HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-04-06 - Orange Coast Pilot- YQUR HDIUlll DlllY PIPIR'---_ OHANGE COUNTY CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS Britain 's Thatcher won 't quit ' • rgent1na a -s tr.oops !Aren't we lucky • • • J Convoy • nearing Falklands By Tbe A11oclated Preas British Prime Minister Marga- ret Thatcher refused to resign today over her handling of the Falkland Island crisis. Asked by opposition Labor Party legislator Robert Cryer in the House of Commons whether she was "conside ring an early resignation'' because of Argen- tina's seizure of the islands, she declared: "No. Now is the time for strength and resolution." She also announced a total embargo on the import of Ar- gentine goods effective at midr night tonight. In Brussels, her government asked NATO allies to put economic pressure on Ar- gentina, including a ban on arms sales and the withholding of ex- port credits. Mrs. Thatcher's foreign min- ister already has resigned, and she had been expected to face calls to quit in the House of Commons dnd be questioned about intelligence reports recei- ved in advance of the Argentine • invasion Friday. R eports in The Times and Daily Telegraph quoted intelli- gence sources in Buenos Aires as saying Mrs. Thatcher's govern- (See CRISIS, Page A2) FIGHTING THE ELEMENTS -Intrepid pe-diminish today and move out of the Chicago d estrians in downtown Chicago fought area, according to the National Weather Ser- through snow and biting winds that gusted up vice. Reaganomics 'won't help' home buyers to 40 mph Monday. The storm was expected to 'Unheard of' blizzard·s real By STEVE TRIPOLI Of the Otllly "°' ...... Reaganomics is going to work but it's not going to help the home building industry over the next few years, an lrvine Com- pany official has told Orange County builders. Northeast, Midwest socked by f reezing 60 mph winds By Tbe Associated Press An April blizzard hit t h e Northeast today with 60 mph winds that built 15-foot drifts, sh_utting down schools and busi- nesses and disrupting trave. Residents of New York City and New England braced for an "unheard of" foot-deep spring- time snowfall. In many Midwest communi- ties, buried under up to a foot of snow by the same storm, people awoke to the coldest weather ever so late in the sea.son. With about half a foot already on the ground by late morning in many areas, residents of Penn- sylvania, New York, New Jersey and southern New England were told to prepare for the deepest snow ever in April. "A blizzard is unheard of here in the month of April," said an advisory from the National Weather Service in New York City. "We have had two 10-inch snowfalls in April in the past - in 1915 and in 1975 -but bliz- zard condition s were n ot met during either of them." Veteran New York newscaster Jim Donnely of WCBS, com- NATION menting that he had never heard such dire winte r weather war- nings in his city, added this footnote: "On this date in 1909, Adm. Robert Peary reached the North Pole. Today, t,he North Pole came to us." The blizzard tore into north- west Pennsylvania with winds gusting to 65 mph. piling drifts 15 feet high and paralyzing tra- vel in what state police Cpl. Dennis Donovan described as a "whiteout." The New York State Thruway was closed west of the Buffalo -suburbs because of the wind- whipped snow. "We definitely have a bliu.ard in parts of Pennsylvania and New York, with winds of 50 and 60 mph," said Nolan Duke of the National W eath er Service in Kansas City. Snow from the approaching blizzard hit New York and Boston just before dawn, snarling rush-hour traffic, closing most schools and numerous businesses, and causing countless accidents. "Road conditions are terrible," said Massachusetts state Trooper Mondale rips R eagan WASHING'IQN (AP) -Fonner Vice President Walter F . Mondale, in a scathfug att.ack on Reagan administration policies, called on President Reagan today "to admit his mist.akes" and abandon his tax and spending policies. All that glitters ... The town of Lead, S.D., has been dependent an gold. And now it's paying the price. Page B3. No-interest loans now · There are low-interest home loans, and high- intereat ones. And now there are some no-interest mortgages. Page C4. John Ross at the Framingham barracks near Boston. "There are numerous multiple-car accidents and injuries everywhere. We're going crazy." One pileup on Interstate 495 near Marlboro involved 50 cars and another on Route 128 invol- ved 15 cars. At least five people were killed Monday as the storms whistled from Iowa to Ohio. The weather service said all weather stations in Iowa this morning reported record lows for the date, and in most cities it was the coldest ever so late in the season. Cedar Rapids, Burling- ton, Bingham, Ottumwa and Waterloo all set records for the month of April. The reading of 19 at Spring- field, Ill., and 11 below at Inter- national Falls, Minn., also set April records. With temperatures dipping below freezing from the Texas Panhandle to New England, do- zens of cities reported record lows for the da'fe, including Boi- se, Idaho, Cincinnati, Duluth, Minn., Indianapolis, Lincoln, (See BLIZZARDS, Page A2) STATE Earl Timmons, the company's director of marketing services, said interest rates will not drop enough to fuel a local home- buying surge. Speaking to a meeting of the county chapter of the Building Industry Association of Southern California on Monday, Timmons said President Reagan's economic program is necessary to whip in- flation even if it won't help the home building industry. Tne real estate industry "will still be a good business" iii' the long term, but only after it un- dergoes a number of "turning points," Timmons said. They are: -Changing age distributions brought about by the movement of the Baby Boom generation into middle age. resulting in an increase in res ide nts -p e r - dwelling as families are formed. -An increase in the real cost of borrowing money. -The nation's swing to con - servative political policies and li- festyles, which T immons said will bring lower unemployment and more family fonnation. -The return of housing, for (See REA~AN. Page At) Judges and politics Events in California this year could lead to the possibility of removing judicial appointments from the political arena. Page A7. 'Jaws' bites 'Great White' LOS AN GELES (AP) -A fed eral judge has ruled that screenings of the motion picture "Great White" will have to stop pending a trial on claims that the film w as an unauthorized n ear-duplicate of the box office amaah "J aws." COUNTY He tries to save species UC Irvine IClentist Harold K.oopowitz may be the Noah of the plant world . He'• atriving to save the endangered species of Earth'• flora. Page Bl. I~ 1 AP~ AVALANCHE SURVIVOR -Anna Conrad, 22, rests in Truckee hospital alter being rescued from building at Alpine Meadows ski resort destroyed in avalanches. She .survived five days in wrecked building by eating snow. Cameras banned Child-abuse case verdict expected By DAVID KUTZMANN Of'"tM D..., Piiot Staff A Laguna Hills man successful Monday in having news cameras banned from the courtroom was expected to allow an Orange County Superior Court judge to- day to find him guilty in a child sex abuse case described as one of the county's worst ever. Aerospace e ngin eer R o n Rongstad, 60, was to return to Judge Everett Dickey's cour- troom this morning in Santa Ana. Lawfers had anticipated that R ongs tad. charged with 32 counts of sexually abusing some of his 15 children, burglary and wife beating, would allow Dickey to decide the case Monday on the basis of the preliminary hearing transcript alone. Such a maneuver is known as a "slow plea" because no defense i.s offered at a preliminary hea- ring, where it is d etermined whether there is sufficient evi- dence to order a defendant to stand trial in superior court. But Rongstad objected to going ahead with the Monday after- noon proceeding& because of the requests of television aQd new- spaper reporters to have camera. coverage in the courtroom. Defen se lawyer Thomas Wolfsen told Dickey that his clie n t would insist on going ahead with his jury trial rather than submit the case to the judge if cameras were allowed in the courtroom. Wolfsen cited the sensitive na- ture of the case and the detri- mental effects of widespread publicity on Rongstad's family as the main reasons for objecting to camera coverage. INDEX Several reporters in the cour- troom objected, in turn, to the defendant's request to bar ca- mera coverage. But Dickey, who has the au- thority to allow or ban camera coverage without the consent of the defense or prosecution, granted Rongstad's wish. The judge said he was taking the action "in the interests of justice" and noted that Rongstad, by refusing to go ahead with his plea if cameras remained in the courtroom, was exercising veto power over the case. The gray-haired defendant was ordered to stand trial in Superior Court last December on 42 felony charges. Ten of those counts were dismissed last week by Dickey on motions brought by the defense. Lawyers then indicated Mon- day that Rongstad preferred pleading out to some o f the charges to avoid putting mem- (See CAMER AS, Page A2) Volcanic ashes cancel flights HARLINGEN, Texas (AP) - At least two airlines canceled flights in Texas because of an ash cloud from a Mexican volcano, officials said. A syokesman for Southwest Airlines said in a flight scheduled to leave at 6:45 a.m . wa.s cance- led. Israel Gonzales Jr., Sou th- west assistant manager here, said all overnight flights were called off due to the hazard posed to aircraft engines by the ash. At Your Service A4 Movies C6-7 Busin~ C4-5 Mutual Funds C4 Cavalcade 82 National News A3 Classified Dl-5 Public Notices C3,D2 Comics B4 S. Cal. Focus A7 Crossword B4 Sports Cl-3 Death Notices 02 Stock Markets C5 Editorial A6 Television C8 Entertainment C6-7 Theaters C6-7 Horoecope B2 Weather A2 Ann Landers B2 World News A3 SPORTS B8seball season opens? T h e Angels and Oakland A's open the 1982 baseball 1ea10n tonight. . .unlesa the weather inter- feres. Page Cl. '• ~:.. - s EAGAN~MICS ANALYZED• mclll\ propl.e, lo it.II primary use as (borrowers) pay in the next five sh elter and not as an lnve.tmenl. years, and that's going lo price an -A return to favor of awful lot of people out of the alngle-fam.lly. df'tached homes. housing market," Timmons aaid. -A ahlft to oUice-type work The result will be that, in five . for much of the labor force. years, the re will be even le111 Timmons said he believes d e mand for ne w housing In Reaga.n'a policies a.re breaking Orange Coun ty than there was the cycle of increasing inflation last year, which was considered a iand decrea1lng national produc-disas ter by many builders, he tlvity, which h e blamed on the said. admin!stration of former presa-Timmons predicted that only dent Jmuny Carter. 8,000 buyers will cl06e escrow in He predicted that inflation will the county in 1986, down from drop to an annual rat.e of under 8,400 in 1981. l ive percen~ in ri ve ye~. . He said that some 14,000 peo- . But despite the po&tJve signs, pie a year would buy homes in 10terest rates will not decltne the county if economic cond1tions e nough to bring people back into were more favorable. the home-buying market, Tim- mons said. The reason, he said, is tha t lenders will not "subsidize" home buyers as they did m past years. when real estate's increasing va- 1 ue teamed with ln flation to make property ownership profi - table. "The lenders will make them One answer to the dilemma wiU be to increase the availability of rental housing, construction of which has been largely ignored in recent years, Timmons said. He said he would tnvest 1n apartments and office space now "if I had the money and I wen~ smart." ·CAMERAS BANNED • • • , From Page A1 CRISIS. • • ment knew of an immanent Bl· tack on the Falklands m the last w<.'ek of Mnn·h ''and yet tht>y chOIM.' to ignor<.' It tot.ally " Meanwhile, the tk(ense Ue- P.artment said 1t will take over 'qultf' a few British mercha nt 1h1pa" to carry troops, heavy equipment, fuel and supplies tt> support the British convoy s1u h ng to the Falklands. British Petroleum said some of its tan kers .were among those chart('- red The Argentine government flew reinforcements to its inva- 111on Corre in the Falklands after a British fleet sailed to try to re- take the South Atlantic islands and the rich offshor<• oil fields IJ(>lwvl'CI around them Three C-130 transports earned more troops, guns and equipment to the windswept, treeless islands 250 miles east of southern Ar- gent.ma that the Argentme navy and a force of several thousand troops seized Friday The Argentine pubh<.· appeared little disturbed by the departure Monday of the ftrst sectton of a British armada of 40 warships. far stronger than Argen ttna's entire navy, that ts s<:heduled to r each the F al k lands in two weeks. The British navy also took uver Britain's second largest cruise li - ner, the 43.975-ton Can!J(>rra. for use as a troop carrier AirCal flies to Burbank N<'wport Beach-based A1rCal has received approval to add a 15th destination tn 1t.s five-state route system -Burbank Air- port &rv1ce was approved Monday by the airport's a uthorny. saad Mark Peterson, AirCal spoke - sman. Pl•terson said the earn er will opt•ratl' six flights pl'r day to thn~· northern Cahfornta cities, Sanumento, San Jose and Oak- h.md St•rv1Ct' wall begin April 25 Nt·1tht•r fares nor n ew service 1m'tc'nt1ve:. were announced. AirCal, Peterson said. will c:omply with an airport regula- tion r<'<}Utrtng new entrants lo fly only new and quieter jets. That rule was 1nst1tuted to reduce nolS<.' impacts on residents living beneath departure paths. AlrCal w1U meet the condition by using its five n ew 162-passcnger McQonnell Dou- glas Super 80 Jetliners on all Burbank flights. The airline will takt· delivery of two more Super 80s by June. bers of his family through the emotion al strain of a highly - publicired trial. Prosecuto r Carl Arbrust said that u nder the "slow plea" ar- rangement, Rongstad would be found guilty on 18 counts alto- gether. He would be sentenced on 10 of those charges because the law does not allow a defen- dant to be sentenced more than once on the same v1olatton of the penal code. Those he would be sentenced on are two counts of wife bea- ting. two counts of child beating and five counts of child sexual abuse. The defendant could rcc1o.>1ve up to 45 years m state prisol'\ on the charges. Oallr Piiot l t•ff Photo NO QUICK F IX -Irvine Compa n y dir£>ctor of marketing services, Earl Timmons, told Orange County builders Monday t hcr<' ts tough going now with ReaganomH:s but th{•rc.• are long-term benefits A blackout air raid drill was sch<'dl.lled Wt'dnes day night in Comodoro R1vadav1a, thl' south Argl'nllnt-city closest to the r :tlklands And red crosses were p;itnll'<.I on the roofs of hospitals th{'n• and tn other south Argt•n· lllW ports Three other commercial air- lines. Pactf1c Southwest, Re1¥-1- bllc and Contmcn t.al, now serve Burbank. AirCal will be com pe- ting with PSA for passengers to the thre<' northern California d~tinattons. Pett'rson saad Au'Cal has been negotaaung with Conunenta1 for use of counter space As is the t:asl' at J ohn Wayne Airport in Orange County. where AirCal operates about 23 flights daily, counter spare at Burbank is at a premium. The ages of the ch1ldrt>n in- volved m the case range from 10 to 17. Building heights But a S(•crt-tary at a M1dt.llc Ea.stem embassy m Buc·nos A1rl'S said Argl'nttne employees laug- hl-d when the st.aff began sux·k- ptl i ng flour. coffee and othe r staples BLIZZARDS IN APRIL • • • gets dela y • 1ssue. Mrs. Thatcher named former Defense Secretary Francis Pym to replac·e Foreign Secretary Lord Carrmgton. who resigned under fire Monday because he failed to anttcipate the invasion. But she rejected the resignation of Defense Secretary John Nott, saying he must remain while the forcc-s under his ministry prepa - rt•d to fight. Askcd why AarCal was star- ting service to a new destination an the midst of a ftnaf!.fially troubled period for the airline industry. Peterson replied. "For some ttme our planning people havr recognized that market.as having potential." Neb., L ittle Rock. Ark .. Kansas City, Mo., Moline. Ill .. Nashville. Tenn., Omaha. Neb .. Peoria, IlJ .. Rochester Minn., St. Louis, Mo. and Sioux Falls, S.D. In Ohio today, authorities eva- cuated some residents along the s hore line of wind-blown Lake Erie. Motorist s were left without studded snowtires m Iowa as the s tonn dropped up to 9 mches of sn ow in Chicago a nd cause~ flooding in Indiana. Two forest hres burned out of control in North Carolina, where high w1!1ds, low humidity and warm tempe ratures foste re d more than a dozen blazes that had scorched 35,000 acres and 11 homes since the weekend. The midwest snowstorms left 8 inches of snow in Toledo, Ohto. today. Cleveland's 2 inch es of snow gave It more than 90 mches for the season, breaking the 1977-78 record. which had been the m ost si n ce the Na tional Weather Service started keepartg records in 1871. The foot of snow that feU an Muskegon, Mich., brought thl' season total t o 173. l inc hes. breaking the record of 164.8 in- ches set in 1977-78. Muskegon's 19.6 inches of snow this month ~·has s mashed the 13 .8 mark for the month set in April 1961. The temperature hit minus 2 in Sault Ste. Marie. Mich., breaking the 1923 record for the date Cold weather punished Kansas City, Mo., where Monday night's the 27-degree temperature broke a 1979 record for the date of 28 degrees. Chicag o was smothered by more than 9 inches of snow and buffeted by 40 mph wands that whipped up 15-foot waves o n Lake Michigan from Waukegan to Gary, Ind. The Costa Mesa C1ty Council hru; dt'<.:ldl'd to watt until May 3 before making any dec1s1on on a plan that could increase building hf'1ghts along Bristol Strc:et south or the S<tn Diego Frl'cway Coun<·al members decided Monday n ight to postpone the vote on !hf' Bristol StrPet Spe<'· 1f1c Pl<m, d!> 1t 1s called. because of the al:>S4.•n<...'t.' of t·ouncil mt•mbers Norma HNtzog and Eric John- son Lc.ast month thl· planning C.'Om- nussion Caaled to rt>ach a decision Volcano ubsides JAKARTA. lndonesia (AP) - West Java's Galunggung vokano subsided t"a rly today after an erupt10n of lava. rocks and dust lolled et h·ast hve people, drove about :!5.000 from their homes and darkl•nC'd the sk y for two days. off1c:1alh said · Breezy . afternoons Coastal Conalderable cloue11ne11 through tonight Chance o l sprlnklu tonight and ending Wednud1y with decreasing dOuda. Btecy afternoons ,_ tl'le coeat. Utt11 tam~rature change Hlghl In low 801 Lowa lonlgnt 4 7 to 53. Chance of meeaur1ble raln- lllt 10 1>«oent tonlgnt Elsewhere, from Point Conciep- tlon to the Mexican bofd« end out 60 mllel: Norttiw.t winds 10 to 20 knot• 1nd 4 to II-foot aeas over outer waters. Wnterly swelll 1 to 2 feet ucept nortnwat 3 10 5 leet In OU1er -1er1 Conlldereble hlOh c;IOudlnMe through tonight Chan- oa of light rain II tlmw tonlgl'lt U.S. summary A 11orm on Monday moved through the middle MIHIUlppl Valley. tpf'lldlnQ tnOW ICfOM the Mldw111 and 1nunderetorm1 acroH the Ohio Valley and Gulf~ Cout 1111111. Up 10 6 lnchM of anow feO In low•. with more than 2 lnchel In perla of Wl1con1ln. Are•• of Min~• and North 01kot1 hlld 1emper11ures In tl'le teen•. while winter atorm w1rnlng1 were potted for plrta of Indiana. llllnols end Ohio. A rnlnul 5 deg(-recorded at • lnt~llooal Fella. Minn • wet the 1 coldl9t day recorded thla late In thl..-c>n. Golfb1ll-1lzld hell from thun- d1r1torm1 fall In llrHtern Kant- ' UCky. wtllle more tn111 en lnCt1 of fliln 1911 In G«>fgla Ind Alebem~ Miider -ti• Miiied Into tna w.tem 1t1t• end eoutharn Flo- rtdl end Tull an!OYed temP«• t1n1 1n the aoa TempereturM 1round th• n•· tton 8t 2 p.rn. EST ranged from 111 In Werroed. Minn to 93 In LI· , redo, T-. Tueedmy'1 lorec11t Cllfad for rain ec:roea the Northwett with enow In Iha CMCedM and nor· ttw n Rodi• more rein OWK the middle AtlllnUC llet• wt1n anow lfl the central Appal1chlan1. 1d cold temc>eiet-In the North Temper1turH TuHdey ware torecMt In IM 20e from the nor- thtfn Aoclllea to N-Engl1nd; 409 end 509 fl'onl the mld-All"1tlC 111tH through the Tenne1111 Vllley end the oentral Plllna to t"9 Pacific NorthwHt: 1101 and 70. In rnoet. of the South; .lllld 80I In IOUthem Flo!'ldl 11\d tllt...., ~t. Temperatrirea NA note • ._ LA 36 111 10 38 11 $4 23 19 d1 n 112 ... 60 11 t2 71 Banlmore Billings Blrmlnghm Bismarck Boise Boat on Brownsv1111 Butt1110 Burtington Casper Cher111n SC Ch1rts1n WV Cnarllte NC Cneyenne Chicago Cincinnati ClevetanCI Clmbl1 SC Columbus 011-Ft Wth Oayton Denver Des MOlnes Detroit Duluth El Paso Fairbanks Fargo Flagslal1 Great Falls Hanford Helena Honolulu Houston lndn1plla J1cksn MS J11ckanvlle Juneau Kana City LU Vegas llllle Rock loulsvllle Lubbock Memphla Miami Miiwaukee Mpla-St P Nllhvtlte New Orleen• New Yoric Norfolk No PllUI Okie City Om•h• 01l1ndo Pttlltldphl• Ph<>enlx Ptlllburgl'I Pllend, Ma Pta.nd, Ora PrOYldencl ==r'c11y Reno Rlchmolld Sall I.Ml Sen Antonio Seattle Shreveport Slou11 ~1111 81 loult St P-Tamp41 SI Sit Mlfle 50 40 58 26 47 43 95 31 35 47 66 59 53 43 31 u 38 55 42 72 41 47 29 31 24 80 37 27 52 41 40 43 83 89 40 86 87 ., 39 86 77 5• 66 55 81 27 29 59 86 48 49 35 61 29 90 49 ~ 44 37 49 u 57 30 4e 55 49 89 63 8& 28 45 81 19 27 16 48 14 31 25 76 18 17 07 80 29 46 23 27 33 23 44 24 62 ~........ .. ............ 0 1 ... d. d •o• '"'""do, . . .... , 26 IIIllIIB - --- --29 ~~~~~~~--~~~--~-~~-- 25 19 SPOk•ne 8 Syracuse !>4 Tooeke 19 Tu~ 19 Tulsa 27 Wasn1r1gtn 12 Wicl'llla 19 CALIFORNIA 2070 · Apple Valley 72 B1ker1fletCI Barstow 30 Se11umont 63 Big Baar ~ Bolhop Blythe !91 Catalina Eureka 52 Fresno 38 Lancaster 50 Long Beach 52 I LOI Angeles 213 4 ,, Marysville Monrovia ~~ Montebello Monterey 70 Mt Wiison 27 Nlldlff 4 1 Newport BeaGn 24 Onterlo 46 Palm Sprlllgt 25 Puo Robles 54 30 Rivertlde Red BIUM 56 Redwood City 22 Sacramento 21 Salinas 30 S1r1 Bernardino 23 San Gabrial 47 San Otego l9 San FrlnClecO 23 San JOM 38 S11111 An1 : Senta Berl>Afe 35 S1nt1 Cruz Sii 811111 Mlf1a 22 811111 Monica Stoclllon 3 t 1 anoe Yllley 82 Tl'lem\11 -2 Tortenel 41 3t 32 tS 3S 3t 80 46 6" 51 54 33 48 35 64 41 65 48 73 52 6J 4, 53 2:> 65 28 84 53 64 48 54 41 80 42 60 45 64 49 85 52 58 46 88 46 66 50 56 46 53 36 76 56 83 50 82 43 80 54 61 43 61 45 53 41 55 44 58 42 57 41 83 46 72 44 ee 54 54 46 80 43 87 48 82 43 eo 46 80 43 80 49 82 42 a11 11 84 54 63 49 PAN AMERICAN Ac1puleo 91 70 86 75 7S 66 -50 86 77 93 48 8(j 72 86 70 88 73 Barbados B••muda Bogota Curacao Guadala1ara Guadeloupe Havana Kingston Monteoo Bay Maza11ar1 Merida Mexleo Cny Monterrey Sen Juan T eguclgalpo Tr1n1da!I Veracruz 70 81 63 104 72 88 79 . 102 68. ' 84 73 90 63 86 75 95 79 CANAOA Calgary Edmonton Montreal Ottawa Reg1n1 Toronto Vtmcouver Winnipeg Amtt11d1m Atnens BlnQkOk Beirut Betor1de Berlin 9ruaMt• B"Alrea Cairo C1r11CB1 Copenhagen Oubtln Frenklurt Geneva Htl41lnkl Hong Kong Jeru11lem Jo'bu10 Kiev Lim• OLOBAL 22 s 24 2 27 11 \ 1 19 -1 29 15 .ce 36 22 5 HI lo Wthr 64 46 ctr 68 48 ctr 95 8: Cir 75 59 Cir 63 41 Cir 54 39 cir 112 '4 ctr 78 .59 cdy 72 57 cdy 82 62 cdy !>4 41 log 57 48 elf 83 37 cir 111 28 cir • SO 32 cir 68 87 cdy 61 48 cdy 64 82 cdy 81 43 cdy • ..,...,. __ ..._._ ________________ llabon 73 85 c11 &4 57 m SURF REPORT Tides 5-ld low 2;11 ptn 0.4 I Second ~~5.~ m 5.1 mlliilliiiillli•-----------. nrtt low 2:21 un. o.J ... e.t 9llf1 .... .... ... ~h 8301.11"1 6 1 .._.. Awt -,,_ A.. ... Dir low 2:39 pm 0 I ZUlne 2 3 12 1 2 w Second hlQtl 8:53 p.rn. u Senta Monica 1 2 12 1 2 w Sun •••1 today 11 8: 17 p.m., ~ ' 12 1 2 w rlMIW~at5:33un. Ian ~ County 3 4 12 2 3 W Moon "-loday II 4:50 p.rn., Outloc* tor weonwsay: 8Uf1lnc:t....,IO111111t wnll CflOOPY.... Mtt WtldMld.y at 4·~ 1.rn ' • t ., on a plan to S<'t burlclmg ht•1ghts along the commcrc1al strip Ins- tead the comm1ss1ont•r.. opt<.>d to make tnd1v1dual rN·ommenda- t1ons on the ht>ight l!>SUc· The• five-story Holtduy Inn at 3 131 Bristol St 1s oaw o f l wo buildings south of thl· fn:c•way that exceeds th1· st.rndard two- stor y hmat Last muntlt th1· <.'on1m1si.1on approved .1 f1Vt · slot v udd1t1on for tht• hptPI .11<m~ Bn-.101 Hero finds photo trouble CHICAGO (API An ;11rhrw p<isM•ngt•f p\tutll~I arht•d V. h1)(- hclptng to foll ;1 h1J,1C'k1ng last month ha.' b< 1•n ..trn·stH.l "" drug < he1rgt'' .ind .tuthnr llll s .,a.,.· tht• p1t·tun· 1.1. a.-. k1 ' • vulf·m t ' 1n liutldmg tht•tr I ,N Thl· Assoc·1at1•d Prc•s-; phtJto gr;iph of Barry Wright. :n ancl a companion hrild1ng down a nwn who allc•gt'(llV .ill<·mpll·d tu h1 j:~t·k a Ch1n1go-t11 M1<11n1 Jt•lltnt•1 tu Cuba tin Man h 1 tnt·n•ased d U th 0 rl ll l' S' !-. US pH" I() n S l h .It Wright arwy ho.iv<· lx'(•n involvt'<I in drug smuggltng. t\11• Chtl·agu Sun-T1mC's n'rx>rL'i The newspapN ~11d today thal authorilles h;1d c1li l'ady suspc'CtC'd Wright of b1•1n~ involvc•d with drugs. bul thl• ph11111~r.lph pro- v1dl'd tht•m with .1dd1t1onc:1I am- murnllon Criticism o f Carrington was fueled by reports in two British papers. quot in g "mtelligl·ncf' sources" in Buenos Aires. that summaries of the invasion plan wt're sent to the Foreign Off1<.'C two Wt't.•ks ago and were 1gnort'CI. A c·orrespondent for The• Tames of London said tt was not clear 1.1. hether the plans were d1S<.-ove- n·d by British agents an lht• Ar- gl·n tt n(• Dl•fens<' M1n 1stry or "sourn-s available to thC' United St:Jlt'S .. "It's been one of the largest monopoly markets that remains today," referring to PSA's con - trol ov('r thl· northern California routt·i.. Pilot rescu ed TOKJ/0 (AP) A U.S. Air force F -15 pilot was rescued by a Manrw Cor~ helit'Opter after his f1ghtt•r plungl'd antQ the Pacific Ol:t•an northwest of Okinawa to- day. a spokesman at Kadena Air Ba!W said Capt. Rick Carrier of tht' 18th Tactical Fighter Wing parachuted from the small ftght- rr into the Pacafac about 40 miles northwest of Kadena Student big • w1nner $385,000 more than cove rs trip LAS VEGAS (AP) A California college student who drove he r e for a day o f gamblin~ won $385,000 on a s lot machine, the cit y's se<.'Ond b tg winne r in three days. (Related s tory, A5.) Wayne Fukuhara, no age available, a design major at Cal State Long Beach , won the jackpot M onday at the Flamingo Hilton about 45 minutes after arriving at the hotel. He said he had spent about $120 in the hotel's pot of gold s lots when he struck it rich. He ts the second Hilton winner to bt.'Com e eligible for a million dollar Hilton slot promotion in Reno next April ------------- EASTER SHARE A BEAUTIFUL SYMBOL OF LOVE. As meaningful as they ore beautiful, our cross pen- donls will express your love on Easter and always. Come choose from our full collec11on. These ore 1n 14 karat yellow gold w ith diamonds. A $250. B $500 C. $200. SLAVICK·s Fine......,, $Ara 19f7 Whtre ~ best surprises begin. ,lltllon llllnd (714) 644-IJIO • NIWpoft 8Mctl AbO ~Loa~. Sin °"VO. Lill~ . Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Tuesday, Aprll 6, 1982 s -~· Iranian kids in combat CASTLE FOR SALE -H e ver Castle 1n Edenbridge, Ke nt, England, where K ing Henry VIll of England courted Anne Boleyn, his ill-fated second wife, has been put up for U~o sale. The historic estate, with its art treasure contents, has been advertised for 13.5 million pounds ($24.03 million)because its owner, Lord Ast.or, can no longer afford to maintain it. Historic castle for sale $24 million asked for 13th century es tate, art treasures LONDON (AP) -Hever Cas- tle, where Henry VIII courted his ill-fated second wife Anne Boleyn, is for sale with its art treasur~ for $24.03 million be- cause owner Lord Astor cannot afford to keep it, Sotheby's auc- tion house said today. The world-famed London art auctioneers, who will handJe the sale w ith an as-yet unnamed British real estate firm, said the As tor family moved out of the 13th century castle southeast of London last year because of crippling costs. Announcement of the sale alarmed Britain's art lovers who fear it will break up the Hever art collection, accumulated by three generations of the weall:hy American-based Astor family and considered a national monu- ment. The sale, considered one of the most important in years, comes amid growing money problems for Britain's aristocracy because of high taxes on their estates. Many wealthy Britons can no longer afford to maintain ~rt collections and other expensive property. Fears have·also been raised by the sale that art treasures housed in Britain for centuries will be Reagan schedules working vacation WASHINGTON (AP) -Pre- sident Reagan is flying to Ja- maica and Barbados this week for a working vacation, but "to say he is going down to deliver an F.aster basket full of goodies would be misleading," a State Department official says. Reagan will offer nothing beyond the a pproximately $300 million in his 1982 budget a nd 1983 spending proposal for the region, according to administra- tion officials and Caribbean ex- perts. In what the officials say is the first presidential visit to the two islands, Reaga n will fly to Ja- maica on Wednesday, meet with Prime Minister Edward Seaga and then attend a st.ate dinner. On Thursday, he will g.> to Barbados for meetings with F.as- tem Caribbean leaders and two days of rest with his wife, Nancy. They will visit actress Claudette Colbert, a long-time friend. For the islands, the president's visit is "a very symbolic thing," said the State Department offi- cial, who requested anonymity. "The expression of personal . interest is so important. "To say he is going down to deliver an Easter basket full of goodies would be misleading," the official said, "but he is de- monstrating a commitment to Jamaica, which has a tradition of democracy." Aaked what was in the trip for the United States, Peter Johnson, executive director of Caribbean Central American Action, put 1t this way: "A rested and tanned president." "The fact he's going down and picked a vacation spot there says a lot (or the emphasis he's put on the region," said Johnson, whose group is involved in trade deve- lopment and investment. Administration officials. brie- fing reporters at the White House on the condition that they not be identified, took pains to portray the visit as a working vacation. Reagan, at his news conference Wednesday, listed the meetings he will hold, but added: "Now it is Easter and every- body else is taking a vacation. The fact that while we are there I am going to sit in the sand and maybe go swimming for a day before we com e back hardly constitutes what I would cc..nsider a vacation." Asked whether White House officials added the state visit in Jamaica, after the Barbados visi~ was announced, out of fear that the president's image would suf- fer, one source said "it wouldn't surprise me." Administration officials have said the president's $350 million Caribbean Basin Initiative, in- tended to boost local economies in the Caribbean and Central Ame- rica through trade, will be a key topic on the trip. ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat CIHllfled advet111lng 7141842-5678 All other departments 642 .. 321 Thomas P. Halev ~ -Ctllel 6.-.tMI 0- Rober1 N. Weed -· K.ay Sdlultz V\cii Pr..,...., -OlreclOt OI ~ltlng Tom MurphlM Edllor Mike Harvey ~OIMnellnO (ClrQMllOtll Kiin Goddard OlrCW OI Opere1ion. ~I.~Kleen Ch.,._ Looi MwllCllnO f.dl1or MAIN Of'flCE DO Wnt e.., SI • Ccst. Mew, CA Mell~ Bo• I~. CoslAI -·CA ..a. c..,yr'9f'll "'7 Or-co .. t Pullll>Nnv ~ No".,... AottK. 111.mrallon1, editOt'lal ,,,_,or N-...-1,...-b '-"'" m•y be ._,..,_eel~ se>e<lal pennl1 ..... ofcOC1YrlQl>t_,_r_ VOL 75, NO. 18 bought by wealthy American, European or Arab collectors and taken abroad William W aldorf Astor, U.S -born great-grandson of American financier John Jacob Astor, bought Hever Castle in 1903 from the Meade Waldo fa- mily. The castle got its name from the de Hever family, feudal owners 850 years ago. Astor transformed the dusty, derelict estate into an artwork treasurehouse. He later became Viscount Astor and his son, John Jacob, was made Baron of Hever in 1956. The current baron, Gavin As- tor, 64, has been paying more than $124,400 a year to maintain the castle, sources at Sotheby's said ''Hever could be the rumble that preced es the avalanche." said Hugh Leggatt. a London art dealer who heads Heritage in Danger. a group seeking greater protection for British artworks to keep them in the country. "This should be a warning to the government," he saJd. "Many more of our finest houses could follow the same path; their con- tents . . our national heritage ... scattered abroad.'' A spokesman for the Environ- ment Department said the gov- e rnment is not considering pur- chase of the property because of cutbacks in st.ate spending. The National Heritage Fund, a government agency created years ago to rescue stately homes fa- cin~ ruin and buy artworks to • keep them in Britain, could af- ford to buy some Hever trea- sures. But government sources said the fund's accoun ts "a re getting rather low." A growing number of art ex- perts and conservationists are fighting to keep the nation's es- timated $34 billion in art wealth from purchase by foreigners. Hever Castle, surrounded by a moat, is on 3, 145 acres of scenic farm and woodland. It is famous as the place where Henry VIII wooed Anne Boleyn, whom he crowned queen after divorcing Catharine of Aragon in 1533. That divorce, which the Vati- can refused to ~ecognize, pro- voked He nry to split from the Roman Catholic Ch urch and found his own Church of En- gland. Anne Boleyn, who failed to bear Henry his much-wanted son, was convicted of incest and adultery in 1536 and beheaded. A Sotheby's spokeswoman said the asking price for the castle and grounds was $18.69 million. The price tag on the art collection was $5.34 million. Among the works are rugs, tapestries, portraita. manuscripts, furniture and the finest collec- tion of anns and armor in private hands in Britain. It includes a richly embossed 16th centurr Milanese three- qua.rter-length suit of armor that originally belonged to King Henry II of France. The So- theby's spokeswoman said it wu the moet valuable suit of annot offered for aale thla century, but she declined to put a price on It. O..., .... hl .. _, ........... We're Listening ••• What do you like about the Dally Pilot? What don't yO\IWike" Call the number below and your messa1e will be rec.ed, transcribed and delivered to the appropriate editor The same 24·hour answt!rin1 service may be used to record let· ten to the editor on any toptc. Mailbox contributors must Include their name and telephone numbu for vertncatlon. No clrculaUon calls, please. Tell us what's on your mind Boys, as young as 13, fighting against Iraqi troops DEZFUL, Iran (AP) -"See this little boy. He Ls one of our fighters. This little boy helped fight and capture these big men." Speaking at thla front.JJ.ne out- post of the lran·lraq war was a spokesman for the Iranian army. Standing beside him wu a boy, described u 13 years old. The "big men" were 2,200 Iraqi pri- soners and the boy was one of their guarda. The boy, the spokesman said, Is one of thousands trail'\ed for combat and other war duties. Some, he said, have already ex- celled in combat. Iranian press accounts have told of child warrion who clea- r ed an Iraqi minefield by mar- ching across it, knowing they could die in a single step. Martyrdom is highly esteemed by Iran's Shiite Moslems and a soldier becomes a martyr if killed ln the war wiJ.h Iraq becal.Ule the conflict 1s regarded as an exten- sl on of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini's Islamic revolution. The Iranian army allowed Western reporters to visit t he front lines of the 18-month-old conflict, but army spokesmen were not allowed to be quoted by name. Iranians mterv1ewed also would not allow use of their names. The 13-year-old introduced to reporters was armed with a U.S.-made assault rifle and was said by the army spokesman to have helped in Iran's recent of- fensive in which the Iraqis were pushed back 24 miles. Asked if t h e use of children might be taken as a sign of lra - nlan desperation, the army spo- kesm~n replied : "Everr,one ·tn lran Is a 90ldier of Islam. ' The yo~ irregulars are part of a new militia called "Bueej," a virtual kiddie corps that receives arms trainig from the more adult Revolutionary Guards. A non-Moslem Iranian, who said his sympathy with the re- volution went only as far as ousting Shah Mohammad Reu Pahlavi, described Ba.seej mem- bers as "models of the popular army and not uncommon in any revolution or national war effort. "The difference with these youngsters is they are more wil- ling to die," he said. "It is trUJy their faith." Judge apologizes for 'wrong word' A year ago, on the second an- niversary of the revolution, Khomeini gave lran a child hero named Fahmidei, 13. News rep- orts said he had strapped gre- nades to his waist and threw himself under an Iraqi tank. "His is our leader," Khomeini said of the youth. LANCASTER. Wis. (AP) -A judge facing a recall election be- cause he remarked that a 5-year-old sexual assault victim was "promiscuous," now says he misused the word. "I used the word that came to my mind spontaneously," Ctreuat Judge William L. Reinecke said. "It was the wrong word. the dictionary defin1t1on of which absolutely and 1n no way d e- scribes that girl. "It was not intended to label her. It was no intended to blame her. It was an inaccurate de- scription of her activities," he said. Reinecke, 5~ who has been a judge for 15 y'ears, won loud ap- plause and a standing ovation from a crowd of about 125 people in his cour1ro0m as he announced that he will seek to retain his post in the recall election. In circulatrng petitions that forced the recall election, Re1 - necke's opponents complained that he described the 5-year-old assault vtctim as an "unusual se- xually promiscuous young lady." The Wisconsin Elections Board certified 5,057 signatures on re- call petitions Wednesday: 3, 798 \\ere needed to force such an election in Grant County. The election was scheduJed for May 11. In the case, he sentenced Ralph Snodgrass, 24 , o f Gays Mills. who was a boyfriend of the victim's mother, to 90 days m jail with work-release pnvileges and put him on three years' proba- tion. "Let me say now and let me say emphatically, no 5-year-old girl can be held account.able, can be blamed for, or be at fault for a sexual contact that takes place with that child," he said. "That's the law and that's my belief." "What did I say? I said that I felt that this was an unusual conduct for a 5-year-old and said so using what I acknowledge to be an ilJ. chosen word." At the battle front west 6f here, reporters saw many young lraruan fighters, but none looked younger than about 15. Iranian officials say about 3 million Baseej members have received anns training and that the government seeks to train up to 15 million more youths in this nation of 37 million people. The Baseej recruits help dis- tribute food and control traffic and sometimes patrol the streets at night They receive Islamic religious training, and sources said they are told to inform on _, anyone suspected of straying from Islam. One source said this means "anything that opposes the government." ' Western-educated Iranians, many ol whom have spent years 1n the United States, explain their esteem for martyrs by dra- wing parallels with the patrio- tism shown in many Hollywood war films, especially those of the World War Il era. lh f\.'1 lh' Pfl 1 I • 1.111 ti .11 \\ 1nd,11r t•' IJ,, I ltlO' fur I Jll.l.11.11' •fll I J ll1111 ~lil!J -111~1il ·rHE GUARDIAN " NEWSPAPER COMMENT -Headlines of Britain's national newspapers comment on the latest developments in the Falklands crisis. A p0werful British naval force, led by the assault 2 am: Carrington ready to resign? SU RRENDER Ex PRESS ~-· ....... u~• carrier HMS Invincible, left Britain Monday en route for the Falkland Islands which were seized by Argentina on Friday. CAPEZIO ESPADRILLES -ON THE LINE FOR SPRING . "" ~· -. ... Orange Coaet DAILY PILOT/Tuelday, Aprll e, 1982 ,~~\ ,,,~ . ~ Form staves off creditors DEAK PAT DUNN: I Jut R«lved some papera from a company tbat mu a lliomeatead for property owaen for a SZ5 fff. I'm lateretted ln geUID& Uut protecUoll, but oaly lf It'• legal and H adoata1eou H deac:rlbed. Can you tell me about a bomeat.ead 110 I 'll be beUer lnformed befon 1oln1 a.bead with this firm? D.J.D., H1mtlagton Beacb tr you occupy a residence that you own or are buying, you can protect it from most present and future creditors by buying a declaration of homestead form at a stationery store, filling It out carefully and having It notarized. 'fhe form Is very inexpensive and easy to complete. It really isn 'l necessary to hire a firm to do this for you al a $2S co.5t. When the form is completed, it should be mailed lo the Orange County Recorder. P.O. Box 238, Santa Ana 92702. Enclose a $3 check or money order for the first page, and 1 for· each additional page, payable to the Orange County Recorder. The amount of equity that will be protected by a homestead is limited. If you are a single person, your equity is protected up to $30,000. The protection is raised to $45,000 for a married couple, a single person who qualifies as head of household, and a s ingle person who is 65 or older. The only debts not protected by a homestead are judgments recorded before the homestead is filed, loans secured by the property (mortgages. deeds of trust, etc.>, liens and taxes. For complete information, including forms and detailed instruction on how to fill them out, refer to the book, "Protect Your Home With a Declaration of Homestead," by Ralph Warner, Charles Sherman and Toni Ibara. This book should be available In bookstores or ul the library Write to firm for award DEAR PAT DUNN: My t on recently scored an "IJll&a.at Win.Der" play oa a Poat cereal Trea1are Hant lnlla.nt Winner Game. His promlted prize t1 a box of U games. Tbe problem ·I• tbat bb entry wa1 returned from the addre11 provided marked, "Box closed." Is tbere any way we can contact Post to receive tbe prize? He's very dlaappolnted about tbl1. K.W., Irvine Write to General Foods Corp., Consumer Response Services, 250 North Street, White Plains, N.Y . 10625. Explain the situation briefly and include copies of the winning entry and your returned envelope. "Cot a problem? Then write to Pal Dunn Pat will cut red tape, getting. the an.twers and action you need to SOii.if! 1nequ1l~s an government and ,.., bu.ftneJS. Mail your ~slion.t to Pat' Dunn, Al Your Sennce, Orange C0031 Daily Pilot, P.0 Bo:r 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 As many letters as pouible will be al'l$Wt"red. but phoned 1nqu1ries or letters not including the reader'• full name. address and business hours' phone num~r cannot be considered. This column appears /al.If! dayi a week. ; ADMITTED -Country mu- sic singer Tammy Wynette, 39, has been hospitalized for tests aimed at pinpointing the cause of abdominal pains. S h eik's wife wins estate occupancy LOS ANGELFS (AP) -The estranged wife of a Saudi Ara· bian sheik has won permi.s8lon to occupy their notorious Beverly Hills estate while she fights for a divorce and half his $6 billion fortune. The ruling by Superior Court Judge Robert Fainer came Mon· day at a hearing at which the judge said there is a serious question of whether the sheik fraudulently transfe rred ow- nership of the property to keep ..... ___ -------- Tests scheduled for inf ant formulas WASHINGTON (AP) -The government ha1 ordered infant formula manufacturers to test the nutritional q uallly of their product.a before they are ship· ped and during their 1helf life. The resulaUona follow a aeries of recalh of two popular brands of infant formula because they were deflcient in vitamin B-6. Wyeth Laboratories of Philadle- phia recalled nearly 3 million cans and bottles of Nursoy and SMA brand formulas because they contaJned either inadequate levels of B-6 or none at all. Die t deficiencies in B-6 can cause convulsions and even per- manent brain da.m.ag, In some lnfunta. The regulations also wlll re- quire manufacturer1 to code each infant formula/roduct to iden· tify when an where It was packed and to notify the FDA 90 days before procesaing a new in· fant formula so that proper nu· trlent and quality control can be Insured. Jn addition, infant formula makers will have to assure the FDA that their products are processed &<.'Cording to the spec· ific quality control standards and notify the agency when there ill reason to beheve a formula may be deficient in the required nu- trients. Colleges said failing WASHINGTON (AP) -Col- leges are failing to help their students grasp the issues involv· ed in nuclear war and arms con· trol debates, several acade mic.· leaders sa1d. "The academy IS not meeting its responsibility m this area," said Harmon Dunathan, provost of Hobart and Wilham Smith Colleges m Geneva, N . Y .. Mon· day. at which 180 professors a nd deans from 76 institutions dis· cussed nuclear war and arms control and the need to better educate students about the issues. Dunathan. a b1ochem1st, said his concern was heightened by seeing students bearing "Nuke lran" signs in 1980. ~=================:'.".::'.".::::';~==================~~~h~is~w~1~·f~e~f~ro~m~ gaming possession. Dunathan was the driving force behind a recent symposium Soon au college students will be "two full generations d1Stant from H1rosh1ma and from any real understanding of our i.1tuat1on," Dunathan said YOUR CLOSE-BY ISLAND Daily Cruises from San Pedro and Long Beach spacious 700·pauenger. triple·decked vessels GO NOW! CATAUNA CAUllG ReMr'f811ona, inform•lion 213·775-6111, 213-832-4521 714·527·71 11 @TlO'IOMN INCOME TAX DEADLINE'l CALL ME I can get you a time ex- tension over the phone. •25.00 Have your W-2 form {or esti- mated taxes) In front of you and call me at 720-0362 JAMES E. NOONAN Certified Public Accountant 2503 IEastbluff Dr. #204 Newport leach, CA. 92660 featuring Champagne Brunch 9AM-3PM a n d Dinner Menus 4PM-9PM Reserwtiom: 642-2295 3333 West Pacific Coast Highway (lu5t South of Ncwpon Rlvd.) .., ,. OR LESS ANYWHERE WE FLY IN THE CONTINENTAL U .S. Wh.H .trl' \'l>ll J, lt Ilg 'ir ting h11nk·? Fh ang I' \Ill ... ile ,If (..A.lllWH.~nc.d . hum April 1 ~ 1hr11ugh June I), ynu can fly aw;1y 111 any city Wl' tlv ru in rhl' uintinen1.d L1.S. tor (lnh 'i-14\J or k'' each\''"' \\Ith .1 round mp purch.N.', fnim I .A lntt•rna- 11tm.il. Rmh,1nk. ur Ont.ire,•. J lhl m.1 kl· your rc,crv;u 11 m~ and huy your ~ 1o1L h ttlket e1rhcr 7 or 14 Jays m t1Jvance, JepenJ1ng nn y11ur Je..,rinat1nn, anJ ... ray through nne Sarnrd.1v I( \OU h.1,·e chilJren, kt them th ;J\\,t)' roo. KiJ!'! lxrween 2-11 can th Im unh $89. 50 ur le ... ., each W<1Y with a munJ tnp ticker when accum- parneJ hy :in aJulc. (One chilJ pe r aJult.) AnJ when you fly ro FloriJ<t you nnly pa\ 5J29each w.1y with rounJ tnp purd1.1-,c. plu.., to M1am1 , Fr. LaudcrJale. Tampa or OrlanJ11 y1111 can get a tree car for the day from Al.mm Rem A Car. Ir:, an ;rntnmar1c. ,1ir-conJirmncJ 2 Joor C hevctte. AnJ if you rent ft>1 longer. it', l)n ly $19 per J..iv. unlimucJ m1le,1gl' 1 $c;11' Jre l11111teJ. 'll hurry .mJ l.111 \1H1r rr.1wl Jgent. company travel Jep.mmenr ur Cu:Hmenc.d And tly away. Ir doesn't pay to :-.t.1y home <ln\'llll m· DENVER t112.so HOUSTON~ CHICAGO •125 BOSfON t149 NEW ARK/LAGUARDIA t149 PHii.ADELPHIA t149 Fares .1~ c:.1ch way wich rnunJ cnp purch,1..e fl\ AWAY ~RCl\.1 ui-. A"ll oflf' TO A"I) 1)1 Tllhl < ITI~' k.lR Sl4~1'1R ll., ... l:Al II~· ... ) -\lht•1•..-••I<" Au\lm I """'' ( "'""*"' 'J'flf1t(\ LI l'o• 'f1 L~1..kr.lolt (iunJ Juft\lh•n tirTtn t\.v lnJ, .... , .. i.. K•n"" l '" l1n<,•l11 t.. ....... 11. LuM>i .. l ·~11.m1 MiJl~n.I l \In•• M1lw•u~"' M1n1lC'al'~'""' r.111 Nrw t "1r m' l"\\l•lv>m•lll\ Oin•h• 't'tt .. u\I.• l'f't\"ilop~.t PC"ott I "°*" At\fu~h~ .. t .. "'l'.f lu .. 1111H\ Tul"' \t'."h1n1ruu J l ' w,.h111 f•,..,u"t«r h•<h~nlt't wnhou1 nottC• TN"tl m~•I ~ "'"'rl•rc•l l,. full<' i\ 111111 ltom1un r.rr tl1(1N"'• Mai I. IQlll. U.. An~lu 772·~-IXmlv lltll•. ~n l-,,rrvmJo V1llry ~~ 1000-1\irhonl OknJak. P~.-.ltn1 146·71111-1..tMIM Bt ... h ~17 44<10-Un101"" "'""'"'" ~·6Hl-On.ntt C:OO..cv Sl7 1114-RM•n.Jt. S.n l\tm11\11ou-1ull lrtt ·~· HHllNI-'•" v..i.. ... 1 v.11., \7Q ~~ll'-'1ni. \1., ..... ' "'•tth lta1 M/\·ll"k' •Alamo l'tn!lt ull~r (u•utOMr r-r• l\11 flM· ru. tlf"ll>nll tuH"""' J•ni•~ "'•l"fr 1n.l <l"'f' nil <h•~ ti ol'fll1<1i.lt C.r mu.I M riclotJ 111' on J.ly r•f 1nlval h'/ l'ftttlll.Ullf'I ol l'.>nt1nm11l t1t~tt l)flr1 llOl•J •nY ,lay nl 1ht Wttl ·~~~~~~-o_r_•ng...;;..e_c_o_u __ tb __ A_1L_v_P_1L_o_r_1T __ uesd ___ ay_._A_P_r1_1_e._1_9_e_2 ___________________ A~I_:~ Al'~o BACKSTAGE VISIT -Actress Brooke Shields, right, gets a hug from performer Lena Home during a backstage visit at New York's Nederlander Theater. Sing er, fath er targe t of sui I Country s inger Tanya Tucker 's former road mana- fer and his wife have filed a 3-million lawsuit agai n s t Miss Tucker and he r father aUeging breach of contract, defamation of character and conspiracy. Steven M . Wallach filed the lawsuit in Nashville saying Miss Tucker broke their con- tract by refusing to perform h er profession eal engage- ments. H e also said her father, J.M. Tacker , threatened him and defamed his character and con s pire d with has daughter to prevent Wallach from carrying out his duties A pair of dolls from Prin- cess Grace of Monaco and a basketball from the Harlem Globet rotte rs failed to pre- vent the closing of Sacred Heart Central School an Cal- wnet, Mich. Bishop Mark F. Schmitt of the Catholic Diocese of Mar- quette announced the 79-pupil elementary school will close at the e nd of the school year. The dolls and basketball were received by the school's celebrity auction committee for a May 22 fund-raiser ai- med at raising $1 ,000 to help keep the school operating The corruruttee sent letters to celebrities asking for auct10- nable items. FAMILY AFFAIR -Actress B ette Davis k isses h e r grandson, J. Ashley Hyman, aft.er they were both honored by the Film Advisory Board in Beverly Hills. Hyman was named "Mos t Promis i n g Newcomer '' and Miss Davis honored for outstanding con- tribution to the industry. Actress Patty Doke Astin has been prese nted the Eleanor Roosevelt Award for hwnanitanan service for her efforts to help pass the F.qual Rights Amendment. The presentation by the Southern California Amer- A 86-yur-old widower who 11 a counaelor at a Se ttlc. Wash .. Salvation Army Center aaya he'll be •pending more time hunting and fishing now -after wrnnlng a S400,000 alot ma- chine jackpe>\ In Lu Vegu. Cecil Barna won the lar- ge.t alot jackpot In the city'• hi.story at the Circua Curcua Hotel and Casino. Bums' major source of In- come ia hla cliBabllity pension from the Army following service In World War D and K orea. Some of the money will be going to h la three ch1ldren and eight grandchil- dren. The anonymous buyer of Wtlllam P enn'• copy of the Royal Charter of Pennaylva- nJa turns out to be Benjamin Coates, whose ancestors once owned the only other copy of the document. The charter, s1~ed in 1680, was bought for $48,000 at an auction of histonc documents at Chnstie's auction house m New Yo rk. It was revealed later that it was bought by Coates, president of Coates Brothers Ltd., a r eal estate and banking firm with offices in New York and in London. The document will be ad- ded to Coates' private collec- tion in his Philadelphia home. Coates' great-great-grand- father was John R eyna) Coa- tes, agent for the Penn family who became the owner of the only othe r copy of the 1680 document that granted Wil- ham Penn the proprietary province of Pennsylvarua. Oscar wanner Henry Fonda has been VU1.ually bed-ridden for more than a year and someumes "he kind of fades," according to h is wife, Shirlee. "People hear that he's up and walking agam, but when we're talking about wallung, we're talking about a man who hasn't been out of bed for nearly a year," Mrs. Fon- da said rn an interview with People magazine. The 76-year-old actor, who has suffered from he art ail- me nts since 1974, won the Academy Award for best ac- tor last week for his perfor- mance an "On Golden Pond." In the movie, Fonda portrays No rman Thayer . a man whose failing heart forces him and othe rs to face his own mortality. acans for Democratic Action Foundation goes to the person in Southern California who best exemplifies Mrs. Roose- velt's philosophy and princi- ples. Mrs. Astin's co-recipient was trade union leader Joslin Ostro. City of Costa Mesa Leisure Servioes Department presents 1982 EASTER EGG-A-THON AND BONNET PARADE When: Saturday, April 10, 1982 9:30 a .m . -12:00 noon Where: Estancia Adobe Park, 1900 Adams Ave. EASTER GAMES AND CRAFTS SCHEDULE OF I:. VENTS: 9.JO :1.m. -Registration for the Easter Bonnel Contest and Guess the Numht.>r of Jelly Bea n) in the Jar 10:00 a.m. -Judging of 4 years of age and under I 0.1 S a.m.. Judging of 7-10 >'t:ar 11ld~ and 8-10 year old' 10:30 a.m. · Mime Show 11 ·00 a.m Easter Bunny will arrive a11d announce the winner'> of tlat: Ea~ter Bonnel Contest and the JelJy Bean Conte~t 11 I 5 a m · GIANT EASTER EGG HIJ,....T' All egg hunt art~a' "ill be divided into age group' 4 ) ea~ and under 5-7 years 8-lO year~ The Easter Bonnet Judges will base their deci!>ion~ on the mo~t CREATIVE lL<oe of HOMHfADE material!>' For additional information. please call 754-5300 Is Your Bank Charging You For Visa? Don't Stand For It! Get Your 1st Nationwide Savings Visa Credit Card With No Annual Fee:_ And Save Money! Why should you pay a bank for a Visa Credit Card when 1st Nationwide • Savings gives you one free?. lt'.s true: With a •• __ minimum balance in a qualifying account, •r 1st Nationwide Savings will give you a Visa Credit Card with no annual fee! There's more With prompt full payment of your monthly statement. there's no interest charge. If you prefer to extend your payments. 1st Nationwide Savings· finance charges are substantially less than most California banks' Visa .. accepted by over three million mer- chants. hotels. restaurants and service stations in the United States and 150 countries Come in to 1st Nationwide Savings to see how your checking account, your 6-month T-Bill account or your Tax-Free account may Qualify you tor a free Visa Credit Card Ask for details~ ~ \llSll Cfeclll Card IS subfeel IOOfedll~al Getting An Income Tax Refund? Put It In Our IRA Account and Double Your Tax Advantage! Turn your tax refund into a tax reduction with 1st Nationwide Savings' Vari-Max IRA Account! Vari-Max IRA gives you the benefit of reducing your taxes and the higher return of both lonQ*term and short-term interest rates• You deserve to keep as much of your hard-earned money as possible. and Vari-Max makes it possible. Each month. Van-Max pays you the higher of either the 6 -month T-8111 or the 2Yryear Money Market certificate rates. When short-term certificates pay more. you gain: when lonQ*term certificates rates are higher. you sttll gain! Why be locked in to the unpredictability of only one rate? 0on·t settle for less tnan 1st Nationwide Savings· Vari-Max advantage r--------------.. I I I I 15.59.9%/ 14.300% Annual Y•eld' Annual Rale I ·Annual 'field based upon daily com- pounding of pnnctpal and 1n1eres1. when I I left oo deposit for a 365--0ay year RegulatlOt'lS I reou1re a substanhaJ interest penalty tor early wilticlrawal I I Van -Max IRA rate effective 4/1-4/30/82 I L--------------.J 1ST NATIONWIDE SAVINGS A Federal Savings and Loen Aaaociataon NEWPORT BEACH: 3300 We.at Coast Highway near Newport Blvd .• 631-9205. Formerly Citizens Savings and Loan ~hon 138 Offlces Coest-to·Coest •Over $7 BIHlon In Aaetl , : ' , . '~ . ' ' • . . \ ..... ' ' " . .. \ .; .. .• t . • 4 I "• ~ , ~. ~+ ~1: •1 .. ... • ------------........... ,...._,.""' .. ------• 1 . . Orange Coe1t DAILY PILOT/Tuesday, April e, 1982 ~irport e x pansion plan s eems doomed Once a gain, a ma)or John Wayne Airport !£sue is riding on a legal m erry-go-round. In this case, Orange Cou nty government's plan to' enlarge the a irport to serve 6.1 million pas- sengers annually -nearly t.riple current passenger volume -is turning in the courtroom of Or- ange County Superior Court Judge Bruce Sumner. In early January, following a legal challenge raised by Newport Beach and the advocacy group Stop Polluting Our Newport, Judge Sumner ruled that envi- ronme ntal documentation for the plan was insufficient. He enjoined the county from taking any further action to im- plement the master plan, which called for $100 million in airport improvem ents, including a new p assenger te rminal , parking structures, additional tie-down spaces for private air craft and new access routes. S umner is expected to for- m a lize that rulin g later this month. When he does, the county will be free to eithe r lodge an ap- peal , or begin drafting a new master plan. or both. Everyo n e seems to agree there's nothing that can be done to make the old plan and Its envi- ronmental attachments workable. '1It's JUSt been shot with so many holes, I question whethe r it could be patched," said one airport a f- fairs expert. But what should a n~w air- port study encompass? That will be the tough question for s uper- visors. There are literally scores of alterna te actions, ranging from closing the airport to making it big enough (and increasing permitted daily jet departures) to handle the expected 1995 demand o f 18.5 million passengers annually. Of course, no on e believes the board would go to either extreme. Closing the facility makes about as much sense as enlarging it to the point that upwards of 150 ,Jets per day would thunder over nearby Santa Ana Heights and Newport .Beach. T hus, the board must find some middle ground. Judging from the su ccess o f the c urrent lawsuit, the board would be w ell-advist.>d to produce a n option that falls closer to up- g rading the facility to m eet cur- rent or near-future demand than move boldly ahead with another multi-million ~nger expansion proposal. 'Workfare ' supported With 10 pe rcent of t he U.S popula tion, Califorrua has 13 per- cent of the nation's welfare recip- ients and makes 20 percent of the nation 's total welfare payments. ranking first a mong the 10 most populous sta tes. That is a costly position to maintain. Indeed, under the proposed 1982-83 budget, a famtly o f four could receive $654 a month tax free -compared w ith the $536 a person working for the minimum wage would earn. So 1t is hardly surprising to find no fewer than 50 state legis- lators. Senators and Assembly members. Democrats and Repub- licans. supporting a proposed con - stitutional amendment that would require all able-bodied Califor- nians bet w een the ages of 18 and 65 to work for at least part of their support before receiving a welfare check. The only e xceptions would be persons found to be in~apable of wo rki ng, full-time students. or those already workmg at least 100 hours a month, but still in need of some aid. The proposed Jaw w o uld provide that welfare recipients could be required to work up to 100 h ours a month without wages at jobs specifically created by the government to enable them to comply with the work require- m ent. The value ot s uc h w o rk would be computed at the mini- mum wage rate to d etermine the amount of their aid. The pro posed measure, As- sembly Constitutional Amend- ment 69. introduced by Assem- blyman Ernest Konnyu , R - Cupertino, specifies that govern- ment jobs created especially tor the workfare program be in the nature of extra help, a nd n ot a replacement for regular JObs. It fur ther w o u ld require that government-provided wo rk b e administered in such a manner as to "help develop the dignity and self-respect of the worker." Where children are involved, the law would "assume" that only one parent or guardian be neces- sary to care for a small child If approved by the Legisla- ture, ACA 69 would phase m the program beginnin g in J u ly 1983, adding 20 percent of eligible wel- fare applicants each year until full implementation is achieved. Given the fact that Califor - nia's public assistance program already is the most generous in the nation. t he workfare proposal. w hile providing aid for the truly needy, could tend to discourage immigration from other, less gen- e rous states, to the s u bstan t ial benefit of the Califorrna economy. Sonie dates to remeniber The folks who dream up those special "week s" for us to celebrate have come up with a handy idea for households finding themselves s wamped with the hard-boiled eggs the kiddies love to color on Easter Sunday. The w eek o f April 12-18, you'll be glad to know, is National Egg Salad W eek . J ust mash up the eggs and feed the tots egg salad sandwiches all week Somewh at more conf using is the week o f April 19-25. That's both Na tional Artichoke W~k and Nationa l Bubblegum Wee k . W e can't figure an y reasonable way • to combine these two gustator y favorites, so pe rha ps we sho uld honor them on alternate days. Another significant date in April, of course, is the 15th. w hich most of us await with a sinking feeling as the final day for f illng income tax returns. Perhaps not inappropriately, th e April date- watchers note the 15th also as the annive rsary of the sinking of the Titanic. On second tho ught, it might be an idea to save some of that egg salad for s uppe r o n the 15th in case the family pocke tbook has been unduly taxed. QpJni~s expressedjn t~e space above are thost of th~ DailY!Pllot. Other ~lews eit·1 pressed on this page are those of tfieir aulhon. and arf1sts. Reader commenl 1s anv1t ed Address The Daily Pilot, P 0 . Box 1560, Cosla Mesa, CA 92626. PhOl'le (114) 642·432 1. L.M. Boyd I Fa cts of murder I Zoo once. yes But nobody has ever heard of anything like that in the wi ld. In about two-thirds of all murder cases, the suspect is in custody within 24 hours. Speedy police work? Some· times. Often, though, after a spur-of-the-momen\ tragedy, the kille r U you haven't lost hall your teeth phones in the report. and waits for the by age 40, you're just not average. officers to s how up. Q. Can a brown bear mate with a µolar bear to produce cubs7 A. It happened In the Washington ORANGE COAST DailJPilat P\101•\-fWtf Cl.tr 01 '"" fN t •I JJll W•\I II•~ SI . C.~I• Mt .. &OOtf'\\ (Ott•\pondrN:• lo llo• IMO C~••NW-.. (&'1•~ Can you visualize a pile of lumber 'l01h feet high and 27 feet long? A large kangaroo has been seen to jump over such. Thomis P. Haley Publisher Thomas A. Murphlnt Editor Barbar a Krelblch Editorial Page Editor Soviets train Africa puppets WASHINGTON While many of thetr colleagues were Junketing around the Caribbean last January. two Senat(• staff members were trekking through the bush 1n southwest Africa, riding on "mine-proof" vehicles and hunkering down m machine-gun nests. Thi· two men, J oel L1 skt-r <tnd Bl'rt M1llmg. wet L· ehedong out fir>thand th1.• gu1.·1 rall<.1 warfare that ha-. tom Nam1b1a for 15 ye<trs Th'-'Y Wlft• gc.t tlwring tn furmat10n and lining up w1trwsse!> for ht'arings this '' N~k l>y S1.•n Jt·n•m1ah Oenton's (H AIJ ) subcommlltl'l' on sc...ocunty and tt•rrunsm WHAT LED THE two L'Om m1ttN· a1d1 -s to forsakl· the comroris or Capitol 11111 for the l·ombal zon r a long the Angolan border was the growing con- cern in Congrc·s.s over Soviet influence m thl· region. A!> to why thto• United St.ates should worry abuut Russian intentions in N.1m1b1a. a !Op-secret C IA file on tht• l'OUntry hsts explil'll reasons for l'OOl'C•rn Nam1b1a, wh1eh is b1ggl'r than Tc•xas but has J population 9maller than Houston's, 1.:ont.c1ins enormous quantities o( uranium. diamonds. copper and other mmt•rals. ln f.tct. 1t has both the world's largest uranium mine a nd th(• larges! dtamond con<.~-ss1on. Muc·h of 1ts mineral Wl•.il th 1s classified bv the CIA as "strau·g1c." meaning that the UnJtcd StJtt•s nC'<>ds the minPrals a nd doesn't haH· its own supply Though the Soviets are large!) c;elr- sufrlc1t>nt m these es.senual minerals Lhl CIA susJNc-1..s the Kremlin wants to bt• abl1.• to depnve the West of these stra- t1.•g1t· 1n111t•rals by n mtrolling Namibia /\ls(J, whc·n t·oupled with Angolci, Nam1 b1a would g1v(' tht• Soviets a s trateg1l· anl·hor in th1.• South Atlantic That's why the United States wurrlf..'S about th<> South West Africa People'!> Organizat11m (SWAPO) -and why thL' Marxist gunr1llas arc covertly suppor Q -JAC-1-AN_D_fR-SD-N -~ ted by tht• Soviet Union. According to th<• CIA. thl' Russians provide training. weapons and other necessities that have• kt·pt the ins urgents in business over the y<.>urs "Moscow 1cmains SWAPO's ma111 supporter," a recent secr..t CIA report states "Although th1.•rt-are unt'onfim)l-d rc•po1 ts that SWAPO has expn·<;i,t•d tnten-st m rl'Vlving its old ues with Pc•- kmg, thP Chinese• eurrently ar(' not wll ltng to do more than offer the insurgen~ mural support and quietly back the m - 1t1auve of fivt' West.em powers to nego- tiate a settlement with South Africa." InteU1gence sources and secret reports c·xamincd by my associat1:s Dale Van Alla and J oseph Spear detail the extent of the Kremlin's involvement with SWAPO Here are the key bits of t•vi- dc•n<.e· SWAPO's present leader. Sam NuJoma. 1s v1r1ually a Soviet puppet lnll'I n.11 S W APO do,·umt·nts indicate thiit NUJul1rn ha-. lO ~et Must"ow's per- mtsswn lH"fore d1.·al1ng with his own subu1 d1rwtl~. Young Nam1b1ans arc.> c;omeumes recruited into SWAPO with promises they will become doctors or teachers within '>IX months tnstl'atl tnt•y are pal'kl'<t orr lo "t ng1nt•(•rtng lamps" - terrnri ... 1 u .11111ng t't•1Ht•r-, m An~ola and Zambia -T>w must p1um1sing r,·l ru1 ts are sent 111 ,1clv.1n<l-d tl•rronst S('hlX>L'i m East Gt•rn1.111" .tlld ttw Soviet Urnon Aeruflot rl1t•s thi·m frnm Luand<>. Angola. to Mo~:ow hv wc1v ol L1l>v.i. bomt•llm<-s the N<1m1h1t1ris <Ht· provided ~1t h Un1tC'd Nat11Jns p.tssµurts In East G .. 1many, thev an• told to pa~ th1.•111M.'lvt•s off as Ugandans -SWAPO GUERRILLAS are well l"'CJU1ppril with Sov1l'l roe kt>t pistols, n- rll'S and rocket laurwhN"S Th1·n.· 11> C'Vtdt·m·c that d1snpline 1s harsh m \ht· gut·rnlla forct~ Unl' defel' to1. who "'alkc:d 150 lo 21111 miles to <·'><·apt' SWAPO's dutch1.-s, told of bemg forcc'CJ to dig hJS own gravt• and he m it wh<•n hP was susp<.'<'tL-d of trPa<:h1.'ry He was nC'arlv bur1l>d ahvl' before his fellow guc-rr alla~ ranalJy b<•lll'VC.'d his protesta- lmns or mncx:<'IWl' On<: mt>thod of public f'X•"t:uuon for defectors, lht· Sl'nale staff ml·mbers wt·re toJld. 1s J dags.zer blow m thl• k1dn1.•:--for a slow and l"<t'rue1almg dmlh Thn"t' formt•I SWAPO gul'rt Illas are sehP<lult·d to tcstdv bt fon Dt·rtlon's t·omm1ttt't.' this Wl'<.'k . Gun control debate peaks • s tate Ill (Today's 1·0/umn is writ ten by Mr W:iters' assi>t·1att'. PHIL JORDANj Aftt•1 two dt'CadC"s or mun·. the fight CJVl•r gun c·o1Hrol particularly hand gun c·ontrol 1s coming to a head in Cahfornw. 1f not yt•t th(' re-st llf the na- twn Leaders on both Stdes of lhe lSSUC havt· long claimed to speak fo r a maJOnty or Califorrua.ns, produl'ing stalist1cs to sup- port their C'laims Claims and stat1s11cs ahke w1U be put to the test in coming months. STATEWIDE. proponents of gun con- trol are collecting signatures for an in- itJative which, if adopted by the stalC''s voters. would require re gistration of handguns and limit their number In San Francisco. Mayor Dian n e Feinstein has proposed an ordinance banning sale or possession of handguns Gun <.'Ontrol opponents predict the in- itiative -if 1t gets enough signatures to go on the ballot -will be rejected by Californians. And the proposed San Francisco handgun ban. at·cordmg to State Sen. H.L. "Bill" Richardson , a national spokesman for gun control opponents, would violate state law. Richardson au- thored the 1969 bill which, he says, pre-empted local control of firearms. Ric hardson's assertio n has b1.•e n upheld in an 0Hic1al opinion from st.ate IARl WATERS Leg1slat1ve Counsel Bion Gregory, and Kl<'hardson recently said he expects 1t will also be backed by Attorney General George Deukmejlan. The st.a te pre-emption seems sur(' to be challenged by San Francisco's super-. visors. Passage of the ordinance is one thing, in Richardson's view. a nd e n rorcemcnt another. Any attempt to back up the ban will. he told reporters ga- thered in his capitol office. be met with court actJon. . Feinstein is chalJenging state law with B est gift for c hildr en Thoughts at Large: It a lways surprises me that so few parents realize that the best things you can give children, next to good habits, are good memories, which support and nourish a person for a litel.ime: so many ~ SYDllllY HARRIS ~ parents are busily engaged in instilling good habits at the expense ofJood me- mories, that the habits bring o ya grim satisfaction in later life. as a subsUtute for joy. The high romantic standards some young people expect In a prospective mate remind me of a magazine cartoon 1 once saw: a young man, rejected by his girl, ~out the door with the paJ1in8 ahol 'If 1 had all the qualities you want in a man. I'd propoee to someone else." 11 the "creationiata" only had enO\.lf h patience, they would find that ICient.i 1c advancie will itself refute whatever er· rora\ thue a.re in Darwtn'• cone@pl of I evolution: for the ·•religious" i\Spect of true scien.:e is tba~ it is pe rpetually self-<.'Orrecting and accepts no axioms as absolute and perpetual. To be a success in business, you have to know how to hold on to a dollar; but to be an enormous success, it is more important to know how and when to let go of one. Just as a single note tells us nothing about music or melody, so a single word tells us nothing about the communicative function of language; the "meaning" of words emerges only in sentences and cannot be inferred from any fact about lhe words themselves. Game shows on TV. though aomc of them plumb the depths of uininity, are on the whole a higher level of enter- ~lnment than the average program, es;. pecially the prime-time 0 alt-corns" wh.lch are·lmJ>C*lble to sit throuah. ~ late u 1910 in the U.S., 70 percent of elementary IChool pupila never went on to high school; aa late 11 1940, 70 percent or more of h.lah achool pupils never went on to college; by the yea.r 2000 lt Is predict.able that a college de- gree wW mean M little u a high tchool diplcna doet rvJw. her proposed handgun ban, San Fran- cisco Assemblyman Leo Mc.'Carth y spec- ulates, because she believes accura- t.ely, m his opuuon -there's no hope the Legislature will t!nact such a ban. Gun control advocates blame this lack of action on the political clout of, 1 e., cam- paign funding uy, orgamzat1ons which oppose such controls. Among the groups frt-quently named a re tht• National Rifle /\ssoc1ation (Richardson 1s on its national board), Gun Owners of Amenca (Ril·hardson founded 1t). and Gun Own ers of Cali- fornia (Richardson founded 11 and says it ha:. 125 .000 members s tatewide. "including 11 s fair share in San Franc1st'O") Some capitol reporters believe 1''e m - slem is looking forward to a ban chal- lenge by members of these groups The thmkmg 1s she expects the issue to reach the st ate S upreme Court and that usu ally liberal body to overturn Ri· chardson's s•ate law, upholding San Francisco's ban Richardson may unhappily agree Asked about the possibility by a repor- ter. he snapped, "Look, never ask me what's going to happen to something that goes to the Supreme Court of the State or California. That's a guessing game I leave to the gods -or (Supreme Court Chief Justice) Rose Bird!" LIKE THE PROPOSED handgun ban in San Francisco, the initiative, if it reaches the ballot and gains voter ap- proval, would affect only state law - not the st.ate constitution In either event, Richardson and his gun-owning (or gun control-opposing) allies will undoubl.edly launch their own campaign with an initiative writing protection for gun ownership into the sta\.e constitution. That measure's fa\.e might -at long last -settle the gun control issue, a t least for California. Jf "live and let live" ta the motto, why do preuure groups exist to prevent just that? a • • • ;01 # 4 4 i _ ' Last effort try to find Lost·Colony DURHAM. N.C. (AP) -Ar· chaeolopta have bl-gun a $27~,. 000 effort to find the remal.na of the Lost Colony founded by Sir Walte r R aleigh at Roanoke Ia1and nearly 400 years ago. Meanwhile, a dozen shlpbull- . den have bld on plana to build a replica of Raleigh'• ship In pre· paratlon for the celebration of the 400th anniversary of the fint colony in the New World. The 1 festivities begin July 13, 1984. An Arehaeologlcal team will make a "last-ditch effort" to find the lost "Cittie of Raleigh," said Dr. John Neville, executive se- cretary of America's Four Hun- dredth Anniversary Conunittee. Neville, a historian, said he was cau tiously optimistic about the attempt to find the remains of the colony. Fund-raising efforts, which began in October and have net- ted $700,000, will continue to- ward a goal of $3 million in the next two years, Neville said. Last week, shipbuilders were mailed specifications so they can bid on building a replica of Eli- zabeth II, which is expe<-ted to cost about $600,000. Ali~ IN COMPETITION -Weight watchers working out at this comer in San Diego must contend with aromas from the shop next door. The tantalizing aroma of fresh-baked doughnuts makes the battle of the bulge even tougher. Officials of the committee the American Quadricentennial Corp. -both based in Raleigh - 1 plan to permanently harbor the vessel on Ice Plant ls~, across from Manteo. Women okayed for A WACS dered the world's most sophisti- cated surveillance aircraft. The colony was established on Roanoke Island under Ralph Lane in 1585. WASHINGTON (AP) - Air F6rce women have been de- clared eligible to serve aboard Airborne Warning and Control Systems planes. which are consi- J obs on the AWACS planes had been classified as combat - type duties, and women thus w ere barred from them. uetom Tallored ~Q:H~~ coller 'n cuff .: ~ 0.-. ........ 9-t Coate Meu 642..&7 RUFFELL'S UPHOLSTERY l ...... ter..ctS..e I '22 HAUOR IL VD. COSTA MESA -541-1156 LEASE/OPTION ~ ----_::___:_ 6 Months Free Rent Near South Coast Plaza! Eaercrseopt10n1opur· Cll.ut wtlllin !ht ~ISi year n ipply 6 montlls rent towaros oo~.-n 0<1)mtnl New 95010 20 000 sq111re teet of olflct soa in luSh oi1oen setttn0 'Mlh pone trees niOlllllO str~ms Fee land BelDw rmr\et DOCes E (Cellent l1nancino CREfKSIOl GARDEN OfFtCES-2900 8nst04 COSta Mts.a ------=-_---=-=------=-::-----~ ----(714) 979-7133 ............. .:1 .............. ~ .. . -~~ IRA DEADLINE: APRIL 19th. YOU CAN STILL DEDUCT UP TO Sl,790 IFYOU ACT SOON. You still have time to open -or ..ldd to-a Gibraltar Individual Retirement Account tor 1981. if you were not rnvered by a company retirement plan. Lock in Gibraltar's high rate tor I~ months- or up to 5 years l&.79" ~~~d1 • l&.00" ~wJ You may deduct up to $1500 from last years income (or $17 50 it your spouse wa~ not employed) on both Federal and Calitorn1a State returns. The interest we pay you will not be taxed until you withdraw the money after retire· ment when you'll probably be in a lower tax bracket. Come in today and reduce your taxes. . ... ~ . ., . 'j ~I Your IRA Savings are insured to $100,000. P.S. Use your tax refund to start your 1982 IRA. LLO\'D•!i gard~n . sl1on ~CA>unf\I BEDDING-PLANTS -<:~/;; '~av• Alyuum Plant now for 69 C lobelia Summer color •on~ ••• Marlgold1 .... 1 .09· ~---= ---- . ~ tHAlllll IOSS BASKET '•n1le1 A 'rlmro1e In Pull lloom 503 .,; MAIKID PltCIS WILL 1111m.llOLllEl1 art a-Wa1hlngton--l Geraniums ''Pelargonlums'' t ........ to choose from. I • In Bloom Many colors I l •••·~·'° $r_~ ROlll 2 a.1 11 •• Many varieties to choose from. Bud & bloom, bush & cflmbel'S. l•I• 6.SO ' ... $450 AU ITIMI IUIJlCT TO tT()Ct( ON IWIO. ~ OooJ """' ...... I ~ATIOl'UIMTVM OPE)I MON. TAAi.) ·gn-7-6-SUN. 1-'S" = :' LLOYD'S NURSERY AND LANOSCAP'E CO~ 1..C. coma... lr021 Newport.BNd. (• &.y S.,J Cota M--. c_A 12t27 / (714) ..... 7441 Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Tueaday, April 8, 1982 A'J . State courts changing? Judicial appointments may be removed from political ar.ena By THOMAS D. ELIAS For the Callfornl• judiciary, 1982 bu the potential to beco~ a turnaround year. There's even a p<mibillty that the year's event.a will lead to a removal of Judicial appolntmenta from the political arena, some- thing that could only be conalde- red healthy. Here's what's in store for jud- ges this year: . Four of the seven state Su- preme Court juatlces face voter cqnflnnation -and Chief Justice Rose Bird's 1978 battle shows the yes or no votes th.Ls year may not be as automatic as they often have been. 1 Two proposed constitutional amendment.a throwing out court decisions on the controversial exclusionary rule governing courtroom evidence may make the same November ballot whlch already features the confirmation votes. And there is a c hance that w ide unhappiness with both court decisions and judicial ap- pointments may produce major changes in the way judges are named. · U change does W>me, it will be because of the strong parallels between the judicial appoint- ments issue and the reapportion- ment battle, which voters will decide via ballot propositions in June and November. For there is little likelihood that any refonn plan before the Legislature will succeed. The best-publicized of these is a pos- alble ballot propoeition authored by Republican state Sen. Ed Davia, the former Los Anseles p<>lloe chief and longtime critic of Judsee he claims are soft on crime. . Davia would have nomlnationa for all Supreme Court justices and appeals court judges confir· med tfy the state Senate, a system he Ukena to the federal courts,. where judicial appoint- ments at all levels are subject to Senate fU>proval. Critief of the Davis plan say it would make the court$ more po- CAllf DRNIA f OCUS litical, more subject to whatever whimsical trend the state Senate happens to be following at any moment. Regardless of its merits, the Davis plan is bottled up in the state Assembly and it's not likel,Y to move from there, a fate DaVlS must have known would befall it. And that may not be all bad. For the history of state Senate action on nominations it can confirm or deny -such as members of the Public Utilities Commission and the Agricultural Labor Relations Board -de- monstrates that almost the only nominees sure of confirmation are former members of the Se- nate. Former Senate members are mvariably confirmed without delay, while othere 1ometlmes flnd their appointment.a held up for months over minor d!Jputa with 1ndlvldual 1enatora or b«!- cause the Senate leadership la feu~ with the governor. Alt in reapportionment, Com· mon Cause could be a key factor • in getting movement toward c hange. The citizen lobby two years ago proposed setting up non-partisan commiaaions to make many key decisions in reapportionment and to provide the governor with a list of po- tential, qualified judges. Both plans were dismissed with Little thought both by Gov Brown and the Legislature. But when Republicans found themselves gerrymandered out of any chance to wm control of the Legislature or the state's Congressional delegation, they eagerly e mbraced Common Cau- se's reapportionment plan and placed It on the ballot If the unhappmess continues over b oth appointments and court decisions, chances are that whichever major party eventual- ly feels most slighted wlll a lso adopt something much like the Conunon Cause plan for choosing potential judges. And 1f that happens, there will be a rare opportunity for taking much of the politics out of the JUdic1ar1 That could only be healthy tn the long run for jud- ges, who have been increasingly threatened when thell' dedsions run a(oul of polrncal trends. OOLLAR DAY OOUGHSAVERS CLASS I Fl EDS 3 LI NES • 3 DAYS • 3 OOLLARS • 4.- Is your household Cash Flow Low? Sell those items you no longer need with a DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVER AD 3 llnes, 3 days $3.00 (for private party advertisers) If you don't sell in the first 3 days we'll give you 3 for FREE 3 llnes, 3 more days • That's rlghtl Advertise your Item for 3 consecutive days and if you don't sell just call classified 642-5678 and we'll run the ad another 3 consecutive days FREE. • If you discover you have priced the item too high to sell it on the first 3-day run, we'll even let you lower the price for your FREE 3 day run. • The rules are slmple -one item per ad -Item must be priced -sorry, no real estate or commercial ads. You are not limited to 3 lines, just add $1.00 for each additional line such as 4 lines 3 times = $4.00, 5 lines 3 times = $5.00, 6 lines 3 times = $6.00. No m~tter how many llnes you run, we'll atlll give you 3 day• FREE If you don't sell your Item on the first try. Daily Pilat 642-5678 ' . L_ Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/TuHday, April e, 1982 .. Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined Tnat Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. .... , .. , ... '\ ....... -- -··· '-'•t'°''.,. I .. - ~ --------- --., . VANTAGE ULTRA LIGHTS lOQs_ . . ' .... *"'" •.• •.,j /' ULTRA LIGHTS-5 mg. "1ar". 0.5 mg. nicotine av. per cigarette by FTC method: ULTRA LIGHTS 100's1 5 mg. "tar". 0.5 mg. n1co1me av. per cigarette. FTC Repon DEC. '81. TUESDAY, APRIL 8, 1982 CAVALCADE COMICS 82 84 When someone ref uses alcohol, don 't push. See Ann landers . . B2. '- 0 0 . - Scientist Noah of plant world l}CI professor hopes technology can save greenery before it's too late Olllly l'ttot Staff lthoto AN ARK FOR PLANTS -Harold Koopowitz. head of the campus arboretum, is directing unique UC Irvine project to collect and store seeds and pollen of endangered plants. • They laughed at Noah when he bull t his ark. Fewer are even paying much attention to Harold Koopowitz, a diminutive man who has set out to build an ark of 90rts to save the world's threatened plants from certain extinction. The UC Irvine acientist is head of the campus arboretum and, for the past six years, has directed a unique project to collect and store seeds and pollen of endangered plants so that future generations may one day be able to cultivate the Earth's long lost flora. "People have heard so much about endangered species that they're saturated, they don't respond," Dr. Koopowitz said. ' "The problem isn't going to get better, it's going to get worse. It's highly unlikely that there are going to be any happy endings to this story." Koopowitz cites some alarming statistics to back his fears. One plant species is lost each day. By 1990, he expects that rate to be one plant extinct per hour. By the year 2000, the planet may have lost 15 to 20 percent of · its higher plant species, Koopo- witz bemoaned. The mam culprit, he alleged, is man. Ever-expanding urban centers encroach on the plant kingdom or man-made pollution takes its toll. The natural loss of plant spec- ies via evolution is insignificant compared to the. unrelenting on- slaught of our cities and indu- stries, Koopowitz said. Since man largely is to blame, he believes our technology may at least be able to help. The UCI scientist has pionee- red a technique using cryogenics -the science of freezing at very low temperatures -to preserve Oilfields fight readied Financial loss cited if Newport operation ruled off limits · By· STEVE MARBLE of the Delly Plklt 9l8ft Newport Beach attorneys say they'll take whatever legal steps are necessary to prevent the city's $1 million-a-year 011 field operation from being shut down. The 16 oil wells, located out- side city limits but drilled into city-controlled tidelands, are ex- pected to be ruled off limits to the city by Orange County Superior Court Judge Harmon Scoville. Scoville notified city officials of his intended ruling late last week. Scoville today declined to comment on his pending judg- ment. Newport city officials, mean- while, said the notification took them by surprise and could spell a potentially large financial loss for the city. The lengthy battle over the oil rigs, located on land owned by Hancock "Bill" Banning, pits the city against oilman Robert Arm- strong. Armstrong, who lost his lease to operate the wells more than a year ago, filed the lawsuit, char- ging the city had no right to take over the rigs and subsurface lines. The Newport oilman further claims that when the city took over the wells, it prevented him from using the wells to get at a pocket of oil he owns a lease on. He said he needs the wells be- cause landowner Banning will not permit anymore wells to be drilled on the property. The city pushed for the takeo- ver to get a larger share of the oil revenues than the 12 percent cut it was getting from Annstrong .. It is estimated the takeover lifted city profits from $65,000 to $1 million a year. The city took over the 16 wel.13 last year after signing a joint powers agreement with the state Lands Commission and then condemning the wells. Mike Ruben, a private attor- ney hired by Newport to handle the case, said it is his understan- ding that Judge Scoville will rule that the city has no right to con- demn land outside its boundaries. He said the judge also is ex- pected to rule that the joint po- wers agency formed by the city and land commission also does not have a right to condemn the wells. Ruben said it likely will be several weeks before Scoville hands down a final decision. Both sides in the dispute agree that the oil belongs to the city. Armstrong also acknowledges that a legal victory on his part will not give him the right to pump city oil. City officials report they are particularly confused by Scovil- le's intended decision because Orange County Superior Court Judge Edwerd Wallin last year granted the city the right to take over the wells. "It just shows," suggested at- torney Ruben, "that judges can look at the same facts and come to different decisions." Ruben said the city will appeal the ruling once i t has been handed down. seeds and pollens for very long period.a of time. Using conventional drying and . storage techniques, seeds may last 10 to 20 years. But with the special drying and freezing pro- cess developed by Koopowitz, seeds may survive for centuries. He places seeds In a vacuum chamber filled with a chemical drying agent, or desiccant. After two days, the seeds are placed in test tubes, the open ends are hermetically sealed with flame and the tubes are stored in freezers at minus 40 degrees. "What you have to do is get most of the water out of the seeds so when you freeze them, they don't form ice crystals that can damage the seeds," Koopo- witz explained. Pollen, which contains half the genetic information necessary to create a plant, is stored in com- mon gelatin capsules. Pollen moisture is removed from the yellow-powder-like matrial simply by placing the male seed product in a frost-free refrigerator, whic h tends to dehydrate substances. Koopowitz' plant-saving pro- ject involves more than 200 species, mainly South African . bulbous plants that grow well in Southern California's mediterra- nean climate. The arborerum's collection of endangered plants includes some rare gladioli, lachenalias, moraeas and freesias. That's in addition to the arboretum's collection of succulents, cacti and other plants. But with more than 200,000 species of plants in the world, the arboretum's seed-storage project is one small part of the massive effort needed to preserve the planet's flora. "One botanical garden cannot do everything," Koopowitz said. "We want to educate others to do the same. "We look at ourselves as a model for other gardens to fol - low. We are the only garden I know in the Western Hemis- phere that is using cryogerucs in the storage of seeds. "It doesn't make sense that the entire world's species should be held in one place," he continued. "And I don't think we know what treasures we may be losing -that's the real crime about it'." lt takes dedication and much labor to keep the project going. Koopowitz is especially com- mitted since he actually is a neurophysiologist ·at UCL He came to be director of the arbo- retum because of his intense interest and avocation in plants. He doesn't think of his projt><:t as a Noah's Ark. Rather, he pre- fers to call it a gene bank sinC'E' pollen and seeds stored event . ually may be used to deve lop hybrid offspring through selec- tive mating. However, J.he biblical Noah might be proud of Koopownz's time--consurrung efforts. "I hope I get lots of oth~r people to make lots of othe r arks," he said, noting he a1.s<. IS co-author of a planned book on the critical extinction problem of plants and his gene bank solu- tions. The plant-saving project does not, though, survive by dedica- tion alone. It also tcqces money. Koopowitz has received fun- ding from the federal lnstitute of Museum Services. The UCI ar- boretum was the only botanical garden to receive a special project from the institute last year. But in this tight economy, governme nt funding has dried up for the seed-storage project. Turrung to the private sector, K tJo powi tz has s tarted the Friends of the Arboretum, see- k 1 n g dona t1 on s t o k e~ the $15,000 a year project alive. Persons interested m becorrung members may write to the group at UC Irvine, School of Biological Sciences, Irvine, 92717. The sc1ent1St noted that many drugs, cosme tics, fiber products and foo ds are derived from plants. In addition. 1.:ut-flowers art' a multi-m1J110n dollar busi- nf'SS. he said. "I was walking through South Coast Plaza shopping center and the Audubon Society and they had a really nice display of en- dangered species of birds and whales," he added . "But plant cxuncuon rates are horrendous l'umparcd to a nimals and they wt:ren't even mentioned." Nebrask an s plan potluck All former Nebraska residents are invited to attend the annuaJ Ne braska P ot Luck Picnic May 16 m La Palma. The picnic will be held at La Palma Park , JUSl off the R1ver- s1dc Freeway Participants should bring a co- vered dis h to s hare and table service for your family. A small donation is asked to cover buil- ding rental. For furth er information call 893-2345 or 842-5904. SNUG AND CUTE -This rabbit may appear as if he has arrived just in time for Easter, all snug inside egg shell. The egg s hel) is actually , from an ostrich and on display in the children's OtlllY ""°' l"tloto Jrt Petrtdt o,,__. area of Lion Country in Irvine. The dwarf bunnies like to crawl into the shells, according to officials at the park. MacArthur) work slate d in Irvine Night work crews are expected to begin next week resurfacing MacArthur Boulevard In Irvine between Jamboree Road and the San Diego Freeway. Canyon road suit decision 'no surprise' OCTD offer s T a hiti. tri p The $240,000 repaving work is acheduled to be done from 8 p.m. to 6 a.m. beginning next Monday and should-take 1our nights to complete, said Don Durensky. Caltrans project engineer. However, he said a strike by Teamsters sand and gravel hau- lers could force the project to be delayed. Some lane1 may be cloeed du- ring the night, but access will remain open In both directions. said Uurenaky. Durina the day, all lanes will be open, ne added. The roadwork is part of an agn!ement ln whlch Caltrana will tum r:esponaibllity for the former state highway over to the city. Postal substatio n opens in N1'wport A new Poet Office substation opened today in a north Newport SMch gift shop. The aubet.at.ion, where cutto· men can purchue 1tam1J9 and mail letten and jieckues, la lo· taled in the Cricket'• l'lest, 4881 8lrch Si. Laguna mayor Bellerue calls ru ling that state not liable 4appropriate' Laguna Beach city officials said today they are not surpnsed an Orange County Superior Court jury found the state not liable for damages resulting from a 1979 auto collision on Laguna Canyon Road. Mayor Sally Bellerue today called the jury's decision "an ap- propriate one" with which she would agree. Mrs. Bellerue added that she was even more pleased when the judge presiding in the *l.1-million lawsuit ruled two weeks ago to exclude the city from the suit. The city has been named as a defendant in the action along with the state and the driver of one of the cars involved in the coll.laion. Another who lauded the jury's declaion was Laguna Beach Po- lice Chief NeU Purcell. "AA far as I am concerned, it appears to be a fair decision," Purcell conunent.ed. The jury ruled Friday that. the state Department of Transporta- tion (Caltrans) was not liable for the head-on accident which oc- curred on")he Big Bend Curve portion of Laguna Canyon Road March 16, 1979. Attorney Gene Goldsman, re- presenting Laguna Beach clients Peter Moir, 28, and fiance, Diane Gonzales, 19, claimed the state knowingly maintained that por- tion of the highway in an unsaf'! condition. He argued that the state should have erected a steel bar- rier between the road's two lanes to prevent the' kind of collision in which his clients were injured. The state contended, and the jury ultimately agreed. that mil- lions of cars had safely negotia- ted the same curve without inCl- dent. State attorneys presented evi- dence which showed that o!llY four accident3 occurred~~ Bend involving cars that the center line in the two yea.rs before the 19.79 collision. Narmco ends 35 years at Mesa location Move to A naheim facility comes after months of residents' complaints After 35 years of business and months of steady public com- plaint, Narmco Materials, Inc. cloeed down Its plut1c production operation Saturday and moved 120 worken from the ea.ta Meu fedlity. The shutdown came in the af- ternoon at the end of the day- ahift, a apokeapenon said. About 60 Narmco employee• working in Mlmlnlatrative offices and teltinl facUltlea at the 600 Vlcioria St. plant, remain behind until new ofUcn a.re built in Anabelm, pomlbly by 1083. Production workers, mean- while, already have been moved to Narmco'• existing Anaheim facility. The plastics plant, located ln Coeta Mesa since 1947 and pur- chued by Celanetle Corp. in 1972, wu the tar1et of cTltlciam by netghbon who charged the t.d· lity WU I ~ble health haza.Jll. A lawault -aainst Narmco fllckt by eome of the nelghbon in an attempt to collect health damages they charge are related to plant emi.91ona. la continuing. The five·acre Narmco alte la expected to eventually be turned lnto a condominium complex pending the result of actentlflc toll ttudiee. • • 10 campaig n The Orange County Transit District wants to take two people to Tahiti, with a little transpor- tation h elp from UTA French Airlines. The carrier has donated airfare anl hotel accomodations to help the OCTD promote one of its current advertising themes - that riding the bus to and from work or school regularly instead of owning and operatin1 a car can save a lot of money, enough say, to pay for a trip to Tahiti. The savings estimate waa ba- sed on the cost o( ownin g an d operating a car for a 20-mile round trip, 250 days per year. Entry forms, which must be malled to OCTD headqu.artera, 11222 Acacia Park Way, Garden Grove, must be received by 5 p.m. April 28. The drawing will be April 29. The winner of the trip for two will be announced May 3. No purchase ia necesaary. All entrants must be 18 or older. Entry forms are avallable.on buses or at the tranah dlatrict office. • Orange Coat DAILY PILOT/Tueeclay. Aprll 8, 1982 •ANN LANDERS •HOROSCOPE , •GOREN ON BRIDGE Don't push alcoholic beverage on non-drinker DEAR ANN LANDERS: I do not want a drink. I SHOULD not have a drink. I have no interest in a drink. I wish people would stop saying. "Oh, come on and have a glass of white wine. Don't be so stubborn! A Utt.le wine can't hurt you!" Most of the self-appointed social arbi- ters who try to push alc:ohol on others would be in a lot better shape if they didn't have any themselves. Thanks for putting this where they can see it. -HOW DRY I AM AND GLAD OF IT IN MINNEAPOLIS DEAR DRY IN MINNEAPOLIS: Four c heers and a bouquet of orc hids for a sentiment that reflects my own. I have breasts like a girl's, almost. Not really big, but noticeable. Everything else about me is very masculine. I am so self - conscious about this that I am hiding most of the time. I never wear a T-shirt, and I al- ways cover myself with a towel when I am in a locker room. I would like to date but am afraid that a girl might get too close to me and learn my secret. Does this condition have a name? Have you ever heard of anyone else who has it? What is the cause? Do you know of any pills or injections I might take to cure it? Is there an operation that could be done? How much would it cost? P lease help me. I just can't ask anyone else, a nd you seem to know a lot about medicine. -INFERIORITY COM- PLEX IN AN ALIEN BODY These days when white wine ls clearly the most popular beverage on the cocktail party circuit, it's useful to remind people that 11,ViDe is an alcoholic beverage. If they drink enough of it, they will get just a s snockered as they would on vodka or scotch. DEAR J.C.: The condition _you describe is called gyoecomastia. It is not uncommon. Many males have it to a varying degree. First you must go to a doctor and find out if the trouble 18 hormonal. If it ls, me- dication will help. DEAR ANN LANDERS: I am a male. now 18, and have had this problem since I was 9 years old. I don't know quite how to say this. but I'll do my best because I need your help. Are you taking any drugs? If so, this could be creating a chemical imbalance and causing your breasts to develop. The alter- native is surgery. It need not be extensive, TV ON A SHOESTRING -J ohn Schwartz, 31-year-old founder of KBDI, operates a public television station in Broomfield, Colo., on a small budget with a disarming, low-technology ~ W1reptloto approach. ln two years the station has proved it can win and keep a loyal audience with programming that ranges from the off-beat to the thought-provoking. GOREN ON BRIDGE BY CHARLES H. GOREN AND OMAR SHARIF Nor th South vulneriible. East deals. NORTH • AQ 5 4 I:' AQ64 O K 1085 +K WEST EAST +8 +1076 ?J 875 'V K 102 O H32 O AQ6 + J1043 + A Q97 OUTH •KJ 932 ~ 93 0 J 9 • 8652 The bidding: Eut South 1 + PaH PaH 1 + Pa11 4 + Pue We1t North PalP Obie PHI 3 . Pa11 p .. , Opening lead: Jack or +. Bridge is really a simple game. You take your tricks and give the opponents theirs. Of course. ~ometimes you have to do that in the right order! Despite East's opening bid. North-South had no l,.rou ble reaching their gam~ At has second turn North cor rectly jumped to three spades despite the fact that his king or clubs was prob ably useless. Since he had doubled in the balancing posi· tion. a raise to two spades would have confirmed on!·· a full openfog bid. · West led the jack of clubs to the king and East's ace. and Eut returned a low club. Declarer ruffed in dummy. Since East surely held the king of hearts and ace of diamonds for hi1 opening bid. the problem is to keep We1t off lead until the diamonds are established for a heart discard. There is no problem if East also holds the queen of diamonds. but what i( that card is with West? rr you draw two rounds of trumps. ending in your hand. and then run the jack of diamonds, East wins and returns a trump and you are lost. Even coming to hc.nd with one round of trumps is too many. for East will force dummy's trump honors with club ruffs and so promote his ten of trumps. BEDWETTER LET THEM HAVE A DRY BED "'° ... -.... , ... -........ __ , .. _.,. ... ._.,, _ ..... -.. --..-... --... -..... -..-. .. -" -._ . ....,.._ ... ,.......... ..-- --·--or· .. ---....-..... --., ......... -.. -........ -_,.._ l .... ..__ .. _,,. __ ,.. ... ___ ,.ll .... It'" .• ._.~,----... ....... "Equally Effective for Adults" r-.;;:,7;;;.;~7,;;;:;;;.;;L~;;o~-~ 311 1'111t Str•I I NallooM, WI S4457 t I PAR(NTS NAME : A~ESS : CITY STATE--Zll'-: ""40Nl AOl --I • l'ecdtc: ,,...,.,.._ uo tt71 ,,._.. • 501 : ... - • 1, I • f ~ 0 '\..If , ' " o ' I ' -• Obviously, you have to play on diamonds before you touch trumps. As the cards lie. you can lead any diamond from dummy and win. But leading a low diamond would lose the contract if West held the queen -he would win and shaft to a heart through the ace.queen before the diamonds are established. Since Easl surely has the ace of diamonds. the winning play as the king of diamonds from dummy at trick three! Easl wins lhe ace. but declarer 1s in control. The hearts cannot bt> attacked, and even i£ West has the queen of diamonds, by the time he gets in with that card, dummy's diamonds are set up. How do you cboote the be1t opelliq lead? Cba.rle1 Gorea bu tbe aa1wer. For a eepy of .. Wlnnfq Opealq Lead1," Had 11 .85 to "Gona·Lead1," can of ~. aew.,.,.r, P.O. BOll. 259, Norwoed, N.J. 078'8. Mab ellleek1 payable to Nawt- paperbool&1. nor incapacitating. Tbe cost depends on lbe surgeon. I bope you wlll take my advice, ion. What a tragedy if you allowed this problem to turn you into a p~rmanent loner and ruin your Ufe. DEAR ANN LANDERS : My wife reads you r column daily and quotes you as an authority on every subject imaginable. Will you please settle an argument? My w :fe refuses to initiate sex -ever. I tell her it would be very flattering if she made the first move once in a while. Her answer , "l wasn't brought up that way." Am I asiong too much? We have three grown children and are quite happy other- wise. -J .F .. MILLBURN. N.J . DEAR MILL: My reply may cost me a· fan, but I'm with you. It's difficult to go :1"i c tF. ~Si _ANi_N_LA_N_DE_IS.......,r p .... +_ against one's upbringing, but it's not lm- po11ible. Since it would please you lf your wife made the first move, now and then, abe should try It. She might llke it. Don 't get burned by a "line" that's too hot to handle. Play it cool with Ann Lan- ders' guide to "Necking and Petting -What Are the Limits?" Send your request to Ann Landers, P.O. &x 11995, Chicago, m. 60611, en closing 50 cents and a Jong, s tamped, self-addressed envelope. Leo receives accolades Wednesday, April 7 ARIES (March 21-Apr il 19): Rela- tionship is more serious than originally anticipated. Focus on contracts, commit- ments, negotiations, marital status. Be ready for change, intensification of creative pro- cess, discoveries and outlets for sales pro- motions. TAUR US (April 20-May 20): What appears to be a loss wall rebound in your favor. Family member. who had been dis- pleased, will experience change of heart. Basic services improve. employment picture brightens and your outlook will be more positive. GEMINI {May 21 -Ju,n~ 20}; hura ol romance dominates scenario. Personal mag- netism soars, morale is elevated and you're given exciting assignment. Focus on young persons. speculative venture and dealings with Pisces, Cancer, Virgo individuals. CANCER (June 21 -July 22): Pa~t ef- forts pay dividends. You get wha't you ask for, but freedom of movement is temporarily restricted. Accent on home. property, safety devices and basic security. Older individual will lend benefit of experiem.'e. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Accolades rec- eived from people in distant places. Focus on versatility. humor, self-expression and via- ble concepts. You're praised for ideas and short trip could be part of exciting scenario. Aries, Libra and other Leo figure promi- nently. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): New start in new direction results m additionaJ income. You locate m aterial which had been mis- placed or stolen. You're on brink of impor- tant discovery Timing, judgment, intuition are on target. Leo, Aquarius persons play key roles. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Impulse causes you to telephone right person at propitious time. You're pulled in two direc- tions -decision will be made in your favor. Aquarius. Cancer. Leo persons play impor- tant roles. You'll make valuable contact - surprise element is involved. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. Nov. 21): Look beyond the immediate. You now can have clear view of your own potential. You're on brink of what could be a remarkable disco- ; Art Show ELECT • HOROSCOPE BY S IDNEY OMAR A very. Popularity increases -you receive invitation to an interesting social event. · SAGITTARI US (Nov. 22-Dec. 2 1): Friend acts in eccentric manner. If patient, you gain a'nd can al.so aid one close to you. Key is to be thorough enough to detect clues. to sense subtle nuances, hints. Aqua- rius. Scorpio. Taurus persons figure promi- nently. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Accent on notification which s pells promotion, prestige, responsibility and reward. Gain shown via written word and greater degree of self-expression. Member of opposite sex will confess feelings. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Emphasis on family. communication, travel plans. ability to get views across m clear, dynamic manner. Family members make concession, talks about gifts. payments and collections. Taurus. Libra, Scorpio persons figure in scenario. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Your abi- lity to sense events before they occur is highlighted Your impressions are co rrect, you are able to define terms. to streamline techniques and to recognize self-deception when you encounter jt, Another Pisces is in picture. POT SHOTS BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT lT'S TRVIL TM~~E'S I". WAL.L. A~OUNO ME , t!ll} ......... '9f' ., .... • i:f "O"'•• .......... .,, ()i.~ fH0-1""9 ~·"l ~, -0 •I• I"(" BUT YOU C AN CHOOSE W~-41CH SIDE TO SE ON. Huntington Center daily thru Sat. CORRECTION (=]:3!§ii!·l In the Seers April 6th Advertising Section there Is en edvertlse- m en t for selected Quilted Bedspreads. The sale price or the Twin size end the Full size bedspreads are transposed. The sale price or the twin size ts $25.99 and the sale price or the full size Is $29.99. We sincerely regret this error. I Sears I Easte~ Bonnet. P1rad1/Priz11 For children 2 thrv 7. ult put on their booMtl and brhig them to Huntington c.nttir thll Sot. ot 10!30 AM to enter. Pcrode and , fudglno 1tam ot noon. H.B. City Council QUALIFIED I] BUD BELSITO Is a proven leader experienced in city planning, budgeting and administration, as well as having earned advanced de- grees In Public Management and Law. ~4dltiljtijl0j;i I) IUD BELSITO s endorsed by the Huntington Beach Police Officer's Association'. ~U 1Jl,.Uj1MXI IUD BELSITO s a ongtlme resident dedicated to a bright future for Huntington Beach. FOR ALL HE WILL DO THIS BUD'S FOR YOU! Paid For By The Bud Belalto Election Committee 1.0. 820348 6901 Wam.t Ave •• Huntlngt0n Beech 02848, Tom MC>Mfey Chakmln Orange Coatt DAILY PILOT/Tuesday, Aprll 6, 1982 Sinking gold prices trouble towiI LEAD, S.D. (AP) -The eoonomic health of thb Black Hilla town that aha atop th e richest gold mine in North America ls as good u gold - and that spells trouble. Falling gold prices have hit hard on the m1nirur town of 4,300. Thln y-ihree worken lost their jobs April 1 at the Homestake Mining Co., the first layoffa at the mine in 40 years. The remaining 1,650 Homes- take workers .....--whose earnings are lied to the pri<;e of gold -will see a slight drop ln their paychecks. The Homestake mine. which pro- duces about 30 percent of the gold mined in the United States each year, is the largest industrial employer in western South Dakota. It paid $40.8 million in wages last year. Everyone here either works for Homestake, is a dependent of some- one who works for the company, or liv• on lnoome earned by providing services to the mine and its workers. Homeatake estimates that 11,000 people In the Black Hilla depend on the gold mine and ita employees for a substantial eortion of their Income. Because of dropping gold prices, the gold mine In Lead -the largest of several min es o wned by the San Francisco-based Homestake Mining Co. -lost $120,000 In February. said mine spokesman Scott Zieske. T he monthly loss was the first suffered by the mine since 1976. The price of gold, which peaked at about $850 an ounce In January. 1980, is carried each day on the front page of the local newspaper, the Lead Daily Call. By the end of last week, the price of g_old had fallen to $329 in New York, although it rebounded Monday. Gold prices have been depressed lately because ot large sale» by two major producers, the Soviet Union and South Africa. The Soviets, who own large atorea of gold , needed cash to finance purchases of Western gram because of a bad domestic crop and to assist Poland with Its debt repayments to the West, aorne analysts say. South Africa has been selling to raiae cash to alleviate a balance of payments pro- blem. In addition, OPEC nations have been selling gold to raise cash to ope- rate their governments, usually fi- nanced by revenue from petroleum sales. That revenue iB down because ot the worldwide oil glut. "People here are watching the gold price more than anywhere else in the country, because it a ffects t hem most ," said Gordon Re n ner, w ho heads the staff of the United Steel Workers union local at the mine. ''The price of ,iold is a hot topic, it's on ever yb ody s mind," said Bill Waugh, a member of the execullvti board of the Lead Chamber of C.om- meree and a supennarket manager. "It kind of scares us," Waugb ad- ded. "One way or another, everything In Lead is connec t e d with Homestake." The elimination of 33 jobs at the mine marks the first time since 1942 that anyone h aa been laid off a t Homestake. At t hat time, the mine was ordered closed by the govern- ment for the duration of World War II. Before that, the only layoffs took place in 1936, and involved very few men. More layoffs could become neces- sary if gold prices continue to fall, and the mine could even be forced to close, said Al Winters. the mine general manager. Scientist: Video games do not hurt children LOS ANGELES (AP)-Parents of video-game enthusiasts, relax. B. David Brooks, who holds a doc- torate in behavioral science from U.S. International University in San Diego, said he conducted his survey both by watching from the cover of a van and by talking to children pouring quar- ters in to such games as Pac-Man, Gorf, Berzerk and Space Invaders. A Long Beach behavioral scientist surveying video games arcades in Los Angeles and Orange counties the past two months concludes that, contrary to popular opinion, video games aren't a hazard to children. SHERWOOD FLORIST • 2302.1 Lake Forest Or. Laguna Hiiis 855-4213 AIRPORT R.ORIST 20041 s-to AM A•t . ss6:'i 744 O· Fountain Valley DAVE'S FLOWERS of Fountain Valley 16076 Harbor Blvd. Fountain Valley 839-1010 llFTH Ci .AVENUE (1 1 FLORIST 609UWntr Jlllltilften Beac~ HE • FLOWER GAZEBO 25351 Al/cl• Ptoq Unit B l..llQU,,. Hiii•, C•. (714} 788-21131 'MILE SQUAR FLORIST 16519 Brookhurat St. Fount.In Valley .839-5200 JERI'S FLORlST • llSl:Z .._ ... ........... .._. 962-0013 .... c.-c:.. .__..., _. Huntington e. Beach DAVE'S FLOWERS of Huntington ~ach LEE'S FLOWERS 791 Westmlnater Ave. Wfftmlnater 891-2569 ~ ALICIA'S W fLOWHS & GfFTS I 1 7~~·.:."!:':.~~ ... .._. ... ~ ...,,...,. .. _. 833-1 8~3 HUNTINGTON BEACH FLOWER MARKET 17955 Beach Blvd. e (at Talbert) HunHngton Beach 847-9614 "My research is clearly showing that the myth of the dangers of the apparatus, the myths relating to loi- tering, littering and doping that sup- posedly occur in video game arcades and the other myths surrounding this very public emotional issue are just that, myths,'' said the 43-year-old DUCKY LUV'S FLOWERS 118C Agate ' Newport Beach 675·9484; 644-5565 •• COLLINS~ FLOWERS 21-' SouUI Harbor Blvd. Anaheim, CA 750-0451 Westm1n11er DAVE'S FLOWERS of Westminster 6332 WHtmlnater Ave • We9tmlnater 894-5504 Broadway flower Shop 21'0 H.Alll OR I I.VO. at .AOAM$ 11nco11 ... c..,. ... 1 COST.A MESA. CAL.IFORNIA f'J62• flow..-1 for All Occo•ion• o.-" ~onh o,,... Surtdoy• ond Holldoy1 8861 Ada m s 842-0696 Huntington Beach DIA){]'XE VARON • 964-3718 Qxv~s. former high school principal He said children are not mesmeri- zed by the games. "I believe that all the fuss ts about the same sort of in tense concentration that kids devote to many activities like climbing trees or playing jacks." R EMINDER (714) 75 1-4705 3841 BIRCH STRH N£WPORT BEACH, CA 92660 (714) 964 -6344 2211 Martin . Irvine , Ca . (714 ) 752-1780 AP Wlf9Photo ACTRESS HONORED -Loretta Swit, who portrays Major Margaret ''Hot Lips" Houlihan on "M.A.S.H .. " holds the 1981-82 Genji Award presented by American Women in Radio and Television, Southern California Chapter, for her accomplishmen ts in t he entertainment field and community projects. S f;m '1N1; COSTA MESA • IRVINE NEWPORT BEACH CORONA DEL MAR HUNTINGTON BEACH FOUNTAIN VALLEY ~~!· 19-$1¥191';1 2640 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa South Coast Plaza Florist 3333 S. Bristol Costa Mesa • (714) 754-1607 DeMURL'S FLORIST 2675 Irvine Ave., Ste 1-B3 Costa Mesa (Irvine Ranch Mkt . shopping center 646-4479 HERITAGF · FLORIST 14474 Cu lve r Dr. Ste D. ''Always the Seasons Finest" FLOWERS~ Pl.ANTS~ !.CCESSORIES Order early. This Easter send the FTD * Glory of ~pring TM llouquet Irvine 857-1111 THE R.OWH . GARDEH I 6082 hoc:h lt.d. Mouctiltc)fon hoch Gifts & Balloon 't1 Bouquets .~ 1 A Complete & Unique Florin • .. 21562 Brookhurst St. ' Huntington Beach, CA.' •962-6687 Call 842-H71. Put a few word• to work for ou. 2983 HARBOR BOULEVARC COSTA MESA, CA 92626 2275 NEWPORT BLVD. -· 714-540..3135 COSTA MESA, CA 92627 ' rder elirty - Avoid DIH ppolntment I .I 1630 San Miguel Drive, Harbor View Center • 644-4060 . 448 East 17th Stteet, Costa Mesa • 645-8144 MOORE FLOW ERS Best Selection In Orange County OPEN EASTER SUNDAY • 1215 Baker Costa Mesa 556-7870 6013Warner Huntington Beach 847-3212 272 7 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach (Corner of 28th & Newport Blvd.) f '675-2292 I Specialty created to celebrate the season. Wrth colorful carnatio ns. Elegant iris. Bright daisies. And beautiful mums. Even on FTD® Easter Bunny. All In on exclusive FTO Woven Wiiiow Bosket. Or welcome spring by sending the traditional FTD Easter Uty or FTD Easter Gorden~ Planter. .u ... Orenge Coast DAILY PILOT /Tuesday, Aprll 6. 1982 THt: t'AMILl' CIRCl'S BIG GEORGE by Virgil Partch (VIP) "When a commercial comes on could you change the sheets on my bed?" '(, "Hey, I think I've got a bite!" / '9 \ R fl \ D l K •: by Brad Anderson 1n:.,,IS THt: :'9 •:' \l·•: Hank Ketchum (· l'"Y"' ' \ .. ( ''~ 1' ' "It's uncanny how you always know when I'm in the shower!" Jl OGE P \RKER D !) WAfJ 0RAOUATED 5UMMA CUM LAUDE FROM cou.EGE , MADE l..AW REVIEW IN LAW ~HOOL.5PENT ' TWO YEAR5 IN THE COUNTY ATTORNEYS OfFICE IN DENVER AND COME5 FROM A Dl5TIN6Ul&HED FAMILY OF LAWYE~. AND HI& FATHER WA& ' llOO' lll Ll~l~S A LONC>-TIME FRIEND OF YOUR&' RIC,HT? 'lou ANt> YoUR PERSONAL RADIO 1-4 EAD SET, MOON -- You'RE MIS5 1 N~ A WoNDEf(?FUL FIL.M oN APHIDS .. ACROSS •9 01fecllon MONDAY'S I Ground 50 Bird PUZZLE SOL YEO ' WHO 010 M{)No,\Y PICK 00 BEF~ SHE AAO us ? t by Harold Le Doux HER FATHER WA5 ONE OF MY Ct.05E.&T FRIEND5' WE WERE WOMMATE& IN LAW SCHOOL' bv Jim Davis by Ferd & Tom Johnson II r I SAID You FORGOT you~ aATTSRIES, So You CAN'T POSSIBLY BE HE.ARING ANYTHIN<S !! cover 5 I E•c1led Dial 5 Crall 53 Melhoe1 1 2 3 4 10 Cheek 55 Chart s c IOI l& l A S SA l T S 14 Preoos111on 56 Assignment c " HE I II IE HA T II A I l 15 -novs 61 Declaim 16 Celebrity 62 I.Bek of talent 17 Relali~e 64 -"'a wntte 19 Stripped 65 Failure 20 Headc.lrf'u 66 Ended 2 words 67 Oogardenmg 2 I Cull membe1 68 Simple song 22 Pleased 69 -Robles 23 Sea 1>1rds Cal 25 Wager DOWN 26 BambOO I Smog 30 Egg drink 2 Aware ol 31 Stands 3 Gr11dallon ii[A fj IA .. IC I l AS I 0 E IEtr iJ D [IE T A OE 11 E 0 •I I Iv I ..... l I f N--11.IE -T R I A l s ...•. '" ... A DA • H 8 -0 0 A ., IO P}A d tlPIS All! A Y S A fT i tr T -IA I • "•TIA TT E R CA v E fl ~" S• l A RO E 0 A M • p p l E C OHE M l N C E II E •• H U ES IA A! E • ( ' T E 17 20 3• Single 4 Coll 24 R202 ( 1919-25) 36 Sovtll student 25 Lowland 'Cl Pitcher part Alricans 5 Defeated 26 Hut 4 1 Hawser 38 Girl's name 6 N Y s neigh 27 HaVtng wings 46 B1vouac1o:oo 39 RAF victory. bor 28 "Never'" 48 Sensual WWII 7 AnltQue 3 words 51 Asian ctty 3 words 5 words 29 W1th1n Prel 52 Can prov 42 Give -8 Lock 31 Be oll-ba99 53 Ship aree -wfllfl 9 Spanish 32 Reluga 54 Airway 43 ONd flnlt/l tr11SI 33 Barracuda 55 lns!ptd 44 -Dame 10 Scorches Var 57 Impasse 45 OeflOIOus 11 Corrupt 35 Vlol1n1st 58 Fiii c;lty t>wvertge 12 Mlxe< Mischa -59 Poetry • 47 Noon end 13 LUVf or pung 37 Ge<'"-n 60 Cruet ruler 4 1.11'1 II AdlPOM pretk!ent 63 F1vorl11 -.. ·" PEA~l'TS They could never uyrt'~ 011 anyth l11y " . Tl' M BLE" EEDS PEMMICAN BU~tiERS l' LL PRAC TICE FOR THE BIG BUBBLE GUM CONTEST GORDO 11Why don't we 1 rul k on down to the bi~e !>hop?" she asked OH. DEAR-·-IT EXPLODED IN MY F='ACE i.4,H'I SU L ..... 'VJ, L.0J:'r=!" 'IQL)R • C~li.J'.:> AK:E f ~~1 N1..,;._ ~-A\:UIE r:'Al...:'A\11 .\ ~E:TED Alf" 'T'..:'()A~ Wlf'H •.%>J1Ci;:• \:l'rt;:i;:/..J ! .::F COU~! !HAI'.:; IT: -1-b OM..~_. ......... _ .. rfl'.i HEART I~ B£Ai1NG A MILE A MINUTE, BUT I'VE CDPI E:O OOOJN ALI.... OF BARr{() BALDE.RMAN I~ AN5UJER5 ! ,, IF I MAKE Ii lHl<OU6H lH IS Wlft-1 - 0UT G€filN6 c.AU6HT, I'll NEVER CHEAf A6AIN .1 'tO\l"~E.. ~lltR WE.Ll, I IJ~5 .,s~o ME.. ~w~-1s ~f~t>.10 ~J~E.~ 10. 6'!1 ~I THIS GUY W H O 'S 'fAKIN' YOU 10 'fHe MOVI e 10- N I G H 'r, !WINKie: ... W HAl 'S He t.,IKf:? FOR BETTER OR f OR •o RNE HQ_'{ caJ,l.PWf\t:NCE WORK HASITu 1f"r -~ AT MY f'roJI~, ooe5 WE.LL REfbf{T" C~ ! IN MATH, IS A GOOD L\.SJCNER ... .. No," he said "Lt>f., bike un down to the trulk :,hop .. LI B1. by Charles M Schul z Their murnaye loun .. ~lur was not <..1t all encoura9in9. by Tom K Ryan by Jeff MacNelly M\KE WAUACE AND 1Uf, ~ Mlt.JlJTES" ~ J°'T PUU.W l~TO M ~VEWt\Y. p11 ,\ \ \ .4 · \1 \ (LL TRY AGAIN_/ by Ernie Bushmlller ..... -- -I :::£_F ~~!<:"~ .... "'--SELF- :71f<:.E:::i3&< ... ~:.. 1.\:'1 f P1...ITE,;: :-c._.'='~-1~ 1.\IEC" f-\t =~' bv Gus Arriola by Tom Bat1uk WAii A f'(l1NlJfE. 1 HE.'6 CJiAN61NG ONE OF Hlo MlSWE.R!:J ' mAT TURKEQ '! r r~if"HE~ WHAi HE IJJGS OOrN&!! by Kevin Fagan eu-r COUL-D :!. BORROW A L-ARGE PHONE: e>OOK FOR J HIM -ro s1-r ON~ l·p M~.~E~E THAT? .. BUT"SHE SI )buR. \>JORS1"' ENEM'f. 1GuE$SHE LI KE.S ME.ON PAPER. , '1 Toy car sales • soaring KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia (AP) -Althouah American automakera are aolna throu1h ono ot thelr wont aal" alumpa since the De])reuton, one U.S. comp~ny hero 11 cburnlna out 700,000 can a week and bopm to booat that figure to a mllllon by lhe end of th1a year. ~ How? It's chlld'• play. Mattel Inc., the U.S.-bued toy manufacturer, 1aid it ia adding 60,000 aquare feet of apeice at its factory in Prat, 180 m1lea north- west of here, and m.t.l11ng more modem equipment to help boost the production of toy cars, which are exported mainly to the U.S. and Europe, according to Bob Miller, the financial controller for Mattel Malaysia Ltd. Orange Cout DAILY PILOTITueeday, April 6, 1982 Kodak policy upheld Ill TRJ!:NTON , N .J . (AP) -Bv JERRY HERTENSTEIN you from slumber. Easunan Kodak Co. has ihe right 0t'\M o.11r "°' ,..,. You think, ah-ha, finally. Wrong. to refusl' processing of what it It might be less frustrating being a repor~r ln the There is th.at even morl! familiar WlnOymg steady hum con11idt-rs "lewd" photos of wo- Orange Coast area if we didn't have to de pend on that of a disconnect. men for Penthouse magazine, an so-called modem convenience called the telephone Frustration. appeals court has ruled unani- mously. IT'S AN OLD joke, but have you heard the one about AND THERE ARE the holds that during the long wail The Appellate Division of w hen you call the ft.re department in Beverly Hills and get the caller gets a tin-sounding instrume ntal rendition of Superior Court upheld a lower the answenn. ~ servt'ce?. hin 1 blin "A .1 . p . "0 't ld court judge who said Kodak somet g vague y resem g pn m ans. r I cou could judge what was ''lewd" as That co d be close to the truth. be some lullaby that again puts the caller in dream world. long as the policy was a pplied Using the telephone during busin ess hours in busy You are snapped back to reality only when your elbow uniformly to all customers. Orange County always seems to have the slides off the desk or the telephone receiver dro~ from ln AprU 1980, Superior Court callers being put on ever-lasting hold. your relaxed hand, hitting the desk with a thud . Judge Sherwin Lester held that And there are those dag-blasted recorders. it was legal for Eastman Kodak "HELLO, THIS is s uper scoop, is "l'm sorry l'm not in right now (oh really?) but at the to refuse to process or return there a slim chance Mr. Never-in is in?" t o n e kindly leave your m essage . Beep , click , nearly 300 color slides it judged "Just a minute please." hum-m-m -m-m-m." were a "lewd exhibition of fe-. h f ·1-i· k male gertl~-" There it is -t at am1 1ar c 1c . Frustration . Some shots from an initial Then silence. More silence. Continued si-shipment withheld by Kodak's lence. Etc., etc .. 'etc. MEANWHILE, THE 10 minutes 'YOU had to get tha t Fair Lawn pcoc~mg plant were Five minutes lat.er, it's still silence. quote for the banner story that day has stretched into 30 of Cheryl Rixon, a former "Pet of ''Hello, hello, uh, he llo'?" you say in minutes. the Year" for the magazine. Mattel also has factories in your best pleading voice. H!ttnNaTHt Now there is a bigger problem. staring into the face of They were subsequently re- Hong Kong, Taiwan and the a scowling editor. turned to the magazine in August Philippines, where it makes. THEN IT HAPPENS. There is another click to snap Frustration. 1979, said Kodak lawyer Charles dolls. .~~~~~~~======~~~==========~====~~~~~~~==~==================================================~_;._Friedri._ch_.~~~--~~~- Students' • spring •. sedate FOR LAUDEEDALE, Fla. (AP) -The man who helped make Fort Lauderdale a mecca for vacationing college stud- e nts says ktds today aren't what they used to be. In 1959 , G lendon Swarthout, then a Mi- chigan State University professor of English, wrote a spicy little novel that became a hit movie, "Where The Boys Are," starring Connie Francis. Now there's talk of a remake. Allan Carr, who produced films s\leh as •'Gr ease," says he's trying to put a deal to- gether. Swarthout says times have changed. "Everything runs in cycles. Where once the kids coming to Lauder- dale were boisterous, now they are becoming more serious, more poli- tical in their outlook," said Swarthout, now re- tired in Scottsdale, Ariz. "In the 60s and 70s, the country had a ner- vous breakdown, led bl the kids. Maybe now its changing back again. It has to." Swarthout wrote the book after becoming cu- rious at his students' talk of spring in F ort Lauderdale. He flew to Florida in 1958. The heroine of h is book explains Fort Lau- derdale's allure: "Why do they come to Florida? ... What else is there to do except go home and f urthe r fo u l up the parent-c hild r e la - tionship? ... You've seen those movie trave- logues of the beaches on the Pribilof Islands u p by Alaska where seals tool in once a year . . . to pair off and reproduce. The beach at Fort Lat.1- derdale has a s imilar function." Party sl~ted The Newport Center Association will host a "get acquainted" cocktail party Wednesday from 5 to 7 p.m. at the Newport Harbor Art Museum, 850 San Clemente Drive. For reservations call 640-1862. No strikes S AN FRANCISCO (AP) -Sl1c tn1ematlonal unions and five Sao Francisco locala bay.e agreed not to strtke dty government or honbr picket ~--Other-Mft-. kers for the neJCt flv& years. Photos with~ East•a..., lrl~ YOllr dtAd to Huntington c.n ... for a , frff fun visit wfth .. Ea1t.r~.,... only S2.88 °" ,..-,. Doily 'tl1 !cater.~ Over the past six months, Californians have sheltered more tlian half a billion dollars from taxes in two forms of investment: Wells Fargo lax-Saver Certificates -.Wells Fargo Banks IRA Isiit Wells Fargo the kind of outfit youtl like to trust your money to now? See your nearest Wells Fargo office or call toll free: (800)982-6166 for more information. Mflmnnl f DIC Sutr.Ltnll.'11 peoollltS R1 the ~I Ol &3<1'f W1lhdr.1wo1 ... -·~----- -0rang9 Cout DAILY PILOT/Tue.day, Aprll e, 1982 Volunteers 'win battle Kids heralded for combatting Fort Wayne flood .. ~ FORT WAYNE, Ind. (AP) -Ma_yor Winfield MOHS Jr. called lt the "Children'• Cruaade," an exhau1Un1 week when an army of volunteer• fOUjht a r1lln8 wall of water with a wall of aand - and won. ''The kidl were p-eat. They were the bulk of , the voluntewa." Fort Wayne Public Safetr Coordi- nator Anthony Meyers, Mid. "It wun't JUll kida. There were teachen, old peorle, dty officlala. But. the kida were the main cos o that wheel." Beatnnlna March 13, Indiana'• aecond-largest clty wal invaCled by the riaing waters of the Mau- mee, St. J~ph and St. Mary'• riven. Melting snow and early IJ>l1n8 rains droye the rivers more than 10 feet above flood stage. Nearly 10,000 people were forced to at.ndon their homes. About 35,000 people worked to aave them. I Parta of Fort Wayne now look like a battle- field. Walla of 1a11dbags, hurled up to thwart the flank.inR maneuvers of the rising rivers, still snake along dlkea and river banks. Property damage in the city of more than 170,000 people was estimated at more than $21 million. City offictal.s characterized the week In military tenns "It waa hand-to-hand combat with the water," said Frank Heyman, city controller. When the floodwaters receded, sump pumps spewing dlrty water indicated where the battle lines were overrun -where the rivers broke through and submerged cars, lawns and basements. In other pl.aces, the enormous walls of sandbags -showed where the city had won -where the water was held back and houses were saved. ' Pemberton Drive is one of those places. Many of the neighborhood's two-story homes are within yards of the earthen dike that holds back the Maumee River. ' On March 17, the area was empty. Officials, fearing the 69-year-old dike might not hold, asked residents to leave. But hundreds of volunteers streamed in, hea- ving sandbags from ann to arm, hand to hand. Long hnes of vofunteers. many of them teen-agers, stretched through muddy yards from the trucks to the dikes. Earlier in the week, Terrl_Lovejoy, student council president at Northside High School, asked fellow teen-agers for help in ra<jio broadcasts. "You can do three things," he said. "G<> to the movies, go·to the malls or help save the city." Watch for our Warehouse Con-· sollc•tlon and In Store Ware-· house Sale Aprll 24th a 25th •t our Coata Mesa Store only. . 1591 NEWPORT BLVD., COSTA _,,~.MESI . '1 . fJOll· t"l'e#leltt -1.e .. 0,11 s.Mlp 12110-1 P.I. 142·20IO --- s10 ,ooo PAID TO YOU For introducing me to o good wife. You probobly know -rol o · ceptionol women !hot would gs! you !hot bonvt ii you think about it for o min!M. If you are lhot exceptiooal womon, look fo,...ord to it en Q wedding "*'. White mole, Conodlon bom consulting engiMer. 41 yeon, 6', 180 lb1 .. ecny goin9 merry peNOf'Olity, recently divorced ond wittlovt custody of chRdren, receive1 very generou1 income from hi1 own bu1•neu, -~ ot Newpo.1, vocanon houM in mountoins lki oreo, member Mtinlo, finittling o law degree, p""l2M pilot, fk.ent in French, play1 -ol mvtlcol 1nrtrvment1, eftthulicxtic lennt1 player, .kier, 101lor, ~trawl in Europe ond long walk> an the beach al sunwl, detires toll, trinl, ond nceptionolly attroctive womon, athletic ond non·1molt.,, wlttl a brlght ond happy penonolity, 25 to 35, wcceuful ln a prafeulcNI or bu1inel1, and wann to com;,-ti.r cor..,, good family bcdvrvund and a happy relotiomhif> with all around her. Mu11 won! to thare life and morrloge with lhi1 man, be able to mo- no~ a hOUM, cool< -11. look fo,...ard to children, and find joy and 1ofitfactlaft in fl>oM fhincp. P.O. &o• 16686, Irvine, CA 92713 ,......... BnaJ6M and Dinner Mau Coc1daaa ']ody Boar" daily from 4pm to 7pm ~bland · 203 Marine Pwenue (BttrandWlne SeMce Only)· 7:00AM IOOOPM C.. ..... ·Harbor Shopping Center 2300 Harbor Blvd · 8 OOAM 9 OOPM Lalll Porat· Just off 1·5 at l.al<t Forest Dr 22873 Lakr Foresl Drive · 1 OOAM 9 OOPM Thouaanda of the teen-agera came out to aave their dty. "Theee ktda have done wonden," aald Betty Collini, coordinator of the volunteer ataging area at the dty'a Memori.al Col.iaeum. In the coU.wn'a bMement, an enonnoua ant colony of volunteen worked for five daya atraight. Under hanh neon lilhta and clouda of duat and auto exhauat, thouaanda of lw\da and ahovell turned a mountain of aand into nearly a million aandbagis. "We've had eome kida working here four daya withou t going home. Some of tneae klda have bandage. up to their elbowa," Mn. Collini Mid la- ter. "All the akin on their forearms has been rubbed off by the sandbags. But they just come In here, get some aalve and bandages put on and go right back out there." One was Christine Meyers, 17, a student at Northaide. "I've just been fillinJl sandba~a . . . ba~ and diking. They keep sending me back home to get some sleep, but I keep cominR back," ahe aald. CHILDREN'S CRUSADE -High school stu - dents celebrate as they sit atop sandbags on a truck in flood-ravaged Fort Wayne, Ind., on Mardi 17. Students in the northeastern India- ,,...,....,,... na city spent several days away from school during the flooding to stop the leaks in the dikes erected to protect the city. SHUTTERS CUSTOM QUAUTY SHUmRS Designed, Finished ~.­ Installed - 28 Years Ex perience Manufacturing Quality Shutters FINEST QUALITY SHUTTERS AVAILABLE ON THE MARKET TODAY ... AT FACTORY DIRECT PRICES! can (714) 548-6841or548-1717 HERWOOD MANUFACTOIY 19n Placentia Avenue • Costa Mesa. CA 92627 "Let your house pay for its own. remodeling!' -Bob Hope Cal Fed's Homeowner\ Equity Loan. Easy 111011ey. Perk up. Inflation may have done you a favor by sending your home's value soaring. It created a valuable equity you can bo1Tow against with a Cal Fed Homeowner's Equity Loan. Borrow for any reason. Remodeling or redeco- rating. Fbr vacations or college. Fbr a mountain cabin. For anything. You name it. It's a fully amortized loan. Up to 15 years to repay. With competitive, simple interest rates and no balloon payments. And no penalty for paying off early. Phone for the f acLc; now. Other lnans and credit available: Auto, Boat., Mobile Horne. Persanal, Property lrnprovemenL Purchase Money Securul Revolving Line of Credit~ Visa. MasterCarrl . C CAUFORNIAFEbeRAt. . Savings and Loan ASSOCtatiOn Costa Mesa: (714) 546-8510 •Anaheim: (714) 776-0092 f;1 i tl ~~'I tl DI~ I DI liii For Backache, Stiff Neck, Spinal Problems & Stress. Newest Most Modern Technique of Self Help Buy or Rent ltclldes Free DeliYery aid Oe101Stratio1 A-1\/\~1 Call for Further Information ~ft BacftSUJinc 1 ~ IACKSWING SALES & llNTA&.S INC. (714) 839-8726 MEDICAL & SURGICAL SUPPLIES '"SERVING THE OOCT~ ANO HIS PATIENT" 400 NEWPORT CENTER DR .• SUITE 104 ' Newport Center Or. & San Miguel In The Medical Bldg. 833-0063 ' ' I llllyPlllt TUESDAY, MARCH e, 1982 ENTERTAINMENT TELEVISION C6 ca WALK.ON PEACENTAO!S FOR AA!A HIOH SCHOOLS ONC-'-U9: 7 WAlK.oN: 0 ON CAW'W: 12 WALIC.oN: 0 ROLL CALL -Here's how Orange Coast area high schools shape up on the subject TOTA&. COAQHU 23 33 29 37 OMC-31 WW(.()N· 38 ONC-· 32 WAl.X.QN-15 ONC-31 WAl.Jt.()N-2 4 OMC-; 25 WALIC.oN· 23 ON CAWUS: 32 WAut.oN: 30 ONCAW\19: 41 WAl.X.QN, 13 ( 59 ON~12 ONCAWUS; 18 ON CA.WIM: 5 ON CAWVS: 12 ON CAW\11; 12 ONC~ 15 ON CAMl'U&: 1 ONC-. 12 ONCAWW. 16 ON C AMll'US: 2 ONC-; 1 of walk-on coaches as compared to on- campus coaches. Real problems or saviors? Walk-on coaches: A fact of life at area schools By ROGER CAR~ON Of lhe Deltr .......... The walk-on coach -a real problem or a savior? Most students don't know the meaning of a walk-on coach. "He's not a walk-on," says Costa Mesa High senior wrestler Nick Ber- nacchi, "He's my coach." The product of decaying sports programs hit by declin.ing enrollment, Title IX (which requires "equal" programs for girls, as well as boys). teachers' unions and coach es simply stepping down (some forced, some not) for teachers' duties only, the walk-on is doing a tip-t.oe routine. He's being simultaneously considered in- dispensable for the survival of sports prog- rams, yet is considered one of the biggest problems on the high school campus. They come in all shapes and sizes, male and female, some pre tty good, some not so good, most not for long. A walk-on 1s any coach who isn't a cer- tificated teacher on that particular school's campus -someone who arrives in the after- noon for practice. He may be a teacher from another school, a 20 -year-old former athlete or no more than a gas station attendant. Or he could be a veteran with many years of coa- ching expenence on several levels, includ.ing the pros. So, there's a wide variance in walk-ons, they range from extremely capable to rookies, at best. The problem -usually -is the latter. In many instances desperation may sometimes cause carelessness. A big problem developed at Ocean View H.igh and a few weeks later it evolved into what may have been a very big mistake at Costa Mesa High. At Ocean View a freshman football coach was accused of forcing one of his players to lie on his stomach, then allegedly kicked the helmet.ed player in t~e head ~ eno~gh to cause a mild concussion, according to his mo- ther. At any rate, the coach was dismissed, then six weeks later showed up on the Costa Mesa High athletic staff and was with the Mustangs for three weeks before he was let go. Usually, persons employed in any phase of business are screened with some sort of background check. and the fact Costa Mesa High officials ~p~arently failed ~ follow through. is an indicator of the straits some schoo~ are in. "When I was hired at Newport Harbor, says track coach Eric Tweit, "they were just desperate." It's the same situation in many cases - such as Corona del Mar where Athletic Di- rector Ron Davis searched for a track ooach recently, putting out notices, and getting no response. Oraly John Blair's decision to return to coaching saved the Sea Kings' track and field (See WALK-ON, Page C%) NFL strike called 'ipevitabJ.C' Players union chief Garvey warns against lockout SALISBURY, N.C. (AP) -A' 10-year-old-veteran of the Balti- more Colts warned Monday that a player strike in the National Football League is inevitable, while the chief of the players union said if the owners decide on a lockout, he will ask that all players be declared free agents. "We a.re,,aoing to atrike," de- feruive U'Ckle flerb Orvla, the Colta' alternate player repraent- ative, told the Naticmal Sport- 9CU1era and Sportawriters AJJtto- ciation. "We are golng to be well or- gan.Ued. and we are going to win. This la our last sh ot and we're going to make It work." -Ecf Garvey, executive director of the NFL Players A8aoc:lation. explalnlng the unJon'a d emand for 55 peroenl of gra. revenues, said he bad ll01ed a coruplracy amooa all ot the big profe9iQnal oraanliaUona to hold down player aa1ariee. .'When Bueba1.1 Cor:nmillioner Bowie Kuhn appeared before Congress to speak on antitrust laws, he was speaking not only for baseball but for the National Footb'all League. the National Basketball Association, the National Hockey League, and the North American Soccer League," Garvey said. "Th-ey are making it a single busineaa entity, a partnership. The NFL is attempting to paint the league as not a slngle bual- nea but like Mobil OU, a corpo- ration with teams like a lot of gas stations." Garvey said t hat, wlth the aigning of a $2.1 bllllon telev1aion network contract recently, each team In th"'e leaBue will have grosa revenues of around $26 mlllion a year. "The playen' aha.re of th.la la only 30 percent," he aaid. "ln bueb.U, the of.ayen' share la 6f'> percent and 'ln baaketball two thirds of all gra. recelpta." The NFL players executive spoke out apin about the IJ'Ml disparity in salarie11 among the top professional sporta. "Football players average $83.' 000 a year," he saJd. "Kuhn, in recent testimony, said baseball players this year would be recei- ving an average of $250,000. Pro basketball pl.ayen average $215,- 000 and h ockey pla~era $125,-000." . Garvey aaid he d.id not share Orvis' gloomy prediction that a strike was unavoidable. "I am more optimistic," he ad- ded. "I feel that when we get down to the nitty-grlUl\ \he NFL will be compelled to Change lta atance and start negotiating with ua." Garvey reiterated that 600 of the player, ln the NFL , i.nclUdlng many of the top ltara, attended the recent players .meeting ln Albuquerque, N.M. · and reached a unanJmoua deci- lion that a demand tor a ~ter Iha.re of the arc-be punued. Was that Rich Saul toting the go lf bag at Mesa Verde? C2. Reggie era begins It's Angels vs. A 's, unless rain int~rferes By CURT SEEDEN O(thel)elr .......... Last year, Manager Billy Martin guided the Oakland A's to one of the best atarta on record, a 17-1 spurt which paved the way for the A's eventual American League West.em Oivi.alon cham- pionship. Tonight when Oakland hosta the Angea in the 1982 opener for both teams, just _Picking up. a victory may be a little more dif-• ficult for both teams. THANKS TO THE forecast of rain, there might not even be a game, which is sure to dampen On TV tonight channel 5 at 7:30 ' the spirits o( an anticipa,ed 45. 000 at the Oakland Coliseum. But if the game is plaY,ed , there will be plenty of intrigue - from the well-known dislike the two teams have for each other to the homecoming of Reggie Jack- son who now wears a haJo over his head. Ken Forsch (11 -7 a year ago) gets the call for the Angels, while the A's counter with Rick Lang- ford (12-10). While the Angel lineup has been tout.ed for the potential at every position and is sure to be scrutinized from the moment the first pitch is thrown, one veteran will not be under the watchful eyes of baseball experts. Fredd.ie Patek, the 37 -year-old utility infielder, was released by the Angels Monday as Manager Gene Mauch reduced bis roster to the 25-man limit. Also gone are veteran pitchers Bill Castro and John D' Acquisto. who like Patek, were released. THE ANGE~ also announced that left-handed pitcher Bill Travers will be placed on the disabled list while left-hander Jeff Schneider and outfielder Tom Brunansky were optioned to Spokane in the Pacific Coast Leagu~. Patek, a veteran of 14 major league seasons, nine with Kansas City, appeared in just 27 games for the Angels last season. The two-time American League All- • star had a .242 lifetime batting average. In another move, free agent in- fielder Ron Jackson also agreed to report to Spokane. That leaves the Angels with their high-priced lineup ready to do battle with the A's. Also ready to prove the critics wrong are the Angel pitchers who showed as much class as they could with three solid days of hurling against the Dodgers in the Free- way Series this past weekend. '1 CAN'T think of a guy on th.is team that doesn't feel like he's ready for the 1eaaOn.'' admits Mauch. The Angel manager, beginning his first fUll year at the helm, d.id plenty of experimenting during the exhibition season. but when the Angels and A's get together tonight, weather permitting, expect Rod Carew at first, Bobby -Grich at second, Rick Burleson at short and Doug De- Cinces at third. The outfield will include Fredd Lynn and Jackson and probably Brian Downing, leaving the designated h.itter role to Don Baylor. Bob Boone's performance in the Fr~eway Series, combined with Ed Ott's season-e nding injury (torn rotator cuff), makes him a shoo-in for the No. l cat- ching ~ignrnent. AS MALI GNED as the Angel pitching staff is, it is the Angel hitters who really found the going rocky a year ago. Only Rod Carew, who batt.ed over .300 l.aat year, had the year expected of him. Lynn flniahed the aeuon with an embarrassing .219 mark and Baylor wasn't much better at .239. Both are expected to im- prove consid erably on thoae numbers. Likewise, Jackson figures to improve on hl.S .239 batting ave- ra~e of a year ago in New Y ork, but his 15 home runs weren't bad for the strike-shortened sea- son. On the other side. Martin's A's have very little to prove. "If we ~et good pitching, we'll be tough,' the colorful A's ma- nager says.· Included in the Oakland lineup 1s former Dodger Davey Lopes, who at age 35. hit .206 a year ago. Umpires, leagues agree on contract NEW YORK (AP) -The only strikes umpires will be calling this sea.son will be on the batters in front of them. Just a few hours before the call of "Play ball!" was heard Monday in Baltimore and Cin- cinnati, the Major League um- pires' union and the American and National leagues agreed on a new four-year contract which, according to union attorney Ri- chie Phillips, "places umpires in ,the top one percent of all salaried employees in this country." The minimum annual salary, $18,000 under the old contract, is now $26,000 and the maximum, previously $50,000, is $75,000. The agreement also will pennjt the league presidents -Lee MacPhail of the AL and Chub Feeney of the NL -to assign umpires to the playoffs a nd World Series based on merit. ra- ther than the rotation system used in recent years. "We have the best umpires and now we will have the best of the best working the special events,'' said Phillips. He and the two league presi- dents reached the agreement around sunrise Monday a fter a 12-hour bargaining session and about 10 hours before home plate umpire John Kibler threw Cin- cinnati Manage r John McNa- mara out of the Reds' rain- shortened 3-2 Opening Day I~ to the Chlcago Cubs. "In the first year, salaries will increase an average of 40 per - cent, and over the four yea.is of the contract, the increases ave- rage 60 percent," Phillips said. "ln some categones, the increase is more than 100 percent over the term of the contract." Phillips said an umpire who made the first-year minimum of $18,000 in 1981 will have a salary of $26,000 this year and enjoy increases to $28,000, $30,000 and $37,000 over the life of the con- tract. And all umpires will enjoy significant gains in pension and insurance benefits. "The terms of this contract reflect recognition of the contri- butions umpires make to this great game. We are pleased that we reached it without the neces- sity of a work stoppage.'' There was an acrimonious seven-week s trike by the un.ion in 1979. "On behaU of both leagues, I would like to say we are very pleased with this agreement ,,. MacPhail told a noon news con~ ference announcing the contract. "We think it's fair and we are glad to see the umpires get rec- ognition in the upgrad.ing of their salaries. The pension plan we've negotiated is comparable-to the better ones in the country.'' The contract provides for a 100 percent increase in the pension plan, including a program to be- ne fit umpires already retired which will provide an increase of up to $2,500 annually in their pensions. Per diem payments will increase from $77 to $90 with cost of living allowances built in. too. BUSINESS AS USUAL -Kan1as City ahorta1op U.L. Wuhington leape over Balti- more'• Al Bumbry on a fon:e play at aecond bue in Monday'• American Ln·m won by the Oriolel, 13-S. ·- .. I ,.. Katt's 24th o p ener just like Christ mas From AP dl1patcbe1 Baseball season openers should a be old hat to 43-ear-old Jim Ka.at of the St. Louis tardinals -today marks hia 24th -but they're not. For him, It's like $1lother Christmas to a kid, a new packafe to open. " don't remember anything sensational or traumatic especially," says the big, persevering left-hander. "But they're all different and it's always exciting for me to start a new season." When the Cardinals take the field against Houston in a night game in the Astrodome, Jim Ka.at's name automatically wW go into the record books -the pitcher with the m06t years of ser- vice in the major leagues. For this mark, he doesn't have to start, as he won't. All that's necessary is that he be on the rosier -as he is -to pass F.arly Wynn as the all-time longevity king of baseball's maJOr league pitchers. He was tied at 23 seasons aft.er 1981. Kaat's definition of excitement and trauma must be different than that of most people. He certainly was skirting the fringe of th06e sensations in his first opener in Washington 22 years ago when President Eisenhower shared the . limelight with Ted Williams and a vicious wind. And then there was five years lat.er when, because of a Minnesota flood, he had to be heli- coptered to the stadium to face the New York Yankees. "Actuall~. I had been brought up to the Senators Crom Chattanooga in 1959, but my first opener was in 1960," he recalled. "The game was played m the old Griffith Stadium. The wind was blowing a gale from the outfield toward home plate. I remember some of the guys remarking, 'Well, there won't be any home rWlS today'." Quote of the day Br ian Kingman, Oakland A 's pitcher whose name is mentioned often in trade rumors: "I'm the only player on the team with a perforated page in the media guide That way, it's easier to take out whe n I'm traded." Baseball today On thla date In brulc~ll ln 1977: Seven years aflor the Ill-fated Pilot• moved to Milwauk~. maJOr lcagut! bucb&ll returned to &-auk lu the hnit Am("rl~n League game pluyNt 1ndoon1, tht• brand new Seattle Morhwn1 wt-r·~ ht'atl'n by tht• California A.ogt·lil 7 0 at the K1ngdonw On lhi8 date m I 973 Ron Blomberg of tht• N\•W York Yankc.'e!I became the firs t des1gnatt•d hitter In American League history, drawing a walk in the first inning of the Yanks' seuon opener against the Boston Red Sox. Blom- berg w ent l -for-3, while Boston designated hitter Orlando Cepeda went O-Cor-6 as the Red Sox beat the Yankees 15-5. Today's Birthdays: Cleveland 1ndJ.W pitcher Bert Blyleven. is 31. Seattle Mariners pitcher Ken Clay L~ 28. Hadl a Ram assistant? KANSAS CITY -Former [!] National Football League quarterback 4 • • John Hadl, offensive coordinator at the University of Kansas for the past three seasons, reportedly has accepted a .)Ob as an ~istant coach with the Rams. Radio station KCMO reported that Hadl confirmed by telephone from his Lawrence, Kan .. home Monday night that he had taken lhe job with the Rams, one of four teams for which he played in his 16-year NFL career. The Lawrence native also played for San Diego, Green Bay and Houston Sid Wilson, Kansas sports information di- rector, said Monday hight that the school pro- bably would release a statement regarding Hadl sometime today. . Hadl. 42, jomed the Kansas s taff in Fe- bruary 1977 as a quarterback coach . Canada to honor Bobby Orr Former hockey superstar Bobby Orr and sluing legend f(erman "Jack- Rabbit" Smith-Johannsen, 105 years old, are among the hve men who will be inducted mto Canada's Sports Hall of Fame in August . . Three Uruvers1ty of Kansas foot- ball players were placed on hve years of proba- tion Monday for their pleas of no contest to burglary and theft charges Renwick Atkins and Cedric Alexander pleaded no contest to the burglary .and grand theft chlirges, while Brod· erick Thompson of Cerritos, pleaded no t'Ontest to an amended charge of 'grand theft . . The Sun Belt Conference has added Old Dominion to the league. mcreasmg membership to e1~ht schools- Television, radio Following are lht• top sports events on TV tonight Ratings are v v v v t.'xcellent; v v v Dr. Long Ball cures Orioles worth watchmg; v v fair; v forget 1t. The early arrival of what Earl Weaver r.J 5:50 p.m., Channel 9 V V V V calls "Dr. Long Ball" was almost too ii 'U much for the Baltimore manager to NBA BASKETBALL: Ldkl•rs at Houston absorb. "It's unbelievable," Weaver Announcers: Ch1l'k Hearn and Keith Enck- said after the Orioles clouted four son. home runs, including a grand slam. by E ddie The Lakers mamt.ainC'd their 2 1 ·2-gamt• lead Murray, and crushed the Kansas City Royals, over Seattle in the NBA's Pacific.· Division with a 13-5 in the Americna League opener ~onday. 129-111 win over Portland Houston, meanwhile, The four homers and 13 runs were club records with Moses Malone lead.mg the charge, sull has a for the Orioles in opening day play . . . shot at the Midwest Divts1on utlc- Meanwhile, in the National 0 ,.. League, Keith Morel a nd 7:30 p.m ., Channel 5 V V v V ~ drove in two runs with a home run and a single, and ANGEL BASEBALL: Angels at Oakland B o m p Wills added a solo Announcers: Bob Starr. Jew Buttitta and Ron homer to power the Chicago Fairly. Cubs to a 3-2, eight-inning The Angels send k en Forsch (11 -7) agamst victory over the Cincinnati the A's tonight in Oakland Reds in a rain-sho rtened RADIO opener. Wills, who joined the Baseball -San Francisco at Dcxigers, 12.45 Cubs in spring training from p.m ., KABC (790); AngC'ls at Oakland. 7::l0 pm .. wunR the Texas Rangers, lined the KMPC (710). second pitch of the ball game from Mario Soto BasketbaJJ -Lakers a t Houston. 5.50 pm over the right field wall for a 1-0 lead. KLAC (570). . Georgia 'confused' about Raider. Illove? LOS ANGELES (AP) - National Football League Com- missioner Pete Rorelle has testi- fied that Rams owner Georgia Frontiere opposed the Oakland Raiders' proposed move because -0£ possible effects on league rules. When asked Monday by Rai- ders attorney Joseph Alioto if the threat of competition prompted Mrs. Frontiere's opposition, Ro- ze 11 e r eplied: "Absolutely untrue." The commissioner, testifying for the third day in the trial of the Raiders' antitrust suit against the league, said: "She was con- cerned that if the league brea- ched this rule, what other rules wou ld be breache d . She was confused and upset, just as the other owners were." ln another line of questioning. Alioto challenged Rozelle's con- tention that he was not aware in 1978, when ~ league rule con- cerning moves was changed, that the Raiders might move to Los Angeles. Ro7.elle said he learned of the possibility in 1979. A t th e October. 1978 NFL meeting ln Chicago, the league ch anged rule 4.3 of its constitu- tion, with the change requiring any franchise move to be appro- ved by three-quarters of the 28 team owners. Unanimous appro- val waa needed previously. Alioto displayed newspaper articles from 1978 which said it" waa a posalbillty the Raiders Would move. "Moet of the stories resulted from Kenneth Hahn (Loa An- geles County Supervisor) an- nouncing the Loe Angeles Coli- seum was looking for a ne w team.'' Rorelle Mid. At the Chicago meeting, Rai- den ~ General Partner Al Davia ealMd on the vote to ch•n l,:J,ll!f rule, eaytng he "leleh , bia right.a. San Diego and Washington also said they reserved their rights and the commissioner tes· tified that he told all th ~ club owne rs, " ... whatever rights Oakland is reserving, if any, you all will have." Those rights have not been described in court, and Rozelle said he did no t know to what Davis referred. Rozelle said he heard there were four NFL teams interested in moving to the Coliseum aft.er the Rams moved to Anaheim - the Minnesota Vikings, Miami Dolphins, Baltimore Colts, and the Raiders. He said he thought the Raiders were the least likely because they drew sellout crowds in the Oakland Coliseum. ALL-ST AR -Orange Coast College's Chris Beasley will play in the California All-star basketball classic April 16 in Fresno. Bt:asley, Turner ~et They'll play in state all-star classic FRESNO -Orange Coast College's Chris Beasley and Saddleba&'s George Turner will join the south unit Friday, April 16 for the fifth annual California All-star Classic, pitting the state's top community college basketball standouts. Beasley. an all-state selection and the most valuable player of the South Coast Conference. was Big fish catch Debra Goodaon of Santa Ana caught a 30 ~-i nch, 16-pound halibut ln Newport .Bay Sunday while flahiNt on a private boat. Coodson ia a member of the Lady Bleu musical group that is -currently entertaining tn the area. · \ a one-man show for Coach Tandy Gillis this season. Turner, likewise, also earned a ll -state honors and helped Coach Bill Brummel's Gauchos advance to the state playoffs, before they fell to Long Beach CC. Turner recently announced he wW attend UC Irvine, joining former Gaucho Coach BUJ Mul- ligan. Bill Fraser, wb08e Long Beach CC squad ousted Saddleback, will guide the south team, which also includes Riverside CC's Mike Kearse. Cypress' Jud Beardaley and Santa Monica CC's Mike Gerren. The contest is i.et for 7:30 p.m. at SeUand Arena here. The north unit Is coached by Keith Hughes who guided Col- lege of the Sequoias \o the state com munity coll basketball championahlp thla yeal · ' Deity PUot Photo by Richard Ko.tllef CENTER A TTRA<;TION Rams .. -cet1ter ' Cooper Me'!norial ~ 'Reart Golf Clas.51c Rich Saul (left) caddies for Estancia High's due April 19 at Mesa Verde CC. Bob Coo per in preparation for the Dave Cooper memorial tourney set Mesa Verde is site of scran1ble-jormat competition Ram!> t·t•ntt!r Rich Saul doesn't usually appear on J golf C'OUl°S(.' in :.u1 l .md tie and carrying a bag of dubs t.'SJX'<.'tally 1f tht-y belong to someone else But this week tht: veteran offensive lineman was on hand at Mt-sa Verde Country Club doing JUSl that Ht· was tarrying the clubs of young Bob Cooper. a memtx.-r of the Estancia High golf t.eam and son of fonner mt•mbt'r Dave Cooper. The U('('i.1!>1on ~cl:. to gt'l news to the public that thl' annual Davi· C.oop<·r M<.'morial Open Heart Golf Classic will be st.agt·d <1t Mesa Verde CC on Mon- day. April 19 Saul 1s honora ry t·ha1rman of the event which l'orries a $1 50 cntr;. 0fN' that 1.s tax deductible Play w1U be m a !.<:ramble format with four-man teams starting at noon with a shotgun st.art. Proceeds of the tournament will be used to make educational loan.-. to children who have had a heart aff11 cuon nr wh(.)$(• parents have had a heart affliction whwh crr·au'<i extreme financial need. For further information, t•all 549-0522 The CV('nl L'> OJX'n to the public al'C'Ordtng to chairman Novel Jaml"'t THE RALPH W. MILLER Golf Library at Lndustry Hills Golf Course will exhibit its collection of golf art on the conl'OUrs<' level of the course at the Sheraton resort Approxun.itely 150 prints and origmal pain- t.mgs wtU tx• shown covering areas of history, per- sona lities. golf courses and country clubs. The golf library 1s open seven days a week from 8:30 to 5 For further information, caJJ (2 13) 965 -0861 , l')\'.l 1259 • • THE FIRST MAJOR champ1o nsh1p on the men's tour will be c;tagt'CI this weekend in Augusta, CA>0rgia Thl' Masters 1s a showcase for pros and fans ahke and Tom Watson will be on hand to de- fend his title. From Page C1 GOLF HOWARD L. HANDY Then the major event comes to the West Coast for the MONY Tournament of Champions at La Costa next wec-kend with Lee Trevino expected to defend his title in that one. Watson has been on hts game this year with victories m the Los Angeles Open and Sea Pines Heritage Classic. He has also qualjficd for the World Series of Golf and ts the seventh player to make the grade this sea.son. • • UNDER A JOINT agreement mvolvmg the USA Cable Network, CBS Sports and the PGA tour. se<:ond-round action in nine tournaments will bt> <'ablecast during the 1982 season. The tournaments include the Colonial Nauonal lnv1tat1on; Memorial tournament, Kemper Open; Danny Thomas-Memphis Classic: Westchester Classic; Western Open. Canadian Open; Buick Open. and the World Sen es of Golf C BS Sports will provide Its v ie wers with w~kend coverage of the l wo closing rounds of eac.·h of these tournaments and will handle commentary for the USA cablecasts. • • SIDE BENEFITS may someday equal the money won for first place in LPGA events. Amy Alcott not only w o n the transplanted Wome.n's Kemper Open in Hawaii but also picked up a n ew Mazda RX· 7 and a United Gold (.;ard entitling her to complunentary travel for one year on United Airlines WALK-ON COACHES. • • program, act'Ording to Davis. "If we ca n 't find a qualified coach in a ny pro~ram. we just won't have a program," says DaVls. "A lot of people are willing to he p, but no one wants to come in and take over the head job." "If (B1U) Cool and (Dick) Morris had not taken wres tling this year , we probably would have dropped the sport [ had a walk-on with wrestling last year and the program went down to zero. l wculd not have that happen again!" The Orange Coast area's 15 schools -str et- ching from Marina in the western portion of Huntington Beach to Laguna Beach -includes 855 coaching positions. There is some doublmg up -many coach more than one sport -but of those 855 spots, 56.4 per- cent are walk-ons. And, it's a revolving door. Few stay long -the hours are long, the pay is low and support varies. It cuts into most quickly. The pay ui minimal, at best. The houn? That depends on the sport and each coach's individual desires. The qualifications? Virtually none. U you can convince a.n athletic director or princip(J that you're qualified, there seems very little else necesaary, except that you mu.st attend special classes, consu- ming some 0 ~ hours of instruction. Such clasaes have been the norm for coaches within the N<!wport-Mesa, Irvine and Laguna Beach dlatricts, but It's just getting started In the Huntington Beach District. While tbe course offers inJ\n.ICtion In several categories, includin.g regulations, Clrst aid, adole- ecent psychology and coach1ng techniques, It doesn1 mean you're a cert1f1ed teacher when you're through. But you a re "cert1f1cated" to an extent that satisfies the State Department of Education. At any rate. walk-ans are more corrimon than coaches with teaching credentials. For instance, Newport Harbor High's 23 head coaching pos1t1ons are staffed with 14 walk-ons w hile 10 of Laguna Beach's 17 coaches are walk- ons. Usually, the older the school, the more walk- ons, becaus<' of s taffs which includ e many ex- coaches. The newer the school. the better the situation, such as Irvine H1gh, where all 19 head coachlng positions are manned by on~pus coaches. (This is the first of four articles on walk-on coaches to appear in the Daily Pilot.) Mor e Indy cars entered INDIANAPOLIS (AP) -Five more cars were entered in the Indianapolis 500-mile race Monday, increasiiul the official entry list to 87. The 66th running of the auto racing clamk: will be May 30. Cars {or three more rookies and two drivers with previous experience were entered. Dennis Firestone, a native of Australia now living in Gardena. and Bob Harkey of Indianapolis are the veteran drivers. - ·The rookies are Ma?< ''Rusty" Schmidt of Oglesby, DI.; Dean Vet.rock of Racine, Wis., and Ken Hamilton of Bolae, Idaho. ~ f I ,,. .. --~~~· .,..._ Ol'fWefl W L "°'-09 ~ 0 0 000 ~-0 0 000 ....... _.. 0 0 000 ()Mlend 0 0 000 S..ttle 0 0 000 ,.... 0 0 000 KMIAM <:ny 0 I 000 " bNnt~ 8Mtltn0<• Boe ton ~ o.trolt MllwlMlll .. ......... Ofk Toronto 1 0 1000 0 0000'.4 O OOOO 'A OOOOO 'A 0000014 0 0 000 I' OOOOO'A ............. --. BtnltnO<• 13, 1(-City 5 Only gllM ec;hacluled TClflielll'a o.n- Ano•I• (K Fortoh 11 ·7) e1 Oekland (Lanford 12· tO). n T0<onto 11 0et1011, ppc1 , COid Texas (TlllltlMI 4-tO) at Ncrw Y0tt. (Guldrf t1·6). Bolton (Torrez 10-3) at Chicago (Burn• 10-e~ C~ al Mllw..,k .. , ppd,. cokl. Sa1t11e tB•11n1111r 8·81 11 Mtnnuo1a (Redt.m Ml. n. Only~~ ICATl<*AL L.aAOUE w..e.m otwWoll ... P'ci. Oii 0 0 000 0 0 000 0 0 000 0 0 000 0 0 000 0 I 000 'A l.aliarft DtfWoft t 0 1000 00000\0 0 0 000 ., OOOOO'A 00000\0 00000 '• .......,..._. Clllcego 3. Clnc:lnnetl 2 <• '"""'IP· r ein1 Only (IMM ldleOuleCI ,..,..ca-.. Sen Fr~ (Holland 7-5 Of Gell M) al ~ (AeuN to-.tl Montreal (Ro9era 12·81 at P1t11burgh (Rhoden 8-4) ,....,. YOfk (lecnry 7-14) •l Phll1detpn11 (Celtton 1~). n SI Louie tB Fo11cn 10·51 11 Hou11on !Ryan 11·8). n All1n11 (Mahler 8-81 al Sen Diego (Elehelberger 8-8). n Only g-acheduled AMENCAN L.EAOUE Orw.. 11, "°' ... !I KanlU City 010 300 100-5 II 1 Belllm«a 026 000 60•-13 16 0 Leonerd, Spllt1ort1 t31, G Jack eon ( 11. Bleck (8) and Withi n, 0 Martinez, 81..,.lfl (5) end DempHy W-Stewert (t·O) L- Leonatd (0· '~ HA Ken1H Clly, While (I, e.1111 (1). Balllmore, A11)1(to (t), Muney (11. Roenlcke (1). Ford (1) A -52,03• NATIOHAl LEAQUE Cllbe I, "9dl :I Cl'licego 110 000 o 1 -3 to 2 Cindnnat1 000 000 11-2 1 0 Bird. L Smith (8). Hern1nda1 (8) 1no Mortftnd, Soto, Shirley (II. K .. n 181 and TrM>o W-Bl<d (1..()) L-Solo (0..1) S H•rnendei (11 HR -Chicago. Wiiia (I). ~(II A -51.964 College Artzone 7. Stentord • wu1>1ngton Stare 7. Gonuoa o C .. State Dorn Hiiie 7 UC Ri¥eflllde I Potnt Lome 6. Cal LU!herll'I 3 UCLA 15, SoCal Col._ 2 C .. S111e Nor1hrldQa ), WMlmonl 4 {10 Innings) a Ree> o1 crwna AM-41at• 4 Sen ()Iago State Whittler 13, PllClflc Coast College 4 Azu ... PIClllc 17 Sonoma Slate 8 San Diego Stele 16. c .. Lui-en 2 Community cot~ l •U l 1•ac• I,. ChefleJ 5 SaddletleCI< 400 100 100-8 8 2 ChelleV 00 I 000 00. 5 9 6 Bonilla. EH lay (81. 1<01>e1 lfll and Irwin, Vodverka and Devi• w -Bonlll• (5·21 L-Vodvllf1(1. s -Kobel (SI 2B -L ... 1s1 3B -Co• (Cl HR -Hann (S) Hlah IChool Coela llMe 2, Getlt 0 Ge/Ir 000 000 0-0 3 0 Cotta Meee 0 II 000 x 2 5 0 Cabrera, Squlfea (3), Oeuna (81 end Han '°"· Squire• (6). Goetlllcil •nd Fleld W-Goellech L-Cabrera 2B-Senchet (GI 3B-Fleld (CM) 90t.U ~ TO.W!,.MT CMmt*M.....,._.,. PIQllCa ~. BOlu Gtandl 0 Glenn 9, La Quinta O Coneo6etleft l1111111MM RendW> AlaMltoe 7, Rowland 0 ( 14 lnnll>Ql I '""' ,.... 9-lllMM &111ncle 2 LOI AmlQOI t T1nlln 7, u Mired• l IANT,. llUJllA fOUflNAllKNT flret i.OWld Oceln V-8. Slcy11"41 ~ IAHT• ANA f~NT ChMftpioMNp Ouett~ Mtuion Vle)o 1 t, w .. trn1n11er e S11nl1 Ana 2, Cat.on 1 Footlll» 4 El MOdeN 3 SA Valle)' 9. LOI AlamllOI $ ChMftplonelllp Mtaalon Vle)O 8, FOOlhllt 4 Sanla AM 11, S• Vfllkl1 2 ANAHE* TOUN4.-NT *-"lfl-.d Savenna 8 LB POiy 2 Fulterlon 8. l<enoedv JC 4 Kennedy 4, Canyon 2 la H1bre 3, Boel>e Plfk 3 (la Hallfa 1111· Vllncell Ofl 10111 b-. 38-371 Cypr.u 2, WOOdbrlOQt 1 Troy t t, AIOldan 7 IURAICATKA TOUlllHA•NT Newpo<t C11r1111an 6, Onlarlo Chrl11. 3 Loe A.l•mltoe MONOA Y"I A.EaUL Tl (J7th ot -...1gh1 .__ tMetlnel ARIT RACIE. One mlle ~ Mrs M (Aubt<ll 8 60 4 60 2 60 Andy s B,..,,,.• (OtsenJ 16 20 5 60 HOWdy Girt (Tremblay) 2 60 Also raced Dale's 0111\0y, Fo• Hound Mr JOe a, T..,.aye P1Aie s WarCniet, w110 Cato Time 2 o• 315 '2 OACTA (9-61paid$87 60 ll'COHO RACIE One mlle trot Satan's ,t,ppmtce (Wltwd)t5 00 5 40 2 80 Fabien (Peo.1ns1 3 80 3 00 Snooc>Y Rodney 1GouoreauJ 2 80 Alao ra<:ed High Cllmoer. Danton. Smoo-ky Reel Time 2 04 115 THtllD llACE. One mile pace Ml .. Infinity (Ackermenl 4 40 3 20 2 60 R Helen (Sherren) 3 80 2 60 ClouOburster (VaHand•nohaml 3 20 Allo raced Andy'1 Angel, Ledy S1u1e. Bellu Pr1m1ose. Aedetlgn. F1r11 Glance Mollon WO<kS Time 2 O• 115 t::I UACTA (9·11paid112 40 FOURTit AACIE. One mile paoe Hit end Aun (Al\tlefson) 11 60 5 00 3 00 Neve< Belle< (Todd) • 00 2 80 0tma11te Hano•8' (OMomer) 3 00 Also raced Don Cats Siar Jamee Hondo, Keywe Jane, Bl-Banoe< N El TorenlO Time 2 00 4/5 F'"Tt4 RACE. Or>e mile PaGe Bingo Bango (Dennis) 18 IKI II 20 5 40 Graeme's Choice ISllarren1 • 00 !) 00 COlteeju(AnNll •tlO Alto raced S1unntng Gu•ll Armoro Vevu. Ski~ Wy•ll. OrlentMI' The Toti Tlma 2 0. 315 '2 IEXACTA (7 ·8) Plkl 143 80 llxnt RACE. One mile~ Bye Bye TrllCI (Aubtnl 18 20 1 40 4 20 l<al$1na (Vailan<llnQh1111tl 6 20 3 40 Angela Kay (Andtr90n) 3 80 Alto laced Potrance Nall .. SUlMlfl PUtM S1rino•. Baroneu Chriss Tame 2 00 115 S£V£Nn4 RACE. One m•141 pee. T equ"• Star (Wllh1111ttl 2 60 2 40 2 10 Ooc1or Ross (Hill) 3 20 2 tO SOie Expedition (GrunOyl 2 10 Also raced Andy's Peoper StMlworks Nltty Gritty Time 1 57 115 t::l IEXACTA (6-11 paid $620 S2 PICK SIX (6·9·5·1·1·61 p1ld $68B 40 with 39 winn1no llellets (live hOr-J S2 Pick Sic consolation paid $ t6 •O with S•3 wln- ntno tickets (lour "°'-' IEIOHTii RACL One mile peca Loch ,.._ M'0<1stet (81111140 00 13.00 11 80 C'aloon11 (Hiii) 5 20 • 20 ~1SQue Ladv (Goudreaul 8 80 Also r aceo Mlller1ck Papa Joya. Flue Oun. Sano Go L Doi Wave Time 2 04 3 S t::l IEXACTA (6-11 paid S237 20 NINTii RACE. One mile pact MOllt .. ey 8'9ez~ (Ba~8'J 15 00 4 80 4 00 Lumber Cf\arme< (Wllllam11 3 .0 2 80 Andy's "4enno (Ano«110nl II nn ~I• Cllto Orllftd Prt.1 flnl ................ Blom 80lg def F«nllldO lutla, 6-ol, ~. Adriano Panella del P~l MoN~. t-8. 8·2. 7·5. Tl'llarty TulU ne Oaf RamH h 1<rt1hman, 8· I. 8 4, Heln1 Gunthtrdl def AnOIHI Gomai, 8·•. 2·6. 8 ·4, Shlomo Glloketein dal AndrH1 Meur .... 8·3. $·3. Manual OrenlH def Cotrado Btrllllultl, 6 t,W 6-4 Wom9ft't ICMlm.ment (et...., MMd Wend, &.C.) "' .. "9Wld ........ Ouk Hee L .. cMi1 Vl<glnla Wide. 4-8, 11-<4 8-2. AndlM ~ -Joyce POf1men. 8-1 6· 1. Vltgtnta RuZXI def Kate Lttllam, 8-3, 6 1 S.11y N9gej'°'1 def Anne Hobb•. 8 t 8-2 Hlah llChool CHAMl"tONI TC>UM.u.NT (al E.._,Hlfll) leftllftMI ...... W•llln (El T0<oj def. Gabriel (Hunllnglon BMch). 6-.0, 8-0, Ptf"ry (Laguna Beecll) del Moultoe> (El T0<ol. 8-1. 8-2 .......... °°'*" Robbtn•BrOM (la OulnllJ def Kam1n11<1 Miii• IEI Toro>. e.2. 6-7. 8-3. Park• Nalla.t (Ed11on1 del Buchanan·Munck (Foun1a111 Velley), e-•. 8-2. •"'96" final Wallin (El I 0<01 def. Pltf"ry (Laguna 8e&(;h) 8-3, 6-2 Doublea flnel Par~er-MallH (Edlaonj del Robbin•· Broee (La Oulnta). 6-1, 6-1 NBA TOftitht'a o.m.. LM.... et Hooaton New York at Allenle c ...... nd II WUl\lngtO<\ 8o6ton et Mllweukee Pnlla<1e1pnla at cn;cago Dall• 11 Utan Oenve< at Por11and Plloent• 11 S...nle GOiden Sme et San Diego ~ t I ., .. Women'• eotte,.11 HIGH ICHOOl. Woodbridge 0. Ocean View 0 (Woodllwldge wine°" total "-"I ac.an view 000 ooo ooo oo-o t o WooOl><k199 000 000 000 01-0 1 1 WM• aod Slltzat. Hernandc 8110 T11w Mond•r'• tr•n-.ctlon• •AHaALL A....nc-t..N91M CALIFOANIA ANGELS -AeleeMO Fred Palek. -"<>rllloe>. and Batt Curro and Jonn 0' AcQU1$IO p11cner1 Pieced Biii Traven. pllcn•r on 1ne 2 1 -day dlH bled 1111 Opllo-ned Jell Sc11ne1der, pr1cne1 •nd Tom Bru-nenlky, oullteldar, 10 $t>Oll-ol 1ne Pecillc Cots! Leegue Ast•gned Ron Jack10n, In· lleldet 10 Spol<D.,. CHICAGO WHITE SOll -Added Merv foley ce1eno1. 10 the ro1ter Oulgnareo l ynn McGlolhen. 1>4tc11er °' re&161Qnmeot. Oplloneo Aully ~unll oulllaldar. 10 Ed· mon1on ot the Pacific Coaal League TORONTO BLUE JAYS -Returned Ju· nlor "4oort lnlleldtr 10 Reynoaa ol •he Me~icen l aagU41. 11nd Glenn AOama, oulllel· def, 10 Syracute 011ne 1n1erna11one1 League Nettonal L.Moue ATV.NT" BRAVES Pl&eeO Phil Nlellro pl I chat. on lne 2 t-oey olaebted llst ratroec· !Ive 10 M11ch 31 HOUSTON !oSTROS Signed Mike Lt· Coss, p11c11et Gauchos • survive late rally Costa Mesa, Estancia, earn tourney victories Saddleback College survived a ninth -inn ing Chaffey uprising Monday afternoon to pull out. a tough 6-5 MlS!lion Conference baseball victory over the host Panthers in a ma keup of a rained-out game. On the high school front, both Costa Mesa and Estancia pulled out narrow verdicts in the cohsola- tion bracket of the Bolsa Grande Tournament, and Mission Viejo clubbed Westminster in a cham - pionship bracket game of the Santa Ana Elks Tournament. Here's what happened: 88ddlel>Kk 8, Ch•tt.y 5 The Ga uchos nailed a Chaffey runner al home plate on an aborted double-steal to end the game and win their fourth straight cont.est. Saddleback, 9-2 and leading the Southern Division race, received another solid pitching per- fonnance Crom starter George Bonilla who impro- ved his overall record to 5-2 and conference mark to 4-0. SaddJeback took a commanding 4-0 lead in the top or the first mning as Bob Gray walked and eventually acored on a throwing error and Russ Lee delivered a two-run double ana Dale Hahn an RBI single. Saddleback returns to action Saturday for a non-conference bout with Santa Ana on the Dons' field at noon. Coet• Mee.I 2. Gahr O The Mustangs Improved their overall record to 8-5-1 with the win aa junior right-hander J efC Goettach went \he distance, holding Gahr to just three hits while 1trlklng out five and walking only two. Kings sign college standout INGLEWOOD (AP) -Left wi.na Phil Sykes, a member ot the University of North Dakota'• NCAA champlomhJp hoc.key team \hi.a 1eqon, hu been signed by the Los Angeles Kln11. the National liOckey LMgue club announced Monday. Sykce. voced Lhe most valuable pl.ayer in the NCAA tournament &hat mded two weeks ago, will johi the K1no l.mmed.lately and be available to play ln Lot ,\ngefes' beat-<>f·flve NHL playoff .erlee that becf,na Wc<lnNday night ln F.dmonton. BASEBALL T he Mustangs scored m the second inning as S tan Kurnett singled, moved to second on a sacri- fice and scored on Brian Millett's RBI base hit. Costa Mesa's insurance run came in the third as Kirk Peurrung reached first after a third strike got past the Gahr catcher. He then scored on senior J eff Field's triple. E•t•ncl• 2, Loa Amigo• 1 The Eagles scored the winning run In the bottom of the seventh inning as Mark Talley walked, moved to aecond on a passed ball, went to third on Jaime MorleU's sacrifice bunt and then scored on an errant pickoff attempt. Jim McCahill started for Estancia and ea.med his third victory without a 1065. McCahill 9Cattered four h its and didn't s trike out a better, but he forced Los Amigos to hit 10 ground ball outs. The Eagles are now 7-6-1 with the victory. MIHlon Viejo 11, W••tmln•t•r 8 The Diablos sct>red six runs in the second in- ning after the Lions had picked up a pair of runs in the fll"St. Mission Viejo pounded out 13 hits ln the Vlctory. Plumer pic ks UCLA University High School'• Polly Plumer. a state mile champion and CIF 4-A croes country winner for the peal two years. has signed a letter of intent to attend UCLA and compete in both sporta. Plumer and another UCLA signee. Vickie Cook, were regarded as the top distance prospects in Southern Calllomia th.ls year. Plumer beoomel th~ 1eventh straight state mile chaml)4on to attend UCLA. ·'l telected UCLA because I really like the at.mol))here thett," Plumer uid. ''I wu very lmp-~with the inck ~and UCLA. is a good academic echool. 'nley have an excelle:nt communl- cadGnl program, which II the aft'ft I plan to lt:Udy.'' Or•nge Coast DAILY PILOT I Tueaday, Aprll &1 1982 NIUC 11•£ COAIT COMMUNITY Cou.101 DllTIUCT NOTICIOf'IAU Of' Nl .. 0..AL ~OHIITY TO HtOHllT INOOUI NotlG9 II hereby given lhat l>ld Will be rece!Vod for ule to tile l'llg nHt l>ldder or tha followlng uud NTmOUI ....... .._HA'-J The lollqwlnq --· ere ~ --l"VC( llt.RMAH MClflG , __, :=· e1111t UO Newport I••~~. CA aAUCI A IWIMAH,INC 4 ~ OOtPO<•llOll. I ~ "-· 9-100. "-00!1 lleoct\, CA t1tt0 Tl\le -.. ~., • COftl<>-,.ttot\ • -A ........ lnO -A. .... mwl. ,,........ T'Na---lllalJ wllf\ Ille Counl)' 0...... ot Ol'lftQt Coun1y °" M"'Cll 4. 1913 '1MC1'1 PUIUC MO~£ ··~~~---...._ __ ....__~•~7~·-~r·t...-~-~-~------__.. MtX mm MUC •m PICTTTIOUI llU ... H MAlllll ITATI..,,, Th• lotlowlng !*-.,. CIQlng b\l<fl _ .. II J f'll'ILIHf IHOINH lllHO. t• ~OCI~. !MM Oaltlomla tt7to lloc..n J Orodach. 14 Melodylen• .,.,_, c.llfolnta 82714 Aon1ld JOhn l<loPI .. , 11'10 Appa. g.ole "°"4, Al>PfaOete, Calllonu ID 10.'I TNa ~-~ twa '""9'"111 ""1•narllllp llOOerl J O•odeclh t nit tl•l ame111 •U llleO •II" tne C.0..01y ~ ,,. Orl<'Qt COvnly Oh "O'll t t982 ,1 .. Pu1>U1hed Drenge Coeal Delly PllOI Af>t 8 13 20 21 1817 !S:>l-8' ,termoua euse9JI• MA.till ITATDmNT t,,. '"''°'"'"O t><t<ton• .,, doino buoi ,_. .. CADU.U. 1300 HtrOO< lll\ld Cotll M... c;oitrOrr\lt 92828 ~llOTIC• MOTICI CW ""AM"°" NauClft Dwlww-a.1 NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVl!N Jlet Ntl)llllvt O.Ct.atecloft 12· 1 It Cur· 11nt1y und111 pte~1•t1on tor 11\e 1~ec;1 01>t<et1ng r ec:11111 .. IOr Olttriel w .ie NO 6 LOCtllOn 3&H C adlHec Ave nue. Cotti M-. Cllltomla Pr0t10nent. M ... Coneollf•· led wa1., Olttrtct, 1"6 Pl&Oaffl• Avenue, Co•1• M .. a. Ct llfOt_tla 92927, TetephOne. (714) 031-1~ ~of , .... tn111et Otudy er•)>n Ille 11\d •velt•ble IOf ~l~et '"' ottl¢e of ,,,. propot't9flt QuelllOnt end/or oommet'1t1 lhould be dlreotecl to the ptOllO- ri.nt on Of 11tr0fa AprU 28, 1~2 Contec:t Jen Renne, Olt1flct ~·· -· _, (11419;)1·1200. Dated March 29, 11182 Karl Kemc> Gt1*et Menaoe< MESA C~SOLIOATEI) WAT£R DISTRIO'T Publlehed Or1nge OoHI Diiiy PUot. Mat. 30. Al>' II, t3 1842 ' 1471 .. 2 "l:TITIOUI IUIMll _,.,.ITA~lfT r11e IOflOWlnO '*-.. OOlt'9 ......_ .. 61(Yll10Ell fHTERPR18ES l7T W e.y 8Heet HO A·~ Coeta -C...... nil tM'7 RlcNtO 0.Wltt Cllnton, 371 W lie) a1r .. 1 Ho A·l Coe•• ..._ Ct lltornte 9M21 Thia b<Jllnan It co<>dwc;1eo Dy '""' Ol\llOutl ~O 0.W"1 Clll>lOh equlpm..-it wl\lch hu ~ deciar ------------J~ AM •o.Nda, 19$1 llloOUll<rt 11-1713 •--Tuello Ct11lorn11 92880 Tnle 11a1e111ent wat 111•0 wllh tne County Cler~ of OtM>Qe ~ on ....," 2 lllt2 aurplu• to tha need• or tha CoH I Communlly Coll9G• DltlrlCI Bl SALE -SURPLUS BOATS. MAS & SAILS, COA ST COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Sale bide wlll ~ openao and pu- 1> llcly rud aloud tor Hgreg81ad lh1m• H lleted on th• propoHd form at 10:00 a.m •. W t dn .. o ay. April 2 I, 1082 In lhe Dlttrlct Adml nlatratlon Building, 1370 Adami Avenue, Coeta MMe, Callfomla. All bids mutt DO dellv«ed to Ille off of the Purchu lng Agen 1 al th above eddr ... prlo< 10 the lime M l for the o pening to bt ellglblt tor con alder etlOo Propose! form• and complete In· 11ruC1lon1 may be oblllned el th• Purcl'lastng Oeper1ment 01 111e DI strict 11 the above 1ddrtU For addttlOoal lntormalloo or tnapecuon eppolntmtrll, c.JI Glel'ln A Far~• (1141 558-57S. Bids mull be accompanied by 1 CERTIFIED. CASHIER S CHECK OR PERSONAL CHECK mllde p&yabMI to the Coeat Community College Oialrlct or Cun, 1n .,.. ernount no lest lhan 1cw. or t11e total b•d Pet aonel chacl\1 are acc:;eplable up lo tt>e amount 01 S25 00 Oepos!IS 01 socussful bl<ldert•I Wiii be applied to 111e purcnue price Otner c141po111 CheckS/O< ce.n wlH be returned at· ter the Board or Tr11stee s accep. lance of hlgll bl<l(•I whlCh will be on April 28. 1982 All expenses 01 cartage end re· moval are the responslblllly of Purcneser(sl 6% aeies tea wlll 1>e edded 10 all amounts unless valid retail sales tu permit cerd llCCOm· penlas Did All proper1Y !Isled herein la olfa· red for sale .. as 11, where 11 • and without recour1e ag1lnt1 the DI· strict The Ol1trlct makes no gua· rentee. warrMly, <>< repr._,tatlon. eaP<"eued or Implied, Wllh regaro lo condition or property ot fllneu or propeny for any use °' purpoM No claim wlll be coneldered for allo· wane. or adfullmtrlt or retelsalon of the Ule l>ued on !allure ol 11111 properly 10 completely 11t11ly lhl pvrcnuer In all reepects No returns allowed lha Olltr1c1 a11a11 nol be responllble for any accident or 1n tury rnulllng from purchHe of PlooertY on Nie Payment In full muat be made wllhln ttn calendar days elte< nol!Ce ot award. and thll ltem(a) mus1 be removed rrom the Otsltlct tecillly at lime or lull paymen1 Depo111 of succeulul high bldder(s) wilt be considered lorlelted II meterlal(sl awarded ate not removed from ()I. strict premlles within time llmlls speclllad Oistrlc1 ,_, 11111 llghl lo re-advertlM ma1ar111(a) for Nie or Mii to next high bldder1•l This not1C41 Is In accordance wllh Section 81440, 81441 and 81450 of the Callfornla Educallon Coda I sl NORMAN E WATSON Secralery. Board ol trustees Coast Communny College DI· strl01 Publlshetl Orange Coast Dally Piiot April 6, 13, 1982 1570-82 PUIUC NOTICE NOTICE OFDEATH OF BETTYE 4 . GRAFT AND OF PETn 10N TO ADMl - N JSTER E S TATE NO . AllZ899. To all hem;. ~ner1c1ar1cs. c reditors and contingent cred1wrs of Betlve A Graft land persons who may be otherwise interested in the will and/or estalt' I A peut1on has been filed by William W Graft In the Superior Court of Orange! County requPSttng that Wtl· uam W Graft be appointed as persona.I n-presentnttve a d minister the estate of Bettye A Grall (unde r th e Independent Adrru n1Strat1on of E&tates Act) The pelltton ts set for hearing in Dep t. No. 3 at 700 Civir Cen ter Drive, West, 1n the City of Santa Ana, California on April 28, 1982 at 9:30 a.m. IF YOU OBJECT to the granting o f the peuUon. you should either appear al the hearing ana et.ate your ob- jections o r (i)e w ritten ob- jectiona with the court be- fore the hearing Your ap- pearance may be Lil person or by your attorney. NOTICE TO CREDITORS luat~d~1~1~'i,1 .. M9~~ l4en Del Amu, OF BULK TRANSFER IN• 0Ya1neu to c.onowc;1ad or e llftt*tl Pu1>llah•d Or•nge Co111 Oal~'= •or e, t3 20 27, 1912 15a 1..t2 \hc1.8101.e101 U.C.C.) partnet""'P Nollet Is 11ereby given to credl· J.,.~ Y«*!loa tors or tile wllhln namod lrenslerors Tnle ll•l•ment •U llltO •lln lhe lhllt a bulk tranaler 111> 1boul to ~ ~~1Y Clef~ or O••llOe ea..n1y °" ""'" t. PUIUC Mm:C made on personal p1ope11y here!· '1tMn ftCTITIOUI au ..... r1aThh•• described b •• ~u~11113he20o o!7•110018~ou1 01111r.~''!>~· ..,,. auTUSMT • e names ana usines~ a<ldress "~· u • I • u~0• ENERC,.lC. 1128 N Broo~nural or the lntende<I 1tansterors are StrH I, Suil• 300. Afll helm. C1lllorn11 FRED D LONDON end M ADGE 92801 LONDON. arid JACK BAGOASAR P'\llUC NOTICE Mlcnu l over 8roo'9, 8700'A W and ELISA D BAGDASAA, 1000 -------------1 OcH nlront Newport 8H ch. CalllOfr>ll Bristol S11ee1 Norlh Newpor1 92683 Stlech Catllorn1a 92660 '~~':.t~~ .. =~a "''' 1>utlnau ta conouotao by ·~In The locallon In Calllornla ol lhe '"• IOl•owing c>etton• ••• Oolf\9 Out! oi.-MICll-' o 8•00b Chill I 191ecullve ofl1ce or pt1nc1pal neu I> T "'• ti llemtnt •II flied •llh Jl\e bue1r1ess olllce ol the 1nt1tnded STAR •IOME VIDEO 18040 Hall>O• Count) Cit<~,,. OtanotCountv"""""' '· trensteror 1s 1000 Bnstol Street Blvd Foun1eon Valley CeilfMnl• 1912 Nollh Newpor1 Beach. Cahtorn1a .-. P CnMQ 80 12 .iuo-n Cwcle ,,...., 92660 t<unung1on 8eect> Cal<fOfnta 92648 Publl•h•d Orange Cou1 Dally P001 All otner ous1neu names ana ROQet v.., 6301 Pacemont Hun•ino AO< 6 t3 20 ir 1941 162W2 10'> 8aacn c ... ro<Na 91648 eaaresse" used by !he intended ,,.11>u..,_. ,. conoue1ao 111 •~ti PUIUC MOYIE transferor w11n1n 1nree years last partnenll'P pa$! 50 lar as ~nown to the 1nten Jeau P C~og ded 11ansleree are NONE '"" 1111-1 wu ~""' Wtth Ille County NOTICE Of" filARIHAL•& SAL.a Tile names end l>u5lnel!S address C.ounty Cler• o4 °'-Couniy"" Mardi of tne rntenaeo tr8nsterees 11re~ )() '982 SPORTS RUNNER INC 1000 No. 4S,. Br1s101 Street No rth Newporl Seerh CalltOfnie 92660 That lhe property pertinent he· reto 1s dMCrll>ed In general as Ra. 1ell S1ore end ts toc•ted at fOOO Bris1ol S treet NOrtl'I Newport Be11cn Cahlornia 9:1600 The bus111e&s name useo oy lhe sato tran•lerors al sa1<1 1ocat1on is rrontrunners 1 hat sal<I 1>ulk 1ransfer is inten- ded 10 be consumma1e<1 a1 !he of· lice ot Rancho Son Pedro-Escrow Services, 864 Wes1 91h Slreel San Pedro. Cellforn1a 90731 on or alter April 22. t982 This bul~ Ir ansler is sub1ect 10 Colllorn1e Unilorm Commercial Code Section 6106 The name anel 11<1dre~s ol the person w1lh whom claims may be hied is P Chartier c10 Rancho San Pedro Escrow Services. 864 West 9th Strel't San Pedro. Cel1lorn1a 90731 and lhe last oay fo r llllng claims by ony crN111or shall be April 2 1 1882 w111c11 '' tne bustneu dey !>&lore 1ne consumma11on oa1e spec1tl8d aOOvlt Datea Ma1cn 2s 1982 Jec:ti M. 1le9daNr IEllH 0. BegdaHf Fred 0. London MadQa Londof'I Intended Tran•l•r- Pubhshed Oranoe Coast Daily Piiot. Aprtl 6 1982 1505-82 NOTICE OF SP£.C.IAL MEETING OF MEMBIERS PACIFIC FIEOEAAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION Notice is he1eb~ given Iha! a Special Mee11ng ol Members ol !he abovo namea Assoc1a11on will be held al lhtl corporate headquor1ers of lhe Ar.soc1at1on at 150 Paulerino Avenuo, Bu1ld1ng 0. CoSla Ml~a. California on 1he lllleenlh Clay or Aprll, t982 al 111e hour ol 9 30 am ot said <lay Tpe bustneu to be taken up at the said Speclal Meellng sl>all be I Amendment o r Section 9 ot Charter K fAev ) to state ,,__, OALE FAHRNEY AS ID. & Puo111neo O••no• Cou1 De·•r P1lo1 ASSOC . Ptelnllfl vs JOHN SOU ""' 6 13 20 21 •H? 1~8? l(AAIS Oetendant By w1ue ol an uecu11on 18SIJ80 ruauc NOTICE on February 18, t982 by the M~ CIP•I Covn. Harbor JuOlc•al Oislrlcl. County ol Orange, Slit• of Celllp<· ACTITIOUI eu...-a• nta upon a 1udgmenl en1arad tn ll.UilE ITATl:llllNT lavo1 of DALE FAHRNEY AS.ID: & ,..:.11e..:0110•""0 C*tont e10 dOlno bUtl ASSOCIATES, lncorporateCI )1 WESTERN WHOLESALE NURSERY, judgment credllor and against 16372 C.onatruc:llon Clrcto Eatl "7 Ir· JOHN SOUKA AIS as )udgmtt/11 111,.., CA 112114 debtor. showing a n~t balance of TOM HAIGH, 27122 Hlbtea>• [)(tvo, SI0,612 88 actually due on t eld Laguna NlgUel. CA 92817 )udgment on 1he dale of the la· M1>1E lRACY. 2201 CrNkvlaw, L• auence or said exac:ullon, I have1e- guna Hlfft, CA 02871 11 vied upon all Ille rlghl , tllle ard P.:i~,::;.-11 condueted l>Y • 08'* 1nteres1 of u ld judgment debtor ,In TOM HAIGH Iha property In the Count y ol Th1t 1t1•-• •• ntao ...;1n 1na Counry Oranoa. Stale ol Celllornla. deaetl-Ctar~ or Orange Count) on Mtrm 11. bed u follows 1982 ,,...... AH i Property oommonly kno•n PuDlltfled O•an.11• cout Di lly p1101 as 440 Hellot1ope Avenue In the Matctl 1e. 23. 30. ,l\prM 6 tH2 12*>-82 City of Newporl Be1ch, and 11te PUIUC NOTICE I The IOllowlnQ !*_.I .,. doing OYtl --r.AcB INSURANCE PROCESSING SERVICE tH OI Canteoury Avenue Tullln. CA 82&80 MARILYN BRUCE. i. 101 Cenltbuty A-. lutlln. CA 92880 BARBARA McCLOSl(EY H S I Henl on Or""' Huntington 8Mcll C• 92646 Tl\lo lluat,_. la condut1ad Dy t 98"9'• 1>8'1nerohlP .... at1lyn 8Noe Into tltl-r WN flled with Ille County c .... OI OttnQe County "" Maret! IS. Stale or Callfornle uhlbit A 82-085946 Oe9crtpllon. Parc;eC 1 Tile IOU\h-terly 60 , .. , ol LOI 111'1 Block G of Trlle1 323 1n the City of Newpor1 B aec:.h County or Orange, S1a1e or CaHlqr- nla at per map recorded In 8oOI< 1o1 Page 40. Mls<:tlleneous Mape. in 111e onice or 111e County Recor~ ot slid Orange County descrlt>9d .. fOltows Beginning at Ille mosi -te(ly c<><net OI LOI 1 In Bk>cil G of ~ Tree! 323. lhance norlheasta"y elol'lg the northwesterly tine 01 said Lot 1 • distance o r 50 feat to a pom1, lntnce 90V1heuter1y alonQ· • F1•tn 11ne parallel with and 50 feet nor1h Publlsneo o r1nga Cou 1 O•llr Pt101. easterly of Ille eou111wn1erly tine pt Maten 18 23 JO, Apfll 8. 1ee2 253-a2 said Lot t. a <llstance of 49.35 lael 1982 PUIUC NOTICE 10 11 point. seld point l>!Mno on tba 1ou1heaaterly line ol H id Lot '1: 1h1nce southwesterly along said sou1hea11erty line ol Lot 1, •ills· NOTICED, TllUIT£E'I lo\LE 1ance of 61 01 feel lo 8 Point, said Loan No 11m 1 pOlnl t>elng the most SOUlhe<ly cor· T~• H~f;::'"1 nar ot sal d Loi 1. !hence oorl~· T 0 SERVICE COMPAHV u Oulv •P· westerly along the soull'lweat.,ly I ~r'",~~~ ,;~10 ... , 1uru""••'w' t1ln•l s'oE11LoLw';¥ :u• tine ot said Loi 1. a dlstanc• ol ~ ~ ·~ 14.38 Itel 10 the poln1 ol beglnrtlhg. 6llC AUCTION 10 THE HIGHESI BID Parcel 2 Beginning el lhe moll DER fOR CASH IP•Y•l>le et llmt ol aelt In weslllfly cornet of Lot 2 In Block G 1awru1 monoy or '"• Unued S1a1e1! •II ol Traci 323. in the Cltv ol Newnnrt 11ghl. 1111e ono 1n1e<tfl con~ 10 ano 1 .. -"°"' ""'° oy 11 uno .. MIO Deed or tru11 ., Beech. County of Orenoe. Stata of ·~:u-sro'~ ":i'Ln~t!':.c ~·~~ON 111 '" Callforn11, as per map recordect In 9 Power 1o Borrow • The asso-Book 14 Page 40, Mlaeellaneou1 ciellon rnav bOrro"' money w1111ou1 "";;~r:ic~~RY R STI 11 l •nd E Maps. In !he office of the Counl y hm11a11on ano may plPdge ~nd s11TTZ husblll'<l tncl .. ., ••• '°'"' ,.,,."" llecorder ot O.anoe County, !hence o1ne""'1se encumber any 01 its as-R..:oroo<i ~eml>t• 4 1gao ._ ,,. • ., northeas1erly etong lhe north· sets 10 secure Its debts No TOJO'" 1>00-13860 Peue so or wHlerly llna ot said Lot 2. a dis· 2 AOClllion 01 a new Secuor. 11 Oflic.o11R..c;0<d•10 "'" omc• ol ,,,. Rae· 1ance of 61 01 feet to e point: then ol Cnarter K (Rev I 10 stale lo•ae• ol Or•nge County ll•d a .. o or 1outhttS1arly along I llne parallel 11 Mutual Capital Cer1111. 1'"""0.SU•OM ina totiowing P'-1Y wllh Iha northeet1erly tine OI ~Id Tl>t! llnd rtle<rea to In '"'1 Guat.,.I•19 LOI 2 a dletarice of 28 SS feet ta a c111es The assoc•allon may 11we t1tua1ea 1n 1~ s1t1• 01 C..llorN1 Counl't mutual capital certlllca-1es pur-o1 O.enge 1no • <JeKrtO.O u ,_ point. lhtnee e<>ulh-lerly along • suont 10 !he rules and regulations PARCEl 1 unn 33 o 1n0wn Oii 1nt1 line parallel lo Ille north-terry lint ot !he Board Sul>18CI 10 such rules u11a1n Condo,..•n•um Pitn raco•OeO '" ol said Lot 2. e distance ol 41-04 and regulation& me l>oard 01 <I• -12219 P"Q9 1875 ott1e111 racotO• or 1ae1 10 • potnt, 181d potnt l>!Mng on rectors ol the assoc1111on Is au °'ri:rc~~''A~u11d1Yldt0 11&41h Int• tile eou1n-1at1y line or aeld Lol 2. lh0<tzed «•thovt lhe pnor approval nnt '" •nd 10 '°' 'or 1rec1 9083., .,_, thence nor111\re11erty along seld of 111e members of the 111soc1a1ton °" 1 m•P racooOO(J 111 60Q1t 393 pagea s southwesterly line of Lot 2 a dla- and by resolution 01 resolutions end 6 01 M,..,..,.,,_, mai>1. 1n ,,.,. oflo()8 llnoe of 34 84 feet to 11111 oolnl of lrom lime 10 11me adopted by tile of '"" counly recordet 01 aeoO county ro beginning b08r<I ot directors and approved 11e1ner wun all tmprovamenla lhereon. Parcel 3 A portion of thst oer· 1 1 •''*''"'9 -•from CondomM\lUm UM• 1a1n alley tying south-16'1Y of Lois by the Board. t.o prov de n sup-1 uvoug11 04. '"''11tN& loc••ed ,__, 1 • ..,, 2 In .,,_ .. G of TrlC1 323, in Ptemen111ry sections hereto for the e~e ......... t•om e ..,,,.,_ of uld tot an ---" ..,. ... ·• ~-~· tile Cl"' or ~port Baech. Covn1y ~:,~!"!::0";~'~~dc::::::1t~r~~· :':.::-i.l:.':l::U:::~:.';~:! :~::;:;: or Or~~ge. State or Callfornl1, 'II ting powers, CIHlgnatlons, prele· -••• und., ano in .,,o lend ••cec>t troe per map recorded In Book 14, Pege rencea and relet111e, participating, Ngllt 10 "" ..,,~ por11on °1 11141 tur1-01 40, MllC!t lleneou1 M1p1, In lhe of· option al or other special rlgh11 or lh• '""" for drHllng °""' auono """'"II or ftc. ol Ille County Recorder of "Id lhe oortlllcatas and tfla quahflca-~~:: ... 1:=: ~11 ~:1 .:;~~;1::::;~"."~~o:~:~ Orengt Orengt Counl)', and vllQjlt· Ilona, llmltallone and restrictions ,,,..,,t, m1n1r19. -•flont. roge1nar wlln ed by the City of Newport Beech, 11iereon ,,,. uM 01 Hl<I turf-tor Oii -'''· •-•· Callforole, more pentculerly deacrt· 'Members of the association runnel• m1111ng .. c1vt11ont 01 a11111a bed aa lol!Owa: shall not be en11iled to preempllve provldeO o..--. '"'..,.,. tn•ll noi ~ Beginning al Ille moet -llafly rights wtlh respect 10 1118 ltsuance conllrutd •0 0<01>10tt -'""" drMll"O °' luCll corner ot H id Lot 1; thence 1ou-tl otl'ler OPet•11one ""'""' 19 "" •*Y uH or '" lhtHterly elong Iha nonhaHletly ~~.:;:u~~~~:~P~r·,~~1:,1\~1~:;~; :'~ ~ = ~': ,:=. ~~~-~ ':i~ 11ne ot Nld a1i.y, • dta11noe 01 49.22 be entltled to pre-emptive rights point 1e&t 1nen 600 IMI ro MIO eurl-. u IMt 10 • potnl: thence south-1.eny ...11111 r11pec1 10 any addltlonol Is· r ... rv.o oy Ad• M Heu '" deed raco< along • ltne parallel to th• eouth· , u e 9 0 1 mu 1 u 91 c ap 11 a 1 ded 1n Book •&e6 P•9• 9• OfllCI•' R•· weeterly e11tlnllon ol th• north-~lltcatea .. corda .. -tatly llne ol Mid Lot 2 In Block I -810$&2· Wwtw•d Una Coot• ... -. CA .Q, • dllt·-of ............. IO. --'nt.· 3 RenumberlnQ o Iha presenl ., 0 --•""' ·-""" Sec1ton 11 ot Char141f" K (Rev) en· '(II 1 tltffl •Odreu or common oa. thtnct nonhwastefly along • An• tilled "Amendment of Chaf1er·· lo MONlion 1a .,_, ~ flCI .,...,,en1y 1a perallal to the centtt line or '81d be renumbered u S.Ctlon 12 lll'ICI given •• 10 111 comolt1en .. • or ati.y. a dlllenot of 43 80 Ital to• •mended \0 at•••. oon.ct-1·· polnl . H id point btlnQ on lh• "12 Amendment ol Chttlat -Tile 1>en111c1ery unoer 1110 o .. o or 1outhwt1tarly a11lena1on or Iha No amendment. addlllon. tll .. e· Trvtl. ~ ·-°' • "'-00 o.lault 111 northw"lefly llne ol Hid Lot I tn tlon. change, or repeet or th•• }':.~~':;,' =~:::,,::,~ t':~~ BIO<* 0 , tt1eno1 not1i-.1.,,., llon9 cl'lertat lhaA be mede, except u 6er9fgMd • .. "*' ~'""°" of ~ lht 1b0Yttl*ltlontd aouthwM*1y ... ,._.wl lh t _ .. b encl Oen.-tor Sela. and ..,..,.,.. -uttnllon ol lhl ~tt!)t llnll may "" Oln•• 111 au Of 1-Y 01 brucll an<! 61 OMICllon 10 cWM Ille Of L01 1. • ~ ol f fS *' 10 tile Board, unlets auc:n propotal la ........... I d..._t r ~ lo eall Mid P.OC*'l't 10 Ml· the point ol ~lfl9 madt by tilt,,,_,., 0 n-. ore o Il ly Mid obli8Jl11one -tl'le(Mn., Ille SaJd lend alao 1hown u e ,,,. uaoc1111on. aut>mltted to ar'6 ~ ~ Mid "°'IOI or DNtdl approved l>y lhe B o1rd. 11n d ...oe1tilect1on100tAaeordadDaownt>ar pOrtlonof PllfOtl l ,orumepflledln t herhtter 1ul>mltted to end ap· 2 tM I M IMtt Ho 3* 1n l>oOfl t4309, ~ 57, Peot 20, ot PllOll MIPll. ved b M btB t ......, t P"9e lt20. Of MIO Oflltiel Aewde In lhl offtOI ol thl Col/flfy ~-pro Y t mem 1 • -..• Seid •••• will Oe made. 1>111 wlllloul ot Mid county. m .. 1lng Any amendment, eddl· cov.nent 00 ...,..,.ty, ••or-or lf!lc>llad, NOTICE IS HEAEB\' GIVEN t~t t1or1. etleretton, cit1111041, °' repeal regero1n9 1111e, pouoe11or1. or en'""' on TuHdey. Aprll 27th, 1082. et : '!fi::1~1 ~ ":.~d~:~ ~7i~0 .=~:-:=n:i .:,'"'O:: 2·00 o'clock P.M. •1 County Cour• IF YOU ARE A CREDl- TOR or a contingent creditor of the deceased . you m ust file you r claim with the court o r present tt to t he personal represent.alive ap- pointed by the court within four months from the date of first Issuance of letters ae provided In Section 700 of the Probate Code of CAJifor- o ia The time f or fil ing claims will not expitt pnor to four months from the date of the hearin8 noticed above. YOU MAY EXAMlNE I.he me kept by the court. 11 you are lnt.eres~ In the et- wt.e, you may fUc a rcque.t with the court to rllc:•lv• 1pedal notice ot the Inven- tory of estate ~\I and o( the petlllon11 ac;count. and repons deecrlbtod In Section 1200.5 o f th• Calltornla Probate Code. provad by the eoud ... of the of Tru11. with Int•'"'•• In oater no1e thouu, 4eO 1 J1 mbott1 Blvd • dat• or !ho flnat approval. or, H provld•d. advan~ea. II an~nd .. Iha (Front Of COurl~~ City ot N9w· fl•td by. lht member1. or tile t...,.ot wcrO..O ot TN91. ·r::Y: port Beac~unty of 0 r•f11•· .. ~,d or dl1-1~e In , ...... o•-of enc1 .. ~ or the Tru-ane1 ot Stele of C. i-. I wtll ... "£ ...... ... V" .... ~ '""'' .... .., lly WCI Deed Ol,T,.,.. ...... ..-, ~ -... ,,._ blCI euppltfrtenttrt 61Ctton. to Secrtlon Said '" w111 1>e MIO on W~•'· "'"' •vv• on ,o .... •·~· • t t of the chtrtflt. ~. ~ Allfll it, ltH al 2'00 p M ... Iha ChaO-lor oaalt In lllWful moMY of Ult ....,, th•I ~ ol muluat e419t181 men •-..,t,.,_ 10 the OMo c.n.. lltd s 111 ... •II thl r)Ofl1, tltltl end certlflo•1H mey be granted In lulldlno. JOO U•t Ohepman Avanuo, lnl.,ft1 of Nld ludomtnl O.Otot fn ....__t ___.lone t &ec1ton Or.noe, CA thl ab<M dlaC:rlblCf ~. Ot IO tup,,....~. 8"1 _., o Al tt1t ttme Ol Iha lflltlel put>llGatton ot fTMlll tfltNOt • INlY 1M ~ 11 Of tNt cnan., Ille '1Ql'lt 10 VOii thlt nott0e, 111e tor.i llfl'IOUllt ol 1ht llnPlld 10 .. 11 .... A id uaGutlon wtttt 1¢-on emen<lmtl'llt, l<Jdlllonl, ellett-Wt-o1 Ille ol>llOIMIOll _,,.., ~ Ille •• 7 ' ttona, llhenget. or repHlt Of !hit a~ ci-rlt>ed ~ o1 lntot and .. 11. et'*' lnlerlat and ooete. chert., In any of 1119 tnalancet Ml !Ml.cl -., ~ encl -le 0.1«1 ~ 31, 1912 tor111 In S4111tlon M3.7-4( 11 (2) (vii) l 1S, 1tl N To det.,mtne Ille -nlnt OMllon: HattlOr (bl ttwouon (fl.. bid you fNl!I cell 11~.a1.o111 DON L N41"-4 No 01'* ~ Oa• .. _ 2i , 1 ~ Or9'IQt. OOl#lt)I Dorothy K POllll !.0J:~~PANY 9)' 4. ~ ~ Sec:rallr( "1 ~ ~-. TM Y • ...._ t.1 '.«I Lat~am a Wa tklH, At- toraey at IA•, HI S. Flower Street, LH A.81tlH1 CA ttt'll; tel. (lll) '"·lt14. 1"Ubllihd a.... ea-Dllil'I ,,,. ~ Apl'SJ I. 1, 1),Jl192 left.at PAClf'IC F'!OEAAL A..-..i ~ .......... A~ 'loi. 1 SAVINGS ANO 0-. Cit) IM· W• ...... =;;;.iii N LOAN ASSOC1ATIOH llh~._. ::.C-M4)1.:=.1111 Pv1>tt1'*1 Ott~ Coes\ Deity ftu OtMOe Cou t Oett, ll'titt.. PubllMwd Ontnge Co .. l Oallf Pt10t, Mlf. 30. API. I. 1"2. tMtdl to.'-" I. fa,. 1Ml , .. ,_., ~ AOl'l t.. IS, ao, tWJ • 141~ • 'Ql.&I ·amnnnnn a ······-······ ........... , $ 2 r · a as a Orange Oout OAIL Y PILOT /Tu.day, Aptll 6. 1882 DOUGLAS PLAZA TOWER -This nine- story. 156,000-square-foot office building, nearly completed and 55 percent leased, is the latest addition to the $50 million, 50-acre Douglas Plaza. The business complex, at Ma- cArthur Boulevard and Campus Drive, Irvine, is being developed by Douglas Development Co .. a subsidiary of McDonnell Douglas. Jobless cut infla.tion Unemployed people cannot buy goods and services 81· JOHN CUNNIFF U...,_Allelyet NEW YORK -The latest employment reports do as much as anything else to help explain how the rug got pulled out from Wlder inflation. Some prices are actually declJ- ning, and the rate of increase for consumer prices in general has been reduced to about a 5 percent annual rate, which these days qualifies as acceptable. And one of these months, some bright-side economists are saying, we might even get the shock of our lives, a price r eport that shows no inflation at all, at least as measured by the popular averages. But there is a dark side to this, and it is unemployment, and it is getting darker. The popularly cited job figures tell but part of the story. That, for example, there are 9.9 million Wlemployed, and that the jobless rate is 9 percent, matching the highest rate since World War II. Since when? Obviously there was n o t:.igher unemployment rate during the war years, when every able-bodied person and many disabled people were em- ployed. In truth, therefore, its the highest rate since the 1930s. That decade, remembered de- spite the urge to forget as the lamentable decade, encompassed the Depression . Officially. to- day's jobless ra te cannot match that of the 1930s, when the rate in one year, 1933, reached nearly 25 percent. But it's the next worst thing. To the 1),9 million officially NIWS ANAlYSIS unemployed must be added the 5.7 million who have been invo- luntarily reduced to part-time status. and the 1.3 million not counted because they are said to have given up looking. HIRED -R aymond Burr, who played Perry Mason and Detective Ironside on TV, will be spokesman for a five-year, $9 million print and broadcast ad campaign for the lndepen- d en t Insurance Agents of America because "on televi- sion he never loses." That brings the total of people directly affected to 16.9 million, plus an untabulated number of young people who a lso might remain uncounted because they see no hope of getting summer jobs. It JS not difficult to understand that unemployed people cannot buy goods and services lo the same extent as they did when working. The reduction in their demand is inevitably felt in the erosion of support for prices, similar in some respects to what happened to energy prices when conserva- tion tipped the supply -demand balance. There are other reasons for the lowerin& of inflation, some so complex that only academics dare explain them. High interest rates obviously have reduced buyir}g. for homes a nd cars especially. And econ omic uncertainty, scourge of any market, is widely believed to have reduced enthu- siasm for big t icket items and long-term investments. But unemployment. along with job insecurity. particularly be- cause i t is on such a massive scale, cannot be discounted as one of the causes. One of the major factors in the rise of Consumer Price Index, for example, was the tremendous escalation in the prices of homes. Jobless wor kers do not buy homes, especially when interest rates are so high. The escalation of home prices has all but ended. and the escalation in the CPI has slowed markedly . Obviousl y there is a direct connection. ORGANIZE YOUR TIME EFFECTIVELY! f •• to OM hr "rittOlt l111 lo"" ht11t1 szsoo o.r. •/u p. r1lns & ,nl. M rt1n. P'rof. ll'f\. CALL COLLECT (714) 323-0158 ftad1e /haek ,· ...,. , -- SEE IT AT YOUR NEAREST RADIO SHACK STORE, COMPUTER CENTER OR PARTICIPATING DEALER ' C•ll 642-5678. Put a few word• to work for u. REDWOOD 2 X 6 -36' lln fl. 775-1491 16808 S. HARBOR DECKING No-interest mortgages R are deal but plenty of strings attached By Tbe A11oclated Preti There are low-interest mortgagee -if you can Und them. Hlgh-intenst mortaages -lf you can afford them. And now, Lt you can find them AND afford them, there are no-interest mortaagee. · The people offering n o-interest mortgage• generally are not conventional lenden llke thrift lnatitutiona or banka. Inatead, they are people who MUST aell: homebulldera and developers with un- eold inventory and homeownen who have to move and can't buy new hou.aes Wltil they aell their old ones. The no-interest mortgages come with plenty of stringl attached. They must be paid of( in a short period -usually five to seven yean. They reqwre a high down payment -30 percent or 40 percent instead of the traditional 20 percent. · The pur'chase price of a house with a no- lnterest mortgage probably will be higher than the price of the same houae with a conventional loan. In exchange for lending you money at no interest, the eeller raises the price. Monthly payments may or may not be bigger -depending on what interest you have to pay for a regular mortgage. The no-Interest mortgage is still rare, but Bob Sheehan of the National Association of Homebuil- ders says, "It's becoming l~ rare." He said builders in the Washington, D.C., area, in Southern California, in Florida and in Illinois have begun advertising no-interest mortgages as one of a variety of financing options. Sheehan said no-interest mortgages are at- tractive to borrowers who have a substantial sum of cash for the down payment and like the idea of owning their home, free and clear, within a few years. Here's how a no-interest mortgage would work: Suppo6e you want to buy a house with a pur- chase price of $80,000. Make a down payment of 40 percent or $32,000 and pay the rest over five years. Your monthly payments are $800. An $80,000 house, financed with a conventional 30-year mortgage at 16 percent and a down pay- ment of 20 percent, would require monthly pay- ments of about $860. But the house probably wouldn't cost $80,000 tf you were buymg it with a conventional mortgage . Assume it would cost only $72,000. With a 20 per- cent down payment and a 30-year mortgage at 16 OVER THE COUNTER NASO LJSTIHGS MUTUAL FUND AP Wlr.pftolo NO INTEREST -Homebuilders and develo- pers with unsold inventories are among those offering no-in terest mortgages. percent, your monthly payments would be about $775. With a no-interest mortgage. of course. your total outlay 1s much lower. The interest on a con- ventional mortgage -particularly at today's rates -amounts to several times the face value of the loan. That interest, however, is completely tax de- ductible. What happens to the deduction with a no-interest mortgage? Contrary to what you might expect, you don't lose the entire tax break. Internal Revenue Service regulations on the subject are complicated. ln general, however, when a borrower takes out a no-interest mortgage the IRS wiU impute, or assign, an interest rate of 10 percent. -..... 1 EMF 1 Wllltm J 81oRJp M • Hltonlrv s o.rusv 6 lntStcm 1 R«llnF<I • lvlbSll ' Cn'CICo< 10 CJ'WIAm 11 Oionla 11 ~' IJ lntrc;Etv '' ~ B IS \/\.,._ 14 ~ 17 E..ling • Slell.DQt< " OltSecur ~ ::r=, ?2 AW(p.f>, ZJ U.lrtWQ IA Bllstn ZS Rlo~rn UPS Ll'i... -''' uo P< ',,. 1 7... • Up lOO J • "' Up 711 7 ... Uo 1J I l' • • ... Up 71 I 7', ~ Uo 10 0 31, ... 1 Up 1• 1 )Ir> ? Up 1' I t'• -• VP 1~ l A • 0.. Up U 3 , • '• Uo ,_. l 1 '• UP 1A l I"• • I Up ll I 11 1& • ' • Up 13 8 .. ~.. I 1 UP 1) l 11.-. , *• Up U 1 1' • • ... uo 11 0 4' I I .,., Up " s ,. .. ,, Up ll i 11 • '• UP t1 S •1 J -. t Up t1 S 1 • "• VP 1t S !t • I, Up 1t I • • ... Up 10 l 20.. , Up 10 0 II • I UO 10 0 DOWNS ~ l l , ... 2'-3-\. 8''1 ,. ' Po , .. l"-2 .. , .. , & s 2' I , ... ,~. s-. ,., u 1., S'> ) J )'' )1. c"\ 0t:-C1,H • Ott .. J " Ott ,, s .lit Ott 110 '•Ott "' , Off 110 '• Ott to\ , Ott 10 l • • ()fl 10 0 ~ Ott 10 0 1~: g:: ·~ ~ "'Off •• I J Off • f , Of1 ~ 1 Off • 1 '• Ott 8) I Oft 91 •• Otf • 0 I Ott I 0 ' Ott 7 8 •, Otf 7 I •. Ott 11 •, Off 1 • •• Ott 1 . '-' .. ........ ,_ l N.h C. IO\t1 • NYSE (~OMPOSITE TRANSACTIONS ouou. T10ot1 IN.CLU0t , •aot' Oot , ... IHW fOll• MIOWl\T ""'' 11'1(, ..... I OtTON 01 flOlf AND ~lllCINNA" tfOC' I XCMANOt• ANO •t~ll ftO l'I' TIU NA\D ANO IN,flott f • Cl .> Changes In responaJbilftles tor thret! key dlrec- torshlpa at the Orange Coast Dally Pilot were an- nounced today by Publlaher Thomas P Kaley L Kay Schultz, fonnerly vice prc.'llident and dJ- re<.-tor of operations. becomes vtce president and di- rector of advertt.ing. Michael P. Harvey moves from marketing dlrec· tor fur advertising to market Ing director of the newspaper's circulation department. Kenneth N. Goddard Jr., formerly clfCulaUon di- rector, becomes operations director for the newspaper. In addition, Ray MacLean, controller of the company, will report directly to Haley. Haley said the.e changes are effective today, and commented the reuon for the changes was to foster new dtrection, energy and leadership in each of the areas affected Fluor subsidiary consolidates Daniel lntemauonal, a subsidiary of Fluor Corp .. has consolidated foreign operauons into Daruel Con- struction Company lnternauonal. with George E . McDougall as president. He was also elected to Daniel's <.'Orporate board of djrectors and will continue as Vice chal.rman of Daniel international (Saudi Arabia) Ltd Mesa firm aids Apple A buffered printer output board for Apple com- puters has been introducro by Wesper Microsystems, Costa M~. Trade-named tbe Wizard-BPO, this parallel printer interface is designed to free the computer and CRT for entry of a new Lask wh1Je the preVJous task is bemg printed. New minicomputer introduced General Automation , Inc. of Anaheim has an- nounced a new family of minicomputers called the series 900. The five highly configurable systems offer up to 48 percent pnce/perfonnance tmprovements over the firm's previous ofCenngs, running standard appl1ca- t1ons, off1c1als said. ' Bank rents space in Santa Ana Enterprise National Bank. a r~ntly chartered bank. has signed a lease at Warmington Plaza an Santa Ana for 15,000 square feet of space on the ground le- veL Enterprise National Bank LS scheduled lo cx:cupy the space in Tower 8 in July. Mortgage rate up slightly WASHINGTON (AP) -The government says the average :nterest rate charged Americans for new mortgages roee slightly to 17.52 percent in March, but the number of lenders making loans was up for the tounh consecutive month The Federal Home Loan Bank Boa.rd said Sunday the average effective comnutment rate on long-tenn, fixed-rate mortgages increased 0.02 percentage poa.nt from February's 17.50 percent New-car loan rate cut CLEVELAND (AP) -Buying American <.•ould pay off for new-car buyers in Cleveland, wher·e AmeriTrust bank has cut its interest rate on Joans to a . minimum 14 percent for customers buying domestic cars. The rate is 16 percent for foreign car buyers AmeriTrust, like most banks here. had been charging 17 percent to 18 percent for car loans. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT AMERICAN LEADERS UPS AND DOWNS NEW YORK (AP) -n. rooowtno lilt "-tnt Now Y'or1t Sloct £a(lwnQt mdls Mid wrrtnl• ""' tww -uo h mD!JI --IN most i.wct on ~ Of ChMQlt r991>rdlBS OI voluMt No =::r.s lrodl"Q ......., P ere Incl -Miii .nd ptf'cenl .. Cl\tnOH IA 1"9 ~ ~ ri:r•lllout <IOllno l>'10e tt'CI Mond"ft u ,.,,.. LMt 010 Pel I -pfA 110 +II Up ... ,~... • ..... l'l Up 133 , !En111relnt " • 1\;I Up ,, 0 • a.-ll'IS 1-• 1\'t Up 11 I J e.:or11f N • lll VP 10 1 • Prfll; Ullo • tllo Up 10 • 7 I 11 + ll'l Up 'I I e.l<AHHY ~ + -. VP ' • ,.,,.._ l + 14 Up •t 10._ lllC M + \lo Up &.1 11 Olattll'OH 1M + I Up e 1 ,, HllCl-.V ""' • -Up ... DOW JONES AVERAGES NEW YORK (API -Sel•t. Mon price tor Mondly. ""' $ S'IOCK1 J) lid °='66 ~" ~ ~ ~ 10 Tm :D'l 11 J.11 ., l3' » lJ9 •~ 0 10 15 VII 110 » 111 17 109 71 110 11>-0 0. ~ Sit m )I lit 11 n. i. ma. o 16 lrO.a • 194, 100 Tr.. 1, 11.0,100 Ult• 1611,100 • liS 5(11 6,~ 400 WHAT STOCKS DID NEW YORK. '""I /4'1' I p,.._, Monclty CS.y ~~ ,,., 1001 0.Cllntd 11' ... Unt"9nQllCI m ~ 1111 11n T-1--lllP ,. SJ --u 11 WtVI wEA QI() NEW YO~ll. I API AD' 5 Pr•v Monc!ty cwv -tnCMJ U'I ).ti 0.Cllntd .!09 111 '--' ns 11• T-1-l"l'.I 771 """"'OM • 6 --• 10 M(TALS Mond•Y NEW YORI< IAPI -Spot noolerroue ..,.. telt pr"-Monday C:opp•r 74~· 71 c:•nl' e pouno V S d11ellntllont Leed 2&·32 c:>enlt • PO\lnd DM 37..0 1*11' t pouno, _.,.,_, ""U.5ae9 Mel* w-. ~te II> ~ 78-77 cienle e pOUN:t, HY ,..,_., $395 00 per "-,,..._ '307.00 troy oz.. NY SILVER , HIU'Oy & Hwmen. $7 130 per troy OUllOt GOLD QUOTATIONS Mondty u.. lll'l • ~ Up • ' M 1118 ~ t 1 Up I I U pfll :12A'l'I +~ Up 7' ~ INI rl • 11 • tllo VP 1' 17 Dllr'IPt t.p 72'1'1 • "' Up 1 I .,1'111elll I I I'"-~ wcwtd golO Pf'<*~ ~ momlnO tWno ~ eo. off to~ Lett4••1 •llernoon flKlng »27 75, up to.71 • ,._ 0D<t> ·-+ '-Up 1 I •" ~ pl ooiJ. • ~ llP 11 I .. ..::":,., I.HIM -°" Off PctlO.S 1 ,...._..,. "' -I'> Oii • s !=~ =-~ ~ :l j' ='1[':. t~ = 1 14 gJ U • ii"n 1t -~ g:: I.• =: l:! Oii M. tel'.'i -" ()fl 67 Y~~ mi -;: iOff H u~ 1111i -~ •t r,~-,~ ... = ~ u ,.~ ~ ' -\iii s.• u~,2-~=~a u IM-i~ I~= 1.,. °" f~ ·GOLD COINS I NfW YOf'I< (AP) -Pl10el 18'• Thure- • dey o4 Oo6d oolne. ~ with w.o. 1~• Pl'I09-' 1 Kt•..,,_., 1 troy oa .. SS42.78, MP u.n . ..... IMf, 1 1roy or .. 1u2.1a. 11p .a.a . ....._IOpeeo. l:ltror0&... .. 11.75, l'Wtll SJ:M.07. up IS.12. ~ S32e 00. °" to.07. ZliJNll: LAM lbtne aat.OO bid, up SI 00: SlnOOMlltd. H111•r a H•••••u (only d•ll~ quorei w?;:.:."'·75. I (only deity QUOMI 1327 7&, "I> 90.7 ,,...._. (only d.iiy C!VO'•I l•l>flCllJted $)U,", UP to.19. SYMBOLS olf 11.10 ........ 100 .,._, .MO! ,_,.,~-~·till-.;;; t .... 71. llll tt.& • ...... .......... . I .,___~__.... a a • a 'ft 2 t r:· . .. -: . . ........ ·:-. ..... _ .. ., .... . ~ . . ,. ~; :•.· . :·. . . ~ '\,; · .. .. .... . =' . ·. -. ... ';. .. '•' ' . ., .. '· ., . ··. . . . .. .. . .. . ' . ·" ,. .. ••4 .·. ., cs-Orange Coast DAILY PILOTITuelday, April 8, 1982 1 Hobo life pays for singer But it's easy street now for Boxcar Willie NASHVILLE (A P) -He W... like a hobo. He ha.s just one hat, one coet and one pair of ahoee. He alJliS about train$. And he'• one o f the hottest aelllnj counlr')' music aingenlJ,o- day -dr1i1wiJl8 C)1\ hia cheerl\.al nature, his cr4(:kllng enthuaiaam and the publlc'a roman ce with noetalgia to become a star at the age of ~o. If you watch television. you m1ty have seen Boxcar Willie Suddenly. there he ls -ln his hobo garb, flashing a thunderbolt smile -interrupting the news, a soap opera, a movie. He wants you to bur his album, "King of the Road.' Lots of people d id . The now- legendary TV commercial, which ran for six months last year on 250 stations, helped sell 1.5 million copies of the album. At one point, 50,000 copies were being sold each week. He's no bum. Ask him: "Hoboes worked their way acrosa the country a nd used trains for transportation. A hobo work.8 but a bum doesn!t. A hobo won't beg but a bum will." After all, he 10ld all of thoee albums, ~en thouah no one had heard of Boxcar W illie seven yeara ago. "T hat commercial juat clicked," he aaya in his friendly way that makes you want to hop a train with him. You could see me and my pert0nallty and you could hear the aonga America grew up with. It w aa a crosa- section of America." His real name is Leci1 Martin. Lecil, not Cecil. "My dad got tongue-ued," he explains. AB a youngster, he would run to his front door In Sterrett, Texas, and watc h the freight trains roll past his home. "Mom says I could Imitate a train whistle at age 2," he recalls. He still can, and he does on the album. As a teen-ager, in the swruners of 1946 and '47, he was a genuine hobo. "I 've drawn on my /lt#~O SIMPLE THI NGS -SIMP LE TER MS -Andy Roo~ey's television essays for "60 Minutes" are sometimes born on old typewriter in cluttered office at his home in rural Rensselaer Ville, N.Y. His segments on the show each week are simple dialogues such as his feelings on why all soap should be white. offers everything 1n casual country club elegance • 27 holes of chamP1onsh1p golf • 25 tennis courts (8 lighted) • 2 swimming and hyqrotherapy 1X>Ols • 348 deluxe sieeptng rooms • nestled in beauttful Rl'ncho Mirage. Cahf (in lhe Palm Springs area) at base of the magnificent Santa Rosa Mountains Come see for yourself why we've become "The Gem of the Desert" ·~N°cHo LAS PALMA . RESORT. 41000 9ob HOl)e Ol'!Ye Rancho MlrllQe. C.llf OMla 91270 (7141 ~2727 or Toll Free (800! 228-11290 Family Easter Weekend Join us in the sun for a Funtastlc Easter Weekend. We have 348 o.arslzed guest rooms, 4 restaurants and lounge, 27 holes of golf. 25 tennis courts and much more. The children will meet the Easter Bunny and the entire family can enjoy our sumptuous Easter Sunday Brunch. Room Reservations available for a 3-nlght minimum stay.beginning Thursday, April 8 . experiences," he suys. When he became an adult, h • was a pilot, mechanic, auitar aaleaman, dltc jockey and bow- ling alley proprietor and he al- ways liked to sing count.ry mUlk -espedally aonp about trains. "The railroads built America,'' he says w ith 1ome p r ide . "Wt.-out the 1team engine and the railr oads, where would we be? They have been o ur life blood." Then, ln 1976. he aaw a hobo in a boxcar. Lecll Martin became Boxcar Willie, donned hia garb and hia legend was simmeri.n.g. lie took his act to England where hill career took ott in 1978. Then the television commercial propelled his career ln this country. "The albwn still sells 5,000 a week," he says. He hasn't changed much. He has one outfit: a coat and hat, two pairs of overalls, a pair of shoes and a couple of shirts. For ob- vious reasons, laundry is a pri- ority. "I gtve One-Hour Martinizing a lot of busin~ ... he says. In February, he received a platinum album for "King of the Road." The ceremony was at Disneyland in California, and Mickey Mouse made the pres- entation . "The crowd went wild ,'~-Box­ car Willie says. the little boy in him showing through. "I was thrilled." Singer helped build opry house NASHVILLE (AP) -J ohn Anderson, 27. who leaped to stardom last year m the country and western field and played in the Grand Ole Opry House here, helped build it. He carr ied boards and put brass clips in concrete to hold on the shingles 10 years ago. And little did he realize then he would know such success with his music. He has had a half-dozen sin- gles in the Top 10 country charts. China center due WASHINGTON (AP) -Plans were announced for a JOml cent- er for Ch inese and American Studies to be set up an Nanjing, China , by Johns Hopkins U n- iversity and Nanjing Uni_yersity. Call 642-5678. Put a few words l o work lor ou. IRl·o .. --=.:.== r*'; ,, .............. .,,~. -. NOW PLAYING IUfU f'W DlllVl-NI C•OOM tOWAMS llflf'«Mll 8'lt<ll hi\ a21 4070 Orange 134 2ss3 Ne•POll a..cn eo 01&0 .... IMA 'w.I IT...,_ Miff·* UA Cl!IUeA a. .. S29 S339 OrtnOI 639 8110 WtStnlln~ltf an OS46 cowallOl llOOll.IAta ti Toro sa1 saao ..... _ • ...,.. .. .. .......... .._ ........ .,, WA LT DISNEY PRODUCTIONS. R9B1NHOOD TECHNICOLOR~ .. ·-., • .,.., "'" 0 ••• • • "'" "" "" ~ <ID> ( Y'f-..+ •tll' ...... ~ .. ""'""'"""....... l!:!J ------NOW SHOWI NG ------ ANAHEIM Ill '°""""' ' '/ f..:.41 fl 10fl0 'l»JletlO:. •Jjl ""80 FOUNTAIN VAUEY ORANGE '1:lunlo r 1011ev '"""' 0.orQf< Mo .. J'I 1 S(X) ';J 1 1)3.i ll!VIN( Of!ANGl IV JUClbltOQA Slad•um 0. In ~51~ <>398710 OllAHGE 1A C·tv Cll".arro ·~ J?11" WUlMINSTEi UA C•"'3fTIO 89Jf.646 ,., .... , rtfil• ....... ry c-.... s -· -c-.- MOVIE RATINGS 1 a~t •n inwtnlor y ol your poltnhal Whal ~ind of tnw1ronmenl do you worl ~I 1n Uow do you rtlale lo othtts' Alltnd ont ol lour $l!SS10ns in Ai>rrl S.•-I ........ 1 -J -.... 11 s. ..... 1 ........ 14 i.r.tloo •-"'4-, ... 11 Newport Beldl • 7:00P .M.· I O:OOP .M. m· Sl0.00 rw Sn.-~-• ·•"""' lt:•-~ (714) 640-1268 oinus st er UD Have your famUy dlnner with our family on Easter. Enjoy complete quality U.S. Choke beef dinners served by friendly people in a relaxed atmosphere. You'll find consistent quality at great prices. You've got my name on it. Easter dinner suggestions: Prime Rib .......... $7 .95 NewYorkSteak ...... $7.95 ...... $6.95 .... $6.95 Top Sirloin . . . . Seafood Selection Child's plate available. • MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS EARLY -(71 4) 588·2727 .Marrtotts RANCHO LAS PALMAS RESORT "' •1000 808 HOPE DRIVE • RANCHO MIRAGE. CA 92270 FOUNTAIN VALLEY• SANTA ANA• GARDEN GROVE TORRANCE • CERRITOS • LAKEWOOD • ANAHEIM J•thtOA t.Uotl ,......,, l.~t•• ............ ,, a..c. ... ~ 01to You 11AUTd' Drive Into Spring Orange County lntematlonal Aute h Anaheim Convention Center April 21st thru 25th Dlecount tklc•t• •vtllabM •t: • lllfenyloc4'CMllHIMI • Alph• s.i. Store• • Shakey ., Plue • W.ndy'1 ~m1H1rger1 • H. Sell Fl1h & Chlpt In and 1urroundll'lf Or•nge County S/JollJorM! OI' Motor Car Dealers ~iataon O! Orange County ProdVCed by Cehnert &poJlllOll Group For Further lnforma11on ca.II (714 999-8900 *BARGAIN MATINEES• Monday thru Saturday All PerformancH before 5:00 PM (Eictpt Sptclal Eng1g11111nts and Hohd1ys) V. MlllAOA MAll Muaoo al llo1ecron1 LA MIRADA WALK·IN 99-'·2-'00 "YICTOR/YICTOFUA" (PO) ·---......... Nlf -.C:TUIW UIO .C..IJ~A\' CtiARIOTS OF FIRE -) , ... J..JI .... l:JO. ,,_ .. "RICHARD PRYOR LIVE OH THIE 8UN81ET STRIP" (II) U::M, -..... --'"' - LAKEWOOD CENTER WALK ·IN .. __ _ "ON QOUJE.H PONO" l"GI , ............. ,, .. "SOME KIND OF HERO" (R) '•~Hit'--..... ,.... "OIJEST FOR FIRE·· (R) -0°"8• '~ J'Ali, ............ ,.., ... "POAKY'S rRI •J.a.>••• ... ~·,. facvtly a• Cana1ewooa 213/531·9510 "SOME KIND OF HERO" (A) t:IO, U0 t•tO I 40 t1 ... 'POAKY'S' '"' "-· , .... , ..... OAA. Y ~ !INCi '°" """ IHOW 00.. • MO •AJtGAJM ,.._, e....OAY A.NO H()U)A\' LAKEWOOD CENTER SOUTH WAll<·IN "REOS" (POI tt;.JD ..... "CAT PEOPLE" IAl ' ,., NO 1-. I» ..,,. NIT "CT~ AC) M:MllW\.Al "CHARIOTS OF FIRE" IPO) tt:Je..>• •• ·-... - So11rncoo"~ at l 1oaa•av •M1'•111'11111' IMllMllllMilMIL_~49~4-1514 ) "CAT PEOPLE" (R) _,_,,,_ U T•ntlltoel.d0.11'1t.t".H I 'DEATHTRAP 1001 fltf 1• Ill S.Tit In • ... 1 " •• ,. 6 I!> • • b·OO •"<• '' IMPORTAltf NOi ICl ' CHILDREN UNDER 17 fRH' th 1ttor '"" W)''"' ••~ 1 "'"' f" 5 30 • ''' Sw~ ~°'' +, 00 '""' CMf.'I S()IJND • •fl\J~ UI CAii llAD«> S •O!Jfl Sl'tMfl• t< HO •" CAM llA()ol) W"tl tC.HITOi llCCl'SSOll• POSITO< -llUNG UI POltfAILI • ~l CJOlf-R ONVt-4tl$ OJ OH A .. llA()l(i ANAHflM ANAHEIM DRIVE-I .. ft•••OY 9t al lemon SI "CAT PEOPLE" IAI "'-UI "NIGKTWINO" (PG) (Jill J ~--179·9150 "PIENITTHTIAllY II" (R) ....... ,--- "IE8CAP£ FROM ALCATRAZ" (PO) C•H• i I SCIUNO BU!NA PAlll( BUENA PARK DRIVE-IN l1ncutn A•• we 11 of ll'non 12HI070 BU!NA PAl!K LINCOLN DRIVE·IN t1nc.01n ••• well of ' no •t If J.!ii{llUJj Son 01e go JAlrf O' l •OOkr'v''' Uc J 962-2411 WISIMINSllll 1 "CLASH OF THE TITANS" (PO) "'-UI l"THIE lORO OF TH( RINGS" (PG ( 110 I ')\fU"" --- "SOME KIHO Of HERO" lA) "'-UI "8.0 .B " (R) "SILENT AAOIE" (A) l'\UI •-THE OCTAGON" (A) ..OIJ£ST FOfl F"'E" (R) •\U• "ALIEN" (R) Cl•l It \OIJ•O HI-WAY 39 DRIVf·IH e.oc" &rvo SO 01 G\>ra.n Gi~t •itrwov 191-3693 •n ACTiltl...,. ACTill... "IVCHAllO ""YOfl UVIE "ON GOl.OE:119PONO" (PO) OH THE SUN~£1' ITRlf'" (R) "IT.,_TINO OYER" (A) ''UllED CAAi" (R) ___ c_••-'-"-$0Utl_o __ ~-+----:-'"-'' SOUNO~~~ "l"Oflj(~;!" (f'Q) "IJt' IN IMOU" (R) Ctl\f lt SOUtOO l,lo HA811A LA HABRA DRIV( IN ..._._. .... 1111 '""' .... ' .,..,.., .... 171-1162 S.' '"·'~I "CAT NOf'U" (R) •\U• "NIOHTWINO" (,.Q) Ctllf II SO\INO "•O. K""'~ .. AO .. (A) .... o.a.·1111 ORANGE OlllVl-IN 10"10 Al"IQ ,,..., • s1ote Co•••o• 551·7022 "llOMY'I'' 19' -"ntl NIGHT 1ltl LIGHTI WI.NT OUT IN ~"111 Att A~ I A• .. A"'- MISS ION OlllVE IN -"TltlHk DlltTY'' 1111 "CU9" Of' THI MANe" (N) "'"' ..,,. LotlO Of' THI IUNU" (N) . 0 0 " ..... ~._ • ' "t .. I A • • WARNER 0 111\lf IN ~O•ft•• A .. ...,.,, OI l•ocll """ •47·lltl I f:&:OO "' di\Olo I Fate held a • strange twist Play illustrates escape from horror to fantasy/and ByJA~HYMAN •11111 11• .......... LOS ANOE.LE'S -They fled the Nail terror, 1ome of the areateat wrltera of their day: Bertolt Brecht, Thomu and Helnrlcb Mann, Llon Feucht· wanpr and Odon von Horvath. In an odd twhlt of hiltory, J.hey 1tepped from the realm of horror into fantuyland: Hollywood. All Qf them, that la, except von Horvath, whose life was cut short along the way by a freak accident and who only arrived 42 years later, courtesy of a play- wright's imagination. The playwright is Christopher Hampton, and the play ls "Tales From Hollywood," which runs at the Mark Taper Forum of the Loa Angeles Music Center through May 9. It was commissioned by Taper artistic director Gordon Davidson as part of a series of plays about Los Angeles, which has included "Zoot Suit" and "Number Our Days." The Taper has also pre- miered such successes as "Children of a Lesser God" and "The Shadow Box." "I was writing a play with which I was stuck," Hampton 1said, when Davidson proposed several ideas to him in the spring of 1980. Hampton, the British author of "The Philanthropist," "Savages" and "The Portage to San Cristobal of A.H.," which opened recently in London, was struck by a proposal about the fugitive writers. "Here they were in this garden at the other end of the world and in Europe terrible things were happening," Hampton said. "They were by and large wor- king in absurd jobs too; they were working for Warner Bros. and other thinp. It wu a very lnteratlni lituat.ion oth.ically." Abandoning the play he had been struggling with, he prowled through the German ln1tltute Library in London and the UCLA library's oral hislory col- 1 e ct ion, then interviewed Feuchtwanger's 91-year-old wi- dow, Marta, who lives In Pacific Palisades. "She knew everybody and she was prepared to talk extremely openly,' said Hampton, a perso- n.ble young writer who speaks OH NO, JULIE -Say it isn't true. Here's Julie Andrews in still another rote so vastly different than Mary Poppins. She plays a man performing female impersonators in "Victor, Victoria," currently screening in the Orange Coast area . enthuaiaatlcally about h1a subject. But, In 1tructurlnt the work for the stage, he ran Into a pro- blem. "The writen I wanted to deal with were a great deal of the time not on apee.klng terms wlth each other." He decided he needed a nar· rator, someone to frame the play and fill in the background for the audience. But no one seemed to fit. Then Hampton thought of von Horvath, several of whoee works he had translated Into Engliah. Here was another problem: von Horvath died in 1938, In a rather bizarre Incident. During a viat to Paris to diacuss making a film of one of his novels, tne author went to a cinema on the Champs Elysees to see Walt Dis- ney's "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs." He emerged into a violent storm and joined a group of people huddling under a chest- nut tree. A limb of the tee fell on his head, killing him instantly. "I decided to extend his life by 13 years," Hampton said. "He was on the point of leaving for America and would ~ve wound up here I'm sure, as he had al- ready worked for 20th Century Fox in Germany." While assisting in rehearsals, Hampton -who lives near Ox- ford, England -lived in Los Angeles and worked on one of its specialties: a script. It's for a Franco Zeffirelli film called "The Florentines," and concerns the early 16th century in Florence, involving such fi· gures as Leonardo da Vinci and Michelange lo, "who were in town at the time." Keep an eye out for the funniest movie about growing up ever made! You'll be glad you came! l":J c:\ COMMlRPAL CRi,OIT C~ TION \:=! r:J • Conlrd CMIA Comp..viy l•iiitft•·'ff i\4'~~·..J .. ,tt Of n.,~rJ t ... , ... l r-·1Y•l1 COST\ \11:.....,,\ HO f_ 1;1h -,trr .. 1 • 6.15 R700 HI \'Tl\GTO" UEA< II fl.iOi.) L11J1fen W• •I ..,I • 8471771 \llS~IO\ \IF.JO .\ltr1a Town l'la1~ • 770 2f1'>l .'>A:'ITA A':'<A 122l Ea•I n h .. , • 5l~ ~7 1 L------------.1 ELABORATE EASTER BUFFET -, ¥,~flt ' 7:~:~70mm IC d .. t !Slcturt :f~~ s:il~~~~ DEA~ Micha•I E'"' 12'40 ~:9' 5:25 7:5!r1ll:10 ~~.!.!!.•J:.•.!.~rp "1ffl"T1ft1"1 "Woltd Served Pool-Side 9:30-3:00 . r " c;:.·~ ,,.. --·.-~-~.~ And our Regular Champagne Brunch Served in the Mediterranean Room 9:30·3:00 ~ . and meet the Easter Bunny (with his photographer) who will be handing ouf eggs to all the boys & girls. ~ •i ... VJ '' 18700 MacArthur Blvd. Airporter Inn Hotel Irvine 33-2770 FIND YOUR NAME $ 2 TICKETS WORTH $19 C1o<1 Si -long Beach Newport & fo1rv1ew -Cosio Mesa YMUll ITUlll I tr.AME """' fAllUlllll Mon Wed Apul 17 14 Tnurs-Sundoy, April 15 18 TICKETS aYallable al Circus Vargas locallons and at all Tlokelron ootlets. For more .circus Information. call {7 14) 957· 1120 9 Winners In Today's Classifieds! IT'S EASYI Find your name and address in today's • classified section. then call 64'2-5678 Ext. 272 to claim your tickets. Winners each day, so check the classifieds in the ... lllllJ Piii Orlll'Qe Coat DAIL V PILOT /Tueeday, Aprll e, 1982 NU BIN Plua S29 5339 GOITAMIU ldwwds 811sta4 S40 7444 DEATHTRAP "A stylish, ane•Jr:y, cat-an.4- moue movie?' -Janee. waaUn. Tia NEW YORX TillE8 [PGJ ''Riv11ls '2001' 11nd 'STAR WARS''' Libby Tucker hitchhiked from Brooklyn to take HoUywood by stonn. And her father by surprise. ""10oil'!'f'I· , ....... , .... ,,, .... WALTI:R MAITHl\U ANN·MARCRET DINAH MANOf1' A HERBERT ROS.., FILM NEILSIMON'S IOUGlll TO BE IN MCT\JRES °"""'°' of f'ho1r~,.ph\ Oo\VmM Wl\l 'ill Mu<1<bv MARVIN 11AMl 1-.< II l'rodurtd by Hl:RBFRT llO'-.. •nd ''fll SIMO E.vn.h•~ """'"'" ROGERM R0 111"r11' ~pl<oyby NER SIMON C>u-.nt'd by HER8FAT AO!..., ti • 4 edwards cinemas WHERE THE BEST PICTURE S PLAV 1 CT • -EVENNG- eJOO ID• NEWS . CHAAUE'S ANOElS THE JEFFEASONS Cl) HAWAII FIVE-0 • BUSINESS R~T QI) UNOERST ANDING HUMAH BEHAVIOR "Sonaory Psychology' Cl) CBS NEWS ~ABC NEWS IBJNBC NEWS CH) ANDREW'S RAIDERS Our111g lhe CIVIi Wer, II Northern spy lrlet to 1ntll· 11a1e r1bel terr1101y and ctpture a train •II.ti 10 the South 1 supply lrnttl (lltJrt 21 (S)MOVIE • • •.., 0 Aockshow· ( 1980) Paul McCartney md Wings ThlS retOoO OI ll'IP bend s U S 1ou1 1111.lude• pertoomances ot Jtol Band On Tlle Run Silly Love Songs" and so1T111 01<1 Bulle ballads PG' O MOVIE • • Fou.e f 1ve 51.11 vengers 119811 An1mutecJ An il•rny ol hllle ruhots bond tugelher to rt11lend Earth against ~ lorce ol alien invaders G 6:30 GJ ALL IN THE FAMILY fEI NEWSBEA T WITH CLETE ROBERTS ni) BUSINESS REPORT (1)(3NEWS ®) BARNEY MILLER Whole irate cottzt-ns com- pl•111 ol pornograpl1y 1>e1ng displayed at .i 11.-1111 guoGhOd art gallery Bt1rr1t1y and his wile !Ree a m>111lal crisis 7:00 0 CBS NEWS D NBCNEWS 0 ANGELS '82 ·A PREVIEW Joe Bu1t11ta AnCI Bob Sl•I" look al lhe upcoming Wd son tor thll C nhlorrud Anqefs with tntetview~ ~lltl players cria~ 111· ~• ,, Gent!ral MunegPt ,,,.,., Mauch 0 ABCNEWS GJ M 'A.S'H Hawkeye ana Trapper art1 1e11 to enlr•en thP c.1mp when the nurses dre ... ..,,,r, ualed Q) JOKER'S WILD EID OVER EASY Health Care Whal ~ A Body To Do? Gul''1 Or John Farquna1 1rt1 (;l ni) DICK CAVETI (I) P.M. MAGAZINE An aqor aphoblG who t11rt '" het hOme ID< 30 y .. ars a man Who !ll11lls sea100<1 lor ttie FOA 9 ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT An 1ncerv1ew wuti Arnaz ~THE MUPPETS Guest Diana Aos\ (HISTANOiNG ROOM ONLY "AeO Skelton s Fu11ny Faces Shield$ and V.irnt>ll and Yacov Noy 10111 1ne maste• comechan 11 u pro g r.im leatu11ng su<.n lnmO\I~ $-.eilOn Ch.1rn~tPrS as Freddie the rrenlnndl'• and Clem KadoddlPhope ... r 0 MOVIE • • • The Norlh A•enue 111egulars 11979) Edward HPrrmann Barbara Hartis lhe net. minister on a small town oroanozes a qroup nt ootty women on,.,,, tOll'l'" 01111011 10 stop lht" llow "' chwch funds lo cttm1nat~ G Orange Coaet DAIL V PILOT /Tuelday, Aprll 8, 1982 PURSUIT -Charles Bronson, as a de- tective, and Jill Ireland, a former gangla- nd moll, are pursued by mob hitmen tn ''Love a nd Bullet s," tonight at 9 on KNXT (2). Z MOVIE • • ·~ :>tarau11 Memo rie, 119801 WOOdy Allan, C11a1101111 Rompllng A sue ce~stut d11eclor laces a fldr~nal eris" ab he 1r1es to make i.omo major dec1 s10115 on nos hh1 PG 7 30 0 2 ON THE TOWN Fe<1ture<1 o proh1e ot Bar har<i Woodtoolise, world 1 ""owned Brll!Sh dog 1ra1flf'f 1a~e a detaoteo •• ok al llld Mcl.,yv1e1 • ''*'W mus.cal mslrumeot. 1 r in I lflU 11100 Of J11kl'bO~. video pul 10 or1g1nal music. ;i look a1 1ne 1om,m11c decision mak111g procei.s 0 O'J FAMILY FEUD 0 PRE.SEASON BASEBl,LL Calllor n1o1 Aogets vs Oak IJndA.!> 0 EYEON L A FttalunKt J rook at rtSQllf.l hoyeri~ h>r women a • ••J.HJrt on ltlf.t wot td ot li1qh1 .it1l'111tu111s a 111p 10 Jt>I P1opul,1on Lal.lor a tor II'~" PG'i.ld~na m M"A'S'H Orea111~ .1nd noghtmares plague • me o•erworlt.eo 4077th. Q) @ TIC TAC DOUGH £D MACNEIL I LEHRER REPORT ail NEWS 10 YOU ASKED FOR 11 J •·atured M1n1i::1ture Peo r11t• 01 Cerm,rny ~nd Bord Ooc.101 01 The Ever- g1.1des C MOVIE • • • Norm By Nollh wc•st 119591 Cary Grant rvd Ma11e S01nl An adv&r t1\1r•9 man~ 1119 rs ct1a119e<1 c1tdSt•c11lly whtltl he 1s m•s lak~n tor " CIA .lgent 800 0 8 OEO A s1n1s1er 11val a11emp1s 10 1t1c.lo Oueri11n 1n10 using h•s nt·w~~• 1t1\lt1n11on a remote r m1lrol dt<vlCl' whreh uses .. 110 signGls 10 de1011a1e a r.omt> 0 DAFFY DUCK'S EASTER SHOW A1 .. m,•tP<l tJ<1tty Duell >l.Jrs m 1111..., E<lSler Ofl· "' led car1oons 1R1 0 tQ. HAPPY DAYS ~ on1•e l;t!\Cs ovet a schoot ,,vg1ene t loss dnl'.l teaches l n 11na1nho11zod lesson m H , eduC.ilC.11 (R) m P.M MAGAZINE Aro JQO• lPhOb•c who hod 111 11 .. r t1(1m" lo• JO years A Ph1lddPlpro10 nowspaper n•pot ter who went Uf\dt)t· , v1oer m Po4and Q) MOVIE • • Tne Shulter&O Room 1 t9671 Gog Vov119 ( '" ,,, t. ynley A young coo plfr. 1nflen1 l t ursed mill 11.,use on 11n island ED LIFE ON EARTH ,,~ C mpol~t\'t• Commu ~dhJf ~ Ua"•d Attenbor ouqt1 IJ<lkb OI the part 1 ummurucahon h..S pl11yl'IJ '" 11111 Oevetopmer11 ol "'""Ll ml NOVA Art1~1S In The lab A look IS ldktln 81 lhe 201h CllOIU· "I 1uonoors who o~ u•u'!I computeos aod IBM11s to create an ex1ra0<d1nary dr«1y 01 ~1111nge naw art lorms (RIO ~ LOOK A'llVE H MOVIE • • • • Happy B11tho11y lo Me l t980) Mttl•SS<l Sue Andar'IOn Glenn Furn A' rnlll Cle1 beg111s cllopp1110 aw11y al her cuele 01 @lit15t t11e110\ 1 prep school -• ror wo1r1es that sne mey be tt1P neJ(t ..;1ct1m or poss•· bly Ult' ~•lier 'R $ MOVIE • • • • I ne Postmlln Alwuy) Rings Tw1c., 1198 t) Jack N•C..hOl&Oll J"\<tCd l anoe A yOU•tQ Y¥oman Jnd her ltl"t•t Ph"I IU rrlurdur her hu~o.111d R 0MOVIE • • Nine Hour:.. t <> Ram.. t 19631 Hor>t Suchholz Jose f euer Mahatma Gan<1h1 s last brtl'I hours <HA sctin tr11ougll hos ass11s~1n s t!ytl~ 8·30 0 ~ BERENSTAIN BEARS' EASTER SURPRISE A111ma ted Papa B1>t11 1nv!'nts an Easter t1gg machine eod promose5 l•I· tie Brother Bear " •Ory ~pec1a1 Easter surp,.541 I R1 Ii @, JOANIE LOVES CHACHIO 0 VOU ~SKEO FOR IT Featured Braz1hans Cop lure World s L argffsl Snake .:ind Hor!>e~ Ot O~IOl>elh!SI ID ALL IN THE FAMILY E011h is conlronled wolh .i 1ap15t and a hle·thru<lll'll 1ng trauma on thfl evff rit ne< s11rp11se birthday par ty tPart I) Z MOVIE • • • Prelly H11by I 1979) K111th Carro<11n11 Brooke Shields A World War I phorog•apher decrdes to marry the odo· 1escen1 daughter ol a pros- 11lutfl 1n tne Rea llgrH D1s111c1 ot New Orlean& R 9'()()0 A MOVIE • • I uvo And Butle11 1 t97'1) t..harles Brooso1r R11<1 Steoge• The F Bl asks J de1oc111r1· •u track dow11 me m•~tff!SS ot an import a111 underworld figure 0 ~STEVE MARTIN'S BEST SHOW EVER Stt-vP MJtt•n pe<lorm. hos un•Que b1 and ol tOl'l\t'dV betore an audle<1ce 111 NBC s lamf'd Sludou 8H 1R1 0 (!~ THREE'S COMPANYQ OUljh ~· Al ll'le pWI t0<ntt1\ll>lr•lkH1 llN play.a 111 tile dev.,10un>et1t ol man u COl MOVIE • 11 • KhtO 0 1 Klngt" ( 108:11 J•ltt•y Hunt••. ltu'-1 Ayar1 fl•• coming ol J•1111 a1\(,f Illa .,,,.,.. .. OI hot lllot QllV" birth IO • new r•1101on II 30 0 !1Q) TOO CLOSE FOR COMFORT Mu1Hll urKle1gue1 IMtl to U .. IHllOll* .... M A Of 1\411 d•YoM(>V!lllj lUtl>y tR) 0 8UL.L8EYE 10:00 0 8 SHAPE OF THIN08 (Prl!m1eu1) Mo1g1t11 F•lt· <hlld S111h Purcell, ~ y1111 RoMJgrave Belly Wh1111 Henny Youngman •NI vie I 11yb1Ck HllrllO IO<;lal 1a1UA1• an<J per 1011•1 rala 11011~h1ps uemm ~ ~ews 0 ~ HART TO HART Jooothon POMI •• • CIA •11t1r1I to llr(d a <IOUbHt uo•n• l111•k1t1Q lop.aec;rot 1r11tunu•Hou () rC 1MOVtE • • • la Cll{le Au~ foho• (197111 Ugo Tog '""z' M1c.ht1I Setraull A 111qltl<.lub ownu1 1r1,.s 10 llltJIJJ•e ho~ 1ran1vo'"'" IUVffl IOI a VISll by hi& son s 111ncee s lather the n1orals c.omm1!1's1ontu ot I rdlK" R •H MOVIE * • 'Dlfly lflCk> 11981) tlholl Could K&le Jack, '>011 A Ha1v1trd prntessor l•!'\.t.mt!& 111.. quart y ot IJt•l...,11~ 811110US 10 get t11tM1 ndnd• on a racently discovered 101101 w1111en by Oeorg11 Washington J>G 0 HAMMER HOUSE Of HORROR Th•· n 11rte<111111 R1>Un1on f~ulll Callllb IS IJrOugttl HU c fO IUC.P with somu de• dllQ"d 1nd1V1dua1s whll" 111 • .,stoQahnq Sii ""0" hap "'•n1ng'i. at ·• fur1<•rJI 10 20 Z HOW TO RAISE A BABY 1030Q) NEWS ED CLAES OLDENBURG'S CRUSOE UMBRELLA A t•rotite ul t.lues Otoeo 1111111 >n1• "' tht' Jew mod ... ,,, "Jt1JIJ.>tQr't who has Lit't•n ,u1,,,1,,,eS"1hJI m creating 1.1111• ouUlOo• ~ulptu•e is rrt~l·led ni) AMEftlCAN PLAYHOUSE "Medel ot Honor Reg ... In an adap1a11011 o l Tom Coles staQe dram1 based on a true story • black Vie111am vetMan r-1s to robber)! Whllll he finds that he cannot support hlS lam!· ly , S MOVIE • fh• S"• Mdchme 11\1181 1n :/O'H Ao ~•en '"'s -;olvt lhe rnergy p•ohl.-m by '1t1rn11i.~1ng the pvNttr ol •he hurnt1n hh1do R l MOVIE • • • The Club• 119801 .. ~ lnompson Granam Kl'llllCdy , ,,., <.Ouch OI 9 h.l.,, bPt•n Au,r;traltan foot 1,.,11 IP~m l111ds lhe gomg r 11•1911 tooth on Ille playing '•t41J •nd 1n tr1t• boJ1d room wf1..-t ._. he laces, an ama 1111r11sl1G club president 11:00 0 0 0 (8, 1tql ~ NEWS 0 SATURDAY NIGHT Ho\I Elholl Gould Guest Gar~ Numan 0 KOJAK GJ M•A•S•H WhPn H1>n1y Blake 1s tr Jns.lerrf'cl to TOk J'O •t..tw)i.e;.""'(e Huncn'"S a liNild '" ""d•gn to gel tum bac• Q) SANFORD ANO SON ED OtCK CAVHT ail JAZZ AT THE MAINTENANCE SHOP A" [,an• rrio 1No t t11t Evaffs. p.ano Mt1rc J• 1t1ric,on btll\" JOP La Bar h••1 • Urumt. tAJ (i}MOVIE • • The H ind 1 198 II M It.tel C"'"" Andr,..t M Jf( C\VIC(I 11 30 0 1 II ALICE CHANNEL LISTINGS fJ YOU AS~EO FOR IT Foatur.,o Taiwan 's SnakP Alley '•frd•c1ne Man ind The WorlcJ s We11dest Hmrslyhst Ahoa. ·~ c11uqh1 '" 1tle mid Uh when l(.Jvf'bHdS. no lff!U VP• q,:.f ~ ,, ~n JtQume11t n f) KNX T lCBSl E> KN BC (NBC! 0 KTLA (Ind I e KABC I ABCI Q KFM B ICBSI 0 KHJ Tll llnd I Cl!) KCST (ABC) 8'KTTV11no l 0 0" IV l IV l II !HlO C f( 1n,·tt'.t,) • I WOR1 NY 11 IWTBSl IESPN1 S f">h0Wl1rnr1 0 C,putloqhl NY GJ MERV GRIFFlN ED AMERICAN PLAYHOUSE Medal Ot Honor Rao tn an .1d11pla1to11 ot Tom Cole ~ ~•age dram11 based on a true slo•y a blt!Ck Vietnam veteran resur'~ to rol>berv whPn he lind1 lhAI he crtnnot support h1& tam 1ly 0 ail (tFE ON EARTH 0 l'llTONIGHT "'"' Juonny Ca••o11 0 ti2' ABC NEWS NIGHT LINE m THE JEFFERSON$ A 1urn of fJifP transform-. ""oroe and l ouose s roo fmf~ 1f1fo 1h8 gOOd Old l.ldys Q) LOVE, AMERICAN STYLE 'ID KCOP TV Cina t tD KCET tPBSl 0 I ( .1hll' flew~ NPlwnr ~) rne Compulsive Comnu• n1ca1ors Oa•ld Allertt>(lt ED NEWSBEAT WITH CLETE ROBERTS '1ll KOCE !PBS> 'Medal of Honor Rag' on PBS Drama explores battle-scarred psyche of war hero NEW YORK (AP) -Amcnca sent its soldiers to fight an un- conventional war in Vie tnam. Then, when they did their job. it welcomed them back with non- traditional guilt, embarrassment and neglect. This paradox is o ne of th e psychological burdens of the re- turning soldiers deal w ith in "Medal of Honor Rag," PBS' potent exploration into th e battle-scarred psyche of a black war hero having difficulty re - tumina to civilian Iii e. Tonight's adaptation o f the 1976 play written by Tom Cole (on Channel 28 at 9 and Channel 50 at 10:30), is one of the stron- g e It offerings on PBS ' "American Playhouse" weekly aeries of dramas, comedies and musicals written by Americans. The splendid internal drama is baaed on a 1971 newapeper ac- count of a blaci< war hero who wu kllled while holding up a supennarket. The play, set in a psychiatric hospital, opens with Country Joe M cDonald'• haunting "l-F•l-Like-l'm-Fhdn'-To-Die ~:J~~1~'Jd tbe viewer und4tr -a · i·~medlal(fly that th.LI la not golna to be ·a ''Hogan'• He- roes" war tale. With the music as an emotional backdrop, a psychiatrist (Hector Eliwndo) readies his office, while the patient, D .J . J ohnson (Damien L eak e). shuffle- marches down the corridors in his slippers. Johnson had been a straight- arrow kid who overcame the temptations of the Detroit ghetto. Vietnam messed him up. He was part of a close-knit tank unit, but the day after he was reassigned to another tank. his old tank was blown up, killing everybody in his "family." After trying to save his bud- dies, he went berserk. Without concern for his well-being, Johnson went on a killing apree, taking down 20 of the enemy. Out of ammuniUonl he w as face-to-face with an enemy gun. It misfired. Johnson beat the soldier to death. In mocking tones, J ohnaon says he wu given the Medal of Honor for "conapicuoua gallantry.'' He aay1 1nldely that.he'• "an authentic hero" and "a credJt to h1a l'ltee.·· What he can't really handle la being ~warded for everythtns he bad been ralled not to do .• Hla 11 mother didn't teach him to kill, b ut t he medal was a n ir onic symbol that 1t~was right. This is the kind of conflict war causes. But a high-handed pur- pose for fighting and the friendly reception of the homeland ordi- narily help resolve some of the dilemmas. No marching bands welcomed Johnson when he re- turned home two days after his killing spree. Now he finds h imself in a' psychiatrk ward, looklng for an explanation Cor his rage, confu- sion and depression. He wants to understand why he doesn't feel like a survivor, why he wishes he \Y8S in the tank with his friends, why he dreams that the enemy gun had not miafired. J ohnson la very much worth saving. Unde r the layers of anger, he'a bright, sharp-witted and very likable. The psychiatrist recogni.tel this, and in bis desire to tnake contact, drops his pro- fessional pose and oftera a per- sonal experience of survivor's guilt. Through 1ome explosive doctor-patient dialogue and 1trong actlng, the two char8cien eltemately make contact, drift apart and touch back again. TU BE .TOPPERS KNSC (4) 8 :00 -"Daffy Duck's Easter Sho w ." D tty Duck stars in three Easter -ortented cartoon.s. KNXT (2) 9:00 -"Love and Bullet5." Charles Bronson stars as detective as- signed to track down a former girlfriend of a gangleader. See photo, left. KCET (28) 9:00 , KOCE (50) 10:30 - "Medal of Honor Rag." A black Vietnam veteran has trouble returning to civU,ian life. See story. below. {HJ RACE FOR THE PENNANT HO~ll Bwry Tompk1n1 eno Tim McC,.rver aneak a PtMJI! at ll>e upcoming sea· aon 11:60 fCJ MOVIE • •', ' H1rdty Wo1klng" (19811 Jerry L11w11 SuHn Ot1vur Alter lhe c11cu1 tloS6s down a veteran clown l11es his hand at var· 1ou& JOba. ta1hng miserably <II 1t1em 811 'PG' -MIONIGHT- t2:00 0 ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT An 1111arview w1111 Dell Arnaz 0 O]J FANTASY ISLAND M1 Roarke 1s visited by 11 bthlutotut woman who has fallen 111 love with h•m lllld a macho man t>ecomH a movie 1ypt.1 hero (Al 0 MOVIE • * * Tho V10111111 E nu~ my 119681 Ed Bealey Susan Hamppure GJ MOVIE • * * A Case 01 Aapll ( t974) EMLebelh Mon1gom. e1y Ro1111v Co• Q) LOVE, AMERICAN STYLE EID FOCUS ON SOCIETY 0 EVERYTHING GOES K•ro Addolla hosts 1h1s r,110 al>d Only adull game ~how w11h guests Carol Wayne Pa1 McC0<m1ck dnd the Unknowo Comic $,MOVIE • • , Bustin Loose ( 1981) R1charo Pryor Cice- ly r yso11 A bumbhng bur. glar J conc:ern11d schOOltf'ec:her and eight cn.tdren m.J~e a fflgh1en- m9 <1e>n coun1ry trrp In a bro~en down school bus R 1205 0 l WKRP tN CINCINNATI Jot11111y th•nlo" that he rs go111q ""°'"~ and checks h•msell """ lht1 hospfl<1I (RI 12.30 0 ~LATE NIGHT WITH DAVID LETTER"4AN GuP!>ts Bob and Ray spo•I'> promoter Dori Kong NBC weatherman W1llflld SC<lll 0 COUPLES Q) NEWS ED EXPLORI~ LANGUAGE H BAREFOOT IN THE PARK Richaro Thomas and Ben Arm5trong ''~' 1n th1~ Po• lt>rrnancf' nt Neil Simon s comudy olbOUI a pa1r ot Ne... Vork 11ew tyweds Tapeo at lhf' Moore The ale• in Sea111e Wasll 0 MOVIE • • Tr11ough The Look •'•Q Gta\S I t976) Catha- """ Burq1>s~ A woma11 s cn11~11111t go.zmg tnlo an <11tt•Quf' rnriror leads 10 o c •nftor 1t1l1on w1lh a r:lPmOn IO~r l MOVIE • * Tnr Brave One I Hl'\61 M1c1111e1 Ray Aooo1 "' Hriyus A yuung boy lrd vt•I· .. II. M .. lllC.O lo find his ~I bull which w1111 M<:t.r da11t1lly ..old 2:40 tJ ClJ MCCLOUD 100 0 MOVIE • •·~ Harlow ( t06!>) Carol Lynley Elteni /Itri· bahSI Jr 1 he bfflluhlut an<I bew1 lchong Hollywood Slur ~ 11se 1111d 1811 lb lt<ic.d Q) MOVIE • • • h s A Wonderlul I tlu f t947) J11mes Stew· url, 0011118 Reed (i)MOVIE • • !he Final Contt1c1 I 19811 Sam Naill Rutsano BrdU• In the thoro part of fh<1 Omen ll•logy youog Oam•en. the <imbod1men1 01 lhu Am1chns1 ·~ now an al.lull and a tru~1..a aov1sor 10 lhe pr11s1d1111t 01 the u S R 1100 MOVIE • * * Tho I t968) Bun Janice Rultt lf~ NEWS I 20 C MOVIE Swimmer la11c1151er • • • First rum1ty ( t980t Golda Rad111<1 Bon Nowhart flli. l>'"uJlly •HPre&~ daul)nlt'• of lhe couulry s weirdest pres• d .. n lldl lam1ly 1..0ntt>lo •. ates llf•r 1.itllPr S ·111\lmpl!> t<l c.unducl lht-.illo)lr~ ol Slul8 A 1:30 0 ~NEWS 1:45 $ MOlllE • * T ... etve Plus One Sh.iron ra111 A young woma11 searcheb thrf>f' criur1111ei. tor a c.hltH ltlM C.OHhUnS. a grf"tH f(Jr lull" A 2.oo m MOVIE • • At Swotd ., S1omt ( 1952) Corne! W•ldl' Mau- reen O'Hara 2:15 l MOVIE • • • • lhe Last Morro ( 19801 Cathe,,r1e DenetNe Gerard Oeperdoeo DirPCt ed lly Francois I rullaut Durong Worl<J Wor II 1h~ proprrelors ot a small P .. rrs '"'"''"' lry 10 kl'f'p lheor PStaOllShment open durmq thr· Ge(man OCA..:uµa11on PC. 2;25 0 NEWS 2:40 0 NEWS 3:00 0 MOVIE • • • ' E•ep11Jnl Boy I 19371 Sat>u Willlllt Hulld BilM!O on " ~tor~ by Aull· y.ud K1phng A -.m.•11 na1r ... ~ lle>y hnrls thf' m1>et1ng plu<. .. ,,, d Wiid hPr<l OI ele· phan1s C MOVIE • • Brea.,ng Point I t976t Bo Svenson AObtlrl C111p A man wno w11ness e•, " gangland murd"'. 1s 11>110111ed by 1h1> Mat1;i lflf"r ht-t.Psllf•P'i J(Hl must mo-wtl ¥111lh tu~ I .1m1ly to Tnron10 R H MOVIE t • * , Happy B•tthday To Me ( t980t M(•llS~J Sue Andl!r,on Glenn Fo10 A!> morder t>egms thoppiup dW,ty .lt nPr r lr('IP l'lf ,.lthSt lt1t•nos J prep ~rho•'' SP11 101 wornes 1ha1 "'""may hP lhf4 flC)'f Vl<:hm If f>1J~ot.i1 hJ.,, th•"""•lle• A JOHN DARLING '!'OU K NOW. M INNIE I 1., THINK THAT C~IES REAL.LY GOT IT ~D FOR ,,.u:· NEW WEATHERGIRL! --- 9 HAMM A HOUaC or ..OAA()fl Ille lllnl-11h Aeur110<1 R..111 C111n• 11 llfOUQhl l•C.• lo t11r.e wllll 1oma d., •n11 .. •l lndl11tdual1 101hile mvfllllll)•llnQ au •no• 11111> peNnQI •I I tune. al 3 16 8 MOVI • A1 \'1111 w.,. (Ill~ I) J°" :.11wyl'r Wllll1m tr,11 y Ille pt1omo•uph11; memu1y ul • p11v1110 11 llrat a M!<l•C'O ot """"""' Mnd li11ett1 .,,. IUIWI 10 h11 -QO.lflt 330 $ MOVll! • • lh" '-'0"-1"'11'1 A IW•Y• H•oo• 1 Wit .. I tfl" ,, J<1t ~ NIChOloon J11nrc.11 l •11u• A yWllO W0ffl0U itHcl hUf k'.l~uf rtf(lt to """ der ht.t hu•lu.u•d R •oo m MOVIE • • Affu11 lu Uttno I t9:>GI Juhl! lUlld Dorl~ Sfflgl;,1011 A lad> boQ~ Qu~rd l-•'<.umo. the ubJOCI f1I hut .. rttJJltJyUt) .-ltti<. t1uru. / 0MOVIE * • • All 1 tlet J1111 111)/"t '111y ~ctoeooer .1.,, ire:.) lJr•g•• '''" 1umu111, Uu:. hfts (It u prOft:!l\hJO.JI d101eogruµh11• 11 lollow11Cl trum $uCc.t•a.• 1u1 1ru 1lu"'t• to pe1 ..ornel t..ri~t·i R • 30 0 ISPY C MOVIE • • • N" N 1kt·~ I l•U\th J ''"'._•,ut fiH·w11t: C,ro;fu., "•1111'-! t"4 N11 .. t1 Z MOVIE • • • ..,,,,,)' E\f'il•y t 1'Jf'J Ke 1lh I•"' Jr1111t fir, •O"'' ~h1f•l(f) 4 50 H MOVIE • • Cl11 I) 1 t '' ti.!.il c l'it;$ I) fll1011 l or111i1I It.oft J..11 ~ '-Ofl Mvd1u••dat1·• nay• imt• 1tlf.1t•i.-. -MORNING- ll 30 c • • • • lh• 100 l3lPN'• I fa.101 JttllU f'1\"'t~ ~ 1•uuO '"·"'''Iii: Aurtey A Y'H'~'1' ''' 'Y n ... p11vtto ot J .1tt t11 ti <II etffiffl .tt(f llH ' t upl t' l• 1,t t1 Cw•~> hur t tl••m 1l10f tot! r1• ,,,,.., tt1,,\l/lr:1 • l1ltr ,,, -,rudll • 111111 • l • '* t4H( r lfllt•f ~ J,I I~·· ( 1J Jlf 1'11 '"°'' r41p A , ,, ':. :j•f ''''11 tot ... ""'ti Arr 5.'· re• . .11 •' wlu 't 1hf"I h•JHis JtHJUI "" 1e.eli1'~1• ,.-11 Ith~ ,tdull wtirlt! 9 30 (I) • • l1·• t\ T1~rr , ', •• t 1 1t ,,,,VJ'"''~ <, 11 r.,. 1.1 ' A • nl r > '•11• n "" H •"'I •IY• • !fut '1•··•" n' "' ,,, "' fr .. ,_cJ "h"t 1<h lrJ Ii•·· I HU t ,,. \ ••f11I JllO\ 'Jt'\I• t 0 .. • •'•41 .97ql J tu fH ,~h· To-.11·f'l ~.t 1rtf' Ath•r lh,... bOrn0t''~ r.1 PP,111 H HOOr SoolhPrn t 1l1lt•t "''' •41..,1l1c1ns :md rrnl 1t-11y ~""'' .nr1nPI rt•o1r1 with untu 1tJlod ihlfU(.: Ir> •t"Ytl JI 1 J J"'.1n1 ,t ltlUt.. lt11· f N n tJ i1 tio y 11.J Pf.J 10 00 H • • "'"A• <I • Atpl' Pi8 '' J.1tn1·~ ny,11 A11ncltt11 lo\ru~I A n1.Htl.tl -1tt~ ~<tJt 'I l.Jdlll("~ lf1tt '"' 1fl!i (11 J ltC'IWCf •tlAO s-: .,.,.,.,, f\t..,,t '0 en,tuv-1,., ,,. 1ri~ •tul with a ,.,,,~ m1rn.t 1)1 1tf)I 11'\IQ PG S • • • r,., .. c.ai .. htJ 1111t I 1t1h·r1t ~ rd O(•hl11t" , .. ,.,,"111h A V <wt1lt'• t1un '-:·''. '"' "~.1de1 uf H1~ w l~ Sf'lt• 11,m 1l•t 10 15 z • • • ' ,,. t 1.1/y I 1~801 H1tl16llfl r., -,nr f.Jf'flft W•ld•' Jwo men drt: ""~ t 111-n f ,, riani. tobhet s t J •f',l IO•tl R 10 30 C • • • J.lf>ll' ArP R1nq , ''• 1'•f,0t n11 MOll•d:'ly If ") ,,.tH1•1! A "3hy HUJ •"'t'1• ,. 1 .1tJf1Jble )'U1.1nt~ :.1 .,.,.,... .. ,,!J •·rv1cP opvt,1tor ; • ,, ••s 1nf t1•J.1~ed .-;1th a Ch f' ' '\ ''P'""'•'"'' 1200 0 • • A ll•u,1n<1A "' (Jr" N~ ;ti! t 19681 lt"rf (.111p ... 1 '~·· VrllltJ111~ A UI 'lPIC1 .. J f q.Jlf "'' m ••• l'llfl\lu4um'' I 1110t) C.lfOIQll Pepj)e(d, JIUlt 8•b4ltg A P0Uoa CllO· 1a111 d.Codea 10 deflltld 11111111111 11tt1r hl1 lawyet 11 u111tl>le lo f)fCJv• 1111 OWn't k 111 hit wt11 ana l\ef IO.,.. CD • • llrMklhrough" t 111~1 Oavio OttAl'I Frank I u¥1•1oy tnt•ntryman tuu111111ir s1n.c• aarl y !rain· '"II IJU..11 "''"' ll1t1 big lrlV•· "'~" H • • • ''"' 0<0-.10t 1>ut1y Hn111 I 11179) l>tir1r11t Weavrir. liH Ell bu~her fho k1dn1PPl"'OI Mhd !MllllCh IOf hllllHI Pat· ty lhMISI ti rl·Crlllad lrom 11\t• •K1wpo.o1 of tile f 91 •1141111 111 "large Of the Soll! I """ l..C.O bureau S • • * On;, 011 Ono 110111 Aohhy 81naon. A11ne110 0 100111 A boy who QU<>& IC. '()jl~ oo • •••'' """'11 sc.hot1111&n1p 11 1<1111 "d by lhll COit.ii \!.Ot11t<<I by l11a lutOf lfld uwCI by '"" achool for 111 (>Wit IJUrpO&llS PG 12 15 l • • lhti Brave On1 t 1r1~f.1 Moclla<'i Ray AodOI to koyo~ A y0<m9 boy lfll V"h to Mt..,CO 10 111\d hit fl"' hull whrc.h woa DCCI· Clt"ltully ~old I 00 C • * Sr lvea j 1976) ' ' ud••'\ liH1fl~On JACQU&-- l"H 01\,ttC A f()fm&f Crtme "~1<1rlt'r lur11e<1-C1e1ecllve • horncJ by a wolllthy lllrf1 liJl\n.,, to tecovet a Mt ot 1t•<.•1tt11n,Jf111g lt;tJyers PG I 30 0 • • • Kong Ot Koogs ''">21 JPtlrey Hunter ltoto•·•t Ryun Tht< coming "' 18~u~ ano lhe ... 01111 ol Ill\ hit< l}JVe lJll Ill 10 U rlfJW tf•hg1c,,n 2 00 l • * * " lt•f' l.l~I M"'"• t9801 Call>erone [.tt·11t-•uv•• Ge1ard Oeoar- 1111•11 01rti1 led lly f r.incoos rrulluul (luring World War 11 1111 pro1i11e1ors of a m.tu Pun~ ltt~8H u Uy 10 • • '''-lhf u eslabhstun~n• 1 IJf•r• tj,.,,nq lhe C>vrman Ht \.UPol•t,,1tt PG 2 30 H • Smo•f'y B•lf'~ '"~ t>u-.1 f 1'181) Jimmy Mc N1•M11 J.;1 "' Julian A tuqt \l.hOOI 08hnquent ,,. 1 • u t AJt oh lown on h1~ tt.111 """'•r1 "' m.-k~s on w1u1 p,.., "omec.om1ng 4ut1t•t1 dHlJ t1eads fJGHlSI It I' ,1,f1~ ff! ii .Af1Q!t Of 1 i'-"n dUh '"l(Jb1tt-~ PG S • • • SGmet111n9 Or "•'"' • '9571 Rock Hud- "''''1 [JJtht Wynter fhe v10 1t•1n •" Pl!•"t')ufl1erf'd by a C•f iC.t-imJker turn$ him mto t ........ ' ot ...... nq~rtn ~ 3 00 0 • • <;111e110 1 t9691 A•~ ( ,,d 81111 f.,tdnd A di .11'1 .t .. 1t1t)rnf'~ 1nes to 11.111 o ~L.J'r'tll)y rovnl W'hO is • 111.nq 1t1u9' on tieh31t ot a JJ'lQ\ICt ln~a 3:30 C • • S•1am<-S•1ame Or T "" B· • b) Boy\ I 19791 Mi:.n11 Md•~ham A lour- '·'"''"'' lam11y o t cattle ' ,-,t14 .. ,. ,.ind lt'lP1r tainer 1 JI ••nqf 1hf-" 1()(.al <Jepu1y ,. q..-t1u1nt shr,r.itoul at ,,,, J rral PG 4 00 H • • * • uMJ• 11!!'>81 ""'•Ul IC.W C..h4:Ydlit:f LdS,18 L.uf•" A •nmoc1y bemg Qr<J(,m1 .. (f by het aunt and Q• 111 Jrnnt h.P, sets out 00 ,,,., o"jir'n It) C..Jtt h a man 4 1S Z • • Pdpt-r Toue• • l •"• t CliiV<d Niven 10~11110 M1fu11e Tiie tutor "t ·• J,1µctt1ese <tmbassa· J • r. ~or hnds nl' must I '-ii "" t his grPally ex30. w·•·•l..O lalPS ot ht>ro15m wtlf f lhl-' hOy I~ li(id· nappf'C1 4.30 S • • t.nu11tuown To Ott. • ..,,,.., Antn\ated The TtpJI• Jt'rO••d!. ~· out to sa•• 111.. E111pore State Bu11cJmq trorn coll;ip,1ng "" Ma11h;111an Island s·oo c • • • • The 400 Blow\ 't959J J .. an Pierre t'oJuCI Patric~ Aulley A ~ ou119 bo) dep11ved ot ""'""'"' warmth ~nd the a, cPpl ance ot h" peers lur fl'\ tw, alienation and c.H·'-Pd•I 111ward ., Mp of n .1U Ll•t'rlt!!t by Armstrong & Batiuk FOR O NE !HING-, !HERE'S HIS NEW l'OU~E .' --·----- L•mll two 01le1s pe1 purchnt r.oupon QOOO only IOI comt>ona1ton wMe O•t~ oid~·s Cuslomtt l).lys aN •POl•Ul>lt $.11f\ IJ\ t 1m11 lwo oilers per ourchnt Coupon ljOOO only 101 comb•n.1100 wMet oa•k Olders Cu\lom11• oays 11l 1oohublt salts Ii• 011~ HPHt$ April 18, 1982 I I I Offer exp11es April 18. 1982 Offer expires April 18. 1982 PloCIS m1y v1ry '' 11111ic:t01hnQ toulions CO\lpon QOOO onty If\ Southern PflCts ""Y VII)' •• p.lrllClp,11•~ IQt.111011\ uroinia wnere you '" lht mem Coupon good only'" Sou111trn Canlorn•4 wM•e btrlllip Hal ol the Ktnh1Cky Yoll we tht membttshtp su l 01 lne Ken1uc11y l'fH e\ rf\ly v1•y II Plrl1CtPlllr1Q loUhOll) COVOOll 9000 only 1n Soulfltrn C1l1foin., Whttt you set fhl mtmbtrshlD SH I Ol lllt Kt'11UCky ~r..O Cll•Gk•n Al\oc1111on f'1fd Clllcktn AssoctallOll 9 f rteO Chic ten Associllion I _____ .. ___ COUPON __ .. ______ =...,_-=--- ~ntucky fried Chickeq r---------------------------------------------------------__, .. Ditty Piiat Tuesday. Aprll 6, 1982 Furniture is bought and sold every day with a classification '8050 ad . CLASSIFIED INDEX ....................... ~:~:.~.~ ........ ~::.~.~ ...... ~. ~!!:.~~ ........ I ~!!:.~~~ ........ ~!!:.~~ ....... ~:.~.~ ........ ~!!:.~~~ ....... ~!!:.~~~.~ ....... . ~ .......... !~!.! ~ .......... !!'!! ~ .......... !~!.!I ~:!'! ...... _..!!'!! ~racu·~!'!! ~e:;:c~H .. H .. o .. u.s.!E!.~~ ~~~ff.i~:,:.:.~: ;~oos·A~~~! l1 Platt Y .. r Ad, Cl" 642-5678 NOllS(S f8I SALE c. ...... 1 1t1w1wM1 a.l\4.t ,...•,~I• C•..,.,IM.M9' r ........... , Cou.aMn• 0-- 11111 llD lotl i.oa 11112 I .. ... PllllllU l•ES °'~ ; ..,. t>alh t1onll' 1111·dM •n i WALLPAPERS WON'T LAST! Remodeled lrad1lional 3 ............ I Bay' Ocean Thu• IS a reul t•hurml'r lot :!Ox 1 IH "'~Wllll' makr th!\ u v.arm rum1 bdrm. den, 3 bath. reduced to $385,000 .......... f: J Best b}Jy on lslond 2111 12 12'• loun Sln.ooo I) hon~ 4 bdrm~. 2 ba 875·5511 _ VIEWS +bachelor S29S,IJOO. Ccill Kt>n, H7S 6700 ~urroundmi: un inh'rior XJnt' Terms. C'entu. t') 21 Lol·khan Costa._._ t 024 garc:li!n Jlnum 1l·1>I} fOllUl&.0.-._1_ Set>1tall from thlslovely C'all962 Rlltt7 ~a fond~raped l''l(tt•t1111 EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY West Bay bayfronl. Shpsat>r 2 boats, rr -Woodbri..._. 5 Bt>droonl. fom1I) room ••••••••••••••••••••••• with l·o1 .. n-d p11t111 .'ll1t•r mod led 3 bdrm 3 bah , UNDAISLIE -r home 10 bt'11 u11ru1 IL'>.Wmablt· IOJll 111 10.,. D T .. ::: flulilsher's Moffet: e • 'l $1.200,000 $990,000 Domtoua. SPYGLASS Cat11hna lolboaPlftiftwta I 007 MESA VERDE intm·~t rJtf' Turllt• Least expensive home 2 Ir lodecJa MOdel, Palll!> Verde:.. Nt•wport ••••••••••••••• ••• ••••• 3 tklrrn liomr :! fi;ith' Hod. l:h•n S:tlfi.~MI , .... \'•ll•• ~"'··· 1 ..... ~ .... ~ Lot-Holl• ~''1wl Wu.,._\.,,. ~!:'.!:::" S..J\fd(eptMt•""> s.a. .... Su l ll<Kb _,..,.. .... ~aim.Mitt ..... HMw,,.,. tUl£STAJ[ Mntct ror Mlt AJNl\11W•1h hw '-It 8tN'h PrOfl'tn1 ~MUf'rot*\) Ct1n1tl~t) lAh lt)6oti\ ~=~:1,,::·~:h Ductlt.aM l 1uh, Ml• Mow:Mt 10 bit Nth •d J fM'OnW Propu • l l~\dtt1•I Pu1p.ny l.Ob '°' S•l-t Motlfl• thnt l"!lr t'rh Mwnla Dntf'I Hoort ~~(~,..t'r~'if Owl" Sl•l• ~ft.P lilVl('f~" t'.t.tfl\\ t.h)\~\ RuJ LUM" t •rh•"C" ftta.I la'Mt Vt •Mri IENTllS Holl\on •. _.,.,""" l~l•IW1111'~ HiotilH\ "''"°'' .. , r..tom1n.-.1M turn t CIMromtfttlilitn1 ~ ., 1 ... ""°""'" ... ,. , .. ~W'tl"'t ~"""''" Ourpk'"' I.,., Alb ... ,. Apul•'w"' Alll\ "-r•Of I nl ~ ~ ....... ....,d ..... ~ .Wwttb f"""""4Holfw\ 1'* AlT~·real e~la lf' .iii 1... 1 e r t 1 s e d 1 n l h 1 :. 1.. nev.spaper 1s subJe1·t In ~ lhe Federal Fair ttou:. "" IOI? At·I or 1968 v. h11·h :: mak~ 11 1ll('g;1I tu Jd "'• 1ert1w an) prcfen.•ntt· 1 :: II m 1 l 3 t 1 on or 11 h o(>IO r n minalloo ba~ed on :\: rat·e. <'Olor. rel11~1on 11\N lb/ l)ll.I ·~~ Ill'• l..itl llW l•l'l lluO lll() Wit .! ... 'l(l st-x, or nallonal orq.:111. ur an 111tt!nt111n to m,1 kt• an) such pn•ft•r1•11n'. I 1m1ta11 on or 111, 1·nmtnat1on .. 1lus nt•wspapt•r "Ill 1101 knowmgli arl't'pl :inv adverll\IOI? for 1 t•ul t'Slate v. h1t•h 1s 111 11nl:i 1100 or the la ... ;::1 .. --------·1 I J: ~ StRORS: Adnrtistrs ~ shcMlld chtck thtlr ads doily and re~rt tr· ron lnwntdl~. Tht DAILY PILOT assumes labllity for tht first incorrtct insertion Oliy. Ocean & Jelly views. Manne room, 4 bdrm, 3 bath, 3700 sq.ft $1 ,385,000 UH ISLI HIES Pr11T1e Lido Nord bayfront 5 bdnn. 5 bath Lge L.R. 2 boat shps $1.500,000 .. Remodeled 3 bdrm. :I bath t largr rt'<' nn. beam ce1hngs, furnished $420,000 Ulll ISLE llYFllDIT Lagoon view fron1 6 bdrm, 5 bath , play- room, dark m1, den. $1.:i50,000! llYSllE COYE Spectacular bayfronl view 4 bdnn, 4 bath, 2 boat slips $1,900,000. TIES YISTIS-llSSIH VIEJO New French Normandy 4 bdrm. 4 balh, guest house. pool. $795.000 , COHUH CAYS Coronado lsld rusl. bayfront lot 85' boal doc·k. Plans avail $425,000 wltenru ~:'~ :~~·,~ ·~ 1----------i BILL GRUNDY , REALTOR lHta.hllf'afl.•'•• I.Ml ~ 341 Bay\•d" Or<v• NB blS blbl C .. •&nfQt krllil t~I Ofl11tt R...._•I ·~ ..,..,..'"' lilf''ft.t1 U'all 1Nhf1,{uel Nf"nlaJ &Vi~ ~:.·~! ... l\lf'f '·" .. ,~ NfM•4 tfH l f 811SINESS. INVEST Mo.lo• I (_ ,_ ::c:> W ESLEY N M£Nl, FINANCE I ~lftltO~&IVf'' ~I llnl(hten ~0111t'oni:·, lla) "1th a Class1r1ecl TAYLOR CO. ~~n!:~;~,.. !911) ln-.tttmtnl "'•ntrd Xl3:l Easter-Gro'"!! "l'or only S6 oo Morw} tu Lo•" ~ your Easler mt'Ssai:e wi ll appear w1lh the bunny a bo1 r REAL TORS s 1 nee W46 ltil\lll'lif)'V.•fttf'd* ~ Mor1C•tr• TU ' YlU ANNOUNCEMENTS, PUSONALS & LOST & FOUND AAIWN!l!Mtnwnh Cu Ped l.11&11'0ht'~1 Lollt 6 rcwild Pn·'°"ab• *·•l n.i.• Thwfl• SEIYICES 'V-n""f Otr-M0t> CMPl.OYMBIT & rtEPlHTION Yho-4" li-,trw~ J ........ M.• H<ljl .. ,,..., II A I MEICHANOISE ....... =~-=: '4tttUtl• Catntt-U 4 [qwpfftt M C..• !lot• """'°'°" f\irM""'t Cw~.S.k' -I......_ Good• Jn ttr> U"nlor\ llO<lllM<> M1lftlllfttOU) MtW"ttleneoa 'It 1ie.1td MlilMC'-ai f11ti1Ni1rntnh OfftCT P1mt 6 t..qtit•P Pto ~--=~~f:~ Spano., C<>od1 !lort.M.~t1t.w•nl "" ~'l:.sio..H1ft ""'fV BOATS i MUINE EQUl"'ENT Gefwn l 8010 )htM 'Wt" ff' 1oMJ M1nM t:~J, 9Nt.tPo-tt IOIU Rt"M f h•H•I llottl S..I INll sa.,. taor•• _,..,, .... , '°9lt Sl•acr TIANSPOITATION Mfrra'l (uipitn """' lltwt DfntM"Can ='~"~H\" ..._or H•u 11\&k-Arnt frtt~Tr•-~ !!:~l~•:1iar11 Al/lOMOllU ~, .. ~Wt U•O·" R.KfU U09 \ .... Ii '"' Spof'h .. .., .. tt·"1· tW .... aOnH·• f(lill('O ,._ Awt.0Lta11n( """* ft'•Altd AUTOS, IMPOIHD {,tftft.11 \d• Momir: .. •..i· Aw.h" He.If; ~llW l .. pt. ~ Dal.tuft fttr•rt ~l•I Hdl"id• hi:ur i ....... l(.1m.nnt.Jh1• .._,,.... .lil'ut• """ ... h-titfoft, \It. llGK lll>fl , .... , .. PNtM ......... Kn •wk ..... M.9)0 R°'tt :...• -:.WW• r.,... r ...... ,.. \"'1•••i•• , .. ,. •·f"Mf•I ·~...,, .1 •Ill _, WTOS, 11£1 UTDS,.SCI , .• ,..u •• l•"'•'" l,.,,...., , .... _.,,. l\Hlwl \ ........... , l.,,.,, .. .. \.M•• ~r , ........ .......... fll "n m 11 llf'ftltH ~..:.::. .. .._ ... , ...... -... n..w;M>l , .. _. ..,.. ...... 111 lhe U;11lv Pilot on Easler Su ndaa\ Call &12 5618 an (•harge 1l Masterca rel and Visa welcome HERE'S YOUR DR~AMHOUSE "'0 You na• e II all here I Charm. Enghsh tudor sl~le. lo1eh tree hned •v~ ~ (re(' l ·p r I de 0 r ·•·• o v. n e r s h 1 p '"" neighborhood And. as· sum! $74.000 lo.in Full ,.,, pnre on lhis 3 Bdrm 2 ..,,. balh doll house 1s onl~ S00.000 Call &16 7171 ..... ..... -w..i --. .., ----.... '"'71 rcr.• .. ~ .,.I •JOO ... •llt -.. '''" ~)I '""" ,, ... _.,.,. THE REAL ESTAT&:RS SPACIOUS ,,,!g~~~.g~n~~1e ,.10 Ju. Enjo) the romfort "'.QI and apen reeling or lhlS <o010 large 3 Bdrm 3 balh ':: home Features include -.,.etbar. f1rep1t. French !:: doon; and mul'h more -Greal term~ a1 a1lable' For comf lete details. ~!l fBiB ,,. .... $129,500 "''' Super sharp J Bdrm ~ home w1lh .,.el bar. mar ~ ble fireplace anc1 much ~ more Anx111us owner .,,,, Call !179·53711 -'1'.1..-J A ~::~ LLSTATE ~~ REALTORS 1f71. f.!'. $85,900 •1·' BAIGAIM! !;~ Assume'"low interest 1111 loan Owner will help ~::., fmance 2 Bdrm 2 balh .. .a starter home near shop-~ ping. Call 546-2.113 ,, .. YIM "'" ,, .. ,,.-1 ol• ,.,,. •11.1 fl lo m1 ... flll fltl 'l!lil $1 mo '1111 41R, Pool & Spa Ill OAIYH otllflY OLll Magnificent location o 'looking 8th green of golf course. Majestic Colonia l custom by owner/bullder. 5 bdrms , lge formal din rm, fam rm, billiard rm, refrigerated wine rm, & 611i ba. Marble, finest wood pane- ling , air cond., + many custom fealures. $2 , 150,000 lncludlng land. May sell fur- nished. 2111 Slit ........... lfWPtlT CBTtl, I.I. ~t 1t to aff*Jtnt 'r•pCtn Ptnlhou.,. l,.,inr Ttrntt. 3Br l>uplu by burh Bayfronl Gondo. 2Hr Lind• l•lt. -l Br. be7fron1 Bayfn>t1I, 6 Br ,./d.,..lo. CdM Con...,., :l Br 1'r"' 'itwpctrl (Alndoo 187.000 12.$5.000 12741.000 1725.000 11.:.qs,ooo 12.650.000 from 1325,000 front 1307.500• WATERFRONT HOMES,tNC REAL ESTATF ..,._, RtrH..th. p,,,..,,, M•''.a<lf'nwn1 24J6W l.Wtl H..,., New!><>t I Be.tch 631-1400 11~ M6roo'lf A~ S.lho.J li.IAnd 673-6900 ENGINEERIN MILESTONES S C 0 S T E A M H A M M E R A P P ( 0 E P P E C S E E S T A A E A R 8 J I H E V R S P U G H W U M S T A R S 0 R 0 H R 0 M T D 0 I I E E l E 0 N I E 0 T G E J R I E U E H 8 A Z 0 R C N T N S r W E 8 D 0 A I U N R K C A S V C W E N 0 C 8 L A l H T Q L U C A C 8 T 0 l E T T N 1 I H I T Y A I T A H l I R I E l M K N 0 C N N U R N M R W A W K M R E 0 A R C 0 8 F U R E A T E E l I S I F H 8 A A R R F A R 8 0 I 0 T E N N N F 0 B R I E l E A W Y I X P W A G T G I L T D R U I T B Z W A N 8 P E W G N E E G I S N U 0 l I N E 8 E L A R E M A E L E C T R 0 P L A T I N G P R fMTNllt "nut Brooklyn Bridp Appiln Aqlllduc t S111m Hlmmtr T. V.t'Anwl Sullvric Adel and lhal ·s nol all' Beauurullv ma 1nla1ned Wllh many a me nil!eS lhat make Uus home a ln'rific buy Enter lhru o•-"'• '-'• ~ !tit "">l the enclosed C'ourtyurd '°"' .... ...i.i..1 -d• ii. and see all lhal lhls low "''-'°"' ,;,.i. wo<di ..,, ~ has to orrer Only I 1 . ,,..e S16~.i.o0oo Ca 11 no w . P 0 R Y E S . ::~ ~~I 11 12 I I I ~ .. ~ ALLSTATE I _ _ . C U SOR ,,, :: REALTORS 1 I' 1 r . I = .__...._.......___...__.......... l ='=~)1 $97,900 I s N u G T I ' -RN.ANCIN& . • If you're • gerdentr, you Owner w1ll' carry TOr 10 I r I r ; ••••Y• hlri tM runny '"ling ~ years at 13'-'. •'No · - - -111a1 wlnttr '' whtn yout -Dolnll no fee" 3 Bdrm 2 l I 011bgrue --. : bath. larae living room R A C N E l _ "'' and family arta. Mesa • ... --.,-... ,-,.._,,..,,...,.,,,r-1 O ,_ .... ..,. <M''-~ Verdi'• finest. $127.llOO. _ . bv """'° 111 111e ......., _, Call for mo re details. '-· __.___._.._.._ _ __, '°" ..,.... i...... "' ,... J ~ Your friend• and M1-23U .......,... .... c1a111fled • ~:~;IS~l(s r r r r r r r r 1 on lh1s gate guarded ~ ..t-d .u1_ Bay t'll ) lighh .ind dbl II A 1 island s BR. ramll) • ...,..., upCJra-' ...... daulml{SUni.t•ls' o ... n .. r * * • garajll.'. J Ill room, large pier & !>hp utry &.tnlrrortd 111111 asslllt .,.11h J lsloi L.arrv£.lort.na1 n 1ond1t1on SI :!!! !>IHI for 3 boab Lu~el) wardrobH. Good ot· znd1' u -18J!i 'Ma1ri ~i-Sl!l.500\lo.,.n 0.,.111·1 "'111 bays·1dt' det·k & IOlaled TD & llunllnl{ton lk;11·h tl.'l>l~l 111r111a1111111: a l·ross rrom 1~nn1:. & tuMGblt 1st Che.wre Rtalty You .ire the .,. 1n11tr ol R M CG cit RltT :.and) beiH·h ~:~cellt•nl owe a 2nd. v try 7.5!· IJ77 tv.o free tu~keb '$18 OU I oy c r • • rinan<·mg rnotl•afe.cl $149,000. \aluetothe 1--•s .. 1f ... ·7 .. 7111121i111m-• 644-9060 COLE OF NEWPORT 13% ~n~~~l.l ~l~r~~' REALTORS St;nhum Apnl 4 14 u1~ 1. c ... , ""' lt'SUM•BLE Orani:t• lount) OUTSTAMDIMG IUY! -S~cnhn• r11 O" n1·1 Guar KO', 3il 'r lo.111 1.1\ ail Jl 2 "" UIHh:r 1 br. 2 ha ram rm 'PJ 1mmar $142" !179 1138 FIXER MJ1 ·~~9Pu~~a ;, Soron• del 111., "'1 ft Fairground:. Apn I 15 18 &. 75-551 t Owni•r will nirrv i!O', Tl<'kels j!ood fur M·lt·1·t1•tl 't513 CAMPU' Dl· IRVINE LOCJ11M1 leach I 048 lln f illed ruk JO Yt'JI ~. J)C'rlorma ll('l'S Bdrm or 4 Bdrm. dt'n. :nxJ sq ft For ma I Ii\ 11114 and d111ing room Cou11 tr) size kllr hen "1th brrakfasl nook 01 er look 1111: hu;:e fam1I) room Truly a hugt' farnll~ hon~. Great finanring pnte onh $27!1.9511 l'all !>IS 2313 lovt'ly 3 Bdrm plu:. dt•11 To 1·ta1m tu·kt'h. n1ll START SMART ~:a:.lblde C.:ullt>4S 9161 642 56711. t•xt Z7:! LOW oowi.a 1'11'kt•ts must lit• (•IJIOll'd OHL Y $I 0,000 A lot . ••..•..•..........••.. Th11 ulli mat t' <1~~111 ' hyi\pnl15.1982 Mt.>s a s:urlJl!n h1111w' l1 i OPEN HOUSE r~l~.~aYP111~1 ~~ 1 For A. Littt~ I :wrt' + blili: ~•lt• t.t.t•nl h ~lop111g par<"el short 1f1,..la11n• from ll'IHlb & hl';ic·h o ... nr ha' 111 d1Hll'U !Jlan:. r11r l'USlOITl 11lla Sl:!5 1)1111 Spt't' t<ll'Ulur 1 It'"'>' THE REAL ESTATERS IEAUTIFULL Y MAIMTAtMJO 3 BR-2· lfa. '\hstthlf horn: (.'lose lo ~t·huuh parlli. and tennis Room rur expansion Good fmanrrnl( al $185.!">00 ll'l "; •'A ~, ~ •1)1)00 Suannl( rc1hni:s t'ra1•kl lllR r1r('plart· 3 ::.pJ1'11tW• bedrooms 3 l·ar ;:ara1:1•' Onll· $130,000 t'Jll """. 673·8.sso tt~!iil-1 .ASSUME THIS ONE \\'ell rnamta111t'll ~ Jiclrm 2 Ba fam1ll room hmm• v.11h 11111· '111u1 11IJ11 '"' l.irgl' fJrn1h ll1i.:h b<lldnn· Ill',·. a"u111J ble loan OW(.' i:!od T n Full pnn• SI t3 111111 7!">1 3191 C::. C:,HECT -t"" PROPE RT IE 5 OCEAHVIEW MUST SEL~ $79 500 Just n.flm·t.'d m I or1111J ' del ~1a1 ' 2 f11 t•11la•·t•' FIXER! I F'rrnt·h thl()rs hartl.,. urnl Nfi-d:. paui!. t'arpl'I .111d I noor:> l'n\ alt• lw<11·h' 11.C Jusl a few m11111tt·~ Goud t erm~· Onl\' to South Coa~l Plata mi ooo l'ull 673 !1!>511 Goo<l as,umahll' f1r:.1 · with lov. pa)mt'nl~ :1 bedroom~ tlu rn ' l' all 673 85.'>0 THE REAL ESTATE RS fi!IJ"J .crer:r~J·m.~, • In leH•I rnndo l.ot·alt'tl I '> Emhidt2 RCottctCJt nt'ar ~th Coa .. 1 l'l.11:1 I ".Bdrm a~ nu l·rpt., t'omplt'tl' .,.1th ~ palio t•o,er & ieara11e bedrooms Jntl ""'nt'r I Assu me ex1Slllll( frnan• 1 fin ant· 1 n.: o N I.' I 1nl! and owe ... 1th ~m .. 11 $112 !lltl l dov.n Full pr1 1•• ' Bdrm ~ ,ty, tilt 1:.ira1:1• \1IS.<;IO"' HEALTY ·~ 11731 ,... REALTY ,ZJ • • * Corofta .i Mor 022 11u rrpl, p:unt. 1 arn11t I l'nc't'd tn o;l'll .11 $110,l"HI ••••••••••••••••••••••• O"nr aitl. lJ1J11.1 ("qi Dl'l'LEX UY ow .... ~;11 pel.6311261i MUST SELL! ~~!~~1~! ,OCEAN I ILOCk! FANTASTIC HOME Extrulurl(t• R 2 l'lllllt•r IHO rleie CHl'an \'ll'"' lol St'llt'I ... 111 r111.111n" . SPYGLASS I LARG~ LOT 31Hlllt Jlld \U ... tom $.!IS 10 1• I Ant timt Offer'd. .1 if.fl·. ITJ 111r111·1 C: our mt• t k 1 t 1 hen lolboalayProp. I Jusl door~ a.,.;i, lnom li1l'Jt111n s1;1111111t"ll I m.1-.,..111· 111101? rm Rtaft homes 1alued 1111'\<l''' s1 112·1 IJJ'' Jll '" formJ I tl1n1n~ u11~ 67 .. 7o0r6s0 ur S2 m11l1on. lit'JUI 1f11ll~ balloc~n.. (Jnh S•tj IHHI rirepla1 t·~ pool 'VJ I .j!. * ~· * .ippo111tl.'ll 5 hctnn :"-.111 11 i I I I\ l' 0 11 , 1j , ,, i: 1 rt'< JJ'1'.1 ~l OIMI panordrn11· 11rt'a11 JO•I GCJllftCl497 I 7-6"ll ,-I u" k el PI d n "' 11 h 631 1266 I l Viii-R.E NEWPORT CREST rught h14h1 1 It'"'' • poul • Hril:ht. :l1H r ht·t·n :! and ~PJ lt•alu11nl! \1111 l1 ~'111\1 JINMI • ~l} FT H ll r 111 I 11 v. n h 11 m" f111an1·1111: v.11 h "" nt'r lmrn: .,.1th .,. hill· .,. at1•r "'1T1Jn1 "'tr." !ntlucl p.irlll'IPJt111n ('om I \It'"' 1111m mi"t room' lllJ!'PJ& 'JUll.t l 111,t•lo pl.'lllll't•I• IHl\'t•tl ,11 ('ompldt• v.1th 11001 Jlld l.ll'.11 h 111mm11n1t1 Sllf~~•••• 1·.111ro1.1p11t 111 'Pa JRH '.lllJ 111rm.d rJI 1hllt'' 1111 lutll· '" 1111 I \ll'\\ PRICE REDUCED cf111111i.: rm IJllllll I rn rn111i; & tt•nni' \"u111.1 644-72 II ,...... HTS. CO"-'DO S.~ tlcMi hit• 111.111 &. 0\\111•r .... 11 """ "" 'II RE lln Jm·t• 21111 t>rft·•••il ,,1 M.tm 3 111. 2•, hJ 1:r1«1t lt1ld L0911naV1 aCJt • Slbi.50175131!11 lion EJithlo llt'' 497-1761 s, • Grt-1·nh11u,1· "1111111\\' t , , O" n ,. 1 .,. 1 I I h ,. I 11 Downtown Laqu11a Sin ~I l bdrm. I I.la trl11>11·<1lh C::. ~HECT -t"" PROPER l IE 5 Ir )mi'r1• not rl'l11J1ni.: 1h1· l1tlll1 ads 10 n,.~,1r1t·1t. Sf:l.I, 1dlt• 1lt•ms "1fh a 1 .\ou'rt• n11s~111i.: a lot ol lla1I~ l'ilol Cla~:.1111'11 lll'"'S\ 111formJ1111n a~ ,\d .,..l'll JS som..· grral bu)' 675-1171 l;tnllHa&t'd 1nndo 11.c!tullful 01.'an \'11•"' l'nn·l1·~!> lnt·Jlmn E\ 1·dl1•nt llc•ach ll1111s1• 17112) 732 9840l'ollN•t ••$7600 OWN 1"1',0PR~p~Tfilb.h· homti 1n adult onh •MESA DEL MAR*' l..<1J(una llrlb park Full $ 15,000 DOWM P.me $38.11()11 \sk ro1 i,rn~al1onal J6r h11mt· l:AI tert"'t fmanuni.: CJ II to •n•uu rl gc dJI :!fiiO SJll \I i)!Ut•I R If Ur :\e.,.1111r1 lk.11h ca lJ I~ l!Jtll or oS:! i3'i3 55 1-3000 w1lh Sll~l.•NKI 1n lo" 111 ~lV~~~b d' . . I Ir.¥ Huranu Pk•"'. In 1n'l ---rt n rnri~i,.,~·~· ~·~ci1~;~·~ ·.~! ~5;~ $119,500 631 iJ70 ! For Larger Sizes! RCTaylorCo 040 l)C){)() Here's Spring! TRADITIO:\AL REALTY ----1 Ot~a11 Vu DDll Lrl( 2st\ I Rn1m ! f1repla1·1•:.. , ;: 1.11 Rdrm 11\t•r 1:.11 J g• Ste~ to heal h S3~'i 1""1 BREA THT AKIHG E.a:.ylerms . VIEW Spa(·1ous 2 levrl Hul'I 111g111Tl{' 111 II arbor \' ll'" llill,.. SJ)('t'tal·ul<tr 'piral s1111n-usr SoannJ? 11Pl'll l>eam n•1hni:s I lari:e hec1rnom~. plu' bunu:. r (I 0 m 0 r r t' r e c1 ii t ~:~~11 (':ii I l od a) THE REAL ESTATERS UMtVEASITY PARK To.,.nhom<'. on qu1t•t greenbelt with w11·a1t- pal10 largf' k 1ll'ht'n M ake those ~ood flreplare.J Bdrm,.&21~ household items 11111'n• haths $137 .SOil not us10R al'a1la6lt• to UNl()Uf t1(JMtS ~OITT! other fam11\ b\ ad· J rnAl• \l'rtismg them for . sale Rea tors. 67S OW<• in CIJss1fied Call 642 5678 I W.MJl M_Res\!lls 642 5678 MlltPIMJllEHC1llll IUFFS Another Jewel -Delores Model -Vacant -Ready For New Owners -Three BRs, 21il Ba -Built-In Bookcases & China Storage -Large Courtyard Entrance -· End Unit On Beautiful Greenbelt -Now $195,000. A "Joy Of Newport" Listing. 759-9100 uc.,.,_11 ....... MtwportC...ter lJ. r-o..i,. All>...,. c... 1't An•''"'f •• ,._. S'o" V To~ INW>gt 1.,, w~ rfOd "°'ch CDrmpol'Cl•"9 IO ......... I o1,.,.,, lodioe bonl> 19' 10. JIC.-J 't'OWfllf"« »•O' I -~'"°' • f •MiW' ,. fW ''°"'.. ~ ......... •u.. • .,., /Oot ,,,....,.... 10-•1..., '""" ,. ... , ... _ .. WI(~ :;:= :;;:- IJOt O(ltoot .. ,., "''• II.._ ...... ,.,....,. .. ..... "" .,_ ......... ··-· ...... .. .... l*~=ci --,._., l•C.0 , ..... Dlo ot-n•.. N''"' ,.0. WY-. .._.. .. -...... ., ... f'll'aE:ll::S..-1 II -'1 le •c.... .... 7144 I t,yA&tB~ ............ ,. Ql \l.lf\I;".(, 2111 pJllO hum;• Sllli .~Kl' r .. ri: I Hk r I ~!fi :1o:u $5,900 Total Down ~ Close-O~t Locpia Miquel I 052 Hrariil fit;" t.'ll·~Jnl :. B H ••••••••••• •••• • ••• ••• • ~· J ha rrplc ~ 1·.11 I!·" Mo or. low dn Pvm't Hoth Htlrr11' J11• 111 ..... 11•1 f'.:1.t·rllt•nt lt'rfrl s t ~wle:. v. 1 J.ult.~·d .'.11!~ hdrlTl!o plu~ bonu~ pool hc:'\ll'r 1·,111 L \S I lut,il and Jat· B1 0 ... 111•1 !hi:. p1mts Sll74 11111 ('.di .,.eekonl} i950ilH 1~ J tiJ I ;141)!1. t• I<'' 055 751 32!17 ldle Forest I FOR~~LO~U~f; ••••••••••••••••••••••• C."olTcJiri'ark fll1' .'l'1;i P"'RkPL"CE l.A:'nder "111 .,,.11 lwl1111 " "' ma rkrt 1 ESTATES Pia• a H ~: 1;;3 l'Nlll .tlfr 2' .o TlJ .. ~li~Sti Ft • a,os~:To llf·\l'll t1ElTt:Ffn1 \:'\ ' ;\.'\$Ulll(' S'illl\ \' ,, 111 JI I \10 LH.L 1 "11'•" JHr f p Slll.tllMI IL\.'a:n :RYTlll\t: • Pnm· onl) ~3 ilf23 m.. r Cul tit' '-dl' ,l rn•I I Sun&SJ1lllrluh :!II min to \t•.,. p11rt 3~ YR· 131 •0 'o LM Crntt•r Gardtn Part S.'IU fk)Cl v.1th Sllill tMM• ;II<'" (" .1 pt• ('·;, 11 :! JI I:!'· fl\l·d r JI•·&. full\ lll-droom 1111>r11Jt.1'<'01 Jmort111•1I m11n1t1 "•th 1111111 .11111 '11po1ntsurquJl1ll111~ l;lfll//I \\.dl.1111!"11' lillOJli JOl't' t 11 1•' 1• 11 1111 n ~ u ... ner Agt-nl s1:r. ~511 10' !in \\11111•1' 11111.·n 1t.11I• 11 ,,m till ; L.akt• Fon..,1 Jim Ot•o 1101 2R \ T1•r01" h1 11.,.1wr ROGERS REAL TY I 7711 !J!"J\11 675-1311 Mission Vi•jo I 06 7 Oftt:.,Of.A-l<ind ••••••••••• • • • •• • •• • •• • fk'Jut1f11lf1 "\>)!r.oclt·•I We:,ti;ule :i' h1•1 room ''] JU~I m1n11t1'' t i. 1111• or.·can' You 0111\t "''l' 1t to appre1•1,1tt• 1 ht• ru't 11 at mo,.ph1•11• .,.1th tht• .,.·oocls1 fam1h mum h11(h (;l'ilini.: anti IJI i:r red bn rk ftrl'j)IJI'(' ,."II f1replarri; in al l' ('11\ erl'<I. hm·k rluoi /1a1111 ,urroundl•c1 h 1 r 1111 tret-s St2!1.!lllO !11!1 ~'.l!NI TARBELL ~on leach I 040 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ).£ITS or housr for h ll ll' rrone) Wonrlerful 3 RH v. rountn k11t·hrn ~o quahrv111g Ju~t $122.9\ln Bk_r 8'8·0709 ~-•~ ur 1042 ....••..•.............. ISlAMDHOME wftt\ loot Dock S Bdrms + ma1cl 'r1rtr' xm sq rt . c·ustom hutlt rourtyard. '1>11. J frplt'~ great r1n11 n ll \'l4il $600.000 714 H•tl 117 54 8kr. l"9t 1044 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Oi>tn ~~"ltruoul F'ireplal't!. lllflll' k1l('h1•n w1ut1n11 urtoi Wutk 1n cloM!t. ullllty itreu and 1>111 deck. Pool~. tenni~. bia trttS and pnv8t·~ aru 1 bta plus! Slo0.0011 642-5200 Dfstreu Salt tll•auti ul riindo nn Lake \I 1s~1 on \' 1 r J" P \ t £\toarh ~lu~l 'ell h• 4 10 82 770 9790 . Mewpor+ leach I 069 ................•....•• ~ SATt SUH t 1·6 ~j.;-:istor1 lwal'h huu"' tk11 & Ol't'illl \It' ... s l~ean ~1dl.' Ru lhoa Bh <I 1911 Court A1t• nr 191h 67!"> 2291or lWll 3133 \mple pJrkmi; in reJr M~~n~~~o~~ hr 2 h.I beaut upgradt•d i~ 04&! 9(,6 66611 ~ IEACH COMDO U9.000 l.o<'ated"-i. 1\l11n a lu' unou~ 1i1UllHl1·d c·om mumt~ Call a111 ltnw ~lullan He.ti!' ~u 291'~1 A~k ror I.cm Cliff HA. YEH s:nsJn , 11111 It~ lot :i llr ~1lh IX'~ & l(N11111• floor" Grr at hn11n1·1n i.: )lu)\t St• 11 1 :'tf II k \' II f f I' r Own, Ai.'\ 642 !llilili IMMIDIATE POSSESSIOM Ill''· 1Tnwn. 1rn~ m1•nb SISOO·rM II is poi1s1hlt· to <>'4n lo1·rh 5hdrm. 1 slon-. N H lladl Ku 1 art~ 12$41,UOU RSI). I~{ ~\·ts (t.11 631 121~ wh1 tllo II••• K:\t~;.t.:,.::~'1\ • ~SC=~ UlTUSI I I I I 1 · I I I ~a. ®MttN :;:-=~ A PETE BARREn RE.ALTY . ..._ t ~l:wir*-::::::'°'~tM!n:::::='==::.L.::::::=======::::.L!ICl~··M'"'"'1 ........ ~Q ·Nbclit111t __ ~~~~~~--~~~~~- • -- EE a T SC 0 tr r2n tt>ttt*i - ·~--------~--~----· DI Orano• Coast DAILY PILOT/TuMday. Aprll IS, t982 RANSOM NOTES -E l Mon te police have only these three ran- som notes as clu<'s as to what happened to their stat1onhouse parrot Tommy He was abducted Cive w eeks ago and t he b1rd- nappers havt> dcmandcd expen- I / s1ve liqu or for h is return. Polke have not yet yielded to the de- mands since they have no assu- rance that Tommy ts still alive, but they continue to hope for safe re- turn of the bi rd. Students psyched up Pep rallies boost morale, test scores ORLANDO. Fla (AP) Hah' Rah' Rah! Al-ge-bra'' Brass bands. ('hN>rlcadt>rs and pompons the trappings tradll1onal- ly associated with high school footb<ll pep rallies -arP lx•10g used by some Florida educators as a way to boost stude nt morall' and lL'Sl S(:or<.'!>. "Our s<.'ores have gone from near the bottom of the ht>ap, to the top," said Duval County School Superint- endent Herb Sang. who SCltd pep ral- lies and other mouvauonal lt'Chniques were large rl'spons1blL• lor the rise. Many of tht.• 127 ,HOO Flonda high school student:; who rt-cently took the Functional L1teracv Exam ·had bet-n exposed to tht• pc:p rallies and other g1mm1cks to "~Yt.'hC'" studl·nts Cor the big day "Tht krus really bt·camc P'-Yt.hed up," Ocoee Ell'rnl•nt.iry School prtn· DIATH NDTICIS c1pal Maxie C10namon said. rc<.•alling a pep raJly At Duval's R~baull High. School. sc:hool officials say the pep rallies were ins trumental rn 1mprov1ng school spirit and test scores. On the Ji. teracy test, about 84 percent of the Ribault test-takers passed the mathtc·- matic:s portion and 99 prcent passed the verbal part in 1980. compart•d with 20 percent and 57 percent res pecuvely in 1977. Other school officials arL•n't sun• the rah-rah helps. but they figure It can't hurt • At Oak Ridge High Sc·hool. Prtn<.'t· pal Btll Spoone said academ1<.' drum- beating "really make the students want to go out and pass the test for good ol' Oak Ridge High." Banners are still placed around tht· high school grounds to remind stu· dents of the tests and spur them to their best effort, he said Vet gives $10,000 to gove1·nment MILWA U KEE (AP) A disabled veteran has given thl' govern- ment $10,000 to use to· ward redu ci ng the national debt. "You hear a lot ubout p~ople trying to r ip off t he government. It's really hearten ing that t'h ere are people out tht•re who wunt to h elp," said William Calla han J1 , an assistant U S. at· torney Callahan pronused the mun he would keep h is 1dent11y a secret The neatly dressed vt.·H·ran. who resides in Milwaukc•e County, walked mto the U S. at- torney's office and said ht• wanted "to do some- t h1ng nice for the gov- t•rnment bet.·ause tt had takl·n good care of htm for many years," said CJrnl ~·1shbach, a legal aide Callahan rC'ferred the man to th<' Bureau uf Gov<'rnment Financial Opt.•rations in W ashing- ton and J ean Whisonaut, who works the r e, con - f1rm(•d th<.1'1. the cashier's 1.:h1•t.·k had arrived and w;is plat·t'tl rn the proper u<·<·our1t She said it was the f1r:.t unc:ondittonal donatwn of more tman $900 rrom an mdivtdual shl· had witnessed tn luur )'Pars on the job PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF NON·RE8PON8181UTY Notice 1s hereby given that the underS1gned will not bt! responsible 101 any deota or llablllllet contrac· t&<l Oy anyone other than mysell. on or alter lh1s date Daled lh•s tst day or Ap111 1982 Doane I Frisbee 2019 Federal Avenue Costa M"3. CA 92627 Puo11sheo Orange Coast Daily Pilot Ap11I 6, 7, 13, t982 1560-82 rueuc NOTICE FICTITIOUa •USINEH NAME ITATEMENT fne ft'Jllowmo Pfltton t1 dOlllQ buamn1 II SELECTl\/E MANAGEMENT RECRUI· I ( R ASSOC IA T £5 1000 Oua1I Su•t• '"° N&wpO•I BHcn Co 9?660 Bt" S S1>eic11 15065 Bay ~1on1 tl•IOO. l•lln<l C.I 9,66? H11\ t>u11r1tH\ 11 conducted by •n in u1 .. •c1ua1 B"" S SP'>'Cn '"'" t••1en-itnl was tllefJ t1rt1trl lr'\e COullry C1~0 ot 01 a<'ije County"" AjHW ? 1982 F1- ..,ubhthe0 O,ano• C.0111 O•Hy P1101 Apn< 6 13 20 '7 IN2 1564-82 NIUC NOTICE NOTICE TO CREDITORS OF llUlK TRANSFER (S.C:a 1101 .. 107 U.C.C.) Notoce ts hereby given to the creclolo•s ot JACK HUIBERTS and 1DAVE HUIBERTS Translerors wnoS4' llOmt> 661 RoH Street City of Cos111 Mesa County ot Orange. State of C1111tor"1a tnat a bulk transfer 11 about to be made to GlORGE l KINGSTON, Transleree HALLAM u111lc•r tht• dirrt't1on of Har-Chapel with Pai.tor Chuck wtlO llOmt> adOress is 32t2 · B" Via CLYDE CLIF'TON llAL hor Lawn Mount Olive Smith from thl• C<11\Jry C11rr1zo,Cttyoflaguna H1lls,Coun1y f l' ot Orange State ol Callforn1a LAM. rc:-tdt•nt " o'1a Murtu.1ry uf Costa Mesa Chapel offo.:iaung SC'rv1n.:i. The properry to be transterred is Mesa. Ca Pa:.M'O aw,1~ on :HU 5.'>54 under tht• dtre<'llon of H.Jr· described is general as· All stock in April 4, 1982 Prtvaw wavt· . bor Lawn -Mount Olive· trede 11~1ures.equ1pmentandgood side !>erYIC'l'" v. ill I~· lwld 1111 NO RMANDIAN Mortuarv CJf Co<;t;i Mf'~A wul or 1na1 Poot Supply business A L FR ED NU RM AN • known as 'LAGUNA POOL SUP Wednesday, April 7, l\IH:! OJ\ 540-5554 PLV" and toceted et 2988 South Harbor L<twn Ml'l1H1t1al DIAN. resident of Costa CoastHlghway.CtlyolLaguna Park. Servtt'CS undl•r tlw d1 Mt·~a. Ca Passed away on SULLIVAN Beoch. County of Orange, State of rcct1on of Harbor Lown Apnl 5. 1982 He 15 survived MARGARET $ULLI Caf1~':"~~1i., transfer will be con- Mount Olivr MortUill' 111 lty his t htldrc•n AJeta Allen VAN, a res1dl.'nt of Newport summated on or aher tne 22nd day Costa Mesa 540 !'i!'i5-I uf F'ountam Vallry. Ca .. Al-8<.'al·h. Ca Passrd away on or Ap111 198 2 at 10 oo am et HAMILTO~ lrPd N of Costa Mesa. Ca April 4 . l982 She· was ;i ~J~~E~~nM~!;t,~n\!;.7~~: WILLIAM EDGAR llA .mtl Darell N of BeneC'ia, member of Our Lady of lelld.wttoseeddress1s 1'08tSouth MILT')N , f C.i also survived by 8 Mount C~rmt•I CatholtC' Yorba Street Suite 101 Tut11n, , • d rt·~1t11 nl 11 d h Id ~·1 .. f h 0 • p 1 . l(r.m <' 1 rl.'n 1v ass o t e Church She 15 survived bv Cehfornia 92680 Santa ArlJ. la .ii..-.t'< ''""•'} Rc· ... urrrcuort will be held on h "' S 11 • Th1111wi tut dlle 101 roung c1a1ms on Apnl 2, 19H:l ilf' t'i ... ur W -d ~ .. \A 1 _ 1982 1 her children Jo n ~ u I· in tt>e e<JCrow referred to lle<em 15 v1ved by his war .. Lu1dtn.i 1 nc ay. pn '· a van or Santa Barbara. Ca. Apr112t 1982 d d h . M I() OOA M at St John the PatrtC'ta Keane of Newport So tar es 11 known to the Trans-a n aug u r ,iq~ .. n t 8;1pl1~1 Cathohc ChurC'h , Beach Ca Neill J Sulhvan lreree all business names and ao-Slumber Roum v1s1t 11111n ftrtV.Hf' interment <wrvices ·• · Be h C d !dresses usad by the Tr81lsferors tor was hC'ld on Mondav, Apnl , of New port ac . a an tne past three ytN1r1 iire Same 5, 1982 from .j 01iPM '"~ill bt held at the Holy Peggy Gowanl0<·k of Bur-Dated March31 t982 8·oop•• H f t l rn.,., Ct>m(•ten. Los An-bank Ca brothers Eugl'nC' G.orge l. Ktng•ton ••• l•ut.ittun " 1 1' •l'll~ Ca Servin':> under the · ' Published Orange Cout Dally Rosarv wll I bt· h1•ld 1111.: · a .. 1 Bt· Sullivan of Granada Hills. Piiot. Apr1l 6, 1982 1555-82 T d • A . I Ii l "11'' . d1rc-c11un of Dd tz rgeron· Ca and Jack Sullivan of San ues ay. P11 " ·al"' th & T th II W t•J'ff 7:00PM al the• Harbor L,.wn ~mi u 1 est 1 Francisco. Ca . 17 grand· M I Ch l ., Chapel Murtuarv of Costa c hildren and I gr!'<1t· emoraa ape ~c·n ll'•''-.,1 6 '6 9'i7 I · •• c:.a ., · · grandc-h1ld Mass uf the ruauc NOTICE P'.4CIFIC VttW MIEMORl.4l P'IJUC CerretPry Morru;11v Chapel·Cremalory 3500 Pac1f1c V•f'w O··~·· NPwPOrt B<>art1 ROBERTS Resurrection will be held on ., MASON ROBERTS. rest-Wednesday, April 7, 19112 at NOTICE TO CRIEOtTORS OF 8UlK TRANSF£R (S.C•. 1101 .. 107 U.C.C.) Notice Is neroby given 10 credl· tors ot the wltnln named transleror(s) that a bulk transfer is abOul 10 be made on pe<sonal pro-perty harelnaller deecrlbed 644 ::>700 McCOIMIQ( MORTU.4RllS Laouna ~.1ch 494·94 Is Laouna ltoll" 768·0<J3J San Juan Cao•strarn1 495 1 nr. HillOI L.4 WM,MT. Ollvt Mortuary • C1>mett>ry Cre""rory 1625 Gisler Avt> Costa Me~a 540 5554 l"tBC:l HOTHHS HU H0.4DWA't MOITU.41Y 110 Broadway Costa Mesa 642·9150 IAL T'1 llJIGHOM SMITH & TUTHILL WISTC:l.IFF CH.Artl 427 E 17th St Costa Mesa 646-9371 ..... ClllOTHIH 5MfTHS• MOITUAU • , 627 Main $l HinllnQton 9'acn dt•nt of Costa Mesa. Ca Our Lady of Mount Carm<•I Pas~Pd away on April I , Catholic-Church. 1441 We-st 198:! He· 1s survived by his Balboa Blvd .. Newport w1fl' Pl·ggy, sons Paul Mi-B<.>ach. Ca. Pnvate interment l'hat I, Ph1\11p Arthur. John S<'rv1ces will IX' held a l Holy William and David Redman Cross Cemetery, Los An- .ol I of Costa Mesa. Ca .. I geles.Ca Serv1cesundertht.> The narne(el and business 11d-dreas ot the Intended 1r11nsferor(1) ore KYUNG WHA CHOI tlnd WHA SOON CHOI, 14681 Alder Lane. Tustin. CA 92680 hr11t hl·r and 5 sisters Ser-direcuon or Baltz Bcrgeron- v1l'1's will be held on Wed-Smi'th & Tuthill Wesld1ff 1wsday. April 7. 1982 at the Chapel Mortuary of Costa llarbo r Lawn MC'morial Mt'sa 646-9371 lhe tocetlon In Calllornla ol the chief executive olllce or prlnc:lpal business olllce or tne Intended transleror is· same DEATHS ELSEWHERE NEW YORK (AP) Ruth Glkow, 66. an arUst whoi;e works appeared m th<' Smithsonian lnstitu~ lion and the Metropolitan. M useum o r Modr rn ArtJ d1l'd F'nday All other business names and eddrBSHI uHd by the Intended transferor within three years IHI PHI •o tar as known to the lnten. ded 1ran1teree ere nQf18 The name(a) and bu1lne11 ad- dreaa or ttte lnt9nded tranlferee(•J are JONG MAN KIM and OAK JA KIM. 20192 Interior, Hunllnglon Beach, CA 92&48 Thal the property perllnent he· SA N FR A NC I SC 0 reto ts dwcflbed 1n general u All of llwi llOCk·ln-trade. furniture. nx-( A p) -G 0 b I D d 8 e . !urea. equipment, goodwill and bar l Lal, 92, 8 Pulitzer trade name of 11 certain fasl tood butlnHI and la lo~led at: 1093 Prize-winning journalist west Baker. Coata Mesa. ca111orn1a. and Indian patriot. d ied The bu1lnHa name used by the T hursday. aald 1ran1fe<or(1) at said location 11: GOLDEN CHICKEN That Hid bulk tranalar 11 lntan• ROC HESTER, N. Y , deO to be contummateo at ttte OI· (AP) _ Dr. James SI· flee or BURROW ESCROW COM· PORTLAND. O re. (AP) PAN\', 1879 E. Lincoln, 0r811Q9. CA bley Watson, 87, a n in-92865 on or atter Aprtl 2e, t982. Dorotbv Lawson McCall. vento r y, publis her and Thi• bulk tran1fer 11 aublecl to IJ3, the outspoken motlier Calllornla Uniform Commercial of form e r Oregon Gov. patron of the arts, dlf'd Code S.Cllon e1oe. Tom McCall who one<' W edn esday. Th• name and addreu of the ~ons idered running for .--------------! pe11on with whom cl1lm• may be ' !lied 11 BURROW ESCROW COM· governor herself. died Fri· PANY. 1679 E. llncotn Avenue, d11y 0r81lQ41, CA 92$65 alld the IUI day t« llllng clelmt by eny cl'9dltor INll be April 23, 1912, wlllOll la the butJneN day before the contum· metlon date ~ abo .... NEW YORK (AP) LandJca~ and portrait ar- tist Loreua HJu1 Howard, 77, who also collected 18 <"entury Neapolitan rrli· 'To plaC'e your llW!IStl.ie tierore the rudmg public. phonr Daily Pilot Cluslrlt'd. 542 11678 DATED Mt1tOll 30, 1N2. "°"° Men Kllft OM!,,_ K#ft rnt~T.......,_ Publlalled Orange Coett Dall)' Piiot, Ac1r11 8, 1M2 151 t..e2 .. A...; .. giOUI flgu,...,.. di('(f f'rld3y, '-------53&-65MI • ----------~-- • s. oee.r......... ......~ .•.......•..•......•••• ····•················· ................................................................... . ~~~-~~ ... ~~~~ .~!.~~!!! .. ~~~~ ~~~~~ ... ?~~· ~~ ....... ?~.~ ~~~~.~.~ ... ??!.~ W..U.lt.al 4~u Coata Mua SurncJ 3 Bdrm 2t.-.ba BLU .. f'S 3 BR 21;t b1, BY OWNER ... b'lcluded 000 Lon~crm fin fUINl~HID HNTAL E1•~ t A~I~~ 1 >'M~'y d~l fplc , up1radtd, patio lovely Street behind .000 dn per mo Sii.fiTa sa 'H1 1 4 tifU:lth ~ardenu 189S mo or lsr opt Bick Bly M 1Jut1c ~e1 Prine p11l1 only BedroOm Horne, a ctr , 790-83M 87S·5930 home. yet rozy and con ...lilO!llff:l.G§O.A&t aaraae $1700 month -. venle11l JI • cottaae REDUCED 150 000 by Jo ce Edlund 6'2-8235 F.1S1de, llaht & coty 2 br lle1u11ru1~br,3 ba holl'lt! C.O!!tpletely custom11ed owner 11 unll btll~h duplex I bu, gar , nl'wly overloolunc lee green· 4 ~rm 3 b1 Maater 1' · ,, 1 b d redec No pets 1550 belt1Sl000/mo Suite) Lovely liv rm mote in .... ars a Ver11illesBach $625 ~8260~~1367~ 644·6848 att•JO..Pm looking out lo goraeous 168·~ f.rou 1295•000 A Udo Prk mobile S700 • ---· -landscape(! backyard ue.al\7 4.l 7~·0104 V1ew2Br condo 11200 2BR, I bu. gar. ~~hr w I) .. J vi.., Pool H~. Wa\erl1n Guebo,brick $399 OOO VillaBalboa2Br 1200 llku~ no Pl't~ S4HS, L.lle Br2ba +den Spu p1t10. Obit Jrpc. fam 1 NP\ CrestJBr 1500 ?.?al PlaccnuaS4S Wli3 Bfg enrlosed yard niiht rm formal inini rm J SUPfR UMl1S Waterfront Home~. In<' l b d r m . 2 Ii J on Back Bay Country DiA,ooo. Owner will as rentea·c:ri>s. rps, 6311400 v.-11Ll'r aurdl'nl'r 1nc·I setting SIOSO •RlO in Sfat in tinanctnJ at 25'1 till in r 0 polio bbq, ~ ti/O.IX'\~ 644 277!1 dudes gardentnll & puol dn OPEN ALL WEEK ~aundry rm . pool u.....--·U ...... · I h d IR lb f II "' I 7522191 1·5 1521 AN ITA LN II 11l1•rd rn1 , t't1\'t!red .._. ""'"'I • r a u M~t . ''.lu1. serv blk from H1ghl1ndl " ••••••••••••••••••••••• spa 1465 lnrluul'!> Balboa Ba) Club 2 Bd. 64}-0532 ~2·,~~.'ro~n.~~·~cc~~,j n GeMral 3202 ftl~ Ai:i·ni no fc~ bay , u $1650 nlu .JIQL5 LH.>n. Sia.Iii t\.O.i •••••••••••••• •••• • • •• • Patnck. ajl 631 L2&6 ABSOLUTE REDUCED SI 0,000 RENT .AL§i Sh.-11> 4 Bdrm l h.i \lc!>J Ex <'epuonall) n1re I Rr STEAL'' 0'6A..lre-"~Xl9tl~S Yt'11rlj~'tekf~ \J.1ntrr \l'rde 'l:orth sxoo dd)' II( 11,tnll rm. frpl!.-. d,. "" "" 2.3.4 Bdrms G4 I 7 ltiO 1·" " kn <I' I d f I • I slake my reputallon on l~l' + 2 un1ls Brtnll JACOBS REAL TY !163 i.-.2'J blk from bearh. tennis. . · I E:ist \t c. ru e rm I 2 patios .iun ar1 . , the fACT that this 1~ tht' offer!> Onl) $139.500 p R 0 p E R T y 2 hr t•m I ~"" c rpt' t'tr $625 > rl) uul pd Bµ;T BUY m Soporl Bkr 006266 drp\ ~IO\t '" f'"l' A~at1Apr4th 6451771or Bea('h OCEA~ Vl.. I MGRS. $525 i73 \It \\ 1 "111 960584-1 LRG l BDR . PROf' 675 6173 tiJI Wl!I DECORATED. pool ~p;i • • • • & like nu all Tor onh 8 U"""'lTS~ /MB IID 2bdrm nr beat h $-1511 Fount• Valley 323 4 .. ...1 H $376,SOO A trade con fet-lar:d Oilnc:r ~ill ~1odern tntenor & Jbll' '"•••••••••• •••••• • •• • C..,...1 01co• s1dered CallPATRICK[t·arr\ Conlart John garage~lustsr,,'1%24 HmlF:SIOHH~.\1 334BordeauxLanl' TENORE 0 tr ert I) ShA" "rok .. r 955 3451 1 & 4 !ldrm' $i25 Si~I Costa Mesa 631 12•5 760 871JZ ... u " LagWI~ 31;>r t'~~l humt' fl' rt t t• 11 ' J t 11' l. Vou are the ~inner of TODAY' or " 2 ltl~d baths & < ht•f, l!drJl(l'\ Kief\ ti. i>!'I• •~o fret' l1<·kets rS18 <Kil 14 l':'>llTS k11t·hen ' sws· 195191 ~l'l rt1mt 515 2111111 \aluelotht' ~R REACH ~mmunlt189ijtJ11l Fc1· Agt-nt,nofrc· CIRCUS VARGAS Ft_~'f!TS Great terms Coahl M•10 3224 ~Oft hoch 3240 Long Bea1·h Vt-teran~ ••••••••••••••••• ••• ••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Stadium Apn14 14 OC k ~.:->TA LS Orange County I 5hr ·, s;.?rK1 t•1 S<!IHHI Fairgrounds April 15 18 $285.tXlO Ukr ~48 0709 'I0.000 OM JbrJ17Da ~xlra1~elot w superb \'tc w Wall trade for anything' Principals only 966 9087 SUPER 750 '1314 u1i<•n 7 day~ Tlrkets good for ~eleeled IH>\lf:S FO H II ~SI I performances TAX SHELTER FOR INVESTOR!! San lfemenfo prtnr• ol o~nerlthtp ~l ud t•r n :1 & ~ Hdrm' Slii~ Si:!5 To claim ticket~. !'all fentetl \.11th &1 b42 5678. t'Xl 27:.! ~·arai:e~ l\ich ii. IJl'h Tlrket~ must bt' claimed y,elt·oml' ~t ~ 2(11111 h\ApnllS.1982 1oaol ...............•....... ~-HERITAGE • • REALTORS ....•.••..............• Spanish \lyle four 11n1t Bnghlt'n ~omeunt• 'tla1 apartnll'nt houst ~ tth "1th d Cla~~1f1t'd Ol'ean hills & golf l'our't' E:astu·GromJ! \ll'~ tln'e to l'\C'r roronl)~OO 11.lllng onh threl' )ear~ \Our Ed\ter ml'":!"•' old ~hu~~ ltke nt'~ ne~ ~111 appear" ith" o~ nl'r ('OU ttl ut l up} 1 th~ bunn\' ah""' thrt't' lwdroom '"''bath ~ uv rat\ ! (){ <'lln , 1e" aparl tn the Daih P1l1>t rrint 1f appl11 Jhle .ind on f.asll'r ~odJ\l rent thl' oth.-r t hrt'l' Call 642 567R .in• apdrtlTlt'nh for tn<'Ontl' charge ti \laStl'n-.ir •I Selll'r ~ 111 hl'I 1> hn ,rnl e --an-cf.\'.1s.· a•"•l'•l•l'•'"•n·t·-· a n d s d \ l' b u·\ e r,.. OC RE:-;TAL~ 1·5br 5 S200 to S20IHJ i50·3314 open 7 dJ)' \gent, no ll•t• ~:\t't S&..., I hr l' 1 h,1 I a m 11 '' n u ' r ni gardcnt·t inc I S!1i:1 IWIJ 6203 l Bdrm llunt•nl!t1111 11.H Condo "J'ht·r •Jr'• r 1n I dtl "dlt'r pt! I 1 h11ll ul. no l)t"h h ·n• rtl 11Jt 111 &. ldrport ~~ \j;C nl 11•1 f~ ~5 4/IUI • ~l \ l llr .-111. I'·'''' " ' h r JI I \ I \tU\l thh"''hr j "' ~ I U l. h •I' ~ j • 11 •l thousands of dollars' SellmR µnee of SJ25.UOO 1s ~a\ belo~ rurrent repldi:t>ment coi.t ·' PRl:>;GP \LS O:\L\' Call t>~nt·r ;H ~Ul38 ~2 7iti IEOHEOF 1 111 , urtol• l'.cl1•1 TliE LUCKY FEW 1 drvurt hie 11111.1 •• n • • * tttufh J Br 211 Ba To"nhouse 2 r ar iiar 4 I "" opener A\atl W l rm 675 t051 2 Ar Big Can)on ~1cLam To~nhome Immediate utc·upann S995 mo r or a111>t call 644 0509_ \ewpon Hgls Cape Cod 2~t' 5Bdrm.den game rm· m1.. sq ft . ne~ I> patnted lrg \ ard. R \' c1cct'~) pets Ok Walk to '' hool> \'acant Diana d.&\ &31 1266 Rent m co~ta \1t'Sd 'I Ill' 1 lulth11U\t' "" ,, .. 1, ~E\\'EST gdte<I l!i $40[i-dep ,1.11ic1J~ F"·"l"ttc· 3 Bdrm 2 Ba ••••••••••••••••'•••••• To"'nhoml' \'11.LA<i ~ I , ~·..., I :'\ewport Bearh lie An111 S20,000 DM cmrnt':>;ITY l & 3 Hr l>L PU.>.. 11'• llunl \lnl(lt' sloq home 1100------- ba)front Pdrk ~lint Bu1·s oceanfront rluplex 2•,& t~Ml IKUtbq n 11r mgton \\l' 111t'drt '''" F'reshl) painted Lo\t'l1 1·ond '78 dhl ~ 11ti·. m ~e"port Break e'en pure luxun <iardl!t'' \Olle~ bJll c_rl t llr 11ey, across from park I fireplace\ brt~lt polio polenttdl Wtll tr .. de for hyd ro tubs' in ma stl'i S&IO rro ll{r $1i011n111 ur ch 11 d re n & p els $61.000 A &o 2 br 2 ba. anythtng' 966 9087 suile o1n1ni,: 1 uom~ rrnt entire il,uPll'' lor ~elrome S160ll mo , rh double w1dl', rorncr lot ••• .. -----•I wood burnm11 fin·µlal'I.'~ S 11 tlll mo . l c111 llo h lease Realtor. 63I 73'00 • $39,000 Bill Grunt!) 2200 mino ~ U\ e 01 l'n' McHr 5Mli 35t1U <rlt orl ITT~·6161 Loh for Solt i>m dtl.' patio~ & ~;;rd' &ii 7622 honw ---------' ••••••••••••••••••••••• C!artlencr prll' 11l~tl ~ilorrn'lu~ 4hr h~•· M<MI' ~ Peninsula Pt. unobstrurt ' FJeitant II\ mi: '!nl~ IS bath.\ f1rt pl.in· .:.11 (.. cd Harbor 'It'" Ptnt' *EXCITING* 1 COROHA DEL MAil minute~ from ~ .i~hii.~ m11l'h 1TY1rt· 1K111:11 tr~.~ Hdr 3 Ba ~auna 4\tCl'olt1t\mpr11n1·q1111'l bland' mmult''l11 "' I ,. 3 r ar .iaraJ:l' EstottSalt RllcHJl1un SS't!'i1".0111•1 1 Plaza tir O< \11poit th11nll.1j.!1" i!l•,11n1111! ~J••lt•r ' <>l>l'ner ~om With or ~1tflout furn lot & o"rll'r "'II fmann•I Just t'J~I ol .~''"l'Oll h.1rd"o1"1 ilr' '••lllllt\ , . t k trh •n ? 2'\Jl.64 Greenbm•r llume ..., 25 dt1~n Bhd & ~n nf SJn D1t•J:t1 .i,,1111 • s.r;.;• lfll~.! ,mt1rt 1 J 1 1 l \I 1• ln I aouna 11111• n1• .. ,, •, Fr"\ Stdrl1ni: 1t ~'l!lll J l' 1 H'f~ 11--1 L' I'll 1<1 p.it10 rg s r star park Yo~nl!. ~.11.~ I 7141 6 73-4400 month li:J 1 !'i4 :1:1 • .! Ii ;1 ommulll\ . " , r t•t Hdr bdr ~tOrJj(C. \\ f) ~ekome r2111ua.2121 Oranl!t' A11· ""''J l ~Oft r~frij( bOme furn Gfmffl1~rk HARBOR ~lt::.d Hart>Our 3242 m 11.10 mi iW~S\J ~uti2Br 4;8! f}i~,e~! 1 1 111 • tlJ 1 jj,;;,:~~·jl:;,~j~·.:,::r;;,:~; .lhr 2bd open bram ieil the best bu) m lo~ n $7m mo l't l."l ! ,11 wndt•"' J&• ,111t 111 lo!JI ml(. used bmk frµk ~1 tlepo,11 I J11 I ~ IH HIOI 11t JlCl«t h·nni• I.uni; from 0( n y, ~"Pl ClASSIC dft s 1,.,,"' l""'ihlo• 1'111t S!15t1 mn CJll John MOllLE HOME \ 11,, .n 111 "'t't' < lt>an .!. llr 1 l\,i ~o :!:..'lti Kiit J.n1 1\-45 5052 ""i""llaSrALrEStA ,1... ll.11 '"" ln""'m• nt 1,;i1 t•ntl'd RJrdl:•' 'J 111 I 1-'rnt 3 24 4 LIDO 621 COHDO """ bO S1 ~ -..,.. ne" pdtnl 6. '·"l"'l '" '· 540.5937 I Pl'lS S525~"·1u11t' ••••••••••••••••••••••• l>h<'Ondu~11hbdckh.s\ • ~ Or Jn~·· 111111,1• J. T"'11hc•m1.• Ill'" .I lu J hJ Jn<! C.innt>n 1 tl'~ !llkt -iRonchts,Farms, ~!iii! p.11111 _g.ir l'..rk )!""I ,q ft ~ 111 • 1l1n A~forSol• 1200 Groves 2700 J.s• ~115 ,,., ".u-.ii,,, $l!!n1 roouolw tjJ8~SiJ ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••! EASTSIDf '-l l'Ell s 1111 " 111.t• BY OWNER 10 Mre~ ~u NO DOWN QR :! Ur huu~1.· "1th rlt 11 ,undt•d, ,, j"1111 11.11~ Eastbhlff Condo San D1e~o Cnunt\ ~drdJlt' "'11 h•111k UJ" ~5 mu ;,;11~.111; J hdrm enc·ln,~11 l!·•I 01. h· L •· • , 329 l·n,,n,1l\ l>i "•'•'I Y.J~her dn. l'r tiook 11p' l\en am Jiit 111 "" TRADE man~Rt'r dl r;, .'1.ut 01;11~ Y.OODBHllH;~ !111 t'1111 pond. oak~ 'e,P.lll 111 E 1111 \Int loc ,111 1;11 1 nhlr Pel\01\ S7SO 5295,000 • 714 .21J 11101 l I (' ' \I r l' ' ' II I' I. l('l> \II'\\ nllrll I \I Ill'\\ MJJ 2832 i51 5441i ~ ~\l.LHROCll\ H\~('11lBR1 Ma duplt'\ n•'" 1mt11J • Sin11 11111 '~:J\RL\' hd1 unll Cenwh!"f Loh/ I 15 ·1rn.'' 1.m c•h horn1· 1 paint & •'Pl' ~"1 11" 9ti..'> 3.11!6 " Jil Cry..... 1500 ~llh lr>IMI ,, • 11·nni. pets ~25 • tlt•p l'llli I' h ~ I 11 I \ util pd p.it111. S3tkl ...•.. r;: ••.••••.•••••• 1 l'QUM.1~1 .. 1, rultnµ.11,111, :\leyet :H9 J4IM :t.~c· ~;1·:11 ~·;;·:,11 I,·,:~', (I( 1n:NTAL..S 7511 J31·1 Tr.1d1• for ~ma ll(•r honw I ~paratt' ht•ll't' t'."h11l1· $l<i5 11x1 1,.i~1 ; t117 * • • m llr;rni:t• l 'o Full prHC' 2 Hr I Ba tr)ll' ctrp' J. Hubtb11s S9!l5 1100 W1••·k1·nlf'l s\o\e v.asht-r d111·1 hie U"i•tnitv Pork t.J!!6))orn11lgSldl' l>r lt45 511•1 I''' ~1~1 A°31 l41HI Up, (nrd lard. t•nl'l\ll fo"nht1mt' ,, h1lr Ill ~ La1>:unallea1·h 1 urf\.1 1 ~513 )(Jr :->o pl't' 11111 h.1 ~ ''"" f111•pl.11t• You are the 111nn1·r 111 "att•rbl'ds s.1110 mo • '"" 1 pt-oll'f" r11'.1r 1wofree t1rkd~ 1$(R1"'' Rtal&tat~ ~ .. rurtt) d1•p11 ,ft 1 1~~11, ,11111 "'h1•1I• SH'l~1 \'aluetothe bch~ 2800 548 :>442ori7H 51i211 V<'r ,,_, •11..i ~~l!i CIRCUS VARGAS ••••••••••••••••••••••• BR h • 1 • I Longl!eal'hYett•ran' ~lau1 1un1!11 h<·'t l .1~n me;~ ltl •f(irnnt.;t·t• 1ht.11h1·1 St d •\ I 1 1 ~ l\JµJlttJ lm·,itiur1 S~Nll\ fplr ~. llt'" htrmd I. 11111 1 hor,... .lit Ir pli 'uun 5r~~~l' l S::~nt \ t'qWl\ Tr Jiit· fnr 0 r huge bal'k} d fl.I I t 7.!~ I II\ I.~ (I ht•'.' '.".' t' 1 ... 1 Fairground~ J\11r1f 15 Ill om!Jt'rt' ('.olt l>nn \gt 2 bdnn t47s I 1'Jlt11 • 1 JI t;JI •P 111111 1'1rketsf.?00dforwlt•1t1•cl ~'l91111 1 {i!\Jim:_.31 :Ji)J·• muntt\ 1~w1l & 11 .. rlo. nr rf g ' ' ' • \l hf, "ohllJl\'"~ ~ '''""'' 1rc ormann•s k II H\ l'.1rk on rtH·r nt'.tr Ht! .i u t tf u I 3 h 11 r m ~5 rro 5.'> ;:,,i, 6~2 c5i'f8 u~ ,~'' 2 \J~ rn "·'" 01 '.~:'" SJi!'il\ I llalerrl'l't_ Honw ·"·•~I RENTALS Tickets mu~l be rla11rwd l'qWt) SJI, 1 J~l tmrt'lt'd '.'iupc1' ;,51, 1134, I hr I bJ b).\pnl15,19li2 OCE"Fll0'\1 l..ii;una JRdrm :!BJ 4 u.tltt\ :!hr.\ h.1 • • • Bi·h ~ unll\ SIUO IHIO home 28i lirl'nl~Uoti lhr •. h.1 1oqwh. 1:r,c•Jl IJ~ "nl<• "' ~.mtd AnJ A. ...,.1111.1 itic t H COlmfttrclol •111536113.1 lsahelSt~ $!111\lmu \i !hJ SlhM1~1.,1111~111n P'roptrly 1600 -:E\\ l'O RT llLI I I 1! \I cant & 'opl'n (t.ln KilUI ,',, J l•r ;, h,c Sl~1tMt t 11 rn • •••••• •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • S pl' fl J' u I J r \ it•~ "f ~ !1883 I I hr ~ bJ ~I ~;,11 Corona del Mar 2 ~tun Balh•>J 1,1a111I & 1 lht ~ It,, ~1.•~1 ' rommerrtal Pr11·eil l'~mnM1la '1hath '•ftph l.tt\d~ ht1u\t "ilh 1 ... •Rd1~ur Hit) ~:!.IHfitNI · • P. a n o r .i m 1 • \ 1 ,. \\ helowmkt rorQUl('k ~ale > <len I flOOI r~1. l''<I Flnr~hed ltr Jlt'fft•rlinn ~ AH \"nh't' 1111 P''"ll at S350,000 0"" n l' r rt•mtll l14l• hunw l 1 .1cle for t'hr fu<<\ hou,c·~. ''" I bdl. l nl\ P.11k i:.11.1i:t• fmnnnng at 10' 1 '~ 3 1rs for 1111 cml!' prop..,, >tnJ 11 Jbr 2ba ii hi gar I~ opt'nl'r. fpk ~nu 11111 " Sl:.l 000 on No nt'I( horn.• '!r <011,ft1 nl pl\ patio. bio \'rtl Pet\ on ,\1(1 752 ~~ rash flo~ o" n Al?f 1.40494 ... , 631.1094 · ' appro\'al (ordnr & ~;Her !'.t'I Ir' inc• Ill'" ~ fir ~ ha _-'..:.lC Rtal Estate l!ld $975 til2 '1542 hark\ ar1l 110111 '"'' ~511 Wanted 2900 Unique 3 Hr 2 li:t frpil' &111 ittll,7tll lfl'IC, DEVELOPERS!! 4ll350 sq fl romm1•rr1al lo tn prime Fountain Valley location City ap proved plans for 19.200 ••••••••••••••••••••••• d w. hook up,, t'nrlsd • --leach 3248 Want tu lrn) h1Hl"' "1th ~!f&.j fnt'd , tml S6t1t1 ~:':•••••••••••••••• pool 7t;i1 il',lli:! :lRr 2ba foni rm frplt sq ft ofhre hldg Tolul tfttob ~/58.ln/~ e pr 1 re cl u l 1 H:;;; •;.;;;,j,t;;d • • • • • • FULLEI REAL TY ••••••••• • • • • • • • • • • • •• • .5. 46-011 4 lolboa I Mand l I 0 6 ! lmtlT IExcelle~rtun11y for 1nvntor 12,000 ....................... 3 Br 2ba. fumt~hed Short term $900 • per mo Aili m-1~1 2 hr furn honw Ma} & Junr S600 mo. Jul) & /lll& $4~ ~ k l>iS 9667 Costa Mno l 1 24 •....••................ ••• tl2A~wJ,Ms w Ntwport Bearh You are the wtnner or •2 HR. den. FPI 2 ba 1·1111 Top of th•· W urltl" do. nr We5lt' 1ff SGi~ Hdni; " ct $1•ir1 mn A\'I now Oa\ 1d 616 3255 l~I ~. 752 llJ2'J lllOIC f. exec :lbr pool lOIJlllG Hilli 3 250 home,~queens k1tch S650 •••••••••••••••• ••••••• Qt.: RENTALS 750 3314 llOM E fOR H ~:Nl STOP' purchast' npllOn 3 Bdrm Slii5 Ft O\'t•cl w th 1 s 3 b r S 4 !I !\ 1ard & j!ara1>:r l\uh t. 'Hl'RRY' 0 1Jl'l!> "t'lrnml' ~s 2t0) 0C RENTALS ;50 3314 A.&ent, no fee 'Cl 'TE" easlstde 2br" LOIJllMI MICJltel 3252 workshop gar. pets $425 •••••••••••••••••• •• ••• oC ~E~ALS iSO 3314 MONAH('ll SDI \I IT 3 Br •tee ~! nhnuse b) babbling brook, frpl<'. d w1 pool. many xtrll\ Adwts. no pets S85-0 mo lease Isl + se<' A\atl 4-25 ·6423 2Br. 2Ba fam rm $750 rm Herb831 1729 Coasthnt> 'u Monart'h Summit <'Ondo dbl ur J br, 2 ha. frpl1· No peli. J7SO_mo 493 22Stl l~l&lt'e foot off~ bull·· dln,a. Fll.lly I~ Over Sl~.000 a )'ff! lk-pn! elation. Priced 1.o wU ti &,11,4 mllllon.Princlpab, 'anly. CaU WllllAm Coif., lwo free trckets ($18 001 -------- Mtwport IHcll 326' 1Btoker For Clusified Ad ACTION Call I DlllJ Pilot AO.VISOR eca.sm ....... ,.., .... JIAH A fdt·Utll rt ......... v1lue tothe CIRCUS Y ilGAS LOOg ~arh Veterans Stadium A_pnl 4 14 Orange County Fair1rounds Aprll 1H8 1'1ckrta good tor selected 11trforma nec:s To cl1im llcketa. call 642-5678, ext 272 . Tickrta m\1$l bt clllmed by April 15. 1982 WOH'TLAST! °""''' C:re:.t T" nh>l' 311r 21 i lia. "et har .... 11. tn hth 1enn1' pool 'Pd '1,n peh Chtldr~n Ok \\ .111 •\pn 15 SR;,c1 mn ~O lb4-I Sharp 3Br home ~ 111 l'dn \le~ Gara..:e I hnu:.t' lo heh S9:i0 mo Yrh I<~ .n,111 :->u pt'l~ \lt J\ne \g\ ~8816 Mtw 2 IR 2 1t1 8a :! 1 ar f.!3r to~ nhome [lOcll, spa ~ alk 10 bearh and lloa11. Hospital \\ail 1mlTlt'd1atel~ S950 m1 E' 714 $4~ 7855. da 213 967 0288 t br + film rm Spyglass hill hoffit' ~ DW. m11•rn fen<•rd vd $17511 mo Mike Cruw a!(I 1>45 3116 Custom hnme 2bdrm Jba, den, ~ pool. SI I Inane /\\'e St4SO mo Options avail Wkd y 833 9773 . ~ knds e\ cs 556 4~ HARBOR RIDGE Sper \U, p\1 romm J BR J BA. lrR Mslr suite frplc. wet bar. J \II decks. $1600 mo ~ !099, 675·4078 Westchff28r S6SO Eastbluff 3Br SISOO Bayfrt SBr dock $3250 Waterfront Holnt's. Inc 631-1400 __ Sharp 3BR & Den, yard. garage . S750 41~ Westminster A ve 642 7745 4 bdrm. 3 ba. C1n1l fr o nt. deck. Npl Shrs I l1 blk Ocon Comm pool /tennis 11200. 237Canal.61S-7~ -·-----------------------------------------------------·-------------- ,. Orange Coast DAILY PILOTfTuetday, April IS, 1982 DI ~;~)7 A r~~o~!1\ ~ · ~:-_ 1 ;~ "-ter/bpolr nw •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~;;1 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • D.T ... •lh 21331 Plnetrec t.-&1nt" HAlll.IN<i 11tu<frnl h11~ THI GREEH SCENE ~tv ,..... f>LASn;HING CEllAMIC l.INOl.l..:UM l11t• truck l.owut r.ilr l..i\\''tllrtt~hruhin!llall lr111•no~&1·xll·r1~1~ Int & t'xl , ttr:1luc1·0. T1ltprof.m•t11ll for 11 lo day .id mtht• 11un11nmn Bfa('h You are e wlnne1 o( two (rtt" I ( els 1$18 001 value lo the Promr1t l'11111~!1 l!r7ti Tree tnni MOO\lll \\i1)'TW td01·r1 1xnn:1 h111(·kw11ll\S111; 111!12 !Win Robf'J5Sb411 Th1mk)ou,Juh11 U!wt1l'llre HololllhnK 75111103 t•Al.LTIL.E .. DAILY PILOT SHYICI Prufe)i.1unal Serv1re 6411 1578 N 1-:w LOOK •••••••••••••• ••• ••• •• (Ju;1Jty work 10 yrs "" lllluJ1ng yard dean up Iii' rull An,wl:'rAd •547 PAINT! '(; SEHV!l' t:s !>ram~ deartd rrorn $10 _l)er Geor..(e 831 5479 Llr •349892 7 70 6554 CllCUS Y ilGAS Long Hearh Ve.tenns Stadium A~nl 4· 14 Q111('k & ('lean f'ree 1-:,1 042-UXJ, 2A hr' Int ut 111-f)\ in~ 'd Plumbinll Repia1n Tl"ft Senlc• 673 M48 Cl11ud10·~ ~s 1175 f'rl:'t' l'bt M& M 642 9033 ~l~W~g!Y ~:~,,m~~ ADD'NS. Kl'.:MODt-:l.. ......................• .........., ...................... . ELECTRICIAN pri('rd H•~" HollMci..Mc) ..................... •• LI(' S PAINTl-:H • Plumbinic • Heatini: & t Expert Tre(· Prunin11 • Ocs1an 111cl W1tr~rt & Sou ~ 11137 art 4pm Or11ni:e County Fu1rgrounds April 15·18 Tickets good for iw ll'ded performances nghl, free estimate Ori •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• l:IHJ CKWOHK Snwll Int f:xt toyr:1rxp •t::lel'tr1L·al 24 hr t'ommerc1ull.und~cape large ~r ~mall jobs . t&rpeotry Muoory W.Ol 11 HEAi.LY ru:AN JObs, Newpor\ l'o~\11 lier~ f'r1•1• 1•!1t ~:111 911911 cn.:rl:t'n<•.) t;d 841111125 Servtres 957 831111 Service Dlrettory Rt pr l'Nenlul1\1e C.,.ftttr Lie· 1139662! 6130:15!1 Hoorhi~ PlumlHng H0US1':~t'alltltni?hum Mesu. lll'lllc H('f, •!-,vJ'f.Vt:NS PAINTIN!: C:ornpletl:'Trt'('S\!rv1l·e Llt"U 1-;Ll':t'TRl(.'IAN Dl')'wall Stuuu Til~ Girl fh~est 645 5123 675 3175 1~ tia<'k 1 Now ~I"'" 111 ..,._f'tVMan.-nt Geo·1 dn up & lrnl( 64J.H7f, Ht 322 •••••••••••••••••••••• 11~~11) ('OMM'l. All Around ('arp1•nlrv John 77S KOii~ To claim ticket~. n1 lt 642 5678. ext 272 Tickets must be ('li11m1•d Qual work Rea~ rate~ llerrodel J.H 646 99'JO t:xv'tl llou~t·dl:'uiwr Bl.ll('I< WAI.LS l'~I ~'rl't't·~t ('hurll'~. PROP•RTY 't.awnrer\Ov 536 0914 1-'rt.'t'l'Ml B.'\t 5072Tom lil'ner11I Mamknann• Mulurr& Hl:'huhk Pt1lt11:\ l>m1•11d1)' M5 33111M64f!GI " TOYQL'ALITV Repair~ & DecoraltnR 542 hOll.\ bl~ IJ41ti J.11"d l>en111~ ti:11; U~SK MAMAG£MEMT JAYETRH CARE-•·--~LECTRICAL WOttK •Quahly• H111 640·5H4 Iii 111m 1 LARRY IATES 01.imw Co .i1t·u IS H• C'ompl •wn u·e ll-10 9308 U) /\l)nl I~. 1982 __,..._, Cab111el~ Rt'mod • • * It Mo"lncj 1'1\1"\TINli =h~!> !UKJ l'Xfll'nt'ntl' Call fui rnro ••••••••••••••••••••••• Skyht~ ltoorn /\dd'n~ eai. mies 531 5055 llOMI-: IMPHOV~M EN1 1 llOl'SEC'l.i'.A:-.il!\li ••••••••••••••••••••••• 11 1 1-:X'I I' \l"\'l l\t, .ind r;ilt'' T"°"ng ~'Ti\Tt:PAVI (; Gmru.e "nd"~ 7~1-4420 Cen1t.'OIM11~onr) fllu1k Rt:Sll)CUM~n. IND llf:PAI RPLL.M Bl~G E~v·rt n·r~&rcllJhh• --AICMOYIMG-t.1i d Hi•h 1-ri·i·•·,1 CJ63-1112 ••00••••••••••••••••••• Sealcoutini: S1np111.: llOM f.IMl'ttOVt:r.n;:•n-W.ilbCu~t "ork 111· 20yl"ll Domyuwn\\urk lll:'al10g, t•a rpenlq t';illanylur~,95S:!l lH Qult'll.C:Jrdul~:wn1t,. t..itiHM,? MUblSubJl'l'h.K 12&\'0I Repairs Comm ReMd LGE SML INT EXT Res romm Lil 278041 Al 64611126 elet ule Free esl Nu ~'rtoel·~tim.ilt'' SS:! 114111 oofiftcJ li:'~e 2S "' e\I> S-1 hr Lu: ~397362 645 tlltll Z'>yrs CharG4~.374!l Rob547 26tl3 IU-::SIUJCOMM 'L Jobl<xhmall 645 2811 HOUSEWORK aperlnq ••••••••••••••••••••.. Mr Murgan,G15 5176 Drwewuys. Parkmi;Lot CNldCo,.. ~xp ('ll•an,depend.ible J/\CKOFALl.THAU~:s WANTED .1. •A;,I MOYl~._G • 1 ••••••••••••••••• .. •••• lhilJ\·r Huor1111: .illl>l>l':. T'fPncJSer"ict Repairs Sealroa1111g Carpet Ser"lct ••••••••••••••••• ••.... Q\11l'k & reasunahle Call rtay or 111i;h1 "" "'u.ili-l ) • Ill'\ I" f'arthin~ l11lt•r10r 1>1·"1:11 ~! • .,.. n·1·m er dl'l'b ••••••••••• •••• ... ••• •• S&S A~phll 631 4 l!l'J L1r ••••••••••• • ••• •• ••• • • Young mo lhl:'r lo v 1 n g Lil' ll3:"fl t611 G:H 2:145 • Jar k 675 30t4 • llii:h c.iualllY hoUW" ork rnrl' HI hirndhu~ 25 1·1' 111\NfilNC ~IU HO!. I. I Jr •·11 1!!02 5111-9731 'I') l)llljl Wnl 111i; Edi! D If llb ,, I WeC;ireC:rpt Cll'aners homl• almosphen'. any Exp<mc111·e1I, dr/Jl'IHl.i t'Xll Coa111K't1t,1vl• .r;~t1•' t)uuht~ l.11 111, ~trip 'llE:-.IRY HOOFIN(;, ulK My oHln• or your' an a eri: ura1 1111( Ste~· ni .. 1 .. a11 & u11holc. hr.· Ori l h "' I>"' a c• h r....--ica/Til• LOVE TO WORK ble, hone~l. inh· l1i.:t•nt Noo1e111fOI• 7:111 13a3 I 111 • 11 11 lfl"I &l'avup•('o 1 •k• ~ " • • ...-ms "' 1'111: '' 11 • • SlllN<;u:S&lt~~l'/\111 SmlJol>~ok 6422112 Rl'" •. ,,;11111 rut mountunit PnJ\1ueme als6-lti 7617 ••••••••••••••••••• .. ••Carpentry. 3ain11111( Thl:'tl(.,~t l'hunt•t17:J7Ul2 !'irAHVIN<;ro1.1,~;1;~. V1~a!\-1l'~rt1tlt;.15•13~;, 1.11· 11115232 5111 1i213 '' Workguar 6453716 Formica counter l<l~~ & 1r1•t>s & i:r n~. l(t>n aftcrfi UUP~ !:'l•rn>t:NTS MO\'INC: WlndowCleanlng l.Jr P397804 11.12 1nu ..... am""''. s·tn·~rn 1•luar1 ru-...or l';i'·1r1el· rera .. cd 'ruu 11\lllOI. It hauhn" Free o•·s1~"'l L' \"I''(' () l ·1 .. 13 t:..~IJl;'rt 1o1 alk111L•l'll11( 111 ll'l()L'I L '" .• Wt':."l'( "'' ..-~ "' ,.. • '-'W• "'P"' ...,, u ~ ' •• ,. l' v. "'-.r,/ •' •' ' l' ,1(· a 1 .. ·l • ti 'lJllallOll Ht'J' pn< I'\ ' r br.t d $21)1J' "•••••••••••••••• .. ••• lobyslttiftg Color bni:htcner~ "hi ••••••••••••••• ·~ •_• • •• • ~l 642 5357 e:.t & hshld t;ibk~ ~;" 11••r ti lnwn·1I 1;.11 Ktn l unbullant h'lj(ll m•• 111 in J<> "un l'r 'Let lhi:' SuMhtnt· In •••••••••••••••••••• ••• l'l'l>bl IO min l>lt•a1·h Or YooChiroprador ~..i-.. Profess1'onal rea.\, rt'h 840 :Jti[,5 WA'f'nl I :-; c HOW !'>Ill~ trw t"'>tllli.tk' 5lW ~2!i2 l'all ~nshmr \\ 111110\\ liabys1ltm\ 111 nur (' ~1 llall . II\ d111 rr:i' SIS Awpressure El Toro ,_,,, . 'Hl I' \ l)t II .T I \I (' 'I ( I .._ Clt'alllnR Ltd ~II 1111~3 ho 770-525124 hrc, ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1'<. ' S i\ ~ ;-.. 'i\l 1 (., \\Al.LI' \1'1-.H '."v. \11111thl' f)1,,.1·ounl l'Tll.'S I r &up 1\n\ uvg room $7~1 l'OUCh --K&DLandsrai>eMa1nt TIUw-hService Co . l'ror H'JS rt•h.1lll1· ~10\IN<irO~ll',\"'\ l1111trJ1·tnr&1'.11111111i: = :J _lll'Tll.' b42 84112 &It\ 575li $10 t•hr s.s Guar t'hm COfttrodon Gtt1eral lle:.1d Comm Clean up """ lief, Jeun bJI 5Ulh f;c,( & l"Jn•ful Lo\\ t• I () l 23\ r' l.u :1:•112111 • II t:SI ut;\ Tl \I • Careful & lu\lnl: ma ma or pet odor l'rpl repair ............ ~ •••• •• • •• • U Ha uling ~ 2489 12l3 I 592 3537 or !714 t l'll·~nin~ hou't'" I t'J" Hall·!> l..i" ,\ llo1o1" \I ( I •·'11 <:ompf 1!11 t3v. .\1 Jo: I ~l' S30 :ii I? 2 .,, ' 21 rro::. to l·art' for )ours l5 >rs exv l>o "ork ADD'NS REMODt:LING 840116114 1 r V1~ ... Lil 1r1, i;;:1 uxs:1 S4S Chn' %7 >!31!11 h , mt!>clf ltd::. 531 01111 Plans Li<''d t;~or1ie L:mdstap1n1:-Yd Clnu.vs pm·l:'s. 'nl re l:'rt'mt·• W,\l.Ll'Al'~.H m..r onlt'f T 63t 37Ki 1h'i'tnm·Expertma1n1 ~~pert home .ind dpt n· (.'all Sol'•Hro 54H 5075 ,........,, i\llk1n11, Frl'l'l'~t t1.£A"\WIND0"5 NEWBOHN bait) i·are h) :'\oStl'am No Shanwoo Pllmer~ SonJ>, 557·6932 Jim llSl-OJ29 pair Carpl'ntry. roof tll'M 91'M .::-::::-? ............. •• ~II roll I.it •:i:um>11i fOH Tltt: !IOI.I[),\ VS reg nur,c. my home. jt111~pern1hb~ f::!>~ DRAFTING S£RV10 ; ~~H Gordt11er .. ~lumh, Etc· 642 fiO IJ 'tt'-f'!ne p;11nl111~ h\ 1_<11·.h.artl Norm 1;4;, t1K1111 • <1.y1·1"""ts * 1,.i:i ~4!1, f.45 79n CdM dv n1te fi7J li887 · 1)_ ce ebl 839 1 ~112 20 )'rs ex""r !'Omm re L t K II"" •035 We bid all JCJb< luu sml HouieM "'9 S r1<1r I 1 1 1 1·1 \ 1 • 11r ~ ~· (' \" t ' • • • "'" r e es en .,.,... ~ ,,~ •••••••••••••••••••• •• • . I • 1·. r ' " • ~ , R I ~)el' l'~l 1;3 I !1255 I lrangl' oa~I • 10( I)\\' ll/\Rys.IT'l'IN(', ,, 11 d Sid 613-6047 dyl> l'l'S Qua ht\ t'X"t'I' hr'1I h haJlll\ Im· al ('IJ~lnlllt',' -emo"a 'Wu ll•a11• I llU lo\ 1111 .• ,,.arprl:. 1nst;i <' . rt' l\1U\\ln" SI0-$1 5 S2U · · ,., " .. , Pron <·ouple 1o11~ l'' lo 1 -r-· ' " ANYTIM ~: 11a1n:d. flood ilcimagl' REMODEL AOOO!'S llaul d~mpmg $15$20 H1ll&Oa1e 6~49:J~5 house:.11. Ne"vnrl .1n"' l'hanK )llU ti:1141111 ••••00•1i1iv·~~~t-s"'"'"Stucco lmghtl'r 1;ut1110~· CoslaMesa 979b6'1tl ~learn I.' leaning andCal"J'l;'nlry l.11"d 7u n<•u .on.0095M urk llO~H:IMl'HOVEMt:NT Jul' n:'f) &14flH:JYl•\' •• · • •• ....................... 1-h'Ci:')>llJl\Jtt'' 11:1ui;11t 55'11l5111!l731151i1; 25}rs lr1o1mS.US :!71!J ,,.=vo • ....,., , T1l1•f1001~ rem·1nf , CustomPalntinq \\allr11H•n11.:lt•·rn111JI H1•,11111·11,1n111 11a111kd ...,,..cy Tllf.GRASSHOPPF R j I T ZS )"I' t'XJI l.u· llf.l!Jll ! \lll)pt'!> 1,1:! 13>.J ht~· ..,J111!11IJ't & hm k XLCAFIPF.Tt:,\llt: COMM'L RESID • • ' l'lumbm!! /\II ~ma I ncCJmf aa l~1111h'tl "" Hl'I-. ( nlor • t /R . IJ11.0.,111 '15i K~llS Writing ....••................. (. h I 0~rrod-Add'n•Repu1r' t:omplelela\\nmamt JO!r-2'1 'r'"''P 548:tll92 ••••••••••••••••••• .. •• 1·x• .. ·rt •w,·11".'ll lJ11·• nOSff' ....,.,r • ...............•.•.•••• For all you need to kno1o1 about bankrupt<'), NII 1714 )8JS.!lt62 l)l.UV o Jre.irui.: "" ~ Dom1mr642 4851 • Ff.l>ERAT l'.11 r· '"'• " " -r-dl:'anml( \'el) reas. Lit 390250 Har ood A 1•••••••••• • • • • • • • • • .. • • Tile J;ickll Bennett Jr GAHDE~l~GMAINT dw oon lt1l'offi(6'3T1a.~.:"1t'nHi· l'Al~T.EH,f.~.ri-. \1't•tp.itl'ht·,~h·\tt111 ' •••••••••••• .......... . Fr~ e:.1 i>-15 I 7i I I nds T t •••••••••• .. • •• •• •••••• ..., , \\ t t"L·' .,., 'r' ,., J• 1111 Gen Conlr 552.9112 .a 1·ap111i:. rel' nm llAuO"'<)()D fl ()(}RS "" "' fr t 803 1430 111 ~ l\..,T \l l FO \\ ll11'1:-..C, tt 1-:~l-:.\Hl'll El>l1 l~lj \II) '\UUJt'l1 fonl\J l ~I) ll• 1'4to l!lli5 "--J/C t & 1·1 nn 1·\t \10U\IH1 .. 1hnl!, etti , 1 · 1 • ·• ••· ~.11.11 """"'11'm ottcree llonded&ln~urcd rl'rmldCcanups n~ flt 1• d. •-~-· I) 1, 1 , w•"'IKt l'l "Sl"L'll l'\l·c·lll'\I \ll"1n1hl,uarantn·d s IQ.. ....................... fh-e es11ma 1es 642 411119 lllt'llUll u ) t• t'll~t' ~aptft9 .111, .11n. 111!; ..... .. I .~ ... r.. . '.II l'l'I' .J11h11 O•(t !l"!t7 Cla!>l> Ad~ afe reall\ C<>NCR"'."'E ,"SPllAl.T CustomWood~orLlft' CJ and .,.axed 832 ·11110 ....................... II 1 1 1 " 1 ' .,.. -I ' r,1 "' " • 111,hop & "Km l'.111111111: '~ 1!111" 11 • 1., .; small "a>t'OPlelopeople · On\e1o1 a)'. pallo~. blO\'k ••••••••••••••••••• .. •• TREES VLA/\!\NOr!..;l~,!111;.11,,1.~1••• .~• 11 , ,.,11 111 lll•.H h >r" 'l;l•Jt 1•.1uL11.1 .!'11. I 111~t11ml ~ran~u Tiit' sale:. ralb with hii: re-walls Dennis636().1$8 Cl'SfOJllt'/\illNETS To111X'd remo\'l·d L'lean HcaMng 1 ''' ' ·' · •. I" .. · Siil lt'"I I Fl '!-.1'1 \...,1 .. 1<1'' J•rnmtJl"'11 rrl't.'t•:.t ader~h1p and h1g re-1 t · h II U"" 1. wnrenov 751.34761••••00•• .. •••••• .. •••·•~ l\la111t.('Omm I 11•)\ul .ut.i iu isl 1" · >. ·' · ·.: i.\;!tl.)ts.ll'hul'klii5 HOK I sulth' To J.lace yuur THOMPSON'~ , .nenors. ars,man t·~. ,""''a : DUMPJOHS Tn·e trim 1·ll'<.111 u11 Ill-suit-that-. 11h,1I \1111 All1~1~~ l.nl ui ~'1 druiMr1~'(! 11 . t·;ill today CONCRETF CONSTH libraries. l'ab incl ~ Shop at home It s easy! &SmallMo\'ing Jobs Bnl"k&tlll' ln~.hun•h·IJ gl'l \\Ith 'l:."1f11•d ti-1511:1.5/lfor ~rt·•·1·'1 lla11• .urr11•thmf! tu ~ell'' 642·50i8 LI<' #393383 ' 642 8482 skyhtes. cusl moldtnJ.: with class1r1ed 64.2·56711 Call M 11\ t: 646 1391 ht·"d Ftu" "~l \17!1 51 tfi &t2 5(1711 na,~1f1ed \d~ t.-12 5t17K 1 l 1J.,s1f1t•1I atb do 11 "rll l!.efs_ 1}4{>·0092_, 536 2366 .. ' Wlwn \OU l':.tll CIJ!1S1hed toplJl\' ilO ad. )OU rt> a:. 'Url•d 11' ;i fr11·ndh 1H•l1·11mc .ind h1•lp 10 wording ~ 1111r ail fur hesl re~pon>t· Call :'\11\\ • 642~111 DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS Sell your no-longer-needed Items for cash. If It doesn't sell, we'll run it another 3 3 .. OLLA RS DAYS days FREE. One item per ad, must be priced. Sorry, no real estate or commercial ads. Call today for full details. (Non-refundable. Extra line• SUM)) 3LINES CLASSIFIEDS 642-5678 Real Estate-the Complete Orange Coast Market Place c;s:: 3425 ~.~.~~~~~~ .. ~!~."!:.~ ... ~~~."-~.~ .... , ~.~'!'::.'~.~ .... ~~-~t~.~ •••. ~~ ............ ~~.~~,~~~~!~.?~~.r.~ .. ~!.0.~I~~~!!:.~~:'::. .. ~!.~~ ~~~.~::'!~! ..... !~.~~ •••••••••• .. •••••••••••Htwportleoch 3769 CostaMe-sa 3824 CostaMHa 3824 1 ~onleach 3840 Mfwportllea'h 3869 <h•,tnrrnnt h1111w 111ni j1'hn~11:111 'I t to ~h11rt• Near new ndult t•ondo nr ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• µlt1lt•I\ turn f.!~11,Jl!l' RO.OMMATE ,1µ1 " Chn,l1.tn fi1rn1h I SC Pl aza S<.'l' f!.9li'S • h' Wj.&.a-~ ... t \' . I .. I S,!j~, l>I )J"I I Slitlt rlt'p l'n1 l'lllrallt'l' 1111111 Ill execup an I . . ll r 11 . Want some th1nf.\ xt ra Eashide 4..Plex ~.Side 2 RR I Fla. ;iUa" I ITTIIC'n'tt ,,.p s er,a1lk' J r11 -'•' ind1b 11111, 1::11 :111~7 fl ...... DER S I c ll ·1. S!7~ ~115 :1'134 p~o · sma rit>nl Y s pt't:iat 1n a 2 Br 2 Hr 1 Ba lari.:e ~un ~;ir vvt µat111 .• 1tlulb Unfum I bdrm :'1111 All frpli' pool rl11hh,1· , f"ll I lra<1 L Blrdd~nm~. Jlr. Townhouse l'Om plelcl) deck, l(araRI.' ,\dult~. nu 11ref no pet!> S4l!O + uhl pd All <tnlt•n1l1l'' $7511 Sand) li-12 Iii l!I l..ul\ 511' l11,h,111• 11111'1•·\ Ohle>! & larl(t''t il)!l'lll \ I" ~ '''.'hr ll\1 .!Ila h~1· "A Mew Conctpt'' pallo ..... rssu l'ul'S35nllllnltl fum'S895 Mn 7Ci091t7 ..... ts $500 7522550 Sl'I' 6462723 I '"60019 1w Irr t• I 111 110111 llt•h \ll tht'nl>Sl'reened \\11h Ill()(( Ii.: 111 $:!111 • I F\Jllwr111·1· 1·u,(om So peL'> IU + ul1 ' r:-• -e~tl 1 art•J 1111111 ~'" 1~p 1 · 111 Pl t • .,., .1r , d k , 775 2580 t blk to •K"t>.tn. nr :-.:pt fl REPLACE. Pool p1l LARGE YARD 1 DeluXl' puoh11lc \l ra Lare 2 Br rll·n ~ liJ · "'' ·' r."'ttt~\\ ryr1·H·rw1·' ' 1 "' '•-~ ·~~!'t'o. .l''> !>pan Pier $~00 mo , \II r6 pauo & dish" a~hl'r $625 mo 3 Br 2 Ra IJr~t' 2hr. 2 hJ bltn'. ne" ~' rle111r.ih'd I rph Hm 1o1 lull h" p111 S111 t '•"hl' I "'1T1<•IH1111Jll r1·111 q u11·t 11"11\mk 1 :! . r 0 l Airpor l 2br.2sl) pool rec art'a Jul~ 1 Sip' 1 rute & XLGZBr l(ardenJph duplex 2 t•ar garaj.?e.I <b"hr 111 mill'" be.J\'h patio µonl S7'1n dultl ol, ~.'io 11111 l til 1;~.,KI M11n11ng \m..r1 •. 1 1 h1 ~ h.1 .1111 JM111l 1 \I ~lt~Appr!l'IJlt• N>l'l' loi· El Toro rlean Ju)re Wallll'. un Ea:.tstde $5611 "asherd11er hookup, 1\dults.noaxh ~M•mo ~>l>i 1•IS5'11lt•p \1 ,1111 I llll'Tomnnu""h"" S?i5•ulll' \~i~5:!1t 159 89111 $650 mu Rd n d > 63! l2t.b .. 7 "°'I frplr, all hwll m' Thi~ ~8362 I 1..i1. 31\i:! • off• 111 Jll II«" Starman 770 524 t a_gt ""...,.. one wont la"t (.'all for. • Pn• ... 11g111u ... \1•1,.11111•' d1enls\\OOO•·rdJpl.111 :!-I 11 11ltl 111111 r· '''t'k" P3<'!'Seller Rll) or ('OI Salta.Ana 378 ~ll'e 2 Rr 2 Ba (ondu a pt . l nlf: WlllFF'LETR f,f. spar2 All :! IJ.1 11111.to Hon1111o11th k1tih1•n 11111 NEWPORT 641 -1899 'Jllll' '"'hi llll'l'h furn I le<.1 (21312757537 •••••••••••••••••••••• Gym. pool Near SC ~L MGMT 642 1f;()31 J·2·3 Bdrm Apl~ G~m all Jml:'n1ttt' S•·-~" "\1 'hop\11n1: •t·11tt·1 I\. ~ t.1 I hJ .1pl 111 l' \I MEWPORTCEHTER 1 RH s mall r:iu 1 ll'W at Plaza ~75 mo 832 l766 Spa. SaunJ, pool trnni~. 645 2659 l11L-.hn1· I II !lf'.2 il2" \111,1 ht· n1•Jf .~ r , • .,,, Off' ~xtsUnfvm 3600 L>eluxe pri,atl' I Hr et<·8460619 l'E,\CE~TI 2111 2 BJ ~oo mu 111 11-Excf'lle-nt ice ••••••• .. •••••••••••••• Segerstrom L1•a st' Sparkhni: new crpl, tile. frpk. ~ar fncd Y.Jtd liatht•lnr unll hlk Hotf'ls.Motels 4100 Sl:l.J • 11 utd' Fi·m.ili •·lli:l.S.Si Saace CapoBrh Spac 2llr 2ba. $550(.IO Sel' l>l'Jl Mr dJlxs, lrg tbdrm, ideal $1.'"Jilm> 67363JC lhmlinl(ton l'ret•k Apt frnmotl'Jn \rh ,l\Jll 1•••••••00"••••00•••••• 5'.•tto<!U<Mf sq r1 ,\\dil.1 f11>I<·. fn<·d ~ ard, no pets Clear: 752·6841 for workinR rouplL· No Deluxe I & 2 Hr Frplc•s no1o1. frp~~.11 y.1 :1.1,~!·d I SEALARK MOTEl ~1rl'lerr1>1i fl31 IC.~ ::1 .111 ti S::m mu 1111 I ul ii \in• hll' fo1 l.t•a't' ~95,4964167 pets. $415 mo U\11 pd 3 bdrm 4! ba $4!15 \la) e ... ~~l~ld'' 1!~~1f1J.~HI\\;· lll!\\lrpt S:l25 h7~.L.1 I \\'kl\ n•ntab 11'1\\ ;i1.11I f,lckrh l;tth t11 ,h,1J 1' .irl'a ~ hdrm' J1ail im Call Wm F' ('oil' ~nts 548:761!9 d1scnunt renl fur "''I "'P\1 I 2 Hr rondo 11pp1·r Slll5 I\ uµ l'ol,1r I\' I ni1h1ll• hnml' Ill l..11!1111.1 ln'<I lt~IH f:I (",10111111 forl'l'Vlremfnrma11on •L..L-151..-d m lo: r du 11 •' ~ Ru ~ s 5 · on) \\"'"'' hrr DnH•r .11 , • ._.. 1'h11n1·~ Ill 11111111 .":!i-1 At·ad1 l.o" n·11t I .di ·1'111 I' 1 \I Sl't' 1 .im IH I _ .,... ..... , •••••••••••••••••••••• OW, pvt palw a\alll , . WOOOLAKEAF'TS duh pool.!aund,r~ 11.1lk. )c~1111rt 11 1111 l'\1 11~4'1i ~'IMl4 • " " pn Cote Realty .A-4-nfsfvmished ~ mr Westsite 2 BR. I Ba . fl42-6t53 • ' 1rn1 rxvm1 11 l t - ~::_:·:·,,·.-..:_·~··•••3•7••0•6• lol»alslond 3806 no" $460mo 6400997 BF.Al'T!H L 2 Br .2 Ila Sp11r1ou)\ I & 2 ttdrm 1 w~h111~Sl>25 Mn IKll 1_.u; .11s Shr rnndu .Ill Jm1•111l1t'' l ~s & ln\t'slm"nt -._ ·-'.\lesa \1•rdc ttUO 'Q rt '-· l r 11 k •· .. >~• J • f ent 43501 ' ...................... TS annn~ uo.•au ' u a t'' "' l R·o "Jr p··rk111" 'l"JJ' ,. ____ t H---4 I <O ""°" mn .11 " ,,wn.1 or • 640-5777 ••••••••••••••••••••••• NEW BRE~l> 1\ I' frµlt lndr~. d~h\\:.hr l p I & ~' .. .. ,. • ._, ....... ~ 'lti6 -·s-·r.i Bay 1 IC\\ 2 br t ha no L1t1le Island xi ra lge. 1 RR OR BACll fnim md~ gJr Sti4IO ' realTI) , oo 1a1 to bt•al h HI) $-17~ m11 ................ ••. •• • • . · 1141~. :i; • •• 111 , •• •••••• •• • ... • • • • •• ••. pets. $600 mo }rl) 223 ruce t bdrm. $67~ yrly. $365 F'rplc. rer room I 31111 :'11act• 540 141111 recar .. a:.;6of;g\s h73~c1r73t ~llh Chn,t1Jn H••llrt'ml'Ol Shr plu,h tn le\l'I h11m1 $/ill •Ull!I~· l!Jr .,are. & E Bal front 673 4326 :-.lo Pets 673 9473 pool, Jal.'U771 Ga\ & SIB5 2hdrm 2hiJ lu\ llomr for \\llm('n d 101 llU I m1 from hl'•t\ h '!'C llll~ •• .:i_i -'" IHlh SI lolboaPettinwla 3707 BolboaPetliftwla 3807 water paul No pets 393j2bdrm. lb.i. patio & )(ar 21xtrm Iba. nr Real·h & rondo" all amt'llllll'!' 1ni.: ranni: JlmowhNe S..><i<lmrlall 5:16 KO!lO 1 \1 1"·' ""' ••••••••••••••••••••••• Hamilton C M 645 4411 !'lewpamt & <'arpt•ts Nr Slater $49!'1 :-.lu pt'ls Xlnt t•o m11le\ c;lenn 10 .1 hlJITll' 'l'lllOI! Lol'Jt I MJ tun• ~ ,1 ailulr 1o1.in1t••I llnultll• )(JI ili!l' t·J11 tw ••00••••••••••••••••••• N 1 ' f'edro S475 mu 1\1?t fi4193411or640·107ti Eineman 171411i-lll 9!lilll 1•d 111 ( '.\1 H1•.111tdul •1 h "1 •. ·h d1111l1'fl ~ln·t't t•n1ro11H't• Jbdrm. Sll'ps to sanrl u2 &3Bll.28A year y IAHIAMARAPTS 5516t30 b I r ra1·1I rurnrm~ \urnrn\I n s r Hal hUllll' IJ-. 1'1111 51o i;1u; mJO mo yearly Call f'rplt'. bit ms. gar. park Large J Br . carport $400, 2 r, 1 rn. ront unit 3 fir :?ba. frpl1• l!.1r p.11111 I huml' l'nnk :n1o: l' 1 fl Ca1al111J '1t•11 r..r, , '.111'1. 11 ·" ll75-S710aftcr6pm ing. Close to bay & pool & laundry No p1!ts ~1~~0 ,!~~~bit,,~~~ ~~. gar put111, 2 \1~sstnk no Ol' \U \\!Ilk 111 lh'.tl'h ~9-21~GJI 5 1:11.1 ' S..'illu rm tii5 :!J.'\I ur1 Ii UI l~l.J I Costa Mesa 3724 ocean. Rrkr 615·4912 $450 931 W 19th SI qu11:'l ,....$260 l' l ii pd ~ts I ~~·w' ,or Ueac·~~TI S8:!5 tm, 5411 7907 • (/UJel rr'Jl f1•m tu -.hr :1111 Offict Retttal 4400 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ckean fronl 3 Br 2 Ba ~-0492 8333t25 Slater :.1)1r. 1738110 1 Nrlloa~ llospitill 2<.li 2 YocationRental1 4250 II B apl Sl<Kt mu 1111 ii ....................... , Years leasl' $1350 mo Keelson. !l-l7 0422 "'ail br I' 1 ha. rl1n rm lntlr~ 0 "00•••••••••••••••••• ut1I 114j ~1~'71; j lfili Wt»tl'l1ll :" I! W Jiii Nice I Br dµlx 01111•1 714 337 24 14 d 3 ys. Lush,~, landscape Lux rondo. 2 mslr hr~. hook up ssno 1;42 11112!1 OCF.A~FHO:'\T 2 &. I 111 f' 'O' 11 1 ,,h ri· , 1 tlrm I t111,1111.1al rn~l 1oot1' r Sep b) i:ar I emplyd ti75m.i eves& wknds I 'Br front & rear paho. 1'2ba. 2bakome~ frpk. 00" afl 5 ,\11111 1101o1 \\'l'1•kl~ thru • ·• • ·~. ,1 . ~ .• • hi floor .\gent 5~1 ;,on adult O\er 35 Nn 1>els rl'l>ll'. d "· pool & spa m1rro. \\aler lands<'a pl'. \RLINliT01" Al'TS summer t."73 illiJ Jiii 111 I d\I $21 .. m11 ~ 548 1021 PENINSULA POINT Ncu>ets j470 549·2447 2 r ar gar " opener Spar1ous & ~let 1 Br l WESTCLIFF i.!I> <151.'\ 4~'l 340:! EXECUTIVE Yrly lg 2Br 2Ba . re 5 P;ilm SpnnJ,!~ <lrt'd 1.\lun I S350 mo 01'< mobile hm decorated. no pets. steps Mesa del Mar drea $725 mo 645 404 Ba S375 2 r I'> B;i Beaut I hr & den lrph trrt·\ ('Cl 1 nndn 3 Ill!·• So l''t 1•1..,,1 111.11.· u1 SUITES Matu~ adults. no pets lo bch & b:i) SS!IO mo Large 3 Br. 2 Ba lo1o1•er Ql.HET ADULTS 0,cr 35 S48S Twnhse Adults on-~l_SSSO 640 781 1 Ba furn " ,11 rium~ I r1•m. 'hJfl' .! l11lr111 • 11,1 I::'\ Quiet . serure 19!11 1544 Mira mar D r apt enrlsd garage.No Wlfum 1&2 Br upprr I) No pels Nr the Gnlr tt-nni~ OJi\I rondo $27!i 1'z1•h•rt Newpor1 Al vd 646 8373 675 IJSll I pets. S49~ mo Ca II From s340 Re a 111 hearh 961.t 8656 NEWPORT HG TS \\t't'ki~ & mont hh mil'~ I Jark 95i 025t art Ii HERITAGE -751·99051eavemessage landsca~tn" No 11et~ JHr 1'2Ua toncfo 1\1776 1 br. ne" l'rpl. drµ~ J\ad 71 1 55K HOlll PlAU ·--leoch 3748 ,._ M 382.. --., Gar S425 64071111 I ~ I rr _,,..... '"'4nto HG " Fami·ty 2 br. 00 pets. LEEWA 0 APTS 2020 Claremont $550 1st & 9.5f'~1 .1sk fnr ~1 ark • c1o1 uxu11 o 1!'e spa1·e ••••••••••••••••••••••• F"·ll 631 0397 3876 Career unenlt'd "um.in 10 I r\·1r1e"s l1us1"st ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~mts.drps,lndry .196 W. ·u_erton. last .+scr 594_·4663 cr-c•---..e · ' Luxury studio. spa, TV. •. .. -~ rnnrm l.akt• Tahoe No Short> 3 In ~hr :!Hr 2Ba a111 I "11 I ' L' F' I I n , 2 IR 3 IR "'-alimar. u 251mo. l~t ••• • " i·en er r.as\ f\\' ar maid service. phones. Newly"-cfernr • C as· pct ""'<......., 1 .,.:4577 ~ 2bdrm. 2ba lownhnusl'. ~e 2bdrm, 2.ba. 5;~j;·~P·~ ... 0•c•e•:;;·,.1t,;. R r c odn dLok F 11 I lky rrum So Csl.,Plala. pool. <'4.>s~ /\i ail· 00.,. ,· r .ill 115 wk 499-2227 + r-vv·-"<?"'_,. _ _ wtrrpk, Wests111e. $495. 1 !TII b<'h, 711>lc, ent 1 ~ar. utal lnd'd $375 mo 332 r<1111ppe u t' 111. ' 1 sauna JUl' ..,.30 mu + • ,. for details •-9 enrl gar d .... asher. Near South Coast Plaza ~bbie ·540·1)_702 dishwasher, bit ins C\...r1nolnS~n<'l"mt•nt.• nmrlose l,efrpk Oa1 ~rtn11115'11l :l2.1:l w1lln•t11r11 551·l"'3J 6 .. 0 ... 2JO Newport -11eh 37 6 pool. bbq Adults. no Dix condo Pentnd ae II I ~rroke alarm 2 patios w " , I} or wkl) rail' 549 0012 , ,.,, , , uuuuouoo•""Ht•• ~ 642 5073 "· pat o. UP· · ' · I sec the Mgr Apt l" I Cove, 2 bdrm. 2 ba. stairs. cat1>0rt SJ7S mo water_pd $.'iOO ~3·0465 •DB.UXE OFFICES• Prom I room up tu 20011 o;q rt i''rom SI 16 11 ~q fl No lease rrquired AdJ Atri>t>rtt•r Inn 2172 NO LEASE REQUIRED Splclaus studios. one and two bedroom 111)111· ments. FURNISHED and UNFURNISHED. Oakwood also ollers • All UllllU. Plld " lfl'llNCllM ~ • •I Miiion In Aecttltlan MQ Much More• FOi a month. or a hie tJme Models ooeo ~1111y 9am to !lc>fn No !If I•: Newpoft a.cn/No. 880 llV"'41 , ... ~, (T!-4) .. $-1'04 Newpoft 1Mc:h/8o. 1700 1'111 SI '(O!Mrl41611'11 CTM>14H,t13 IMMB> OCCPMCY! rtreplaee. wuher dryer. L.ndry rm. JBrTwnh.~e. 11,Be. park Apcrh•nh Ftl"'l1hd 1 s:BS-SJ!IO!mo 2 Br 1 Ba levelors. m1cro·wave. 2 64(!:8S85 ing. pool S600 mo oru..tun.ilhed 3CJOO Pool. beamed ce1hn g. rar gar w/opener. pool. 0 "'"' ti7J.568.S .. ••••••••••••••••••••• lawidry room No pels jac. SBSOmo + $600 Se<' SPAC. 2 BR. Pr.i• Nolaslmo rent dep. 213-431-4506 eves. BEAM rigs. bar. 1015 or •-S.och 3848 SEAWIMD 714 ....., 91'1 d wood. $425 No pets. 2256 _,,..... TSL M<!,MT 642 1603 ·1.R· .. a M I SI 548 1356 or ••••••••••••••••••• .. •• VILLAGE Roomy 3 Br Townhouse Deluxe 2bdrm. Ibo . s.J..~ Ll'XURV Condo, 2 br, 2 apt in qwet adult <'Om· adults prererrcd, no -ba. orcan view, frµ!(' New 1&2 bdrm luxory Fi lex Newlv decorated. pets. $4 SO /mo 2854 2 Br Iba. encl gar. dis t_1501coo 497 3525 apts m 14 plans I Bdrm J • H. k p I t p hwshr. $430/mo. from $515. 2 bdrm from 1replare. enclsd patio & 1C' ory a on 645.20751 548.5763 OCEANFRONT Apts. 2 ss7o, Townhou~e rrom garai:e. Sorry. no pets derosa. Br, Studio, $450·S825 $640 + pools. \Pnnis. SS75 Mo 64S 3381 or 3 bdrm. 2 ba, no pets. Utils inc Id. 536·0-'121 waterfalls, ponds• Gas 6iS.5&49. 2bdrm aP.l. carpeting, near schools and OCC. -----;::-h 3169 'or "OOkt'na • heat'in" --I d *•7S Good rre·eway a~~es• Ht__. -oc 1' ' .. "' .. l Br garaoe. yard No gar. avai imme ... · • • " .. ,..... ' p111d From San 01""0 pets. Kids OK S425 mo. ~ ~ + de~2245 ....................... Frwy drive North 'on 548~1 2 Br newly redrcorated Barh cottage, sml yd PARlf NEWPORT Beach to Mc f addrn ----~ex w/smgle garaite F..ast!1de. S32S mo Ut1 l I\ lhen West on McFadden WVeatfleld ~trm ~SOOI_ ~494-039$,631·5476 _ COUMHYClUI to Seewlnd V1ll1111t' FAMLY A'1'S. snJNNING large I Br Lge 2 br. 2 ba twnhse. UYf~G t714>893.:.5l98 Beautiful g11rden apts garden apt. pool & rec patio. s ma It garden. ~&'~o'!nhous~droom 4000 Palios/dtck5 lleat paid. area $425/mo 710 W nail Apr 17 S425 !'Tor u ... 0 "IOOO 644 1900 ...................... . No pets 2 child ren 18th.St. ~571!____ _ om~ ~ -Mature over 50 Collel.le welrome ---28r 11, Ba Condo E NO PEE ' .Apt. & Condo Park arra, C M S300 m 2 BR 11 •BA '515 • 2 Br. beam ceihnga. Side Xtras. No peti1 I rentals. Villa Rentals ~<hall uUl8. $:17 2783 2BR.2 BA $S35 $410/mo. No pets. 2265 -.·675·81.20 S48·8384 I 675-4912Broker. Roomlorrnt.'maleor -:aw ~ilsQn 631·M83 Ma le.MS·IMIM ~--:L---LIOOVIL"W . -. --NEW CAP E COD 2 r, female$250moplus W/side. lge I & 2 hr, OW. 2 Br 11'2 ba townhouse sroRY -2Ba gara,ie I 2 Ur 2 Ba 2 patio Adults utllll1~ .... l..a_guna Hill~ drp-s, lndry. carport. Gar, patio. sml Jnl. no (ned yd gardener bltns: rtr 000615·635..J_ 833-JMi. F.xl 233' da ~~.64H62$ pets.~.6'S·4837 d c kids/pets OK 1&45l2Br 2 Ba. Partially furn. or£_ves$8l ll79 i--------• VACANT ' E side lrt rm Lorn dys 547-9571" Steps from beach SiSO P\1 rm w/llt bath. must plex. lg. quiet 2br. lndry. eves/wkn~~ i Call for appl ask for Uke krds. , F1urv1f'" & Of'POITUMITY knocks Ofttn when you UM mult-1eutn1 Dally Pilat Claulritd Ada to reach the Oran1e Cout nrtet. Phooe 84H478 patio. adlt~. no pets QJndo nr S C Plaza 2 bd 1 Katd75--0124 _ Baker . 641 0710 1525 3S9 w oodla,nd 2 ba, pool, no pets. M !Soertacular 3 Br 2 Ba. Room with view & wall S73-.0. ---. 63M476 _ Ckean front Highly up· urut ml home. M 1 ~· In 2a~: b~~i~:n~:~~: o-r.w 3126 er~PERTV llOUSE ~·!i,. ~ ~~~"i mJ amdecll"' Patio Co1y ....... •••••••••••••••• flt2..M:IO 842·1010 2 t\replace, ldry rm Roi 3 br 2~ ba apt twnhle. . nke mo trp{c, ocean vu, patio. ~ what iou want ln Claaifled Ada. your one -------Ill · 3'2o No . 50.8S7-0'7ot O&llyPUot~lanlOtda. center. Lj?e Bl!l Bt>ar r;ibm l'nol tahlc. rolnr t \. 2 frp l<''I Sips 11 545-6916 SO LAKE TAllm: SKI SPECIAL. 1-l ll\ 3 ml~ p3~' for 2 Apex Prop Ml!mt Cuti Collect 702 5118 5684 Easter. Summer. rcs1•n e now ' Weeki~ n•ntal, t Br Apl. Slt•eps up t11 4 BalhoJ l't>n1n .,11la 675-0473 art &PM_ Beautiful lla\\att npt nn be11rh May. June. Jul\ Im mo 673 1197 Non smkr. 3br l'undn $11)(1 mo + • , ulll $150 ckp lJ6.1 ~ JI R Wanted I" rmmtc ~hr 3111 3ha <'undo "\ R $32~+11111 lL111 1h ~~4228 nu po n 1 (.'a 11 ,\ M Rt! 3223 BAYFRONT ltmmte needed M 1'' ,hr PnmP ofrl rc 673 1003 Ill 2br 2ba fu1 n ·•Jlt 1n l"(r;ta Mesa. 2.SO sq rt S A Ills Sl9Smo Mark swll' Sl751mo \ll1ls in $46-32ll8or 979 5iAA l'l<I 779 W 19th St NEWPORT RF.A('ll 2 RSI R92tl rmmtes lo shr ht•aul 3br 520 & :>72 sq rt SI oo per 2 '2 b a f. H I u f r sq n 3975 81rt h N R •town ho u 11 e A I I Ageni's.1 5032 ' SEU, idle 1lem) w1\h a amtmues. 1n!'I pool & - Daily Pilot Class1f1l:'d 1 uhl paid for Rrfl'r n•q Sell ' Sell ' Sell' And let M. ~rm ea &40-9~4i ·r1ass1riedhel11_64.J:_S618 You ca n be a Just by sending us your name and address and by watching for your name in the classified ads of the Dally Pilot. Win licktll lo the circus, area amusement attractions or •POl1.ln1 events. Just r111 out this coupon and mall ll tbd"'ay to the : I I ~ I cc I I I Claullled Department. Dilly Pilot 330 w. Bly Street, Costa M a, CA nm KOLL CENTER MEWPORT EleRc111t f.xt'l >111te~ HI prt!s ll~rnu~ 101· lnl'I ~endar1al ll'l•·p t1om~1 tl'kpho1w an. & mt re Oft'" from S4:1n rro On tall 11f1, Sl65 mo TllE ll E\D Q t \ H T ~: R S I. 0 \I l'.\~l~:s \ µror .. ,~rnnal en11r11nment <it4 1 8.51 0681 "\e"port ttea1h near lloag Hosp 1111111 sq fl serond Ooor offi<'<'S am pie parking. "ell ma 1n tamed bldg V1t·k~ da~~ 714 645 4800 BUSINESS ADDRESS Answer1nic & mail ~erv 1 c e . l't1n frrrnt·e room J\d1 or \1rport SIOO mo 7 t4 ll'i I 1342 4511 sq H (urn office spare ~I mo &41 0763 Des111n lo llWl~ t'~erut1\'e oHtces with liet·n·tanal '*'"ire. pnos1hle h\lnl! art•a Good loratton 10 Cannery \'1llage flroker 675·4912 17ttl St, C .M. I & 2 room offi res I\ C plcnl) of prk.: U11I tori A\·ail oow Call Re_alonom11.•s 675 6700 MIDICALSUm ~ sq ·ft front ground noor. itarden selltn!l prol'esslOOal bldg m top area o( Ne..-port Burh. xlnl acress to Hoa 1t Hosp SI 2S i;q rt Lon!l term lease avail Also 385 sq rt. preshgrous Weslrhrr area SJ 00 sq f! MS·~I COSTA MIS• I Ii ~ room oUic.s from SI~ Uul Included . Rt_alonomics 615-6100 LIJl.l'l• N1(utl Beautiful offices· Recepllonisl . Sery , me utnaer Hrvire. L•w ai Tu L1bary1 Xeroa, phont 1111wtnn . From USO. 1a1 Prime Office Spice. 0Jron1 ~I Mar lO'TO aq. ft. 11.1\te. USO /mo .\ mt§\O: ----------------------------"---c __ _ !-"' ................................. 11191111 ........ ~.------..... --..... ---------------~--...---~~~~~----~~~--~---- Orange Coast OAILV PILOT/Tuesday, Aprll 6, 1982 ~w..... .................. !~~ ...._,1, ..... ,1 Lod & ,..._. noo ,,. W..tH, 1 on Hl4p Wa.hd 11 oo Hefp w..e.ct 11 o ~. . ................................•...............................•••.•••..•..•............. Hefp W.ttd 7100 Wonted 71 00 Afipl.c" 80 I 0 . •.........•.•......... ••···•·••••·····•······ ••................•••.. ~~.!~ ..... ?!.~ •CdM dhl slllle. A l . um olt>~J.13'1Suttl pd 211~ •~ Cat Hw1 67~·11100 HIWPORT HACH ~rtAreo 600 Sq ft IHI rt 111 I I\ rumiallt'd ~ j)t't mo Nfwly rt•tlt'f or 11tl'1I Mullun kcitlt) ~411 tlkiu lA-ltal' 211J 1101.11 ul ftl't· IUl llQ ft , I'll~)' .in l'" 1111 .. nd urr s n F~> & W.inwr \1(' Hn \'h 962 7~7 All"J>Or\ l\r1•11 f'l1111h t'Xl'l'I SUltt'f< S27~ und up '1') I' lr\I( am! an~ )t'I\ U\Llll ~ !1331 Rffttwablt/ AMUol Ll'CIM C/P 01 ani:e Co ph nw ur (1('t' l>IUI lll(I.' 'IMt I: t' I' t2,500 & 271!0 ~II It hldgs Foun1:1111 Valle) School D1111r111 P 0 lbx II.SIU F V \1:!71111 \I' Wieland 171-1111·12 66:il •••••••••••••••••••••••Found whit" mule ro~tlton w11t1ted b)' C.aWfr/Rtc t Gt-:NF.RAl.Ot'l-'l<.:t:: NW"llllllC SALt:S. r~prr for Swimmma pool t•h\•mtc·1.1I Shrphrrd ~Ix , l'hoke mature woman u nur11 Pumunen't po:ftlon MESSt:NGt.:R NURSE~ AIDE ncrdlewurk shop Sun srrvirr buslntss l'nsta ~~lllr. Vlr ll.11!1'l!tnn & lngrompanlon Alu1fr11r Minimum ty!)ln~ 50 Part/time, Mon .Fri C11•rnrnte, 675 44111 Mt"<tdlunt lwu1·h11rca unn,C;~ 64ill2Q7 lotruvrl 11448065 WPM Trlt•1.1hon1• 1111t.l noo n Spm. 54 /hr + •:X1.11·r all 11 lrts Conv IOAM S30l'M Tut•S.it Not•xv 111•r Wlll tr11m Rt•w11rri Al•~k11n HltpW..ted 7100 Jll'rl!on11l 1·ont1H'l with :!S'l m1 Wiii lrllln,on llo•P Nwpl B rh SALt:S $.'Jll.000 rull 11mount rr Mularnutr l(r\ & wht ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ow pubhr Rookketpinic ~It l' h b o 1 rd ( a r l'he<'rful dt'dtfated to ~nJOY n·aclmi: l'ht• l'rn 11u11 t' rl W 111 111• t v1r A1h1m~ h nH1kh11nt • · •CCTG CL£Rtt u plu.\ $949 p.-r rno to needed ror rrr.indi. 11d p\1 ra.n.• Xlnl 1rt!< ny,.iirr·• Thi· lh•Jth-r $411,ll()(H l'nll rollrrt · ~ "' " " ~larl <:ood Rtnd1ti1 l>ruruiu,549 8466 M'!!i!lllll t111164:Z 11044 ud de'•t uf fhl· 1•1.11 Mun t'11 Ui\M li l'M Expenl'nCl'<l with xlnl t'or uppt 1·1111 Mr " 4ltlillll1 0111 IJ111t Lr~ M tan (il't mun l)'JMll akllli.. for t·h·e· Joyce. Lu••unu Bl'1tt"l HANDY f'ERSON Nur.1111i: ny:ol\er I~ .11·1·l'pt1na ap Sht•l)IH'rd \ ll' Su n tncul 1·111111truct1on ftrm l'ount" Wu'it•r l>iMtr11·: Lu11una N1a11el horrw LVN [)IH•ut1on~ fur lull ltrnl' IUllntH t'll•m1·11t1• 4!1 2 ti771 Xlnt bl'nd1ls 1r1111w 494 ttWI uwrlt'rM u~soc Hl'l'lh SUI\•\ J>O~tllon' ('lt•ar n..-....-u.. 5005 R~:WARO ~O !1~711 1»1rt lllnl' per:~on rur I'll l'onv lfo•n Ni·w~urt pr1nun111.11ood ~lll'lhni: & ~ ,_..,, ter10 m · l "r 11 fnl'nd' •mah· .1r1· llw ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1.u~t l' ut d 1 k I( 1 ay Ad~ertbUllC l'onsult.wh CASHtER Ii T r 1110 c ~u n i·e1 Ut-u1·h 1'011 illlltu r & 1 ' ~ 1 \\ Moh1l1• Po~l'r W;1~h w "'hl f11"'~· M.ilt•, 1·01 llOlfSEWAR"E SALt.:S puulJl)rtallon "' too' ~rnlleb 111.'edt'd X Int l..L~u· rt.•qwrcult'n ' 1' \ $7 89 h A I N~•lDr-" <'-nd d l"ll •· \\111 lrarn •ou 111 •l""t ~ 111) l'(tu111t \llO. 'up lor"' O 'Smukt·y 1pp)' 1111>e•11on Crown .. ., """"' '-' u ~"' 1>ener1ts Call ti42!!04 1 ' µhl'!I, 1·1111trat·b I Tt•rm~ 1714 ISSZ 6711 r Hart.l*iirt'. t614 S1111 WllJ!I'' rcqwremenl!> lO our I u~turr11·1. Ill 'um .iv1.11I t S33 42112 M1gut'I, N1•wport Bruch I' 0 llox 6175, l.a~u11u Offlct/Port tlmr pn..ing th1•ir :uh i\1111h • ________ _.l•"l>I P1.1ss1>ort 5!1\1()64, re GU.YS/GALS I N111uC1I !12iii7. Pro~rt> M11rnt orr11·<• in lllGU l'l ,11·i·rtl i,1 A I e• 11 urd for rt•lurn, no que~ C9CTERLES S L\unu l'cur\l 11c1•d' l(uod l' M \AIU~ES"LE t~1oru. 642 64,63 /\hmi:J GRl ... DER Hosh/Hosteuts l'"'ti.I ;irrurut .. "'1111 "" "' 1""'a(ll d .,.. I h IS ~O"lr nt<edt-d 1m " P11rt 11nw Ap11lv :t ~ ~"' • SALES LADY • .,.,. ITll' ·""'"''ii l' ,.. opra TOR .. r1°ur1•11 tu "'urk 111 1 . , R<•fn1trr11lor lro'I fr~r St-net.it) I .irl t1mr. hkl' n1•w dr.in SISS manul(1•1111•nl rnn1ullm11 llJJ 111161• offlt·1• xlnt t)'IHlll( skill~ vfl'ftm•d. kn11wlctl~1· or ... 1015 J>ropicrty & , . .,,u;•lt y 101' •••••••••••••. ••• •••••• hl'l111u1 !wml ""'"' "' UCTIO~ JJ1'nt'l1e 1• & 1·m11lcn rm•rtt A hL\lur'\ tu :\1nal1·1 h l:SOil I r,1t.l 1.i II A rt I II (I~ Oo\I' St Suitt' :?UO ~t·\ll'rn A10trt1.rn.i Nrwporl lfrarh. t ,1 <olle·etahll':. 1~!'" 926611 • A11lht·nt11· l11tl1;in I or e1l1Ul~1· & S1l~cr J rw1•l1 > • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • lluntml(lon H4'11rh Inn SECRET ARY 1 "11 12 P1mf1d'unt llw> ~I.ii hµl'I lt11.111e1.d llunt1111-rtun8t•1Hh ,1 .. 1r·1111·11h I.I\ 11'l111n' \\1-ffll<·"1J\ ~:\l' A11r117 1 >Ill' iO ~pm 111 kn 1 ~Jl'M f1rl'\le·~ hl'M ~ '111•111·1111 r 11p111 t•d 1~111 l\frlA'od Aue lto111•1·r ~llll'llH1kt•1 ~.1J.t1 I 121:1 147%211 ~111111 11111 I I'\ Ill 111 BJ fK 8020 '"'''' \11 .1 <.di 1 J111li eye 1.S.I lta.iu •••••••• •••••• • • • ••• • • • IXi W l'fll< HO~!. (l\\ll )our uw11 tw11ut1ful IJ'->I S mu r kill\ hlk, 11111 & publH' 1l'lutHlll' E\1)1.'rtent·e Ill Thrul Lt'(' Rt':>t l~I t:: ('11n~l P " n.µu cl 'Ii 111• JI• 111~1 i:<~.K.I e·111tcl SI 110 ~1-IK ll>I JEA STORE n .. 1:111•ly fur Jtht-r'tt' I ~• Mt"1 thru F'l'1 Reubt•n E pl;a ... "nl 3 .,.,1 0rr11.1, 2 ~ 1"1 hr tu1,.. }"''' 111111· I eJi-~11(111•1 1ea11 un1I t.m&wh1torlu1M•,lwll. Compun> \\1lltra111 Nu Ft't'd fo:Od Frt..'d (',lllfnr ll~v N867557!!1J t.lba}!ldJ "'l't•k S~d.tr)' t""ir<11111· lll·~1i:111r' .. SttYStoM~r ~JlU ll \\\t':tl '\llll' r1•11orc1 ~>-1111:!1~1 svlhrlt: l'al lll'•n~;1r) 11\(t;'r\ll'\\, H 11.Jm .• • USt• IJll C'Xj•tfll•rte't;' .Jiii i\pp;irc·I '\!rtl l•J\ I rl•'lllllJ,; ,J111t I"'' lot• Fa,luun, frnnt l'art' IJJ!ol srtufkt'\' ll.irhor ltal)ld~ed\llllN•mr nt IJt'llronll· t'orp. CM 11Yi~'l111'l'l'ri~·~d'-'P!1r1.11 1'1,~. fMtnlrnum :I 11'011 '1 Kfll\110:'\~. l:'\T I. IKttX ~~f~~rl 1 ~:~·1 ~11~,11 ~1 ~1~1 \llY\'I/\ Ill Spt•1•cl Mau' Int ofrrr' thc· llllHI UI'. Sl111pr.1nu ,.l'l~t1•r I' 1\1 ('Al.I. M HS C:/\lt'J' F ll ~.15 04L3 ' '' 1i4:!·11212 w n I I I 1 I f IJ I \ H 'I •1111111)! 111 k ,. II I a 1111 II " ,. ' ,, M" 1•11•111·es for hurnt• 10 GENElt/\I < LL'I •• h 1 lll6 til7•e ln1111'!\l'l1•1 Bolo '"'" ~1.!111 7;'1111:,:1:1 oppnrtunit~ 111 "' llJ 'un4 2 ~t. 13% """tol4 CHESS Ir GAME l.u••una Beach 494 fl7SI ' Irr tr. 1' I' I llOO,tlf\ k1tO\\n hraneb :a fl('('(JeJ V,Hlf'l\ 11f ltllhl Salt-.. 'it 11 111~ 111.oll l'I .di !.rCl'n l'11hr,1 J 'Jll't'd "'llili:,.ilt· lhrt·it tu th•·1l'uurul '"' hlk f1•rnJlr AMwni119 Stn UHLTD Housetl du11e' Mu,1 h1· 11111111. t11·11" "';"1111.tl "'"'~ lolcb 111 hJlf s:,<1 l..1tl1t•' &)front µ1111tl' ollH'l' pubhl S:!5.11111100 1n 11011"'n,·.i1·01101 1.111 ut•F.R<\TOR to "'ork Spet·1ally .:11rnl' ~tort• ror new r:fp;.e1~rnl'nl \\1th numhl'r' l'art MAKEAIUCK C1,,ta\Jto,,1 :.111.!'.!ll \\IF \11nbk ;1 ,11<•t'(l bpace a\·.itl MJ> Ii.I. du\ll') bt•i:11111111i: 111\t'fl tu rdl'ntd) ll7tl 1~111 . p:erttmll'perm<1rwn1 has 1mmeri1atl' 01wnmi: f;mhly, Regent) p01111 t111'll' CJll fur upµ 1 START HERE minMin )l··•• 11lcl SK.\ shp also .ivatl t';dl :15. IOI), r1xt1111·~. t'Xlt·n~111·17515321 I fi2Th1rd~t ~h(' for ep\7 ll•\'l'l.lperma lnrnt· t:xper Ex1•t•ll1•11t lf191'747aftl.'r I0/\1\1 Tht' l.o.. i\111:l'l1·' lllllt'' I ~Iii! I JI {.ill Sa111l1 J .ill ~ f"'5 Rl3T tra111111i: pro11rarn, trip 1"01111J c·l1·•11111"•'111· i·<•I ,Jguna ·at• nt'nl u time 'a e~ pt1~1 wurkm" conellt1ons anti !'··rt ltm JUI" ..... 11 l'lr1'11lat11111 L>1•p1 '111 . '"" • o '' '.>1.11511/:t I MO.r.nEERE ... T In mJrkt•t anti 1:1.11111 ort'1I l'.11;111• ".f1•rrtl't 1,Wl',\Tll'~ \pph1.1t1111i-11011 Gam1· knol'lledlo(c hcnl'f11~ $-115 pt•r hr ·d~hH'I)~ $:1oOS~;;;:·~k · ',,t,·r1t~)Jhl1~.:'ll",'~'".',"'r1,111'.'1','11 t HEY! !\haro O"~th .... rr~ '"'I l•pen1nl( prontolton llr1stol llt•elhtll ('\I I Jr\' ht•tnl( Je•tt•ptt·cl rm .ind flair 1111 'dltnl( ftnt• 1';111 z k 6 1 , ~ , BOYS-GIRLS 11.\IX ll1k1· J(ll 11111·11 ' ' " \~ilutt·h 1111 rnmp1•t1 lllut'C'lr lilli' Mb 211711 hf1·~u.111b 1l1111I .1111.'ll r!..-rrh.JnJt..,~ ill·~inilil<· HSI IGSS9A\I 111111 .ac· fi4 ~HI 11·1irt''l'lll:<ll\•· 1111 II lt.1"' \\mil<! '"'' ftk• '" ~m1' 1 ~11 ;'1 1.,\;'/1"' ~~~~~~~~1f~1;1'in~ri:;~t1~: 1100 "'lhni: r1r~t llU·•)tl\ 1L111U.. \\\11)1 111~11 \I< Liii \ ~~nt.i!l ~Jt\l'I I olctnel ~Ion thru Fr 111 •• ~ PART TIME WORK !'JOI JO houri\ ".ii:· ' ' .rll ·''"""It .1 S1U IHI·· 1 ,.""' I) r 'J ~ ' . mt' r \' h Jn d "t' Ji II r LOST -REWARD I & Jn J\) t tltn•t'lill 111 I li45 SO:!t • • FUU TIME PAY r·ni•rou, 1111"1111"111n' , .... " 11 .. I"'' 111.. elm' 8'ilciftq Mcrterialt 802S Superd lor<1l 1on ,\ 1•,11 I br0t·hurt• Jn1I tnfm ma l,ar let' Ft'nl<J lt• 1.ahraclur :iq1mt11·~ s1m11~ and '"I l'llll.1> l.'J\IH: TW I !lo 2 J ~.Wt-:1.nv. SAU.~ \I'll I $1 1~1 pr hr I to 'tilrl 11 ' I Jl Ill !• p 111 ~ II I II "''"''' Jiil llH JllllJ ••••••••••••••••••••••• imrrc Approx5041 Mtft u11nl1.1rru11ln1ll111llfr1·1· Hit\ pupp) Whll 1·1 "111111wr ull & I' T VH Oll)S MY llOMf l.1cl1ts l~"'elr). l!l\t' Na11on:d lt'lltl<·1 ,,..,,,. 11\(11 pit""' i.111 "'"''"' lw.111> p.11t11· ~e::u~~:.l~1~t' av a ti ~;J(~'~zkt lll ~~n~9~~l'\~1~ ~1:11~~~·~11 ~·;11;.lii t1~~~.c;~ ~i='W1'~~i'1;._i~51,\~1ni: or ~ Al.1: ~>ON A H~6 461i2. l~;:~!.'.'':,11'"rcla~l1~ir::1~1'.~ t.:f11,~e:.nt2 '!.1~~~.~·~:.~I! u\' '157 2:1/il, E~1 i;'til Ji1'h:~.1·~·;·,::\,:1.11:l:i'1•'/:~!~i.1~: I lf•·~11?!i' 2~t'fi1~1111:. Airport area ~tin & l!lth &. \!muui 1,1 l' \I \ltTIS'I 1111 'tlk "fl'111 ~n 11100 lltl.111J WJ\ I. .ir n !Hi 11 •t 11 K K FeKHl w1111t• 1·,111 I 11111 ,,1 ,1• 11.111 llH.' L•i"'"' jlrti't' SHARI:: oft-tn tho• Ol ;~1 to <'hl'\c•nm• t,0 ,1 \1t· <OOKS lll'ipt•r ~n th ru i:u 1n10 \011r 11ue•k1•1 1 ,tl\tdu~l~r~~diitr::.ifo·cl SALESMAN l"""·ilth 1,111,.1 \lt•rkin~ t~~· lonl! al,ur1·1l\\11rnl Pvt offu·e" •·um m1• 1t 1J I t'.111 Sh•H t.15 !>IJ I '"''' ~llllp l'astt' uµ. r um.-r J ·I :-.. U 64:! !>Xiii t.P~1 !JP\1 t~~~'ro·~11'oll:'11~Jl! •. ~<f1'.1111J r'e11'r" m"'"lll r I( 11·1111111 i l •t \I.I I le \I J(I'~ l! 11.11 J 1111 '" '"' n I hntnt I le $5 hr II rtl v• ..... u • r ~ Ftl'ttlh l(UUrilll'I """' , I 11ork arra "k for lloh n•H l.l11t"'oo1l,l' .\! C':ravhu' (' ~1 646J599;",roL NT l-!I< < IJOI\ IKnH1 t'hurnlJt1cr 111 ~l I hou~l'"'111., & ,1111 213 t2'1.ui~! 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IJl.!t of proel 11rtt1111 LOAM OFflCER A •rrtisinq n\ln,tr.11111~ 11111•111• ,, 111 .11 111, t .111.1111 ,. • f t \ •1 k Sl7' ~Ill J3.15 49-1 3!103 •••• • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • \!"I':'\ II 0 :\1 E ~1 \"~.II~ I SI Ji"l mo 1! q u JI it 1prl For rrunfo!al!e 1·u X 1111 I fi:J I f>;IC~I l'X I "' i:rn1 1·r\ .. 11111 ' 111 111111 1.11 ,,11~1 ~owl ,11 ·!" :.1~';~,7~ ·' NEWPORT BEACH sp"1 o·.crtootoMoonndtUyp Linda & Vicki's l.111 \lllt h.111• 111 tn ·~ llt•\ ;.,1',.~.J:: I) I t 111·'.1 I' h :·~llllll\ ,,ti'. ,JOI tOnn~ ... "11.,.,, te•ru.r~ I RECEPTIONIST I .m•a SI t11 \\di , , .1111 I TRAINEES ShMt' R ~; of!1t1· ·.phi 'l11rn11r.ll'"Or11 PHOTO MODELS hr•\'Yo111.111 ... 11nS'i.)IV .... =~ u F a) I 1-l r ""' 111 r.! !lt.:i :nm t 1 .• ·.1111 J ''111 111 '' Doqs f . rr ~ Sltll \\k el1·111·11il 111111101• I) I I 1·11,:11111•tl l1rm ,., Pt'I h I 1..\1 L I " ......................• 8040 . 11 rnt1rl' 11 111 IH2!1852 ESCORTS ~ndraHuh • entJ C1·11·p1111111,1 111,1 l'lt'J'l' "'ll•I ri· P <1rm:i rt>ut1C·:1 111111 1·~' .r..... • \"·rt•·n11· 111 Iii• \1111\ ""·E • ..,llO'>l> l'llfl' \l\l I\ 11 t ht• 0 1 1," r ~ 1 0 ~· Ii \('K & in:r 1 FH 11.1 rt 11 nw \\I "·' ,urn·' I•> l' f\t 1~7i 1 pan) net·tl:. 1:11olli 1' 111,t '\.elt" H111n•'1 "t.11111· I• """" 1 \1111 1, ,, 111111.. S'.rl5 mu ,1111,mulq·r' :! II ti l II '"111.\-"E\fo.lt :!lllHS ~l!l~!l~:! Pl'nt'l1\'e0 Ol'.ll m.1t11n• PIJtJDr Slt•D Tta,lln \\llh ,l(md jJhonl' m.111 I1Jll 11111t·Jd1·1 ,111111"1 \l·rH t "'"I.inti l'J<h ~·~J:,"~''rl'l'~l ll 1:·:·\&. prrfe•rrt~l .\gt hi5Klill I $:!11no11~1soooo lull\ •\Ut•I l'.llt:. 11111 ntt•r l'nJOV\n11·t.'paltt•nb111a l C'J •r.!til!(l F.OE ner ~1:.iturc pt·r~un nc'~ Jtruunt 101 .1.i rmnth """ '"" ..,,.1.b I arn1r1 tu ;!I) ) r' Oth••f 669 ·O 2 07 l'l'Nlll Fri•"" ,11 1\ 11111 I plt·asant hu\~ off 11t•111th I Pleasn·Jll 556 :r.111 1 1 •'rtl'llll! \11111 Fr 1 ''•' 111 I "'" h \ 1.,11 ~ • .arn l'\I r" 2t:t llli 134" .oft fi pm FORA 2nd~tuSl .IM)0,000 1\P~I' 1Uu1t·Jll 1 ~1~"''"''"Ju,l!l~OllKI ~rt'JI ,1 :irf ~l u~t IH•I MANICURIST :ipm llaH' ' 1·11111 mint'~ 1•.\ ri·llrl'nll'nl \IJ!i-(,uhli·n ll1•1n1•111 SELECT FEW rnmm I & non ''"n"r -.h.irp '"IJrl OJJ1•11"1 Oppt' fur ri•nt.11 orl R~~IOMIST '""""'11 • 11111p.111\ hi:m·fil\ f'Jll tuil,I\ 1111 p11p 1111·' \Id r1• Ex r f u~ l\'t' N l'" [lo rt vroar:i m~ :'>/ n ltk r' E=-" & 'Ii""' 1111 rt 1 · .. n t •' r 11)mnt ba\IS m l(rlll\ 111i: for Sat Sun & llnhtla~s ht'1whl' "11111 .1111 ''"'' • n111t• inl11r 111.1t11111 i;1,t1·11'<1 I~ 7AA:l n-a1h ff<, fl r" .~ lkt.'nl ~*i.12fil l I "' 11\"'K I~(, "'1<HIJc.l II u ,. I S I Me:.a \'ad1• l'e111\,tl Jl>Jl"Jr 1111. • • ,,11 II II h' . . 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CONTROL ~1·n1111 1· 1t11i•11 i'<• t1 ;\/ft C:raf1h11 11"'1::11 f11 Ill ' .... :• :w.'i' )~1" 1 •1•1 • ,ti I \,1w1 1'1·1~ 11<1.11 cl1·d II. •l::legantConr Hm' tn\e<-tmeni...,inc· .. 1!11!1 •m't••t•rson \, harlll'r, ·"'"1•1nl IU5K5 Li.I"'"" H11t•1 WPERVISOR ~•dcn•tJ <:.di 1.ii;•1:n1 n·11u11 "' Ill'""" 111111, :,I'\! 1;1•••1Tll'•1'J.lt•2ll-IM •Computer Xrro~ <.-.ali . , r r..-.. 1'11 l'1·r hour I h .. 11,1\ r F \ \\IF S1·1l'nt1l1r llnlhnl! "'k fur \Ii t'itit·o l!eHHI 11 pmi: ule -kill' 1 H \\~.I \I, J '1 ~ 1 I.I "l""'ei UftCJ'" 6111 'enle\ llr B.1m fiW \\ 1'4th St • .. . lutt'tllJtton.il J \lu11muna :1 el.1, "'I. \\\,IEU n"'"' hu1111• lur 2nd TDs llunllnl(lun lk'Jr h l ~I M~.t!411U .. ~s r HH)[) IJJ I I It m1· d\llJrntl' high l(r11\\ th 1111 Rt~c.111r;.int H1 .... 1xtn\lhthl1t•\ mdu1l1• I l\I ~. ~.al ,. tr J 1111··1 '"'"~rt't' He.1i:k I' " The tntenor de:.1i:n of fers a 1rop1ral amh1:in<·1> 111th \\;1tt'rfalb. l)ool' with lrop1tal fi sh & lu~h i.tarderu. L1m1t!'d 'l>Jl't:~ J\dtl<thlr Ratt.'' from SJ25 $700 For aµpt • ... 11 Donna 85 t IOUll fat'l' ufftt~ xlnl \ II 101 . copier. S!25 !161) 177!1 G•11J Ii~ I~ IEWPOllT CHTH Artlut~1' dt'~111ners planners Two \pi)«'S tn Newport Ct·Olf'r Ont> 1s 2000 \q It and Ollt' IS 3000 ~ ft Very favorabl•· ratl'~l Wtl barn Cc.ie. Bn1k1 r Ii rm ofr. !li2 .. f 111 Newpoli 17th St. C11~t ,, ~ll'i.a 1\ll u1tl pd $7.50 rm fi41i \Ill! I luMMss Rffttol 44S ••.........•••..••.... C-0mm'I off1rt> 'µa1 e on lleaC'h Bl 1111 "' 1•x1·ell exposure \'e•n rt·a~on:t ble rentJI l lli.K ~q rt tu 3968 sq ft 8-17 2.~ 11 Pnme Tustin rt>UHI >.pa1·c or 0H1ce t.S nnl' 1l> 1470, 11.11 ·SW!I Conwnercial RNtals 447 .....................• OfRCEILDG. LEASE 2400 ~q rt "' 5 pnvate off11·e~. retl'P lion. sec'y pool area. file room & 3 Aa ~ ample parking. W Costa M csa nrar Placentta & 19th St Sl.560mo Martha Mar 642 2171 545 0611 \ 011 arc-the \0 11H1t·r 11f clunni: lunrh hour The field \Cf\ ll'I;' l'Offipd 11\ TACO IELL htf' hkkpl! h···I\ I I \II 11'"'' h •\ ,. ' I\ 111 I \II ,hut~ en111I '<I" II • • l\\11 fr(·;· 111 l.1•h I $11! IHll '"'1~~~1~fi~~:'.~ I ~u.t!~~~m· 21ifl llrt~ lol I ha.\ an 1mnwd1al1• t1Jll'n " looktnJ.( for rull pa I I tnll. \\ul l.Ulf.! ~ti h H II ~.~.1~~~ ~.;1; .. 11 "'t ,·,:1~1"' I 1•11• Kl 11' Loan Due? '"lul'tothe tli:t!IJ21 '-IOI! for a M;Hrn.tl Con Um' htlp. d11\ or ntJ.(ht l tlor, ~1 11,1 h.1\1· 1111111 Chinese Shor Pei NttdCash? CIRCUSVARGAS lci1•n1·ralorfl1cclu111•' 1-:r trnl Su1>t'PIM11 tr \ou j Opportu111111•,1urael\a11 ttll· a111"'ar•1111·1· i:0111I TYPIST \lpul" 4mo~ ~1M,1:1!1~ H1•al f.,1at1• mu111•1 IJ>nf!Elearh\'t•t!'rJn' BUYER 1anch 11rnrnot1undl Job ha11·.1m1111mum3-i•Jf' l'ement \pJlll 11ho111• 111:11111,•1 111111 111110~ 111 '"''' h111111• ,11 .t\atlJhll' 2nd or :Jrcl Tl> Stadium \pnl t 11 \lust h.1H' <11•p1•11dabh-1'\IJ(•n1•nn• m lllJh'rtJI ru!ll oa't rr"'' I JJ;. llth Mml-n Call 1;111.1 \\1·11 111111 h1111r• c <•1•11 .1 •h I \hC l.Jbrador JIUIJ' •1 WJO~ on r.:s1c11·nt1JI or Oranfo!t'lOUOl\ 11 "''"'""11 11• lot edl l:'M1tldn111ll!ll'l'Onl llH11ml '-llPl'r\1"11111 \\('Soil • Ii'. ·1hur' 1111 Jl•PI ''·" ···-11h·111 l"""'ll•·•I "~'-hot, i:mni.: r ... ,, rn1of'lll.• prnpt·rttl·S \\1• FJ1rgruunc1\ ,\J)rtl t5 tH 11 II r I ".I' t rt i: I J" & kmt\\lt•dj.(t' or l.1\ & Or hJlt' ,I I hdlll•n1:m1: ""'' . r... • . 5111 ;)jll'; ( .11. Jlto·r .1·\ .. l'I IHll' fur EJ-h'r 1)11 hancll1· ,1 full ralll!l' of fll'kl•t;:. 1:md fur 't'lt•e·tt'd null·1t.tl m;iintJtntni: th Exl'ltmi.: t•ntt-rta1n lloo .11411l;1hle for \llU Advttiis1nq Sain I ,,,., "'"'~ '''" l!r.u 'll~ 1:11,i, ITT)r\•'.t"l' Cm1•rJ"l' .11 1Jl'rform;1nel'' I n·p.11r tlt•m' '"' off11·1• I I \p11h\'an1~ mu-t hJ\l' j H1~h 4uaht\ ir1lennr •It· SECRETARY ,.er) ~·n"mµ1•t11111· ~at•'' Tu rla1m t11·k1•h. l'Jll1 '111111h1•> .\lu't h.·"" \'\I ;~~·;~!'h<"~~P~;;:~ ,Jgun.1! i•xµt·r11•n1·t· tn "11rk1n~ '1i:n anti ar1h1t1·1t' ~111 11uhl11· 11\.~111111, 1\\.11111'"•"· '""''1' •l.1\ 1~ ... 1nlullco.11t•cl(111k1•r L'uurtl'=>} tu Llrokt•f' til2 56i8. l'>.l 2;2 1wr .t\ a hu1Pr tn I "'th a n ~1111' ha,i•il 11uhl11·a11011 n1•e1bld1·111 '.\1•\lp111 1 l.•·11t1·r 1 ,11111 \II .1r1"1 1111111.·d 111111 ,\1\1 l'ham11 71 171it115'11 J'" fur T11'kl't!>mu,tllt>rl.11n11•il rn:1nu/;u1unnc &·'kill' rnrnpulN 1n11·~rali'll l l'!1l'rl{d11· 'Jl1·~p1•uyJc ~e'1'1 '1"1lf' \1:•11 11 "l!1:111ni; l••\rn1' ~1~,1 ~~~~1 ~ ''' $Jf111 Sl:t'\t'llllllldnl' h' \pnl 1519112 111 111,t111i: 111.1tt•raJI To Place your manuf.ii·tunni: ..,.,1.,111 \nuni: 1·e1111pa11\ 1,uml i:ood l\p1111: 1111.;,11111.1 ~ .. fl~• 1 .. 11.1 .tnJh'I' 11e•i:o11.cl1un (.. .. Fa~• Rf.''iUlt.. Ill' llMJU l.'\Jlt'nl'lll l' 111· opµortumt \ h1i:h mm 11011.11 :·l-tll' I 1·11 ~ ''," \\ \I I IC~ ....... \\ \I r r II \ 11rk,h1n• Tt•rnt r Jlllpfll \\I VO\\ II\.., $SS for Tl> ~ • • • I i11rnmu1111 Jt11111 < "µ,1 Serv1l'f.' 01reclory s1rabl1• but not rr)J o !;"""nn' ' h11nu"'' J •·.~1 I u f{' Ill ,, I I • ' " " '.11 tu• ,, "~· ' h,1,l-1 I noi I« '"" <'hJ n11• hn•·'-1! "· Lti.,,n, 1111\ I~ \11 Jobs Wanted 7075! hit• e•f "'1111.tn)! 1\1th Jiii etalon wt' uflt•r ,., .tJ 1'59111!11 1llt"nl11 I luni h_,,11 , 11, 1 1111,"' '\lint-Slut >llil<••:!I lrl'f1ltlh1·1~ \11l1•11JI • 11·11·1 11 man ••m<nl ad CallNow I t1 l>t•nn1-11n \-.-..11· •••••••••••••••••••••••, St•nd'n'."1mc.• &1:\t1 '.ir,I e·ellcnt,alan&"111k1ni: S~:l.l.1r.llt• •11•1"11' \\1th J \t·~1111<111n'tl."'11 ... 1I \111111·1I1rn~l.11t~li'.t\urk11•11u11 Jl11111i:c1lt i;?:i i:lll lbkpi: tn e\l'h l11r 1111 & , h 1 1•1 r '. 1• \ 11 642·5678 1·e111ch111111l> a~ \\t•ll a\ an DJ1h l't1111 1·1.,,~1!1<·111 e·an ho•lp 11111 m1.,., 0111111 I """ \111•1 '" "' ·'' 111 lm1• lor E ..... t1·r Sl51t bo.inl rl'h.ol1l1· 11111111: 1 ::~;1"'1)10 1 ~,'1~11<11.' 1 bt lZZ 1111i-1und1ni:. h1·111•f11 I Ad · 111,11111111, .. 11, 1;~.! ·,i;ix I l~''"'"·''>I• '\ 111·rc1111 ''·l'o!ii:t Fri•n•h ('anacl1;in '-• .111.rtol O • riact...ii:e ~ur 1m · •1;•111;1. ill 111.1111 '"' WE Buy 2nds l.1 ht• r ,d I. J .. u n J I\•\ 1..r-.o < ni.la \h•,a I l nlfri1,11e con~trie•ratwn I •1 p•1 -" .11•1~ Frtt to You 804S can; rr SOLTll\\ "·~I ll!Jrll'~_ 195 fi2'.li>.. '121o2ti To bU\ wll or rl!rtl U~t' J ... uhmtt resunw "1th l'UI II y I DI ................ ~.... . ..................... . l'\l'll\l.COl<I' ......... Wanted 7100 Ha\l' 'IOITll'lhm,: tu wll"1 IO\\ ·l'~I C'la~s1f1rd acl I rt~n,tL ...... ~.laf) rht stor' Iii ... H ~~RIT~R\\ ( .... 675 4800 ·~ I Cl r 'ti d d1 t •11 ~ 56i8 '" r .-.i·irnti H' l>nlhrtl! ' : r ·7 ~ COURIER C I • , ••••••••••••••••••••••• as<,11~ J s u I "'~ I fnll.'rnat1onal. 1111111 1 · ~l>t.'• ldh't' 111·Pill"I 111 .. A I ~l111·hl!ll So . In 1n1• l'1\ Part llm<' iv.rson to dchvt'r Da1l.v t'dol dJ,\' !al ~tnpped \ 1111 haul Amouncemtnts/ DYE 1 ., !rl714 Alln Bill Wnl(ht I "" ·;. 1 1 Hr-:furl ~ach awu~' 536 91!32 Penonals/ A •rrlisinq UN EM PL Eu 1-; M r auto route in Lag &·h· 7 days per wk. Lost& FoW!d I I c1bout 2 h rs per day. M F' :~ :rnPM •. ;11 1.:11•••·\t I'll Ft1'l' d111! tn J(t>t11l home ••••••••••••••••••••••• \ti:mt tramce I I " l • Sat-Sun-5AM ~hondisr 'nl;Jll r1·~51~;3~:' Amouncemtnts 5 I 00 ~ale•' fahnr ur r1•tJ 11 · ••••••••• •• • • • • •• • • • • • .., ....................... NEED A JOB?. l'XP prl'f 7i2 ~lil MUST LIVE IN LAG BCll AREA Nu : iA.ntiqurs eoos !,.)1~· •• '.I.II°:. old .1ol1ir,al1lt• &16 4()10 • •••••••••• •• • •• • ••••• • •1 k1ttrn' i:r a ) vr or Jnl(l' Let us help you find an employer. The Dally Pilot. Irvine Mir ror New Christ.an l'rt' L'Ollet:Lmg Earrungs $300 pt•r month and : ' FALLBROOK 1~11 IJ;!!aH 3pm Rni:htl'n ~ome11n1' 'd.i' wrlh a Class1f1t'd Eostff-Gram! ! Foronl~ S6 UO \otir r.a~ter messJl!t' "'111appear~1th tht.' bunn\ abolf• 1n lhr Dail} Ptlnt on t:a,ler Sundoy Ca II ti42 5678 a ncl rhaq:r 11 Ma•\11'rl'arcl and \'1sa "'ekoml' •SPIRITUAL READING• t8t5So -El Camino Real, San Clemente 492 7296 F\Jll hr & Mission V1e10 Mirror will print your employment-wanted ad srheiul daHan· ni•rch Up. Call -Oa1ly Pilot. 642.~:l:!l-lvl' namt• . • Antitwt Show fvmi~ 8050 dtre<1or llJroor Trtn1t \ ..,--....................... There is absolutely no charge to you. We will print your employment-wanted ad on Sunday, April 18 in the Daily Pilot & again on Wednesday, April 21 in the Daily Pilot, Irvine Mirror & Mission Viejo Mirror rea- ching over 200,000 adult readers. BJpt1~t t:hun·h 12:111 & h ( II .__ k & and Sal~ Ro!kt'r l.' ~I F'or m(ol p nnr or ca Udl' tnlC'n:1t>w \pnl K !I ltl l'•fl.! 9r.1 :1166 1111111 ~ 11 \\I i l'\1 1'r111•' f)nd \\hat you \\ant in .. •• . .. • ... .. .. . .. . .. . •• ............... ... F.1llltr1111ldl1.:h St'hool Daily PtlOl Clus:.1f11·1J.... I '\tiull1 \I1"11111 ( l ___ <O ____ ") __ ) ) •;11 St,1).!1• t'llJrh I llon.1111111 SI :-,11 ~1'00\Cll l'tl IJ\ 1-'allt1ro11k \1110,11 ~01·1 .. 1 \ 15~,1111 1"~ iii I WOOD Ill H:\l'\i(; & !(Us t•ook ''"''l' i: rcl'll I rc•asonahlt• l!li l~~li ~~~! ....... !?.1.~1 llAHHOH AHE,\ **I BUY * * c:md U,t'{I f''\Jrn1turt• & \11phan11.•, tH< I "'111 "'II or SELL fvr \ ou MASTERS AUCTION 6~M686~ 833·9625 MUST SELL M.1ho~an) douhlr hl'd \\1th mattre~s Muon 'haped mtrror on head hoard SSOOOHO 6311797 art 6 c c---cos----> > \l'l'l.IA:"t'":sER\'l\t. 1 1 IUY FURMITURE We sell rrrnnc1 11uar Ll'll 957 8133 •1J1Ph:tnn·~ 549 31177 20 Sofas ne11. S9R ea 10 I.<~ 957 Rl33 trl"-.~S SJ9 957 5708 .n.ab •.• 642.·8235 ........... Lost&Found 5300 Use the coupon below to list your Job title, your qualifications & telephone number. Mail or bring your ad to the Dally Pilot before Thursday, April 15. This offer applies to any person who is presently unem- ployed. Not applicable to those seeking baby-sitting, housecleaning, at-home work or other service type employment. I IUY AP'PLIANCES I 1c''""1e11ts. S88 ea Mat wa.~hrr<i 1lrHr n•fr1R NH model home ofr l\s (iu.ir At...11 trarti• dt>~k . credema 1·hr 450 •••••••••••••••••••••• N B . 3975 Brrch 11116(1 SQ rt or less MI A 1one. SO' per sq fl A Rl'nt ~I·~ ...............•....•.. FOUND ADS ARE FREE &all: 4,029 Sqft o~o'9tlt l~A 642·5678 716 ft offtcrs. 3 ba.11---lillililillill-- shower. wetbar 2700 sq -ft fenced yard For more Wit SILKY TERRIER info phone 557 1300 da nr Bearh and Eilts 3 19 7~8_ev REWARD ' 847·3781 rv ......,.W..ttd 460 Lost keys on Orl'an •••••••••••••••••••••• Blvd . CdM. Tul'S • 3130 Unfum 2 3 Bdrm hou~r REWARD 675·14~ 1n Costa Mesa. Uunl l.ollt 11old chllin braceM 1n1ton Burh. Nt'wport ~ diamond r h1ps V11· But'hor C'dM area Will Comm l1rt>sbyt e r11n a1 ve rtrerenres Church & Pnrk, I. B 17~ 8327. S40 8364. REWARD 495·6848. ~· fnund . I.ab, ye llow Prof. M w/1mall ,dog male. Poodle. blark. n~~· rental 10 CdM male . S htp hud . area. ,..~. MOO range bl erk 1t110 . re ma le. ~ Auatrallen Sht pherd, Uve·ln. Gourmet Cook1 Blue Merle. female\ OUJckart, Colle1e Graa Newport Beach Anima f 0 r 1 v rn m e r . Shelter ~· . t a. 0..11\td Ada SU.Wll (Please print in 25 words or less) ~ ~ - Myname ls~-------------------------------­(not !Of publication) •• l1ilyPilat w~r tlirrnrs '° 'Newspaper Car·rie rs for toutes in Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley & Newport Beach • • • Good EamillCJS Super Trips Great Prizes CALL CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT lli~Pllat 642-4321 hm \\nrk1nl! nr not On11 $1600. St'll $800 !15\1 1Mill2 fi/5 <X92 \'ITA MIX ltauc~toblt .lwrrr & brt•adma krr 49 X 58 Chromt' bo~cs. ltke ne~. $3.'i(I 65\J.1>918 glass lQp Was St400. sell Frost free rcfn R. $200 t700 Reali} &or11eous Dinellr ~rt w 6 rhr~. 759 0600 SIOO Both 2 )fl> old. xlnt Xtra II(. xtra firm Ctrla ('()Od 8.59 1305 d.Y e\' twn w1rramr. xlnt cond Kenrmre Elec· washer & 1100 Margone 640·5585 dr)er Xlnl <'ond $300 Designer rum Slqth both 00 ~24 art 5 30 Low!) dellk + chair wlt_d1· Hammtr 8' sofa ru~t qUttn spread 497 5301 Must sell' S1.1tnalure F'rostlf.'llll Rrrnwerator 2 nirt bwll·rn drsks in Sl75 one P1t<'f 11' x 2' 3 MIC. 1146 7G94 rors 4f' x 30" 962 8052 Sm a I I a p I s 1 z r ELEGANT 1"t'fr1~erator. StOO oHer SOFA & LOVESEAT 631 919S Trad1t1onal in pohllh~ Washer clean. S85 rollon w lot11 or prllows. Dryer, R•~. rlun. 575 xlnt rood _1193 J770 Stove, rull itiit. StOO. All Walnul d1nrn 11 11blt/6 ~rk tood S48 44115 rhrs I rane bek l. burftl. Rehiit .• S11n1turt Frott· ~O~ G r t'• t <' 0 " d ltu 1$. 11\r orw. mo -- eG.q1__ KING SZ W1terbtd Ref rl a c r al or s 1 ls •!frame . heldbrd/htr Wuhtr ar dryer Stz.5 ea. Xlnt tonel~.M'14" Diahwuhtr 1100. " WAN'1'ACT10N T Clw!ftd Adi..,. . ,..... .. . • --=- .. ~••• 111 t&1 I 11• 1oaoa-.w••11•·~ r-·-... t110•...__..,....._ .. '''o •••n•••••••••••••••••• .............. • •••••••• a-...a.e JO ---. .,_,, -..,._.. Soid oak ~· ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• , double bedbt1!bo•rd for M.A. Delk •••U••••••••• .. •••n•• Ullllty lrlr new all WI...._ c.ditlon .;.. ,.•n•etl11ent .0192 -~JOY YOUR BOAT 1111tal &XIO, r1mp. brka, ,_ YOUI •• ., " tr pm Ltt 111 do lhe work ! f100 M2 •ts GOOD UHD CAI I _ _ n , 4 panel each, 24 Varnish p1lnt clun . -MYthfua ronahferid 3 Cuatom m1dt twln xH", rou h walnut ~lrt 't•P Newport 1!!jt.~lttr1ller.aood lmthruUlllO • bedl. SJOOt11otr.' Drwr rlnllh I .M!wten1n~ 548 SMl • 9S? ll608 ~ drtutr ~ & nl1ht 1215' lou1u11 S300H "-"....,... stand __ 4'13' ora1tt wtmlrror .... ,..... tOlO AMloSenlct, hrh Jc ~ 11tht wroui~t Iron llts, e.4·9905 dy 873 9051 .. ••••••••••••••••••••• & Acc"aoriH 9400 n1 rm &el w /hS. Meece 61 JO ··i:iTEBODYWORK ·,:·· - 11w top, 6 rhalra. & U P,I M1ka11 china S$SO Fish rinder Brand nr" !:int up to 50~ or~our 111 Ill ~c.-, m1lchln1 side ti bit 10 tlr Port TV USO. WM 646-7386 va;lo.01n ... t s~". 2 ~Harbor Bhd Jl . 831 QJ74 IQ dL.lll9051 ev ~-'J.. ~· ~~· ""' COSTA M ~A Pl u --Used rrU11lng mainsail. oatatlon Waterbed. ltra S.ontc cleantr. 1ooi.luff'2n.roo11srt 6 Al.f"AROMEO.,ARTS !H.!l.SJ.O ~ ahe. ttx cellent lar DSO, Curio c11brnel in S2SO All purts to ronv~rt 10! _..:..13@.963·9148 _ · ·~9 _·_~673J340_ 1600 to Velol·e cxc Kuraes din rm set & DISl•t•'S HOME ZODIAC CADET. IO'. gJ pistons 11400 Dennis, bruk rronl : Gorham Pr-o( cane:f>uk-chairs, t'Olld. $700. call 979·2748 art er 6pm or sterling Oatware. aerv. $JOO. Propluf ta hie, 675 9961 ~nds. ror 10 + 1111 aeceu · $250. Mattresses & box ---Wl'D wretkcd ~nox China: Dreaden •A""n!\:. 4 hi·back din. EV INRUDE 9 !I l1 1P VW"" 71 ,.~ Vu ... Galli P I I ''" long shaft, lo hr~. ud "" n --.... orce a na. rm c a Ira. 2 sets of '' " S4ll 1174 or MG· 42 64 0 ·99~6 a rt 6pm . P'rendlalassware. red & ~d_W,875·9961 Carolee. _ ..--CltJr, 125 ea. Sec'y desk. Evuuude Outboard. 6HI'. A.utos for s....1- Qnu bdrm set. Kin& Koll $175. 4 gold chrome long shaft . Kint l'oncl, -extra firm. hvy duly fr •~II tables. Sl25. Anti _m. 552·8656 ••••••••••• • ••• • •• • •• • • eK/\1i..'--•t r cc" 7u• que while ches t of --IMPORTANT ~~ ~-"'"--drwrt, SI.SO. Ca ne·back loats, rower 90 4 0 NOT!<: E TO Must sell. Harvest Gold lovfftll'.L.~· Antique ••••••••••••••••••••••• REA OERSANO Recliner. xlnt cond. desk. SllO. End toble 40' 0-.ens Tah1t1an, h\e ADVERTISt:ns ~ 9Sl-9289ev _· __ $30. 8'5·5319, 676·3738. aboard slip avatl Cull The price of items ESTATE SALE-Beaut J Jud y o r Harl'e) ad\ert1sed by vehicle p --1142-4644 bl 9 s dealers in lhe vehicle Hf~HIUYU •rop ·dollars for-Spor1' CaN. Ru&s. C11 mpers. 914'•· Audl'5 A.Ilk for U/C MGK JIMMAAIHO I ra~~~m~r HUNTINGTON BEACH"' _142.2000 WE MEED YOUllXOTIC Ir lllTISH CAI S . Oftnge Cout DAIL V PILOT /Tuesday. Aprll 8, 1982 DI •r•md .we..""''"" ..,..., t.port.d ...... l•,.,.+td • Ustd ·····~·· ..••••....... •••·····•••···•········ ...•.••.•••....•...•...•......................•...•........•••••••... 1982 MODB.S HERE MOW! • Ct.ck Mr pod Mllctlollof DIEMOl 91d 9UALITY f'UOWMIO AllTOMOllLIS ot .... oltttfo .. .,..... ..t•aUn. Ceil °' c.... "' TODAY! t772 Clwytltr HJS '10~ plrtt.dt '611112, AM F'M CIU ul S 1pd . urr ltl'ttO lo)11,&ood rond fW•luf cu.wtte. anrl $7100 fer over $5000 or t r11dr S4ll 4929 for Toyota SR~ 1m·k up 12 Hondo Ch•io 1 Or ~·~ $137 47 + tu iwr mo 'HI 911 Tua11 . 1400 1111 Clo.eel end 48 mo leabc Gu11rds lted. lo11drd All Saver~ <7141634 0189 11111..'l sell $29,900.0RO SALIS, SEIYICl AMOLU~IMG OVF.RSF:AS 01-:LlV'l-:RY t;XP ~;HI S K....... Ghia 97 34 a\1 ~1146 4047 UILI llCI •••••••••••••••••••••• 914 C'om pl rt•<'ond. m;inv VOLVO '07 f<ARMANNGlllA r x\ru. 11n to a p 1!11J6l!arbor ll lvd Od cond 12750 prt'rilll~ ~4ZSO obo. COSTA MF.~A 006·0W2 ll6IH827 646-9303 540-9467 ..._. 9731 ._.. 9755 'Ill Vuh o lli-l, run11 !lllOrl, •••••••••••••••••••• ••• ••••••••••••••••••••• •• b•·~t ufft'r ()\ t•r $7~0 GREAT SELECTION! S3tl 8009 hl'furt• WM Autot, u.~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• '75Cor••• tllK cr11 11oot1 1·ond 12200 C) llO 631 713S HlO ....................... um; ('ONTIN ENTAI. 4 Door Mint whllt' Wllh rt'd h•t1thrr 1ntrr1or. rmon roof & 111 tht' toys f rnan<'lnl: t1v11l1blc A )Ul)('r rur 182S7021 Call no" .ind 11sk for Da ve JOIU') 'fhl'odore Robins ford, 642 (IO I 0 •72 U.,e Meri IV $1675 64r>·8614 DodrJt '935 ••••••••••••••••••••••• RENAULT I 8111 Sedun.~ 11ncl wu~on~ with man) opt1oni. tu l'hoo11c> from are avu1lable no-. :it ····••·•··•·······••··· ~~ .......... !!~.~ · lu.!l?J~ D:~o~~~ood tr Jll~I' S.'IOO •o• rou• RIEHAUL T HHT MAIO• 2524 ll;irbor Rh d "" " ' S49 ~ 6~5 71711 ~ 1142 2971 857 9165 71 L>.i1t 1, 111 1'~1 air xlnl Sl~llJ 1H~I :!5 t4 eran w/smoke Class ATAl\J Vldto game New -~n J!!!l ·~m-rlass1f1ed advert1s1ng coffee & end tbl set, in orig urton w two rolumns does not rn matching ~all unit nrtrid1es tCombat & '78 271,rt BAY LI NER elude any opplH•able SohdState25 color con· ~wl!aa>. $130 C'ash "Victona .. F1) bridge. taxes. hcen)e, transfer -SALIS • SHVICI UASM OUHGECOAST SHU$ r-1 AMC/JEEP '811-.. Roh Royct 9756 lln..:ht"n 'on11·onl' qfJ1 fACalfYI •••••••••••••••••• •••• • / ~1th J ('la,-.1fll'd Ford 9940 l'lS.., it ces1a 111u ~I Ul4 111 DEALER IN U.S.A Easter.Grom!! ••••••••••••••••••••••• sole TV Sl9S Oak bdrm Stve~547·184S VHF radio. bait tank. fees. finance ch.irgl's, sel 16 pc I Custom -~ ... fi r r 11 • sofa/loveseat ong Sl&OO ......._._~ ""'VU' 1nder. outriggers. ees or air po uuon con sac. S6SO Elegant un-r;:;:-... ~ 1013 w1tb trailer Will sell trot de ... 1re rert1fmwonb -nn balanceofloan or dealer d0<·umentary used sofa bed No Junk ••••••••••••••••••••••• Call 6'16·~3 preparation charges un can help move 850-1860 New lllrtln guilar, Shure --------· less otherw ise sper1f1ed Must sell Kmg size mat· mic W/Sland & Fender ~lheud~ert1ser tress sel $150 673 ISM amp, $12$0. 85J·9765 TwM Diesel GeMrd ev~ _ Offke ,_.,,........ & ll' EJtP Cruiser Hones 8060 Eqlit,_M 1085 100 hrs. ~hower. 2 lit •••••••••••••• ••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••• ••• staterooms. radio. ell' Stakes producing mare. NB model homt; De~k. Survey S80.0tl0 , now black· type. 111 foal to Ac· credenia. rha1r. orig $55,<XXI. Ca n arl'ept car ~uitanal. Delaware Jlfm,sell$800 675:._()(_!92 or truck 111 trade Might -finance bal 646-6712. or 9510 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 3100 W.Coust Hwy Newpon Beach • 442.9405 WANTED! Late rmdcl To)·otas anrl Volvos Call U5 TOOAY "! Earle Ike TOYOT.t.-YOUO 1'UH..-.lh& SADDLEIACK IMW 21402 MANWllTI ,.WY, MISSION YtlJO AYftfV Pkwy ott 1·5 831-2'MO *IS-.49,9 Open Sundays MaMrotl 9739 .•..••..•.............. ORANGE COUNTY 'S EXCLUSIVE MASERATI tY"W CARVER f'cirnnl\ $11 OU l~f fOHI> fJtrmonl ~ "'-.../l \11ur ra,lt•r mt'''Jl!t· lll•11 1, • 11 Jutuma11r DrV I C~ -.111 JlllJl'JI -. 1th 11-.1 'I Jtr runt.I Onl) l~...JLJ....Y~I\...C thi.:llunn~ .1h111t• !II .. , milt•' SJ11• on 1h1i. ,.,. .-.«'"''° ""_..,. 1.,,, 111 thl' DJ11\ l'tl•1t \ k' h I u t• U l' au I y ••w<>P•"'~ ... _""',w 1111~:.1,1t•1SundJ1 11(1li ~IJll 1 Call no~ ClOSlO SVNOAYS • • C'Jll li42 jiiiH .inlt .md J'k for llo1·e Jonei. l'harrl' 11 .\1 ..... 11·r1"1 rd 'ln1~1dnn llnhrn~ 1-'ord Subana 9762 Jm \ .-J -.1·1t-11nw 114:! 1•1111 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ---------1!1111 1-orcl ~.,1ort 3 door DE~ERSHIP! ORANGE COUNTY'S AMC 9905 1m tJ1·t -.1th au1omat11· We'll rlelt1•er 11 ny~ht·rt• NEW1:ST II.in' .m cond pwr CetleMne "•o-t>o> .. uo.u n m lhe world' Scl' u~ ut Allthurlwct ••••••••••• •• • • • • • • • • • • 'lt•t•nr'1i: & hrakt.>•,° & JU~t "80 633 Wht tun 20K m1 . ·71 C1t·111h11 run~ l(d i\t' Perl cond . 'f11ke oH l~e BEACH IMPORTS SI HA Hl' IH>\LF:ll i\M r'~I 1a1w ~ch ,om1• 01~~~\ 1i11h1:0\:U~1 er~~ $632!_1m 494 !l4SG l9Qll111rbor Bl vcl C M ~ 111\ltlt• 1lt•tail111.11 $~.~II unli $fi.l!l!I ~:arll• Ike T 631-7170 · ir.-J.-+:+-7•~•1C!·IZ ·10\111.1 1'1111• t -,ed Car 1972 ,18 ft Sport~lllH.'1 op Dollar \l~l?~! i~~' ~~l~~lor 11411 Dml·Street. II ~, + J• n MJt,111111 I"'"'''~ Olli \aft.., l!IUi l!lifl llarbor hier mare In foal to AC· WOID rlOCESSQR 629:sim qultariat 2 yr old Delawarl' Chier filly Xerox 850 t y pi ng from stakes producing sys~. manuals. tapes mare. in traming Yrl· & supplies Under warr ing Arquitariat foal Make offer 833·2122 1·abin. 140 ll P MerC'. Hnl(hlensomt'one~da\ p "d :.unroof. rai-Hllv 752·0900 \Int $Hoi lllul 1 '"1" .\!no l.'Qwp·d rorf1shini: Xlnt ~11haCl11ss1f1ed · 31 AM f M sterl.'11 1~1\ 1982 :\10DELS '11141 .!111 I 1>1t.!i:io:l»IH!lllii 1·onlLS4,000 0 BO l"orYnu1<:ar' miles. -:Int t·On<ltt11ln Mtrc•cS.sleM 974o llERE;\;OW '" Buidi 9910 l~Htl ~OHll ~·a 1rmon l _832·03~9 ;~t~~~j! JOHHSON & SON R~ome-pn) rn(>nl' •••••••••••••••••• •• •• • S;1lt~ St>n IC'I.' L1·a~1ni: •••••••• ••••••••• •••••• S 'I u I r ,. \\ u r.c o n * * • 16' Runabout "' 35 wurEaster mes,aite U..Colft..Mtteurt 5281143or&S7f~l:lli •Ml.pnf•ra SADDLEIACk l!GI lhui ~ <:!-> llKi \Ind lit~H).;l'lll" 111101 ~h1te frmc•s Ira.ti E1inrude. run-; l(uod. Y.111 appear \1 1\h 2626 Harbor Blvd' ·75 BM\\ 2004! 1 hlut' uwc!Mtrcedts SUBARU 1u111t s .. 1\111 Hnunh -.uh .111 rnruf 11~r sl · ~ Udtn A l'e apt F $400, + Nwpt lkh dot·k the bunny above> Coista Mesa 540·5630 Rt•lilt eni: leatht·r intt•r too n•w ~02 M ar1:u,•n h· JI ail In"' 111 1,;;i li7 I 1 I!. JUl"11"1111 Onf\ .22.346 from stakes producing wkd mare Can be seen at Hanson's Stock Farms. 37613 Esplanade Av . ,.._ M sn ~ci1 i;-5 7•7• ullhe Dari) P1lol I f I -~ .. , ... ,, l'k-.\ I m1l1-.. ~.1" """ <.et re """'la, esa 7i!~ ..... mo 1 ~ , E ""Amium pn~as I l' re sun roo 11~ nu .., "' ."' \ Cocill 9915 1 1 ... ..... s r d E y h I un JSterSuntla\ .... "' ·~ ( ,. II r I \11~)1110 'rt'/" oe .ti\ ul I J t• d t 1o n ,,.u....,n ieg r1e xtra ou are l. e win ner or 34· "a1rl1nt'r t·at11n . pa1d foranyus~d par ne~ lift') .1m m IJ" -.Qmp.i l' o ,,. u rn ·11"/\\ 1· II d ddl I d ( k r (.'all6'125678t1ml ~ • t l) I I \\t1r\l'k-.)11fJ ;. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ·'• .i nu-. an sa e. ic nt r on . two ree l:lt' els ($18 00 1 cnaser sedan FB l~in lfort>i1tnordomesltt'I :\int • on1I S5!195 Port' 1rt'l1 t>J,t· Jm till 3 ·"~ 1,H D.i•l' Jones sacnflce. $450 besl of l'aluetothe enit . \'Hf. bait ·tank. c~t,:!a~~l~~~~~rrl m1ioodcondiuon 631.QXllafliJlm moi. )t'n,1hh p\lnl,. 8 1-2040 495.4949 CONTEMPLATING l'hmlor•· l<utun' Ford fe r Kim 831 216S CllCUSYA.RGAS depth finder !.!pis 6 ---------SttUs F'1rst' ·n 32((Jutt1J < lllJC'k 0 I .11 2 I .l u r C'>.(>t'nSuncfJ~~ CADILLAC? •·t.!1•1111 HemelJ 2ll>597 7Q!3 <noon.:.8 ml Longlle1ch Vetenrns Nwpt moonnf· no mon ~!l!!lllililjjill!!il!flrl!ll!lii.. -.1thtan1nter '1t1•1·J1 ;,:.~1~1 ~~~1-,S 1~ ~11 Toyota 9765 Yti• 'l"'''1Jh1•' 111 l•J't'' Jewelry 10701 StaOrd1um Apnl 4·14 thl) fee X nt cond ~/ ·~~•lllW:ljliill ~XI &t2 3220 ••••••••••••••••••••••• :.:•:,11~11.'~ 11~1~1~;.~~·1;1~1•1;' 1;•1:'..,11 '11~·~ .. ~~1-:n°1~.~j J ••••••••••••••••••••••• . ange Count) S37 500 213 343 94 711 CJCKsiei 14 RMW 2002 ~nod 1111111 '71DI 117. l~ISl 1 ~lil '1'01 11t ,1 1·"1 o 11 .i , , 1111 ,1 , 1 1 n I! 1 n e Diamond earnngs, 24 pt. TiF8trru"oodds,Apn 1115 ~8.. lnS_-"86 __ ·83!9 •••••••••••••••• •••• •• • AC sunrl ~ 'Pd .. krt·o Lo mi mu I!" hb Orll' I \\ JI( 11 n Au I" 111 J t 11 LorcJ! Seledion JUI< 11~ "' u n m1!.!\1on pierced, 14K gold. $1 75 ~~ncesor se l'l't""' loats, Reftf/ MODEL "A "ii $5500 hsl "fr • ; 11 I IJ~lll'I S2ll,OIMI "15 .l!Jllfi tr.in, r.1d111 hl'.lll'I I Of Hew 1982 ,Jll ""':" '"~~:r ~ieer 642·!006 • To claim tickets. t·:ill Chorfe.-9050 Sha~ repllt~J~. p1i·kup' 548 ~7 M 23oSI l'IJ,~11 lmlh rnof rad, ~ ·111 1''1·1·11 Cadillacs mi: 1.1111·1 4ttillt'r ha::. EMERALDS Birthstone 1642·5678. ext 272 ••••••••••••••••••••••• & l'OUP!'S 4 to t'hoosi• • ·77321h ,11rc·ond ,1,·ri·11 1°""' 1111" '"''' h,·;uil 11~""\ 1"' )r 11111~(1 •11<·,Ji How In Stock! 11111 111111·' t:. b ·'" ""np for May' Your choice Tickets must becla1medShore moor1ng& boal. from' f0067f;811Stk .'11881l,11b111llh1I smt•1 C'arSll.OOOti-lllt:!!I~ L~t;lck~t'Tu~ui'.,'~11/1. 11n11Jl1' 1l1·an rar' !.!Q!.y~ea64().8688 I byApnllS,1982 pnme L1do lslelorat1on t\Jll!l:l1 rm·ei. ,t;irtin.: (1"t.1\h·-;1~1111.i<1 ~1011!JH!I 'jtJ281t;L.hkent·~ :!llll" l',1•d l'ilr ~.1lc•\ I\,.! \Bl~R~ •.!:l:.l<Fll t Sp,•nJIJl l)n &15-2027 aft 7 30P~I .it "" r b d & .1. '111111/ J ~ I 1 S~!l\11! F 111 I l' I k" Misc...____ 8080 ~· • ---Wt'Y Co . 97151 ..,.r 11) runn1ni: l!IWl!l70 11;.rhor 1111!1 (' \1)111 \' 1'111111,1 ~·uw t·,etl Car ~ lo..., ~-'I 9060 OHLYS9 9951 •. , Y . . . pn I ronrl Sl7.500 5-IUHl!ll ro,1a :'ll1·sa ti~t> !l:J11:1 ,; ., .,, , 1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Exec. 6' walnut desk. ...,., ~ ' · l SF.D CA s ·'l'Hl l l\S ••••••••••••••••••••••• !-i.11·' Hll~. 111711 llarhor chair & 6' credenza ••••••••••••••••••••••• COME 1!11 OH ·16 t'apn \'G. ~t11·k 'llt'" I •1511 SI. ltl79 Wh111' tan 5-I09467 ~" · " ' 1111 ct l "'ta :'II e'a 64.5-0165 or see at 330 I 51/ 1 DINGHY Ct\1.1.1-'0 R h.ill b1i.., llrt'' & ,,1.11•11 h·ath 2!1K 1111 t·~t1·111h•1I 711 Ct.>hi·a. "''" 1,.11111 ;. .• ' 1>111 i1:~1:1 )t11 •q1)i 22ndSt, CM Sat Sun 9·6 Fibeq(~assed & "it h FREE APPRAISAL $11~•1, Mil ~ill2 ' 11m mml .1·11nd "'·"" ,µti. ,\ M F :\1 ,1,.,.,." Llncoln O'"'OFBUSINESS oars. pall ·'94 320'' Corm1erl>l'l1llo I t'X l i.is l0tl phur1t· l:'>o d 1·11 11d S:l~llll "' -' ~ ' · Datsun 9720 1 1wi.:ot1Jhh• S:W ~(HI 1'Jll 6i5 i:J.SJ HI l11.1rn11 1:11~M11111 .di ••••••••••••••••••••••• Desks. chairs. equ ip· ·'79-Do~-neasler 38. Cul CHEVROLET ••••••••••••••••••••••• ufr.975 11~1.t•' 011t1om. &. n111unr11of 1,11 l.f\('1 11-.: CO:'\T ment, misc.:...549.:.1 IH ter. aut<> Pl lot. V 11 F. 1821 I ttEACll f!L V 0 l'l7C. D:it~un 11:.!to ., ilooi W1 Ct'lu· .1 ~'T l'pc· 11111,t Slli.t0 1 !>~' H5.1 1431111 1 ;1~~11 r.in~purt .1111111 1·ar 9945 Gorgeous exec desk. radio. dean $66.000 lll'NTl:'\GTON BEACH with .in l'l'0011m~1JI 11 Mercedes Sale wll S'IOU < l,1~1· 11\t'I ~1111 l)fl() credenza. conf table 7 14 . 6 2 s 8 4 3 8 . 'ti8Mustang 847·6017or i.µt•ed tr.in' r.111111 IV lo:111!!ttl!1;21111 THE LARGEST 51Hl1~~J Bn~1l11":cf:~~f;~ da) bookcases. bar & more 714~~7!!499·4754 PRIMO CONDfTIOl'o 547-333 I hl'al "' \' t'r' ' ""'"' FOf fa1ro11t•an tJ,·h~1·n '1)1 Toyota l'orollft iw1·fl, SELECTION 11. l1lr 1H IHMI m1 ~;,..,. Xlntcond 85.l.9765 13· Sherwood u tra1lor E\'eS~Seoll552 7~52 II t5.56RJ l,l l l\'11ur,,tor IU'l I .t'1lur'1~11~1", ,\lplrtl :l!,~"hl olr> buc.h-.ork SOl~I or b1•,1 'mil 11.al'v' '11.11111111·11 11111 'on1I ~:1111111 firm Easlef'.GrCMI!! " " ~ 1950 Bentln• Mu rk VI ...... I__. d ~J I;:art•l~t· uiulJ · "3• nt• "" ofl °nJ\e!ill7f'J51 j · 1 t.tj!l · Jll Jt' 111 1>~111!11:'>rl.1 hi:l'lll51e1 -f or only S6 00 IBM Correct mg Seier good cood. S995 , 'J -ot, m,... •• e f rnt' l .,ed (., 1 s.ilt'' turho 'edJn Jnd 11111"''"' ' ' S11utht'tr1 l.thf111111.1' your Easter message lliCa'c, dual pllC'h IS rn _754 Q.137 ~4 'sJtt~"d SI 1 ~1111 ••••••••••••••••••••••• l!ltifi.l!no Harhui 111"1 ~? W.1Ron SJ\\' rl.111.ir, 'Ill C1•l11·J GT 'unrool NABERS Mtreury 99SO "'ill appear with mage. xlnt rond $750 Sii / ~ 970 I co~t.; :\l e~.i h tt. •1:1113 or mon· mfnrm.1111111 .11r .111111 S.S!•S!! "111 11,;; ••••••••••••••••••••••• tbe bunnyabo1e 67~7314 ~-ps 1949 rorll P it kur •••••••••••••••••••••••S.W.9467 l't\1.1. \iri.:1n.1 ;11 01li4t152!lli\nn CADILLAC ;1 \l1 ri 111 \T i\C' in lhe Daily Pi lot "-k E .. -.> 9070 flathead tl. run~ l!IKll ~ , I ti.I.~ llll-•1irt.l'1 11.!:! .... I "T .'l~Mt llJrlw•r flh •I I'!-> II m \I 1irl'' SltilHI Ea Su d &JC!, xerutlre.12 :1; r MGI 97 ,,41 .,,t1·1ra1, g11•Jtc11111I l'IJS .. l\\lls.·\ rharge1t MasterC'ard Machine (tape• s25 Newport Rth 211 25 .iftS,6735984 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 'li5 SSlil.•,f;ltiS9u·l 540-1860 ~stmtq 9952 Call~~S6'78na~a 32" s1 25 Adr11ng oo~T·si.ii>s"~\~~i~:·· SID! 1rm m:tt ;s11io11; ~ .. \lrJ, s5x1111 st•'\(' ·"''•'·!.'•"'.!" and Vi~a welcome 644 1Z1I _ 26.Jlf,33'.:14 111 !ll11 4~Drh•es 9550 ••• it.l111oll.1lll\ \11 l.!h ••••••••••••••••••••••• --••·•· -----1orfire desk. s drawer 67. 642 UH-I !I !'>pm •••••••••••••••• •••••••1 t-'! o _ Y•ome lottroff nu r.cood 1 on1I ·s22!iu '76 Sed De•ille 11111 11-..;\ ~In 1111.t-.: ------with executive chair and For renl Shnrl' muunng I !I i I! 0 0 I> 1; t: I 1:!11 tta\Sldt• WI 3it5 .ift 3pm Clt'Jn " .. i I 111111 1111 \' ..1111.. .111 II' \Int \~~!efr~a11: ~ 't~1/ ~I~ 2condcusl0Amell rfo ch$a151roi. 2to5p up to 18· s.iu mo 'fl I ~~~~r11·r "''h1\l'l'~·~:h v l'11rnn.h1Clt-I ~I jl Tri·~ 97 6 7 ~~::\~:t.:~t a:1•NM•1111 ~ 'm n1111I ~1·•~ I 5:13 124:! · r 675 7•7• Bnnhtl'O ·o~'Oll" ·'J' 11111 Jrt• l l' "rnm•r ut -''t"'' -,, \I 1 l'h 1· I 951-467_6____ drawer f1'le hab. like ne" ~ ~ l)llC'k~l ~"Jt~ P" r •I .. ' ...... ' 'u , t r k • • •••••••••••••••••••••• -I • 11' .llli.; • IJ ur )l) ' ft ,\:\I 1-''1 ' ·' "ilh a Cla~s1f1l•ll "" H~· t1r t•h '~1x IM1t I l!r.'I IR ll \I Pll S I .~ c J1 t 1111, \lnl 111111 h ':! tHli• mi 'Int i·und POOl TAILE S5Clea :ll'LJ[)(HtoOHl!\C .1 'tt'r1·oc(f11~-&. I Eicnttr-Grom!! ,alul·t11tht· ·1l~al ck.in "•tt~"111::11 1,•11·111 -.111~ :-11""' 111111 '-lHIHt i~:! l!llHI -.kd" Old oak. slate. S300 631 7640 ~~~~h~~·6{~~4~~··rl11111 1 (:!'11' ~~1';!'5 .i~cl ',;i.\'1~;::rl for onl\ Sli 1111 CIRCUS V~RGAS :!.'>I•-• mtl.-s L"" 1t1111n s:i.,•1!157 ,,1u 11~111·' "lrnds 644-5965___ _ ,,.. 8087 --Oa\I' Jone) Theorlort• ~uurt:aster mes.,'Jge '78 2801 2 + 2 l~n~ Rt>ad1\1•lt•1.tn~ I ., ,. 11 ,1 ) rn ,. n 1 , 1;1 s .. 11 d1• \ 111.-;;, 111111 Oka b'I 9 JOHN WAYNE TENNIS ••••••••••••••••••••••• Slipt Avail Robins l"ord 1'1211010 -.111 ap~ar~1th 5 ~Pl'!'d jrn rm ,rlr St,idium i\}'rtH II J~IS:JXW:\t t'.111110-. .incl 11111! 1111 (1111111 I""'' mo I e 9 SS CLUBME.1BERSHIP 32 FRENCH LOP baby Up to S!rfl. COM :tlt'1I thebunn) aw11• siher. lo m1 1':H1•1lt·nt • Or.in~l·tounl) a~k lor l>;l\1: .lun1·, S!.5m 751111111 r••••••••• .. •••••••••••• " 5•23083 bunnies. $20 Caaes. will $900 per ft Call Pl'a"1 1979 !-'ORD ~x4 short ht•d mthe Dail) 1'1101 l'Olld ~luM~ell biri;rouncb \pnl l.i Pl ' ·fh1~1d11rt· Hubin-. r ont 11"' t• I II 11•1x11 tll.l•!-i l ullas~ · -~--holdforEaster" or Carrie. 71~955 £.i7·3 stt'ps1dt• 1\utornal1r. on EasterSunda\ i14YSill5'"' Tic·ket~J!110J lnr,1·l1•rt1•tl f>l:l<•llll ... 1 ;u "''" 1• 1111111 1 !'>t1p1t•1111•1!1tl11gham Mist'. for sale. Plants 962.3940 wlc·da_8-S I p~r ~t & hrukt•x. ca11 6425678110(1 1J1•rlorrru1nn•' 1·11ml L1 .. 1lh11 11111 I.iii· l.11,1d1•tl "1111 nu1~e. $100. Br set $75 stereo Tacoma maiis U\l'r char~e 1t ~1asterc·ard Dtlortan 9721 To l'l.i1m 11r·k1•l'. '"'" Volksw~ 9770 ~1'1111"' lltrnrr11 flip l.d I"" ''"1b \:II F:ll $100496·!1651! __ · -,...,. & Orgo111 8090 Tretpor+crtion sired tires. slidin..: rl'ar and Visa " ekomr ••••••••••••• ••• • • •• • • • 1' f; 12 S Iii A t'' I l; ~ •••••••• •••• • • • • • • • • • • • 111,lr~111~·111~ 11111"' r1111 I ' •'"''t It· 11 .. 1lch•d I op •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• i1rnd. remO\':thle top MEW T1rk1·b11111~tlw1·l:11n11•tl 1970VW 1 1rl_.1•1 l.1r1111\ "·"' 1;101111-.11111t·~ ,\real StereotbHli-~0 150: ping P I ANO w b e n c h r,._Sole/ Doub It• sharp OELOREAN h)1\pnll•:'> .• l!l!I•~ l'1w•tor1tamn.•1v.1ll11• 1 •5_!·1'-~.:1,11 I'll p.11 1\ ,tl,np '•" iit2ZBXt pong a e "' · EmstiMunek. Recently -~··· 9120 llU81041 1 Call no", ask J t-:F:PSCi\RSPlt'Kl'PS h "j /'. . " "· •·•" l'.1111111-. .111<1 S<l\l' Ask 968-1924 t:::::>. HNI. 847_.7o~2 r or D a' l' Jn n es from S3S A\atlable al w ~ke~1:rdm .. \\I ~ '1 11 • • I u 1 ll .1 1 t• Jn n ,. " ~ ~ oo ••••••••••••••••••••••• Theocl H b F cl I I G ·1 . t •fl6057 I I 1-e R .. storot1'on tr at an l ll i ;111111 I 78 Seville Moonroof ll1~•1()1111• Hnlnns Fnrcl Games. video. pinballs. Upright Plano -As is Has ·n For d F 3f!O "ilh ore o ins or ora o1 Au1·t1on~ S 9 ........ .. llnh S:!llSll i ;1 II l'omputt.'rcla'h 11 .. 11111•1 i.l"m111 . arrade 37 total classics. New keys. Nds finishing chassis mounl rarnp{'r & 642.tl()lll ~r~>~~'i:.ri.:11((.' ~allll 2 4, SO 6~ MG B H t'l.I. II,." I!~ 32\rl lJPt' l.1111 \I llt·• .11111 • anuques Sell out' Dys 5. 642·8764_ all xtras 33 500 milt·~ Tn1eks 9560 refundable HONDA tr~o~h~r1&1 n~;;;:n~~~ '72 VW Suuth \\J111 s.rnt..i \11,1 •Ill l1111111J.1l11 .\Sr '1:.1~' 549-1174,e\'S S46-3642 ~.Lloyd640-ll99 ....................... SA..rrA 4 .._.A h SUPERIEETLE 1 1 l(~'J~f>orhonll'lii311~11.J I lu.11li·.I J.t1MM1 m1 \Int 2YtaroldCurnerP1a110. . h .... R "' "'" mur mut·h murt• • . 111nd.l!~'IM11lr.Jo112 Angel Season tickets (ap. n)U!t sell SIOOO Ca II '76 FORD RANG ER ~1th 63 <: c• ~ 1 l ton. 6 <'}I. AnO ontro 9705 :IOI W Warni·r S3,00l 646 i21 I f.\cellent rnnd :'II u~t '*1 t Pl' 1ir \ lllt J\\Ulllt' prox 1001 at face \alue 646-27118 n 5 198 1 Camper, full\ ne~ runn1n1: gear ••••••••••••••••••••••• M-11.makeorrer I \'~l\l1ni: 1111.111110).; C.111 l!li; lll ns l'ullas ... _$6e_a Nohmil 546·31.}t =c.::.;.:::::.::8:-=e~r l!..m __ eqwpped. Ml'ST SELL motor. rlut,ch, brakes Alfa 161Xl 540-7430 ronct. 9750 il4 528 11124 Lon 11:i:i :!•M~I Ill I I,., !-it111Mno II.irk l't'r''lm Craftsman 10 .. Radial SWlllg 1093 In exC'ellenl rnnd1tron tires 11250 tl75 9072 Vetoee Conv~rsion? Rat 9725 ••••••••••••••••••••••• i21• IZ!'I 111" 11 "' .i 11 l'' tr d ~ oun .u•3 \JI rt t 0 1910 .,.R a1 lfahbrt lhe!'<.'I l11.itl1·d -· -l'.11ltlt•1I "11111· l•i" till Saw. cabtnel ~ dra"•ers ••••tt••••••••••••••••• ~-'--1978 RANCH E RO CT , pa s o con\ert I I ••••••••••••••••••••••• It .-v SCHE I d S6 s II " I ,. 195 966-1969 Pr Ross1gnal Skis. bind· Loaded ~ rrul'e con 1600 to \'rlon'. t''H ·oo &511 Sn1dl·r nt·~ t11rs 92" TURIOI. I 'nl ron 350 nr ·" '1' :.'''1' 1 '' 011 ,., '1111'1 \\I t-'\I lJpe Bavarian Handpaint l8 .. H1 Vase (1920's ) S'lOO. Goldri m Crystal Plat es . G l a sses . $7.50 ea . Franciscan China-Mountain Laurel, Sl75, Stereo Co nsole $125: Polaroid 450+ Al· tach. f6S. ~~3722 Kenrmre dryer $150. 2 european single beds w I drawers 0. ~6·7597_ Refng. S'lOO. Twin beds • $200. Stizuk1 street bike. ~!:2999 __ _ Autumn Haze Mink Stole. perlect $5001080. White Fox Stole $300 10 BO Days 833 1153. Eves 731-3'759. boo S2 I ...........___ 1. / d $ .. .. 'llllll' lt·ot<e 64.'l lllHi "·'"' 1 •• ~'·""~'. II '>pn1 I'"' "'"'I , cliHil 1,11 ,., mgs. St 7 8 l. 25 n-..-.vrc:yeies trol automat1r p~ r 'l µ1Mons 1400 97'1 27411 dean rnt am rm • J!>!. With ,unroof air 1·onc1 \Inn In ,. 11~, 1 " ~ (o~2289 • koottn 915 air rnnd nc~ parn t after6pmor ~knds sound eng SISIMI 0110 ell' A !(em' llACM724 1 ii \ \\ Hu s i JI.I~' . ~' · "· \ 111 •'11\ 11r1•1l\ •Jr 809 .. ••••••••••••••••••••••~Super dean to~ pa) IMW 9712 lbbs.51685.5 OHLYSll.9501. rhJmpal(nt• Erl111on IComoro 9917 l~ISl'I 1.111110~ d,k Spoeft.gGoods .. 197 mt'nl'I <1 ~15570!\I Cull 'unrf auto SIHllH ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1111 ll ,1\1 Jnnt• •• .. ••••••••••••••••••• 4HOMDA no-. and J~k for Da\e ••••••h••••••••••••••• 80 Xl!:I Fuvl lllJ HOWARRChtvrolet <lti.'.lll:ll 1979 Che,111h•I L1m.1rn l1111lth•1t· Hohm:-. Forrl ~~.~~ l:!Is~ES ~~~ best offrr Jfooc:.d. Theodore Robins • ~~:L~~ii'J 111T~1i.:~ N~.:i'ron'f'M~~\'ru 711 \ w Fasthk <'OR ha~ I FUii 1111""' .ur 1 onrl l>I! mJu Xl11lrond. _85_19765 or ~20010 &· • ,. 211.IXXlmc.1\C ,1nt1nn1I !\lt•rt•11 IJ''''llc• lilt '79ditst12-dr '78 HONDA. 7511· f blk 4 T L d d Resto 9726 833·0555 thruout l'all art Ii l'\I ~heel rr 111"' 1•on1 rol Cl Tl \S~ Sl' p R 0 1 F 6' S\JRFBOAR D 111 I Kerker hdr chrome 75 oyota ng be G •••••••••••••••• •••• ••• !lfili l:!i5 r .tlll "ht•t>b t. "'or•" I II HO l Ii II \\I S41110 ~ · l d ed 8000 0 · I •1 t rend See lo appreciate 1""" ""'RD p · t R 1 1976PORSCHE :>., .. ,. n11•1 ·111· 111·1"11 e. min ron , us • n i;: m1 ei. " in $2500_ • ('all &!2.5701 ""' r v 1e!! d e11 • u • • -\l.ckr offrr i5:? ~99 t~,SllS.553·1012 __ cond $1 550 firm -CREVIER BMW economy ror $2595 911 -S TARGA YWIUGS lm1,h -.1th 'addlt• 111 547-1845 1978DODCEt~Ton Short 1R2432A l Testrlmeand Optrons mrlude air<'ond fAN'fAS TI C PRE tc•n11r 1H3.tX,ll 1 't1:l!!!I 1 .. t'ullJ" Supremt• fV,leclo, "7•YAM 750 Xln-lrlean Bed PiC'kup 38,000 lo Tlwbe~'82 buy today f rnanc•ini.t meta llic paint. tan OWNED ~:.1rl1· lk1• T11~111.1f11w llud1&1•nl-(m \lnt rnnd HIA, Shno 8091 S'700 Must Sell GR EAT miles " 6 l·yl. et'O!l.. IMW's A trt! al'ailable Call oow. :i~k leather, allov whC'eb . TOTALLY n ECON t• H d C .1 1 !-> .1I1•' !.11M1 firm ~9tHl6~8 .......... ••••••••••••• BUY 842•4063 pw r. st .. uutoma lll'. A Tew re mr;;,n ng .81 for Dan;> J n n t·~ Blaupunkl r'a~sl'lle & DITION ED 191;i;rn111 11;1111111 Hl11I HI Ht>!!•'""~ clit',el. :i2K Microwave TV Antenna. · AM /FM lllt>I'. dual !(as Model8 ~ Demos are Theodore Robins Foret this car hah only 56.500 CUTIE CARS! Cost11 :\h•'" tHt: •1:111:1 i.. t.st run mol'ies, $159 inst. HARLEY DAVIDSON tanks Reul sharp trul·k still a v u i 18 b1 e , We ~:~!O rrules! t222KHUl Ask F.xrl'llent F:ronomi 5411 !14f;i ~r~1m11~ i1~1; \'f 1 1t'ase. Rj m· m:638-8724 Knuckle Basket case. Cl1'894:'>3) Ca ll now, usk sperlahte in; European Hondo 9727 ma Kelley "hult•sale AndLotsOfFL'N' 1!17!1 n n;q t'Jrll.tro 19inporublecoloredTV. mos tly o ri ~i n a l f o r D1t l'l' J o n es deli very and !lawless bluebook which is onl\ M1\NY TO C ll OOs ~; HNlinl'\1,1 \1 11t11P•h1 I 2 S1600t0BO Theodore Rohan~ Ford pre-owned B'9fW"s. ••••••••••••••••••••••• S1 2.80l) Cu 11 ( 71 4.> FROM blue nw,.•111,~ " 23':,13 reroote contro yrs __ ._548_ .0593_ 00-001 0 548-2196 m ~ " old. USO or o ffer WhereCustomer WE'RE .1 • lo" mllt•, ,\ut11m,1tn· ij c-11,111m t·ru1~1·r ~<11:1111 . loacff'cl 1mm1.11· g r \'a I ' 111 I ti " I n II ~Xl OllO .Sjl 1148 QI ·Z'l12 ~Ille old lady mu5l sell '79 Toyota SRS short bed. Service Comes Isl! MEISTER pwr '' d ir 1 01111 78 Yamaha YZIOO I-:. air. snug top, $S,000 Sales·Serv1re·Leasing stem1C·,1~' & tilt -.h1·1·I 2 Color TV's S95 & $125. va.e leqr•r xJnt cond, $SM. 979·1942 357.1339 _ 208 W. lsl. Santa Ana OEAUN' MOTORS Georg t' 11 o' 1· ,, r Upright Vacuum~. All JVC 6100, mint cond. t714) 8..15-3111 PORSCHE/AUDI 120W \\'am e1 S/.\S5i 2132 tST7WYO 1 Call no~ ;incl xJnt 646-ISO!S. '74 Yamaha Dirt Bike Classic '58 Che ... y PU. Closed Sunday 13631 HarbO Bh<t ask ror l>,I\ l' .. r 0111., MX 100. Good rond S22S. Si!SOO obo. '619 Ranchero IMMEDIATE Garden Grove ·11 Super &>Nie. rl'bll Th&<l2eoc~)ll1(1l11• H11hrn, r l)rd ·;H Cutia'~ Sopr~m1-. \Ii d 11 l ll f' S I' ll 11 I r \ \1 1-~I c ,1 l\.., et tr $.');.11•1 ll\I ofr K411 3946 Old pod:tt watch, 113$. Duncan PhyCe dbl• lea table, 1100. Old unity stool, S20. Chord or11n, • $41-4727. Call968-2007 °'' IOOobo '"2 3379 -..... u~ta...cw..... eng. ne" paml mt brks . · ,..., _ ~ • --,_....,. s:a .. ...., S...SerYlcKtaslfla I k '80HONDAATC-70 1967 Chev heavy duty 'tr'tOf Yaw DRJYERY ON Y1_t1 ... , ... .,", ~ oo s & runs 1tr eat iJ 11nlt' ~J lllrl' 6 n I h.it1 hhdc lo. 2 dr 9920 ~75 m.tkt• nfr 960 603~ WITH EXTRATIRES. utllity,6cyll.good lires, 94W,. .. o, --L.11..IU.lr'A ~ $2500 bst ofr _963·0102 Cash. 642·0120 good "'l· Pnv Ply 11600 L CMld '80 Porsche 124 Turbo. & '10 Rabba Coftv 'IBHoodaTrail!IO.-crbestOl'ter.631·7958 ... · • MOST '80 Porsche 1124 Both 5 speed. air. AM n1 runs. $150/ofrer. Altot W..ttd tStO ~ IMWl! loaded. Take over lse-<'11.S!!ttl. 16,000 mr Show 536-5838 ._Or 1 .... ~-MODELS ~nls 7141825 1808 room clean ~or('rd sale ----=~=:-~---t••····················· "!'91' ..... 67~6372 Yam1haVirago '8l.750cc ltOlr"""flt•ll ·79 Porsche 11:?4. very like~ only 4600 miles. WE PAY ( l•J 52.,·S]]] nice, fu.lly loaded. whlse i3Super Beetle. rww 18.'15 rn>nUI wamnly S249S TOP DOLLAR OIAMMCOUMTY'S ~-"'·--$22.SCl bstofr. 645·311fi9 •;xtrH including 36 Ac: SAVE !ltll-0781 d;is . 985·4321 ma. racing sus~ns1on. Call!MM629 FOR USED CARS 1 §. '74Tar11. 4S06o m1 Xlnt ·55 VW Fa s t bac k . ....,...._. S•I lf cond ~ellow. Sltf,800. SIOOO •OBO Nu t'lutch. W/Steraft tu ALAMMA•HOM ,. ev filHMI Oi\VF. ~~et276strai1tht bod) ...................... '<mi~~~~,~~u HONDA USE THE RENT 26 fl motor home: COSTA Mt;SA "'·'-c--L · 1966 l~G '31,...o _8616" ~JQO 14!r1457 " ew parnl. t res, x nt ........ •.fully lo1d"d f(J(.,.tc">X'~e-easm D .a.ILY PILOT N · I ..FAST cond 33mpa s16so Cl::~las 1_~..c:;;..,....~~:::.11):.::.;..:::.:~=· z=__ SANTA ::~~; ·~~h;~~~~l~::i AHO TRUCKS l1:: '!,ll1lth::,uf.11~:: ANA DlllCTORY clean~ 496 om CONNEL L C HEVl!OlfT . . ' . " .,,.,, • 101 auma ltut with low In· For Result ·~\t~r~ ~i!-b:~~. ~l~e tereiit rite. Ctll Anthony Senlce Call ('(Ind, PP S2800ltiest orr d~ ~::W· Her• ht\a•Sttvtce()ptn G31·'1951_ All Day Saturday 642-1671 .78 vw Duber Wison. IDl W. WlrMf Ave. .. J•J r (1 bit. -at oUhlft) • • auto. ac.tory air. Jtnstn c..tte alereo. auper ~ $4,000. lo mt PP • 'Jl>.flll aftf PM. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Pinto 9957 SEE US FIRST! We ha\'e a Rood l'il"rt Ion or NEW & L1S EI> Chevrolt~' COHHElL CHEVROLET 'X..'>' H.1rl•" fl : I I "' \ \11 • \ su.1200 '77 Nova. 4 dr. lo mt. otl~ owner. auto. ps. pb, 1m mi! c. 494 2978 '78 Che\• Van. rrulfte. u1r. stereo <:pt~ S.\400 ORO 63£6367 '78 Coprke Cla~~lc 4 dr, loadc'<I. (ull pw r, I owner. am rm laJ>i!. » • t . <'ruu t" ro11t 13900 ~art 3pm °""" ttH ••••••••••••••••••••••• ·ia NtwPor\. l owner New Urea (Umaln llioed. . l'ta·OIU ... MlWPt @WIJ ···•···············•··· ·7a A {' I\ M F:\1 strr~. ~nrl. 'Int l·ond Rd mpl! S2600 9f.8 !I I 07 '71 Hun11hout. good-<'oncl1 lion AM FM cass S800 A.n 5 . :.i 9G4 4"89 9970 ••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • l~~J;'l'!ne ('11:1tnMl1U You urc th~ "''In ner or t~·o frt'!.' t1rkch I SIR 00 I v11hwtotht' CllCUS V Al GAS Lon111\•a<'h Veteranii Stadium AJlrll 4·14 Or11n11r County f:11r11rovnd~ l\pnl 15 Ill Tirkets 1Cooc1 for ~l('('ted (ltrforma neta , To cl1lm t1cktta, ull U2 S678. ut. t12. llctets mut\ tit tl1hntcf b1 Apri I 15, 1112 *** -~ ------·-__ .,.._ Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Tueeday, Aprtl e. 1982 John A. *Open Evenings and Saturdays *Lab On Premises .. '· X-Rays Diagnosis Cleaning Crowns ExtractioiJs Fillings Dentures Bi'idges Dental Plans Accepted , Senior Citizens Discount CREDIT -MASTERCARD -VISA CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT 556-8013 2706 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa • . . t ' . f • ' _______ ___..___---'--_______ __,,__ ________ ~ 1 - • l;rvine exec: .no quick fi:X . I on eco·nomy By STEVE TRIPOU or ... .,..,,... .... ~ la going to work bu t lt a not going to help the home builcUng lndustry over the next few years, an Irvine Com- pany official has told Orange County builders. Earl Timmons, the company'• director of market.lng aervices, uJd lnt.ereet rates will not drop enough to fuel a local home- buying su,rge. Spe8king to a meeting of the county chapter of the Building Industry Aa9ociation of Southern Argentina pressured California on Monday, Timmons laid President Reagan'• economlc program ii nece.ary to whip in- flation even lf it won't help the home build.Ing lnduavy. Tne real estate lnd1.18try "will stlll be a good bualneaa" in the long tenn, but only after it un- dergoea a nur;nber of "turning points," Timmona said. They are: -Changing age diatribUUon.a brought about by the movement ot the Baby Boom generation Into middle age, resulting in an increase Ill reaidents-p e r - dwelling as families are formed. -An increase in the real cost of borrowing money. -The nation's swing to con- servative political policies and li- festyles, which Timmona said will bring lower unemployment and more fJUnily fonnation. -The return of housing, for most people, to its primary ute • shelter and not as an Investment. -A ret urn to favor of single-family, detached homes. -A shift to office-type wort for much of the labor force. Timm on s said h e believes (See REAGAN, Pa1e A%) Thatcher ref uses • to resign post By 'Re Anoclated Presa British Prime Minister Marga- ret Thatcher refused to resign today over her handling of the Falkland Island crilis. Asked by opposition Labor Party legislator Robert Cryer in the House of Commons whether she was "considerin g an early resignation" because of Argen- tina's seizure of the islands, she declared: "No. Now is the time for·strength and resolution." She a lso announced a total embargo on the import o f Ar- gentine goods effective at mid- night tonight. In Brussels, her government asked NATO allies to put economic pressure on Ar- gentina, including a ban on arms sales and the withholding of ex- port credits. Mrs. Thatcher's foreign min- ister already has resigned, and she had been expected to face calls to quit in the Ho use of Commons and be questioned about intelligence report.S recei- ved in acivance of the Argentine invasion Friday. Reports in The Times and Daily Telegraph quoted intelli- gence souroes in Buenoe Aires as saying Mrs. Thatcher's govern- ment knew of an immine nt at- tack on the Falklands ln the last week of March "and yet they choee to ignore it totally." Meanwhile, the Defense De- partment said it will take over "quite a few British merchant ships" to carry troo ps, heavy equipment, fuel and supplies to support the British convoy sai- ling to the Falklands. British Petroleum said some of its tan- TRW computer theft Carelessness said cause of transl er By JEFF PARKER or .... .,..,,...,..., TRW of Orange, whose sup- posedly confidential credit pro- files turned up in the hands of two Los Angeles County compa- nies , said today that ''carelessness''Jrobably led to allegedly illeg transfer of in- fonnation. · Orange Police detectives re- trieved "thousands" of credit re- cords from H .E.L.P . Locksmiths of Van Nuys and Sear ch ers Security Co. in Los Ange les Monday, which officers claim had been "lifted" from the TRW computer in Orange by U9e of an allegedly secret code. "My guess is that the codes that end ed up being used by these t wo companies w ere not transferred to them for profit," said T(tW spokesman Gil Ham- blet. "I think that carelessness was probably to blame." Hamblet said TRW believed some six months ago the confi- dential information was being extracted from the ir Orange - based computer. Three months ago, Orange de- tectives began investigations th.at (See COMPUTER, Page Ai) llelaxlng standards kers were among those charte- red. The Argentine government flew reinforcements to its inva- sion force in the Falklands after a British fleet sailed to try to re- take the South Atlantic islands and the rich offshore oil fields believed around them. Three C-130 transports carried more troops, guns and equipment to the windswept, treeless islands 250 miles east of southern Ar- gentina that the Argentine navy and a force of several thousand troops seized Friday. The Argentine public appeared little disturbed by the departure Monday of the first section of a British armada of 40 warships, far stronger than Argentina's entire navy, that is scheduled to reach t he Falklands in two weeks. The British navy also took over Britain's second largest cruise li- ner, the 43,975-ton Canberra, for uae as a troop carrier. A blackout air raid drill wu scheduled Wednesday night in Comodoro Rivadavia, the south Argentine cit y closest to the Falklands. And red croeees were painted on the roof.a of hospitals there and in other south Argen- tine ports. But a secretary at a M iddle F.astem embassy ln Buenos Aires said Argentine employees laug- hed when the staff began stock- piling flour, coffee and other staples. Mrs. Thatcher named former Defense Secretary Francis Pym to replace Foreign Secretary Lord Carrington, who resigned under fire Monday because he failed to anticipate the invasion. But she rejected the resignation of Defense Secretary John Nott, .saying he must remain while the forces under h is ministry prepa- red to fight. FIGHTING THE ELEMENTS -Intrepid pe- destrians in downtown Chicago fought through snow and biting winds that gusted up to 40 mph Monday. The stonn was expected to ,., ......... diminish today and move out of the Chicago area, according to the National Weather Ser- vice. Northeast crippled by April blizzard By ne Associated Press The first April blizzard to hit New York City crippled the big cities of the Northeast today as winds g usting to 70 mph built 15-foot snowdrifts and caused countless smashups. The National Weather Service warned New York City residents to brace for snow a foot deep and declared the storm a blizzard at noon, with winds clocked at 46 mph. sylvania, New York, New J ersey and southern New England were told to prepare for the deepest snow ever in April. "A blizzard is unheard of here in the month of April," said an advisory from the National Weather Service in New York City. "We have had two 10-inch snowfalls in April in the past - in 1915 and in 1975 -but bliz- zard conditions wer e not met dunng either of them." Foul air • • pet1t1on target By ROBERT BARKER Of the D.U, ll'tlot It.ft A petition being carried door- to-door in southern Huntington Beach claims "foul and noxious" odors are coming Crom a sewage treatment plant in the city. Newport raps FAA plan Boston's Logan international Airport was shut down with wind gusts clocked at 70 mph at the Blue Hills Obser vatory in Milton. The Massachusetts capi- tal' was expected to get 14 inches of snow. Veteran New York newscaster Jim Donnely of WCBS, com - menting that he had never heard such dire winter weather war- nings in his city, added this footnote: In addition, attorney Charles S . Gumpel, the leader of the petition drive, is calling for the firing of Ray E. Lewis, chief engineer of the Orange County Sanitation District which over- sees the plant. Gumpel claims Lewis has not performed satisfactorily in con- trolling odors from Treatment Plant Number Two, at Brook- hurst Street and Pacific Coast Highway. By STEVE MARBLE O(the Deir Not ..... Fearing the Federal Aviation Administration is bent on rela- xing airport noise standards, Newport Beach city leaders have asked local, state and federal lawmakers to oppose such a push. In a letter to six area politi- cians, the city asked them to re- sist an FAA drive to "dismantle the hard-fought gains of state and local governments to control airport noise." Th e written requests were made to congressmen Dan Lun- gren, Jerry Patterson, William NATION Dannemeyer and Robert Bad- ham as well as state senators John Schmitz, John Briggs and Paul Carpenter. In a separate letter to FAA Administrator J.L . Helms, acting mayor Evelyn Hart rapped the FAA chief for threatening years of noise reduction efforts and challenging local government. The letters were sparked by Helms' recent comments that California state noise rules are "unrealistic and irrelevant." Mrs. Hart, in her letter. res- ponded that, "The noiJe and fear l.nf1icted on the long-eatablished residential character of Newoort Mondale rips Reagan W ASlilNGTON (AP) -Fonner Vice President Walter F. Mondale, in a ecathing attack on Reagan admtnistratlon policies, called on-President Reagan today '"to admit his mistakes'• and abandon hil tax and spending policies. All that glitters. . . The town of Lead, S.D., haa been dependent on gold. And now tt•s paying the price. Page Ba. No-interest loans now There are low-interest home loans, and high- lntere.t one.. And now there are tome no...lnterett ~PageC4. I ti ' is very real and very relevant." Helms, a President Reagan appointee who made his remarks last February, also condemned airport curfews and other airport limitations designed to reduce noise. Newport city leaders have fough t to reduce jet noise from John Wayne Airport through a series of limitations including a curfew and a cei ling o n the number of daily departures. Jets taking off from the county airfield fly over Santa Ana Heights and areas of Newport Beach. STATE In upstate New York, where a foot of snow had already falle n, forest rangers were searching for 17 missing teen-agers who had gone out hiking in the Catskill mountains in three different groups. In many Midwest communi- ties, buried under up to a foot of snow by the same storm, people awoke to the coldest weather ever so late in the season. With about half a foot already on the ground by late morning in many areas, residents of Penn- Judges and politics Events in California this year could lead to the pomibillty of removing judicial appointtnenta from the political arena. ~A 7. 'Jaws' bites 'Great White' LOS ANGELES (AP) -A federal judf.e bas ruled that ecreeninga of the motion plcture •Great White .. will have to stqp pending a trial on claims that the film was an unauthorir.ed near-duplicate of the box office anuh "Jawa." COUNTY He tries to save species UC Irvine IClentilt Harold Koopowitz may be the Noah of the plant world. He'• 1U1ving to 1ave the endancend lpedel of Earth'• flora. P-ae Bl. "On this date in 1909. Adm. Robert Peary reached the North Pole. Today. the North Pole came to us." The blizzard tore into north- west Pennsylvania with winds gusting to 65 mph. piling drifts 15 feet high and paralyzing tr&· vel tn what state police Cpl. Dennis Donovan described as a "whiteout." "We have nothing against him personally but we want action and not talk." Sanitation officials said today the plant treats 160-million gal- lons of sewage each day .from 23 of the county's 26 cities. The New York State Thruway was closed west of the Buffalo suburbs because of the wind- whipped snow. Lewis was on vacation but Orange County Sanitation Di- strict General Manager Fred Harper said steps are being taken to control odors. (See FOUL, Page A!) INDEX At Your Service A4 Movies C6-7 Business C4-5 Mutual Funds C4 Cavalcade 82 National News A3 Clalsif ied Dl-5 Public Notices C3,D2 Comka B4 $_ Cal. Focus A7 Crossword B4 Sports Cl-3 Death Notices · D2 Stock Markets C5 F.ditorial A6 Televilion ca Entertainment C6-7 Theaters C6-7 Horoecope 82 Weather A2 Ann Landers B2 World News A3 SPORTS Baseball season opens? The Angela and Oakland A'1 open the 1982 bueball IMIOI'\ tonight. . .unlem the weather lntft'- ferea. Page Cl. \ \ Orange Coal DAILY PILOTIT\feedey, April .. 1182 EAGANOMICS ANALYZED Rea~~·• pollcle1 are breakin(l the cycle of lncreulng lnfJatlon nnd decreaalng national produc· .'(tlvlty, which he blamed on the u.dmlniatraUon of former presl- ' dent Jlmmy Carter. ' . He predic1ed that inflation will •-drop to an ann\Jal rate of under • five percent In fiv~ years. But deepite the positive algns, • iintereat ratea wnl not decline •llfll\OUgh to bring people back into 1 che home-buying market, Tim- ', anona aaid. " The r eason, he said , is that 1 lenders will not "subsidize" home .. buyers as they did in past years, when real estate'• increuing va- houaing market," Tl.mmona Mid. The re.ult wW be that, ln !tve yeara, there will be even leu demand for new houalng ln Oranse County than there wu last year, which was considered a dlsaater by many builders, he aaid. Timmons predicted that only 8,000 buyers wUl cloee escrow tn the county In 1986, down from 8,400 in 1981. He said that aome 14,000 peo- ple a year would buy h<>me9 tn the county if economic conditions were more favorable. ........... ~ ... -~- Drl¥e r 's s trike Construction halt feared ~. A atrlke by mere than 2,000 Tearnaters who haul rock, aand and concrete In Orange and Los Angeles counties could bring Southern California's alread y depressed construction induatry to a grinding halt. Construction industry analyata today agreed that the longer the strike lasts, the more severe it.!I impact will be. Teamsters man- ned picket lines at job sites and rock and sand companies Monday morning after rejecting a propo- sed three-year contract over the weekend. The California Rock Products and Ready Mix Concrete A.aeo- clation represen t.a 30 companies that handle 90 percent ol rock, eand and concrete production ln the two-county area. Numt>.red among the struck firms are Conrock Co., Blue Dia- mo nd Mater ials, Owl Rock, Livingston-Graham and Tran&t- M ix Concrete. All five firms have Orange County plants. ; lue teamed with inflation to •make property ownership profi- uble. ''The lenders will make them (borrowers) pay In the next five years, and that's going to price an • ;11wful lot of people out of the One answer to the dilemma will be to inc:reaae the availability of rental housing, construction of which has been largely ignored in recent years, Timmons said. He said he would invest In apartments and office space now "if I had the money and I were mnart ... U W!Npftoto AV ALANCBE SUR VIVOR -Anna Conrad, 22, rests in Truckee hospital after being re9CUed from building at Alpine Meadows ski resort destroyed in avalanches. She survived five days in wrecked building by eating snow. "It should put a pre tty fat crimp in to things," said Alfred Gray, executive secretary of the AFL-CIO's Orange County Buil- ding Trades Council. "Without concrete you take away a very important cog In the machinery.'' New route approved for AirCal .:FOUL AIR TARGETED. • • .: 1 Harper said several new faci- UCI administrator And a labor con s ultant who represents the Building Industry Association of Southern Califor- nia predicted the strike would have a "severe" impact If it lasts longer than one week. Newport Beach-baaed AirCal has received approval to add a 15th destination In its five-state route system -Burbank Air- port. lities designed to clear the air 'Will be completed i n mid- . $\lmmer. He said more clean-·,l'~elling facilities will be on line Harper said some of the smells are caused because the system ia overloaded at times orbecause certain facilities are shut down because of ongoing consU'uction. La\Vrence dies The ana1yst, who declined to be quoted by name, said he per- sonally knew of more than a do- zen con str uction job sites that had to be shut d own Monday because concrete could n ot be procured . Service was approved Monday by the airport's authority, said Mark P eter son , AirCal spoke- sman. 9Y late summer or early fall. , A foul a ir scrubber also is being planned, he said. . . He said these steps were out- lined last December to a group of . a.bo ut 50 resid e nts concerned about the smell. "We are responding to con- cerns as quickly as possible," Harper said today. "We are still having odor problems. We have .taken all the immediate measures possible." But odor critic Gumpel said he is not convinced that all necessa- ry steps are being taken. "We've begged and pleaded for years. We are tired of promises and need action." Gumpel said residents in the area bordered by Brookhurst, Hamilton, Bushard and Pacific Coast Highway are subjected to "extreme discomfort, illness, em - barrassment and frustration." Private funeral services a re planned for longtime UC Irvine· administrator Robert S . Law- rence who died early Monday as a result of complications from cancer. He was 58. Lawrence was special as&stant to th e chancellor in charge of • special projects and events. He alao served as the athletic repre- sentative for the campus. COMPUTER THEFT. • A tennis e nthusiast, Lawrence was a tennis umpire with inter- na tio nal credentials. H e was pres ident and founder of the Orange County Association of Tennis Umpires and an admini- strator for the Orange County Tennis Association. led them to the two Los Angeles firms. Neither of the companies had 's pokesmen available for com- 'ment. No charges have been Ciled in t he case so far, according to :Orange police, who also believe ~'1haMh~ computer information :~theft is the first o{ it.a kind re- .:j>orted in California. .... According to Hamblet, TRW .~rds are protected under the ;:li'air Credit Recording Act, which . ~Volcano subsides :· JA.KART A, Indonesia (AP.) - West Java's Galunggung volcano • subsided early to-day after an • eruption of lava, rocks and dust killed at least five people, drove about 35,000 from their homes . and darkened the sky for two days. officials said. makes it illegal for someone to ()btain credit information unless he is a legal subscriber to the information service. "We screen our subscribe rs very thoroughly before sup- plying them with information," said Ham blet. "And we only service credit granters. Our in- formation is for use only in credit transactions." Nevertheless, the information on the ~redit profil~ -,NUnes, spouse's initials, addresses past and present and "pay habits in- formation" -would be of special interest to private agencies which could use it for locating people, he said. Hamblet could not s ay whe- ther or not the credit profiles confiscated were of Orange County residents, or of people in any of the o ther metropolitan areas TRW services. In addition, he was vice presi- dent of the Pacific Coast Athletic Association, the athletic confe- rence in which UCI teams com- pete. ' tiOrn in Toronto, Lawrence attended B everly H ills High School. He earned his bachelor's and master's d&grees from Cal State Los Angeles where he also served as coordinator of student activities. In 1958 he was appointed re- gistrar at Cal State Northridge and later St>rved as associate dean for admissions at Sonoma State College. When plans were announced for a UC campus in Irvine, Law- rence was r ecruited to become UCTs first dean of students. He Breezy afternoons Coastal Owens Valley. while local log could b1an1tet other mountain areu before 1klH turn pertly aunny Wednuday. The wea-tllermen predict mountain high• between 55 and 85 with tem~ ratur•• dipping •• tow as 25 Consider a bl• c1oudlne11 overnight. through tonight. Chane• ol Highs In Loa Angelu and at 1prlnklH tonight and ending bHche1 1hould range between Wedne1day with d ecree1lng 58 end 64 Chance ol rlln la 10 cloud•. Breezy 11lt•noon1 ,_, the percent through Wednetc:Say. coa11. uni. temperature change Bo11era can expect we•l•rly Highs In low 60s. Lowa tonignl 47 wind• I I 12 to 22 k noll with to 53. Chanoe ol ,,_,,.ble rlln.-Choppy 2· to 4-loot wind W8ve8, fall 10 pefoenl tonight. I~ lo 4 lo 8 !Mt from 80 El-'1ere, from Polnt Concep-mllee out tlon to the Mexlcen bord.-and out eo mllM: Norti-1 wlndt 1010 201 llnola end 4 to S-loot HH over out• walet'I. Weetef1)! awette 1 to Albany 2 feel except nort'-1 3 to 6 IMC Albuque 111 out• watwa. Conllderable high Amarlllo cloud'-lhrough tonight. Chen-AltleYllle (le of light rain 11 11,,_ tonignt. Atlanta )•----------Atlante C1y U S Austin . . summary Ba111more 811Ung1 ~ Snow felt over lhe Orut lak• B1rmlnghm • region and lh• northern Ohio B1emarck I Vdfr; today 11 rain ~ co-Bolae v•r•d North Carolina 1nd the Botton rnld-A1tantlc Coat. 8rownt"11t : A few sllowere were alto re-Butleto • ported over Ille Ten-Veltey Bllfllngton : and eoulhern Ohio Velley. Thun· CMp« fl ' der11om11 raked oentrel Georgia Charla1n SC i • and IOUthem Mlaalealppl u ecal-Chertlltn WV ~ tered rain 1howers covered the Charttte NC • northern and central Pacific Chey9nne "' Lo 35 20 70 47 85 24 51 33 .t3 60 35 .50 50 37 .42 92 .. 50 33 .59 40 22 60 31 .07 26 18 .0 I 47 23 .oe 43 2S 95 89 31 20 .23 35 20 42 30 68 eo 1.01 59 28 .13 63 .w1 .oe 4:1 24 Kana City lllVegaa Utile Rock Loulsvllte Lubbock Memphte Miami Mllwauk .. Mpl..St.P NUf1¥111e New OtlMnl New Yot11 Nortolk No. Platte Olda City Omahe Orlando Phlllldphl• • Coast. Chlcaigo ~ ' Rein and INlOW lhowwl at• ,._ Clnolnn1tl ~ •ported In th• nonhern Rockies Cleveland ~ while • law rein ~• hit lhe Clmbla SC , centre! high P1aln1. OenH log Columbus ~ ~ov•r•d O•orgl1 and South Del-fl Wttl • Cerollna. Deyton 31 18 44 23 33 21 55 49 42 21 72 40 PhoenOt ·44 Pittsburgh ·:g, F'tlencl, Me . 50 F'tland. Or• :41 PrcMdenoe ::::t'cny f • Todey'e torecut called for o.r-\hunderetorms ecrou Florida, Dea Moin. and scattered In tile Paclllo Oetrol1 Norlh••t and the lntermountllln Duluth WHt. Snow wu expected to e Paao chenge to rlln owr Vlrolnla and F•go snow wu lorec11t to fell from F1ag1t1n Moni-ecroee the mountalne of Greet Falla Nevada, wtth rein from Oregon Hartfont ttwough !he northern hell of c... Helene lomll and ldeflo. HonoUI Temperatur .. -• expected Houtlon to rMch nM r 50 ov9f lh• nor-lftdlWIPll IMm PacHlc COMt io lhe mid eo. J&e*en M8 ak>ng lhe ~ oo9at Of c... Jack.mlt fomle. Hlghl In ... eo. -· allo 41 18 .42 47 31 35 10 ,89 33 20 .<WI 24 2 eo ss 27 12 52 35 41 29 40 24 10 43 20 83 71 89 54 40 27 .38 ee Je 87 7 1 .02 Reno Sall Llk• Sen Antonio Seattle ~~ St Louie StP·T~ S1 Ste Matte Spolllne Sy!'- TOC)lka Tl.IOeO!t Tulu Waehlngtn WICHta 41 21 .19 70 54 11 30 64 27 .14 68 36 70 33 .19 81 78 29 18 1.01 29 15 .02 59 29 07 86 6A 48 31 .21 49 43 .15 36 17 .03 64 31 32 18 .03 90 71 49 34 .58 84 86 44 27 .28 37 21 49 40 .18 44 28 .01 57 48 .05 30 21 4e 25 .01 49 34 1.18 19 47 53 40 88 43 21 5 .01 45 23 31 81 75 10 7 41 28 .05 32 22 oe 41 20 en sa IS 31 54 33 .28 158 27 ~ O¥er tllecentrll AtlWltlc ~-~------------------Coeat. TemperaturM around the na- tion n rly today ran~ from 8 degr .. 1 at 1n11rnatfon11 Fi lla, Minn., to 71 In ~ Well, Fl&. California · • Sllllllng cloud• wlll blanket Southern Calllornla through Wldned ay and brlnt I tlltht oMno9 of~ IOfl!Oht, wtt11 ouwtY ~ .... wn~.:"tain ----tna up .... TM NatJonel Wa.tMr e-W» ...... _,.,,.... wlrlde ~ \o 16 mptl Wld 0006er ~ tut" In d...n •r .. 1 tllroue11 ..... 110'6·....,. .. "'9dl*d "'-•I and U In llle lllfh f eun and '' ta ff In lo••r ...... , Sllf REPORT :~ 2 2-4 2-3 , .. 1 1·2 1·2 1-2 ' •c • CALFORMA Blk•slleld 65 49 Blythe 84 Eureke 64 Fr.oo 60 33 .91 45 Lancaster eo 45 Loa Anaelel es Msryevllle 58 Monterey se Needlee 7S 50 37 Puo Roblel 81 38 Red Bluff 53 33 Re<!Wood City 55 36 Sacramento 56 37 Ssllnu 57 48 . 13 .04 .04• .Oii' San Diego ee 5 7 San Francleco 54 45 .07 Santa Barbara 82 43 Santa Marie 60 Stocllton 82 Thermal 84 Ukiah 4e Bantow 73 62 Big BMr 53 22 Blatloe> 65 28 Celalloa 84 48 Long 8Mctl 84 49 Monrovia ee 44S Ml. Wiiton 53 3e Newport 8Mctl 63 50 Ontario 82 43 Pelm Springs 80 64 Rlverllde -e 1 45 San a.r1Wdlno 63 .. San Jc.e 80 43 Sent• Ana er <te Santa CNz eo <te Tahoe v,,,.., 31 17 Extended forecast COASTAL AND MOUN'tAIN AREAS -WlndY et tim. In IN mountain• end breezy alo ng COiet. 0111-IH partly cloudy and cool. In COHiii and valley -hlgl\a In the eo. and ._ 45 to 55, 11'1 rnountalnl llWia 4& to 56 arid !Owl 28 to 31. Tides 8eooncl low 1:11 p.m. 0.4 ~ lllf.. •• =.~·"'· 5. 1 RtM low 2:17 a.m. o.s A'tc Nafl I;*> a.m. 1.1 leooncf' low t'.11 j>.lft. o. 1 8-lnct flllltl l :N p.lft. 1..t Sun Mtl today et 9: 11 p .m., ,.... WMI I *'t It 1:83 Lii\. Moat! ,.... ~ .. 4:90 p.rn,, ...................... &Ill. SUCCUMBS -Robert S. Law- rence, UC Irvine's first dean of students, died Monday at the age of 58. also served as assistant vice chancellor of student affairs. At the time of ha s death, h e was in his fifth year ih affiliation w ith UCI athle tic d epartment. He was well known as the public address announcer at many UCI athletic events. More than 400 of Lawrence's friends last week hono red him with a testimonial dinner that helped establish the Robert S. Lawrence Scholarship Fund. The fund will support an annual award to an Irvine student. Lawrence is s urv ived by his wife, Jane t; daughter, Kristine Curtis; sons Mark and Chris to- pher; s te pdaug hter, Na ncy Trego, a nd stepsons, John a n d Robert Trego. The family has suggested memorial contributions to the RSL Scholars hip Fund at UCI. &timates are that as many as 50,000 con struction workers could be idled if the strike lasts more than several days. As of this morning, no new negotia- tions between the seven striking unions and the California Rock Products and Ready Mix Con- crete Associat ions had been scheduled. Among the striking cement haulers are members of Orange County's Teamsters L ocal 952, h eadquarter e d in the city of Orange, and Teamsters Local 420, the larges t of the striking union s, headquartered 1n Los Angeles. $350,000 pledged for· Arts Center The BankAmerica Foundation has pledged $350,000 toward the construction of the future $59 million Orange Count y Perfor- srung Arts Center In Costa Mesa. it was announced Monday. The latest gift from the phi-lanthropic arm of Hank of Am- e rica brings to more than $21 million the total number of an- nounced pledges and gifts toward the construction and endowment of the center theater to be bwJt near South C.oa.st Plaza. "The foundation's commitment to the project is based on the belief that Orange County resi- dents s hould have the opportu- nity to experience the full range o f performing arts in a local facility," said Bank of America Senior Vice President Cha rles Scribner. H e nry Segerstrom , music center trustee chairman, said he hopes other banking insutuuons will join in supporting the per- forming arts center. EASTER Peterson said the carrier will ope rate six flights per day to three northern California cities, Sacramento, San Jose and Oak- land. Service will begin April 25. Neither fares nor n ew service incentives were announced. AirCal, P eterson said , wiJl comply with an airport regula- uon requiring ne w entrant.!! to fly only new and quieter jets. That rule was instituted to reduce noise impacts on residents living beneath departure paths. A1CCa.l will meet the condition by u si ng its five new 162-passenger McDonnell Dou- glas Super 80 jetliners on all Burbank flights. The airline will take delivery of two more Super 80s by June. Three oth er commercial air- lines, Paci fic Southwest, Repu - blic and Continental, now serve Burbank. AirCaJ will be compe- ting with PSA for passengers to t he three northern California destinations. Peterson said Ai.r<::aJ has been negotiating with Continental for use o f counter space, Mesa delays height ruling The Costa Mesa City Council has decided to wait until May 3 before mak.mg any decision on a plan that could increase building heights along Bristol Street south of the San Diego Freeway. Council me mbers d ecided Mo nday night to postpone the vote on the Bristol Street Spec- ific Plan, as it is called, because of the absence of council members Norma Hertzog and Eric John- son. Last month the planning com- mission failed to reach a decision on a plan to set building heights along the commerdal strip. Ins- tead the commissioners opted to make individual recommenda- tions on the height issue. SHARE A BEAUTIFUL SYMBOL OF LOVE. ' As meaningful as they ore beotltiful, our cross pen- dants will express your love on Easter and olwoys. Come choose from our full collection. These ore in 14 karat yellow gold with diamonds: A. $250. 8 $500 c. $200. S LA. VIC.K'S Ane-.....Snce 1117 Whm w btsr s~s bq;n. I • '"'*"' ...... (7,4)444-t•· ~~ ~Gr-.r Laa~·S... 0.-00 • IM ...... r -- .... ep~o CAMEL CARAVAN -Seth Trefz, who raises survey. Trefz began his journey two months 26 camels on a Sacramento-area ranch, leads ago, crossing the Mojave Desert from Needles. his caravan along a road near Lindsay in the He will continue his trek towards its windup San Joaquin Valley after a 600-mile trek to Wednesday in Visalia. re-enact the 1861 California-Nevada border Woman • survives 5 days in snow TAHOE CITY (AP ) - "Miracles do really happen,'' Gene Conrad said after his daughter survived a fCiller ava- lanche and five days under de- bris and snow. Anna Marla Con- rad, a 22-year-old ski lift operat- or at Alpine Meadows resort, was found alive Monday when re- scuers, alerted by a search dog, saw h er gloved hand push out from the snow where they were digging in \he wreeked ski patrol blllldmg. :::ihe was trapped Wed- nesday in a space about two feet high and five feet long when snow c ras h e d through the second-story wall of the three- story building. TWENTYNINE PALMS (AP) -Thousands of grimy para- troopers, Marines and National Guardsmen, who have maneu- vered over hundreds of miles of rocky desert for a week, were ready today to wrap up their part of Gallant.Eagle 82. "Every Ma- rine out there is looking forward to a hot sh ower," said Chief Warrant Officer Ron Fraizer at the Twentynine Palms Marine Base. The paratroopers and Guardsmen at Fort Irwin, 100 miles to the north, certainly sha- red the thought. The month-long test of the Rapid Deployment Joint Task Force today completes the active phase that began March 30 when nearly 2,300 pa- ratroopers -most of whom bad just made an overnight, cross- country trip from Fort Bragg, N.C. -jumped ihto the Mojave Desert at Fort Irwin and began maneuvers against the Guards' 40th Inlantry Division. By Tbe At1oclated Preti More r ain and snow moved into Northern California today after a week of winds, rains and the heaviest snowfall in decades. After a short respite Monday, the new Pacific storm swirled in, from the Oregon border deep into the San Joaquin Valley. In the Sierra Nevada late Monday. the California Highway Patrol said blizzard conditions reduced visibility to zero, again forcing the closure of Interstate 80 from Applegate to Truckee. Persistent snowfall forced the evacuation earlier Monday of 200 persons from portions of Squaw Valley and nearby Alpine Meadows, site of avalanches last Wednesday in which seven people were killed. SACRAMENTO (AP) -An initiative to require five-cent de- posits on beer and soft-drink containers has qualified for the November ballot, says Secretary of State March Fong Eu. Ms. Eu also announced Monday that a Republican congressman failed to qualify a measure that would alter the way legislative districts are drawn. On the bottle mea- sure, she said projections from 56 of the state's 58 counties showed it had 451 ,016 valid signatures of registered voters, compared to the required 380,731 under the random-sampling counting tech- nique. The unsuccessful initia- tive, sponsored by Rep. William Dannemeyer, R-Fullerton, would have required that state Senate and Assembly districts be reap· portioned every four years ac- cording to the number of re· gist.ered voters in them. SAN DIEGO (AP) -A U.S. attorney in California, fired by President Reagan after he em- barrassed the administration by identifying a key Central Intelli- gence Agency source in Mexico, says he has nothing to be sorry for but won't fight the dismissal. William H. Kennedy, a Reagan appointee, was fired Monday af- ter he resisted pressure from superiors to resign last week. Kennedy, 50, confinned 11 days ago that CIA and Justice De- ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat CIHa"led edverttalng 7141M2-M71 All other ct.pertmenn 842.,.321 Thomes P. Helev ~MCI Cl"9f becuttwe ~ Robert N. Weed P-1 Key Scttultz Ytce~I ... '*-.. ~ Tom Muiphlne EOilof Mike Herwv °""'°' °' MMl!e41ftg (~I Ken Goddard Ohctor °' 0.-•llON ~:.ecLMn CMrtel LOOI ...,,..!411or MAIN OFFICE 230 WHt ..,, SC., GoN Mew. CA. !Mii ..,._ Boa 15'0. Ccat. "'WM, CA.,,_ COPYr'9M 1112 Oranoe Coast P'*ll~ ~. Ho -.-.n.s. lllU9lrellon1, eclMorlel '"-tw N-...rtlv~u ""'"" ma., be r~ecl .,.._ $9e<lel ..,.,.,W1tloo\of Cop'fr1911t _,..,. VOL 75, NO.II EX-JURIST DEAD -Abe Fortas, the first Supreme Court justice in history to re- sign when under fire 13 yean; ago, has died at age 71 . Fort.as was also an adviser to Presi- dent Johnson. partment officials blocked an in- dictment of CIA source Miguel Nassar Haro, a former chief of Mexico's federal security agency. PASADENA (AP ) -A 19-year-old Pasadena man has been booked for investigation of murder an the death of a 9-year old girl who was attacked in a shopping cent.er in that city. Da- niel Ray Barrera was arrested about 6 p .m . Monday at his home. "He has been booked for the murder of Jenny Kao," said Sgt. Ed Miller. "At this point there are some pieces of evidence outstanding and investigation that still needs to be done. Any release of that information might jeopardize the investigation," Miller said. The girl disappeared March 11 , after she had left her uncle's fast food restaurant to sell candy to raise funds for a schopl project. The girl's decomposing body was found March 18 at the Scholl Canyon dumpsite, a ca- nyon straddling Glendale and Pasadena, a week after s he dis- appeared. DENVER (AP ) -A Jet America flight bound for Chicago from Long Beach was diverted to Denver late Monday night be- cause authorities feared a bomb might be on board, but no ex- plosives were found and the plane departed aft.er a 4 'A-hour delay, officials said. A man was taken off the D-9 by FBI and Denver police at Stapleton Intemational Airport, police Of- ficer K .D. Tuten said. An FBI spokesman said the man. whom authorities would not identify, later was released and allowed to continue to Chicago. Cell 6'2-5678. Put • few word• to work for ou . .., .... Dee .. ..., ............ We're Listening •• · • What do you like iAbout the Dally Pilot' Wh at don·t you like" Call the number below and your meaaa1e will be recorded, transcribed and delivered to the appropriate editor. The same 24-hour answertn11ervlce may be used to record let· ters to the editor on any topic. Mailbox contributor• must Include their name and telephone number for verlflcatlon. No circulation ull1, please. Tell us what's on your mind. 642•6086 _J - Oranp• Cout DAIL y PILOT /Tunday, Aprll 8, 1982 H/F Hope wanes for 5,000 Volcanic ash prevents food drop to victims in Mexico I PICHUCALCO, Mexico (API -A 30,000-foot pillar of ash- filled smoke spewed by the vol- cano El Chlchonal again pre- vented the parachuting of food to 5,000 stranded villagers whom some officials now f Ive little chance of survival. " l's practi- cally irnpoealble for those people to still be alive," an anny officer involved with relief operations said Monday. The three erup- tions last week killed 21 people and injured more than 500 10 other areas. The villages on the slopes of the 4,340-foot volcano have been cut off since El Chi- chonal began erupting March 29 and blocked the mountain trails that lead to them. SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador (AP) -Government troops with air support recaptured a small rural base in central El Salvador that had been held by leftist guerrillas for two days, a military spokesman said. A local press report said the government force suffered seven casualties in the aclion Monday near Teco- luca, 43 miles east of San Salva- dor. There was no <-sti mate of guerrilla losses JERUSALEM (AP) -Prime Minister Menac hem Begin met with heads of the opposition La- bor Party today for talks on "political and security" matters. Labor leader Shunon Peres said. The meeting came m the after- math of the slaying of an Israeli diplomat In Paris on Saturday. A Little-known group calling itself the Lebanese Armed Revolutio- nary Brigades claimed responsi- bility for the murder. Israeli officials insist an anti-Israeli at- tacks are carried out by the Pa• lestine Liberation Organization. They said the diplomat's slaying violated a U.S.-medfated cease- fire between Israel and the PLO. LONDON (AP) -Leaders of all the major factions an Northern Ireland have denounced the Bri- t 1s h government's plan for a 780-member elected aaembly, with a Catholic leader calling it a "futile exerdae" and a Protetiant terming lt a "double-cro11." "Britain must realize that no- thing short of her total withdra- wal from Ireland will brina pea- ce to our country," said David O'Connell, vice president of Sinn Fein, the Irish Republican Army's political front. If the plan announced Monday by Northern Ireland Secretary James Prior is put Into effect, assembly elec- tions would be held thia fall in the latest British effort to forge a sharing of power among Protett- ants and Roman Catholics in the strife-tom country. Shuttle Columbia . CHICAGO (AP) -A senior Cuban official says Cuba is pre- pared to n egotiate with the United States on a range of international differences, inclt..l- dlng the guerrilla conflict in El Salvador, according to newspa- per reports. The Cuban official, meeting over the weekend in Havana with a group of Amer- ican scholars and foreign policy experts, said that a "relative ac- commodation" on Central Amer- ican problems could be worked out, according to reporta in the Chicago Sun-Times and the New York Times. In an article by James Hoge, publis her of the Chicago Sun-Times, the official was quoted as saying that until recently the United States and Cuba "were proceeding in a way that was leading to an unavoida- ble confrontation. We trunk this 1s the first thing to avoid, and that it can be done." The New York Times said several Cuban officials, all of whom spoke on condition they not be named, expressed concern that the Un- ited States might use force against Cuba. -enroute to Florida WHITE SANDS MISSILE RANGE, N.M. (AP) -A shi- ning silver jumbo jet, the space shuttle bolted to its back, slowly rose from the floor of the wrute gypsum flat here today, carrying Columbia back to Cape Canave- ral, Fla. The coupled aircraft - with a combaned weight of 660,- 000 pounds -lifted off from the same Northrup Strip runway where the s paceship touched down a week ago to end its third test flight. WASHINGTON (AP) - Yields on short-term Treasury securities declined about one-half percentage point on Monday, ext.ending a two-month pattern of rates rising and falling in al- ternate weeks, government offi- cials reported. About $4.7 billion in six-month bills w ere sold Monday at an average discount rate of 12.802 percent, down from the 13.243 percent of last week. The government alo;o sold about $4.7 billion in three-month bills at an average rate of 12.893 percent, down from the 13.399 percent of last week. Beginning today, banks and savings and loans may pay as much as 13.17 percent interest on six-month money market certificates, down from the previous 13.493 percent. WASHINGTON (AP) -Aft.er nearly two months of stalemate. President Reagan and House Speaker Thomas P. O'Neill Jr. are hinting at progress in the search for a bipartisan alterna- tive to Reagan's red-ink budget. "I look forward to progress being made as soon as they (members of Congress) come back from the Easter recess." Reagan told re- porters at the White House Monday. "That's why we're ne- gotiating so fast." The president added that a summit meeting wtth congressional leaders "will be part of the procedure before we finally arrive at a budget." , DETROIT (AP) -Despite a 22.6 percent jump in sales in the last 10 days o! March, consumer buying attitudes have not changed and the U.S. auto indu- stry remains weak, analysts said. The 10 -day sales rate was the best the U.S . carmakers have seen since late August 1981 but "is not indicative of any real strength in the market," David Healy, analyst at Drexel, Burn- ham, Lambert in New York, said Monday. Sales for the five major U.S . automakers were down 23 percent for all of March, reflec- ting a 31.5 percent decline in early March and a 43.6 percent drop in mid-March, the automa- kers reported Mo nday. The companies sold 575,608 cars, down from 719,367 in 1981. MEMPHIS, Tenn. (AP) - Comedian Andy Kaufman was hospitalized with minor head and neck injuries after going to the mat with a 234-pound professio- nal wrestler who didn't like his brand of humor. Kaufman suf- fered cuts on the top of his head, s trained neck muscles and a compressed space between his vertebrae in an exhibition match. VICTIMS SOUGHT -A San Jose fireman is lowered into stream bed to check for pos- si ble bodies in automobile found when floodwaters rec- eded Monday. No occupants were found. CAPEZIO ESPADRILLES -ON THE LINE FOR SPRING NY . E COMPO ITE TRAN ACTIONS lS...,_ ~ .... ~·~ 19, -v. 31"1 " ,,,.. 13 • ,,, ~"'• • • lie 2A><. 'I< J1 12~ 111..... Vt SOii• Vt '7'1H 11<. ........ "" 13-\t< v, ,,, ... 'h ""' "" H/F Cl Construction has started on tha fl.rs\ buildinp ln a half-billion-dollar, 44~.ctt development ln Llttleton, Colo .• a suburb of Oonver, according to Edward J . Ruwaldt, p..-ident of Newport Beach-headquartered Emkay Denlopmeat Company, Inc. Withln the SouthPark buaineu cen ter are ~ teparate development area.a -The Urban Plaza, The Campus and Corporate Point. The project is a joint venture of Emkay Deve- lopment Company. Inc., a subsidiary of Morrison - .Knudsen Company (NYSE), and Alcoa Denver, Inc., a subsidiary of Aluminum Compan y of America (NYSE). Grace declares dividend The board of directors of W.R. Grace Ir Co. has dedared a quarterly cash dividend of 65 cenu per share on common stock payable June 10 to sharehol- ders of record May 6. This is the l 78th consecutive dividend paid by the international corporation with interests in chemicals, natural resources and consumer services. It operates its New Amertcu Rtttaurant Corp. headquarters in Costa Mesa and headquarters for El Torito--La Fiesta Restaurants, Inc. and Far Wett Services in Irvine. Grace also operates several res- taurants in the Newport Beach..COSta Mesa area such as El Torito, Houl1'an'11 Coco'• and Reuben's. A YCO Financial net up First quarter net earninp for Avco Financial Services, Inc., Newport Beach, were $17 million, up from $16.6 million in the 1981 first quarter. This increase was due to favorable effects of a decline in interest rates. as weU as reduced operating expenses a nd credit losses in its financial services group. Newport firms to merge? Two Newport Beach firms, Nuclear Medical Systems., Inc. and lmmatroa, Inc. announced that their boards of directors approved an agreement in principle to pursue a merger Under a proposal, one share of NMS common stock would be issued for each 1.75 outstandulg shares of I.mmutron. NMS warrants would be issued at the same ratio in exchange for outstanding Immutron warrants. The proposed merger is subject to the e!IC- ecution of a definitive agreement. a review of the terms by an independent investment banker and ra- tification by both boards of directors, approval of the merger by shareholders of NMS and lmmutron. and to certain other conditions. Local settlement set IBIS, Inc. of Irvine announced that an out-of- court agreement had been signed with Point 4 Data Corporation in connection with the latter's January law suit. Under the provisions of the agreement, nether party admits any wrongdoing m either Point 4's initial claim or IBIS's $6 million counterclaim. AlJ matenals seized at IBIS were ordered returned and IBIS is permitted to continue to deliver its IOS 11 operating s_ystem in limited quantities for a limited period of ume. Brown hits ads SACRAMENTO (AP) -Gov. Edmund Brown Jr is accusing the Pacific Gas & Electnc Co. of misleading Northern California ratepayers with newspaper ad- vertisements. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES N6W YORK (AP) -SeJee. Mon. prl<:e end ,,.. c~ al Ille llflMn rno'll •<llw -Yar1< Stock E~ •uues NEW YORI( (API -8•1••· Mon prlee ~ry, 1"11 S v.ln\l nellonally at rnore then l 1 • Sony Ow"p l,lll,100 •• -.,, OOEcO s n1,400 n t. • 1\Ci e-. s eol,'JOO 21"1 -.... $1111C111rcl uuoo -... ScNllJ 8rw W7 .«JO """ ~ "-T&. T SM,IDO ~ I JlllqilEn n S23,'l00 8'• , \.\ •BM auao .,..., UOICll ... ,ICIO J3V. • " Mltll1 ' 411. ICIO 71" " CaroPwU Ql,.500 n • ,,. ~ M,JOO ~ .... Gin ~ -·-.... .. NeQM -... SOD 13 '" Ge"'-'1 J0,400 17 ~~ AMERICAN LEADERS °""" "'"' law Clot• °" lD llWI k> .. Id" IJO.,. Ill n-J.24 lO Tm U9 ll ]Cl .. 336 » lJ9. 1~ 0.20 IS VU 1IO » 111 ll 1<1'1 7' 110 • ._ 0.0. 6.S Siik 11'1 JC xn ,, m u m.OJ-o 1• ,..... 4.1'4.UIO Tr.i 1. 1.0.200 VIII\ •.•11.HIO • ~ Stk •. 116),4(!0 WHAT STOCKS DID NEW YOltlt t A••r I.Of l MOtld1y ,,. /It 423 ••• ,. I ) NEW YOAIC IAPI 14'1' ~ METALS Monoey u. l09 ns m Mon<lay • • ...... <Uy Ml 21S 21• 1n b 10 Cepper 7411\· 11 cen11 • pound. U.S deetlnllk>N. lAIM H -32 oeritt a pound. Dioc 37-40 oen11 • pound, de!Mlr.S. Tiii M.6445 Melal• WMI< oomPQtlte lb ~ 7&-n oen11 • l)OUlld, N v -._, $3ft.OO per lluk ......,._ $301 00 troy oz .. N 'f SILVER HanOy .. Hennen, 17 625 per t•oy - GOLD QUOTATIONS L....., momlng lbtlrlQ 13-441 25, up la.7&.. Le114lle11: •llerftOon f111ng $345 50 up $1 00 • ,.,... $34' ... up 15 55. ~ 1348 a'· uP 111 so z..: l.e1e ftldng .,..... 00 bid, uo h 00 U4700•ed Ha114llf a HuMa11: (only di lly quote) 60. up M OO. ~ (Or>IY d9lly QUO!•) 1346.50. uP ,......_. (Or>IY dally QUOtel lebtlcated 2.ll, uP IUO. SYMBOLS --. 0 : 0 . -- , - 'I I I V ·~~. ~ ,.,~ I; ...-. ·.; fj! I ... I • f' .a:,•,• I '.;~ r.. lJ . 1• rl •l:l .. , , .... ·-· r 111111 ClllT TUE SOAV. APRIL 6, 1982 OHANGE COUNTY C ALlrOHNIA 2~> CEN-1 S • Irvine ex~c: no quick fix • on econoIDy BY STEVE .TRIPOIJ or ... ....,,......,. ~anomlct ii going to work but it a not going to help the bome building indu,stry over the next few yean, an Irvine Com- pany official has told Orange County builders. Earl Timmona, the company's director of marketing aervicea, aa.ld interest ratee will not drop enough to fuel· a local home- buying aurge. s~ to a meeting of the county chapter of the Suilding Industry Aaaociation of Southern Argentina pressured CalUomia on Monday, Ttmmona aaid Pre.klent Reapn'a economic program la necemary to whip in- flation even if it won't help the home building industry. Tne real estate industry "will still be a good busineu" ln the long term, but only after lt un- . dergoea a number of "turning point.a," Timmo.na aid. They are: -Changt.ng age distributions brought about by the movement of the Baby Boom generation into middle age, resulting in an increase in reaidenta-per- dw~ as families are formed. -An increase in the real cost of botTOwing money. • -The nation's awing to con- servative political policies and li- f eat y lea~ which Timmons aaid wW bring lower unemployment and more family formation, -The return of housing, for moet people, to lta primary U8e .. melter and not u an tnve.mneos. -A return to favor ot single-family, detached homel. -A ahift to otfioe..type worit for much of the labor force. Timmons said he believeJ ISee REAGAN, Pa1e A.%) T .hatcher ref uses to resign post By The A11oclated Pre11 British Prime Mini.e1er Marga- ret Thatcher refused to resign today over her handling of the Falkland Ialand criaia. Asked by opposition Labor Party legi8lator Robert Cryer in the House of Commons whether she was "considering an early resignation" because of Argen- tina's seizure of the i.slands, she declared: "No. Now is the time for strength and resolution." She al~o announced a total embargo on the import of Ar- gentine goods effective at mid- night tonight. In Brussels, her government asked NATO allies to put economic pressure on Ar- gentina, including a ban on arms sales and the withholding of ex- • port credits. Mrs. Thatcher's foreign min- ist'er already has resigned, and she had been expected to face calls to quit in the House of Commons and be questioned about intelligence reportS recei- ved in advance of the Argentine invasion Friday. Reports in The Times and Daily Telegraph quoted intelli- gence sourees in Buenos Aires as saying Mrs. Thatcher's govern- ment knew of an imminent at- tack on the Falklands in the last week of March "and yet they choee to ignore it totally." Meanwhile, the Defense De- partm.ent said it will take over "quite a few British merchant ships" to carry troops, heavy equipment, fuel and supplies to support the British convoy sai- ling to the Falklands. British Petroleum said some of its tan- TRW computer theft Carelessness said cause of transfer By JEFF PARKER or .... Dllllr ,... ...., TRW of Orange, whose sup- posedly confidential credit pro- files turned up in the hands of two Los Angeles C.Ounty compa- nies, said today that "carelessness" probably led to allegedly illegal transfer of in- formation. Orange Police detectives re- trieved ''thousands" of credit re- cords from H.E.L.P. Locksmiths of Van Nuys and Searchers Security Co. in Los Angeles Monday, which officers claim had been "lifted" from the TRW computer in Orange by uae of an allegedly secret code. ~·My guess is that the codes that ended up being used by these two companies were not transferred to them for profit," said TRW spokesman Gil Ham- blet. "I think that carelessness was probably to blame." Hamblet said TRW believed some six months ago the confi- dential information was being extracted from their Orange- based computer. Three months ago, Orange de- tectives began investigations that (See COMPUTER, Page A!) Relaxing standards kers were among those charte- red. The Argentine government flew reinforcements to itS inva- si.on force in the Falklanda after a British fleet sailed to try to re- take the South Atlantic islands and the rich offshore oil fields believed around them. Three C-130 transports carried more troops, guns and equipment to Ute windswept, treeless UWp\da 250 miles east of southern Ar- gentina that the Argentine navy and a force of several thousand troops seiz.ed Friday. The Argentine public appeared little disturbed by the departure Monday of the first 8ection of a British armada of 40 warships, far stronger than Argentina's entire navy, that is scheduled to reach the Falklands in two weeks. The British navy alao took over Britain's second lar est cruise li- ner, the 43,975-ton ~ for uae aa a troop carrier. A blackout air raid drill wa.a scheduled Wednesday night ln C.Omodoro Rivadavia, the south Argentine city closest to the Falklands. And red ~ were painted on the roof:s of hospital.a there and in other south Argen- tine ports. But a secretary at a Middle Eastern embassy in Buenos Aires sald Argentine employees laug- hed when the staff began stock- piling flour, coffee and other staples. Mrs. Thatcher named former Defense Secretary Francia Pym to replace Foreign Secretary . Lord Carrington, who resigned under fire Monday because he failed to anticipate the invasion. But she rejected the resignation of Defense Secretary John Nott, .saying he must remain while the forces under his ministry prepa- red to fight. FIGHTING THE ELEMENTS -Intrepid pe- destrians in downtown Chicago fought through snow and biting winds that gusted up to 40 mph Monday. The storm was expected to _. ......... diminish today and move out of the Chicago area, according to the National Weather Ser- vice. Northeast crippled by April blizzard By Tbe AB1oclated Preas The first April bliu.ard to hit New York City crippled the big cities of the Northeast today as winds gusting to 70 mph built 15-foot snowdrifts and caused countless smashups. The National Weather Service warned New York City residents to brace for snow a foot deep and declared the storm a blizzard at noon, with winds clocked"at 46 mph. sylvania, New York, New Jersey and southern New England were told to prepare for the deepest snow ever in April. "A blizzard is unheard of here in the month of April," said an advisory from the National Weather Service in New York City. "We have had two 10-inch snowfalls in April in the past - in 1915 and in 1975 -but bliz- zard condition s were not met during either of them." Foul air • • pet1t1on ~ target By ROBERT BARKER O(theo.lfr ......... A petition being carried door- to-door in southern Huntington Beach claims "foul and noxious" odors are coming from a aewage" treatment plant in the city. Newport raps FAA plan Boston's Logan International Airport was shut down with wind gusts clocked at 70 mph at the Blue Hills Observatory in Milton. The Massachusetts capi- tal was expected to get 14 inches of snow. Veteran New York newscaster Jim Donnely of WCBS, com- menting that he had never heard such dire winter weather war- nings in his city, added this f~'1lote: In addition, attorney Charles S. Gumpel, the leader of the petition drive, is calling for the firing of Ray E. Lewis, chief engineer of the Orange County Sanitation District which over- sees the plant. Gumpel claims Lewis has not performed satisfactorily in con- trolling odors from Treatment Plant Number Two, at Brook- hurst Street and Pacific Coast • Highway. By STEVE MARBLE O(theDllllJNot•lllft Fearing the Federal Aviation Administration is bent on rela- xing airport noise standards, Newport Beach city leaders have asked local, state and federal lawmakers to oppose such a push. In a letter to six area politi- cians, the city asked them to re-- aist an FAA drive to "dismantle the hard-fought gains of state and local govemmenta to QOntrol airport noise." 1'h'e written requests were made to congressmen Dan Lun- gren, Jerry Patterson, William NATION Dannemeyer and Robert Bad- ham as well as state senators John Schmitz, John Briggs and Paul Carpenter. In a separate letter to FAA Administrator J .L. Helms, acting mayor Evelyn Hart rapped the FAA chief for threatening years of noise reduction efforts and challenging local government. Th~ letters were aparked by Helms' recent comments that California state noise rules are "unrealistic and iJTelevant." Mra. Hart, in her lette, res- ponded that, "'The noiae and fear inflicted on the long-established residential character of Newoort Mondale rips Reagan WASHINGTON (AP) -Fonner Vice President Walter F. Mondale, in a ~thing attack on Reagan administration policies, called on Prestdent Reagan today "t.o admit his mistakes" and abandon his tax and spending policies. All that glitters. . . The t.own of ·Leed. S.D., hU been dependent on gold. And now It's paying the price. Page !is. • No-interest loans now There are low-lntereet home loam, and hl1h- lnte~t ones. And now ,there are 10me no-lntereet moncaa-. Pale Ct. is very real and very relevant." Helms, a President Reagan appointee who made his remarks last February, also condemned airport curfews and other airport limitations designed to reduce noise. Newport city leaders have fought to reduce jet noise from John Wayne Airport through a series of limitations including a curfew and a ceiling on the number of daily departures. Jet.a taking off from the county airfield fly over Santa Ana Heights and areas of Newport Beach. STATE In upstate New York, where a foot of snow had already fallen, forest rangers were searching for 17 missing teen-agers who had gone out hiking in the Catskill mountains in three different groups. In many Midwest communi- ties, buried under up to a foot of snow by the same storm, people awoke to the coldest weather ever ao late in the seaaon, With about half a foot al.ready on the ground by late morning in many areas, residents of Penn- Judges and politics Eventa in California -this year could lead to the pcmibility of removing judicial appointments from the political arena. Page A 7. 'Jaws' bites 'Great White' LOS ANGELES (AP) -A federal judf.e baa ruled that ICJ'eeninga of the mbtton picture • Great White" will have t.o ltop pendina a trial on clalms that the film wu an unauthorised near-duplicate of the box office ll'DUh "Jawa." COUNTY He tries to save species UC Irvine ldenu.t Harold K.oopowia may be the Noah of the plant world. Ile'• atri~ to aave the endanawed apedea ol J.rth•a fkra. Pacit Bl. "On this date in 1909, Adm. Robert Peary reached the North Pole. Today, the North Pole came to us." The blizzard tore into north-· west Pennsylvania with winds gusting to 65 m h, piling drifts 15 feet high anJ' paralyzing tra- vel in what state police Cpl. Dennis Donovan described as a "whiteout." The New York State Thruway was closed west of the Buffalo suburbs because of the wind- whipped snow. "We have nothing against him personally but we want action and not talk." Sanitation officials said today the plant treats 160-million gal- lons of sewage each day from 23 of the county's 26 dtiee. Lewis was on vacation but Orange County Sanitation Di- strict General Manager Fred Harper said steps are being taken to control odors. (See FOUL, Page AZ) ---- INDEX At Your Service A4 Movies C6-7 Business C4-5 Mutual F\tnds C4 Cavalcade B2 National News A3 CJa11ified Dl-5 Public Notices C3,D2 Comics B4 S. Cal Focus A7 Cr<.word B4 Sports Cl-3 Death Notic:es D2 Stock Markets C5 F.ditorial A6 TelevUdon C8 F.ntertainmen\ C6-7 Thea ten C6-7 HorOICOpe B2 Weather A2· Ann Landen B2 World News A3 SPORTS Baseball season opens 1 The Angela and Oak.land A'a. open the 1882 bueball ..on ton.lght ... uni-the w.tbel-ln•- f--. Pap Cl. ' ., ............. CAMEL CARAVAN -Seth Trefz, who raises survey. Trefz began his journey two months 26 camels on a · Sacramento-area ranch, leads ago, crossing the Mojave Desert from Needles. his caravan along a road near Lindsay in the He will continue his trek towards its windup San Joaquin Valley after a 600-mile trek to Wednesday in Visalia. re-enact the 1861 California-Nevada border Woman • survives 5 day!' in snow TAHOE CITY (AP) - "Miracles do really happen ," Gene Conrad said a fter his daughter survived a killer ava- lanche and five days under de- bris and snow. Anna Maria Con- rad, a 22-year-old ski lift operat- or at Alpine Meadows resort, was found alive Monday when re- 8CUers, alerted by a search dog, saw her gloved hand push out from the snow where they were digging in ti\j! wrecked ski patrol buildlng. ~he was trapped Wed- nesday in a space about two feet high and five feet long when snow crashed through the second-story wall of the three- story building. TWENTYNINE PALMS (AP) -Thousands of grimy para- troopers, Marines and National Guardsmen, who have maneu - vered over hundreds of miles of rocky desert-tor a week, were ready today to wrap up their part of Gallant F.agle 82. "Every Ma- rine out there is looking forward to a hot shower," said Chief Warrant Officer Ron Frailer at the Twentynine Palms Marine Base. The paratroopers and Guardsmen at Fort Irwin, 100 miles to the north, certainly sha- red the thought. The month-long test of the Rapid Deployment Joint Task Force today completes the active phase that began March 30 when nearly 2,300 pa- ratroopers -most of whom had just made an overnight, cross- country trip from Fort Bragg, N.C. -jumped into the Mojave Desert at Fort Irwin and began maneuvers against the Guards' 40th Infantry Division. By Tbe Aatoclatecl Pres• Clear skies stretched acroai most of Northern California to- day as the remnants of a brutal stonn that brought flooding and a killer avalanche in ski country dissipated. The National Weather Service forecast that the storm, although much less intense, would linger over the north part of the state through tonight. However, chance for rain over most of Northern California was less than 30 percent today. Last week's storm dumped more than 12 feet of fresh snow 'in the Sierra and triggered an avalanche at Alpine Meadows aki resort that killed seven people. Avalanche warnings continued for the Sierra today. SACRAMENTO (AP) -An initiative to require five-amt de- posits on beer and soft-drink containers has qualified for the November ballot, says Secretary of State March Fong Eu. Ms. Eu also announced Monday that a Republican congressman failed to qualify a measure that would alter the wtry legislative districts are drawn. On the bottle mea- sure, she said projections from 56 of the state's 58 counties showed it had 451,016 valid signatures of r egistered voters, compared to the required 380, 731 under the random-sampling counting tech- nique. The unsuccessful initia- tive, sponsored by Rep. William Dannemeyer, R-Fullerton, would have required that state Senate and Assembly districts be reap- portioned every four years ac- cording to the number o f re- gistered voters in them. SAN DIEGO (AP) -A U.S. attorney in California, fired by President Reagan after be em- barrassed the administration by identifying a key Central Intelli- gence Agerv:y source in Mexico, says he has nothing to be 10rry for but won't fight the dillmi.-al. William H . Kennedy, a Reagan appointee, was fired Monday af- ter he resisted pressure from superiors to resign last week. Kennedy, 50. confirmed 11 days ago that CIA and Justice De- ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat ClaHin.d adwf11alng 714M2.se71 All otMr 6.partrnent• 142-4321 Thom .. P. Halev ~ -c...e.~ Of"- Robert N. Weed ..,_ Kay Schultz ._,.,........ ...S'*-°'~ Tom Murphlne ~ Miiite Haiwy Chdor ol Mnellno ics-1 Ken Goddard ~of()perstiorw ~aclean CMrtea Loot .......... Ntor MAIN OFFICE DOWHt ~SL. C.U Mn.9, CA. MeN ...,..., ... U•O, C•ta Mew, CA. -c.,,..,,. .. Or .... Cont "'*'"""-~. No--... llluttratloflt.. editorial ~or• ~lwf'Mltb "'"4ft may N ,___. ~ -1a1 ~of c:errrltflC-. VOL 7S, NO. 8' EX-JURIST DEAD -Abe Fortas, the first Supreme Court justice in history to re- sign when under fire 13 years ago, has died at age 71. Fortas was also an adviser to Presi- dent Johnson. partJnent officials blocked an in- dictment of CIA source Miguel Nassar Haro, a former chie f of Mexico's federal security agency. PASADENA (AP) -A 19-year-old Pasadena man has been booked for investigation of murder m the death of a 9-year old girl who was attacked in a shopping center in that city. Da- niel Ray Barrera was arrested about 6 p .m . Monday at his home. "He has been booked for the murder of J enny Kao," said Sgt. Ed Mille r. "At this point there are some pieces of evidence outsta nding and investigation that still needs to be done. Any release of that infonnation might jeopardize the investigation," Miller said . The girl disappeared March 11, after sne had left her uncle's fast food restaurant to sell· candy to ra.l.se funds for a school project. The girl's decomposing body was found March 18 at the Scholl Can yon dumpsite, a ca - nyon straddling Glendale and Pasadena, a week after she dis-appeared. DENVER (AP) -A Jet America flight bound for Chicago from Long ~h was diverted to Denver late Monday night be- cause authorities feared a bomb might be on board, but no ex- plosives were found and the plane departed af1er a 4~-hour delay. offlcials aaid. A man WU taken off the D-9 by FBI and Denve r police at Stapleton International Airport, police Of • fleer K .D. Tuten said. An FBI spokesman aaid the man, whom authorities would not identify, later was released IU'ld allowed to continue to Chkago. Call 6'2-5178. Put • few words to work for ou . We're Listening ••. What do you like about the Oatly Pilot? What don't you like? Call the number below and your mea111e wlll be recorded, transcribed and delivered to the appropriate editor. The same 24-hour an11wenn1 MTYlce may be used to record let· ters to the editor on any topic. Mailbox contributors must lnclude their name and telephone number for nrificatlon. No clrculaUon calls. please. TeU us wh at's on your mind. ~ Orange Coat1 DAil Y PILOT ITueeda>J Aprll e, 1982 N Hope "• • • . Volcanic ash prevents food drop to victims in Mexico PICBUCALCO, Mexico (AP) -A 30,000-foot plllar of ash- fUled trnoke spewed by the vol- cano El Chlcbonal aaaln pre- vented the parachutlna of food to 6,000 stranded vlllasers whom aome offlclall now five little chance of survival. " t'• practi- cally tmpq911ble for t.hoee people to atill be 'alive.'' an army offioer involved' with relief operations aald Monday. The three erup- tions 1ut week killed 21 people and Injured more than 500 In other areas. The vUlages on the alope9 of the 4,340-foot volcano have been cut off since El Chl- chonal began eNpting March 29 and blocked the mountain trails that lead to them. SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador (AP) -Government troops with air support recaptured a small rural base in central El Salvador that had been held by leftist guerrillas for two days, a military spokesman sald. A local press report said nine govern- ment troops were killed, 11 wounded and l 2 capturt!d by guerrillas in the action Monday near Tecouca, 43 miles east of San Salvador. JERUSALEM (AP) -Pnme Minister Menachem Begin met with heads of the opposition La- bor Party today for talks on "political and security'' matters, Labor leader Shimon Peres said. The meeting came in the after- math of the slaying of an Israeli diplomat in Paris on Saturday. A little-known group calling itself the Lebanese Armed Revolutio- nary Brigades claimed responsi- bility for the murder. Israeli officials insist all anti-Israeli at- tacks ate carried out by the Pa- lestine Liberation Organization They said the diplomat's slaying violated a U.S .-medfated cease- fire between Israel and the PLO. LONDON (AP) -Leaders of all the major factions in Northern Ireland have denounced the Bri- tish government's plan for a 780-member elected auemb~)'. with a Catholic leader calli1'g if a "futile exerclle" and a Protestant terming ll a ''double-croaa:" "Britain muat realize that ~­ thing short of her total wtthd.ia- wal £Tom Ireland will bring pea- ce to our country," said Dayld O'Connell, vice president of Smn F ein , the Irish Republic~n Army's poUtical front. U the pl4n announced Monday by Northern Ireland Secretary James Prior ,is put into e ffect, assembly eleF-'- tjons would be held this fall . CHICAGO (AP) -A senlor Cuban official says Cuba is pre- pared to n egotiate with th e United States o n a range •of international differences, inclu- dmg the guerrilla conflict in El Salvador, according to news~­ per reports. The Cuban of{lcW, meeting over the weekend jn Havana with a group of Amer - ican scholars and foreign policy experts, said that a "relative ac- commodation" on Central Arntt- ican problems could be w~rk~ out, according t.o reports m the Chkago ~un-Times and the Ne'.N York Times. · Shuttle Colulllbia WASHINGTON (AP) -Se- cretary of State Alexander M. Hajg Jr. rejected today as a "leap into the unknown" a freeze'of nuclear weapons at current le- vels, saying that would perpe- luate a strategic tilt favoring the Sovtet Union. enroute to Florida Ha1g's reaffirmation of ttle admjrusu-ation's drive for a majbr U.S. weapons buildup came a day after President Reagan urged Soviet Presa d e n l Leonid ·I . Brezhnev to join him in June at a United Nations disarmament t'Onferenc.-e in New York. BOSSIER CITY, La. (AP) - AB an estimated 100,000 people watched, a silver jumbo jet hau- ling the space shuttle Columbia landed at Barksdale Air Force Base today for refueling after the finrt leg of its trip to Cape Cana- veral, Fla. The spectators lined the airfield to watch the silver jet and ita piggyback load land, said Sgt. Dianna Updike. Bombers and other aircraft were moved to make room for the throngs of people and their cars, WASHINGTON (AP) - Yields on short-term Treasury securities declined about one-half percentage point on Monday, ext.ending a two-month pattern of rates rising and falling in al- ternate weeks, government offi- cials reported. About $4.7 billion in six-month bills w ere sold Monday at an average discount rate of 12.802 percent, down from the 13.243 percent of last week. The government also sold about $4.7 billion in three-month bills at an average rate of 12.893 percent, down from the 13.399 percent of last week. Beginning today, banks and savings and loans may pay as much as 13.17 percent interest on six-month money market certificates, down from the previous 13.493 percent. WASHINGTON (AP) -After nearly two months of stalemate, President Rea gan and Ho use Speaker Thomas P. O'Neill Jr. are hinting at progr ess in the search for a bipartisan alterna- tive to Reagan's red-ink budget. , "I look forward to progress being made as soon as they (members of Congress) come back from lhe Easter recess," Reagan told re- porters at t he White H ouse Monday. ''That's why we're ne- gotiating so fast." Th~ presid~nt added that a summit meetmg with congressional leaders "will be part of the procedure before we finally arrive at a budget." DETROIT (AP) -Despite a 22.6 percent jump in sales in the last 10 days of March, consumer buying attitudes have n ot changed and the U.S. auto indu- stry remains weak, analysts said. The 10-day sales rate was the best the U.S. carmakers have seen since late August 1981 but "is not indicative of an y real strength in the market," David Healy, analyst at Drexel, Burn- ham, Lambert in New York, ~id Monday. Sales for the five major U.S . aut.omakers were down 23 percent for all of March, reClec- ti ng a 31.5 percent d ecline in early March and a 43.6 percent drop in mid-March, the automa- kers reported Monday. The companies sold 575,608 cars, down from 719,367 in 1981. MEMPHIS, Teno. (AP) - Comedian Andy Kaufman was hospitalized with minor head and neck injuries after going to the mat with a 234-pound professio- nal wrestler who didn't like his brand of humor. Kaufman suf- fered cuts on the top of his head. strained n eck muscles and a compre,ssed space between his vertebrae in an exhibition match. VICTIMS SOUGHT -A Sa4 Jose fireman is lowered int~ stream bed to check for posf sible bodies in automobil• found when floodwaters red eded Monday. No occupant+ were found. } 4 CAPEZJO ESPADRIWS -ON THE LINE FOR SPRING •