .,,.. """"" -r_ ~ ..f:_y_t'S~ execuplan Unfum 238drm house Sylvia . an~tim •· J1.1St11.·eprl'f Mm I yr 8e~1.91·94&4 Lose wetRhl & make MOTR.MAID Female rmml needed to m Costa Mesa. Newport 161 9036 exp human srn pro GEN OFFICE P T rmnev. Calif rorp need~ f.xperien<'ed prererred. shr 3 Br duplex I blk NEWPORT IEACH Beach or Cdllt area Will • TE Ewwlof"IHt & ~ram SIOOO mo Xlnt I F.ntry level position 3 O\'erwe1ght per,ons for 642 3'm N B bch s325 mo+ ul tis "A M.w C:O.C~Dt" , O.C. Airl>ort area Lrg g 1 v e refer en<' es JONI rrepc11 atioft benefits Appl) '1a re Good phone manner a reduction pro~ra m 642-86Q3.._~~936 FUUserv1ce cusfom window office in beaut 775 8327 , 539 6998. ••••••••••••••••••••••• sume by ~ pm1. -11,9 82. 1 Clerical duties Flex For info please <'a I 1.eo ursmg Exclusive CM New office&<k!skspace. garde"n style bldg on !i40-83&t HAZEL'S PL•C[ JobsW.ted 7075 YSP. rnr. 280;1 n oyal I h~14,975·0412 5482271 HURSE'S ASS'T OrleansCondo.dwnstrs. NrOC Airport Dove St Copying . It's Tax Time! Write off " ••••••••••••.'•••••••••• Palm_Qn\'e,CM 9262.fi MAIMT PERSON Opening for exper Bdrm & ba for prof re· "Seeto~f;7ciate'" library. recepf , free your IBR 1tuest hous\'. featwiw9 Hskpg in exch for rm & c__.; Aide f Host/Ho5~u & Mature mlnacd. llepcn Nurse's Ass't Day shift ured WOn\a!l 548~46. 7 • 8 prkg. decorating al studio rarage apt as <-amt Hiik board. reliable youn1t M afiir'!-w~a n N 01 Ca-r dable exper'd. bonda m sm COfl\'al hospl Ap- Shr plush tn level home lowance. S500 mo incl rental o responsible ""'k.11rooti French Canadian heavy house"ork. no THfGOOOlARTH ble r llllll' day_s for of I QI} at TheGardens.4~ HB. ,, mi from bearh secretarial space workin~ lady need1n1t A 1 Liberal Laguna l!Vttn~64~J4JO RMtm.ant&la .. rv fll'\' bid.its Newport Glennl')re. Laguna ~ .. mclall 5368090 975-0077. ----sohtude.~l.lllsh1ne,lrees Corner Ba~ and Oiarles,"9H296. _ 15·1ooTUng for a hatd Beal·h Phone 6441526. Beach ~ -,_ -..wrc>ITCatTY Executive offices avail. ..fill..:9'33 Newport, Costa ~w.-.&......a 7100 COOK "orker for all shifts !H2,wkdaJsonl} Mature sgl adult wanted &celeMOffic• Coast Hwy. Corona del Prof M w small dog Mesa •:.r ••• =:::•••••••••• Exper·CJ ainner l'OOk. Compeny insorance N11nmg lo s hr beach home · ~t Mar. A&t_SS_HilJO needs rental in Cd M r tune, ref's required , acation 31 ail i::, If you· re 1n the mc1rke1 ~rtifi.cl HtH'MS Catalina view. refs ~to~sq-fl Ava1la· Deluxe 2nd noor office area, refs $600 range --------ACCTGCL!IC Appl) 1n per:.on c:ellenl pa). Apply j for 41 bettercar.besure I $.p>/mo.675·2351 art 6 bleforl.use ft o 548-8273 Lost&foomd 530 Experienced. wit xlnt between 3 Spni Jolly bet"l'en 3·5pm 210 • to check the man) autos 7 3 Xl&3~1ctu Sm con 'tr.et rts fem to shr 3Brl Call Wm F Cote DI sq t easb access n ••••••••••••••••••••••• llnypctnalg.J..kJtlllr:suc. 1~0orn f~~emc· Roger. 400 S Co:ist Hwy . Ne.,.porl Center Dr ·I ad\•ert1sed for sale in , al hos pt nr C' M B a . 1200 mo me ror rrore 1n'(ormat1on and of S Pwy 1 & ..._.s/ln•est/ I ""'~ La~na Beaeh N_B_ <1._~1f1ed F'air unds <•9 .~'"'l uUI. 84 ·5Z76 --ote e y 962-1ss1 ....................... 541t9570 COOK _, t c , R aJt Warner Ave . Ftn VY RncMC• Xlnt benefits Irvine --.......... eed Rmmte age 20.30 lo & Investment ·rport Area. Plush exect Swinvrung pool l·hemu•al FOUND ADS AMBITlOUS & SUCCESS THE GOOD EARTH shr 3Br, 2Ba Cd M hse Suttes. $275 and up. TYP.· service business. Costa ORIENTED! I'm look· hd t & loll w/2 others. Non-smkr, 640-5777 ing and ans serv avail Mesa, Hunt Beach urea ID[ FREE ing ror a few associates 15-~fr'n~ for a ~~d ~util 633-4058_ 957.9331__ _ No exp nee W11l tram M to expand my business worker ror 311 shifts female wants female to c-a $50000 full amount re c II Hl~l Co mpan> insurance, lookfor&share2bdrm l(OU ~· R~--/A_.al tu'1red Will net 3: An.AHTAFllM vacation avail. Ex aptonPeninsula MlWPOIT LHMC/, 0.000+ Call collect 64115671 n ........ Dl ... G cellent pa!. Ap~I>: a,11935 EleganCtiiec s11ites in Ora~e-C-o~ phme or on-fri 9/\M srM ..-"'" " bet"•een 3 11m 10 ---~;. -I I I p .Nee management & ft • • Nwp__t Bch clean fun :~~~~f!~Y~1.o~.ec:~. f2ce£oo '£1l~11oacseq C/ft ~8&i·Qlll ----:---, Sales. p/lime & fltime Newport Center t>r .. MfF over 3s shr 2' br. 2 tionist. telephone ans & bldiS. Fountain Vall~ ...... ~st Gold <'ross with Must bi! ma lure, neat & N B.__ ba ap~ Beaut!rul Joe more. ores from S436 School District, p o Opporiwtlty 5005 di~nds & 1 ruby$ no respon. Call Pat O'Con· COUNTER COOK Pool. Jae, lenms.1._yJew, roo. On-call ores $16S &>x8SIO. f .V 92708. Ms. n ••••••••••••••••••••• chai · Keeriiake. av· nor : <7141559·4930, T F, P/tlme, F'/time, t•all fo1 lots of extras. J.m + mo . THE HEAD · I d : 4J~l obile. power washing. ~~7 8~~~~5J39.~:9 9am·l2, ~_8193 ~~14 QUARTERS CO M· Bayfront prime omce fl.llly equip'd van +sup ~rd ATTENDENT . Assist Delivery persons over U .......,, NB Condo Fem wtd. PANIES. A professional ·a I M tst plies !Ow down + take -' disabled prof woman. 2 for LA Times to home1 ~c. now, Mike 641·8414 environment (7 14 l ~Rac~va~ail. c8/i1 9.5: over'.,J:ae.S4i.o.,Be2196st deal k981std.. ~edys Ton Oc3~~ s per wk. 64S·2357 ~n ... £ M .. 3a m ·6.a md days,642·~8eves. _ 1 ~·.!"'r~·· · v , v M;... ues.. CA.vnvmy car reqwre ---~ h u obll p w h REWARD.015·135. No collecting Prof woman w/chtld Newport Beao near MO FlffltlNT "' e ower as $400o$450/mo + bonus seeks I female share Hoag Hosp. l<M?I> sq ft .. .,..IA_ new cnttnul sml fUlly equipt van"-sup· l..osl·B~&whtcat. ~n&mOH· l-hme COM S3 00 teeoOd OoOr offices, a!ll· """"" plies. contracts! ierms Lido Isle. Amb tlciouuss· boys' and .. · Die oarllin.g, well main· office rom.Pleit w/excit· 'lvail, HJ}~ 6'l}T033 67: l lalMd bldg. Vicky days Ing Australian importer. girls lt>-13 years old, to DENTAL ASSISTANT full or parM1me. u ~ rl>usy.~Cc nr So Nd 2 rmts, 4bd. 2ba, btful , 11tft\HIP()O. Super location Avail .. ,,,.... iJ..-Olt Ladle's 14 K gold work one or two even '-1 yd..,2S 1m1to imined.Approx500sq~t. O'taimlt1 5015 diarrond bracelet w/1 ings a week getting '"'~ r * llKIMl$S ADDllS~ Warehouse s ace avail ••• ~{•••••••••••••••••• pear shaped diamond + newspaper subscri P~ · Aniweri n g & ma II . LOAN SHARK smaller diamonds Nwpt lions. Tranaportat1on llUll ~~ Buyer meet.s seller·wilh an effective c:lassUled ad.~5678 M/F 2S to 40 to share service conference E ofn in th• 0 C ww;r~o 8 ch1 c d M are a and constant adu"' "'/""'le Nwnt Crest 2 Br. room .. ..1¥. OC Airport. ... .. 1 N-" S O nn d REW ,. R D D "s su~rv1sion ~rov1ded .. .... -.. I j "11 •• ....... rt area. Sctry It ~ I • or ""· ays " ' Ca 13 t 5 XIP ask for Pvt Ba .. poo I ac, I t~n 1\001"11. 14/8SMU2 ""t"! u P t 6 • s 37 3 fl 6 pm 0 · .1. '"' 1ra1 ti in ---------·-pvfofficew/rommercial atyourterms .... iss 0 · 4•· ·a Andrea. 642·43d. ext m~as35ct e. _u7 · 450 sq. n. furn. office Wort area. A.a\ for Bob · --:M3 WANT ACTION' ~cl ci~ roo:5i~ condo. a~.$300/mo. 71415*1402 fol.om 5025 : SILKY TERRIE: ClasalfedAda642·58'7!... 0 _ h OHie. s..c,, ••••••••••••••• •••••.. nr Beach and Ellis 3/1 llJ Pilat SZ50':,l:J:i.~1'ho'~: 144 at prof. office .t NEWPOlITrsE\CH/ Pri••MoMv t REW. ARD!HH781ev DI ...................... ~. wortt se-~+·f~ito~:~~~ o.c. Airport Area. de· s10000..ctOp CW..Labrader Clean r nsmkr wtd for Cout Financial Center luxe o(fil'\> in custom de· Toin or Jeanne f'mCimt 313i 'Rea col· • •• fn.endly """'P CdM hte signed Law..vers Suitt lar. Reward ....... now avail. ~ mo in· d T 0 . 21 nr bch own rm Sills+ cludu furnished ~ n • · 8 aecmarial station. con· S20.'000•fl50/000 fuhlly rnUND: Fem Retrlev~r i room l lbrary IJll)rt. to 20 yrs. Ot er Shep mix. yellow, male bn with view Ir w•ll ~ COfl ot 'recep: I 2rldllofl,OOO.OOO. Apyll. Lab\ yrllow, male Lab. I ~t m_y home1 male II• tionill. pnv tele.phooe 1 c:omm' Ir non.owner blll~K. t•el'I\ mht terrier JO'a, Eut 81urf, [>091 .,..... 111cf coif• ••· \ rograma. No bku. wl\lle II black~fem. avail. SZ$O mo + 5100 ........... :-..-----penaes. Xero1 aull. · 1 NBtagle, t~f·itb llffs 7 2 MmlCil sum ~Unf.m·JNO Ma+ltl a, Tf"llt 1 M::l°6r .. ~~rMtsa. P\Jmlahed $SO/wk + utll _. 1q:rt rroor 1roUJ1d San Dieao Fwy • DtMi' IOU ~11th' Pla«ntl• wahr ~eiJ:J\'Lt •,ef!1~ ffartlor' ~ offtc.'9 sulft 6: ....................... Ftltl'ld s 1 F /b ~rMHl·PMem .,.. ol Newpo:/eeacti, fl'Oftt office Is recepl. Slillltwt& c. · m1 .~n r~wn ..... . 1lnt acce.u to HOii ar • • 2 b 1 t b fi II = c)(·rfaf ittatt wit.an ea r co ar. · ..,.., Halp, sus 1q. ft . Looi llCM~· a.It. • um. Dtaamce 1'4t. 1 ... _ -w .. 11 .. _................. &sm leaM avall. A)tOl,..l.!mib..mlliBl.11111:...tr:lll:illlllir..-I .. I ' I II : ""'""u - • lllPt 'Ir·~· .. • ~··. prallaioua 'w•' ~~'Tn ·~ ~~uc\1: m IR U'U, s1.• lq.• ·~1 A.f.11 . ., -H•JIU - PJrt time pmon to dtllver Daily Pilo\ :, auto route ln Lag. Bch-7 daya per wk· • about 2 hra per day, M-F. 3:30PM. S&i..Sun-5AM.. • MUST LIVE IN LAG BCH AREA. No : ~Ueeting. FAm1nal $300 per mont.h and up. Call .0.Uy Pilot, &t2.-4321·Jw name • & pbaDt for mil hick & tnwrvtew. • . . • • • • ···••• •••••nt.-e •••••tt .... ••••••• ••••••~_.·• • ( (, ) ) WANTED c (---!cos~--) > 'News~per Carriers for ·routes in Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley & Newp~rt ~!~': ~ • Good Eanings • Super Trips • Great Prius f CALL CIRCULATION . .QEPA_RTMJ_NT lllllPlllt 842...a21 • lfCEf'TIOHIST F as1 . g r 0 w I n g pharmaceutical com· pany needs good typist wit.Ii good phone man· ner . Mature person. Please call 556-3941. UCIPTIOHIST P tt1me l or· sm com· ~y. 4/brs. a day. Lt. typing skills. S4/hr. Ac-~.f applications at: The Glass Studio, 2J75 La una Canyon Rd., • .. OrmM)t Co. Gu" & ~cn~r BUY•SELL•TRADE Fealunng. weapons or all eras. swords, coins. war souvenirs. antiques. gun smiths on premtses Orange Co Fa Ir grounds, C M En ler Gate JA off Arlin on St Cout DAILY PILOT/Fffd I April 2, 1982 -. .. Orange Cout DAILY PILOTIFrld1y, April~. 1182 THE fAMI L't' CIRCl.:8 11 l his 1~ fu11, Mommy. I'm glad you wrecked the car." }I \II l \Ul K •: by Brad Anderson ,.. '""' , .. ,.., "I IP's no trouble. He does what he wants, and we do what he wants." BIG GEORGE by Virgil Partch (VIP) ~ f (;70 c :-0 \) ,, D () . .. () () .. . 0 ~ 0 0 '(-a 1{;p "I'm really nQt superstitious. I just don't btlltvt In taking chances." DE:\:\IS THE ME!\t\CE Hank Ketchum :y_, "~"2 :._.......' by Jim D,av1s DON'T YOU l7AR£ WALK ACR05S TM £ TA6LE WrTM THreE. MUWV FEET 1f.M 17.W •1 llOO l it 1~1 ,1 ~S by Ferd & Tom Johnson WILLIE SP~NDS A LOT OF YEH, l rl<JORED "TIM~ WAl.KING BACK ITOUT, ONCE-· ACRo~c; 'i4 nurat !ele 1 N;i11 a111111~ ~· 1 Mr Landon, 6 A.rmrl'h'"'d to lr~ds tO Amvl.'d 511 Root pieces 14 Stu uv Ob• 61 RP1u1111ns THURSOAr8 PUZZLE 80l YEO 15 Ir qi"'"" llon<t 6" s '""'~ ~·Qt~ i:+<~~~ ~~ t7 W•1vtr111ufl1 67 -.China ~wt , d~ 68 Speculation 19 V~V< 70 Ha1row $ 20 81"il r.11111 21 c .. ,~~ttori 71 can~t ot old 23 t.to!Ar• ~ Old card 25 8rt't'111 gem. 26 Aflirmat vti 73 Dtsperws 27 fm1nl 74 Pr'4)CGUp1ed ~~ :l9 Sovrce 1 S Swi119s 3 1 Stlldn1m y~•tl OOWN' 33 Gr.111<111 tU 1 Biby powd@r peeks [bro 'Cupid 22 8et>y buggy 34 ll&rth \OUnd 3 S1tM 24 Bind• 38 Sf't 1111n11 • Circumvent 27 Of 1 llme 40 c;1un ~ Orummfrl 2& Type mt protllll"' 6 POSMSSilfe 30 Fidtltly 4? Oolld• 1 PooO<IJ 32 Beoet• •• °''' a Mt Ek'*V JS Mennemm 46 Snot form• 9 Fttne:11 et11tt 37 Swlndlt • 47 ERA and RBI 10 -d'elet 38 Sword llgh1 d Edfblt Med 11 Mtirtllal 3i Town, In 50 LOhY ~ 12 Scab Hollaincl 52 ErnOI~ 13 ~Itta 41 0. ltt19r 53 Anettnl 11 Wyoming 431..ong- 4'Cabbllgt ...., 48Choo181 - 51 Mint s. ZodleC elgn 59 Stow: Miiiie 568eetow SI Plent1 eo IMlr 62 Etttnltlel 13 Fregment 651.Ndi.tp .. l .... . """' _ AND FORTH l"O HE GETS ABOUT , GET HIS D,AILY b MILES TOTH' ,_ _ __...., B~ER · GALLON'. ,__ __ _ - ·--:"""• - \ ~suretob~ ~ur ste&k aW.1t Y1 inch thick ... I READ THAT GETTING ANGRY ISBAD FOR ONE'S HEALTH ~ ...... t'l'Nk ,. "INKERBEAN ~ ~.ANN ,WlfH~ CDNiAcib I £.ii()(.) REft\IND Mf OF f:()MEONE. I SAW IN A MOVIE! IT RAISES 'tHE BLOOD PRESSURE AND CAUSE ULCERS ~IJ T~lt-.1& .::¥< -r .Al.J(l1'1CI 10 NJIMALe>1 THE'{ ~HOWA DSlDP llJ .&L.X>D ~~Ref 4~.l • i ! ll>EU.,'fMl'S I'S l&)\'f!W\)f A QOU&1' "f"E V~S'f U .C ~A t4Ell.l"SVAVU t'~f. E'ltft 5EEN~ DR.SMOCK DELIV Y R OOM FOR •ETTE• oa •.•• •••Mt: ~s IN -mis 9 I BET1HERE.'S C~MOM . MUSHROOMS I~ -\T \.OOKS LIKE I H~-At-4' I UliiB ~f'<X)MS. MuSHrct>MS !! • by Ernie Bushm1ller ER---0Y.THE 'w'AY--I SPILLED YOUR NAIL ~ POLISH ON THE RUG WHE/oJ .::JJ..O ~>'u TvUCHES ME, l 5'-1.:JW .4 DROP IA/ ALTITIJDEf • by Tom Bat1uk 4E.AH ... IF l 'NI NOT NllblJ\KE.N 1 i HINK IT WA5 IN 1VIU.A6€ OF \ 1HE. DAMNED I ! by Kevin Fagan 1'1..L AA'-lf 'b> ICNoW M-1 ~t~ff~Wf.~ MUCK ~SE 'f"AN 1'"1s ~ by George Lemont DELIVERY ROOM HUH? NO '? ~MS. " , Oran .. Cout DAILY PILOT /Friday, Aprtl 2, c1982 I \How to maintain y our mower .. to care lt'a no wonder that pothot has become a favo- rite house plant . f/aY~0 Want your la'Wn mower to cut better? Want to keep it virtually free of 1epain? W ~t It to wt twice .. long u It otherwfle might? Of coune YOA.& do: Then you have to keep tt ~talned properly with a .little effort and a little ~owled1e. A simple thln1 like kee plna the air 1Jlter dean can prevent poor engine performanoe and flooding. : ' Take the air cleaner apart and r.move accu- Jhulated dirt and greue. Waah the foam element ln )r.enllene or a liquid deteraent to remove atubbom dirt. Dry the foam by wrapping and squeeU.ng it in It dry r ... Soak the element in !<>-weight engine oU. µ.tng your hand to squeeze the oil-soaked element. µi o~er to ditribute and remove excess oil. . • •: From Bill Borachok, service manager for a llwn cutting equipment firm, comes the suggestion \hat you can prevent future trouble by removing backed gnm from the boUom of the cutter deck. 'ihia will avoid clogging. He says an advantage of the more expensive cast-iron cutting deck is the fact that it will have Jess packed gra. becaw;e there are kenerally fewer areas where the grass can collect. c ·ymhidiums, .. . violets topics AFRICAN VIOLETS will be shown and sold by the Orange County African Violet Society at the WestminstA:r Community Center. 8200 Westmins~ Ave. Hours are l to 5 p.m. Saturday; 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday. ENGLISH COUNTRY gardens will be featured at a UC Irvine Extension program Saturday at Room 100, Humanities Hall, UCI. The "tour" via p'hotographs will start at 10 a.m. ... . CYMBIDIUMS will be tke topic of grower J oseph Rudvalis at 8 p.m. Thursday at the West- minster Civic Center, 8200 Westminster Ave. He will speak before the Orange County Branch of the Qymbidium Soci .. of America. ·~< 1 uam'tNSUWCE • 25th yeaT Anniversary ~J~• in the !~arbor Area ' · f MMEIS •MSUUNCE GROUP 441 ow ... .,., at.II. Mewpori a.oc•. CA 631-7740 . "WE-CARE" Foa All Of YOUI HEALTH HUDS m m.u ur EVEMtMG.Wlll(EHO t:OO AM-9:00 f'M U450MA.IU fllS- . AUCTION General Merchandise RETAIL/WHOLESALE BUSINESS CLOSEOUT Sat., April 3, 2 p.m. TO BE SOLD BY PIECE UNTIL SOLD OUT . Gold, allver, jewelry, (necklaces, earrings, : charms, rings & much more.) Appraised gems- tones (Diamonds, Rubles, Emeralds, Sapphires .& much more.) Tools & Hardware of every de- .scrlptlon, Showcases. Fixtures,. Office· Furni- ture, $29,000 in decorative shelving (Home :Office, Garage, Warehouse). Cosmetics, wigs: :misc. gift items. Terms: Cash, Cashier's Check, .M/C, vrsa , TAC & BX. Deposit of 25% Required. 'Balance To Be Paid Within 24 Hours. : 2675 Irvine Ave., Costa Mesa ;Corner of Irvine Ave. & Mesa Or. Drive behind Camino Mexican Restaurant in the Back Bay :Center, 714/645-1976. • . COME BID & BUY Come listen to the chant of the World's Foremost Auctioneer Jacobsen ~ Super Bagger ') Reg. $329.00 The lawn mower's cutter bar should be ~xarruni before each wie. Plaoe the machine on it.a right side and make aure the cutter bar follow. a •trai.(ht line. h should be replaced if bent or cracked. Damage. ·even frpm a mkroecoplc creek. could grow, allo-wina 4 plece of the bar to break off and be thrown out from under the mower. J)OISibly cauain& eerlous lnjury. ~gineera recommend you check the oil level every ffve hours of operation and that you change the oil every 25 hburs. Always change the oil when the engine la warm, and check your owner'• manual to determine the appropriate type of oil for your mower. Check the carburetor. Minor adjustments may be required to compensate for differences in fuel, temperature. altitude and engine load. All ad- justments should be made with the air cleaner In place and the fuel tank half full. Start the engine and run It long enough so 1l can atlain operating temperature. If the engine is out of adjustQlent and will not start, close the needle valve by turning it clockwise. Move tbe engine control to run at normal operating speed and turn the needle valve clockwise until the engjne starts to lose speed. Then slowly turn the valve out counter - clockwise past the point of smoothest operation until the engine just begins to run evenly. Now turn the needle valve back in clockwise very slowly until the adjustment is slightly to the rich side of the midpoint. It is advisable to give your mower an overall inspection after several uses. Make sure each of the wheels is firmly tightened. Also, make sure the engine bolts are secure. And be certain all electrical connections and the mower's drive belt are properly tightened and not frayed, scuffed or broken. Give the muffler a once-over, making sure it is intact. I Don't forget the grass catcher. T he bag should be sturdy, have no holes and be free of wear and tear. Also, with an electric-st.art engine. make sure I to use the battery charger that is supplied with the equipment and follow the manufacturer's mstruc-I tions, since overcharging can damage the battery. By investing a couple of hours in these marnt- enance ste ps, you'll be able to enjoy yea rs of trouble-free operation. DAVE'S CLOCK SHOPPE Speclallzlng In the repair of antique and n e w clocks. Hou se calls on g randfather clocks. Certified Clockma· ker Sales & Ser- vice . (7 14) 495-3233 28752 Marguerite Pkwy., Mission Viejo Off at Avery EASY CARE 7" Pothos, sometimes known as devil's ivy or taro vine, is the perfect plant for the a~nt-minded gardener. GIRDINIRI CHICllllT e It's time to pull weeds. Weeds ~'Ompete for water so keep them out of Lawns, vegetable gardens and Clower bl.'Cls. U the ~thoe i. unfamiliar, t.ry deYU's Ivy, taro vine or h<inters robe. Botanically lt i• J:pe- premnum aureum. By any of thele pamea. the plant wW make you an Instant green thumb. •It doe9 well ln most U,htina conditions, from average ~bright but lndittct to low. It can be led once e'Yery three to four months with balanced plant food. Its 11<>il can go nearly dry before watering. If a portion 11 broken off, It will root again ln water and can be replanted. 1t is geared toward the absent-minded garde- ner. Pothos is a vining plant \hat will pleue the homeownen in many ways from color variation.a to how it can be used. There is "marble queen" with green leaves exte.nsively marked in white; 'tricolor,' ye llow, cream and pale green markinga, and an all-green variety. i'othos shows off in a decorative hanging baaket or colorful con tainer. Put it in a flowerpot on a table and the vines will crawl along . the table's surface. Pothos al.so becomes a handaome climber, given support, or simply grow it in a vue of water. produce full, lush plants with abundant flowers. e ~tablished primroses can be divided as soon as they finish blooming. e Prepare for warmer weather by mulching around plants now. Two to three it\ches of mulch will help k~·p roots cool and hold moisturt-longer. e Check around for rhododendrons and late blooming azaleas and camellias to add color to the • F'_ul'hsaa5 and geraniums should be pruned to sprang garden. ~::;:;;:=====~~========:~~==i- Huntington Center daily thru Sun. live Chicks See them hatch for Easter from our form incubator at the Huntington Center Mall da ily thru Apr. 10. 1 Nursery Special I "Red Wing" AZALEA Well known for their l•rge flowers, comJ)8ct growth •nd h8rdtne11. 5 G l., ~EG. 13.98 -I 9.97 I Now In bad or bloom. · I Florist Special l CARN A TIO.NS . Come In for dozen• of frHhly-cut carnations. Many colors. 2.98 FULL DOZ. EASTER SPECIAL FTD Glory ol ~pring y Bouquet f •• 'I Specially created to celebrate } f #~'1 Elater. We can send It ~ ~. 20% I ~ OFF AU COLOR MOSS BA.Sl<ETS •.. AND ClA Y POTS nH rly anywhere by FTO. v · · -) EASTER IS SUNDAY, APRIL 11. A wlllow ba sket fllled with frssh flowers to ••Y "H•PPY Easter". 17.50 •BASKETS •PLANTS •RUGS S ince 1946 Ha)lis}es WE NOW CARRY FINE LINES OF IMPORTED CARDS AND WRAPPING PAPER ~~~~~.' FREE 1 GAL. PLANT j .. 1 FOR VISITING OUR NURSERY . OFF ALL 1 GAL. YELLOW TAG Pl,.ANTS . • PINK MARGUERITES • ASPARAGUS • FERN • JUNIPERS • AZALEAS •BOXWOOD• NATAL PLUM • 6 MANY MORE OFFER GOOD WITH COUPON ONL y EXPIRES 4·9·82 I 81 E l{.JlA t;Al{.DE!'(S • 20li IEWPORT BLVD. . • COST• IESI ~ 141-0131 .. -. !>., GET POTTED THIS WEE KEN D ! W e will re-pla nt you r favorite container F R EE. Bring us your tired. lifeless and grungy old nower pots .... choose from our fun selection of pring1 color ... and the rc~planting is on us! Getready for spring the eesy way .. at Lawson's Gardens -a very special • •' I . . .J ... Nursery -Florist 2640 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa lLOl'D•!i · oard~n sl1on BEDDING-PLANTS -<:~.';> tray• Aly11um Plant now for 69 C Lobella Summer color •••Y IPtlll I Mar igolds .... t .09 ~ FUCHSIAS ....... Upright & basket lype~\M&ny varletifl to Cl'IOOse from. -------- "' I Ot'enge Coat DAILY-PllOT/Frlday, ~I 2, 1882 ;- J ' ·------- ANNUAL PERCENTAGE -RATE California buyers can save an avera e of $1,125* on new GM cars, ight-duty trucks and vans. · Here's the financing deal you've been waiting for. Thru GMAC, we are now offering auto.mobile financing at only 12.8o/o on all new 1981 and 1982 Chevrolet cars and trucks. And save hundreds of dollars on financing costs. Get your new Chevrolet car, light-duty truck or v'ari you've been waiting to buy. Delivery Must _Be Taken By May 31, · 1982. Let The Good Times Roll • ·• • At Connell Chevrolet! 9Bued on GMAC nnanctna data (or February. 1982 ln callfomta Actual avtnga wt1l depend on the amount ftnanced and the length of contnct. Dealet" contr1button may aft'ect conaumer ooet. ••Excludes vehicles ordered prtor to Aprtl l. 1982 which are eligible for the General Motors "Let's Get · Movtn€ cuh bonua plan. and fleet sales and leased units. .. ' . l 3 ; BUSINESS STOCKS C6 C7 lakers hold off comeback bid by Clippers. C2. It has been a I BY BOWABD L HANDY °' .. ,....,,...._... more problema," lhe aaya. '"nl.ey alwaya try to aee how far they can go aga1nat a new driver whether lt la a guy Cit a girl and I don't feel ~ entment aznona the other driven," Rude adda. a double lhift at a re.taurant as a wai· ttem, ~er and hoeteea. 1 24--hour race and we won ou.t clus and flnished aixth overall. When lhe'a dri~ on the rece track. lhe lm't exactly rude -or it ~? Whatever interpretation you put on the situation, Kathy Rud~ hu ente~ the p~oirpinantly male world of auto race driving and wW be ~Una 1n the Toyota prcMl!9Jebnty nice S.-turaay prior to the rumllna of the Lone Be.ch Grand Prix on Sunday throush the atreeta of Lona Beach. ~ Like many or the world'• top driven today, ahe sot her start in go-kart.a, ra- "I decided I w~ to go racing after driving So-karts," she saya. "I saved my money apd bought a Formula Ford which la open wheel racing like the go- karta. I teamed to be aagre.ive and that aeries la very competitive." -''.JNc aw1t.ehed-~ Toyota this year-~ cause t bey are going racing on a full- tlme basil. They have eve1ythlng to make a soc'a!SSful team ~ and they have a lot of enthusiasm. I feel they will be very helpful to all of us. And the car shows a great deal of potential." Her name alone would lnd.icate ahe la rude to au the oth er driven inclusting her teammat.ea. 'They always try to see how far they can go again.st a new driver . . . ' cing ap1n8t bet brotlser in the 11ate of w~. Of ooune, ahe waa helped alons the wa.y when her father aaw the detennJ- nation ln her face and gave her a birth- day present -a chance to attend the Bob Bondurant Schoo.I of Driving at Laguna Seca. While the race in Long Beach will be ln ldentlc.ally!repared Toyotas, it ls a fun event an not one to take too se- riou.tly. Toyota is in its fint year o! racing on the GTU c1rewt. Rude feela fortunate to be on the team. "Somewhere along the lirw last year, l guess 1 proved I could be a credit to thf' team," she says with modesty. "'I will drive ln all of the endurance races and some of the sprints. We have two cars right now and a third is being built. lt will not be ready until July." RUDE DRIVER -Newport Beach's Kathy Rude will race Saturday ln the Toyota Pro- celebri ty auto race in Long Beach. She la a comparative newcomer to the world of auto racing and ha.a changed her residence to Newport Beach. Her goal 1n the sport la to eomeday drive at Indianapolis in the MO-mile event but right now she ii concentrating on GTU And if it raina Saturday. ahe doesn't really C¥t' although ahe looks to the promoter'• dfeam of clear aides and aaya: "Up there 1n Wuhington you don't race unless It rahu. I feel It sharpena your reactions but I prefer a dry day without too much heat and hope it's that way \hi.a weekend.'' When she leaves the Grand Prix cir- cuit, she will then move lnto her s~ ialty, the GTU circuit where she will drive for the Toyota team this year. When she purchased her own Formula Ford, she admits to not knowing a thing about the mechanical end of the car. ~er appearances o.e race course, she says: "Once you establi.lh the fact you are no t going to give war. when they try to fo1rce you, you don t have any Rude got into racing by buying her own Formula Ford vehicle after working "I drove for the same team of Dave Kent last year in a Maz.da and this year l was fortunate enough to share a ride with Lee Mueller In the Dayto na "I didn't know a nut from a bolt and it was good for me to get involved. It makes vou think more about the car (See KATHY, Page C2) PO!l!I COl.WT JOHN SEVANO Rams to sign Jones? ~ot yet -.- NOTES IN A cOOKIE JAR: The rumor that circulated throughout the Southland Thursday concerning quarterbaC'k Bert Jones signing with the Rams became nothing more than what it was in the first place -a rumor. It eeema columnist Bud Tucker started the gol9Sip on his morning sports segment on KMPC ... Add Jones: NaJurally news spread quickly, even arousing Ram owner Georgia Frontier-e from· her bed early in the wee hours. The whole thing got ao blown out of proportion, that Georgia fellt it ne- cessary to re)ease a preparea statement: ''There waa speculation on a Los Angeles radio ahow \hi.a morning that the Rama hacf signed Bert Jones. There is no truth to the rumor even tho1 Jgh we have an admitted interest in Jones. We have not signed him to a contract, nor can we predict the outL'Ome of such a negotiation" ... FINAL ADD JONES: The Slatement. abou.ld quiet things for now, but the Rams have to• make a decision one way or another concerning Jones and/or Vince Ferragamo and/or Pat Haden and/or Jeff Rutledge before the college draft the lust week of April. Look for chaos to strike again about the third week of this month ... Latest speculation with Haden undlergoing minor knee surgery is that if the Rams sign either Jones or Ferragamo, Haden will announce his reti- rement ... UC Irvine appears to have lost in its piursuit of Orange Coast College basketball stando1 Jt Chris Beasley, who apparently is heading north to rival Fresno State. Coach Bill Mulligan is cloee ti:> getting another blue chipper, though, in 6-8 BTett Ap- plegate from Snow College in Utah. Apple ?gate has reportedly narrowed his eicks to UCI and J 3YU . . . ADD APPLEGATE: The 225-pounid sopho- more, in the Kevin Magee mold, avera.ged 24.5 points and 12 rebounds a game while shooting better than 50 percent from the floor. Mu.hligan and assistan~ coach Mike Bokosky are achedulH~ to visit ~legate in Utah Saturday. Applegate sa:ys he will e his decision a couple of days after the meeting The long range forecast for this wee .. ;end calla for variable cloudiness with cool temp0eratures. In other words, all systems are go for the Freeway Series ... Even with the best lineup money can buy, the Angels are hurting. Don't let anyone k.icl you, pit- dling is no less than 75 percent of the ga.me. Some believe the figure is even higher. Anyway , the arms race the Angels are waging wouldn't acar-e a Little League team ... ACTUALLY, IN ALL fairness. then~· are some decent hurlers on the staff. There's just not enough of them. 8c?,. when you feel like booing th.la year -and you ww -don't boo the players. It'~• not their fault. Instead, direct your vocal animosities toward .ceneral manager Buzzie Bavasi, who haa refu8ed to part with 90lne of his youngsters or a fron,t,-J.iner for a staff stopper . . . The Angela should be somewhat comforted by the fact the_}' are not alone in their pitching woes. The Tex.at .KaJl8ers hav~ announced Frank Tanana (See SEVANO, Page Ct) • KEN BARDSLEY Costa Mesa JEFF GARDNER Eatucla CHRIS LYNCH Corona del Mar MIKE HESS Corona del Mar STEVE KRAISS Estancia Are.a quintet all-CIF honors By ROGER CARLSON or .. ra.r,... ... Five Orange c.out area high achool basketball stars, including two from Sea View League co- ch.ampion Eltanda and Corona del Mar, along with Costa Mesa's one-man show, Ken Bardsley, have been chosen on the All-CIF 3-A team. Jeff Gardner and Steve Kraiss of Estancia, Corona del Mar guards Chris Lynch and Mike Hess, and Bardsley were selected by the First Interstate Bank Athletic Foundation following the 1981-82 campaign, in which each played prominent roles in sua:eesfUl campaigns. Gardner, the league's MVP as Estancia's point guard, is a first team selection, as is Bardaley. The Corona del Mar pair were picked for the second team. and third team honors went to Kraias. PLAYER OF THE YEAR ia Gerry Wright of San Gorgonio High, who led his teammates to 27 straight victories before Loe Altos cut the season short by administering an 80-78 double-overtime 1088 in the second round of the playoffs. Wright, a 6-7 senior who will play at USC next 9eallOl'l, averaged 22.4 pointa, 14.3 rebounds and 6.5 blocked shots. Gardner is a two-time All-CIF selection for F.atancia and was the complete guard, averaging 9.4 Ulists per game and dittcting the F.agles' offense with precision. In addition, it was Gardner who held Estancia's delay game in his hands with his ability to dribble under pressure. flis teammate, Kraiss, played three inches higher than his 6-2 height., often dominating the boards despite playing against opponents with big- ger front lines. ~ AVERAGED 11.2 points a game for a team known for balance and it was his miracle shot against Foothill in overtime which sent the Mustangs topple University The Costa Mesa High men 'a volleyball team got a jump on the rest of the Sea View League when it cruiled put Univenity Thunday night, 15-12, 15-1, 17-15 on the Mustanp' floor. Mesa takes over eole pomession of first pl.ace, at least temporarily, pendJJl2 the outcome of tonight's F.atancia match wiih El 't"oro. Senior middle blocker Mark Arnold had 29 killl for the Mustanga. while aetter Paul c.oeneo alao played well. , F.agles into the CIF quarter-finals. Al80 known for low-sooring games. but with standout players year-in and year-out is Corona del Mar, and the Sea Kings are represented by the selection of Lynch and Hess. tYNCH AVERAGED 16.2 points a game and was a two-year starter for the Sea Kings. He had a high game of 33 points, when the Sea Kings elected to step up the tempo, and still managed to score in double figures in 22 of 25 games despite games which found Corona del Mar scoring in the 40s. Hess, the other guard m C..:OM 's 4!U-!> recor<1, was Coach Jack Errion's big secret for a while, usuaUy getting less attention and in turn, doing more damage than anyone on the CdM roster. Hes5 averaged only 8.9 points a game, but his defense and all-around capab1lit1es aa the floor leader, didn't escape the attention at Long Beach Arena, where the Sea Kings defended their 1981 CIF championship with a berth in the semi.s against eventual 1982 champion St. Bernard. Bardsley led Mesa to its first spot in the ClF eliminations in 16 years and during a three-year career, scored in double figures 50 straight times for the Mustangs. Averaging 19.4 per game as a senior, Bardsley found himself doing a great deal in every category, acting as a guard, forward and center fot the Mustangs. Of the !ive. Bardsley is the only pl.ayer at this time with a major ofier, opting for UC Irvine. F.20thill High's Rich Thomas (sea:>nd team) is the orlly other Orange County player represented on the three teams. ' ~ontreal trade helps Wallach Ex-University High standout will be shifted to third base Two days ago, Tim Wallach had a lot to worry about. The fonner University High and Saddleback College standout was hitting only .175 for the spring arid was in a dog fight for the right field position with three other Montreal players. But today Wallach has new life and he figures to be in the starting lineup for the Expos next week when the National League season opens. But Wallach will not be in right field. A trade Wednesday that brought first baseman Al Oliver to the Expos from the Texas Rangers has changed all that. The Expos gave up third baseman Larry Panish and rookie first baseman Dave Hos- tetler for Oliver. Thus Montreal is now moving Warren Cro- martie from first base to right field and switching Wallach from right field to Parrish's old spot at third. Third base Is no stranger to Wallach. He played there half a season while with the Denver Bears in 1980 and also played 15 game• at third for the Expos last season . Despite hls anemic spring average, Wallach thinks he'll hit better thia aeuon thart he did ln 1981 -if be plays ~ery day. The fonner Cal State Fullerton star batted .236 1n '81, but it could have been higher had he not had -alwnps of O-for-19 and O·for-11. SPORTS EDITOR CRAIG SHEFF "Last year was the first year l didn't plar full time," says Wallach. "With my kind of swmg. I have to play every day to get in the groove. 1f I don't, it's hard to keep control over 1t." Part of Wallach's n:i.serable spring can be ex- plained by the changes he has been trying to make in his swing. Wallach and batting wtructor Billy DeMars have been trying to level out his swing aqd straighten out his habit of upper cutting. But Expos manager Jim Fanning is confident Wallach will come out of his slump. "He might be. letting this over-frustrate him. It's not as frustrating as he probably thinks," says Fanning. "It doesn't always happen that fast. He has to learn patience. Tim has a great ta,lent, he can i-play three positions (first base, also) ... and he can hit the ball out of ail the ballparks in the 'WOl'ld." Angels mak:e trek up the freeway toIJight , SKIPPIN' AROUND -Fonner ~h High back Kerwla Bell Is running again, but is bein& held out ol contact drills as the University Qf Kansas football team conducts spring workouts. Bell missed nine games with a knee injury last aeason, but was P!'ted another yeer of playing time by the Big ll&ht and will be cla.wified as a IDP~ next seaaon .•. Kevl• Romlae (Fountain Valley, Ora.nae Cout) la the leading hitter for Arizona State"• baaeball team with a .396 averag~. Chrls Jeb.1• (Corona del Mar, OCC) i• betttnc .272 . .. ;msor tllht encl T•J eam, (Eltanda) " be1n8 touted by Untventty of Pacific at "a sure-ftft All- PCM ·candldaw''. Camp hat •caught 45 ~ ln two MUODI u a part-time ata ter. He'• 6-5, 240 pounda. BY CURT SEEDEN °' .. ..., ........ . LOS ANGELES -Fernando Vale nzue f.adng =a Jacbon. Seerm like only lut week that tadon WM adding to all the IUIJ>enle of the Wol'ld Sertea. Such la not the caae be1lnnln1 tonight at Doqer StadJwn. Oh, bo1h of the prind paJa will be on bad, but the only th1na a\ Rab thle. weebnd la the annual Freeway Seriea between 1.he Oodcerw and the A.nee& Tbil la the 16th l'reeway S.S.. &Jlnd it ... l&t thouchta of a J'roeeway World Seriet• hllw ,.-tbl'CllUlb the mtnda of Soutbtm c.J.lforrU.. for the ,..1,,.,.. Tbln ii a bit mare eredence In a'lcb tbouehtl Ihm ~·~m the defendina virorld awn- .. plona afte1' they lmocked off Jacbon and bb n~ mata, the New York Yankee1, tn llx pmea tn l..i yeM'tFallO... Th.II ~. Jeclacn ii with the Anaell. a team wt th a potential all«ar at f!!W4'Y polltion · but the t.tieey. But in order foe the Anpla to keep Anahe1m Stadium lit ~ October this year, Manaaer ~ Mauch will Deed the maximum effort from both~ end Nlief pdwn. ' And dMft'• ~ lib eendlna bJI ~ Mb1e hurler/I up .... the World c&mpe. So, ton~rlit, the Anc•l• Hnd Geoff Zahn w.lnlt the • Jerry_"-'-at Dodpr St&- dfum {7:16). On turday (T:OO), the Doda-'I amd Bob Welch and ValenNela aaatnat the Ancell' l!UlleWlU. Oft 8unda1 afternacD (1:00) tM .W NidMi to Ana}Mllm 8tlldium, ~ lbe ~ .. , WWII to ., Another Estand.a atandout, Jim MeCGJIJ wU1 enroll at Pacific, but doesn't f'8ure to -. much ~ time at~ 1111!1 •llyi ,,tt.h Paal Benei and SUMr Markel vying tor \he No. 1 spot. M.rMl ,_ s-d tor a.•~ 1n t~ for Patlflc and II.mer wu a f{rat i.uaa' ~ All· .Amerbb a\ San Dlmmo M-tut...,. ... Ex- Oolden Wmt punts Bk* PartlWp rscin-ata- Md a cannat wldl dM-Baltlmore COi• JWtrldce lddlMI ... dill 8lili 1*mo awa-a two -.. ""'' .... c:ut priai' to tM ttart of Uw ,1981 "l'1W' ~ \ .. I Quote of the day · oe.r.e Ravellag, Wuhington S.tate Un· ivenit)' basket.ball coach; "fu many ways. rd rather c:oecb glrla than boya. Oirla don't think that they know it all. BoYJ th.lnk.that , ~y're one step from the NBA." ' . O'Brien, Garbacz •hare ~tt9re. lead Kyle O'Briee and Leri ~ fl two of the moat promising oung players on the women's goll t()ur, matched 1-under-pe.r 71a in ~.awl - and rain Thursday to ahue the first round ie.t of the D;inah Shore Invitational at Randio Mi- rage. A group of three golfers -Be~ Du.le:I, B ... le Bryut and Pat Bradley -were one stroke off the pace, u constant rain, temper•· tw'e8·in the low 50s and gusty winds .took their .,U ~ 87-player field.1 ,., - I I ZlltC .,_,. Mlrt~ ~ · lnfrlCUon helpe Ay9.-g9t tJe ..._ IWi lid 1'11 ....._ MCb • Taldnc advanta1• of an llleaal b.tt chne-run hamel'I to ~t an •tick curvatur• penahy that cave •l1ht-run lfQOOd lrulfn& Thurtday , Philadelphia a power play. Darryl and help the S..Ul• Marinel'I &rim , lhtler IC."Ond with 30 IMICOnda nmal· San l'ranct.CO, 18· f e In exhibition buebalJ J'1na to ove the 11yen a S·3 de wt th the Mew ~-~ • .:.r m-wbere. ~"'9 Mc:! three h!U, York r..Janden ln the Natlonal flocke~1-iue Ind~ ~ f\ln-tcorinc • "'-Tew kDocQd Tbu.nday nll}lt. Tho l.nthCUon WU Wfth I off 1CaNu City, &-3 . . . Plalella drove in 1:18 rematn1ng wben New York wtnaer A.Men ND wit!) a p(nch-b.tt..11.ncJe ln the Ui•f recefve(i a iwo--mlnute penalty lor playtna 11th mn1n1 .. the "Y•nk.-e Wtth • stick •xceedlna the l'JWdmum half-lndi • d a e d Cl n c Inn at 1 , curvature . . . Peter 8t11ta"' and Aleta Cete ~2 •.• Lury ......... hit 'each acored three soalJ .. Quebec mapoed • a tbtet-l'W\ homer to tie the aeven-1ame loatna 1treak with .-i 8-~ Vfctory pme 6' the \bird and Brest over BOIJton . . . Gly CliloillMnl ll..'ONd onoe "1d B•der broke Ute tie wub • Mt up four other 1oall u c.J11ry .cored •lx ND-eoarlna lln&1e in the fUth tlmH in the ffnt period and routed Colorado, • ~danta defeated MonU'eAI, 11-0 ... Rl1ht wtn1 MJlle 8011y of the New 1"" ... Georce PHtet bel-York Is1anden wu named the Nlll.. Player of ted ht1 fourth home ~\In of the Month for March. He had 17 1oall and 12 the 1prin1 and booited hie •ts in 14 ga.rna. • RBI totaJ to 17 for ihe ex-K wt b tt•""' Ith I h 11 hibltlon aeuon at the Meta defeated Ph~•l-raMm,er na Vtakinsv, w a ':.?Ako am phia, 8-8 . . . St. LouJJ ICOl'ed four nlnth·inhlna nneeota gs quuteru.; Ill runs with the aid of three Pittsburgh errwa, an() To111my Kramer said Thur1d1y he beat the Piraie., 7-4 ... A hues-loaded ~th-hu won hi.I fight with alcoholhm. inni~ lingle by rookie Ryae Sandberg ICOred Kramer, who entered Care Unit Hos-· BW B~r wtth•e winning run Thunday to pital in Orange March 3 and was releaaed March lefl 'n' Cvba.,.o a 2-l vlctoyyover 26,Midthe~tmenthelpedhim "mentallyand QUt.ncl. •• lob..1-.tlfzw,Jed in ClllUDR phy~. I naven't fell thl1 good tor aome Jn the Myeoth ~ to aive BaltimQ.J• 8 4-3 --tfme, Kramer said ... Australian Evoaae viC7tory over ~ •· .. Britt Buu bur1ed CaWley, Jonner two-time Wimtiledon seven •hutout Jl\ll_!NP and Blll Almoa O'iple0 champion. will return to the wtth the buel ~'~tho White So'( blanked major international tennis Pitta~h. ,10-0 ·. . • Mike Torres pitched atx acene Saturday night when inDino of tworbit ball. and Man Clear ~ ahe faceJI Cltrta Evert Lloyd up wfth three hitie. bin1no • Boeton abufout In the firat round of the Houston,~_., . . D-.. Rozema checked To..' four-player Citizen Cup in ronto ~n three btta o. v.r eight innings to~ Palm Beach Gardens, Detroit to 4lfl. tl·3 vk.1or)'-over the Blue Javs. F 1 a . . . . ~ o m I D I q a e · WUkJ.na, Georgi.a'• third-team Pt:>rtlahd-cw,rcomes San Antonio All~American forw~rd, has Jim PuHO acored eeven pointa -decided to pua up hia aen.lor in the wt twp minutes to help the ·gl! ~ . ye ar with the-Bullclog1 to Portland Trell Blaaera to a come--. partic!j>Ate. m the NBA hardahtp draft. the At- frt>m ... behJ:nd 109-l~ victol'y over San . lanta P>NUtution ~ Thut"IC;iay • . . I Fell Antonio bl the~ Buketball AallOdatson .. Lo~ led all the way in capturing the Golden Thunday nigbt...ne Spun.led 103_100 with 2:l5 Valley Farms Purse by 6 ~ lengths before a remaining_ . . . Moses Maloae poured in 3~ er ow d of 1 5 , 2 l 4 Thur ad• y at Sant a ptinta and tra~f14 reboundi to 'gutde RNrton Al")ita ••• Jl-y Black of .NOl1h. CeroUna tos» an to a 104-101 tttumph ov•r Golcfen State .• , East team.that wi1:1 meet an all-atar West equad M.ldlael Ray ~ notched a ~ti Saturday m the Pizza Hut BMketball ~ in baaqt, steal and l•Y!JP tn the closing 1~22 to Las Vegas. Leadlng the West team wtll be enable New York to~ mit the last ~·of• Dwlpt ADde.!'9oD of USC. Cleveland'• ~point lead and beat the C.~ 111-UO •.. Mmpn Jobson xcounted fQr SO · Television,. radk> ~--two,. under hill seuon high, aa Mtlwaukeie " ....... ---sto~ Atlanta, 117-113 • , . Rookie Roludo TV: Basketball -P hoenix at La.kera, 11:30 BJaclmu'• l~foot jumper with three leCOnds p.m., Channel 2. Taped. left din;wce(I a lowth-period comeback that gave RADIO: Basketball -Phoenix at Lakera, DaJ.181 a 121-120 victory over Detroit. The PWton.s 7:20 p.m., KLAC (570). Baseball -Angels at wtre JeaWng 120-119 with 11 seconds remainina Dodgers, 7:10 p.m ., KABC (790) and KMPC but failed to get the ball inbounds despite ~o (710). Baseball pn-view with Curt Gowdy, KNX ttmeou~ and lost. it on a five-«leCC>nd violation. (1070) . " ' ::Gauchos are :talking a lot of heat 1"!vew conference includes all Orange County community colleges ... except Saddleback Thanks to the recent marathon releaguin8 , . I •meeting at Golden West College, there will be • CoMMUNITY COLLEGES Two years ~go. the Bue surfing team became "tnew look to the community college athletic conte. t~ first-ever mainland college team to travel to "rences in Southern California next year pen~-Im Hawaii for competition. • 'appri>val by the conunittee on adileticl. . "' That competition comes from both scholastic ' Only one conference will really be of any EN " and colletdate .quads. It should be noted that sur-.'int.erest to Orange County followen. It comistl of fen in Hawaii didn't just fall off the pineapple 1seven county 9Chools and Compton ColJe8'e. ' truck. They're good. Sure, it's an unusual combination, mainly be-"We'll be up against some pretty tough .cause of the presence of a achool loalted in Ule heart meeting at Gol<tet:l>West today. competition," warns Hayes. "The Hawaiians will of the Los Angeles area. "If that~ we'd be back to a 14_team have a tremendous advantage over us. They'll be confetence,"·Ke •ys. "And if that happened, we :d~~':agg:.~eir own beaches, and that's a big 'o BU'FColT'S EVEN MORE inltrigu.i:ng that one figured they, d probably divide it up into two Only two of the 14 OCC surfers have ever been rarrge unty community co lege -an esta-aeTen-team conferences and we'd wind up in the blished power in most sports -will not be a part of soutb tJn-fway. So we decided to stay where we to Hawaii, so the Hawaiians, indeed, have the home the unnamed conference. were." . ocean advantage. . I The school is Saddleback, which will do battle v -11 "Our kids who made the trip two years ago h S Di ~y says the school haa taken llOme heat be-found out that surfm· "' ; .. Hawau"' as· a very different with t e an ·ego County ?>rnmunity colleges. cauae-.. people~ ) Saddl back duclced t f ... u• And th Gauch will d b --t..-th h -""" Lee e · ou 0 a kind of experience than surfino here," Haves ex-e os no ou t u.-ac e ~11~ much •~u•'--f-'"'-" -·---R •-·-v ~ .next season -in San Diego County. ~....., Kl D~ vv•uau QJUl.v• ..,........,, e no._, cor-plains. "OUr surfers have never surfed the coral So why did Saddleback officials opt for the rectly, howeyer. ~t.lhe ~leaguing does not apply reefL They've piDed their experience on the Cali-th . to football. . • . fornia breaks." .-OU '~Wm oonff erence? Next year, ~ Gauchos Will be in the 'Miasion Well, that's the b ..... aks Laird. .. e igured we woulo wind up there Co f e ..... ...-. f •b 11 · t l.k S ~ ... , Sa n er nee "'vu.tt oo.. a season, JUS i e an The il'"V'V" surfers, 1·..,.;ctentally, pay theU'· own ·anyway,' says ddleback Athletic Administrator Di M --'""be•.!....... Sou•L. "'--.... ,..._. ~ ..... Bill Kelly. ego esa ww 01 vie .,.. '-"'-~ ~u.erence airfare and other expenaes for this trip. One of the and ~ptOfl ~ the Weste"'n State Conference. OCC surfers -Ralph Gray -lived on the island. : K.~LLY WAS ONE o_f the Saddlebacl< repre-fWEU STILL PLAY th~J>Owers in football," He has made arrangements for his teammates to ~tativee wh<;> took part m the Golden West mee-Kelly inslata. (Besldes th9'" .r.Jtssion <Jonfere~e ~!Yntth his family and other local familes on the 'ting. At that time -for a good tour hours or so -scheduli! the Gauchos ptay · pre.<onterenoe games ; .the college was all eet_ to l8ce the likes of Oranae against Golden West and Or~ge Coast, among "It cuts expenses dramatically and makes for a l "ec.t, Golden Wes("FUllerton apd 8'nta Ana in tl)e. others),.' more pleasant stay," Hayes adds . . county conferena:. , Last year, Uftder a foot~ releaguing plan, ] , But·oert:afn arcumstanoea, l<eily explaina, left Santa Ana was moved to the Mission Conference i Saddlebeck without.much of a choice. ; and Golden West into the SOuth Coast Conference ' r ke s-.. reaeh__._..,, milestones, LA first to gain playoff spot SAN DlF.00 (AP) -Th powerful Loe An· plaa Lakers have reeched a couple of mn.tonea. The hapletl San Dteao Clippers, on the other baod, are on the verie of eett.lng a franch111 rteerd l1:w futUity. Lo• Anaele1 beQame the · flrat &eam In the National 8ulcetball A9oclaUon'1 Western Confe- rence to clinch a playotl berth T}luretlay nJ&bl by roWna to a 117-100 victory over the Cltppen. The victory wu the third Ln a row for tbe Lak:ers and raised their season record to 50-23, mar.king the third •traiaht year they have won at lout. 50 games, the first time ln club hlatory auch a feat has been aocompliahed. The la. waa the 12th in a row for the Clippers. whO are 16-58 overall and have dropped 27 of their last 29 outinga. The Laken led all the way, taking a 36-20 lead after one quarter and a 88-41 halftime advantage. I Loe Angela led by u many aa 32 pointl, 89-57 late in the third qwater, be!ore the Clippers ltonned b ack \.0 make .a game o1 jt, San Di~o outscored Loe Angelee 31 -7 to draw to within eight points at 96-88 with 8 ~ minutea to play. but the Lakera rattled off seven atra~ht point.a to extend their advantage to 15 polnta and the Cliypers didn't threaten after that. "The tint through third ~ were tOtally our game,'' said Los Angeles h Pat Riley. "It was a n admirable effort by San Diego, coming back the way they did. We lost momentum and it was hard for us to get it going again. rm happy to get out o•f here with a win." .Jamaal Wilk.es led a balanced Los Angeles at- tack with 25 points and eight rebounds. Norm Ni- xon and Kareem Abdul-Jabber added 20 and 16 point~:. respectively; Kurt Rambls had 15 points and nine r-ebounds, and F.arvin "Magic" Johnson, while held to only seven points, had a game-high 17 as- sists. 1'he Lakera played without swing man Michael Cooper, sidelined because of a pulled groin muacle, and guard Eddie Jordan. out with a tracti~n-type fracture to the tip of lhe fibula in his left leg. Cooper is expected to return to action within the week while Jordan will probably be sidelined for the remainder of the regular season. Fromi Page C 1 -------1 SE'V ANO COLUMN • • as the.Ur opening day pitcher -hich should tell you something about the Rangers' staff. And, in San Di.ego, Manager Dick Williams is toying with the idea of a three-man rotation for the first month of the :;;eason. The three stalwarts would be Juan Fichelherf!· Tim Lollar and John Montefusoo . . . The Caballeros Racquet and Sports Club is hos~; the Pac-Man championships April 24. Each participant will be required to post a $5 entry fee. A;ll entdes must be turned in no later than April 15 TBUE USA SPOR~ cable network will carry lhe first two rounds of the prestigious Masters golf tourruurient next Thunday and Friday. CBS will continu~! the coverage Saturday and Sunday. The four-day live coverage will mark the first time in men's gplf history that such a telecast has taken place . -. Some imponant dates to remember are April 14 (the first day of college basketball· letters of intent), .April 27-28 (NFL college draft), May 15 (final day for college basketball underclasmnen to declare hardship), June 2 (NBA college draft), July 15 (day c'Ontract expires between NFL owners and players) ... As 1: or an NFL strike by the players, it proba· bly will happen and it probably won't last long. My own uno !fkial off-season poll hasn't found one veteran >Jvho's going to adhere to union wishes ... The most impressive Dodger pitcher this spring was Ten;y Forster who finished with a 2-0 ~rd and a 0.7 5 ERA. The left-hander, still in the process of making a comeback, allowed but five hitJs in 12 innings, .struck out eight and walked only four ... The Dodgers' starting lineup Tuesday for their season opener against the Giants will be: 1. Steve Sax (2b). 2. Ken Landreaux (rf), 3. Dusty Baker (ll), 4. Swve Garvey (lb), 5. Ron C.ey (3b), 6. Pedro Guerrero (cf). 7. Steve Yeager (c), 8. Bill RUlll!lell (~) and •91, Jerry Reuss (p). The.lineup hinges on everyone !being healthy after the Dodgers' weekend with the Angels. Durina ~meeting, repreeentatives from all of It's a MW computeriu!d f~t.that will remain~ •the commwuty colleges took meveral votes to de-eff~ through the 1982 football 9ea80n. tennine the conferences. Shortly after the lunch' ~i.tt after that, there's ._iways the poeaibllity break. a ~tled _six-team Metropolitan <Jonte-the 9ew re~ plan wJll Include football as ARE YOU LOOKING FOR AN t-ence deciaed to join en m.uae the all Orange well .J • ~ty conference ln eome ~of IY!l1bolic proteat.' i.u they t,hrow out the C¥>mJ>Uterized acbedule i '!bat created a 14-team conference. we ~Y very well go foe the ~e County leagu~ t a year from no91," Kelly admita. 1 think the coa- ' AT THE S~ TIME, the Siul Diego area ches wQUld lavor that down the road." ·. ~erenee had just aeven teams. . ~ • ., , ''We J:>epn to jet 80Dle ~ lrom 80IDe of: • • • • the ooUeee Jftlidentl," Kelly explalna. '-;rhey Jaid, 'wby. don't you join the San Diego conference aoq .,&bat.wfil make eight''." . So that'• what Saddleback'did, knowing it tCOllld cMnle lat.er on another vote. . CQ.\CR LAIRD RA YES' CK:C surfing team ls ~lor Hawaii ap1n. and the non-rnainlandera in o.hu and Kauai wiD aee .ocne new oony>eUtion for a change., . A abort time later, two t.01 Angeles-area, -.chool9' agreed to jObl the M~tan Con.feftnce. 'The Metro png split frOm ~ County tb baP.1 PlY create another etgbt-f.Mm leque. ~~ "8o l a.id I'm JIO(ng back 40 the Oranae County LeacUe.'' Kelly exp1ainii "But ~Sim~ pl!dpte1 .ud lf I do that, they'd all joUl the Orange Coullty conference. too." · ,, IF TBAT RAD_ happened. they might stil1 be l Froo:i Page C 1 AA THYi 'RUDE • • •• \ I AIIERNA1'IVE ·To 'TRADITIONAi.,' CHURCH? IMAGINE YOURSELF ... on Sunday morning with a group of poeitive thinking people~.liatening to a dynamic speaker offering ...,,_.to have greater health, bappineu, auccea8, J)roeperity, and more loving relationships. \ That's wba.t. you can esperience every Sunday morning at 9:00 or 10:30 at the Churcli of Relilioua Science, Huntington Beach. Here you trill open new doors of aell·•wareneee. Here you .W find the apace to release the ~ ~that ii yoU. Here you will think and express, listen and ....... l..rn u.d particlpet., I "11-. '}od will discover the rictu.. of new hltruaWPt that will .-it>J>Ott you u ~become the penon God wanta YoU to bet Hert ~(>\I ri1 unlo<:k the aecret. o( .n.tery ln Uvint aa you dilc:over tM prlnciplts of 1enuine . You will fi nd at the Huntington Beach Church of Religious Science opportunities t hat are many and variud-aa wide-ranging as your seeking mind. You will discover unlimited possibilitiee for expanding yourself mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically through ... * Sunde,y Celebration * Classee1 * Worbhops * Seminnrt -* Music * Dial-A-·Thouaht (714) 536-2782 * Social ond special events * Book @1tore-materials for posit\vt living * Child fl en's Sunday Activities-where * cbildru1 learn at an early age to create • * fulfillint life. E:ASTER SUNRlSE SERVICE ....... , ..-htald:l ..... -· •tinlliDI ~lty. aDd unllm'*ed h'r0 'lll• '"-----·----------.....i~--.. ; 11-. ~ will feut a' tbe~t pt 14(e. H•"·H•t the Huotin,ton BMcb Chtlrch ot Relifioua Scieoce. .. thtre'• 1 trboM DtW c1-ob eotna on! . You are _invited io be a part bt'lt. \ •• a . -·-------- this weekend-, ...,,....~_._.~ .. ---llAl'l'&NINGS IN THE DAILY PILOT'S Saturday•• TV, radio w•llht UU• for th• fourth time •1atn1t Andy • Oalnnn (84·3) tn a~ 1$-l'OWMI bout. taped TELEVJSION a\ Lu V .. u . Allio: 'nle 128th edition of~ Oxfont- 12:30 p.m. (4) -IHI BASEBALL PREVIEW Carnbrtd&e boat tk'e, taped on the Thamee River. -u1t•11tlll called baaeball" preview• the 1982 ~-PRO BOWUNG -Tho ftnala of the Kina bMtbal1 w . Included: A look at the com=.ve o Open. taped at Overland Park. Kana. •tn.aaale betw n American and National e 6 p.m. (7) -WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS teama In Chlca10 and New York. Hott Joe Gara--Taped coverage of the Fiorlda Derby foe three-l'lola d.1lcualel cat.china wlt.h Montreal'• Gary Car-year-Olda. Al.lo: The NCAA •wlmm1na and dJvtna t.er. cham'*>nlhloa. taped at Milwaukee. _ _ 1:30 p .m . (2) -COLLEGE BASKETBALL RADIO ALL-STAR GA.ME -The 11th annual Pm.a Hut Baaeball -An1el1 at Dod1era, &:40 e.m., Cla11lc, taped at Laa Ve1aa. (4) -WOMEN'S KA.BC (780) and KMPC (710). GOW' -Third roUnd play ln the Dinah Shore Hockey -Vancouver at Klnga, 1:50 p.m .. Invitational tou.rnan\ent from Mu.ion Hil1a CC ln KPRZ (1160). Rancho Mirage. 2;30 p.m. (7) -SUGAR RAY LEONA.RD'S Sunday's TV, radio GOLDEN GLOVES -Teams from Mlnneeota and St. Loula battle ln series of bouts taped ln Baton TELEVISION Rouge, La. 10 a .m . (2) -NBA BASKETBALL 3:30 p.rn. (2) -CBS SPORTS SA 'l'URDA y -Houston at San Antonio. ' Alexia Arguello (74-4) defends his WBC light-11:30 a.m. (4) -SPORTSWORLD -Cove- RESISTOR TYPE e99EA 2!! CARBUROOR CLEANER . LIQUID 154144 n50353 1!! 1~~ GAS 1 ~.~ TREATMENT -=...-.. #56135 POWER 99 STEERING• FWID 1401. CHEVROLET 6 Cylinder, 1955-'76 230·235·250 (hcept 1975-'76w11h 250. E"9ine) CHEVROlEl 8 Cylil\der 1955 '68 265··283-307·327 th cept Hi·Perlormonce) FORD 6 Cylil\der 1960· '7 4 170 200 #51901 FORD 8 Cylinder 1962 '69 221 260 289 302 DODGE·PlYMOUTH 6 C'yl1nder l960 '77 PONTIAC 8 Cylindet 1963·'68 w11h Aluminum TC 8·hole DOOGE·PlYMOUTH 8 Cylinder 1962·'77 273.319.340 360 QUAKER ST A TE MOTOR OIL QUART LIMIT 24 QUARTS DISTRIBUTORS KASCO • rebv1l1 For Mo11Ford16Cyl1nder 1960· 1967 (h cepl 223 Engine) For Moil 8 Cyl1ndu 1958 1972 (With 260 289 302·352 Eng1nel For Moil Chevrolet 6 Cylinder 1953 1974 (hcepl 194 Engine) I s•• . EXCH.• For mo11 Chevrole11 8 Cylinder 1 aaa 1957.1974 (Ex.cept 348-396·409·427 EXCH.• with 2·4 BBL~ 3-2 BBl & CD Ignition 'UlutlOAlll HA Blodi poinfoble finish with reversible heod fOf un~I left ond right movnti"9 ST ANOAltO WIDE ANGLE 4?l 6V 11250 1251 MILES MASTER FUEL REGULATOR & FILTER GAS SAVER! #MMB rap o(... w CART Phoenix 160, r March 28. 12.:30 p.m. (~) -alAU:E'IB 0:-P-oc:Uand • t ..the LakeJJ.. l p.m. <•) -WOMEN'S OOLP -Flnal round play ln the Dinah Shore Invitational from M1-lon Hilla cc ln Rancho Mlrqe, 2:30 p.m. (7) -Us.A. VS. TD WORLD - The U.S. Men'• and women'• IYmNllticl team va. China tn a meet taped at UCLA: 3:30 p.m. (7) -wtDlfWORLD OF SPORTS -Taiaed coveraae of the Rebel 500 11.0ck au race from D.rllna1on. S.C. Allo: The 45\h running of the Santa Anita Derby, taped. . llADIO Baaeball -Dod1en at Angela, 12:40 p.m., KABC (790) and KMPC (710). Auto Racing -Lone Beach Grand Prtx, 11 a.m .. KLAC (570). Basketball -Portland at Lakers, 12:20 p.m .. KNX (1070). li~ey -Kin11a at Vancouver, ti:~O p.m . ._ KPRZ (1160). Molomraft Original Equipment FORD Porta n.-W 1951 -'73 6 Cylinder ""' 1957-'73 4•• 8 C linder KIT 1977.79 4 Cylinder 2.3l (140 CID MUSTANG & PINTO before 6 27·77) 1975-79 6 Cylinder 1975·76 8 C~l1nder. FORD WJlh 351, 400 CID & TORINO with 35 lM & 400 CID. 197!-78 8 ,Cylinder (E11cep1 1978 T Bird with 302 CID) 1975·7 6 8 Cylonder (b cept Full Size FORD with 351.L~OO CID & TORINO w11h 351M & 4uu CID) USMC·5 Gol Jeep Go1 Con Vented, 1-;!eovy Gouge Steel •1'010 .. CAii RIX...,, 'o' Regulor or No·leod. YOUlt 99 CHOICle 116416344 •6416369 FO<~ CO<I ,........, 6 cyl.nder 1962·79 (194-230· 250) be.pl •75.79 engine with Inf. mild. cent OS pelf' of cyl heod I •• EA Ford6 r.• Cytinci., 1960. 1911 EA (1'4.110'.2o().2~ Qwyslef V-1 1963-78 lbc..,1 hi·.-f. &426 hem.) luicf. v.1 l 9U-'11 (beep! 265-301 and •7,. '71 364400- OODGE·Pl YMOUTH 8 Cylinder I 1 •• 1958·'78 FOR MOST CARS & TRUCKS 401·425-t!OJ. 0-.0. letV·8195S.8ll~ 30 l ·341·402·409) OICft V-81965-'81 !~ 301.330 °"" ~,-400! '°"'* v.11•1s-·11 (facept 2U30)3· 3 390T,,_MOO s 350-361 ·383-400·440 EXCH.• CHEVROLET 8 Cylinder 1969-'79 262·267·307 327 1388 350 & 400,,....... 2 Hl EXCH.• C~on. 60 MONTH FOIO. Cylindet 1961 · ·71 I 588 332·352.:19<>-.tOt>-•28 FORD t C,tlndef 1970 Lot• 1978 EXCH.• 302·351W. =Alll~f~l~X~=··--' Anaheim ------------------------------------· 1280N.Euclid•772-9MO rwi11~ A(8 1•=91111 2340 w. ur:!~~~!~. 999-1621 laJ ~ liM Buena Park 52568eocha1vd.•994-1320 Auto Supply Costa Mesa 1739 S"'per or Ave.• 642-338' WI• H1LP1NG YOU DO n RIGHT Fontana 9880-0 Sie"o ~ • 350-1441 . •fountain talley 9880 Womer Ave. • 964-6427 •Fullerton ...... to~ 1~1 E. lmperiof • 7 .... 971 ford v.9 1962-'11 l221-255-260-2n.J02.)5lW) :=rvfflr,,t,....._ 400"40l-4i~977-~3011OtdlV·l1975 14 1'79 t301J '°"'"9c \1.9 961·761265-301· 326-350T~ ,. mm 4~ tfullerton 2978 Y orbo Linda • 996-4780 •La Mirada 15081 Imperial• (213) 947-$U1 •Miufon Vieio 24510 Alicia Pkwy.• ~51 ·9175 Orange 1100 N. Tustin • 771..JOOO •Rivenide 1CM03 Magnolia Ave.• 159-3041 Santa Ana 26<M S. Bristol St.• 754-1432 •Santa Anci 1302 E. 17th St.• 953 6061 - . AUTO MARKET .•. ••• It WM no eurprile thAt Joe ~ w• nam44 "Man or they..,. .. l.n January. lt82Hi:iscoa& lot.er· natJon&l. the world't lar,_ off·roed orpnmdon. A.ft.er all, he bad J"'' flnlthed hl1 tit MUOn u a lponlOf'. ownitr an4 oomP9titor l.n Owl aport ct ell-reed rldn.t. Dwina thll time, hil MacPhenon radftl t.Mm h•~L.won pt abo"t every m.jor event In thlt teet el.. IW'VIVal caDtd a 1'tport." · t Even more to hl1 cndlt ll the fan lhat thl1 al• American •portaman from 'l\w.ln, California. now • yeen of .. bad IUffend a --and had open ; au.rpry jutt two yeua ..,. It w• only 10 montht la , that he wu compeUn1 .. aln tn lh• 8at. 1000. · docton don't recommend oH-roed ...an,. but the)' don~ ~ me either," U)'I MacJ>lMnoQ. ''jwt M Jona. 1 kHp my weilht down and watch m'f blOod ~J· (t all 1\arted in 1968 when Joe MticPhenon. had cit Oranp County'1 larpt1 Chevrolet ~nhip and .W, MacHoward l.euJ.nt, bou&ht nine of tha.e "funny lit~ pluUc C&l"I" called dune-~es to leue to h1I ~· la he-arw them deMl'oyed, on.-by one, by ....,. who tried to leap them off cllff8 ltnitatl.na the mquine ada °' the er9, he decided he ahOu1d Me foe h1mlell what w• hapi>enlnt out there. Shortly theteaUer, he wu pe<· auaded to 1pol\IOf h1I tint nice, \he Stardl.Wt 1·11 wttb driven Vic WU.On and Drino Miller. He watched h' driven :Win and iut w• l\! '°'" • e!JI,,., off.n.d nicihl. • He went on to prerunnlng In Baja, Callfor11~ eventually to dri'li.ni In racft. and when h1I eon Je became old enouah to get a driver'• lioen.e -badtln& eon in~. • MacPhert0n wu really one of the pioneers 1n ~ 1port of off-road radn1, 1ponsorin& Vic Wilton In firat Baja 1000. The MacPhenon race team W11S ied in 1972 and haa CON!atent!)' .cored high in off--,._..___ coms)etitlon winning the national champfona Ip Ba 1000 in 1980 with driver Jerry MacDonald, along wit.I two other mtjor racea that year. Son Jeff MacPherao6 now age 25 haa been responsible for many team trop~ He took flnt place in the Park.er 400 in 1974, the RI~ eraide SCORE Off-Road World Champk>nlhip In un& and Ul78, all for Clue 7 which 11 mini .and mid-ii~ tn.itkl. In 1980, Jeff won first place at the Barstow 4541 Clau 1 for unlimited 1lngle aeat buggy oompetltlo~ Young MacPhereon won fl.rat place in the Amil 12 Hout Endurance Race, Cl111 l in 1982 and w11 votecl "Off-Roadsrnan of the Year" -SCORE lnlemlUonal Clan 1 for two yeara In a row, 1980 and 1981. J~ MacPhenon who is president of the Motor Car~ A9ociation of Orange County had never had • hobbt until he dilcovered off-road racing. It'• a IU'ange way '-' relax becauee It often involves a oou.ne 400 to 1000 mllei Jong that has no track or road. Wearing a flame; retardent jump suit and a custom built helmet, yo\l bump, jump and drop aver rough and rugged terrainf often hot, dry desert and aometimet lheer clilfsldel. ' The Parker 400 whlql the MacPhenon race ~ has won teVeral limel coven a 400 mile oou.ne cov~ two states aimul~y. The aver 400 competiton ra cing in 21 c1.u8l!9 of vehicles O[jVer 110 miles of ru daert terrain In California including narrow CllE}'Oj giant lava rock piles and a very fast stretch kMwn "Thunder Alley" where speeds exceed the 100 mpH mark. They finish on the Arlz.ona aide with a wild as mile loop, driving it twtoe. Thia year the MacPherwon race team entered the brand new Chevrolet ruld-slze S -10 pickup. lt w11 the first American made small pickup to be entered In thll clua which is normally do- minated by foreign entries. J~ MacPher'IOO considers \he Baja 1000 the grand· daddy of off-road racinl· It start& and ends at F.Menada and coven aver 800 miles of unbelievabl. tel'Tllin takina well aver 30 houn to complete. Out ol 250 starters. only 80 to 85 ewr finiah. • MacPherlOO gave up driving about eight years ago, bur he atUl likes to co-drive. 'Ille co-driver gets to read the map, watch out for hazards on the ride, give drinlu of water to the driver and change a tire now and then. It's a rough ride with no steering wheel, to hang on to and can end up with your vehicle t.urn1n& upside down, ~ ltUCk in the mud or one time the snow at the summit in Baja, losing a wheel. or getting lost In the vast wilderness. One of the great pleasures MacPhenon enjoys La the pre-run. StrlkJng out on a motorcycle, he hu the op- portunity to aee raw countryside in all Its glory. Oceans. clifb. mountains, deep tftraina;it'• all there to enjoy in nature's setting. "That's an experience to be enjoyed over and over again," aays MacPheraon . "What do ( like most about off-road racing?" Mac- Phenon wu asked. "It's the ultimate test of a driver and his equipment. And the camaraderie is far more impor- tant than the order of fi.rusb ." In a sport that certainly has its danaerous momenta, Joe MacPheraon was asked if he wu ever atrald. In true father-like fashion, he answered, "Only for my son." One thina Is.. for certain._ The MacPhel'IOn name in off-roed racing will be around for yan to come in true father-eon tradition. * * * · ANAHEIM ... Vlsttora to the Orange County In- ternational Auto Show, to be held April 21-26 at the Anaheim Convention C.enter. will not only Bee the latest domestic and foreign vehicles, they can allo leem "How &o Buy a Car in Today'• DiUicul1 Credit Market." Repre1entatlves from Heritage Senk, Oranae Coanty'1 latgelt independent bank, will be at \he 1how each day except Friday dilcuatng the general qualifk:a· tiona that financial inatltutions are looking at when someone applies fer a car loan and how to look Coe car financing. For Instance, the more knowledge and infor- mation car buyen acq"l.re, the better equipped they will be to negotiate favorable financing tenna. C. V. LaNier, Vice President. Director of Marketing. sugge1ts car buyers compui8on shop for financing for a new car, just M they comperilon shop for their cars. ln addition to LaNier, a1ao representing Heritace Bank will be Pat Ziegler, Vice Presidenl/Manager; Diana Grimes. Alaiat.ant Vice Pnsident/Alailtant Manapr; and Cathy Toppin, Aul1tant Vice Pl'ftldent/lnltallment Lou\ Officer. I>la-ount tickets tt> the Show are available at Alpha Beta Stores, Shakey's Pizza, H. Salt Fl.sh & Chips, and Wendy'• and participating new car dea-wwupa. Arnone local dealerl who will be showinl new can at the Show are Newport Impor111 (Jll\W'. Fenwl, >.. ton Martin); Beach Impona. Newport Beach {Muentl and Daiaun), Earle Ike Impocts, Co1ta Mea (Volvo, 1 Toyola) and the larrest Rolla Royce dealer in the coun- try, Roy Carver Bolla Royce, Newport Be.tch. *** RENO ... Harfth'1 Autoroobile CoUecticn cel- ebnted tta 20tb birthday recently. marklnC two decades of pvw\h and public aervkle. Begun In 1942 when 1aming pioneer William F. Harrah purchMed hla fint prize auto, a 1911 Maxwell, the collection was opened to the public oo Feb. 24, 1962. Today, after hcdnC more than 4.5 ml.lUon viliton, Harrah'• muae"m la famo"' thro'1.1hout the-world. Houted In a 13-bulldina complex th.rff mllee e_ut of Reno. Nev .. the Cll'9 nwnber more than 1,000 and Include such ~ •-1be»07 ThomM nx-: ~ ot the 1908 New York-to-Partl RMe; Al Jollan~ lNJ OtaUW: and two ct the wortd'a lix Uiadnl a..,.tt1 8oyUIL BeQl'-9 of lta •tun in tM-.UtcllDOUW fteld. Har· rah'• Auk> OoUec:tloD hell remtved oontlbuoua ~ "- the pna 1'bl IMt 20 JW'I haw -u:h -........ ~ Look, Lif•, Playboy, Suneet, Sporia llluau.ted, the London Dally Tel .. raeh an~ TV Gulde, aJ4ftt with• fNtrJ majar' autmnoti~ JDUmU. epotUcht tbe om. The)' hev. .ieo been ~ eubJtd Of • van"y of televlatOI\ 1pedala. lndudlna one of Charltla Kurall'• •·o. ~ Ro.d'' ~ for CBS. . ••• SEE WHAT YOUR ~AL • ,AUTO DEALERS RAVE . TO OFP8R YOU 1 t IN TODAY'S PAPER •• ... .... -,..n-•• CQll'••• Cl ........... • l """' -ao H .Ma ... " ... 40 " .5641 40 33 .!WI n 36 .1114 ,. 57 .219 ..... °"'91M .., Antonio 44 It .803 o.-42 ao .1113 Houlton 42 32 .Ml Km IL .Qlll 211 U ..a5e 0.... 25 48 .J3I Utllll 11· 63 .2$4 ...,....c~ .... Of,,.... &e 1e .ne 50 22 .1194 37 311 .1114 • 37 38 .607 32 41 .438 c:..Mwl~ • ....._... 50 n .eas Alllnt8 3e 341 .500 l>etrolt 34 40 4611 lndWle 33 40 .452 Ctllcloo 211 43 .403 ~ 15 57 208 a-dnc:tled dMllol't lllle. y--dlnched pleyofl ~ u.w.11~~-0....121'.'D;;;..m Houlton t04, c:foldetl 8tat• 10 1 ......... 117. Allllnta 113 .... Yen 111.~ 110 PotUencl 108, Sell Antonio 106 T .......... 0-.. ,._,. .. LIMN lloeilOfl .. Aa.nta w~•New JftlWf ~-~ .......... Cl*-00 ~City •t UtWI Pof1l9nd .. o.n-San Anlonlo Ill S.ttle II 111 lll'A 24'A Libra 111, Cllppert 100 Loe -.aa -Rem«* 15, W11ke9 25. Al>dul-J•bb., ti, Nl•on 20, John ton 7, MCOM tf, er-II, Mc:AdoO 4, Ullndlc.· gs 11, ~ 2. TOI* 4331-411t17. tAll 09QO -8toob t t, Cl\emb9ra Ill, ~ 17. 8rogM 1•. Hll 8. 8ty8nt o. Wood 7, ~ 11, Wiley 2, Smith 0. To- 1911: 40 tll-31 100. .... .,a.-.. LOI~ 3e 32 25 24-tt7 Sen o.eo 20 21 37 22-100 Tiw-..polnt goe19 -Ooug1M Foui.d out -~ OouglM. Total '°"'9 -Loe "Nlgelei sa. s.nllliQo Jl ,.--= 1 . ...-- Hlah ec"-' W.-c.•• -,..,_ T91f1!1 ... ...,.,,..._.. ,... CL ,WllQht, San Gorgonlo 11-7 S.. v.ci.to. St. 8emard 11-5 St. Young. HocNw 11-11 Jr. 0..wdlon. St. e.m.ro 6-7 St It.-.......,, c-........ If. 8mllh... 0 LOI LOI Alt Altoeoe a-a J< CM.~ 6-0 St. .._., HocMir 6-0 So. "1111 ................ ,. .,, v--.~!9Cll 11-10 St. o.in.. St. a.-o 6-3 J<. ~T-....... AlwrWde Poly 8-5 Jr p_,. 11-7 Jr. Cetl•' San Gorgonlo a-a Sr. 'ThomM. Foothllf 11-11 Sr. T_,.., Weet CoWle 11-11 St ~A"-Lome M St. :-l=.-:.. Poly ~ ~-........ ca. ... Jr. Helvy, ci.-t M Sr TNrdT- ...... 22.4 12.0 111.0 14.0 ,.... 17 3 15..7 17 3 I.A t2.I 10 0 22.1 15..0 14.4 25.1 lU 11,2 1U u ta.s ~. St. Bemwel 6-5 Sr. 11 0 F'lillvMn, ~ 11-5 Sr 11 3 c-tll. Cot-11-5 Sr 20.11 VIMntlno, Boeco T.c:n 11-5 Sr. 11.I ...... .,..,...~ w If. t1.2 J4lnlllnll. Lynwood 6-5 St 11.0 Snow. HH Wlleon 11-tO Sr 24.0 Klllltl•. WWfWI II-I St 22.0 Smlttl. WWI CoWle W Sr. 21.0 ~ Plu9 x 11-1 Sr 15 s AMO, Ho. r .,,....._ &-2 Sr. 11 a Pl•re< of tl>e YHr Gerry Wright (S•n 3orgonlo). •"C091D uca. 8~ ~ ....,.. "-c-'I 17.00 1.00 UO Connie Bel ( ) 10.00 4.20 Oonelt• "'~ uo A180 l'8080: Cit• Sombtlt8, Ml' Allk•. CMI ""-· "'°'111 DllOM. rwn.: 1:111. • 11 DAILY~ (7~) pelO Sl76.llO. eorTH RAC&. I 1111 ......_ ~ o.wn (Olvw•I U .40 12.00 7.20 Ho1rr1C1y Hllll !Slbllel 1 .AO a.oo Tlwl (UpMm) 7.90 A180 ,..s: ~ FOil, NotM JMt.,..., Fretdom'a H9r•, Orcu. ~·a Cour1, On TM Wlna. ~Gem. Tlmr. 1:4$1\. eaMTM 1'ACE. On9 ,,,.._ I Fell In Lo..e (a.-) 11.80 5 20 3.40 Vlge (CeeteneOel 12.tO 6.00 w..i.,,, s,.,,.. (Gu9mll 4.40 AltO r809CI~ AppMI. Contr .. al<•. Rl- n~ rim.. 1:~1s. T .......... 0--(7) <:«one o.i .,.., •t kWM Hewpot1 HWbot 81 Woodbridge El Toro 81 &18nci8 South Co.et Leeg.- 1 1 1 3 3~ 4 w l --Lagurwl a.er. 3 0 09fw Hllll 3 0 San a.Mnt• 3 1 ~ Cep!WMO Vti/lfrr 1 l 2'A L.-HMla 0 l 3 Mi.Ion Vlejo 0 3 3 San Cl•m:=-::r.'c=r•no V•ll•y. 15-11, 15-10. 15-17. 1()-13. T ......... eQMIM(1) Laguf\8 8Mc:h •1 D8N Hiiie MIMlon Viejo Ill Lagurwl Hlllll Men'a Yolleybetl C.....Clf .... 1 lAQun8 e.c:tt: 2. c-. w-; a. 11i.1 San C*nent• llnO e.una.: 5 San MwC08: 9 Ml<• eo.t.; 1. LoyOle; 9. t.tame; II s.nte Monlc8, 10 Loe Allot. ........ aoccet M..L.·aount COUT liAOUll ArltT-Dena Hlll•-P•ttl Smith (Jr.). hmmy Ku.o11 (SI''' S•• K_,en (Sr.). uurle Hag•n (Jr. , (1ur1 H•l•m•n (Sr): Si n Clement•-Mtr_, Ruaaick (BOl>h.). Jen· nlle< ACl811'11 (Jr.), Kel'h!:,1>111 (Jr ); LIN 9ueoh (Sooh.): LaQUM BMctl-Julie Whit ... qon (Sr ); Mlellon Vl8jo-Clndy Ewll'I (Jr ~ ...._.T_ Mlealon Vlejo-IMlll Berge.n (Sr,). AllCU Ml8fna (Ff-".). Dmllill Sherhy (Sr). Nee.-. ell• H•tllelel (Sopll.); C•platrMO \llllley- Bknelle Hellet (Sooh.); 0-Hlb-Glnny LUllM (Sopll.), 0!8118 l.Nra (Jr.); ~n• Beoech-LIN UghlMr (Soph.), SlitldY Mll'lln (FrHh ); San Cl•m•nle-Muy l>ontlu• (Sopll.), Cheryl Wlleon (Jr.) • Pl1yer ot th• Y••r -L•ur• Helzm•n. 0.-.Hllla Co-C08dlM of the y--Chudl HoOos (D•n• Hiii•) •nel Monie• Lamey (Mlulon Viejo~ ~ • • ... .. lxNbhSiln ..... ,....... , .......... _,, PNladllphle 000 010 ~ t I New Yen (NL) 201 021 CIOlt_. '1 I ~~~.~;;~-= •nel 8tNm•. W-l ynch. L-AHd. H"-New Yon, FCIMW. """" ........ . , .................. , TClnlMO 000 000 003-a 8 1 OWotl 01' 002 lb-• 111 2 "*'· Mr:lalgNn (t ) llnO WMt: Aclnrne. Tobie (t) encl ,.,.,.,, W-~ L-alleO. He-l'~. lonMI. ................ , .................. , HoulilOll 000 000 000-0 I 1 BOiton 100 HO 10ll-t 12 0 Ay1111. MOftlll (e) llllCI Pujoll. Kn!Olly <•k TOtNt, C1m9t <n 1111C1 .....,_, W-T-. L-Aywl ........ _.. .. (MT-..) '!wl Frllnd8co 004 034 000-11 11 a a-119 tlO 304 20t-te 22 I 8dlltllldet' .....,.. (4). AooMlllld (7) llllO Pruitt, "anltOM (8): 98nnllt.,. Re~ (I I. AnOerMn (7). 8tentoft !t i. V_....,g (I) end Eulan, Bullng (I). W-••nnl•ler L- lkNIMdw. H"9_..,. FrllROltCO, WONfofd. SMttle, M ...... Zlilk. • S8dcltetMlc* 7 &1111 OleQo cc e Soul~ 3 P810mW 2 --·· --......... ~- 2 5-.. • ·~ II II~ .... ·~ 2\.\ 3 3 , .... 5 L oe 2 4 1'4 5 3•,i, • 4Yo aw. I 2 S..BernerdiN> 5 4 2~ Chllley 3 • 4 ... ~cc 2 1 s .... HIGH •CHOO&. 8T ANDtN08 ... YlewLM8Ut • l 4 1 3 I 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 4 ~·.._.... T 0 I 0 0 I 0 ·~ 1 1 'A I~ 3 Corona Oel M8r •I Est•nct•, ppd • rain I~ for AprM 13) ~ Hwtlot ., ~. P90 . r81n S•dell1b1c ll 11 lrvln•, ppel., r ai n (~tor Aptl tn Coau M••• •I El Toro, ppel , r •ln (r~ lot Aclrtl 12) Suneet L-.o.-W L 08 EOleon 6 t Huntlnglon 8-:tl 5 I Mwln8 4 2 1 WM!mlneter 2 4 3 FounlMI V....., I 5 4 OcMnVW I 5 4 T..,..ca... ~-81 HuntlnVlon 8Mdl (3 15) Mef1na Ill Fountain Vt/Wf (3.15) !Olton va. OCH n View 81 Mlle Squ8re Pwtl (1) South Coetl LNG";, l a. Mlw!On Viejo 5 1 t..aoi.-H1111 3 1 I Dina H.. 3 2 1'_. $1111 Clllmenl• 2 2 2 C.C-lrMO Vti/lfrr 2 3 2~ L1QUn8 a.di 0 I 5 T..,-.O-. a.. ci.n-.. Ill ....... Vlejo ~Vti/lfrrlllDwwHllll Lagurwl 8-:11 et lAQUM Hlll9 Aneefuel.Ngue ..,.. W l T -s.ntll a I 1 8W'l)I> Amal 2 2 0 1 St. P8UI 2 2 1 1 Meler Del 1 2 2 1~ 8l9fl09 Montgomery 2 3 0 1 ~ T..,-.o-S\. Paul ¥t. Me.ler Del .. HW1 Petti (1l ... .., •• QM., 9""0CI MonlQOln• , Ill a..""'9 t 1 1 L,,..) ·-=:~--· c.... --111.e. ........ *" V.ull -1. OllWt {CM). 1.8; ~ berw -1. ~(CM). t.2: 1Ww1C» i-tn -1. ~ (CM). 11.0; Floor t-a. -1. Oll¥9f (CM). U: M-ervund -1. OIMr" (CM). 3U. 0-YR 119.7, ..... ...._ 11U7 ,....._,... Va.tit <>Iv. CM),~ (CM 8.151:.... Olvw (Jf:). U ; 8-11 -~ Oii-. 'CM\ U ; Floot -1. ~(CM). t 0: M-el'OUlld -I. Olfw.-(CM). SUS. HIGH 8CHOOl Orenge Countv ..,...., oem• , .. on.. e...£ Colleee. ,,_ •> MO«Tff "°""' Bd• -Doug 8ut1w Cs.Ml•). &-1, 115, Mike W-.. (Fuller10n). 5-11, 175, Ed 8runol (Oanyon), 5-10, 1110; Henning Peteraon (&per-). 8·10. 111()~ Mo Prlnlup (Pu9M Perk). l-0. 190, Rec*Ytrt -Dloo Aid#nt (S1V111n1J. t>-7. .-150: Mlk• 8owlee (Cyp<Mt). 6-0, 180; Mlk• Rubetlo (~ "'8rNIOI), l-0, 115; Mlle• 8•rdl1 (l<•nn.Oy), 9-t. 200: P•ul Reilly (s.mt.). e-o. 1llO. Oll1n1lv• llnem•n -Krl• B•lclc• (BrH ·Ollnd•). e -2. 230. Mike e • .,,. (M•gnoll•). 8-4, 220; Joe Florantlne (El !>o<ado), 6-3, 225; Aay Oregel (An•h .. m). &-3, 240: Nick Gotovec (&1*8NI. &-2, 130, AMdy l(owet• (U>lr•I. &-2. 1115 • Del•n•I•• linemen -Muk At1r10 , (CMyon). 5-10. 180; John G•mmon (Sunny Hiiia), 5-10, 205. Soott Not>le (Sunny Hiiiei. 11-2, 210; Henry Pf'91Nn (K9Meely~ 6-0, 115, st-G811en (Vlilencl•I. &-3. 246 l.lNbaera -Et\c ~ (Ville Perk). 6--0. teo: Sob Erwin (AnaM!ml. 11-1. 205. S-. FC'f (El Ocndol. &-2, 220. ~ M90· cllnQa (~). t>-10, 115. O.lentlve b11ell• -Chrla Alv8ru (Loa Al ..... 1101), e-0. 175; Jett G8rCI• (lOatl). ()-10, 170, Chtlt Hutctier.on (8rM-Olln08). &-1, 185, Seen McDermott (Cenyon), &-3, 110; s1 ..... A•hon (Servl1•1. 1-1. 1116: o.,, Honlkel (SIMte). 5-10. 180 • ..... CA.lllNG.L COMRMNCE tm)'h~ / WlTC»'QA"8.. 47 17 15 415 2114 109 211 33 17 333 342 7 5 211 33 17 277 212 73 2• 311 15 310 35e 113 17 411 13 231 3111 47 •·M-a y·WlMipeg y.SI L.oula y..cNc8go T«onto Oetr04t .....,. DIWWoft 38 22 20 331 282 112 33 31 14 31e 325 eo 31 311 e 308 340 10 28 38 12 321 356 Ill 20 42 HI 2113 3e7 511 21 46 12 2811 347 54 WAL.IS~ .... OMlllM .) a-HY l8llncMr'S 63 16 10 377 240 1111 y.NY RenQer'I 311 29 13 30I 2N 111 y Pl....,.,.. 37 30 11 315 30I 86 y-PltllOuf'gh 211 36 13 2911 330 71 WuNngton 24 4 1 13 210 333 11 ......OhWoft •·Montr..i 411 15 17 355 215 109 y-Boeton 4 I 27 10 311 2711 82 y·8uH•lo 311 25 15 298 282 111 y-~ 32 30 16 3-46 3311 90 Hvtlorel 21 40 11 2511 341 58 a-Clllnoll«I llfat pl8Ce In OM9lon v-<:linc:MO pteyotl 9'>019 ~·--­Ouebec e. BOiton 5 NY....,._,, 3. ~ 3 Ce6gety 11, Color.oo 0 T.....,_..eO..... Plt191>urgh 11 NY R8nger9 M""-oca et W1rvijpeg ~ . . ., . SofttNlll rsnktnga ..... 1. ~ti; 2. Ecll9on; 3. MwlN; 4, Tutlln; 5. Gahr: •. Arc•OI•: 1: 511111 V11Jey; 8. LI Oulnla; II. El Dof•CIO< 10. CyprMa ,_,. 1. St JOMl)tl (LAllewoocl}; 2 LS Wiiton, 3 Weatern, 4 l • H1br1; 5. Burrough• (Burb•nk), e Matw o.I; 1 South Hlll1, 8 Sunny HMlt. 11 S.V.-; 10. W81n<Jt 2·A I Bellllowef; 2. Hwt: 3. Alemllny; 4 8o- nlt8, 5 &.. Mlt.Oe; e Sin ClerNnte, 7 CM· llornltl: I Central; II. Arroyo: 10 Ramon• 8fMllkMelil 1 P ... Oenl POiy, 2. M•rlcoc>•, 3 v ...... polnl; 4. S.rWIO; S. N9wpor1 Chrtstlen: a. Cou1 Union: 7 MelodylenCI: a. Ceplilrlll\O V•ll9y Chfllll•n: II Beil ... 10. Or•nQ41 Lu- tlleran • ep_s·: - offered bribes PlTTSBURCH (AP) -Ftve high 1Chool buketball players 1elected for the Roundball Claalic all-star aame admit they h.ave been offered bribe• to auend certain colleges, the PIU•burgh Pott-OaJ:eti.e reported In a oopy- rfghted 1tory. 1n M front-page story ln today'• edfuon. the five d~ned to name the achool1 and said they h.ad eliminated them from considera- tion for acholanhip . "What Digger Phelps said last week about there being a lot of ''*)'offs offer ed and m ade Is tilae," said Andre Bank.a. a 8-4, l 75-pound guard'fFom Chicago, who will play for the United States All-Stars here tonight . Phelps, head coach a t Notre Dame, said recently he had re- ported four sch ools to the National Collegiate Athletic As- sociation (NCAA) for-offering cash payments of as much as $10,000 per year to recruits. "It's been going on for years," Banks was quoted as saying in a stor y by sports writer David Fink. "The head coaches don't do it, most assistant coaches wouldn't get directly involved in it, but the alumni wind up doing it aft.er an assistant coach tips them off about a particular kid," he added. Others who said he had been offered bribes were Ric hard Reliford of Riviera Beach, Fla.: Keith Wesson of Niles, Ohio; Greg Willey of Oak Hill Aca- demy in Virginia; a nd Lloyd Moore of Clairton, Pa. "I've been offered cars and money, but it was done in very undercover ways," said Reliford. a 6-6 forward. We,son. a 6-10 center, said the first offers he got caught him by surprise. "Lots of sch ools are doing it," h e said .. "Usually it comes down from people asso- ciated with the schools, but not from the coaches." Willey said he is considering four schools that have not made illegal offers. "The ones tAat offered me thin~ like money and cars were the ones who have come off lo- sing seasons or have programs that have been on the way down," Willey said. Anteaters, OCC face top crews SAN DIEGO -Both Orange Coast College and UC Irvine face some formidable opponents Sat- urday when they compete in the San Diego Crew Classic on Mis- sion Bay. Among the schools entering s h e 11 s a r,e powerhouses Washington. Harvard, Cornell, Yale, California, San Diego State and Wisconsin. "This is one of the most exci- ting and colorful regattas to be found anywhere," say OCC crew coach Larry Moore. Action begins at 7 a.m. and is expected to continue until 2:45 p.m. A crowd of 25,000 is expec- ted to watch the coplpetition. '*' 0..,0 Crew Claulc ( ......... ..,, IV E'9fltll F1rwt ..... 9 05 • m Harvard. Wuhlngton. Cornell . UC 1rv1n11, Stanford, UC Sen D19oo ............ 9 1:> Orange ~ou1, Caltlornle. Ylle. Rut· gert, UCLA. long 8-:tl Stat•. ,......._~ ""'' ..... 9:30 a.m. Oraf'li4I eout, Camomla. UCL.A. Sant• Clare. San OlegO Steta. USC No¥k:e Elgtln • ""'' ..... 8·25 a m Of•ng• Cout. St•nlord, u!t. Untvett11y ol San Diego. San Diego Staie AYSO teams ' end season PASADENA -The American Youth Soccer Organization sea- son came to an end he r e last weekend, but not before two Region 5 (Founta in Valley- Westminster) All-star teams picked up victories. Meanwhile, action at Pasa- dena's Brookside Park Saturday included two games involving Region 5 teams -both of which came out on the short end of the scores. A Divl1ion ill girls team coe- ched by Bob Williama, fell to La Mirada, 1-0 in the team cham- pionship game. A Division V girls aquad, alto from Region 6, lell to Upland, 6-3. The area team is coached by John Crowley. A Relion 5 Division ill boys team fill to Hawthorne, 4-0. while• Rell.on 120 (c.c.t. Meu) team of DTvlslon II girls, wu nipped by Granada HWa, 3-2. Area teams fared better in Sunday'a AD-etar oxnpetition at the eame liw. A Repon ~. Dlvi- ston V 1irJ1 team, coached by Dave Hauver, recorded a 2-1 victOl'y over Ventura. Another ~1lon ~ team, th1a one comprlted of Dtvtaron Vl All...,.. nlDl*i .Atoun. i;.o tn OYWUme. 'nM wmoaaa an~ Unit II Ccilched by Oltt-Jcineia. •• . . Orang• Cout DAIL y PILOT /Friday, Aprll 2, 1982 •• -ets senO;Mazzil i o 3:exas; Yankee -·--.. ,_ a1n r bef help 1 ' ' ! IJ 'l1M ,UIOdalM Pnt1 Nelton to Seattle for Marlnera relief act! Shane LH Mauilll, once \he darllna or New York Rawt.y. Met1 fan1, waa traded Thursday to the Texas In other 'tranHcUona announced Thurtday. ftanaen for Ron Darllna and Walt Terrell, a pair of T xaa traded 1hort1top Nelson Norman to Pltta- mlnor IMIU' pitch.en. bur1h for pitcher Victor Cruz; the Cubl releaaed ftiu.dW, a native New Yorker will get another Infielder Ken Reitz and catcher Larry Cox and look at the Big Apple very 100n. He'll be altt.lng in waived pitcher Rawly Eastwick: the Cincinnati the vlslting duaout next Tueeday when the Rangers .Reda acquired pltctier &b Shirley from St. Louls ln o.,.-n their 1euon against the New York Yankee.. exchange for pitchers Jeff Lahti and Joee Brito, and And he'll be palrolling Yankee Stadium's ca-San FrancUlco, which had signed te00nd baseman vernoua center field for Texas in place of ex· RennJe Stennett to a five-year, $2-miWon contract Yankee Mickey Rivera. 1idelined by a knee Injury. ln 1980, negotiated an estimated $1~mllllon aettle· The Yankees were in the ~nter of a couple of ment with him and placed him on waivers. deals before the midnight trading deadline. Darling, the Rangers' No. 1 choice (No. 9) They picked up pitcher Bill Caudill from Chi· overall in the 1981 free-agent amateur draft, earned cago (he was the "player to be named later" in last All-American honrs at Yale. The 6-foot-3 right· year's deal which sent Infielder Pat Tabler to the hander "has the potential to become a front-line Cubs). then shipped Caudill and pitcher Gene major league starting pitcher in the very near Cyclists will race in Mesa Speedway motorcycle ac,tion ge ts under way for the summer months at the Orange County Fairgrounds in Costa Mesa tonight. All of the regulars are expected to compete in· eluding Alan Christian, Dubb Ferrell and all the others who race at the Southern California tracks on a regular basis. This year is the one m which the world cham· pionships will be st.aged in this country at the Los Angels Col ise.um. Aug. 28. The American finals will be st.aged on a spec· iall constructed track at L ong Beach Veterans ! Stadium June 12 with four riders qualifying for I the overseas £in al in London. -------- future,'' aald Lou Gorman. the M ti' vlcl> prectdent for bueball operauona Darllna rec.Cv~ national attenUon lut •Prin8 by 1trlkina out 16 batten and pitchina U no-hit lnninaa aaaln.at St. John'a, before lOl.lng 1-0 in the 12th. lie wu 4-2 ln 13 gamea for Tulia of the Texas Leasue 1ut year with a 4.46 earned n.an average. and 63 strikeouts in 71 innings. Terrell, a1ao a Mgbty, owns a 19-10 record ln 1 ~ pro yean. Ln 1981 h e wu 15· 7 with 123 atri· keoutl ln 174 innings for Tu.laa. He and Darling will report to the Mets' Tidewater farm team In the International League. · Mazzilli batted .303 with 15 homers for the Meta in 197g and .280 with 16 homers the following seuon. But last year hi.a output plummeted to .228 and six homers. the boos drowned out the cheers - and he became expendable when the Mets acquired alu~ng outfielder Georie F0tter from CinclnnaU. t 'Maz has made aignlllcant conl.ribuUona t.o the Meta ln the past but did not figure to get much 1 pU.ying Ume with th~ club In 1981," Meta General l Manager Frank Cashen said. "That would have ..J been difficult for Mai and that inf'u'nced my decision t.o make the trade." The left-handed Rawley brings a four-year major league record of 20-31 record, 36 aves and a 3.80 ERA t.o the Yanks He was 4-6 with a 3.97 ERA and eigh t saves a year ago and w1U ~ spending l time In a bullpen already atocked with Rich Goe- sa~e and Ron Davis. , Nelson was 3-1 with a 4.85 ERA in eieht l major-league games last yt'ar and 4-0, 2.53 with f Coll,!mbus of the lnt.emational League. Caudill, a l ri~hty, has been with the Cubs for three seaaons ' with u 6-18 n..'COrd. Last year, he was 1·5, 5.83 NISSAN IS PROUD JO SPONSOR m ABC TVS TELECAST Of llif 1984 OL VMPI(. GAMES ( ·~ ... . ~ . • . ' \ \ . . • • . ~ • . • ~ Promoter-Harry Oxley I has lined up a series of appearances by top ri · ders from the Southern California circu it who I have moved into promi· nence on the European circuit. • "T"' - Bo bby Sch wartz is I scheduled to appear next I Friday night with Bruce Penhall on April 16 and Brad Oxley April 23. Oxley also rem inds I speedway fans that I prices remain the same as last season with adults admitted for $5 a nd children 6 through 12 fo r $2. Parking is free. Skiing conditions SOUTHERN CAUFORNIA Alpln• M•adow1 -2 Inches new, 4 foot base. Hol6dey HHI -48 to 84 Inches. f\Jll ooerat1on. Krallra Aldg• -5 10 6 foot l>eM. all liht operating Movni.fn H'911 -48 IO 8'4 ln-1 chM, lull operation. lilt. 8akfy -Opening today. Mt. Wat•rman -12 inches new, 5 to 6 foot t>ue 1111 Otffn Vall•J -Opening for weekend Slllrl•J M•adowe -Opening forllMekend. - Ski Sunrlee -Opening today. Snow ForHI -Opening for weekend. lnow Summit -2 Inches new. 44 to M Inch bue. lull ope<etlOn lnow v .. 1e, -1 foot new. 8'4 10 102 Inch bue. 2 ""· <>P«lllng I SIERRA NEVADA ~ Pertl -closed luger Bowl -2'1\ leet new. 18-35 !Ml base, powder groomed 10 ptcll powder, two double chair• and one eurlaoe. . North llllr -2 18111 new. 7 -13 feet b .... operl powder, 7-8 llltt HofMwood -ck>Md • ..... v..., -8.200 cloHd 6.20(> l•I, 1th l•I MW, bue 5'.11 feet, powder and gtoomed, three Ohelra and one eurlace llft "-""'1 v..., -4 leet new. 10'.4 leet bale, powdef, 1ram af'\d 18 11111. _, lnc:ttna -no report lilt. "°99 -no report. IEdto lummlt -cioMd 9edger p--cloMd CUfTRAL CALWOfMA ...,_ltl Mountain -3 leet -· 15'A !Mt baM, deep powder. packed powder. one T ·b•r and four CheW8. MM~ -no repon C...,__ -no~. Art Show Huntington Center dally thru Sun. . • FREE OFFER "Datsun Guide to Bootstrap Busmffies." Ps,ck. up yours from ~ny Datsun dealer or send Sl check or money order to cover postage and handling to: Datsun Guide to Bootstrap Businef.S4!s, PO Box 10799-A. Des Moines. Iowa 50340 Allow 6 weeks for delivery Prcicllct Df llSSAI •MSED ON THE OIFFERENCE IETWEEN MANUFACTURER'S SUGG ES TEO RETAIL ~ICE OF OPnOftlS NltCHASEO SEW.RATEL YAND AS AN MV1' MCKAGE. MICES INCLUDE DISCOUNTS BY MANUFACTtJRElt A.NO MRnCIMT1NG DEALERS, MD EXCLUOE TAXES -- , t . • . . l • I l • • c c ' l ' I l I t t • • l . I REDWOOD IXl-M f1 775-1491 1eeoe~s. HARBOR DECKING ........... c..... T9't .. illlflllltf,._.I fOIU~ltllJ.al.. Wllal ~Mid of t11monmtnt do you wotl btlt ln How do yow "'''' to 01Mr1 f' AltMI OM ot lout MWOftl In Alli~ ..... , ....... , ......... .,..,1 I ~"""·.,..1• .._. .. ..._._..n ....... lttdl • 7:00PJIA O:OGPJI. -fU:at ......... ............... ICU ~· (714)640-1261 Orange Oout DAtLY PILOT /Frtday. April 2, 188 Kids! Free! Puppet Show Mltchd Marlonett. tMoi9' In the Huntlr19t°'1 Cent• moll dolly 'tll Eoater. W Mkdoy•1 '· 2130, 4' & 7130, Sot./Sun. ot 1, 2, 3 & 4. Alto chick hotchwy and foster Bunny photo1. A BEAUTIFUL BUY OUR 1982 CIMARRON ~· . '1CTITIOUl•U ... ll MA• ITATPllMT ITAnMIMT Of' wmtDlllAWAL ~ 9Ut1M1M RIOlll flAltTMI..... ....-ITATUmlfT TM lonowtno P«MNI ta OOlnO l>ulli-.. ONAATlMQ ~ l'ICTn'IOUI Tl>e rottowtno .,.._,..,. dolnlJ but!• 94.1 ... 11 NAMI ,_'"' Thi IOlloWlnQ P«11011 .... wl\l\dr9W11 • DESERT ENTERPRISES, 1201 We.I L.a ITA~O#Aa~llT 0# UH 0# ACTITIOUI 9UllNlll ..... The lolloWlna I* IO<ll hive ebanclor>ed Ille UM ot \ ... J~ut!oul ~ """"' KEYSTONE RE.ALTY, M12 WMtmln1t., ,.,,.,,..., WMl,,,....I.,. Cel~ornl• 92663 The l'ICllUO<lt &u ...... 1 H.,,,. ,,..,,eel P T L ENOINEERINO. 2642 South F-. Senti Ana, c.Mlomll 92704. I gelllr81 P811..., hom lht p1t1.-llllp \IN A-. S\llte 900, 0rln(ll, C81110t· -•Ung under the llCllllOUI -1 ....... 92'11. MlcinMI Wltllem PlalO, 2306 Wit-. &Mt• Ana. C.lornle t2704 • Thi• 1>u11Me1 It condueled by an ln- -o1 THE STOCKAOOM .. tlt3......... WlllltM Ii. 0.let"'l!Mf, Jr . Trv1tM ol A ... Cott•""-· CA 9M27 the O.teonlllet ln11< lllvot TrU11 d•led TM llc:111iou. ~ nerne lie.-Ap1I 27, 11111. ISS UC10 PWli Wey. W..-dM<luel M-W Pl610 lot tM Pltlnenlllj> -lllecl on~ 4, -1 8-ch, Ce111orn11 121$3. 10 •-wu 1ttee1 "'°'""II" County on Miil' 11, 1977 Thll tt•••m•nl wa1 fll•d •llh the ~~_!2thl Coun1y ol 0rlnQI NO Johll W. Heft9ell\, Tr-ol me HM-Coun1y Cllrtc ol OrlnQI Couftly on -tF.....,. glilll lnl., vi-Tru91, daleel Au(jull 9, 17 tM2 _. --Mdl-. ol""' Pw90ll 1179. 11Mt 8-:Nnont. a.nc. Ana, C• · ,.._ Wtth4rewtnv ""*la Klftg. 1ff31 E~ 11orn1a 12105. P111>ll1heo Orange Cout Delly Piiot. wood ~. ~ llMl:h. C.A 92841, JoM W HlftOMll M11Qh 19, M April 2. t IH2 l186-t2 Phytlll l(lnlJ • Truelee , • -Publl1heG Or~ Cout Delly Piiot. Thie ttei.m1n1 wu 11110 with th• PlllJC ~ Mire!\ 21. ,.,,... 2, t, I&. IM2 1420-82 Coun1y 0.... o1 Otenge Couftly on MllCll 30, 1M2 ...... I( .... Jlf'l·MOr Cotp . • Celffomll -pOtellon, Ml2 W11tmllla1-A..-. WMtmrul•. C..aKornuo 9?613 TNI bu-w• c:oncluCleel l>V a cor • p0ratlOll J11n Mor Coll> ,,_ BefMl('I. Pt-t tfOTICE Of' NOM-MPONUM.J'TY Nbllct 11 htrtby given 111•1 111• unde<algntd wtll not bt rMC>OOliblt , for any dtbll or Uablllt'" c:ontrac:- ttd by anyone 0111tt 11\tn myMlf, on or alter this dttt .__,. .. "-....... ,............, NOTICa Of' SAU =-..:.::~=-·°"" CWMAL.~'N ...._.-.ca-AT ....VATE SALE ,,_. No. A'°""7 P11lllt.hecl Orange CoHI Dally PllOI. In the ~ Coult of the State "e<t 2• t, ll, 23, tM2 1~ Thte 1ta1emeftl ••• tll•d wit~ 1111 Coudty 011ttt ol 9' 8"91 Coootv on M• di 24, IM2 ,..,... Publlahwd O••"il• CoHt Delly Pilot. M-29. Ap<'I 7 t. 1$, 1912 f37CM2 MOTICaO# T'llUflD'I IAU T.L .... 74,_.. Dated 11111 25111 dey or Maren, 11182. 01 Calttomla. 1n end lot the County of Orenge in the Maller of the Ea- tat• of JOYCE BE,.NETT MAX· WELL. akt JOYCE B. MAXWELL. o.oe..ed 1 OEl MAR MAHAOfa«NT CORP H d111)' eppotnled TruatM Ul\d« tn. tollo· wlllO ~ -Of trual WILWIELl .Al l>VeUC AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST lllDOER FOR CA8H (Jlaya~ 11 II""' ot NII In ......,. money ol t .... UftOed Stet•) ell rlghl, 11111 -Int.,... oon.eyecl lo end now 1-by It -Miid Oeecl ol Tt\191 In ' - Publlahed Orange CoHI Dally Notice 11 hereby given tl11t the Piiot. March 26, 27, Ap<l4 2. 19'!2 undtt'aigntd Wiii stll at Prlvltt lalt, __________ ,_409-__ 82 10 .... hlghHt Ind btlt bidder, PUIUC MOOCE au1>jec1 19 confirmation ol u ld Superior Coon, on or 1fte< the 5111 ----------, ~--day of April. 19412, at the otnoe of mrmou• llU..... NORMAN s. BERLINER, 330 Sou111 ..... llA'f'li.MT Minion Rotd. LOI Angeles, C1ll- TN r~ penon 11 doing 1>u-fornla 90033, County of Loa An-.. geies. Sl8te of Ctllfornle. all the P.ACIFIC MARKETl..0 AND SUPPL y right. 1111• and Interest of Mid d•-COMPANY. 143 C 21tl Str .. I, Oo11a OM.std at lht tlmfl of dMlh and aU MeM..i1?i:"!:~~~~. 143 C 2111 St . tilt right. title tnd lnlertll thtl the Cotla Meu Cliltlomlt '"27 tlltte of NICI o-ted l1M acqul-' Thlt bu11;,. .. 11 COl'dUC1ed by •n In-red by operetlon of lew Of other- -wl1t. other then or In addition 10 Mlllt M -that of Mid dtctued. ti the tlmt of Thta ttetem1n1 w11 r111d wllh tft• dltth. In tnd to ti the cert.In rt9I County Clef-OI O•an99 County Oii Fe-propwty tlluattd In Or.nge County. btuery tt, 11182 ,_... Stele of California. pertlc:ulatty c:t.- Pubtllftec! Or1119• Cout Delly l"llot, ICflbtd u IOllowa: lo-wit: Mlt Ill. 26, /l,lJI 2 9. 1912 13n-t2 follows: le>-.it: NOTICE INVl'TINQ. a>a Notic. .. lltttby gl'*' thll the Boatd of Trust-ol the Huntlno- 100 BMch Union High School Di- strict wlll receive Haled blda for supplying Athlellc Equipment & SuppHes mM11ng or equal 10 the epeelllcellons on IUe In 11'11 office of Mid Otatrk:t . Bids •hall be cleuly marked "Alhlellc E~ulpment & Suppllta. Bid No. 488 '. addrellStd to Allyn E. Rowley. Purcht1lng Man1ger, Huntington Buch Union High School Dl1trlcl, 10251 Yo1ktown Ave .. Huntington Beach. CA 112&441. and rtcelYed ti or btfor• 2:00 pm .. Monday, Ap<H 12, 11182, ti Whk::h time end~ bldl w\H be publlcly °'**' and rMd. Each bid lhell l'9maln vtlld lot • ptf'lod of 30 day. etttf th• d1te epedlltd lot the rtotlpt of blda.. \11Reu~~QP:'llahx•~~:,!!~od:~t'!0::d REOIN.A M 8ACA BENEFICIARY MERIT HOME LOAN CORP Rec:orc!IO J.,,..ary 30, 1981 u ont1r Ho 3'1941 lft book t313t, pege 1942 01 Ofll· ~ .. Recor'dl In ..... °"'°" ot the Recor<Mt or Orange Counl)'. Mid -ot lruot ci.. ocn-lhl IOl!owlna pr~ l01 27 ol lrect 1"233, II pet m~ rec:· ordecl tn t>oot. 713. P-o-il. U , 75 end 21 ol mt~~ .... !hi otb ol thl county-'* ot MICI couniy •5t2 Rlf'IC:llll<OW om., tMnl, CA 917 1• "(II a .,, ... eddreu OI common de IOIJMUOll II .,_ -"° wwranty • 11l••n •• 10 1u comoleleneu or correct,_)" r NU~ -.. t-c'nTIOUS-.USllll-U Lot Ill of Trtcl No. e&4 t ec;c;or- dlng to the map thereof rtc:Ofdtd In Book 251. Paget 11to13. lnelu9lw. of MltOtllantOul Mape. In U. offloe of 1ne County Recorder o f uld County. The Boerd of Trust-ltltl be th• t ole judge or Ill• quellly or equipment olftftd end rHerVH me 11g111 to rtjtct 8ny or alt bid• and to waive eny lrregularlty ,,,._ rein. The D•n•llctery under H id Deed ol Truo1, by ,_ ol e DfMCll Ot ~ In the ~Uonl MCUleel 1Mr9by, WetO-IOfl ••ecvled and dell•lfed 10 tlll u<>-~ • _,., Dec:lllalton ol 1>14...it -0...-lor s-. """ -11111n r>Otlcl OI brMCh -ol etec:Hon to CIUM I ... ..,_o!Ot*' 10 ... Miid p<-1Y lo Ut· 181\o ...., obtlll•llOl\I, end tlllrMlter .... 1 11-'Ma STATIMlllT f Tll• to11owln11 P•"o" h dolftl tlo#llMH M I HYATT CUSTOM ORAPEIUES, 1M P~Oduclloft PIKI, Newport BH <h. ~•lllorftll """° Gr19 o Hy.ti, naot s.r.... u. .... HufttiftglOft llM<h. Cltlfor"41 f1M6 Commonly known by street and number H 28701 Lt Sierra Or . Mlu lon Viejo. Catllornla 112675. Property conl81ns a alnglt-lemlly l10mt /a/ Allyn E. Rowley PUfchuing Manager Dated Match 25, t982 Published OranQt Coal! 01Uy >ilol M"' M . AP' 2 f9a2 138t·l2 uo~lecl -Mkl -OI cw...,,. Incl ol 4"1c110n to be ,__ Deoeonbel 10 ttl 1 u 1n1tr No 1021 In book 1•319. 0111• lt$7. ol H id omc1e1 R•· cord• Said 111• will bl "'ed•. but without CO¥*\Mt or w .. .,,1y. --or 1mp11ec1 r911ardlll1J lllle. 00 ... lllOll, Or l ftCU"'- bfencel, to C>IY the rem~ Pl'lnell* .....,, ol l'1e l\CM.i1) _..,eel by NIO 0.0 ~. This llUllMH 11 c-ted by Ill I ftd I v )"\'!I Gr'IQ 0 . Hy.it Tllll JIM-1 WM Iii.cl with t ... CouftlY c ... 11 °' o.-c .... ntv on lllUrch tO, ltlt Ll~l"OU>, HINDR•toM AllD DIMSMOC>tt Th~ estate 11 Mlllng Its ~ lnler .. 1 slmulleneously with the sale or tht Othef 'It Inter"! by Ille ESTATE OF THOMAS MORNINGTON MAX- WELL. alto known .. THOMAS M MAXWELL, Oec:ta1td, Or1ngt County Superior Court Cue No. A103,688 MN 8087• ol Trull, with 1nt1r111 H tn H id not• pro•ld11d, ad .. JICCff. If •"Y· Uftdlr 111• NOTICE OF DEATH OF ::::'~~°:':~~=!9!;.i":'°~ MAZIE SCHNABEL DE LA 1rva11 or-ee1 ~Niel o.o o1 rru11_ PLANTE, aka MAZIE DE ,=:."::o'°:M.et'1:c~~ LA PLANTE AND OF .,.,,.,_totlle Cl'<!G etnt.,~.>00 P E T l T I 0 N TO A D M I EHt C111pm1n .Avenue, In th• Clty ol ........ " ....... •lntlM..,_, Stltte111 c..t• ...._ca ft6IJ Terms o l ••I• cash In lawful money of the United Statea on conflrmellon ol ult. or pert c11h and btlance tvtdtnced by nQle se- ,.1__, cured by Monegage or Trusl Deed Publl......, Or-Coe1t o111v Pltot. on the properly so sold. Ten per N l ST E R E ST A T E NO , °'r.T..-~~ o1 1hl lft1t1et p.Jb1tcat1on 01 A· 11 %834 lhlt -lot ..... tOlal ""'°""' of the IMlj)eld Mer n . "· 2'. Ai>t.1. 1t11 11-cent of amount bid to be d99<>11ttd To all -heu"S, beneficiaries, ~ci!!c.":'-~io:, :*'-by.!.': creditors and cont ingent »"~~Ti··-· --• creditors of Mazie Schnabel To dlt•rntne.,.. _.,in; bid. }'Oii iN) De La Plante and persona Cit! 11 1•tt37-0lllMI will! bid. Bid• or otfeB to be In wntlnQ and ' will bt rtcelYed •I the elor...Jd of-=~---.... ---------..... llct at any time •lier the 11111 pu-... -bllulk>n hereof and before dete of _ DllL Mar"1 ll. t912. w ho ma y b e o t h e r w 1 s e DEL MAR NOTICE Of SALE salt °!T~~o:.I' 19~;."d thlt 23rd day of March, interested m the will and/or ~·.:n~:.:. CORP es ta I.e. By T 0 SERVICE No. A1ot,MI NOMIAM a. KRUNElt A pe1111o n has been filed COMPANY 8119"1 • By llld<• J Anclriclgl, In ll1t aupttlor Court ol th• becutor of h UTATE Of' SIMt of ~ In and lot "'9 JOYCE HNNETT MAICWELL. DE-by Jack Schnabel 1n the _.,,. S-eterv ~ of Lot......... ~AND In lht Mt tltt of the Ellett of NOM1AH a. ~ Superior Court of Orange OM Ct1Y 8lvd. W•t County r~uesting that Jack 171~:ti2~ mea THOMAS MO"NINOTON MAX· Attemey mt L.-w well,'"' THOMA• M. MAX --._.....,.. M. Schnabel be appointed as Pubt11111C1 Or•ftll• CoH • Delly Pili1. M11ch 19 26. Afl'M 2. 11112 Will, DN11ttd Loe ....... C... IOOa Nollet 11 hereby given thll tht (111> ...-. personal representative to 1m..a administer the estate of Ma------------ undenlgntd wtll Mii II Prlvll• Nit. Publllhtd Orange COHI Dally to Ille hlgheat •nd bHt bidder. Piiot. March 28. 27, Ap<14 2. 11182 1ubJt c1 to conflrmellon of u ld \425-412 de Schnabel De La Planle (under the Independent Ad- Superior Coon, on or alter the 5111 dey of A.pr II, 11182, et the office of NORMAN S BERLINER. 330 South Ml11lon Rotd, LOI AngtlH, Ctll· tornla 90033, County Of LOI An· gelH, Sl818 ol C1lllom1e, all 111• right 1111• end lnttfttl ol uld ~ ONstd 11 the time of dlttll end ell IM right, tlltt end Int-• that the Ml•I• of 1tkl Otceastd "" ecqul-rtd by operation of ltw or other-wlH , other than or In addition to that or Mid dtcNltd. et tilt tll'l'M o1 dNth. In end to alt the oerteln real property tllua.tt In tilt County ol Oreng•. Stat• of Callfornla, p1n1- cu1ar1y dttcllbed .. tollowt, IO-wft; Lot 111 of Tract No. ff.t1 9CCor· ding to tilt map thtrtol reaofdtd In Book 251, Ptget 11 to13, lnduMw. Of MltlOtllantoue Mape. In Ille oftloe ot th• County Rtcordt r of 11td County. Commonly known by 1tr"1 and number" 28701 La Slerre Or .• M1Nk111 Viejo. Ctlllornla 92t75. Propwty conttlna • tlngl9-ttmlly hOll'le-"* ........ ""'""Ila i. lnleretl tllmUllaneouillY with the .... of lht o1Mr 'A lnweet by the ESTATE OF JOYCE HNN£T'f MAXWELL, alee> known 11 JOYCE 8 MAXWELL, °"' 1111 d. Orenge County S<lpetlor, Cour1 c... No .• t03.ff1 • Tttin• of 111• c••h In l1wlul mon•l' ol tllt United Statt1 on OOftf\tm&tlon ol Nie, °' 1>9" ciaen and '*"'°' e>MllM>ad by not. -cur.ct by Mortg• 0( T fUlt Deed on tll• Pfoperfy eo eold. Ten,., oent of 111'\0Unl bid to be dlPOll*' with bid. Wiii bt l'90llWd a1 fM of• llldt °' offert to bt "'1aanel • noe at 111~ time '"., t flflt pv. bllcll11on tilreof !Ind ~ dlte °' ..... Oa1td 11111 Hrd dar ot MarClll, , .. 2. Dar 1 .._ ....... =--=-~., .... we~CA- ct:!ltt1Mit onnoe Co.tt oany ...... Mllftfl M. tJ, i\Pf'fl I. , ...... ' • .. ministration of Eetatn Act) 1- The petition Is set for hea-llOTICI ,': 1:"~' IALI ring in Dept. No. 3 at 700 On April 9, t912, et t·1& "M .. llt1• STAffMIMT Ofl Civic Center Drive, West, in W-. inc · ea duty llPl>Olnteel Tru11• AUNDC*MRMTOP under •nd purtueftt lo DH d or lru11 uwo" fltCTtTious the City of Santa Ana. Cali-·--Fet>ruety 21. 1911, .. '"'' Ho •utiMUIMA#I fomla on April 28, 1982 at :125&4."' -13"3 e>eoe 10. o1 Olfk:lel Reoorda 1n ,.,. omce o1 ,.,. eou..1y Aec- T Ill fottowl"ll Pl<SOIU lllVI 9:30 a.m . Older ol Orenge eo-11. Cellfom4•, Will abolndeftld tN use of -llctlt!ow IF YOU OBJECT th SELL AT PUeLIC .AUCT10H TO HIGHE81 lllUSl"ftl -HYATT DRAPERIES, . to e 81DOER FOR CASH. CASHIER'S CHECK .... P~lon PllU .... wport BM<h. granting of the petition, you OR ClRTIFIEO CHECK. (Ptyabll •• 11rM C•~'::"'~::im~u• 1,.,.111 ... neme should either appear at the ~:.~:~~ ~7 ::-r,~:.,.~~~r~~! ::,~·= ,..ferrl4 10 wn 11114 In couMv on h earing lllld state your ob-0•8"~ County Cou•thouM. 1oca1..i on .t-1"77 jeclions or file written o b -Senta An• BJvd., betwHn Syeemo•e ••tty E. Hyatt, P.o . kw ,..,., W-tfona with the cour t be ~. 1rf: ~~ s.tt=::a .--toea._ .. llltftne•• ~. 1....,..-s. ~--. .,,... • ... ··--· c;,... o. Hy.tt, 22001 s-1. ..... fore the hearing. You r ap-f'<iw ~tr 11 llllCltl Miki o1rn.t1n HuMlfttltn 9eldl, c:eotornl• .,.._ .-a ran-may be In ,...._ ... n .,,. P<OCWIY .._.., 111 Mid c-tf -' Tlllt """"*' •• ~ 11tY -r -~.. r -•....., 11818 ~ • 1"411Y.__..: or by your at torney. I.All .,°' -NO. '922."' 1111 Olly°' eee, e . Hy•tt IF YOU ARE A CREDI-~ ~.!' .= :.-eo: This .......... WM fileotl ........ TOR ti t --'J 114, , .... ~041' ol Mleoetl-• c:°""'' c1er11 of Or8fl99 c...,..., on or a con ngen "'~ -.._.111111e a111o1oi1111 c-.ty ...__ Merch 10, 1wt. tor of the deceued, you must OI -c-,. DCEl"TIHO THlMRIOM "'"' file your c I a Im w I th the :::-_:. !:" ,::'!,O::. ':., "'"':: o~:!:'d· H•"d•r••" •nd court o r present It to the 1Md.11U1wtt110u•t1011101on1ry11>U11 T-•.111 11 ..,,,, per.anal repretentatlve ap-:':'•-:::oe:.:'O:.:i=: ... ~~·;:i~n• pointed by the court within LMld.,__..~,_,...,.., c.... ..-. C. . ..a four months from the date or ~ .:::.' :,:4';n 'o;.=., In l'vl>t~ Dr-. Coe• o.11y Pi .... l lret !nuance of letter• a1 Tru11or or r1eorc1 ow11tt· l.tw'rtfte<t Mlrch 11• It, i. . .ir..ru i. tm. II...., provided In section 700 or Elclflweld,. ---Thlflrwt~&l\d--- tbe probate code of C..Ufor -tlttltll8l1011.11 eny,o1111e,... ':.:°""~ P9lJC 1111( ---J nla . The time for f llln1 e:::'e~=c'~m~ claims will not explre pr1ot The _.__, """"' ~ ~ e-oM ~"::1•~1.":'•' .. ~'F 1 14 ~to four months from the dale :::.':.a.W:.::*'CO::::-~ CUH•NCY ,,_., '**""*'' of of the hearing noticed •bc>'(e. .,,.,, ---· .... U"lllfd ........ WMNntton, O.c;. lald H ie will lie "'eel•. but wll~0\11 .,.... MltllfkttfY ••Mione• llM u _. • ..,.,,iy, --Of......., Mtfl .,...... "t111 c.,,..,....,. °" YO MAY EXAMINE , .. .,•1110 t111e. po-1011, or ellClu"" 1111 C11rr•"o '"'' "tNt£•1111 •he ••Je kept by th-cow1 lf 1w-.topeyt11ewnplld.,.......,.,,. CA"'•n•ANd Nl'TIONAL ••Nit"' • ... "' . nole(~) ~..,by Mid DMd ot trv.i. **" 111 ... J-c.i•t-"* you ·are Interested In the "" 19-Wit. "2MJ.64, lnCllodlnl • P"""°9d flf cetlfemlt • .._ _... ... wn.. e11 tate, you may file • requemt :::''))f"°.:'b:*:r.\! ~ "':::: ,,.., • ..,..,.,..tt...,...~tMUlllMlf with l h e cou r t to receive ~----°'"" Tniac:.. lftd otiN = :" .,.:.::. c:":!:...-?: ls>fClal notice ol the lnv.n-"'fM =o~r~n=-1:.J'O':tci ot ""h.-. •.,_Int" 1 ......... 1 tory o f e1tate a n d of the TNll........,. _.., 11111........,. ._..,.,. MMtJMltft. ..,.Utlona accountl and ro· '° 118 ... .....,...,. •""""' '*""'"'"' -· ..,......,J _.., Uftllr tMt r-' Of ~ W '*"""' tor hit, Md I 1111 ,.,...,. 11em1d tt11ctat1•" 1 poru detc-l'lbed In Section """'811 ...._ flf oe.... -lllllell8ll" Mll9rl• .. •-• ......._ 1200.~ o r the California ~o=,."':z=..•.-:.-:.::: tf NM:: "' e Neta.Ml ·--~ Probate Coae.. __, 111 t111 ~ w11t19 ._ ,_. -A~::' ... ,_., _..., wkMM "'' J ..... P. ~ta "'t"~-. .... mu tltMN,.. __ .. flffk•"'''"""Y .......,.1 >..,..,see. • llflYIC8, ~-== .. _ .. o.c-lllr ,..,, Sata M.mc. Oa. Mtll leMa ....... CA llCMOI, ttl. .,..,.._ "'°"""E ~ Cl ll ) ••• • .. -· OMe . ...,. ,., "" ""'-C10 ........ 1 • 11 I ,,_a-........-. ., .. c__... .J>.u.bllt~ Or•nfi Coatt .... ,.-..... • ....... O .. C:...o.llTl"lllC; itr~~ ,..., u." -. MtoOI $. u " .._Dally Pilot, Aprl l, 2, f , ,..,......._ Or91191'~ DtlllrNM • ""'"·'·. . ,..... 18182 1:!08-82 .... '!· .. .-1.,... ID.a • J Citizen s Bank promotio ns told Palse V. Slmp10D, president, hu announced three ma.nasement promotlona at Citizena Bank of Cost.a Mesa. Appointed to the position of aenior vice president are Keuetb Donabae a nd Robert Uccl- lerrt. At the same time, E. William Patterson, 11, vice president, wae named manager of the main office in C.O.ta Mesa. Stanley Wilson has joined Forsythe Adverti- sing. lnc., of Newport Beach, as account supervisor. Tlmotby K. Gonwez, 25, of Culver City, has been promoted to senior economist and mana~er of the Orange County office of Williarna-Kuebelbeck & Associates, Inc. (WK&A), real estate, economic, financial and management consulting firm . Richard M. (Rick) Stonemaa, who has res- ponsibilitie1 directing planning e fforts near Houston and in Ontario and Irvine, has been pro- moted to associate by the Irvine-based planning firm of PhUJlps Brandt Reddick (PBR). Brigbt has been named public relations inat0r at Crowell McKay Advertising/Public lalions in Irvine. president Ann Crowell has an- nounced. ~ Mark B. Jorgensen has been named director of public relations and advertising for the ITT Com- ponents Group and ITT Cannon worldwide, accor- ding to W.J. Clark, vice president of marketing and business development for ITT· Cannon-North America, headquartered in Fountain Valley. Robert Madsen has been named general ma- nager of Gorda Liz restaurant in Newport Beach_ James K. Voegtlin bas been elected president OVER THE COUNTER NASO LISTINGS of Benefic,.I Administration Company, Inc. of Newport Beach, ~wrdlng to Donald R. Lawreu, ch.amnan of BEST Plan Companlet, Inc .. parent. of Beneficial Admlnlstratlon. Donald A. Mlller, president of Marine Nation.al Bank, has announced the appoint.men\ of Oavld F. Popp as vice presidenUbusinE!illl development. Grace Restaurant Company has announced the appoinunent of Ani ta Howry of Costa Mesa, to the position of manager of field trauung. Her responsi- bilities include initiating and conducting manage- ment training programs in various Far W est Ser- vjoes and JOjos restaurant locatiorus R ay Wa lke r has bee n promoted to vice president-operauons for Western Offshore Drilling and Exploration Co (WODECO), an operating division of Fluor Drtlhng Services Inc .. of Irvine. Santa Ana First Federal Savings and Loan has appointed J erry Mezerow of Anaheim as branch manager of the association's Tustin omce. Mission Viejo r~sident Jay Ownby has been elected vice president of sales at Statek Corporation located in Orange. Statek is a subsidiary of giant Swiss conglomerate ASU A.G . John N. Miller of Costa Mesa. now serving in Union Bank's Hong Kong representallVe offi~. has been promoted to vice president Kenne th Carlson, a vice president of City National Bank, has been named manager of the bank's Lido Village office, according to Kenneth 0 . Wenttel, Orange County regional vice president . .. ''° ,.. l.>44 J,370 " 0 71 l.o'<IO "C• UPS i..t~\,, ,ct;'l,. 11"> • l 1V• • II) ,.,. . ,., S111> • ,,,. ·~ • 1 .. ,, • 1f..J ''"' • 1' )\'• ,., 1'<1 • ..., l .. ~ .. s·~ .. "" S'I'> • "'-J'<. • ., ]li!:. .. i,, 1t1'l .. 211 91'. • 1v. t • •• . ., . " l • • .. l •• ~ ~ ,.,. • •1,, s>o ... o;v ,..,. l;, 1•;, ... I "" .,, .,. ... "" Pt1 Ut> JI S Up Jt 6 Up 2t6 Up 2t 6 Up 2t I UP 26 7 Up ZI 4 Up 200 UP 1'.0 Up '' J Up 161 UP U I Up lS • Up 15.4 U9 IS 4 Up 141 Up 14 7 Up 141 Up 14 l Vt> U l Up 141 Up t4 l Up tl J Up I) 3 UP ll 1 P<1 Oii ,, • Oii ll' Oii ?I 4 Ott ,, l Oii " ' OH 10 l Otl 9 I Oii 9' Oii 9.1 Olf •• Oft 1.3 Oii • l Off 7.1 Oii 7.7 Oii 11 Ott 1.1 ()It .~ Oii 6. • ., Oii • , ••• Oii • ) II> ()II 6) .,, Oii • 1 ,.,. Oii 6 0 I Off S9 •• Off s .. .... Off 5.9 ... Off },9 NY E COMPO ITE .TRAN ACTION ~OfATIOtft llilC"UP• 'HADlaOti , ... •H#YOll•,MIOIWHT, "AC'"' "'*· llOt~ OIJllOll ••o COICl,,..HI noc.'lt lllCMANOU AllO •lll'OllUD •Y TlH lllAlOAllO l111tt111" ' • . . • Magnin ruling upheld • ID court SAN l'RA.11CISCO (AP) -A $1.9 mlW.on a1e dlterimJnatlon dimage award to three former rietaQlna executives of l . Magnin department •tores waa upheld by the 9th U.S. Cam.alt Court of Appeala. The court rejeci.ed claims Wedrieeday by l. ~­ nln and ha par<m\ company, Federated Department Storca of Cindno.U, that there were error1 ln the jury's award o f damage8 tor breach of an lmJ>Ued agreement and Jn the inatructiona given by U.S. Df- striot Judge Robert Aguilar of San j'ranci8co. PhtUp D. Canclelller, 54; John W. Dlet.ello. 5'7, and Zelma Smith Ritter, 51>, sought $2 mlllion punitive damages each and wwpecified general damages. All were diachargcq in 1978. Continental names chief LOS ANCELF.S (AP) -In a series of executive appointments, the board of directors of Continental Airlines has elected as chalrman Frank Lorenzo, a top official in the company that i.s merging with the fi- nancially strapped airline, Continental sald. 1.Jorenzo. elected Wednesday. is president and chief executive officer of Texas Air Corp., parent company o! T~xas lnt.ematlonaJ Airlines, with which Cor;itin~n~ is. scheduled to ~rge. Lorenzo, 41, will mamt.am his tatles at Tex.as Air, the company said. B eckman eyes England 'l Beckman Instruments, Inc .. o f Fullerton, U.S.-based lnternatlonal manufacturer of process analytical and control systems, announced plam1 to establish a process control systems facility in Peter- borough, England. Ne w construction at the site will include a de- monstrataon and trainutg center, and a spare parts depot for the comparay's MV8000 Process Control System. A checkout facility for customer system ac- <.-eptance is also being established. Computer losses due Special to the Daily Pilot BOULDER, Colo. -Computer Automation lnc. said that in the face of corPtinuing softness in the economy here and abroad. 1t estimates it may lose "in excess" of $500,000 pre-tax fqr the quarter ended March 28. In addition, the company announced that steps are betng taken to reduce costs, inclu<:\ing laying off approximately 160 employees, or about 13 percent of its workforce worldwide. Computer Automation, headquartered in Boulder, maintains manufacturing facilities in Irvine, Richard· son, T exas. and Dublin, Ireland, serving its thr(-e · operating divisions. Investment mee ting set An investment symposium will be held Wednes~ day at 7 p.m. at the Inn at the Park, 1855 Soutb Harbor Blvd., Anaheim. Speakers include John Seymour, mayor of Ana- heim and past president of the California Associatl1>n of Realtors; F. Richard Shapiro, partner in charge of tax department. national accounting firm of Kenneth, Leventhal and Company; Dr. Don Valachi, and H. Bruce Hanes, president and founder of H. Bruce • Hanes, Inc .. apartment house brokers. Admission 1s free by reservation through the Santa Ana office of H . Bruce Hanes, Inc. North Main St. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES WHAT STOCKS DID NEW YOAIC IAPl """' 1 n.un. ....... A~ERICAN LEADERS GOLD COINS ~ OKllNCI ~ -~ ,..._ -~I •Mll DO HEW YOAIC MUALS (AP} 1061 m ~ um 2' 21 """' I '""" is. 1'5 1QI 757 I 10 Thurld-, "'"'J, 6G •JS 1e.5 20 ,, py..., dey J4S J71 m Tll I II COt»Pef 74'1/a-77 <*111 a povna. U.S . b lln4lllons Leed 28-32 cent•• l)OUnd. Z1nc 37-40 cen11 a l>OUll<I. delivered. Tl11 S8 5818 Met••• w.u compoalt• ~ 7&-77 cents a pound, NY Mercwy '395 00 per llaMI. ~ 1318.00 lroy 02., N.Y SILVER H1ndy & Harman, $7 .145 per lroy ounce GOLD QUOTATIONS ~ Londoftt morning fixing 1325.50, up suo. . ~ •lttmOOft fblnO $S27.00, up 17.00 . ...-~45. up 13.57. ,~ 132U7, ue 14.92. 211rlcll1 late llxlng U25.00 bid, up M.OO; S32t.OO .-.cs. HetNIJ a ...,••11: only d•lly quote 1327.00, up 17.00. •;,:-• ontr Riiy quoW '321.00 • ......... Only dtlltl quoM ~ 43.45, up *7.35. SYMBOLS ---.... -__, ...... ~---..... ---....., -----· ._.,_ .... -~ .. --1181 ....... ,~ ._ ..... .... -.. ....................... .... .,........,..,.__,.rrt11111111 .-.-.. -~ ..... -.._ ......... - ......... 9f .... "' ~-,, _.... ~ ...................... .. ..... --...... -. ......... ... ---... ---..-...... .... -,_, .. ____ _ ........ _....,._,....._ ... ifl.._..,,_r.:-- W'llie11_ .. ......,., =---..,_ .. ....____ ................... ....__ -~111111..._ .... ~-..... -............ =.::.:... ..... ----~ _ ,_,,_s::-......... . ~-···· ........... ... ............... ..,.. ......... .... ' ' CJ • l .. . -r ' .. Orange COUt DAIL v PILO~ /Ft1day, Aprll 2, 1982 " l&Ril llll TOYOTA 1 . . c. ·EARLE IKI TOYOTA 'HAS SOLD SO MANY. NEW TOYOTAs WE'RE NOW , . . OVERSTOCKED WITH LATE MODEL TRADE-INS ••• OVER 100 IN 1STOCK. DRIVE HOME IN· A GREAT DEAL ON A FULLY RECONDITIONED USED CAR & SA VEii! 1171 TIYITA OOllLU LIFTIAOI 5 apeed, J>°"' disc bfak•. AM-FM tape end a rHlly sharp end clean earl ( 159UPO). 1111 TOYOTA Cl~SSllA WAIOI 8 cyl., auto trans .• factory air con- ditioning, full power Inc. power disc braltea & power door locks, tllt, crulne & stereo cassette. ( 1CHY 180). 1110 TOYOTA CIESSllA WHOI 6 C}•I., auto. trans., factory air con- ditioning, power steering, power disc brakes and under t2.000 miles. (Ser. 011100). 1111 TOYOTA COROLLA 4 II. SEIAI Auto. trans .. factory air condlllo- nlnn. power steering, power disc braltes, AM-FM radio and low miles. (1CGE044). 1111 TIYITA oEUG& unuo1 5 speed, factory air conditioning, power disc brekea, AM-FM radio, black package end alloy wheels. (048TED). -111l"l1Ylfl OEUOI SIPIA 6 cyl., 5 speed, factory air eond., full power Incl. steering. disc brakes, windows & door locks, sunroof, tilt, cruise, alloy wheels & stereo cas- sette. (1BSZ808). • I 1111 TIYITA OIUOA LIFTIAOI 5 speed, factory air conditioning, power dltc brakes, AM-FM stereo redlo end morel (928PPF). 1111 TIYITI OllOLU Sii 5 speed, factory air conditioning. power steering, power dlec brakes, stereo ce11ette and sunroof. (1BSY724). - 1111TIYITl---i· -- CELICA SIPll 1111 tOYOTA 6 cyl., auto. trans., factory air con- ditioning, power steering, power disc brakes, power windows, AM- F M radio, lilt & alloy wheels. (933ZFW). 1110 TOYOTA TERCEL UFTl&CI cqUTj)menf l nctu(jiiT spii(fTranS.:- factory air conditioning and power disc brakes. A really sharp Carl (1AIUJ942). CELICA LIFTIACI 5 speed, factory air conditioning, pow8f steering, power disc brakes, AM-FM redlo, su1uoof, alloy wheels. shadow kit & low miles. (3<MXWX). 1110 IATSll __ U10 LIFTUCI _ SL package, 5 speed, factory air conditioning, AM-FM radio, tinted glass, custom Interior & exterior & under 8000 mites. (1AP8447). ------- 1111 llOllA ACCORD 5 s peed, power disc brakes, radio, heater, tinted glass & a•nice, eco- nomical earl (078ULD) 1111 CllEYY CUIUO IEILllmA Auto. trenamlulon, factory air cond., power steering, power disc brakes, st8feo cassette. tilt, alloys & low miles. (226WQX). # 1110 ll&Zll 121 ctlPE Automatic transmlaslon, air cond., AM-FM stereo, power disc brakes, alloy wheefa, metallic bronze finish with matching Interior & less than 15,000 miles! (18JZ435). 1111 Fiii llSTlll lllll Auto. trans., factory air cond., po- wer steering, power disc brakes, stereo cassette, tllt, cruise (188XUH). 1111 DATSUI 20011 Equipment Includes 5 speed trans., air cond., & AM-FM stereo. New metallic allv8f finish with deluxe ln- 18flor. Stylish economy. (283VCP). 1111 FOii llSTAll FlSTl&CI 4 cyt., 4 speed, power steering, po- wer disc brakes, stereo cassette, wire wtleel discs. (853VAE). BRAND NEW 1982 . TOYOTA TERCIL Fully factory equipped 2 Door Sedan. Equipment lnclUdes 1 5 ltttlf engine & a 4 speed transmisslon (404730) 48 month open eno leue Cep 0411·$4791 75· AH10u11·$2000 07; Oeprecl1llon-$2191 61; bue p1ymen1 ·S97 17$ T••·$5 83 P•• monlh. To111 P<IYf!*11•$103 00 ,,_ mon!h 0own P1Yfl*!l·$406 00 on ll>P<CMICI Gredi1 • All units sold plus tax, llcense, $20 doc. fees, plus dealer added accessories. All cars subject to prior sale. Sate ends 4-7-82. · • 1 1111 TOYITA OllHA WAlll 4 speed, factory air conditioning, power dlac brakes. radio, heater, whitewall tires and roof rack (383MPR). 1111 TIYITA OELIOA SIPU 6 cyl., auto. trans., factory air con- ditioning, full power, power disc brakes & power door locka,sunrool, tilt, crulM, alloy wheels. (1CHY028). 1111 TIYOTA OOllLU Ill Llftback. 5 speed tran1ml11lon, AM-FM stereo redlo and radial tires. Original copper metallic finish & spotless Interior. Super fuel econo- my! (042YBK). 1172 TIYOTA OllOLU SEIU Automatic trans .• radio, heater, vinyl Interior and more. Great transpor- tation earl (1'46FVZ). 1110 TOYOTA TERCEL SR& 5 speed, factory air conditioning, power disc brakes, AM-FM casset- te, black paCk&{le special & alloy wheels. (749YMP). 1111 TOYOTA CELICA LlnllCK Auto. trans .. factory air cond1tio- nlng, power disc brakes, AM-FM radio, sunroof and alloy wheels (1AQX975). 1111 TIYITA OOllLU unuo1 5 speed, factory air conditioning, POW« ateerlng. pow« disc brakes, AM-FM radio & le11 tha~.000 mlleal ( 18HK772). 1110 TOYITA CELICA SIPU 6 cyl., 5 speed, factory air conditio- ning, lull power Inc. disc brakes & door locks, AM-FM radio, Ult, crul-s e , leather & alloy wheels. (1AHM247). 1111 TOYITA STAILn SEIU Options include 5 speed transmis- sion and power disc brakes. Thia one Is fully factory equipped & gets great gas mileage (18.JD283) 1111 TOYOTA 1111 YW llESEL --cwu un11c1 -----•••ur1 WU!OL It A I ti I I I -IHW«E •• "1.lllJ... . JJ u oma c ranam 11 9n , power 4 speed laotory air conditioning 1111 llllE 5 speed, !!~~!~~es. stereo. lleerlng, power disc brakes, AM-FM rad I h t I I I I ' stereo, rear window shade kit & o , ea er . v ny . nter or. custom two tone paint. (613UXT). (017WNS). 1114 IATSUI 210Z COIPE 4 speed tranamlaalon. factory air conditioning, power brakes, AM-FM radio. Thia one has a new paint fl. nlsh. (1B2N904J. 1110 IOlll PIELllE Equipment Includes auto trans , power disc brakes, heater, stereo cassette, moon roof. ( 129ZOK). 1911 YW IUli ,. . 4 speed transmission, stereo cas-sette-, heat8f. new paint and It runs ltke newl (801DVA). 1llO llHCI REIAL VS cyl., auto. trans., factory air cond., stereo cassette. power stee- ring.power disc brakes, cab top, till wtleel & low, low miles. (1APF432). alloy wheels. custom paint & low miles (690VOX). .. 1111 FOii F-150 PICI IP 6 cyt . auto trans., power steering, power brakes, AM-FM radio, tinted glass. cus1om wheels & low miles. {1Y41087) 1111 VOLVO 242 SElll 4 cyl , auto. trans., factory air con- d11tonlng, power steering, power disc brakes. radio, heater. (883NRN) , .. BRAND NEW 1982 TOYOTA 1/2 TON PICKUP Fully factory equipped Shortbed model. Equipment includes 2 4 liter engine & a 4 speed transmission. (040432) . 1966 ttart>Or-BNd. costa MeSa ••"''ii .. .. U• I -----~~_;...;:.~:,__~~----------.-..---..--------------...-.--.-. ............. .-. .................................................... ... ·- Friday, Aprtl 2, 1992 ................................... ________________ ~ ________________ ,.. ____ _ Furniture is bought and sold every day with a classification '8050 ad. ' ~ ......... ·. ·= !!~!·!:!.~~ ....... ~~~ ........ ~.~.~ ........ 11 ...... Ferw. =~-=-• IOOJ ~ · ••••••••••u,•••••••••• CM.~ •. •. . ... .. ... = ..... I 002 GtMf'lll I 002 •••r81 I 00 .. . ....•••••••••••.•.......•.••••.•.••.•.......•......••..............•.......•......... t.IY~ '.. • •• : .... 0-.Wt = . Pl•saA ... =...a.a .. = WON'T LAST! Remodeled tradlUonal 3 tt=c. .. . . ::: bdrm, den, 3 bath, reduced to $385,000. =.!;ti . · · ·:: Xlnt' Terms. = ===·--,.. °""~ .: West Bay bayfront. Slips for 2 boats, re· ::: =-·· . .. -modeled 3 bdrm, 3 bath $1,200,000. =~·=· .: 1• t:.?.°="..t:i., .... = :: ~J'....Hlri.a-= :: •ATS&M- 1• -:: £91100 1• =~-·i.nlte :: ........... 1:4o1, .. ........... .. •IO -.. -1• ........ a.n.. 1• ..... ..... --:===~ ., ... --- Jiii -mt ------JM ----... WI ... TUllSPtlTATIOtl AlrtnJ\ =~··­=-~s-i..o· .... 1t .. ,Se111lleM Trallon,Tr•• .. =~i""' AITMlllE 0-.al . .. . 11&10 ~/Cluaio -=V••ln -... .... '5IO • o.,... - Trwu -v-. •11 AIM~. --·-· .. -AITIS.•POITEJ 0..-.. u.--. A. .. -lteti.y ..... ~ DoU.... ,.,.,.,... l'l.i -,,....., ,_ llw-ucw \..J.. .. .')' -... ..__._ llC •o• SOYICES s.n-o...rt.., DlftlYIOO & PIEPUATlh ~II-'""'-·· . Nolf•-•• , MlJCIWfW .. --.. .. -- EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY w.., ...... : All-real estate ad· vertis ed in thi s newspa~r is subject to the Federal Fair Hous· ing Act of 1968 whacb makes it Illegal to ad· °'"' , ........ ,... ... ,.._.. -...... , .. .... ~· t1::,. . v-..... v .... ~ForWt ----"1S .•11 -~ .., --., -. ----·-ml --llllt ·---- ••••••••••••••••••••••• ._... 100 ••••••••••••••••••••••• HERE'S YOUR Y~i~~~~e! Charm. F.ngliab judor style, love!)' tree lined street . Pride of o w n e r s h i p neighbo111ood. And, as· swne $74,000 loan. Full price on this 3 Bdrm 2 beth doU house is only 1118.~ Call 646-7171 THE REAL ESTATERS I vert.iae "any preference, limitation , or dis· f..W.eatte. crimination baaed on 2 Bami·2aa~·nu"'crpt, race, color. rellglcm. patio cover~ garage. sex, or 11ational ongin, Asume eXJStanJ flnanc· 1 or an intention to make Ing and OWC With Sf!la ti l any such preference, down . Full price limitation or dis· 1 SllJ,500.631-1370 cri m.inatloo. '1 I This newspaper will not knowin,ly accept any adverttaang for real 1 estate which is in viola· TR\DITIO\,\l ~I \11\ tionolthelaw. • BllOIS: ActYttifNn ..... ca..dl ........ .., .... ,..,.,. .... ,..._~.Tiit DAl.Y PILOT•-• ....., for ... ftnt MOYE UP TO Exd~~!ntlal aru of successful ex· ecutlves and their famiDes. Thia beautiful and apacfous 4 Bdrm home Olfen low Interest mumable loant and is priced at oo.lY $289.900. lacorrtct l1Hrtloa ,...,. _______ _, .Cfllnow! M&-?171 Always a sale In cluellied·~•d the ads every day. "2-5678 THE :REAL IEsTATERsl ...,__ ---- ,,..... tllf• •O! ·-•11111 ... .. ,... ..~ ...... , .. !5:. iF ..... .,.. ~= '~:.. ·.~ ,._ ._ · n1- ...... H ...... .... --·-1110.. .,.. ,,_ :=. == =::. == ... : .. """ == Ir 1= 5-: ii ~ Ocean & jetty viewa. Marine room. 4 bdnn. 3 bath, 3700 tq.ft $1,385,000. UM Ill.I 11111 Prime Lldo Nord bayfront. 5 bdrm. 5 bath . Lge L.R. 2 boat slips $1,500,000. Remodeled 3 bdrm, 2 bath + large rec. rm. beam ceilings, furnished. $420,000. LmA ISLE UfflllT Lagoon view from 6 bdrm, 5 bath, play· room, dark rm, den. $1 ,350,000! UYlllE om Spectacular bayfront view 4 bdrm, 4 bath, 2 boat slips $1,900,000. 110 YllTll 1111• YIUI Ne w French Normandy 4 bdrm, 4 bath, guest house, pool. $795,000. 11111111 UIS Coronado lsld cust. bayfront lot. 85! boat dock. Plans avail $425,000 w/tenns. BILL GRUNDY. REALTOR !l "-Y· I· U•" '• ~ bl) llit>l MARllll UYFlllTI NII l1thtr1ttt4 "'" .._lttmt1t" ri•• fr•• ............... M9t .... lllpktet ..... .., ...... ,...... ...... , ... iffttlH 114 H,.tlally ltr&I l=:a,ree•, ................. ~. ,... .............................. ............. .,......... .... .. • ""..e.t•..., ............... .. ,,.,..,r S1 ..... IMWts 1114. Ul· 1411. WATERFRONT HOMES, INC. REAL ESTA TE Salr.. R...,. .... p,_,V ~· 2G W Co.6t Hwv 31~ M.nrw Ave N«wport Buch IW>cl<l ltltnd Ul-14M 67Uttl RESIO£NTIAl REAl ESTATE SERVICES WILi Tl 111 II.Ill Unusual contemporary home with bea- med celllngs & skylights. 2 BR. + Den. 31..i Baths. In excellent condition. Take over loan. $395,000. Fee. IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 .... ...... Wll/.,,.. • &ILi Only $12,000 Down. Large Assumable Loan With 30 Year Axed Rate. Owner Will Carry Large 2nd T.O. At Low Inte- rest. Lovely 3 BR End Unit W /Wrap Around Patio On Lush Grt~enbelt. Im· mediate PosseHlon. Only $210,000. Sally Shlpley's listing. @l U C.,!~~ --~ ......... ,, ... .,..c..- ':::' ~\\4llA-££~S' :: _,"'OAT L POMM----- • ............... fA ... ._.........,_. ... ..................... t A N 8 I s I ' _ I I I r · I c::II!ill : flOC*Y cett. Now,. • lfll'te ,..LIJ...,UJ _____ .,. .._.. fOlrlf OM ~loll I DARE AP JetldOMwtlllloalrlf-· . I r I I r. ·~.:-:-..~~ . .... ........... ! .... •r.~r r r r r r r 1 Wi2JJ lJ.llQ 11111 UllW -11111llTI .,,...,.. 6 acre Mediterranean ESTATE. Manicured Gardens. Roman stone ter~aces and stone walls. 8000 tq ft two-atory residence, Wine cellar, teparate stone STUDIO, two GUEST HOUSES, greenhouse. Private well. A FAMILY HOME. Brochure available on request. IUllTWLTll IOl/HMl44 ll 1:s1.1.,y \: ~YLOR CO IU:t\!.TOHS -,111t1 !~H I • UIYtl IUAllHI SlMAM Beaut. 4 bdrms. Fam rm wlfireplace, for- mal din rm, 2 Ii\ ba. Newly decorated in soft pleasing colors. Beautiful new cptng & drapes. New marble entry Pool & spa. 2111 Sal .le-.ihl lilts I• .. ..,.., •ma, 1.1. 144-4110 NEAR SO COAST PLAZA Lovely family home on LAIOl SPACIOUI 4 II 2 ~ bath condo, large yard, 2 car garage, end unit. 3 years new. Laundry hookup, pool, spa, rec room. $950 mo. MISA DIL MAR Pride of ownership, beautiful hardwood floors. 3 BR 2 Ba. assumable financing, 9% lnteresl. 1111 or Don 546-2313 THI RIAL IST A TIRS RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE SERVICE 12'~'t 30 Yeo Tem"l • No Coll Dotes New Soles. Resoles & Reflnalce ~Avaklble (71~) 964-9090 ------sOMIRSET SPYGLASS Ant .... Ofhrttd. JU.l .doOn awa)r Trom homts valued an excess d S2 million. beautifully appointed S bdrm Nan luckel plan with panoramic orean and Nght ltgbt views + pool ana spa, featunog xlnt financing with owner purt1dpat1on Com · pe1111vely pri ced at SllSS.000 Call for appt to vie.,.. 644-7211 cmHOMES 3 Br. tt,<,.911. areenbouse k1trhen. plantation shut ters, skylights, xlnt r1nancin11 $156.000 Broll er 8Sl ·8800-'- MO VIM' ON UP Gave yourself Mesa Verdr an '112 3 Bdrm 2 Ba home wtmany extras on CUl·de·HC. OWC lrg 2nd T.D Full pric'e • .I.I ! c:. '>{' t (I ...,.., l'I~( 11>1 f' l 11 ', [--~~HP'l~\ome .~ w xlntfin $137,000anas -sum loaM SZS.000 man ---down. 3 blks SC Plaza ROWER HOUSE Sat/SUn 11 s 3489 Vene Sax nooses from beach, taan Dr !Sunflower 2-styCape Cod. 3 y~ old, Smalley bet Fairv1e>¥ & 4 8d 4 Ba S&9S.oocr Opn Bear).SS6·9299owr:i~ tri·Sun 1·5. 23.1 Poinset ._ ______ _ tia Georgia Oouj.!las 673-4271 HUD TAXSHB.TH' ~ oown~ buys Hio'use~ on E's1de lot New pnce SH7,950 675-1771 :i:wet street In A I con --------······················· tion inside and out 3 E L I G II T r U L bdrms 2 ba I Mf.SAVERDE MEDITERRANEAN P r o r e s ~ 1 o n a I I ' RILL OCE 3 Bdrriinome 2 6ath!>. TOWNHOCSE ror sale < landscaped C.:all toda)· ! lfd' ~H YIE:1 dhl garage. all m A· I big Bdrms. super clean for information on ex ii 9rm 03 a l'On ° C-. ), condtJ1on $129 .500 vacantl3'2'.hnancmt <'ellentterms.$138000 sdi.OC:~natl~'s;ume OUluw..,-J)"' S19,500down Owner .,..111 pa)ments as low u R E Proress1onab lle•lws. /.I assist an hnancmg SHXXI IPITI I with sma I •§.SUME! t 63-IJ7Z 975•5511 /~ 1 Roy McCordle, Rltr. down .... t'-.&~nt 556-@L ~~~ 18~::~~g~ 4o.. ---·----1 541-7729 ll251CYA 120/o la. ENGLISH TUDOR loan. 2 huge bdrms. each /I~~~ Sfiarp 2400 sq rt 4 SCI rm with its own n1i.ste "''1•,.'I UHIOUE SOll!trwt "A" on cul~e-sa<' $179.900 bath. Large family area. '>' Near South Coast Plata leClllt. 2 Ir 21/l lo, BY OWNER. <tbr, ~ba . RE Proress1onals bnck r1replace. 2 car al· 833·860() AiTirJlill• 1lus 3 bedroom . fam1l)' I I *Ill ••s:g co. rama ly rm, central patio _ 963-1377 _ ~~.h.950ed ga1r1ag6~231o3nly room tri·level condo sits do. Rreploce, 2 cor & back patio $176M . * JISO P''TI * ..,_ Ca $41 armng lu.sh lrees & run I d 336 Vista Baya ~-1392 • rung stream~ Close to eac ou qoroge • • ?Ii down or SIOK + ·1· ~~,,~-,~·~a 'f513CAMPU5.Da·IRVlllE shopping '> ou l·an private yard. Pn• .... r I k I k QKI TD• Br 2 ba home __ ---Ii _ walkl Call for an appl locotlo11 0 w•er uo:aull u par 1 e set Dwortesale $99.000 • ){ FORECLOSURE 5139·000 · tniMt..nd. must seH. ~!ii ~~~rc~nl~0p1~~: ean RaWh ~10425 ----_.. . BARG.AIM! U!lllll()Ut t1()Mf5 J111t red11ced to S7S 000 Low interest VETE AN R.E . 0 I Realtors. 675·6006 Sl40,500. I h11th assumable loan. r'fine I 044 $85 900 esperat1on s a e ' 6460686 lilGAIM! ~1[cr~~us~;se~1~e~d~~ -·--•-;.;;;~.-.--• ~:L':;o"1 Otn'STAMDIHG IUY! .. :;;::·;~;:·~:: ... Assumelow 1nlerest Bdrm 2 bath. ramily -Sacnffre B\'Owncr 2 bdrm an .-d'e·n. h1ghl> loan Owner will help room. 2 bn<'k r1replaces MES· VERDE u;s •. c~~·· Guar 80": 30 yr loan upl!raded. pnce $198,000 finance 2 Bdrm 2 bath Onl> $124.950 You must A ...,.. • a\atl at 2 pli. under 4 17<'!' dn. SIJ\gle sl). foll~ starter home near shop see this one rall ~6 2313 $132 ODO f75·5511 _ br, 2 ba,i,,ram rm. spa. shuttered, (ll)lc. atnum ping. call 546-2313 1mma_t. tl42K 979·1138 nr pool. tennis Open \ 3 Bdrm. ~ 1 P . q u1et 5.PY&LAS~ HILL house Sat IS F I Alder 111.ta:!l -!~·i!l l neighborhood 4 pts ror IJ'rst1>Cean ~lew liuy 1.iJAHKRUi'JCY f.{zo,·e O'"ner Brkr (#191114!0? ~ CaVA11 ~!Je916o1r. refinance Ill Newport CdM' 4 Br. ~1 ~!u~~ 15 t~t ~rz~ -~ , __ ---~~ _ ....,. r r, I le,el. 2700 s f P.ark Bristol condo Must sell B} owner OWC S42SK·5 > r Open S90.000 2 Br t ,, ba Turtlerock Glen. In' er *IEU l£L UR* 121,000 HWI Sensational 3br home with $104 .000 in low interest financing. Call today. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. *Stl,100* Costa Mesa. Spacious 3br detached home with large yard. Freshly paint- ed. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-5353. * Tlln.EIOCI * 11,Jlt PEI 1111111 is all you pay when you takeover existing 1st T.D. Spacious 4 br exec- utive detached home. Featuring frml din. fmly rm & frplc. Only $213,500 FEE. 2670 San Miguel Dr.. Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752· 7373 IONIT IUft lmll 211 ..... llptl "'" (114) Jlf.1M1 (114) 712-JIJS HUNTINGTON BEACH OFFICE MHW..ht. (114) tu-Ml1 (114) .... .,.. MAL NI UIUI Lovely 2 BR "San Mateo" Plan 1n Rancho San Joequin w/cuatom wall coverinp, tnct liah- ttni, butcher-block laland & Iota of privecy. For detalla on attractlve fl· DIJldng rontact Madeline Crawford 762·1414 $163,900 (011) UllT PH ll&LL HllLY II lltPU Rare Plan 1 Park bcmt ln Deerfitld. - Na Ccrnlr' lot w/prtVltt')' & 1ptiee. 2 BR & den or. 3 BR.. 2 tun bathe. Lt llDlllW, cowitey ldt.. w/lolda of ~p­ botrd1. Comm. pool11 clty park. . f 111,000 Marlon Priuell Hl-8'700 (012) • OPEN HOUSE REALTl / Sat. 12 5 ot 23 Hair Moon 6460686 ness 4 Br. 212 Ba. huge Bay, Cd M. Bruce & --assumable loan. Ne.,.. Vickie Rlom_gren LEASE OPTION window an ram rm Cul GOOD PROP ERTi ES SIOK d .... n. SI 000 mo de·sac. $355.000 Pnn J AQ.n91 3Rr. 2Ba E Side. onl} Seller will asilst I 673 ~82 .. ~·5336 ~ 1!213 -------.------I •a..LY$91tDH.• rvine 104' JUST LISTED! Assume 113. VA l n 3 Br. •••••••••••••••••••••· 30 Yr. FIXED RA TE IAY & OCEAH frpk. $114-'XIO Pnn1· on i--------sra>S from tliis 2 Rd rm b· 543.7023 Bkr 13'1•% LOANS 2 & 3 Bedroom towtihomes with all de luxe amenities. 1acuu1. trash compactor. auto gar door opnrs. m1<"ro. rrore. A dazzling Nri England' environmen Can for appl. to see hou...e & I Bdrm house on 410RM & DEH ·ABANDONED! ~.~·, R·2 lot Cini~ 2ba, l rg <'Overel1 pat to LIKE MEW-.,.. BBQ. plush wall to 411 EST .A TE! lolboa lay Prop. ull carpeting dbl gar UO 000 .. lo Mkt• Realton +.,..orkshop ropper RAK~ BARGAIJ; tn ex •675-7060• plumbin!(. ne.,.. roor. clusl\'e "Turtlerock" fnrd <'Orner lot Price slashe~.1 s an Co ns 1 de r t· a s h . thousands' NEw r,iust Broker <'O-Operation a.oo 111.d I 006 ROGEl'S REAL TY 1 ·•••••••••••••••••••••• 541-2231 675-2311 Trade yourT.D's or pro· ----perty in any state for S 129,500 Balboa Island Property ........ ,Rltr. Super ~harp 3 Bdrm home with wet bar, mar --.lijliljji&1~-­ ble fireplace and much -;;;;-;;-;;;;;;;;;;~ rrore Anxious owner ·~ Call9'79-S370 . 1 ALLSTATE .~ REAL OPIH W.S.. I J.4 TORS 211 ()pd, lol lalo.d l 41R, Pool & Spa ~~c;-"' rmtomome. TO ·~ etc t d t as do'"n OWC l~t T D <'arpe In~ an res 0 w n , r 8 k r pamt 4 B . 3 Ba. hugt ram rm Banquet forma 17141642·4422 Prin dining. J car garage Jl.29~ Very anx1ou~ sellers or o.tdoar Hut? (er exciting terms AN [ Then yoo"lrenJO\ relax WIL~ PAY SJ.500 Ot ang on one o( three y 0 U ~ CL 9 S.I NG spacious patios m th is 3 COSTS. Hurl} r 1rst tt bedroom. 2 bath home see STEALS . Cal um Sits on 3 pri me ror· 559-1111 nft' lot Best Eastsade ~ NewDon Heights area' Din111g•and family ~ rooms, plus a crackhng 'I • ~ fireplace to keep orr the ~ evenin.& chill 0.,..ner will REAL ESTAT£ help finan<'e S15S.OOO 1111111-------Contact 979.2390 --- JARIELL ind that's not all! Unsurpassea quahtyd Beautifully maintained s~rbly designed wtoli OHL Y $I 0,000 Ith I ..rtd charm Sohd oak w many amen ties Ura, oak cabinets. ,.~V~S YOU IM Lease10pt1on Woodbndge, collage 2 bdrm. 2 ba. Sl49.900 ~1~6288_ I that make this home a beams rock 'Tic much ~ta M"esa spec1ar: 4 terrific buy· Enter thru '"""re. 1 Br a·nc ms' tr ste. Bdrm 2-sty, dbl garage, THE LAKES the enclosed courtyard , 3ba..... ;s NEW LISTING. end unit and see all that this . fam rm, formal din nu Cll)t, paint, vacant l Bdrm large living home has lo orfer. Onl) rm & I g roof dee k. Pnced to sell at.Sll0,000 room with fireplace. dan $165,000 Ca 11 now 1647.500 Ownrlagt, Diana Cap 1ng area and room) 979-5370 pel,63l·f266 gardrn kitchen with eat •-lllliilliliii~--i 11 lll8 area. Great location A directly over your own LLSTATE .... , ...... I 00 1 I garage. Beautifully ' I,. ;••H•Oc·········· •••••• randscaped with ma turr ,_ FrGllt .......... ---------• trees arid lake plus. all REALTORS I Luxury lower-duplex. 4 OP84 HOUSE I other amen1t1es. Im bdrm. Oar. $1400. Bob 1014ArbOrS't. mediate po ssession ME.SA YEIDE 784~1 da. 152·9«2 eve. On (he bluffs. ocean & SI00.000 with excellrnt 4 Bdim~ fariiiry room, " Cll\YOO view, huge yard. aMumable financing. ~srncious! New con· large 2 s tory house 642-5200 aumabl~~~/:ti~n ~1: '91NsuL.A POINT loaded with potential J PETE BARRETI REALTY fec:hve rate or 121,~ see: Uifa new· irann1 ! Thinkln• ol 1 new home Full riee $146 ,950 Your plate at tlle • 1 beach -plus! Duplex. for spring! See the I I featum 3 Bdrm and 2 any llstint11 ln today's l bath each unit. Eit· clauitled columns .I•--•••••• cellent ca rpt' ti and -=~5671='-------~ 1 t:fr·to2 i:t, •:~~~eli ...... t11s I 050 ... 1050 --------shca. m 000. Call Bill "••u•u•••••••••••••• •••u•••••u••••••••••• IAIT••ttrt• GoiClfordetlils. We liave tbe p;rf~if set· 64"SJOO tlu with 3 comfortable "" bearoom1 open aad flowln1 floor plenJ aecluded pool ft SJ>• ana eleaant dttor. Offued at lat.aoo with &ood UIW..,;., ~~~~ c... ....... ...................... DUPLEX-BY OWNIR MUSTSB.IJ Servi~ with 1 1ml11 • '1'111\'1 wlaat 1011 &•l •1111' ,(,3 flue 70.r 11111111 a aeat dlKotefJ £,; ~ ~~I ' sa., ilaulfld fiJ • --_. • ' Ctda •1 \1tt hJI j'IMn..ftHm M1'Lma I VIW VD VIW ., ..... Stratford Ridge, Grand Regenc:y Model: 48r + den + ~ea. 3,050 tci' ft. &quilltt CUltom drpe & Wllpepera ttwuout. F• bulou1 180 degr" panoramic vi.- overlooking Ntll .. Gill Aanchf T1kt =~~.Pnct$317,000. ..,u,000 Oqwn only '306,000. For lftOft Into, c,11 -at. Ina 8arMtt St• ... ~•1•1 ' I .. Or,noe co.et OAtL v Pt\,.OT/~r1d8Y. ~nt a. 1M2 I PIU-..... ---~ Nlli,.,.. ........ ~.. M"""'9W --~ 1 0.11 ..... ~COIM"'d°n MAlll8TAW ,.,. ...... ,_..._.. _.,,,......., __ .. ._..._ .... ="'~'""""'-,,, __ • __ -~--­= .. po11J ~ t.!!.Ti:: -UTTU #M ~'°"" , .. -.'S::.:V =..~-:::. .::..i. ~·~C•-411 l • ..... AIWtl12,tlU. ="~.c..1· ...... ~· .... .. ·u.. ~ "-tO .ng tbe tollowlnO IOC)i(»-ICafl t15 =;~M V~ Tiiie ..,_ .. _..,....~.,Ill. ~ ~ • .._ Uone· .... c.. "*1 ......... ..... Miiii .rz:.,....,.. .. ..,..,.. Illy .. ~ 1 Zone l •o•Ptlon '•rmlt Tll .. ...,_ · ~• W 1111.,.. Tlllt ••"-•111 wu lllH w111111H ~L ~ z.e.ea.a Ind enor~t ~ ....,.. ~ o.-°""""' Clllllil., ONflta ~"'...,. '"" ''"'""' ... '"" .... '"• e,..ea.o 1 tCH w.,. ""' Mlk:ofnb, Tiii• ••••• "'."' ... fll•ll ..... Ill• ~t. ...... , ... °""'1'1 c Clllftl .. 0...,.. ONllY ..... IUlllQftM IQerlt '°' ,. lahoolia, OWltY Cllr' .. Or-. c:-.ey....... °' c-t ~· 11, ~ '61 VlctOO. I~. for 1 ~ ''• _, ~ · 11~ I. ttr ,,_.. "" permit to •11pand en H itting PWetl ...,.. It.•., I. • 1-1 · '"~ 0<.,... CHat o.iir,...... IOl\OOI (Pege lclftool), lndudlno in;. f'llOllMM Of11199 eo .. 1 0.-W ....... It,. AIWU, t.. !Na tftl.U ' ~ the nlal'llblt of~ '° ..... 1t. .. Aft#l I, •• ,.. tftMI. f9lJC .. -· -190, "" .. "' •1•11"0 ~ldlflt•. ____ ..._ _ _;. _____ I ,.... -- eno eodlftt • ~•••·• unn: v.. Nae 1111( 111tCTmou1 ••••• rtano.• frotn Clrlv•w9Y width end llAMI H "Te .. .., li1CT1'1°"9 eutt••M tront l•nelt01plno requl1•menl1; Tiie fell••••• ,., .... I• .. 1111 JMM11 fTAftM9NT 1111<1 Ill ~ permit to 111-PICTinOUt...... ......._.. .. : ~ T ... t.llHl119 r-• erw dol"I ...... ,....,.__I the .....,.t-of,. ~ ITA~ MI MI 11111""• '"ID.ALI a _,.._ .. , "''" --ng In '"II'' ·w.y The lirllloWlfllll .,.,_II .... ~ PO"MAl.I. 1'1• ~ llreat, ealY IT"llf, 711t 141119tr, 2. Rezone Petition R·lt·1 for AllTO·IHTlRIOR8 0' CNQVIND, Telllllll Alllll"!li tOIM .......... M ref! L, Mlll•r. JM1 Dalleta, ioc.ted •t 1 ..: ,,,,,~v.....,,ce1-...•'27tl. Hv11t15ea.c11.cei~•M1. ClitY Of Cj:09te ~. 11 Flit Oti...... 8021 8. O.wioa A-. .... AM. CA .,,_, .....,... v .. tey. ~· C-. c.e-.... ,_., !Of w=:r.•"1 to r110M the ,t°" -.nor. _ ,. ...... 11 • 0 , ... 1 • M1"'IOU9 ...... _,., It .,1~ _,. "21 ....._ L YNH 'LAYf" Mii.ii, Aot, M TM ~-,_ II • ra'lltt, •~ -• -.U.tTA~ -· _, ,,_..,, • .,.., • •v-• 9-AftA. 'Tiii• ..,.._. .. CtftduCIM.., lift ~·,....._"'*"", ..... ,,..·,Ollowlne ,.,_. .,.11o1n9 -., .._ ,_,lllK cedo ltr .. t, from a to A2. Envl· ~~'°1 w. MICWtlu. INfw..._,, f lllt ....,_ I• t~tH·o, • • --. ron~al 691 ... mlnet.lon: MPllve Tl\ .. ~-.. 90llCkHtad 11111111>o TellWlll~ · ...-rat,._.,..., ,o•n PHARMACY INC .. a1'4) w PIC1TTIOU9._.. cs.cleretlon for 0~1·3A. OMdlllel TMI ............ lllM ..... -MyrwnMll ... -..0. .... d., ~ hlQI. c.Hfofnlll ~ t1'ATllllDT . :I. TentatMI l'lllC) Of Tract T· 11712 l~ ,..._ ...._ C11111fy Cleft! eif Or1111et Ca..My 111 Tlllt _,,.... w• tl!M wltll - '• 1211:3 flW I~.,.,_ .,, dclnQ bu• for AoOlrt Bein, Wlllt4im Froet end Tiiie 11et•Man1 wu 111•11 wllll Ill• MMcfl 10, Hll, C:-ty Clertl eif Or-Gtllftty "' w...._ l;t wao'*· '0t1 "".,""°" ,_... Aeeoc11tea, 1vo1or111d egent for ~Cleta Of o.-.. County on Mardi, p1...a MAirc11 '°· •• lno.,. Cell!Oflll• CO<pt .. llon. 2111 L-. 0 ' w COMl'ANY, 0111 11109 ... 8outll COH I Plue. SS1& l"alrvtew tt. 1MI ' ......... °'""" c.... Delly 1111.... l't .... o.-a.~~ =-,, 2111 ~"';· H1111t11191on •••ell, Ci•lllornl• Rot d, to creel• 8 lotl, and at>an-P11011e.11ecs Or•nve CoHt o.l'~:t !'M'Cll 11, 1t, i.. "-"' '· 1tt2 lm.G. ,,,.,.__ o..,.. c:aat11 Delly llllioc. ~ .. '"""" ~ t2J'OI JOM f 0·~0< Jr., 1u1 Aoo«• donment Of •llletlng rtQllt-of...-.y to MlfCll a1. Attt• 2. f4, 21, 1111 -"{,~ ~rcll !*x..!!t-~~1!.t 1• ~; N ,:::,,~ S::-,.,;.. ~~11 =· H1111111101en Buell, Callfornl• ~ .!:"1~!:-~; ~ W 19ta 1 MJC 1911( Tlllt ~II OOllCIUCtN by . -..... ..,. w--· 6181 Ao0«9 -A--end Pn C«ltlt' Drive, PIRIC mm l'ICTITIOUI Htt••M 1elloft POftT PttARMACY INC ~~:: H11nt111gton eu c:ll, C•lllornle In 1 TC ione. Enlllronmtnlll dettl'· •AMS ITATa~ eeoT1Cll C# _,.,.... _. w..... H w.-Thie~ 9 __, by •uw-• mln•llon EIR eceepted for Town _._ .. __ .._ Tiit 111._1,.. ...,_, • ... ~ -• ~ .....,.u.":..i~.!'.' Pr....,. CfMll 8 IOlt. encl lblncSonlftltlt of ~-,,......_ -bu11f1ff ~ .. IN lrw. I _....... ..,.. o.-n~. __...,,_tnoe~ Ulatlng rlght·Ol·WIY 10 rtellgn TMl~.:~dolng-e ~-. AllOCIAfU, ltOU t~OIO.:t:..~Zt=~'!:.::: ........, T1111 11e11ment •H filed wllh Ill• Town Cent« Orlve. loc:lllO II the -• S•yperll Clr<ta, S..11• l'I, lrwlna, ="*;"'!" ...... ,~• ...... ..,,..Mid Thi• ••at••Hlll .... lllt d wllll Ill• Counly Cler\ Of o..ngeColltliy Oii MMdl eou"-1 C«'lllf of 8unno-,._ OOMIN008 COH8TRUC'rlOH, llo• (alll0«00lael7M ~_...,MO t...o IOt CourttYc:i.11 ol Orenoa Counly Oii Matell it 11112. 11111 end Plftt c.c ... Dtlve, In a TC IHU lrvfn•. Cetf10tnl• 12713; 2701. ., ..... A. IMCl!toll••. u H-11 ... MIC~PVT'EI' a\'STIM. lid - •. ltl2. 'tl0'1't l'ul>Htll.o Oranoe CoHI O•~~. J9nl. Environment.a dltermlnatJon: 'felr.I ... 111111. 88111• AM. CalllO.nfa ~ • .......,. ._,c;.i......,...., lion. end~ Md Clld 1_ ~ .... ., .. _ Orane• Co•tf Dally Piiot. """' 2, •• 11. n . 1912 1419-12 EIR ecclC»ed for Town C«lltl'. t2104 0•90f'Y L. ••ltllt. 2t464 v... DI 04>talned ..... OlllClt"' ,,_ ~ ...... 11, H.""" 2 .•. 1912 . 1322_ ... 4. ZOr\• E11c1 ptlOft P•rmlt Frtl\• Oomlngoa. 2701 •. " 'Cf\11 ~. ~ V•lt. Cellftmla ~~I Allon"-· .......... _____ __....._ _____ .,.. .... •• --" p __, •• 0 •2 •1e '"' '-Ana.~ '2704 tattt iornte. Tiit OIWlc1 ,__ 1111 '19"' •o , t ... ~...,_.. .,.. .,,,_ "'"' 009 -v kannelh Dela 0oM=1f01 a . Tlltt IMalnatt It ctftdltctH oy • reiect.,,., ot ell l>ldt Of to • .,,,. eny Ir· W llflC( for Robin J. Tllllt'gartner. eutW-,......._,1'11,a..taAne.. tt7CM _....,,,"""' .. .,., ,_.,.i..o.Wonea1111o+e1n...,bldto- zed egent for Wiiiem K. Dwvll. 1400 Thie --• ~111 a OIMfll t A e a-1a1et, '"the lllddlnQ. ITATlmlff OP "ICftTIOUS aUSIN•SS MA~ OP •AMa STATEMENT UU or '1CTrt'IOUI Tll• lollowln9 peno11 I• 1101119 .,... .. .,.... 'lneun: TIWt-..i,,.,_ .... ~ JOA N ANH MALONE lllt ... o111191lctlllowe""*--CONf"ACT l'URNISHINGS, "31 Kf!YITOHE Al!AL TY, ea 12 W.tl• earranc:a CIRCLE. Hlll'tlnoton llHcll, =., A-. ~-. °"'"°' Calllor11i. Y.Hol6. .uin-MOf Cq1> Ce11fom1a COf1'0' J o e II A n n T r I m m e r , • t3 I tlon, M12 WM1min:tar """'"'·weal· 8arrance. Hunllnglon B••<ll, m4n11., Cellfomle 02teJ Cellfor11la tlMl. Thie bu--conO..c:1ec1 Dy • cor· Tiiis Couslneu Is conducted by en poretton lnolvkfuAI. JM-Meir Corp. .-Ann Trimmer J-.......,., Preeklenl Tiiis ste--1 • ., filed ...... Illa Thie tt•ltmanl ••• llle d with Illa COllnly Cltrll of Ortll9t County cm County c:i.11 Of o..nge c-tly on M•Cll Me re 11 I, 1W2. 24, 1"2. P11i1M ~ P..Otl-Or-Cools! 0.lly Pllol, P11Dllal\ed Orenge Coul D•lty PllOI, Marcll It .. ,., Aprll 1 1"2 1~ ..._ M. ~ 2. t . 1e. 1912 1310.a2 · · • DEATH NOTICES Brlatol 81rMI, 8ulte 245, Newpor1 ~. 0....-y L. •rltM lllVIHE UHIAl.O BNch, IOI' a concllllOnal UN permit ~ DomlnOOe o-r .. Part-8CtlOOl DISTRICT 10 oontlNCt 14 lnOullrlal condom!-Thi• tt•l•M•nl •H Wed wltll Illa flllt ~ •• lllM wllll tlla 4. ...,_... Con1r ftlum Unllt end I parcel map Cl'M-c-ly °*" Of Or9"C1' County °" i.tarcll C I Otrk Or C """*""' ~ ti~,• ft ....... ·--1-" 11780 Wiit 17, 1"2. ..9!" 'Y -.. ..... .... ,... Oii P11bllilhad Or•net Co•••°""' Piiot. "..--."""" _, ,,_. -rcll ti, 1-. MttCll Hiii ApfM 2 1Mt IS8T·t2 181 Street, Cotta M ... In Ill\ MG PuDllalllld Orenge Cou1 Dally Pno1, """IT•IM.t• MIU.•" ---... · --·------tone. Envlronmentlll O..trmln••IOn: IW 1e. 2e. Ao-2. 9, 1ee2 1302-e2 CA"UOlt & ~•DM.a Y _.,. _,..t negellW declarltlon. -MKA..., ...... -. r-... ... llK 5. Zone E1tc1pt1on Permit _.,. Mltftl't ......,..._..Ce.,... ZE·82·•5 •nd Rezone Petition r•-nu11K .,1..,. .,.....,.. COUllT R~2-041 for Dennlt M. Glmpel ltllO .._,I...., OrMte ~ 04Hly lllltot, OP ~_.... Donald R. StrlM.lta, 6800 RMlr Ave-,IC1'TTIOUt llUM9M Mar~12. It,,..,._. J. na 1m.., COWfn' cw~ nue. Newport SMch. for Plf'mlallon 11.-STATDllWT "" .. llWW ef to rezqne pr~rty lrom A 1 to R2 r:.arwi .. 10110w1ng ,,.,_ .,. dolnG t>utl-W llT1Cf ~·.;,.,: ..,_ and v•rlancet from petklng, d rive--way width, and ••lb•ck require-PHOENIX IMPORTS, 145 E ltlll 81 ' • • ....... Coeta "'-.CA 92827 ....... ,_, ~ menll to llQallz• a MCOl1CI dwelllng Alene McKay. 21» lndWi 8"'inoo ln. NOT1CI Of' IA.LI ... &tU111 unl1. locat&d et 2&40 Fairway DrlYI, ~ llMctt. CA t2MO TO: LAI H~ton c:c:o~ = Coste M .... In en R· 1 zon.. En"'-Yvonne McKey, 2133 lndl"" Sp11n91 NOTICE IS Hl!AE.BY GIVEN t"'1 !llfflil M lllUSH ,_ lled a....,._ 1n ronmental detetmln&tlon. negative ln~ ~~~2•:,,, uigune the prc>Plf1y "-Ibid below, col-"* court 1or .. ~ _,. ,..._ decllf•llon ..._CA tMS3 -leterel 11ndar • Canlllc•t• end IO~ .., _, • -"°"' PHILUP 6 . Zone E11c1pllon P•flnlt Jlennlen M0t•ltt. ts.12 ,_0• L-. :rs-I of Ullllt.O Plt'tnertflip fOWAAO BUSH 10 PAUL EDWARD ZE-82-47 for Devld Prentice. eu-Hille. CA '2653 S d BUSH lhOf'lzed agant IOf' Flrtl lnt.,..tale ~ -1a ~ 1>y a genwel Stf\1Ctl¥81 lntegrlt)' ~. Lt ·· 11 It llt1t0y 0td.,td 111a1 ell ptn0na B1n11, Truet Department, 707 WU· per1tw9Np dated Oeoember 11• tNO, execu-..__..In 111e men• w.,,...ict - 9ou1ev d L A........... f y--.... led by lM Hampton. '111111 ~ '*°'° "* --1 In O.C--Ho. 3 • lhlre " • °' . ..,..... or a Thi• a111emen1 •••med w1111 ,,.. of LM Hempton•• defevll under 700 OMc C.-OrM w... S-,.,..._ BANNER 1982 al lhe Harbor Lawn condition•• uH permit to allow County Clat1!.,. 0r_,. County Oii Mtf'Cfl iuch egrMmenl, ba •old by tll• ce111ort1I•. on M•y 12, 1tU. •• 10·30 MARIE LOUISE A BAN· Memon•I Chapel with Putor banlllng operation• In an ••lstlng 11 10t2 Uflderlllglled at 1 public..-. to ti. o'clocllt a"'··""' --'"":.= NER, a re11dent of Newport Dl>u3las W. Jeffrey of dMe Fin:t bulldlng with 11"1'""" from per· ,_11 Mid Oft Af;wW 25, 1982 It 10:00 a.111. -• "':,'.:?,.. ~,,:"'119 er--Betch a. and Orange County Baptist Church of Fountain king requlraments end llgn r~ PuDlltneo Orenu• Coui D•llr PllOI, et Delec:o Senior Syeteme. Inc .. :-ioe ·-· ..:~ 1935. P.----' away on Vall...,/Hunllngton Beach offi-tlon\, located "3350 Harbor Maten '9· 2t.""" 2' t , 1112 1276-'2 3388 Vie Lido. 4tll F1oor, Newport II II Mir. or~ IN!• ooPY ol l!llt -~ -~ -...... ~J llY&fJ2,.,Cotta Mesa. In"" MP zone. 8eedl Clllffornla. order 10 ello• c:e11M be p11bllolltd In Marc~~. 1982. Sh6ls1ur'91ved elating: PtTvate intennent !K'r· Enwlronmentel determln•llon: b · "9lJC •T1C£ The'prQOlrty 10 be flOld oontlet• DAILY PILOl, • newep•-olgen.,ol by her aon Jean Charvier of vices Immediately f~llo~ing empt. of OM 11m11eo pettnerehlp unit of ~-'!:'8..!::·:'.=-~ \~":o::.~1~ France Priv&te eervices have Se!'VK'ea W)der the direcuon of For further lnlorm•llon on th• N•-StNCNrlll Integrity Sysceme, Ltd.,• ::;..., ~ 10.,,. ~°' eeld ......__ ...._ h•ld und-r t'--direction of H•rbor L•wn-Mount Olive abov• appllcat1on1. telepllone _._,v ,._.,._....,_ ..._.,_.. .,._._...,,. ..... ~::':--~ 1 ·---v """'' ~ ~ '"" 754-5245 °' CAii at the ollloe ol the NOTICE QI' 11UUC TRA.Nlf'IJI ...,,.,.,_ '"'~..., ,..-., __ ...,.. ..,..,.., ..,_,., -· · Baltx Bergeron Smith & Tuthill Mortuar'y of Costa Mesa. Planning Dep.,tment, Room 200, (9-. e'tCM .. 107 U.C.C.) -=~~:V '::;::::.;- Weslcliff Chapel Mo rtuary 540-5554. n Fal< Drive, Coll• M .... Clllfor· TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: IYITDll LTD Suerlor CcM1 646-9371. RAHM nla. Notice le ""EU gl111n to the II)' DllMe•.....-.,.,........-.. ,,_a......., COVER ELAJNE M. RAHM. aresident Publlahed Oranoe Cout Dally Credltota of AL NOER PAZOS a.-.1 ~ =-~ ~ 1tt. - LT COL WALTER STANT· of Newport Beach, Ca. for the PllOI. Aprll 2· 1982 ll53M2 end MAGDALENA PAZOS whoM Pvbllthld Orenge CoHt Delly ,11bllelltd O<enae Coeet OaHt Piiot . . San ~ 22 years. Puaed aw.y on bvtlnut •ddreH It 24,382 VI• Pltot April 2, 1982 t53A-e2 "fJtl 2• t, ll. a , tN2 1~ ON COVER, a resident of h 31 1982. She is survived ... .,.,. •TICE Santa Clare. Orange County, Ml .. 1 _._· __________ 1...;.. _________ _ Clemente, Ca Passed away on arc • L ,.._ lion Viejo, C.Ulomlll 92892, County · -• ..-MIC •m March 20. 1982. He has bttn in by her h~band Ralph ... m~-of Orlngt, St•I• of California, tl\91 • ARA ,.,IK the Marine Corp for tht' put 15 ~~e~ ~1~~~6::'8~-:::r:f O~dc~f ACTmOUI ....... ~:~'b~1t:!J0 S~~E1~ OfflCW. ~cw years, having been a pilot. He Geo;gla Judy Swan of Wi.9oon-~ ITAna.NT LOOMIS, TrllMflr-. whole bu• THIE 90ARD OI' IUPOtVtlOA9 graduat~d fro':" C:al Poly Un-sin and •Ann Swan of Michlpn. ... ~~ Pl"aont -OOtng nett eddre1t I• c/o 1821 Bayald• cw oaANGI COUNTY, lverslty tn 1966 w11h a BA De· ---Drive, COf'Olll del Mar, County of C'"' --.. . brother Kenneth Slltan and of SPORT TAEH08 (Menufecturen Ce11f 92825 ~ gree and received his MHters Mt..hln and ~any nieca and ..__ 1 , 3990 W1ttlfl Orwlgl, State of omle · S..ta Ana. C4lllfOmle ~II\ the early 1970'1. f>n!. -~ SI~; Room vilita· ~,;:,;.,:!di. CA 92880. y ~Wis t~.:.c ~* ~~~!:on:::::=~ s~,,: ~ v1ously he W81 a gradu•te of ~n will be held on Friday, J amH C. Hermon. 10 Ceder w•y. Coron• del Mar, County of ~by the 9olfd of~ -hltd on Mweh 22, 1982 It Edgewood HJgh School. Covma, A ii 2 1982 •t 12·00 noon to T .... Ln .• ""'"'·CA 92716· °T.f:· Stat• of Cellfomie 92825. , t;•O A.M. Tiie foltow~•med memblre being pr-I: Roger R. Ca., claa of 1962. He Is survived pr ' · Frwik D. CtlrWt-. ff12 Le-s d opert It described In " F .,.._, ........... ,.._. b bis wile Janet. children John 8:00PM at the Harbo~ La"".n Dona Court, Founteln Vefley. CA ~al~ 111 11!1ur ... equipment !:· ~ ~ 11'1/JB =~. Cti~:' ~ .. C(;;.!y a!d Merk both of Scotttd•le. ~einoh•l~~~);d~y~pri~ 92G708. A 0111 llolt 8 Almond end l.MMflold l111prkovement1 .~"!-it bullr*9 In W..nlogton. O.C Arimna. parenta Edward Cover ""' ~ ' • ary · r · ,..,__,. ~ -• .....,.. Purell ... contrect for Single Family Aealdentlel MortO•QI Revenue f San 0unas and Bee Webber M182 •t lO:OOAM at the Harbor TrM Ln .• lrvlne, CA 92715. 80H ALEXI'S RESTAURANT end Bondi, ltue of 1982, It IC>Pf'O¥ed. &.ourtty Peclflc: H•llonll Bani!," 0 • G Lawn Memorial Chapel with Thia bu*-la~ by 1 toc:ated et 2515 Pldflc Coat ~ TNll•. 19 ~ to •ICU1+a lift trw.tment Agr..,,....1. The Boerd of Northndge, Ca • brother reg Uie Rev Aaron Bubier ofUcia· general Plftner'INp. wey, Coron• del Mer. County of of Redlands, Ca and 0mrus of U Se. · under the direc J-C. Hwmon Orwlgl, State of Callfomle 92$25. 9djoumed. (SEAL) JUNE ALEXANDER Atlanta. Georgia. s11Uon Peggy u:;i· f : a-...eron Smith & Thie ll•t-1 wtl fllld ~ tN Tiie bulk trenaler wlll bl con-Clilftl of lhe Botrd ~uswn and S~ Ro.. Ser· n o -·& County Clef1t of Of9'l(le County Oft eummated on« atMir the aotll dey of~ · ·11 be held o Friday Tuthill Weat.chtr Chapel Mor· Mwetl 31, 1982. of ""'11. 1942, end Cl9mc ""Y be OFFICI AL PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARO OF SUPERVISORS OF ~lpriJCH ;''.982 al 11'()()~ al ~ wary 646-9371. ,1'1Mt ftled ., WEUS FARGO BANK. &-ORANGE COUNTY CALIFORNIA • · Publlehed Ora::• Cout Plll'f H.A "'-,._, .... _l. ...... "··ta •--. c ..... ~ .... -M C St ton .. usun ClfNI ··....,.flt#_ ... _ . .--. ...,.., ..... -·-·-&nne orp • I • ' READ PllOt, AprH 2. 9, ' • 23, 1192. Eecrow No. 843-3725, Sult• 1230, A regular m.tlng Of the Board of s~ of Orenge8. Call-Bue Chapel, Redhlll Avenue, CHARLES c. READ. age 77, 1527-82 eeo ~ c.n1.,. onv.. ~ tornle al9o elttJng" the Gowmlng Boerd of the Dlstrlctt by the Tu.tin, Ca. Services under the 1 resident of Cost.a Men, Ca. Beecto. Cellfornla 92fl80, County Bo&rd• of Supervl9ora -held on Mercn 23. 1982 at 9: A.M. Thi fol· dlr~tion o{ Baltz Be~geron-Paaaed away on March 20, 1982. NU 9l'f'IC( of Orengt, State of Clllfomla. 1ow1no named member1 being Pf9111'1t: 8ruoe Nllllnde. Chairman; RoO"' Srruth & Tuthill West.cliff Cha· He was a member of the Unily All Claime mutt be receMld at 11111 R. StantOft. Re1p11 8. Clerk, fhon'lee F. RifeV and UJe Qer\I, Aii-tt: HW· pel Mortuary of Costa Mesa Church. Orange, Ca .• had been a •ddreu by the 29th day of Aprll, rlett M. Wledtr 10 attend 1 mfftlng of tht Nellonel Drinking Wiier 646-9371 rancher In the Ohve Heights NS.9%503 1982• unllM the bulk tr-fer lll&o Advlllory Councll In Withington, O.C. COy ~-a. su~"ved by ... ,_ wife Pearl NOTICE OF DEATH OF lncludaa the trenafei ot llquor 11• Contrect wtt111111 St1t1 Dlpertment of Health Selvlcet tor_ ... dlt-~~~ • •• '"" KS cenH. In which cue, •II cl•lme -control II epprovell. Eugene A. Er10aon 11 9')p()ifttld to the Ment., MARIE LOUISE COY'. a real-Ann. sWp-llOll Michael Waldman MARV VER A 8 LAC l'T!lnl be ~ prior to tne d•te Hultll Adwtaory Board. ,,_ H-by, R.H. I• reappotnt.O to the Erner· dent of Santa Ana, Ca. Passed of Anaheim, Ca .. sister Mary TOCK AND OF PETmON on which th• llqvor llcenH la ~lcal c-Commltt•. w.n.ce w "Biii" Riddle le relillled fl'om •way on Man:h 26, 1982. She Is Sugden of Riverside. Ca. bro· TO ...ADMINISTER ESTATE tren1f1rred by the Oepertment of S:: on tlll Vtltrll'I• Advtl«y CouncH. Vletnem Vetet1na Aecogl\ltlon awvived by her grand8on Mark ther M•urlce Read of Santa NO A·l l%761 Aloohollc &evlt'&g1 Control. Oey It dlligneted. Hunllng10n "'"loNI Bank la welcocned. Partlc:lp4ln1& In Beazley or Hunllngton Be•ch, Ana, Ca. Visitation was held at To all hei~ beneficiaries, r.!:. ~~ :.~~!:." n':n!:! ~~';!13: w'~ W1~1tor.,. onMenllCl~t·~.!:.. OIMYf.,,nr.!~. =~~~:;:: Ca .. Private aervil.w were he,ld the mortuary on Monday. . • f the -nm•• •1 ,_ .. ,mm -• , • .., • .. nd•r th• dir-tion of Harbor Memonal ~--'-were held at creditors and contingent d,_ ""'°by Trwmerora °' Club, retldlfltt of Roeamoor tor t-.nly·Nfth ennlv«ury, Women In ... ~ ~ ~ -n .. .,,.. ed. f MARY VERA tllrff yHr• 1111 put. If different CommunlcatlOnt Ol'gentzatlon, end memt>ert of T.,.,..,.. Bllh Devld -Lawn-Mount Olive Mortaury th.e Unity Chi.ircli al 2:00PM on er 1tors o from the above"' the Semi. commended. Hitlonal Freedom ol lflfOfmlllOfl Month I• proclelmed. M0-5564. Tueday. Donatione to ~ Unity BLACKSTOCK and penon8 Detect-Ma-cit 41, 1982 c.rteln oon/!= COlllrectt.,. propoMd ewarded, chenglcl •nd Church Memonal Fund would who may be otherwise Ne* a..-. ~· t dead,for ~ CMnon Channel It eccepted from MlLLllOUSE BETH MILL I be appreciated. Ralph W. Shan· mterested in the will and/or '""':'~ Thi 1rv1ne Compeny. GSA la dl<ected to llold 1111 elect.Ion tor SeMIY end RUTH ELIZA • non Funeral Servtcea directors. estate· e1twnat1 membert of the Bowd ol Rel~ HSA CMtl dlf'lwMCll fund HOUSE. t re11dent of CostalROBBINS A · . , h "---n filed IEICNW D~ 1t repleltlal'lld. Allolutlon '9G"dlno S&-174 block gr1111t "-'di for liecal Meu Ca ·for the pat 23 years petition as """' .... ,.,,. ..._M.A. yeer 1981~2 1t edopteo. Peraonnel metier• ve ~oved. Record• J>-d a..;,ay on March 30, 1982 EDWARD R. ROBBINS. age by 'JAMES A. FRYE in the P.O .... nlO Control Sdlectuletl tor EMA ere epproveO. FUii &hoftaQI ~ S'--ls -··-.. ved by'--h··-'----' 82. paned away In South La· Superior Court of Orange ....,.,, llMdl, Ce...., proc.eu It edOpted. Ofdlnwlce No. 33t8 ta ldoe>llO. Expendltw. lor ,,.. ""'v' ,..,., ..,..,.,... Ca Man:h 30 1982 He h Publlett.d Orengt CoHt Delly Gr9ftd .>ixy lfwiatllgetlon of ep.-°""'1ata -incre.eo. Annautlon Raymond, ch1ldcen Pamela iuna. ·on • M · County r equesting t at ~Mot. April 2. 1982 1536-82 No. 81-3 10 CSA s 19 ac>cl'oved. T,u Cohctor't 5a1e No. 1279 II &pprt> Swanson of Hunungu>n Be.ch. wu an aooou:ntant for • yean. JAM ES A FRYE be a p • v.o. Tract ,,...,.,. -9P9f0"'°. TniMc COr1W11i1 ... Minutll .,. ~ Ca and Cordon Mlllhouaf! of and 1 veteran of WorJ::_::ci pointed as penonal repre-MIC ~f v.o. St111m1111 of U~endlng Md Memorlltldum of Undlntall<llng ~SM!:;· f~1~ci' ~ a~·h'!1{.~it honor. senutlve to administer the :, ~ ':_ =~°' o1"" :::i-~--= and i.o::1 Ru! of Pennsyl~arua Survived by hit wife Fleeta. estate of MARY VER.A NOTIC9 TO CMDl'To..8 continued. CAO-Bond/c-.>lllll F~ ~ lfld EMA-IHOO .. cll- and 5 grandchildren Servi~• Servicel will be held on Friday, BLACKSTOCK, Newport 01' 1UUC ~ racted to de\oe6op a pre7:"" 10 tlfterlCl9 ~,..,.... hOuelnO unOw will be held on Friday, Apnl 2. April 2, 1982 at ll:OOAM at Ray Beach. CA (under the l nde-Ho~:C: ::".::v~ci~~r.OI· ~~~Ill Rili.f ~: V:,.S.~F~~ -------------.Family Mortuary. 976 ~· Cout pendent Admintstration of tora of the wllhln named lranllferor matt .. -Jllle'O¥eel and denied. ~ totn Mid ccwt- Hwy, Laguna Beach with Rev. Estates Act). The petition is tflll a bulk tran5fw II ~ to be trect with tM Senk of Ameflca II ~oved. Houling MCI Community John M. Reynold1, minister t f r hearing in Dept. No. 3 made on penonll proC*tY hlrll· OIYlloprnelit eotltnce with 8ecuttty ~~ ..,. .. elttlndld. El Neighborhood Congregallonal ae ° C 0 1 neft• deecr1bld. Toro Pwlc Or~tet St~ CIOl'*lltl* JICll • di• Ma ~tlon .... Cl llOntaS SMITHS' MOITUAIY 627 Main St Hunttngton Beach 536-6539 P4CeffC VltEW M&«>114L 'Alll Cerretery Morruary Chapel-Crematory 3500 Pac1l1c View Drive New~rt Beach 644·2700 McCOIMICIC MOITU4111S Leguna Beach •94·9415 Laguna Hills 768-0933 San Juan C.p1str•no •9S·tn6 MAllOm LAWM-..-r. OUYI Mortuary • Ce ma tery · Cre,,..tory 1625 G1•ler Ave . CotlaMeu I S.0-~ ChW't'b olf.icilltlng. Interment to at 700 Civic enter r ve The -end~ ecsor-tor Annell.clon No. 62 to OfaOQt County Sanlllllon Dletfict No. 2It111>- foUow at San Gabriel Cemete· West, Santa Ana. CA 92701 of th• Intended tr1n11eror are: provlO In QOnCIPt. 8uClget TrtlNfert-~·Right r:A Entry Ptnnlt le ruy. Ray Family Mortuary. La· on April 21. 1982 at 9:30 a .m. ~~1~N~!::,~el. INC .. • =.n~f:_ =~ ~~. ~ ":':·= guna Beach din!ctors. IF YOU OBJECT to the Tiie loc:etlon In O•llfornla of the lhl Hli of ~llllOfl. ~t for OOf\llllllnt ..,W. tor.,_ et• TUCK granting of the pelll!on, you chief exewtlve otno. Of' pr1nclpal tlOn ~ ~~"*"'*'la IPPtCMld. ~ ~ . should either appe9l a t the bvaln•tt office of tll• lntendeo cont,_ wttf1 Al1tlllc ~ tot Woodglte Pwti la ~ He-ELLA M . TIJCK, a 1'91dent of h ·ng and state your ob-trenat.«>r la;..,,,.. QOtlllllon of tn ..,..1..,11 ernenom.nt with tl'll City of~ 8MCfl Coata Me111 Ca Pasaed away oo earl b All othv bu•ln .. • n•mH •nd for~ ..w.. 11 AUCtlcll'tad. Advtrn°" Pllr"1llf'll9 tot~ to the March 31. i982 .. She Is survived jections 0 r: file w ritten ° · •ddrHIH ulld by tll• lnt-'ICl.0 FlllrHoulllnQOoundtool'lnot••llCJP'wacl. EMAla~todl¥elop• by her huibancl Robert T. Tuck jectlons wt th the court be-t,.neferor wltllln thrM yMt• i.11 llhd UM ltllllflcltlOn *" Pf'Oll'MI, Ortldlnt permit'*" bond tottelt\n II and aon J.T. 'rUck both of Coata fore the h earlna. Your a p· put ao '" • •u-to lhl lnten-.ctlOfll:ld. Allltd SOtrnitltt Co .. Mc. te ~ "°"' !Mlft~,... Meea, C. .. dauehi.rs Qorit W. pea ranee may be in person oect tr""'-Ne: none. J)OllllbMy lot ltrctlOlie ... ''"' Ind .__...,.._ hrtl. tnct...-d '"" ....... w hin d The -and bUllnla .odrWI al pey tor pr-*'Ct IMMrd ~ and ~ rlllOe rent• -llS)Prt> ...... tebelbf• of u 1gton an or by your atton\ey. of 1111 Intended lrenelerM er•: *· Fire prcMl*Dli ••••It wllt\ tN City of lrvlfl9 It ~. The Rulh Mello of Coaia Mesa, Ca., IF YOU ARE A CREDI· WINDSTREAM, INC., 1 c.l"omte eo.d edtoumed In~ Of~ Certton ano Mllrgll'llt Mon1&on. brothers Louil Martin of Mi1· TOR or• contingent cred1tor corpor~,:' ~ l.a8'lfle (HAL) ,AM ALEXANOER 10Uri and J. MarUn of Nebratka. d t Beldl, .. ,. • Q9tc Of 1111 8owd mwni JUllnita aw-and Marie of the decease • you mua Tll•t 1111 property pertlMnt ,_. °' ~ O_,-y both of Coate Mea, Ca .• file your claim with the .-0 la 6llct'I'*' In 0"*111 ea: Al Of'FlCIAl PROCEEDINGS OF THE OAANOl COUNTY HOUSING AU· 7 cundct\lldren •nd 9 ireat-court or preaent It to the llock In trlde. lllc'IUf99. ~ ntOfWTY -~""hUdren. Slumber Room personaJ .. reprewni&Uve ap-trade n11111 atld 900"" I of Ulll A,......, "'"t1110 of the 0..1r199 County~ AlltllOflty wu MIO •'""-c:stM> nwt ~---·~ .......... 1 .. .a 10:00 A.M.. TM ...... , ......,. bllne.~ vtlha11icnYill tlttbeldon Prida:y; pointed by the court wtthln et: 11ss-11ee 8ou1h P8dftC eo..t MM; Tllomal '·Alley. CMlfrMn: "°Olt "-....,,on. BfUOl NwtenOe, April 1. 1982 ttom 12.:00 noon to four months from the ~'8 of ~. ~ 8-111. C........ ,._ a. Qertc lfld the a.tt. ~ ..,_ M. W... IO attend • 7:00PM. l\edtation ol lhe Boe· fl rat lsau•nce o f letters at TN ~ n.,,,. llNd ~ 1M IMlilllt Of w. NMloNI OftnklnO WIW AtMtlOly COuld In W~on. ;'71~~~~~~~~ ~o=~~l:1n~;f =~~~!.::':..: ~~·aaa•Mtw"11~"81111r!O~~to~ ~r Lawn Memoriel C:.tr~ ni~. The time for flllns _,'"':: :0 ~ 11t tt1e of. ~°'-""~~ ~...'!'t°'.. "and M o..:c, M.. ot ~ Bwia)April 3 t"•2 clairna will not • ....,_ prior tie• of: 8ETT8 ESCROW fl+fTIFI· ~ .... °'""""'" .. ~~ ·-,,.... held on_,. __ ,,, . -......... -~ ,. .. tan, INC .. 605 N. TUltlfl Aw.-JUNI AUXANDEA at 1C>:30AM It St. Joacblm't four rnontbs from the date OI nut u. 1to, Sente AN. Clltor· an of"" 80lf'd OdboUc <1\1.irc:h. s.mc. under the hearlnt noticed tbove. n1e 92706 on or-"« APrt 1t 'ltll. Of~ the dlrflctfon of Harbor Lawn· YOU MA y EXAMINE Thie bull! tren•f• 11tullf.Ct10 OFPICIAL PAOCHDINGt O' 1'Hli •OA,.04,. 8UPE"V180"8 OF MOU11t Of.Ive Mortuary of Coaw the fU ke l by the OOW1 If C1t11ornl1 Uniform Comrnerolal ~COUNTY, C~ ,.._ 540-&&M. you .i:, tnfereeted ln the ~ ~. ':':.' =~~aCIClren of Ill• A ,..-INICtnCI of._ '°"" oC ....,,,..,. ot ~ WOL&EN 'ta"'' you 1n&y file • req ""°" wtlll witom Clllm• mer" rom...-._ .. ettGo',..111111..,0f•'*"'-~1"" JOUH D. WOLKEN, NAdent with \he court to r~celv tltecl 11 HTT8 e.ec"ow INTI"-._,.or ea.ro _. ....... ~"'Mid on~~ 1t1 ~".;:· f N•Wport S.ach C. PUMd th I ,AIHI, INC .• Poet OHIO. •o• Tiii ..,.,,_. """911,.,........ ...... ...-...: 1Nae ; 0 Mardi 24 ieai He waa epecial,. notice of e nven-, '8171 Santa An.!" Catlfornl• "°"9r "-IMilMoft. ,..__ '· ~ _. ._ Cllltl. ~; M. ·~on of n-'.... ~ty for !;'Y of eeiate HMlt and o t2111°1M7, Attn: nvfHMll, _.. w... to .n9"CI a l'MtlMI et u. ~ °'91111i.. w.-Ad~ • --•t .... -'Ill" -uu ~unta ancl fie • • tor 111111 dltfte i:ry anr OOUftolt 1n WtlltlMttcin. o.o. tlM ,._ •· a.ti to _.....,'*" .,._ the me.jbrtty cl h1-life, havtna !..!..:;: om.. Sn tfedltor eltett M A1ttll 11, 1NI Howe_,., ......... oQ;wA_.• ._.. c .. ...-.. °" ..... Md W.W. ~ Wirt KUw In boe.dne .nd ••.-• -~ 111N1111 II .. ...._.., .... lie Oft .... of illta ..... AM...,.,"-' P1~~~All.llO'f. ~ C::r.1:-J';.i~ ~ ~· Callfornl :=mmMlon dttl •PHlfled :::;::,':' :-.,...c.::.i,:i•• Ml• .... -~ ~ 8UJO~ak, C.. an4 bl.-,..,, CBBll'tOPKU T. COi' 0.0 =-r..:.aiNc Q.,._ Ofo"9 ~ ..... ~ ---~ ~= _,,. i.. v--· t'IN .._ otl.a•, HIT ... -.. · :;?.":'C-,:.:: ... -~~fi •-=.":'w.i,,.,w.a.!:"~ e. c .. , ... An .. e, 1'111 .Jdla'n.Gtw .,. , 1•1 ........ a;.'9•;-..-.. ~... . ~~ ~ ,.ui ba Mki ..-. CA fMal; ~ ('71C) =..-,~ . ~ a.ti .. ._. u.d• t.M ~of Hatbor 11l·'71M. ....... Tla•ow r , fl .....,..._.. OI.-~Of ,........ Ol.,...c.. ....,..., Ot..,.. o.... DlllW Pens 'Olilllll Oltlle a_,~.-1.~ a.............. .............. NM..-1.11a ..... t ' - • 5 6 7 8 D A I L , y p I L 0 T c L A ·S s I F I E D 6 4 2· • r.a1 ruc1 .9l~JI 2114Sa. ft. BETJ'E1{ THAN HA.S E~i~~lNG RCl1ylorCo : ,,,, --L 10.... CUl-de·HC strtel __. -Sun 6 Sail II Club •••••••••••• .. ••••••• 20 min to Newport W Ot(DllRIL Center Views, j)nvacy Ii qwel SllO,<XXI with Sl80,000 can be fouod iii this uni ll 12•1 fixed rate 6 fully-gue 3 bdrm, 2 ba & fami amortized ly room home ~llers No pot.nts or qualifying .. may ~Ip With fm1nr nG-0347 In&. $445,000 1 Owner/.Afenl p THI SHOllS-. .. A lOVely 2 6drm condo In this &ated prhate We Forest 38R. Den. community. Amenities 2BA Terma, bY owner. include private beach . _ _1,_,1""'0.""0Mi"-=---.- tennis & pool. Excellent Murport lea t.o•t e>pporturu1)'. 1230,000 •••••••••i•••ii•••••••. . 0c~l1~e~ii\ 10 ~~~~Jl~JUJ.;te beach from this 2 bdrm Bay & ocean views own your apartment ~an side/Balboa Blvd Seller may trade for 1111 Court Ave. nr 1~. Laguna propt-rl)' 67S.2291orMl·3133' lt40;<XXI • _Ample e•rkincJn re¥ ~ ..... ;\W~~, ABSOLUTE ••4 • STEAL!! 1- ..... '-.......... ~ ..... c. .. , ~ 1714J 4'4-1177 Dow.teWll L..,.o 2 Mrm:-T b11. trO'p1nll) landsraped l'.,nd o Beautiful 01:ean V1rv.' PriceleJs lout1on &Ji: rellmt Beach Housf! _L702J m W Q Collett I l.olJI-ltocll I 041 ••••••••••••••••••••••• A Lot For A Little I al're + bldg s1tl'. l(ent· ly 5lop1ng part•el short distance rrom tennis & beach. Ownr has in· dl.lded plans for rustom I stake !TIJ repu ... t1on on tlw FACT tbal thlS lS the BEST BUY 1n Newport Buch If you are a le.&JL11nate buyer·CA.Y-ME DIRECTLY and you will be lin pressed . GREAT BUY' OCEAN V\i. LRG 4 BDR. PROF DECORATED. l>OQLl2a & like nu all ror only $376.~. A trade will be considered. You won't bebeve 1t unlilyou ae4 It Call PATR l OK TENORE Oiredly 631 1266 or 760·8102 TODAY' RFIM~ vili;i S12S.0011 Spe1· • -------ta{'ular views• MISSl•~o~f.AL TV Ve~iY1~ ~g)r]'~en thouse rondo Take over FANTASTIC HOME huzh assumable loan at 180 del( otean '1ews 11:i,., Owner will {'On· 3000+ anti 1·ustom sider late model rar as Gourmet k1trhl'n down pa)m 't . A.l'l ma UI\ e It n ng rm. fast'" Ont)· S89,900. Call forrruil d1n1n1c r01) Jim Agt. 979.5370 01 firepla{'es, pool. :.p11 LI( 9!62 959'7 rtt llrU SS89. 000 ~ VltlcNJt I .I ~~~W1ifU·4 _ __ .4.f 7·1 7 61 Charming 38r, ire at ~u PRICE SLASHED to 2627Bunya.1232.500 1210.000 anxious owner Ted Hubert Realty says "SELL .. Lov~ly un 7S2·0777 1l se<:ure parktnit nnr '1 Hets ler Park v. 1th fil'TIUCHCOMDO 1torgeous v.•htll' v. lll\'r 119,000 'iev. Lo<-ate0-w1thin a hJX 1-.. y, .... l"' urious guarded com ~ IJ{I ,,.;, mwuly Call anytune . _ _ 4.J.1:.11 I Mullan Realtt:r0·2960 ~!,-m,E ~~~{'~an llG~~~YOH .. view! 2 bdrm. I ba at Guarae'3' commun11, Mam Beach. Walk to Btaut. 38R 21~ba home lvillage, shops. etc w/mirrored walls. IQls 494-93711 : 17021732·9840 of marble, 3 carJit rol -- . ~~11644-04 ~ ·~ llftmllft ,.,_ ,~.... l IHPIHTI lftll 1111 "Must s~n Now" 60' bay vtew. Just profession- ally decorated, .. like new. Sophisti- cated 2 BR & den, 2 Yi Ba. bu. pool. epa, beach & eecurity. PRICE REDU- CED t86,000 to -$446,000. ,Only ••o.ooo down. 1018 Bayside Cove ~ Mewport Beach . Debbie Frau, ~2-S2U, 6?6-6943 OPEN SATUR- DAY 2-~. SllK&,,Nlf WIAGE l M S 8 U 0 C E S 0 T E H T A W C A 8 l A 0 T R C R N " T R R R I H H E R S T J_l U U WU U l 0 VT ER I YE R R U l N 0 0 $ S T 8 P A W N D V S G I I T A l N T R C E A l Y E P 0 P R A U A ~ F R A [ H P C Y B I L L R U Y 8 A 8 L D R IC l t A S « A A F 0 A 0 L B S O.RDMILl.ltS.SR JG LYlH a TOO£SREPOOLEGA88A S T R S C V R T U T U H E S R E D 0 E S UEAPCUAIAR~PSTSVARf P A T C R 0 V C L S IC If l S £ 0 l P a R P l " C N l I [ I T H X t U N IC 0 L S N I H IC l C 1 E E W l E A N R t 0 l CPCIAAt~Al6[A5ES8lS 'IVi •I ., ... .. , ·" --~· .. ='4.~~::Ct~I =-I -=::-c:a h ...,., l ...... =· :r . ,.,._.~r ....... ... •• &. ;,. "~ •EICITIIC* l ftll ~~t~ furn, J1tiM o ... ~ Home Ill ~ HUit aieet\ S ~· Youa 1dlt1 ~'rfCYJnl .. . . Ill 1'1111 ia ............ ~r :Jltl:&. ·-~-.A ... , • 0nnot Colli DAJ~Y PILOT /Fridtry, Apt1I 2, 1N2 PAii NEWPORT APARTMENTS COUMTIY CLUI UVIHGIM HEWPORT IEACH f f. 2 s a 3 Orange Co .. t OAIL Y PILOT /Ftlday, Aprll 2, 1982 P'IC"'*" ..,_ .. ..... ".'-' flloe .............. -....... _ .. IAllC I VllNIH IAllOI. 1un -...rt A .. , T\lellll, o.111 tfftO ........ ...,. ..... '"° .• Cell!Offlie ...,.,ilOll lMtl ~ A .. , f"91111, CAtHIO ,,._ .. _......,.,._ r•tlOn ...,_., IOlfd ...... ,,. VeMt¥1-a-w ~t Tllll 11e1e111en1 •H llled wllll tllt C-.IY Ci.tll el Of ... ~ Oii M- 11, 11U , ..... l'vollantO Or•ne.• Coa11 Deity Pllol, MMCll 1t. tt. Aptl I, t, 1... iat 1..U NOTICI IMTINO lllDI NOTICE 18 HEREBYOIVEN lhel Malad Pfopoeale wlil be feoaMd by the City ot Coeta ~ at 1he ollloa of the City Cllr'k at tile Chy Hiii, 77 Fair Dflw, C0tt• MeM. Calltornia, unlH Ille hOUt of 11:00 Lm on ApfM 2t, 1982 .. which time lhey wlll be opened publlcty and read aloud In lhe Counell Chambere tor FVRNI· StllNO ALL L.A80R, MATERIALS, EQUIPMENT, TRANSPORTATION ANO SUCH OTHER FACILITIES AS MAY 8E REQUIRED TO PROVIDE DEMOLlltON ANO LANDSCAPING FOR FAIR DRIVE PARKWAYS. NOTIC8 OP IAL.a OP HIOllVCTV IN IA TIIPACTION OP ~IMH<>f'VLllM Nolle• le hereby given, In accor · dtnee with lhe Pfov\llone ol See110n 3052 of the CMI Code ol the State ol Callt<>mi.. that on ApfU 12, 1982 at 8:00 o'clock A M., at 15471 Chemical i.-. In the City of Hunt· lng1on Beach, County ol Orang•, Slale ol C.lllornla. Ille undertlgned wlll Hll at publlo auction 10 the hlgheel bidder tor CHh, the tollo· w1n9 deeorlbed pereonal properly: 1 I ' • 30" Logan Lal he, Model 1955, Sarlal # 8&515, with AUIO· mallc Cycle, !urning and facing •I· tachment l'ICnnout -·· NAMI ITATIMINT The lottowlng peraon le doing butlnMe aa: ALL CONSTRUCTION SER· VICES. 2233 I . Rltohay, Santa Ana, CA 92705. JoHph 0 . Prichard, 408 40th 61 .. Newpor1 BNch. CA Thie bualneu I• conducted by .,, lndivld\.tal J<>Mph 0 . Prlehard / Thia tllletnent WU flied with lhe County C*1t of Orange County on Aprll '· 1982 ,,11451 Publl1hed Orenge Coal! Dally Pllol Aprll 2. 9, 18, 23, t982. 1524-82 PIOTITIOUt .,._ .. MAMllTA~' TM IOllOWlng P.,IOn I• doing ~-YOLANDA HWINO H"VICI!, 1801 W 11th It., &.nta Ana. CA 12704 . Yolande M ... Oulnonee. 1to1 w 18th It.. Santi AAA. CA tnoe Thie buelnM• le conducted by an lndMdual. Yolanda Oulnotlee T hit 11ate1Mnl w• llltcl~h the County Ctettc ol Orange 1y on MlfGll 31, 1N2 ,,.... Publllh.O Ora~ CoQt 04Mty PtlOI, ApfM 2. t , 18, 23, tHa. 1'8CM2 PICTITIOUsaUtlN&U NAMl ITATIMIUIT Tiie follo•lno peroen 11 oolnt -..i ....... : RENE Mc:CLANE AT SHEAR OISION, lllO Werfter A venve, , ....... 1 .. v.11..,, c .. 11on11. n1t1 lr•ne II. Mc:CIMw, 1Uf2 lay.-. I.en•, Hvntlnvton lle«ll, Calltornla .,_ Tiii• IKNness It <ortductecl by "" lrtdlYI0"81 1,_11 Mc:Cl•ne Tlllt ., ... ,,_t Wft fllecl wllll lM Coiinly c .. ,_ ol Or•110t Covnty on Muell 10. 1t11 Pt._ Publl.-Qreft9S Co.st Oelly Piiot. M4&t . 12, It,,., AP< J, 1"2 ,.,.._., A eet of plant, epeclillcatlOna. and othet contreel doeument1 may t>e oblalned In tlie ofllca ot Iha D•· partmanl ol Lal1ure SarvlcH, 77 Fair Otlva, C09ta M .... Calflbmla., upon reoelpt of • nonretund•bla IM of H .00. II bidders raqueat plene and 1pee1fleallone be malled. the charge wtll be 17.50 per Ml. Each bid shall ba made on the propoHI form and In the manner provided In lh• contract docu· ment1, and shall be accompanied by• certified or caehter'• cnac« or• bid bond tor not leu than 10 per- oent ot the amount ot the bid, m.d• payable 10 Ille ell)' ol Coat• Mau The aale will be held to satiety • llen on euch pro1>«1y creete<I pur- euant to Section 1858 and 3051 of the CMI Code ol the Sl•te ot Cell· fornla, and storage c"-tQM In the total amount of 12.478.69, due and ___ .;.._ ______ _ PUIUC llOTIE owtno for mor• than ten ( 10) d1ya. 111<1 fo1 the eos11 or Nie. fVIUC M8l1Cl DATED April 1, 1982 -----------flCTTTIOUI eueiNalt NA .. 9TATR•NT Signed R B Baber SUPEllUOlll CotMT M Roberl 8. Baber, CALlfO..NIA The 1-.g ~ .. 6oit>Q - ~~ cou•mMOUHGa Reber Eno"-lno 1n the ......., of .... .. HIUIE MocOAMACK REALTY. 1000 Notlh COH I Hlghw1y, Laguna 8Hch. Calllomla 92t61 Tiie Conlraetor shall, In lhe P9f· formence of lhe work and lmprow- men11. conform 10 the Labor Code of the State of Calllornla and othar IHrl of the State of California ap- pllcabla ttllratO, with the e1teeptl0n 15471 Chemleal Lane ~of Hunlington BeKh. CA "''" Tarek ~ Phyllll JHn KOflllhll 2439' LOI Serrano• Lagun• Nlgue•. Celllornla aMn. Published Orange Coas1 O•lly fOf Cllenge of N..- Pllol, Aprll 2, 1982 1619-82 ~"TO tHOW CAUIE Thia bullf'I ... II COftOUOtlO t>y an In· dMclulll only ol such variation• H may be -----------FICTITIOUI llUltNEll NA•STAnMEHT required under lhe apecial atatutaa pursuant lo wllleh Pf~lngs he- reundet ara lal'9n 111<1 which have not bMI\ ~ by Iha Pf"OYI· alon1 of Ille Labor Coda. Pretetence to labor al1all be given only In the manner provided by law. No bid lhall be ~ unle8a 11 Is made on a form lumiahed t>y 111e City of Costa MMa. 111<1 la made In accordanoa '"h the provtalons ol the propoaal ~ts. Each bidder must be lloanMd and .no~ u required by law Tit• City Councll ol lhe City of Coste MeH reserved the rlghl to re141ci any or all bids. E"-" p. Phinney City Clatl< ol the City ol Coste Me.a Publlshed Orange CoHt Delly Pilot. April 2. 9, 1962 1632-82 Call 6 42-5678. Pul a few words l o work for ou. PISSNIT PllTI whlle u welt DIVES CIMEU 474 E. 17th St. The tollowlng peraone .,, doing 11usn-... ALPHA SONIC, 1232-C VIiiage Wsy, Santa Ana, CA 92705. Lloyd V. CasUeton, 26442 Hiiiary Lane, Laguna Hiiis. C•lllornla 92653. Edmond Lee Hal•. 25792 AP· plan Way, Miiiion Viejo. Calllomla 92691. This buliness 19 conducted t>y • ~Ill partnership. Lloyd v Cutleton • Oenetal Peflner This stalemenl was ftled with 11\fl County Clerk ol Orange County on Mwch 26. 19e2. f1"°'5 &Aw Olftcee of o..IJ.C-.-hlte 400 IEldando ..... 9uMdlng MOU Celle di le PleC. • L..-.Hlh.CAka53 F1"°'5 Published Orange Coasl Dally Pilot, Aprll 2, 9, 18. 23. 1982 1528-82 w L collar 'n cuff 11'11Sl .,._ ......... '-' Coata Meaa ~2136 , Coata Mesa 842-8788 Come in and see our large selection of Swimwear South Coast Plaza In the Mall by the Carousel 751-7500 A•erloa'1 Lar1ast trlellal b1 La.114at•n A, A, & A ORIENTAL RUGS INC. 503!SALE · IUTHEITIC HllDMIDE ORIEITIL RUIS I ClllPm Kublaak AntlquH 3305 Laguna Cyn. Rd. Laguna leach Sat. April 3rd Sun. Aprll 4th 10 am-5 pm (aoth Dey1) Various Sizes, Patterns, Colors From Nine leading Countries , ..... -. amR *ts II ... II 15' I 12' I 14', lf l 9', r I 5' ,...._ *** SPICIAL *** A t*lln MI pm1tt ..Utt of 50 bnnn st.tun: f'9d. ...... r.w.,. .. AllltrtM ' .... ~ ....... \ ·-· fOR CHAHGI Ot' NAtM C-No.A·tt2a5 Phytlla Kontliu1 Thie 1l at•men1 w11 lll•d wllll 1111 c:o..nry Clef-OI Orano-County on Mwctl !7. 1182 T ARIO and SUSAN MAHMOOD on behalf of minor applleant have flied • petition In this court tor an '1"4M order allOwlng petl11oner 10 change Put>ll1h•d Orono• CoH t Dally Pilot Ns name from RV AN T AREK MAH-M.,ctl •a 26 Al><• 2, 9. 1982 1320-82 MOOD lo RYAN TARIQ MAH· MOOD II 11 hetebv ordered thll all per------------ ion• Interested In the m•Her •lo-P'UlllC llOTlC( r ... ld appeer before this court In l..-----------Oepartment No 3 at 700 Civic Cenler Drive West, Santa Ana. FICTITIOUS IUllNEl8 California, on M•y 12. 1982, 11 10:30 NAME ITATUMHT o'clock • m .. and then and there The following person 11 doing snow ceuee. II any they heve. why buslneas as said pelltlon ror change or name FASHION NAILS. 3413 Newport should not be gr1nted 81Yd • Newpor1 Beach, CA 92663 n 11 furtlle<ordeted th•\• copy of Nguon Huu Nguyan, 1427 thl1 order to show cauaa be pu-Westwood Blvd .. Well Loa An· bl~ in Dally Piiot. a newspaper gales, CA 90024 of genetal ClfculallOn, publilhed In Thia bullnan Is conducle<I by 11111 county 11 least once • wee11 for an lndMdual lour conll8C\Jt1Ve weeks prior 10 t~ Ngu<>n Nguyen day of Mid heating This stetement wd llled wtth the D•ted March 31 1982 County Cle<k of Orange County on fl-.ld It "'-March 26 1982 Judoe of the I~ Court F18e05a Publhhad Orange Co11t oa1ly Published Orange Co11t Daily Piiot. April 2, 9. 16. 23, 1982 Piiot, April 2. 9, 16, 23, 1982 1618-82 1625-82 The Ultimate Sound of SONY. Lr 'f-I· t= t• '. ~~~=r=T='I c;c FB ·. _ ie:~ STR-VX6 QUARTZ SYNTHESIS AM/FM STEREO RECEIV- ER. 70 watts per channel minimum RMS into 8 ohms. from 20Hz to 20kHz. with no more than O 007% THO Eight sta11on presets with Memory an. Quartz frequency tuning for accurate. noise ecep11on. Mov1ng-co1I cartndge capab11t1y PS-X600 B IOTAACER FULLY AUTOMATIC DIRECT· DRIVE TUR NT ABLE. Biotracer tonearm actively damps tonearm 'Cartridge resonance Biotracer con- trols anlt-skating. tracking force. and automatic arm operation. Ouartz·lock motor for ultra-stable speed accuracy SONY.w~ •~music. FED CO MEMBERSHIP DEPARTMENT STORES RDCO LA COKA (213) 831-4487 3535 S LA CIENEGA BLVD LOS ANGELES 90016 F'EDCO YAJl.-UYS (213) 786·6863 14920 RAYMER STREET VAN NUYS 91405 FfDCO PWOEMA (213) 449·8620 3111 E COLORADO BLVD . PASADENA 91107 ffDCO CERRITOS (213) 860-7711 11525 SOUTH STREET CERRITOS 90701 FfOCO COSTA MESA (714) 979 2660 3030 HARBOR BLVD COSTA MESA 92626 f£DCO SM DIEGO ( 714 J 262·2" I I 5'1TH & EUCLID SAN DIEGO 92105 FfDCO SM IERNAROINO (714) 888-418 r 570 S MT VERNON AVE SAN BERNARDINO 92410 STORE HOURS WEEK DAYS t1 :OUM to a:oo PM I • LA cmtEGA • SAN IERNAROINO AND SAN DIEGO STORES 12:00 NOON to 9:00 PM • CERIHTOS • COSTA MESA • PASADENA AND VAN NUYS aTORH SATURDAYS • ALL ITORH 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM SUNDAYS • ALL ITOMI 11:M AM It uo PM ALL STORES CLOSED wtONEIDAYI OPl?N TO 'EDCO MEMBER& ONLY f \ • MERVYN'S ONE DAY SUPER • • 1amon Gleaming 14kt. gold jewelry 1s yours at fantastic savings Elegant accents for summer fashions. Lovely for gifts. too 14kt gold chains reg 20 00 to 500 00. sale 9.99 t9 249.99 10kt and 14kl rings. reg 80 00 to 265 00 39.99 to 132.49 14kt charms. holders. reg 10 00 to 60 00. 4.99 to 29.99 14kt .pendants. reg 60 00 to 205 00. sale 29 .99 to 102.49 14kt pierced eamngs reg 25 00 10 90 00. 12.49 to 44.99 Dazzling diamond jewelry. earrings. bracelets. pendants rings. men's rings. reg 150 00 to 1665 00. 74.99 to 832.49 Wedding bands. reg 40 00 to 360 00. sale 19.99 to 179.99 Mervyn's Fine Jewelry Department PrlcH effective 98turday, Aprll 3 only• Shop 1:30a.m.to1:30 p.m: • SALE HAPPENS THIS SATURDAY, APRIL 3 4,99 pkg. of e Men's svort socks. Absorbent tubes in plain ~h1te or with sporty striped top Fits 10 to 13 Reg. 8.00 pkg. 4.99 pkg. of 3 Mervyn's underwear. Briers tees and A-sh1r<ts in soft polyester/collon knit Sizes S-M-L-XL Reg. 7.00 pkg. 2tor15.00 Long sleeve, reg. 12.00, 7.89 each Dress shirts in no-iron solids. stripes and checks. 14 '>-17 regular Short sleeve. reg 10 00 6.89 ea .. 2/13.00 5.99 • 5.01 off plaid shirts. Short sleeve style. in cool poly~ster/cotton iust right for spring In sizes S-M-L-XL. Re9. 11 .00 Save 6.01 on short sleeve terries in polyester/cotton for men. young men. Many styles S-M·L-XL Reg. 15.00 12.99 9.01 off Hagge,. Magic Stretch'* Pants. Big savings and famous Hagger• comfort' Polyester. 32-40. Reg. 22.00 9.01 off young men's fashion jeans in cotton denim. brushed twill. canvas. Pocket detailing. 29 to 36. Reg. 22.00 13.99 Levi'~• denim flare• are ••I• priced! Western styling, 100% cotton plua that famous Levi's• quality and flt. 28-42. Famous maker ahorta, tops 5.01 off! Stnped trim on crew or V-neck'topa, lined shorts. S-M-L. Reg. 15.00 each 2 for 6.00 Boys· S·M·L·XL. Reg 4 50. 3.19 each Print tees boast trop1cats. cars. bikes, more 4-7, reg 4 00. 2.69 each, 2/5.00 r-·-:-;.ci re--· ----~t 4.50p119.ot;-~ Mervyn'• own tube aocka at stock· up savings' White with striped tops in 5-6'1, 7-811.9-11 Reg.7.00pkg. 10.99 Levi's• cord flares, 8-12 reg . slim. cotton/polyester. reg t6 00 Students' 26-30. reg. 19 00. 13.99 Levi's• t>oot cut. 4-7 reg .. shm, reg. 14.00. 9.99 Short pants. casu al pants 1n playful summer styles In brights or white 6-18 Reg 18 00-22 00. 12.60 -15.40 2 for 7.00 Junior cap sleeve tees. Find v-neck styles 1n bright cotors Crisp white. tool In S·M·L Reg. 6.00 each. 3.69 10.01 off Junior Brittanie• jeans in fashion baggies or sleek styles. Hers In sizes 5-13. Reg. 25.00-32.00, 14.99-21 .99 20°/o off Famous maker junior topal Solids, plaids, prints, ruffles, 'trims. S-M· l . Reg. 16 00·22.00, aale 12.80-17.60 Save 6.01 on jog aulta. Stretchable. soft Creslan · acrylic. polyester /cotton Yours. 1n sizes S-M·L. Reg. 20.00 6.99 Maternity tops and pants at one low price. Tops 1n S-M·L. 6-16. reg. 10.00 , 12.00 Pants in 6-16. reg. 11.00, 12.00 13.99 6.01 oll junior dresses. What a lind1 Crisp and colorful shirtwaist dresses in three spring styles 5-13 Reg. 20.00 ~ ./ \.... .. _J 40°/o off Bestlorm · Silver Saver bras will llatter your figure Seamless. front close contour. or full figure White in A,B CD Reg 3 79-4 99 2.27·2.99 8.99 Large size pant lops 1n bright prints Perfect for spring and summer in cool polyester interlock 38-44 Reg. 12 .00 5.99 50% off travel totes! These durable nylon travel bags go anywhere. Great for everyday or overnight. Reg. 12.00 Girls' HHhh·tex• tops, pants. shorts, dreues, pantaets. Polyester/cotton. In 4-14. Reg. 4.75-18.00. 3.1S.11 .9t Orang9 Cout DAILY PILOT/Friday, Aprll 2, 1982 1/3 off Girls' shorts In summer solids. wrap style shorts in brightest prints 4-6X, reg 5 00, 3.33 7-14, reg 6 00. 3.99 40°/o off Toddlers' fleece separates. Pull-on pant. hooded top in Creslan • acrylic 2-3-4. Reg 6 00. 8 00. 3.60, 4.80 each , I• // f L ''...:/ "' / • I 2 for 8.00 (, / ./ Infants', toddlers· sleepers. Gripper lront or pull-on. 1n carefree polyester Sizes 1-2·3·4 Reg 6 00 4.19 each 4.99 1 /3 off Entire stock dolls. doll accessories Baby. rash1on Barbie· dolls more Toy Dept Reg 199-1799. sale 1.32-11 .99 Toys in all sfores except In our Fremont store sac each Special purchase kitchen terries. Cotton/polyester Slight flaws Limited quantity Slightly Irregular Rapture II bath size towels, reg. 6 00. 2.97 Cotton/polyester Hand towel. reg 4.50. 2.79 Washcloth, reg 2 50. 1.99 9.99 Save 7.01 on Cush ·N' Soft' toilet seats for extra comfort Smooth vinyl over a soft loam core Reg. 17.00 Our doore open •t 9:30 •.m. •nd wlll etlly open 'tll 9:30 p.m. Here ilre aome of our moet popular Item• at exceptlonally lo~ price•, thl• / upe' Saturday only. Hurry In! 50°/o off Comforter. bedspread sale! In solids. florals or prints Twin lull qSeen. or king Reg 40 00 70 00 19.99 to 34.99 4.99 an,.alze Fiberfill V bed pillows at one low price! W11at a value• Standard. queen, and kinq sizes Reg. 9.00 to 11 .00 t Save on muslin sheets 1n pretty China Song prints Cotton/polyester. flat. fitted Twin sheet. reg 7 00 3.69 each 40°/o off Save on all Cherokee· and People Movers ~oes In leather or fabric Reg ~00~39 00 sale 14.99 to 23.40 40°/o off Girls· sandals. leather slraps 9-4. reg 12 00 7 20 Men's sandals. suppleleather 7-11.reg 1700.10.20 25°/o off All Kangaroos•-Pocket Shoes'· are on sale. from canva6 to nylon Reg. 16 00-25 00 sale 11.99 to 18.75 1.99 each Tee shirt kits make one adult or two kids' tees Ribbing included Um1ted quantities only Special purchase. ,,, .,., ,.,--· ···-·Huntington .. Beach -• 9811 Ad.ams. Ave. . _ -=··M~ ·-El···-..... ..9&:.I. · t.-illll at Brookhur.st St. • 963-9731 jl:I 1 ~y . #"~ i3 PrlcH eHectlve Seturday, Aprll 3 only• Shop 1:30•·!"·to1:.30 p.m .. .. I ca a • --.... ioWEST BANK f/NANC/NG~otJ TH~ spor .DfllVERYaa.c. 7 8 MBlmlY CAPll I tcrt IM1f MllflM, ........ lff ''"'"'' ,.,, •.. "' .... .. LIC ••toNOO 78 TOYOTA HAlf·T• I <JI Ult. •~llf MUfttc. lJ, ... 1tlll•l .. ll1t UC •1013114 79 SMC VANDUllA ,._, itttilat 1,,, '"'"· 11tt1 21,MI t•l+ltt ••• "'''"/' """ llC IT0291 '80 TOYOTA CEUCA GT I 1y1 • I A• f M llttM, •Ill ....... ... "'' , ,., .. i.10 ••11lll1l llttl1 "'' LIC 1AHlt67 711"'11...a !--..... Alllf•-. ....i• ----·~...._ ............ UC. 11UIPIU s2999 s3599 $4999 $5999 I l i ~ ;; ' ' -·· . s2999 '11,..mllll ...................... ,., ~ ................. . UC. 41WI 7111Tml•U $4699 Alllnl-. _ .... ...,1,,.,, .. ...................... UC. ir1H5'7 77•4141BM $5299 YI,-· Alllf• oltrM, ut""9, °"''' ........ l ltHl .... tll,tll-rMfllm IN ......... A .... .,Hlll ,111 .. t UC. •1Mllt4 71 ...... 124 '10,399 t cyl., IMl ltltcl:. .. :r.,"'· 111, ,., ........... "· ........ -'"'·'" ........ ...., 111.,.. ""'" ...... .................. UC. •7111DC 'IOHONDA ATC·70 289 'M~~~reblt Wlnf EXTRA Tl RES. new faint Battery. rad ·MOOCub. 612-0120 star er , $1995foHer ... _ s...-.,; e3263 - ....._..._,, -. '80 Chev L UV P U ltat/StoracJt 160 Mikado 4x4 camper e..••••••••••••·~··•••••• shell Xlnt cond $6200. ~~~me~ !tps ~ us:I(· ~1129 --con~S295/wk + 16' 1m1 ~OtQ.~ AMtos W.ted 9590 ENT 26 rt motor home ••••••••••••• •• 0 ••• •• •• Sips 8. ru!rto!ded WE MEED YOUR I ~16 GOOD USED CAR! 1 '78 Toyo! a Ch 1 n o1ok AnYthlng consicfere·d, ~;x>sSso~t~·1i;rpu ar 1977lhru 1980 Motor Home older GMC. ~ Eng gd, nice inside. nds pamt, ~inor re!a1rs . k ~. Bo an 61§.iS~ . Tr'llllln, ,,..._. 91 7 •••••••••••••••••••••• ., .. ~c.-., im 20"1 rt . Prowler fully 2925 HarbOr Blvd self.contained, xlnt COSTA MESA cond. Sleeps 6 SSSOO _-19u7w9l!.,..2,.5_..0_..Q __ 080832·™-. Tr'llllln. Uttllty WE PAY •••••••••••••••••••••• TOP DOLL .... R Utility trlr. new all M metal. SXlO, ramp, brks. FOR USED CARS $700. &42·8915 Al.AH MAG HOH 19· dual axle trailer, Rood ~C/SUlilU cond. S6SO 1~r lJTvcr A MESA .549.4100 54t, 145.Z AMlo S.....ke, P..ts 'Acussories 940 •••••••••••••••••••••• ATTEMTIOH MG TO~~ER Fits MG's, ·~I· '81 Never used, $75 Maria631·7797 lve ms WEIUY Q.EAMCARS AMDTRUCKS COMMEll CHEVROLET 1982 MODELS HERE NOW! • Clwck -pod .. ctiollof DIMOs..t QUALITY PIM>WHED AUTOMOllUS ........ ......... _.a•abl1s. CtlsC-la TODAY! SALES• SBYICf LliSIMG SADDLEIACK IMW JMOJ~ KWT. MISSIOH YIUO Avery Pkwy off 1-5 131-ZMO ~~ Open Sundais TM Most bcitiftcJ P..+OfYow IMW Purchoa. Or LHM COlllkt le McLattn BMW!! UTE BODY WORK & pa1:t·UP lo SO~ oH:our ~Y shoo esl. SJt~2 '>I.." ii" l••r I! , I ' , "'I \ \1 ~" \ ~U-1200 ~OrLtast I Olir PhoM Ploft! lfl41522-5333 Top tt'n~J~Irl\ports OUHGE COUHTY'S Cars, Bu"s. Campers. OLDlST ALFA ROMEO PARTS All parts lo convert 101 1600 to Veloce.A exc. pistons. Sl400 u ennls, 979-?748 arter 6pm or 914's, Audi s . AskrorU/C MGR $ JIMMAllHO TRM!~~i~ HUNTINGTON BEACH ------~-• MEW DELOIEAN U~7) $24.950 HOMDA mus ~ s.un .. AMA .. 0 . YOUI W 91 "Warner Nin MAIDA. ,_ --1f0,lil0 nw " • ~ .............. !?!~ ":'~~ ... IOS WO SI. cmH!S.l 64UU4 •FANT~TIC• ·~~~-10A 6~6 *FIATS* ~uilrn!~il' ~~animis~i~~: ttlge Seledion a ir con d it ion 1 n g . Pre-OwHd uCAW1s21. $6388. T~ l~c~,v~ . RecoadltioMd Huntington Bu('h FW~CC11'1 HZ.6611 Many T<fCTi00st From t 1r All Vetucles Guaranteed '78 GLC1 auto. rans \ Examples cond l\M/FM 8 trac . 'U RATSPIDEI lim!MH§93;iCt Pt s s . air. stereo I ·~Mazda 626, 2 dr. S sP<I. W' am,fm stereo. a c. al owner. Classic n1te ZOK NJN) loys. xtra!J_ mi. Beauty < 122 Olllll.S66QO. ~2·0618 $4495 c et'.Mt\W~tf\ spd '11 FfAT SPIDEi stereo . l . o v. n e r s sp(I • stereo rass . alloy <AJH842 l wlils , mint rond RA 52995 MU S~ S EE CA ' OACPS77l F'1 fJ.lll. n ~I $499 5 ~ llJJJ1l.!:!SIJj '71 RAT SPIDH 120 w ~~91/ss1 ·2L32 5 spCl .. mag wnls . 9739 stereo, l·owner. only M......tf 36K m1 !665U PQ l •••••••••••••••• ••• •• • • $5495 ORAMGE '79 RAT SPIDER COUMTY'S Aufomat1c. sl ereo. EXCLUSIVE wh1re whls. A very MASERATI sharp car Will Deal''' DlillRSHIP! (06.1YSA) WeinreJIVer anywliere $5995 mtheworld'Sffusal ··we believe we ha\e the V. SHARPEST & LOWEST HACH IMPOI · ~ric~d FIATS tn So Ttlmlrarbor'BTvcT."C .. ca1.• · Ul-7170 Im I 848 Dove Street. N B. I WOTOIS Mtlc:eodtslea 9740 ~ 120 w Warner SA557·213.Zi •••••••••••••••••••• ••• •Ml,~o llNdMeru•s to .... C.Om~~l tm· porta Direct lease and 60 mos sensible pymts Dial 213 or 714 MERCEDES IS 213 ..2r 7111637 .2333 --- '79 MBZ JOOTD hard to rm<!, Diesel Sta wgn Snn, cass. am1rmhnew llres~i...beig_e, very s arp. 11.!l.i!\1!!,i~Hi§O. P.P. '78 ~ CD Cpe, silver. wire wheels. 45,000 m1. sunroo~i... exlra lank, Sl§.250. !lLJ =§494 '78 450SL. r tnt cond. ~l'td to sel ! SZG.000 or ~o(fer.759·~ '78 ~D. lVOl")'/Tan int. New tires . brak es. l{&st~~~~~ade ror MG 9742 ••••••••••••••••••••••• .. 1982MODELS HERE NOW!!! Sales-Service.Leasing SADOLHACIC §UIA.RU . 2840'ilfarguente Pkwy. Mission Vie/o Avery Pkwyo f l·S .131·iwSu4l5_.f49 . n n BYS r . Useful eaav·lo-lind information Is a ~lat part of the work setting News- paper classthed is one source busi· r)eS~ people have come to cjepend uPOn-for oersonal as well as wort(. related needs To reach acrtve c1asstf1ed readers ctll Ind !el us helo vou w11te VOUI mull.gelling ad classified ads phone 642·5878 ~~. 1982 GL * ~ Hatchback Here's a 5-spd.-with pinstripes and 3-yr. paint warranty. Hurryt Won't last long at this price. Ser. 307797 $6488 100~ FINANCING~ AVAUBlE O.A.t. .. .. ~ Collt DAILY PILOT/Friday, Apttl 2, 1982 This beauty is loaded with 5-spd., perma plate, trim rings, bumper guards, carpeted floor mats aAd pinstripes. Ser. 106958. 1982 DL 2-Door Hardtop Here's a gas saving 5-;pd. with perma plate and pinstripes. Ser 306963 $6388 This darling 4 x 4 is equipped with pinstripes, 3-yr. paint warranty and plenty of fun! Ser. 500361 s.6677 13861 HARBOR BL\/D .. GARDEN GROVE \ .. ,. .. Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Friday, APrll 2. 1982 • .. LllT Nia .77 .. FACTOllY •UAn •soo ROB•I DllCOUllT .'69 Ser. 147746 Stk. 0789 YOUR PRICI $67 :95 NIW 1982 FORD ( ·:xi ~ . 'lllW 1981 GRANADA · NIW 1980 MUSTANG CONVERTIBLE under actual dealer cost Ser. 129512 FIRST . 1983 OF THE YEAR! .f.!VICE l&R:S;fciiu------------$-5 cjQ,;'d;;-;; --~ ....... Y-• c ........... ••nketl, r••• ............ Jortl 100 FREE llLES _... ..ty ..• (l60 ...-r-OIO., 3 o.y meunum. ~omer P9Y9 Jor gatl ~ 'fOU'I NOW1Ollet•JCPr•'I16/12 WE TAKE APPOINTMEHTS ____________ , _____________________ _ , .. FOllD '79FORD '71~. ... ............. f.110• ...... ·CALL _c.._..o Gorgeous Mint White Ready t o So! A ir Super clean & loa- wta ir cond .. pwr. cond .. auto. trans .• ded! Cruise control, steering & only 22. low miles. ideal for NOW tilt wheel. auto trans .• 346mi16SI (597ZAV). construction! Save pwr. steeri ng, air Ananclng Available. Now! (1RGl816). Fi-cond. & new paint. nancinQ Available. ( 1M55708\. CAUMOW '72 FOllD .1 .. ' JI -Mu•lan9 LOW ····-Bubble Top & Loa- Grande. 2 dr .• Rallye dedl Options inc. rear Real Clean! 4 cyl. Orange. 351 , auto .. kitchen. side gaucho. economy. aut o. am/fm stereo. vinyl air cond .• auto .. AM-trans .. power stee- PIYIEITS top, (1CGX761 ). Fl-FM stereo & much ring. air cond .. Super nanclng Available. morel Summer Is co-Sharp! (712NZA). ming! 441A J l Financing Available. CAU ... • --·-..... ----· .. ) • ......~ NEW 1982 FORD F- UITNla tl064 FACTOllY •IBATI .750 ROBINI DllCOUNT t639 Ser. A1 41 05. Stk. T1 289 YOUR PRICE $667 • NEW 1981 COURIER saoo ~:~~., INVOICE Incl. factory rebare Plus dealer added options - Ser 524579 Stk. 0851 NEW 1981 MUST ANG $aoo~::r~., INVOICE 1nc1 rebare Plus dealer added options ~er 120223. stk 0677 INTRODUCING THE ALL-NEW 1983 RANGER YOUR .PRICE Ser A09212 Stk 1301 ------------------------------------------~!~!!~!m~n~~:c~.~~0~1!~~:,.r, camber ond IO••AL -aa· $19 9 s ._..,, 0... -• ~ .,,......._ wfth M-Ptt.n.n flnrt1. '.JI r• ~atlc peuon .. r c-only. bplrH 4/15/12. Al DllC.mlD --------------------------------- I '78DOD~ '79 ClllVY '10 ClllVY •.-c .......... Camaro Cheweffe Pretty maroon & FINANCING This Berlinetta. is loa-Real sharp 4 dr. with white w /bu cke t ded , only 23.800 all the goodies. auto. seats. pwr. steering. AVAILABLE miles. must sacrifice trans .. low down. low AM·FM stereo. mags for inventory reduc-pmts.. (766YTE) . Fl-& w ide tire s . tlon. (577WYD ). l')anclng Available. (1CGV8591 . CAUNOW C&ia.NOW . ..... '74 MIRCURY '76 L91COUI c.tt.aa ........... FINE Comet c.. ............ Loaded inc. tilt. crul· Nice family earl 4 dr .. \ Loaded inc. white w I se. pwr. seat, padded auto. trans .. power red leathe r int .. top, AM-FM cassette steering. radio . moonroof & all the CARS & only 17.000 miles. (866KBE) . Financing t oys! (825702). (712ZBX) . Financing Available. Financing Available. Available. CAU. ... CAU.NOW , ' Venita VanCaspel is featured in KOCE's The Moneymakers' Sunday at 5:30 p.m . • April 2 -April 8 • Money Channel 50 show offers ways to stretch check "The Moneymakers," a 13-part series on per- sonal financial planning. begins Sunday. April 4, at 5:30 p.m. on KOCE channel 50. Hosted by Venita VanCaspel, financial planner and author of "Money Dynamics for the 1980s," the show covers areas of concern such as inflation, in- vestments, real estate, energy, tax shelters and life insurance. Each program features two entrepre- neurs who tackle these topics in lay language and with common sense advice. The goal of the program is to show viewers how they can make their paychecks work for them. • • • Perry C9mo will be joined by Ann Jillian and Charo for an ABC holiday special "Perry Como's F.aster in Guadalajara" to air at 10 p.m. Saturday on Channel 7. It's Como's 15th holiday special for ABC and the crooner promises some old-fashioned entertainment for the hour-long show. • • • Walter Matthau stars as Dr. Charley Nichols, a widowed surgeon determined to take advantage of his new single status, in :·House Calls," to be pre- sented at 9 p.m. Saturday on CBS (Channel 2). Glenda Jackson stars in this delightful comedy as Ann Atkinson, an attractive divorcee who holds more conservative views on love and marriage. The 1978 motion picture also stars Art Camey as the ab6ent-minded surgeon and Richard Benjamin. • • • Roger Moore, Lee Marvin and Barbara Parkins have to outmaneuver a ruthless psychopath as they race to blow up a German battleship hidden on a dangerous African river in "Shout at the Devil," a movie to air at 9 p.m. Sunday on ABC (Channel 7). Marvin plays Flynn O'Flynn, an American li- ving in Africa who loves drinking, ivory and his daughter RoSe (Parkins). For bis ivory-poaching expeditions into German~held territory, Marvin recwts Englishman Sebastian Oldsmith (Moore). ~ When O'Flynn's grandchild is killed by a Gennan madman, the. ivory poachers set out on a deadly mission to get even by destoying a German battleship. • • • Frank Capra, the award-winning movie di.rec- tor, will be honored at "The American Film Insti- tute Salute to Frank Capra," Sunday at 9:30 f·m· on CBS (Channel 2). The special marks AFI s 10th anniversary of its Life Achievement Awards. • • • The last and most powerful sacred choral masterpiece by Franz Schubert -"Maa No. 6 in E-ilat Major" -will be performed by one of the world's oldest musical institutions Monday at 7:30 See Moneymakers, Page 31 '60 M~nutes' still going strong 'Inside America' has useful info See '60 Minutes, on Page 30 See Inside TV on Page 32 '1• t •l " ' ~~~.,._ ......... ~~--·"Yf,_.......,~ ..... ----·--~ . I 1. .. - ·~ Q. c( ~ "'O ·~ LL Cl 0 _J ~ ----~-~----- MAXEil.. TAPE SEMINAR I CLINIC . ONLY AT ATLANTIC MUSIC! ,, SATURD.AY APRIL 10 -NOON 'TIL 4 P.M. I On Saturday, Aprll 10th -from noon I FREE'' FREE'' tlll 4 p.m. factory represe~tatlves from I • • , · •• Maxell wlll be at Atlantic Music to an-I y Ch 1 1 M. 9-11 Rock II ti b t t d 1· our o ce o a ax , swer a your ques ons a ou apes an • Jazz or Classical Sampler Al- taping. As a special bonus, purchase tw~ I bum For Just Stopping By - Maxell XLS. series tapes for $9.96 and I Aprll 10th Only. Maxell technicians wlll clean, demagnl-I . tlze, evaluate your deck's performance :· SPE~IAL FOR OllLY $9.96 and on those decks with frOJtt paner bias : 1) ANY TWO XLS SERIES TAPES and equallzatlon controls adjust your I 2) A MAXELL TAPE DECK CARE KIT deck precisely to \)our favorite tape To I 3) YOUR DECK AND FAVO~ITE TAPE 7 . -• 1 EVALUATED ON MAXELL'S make sure your deck stays In top shape • TEST EQUIPMENT a Maxell Care Kit Is Included t.ool All for I 4) YOUR DECK CLEANED AND only $9.961 1-~~:;~~:,~:~:~1~~s I . BRlllG YOUR TAPE .DECK AllD FAVORITE TAPE TO ATLANTIC! ******************-*************************** THE lllCREDl.BLE SOA;;U;;;-ID;:MiO;;;;;Fd~~~;ll o 1 DK. TECHllDYIE! f!:"Acapft FM"'-_.,. ( THE H,S-111 =~~·:.~­ WITH Fl TUIER -0:.. ':k-=::.:. ~ .. AID yeu ..... the ••oct w1v--'"' ...... w..-,.u"'" URPHOIES -:.=::::=-::the _, flf the hlpe llW AT ITUITIC llLY I I I •• $9900 _. TDK' 1 new HIGH GRADE Video Tape gives outstanding IOW IT performance at ..-and 6 hour ITUITIC speeds along wi1h the durability OILY needed for slow motion and * 19 89 freeze frame viewing. Try one • I today! T·1H--._____ Ll•t .. .. Daily Pil-1 MAIN OFFICE 330 ·west Bay St., Costa Mesa, Ca. Mall address: Box U60, Costa Mesa, Ca., 92626 Telephone: 6"42·"321 Index Orange Coast TV Antenna ...•....•... Page 3 Sports Highlights . . . . • . ...... Page 5 Daytime Schedule . . • . . . . . . . . . . Page 6 Evening Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 8 Letters .............................. Page 29 Word Game .........•.•.....•......... Page 29 Inside TV . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . Page 33 TV Puzzle ....... . . . ............... Page 33 Daytime Drama . . • . , . . . . . . . .'.. . . ... Page 34 Channels 9 KNXT<CBS> 6121 W. Sunset Blvd .• Los Angeles, Ca . 8 KNBC <NBC> ~ W. Alameda Ave , Burbank, Ca e KTLA Clnd. l 5800 W. Sunset Blvd , Los Angeles. Ca. G KABC <ABC> 4151 Prospect Ave., Los Angeles. Ca. (8) KFMB <CBS> 7677 Engineer Rd .. San Diego, Ca 1J KHJ·TV (lnd.) 5515 Melrose Ave., Los Angeles, Ca (10) KCST <ABC> 8330 Engineer Rd .. San Diego, Ca • KTTV <Ind.> 5746 W. Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, Ca. • KCOP·TV <lnd.> 915N. La Brea Ave .. Los Aqgeles, Ca. (24> CBS Cable 9KCET(PBS> 4401 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, Ca. 9KOCE<PBS> 15744 Golden West St., Huntington Beach <0> On·TV 1139 GraM Central Ave., Glendale. Ca. <Z) Z·TV 2939 Nebraska Ave., Santa Monica. Ca. <H> HBO ' Tlme-Ule Bldg .. Rockefeller Center. N.Y .. N.Y <C>Cinemax ' Time-We Bldg., Rockefeller Center. N.Y .. N.Y. e <WOR1 N.Y .. N.V_. (17) <WfBS> Atlanta, Ga. <E J ESPN <LJ Select <S> Showtime <S> Spotliaht <C> <Cable News Network > """ --.-.- 'MoneyHJakerSJ paycheck finance By PHIL SNEIDERMAN Ol'the 0.-, .......... Television has never been particularly strong in covering busin~ and economic matters. , Give TV news people something visual -a flood, a brush fire or a plane crash -and they're hard lo beat. The pictures alone tell more than even the most descriptive printed accounts. But television doesn't usually distinguish itself when the subject is the gross national prod~ or the balance of trade. Typically, television illustrates the rising in- flation rate by showing a few supennarket shoppers 900wling at the latest jump in the price of beef or reports on unemployment by interviewing a family man who's just lost his job. Public television has taken a stab at business programs. but the results have often been dry and aimed primarily at people who are already well- versed in the world of high finance. Such programs have poaed little threat to "Mork and Mindy." But KOCE-Channel 50, Huntington Beach's own public television station, is hoping to reverse this trend with a new eeries aimed specifically at the average wage earner, the peraon who is bewil- dered by the maze of small investment opportuni· ties such as real estate, insurance and the stock market. "The Moneymakers," taped by KOCE in its Huntington Beach studio, debuts at 5:30 p.m. Sun- day. The half-hour programs will be broadcast at that time over the next 13 weeks. The series' $100,000 production oosta were un- derwritten by grant from the Angeles Corporation. The program will be distributed to other stations around the nation. Guiding viewers during the series will be fi· nancial planner Venita VanCaspel, author of three best-aelling investment books: "Money Dynamics," "The New M oney Dynamics" and "Money Dynamics for the 1980s." Each program involves Ms. VanCaspel and two guest busine98 experts chatting in a cmy office en- vironment assembled in the Huntington Beach studio. 'The aim la to keep the conversatioii at a level that will interest even the penoo who has trouble 3 balancing hia or her checkbook. In corning week.a, viewers will hear Ms. Van-:!! Caspel and her guesta tell how inflation can make o money for investors, why you should let a protea--~ sional invest your money, whether it is wise to < invest in life insurance and how to plan for a fi-r- nancially secure retirement. .8 She and her guests will also focus on myths · surrounding the issue of whether to rent or buy ~ housing. • g. Ms. VanCaspel's own story would probably ~ make for an interesting movie-of-the-week. She > was born in Oklahoma auring the Depression and ~ worked three jobs t.iQ attend the University of = Colorado. !'J She married and spent 13 years as a housewife ..... until tragedy struck in 1959, when her husband was ~ killed in a plane crash. N She returned to the University of Houston to study investment. When she learned that only two of every 100 people who reach age 65 are finan- cially independent, she found her calling. F.ntertng a male-dominated field, Ma. VanCas· pel opened her own brokerage f inn and became the first woman to join the Pacific Stock Exchange. In a telephone interview, Ms. VanCaspel said she hopes the "Moneymakers" series reaches "the little person," the wage earner who is losing too much to taxes and inflation. She says the aeries will show how a penon can invest as little as $3,000 in a warehouse or an oil well. She believes most people are woefully ill· informed on how to get the most out of their money. "We're raising a nation of financial illiterates," she said. "We have too many people who can't even figure simple percent.ages.'' A preview look at the first segment of the se- ries found Ms. V anCaspel and her guests telling why most Americans are not winning "the money ga.Jne.'' The participanta attack the "Depression men't tality" which cau.es many Americans to keep their money only in government-insured accounts that yield relatively low returns. Mrs. VanCaspel alao uses the first program to critici7.e Americans for banking too heavily on So- cial Security as their main source of income in later years. "Social Security. Doesn't that sound like a wann pupoy?" slie aska. "They should call it Social lnsec:urity .'· In future weeks, Orange Coast residents can keep their eyes open for two local money experts who will be chatting with Ma. VanCaspel In the aecond program, John Pugsley of Costa Mesa, author of '"The Al~ Strategy," will parti- cipate in a diacusaion of 'Inflation: Robin Hood of the 808." In the fifth prognu:n, Don Olsen, senior vice president of Integrated Resources in Ne~port Beach, will ta&e part ln a talk on "Real Rewaids of Real &tate." The nation's economic picture may teem bleak. See TV Antenn.t, Page 31 VIDEO MOVIES SPOKEN HERE • FOR YOUR EYES ONLY • FINAL CONFLICT THUNDERBOLT & LIGHTFOOT • EYE OF THE NEEDLE • TAnoo •ROCKY • CARBON COPY • PlllSUIT OF D.& COOPER I ,OOO's of t.1ovles For Sale or Rent See th_e Video Experts at . . • Video Cai•"-R ..... 11 1114-1 HAiioi ILVl~--- MM" COST A MES• • 646·1921 . • GAWPOU • HOUSE CALLS .. I I I I I I I I t I ......, f 1. I ,_ N co CJ) .... AUTHORIZED SALES/SERVICE/SATISFACTION AMC-JEEP ORANGE COAST AMC-JEEP~ULT 2524 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -549-8023 SADDLEBACK.BMW /SUBARU' 28402 Marguerite Parkway Mission Viejo 831-2040 -495-4949 ROY CARVER BMW 1540 Jamboree Road Newport Beach -640-6444 Boa. McLAREHS BMW At Beach Blvd. & Whittier La Habra -· 522~5333 CREVIER MOTORS 208 W . 1st St. Santa Ana -835-3171 "' CADILLAC NABERS CADILLAC 2600 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -540-91 oo CHEVROLET CONNELL CHEVROLET 2800 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -546-1200 c;: I ;I\ 1 ! #;Iµ fi#t .111j:1 ATLAS CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH 2929 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -546-1934 DATSUN NEWPORT DATSUN 888 Dove Street Newport Beach -833-1300 FORD THEODORE ROBINS FORD 2060 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa 642-00 I 0 -540-821 I ' LINCOLN-MERCURY JOHNSON & SOM LINC.OLM-MERCURY 2626 Harbor Blvd. COsta Mesa -540..5630 SANTA AMA LI MC OLM-MERCURY 1301 N . Tustin Avenue Santa Ana -547-051 I MAZDA MIRACLE MAZDA ,,. 1425 Baker Street Costa Mesa -545-3334 ANAHEIM MAZDA 601 S. Anaheim Blvd. Anaheim -956-1820 PEUGEOT BEACH IMPORTS 848 Dove Street Newport Beach -752-0900 PONTIAC BOB LONGPRE PONTIAC 13600 Beach Blvd. Westminster 892-6651 -636-2500 PORSCHE-AUDI CHICK IVERSOH. INC. 445 E. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach -673-0900 MEISTER PORSCHE-AUDI 13631 Harbor Blvd. Garden Grove -636-2333 SAAB BEACH IMPORTS 848 Dove.Street ~ · Newport Beach -752-0900 TOYOTA EARLE IKE TOYOTA 1966 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -646-9303 MAXEY TOYOTA 18881 Beach Blvd. Huntington Beach 847-855f· VOLKSWAGEN JIM MARINO VOLKSWAGEN 18711 Beach Blvd., Huntington Beach 842-2000 VOLVO EARLE IKE VOLVO 1966 Harbor Blvd. -Costa Mesa -646-930f • • f Sports Highlights. Friday APRIL 2, 1982 EVENING 7:30 fJ DODGER BLUE '82 Jim Holl hosts Hus special, with a review of last year's championship season. includ•no the rise of Fer- nando Valenzuela and the Dodger's t11umphant homecoming from the World Serles, interviews with Dodger wives and a look at the Chavez Ravine Stadiums 25tn anr11ver- sary 11:30 fJ ()) NBA BASKETBALL. San Antonio Spurs at s.iatt1e SuperSon•c' Saturday APRIL 3. 1082 MORNING 0:30 CD THIS WE.El< IN BASEBALL 11 :00 0 wc1' TENNIS $300.000 B1t11 Bergamo Memonal Tournament Vilas Gerula11ts vs Ivan Lend I AFTERNOON 12:30 0 Q! IT'S STILL CALLEO BASEBALL Joe Garag101a hOsts a pre. view of the 1982 baseball season ()) BASEBALL BUNCH Guest Gary Carter 1:00 ()) THIS WEEK IN BASEBAU. 1:30 8 ()) COLLEGE ALL.- STAR BASKETBALL CLASSIC Top seniors from the W.;st compete with those ol the East 1n the t Hh annual all· star game (from Las Vegas. Nev). 0 al DINAH SHORE INVITATIONAL Thlrd·round coverage of this tournament featuring top female gotfors (live from the Mission Hills Country Club tn Rancho M11aoe.Calll 1 2:30 D SUGAR RAY LEONARD'S GOLDEN GLOVES @) PROFESSIONAL BOWLERS TOUR $ 110,000 King LOUle Open (from the King Louie West In Overland Park. Kans I 3:00 0 SPORTS AFIELD 3:30 IJ Cl) SPORTS SATURDAY wee 15-round 11ghtwe1ght cnamp1onsh1p boul between champion Ale•IS Arguello and WBC No 1 ranl<ed contender ,Andy Gan1g<in ltrom Las Vegas. Nev I D PROFESSIONAL BOWLERS TOUR s 110.000 King Louie Open (lrom the King Louie West m Overland Park. Kans ) 4:30 Eli) SOCC~ MADE IN GERMANY East Germanv vs POiand 5:00 IJ AMERICAN LEAGUE WEST PREVIEW IJ WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS Coverage of Iha Ftottda Derby for 3-year-old tho- rouohbreds (from Gulf- stream Park 1n Hallandale, Fla ), NCAA Sw1mm1no And Diving Champ1onsntps (from Brown Deer. WIK.). Ci) ~iA ,..ADE IN GERMANY East Gefmany 11s POiand 5:30 tl]) WIPE WORLD OF SPORTS Coveraoe of the f1or1da Derby tor 3-year-old tho- roughbred' (from Gulf- stream Park 1n Hallandale, Fla ), NCAA Swimming And D1v1<1g Champ1onsn1ps (from Brown Deer. Wisc.) EVENING 8:00 &!) FAIR PL.AV IN SPORTS · ai) SPORTS AMERICA "College Gymnastics· Iowa State. Nebraska. Oklaho- ma" 7.30 ()) PADRES 1082 BASEBALL PREVIEW Sunday APRIL4, 1982 MORNING 10:00 fJ Cl) NBA BASKETBALL Houston Rockets at San Antoruo Spur5 IJ BASEBALLBUNCH 11.00 QJ OUTDOOR LIFE 11.30 0 ~ SPORTSWORLO Grand National StffPlechase Orom Am· tree, England). CART Pnoen1• t50' auto race (ltom Phoenix, A11z) H INTERNATIONAL FIGURE SKA TING FROM PEKING Oorolhy Hamill pertorms and co-hosts with Gr8Q Lewis 1n an all·star exh1bt- 11on leaturong Jo Jo Star- buck, Toller Cranston and John Curry as well as ~maleur ~aters hoping to represent China In lhe '84 Winter Ol~mprcs AFTERNOON 12:30 fJ Cl) NBA BASKETBALL Portland Tr ad 81azeu at Los Angeles Lakers .-Have a ball I Limited memberships ovoiloble " . • Corporate Membership • Fomllv Membership • Single Memb0rshlp • Associate Membership • Junior Executive ( 18 to 29 years of age) • Junior Mem~shlp ( 12 to 18 years of age) • Swim Membership • Aerobic Membership • And our new Annual Membership for 1vrtMr lnlonnatton, coll our sol•• director 644-0050 //~Hy;r»~ r;/Jead r~7u;J Y:~ 2601 Eostbtuff Drive, Newport Beach, CA. 92660 -. 1:00 0 13 DINAH~HQRE INVfT A TIONAL 7:30 0 PR.E.SEASON BASEBALL Cahlornia Angels vs land A's 5 Oak-3! 0 -Final round coverage ol this tournamenl, featuring some of the top female golfe<s (llve from the Mii· 'IOn Hiiis Country Cl;ib Ill Rancho Mirage, Calif.) him highlights of the 1981 season. a review ot the o!l- season trades and free agent rnove5 and Allen's prad1ct1ons of l11e lop lhree teams for 1082 11:30 tK) RACE FOR THE PENNANT -4 < Hosts Barry l ompluns and Tim McCarve< 1>0eak a 1 peek at the upeomlng sea-$ D tlll SPORTS8EAT 1:30 1J (ii AMERICAN SPOATSMAH (Season Premiere) Levar Burton ralls down AlrlGB'S Zambezi River. seven e•pert climbers attempt to scale "Alna Dablam m the Himalayas Monday APRIL 5, 1082 EVENING 7:30 8 REOOIE son Wednesday APRIL 7, 1082 EVENING 2:30 D tlll U.S.A. vs. THE WORLD IN OLYMPIC SPORTS Jim Hill profiles Califor- nia s newest A noel, R8QOte Jack son tor an in-depth look at JaGl<son •• the man } !" 8:00 0 LYNN SHACKELFORD ..... U S national gymnastocs team vs the national team of the People s Republic of China llrom Los Angeles, ca11t) 3:00 0 BASEBALL 1982 -A LOOKAHEAD Mel Allen hOSIS this how- 1ong spec111t wn1ch includes fltm highlights ot tne 1981 ~t>ason a review ot the oll- ~ason 1rades and tree agent rnovt!S and Allen s pred1c11ons ol the top three teams tor 1982 iJ9J SUGAR RAY LEONARD'S GOLDEN GLOVES Nebraska vs l e•as 3:30 IJ @) WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS The Rebel "'500" stock car 1ace (ltom Darlington, S C ). the 45th running of the Santa Anita Derby lo• thoroughbred raclng's lnple Crown hopefuls 1rrom A1cad1a. Cahf ) 5:00 1J GREATEST SPORTS LEGENDS EV EH ING 11:30 f) SPORTS AHAL Cl) 8ASE8Au. 1982 -A LOOKAHEAD Mel Allen hosts this hour· long special whlCh include$ IJ OUNPHY'S DODGERS Jerry Dunphy visits the Dodgers training camp in Vero Beach lor a Ian's per- spective ol the World Se11es cnampoons H, RACE FOA THE PENNANT Hosts Barry Tompkins and T 1m MGCarver sneak a l)tlef\ at tne upcoming 58<1· son 11:00 0 AUTO RACING Long Beach Grand p,,, Tuesday APRIL 6, 1082 AFTERNOON 5:3o 0 LYNN SHACKELFORD 5:50 0 NBA BASKET8ALL Houston Rockets vs Los Angeles Lalters EVENING 7:00 D ANGELS '82 • A PREVIEW Joe Buttitta And Bob Slarr look at the upcoming sea- son for the Calllorn1a Anoets with mte<VleWS with players. coaches, and General Manag8f Gene Mauch 6:20 Q HOCKEY PLAYOFFS 7:00,.(0) THE BOYS OF SUMMER 7:30 D PRE-SEASON BASEBALL Calil0tnia AnQels vs Oak· land As lQJ BASEBALL San Francisco Giants at los Angeles Dodgers Thursday APRIL 8, 1982 AFTERNOON 12:00 ( H) RACE FOR THE PENNANT Hosts Barry T ompk1ns and Trm McCar11er sneak a peek at the upcoming sea- S(Jrt. EVENING 8:00 Q LYNN SHACKELFORD 8:20 0 HOCKEY PLAYOFFS 7:00 (H, RACE FOR THE PENNANT Hosts Barry Tompkins and Tom Mc0arver sneak a peelt at the upcoming sea- son 9:30(tf)GREATEST SPORTS RIVALRIES Boston Celtics '4 Los Angeles L1kers What has been a better investment than BUILDING? ' . . NOTHING! T.el your investment make money for )tOU ••• build a new home, an apartment or remodel the one you have. Phone (71 .C) 739-8632 I (213) 802·2588 21at CENTV,RY CONSTRUCTION CO 1 OOM, Financinlf We suarantee our work and completion date <O CXI N •I I I f I ., J I ( t r 6 !Daytime \I< >I {\I:\< ; ~ 5:00 B SUNRISE SEMESTER -0 I WOMAN'S DIGEST (FRI) ·.:: MOVIE (1 HR., '17 MIN.) (MON) u.. 5:05@ I DREAM OF JEANNIE g> 5:30 f) JUNTOS (MON. WED. FRI) ..J YOU AND THE LAW (TUE. THU) > JIMMY SWAGGART t-LET THERE BE LIGHT (FRI) INTERNATIONAL HOUR (MON, TUE) TV 8 LOOKS AT LEARNING (WED) PUBLIC AFFAIRS (THU) NEWARK AND REALITY (FRI) MEET THE MAYORS (MON. WED) NEW YOAK REPORT (TUE) NINE ON NEW JERSEY (THU) UNIVERSITY OF THE AIR (TUE-FRI) VIDEO JUKEBOX (THU) MOVIE ( 1 HR .. 60 MIN.) (FRI) MOVIE ( 1 HR., 30 MIN.) (WED. THU) 5:35@ MY THREE SONS 5:'158 HISTORY OF MEXICO (MON, WED. FRI) I AMERICAN GOVERNMENT (TUE, THU) 8!) A.M. WEA THEA SHOAT PICKS (TUE) 5:60eNEWS 5:55@) REAL EST A TE PRINCIPLES (MON, WED. FRI) 9 HOME GARDENER (TUE. THU) 8:00 9 L.A. MORNING HOT FUDGE PEOPLE 7 (FRI) FOCUS ON SOCIETY (MON, WED) OCEANUS (TUE. THU) MORNING t.IEWS COMMUNITY FEEDBACK (FRI) YOUTH AND THE ISSUES (MON) MEET THE MAYOR (TUE) ' FRANKLY FEMALE (WE0) rT CAN BE DONE (THU) STRAIGHT TALK JIMMY SWAGGART NEWS UNDERSTANDING HUMAN BEHAVIOR (FRI) IT'S EVERYBODY'S BUSINESS (MON, WED) HUMANITIES THROUGH THE ARTS (TUE. THU) I ID PROJECT UNIVERSE (MON, WED. FRI) MATHEMATICS FOR MOC>ERN LIVING (TUE. nru) iWR(TING FOR A REASON (TUE. THU) MOVIE (FRI) MR. SEU<IE (MON) THIS WEEK IN THE NHL (FRI) MAJOR L~GUE BASEBALL PREVIEW MON) SPORTSWOMAN (TUE. WED) COLLEGE INSTRUCTIONAL SERIES (T'HV) LEFTY, THE OINGALING LYNX (FRI) ANDREW'S RAIDEAS ~E) MOVIE ( 1 HR., 30 MIN.~ CT (%)MOVIE ( 1 HR., 49 It() UE} MOVIE ( 1 HR.. 39 MINJ. ) MOVIE ( 1 HR .. 60 MIN. FRI) MOVIE (2 H~. Ml .) (MON) MOVIE (1 HR., IN.) (fHU) 8:05 (11) MOVIE 6:168 HEALTH A 0 e ALMS THAT TEACH 8:25 9 ED ALLEN 6:30 8 CAPTAIN KANGAROO GALLERY DAYBREAK LA. rT CAN BE DONE (FRI) COMMUNITY FEEDBACK (MON) YOUTH ANO THE ISSUES (TUE} OFF HANO (WED) FRANKLY FEMALE (THU) GAEA T SPACE COA!lTEA FEUXTHECAT CAPTIONED ABC NEWS (TUE-FRI) AMERtCAN SKYLINE (MON) JIMMY SWAGGART P£BSOffAL FINANCE .AND MONEY MANAGE· MENT (FRI) INTAOOuetNO BIOLOGY (MON, WED) AMERICAN STORY (TUE. tHU) MOYIE {T\JE-THU) SPORTS FORUM CTHU, FRI) THIS WEEK IN TH£ NHL ~ THIS WEEK IN THE NBA ~) ANoAEW8 RAIOERS CM MOV1E ( 1 HA., 30 MIN.) (W ~ WILD 8ABIE8 (MON) MOVIE 1 HR., 30 Mitt MOVIE 1 Hfl, 57 a.IN. ~) MOVIE 1 HR.. 35 MIN. CJ) -------- 8:461NEWS 7:00 MORNING NEWS TODAY 700CLUB 9l GOOO MORNING AMERICA THE FROOZLES ROMPER ROOM BUGS BUNNY AND FRIENDS BUSINESS REPORT PERSONAL ANANCE AND MONEY MANAGE- MENT (FRI) AMERICAN GOVERNMENT (MON. WED) OF EARTH ANO MAN (TUE. 'THU) MOVIE (MON) SPORTS CENTER VIDEO JUKEBQX (FRI) MIXED NOTS (TUE) MOVIE (2 HRS., 60 MIN.) (THU) MOVIE (1 HR., 68 MIN.) (MON) 7:3011 THERE IS A WAY THE FLINTSTONES KROFFT SUPERST AAS YOGA FOR HEAL TH MAGIC OF OIL PAINTING MOVIE (FRI) MOVIE (1 HA .. 36 MIN.) ~FRI) MOVIE (1 HA .. 37 MIN.) MON) MOVIE ( 1 HR .. 30 MIN.) THU) i~=~E(1J::~: ;,~~E~M~~)HR., 30 MIN.) FRACTURED FLICKER$ (WED) MOVIE (1HR.,39 MIN.) (THU) 7:60 (%)HOW TO RAISE A BABY (FRI) 8:00 Cl) SUNUP SAN DIEGO JIM BAKKER JOHN DAVIDSON FLIPPER CARTOONS BIG BLUE MARBLE (FRI) MISTER ROGERS (R) (MON· THU) BODY BUOOIES MOVIE (TUE) IOA MAKES A MOVIE (THU) MOVIEJ1HR.,60 MIN.) (TUE} MOVIE 2 HRS.) (WED) (%) MO E ( 1 H~ .. 39 MIN.) (TUE) MOVIE 1 HR., 67 MIN. UE) MOVIE 1 HR., 27 MIN. WEO) MOVIE 1 HR., 35 MIN. HU) MOVIE !1 HR., 30 MIN.! ~ED) MOVIE (2 HRS., • MIN. (FRI) 8:05 (11) MOVIE 8:aoe LEAVE rT TO BEAVER GENTlEBEN VILLA ALEGRE (R) (MON. W~FRI) VILLA ALEG~R) Q (TUE} MlSTERROG (A) MOVIE ~·THU) MOVIE 1 HR.. 39 MINJ (FRI) MOVIE 1 HR., 68 MIN. (MON) MOVIE 1 HR., 4" MIN. (WED) 9:00 9 Cl) ONE DAY AT A IME (R) REGIS PHILBIN OZZIE ANO HARRIET A.M. LOS ANGELES JACK LALANNE NEWS THE ROCKFORD ALES I LOVE LUCY ROMPER ROOM S€SAME STREET Q DONAHUE 3-2· 1 CONT ACT (R) Q MOVIE (MON) TOP RANK BOXING (FRI) NHL HOCKEY (MON) COLLEGE SWIMMING (TUE) COLLEGE GYMNASTICS (WED) PROFESStONAI-RODEO (THU) FLASHBACK: 'rHE GAEA T PLAGUE (1 HR.) ~TEVIE NICKS IN CONCERT ( 1 HR.) (THU) {!)MOVIE (2 HRS., 10 MIN.) (MON) 9:16(%) MOVIE (1 HA.,« MIN.) (THU) 9:301~ THE RtFLEMAN MIOMOANtNG L.A. BEWrTCHEO MOVIE aeCTRtC COMPANY (R) MOVIE <FAO SNEAK f>REVIEW (MON) AEA08tce8E (MON, WEO, FRI) ~1 HR.. 58 MINU (WEO) MO\IYE 1 HA., 30 MIN. (THU) 9:'6 (%) E ( 1 HR., '6 IN.) (TUE) 10!00. Cl) THE~ 18 RIGHl WHEEL OF FORTUNE 8tOVAU.E'f -- 0 LOVE BOAT (R) TIC TAC OOUGH t DAEAM OF JEANNIE EDUCATIONAL PAOGRAMMING FRf RICHARD SIMMONS GETTING TO KNOW ME (R) Q (FRI) EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMING (MON~ THU) MOVIE (1 HR., 37 MIN.) (FRI) MOVIE ~1 HA .. 30 MIN.! (MON) MOVIE 1 HR., 38 MIN. UE) MOVIE 1 HR .. 40 MIN. ~WED) MOVIE !1 HR .. 35 MIN. THU) MOVIE 1 HR .. 60 MIN.) FRI) MOVIE 1 HR .. 40 MIN.) (MON·WED) MOVIE 2 HRS .• 25 MIN.)~HU) MOVIE ( 1 HR.. 39 MIN. UE) MOVIE ( 1 HR., 29 MIN3 FRI) 10:05~MOVIE 10:15 MOVIE (1 HR .. 51 MIN) (WED) 10:30 GD BATTLESTARS PITFALL GHOST AND MRS. MUIR (TUE-FRI) TWICE A WOMAN (MON) INDEPENDENT NElWORK NEWS REBOP (MON-THU) 1 EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMING (FRI) MOVIE (TUE. WED) MOVIE (1 HR .. 30 MIN.) (FRI) MOVIE (1HA .. 48 MIN.) (MON) 11:001TATTLETALES THE DOCTORS BONANZA @) FAMILY FEUD THE YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS • TREASURE HUNT (MON, TUE. FRI) BEST OF GROUCHO (WED. THU) BULLSEYE SUPER PAY CARDS LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE WHY IN THE WORLD (FRI) ELECTRIC COMPANY (R) (MON-WED) RAINBOW'S END (THU) MOVIE (FRI) ALL-STAR SOCCER (TUE) MOTORCYCLE RACING (WED) F.A. SOCCER {THU) EUBIEJ ( 1 HR .. 30 MIN.) (THU) MOVIE (1 HR.. 45 MIN.) (THU) 11:16iMOVIE (1 HR .• "5MIN.) (MON) 11:30 THE YOUNG ANO THE RESTLESS SEARCH FOR TOMORROW RYAN'S HOPE (f) MATCH GAME .NEWS LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE MACNEIL I LEHRER REPORT BIG BLUE MARBLE (WED) MOVIE (THU) POWER BOAT RACING (FRI) WORLD CUP SKUNG (MON) MONEY MA TIERS (MON) RACE FOA THE PENNANT ( 1 HR.) (TUE) aREA TEST SPORTS RIV ALAlES (THU) BARRY MANILOW: IN THE ROUND (2 HRS.) ~dVIE ( 1 HR., 4" MIN.) (TUE) . \l· '1'1-J{ "( )( )\ 12:00 D e DAYS OF OUR LIVES TWILIGHT ZONE al All MY CHILDREN NEWS •• MOVIE BONANZA DICK CAVETT EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMING (FRI) FEELING FREE (MON) FOOTSTEPS CTUE) GETTIN' TO KNOW ME (R) Q (WED) FAST FORWARD (THU) MOVIE (MON) THIS W~K IN THE NHL (TUE) COLLEGE INSTRUCTIONAL Si:RIES (THU) MOVIE]jHR., 36 MIN.) (FRI) MOVIE 1 HR., 40 MIN.) (MON) MOVIE 2 HRS .. 30 MIN.) (WEC>) RACE THE PENNANT (1 HA.) (THU) MOVIE 1 HR., 46 MIN. ~) MOVIE 1 HR. 48 MIN. MON) MOVIE 1 HR .. 3" MIN. MOVIE 1 HR., 38 MIN. WE~) MOVIE 1 HR., 66 MIN. FRI) MOVIE 2 HRS.) (TU MOVIE 1 HR.. & 1 MIN. (FRI) t2!06=a.J M£ 12:16 MOVIE (1 HR .. 46 MIN.) (WED) 12:30 Cl) AS THE WORLD TURNS lWILIOHT ZONE OVEAEASY FROM JUMP6TREET (R) O (FRI) UP ANO COMING (A) Q (MON) WHY IN THE WORLD (T\JE. THU) AMSICAN ENTERPAl8E (WED) ~~LL(FRI} PROFf.88IONAL AOOEO (TUE) 8 ,. -----, --~-.. I MOVIE [HR., ~MIN.) (THU) MOV1E 1HR.,33 MIN.) (MON) MOVIE 2 HRS., 50 MIN.) (THU) 12:351THE INTSTONES 12:45 MOVIE (1 HR., 39 MIN.) (THU) 1:00 • ANOTHER WORLCK I HOUR MAGAZINE 0 ONE LIFE TO LIVE MOVIE EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMING (FRI) MATINEE AT THE BIJOU (MON-THU) EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMING (MON, TUE. THU, FRI) ONCE UPON A CLASSIC (WED) MOVIE (WED-FRI) COLLEGE BASEBALL (MON} POCKET BILLIARDS (WED) COLLEGE GYMNASTICS (tHU) MOVIE (1 HR, 37 MIN.) (tHU) MOVIE (1 HR., 51 MIN.) (MON) 1:05 Ill) THE MUNSTERS (MON, TUE. THU. FRI) @ BASEBALL (WED) . 1:15i MOVIE (1 HR., 29 MIN.) (TUE) 1:130 ~~=~T~~UE-FRI) PERFORMANCE (MON) B.a BLUE MARBLE (MON) EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMING (WED) CLARENCE DARROW (1 HR., 30 MIN.) (MON) la MOVIE (1HR.,65 MIN.) (WED) 1:35dl) LEAVE IT TO BEAVER (MON. TUE. THU, FRI) 2:001 ~DING LIGHT JOHN-DAVIDSON (!I GENERAL HOSPITAL IRONSIDE OPEN LINE SUPERMAN BOTANIC MAN: LANO OF OPPORTUNITY lFRI) ® MIXED BAG: THE GAEA T AMERICAN ART GAME (TUE) I QUIZ KIDS (WED) STYLE (THU) GUTEN t AG. WIE GEHrS? (FRI) GUTEN TAG IN OEUTSCHLAND (MON) LES GAMMAS (TUE) TOMORROWS FAMILIES. · TOMORROW'S FRIENDS (WED) HABLAMOS ESPANOL (THU) STEVIE NICKS IN CONCERT ( 1 HR.) (FRI) TIME WAS (1 HR.) (MON) STANDING ~OOM ONLY (1 HR.) (TUE) BARRY MANILOW IN CONCERT (FRI) f¥0VfE (MON-IHU) AEROBICISE (MON. WED. FRI) MOVIE (1 HR., 39 MIN.) (TUE) MOVIE (2 HRS .. 1 MIN.) (TUE) MOVIE (1 HR.. 45 MIN.) (FRI) MOVIE (2 HRS .. 10 MIN.) (WED) • 2:05@ HAPPY BIRTHDAY. CHARLIE BROWN (FRI) llZl THE BRADY BUNCH (MON. TUE. THU) 2:30. THE WALTONS (THU. FRI) I BEWITCHED (MON-WED) EMERGENCY MOVIE (FRI) • SIZWE BANZI IS DEAD (TUE) I DANCE: MAYE.RLING (WED) WHEN I THINK Of RUSSIA (THU) LANO OF THE COOL SUN (MON) MOIRA (TUE) CLAES OLDENBURG'S CRUSOE UMBRELLA WED) WILDER. WILDER (THU) MISTER ROGERS (R) POCKET BIUIARDS (FRI) SPORTSWOMAN (TUE) PKA FULL CONT ACT KARA TE (WED) MOVIE I~ HR .. 30 MIN.) (WED) MOVIE 1 HR .. 50 MIN.) r) MOVIE 1 HR, 53 MIN. MON) MOVIE 1 HR., 66 MINJ ED) LITTLE JOHNNY JONES ( 1 HR.. 30 MIN.) &r..~6v1E (1 HA .• « MIN.) (THU) 2:35 ~BEYERL Y HILLBILLIES (MON. TUE. THU) 2:45 MOVIE (1HR.,39 MIN.) (TUE) 3:00 THE ROCKFORD ALES (MON, WED-FRI) BARNEY MILLER (TUE) DONAHUE RICHARD SIMMONS EDGE Of NIGHT MERVGAIFAN MOVI& HAWAII AVE-0 PEOPLE'S COURT THE WAL TONS (MON-WED) POPEYE SIGNATURE (MON) YOU ANO THE LAW (FRI) HOME GARDENER (MON. WED) AMERICAN GOVERNMENT (TUt. THU) HOUR MAGAZINE SESAME STREET Q CHILDREN Of ARE MOUNTAIN (WED, FRI) IOA MAKES A MOVIE (MON) THE MAN WHO LOVED BEARS (TUE) NEW MAIO (THU) F.A. SOCCE~ (TUE) All-STAR SOCCEA (THU) MOVIE ( 1 HR.. 45 MIN.i (FRI) MOVIE ( 1 HR., 37 MIN. (MON) MOVIE ( 1 HR .. 50 MIN. (TUE) MOVIE (1 HR., 30 MIN.) (THU) MOVIE ( 1 HR., 30 MIN.) (FRI) MOVIE ( 1 HR., 33 MIN.) (MON) MOVIE (1 HR.. 25 MIN.) (MON) 3:05@ ANDY GRIFATH (MON, TUE. THU, FRI) 3:30 8 AFTERNOON PLAYHOUSE (TUE) RICHARD SIMMONS PEOPLE'S COURT CHARLIE'S ANGELS BEWITCHED (THU. FRI) WOODY WOODPECKER STRUMPET CfTY (MON) KRAFT MUSIC HALL (THU) YOU ANO THE LAW (FRI) INSIDE JAPAN (MON. WED) OCEANUS (TUE. THU) CHILDREN OF ARE MOUNTAIN (FRI} MR. GIMME (MON) MOVIE (WED) IOA MAKES A MOVIE {THU) • MOVI~~ HAS.).•(THU) ,. • • 3:35~GOJ:4ER PYLE (MON, TUE. THU, FRI) 3:45 MOVIE ( 1 HR., 39 MIN.) (FRI) 4:00 BARNEY MILLER (MON, WED-FRI) G MARY TYLER MOORE Costa Mesa's Only Complete Funeral Facilities "Sen·ing All Faiths" COUPLES NEWS WELCOME BACK. KOTIER YOU ASKED FOR IT THE BRADY BUNCH MIGHTY MOUSE CABARET: MARGARET WHrTING (TUE) 3-2-1 CONT ACT (R) 0 LITTlE HOUSE ON l'HE PRAIRIE I VICTORY GARDEN (FRI) CAUIGRAPHY (MON. WED) HOME GARDENER (TUE. THU) MOVIE (TUE, THU, t=RI) SAMMY'S SUPER (MON) COLLEGE BASKETBALL WflAP·UP (FR~) THIS WEEK IN THE NHL (MON) THIS WEEK IN THE NBA (TUE) SPORTS FORUM (WED) ALL-ST AR SPORTS CHALLENGE (THU) MOVIE (2 HAS.) (WED) MOVIE (1 HR., 30 MIN.) (TUE) MOVIE (1 HR .• 49 MIN.) (TUE) 4:05 Ill) WINNERS (FRI) @CAROL BURNf:TT AND FRIENDS (MON· THU) 4: 15(%) MOVIE (1 HR.. 39 MIN.) (WED) (%)MOVIE (2 HRS., 10 MIN.) (THU) 4:20 (%)HOW TO RAISE A BABY (TUE) 4:30ll"NEWS 808NEWHART ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT M*A*S*H ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT (MON, WED-FRI) BASEBALL (TUE) LAVERNE & SHIALEY & COMPANY THE BRADY BUNCH SIGNATURE M'8TER ROGERS (R) • MACNEIL I LEHRER REPORT SPORTS CENTER HEROES (THU) MOVIE ( 1 HR .. 25 MIN.) (FRI) WILD BABIES (MON) MOVIE ( 1 HR .• 30 MIN.) (WED) MOVIE (1 HR.. -40 MIN.) (THU) MOVIE (1HR .• 31 MIN.) (FRI) MOVIE ( 1 HR., 35 MIN.) (MON) EUBIEI ( 1 HR.. 30 MIN.) (WED) MOYIE (2 HRS.. 10 MIN.) (TUE) 4:35 dl) SANFORD ANO SON (MON, WED-FRI) t1Z) NBA BASKETBALL (TUE) 5:0011GDCl)9 NEWs LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE KOJAK (MON, WED-FRI) CARTER COUNTRY (TUE) MISL SOCCER (FRI) MOVIE (MON, WED. THU) INCREDIBLE HULK (THU, FRI) WELCOME BACK, KOTI"€R (MON-WED) FRED FLINTSTONE ANO FR1£NOS MIXED BAG: ANIMATION (FRI) MIXED BAG: THE GREAT AMERICAN ART GAME {MON) I QUIZ KIDS (TUE) STYLE (WED) BOTANIC MAN: WHITE DEA TH, NEW LIFE .. IHS~SAME STREET Q LIVEAT FIVE OVER EASY ~~rcr \.M~~u~EJ'lsEBALL PREVIEW (FRI) l larbor Lawn· Mount Oli~ Men1orial Pa1·k· Mortt1ary· Ylausoleums Burial In Any Cemetery --Shipment --Cremation. Plans Available 1625 Glsleri Ave. Costa Mes• . 7 r -1 8 !Friday ;: Q. < \I< >l l ~ I ~< ; \ I< )\' I LS ~ 'O 5:30(1) "9 To 5" (1980, Comedy) Jane Fonda. Doi- ·.: ly Parton. u. 6:00(C) "Choppy And The Princess" (1973, Fanta-~ sy) Animated. ...J Cl) "The Brave One" ( 1956. Orama) Michael Ray, > Rodolfo Royos. ~ 6:05® "Dark Waters" ( 1944, Orama) Merle £! Oberon, Franchot Tone. 0: 6:30 D "Bedknobs And Broomsticks" (1971. Fan- tasyl_ Angela Lansbury, David Tomlinson. 7:30(C) "Two Engflsh Girls" (1971, Drama) Jean- Pierre Leaud, Kika Markham. CID "Nobody's Per1ekt" (1981, Comedy) Gabe Kaplan. Alex Karras. 8:00(%) "Allen" (1979, Horror) Tom Skerrttt, Yaphel Kotto 8:05 all "The Pad -And How To Use It" ( 1966. Comedy) Brian Bedford. Julie Sommars. 8:30 fl "ffolkes" ( 1980. Adventurei Roger M00<e, James Mason. 9:30 9) "Wyoming Outlaw" (1939. Western) John Wayne, Ray Hutton. CC) "Hardly Working" ( 1981, Comedy) Jerry Lewis, Susan Oliver. 10:00CID "The Earthling" (1980. Adventure) William Holden. Ricky Schroder. CS) "Betrayed" ( 1954, Orama) Clark Gable. Lana Turner. (Z) "Stardust Memories" ( 1980. Orama) Woody Allen. Cha(fotte Rampllng. 10:05@ "Along Came A Spider" (1970, Suspense) Suzanne Pleshette. Ed Nelson. 10:3011 "The Cal And The Canary" (1978, Mystery) Honor Blackman. Mlchael Gallen. 11:00(C) "Ballfeground" ( 1949. Adventure) Van Johnson, John Hodlak. .\l· .. llJ~~< >< >~ \I< )\'I LS 12:009 "Valley Of The Kings" (1954, Adventure) Robert Taylor. Eleanor Parker. • "Where Angels Go, Trouble Follows" ( 1968. Comedy) Stella Stevens. Rosalind Russell. e "What A Way To Go" ( 1964, Comedy) Shirley Maclalne, Dean Martin. CID "The Black Pearl" ( 1978, Adventure) . Gilbert Roland. Carl Ande<SOn. Cl) "Any Which Way You Can" (1980, Comedy) Clint Eastwood. Sondra Locke. • ... King Of Kings" (1962. Orama) Jeffrey Hunter, Robert Ryan. (%) "Stir Crazy" ( 1980, Comedy) Richard Pryor. Gene Wilder. 1:00(!) "A Flea In Her Ear" (1968. Comedy) Rex Harrison, Rachel Roberts. ~"Two English Girts" ( 197 t, Drama) Jean-Pierre Leaud, Kika Markham. 2:00(%) "The Brave One" (1956, Drama) Michael Ray, Rodolfo Royos. 2:30QI "Fontamare" Michele Placido, Antonella Mur~la. ' (I) 'The Tendef Trap" ( 1955. Comedy) Debbie Reynolds. Frank Sinatra. 3:00 II "I Accuse" ( 1958, Orama) Jose Ferrer, Vlveca Lindfors. CID "The Secret Of Seagull Island" ( 1981, ~se) Jeremy Britt, Nicky Henson. 3:46(%) "Paper Tiger" (1976, Comedy) David Niven, Toshlro Mlfune. •:OO(C) "ChOppy And The Prlnee&s" ( 1973. Fanta- sy) Animated. •:00(1) "Who Says I Can't Ride A Rainbow!" (1971, Adventure) Jack Klugman. NOfma French. e "Caveman" (1981, Comedy) Ringo Starr, Dennis Quaid. 6:06al> "And Now Miguel" ( 1966, Adventure) Guy Stockwell. Clu Gulager. 5:30(C) "Battleground" ( 1949, Adventure) Van Johnson, John Hodlak. (%) "Rock, Rock. Rock" ( 1958, Muslcaf) Afan Freed, Tuesday Weld. e:oo!Jlt=a.s C88NEW8 WHITE 8HADOW Al/CHEWS THE JO I Jlk>H8 HAWAIAY&O .... IEI I .. ,.,_,OA.,.RT"' • f*>NEWI . ~lMIY wmt:-.L UO\ cc fllti. '11 ll ---"i CONTROLLED BY MOTHER -Abby Dalton plays a mother whose son's life is controlled by his grandmother in "Falcon Crest." The Friday night series stars Jane Wyman as the grand.mother on CBS (Ch. 2) at 10 p.m. Just about everyone's life at Fal- con Crest is in the hands of Miss Wyman, who plays a rich Northern California vint- ner. John Huston discusses his career. c:;i Cl) PROFESSIONAL RODEO From Mesquite, Tex- as. (2 hrs.) CID LEFTY, THE OINGAUNG LYNX Mayf Nutter nar- rates the story of a lynx cub who tries to find his way in the wilderness. (Part 2) Cl) LITTLE JOHNNY JONES This revival of the 1904 George M. Cohan musical comedy about an a American jockey who tries to win the English Derby features such favorites as "Give My R~rds To Broadway" and "Yankee Doodle Dendy. ' ( 1 hr . 30min.) Ct MOVIE "Boys' Night Out" ( 1962, Comedy) Kim Novak. James Gamec. Whena~y young oo-ed undertakes a sex research project, she finds lour businessmen more than wlfllng to lease an apart- ment to aid her In her study. ( 1 hr .. 55 min.) 6:30(1). NEWS I BARNEY MILLER WELCOME BACK. KOTIER STRUMPET CITY Peter O'TOOle stars In an adaptation of James Plunkett's novel about one man's struggle to cr~te better living conditions amid the poverty and eoclal Injustice of Dublin from 1907 to 1914. (Part 7) ( 1 hr.) I NEWSBEA T: LOS ANGEL~ WEEK IN REVIEW BU61NE88 REPORT • 7:00 8 CBS NEWS I NBC NEWS ( HAPPY OAYS AGAIN \. ABC NEWS P.M. MAGAZINE A gorilla who can communi- cate In sign language; a man who wired his condom- lln~ct,t~ ~if't". APPLE POLISHERS ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT An Interview with Mlchelle lM. IM•A•s•H JOt<ER'B WILD OVER EASY Guest latry Adler. (R) c:;J THEMUPPETS DO< CAVETT Guest: Jonathan Miller. (Part 4) REAL DETECTIVES: THE SPECK CASE This documentary fOllows the Chicago Police Oepart- meol's step-by-step Investigation of the murder of eight student nUf'Mt In thefr dormltOf)' on July 14. ./ tgee. (1 hr.) CC MOVIE J•The TtrrOflltt'' (1~76, Drema) s..l'I Connery. Ian MeShane. A Scandlnlvten eeourtty chief battles Wit• with the membtfl of an lrltema- tlonal terrOflSt group who hlll't k.ldNIPPed the pe.-~on a lkyj8cked alrpferw. •f!G• (1 hr .• 28 CD) Mow "The Elrthling" (1980. ~) Wii- iem Hotdln, Ricky Sdwodlr. A wortd ~ *<lf-... • young orphen the weya of uviv.t In tht Aultr., ~ 'PO' ( 1 tw., 37 min.~ CJ) MCWE '"811r Cfar(' (1teo. = NcNtd ,,,_, ... ntldlt. l'Wowwwo.. llii ..... 1: - robbers and sent to jail. 'A' ( 1 hr., 51 min.) 7:05 a7J NEWS 7:30 8 DODGER BLUE '82 Jim Hill hosts this spe- cial, with a review of last year's championship sea- son. Including the rise of Fernando Valenzuela and the Dodger's triumphant homecoming from the World Series. interviews with Dodger wives and a look at the Chavez Ravine Stadium's 25th anniver- sary. GD FAMILY FEUD LAVERNE & SHIRLEY & COMPANY PEOPLE'S COURT ., TIC TAC DOUGH GE~E DEUKMEJIAN NEW YORK REPORT YOU ASKED FOR IT M0 A0S"H SIGNATURE Guest: Ehzabeth Ashley (Part 2) MACNEIL I LEHRER REPORT • WALL STREET WEEK "What's New From Bache?" Guest: Larry Wachtel. first vice president Bache Halsey Stuart Shields, Inc. CC) MOVIE "Hardly Working" (1981. Comedy) Jer- ry Lewis. Susan Ollver. After the circus closes down, a veteran clown tries his hand at various jobs. ramng miserab~ a11hem all. 'PG' (1hr.,31 min.) 8:00 II (J) THE DUKES OF HAZZARD The Dukes, Boss Hogg and Roscoe are held prisoner al the Duke farm by escaped convicts (1 hr.) D GD NBC MAGAZINE Jack Perkins reports on posslble destruction ol N0<th Carolina fishing grounds because ol bureaucratic buck-passing, Garrick Utley examines the state of health care in the Soviet Union; Betsy Aaron examines the effects of mass unemployment on several American fami- lies. ( 1 hr ) D MOVIE "Stranger On The .Aun" (1967, West- ern) Henry Fonda, Michael Parks. A murder SUS· peel Is ruthlessly hunted by a New Mexico lawman. who is unconcerned with the man's guilt or inno- cence. (2 hrs.) D l1I BENSON Benson and Clayton pair off against the governor and Pete in the state golf tour- (i· ~OWHERE TO TURN Stan Mooneyham and Carol Lawrence host this documentary on the more than six million people In Africa who have been Tube Topper Dodger Blue '82 Channel 2 -7:30 p.m . FE'RHAHOO VALEHZUElA affected by war and drought and the results of such events. ( 1 hr.) ("'9EN~Y Hill • P.M. MAGAZINE Los Angeles popular restau- rant La St. Germaine; a man wlio wired his condom- inium with a home computer. • MOVIE "Men Who Love Women" ( 1977) Patti Duke Astin, Tony Roberts. (2 hrs.) @MIXED BAG: ANIMATION An examination or cultural attitudes reflected In animated cartoons from Betty Boop to present day. 'I ID WASHINGTON WEEK IN REVIEW SPORTS CENTER . . MOVIE "Nobody's Per1ekt" ( 1981, Comedy) Gabe Kaplan, Alex Karras. Three unlikely heroes set out 10 battle the red tape and bureaucracy of clty haH. 'PG' (1hr .. 36mln.) Cl) MOVIE "Nighthawks" ( 1981, Orama) Sylvest8f Stallone, Biiiy Oee Wiiiiams. A tough New York City cop has his work cut out for him when one of the w0tld's most dangerous terrorists arrlVes In his city. 'R' ( 1 hr., 39 min.) • MOVIE "The Final Contllct" (1981, Orama) Sam Neill, Roesano Bra.z:z.I. In the third part of "The Omen" trlogy, yqung Demien. the embodiment of the Antichrist. Is now en adult and e trusted advisor to the p1esldtnt of the U.S. 'R' (1 hr .. 49 min.) 8.1>61 ALL IN THE FAMILY 8:30 «I BARNEY MILLER Dietrich's girlfriend from his unlvef'slty dayt. now a married woman. rek- indles the old flames of love. c:;i i lRONBtoE All IN THE FAMILY EMIL GILEL.8 Ruslian piano virtuoso Emil Gilels atY9I IOI<> ptrtormances of Beeth<Mtn'a "Sonata No. 2 1," Mozart'• "Fantuy In D Minor" and "Varta· tloM," and Mendetleohn'• "Spinnet11ed." (1 hr.) e WALL STAUT WEEK ''What'a N9w From Bache?" Gueat: Latry Wachtel. flrat vice PfMldent, Bache HetMv Stuart Shleldl, Inc. • OAEATMTY wn"H al MC>YEAB "Gal'blge" M Moy9rs ~ aoma unuMll people wt'°'9 wane lfwolYet ~ ~ wa throw nay. Q 1:1117) MOYE_~ Aytcer'' (1883. Orwne)' ::a.=..= J=lt=Hm.= • • Friday ( eontinued) trial in which his fate is decided. ( 1 hr .. 45 min.) 9:00 9 (I) DALLAS Cliff's mother asks him to resign. Bobby contacts Farraday's underworld con- nections. and Mitch leaves Dallas and Lucy. ( 1 hr.) II S MOVIE "Let's Do It Again" ( 1975, Comedy) Sidney Poitier. Bill Cosby A milkman and a factory worker engage in betting and hypnotism to raise funds for lhelf lodge. (A) (2 hrs.) D O THE PHO£NIX Bennu pulls a woman from a raging fire, and, for his !rouble, gels arrested for arson. ( 1 hr.) I CHINA CRY MERV GRIFFIN 0-Ll8StS. Julia and JlmlJale.wmre Aames. ( i hr.) • CREATIVITY WITH BILL MOYERS "Garbage" Bill Moyers meets some unusual people whose work Involves studying what we lhrow away. c:;i '11) VOTER'S PIPELINE Jim Cooper looks at the swiftly Qrowing problem of child sexual abuse and pedophilia in Oran~e County. CC) MOVIE "Fame' ( 1980, '"Orama) Irene Cara, Bar- ry Miller. Several gifted students at a New York high school for the performing arts experience various setbacks and successes of both personal and pro- fessional natures. 'PG' (2 hrs .. 14 min.) ([) TOP RANK BOXING From Atlantic Clly, New Jersey. (2 hrs .. 30 min.) CI) MOVIE "Far From The Madding erowd" ( 1967, Orama) Julie Christle, Terence Stamp. A willful you~ farm girl betters herself. bot destroys three men 1n the process. (2 hrs., 49 min.) cm SPECT AGULAR EVENING IN CANADA (%) MOVIE ''Allen" ( 1979. Horror) Tom Skerritl, Yaphet Kotlo. The crew of a spacegoing scrap car- rier follow a mysterious signal to a supposedly dead planet and, alter landing, discover lhat lhe message was a warning 10 slay away. 'R' (2 hrs .. 4 min.) 9:30 Cf) MOVIE "Children Of The Damned'' ( 1964, Science-Fiction) Ian Hendry, Alan Bade!. Six strange children with superhuman power~ se1 oul to defend themselves from the scientists who are experimenting with lhem. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) _ 9 STRUMPET CITY Peter O'Toole stars In an adaptation of James Ptunkett's novel about one man's struggle lo create beuer living conditions amid the poverty and social lnJU$lice of Dublin from 1907 to 1914. (Part 7) ( 1 hr.) • tlD INSIDE STORY "Inside Story In El Salvador" Hodding Carter reports from El Salvador on press coverage of the war and lhe March 28th elections. and what It ls Ilka for the reporters who are covering these stories. CH) MOVIE "The Earthling" ( 1980. Adventure) Wil- liam Holden. Ricky Schroder. A world traveler teaches a young orphan the ways '01 survival in the Australian wJlderness. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 37 min.) 10:00 9 (I) FALCON CREST Lance gives in to A~le's__eressure to marry Melissa. ( 1 hr.) l llWmNEWS (fl STRIKE FORCE Murphy lnvest~tes a white slavery ring specializing in the sale of teen-age girls to wealthy foreigners. ( 1 hr.) • TONY BROWN'S JOURNAL "Is Work A Four- Letter Word?" Tony Brown IOOks al the unemploy- ment rale among today's black t&tln-agers. GD ARING LINE "In What Sense Are Human Beings A~ellc?" Guest. Mortimer Adler. ( 1 hr.) cm MOVIE "American Pop" ( 1981, Musical) Ani- mated. The his1ory of American pop music. from vaudeville 10 rock 'n' roll. is traced lhrough several generations of a family of musicians. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 37 min.) (I) lWO TOP BANANAS Don Adams and Don Ric- kles team up for a showcase of burlesque and uncensored comedy. ( 1 hr.) Ct MOVIE "ffolkes" ( t980, Adventure) RoOer Moore. James Mason. A dapper. woman-hating frogman is called In 10 thwart the plans of extortion- ists who have hijacked a supply.ship and are threat- ening to destroy two North Sea on rigs. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 39 min.) 10:20 al) MOVIE "Curse Of The Werewolf" ( 1961, Horror) Clifford Evans. Oliver Reed. A young boy Is destined 10 klll even those he loves. (2 hrs.) 10:30. NEWS I SIGNATURE Guest: Elizabeth Ashley. (Part 2) CALlf-ORNtA WEEK IN REVIEW 11:008 8. Cl) 0. NEWS I SAT\JAOAYNIGHT KOJAK JOE FRAHKUN . THE JEFFERSOHS 8ANFOAO ANO 80H MIXED BAG: ANMA T10N An examination of eultun•I attltudet reflected In animated cartoons from Betty Boop to prnent day. I OICt< CAVE'rT Guelt: Jonathen Miller. (Part S) CAUFOfNA WEEK IN REVIEW 8IZARAE "The Dirty Of' Lady" MOVIE "SterdUtl Memorlee" ( 1980. Orama) WOO<ty Ali.t\, Chat1ottt Aempllng, A eucoMtful dlftctor faoe1 a F*'Of\11 crlell u he tries to make td@Al.~~,~~ot.,._.. BUNNY TIME -"Easter Fever," a half- hour animated children's special. will air on NBC (Ch. 4) Friday at 7:30 p.m. Actor Gar- ren Morris will be featured as the voice of the F.aster Bunny. 1 t:308 (I) NBA BASKETBALL San Antonio Spurs at Seattle SuperSonlcs (2 hrs.) 11 TONIGHT Host: Johnny Carson. ( 1 hr.) ABC NEWS NIGHTLINE MOVIE "The Organization" (1971, Drama) Sid- ney Poitier. Barbara McNair. A furniture company manager turns up dead after a fortune in heroin is stolen from him. (2 hrs.) • LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE 9 EMIL GILELS Russian piano vinuoso Emil Gilels gives solo performances of Beethoven's "Sonata No. 21," Mozart's "Fantasy In 0 Minor" and "Varia- tions." and Mendelssohn'~ "Splnnerlied." ( 1 hr.) I NEWSBEA T: LOS ANGELl:S WEEK IN REVIEW CAPTIONED ABC NEWS MOVIE "Outrageous!" ( 1977, Comedy) Craig Russell. Hollis Mclaren. A good-natured hair- dresser. who moonlights as an Impersonator of female celebrllles. shares an apartment and a pta- ronic relationship with a schizophrenic young wom- an. 'A' ( 1 hr , 40 min.) CE SPORTS CENTER ®MOVIE "Nighthawks" ( 1981, Drama) Sylvester Stallone. Billy Dee Williams. A tough New YOtk City cop has his work cut out fC>l him when one of the world's mosl dal'lQ&rOUS terrorists arrives in hlS c11y 'A' (1 hr .. 39 min.) Cl> MOVIE "Any Which Way Yoo Can" { 1980, Comedy) Clint Eastwood. Sondra Locke. Before settling down with his girt and pet orangutan. a bare-fisted fighter signs up for one last, lucrative match. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 45 min.) 12:008 ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT An Interview with Michelle lee. 8 (JI FRIDAYS Guests: Karen Allen. the Stray Cats. (R) ( 1 hr., 30 min.) Cl MOVIE "I Accuse" ( 1958, Drama) Jose Ferrer. Vlveca Lindfors. AuthOr Emile Zola defends a French military oHlcer who was not given a fair trial because he was a Jew. (2 hrs.) Cf) MOVIE "Blackout" ( 1954, Mystery) Dane Clark. Belinda Lee. When an attractive girt otters a penniless veteran a Job, he accepts only to find that he has become Involved In morder. (2 hrs.) • LOVE. AMERtCAN STYLE CI) MOVIE "The Stud" ( 1978, Orama) Joan Col- llns, Oliver Tob'8s. A waiter advances hill career by sleeping with hts b0$S's wife. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 36 min.) cm MO'Vte "The ldolmakef'' ( 1980. Orama) Ray Sharkey, Tovah Feldshuh. A manipulative managef VMS varloua ploys to cataputt two teen-egen; Into ~ alnglng at11dom. 'PG' (1hr .. 47 min.) • MOVIE' "The Fl,,h Floor" (1980, Orama) Bo • Hopkins. Dianne Hult. An aane young woman Is Incarcerated In a blZ.8rrt mental hOepltal where vio- lence and= abute ere rhe Ofder of ttll day. 'R' ( 1 )\! .. 30 min. . 12:20"® "Oealh Moon" (1978, Myste.y) Robert Foxworth. Barbara Trtnthem. An eQQlttve vacationing In Hawaii ~ that he 19 the vk:tfm of a native curM pieced on hl9 t~a,-atton, eerll-er. (J ht. 65 mlf\.) 12:30 8 illa 8CTY NETWORK Guestt; The Talklng Heeds. The Plutlca. (A) ( 1 hr .• 30 min.) ·•alll a. ..... towf ...... ·'°""' 9 I NEWS , STRUMPET CITY Peter O'Toole stars In an ~ adaptation of James Plunkelt's novel about one g: man's struggle to create better living conditions amid the poverty and social Injustice of Dublin from ~ 1907 to 191'4. (Part 7) (1 hr.) , (I) MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL PREVIEW o 12:35(%) MOVIE "Rock. Rock, Rock" (1956. Musical) '° Alan Freed. Tuesday Weld. A high-school prom -n featuring lhe music of such '50s stars as Frankie 5: Lymon and Chuck Berry brings a boy and girl CD together. (I hr., 25 min.) ':c 1:008 MOVIE "Tripoli" (1950. AdventUfe) Mau-> reeo O'Hara. John Payne. The Marines floht the -g_ Tripoli pirates to raise the American ttag ooTrlpoU ln_'-:- 1805. (2 hrs.) !" • MOVIE "The Skull" ( 1965. Horror) Peter Cush-_. Ing. Chris1opher Lee. A mysterious skull exudes a ~ powerful and destructive Influence on all who come N Into contact with it. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) 1:10(C) MOVIE "Besl Friends" (1975. Suspense) Richard Hatch. Doug Chapin. During a trip to Cali- fornia, an emotionally distressed young man tries to destroy his best friend's relationship with his glrl- trlend. 'R' ( 1 hr., ~5 min.) 1: 15(H) MOVIE "The Secret Of Seagull Island" ( 1981. Suspense) Jeremy Brin. Nicky Henson. A young American girl lrles to free her blind sister from her Island caplivity. ( 1 hr .. 45 min.) 1:308NEWS , I EVENING AT THE IMPROV MOVIE '11is Kind Of Woman'' (1951, Drama) Robert Mitchum, Jane RusaeU. When a man discov- ers thal he's being used to effect lhe return of an expatriated gangster from Mexico, he lends his efforts to border offlclals to prevent the man's r&- entry 10 lhe U.S. (2 hrs .• 30 min.) CE COUEGE BASKETBAU WRAP-UP (I) MOVIE "The Kiiiing Kind" (1973. Drama) John Savage. Cindy Williams. After serving two years on a trumped-up sex charge, a young woman Is released from prison and begins seeking her revenge. 'R' ( 1 hr., 35 min.) D MOVIE "Frisco Kid" (1935, Adventure) James Cagney. Margaret Lindsay. A girt saves a tough sall- or from being hung by gamblers. (1 hr., 17 mrn.) 2:00 D S NEWS _ CE COLLEGE GYMNASTICS "Division II Men's Tube Topper .. Let's Do It Again" Channel 4 -9 p.m. Sidney P9itlet Championships" from Sprlngfleld, Massachusetls. (2 hrs.) CZ> MOVIE "Stlf Crazy" ( 1980, Comedy) Richard Pryor, Gene Wilde< Two men are mistaken for bank robbers and se11 to jall. 'A' ( 1 hr .• 51 min.) 2:05 8 MOVIE "Four Feathers" ( 1939. Adventure) Ralph Richardson, June Ouprez. A British army offi- cer redeems himself from charges of cowardice when he manages to quell a native rebellion in Sudan. (2 hrs .. 20 min.) Cf) NEWS 2: 15a:l) RAT PATROL 2:308NEWS Cf) MOVIE "Zombies On Broadway" ( 1945, Com&- dy) Bela Lugosi, Alan Carney. Two press agents try to book a real zombie into a nightclub. (1 hr .. 30 min.) e MOVIE "Frankenstein's Bloody Terror" (1971, Horror) Paul Naschy, Diana Zura. Frankenstein returns for a bloody massacre when a sliver cross is removed from his heart. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) 2:35(Cl MOVIE "Fame'' (1980, Drama) Irene Cara. Barry Miiier. Several glltelf. students al a New York hlgtl school for lhe performing arts expe<lence vari- ous setbacks and SUC<leS8e8 of both persooal and professional naturea. 'PG' (2 hrs., 14 min.) 2:46 all WORLD AT LAAlE ' 3:00• MOVIE "Searctt Fot Sutvtvar· (1972) Docu- mentary eam.ra crtwt fOIOw Jungle and pralrte aeatures of North America and AuatreJle In their relentless quest for water. (2 hra.) ~: "NobodY'• ~t" (1881, Comitd>') ~be Kaplen. Altx l<artM. ThrM \Mtely ~ ael out to battlt the red t~ and bureeucnlcy of city hall. 'PG' ( 1 tv .. 38 min..} 3:30(1) TWO TOP 8.ANANA8 Don Adlml Ind Don Rlckles t .. m up fof a lhOwcUa of buf1eeque and uncenlOred comedy. ( t hr.) • MOVIE "The FlMI Conftlct" (1981, Orama) Sim Nllll. Roeeano Brazzi. lfl the third c;: "The Omen" trllOgy, young Oemlln, the em~ Of the Antlchr1lt, Is now an adul and a lfUlted ~ to the president of thl u.a 'R' c1hr.,4 "*'-> .. llMl>:l"Wa•tJM·..U.HnW-YIMf'MD• I I I I I I I I I -, ., I I !Saturday ~ ~ < .\I< >IC\ I:\<; -- ~ '.g 6:~!.~~~: Jr6s~1;f OM OF THE SEA u.. (E) PROFESSIONAL RODEO From Mesquite, Tex-8' as.ihrs.) ..J 5:05 BASEBALL BUNCH --·--·--5:3Ct ~ANO ,.8\t'fr'Y"· ... --··'-· ~ .• vtEWPOINT ON NUTRITION , -(I) MOVIE "Who Says I Can't Ride A Rainbow!" g (1971. Adventure) Jack Klugman. Norma French a.. U hr., 25 min.) -,,..-. lit MOVIE "Which Way is Up?" ( 1977, Comedy) Richard~~· Lanette McKee. (1 hr., 34 min.) 5:35 al) T STOOGES I LITTLE RASCALS 00 VIDEO JUKEBOX 6:00 8 SUNRISE SEMESTER SERENDIPITY WOMAN'S otGEST PUBLIC AFFAIRS TEEN TALK APPLE POLISHERS PERSPECTIVE BUREAU REPORT SA TUROAV MORNtNG MOVIE "Brubaker" ( 1980, Orama) Robert Red- ford, Yaphet Kotto. (2 hrs., 10 min.) 6:05a:I WAR ANO PEACE · 6:1000 MOVIE "The Competition" (1960. Orama) Richard Dreyfuss, Amy lrvtng. (2 hrs., 9 min.) 6:201NEWS 6:30 DUSTY'S TREEHOUSE ITHArSCAT PACESETTERS VOICE Of AGRICULTURE AMERICA: THE SECOND CENTURY MOTOACYCLE RACING "Drag Racing On Two Wheels'' I rrs YOUR BUSINESS SPEAK OUT CAPTIONED ABC NEWS Tube Topper Omni Channel 7 -7:80 p.m. • DR. SNUGGLES CC) MOVIE "Belts Are Ringing" ( 1960, Musical) Judy Holliday. Dean Martin. 7:00 8 KIOSWORLD Featured: an interview with Donna Dixon, a star of the popular television show "Bosom Buddies"; a report on f 1-year-old Garren Walrod from Prescott. Kansas. who is the youngest auctloneef In the United States • THE FLINTSTONES ~ BLUE MARBLE 9 SUPERFRIENOS INTERNATIONAL HOUR DAVEY AND GOLIATH DOCTOR WHO TURNABOUT YOGA FOR HEAL TH SPORTS CENTER WILD BABIES This documentary catches many wild animals as they grow up and team to survive in their natural habitat. • MOVIE "Kl~f Kings" (1962, Orama) Jeffrey Hunter. Robert an. ( 1 hr., 65 min.) 7:06a:I MOVIE " u Geste" (1966. Advenf\Jre) iicClure, ~Stockwell. 7: MR. MOON 8 MAGIC CIRCUS SMURFS SNUGGLES 9 RICHIE Alai I SC008Y 000 INTERNA TIONAl. HOUR DAVFf ANO GOLIA TH DOCTOR WHO NEW6 UNDEMTANOIHO HUMAN BEHAVIOR 8: • (I) POPEYE • • 1'<ME "TraU Td San Antone" (1947) Gen. Autrj. (1 hr.) REAL EST ATE TODAY . MOVIE "°"""'*,. Trevett" ( 1839. Fenta.y) ted. •MOVIE "o.vti'• Own" ( 1087, Horror) Joan~ ... ut:~ellh. · 1 NONG SPACE ANO TIME OOl I EBE 8All<!T8Al1. WRAP-uP .. ,, .. -=-=======-'=.....=---------- .• , DOUBLE TROUBLE -Two classic super- heroes, Fire-Star (left) and Spidennan, live as normal teen-agers in the same boarding- house and share a secret destiny of fighting crime, Saturdays at 9:30 a.m. on NBC (Ch. 4). 8:16CH) MOVIE "The Cat And The Canary" (1978. Mystery) Honor Blackman. Michael Gallen. ( 1 hr., 30min,) CZ) HOW TO RAISE A BABY 8:30 I()) TARZAN / L-ONE RANGER I KIO SUPER POWER HOUR FONZ I HAPPY DAYS GANG WE OUGHT TO BE IN PICTURES COLLEGE INSTRUCTIONAL SERIES "Baseball: Pitching And Catching Df111s" CZ) MOVIE "Stir Crazy" (1980. Comedy) Richard Pryor, Gene Wilde<. (1hr .• 51 min.) 9:0011 LEAVE IT TO bEAVER I LAVERNE & SHIRLEY MOVIE "Moonfleet" (1955, Adventure) Stewart Gra~oan Greenwood. I NEW vb.cAtfLFr AMERICAN GOVERNMENT &_ MOVIE "Sunday In New York" ( 1964, ~edy) Cliff Robertson. Jane Fonda . (E) ALL-STAR SPORTS CHALLENGE Hall Of Fame Cleveland arowns vs. Philadelphia Whiz Kids 9:06a:I MOVIE "Moment To Moment" (1966, srfi> Jean Seberg. Honor Blackman. 9:30 ()) BUGS BUNNY I ROAD RUNNER 9 HEA THCLIFF I MARMADUKE I SPIDER-MAN OZZIE ANO HARRIET MOVIE "The He«>es Ot Telemark" ( 1965. Ora- ma) Kirk Douglas, Richard Harris. I THIS WEEJ< IN BASEBALL GU1T AR WITH FREDERICK NOAO AMERICAN GOVERNMENT MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL PREVIEW 9:4500 MOVIE "Any Which Way You Can" (1980, Comedy) Clint Eastwood, Sondra Locke. ( 1 hr .. 45 minl_ 10:008 e SPACE STARS Ill THUNOARR I GOLDIE GOLD CAA CA~ CENTRAL BOB JONES I SHA NANA THIS OLD HOUSE Bob VIia gives pointers on laying a no-wax floor and cheeks the progress of the '8ndecaplng. (R) 0 • VOtef8 PIPELINE Jim Cooper looks at the mlY owing problem of child sexual abuse and In Orange County. "Little MIA Mark•" ( 1980. Comedy) Welter Matthau, Jule Andrews. (1 hr., 39 min.) e EU8tEt A 'Pitfted tribute to the ~ of tom· Euble Bleke, fMWflng 24 of nit beat 90nOS "In Honeyauckle Time" and "l'm•Just Wild About Harry." (1 hr .. 30 min.) 10:30. AMIRCA'8 TOP T£N WU>, WILD WORLD OF ANIMALS WE'RE MOV1N' OONSOAY l'HOT09HOW PORTftAITt IN PA8TB..8 .. PRE-8EA80N 8A8EBAU. "EXhlbltlon Game" t".lr!ir.inllUI tJ Aidt VI. Houlton Altrot (blackout In Houaton. Ollja, Waco, .Md ~Ultln. Teus ahd • Niven. Tashiro Mlfune. ( 1 hr .. 39 min.) 11 :00 De DAFFY I SPEEDY 8 WCT TENNIS "$300.000 Billi Bergamo MerTIOfl· al Tournament" Vilas Gerulaltls vs. Ivan Lendl ( 1 hr.) ..... G (II WEEKEND SPEaAL "Mayday! Mayday!" Two children are stranded in the wilderness after jt~~~~~'ed "a ~ne e<ash. (Part 1) COOKING MEXtCAN CALLIGRAPHY --= -MOVIE "Ode--1-o-Bitty Joel' ( 1976;-0ama) Ree-- by Benson. Glynnis O'Conn0<. 11 :30 I()) BLACKSTAR I BULLWINKLE AMERICAN BANOST AND WILD, WILD WEST JULIA CHILD ANO MORE COMPANY CALLIGRAPHY MOVIE "Caveman" ( 1981, Comedy) Ringo Starr, Dennis Quaid. ( 1 hr .. 31 min.) 11:35111) MOVIE "Come September" (1961, Come- dy) R ock Hudson, Gina LoUobrlglda. 11:4500 MOVIE "Bedknobs And Broomsticks" ( 1971, Fantasy) Angela lansbury, David Tomlin- son. ( 1 hr .• 57 min.) . \l-"" l lJ{:\( )( ):\ 12:00 8 ()) TROLLKINS I AGRICULTURE U.S.A. LOST IN SPACE MOVIE "The Secret War Of Harry Frlgg" (1969. Comedy) Paul Newman. Sylva Koscina. m MOVIE "The D.I " ( 1957. Drama) Jack Webb, Don Dubbins. I ADAM-12 SLIM CUISINE YOUNG PEOPLE'S SPECIAL "The Champion- ship" Four high school girls share the reasons why each ''mus1'' play In the championship game. fl!) NEEDLECRAFT (I) MOVIE "One Oh One" (1977. Drama) Robby Benson. Annette O'Tooie. ( 1 hr .. 38 min.) 12: 15 iHOW TO RAISE A BABY 12:30 TOM AND JERRY D fT'S STILL CALLEO BASEBALL Joe Gara- glola hosts a preview of the 1982 baseball season. ~1 hr.) fJ MOVIE "Speedway" ( 1968, Musical) Elvls Presley. Nancy Sinatra. ()) BASEBALL BUNCH Guest Gary Car1er II MOVIE "The Outcast" (1953, Western) John Derek. Joan Evans. I KIOSWORLO ADAM-12 COLLEGE FOR CANINES Bruce Sessions con- ducts the first of two lessons on teaching your dog the "come" command. (A) al) NEEDLECRAFT . CZ) MOVIE "Stardust Memones" (1980, Drama) Woody Allen, Charlotte Rampling. (1 hr .. 29 min ) 1:00 8 KWICKY KOALA I THE MUNSTERS THIS WEEK IN BASEBALL MOVIE "Goodnight. My Love" (1972. Suspense) Richard Boone. Michael Dunn. • MOVIE "Never Too Late" (1965. Comedy) Connie Stevens. Maureen O'.S~illvan. I WOOOWRIGHrs SHOJ": . GROWING YEARS MOVIE "The 400 Blows" ( 1959, Orama) Jean- Pierre Leaud. Patrick Auffey. 9 MOVIE "Countdown To Disaster" (1 hr .. ..30 min.} 1:30 8 ()) COLLEGE ALL-ST AA BASKETBALL CLASSIC Top seniors from the West compete with those of the East In the 11th annual ail-star. game (from Las Vegas. Nev.). (2 hrs.) D • DINAA SHOR~ INVIT A l"IONAL Thlrd·round coverage of this tournament featuring top female golf8f'8 (live from the Mission Hills Country Club In Rancho Mir~. Calif.). (1 hr., 30 min.) ,. ,F-TROOP NOVA "Aging: The Methuselah Syndrome" An examination of the research being condUCted on longevity and the aging process Is presented. Q (1 hr.) I ~~AACING "OaY1ona 200 Roed Race" from DtY1ona. Aorlda. (time per10Cl extend- ed for Sport, Center PtUIJ. (2 hrl., 30 min.) 2:00~818l.At«> ''Dl.Yt Of Ttwllll And LAughi.r'' (1981, laufel end Heidy, ChafU. Cheplln. • LIMIT& MOVE ''All Affair To Remember" (1967, = City <nnt, DebofM Kerr. TUM Oueet: Elubeth . Part 2} MOYIE ''Auh Gordon'' ( 1880, 8c::lant»-Flotton) • 5.1turday (continued) Sam J. Jones. Max Von Sydow. ( 1 hr , 50 min.) ([) MOVIE "Popeye" ( 1980. Comedy) Robin Wil- liams. Shelley DuvaH. CJ) MOVIE "The Asphalt Jungle" ( 1950, Su~pense) Sterling Hayden. James Whitmore. ( 1 hr .• 50 min.) (%) MOVIE "Rock, Rock, Rock" ( 1956. Musical) Alan Freed. Tuesday Weld. ( 1 hr .. 25 min.) 2:06@ THIS WEEK IN BASEBALL 2:30 9 GILLIGAN'S ISLAND 8 SUGAR RAY LEONARD'S GOLDEN GLOVES t1J PROFESSIONAL BOWLERS TOUR $110,000 King Louie Open {from the Ki"9-1:oule West in Over- land Park, Kans.).'( 1 hr .• 30.min.) I MIXED BAG: ANIMATION INSIDE STORY '.'lnSlde St0<y In B Satvadof" Hoddlng Carter reports from El Salvador on press coverage of the war and the March 28th elections. and what it is hke for the reporters who are covefing these stones. I UNDERSTANDING HUMAN BEHAVIOR JOHNNY CASH: A FLOWER OUT OF PLACE Johnny Cash is Joined by Linda Ronstadt, Roy Clark and comedian Foster Brooks in a concert performed for 2.000 inmates at the Tennessee State Pr.Ison and hosted by singer I songwriter Glen Sherley, a formef Inmate at Folsom Prison. ( 1 hr.) 2:36 (fl) MOTORWEEK lllUSTRA TEO 3:00 8 SPORTS AAELD • MOVIE "The Red Pony" ( 1973. Orama) Henry Fonda. Maureen O'Hara. (f) RACING FROM AQUEDUCT • MOVIE "Bu1 Not For Me" ( 1959. Comedy) Clark Gable. Lilli Palmer. QI EMIL GILELS Russian piano virtuoso Emil Gllels gives solo performances of Beethoven's "Sonata No. 21." Mozart's "Fantasy In 0 Minor" and "Varia- tions." and Mendelssohn's "Spinnerlled." ( 1 hr.) • NEWS BEAT: CALIFORNIA CONGRESSIONAL REPORT • MOVIE "The Night Of The Iguana" ( 1964. Ora- ma) Richard Burton. Deborah Kerr. 8 HOME GAROEHER (C) MOVIE "Sunday In New York" ( 1964, Comedy) Cliff Robertson. Jane Fonda. 3:05 (fl) WRES'n.ING 3:308 Cl) SPORTS SATURDAY WBC 15-round lightweight championship bout between champion Alexis Arguello and WBC No. 1-ranked contender Andy Ganigan (from Las Vegas, Nev.). ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) • D EVERYWHERE Location: Live from Oescanso Gardens. La Canada. (1 hr .. 30 min.) 8 PROFESSIONAL BOWLERS TOUR $110,000 King Louie Open (from.the King Louie West in Over- land Park, Kans.). (1 hr .• 30 min.) (I) WILD KjNG[)()M - • LANO OF THE COOL SUN Steve Allen narrates a look at the San Luis Valley of southern Colorado. considered the "most solarlzed community in the U.S." I HOME GARDENER MOVIE "The Electric Eskomo" · MOVIE "Birch Interval" ( 1976, Orama) Eddie Albeft. Rip Torn. (1 hr .• 44 min.) 4:00 IJ GRIZZLY ADAMS i EAtC SEVAREJO'S CHRONICLE THE ROCKFORD FILES MOVIE "The Organization" ( 197 1, Drama) Sid- ~ Poitier. Barbara McNair. QI STRUMPET CITY Pe1er O'Toole S1ars in an adaptation Of James Plunkett's novel about one man's struggle to create better living conditions amid the poverty and social injustice of Dublin from 1907 to 1914. (Part 7) (1 hr.) • QUE PASA, U.S.A.? "Telenovela" Pepe Pena can't figure out why Carmen and Iggy constantly change their minds about a career choice. I INTROOUCING BIOLOGY SPORTS CENTER ST ANDING ROOM ONLY "Simon And Garfunk- el: The Concert In The Park" Paul Simon and An Garfunkel perfOfm old favOfites In their first joint concert in t 1 years. taped during the summer of '81 in New York City's Central Park. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) ---~------------ A .LOT OF COUNTRY -Singer Roy Clark will be among the stars of country music who gather in tribute to the Grand Ole Opry on the special, "Country Comes Home," Saturday, April 10, at 9 p.m. on 'CBS (Ch. 2). CS) MOVIE "Uitle Miss Marker" ( 1980, Comedy) Walter-Matthau. Julie Andrews. ( 1 hr .. 39 min.) 4:30 (f) AGRONSKY ANO COMPANY • SOCCER MADE IN GERM.NY East Germany vs. Poland (1 hr.) I INTRODUCING BIOLOGY MOVIE "Frisco Kid" ( 1935, Adventure) James CaQ!!:_ay, Margaret Lindsay. ( 1 hr .. 17'-mtn.) 5;00 B AMERJCAN LEAGUE WEST PREVIEW I FAEE4AU STAR TREK WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS Coverage~of the Florida Derby for 3-year-old thoroughbreds (from Gulfstream Park in Hallandale. Fla.) ; NCAA Swim- ming And Diving Championships (from Brown Deer. Wisc.). (1hr .. 30mln.) i M•A•s•H KOJAK NHL HOCKEY HartlOfd Whalers. vs. New York Rangers (2 hrs .. 30 min.) I NEWS SOLID GOLD , LADY FROM THE SEA Liv Ullman stars in Henrik Ibsen's play exploring tonging and dread, freedom and responsibility. (2 hrs.) I LAWRENCE \Va.K · ~ SOCCER MADE IN GERMANY Eest Germany vs. Poland ( 1 hr.) (C)· MOVIE "Bells Are Ringing" ( 1960. Musical) Judy Hoillday.-Oean Martin. CE) PRE-SEASON BASEBALL "Exhibition Game" Cincinnati Reds vs. Houston Astros (3 hrs.) CD) MOVIE "The Hideaways" ( 1973, Comedy) , Ingrid Bergman. Johnny Doran. 5:05(1l) NASHVILLE ALIVE Guest: Porter Wagoner. (1 hr.) 5: 15 CZ) MOVIE "The Brave One" (1956, Drama) Michael Ray, Rodolfo Aoyos. ( 1 hr .. 45 min.) 5:30DNEW8 . Cl) WELCOME BACK. KOTTER QJ WIDE WOALP OF SPORTS Coverage of the Florida Derby for 3-year-.Jld thoroughbreds (from Gulfstream Park in Hallandale, Fla.) ; NCAA Swim- ming And Diving Championships (from Brown Deer. Wisc.). ( 1 hr .• 30 min.) • ONCE UPON A CLASSIC "A Tale.Of Two Cit· Jes" Darnay is sentenced to the gulRotlne and H Madame Delarge attempts to destroy Lucie and Menette. (Part 6) (R) Q 5:"5CH) MOVIE "The Competition" (1980, Drama) :2 Richard Dr Amy lrvlng. _(2 hrs .• 9 min.) 2 ~ 6:00 'Cl) C88 NEWS I NBC NEWS "Tl OVIE "The longest Hundred Miies" ( 1967, ~ Adventure) Ooug.Mceture. Katharine Ross. A priest 1» leads a group of adults and Filipino chlldren away -< from the Invading Japanese. (2 hrs.) I WHITE SHADOW THEMUPPETS MOVIE_·~ For Texas" ( t 963, Wesieio~ !'J rFranl( S'inarra. Oisula Andress. A shady banke< ~ comes up with a nasty way to settle the diffe<ences <D between a pair ot feuding cowboys. (2 hrs.) ~ I FAIR PLAY IN SPORTS SPORTS AMERtCA "College~nastlcs: Iowa State. Nebraska, Oklahoma" ( 1 Cl> MOVIE "One On One" ( 197 , rama) Robby Benson. ·~nnette O'Toole. A boy who goes 10 col- lege on a ba5Ketball scholarship Is abused by the coach. SCOfned by his tutor and used by the school f°' Its own purposes. 'PG' (1 hr .. 38 min.) 6:05 dl) UNDERSEA WORLD OF JACQUES COUS- TEAU 6:308 8 (I) e NEWS I MARY TYLER MOORE THEMUPPETS WHY IN THE WORLD E\JBIEl A spirited tribute to the genius of com- poser Euble Blake. featuring 24 of his best songs Including "lrT Honeysuckle Time" and "I'm Just Wild About Harry." ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 7:008(1) IN SEARCH OF ... I FAMILY FEUD WHERE WERE YOU? THE HARDY BOYS I NANCY DREW MYSTER- IES I PEOPLE'S COURT LAWRENCE WELK A LOOK AT LIV Ullman, the woman and artist. discusses art, life. sexuality. and her relationship with Ingmar Bergman. ( 1 hr.) Tube Topper C harlie Brown's All-stars Channel 2 -8 p.m. e CHECKING IT OUT Ana· Cobian talks to young people, parents and experts about teen-age suicide. ~THE MUPPET$ I& THIS OLD HOUSE Bob Vila shows hoW to trim windows and doors, and gives advice on preparing and painting Interior watts. 9 ([)MOVIE "Z8fo To Sixty' ( 1978. Comedy) Dar- ren McGavin. Denise Nickerion. A middle-aged divorced man. needing money for alimony pay- ments. is laced with repossessing a Mafia car con- taining a dead body as part of h1s new partnership with a 16-year-old girl. 'PG' ( 1 hf .. 36 min.) C1D MOVIE "The Hand" ( 1981, Horror) Michael Caine. Andrea Maroovlccl. Bizarre Incidents and nightmares begin happening In a cartoonist's life after he suHers the loss of a hand. 'R' ( 1 hr., 44 min.) (1) MOVIE "The Last Metro" (1980. Orama) Catherine Denewe. Gerard Depardleu. Directed by Francois Truttaut. During World War II. the proprie- tors of a small Paris theatre try to keep their estab- lishment open during the German occupation. 'PG' (2 hrs .. 10 min.) 7:05 al) NEWS 7:30• DANCE FEVER I LOOK AT US OMNI: THE NEW FRONTIER .JT~~v~~ NATIONALLY KNOWN, AWARD WINNING JEWELRY DESIGNER di, ti/a tR rJf. cf:rtwt • REMOUNT SPECIALIST 2610 E. PACtFlC COAST HWY. • CORONA DEL MAR OfOGINAl. DESIGNING • CUSTOM AESTYl.IHO I RESETTING A DESIGNER COLLECTION OF 00U> I Pi.ATINUM JEW£LRV •DIAMONDS • PEARLS • FINE COLORED GEMSlONES --- r I I: I I • t I l t 1' I I ; I I I g> ...J -~- ·" IAUSCH & LOMI SOFT CONT ACT LENSES s79•s INQUOES: Chemical Care Kit, Instruction, Follow Up Visit. Examination ~ c:ui4..l.tn• O,terminotMm..$65.00. All.Padut;onol Services Ped.cwnad..8.r T~ - OOdor. Same Doy Service On Most Pre1<ription1. EYEG.l._ASSES s49•s INQUOES: Your presc:ription In Quality Clear Gian Single Vision, Biofoc:als or Trifocals In Frame of Your Choice From Our Consumer Selection. Examination If Desired Not lnduded. ADDED CONVENIENCE: EXAMINATION AND FITTING AT SAME LOCATION Monthly Special Blended BifOcals -Mo U..s Ptastic Regular Size Lenses Reg. '99" NOW '69'5 OFFER GOOD UNTIL MARCH 31 THE BROADWAY Huntington Center Anaheim Plaza Newport Fashion Or. Ronald Jenson Or. Kevin McGrath Center 891-7¥4 635-3281 Or. John Connole ~ 644-0165 USE YOUR BROADWAY CHARGE - YOUR DOCTORS PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED 2 DINNERS :3rc~~~ 1 BUY 1 DINNER FOR $7.58 A°'ND GET THE 2ND DINNER FREE .. .. MONDAY•TUESDAY•WEDN~SDAY WITH THIS AD ONLY Otfe1' Expjnl April H , 1'U $ PM to IPM MONDAY BEEF , BARRON BUFFET TUESDAY WEDNESDAY COUNT RY B-B·.Q A selection of beef entrees. potato, fresh vegetable and salad bar. 3 Mexican e ntrees, salad bar and a glass of Coors Draft <21 years or older). BUFFET BBQ Chicken, BBQ Ribs, baked beans, com bread, vegetable llOUp, western style potatoes & aa.lad bar. THE JOCKEY CLUB ;. te\s'+·hK 111..-.. I ·.: . ' 'I I : I 'I . ' SALE EVANS-BLACK "CANDORA" • Anso IV Oakwood s151s .•. ,,. i11t11H. BERVEN "Lasting Elegance" Anso 1v· Fireside s141s ••• ,,. f 107 yds. avail. i1sta11. BERVEN "Lasting Elegance" -Anso IV Oystet Beige $1~~~ ~ 133 yds. avail. 1111111. LEE'S "Good Feeling" · Antron Applewood Tan & Bronze Brown s 15so ... , •. Limited quantity avai. 1nt111. ln1l•ll•d hie•• lno/11d1 111-3100 ,, • .,. ,.,,,,,, ,., r Saturday (continued) i PADRES 1982 BASEBALL PREVIEW · MUSICWOALO TALK OF THE TOWN John Beatty reports on the role of San Diego's performing arts. l ~~ETS SNEAK PREVIEWS Roger Ebert and Gene Sisk- el pick the best movies ol 1981. featuring soenes lrom "Ragtime," "Atlantic Clly," "Chariots Ot Fire" and "Prince 01 The City " (R) ~MOVIE "Children Ot Theatre Street" 'G' ( 1 hr., 30mln.l_ -e:ooe (I) CHARLIE BR~t-STARS mated. Charlie Brown and the Peanuts gang muddle their way through another memorable season. (R) DID ONE OF THE BOYS Jonathan's recently sep- arated slster becomes involved with Adam. 9 MOVIE "Moving Violation" (1977. Adventure) Stephen McHattie, Eddie Albert. Two young lovers flee from their small town when they learn that the police are working on the-wrong stde of ttm law: (2 hrs.) G aJl T.J. HOOKER Hooker and Romano acciden- tally discover an-illegel weapons operation. ( l hr.) 1J MOVIE "Peeping Tom" ( 1963. Horror) Moira Shearer. Anna Massey. A psycopathlc killer takes photographs of the horror on his victims faces just before killing them (2 hrs.) i PAULHOOAN SONNY ANO CHEA MOVIE "The McConnell Story" (1955. Adven- ture) Alan Ladd. June Allyson. A famed test pilot Is determined to break In the Sabrejet F-86. (2 hrs.) @ LADY FROM THE SEA Liv Ullman stars in Henrik Ibsen's play explOring tonging and dread. freedom and responsibility. (2 hrs.) • LIFE ON EARTH "life In The Trees" David Attenbof'ough looks at a variety of primates and how they solved the difficulties of living high up In the forest. Q (1 hr.) ... l.t MOVIE "Bird Ot Paradlae'' ( 1932. Romance) Dolof'es Del Rio. Joel McOea. A Frenchman's love tor a native glr1 lllU$I overcome society's disapprov- al. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) ' (I) SPORTS CENTER (Ii) MOVIE "Any Which Way You Can" (1980, Comedy) Clint Eastwood. Sondra Locke. Before settling down with his girl and pet orangutan. a bare--flsted fighter signs up for one last, lucrative match. 'PG' (1 hr .. 45 min.) (I) MOVIE "The Postman Always Rings Twice" (1981, Drama) Jack Nicholson. Jessica Lange. A young woman and her lover plot to murder her hUs- band. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 37 min.) e MOVI~ "Stir Crazy" (1980, Comedy) Richard Pryor .... Gene Wilder. Two men are. mis.lakeo for bank robbers and sent to jail. 'R' ( 1 hr .• 51 min.) 8:06@ KING WEEK '82: A CELEBRATION On the eve of the anniversary of Martin Luther King's death. this special commemorates the life of the late civil rights leader. ( 1 hr.) 8:308 ())FAT ALBERT EASTER SPECIAL Animat- ed. Fat Albert and the gang pitch In to help an old friend who is down oo his luck D e CHICAGO STORY .Pelligrino tries to free an lnnooent prllonef. Dr. Carson considers a ptivate practice and Dutton sponsors an angry youth in a f!lg Brother program. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) Cl) RACING FROM YONKERS 9:008 (I) MOVIE "House Calls" ( HJ78, Comedy) Walter Matthau, Glenda Jackson. A widowed doc- IOI' halts his Casanova tendencies long enough to fall for an outspoken divorcee who doesn't believe In ~ilanderlng. (R) (2 hrs.) U aJ) LOVE BOA. T A female passenger falls tor a paid escort. Gopher sees a ghost and Vicki becomes an older woman to attract a man. (A) Q /ti., 'W~TLING · ~ CRtSIS ALERT "The Ag0ny Of East Africa" The plight of starving people fn East Africa and what some Americans are doing to help are documented. l1 hr.) e GAEAT PERFORMANCES "Brldeshead Revisit- ed" The dying Lord Marchmaln (Laurence Olivier) returns from Europe with his mistress to spend his last years at the family home. (Part 1 t) c;> ( 1 hr .• 30 min.) ~MOVIE "Ode To Bitty Joe" ( 1976, Drama) Rob- by Benson, Glynnis O'Connor. Based on the song by Bobble Gentry. A toonentea-teen-ager's-pul eicperlences eompllcate his first tr't romance. 'PG' U hr .• 46 min.) (I) MOTOACYClE RACING "Daytona 200 Road Race'' from Daytorut, Aorlda. (2 h,..) CC MOVIE "Stlr Crazy" ( 1980. Come<fy) Richard Pryor, Gene Wiider. Two mon are mistaken for bank robber• and Mnt to Jill, 'A' (1 hr .. 51 min.) CD>CHAHNEL ZERO 9:06@ MOVIE "Oeelre Under The Elmt" (1968. Drama) Sophia lortfl, An~y Pttl(lnt. Bated On ..,,..._,,,_o:~rrir&~.~~"~ rm 1~ BY-THE-BOOK COP -Marshall Colt sta.rR as a sharp detective who has been forced by his superiors to pair off with a recently reinstated police officer -series star James Ames -in "McClain's Law," on NBC (Ch. 4) Saturday at 10 p.m. passlon1or her stepson. ( t hr .. 55 min.) 9:15(%) MOVIE "Stir Crazy" ( 1980, Comedy) Rich- ard Pryor. Gene Wilder. Two men are mistaken for bank robbers and sent to jaU. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 51 min.) 9:30 ID MATINEE AT THE 131JOU Featured: "Subfna- rlne Alert" ( t943) starring Richard Arlen and Wen- dy Barrie; a 1937 short and a cartoon; and Chapter 3 of "Zorro's Fighting Legion." (R) ( 1 hr., 30 min.) 10:00D tm MCCLAIN'S LAW McClain is enraged when two vicious robbers are guaranteed Immunity in excha~e for their cooperation In another case. i )._ll •. NEWS ~ lft PERRY COMO'S EASTER IN GUADALA- JARA Ann JIHlan and Charo Join entertainer Perry Como to celebrate Easter In Mexico. o ( 1 hr.) G . MOVIE "The ~ed And The Deed'' (1"958. Drama) Aldo Ray. Cliff Robertson. Soldiers In World War II learn the value of courage and quickness at the risk of losing their lives. (2 hrs .. 35 min.) Cl) MOVIE "Witches Mountain" ( 1973, Mystery) Patty Shepard, John Catfarl. A news photographer accepts an assignment to photogra.ph a legendary !'.>!ace called Witches Mountain. (2 hrs.) Cit A LOOK AT LIV UUman. the woman and artist, discusses art. life. sexuality, and her reJatlonshlp with Ingmar Bergman. ( 1 hr.) cm MOVIE "Loophole" ( 1981. Suspense) Albert Finney. Martin Sheen. A criminal mastermind and a respectable architect plan to eicecute an elaborate bank robbery from the sewers below the streets of London. ( 1 hr., 45 min.) CJ) MOVIE "Texas Lightning" (1981, Drama) Channing Mitchell. Maureen McCormick. A boy's weekend hunting trip with his father turns Into an Initiation Into manhood. 'A' ( l hr .. 35 min.) II MOVIE "Which Way Is Up?" (1977, Comedy) Richard Pryor, Lonette McKee. A sex-starved fruil picker Is caught In a comic crossfire between his union and the Mob. and a hy~rltlcal preacher finds heaven in a ladles' choir. 'R (1 hr .. 34 min.) 10: 10 CID MOVIE "Ordinary People" ( 1980. Orama) Mary Tyler Moore. Donald Sutherland. A gullt-rldden teen-ager trying to put his life back together after his brother's death and his own sulcrde attempt reaches out to his complacent father and his cold. reserved mother. 'R' (2 hrt., 3 min.) 10:30. PORTRAIT OF A LEGEND I NEWS AMERtCAN PlA YHOUSE "Northern Ugh ts" The first Scandinavian Immigrants and their families terming In I 1915 North Dakota winler are ihe suf>: Jects of John Hanson and Rob Niisson's film. c;> (1 hr •• W m1n. 11:00 Cll 111 e NEWS e AINMENT THIS WEEK 01car hiQhllghls; lnterYiews with Christopher Reeve. Marty i='""eldman. Michael Douglas and Mlchel1e L". ( 1 hr.) • MOVIE "An Afflllf To Remembef' (1957, -R.Otnanct) Ca~ Grant, Oitoorah l<err. Two !Overs 1.bolrd Ship agree to poe1pone -t~mmatlon of their love, but tragedy Intervenes before the ren-. . ... 2 hrt. 13 al) MOVIE "Paseage West" (1961. Weetern) John - Payn&. Arleen Whelan. A westward-bound wagon -o train gets overtaken by Six escaped convicts. ( 1 hr.. 5 45min.) - @ LADY FROM THE SEA Liv Ullman stars In Henrik ;:! Ibsen's play explorln11 longing and dread. freedom 1 and responslblllty. (2 hl'S.) o l.t AUSTIN CllY LIMITS The music of Roy Clark co and tM punk humor of The Geezinslaws are tea-.,, tured ( t hrJ ~ ~ MOVIE "H.O T.S.I" ( 1979, Comedy) Susan g. Kigef, Lisa London. A sorority re1ect decides to foml -:< her own club of co-eds who concentrate on gratify-> l_!'.!g sex-starved collegians. 'R' ( 1 hr., 35 min.) -g__ (£)ALL-s.JAR SPOATS CHALLENGE IUlt.Of,Fame Cleveland Browns vs. Phlladelphla Whiz Kids ...., CC MOVIE "Fiooa" (1980. Adventure) Aona Rich· .- mood. Anthony Steel. A notorious woman journalist ~ recounts her outrageous adventures with some of ...., Eur2E_e's leading playboys. 'R' ( 1 hr . 22 min.) 11: 15 CZJ MOVIE ''Brubaker" ( 1980. Drama) Robert Redford. Yaphet Kotto. A reform-minded warden uncovers "Videspread corruption when he enters his newly assigned prison posing as an Inmate. 'A' (2 hrs.. 1 O min.) 11:30,THE AOCKFOAD FILES D SA TUROAY NIGHT LIVE Host John Mad· den. Guests: Andy Kaufman. Jennifer Holliday. (R) ABC NEWS • i hr .. 30 min.) MOVIE "The Man From Utah" ( 1934, Western) John Wayne. Gabby Hayes. A tough lawman nabs a gang of outlaws who are using a rodeo as their base of operations. ( 1 hr .• 30 min.) Ill MOVIE "The Thief Who Came To Dinner" ( 1973. Comedy) Ryan O'Neal, Jacqueline Bisset. A computer analyst moonlights as a sophisticated cat burglar and has an affair with a sexy society lady. i hrs .• 15 min.) SPORTS CENTER MOVIE "Caddyshack" (1980. Comedy) Biii Murray. Rodney Qangerfleld. The demented grounds-keeper of a swanky country club wages war against the gopheB Inhabiting his turf. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 47 min.) 11:35(1) BIZARRE "Tap Dancing Mugger" 11:"5 G MOVIE "Where Were You When The lights Went Out?" ( 1966, Comedy) Doris Day. Patrick Tube Topper . Best Show Ever Channel 4 -9 p.m. O'Neal. After finding her husband In bed with anoth- er woman. an actress runs away to their country home. (2 hrs.) 12:00. MoVIE "C.C. And Company" (1970, Dra- ma) Joe Namath. Ann-Margret. An outcast member of a motorcycle gang saves a young woman from f_!pe. (2 hrs.) (!) MOVIE "Carry On Cleo" ( 1965. Comedy) Amanda Barrie. Sidney James. Marc Antony and Cleopatra let the staves loose. and Julius Caesar i s his just reward oo the Ides of March. (2 hn>.) FRANKIE HOW ARO ' MOVIE "Maraschino Cherry" ( 1978, Drama) Glot'la Leonard. Jenny Baxter. A top New Yori( madam shows het younger Sister the ropes at a high-class brothel. ( 1 hr .• 23 min.) 12:06 Cl) MOVIE "The Anal Conflict" ( 198 1. Drama) Sam Nelll. Rossalio Brazzi. In the third part of "The Omen" trilogy. young Damien. the embodiment of the Antichrist. Is now an adult and a trusted advisor to the president of the U.S. 'R' ( 1 hr .• 49 min.) 12:25 (Ji) MOVIE "Fort Apache. The Bronx" ( 1981. Orama) Paul Newman. Ed Asner. A tough cop bat- tles crime and corruption In New York City's South Bronx neighborhood. 'R' (1 hr .• 69 min.) 12:308 MOVIE "Showdown" (1973, Western) Dean Martin, Rock HudlOn. A sheriff's otd friend turns out to be a bank robber. (2 hrs.) e MOVIE "The Witch" ( 1965, Fantasy) Richard Johnton. Rosanna Schiaffino. A man finds himself lnvoNed with a woman who has beCOme the mi. tr ... of dark forces. (2 hrs.) Cl) PRE~ BMEBALL ''EXfllbltlon Game" ClnclnMtl Reds vs. Houston Astroa (3 ht$.) 12:46(11) MOVIE "Saturday Maht And Sunday Morn- ing" (1960, Orama) Albttt FIMtY. Rachel Roberts. A young working-di .. Englilhman, unhappy In his Job, releaMs his tension In a wltd weekend. ( 1 hr .. 45mln.) CC> MOVIE "Breal<tna....P~t" (1Q76, Orama) Bo Svenson. Robert eurp. A men, WhO witnesses a ~ngland murq_er. la terrorized by the Mafia 1tter he t"tlfies. and must movt with his famUy to Toronto. •R• 1 hr., 31 min.) , ) L u------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~ Saturday (continued) blacksmith gives up his peaceful ways to become a champion gladiator: a> ..... ;:: Q. c( Cl) MOVIE '"Neath AriZona Skies" ( 1934. West· ern) John Wayne, Sheila Terry. A cowboy tries to rescue a young Indian girl from kidnappers who are after her inherited wealth. ( 1 hr.) m MOVIE "Cornered" (1945. Adventure) Dick Powell, Walter Slezak. A vengeful airman seeks the ~ Nazi war criminal responsible for the deaths of his :g wife and child. (2 hrs.) u. ta A LOOK AT LIV Ullman. the woman and artist. • discusses art, hie. sexuality, and her relationship ~ with Ingmar Bergman. · _. GD EVENING AT THE IMPROV > 1:300 MOVIE "American Pop" (1981, Musical) t-Animated. The history of American pop music. from :§ vaudeville to rock 'n' roll. is traced through several a: generations of a family of musicians. 'A' ( 1 hr .. 37 min.) (%) MOVIE "The Last Metro" ( 1980, Ora~a) Catherine Deneuve. Gerard Depardieu: Directed by Francois Truffaut. During World War II. the proprie- tors of a small Paris theatre try to keep their estab· llshment open during the German occupation 'PG' (2 hrs .. 10 min.) 1:~®) ABC NEWS 1:55(1) MOVIE "One On One" ( 1977. Drama) Rob- by Benson. Annette O'Toole. A boy who goes to college on a basketball scholarship is abused by the coach. scorned by his tutor and used by the school for its own purposes. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 38 min.) 2;008 MOVIE "The Third Secret" (1964. Mystery) Stephen Boyd, Jack Hawkins. A psychoanalyst's daughter coovinces one of his patients to help her find her father's murderer. (2 hrs.) •NEWS 2:05 Cf) NEWS 2: 15 ~MOVIE "Bells Are Ringing" ( 1960, Musical) Judy Holliday, Dean Martin. A shy and impression- able young answering service operator becomes Infatuated with a charming scriptwriter. (2 hrs .. 5 min.] 2:3088NEWS i BREAKFAST CONNECTION AGRICULTURE U.S.A. MOVIE "Flash Gofdon" ( 1980. Science-Action) Sam J. Jones. Max Voo Sydow. A trio of earthlings travel to the planet Mango and helped its oppressed Inhabitants In the overthrow of the evil Emperor Min.G:_ 'PG' ( 1 hr., 50 min.) 3:009 MOVIE "The Sky's The limit" (1943, Musi· TAMMY'S TUNE -Annette O'Toole (left) plays country music star Tammy Wynette (right) in 'Stand By Your Man,' a motion picture made for television based on Miss Wynette's autobiography. The film will be broadcast Saturday at p p.m. on CBS (Ch. 2). • cal) Fred Astaire. Joan Leslie. While on leave 1n New York. a war hero falls In love with a beautiful ~ng girl. (1 hr .. 50 min.) (!) STRAIGHT TALK at MOVIE "'The Last Days Of PompeH" ( 1935. Adventure) Preston Foster, Basil Rathbone. A \aibothane™· Odlcfas '6r A VISCO ELASTIC POLYMER 'H ................. J~ 'i IB a. ...... att4 ~ 5t18 "TIArl ;IJIElllU" ~ ............... ~~ ---· 11,,.;r- @ NEWS 3:30 ([)COLLEGE BASKETBALL WRAP-UP 0 MOVIE "Hard Country'' (1981, Orama) Jan· Michael Vincent, Kim Basinger. A Texas factory worker 1s torn between his desire to continue 1n the "good old boy" lifestyle and his fiancee's show business ambitions. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 45 min.) Tube Topper C hicago Story Channel 4 -8:30 p.ro. VINCENT 8AGGETTA 3:35 Cl) MOVIE "The Postman Always Rings Twice" (1981, Drama) Jack Nicholson, Jessica Lange. A young woman and her lover plot to murder her hus- band. 'R' ( 1 hr., 37 min.) 4:008 MOVIE "Mask Of The Dragon" (1951 , Mys· tery) Richard Travis. Sheila Ryan. An antique Jade Dragon is the clue to several gastly murders. ( 1 hr.) ~OR.PAULYONGGICHO SPORTS CENTER MOVIE "Stir Crazy" ( 1980, Comedy) Richard Pryor, Gene Wilder. Two men are mistaken for bank robbers and sent to fail. 'A' ( 1 hr . 51 min.) 4:05 dZ) BETWEEN THE LINES 4:20(8) MOVIE "Ordinary People" ( 1980, Orama) Mary Tyler Moore. Donald Sutherland. A guilt-ridden teen·ager trying to put his life back together after his brother's death and his own suicide attempt reaches out to htS complacent father and his cold. reserved mother. 'A' (2 hrs., 3 min.) 4:30 Cl) VIEWPOINT ON NUTRITION ~ MOVIE "The 400 Blows" ( 1959. Drama) Jean· Pierre Leaud. Patrick Auffey. A young boy deprived of parental warmth and the acceptance of his peers turns his ahenatloo and despair toward a life of small crimes. ( 1 hr .. 45 min.) 4:35 Ql) IT IS WRITTEN 4:50 tJ LAST OF THE WILD Announcing The I. ?Urfli1t•J r·-----------------------------~ i $ 5 Gift Certificate $ 5 i Marriott Tennis Oub I Good Towards Purchase of '2500 or More I I ~ •• 0. s...... . Exp. 4121 I ---------------------------------1-&-D~ Atfiletic Wear 9594 HAMILTON AVE. HUNTIM~TON IEACH 964-3256 ''The Very 8elt In A&llldC 'oolWear•• • Limited Membership Available • No Initiatial Fee • 10 n. .. ......u.....hi Courts '-'~-·JtllVIQ p • Full Club H~ Fdties • ROOynRay - Dncta c:i TamiS ~ I I I I I I I I I I t Sunday 5:00 Cf) NINE ON NEW JERSEY (()COLLEGE INSTRUCTIONAt ·S6RIES "Baseball. Pitching And Catching Drills" 5:051 JAMES ROBISON &.15 MAYBERRYR.F.0: 5:30 DAY OF DISCOVERY CD WORLD CUP SKIING "Women's Giant Slalom .. from Waterville Valley, New Hampshire. ( 1 hr . 30 min.) g MOVIE "Caddyshack.. ( 1980. Comedy) Bill Murray, Rodney Dangerfield ( 1 hr .. 47 min.) 5:35 01) CARTOONS 5:40 (1) MOVIE "Texas Lightning.. ( 1981. Drama) Channing Mitchell, Maureen McCormick. ( 1 hr , 35 mini 5:45 CHRISTOPHER CLOSEUP 6:00 SERENDIPITY MUSIC AND THE SPOKEN WORD SUNDAY MORNING YOUTH AND THE ISSUES ORAL ROBERTS DIRECTIONS BIBLE ANSWERS ROMPER ROOM WHAT SHALL WE DO ABOUT THE CHIL- DREN? The growing problem of runaway and throwaway children ls examined. (R) ( 1 hr.) (%)MOVIE "Paper Tiger" ( 1976. Comedy) David Niven, Toshiro Mifune. ( 1 hr .. 39 min.) 6:05@LOST IN SPACE 6:30 II FOR OUR TIMES "The Young Alcoholic: A Family Dilemma" The Maxwell Institute 1n Bronxville. N. Y., otters treatment of and recovery from alcohol dependence. THArSCAT ROBERT SCHULLER DAYBREAK LA. AMERICA: THE SECOND CENTURY POINT OF VIEW PUBLIC PULSE NEWS CINEMAX SHORT FEATURE THOSE FABULOUS CLOWNS Richard Kiley hosts,thls documentary saluting the world's greatest clowns, from the circus ring to the silver screen. using lllm footage. dramatic rtH!nactments and still photos ( 1 hr.) 7:00IJ TODAY'S RELIGION WHITNEY ANO THE ROBOT TOP CAT IT IS WRITTEN KENNETH COPELAND 8 SUNDAY MASS SPECTRUM DAY OF DISCOVERY CARTOONS YOGA FOR.HEAL TH REACHING OUT Tube Topper .. Charlyn--· Chann.~1 5 -6 p.m. ' C~IFF A08EATSOH (E) SPORTS CENTER 7:05@ LIGHTER SIDE OF THE NEWS 7:30 II COMMITMENT D ODYSSEY Guests: Rabbi James Kaufman. Tem- ple Beth Hiiiei, North Hollywood: Judy Berman, Temple project director. B LITTLE RASCALS CAMPUS PROFILE "Homeopathy" Guests. Tar- iq Kuralshy, president of the Health Research Insti- tute; nutritionist Betty Lee Morales. TV 8 LOOKS AT LEARNING THArS THE SPIRIT SEARCH JIMMY SWAGGART MISTER ROGERS (R) THE WORLD TOMORROW OVERTURE MOVIE "The Jazz Singer" ( 1980, Musical) Neil Diamond, Laurence Olivier. ( 1 hr .. 55 min.) (1) HOLL YWOOO Bill Harris presents up-close reports on the people and events which are making news in the production and glamour capital of the movie Industry. • II IDA MAKES A MOVIE 7:35al) MOVIE "Operation PelHcoat" (1959. Come- dy) Cary Grant. Tony Curtis. 7:"5 (%) MOVIE "Birch Interval" ( 1976, Orama) Eddie Albert, Rip Torn ( 1 hr .. 44 min.) 8:00 8 SUNDAY MORNING D PALM SUNDAY WITH THE DISCIPLES OF CHRIST Palm Sunday services will be telecast from the National City Christian Church 1n Washington. D.C. ( 1 hr.) I POPEYE ANO HIS FRIENDS PERSONAL DIMENSIONS LET THERE BE LIGHT LLOYD OGILVIE I OAV~~AJ.M JERRY FALWELL ELECTRIC COMPANY (R) REX HUMBARD MOVIE "The Learning Tree" ( 1969, Orama) Kyle Johnson. Alex Clarke. ([) F.A. SOCCER "The Road To Wembley" (Match 11) ( 1 hr.) (1) MOVIE "Bedknobs And Broomsticks" (1971, Fantasy) Angela Lansbury. David Tomlinson. ( 1 hr .• 57 min.) D MOVIE "Countdown To Disaster" ( t hr . 30 mln.J . • 8:30 8 TODAY'S BLACK WOMAN ! THE LAHAYES MEETING TIME AT CALVARY REX HUMBARD FREDERICK K. PRICE 9 NATURAL HISTORY OF A SUNBEAM "Survival Under The Sun" Sir George Porter explains how the sun .may someday be our only energy alternative (Part 2) Im KNOW YOUR BIBLE 9:00 D NEWS CONFERENCE IPEOPLE7 C1J ORAL ROBERTS ROBERT SCHULLER IT IS WRITTEN SESAME STREET (R) Q CD ALL-STAR SPORTS CHALLENGE Milwaukee Brewers OJ The 1970's vs. New York Jets Of The 1970's · 9:130 1 ~~ f~{~~ NEW ZOO REVUE FACE THE NATION DAY OF DISCOVERY KENNETH COPELAND THE WORLD TOMORROW HOMEOWNERS I ROOM ADDITIONS -REMODELING AS LOW AS 596°0 A MONTH· THERE HAS NEVER BEEN A BETTER ~ ' TIME TO ADD ON THAT EXTRA BEDROOM I OR BATH. OR ADD A CO ZY FAMILY ROOM .r~ ~~we ARE AL SO SPECIALISTS IN KITCHEN~ AND BATH REMODELING. i(Zj CALL NOW FOR A FREE ESTIMATE OR :i;'lffi\ VISIT OUR St-OWROOMS AT = {~~ 293 WISTMIMSTll MALL ~ ~ ~ CU,,_ LIV& MIAa SEAi SJ :r!J FOR YOUR. FAMILY _,.../ Easter Sunday is a special day 1ust for your family. And to keep it a family c::xx:asion, we're p(eparing a lavish Easter Sunday family dinner bUffet, Whieh Wiii fnclude pol'1< roast. roast beet, baron of lamb, fresh salads and much more. The Easter Bunny will be In attendance for the children. Entertainment by Marriott's Famous Twin Pianos Seatings at 11 :00-AM and 2:00 PM • PleMe fMk• your ,....rwtlon• now toO Newpott C•nt•r. om. (714) MCMOOO. bl. 8l0t ~ 100% PERFORMANCE BOND -a ~COMPLETION DATE GUARANTEE -LIEN ""71J ~FREE CONSTRUCTION. ~ ::nJ 114.at4f17' -714.ltl-4917 ~ ~.'·. LAMO ~ u:.o .. CONSTRUCTION ~ m 0BASEO ON SALES PRICE OF H .000 • ~ ~ 1KA.P.R.OA.C iW.J (~ ·~t·.31~':9 • • f • I I I I I u 16 ~ Sunday (continued) a> ..... (E) AUTO RACING "NASCAR Eastern 150 .. (2 hrs.) CID MOVIE "'Kramer Vs. Kramer"' ( 1979, Drama) Dustin Hottman, Meryl Streep ( 1 hr .. 45 min.) 0 THE MINE ANO THE MINOTAUR Four children become involved with an international smuggling ring after they accidentally discover a priceless stat- uette. CZ) MOVIE "The Las1 Metro" ( 1980. Drama) Catherine Deneuve. Gerard Depardieu. Directed by Franc.ois Truttaut (2 hrs., 10 min.) 10:001J (I) NBA BASKETBALL Houston Rockets at San Antonio Spurs (2 hrs., 30 min.) D WHAT SHALL WE DO ABOUT THE CHIL- DREN? The growing problem ol runaway and throwaway children Is examined. (R) ( 1 hr ) 8 MOVIE "The Red Pony" ( 1973. Drama) Henry Fonda, Maureen O'Hara. I BASEBALL BUNCH HEAALO Of TRUTH PRE-SEASON BASEBALL New York Mets vs. St. Louis Cardinals (2 hrs.: 30 min.) I REX HUMBARD THE LAWMAKERS Correspondents Linda Wer- theimer and Cokie Roberts Join Paul Duke for an up- to-the-minute summary of Congressional activities. I NEWSCENTER WEEKL V MAGIC Of OfL PAINTING MOVIE "Shame, Shame On The Bixby Boys" (J979, Adventure) Monte Markham. Cl) MOVIE "Chapter Two" ( 1979, Comedy) James Caan. Marsha Mason. (2 hrs., 4 min.) 10:05@ MOVIE "With This Ring" (1978, Drama) Scott Hl!._and, Joyce DeWitt. • 10:30 D ~ KJOS ARE PEOPLE TOO Gues1s: Gilda Radner. Benji and his trainer. consumer expert Jon Steinberg, Dian Thomas with camping hints. (R) ( t hr.) I ROBERT SCHULLER JERRY FALWRL OPEN MINO AGRICULTURE U.S.A. MAGIC OF OIL PAINTING MOVIE "Huckleberry Ann" 11 :00 D ON CAMPUS Featured: Jlnanclal ana1ys1 Frank Cappiello discusses Investment strategies during a recession; investment advisor Jim Adams looks into the stock market from the Blyth Fund. • MOVIE "'But Not For Me" ( 1959, Comedy) Clark Gable. Lilli Palmer. 9 MASTERPIECE THEATRE "Love In A Cold Ch- mate: Child Hunt"' Based on books by Nancy Mit· fOfd. Lord Alconleigh Indulges in a favorite family Tube Topper Fat her Murphy Channel 4 -7 p.m . sport -hunting his own children with bloodhounds. i art 1) Q (1 hr.) OUTDOOR LIFE WASHINGTON WEEK IN REVIEW (R) 11:308 • SPOATSWOALD Grand National Steeplechase (from Alntree. England) ; CART Phoenix "1 SO" auto race {from Phoenix, A1iz.) . ( 1 hr., 30min.) I OJ THIS WEEK WITH DAVID BRINKLEY 1·ERAY COLE-WHITT AKER CHURCH IN THE HOME WALL STREET WEEK "What's New From Bache?" Guest: Larry Wachtel. first vice president, Bache Halsey Stuart Shlelds. Inc. (R) ct) MOVIE "Jesus" ( 1979, Otama) Brian Deacon. RMaNoiman, (I) NHL HOCKEY New York Islanders vs. Pittsburgh • Penguins (llve). (2 hrs., 30 min.) CID INTERNATIONAL AGURE SKA TING FROM PEKING Dorothy Hamm performs and co-hosts with Greg Lewis In an all-star exhibition featuring Jo Jo Starbuck, Toller Cranston and John Curry, as well as amateur skaters h<>P,lng to represent China In the 'Oi Winter .Olympics. j 1 hr., 30.min.) .\I 11 .l{~< >< >~ NEWS VETERAN -Ed Bradley. CBS news correspondent, has joined editors, Mike Wallace, Morley Safer and Harry . Reasoner, on the highly-rated news maga· zine show, "60 Minutes," Sunday at 7 p.m. on Channel 2. Qt MOVIE "The Cat And The Canary" ( 1978. Mys- tery) Honor Blackman. Michael Gallen. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) • •' (%)MOVIE "Stir Crazy" (1980, Comedy) Richard Pryor. Gene Wilder. ( 1 hr .. 5 1 min.) 12:05@ MOVIE "The Ghost Of Flight 401 " (1978. Mystery) Ernest BOfgnlne, Kim Basinger. 12:30tJ Cl) NBA BASKETBALL Portland Trail Blazers at Los Angeles Lakers (2 hrs .. 30 min.) I DIRECTIONS THEBAXTERS MOVIE "When Worlds Collide" ( 195 1, Science- Fiction) Barbara Rush, Richard Derr. [I PltEWSMAKERS fD PERSONAL ANANCE AND MONEY MANAGE- MENT CS) WACK'f WORLD OF JONA THAN WINTERS Guest: Debbie Reynolds. 1:00D tm DINAH SHORE INVITATIONAL Anal round coverage of this tournament, featuring some of the top female golfers (live from the Mission Hills Country Club In Rancho Mirage, Calif.). (2 hrs.) THE MUNSTERS Q)) SPOATSBEA T TEEN TALK "Mamage Vs. living Together ADAM·12 WHEN THE BOAT COMES IN AMERICAN STORY BAREFOOT IN THE PARK Richard Thomas and Bess Armstrong star in this performance of Nell Simon's comed-,i ·about a pair of New York newlyweds Taped at the Moore Thea1er in Seattle. Wash. (2 hrs.) Cl) LAFF·A· THON A comedian host and lour comic contestants who compete against one another are featured in this uncensored comedy game show. 1:30,F·TROOP D AMERICAN SPORTSMAN (Season Prem- iere) Levar Burton rafts down Africa's Zambezi Riv· er: seven expert Climbers attempt to scale Arna Dablam in the Himalayas. ( 1 hr ) I WlLD. WILD WEST AOAM-12 AME.RICAN STORY MOVIE "It's Alive" ( 1975, Horror) John Ryan. Sharon Farrell. (I) HOLL VWOOD Biii Harris presents up-close reports on the people and events which are making news In the production and glamour capital of the movie industry. D MOVIE "I Sent A Letter To My Love" (198 \, Romance) Simone Signoret. Jean Rochetort (2 hrs .. 2 min,) 2:00 e GILLIGAN'S ISLAND __ J . . (!) THE HARDY BOYS I NANCY DREW MYSTEA-- IES • MOVIE "An Affair To Aemembef" (1957. Romance) cary Grant, Oebofah Kerr. =E "Which Way To T~ Front?" (1~71. Jerry LIWll. Jan Munay, ta FROM TH£ SEA L~ Ultmln ttara In Henrik . . . . . ' .. I I'', d1a Collins profiles Jana Powers and Capt Ann Har- rell '1!) WRITING FOR A REASON ([) COLLEGE GYMNASTICS 'D1v1st0n II Women s Championships'" from Spnngfleld. Massachuse11s 2 hrs J MOVIE "Betrayed" ( 1954, Drama) Clark Gable, Lana Turner (.1 hr., 50 min J (%) MOVIE "Allen" ( 1979, Horror) Tom Skerrill, Yaphet Kotto. (2 hrs , 4 min.) 2:05@ TORRE, TORRE, TORRE: THE RITES OF SPRING A pre-season look at the 1982 Atlanta Braves is presentec; 2:30 8 GILLIGAN'S ISLAND D ®) U.S.A. VS. THE WORLD IN OLYMPIC SPORTS U.S nahonal gymnasttes team vs. the national team of the People's Republtc of China (from Los Angeles, Cahf ) ( 1 hr.) 0 MOVIE "'Sherlock Holmes In Dressed To Kill" 1946, Mystery) Basil RathbOne. Nigel Bruce. PRESENTE WRITING FOR A REASON 2:35 tm WRESfUNG 3:00 fJ LAST OF THE WILD D BASEBALL 1982 -A LOOK AHEAD Mel Allen hosts this hour-long special which includes film highlights ol the 1981 season, a review of the ott- season trades and free agent moves and Allen's predictions of the top three teams for 1982. ( 1 hr.) B MOVIE "The Road To Zanzibar" ( 194 1, Come- 1) Bing Crosby, Bob Hope STAR TREK ORAL ROBERTS SPECIAL AMERICAN SKYLINE SUGAR RAV LEONARD'S GOLDEN GLOVES Nebraska vs. Texas ( 1 hr ) Ci) OF EARTH ANO MAN CC) MOVIE "Two English Girls" ( 197.1, Drama) Jean~Pierre Leaud, Kika Markham. 3:30 II AMERICAN ADVENTURE D ®)WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS The Rebel "500" stock car race (from Darlington, S.C.); the 45th running of the Santa Anita Derby tor thoroughbred rac1ng·s Trtple Crown hopefuls (from Arcadia. Caht.) (1 hr., 30 min) I NEWSBEA T: LOS ANGELES WEEK IN REVIEW OF EARTH AND MAN MOVIE "Tribute" ( 1980. Drama) Jack Lem- mon. Robby Benson. (2 hrs.) 0 INTERNATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP OF MAGIC (1 HR.) 3:35 tm NICE PEOPLE 4:0011 INTERFACE D SUNDAY Location; hve lrom the Museum of Sci- ence and Industry. Los Angeles for the Silver Anni- versary of the California Bonsal Society. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) ()) VICTORY AT SEA G MOVJE..."Peeplng Tom" ( 1963. Horror) Moua Shearer, Anna Massey. Cl) ENTERTAINMENT THIS WEEK Oscar h1ghllgh1s. interviews with Christopher Reeve, Marty Feldman. Michael Douglas and Michelle Lee. ( 1 hr.) m MOVIE "The Organization" ( 1971, Drama) Sid· ney Poitier. Barbara McNalr. mJ MOVIE "The Buccaneer" (1958. Adventure) Yul Brynner. Charlton Heston. · 19 A LOOK AT LIV Ullman. the woman and artist, dhlcusses art, life. sexuality, and her relationship with Ingmar Bergm~n ( 1 hr ) • WA.LL STREET WEEK "What's New From Bache?" Guest: Larry Wachtel. first vice president, Bache Halsey Stuart Shields, Inc. (R) e MOVIE "'Dillinger" (1973, Drama) Warren Oates, Ben Johnson. I PROJECT UNIVERSE SPORTS CENTER SCRAMBLED FEET Comedienne Madeline Kahn stars In a muslcal comedy revue that satirizes show business including punk rock, theatre critics. British ~ys and performers. ( 1 hr .• 40 min.) CZJ MOVIE "Paper Tiger" ( 1976. Comedy) David Niven, Tashiro Mlfune. ( 1 hr . 39 min.) 4:05 a7) MOVIE "The Private War Of Major Benson" ( 1955, Comedy) Chartton Heston, Julie Adams. 4:30 8 NEWSMAKERS I LOUfS AUKEYSER WASHINGTON WEEK IN REVIEW (R) PROJECT UNIVERSE MOVIE "Mogambo" ( 1954, Drama) Clark Gable. Ava Gardner. (1 hr .. 56 min,) 6:00 8 FACE THE NATION ISTARTAE.K O~T£8TSPORTSLEGENOS M•A•s•H STRAIGHT TALK NEWS PERFORMANCE "Ear1y Days" Sir Ralph Rleh· ardson stars In this play by David Storey '&bout a e1ntankerous man who behaves ever more outra· geoutly to 1he annoyance of friends Ind nelghborS. l1 hr •. 30 min.) • ARING LINE ''The Futurt Of Our Atlatlons With Mainland China" Guest: John King Felrbenk. euthot • . .. 1 . Sunday (continued) CC) MOVIE "The Learning Tree" ( l969, Drama) ~le Johnson, Alex Clarke lf) COLLEGE BASEBALL Miami vs. South Florida Q hrs.) CO MOVIE "The Kid From Not-So-Big" ( l976, Comedy) Jennifer McAllister, Robert Vlharo. cm RASCAL DAZZLE The Little Rascals are fea- tured In film clips and shorts. ( l hr .. 25 min.) 6:30 8 CBS NEWS I NBC NEWS tll ABC NEWS WELCOME BACK. KOTIER MONEYMAKERS WACt<:'f WORLD OF JONATHAN WINTERS Guest: Debbie Reynolds. 5:'45® MOVIE "The Jazz Singer" ( l980, Musical) Nell Diamond, Laurence Olivier ( 1 hr , 55 min.) Cl) MOVIE "The Last Metro" ( 1980. Drarna) Catherine Deneuve. Gerard Depardleu. Directed by Francois Truttaut. (2 hrs .. 10 mln.) 6:00888NEWS • MOVIE "Chally" ( 1968, Drama) Cliff Robert· son. Claire Bloom. A surgical experiment gives a mentally retarded man the Intellect of a genius, but lprov~oN~ only temporary effects. (2 hrs.) KOJAK IT IS WRITTEN CHARLIE'S ANGELS M*A•s •H MOVIE "The Gatling Gun" ( 1972. Western) Guy Stockwell, Woo<Jy Strode. U.S. troops seeking to keep peaoe In the post-CMI War West come to rely on the Gatling gun. (2 hrs.) I LIFE AROUND US NBC NEWS EVENING AT SYMPHONY Guest conductor Klaus Tennstedt leads the Boston Symphony Orchestra in Mozart's "Elne Kleine Nacntmuslk," K 525 and the Orchestral Sutte. "Le Bourgeois Gentil- homme" by Richard Strauss. (R) ( 1 hr.) (I) MOVIE "Bedknobs And Broomsticks" ( 1971, Fantasy) Angela~ansbury, David Tomlinson. Our· Ing World War II, a novice sorceress and her three young friends set off for a magic Island whE!fe she PRE-PAID DENTAL PLAN NO DEDUCTIBLE NO WAITING PERIOD ON PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS FREE -OFFICE VISITS FREE -EXAMINATIONS FREE ---CLEANING • X-RAYS Our Special Yearly R ates For Dental Servi,ces Include: Surgery, Orthodon tics and Op tometry Benefits. lndlvldual ............ $46 year Couple .............. $71 year Family .............. $96 year .,--.. Intends to learn enough about witchcraft to use It against the Nazis. 'G" ( 1 hr .. 57 min.) 6:05@ IN A WEEK'S TIME 6:30 8 AGHT BACK - THA rs HOU YWOOO •NEWS THE WORLD TOMORROW THEJEFFERSONS SIGNATURE Guest: Colleen Dewhurst. WHY IN THE WORLD MOVIE "Green Horizon" (Ofama) Jimmy Stew- art., hr., 27 min.) 7:00 60 MINUTES D ~THEA MURPHY Spurned by John Michael Murphy, a young girl reveals the truth about "Father" Murphy to authorities. (Part 1) O ( 1 hr.) Tube 1 bppe r Frank Capra Salute , Channel 2 -9:30 p.m . 8 (JI INSIDE AMERICA (Premiere) Dick Clark takes a look at the people and events that are mak· JIMMY SWAGGART THEMUPPETS I news In America today. (1 hr.) YOU ASKED FOR IT STRUMPET CITY PetElf O'Toole stars In an adaptation of James Plunkett's novel about one man's struggle to create better living conditions amid the poverty and social injustice of Dublin from 1907 to 1914. (Part 7) ( 1 hr.) I TUTANKHAMEN'S EGYPT NOVA "Aging: The Methuselah Syndrome" An examination -0f the research belng conducted on longevity and the aging process is presented. O ( 1 hr.) CC) MOVIE "St. Ives" ( 1976. Adventure) Charles Broneon, Jacqueline Bisset. A former crime report- er-turned-detective is hired by a wealthy film fancier to recover a set of Incriminating ledgers. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 34 min.) - (I) MOVIE "The Hearse" ( 1980, Horr0<) Trish Van Devere, Joseph Cotten. A schoolteacher tries to recover from a nervous breakdown at he< late aunt's • A SK AIOUT VALET LEASE OUR • P~M ' 900 So. Coost Hwy., Logmta IHclt 494-1131 or 546·996 7 H..-.: w...M. f·7, s ... t -5, S-. IM NUASTlll IALI s11m 01 1111111 s1rrs I ~ PllOI KNICKERS CAMISOLE home, which Is besieged by demons. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 40 17 min.) -o cm MOVIE "Stir Crazy" ( 1980. Comedy) Richard g: Pryor, Gene Wilder. Two men are mistaken for bank - robbers and sent to jail. 'R' ( 1 hr , 51 min.) 7:05@ NEWS 7:301J BULLSEYE I THE MUPPETS MURALS Of AZTLAN 8:00 8 Cl) ARCHIE BUNKER'S PLACE ~ 8 e CHIPS A crook trains animals to commit ii crimes. and Ponch learns that a male stripper bears ~ a stciking resemblance to him. ( 1 hr.) > 8 ENTERTAINMENT THIS WEB< Oscarhightights: i:> interviews with Christopher Reeve, Marty Feldman, := Michael Douglas and Michelle Lee. ( 1 hr.) N 8 (JI TODA 't'S FBI Ben and his agents scramble - to save the life of a wealthy executive's son who has co l~~d=EN(1 hr.> ~ MORECAMBE & WISE CATHOLIC RELIEF TELETHON Bob Hope and his wife Delores Hope host this telethon. (2 hrs.) I SOLID GOLD PERFORMANCE "Early Days" Sir Ralph Rich- ardson stars in this play by David Storey about a cantankerous man who behaves ever more outra- geously to the annoyance of friends and neighbors. D hr., 30 min.) • NOVA "Artists In The Lab" A look Is taken at the 201h-century pioneers who are using computers and lasers to create an eX1raordinary array of strange new art f0<ms. (R) o ( 1 hr.) CO MASTERPIECE THEA TAE "Love In A Cold Cli· mate: Coming Out" Louisa has he< coming-out ball and shortly thereaftE!f announces her engagement to an older man. (Part 2) Q ( 1 hr.) (()SPORTS CENTER CID MOVIE "Kramer Vs. Kramer" ( 1979, Ofama) Dustin Hottman, Meryl Streep. A man battles with his ex-wife for custody of their young son after she walks out on them. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 45 min.) Cl) MOVIE "Chapter Two" ( 1979, Comedy) James Caan. Marsha Mason. Soon after his wife's death. a writer finds himself reluctantly falling In love again. 'PG' (2 hrs., 4 min.) fl BARRY MANILOW IN CONCERT Manllow per- forms a selection of his hits. ( 1 hr .• 25 min.) Cl) MOVJE "The Club" ( 1980, Ofama) Jack Thompson. Graham Kennedy. The coach of a has- been Australian footba.11 team finds the going rough both on the playing field and In the board room I j .J I .,------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (\! Sunday (continued) ~ where he' faces an antagonistic club president. ( 1 .-hr .• 39 min.) C'i 8:05@ CARIBBEAN NIGHTS :C 8:30 8 (J) ONE DAY AT A TIME Alex presses Max a. Into service as the new coach for his baseball team. c( tJ THE WORLD TOMORROW >. (!) EVENING AT THE IMPROV _g 8:35@ OPEN UP ·.:: 9:00 8 Cl) ALICE Alice becomes nostalgic when u.. Tom!!!>' lands an acting role in a play. ci D aJ MOVIE "Meatballs" (1979, Comedy) Biii .3 Murray. Chris Makepeace. The head counselor at a > summer camp for 'underachievers Inspires his ~ charges but strikes out When he tries to impress his female count,rpart. (R) (2 hrs.) I WILD KINGDOM @) MOVIE "Shout At The Devil" ( 1976. Adven- ture) Lee Marvin, Roger Moore. A boozer and a strait-laced Briton take on a squad of Germans In an African river delta during World War I. Q (2 hrs .. 35 min.) · I OR.CHO HEE HAW MASTERPIECE THEATRE "Love In A Cold Cli- mate: Coming Out" Louisa has her coming-out ball and shortly thereafter announces her engagement to an older man. (Part 2) Q (1 hr.) C!) _ DISNEYLAND COMMUNITY SERVICE AWARDS Community service groups of the area are recognized by the people at KOCE. (1 hr .. 30 min.) ~ MOVIE ''Carnal Knowledge" (1971, Drama) Jack Nicholson. Ann-Margret. Two college friends spend several years before and after graduation dis- covering life by sharing and switching each other's @'friends. 'A' ( 1 hr .. 37 min.) · W NHL HOCKEY New York Islanders vs. Pittsburgh Penguins (2 hrs .. 30 min.) (IJ MOVIE "KiU And Kill A~ain" ( 1981, Adventure) James Ryan. Anneline Knel. A martial arts expert battles the minions of a power-mad scientist Intent on enslaving mankind with a new mind-control drug. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 40 min.) cm MOVIE "Fame" (1980, Drama) Irene Cara, Bar- ry Miiier. Several gifted students at a New York high school for the performing arts expe<lence various setbacks and successes of both personal and pro- fessional natures. 'PG' (2 hrs .• 14 min.) 9:30 8 (I) AMERICAN FILM INSmUTE SALUTE TO FRANK CAPRA James Stewart hosts this salute to multi-award-winning director Frank Capra as he Is presented with AFl's Ute Achievement Award. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) I WORLD OF SURVIVAL JACKVANIMPE MOVIE "A Walk In The Spring Rain" ( 1970, Romance) Ingrid BerQfl'lan, Anthony Quinn. A hap- pily married woman trnos flefselffalling 1n love wttN a mountain man while.she Is vacationing with her hus- band. (2 hrs.) · t3 SIGNATURE Guest: Colleen Dewhurst. 9:36GZ) MOVIE "The Furies" (1950, Western) Bar- bara Stanwyck, Walter Huston. A strong-willed girt of the West clashes with her stronger father. (2 hrs .. _ 10 min.) . 9:"5 (%) HOW TO RAISE A BABY 1~···NEWS - (213) 947-2828 bittier Don1estic Emplo~ent Agenc l.ive·Tri housekeepers, oeomp.ifo1o ns. babysitters, gardeners. Brought to your home for interviews. l#weet ••• ~· ,., fff Drapertes made in our workroom. Call for rr~ ' esthnates-tn )'l>Ur home. CHASING THE FLAME -Andrew Ste- vens is Ted Rorchek, a young and dedicated Los Angeles fir efig hter, in "Code Red" Sunday at 7 p.m. on ABC (Ch. 2). Lorne Greene heads a long list of stars on the show dedicat ed to show the pr oblems facing modem -day firemen. I MAVERICK STRUMPET Cl1Y Peter O'Toole stars in an adaptation of James Plunkett's novel about one man's struggle to create better livlng conditions amid the poverty and social injustice of Dublin from 1907 to 1914. (Part 7) ( 1 hr.) e SHARING THE DREAM: MAYA ANGELOU Maya Angelou captivates her audience at the Uni- versity of Kentucky, as she moves from her own Q.Qelry to that of other black poets. ( 1 hr.) CHJ MOVIE "Stir Crazy" ( 1980, Comedy) Richard Pryor, Gene ~llder. Two men are mistaken for bank robbers and sent to jell. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 51 min.) Cl MOVIE "The Nude Bomb" ( 1980, Comedy) Don Adams. Sylvia Kristel. Secret agent Maxwell Smart faces hla most dangerous advei:sary ln ~n archvlllah who plans to launch mlsslles that will dis- robe the entire human population. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 35 min.) (%) MOVIE "Birch Interval" ( 1976, Drama) Eddie Albert, Rip Torn. A young girl is sent. to live with Amish relatives, where she learns about the realities of the adult world. ( 1 hr., 44 min.) 10:30. JEAAY FALWELL • JIMMY SWAGGART James L. Zimmerman Certified Public Accountant Full range of personalized professional services for small businesses & Individuals • INCOME TAX PREPARATION & PLANNING • SYSll!MS DESIGN I. INSTALLATION . • COMPUTERIZED FINANCIAL REPORTING •Free 1n1ti.1 • Con1uttetl0n "' cc: II.I I-~ 0 v :i II.I :z: • "' ... lol ~ • 645-4212 IMPORTAN'f CARS ~1·-r~i· ., $ . r ~·' ;,.._ l..! ' "" ~ 4 .. on All.S UNt.1 ~nn:o Pl•) 9hll·991#4 I t1h' 11\lltt \tl .. JUUU\t tnt lht• 1114"' clt•llllll\l••lk•cl ol '"'''"· \II tk 1.1ihnq ""'"' • 111111·1' 133 Dover Dr. Suite 30 Newport 9eec" {"') ~ & (") n > ~ l1v Jmncl h""' .u 1111 1111'1"' ''' \tMO htMOt tH l)tt,lt>f ' l:lv 1tpp.,i1111m•11• UlllY '1!) LORD MOUNTBATTEN; A MAN FOR THE CENc TURY "A Royal Familr" Lord Mountbatten's forma- tive pre-World War years are examined In the premiere.episode of an eight-part documentary on the late British war hero. (Par1 1) (R) Q ( 1 hr.) Cl) MOVIE "Thief" ( 1981. Drama) James Caan. Tuesday Weld. A professional crook gives up his 1ndependence for a big score tha! he hopes will secure his faQ'l_!!y' s future. 'R' ( 2 hrs.) 11:0011 D Cl) BJ NEWS I PACESETTERS NOWHERE TO TURN Stan Mooneyham and Carol Lawrence host this documentary on the more than six million people in Africa who have been affected by war and drought and the results of such events. ( 1 hr.) @ PERFORMANCE "Early Days" Sir Ralph Rich- ardson stars in this play by David Storey about a cantankerous man who behaves ever more outra· geously to the annoyance of friends and neighbors. (1 hr .. 30 min.) fl) TOP OF THE WORLD Contestants from !he United Slates.. Grea.1 Britain and Australia compete in a quiz program that tests their expertise in a wide variety of subjects.. . ~ MOVIE "Two English Girls" (1971, Drama) Jean-Pierre Leaud, Kika Markham. In pre-World War I Paris. two Welsh girls engage in a romantic triangle with a young Frenchman. (1 hr .. 45 min.) (IJ MOVIE "Emmanuelle" (1974, Drama) Sylvia Kristel, Alain Cuny. ·x· (1 hr .. 31 min.) 11:1511 CBS NEWS cm MOVIE "Penitentiary" ( 1938. Drama) John Howard, Walter Connolly. A prosecutor encounters a man whom he had convicted years earlier of man- slau_g!1ter charges. ( 1 hr .. 20 min.) 11:30 U SPORTS FINAL . II 700 CLUB Chelation therapy as an alternative to ~n heart surgery. ( 1 hr .. 35 min.) Cl) BASEBALL 1982 -A LQPK AHEAD Mel Allen hosts this hour-long special which Includes fllm highlights of the 1981 season .. a review of the off- season trades and free agent moves and Allen's predictions of the top three teams for 1982. ( 1 hr.) (!)LIFE OF RILEY m MOVIE "Theatre Of Blood" (1973, Comedy) Vincent Price, Diana Rigg. When he fails to receive a coveted award for his stage performances, a cun- ning Shakespearean actor decides to. murder his critics. (2 hrs.) I TALES OF THE UNEXPECTED SNEAK PREVIEWS Roger Ebert and Gene Sisk- el pick the best movies of 1981, featuring soenes from "Ragtime." "Atlantic City," "Chariots Of Fire" and "Prince Of The City." (A) G> MOVIE "Tiit" (1979, Drama) Brool<e Shields. Charles Durning. A teenage pinball machine wizard uses her talent to further the career of an aspiring rock~n0r. (A) (2 hrs.) • (E) SPORTS CENTER II HARRY CHAPIN IN CONCERT "You're The Only Sor.g" Chapin. one of the flnest singer I songwriters of the decade. performs "The Cat's In The Cradle," "Taxi" and "The Circle Game." 11:351 ®>NEWS 11:"5 THE ROCKFORD FILES D MOVIE "Tilt" (1979, Drema) Brooke Shields. Charles Durning. A teenage pinball machine wizard llEWPORT . " DATSUll Wants To Be Your #1 Datsun Dealer In Orange County! See Us Today ••• Wa .ArLOffering Fa tastic· April Savings! A . e!<r Sunday (continued) uses her talent to further the career of an aspiring rock singer. (R) (2 hrs.) @ MOVIE "The Vanquished" ( 1953, Adventure) John Payne, Jan Sterling. A Civil War veteran tries to topple a town's government by exposing the cor- ruption within it. ( 1 hr., 45 min.) 12:00(f) MOVIE '"Ltvtng Free" ( 1972, Adventure) Susan Hampshire, Nigel Davenport. Three mis- chievous lion cubs get Into all sorts of trouble while being transported to a game preserve. (2 hrs.) ,__ .. T--. ., MOVIE ''Pals Of The Saddle" ( 1938, Western) John Wayne. Ray Corrigan. A cowboy encol1hters a pretty female agent on an undercover mission to investigate the illegal tr(lnsport of a dangerous chemical being camouflaged as salt. ( 1 hr.) 8 THE FIRST CHURCHILL$ "The Protestant Wind" Although John Churchill owes much to" Charles, he must oppose the king's anti-Protestant- ism by supporting William of Orange. (1 hr.) (ff) MOVIE "Raging Bull" ( 1980, Biography) Rob- ert De Niro, Cathy Moriarty. Boxing champion Jake La.Motta'S aptitude for violence brings him success in the ring but disrupts his personal life. 'R' (2 hrs .. 8 min.) (%)MOVIE "Stir Crazy" (1980, Comedy) Richard Pryor, Gene Wiider. Two men are mistaken for bank robbers and sent to jail. 'A' ( 1 hr .. 51 min.) 12:058 ABC NEWS !ti MOVIE "Dirty Harry" ( 1972, Orama) Clint East- wood. Harry Guardino. A detercnined police detec- tive defies his superiors and gambles with innocent lives to capture a sniper who Is terrorizing San Fran- cisco. (2 hrs.) 12:208 MOVIE "The Liquid Rod Taylor, Trevor Howar an assassin with British I ence. (2 hrs.) 12:30(1) LOUIS RUKEYSER -9 SIGNATURE Guest: Colleen hurst. ~ (!) COLLEGE BASEBALL Miami vs. South Florida @hrs.) CJ MOVIE "Cardiac Arrest" (1978, Mystery) Garry Goodrow. Mike Chan. A black market operation that sells disembodied hearts for transplants is dis- covered by an offbeat homicide cop. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 33 minJ_ 12:40(1) MOVIE "Squeeze Play" (Comedy) A team of ball-playing beauties challenge the guys to a wild softball game. 'R' ( 1 hr., 30 min.) 12:45 8 NAME OF THE GAME (C) MOVIE "St. Ives" (1976, Adventure) Charles Bronson, Jacqueline Bisset. A former crime report- er-turned-detective is hired by a wealthy film fancier to recover a set of Incriminating ledgers. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 34min.) 1:009 STRUMPET CITY Peter O'Toole stars in an adaptation of James Plunkett's noveJ about one man's struggle to create better living conditions amid the poverty and social Injustice of Dublin from 1907 to 1914. (Part 7) (1 hr.) War. ends, all love Sidney By JERRY BUCK A# T91Mtelon Wrttw LOS ANGELES -After a turbulent summer campaign, all is quiet on the Western front and everybody loves Sidney. The call to battle sounded when it was learned that Tony Randall would play a homosexual who takes in an unmarried actress and her illegitimate daughter in the NBC series "Love, Sidney'' and a movie called "Sidney Shorr." The fact that the alarmists had seen neither the movie nor the series mattered not at all. The buzz words -hornose:xual, illegitimate -were enough. The sound and the fury died as soon as they got a look at the show in the fall. It was warm ano gentle and tasteful. References t.o Sidney Shorr's homosexuality are so subtle they can easily pass unnoticed. Randall, with tongue in cheek, says, "I enter- tain the susplcion tbat those people wer.1,. htred oy NBC. Every man, woman and child tll' America knew that we were about to do a movie called 'Sidney Shorr' and a aeries called 'Love, Sidney'." STILL GOING ST RONG ''Archie Bunker's Place" is still open for business every Sunday evening at 8 on CBS (Ch. 2). Carroll O'Connor stars as the lovable Archie. 1:3081 TURNABOUT @ MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE eNEWS 1:451NEWS 2:00 MOVIE "Used Cars" (1980, Comedy) Kurt Russell. Jack Warden. After the owner of a tjhnkrupt car shop dies, his employees try to cover up his demise to prevent his wealthy car dealer brother from Inheriting the business. 'A' ( 1 hr., 53 min.) (%) MOVIE "The Brave One" ( 1956, Drama) Michael Ray, Rodolfo Royos. A young boy travels to Mexico to find his pet bull which was accidentally sold. ( 1 hr., 45 min.) 2:05 (!) NEWS ®)ABC NEWS 2: 1§8 LOUIS RUKEYSER CID MOVIE "Tribute'' ( 1980, Orama) Jack Lem- mon, Robby Benson. An Irresponsible Broadway press agent begins to regret his wasted Ille and his TONY RANDALL. . .Everybody needs a Sidney. . · After a long day of rehearsal, Randall, wearing a red sweater proclaiming "Everybody Needs a Si~.'' 'aita in h.la drellina room at one end of the IOUJld stage at the Burbank Studiol. It it a utilli.-ProminenUy ~played everywhefte about the rian room, with a few clothee hanging from a wall. st.age are ayp. decJarinC "Abeolutely No Smokina!" On a dr~Hi~S. table are a caatette player and He~ "f w• a lmOker for about 15 years. That'• ~B.ndall1~-.to.,..... '°operas dwina h"•.r.•V(~yI'nHP~~tlt.-Aret~~-luneh 'bnmlc.-····· ........ ·-·-·---·-·-·-·-·> i ... ~ nrM,'d=d.:....,:. ____ ; __ .......... .:::<~ ~ I ' tenuous retat1onsh1p with his grown son. 'PG' (2 ~) ~ CS) SCRAMBLED FEET Comedienne Madeline Kahn = o_ stars in a musical comedy revue that satirizes show 19 business including punk roe'.;, theatre critics, British -i plays S'nd performers. ( 1 hr., 40 min.) < 2:25 CC) MOVIE "It's Alive" ( 1975, Horror) John ~ Ryan. Sharon Farrell. A bouncing baby comes Into ~ the world with fangs, ·claws and a strong homicidal ,.. instinct. 'PG' (1hr.,30min.) ' B: 2:30 (f) MORNING STRETCH D> al) IT'S YOUR BUSINESS '< 2:458 NEWS ---' 3:00 fJ TODAY'S RELIGION (!) JOE FRANKLIN (ll) NEWS 3:30 II NEWS MAKERS (!)SPORTSWOMAN 3:45(%) MOVIE "Alien" (1979. Horror) Tom Skerritt. Yaphet Kono. The crew of a spacegolng scrap car- rier follow a myster!ou:; signalio_a._supposedlY ®ad. planet and, after landing, discover that the message was a warning to stay away. 'A' (2 hrs .. 4 min.) Tube Topper Inside America Challl1el 7 -7 p.m. 4:0011 INTERFACE (!)JIMMY SWAGGART ~ MOVIE "Carnal Knowledge" (1971, Drama) Jack Nicholson, Ann-Margret. Two college friends spend several years before and after graduation dis- covering life by sharing and switching each other's ~!friends. 'R' ( 1 hr., 37 min.) SPORTS CENTER MOVIE "Thief" (1981, Orama) James Caan, Tuesday Weld. A professional crook gives up his Independence for a big score that he hopes will secure his family's future. 'R' (2 hrs.} 0 JOHNNY CASH: A FLOWER OUT OF PLACE Johnny Cash Is joined by Linda Ronstadt. Roy Clark and comedian Foster Brooks In a concert performed for 2,000 Inmates at the Tennessee State Prison and hosted by singer I songwriter Glen Sherley. a former inmate at Folsom Prison. ( 1 hr.) 4:05 all FUNTIME 4:15(1i) MOVIE "Stir Crazy" 11980.._ Comedy) Rich· ard Pryor, Gene Wilder. Two men are mistaken for bank robbers and sent to jail. 'A' ( 1 hr .. 51 min ) 4:30 (!) JIM BAKKER Randall insists he is only temporarily in Los Angeles. He agreed t.o do the series only if it was made in New York, but the show lost its studio speee and WM to.reed to come here-to film seven episodes. There has been talk, most of it apparently from NBC, that Sidney Shorr ls no longer a homosexual. Randall disagrees that the character's homose- xuality has been eliminated or watered down. "He's the same guy in the series that he was in the movie. Except that he's happy. Because. you know, he got Laurie and the child with him. Whereas in the movie what was really so touching about him was that be was so sad. so lonely. That made him at- tractive to play. His homoeexuality was nev~ made explicit in the movie. There were oblique referen- ces, and w e still have oblique references whenever we feel it'• neceaary. "I wouldn't do a show about homosexuality. U you did a-romedy, and this is eaentlally a sitcom, if you did a comedy about homosexuality then you've got to go !or all thoae gay jokes they do on 'Three's Company' every week. It's so cheap and so obvious and IO esy. The whole point i.s t.o show that a ho- moeexual is a pretty average guy. He wants a fa- mily. He wants love. He wants what everybody want.a ln life." Randall, wf\olooks a decade younger than his 62 years, had no intention of doing another series when he accepted the role of the middle-aged Je~ wfah homoeexual in the movie "Sidney Shorr." "About halfway through the movie, they be- gan to talk eeriea to me," he aaya. HJa answer waa . no, but Alan Shayne-, president of Wuner Bro.. Television, and productt Georp Ecbte1n followed )> 'O ~. "' _.. CD O> "' him to Halifax, Nova Scotia, where be annually does the dulic:a 1tt John NeVWe'1 Neptune Theatre. "We~ lor '"'._ dQ,.-U}lw, ~'918,iptc,,.. •'t 'Ciob'YI LL" lWl'> )>.\ 'tk , .. > • 1 1 I to ~Monday :c Q. < ~ "O ;t \l<>lf\l'\·c~ \I< >\'ILS 5:ooe "The Game For Vultures" (1978, Adven· turel_Richard Harris, Richard Roundtree. 6:00(%) "Amerika, Amerlka" (1964, Drama) Stathis Giallells. Lou Antonio., Directed by Ella Kazan. 6:05 (!l) "My Friend Irma" (1949, Comedy) Dean Martin, Jerry Lewis. 7:00 CC) "Ode To Billy Joe" ( 1976. Drama) Robby Benson. Glynnls O'Connor. II "Huckleberry Finn" 7:30 CID "The Earthling" ( 1980, Adventure) Wiiiiam Holden, Ricky Schroder. (I) "The Big Red One" ( 1980, Adventure) Lee Marvin, Mark Hamill. 8:05(1!) "Tam Un" (19l2, Drama) Ava Gardner, Ian McShane. 8:3011 "The Frisco Kid" (1979. Comedy) Gene Wilder, Harrison Ford. 9:00(C) "Raintree County" (1957, Drama) Ellzabeth Taylor, Montgomery Clift. CZJ "The Last Metro"· ( 1980. Drama) Catherine Deneuve. Gerard Depardieu. Directed by Francois Truffeut. .9:30 e "The Dawn Rider" ( 1935) John Wayne, Merion Burns. 10:00 CH) "King Of The Mountain" ( 1981, Adventure) Harry Hamlin, Joseph Bottoms. Cl) "Mr. Buddwlng" ( 1966, Mystery) James Garner, Suzanne Pleshette. 10:05(1!) "All The Way Home" (1963. Drama) Jean Simmons. Robert Preston. 10:3011 "Betrayed" (1954. Drama) Clark Gabie. Lana Turner. 11:15(%) "The Brave One" (1956, Drama) Michael Ray. Rodolfo Royos. . \I·" 1 lJ { ~< >< >~ \I< )\ · 1 LS 12:008 "The Bang. Bang Kid". (1967, Science-Fie· tion) Guy Ma.(jison, Tom Bosley. • "Three Secrets'' (1949, Drama) Patricia Neal, Ruth Roman. e "The Fighting Kentuckian" ( 1949, Adventure) John Wayne, Vera Ralston. Chef Tseng Szechwan Chinese· Res,aurant 16482 Bolaa Chica, Huntington Beach, CA 92649 CC) "Tess" (1979, Drama) Nastassla Kinski, Peter Firth. CID ''A Nightingale Sang In Berkeley Square" i_!979, Comedy) Richard Jordan, David Niven. Cl) "Carny" ( 1980, Drama) Jodie Foster, Gary BuS!}'. 12:309 "Harrad Summer" (1974, Orama) Robert Reiser. Laurie Walters. 1:00(1) "Sign Of The Pagan" (1955, Adventure) Jeff Chandler. Jack Palance. (%) "Stir Crazy" ( 1980. Comedy) Richard Pryor. Gene Wiider. 2:00 a;) "The Postman Always Rings Twtce" ( 1981. Drama) Jack Nicholson, Jessica Lange. Tube Topper "The Kid With the Broken Halo" Channel 4 -8 p.m. GARY COLE.MAH 2:30(1) "The Big Red One" (1980, Adventure) Lee Marvin, Mark Hamill. 3:00fJ ''Don't Just Stand There" ( 1968. Comedy) Robert Wagner, Mary Tyler Moore. CID "The Earthling" ( 1980, Advent1:Jre) Wiiiiam Hol- den. Ricky Schr~r. ct "Cardiac Arrest" (1978. Mystery) Garry Goer drow. Mike Chan. (%) "Rock, Rock, Rock" ( 1956, Musical) Alan Freed. Tuesday Weld. 4:300 "The Nude Bomb" (1980, Comedy) Don Adams, SyMa Kristel. 5:00(!) "Barabbas" ( 1962, Adventure) Anthony Quinn. Silvana Mangano. CC) "Animal Crackers" ( 1930. Comedy) Marx Brothers, Margaret Dumont. (%) "Birch Interval" ( 1976, Orama) Eddie Albert. Alp Torn . 5:05@ "Damn Yankees" (1958. Musical) Tab Hunter, Gwen Verdon. L\'L~I ~<; ·e:ooee•News CHARLIE'S ANGELS CBS NEWS ·OIE CEIT OllLY SALE! e We'U giYe you any one or the i1emt below for juat one cent with 1he purclwe of thia great value or any bed in the atore of equal or gruter value. WHITE SHADOW A~NEWS THE JEFFERSONS HAWAII FIVE-0 BUSINESS REPORT NBC NEWS NEEDLECRAFT ----· ANDREW'S RAIDERS During the Civil War. a Northern spy tries to infiltrate rebel territory and capture a train vital to the South's supply lines. (!>art 1) Cl) MOVIE "Any Which Way You Can" ( 1980, Comedy) Clint Eift>twood. Sondra Locke. Before settling down with his girl and pet orangutan. a bare-fisted lighter signs up for one last. lucrative match. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 45 min.) Cl MOVIE "Betrayed" (1954, Orama) Clark Gable. Lana Turner. Despite all precautions. a Dutch underground unit is betrayed to the Germans. ( 1 hr .. 48 min.) 6:30 Cl) f.I NEWS -1· B1'RtiEY MIU.ER ALL IN THE FAMILY NEWSBEA T: CALIFORNIA CONGRESSIONAL REPORT 81) BUSINESS REP.ORT (() PKA FULL CONTACT KARATE "Bantamweight Contenders Bout" from Denver. Colorado. (1 hr .. 30 min.) 7:00 IJ CBS NEWS I NBC NEWS HAPPY DAYS AGAIN ABC NEWS P.M. MAGAZINE The story behind Connie Fran- cis' comebaclf, the latest Japanese electronic inven· lions. fJ YOU ASKED FOR IT OJ ENTERT Al NM ENT TONIGHT An interview with Sonny Bono. I M*A*S*H JOKER'S WILD CABARET: MARGARET WHITING Magaret Whiting per1orms "Clear Out Of This World," "I Get A Kick Out Of You." and "The Song Is You." I OVER EASY "Health Care" (R) Q THEMUPPETS DICK CAVETT Guest: Jonathan Miller. (Part 5) MOVIE ·rode To Billy Joe" ( 1976. Drama) Rob- by Benson, Glynnis O'Connor. Based on the song by Bobble Gentry. A tormented teen-agar's past experiences compllcate1hls first true romance. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 46 min.) TIMBERLINE Alpha I M.-ge System ................... I' Shert Set °' Comforier ..................... J• 3 Piece Padded R.ai1t ........................ I' 6 Drawer Spece s .... er ...................... 11 AU beda come complete with mattr_, heater, liner pedestal. and 611 ltit. ORA· WERS OPTIONAL. •359 Reg . $485.00 -.. ~ .. -----~------ Monday (continued) SNEAK PREVIEW A look at the movies, specials and sports events coming up on Home Box Office (I:) MOVIE "Monty Python And The Holy Grail" (1974, Comedy) Graham Chapman. John Cleese. King Arthur and his band of knights encounter giants, riddlers and a feroclus rabbit In their search for the legendary cup. ( 1 hr., 29 min.) , (JD MARVIN HAMLISCH: THEY: RE PLAYING MY SONG Liza Minnelll. Johnny Mathis. Gladys Knight and Carly Simon sing some of today's greatest hits Including: "The Way We Were," "What I Did For Love" and "Nobody Does It Better " (%) MOVIE "Amerika. Amenka" ( 1964. Drama) Stathis G1allelis. Lou Antonio Dtrected by Ella Kazan. A Greek boy seeks a better hie in America. (2 hrs .. 47 min.) 7:10@NEWS 7:30 fJ REGGIE Jim Hill profiles California's newest Aogel, _Re.ggie Jackson, for an In-depth look at Jackson •• the man. D YOUNG PEOP.ldi:S SPECIAL "The Champion- ship" Four high eehoOI girls share the reasons why each feels she must play in the championship game. I LAVERNE & SHIRLEY & COMPANY OUNPHY'S DODGERS Jerry Dunphy visits the Dodgers training camp in Vero Beach for a fan's per~tlve of the World Series champions. gJ TIC TAC DOUGH BULLSEYE YOU ASKED FOR IT M•A•s•H SIGNATURE Guest: Pearl Balley. (Part 1) MACNEIL / LEHRER REPORT FAMILY FEUD • GREAT PERFORMANCES "Schubert's Mass No. 6 In E-Flat Major" Karl Bohm con<;jucts the Men's Choir and the Hofmuslkapelle Orchestra, the Vienna Chotr Boys and several soloists from the '!!2P!rial Chapel in Vienna. ( 1 hr.) 00 RACE FOR THE PENNANT Hosts Barry T omp- klns and Tim Mccarver sneak a peek at the upcom- ing season. ( 1 hr.) 8:0011 (I) PRIVATE BENJAMIN Judy, Capt. LewlS and Col Fielding are "kidnapped" by mock terror- ists. D GD MOVIE "The Kid With The Broken Halo" (Premiere, Fantasy) Gary Coleman. Robert Guil- laume. A t2-year-old wayward angel ls sent to Earth to prove himself worthy of Heaven. (2 hrs.) 8 MOVIE "A Gathering Of Eagles" (1963. Ora- ma) Rock Hudson, Rod Taylor. Shocked by her husband's seeming harshness to his men. an Air Force commander's wile leaves him. (2 hrs.) 8 9 WE DARE YOU! Hosts Terry McGovern and Jon Bauman entice everyday cltlz~ to play tricf(s on frtends, relatives and strangers while hidden cameras record the results. G MOVIE "Black Magic" ( 1949. Adventure) Orson Welles, Akim Tamirott. The mysterious Ca~iostro ls prevented from taking over an empire. ~B~~NYHILL ~ P.M. MAGAZINE The story behind Connie Fran- cis' comeback; the latest Japanese electronic Inven- tions. • MOVIE "Man On A Swing" (1974, Mystery) Joe Calwell's European Experience Tl1t lest 11• l"t P1n111I T11r Tltat ,,.,.,,. Y11 hftre Y11 ••••rt ltr l11l11•/ltr•111/l1l1l1• h1trl1/lwltltrl11•1111111•l ltl11/Fr11oe Two TOYrs From Los Angeles June 19th to July 11th & July 27th to Aug. 19th Each Only $2375.00 To Find Out How It 11 Different From Other European Tours Call or Write For A Free Brochure THE EUROPEAN EXPERIENCE 29851 Running Deer Lane Laguna Nlguef, Ce. 92877 7M ·49J.2905 GREAT DANCES -Paul Taylor's version of Ig o r Stravinsky's "L e Sac r e du Printemps," as well as his 1981 masterpiece, "Arden C.ourt," comes to KOCE (Ch. 50) in "Two Landmark Dances," premiering Monday ~ April 5, as part of the "Great Performances" Dance in America series at 7:30 p.m. Joel Grey, Cliff Robertson. A police detective inves- tigating a complex murder case tries to establish the credlbllity of a clalrvoyant Who has come forward with "clues." (2 hrs.) @ MIXED BAG: l'HE GAEA T AMERICAN ART GAME A look at the forces that inMuence the arl scene in New York. E GREAT PERFORMANCES "Schubert's Mass No. 6 In E-Flat Major" Karl Bohm conducts the Men·s Choir a1 .d the Hofmusikapelte Orchestra. the Vienna Choir Boys and several soloists from the f.riaJ Chapel in Vienna. ( 1 hr ) ~SCENTER MOVIE "Monty Py1hon And The Holy Grail" (1974, Comedy) Graham Chapman, John Cleese. King Arthur and his band of knights encounter giants. rlddlers and a feroclus rabbit in their search for the legendary cup. ( 1 hr.. 30 min.) ()) WHArs UP AMERICA! Featured: a look at acu· puncture for animals; black Americans who practice polygamy and voodoo; a profile of female strippers. {_1 hr.) la CLARENCE DARROW Henry Fonda stars as the controversial lawyer who recalls some of his more ARE YOUR UTILITY BILLS INCREASING? Our •MrvY menegement •J*m• cen redoce your utllMy co.at Cal~ ua for FREE Information Heating end Air Conditioning Speclalfata atnce 1115 545-5542 979-8771 ORANGE COUNTY * lftOVE Yrut t(MTI * TOil lW Yrut tlJSCWI 1r lfa£ASE Yrut DOGYI * lftOVE Yrut Bl.000 ...... • Trim Your Flaur• end Loee Inch .. And Have A Greet Time Doing 11111 545-2111 '"'" ...... ....... CA. ...... T_ ... .. challenging cases 1n the one-man show presented as 11 was perlormed on Broadway ( 1 hr . 30 mm ) "--· 8: 10@ ALL IN THE FAMILY 8:30 I) (I) REPORT TO MURPHY (Premiere) A 2 tenderhearted young parole offlc~r •. cl~shes with his -i supervisor and fellow workers 9ver his unorthodox < ~le, Michael Keaton stars. ~ U MOVIE "You Only Live Twice" ( 1967, Adven· co ture) Sean Connery, Donald Pleasence. James "Tl Bond pursues missing Russian and American space 5: capsules. (A) (2 hrs. 30 min.) 1» (!) IRONSIDE '< 9 MOVIE "Gator" ( 1976. Adventure) Burt Rey· l> nolds, Lauren Hutton. An ex-moonshiner and a tele--g__ vision reporter team up to fight the power of a cor- i t pohhc1an. (2 hrs .. 30 mm.) 'N ALL IN THE FAMILY · _. SIZWE BANZI IS DEAD John Karn and Winston <D Ntshona star in Athol Fugard's play of black sup-~ presslon and the Apartheid system In mOdern-day South Alnca. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) Qt!) BERNSTEIN I BEETHOVEN Leonard Bernstein leads the string section of the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra in a performance of Beethoven's String Quartet In C-Sharp Minor. Opus 131. (1 hr.) CID MOVIE "Nighthawks" ( 1981. Orama) Sylvester .., • Stallone. Billy Oee Williams. A tough New Y0<1< City cop has his work cut out for him when one of the wortd·s most dangerous terrorists arrives 1n his city. 'R' { 1 hr. 39 min.) 8:4'0@ MOVIE "Alfie" (1966, Comedy) Michael Caine. Shelley Winters. A young Engllshman cruelly exploits the women he meets. (2 hrs., 25 min.) 9:008 Cl) M•A•s•H Hawkeye moves out of the Swamp after a fight with B.J. and Charles. at MERV GRIFFIN e BERNSTEIN I BEETHOVEN Leonard Bernstein leads the string section of the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra In a performance of Beethoven's String Quartet in C-Sharp Minor, Opus t 3 t . ( 1 hr.) ~ MOVIE "One-Trick Pony" ( 1980. Orama) Paul Simon, Blair Brown. A once-popular performer Is pressured by everyone around hlm to drop his style of music and write songs that can bring him back to the top 40 'A' ( 1 hr., 39 min.) (() COLLEGE BASEBALL Miami vs. South Florida ~hrs.) MOVIE ''Tim" (2 hrs.) MOVIE "Eyewitness" ( t98 t, Mystery) Sigour· ney Weaver. William Hurt. A television reporter becomes Involved with a janitor who may know more about a murder that he witnessed than he is sayl_Qg. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 43 min.) .• 9:30 9 Cl) MAKING lHE GRADE (Premiere) James Naughton stars as Harry Barnes, the Dean of Boys _ at a big city school. who tries to cope with teaching in the 20th centliry. Cl) MOVIE "Frve Bloody Graves" ( t969, Western) Jim Davis, Scott Brady. A cold-blooded klller stages senseless, brutal attacks upon settlers with weap- ons supplied by renegades. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) Ii> CLAES OLDENBURG'S CRUSOE UMBRELLA A profile of Claes Oldenburg, one of the few modern sculptors who has been successful In creating large outdoor sculpture. Is presented. (R) (.D) MOVtE "American Pop" ( 1981. Musical) Ani- mated. The history of Amerlcen pop muSlc, from vaudeville to rock 'n' roll. Is traced through several "'' security you can count on, energy savings vou can count ---, CONTROlllO• I FROM THI t , llflS~~ J . 101 •••OOWJ U O DOOIS 't\: ~· l ..... I ; ........ ~l{-......,.-f ..... lCCTRIC -llOUADM IS C"9tOm fltttG tO me atettor 0 ycMW hOrM Pf'OVkln9 MQ#'lty, energy uvtnoa. ....,_ Pl:C~ ano,,.,... rtOUCtlOr1. Denlfttl Of .. Wind ano cast control, COMPtM9 "9M t'OnCt'Of ....,.. ano ttaite Cttdltl. ano tUt"OPeM 1l111111ee. • sinceitn (714> 635-577 • ~ llNV.afJMmftAL SIA lliJl & SICURITY CO., INC. . 2t01 L IATIUA AV.~. CA I I .... J. ~ Q. < ~ :g.--------------------------------------. u. STARRING CITIZENS FORUM Prograuuningl'hat Gets You Right Where You Live! NEWPORT BEACH AND THE IRVINE QOMPANY •.. THE DREAM AND THE REALITY Are you concerned about leasehold? Would you like to hear aJI sides of the issue? Peter Kremer and Ray Watson. current and past Presidents of The Irvine Company. address Lhls and other topics as local citizens speak out on Lhe one hour program -hosted by Newport·s Mayor. Jackie Heather. Don't miss It! CITIZENS FORUM EPISODES MAY BE VIEWED MONDAY WEDNESDAY MONDAY WEDNESDAY April 5th. April 7th, April 19th, April 21st. 7:30PM 7:30PM 7:30 PM 7:30PM IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING "NEWPORT NOW" ON CABLE CHANNEL 24 or K PROGRAMMING- .. IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST" R NEWPORT BEACH ----------------------------..-.. -~---- Monday (continued) generations of a family of musicians. 'R' ( 1 hr , 37 min) ., MOVIE "The Frisco Kid" ( 1979, Comedy) Gene Wllder. Harrison Ford. A Polish rabbi finds hlmsell involved In wild frontier misadventures with a daring bank robber when he travels to San Francisco to take over a. new congregation. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 58 min.) 10:0011 Cl) LOU GRANT The days of the blacklist are revived for Rossi, and Mrs. Pynchon deals with pres- sure against a straight-talking sex column. ( 1 hr.) D S THE BEST OF THE NEW SATl:JROAY NIGHT LIVE I G•mNEWS CABARET: MARGARET WHITING Magaret Whllin~ performs "'Clear Out Of Thrs World." "I Get A Kkk OufOlYoo," and "The Song ts You." ID THE BATTLE OF THE WESTLANDS A report on the battle to break up corPQ<ate holdings In Califor- nia tor the return of the land to the family owner 1s presented. ( 1 hr.) E) PAPER CHASE "The Late Mr. Harr· The tlrsl- year law students meet Professor Charles W. Kings- lield (John Houseman) for the first time. ( 1 hr.) (%.) MOVIE "Stir Crazy" ( 1980. Comedy) Richard Pryor. Gene Wilder. Two men are miS1aken for bank robbers and senl to jail 'R' ( 1 hr .. 51 min.) 10:15® MOVIE "King Of The Mountain" (1981. Adventure) Harry Hamlin, Joseph Bottoms Three young L.A. bachelors devote their energies to the sport of drag racing. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 10:30 .. NEWS @SIGNATURE Guest: Peart Bailey. (Part 1) 11:00 9 DD (I)®) fZ NEWS I SATURDAY NIGHT AUTO RACING "Long Beach Grand Prix" (2 hrs.) I JOE FRANKLIN M*A*S*H SANFORD ANO SON MIXED BAG: THE GAEA T AMERICAN ART GAME A look at the lorces that influence the art soene In New York. I DtCK CAVETT CLAES OLDENBURG'S CRUSOE UMBRELLA A profile of Claes Oldenburg, one of the few modern sculptors who has been successful in creating large outdoor sculpture. Is presented. (R) ~ MOVIE "The Howling" ( 198 1, Horror) Dee Wal- lace, Patrick Macnee. A woman reporter Is menaced by a killer who seems to be a werewolf. 'A' 11 hr., 31 min.) CIJ MOVIE "The Divine Nymph" ( 1976. Romance) Laura Antonelli, Marcello Mastroianni. A young nobleman and his cousin fall In love with a beautllul young woman who Is not what she appears to be. U hr., 30 min.) CS) MOVIE "Carny" ( 1980, Drama) Jodie Foster. Gary Busey. An adventurous young woman joins a carnival troupe and learns about the hidden emo- tions and frustrations behind the surface happiness of the performers. 'R' (1 hr., 46 min.) 11:05(1l) MOVIE "The Bigamist" (1953, Orama) Joan Fontaine. Edmond O'Brien. A man Is torn by his love for two women In a society that permits only one wife. (1 hr .. 45 min.) 11:15(Q) MOVIE "The Awakening" (1980, Horror) Charlton Heston, Susannah York. An archaeolo- gist's daughter becomes possessed by the malevo- lent spirit of an ancient Egyptian queen. 'R' ( 1 hr . 42min.) 11:30 8 Cl) QUINCY Quincy suspects that an alrllne Cfash was caused by a cargo ot dangerous chemi- cals. (R) ( 1 hr., 10 min.) II S THE BEST OF CARSON Guests: Dom Deluise, Mel Tillis, Johnny Yune. (R) ( 1 hr ) I (II ABC NEWS NIOHTUNE THE JEFFERSONS LOVE, AMERICAN STYLE SIZWE BANZI 18 DEAD John Kanl and Winston Nlshona star In Athol Fugard's play of black sup- pression and the Apartheld system In modern-day South Africa. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) • NEWSBEA T: CALIFORNIA CONGRESSIONAL REPORT I CAPTIONED ABC NEWS MOVIE "Texas Lightning" ( 1981, Orama) Channing Mitchell. Maureen McCormick. A boy's weekend hunting trip with his father turns Into an Initiation into manhood. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 35 min.) 11:45(8) MOVIE ''The Eerthlfng" (1980, AdVenture) William Holden, Ricky Schroder. A world traveler teaches a young orphan the ways of survival In the Australian wilderness. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 37 min.) 12:00. ENTERTA)NMENT TONIGHT An Interview wlttfSonny Bono . • (II MOVIE "OISaat8f On The Coaatffner" ( 1979, Orama) WllKam Shetner, Lloyd Brldgel. A derenged engineer driven by rewnge eeta two trains hurtling toward each other on a courM of mass destruction. i ) (2 hrs., tS min.) MOVIE "A Girt In ~.P.Of'.1" {1952. ~) ~{,~."~ .. ~·n,l~i ~.~pell UNUSUAL MEETING -Simone Griffith plays a former high school classmate of Murphy (Michael Keaton) who comes back into his life as a parolee assigned to him on "Report to Murphy" Monday at 8:30 p.m . on CBS (Ch. 2). attempt to smuggle a pa1r ot raceMOr~ aboard their ship. (2 hrs.) • MOVIE "Claudine" ( 1974, Orama) Diahann Carroll, James Earl Jones. Romance blossoms between a down-and-out mother of six and a gar- bage collector. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) I LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE AMERICA: THE SECOND CENTURY SPORTS CENTER MOVIE "The Last Metro" ( 1980. Drama) Catherrne Deneuve. Gerard Depardleu. Directed by Francois Truttaut. During World War II, the proprie- tors of a small Paris theatre try to keep their estab- lishment open during the German occupation. 'PG' {2 hrs .. 10 min.) 12:30 D tm LA TE NIGHT WITH DA VIO LETTERMAN Guests. Quentin Crisp, circus midget Michu. Morley Saler. (t hr.) I COUPLES NEWS PEOPLE AND OAGANIZA TIONS 12:409 Cl) COLUMBO Columbo tries to build a case against a military hero SUSPe<!ted of murder. (R) ( 1 hr .. 35 min.) • CC) MOVIE "Foxes" ( 1980, Orama) Jodie Foster. Sally Kellerman. The victims of broken homes and uncaring parents, four teen-age girls try to soothe their emotional wounds through drugs and sex. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 46 min.) 12:46()) MOVIE "Any Which Way You Can" (1980, Comedy) Clint Eastwood, Sondra Locke. Before settling down with his girl and pet orangutan. a bare-fisted lighter signs ~ for one last. lucrative match. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 45 min. 12:50(1l) Movie "The Fool Iller" ( 1965, Suspense) Anthony Perkins, Edward Albert Jr. Jn the South after the Clvll War. a runaway 12-year-old boy encounters a brooding veteran with a troubled mind. (2 hrs .. 5 min.) 1:00 8 GENE AUTRY e MOVIE "Ramrod" ( 1947. Western) Joel McCrea. Veronica Lake. So that she can have her own way, the female Ownef of a sheep ranch hires men to help her outwit her own father. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) @ CABARET: MARGARET WHmNG Magaret Whiting peiforms "Clear Out Of This World," "I Get A Kick Out Of You ... and "The Song IS You ... (.I) THIS-WEEK IN THE NHL "Stanley Cup Preview" e MOVIE "Brubaker" (1980, Orama) Robert Red- ford, Yaphet Kotto. A reform-minded warden uncov- ers widespread corruption when he enters his newly asalgned priSOf'I posing as an Inmate. 'A' (2 hra.. 10 min.}_ 1:30UeNEWS GENE AUTRY TURNABOUT Pt<A RJLL CONT ACT KARA TE ''Banta hi tenders Bout" from Denver. Colorado."(;1r .. 30 min.) ' CID MOVIE "NIGhtl'lllwN" (tQtll, .!n!'Tle) .$~..-~ Biiiy 0.. W..me. tC: 'll Tllesday \I< >It\ I:\'(; \I<)\' I l·:S 8:000 "WhoUy Moses!" ( 1980. ComedyT' Dudley Moore, Laraine Newman. (%) "Pretty Baby" ( 1979. Drama) Kellh Carradine, Brooke Shields 8:05 tm "Scared Stiff" ( 1953. Comedy) Dean Mar· tin. Jerry Lewis ,,,,... . 6:30 CC) "Young And Free" ( 1 hr., 30 min ) Cl) "Pinchcliff Grand Pnx" (1980. Adventure) Ani- mated. 8:00(C) "North By Northwest" ( 1959. Suspense) Cary Grant, Eva Marie Saint. CID "Flash Gordon" ( 1980, Science-Fiction) Sam J. Jones, Max Von Sydow. Cl) "L1ltle Miss Merker" ( 1980. Comedy) Walter .Matthau, JlJ!le Andrews. g "BedknobS And Broomsticks'' ( 1971, Fantasy) Angela Lansbury. David Tomlinson. (%) "The Club" ( 1980. Drama) Jack Thompson. Graham Kennedy. 8:05@ "The Web" (1947, Mystery) Edmond O'Brien, Vincent Price. 9:30e "Desert Trail" ( 1935, Western) John Wa~e. Mary Kornman. 9:~{Z) "The Brave One" ( 1956, Drama) Michael Ray. Rodolfo Royos. 10:00® "Nobody's Perlekt" (1981. Comedy) Gabe Kaplan. Alex Karras Cl) "Don't Go Near The Water" ( 1957. Comedy) Glenn Ford, Gia Scala. 9 "Holkes" ( 1980. Adventure) Roger Moore. James Mason. 10:05@ "Arrlvederci Baby" (1966, Comedy) Tony Curtis. Rosanna Schiaffino. 10:30(C) "Frisco Kid" ( 1935. Adventure) James Gag· ney. Margaret Lindsay. 11:30(%) "Birch Interval" (1976, Drama) Eddie Albert. Rip Tom. ' . \l· .. 1 lJl~< >< >~ \I<)\' 11-~S 12:008 . "A Witch Without A Broom" ( 1966, Fanta- sy) Jeffrey Hunter, Maria Perschy. m "Pickup Alley" ( 1957, Drama) Victor Mature. Anita Ekberg. m "Claudelle Inglish" ( 1961. Drama) Diane McBain, Arthur Kennedy Cl) "Bustin' Loose" (1981, Comedy) Richard ~or, Cicely Tyson U "Any Number Can Play" (1949, Drama) Clar!( Gable. Alexis Smith. 12:30(C) "The Spirit 0 1 St. Louis" (1957. Biography) James Stewart. Murray Hamilton. ® "Olrty Tricks" (1981. Comedy) Elliott Gould. Kate Jackson. ' 1 :00 (f) "The Last Days Of Pompeii" ( 19. 60. Adven· ture} Steve Reeves. Ctiristlne Kaufmann 1:15 (%) "Stardust Memories" (1980. Drama) Woo- dy Allen, Charlotte Rampllng. 2:00 CI) "Gigi" ( 1958. Musical) Maurice Chevalier, Leslle Caron. Cl) "Little Miss Marker" ( 1980. Comedy) Walter Matthau, Julie Andrews. II "Brother Sun. Sister Moon" ( 1973, Biography) Graham Faulkner. Judi Bowker 2:'5 (%) "Paper Tiger" ( 1976. Comedy) David NIVen. ToshirCfMlfune. 3;001J "The Violent Enemy•· ( 1968. Suspense) Ed B~ley. Susan Hampshire. CID "Flash Gordon" ( 1980. Science-Fiction) Sam J. Jones. Max Von Sydow. 4:00 ~ "Young And Free" (1 hr., 30 min.) Cl) "Hangar 18" ( Ht80. Science-Fiction) Darren McGavln. Robert Va~n. 0 "Wholly Moses!' ( 1980. Comedy) Dudley MOOl'e, Laraine Newman. 4:30(%) "Brubaker" (1980, Drama) Robert Redford. Yaphet Kotto. 5:30(C) "No Nukes" ( 1980. Muslcal) Jackson Browne, Crosby, Stills & Nash. L \ I.'\ I'\( ~ 8:00..-.-. NEWS C'HNl:IE'S ANGa..s C88NEWS ABC NEWS THE JEFFERSONS HAWAII FIVE-0 BUSINESS REPORT NBCM:W8 UNDERSTANDING HUMAN BEHAVK>R ANDREW'S RAIDERS During the CMI War, a No<them spy tries to Infiltrate rebel tenhoty and • GIC)l ......... ,. vb! 10 the Soultt'.a ~· llaes. • f P"rt 2l .emlllflW eeO '<flla .~l!at8 · . ALWAYS A PROBLEM -Constance Car- lyle, played by Morgan Fairchild, never makes life easy for her husband, a state se- nator, on "Flamingo Road," Tuesday at 9 p.m. on NBC (Ch. 4). At the present she is involved with a shady character who wants to bring gambling to Truro, Fla. <.&) MOVIE "Rockshow" ( 1980. Musical) Paul McCartney and Wings. This record of the band's U.S. tour Includes perlormances ol "Jet," "Band On The Run," "Silly Love Songs" and some old Beatie ballads. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 45 min.) · D MOVIE "Force Five: Starvengers" ( 1981. Sci- ence-Fiction) Animated. An army of little robots band together to defend Earth against a force of alien invaders. 'G' ( 1 hr .. 40 min.) 6:30 (J) S NEWS I BARNEY ._:ILLER ALL IN THE FAMILY NEW88EA T WITH CLETE ROBERTS BUSINESS REPORT 6:60@ BETWEEN GAMES SHOW 7:00 II CBS NEWS I NBC NEWS ANGELS '82 -A PREVIEW Joe Buttitta And Bob Starr look at the upcoming season for the California Angels with Interviews with players. coaches. and General Manager Gene Mauch. G ABCNEWS (J) P.M. MAGAZINE An agoraphobic who hid In her home for 30 years: a man who sniffs seafood for the FDA. Cf) NBA BASKETBALL Atlanta Hawks V9. New York Knk:ks (2 hrs .. 30 min.) 9 ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT An Interview with Desi Arnaz. I M•A•s•H JOKER'S WILD OVER ,EMY "Health Care: What's A Body To Do?" Guest: Of. John Farquhar. (R) Q I THE MUPPETS DICK CAVETT BOXING HIGHLIGHTS STANDING ROOM ONLY "Red Skelton's Funny Faces" Shields and Yamen and Yaccv Noy join the master comedian In a program featuring such famous Skelton characters as Freddie the Freeload· er and Clem Kadlddlehopper. ( 1 hr.) ([) MOVIE "The Competition" (1980, Orama) Richard Dreyfuss. Amy Irving. Two pianists at a San Francisco music competition ttnd that their love for each other confllota with their professional ambi- tions. 'PG' (2 hrs., 9 min.) (a> MOVIE "The North Avenue Irregulars'' (1979, Comedy) Edward Herrmann. Barbera Harris. The new m nlster In a sman town Of'ganlzes a group of dotty women In his congregation to etOp the flow of church funds to crlmlnels. 'G' (1 hr .• 39 min.) (%) MOVIE "Stardust Memorlet" ( 1960. Orama) Wooefy Allen, Charlotte Rampl~. A euccessful director faces a perwonal crisis as fie tries to make ~ major declslont In his life. 'PG' (1 hr .. 29 mlnJ_ 7:06 al) BASEBAL~ Atlanta Braves at San Diego Pa<Ste! (3 hrs .• 15 min.) • 7:30 8 2 ON THE TOWN Featured: a profile of Bet· bara Wood~. WOf1d renowned British dog ~ ~1.~rca~~1 ... t3 video put to orlglnal music: a l()()t( at the romantic decision-makl~process. ~ I GD FAMILY EUD o_ PRE-SEASON BASEBALL Calilorn1a Angels vs_ Oakland A's (2 hrs .. 30 min.) ~ D EYE ON L.A. Featured: a look at rlsque lingerie for women. a report on the world of flight anend-r ants: a trip to Jet Propulsion Laboratories in Pasa-8 dena. I m TIC TAC DOUGH YOU ASKED FOR IT M•A•s•H SIGNATURE Guest· Tom Wolfe. MACNEIL I LEHRER REPORT NEWS MOVIE "North By Northwest" ( 1959, "-> Suspense) Cary Grant. Eva Mane Sf!lnt An adver-_. tislng man's life Is changed drastically when he 1s <D mistaken for a CIA agent. (2 hrs., 15 min.) ~ (!)THIS WEEK IN THE NBA 8:0011 (J) O.E.D. A sinister rival attempts to trici< .Quentin into using his newest invention. a remote control device which uses radio signals to detonate a bomb. ( 1 hr.) D DAFFY DUCK'S EASTER SHOW Animated. Daf- fy Duck stars In three Easter-oriented cartoons. (A) D ®l HAPPY DAYS Fonzie takes over a school hygiene class and teaches an unauthOrlzed lesson in sex educaton. (R) 8) P.M. MAGAZINE An agoraphobic who hid in her home for 30 years: A Philadelphia newspaper f_!p<>rter who went undercover In Poland. ti) MOVIE "The Shuttered Room" (1967. Mystery) Gig Young. Carol Lyntey. A young couple Inherit a cursed mlllhouse on an Island. (2 hrs.) I QUIZKIDS LIFE ON EARTH "The Compulsive Communlca- tofs" David Attenbofough loo+ts at the part commu- nication has played In the development of man. Q ~tJoKALIVE 16 NOVA "Artists In The Lab" A l()()t( Is taken at the 20th-century pioneers who are using computers and lasers to create an extraordinary array of strange new art forms. (R) Q ( 1 hr.) Cl) SPORTS CENTER CID MOVIE "Happy Birthday To Me" ( 1980, Hor- ror) Me11SS8 Sue Anderson. Glenn Ford. As murder begins chopping away at her circle of elitist friends. Tube 1bpper Daffy Duck's Easter Show Channel 4 -lJ p.m . a prep school senior worries that she may be the next victim -or possibly the killer. 'R' ( 1 hr., 48 min.) Cl) MOVIE "The Postman Always Rings Twice" ( 1981. Drama) Jack Nicholson, Jessica Lange. A young woman and her lover ptot to murder her hus- band. 'R' ( 1 hr., 37 min.) e MOVIE "Nine Hours To Rama" (1963, Drama) Horst Buchholz, Jose Ferrer. Mahatma Gandhi's last brief hours ere seen through his assassin's eyes. (2 hrs.L 8:30D e BERENSTAIN BEARS' EASTER SµRPRISE Animated. Papa Bear Invents an Easter egg machine and promises Little Brother Bear a very~lal Easter surprise. (R) Q I III JOANIE LOVES CHA~I Q YOU ASKED FOR IT ALL IN THE FAMILY DANCE: MAYERLING An explotatlon of Ken- neth MecMUlan's Royal Ballet production with dis- cussion by MacMiiian. his prlnclpal'a. Lynn Seymour end David Well. and accompanied with tapes of rehearsals and the performat'ICe at Convent Garden. ~hrs.) CZ) MOVIE "Pretty Baby" ( 1979, Drama) Keith Carradine, Brooke Shields. A World War I photogra- pher decides to marry the adolescent daughter of a prostitute In the "Red Light Dletrlct" of New Orleans. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 49 min.) 9:008 Cl) MOVIE "Love And Bullets" (1979, Adventure) Charles Bronson, Rod Steiger. The FBI asks a detective to traci( down the ml8tresa of en ~ant uoclerwot1d figure. (2 hrl.) • • STEVE MARTIN'"S BEST SHOW EVER Steve Martin performs his unique brand of comedy before an audience at NBC'e farMd Studio 8H. (R) ( 1 hr.) I (JI THREFS COMPANY Q YOU A8KEO FOR rT MERV GAtFF.IN AMERICAN PLAYHOUSE "Medal Of Honof Rag'' Jn an adaptation of Tom Cole's stage drama based on a true 111oty, a btack Vietnam veteran resorts to robbery when he finds that he cannot ~~--·~·~~· ' ·~ cm EVERYTHING GOES Kip Addotta hosts this one-and-only adult game show with guests Carol Wayne. Pat McCormick and the Unknown Comic. (()MOVIE "Bustin' Loose" (1981, Comedy) Rich- ard Pryor, Cicely Tyson. A bumbling burglar, a con- cerned schoolteacher and eight children make a lrlQhtenlng cross-country trip In a broken-down school bus. 'R' (1 hr .. 34 min.) 14---------------------------:-----~----------------------------~ "'· Tuesday (conrirrued) GI) 0> tors" David Attenbofough looks at the part commv- .,.._ nlcatlon has played In the development of man. c;> N 1! hr.) -.: Cl) PtcA FVU CONTACT KARATE "Bantamweight ~ Contenders Bout" from Denver. Colorado. ( 1 hr .. < 30 min.) >. ([)MOVIE "American Pop" (1981, Muslcal) Anl-~ mated. The histOfy of American pop music, trom ·;:: vaudeville to rock 'n' rOll, Is traced through several u.. generations of a family of musicians. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 37 gi min.) -J cm MOVIE "King Of Kings" ( 1962. Orama) Jeffrey > Hunte<, Robert Ryan. The coming of Jesus and the ~ events of his life gave birth. to a new religion. (3 § hrs.) ii: 9:301J 0 TOO CLOSE FOR COMFORT Muriel undergoes tests to dete<mlne the sex of her devel- BULLSEYE • i ng baby. (R) RACING FROM ROOSEVELT. 10:008. SHAPE OF THINGS (Premiere) Morgan Falrchlld, Sarah Purcell, Lynn Redgrave, Betty White, Henny Youngman and Vic Tayback satirize social Issues and personal relationships. ( 1 hr.) l ae•IDNEWS (1J HART TO HART Jonathan poses as a CIA agent to find a doUble agent leaking top-secret Information. O ( 1 hr.) Cl) ENTERT Al NM ENT TONIGHT An Interview with Desi Arnez. CC) MOVIE "La Cage Aux Foiles" ( 1979, Comedy) Ugo Tognazzl, Michel Se<rault. A nightclub owner tries to prepare his transvestite lover for a visit by his son's hancee's father, the morals commissioner of France. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 31 min.) CID MOVIE "Dirt)' Tricks" (1981, Comedy) Bllott Gould. Kate Jackson. A Harvard protessor becomes the quarry of persons anxious to get their hands on a recently discove<ed lette< written by George Washington. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 30 min.) e HAMMER HOUSE OF HORROR 10:20®NEWS (%)HOW TO RAISE A BABY 10:30(!) MAUDE I NEWS SIGNATURE Guest Tom Wolfe. • CLAES OlOENBURG'S CRUSOE UMBRELLA A profile of Claes Oldenburg, one of the few modern sculptors who has been successful In creating large outdoor sculpture, Is presented. ID NICARAGUA UPOA TE Sanford Ungar anchors this look at recent developments In Nicaragua and discusses American policy and their government's attitude toward the U.S. Cl) THIS WEEK IN THE NBA (()MOVIE "The Sex Machine" ( 1978, Science-Flc- tlon) In 2037 A.O .. scientists solve the energy prob- lem by harnessl"Q the power or the human fibldo. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 20 min.) (%) MOVIE "The Club" ( 1980, Orama) Jack Thompson. Graham Kennedy. The coach of a has- been Australian football team finds the going rough both on the playing fleld and In the board room where he faces an antagonistic club president. ( 1 hr .. 39 min.)' 10:50® MOVIE "Bullet For A Badman" (1964, West- e<n) Audie Murphy. Darren McGavin. A bandit vows to kill the man who married his ex-wife. ( 1 hr .. 45 mlnl_ 11:008 D 8 (() (1J e NEWS SATURDAY NIGHT KOJAK JOE FRANKLIN M•A•s •H SANFORD ANO SON QUIZ KIDS DICK CAVETT JAZZ AT THE MAINTENANCE SHOP "Bill Evans Trio (No. 1)" Biii Evans, piano; Marc John- son, bass; Joe LaBarbera, drums. (R) ( 1 hr.) (()SPORTSWOMAN ([)MOVIE "The Divine Nymph" ( 1976, Romance) Laura Antonelli, Marcello Mastroianni. A young nobleman end his cousin fell In love with a beautiful FUN ! ,CITY A Time To Buy A Time To Jump Of SteYI Broot<s and Leo's. l.eg Warmers . •• • Al '9Mchl MAVER ICK'S PARTNER -Ed Bruce plays Tom Guthrie, the partner in a saloon and gambling casino with "Bret Maverick ," on NBC (Ch. 4) Tuesday at 8 p.m. young woman who Is not what she appears to be. U hr., 30 min.) • MOVIE "The Hand" ( 1981, Horror) Michael Caine, Andrea Marcovlcci. Bizarre incidents and nightmares begin happening In a cartoonist's life afte< he sutters the loss of a hand. 'R' ( 1 hr .• 44 mlnl_ 11:30 8 (() ALICE Allee Is caught In the middle when lovebirds Ao and Mel get Into an argument. (R) 11 TONIGHT Host: Johnny Carson. ( 1 hr.) ABC NEWS NIGHTLINE THE JEFFER80N8 LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE DANCE: MAYERLING An exploration of Ken- neth MacMiiian's Royal Ballet production with dis~ cusslon by MacMiiian. his prlncipal's, Lynn Seymour and DaVld Wall, and aocom~nled wtth tapes of rehearsals and the perf Ofmance at Convent Garden. i hrs.) NEWSBEA T WfTH CLETE ROBERTS SPORTS CENTER RACE FOR THE PENNAtfl Hosts Barry Tomp- kins and Tim McCarver sneak a peek at the upcom- ing season. (1 hr.) 11:50(C) MOVIE "Hardly Working" (1981. Comedy) Jerry LewlS, Susan Oliver. Afte< the circus closes down, a veteran clown tries his hand at various jobs. falll~ miserably at them all. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 31 min.) 12:00• ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT An interview with Desi Arnaz. 8 9 FANTASY ISLAND Mr. Roarke is visited by a beautiful woman who has fallen in love with him and a macho man becomes a movkHype hero. (R) (1 hr., 10 min.) II MOVIE "The Violent Enemy" ( 1968, Suspense) Ed Begley, Susan Hampshire. A band of Irish te<ror- lsts plots to sabotage a British factory. (2 hrs.) (!) MOVIE "Amsterdam Affair" ( 196'7. Mystery) WIHlam Marlowe. Catherine von Schell. A young author sinks deeper Into scandal and blackmail as he attempts to clear himself of the death of his ex- lover. (2 hrs.) • MOVIE "A Case Of Rape" ( t974, Orama) Eliza- beth Montgomery. Ronny Cox. A rape victim Is humiliated and made to seem responsible when she resses charges against her assailant. (2 hra.) LOVE. AMERtCAN STYLE FOCUS ON SOCIETY 12:058 (() WKRP IN CINCINNATI Johnny thinks that he IS going Insane and checks himself into the hos- pital. (R1 12:308 ID LATE NIGHT WITH DAVID LETTERMAN Guests: Bob and Ray, sports promoter Don King. NBC weatherman Wiiiard Scott ( 1 hr.) I COUPLES NEWS EXPLORING LANGUAGE COLLEGE GYMNASTICS "Oiv1sioo 11 Women's Championships" from Sprlngfleld, Massachusetts. (g hrs.) CID BAREFOOT IN THE PARK Richard Thomas and Bess Armstrong star In this performance of Neil Slm9n's comedy about a pair of New York newlyweds. Taped at the Moore Theater In Seattle, Wash. (2 hrs.) cm MOVIE "Through The looking Glass" ( 1976. Fantasy) Catharine "Burgess. A woman's constant gazing Into an antique mirror leads to a confronta- tion with a demon lover. ( 1 hr., 26 min.) (%) MOVIE "The Brave One" ( 1956. Orama) Michael Ray. Rodolfo Royos. A young boy travels to Mexico to find his pet bull which was accidentally sold. ( 1 hr., 45 min ) 12:35«1) MOVIE "The Bullllghter And The Lady" ( 1950, Drama) Robert Stack. Gilbert Roland. A Broadway producer decides to learn bullfighting in order to collect stage Ideas. ( 1 hr .. 55 min.) 12:408 ()) MCCLOUD McCloud investigates the death of a rodeo star and the murders of several women In Central Park. (R) ( 1 hr .. 45 min.) 1:00e MOVIE "Harlow" (1965, Biography) Carol Lynley. Efrem Zlmballst Jr. The beautiful and bewitching Hollrood star's rise and fall is traced. (2 hrs .. 15 min. m MOVIE "It's A Wonderful life" ( 1947, Fantasy) James Stewart, Donn~ Reed. A man's guardian angel diverts him from suicide and shows him what his hometown would be like If he were never born. (1 hr .. 30 min.) Tube Topper HHouse Calls" Channel 2 -9 a.m. WAlTEA MATTHAU 9 MOVIE "The Anal Conflict" ( 1981, Drama) Sam Neill, Rossano Brazzi. In the third part of "The Omen" trilogy. young Damien. the embodiment of the Antichrist, is now an adutt and a trusted advisor to the prestdent of the U.S. 'R' ( 1 hr., 49 min.) 1:108 MOVIE "The Swimmer" (1968. Orama) Burt Lancaster. Janice Rule. While swimming from pool to pool across the Connecticut countryside, a mid- dle-aged man renects upon his past and present. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) tII NEWS ... 1:20(C) MOVIE "First Family" (1980, Comedy) Gii- da Radner, Bob Newhart. The sexually repressed daughter of the country's weirdest presidential fami- ly complicates her father's attempts to conduct the affairs of state. 'A' ( 1 hr .. 44 min.) 1:30D cmNEWS 1:46(1) MOVIE "Twelve Plus One" (Comedy) Sharon Tate.A young woman searches three coun- tries tor a chair that contains a great fortune. '.R' ( 1 hr., 35 min.) 2:oom MOVIE ''At Sword's Potnt" (1952. Adven- ture) Cornet Wiide, Maureen O'Hara. The sons of the Three Musketeers carry on their fathers· tradi- tion rescuing the French queen from peril. (2 hrs.) 2:06 (!) NEWS \I< >IC\ J:\(; \I<)\' I LS 5:30(1) "Hangar 18" ( 1980. Science-Fiction) Dar· ren McGavin, Robert Vaughn. 6:000 "ffolkes" (1980, Adventure) Roger Moore. James Mason. 6:0511!1 "That's My Boy" (1951, Comedy) Dean Martin. Jerry Lewis. 6:30~ "The Learning·Tree" (1969. Drama) Kyle Johnson, Alex Clarke. CID "Mr. Sycamore" ( 1975. Comedy) Jason Robards. Jean Simmons. (l) "A Day In The Death Of Joe Egg" ( 1972, Com- edyL Alan Bates, Janet Suzman. 8:00(BJ "Gigi" ( 1958, Musical) Maurice Chevalier, Leslie Caron. . Cl) "Countdown To Disaster" Animated. 8:0511!1 "April Showers" ( 1948, Musical) Ann Soth- ern, Jack Carson. 8:30~ "The 4<Xr-elows" ( 1959, Drama) Jearr Pierre Leaud. Patrick Auffey (l) "Birch Interval" ( 1976, Drama) Eddie Albert. Rip Tom. 9:30CI) "Texas Terror" ( 1935. Western) John Wayne. Gabby Hayes. · D "1941" (1979, Comedy) John Belushi, Tashiro Mlfune. 10:00® "Kill And Kill Again" (1981, Adventure) James Ryan. Annettne Kriel. Cl) "The Gazebo" (1960. Comedy) Glenn Ford. Debbie Reynolds. 10:05al) "The Two Mrs. Carrolls" (1947, Drama) Hu!!!Ehrey Bogart, Barbara Stanwyck. 10: 15CZJ "Stir Crazy" ( 1980. Comedy) Richard Pryor, -Gene Wiider. 10:30~ "Bells Are Ringing" ( 1960, Musical) Judy Holliday, Dean Martin . . \l .. l l.lC\< >< >'.\ \I<>\· 11·.S 12:00D "A Thousand And One Nights" (1968, Fan· tasy) Jeff Cooper, Raf Vallone. 8J "Pendulum" (1969, Orama) George Peppard, Jean Seberg. e "Breakthrough" ( 1950, Drama) David Brian. Frank Lovejoy. CID "The Ordeal Of Patty Hearst" ( t979. Drama) Dennis Weaver, tisa Eilbacher. CS) "One On One" ( 1977, Drama) Robby Benson, Annette O'Toole. 12:16(2) "The Breve One" (1956, Orama) Michael Ray, Rodolfo Royos. 1:00(!) "The Last Roman" ( 1972, Orama) Orsoo Welles, Laurence Harvey. CC) "St. Ives" ( 1976. Adventure) Charles Bronson. Jacg__ueline Bisset. 1:30D "King Of Kings" (1962, Drama) Jeffrey Hunter, Robert Ryan. '> 2:00 ([) "Gigi" ( 1958, Musical) Maurice Chevalier, Leslie Caron. (l) "The Last Metro" (1980, Orama) Catherine Deneuve, Gerard Depardieu. Directed by Francois Truttaut 2:30(8) "Smokey Bites The Dust" (1981, Comedy) Jimmy McNichol, Janet Julian. Cl) "Something Of Value" (1957, D<ama) Rock Hudson. Dana Wynter. 3:0011 "Stiletto" ( 1969. Mystery) Alex Cord, Britt Ekland. 3:30 ~ "Shame, Shame On The Bixby Boys" (1979, Adventure) Monte Markham. -4:00(8) "Gigi" ( 1958, Musical) Maurice Chevalier. Leslie Caron. •:15(%) "Paper Tiger" ( 1976, Comedy) David Niven, Toshlro Mlfune. -4:30(1) "Countdown To Olsaste('' Animated. 6:00(!) "Twelve O'Clock High" ( 1950. Adventure) Grego<y Peck, Dean Jagger. ~ ''The 400 Blows" (1959, Orama) Jean-Pierre Leaud. Patrick Avttey. A COUPLE OF BERO~ -Faye Grant as the beautiful Rhonda and Michael Pare as the tough-talking Tony Villicana in the ABC (Ch. 7) hit comedy/adventure series, "The Greatest American Hero," Wednesday at 8 p.m .. 6:00 8 8. NEWS CHARLIE'S ANGELS C8SNEWS LYNN SHACKELFOAO ABC NEWS THEJEFFERSONS HAWAII FIVE-0 BUSINESS REPORT NBCN~ NEEOLECRAFT MOVIE "Mr. Sycamore" (1975, Comedy) Jason Robards, Jean Simmons. A middle-aged mailman fantasizes about becoming a tree to escape the drudgery of his life. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) CS) MOVIE "One On One" ( 1977, Orama) Robby Benson. Annette O'Toole. A boy who goes to ool· lege on a basketball scholarship ts abused by the coach, scorned by his tutor and used by the school tor Its own purposes .. 'PG' (1 hr., 38 min.) II MOVIE "Huckleberry Flnn"Besed on the story by Mark Twain. A young boy and a runaway stave become Involved In a series ot adventuree While flee- ing down the Mississippi River on a raft. ( 1 hr .. 58 min.) (%) MOVIE "The Brave One" ( 1956, Drama) Michael Ray, Rodolfo Royos. A young boy travels to Mexico to find his pet bull which was accidentally sold. (2 hri.) 8:20 G HOCKEY PlA YOFFS 6:30 Cl). NEWS I BARNEY MILLER ALL IN THE FAMILY KRAFT MUSIC HALL "The Ring Of The Fettuc- cines" An opera spoof originated by the Braque Opera Company recalls every Improbable ope<a i t ev8f written. (1 hr.) NEWSBEAT WTTH CLETE ROBERTS BUSINESS REPORT 7:008 C88NEWS I N8C NEW8 HAPPY DAYS AGAIN ABC NEWS & ENTERTAINMENT CENTER Pree Admluloft FESTIVAL llll IQ. I 1111 Ivery Svn. M P.M. auffet $4.25 a.11• ... $2.25 ·. IAIOI SUNDAY * lwffet $4.25 12 • 2 p.m. lute~ Iii Hunt 2 • 6 'p.m. Ge,,... lend li!iliii~;;;;:;;:;;;:..:::~~~:~===~ii~~2~p.m. Grand l•ter '•Gtl9 -- ') t6 N V\ednesday (continued) co C1> becomes the victim of her family's aspirations and her own beauty. 'A' (2 hrs., 50 min.) (Z) MOVIE "The Last Metro" (1980, Orama) Catherine Oeneuve, Gerard Oepardleu. Directed by Francois Truttaut. During World War II, the proprle-- tors of a small Paris theatre try to keep their estab->. llshment open during the German occupation. 'PG' .g (2 hrs., 10 min.) 't: 8:20 @ ALL IN THE FAMILY u.. 8:30 (!) IRONSIDE o) aJ ALL IN THE FAMILY .3 @ WHEN I THINK OF RUSSIA Six exiled Russian artists ano,.pec.to.cmer~--d~s_Jheir feelings 10.wa"(si ~ art, freedom. America, and Russia. ( 1 hr.) ID FROM THE ASHES ... NICARAGUA TODAY The rebuilding of Nicaragua after the blOOdy overthrow of Somoza in 1979 and the role of the U.S. foreign ~icy in the country are reviewed. ( 1 hr.) Cl) LAFF-A-THON A comedian host and four comic contestants who compete against one another are featured in this uncenSO<ed comedy game show. 8:50(fl) MOVIE "Invasion Of The Body Snatchers" (1956, Science-Fiction) Kevin McCarthy, Dana Wynter. Outer space flora duplicate Southern Cali- fornians and sap their minds as they sleep. ( 1 hr .. SO min.) · 9:00 8 (J) WKRP IN CINCINNATI Les announces that he Is going to pursue his chlldhOOd dream of becoming a famous New York journalist. D CD THE FACTS Of LIFE Natalie studies self- defense after she is accosted near the campus and the headmaster's secretary is raped. 8 ®'THE FALL GUY At a stunt man's convention. Colt is put in the position of having to rescue his major contender for the group's annual award. ( 1 hr.) I MERV GRIFAN MIDDLETOWN "Community Of Praise" A family of fundamentalists persistently call upon their faith to surmount the problems of daily life. Q ( 1 hr.) CC) MO\llE "The Private Eyes" (1980, Comedy) Don Knotts. Tim Conway. Two bumbling American detectives are called In to Investigate a series of o1 murders in an English castle. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 31 min.) (() POCKET BILLIARDS ''Legendary Stars Series" Babe Cranfield vs. U.J. Puckett ( 1 hr .. ~min.) ([) ~OVIE "American Pop" ( 1981, Musical) Ani- mated. The history ol American pop music, from vaudeville to rock 'n' roll. Is traced through several generations of a family of musicians. 'A' ( 1 hr . 37 min.) Cl) WACKY WORLD OF JONATHAN WINTERS Guest: Leslie Uggams. 9:3011 (J) BAKER'S DOZEN Mike and Terry gp to Capt. Baker's aid when she is stalked by an ex-con Who-ts seek'lng revenge. I CID LO~ SIDNEY BULLSEYE MOVIE "Aocketship X-M" ( 1951, Science-Fic- tion) Lloyd Bridges, Osa Massen. A misguided spaceship lands on Mars instead of the moon. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) @ KRAFT MUSIC HALL ''The Ring Of The Fettuc- cines" An opera spoof originated by the Broque 0pera Company ·recalls every improbable opera ~lot ever.written. (1 hr.) tri) NICARAGUA UPDATE Sanford Ungar anchors this look at recent developments 1n Nicaragua and discusses American policy and their government's attitude toward the U.S. (I) MOV1E "NlghthaWks" (1981, Drama) Sylvester Stallone. Billy Dee Williams. A tough New York City cop has his work cut out for him when one of the world's most dangerous terrorists arrives in his city. 'A' ( 1 hr., 39 min.) 10:00 8 (J) SHAN~ON Shannon is assigned to pro- tect a temperamental young actress being stalked !?l an obsessed killer. ( 1 hr.) U CD QUINCY A psychotic former medical doctor Is suspected of causing the death ot her husband. Ii. •• NEWS DYNASTY Krystle awaits the outcome of Claudia's surgery, Blake refuses Rhlnewood's busl- ~ NOT WHAT SHE SEEMS -Cindy Wein- traub stars as Terry Munson, an undercover police officer and not an ice cream salesman, in the new comedy series, "Baker's Dozen," Wednesday at 9:30 p.m. on CBS (Ch. 2). ness otter and Alexis dodges Colby's marriage otter. (1 hr.) e FROM THE ASHES ... NICARAGUA TODAY The rebuilding of Nicaragua after the bloody overthrow of Somoza In 1979 and the rote of the U.S. foreign policy in the country are reviewed. ( 1 hr.) 81) MIDDLETOWN "Community Of Praise" A family of fundamentallsls persistently call upon their faith to surmount the problems of daily life. Q ( 1 hr.) 10:~5(%) MOVIE "A Day In The Death Of Joe Egg" (1972. Comedy) Alan Bates. Janet Suzman. A couple whose child suffers from convulsions con- tem£!ate a mercy-killing. 'R' ( 1 hr., 47 min.) 10:30 gJ NEWS (3 SIGNATURE Guest: Max Von Sydow. CC) MOV1E "Bells Are Ringing" (1960, Musical) Judy Holliday. Dean Martin. A shy and impression- able young answerfng servlce opera or beeomes infatuated with a charming scriptwriter. (2 hrs .. 5 min.) (()GYMNASTICS "USGF Single Elimlnatlon Cham- pionships" Biiiy Paul vs. Mitch Gaylord ,.nd Becky Rashott vs. Patti Alce (Match 2) ( 1 hr.) CH) REAL DETECTIVES: THE SPECK CASE This documentary follows the Chicago Police Depart- ment's step-by~tep. Investigation of the murder ol eight student nurses In their dormitory on July 14. 1966. (1 hr.) (Q) MOVIE "Happy Birthday To Me" ( 1980, Hor- ror) Melissa Sue Anderson, Glenn Ford. As murder begins chopping away at her circle of elitist friends, a prep school senior worries that she may be the next victim -or possibly the killer. 'R' ( 1 hr., 48 mln.J_ 10:40 al) MOVIE "The Private Affairs Of Bel Ami'' ( 1947. Orama) Ann Dvorak. George Sanders. A penniless Parisian uses those around him to further his career.12 hrs., 20 min.) 11 :0081JU (J)o:l lDN~ I SATURDAY NIGHT 'KOJAK JOE FRANKLIN M·A·s·H SANFORD AND SON STYLE Featured: a Stanford White mansion con- verts to condominiums; telephone designs; Sarato- ----=., l summers at the races. NICARAGUA UPDATE TO BE ANNOUNCED MOVIE "The Cat And The Canary" ( 1978, Mys· tery) Honor Blackman, Michael Gallen. Heirs battle tor a fortune at the spooky estate of a deceased . millionaire. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 30 min.) 11:308 Cf) MOVIE "A Man, A Woman And A Bank" (1979. Comedy) Donald Sutherland. 6.rooke Adams. Two clever con arttsts use a sophlsm::ated computer to mastermind a bank robbery. (2 hrs .. 2.0 min.) •· D CD TONIGHT Host: Johnny Carson. Guest: Rob- ert Klein. ( 1 hr.) I®) ABC NEWS NIGHTLINE • ™~-·-.T,11 LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE WHEN I THINK OF RUSSIA Six exiled Russian artists and performers discuss their feelings toward art, freedom. America. and Russia. ( 1 hr.) I DICK CAVETT CAPTIONED ABC NEWS SPORTS CENTER _ · MOVl~'Stlr Crazy" ( 1980. Come-dy) Richard Pryor, Gene Wiider. Two men are mistaken for bank robbers and sent to jail. 'R' ( 1 hr .. S 1 min.) ([)MOVIE "What The Swedish Butler Saw" ( 1976, Comedy) Sue Longhurst. Ollie Soltoff. When the beautiful and proper young woman he loves spurns his advances. a Victorlcrn aristocrat turns an aban- doned asylum into a secret love nest to seduce his beloved. ( 1 hr .. 25 min.) Cl) TWO TOP BANANAS Don Adams and Don Ric- kles team up for a showcase of burlesque and uncensored comedy. ( 1 hr.) 12:008 ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT An interview with Marilyn Mccoo. 8 ®' LOVE BOAT Julie falls In love with an older man. two young lovers are caught between their feuding parents and an Inept duo try to make a dellvery. (A) ( 1 hr .• 10 min.) 1J MOVIE "Stiletto" ( 1969, Mystery) Alex Cord, Britt Ekland. A district attorney tries to nail a play- boy count who Is killing thugs on behalf of a gang- ster friend. (2 hrs.) (!) MOVIE "Marx Brothers At The Circus·· ( 1939. Comedy) Marx Brothers. Eve Arden. Disinherited from his uncle's fortune, a man modernizes his run- down circus with the help of four brothers. (2 hrs.) aJ MOVIE "Lady For A Night" ( 1942, Romance) Joan Blondell, John Wayne. A woman from a gam- bling boat marries a man for his wealth and a much- coveted position in society. (2 hrs.) I LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE AMERICA: THE SECOND CENTURY MOV1E "Stir Crazy" (1980. Comedy) Richard Pryor. Gene Wilder. Two men are mistaken for bank robbers and sent to Jail. 'A' ( 1 hr .. 51 min.) 12~soa& LATE NIGHT WITHf>AVIO-LE'FTERMAN Guests: eomedian Lenny Schultz, sports editor John Walsh, cast members from the movie "Quest For Fire." ( 1 hr.) I COUPLES NEWS KRAFT MUSIC HALL "The Ring Of The Fettuc- cines" An opera spoof originated by the Broque Opera Company recalls every Improbable opera Qlot ever written. ( 1 hr.) • PcOPLE AND ORGANIZATIONS (() AUTO RACING "USAC Sprints" from Rossburg. Ohio. (2 hrs .. 30 min.) (Q) MOVIE "The Hand" (1981. Horror) Michael Caine, Andrea Marcovicci. Bizarre incidents and nightmares begin happening in a cartoonist's life after he suffers the loss of a hand. 'R' ( 1 hr.. 44 min.) CS) MOVIE "The Killing Kind" ( 1973. Orama) John Savage, Cindy Wiiiiams. After serving two years on a trumped-up sex charge, a young woman Is released from · prison and begins seeking her revenge. 'A' ( 1 hr., 35 min.) D BARRY MANILOW: IN THE ROUND Manllow performs a selection of his hits. including "Mandy," "I Write The Songs." ·•can't Smile Without You" and "Copacabana." Taped at Pittsburgh's Civic Ar~. (2 hrs.) 12:.W~ MOV1E "Outrageous!" (1977. Comedy) WHIPPLE'S HEALTHY FDDDS af Newport ... -w..,.. ... ,.. .. HARBOR VIEW CENTER 1628 San Ml«JlleJ Drive Newport leach, Ca .. 644-7733 • OP9f 7 DAYS • ~~~~~~~~.~--i~nde You---~~~~~~-=-~ FRESH SHELTON'S TURl(EY & PARTS F.or Easter By Tuesday 4-/6/82 _... ............... ······ • MOM. 7'n ... t ti 6 • SAT. t :JO te l:JO PM Easter Candy From Whipp/e's for THE BE's1: YS IJ 4 =============:;;;;:::::=::; - ------ Wxinesday (continued) Craig AusSell, Hollis Mclaren. A good-natured hair- dresser, who moonlights as an impersonator of female celebrities, shares an apartment and a pla- tonic relationship with a schizophrenic young wom- an. 'R' ( 1 hr., 40 min.) 1:0011 MOVIE "The Annapolis Story" (1955. Dra- ma) John Derek, Diana Lynn. Two brothers at the Naval Academy fall in love with the same girl. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) CB MOVIE "The Bells Of St. Mary's" ( 1945, Dra- ma) BinQ Crosby, Ingrid Bergman. A priest and a --~~- Tube Topper Love, Sidney Channel 4 -9:30 p.m . Tony Randall mother Superior save an old parochial school by persuading a skinflint to donate land and a building to their cause. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) @ MOVIE "Hardcase" (1971, Adventure) Clint Walker. Stefanie Powers. In the early 1900s, a mer- cenary soldier rallies to the cause of Mexican revolu- tionaries only to discover his missing wife among them. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 1:10 8 MOVIE "Sam Cade" (1972, Mystery) Glenn Ford, Edgar Buchanan. Cade learns of a proposed contract killing by the syndicate and discovers that a wartime crony is planning to murder him. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) @)NEWS 1:25(H) MOVIE "Lady Sings The Blues': ( 1972. Biography) OiaRa Ross, Billy Dee Willlams. The alternately stellar and tragic career of blues singer Billie Holliday. whose addiction to drugs Increased as her popularity did. Is traced. (2 hrs .. 25 min.) 1:301·NEWS 1:60 NEWS 2:00 MOVIE "The Enforcer" ( 1950, Drama) Humphrey Bogart, Zero Mostel. A sensational news- paper story exposes Murder, Inc .. a racket which !!E.'eads terror wherever It hits. (1 hr .. 30 min.) CZJ MOVIE "Birch Interval" (1976. Orama) Eddie llO CLEANING S~ • ~'"' ""'c • ~""'""' .Amotllces That ~ Cd <:>" NOW ... You can have · yow Mini, Levolor, Etc. Blinds cleaned PROFESSIONALLY at R~asonable Rates -RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL - Free E;stlmate Pick-up and Delivery 714-952-3288 9306 Katelta Anahefm • • All Work Guaranteed • • R. DENIS RUSSELL, D.P .M. POD/A TR/ST/ FOOT SPECIALIST ~d.tts, OtHdren and Seniors Welcontt FREE T Initial Ex• & Con1uhetion By Appointment Only 979-03.13 11100 WMIB AVE., UTE 306 FOlllTUI VAU.EY Albert. Rip Torn. A young girt Is sent to live wi\t1 Amish relatives, where she learns about the realities of the adult world. ( 1 hr .. 44 min.) 2:06 (!) NEWS 2:10(1) MOVIE "Nighthawks': (1981, Orama) Syl- vester Stallone. Billy Dee Wiiiiams. A tough New York City cop 1»1s hls work cut out for him when orte of the world's most dangerous terrorists arrives In his £!!,y. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 39 min.) 2:20 Ck) MOVIE "Fame" ( 1980, Drama) Irene Cera, Barry Miller. ~eral gifted students at a New York high school for the performing arts experience vari- ous setbacks and successes of both personal and professional nature&. 'PG' (2 hrs .. 14 min.) 2:25 8 MOVtE "Honorl'tr;·~";"'3..;.1972, Orama)- Raf Vallone, Richard €astellano. A mob leader's son looks at the life of his syndicate-run family. (2 hrs.) 2:309 MOVIE "Behind The News" (1940, Orama) Lloyd Nolan. Doris Davenport. A crusading newspa- perman exposes corruption In his town's govern- ment. ( 1 hr ... 30 min.) i MORNING STRETCH RAT PATROL ~OOE "Stir Crazy" ( 1980, Comedy) Richard ~ Pryor. Gene Wilder. Two men are mistaken for bank robbers and sent to jail. 'A' l 1 hr , 51 min.) 2:..0GNEWS 3:00 (!) JOE FRANKWN @NEWS (I) ALL·ST AR SOCCER Liverpool vs. Tottenham ( 1 hr.) 3:30 • MOVIE "Yellowneck" ( 1955, Adventure) Lin McCarthy, Stephen Courtlelgh. A gr90p of CMI War deserters head for freedom through the Florida Eve£il!ades. (1 hr .. 30 min.) 3:"6CZJ MOVIE "The Last Metro" (1980, Orama) Catherine Oeneuve, Gerard Depardleo. Directed by Francois Truttaut. During World War ti. the proprie- tors of a small Paris theatre try to keep their estab- lishment open during the German occupation. 'PG' (2 hrs .. 10 min.) 3:60(H) MOVIE "Kill And Kill Again" (1981, Adven- ture) James Ryan, Annellne Krlel. A martial arts expert battles the minions of a power-mad scientist Intent on enslaving mankind with a new mind-con- trol drug. 'PG' ~ 1 hr .. 40 min.) 4:008 MOVIE 'City Of Shadows" (1955, Orama) Victor~ McLaglen. Kathleen Crowley. Newsboys moonlight as gangsters' aides. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) ~JIMMY SWAGGART SPORTS CENTER BIZARRE "Super Dave" HEARING AID BATTERIES Sl OFF! wmtTMSAD Campbell Hearing Aids 1n Montgomery Ward Bldg Hunt"'9fOt1 Center ~·hoc• 898-4833 6 Hearing Aid Batteries 1 D•V$ s pm 'tll Mfdnlaht 3840 E. cont Hwy• COrona del ~r, Ce (714) ~73·3933 4:05@ FUNTIME 4:30(!) JIM BAKt.ER ::2 CC) MOVIE "St. Ives" (1976, Adventure) Charles ~ Bronson, Jacqueline Bisset. A former crime report- er-turned-detective Is hired by a wealthy film fancier ~ to recover a sel of Incriminating ledgers. 'PG' ( 1 hr., r- 34 min.) o CJ) TWO TOP 81\NANAS Don Adams and Don Ric-co kles team up fr>r a showcase of burlesque and ...,, uncensored com~dy. ( 1 hr.) 1 O MOVIE "Am1rican Pop" (1981, Musical) Ani-g. 4'niated The hist·1ry of American pop music. from ':< vaudeville to roe< 'n' roll, Is traced through several > generations of a family of musicians. 'A' ( 1 hr .. 37 "O .. • · min.) ---· -,...~• · ~ Tube Topper Baker's Dozen ~Channel 2 -9:30 p.m . Ron SNY9f William E. Smeltzer, M.D. W ISHES TO ANNOUNCE THE OPENING OF HIS OFF ICE FOR GENERAL & FAMILY PRACTICE At Newport Peninsual Center Wells Fargo Bank Building. 2727 Newport. Blvd. #1o2 N.B. 92663 Hours by appt. 675-6114 HAVE YOU BEEM INJU.RED? .•AUTO ACCIDENTS. • CONSTRUCTION AOOOENTS •PERSONAL ACCIDENTS The Law Offices of R. Steven Peters Emphasizes in the Handlipg· of Personal Injury Claims that may be• the Result of Accidents. We will Make Sure That you , Obtain all That you are Legally .. Entitled._ · · Call for a FREE Consultation and Determine What Rights you Have against all Parties, Including lnsurJlnce Companies. Housecalls or hospital visits can be !1"8nged. i.aw Offices · .. 13'4-0133 14tm R. STEVEN PEIERS, INC. I\) ·18 ~Thursday :c a. c( \I< >It\ I:\(; \I<)\' I LS ~ 5:30(1) "Countdown To Disaster" Animated. :g 6:00® "Manganinnle" ( 1980, Drama) Mawuyul LL Yathalawuy. Anna Ralph. cj (%) "A()cl(, Rock, Rock" ( 1956, Musical) Alan o Freed. Tuesday Weld. - ..J 6:05 (Jl) "The Caddy" ( 1953. Comedy) Dean Martin, ~ 6:~~~dreo Of Th eatr; St;--eet" (th;., 30 min.) .2 D "The Nude Bomb" ( 1980. Comedy) Doo 0: Adams. Sylvia Kristel. 7:00(S) "King 01 Kings" ( 1962, Drama) Jeffrey Hunter, Robert Ryan. 7:3000 "King Of The Mountain" (1981. Adventure) Harry Hamlin. Joseph Bottoms. (%) "Peper Tiger" ( 1976, Comedy) David Niven, Toshlro Mlfune. 8:00CI "Tim" ( 1981, Drama) Piper Laurie. Mel Gib- son. 8:05(Jl) "Six Black Horses" ( 1962, Western) Audie Mur.e!_ly, Dan Duryea. 8:30 ~ "King 01 Kings" ( 1962. Drama) Jeffrey Hunter. Roben Ryan. 9: 15 (%) "Birch Interval" ( 1976, Drama) Eddie A lbert, Rip Torn. 9:30. "Red River Range" ( 1938, Western) John W8Yf1.e. Ray Corrigan. IO:OOCHJ "Ruckus" (1980, Drama) Dirk Benedict. Linda Blair. Cl) "The Brothers Karamazov" (1958, Drama) Marla Schell, Yul Brynner. 10:05 (Jl) "The Eagle And The Hawk" ( 1950. West· ern) John Payne, Rhonda Fleming. 11:00(%) "The Brave One" (1956. Drama) Michael Ray, Rodolfo Royos. 11:30CC) "Second Wind" ( 1980, Drama) Lindsay Wagner, James Naughton. . \ 1··· 1 ·1·~1(:\< >< >:\ \I<)\' I l·:S 12:001J "TM Emerald Of Artatama" (1967. Adveo· lure) Rory Calhoun, James Philbrook. m "The Last Blitzkrieg" (1959, Drama) Van John· son. Dick York. m "The Defector" ( 1966, Suspense) Montgom- ery Clift, Hardy Kruger. 12:30(S) ''The Purple Taxi" (1979, Comedy) Fred Astaire. Charlotte Rampling. D "Tess'' ( 1979, Drama) Nastassia Kinski. Peter Firth. 12:45 (%) "Paper Tiger" ( 1976, Comedy) David Niven. Toshfro Mffune. 1:00(!) "The Old Testament" ( 1963, Drama) Susan Paget, Brad Harris. CC) "Sunday In New York" ( H?64, Comedy) Clltt Robertson. Jane Fonda. ®"The Earthling" (1980. Adventure) Wilham Hol· den, Ricky Schroder. 2:00a;;) "Clair De Femme" (1979, Drama) Yves Montand, Romy Schneider. ' STA YING CLOSE -Conrad Bain and Gary Coleman, father and son on NBC's (Ch. 4) "Diff'rent Strokes," continued to hold forth on Thursday night at 9 after moving from 9:30. 2:30 (%) "Birch Interval" (1976, Orama) Eddie Albert, Rip Torn. 3:001J "Dingaka" ( 1965, Adventure) Stanley Baker. Juliet Prowse. CID "King Of The Mountain" ( 1981, Adventure) Har!Y Hamlin. Joseph Bottoms_ 3:30U ··eoys' Night Out" ( 1962. Comedy) Kim Novak. James Garner. 4:00.(C) "Children Of Theatre Street" ( 1 hr., 30 min.) 4: 15(%) ''The Last Metro" ( 1980, Drama) Cathefine Deneuve. Gerard Depardleu. Directed by Francois Truffaut. 4:30(1) "Force Five: Starvengers" (1981, Science- Fiction) Animated. · 5:00(!) "Operation Thunderbolt" (1978. Adven· turel_ Klaus Kinst<l. Sybil Denning. 5:05 (ll) "Shenandoah" ( 1965, Drama) James Stew- art, Doug McClure. 5:30QI "Oh, My Son" CI:) "Second Wind" ( 1980. Drama) Lindsay Wag· ner. James Naughton. ® ''Manganinnie" ( 1980, Drama) Mawuyul Yathalawuy, Anna Ralph. L \ l . '.. I :\( ~ e:ooeeeNEWS e CHARLIE'S ANGELS (I) CBS NEWS ________ COUPON _______ _ I LYNN SHACKELFORD ABC NEWS THE JEFFERSONS HAWAII AVE-0 BUSINESS REPORT NBC NEWS UNDERSTANDING HUMAN BEHAVIOR 6:16(1) SCRAMBLED FEET Comedienne Madehne Kahn stars in a musical comedy revue that satirizes show business including punk rock. theatre critics. British plays and per1ormers. ( 1 hr . 40 min.) 6:20 G HOCKEY PLAYOFFS 6:30 (I) ID NEWS BARNEY MILLER ALL IN THE FAMILY -_j9-J~"51~.:i:W!IHCL&"~R:ra.------~ BUSINESS REPORT MOVlE "The Nude Bomb" ( 1980. Comedy) Doo Adams, Sylvia Kristel. Secret agent Mrucwell Smart faces his most dangerous adversary 1n an archv1llain who plans to launch missiles that will dis- robe the entire human population. 'PG' (1 hr., 35 min.) (%)MOVIE "Brubaker" ( 1980. Drama) Robert Red· ford. Yephet Kotto. A reform-minded warden uncov· . ers widespread corruption when he enters his newly a~· ned prison posing as an inmate. 'A' (2 hrs, 10 min. 7:00 CBS NEWS I NBC NEWS HAPPY DAYS AGAIN ABC NEWS P.M. MAGAZINE Olymplc volleyball model: a man who breeds big cats to save them from extinc· lion. 0 ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT An interview with Ernest Borgnine. I M•A•s•H JOKER'S WILD OVER EASY "Pre-Retirement Planning'' Guests Peter Schwed, Melvin Swanz. (R) Q I THE MUPPET$ DICK CAVETT MOVIE "The Soft Skin" ( 1964, Drama) Fran· coise Oorleac. Jean Desallly. A middle-class busl· nessman's marriage collapses when he becomes Involved in a fateful liaison with an airline steward· ess. (2 hrs.) 00 RACE FOR THE PENNANT Hosts Barry Tomp· kins and nm Mccarver sneak a peek at the upcom· i!!g season. ( t hr.) U.J MOVIE "All Night Long" (1981, Comedy) Gene Hackman. Barbra Streisand. After being demoted from corporate exei:;utive to chain-store night mana· ger, a middle-aged man's lifestyle and values are turned upside-down. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 28 min.) (Q) MOVIE "Nobody·s Per1ekl'' (1981, Comedy) Gabe Kaplan, Alex Karras. Three unlikely heroes set out to battle the 1ed tape and bufeauciacy ol city hall. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 36 min.) 7:10(fl)NEWS 7:308 2 ON THE TOWN Featured: a profile of popu· tar 60s singer. Gary'Lewis and his appearances In small clubs around town: meet Jerry Prager. one of the few people in the U.S. who makes harpsichords I ID FAMILY FEUD LAVERNE & SHIRLEY & COMPANY EYEONLA. SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS$$ _.,.. ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... °'' Drf~~ GasN' Wash ~--H-E_A_D_A_C_H-ES_l _ FREE. _.. _.. _.. ...,_,. ~ ...,_,. ~ ~ ...,_,. ~ I st FAST CASH 2nd lrd • Short Term • LongTerm • Swing Loans Personalized service in your home or office OPEN~tl LYON'S rllllldll s.vas TD's • llON.· UDIEI' DAY · 112 ftEO. f'flllCE • TUEi. ·MEN'S DAY • 112 llEO. f'flllCE • wtO. • •u• DETAIL • t /2 llEO. f'flllCE • lHU"S..·FftEE CAA WASH W/tOGAL QAS"'llCHASE • RU.· EVERY 4UI CAft FftEE • IAT.·FAE£SPRAY WAX WIAEO. WASH • IUH.·fRH SPftAY WAX WIAEO. WASH ..... C'OMPUllCAA Al•AIA .Ml.llCU>O.JIAT,llOIUC'Hl.f04lLIGN A OOMDnC'S Come In To The Mobil Station At ...._ 4625 W. PACIFIC COAST HWY. 4UurtJllOll673-3561 := lr-=-=-;;::-=-=-:;:-:;·;;:;::-:;;;;;;J)MU;:;:-::;:;;;·:;:-=-=-=-=-=-==i111 ~ RIAL.IST.ATI LOANS ~ ~ INCOME PllOPEIU ~ ht• 2nd·~d ·~ T.D. LOANS ~ COMMllCIAL ••• INDUIRIAL ••• 'APAITMINT llDGS. ...... 731-1734 ~ Secured by a comblftation or real and persoul -~ ~ ~y. ~ ssssssssssssssssssss •• .v. ........ YOU DESERVE TO FHLGOOD CALL64MJOO ... c ......... ,c ....... WISTCUff C .. IOl'IACTIC OMCI •r~..._.._ ...... ZMJ W"tclffDP .. Wle I .. ....,.,. .... .... c... .... ,. ....... Mott lnturanoe.~ -----, --- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------19 Tilursday (continued) • TIC TAC DOUGH NEWARK AND REALITY YOU ASKED FOR IT M*A*S*H SIGNATURE Guest: John O'Connor. MACNEIL I LEHRER REPORT NEWS 8:008 Cl) MAGNUM, P.I. A former Russian pilot hires Magnum to kidnap his tiancee. (R) ( 1 hr.) 11 flD SMURF SPRINGTIME SPECIAL Animated. Gargamel discovers that bolling six Smurf~ with lead wffl predUoe gold. Q II MOVIE "fhe Last Of The Powerseekers" (1969, Orama) George Hamilton. Kevin McCarthy. Black· mall, C)CCidents and eventual death are the results ol a bank president's demands for his sorrin-law's res- iil!'lation. (2 hrs.) U ®l POLICE SQUAOI The Investigation of a nightclub comic's death puts Detective Drebln on the trail of an underworld drug ring. (!).BENNY HIU ID P.M. MAGAZINE A profile of Dianne Bennett, music columnist for the "Hollywood Rftporter." A hit song that reunited the author with his girlfriend. e MOVIE "Brief Encounter" ( 1974, Romance) Sophia Loren. Richard Burton. A mature. married woman suddenly finds the beginnings of an affair in a chance meeting. (2 hrs.) 9 BOTANIC MAN: WHITE DEA TH, NEW LIFE Some of the most bizarre and fascinating elements of nature are inves11gated by David Bellamy. e THIS OLD HOUSE Bob Vila and Norm Abram take a tour of the newly renovated house. Q fB SNEAK PREVIEWS Roger Ebert and Gene Sisk· el review "The Cat People," "I Ought To Be In Pic- tures." "Victor. Victoria" and "Silent Rage." {()SPORTS CENTER (Jj) MOVIE "Ruckus" ( t980, Drama) Dirk Benedict. Linda Blair. A shell-shocked Vietnam vet disturbs the peace of a small Alabama town. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 35 min.) (I) MOVIE "Network" (1976, Orama) Faye Duna- way. Peter Finch. An aging television newsman. whose ratings are steadily slipping, Is turned Into a ranting prophet of the airwaves by a crafty female ~rogrammlng execotlv~. 'A' (2 hrs.) II MOYIE "Bustin' Loose" (1981, Comedy) Rlctr ard Pryor. Cicely Tyson. A bumbling burglar, a con· cerned schoolteacher and eight children make a frightening cross-country trip in a broken-down school bus. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 34 min.) 8:10(1!) ALL IN THE FAMILY 8:30 8 • FAMILY CtACUS EASTER SPECIAL Anl· mated. Dolly, Jeffy and Biiiy put Easter eggs In obvl· ous E.._laceuo lhek JiWe brotbe't. PJ. can find them. 8 ®J BOSOM BUDOIES Kip and Henry prod\Jce a cable TV program starring Penny Marshall. (R) Q i RACING FROM ROOSEVELT ALL IN THE FAMILY MOVIE "Oh, My Son" The wanton killing of a middle-aged worker's son spurs famllles Which have suffered slmllar losses to unite In an effort to bring about restitution. (2 hrs.) • SNEAK PREVIEWS Roger Ebert and Gene Sisk· el review "The Cat People," "I Ought To-Be In Pie· tures.," "Victor, Victoria" and "Silent Rage." ID PORTRAITS IN PASTELS 8:40(1!) MOVIE "The Champion" (1949, Orama) Kirk Douglas, Ruth Roman. An unscrupulous young boxer heartlessly pushes loved ones aside to.get to the top. (2 hrs .. 5 min.) 9:00 8 (I) CAGNEY & LACEY Cagney and Lacey Investigate an assault on a tough young street gang member by an elderly Caucasian. ( 1 hr.) 8 e OIFF'RENT STROKES Mr. Drummond's sis- ter ~des he Isn't seeing the right kind of woman. i. (119TO 69 m MOVIE "Fanny By Gaslight'' (1948, Drama) James Mason, Phyllis Calvert. A wealthy. demented .man determined to win the lady of his choice stop5 at n= to control those around him. (2 hrs.) I GRIFF1N • JAZZ:. LIVE AT MONTREUX MASTERPtECE THEATRE "Love.In A Cold C11- mate: Coming Out" Louisa has her coming-out ball and shortly thereafter announoes her engagement to an Older man. (Part 2) 9. ( 1 hr.) CC> MOVIE "Klng Of Kings' (1962. Drama} Jeffrey Hunter. Robert Ryan. The coming of Jeeos and the events of his Nfe gave birth to a new rtllglon. (2 h,.., 55 min.) Cl) AUTO RACtNG ''USAC Sptlnts'' from RosebUrg. Ohio. (2.hfs.. 30 min.) CD MOVIE "Stir Crazy" ( 1980, Comedy) Richard Pryor. Gene Wiider. Two men are mtetaken fOf blnk robbnandtent to Jell. 'R' (1 tv., 61 min.) ~THE GIN GAME Hume CfOnyn' m1d Jelllc:a Tan- re-create t,_ BtoedweY ro1e1 a .,, ttdlrtf ~ who dllcowr thet 1119 ln en OI04ige home NI '""°' outtedt of ~ air\ untl tenelon ~Into 1hl gemel. ( 1 ·1w.: 29 nin.) (I) .... ,, .. doOM" '(~. OtwM) Geofvl c. CROSSFIRE -Recently widowed Carl Kanisky (Dolph Sweet), a tough police cap- tain who has as much trouble running his home as he does his precinct, matches wits with his headstrong housekeeper, played by. Nell Carter, Thursday at 9:30 p.m. on NBC (Ch. 4). Scott. Season Hubley. A concerned father leaves the peaceful surroundings of his home town to search for his daughter, who has become heavily Involved in a big-city pornography racket. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 46 min.) 9:30 D ID GIMME A BREAK Katie is arrested tor lshl«&«t~1~) BULLSEYE GReA TEST SPORTS RIVALRIES Boston Celtics vs. Los Angeles Lakers 10:00 8 Cl) KNOTS LANDING Gary convinces Val not to publlsh her book.about the Ewing clan and Richard is exposed by a prostitute on television. ( 1 hr.) D e HILL STREET BLUES C!lptaln Furillo buries hltnsett rn His wort< to fOfget aboOf his recent roman- tic breakuP-. (~ (1 hr.) Ill"° NEWS TO THE MANOR BORN STEVIE NICKS IN CONCERT Fleetwood Mac member Nicks performs "After The Glitter Fades." "Leather And Lace, .. "The Highwayman" and "Bel- la Donna," as welt as favorites from the Fleetwood Mac repertoire. Taped 41t the Fo• Wll9hlre ~In Los Angeles. (1 hr.) CJ) MOVIE "Xanadu" (1980, Musical) Olivia New· ton-John, Gene Kelly. A young artist, a heavenly muse and a sentimental mllllonalrt Join forces to open up a huge roller-disco palace.··~· (1 hr .. 33 min.) e MOVIE "Tim" (1981, Drama) Piper Laurie, Mel Gibson. A young retarded man a(ld a 'eensttlve, mid· dle-Jaged woman develop a clote retatlonshlp of mutual need and understanding that leads to an unorthodbx marriage. (1 hr., 35 min.) 10:30eNEW8 ISIONATURE GU861: John O'Connor. BUTTERFLIES MONEYMAKERS MOVIE "They Came From Wittlin" ( 1 hr., 30 mln.l 10:46tm MOYIE "Appointment With Danger" ( 1951, Drama) Alan Ladd, Phyllis Calvert. Two women aid ' a poet offlee lnif veator In cracking a mall robbery plot. (~r.:~ min. 11:001n.&~· e NEWS Ir~ u•A•&•ti 8ANFOAO ANO SON BOTANIC MNt WHITE DEATH, NEW LIFE Some of the moet blZarr. and ta8clnattng elements of nature are lnveetlgated by David Bellamy. I OOKCAVETT PA.880YER The hlltQtY, practice and tlgnlft.. CAOCt 01 thit Jewilh hOlld&y le dltalled. .....wing . fOQOI on an Amenc9n Seder. (R) 00 MOVIE "Nlahttwwka" (1981. Drwnl) Sytweter stalont, Biiiy 0.. Mllma. A tough New York City cop tm hll wor1t out out tor him __, one of the ~· mQlt dlnglfoUa WrOilltl .,.,,... In hit olfy. 'R' 1('1'ftr-. • lllhl CD MOVIE "Bilitls" (1977, Drama) Patti D'Arban- vllle, Mona Kristensen. A young girl's sexual awak-]! ening occurs during her stay with a family friend one 0 summer. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 32 min.) - (%) MOVIE "Roci<, Rock, r.ock" (1956, Musical) ~ Alan -Freed, Tuesday Weld. A high-school prom featuring the! music of such '50s stars as Frankie 8 Lymon and Chuck Berry brings a boy and girl together. ( 1 hr., 25 min.) ,, 11:308 Cl) MASTERS GOLF HIGHLIGHTS 5: Highlights of the first round of play in the 46th Mas· ~ ters Golf Tournament (from the Augusta National _ Golf Club in Augusta, Ga) . THEJEFFERSONS > 'O ::. ---·· -- I\) I• TONIGHT Host: Johnny Carson. ( 1 hr.) (fJ) ABC NEWS'NlG"Ft..,,,I C ..... l .. N~E ----- LOVE. AMERIC,AN STYLE .... MOVIE "Oh. My Boy"The wanton killing of a ~ mlddl&-aged worker's son spurs families which have N suffered similar losses to unite In an effort to bring abollt restitution. (2 hrs.) I NEWSBEA T WffH GLEfE ROBERTS CAPTIONED ABC NEWS SPORTS CENTER MOVIE "The Game For Vultures" ( 1978, Adventure) Richard .Harris. Richard Roundtree. A ruthless mercenary who smuggles American hell· copters into Africa during a terrorist war is pitted against a fierce freedom fighter. 'R' ( 1 hr., 47 min.) 11:408 Cl) QUINCY A civil libertarian tries to Indict a polica officer for the death of a teen-ager. (R) ( 1 hr., 10 min.) 11:-45(1) MOVIE "Texas Lightning" (1981, Drama) Channing Mitchell, Maureen McCormick. A boy's weekend hunting trip with his father turns Into an Initiation into manhood. 'R' (jl hr .. 35 min.) 11:55(C) MOVIE "Sunday In New York" (1964, Com· edy) Cliff Robertson, Jane Fonda. After being Jiited by her boyfriend and traveling to New York to visit her brother, a young woman considers her position on ~inlty. (1 hr .• 45 min.) 12:008 ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT An Interview with Ernest Borgnlne. 8 0 VEGA$ Dan tries to protect a family that is being killed off by what appears to be an evil curse. {R) ( 1 hr .. 10 min.) II MOVIE "Dlngaka" ( 1965, Adventure) Stanley Baker. Juliet Prowse. In South Africa, an attorney defends a native accused of committing a murder in revenge for his daughter's death. (2 hrs.) Cf) MOVIE "The River's Edge" ( 1957. Orama) Ray Milland. Anthony Ouinl'l. A con man Involves an Innocent rancher in a million-dollar robbery. (2 hrs.) m MOVIE "Mr. And Mrs. Smith" (1941. Comedy) Csrole Lombard, Gene Raymond. A couple dlscov· TubeTqpper Police Squad! Channel 7 -8 p.m. \ . .:..-.. ,.. > ' •· .· -. er by a fluke that their marriage Is Illegal. (2 hrs.) I LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE FOCUS ON SOCIETY MOVIE "Fame" (1980. Orama) Irene Cara. Bar- ry Miller. Several gifted students at a New York high school for the performing arts experience various setbacks and successes of both personal and pro- fessional natures. 'PG' (2 hrs., 1<4 mln.l 12:308. LATE NIGHT WIT'H DAVID ETTERMAN Guests: comedian CharleS Fleischer, "Doc" Scott. COUPLES -lhr.t NEWS EXPLORING LANGUAGE NHL HOCKEY "Stanley Cup Playoffs" Minneso- ta North Stars vs. Chicago Blac1( Hawks or St. Louis Blues (2 hra., 30 min.~ Cl) MOVIE "Brubaker ' ( 1980. Drama) Robert Red~ ford, Yaphet Kotto. A reform--mlnded warden uncov- ers wldelpreed corruption when he enters his newly prlspn posing as an Inmate. 'R' (2 lvs .. 10 . 12: MOVIE "Shet'lock Holmes And The Pearl Of Death" (19«. Mystery) Basil Rathbone. Nlgel Bruce. Sherk>Ck Holmes and Watton eet out to Investigate the myttery IUrTOIJndlng a stolen gem. t! ht .. 26 mlf).) (8) MOYIE "~ Of The Mountain" (1981, Adven- ture) Harry Hamlin, JqMph Bottoms. Three young L.A. bechelor8 deYOte their entrglee to the tPQl1 ol draclJ~. 'PG' s hr., 30 '=t 12:&0• (I) MailL AN & McMlll1n....._to thlt, dlllplt• ~ evidence. Sgt. did not kll * wtt.. (A) ( f "'·· .0 min.) 1: MOYIE "Opntton Snee" (1872, AtMtn- P9ter Fiie. tMntn &..nmu. An Med unit II ordlrld to o.aoy • ba'*Y °' QenMo guna locat· ~--.fe-) . \. I I I t- I I t ' .... --------------~------------------------------- 30 "' Thursday (conti nued) c:o N ·.: Q. < ~ e MO\llE "Point Of Terror" ( 1971. Mystery) Peter Carpenter, Dyanne Thorne. FollOwlng a tragic car crash. a young man's feelings of mGrbld guilt pro- duce amnesia 1ha1 later erupts to destroy him. { 1 hr .. 30 min) >. ., 'O 't: u.. ~ ...J ~ ~ Ci: 1: 1oe MO\llE "The Stranger Within" ( 1974, Scl- ence-Ftetlon) Barbara Eden, George Grizzard. A pregnant woman displays erratic behavior as a result of a strange force inside her. ( 1 hr . 30 min.) (llNEWS 1:30DeNEWS Cl) MOVIE "The Purple Taxi" ( 1979, Comedy) Fred Astaire. Ghefle41e-R&.~-·• oountry doctor unwlllingl)t lakes on a new and rich clleotele which finds his. old whiskey remedies unac- ~1able. 'R' (1 hr .. 43 min.) Ill MOVIE "Which Way Is Up?" ( 1977. Comedy) Richard Pry0<. Lonet1e McKee. A sex-starved fruit picker is caught In a comic crossfire between his union and the Mob. and a hy~rllical preacher finds heaven In a ladles' choir. 'R ( 1 hr., 34 min.) 1:40(C) MOVIE "TFie Soft Skin" (1964. Drama) Francoise Dorleac. Jean Desanty. A middle-class businessman's marriage collapses when he becomes Involved In a fateful liaison with an airline stewardess. (2 hrs.) _ 2:00• MOVI~ "They Live By Night" (1949, Drama) Farle)' Granger, Gathy O'Donnell. Three escaped convtels se1 off on a crime spree during the Depres- sion 1ears In the South. (2 hrs.) 2:06(!) NEWS al) RAT PATROL 2:10® MOVIE "The EarthNng" (1980. Adventure) WiUlam Holden. Alck)A Schroder. A world traveler teaches a young orphan 1he ways of survival in the Austrahan wilderness. 'PG' ( 1 hr . 37 min.) 2:30.NEWS (!)MOANING STMTCH • MOW: "The Evil Eye" ( 1964. Mystery) Leticia Roman. John Saxon. A young girt in shock after the death cl her aunt caflt\Ot convince anyone that she has witnessed a killlng. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) • 2:351WOALD AT LARGE 2:40 NEWS 2:.S MOVIE "HardcOfe" ( 1979. Drama) George C Scott. Season Hubley. A concerned father leaves '60 Minutes' still big alter 14 y ears By TOM JORY Aa~t.d ,,_ Wrttef NEW YORK -Don Hewitt, the producer, recalls a question put to Morley Safer. the corre- spondent, at one function or another. some time ago: "Mor~y wu asked why the crooks alway agree to an interview with '60 Minu~.· " Hewitt relates ... Morley's answer was classic. "He said, "A crimmal doesn't believe he's made it until he's been on '60 Minutes.' .. Through six months of the current TV season, ··60 Minutes" is second only to another CBS show -"Dallas" -in the continuing race for dominance in prime time. "Dallas" was No. 1 last season, "60 Minutes" the year before. "After 14 years," says Hewitt, who has pro- duced every edition of the newsmagazine since its premiere in September 1968, "most TV shows have begun to fade on the horizon -if they haven't disappeared long before. "People ask. 'Why you guys?' It's simple." Hewitt says. "It's Morley, It's Mike Wallace, It's Harry Reasoner and It's Ed Bradley. There's a cult of personality around here, and it's vital to the thing. "Our audience is not necessarily interested in what's happening in China," Hewitt says. "They are interested in what Mike Wall~ finds out about China. "And there's something else," the produC>er says. "It's not a news broadcast. While the rest of television dealt with make-believe, I decided 14 years ago we would do a program that dealt with reality, in an entertaining way. ODD P AJRING -The peculiar pairing of the laughably pompous Lt. Howard Hunter (James B. Sikking) and the Cree-spirited Grace Gardner (Barbara Babcock) raises more than a few eyebrows in "Blood Mon- ey" on NBC's (Ch. 4) "Hill Street Blues" Thursday at 10 p.m. the peaceful surroundings of his home town to search for his daughter. who has become heavily Involved m a big-city pornography racket. 'A' ( 1 hr .. 46min.) SU~FUL PRODUCER -Don Hewitt. producer of '60 Minutes,' talks of his success with the show even after 14 years. "That can include anything,'' Hewitt says. "that hu happened, that La happening, that will happen, that people-are interested in. knowing about, or knowing more about." quency to defend the program's approach and, in Despite the enormous popularity of the prog-one recent cue, a .corretpondent's character. ram-''60 Minutes" I.a broadcast into more than 23 ln fact, th!a 1t810n's premiere show, ''Looking million homes on an average Sunday evenina -at '60 Minute.,'" examined a number of the jour- H£witt h's been c@U~ .. on_w_i_t_h_i_nf.r_.e ... aa•in•••l~~ ... tr:e ..... -_,,.f ,..al;,.lstio._.,,.;tec._h.-ft.-kJ.;A.Uo;.;'f;u..., • ._.lJ?O~l\f'!ttl~ £22ror;itatiort. ~l 3:008 MOVIE "Call Of The Yukon" (1938. Adveo· ture) Richard Arlen. Lyle Talbot. flt. collie and a wild dog become the companions of a female writer and a trapper In Yukon territory. ( 1 hr., 30 mm.) ~JOE FRANKLIN NEWS ALL-STAR SPORTS CHALLENGE Milwaukee Brewers Of The 1970's vs. New York Jets Of The 1970's II MOVIE "Brother Sun. Sister Moon" ( 1973, Biography) Graham Fault<ner. Judt Bowker. Francis of Assist re,ects wealth and honor in order to live and work among the gentle in nature and the poor m splnt. (2 hrs .. 1 mm.) 3:06. MOVIE "Fools. Females And Fun" (1974) -Jul~~maA.-f 1.hrr, 30-miA.} ----- 3:16(1) MOVIE "King Of Kings" (1962. Drama) Jef- frey Hunter, Robert Ryan. The coming of Jesus and the events of his life gave birth to a new religion. (2 hrs .. 50 mm.) 3:30 (E) SPORTS FORUM 3:40 CC) MOVIE "King Of Kings" ( 1962. Drama) Jef- frey ttunler. Robert Ryan. The corning of Jesus and the events of his life gave birth 10 a new reHgion. (2 hrs .. 50 min.) 3:50 ® STEVIE NICKS IN CONCERT Fleetwood Mac member Nicks performs "After The Glitter Fades ... "Leather And Lace." "The Highwayman" and "Bel- la Donna." as well as favorites from the Fleetwood Mac repertoire. Taped at the Fo)( Wilshire Thealre in Los Angeles. ( 1 hr.) 4:00(1) JIMMY SWAGGART •MOVIE "Cross Channel" ( 1948, Drama) Wayne Morris. Yvonne Furneaux. A boat owner unwillingly alds and abets criminals by providing them with a shullle service to and from France. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) (() SPORTS CENTEA 4:05@ FUNTIME 4:308 1SPY Cf) JIM BAKKER (%) MOVIE "The Brave One" ( 1956. Drama) Michael Ray. Rodolfo Royos. A young boy travels 10 Mexico to find his pet bull which was accidentally sold. ( 1 hr .. 45 mm ) 4:50 CID MOVIE "Nighthawks" ( 1981, Drama) Syl· vester Stallone. Billy Dee Williams. A tough New York City cop has his work cut out for him when one of the world's most dangerous terrorists arrives in his city 'R' ( 1 hr . 39 min.) "ambush" interview. that have contributed to the program·s popularity. Hewitt. at one point in that show. conceded that the confron tation inter view .. is probably a technique that has been abused, and I have a fee- ling that we shouldn't be trying to get people to talk to us who obviously don't want to talk:· Potentially as damaging as the general criticism was a report in the Los Angeles Times. in January. that Wallace had been caught -on videotape - making a racially disparaging joke. Wallace was quoted as saying he frequently tells ethnic jokes. but added that his fnendsh1p with the minority community over the years speaks for itself. "l do.n:t know anybody " HewlILsays today. "who worries more about be ing unfair to other people than Mike Wallace. He was devastated by this thing.·· Don Hewitt, who is 59. was born in New York City and began his career in journalism as a copy boy for the New York Herald Tribune. He was a correspondent in Europe and the Pacific during World War II, and worked briefly for The Asso- ciated Press, in Memphis, in the mid-·40s. He joined CBS News in 1948 as associate pro- ducer of "Douglas Edwards With the News." and later was executive producer of the "CBS Evening New s with Walter Cronkite." He has won seven Emmys. including three for "CBS Reports" documentaries, and four for "60 Minutes," one for the series and three for individual segment.s. · •·rm the executive producer," he s a ys , "but tha t 's baloney. David Me rrick is a pro- ducer. I'm an editor. All these titles in television were borrowed from Hollywood. We've got editors. and 22 reporters. four of them on the air . and they·re all good." "Somebody -l tllink I\,. WO I gaywrttlng tn the Miami Herald ...,-once slid '60 MlnuleS' was a series of Jitlle morahty plays." Hewitt ~ys. "He said, 'They never say whkh side they're on, but you've got a pretty good idea when they•re done.' "I think we've demonstrated that you can make reality as popular as make-believe, and that's chaneecf joumalttm, f believe/' he-aays. "lt.S\mt as he!J has changed television journalism. "And we've certainly proven our \sind of program can make rnoney. Each one oost.s ln the nelghborhoocl o( $300,000. 3nd t underst.and th4'y bill a'boUt $1:8 tnll!Mr. 't}lat'9' ~ill¥' "·"' " . - TALKING MONEY -Don Olsen (left), senior vice president of Integrated Resour- ces, Newport Beach, and Mark Freeman Jr., senior vice president of First Diversified Investments, Inc., Denver,_ provide tips and • • • TV Antenna From Page 3 but Ms. VanCaspel cont.ends, "I've never seen so many opportunities for making money." If you're confused about-what to do with your extra cash, "The Moneymakers" may be worth a look. If you have a TV set, then the money advice comes .free. BURNETl''S GANG~ Fans of the family skits that appeared r~gu.larly on the old "Carol Burnett 'Look at Us' no-lose situation By JERRY BUCK AIT~Wrtw LOS ANGELES -Richard Crenna. says his job as host of the syndicated magazine show "Look at Us" seemed like a "no-loee situation." "I wasn't sure when George Schlatter first called and asked me to be the host," he says. "So many of those kinds oJ..shows look like they were filmed 20 ye.an ago." Schlatter, who also .... produces NBC's "Real People,'' sent Crenna a videotape of the pilot. "I was very impressed with it,'' Crenna recalls. "George said he<lidn't want a news person as host. He didn't want it to be competitive to the news. "It's not what I do for a living," the actor says. "No one's ~oing to stone my house if it goes off the air. Everything seemed positive, and aft.er all these years in the business, I feel I've earned the right to Cooking School - APRIL Schedule 2911 E. Co.ut Hi•bway Corona del Mar, CA *2825 . 1'13-Da • ,, .{ffeyF~~.r.1 ~t-J.tJ opportunities to novice investors on limited partnerships and the "real Rewards of Real Estate" on "The Moneymakers," a KOCE production. Show" will be happy to hear that NBC has given series commitment for "Mama's Family," a situation comedy based on these skits. The characters were revived in a recent special entitled "Eunice." Vicki Lawrence will star. Miss Burnett, Harvey Korman and Betty White will appear from time to time as characters they created in the skits. REGIS' RUN CONCLUDING -Regis Philbin has apparently failed to win a large enough au- dience in the competitive weekday mornings tel- evision race. "The Regis Philbin Show," which premiered last November, will depart NBC's daytime schedule on April 9. • • . 51 . Moneyniakers ~ From Pagel ~ p.m. on KOCE Channel 50. ,... · The famed Vienna Boys Choir will perform the c8 celebrated piece for this specia! East.er presentation, :,, which is part of PBS' Great Performances. :i . . . ~ Little big man Gary .Coleman stars as a way-~ ward angel in "The Kid with the Broken Halo," to > be presented at 8 p.m. Monday on ~ (Channel 4).. ,,_~. Coleman, star of TV's "Dift'rent Strokes," ap- pem s with.Robert-Gttillaume, J~..!!~, Mason ~ Adams and Ray Walston in this fantasy-adventure ~ about a 12 -year-old angel sent back to Earth to ~ patch broken lives and save three families. N • • • "Love and Bullets," a suspense drama starring Charles Bronson, Jill Ireland and Rod Steiger, will be presented at 9 p.m. Tuesday on CBS (Channel 2). Bronson stars as a·det.ective asked by the FBI to track down the mistress of an important under- world figure. Steiger plays the mobster and Ireland plays the mistress who has key information on mob activities. • • • "Medal of Honor Rag," an adaptation of Tom ColE"'s critically acelaimed 1976 drama about a Vietnam war hero with problems readjusting to civilian life, airs at 9 p'.m . Tuesday on KCET (Channel 28). The play was inspired by a news item pu- blished in 1971 about a black Vietnam veteran, recipient of the Congresmonal Medal of Honor, who was shot and killed while holding up a super- market. Aft.er reading the item, Cole asked himself how such a thing could happen and wrote the play to answer th06e questions. • • • "The Smurf Springtime Special," featuring the little blue people from NBC's "Smurfs," will be broadcast at 8 p.m . Thursday on Channel 4. Smurfs rank No. 1 among many children and this show marks the second ·prime-time special for these little blue rascals. • • • The cartoon characters from The Family Circus will get together for ''A Family Circus F.ast.er," to be aired at 8:30 p.m. Thursday on NBC (Channel 4). Characters include Mommy, Daddy, Billy, Dolly, Jeffy and PJ in this charming story about the childre'!'s efforts to enjoY. F.aster. • be lousy once in a while. If I fail, it's OK.-So I filmed, and ·instead his image is inserted electroni- plunged ahead." cally into the picture when needed. "Look at Us" is impressive in appearance, and Crenna, a veteran of four series, says. ''This is as yet there is no sjgn of failure. The magazine the first time I really began to recognize the power show is syndicated to more than 120 sections in the of television. This is a show that says something: United St.ates, including the five NBC-owned sta-You get immediate feedback.'' lions. -He says he also equee7.ed in an assignment di- Crenna was growing his beard back after his recting a new pilot for Andy Griffith, in which he return from Canada, where he replaced Kirk Dou-plays a country doctor who moves to the big city. g1a.s in the movie "First Blood." "It was the worst Crenna was a child actor in radio, and his first winter in the history of British CoJumbia," he says, TV series, "Our Miss Brooks," came when he was "and we had one problem aft.er another. The pie-still a you th. Later, he starred in "The Real ture's 95 percent exteriors." -Mt'Coys," "Slattery's People" and "All's Fair." His Crenna stars in the film with Sylvester Stal-movies include "The Sand Pebbles," "Wait Until lone. He plays the fonner commanding officer of a Dark," "Red Sky at Morning," and, most rece!ltly, Vietnam Medal of Honor-winning (Stallone), who "Body Heat." He also has been in many TV films is called in to defuse an explosive situation. and the miniseries "Centennial." Crenna's syndicated show, "Look at Us," has "Look at Us" is his first opportunity to play covered such subjects as sexism of Skid Row, fe-himself rather than a character. "It's tough to play male muscle-builders. a look at the Rev. Sun yourself," he says. "The temptation is to play what Myung Moon's Unification Church, a profile of a you think you are." Las Vegas showgirl, acid rain, shoplifting and vie>-Crenna was raised in several hotels that his lence in America. parents owned in Los Angeles. His grandfather, an Crenna'a l'ole is primarily that of host-narrator. Italian immigrant, bought the first hot.el after a He is rarely on the scene. when the stories are stint as a cOal miner in Colorado. MONDAY ·:ruESDAV WEDNESDAY JH.URSD~ ;f:RIQAY ·SATUIU>~~. APRIL I 2 3 "-7"1':111: BETSY MOUi.. TOH OUl81fol~ ~ 5 6 7 7,.M "PUt.l ' 9 lo AiiOReNO 1 ,. .. AeRIJNCHOUT 7P.M Ol 8ANTOS TAN.A P'ALlQATlP Of VOUA llOHNET'' ' QM YOUR C"1l..O 11 A,M. THE A OAZZUHO SOllU TAllLA FAl..lGATTt1'. I .... ''()()()KING Q.ASS'" ' GllOWN MINC£. Of ~~r:r-~v LE OOf!DON 91.EV lllUIC>AV PW'!TY EETIUCINL TflAINEO 12 13 I S TPM. 16 TP.M. 17 CIA~ Hfil8ER ' t,te~Tff!a HUOt1~ , a f'ESTAURAlfT f<Xll>~ I i•J • I }lth.l•lLtllHll' • i.oe. •I tll U•t N , • -. > ~ I ·, I -I I -........ N Cl) O> -ri 'Inside AIDerica ' < i slates ABC debut 't: u. ci By JEFF PARKER 0 0( ttle 0.-, "°' ..... -J "Inside ~rica," an innovative, one-hour ~ ries that will provide "useful'' information, will - debut April 4 on ABC, with the following useful .2 topics explored: a behind-the-scenes look at "The a: Love Boat;'' a public opinion poll on who iB sexier -Burt ~ynolds or Tom Selle<:k; an interview with Rex Reed who will pick the worst movies of 1981 ; and a poll of celebrities who will say which of the Ten Commandments they would drop, if they could drop.one. ~e're looking forward to the whunstcaJ, less utilitarian side of this new show . . . , Perry Como will be joined by televtSlon star Ann Jillian, Charo and 12-year old Mexican singer Pedrito Fernandez for "Easter in Guadalajara," set for broadcast April 3. The musical spe<:ial celebrates Easter and the splendor of Mexico. Highlight of the show will be Como's rendition o f "Hot Diggity Dog," accompanied by 120 Mariachis ... Rock and Roll legend Chuck Berry will make a spe<:tal guest appearance in "National Lampoon's Class Reunion," which is now being filmed. Berry and his band will perform a musical sequence in the zany show, which was written by John Hughes and directed by Michael Miller . . Singer/actor Rick Springfield, who stars as Dr. Noah Drake on "General Hospital" and had the hit song, "I've Done Everything For You," had only nine days off during 1981, according to ABC pu- blicists. "Pr~ure?" he asked. "It's no pressure for me. I adapt. ~ut mostly it's a love of what I'm doing." A typical Springfield work schedule in- cludes filming "General Hospital" two to four times a week, then flying off for Friday, Saturday and Sunday night concerts. He also writes his own music . CALL FOR YOUR FREE GUEST PISS • AEROBIC CLASSES • LOCKERS • WEIGHT TRAllNG • JACUZZI • SHOWERS • SAUNA THE GIRLS GYM l Tttal Pltlttt ....... Fer W._. lllr UI• 4111414 RICK SPRINGFIELD ... w ho is Dr. Noah Drake of "General Hospital," had only nine days off during 1981. Of John Be lushi. ABC correspondent Bob Greene had this to say: "lt wa~ said that the 70s were a t ime with no heroes. The 50s had Elvis Presley. the 60s had the Beatles, but the 70s were supposed to have nobody.•That was wrong, though, in a way, because Belushi and the cast of 'Saturday Night Live' -Dan Aykroyd, Bill Murray -they became the Beatles of the '/Os in terms of popula- rity. To a whole generation who couldn't relate to a Bob Hope or a Milton Berle or a Sid Caesar, here were people they could laugh with and under- stand ... " VIDEO RENTALS AID SALES All URIE SCREEI TV'S ' ' AKAi VIDEO CISSETIE RECORDERS r--------······--·------·~ I GOOD POI I ! 1 f Ill RINT AL i 1 with r.ntol of any 1 : Video C:O...tt• : : of equal or I'"'"' value. 1 1 l 1!11tt I ,,., c~1omer I I E•pwet 4·8·82 t ~-----------------------·· WlllWIYDW.. Ollll1'1I ...... 1n1.uu 11 am Production has begwi in the south of France on "Land's End to Land's End," a comedy-adventure televiiion movie. The story involves four Americans who was defennined to be heirs to the throne of tiny Glendora. situated along the Mediterranean. The king's possible successors must compete in a series of qualifying contests and the first person to complete them satisfactorily wUJ be named king or queen ''Tales of the Brass Monkey" is also in pro- duction in Hawaii and Los Angeles. It is an action tale set in 1938 in the backwater corner of the 3 South Pacific populated by merchants, ~ts;Ji-. -Fese&; pM9'8 anci other eelorfttl types" & e-• - Cutter. an American expatriate who carries pas- sengers and cargo through the tre¥herous island chain in a Grumman Goose. No broadcast date has been set ... AJex Karras and Susan Clark are set to star in ''Maid in America,'' a television comedy for CBS that tells the story of a liberal attorney accused of sexual discrimination by an unemployed worker. Her refusal to hire him for a job leads to a discri- mination charge and eventually brings them into each other's lives . . . In celebration of Passover , "For Our Times" will air a specially commissioned cantata based on the Old Testament story of Dav1d and Bathsheba. The program stars the Metropolitan Opera soloists and was written by Joe Darion and Ezra Laderman. It Is set for April 2 at 3 p.m .... Arnold Schwanenegger, the ex-professional bodybuilder. says it's a coincidence that he should be playin~ Jayne Man sfield's husband, Mickey Hargitay, in "The Jayne Mansfield Story" set for April 27. Mickey, it turns out, was one of Arnold's idols as a boy. Hargitay was a former Mr. Universe and was one of Schwarzenegger's inspirations to go into bodybuilding as a career. ''The champions in bodybuilding were double heroes," he said. "Not only d id they excel in the incredible sport, but many of them used their experience and fame as a springboard into movies. politics and business. 1 had similar goals." ... John Schneider and Catherine Hicks will star in "Happy Endings," the television movie about to lovers who come together after disastrous affairs with other people. Newest most ... Come m for free demonstration Bul{nuinc 2121 W. W1n1r, I.I. corner of Fairview a. Warner Letters Backus alive and kicking BACKING BACKUS -Please tell me If Jim Backas is dead. I've beard be passed awa1. from a lriend, bat didn t see It In tbe papers. _.No news is good news. The 69-year-old actor· is very much among the living and is scheduled to co-star with Jerry Lewis in an upcoming film project. SELLECK SLOT - I'm havin't a major dis- pute with my brother aboat Tom Selleck'• ha- ving been a semi-regular on "Tbe Rockford Flies." He played tbe private eye wbo was kind of a jerk, but al- ways solved Jim '1 cases. Please tell my brother I'm right. Your brother should have remembered Sel- leck's portrayal of Lance Whi te, who appeared occasionally as Jim's stumblin g but ever - successful fellow P.l. on ''The Rockford Files" du.ring its last season. ln fact, it was that role that clinched him for the part of Magnum. INK SPOTS -Wbat was tbe name of tbe old clown jamp oat of tbe ink bottle at tbe be&ln- n in g of eaclt Install- ment? It'• a real old one that I used to see on TV wben I was little. ·-Appropriately enough it was called "Out of the Inkwell," an animated series created in the '20s WordGaine by Max Fleischer. You probably saw it on TV as part of a syndicated children's series in the '50s. Send your letters to Pepper O'Brien, United Feature Syndicate, 200 Park Avenue, Room 602, New York, N. Y. 10166 • Fl LL lt.J THE Mt>SING LETTER'S ltV IHt ''IV WORDS" BELOW. J G IGA IRI IEI I IP! ILi k:I I ~T'-.1..-...J~ IRIOI I IS I 6l 1 l6E I I ''[>'Lfl'(~v IAIDIAIMlsl IRI 1 I I ~~' ~ ~EM~~NJGE THE l.£TT€fZS You FILLED ltJ lo S"Pf;Ll IHE NAM€ ~ A M<Jlle ~ ft/ AC1'D~ : ~ l llll l lDJ ~~ cartoon serial tbat bad a L------------------- TV Puzzle ACROSS 1,4 Shown, plays the Bartender on Loveboat 9 -People Play 11 Plays Titus on Flamlngo Road 12 Actor Hingle 13 -Act of Murder 14 Smoothed 15 Buchwald or Carney 16 Peter - 18 Infantryman, for short 19 Fall 21 -Newhart 22 Abie's glrl 2A Dick or Susannah 26 Reverend on Taxi 27 Nela.llbor or Wisc. 28 Shade of green. for short 29 Arctic 30 Nightly TV staple 33 The lpcreaa - 35 Kin Shriner role 38 -People 40 -the World Turns 41 Savalas role '3 The -of Consent 44 Role on Love, Sidney 47 Irma -Douce 48 Hellln or Johnson 49 Plays Ray on Dalles 50 Sophia 52 Plays Chachl 53 Guinness title 3 Let's Make a - 4 -, Sidney 5 Fearful wonder 6 Fabray, to friends 7 Morris and Evlgan 8 Albert or Fisher 9 Plays Monahan on Quincy 10 Stuck-up person 11 Frank Bonner rote 12 Tablet 17 Mr. O'Neal's sign.of! 20 The -Is Right 22 Horseman 23 Odd Couple role (ab.I 25 Dianne - 26 Ponch's pal 29 -Trovatore 31 Played MCCioud 32 Cosmos host 33 Actor Peter and famllv 34 Role for 1 Across 35 -Heatherton 38 Mr. John's lnslgne 37 Played Lucy 39 Nlmoy, to pals 41 Dundee wear 42 Max Smart's foes 45 Numero - 46 -Patrol 51 Neighbor of Conn. ............................................... ~ 0 A KITCHER .SO FAUllFU our friends will hate i OPEN THUR. TILL 9 PM - "Tl ... 0.: ID ~ f U · -0 ('I CD O> -"" Daytime =c ~ ~ ~ Mark goes on ~ drinking spree -_g By LYNDA BIBSCB Q. ALL MY CHILDREN: Having decided to get to Ne w York as soon as possible, Jenny returns to work at Foxy's. When Greg walks in and aees her being manhandled he steps in, but Jenny tella him to mind his own business. Learnirig Brooke haa left town, Opal plans to try and snag Tom. Telling Betay he's not ready for marriage, Rick suggests they tell everyone they both changed their minda so she can save face. Betsy agrees ar.d goes back to Vermont with her family. Having apllt with Brandon. Erica falls into K ent's bed and leaves a meaaage for Brandon. When he calls back she makes certain Kent answers the phone. Kent tells Erica he knows she's using him, but doesn't care at the moment. Erica frant.ic when she th.inks her ploy to regain Brandon has pushed him away. Chuck aaka Melanie to move in with him. Denied tenure, Mark goes on a drinking spree. ANOTHER WORLD: In liquor s tore, Bob shoots and kills Wtllie, who was preparing to shoot Larry as he reloaded his gun. Bob tells Henrietta he will stoy aeel.ng Quinn. but inslde he stUl desires Quinn. Obtaining loan from Stephen, Ed leaves town. Rachel telected to rep~t United States at international congress of sculptoOJ in New York. A.lice and Stephen postpone marriage until June. Renowned director Victor Strang arrives to work on Jamie's movie and tells Julie afie'd be perfect for the production. Living at the Cory mansion while Sandy gets his own apartment, Cecille gives Mayor Stein incriminating evidence against Sandy and B~ Mac plana to run for mayoral office. AS THE WORLD TURNS: Miranda, kidnapped by Mr. Big, manages to eacape and runs to Bob Mr. Big find.a them both but disappears when the French police arrive and return Miranda to prisln. Not believing Gunnar ia h1a cousin, Jame1 orders Stan to find out everythl.ng about Gunnar's put. Barbara 'a vision.a of the pest are starting to parallel the pre9e11t. Maggie throws a petty and beta Steve he can't steal Barbara's neddaoe, He doe., and then places the jewelry in Matt'• pocket, where it is ~ cated by a stunned Matt. St.eve'• pri1.e ia a trip to Nassau with Maggie. Thi.n.Jdng a wife's place ls at home, Nick axes~ u the restaurant's manager. John warns Karen that Jeff will always care for Annie. A frightened Margo is surrounded by thugs she earlier encountered during patrol with Capt. Stryker. CAPITOL: Unlike everyone elae in D.C., Trey Oegg is upeet about the return of three-year POW Tyler McCandless. Tyler's mother Clartma is thril- led that he's returned safely, but fean for him if he throws his hat into the politJ.cal ring in an attempt to take over Trey's congressional seat. Julie bro- kenhearted when she goes to the airport to greet Tyler and diacovers Sloane Denning, a new1 re- port.er and daughter of Sen. Mark Denning, swoo- ning all over Tyler. Gordoh -posing u Lawrence Barrington -heads to D.C. with a~ Julie NEW FOLKS IN TOWN -Constance To- wers portrays Clarissa McCandless, and David Mason Daniels is her son, Tyler, re- turning Air Force hero ready to embark on a political career, in "Capitol," a new daytime series on CBS (Ch. 2) weekdays at 1:30 p.m. and pJana for a successful but devious lifestyle. Clariasa's 900 Wally is beaten by bookies and taken to the hospital, where his brother Thomas examines him. Unaware that he is suffering from internal injuries, Wally takes off. He contacts his sit.er Gil- lian and Gillian and Thomas head for a D.C. ghetto area in aearcb of Wally. Thomas, who is paralyzed from the waist down, and Gillian are attacked by a gun-toting thug but manage to escape. DA VS OP OUR LIVES: Jake discovers a se- cret pMl8l9 ln the Demeara wine cellar and deddes it would be a perfect hiding place while he waits to strangle Renee. Jake has Renee tn his dutches, but Tony llCBlft him off without learning his identity. Marlena believes the strangler's problems are se- xual Melilsa refuaes to live with Linda or Alex. Joshua and Jemie aware that they love one another. DOCTORS: Leaming Nola's pregnant with his child, Billy dro~ the custody suit for Lee Ann and ten. Natalie he U sto_p b~ her. Luke and Nalalie elope. Theo's love for Greta might cost her her position at hospital and create havoc with her divorce proceeding. Nola vows to get even with Natalie for pushing Barney out of the Medicine Man. Althea upeet when Jeff seems to be taking over from Mike at the trauma unit. EDGE OF NIGHT: With Raven still in jail, Calvin feels guilty for hLs part in sham. Smiley is set to poee as hanging judge out to get Raven. To degrade Raven further, Mitzi, thrown into jail, poses aa a hooker. Back in Monticello, Jodie haunted by memory of stranger exiting her late mother's room. While visiting Derek in hoepital, Jinx growa weaker and Derek deckles the time to marry la now. Sky ahowa up at Val'• door, tella her he'• the real Sky WWitney and aaka her helJL to prove his story. A confused Val does not know what to do. GENERAL HOSPITAL: As Luke and Laura T walk along the waterfront, a mysterious hand grabs Luke and throws him into water. David re-kidnaps Laura T and hypnotizes her to make her forget hia plan. Scorpio saves L uke from drowning. Mel warns David he'll back out of plan if Laura is hurt, but David says there are othe.r ways to steal the art objects. Lila unaware that the art show she is planning is object of David and Mel's desires. Anne prepares to take her claim against Bradshaw'&' malpractice to medical board. She later backs out but he is-w\aware of it after getting information - from Heather and prepares to put Anne on report. Growing closer to Jackie, Scorpio ties to ditch Tif- fany. Susan arpalled when she heaJS Alan plans on moving out o their love nest in order to obtain di- vorce from Monica. Spike apprehended as thief of sports center money. Johnny plans exhibition fight to raise more funds, but Dernley tells Scotty he wants Johnny stopped. GUIDING LIGHT: The B-52.s and Judy ColliM appear at Wired for Sound. Amanda stunned when the "Business Day" magazine interview Hope gave comes to print. Everyone is shocked at the newa that Alan has seemingly escaped from Hampton Gorge prison while Mike was traveling as his decoy. Mark and Amanda embrace and he admits he loves her, not Vanessa. 'At a stockholder's meeting the· next day, Amanda says that she is taking over as president and all, including Mark, tum their backs on Amanda. Carrie, Wl8ble to control her second personality, meets with Chuc.k Boland and taks him home with her. As Prof. Taylor is in the lab, in- truders break in, knock him out and make away with several stones. ONE LIFE TO LIVE: El>erhart takes Beau and Mimi captive in order to atop the solaramite project. Dorian. posing as a lady of the evening, manages to find out about Eberhart'• business. Suddenly he realizes that she is a "spy" and nearly does away with her, but Asa appears at the last minute. Ju- piter Enterprises is really a front for an oil carte) which wants to stop the solaramite pi:oject. Tony kisses Pat, then flees, informing Vicki he wants nothing, not even his Jove for Pat, to stop him from the solaramite development. Larry returns with no explanation for hia mysterious disappearance, and Kipling operates on Larry, programmning him to steal. Aatrid turns down Marco's continued sug- gestion that they get to know each other better. RYAN'S HOPE: Charlie stops a drunken Ox from revealing to Roger and Jane Ox's relationship with Jane; Jane thinks they're divorced when they're really not, and Roger ls unaw,are that Jane was ever married. Charlie recogni7.es some hit men that are after him and Ox and manages to get Maeve to hide them. At Roger's bachelor party, Charlie spots several of the hit men looking ln at the reception. Dee decides to aurprflle ~one at the party and does so when she pops out of Roger's cake in a scanty outfit. At Jack's request. Joe agrees to see Alexi once more, but again refuses to take over his Jegal business dealings. Alexi dies before he can tell Jack the story of the sale of the Woodbine building. However, Jack learns that the historic building has been bought by a man who intends to destroy it. Faith tells Pat that she will be a full-time volunteer at the free. clinic. SEARCH FOR TOMORROW: Dane· and Aja are frantic "(hen they cannot find Travis and Liza, and 9COUI' St. Kltta for the duo. They finally disco- ver the charred debris of Stoneman's yacht, the Barracuda. Left behind in a farmho\.we by Dane IO that she wiU not be hurt, Sunny tries to escape. fine stat&ery 2823 east coast highway 675-10 I 0 cmna 001 mar 0 Kelly's injury is the real thing • By LYNDA HIRSCH That bandaged arm that J ohn Wesley Shipp (Kelly, "Guiding Light") is sporting is the real thing. Seems John accidentally put his hand through a pane of glass and needed s urgery to reconnect some severed tendons. He had to be worked around for two days of shooting, and when he returned, his bandaged arm was inserted in the storyline by having various characters ask him how his arm was and what happened. CLABE BARTLEY (Mike McClure on "Search for Tomorrow") seems to have been caught in the middle of a struggle by SFT to keep its players under contract no matter what. Clabe first came on in a non-contract role. Then ABC's "All My Chil- dren" wanted to sign him. When the ''Search for Tomorrow" people heard about this, they offered him a two-year contract. Well, three weeks into the contract Clabe found himself in St. Kitts, the exotic "Search for Tomorrow" location setting which took them from CBS to NBC. In that location, Clabe's character was killed off. Evidently a major character was suppo- sed to be killed off in St. Kitts and the "Search" people weren't certain who they wanted to get rid of. When Mike pro. ved popular with the audience, Clabe then was considered "major." Unfortunately, it seems the AMC role has gone to someone else and Clabe is without a soap opera job, although he is looking for other acting jobs and would like to stay in &ytime. SFT was his first dramatic role. Prior to that he ran a successful art gallery in California. YES, CHRIS B ERNAU is coming back to "Guiding Light." Chris, who took a three-month break from his Alan Spaulding character, reappears April 9. THERE WAS A stunning announcement on the "As the World Turns" set a few days ago. Mary Ellis Bunim told cast members that the show might move to California in October and she wanted to know immediately which ·performers would agree to move out with it. It seems that the performers' contracts do mention that the point of production for "As the World Tums" may change. But actors are only to respond over notice of a move, not the chance of one. People are buzzing as to why the announce- ment was made; some feel it was to shake up the cut, since 1everal actors have filed a complaint with AFTRA concerning working conditions on the show. '(Many are upeet about overtime.) According to a Procter & Gamble spokesman, they are con- sidering a move to LA, but are not neceasarily ru- ling out New York. We understand that nearly half the actors have no intention of switching coasts. ••ONE LIFE TO LIVE" got the jump on "Capitol," the newest soae to join the daytime rank1, by going over to D.C. a week before "Capitol" premiered. ~ccordlng to producer Joe A NEW HOME -"Search for Tomorrow" cast members Gene Pietragallo (from left), Marie Cheatham and Lisa PelU.90 celebrate the show's move to NBC (Ch. 4) during a recent party at the Rainbow Grill in New York's Rockefeller Center. "Search" is now seen weekdays at 11:30 since leaving CBS. Stuart, th.is was a pure coincidence and the trip had been planned a long time in advance. However , certain CBS executives are not 90 ~-They recall that just before "Texas" premiered with lots of down-home scenes, "One Life to Live" did the same type of scene-stealing act by taking the viewers to "Texas" before "Texas" did. By the way, ''One Life to Live's" last half-hour will be up against "Capitol" in the ratings: and Stuart is never one to be complacent. He not only wants his show to be No. 1 in its time slot, which it is at p~t;· he wants it to be No. 1 in daytime. Q: I would Hie to bow wlao tile beawtihl ac- t re 11 ii wbo portrays Liia Qaartermalae oa "General Hospltal." Alld can yo. tell me If 1~e b1 been la aay movies? Sbe looks very familiar. - C.E., BaffaJo, N.Y. A: We agree that Anna Lee, the actress who plays Lila, Is gorgeous. She has been in many mo- vies, including "How Green Wu My Valley." She is married to easaylst Robert Nathan and has a daughter who started out as an actress and now is a producer. We are glad to see that GH is finally using this fine actress. Q. "On All My Cblldrea," Phoebe 11 Cbct Tyler'• (l'Udmotber. I bow ber cblldreo are Lha- colD ucr Aue. Wlto are Cll•ck Tyler'• motlier ud fatber? -N.E.T .• WllmJniton, Del. A. Phoebe's first husband Charles Tyler had a wife prior to Phoebe. He and his first wlfe had a son, Charles .Barton. Tyler. 'That IQn married and that marriage produCed Chuck Tyler. When Chuck was five years old his parents were killed in a plane era.sh. wile returning from Europe. By that time, ( l t"1(u, ~ '.D1"fu'f.iu E (!.~n./uU11y CCPAMIC ru 1 ll<Ol1UM WOYfH WOODS W"4LP~ SMITitAS W000 ~lCIOM MINI BLINDS 50% OFF 100% PLUSH NYLON CARPET & PAD INSTALLED From 16.95 Per Yard WE DISCX>UNT ~CE -NOT QUALm' {714) 842"3885 Uf.._.,,_ tlM1~"'"41NCl. > Charles' first wife had died and he had married 3! Phoebe Engliih. Phoebe alw'ays considered Chuck :2 to be her own grandchild and raised him from that o time. ~ < Q: I'm very confused on "Daya of Our Lives" 8 DOW tbat they've decided to cake Jake the stran- ~~e~l~::,e:i: ;~{ t~:~~Cfs '~!!e&:eb~h~;=~~~dc:: ~ murders would be pinned on. Was anyone else ever ~ supposed lo be tbe perpetrator of these crimes? -> M.l>., Campbell, ObJo. _ ~ ~ A: Yes. In the beginning, Stuart Wyland, as "' played by Robert Alda, was to be the guilty party . however, when writer Pal Falken Smith came onto <O the show, she decided it would be far more inter-~ esting to have Jake the murderer. If Stuart Wy- land, who was already banished to prison, was the strangler, then there would be no more murder and mayhem, but if there was a strangler in the midst of the Salem population, one whom the audience was aware of but the characters were not, it would make for an exciting storyline. We're not certain of all the reasons to pick Jake as the chosen one, but we would assume it was a way of putting a little more tragedy into Jessica's life, since he's her fi.ance, and to give Joshua a chance of getting to- g~ther with Jessica. Also, with Jake strangling Mary, this made room for Phyllis, Mary's mother~ and Linda, at one time married to Mary's father Bob Andenon, to retwn. We happen to agree with Falken Smith's choice for the strangler. Q: 11 15-year-old Doag McKeoD ("Oa Golden Pond") aay relation to Nancy McKeon of "Facts of Life" aad Pblllp McKec»D of Alice?" -J.B.W., Saffena, N.Y. A: Nancy and Philip are sister and brother, but no-relation to Doug. Doug d oes have a younger .$1Ster who does many conunercials and modeling. By the way, Dp~"*y~ the chaf'acter of Timmy on "Edge of Night ' when he was rune y~ old. We recall visitl.ng the set and seeing Doug having the time of his tile playing catch with the cast and crew in between shots. At that time he was considered a favorite of just about everyone on the show, and we understand he's kept that down.to-earth attitude. Q: Wiiy OD eartb did yoa c1Laa1e tbe IODI OD "A• dlie World Tanl1?" I Ja1t lovea bearlllg tlaat aoa1. It wa1 beaatlfal. To me wt 1ca1 1ymboU1ed ever}'11ala1 Ute 1&ery wu tboet. Now ~ jlved1P venloa la awfwl. Wiiy don't yoa pwt back tbe orf- gbW toe? -J .S., Colorado Sprlll11, Colo. A: Honestly, we have nothing to do. with the music or anything that goes on on any of the soap operas -aometimes we wish we did. As for the new tune, logo and storyline on "As the World Tums," CBS, which televises the show, and Procter & Gamble, which produces it, decided to sp~ it up, and they fett one way was to have new music to herald the beginning of the show. They did the same for "Guiding Light" and "Sear ch for Tomorrow." It was a1lo f~t that the show needed to be brought "into modem times." We don't know if the steamy-sex storyline does that; It was tried be- fore and didn't work all that well. As for the new music, learn to live with it. It's doubtful that the old tune will ever come back. ~- Have a question about your favorite soap or soap scar? Write to Lynda Hinch, c/o Field New- gpaper Syndicate, P.O. Box 19620, Irvine, Calif. 92714. Sh#I wUl azvwer as many que.tiolu as she can 1n her oolumn,, but the volume of mail makes penoM1 teoliftl Jmpoaible. Qullt I . i I I 36 N c:o O> .... c-i ;:: Q. < >; "' 't:> "t: u. ~ _J ~ -£ 0: .. • tt - • Labot'&t011ee ror ~ eervtoe at each br&neh • Sa.me~ •rvtoe 1n ma.ny caaee • Blfooala only tl~ add1t1on.al • Bauach ti Lomb eoft. oont&ct. lenaee only •es pr. • KZDI-OAL aooepted ttunttnaton leach 7070 Ec31no-Ave. (ot Golden West) 842·3133 Newpotf leach -.. Plozo Newport Shp. Ctr. 752-5636 SGnklA/to f:IJ6 W. 17 542-3571 STE RU IVG fJP11CAI... AN IPCO COAIPANY ·' Fullefton 500 N. HQ(bof Blvd. ( ot Chapmon) 870-7441 Anahetm 1205 N. 'Euclid Ave 744-3300 ······i.·t•••······-············ . ; eekender •April 2, 1982• Y<H'I{( (J\1111.1·11.,(.l !l)f. lt)t)l\.\'.\.(,l.t .! l.\:--i; !Jl\l l\',11 :','1 The Kingdom of Danci.ng Stallions, Orange County's newest entertainment • Kingdom of Dancing Stallions to open By SANDIE JOY Of .. Dmlr ........ Talk about living Uke an animal. Nearly three.doze".' bea~1ul, aristocratic, pampered, highly educated a ons are moving into a multi-million dollar M~-type palace up • in Buena Park. Specifically, they're being set up in what is called the Kingdom of Dancing-Stallions, a 1avtsh $10 million entertainment center whoee ornate ar- chitecture is patterned after the Alhambra Palace in Spain. Constructed on 6 ~ acres at 7662 Beach Blvd., the center Includes a 1,400-seat indoor show arena decorated with draped velvet ceilings and 12-foot cryatal chandeliers. There's also a solid brass stabling area with imported Italian tile flooring. Focal polnt of the inner courtyard of the stabling area is a large stone fountain imported from Mexico. And, that's not all. The complex also Includes an Antique Carriage Museum with a million-dollar collection of fully restored horse drawn carriages from all over the world. The collection is housed in an area decorated with imported ceramic tiles designed in Italy spec- ifically for the new entertainment center. Residents of these opulent quarters are to be 32 magnificent purebred White Spanish Dancing Stalllons. The stallions are Andalusians, forerunners of the famed Lipizzans, and they're being moved to Buena Park from Spain. Mexico and Australia. What is happening, explained Conine Sidney, a spokesman foe the Kingdom of Dancing Stall.Iona, is creation of Orange County!a newest permanent entertainmen( attraction which is to have ita grand opening ::~115. The ·ona, known throughout the world for their beauty and ~ perf<>rJni.na_abWdes,.am to perform a n a lavishly produced abow featuring CXJetumed group and solo production numbers dis- playins their unique talents. The show will utilize internationally famous m~c to whkh the stallions dance. Before and after performances, guests are welcome to vilit the stallions' lMng quarters where each of 22 ata11s la to display the atallkin'• ancestry on a 8Cl'Oll. Th~ pediP.'ees each go back aix generations, Ma. Sidney saJd, and even the hones that are from Australia and Mexico can trace back just two gen- erations to Spain. The White Spanish Dancing Stallions, Anda- lusians, were the first hones to inhabit the Western Hemisphere, Ms. Sidney explained, havin& been brought here by the Spanish conquistadores when they invaded the New Wocld. Hundred.a of yean ago, the Andaluaianl were trained as war lnatrwnenta with their movements' devised to protect the rider from oncoming hones, arrows; knives and spears. "When the horse wouM leap up," Ms. Sidney said, "it was to kick the bone and rider approaching from behind ... She added, "It really was a two-man defending team with the horse working as much as the rider. So, he was not used meref y as a means for the 10ldier to get around. He was not just the wheels, but really a partner, keeping them both alive." -The Andaluaians are famed "for beihg able to leap into the air and become parallel with the ~ at beighta of 10 and 12 feet. . It takes many years to train the atallions. Ms. Sidney explained. Born black, by the time theee hones reach 7 or 8 yean old, they have become pure white. 'Their training doesn't start until they are 3 or 4 years old, she said, and that's quite a bit older than when training begins for the average horse. The reason, she said, is because the kind of things the stallions do require extremely well de- See Stallions. Page 4 N CD O> T"" "We've come along way over the past 30 years in business ... and we still off er the - finest in men's classics ... the styles you can hank your money on. Now -we've added ladies traditionals. Browse the attic sale room .. and throughout Pat Marley's you '11 also discover the finest in antiques, original oils, . bronzes and wood -~-~ ''Sam, I co uld hardly believe P ar Marley's limited-edition Bronzes b y Bill Hald! There's even a bronze eagle with a 6 ft. win spread.' ,. -~J • I -~5 E~T ('();'ST HIGHWAY • COROSA OF.I. MAR, f'.\. • 675-IR5'1 ·------ .. • CREDl.T CARDS ACCEPTED L • Art Co ver art goes on block P aintings off er Orange County history By STEVE MARBLE "The feeling was that the cover OflM Delly~ ...., . • should say something about Orange A collection.of 50 _pam~ wed on _ C~ B&§om~.llm~JI w~_had .J,Q -rtf~ covt!'fs orHOw a eTffnct\Jrange settle for more universal themes County illustrated during the maga-fjaintings that had an Anywhere' zine's 19-year lifespan have been put SA feel to them." ' up foe sale at a C.Orona del Mar art Muller says the moat money ever gallery. put out for a painting waa $250. For shop proprietor and art collec-"After a while," Muller not.es, 0 we tor Jerome M~ller, the sale ta an had artists by the ton calling us. Some emotional expenence. were willing to pay ua to get on the Muller, editor and art director of cover." the magazine off and on for nearly a In 1979, the magazine changed its dozen years, selected many of the co-format -reportedly on the advice of ver paintings, commissioned others a New York-hued busiftess asaociate and fell in love with a couple along -and began using photographs on the way. the cover. "It's going to be like losing a bunch Muller contends this is what killed Jerome Muller and art collection ... .......... ..,'-...... of children," the bearded owner of the magazine. He says that witho~ t~e Museum Shop, 2754 E. Coa~t the original cover paintings, the p6- Highway, sugg~: . blication lost its identity. The cover P8:11'.tmgs. a pnvate but The magazine suffered along for frequently exhibited collection until another two years and finally died in now, illua~~ familiar 9Cenes like the 1981. Balboa Pavilion, the.old Up~.r Ne~-Ironically, Muller says, publisher port 1!:9Y salt works and a string of oil Killingsworth had commissioned a wells ln Huntingto~ Beach. new painting and was preparing to More than 40 arusts are represent-switch back to the original cover for- ed in the collection, which Muller mat just weeu before the magazine says has been badly eroded over the folded yean by former magazine workers "Without the paintings on the w~ wanted to ~eave ~e publication cover," Muller says, "the magazine with a 80U~eni.r. m thell' hands,· was just like all the others and that The artists include the lakes of mistake was reallz.ed too late" B~lboa !a~orite Rex Brandt, Phil ' Muller, in looking back ~h the Dike, V1rg1l Part<:h, George James collection, claima the palnthigs offer a ~~~believes some of the artists fa_ir slice of Ora~ge C9u~ty history may drop in his shop to buy bac.k their w11~h ~nly one ma pr on\ission. . · own w orks many of which were Disneyland. We never had a Dis- puf'chaaed by the magazine for as neyland cover," he explains. "We little u $100. wanted one and we tried aeveral times a.ck in 1962 when publisher James to have !irHsts ea~n~ one. But th~y KJllinpwo.rth cranked out the first never came out right. · Orange County Wuatrated, the origi-He says the typical cover painting na1 cover art waa designed to give the was light and airy -a picture of kids monthly magazine a New Yorker flying kites from a mustard-colored Magazine flavor. See Paintings. Page 11 'The Michigan , by Rex Brandt 'Balboa, by Rex Brandt He wanted to do 1nore than paint By JODI CADENHEAD O(tfteo.lly ....... George Bemique was riding in the car with his wife last fall when he came across an article about Father Bruce Ritter's shelter for child prostitutes in New York's Time Square. The 68-year old Newport Beach artist and former antique dealer wept. He malled a check to the C.Ovenant House immediately. But somehow that didn't seem like enough. He wanted to do something else. Something that would m~an "using ,·:hatever juice of life I have leh." For Bemique that could mean only one thing. Paint. In the laat few months the lmpreaionist has been workina at a feverish pace to prepare for the April 4 benefit auction at the Newport Beach home of Jack and Nancy C.Oldweli In his own way Bernlque la u original as any one of his gay color-fulled pastoral paintings of people and places long ~· Women with bright ikirta and par.-wadinc th.rough a field of flowen. Two young girls in flo.. wln1 akirta talking l>n a river bank. One canvu after another buratina with freahly cut flowers. Olarmlna, efferve.cent and at.olutely endea- ring, Beml.que 8eeml to beloni to the time of his painlinCI when life eeemed alower, simple UW IO- mehow enjoyable. "I try to paint a happy picture,'' explained BemJque ... Otherwble I'd vindlcace my nature. I low beauty in all fonna," Vt1lto ra are a maaed to le.rn t he field ......... Mllfr. . two, the splash of flowers a few hours time. The young girl 1elling flowers in the town square was finished In two days. But Bemique is careful to explain that three out of every four paintings he starts are scrat- ched and must be completely redone. "I'm a mediocre painter," says Bemique with a touch of modesty. "But nevettheleas I'm a perfectionist." Before his retirement seven yeare ago, Bemi- que considered himself merely a "Sunday painter." Off and on through hls yean as a successfu l antique dealer in Paris, Los Angeles and Newport Beach he had dabbled in the creative profession .. But the life of a starving artist was never Bemique'1 iloaJ. Now be paints seven days a week. ''It's an obeelaion.'' he says, his eyes twinkling. "People ask me all the time il I enjoy painting. To tell you the truth I really don't know." His harshest critic ii his wife Mildred, who at 76 con tinues to be a very active and 1ucceuful lntedor decorator. . Moel of hia paintinp are sold almoat hnme- dlately. They range between $100 and $900. Often he la told his works reeemble paintingl by Monet ot Renoir. Bemtque takes such remark.a u unde.erved compliments, •ying it w11 never b1a intention to copy the faroow ~ IDlll'1enl. ''To s-on a feellna ol emotion ia the test of art," aid Bemique. "Unfortunately I have not at- tained that yet." The auction f« the chUd ~tute ahel• wUl ·~Mll~INllll>'\ .~ <fit:m. .. .. - ·-- 4 ~ . . .. Sti,llions ~ From Page 1 c-i veloped mU9cleJ. = An ~can give the peak performance Ci of its life w~ k II 16 or 20 years old, an age, she < explaineci, 'that not horses probably don't even >. live to •• ~ The • .,..... Andalusian life span is 30 years. -.:: Breed-continues even today, Ms. Sidney ~ said, to refi8e and get the lines with the most cou- ~ rilge and ., they not only are physically beautiful "g but ha~t~ht-apirit and personality:-- - GI "The horses are bred to want to d o these ·i things," she said. ~ The movements the stallions use today are used _ purely for entertainment. but all originated on the !2 battlefield. 0:: One particularly showy part of the stallions' training is called the Capriole (airs above the ground). That's where they leap high into the air in eight different movementa. The perfonnances alao will include a demon- stration of the intricate 12-honle quadrille as well as a dignified and highly skilled production of the Pas de Deux, informative training sessions and even comedy ~smenta. The Kingdom of Dancing Horses i.s owned and operated by internationally famed horsewoman Edith Evans, who bas prodUced ahows in Sydney, Australia, and Mexico City similar to the ones she'll present here. She's bred, trained and performed with the White Spanish Dancing Stallions since she was a young girl in Big Sprinp, Texas. From the age of 12, she lived in Mexico City where her father was a cattle rancher and hone breeder. Along the way, she was star performer for three years with the Royal Lipizzan Stal.lions. , And, more than that. she's reputed to be the first female bullfighter ever admitted to the Mata- dors Union in Portugal. Ms. Evans has killed more than 400 bulb, ac- cording to Ma. Sidney, in a bullfighting career that spanned the late '60s and early '70s. - Eight years ago, she retired from bullfighting U se Answer /ltl se rvice when placing your ad ... a Daily Pilot ad number w i ll appear in your cl assified ad . we take your messages 24 hours a day ... you call i n a t your c onveni en ce during office hours and get the responses to your ad ... th is service is only $5 .00 w eek. For more informa- t ion and to place your ad ca 11 642-5678. A charm1ng little iJog joins the magnificent white Spanish dancing stahion.s at The Kingdom of the to once again concentrate on training and perfor- ming with hones. All 32 of the Andalusians to be performing in the Buena Park show were personally trained by Ms. Evans, who has shown horses all over the world. ''There probably i.s not a group of Andalusians in any other one place," Ms. Sidney said, "equal to the height of training that these are. "It's very unusual," she said, "to have 32 haute ecole stalµons together." Haute eoole is the high school level of training for hones, a.he explained. 'The riders ai.o have to be trained, she added, and trained just as well as the horaes. In the spectacular performances planned for the Buena Park complex, the riders will wear cos- tumes especially designed for them by master costumers in Hollywood and Spain. And, said Ms. Sidney, ~ach piece of tack (saddl~. bridles, reins) You ''Aurd' Dancing Stalllons, Orange County's newest fa - mily en tertain.ment. was made by hand by artisans in tipain to specifi- cations for the show. The stallions now are in rehearsal for their shows, having moved into their new home this week. The Kingdom of Dancing Stallions, on Beach Boulevard near both the exits for the Santa Ana and Riverside freeways, is to be open year-round Crom 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Tuesdays through Sundays. The grand opening is May 15 but preview performances are to begin April 14. Performances are scheduled for 11 a.m. and l , 3 and 8 p.m. Tape cassettes are to be available in several languages for perfonnances as well as .a walking tour of the Antique Carriage Museum and the brass stabling area. General admission is to be $6 for adults, $4 for children 12 and under and senior citizens 60 and over. Reserved seating will be $8 per person. For more information, call K-1-N-G-D-O-M. Dri ve Into Spring . Orange County lntematlonal Auto REWARD! Anaheim Conwient.lon Centw April 21st thro 25th Oltc:ount ~ •••Mlt"8 .t: • llMy local OM..,.,_ • AJpN ... ''°'" • ,,..,., .. PllU . ~ .. ,.,,.,,.,.,. • H. Ut Aelt I Chlpe lf'l end tumMHldlnQ ~Count)' SponllOf«lbtf: MOTOR CAR DEAL.EAi AUOCtATION Of ORANGE COUNTY Produoldby~ To place your message before the readln1 public,' l>hOne Dally PUot Classified, 642·5678 If you can find a finer dlaplay of handmade gifts and collectables than wlll be offered at the annual Laguna Craft Guild Springtime Street Fair .. • ... Weavlnga, Ceramics, Jewelry, Pain- tings, Photographs, Sculpture, Stained Glass, Butterflles •nd much much more. La1una Craft Guilil Showinc: April 4, 1982, 10:00 a.m. to Dusk Location: On Forest Ave. in Laguna Beach • Family Easter Weekend Join us in the sun for a Funtastlc Easter Weekend. We have 348 oversized guest rooms, 4 restaurants and lounge, 27 holes of golf, 25 tennis courts and much more. The children will meet the Easter Bunny and the entire family can enjoy our sumptuous Easter Sunday Brunch. Room Reservations available for a 3-night minimum stay beginning Thursday, April 8 . • MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS EARLY -(714) 568-2727 .Marriott's RANCHO LAS PALMAS RESORT 41000 BOB HOPE DRIVE • RANCHO MIRAGE. CA 92270 Oz: (..) cc 0:::: a.. I-0 cc I e I . I ~-_... ::=.:::: -•' I >< C:CO''' al le ~ -49 dancers, singers and musicians -over 200 authentic costumes -religious & sacred ritu- a Is from Aztec to pre - Colombiam times -wide repertoire of re- gionar fiesta dances Saturday April 24 8:00 p.m. Irvine Bowl in Laguna Beach "In the area of showman ship, costuming, cho- reographic variety, pacing and audience relation, the group's credentials are unquestioned." -Los Angeles nmes ". . sold out. shoutmg. cheering performance . . unusually attractive, brightly costumed dan· ces ... mu~1cal group with virile singers. vir· tuoso trumpet players ... the audience virtually roared its approval." -Dance News TICKETS: $3~ Children Under 12 -half price For Information and reservations call 831~656 Monday-Friday 10-12 and 1-3 Presented by Saddleback College Community Services STARRING CHIRLEIE USE --.. • i~ - Music By JULE STYNE Bo?k By STEPHEN SONDHEIM pirected and Choreographed by JOHN SPINDLER ELABORATE EASTER BUFFET Served Pool-Side 9:30-3:00 ~~ ·~ And our Regular Champagne Brunch Served in the Mediterranean Room 9:30-3:00 and meet the Easter Bunny (with hts phototrapher) who will be handing out -R eggs to all the boys & girls. ~ ~· Airportet Inn Hotel 18700 MacArthur Blvd. nine 833-2770 BRUNCH WITH 1HE EASTER BUNNY The k1Js will luvc uur E.1Mc:r BuHc:c Brunt·h be~.1usc· 1hc l:Js1cr Bunny will be 1here (E.1s1er egJI. hant JI 11 :-\0 A.M .. ind I ~OP.M l You'll love 1c for the f,1bul11us llmty of rns ry spet1Jhit."l>. Cumplimenr.iry Ch.1mp.1gnc Ru.1s1 Baron of Bed Bake<l H am, Raisin Sauce Eggs &neJict Seafood Newburg Herring in Sour Cream An11p.1Sr11 .1nJ fresh Fruu S.1l.1Js Ham. Turkey .1nJ Beef Tip!> ~ l,1 Oeur ,~h Chilled Seafood M l)U!>SC in P.isrry - Ch icken Ch.is~ur Assorce<l Frerxh P.1Mries Hoc Cmss Bun~ And Mu,h, Much Mure Served in our magn 1f1<rnt {;r;1nJ 0.1llrovm; AJulrs SI .? ~O Children: $6.00. Or in the eleganc privaq of rhe Gr:rn<l Port.l,&..'t' Restaurant· Ad uhs S 14 50 Children $8.00 Concinuous enterr.1inmcnt Re ervariun.~ .1v,1il.1ble beginnin8 10 a.m. (..tll 751·tH 77 • R THE REGIS'FRY HOTEL t8800 MacArthur Bvulev.1rd, lrvint' 7)2-8777 1'ht• RC')ll\lf)' H11wl ( olfl"lfollMln, t).111.1,, Tc-..~ 5 "Tl .., a: CD ';< , J . i I 6 ; Personalities ----- ~'Just Kathy' now ~ ~ frontier marm ..: ~ By JEFF PARKER c ofho.itr ...... •'-" . _: Her face-ts now familiar to the millions of I watchers of the popular television series "Father ~ Murphy," but not so long ago, Katherine Cannon :§ was a litt)e girl prancing around her parents' dance a: studio in Laguna Beach. She went by '1just Kathy" then, and she was like a lot of oth~ girls in Laguna Beach -she liked the beach, the sun "and dancing. But one day she got up on stage as an actress, and it changed her life forever. "It was like coming home," she said. "The most exciting thing that ever happened to ~ I had al- AVERY SPECIAL DINING EXPERIENCE Award winning traditional Japanese cuisine and superb western-style specialties. Your favorite seafood, chicken, and steak. Delicate soups and deltghtful salads. Impeccable service in a most beautiful setting. Discover Yamato ... a very special dining experience. uamato Wf PIMISf fOI COOO CHlllSI 1001 WHCHIS • DINIS • TIOPICAl COCKT MS . ~ IAIQUIT FACIUllU ... cAflitNG * FOOD TO GO · • -.... 7DAfS I .,.. ... _ • ..o."'° "''~ "=· HJ..tl II , ....... --------- Ketherln• Cannon (left) In real llfe I• a beauty from Ulguna, but when 9he put• on her frontier drff• for her role In 'Father Murphy,' •h•'• achoolmarm Mae Woodward (right) with MGM• Gunn. ways fantasized as a child and loved movies. I was in awe over the emotions that an actor could induce in a viewer. As soon as I got on stage I started trying to do those things. I still am." As a child in Laguna Beach, there were a few important people around Cannon to help her get a good start. She worked with Doug Rowe of the then Laguna Theater, and with Judy Farrell. a drama instructor at Laguna Beach High School. "Judy Farrell encouraged me to get out on stage for the first time,'' she remembers. "I was 15. ·She got me into competitions with other high schools and colleges and got me connected with the local theater groups. ' "More importantly, she became my friend, as well as my drama teacher. My parents owned the Arthur Murray Dance Studio in town, so I had a knack for dance, but acting was a different thing .. Judy really was a big influence," she said. In "Father Murphy," Cannon stars opposite Merlin Olsen. She plays Mae Woodward, a school mann with a heart of gold who helps the former Rams lir.eman care for 20 orphaned children in a small country town The series, still in its first season, is running strongly, according to NBC. The network has picked up the show for another season, and pro- ducer Michael Landon has conceived some impor- tant changes for next season's episodes. As lt stands now, Mae and Father Murphy (he's not really a priest -he's just posing as one so he can help take care of the children) are 'Strictly platonic, but with the series' final episode this May, Murphy will blitz Woodward with romance and propose marriage. Then, together they'll make an end run around authorities who want to close their school and continue to provide love, shelter and a home for the orphaned children. "In the first season, the conflict was the con- See Just Kathy, Pa.ge 9 University of California. Irvine Comnittee for Arts presents THE NEW YORK STRING QUARTET AND FRIENDS with Claude Frank, P1antst Monday, April 5, 1982 8:30pm • Vill~ge Theatre Selecltons by Beethoven and Brahms General $10.00 and Students $4. Tickets & Reservations at the Fine Arts Box Office - 833-6617, for further Information call Commit- tee for Arts 833-6378 . 19JO W. COAST ll'WT • ..,Nl'l..,w-'l'Ol-,.t llAOI, CA• (114) 6J t.aoJ f ~ --·~---.... .__...........~ ----~---.----------._. ............. ----""'!'0~----.... --.................................................. ~~111!1!1111!1111 Bogart film f es ti val set "Here's looking at you, kid" and other immortal lines o f actor Humphrey Bogart will ring throug- hout the Balboa Cinema as it presents a film festival highlightmg his career on the silver screen. The festival begins Sunday. April 11 , with "Casablanca" and "Key Largo." Each of the double-feature offerings in the Bogey festival will be Sci-Fi Weekend is scheduled Science Fiction Weekend, an event fea~~ring guest spea kers. story com- peuttons. costume contests and sales of science fiction books, magazines, jewelry and other collectables, will be held in Irvine April 8-11. shown for three evenings. J ohn Huston's "The Treasure of Sierra Madre" and "The African Queen '' will be screened Sunday through Tuesday, April 18-20. "The Maltese Falcon" a nd "In a Lonely Place" will be shown April 25-27. And the Bogart festival will be capped by "The Big Sleep" and "To Have and Have Not." se.t ior May 2-4. The Balboa Cinema IS located at 709 E. Balboa Blvd . in Ne wport Beach. ~or show times or additional program mformauon, call 675-3570. tribes of sem1-barbanc warriors. Other guests include Forrest Ack- e rman, Bob Burns, Bob and Sody Clampett, Morris Scott Dollens, Do- rothy Fontana, Stephen Goldin, Ken Krueger, Walt Liebscher, Kathleen Sky, Karen Will.son and Ron Wilson .. Rooms for role-playing games and other activities will be set up and a costume contest will be h eld Satur- day. April 10. Science fiction and fantasy collectors wil! get a chance to The four-day event will take place peruse numerous sales booths open at the Registry Hotel and includes an Thursday through Saturday, April appearance by Robert Adams, authortt-0. of the "Horseclan" series of books on · · future WO ld "nhab"ted b d . or more information, call (213) r t ~ y wan enng 7-7947. ' 'Real . '---' ~ . Cantonese Fiii N rwport Slusic Cl!onstruatoru E:.celence '" Mwc Edl.cCl'IOt' fJianu ........... ~ Cmnr .... ,c-... vo1ce-vlOlin-flut8-9u1tar -~~--.1.M. dnctw Call 10< Brochure t57.0Jll Photos with Easter B1111y Bri~ your child to Hunti~ton Center for a free fun visit with the Easter Bunny. Photos only S2.88 an request. Daily 'til Easter. Ht here or take home & Sebastien Aubert "V" now Appearing Jason Chase SQ~~r .U\I W l'al•fi~ <. "1'1 H116l"-J\ 1lt"1 '41\llh ul ~wpon 111~.1 Nt'wft1111 lll-.1<.h K1:~·rv Jiit ",, r ... 12 UY~ a VOUVRAY • STHGA-drifte ~!12. r Distinctive Waterfront Dining Oyster Bar• Cocktails 333J W. Pacihc Coast Highway, N.B.• 642-2295 ·A TEXAN WITH ART COLLEaOR PAINTINGS FOR SALE O&llGINAL OILS by IYAN ANDERSON and· ERVIN DARAI fOl fULL DETAILS COllTAO UONAID UIDllWOOD 604 OU PAii DllYl UOWNWOOD, TIUS 76I01 (915) 646-7950 er 646-6110 (IUS.) ~olden ~~ ·-~~ Si{;;)ragon ·---. GENUINE CHINESE MANDARIN DISHES Specializing In Chinese A lo Corte Dishes . . _Lunch 01noer Oaib' • Food To Take Out 4715 Cb • OIAMel · ' 750-7171 • 750-SOff .. -~ ...... ,JOJJ....._ ... & COSTAMISA 642·7"2 • Ul·ttl t Tl'le G11nder is p1oud 10 announce tl'le serving ol Fresh Fish on Friday and Saturday evenings only Lightly breaded and grilled to a golden brown Only $4.45 Ca111orn1a S1y1e lopped w11h a mild Spanish Sauce and sliced tomato and avocado Only $4.95 Newpcn Beach t «00 PIC1llC Coatl Hwy Huntington e.ecil ~< C.11 Hwy SO 01 fllel" 7 ..... co CJ> N 8 i The business ... -------------------------------------- N . i Knott's will host ~ ~'Truth' road show .: -~ By GLEI'IN ~ c or..._.,..,,......,, .!l "Truth or Consequences," a show originator al Ralph F.dwards calls with pride "absolutely the ~ foundation" for all current audience participation -programs, will be staged this week at Knott's Berry .2 Fann. ~ Three shows a day will take place at the 2, 100-seat Good Time Theatre at 4, 6 and 8 p.m. Monday thrqugh Friday. The travelln~ road show featuring Bob Hilt.On as master of ceremonies will be part of the park's 6th Annual Country Fair festivities. Started in 1940 by F.dwards, "Truth or Conse- quences" has been a staple of listening and later viewing audiences for more than 40 yea.rs. It is no longer produced for television. But in a recent telephone interview from Miami, Fla., F.dwards and Hilton said the only dif- ference between the road show and the Hollywood version is a lack of cameras. The gags are the same, the audience partici- pation is similar and the same family-oriented tastefulness is there, .Edwards says, that allows the program to pull off jokes that other programs • couldn't. The production has been on the road for about a year, and Hilton, formerly of KHJ-TV's "Midmorning LA," said organizers are hoping to find backing to televise the program from its va- rious locations. .. --ct• Ralph .Edwards (left) and Bob Hilton of Truth or Consequences' at Knott's "Nothing bad again st Hollywood," Hilton explliined, ''but people seem to have more fun when the show comes to their country rather than vice versa." Anywhere from 10 to 20 people are selected by Hilton from the audience at each show to partici- pate. What's the secret? "They should be enthusiastic when I'm out there (an the audience) and they should be sure to respond to my questions," he said. "It's not neces- sary to sit on an aisle. We go all over the theater with ~ireless mikes.'' _ __ _ ___ ___ _ ,,. __ _ F.dwards said he occasionally makes brief ap- pearances on stage to assure audiences that this is the "bellringer" production, not a copy. And be- cause Knott's is so close to his Southern California home, he say~ "Who knows, 1 may show up." The twosome was hesitant to reveal any of the gags they'll use during the Buena Park visit. But Edwards said the acts in the hour-long performance are the favorites culled from 40 years of conse- quences. And the consequences, after all, are always more fun than the truth. Admission to the show is included in park ad- mission, although officials suggest lining up 45 mi- nutes early to get a seat for the production. DeNiro to do gangster film HOLLYWOOD (AP) -Robert De Niro will star in "Once Upon a Time in America," a $30-million gangster saga to be directed by Italy's Sergio Leone. DeNiro, who recently completed "King of Co- medy" with J erry Lewis, will work on location in New York. Montreal, Rome, Hong Kong and Mia- mi. Leone, who also directed "Once Upon a Time in the West," will start production in June. The movie will be released by the Ladd Co. through Warner Bros. Keepaaeye~t for the fanoiellt movie ~----------------'--"-abOat growing ~p everm8clel ~ -------------·--- -----·--- MELVIN SIMON PRODUCTIONS/ASTRAL BELLEVUE PATHE INC.,,_ BOB CLARK'S "PORKY'S" l<IM CATTRAU ·SCOTT COLOMBY-1'.Al'J HUNTER·Al..EX KARRAS• ht!lld SUSAN ClARKao.,.i-r...,..._HAROlD GREEN8ERG..,M£LVIN SIMON ,._"DON CARMOOY,,,; 808 CLARK...,..., lllaif., BOB Cl.ARK ...---,.-,=,___.. -~rp-I 1be Army is doing (t to him in tbe daytime. His wife isn't doing it to him at night. And bis Rirlfriend charges fiim by the hour. Rkhard Prytr keeps getting caught With Ills pants <kJwn. .. -··-·---. -·---------------------""'""'-... -....... -------------------... --. • • • Just Kathy found the luxury of a studio contract was more like More television work followed. She continued 9 a velvet cage -she was shuffled around from to make guest star appearances on various aeries .,, publicity gig to publicity gig and never given a new ("too many to remember"); star in television movies ~ part to work with. · ("High Ice" with David Jansen); pilots ("Gabe and stant threat that r ·ather Murphy would be found "They tried to tell me what to do and how to Walker") and miniseries ("The Contender"). ~ out to not be a father at all," Cannon said. "So we do it," she remembers. "There are some good things But lately it's been all "Father Murphy ." i had to keep the mask going. Now with us married, about being under contract, but some bad ones too. Cannon has been putting in 12-hour work days ~ that will change. We'll be legal guardians to the I think the studios have a tendency to squelch talent since the series began filming last year, rising at a kids, so John will still be 'father' Murphy in that by telling you just what to do; it's like hiring an her Brentwood home at 5 a .m . and often not re-CD sense." artist to paint flowers and then watching over his turniOR until 7 that evening. Filming for this sea- .... Cannon is no stranger to television. She was shoulder and telling him what strokes to make. I son's shows has just ended, and Cannon is looking ~ contracted by Universal Studi05 at the tender age of was a bit of a rebel at 19 too." forward to a little skiing, a trip to Hawaii with her 0: -Hnmd-pron:rpuy~-ltatured As a co-star (along with Th~ contract -r.m OU~ and-€annon wu-~t.o -son1Colin;-and-also, e meaty-pen-or tw<>: -·--~ - Lana Turner and Ralph Bellamy) on the ill-faied pursue work outside Univeral again. She did sev-"I love films," she said. "Television is a way to )> series "The Survivors." eral years of guj?Sl starring roles for television epi-make your living and it's a marvelous place to "g_ "We came to think of that show as $8 million sodes. then starred with Jimmy Stewart in the exercise what you do, but it doesn't really have the and no sense," she said. "It cost a lot of money to feature film "Fool's Parade" in 1971. time that film or theater offers. In film or theater !" make and it folded after half a season. It was a lot "That was my only taste of the golden era of you have a chance to create new ideas and see just ;e like 'Dallas' is now, but the writers tried to get the Hollywood," she said. "We had an all-out premiere how much you can do. I'd like to find some projects m audience to sympathize with the jet set. In 'Dallas,' in the town where it was shot; the mayor was there that are more geared to overall creation than to "' viewers are more out to get those jet setters. It was and all the local luminaries. It was very star-mass appeal. I'll take a good part if it comes along. If set in New York and they dressed me up like an studded and fancy. I haven't been around that kind not, I'll spend the next couple of months relaxing Ohio cheerleader.~· of production in a lonf, time, and for a 21-ye'ar old. and getting ready for next season. Who knows, When ''The Survivors" was canceled. Cannon it was pretty exciting.' maybe I'll come back down to Laguna for a while." _________ ..:....;..'-_..;._..;._..;._..:....;..:........;.;.:_;.;.;:.;;.:_ ___ ...____;::_.. __ ...:.... _____________ ..:_ ______ _ . ; WHEN IN SOUTHEAN CM.IFOANIA \llllT ~~~Ta.. rnEY ARE SOMn'HINCMORE TiiAN LOVEIS WHOMIE ABOUT ~~Wfi!NE c µ11111~[1' • DEATHTRAP "mot hrida are everythlng bl DWATHfii&P wbtch la what'll fan abom it?' -D&v14AnWl, BIWBWUK: "A ny11u., ane•q, cat-an.4- maue movie ... with humor; energy, tnt;eJ1tgence an4 vpmtRalrable flair!' -Janet Kaa11n. 'nm NBW YORK TnB8 MICHAIL CAIMI CHfUITOPH•R RUVI EWAN CANNON 11'1 -~ "'OlATHT'llAft" E•t<lll.,.. "-JAY PRESSON ALLEN "''-'"" l'ro<M..-Al.FRED de Lt>GRE. JR """' 11y JOHNNY MANDEL l'fOCMt0111 BURTT HARRIS ~•Y Ill' JAY PRESSON ALLEN '-'I011.,,_,.,...1N,1>r IRA LE.VIN o.-bt SIONEY LIJM6T ( I i I .. , i I ! I J I ' ---· I l . . . 10 i Intermission ,... ~Curtain falls of local stage productions -South Coast Reper-main st.age at 655 Town Center Drive, Caita Mesa. tory's "Henry IV. Part I," the Huntin~n Beach Reservations 957-4033. Playhouse's "Ring Round the Moon,• the San Huntington's ''Ring Round the Moon" winds Clemente Community Theater's "Ladies in Retire-up with cl06ing performances tonight and Saturday ment" and Golden West College's "A Gown for His with an 8:30 curtain. Tim Ottman and Beverly Mistress." Turner head the cast at the Seacliff Village theater. >. al "'O ;t on 4 local shows "Henry IV," SCR's annual Shakespearean Main Street and Yorktown Avenue, Huntington opus, completes its engagement with final perfor-Beach. Reservations 847-4465. rnan<:ti·~~ and-Saw.:da~a~m., Sunday-&&-·· "Ladies-i:::-~ement"· take!t its last bows to- 7:30 and a pair of afternoon matinees at 2:30 on the night and'Saturday at 8 p.m. and Sunday at 2:30 in the Cabrillo Playhouse, 202 Ave. Cabrillo, San Clemente, Call 492-0465 for ticket details. Final performances of "A Gown for His Mi- stress" are tonight and Saturday at 8 p.m. and Sunday at 2:30 in Golden West's main theater. off Gothard Street in Huntington Beach. Reservations 894-6070. * ORANGE COUNTY'S first look at the psy- chological thriller "'The Deadly Game" is a t.aut but not too tight production at the M~ion Viejo Play- house, where a single perfonnance makes the eve- ning worth while. That per formance . one of the season's most "BY fAR THE MOST ENGAGING ENTERTAINMENJ Of 1982." brilliant, comes Crom Robert De Lucia as a traveler who pops in on a g roup of re tired legal eagles whose pastime it is to keep their wits sharpened by trying h ypothetical cases -and, when a live de- fendant appears, to carry out the sentence. -Atwkw Sarrlt. N.V. Vll.UGE VOICE "THE f EH-GOOD f LICK Of THE YEAR !" -COSMOPOUTAN MAGAZINE "JULIE ANDREWS IS A DELIGHH" -~ AnMn. NEWSWEEK "lEAVES YOU lAUGHING ... " -Judlttl Cri.t. SATURDAY R£VIEW ''JAMES GARNER'S COMICAl REAl1tONS ARE WORTH 1,000 -WORDS:' ___ _,_, -Kathleen Cairo#, NEW YOAK DAILY NEWS "A COMEDY TRIUMPH !" -Norma ~Lain Stoop. AFTEA DARK MAOAZINI! "ROBERJ. PRESTON Off ERS GREAT GOOD HIWOR AND HUMANITY :· -.Ivett« WlnNfl. NEW YORK POST "THE BEST FILM fARCE SINCE 'SOME llKE IT HOT.'". -SCenlty K""""*"', THI NEW NPU8t.IC BLAKE EDWARDS' De Lucia gives a splendid de lineation of a cocky, cynical man who becomes increasingly fro- zen with terror as realization of tiis predicament sets in. Allan Stone is fine as tt:ie judge, while both ..,,. DEAD&. y Q~ A dreme by JemH Vite. directed by Dick Nlckllft, produced by Joe Klndrlch and Linda Lewis, Mt deelgn by Brlan Laughlin, IOUnd and llghtlng by G_, PIKko, pr_,tecJ by the Mlu!Qn Viel<> PlaytlouN Aprll 2·3. 15-16· 17 and 23-2.t at 8:30 In the Forum ThHter on the Featlvet ol Arla grounda, Laguna Canyon Road. L.agun1 Beech. Res- ervation• 770-0381 THE CAST Howwd Tr~..... ••• . ..•.•. Aooer1 OeLuae ~ Kumms ............ •. • ••• ... •.... ...... Wlllfo/ $llotertl Bernerd uAoque .. ............... ............... ......•• . ................. e.n MoCanne Emile Carpeao .. . . . ... . . . ......... .... ........ .. ..................... -· .............. ... Allen Ston. JoMpti Plllel ...................................... ..................................... WV Thomp90n Pierre • Jerry Mitc:hel Nlcote ........... --·······-··-•• 0.0. ..... . Helen .......................................... ••• .... • .... ••.••..•• . . . Jonnie LM_, Wally Silvers and Earl McCanna as the prosecutor and defense lawyer, respectively, need to intensify their interpretations. Others contributing effecti- vely are Wil Thompson, Debe Hester, Jerry.Mit- chell and Jonnle Larson. • Dick Nicklin's direction sets an 6minous mood, aided by Gwen Placko's technical effects and Brian Laughlin's impressive setting. ''The Deadly Game" continues on weekends through April 24 (skipping Easter weekend) at 8:30 at the Forum Theater on the Festival of Arts grounds in Laguna Beach . •• BACKSTAGE -Orange Coast College will host a reading of a new play by county playwright Lew Riley Sunday at 7 p.rn. in the OCC Science Lecture Hall ... the play, "Higher Education," is a comedy about oollege life and will be directed by OCC speech professor Jack Holland . . . admission is free and the P\lblic is invited. Some p eriod music added Producers of publlc TV's "Masterpiece Thea- ter" have created period-style musical segments to fill commercial time in the current presentation from F.ngland, "Love in a Cold Climate." The eight-part aeries, baaed on two semi- autobiographical novels by Nancy Mitford, was broadc~st on col'nrnercial TV across the Atlantic. Public television in this country does not carry ads. To fill the airtime, vocalist Jeanie Stahl sings eight songs or the 1930s -the period in which "Love In a Cold Climate" is set. The tunes include "I'm Just Foolln' Myself" and "Am I Blue?" Ma rsha Mason, Jason Robards and Donald Sutherland will star in Neil Simon's "Max Dugan RetumA'>-fqr. 20th Century-Fox. -• Herbert Ross will direct the whimsical comedy written by Simon, mar~ing their fifth clnemalic collaboratlon. It goes into production April 12. Miss Mason plays a echool teacher struggling to raise her aon under near-poverty condM.iona, when w.i&bout waminl her ex-con father, Ja.m Robards, arrives with riches beyond belief. _c~u_r~~e~n~_t_l!r....sc_re __ ~e~n_1ng ___________________ !IB!9!~ Vlc1orian love story fabJe la lnlerCUt with another plot; the l modem day film crew makini a movie of ''The French Lieu-7' tenant'• Woman" hal ill own romantic dramaa and downf.al.11 ~ wh.lch are meant t.o compare and aiotrut with the Vict.orian Q. .quence. The R rafinC la for adult 8eXU&l lltualloos ~ H A LITTLE SEX: Rated R, stars Tim Matheson, Kate Capshaw and Edward Herrmann m the 1tory of a man who tries t.o be faithful but finds it hard. The R niung II for alfuft aitua- llons ABSENCE OF MALICE: Raied PC, Paul Newman and Sally Field. A ~ful 1tudy of the power of the ~ and ill oon.quences, neatly execuied by Sidney Pollack. The PC raung is for adult Jangu.ge. , THE. AMATEUR: Ra_l.ed...RJ!.ilfl John Savaae and Marthe KelTeTin a ~ of CIA Intrigue and betrayal. The R ratJ.na is for viole~. · ATLANTIC CITY: Raied R, atars Bun Lancaater as an aging, bolt.om-rung ex-pnp~r who fell one laat chance IO make a big buck when he happens upon 11 large amount ot cocame, and one last chance at romance when he meets Susan Sarandon, a card dealer. Louis Malle d1ttC'ted this bit or whimly. wntten by John Guan!. It's fresh, funny, and alive. The R raung ia for violence and adult si tua uoria. THE BEAST WITHJN: Rated R. stars Ronny Cox, Bibi Besch and Paul Clementi In a tale of horror. The R rating Is for Violence. BODY HEAT: Raied R, StarrU\I! WLl.lwn Hurt as a bungling, lovestruck attorney and K.alhleen ~r u the femme (aw. Thb .exy, devious mystery takes p~ m a Cicutlous Fiorida I.Own to hot that people In cafea order iced teas two at a ume. Directed by Lawrence Kudan as an homage t.o film nolr, the R rat.In& COtMS from brief nudity, ulty language and a general air of 1teaminets. TH.E BORDER: Raied R, stars Jack Nichobon u a disillu- sioned border guard and Valerie Perrine as his credit-mad wife. Nlcbobon is brlll.lant u the disgusted Charlie Smith, Harvey Kellel is taut u hia COITUpt friend and plll'U\er The R ratJ.na is for violence, acme nuduy and language. BUTl'ER.FL Y: Rated R, stars St.acy Keach and Pia Zadora in the film version of J ames M. Cain's novel of incest. Directed by Mau Clmber from a ICl"lpt by John Go{f and Cimber. The R ratJ.na I.I for adult material. CANNERY ROW: Raied PC, s1an Nick Nolte and Debra w~ in a ~ Wm adaptataon or John Stetnbeck'1 1t.orles ·~ R(,.;T~ "Sweet Thuraday." Shot on MGM IOUnd llq'lel. this movie hal a IWtt'l, enchaniecf iook and fine performances by Nolie, Winger and Audra Unciley 11 the INldame. NllTlied by John Huston The PC ralinc la for exual adult situatlonl. CAT PEOPLE: Rate R, stara N11ta11i1 Kinskl and Maloolm McDowell in a we of love and the 1upematural. Di· rec-ted by Paul Schrader, music by lieorgfo Moroder. The K rating ii for aex and violence. CHARIOTS OF FIRE: Raied PC and •tarnnc Ben Cr'09 and Ian OIAr1-l •NllDWll Lo &he i&U Ol~ who nm rtces for different ralOl\I but rnanace LO wtn .)I.mt the aame. The PC rating muat be for ill lofty themes: there ls no nudity, no viol~ and very \Jttle offeruive language. DEATHTRAP: Raied PC, nars Christopher Reeve, Michael Caine and Dyan Cannon in a clever murder m~ry about a washed up writ.er and a promlAng young author who pena a grut mystfl')'. The PC ratlng Is for violence DEATH WISH! Raied R, 1tar1 Ow-lea 8ronlotl and Jill lreland. This stary conunuea the sap of a man who eta out to • • • Paintings From Page 3 hill overlooking Newport Harbor or the one of a colorful tug boat with an American flag waving from the stem and the skipper with what appears to be a beer can clutched in one hand. Occasionally, t he magazine editors failed to' flnd something light and airy. Muller says a cover painting of a snake charmer stands as a perfect example of this. "It just didn't really say anyth ing about Orange County," he laughs. The paintings, except f<?" a rendering of Santa Claus by one youngster that was reproduced on a cover, are priced from $200 to $800. The exhibit runs until May 1. avenae the deeth of his wile at the hands of mugers. The R ra line la for violence. !VU. UNDER THE SUN: Raied PC. 1tar1 Peter Ustinov. Jane BirlUn. Sylvia M.Ues. James M.:lll and Diana Ria m Ac•lha ~·1 ~ of murder and In~. The PC ralinc ii for adult liruationa. THE P RENal LIEt!l'EN_ANT'S WOMAN: Rated R. lla.rf Meryl Streep In the ro.le of the heartbroken and heulbreaking _trench Lleut.enant'1 w~ and Jeremy m....a~ "'-'~ gentleman who gamblea hil love and reputation on her. The GALLIPOU: Raied R.1tar1 Mel Git.on and Mark LM •two ~ YOW\i Auatn.l.lan eo~ who fllht In the tnilc battle of 0: Gallipoli ln World War I. The R ratJ.na ii for ~ and ~ violence, See Currently, Page 12 ________________ .-i]I ______ .... It I . ~ Current JY screening ~ From Page 1 J a. GREAT W1U?E: Rated PG. sian Vic MOCTOw, James < Francucua and a areat white shark. Tbe PG niting is for VlOlence. ,:; as MAIJNG LOVE: Rated fl. stan Mkhael Ontkean. Kate ~ Jaclulon and Harry Hamlin in a 1tory about a woman, a man and U: 1 h.11 hommexual lavu. Tbe R rating is for adult llwatiofw and ..: homollexuality. ti> ____ .... .., "C _au.~~ PG, 1W'1 Jack Lemmon and Slay Spacek as -~-'i\;;;.-a-man and h.11 daUjhter In law who leal'l'h Cor h1s millini IOl'I. The .x. eventa are hued on a true story In which a youna American was I apparenUy allowed to be lcil.led ill a lAW:> American country by ~ fOl'Cl!ll friendly with the U.S. GovemmenL The PG ralinfr ia fOf' -adult lltuatMlla I' .!2 0:: ON GOLDEN POND: Rated PG, 1W'S Henry Fonda and Katharine Hepburn M an aifn& couple rewminj to live on Golden Pond. IU'1 filled with an.xielia about death; &he's intermi.nably chHrful They bicker politely until the arrival of 'ACIFIC THEATllU OlllYE·lll SWA' MEETS tllt'lCM f0\141 l llUl-S .. M lllf .. , &1 HAlllOll l lVO OlllVf·lll I OUNCE OllYE·lll ... Its .. M l-U l-t ,.,,_,_""-·''- .., .... ,.,., -e·15 '" w. 6:00 ~ 5al1 ti 64S IMPOllTANT NOTICE' CMILDlllM IHtO(ll 12 fllU! KM ..... ••• -""• r .. 5:30 • s.1 s.. """ •·oo ,. Cllf'I -· YM1 Ml CM MDIO c 1u Sl'fMl1i <• ICI 4111 CM MDIO Wl!!l IGllTOI ~ IQSITDI __ ,. ~1·au Clllf.fl aME«S m °"'"" iwm ··~ .&o-4f .... ANAHEIM ORIV(·IN f-crf fl Of lMl>Oft SI 179-9150 • C•llf '' SOUllO ___ ..::__...;._ ___ --.., _ _.;.__ ------ ~ r (II) I '"CU9tf °' TME mANI" (PO) "UCAN ""°" ALCATRAZ" ..,,. LON) °' M -·-( (PO) C4lll II SOUllO Olllt ,. !.OUMl ! . "' •• ·~· BUENA PARK ::>RIV! IN ..__ ........... di ·-HM070 ;; , i J'" •A;. I LINCOLN ORIVE·IN -SO. KIND .J: HMO'" (R) "L0.8." (II) ......wfMGr(R) -11 11nco1n A•• We ll Of •t>O" 1214070 "1ltl OCTAGON" (R) ''m'i.?''I' woueaT : l'N" <•> "~N" (R) e.otn llvO So 04 J G.illltn Gto.1 lt""'9f 191·3693 - -.r --~ "'lllCMMI> N YOfl LM "C* ~POND" (PO) ON THI~ STW" (R) "STAJrl'INQ OftA" (II) "Ula C.Ma" (II) ___ t::;;lllf;.;:..;.·ff.:...:IOl=IMl:=...... __ --1---_:;Clllf:.:.:..·l l SOUllO.;.._ __ I " ......... lA HABRA LIM! ,,. ,.,... .. -..... _ ·---171-1 .. 2 ---..... •' "CAT 'L.OfU" (II) "MOHTWINO" (N) c"" . ,. tOllllO "90MI IC~ MDO" (") "S.O.a."(R) ORANGE DRIVf IN ''flOM'f"I'' .. -...,.... -.r ,... ."*"9 -.r OUT IM_,.....",. .... '• . ... MISSION DlllVf IN "CUltf CW ~TITAIW' (N) """'"°"° °' '"' ....... (N) . . ...... . . WARNEQ .•llt·.-t •N ·---MA.-LOI CUATll::. UM l•llA ~DlllYDft f'.OOPllCA!\OAO ------- their daugh1.er. (J ane Fonda), her laleet boyfriend. BUly (played brilliantJy by o.bney Coleman) and his 13-yev-okl boy The PG ralinj IS fOf' language ONE FROM THE HEART: Rated R. l&kea place Ill a IOUDd stage re-creation of Laa Veg;y and tells the 1iory of 24 houn in the hves of 'two lovera. The rum was~ by Francis Coppola, wntten by Armyan BemsteJ.n and Coppola, and IW'I Frederic F01TSt, Teri Garr, Raul Julia and N~ Kuwld. The tl ranns 1s 1o;. adult a1wat1on1. ·PENNIES FROM HEAVEN: Rated R. 1W'1 Steve Martin and Bemade«e ~ In a throwback to 1930a musicals.. Set apinlt the deprftlion, the story la 8erioua, even a little black. The B ratinfr ia fOf' adult llltuationl and le'X. PERSONAL BEn: Rated R, stara Mariel Heminpay and Patrice Donnelly in the story of two athlelel VY1Jl8 foe a bAd in the 1980 Olympic Pentathalon. It'• a celebration of competition, friendship, good health and good bodl-. wnnen, dlrecuid and -5 W.INNER ACADEMY AWARDS A IWWO.M PCTlR ..a.. t• --I.II lllltOUJN ~~ NOW PLAYING .. ,..._ "' . • OWMDI IOUTll COAIT PLAZA • Cl•DOtll Orange Soulll CoaSI Pliu Costa Mesa (714) 634 2553 (71 4)5462711 cm--· _.._,_cm--· EDWAllOI fDUllTAlll YALLU Founli#I Valley (714) 1139 1500 EOWAllDS WOODHIDGI lrWle 1714) 551 0655 IOO•-M:CIPflO -·-- •BARGAIN MATINIES • Monday JJana Saturday All P1rform1ncH before 5:00 PM (hctpl a_... E ..... "*"' 111d HOlldeyal -~--.... "CHANOTS OI" Alll" " ) _..,.., ..... ,_ LAKEWOOD CENTER WAll< IN . ....., __ ''OH QQUllN PONO''" ··---- ~ ICIND CW HDO" (R) -----. "<M8,!!,o:=r (II) ------- "POMY'•" , .. , ._ .......... -. - foe111iv ot Conotewooct 211/Hl·tllO ..... , __ .,......, __ ' --_....,,, ___ ... "fllOlllCV'I" ,,,. __ ..,,,.,_ LAKEWOOD C ENTER SOUTH WAlW , .. .. ,"'-'"'°'" I ":'..=..c::> "CAT N°"-F' Ill' .... ___ ... so COAST WALK ·IN Soul!\ COo•I HIWO'f otl1ooowoy 414-1514 "CA~(lll) MT·-~--"OU='~ ......... _"..,_ produced by Robert Towne. The R ratinfr Is for nudity, homo- eexuallty and adult lituationl. POR~Y'S: Rated R. Itani Km> C.ttrall, Soot Colomby and Alex Karras In a l&le of boys growing up. The R ratinj la tor nudity. QUEST FOR FIRE: Rated fl, 11 a look at preh.islOric man and woman, complete with pn.m1uve languqe and a aet of "body langwlge" d~eloped by anthropologist Demond Moma. The film stars Everett McClll and Rae Dawn Chong. The R ralini IS for violence and aex. RAGTIME: Rated PG. is an Intelligent 1tDC11 .VKllOn.of E. L DoCtoiOW'S 197~ novel. which we1vea historical characten - Harry Thaw. Stanford Whlte, Evelyn Nesbit, J.P. Morian -into the livea of what triea very hard to be a typical American family. Elli.abeth McGovern glvea a winning perfonnanoe as the dreamy eyed Neabtt and Howard E. Rolllns la COIJllT\IU'lChn as Coalhowe Walker, a black plane> player who is abuaed by bigoll and buttaucrat1 alike. The director, Mil°' Foreman, had 1 difficult tuk in cuttlin1 the sprawlin1 book lnt.o rum shape, and he'• done the job admirably. The PG ratina ii foe nudity and IOme violence . BEDS: Rated PG. 1W'S Warren Beltty as John Rttd, lhe American journalist and Diane Keaton as Loulae Bryant, who becomes his wife. Thia film runs well over three hours on a budget of over $30 rruWon, and the loving care of Beatty, who also produced and directed, ahows. The PG raUnj" for ~e and adult situauons SHARKY'S MACHINE: Rated R, st.an Bun Reynold., as a toujh cop caught betwttn a corrupt department and ever·pre5ent bad guys The R ratina 11 for violence and ~. SHOOT THE MOON: Rated R. 1tan AJbttt Finney as George Dunlap, whoee marriage to Fallh (Diane Keaton) la oo the rock.. They become involved with dilfettnt ~le. and foe the first lime In Yffn. teeni to Involve then:welva apln. It'• an aa:unte . movlni al'COW\t of a break-up, more intuitive and preall' than most moY1ee on divoroe. J.. their daughter, Sherry. Diana Hill is bn.lliant. Ke.ton give. the performance of a lifetime. The R raUng Is for adult situationa. VlCTOR VICTORIA; Rated PG. 11anJuhe Andrewa. Roben Preston and James Garner 1n a comedy about sexual idenUty and ahow blz. Directed by Blake F.clwards, who 1lao wrote the BCnpt The R raUnj Is for adult situations. • Help pt e\Wlt llRTH DIPICTI • Diversions ---------. -PLAYS------ "THE ROYAL FAMILY," a comedy about people in the theater a half century ago, opens to- night at the Newport Harbor Actors Theater, 390 Monte Vista St., Costa Mesa. Pe rformances are Thursdays through Saturdays at 8 p.m ., Sundays at 2:3Ch:rnttt-April 24. Call 631-5110 for ticket infor- mation. • "THE DE ADLY GAME,'' a suspense dra ma by the Mission Viejo P1aytmuse, continue~nit th~ Forum Theater on the Festival of Arts grounds on L aguna Canyon Road in Laguna Beach. Perfor- mances are Fridays and Saturdays at 8:30 through April 17, with reservations taken at 830-9252. "FORTY CARATS," a romantic comedy spanning the generation gap is on stage at the Harlequin Dinner Playhouse, 3503 S . Harbor Blvd., Santa Ana. The show will be on stage nightly ex- cept Monday at varying curtain times through May 9. Call 979-5511 for ticket information. "DIVISION STREET," a comedy populated with w acky characters, ls playing at the Laguna Moulton Playhouse, 606 Laguna Canyon ROad, Laguna Beach. Performances are Tuesdays thro~h Saturdays at 8 p.m. (with Sunday matinees at 2 this Sunday and April 4) through April 10. Reservations 494-0743. "LADIES IN RETIREMENT," a drama about murder winds up at the San Clemente CommunitY Theater, 202 Ave. Cabrillo, San Clemente. The play runs tonight and Saturday at 8 p.m. S unday at 2:30 with reservations being taken at 492-0465. "RING ROUND THE MOON," a Frenc h co- medy, elOlles this weekend at the Huntington Beach PlayhQuae, Main Street at Yorktown Avenue in the Seacliff Village shopping center. Perfonnances are Friday and Saturday at 8:30 with ticket infonnation ayailable at 847-4465. "HENRY IV, PART I," a Shakespearean tra- See Diversions, Page 14 • ~~~T-4VIDEO ENTERTAINMENT from the Warner Home Video Rental library ~wou:E" NEWEST RELEASES· NOSTALGIA• CONCERTS RELIGIOUS· SPORTS• CHILORENS •ADULT INCLUDING THESE EXCITING TITLES FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE . DEATH HUNT WHAT'S NEW PUSSYCAT ZORRO. THE GAY BLADE COMING SOON On Golden Pond French Lieutenant's Woman THOUIANOI 0, TAPU ANO OISCI TO CHOOll FftOM (OPEN~ M-F. 10·9-SAT.10-8-S!JN, 12-6l ONE STOP FOR AU YOUR VIDEO NEEDS ''An· Entertainment Winner From Start To Finish.'' TWENTIIDi CENT\JRY·FOX PflESENTS WALTER MATTHAU ANN-MARGRET DINAH MANOFF A HERBERT ROSS FILM NEIL SIMON'S I OUGHf TO BE IN PICIURES Director of Photography DAVID M. WALSH Music by MARVIN HAMLISCH Produced by . HERBERT ROSS and NEIL SIMON Executive Producer ROGER M. RITTHSTEIN Screenplay by NEIL SIMON Directed by HERBERT ROSS ARCHER ft'INSTEN NEW YORK POST -Or. Hdo" -bv ~ ~~ .ond CMOl a-. S.. .........,_. bv RMldil Cr-ti ............ Oii w-..._A-.. 13 r I I ... i-01verslons: -~ From Page 13 -g_ gedy, completes its run on the mainstage of < South Coast Repertory, 655 Town Center Drive, > Calta Mesa, through April 4. Performances will be ~ given tonight and Saturday at 8 p.m., Sunday a\ "t: 7:30 with matinees Saturday and Sunday at 2:30 u.. and reservations taken at 957-4033. i • '"g "OLIVER" will be presented by the Perfor- G> ming Arts Center at the Crystal Cathedral, Chap-1 man Ave. and Lewis Street, Garden Grove, on ~ March 27, 30 and 31 and April l, 2 and 3. Adult -tickets are $5. Call 971-4145 for reservations. .2 a: -ART------ liREN WHEELER illustrations will be dis- played through April 30 in the Huntington Beach Library and ~ultural Resources Center, 7111 Tal- bert, Huntington Beach. For more infonnation call 842-4481. . GERRIE P ICKNEY and Marge Swenson will lecture on "Your New Image Through Celor and Line" Monday at 1 p.rn. in the Mesa Verde Library, 2969 Mesa Verde Drive, Calta Mesa. For more in- formation call 546-5278. STEVEN DELAIR, recent paintings in oil, will be displayed at Challis Galleries, 1390 S . Coast Highway, Laguna Beach, through April 25. Also on display are works by Timothy J . Clark and oil paintings by Shirley MWTay. KATHLEEN GEE will demonstrate her skills at the F.dison C.Offi91unity Center, 21377 Magnolia St., Huntington Beach, on Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. She works with pastels. -DANCE------ BEGI NNI NG FOLK DANCE classes start Thursday at 7:15 p.m. in the Laguna Beach High School Girls Gymnasium. For more information call 494-7930. -ETC.------ SUMME R READING program registration is now being ta.ken at Newport Beach public libraries. For more infonnation call 640-2246. ~MUSIC------- -CHAZz° performs at 8 p.m. in the Chapman C.Ollege Auditorium tonight. For more infonnation ,,.~~~-~~~-~ call 997-6761 or 771-2246. * CLAUDE FRANK perfonm on piano Monday at 8:30 p .m. in the Fine Arts Village Theater of UC Irvine. For more infonnation call 833-6615. HE'S TRYING TO BE FAITHFUL, AND FAILING HILARIOUSLY. "CAT PEOPLE" Symphony to play 'Fidelio' ' The Orange C.Ounty Pacific Symphony, under the-direction o1 Keith Clark, will offer Beethoven's "Fidelio'' performed with the Pacific Chorale at 7:30 p.m. April 18 at Knott's Good Time Theater in Buena park Park. .. ... A LOT OF LAUGHS! AN MTM ENI'ERPRISES l'9000CTl<»l•A LITTLE SEX .. iilfMATIIESON KATE CAPSHAW EDWARD HERRMANN ~RALF~ ~o1mlrn: RO'B&r DE LAURENTis ROBERT DE I.AURENJlSAM>BRUCE PALTROW BROCE PALTROW 1-IDU'R PLACE OR MINE," MELISSA MANCHESTER I .WAil.Aii.£ OH Alllml ltllCOlll& A UNIYEJtS.\L RELEA.5£ IAllllA .. lf---·--- l~j ... ,t ..,.,., ~ ..... ....... ,,.,_ Mac ~ "MISSING" t2:ll, HI, ... 1'lll, .. "EVIL UNDER THE SUN" -. ....... ,.. .. ~C. TCC»1NICOlOAe The concert will kick off a Beethoven bonanza for the spring season. Other concert programs will include Sym- phony No. 9 and Symphony No. 8 on April 24 at the Santa Ana High School auditorium; Symphony No. 1 and Mass in C on May 16 at Mismon San Juan Capistrano; and Mi.a Solemnis on May 22 at the Santa Ana High School auditorium. Tickets for single concerts are available. Call the box office at 773-3158 between 1 and 5 p.m. Mond~ through Friday. ......... .,...,..,.,,.~co tte o----- ------STARTS TODAY--..__ __ _ FOUNlAIN VALLEY ORANGE QAANGE Fountain Vatlev Twtn Oronae Moll UA Qty Cinema ~1500 637-0340 6.J.4..3911 ~ ~'Or-kl ~ ss1-0M6 639-8770 893-0546 COIJA ~ Edwadl an.mo Cent9' S46-3102 -~ lncludin~ Uf.'""Y.An 'oR -11\'l\n fuolb 8f!,T A(TllESS -K.ntunnc: lkphum 8ESTSCR£ENPt.AY (A4bptitlucl) -F mo1 ThumpMlll ''DASBOOT'' ""· 1:00, .... IATllUH t:11, 4:00, 1:00, t :U (") '.I ·1 I 1()(1 CINI Mt\ '· , ~ • • , 1, 1 3 d 3 50 15 ~ 0 -.. ~ I . .,,;' ~ Q. ~ :"' - --~ -~ ' j I I t I J I I I I I ~ I . l •. ~~:a=TV•. Projection Color TV ;j with Remote Control A MOVIE Dlltw 11 H .. SPECIAL PURCHASE FACTORY REPACKED · CHllCE OF I LIFETI•! Hurry! Supply Is limited ... ._ ... ,., .. •o+-I • • . lllTll1111 llKI /flllTlll lllllY FRIDAY. APRIL 2 19A:• OflANG[ COUNfY C ALIFORNIA 25 CENT S Trllstees QK V 8lley ·school closllres BY PHIL SNEIDERMAN or .. ..,,.. .... After a four-hour diecunlon punetuated by numerous parent complainta, Fountain Valley 8choOl DI.strict trultees have ap- proved a three-year echedule for cloture of four elementary 1ehool.t and conversion of three othera into mld~le schools (p-ades lix through eight). The IChedW.. few MCh of the three years were conlldend •P.- arately and were approved b)' apllt votes Thunday. The complete echedule, u ap- proved by the board, la as fol- lows: -In 1982-83, Buabard and Wardlow achoola will cae. Tal- bert wW become a middle achool, receiving older atudenta from Buahard and Wardlow. Oka wW remain a kindergarten throuah fitth arade IChool. Arevalos and Newland IChoola wW c:on\lnue aa kindergarten through eighth ll'ade achoola. -In 1983-84, Nieblaa will cloae, with all of its atudenta moved to Tamura. Masuda will become a middle IChool Cox will become a kindergarten through titth grade school. Gisler and Plavan will continue as kinder- ' Jatten throuah eiahth lfade. -In 1984-85, Harper will c:loee. fulton will become a mid- dle 11ehool. Cou1'1'egea will bec- ome a kinderprten through fifth grade IC!hool. aa:eptlng the lower g_r:_ade 1\udent1 from Harper. (Upper grade Harper students will go to Fulton Middle School.) Fountain Valley, Motola and Ta- mura wW continue aa kindergar- ten through eighth grade. Harbour's MacDonald The trustees meeting drew a full auditorium of about 300 pa- rent•. Many took turns at the microphone to tell the board why particular 1ehoola should not be closed or converted to a new grade level organlz.atlon. Among the parents ditsatiafied wltJi the final schedule were thoee from the Harper-Courreges communities, who had wanted Courreges to remain a kinder- garten through eighth grade echool, and some Masuda parents who favor ed con version to a middle school in September ra- ther than one year later. In conjunction with the closure and conversion schedule, the trustees also approved, again on a split vote, a new bus transporta- tion program. The approved plan calls for (See SCHOOL, Page AZ) release sought Dllr .... ..._.....,a.tie....., STORM AFTERMATH -While setting sun sinks toward clouds, Steve Snoke of Long Beach works his metal detector across the sand beneath pilings of Huatington Beach Pier. Snoke said just after a storm is the best time to se.ek hidden treasures in the sand. By ROBERT BARKER OfhDllJNol ... Documents were filed in Rich- mond, Va., today for the re.lnata- tement of bail and releue froQl prison of Huntington Harbour · physician Jeffrey MacDonald. The papers were filed in the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals by attorney Ralph Spritzer, ac- cording to a spokeswoman for MacDonald's San Francisco at- torney, Bernard L. Segal. · Amy Segal, daughter and as- sistant to Segal, said that Spritzer is chargini that trial judge Franklin Dupree aCte<f illegally In revoking the bail. He is ar- guing that decision should be in the jurisdiction of the circuit court which had approved bail previously. Spritzer, a profesaor at the University of Pennsylvania law school, is an associate of Segal and argued on MacDonald's be- half in the murder trial at Ra- leigh, N.C. Meanwhile, a U.S. Justice De- partment attorney said earlier this week in Washington that MacDonald "hopefully is it\ pri- ~ for &Q9C!." _ -__ .,,. . • But attorney Brian Murtagh Huge OC payoll IUD firm to pay Mesan $250,000 By DAVID JtVTZMANN °' ... .,.., ..... ...., A Cos1a .Mesa woman who had to undergo an emergency hyste- rectomy after using a birth con- trol device alleged to be defective will receive $250,000 from the company which manufactured the intra-uterine Dalkon Shield. The woman's attorney, John M. Van Dyke of Newport Beach, !teid the settlement with the R. H .. Robinll Co. of Richmond, Va., is one of the largest in Orange County involving the controver- sial Dalkon Shield. The out-of-court 'Settlement came a month before trial of 25-year-old Kathleen Shannon Whalen's lawsuit was to begin in Orange County Superior Court. Her legal action had contended that use of the Dalkon Shield led to infection which ultimately caused doctors to perform a hysterectomy on her four years ago. Miss Whalen's suit is one of thousands that have been filed against Robins Co. in Orange County and across the country. The suits generally seek millions of dollars in damages against the pharmaceutical company and contend that the Dalkon IUDs, taken off the market in 1974, lead to serious internal injuries. Van Dyke, who since 1975 has handled more than 250 cases against Robins, has been Succe96- ful mainly in reaching out-of- court settlements on the suits. The Newport Beach attorney said he still had 150 cases pen- ding against the Virginia-based company. An estimated 2.5 million de- vices were sold between 1970 and 1974. At least 16 deaths were reported by Dalkon Shield users. According to many of the lawsuits filed against the com- pany, it is contended that th.e Dalkon Shield's barb-like fins cut the wall of the uterus and that strings dangling from the bottom of the small plastic IUDs carried bacteria into the uterus. Miss Whalen, a waitress in Cost.a Mesa, had used her Dalk.on Shield for five years before suf- fering acute pelvic inflammatory disease. Doctors at UC Irvine Medical Center in Orange then perfor- med a hysterectomy. Radio saves Coast pair . Marquesas Island in the South Pacific. ham radio operator Ronald Rau- sin. said that because other issues raised in the court of appeals have not b een resolved, he doubts that MacDonald's case· "will be over any time soon." Murtagh said the issues con- cern possible errors by trial judge Dupree and whethe r the 38-year-old MacDonald had been denied due proceas. MacDonald was re-arrested Wednesday at his Huntington Harbour home and returned to Terminal Island federal prison after the U.S. Supreme Court reinstated his-eeJWiction Of the 1970 murders of his pregnant SEEKS RELEASE -Dr. Jeffrey MacDonald of Hun- tington Beach is seeking reinstatement of bail after being arrested again on char- ges of murdering his wife and two daughters. Crash injures 4; Huntington driver held An Orange County probation officer who Newport Beach po- lice allege caused a two-car acci- dent Thursday that put four people including himself in the hospital, has been arrested on suspicion of drunken driving. Officers said 34-year-old Wil- liam E. Steele, a Huntingto n Beach resident, was driving south in the northbound lanes of Irvine Avenue early Thursday when his car plowed headon into a vehicle driven by Irvine resi- dent Gillis Scott Floden, 31. wife and two young daughters. MacDonald, a former Green Beret captajn whose case has been one of the most publicized criminal prosecutions in U.S . history, now faces a life term in prison. MacDonald stood trial in 1979 and was sentenced to life in pri- son. He raised the speedy-trial issue and the Fourth Circuit Court of Ap~als overturned the conviction. While U.S. attorney Murtagh exprf¥1i8e(i hope that MacDonald is ITr"\Srison for ~ood. MacDo- (See MACDONALD, Page A%) Canned salmon probe due? By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL Of the Deltr .....,. ....,, Orange County health depart- me nt officials w ere awaiting further word today from the Food and Drug Admin istration on whether to begin spot checks of the county 1,858 retail grocery stores for canned salmon that may contain botulism. Robert Merryman, the county director of environmental health, said the FDA is checking dislri · bution lists attempting to deter- mine if cans with suspected code numbers have been sh ipped to and shelved at Orange County outlets. M eanwhile, four grocer y chains -Alpha Beta, Lucky- Gemco. Stater Bros. and Von's - were removing some canned sal- mon from the shelves. . If the FDA tells the county health officials that cans with suspected codes were sent to county markets, Merryman said, inspectors will visit stores at random to make spot checks. "If we don't find anything, we relax. If we do, we'll begin a more concentrated effort," Mer- ryman said. The FDA said the current sal- mon recall will involve more than 26 million cans of salmon that are sold under a variety of brand names. • lt'a not on their itinerary, but a Seal Beach couple find themsel- ves on a tuna clipper today, nine day1 out of Panama and about. 1,600 miles off the Coast of Me- xim. But last Sunday, the Beynold- ,,es ran into a storm and heavy seas in ·theii 32-foot aaillng yacht, Faith. From that time on Rau.sin, and othiar h am operators, worked virtually non-stop coordinating ~ eHorta for the Heyno.ldae:i who were ab.out 18 days away from the nearest port. ship Mar Del Sur, about 1,000 miles off the coast of Guatemala. ''Thank God for that little old radio. It is only the si7.e of a loaf of bread but it saved their lives." Rausin reports that the Seal Beach sea adventurers should arrive in Panama in nine days on the tuna boat and arrive in San Police said Roden, Steele and Steele's "two passengers were taken to Costa Mesa Memorial H08pital for treatment following the mishap near Heather Lane. .All suffered minor injuries. Merryman noted that only " 7 ~-ounce size cans are suspected Glen and Betty Reynolds lett ~ Beacli Jan. 9, viliting ports fu 'Mexico before sailing to the • r - When things got worse, they flashed a Mayday call by .radio that waa~ed_up ,by HQU.lton The couple was picked up Wedne9day by th~ tuna fishing . Diego 900n after. that. of containing extreme ly tiny holes that permitted the bacteria that produces botulism toxin to enter. 1.j---------------------------------------------------------------------------., I WORLD .. Brezhnev stroke reported ·WASHINGTON (AP) -Soviet Prelident Leonid Bnzbnev'• health bu "deteriora.tedJiedoualy," and he1 was takep to the Kn!mlin hospital in an ambulance lut week for treatment of a pouible atroke, the W..hington Post .reported today. NATION Good lood /or 5 cents You.'d have to 10 bldt 100 yeata to en a IOOd &-emt meal. ri1bt? Wl'Olll. Go to LaDonna'• a.tau~ rani neu: Ptttltiufah. Pace A.5. · :: Did 'sboot-to~lcill' cut crim~ f '!be police force'• lhoot-to-ldll po~ may or ~ :not be the ca.-, but c::rime ln TfJl"rit Haute., Ind., hlil dropped lharply. Pap AS, STATE Bay Area braces again SAN FRANCisco (AP)"-Hundredi of people forced by Ooodwatera from a San Joee trailer park huddled in evacuation centers today while workers piled aandba11 aroWld threatened buildina• and IDC)llltored potential mudslides along Bay area high- '~· . SPORTS Five cagers honored · Five Oraqe Cout area hiah achool buketball itandou• have been choaen on the All-CIF 3-A team- Page Cl. Freeway Series arrives . The Anae1I and Dodaei'I open thek three-pine Freeway Serlea tcnlah\ at Dodaes"a Stadium. P..-Cl. ' INDEX Horoscope B2 Ann Landers . B2 At Your Service A4 Business C6-7 California A5 Movies Weekender Cavalcade B2 Mutual Funds C6 Clulified Dl-8 National News A3 .Comial B6 Public NoUces C6,D2 Sports Cl-5 Stock Markets C7 Television TV Log en.word B6 Stan Delaplane ' B2 Death Notices D2 Editorial A6 Theaters Weekender Entertainment Weekender Weather A2 Home/G~ B7 World News A3 COUNTY Steeple criticisqi hilJi R.ealdm\ta of a Newport Beech nelchbcll'bood wan• St. Andre11 Prelbyterian °'urcb tO MY around~ but dm't want a 105-loot 8'tJeple . .-. Bl. . .I I I 1 I ,.._ •• ... ,: MaeDONALD BAi l ! •• ~ nald'i Hunt1n1ion Harbour t\O~ul·~ ch•rful and appa.' neichbor Shirley Davia had the t9tttly Wat not ~pectJ1ur Ul b,a o~tie view. · ~ tG IJrtlan. :-~. 'l'V• known '" awful lot of-"l.talbct '-'lib 'ruelcilt· IDd nice people Uid he ()UcDona)d) he illlned fo be tn a Wlr'J -.a. ii gne of them.'' ~ ot ~,. · .-· Sayil'\I that 1he uid her hua-At •e ti1w of the ala)"lnc!J tn band had been frienda wlth • J9'l0, ~, told .ACillce iu. MacDonald for about 10 years ~ hatl ~ tnvade<l by ~ . ( ·Slayi:Og case pushed An Oran1e County Superior Court judge aaked the state Su- preme CoUrt Thunday to expe- dite p~inp· tor a labour whoee trial on murder char1e1 lnvolvln1 the 1979 de•th of a FountaSn Valley houtewife bu been delayed for two yMl'I. Mre. Davia aatd •b• aaw FBI 'dr\.aa:erued hipplea. .. 1 .-1ent1 at MacDonald'• home ~ waa al'(•ted by mlli~y· Wedneeday morntni. ~. p:Jlice md cllllrized wittt murder Judge James 0 . Perez Mid he wrote the atate high court in hopes that proceedtnp for de- fendant William Lee Evina can move ahead now that the justices have determined that testimony from hypnotlzed witneteee ls in- admlaetble. lasted an da •• ahe Mid any. WI'\) ~ "J had a linking feellnc -,jt · • but hlbieq~' Y 'WU cleared Of y, · ~tve y an ter, a. t• ual Mr•. Davia said that prior to Jtand juey iii leigh lnteted his .ilrrest. MacDonald had been ~ on murder charges. • • f SCHOOL CLOSURES ... they live ~(miles from IClbool. ·five achoola ~th siartint times between 8 and 9 a.m. to get the maximum uae of two buaes. Evina' cue had been tn limbo atnce December 1980, when de- fenae attorneys protested the uae of a prosecution witness at the preliminary l\_~arlng who had been bypnoti.r.ed to help him re-mem~r detail• of a purported"' confellion.. Evins, who ii tn jail. bad been ordered to stand trial tn Superior Court following that preliminary bearing tn 198Cl Under this plan, which takes effect in September, kindergar- ten through second grade stu- dents will be eligible for busing if they live one mile f.rom schdol. ~Older students will be bused il In reachirig their deciaiona on closures, the ·trustees considered a proposal from a diatrict advi- ao.cy coramittee'a majority, mino- rit}' committee reports, a recom- mendation from Superintendent Willlam Fisher, plua other pro- poeals drawn up by school bOard members. Perez said he.would like to eee another preliminary hearing or- dered in the cue. lf that takes place, it is unlikely the pr~­ tion can uae the aame wi~ who were hypnotized. , J Easter day camp set in Huntington The West Orange County YMCA will conduct an Easter vacation day camp in Hunt- ington Beach for ages 5 to 12. The camp will operate from 7 a .m . to 6 p.m . Monday, A~rU 5, through Friday, April ~. in HuntinjittOn Central •A free seininar for veterans who own a business or hope to establish one will be con- ducted Saturday, at Golden West College in Huntington Beach. Bert Fregley, author of seven books on business ma- Park. Cost is °$65 for mem- bers, $75 for non-members. The camp fee covers a trip to Knott's Berry Fann, rol- lerskating, crafts, games, mo- ~ies and bus service. More ltltorn:i.a.ti'9n. qn the eI<?J.ftliD. ·~·be obtain~ by calliDg the' YMCA at 847"-9622. · · nagement and career deve- lopment, will conduct the seminar from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. in Forum ll. The session will focua on record-keeping, preparing loa.n packages and other to- pics. HEADING IN -Just as stohn clouds began to break up over the Pacific late TI:iursday af- ternoon, a familiar sight returned to the sho- ...., .......... .,,c...... • ..,, reline near Huntington Beach Pier . A lone surrer sprints across the wash, happy to get that "one last ride." · __ _ Wage h ike sought 6.3 winners banored Evin s is accused of killing housewife Joan Anderson, who was found strangled in her home. Police later took Evins into cus- tody in Texaa. The defendant, a contract la- borer, had been working on a room addition to Mrs. Andenon's home. One of the key witnesses agajnst him at the preliminary heiring was Randy Wanner, a friend, who said he remembered detays of a confession Evins made to him hours after the kil- ling. Wanner recalled those de-. talls, however, after a hypn<lSis session. . Prosecutor John Conley said the only way to salvage this tes- timony is to show that Wanner was not actually under a hypno- tic state. This can be determined, he said, by listening to tapes of the hypnosis session and evalua- ting the way answers to ques- tions were given. Wanner has said he believes he wasn't hypnotized while the de- fense says it has an expert who believes he waa. The witness had been hypno- tized by a police Qfficer. ' SACRAMENTO (AP) -The' California State Employees As- sociation is asking for a general salary increase of 12.5 percent. : DlSneYiand awards out. tion aervices i.o young girls. prize money have been presented by the Disneyland group. Warmer -days ahead' Florence Crittendon Services of Orange County Inc .. organized 16 years ago t-0 help troubled adolescent girls, and-Goodwill Industries Inc. have each won awards of $25,000 from the Dis- .neyland Community Services Awards program. Goodwill received its award for what UC Irvine Chancellor ~el Aldrich called 25 years of outstanding service to the com- munity. There were 17 winners from Orange Coast communities Thursday. • . ' . Center Thuraday brought the _,total to 10.04, compet9d• wtth 8.45 last April Fool's Dey llnd the MUOnel notmal of 12.67 In· a-'°' this dat .. Normal tor the wtlOle yMI. ending June ~ ... 14 ~ ~~Coastal I inchel. Durini a special luncheon in the Grand Ballroom of Disney- land Hotel, 63 award winners were announced for prizes tota- ling $150,000, including a $12,500 award to the Junior League of Newport Harbor Inc. Th.ii award was given to mark the 25th anniversary of the awards program, which honors organizations in Orange County which have provided "outstanding community service." They were: Central Orange County Literacy Council, based in Costa Mesa ($1,000 award); the Vocational Training Club, based in Huntington Beach ($1,000 award); the South Coast Literacy Council of Capistrano Beach ($1,000). I :some cloudlllffa at ti,,,_, bu1 moatly fair through Saturday. Sllsihtry warmer days w!l!I Nghe_ today and Satulday 58.to IL: a.- tonight 38 to 46. Huntington- Newport er• temperat1.ne range from a high of 82 to a lo. of 4 f . Eleewttete, from Point Concep.. t1on to the Mexan 1>on1« 111\d out 80 mllea: NorthwHt wind• de~ crHllllng to 8 to 12 knot• over outer water•. South-I to 'Welt wind• fo to 18 knots thl9 after-noon ti.coming llght and variable tonlgfit. W..iwty 1We11e of 2 to 3 r.t. V:S~ sum~ry· snow 111\d wtndt cr•ted ,,..,. blizzard condition• In perts of the Rocky Mountelna'todey, whlle another In a HrlH of ttorme moved Into the Pacific Coast re- gion. HNvy thunder1torme alto de- Wloped over the IOllthem plalna, • and cloudy eklH, e law anow "'-" 111\d etrong wind• tpfeed aver the nation'• NorthMtt. Scettarec:I ehower• end 1hun- der91'6rme -. forec.t f'rOm the Mlealeaippl River ~ and aou- them plelnt to the T-and llPC* ()No valleya and the upper Graetl..llk•. Severa thunderatorma war• _p_r,tdl.Ct~Jrom the central and lower plaln.a to th• mid-and lowef'-MININlppl vetley. Snow wH expected over tJI• upper Mleaourl valley, with acatt•ad . rein and anow over the platMU 111\d RoclclM. TampereturH early today r.naecl from 14 In Sault St. Marie, Mich., to 77 In Brownavllle end,. Mc:Allln, T-. f empera.~~re'; . W.llON .. Lo ,,._ 55 31 n 38 81 52 73 34 79 55 79 65 1'3 44 83,,57 M•t10f!lfA' WU1.,.tt \••"fl NO•a U \ o ..... Cc--• •u 40 35 4e 29 .04·--------------------et ae Seattle St Low1a • St P-Tampe . 13 St Ste Marie SP<*-Tuceon TIMM Wdllngtn Wichita 50 39 f'AN AMINCAll· 74 59 ~ 82 58 Berblldot s 12 .oe Bermuda 48 27 Bogota 82 48 .02 Curaceo 81 71 GuadalaJani 74 45 ~ 75 84 Havena 91 78 45 23 77 47 74 81 69 34 70 38 84 43 70 42 58 29 65 37 78 70 •. 00 74 40 CAl60RNIA Klngalon 73 84 73 72 84 ee ..e 88 79 57 88 70 &4 ee 13 ae 73 59- 84 The Crittendon organizatron, based in Fullerton, received its award for outstanding service in 1982. The awards committee paid special tribute Thursday to the opening last y~ of the Dora Hill Transition Center, built by Crit- tendon to expand its rehabilita- "This recognition program was desi n ed to provide incentive, encouragement and reward to those organizations whose ex- ceptional endeavors have contri- buted to the improved Quality of life for the people of Orange County," a spokesman said. During its 25 yea.rs. 722 awards totaling more than $1 .2 millio,n in Tbe Orange..Coun.ty Marine Institute in Dana Point ($1,000); Y.S.P. Inc. of Costa Mesa. which helps juvenile offenders pay back their victims ($1,000); and the Capistrano Unified School Di- strict's Crossroads Alternative Program In Dana Point ($1.000). 73 59 57 30 33 28 58 42 .38 77 49 40 .47 49 34 .12. Montag<> Bay Mazetlan ~. Mexico City Montetrey San Juan Tegucloalpe Trlnlded 50 t I 72 79 80 17 .9 81 32 40 24 .02 eo 12 .21 78 72 70 45 84 eo 71 85 IO M' .01 • 17 • ~.04 71 4e 83 83 .15 78 7S 64 84 &1 .... 74 49 IO 88 85. -38 75 $1 77 M a ·~ ... «>. ··= t · 57 32 54" ,. .08 at 27 • 118 23 ..3t 35 .78 58 41 .71 ee 48 52 44 .49 50 .17 ·s 47 37 .40 mou 87 72 . 73 I 91 73 so 152 1.11 e 50 45 •44 rti. 8outh coee1 Air ouelt!)' ~ 40 .06 M1nagement Dlatrlct predicts 51 good air quellty tode In ...... 74 of the South COllll A/19-ft. ~ 4e The AOMO toreceM I l'Gllul8M 57 45 &tenderd Index of 42 for all ,.., 44 28 1.70 glonll. 50 34. 84 58 .53 40 30 .80 ----------52 .42 37 21 3.&4 eo 41 .eo 53 50 72 .... 15 51 47 51 50 .u 4t 40 .ae eo ·so .et 54 44 Ut 13 12 -wr--- E x tended forecast .. •-.. - I I. HUNTINGTON WINNERS -Repn1enttn1 wtnntna orpnbationa for Dianeyland Com· munlty ~Awardl are (left to rtcht). Jlm Coo.J>er; cOtlamun lty r tlatton1 director of KOCE-TV. Channel 50. Huntinpn Beach; ' ................ Vicky Edward• Zle1cbe of Zdlaon Hl1h School'• Vocational Trainlna Oub; and Norma Brandel Glbbl, chairman ol the awardl com· mittee. • J - l . • • BANK 'BLED' -Angry electric rate payers in Aberdeen, Wash., protest outside Seattle First N~tional Bank where they withdrew $1.4 ~-..... .. million in protest of the bank's challenge to a law allowing voters to block financing of pu- blic nuclear power plants. ·wrn W[[[J Argeiitine military fol-ces invade Falkland Islands BUENOS AIRES, Argentina (AP) -Argentine forces seized the British-ruled Falkland Islands today and appointed an Argentine military governor to administer the disputed South Atlantic territory, the Argentine junta said . A source who re- quested a nony m ity said ther e could have been "some injuries" among the 84 British marine de- fenders, but there was no official report of casuatties or confirma- t ion of an in vasion from the British. An earlier Arge ntine communique spoke of "armed combat," but the official Telam news agency said there were "no armed encounters." I NV ASION -Argent ine commandos captured the air- port at P Qrt Stanley in the British-ruled Falkland Islands today. obey any decision my party takes." that c h anged Iran fr om a U.S.-supported monarchy to a very strict Islamic Republic. Crowds chanting anti-American epithets and pro-Khomeini slo- gans marched through Tehran streets to mark the anniversary. WARSAW, P oland (AP ) - Authorities have demanded that Austrili extradite two military pilots who flew thetr families and a friend to the West aboard a . military biplane, the Polish news agency PAP re po rted today . ·-- Rescue work continues Two still m issing, six dead in ski resort avalanche SQUAW VALLBY (AP) - Re.cue worken continued their Snow &Jocks / \ ...-ch for bodl• buried ln deep HU..hway mow today aft.er two avalancha '1' bombarded a aid reeon, leavlna Truckee • alx people dead and two otbtrt, 1--~ .. ~ .. ~ .. ,.c:;.. _ _..., mluln8 ln what a rHott 1po· keaman called a 11\0W dlaaater beyond .. our wUdHt dream1." The workers, Ullnc •arch dop and problnc equlpm•'!i,~~nd three bodies ThUnday, to Avalanche Blocks Ao.d the three dilcovered af1er 12 eet of new snow trlaered the ava- lanchet aoon alter 4 p.m. Wed- nesday at Alplne Meadow• re- IOrt, about three mi.let IOUth of Squaw Valley. S A C RA MENTO (AP) - Hanher penalties begin today for crlmlnal.t who uae gUN, under bl111 algned by Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. "Guns are uaed in 65 percent of the hom1ddee and 70 percent of the robberies commit- ted in California," Brown said in a statement Thursday. "With theee bWa we are targeting our enforcement efforts to control the miaUlle of guns by thoee with a history of crlm1nal conduct wi- thout restricting the rights of law-abiding citizen• to possess firearms f o r th e ir own protection." FORT IR WIN (AP ) -The death of a fifth paratrooper has again undencored the stark rea- lism of the war games in the Mojave Desert by the 82nd Air- borne Division. The massive exercise involving 40,000 aoldiers entered its attack-counterattack phase today. The fifth paratroo- per death came Thursday after- noon. 6uthorities said 1st Lt. Gregory Lynn Watson, 25, of Hot Springs, Ark .. died of injuries suCfered in the air drop Tuesday. LOS ANGELES (AP) -At- lantic Richfield Co. plans to build what it calls the world's largest solar photovoltaic electric gen- erating facility to supply electri- city to the Southern California Edison Co. The one-megawatt facility i.I to be constructed by the oD company's Arco fWAr .Ubet-· diary at an Edi.on power sub- station 65 miles northeast of Los Angeles at Hesperia, the compa- nies said Thunday. Avelanche HltaHou- Alpine Meadows CALIFORNIA Snow Blocks -Highway To South' '-... L.A . Lake '-. Tahoe ' ,.,~ AVALANCHE PATH -Map shows major points where an avalanche hit Squaw Valley resort near Tahoe City and where snow is blocking surrounding roads and highways. EL SEGUNDO (AP) -The largest commercial communica- tions satellite contract in history has been awarded to Hughes Aircraft Co. by the International Telecommunications Satellite Organization (INTELSAT). The first part of the contract for about $700 million announced ThJ,lr&day is to develop and build five INTELSAT VI space relay stations to be 1ielivered in 1985 and be put in synchrol)OUS orbit 22,300 miles above the earth starting in 1986. OAKLAND (AP) -Facing troubles that could put it out of business, World Airways an- nourlCed creditors have provided 80t'1le temporary e>clensions while the airline pursues long-term solutions, a spokesman says. Rent and regular debt payments of $2.9 millic;m due in late March and April were extended for a "temporary" period, World spo- kesman Mike Henderson said Thursday. SACRAMENTO CAP) -The off-again, on-again recall cam- patgn against Chief Justice Rote Bird was on again today !IS con- se rv a ti ve state Sen . H.L . Ri - chardson said he would lead a drive to remove her from office. Richardson was uncertain about the· timing of his campaign, tel- ling reporters he would try for the November ballot only if Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. promised tO let the next governor appoint a new chief justice -an unlikely e vent. Otherwise, Richardson said, his group will try to file the needed 731,244 signatures so as to force a special recall election after Brown leaves office next January. TEL A VIV, Israel (AP) -Is- raeli troops shot and wounded four Druse Arabs today while dispersing violent anti-Israel de- monstrations in the recently an- nexed Golan Heights, the mili- tary said. Arabs in Majdel Shams and Massad eh , the two largest Arab towns in the northern Go- lan, violated curfews and threw rocks at troops, slightly injuring six soldiers, mill tary sources said. About 150 demonstrators in each town ignored orders to disperse, and after firing warning shots in the air, the soldiers fired "several shots at the feet o f th e demonstrators,"' the sources said. There was no information TEGUCIGALPA, Honduras (AP) -The chief of Honduras' armed forces says his Central American country is threatened by the Soviet Union, Cuba and Nicaragua, and he hopes U.S . military intervention will save it. "Our country is small and weak," Col. Gustavo Alvarez Martinez said Thursday in a radio inter- view. "Honduras now is con- fronting an armed aggression from the Soviet Union by way of Cuba. Because of that, if no other possibility exists to preserve peace, Honduras is in agreement that the United States, as a friendly country, should inter- ve'rle militarily in Cen tral America." Unemployment matches postwar high , on the condition of the wounded Arabs. SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador (AP) -President Jose Napoleon Duarte, in an overnight switch. said he would step aside if his Christian Democratic Party wants him to. But political ma- neuvering was· likely to take a back seat to Holy Week obeervanJ ces starting tonight, and agree- ment on a new government was not expected until llfter Easter. "I've never personally sought any position," Duarte told a news conferen ce Thursday. "I will TEHRAN, Iran (AP ) - Buoyed by a battlefield win over Iraq, Ayatollah Ruhollah Kho- meini marked the third anniver- sary of his Islamic Republic by warning the Arab world not to help Iraq in the Persian Gulf war. "You will have to fight our fire" if you help Iraq, Khomeini said in a statement Thursday commemorating the proclamation ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Cla11"led advertlalng 7141M2-5171 All other department9 142-4321 Thomas P Haley ' ,,_""°Cl\ ... E•Klll,.1 ()1100• Robert N. Weed ,,_ Thomas A Murph1ne ~ L Kay Schultz VICle"'-"""OlfMtor oi OD9<.- Michael P. Harvey MlfMll<19 o...ctor Kenneth N. Goddard Jr. ~-o...e1or Ctlartes H. Loos ~£111\0. ..,,.. ... "' .......... MAIN OfflCE J:JO West IW( St .. Ca&'-MeM, CA. ""4111 .....-.W: llOx IMO, Ca .. Meu. CA. *M C<IPY' ..... HG Or ... C..IC P1ell ..... '--"· He ....n ~ lllWCreUoft-, .. tten.l m-or .. vert1Mlft9ftb Mfillfl lt>ey M ,,~ -""""' speclel ....,.,.._of,.,..,,.,,._ •. VOL 71, NO.~ WASHINGTON (AP) -Wi- despread layoffs and plant clo- sings pushed the nation's unem- ployment rate to ~ percent last month, matching the nation's postwar high, the Labor Depart- ment reported today. J u.st under 9.9 million people were out of work in March. Since last July, some 2 million have lost their jobs. March's emJ>loyment losses, the produ ct of the continuing recession, cut across the spectrum of the population, with jobless- ness among adult males. tradi- tionally the family breadwin- ners, equaling December's high of 7 .9 percent. WASHINGTON (AP ) -Rea- gan administration officials say they will put off making recom- mendat ions on Social Security until next year, even though the system ls in serious straits. The three Reagan ~binet members who serve as the system's trustees told Congress In their annual report Thunday that the Old Age and Survivors Trust Fund will be unable to pay be-' nefits on time starting in July 1983 ''without corrective legisla- tion in the very nev future." W A.SRINGTON (,W) -Rea- gan adminiatration official.a and key congreamen are diecul9ina tax h lkea and cuta In Socia1 Security cost-of-llvi.na lncre• aec u p oaalble compromlaea tor reducing the l::Judaet deficit, con· aremlonal eources aay. No ded· aiona have been reported from the -=rel mftUnp, but IOW'C!8 Mid Tburwday that tbe talks ln· volved \be flt.i White Houae-eonc ..... dlacuaalon-of apeclf ways of reduclnc the dellctt n What do you llke about the Dally Pilot? What don't you lite? ... Call the number below and your mttaa1e wtll be recc.rded. tranacribed and delivered to the appropriate editor. The same 24·bovr antwenn, Mrvke may be ~ to record let· ters to the editor on any topic. Mailbox contribugs rruat Include their name and telephone number for verification. No circulation calls, please. TelJ us what's on your mind. 842-6088 L.-~~~~~---~~~~~~~~--~~~~-_J President Reagan's fiscal 1983 budget. enter the United States was re- jected. nouncement that the 57-year-old publisher intends to buy the na- tion's la rgest general-interest daily from Its parent Tribune Co. was made Thursday. f GREENVILLE, S.C. (AP) - The chancellor of Bob Jones University has urged students to pray that the Lord "smite" Se- cretary of State Alexander M. Haig Jr. and "destroy him quickly and utterly." "I am going to pray that God will get rid of that man" Chancellor Bob Jones Jr., 900 of the school's founder, said Thunday after a request by Northern Irish Protestant leader Ian Paisley for pe rmission to NEW YORK (AP) -Texas millionaire J oe L . Allbritton, who once owned The Washin,gt- on Star but sold it three years before it closed, has agreed to buy the Daily News if its unions can reach an agreement to run the newspaper "on a sound business basis." A letter of intent signed by Allbritton provides for a 30-day period for negotiations Wlth the 11 unions representing Daily News employees. The an- WASHINGTON CAP) -Presi- dent Reag an's recent bout of urinary tract discomfort appa- rently stemmed from an inflam- mation that was cured by anti- biotics, and doctors say there is no need for further treatment. "I feel great," the 71-year-old pre- sident declared Thursday. The Carousel Chapter of the O range County Music Center GRATEFUllY ACKNOWlEDGES THE CONTRIBUTIONS FROM OUR UNDERWRITERS AND PATRONS: ABC LUMBER ABLE COMPUlER AIRPORT BUSINESS CENTER AMINOIL USA. INC. APODACA FINOCCHIARO & CO. THE ARNOLD ENGINEERING CO. BAKER INTERNATIONAL GIUMARRA BROTHERS VINEYARDS IMPERIAL BANK DR. & MRS. ROY E. LAU MAILING & MARKETING INC McKINLEY EQUIPMENT M V PUBLISHING. INC. MIKE PHENJATI REEL/GROSMAN & ASSOC. BENTLEY lABORATORIES. INC. BURLINGTON NORTHERN AIR FREIGHT INC. CALIFORNIA CHARTER BUSES. INC. CANON BUSINESS MACHINES. INC. ROBERT J. ROTHWELL CONSTRUCTION SHILEY. INC. CHRIS LINDSAY DESIGNS CIMCO -.. MR. & MRS. JOHN J. CRONIN COUNT PATRICK DeMONTFRIED EIP/CUSHMAN. INC. FHP (FAMILY HEALTH PROGRAM) ' DR. & MRS. MORRIS FIER MARTHA & 808 FLUOR .. OR. STEVE & SUSAN SLINGSBY DR. & MRS. SERGIO C. STONE TACO BELL MR. & MRS. RICHARD 0 . THIES \IPA. INC. . V1NCENT JACQIJART & ASSOC. WAYNE FRANKLIN TRUCK CORP CHARLES M. WEINBERG FUND ' '!' I 'r . =-------. ---· Ortnge Cout DAILY PILOT/Fr1day. April 2, 1882 ~ .......... APRllL FOOL -"Bandtime," a 23-year-old quarter horse, seems to enjoy a good joke himlelf after his owner, Patricia Crain of Sa- linu. left an old pair o! boots upended in woodpile to resemble a tossed rider. I SPECIAL F•URCHASE ! ! E:I 1981 'FAIRMONT FUTURA WAGONS THEY ARE REALLY LOADED! Including factory air condlt1onlng. automatic transmission, power brakes. electnc windows. door locks. Ult wheel. cruise control, 1m/fm stweo. deluxe wheels & MORE, MORE, MORE (1BOf815) 57595 WILSON FO 118255 Beach Blvd., Huntington Beach 842-6611. 556-1070 ~)OUTH COAST HONDA (714) 957-1966 300 I So. Maift. s-ta A-. CA. 1912 Y-45 S•• WHERE OUR RE:PUT ATIOH IS EVERYTHING -YOU'RE #1 WITH US! nte1t Rules: 1. Correctly complete tM sec:ret phrase by finding and ualng letters appearing in dealer ads on this page. See .. How to Play" for instructions. 2. All entries m'IJ9t be completed on coupons clipped from the Daily Pilot or on hand·drawn facsimiles. Machine duplicated entries, will not be eligible. Entries must be legible. completely filled out and signed by entrant. 3. One winner of 50 gallons of gas will be randOIY\ly drawn each weel< for 6 weeks from correctly oompleted entries. A grand prize winner will ~ drawn Aprll 15, 1982 from 111 weekly entriee received during the 8 weeks, Including weel<ly winners. for 100 g1llon1 of gas. Decision of the judges Is final. 4. You may submit only one entry per week. No person may win more than one weekly contest. Entri95 muat be received at the Dally Piiot by 5:30 p.m. the Wednesday fOllowlng publlcetion. 5. A4 CONldel'atlon for winning any prize. wlnn«t wlll authOOze publlcetlon of their names and/or phOtographa by Orange Cout Publishing Co. without furthet'compenutton. 8. Gat0llne th1ll be IHded regular. unleaded 19gUI#, prwnlum or dllMI. Wln'*1 muat r'"'"m winning coupon within 2 months of notiflc1tlon they Mlle~ their prize. 7. Coni.t Is open to anyone 18 YM'S of age or older. Ernployeel of Orange eo.t Publlahlng Co. and their lmmedlMe famtllee .,.. not .. lglble to win. Crime rate off after 'shoot to kill' policy TEJtU HAUTE, Ind. (AP) -In the year 1lnce Terre Haute Pollce Chiel Gerald Loudermilk adopted a ••aboot to kill" policy, the dty'1 crime rate bu dropped more than 12 per- cent -without a ancie lhot fired by a PQUoe officer. ,,We hope we never have to wie our l'lnl, but If there'• ever a need we want the crimlna1I to know we won't hetltate, •• Loudermilk Hid tn an interview. In the 19~0•...r. Terre Haute waa known a1 Sin \,;lty, a border town where a tan1le of truck routes brought a larae transient popula~on easy ,acce. to vice. In 1979, comedian Steve Martin dubbe(t it 0 the most nowhere place in America," a place where fut-food franchJ.e. were conaldered baute cui- sine and eve9 the mayor drove a Uled car. ,,r4t( Last year th1a city of 80,000 gained another~. cultivated by Louder- milk and reir}lorced by police: a tough town fOf' crlm1nala. Loudermilk ii quick to point out that the POlicY merely underli.nee In- diana law, wfllch provlde9 for poUce UM of deldly force. ''lndlana It.ate law uys a polJce of..f fleer can 1hoot a flfflnl felon," he Mid. "We didn't want them to wonder if the department would bllck them up if they dJd it." Terre Haute received national me- dia attention after the policy went into effect 1n January 1981. Depart- ment mme llatilticl (or the fint ye.ar of the policy 1how an overall drop in crime of 12.6 percent, with a 49 per- cent decreue in robberies and an 18 percent drop in bur1lar1es. But flve people were murdered in 1981, up from four ~ previoua year. Speakinc from tu. dty hall office, where a ml.nlature electric chair aitl on hia desk, Louderrnil.k aaid the po- licy had two purpoae1: to threaten criminala and to give the 126-member force more confidence to uae their ,una. "To me it .!ult clarified thlnca," laid Sit-Larry Akers, a 15-7,;ear veteran wlth the department.• Before, you b.ct a doubt whether you had a right to u.ae deadly force or whether you didn't ... "Since thia policy went into effect, no of~r has fired> a gun. You could pack 10 guna, but if the criminal knoWI you're not going to u.e them, that's nothlnBt" Akers said. "There la no uniquenea about any of it,'' Mid Mayor Pete Chalos. "Every police 'officer acroa the country ha.a the aame policy. I think we just ver- bal.lz.ed ours." In New York City, for example, Police CommJaaloner Robert McGuire said last year that a "shoot ti.rat and shoot to kill" order for polictmlen who belleved their lives were in danger haa been in effect since 1972. Loudermilk has a cabinet full of letten from people around the coun- try who llk.e the Po~· "I'll bet lf we had that here, we woul~'t have one-tenth of U"9 crime we do now," wrote Bob Miellowlld of Chlcaao. "Aleo if you ever want to run for office ln Chicago, you have my vot.e and rm aure many othen." Chalos aays the ahoot-to-ldll polJcy la not 8(>lely ~ponafble for the drop ln crime. • "I'm not golni to give all the crodlt to our deadly fo.n:e pollcy,'' the mayor said. "We're dolng aood police in- vestigative work. We wan't them doma the ba*9 the best to ._,.,rehend as many crimlna.la aa they can." Still, many local citlzena like the policy. ube Terre Haute re1ident, Gretta Clendenen, wrote to Loudermilk. "The statement you made to the po- licemen about using guna if nece-ary should be made by every police chief in the United States." THE ORANGE. COAST DAILY PILOT'S Chewrolets! * LlllTEI n11 MLYJ n1111 cm PORSCHE AUDI a ... in the tt1ldition of excellence .......... ~_..~ ... -.. -~ ... ~ .. - Let The Good nm" Ro4I ..• Now, at Nabers Cadillac · 12.8 % Fin!l,9£~9g! II ft\OI it "O'W ~ COOllOC (Gt\ ~ '°"' ,.... c~ ,,.,.,,U°'GN ~(;MAC d Oii\ Cl'W"uOI ~~4'0Qi9 .-.ot~ ~29'ono4'f"IO OWl'd'\OM c.Ot*Oc:f .., on ~ CICllO"C• oi tt~OOO ftOf ...,,,...... no ~ _.,,),. .. -000--•., °' StQOl Hotwl'Qlli\ '~ ~ ~-,.....t'Otiif"°""""" .. c.....ngir.-. Spr1nit Clt'1mm n· ---c-Huflt' ~IC"C'llon c_....., ___ ,,, ~ ~ ~ Coclllloc• CINI.._. ~QI._.,,.,.,~ * lporty New '82 Camaro No. 206811309 OnlJ '1318 low! At"d .t"11t ""'°'• -Oii OUI ~ c~ • .,,. the-Oi.ll'lleo °'-""'O °"" l0N'9 CteiorCJt'Ct A ao«'OCUllOI tO"e on 01 ...,.. .. , f .aotOOOt 0.V..t NOW ls the '°"""O• ... ¥90' "~~Of\Qllldllf'M4a .., .. "'" ... ,.. M'l•Q)...., .,.....,.,~-~(1111._.~'°"' wen -ono~ ... ~'°"....,. Al"lct•,eocl'Vtolf~ ....... ~~--lil'tllOb!.lipOf ..... '-OW ,..,....,,,.. MW"IM.tPOI¥•~ ~ toDltM.ll'e lO~"" ...... IOl"'°""o.tl~ time to ~""."~ II \ •Not applicable to venlcles receiving rebates SAU;S •SERVICE• LEASING' ~-~~ m 13831 H1rbor Blvd. • Garden Grove 63fi-2333 (where Harbor meets th4! Garden Grove Freeway) ~~~~~PDASCHE+AU NOTHING EVEN COMES CLOSE fiftl.1CzC': Answer to contest ±f 6 in next Friday's CLASSIFIED SECTION ~~..,...,..~ ... UP TO 400 · Gallons OF GAS Just 90fve the eecret phr-with letters from this page and mall this coupon. ~ I have reed and agree to the rules for thla contest, and am 18 yea,. old or older. Here la my aolutlon to the secret phrase: -Seeret Phn11 - 01 I O flJDD ll!. 0 1_...0 ....... 1- Name: Address: ...................... ·. · .. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · City ........................................... ZIP .......•...... ' I Telephone: .................................................... . Signature ................................................•...... FINANCING purchase U ---_~ ,.....llJl_ s...o .. v ... your new Cadillac.~. l , ...... ~ ..... , .. ,~ NABERS -.-c-... CADI• I A. ·C -··--" ... _ ~ ........-.. --~ o...,. •f~O•< 2000 Ho<OOI 81\!0 COlto M~f7141 '>40 QI()()• l'.2131 !>67 8200 SEE OUR FULL PAGE COLOR AD ·IN TODAYS PAPER! YOU'LL Bl B . GLAD D YOU DIDI Ho~ to Play: A Winner Every Week for 6 Weeks -50 Ciallo.ns One GRAND PRIZE WINNER of I 00 Galons It's easy! In each of the lldvertlaementa on thla pag4t tn«• are one or more lettere for a total of 12 that makes a secret phrase when unscrambled. Uae each letter only once and use all the letters provided. Including tM two lettere that have been eotved for you on the entry blank. Slmc>ly find the lettera. un«nmltle them to make the seaet phrase. 1nd bring or mail your coupooto: GREAT GAS GIVEA'NAY The Daily Pilot 330 West Bay St. Costa Mesa, CA 92626 o.ptte what you m11Y h8Y9 l"Md •bout record htgh tntere•t r•tn for homn and ~. Or.,,ge County .m> dMten now hwe MWr•I fln•nclng option• for you, the CUllOt"Mr, to chooM frbm. They know where the money 19 •v•llable, •nd how to get tt to you 11t the kM91t poeeible co•t. The auto de• .. ,. wlll help you flnd the proper ffMnee progr.m dellgned to mike your bank •ccount run ju•t u amoothty u your newmr. • I ! i l ! NY E COMPOSITE 'ERAN ACTION ~OTATIOllt INCl.-UH UAOO 04' , ................... ., .... ,.,.IC .............. CIHeolT ••• C•-<••••fl noc• UC.._ ... AM .. N!HIO a'i ,,,.. Ute ••t llll•TINIT . Plioae rares up WASHINGTON (AP) -Moat people u11na the Bill Syst.tm to make telepbom Calli to other 1tatee are paying bl&her ra* ~. -Thi price lncrMlel were p_ut into effect. at. mldnicbt aft.er the Federal Communle1U001 Commluion on Tb~ 1ppr'O'Yed .... ~ &o pnerate an extra tllt.e mJWon a lD rweau. for &M ~ bone • Tt' ..... 00. ....,. melrina ID ..... .. -. ..... ca111 wm.., ... _.... of 1.4 ~nt more, MlC!Ordlq to ATICr. The J'lUOl'CJCU'boo Co. of t.,una Na,uel announ~ ced llllles for the year ended Jan. 31 were $88.243.000, up from the prevtoua year of $79,314,000. N~ lncome for the year jult ended WM $2,744,000. compared to $3.58~.000 for the yeaf ~fore. . EarningJt per ahare were 64 centl th1a put year compued to 91 cents a year earlier . ... Dividend omitte d Golden West Homes of San&a Ana announced Lhe company'• board of directon voced to omit the regular qu.arte.rly cash dividend of 12 oenta per common ehare .. The ~gular quarterly dividend would nonnally have been payable .to shareholders 1n late April. · The action followed the company's r~ntly re· ported operating 1088 for the third quarter and nine- month period ended Feb. 27. Comp-Care to pay Jividen'!. Comprehensive Care Corp. of Newport Beach, announced the board of directors approved a fourth quar1er dividend of 4 cents per share, payable May 20 to shareholders of record April 30. Fluor building for Gen entecb The Fluor Corp. announced that a sub.idiary, Daniel International Corp .. has designed and ls con- structing a 72,000-aquare-foot manufacturing facility for Genentech Inc. at South San Francisco. The plant ls echeduled to be compleced by the end of 1982. Value of the contract was not diac108ed. Income, revenues drop American Pace&etter of Newport Beach reported net income of $3,416,000, or $1.43 per share, on reve- nues of $67,471,000 for the year ended Dec. 31. Thi.a compares with net income of $5,828,000, or $2.07, on revenues of $80,752,000 for the comparable period last year ' Cox to change name Shareholders of Cox Broadcasting Corp. have approved a proposal to change the Atlanta-based company's name to Cox Communications Inc. At the annual meeting in Costa Mesa, the stock- holders also heard projections of a 20 percent increase in profita for the first quarter of 1982, company offi- tjals said. . William A. Schwartz, Cox president and chief operating officer. reported that the company expects a 30 percent increase in revenues and a 15 pe~nt ad- vance in operating income during the quarter. Condo partnership told The Stearns Development Company of Newport Beach and the RFS Development Corporation of, Orange have formed a gen~raJ ~ership. . The two companies will be JOmtly han~ _the sales and marketing programs for the condonuruum developments of Artesia Estates in Torrance, Park Femwood Ln Redlands, and Mountain View homes in Loma Linda. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES AMERICAN LEADERS N!W YORK (AP)-6•1 ... Thurt. price ..., "" ~ ol "" lefl most Ktt .. Mwtc.-1 S.OC:k I!~ ·-· 1rWdna lflll:lanelly at ....,... l"-n II Olln'ePlr1 • >tl,700 , ..... ~-11~ •2 I ..,,.., IN + '-"" no,a 12._ • \'t n 100,aao 2\lt • .... lt,700 IJWI t ~ ~ s 1',G 1~ +1'9 ....... .... ""' . ~ fllG£ 2Jlllpf p at.... ...... • .... ~ 51,lllD s-. • '" ; :::!.1 : lltlfftrOllE I 1f "' GOl.d COINS NEW Y()f{K(AP) FINI Oow->onel •¥9\. lor Tian!Sey, ~. 1. STOCKS JD Incl ~01 ~ .. ~~+1~ JD Tm JD.01 Jll. .. DU• la.Gt+ 4.9' IS UU K&Jl 10U5 Ma 1J lot 2'-+ 1 01 15 sa m..ai m.• a1 • .z n..a + .... llllaa S.>44,too n... ..... ........ • ..... I.tits . . . . . . . , .. , . 153, IGO• 65 Sit< 7, ,,..,. WHAT STOCKS DID NEW YOAK IAPl ~ I TIU• -10.1 llKllNd 111 U'IOWIOld ,,. T-1-1m -~ Z6 _ _, 11 HEW YOl\K (AP! /lo 1 METALS ,_. ~ 1'5 -117 """9clay • IO Prev ~Is 111 m ,. • II NEW YOfU< (AP) -Spot nontwr-,,,.. , ... p'109t lodlly. c.,,., 74"·77 centt 1 pound. U.S. det11n41110na. ~ 28-32 --• pound, 2111111 17-40 _... • pound, .,.,._..,, 1'111~Met-W.-~lt>· ....,._ 1&-71 oentl I pound, N.Y. __, 1395.00 per .... ,...._ '301.00 !rOf O&., N.Y. SILVER , HllllOy & tWmen, 17 130 per troy -. GOLD QUOTATIONS nu-, ., 11le -......... ..,_ ....,_, wort0 gOld ~ IO\t9r. L...-.. mom1ne llldnll UM.eo, Oft to.'411. Letltlet1: 1hef'noon fl•lf'lt H21.76, up I0.7& • .._.. SS34.07, up IU2. ~ aut.eo, 011 eo.01. -.... \.ale lldne ~oo *· up noo. swe.oo--. Ne••1 a .. _ .. , (on11 ct•ll)' quot1J 1327.71, -I0.71 ~··· • '°"" _, ..... tuT.n.. IO. , &RI I I • (ody N/lft ....... tllllnoeNd ~ 14, up to.rt . SYMBOLS ----~.-.,111911 ___ ._... __ ....... _ _ ........ -......... ....._ .. ~ ... ---·-.__.,_ ::=.:=:: .... :'::: ..... --. .. ..:::='-----.._ ... ........ .....,...,_. ....... ,_.....,._... ................................ ............... -. ......... ..... -.. --..-. ........ ............... . .... _ ...... ____ ....__ ......................... -. ................. ,._.__ ---.......... ··~ ···!~~ -~-~·:..:....= :::c·--··-----· "' ............. ...... ~------ CLASSIFIED 'INDEX Stn1tt Dtrtttorr EMPlOYllEMT & rtmtlTIOM Stbools • laslNtl- J .. wa-• HdpWa-.114.f MEICHANllSE EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY ~·s Motlce: WlO -------- 111110 -----11111' -·- - ••••••••••••••••••••••• General 1002 ••••••••••••••••••••••• HERE'S YOUR Y!i'l~~i~~U~~e! Charm, English tudor style, lovely tree lined street. Pride of o w n e r s h i p neighborhood. An<t as· sume $74.000 loan. Full price on this l Bdrm 2 bath doll house is only ll9,WOCall 646·717l THE REAL ESTATERS AlTreil estate ad· ve rtised i n thi s newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Hous- ing Act of 1968 which makes it illegal to ad· ---~ vertise "any preference, tt limitation. or dis· IE...U.Ce • crimination based on 2 'B4rni 2· lfaJ nu crpt, race, color, religion, patio cover !It g~rage. sex, or national ongin. t-ssume eJuStlllS. fananc· or an intention to make • 111g and owe wrth Sf!\8 II any such preference. down . Full pri ce Ii mit a ti on or dis. Sll9,500. 631-7370 crimination. '1 This newapaper will not knowin~lr accept any advert1S1ng for real estate which is in viola· lion of the law. IUOIS: AdYertfHn ..... dltck tltelr •• l .., ... ,..,.,. .,... ,..-.~.TM DAILY PILOT ..-1 ...., for .... flnt hlcorrtct lutrtlo. ..,. TR\DI TIO\,\L Rl \IT' MOYEUPTO Ex~l~s~~?ntial area of successful ex· ecu'ti ves and their families. This beautirut and spacious • Bdrm home orten low Interest .sumable loans and is pri~ al only $289,9()(1. --------i CJll oow! 646·7111 Always a sale in classified-read the ads every day. 642·5618 THE REAL ESTATERS ----- UllllLE .. I Prime Lido Nord bayfront. 5 bdrm, 5 bath. Lge L.R. 2 boa1 slips $1,5001000. Remodeled 3 bdrm, 2 bath + large rec. nn. beam ceilings, furnished. $420,000. UIU ISLE UYFlllY Lagoon view from 6 bdrm, 5 bath, play- room, dark nn, den. $1,350,000! UY•llYE Spectacular bayfront view 4 bdrm, 4 bath, 2 boat slips $1,900,000. TIU YISTU-allllll YIE.11 New French Normandy 4 bdrm, 4 bath, guest house, pool, $795,000. MllUllUYI Coronado lsld cust. bayfront lot. 85! boat dock. PlaN avail. $425,000 w/t.enM. BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR J -l I',, y, ,,. O • , . '• fi t; 7 ~ 6 i ti I 111111111 UYFlllTIMll • ....., ......... Uwlhrfr••t" ,, •• ,, .. tMs ....... .,... ... ""' .... .... .................. ,,......_ ........ .. IHlfiH ..... ,..1.11y ,.,,. l~rt••, ..... ...., ...... ,..., *" ... ,... .. lslae4 tittllell. lie• ....., ....... .................................. & "'J .......... flMr .... ""' I fttlac tf ,m..,t $1,Hl,111 i..wts 11114. U1-1411. WATERFRONT HOMES, INC. RfALESTATE s.ln. R..,t•k PrO!N'flV M.,,_......,t 2436 W Co.u1 Hwy 315 Mamw Allfl ~ Beact1 &Ibo. l~nd Ul-1400 67Utto RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE SERVICES WAI.I Tl llE llAOI Unusual contemporary home with bea- med ceilings & skylights. 2 BR: + Den. 31h Baths. In excellent condition. Takit over loan. $395,000. F.ee. ~-~ IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 um TUii, LUii/.,,. • SALi Only $12,000 Down. Large Assumable Loan With 30 Year Fixed Rate. Owner Wiil Carry Large 2nd T.D. At Low Int• rest. Lovely 3 BR End Unit W /Wrap Around Patio On Lush Greenbelt. Im- mediate Possession. Only $210,000. Sally Shlpley's listing. ·--............. 759-911 #2C.,.,....,._ MewpertC...., i:~::' S©~4llA-&f..~s·:: .... ..,QAf L"*Alf . ._...... ...... " ... ._ .............,_. ... "" IO lor!o Jo.,f ...... -· I I A II B I s I · I I I r . t I lEHAY l! .' r I I r .. ~ DA REAP I r I I r •JI I I , ~ • ... H/F IUllT IEILTH IOl/HMM4 'L ~I. I· Y '\ 1\.YLOR CO HLi\l.TOHS ·,.11l 1· l!l·H lllUIYMlllllllllSllO,llt Beaut. ~ bdrms.' Fam rm w/firep\aee. for- mal din rm, 2 'h ba. Newly decorated in soft pleasing colors. Beautiful new cptng & drapes. New marble entry. Pool & spa. 2111 Sall '-•It llllt 1114 llWNIT~1 1.1. ~4110 *IESA IEL llAI* $21,000 HWI Sensational 3br home with $104,000 in low interest financing. Call today . 2670 San Miguel.Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. *111,100* Costa Mesa. Spacious '3br detached home with large yard. Freshly paint- ed. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-5353. * TlllTLEllOCI * 11,211PU11111 is all you pay when you takeover' existing 1st T.D. Spacious 4 br exec- utive detache<! home. Featuring frml din. fmly rm & frplc. Only $213,500 FEE. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. lllWPNT IUll lfflOI 2111 Sall llptl "'" . (l1C) lll-1111 (l1C) ll2·llll ' HUNTINGTON BEACH OFFICE HHW...&tt. (l1C) ta-1111 (114} 111-lNI IWN: . • MACNAB ~- tHAL JM AllLTI Lovely 2 BR "S.n Mateo" Plan in Rancho San Joaquin wlcustom wall coverings, tract llgh- . ting, butcher-block tmnd •lots of privacy. For detaila on attrletive fl· nanclng coniact ~UM Crawford 7~2·141' $163,900 (Gll) . llllf Pll llALL HllU II lllPl.I Rare Plan 1 Park home ln Deerfield. • lfa Comer lot w/priVIC)' & •i-e· 2 Jm & den or 3 U ., 2 full blthl. Le • _....,country kit. w/loedl of cup. board•. Comm. pool•. , city park. f lH,000 Marlon rrtuell &&1-8700 (012) .. .............. __ _. ____ .., __________________________________ ..., __ .... : Furniture is bought and sold every day with a classification '8050 ad. RESIDENTIAL ~TGAGE SERVICE 121?~ 30 YOOI T01m -No Coll Dotes New Soles. ResoleS & Rellnaice Nol'\o()Wne( Available : OPEN HOUSE REAL TY /. JUST LISTED! 30 Yr. AXED RA TE IA Y & OCEAN 131/ 0 51'EPS from tliis 2 Bdrm 40/o L >A.MS house & l Bdrm house on 2 & 3 Be dr oom lownhornes with all de· JOxlfOO' R-2 lol Onl~ luxe amenities: Jacuu1. S255.000! trash compactor. auto lolloo lay Prop. gar door opnrs. micro. Reotton rrore A dazzlini? Ne" 675 7060 Engl;ind environment l --·--·--.*--Call •for appt. to see. -- Broker oo-0peral1on. t a.lboa lsbtd I 006 ROGER'S REALTY I••••••••••••••••••••••• 548-2231 675-2311 Trade your T.o·s or pro· perty in any state for $ 129 ,500 Balboa Island Prope rty •H.-.s~. Rltr. Super sharp ~ Bu•m 6711!21 6 home with wet bar. mar· --liliililEliliiii•--1111 ble fireplace uncl much ~~~~~~~~ rrore Anx 1ous ov. ncr • ea11979-mo ~!I 1ALLSTATE ~ A OPB4Sat-S..12-4 EALTORS 211 Opal, lalltlcMd 411, Pool & Spa Ctaslic C..tfy TlldGr and that ·5 not ull ! Unsurpassea qualityd Be t. f II · t · d su:pei:bly designed w /ol au 1 u Y main aine world charm. Solid ouk with many amenities firs, oak cabinets. . that make this home a beams, rock frplc. much 'terrine buy· Enter tltrv rrore. 3 Br incl mslr sle. the enclosed courtyard 3ba r f 1 d' and see all that this · am rm. orma '" home has to offer. Only rm & lg roor deck · ~ioo t:a 11 now S647,500.7S.4000 ... , ...... 100 •••••••••••••••••••••• r 644-7211 rJD.NIGEL [}AILEY & ASSUCIATES ,!..I • C:, C,fl ( ( T -t"' PH( JPl-1~ l 'l •, MEED T il SHB. TEI 1 ~cfo.wnliuys H ouses on F:'side lot New pri ct $147,950. 675-1771 • OHL Y S9K DM. * r¥iM I 04' Assumie a:i 1 \'A l n 3 Br. ••••••••••••••••••••••· frplc. $114.000 Pnnc on·i--------1~ 543·71l2;! Bkr 41DRM&DIEN ABANDONED ! :Iba. lrg co' ered pal1<l LIKE HEW- y; BBQ. plush wall 10 41R ESTA.TE! wall t'arpt'tini: .. dbl gar S20 000 &.!lo Miit' +wo rk shop. co pper RAR~ BARGAI~ in e'x plumbinl?. ne" MOf. clusl\·e ··Turtlerock"' fncd corner lot Pril'c slashed. san C o n s 1 cl <.' r r a s h . thousands• ;-.; EW plust motorlwme. T.D.'s. clc. car~ting and frest as down. OWC Isl T D paint 4 BR. 3 Ra . huge 0 w n e r B k r fam rm Banquet forma til4)642·44 22 Pri ce dining. 3 car garage ~000~ Very anxious sellers or Outdoor Hut? fer exc1llng, terms ANI :men you1rrnjov relux I f.IJ't fA~. L5A·~O<j No~ 1og on one o( three COSTS' Hurr' • First tc spaCJOUS patios in th:s J ~ee ST EA ts I r a I bedroom, 2 bath homl' • t.:iat sits on a pnme cor ~till ner lot. Best Easts1de I~ Newport Heights areu ' Dining and family · ~ / rooms. plus 11 crackling • fireplace to keep off the I U01 evening chill Owner will ! REAL ESTATE help finance SISS.000 , Contact . 979.2390 · · _lAJBELL I Wood1:rT~~e~P~~~age 2 -bdrm. 2 bu Sl49,90tl ONLY s 1 o,aoo ~t·~. ~-6288 c!\9~,a y~e~i!~ 4 THIE LAKES ~~iit.51~ai~t ~.~~~~~: ~~~~rrr~~ieen11,~~·~ Priced to sell al SI t0.000 room with fireplace. din Ownr1 asrt...1~Diana Cap. ing area and roomy pel, 631-f~ ~arden kitchen with eat ·ALLSTATE REALTORS Lux~T:ee':'ruiiex • -ONH HOUSE bdrm. Gar, Sl400. Bob 1014 Arbor 5t. 1ng area. Great location I directly over vour own I garagt' Beautiful!~ fandsC'11ped with mature trees and lake plus. all other amen1tle~ Im mediate possession SI00.000 with excellent assumable rinant'in~ MISA. VIEIDE '184·~1 da , 752-9442 eve. On the bluffs. 0t·e11n & 4 Bdril\. lamlly room. wknds canyon view, huge yard . very spacious! New con· large 2 story house crete drive & patio. As· loaded with potential 642-5100. 1 sumable loans at an ef· P'INHSUlA POltff ~114§. . ftttive rate or l21'1rh . see ilils new ' lfsuna ! Thinking of a new home •full rice $146.950. Your plH' at the for spring? See the A PETE BARRE TI I '"I I·~( I.•vk )I c ., ' beach-plus! Duplex. manvlillli"/s in today's .leat.um 3 Bdrm and 2 . .., bath each unit. Ex · cta:;.;:te columns .... ._ _____ _ . REALTY cellent car pels and ------•:f':5•1c! ~=~. ·~~~'c'li YfiMNls IOJO WJ-Nh IOIO l!tlolie. 1355,000. Call Bill ... ••••••••• .. ••• •••••• •u•n•••••••••••• ••• • • Gold for delalls. 642-5200 A PETE BARRE TI RE..~Ln ----- .. . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . aatL.mTD VIEW VIEW VlW ' ., ...... Stratford RldQe1 Gtlnd Rtgency MOdtl: 48r -t.deo + *· 3,0SO .. ft. E.Xqu4titt custom drps & waitpepn tttrvout. Fa- bulous 180 degree panoramic· vttw overlooking Nelllt Gau R8ncht T akt CMr exll11ng ftnlndng. Pttoe $317,000. ...,, $80,000 Down only t306,000. for more 6nfo, ca.II 1gt. Ina lllnett, Star ......... 157 .. 7 : .. ,..,.. ______ ...; __ ~~~--------------------------------------------........ ----.... ----• . ' -.. .. ... I .. Hit' .... .. ... 11111 '! ...... ·• Pten,.-m om..,-llWITATW.tn ....... ~ ....... -.. ...,.,__ n.-----.1r.~......_~.,..--...c-...._ O••:t11'1n ..... ttaw ,_.---------.. -... _,....," ....... 0... n. .................. ..... V MO«; "'°fUtia. \tU' M~ LAV•l"Ct LTD~ ,,._ I , IM ...... ~ ll l:'IO .... ff. • = Olf• W..t1111t1 ..... OtHIOfMI ..... t. .... ,, T--.~-·~~ea -41ti. tlt•rNft•r Oii . UTTi.I .... ~ ~......._-Dl ... 10lr-Ten'~~~---'~ ,!, ,... ~~·0...,.""-.._,.~ ..._, ~ ... 1, •IC-\.-• I* Gwll tkWll: "!"If lie~....... !(••I fl= 0,.-1, '~t.111• ..:·=~~ ::.:=..'r· :.:r ,.,_, -..... ca1.-. 1 • .Z.ono boeptlon hrmlt "'mt=-1e ~.,,a. If\. OMMI A. 111• L 11.•1 M. V1M11MI, Tiiie *'-le ~·--9Y • JI~ Md lnclroedlmelll,...,.. ....... t ......., ar-.. .,.,...... 11119,_. ,.._..,.. !jl.U.01 fOf WWf .,,. M~ ICM oi-• ... ~ ...,i for p. ~ fllll 1111-•IU ... "IN Wllll IM L. ~~11t1011ett• M. a.::-',~ n.le =--~ ... wltll .. '67 ~ ...... fore~ ~tlONftte~M.... ~ Ot 0.-DtillY,.... ~ •"".,...... C•t• cien ., °'._ ~·.,. uee S*m" •o .. pend en ••letlftO ' ,,_,. .... ,., • ~ •. ,.. ,-.., n.111...,_1e..,.... _, •e--11 Mektl M. Ha IClhOOI (Peot lollool). ~Jn;. ~ o. .... COMll oeie, •llOI. I r--"iii=;':ii;;--~e~!J~~i:ff!!:J!!!~ ..,,....._ 6 u...,.... TitMAI~• ~,..._ ol ... lO .,... !'l"' .. J.t,.,_ ii .. I' ...,.. -. :.~ .......... ·-=-1IO. ule'"'9 ~ I ,.... •MK la ~1111.111 Wat lllH Wllll Ille t ......:• end • ..,......... unit: V-. -·----,,-tef;,,...mout ____ !Mllt ____ .-.. --~ of01111t1~011MMlll , riano.. from d;1v.woy wtdlh •lld "9Ull ••~ ' ~IT•'NWllT fl.------------. ,_. :J:::.:.ei,,:,;:-. froflt 11ndoo1pln9 t9qUlf~\•: "" t1111wl11t _.r .. 11 11 .. 1111 "=::::::' l'11DltelllCI Ora119e Q-1 O.llr '001, cru> .. -.... end"' tnOFMCltll'Mllt Pti'Mlt 10 ah "f:::.:---MIMllll' TM I MwGll 1t. M. 1 Afri t. I,, .. , tau~ "" ·-,.,._, tow~ lrl "'-tlOht.of.....,_. W MIMI'""""' t•rDALS & NI,.:!.~ no --· .,. ffl 11 • PIU llftCf .~~~:=~,:o.irv,~::; ~':ne·Potlllon A•t1•17 lor 111":u:INOl't•o~= :<::-:~~~~.':;::: tf11n==~i~.=~·· 1-------------""'I Olly of CoMe ...... n Felt DfM. 8021 a, Orante A-....,.. AM oJi Te•lllll At_...,, .. , .. ClfltllMl'f M•~ L, Mh .. r, atl Da1e1e, fOt plWmllloloft 1.0 NZOll9 tt19 pro-•m, , ' ·-· ........ Ill VllMIY. CMlf9nllt OMA M9tA. ~ ,_._ • petty, ~ .. aw .,,. 221 AllC). LYNN 'LAYlll MILlt. Apt • The ~· • ..,_, .. t.-,C ... .., "' ~~·"·r~~.'"..~~~-''m •-a. Oldo '''"'· rrom ci 10 Ra. 1nv1-~~.,, w, ~. -.. AM. .,_ _ ._.,_,_ ·-ronrn.ntlll ci.c«tntnetlon; MO•ll\'O T"":-· .,..,., ..... , Tlllt •'""' It ca~tM 1W • decllfltlon fOf Ql'-11-IA,. .,;;;,l"-.. MNlwtl .. 'r M 111>: T ... A,_.... • ..,_ .. ..,_ .... a. T.m.tiw l'ftllP Of Treot T-11?U Ll'"fl Pltl)IW M11M Tlllt ......_. Fllud •"" -Ml'_ Miiier tor "°°9rt ..... '#Wlem Froet end Tiiie •lll•.,,•111 wee 11110 wllll tlle C-'Y Clef'tl of ~,!r "' Thll ~ •• llleol •• IN AHOOlll ... eUtllOrlaod :-J:' tor CNllY Clilftl o1 o.-r~-on~ MMCll II,,._ c-1y Clet1l of Otente Celwlty Oft 8 C It ttei -..--"• _,., • P..-a ~nit tf, 1.a OUUI OMI Plue. u 16 ·~ . I • ' .,... .... Or-. CIMt o.lly ....... p,.... Road. to crMto t lot1, and •l>-""Dlla!IM 0,.,... 0 o.e,.•,.: fMr<.11 It.,., ... .._,., t.. 1• tn:Mlt. .,..I.._. Ot ... CaMa o.uy ll>li.t. ~::,.~~::.:: liWcl\St,Aprll, t.U~~ t-...i ~r<ll!l•"···.,....1,lta:l_t_~, at thl eoulMMt oornor ol ~Ito-MK~ -• ~ , .., Awnuo #Id Pitt! eon..~, MIC l9l1Cl ,_ ••-... In • TC zone. El!Wonmtl\l.ll doter-PJCTtnw. ewtllUI ~ • I ' ....... mlnatlon: EIR ~tod lor Town llMltll ITATalMMT llOT1CI OI'....,....-. cr.te e tot•. ona 11be11do1111••t of ~.,.... Tiie t .. 1ew1.,. --• .,. ... ,,. Mo11oa•......,...,._.,.._.,o1 ••••Ung rlght-ot-way to rH llgn ...... ITA,_.. ....i-•: ~of -lMr'9 UNl9d ScflOCll 1)1. Town c.nt., Ott\IO, loooted at the Tiie lollowfne --doltle -• .. • ASSOC I AT. s. UIU •lllcl of o.-. C-ty. Callfomla. ... eout...__.-Of .. ...--A.,._ -• S•y11••• Orel•. 51111• FJ, ,,.,,,,., ,......~Mdl .. loa:OOP,M.on"" -· -·-_.....,_ OOMIH009 OONSTAUOTION, 8o• Caltfonlleft7\4 ~~~~1"2411.....,_MIO -Md Peril Cot« Drive, In 'TC 1HtS lrvlM, c.ittor111a t2111; 2701 5, 8Yf'lft A.~. u ~I ... ~ =-,.. '°' ~T~:n:nr~: ~-· ,, ..•. " .. "" ... C•"'°'"'· LMW. ~ a..dl. Cel-·-Ilona....,....._~~::.::: •·Zone E11copJlon Permit ,,,_ ~. 110' a. F O•OWY L, 8'1111r. ,..._.Ver• be*el""'Utti.0.-olFlacml.._, ;...;;;;;..;;..._..;... _____ _,~ !:",-----------ZE-82..U #Id Parc.1\.1.., S-82~71 ll't, ...... -. ~ *3104 -.... ~. MltMlft Vlelo, e:.llfWftle ..,_, 29'1 -A-. IM!le,·C.. -· -• ' -· --K.,.,. .. 11 O• ~. 170' t ·-' lornla. The DleVlcl -Ille rtG'>l IO ~ --,--•llK :. Aotleft~ ~ ~~ , ..... '"· ..... ,.,..,~.?04 Tllll ~ It <-IN llY • ~~Of 111 llldt or to•-any It· · ,...._ · S .._,.,_ ~lMe """'-laoondYllted \1¥ ..................... -. 6~• .......... , ~~.""°' ........ In.., bide OI aTAT1191fT OP "ICTITlout aus.••• -.. t tre.t, ........ 2•5. Hewpol1 ---•• -llllNIDOMmft.OP MAMISTA'fSMaNT BMch, for I OOIM#Uonel UM permit Do11W1t1M °'8flrYL.8fltM I IJHWleD UM OP l'ICTTTIOU9 T II• follQWlftO ...... " II dolne to conotruc:t , .. lndul1rlll ~ Tllll ..... m.111 ... 111•0 •1111 "" ......... ~ .. ,Wot.,_~ ~ 0!.5!._M;f _..,.._ ""''""•••: n1um unlt9 llld a porce1 map~ c-Mya.ttolO..,..c-M'(onMer'Clll '" .. ----•'"'"• ~; N n:. ~::.'\:::::-===-' J 0 AN AN N M AL 0 N E 1lng 15 .,.rcell, loGetod ot 780 W•I '7, 1Ma. l'W. =·: ,.~, .. Ot~ C-IV °" Publlt.lled O.•• C_.I D.ilr Piiot, l(fYSTONI! REALTY. N12 WMI CONTRACT FURNISHI NGS, Hl1 16th Str..C, CO.ta Meoa. In.,.. MO l'wbll•fl•O Or•no• COHI O•fl~llOI, MUHT•DL••MtU.R M-21111. Aprll 2. 1M2 1ll87·12 ,,......., Aw, W..lllllWler. ~ ··"'"'' CIACU!, Hlll'ltlnefon llffcll, z-. Eo~imon:t• ~tlon: 1.1 •• , .. 26. "-. 2, •.• tl02 ..... c••· .,_a HA•-·•Y nta. . Callf«11la ft64. nogatl\'O d«:le/MIOn. ..,., -_...,... ..... -Iii' -£ '*"""°' ecwp., • Cellornla Jo•n Ann Trim met, ,.,, 5, Zone Exception Permit __ .,...,........._, ~ ••• tlon, 1112 Weetmlnller A_,.,., W"t· Berreliu, Hufttln9ton 8••<ll, ZE·t2-•6 •nd Ro1ono Petition .,. .. .,. --.....,....._.,C:.,.... .,,_ -----------......... Ct1101Na 12M3. Cellfut'llle..... ~ ll9llK ~ ._. .......,. COWIT Thie .,.__ -conOuc.i by • -· Tlll1 bllsinM• a. c-...-by en R-82-0.. for Dennie M. Olmpol and ,,.,.lltllM Or .... C..a Oatly Pltol, ~ c~ • pon11on. llldl•ldllet Oonlld R, Str-. 5eoo Rl\'Of A..,. AC'Tmoua-N Mar. n . 1t,a.,,,.,, i. 1ta:1 tl'742 COUNT'I OP.,...,._ .Nn-Mor ~ --AM Trimmer nuo, N9wpor1 Boech, for permloMon ...... STATW "' -......, .. .--a.-.~ Tiit• .......... •• meo wllll .,. to raaono pr~ lrom R1 to R2 The 1o1ow1ng .,.,_.. .,. Oo11>Q 1>ue1-PIU l9ll( .,. ......,... u1 Tiii• •••••"''"' •H 111•0 wllfl '"• Co..111y ciertt of 0ra1199 County °" and vw1ancoo from partdng, drl..,.. ,_ ..: ll'MU» _,.,,_ 9"8t\ ~a.ti of e>r.,.. c-ty Oft Marclt ~••<Ii 1, 1"2. ••Y width. and Hlblclt roqulr•· l'HOl!NIX IMPOAlS, 10 E, , .. ,, St.. • .... ' _. ,.,_ P1 .. ,J6 rnonta to 1oga11zi9 e eecond dWolllng Coale..._, CA '2t:27. ......_ ,_ ~ ul .._. p,.bfftflecl Orang• CoHt Dally Ptlol .,._._Or-C-o.ily Pltol, unit. loc:atod et 2640 FfKww1 ()rM, ~=c&t~S9ringaUI ' MOnctl M 9ALS ~-:o ~C""911 M•dl 29, Aptl 2, .. , .. 1912 tiro.ei Merell 12. It. 2'1 Aprll 2. 1'12 1nt-C. Coota ...... In .,.. R-1 tone. Envl-Y•OftM McKay, 21S3 1"41111 Sprtne• NOTO::..~ Hl8enH~-v 0'"''"'' POii ~ "* ..... -lei de4errnlnatlon; nogetl¥9 I.A:. "'""°110tt 8Mdl. CA 12MO. ,...c; ..,..... n~ ll'lot Ell.UHM MISH -lled •~In dedwatlon. ....,.. ........, ne12 "-•· ~ tho ptoporty deocribod below, CO'-.,.. _,,, ..W., otder -..no~ 8 . ZOllO E11copllon Permit ..._CA'*3 laterel under I Cortlllcoto •nd todler!Qe _ _.., __ PHIUJP ZE-82 ... 7 lor D•vld Prontic.. au· Jlanftlan Moralee. 239'2 ,..,.,0, LA-~t of ~ PartllOf.nip EDWA"D au&H IO l'AUL EDWARD th ""-' I "I I l'IN Hiii. CA t2t6S o<81Ndur-' In._._~ ' ,,. aoatt, or!£_, egent or r rat n1en1at• TNa ~ 1e __.. 11y • Ql"9'11 .. ::::...~.::!"1" 1' ......,. _:;:-:: 11 I• '-"Y .. -.., 1M1 ... ~· Benk, Tru1t Dopat1mont. 707 Wll-...,,......,., --._..,.,_ · ....,, -~ .........o 111 -,,..._ ......., """9W 111111mc1s ll*o BGIManl, Lot Ango6oe. tor • y_,,.. Mcl(ey led ~ LAo Hempton, wll '**-.....,. -_. 111~No.)111 BANNER 198 2 at the Harbor L • w n condltlonal uH pormrt to allow Th i• •••••m•n1 ••• meo w1111 111e ol L" Hampton'• dofoult under 100 a..o c... Or"'9 w.t. ..,_Ma. MARIE LOUISE A flAN· Memorial ChaJ)V with Putor bank.Ing opora1lon1 In an oJC•ttno CounlY a.it ol Orange County on-1udl 09rMm1111, be told by the Cellt0<11la, Oft Mey ,2, 1H2, at 10:SO NEB. a resident of Newport Douglal W. Jsftty of the First l>ulldil9 lltllh varlancet from par· 17• 1112 undielll911od IS• putlllc...., 10 ba •'CIOCll ...... MO"-_, . ...,. -,.._ and ~--,.._ .. _ <. It'--_..._ta ........ ...._ OQUlo-F191f7 l*d on ·-2S 1tl2 at 10:00 a,m. -. • ""...,, '--""Y -,....,.. Beech. ...,.. ....,..,._,. \.:ONflty Baptl1t Churcn of Fountain ~ ... ·...--·-· • .., -· r, &c... P11bMalled 0.91111' CoHt D•lly Piiot, ot Oat.;;"i.nior l)'9torftl 1 '°'_,..of -_..., -be.-. area llince 19~. P~ aw-.y on ~alley/HW1\incWn ~ach 'O{fi. ::ci~ ~ ~~ aono. liMn:ill '1· 26· Aoftl a.•. 19112 1276-12 3381 Vie Udo .. .,.. Floor ~ "' March 27, 1982. Sbe ii IUl"Vi~ claUn1. Private lntennent eer-Enwonmontol dotwmlnetlon: l!JI. ' 8oadl, CalltorTiia. ' .. :! ~==.":! ~": by h~r •on Jean Charvler of v1ce1 Immediately following. empt. PlklC 1111( The property to be Miid COMletl OAILY PILOT.• llt'nP-c>et of ~al France. Private eervices have Servicel uoder the direc:don of For further lnform•llon on the of one lllnlted pan-•hlp unit of ClrcAllAlton, pubH....., In 11119 -'Y •• been held under \he dl.rection of Horbor Lawn-Mount Olive above eppllo•llon1, tolophono .....a70 S1ruc:tunil ln&egrtty ~orM. Lid., 1 =.";':. "io W:: i,; ::.00::,"" Baltz Ber,eron Smith & Tu!Jilll Mortuary of Costa Meu. 764-52'5 or call at thtl olftoo of !hi N011Ca cw llUU( ~ CelNornla llmltod pottnor1lhlp. Owled M9'dl ao 10&2. Westcliff Chapel Mortuary ~5"4. Plannlng O.panment. Room 200, (e-.11t1-41f1U.C.C.) , ~A:., ~H.'"'- .646-9371. RAHM ~Felf Drt\'O, eo.10 ~ Celltor· TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: IY.,...., LTD ~°'c!:, Noll co 11 h•r•by glv•n to tho ., IWooa...;. 1......_ ,_ ,_,..,a........, COVE& E1.AINE M. RAHM, aresident Publllhod Or•noo Coatt Dally Cr.ctltor1 of ALEXANDER PAZOS ,,......... w-. nrr-. .............. LT. 001.. WALTER STANT· of Newport Be.ch. Ca, for the Piiot, Apr112, l982 1635-82 end MAGDALENA PAZOS whoM o--11...,.._ ..... u., CA.,_ ON OOVER a l'ftident of San put 22 yean. Passed away on · bu1lnoH addrua l• .2..4382 VI• Pu~od Orono• Cou~ Publll!Md o.~co .. 1 Dal~ l'llot Clemente, Ca. PUied away on March 31, 1982. She is survived PlklC •l1Cf SMla Clara. Orange Coullty, M• Piiot, 2. 1 982 1 Apftl i, t. te. n. ~ March 20, 1982. H~ has beei in by her husband Ralph L ,,_mo-~;~,~:~::ac:.:..~ f9I 9TI( NalC 1111£ the Marine Corp for the put 15 ther Margaret Swan of Machi-bulk,,_,., le tltlOU1 to ba made to yea.rs, hiving been a pilot. He gan, sitten Barbara O~d of F1CTTT10Ue _,.-.. RICK LOOMIS and STEPHEN gradu1ted fromEly Un· Georgia. Judy Swan of W'800f\· The =:T~~. dOlng LOOMIS. Trwter-. wtlOM lllml-lvers.lty ln 1966 De· .in and Ann Swan of M.ichipn. l:IUatnOel • neoa addr-la c/o 1821 Beyaldo ,,.... ind received 1 Muter1 brother Kenneth. Swan and of SPORT TREN068M.,.,tactur.. Dr1vo, Corona dol Mar. County of .,. --.. .....,, __ and · and 0tw190, State of Celltomlll t2t25. Degree ln the early 1970'1. Pre-• ........_. many ru«a. . Roc>r_,tatl.,..), t90 W•t«ly The properly to bo "'•..._rod 11 s.nta "-CeWofnlll vioualy he was a araduate of nephe\n, Slumber Room VlSlta-Pl .. HftopOrt BNc:h. CA 92ee0. localed ot 2519 PK1ftc eoeot High--An ad~,.,._ 11\Mtlng or th9 Board of SYpoivlaotl ot Orange Edgewood High Sc:hool Covina. tlon will be held on f'riday, Jamu C. Harmon. 10 Cedar ••Y· Coron• det M•r, County 01 Courfty, c.lfomla ll9o lltUng • 1M ~ l!Oard of tho Olatr'lcU C:a., clw of l062. He la ~ved Apnl 2. 1982 at 12:00 noon to Tr~~·o~~.1~12 LA-Onnoo. Si.lo of Celtornla 92925. ~M~T~ ::::!~°' ~-=• bel; =~= ~'. by h.11 wife Janet. duldn!n John 8:00PM at the H~rbor La""'.n Dona Court. Founleln Vo-., CA Safd property le do1crlbod In Stanton Vice ,.._.__ 8 ,..,_.,., ......__ F --............... ,...,_.. and Mark both of <>--t•-.. al•, Memorial Chapel. ' will ""7"'. ,_, general aa all ""'"'"· equipment , ...,._,,_,, . ..,.... .. , .,..,.,_ . .._, ........ .,...., <:KV ..... ~ ... _ h Id s A nl 3 "" -and IAuollOld 1mprovwnenu .,,.. ~I: H.m.tt M. wi.oe. and Bruce Neotllllde, CM!mwln. on County Ariwna pmrenll Edward Cover ""' e on aturoay, P · O.,y A, Os1orholl, e Almond ~.,..1 ~known• MAJ.. ~In Wlilhlngton, D,C of San bunu, and Bee Wd>ber 1982 at lO:OOAM at the Harbor Troe Lii .• IMM. CA 12715. SON ALEXI'S RESTAURANT and Purc:MM contract for Slngle Fomlly Ruldonllal Mor1gag• Afvonuo of Northridae c.. brother Greg Lawn Memorial Cha~l with Thie bullrlOea le oonduc*S by a loclllod at 2616 Pacific Coeot ~ Bonde. *'9 of 1182 ... ac>9fOved. 8ec:urlty Pacific: N1tlonal Bank, u of Redlands Ca. ~ Dennla of th~ Rev. Aaron Buhler officla· gonorol pwtnor1fllp, -y. Corona dol Mar. County 01 TNIWO, lo IUlhOrtnd 10 execute en '"'49tlite1rt AQ!"_t_ Tho Bowd Atlanta ~ slaten Peagy W\g Services under the direc· ~ C, Henllon 0nngo. Sta1• of Celfomll 92C26. odjoumod, ~ and Sue Boa Ser· lion or Baltz Bergeron Smith & ThiHtotomont ... !ltd WWI lie Tho bulk tran1tor wlll b• con· (SEAL 1 ~ ~~ vices will be held on Friday Tuthill Westcllft Chapel Mor· f::::;r3~a:J..OrwtfltCOurityon ·~od on or .,_ttlo 30th «Sey of~ April 2, 11182 1t ll:OOAM •t ~ tuary 646-11371. P1'91G ~"'::'w~~ ~~:.(.: OFFICIAL PAOCEEOINOS OF THE 80AAO OF SUPERVISORS OF Marine Corp Statton. Tustin READ Publllh.ct Or~ 0-t 01111)' Eac:row Dofartment, Ro: bcrow ORANGE COUNTY CALIFORNIA Ba'~ Chapel. RedhiU Avenue, CHARLES C READ ,,_ 77 Piiot, AprM 2, 9• 1 23, 1~!.;7 .,. No. &•3-3 26, Suite 1230, 880 A-~ .. ,,_.....,. of t'-Board of .,,,__1 .,.. Or~~Ana, Callfomla. ,.....,, Tustin, Ca. Services under th~ · · -o-• '"" -..& Newport Center Drive, Newport ·........-~... '"" ........-·-"' -..... .....,.. directlo1;1 of Baltz Beraeron· 8 retid~nt of Cotta Mesa. Ca. Beodl. Delltomle t2eeo. Couflty of ~~~=-=~hl~~".!.,the1~trtct! ,. ~the Smith & Tuthill Westclltt Cha· Paled away on March 20, 1~2. Orenge. State of Ce1fom1L ...,. .. "' -,_, on ........ -. ..... at "" ... M ..... tol- ._1 Mortuary of Coeta Me ... He wu a member of the Uruty W llTICE All clalme mutt ba rocolwd ot""' IOwlnO nemed rnoml>ef'I bo1na sir-t: 8rwe ......,., Ctlalrma.n; Aooer M6-9371 Church. Oranie. C:a .. had been a • •ddr ... by IM 29th day of Aprll, A. Stenton. Rolpti a. Clark, Thom• F. ~end the~ ~I; ""'· · rancher in t he Olive Height.a NS..tZ~OJ 1982, unieeo thtl bulk.,.,.._.-, rl .. t M, Wieder to attend• m"Ung ol t •Nation .. Oflnltlng Water COY I area. Survived by his wife Pearl NOTICE OF DEATH OF Include• tho tran1ter or Uquor u. ~ ~'S:.:-='n!~OI ~ hn1col tor_... ctta- MARIE LOUISE COY. a real· Ann, atep-son Michael Waldman MARY VERA BLACKS =~•.;.'~.::: =,,:l~aJ:: -oontrol 11 liPPfovod. EllQOM A. ~·1o aw0ir1tod to thl Mental dent of Santa Ana, Ca. Pauedl of Anaheim. Ca., aister Mary TOCK AND OF PETITION on which th• llquor llconH 1, Haa.lttl AdvleOf}I Boa.rd. Ir-PMwby, A,N. I• roeppolnt.ct lo tho Ell10f- away on March 26, 1982. She i.11 Sugden of Riverside, Ca .. bro· TO ADMINISTER ESTATE tranetorred by tho Dopattrnont 01 gol1Cy Medical c-Comrnltt•• WollllCO W. •'81f" Alddlo It~ from IW'VI~ by her g:randlon Mark ther M•urlce Rud of Santa () Aloohollc: a.-.ge.control dU1 ... on tho VMor-AcMoory Counc:ll. Vlotnern Voter-Aocognl1lon Beuley of Huntington Beach, AN. Ca Visitation wu held at N • A-11i71t, 80 tar a• known to tho t1an1• Olly 11 doolgnetod, Huntington~ &en11 • '"4Comed. Pllttldpeota In ' Pri ___ .. _ h Id • . To all hei.nl beneficiaries .. d ad the Wolk for Manlelnd. ~ F. Queyret and. Mra. Queyret • ....idonfa of l.:e., vate "'° • ..__were e the mortuary on Monday. • • r-.allbu nHan•mHan • w..im11..,.,onClty'1i-ry-llfth~.HuntlngtonHartlourYacfl1 under the direction of Harbor Memorial J1frvices we~ held at credilors and contingent ~ UMd by Tr~ for tho Club, , ... dent• of Aoeemoor l0t iw.nty-ftflh annlvorNfY, women In Lawn-Mount Olive Mortaury1 the Unity Church at 2:00PM on creditor& of MARY VERA thr" yoare IHI put, 11 dlttaront ComrrMlnlcaUofw OrgantiatlOn. and"*"'*' of if«tlC)le a.th Oovtd .,0 !KO-:l:IM. I 1\ie9day, Donations to the Unity BLACKSTOCK and penons 1r~,:: = -:.• ,'~ s.me. ~~~at' N1t1tton11 Frood1 ~m ot klf~lon~ 19...f.!_~~...; MILLHOUSE !Church Memorial Fund would who may be otherwise Nall&.....-..,....,II ........ rue: on con r-..1 are Pf'..,..,~__,,.....,, ....... .,.,,......., ..... ~----' RaJ h w Shan ........._ • ...-.... complotod. e-1 dMd for Aol'9 Chinon a.nnoi Is ~from RUTH ELIZABETH MILL· "" a _,, P . -interested in the will and/or ___.. ..._ The 1N1no '"-. GSA lo dlroot9d to hold en --.. tor • ..,. non Sef'Vicea directors Tr•...,-..,.....,,..._,, _,..,., _,... HOUSE, • retldent of Co1ta ' esta~: ._ D t IC ~ nwnbarl of IN Board ol R9CJNmont. HSA CMtt dlditffll101-•""tc0• fund Maa. C.. for \he put 23 yee.ra IROBBINS A petition has been filed .... ,.,:-.:::u II ,.,._119hed. Aw>1unon regarding 98-17• bb:t1 gnnt MMSa tor fl9cal P..ect away on March 30, 11182. EDWARD R. ROBBINS.~ by JAMES A. FRYE in the P.O. ... 1119 ~ 'Ht~e2 lo ldopted. Por1or11lel m•ttert a.re ~ovod. R-d• She la IUl"Vived by he' husband 82, pwed away ln Sou\h La-Superior Court of Orange ~...._Ce.._. ~~~~CO,~:,:: ~i.F~ Raymond, children Pamela CUN· C.. on March 30, 11182. He County requesting that Publlthod Orange Coul Dolly ~ Jwy ~of 800del D11trtct..,. lna"OMod. Anr1oxatlon ~"".8:~~r~:O~o~ :,::nv=:~:'~r:~ J~ES A, FRYE be ap-Pttot.Aprt 2 • 1982 1 536-82 :;.'i!:o:.,::_~~~~~~11.,::: eo.ta MOH. C.,, *'9ter Mary md n. nie monuary O., will pointed as personal repre· PmlJC .-net vod. Statement of UndorltendlnQ and Momor9ndum of UndeBtllnding A.lice Smith or San Bruno, c.. fly at half-mut in hi• honor, aentative to admlmster the wttJ\ UCIMC lo llCJPr~ Collillldoi~1llll ttl9 OtlllOO ~ Munk:lpel and Loil R...-of Pennlylvarua Survived by his wif~ Fleeta. estate o f MARY VERA Court Study lo continued. Conllderdou ol _...-froud p1-1tfon II and 5 1ra.ndchlldren. Service• Services will be held on Friday, BLACKSTOCK. Newport continued, CAo-&ond/Cepltail Funcln8 MMa9I' lrld EMA-4HOO.,. ca. will be held on Friday, April 2, April 2, 1982 at ll:OOAM at Ray Beach. CA (under the lnde· (a-. '10'M1'1 U.C.C., =:~: :/":~_.~.':* ~ NICllROTMBS SMITMS' MOITUAllY 627 Main St. Hunhngton Beath 536-6539 'ACIAC Y•W .....,It.AL 'Alli Cemalery Mor1uary Chapel-Crematory 3600 Pac1t1c V1trw Drive Newpbrt Beach 644·2700 McCObollC:IC MOITUAl•S Laguna Beach 494-9415 Laguna Hills 766-0933 San Juan Capistrano •95-•ne tMM0a LAWN-MT. OUYI Mortuery • C.matery • Crematory 1825 Giel« Ave • Costa M4tsa ' • ~5554 P'amily Mortuary, 1176 So. Cout bndent Administration of Notice 11 floreby given to c:redl-l'9pOPt on IN Generol Aellof MMdiltory WOftt ~ le,.,.._,, Tu Hwy Laeuna Beech With Rev Th ,_ iora of ttie within nomod llW....,ot matt .. .,. ~ and donlod HoUelflo ~ loan ~ con-Joh~ M . R•Y,l'Olda, minlatei= tat.es A.ct~. e pet1Uon ,. that a ti.All ttenefW le about'° t>o trect wlttl the 19anlt of Amettca. 1i ~. Houalng end ~nlty Neighborhood Congregational tel for hearme in Dept, No, 3 medo on P«Oonll Pf'°'*1Y ...,.._ .0..111°"'"91rt ~ wttll 8«llH'ltY ll8dllo Natlonll..,. lo~. a Church officlatlnc. lntennent to at 700 Civic Center Drive na~ ~ ~ eddfW Toro Plf1l 0..0l.Sldwet• Slucty COlltract II~_.. OM*l'llirletlOn follow at San Gabriel Cemete· West, Santa Ana, CA 92701 nwM tor AnnaUt10n No. 52 to Orengo Couflty SlnllollOn Dloltlct No. 2 le ep-ruy. &y Family Mortuary. IA-on April 2-1. 1982 at 9:30 a .m . g~t~~ '.~~~'::~~~~:t~'~c~:·~ :,:'.:S~'::n r:,:::~~==.: guna Beach direclOn. IF YOU OBJECT to t he Clillfomle oorpor~, omen Wr1 M. P'""'°" te ~to hdld • me9ttrlQ 1n a pottton of TUCK grt>nting of the peUtion, you TM locetlon In c.llf0tni. of "'° tho Hal of AdlMlllllWetton. ~t I« c:onMIMt ..,._ for beat lta- th chief OJIOCUtl\'O Offtoe Of ptlodoef 1fqf1 holpltel ~ tMfn 1Mfnbero la appf()Wd, L.,,...,. melflf9!1MCO ELLA M. TIJCK. a "9dent of abould either appear at e bu1lne11 ottlo• of tll• Intended OOl'llrOCl wltf1 ArW Mlln•-for Woode• Partl '°5 No- eo.ta Maa. c.. Paled away on hearing and state your ob-t111;:tt'::.~ : ... nem•• and QOt1et10ft o1 ... _..,..,.. omend"*lt wttll lfle City of H\lnt 9o.cti March 31, 1982.. Sha le IUl"Vived jections or file w ritten ob-for~ MMoiotlteuttlorbed. Ad¥8nOO ~ti'°' to tho by her bUlbMd Robet"t T. Tuck ~om wt\h the court be· •ddr""' uM4 tly tlle lntend9d ,.... Hou9inO COund oontrect ••~'EMA lolo dlrecMd to~• r-~ ·~ tran1leror within thrM Y99'• IOtt '*'cl -~ e19n proorarn, permit celll'l llond toMlt\lf'O It and eon J,T. Tuck both of Colt.a fore the hearing, Your ap-paot oo fer• known to tflO in..n-~-Med~-Co,, inc. 1e trom IMlrftollOllCI,... ..... C... dll.!Oten Qoria W. pearance may be In penon dod .,.....,.. -none. po1 ... b1My tor ........... P8ltl llftd or1Mn1 Peril.~ rftlO Driebelbll of Wuhtngwn and or by your attorney The n.mo llftd tM11100a oddfelO o1 Ptr '°' ~ boerd _,.,.,. Md pollne pMOI rem.io -IR>fO-Ruth Mello of eo.ta M-. C.., IF YOU ARE A ·CREDI· ot 1110 Intended trantf9r" ar•: ..._ ""'° Pl oU~lllr ..., .. _,, w1tt1 tN etty o1 w... 11 epswowct. The brdthers Loula Martin of Mia-'IUR •l .. -..t __.,._. WINOSTAEA. M, INC .. a c.Mtofnla loerd..,,.,,.. .,."*"°'"'of Andi.-CefWI end. ,,.__ Morrjoon. oourt and J, Martin of Nebnlka, or a con-,.-· "'~..,. oorpor~ ~ lA8Unl (SEAl) JUNE M.~ .-wn Juanita Bllbee and Merle of the decHsed, you muat ~ tho pr~~ he-etnofofs::r= U91!r)' both ol o.u M-. C:a •• file your claim with the ftllO II.....,.., In.,.... .. ,. OFFICIAL PROCEEOIHGS OF THl ORANGE COUNTY HOUSING AU· 7 1r•ndchJldren and 9 areat-court or present lt to the 9'ook In.,-....,.._~ TttOfVTY pndchlJdren, SJwnber Boom penon&l repretentative ap-trade namo end ~ 119 tllte A ,...,.., ~ of the °'8r!90 co.nty ~'6n9 ~ wu llold vWc.Uori trill be beld on J'ridly, potnt.ed by the court within ~~ .. 'Ct~~ Mlrdl n. 1ta • 10:00 A.M. Tl"' falooMno-*' "*l'lbart llioln8,,... Apr{) 2. 1112 from U:OO noon to four monthl from the date of ~. 1.1911111 8wll. c.llof'lilt. tent: TllorW fl. Mer. CtM*!Mn: "°OM' A, IMintOftW::O ~ 7:0oPM. Redt1'5on °"the Be»-flnt iAuanoe of lotter. ff TM~ -UOld bJ iM """"'L Olarll _,tho'*"'-~......,... M. to at'9fld • .,., wUJ be lWld on 1"lidQ, April vlded ln Section 700 of tald "~el Mid lo.don 111: ~ 11 H ~ °"'""' w..., /loAMte«y CoullGI 111 WlltllnG'On. 2, 1N2 1\ 7:10PN lb the Bar-fh: ProbM.e C:0CS. of Ca1ilor-COMI 'H' GO TMVU.. '1iiJF11Crn fer lie Ce11orNa Hou111n11 ,.._ ...,_,, t.oM to Lendol' ~~~o~~i!; nfa, The lim• for, fUln ..,'"::i-.:U-....:m"::' .. 11 .:::;: ~.:.°I::'""~. The 1111e1r --~-::c-.. -•t heJd on S.turda)'. Aptll '· 1982 clain'lil will not expr. prtor no. .. Hn• HO"OW INTI"-.......... o:::~~ , ...... ~ COurity at 10:80AM at 8t. loa<hhn'• fourrnon\hafrornthedate ~~ :,:·~O.:: •lJ""'"8~ C.fhOlk C2ul:h. a.vtc. un&tar the heelina not.k'ed a.bow. ::.:;; °".,;""' .. tt ,.., • o.ti.,.i s::r= ~ ~~otL:,~: YOU MAY EXAMIN Tltlo lluftc traMfot le eubjeOt to O,,ICl~l ~"OCOOING8 OF TH~ IOA"D OF 8Uttl"Vte0M Of ve --r1 ......,.. the fU. kept bJ the COW\. If g::ornl• Uniform Commorolal ~'OOUWTY. ~ 64().~ ... &erel-S In ..... ..... .,. .... ,.,__ ~ >'°" artt ..,.. f''-~-.. Tiie ne• encl Meir ... of t ... A ,....., flllll9nll llf 119 loifi Of Ml ~of er.,..~ Cll-JOfftf woua:N ,..._ &ate • .)'OU ~ ..., a I::°:_..""°"' ....... ~ 119 .,_ ...,....,.. tt1eo..l'lln0..,.,of "'8~ f,1.- f v °'rt Be h ~ p_J whh th• court 'to recelv ,.111111MTT1Nc' l!O",owonie ~ e.N o11oarc1ii9141• .-. _..,... °" ~ t4. 1 ., ~•Ml O ntWpC> ec ' ' .,,edal noUC9 Of tJ'\e inven " ' " .. oe O~ ~· Tiie~ ................ ~ 9r\iOa ......... ~i; swaY Oft Mard'( M , 1'82. U. Wll f ta d 111171 llnte Af!!L Oallfot"la ~ "-........ ~ f' """i ·and h ce.tt. MetM: ~ M. a Nll6da9\ Of Orenlt ec..tJ for toiy ~ uae• an o t:r1t1-lN7, At'1: ..,,...,,Md to....,• :':.J .°' iM......., ~ MY1itttton :z.~-=~~ =-~· =:::=~:..."'! ":if:";!-""ti..e;.r.-:::=.-.=::--=--..::: :;:-:,~AJ8;,~ =:~ CaUforll'I =t1uHt1on clat• tp.crtto• • : .. ~~--=~";;?=-'.;...~ hrt>1ak Ca --hit Mary ----a T -.. .,.... :r;:.r.:r-111 1111 t. It ..,.os•. 119 ""'"_. ~ lo_..... to..-' . ...,. --·----. "'vr ·~ ~ carowe UNWM....... ·'°' ... ,...,_., • .......,_ '"'::!~~.~ nN.A....,alLew,lU'f eCA_,, ---==·t'G:=;""~ .....,_.., !'I~ -~:·~A"9M hi Jolltf...... ,,..... V. ......... ~~.t.':l.!1~ CA1ttaai ..a. 'en•• ..,..o..,_ •H ..... •-:-• ·~a; .... tM ~of Rart1or: 111-NI. ~,.!.S::.,~1--:-'www I •ti ..,, .... _,._ .. ........... 09.-~ ........ o....ec.-.... = ... OnMa Ollill·~ , 'tr 7 o-.a... •""',..a;... • ... a.-............ ,,.,._ .. ~~.,...-... ..,.;'.', -..... 147 ... :l •· 5: I 6' 7 8 D A I L y ,p I L 0 T .c l A s s I F I E D 6 4 2 • RC T: lylc'r ( <) : .~ "' PAllPl.ACI lllM\t, 2.lUSQ,ft. BETTER THAN MODEL HAS EVERYTHING CUI-de-ate strttt. INdi 1041 SuntrSallllClub 11•••••h••••••••••••• 20 min. to Newport W~L Center Viewa, VI")' quie·• ~ " 1210,000with1180,000 can be Ound Iii this uni· at 12i.; fixed rate • fully que 3 bdrm. 2 ba & fam1· amortized. iy room home ~tiers .,_ ts Uf I may help with r1111nc: .,.,pom rr~~ y na. inJ. '"5.000. Owner/A 911t ... A k~~elr~condo ~~~~~~ In thi1 gated pri vale Lake Forest 3BR. Den. community. Amenities 2BA: Terms&owner. =e private beach __ __,7~70.~~="'-'--~I, Excellent Mlwport •ec1t 116' oppo~~S230.000 ••••••••••••••••••••••• .. Octl'o-ifde~iik to OP9I SAT/SUN 11-' beach from this 2 bdrm N'eW3stof)"btadi &ouae own your apartment Bay~oceanvlews Seller may tradt for Oceans1de/Balboa8l~ ~,,000u n a prop e r I y 19~~~ :,v:..,~;~ ~-. • . AJ:nple e•rldn& in rear ~~'> .. . .,. f7 I 414'4·1177 1-- 2 ~"b:,l~lly landst'aped c.bndo Beautiful Ocean Virw' Prireless location E11 ~lent Bearh House IJW173Z·~ Co!lec'l • "-J-INclt I 041 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ALot ForAUttle l acre + bid~ Slte. 11ent · ly sloping parcel s.hort distanre from tennis & beach. Ownr has in· t'luded plans for l'UStom villa. 1125.000 Sper tarul ar views' MISSION REALTY _4tM·0731 FANTASTIC HOME 180 deit ocean views 3000 + and ruslom Gourmet k 1lt'ht'n massive It\ 1n1t rm, formal d1n1n11 , rot y rireplarfl, POOi , spa Lti n!<' area, ~,000 LA11JM Vi1e9t l.E ' --~·l76l PRICE SLASH ED lo 1210,000 · anxious owner says "SELL" Lovely un, ll . S«Urt part1n1t near ·Heuler P<1rk with gorgeous while wi1ter view ~VlleqtLl. ·--_ill:JJ{l ABSOLUTE STW!! . I st.a.ke rn.Y reputation on the FACT that this is the BEST BUY in Ntwport Beach Ir you are a le&iUmate buyer-CALL ME DIRECTLY and you will be impressed. GREAT BUY! OCEAN V\J, LRG 4 BDR. PROF. DECORATED, pool, spa & bke nu all Tor only $376,500 A trade will be conaidered. You woo't believe It until you see ll Cell PATRICK TENORE Oiret'tly 631 · 1266 or 760·8102 TODAY! ve1:aiW!: ~~o"~en · lhouR rondo, Take over lu11h uaumable loan at 11!·;., Owner will <'on· sider late model t'ar a.s down j)aym 'L At'l fast!!! Only 1119,900. Ca II Jim Agt. 979-Sf70 or 9JR958'7 ----- orim~~Wl\tU:~ O\armtng3Br, great vu 21627 Bunya. 1232.SOO Ted Hubert Realty ---7S2·07!J __ ..r IUCH COHDO Uf,000 Locat~cf-w1ll11n a lull. urlous guardtd <'Om m1a1ity. Call anytime. Mullan Realty S40·2960 4TTMEl~CH Askfor~ri ffrlcefias ro('. O'cean II~ CANYON view! 2 bdrm, I ba al Guard ed communlty. Main Beach. Walk to Beaut. 3BR 2111ba boroe vlll•1e. s hops. etc. w/mirrored walls. lots 494,9379; 1702)732·9840 of marble. 3 car gar_ col - -"10,000.C.11644--0448 ,. .... .,.,.... 106' ... ,.,.,..c:ctr 106' •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• .,.... ,) ,.,_ ,~ .. IHPIHTI IWIH IHI "Muat Sell Now" 60' bay view. Juat profasion-• ally ci«orated. , ,like new. Sophisti- cated 2 BR & den. 2~ Ba. bar. pool. ape, beUI & eecurity. PRICE REDU-•• CED $96,000 to -$446,000. Only •· $30,000 down. 1018 Bayside Cove .. t. Newport Besieh. Debbie Frau, &f 2-8235, 876·H43 OPEN SA TUil· DAY 2-5. .... ,,. -- • r.• r.f • f l': ·""' - , • FRID A ¥ APRIL 2. 1(187 . .;• 'UlllilUll/Mll ClllT ORANGE COUN JV C A l IF OR NIA 25 CEN TS • Ill Laguna council race cash flows By STEVE MITCHELL or ... .._,......,. Dan Ke~y. a candidate for the April 18 lAgwlA Beach City CounCll election. far 1urpu1e9 hia Cht challenaera in campaign reporUq $2~,160 in contri- donl to date. Thunday wu the deadline for submi.son of required campaign dl1clo1ure forms in Laguna Salmon. • w-arnl;ngs issued By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL or ... o.1r,..,..., The Food anc:t Drug Admini- stration, suspecting scores of brands of canned salmon may contain botulism toxin, is urging conaumen to carefully inspect any 7 ~-ounce size cans and compare code numbers with the following liat: -NEFCO-FIDALGO: Kl3 in the aecond, third or fourth posi- tions of the top line. -CBUGACR ALASKA FISB-E~: R003, P003, C003, M003, K.003, R013, P013, C013, M013 and K013. -DIAMOND E FISHERIES: There are five characters in the top line of a 2 line code. The se- cond character is diamond- s ha ped. Involved are R (diamond) OG, C (diamond) OG, P (diamond) 00, K (diamond) 00, and M (diamond) 00. The fifth character is any number between one and four. -PETE R SB URG FISH· E RIES: PGN3. PGN4. KGN3, KGN4, RGN3, RGN4, MGN3, MGN4, CGN3, CGN4, PGM3, PGM4, RGM3, RGM4. Beach and tlgurea releued by candldatee and four. Political or-. ganlzatfone •how fhla year'• election might top record war cheats garnered In previoua council racea. The majority of Kenney'• contrlbutiona -$20,703 -came in the fonn of artwork COl'\tribu· t.ed by nearly 4Q artists and La- gu.nana for an art auction f\1-Dd· raiser held March 13. Of that amount, Kenney rep- orta only $'7 ,480 1n actual caah received from the auction. But the arUata and contributora were told to lilt the fair market value of the ~ork they donated for the auction. In fddltion. aome of the artiata reque"ilted partial reimbunement for the aale of their artworks, totallina $3,618. Monetary gifts received by the candidate tor the eecond fillna Ro, Wllllama, a real ·estate prailer Gerald Schmitz and auto period Lnclude a $1,026 gift from broker who la also seeking elec-dealer Nick Alexander. -t t Alla n Stevena, U,065 tion to the council, reported con-A $150 contrlbution came from f:.!! reaJ.tol Darlyne Woodward trtbutioN of $10,506 to date. contractor Dan Burge and UOO and S360 from Roy and Betty He report. gift.a of $3,464 ftom gifta came from engineer Siavaah Holm Co. Hege profe11or Allen Laguna First, an organization Bahador, accountant Paul F~r-Bro~ contributed $246, u did supporting his election, $1,000 ber, lnauranceM age5nket Geod rianrge ~ hys1cian Richard Minkin. Glfta from contractor James Schmitz; architect orris n e an ~f $10~ and $100~e re.pecti-$500 from carpet aalesman Wll-gallery owner Harry Parrott. vel from Dar1Wooldrldge, a Uam Hen~ $400 from Marlon Bobble Minkin reported con- Por!m. dty pl.anntt and Jaime Knott, ot Knott'• Berry Farm: tributiona of $6,799 to date, with Borovinaky, a doctor. S250 each from real estate ap· (See RECORD, Page AZ) . A dmissio~ lawered Artists' booth \. fee upped 15% BY JEFF PARKER ofthe 011111 "°4 lblfl The Festival of Arts has res- cinded a decision made last month to raise sales booth rates to 25 percent for artists, and in- stead raised the rates to 15 per- cent. The charge -which is made to artis1s when the festival sales booth handles transactions while the artists are away from the grounds -was raised to try to get the artists to stay on the grounds during the seven-week event, festival spokesmen said. The festival boa.rd also decided to lower the price of admission from $1 to 50 cents in celebration of the festival's 50th year in La- guna Beach, and reroute the walkways so that more customers will pus by each booth. "We've raised the sales booth rat.es to 15 percent, lowered the admission charge and changed the route that people will take to the ~eant in .order to help the artists, ' said festival spokeswo- man Sally Reeve. "We're trying to help them ~e more sales." I between raising sales booth rates and bringing more artists to the grounds. "I agree that something has to be done to get more artists to at- tend, but we don't need th.is kind of negative reinforcement," he ~aid . "This whole question 1s Hansen deat h being reduced to a labor/ management dispute when we all really want the same thing." According to Lewis, a group of festival artists has sent a letter to the festival board asking them to returA the sales booth fees to last year's 10 percent. Lagunans to miss . contagious smile Carl Hansen had the biggest smile in L.aguna Beach, and it • was contagious. The smile, and the penonality that went along with it. are gone. -WARDS COVE: Two-line code with top line containing five characters beginning witn W, followed by three numbers, 152 throuah 274, and the letters A. B. T, M, J, L , N , S or K. (See SALMON, Pase A%) Canyon Roa d safety su i t 0.-, Not ..._.. br Mdlerd K..._ HUNGRY STORM BIRDS -As rain clouds began to leave Thursday afternoon at Laguna Beach, hungry seagulls began to search for late lunch and found two willing feeders in Mary Landis (left), and Kirn Williamson, both vacationing from Minnesota. But the artists are still upset about the rate hike, and say that it will not malte more artists stay in their booths during the festi- val. "Artists don't spend a lot of time at the festival because they can't afford to," said exhibitor Scott Moore. "All of the artista I've talked to said that they won't use the booth at all now. But that doesn't mean lhey'U be on the grounds. They'U just leave a sign out tel.l.tng customers that they're home working and can be called there." Hansen, former manager of the Laguna Beach Transporta- tion, Lunch and Counseling (TLC) program. died at Mission Community Hospital Tuesday in an automobile accident. He was struck by a car a week earlier while crossing Coast Highway in South Laguna. The 77-year-old South Lagu- nan was the first manager for the f e d e rally funded Feeback 1''oundation, lnc., which provides hot meals, transportation and companionship for senior citizens who participate daily in the La- guna Beach project. Laguna program in 2nd day ~ury deliberations on a lawsuit questioning the safety of Laguna Canyon Road entered their seco- nd full day today. Students to learn The Qnilge County Superior Court jury is being asked to award more than $1.1 million to two Laguna Beach residents who claim tney were injured in an auto accident aa a result of unsafe condi\iona on the state- malntained road. The California Department of Transportation is the primary defendant in the court action. theft prevention Randy Lewis, as&stant dean of students at UC Irvine and also a festival exhibitor, said there is "no cause and effect relationship Fifth and sixth grade students will be joining the fight against crime in Laauna Beacb. Attorney Gene Goldmnan, re- pre1enting clients Peter Moir, 28 and Diane Gonules, 19, claims Laguna Can!.on Road's Big Bend Curve is · 'dangerous and treacherous.'' ln an effort to make the stu- dents more aware of burglaries and what can be done to prevent them, the Laguna Beach Police Department and Neighborhood Watch organization will be wi- ting local achoola and instructing students on residential burglary prevention methods. Following the c.lasaroom ses- sion, the studenta will be asked to inspect their own homes and pass on auggestions to their parents. He told jurors Tuesday that the state should have erected a steel barrier between the road's two lanes to prevent the kind of bead-on colllsion in which his clien~ were injured in 1979. Also, the studenta will be ur- ged to conduct home inspections for their nelghbora in an effort to 1· . ' t WORLD -Brezhnev strok e reported WASHING TON (AP) -Soviet President Leonid Brezhnev's health has "deteriorated "eeriousl.y," and he' waa taken to the Kremlin h08pital in an ambulance last week for treatment of a possible stroke, the Waahington Post reported today. NATION Good food for 5 cents , You'd have to go back 100 years to get a good 5..cent meal, rtaht? Wrong. Go to LaDonna'1 Restau- rant neaz: Ptttabprah. Paae M . · Did 'shoot-to-kill' cut crime 1 The police fOl"Ce'I ahoot·to-kill ~may OI' may ·not be the cau., but crime in Terre Haute, Ind., Ml 'dropped tbarply. Pap AS. cut down the burglary rate. Tiny defense cut in Senate panel Students will earn certificates of merit for their home inspec- tions and a Frisbee if neighbors' homes are inspected. & an added incentive, classes wtth·the highest number of in- spections will be awarded an ice cream sundae party and a tour of the police station. During the program, police department community service officers will be available to sup- plement the aecurity inspections upon request. WASHING TON (AP) -Pre-, sident Reagan's major military programs w ere left nearly intact by the Senate Armed Services Committee, which voted to trim less than $1.15 billion from the $82 billion sought bl the presi- dent, the committees chairman said Thursday. The prosram is slated to begin at El Morro and Top of the World achoola du.ring the week of April 12. STATE Sen. J ohn Tower, R -Texas, disclosed the figures the day af- ter the panel voted 16-1, at a closed session, to authorize the funds, despite the clamor on Ca- pitol Hill for defense cuts. .. Bay Area braces again SAN FRANCiiCO (AP) -Hundreds of people forced by floodwaters from a San Jose trailer park huddled ln evacuation centers today while workers piled sandbags around threatened buildings and monitored potential mudslides along Bay area high-' 'wa)'IJ. SPORTS . Five cagers hon ored . Five OrantenCoast area. high school basketball 1tandout1 have choeen on the All-CIF 3-A team. Page Cl. Freewa y Series arrives The ADae11 and Ik>claen.open thelr.f.hree..pine Freeway Seric9 wnJ&bt at Dodpn Stadium. Pace Cl. / He retired from the post in 1979. During the six years he served as TLC manager, Mr .. Hansen administered, planned and coor- dinated nearly 50 programs, ranging from setting up craft classes to visiting elderly shut- • ins. "Carl would dip into his own pocket to buy additional food for the senior citizens," recalls George Fowler, Laguna's direc· tor of recreation and social ser- vices. Mr. Hansen solicited day-old bread from local marketa, along with cakes, cookies and other food items for the seniors. The native of Denmark arrived as an immigrant in 1923, mop- ping floors and cleaning spittoons at a pool hall at the age of 17. His various careers spanning the cbuntry ranged from trouble shooting for the National Tea Co. chain, supervising supermarkets INDEX At Your Service A4 Business OJ. 7 California A5 Caval~e B2 Claasitied Dl-8 Comics B6 Cromword B6 Stan Delaplane B2 Death Notices D2 F.ditorial A6 Entertainment Weekender Home/Garden B7 COUNTY SMILE GONE -Carl Han- sen's winning smile is gone. The popular Lagunan died this week. and owning his own grocery store chain near Chicago. In 1979 he was made an "honorary citj_zen o f Laguna Beach," and DUiie frequent visits to the TLC center at the Com- munity Presbyterian Church on Forest Avenue to see his friends. He is survived by his wife Mary, of 50 years, daughter Caryl Albert and son Raymond, and lix grandchildren. M e morial services for Mr. Hamen will be held Saturday at 1 p .m . at the Presbyterian Church. The family requests donations be made to the TI.c in Laguna. Horoecope B2 Ann Landers B2 Movies Weekender Mutual Funds OJ National News A3 Public Notices OJ,D2 Sports Cl-5 Stock Markets C7 Television TV Log Theaters Weekender Weather A2 World Newt A3 ·s teeple criticism high Rsldenta of a Newport BMch netahborbood want I St. And.re'• Prabyt.erlan Church to Ny around, but don't want a lO~·foot ataep)e. ~ Bl. : L f$250,000 due • ID lf"!~~it A Carta Meu woman who had to underao an emergency h~te­ t rfciomy after uaina a birth con -t trot ~vke alleaed to be defective l wlll rec:elve $250,000 from the company wh.lch manufactured the lntra~uterlne Dalkon Shield. The woman's attorney, John • lf_· Van Dyke of Newport Beach, 1 said the settlement with the R. i H. Roblns Co. of Richmond, Va., la one of the largest in Orange I County Involving the controver-l alal Dalkon Shield. j The out-of-court settlement came a month be(ore trial of l 25-year-old K. athleen Shannon Whalen's lawsuit Was to begin in Orange County Superior Court. I Her legal action had con~nded that use of the Dalkon Shield led to infection which ultimately I caused doctors to perform a hysterectomy on her four years \ ago. Miss Whalen's suit is one of , thousands that have been filed I against Robins Co. in Orange 1,,County and across the country. : The suits generally seek milllons -of dollars in damages against the 0 "'pharmaceutical company and ·contend that the Dalkon IUDs, 'taken off the market in 1974, ltead to serious internal injuries. Van Dyke, who since 1975 has handled more than 250 cases again.st Robins, has been success- r: ful mainly in reaching out-of- ,,court settlements on the suits. hi The Newport Beach attorney said he still had 150 cases pen- ding against the Virginia-based company. An estimated 2.5 million de- •. vices were sold between 1970 and ~:, t974. At least 16 deaths were w reported by Dalkon Shield users. 'l According to many of the , lawsuits filed against the com- pany, it is contended that the '"1 Dalkon Shield's barb-like fins cut '•'the wall of the uterus and that "•.strings dangling from the bottom ' of the small plastic ruDs carried . bacteria into the uterus. ' Miss Whalen, a waitress in 111 , Costa Mesa, had used her Dalkon ,.Shield for five years before suf- ':' f ':ring acute pe 1 vie inflanunatory ',disease. ,1 Doctors at UC Irvine Medical ,1 Center in Orange then perfor- . med a hysterectomy. Ted raps Reagan WASHINGTON (AP) -Pre- sident Reagan is indulging in "voodoo arms control'' and his policies increase the chance of nuclear war, Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, D-Mass .. said Thurs- day. .. Orange Coul DAl!.Y PILOT/Fr1dey, April 2, 1882 o.lr,... ........... HAPPY WINNERS -South Coast-area resi- dents show off Disneyland Community Service awards. From left are Arthur Ermtthal, South Coast Literacy Council, Laguna Niguel; Anne Baker, Laguna Beach Free Clinic; Valerie Gliksman, Capistrano Unified School District; Crossroads Alternative program, Dana Point; Anne Dahlberg, Orange County Marine Insti- tute, Dana Point and John Cunningham, Friends of the Sea Lion Marine Mammal Center, Laguna Beach. Disneyland awards honor 63 Florence Crittendon Services of Orange County Inc., organized 16 years ago to help troubled adolescent girls, and Goodwill Industries Inc. have each won awards of $25,000 from the Dis- neyland Community Services Awards program. During a special luncheon in the Grand Ballroom of Disney- land Hotel, 63 award winners were announced for prizes tota- ling $150,000, including a $12,500 award to the Junior League of Newport Harbor Inc. The Crittendon organization, based in Fullerton, received its award for outstanding service in 1982. The awards committee paid special tribute Thursday to the opening last.y~ of the Dora Hill Transition Center, built by Crit- tendon to expand its rehabilita- tion services io young girls. Goodwill received its award for what UC Irvine Chancellor Daniel Aldrich called 25 years of outstanding service to the com- munity. This award was given to mark the 25th anniversary of the awards program, which honors organizations in Orange County whic h have provided 14outstanding community service." ''This recognition program was designed to provide incentive, encouragement and reward to those organizations whose ex- ceptional endeavors have co•tri-of Orange County, bsased In buted to the improved quality of Mission Viejo ($1,000); the life for the people of Orange KOCE-TV Channel 50 Founda- County," a spok said. tion in Huntington Beach During its 25 years, 22 awards ($5,000); the American Cetacean totaling more than $1.2 · 'on in Society in Irvine ($1,000); the prize money have been preilleq~!_JIHr(ural History Foundation in by the Disneyland group. Irvine ($1,000); the Frienda of There were 17 winners from the Sea Lion in Laguna Beach Orange Coast communities ($1,000); the National Charity Thursday. League of Newport Beach They were: Central Orange ($5,000) and the Junior League County Literacy Council, based of Newport Harbor ($12,500). in Costa Mesa ($1,000 award); 1 Goodwill Industries, in addi- the Vocational Training Club, tion to its $25,000 award, also basl!d in Huntington Beath ·won a special judges award for ($1,000 award); the South C.oast an additional $l2,SOO. Literacy Council of Capistrano Beach ($1,000). The Orange County Marine Institute in Dana Point {$1,000); Y.S.P. Inc. of Co8ta Mesa, which helps juvenile offenders pay back their victims ($1,000); and the Capistrano Unified School.Di- strict's Crossroads Alternative Program in Dana Point ($1,000). Other winners were: The Corona del Mar High School Keywanettes, a youth gro4p which promoted projects such as bike-athons and visits to local h0spitals ($~,000); the La- guna Beach Free Clinic ($1,000); the Museum Council of the Newport Harbor Art Museum ($1,000); La Casa of Newport Beach, a home for d ependent children ($5,000). The League of Women Voters Grower protests alien raids By GLENN SCO'M' Ot'ttte 0.-, ,... ..... An Irvine-based growers' as~ sociation complained Thursday to President Reagan that U.S. Border Patrol raids are unfairly singling out agriculture. Warmer days ahead' 1n· a ~legram sent to the Pre- sident, Western Growers Asso- ciation President Daryl Arnold of Corona del Mar claimed that al- though illegal workers are em- ployed throughout the workfor- ce, agenta make the fields their "constant target." The message was sent after about 75 disgruntled growers met earlier this week to discuss recent harvest-time sweeps by a special Border Patrol squad through Orange County's strawberry fields. Farmers said the loss of workers may cost them millions of dollars. ,(oasial lj()m• Cloudlne11 at llmea. but mollly fair through Sllurdey. Sllghlly warmer d1y1 with highs today and S1turday 58 to 64. Lowa tonight 38 to 45. Huntington- Newport .,... temper•t~ renge lfom a high of 82 to • low of (T. EIMWh«e, from Point Concep- tion to the Mexk:M border and out 80 mllH: NorthwHt wind• d•· creHlng 10 8 10 12 knot1 over outer weter1. Southw"t to -t wind• 10 to 18 knot• thl• after- noon becoming llghl and varlable tonight. Wwteny awella of 2 to 3 fMI. i U.S. sumiliary· t • -• snow end wtndl cruted ,_. • bllzl.ard cond!Uona In perts of the 1 Rocky Mounteln1 tod1y, whlle 1nother In 1 11rl•• of 1torm1 moved Into the PIClflc Cout r• ' glon. l Kuvy thundef11orma also deo- WloC*I -the eouthem plalnl,. I end cloudy 1klH, • few 1now 1 en-. Ind strong wind& IPtMd -the netlon'• Nort'-81. l Scattered 1hower1 and thun- dentonnl -• for-1 from the Mlllllllppl Rivet valley and sou- thern plelrie to the T-and upper ONo vlllle)ll and the upper ' ar.. LM-• Severe thunder1torm1 were l predicted from the cen1r1I and lower ptatne to th• mid-and tower-MllllHlppl velley. Snow WH Hpeoted over th• upper , Ml11ourl valley, with ecattwed I rain end enow over the plat_, · ~ and Aoc:klel. • TempereturH eerly today j r8ll09d lfom 14 In Seult SI. Merle. Mich., to 77 In 8rown1vlll• and· Mc:Alen, T-. ·--· --. I ·California ~ Southam Cellfomle'• --end etloUld be .,.,,~ MlnY end ... I mer H • coutal 1torm llldH • .......,d, ..... with " ""' rMI, enow and ~ wtrldl !flat pelted IN IOlllNlnd Oii ~. "~IOwll~down IMO Ille Gulf of Alllllul.but rt loob •• ,,. .,..,. It'• tMlng 11 ltralgflt .-. ao we don't llCP9CI r.in un11 ·~= .. ~~~~ ...,. --olOQ!lt OOn l.utt Mlc1 Ulltll tlten, lie 14Md, "any rain 11\ould b• north of Soutll•rn ~·· "•In flooded etrMta tn 1.01 Mgel9I Oii nv:, ~ ... dOrMll of "*'°' ... lfeO toroecl tfla ~ .... way Patrol to otoH Hv•r•t lftOUfttalft rHCt• Md llftll wind ....... ~~lnci-1 ................ '··~ Center Thuradey brought th• Ma.an total to 10.04, compered• with 8.45 1111 April Fool'I Dey and the aeaeonal n0tmel of 12.87 ln- cllel tor thlt date. Normal for the wtlOle '.l'Mf. 41'\dlng June 30, ,, 14 ~. ~ .. MIJD~~~~~ Temperature's NATION .. Lo~ 66 31 n se 81 52 73 34 711 55 79 55 73 « 83 57 49 35 "8 29 81 38 91 75 45 23 11 47 74 81 89 34 70 38 64 43 70 42 59 29 s..1111 St Loura • St P-Twnpe 13 St Ste Merle Spok-T ucaon Tulu Wutllng1n Wlc:Nta 50 ,. 82 5 '8 82 81 74 75 39 59 . se 12 27 48 71 45 84 H&UON4t WIAl•tt \lh I NO.ta u \ Ot •' el t••·•1t11. ~AM ..-RtCAM AcapulCO B111b.ck>I .O& Bermoda Bogota 73 84 73 n &4 ee .e 88 79 CALIFORNIA &5 37 78 70 .03 .02 CuractlO Guec:talateta GeOOel<>upe Havana Klngl1on Mon1eg<> Bay MazaU1n Merida MexlCO City Monl«rtl)I Sen Juan 57 88 70 64 86 73 88 73 &9 &4 50 72 74 '° 73 511 57 30 33 2S 19 eo 17 .9 61 32 40 24 .02 80 72 .21 78 72 70 45 84 eo n 86 eo ae .01 11 • 1.04 71 ... 13 83 .86 78 75 64 34 51 44 74 49 80 ee 85 3e 7 5 5 1 n ee 75 81 84 159 • 40 as &e eo 21 57 32 M 38 .oe 39 27 5e 23 •• 5e 42 ,38 •77 49 40 .47 49 34 .12, 35 .78 58 41 .71 88 48 52 « .49 T eguclgalpa Tr1nldec:I 50 .17 ·s 87 72 73 91 73 •1 31 .40 mog eo 52 1.11 50 45 .,. rrie south coaat Air oua11ty ~ 40 .05 Management Ol1trlot prldtcte 51 OOod -quallty ~'" .. .,.. 74 °' i:: =oC:... == :: 45 Stendard Index ol 42 fof alt ,., « 28 1.70 g!On•. 50 34 84 68 .53 40 30 .eo ----------52 .42 ~ ~ 3 :: Extended 53 50 ~~ ~ •15 forecmt 5l 50 .U SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 49 40 .38 COASTAL ANO MOUNTAIN • : !! 1:: AR!AS -,..r!!~b .. cloudlneat » 12 and 0004 • ....,_ °'~"'9Wtn In • nor1hem ,_.,...... ..... and Tue•d•Y· Locally windy. "•" ~lnfle~--68 to ee 1n11 ,_..,..... ,_. ao to 46. Lowe In OOMI# ... 42 IO lllf ·11PIRT ft Ind tn mount.in. 1f 10 ao. lut tlle OftfY rMIMftl of llle1 • ....,.._ .. c.r • ..,.... .... ................. .,,,~~· ............... 4,oaD ..... .,. ........... ,.. ... tell et tfl• L" Ane .... _Clwlo -=-----· • ' A spokesman for the 2,000-member association said the agents seem 1o focus on row crops in particular because the open, easily visible fields make roundups easy. In recent raids, agents used a helicopter, a three-wheeled "go-anywhere" vehicle and several mounted horses to track workers. Agenta rounded up 1,095 ille- gal workers from Mexico during that sweep, said Dale Musegades, deputy chief patrol agent in the Chula Vista office. , He noted that the Border Pa- trol traditionally haa concentra- ted on rural areas, leaving more urban aectors to the Immigration and Naturalization Service, of which the patrol is a part. The clloice of concentrating on large groups of field workers, he ex- plained, comes down to ef.ficlen- cy. "It'a a better utlllzation of reaources," he aaid. "U we tackl- ed thla on a one-to--One basis,. it would take more.'' Border Patrol arrests 15 " after crash A hlgh-1peed freeway chase between the Border Patrol and a van suapeded of carrying aliens ended when the van crashed in Caplatrano Beach. Authorities made 16 U'l'tll1a. The vm. pural8d llOl'thbound on the Santa Ana .Fr= by . Border Patrol -aenta at up 'to 90 m~truck another vehlcle on the CiU.ea ln~ Th= •f1emooo. a.cootdfNl to the om1a Hiahway Patn>l The driver anc:r two occupants ot the van -.ped, but 16 people tUlpeded of beinc aUena, were amNd by the Border Patrol . Albert 0.nlell, 381 of South La1una, driver of the vehicle ttnldc by t}M van, WM not inJu· red, the CHP -'ct ..... ~' ~ Continued stories RECORD FUNDING~ .. the lar1eat contributor -her huabe.nd -loaninc $2,612 to the campe.lan. Another $4,070 wu reported from ccntrlbuton who pve lee. t~an $100. Executive Thomas Tierney donated $280; homema- ker Betty Holm gave U2~; mualdan Frieda Bellnfante, $190; homemaker Francea Jeneen, $176; Dr. Stanley Kaplan, $160; Fred l..ange, architect, $160: Ma- rylyn Pauley, former achoo] board member, $150. Other $150 contributors were executive Keith Swayne; Laura Alexander, Dr. Henry Breener, Dan Woolridge 'and Barbara Ha- milton. Gregory Benford contributed JH~O and teacher Ramona Ok- land $100. Pat Bury h.u am&lled S4,592 to date, with the majorfty - $3,193 -coming from the La- guna First organization. The Boys Cub director reports $730 in contributions of less than $100, and $100 gifts from Eugene Shidler and Lumber Yard owner Jeff Jahraua. lncambeat Kelly Boyd saya Laguna First has donated $2,596 In non-monetary contributions to his $4,240 war chest. A $550 contribution came from attorney U.T. Thompeon W; $450 from Laguna Beach Lumber Yard operator Jeff Jahraus; $350 from architect Morru Skende- rian; and $250 from insurance broker Walter Von Grep. Amounta received from donors who gave leas than $100 total $959. Robert Gentry'• war chest to- tala $3,875 to date, with contri- butor Wayne Peterson loaning $2,556 to the campaign. That loan was repjlid. An auction.held tor Gentry March 6 rai9ed $1,865 and other contribution.a included $105 from teacher Philip Baker and $100 from Roy Holm. Contributions of less than $100 totaled $1,314. Paal Cbrlttlautn'• campaign contributions include $2,645 he loaned to hiJ own race, and a ~$60 gift from otben. Bella Leeda and Rickey Slater each flled forms stating they have collected less than $500 for their campaignt. Organiz.atlona raitinl fundlt foe parW:War caodldatea aho filed atatementl of cootrlbuUona, wtt.h Lapu Pint colloct1na the most fu.rida to date. • The organization, which la supporting the election ol Boyd, Barry and Wllliam~. reporta a war chest of $17,266. The largest contribution came from the Committee for Laguna, a •fledgling organization alto supporting the three candldata, with a total of $3,500. Other large contributors in- clude Parksi<le Estates ~­ tlon, C.Orona del Mar, $2,000; In· nkeeper H.P . Willata, $1,000; $500 each from Bartlett Center, Laguna Publishing Co., Lucile Decker, auto dealer :O.vid Phil- lips, Gerald C. Ledbetter. and Anvil Corp. Former council member Ho- ward Dawson gave $250; Robert Bartlett, $200; realtor Sandra Stlka, $100; and $100 from ar- chitect Peter Ostrander, Hillie McCormack Realty, James Ha- mil ton, attorney, homemaker Tina Weber, rancher William T. White III, homemaker Gloria Bryant, busine.aman Thomas Kemp, Turner Associates, and architect Christian Abel. Amounts received less than $100 by the group totaled $926. The Committee for Lagana reports contributions of $5,776, including $2,000 from Warren Hopkins, retired; $1,500 from developer Bernard Syfan; and $200 each from dentist Thomas Judy, attorney John Knowles, and Lloyd Sanders. Glfts of $100 came from bookstore owner Wil- lard Marriner and hotel operator L. W. Haneline. The Geptry, Minkin, Kenney for Laguna group reports a war chest of $2,500 with $600 gifts from the Kenney for Laguna group, Steve Parks and Minkin for Council organization. Bank president LatT)' Ulvestad donated $500, and $100 came from W.E. Parrish. The League for Honest Gov- ernment, supporting Gentry, Minkin and Kenney, report con- tributions of $738, ~$369 each donated by writer und Van Deusen and civic c 'st John Gabriels. SALMON WARNING. • • A spokeswoman for the FDA said the b~d name is not what counta, but the code numbers on either the top or bottom of the can. And she stresaed that only 7 ~-ounce s:iz.e cans need be exa- mined. Five Alaska-based canneries have launched a voluntary recall of canned salmon following the dea\h in February in Belgium of a man who ate tainted canned salmon. . The can contained botulism toxin, generated by bacteria that entered the can through a tiny hole in the seam. Subsequent investigation showed that cans produced by four canneries could be defective, the FDA spokes- woman said. Meanwhile, at least four gro- cery chains in Orange County - Alpha Beta, Lucky Gemco, Sta- ter Bros, and Von's -were removing suspected cans from the shelves today. And Orange County Health Department officials were awai- ting further word from the FDA on whether they should begin spot checks for suspected cans at the county's 1,858 retail grocery establishments. Banners sought for arts panel The Laguna Beach Arts Commission is forming a per- manent banner collection to celebrate the winter BOlstice. The commission will re- view designs for both hori. zontal and vertical banners made of all-weather mate- rials. • Laguna Facts, Inc., a non-profit, non-partisan or- ganization. ia hoetina a forum Monday at the Hotel Laguna entitled, "Whither Lasuna • Repre.entatlvet of the Laguna Beach Free Clinic wql be on hand Mondly at the monthly meetln1 of the ~Ci~Qub. · aJ.nic: ofticiall wtU outline •A reunion for LCf.~~ BMch Haab Scbaol'• ~ 1~ lke ud lNe wW Mid 11.&,1 22 at the Ba4ill ''Cer p-ad\lat.e IJl•I• .,.., 1111 H"I ..,,.... ~ The panel has allocated a maximum of $1 ,800 for the project. ResUJ'lies and proposed col- or schematics should be su- mitted at City Hall. Deadline for submission of preliminary deslRM is April 30. Beach?" The meeting, which is open to the public, begins at 7:30 p.m. with -00Uee and d89ert. terYices ottered !« aenlor ci- tben.a. Ref.reahmeota will be 1erved. The meetina beClna at. 1 p .m . at the Veterans Memorial Community Center. 384 Legion St. me. \hree c1-to bl!D with plllnniJll tot tM alumlil l'YellL ror r ... rvatJo••.t.. 01' for ' mare lab ..,_ mu a.. at tM-6MJ. - ' 111181 £1111 1m1111111111 · FRIDAY. APRIL 2. 1981 ORAN GE COUNT V CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS 3 -supervisors boost Sill$ ·canipaign By GLE NN SCOTT or-.a..,NM 1Wt Irvine Mayor David Sills has the help -but not necessarily the endorsements -of three Oranae County supervisors in his campaign for Republican nomi- nation to the new 69th state As- sembly District seat. • Salmon • warnings issued By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL or ... a.., Noc ,...,. The Food a nd Drug Admini- stration, suspecting scores of brands of canned salmon may contain botulism toxin, is urging consu mers to carefully inspect any 7 ~-ounce size cans and compare code numbers with the following list: -NEFCO.FIDALGO: Kl3 in the second, third or fourth posi- tions of the top line. -CHUGACH ALASKA FISH- ERIES: R003, P003, C003, M003, K003, R013, P013, C013, M013 and K013. -DIAMOND E FISHERIES: There are five characters in the top line of a 2 line code. The se- cond character is diamond - s ha ped . Involved are R (diamond) 00, C (diamond) 00, P (diamond) OG, K (diamond) 00, and M (diamond) OG. The fifth character is any number between one and four. -P ETER S B UR G F I S H - ERIES: PGN3. PGN4. KGN3. KGN41 RGN3, RGN4, MGNJ, MGN4, CGN3, CGN4, PGM3, PGM4, RGM3, RGM4. -WARDS COVE: Two-line code with top line containing five characters beginning with W , followed by three numbers, 152 throu~h 274, and the letters A, B, T, M, J, L, N, Sor K. A spokeswoman for the FDA said the brand name is not what counts, but the code numbers on either the top or bottom of the can. And shes~ thatoruy 7~-ounce size cans need be exa- mined. Five Alaska-based canneries have launched a voluntary recall of canned salmon following the death in February in Belgium of a man who ate tainted canned salmon. The can contained botulism toxin, generated by bacteria that entered the can through a tiny hole in the seam. Subsequent investigation showed that cans produced by four canneries could be defective, the FDA spokes- woman aa.id. Meanwhile, at least four gro- cery chains in Orange County - Alpha Beta, Lucky Gemco, Sta- ter Bros, and Von's -w er e removing s~ected cans from the shelves y. And Orange County Health Department officials were awai- tir.g further word from the FDA on w hether they should begin spot checks for suspected cans at the county's 1,858 retail grocery ~tablishments. Sills ia running againat Nolan Friu.elle of Huntington Beach in the June 8 primary elect.Ion, For his first fund -ralalng event, a $150-per-peraon cocktail reception April 20 at the South Cout Plaz.a Hotel, Sills hu per- suaded supervisors Thomas Ri- ley, Bruce Nestande and Roger Stanton, all Republlcana, to help ''hoet" the affair. In addition, nine other local political office-holden are listed as haN on invhaUona. But in the complicated world of political semantics, some offi- cials are drawing a distinction between ''hosting" and "supporting." Riley, for instance, o.-, ,... "'°'°.., ~ seen STORM AFTERMA TR -While setting sun sinks toward clouds, Steve Snoke of Long Beach works his metal detect.or across the sand beneath pilings of Huntington Beach Pier. Snoke said just after a stonn is the best time to seek hidden treasures in the sand. Cocaine seized in Mesa raid\ Four people remain in police c u atody today after federal agents and police in Costa Mesa, Santa Ana and Newport Beach claim they seiz.ed $190,000 worth of cocaine. 'Costa Mesa Police Sgt. J~ Watson said undercover f~eral agents offered to buy the drugs from one of the suspects aboul 10:30 a.m. Wednesday at a Costa Mesa restaurant. tJ One of the suspecta remained at the restaurant, whUe another drove to a nearby motel, where police found seven pounds of co- caine, said Watson. Arrested on suspicion of selling cocaine and conspiracy to sell co- caine were Naclie Duque, 25, and Dagoberto Rodriquez, 25, both of Los Angeles and Orlando G. Bo- livia, 29, and Reynaldo Muneton, 42, both of Costa Mesa. Miss D u q u e waa taken to Orange County Jail and the others remain at Costa Mesa City Jail. Bail was aet at $100,000. has been reluctant to take aides in the lotra·party race. An aide said he ls "leaning" toward Sills but hasn't endorsed him. Said a spokeswoman fo r Stanton: "Th.is in no way implies an endoniement of Sills." But Nestande is a long-time friend of Sllh., who as far back as 1966 was walking precincts to aid Neatande's first efforts for poli- tical office. Ne11tande aald he Is endoraing Sills. The only Republican. among county supervisors not to hollt the event is Harriett Wieder, who like Friu.elle lives in Huntington Beach. A s pokesman for Mrs. Wieder said Thursday: ''At this point, she is stayirig out of It." Telegra:m to Reagan Aleo ,hosting the reception are Fouritain Valley City Council members Marvin Adler, Eugene Van Dask and Barbara Brown: Costa Mesa councU members Eric Johnson. F.dward McFarland and Don Hall; Irvine oouncllrnen Bill Vardoulis and Art Anthony and Lee SicoU, president of the Irvine 1ehool board. Irvine grower protests raids An lrvine-based growers' as- sociation complained Thursday to President Reagan that U.S. Border Patrol raids a.re unfairly singling out agriculture. In a telegram sent to the Pre- sident, Western Growers Asso- ciation President Daryl Arnold of Corona del Mar claimed that al- ·IUD case settlement $250,000 By DAVID KUTZMANN Of "'-DlllJ .......... A Costa Mesa woman who had to undergo im..eme.rgency hys_t.e.- rectomy after using a birth con- trol device alleged to be defective will receive $250,000 from the cofnpany which manufactured the intra-uterine Dalkon Shield. The woman's attorney. John M. Van Dyke o ( Newport Beach, said the settlement with the R. H. Robins Co. of Richmond, Va., is one of the larges t in Orange County involving the controver- sial Dal\con Shield. The out-of-court settle ment came a m onth before trial of 25-year-old Kathleen Shannon Whalen's lawsuit was to begin in Orange County Superior Court. Her legal action had contended that use of the Dalkon Shield led to infection which ultimately cause d d octors to perform a hyste rectomy on her four years ago. M iss Whalen's suit is one of thousands that have been filed against Robins Co. in Orange County and across the country. The suits generally seek millions of dollars in damages against the pharmaceutical company and ·contend that the Dalkon IUDs, ta ken o ff the market in 1974, lead to serious internal injuries. Van Dyke, who since 1975 has handled mor;e than 250 cases against Robins, has been success- f u I mainly in reaching out-of- court settlements on the suits. An estimated 2.5 million de- vices were sold between 1970 and 1974. At least 16 deaths were reported by Dalkon Shield users. According to many o f the lawsuits filed against the com- pany, it is contended that the Dalkon Shield's barb-like fins cut the wall of the uterus and that strings dangling from the bottom of the small plastic IUDs canied bacteria into the uterus. though illegal workers are em- ployed throughout the workfor- ce, agents make the fields their "constant target." The message was sent after about 75 disgrunUed growers met earlier this week to di.9cuss recent harvest-time sweeps by a special PAP A -Polish labor Lech Walesa holds his baby daughter Maria in this photo, obtained by ABC's World News Tonight. It is the first picture of Walesa since mar- tial law was imposed in Po- land. Equal time ask ed : WASHINGTON (AP) -De- mocratic congressional leaders asked b r oadcas t•netw o rk s Thunday for equal time to reply to each of President Reagan's propoeed five-minute radio talks on the day he makes it. CBS said It is not carrying the president's talks. so will not carry the res- ponses. Border Patrol squad through Orange County's strawberry fields. Farmers said the loss of workers may cost them millions of dollars. A spokesman for the 2,000-member association said the agents seem to focus on row crop!t in particular because the open, easily visible fields make ro'Jndups easy. ln recent raids, agents used a helicopte r , a three-wheeled "go-anywhere" ve hicle and several mounted horses to track workers. Agents rounded up 1,095 ille- gal workers from Mexico during that sweep, said Dale Musegades. deputy chief patrol agent in the Chula Vista office. He noted that the Border Pa- trol traditionally has concentra- ted on rural areas, leaving more urban sectors to the Immigration and Naturalization Service, of which the patrol is a part. The choice of concentrating on large groups of field workers, he ex.J plained, comes down to efficien- cy. "It's a better utilization of resources," he said. "U we tack.l- ed this on a one-to-one Wis, it would take more." Arnold, the association presi- dent, is trying to meet neX1 week in Washington. D.C., with Attor- ney General William French Smith, said association Public Relations Director Mike Stuart. Members want Smith to call off raids in agricultural fields until what Stuart called a "new, clear-cut immigration policy" is created. Stuart said growers don't have any guaranteed method for veri- fying whether workers are legal because social security cards or green cards for: non-citizens are so easil:y for~ed. "My God, you've got to have a workforce." he said. Co caine seized in Irvine r a id Investigators seized 1. 7 ounces of cocaine with a street value of $4,750 during arrest Wednesday of two Santa Ana men on char- ges of possession and sale of co- caine, according to Irvine Police Lt. Robert Lennert. The arrests of Scott Sylvester Craig. 23 , and Ricky Steven James, 25, of 1812 Jefferson Place, Santa Ana, were made by Irvine police narcotics investiga- tors assisted by Santa Ana police. : ~----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~------~------------------------...., .· WOR~D · Brezhne v stroke reported WASHINGTON (AP) -Soviet President Leonid Brezhnev's health has "deteriorated seriously," and he was taken to the Kremlin hospital in an ambulance last week for treat men t of a possible stroke, the Washington Post reported today. NATION . Good food for S .cents _ Y ou•d have to ·go back 100 yean to get a good 6-cent meal. right? Wrong. Go to LaDonna'a Reeuau- rant near Pittsburgh. Pa,e A5. . · Did lshoot-to-kill' cut crime.? The police force•1 ~tc>-klll policy may or may not be the c:aute, but crime in Terre Haute, Ind., hM dropped sharply. Page A8. ( STATE Bay Area braces again S AN FRANCISCO (AP} -Hundreds of people forced by floodwaters from a San Jose qailer park huddled ln evacuation cent.en today while worken piled sandbags arou nd threatened buildings and monitored potential mudslides along Bay area high -• . ways. SPORTS Five cagers honored Five Orange Coast area high school basketball standouta have been choeen on tfle All-CIF 3·A team. Page Cl. Freeway Series arrives The Ana'el8 and Dodgen open their three-~ Freeway Ser1ee tontgbt at Dodgen Stadium. Pace Cl. INDEX Horoecope B2 Ann Landers B2 Movies Weekender Mutual Funds C6 At Your Service A4 Business C6-7 California A5 Cavalcade B2 National News A3 Public Notices C6,DZ Sports Cl-5 Stock Markets C7 Television TV Log Theaters Weekender Classified D 1-8 Comics B6 Crossword B6 Stan Delaplane 82 ~th Notk-es> D2 F.ditorial A6 Entertainment Weekender Weather A2 Home/Garden B7 World News A3 COUNTY • S teeple criticisrb high Relidenta of a Newport Bellcb netabborhood want St. Andrew'• Prelbyterian Church to l1a)' MJUnil. but don't want a 105-foot steeple. Pap Bl. • .. Lusk to • receive scouting .award Joh LUlk of Newport Beach, founder of his own lrvlne-bued real estate deve- lopment and homebuilding firm, will be reclplent of a new scouting award offered tor the fint time on April 21 in Anaheim. · Luak wW be honored with the Construction Industry Good Scout Award at a lun- cheon at the Anaheim Mar- riott Hotel Organize~ _h~pe •A four-hour class iff car- diopulmonary res uscitation (CPR) will be offered Tues- day and Wednesday at the Irvine Senior Center. The class sponsored by Hoag Memorial Hospital of • An Irvine man is one of three captains in the Orange County Fire Department pro- moted to battalion chief. , to attract as many aa QUO lea· dcrs of the construction in- duatry, u well aa other bual- ness and professional leaders, to the $100-a-plate affair. Luak iB chief executive of· ficer and chairman of the boa.rd of John D. Lusk & Son. The award is to honor him for his service to Orange County Council, Boy Scouts of Ame- rica. Newport Beach will run from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Tuesday and 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Wednesday. More information can be obtained by calling Irvine's Community Programs divi- sion at 754-3889. Chip Prather. a 12-year veteran of the department, will assume his new post to· day. ·snow hurries Utah; .storms plague Gulf ·" By.The A11oclated Preti A late-winter storm dumped Sl'lQW on Utah and thunderstonns roared across Tex.as and the Gulf I Coast states. '·1 Meanwhile, winds reaching up to 141 mph raked Colorado's Front Range today, smashing windows, overturning a tanker truck and ripping roofs off hou- ses in Colorado S-prlngs. A storm that brought Utah a ' chilling reminder of winter on the first day of April knocked down walls with 55 mph gusts, piled snow up to 5 inches deep at Salt Lake City International Airport and cauaed "dozens and dozens" of h.iahway accidenta, in the words of Utah Highway Pa- trol dispatcher Mike C°adell. "Everything's gone to total junk out there. That's the beat way to put it." he said. Up to 7 inches was reported along the lake's beaches, with 18 new inches in the northern Utah mountains. Skies cleared today, but temperatures dropped shar· ply to 19 d~ at the airport. Heavy snow fell today in the mountains of Colorado, while brief heavy snow showers pro- duced 2 inches in an h our in Lander, Wyo. ' In .Colorado Springs, gusts toppled the tower at KSSS, 1en· ding it crashing on cars in the parking lot. Telephone poles were knocked down, windows were blown from cars, and some injuries w ere reported from flying glass. In New Jers9, meanwhile, winds up to ~ mph ripped up a aheet-metal hangar at the Mor- ris10wn Municipal Airport and sent pi.lei of construction debris craab1ng to a Newark street. "The wind picked the hangar up, took it off the foundation and twisted it up like a pretzel," said airport manager Thomas :l.en.ick. Ir.vine preps for' quake 1n keel)lna wlth tta reputation aa a city tl\at plana, they're =~I for an earthquake ln lrvlne Public Safety Director Leo Peart said a committee will be formed to S*opoae an earth-quake emeraency aervicn plan and he expect• an earthquake drill will be held next 1pn.n,. Earthquake Home Prepared· neea workshope, deslgned to raise residenta' NJ'thqu.ake awarene. levels, will be held beginning April 14. ln a memo Peart said , "Sclentista agree that an earth· quake is expected \0 strike near the magnitude of 8.3 on the Richter Scale by approximately the end ol this century . . . The population cannot depend on outaide resources or mutual aid auiat.ance from other cities du- ~ the first 24 to 72 houn." Typically, he said, cities have prepared their organizational structures to respond to d.isastera, but most haven't organized the efforts of the general population. A working relationBhip has been ectabllahed with the Amer- ican Red Cross and major indu- stries lncludina the Fluor Corpo- ration, he aala, to educate resi- den'8 and the worker population on preparations that could be made for an earthquake. Workshops will be offered to city employees from noon to 2 p.m. April 14, 20 ana 22 tn City Council Chambers and from 7 to 9 p.m. April 20 and 22 at Harvard Community Athletic Park. Crash injures 4; Huntington driver held An Orange County probation officer who Newpor t Beach po- lice allege caused a tw<K:al' acci- dent Thursday that put four people including himself in the hospital, has been arrested on suspicion of drunken driving. Officers said 34-year-old Wil- liam E. Steele, a Huntington Beac h r esident, was driving south ln the northbound lanes of Irvine Avenue early Thursday when his car plowed headon intv a vehicle driven by Irvine resi- dent Gillis Scott Floden, 31. Police said Floden, Steele and Stee le's two passengers were taken t.o Costa Mesa Memorial Hospital for treatment followi.rig the mishap near Heather Lane. All suf!ered rnil'lor injuries. Warmer days ahead· .Coastal I lfome Cioudlneat et tlmill. l>ut moatly fair through Saturday. SlllJhtly warmer d1y1 with hlgha tocUry artd S1turd1y 611 to &4. LOWll tonight 38 to 45. Huntington· ~ ., .. temper1t11ree reoge from a high Of 82 to 1 low Of 47. EJNWtlere. rrom Point eonc:.p. tlon to the Meltlcan tlofder and ou1 80 mllH: NorthwHt wlnda de· cre11lng to 8 to 12 knoll over outer w1ter1. South-II to -11 wind• 10 to 18 knoll thl1 11ter· noon ~ light end vertabl9 tonight. Weeteriy ..... of 2 to 3 fMI. : v.s. summary' . i • i • • Center Tlluraday brought the Ma100 total to 10.04. c;ompweo· wtlh 8.45 tut Apnl Fool's Oay Ind the 1H10nat normal of t2.t7 In-er-tor 11111 date. Normal tor the whole yeer, ending June 30, 11 14 lnc:MI. :Temperatures NATION .. Lo f'n:. 56 31 n 36 81 52 73 34 79 55 79 55 13 « 83 57 ~ ••• s..w.i., "oa• "' 0••• .. , ...... ,. 49 35 ':::::::=:=::::========================~ 46 29 .04_ Seattle St LOUii ,; St P-Tarnpa 13 SI Ste Marte Spoll-T UCIOO Tulll Wuhlngtn Wichita 50 74 82 5 48 82 8t 74 75 39 59 58 12 oe 27 48 02 71 45 &4 ,AN AMENCAN Acaputco 73 S.bedoe 84 73 e.rmu01 72 &4 BoQOll 66 46 Curacao 66 79 Guedlllajerl 57 GeudelouPe 88 10 H"1lrll &4 1 Snow encl 'Mn<ll Cl'eeled ,_. t>llZnr'd ooodltlona In 1*1• of the Roeky Mo11ntaln1 tod1y. while another In 1 1erle1 of 1torm1 lftOY9d Into the Peelfle Cout re· glon. Heevy t1111ndetlto<m1 al1e> 0.- Yelopecl O¥er the eouthern plaln1, • and cloudy 1klH. a few anow .,_. Ind lttong wtndl ~ O¥er the nation'• Nonheat. Altieny Albuque ,t,mar\llo Altlevllle A11anta Allantc Ctv 8'1tlmore Blrmlng.hm 819Marck Bolle ao.ton Brown1Vllle Bvtfalo • Clll(itte NC Cl\er11tn SC Cllartltn WV Cheyenne Cllloego Cincinnati Cleveland ColumM Oal·Ft Wiii Oenvor 81 38 91 78 45 23 77 47 74 $1 69 34 70 38 ... 43 70 42 59 29 66 37 Klngtton ee 73 Mon1ego Bly 86 73 CAU'ORNIA ~ Scattered 1hower1 and thun· derltorm1 -f0f8CU1 !Tom the Mlealellppl Rtv. valley Ind eou-v.n pleln1 to the T......-and uppei" Ofllo vall9yl and the UIJ99' Gteat I.Ilka Severe thunderatorm1 were predicted from the eentr1I 1nd lower plain• .fo the mid· and IOWef·MIHIHlppl valley. Snow wH e11pected over the 11pper Mlatourl valley, with 1eatttfed rain and anow over the P'ateMi and Aoc:lllea. Temperat11re1 e1rly today renoed !Tom 14 '" Sault 81. Mane, Mich., to 77 In 8rown1vllle and Mc:Alan. T--. Cali}onua -~ 8outMITI Celtfomla'• ... tnd ltlOUld bl penty IUM)' encl wtt· mer H a co11tal 1torm alldea • ......O. ttlllnQ wttll It the rain, _,..., encl OUltY wlndl !Nit petted ""'8outtMncl on ~. Dee Molnee Delrolt Duluth El Puo Falrl>ank1 Hertford Helena Honolulu Houa1on tndnaptla Jedlanvtte Kalli City lM Vega Uttle Rodi Louil'llll ~ ... ...,,, ~ .. Mpll-81.P Nlllhvtne .... on.en. ._ YOf11 N o rlo O.te City OnWla Orlendo :::=-~ Ptlllnd. Ore Aeno Sall Laite 78 70 .03 74 40 73 59 57 30 33 :t8 1e eo 17 .9 61 32 40 24 02 80 72 .21 78 72 70 45 ... eo n 85 80 38 .01 77 6t UM 71 ... 83 83 .86 78 75 54 34· 51 .... 74 49 80 88 85 38 75 5 1 n 11e 75 81 &4 59 89 40 95 54 80 28 57 32 s.. 38 .oe 39 27 69 23 39 se 42 .3e 77 49 40 47 49 ~; ·;~. 58 41 .71 89 48 • 52 « 49 50 . t7 47 37 40 eo s2 1.11 50 45 .44 57 40 .05 56 51 74 48 57 45 44 2e 1.70 50 34 &4 51 53 Muatlan 59 Mer Id I &4 Mexico City 50 Monter'9)' 72 Sen Juen 87 72 Tegucigalpa 73 Trlnldld 91 73 Smog The South Cout Ali Ou•llly Management Olatrlct predll"t• 1 good air quallty locMy In al! .,.... of the South Co.t ~ e.in. ""' Tiie AOMO ~t a P°""*' Standltd Index of 42 for all r.., glonl. 40 so ,80 ----------s2 .42 37 28 3.&4 80 ..a .80 63 50 72 48 .18 61 47 51 50 .32 49 40 .M 80 50 .92 &4 44 U9 33 12 Extended forecast _ .• MotlW low .. dfOOOlflo down Into IM GI"' of Amela· w Ii IOOkl Ille the l)tlltl lt't taking II .,.,_, aMI, 10 we don't fllP9Ct r'llln "'1tl , ma ybe I~ !l.IO!lt 1tnd .._ ... ~-----------------~.. w...,_eer ..... *t ~ologlM Oon Lwt Mid .. llntll thtlft, he Hid, "any rain 1f1011ld bt north of loutfl.,n Callfomle," • "•In flooded .. ,..,, In Lot ~on~ ...... .-.. ~-.lllf llPIRT , SOUTHER" CALIFORNIA COASTAL Ar.O MOUNT.AIM AREAS -Varlal>I• CIOlldlnell ind COOi, Qlenot of lllOWWI In northern tnOUMelne ~ _. TuHdar. l.ocallr •Indy. HIOll ~In h 0011l91 ... 5t tote and mountain ,._... 30 to 46. Lowe In OOMtel .... 42 to 52 and 1n moumalnl 111 to ao. ..... of"*'°' .......... .,.. .... ~ .... Callfomla """'" ••r '•trol to oloH 1everal IMUMlll'I f'OMt ll'lf llltfl tftncl · ..,.,.,.. _.. !*CM In deMt't .,,...... ..... M t1'9 Of'fY ,_,..nt of tllM .• ~ ... llett4fl'a ...... IMI ................ -1"1 ... . ...,,....,.. ..... ,,000 ..... "" ..... "' ll'ldl of ...... 941 et , ... LOI Anoelee Olwl~ • LEADER -State Sen. H.L. Richardaon, R-Arcadia, says he will lead a recall campaign against Chief Justice Rose Bird. 15 aliens arrested in crash A high-speed freeway chase between t.he Border Patrol and a van suspected of carrying aliens ended when the van crashed in Capistrano Beach. Authorities made 15 arrests. The van. pursued northbound on the Santa Ana Freeway by Border Patrol agents at speeds up to 90 mph, struck another vehicle on the Beach Cities interchange Thursday afternoon, according to the Cali!omia.,;!lighway Patrol. The driver ~d two occupants of the van escaped, but 15 people suspected of being aliens, were arrested by the Border Patrol. Albert Daniels, 39, of South Laguna, driver of the vehicle struck by the van, was not inju- red, the CHP said. Plane crash just fooling NASHVILLE. Tenn. (AP) - Two taxicab drivers reported a phony plane crash at a motel as an April Fool's joke on their dis- patcher and were charged with disorderly conduct after dozens of officers sped to the scene, po- lice say. Dispatcher F.mory Higgins said driver Larry Crowell reported a plane crashed into a motel near a busy section of Inte rstate 65. Higgins said he a ske d cabbie Gary Stewart. who was near lbe motel, if he could see anything. He quoted Stewart as replying, "Yes an airplane has landed C'Tl the Holiday lnn and it's on fire now." Supervisors told 2nd airport prospects dim -The Orarwe County Board of Su~ Ta being told there it no acceptable 1fte within the county for WK' as a new general aviation air port for private air· cra.fL "No lite it avallable where the c.entlal ineredients of technical feasibility and community s up- port join together," Ml.UT)' Cable, John Wayne Airport manaser , aaJd 1n a letter to supervlaora. The board is acheduled to con- 111der the general aviation airport site question at a meeting at 9:30 a.m . Wednesday at the county Hall ol Ad.rniniatration in Santa Ana. Cab~e aaid, "My commitment t.o addrealng the general avia- tion needs ln Orange County is strong. However, it is becoming increatiDgly difficult to justify spending additional valuable time and reeou.n:ea on the site se- lect.ion study prooesa beyond this" point." Six potential sites for a generaJ aviation airport have been 'Under study for more than one year by an advisory committee and CH2M Hill, a Costa Mesa con- sulting firm. ' A site along San Juan Creek east of San Ju~n Ca]>istrano emerged as the leading conten- der, but drew formal opposition from city councils in San Juan and San Clemente. The owner of the pro perty. Rancho Mission Viejo, also ex- pressed opposition, citing envi- ronmental concerns about the San Juan Creek area. A follow-up contender, a sHe located in Santiago Canyon east of Orange. likewise drew oppo- sition from the landowner, the Irvine Company. Santiago Ca- nyon also is being studied as a potential location for a regional airport. ' "To be sure," Cable said in his le tter, "choosing a location to build a new general aviation air- port ia a d.iffkult task .in an area of hilltops and rooftops, particu· larly when the prevailing . trend is to close airports that already exist." Today, private aircraft are ba- sed at three county airports - John Wayne Airport adjacent to Newport Beach, Meadowlark Airport 1n Huntington Beach and Fullerton Airport in Fullerton. Demand for aircraft tie-down space is intense, a fact that has been underscored in a recent county Grand Jury report on tie--down policies at John Wayne. · Cable said he will continue to devote e fforts "toward impro- ving the efficiency of the general avtot.lon tervku we have" John Wayne Airport and enhancing thoee facllltles for the future." A general aviation airport was lcx•uted In San Juan Capistrano until 1977 when It waa closed after an accident clauned the life of a 5-b'eat-old Jeirl. * * * Judge nixes e e op1n1ons on airport The judge wh o bloc ked Orange County government's master plan for $100 million in improvements at John Wayne Airport isn't willing to give alr- port offici.ala his thoughts on an acceptable replacement project. That information wu sought at a hearing Thunlday afternoon by Michael GaUke, an attorney representing county government in Newport Beach's legal chal- l~nge to the plan's environmental documentation. But Superior Court Judge Bruce Sumner declined, pointed· ly telling Gat:t.ke, "That's not my job." When Sumner m January rul- ed that the master plan could not be implemented because envt· ronmental information was in· sufficient. he said the project descnption was conceptual, con- cluding. "A l'eadmg of the d e- scriJYion gives no hint of the vastness of the project that the action by the board (of supervi- sors) on Feb. 18 (1981) would trigger.'' The plan generally called for expansion of the airport to ac- commodate 6.1 millio n pas - sengers annually, an increase in the permitted number of com- mercial jets takeoffs from 41 to 55 a s noise reductions were achieved, new tiedown areas for private aircraft, additional par· king facilities and road access unprovements. Accompanying the plan was a separate docume nt o utlining ways the county planned to re- duce noise impacts on residents of nearby Santa Ana Heights and Newport Beach. Gatzke told the judge he felt "parameters" should be esta- blished for any re placement project that the county might propose. If direction were given, Gatzke said, the county could produce n~essary environmental docu- mehtation and avoid coming back "over and over again" attempting to win approval for a new plan. Heather moved to Fullerton "Mr. Gatzke. i t 's n ot the court's job to write the report," Sumner said. The hearing to formalize Sumner's earlier ruling overtur· ning the master plan was conli· nued to April 29. Newport Beach Mayor Jackie Heather, in the third week of recovery after suffering a stroke, has been moved to St. Jude's Hospital in Fullerton in order to participate in a rehabilitation program. The 52-year-old mayor had been receiving treatment at Hoag Memorial Hospital in Newport Beach since March 7. Dr. L o r e n Heathe r , th e ma)'or's husband, said Thursday the treatment in Fullerton is de- signed lO prepare bis wife for her return home, which he said he expects is still a week away. Dr. Heather, a cardiologist, also said his wife should be read y to return to her city hall duties and b,egin attendinf( citv council meetings within a-month. He said she will retain her post as mayor. He added that she's even be· gun talking about a re-election bid next November when her four-year term expires. "She's doing very well," Dr Heather reported. "Me ntally she's perfect and can talk wi- thout any problem. But she does still have some weakness in her left hand and left leg." He projected that it may take her up to four months to regain full strength in her left side. The rehabilitation program at St. Jude, Dr. Heather explained, is designed to help patients with walking and even has a kitchen ao that stroke victims can practice cookinll . Mesa authors set program Two Costa Mesa authors will offer tips on clothes buying and beauty during a free program Monday afternoon at Mesa Ver- de Library. Gerrie Pinckney and Marge Swenson will be on hand t o autograph their book , "Your New Image Through Color and Line" at 1 p.m. The discu.s&on is sponsored by the Friends of the Costa Mesa Libraries at 2969 Mesa Verde Drive F.ast, Costa Mesa. Disnexland awards honor 63 Florence Crittenc!on Services of Orange County Inc., organiz.ed 16 years ago to h elp troubled adoleecent girls, and Goodwill Industries foe . have each won awards of $25,000 from the Dis- ney land Community Services Awards program. During a special lunchej>n in the Grand Ballroom ot Disney- land Hotel, 63 award winners were announced fOI' prizes tob- llng $1M>,000, lncludina a $12,500 award to the Junior Leaaue of New~rt H.atbor Inc. The Crittendon organization, baled in Fullerton, rKelved its award for outatandi.na llmVke ln 1982. The awards committee paid apeclal tribute Tbunday to th e openlN laatyear of the Dora Hill TraNlilon Center, built by CrU· tendon to expend lta rehablUta· tlon .ervtcel to youna llrla. Goodwill received Tta award (or what UC lrvtne Chancfllor DanJel A.ld.r1cb dilled 26 yean of outat.aodi.na Mrvb. to the com- muoJtf. Thia award W. liWD to mark the 25th annlverur)' of the awa!'da pl'OIJ'1UD. whkh bonon otpnbatlonl ln Orante County which h ave provided ''outstanding com munity service.'' "Thia recognition prosram was designed to provide incentive, encouragement and reward to those organizations whose ex- ceptional endeavon have contri- buted to the improved quality of life for the-people of Orange County," a spokesman aaid. During lta 26 years. 722 awards totalini more than $1.2 million in prize money have been preeented by \he Disneyland group. 'l'here were 17 wtnnera from Orense Coaac communitlet Thwtday. They were: Centnl 01"ange County Literacy Council. bued ln Coa'-Mesa (&J,000 award); the VocaUonal 'fra.lntna Club, based In Huntfnl!on 'lSeach (ll,000 aWll'd); the South C.OUt LiteNCJ CouDct1 of Capistrano ~(tl)IOO). The Oranp Count1 Marine Iiwdtute tn Dina Nnt (tl~ y .S.P. Int. o« C.alla ..... w belpa,...,.... offw kl'l ,_y t.ck thelr vlcUml ($1,000)~ and the Cal>Uttano Unified School Dl· aylct'a ~ Alt.tornaUve Program in Dana Point ($1,000). Other winners were: The Corona del Mar High School Keywanettes, a youth group which promoted projects such as bike-athons and viaita to local hospitals ($5,000); the La- guna Beach Free Clinic ($1,000); the Museum Coun cil of the Newport Harbor Art Museum ($1,000); La Casa of Newport Beach, a home for dependent children ($6,000). . The ~ of Women Voters of Orange County. b1aaed in Mtaaion Viejo ($1,000); the KOCE-TV Channel 50 Founda· tlon in Huntington Beach <•5,000); the Ame.rfcan Cetacean Society tn Irvine ($1,000); the Natural Hlatory f'oundation in lr.vlne-(tl,OOO•: thA_Frlendl o! the Sea Lion ln Lagu'na Beach ($1,000); the NatJonal Ch a.rfty Luau• of Newport Beaeb ($~ UOO) and th# Junl« Leacue ot Newport Harbor <t l2$0). I Goodwill lnduai.rt-. In addl· tion to 1\1 $25,000 award, at.o iwon a IPIDal ).ta-award for an eddldonal t l 2.500~ J ' .. .. f HIOJ\ 'f APRIL .' "1 ::? OH ANGE COUNTY C ALIFOnNIA 25 CEN TS ·TroublesOiDe .Narrnco plant bids adieu lyJODICADENHEAD °' .. ...., ......... Narmco Material•, Inc., the C.O.ta M .. plaaUcs plant taraet- ed by nei1hbor1 aa a po11ible health hazard, ia acheduled to ceue production operations Sat· urday, oWdala said today. Georae Winn, a apokemnan for the f.acffity at 600 Vlctoria Street, aaid all production operations will etop at 4 p.m. Worken wW be .reloCated to a new Anaheim f.adllty Monday morninl· . Winn added t hat aome pro- duction equJpment will be left behind at the Costa t,1 .. plant to make way for th• new machl· r~fi lJutalled at the Anaheim ty at 1440 Kraemer Blvd. About 60 Narmco eO)ployeea working in adlnlNltndve offiml and ~ fadliU. will remain at the ea.ta M .. llte Wltil new offlce9 an~ ln Anaheim next year, said Winn. Over the year. the c.o.ta Meet company hal been the tarpt of numeroua C01Dplalnt1 from near- by retldenta wbo contend that emiuiona from tbe plant have caUled vu1oua health problema. Bertha hn1eri. • 20-year rwldent who t. been dve In a ~~~:.::rs: happy to ... Narmco'• produc- tion CIMll. •1 made up my mind I w1m't ,an, to move. 1bey were &Una to mow," laJd Mn. ~ "fi loOka like we really won. Some- timea 1 doubted if we would." ltel.«hban ~ Cinn..are con- tlnubi1 a autt a1atmt the com- pany to collect for health da- maaet they claim. are rela~ to ernfllicD from the plan~ In 1980 Narmco WM dted for producln1 offen.alve odon and waa ftn.d $~00 after company offidala pte.ded no contelt to one count of violatln1 the atate UMlth and Safety Codes by tt-~ ~xbw odon. Narmco hu beetJ located tn Co.ta Meu 1ince 19•'7 and was purchMed by C.elaneee Corp. ln 1972. In January, the city council approved the oona1rUCtion of 69 condominiuma on the five-acre Narmco ait.e, pending outcome of .Oent.Wc aoil stud.lea. (See NARMCO, P.qe .il) Salmon Traffic i ssues • ·~arn1~gs Official defeilds issued By F REDERICK SCBOEMERL G<IMDllJNotltalf The Food and Drug Admini- stration, suspecting scores of brands of canned salmon may contain botullam toxin, is urging consumers to carefully inspect any 7 4'4 -ounce size cans and compare code numbers with the following list: -NEFCO-FIDALGO: Kl3 in the aecond, third or fourth posi- tions of the-top line. -CBUGACB ALASKA FISH- ERIES: R003, P003, C003, M003, K003, R013, P013, C013, M013 and K013. -DIAMOND E FISHERIES: Banning prO j eel A Newport Beach city planner says the controversial Banning Ranch project will produce less traffic than an alternative plan endoned by the group now lea- ding a drive to overturn the ranch project. Traffic it will generate bas been the chief bone of contention about the West Newport project. But leaden of the West New- port Legialative Alliance, whlch is spearheading a referendum push, respond that the city is playing a ''numbers game" wi~ traffic figures. Alliance leaders further claim that they no longer are suppor- ting their own alternative deve- lopment plan and are dedicated only to turning back the entire project. The approved plan for the Bannina Ranch, a nearly vacant piece of land inland of Pacific Coast Highway and west of Superior Avenue, includes res- idential, office and industrial buildinp. Referendum supporten have until April 12 to pther about 4, - 300 qnatures. Uthe pl ia met, the city council muat either re- peal the proM or put it to• city)Nide vote. r . The traffic ficure9 were detai- led this week by Newport staff planner Fed Talarico. He conclu- ded that the approved ranch plan will eenerate 1,605 fewer daily car trips than the plan advanced by the West Newport Leplative Alliance. The alllance plan, which called for more homes, no offices and only .a small amount of induauial buiMina, would mean a daily in- creaae in traffic of 9,317 car trips, Talarico said. In contrast, Talarico noted, the approved project will generate 7,712 daily car trips. Mike Johnson, leader of the refelendum and an alliance member, said his group's alter- native plan was developed mon- ths ago in responae to the original Banning Ranch proposal, which was .caied down considerably by the city council before it was approved. Talarico said the city has com- puted that the original ranch plan would have meant a traffic increue of 14,293 car trips. There are five characten in the top Une of a 2 line code. These- cond character is dlamond- s ha ped . Involved are R (diamond) 00, C (diamond) 00, P (diamond) OG, K (dlamon.d). 00, and M (diamond) 00. The fifth character is any number between one and four. Huge OC pay a ll "We feel we got outmaneuve- red by the council which had urged us not to be negative," explained Johnaon. "So we de- veloped • plan and tried to meet them halfway instead of just co- mina acroea like no-growthen. "Then the council just stone- walled our compromise plan. It wu •beautiful strategy on their part:" -PETER SBURG FISB· ERIES: PON~. PON4. KGN3, KGN4, RGN3, RGN4, MGN3, MGN4, CGN3, CGN4, PGM3, PGM4, RGM3, RGM4. -WARDS COVE: Two-line code with to line containing five cbaractera ~ginning with W, followed by three numbers, 152 ~ 274, and the letters A. B, T, M, J, L , N, S or K . IUD firm to pay Mesan $250,000 Jotuuon said hi.a group belie- ves the approved plan contains too much permitted office and industrial building. A spokeswoman for the FDA said the brand name is not what COWlta, but the code numbers on either the top or bottom of the can. And she strt91ed that only 7 4'4 -ounce size cans need be exa- mined. By DAVID KUTZM.ANN or .. .,.., """' ...., A Costa Mesa woman who had to undergo an emergency hyste- rectomy after using a birth con- trol device alleged to be defective will receive $250,000 from the company which manufactured the intra-uterine Dalkon Shield. The woman's attorney, John M. Van Dyke of Newport Beach, said the settlement with the A. H. Robins Co. of Richmond, Va., is one of the largest In Orange County involving the controver- sial Dalkon Shield. • Five Alaska-based canneries have launched a voluntary recall of canned salmon following the death in February in Belgium of a man who ate tainted canned salmon. -Deir ........... ., Ctwtee IW\' The out-of-court settlement came a month before trial of 25-year-old Kathleen Shannon Whalen's lawsuit was to begin in Orange County Superior Court. The can contained botulism toxin, generated by bacteria that entered the can through a tiny hole in the seam. Subsequent investigation showed that cans produced by four canneries could be defective, the FDA spokes- woman aaid. STORM AFTE RMA TB -While setting sun sinks toward clouds, Steve Snoke ol Long Beach works his metal detector across the sand beneath pilings of Huntington Beach Pier. Snoke said just alter a stonn is the best time to seek hidden treasures in the sand. Her legal action had contended that use of the Dalkon Shield led to infection which ultimately caused doctors to perform a hysterectomy on her four years Driver h eld in Newp'!rt crash .ago. Miss Whalen's suit is one of thousands that have been filed against Robins Co. in Orange County and across the country. The suits generally eeek rnilllorw of dollars in damages against the pharmaceutical company and Meanwhile, at least four gro- csy chains in Orange County - Alpha Beta, Lucky Gemco, Sta- ter Bros, and Von's -were removing suspected cans from the shelve. today. And Orange County Health Department officials were awai- ting fW1her word from the FDA on whether they should begin apot checb for suspected cans at the county'• 1.8~8 retail grocery establiahmenta. WORLD An Orange County Lr:cbation officer who Newport h po- lice allege cauaed a two-<:ar acci- dent Thursday that put four people including himself in the hospital, has been arrested on suspicion of drunken driving. Officers said 34-year-old Wil- liam E. Steele, a Huntington Beach resident, was driving llOUth in the northbound lanes of Irvine Avenue early Thursday when his car plowed headon into a vehicle driven by Irvine real- Brezhnev stroke repor ted WASHING TON (AP) -Soviet President Leonid Brezhnev's health has .,deterioratecberioualy," and he' was taken to the Kremlin hospital in an ambulance last week for treatment of• possible atroke, the Wuhington Poet reported today. NATION Good food for 5 cents -You'd have to go beck 100 years to pt a aood 5-cent meal, right? Wroni. Go to Lallonna'a a.tau. rant ~ Pitt.burgh. Page A!>. . . Did 'shoot-to-kill' cut crime? ~ pollce force'• a.hoot-to-km ~ may er may ; not be the cau., but crlme in Terre Haute, Inct, bait mopped lharply. Paae AB. ' dent Gillis Scott FlOden, 31. Police said Fl.eden, Steele and Steele's two passengers were taken to Costa Mesa Memorial Hospital for treatment following the mishap near Heather Lane. All suffered minor injuries. Wage hike sought ·contend that the Dalkon IUDa, taken off the market in 1974, lead to serious internal injuries. SACRAMENTO (AP) -The California State Employees A3- 90Clation ls asking for a general salary increase of 12.5 percent. Van Dyke, who slnce 1075 hu handled more than 2~0 cases again.st Robins, has been suooe98- f ul mainly in reaching out-of- court settlements on the suit.a. STATE Bay Area braces again SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -Hund.reda of people foreed by floodwaters from a SAn Joee trailer park huddled ln evacuation centers today while workers piled aandbaga around threatened bulld inp and monitored potential mudalidel aloni Bay area hleh- • waya. • SPORTS Five cagers honored nve Orange Coast ~a blah achool buketball 1tandouta ]Mave been choeen cm the All-CIF 3-A teem. PaaeCl . F~eeway Series a rrives The Anae1I and Jlodaer'I ()f«l th* thne-~ J'reew_, Serie1 tonilbt at·Dodas'I Stadium. P.,. Cl. • An estimated 2.5 million de- vices were sold between 1970 and 1974. At least 16 deaths were reported by Dalkon Shield u.ers. According to many of the lawsuits filed a1ainst the com- pany, it is contended that the Dalk.on Shield's barb-like fins cut the wall of the uterus and that stringlS dangling from the bottom -0f the sma1l plastic IUDs carried bacteria into the uterus. The Newport Beach attorney said he still had 150 cues pen- ding against the Virginia-bued company. ••And u far as our compromise plan," he added, "we consider that forROtten." Joh.mon a.l90 said that the city traffic figures don't show that the approved plan -because of it.a offioe and industrial buildings -will produce more peak hour traffic than the comprorni.9e plan, which called for more residential conatnaction. Talarico aaid that Johnson's peak hour claim ill accurate. H e ather moved to Fulle rto n Newport Beach Mayor Jackie Heather, in the third week of reoovtty after au.f.f erin& a stroke, haa been moved to St. Jude's Hospital in Fullerton in order to participate in a rehabilitation Pf'OIJ"UI\· ·The ~2-year--0ld mayor had been n!Celvine treatment at ffoaa Memorial Hospital in Newport BNch aince March 7. Dr. Loren Hea tber , the mayor's husband, said Thuraday 'the W...ment in Fullerton ia de-llCMd to pnpare his wife for her return hocne, which he said he expecta la etil1 a week away. l>r. He.thet", a cardiologist., also said hia wife should be ready tp return to her city hall dutie. and begin attendina city council INDEX At Your Service A4 Bustne. OS-7 California A5 C.vabde B2 QWfted Dl-8 Comb Be en.word Be Stan Delaplane B2 Death Nodcel D2 F.d.tt«lal A6 Entertainment Weekender Home/Gvdetl 87 COUNTY meetings within a-month. He said a.he will retain her poet as maror. He added that she's even be- gun talking about a re-election bid next November when her four-year term expires. "She's doing very well," Dr. Heather reported. "Mentally she's perfect and can talk wi- thout any prob~m. But Me does still have tome weakness in her left hand and left leg." He ;>rejected that it may take her up to four months to regain full strength in her left side. The rehabilitation program at St. Jude, Dr. Heather explained, is designed to help patients with walking and even has a kitchen 10 that stroke vicUrns can practice cook.in${. . Horolcope . 82 Ann 1 .. rv1e~ . 82 Movies Weekender Mutual Funds C6 National News A3 Public Notlca C8,D2 Spo11a Cl-5 Stock Marketa C7 Televillon TV Loi 'nM.ietera Weekender Weether A2 WorJd Newa AS I Steeple criticiam lti#J Re.ldenw of a Newport Belldl nelehborhood want St. Andrew'a Pr'811byWtm Oturcb to Ila)'~ but don't wmt a l06-fool 1t11ple. Paet Bl. • • ~~--~~---·~~~~~~.--~--~~~~·--l---·~-----...--- -. NARMCO ••• Lut month two atudln pre- pared aw • private arm and state Ottldala concluded that the land la Nf• for the development of .• ~-More teat• wlll have to be =-ted when the plant 11 le- Con try foiled Bank officials tip off cops Newport Beach police and bank employeea foiled an at- tempt Thura~ay t o con a 77-year-old wont.n out of more than $6,000. The woman, who authon~ies woUld not identify, wu uked to draw the money out of her bank account by a person passing himaell 'off aa a bank examiner, offlcera report. Police said they were able to catch up with the elderly New- port woman before she followed through with the plo}'. by han- ding her sa~ over to the fake barik examiner. A similar money ploy, known police u the bank examiner heme, was thwarted last month J:>efore a 79-year-old woman handed money over to a peraon posing as an examiner. -In both cases, police said they were unable to apprehend the ~prit. In the episode Thursday, offi- " cen said the woman was reached ,by telephone and infol'l'Ded the &xaminer WM trylna to trip Up a d1lboneet b9.nk teller. Poltce wouldn't dlvulae the name of the targeted bulk. The phony examiner, poltce said, told ~ woman to draw out roughly· $5 ,000 and then meet him in the parking lot of the Newporter Inn where he would abow h er bank credentiala and make 1ure her money wu safely tetumed to her account. PolJce said the woman did as she wu directed and filled out a withdrawal alip for the money. But bank offici.all, officers said, became 1uspiciou1, atalled the woman and alerted police. Officiala at all 75 banka and savings and loans in Newport, officen said, have been trained to recogni1.e the IO-C8l.led examiner scheme, which police laid has been auccessfully carried out recently in neighboring dties. Police said victims usually are older women and that crooks gain access to their financial worth by stealing mall and monthly bank statements. • Mesa cocaine bust ~nets four suspects Four people remain in police custody today after federal agents and police in Costa Mesa, Santa Ana and Newport Beach .··Lunch thief ' ',puzzles cops I PALO AL TO (AP) -There's • one bandit police here would • really like to bag -the o ne who's been making off with their lunches. "It's getting pretty serious," complained Sgt. Brian Giles. The thefts have been going on for more than a year: a chicken sandwich here, a cup of yogurt there. But investigators haven't been able to nab the culpl'it.And not for the lack of trying .. claim they seized $190,000 worth of cocaine. • Costa Mesa Police Sgt. James Wataon said undercover federal agents offered to buy the drugs from one of the auspects about 10:30 a.m. Wedneeday at a Costa Mesa restaurant. One of the suspects remained at the relrtaurant, wblle another drove to a nearby motel, where police found eeven pounds of co- caine, said Watton. Arrested on SUlpidon of aelllng cocaine and conspiracy to ae1l co- caine were Nadie Duque, 25, and Dagoberto Rodriquez, 25, both of Los Anielel and Orlando G . Bo- livia, 29, and Reynaldo Muneton. 42, both of Costa Meu. Miss Duque was taken to Orange County Jail a nd the othen remain at Costa Mesa City Jail. Bail was set at $100,000. SERVICE WINS A WARDS -Winners from the Irvine, Costa Mesa and Newport Beach areas display Disneyland Community Ser- vices awar.ds. Seated froJll left are Eater Cavanaugh , Newport Beach chapter of National Charity League; Margery Fuller, Central Orange County Literacy Council, Costa Mesa; Debi Loofbourrow, Corona del Mar High School K eywanettes and Betty Patterson, Planned ParenthOOd of Orange ..... ............ County. Standing from lef1 are Anne Nutt, Junior League ol Newport Harbor; Marilyn Cagney, Y.~.P. Inc. otc.o.ta Mesa; Pat Cox, Big Brothers/Big Sisters ot-Onmge County; Carol .Lind, Community Services Award committee member; Judi Haidinger, Natu- ral History Museum of Orange COunty, Ir- vine, and E.G. Chamberlin, Museum Council of the Newport Harbor Art Museum. 63 winners honored Disneyland awards out Florence Crittendon Services of Orange County Inc., organir.ed 16 years ago to help troubled adolescent girls, and Goodwill Industries Inc. have each won awards of $25,000 from the Dis- neyland CQmmunity Services A wards program. During a special luncheon in the Grand Ballroom o( Disney-. land Hotef, 63 award winners were announced for priz.es tota- ling $150,000, including a $12,500 award to the Junfor League of Newport Harbor Inc. Daniel Aldrich called 25 ·years of outstanding service to the com: munity. nm award waa given to mark the 25th anniversary of the awards program, which honors org~tions in Orange County which have provided "o utsyandi~g community Signups set for day camp The Crittendon organization. based in Fullerton, received its Regiatration is continuing for award for outstanding service b Costa Meaa Spring Day Camp 1982. The awards committee paid beOnnina Monday for children special tribute Thursday to the a.tween 11 and 12 years old. opening last year of the Dora Hill lncluded iA Ule five-day camp• Transition Center, built by Crit-will be roller skating, a trip to tA>ndon to expand its rehabilita-Knott'• Berry F•rm and an tion services to young girls. overnight campout to O'Neill Goodwill received its award Park. for what UC Irvine C hancellor Cost is $42 for the activities ' eervice." . I ''This recognition program W~ designed to provide incentive, encouragement and reward to those organizations whose ex- ceptional endeavors have contri- buted to the improved Quality of life for the people of Orange Co~ty," a spokesman said. During {ti 25 years, 722 awards "*1ina more &hap $1.2 million in prize money Mve been pneented by the Disneyland group. There were 17 winners from Orange Coa~t.communities Thureday. They were: Central Orange County Literacy Council, based ln Cosi. Mesa ($1,000 award); the Vocational Training Club, based in Huntington Beach ($1,000 award); the South Coast Literac)' Council of Capistrano Beach ($1,000). Warmer days ahead·· • from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m ., with ex- . tended houra available. Registra- . tion ii being accepted at City Hall, Department of Leisure Servicea, 77 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa. For more infonnation call 754-5300. The Orange County Marine Institute in Dana Point ($1 ,000); Y.S .P . Inc. of Cost.it Mesa, whlc.h helpe juvenile offenders pay back ~heir victims ($1,000); and the Capistrano Unified School Di- strict's Crossroads Alternative Profcram in Dana Point ($1,000). ... ......., A-irport: • no site sight • ID Su~~~~S::.1 no acceptable 11le within the county for uae as a new aeneraI avlAllon airport for private air- craft. '1No lite II available where the eeeentlal lngredtentl of technical feulbUHy and community aup- port joln together," Murry Cable, John Wayne Airport manaaer, aaid in a letter to supervt.on. The board le acheduled 'to con- llder the general aviation airport lite question ai a meeting at 9:30 a.m . Wednesday at the coun&y Hall of Administration in Santa Ana. Cable said, "My commitment to addressing the general avia- tion need.a in Orange County is strong. However, it is becoming increasingly diffirult to justify spending additional valuable time and rieeowces on the lite .e- lection study prooess beyond th.is point." Six potential sites for a general aviation airport have been under study for more than one year by an advisory committee and CH2M Hill, a Costa Mesa con- sulting firm. A site along San Juan Creek east of San Juan Capisttano emerged as the leading conten- der, but drew formal opposition from city councils in San Juan and San Clemente. The owner of the property, Rancho Mission Viejo, also ex- pressed opposition, citing envi- ronmental concerns about the San Juan Creek area. A follow-up contender, a site located in Santiago Canyon east of Orange, likewise drew oppo- sitiorl from the landowner, the Irvine Company. Santiago Ca- nyon also is being studied as a potential location for a regional airport. ''To be'sure," Cable said in his letter, "choosing a location to build a new general aviatlon air- port is a difficult task in an area of hilltops and rooftops, particu- larly when· the prevailing trend is to close airports that already exist." Today, private aircraft are ba- sed at three county airports - John Wayne Airport adjat:ent to Newport Beach, Meadowlark Airport in HWltington Beach and Fullerton Airport in Fullerton. Demand for aircraft tie-down space is intense. a fact that has been underscored in a r ecent county Grand Jury report on tie-down policies at J ohn Wayne. Cable said he will continue to devote efforts "toward impro· ving the efficiency of the general aviation services we have at John Wayne Airport and e nhancing those facilities for the future." A general aviation all-port was located in San Juan Capistrano until 1977 when it was closed after an accident claimed the life of a 5-.ear-old r1-* ,.Coastal Center Tlluraday brought th• _,total to 10.04, oomparecl• with S.45 lut April Fool'I o.y and the -.onal nonnal of 12.87 ln- chM for lhll data. Normal fOf the wt101e year, ending June 30. la 14 Judge • • • • airport op1n1on ' lnctlee. I tsome ctoudlneea at ""'"· but moatly fair through Saturday. Slliiht'Y warmer daya with high• tocsay Ind Saturday 58 to &4. Lows tonight 38 to 45. Huntington· :Temperatures ~ ... tempenltur• rW'lge from • high of 82 to • low of 111. El~•. from Point Concep-tion to the Mulcen bord« Ind out 80 mllH: NorthWHI wlndl de· oreHlng to e to 12 knoll ov•r outw watwa. Sout"-t to weal wind• 10 to 1e knoll thl• .,..,.. noon becoming light and YW1abl9 lonlgllt. Wettttty ...... of 2 lo 3 ... v.s. summary' --~ snow and wlnda cr .. t.ci ,_. bllu.ard condltlona In part• of 1119 Aoclly Mountain• today, wttll• another In • 1erle1 of atorma moved Into ttie Peclflc Cout r• glon. HMvy t~orm• lllO cs. wlOp.cl ,,.,. the aouthem plalna,. and cloudy 1klH , • few 1now .,_.. and ltrong wlrlCl9 IPI'-' ,,.,. the Nltlon'• ~. Soetlwed 1how.r1 and thun-dentonna _.. ~ from tM '11111 tlS)pl River v9lley and --ttlern pllllnl to tile T.-i,_ Ind upper ONo velleyl and Ille UllC* Ofwt LM•. Severe thunderetorma ware predicted from the C9ntr•I 1nd lower pletna to Ill• mid· end •-·MIN111lppl valley. Snow WH eJ1pected over th• upper Mlaaourl valley, with eoettwed : r .. n end 1now oYW the ptet-. end Rock .... Temperature• •arly today rW1119C1 ffom 14 In Sault 81. M_,., Mien., to 77 In 8rown1vll .. and McAllen, T- NATION ' .. Le l"n:. 55 31 77 38 91 ~ 73 34 79 55 79 56 73 44 83 57 .07 49 35 frittl•O .. •t WIAh•lt u t" I fritOA• u' D.r ., <••••·•· 48 29 .04 ___________________ _ S..nle SI Louie ; SIP-Tampa .13 StSte~ ~=-TulM Wlllhlngtn Wlc:Nta 50 74 82 5 48 82 81 74 75 39 'AN......CAN 59 Ac;apulco sa Berb9doe 84 11 .oe Bermuda 12 21 Bogota ee 48 .02 CUrliea<> 88 78 73 CM ... 79 67 7 t Ou.dale)ara 45 Oeudelou~ ee 10 &4 Hav8t18 81 38 91 78 45 23 n 47 74 et 99 34 70 38 &4 43 70 42 59 29 '5 37 78 70 .03 74 40 C~A KlngatOn Montego Bey Mazatlan Mtltld• Mexico City Monletrey SWl Juan Tegucigalpa Trinidad .. ee 73 ee n 59 .. 73 59 57 30 33 28 19 eo 17 -9 81 32 40 24 .02 llO 72 .21 7S 72 70 45 8.4 llO • 77 86 eo sa .01 n 59 1.04 71 4e 13 83' .15 71 7& 54 34 51 44 74 49 IO ea e5 ~ 76 61 n ee 76 81 ... 59 • 40 85 64 eo u 67 32 &4 39 .oe • 27 M 23 .3t se 42 .38 77 49 40 47 49 34 .12 36 .7S' ·68 41 .71 e9 ... 6.2 44 .48 -.50 72 87 72 73 91 73 so .17 ·s 47 37 .40 ..-..ng llO 62 t.77 •• "' 50 45 .44 Th• south CoHt Air Ouallly 5ls 40 .o5 Mana99ment Olatrlct prect1011 61 good • quirllty :-: In ....... 74 °'+:~C:..~ ;: 45 St•ndlfld Ind•• of 42 for all ,... 44 28 I. 70 glona. 50 34 .. 68 .63 40 30 .eo ----------52 .42 37 21 3.M eo .... eo 5S 50 72 41 . t& 61 117 61 50 .32 ... 40 .38 eo 50 .12 54 44 Ut t3 12 Extended /orecaat -· SOUfHl!AN 0 AL.,0ANI'• COASTAL AND MOUNTAIN AREAS -Verllbl• o!OvdlMM end COOi. a--of ~ In "°"'*"...,,..,......., ... Tu••d• Looetty wfftdy. Hltll ...,.. .... 111 .......... &eto•n,.......,_.IO 10 45. LoM In ooelt9 -4t to lllF liP.llT ,-62 and-'"mount_ .... '°_30. Tide• ' . t nixes The judge who blocked Orange County government's master plan for $100 million in improvements at John Wayne Airport isn't willing to give air- port offidals his thoughts on an acceptable replacement project. That information was sought at a hearing Thunday afternoon by Michael Gatzke, an attorney repreeenti.ng county govenunent in Newport Beach 's legal chal- lenge to the plan's environmental documentation. But Superior Court Judge Bruce Sumner declined, pointed- ly tel1ing Gatzke. "That's not my I job.'t When Sumner in January rul• ed ~t the mast.er plan could not 1 be implemented because envi- •· ronmental information waa in- sufficient, he said the project description was conceptual, con- cluding, "A reading of the de- scription gives no hint of the vaatness of the project that the action by the board (of 1upervi- 1 aon) on Feb. 18 (1981) would ~-;lan generally called for expansion of the airport to ac- commodate 6.1 million paa- IM'lpl'S annually, an lncrwe In the permitted number of com- merdal jata taDof& from 41 to . 55 as nolae reduction• were .• echlewd. new u.dowb arw ftt pl1vate a1rcraft. addltional pc· :j klna faclll tle:e and road acce11 I improvementa. Acoompanytnc the plan w• a .. ,.rate document outllntn1 • wa:ra tbe county ~ to re. duce no'8e lm.,.idi Oft l'llldentl of nearby Santa Ana Heieht1 and Newport Beech. Gatzke told the Jude be felt "parameten .. abo-ulcf be Hta· bllahed for ant replacement project that the county mlaht propme. If~ ..... .,.. OetllDI Mid, tbe.count1 could produce MC11Mry •YironmeGIAI docv- &Mnta11an ad •Y06d cm:nlQI '** •-o.. md OVW' .... atw • ems to win approval for a new plan. "Mr. Gatzke, it's not the court's job to write the report," Sumner said. The hearing to formalize Sumner's earlier ruling overtur- nini the master plan was conti- nued to April 29. ·vacation ,program slated for kids The Orange Coast YMCA is a.,.,omoring a five-day camp lelBion beginning Monday. The program for youngsten in kindergarten through sixth grade will in- clude crafts. field tripe and .• i'lbe Girls Club of the Har- bor Area ls offerlna gtrla in Co.ta Meaa. Newport Beach and Irvine a week of special acUvitiel begi.nn1ng April 3. Included in the Eaatu vacation un,up la a trip to Knott'• ...,,.Y l'al"lllt s..t.r ea~ counary cooklnc. ,. •nw ar-. eo..t YMCA hat tcheduled a aerlH of Eaater vacaUon eventa for · younptera of all aaw lnclu-!:f lt1 Sprtn1 l'llna. a -Jona .,... of activfU. at &he \'.Ji(CA faclllty in Ne"part 9-h. The s..;n, ~ lndudee . ~ kite Oytnc ~.a day at Disneyland. The c:ost. 11 $60 for 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. ses- sions, with extended houri available for working parents . For rese rvations call 642-9990. leather crafts, yarn weaving and a puppet show. Durina ~stei: week, the club, 18-15 Anaheim Ave., Costa Meaa, wtll be open Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.rn. Coet for the week.'• ectivi- tiea is $15. For more Infor- mation call 646-7181. bike trek to the beach. u. •• tree foe Y members and $10 for non-memben. Lunc,h la ' not included. Tbe Y alto wlll hold tta annual _._.ea hunt 1 pm. April 9. Q\lJdren 4 to 12 are invited. There la a 00 cent ~ .=. ~-call Mi.eetO. BANK 'BLED' -Angry electric rate payers in Aberdeen, Wash., protest outside Seattle First N:lltional Bank where 'they withdrew $1.4 ., ..... million in protest of the bank's challenge to a law allowing voters to block financing of pu- blic nuclear power plants. . . Argentine military forces i~vade Falkland Islands BUENOS AIRES, Argentina (AP) -Argentine armed forces seized the British-ruled Falkland Islands today. Britain called the invasion of the disputed South Atlanti c territory an "unprovoked aggression" and broke diplomatic relations with Argen~ii:ta . A~gentine milit~ry authorities said one Argentine marine lieutenant commander was killed in action, and a lieu- tenant and corporal were inju- red, but n o casualties were re- ported among the 84 British ma- riqe defenders. Argentina ap- pointed a military governor to administer the islands • TEL A VIV, Israel (AP) -Is- raeli troops shot and wounded four Druse Arabs today while dispersing violent anti-Israel de- monstrations in the recently an- nexed Golan Heights, the mili- tary said. Arabs in Majdel Shams and Massadeh, the two largest Arab towns In the northern Go- lan, violated curfews and threw rocks at troops, slightly injuring six soldiers, military sources said. About 150 demonstrators in each town ignored orders to disperse, and after firing warning shots in the air, the soldiers fired "several sh ots at the f eet or th e demonstrators,'"r the sources said. There was no information on the condition of the wounded Arabs. S~ SALVADOR, El Salvador (AP) ~ President Jose Napoleon Duarte. in an overnight swatch. said he would step aside if his Christian Democratic Party wants him to. But political ma- neuvering was· Tike ly to take a back seat to Holy Week observan- ces starting tonight, and agree- ment on a new government was not expected until after Easter. "I've never personally sought any position," Duarte told a news conference Thursday. "I will INVASION -Argentine commandos captured the air- port at Port Stanley in the British-ruled Falkland Islands today. obey any decision my pa·rty takes." TEGUCIGALPA, Honduras (AP) -The chief of Honduras' armed forces says his Central American country is threatened by the Soviet Union, Cuba ,and Nicai'agY"a,-and he hopes U.S. military intervention will save it. "Our country is small and weak," Col. Gustavo Alvarez Martinez said Thursday in a radio inter- view. "H onduras now is con - fronting a n armed aggression Crom the Soviet Union by way of Cuba. Because of that, if no other possibility exists ~ preserve peace. Honduras is in agreement that the U nited S tates, as a friendly country, should inter - vene militarily i n Central America." TEHRAN. Iran (AP) - Buoyed by a battlefield win over Iraq, Ayatollah Ruhollah Kho- meini marked the third anniver- sary of his Islamic Republic by warning the Arab world not to help Iraq in the Persian Gulf war. "You will have to fight our fire" if you help Iraq. Khomeini said in a stateme nt Thursday commemorating the proclamation ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Clanlfled advertlalng 7141642·5878 All other department• 642~321 Thomas P Haley P~ af'd C"• .. E•.cu11ve ()th(•' Robert N Weed -Thomas A Murph1ne l- L Kay Schultz --.-'It l>t-.ctO' "'°°"'.''°"' Michael P Ha~ey -"'90.<KIO> Kenneth N Goddard Jr Charles H Loos MAIN OfflCE J30 West ky St , COiia MeM, CA. Mall a--.U Boa 1:161>, Coal• Mffa, CA.,._ Coe>yrf9111 11C 0.Mge Ca.ti ""*'~"' ~y No new\ s10rMt, lllwratlon•, ..,11ori.1 m....., °" N- .,.,,,,.~~ lle<eln may be r..,.-octiKed wltMlil l!l«lal pennlUIOn of ~oPV•i91't _,,., VOL. 75, NO. t2 that c h anged Iran from a U .S .-supported monarchy to a very strict IsLamic Republic. Crowds chanting anti-American epithets and pro-Khomeini slo- gans marched through Tehran streets to mark the anniversary. WARSAW, Poland (AP) - Authorities have demanded that Austrta extradite two military pilots who flew their families and a friend to the West aboard a ... military biplane, the Polish news agency PAP reported today . WASHINGTON (AP) -Wi- despread layoffs a nd plant clo- sings pushed the. nation's unem- ployment rate to 9 percent last month. matching the nation's postwar high. the Labor Depart- ment reported today. Just under 9.9 million pe9ple were out of work in March. Since last July, some 2 mi11ion have lost their jobs. March's employment l066e6, the product of the continuing recession, cut across the spectrum of the population, with jobless- ness among adult meles. tradi- tionally the family breadwin~ ners, equaling December's high of 7 .9 percent. WHITE SANDS MISSILE RANGE, N.M. (AP ) -High winds and blowing sand at Northrup Strip here have stal.1.ed preparations for returning the 'Space shuttle Columbia to Flo- rida, and a space agency official says "we're 24 hours behind and losing." Jim Kukowski, spoke- sman for the National Aeronau- tics and Space Administration, said the winds were similar to the ones that delayed Columbia's landing here by one day last week. WASWNGTON CAP) -Rea~ gan administration officials and key congresam~n are discussing tax 'hikes and cuts in Social Security cost-of-living increues as posalble compromises for reducinC the budget deficit, oon- greaional eources say. No deci~ siona have been reported from the lea'el meeuno. but 90W'OeS lllid Thunday that the talka in- volved the lirtt White House-Concrea diacuaalon of specific ways of reducinc the deficit in ..., ......... ..,. ........... , We're Listening ••• ... - What do you like about lhe Daily Pilot? What don't you like? Call the number below and your me1sa1e will be recorded, transcribed and delivered to the appropriate editor. The same 24-hour answering service may be used to record Jet· lers to the editor on any topic. Mailbox contributors must include their name and telephone number tor verification No circulation calls. please. Tell us what's on yo r mind 842.fl086 '--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-_J c Al Rescue work continues Two still m!ssing, six :Jead in ski resort avalanche SQUAW VALLEY (AP) - Retcue worken continued their warch for bodies buried 1n deep mow today alt.er two avalanch• bombarded a aki reaort, leaving 1hc people dead and two othen, ml11ins in what a r eaort apo- keaman called a anow diaaater beyond "our wlldeat drearna." The worken, uaing 1earch dop and probina equipment, found three bodies Thursday, adding to the three diaoovered after 12 feel of new anow triggered the ava- lanche• aoon after 4 p.m. Wed- nesday at Alpine Meadow• re- aort, about three miles aouth of Squaw Valley. SACRAMENTO (AP) - Harsher penalties begin today for criminals who use guns, under bills signed by Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. "Guns are used in 65 percent of the homicides and 70 percent of the robberies commit- ted in California," Brown said in a stalement Thursday. "With these bills we are targeti~g our enforcement efforts to control the misuse of guns by those with a history of criminal conduct wi- thout restricting the.rights of law-abiding citizens to possess firearms for their ow n protection." FORT IRWIN (AP ) -The death of a fifth paratrooper has again underscored the stark rea- lism of the war games in the Mojave Desert by the 82nd Air- borne Division. The massive exercise involving 40,000 soldiers entered its attack-counterattack phase today. The fifth paratroo- per death came Thursday after- noon. Authorities said lst Lt. Gregory Lynn Watson, 25, of Hot Springs, Ark., died of injuries suffered in t)le ;Ur drop Tuesday. LOS ANGELES (AP) -At- lantic Richfield Co. plans to build what it calls the world's largest· solar photovoltaic electric gen- erating facility t.p supply electri- city to the Southern California Edison Co. The one-megawatt facility is to be constructed by the oil company's Arco Solar subsi- diary at an Edison power sub- station 65 miles northeast of Los Angeles at Hesperia, the compa-· nies said Thursday Snow Blocks Highway Alpine Meadows CALIFORNIA Snow Blocks Highway ' Carsone City To South' °"' L.A. Lake "-Tahoe ' AP~ AVALANCHE PATH -Map shows major points where an avalanche hit Squaw Valley resort n ear Tahoe City and where snow is blocking surrounding roads and highways. EL SEGUNDO CAP) -The largest commercial communica- tions satellite contract in history has been awarded to Hughes Aircraft Co. by the lntemationaJ Te lecommunications Satellite Organization (INTELSAT). The firs t part of the contrac t for about $700 million announced Thursday is to develop and build rive INTELSAT VI space relay stations to be delivered in 1985 and be put in synchronous orbit 22.300 miles above the e arth starting in 1986. OAKLAND (AP)~ Facing troubles that could put it out of business. World Airways an- nou~ credito('S })ave provided some temporary extensions while the airline pursues long-te rm solutions, a spokesman says. Rent and regular debt payments of $2.9 million due in late March and April were extended for a "temporary" period, World spo- kesman Mike He nde rson said Thursday SACRAMENTO (AP) -The o/f-a,katn, on-again recall cam- paign agaJnst Ctuef Justice Rose Bird was on again today as oon- ser va u ve state Sen. H.L. Ri- c hardson said he would lead a drive to remove her from office. Richardson was uncertain about the timing of his campaign. tel- ling re porters he would try for the November ballot only if Gov. Edmund Brown J r. promised tO let the next govemor appoint a new chief justice -an unlikely event. Otherwise-' f\iV.rdson said, his group will Lry to file the needed 73 1.244 signatures so as to force a special recall election after Brown lea ves office next January matches postwar high President Reagan 's fiscal 1983 budget. GREENVILLE, S.C. (AP) - The chance llor of Bob Jones University has urged students to pray that the Lord "smite" Se- cretary of State Alexander M . Haig Jr. and "destroy him quickly and utterly." "l am going to pray that God will get rid of that man" Chancellor Bob Jones Jr., son of the school's founder. said Thursday after a request by Northern Irish Protestant leader Ian Paisley for permission to enter the United States was re- jected. CHICAGO CAP) - A federal jury returned a $5 miluon judg- ment today against Sears, Roe- buck and Co. for violating an in- ventor's patents on a highly suc- cessful socket wrench. The jury deliberated less than three hours. It was not immediately known if Sears would appeal. The jury on Wednesday found that the na- tion's largest retailer violated Peter M. Roberts' patents on the wrench, which he invented in 1964 while working as an 18-year-old clerk at the Sears store. Roberts fought a 13-year legal battle to obtain royalties for his invention. WASHINGTON (AP) -Presi- dent Reagan's recent bout o f urina ry tract discomfort a ppa- rently stemmed [rom an inflam- mation that was cured by anti- biotics. and doctors say there is no need for further treatment. "l feel great,'' the 71-year-old pre- sident declared Thursday. The Carousel Chapter of the Orange Cou~ty Music Center GRA TEFUll y ACKNOWLEDGES THE CONTRIBUTIONS FROM OUll UNOERWRITfl!S ANO PA TRONS ABC LUMBE R ABLE COMPUTER AIRPORT BUSINESS CENTER AMINOIL USA INC. GIUMARRA BROTHERS VINEYARDS IMPERIAL BANK APODACA. FINOCCHIARO & CO. DR & MRS ROY E =tAU MAILING & MARK~TING INC McKINLEY EQUIPMENT THE ARNOLD ENGINEERING CO BAKER INTERNATIONAL BENTLEY LABORATORIES. INC. BURLINGTON NORTHERN AIR FREIGHT INC CALIFORNIA CHARTER BUSES. INC. CANON BUSINESS MACHINES. INC. CHRIS LINDSAY DESIGNS CIMCO MR & MRS. JOHN J. CRONIN COUNT PATRICK DeMONTFRIED EIP/CUSHMAN. INC. FHP (FAMILY HEALTH PRQG.RAM) DR. & MRS. MORRIS FIER MARTHA & BOB FLUOR M V PUBLISHING. INC MIKE PHENJATI T REEL/GROSMAN & ASSOC ROBERT J. ROTHWELL CONSTRUCTION SHtLEY. INC. OR. STEVE & SUSAN SUNGSBY DR. & MRS. SERGIO C. STONE TACO BELL MR. & MRS. RICHARD 0 THIES VPA. INC. VINCENT JACQUART & ASSOC. WAYNE FRANKLIN TRUCK CORP CHARLES M. WE1NBERG FUND I I I ~ ~ • .., .... 1 1111111111111 I • lllCU FRIDAY, APRIL 1. 1YHJ OH ANGE COU Nl V C ALIFORNIA 25 CENTS Trouhlesonte NarlllCO plant bids adieu I By JODI CADENHEAD °' .. °"' ........ Narmco Materlala, Inc., the Costa Mela plaltics plant target- ed bY. nel1hbora •• a poaalble health hazard, la acheduled to oeue production operations Sat- urday, otticlala aaid today. George Winn, a apokesman for the fadlity at 600 Vlctorta Street. aald all production operations Salmon • w-arn1ngs issued By FREDERICK SCHOEMEBL or ... .,..,,......, The Food and Drug Admini- atra tlon, suspecting scores of brand• of canned salmon may contain botulism. toxin. is urging conaumera to carefully Inspect any 7 ~-ounce size cans and compare code numbers with the will atop at 4 p.m. WOl'ketl will be relocated to a new Anaheim facUlty Monday mot"ninl· Winn added that aome pro- duction equipment wW be left behind at the c.o.ta Meu plant to. make w•y f9r the new mach - n=fi lnatalled at the Anaheim f ty at 1440 Kraemer Blvd. About1SO Nannco employees worklng in admfniatrative officee and tel!lha facllltiee, wW remain at the eo.ta Meea lite until new oWcel are completed In Anaheim next year, Mid Winn. Over the Yeal1 the ea.ta Mea company baa 1:M!en the target of numeroua comPlainta from near- by ruidenta who contend that _emiialona from the plant bave cau.d ~heelth pn>bleml. Bertha B._naert, a 20-year . . relident who hu been active ln a ~hood orp.nbadon op~ eed to the plant, Mid lhe wW be happy to lee Narmco'• produc- tion celle. "I n.se up ~ mind I wam't aotha to move. 'Ibty were ~ to JDDVe," .-1d Mn.~ "rt looks like we really won. Some- tlmel I doUbted if we woWd.0 Nelahbon of the firm are con- tlnulq a ault aaa.but the com- pany to collect for health da- m.a-the6~!~'m are related to emilllonl the plant. In l!MIO ~annco wu dted for produclnc offensive odor• and waa fined $600 after company offidala pleaded no contat to one count of vlolaUn1 the atate Health and Safety C.odea by re-leuinl noxioua odon. Traffic issues Narmco haa been located ln Co.ta Mesa aince 1947 and wu purchMed by Celane.e Corp. in 1972. ..,,, In January, the city council approved the oonatructlon of 69 condomlniuma on the five-acre Narmco lite, pendina outcome of adenUfic aoU studies. (See NARMCO, Pa1e .\%) Official defends Banning project ·-. following list: A Newport Beach city planner says the controversial Banning Ranch project will produce less traffic than an alternative plan endorsed by the group now lea- ding a d~ive to overturn the ranch project. The approved plan for the Bannina Ranch, a nearly vacant piece of land inland of Pacific Coast Highway and west of Superior Avenue, includes res- idential, office and induatrlal buildinp. The alliance plan. which called for more homes, l)O offic~ and only a small amount of industrial building, would mean a daily in- crease in traffic of 9,317 car trips, Talarico said. I -NEFOO-FIDALGO: Kl3 in the aecond, third or fourth posi- tions of the-top line. -CHUGACH ALASKA FISH- ERIES: R003, P003, C003, M003, K003, R013, P013, C013, M013 and K013. -DIAMOND E FISHERIES: There are five characters in the top line of a 2 line code. These- cond character is diamond- s ha pe d . Involved are R (diamond) OG, C (diamond) OG, P (diamond) OG, K (diamond) OG, and M (diamond) OG. The fifth character is any number between one and four. -PETERSBURG FISH- E RIES: PGN3. PGN4. KGN3, KGN4~ RGN3, RGN41 MGN3, MGN4, CGN3, CGN4, PGM3, PGM4, RGM3, RGM4. -WARDS COVE: Two-line code with top line containing five characters beginning witb W, followed by three numbers, 152 throuah 274, and the letters A, B. T, M. J, L, N, S or K. A apokeswoman for the FDA &aid the brand name i.s not what oounta, but the code numbers on either the top or bottom of the can. And she stressed that only 7~-ounce siz.e cans need be exa- mined. Five Alaska-based canneries have launched a voluntary recall of canned aalmon following the death in February in Belgium of a man who ate tainted canned utmcn The can contained botulism toxin, generated by bacteria that entered the can through a tiny hole in the seam. Subsequent inveatigation showed that cans produced by four canneries could be defective, the FDA spokes- woman said Meanwhile, at least four gro- cery chains in Orange County - Alpha Beta, Lucky Gemco, Sta- ter Broa, and Von's -were removing suspected cans from the shelves today. And Orange County Health Department officials were awai- ting further word from the FDA on whether they ahl)uld begin apot checks for suspected cans at the rounty's 1,858 retail grocery establlahmenta. .,., .......... _, c ..... ...,, STORM AFTERMATH -While setting sun sinks toward clouds, Steve Snoke of Long Beach works his metal detector across the sand beneath pilings of Huntington Beach Pier. Snoke said just after a storm is the best time to seek hidden treasures in the sand. Driver held in Newport crash An Orange County probation officer who Newport Beach po- lice allege caused a two-QI' acci- dent Thursday that put four people including himself in the hospital, has been arrested on suspicion of drunken driving. Officers said 34-year-old Wil- liam E. Steele, a Huntington Beach resident, waa driving aouth in the northbound lanes of Irvine Avenue early Thursday when his car plowed headon into a vehicle driven by Irvine resi- dent Gillis Scott F1oden, 31. · Police said F1oden, Steele and Steele's two passengers were taken to Costa Mesa Memorial Hospital for treatment following the mishap near Heather Lane. All suffered minor injuries. Wage hike sought SACRAMENTO (AP) -The California State Employees As- sociation is asking for a general salary increase of 12.5 percent. Traffic it will generate bas been the chief bone of contention about the West Newport project. But leaders of the West New- port Legialative Alliance, which is spearneading a referendum push, respond that the city is playing a "numbers game" with traffic figures. Alliance leaders further claim that they no longer are suppor- ting their own alternative deve- lopment plan and are dedicated only to turning back the entire project. Huge OC payoll Referendum supporters have until April 12 to g_ather about 4,- 300 signatures. If the goal ia met, the city council mwit either re- peal the project or put it to a citywide vote. The traffic figures were detai- led this week by Newport staff planner Fed Talarico. He conclu- ded that the approved ranch la1:r will generate 1,605 fewer · y car tripe than the plan advanced by the West Newport Legillative Alliance. IUD firm to pay Mesan $250,000 By DAVID KUTZMANN Of ... 0..., "°' ltllft A Costa Mesa woman who had to undergo an emergency hyste- rectomy after using a birth con- trol device alleged to be defective will receive· $250,000 from the company which manufactured the intra-uterine Dalkon Shield. The woman's attorney, John M. Van Dyke of Newport Beach, said the settlement with the A. ,Ii. Robins Co. of Richmond, Va., is one of the largest in Orange County involving the controver- sial Dalkon Shield. An estimated 2.5 million de- vices were sold between 1970 and 1974. At least 16 deaths were rep0rted by Dalk.on Shield users. According to many of the lawsuits filed against the com- pa.ny, it is contended that the Dalkon Shield's barb-like fins cut the wall of the uterus and that strings dangling from the bottom of the small plastic IUDs carried bacteria into the uterus. The Newport Beach attorney said be still had 150 cases pen- ding against the Virginia-based company. In contrast. Talarico noted, the approved project will generate 7,712 daily car trips. Mike Johnson, leader of the refet end um and an alliance member, said his group's alter- native plan was_developed·mon- ths ago in respoNe to the original Banning Ranch proposal, w1Uch was .caled down considerably by the city council before it was approved. Talarico said the city has com- puted that the original ranch plan would have meant a traffic increue of lA,293 car trips. "We feel we got outmaneuve- red by the council which had urged us not to be negative," explained Johnson. "So we de- veloped a plan and tried to meet them halfway instead of ju.st co- ming aero. like no-growthera. "Then the council jWlt stone- walled our compromiae plan. It waa a beautiful' strategy on their part.'' Johll90n said his group belie- ves the approved plan contains too much permitted office and industrial building. • "And as far as our comprorn.iae plan," he added, "we consider that forgotten." JohNon alao said that the city traffic figures don't ahow that the approved plan -becauae of its office and industrial buildings -will produce more peak hour traffic than the compromise plan, which called for more residential construction. Talarico said that Johnson's peak hour claim is accurate. The out-of-court settlement came a month before trial of 25-year -old Kathleen Shannon Whalen's lawsuit was to begin in Orange County Superior Court. Heather moved to Fullerton Her legal action had contended that use of the Dalkon Shield Jed to infection which ultimately caused doctors to perform a hysterectomy on her four years .ago. ~ Miss WhaJen's suit is one of thousands that have been filed against Robins Co. In Orange County and across the country. The suits generally eeek millions of dollars in damages against the pharmace utical company and ·contend that the Dalkon IUDs, taken off the market in 1974, lead to serious internal injuries. Van Dyke, who since 1975 baa handled more than 250 caaea against Robins, has been ~ ful mainly in reaching out-of- court settlements on the auita. Newport Beach Mayor Jackie Heather, in the third week of recovery after suffering a stroke, has been moved to St. Jude's Hoepital in Fullerton in order to participate in a rehabilitation program. ·The 52-year-old mayor had been receiving treatment at Hoag Memorial Hospital in Newport Beech since March 7. Dr. Loren Hea ther, the mayor'• hu.band, said Thu.nday the trea"'1eflt in Fullerton la de- ~ to prepare his wife for her return home, which he said he e>CpeCta ia atill a week away. """'Dr. Heetber, a cardio&osist. alao aaid hia wife should be ready t9 return to her city hall duties and begin attendin~ city council meetings within a-month. He said she will retain her post as mayor. He added that she's even be- gun talking about a re-election bid next November when her four-year term expires. "She's doing very well," Dr. Heather reported. "Mentally she's perfect and can talk wi- thout any problem. But she does still have some weakness in her left hand and left leg." · He ;>rojected that it may take her up to four months to regain full strength in her left side. . The rehabilitation program at St. Jude, Dr. Heather explained, is designed to help .-tienta with walltlng and even has a kitchen 90 that atroke victims ~ practice cookina. "'" ... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, ., ) I WORLD Brezhnev stroke reported WASHINGTON (AP) -Soviet President Leonid Brezhnev's health has "deterlorated'eerioualy," and he' was taken to the Kremlin hospital in an ambulance last week for treatment of a po11ible atroke, the Wuhington Post reported today. NATION Good food I or 5 cents • • You'd have to go bldt 100 years to &et a aood 5~ meal.. rtpt? Wronc. Go to LaDonrw'• a.t-u- rant neu-Pltaburgh. Pace A&. ~Money supply drops sharply The Pedera1 Reeerve reported tlUa afternoon that the nation'I ~ 1Upply (M-1) WM down $S billion tor the week. a.ln-' loem were "'P $1.83 mtJJAon . ' I STATE Bay Area braces again SAN FRANCisco (AP) -Hundreds of people ~ by fioodwatera from a San Joee trailer park / huddled in evacuation centera today while worken plied sandbags around threatened buildings and monitore<\ potential mudslides alona Bay area high- waya. SPORTS Five cagers honored Five <>ranp <:out area biab 8Chool buketball ttandou~havebeellcbmenooU.All-CIF~Atemn. PaaeCl. Freeway Seriet1 arrives The AJweJa and ~ opeD their thrM ~ Freeway S.W t.onipt at Doc1ama Stadi\DD. P9et Cl. INDEX Horo.cope B2 Ann Landen . B2 Moviel Weekender Mutual Funds -C6 National Newa A3 PubUc Nodcee C8,D2 Spor1.1 Cl..O Stock. Markea C7 TelieWion TV Loe Thea1lln Weelterder Weather Al WOl'ld News A3 COUNTY • - I ..... ·-,., ~ ci.w -.. " .... 1A.°"1,-~ .... UI ' ~'(l II •• +t~ "t." ., -·· ~)1 ~1.~ ~·~ , .' ~ !! ·~ ·!~ . :: • ., .,. !'"' ,a.. •J It.!:! . 'j ' &;;.: " '1. .. IM+"' u ••.. ,_. It en -n 'j ........ 14 ' ... " ~."" t 114 ti-+,~ 1 ,,.J!l r. :a ... s"1' u.._"' l(Wtltw-t: . ~ -'':' =~. ~ 2.IO 6 • J3 + " ... ' , " -14 1.22 : 1U 14Yo+ °"' .• "I0 -1/i '·" , '4 ~· 14 .. , ... " °"1t VO IUS "'4+ I ~ ..... ,~ ... . ~-~ ~ ~ g11o .... ~ U 11 IM. ... . • 25 IO 112 ZJl4 + -,... • l'56 I,_+ "' UI S dt IN ..... , .... !OS 15' .. ~U 1114..90 •. r100 II +I OllU Ill UI .. l1CIOO 17 -1 Qrll4 PS IM 1 aG 11*-"' OUE ""' s 1'1' ~ .. Iii """"'-,,. 7 •lM I~ Vt 0-. MU l'Oll+°"' OlnTel UO I wt 2t'n+ " ~P$ "2.12 ' 17 1'V.. ~ ~ .. 1111 .... . o.;Jii' .n • 111 "'-· .. .. ~ • -~,., mt.~ c:.Alr' .ID ' ~ IN+ I\.\ S!!!Jf" I.Al 10 1717 ~ -°"' a;;; pl 1:: . . ' It-. ~ owrtl .. ici 1?: 71/t ...... owo 1 mm 7l'o+ "" OW1 "" .. en "'• "' OW1 pl 145 • • 2t ..... 14 a.. J.«I ' llM ~. ,_ a.. ..... " . J2 ...,..._"" 0.. lllUS »1 ~°"' a.-"'. JO ~"" OrrHY •.J2 • "2 SM+ 2 O«'f pll.11 • • t ~. "' OWS'B 1.Cll • • ~-" .. ~ 1.n IO 1'4 15';, + 1"' Of# 11 S HI 1' ..... CMMw .Q M Sl\4 +IV. (JllMpl •. .,~."" OllPllT .«I II JS> 14'/u 1"' O*Full .All ,. ,. llV. + " t0 1.521 12 '1 J1 + I pll.«I " 1 ~ +214 23 2 • "' a-. 90 %1 JO " ..... ~r ·• )II • ...._ '4 °"""" .. '2 1-.. "" OrfS pl • JO Siio.. • °"'°' ... t -XI'\+ 1' 0\11111 t.n 1 11 ~ v. OIGE 2. IO 1 IM 1.-. + \4 °"° pl • . &10 » Cll'IG pl 4.75 .. !llO J1 +I Cll'IG pl I.JO •. l2900 61 -V. Cll'IG pltU2 .. ' .. + 1\1) ~ .n IO ,. ~+ " Olkr'p 1.12 • .. ~-••• OISWc uo .. JM JI-~ c:Jtvlnv t.10 • '47 22 -.... Oylll pl 2 • . ' JM, a.Ir s .e IO 43 Slit-.... OlrttE 2.lO 10 71 23'4-14 0¥0! I.ID 6 GI dlW'>-'I& OlllEI i.i. 1 ns 11 .... . Oe9 ,.., 1 2 7'\ .... . OorCll ... • Ull ,._, "" OWllP .7' 7 5 I..,_+ 1' OWl "" 1 .. • !Ol'o+ "" Qledwft I' 2t ~. v. ~ .All • .., 22f'I+ Vt Olll pl l.D . . 1 ~. \I) OlaO UI t !GO JJv. + .... ~ • .1' t 1S 2214+ "" c:..cio 14 IU 14 -.- Qlllrm 1.Jll • -111 --~ 1.111 7 171• --"' Olll'1llk • n 1 S17 tN + "' OMftl' a .M 6 112 14 + ,,_ QIU,_11 1 AD .. JV 14'4 + \lo 0*11'1 a ta • IJZ ll + .... ClllG9s 2.a • 7& J2 • 'Ill ptSA • • !OD ftlj,-"' . .o 14 m '1lll+ -"' U2 " 1 ~V,+ v, ~o1S..2S •• !10 .. +I 11 I.ID S 1127 111\1.--1 O'*'Etl 1"' • 723 JM+ ~ Olrl'ldl ' .» ' 27 2• • IQ O'l'&o " '20 7 ,. •Iii+ .... °"'*1 IS .,, 4M + .... on.£ 2.ID 7 .,, 21 " • OoE I/fl 1.90 .. 27 mu 'Al OoEl/fl 2 . 2 IN .... OoE "" ... " l3$0 SW.-1"" 0oE I/fl 2.l7 • • IS.-Yo °""' pl 161 " ,. ,,.,.,. 14 ~ I.All . rlOO DVt-1 ,. 7 " 1.-. ..... Cllftwll 2.JO 12 1'2 " • v. Olf"t\IC I .J2 " 1112 2214 + V. ~ •• JO tr..-"" Qlndc 10 164 13 + .... 5 I 2S 17SJ 291'+ \'t .a IO muz:i....+ 'Ill 2.lO ' 13 JO + v. OWING 2.20 s > 11 . Olnc .. 11 27 22"-'Ill O:ll'l&t l.3' • ,,. ~ + 1' OanE "" • " J ""' +2 Oll'IE p1 US .. &300 l2 -v. CillnEpl s .. 4 35 +1' Ollnl'dl 2.12 7 * ,..., + 14 QlnF pl UO . J3 ID ..... OllA1 1.$2 • 7111 ~ .... 09HG 17' • .. ·~· ..., Onl'w 2.A4 • IS.SS 17Vt-\'t °"""' pU.JO •• 13$11 'l7I'>-\I) °""" "".n .. °"' • • "" OlfW pl7.7' di ...... 'II. OlfW "" • .. 210 2Sllt. I'> OlfW ptJ, • I 2f1' + Yo OIPW !111'2.JD > 1Slo't • .. °'""" prt.D . , • t• + ... anAlr . 136 4\<11.. • Q:lrl()ap ... • 23 -... ~ uo • 2D 27\'I• .... OtlGrP uo • m -. + "' 0.-pl J " • !Slit. " " OlllGp l/flUO • • 1'I J1\'t+ .... Ollltl11 Z S OS JN+ -. E 1.f• 7 lM ~+ .... I .B 7 I01J 11-.+ V, • 1.Jll • ,. 1M+ "' CDdrt.tl .rnr D lei JV. .•... OlilPr I.SJ 7 "' «N. ... Olcipl pf UD •• 11 .Q'll.+ 11'> g:-:.::: ': Jl !~~ 1.74 • D ~ ... OlfW "' 1 ,. 7Vr+ ~ 0.-111 M I Jt II~~ °""° ug • .. 41 + 1 la...'~ a~ i~:~ 1-s n ~. ,,_ 22 411 ,.,.. + -s 14 ?M+\.\ t.AD 7 .00 ~· -n:: ., J" ~·~ • .a -" Ull 10 -'Olio+ " 5 ... . . ,. ,._. 'Ill , ... ' .. ~· 'llo .Jiit , ' 4'0 ~. "" 2 , C22 ~ .... E 1.10 .... ~14 I I 4 'P ..... 1.10. 4 14 D + 'Ill -~-~ .. II 2._l't is;;:, .JO • • .. • -~ l .. ~li~i tllCll7 ~·'"' .. ., "-..... " «llS 1S + fl't .. IO • ,.V,+ 14 Cltittf 11.10 • ,.,,. ,. + \I) ~UD •Ill~ ..... g;;-" ' ',,.;i =··-1.• 'd:"'=· 14 .·,~ :,,,: • 10 "' "'~ ~ 1 1'~,c ;. =·~ .. ~·-•• IM• Ii -1r1:1 ;,~ ' : :~j • --~--~ Orange CoMt DAILY P1LOT/Fr1dmy, Aprtl 2, 1982 N CT Dow Jones Final • UP 5.33 aoaNO a .• Niguel firm's sales • increase The Fluorocarbon Co. of Laguna Niguel announ- ced sales for the year ended Jan. 31 were $88,243,000, up from the previous year of $79,314,000 . Net income for the year just ended waa $2,744,000 . oompa,red to $3,585,000 for the year before. . Eiim1nga per share were 64 centa this past year compared to 91 centa a year earlier. Dividend omitted Golden West Homes of Santa Ana announced the oompany'~ board of directors voted to omit the regular quarterly cash dividend of 12 cents per common share. The regular quarterly dividend would normally have been payable to shareholders in late April. Th.e action followed the company's recently re- ported operating losa for the third quarter and nine- month period ended Feb. 27. Comp-Care to pay Jividen'!, Comprehensive Care Corp. of Newport Beach , announced the board of directors approved a fourth quarter dividend of 4 cents per share, payable May 20 to shareholders of record April 30. Fluor building for Gen en tech The Fluor Corp. announced that a subsidiary, Daniel International Corp., has designed and is con - structing a 72,000-square-foot manufacturing facility for Ge.nentech Inc. at South 'San Franciaco. The plant is scheduled to be completed by the end of 1982. Value of the contract was...not-di1elosed. Incom e, revenues drop American Pacesetter of Newport Beach reported net income of $3,416,000~ or $1.43 per share, on reve- nues of $67,471,000 Coe the year ended Dec. 31. This compares with net income of $5,828,000, or $2.07, on revenues of $80,752.000 for the comparable period last year. Cox to change name Shareholders of Cox Broadcasting Corp. have approved a proposal to change the Atlanta-based oompany's name to Cox Communications Inc. At the annual meeting in c.osta Mesa, the stock-. holders also heard projections of a 20 percent increase in profits for the first quarter of 1982, company offi- cials said. Condo partnership told The Stearns Development Company of Newport Beach and the RFS Development Corporation of Orange have formed a general partners})ip. The two companies will be jointly handling the sales and marketing pro~ for the oondominium developments of Artesia Estates in Torrance, Park Fernwood in Redlands, and Mountain View homes in Loma Linda. .~•OCIS IN THE SPOTLIGHT AMERICAN LEADERS UPS AND DOWNS NIWlaMIN')-Tloe.....,._._._ .. ..,.".,_...,.,~....,.---_,_ ... ,..,. ___ .,._ ............... C'-P,__ol_ ._....~-· .. --Nit ..,.,.._....c....,....,.1.,._ _ .. ,..._~--......... _.,.... lelW'l'ON< ~1-a. .... -__ ,... _,..o1 .... -,,_, ----~ -lf9d"'V .... _.., •• --~ ' llS,100 ,.... • .... -.. 8 t7'9.IDO-,,_. • 'llli HllJ'rtW 101 toO 1S • " P0£ Ulpl P 1'. GI 1 JYI " ODrdlllGM 70,100 ""' .. 1~ ~ wl ... .oo IJ .. '" Clilrntn Cp ,.. toO ·~ • "' .trnWll ,.. JOO 21"" • 1 HlllOITr S2, JOO 1Jt'o + ~ ~ .. j(JO 11 • v. METALS HEW YORK (AP) -8901 llOlll«'-IM 1elt Pl1ole IOclay· ce,pe r 74"·1'1 cen11 • po1111d, U 8 o.tlnatlona. Leed 28-32 c.111 • POlll'ld Zlllo 37~ c.itt • pound, ~­"" sa,saa Met• w.-~lb ....,._ 7&-n c.ita a pound, H Y. ..._, $315.00 per ...... ........_ $307 00 ltO)' cu.. H Y SILVER Hlllldy 6 Hllf'll'I.,, 17.130 per lroy ounoa. GOLD QUOTATIONS ., "" .......... u ~ ~ wortcl OOld pttoel loOey: ~ rnom1n0 ftlclna ssa.eo. oft to 40 L...._: aflerrioon rtal119 $$27.75, up ( I0.75. ,... 1334..01. 1111 aa.ez. ~ *329.IO, Oft 10 01 Z111rt* LaM ftxlne PM.00 bid up t 1 00: $321.00 llllld. M•••1 & M•r•••1 (0111, dally quoll) 8327 .76, up I0. 75, •• • • (Ollly ~ quotel *327.75, uP 9(),7( .,~..,.. (OfllY dlllly quow) ~ .,.. .... uP 9().J't, •