HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-04-09 - Orange Coast PilotYIUR HlllTDll DlllY PAPIR . FRIDAY. APRIL 9. 1987 CHANGE COUNTY. CALIFORNIA 25 CENT S Hai tells Argentina ' • • • r1ta1n w1 not retreat~ Mariners warned by U.S. LONDON (AP) -Secretary of State Alexander M. Haig J r. flew to Buenos Aires today to tell leaders of Argentina's military government Britain will not re- treat from its demand that they withdraw all forces from the Falkland Islands. In Washington, the Pentagon said a warning had been sent lo U.S . merchant ships to stay out of the 200-mile war zone Britain says it will impose around the disputed islands. But it said the notice "in no way ~onstitutes a U.S . gt-vernment position regar- ding for e ign c laims o r proclamations." Haig le ft for the Argentine capital after about six hours of talks with Prime Minis ter Mar- garet Thatcher and other gov- ernment leaders. The British took a tough stand toward the growing cnsis in the South Atlantic. Argentina seized the bleak, treeless British colony 250 miles off its southern coast last Friday after years of disputing Britain's 150-year-old control of the islands and their 1,800 inhabi- tants, most of them of English and Scottish descent. • On Thursday, the Argentine foreign minister said the threat of war seemed to be fading, al- though talks to resolve the crisis would be protracted. Meanwhile, thousands of Argentine volun- teers signed up to fight if called. In Bru83els, delegations from Britain and its nine European Economic Community partners met today to discuss possible .economic sanctions against Ar- IN THE SWIM -It's nearly time for the fa- med Cos ta Mesa Fish Fry s ponsored by the Harbor area Lions C lub and candidates for Miss Costa Mesa are be ing a ccepted at the Chamber of Commerce. Three alreadv in Deity Pllol Sleff Pholo competition are (from left), Tracy Grams, Na- ncy Russell and Michelle Wilson. Competition will be during Fish Fry June 5 through 7. Candidates must be 17 to 22 years of age. gentina to protest the invasion. Major arms-supplying nations of the EEC, Britain, France. Bel- gium, the Netherlands, Wes t Germany and Italy, have already announced a ban on military sales to the South American country, and today the other four Common Market members joined the anns ban. 4 Mesa officials back Sills After talking with Mrs. That- cher, Foreign Secretary Francis Pym and Defense Minister John Nott, Haig told reporters it was "too early to say" whether he could avert a war. By JODI CADENHEAD 01 lhe Delly Piiot Sleff Four Costa Mesa City Council members say the~·re e ndorsing Irvine Mayor David Sills' bid for the Republican nomination m the 69th Assembly District. The reason they are taking sides in the GOP primary elec- tion. they say. 1s because Nolan Frizzelle. who lays claim to the incumbency in the newly reap- portioned district. made a dero- gatory remark about one of them Councilmen Do nn Hall. Eric Johnson and Ed McFarland are among those h osti n g a $150-pe r -person reception for Sills April 20 at Costa Mesa's South Coast Plaza Hotel. Counci lwoma n and former mayor Norma Hertzog said she'd be on the host committee. too, if she hadn't sent her e ndorsement in too late to be included. She added that she has contributed $50 to Sills' campaign and plans . WORLD to attend the reception The Costa Mesa council r.lem- bers made it clear they are n't pleased about the way Fnz.zelle has represented their cit y in Sacramento during the past two years. But they claimed It was the Assemblyman's accusation at an informal meeting with local lea- ders last month that made them decide to ''go public" in support of Sills. Otherwise, they said, they would have followed a more tra- ditional course of taking a neutral stance toward candidates compe- ting in a primary election. On e of the council members who was present when Friz.zelle made the remark described it as "ridiculous and completely un- true" and said ever yon e who heard it was surprised and em- barrassed. Frizzelle said the remark was based on something he had been Easter, Passover share themes The major Christian a n d Jewish holidays of Easter and Passover, which occur at about the same lime this year, also have similar themes -the deliverance of man from darknes.9. Page A5. NATION 'Huck .Finn' banned as 'racist' 'l'he clullc American novel, "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn," wu removed from the curricu.lwn of a Virginia echool named for it.a author Marie Twain followtna complaint.a tt ta "r adlt.'' Pace A4. R easan to-lead way? ·'The ~be?>' .. (Ronald 8-pn) lronkally aOuJd be the man leedinl nadonl toward dvtliled nudelr behavior. P ... M . w1d the council member had said about ham. "l don't expect their support," said Frizzclle. "l haven't asked for at. I thank it's inappropriate for a person in a partisan office to seek support of non-partisan of- fice holders. I have always abi- ded by that." In add1t1on to the elected offi- cials from Costa Mesa. at least nine other local office holders are hsted as hosts for the April 20 Sills fund-raiser. "I think the broad base of support from local officials indi- cates that there is dissatisfaction with the job Frizzelle is doing," said Sills. Jim Orr, an aide to Frizzelle, said the list of hosts for•the Sills fund-raiser is "comprised of De- mocrats anq closet Democrats." Among those listed as hosts for the reception are Orange County supervisors ThC>mas Riley, Bruce (See SIL~. Page A2) STATE Shortly before Haig arrived in London on Thursday. No tt warned in a TV interview that Royal Navy s hips will fire on any Argentine vessel entering the 200-mile blockade zone around the islands that goes into effect at midnight Sunday Falklands time (8 p.m. PST). "As far as we are concerned, we'll shoot first if any Argenti.Jie ships come in," said Nott. "We will sink them certainly within the 200-mile limit." Britain on Monday dispatched a powerful armada to the South Atlantic to force the Argentines off the islands if diplomatic ef- forts to resolve the dispute fail. The fleet is not due there until April 20, but British submarines reportedly will be there by the weekend. 'Duke"s' bid no surprise There's been no doubt that George Deukmejian would take a run at being' governor. Page A6. Krishnas take over ranch Hare Krlshnas are establiahirur a farm community on a ranch near Sequoia National l>ark. Page A 7. COUNTY Parent11 HOW' TO COPE Patience arowlna thin after havln1 the Jdd1 around the hrUI all Week? CartoanlR Tom Jobmon thoWI how to awtd i.rlnl 10'll' hair In &M final daya of ..._ v..uan. P.,. Bl. . TOO MUCH HIPPITY-HOP -L aguna officers Ron Sapp and Mark Vuille help Easter Bunny fro m squad car . Bunny busted Dispute leads to Laguna hutch It could only happe n in La- guna Beach where, alas. poltce arrested the Easter bunny. Officers took away has egg baske t, handcu!fed him and locke d him up Thursday o n charges of. well, being tipsy in public. T he police d1Spatcher ret-e1ved a call from an irate merchant in the Village Fair mall at about 2:30 p.m .. complaining of a six- foot tall bunny who a llegedly e ngaged the shopkeeper in a verbal dispute. After a short discussion as to whether police or animal control officers should handle the 1nci- dent, patrolmen Mark Vu11le and Ron Sapp wt•n• chspatc:hed to the mall J'herc the officers found Ed- ward G D1amos. 22. of Texas, garbed 10 Easter bunny attire and carrying a colorful basket o{ t:andy eggs. The all<'gedly upsy bunny was booked into Jail, and his bag pink l'ars. white fluffy tail and Easter basket were• returned to me rch- ants who had hared the man ~ pass out candy to youngsters. D1amos was detained for sev- eral hours an a holding t-ell. and released latt• Thursday Huntington settles brutality lawsuit By PHIL SNEIDERMAN 01 the D•lly Piiot Steff Huntington Beach cny ofl1c1als say they agreed to pay a $45.000 out-of-court settlement in a law- suit alleging police brutality be- cause of the expense of going to trial and the possibility of a s1g- n 1 f ica n t l y higher monetar y award if the city lost the case. The $45,000 was paid to Wayne Rockwood 38, o f Westminster, who was a passenger an a car stoppe d by Huntington Beach police on Nov. 7. 1980. Rockwood claimed he was hospitalized and had his spleen removed as a result of a beating from a Huntington Beach offi- cer's nightstick. According to police. Rockwood and his companion matched the desc ription of men who had threaten ed patrons of a local INDEX n1ght<:lub and had displayed what appeared to be a gun. Hockwood ma inta ined after the incident tha t he had been struck and kicked while hand- cuffed during the polic:c stop. Officers asserted that Rockwo- od was struck because he refused to comply with 1nstrucwons that he he down on the ground. Although officers believed at the tame> of the stop that the two ml!n were armed. no weapon was found. poli<'e said. Assistant Ca ty Attorney Bill Amsbary said a court trial in thel brutality case could have cost the city $15,000 in legal fees and that, the award, if the city had lost, could have reached six figures. Amsbary said the city's settle- ment committee considPrPn the (See BRUTALITY, Page AZ) At Your Service California Cavalcade Classified Comics Crossword Death Notices Stan Delaplane F.d.itorial Entertainment A4 A5 B2 Horoscope B2 C7-8.Dl-6 B4 B4 C6 B2 A6 ·Weekender Home/Garden B5 SPORTS Ann Landers B2 Movies Weekender National News A3 Public Not.ices C6-7 Restaurants Weekender Sports Cl-5 Television TV Log Theaters Weekender Weather A2 World News A3 , . ' Nicklaus ahead in the Masten Jack NlckJau1 hH take n the lead In lhe rain-delayed Muten Golf tournament in Aurutta. GL p.,_Cl. AS S Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT/Friday, Aprll 8, t86i T~' -U--ori ......... s ___ e __ A_i_r_li_n_e~to_.....,...__a_d_d_fl_i_g_h_ts_?_ \ft.' Continued·stories killed PSA gears up to double schedule de pite opposition RUTALITY SUIT. • • <>l·rauwncss QI Ruckwood'i an1urv "l lion' l ltu11k Ull'rl' WQI> anv qu1·~uon lhut tht' guy got a rup. IUH'\l spl''t.'n during 1tw u1hlN1l1> t.w1th 01.11 poh<.~ ofCict'1s," ht· suad '··Now, tlwy'rl' taking ll 111ort• ~t·- 11'tlously bt'cuuiw ll 's bt..•t.m f 11u11d ' t '1 n t t h <' s p I e e n a ff l' c t s t h t• l\11mun1 ty system." 11. Am!lbory also said tht: offl('t..•t 1 Pi11'nwd in the lawsuit, Chuck Poe• '.Jiif~l ll haw h~<l to puy pun1t1v~ d~1niagl'S himself 1f the Vl'rd1t•t Wt•nl against the rity lfo said 1h1· l'tty is not permllll'd to ubsu1 b SU('h p1:11111v~ ch8fit'S against an ul I 1<.'\.'r "It's d1fftcult to g~t peoplt.' for lh'· dungerous JOb of bt>ang H po- lat•t• 0U1cer if they're going to havt• to pay tho usands out of l h t• II' p 0 C k C t f 0 r 8 I a p !H' t> f Judgml'nt," the asstittant city at turney said. 1 The $45,000 payment to Ho<:k wood will l'OnlC' from the l'tty's 't·IC insurance fund Amsburv i.aid tht• city has paid ubou't $150,000 an out-of t:ourt scllh• nwnts an lawsuiL'> during thl· past four years 'Doctors oppose ·=· Banning Ranch A group of Nl•wport Bl•ach phystl·1Jns has JOtnl'd a rdt.•ren- uum t·ampa1gn a1mt!d al scuttluig (ht! large Banning Hanl.'h devt•- ! lopmcnl projl-ct, t·itmg fear.. that \he proj(~l will dog traffic around • Hoag Memorial llosp11al -. ·Dcx·tors at tht: multi-story Park L1Jo Ml·chral towc-r. odJ<tCl'llt to Hw h11:;p1tal. said the building's •rt'nanl group ha!> voted to l'ndor- ·-.:l• thl' refcrt:'ndum and now 1s -~:1rt'ulat1ng pt.>lltions throughout · thl· nwd1t·al fal·tlitv. whith huu '''!> 70 off1t't"6 · Lt«\dt'r~ of tht• rl'ft•rl'ndum group. mt.'anwhlle, havt' announ- 1.'ed they have passed the half- w.ay mark in their campaign tJ collet·t 4.320 signatures by Mon day Lou1st' Greeley. president ol the West Newport Leg1slatlvt• AlltanC:l'. tht· group behind tht· rcft-rendum. tc'Stimatcd that mort: than 3,000 signatures have lx·t'n c:ollK"ted She expressed l'Wihdent't' that the group can real·h tht• mark and said a full W<'t.'kt·nd ul narnl' tulk'l:ttng 1s plann<'Cl SILLS SUPPORTED. • • -Nt·:-.t.mdt· anJ Hol{t•r St .. nllln Fount.tan Vallev t·ounttl mt·mtx•r:. ·r,lurnn Adler. ·Eugt•m· \'<in Oask .·,ind H.1rhara Brim n ..art• on th1• "' list dS a1·c· lrvme counnlml'll Bill Vardouhs and Art Anthony .rnd Irvine st·hool board Prt•!; .. ldt•nt Lt'<' S1mh • 1n crash A t'Olhs1on bctw1-en a nderle!>S hors~ and an IAUlo has ll'ft the horse dead and two women in JUrt:d, Huntington &ud1 pol1n· reported today Tht! dt'IVllf of the auto, Dolores Ma{' H ill, 5i!, of Huntington Beac·h. was reported in ser ious but sta blt· l.'O nd1tlon today at Fountain Valley Comm unity Hosp1u1l. Ht•r pas.st•n!(l'r, Hol>Jlly11 Diane Ht•f'Sl'h, also of Huntington &uch, was treated at the hosp1- ta l and rl'lt-ruK'CI An·ordtn~ to pullet-, the wo- m(•n Wl'rl' southlmu11d on Gol - dl'nwl'sl Stn•(•t ne<11 Garfield Avenue m llunungton Beach at 7 05 pm Thur:.day when a ri - dt•rlt>:.S brown horse darted 1n front of them Police said the C'ar could not stop tn ume, and the horse was killed 1n the t·olh!>ion. Officers 1dl·nt1f1cd the hors<.' as belonging to Landa Lt'<' of Fountam Valley, but investigators today had not yet tll'lermint>d why till' horse was roaming loo:-.t• Thursday night I l•)ll c r than hot cak< .. HElSTEHSTOWN. Md 1AP1 8;,1kt· :.ale·~. bar bl'l'Ul :. <111d l·iJrnivab hiJVl•n't workt·d. :-11 tht vol u n ll'l'f f 11 l' Ul'J.lcJ rt 1111•11 l I!> ht•t•lang uµ Its J,m•M fund-rJt!>lllg r.1mpaign by U:>tng male clam·t•r-. Tht> dt•pJrtnwnt pl<ins to havl' -.t.1ntalv tlcid ml'n dam'l' at tht' fart· ')l~twn an <i bid to 1a1::.t• :..it lc»1'il $ t ,:UlO µN '>ho-... Two hun- d I t•d I 1t·k1·t-. ,1t s I :i l'.1( h hJ\'l' hl-t•n ~1IJ 1111 th< lar>t '>how Apr ii 2;-) Veteran newsman succumbs JuJ Smith, a Vt'll'nln Los J\n- gl·IL·s newspapt•r n•puner and 1111pular membc•r of Nt•wport lk·11l'h'~ happy-go-lurky Coofof fur' Club, was fuund dc·uu ·'l'hur~day at his Costa Ml''><• hllllll' PulttT said 7 l yc:ar olJ Sn11th -;\pp<1a·ntly took ha~ own llll• w11h II .:18 t·<il1bcr gun. Frtl·nds. who said tht•v'vt• 1'11ow11 Smith stnt·c· h1:-. rc·tlt"t'- 1J.1t•11l from the Herald £xam11wr 111 lht· mid-1960~. '>old ~· t'" 11.1.•wspapcr man hall bcl·n ball ltnt? l'imt-er · llC' was a happy. Jovial. ta- lt"ntt'Cl f<·llow and thl'> wa..' -;1mpl v lus way o f relieving C'Vl•rytmt· 111dud1n~ himself." ~ud Bill Ml Duffie. a friend and ll•lluw < ~·><> fofft·r membt.>r Smith was a police bc>at repur tl'r in Los Angeles during lht· I !-l:Hls and ~Os Frumds :;aid ht• lovPd lo tell s t ories about tht' l'11y·s wtldc·r days Ill· rMired from thl' Ht•r ;,dd Exam1m•r shortly a[tl·r th1• papl'f was hll bv a str1kl• 1n tht• 191i0-. lfr had \\:Orked for tht• Los An gc:les newspapt•r for :~5 yt>ars Ht was d fuundmg ml·mlx·r uf thl' Los Angele"" Press Club and :.crved m the Army during World War II Smith JOtned lht• fan11·d New- port GoofoffN~. a collt-<:llon of must)\ older Harbor Arl'a rt•.!>1 dt·n~ "who gather Sl>. morrungs a Wl't•k tu ut 111k l<d 11·1· while swOJppmg JOkL'!> an<l t<ilk111g pola- lll'S. in 1977 Thi• followmg Yf'<lr. he started tht• (.;oofoffl.rs G <rWtk, a hght- ht'<ll'tt•d monthly newsletter that hP wrntt'. l'tlah•;l and mailed out to tht· dul>'s 1,000 nwmlwrs Srrnth also u1d somt.' p<Jrt-tinl!' work tor thl' Costa Mcso New' llt• 11 ,1\'l'S h1'\ w1f1'. Ml'lba l\ t)Wrnonal '>t'l"\'ll'l' 1-. '>( ht'<.lult.'CI fot 11 ,1 ill S..aturdtt) ut PH r·ct• Bro- t ht•r' Bt·ll 1\101 tuJr v 1n Co ... ta Ml'sa .. Thl' fJmal) hJ ~ '5uggesH·d memorial c1>ntribut1t1n!> to th<.· JOUI nJltsm dt•partment at Cal Stat<· Fulll•rton or Lu thP Cat\ of Ho~· . Isolated showers t~'oa.~tal U.S. sumniar y '-.01,..N Ofltmut~\l ''"''., int• tJn•, v.11., un T"u•«l11 l\htrl•llQ ,. 1~1w 1td 1ow~rd NPw E nolan<1 ')ltOY. Hl~O thtPdtCnPd • 1.ugt• J'~eJ {•f rhP 113tton fr'Jm N orth ( •rt1hhd 10 M•~'\Out• lll.no1S> .u10 W•SCf'it•'•"' ;, •P' 11 ci M~~ w~.'1hPr prf'lvil1h1d ,, ·.ilonq lht-(,ull l.Oi"I n l f IOll(Jd •' w1lh lhunrll'•storm~ <ll"''''OP"no > Fu' tOc1:\y It••' N.:.tton,11 Wt>cJfhf•r 't !>••rv1cf" lt1recd''~ !tnO* throuq •' houl mut..n ot the NotthP.l~\ 1ro1T• :J Nt;w f nql.lnCI tu Oruu HHtl (t'011ttl ! )o(t n111rky Ratn ,., prc•ttu IA:cl ''' •' \hv \11r(~1t\ i4S 0•-'l.:tw~rf' JOO { M,lfyld"d :; lhQh~ ~tluuhl IJP 111 1h1• 30' !tom '• NPw f nula1111 1111 ouon lht' Ot1oo :l V~llPy a11d 111c r:.1ca1 La~es ,mo .n • , tHHlhl'tn M o111an.1 1n l"e so, '\ tttin•., 1tie ce111rJI Allan11c C.O~\t 'i!f '""' lht' Pac•fr<: NOllhWf'SI 60~ .1no 711> Jlong lhe rc-.t of lt>P P.i Ltltt Co·•" the 80s '" lhe Sou1h Wl''ll .UHi AUOS> soul,.,ern FIOPOll !:i T ,.i.mpt!' ;Hur PS Arounc:J lhP n.J1t (111 "' m1odav rangt-11 trom 20 ctP I frl'P' "' Bor••man Mon1 10 en , • t1eu11···~ 111 Bi ownsv111r .1no Mc Al it !Iott Tf·_.I\ '• 't I :r ·California ., :~ !i !t !1 :, 'z 1, I, ii 1: I-I• 11 .; v tr•dDIP h•gh c.1ouc11ntt\C. in soullu!ln Calllorni8 lhrouo" 10 n1ghl M osllv aunny <;~turtla~ Sl1gl•lly warmer Orn"Q«' County can f'<Cu•tt tuqh~ 1ooay 62 10 • 2 Sr1111•'1•• row 60\ hi be11c.ht'S m•d -o, •O l.1111! l OWi 1on1ghl 44 lo ~· lntnnd velleys c11n "•~I h•QM If' JI 70 m10 70S 5.llut(18~ l OWS UPIWI 40s HIQhS 111 moun1a1ns 44 I<>':>'/' 48 lo 'i8 Sa1urd•Y Lows 2!> 10 l!> Nor1he1n dt'Sells can f'•Pf'CI "•QllS 62 10 12 tOdlly 6fi In 7h Se1u1oay lows •n •O~ Soulh"n dewrt highs 75 IO 82 I008y 78 IO 86 C,a1u1day low, 46 10 !>6 Moslly t111r 1n No!l,.,t11n C11l1lor 1110 h•CJh cloud• tn ce,,11e1 1111w .Wttrmmg t11mo CllAnce ot allow nn 1n C:.t'ntr11 Callt~full S111uroay Snow level 3.000 IHI In no•I" 6,000 ree1 rn soulh i! ~ ~:_ml!~=':~~ ra nc:hOtegt! 38 2e !\ IMVllM 16 3S AUant• ,. 41 AltfllltC C1y 4' 2t Oelllt'llOfe 46 2fl ~lf>Gllm S• ,5 ' I II, •• h1 If t ,,,, .. fi1 ._..,, ,;lh I lflill 1+1.•l111q!ur I ,1 Ill !fl .J\ \ f1,pl"f1 t"t l 111• ,i•I t11• 4 l'I II Ill ,,,,. •' (I• J••to11 I ( lrH '•' ,t t 1h1mt j U1l II Im o •. , .... , f)1• t•111U• (Jt'11 ,t 111 1 t t'qU ~ '" . ~I 1. 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'" 4~ 4"1 Ill 0•1 !>!> 1\J 1u "'''' W U~I 11tJ\I -.. ~o >b ~.· l'l 29 )I 28 61 35 21 11 b} 21 41 .,.~ GLOBAL th \ t11I t CAllFOflNIA Al"f'lr va"rr 0.ll\N,hl'IC1 Bar<,tow B11aumon1 B•q 8Pll1 B•sh0e> Ulyt"P C,lll\llllA Culv111 C 1ty HI 6!> fi2 69 67 49 63 11 6• 1\9 15 Lo 18 4S 4• JS 21 29 4~ 46 49 P.n1~tPtQ.\f\ Alll!'M 8e1111 B Aue$ C.i1rn C.u u .. t'• Oet'•'v' '1001111.uno Jruu"KhVH IO llllHI lime t1\hOll lont1n11 HI ~o b6 ~4 78 17 8.' (;Ii 7i lit :o ;J n ':>S lo 4' ... " b'i ~· Ii i •ti 6 4 46 '>9 "'" 48 4fi Sllf RIPIRT llH'f 9IH'f •1.1t1 ..... •••II •well Awo MH Dlf t ? W'IW leecll Awt Mn lltrd Zume t 2 II Stnll Mol'llU I 2 t 1 t 2 w ~I 2. 3 1,1 Sen Oreoo County: ~ 3 1 Oul!Oo' f0t S..wroav Lmte c:;llange l ? w ' ~ w • .,. titJHI M"•lo ~'· l 'It tt• .,, (U•O ... , I ~11 i •t hip 11h 'l11 tl Ht•Jrt l1•'"~!iuln1 "'\y1h1t•\' 1.,~ v• V•Nlll •• ~ .. CANADA t-·•IU 11~ fcltl\Llf!l111! M1111h1•+1I CHti1w.1 H••,111t.• fu,cll I• \ 011' \H•·f W1nn1J1•11 At .,,uicu ... tft1,1dO' Ul·ttnvtl 1 PAN AM ( Ut·I' ,,,, (u;.n1 ti,,,,,., Ctt1J<Jptoupt t-1oq\ton Monlego Bat 1, 4'1 •I ~. J r1 .. ~ I I ,0 8l 1,1 J,t ~II 1l ' t J( /1 ·~ j~ r. 63 I I !.5 '~ '>3 HI LO l t ,., u 18 J4 16 'r, tfi 11 O.l 'I! " '>4 n sr 75 HI Lo 92 73 86 77 66 59 88 78 qo so 86 72 88 73 79 72 Extt>nde<l f Or f't·ast .1m1J.-v T Uf ,. ... ,.,. Mo111.tty CIOUOy with,"''"'• ,,, light "Showers £ "'''•' ';unddv ;J1lCI Monday {,1t .. 11111q luc-a11dv llHOe< Coastal "''' h1(ll1S 6!> h' 7~ 1tnO IOw<; 46 10 ''6 In 11'1UUlll111n~ lllQM 52 10 62 11no l11w\ /II t<t 40 Ti~s TODAY ~ !OW 3 33 p.m. 0.1 s.oond l\lgll t :'1 p m 5.2 IATUN>AY flt•r io. '· 11 a.m 0.0 Flf•I l\lgll 10.28 Im 4.0 8«;ond IOw 3~55 p m. 1.2 Second lllgh 10:09 p.rn. 5. 1 tun Ml• IO<ll'I' •I t ·20 o m., ,,_. leturdlty at H t a.m ._OOll ,.._ IO<lay ll 7• .. p.m.. •• .. turci.r 91 e '°. • m lh FREDERICK SCHOEMEUt. O(&M o.11, l'1'ot •1.ett Displeasure of Orange Coun~>' govl'rnnwnl nrfktols aside. Paca-' fie Southwf'Sl Alrhnl'I 1~ gennng Uf'l to douhlt• IL' nl.lmhf>r of daily f l1~hls Cro111 J11h11 Woyaw Air port Margery l'raag, an .uirh11, $po kl•:-.womun. confu·ml'd Wt•dru:i.· day that PSA's new S<'ht'dulc, lo bl· l'ffective April 25, lasts four fli#lhts daily from Oranj(1• County, thret-to San Franc·1st·o and one to San JOSl• PSA <.'Url'C'n ti v opera tc:s two f lights dally between Orangt.> County and San 1i~r11nc1M.'O. Cou .. nty airport officauls have not authortu·d PSA to mcrease its level of servK-e Ms. Craig said tht.• <:arr1er me- rely "IS keepmg options opt>n" by planrung to mcrease servu.'t' from Orange County But one c:ount v offtc1al. who a1kf'd not to be ldent.tfil'd, 11ud the move lS part o f a "lc.•vt•n1gl' •~hcmti" by th <: rrh•r In It• to n e -•t3nd1ng balllt' with the- t.-ounty t.u gain mor c thghts and thus po11sess a greater share of the lucrative Orange County market. lt was PSA wh1l·h brought u law11u1t last year against th(• 1 county contt>sting a plan to regula~e commerdal airlint-s' C· l'<.'55 to•t he airport. PSA contended the plan would unfairly benefit AirCal ;111d Re public Airlines. Tho!le two' l·ar- racrs now posses." :l5 of ttw 41 J'-'l dl'partures permltll'd dully frurn the µirport. That legal chall1:nge wa!> su<: t"eSSful. U.S. District Court Judgt• Tt.•rry Hatter ordered the county to devise a new, lt'S:> discrimma tory plan. The C'Ounty <.-omphcd The new proposal will Ix• -.ubJ('t·t . lo an April I I* hearing lwforc Judai.e Hatter PSA hae opposed the new ploh. Althoush 1t would rt:qulre AirCtal and Republic to gradually give up 1•x11tmg flight gunrant- et·s. PSA l't>ntt•nd1 th1• propoi.ul still wall ~t1fh• l'Oll'lpNlt1on and u11l11lrly prult•t·t the two dom1- n11n\, Oramw Countv c·arril·1-x. PSA has t'On111stemly demand - l'd {'l~ht flights daily from tlw uarport, or ont--ftfth of thl' total pt'rm1t tt•d dcpartur('ll PSA 's unnounc:<'d tntl•ntHJn trJ antTt•ast> M-rVt('l' drew 1mm1'flrC1k oppo!>lllOli totfoy from Kl'll Hall. .in a1ut• to <.·uun ty Supe1 visor Thomas Htl(ly He said Ralt>y w11ul<J "v1go ruu1tly resist" any ..alll'll•fll lty PSA to lnc:rease M'r VIC'\' I 1<111 nowd that PSA'!> t·u1 rt:'nl lt•J:-.1• wllh tht• tounty IJt r m1ts vnlv two flt~hL'I datlv Cold heads toward East Record s sha ttered from Montana to Ma ryla nd By The Associated Press The second blast of a double- barreled cold snap that has killed at least 54 hurtled eastward to- day a rtcr addtng :J inches to the Midwest's snow t'Over and shat- ter1ng t-old-wt•<1ther r('(.'()rds from Montana to MC1rvland A tornado and 90 mph wmds Thursday tossed a tractor-tra1l1.•r on top of three• cars and brought out lootl'rS in Sanford, Fla An anth of -;now f r>ll on Blat•k Rock $1 million art stolen NEW YORK (AP) Up to $1 mtlhon m paintings and sculpture was stole n today from a U-Haul truck 1n wh1t·h they wt•rc• left owrn1ght. pollt't:' said Police spokesman Dett•('ltve Hobert Znun1eck1 said the art objects had bt•<'n p1t·kPd up from sevc-ral gallt>r1~s 1n Nt:'w York and wc·n• to ht• Utkt•n Lo gallt.•riPs in Ch1cagu. He tdl·n ti f •Pd l he v1n1 m as Vaughan Kurtz of Chit·ago He said th{' robbery Ot't'Urrcd l>P twt:•('n m1dn1ght and 7 am outside 523 Broadway an Lower Manhattan Znanieckt ::.aJd Kurtz a pparl'ntly was spending lht· night at that address Purc/Ja .... , .. .., 11i\t-<I SAN f HA NCISCO I AP) P.>caf1l· Gas & Ell•llrtl Co v.as 111 d<•rf'd Thursda~ to !>USpt·nd pun ha:.l's of h1gh-pnn·d oil Crom Chl'vron US A tn a movC' that niuld ScNl· rnn~umc•r:-$Y5 malhnn Tht· statt· Public Ut1llt1t's Com- m1::.s1on also -.01d PG&E must rl•- v1·<.il th(• pn·v1ously Sl'l·rt•l lt•rms 111 1ti. l'On tri.lrl with Cht'vron Mountain State Park an Georgia Up to 6 inch es of snow foll nvernirz h t in Indiana, and t he 1,2-inc h total in In dian apolis pushed the city's season total to a record 58 inches. tht:> National Weather Service reported Snow con tinued 1h1s mornmg in Montan a a nd western North Dakota. w ith nurries in vanou:- paru of Ohio, Illinois and Penn- sylvarua. Cold temperature. chllled the natio n's midsection. when· the ~0-degree temperature m Omaha Neb .• broke a ra'Ord set m 1966 In Rochester, Minn., 1t was 15. breaking a rec.-ord set tn 1909. The second storm approac:hcd the Northeast as residents w ere still digging out from a bhz.zard Tuesday that closed schools and iced highways from' Pennsylva- ma to New Hampshire .. Dozens of people were l'Va- cuated from housing for the el- derly in L udlow, Mass., after a power failure blacked out 7 .000 western Massachusetts homes Town officials dedared a state of C'mergency. Garage gutted by blaze A fire of unknown ongm gut- led a garage on Culver Drive JUSl north of Irvine today. The blaze at 6.25 a.m. c:auM"d about $6.000 damagl' to the un- a itached garage al a housl• al 1251Y Culver Drive Ruben Gonzalez hves in the Carm houS{' that 1s owned by The Irvine Company In vestigators are searc·hmg for the cause, said Steve Wh1ta~l'r. battalion chief for the Orang<' County Fire Departmen t. No one:.- was injured. he added. r roLt:n substation switl'hes in Ludlow wt..•re blamed for the blat.·kout. which starled W<"Clnes - tlay naght and wasn't expt'<'tl'CI to t•nd t•ompletely until today. Extra pol1tl' offwcrs wc•re called 1n to pn•vt•nl looting. Chtl'ago, which got 9 tnches of !.now this Wl'(•k, was hit With n1 •v. snow Thursday night, as Wl'rt' m;my Olhcr parts O( fllinOIS. The· s nowfall was heaviest 1n n·ntral llltno1s, with Peoria re- porttng :i tnl'hl's, and more unu- ~ually m id wc•ather was ex~tl"CI thruugh tonaght Tht· b11tc•r t'Old set records for April 8 in al l<·ast 16 c1t1es In Butte. Mont . the• mercury hit 16 dt.>grt-'<'S below wro Great Falls, Mont . and Muskegon, Mich., re- ported a record low 4 degrees. In Ball1more it was 26: m Newark. N J . 23. an Clcv·etand and De- troit, 11. in Toledo. Ohio, 10, and tn Pittsburgh, 14. "It's prNty unusual for eold air to comt• t his far out of the north at this time of year," said Jim &·hn•ns of thl· Nauonal Weather Sc•rv1t·f• m Kansas City, Mo. Cold air from Canada d ipped farthl•r south than usual bcc:ause of uppt•r atmosphere wmd pal· t1·rn..">. hl' s~ud Of tht• dc•aths blam<'d on the '>torm:. :.tnt.·<' Tuci.day. most have bt-cn 1n crashes on slippery roads or from heart att..acks while sho· vehng snow. The deaths include nine in Ohio. six tn New York, five in Iowa a nd Connccu cut, five m Pt>nnsylvanaa. four m Michigan. four 1n MassaC.'huSt.·tLs, thrt-e each an Rhodt· l<;hind. lllm01s and W1- s<·onsin, two l'ach in Nebraska, Indiana and Mame• a nd one rn N1·w Hampshire In 0l'a la, F'la . I I 7 inc· hes of ram fell Thursdav. officials at the <.'lly's watc•r trt'atment plant said. Sevc•ral CX·ala streets were floo- drd m up to 4 fC'C't of water OBIE SPORTS LTD. Introduces The Opening of an AEROBIC, DANCE I WORKOUT FASHION CENTER FEATURING: DANSKIN STEVI BROOKS BARELY LEGAL SEA SQUITS CARUSHKA Equipment: Aerobic & Sport Shoes Legwelghts Jumpropes Oum bells Trampolines A:'oau: , PORTS CorMedelMm' ~831 Co11t Hwy. Corona del.Mar, CA 671-9700 -SllPIEITS 111m•·1AILY - • • t A§'BIE SPORTS '" .... 4708 Barranca Parkway Irvine, CA 512·1212 ...------------ AP Wlrephoto 31 ,000 FLEE AREA -Smoke and ashes continue to belch from Jadi mountain in West J ava where one child died and thousands fled from nearby villages. The e ruption of the 9, 154 -foot mountain happened Sunday for the first time in 64 years. T his photo was taken in Ciitis village, foregro1.1nd, about two miles from the active mountain group. Reagan Rx for curing economy Large doses of hope, pa tien ce, pos itive thinking prescribed WAS HINGTON (AP) L1kt• a faith tfoalC'r treating a pal1l•nt. President Reagan 1s presc:rib1ng large doSt>s of hope. pat1enc·e and pos1t1ve thinking to l'Ure th« e<:onomy With his ec:onom1t· program 111 plan•, Reagan says thl·re 1~ no thing more· the govt>rnment c.·an. or should. do to turn the eC'Onomy around other than c.·onv1nc.·e the· growing legion of skeptic:~ that his pollc1c•s will work if given time·. As the recession lingers ynd c:onfidt•m·e in Reaganom1cs fadc.•s. the president 1s pulling the onus on business. money lenders. con- sume rs. poli ticans -even the n ews m edi a -to show their faith BC>have as i f prosperity really 1s JUSt a round the corner instead of dwelling on the wor- !>en rng econ omic malady the country 1s enduring. he exhorts NIWS ANAlYSIS of money will restore.• ;rn era of strong econom ic expansion anc.l -.table prl('es Thl' president acknuwledgt-s .(he housing industry may be rn its worst slump in a half century. but unhesitantly re.ie<-·t:. pleas fur gove rnm e nt help as "budget-bu~tmg bailouts" that will produce h igher, no t lower. m!Rrest rates. His solution · "Stay with us ~ . as we pass through this dark corner m time and . spread the word that you have faith m these programs ' The federal budge t faces re - cord deficits .. but Reagan re.iects calls from congres.sional Republi- cans to raise taxes and cut mili- tary s pendmg. Interest rates are the highest ever dunng a reces- sion, but Reagan spurns business l'1rec; for easier credit policies from the independe nt Federal Reserve Board. If thl'rt· I), <i hallmark to the R e•agan pr(•s1d <·nl'y . 1t 1s its steadfast cidht•rc·m·<· lo one et•o- nom1c program without flinching when thing:-go sour By contrast. J1mmv Car tt•r had . bv some l'OUn ts: SC'Vt•n ('('Onom1c pOhC'les rn four years. with cal·h program reacting to bad c·l'onom1c dt:'ve- lopment:. and subsequc•nt damo- nng for c.·hangl' R eaga n says these "stop-and-go" policws. or "qui<·k fixes," have· made• matters worse for his administration They nol only failed to <1llt•v1ate high un- employ me nt and high inflation. but they <>roded thl· publil·'s fallh in the .ibll1 t v and n·solullon of government ·Lo solve any £'<.·onu mic problem ovt•r tht• long hc.ul The big question now is not whe the r Reaganom1cs will s ue <.-eed in the long run but whether the pres1dt.>nt can convert the disbehC'vC'rs who arc• threatening to stop the progrcim dead rn 1t.s trat·k.s befon.> an ult1matt• verdict can be renderl-d Intl-rest rates will come down if only money lenders lx>hevf' the government will r,arrow its bud- get dcfic·1t.s and hck inflation for good. the economy will improve if o nly busmesses show more• t·onf1dence by using lhe1r new lax c:uts to invest in new fal·to- ries, machines and .)Obs, l">n!>Umer confidence will rise if only th<' news media focus less on the negauve economic news. "There 1s nothing that gov- ernment can do about this c•xcepl hopt.• thl.it we can prove to thl•m tha t we a re serious about conti- nuing this program." Reagan told reporters last week when asked 1f he would c:ons1der short-term e mergency al·tion Lo brmg down high interest rates and unem- ployment Desert operation called 'success' "Those interest rates are not staying up because of anything that the Fed (Fede ral Reserve Board) is doing or anything that the government is doing," lhl· pres ident continued. "They ar<' s taying up because th<' money markets just don't behl've that we will slay on the course. bring down government spen ding and hold inflation down " Reagan not only talks like a true believer m his pohc1e~. he really acts hke one. Agam and again, he has rejected calls from political allies to alter his policies Repeatedly, he has stood firm m his belief that "supply-side" lax cuts. less governme nt involve- ment in the marketplact> and slow growth in the nation's stock MACDILL AIR FORCE BASE. Flci. (AP> OpC'ration Gallant Eagle. the dest'rt military c·xcrc:1se in which flvC' paratroo- pt>rs and three soldiers died. wa~ proda1med a s u ccess by the comma nder of the U S Rapid OC'ployment Force . "It's a shame we had to have the tragic Catal1t1es." Lt. Gen Robert C. Kingston said "Other tha n that, it was a SUl'l'l'Ss ful o p e ration . we• do ha ve· accidents." Kingston said such dangers arC' tht· re ason for h azardous duty pay $83 more per month to enhsted men and $1 JO to officers The pa ratroopers were killed March 30 during a mock inva- sion The results of an mvest1ga- t1on into their deaths 1s l'Xpt.-cted in about two weeks In addition, one off-duty sol- dier was ktUed in a car al'C1dent. another died whe n a tank e r overturned on him and a Marine was crushed lo death rn a veh1de acr1den t. ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Claulfled advertising 714"6-42-56711' All other departments 642-4321 Thomas P Haley Pvtlll-eno C!l,.I (;ec:ul1"" ~ Robert N Weed "·-· Kay Schultz Vlc:el'r-1 tnd Director of Ad•.,11111"0 Tom Murphlne E.cltlOf Mike Harvey OWeclor ol M.,hl"'Q ICWCUletlOr!I Ken Goddard Oltec:lor OI °'*''-' Rey Maclean Conlt ..... Cherie• LOOI ~Editor I MAIN OFFICE llO WHI 8•Y SI , Cost•~. CA M.oll .Odclr1'U 80• I~ COll• Mfo ... <;A .,.,. COl>vriQhl ,._, o..,. Co .. 1 l'UCHl\hlf19 C-y No n•wn ''o""'· lltustr•t1ons. edltorl•I m-"•' Of' act- ••<11••"'"''' t.reln m•• ~ reot0duc9d without •t»< i•I oonnlnlon of coovrlcJl>l owner TM Or-Co.otl D•ily Pilol, will> whkh Is com- blr1.cl ti. -.Pres" '' ovblls...., b' ,.,. 0r.,. ,.,.,, l'Ullll ... lnq com,...,. Setler••• --.,. 1>Ubfl11 .. o -.iv lt>rouofl Frkl•v for C•I• ~ H••OO<"I 8-11, Hunl"'91on llff<h, ,,_,.,in V•lley: lrvlM, '--e..cll, South CoHt A·~,...._, H11llor> " -1-S.hml•v• -s..r....,. ,,.. orln<•o•• -·"'"'9 Ol.ofll 1• •I lJO WHI !My~­p 0 lloa IS.0 CO'll.o -... C•hfoml• .,.,. VOL. 75, NO. 99 Gallant Eagle cost $45 million and lasted a month in tht' Mojave [)('sert of California It involved all four branlhC's of the U.S . militar y In all. tht•rc.• were 151 inJuries F1vl' of the inJured remain hospitalized "Both General Kingston and I a re more than pleast'l.! with the way 1t went We• took 45.000 sol- d 1 c r s. sa il o r s. a irme n and Mannes. .out into what turned out to be hos tllC' l'O Untry and hostile weatht'r and strNL'hed our communicatwns system and our deployment systems to the limit." Gen Donn Starry, commander of the U .S Read1rH'ss Command, told a news confcn•11ct> held here Wednesday by thC' two generals. "Except for tht• unfortunate incident with th<' airborne drop on the first day I think 1t went extremely well· A year ago we couldn't have done what we have done in the last 1 wo to three weeks. we simply didn't have the capabilities." Brie fing o ff1 et'r S blamed "freakish winds" for four of the paratrooper deaths and a chute malfunction for the fifth-About 2.300 paratroopers of the 82nd Airborne Division took part. "I've been a drop-zone safety officer many times. I've got 13 years. It is inherently dangerous. We don't have wings, we've got parachutes ... (he drop was ma- naged as professionally as you can in my opinion." One minute before the drop. a ground team clocked ~inds on the leading edge of the zone where the fatalities occurred at 10 knots, well under the peace- time safety limits of 13 knots. Winds at a second zone just 300 meters away regist~red 6 knots. W•'re Listening ••• ~ '''°•• ,, ..... 00 no< -'°"' -IW ~ )() 0 ... U ll °"""• 1 0 lflt eftd .-OU' ~ ._.11 O• de'h'Wren ~ ellCI lvnOet II 19'1 00 •<O' ::.r.:.. '::/ ..!. ~O:V"'-·'= ....... .., What do you llkt' about the Dally Pilot • What don't you like' Call the number below and your meua1t will bt r•corded trens<'r1bed and delivered to the approprikft editor The same 2.4·hour an11wenn1 service may~ us.ct to record let terK to the roitor on any topic Mailbox contributors must Include thl'tr namt> nnd telephone number for vtri(lution No cl rculalton l'it lh1, please 1'tll us what'1 on your mind Orange Coaat OAIL Y PILOT /Friday, Aprll 9, 1982 s ..\I British Empire shrinks Se~=url! of· Falklands leaves little of once vast dominion LONDON (AP) -In Ont' swoop u week ago today, Britain lost Cive-slxlhs o f Its remaining Inhabited empire. That figure says less about Argentina's seizure of the 4,870 s quare-mile Falkland Islands than about the steady process of de-(.'Olonuauon that's reduced the once-rrughty British Empire to a smattering of 13 colonies and one associated stall' sint-e World War 11. "The Falkland Islanders a re the last victims of our refusal to be honest with ourselves." wrolt> Ferdinand Mount in tht' conser- vative Br1ush political weekly Th<' Spt.oetator. "We have dung to the rhl'loric of e mpire lung after we have lost the desirt' ur ab1hty to maintain its rt'ahty " Th~ reahty today IS a C'Ollt.'(.'t1on of widely !><:altered islands that play host lo tourists, fish ermen, scientists and military bases, a vast Antarctk wasteland and one modern ml'lropolis. Hong Kong, with its 5 million people., 1s the only significant population or economic ccnwr remaining to overseas Britain. Hong Kong Island and Kowloun Peninsula. wtm·h c'Ontam most of th<> population, were leased "111 perpetuity" by Chma to Brit.am A lease on the rest of the colony. the :166 squa rC'-mile T erritories •• .t A • . ,, on the mainland, runs o ut 111 1997. · The dl'Cllnl· of lhe empire be gan peace fully at the turn of the century, w ith indt'pendenc.·e in 1901 for Australia, followC'd by Nl:'w Zealand m 1Y07 C<inada, which had s<.•lf rule· slr)ct• 1867, was granted fully 1ndependC>nt dom1 rnon status in 193 1 South Afrn:a's wh1lt' mmonty havl• ruled themselves and thl' c·ountry's blal'k majority Sllll't' 1910. Britain was left with a hugt' Nnpire of mainly black. brown and Asian peopll:.'8, wh1t·h 1t did not bt•gm to shed until 1t t•mer ~t·d l't·onom1t·ally battert>d from Wo rld War II to fat't' tht> nauon- ahsuc as pirations o f its m11l10ns of sub JC.'<.' ts. Thl' J ewel of the Emp1r<.>, ln- d 1a, went 111 1947 a fter a long prowst struggle ll-'d by Mohandas K Gandhi. A separate dominion of Pakistan was Sl't up al thl' samt• timl'. S mee the n the Union Jack has l'ume down m anotht·r 41 nations aaoss thl: globe from Afnea a nd Asia through th1• P at·1fa· islands and thl' Aml'rin~ H a n g in g f r om 1 n d 1 ;i , t h t' world's moot populous dt•mcx:rul'Y with nC'arly 700 million pt:o pll•, tu Nauru. a:i 11 i squan• milt• South I • • ~1 ,, AP Wlrephoto MAUNDY SERVICE -This was the view of the mam nave of St. Peter's Basilica in Vatican City during Thursday's maundy services. Pope John Paul II celebrated Holy Mass for more than 1,200 cardinals, bishops and priests. At center can be seen the baldacchino, a masterpiece by Gian Lore n zo Bernin1. Panflt· h.Jand with 7,500 inhabi- tants, they form the 45 -nation Commonwealth, a looa;e associa- t1011 of Britain and her former t·olOtlles Thl· British bt>gan moving out of Afm·a c.·arvt.>d up by Britain, P ortugal, Franc.'l', S pain and Bt·lg1um 111 .in 18th t·e ntury scramble -m 1957 with mde- pc:•ndenc.'e for Ghana Most of Britain's other Afril'an holding!> folluwt'Cl over tht• next dt•l·adt• c.a m1d ag1tat1on from thc•1r black majorllws and pro- wsts from th(·ir wh1lk ~ttll•rs, In the words of Harold Mae- m1llan. ConS<.•rvat1vc• prime min· 1ster from 1957 to 1963, the "winds of c ha ngt•" down the African l'llllllnent would not ~ stoppl-'d Thl' whllt·~ o f Rhodesia. ho- Wl'Ver. held tht•m up, declaring mdc.·pc·ndem·p unilaterally in 1965 in a bid t.o avoid black rule. After ypars of war bt•tetwc n the n·bel l'olony's whttt'S and blac:k nationalist gul•rr11las. Br itain fi- nall y negullatl'<.I J>l'UCl' and what is now black-rult•d Zimbabwe bt'<:aml' mdt.>pt.·ndent in 1980. In thC' last year, the flag has bl·t·n lowl·n•d on two more col- omc.·s. B<>hw. Britam's last hol- ding in thl' Aml•rtcas. Sept. 21 and the Caribbean is land of Antigua on Nov 11 Hong Kong fat·c.•s a qUL'Sllon mark after l!Hl7 Most Hong Kong Chml'St' want to stay Bri - tish and Britain hop(•S to nego- tiate a ne w lt·a~c.· for the New Tt•rritont"• fr11111 the· tommunist giant Also unet;-rlam 1s the future of Gibraltar, a strategically-placed ruc:k on thC' southern lip of Spain, wi th 30.000 pro -British inhabi- tants. long da1ml-'d by Madrid. Of what remains. thl' largest land area 1s the Br1t1sh Ant.arctic TC'rritory. ~ome• 690,000 square m ill's uf frozC'n tundra and ice, trod only by th<' occ:as1onal ex- plorC'r or sc1l·nt1st The Falklands. with depel'P- dcncies South Gt•oq~1a and the South Sandw1t·h lsl.inds, we re the.· next-largest chunk, a wind- swept arch1pl'lago JUSt above the Anta rC'tic.· c.·1rdt'. with 1,800 Bri t1s h -desc(•ndc·d 1 nha b1tan ts and 600.000 '>hl"t.·p Other islands rull'd by Bntain are more st-enically inviting. Thry indudc• s uC'h popular tourist spots as the Br1t1sh Virgin Is la nds a t thl' t•ast 1·nd o f the Great1•r Anttllt's, BC'rmuda. 570 rrnles east of the North Carolina coast. the Cayman Islands, c.'Oral outcr ops northwest of Jamaica. and M ontst'rrat. a Caribbean island l'ham ~ou thwc>sl of Anti- gua. · The r<'St of tht• e mpire 1s more islands: -Turks a nd Caicos, with 6,UOO people. in the Caribbean. Pitcairn, populatwn 65 and two square' m1lc-s in s1w. m the South Pac:1fit· -Anguilla. :J6 squa re miles w1Lh 6.000 people. wh1t·h seceded in 1969. -St He l<'na. 1n the m1d - AtlantJc, where Napoleon died in Pxile m 18:.!1 The c'Olony includes Ascep s1on Is land . re ndezvous point for the• British fk•et sailing to recover thl' Falklands. The Britis h fnd1an Ocean ll'rntory. 92 square miles, official population zero PREMIUM NYLON CARPET SALE EVANS-BLACK "CANDORA" Anso IV Oakwood 125 yds. AvaH. $15 95 141· , .. lntall. BERVEN "Lasting Elegance" Anso IV Oyster Beige 133 yds. avail. BERVEN "Lasting Elegance" Anso IV Fireside 107 yds . avail. $14!.~. lntlR. LEE'S "Good Feeling" Antron Appiewood Tan & Bronze Brown United quantity avai. $15!! Installed Prices Include NZX-3600 sponge rubber pad a::==~,::·~,·· DEN'S *. e e e e. ;-•·it .• ' e e e e e. e. e. e e e. e •• · carpe['"1"~~.1 ·installation. custom dr~l!~'~~s IA MESA CAllf. 926l7 • PHONE 646·4 S I ~ I Orange Coaat OAILY PILOT/Friday. _A_Pr_11_e_ .... 1z ... e_2 _____ _ Parts available DEAR PAT DUNN: I have an old chrome llamllton Beach mixer on a stand, but l need some part11 for tt. Are tbere any atores In Oran1e County tbat carry pub for old small applian- ces? . W .E., Dana Point California Electnc Service. 2028 S. Main. Santa Ana. can· help you out. This firm carries a large se.lecuon of parts for small appliances, including Hamilton Beach m1xf.•rs. Phone 542-~61 l to ch~k on the parts you need. Huffs of Norwalk also car~•es. Ha- mil ton Beach appliance parts. The ph1Jne number 1s (213) 864-3364. IRS warns on payin~ too n1uch tax DEAR READERS: Paying income tax 1s a necessity. but paying too much tax is not! That's why the Internal Revenue Service wants you to be sure not to overpay yo.u~ tax by for~et­ ling to take advantage of the new interest a11d d1v1dend exdus1on for 1981. . r ~ An l Rob Giannangeli, IRS public affairs officer .m L.IVj> • gees, advises every taxpayer who can to use the exclusion on their 1981 federal income tax returns. "This year you can exclude up to $200 of qualifyipg interest and dividends fr?~ you~ ~xable income on your 1981 return. A married couple filing a JOint return can ex- clude as much as $400," Giannangeli said._ . . . Interest paid by U.S. banks. cr~it uruons, .domes~1c ~wld1.ng and loan associations. and other saving or thrift ihsutu~1ons m- sured·under federal or state law qualifies for the exclusion. Ho- wever, interest paid to taxpayers by individuals cannot be ex- cluded. You should receive Form 1099, Statemen~ for ~~1p1e.nts of Interest Income, or a similar statement f~o!TI financial 1nst1tu- tions showing the amount of interest or d1v1den~s you earned during 1981. If you already filed your return and did not take t~; exclusion. you can file an amended return using Form l040X. Hormone products not effective DEAR PAT DUNN: I~ there any benefit from the hormones contained in some cosmetic products? The advertisements sound miraculous but I'd like to know if they work as claimed. ' E.L., Fountain Valley Probably not. In a re<.-ent report for the Food and Drug Ad- ministration, several independent panels of experts recommended that hormones be eliminated from over-the-counter products applied to skin, hair, scalp or other parts of the body. The panel found no evidence that hormones made these products more ef- fective. Songbooks order n1issi11g label? DEAR PAT DUNN: Last Nov. 20 I sent a $27.50 check to "Songbooks Unlimited" of Paramus, N.J. ip payment for a songbook. My check was deposited Dec. 7, but I have not yet received the book. I wrote a lette r of inquiry in late January, but it wasn't answered. Can you find out what happened? R.T .. Laguna Beach Other than saying that "the mailing label probably fe~ off," Sheet Music Magazine's spokeswoman had no explanauon of what ha9 happened to your book. A "reshipment" was promjsed via UPS, so be on the lookout,Jor the overdue order. • "Got a problem? Then write to Pat Dunn. P.at will cut red t.ape, getting the answers and action you .. 'l need to solve inequities in government and busin':S5. • Mail your questions to Pat Dunn, At Your Sennce. · Orange Coast Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560. Costa Mesa, CA 92626. As many letters a.s passible will be answered, but phoned inquiries or letters not including the rea· der's full name, address and business hours' phone number can- not be considered." Huck Finn 'racist' FAIRFAX, Va. (AP) -A civil libertarian calla "extraordinary and sad" the removal of the book "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" from the curriculum of a school named after the classic's author. But John Wallace, an admini- strative aide to the principal of Mark Twain lntermediate School, calls the book "racist trash." "Anybody who teaches this book is racist," he said. "The book doesn't measure up. It's damaging to black students, and that's been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt. The book was restricted to use in the library by John Martin, the sch ool's principal, on the recommendation of a committee of faculty, administrators and parents. Martin was out of town and unavailable for comment. Wallace said the book "implies that blacks are less intelligent, can't be trusted and are n ot human." Chan Kendrick, executive di- rector of the American Civil Li- berties Union's Virginia chapter, criticized Martin's decision. "We find it extraordinary and sad" that use of the book has been restricted, he said. The issue was raised before the schools' human relations com- mittee io December following a complaint by several parents. Wallace said. "How much can we bombard kids with this trash and still ex- pect them to believe and trust the schools?" he asked. The book, which details a young boy's adventures on the· Mississippi River in Missouri in the 19th century. ha~ been a classic in American literature nearly 100 years. Wallace said that although he thinks it should be kept out of the school's classrooms, it is ac- ceptable for a college curriculum and for intermediate, junior high and senior high school libraries. The committee felt that racial tensions in the schools m'ight be lessened if the book was not part of the curriculum, he said. "We felt we could create a better climate in the schools if students did not read Huck Finn," Wallace said. Fairfax County, an affluent suburb of Washington, D.C .. has the largest school system in Vir- ginia . . RUFFELL'S UPHOLSTERY 11 .. hlatH tMld S.n 1922 HAllOa ILVD. ForClass1f1ed Ad ACTION COSTA MESA-541-1156 Call ;.i Datly Pilot AD· VISOR APWl,.....o HIGH NOTE -Veteran actors Art Carney, right, and Ray Walston will play two old vaudeville pals who are reunited in later years. when they appear on NBC-TV's "Fame" April 15. Black Sabbath concert offends The Black Sabbath rock group won't be performing in Phoenix on Easter Sunday because a lawmaker objected. sayi n g \h eir act was "absolutely degrading." State Rep . TODY. West complained about the perfor- mance at the state-owned Veterans' Memorial Coliseum, saying ·•apparently they have a propensity to be demonic. to ridicule the Christian r eli- gions and they act'::!_ally burn crosses ... " Les Schwartz of Warner Bros. Records in Los Angeles said it was the first time Black Sabbath had been as- ked to revise its schedule be- cause of a Christian holiday. Country singer Lyon An- derson has been granted a divorce from her millionaire husband in a settlement that gave her custody of their two children. The 34-year-old singer . whose biggest hit was the Grammy-winning "I Never Promised You.a R ose Garden," also was granted a legal separation from her husband. Harold H. Stream 111. Miss Anderson's attorney, John Scofield, said the settle- ment gave his client custody of the children. aged l year and 2 111 years. He said Stream would have liberal visitation rights. TAKES LICKS -Actor James Garner licks icing from knife u sed t o cut s urprise 5 4th _birthday cake presented him by cast and c r ew of "Bre t Maverick." Singer Teddy Pendergrass is out of intensive car e and undergoing physical rehabili- tation for injuries that left him paralyzed following an automobile accident last month. a hospital spokeswo- man says in Philadelphia. Ernest W. Hab11, foundor of one of thu nation'• laraett ahopping center development flrm.1. realgned as chief ex· ecudve officer of £rne1t W. Hahn lnc. The t.'Orporat.e shakeup also rt'tlulted in the res!gnatlon of hia aon. Ro11ald, who waM president 'and chief operating officer. The senior Hahn, 62, conti- nues as chairman of the board 'of the company he founded 36 years agQ. Replacing his son as president and chie( o_perating officer ts John W. Gilchrest Jr., 37 , the com· pany's executive vice presi- dent. An 8-year-olq cancer pa- tient who was thrilled last year when h e toured the "Dukes of Hau.ard" set in his television idol's car died at a Nashville hospit.aJ. Chris Adams of Murfrees- boro. whose father was kilJed in a traffic accident last mon- th, was escorted around the Warner Brothers set in Los Angeles last March after his mother tried to find a replica of the "General Lee," the car driven in the series. Chris and his telev1sio11 idol, John Schoeiaer, walked around the "Dukes of Haz- zard" set hand -~11-hand and later drove around in the real "General Lee." Actor E rik Estrada will not have to pay his former agent a fee for salar y raises he won in a renegotiated contract, the state Supreme Court ruled. The court denied without L'Omment a pettuon from J ack Fields and Associates uf Los Angeles sc:.oeking a review of a Court of Appeal ruling Jn fa- vor of Estrada. The dispute arose when Fields demanded a 10 percent comm1ss1on on all income earned by Estrada under a t:ontract which the actor said was procured by others after Fields stopped being his agent. Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward donated a Danish tray. Carol Burnett gave a cleaning lady's hat. Tommy John, Bu cky De nt, Bobby Murcer and Lou Pinella sent an autographed Ne w York Yankees basebaJl bat. And Jamie Farr -a star of CBS-TV's "M-A-S-H" - w nt a tongue depressor to the celebrity auction m Butler, a northeast Indiana town. Those and nearly 300 other items have been donat<'d to the April 17 auction, which will pay for Butler Days, a three-day festival. said Mayor Guy l. Mausteller. -----~--------~----~-----------------------, . ~l~ I "OUR AWARD WINNING" l · : FLOWER SHOP Is busting out with 1000's of your favorite flowers, plants, arrangements etc. Dur's are all Florist Quality for Easter you don't want the "Super Market Kind." SOUTH COAST PLAZA l -BEAUTIFUL BUY Call Now 645-0093 OPEN ALL DAY EASTER r---~R•l•f :11fll-----, r-----«iJTT:l•TO----,r----'{(•lll;Nu----, I THE 49" LB. KIND 11 FLOWER SPECIAL COMPARE THt8 PRICE I : s1LVER SKIN : l DAISIES or teHERo l 1 TEXAS ONIONS 11 CALENDULAS LETTUCE 1 1 : 15¢ :: $1 49 LARGESIZE : I lb. 11 e 29~ I I Limit 5 lba. 11 BIG ORIGINAL BUNCH Ea. I I W/Coupon 11 Limit W/Coupon Limit 4 HNd• I ·---------------' , ______________ ....11,. ______________ _, MOfll ~ ..... Vll1Ali£ = ~{ ( g"Qowe~s b~ debra ) ·=. J ...... ;=:, 1801 Newport . ,:-oi.,..,, 111-.HOw ,...,........... 845-0032 ~"'"''"' 1•ht.1 . • ....... ······-·······························-···· 1 An Extraordinary Exhibit of "Bricks" From CAROUSEL/COURT to JEWEL COURT Lego Toy Display Thru Easter Sunday Photo with Easter Bunny /Jewel Court Cforfhaf omeone on8asfet . . . For the discrim· lnating taste that ecial uridtly. Beach. in Via Lido Plaza. Just a few steps south of Udo Cinema. The finer things in life are always worth seeking out! seeks the palatable delights of Fine French Cuisine, ·without the haute cuisine prices. Why not join For reservations call your Hosts. us at "Chez Laut.re<:" for our· "Easter Champegne Brunch". From I 0:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Only $8.00 Per Person. Enjoy this Easter In the qutxotic ~ofthefuhionable "Chez Laut.re<:". Located at 3421 V'8 Udo. N1C'N1!>0n.• Pierre and Danielle at ... (714) 675-4904 . OUR 1982 CIMARRON Come in and see our large selection of Swimwear 11•~ South Coast Plaza In tbe Mall byiU.. Carouael 751·7IOO l Orange Coaet DAILY PILOT/Friday, Aprll 9, 1982 Out of darkness, light Easter, P assover emphasize deli ve rance of ma n N~W YORK (AP) Out of the suffenng came powerful renewal. Out of thtl darkness came light. Thia l:1 tht' koyno'e both of the J ewish Pas- aover and th Chnstlan Easter. whose observances were under wi.y this Holy Week. Although oht>n held in separate periods be- cause of dlfferenc.-es in religioull calendan>, the two obtervances coincide this tame, as was the case m the origins of ChristJanity. ' Their concurren<.'t.' poinlt.od up the sim1laritles in meanmg, each in distinctive ways. Both "express one of humankmd'e deepest longings -deliverance," says John Barry Uyan, a Roman Catholic and associate professor of re ltg10W> studies at Manhattan College. For Christjans, that deliverance was signaled for humanity by Christ's resurrC'Ction Crom t:xecu- tion on the cross, a conquest ovt'r life's dL'<'lX'St af- fliction, death itself "Death 1s swallowed up m v1t•tory." S<:riptun.• puts 1t. Fo r Jews, God's redeeming love was mani- fested m the s;1vmg of their pc.'O~lc from ancient s lavery in Egypt, an event regarded as mirrored timelessly through history and into the futurl' "The Lord 1s my strength and my song, and he has become my salvation," the early Israelites sang, a faith in the overthrow of abuses and oppressions that has echoed through the centuries. The eight-day J ewish Passover began with home "Seders" Wednesday and Thursday ewnmgs. while the current Holy Week for Christians culmi- nates with celebrations Sunday of the Resurre<:uon. Church serv1l'<'S today centered on the hours of Jesus' sufferm~ on the cross, an aRony l'Ons1derC'd Does relativity precede Einstein? borne by God himself as one wUh humanity to atone for sin. "For God ao loved the world that he gave ht.a only Son ... that the world migh t be saved through ham.'' Scripture says. His resurrection. seen aR foretokening that ultimate future for the humankmd be shared, ls celebratoo in Easter vigils leadmg up to Saturday midnight in dawn services outdoors and indoors, and in churches Sunday morning around the world. "Alleluia!" the choirs sing. "Christ is risen!" Both Passover and Easter are festivals of spring, associated with renewal of life, of wlnter g1vmg way to sun. of sorrow turned to joy. Both observances involve great personalities, Moses, who led his people nut of brutal bondaj(c, and Jesus,· who entered people's worst sufferings, even death , to overcome it. Both observances derive from events m the past. yet are seen as still acuve m the contmumg exix•rierlces and prospe<.·ts of !)('Opie. Both t'Onvcy messages of hope A t Pa6sovcr, says Ryan, "the Jewish people remind themselves and the world that our great yearning is toward deliveranl·c" from "the evil fon't's that would enslave us." They see promises of 1t m God's delJverance from oppression of old, and through all tLme. "O give thanks to the Lord for he as good," reads a Psalm used at Pas&>ver. ''His steadfast love endur('S ... to all generations ... and it stands fast" Ryan says "early Christians quite clearly usc-d Passovl•r references not only to understand what took place in the life of Jesus but also to shape their l'el<.>bration in me mory of him." lt was a Passover "Seder" that J esus shared with his apostles the night of has arrest, and to Christians he himself became their "Passover" - passing from death to glory and prefiguring that destiny for others The "fi rst fruits" of a new world ahead, thC' m1ss1onary-apostlc Paul wrote, "a new creation; the old has passed away, behold. thl' new has t'Ome . In Christ shall all be made ahvl' " AP Wl••pholo T RANSIT SHOWCASE -Exh1b1 ts on 01<.J -f<ish1om·d doublt•-d<'l'k1·1 buSt.'S and ultramodern bulle t trains an· on display Lil Lhl· Mass Tr.111 ... 1l Show and Con ferenn~ undt-r way in. of all plan's. Los Angl'lt·s C Carroll Carter, edi:.Or of the "Mass Transit" JOUrnal. stands near o.1e of the double-d ecke r seats. --,____ Shuttle funds offered MONTEREY <AP) A grouµ of invl'Stors has offered to pay $1 b1l111111 for (.'argo rights 1f a fifth span· shutth· 1s built, thl' Nal1onal At•ronaulll~ and Spal'l' Admm1stratwn c·onf1rmt-d Wilham Sword, o Nt•w York fmun t·1c•r, and a group of mvcstors formally prl•St.'nll-d the· offt'r within thl' last six month!., NASA spokesman Mllt•s Waggoner said m Washington H:rns M Mark. ut·µuty d1rt'l'l1>1 .el NASA . ..,iJld tn a S!Jl't•d1 al lhl' t.: S N;1v<d Pu ... 1gr;.1UUJll &·hool 111 M11nl1· n·v thot I he· <.idm1n1 ... tr<1l111n 1.., "\ 1·r" S(•nou'I~ l'llll)>IUt·nng" th1• 111 ll·r · Thl· 1n vt·st11rs want tu sl'll '"''go spun• and urrangl.' f1ir !-Ul'h 1n·'fhll't• Sl•rvit'l'" ..a:-n•pair .ind llldlntt·ndnt 1• 111 )><Jt<.•lllll•s, Mark '>Jld GIGANTIC 20th ANNIVERSARY SALE ~..,,,Yl,.,nfT1,.,..,.,-;~l"lr'l !'l .. .,. . .,,,,_,,, • . ~ -.. -.. • \J ~ J ..J l, w ..... \.) lo,,)"' ' • All thru the month of April SAVINGS FROM 503 to 703 or more . All items are selected from regular stock. nothing is held back Many items are limited or one of a kind. To assure the most varied selections of sale items. it's desirable to v1s1t our showroom at your earliest con- venience. ELECTRIC and LIGHTING 222 Victoria Street, Costa Mesa l Across frcm Mwwryta.d H11r1ft"'( I Phone 646-3737 /646-8194 . ~ .... ... -. ~: .. ·. · . . . . -.... . . .. .. .· OUlt WE QUIT!! ~i~. GAIN/ DUE TO REASONS 1922 A Tradition for 60 Years 1982 Se rvinp Nightly Til 1 A.M. Easter Hours ENTIRE MAGNlf ICENT INVENTORY 2 PRICES THU_l _S_DA-Y-TO_S ..... ArATUIDAY FIND YOUR NAME BEYOND OUI CON1IOl WE AIE FORCED TO CLOSE OUR DOORS FOIEVER. WE HAVE SPENT 3 DAYS MAlllHG DOWN PRICES ON EVERY· THING IN THE STORE. 50 % OFF ,..,., •. M. • 2 TICKETS WORTH $19 (lnol S• tonq l\eocl! Newµor1 & Foirv1ew -Cosio Mesa wmws srue• I NAHE OMm u1111•n MO< w"" Ar-.1 11 I• Thurs Sundov April 15 18 TICKETS evellable at Circus Vargas loca11ons end at all T ICketron our lets For mote circus 1nlormauon call (714) 957 I 120 9 Winners In Today's Classifieds! IT'S EASY! Find your name and address in today's - classified section. then call 642-5678 Ext. 272 to clalm your ttcketa. Winners each dly, IO check the claulf1ed1 1n the ""'"" WE PIOMISE THAT YOU WILL BE THRILLED WITH OUI INCREDIBLE PRICES AND su1a10N1 I AND o/c IOo~F .. , AS ~ ~---. ~ ' I • • ' Witch church ·....- exempt ~!! '· ATLANTA (AP) -A Georgia Supreme Court , ruling granting tax -•• exemp t status t o a ,. church of "witches" and "warlot·ks'' 1s a Vll'lory I t ' I I . I for all l'ongn•gauons. an attorrll'y for the <.·hurch says . I "l t 'i. an obv10Ub victory for rt'hgmus frN'd11m for e v t• n s ma 11 m 1 nor 1 t y . misundt•r!-.tuod churchc!i or groupK,'' said T homas Jo: Maddux Jr , a lawyer I o r I ht· H d v t• n wood Churl'h uf W1n·a in Al Ian ta Th t· ~ la tt" s h t g h cs t ·: I I I c:ourl ruft•d tha t tht• R<i· " vt•nwood l'hurch m<'<'li. the t<.•!'tt undt.•r Gt·org1'-I •· I ;.1 w t' x l' mp t 1 n g "a 11 " I pl lJ Cl' S 0 ( I' f' 11 g I U US wor:-.h1p" from prnix•rty / I UlXl'S, I I Chun·h membl•rs arc • known ;1s w1tt•ht•:. and ! w:irlol'k~. but don't I pral'llt·1· ..,lt•reoty p1 l'al I "buhblt·, bubble toil and :• troul>l1·" w1tt hcraft, th1• t·uurt found in its 4 2 dt'l'ISl011 .. F'oundt·r L<.1rtv Smt.ana told tht· 1·ourt ·lhJt hc·r • f a 1 t h 1 s J m J t r w n· ha I ~ n·lig1on that ong1 na tt•d in Eun"Vl' .111d mdudt•s a bt•l1t·I 1n a dt•itv that t·rt·a tt·d and pl'rml•a tt'!. .,. lhl' UnlVl'r.1· Reservations Suggested 645-7077 -l p.m . TO 12 MIDNI Gl/1' SAT. & SUN. •, • -. '• ... . . .. .. .. -.. . . . ; . ~ . ' . ' . . ~ --. . I • I ' . . ' I .. I; t I . ' . ' .. -.. ' ( I •' 1 c , 1 • ! • • • . I t ' -. I t ' s I ' ...... ~ ' I . -- I . I ~· Orang• Coaat DAILY PILOT/Friday, Atirll 9, 1982 Existing courtrooms should serve)._county "\. The Orange County Board of SupPrvisors acted correctly this week in ruling out construction of new municipal court facilities. at $1 million per courtroom, J>t!nding study of less costly alternatives. The county has 60 municipal courtrooms today. Six more are unde r const ruction at North Orange County Municipal Court, which. when completed. would raise the numbe r of available t'Ourtrooms to 66. According to figures released by the county Administrative Of- fice, only 65 courtrooms will be needed by 1990, some eight years off. So the county is in no imme- diate need·of courtrooms, at least not on a countywide basis. Th e key w or d i s "coun tyw1de." The county's mu- nicipal court system is split into five independent districts. And it is true that the south and Harbor Area districts are on the verge of needing additional courts. But it is also true that otht'r d1stnc ts, have or will have a s ur- plus uf courtrooms. The district servmg the west portion of the coUhty, for example, has six spare <.1uurtrooms today. When the north court expansion ls done, 1t too will have a surplus of six. If there is a need for n<.·w courtroom space in some d1stncts and an availability of space in others, the logical thing to do is modify dis t rict boundaries to spread the workload. A s the county grows, of course, new courtrooms will be needed. But those space conside- rations may hinge on other facili- ties investigations -such as con- struction of a new criminal courts building in Santa Ana or county use of a portion of the largely va- cant Chet Holifield Federal Buil- ding -the Ziggurat -in Laguna Niguel. But for the near term, court- room construction, such as the six-room Ha rbor Court expansion strongly supported by Supervisor Thomas Riley. makes little sense. Pound bill illogical The principal task of a vete- rinarian is to save the lives of a n- i ma Is, in most cases a beloved household pet. So 1t is understandable that the California Veterinary Medical Association is disturbed by a bill in the state Legislature that would greatly impede the training of new doctors' of veterinary medicine. The measure. SB J4;j8, would prohibit the purchase of pound animals for medical research . That in turn, says the CVMA, would eliminate the use of cats and dogs for surgica1 instruction of veteri- narv s tudents at UC Davis. -And it could mean that the student's first direct experience in treating or operating on an animal would be with someone's treas- ured pet. It is not possible. say the vets, to learn to spay dogs, for example, by practicing on rabbits or pigs, or by viewing films and reading textbooks. At the present time, 1he VPt schools purchasl' pound animals for a small fee, usually on the day they are scheduled to be de - stroyed. When used for surgical trai- ning, the animals are anesthetized, as they would be in any a nimal hospital. When necessary, t hey eventuall y are mercifully de- stroyed by injections, again as done in the hospitals. The only alternative to the use of pound animals for teaching purposes would be to purchase, at exorbitant prices. dogs and ca ts raised commerc-1ally for researc h purposes. The pound animals, of course, still would be destroyed on schedule. and the revenue from sale of the animals lost. Thus both the cost of veteri- nary training and the cost o f maintaining public pounds would increase, at no benefit to the pub- lic. This is a bill that appt!aJs to the sentiments. but lacks logic.· and fails to face facts. Damage suit windfall A bill passed by the st a t e L egislature as a ··simple equity·· measure has been challenged by opponents as a costly victory over ins urance companies and a one- s1ded benefit for trial lawyers. The bi 11 , if signed by the governor. could add thousands of dollars to damage awards and le- gal fees by calculating interest on the settlement from the time a suit is filed, instead of from the date of a court verdict, as now is the case. Since many of these injury suits take up to three or four years to come to trial the new law. which also raises the interest rate fro~ 7 percen t to 10 percent, could have a staggering effect on major damage judgments. Additionally, if a plaintif.f of- fers to settle. but the defendant prefers to go to court, interest would be charged from the date of the first settlement offer to the actual date of payment of da - • mages, a procedure w h1 c h also could add a year or two of interest to the settlement cost. Trial lawyers contend the ne w law would h e lp ease court delays by t>ncouraging defendants and their insurance companies to settle promptly to avoid interest charges, instead of trying lo delay a settlement. Insurance o ff iua Is, o n the other hand, claim it simply would ~ncourage more suits and raise insurance rates. Only a few states now aJlow pre-judgment interest on personal injury suits and tl">e effect of the law on the California court system and o n insurance rates would re- main to be seen. However, it would appear al- most to guarantee an eventual in- crease in insurance rates as a c ushion against the potential build-up of interest if a suit drags on. Opinioris expressed 1n the space above are those of the Daily Pilot. Other 111ews ex· pre~sed on '"'"' pagl" are tnose ot tne1r author~ ano artish. RenOer comment,., in11 1t ed AdOress Ttw L>a11y Pilot. P 0 Box 1560. Co">ta Mesa. CA 92626 Pnone !/141 641·4321 . L.M. Boyd/ First year rockiesi Q . Ask your Love and War man why the first year is the rockiest .in most marriages. A . T h at get-acquainted year 1s bound to thin the ranks of those downright incompatibles, so credit the first-year breakup statistics largely t.o that fact, says he. Also significant, though: It's in the first year you face the most problems with the least ex- perience. ' Q _ Don't t h e R oyal Canadian Mounted Police serve in all of Ca- nada's provinces? A. Not all Ontario and Quebec have their own forces. ORANGE COASlf • • Daily Pilat Q. Didn't Benjamin Franklin give guitar lessons? A. Only to young ladies. Q. What wild animal is the least fearful of man? A. The koala might merit that dis- tinct.ion .. It's said to be the rnost trus- ting of them all. once il's accustomed to you. Pick one up, it will nestle against your chest, maybe even put an ann around your neck. You say your electric clock is noisy. Run it upside down overnight. If that doesn't work, put it in a warm oven for awhile. Thom.s P. Haley Publishe r Thomas A. Murpttf n• Edito r Barbara Krtlbich Ed itorial Pa" Ed itor 'The Cowboy' stirs Europe WASHINGTON "TwicP In my life time," said the president, who is 71 years old, "l've seen the world plungt' blindly into globol war I shart' the determination of today's young p<:ople that sueh a tragedy. whieh would be rende rt>d even more terrible by the monstrou s inhumane we apons in tht' world's nul'lear <1rst•nals, must never happen again I bclit·ve people want to rt'tum to a lev1·l of 1·1vilized behavior W t> ont.·1• knt>w . Most uf all they want peat'<.' and so do I " So. shakc·n by the sprt•admg growth of another Amcnl·an anti-war movement, Ronald Reagan s poke last week. There was. possibly, something historic about his performance. Reagan may just be the man who starts the nations of the world down the path of c1v1lized nu<.:lear bt.-hav1or. T HERE IS IRONY at the heart of what is happening: P resident Reagan 1s Lrymg, perhaps l'ynically. to gain control of a movement that began largely be- l'aust~ peoph:, here and in many other L'OUntnC's. w e re te rrified that Ronald Ht•agan W.,l:.!S so dett•rm1nt:.•d , bellig1•n•nt <>r ignorant' that he might start or trigger nuclear hol1x:aust llt>ag;,in <ind S(1 me <1f tht-' truly fnghtt·ning men aruund htrr. Is the L'ause ..ind <:<:ttal yst of the movemt'nl he now fears will dc>Stroy his defense plans. his prC'Sidt·ncy and his America. H<' has scared too many people for too many years with grinning, down-to-earth taJk about destroying the earth. "The Cowboy Whal will the Cowboy do1" That is the question I heard in Eu- rope last summer and fall when anti- nucle ar w eapons (and, to an extent, anu-Americ:an) demonstrations bt>ean. Rt•agan, as a pt.•rson and <lb tlw name for an admm1stratwn, was the focus of those protests. And, ignorantly, tw did l'VN'Y thing he t'Ould t.o helµ tlll'm grow ;.ind kl'l'p going When Europeans said H(•agan was Lngger-happy, the U.S. Navy S("'t'ffi(•d to «•pond by •hooting down tw~ RICHARD RIEVES 1·; • byan iets for the hell of 1t Wht•n young Europeans guessed that the Un1H•d States might bt• thinking uf a "lim1tt·J " nudear war with thl' Sovll't Union CJn Eurup(•an soil. i{{·agan. hi:-. mind w;111 dt·ring, said yes. that w as ,1 poss1b1ht v Alexandl·r Ha ig then beg;;in talkmg about a "warnmif' H-bunib (ired ovt•r Europe That flap across lht• oc1•an, thost• dt•- monstrat10ns of last year, were con!:.1cl - ered something of a )Oke in Washington Or, some thought of thPm a s d{•ver communis t plots. R"'agan's m11n kt•pt t al k ing about civ il d l'f e n !-l' a nd "w1nnab1lity'' the wmnabthty of nu clear war, wh1t'h w<is introdueC'd tnto rel·ent American political dwlogut· bv George Bush tn 1980. Al that time. Lhl' Reagan folk I 1.<1lkl-d with thought it would not happen hl'tv Thc•y were fools a 12-year -old could have told the 71 -year-old presidt'nl that it was already happening here. The most significant political campaign in the· United St.at.es m 1980 was the traveling road show of Physicians for Social Res ponsibiLity. Doctors were going from city to city explaining in detail what would happen it a une-mt'gaton weapon explo- dt>d OVl-'r t'ath city hall. It 1s 1:1 com- n1t·nta r y on Washington and on-the national pres:, corps that despite cxten- s1v{· local acllv1ty and l<.x:al pubhl'lly for morl' them a year, there was almost nu ml·ntwn of that grass-roots act1v1 ty m the Congress or tn the Journals and tel- t'Vts1on new~ shows that get to <.a µre~t­ dt-nt. NOW REAGAN has an 1de<1 of what 1s haµµ.•ning out th1 ·re. which 1s why he d1'l·11lt·d to go 0 11 l<•lt·v1sion. Ht• thinks he 1·an l'Onlrnl or pt•rhaps dduSf• this thing 111· l::rn't Ht 1~ thr n1 u~t·, the t.1rgt•t and lhl t'l1l'fllY of the mov1•mt•nt h was dt•ar lt::.tenmg to him that night that hl· bt•l1 eves tht· real problt·m the Urntt•d Statc'l:. fdccs 1s its professed lack 1)f n•wliatnry nuc:lt·ar capaC'1ty after two hvpnlh<'lH:al Soviet stnkL·s Thi· presi- dl'11t SCJ1d. 1•sscnt1ally, th<.it hl· wants to build ;.i whole ne w Amt•ric:an missile furct', ;, Sl'l'und-stnke re taltatory fort'e Il1•ap,a 11 111;.i,v h:iv1• bt•c n l'y111ca l 1n try111g to g1vt• tht-' 11npn·ss1on ht• wants to b(' part of Jn • .11H1 nud1•111 niov t•mt•nt But I am -.ur(• hl" ti. quilt' ~llll't'rt• tn his n •al bd1t'f-. Those ht.ofu ·b w<•n· '>l..itl.J 17 y1 .. 1rs :lgo 1n hi'> :.1u11Jb1ography. ··Wh en··!> till' Hest of Me " In lh<.tt book. wntt('n ht·fon' he w;1~ 111 pol1tws. Reag<:tn quo tt•d only one> lul uf po..iry. frum M<it·aulcy's "H0rauo <fl th1· f31'1dgl·"~ "And how can man d1t> better" "Than fal'lng fea rful udds "F'or th .. as hl'S uf his fatht•rs "And the· tt•mpll' of his Gods"" Anv world k·.:1dt•r who bellevt>s those word~ w,1s bound to lx'\.•onw thC' llh.:g1t1· m<ih• futht•r of a (X•atX' 11'\0Vl'ment Deukmejian an inevitable candidate From the moment he was ele<:ted at- torney gent>ral four years ago it was fa- ted that George Deukmejian would be a candidate for governor this year. This was so even though Deukmejian himself didn't have any notion of running for governor then and, in fact, repeatedly disavowed any such intentions. And it certainly wasn't in the minds of the sE>lf-appointed kingmakers of the Republican Party who had j~t wit- nessed the ir new boy, Mike Curb, cap· ture the office of lieutenant governor. Having had success fielding Ronald Reagan as governor, they now were out l.o repeat the performance with Curb. BUT DEUKM E JIAN, a solid, sincere and wholly honest individual, became more and more frustrated in his efforts to achieve his programs for law and or- der. Finally, last year. he decided to make a bid for governor even though it meant bucking the moneybag kingma- kers. Asked why he was sacrificing his post • as attorney general, to whtl'h it was al- most a foregone conclusion tha t he could easily win re-election, to gamble on win- ning the governorship, Dcukmejian said he believed only as governor could ht' EARL WATERS turn the tide on crime. "The jud1C·1al appointments are the key," ht· stated. At the time Deukmejian made his de- cision Curb had already C.'Olkcted a huge campaign warchest of more than $2 5 million, received the endorsements of many Re publican bigwigs, fended off other important challengers such as !San Diego Mayor Pete Wilson. and was far ahead in the polls. Undaunted. Deukmej1an res1slt'd the pleas, promises and threats of the H<'· pubUcan wheels to make way for Curb, Liberty 1s a two-way street Thoughts 1H LarRe' What tht• M or al Major1tws of ycstC'rday. today and tomorrow equally forget (1f they ever km.'w it) was tersely exrn'ssed by William Allen White when SYDfHY HARRIS uf sm<irt pcopl£>. and l<':irn nothing by kf'<'ping to their C>wn Ivel. (Some µ;:trt•nts arf> even stupid enough to resent their smart l'hildrcn). -It is a m1stakt• to assumt' that we can change the size of something without at the same lime changing 1ts "quality". when a city becomes appredably larger. it is no longer the same city except in name. -(This is true even in something as minor as f<X\d : a thin slice of ham is quite different in taste texture from a thick he said, "Liberty is the only thing you slice, an<.! the one cannot judiciously be cannot have unless you are willing to substituted for the other.) give ir to others." -The closer one gets t.o a n important -I would far prefer to hear an old· "criminal investigation," the more it be-fashioned Anglo-Saxon four-letter word comes evident that the greatest drag on than the sleazy current slang of ''making its swift and just conclusion b; the vanity. out" and "getting it off," which are in- jealousy and suspicion among competing expressibly more vulgar than the voca- jurisdlctions and authorities, who use the ble. case a11 a shuttlcooc:k to further thelr own -Each of us has at least one friend or political ambit.Ions. relative who precisely falls into Hebbel's -Some grown m n never learn how description ot a t-ert.ain type: "There are to be dignified without btlh,i pompous, persons who always find a hair in their Qr how to b4! affable without beins pl~te of soup for the simple reason that fawnin,C(. w~n they sit d~wn beforo it .th~y,,shake -All the cflurohea believe in their hea.dil until a hair Call11 an ll. "bruth rhood"; what. t.hoy can't agoc -The o~aoln "revolution" ln sexuaf upon ls who ahall be Big Btolher. conduct was lc:ted Jona aao by thol5le -SrnArt people seek the compall)'. of who warn t.rult • moral code bued even lft'IJft.er people, to learn 90f'lle~ltraely on Ce4U' would dltlntqrate when from; etupld people rem\ the company and I( the fe>o.r wu ever rcmoVfd . and JUmpt·d 1n with both feel solidly prnnted towards Lh1· governor's uffi ct Sinn tht•n ht• has not only caught up and passt.'d Curb 111 tht• polls but has m;it..ch("<I htm 1n l·am1><11gn funds Some say i t hJ~ bt•<·n C ui l>'s uw11 fumbling wh1t·h h<is brought this about. While it is true h1• has made some bad blunders. fighting with thl' prtss being one of the m . to d1sm1ss D1·ukmejian's rise to Curb's bumhling is lo deny DeukmeJian's strong qualit11•s. In rnntrast to Curb's boyish image and lim1t£>d knuwledge o f government, Duc,knwj1an has a mature appearance both physically and by reason of his Hi yl'ars uf experience as a legislator. Furthermore while Curb's record in government 1s almost non-existent. sin<.'c the office uf lieutenant governor has no real duties or responsibilities. Deukme- Jian's legislative service provides a dis- t1ngu1sht'C! re<:0rd as a public official. Yt>t some think it will bl' that record whil'h will hurt him in gaining the GOP nomination. Fur despite his firm stand on law and ordt!r, Dcukmej1an is a moderate l'Onservat1ve and has voted contrary to thl' hardltnC' of the Republican right- wing. But the polls at present do not show ;m y signs of Deukmejian suffering from that re<..'Ord . WITH THE P RIMARY election now only two month.c; away. It begins t.o look as though the Duke should be an odds on favorite by June. The question now re- maining t.o Ix' answered is can Deukme- jian or any Re publican win over the apparent Democratic Party nominee, Los Angeles Mayor Tom Bradley? It may all hinge on the st.ate of the economy next November. Will infiation, high interest and high unem ployment be lamed by then? Or will the current rec- ession have become worse? If the eco- nomy is bad it is almost certain the vo- ters will blame it on President Reagan with all lhe Republicans taking the heat. If the chargt!!i were dropped ln that bis · cocaJne case, why don't \hey have to I'~ 'be coc:alne blckt M .P. DOUBTS -Former Defense Secretary Robert McNamara doesn't believe the Soviets could incapac- itate the U.S . with a nuclear first strike. S&L soothes callers Off1c1als for Fidelity Federal Savings & Loan of Glendale, which has offices in Laguna Beach. Irvine, Costa Mesa and New p o rt BeaC'h . are stressing today they art" not in hnanc1al trouble. Their utle. however, 1s similar to F1del1ty Sa- vings & Loan o f Oak- land. which is having fi- nanl'lal problems Albert Clemens. senior vice prf'sw nt for Fidelity Federal. said employees are explaining to worried callers who have read or heard news reports about the Oakland bank that there is no relationship between the two "We have absolutely no problems," said Cle- m ens "As a matter of fal·t. "'-'l''re doing l'Xtre- mcly well" Fidelity Federal has -10 branch offices an Califor- nia. he said Dentist • sen11nar s ch e dule d A seminar entitled. "Pral·t1ce Growth Through Marketing". will be presented April 23 to dentists and staff members. The sessions a r e ac- cr edit<.-d by the Califor- nia Stall' Board of Dcnt- a I Examiners and the Departnwnt of Consumer Affairs. The Sl'mtnar will bl' offered an Costa Mesa at the South Coast Plaza Hotel Featurc.•d speaker~ m- c I u d c Or R obl•rt L Cunningham. a pracll - cmg dentist from Hunt- ington Beach and Gar- rell A. Carter, Executive Direc t o r o f Dental Marketing Institute. Inc . the program speaker. For 1nformat1on. call 730-80-l 1 Newport Mt\usic <!Ionstruatoru fjimlll I(~ Miiiie • ,,....pfi_ ~atory Clo"" vo1ce-v1011n-flute-gu1tar Ms"Y•l"•tc•. l .M. dlr"Ktor Call 10< Brochure 1126 lri•tol '57.021 1 HAPPY EASTER Photos with Easler Blllny Bring yOUf child to Huntington Center for a frM fun visit with the Easter Bunny. Photos onfy $2.88 on request, ["laity 'tll Easter. Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT /Friday. April 9, 1982 AT Hare Krishnas to' create community near Sequoia THREE RIVERS (AP) -The month without anyone t'OntetUng , Har Kri1hn• religious sect has apedal u11e permit approved by th~ won permlaaJon to create a furm Tulare County plunning comm ls- commuul ty on an old, secluded slbn. ranch next to Sequoia National Planners added 29 L'Ondluons to Park despite t'On~erns Crom nearby the permit to acc.'Ount for ob.)l'Ctlons rt:aldents. raised by nearby residents. But The religious group. the Inter-most of the limltauons control national Society for Krishna Con-st.andard planning matten. hke ac- sc1ousness, 1s devt•lupmg a temple <.-ess, traffic and st.'wage rather than in an old lodge und will build a ihe Eastern sect's role. grade school at the :379-at're former Two commissioners who opposed guest ranch near Three R1wl'8 the prop:t cited problems with the Attention focused on the un<.'<>n-religious orgaruzat1on. vcntional new owners as the pro-Commfssiuner Morns T racy of posal wended its wuy through the Tulare wus bothen•d by the repu- perm1t proc:ess. talion of Hare Krishnas for ag- The proje('t bas1<.·ally was assured gress1vt>ly sohc1tmg funds when an appeal period expired last "They said they won't solicit, but ~~~~~~'""-~~~~~~~~~- that they can't t•ontrol ot her member&.'' he said. "But l don't buy thot They'n• a ll the sum(• group " Comm1ss1oner Chet Train or Three Rive rs, who l·ast the other negative vote. said hL• wasn't happy wi th access prov1s1ons and feared the Kr11.hnas would seek tax - <:xempt status for the ranch Commlss1on<.•r Marjorie Shields of Porterville sw1t<·hed hl'r vole tu favor approval and break a 3 :J Ill' provided the county staff monitor school operations and report back twice m the next year In an effort to 1mprov<.• <'Ommu- nity relations during rt'v1ew. the Knshnas conducted an opcm house ut tht-ram·h and s<'rvcd a vPgeta- r1an meal to al.x>ul I 00 v1s1tors. The n•llgwus group found<.•d in 1961) opt•rates IU other rural com- munilll'h in tht.' United States and Canadu "We hke peoph.' to feel tht:y arc welC\)me here We don't want them to feel we are a bastion they C'an't L'ome lo." S<Jld Dt•nms Elt•k, school headmastl•r an what will bf• l'alll'tl Bhakt1vt•dantu Vlllagl' "When people have come to M•e or l'vt• t>xplainl.od our s1tuii t1oni., tht•y an· quite• .~ut1sf1cd with what W(•'n• doing The• I .uwh will Jl'COmmud.1U· In peopll' wht•n rt'novallons Jrt' l'Om plete A dozen butlding~ art' be111g refurb111hl'd as housing for 80 to 100 primary to svwnth gradl• students lksidl•nts will grow vegetables and o~ra\C' a dairy Cor them.selves Reltg1oui. precepts based on Hindu tea<.-hlng call.on followera to abstain from meat, alcohol, tobacco, drug• and gambhng Swimming. boatmg, hiking and ho1:.t·ht.1l'k ndmg will be integrated in.; lUITlll\Jlum c·oncton trating on mental, phys1tt.1l and spmtual de- velopment, s.a1d Elek. who chooses to wear contt>~pc1rary dress rathl'r than the d1st1ncuve saffron robc•s favored bv MJml' ml·mlx•r' SI>. fiimil11.•1> llVl' Cit Lht• ranlh pn·panng for tht· S4.'huol'~ opening as t·<.1rly <1s Mu y S750 BACK ON FORD LARIAT PICKUPS $2000 BACK ON FORD XLT a.tJB WAGON CASH BACK 100% FROM FORD ON ALL THESE TRUCKS AT EVERY FORD DEALER! Ge1 $500 to $750 back on a tough Ford pickup or 4x4. depending on the mOdel !$300onF·100·5) SOJO BACK ON RRJ MEllUMS Now America s best sellers are an even better buy You get $1.000 back-100°0 lrom Ford' (Nol applicable to unils ordered or delivered by April 4 ) Match thal 11 you can1 Other Club Wagons ano Vans pay you a $500 bonus. direct lrom Ford. f1RJ CARE AND SSOO BACK ON '83 r.ALlfDRNIA RANGER You get 2·yea• 24,000·mile (whichever comes first) Ford Care Protection 11m11ed warranly. Virtually all you pay lor is gas Everything else Is covered except abuse. accidents, tires and fluids Plus a $500 cash bonus Ford does it big' Ford does it right! It's one of the biggest Ford buyer assistance programs ever. and it covers most new 1981 csnd 1982 hght-and 1982 medium-duty trucks . One big Ford advantage is this: Unlike a financing deal. you don't have to wait for any savings to dribble in. You can get your money right now, 100% from Ford. And this cash back offer is on both cash and financed deals Just see any Ford Dealer you wish and work out your best deal. Take delivery by June 6. 1982. and Ford will send a check direct to you Limit one per customer. Or if you prefer, use the cash back to reduce your down payment. If you're even thinking of a new truck this year. see your Ford Dealer now! FORD FORD DIVISION 411'• . . • • I . • . i ~· Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Friday, Aprll 8, 1882 • WE ·CAN'T CALL THEM NEN ,·a I BtlT YOU CAN! • • - VOLUME SALES AND GREAT DEALS ON NEW TOYOTAS KEEP US OVERSTOCKED WITH . EXCEPTIONAL, LOW MILEAGE TRADE-INS. WE H_AVE OVER 100 FULLY RECONDITIONED USED CARS READY TO GO -DRIVE ONE HOME AND SA VE!! 1110 TIYOTI 1n1u PIOllP 4 speed transmission, stereo cas- sette, camper shell and bed liner. ra lly s tripes & extra clean! (1V44741). 54999 1111 YW l&llEll Wlll.._.EIEL 4 soeed transmission, factory air conditioning, AM-FM stereo radio and vfnyt lnte<lof. (O 17WNS) 54999 1110 YIUSWAIEI IClllCCI "S" 5 speed trans., factory air cond . power disc brakes, stereo cas~tte, sunrool, alloy wheels & gleaming black paekage. ( 1AOK676). 1111 NlllCIE 124 CllPE 4 speed trans .. alr cond .. power disc brakes . .alloy wheels. stereo cas~t­ te. sunroof. custom 2 tone paint ~ low miles. ( 167UJR) 59599 1171 Hiii F&lllllllT SEID 6 cyl .. auto trans . faciory air cond . pwr. steering & brakes. stereo casa , vinyl rool, tint~ glass. Mlchehn tires & an exceptionally clean, low mi- leage car (983WKR) 53499 1981 TOYOTA CRESSIDA WAIOI 6 cyl .. auto trans., lactory air con- ditioning. lull power Inc. power disc brakes & power door locks, tilt, cruise & stereo cassette. ( 1CHY 180). . 59999 1981 TOYOTA COROLU 4 DR. SEDAll Auto. trans . factory air cond1t10- n1ng, power steering, power disc brakes, AM-FM radio !fd low mlles (1CGE044). 56499 1918 HOIDA ACCORD 5 speed, power disc brakes, ste<eo cassette, tin ted glass & a nice, economical earl (078ULO). 5 4699 1919 CHEVY CAIARO IERLlllmA ' Auto. transmission. factory air cond . power steering, power disc brakes. stereo cassette. tilt, alloys & low miles (226WOX}. 55999 1110 TOYOT& TERCEL un11c1 Equipment includes 4 speed trans., factory air conditioning and power dtsc brakes. A really sharp Carl (1AK8942). 5 5299 SPECIAL GREEN RIBBON BUYS These late model, low mileage cars all carry Earle Ike's exclusive 2 year 24,- 000 mlle warranty. You can't lose! e 1111 FOii MllTUI FASTIAOI s3999 4 cyt .. 4 speed, pow9f steering, l>Owtlf' disc brakes, stereo cassette, wire wheel discs. (853VAE) • J~?!.J~!~!~ ~~~~~ll~~wer 54999 disc brakes, AM-FM radio, black package. alloy whtiels & low miles. (046TEO). • J:~:m~~~~~u~~~~~t~~lrans .. power $ 6899 disc brakes. heater. stereo cas!Mltte, moon roof. ( 129ZOK). e 1110 TOYOTA SIPU 6 cyl • auto trans .. factory alr conditioning, power steering, power disc brakes, AM-FM stereo radio, tilt wheel and alloy wheels. (933ZFWJ . e 1110 TIYITA SIPU 5 speed trans .• factory air cood., lull power Inc. door locks, leather Int .• stereo cas- sette, tRt Wheel, crulee control, ~loy wheels and morel (1AHM247). 1171 TOYOTA 1911 TOYOTA CELIC& un11c1 ClllW "Ill" LIFTIAOI 5 speed, factory air conditioning, power disc brakes, AM-FM stereo radio and morel (928PPF). A rare find for only 53699 5 speed. factory air conditioning. power steering, power disc brakes. stereo cassette, sunroof & under 11,000 miles (1BSY724). • 1971 TOYOlA CELICA un1101 ' 5 speed, factory air conditioning. power steering, power dlac brakes, AM-FM radio. sunrool, alloy wheels, shadow kit & low miles. (304XWX). 55999 1910 DATSUI 1210 un1ac1 SL package, 5 speed, factory air condltfonlng, AM-FM radio. tinted glass. custom interior & exterior & unde< 8000 miles. ( 1APB447). 5 5299 1111 Fiii ESOlllT -J 11111 Automatic trans., air cond .• power steering, power brakes and just over 7 ,000 mites! ( 1CNY 186}. 55499 . 1171 TOYOTA CELICA unuc1 Aut omatic transmission. power steering, power disc brakes. AM-FM stereo. rear window shade k11 & custom two tone paJnt. (613UXT) 54299 1172 TOYOTA ClllOLU SEIAI Automatic trans .. radio, heater. vinyl Interior and more. Great transpor- tation earl (146FVZ). 5 1999 1111 TOYOTA CELICA umac1 Auto trans., ractory air conditio- ning, power disc brakes, AM-FM radio, sunroof and alloy wheels. (1 AOX975) 5 7999 1110 1111ta OIEISllA WAHi Automatic trans., factory air cond .• stereo cassette, pwr. steering & barkes. lllt wheel, cruise control, roof rack & just ove< 11,000 mllesl (011t00). 58799 1111 TOYOTA STARLET SED&ll Options include 5 speed 1ransm1s- s1on and power disc brakes. This one is fully lactory equipped & Qets great gas mileage ( 18J0283) 1971 DOl&E CHALLEllHR 5 speed, power disc brakes. stereo. alloy wheels, custom paint & low miles (690VOX) 5 4499 1911 FORD F-150 PICI UP 6 cyl . auto trans • power steering. power brakes. AM-FM radio. tinted glass. custom wheels & low miles. (1Y41087). EASTER WEEKEND SPECIALS ON NEW 1982 TOYOTA CARS AND TRUCKS BRAND NEW 1982 TOYOTA TERCEL Fully lac1ory equipped 2 Door Sedan Equipment 1nckides 1 5 lrter engine & a 4 speed transmission (404730) $ 11 PER MONTH PLUS TAX :!,".'$.%h1 ~~·~C~f Oeprec•ellon-S21t 1 91, bHe P•yment-$117 17. TH ·S5 13 P•r "'°"ti!: T-peyment-S103 00 I* month Oown PllY"*'l-MO& 00 on --CteCltt B.RAND NEW 1982 TOYOTA 1/2 TON PICKUP Fully factory equipped Shor1bed model. Equ1pmeor includes 2 4 liter engine & a 4 speed 1ransm1sslon (040432). $ 48 mon1h -ena '"" Cep Coat S5842 n '••. S3SO S 1 Retld\Ull • '3249 !le. l)eptecllllO<I $2943 :>e. Tot&I pay~• St27 90 pe< month ~=~.:v~.:;.: 1432 90 on ~..-- 90 PIR MONTH All units sold plus tax, license, $20 doc. fees, plus dealer added accessories. All cars subject to prior sale. Sale ends 4-12-82. BRAND NEW 1982 TOYOTA STARLET 3 Or. llltback. Fully factory equipped plus 5 speed trans .• multi- plex st&feo, pin stripes and wheel well mouldings. (591773) $ 38 PH MONTH PLUS TAX 48 "'°""' -.-'<J ..... c.., Cost SSUl 1~ RelOdu•I SJJ4 I 19 Oepteet•llOn S 1182 S6 bUe PAymen1 HS 33 '•• ~ 77 pet "'°"lh Tol81 payme<>t S 10 I 10 P"f month Oown paymenl ~ S .. 1• 10 on •PPfoved Ct90tt p.m. saturctavs 8:00 a.m:-8:00 p.m. SUndaV10:00 amr7:00 p.m. servtce and PM'tS 7:!0 a.m:6:CX> p.m. MOndilY-R1daV 5ab..r'ClaV ~a.m*I> o.m. ' • •• • i, .. - FRIOAV, APRIL 9, 1982 CAVALCADE 82 COMICS B4 GARDEN BS Shoplifting, k leptoma- nia: What's the dtfference? Read Ann Landers on Page BZ. 0 I ~ D to get on your nerves WAITING ROOM JITTERS: The news has spread that if you need to take a driver's license test f!ter April 18, don't bother just walking in on your frienaly local De- partment of Motor Ve hicles Office. The DMV people won't see you .. You need an appointment. That's right. After April 18, getting a driver's test is going to be just like going to see the dentist. How the pain comparison goes is unknown. Reme mber how you always get nervous wai- ting, while your m olar ,,....., , throbs. to get into the TOM MURPHINI ~~dentist's chair? You're sit--~ ting out there, reading a -------------tattered, three-year-old copy of Field & Stream magazine, while other victims with throbbing molars are moaning all around you. PRETTY SOON, after it's gotten to the point where your nerve endings are jumping out of your skin, the sweet young re<:eptionist points at you and announces: "Doctor will see you now." Notice how they seldom say, "The doctor will see you now." Or almost never, "YOUR doctor will see you now." It's always just "Doctor," just like he was just some inani- mate object and not really the human instrument of the torture you face ahead. By now, you don't want to see the doctor. Your too- thache has vanished. You feel fine. But it's probably too late and you get forced into the hot seat alongside the drilling equipment anyway. Now, with the new appointment rules, it's probably going to be the same way at the Department of Motor Vehicles. YOUU BE LINED up in a bunch of chairs and given frayed copies of the 1953 Vehicle Code to read for enter- tainment. Going through this, you will probably long for the good old days at the OMV, where you stood hours in end- Tess lines. You finally got to the window ana the clerk announced, "You, sir, have failed to fill our form ARG-232-Z in triplicate. Now take the fonn over there to the table and fill it out. then return to the end of the line .. Standing in lines and filling out fonns at the OMV always gave you something to hate. No matter how many times you've done it, you could never do it right on the first try. All of this could get you pumped up pretty good and ready for the DMV's driving test inspector. You weren't nervous. You were mad. MAYBE WHEN THE inspector finally joined you in your car for the driving test, you had thought up some little devious action for him to get even. Like locking all your doors, helping the inspector into the safety belts and lat- ching them, then saying something like: "Could you point out the ignition keyhole for me? I don't see too well, you know ... " Challenge their llttle mind• I , , , ' ' ' ' \ Have them Improve hand-eye coordination , Emphasize the benefits of exercise How to avoid tearing ·hair ,, Text and 11Ju1tratioo1 by Tom Jobosoo Of tM Delly Noi • ..,, AB the week wears on and the patience wears thin, the question of what to do until school resumes looms ever larger in the parental consciousness. To assist in the task of guiding tomorrow's citizens toward lives of fulfillment we off er the following sugges- tions to today's citizens. Good luck . Monday's just around the com er. Give them cultural enrichment Help them commune with nature Well, no longer will you have alJ these diversions to take your mind off the driving road test ahead. Now you'll be si tting in a stiff-backed chair, waiting for your ap- pointment and suffering the terminal stages of coffee ner- ves. Deposit error results • • 1n prison THEN THE YOUNG woman wilJ walk up to you and declare: "Inspector will see you now." So you can reply, "I don't want to see the inspector. My driver's license expiration has gone away. "I'm sticking to roller skates." Gas station burns, hut tanks still intact Losses of $250,000 have been reported by a service station in Seal Beach after fire destroyed the building and its contents but didn't ignite any gasoline tanks. Flre Department spokeswoman Paula Godfrey said the Tuesday blaze started in a truck that was on the rack being repaired by station employees. She said a spark apparent~y ignited scuba compression tanks in the truck and helped feed the flames. The fire took place at Seal Beach 's busiest intersection of Main Street and Pacific Coast Highway. Mrs. Godfrey reported that two firefighters suffered minor injuries while battling the ~-minute fire. By GLENN SCO'M' Of the O•ltf .-Mot ai.n What would you do if almost $1 million suddenly appeared in your bank account? If you we~ Ralph Ernst.sen, a former Irvine homeowner, you would withdraw most of the funds and stick them in different accounts. And when author~ties finally figured out what happe- ned and arrested you on a grand theft charge, you would be sent- enced to four years in prison. Such was the case with Emst- sen, now of Las Vegas. who was sentenced this week by Los An- geles Superior Court Judge Ju- lius Leetham. Ernstsen plea- ded no contest to the charge last month. His lawyer, Stephen Grohs, said Wednesday that Ernstsen, a "stocl<: promoter," didn't th ink twic~ about withdrawing the fundB because he was expecting a different $1 million deposit as a finder's fee in a hotel deal. That other $1 million de- posit, by the way. never mate- rialized. But Grohs said that's got nothing to do with Emstsen's le- gal situation. The lawyer said state law is ambiguous on whe- ther Ernst.sen was guilty of stea- ling the funds. "What sort of duty do you have to verify the source of funds before you take the money out?" he asked. At issue is the mistaken dei)osit made in May 1978 which placed $927,000 into the account of Arne Risto! of West CoVina, Emstsen's bookkeeper. The money was re- moved and deposited into other accounts controlled by Ernst.sen, investigators claim. In sentencing Ernstsen this week, Leetham didn 't s how much sympathy. "The real issue here," he said, "is that if you suddenly find $1 million In your bank account by mistake. you are nol supposed to run off with it. The honorable thing is to report it." . Defuty District Attorney Mit- c hel Harris this week cast d oubt on Ernstsen's supposed Cake couldn't have coHJe at better tiHJe Fami ly recipe stuffed into Easter eggs costs $20 a pound at N eiman-Marcus • By CAROL MOORE Of ltM D...., ..._. IWlf Wlnky Lamb marvels at the perfect timing of her family's fruitcake recipe, especially this F.aster. "About 20 years ago at Chris~ maatime, I WM newly widowed. I baked the cake to give u gifts to friends and 90ld eno1.41h on Bal- boa laland to buy preeen ta for my 1-year -o ld dau1hter a n d 7-~-old llOn," abe aid. "Th en one October my dauahter needed to earn money .. a ICboo1 project without uan, bet allowance. t made lhe frul~ cab Mrly and amt her out with a bulutlful. Half an hour lawr •he came back beamln1 that abe'd MrMd btr' quota. "TM next tiru tlMt cak.e ant- wtred my praytti In a time of need was when I wanted money • to aen d my children to private Christian Khool." A friend, Polly Hutchins, pho- ned and suggested that the two go lnU> business that day. Toge- ther they had $11.27. enough for one 6-pou.nd recipe of fruitcake. "When that wu cut into little cakes and tied with velvet rib- bon, Polly t.oOk the batch on her errands, sgld out to the bank tellers and boo.ch i. more ingre- dients on the way home," Mra. Lamb...wled. "From there lt'• jult proares- eed by word of mouth. I ve been able to rent commercial oveu durll\I the aeuon when we bake 72~aday. ' Cu1\0m4trt 1tnd r~uttta In tbt 1umm4tr for our Olde New Orleana l'rench Fruit.cake, and we bake extra for last-minute holiday sales. The cake's been sent to Japan and Euro~." Ingredients are listed on gold labels by their biblical or tradi- tional connotation: Figa, prospe- rity; dates, security; n uts. sub- stance; cherries, joy and laughter; plnepple, hospitality." "Its all held together with love," Mrs. Lamb tells anyone unfamiliar with batterlesa fruit- cakes. "Alter I learned chocolate dlp- pln1, t tried aquaahtn( warm f.rulicake lnto fU.-haped molda. That, worked fine, but they nee. ded the flor.al frosllna•. which luckily Bette Gene Mowrer provided.'' The e>tPll'iment Md .,... jult &hat far When Mn. Lamb went to a cuUnary demonatnUon by W~lfgang Puck at Ne1man- Mareus at Fashion Island on Feb. 1~. While admiring an Easter dis- play in the epicure department, a friend mentioned Mrs. Lamb's egga. The comment was over- heard by store personnel who asked how soon they could see aome. Mra. Lamb decided to drive home Immediately and later turned the top NelJMn-Marcua buyen from Da11M were vt.lttlJ\I the Newport Beach 1tore that day. One of them wanted the •II• to go on aalo H toon as ~ble (Ot $20 • pound. "Every tlme I've thouaht of ru llr, 1oln1 ln w bu1Jneu l 'n MJd; Let the feen m away . and the faith'° aheed.""'lhe .id. dealings with the hotel. He said Ernst.sen has prior convictions for check fraud and securities viola· tions. The defendant had been out of prison only 18 months when the mistaken deposit oc· curred. he added. "He's a classic guy." said Har- ris. "Somebody ought to write a book about him." 1 Ernstsen probably will serve only about seven months, howe- ver, because he already has ser· ved 25 months and will get time off for good behavior. A heart attack postponed the proceedings and kept him hospitalized but in police custody. Harris also claimed the lack of a restitution clause in state Jaw will allow Ernstsen to keep al- most half of the mistaken dei:o sit. about $474,000. Grohs denic:; that Ernst.sen has control of that money. • Orange Cout DAILY PILOT /Friday, Aprll 9, 1982 •ANN LANDERS •STAN DELAPLANE •HOROSCOPE Compuls ive shoplifter needs professional help L>EAH ANN LANDERS: I hate to admit \ my 1gnonmte, but 1 need to know the dif- f t•n·m·t• bt•twt·t•n shopltflmg and kleptoma- 111~1 t <1m not 1:1 kid l 'm a 40-yP:.r-old wotnan who reads you in the Dallas Morning Nt•ws I n<'Vt'r huve takt>n unything in my hf(', but tht• temptattun 1s always tht•rl', t•s- fX>t'iall y whPn I gt•t nl•ar tht• .JCW<'lry countt•r of a d(.'p:.t rtmt•nt stort• where earrings anti nt~·klat·t•s arc easy to gt·t at (The same goes for sunglasses ) Could this b<· a s1c:krwss'' Pk•asc t•xplain FEELING SMALL IN THE BIG D DEAR D: The next letter and m y res- ponse should give you som e insight. DEAH ANN: I am a ft'mall' in my late wt-ns who, hkl' so many otht>rs, c:annot be- ltevt• I am wnung to yu"u I startl'd shoplifting small ttPms once in a whill' Now I find mysl'lf stealing blouses. -.k1rtl> <ind dn·ss<·:-. I nPvt•r wear any of this COMPUTER ROMANCE -Gregg Collins, 22. of Burbank. runs \.-\. h<Jt ht• savs is tht.· world's first freC', n at10nw1dc• home compUtPr dating service By using a tt•lephutit• and ;.i humC' or stuff because my family wol.lld become--sus- pidous. 1 am running out of hiding places. I have stolen many items I h ave no use for. It is so foolish I am ashamed of myself. Latc·ly I've become so flagrant I wonder if I want to get caught and punished . I feel evE>ntually I WILL be caught and disgrace myself and my family. Can it be I WANT this to happen'! What is the reason for m y self-destructive behavior? Please accept this lettcr as tt is. If I re- wnte it I'll probably tear it up Of course. I can 't sign my name. Just call me -RA- ZOR'S EDGE IN NEW JERSEY. DEAR N.J .: A kleptomaniac bas a per- sis tent compulsion to steal because be feels be bas been cheated out of life's goodies - love, attention, recognition, etc. Material goods help him feel be is being compensated for bis losses. A woman wbo shoplifts ite ms she doesn't need, never wears, then asks, "What i s the reason for this self-destructive AP Wlrephoto work remote t·ompull'r terminal. callers can join "Dial-Your -Match " Since he began the 24-hour servtc:e last.October. Collins claims to have received mon• than 11,500 calls. Aries gets results Saturday, April 10 ARIES (M<trC'h 21-Apnl 19): You get results following a ftshtng c·xped1t10n Means • your s ly dc·tecttv(' work pays d1v1dends. You'll get fact'\ C.'Q('C.'Nntng money and lovt• Capricorn. Tauru!.. C<.incer persons f 1gurf' prominently TAUR US (Apnl 20-May 21)): Leave no loose ends you hav<.• unusuLJl opportunity to show o ff wart's. talent<;. Lung-range pro- spects are bnghtl'r than originally anticipa- ted. Focus also on partnership. public: rela- tions. legal righ ts and perm1ss1ons. GEMINI ( MLly :! 1-Junt> 20): Nt·w .ip- proach to JOb brings des1r('d results High- light orig1nal1ty and p1om,c.•r111g eoncept Focus on special servtC'('S, getting to heart of matters and providing guide rules for de- pendents. CANCER (Jun(' 21 -July 22): Fo llow through on h4nch, first 1mpre$s1ons apt to be c.·orre<.·t. Emotions tend tu dominate logic - strive for balant't'. Focus on change, spec- ulation. stimulation of creative process and the regammg of st•nse of purpose LEO (July 2:3 -Aug 22): Excdlent for entertainment at hornl' vou'Jl have reason lo celebrate' Long-distance communication flash('s green light for publishing. education. QUfflllf By PHIL INTERLANOI o f LagunaBeach ~ •-11.__ ____ _ "TM chef aendl hll compliments ... • HOROSCOPE BY SIDNEY OMARA travel. expansion of personal horizons. You bt.>gin to rebuild on solid base. VIRGO <Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Contacts made tn recent past begin to pay dividends. Ideas Jell. formats take form and concepts become viable. Break indicated from pre- vious patterns -you'll have more room. greater freedom of thought and action. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Count your c:hange! Someone want:> something for no- thing. You c:ould be prime target. Focus on payments, c:ollect1ons, s pecial message re- garding mvcstment opportunity. Element of timing is on your side -you could strike it rich. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov 2 1 ): Study Libra message for valid hint. Circumstances turn in your favor. cycle is high and you will make right comme nt at correct time. Focus on individuality, personal appeara nces, .fa. vorable domestic adjustment and receipt of award. honor or unique gift. SAGITIARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Insist on privacy; an swers come through medita- tion. Precious moments alone will provide mspiration. Individual you aided in past will return favor. Hospital visit proves beneficial, shows consideration an'd aids in cheering one who means much to you. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Ttis could be your power-play day. Lunar and numerical cycles strong; wishes can become realities a nd you could become richer i n s pirit and in material sense. Relation s hip i nte nsifies. AQUARIUS (Jan . 20-Feb. 18): Em- phasis on career. prestige, participation in commµnity project or political activity. You'll finish what you start, reputation will be enhanced and you'll get credit for car- rying burden which was not your own in first place. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Decision Is reach t?d concernin1 journey, lona-ranae project, plans for education and a new me- thod of achievln1 1oal. Exercise lndepen- ~. confidence and t&ke a chance on your own ldeu. behavior?" shot d have It pretty well figu- red out. Actually, you are a thief because you ARE steallng merc handise. But you are also a keptomanlac. Your conflicting feeling about getting caught -half wanting to and half frightened to death it will happen -is an Important c lue. I implore you to get professional help. Sbopllftlng costs retaile rs billions of dollars every year. They are now investing in highly-sophisticated equipment to catch the guilty. Don't take any more chances. DEAR ANN LANDERS: I wrote you a long letter yesterday about a friend who 1s a <:ompulstvc· talker Ir you <.'an toss that le tt<•r out with a punC.'h of your c:omputer, please do it. Tht· dt.·tatls art• too al'curatt• and my frwnd would sun•ly re<·ogn1ze ht•rself and me. too. I can't remembc·r how I signed tt. I read you in th<· Mmpeapol1s Tribune . P lt•ase put f a ANN IANO,IS it my m ind at C'ast' I am CAT NEHVOUS AS A DEAR CAT: A computer? Thanks for the compliment. It took me two months to learn bow to put a typewriter ribbon in this machine. There a re a lot of compulsive talkers in Minneapolis. You would have been quite safe. But J won't print your le tter . I pro- mise. Jo fact, I just tore it up. Now will you get some sleep? CONFIDENTIAL to Unimpressed With All the Verbiage: o was I. What a bore! Tell old Clallertrap if he has to kee p telling ever yone who ht> is -then he isn't. A healthy feeling SAN FRANCISCO A muony night on the bay I st·ramblc·d a muplt· of eggs for a dinner snack Put a squeew of lemon on them. A little hot sauce. It's a taste I dt..•vt·l- oped in Mexico. No salt Suppose you n otiC'ed that salt 1s the· dread killt>r now? Time magazine had a big piece o n tt Th ts destroyer (which we've been taking aboard for ages) gives you high b lood pressure Probably eorrodes the plumbing So we add ~ll to the things Science ha~ d1scovert'd to g1vt· you guilt ft•t..'11ngs Alrea- dy I feel unrnmfortablt• whc•n l butter tht· Engltsh muffin. I gaw up white sugar. The health magazin<.' was against 1t. "MAY BE A CONTRIBUTING f;:IC'tor to heart problems. Pspecially ii overused." You eould bang in enoug h health food lo quench your fire. A rabbit C."nuld do himself in on c:arrots A big whttl' freighter is unloading bt.- low us Lit by high 111tens1ty lights they ust• on shtpl> nuw Wt· US<.•d to hang c:argo clusters owr the hal.(·hl'l> Bunehes of ltght globes A soft. light in the tropic: nights that smt•lled of bananas. Thts 1s more e(f1e1c.·nt light. Lighter than daylight maybe Everything is more intense (Maybe these eggs could stand a LITTLE salt.) Groy whales have been migrating along our coast Eff1c1ent fellow even though his brain 1s only one-fifth the s1w of ours. If salt "1s bad for vou. how c:ome the whale liVt'S a long and u seful ltfe? The whale must tak<.• 1n a lot of salt with his whale food. Let S('1ence think about that HOLDING OFF THE Great Harpooner is a fulltime job for whales a nd man. I GOT ON THE health food thing for a while in Sausalito. 1 was having lunch every day at the Trident. They ha d a n organic juice squeeze. The girls who waited on the hand-carved tables could read your palm. Probably your mind, too, for most o f them wore see-through blouses. They recommended the organic baked apples. Rock music poured from the loud- speakers -you had to s hout to be heard Frank Werber owned the Trident. His w ife had their .child by candlelight By na- ~~ ... ~~ STAN DELAPl.ANE AROUND THE WORLD 'Sc<. tural t'hildb1rlh. as~1sted bv Werber and a wa1tn•s!. \.\-ho h.id stud1ed.m1dw1ferv at a monastery in Nl·pal · Yuu euuldn't have found a restaurant with mon· ht•althy foelmg . "TRY THE CARROT JUll•e," said the girl at the tablt· wht•re I usually hcid my pc.•anut butter on whole gram bread "It's full ol vitamin A " At that t1nw, vitamin A was supposed to give you night v1s10n I c:ould already see through the see-lhruugh blouse. It didn't seem nc.-t·essary to be ablt· to st..•e forevt•r. But she wcis persu:,i:-.1vc·. I pourc·d in the c:arrot JUtn• l f1gurl'd I would havt· the eyes of a cat. ·'Thl'n thl· ht•alth m.1gaz1m• had an ar- ude. ··Tw Mut·h V1t<.1min A M<Jv Have Un- wantt.'d Side Eflt'<.'ll>" · Wh e n a ht-alth m<.igaz1ne says ··unwanted side cff t'<'L'\.'' lhl'v mean tt mur- dt•n. vou' · So after awh1l<> 1 moved. Wht•n I went bac.k to the Trtdmt. Werber had sold 11 The new wa1trt'SS<•s won• standard uniforms. Thev could rt·;,1d th<.• cheC.'k but not vour pal~. · Maybe thl'rl' was carrot JUlt'e I dtdn 't stav tu find out · I ftolt just a!. healthy as t'VN anyway. POT SHOTS BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT \'M PERFECTLY W l LLING TO C.OMPROM ISE, BUT GOD \,VANT.S TD HAVE £'\ ER't THI~ HIS vWflJ WA't J GOif N ON BRIDGE BY CHARLES H GOREN AND OMAR SHARIF East West vulnerablr. Soul h deals. NORTH • QH . 5 O Q 8652 • QJ 75 WEST EAST •A9 5 •108732 ~42 10763 O KJ9 v A •Al0932 •K64 SOUTH • K6 li?AKQJ98 0 10743 +8 The .bidding: South Weet North Ea1t l 'V Pau 1 NT Pa11 4 'V P•H Pa11 Pa11 Opening lead: Jack or O. I Bridge Is a atrangt game. You never can tell how a play mlaht boomerang lat.er in tht hand. Thia hand It from tht' Vanderbilt Team Champion thip, the rremltr IYIOt on the annua brld1• calendar. South'• rebid ot tour htkrta le I he action of n man who ht>lievf's that all things will go right for him. llowevl•r. 1n tcrmco of playing st rt>nl{lh. lht• hand wa!> murh hl'tlt'r than the point rounl mtl{hl have suggested. A smaller tnj{ or t'.'&rds tn dummy 1n the right places t•ould easily have res ultPd in a laydown gnm{'. West did not relish thl· prospect or having lo mah the opening lead. S1nct- declarer's trump suit rated to be solid, a hearl lead might have been the safest proposi tton. However. West hit on the de<"eptive lead of t he jack or diamonds. Declarer was not overly taken with his dummy. The club cards were all waated. and dummy did not even have a king, let alone an ace. Still. bridge la a st.range game. T he jack of diamonds was co\'trtd with t.he queen and ~ken by t he ace. Eatt ahlrled to hia fourt.h·beat t pade. and t.he klnJ loet to Weat.'a ace. Weat. continued with the Jdn1 ol diamond• and followed •Ith tht nine. To the untutored eye il might 'eem that East s hould rurr to insure a one trick set, but that's not what happened at the 111hlc! Because of the opent"g 1ead. East placed his partner with the ten of diamonds. and he was reluc- tant lo rurr hrs partner's "sure winner" with what t'ould possibly he a natural tr ump trick. So East discard· ed a spade! To his great surprise, declarer was able to win the ten or diamonds. draw trumps and discard a club on dummy's fifth diamond. As a result. he wrapped up a game on a hand where he seemed doomed to a two-trick set. How do 1" e...._ , .. beet •c::'• a..cl? Claarle1 o... &a.. ........ ,.,. • cop1 •• "w-..... o.-11111 ..... ,..... , .. 4 11.is tit --o ...... ._...... ,.,. ., &.We ... ,,...,, P.O, lea llt, N.,.. .... N.I. "'41. ...._ ............. N .... ~n•11- .. .. We Create Atmosphere In Your Home -We Personalize Bars, Mirrors, Windows, Doors, Etc. HOURS: Mon.·f ri. 10-9 Sat. 10-6 Sun. 11-5 Orange Coast DAILY PILOT /Friday, April 9. 1982 NOW OPEN PINOCCHIO PIZZERIA A Unique Style Modern Pizzeria Featuring Italian & Argentina Foods SERVING LUNCH & DINNER OPEN DAILY AT 11:00 A.M . Across From Antonello s 556-3735 FOOD TO GO When You're Looking For Quality, Selection Convenience & Per~onal Service And The Best Collection Of Fine Restaurants, Look In The Right Direction South Coast Plaza Village Dwarf Bunn ies make excellent house p~ts -And we have a variety of them. We also have many varieties of small tape pet birds and puppies. ·~, ~ Anto ne llo Risto rante nf{i:n chi: hrcn~c Room u pm act• Dm1TlR Room offt.!rm!!. ~"pcrh ~'orthl..'m lculwn C i.mine for f311 ~m£'\\ L1mlht•on1 or Omna P11r11e1 Lunch, Monda, FruJ.a-y Dinner, Monda, · Sacu rda-y Closed Sunt.1." Resefvauons please. (714) 751-7 153 fj \fl'I h.11, ll '1 />t'f11 (II /rd/\, "'" t; i// kd Tli,ht tit h11mt' UC .•\1111111d/1 \, and 1} '"" lwt c:n 'c l1t:<'n 111 /c,1h. '"" u ,// feel like '"I' lu.11 t' l>t't'n i hl'r <'. u hen -vou ft·,a t: Anrcmel/o '1 A discount on a set up for ever bunny VII,I.AGE: PIT CSNT!:R. 979-PETS Call Now For Grooming Appointment Belore Ea~ler {JJ_ biQ ~ COLLECTORS c 20% .OFF ALL 14K GOLD ~ COIN JEWELRY -BEZELS. & CHAINS N 556-6850 E THAU THE MONTH OF APRIL R WITH THIS AD ONLY Shop During the Holidays, Monday throtWl Satunlay J 0 to ~. Sun<lay J J to (). South Coast Plaza sv.iJJ~ge The Holiday Magic That Is South Coast Plaza. Three Words. Quality • Selection • Value ,/~ ' ~ I 83 • Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Friday, Aprll 9, 1982 THE t'AMIL'' ClllCl:S BIG GEORGE ... ' • ,. r' by Virgll Partch (VIP) "The lady justs wonts to look at the price, Jeffy. She won't eat it." "I just can't seem to get going this morning." '9.\R'I \Bl.KE by Brad Anderson ''The obedience school is changing Its motto from 'No dog is untrainable' to 'Some dogs are hopeless!"' Jl"Dt;~P:\RKER JUC>UE P.a.RKER I YOU HAVEN'T O.ANC':IED ONE IOTA 51NCE. I LA5T SAW YOU ... MD IT~ &EN 1SYEAR51 6AR•·n :l .D e 0 . 4-9 Sol?RY I'M LATE, BOYS--:~ 1· ®!I { • l I IM DETERMINED 10 IMPROVE MY GOLF 1HlS Y~,AR ... ACROSS 60 Ellflch 1C~b 62 Cedence5 TI4URSDA rs PUZZLE SOL YEO 5 Slreams 65 Venture 10 Chums 67 Hiatus 14 Autl'tOf 69 Weathef Ludwig word 15 Lofty home 70 Image 18 ~ 71 German 17 Devotion city 18 Frencl't rlvef 72 Nvrnenc 19 Prima donn1 prefix 20 Goll club 73 C0tp dlY 22 Unless 7 4 Consumed 24 Plead 75 COIOt'ty 25 lmpar1s 27 fill\ DOWN 29 Sop«l1'111 I Merge 32 Route 2 Love god ' 33 Pinc• -3 Well·bred 34 flavory 4 NFL lqUld 23 Pllllll •38 N\11 S HST"t 28 Cllyx !eel 40 Doller billt program 28 Colored 42 Song ,.'"'"' 2 WOfda 29 Snotty one 44 ~ t ,:,tneh 1ttlclt 30 Reno game 4$ p,...._ 1 USSR chy 3 t Of Ni1t 47 F111vrl I Fllemtnta 35 Htckl'lly*I •• Sb 9 Alttmatl 37 CongNlty 50 Foot Prtf 10 Muftll 38 So bl It 52 F,..en1 11 fJCUll 31 Elt 14 PIMllU 12 AtwMte 41 F .. mo I • II IQlbl ""' '' Pllttot1I\ 43 L .. It TflWI 21 COMWll 4' Qaee 48S1rol 51 CIH'lllns 63 Pretends; 2words 54 Voided SS Concord 5'Stlerpen 57 VlgM>Ond 11 Co11comb 130lceys MManOf -ltinntr: ,,.., L--..._..._ ...... .. AM!moNp -.__, Hank Ketchum ~ ~-~ ~· r .. 'I OON°T KNON. MY MoM ALWAYS STOPS ME. by Harold Le Doux THI& 15 5AM DRIVER. 0. ~. 1 0ET ACQUAINTED WHILE. I HELP MA5t6ARET 5€T UP OVR LUNCH I ,.__ _ _...... Tl' M BLE" EEDH I E'll\l SNa:KI~' UP OrJ £JOFF'LOS PIS6'1ZW AS A ,A,¥ l'OFF'LO. SHOt: 1 MOPE THAT SLEEPIN6 ON THE ~OUND t'OESM'T BOTHE~ YO!J .. ?OZ! ... ~mA~DJ! I :\.\~Cl' NANCY--GOTOTHE BOARD AND DRAW' PLEASE, TEACHER--- ANYTHING BUT SOUTH AMERICA A MAP OF SOUTH AMERICA GORDO •..• HEAJR-./ OAl/10 ~ I CAN'T~ IT ~('({)RE. ! ! BRABBLE ! . . I ~5>()ULD HAVE. 0-.EAIED ON fHAI IE.5T!! ~OU 1'RIEQ "fO' K~S \AIEMo-1 llEU.O? ... <>". \.\\,~~ .. 'i01J'RE ClU.IMC. rf~OM liME.Rl.? ... -f~E. MOSPrfAL 1 _ _.. fOR 1'\IE. nR.;1' 1i~€. ... :1'~€. ~~u>? ~ DR.SMOCk IHA"f' WAS e:xceu...e N,.., SON! AND, Yes, iHA,.. WAS YOUR PHYSICAL. ... ooott SWU~ Ol'lN .... '4ou ~"f"' ~Ell. QOWt.1 ... . • ,.. ' 1 l f .. u by Charles M. Schulz by Tom K. Ryan by Jeff MacNelly by Ernie Bushm1 ller ---AND SOUTH AMERICA REMINDS MEOF AN ICE CREAM CONE UJILJ... "THE FOUOWl"6 STUDENf6 PlEASt REPORT m -rnE OFFICE ... 1«.tlt>'4 "'l5 ~ ~~ltlE.t> \ill.15'1", ~~Q 'lOO OISU>CAtE.O 'l~R ~\.ll>f<'.6 ... ..... ..... q by Gus Amela by Tom Batiuk I CONFESS!.' I DfD IT!/! I ) J - by Kevin Fagan ... 'iU\.I, I ll~R<S'fl~O. r1R-sr 1(15SE.5 c~ 6€ fll£1'f'i l~lilARO. -F\NO HIM A RftSBrrT~ LAYS EGG$. --,~ I . • COLORFUL Annual flowers like thl· zmni<i and marigold an.• JUst thl' thing to add color and beauty tu tht• landst·apl' or P,t1t10. Plant thl•m now for summl'r blooms D .emonstra tion, celebration set FLOWER ARRANGING and table settings will bl· featun.'Cl al the Laguna Beat·h Garden Club Friday at 11 am at th(• Neighborhood Congrega- tional Chun-h. St Ann·~ Drive and Glenneyre Strett COSTA ME A-BAY CITIES Branch. National Fuchsia S0<:wty wall celcbrat~ its 34th birthday at 7:30 pm Monday al the Paulanno Room Commu nity Center, Costa M(>Sa SOUTH COAST GARDEN CLUB will have a lum·hron and fas hion show at 11:30 a.m. Wednes- day at tht• MC"rt·ury Federal Savings and Loan, 23021 Lakt• umtcr Drive, El Toro."' BEAUTIFICATION of Newport Beach is the goal of tht• N1•wporl Hills Garden Club, and tips on what 1s nt•t•dt'<I wall be offered at the 10 a.m. mee- ting Thursday al Clubhouse I. l'Ju, .1 l h.or 111111).! 'dnl 11111 ol ))ud.,_ l>ud.ltng,, Dug'. t ,II' I'll.!' I l<'l!' ...,n,111\. Ch1d • ..:ri-. I 111n'. H11dh.1th,, I 011111.11n, Wh1rhit•!!'· W1n1hod,,. t'IJ"ll' 'i1.11u:il\ .ond 11tht·r "I 1111 1l1111i:1 '"' '"'"' i:111 c/1'11 " 1 IH L!11d St • '.\:1·" port lk:lt'l1 7l l -HT1-t i:d In thl' Cannery Village across from City Hall Lawns thrive with care Spring days art> a good tune tu sprul~ up thl' lawn and prepart-il for the long, hot surnmcr months aht•ud. Howt>vt>1, main taming a lush. grt't'n lawn that 1s ht•ulthy and vigorou11 requires some carE'. Irrigating is an important part and the most llt•nt>C1t'ial method 1s to wat(•r slowly and tho- roughly Let the sprinklers run unul th<' watN starts lo run off. Turn the watt'r off for a while and then n•pea t tht> pr<X'<"SS again When watl•r soaks m deeply good root growth is ent'Ouraged. If grass 1& wat.ert.-d only lightly roots grow toward the surfaCC' sear ching for moisture and this weakens the lawn Wnh de<>p watering, you water less frequently Proper mowing also will t.'nhance the lawn's well bemg In general young lawns should not be c ut doscr than 11,2 inches In <,•xtrt<mt'ly dry or warm weather St'l th<• mower blades so that you leavt· up to but not over a thr<:>e-inch <·arpet This pral'llt'{' hdps k<>t.•p the> roots cooler and also helps mamt.am mo1sturc C'uttmg ll too short an hot wea- tht•r <>xposes tbe rooL<; to too mut·h hl·at and the lawn n ui bum. ,.. Applying n1lrogt.•n fend1zer regularly (followm& 1nslruct1ons on th(' fc-rulaz.er package) to evL•nly t·over the lawn when dry Water immediately, soaking well so the ferti- lizer 1s daJutt"Ci through the soil a nd not left on top to burn the lawn. In i:lll lawn mamlt•nom·t.•, you will find that tools and equapmt·nt properly cleaned, oiled and sharptmc."Ci will be bette r aids to you, making lht· job t•aswr. Pests and weeds arc two other nuisances for the gardener Your nurseryman can 1dent1fy the problem and then adviS<.' you on the corrt.'<.'t control. 642-5678 Put a few words to work for you I in th• DailJ Pilat SALE!I Buying our Super Bagger· for its big 3 bushel rear bag is smart. ~ ( ~ ~ ~. -.... Buying it on sale is mighty clever. Joi obsen Super Bagger ~ Get the best ~or yourself. ..JACOBSEN HOMEUTE Mr. B's Lawnmower I Saw Shop 1703 1 Palmdale St. Huntington Beach 847-6650 WE WILL BE OPEN EASTER SUNDAY 9:00-3:00 S.•-I ll•f Apll I Stl-l llt~ A,fj 11 S.1-1 ••• "-' II If\-I lief ~· 11 Newport Buch 1 OOf'.M.· IO:OOP M m no oo '" Smlon Adonu hritt11hon ht~d 714) 640-1268 '-' . THE p!!~:,! s ..... w .... """ .... St l< ~ 116S1 ~.,lit .. J;nw. ~'"''" •• 'rov Dnot ICltf SIOOP ,,.,.,Ml Yo.; 111 .... I COSTA MIU 641•1219 u,. ... __ ..., •. Mii-VIUO 495.()401 ,..,, c--c.plltr_ .,_ ...... frwy. _,A_,. h""'f.) C•ll 142-5178. r Pul • ftw words to work for ou. Hop to it . anrl let us help ~ , you say "Happy Easter" ~--=-_,_,,.,. with our beautifully wrapped EASTER LILIES • AFRICAN VIOLETS AZALEAS • MUMS ANO OTHER PLANTS PLUS . A beautiful selection of FRESH AND SILK ARRANGEMENTS llouquet -specially created to celebrate Easter. We can send plants and flowers nearty anywhere by FTO Use your credit card A wlllow b11ket I•£ 1. J fllled with fresh I flowers to say 1>91 , • .., •"9 "Happy Easter n. -111e- Nursery Special ·J PELARGONIUMS Summer blooms in a variety of colors. Great In contalnere and ma11 planting. Since 1946 Hallis\es Nursery • Florist 2140 Harbor llvd., Cotta MHo -' '•• I •'' . ., ., Orange Coast DAILY PILOT /Friday, April 9, 1982 LLOYo•s garden sl10~ ....__ .... ~·-----OPIN IASTH SUNDAY 9 A.M . TO 4 P.M.------ COLORFUL EASTER BASKETS ORCHIDS -EASTER GIFTS I AZALEAS In, .. Pots & I 4" AFRICAN ~ VIOLETS r~"~~~~~GE.~s' l Large ~·.~·,·' (EASTER LILIES Various Sizes In 6" Pots Indoor .... I ' l LSelection Of .,.~_._, Green Plants ~ --------__ _., 11111~~-~---~··r--~ •"'fur-."'tEH'r '~ !' •1 t.t4• •• ' ~ •PAllO <UMN1111111 OPEN MON THAU SAT 7.5 SUN 9-4 VISA" JR(l ~ ·t ANos1""'"''• LLOYD'S NtfRSEAY AND LANDSCAPE CO .. INC o.,.,..., ::t~7~~~':!-~ 2028 Newpon Bfv~ (at Bay St) C.osta Mesa. CA 92627 I (71 4) 646·7441 '":"::,.:. DOLLAR DAY OOUGHSAVERS CLASSI Fl EDS 3 LINES • 3 DAYS · 3 DOLLARS Is your household Cash Flow Low? Sell those items you no longer need with a DOLLAR DAY DOUGH AVE R A: 3 lines, 3 days sa.oo (for private party advertisers) If you don't sell in the first 3 days we'll give you 3 for FREE 3 lines, 3 more days • That's right! Advertise your item for 3 consecutive days and if yo1.:J don't sell just .call classified 642-5678 and we'll run the ad another 3 consecutive days FREE. • If you discover you have priced the item too high to sell it on the first 3-day run, we'll even let you lower the price for your FREE 3 day run. • The rules are simple -one item per ad -item must be priced -sorry. no real estate or commercial ads. You are not limited to 3 lines, JUSt add $1 .00 for each additional line such as 4 lines 3 times $4.00, 5 lines 3 times = $5.00. 6 lines 3 times = $6.00. i 8 5 L.. .. .. No matter how many lines you run, we'll still give you 3 days FREE If you don't sell your Item on the first try. ~ lailyPilai 642-5678 • .. Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Friday, Aprlt 9, 1982 Earn money! When you re a Daily Pilot earner. you earn money every month Your own money' For clothes records . hobbies or for something special like a bike. a stereo or your own TV Money to save for the future. too for school or other important ex· penses It c; your money You earn 11. save 11. .:;pend 11 anc1 learn for yourself how to tiandle 11 wisely Wm prizes! Dally Piiot earners also part1c1pate in sales con· tests with chances to win a lot of ·extras ' You can earn ex tra cash special tnps and great pnzes1 Sports equipment television sets and stereos. watches and 1ewelry there are dozens of valuable pnzes to choose from As a newspaper earner . each new subscriber you sign up helps you win these extras ' If you're 10 years or older and want to do something Important, find out more! Cati 642-4321 or send In the coupon todayJ • ' • Have fun! Being a Daily Pilot earner is fun' As a earner you II get to meet and work with others your age You 11 get to go to special meetings where you II learn the art of selling And when you re a top earner. you II get the chance to earn extra money. super prizes and have some great times with other earners Its a terrific way to make new friends' r-------------------------1 I I I I Dally Piiot Circulation Dept. 330 W. Bay, P.O. Box 1560 Coit• Mesa, CalH. 92626 ~~.---. I Daily Pilai I I Yes! I would like to know more about becoming a carrier. Please contact me about a newspaper route. I I Name I Address JI City Zlp ____ Phone ~-- ........................ rs ......................... ,.. ...... 1 ............... 1 .......... 1 ........................ . . ' ., I . ' • D1UyPllat FRIDAY, APRIL 9, 1982 lASSIFllD C7 Johnstone Dodgers' head flake • IS His value to the Wo rld Champions extends both on and off the fie ld You probably have to be a little crazy yourself to understand or appreciate a character like Jay Johnstone. SPORTS COlUMHllT JOHN SEVANO hitter in a meaningless situation. "I hit a home run, too," Johnstone recalls with a amlle. "When I came back to the dugout I walked up to him and srud, 'Now if there's anythiJ\R ebe I can do for you, just let me fcnow 7 " "l like to have fun," he says, "but to tell you the truth the only reason I do this is because I get so antsy it's the only way I have to relieve the tension." ln this peculiar era where diBseruuon and/or zanin~ss on a ball club usually results in a world championship, J ohns· tone represents a valuable breed. Johnstone isn't the only prankster on the Dodgers. He's just the ring leader. It was his brainstrom to lock Luorda in his spring training room a couple of weeks ago. Johnstone doesn't hide his d1Spleasure at being a bench warme r. He'd much rather play every day than pinch-hit in critical sltua l1ons or see spot-duty only when a regular ts tired It lakes a s pecial kind of person to transform a dead clubhouse into one that's full of life. It's also unique when someone can poke fun al himself as well as others. things fun around here and keep the players looee,'' explains Johnstone. ''So we have fun by doing goofy things." "We (there were others who contri· buted to the crime) cut his phone lmes and then nailed and tied his door shut," says Johnstone in a sinJBter voice. "He (Lasorda) yelled and screamed for a couple qf hours. In fact, he almost missed breakfast. Can you imagine what he would have been like if he had missed a meal?'' "I led this team in hitting two years ago," argues Johnstone, who had a .307 average in 1980. "Sure. I thmk l should be playing. But we have a lot of fine talent on this dub. J ohns tone has been clowning anC: pulling pranks ever since 1966, when he first came to the majors as a member of the Angels. Thirteen years and seven teams lat.er, the Dodger outfielder and pinch-hitter deluxe is s till a m1sch1er- maker, only now his act is polished. Last year, for instance. during one particular lull, Johnstone talked team- mate Rick Monday into dresslng up as part of the grounds crew and dragging the infi eld between innings at Dodger Stadium. Lasorda caught the two of them in the act, however , and fined them. Later, Lasorda added to J ohn.stone's punish- me nt b y sending him up as a pinch- ''It just means l have to adjust to a certain role. And, yes, it's a lot easier to adjust when you're winning." This spring, Johnstone picked up right where he left off in 1981. ln rune trips to the plate, Johnstone collected four pinch hits for a .444 average. Last year , he had (See SEVANO, Page C3) RINGLEADER -Jay J ohnstone keeps the Dodgers loose. "When I first came here (Manager) Tommy Lasorda gave me Carte Blanche to do whatever I had to d o to make Those are just samplings of Johns- tone's act. Long night finally e nds for Angels OAKLAND (AP) The Angels and Oakland A's did their best to make up for all that baseball being snowed out in other parts of the c.-ountry. ''It was worth it, every minute of it," said Angels Manager' Gene Maut·h, whose team won 8-6 in a 15-inning game which began Thursday night apd ended early this morning. a record-setting five hours, 31 minutes later. "We all wanted to get it over with, but to gel out of it winning. To go 16 innings and lose is a real bummer ," said hitting star Doug DeCinces. The former Baltimore Orioles third baseman homered in the fourth inning for his first hit as an Angel. Twelve mnangs later, leading off the 16th, he homered off reliever Jeff Jones to break a 4 .4 tie and start a four-run rally . Luis Sanchez, California's fifth pitche r of the night, allowed two runs m the bottom of the 16th before ending the longest game, t1me-w1se. ever played by either American League club. "It was the worst game J ever saw ," said A's Manager Billy Marlin. "So many stupid things happened that I don't even want to get mto them. "We beat ourselvt!s with all our mistakes. That game should have been over in nine innings." The A's are sure to hear about those mistakes before tonight's game at the Oakland Coliseum against the Seattle Mariners. scheduled to send Gaylord Perry out in quest o f his 298th major league picthing victory ANGELS GET TAN BA H NSEN The Angels acquired veteran pitcher Stan Bahnsen and sent Mickey Mahler to their minor league camp for future assign- ment Thursday Bahnsen, 37. spent the past five years at Montreal but the relie f pitcher was released in the latter part of spring training. Wnh the New York Yankees m 1968, Bahnsen was rookie-of. the-year and has a 146-148 life· time record. Last season he was 2-1 with one save for the Expos. He set a career high with 21 victories for the Chicago White Sox m 1972. ,,, ........... DETERMINATION -Jack Nicklaus took the lead after first-round play in the Masters tournament was completed this morning. Nicklaus holds a three-stroke lead autd was 3-under-par. Rams open with Green Bay The Rams will open their 1982 regular National Football League schedule against Green Bay in Milwaukee Sept. 12, the club announced Thursday. The ume m Pac1f1c time will be 10 a .m. The Rams announced their league a nd exhibitio n season schedules with the kick off in Paci fic time: PRE·SEASON SCHEDULE AuQ 14 -Oenve• 1 p m Auu l'I -al Cleveland • 30 p m Auq ?6 Seallle 1 p m '>"Pl 4 San 01ego. 7 p m REGULAR·SEASON SCHEDULE 'if'PI 12 at Grl!4ln eay 10 a m C,ppl l'l -Oetro•t l pm $1'pl ;.>6 a l Philade4pll1a tO a m Ott '3 at Sl Louis 10 a m Oct 10 -Atlanta I p m Oct 17 at San Francisco l pm Oct :i'4 -New Orleans I p m Oct 31 -at San Diego l pm Nov 7 at New Orleans 19 am Nov 14 -New York 0 1an11. 1 pm Nov. 21 -11 Atlanta, 10 a.rn. Nov. 28 -K.,,IU City. 1 p.m. Oec 2 -!Tllu•S<layl San Francisco. 6 pm Oec 12 -Denver. 1 pm Oec 18 -tSaturday) at Oat.Iona I pm ~ 26 -Cllica90 1 pm Rain dampens 'Masters Nicklaus takes delayed three-stroke lead at Augusta AUGUSTA, Ga. (AP) -Jack Nicklaus, see- king his sixth titie here, marched home today with a three-under-par 69 and a three-stroke lead in the rain-delayed first round of the Masters Tourna- ment. Nicklaus, who missed the cul the last two tournaments he entered, proved he is back, just lik'> he always seems to be when the major tournaments roll around. He began the day on the fairway of the 11th hole where he had marked his ball when play was halted at 4:29 p.m. F.sT on Thursday. HE PARRED THAT hole, then proceeded lo birdie three of the remaining seven holes. Meanwhile, defending champion Tom Wat.son, who had finished njne holes on Thursday in 35, one under, came back today and played the last nine in a fat 42, losing five shots to par on the last three holes. At 77, he faced the necessity of marked im- provement in the second round -which was to be played later today -if he was to quallfy for the final two rounds Saturday and Sunday. Fuzzy Zoeller, who finished his round on Thursday before the heavy rains Set in, and Jack Renner, a strong third-pl.ace finisher at Greensboro last week, were the only players to shoot t'ven par. They were alone in second place. Bunched at 73, one-over par and four sho ts back o{ Nicklaus were a group of six players, in- cluding four foreigners -Seve Ballest eros o r Spain, David Graham of South Africa. Greg Nor- man of Autralia and Peter Oosterhuis of Britain - and Morris Hatalsky, playing in the Masters for the first time, and Gay Brewer, the Masters winner in 1967. OTHERS, SOME BETTER known. were not so fortunate, and finished their rounds today with acores that put them in jeopardy of nussing the cut. Johnny Miller, one of the pretournam~nt favorites, had a 42 on the back. which inlcuded -a triple bogey and a double bogey. He finiahed with an 81. Hale Irwin, a two-time U.S. Open winner. played his back in 41 to finish off an 80. Bill Rogers, the British Open winner in 1981 and the PGA Player of the Year. had a 77 Craig Stadler, one of the more consistent players of the year with one victor y and one second-place finish, w as one-under par at the turn. But he slumped lo a four-over par 40 on the back and finished with a 75. Tom Kite and Bru<.'e Lidzke had 76s. Jerry Pate a 74. Herman Keiser. the 1946 Masters champion, was making what he called his final entry into the Masters. He withdrew after shooting a 47 on the front. but he actually shot a 21-over·par 93 but did not sign his caret. "I just wanted to play one more time to revive old memories. This is the toughest I've ever seen the course," he said aft.er his round on Thursday. NICKLAUS, ONE OF 36 players to start play at 7:30 a.m., birdied the next hole. the par three 12th made infamous two years ago by Tom Weis- kopf, who took a 13. Nicklaus hit his iron to within about 10 feet and sank the putt. He lipped out a six-foot birdie putt on the par five 13th and just missed an fight-foot birdie putt on the par five 15th. l l1s S(:('Ond b1rd1e of the morning came al the 170-yard par three ltith , where his tee shot almost went in for a hole-in-one. That shot left him with a two-foot putt for the bll'die, and he made 1t Thl'n at the par four No 18, an uphill, dogleg right. ht' knocked a (1ve-1ron to seven fe<.'l, just right of the hole, and drilled the putt in for hts third b1rd1c. "You've got to be fortunate and get off to the right bt.•at," Nicklaus said aft.c-r his round. ") was amazed at the condition of the golf course "The greens were absolutely like glass They were twice as fast as they were last night " Watson's troublt! was not the ereeru;, but some shots he wished he could have back. "ThJs wasn't a very good finish, was it?" he said or his back nine, which included a lrtple bogey six at the par three No. 16 and a bogey at No 18. ~ "Now it's tough With my finish, I wall have..fi? pulJ things together 1f I hope to Rel into 1t " Kings' stall fails, Oilers e ven series EDMONTON. Albert.a (AP) Tht• Los An- gl'll'S Kings made the fatal m1stakl' of trying to sit lln a one-goal lead against the'Edmonton Oiiers. the most explosive offC'ns1vc lt-<im in the Nattonal HockC'y League. The Kings. who upsd tht· Oilers 10-8 in lhe first game of their best-of -five Smythe Division semifinal Wednesday. nt>arly sut't:eeded Thursday night. But in the end the ovcrwht'lming ftn•power of the Ollcrs prevailed Jan Kurr1 gave Edmonton a 2-2 ti<· at 15:06 of the third period and Wayne Gretzky. who S(:orc-d 92 goals in the regular season, got his sec'Ond 1n two nights at 6:20 of overtime to giw the Oiiers the :\-2 victory. That evened the series at 1-1 with the teanu moving to Los Angeles for games Saturday a nd Sunday "We didn't do tt tnlC'nttonally." Los Angele$ coach Don Perry said of his club's de fens1v<' tactics in the final 26 minutes. "l wanted to go at them t~ same way we did previously but sometimC'S we have the tendency to si t back." The Kings. who finished 48 points behind the Oi lers in the Smythe Div1s1on standings. struggled through the first period when they fell behind 1-0 on Pat HuRhes· breakaw.iy goal at 1:55. But the Kings dismantled Edmonton·~ offen~ m the se<.'Ond period with ttght che<:king. excellem two-man forecheckinR and strone skatinR Los Angeles peppered Edmonton goalie Grant Fuhr with 19 shots in the JX>riod but beat him only twice Bernie Nicholls scored on a screened slapshot al 5.33 and Daryl Evans lk.'Ored from close in at 13:07 after Mark Messier lost the puck at the edge of the goal "We had quite a few chances in the second period." said Perry "I thought we could have had four or five goals certainly if we had been able to get even one more that might have changed the roul'S(' of the game " · Walk-ons also bring X's and O's to area football programs Til&I STAND -. L~1une­ Beech'1 Walt Hamera talk1 out oh walk-on cmchee. By ROGER CARLSON 01 1119 Dally Piiot Si.ti Football is the major staple o( high school athletic progams, some carry a school's entire sports budget and more. while for others who don't, it's still the school's major sport by a considerable mar1tin. "' Walk-on coaches are in this area, too, but the ramifications that are sometimes pretent with walk-ons and their abilities with athletes, don't appear to be in the same class as that of minor sports. Simply put, there is a majority of on- campus coaches involved, and where there a.re many walk-ons, it's aometlmes because that particular head coach slm· ply wants more! asaia\anta. For Instance -Mater Dei has eight walk-ons in ill footb&ll pf'Oil'&m. but the Monarchs are rich with 11 on..campua roaches. *"' ~ 1..agu.na Beach, Oh.(he other hand, sti'u w1lhout • head coach aflet' Walt Hamtr. ~ed. expecu to have eeven walk-on• in Its procram. lncludlf\I the had COICh, and just one on-campus coach, an assis- tant. Here's a list of area tchools and their ratio of on-campus and walk-on footbaU roaches: Mater Dei-11-8~ Unlver~ity-9-2; Fountain Valley-8-0; Woodbrldge-8-1; Huntinizton Beach-8-6; Irvine-7-4; Estancia -7-2; Weatmin1ter -6-6; Edison-5-10; Newport Harbor-5-9; Coa\a Mesa-5-7; Marina-5-10; Corona del Mar-5-5: Ocean Vlew--t-4; Laguna Beach-1-7. While the isaue of walk-on coaches ls a subject not too familiar with the athletes themselvea, when It cornea to ath letic di.rectors -everyone hN an opinion. Here are a (~: Laauna Be1ch'1 Walt Hamera: "On, yeah, 1t'a aotna to ,et wone. Someone Uke Jim Toomey (tnck COl!Ch) 11 toll\I to ~t Un!Uf doina three sporta. Ihope it doesn't happen, Dut re&liaUcally ... " Mater Dtl'1 Bob OonlaJM.: "U we had five c11e1 of dlaclpUne '~lem1 that· would be • lot for. v-r. do .. ~ are told here. But we're lucky . . " Costa Mesa's Jim Hagey: "It's not only hard for kids and continuity, but just communicating. Not only is he in charge of coachiQi. but this b t.M kid's.PE-class. It's grading, getting those things back, bookwork ... " ' Edison's Lyman Clower: "It's terrible. They're not aroUnd the kids during the day and keeping track of the individual and they have a tendency not to watch ~he kid's grades . . . " Corona del Mar'a Ron Davis: "It's getUne harder. We're goins to run out of these ~ople. People see the coach on Friday night and thlnk that's the end of it. But l\'1 not ao. Th~ llll't true just in South•rn Califoml•. It'• becomin1 a naUon&l crtaiJ . . . " Eltanc1a High'• Glenn Sherry: "I'm Juat 8'Ulna httt with my flnpri'c:rcmc!d. One more Ct, and they're ao&na to tear SM tpll1. yMr they Ml aboul one year farther on rifs (reduction in fon:e notices). The re a re a few bad o nes (walk-ons). and the whole bunch gets a bad label ... " Woodbridge'5 Tom N.eW>n: "A lot ol them (walk-ons) have great hearts, but when they aren't plugged In here, lt makes it tough ... " . University's Dick Roche: "We've been lucky. A lot of coaches double up here because our district has bonus situation. If you coach more than one sport you Slit a bonus in July of around $4 70. Tt keeps more quallty people in coaching, that July chec·k ... " Ocean View's Lila Farr, the 1irla' athletic director: "['vc bad only good experiences with walk-om. l do a lot of tcreenlna and try to get thtt beat l can. I've had 1ome (candJdates) that l haw refu.ed ' .. " Jrvlnc't B!!.r'-1 Schulenbur•: 0 T ht' ta.. w AL&-ONa. Pap a> . :· . . !· . I • I . I • I • ~ ' ! ' I • • i: .. I , t a Orange Cou1 OAIL.V PILOT/Friday, Aprll 9, 1982 • It' p rf eel j ogging wea tht,.r for Bill Lee fo'rom AP dl1patcbes PITTSBU llG H Bill Let•, a ii man for all seasom~. has taken base- bnU's spring frt.'<'l.e in stride W hile most of his fellow Mon- treal teammates spent this week 1n their hotel. Lee took advantage of three postponements t.o JOB to points of interest around Pittsburgh. In running shat:s. khaki pants, ski Jackel and nuttens, the 35-year -old pitcher was prepared for cold weather. In fact, he said he had an inside tip on what to C'Xpect. "The Farmer's Almanac told exactly what the weather was going lo be hke snow, Lee sajd Thursday at Three Rivers Stadium. where the Expos worked out befurt: leaving. "The Farmer's Almanal' LEE ~1d this year 1t was going to be a very cold spring In fact, 1t predicted an April 6 snowstorm and hit it right on the nose." The Expos were supposed to open agamsl thc Pirates Tuesday, April 6, tht• day this area was hit by a snowstorm Quote of the day "Dennis Martine z 1s my unl•-man rotation at this point." Baltimore Orioles manager Earl Weaver, whose team was another v1cllm of the snow and cold wea- ther this Wt.>t>k Art shows 'em Howe in 1-0 win Houston's Art Howe doubled to ii op(•n the eighth inning and SC'Orc•d on ii fu lding error by St Louis selOnd h.isl·man T om Herr l o br eak up a ->l·ureless duel and lead the Astros lo a 1-0 victory Thursday rught in the National League. St<irting p1tchl1rs Joaquin Andujar of ~<. Louis and Bob Knepper of the Astros duelt'<I through Sl•\•pn innmgs bdon• Huuston fmallv ,got to for- mer Astro Anduja r in the eighth Elsewhere, Bdb Bailor drOVl' 1n three runs with two doubles a nd a single. helping tlw New York 1\1\..l'ts opt>n their St•ason w ith a 7-2 \'ll"lorv over Philadelphia and th<.•1r ace left- handcr Steve Carlton. rt was the eighth straight opening-day victory for the Mets ... In the American Leagu <.'. Minnesota third baseman Gan Gaetti h<Jmt•rcd for the third time th1:. st·asc'1n. drove an l wu runs and S<:un'<i lhrt'l' llmC!S t 11 J.i.1 t" t• t h l' T v. 1 n s to a 4 -1 v 1 c to r v over St·attle Goring keeps Islanders In gear New York'11 Butch Gorloa ,.nd ~ Brenl SuUtr IK'Ored 41 llt.'<.'Onda upor\ , to cap n tour-aoaJ lalandl'ra Cirat po· rlod u the lwo -tlme defondlng Natlon11l Huc:kcy LHiUC: ch¥mplon1 routl•d Pfn burgh. 1.2 Thur day niafhl. Thtt on11 11tlcd victory gave the lah1ndeu a 2-0 lc•aJ lr1 tlw bc>tlt·of -five opening round o ( the St. nley CufJ playoffs . Spotting .l'hlludt•l ph1u a goal.in thl· Opl'OlllH mtnutt'. tlw Nt•w York Honwtni rcH•n-d b..t•k to deft-at tht• FlyN·~. 7 :J lo l'Vl'l'I their !W1 It-:. Ruoklt· Mikko l.eloooe o as111ted on 11 x go~d is f or a ployof( rec- o rd .. Pierre Aubr y lit'O rc.>d nt 2:30 of thc third Pt'riod lo lirt Qu<'bt>c· to Ii 3-2 1 Vll·tory in M ontrc.>al t o t'V l·n that i.t•rit•s at OOl'INO I 1 C'hat·ago'i. Tom Ly· slak scored tWll'l' us the Blal·k H awks edged Minnesota, 5.3 lo tukt• a 2·0 lt>ud hl•uding back to Chu:ago. Lysiak M~·url'd the v1t·lory with 18 se- t·onds left wht·n h<.' sent a clearing shot all iht· way down the ice and into lht· l'rnpty nc.>t Rookie Barry Pederson scort>d thrC'e ~oals, ull in thl· second period, as Boston stormed tu a Sl't'ond straight v1l·tory over Buffalo, 7-3 Winnipeg l>t'on'CJ four straight goals 111 thl• St.>cond pt•nod tl p.1ve the wpy lo a 5-2 v1c·tur_y over St Louis to <.•vt·n that St!n es at I l Dave Williams S(:o- n•d o n a rebound dl 14 ~O of sudden·<ll•ath ovt>rl1me lo g1vp Vancouvl·r a hard fought 2-1 Vlt'lory over Calgary and a '.! 0 l<"Hd m lhl·lr sc- nt·s · Sonics escape San Diego with win Seattle's Gus Williams S(.un'<l -11 m i.xunL-.. mdudmg f1vt• m lht: f1nJI W "l'tonds u( uvert1ml" .is tht· Suix•rSo n1l'S down ed San l>1ego. 117-11 5 Thursd<Ay mght in tht· Nauunal Bask.-tball As- '\ctl·1a t1un The l'llppt>rs. who hav<:' now lost 15 str<11ght. WC'r<.' lt•ad111g 11 5-112 wht•n W1lhams connl'<"ll'd on a thrce -pmnl baskt'l with 29 sc·- t.'Onds left m the extra period. After San Diego inbounded the ball, Williams stoic ll .md drove tht· length of lht• t'uurt for thl' gamt·-winnmg layup Billy Ray Bales' slam dunk with two st><.'tmds left <.·appt.'CI a Sto'<.:ond-half Portland rail} and gave 1 he Tra1 l Blawrs a 106· I 04 v1<.·tory llVer PhOC'ni x. Portland trailed by as many as 15 points in the third period but uSt-d a 10-0 string in the fourth quartl'r lo lie the game with I 5 2 n •ma1mng Cedric Maxwell l<'<.1 .i twlanl'l·d Boston sc•onng al tack with 22 pomLc; as tht• Ct-ll1t"5 l'l1minated the Nt•IA. York Knit ks I rum the pluyorfs with a I Ill IOti Vll'lory U.S. Olympic poloists compete EDMONTON . Alberta Thl· ~ United Stales Olympie wall'r po10 ·~ team. sporting a dl'f1n1te Orang1.• Coast-art>a look , got·~ head to hl•ad with Brazil, Mex1t·o and host Curwda in thl• World Champ1unsh1ps qualifications tournaml'nt which begins hl'fl' tuday Former Newport Harbor li1gh and Umver· s1ty o f California s tandout Kt>vi n Kobe"rtson JOIOS e x-University High and UCI star Peter Campbell on the Olymµ1< lt>am wh1l·h 1:. vying for a berth in the World Championship'>. '>l'he- duled for July 30 -Auj{ 10 in Guavt~1l. E<:uador Baseball today . On thl.I d.te ln bueball In 196~~ lo the flrat tnaJor leaaue game ever played indoor11, \ht• H oua\on A1tro1 l'hnat~nl'd tht• Astrodomt• wHh u 2· l ~X· h1 bl t Ion v 11.:tory ovt•r t h,. New York Yunket.1 Yunkf'f' 11lugaer Mickey Mantle I• hacl th,. honor or belting ba.aeball's tint In· dorn• homt.> run. On this date in 1947: Brooklyn Dodgers Manager Leo Ouro· t•hcr wwi sUllptmded from baseball for one yt-ar by Comm! loner Happy Chandler for ''l'Onduct detrunental to baseball." On this dat.o in 1913: Before only 12,000 fans, the Brooklyn Dodgers played their Cirat game in Ebbets Field and loet to the Philadelphia Phillies 1 0. Due to a lOuple o f oversights, the ballpark had no press box and no Amerit'an flag Borg's return spoiled by Noah A pat1t•nt Yannlck Noah o f • Frantt• scored his first career victory ovl'r Swedish supe ri;tar Bjorn Borg Thursday. 6-1, 6-2 in a quarterfinal upsc.>l al the Monte Carlo Grand Prix tennis tournament. The 21-year-old Noah dashed Borg's dn•am of a triumphant return to tennis following .i f1vt'-month tournament break . . Katherin Ra wls, the wmnm gcsl American woman swim- mer until Tracy Ca ulkins, died Thursday of canl-er at age 64 She had been ill for sev- eral vears. Raw ls won 33 natwnal swimming a nd di- ving titles in the 1930s but nevC'r won an Olympic medal because World War 11 pre- vente d the Ga m es 1n 1940 . Sponsors arc being sough l to finance scorebotlrds NOAH for the 1984 Olympic Games track and field events at the Los Angeles Coli- seum and events to be ht:ld at the Sports Arena. Coliseum officials said Thursday that It 1s hoped lo have $11 m1l11on m sponsorships for the sco- reboards plus a the mt' tower at the Harbor Fr<.•eway Favored Untamed Spirit grabbed tht• lead in the s tretch turn Thursday and won lhe feature race al Santa Anita by 1114 kngths over six furlongs. Queen of Cornwall finish ed second The S uper Bowl <.'hampion San Fram·1s<.·o 49e rs will get prime-time ll'lev1s1on 1:xposure three times 1n tht-1982 National Foot- ball League season. playing night games un a Monday. Thursday and Sunday It has bt>en four years since the 49ers played a regu lar-season night gamt:, losing to Pittsburgh on a Monday night in 1978 . . Bill Peterson, former head football coach a t Florida State.> University and With the Houston Oilers. was named athletll' di - rector Thursday a t the University of Central Florida. Peterson 61, has served as fund-raiser for thl' Florida State program the last four yean. Television, radio TV: No events scheduled. RADIO: Baseball Angels at MinnesCJta. 5.30 p m . KMPC ( 710). San Diego at Dodgers, 7· 15 pm . KABC (790) Basketball -Denver al Lakers. 7 20 p.m , KLAC (570). now • Caulkins biggest winner Mission Viejo team shines GAINESVILLE, FIA. (AP) Tracy Caulkins became the all-time victory leader in national championship swimmlna Thul'Sday night, surpas· smg Johnny Wel.ISrT\uller by w~ the 400._vard md1v1dual medley at the United Statet. Swimming Short Course Champ1onsh1pi. The victor y ,w as the 37th since 1977 for Caulkins, a 19-year-old freshman at the Umversity ot Florida. Weissmuller. who went from swimming lo famt• as a movie st<1r, c·apturt'd ati utles bl'lwetm 1921 a nd 1928. • H1<.·ardo .Prado. o 17 -yi•ar old Brazilian swim ming out of M1ss1on Vic.JU. M-1 a US Open rec:<>rd of 3.-17 97 in the men's 400 yard md1v1dual ml•dley Finishing second 1n :i:!> 1.1 a was Jesse Vassallo of Mission Viejo, whose American record of 3.48 t6 stands bt'Cause of h1 !> l<·ammall•'s nauonahty The M1ss10n VwJti Nadadort's team of Tiffany Cohen, Julie Wdl1amo;, Murybeth Linzmeu·r and Cynthia Woodhead -.N a new American r<.'(•ord in the 800-yard freestyle· rl'li.iy with a llmt· of 7 10 55 Th<.• ('(fort bettered tht· old mark of 7 15 14 wl by M1ss1on Viejo in 1979 Rowdy Games of Winter Havt'n. F'l<i , won his second title in this four-day mt-et , taking tht• ml'n's 200-yard frc,(•stylc.> in I '.15 17 after winning tht· JOO fr('l.'SlVI<• Wednesdav Stt·Vl' Woo<l of Fort Worth. Texas, was second m I :36 28 Woodh<.•ad won thl' woml•n's 200-yarcj fn·t•!>tvh · in 1 45 4Ci Thursda} night, t.•dgmg Jill Stl·rkt•I ol Ausun, Tt.'X. who fin1shc-d m f:45.93 Connors to play in Southwes t Open LOS ANGELES Aftl•r a l1ve·vt•a1 hiatul>. No :.! rcinked J1mmv Connors h<i!> announCl'<.l he• will play in the .l'ac1f1c· Southw1:sl Tl·nnis Op<·n. s<.'hl'- dult>d tu begin Saturday and l"onlinue throu~h Sunday. April 18 The Lus Angelt-'.'> Tt•n111s Club 1s thl· sill' tor thl'.'> yt•ar's <.·ompet1t1on wh1l·h "ill also inl'ludt· No 7-rankt.'Cl V1ta.o, Gerula1lls. No 9 Johan Kru·k <md No 10 Sandy Mayt·r among lhl· J2-man l1t:ld Connors 1s u tw11 -t1mt.• winner of th<.· Pa<.·il1l· Southwt•st Open ( 1 !H:t and 1974) but has nol playt•d in lhl' tournament s1nt·1• 1976 Lasl year. tht· fornwr UCLA All-Anwrn·an won four Grand Pnx single·~ titles Hl• 1s .i thrt·l·- llme U.S Open champion ThlS year's to'.Jrnam(•nt bt•gms with qualifying rounds on Sat urday and Sunday beginning a t 10 a.m and noon. resrx><.·t1v1·l y Sealing m the east grandstand is $7 50, Mondu~ .1.b.roush .Wl'Clnes<foy , $10 Thursday and Friday and $12.50 Saturday and Sunday. Apnl 17 18 Nurlh grandstand st-ats <Jn• $5 for gl'nl'ral Jdmi...!.11m Monday through ThuNJ,,, $7 50 Fndav Jnd $HI Saturdav and Sundo\ T1ck<.'t rnforma uon 1s <1va1lable by caUing (213) 46:i -2312 or (213) 475-6836 FLY AND DUY. Introducing Park's Europea n Delivery Program • Taking a European vacation? Come 10 Park Porsche/ Audi and check out our unique Euro- pean Delivery Program. The money you save on your car could pay for your vacation' \\'h' huy nr k.t'>c your tH:'\\' l1o r...,chc or ·\udi In >Ill ju~l :my dL'.tler~hip ,,·hen you can gel the "Pl'Cial lrc:lll11L'tll :ll Park. At Park, we coordinate all the details of your trip with our travel agent. and give you a set of M1chehn maps, for exploring those quaint village roads. We'll have your car shipped back to the States, and when it arrives. we can pick it up. completely detail and service 11, Cahforn1a certify it and deliver it to your door. We'll even handle all the cumbersome paperwork for you \t P.trk l'or...,chl.'/:\udi . \\'e.re committed 10 offering the ultimate in cu~tomer ~en·ice. 'lC.Htr 11L'\Y P:trk Pnr .... rhe o r .\udi come..., compll'tL' "ith a P:1rk Preferred ~en ice Cluh Card. l.'11l ll ling you tu :1 muhiwde <>f compl1mcnc:1ry -.,cr \'l ce ..... )bu ·11 aho ha,·e a per...,on.tl Pa rk C()n...,umL'r lkpre:-,c1ll.lli\·e, herL' to .111:-wcr :tll your automoti\·e que:-,ti<>1h . And. if you't.l like · ~~( • • lo pick up your ne\\' .1tnomohile right fro m the facwry, II • ~i....k about our unique European Del i\·ery J>rogr:1m. The profe...,:-,io nal ..... tt P.1rk Por~che/\udi are dedi-?Q=l)( f-c ;f £1Ui)i c:1tet.l to gi,·~ng y< >U l.hc fir...,t cl.1~..., trc:ttment you de~cne ~ Come 111 .ind d1:-,c:o\L'r the P:tr!.. Pnr .... cl\e/Aud1 UN L I KE ANY OTHER difference . 6.,00 MJl1\,'hCMl'r Hhd ' Ulll'l)J Vark. Qi 90(>2 I ( '71 •I) $21 ~.2 1 ( l 13) 911· 774 I The RcJl h lllvd exit off 1hc anrn t\nn Fr<.·ew;jr - • I .. What better way to see Europe. and what bet- ter place to break-in your new car' Call today for all the details l lNLIKEA:\1YOTllER i»A=t(Y. 6700 Manchester Blvd . Buena ,o:uct-c AUi>i Park. CA 90620 (714) 521-8621 (2 13) 921-7744 (Alongside the Santa Ana Fwy ) Orange Coast DAILY PILOT /Friday, Aprll e, 1982 Making grade as a walk-on Certification requires a test lt wasn't tou lcmg ngo thc•rt· was nuth111t( n·· qutrt·d by lht· Stult• f>q>oirlml'Ol of F..dut·ut1on n· gurdm~ quuhflcallon~ fur an yonl' to l'Oill'h studw1t.' within the public systt:m. IC a p1·hw1pul or uthll•ttc· dtrt'<'ll>r f1gun-d yuu wnt· their d1m\'I'. that wa.' It That'i. i.ttll ttw l'U'4.' today. Wllh tlw t•Xct'St1on that ult mw.t nuw pus,-. d l'Crllfll:utton tt.>st. wh1ch rt'<jUtrt•s all walk-uni. tu l'Omplt:lt• a 4-5 houi l'UU l'Sl' h 's been under way 111 lht• Newport Ml·Mi. lr- vmc and Luguna .Beuch dtstm·lb, hut llunungtun Bt:al·h area coaches an· Just now undt·rgumg such .i courst• "Our d1slr1cl had bct·n holding o l 1," •wv ... Wt::.Lmm~ler High A t hlt:lll' Utrt'l'lor Ball Busw1·ll "b4.'<.·ausc• we Wl're also t'OllCl.'rnt>d wtth thl• know ledge· of CJJo'. d1strkt and st·hool ruh·s. wlm·h ur<•11'1 mdudc•d m tht• blaLc-'s dtrl'<.'llVl'b " At any ratt" thl• llunungtun Bc:<Jeh di:.trn·t tb now conforn11ng. lou. with tht• adtl1t1on.1l n•gul;i lions, and wh<Jl 1l bulls d11wn tu lb about :.1x hl>Urs ul training for t·at·h t•oal'h, l'~ YP<ir ll rcg41rci:. walk-un t·oadws t11 b1· t•t•rl1f11·d 111 adolc.•scenl µi:.yl·hology in rl'latton tu -.pw ts. I 1r~l <ml and knowlt>dgt· of that parueular sport lnduded 1n tht· program an· :i 1: hours of v1 deotapes, produced by lhl' Statt· Dt'parlnll·nt 111 F.dutataon If you un· a t'rl'tknllah.·d l1•adwr. tht·rl' 1s nu requirement for undt>rgoing thl' ser ll's. But wht•n you an · fm1sht·d wnh lhP l·uur:.1" h1•n: are lht• following 1tc·ms c.-aeh 1s PXpl't lt·d to un11l•r-stand I KNOWLEDGE Of' REc.;ULATIONS Thi~ covl'rS distr1t·t athlett<'. st·hool athlel1t• and C !F rt•· gulauuru.. an add1uon to dtblricl t•mpluymt·nt rt'qUI remt•nts '2 F'lHST AID AND EMERGENCY" This t·o vt·rs prevention. firs t aid. al't:1dent rt•porl. parc.·nt. doctor or paramedic-t·onldcl. dOl·tor and part•nt n· lt•ast• and follow up ;j, COACHING TECHNIQUES Prl'v1uus co<i c·h1ng t•xperienl't'. playing l'Xpt'rtt•m·t• and 1•ducat1on is t·ons1dered -l ADOLESCENT PSYCHOLOGY Edu1·atm11 prt:VIOUS L'Oat·hing ('XJX•rit'nl'l' and l:'Xpt'rll'IWl' wor king with <idoles<"en ts 1s c·<msadC'rt'tl 5 CERTIFICATION VIDEO TAPE Four tapt•s must Ix· vwwc-d When tht· 1mJ1v1dual athh·t11· dirt'< tor 1s ..;a11 ... f1t•d these hurdles havt• bt•t•n l'lc·arc·d . .i l'Oal'h 1s tt:rt1f1t•d to t•ua th in lht• Hunt1ngton &•ac·h Un1fit·d &·hoot Distm l . Walk-un mat·hc-s in tht: Nc•wport-Mt•:.J. lrv1111• and Laguna Beach d1stricL<> are 1ovoived in sim ilar arrangemt•nts - L'(•rt1f1t'al1on usually takt·b ~lill'l' a wt·t•k prt'<'l' ding l'al·h sµurt ':. St·ason By ROG E R CARLSON Chris tian, Bast vie Al<m Christia n and M1kt· Bast an• t'>-.JX't'll'd 111 hook up 1n a torrid b;.ittll' tonight al the wt·t·klv spt•1,.clway molon:ydl" rat·t·s al lhl· Or:mgt• CuunlY Fa1rl{rounds in Costa Mc:sa wht•n action -.tarL-. al H Also in lht-held wtll bl:' Danny Bt•t·kt:r J'i Promoter Harry Oxlc·y pf(•sents lhl• st-<:ond weekly show · ATTENTION! MEN ONLY • lluU"-' I >11 l Y., •Sink lull ur tl"h..,, • •l 'lnlht ... h.impl•r rull" CALL TOP BRASS We will polish up the house! 642-0190 ~!/ ~ AUTO PARTS lmorrledgeable, friendly parts, people F;; DEFEND WALK-ONS -Ron Dav1s (left) of Corona d e l Mar and J im Hagey of Costa Mesa High, speak out on walk-on coaches. From Page C1 WALK-ONS. • • bonus c heck 1n July r1.•all y h<.'lps. A n d. the• fat'l we're: on~ of lht• hig hest paying d1stri1.·ts m Orang<.• County helps. loo Wt•stmanskr's Bill Boswell: "Ttw d1H1t·ulty 1s thut tlwy h<iv1.' not h <td <my form<JI tr:mling 111 how hi tlt.•al with lht'Sl' adoll"M•ents So. what huppt'1h, yuu "'md up making mistakes with tht• pt·rson Most or thl·m · Llrt• t'Ornpt.•tt•nt o r tht•y wouldn't lw hired. hut tht·n · 1s a n •ul big turnover· It':. hart! to gt>l ll'<H'ht·rs tc> l'Onw out and l'oach ror lht· littlt• mum·y that is involved " Thi• big qut•st1on: b thl· walk on nwch .. pro blPn1 111 a savior'' Tht' ano;wc•r lb obvious· Roth (This is tht• last of fuur ;1r11d1·:. CJ/I w,1/k-m1 coa<:ht•s appearing m lh<' Dmly 1'1/or J Bosox to try again WINTER H AVEN. F'la. (AP) Ttw Boston Rro Sox wuu11d up an unc·xpt't'tt•d '>l't'ond ph<.1bt' or spring lra1n1ng with a 2 1. htJUI \\111 koul 111 80-dt·grl't' Wt'alht•r Thursday. lhc·n p.J1·k1•d 1·qu1p mt•n1 for anothL·r trip north "Wt• got 111 two sohd workouts. JUSl what we lll't-<:lt'(l." Boston Managl•r lfalph ll11uk '><ll<l "Nu" \\t•'rt• n:ady to go ;.again " Thl· HC:"d Sox ongin:.ally brnkt• tra111111g 1.1mp a fter an l'xh1b111on ganw last Sunday '1'111 v 1 lt ·v. t1• Ch1c:igo for thl·tr sc:hedulc'fl 19H:.! Anic•11l'an L1·;igu1 11pc.•nc·r \\1th tlw Wh1lt· So" hut I h ·v. b.tl'k lo I-l1111clo1 Tut-sday t>Vl'n1ng ;.is hc·av\ snow .rntl '>t '\ 1 rt 1 old blank<.•lt•d thl' north NFL mu t release info WASHINl:TON (AP> Thi· N.1t11mal Labw l<t•l<JllOnb Bcxtrd on ThurMJav unlt•n"<I lht· N..i'uun,JI Football Ll'agut• to turn ov;·r tn ll11 NFL Plav1·r' As.-;c1l'ial111n .sonll' 111forrnat1011 11 h;1d n·qul·slt•d (·1111- 1•(·rn111g hroadl'a'l tt11H1 <11·ts. !>alarll':. and worknwn·, l 'Orn pc.• llS<J lion Tht· union l haraclt•rt1<'d the· df•t·1s1on a~ J \'le lo ry. but that intt·rpretatum Wi:ls disputed by tht• ll'agut• · • Brooke Ann WIDS first Cup race LON(; Bf;AC ll 8 1 ookt• Ann. 11 Nl'lson Mort•k 41. OUl or San l>ll·~o Yal·ht Club. w..ii. ... n>ntl' from lx·lu11d Wllllll'r Thur:<d.iy Ill llll' r1ri-l r 1u~· of tht> Laµtwl Challt-ngt> Cuµ f or tht· first half of tht• 17 U milt· r.it'l•, tht• deft>nd..r. Burnc.-y f'lam's Fl~11nbuoyant of LBYC, opp<.-;.in-d to tw a tt'rlaan w1nnn .is ht• ht•lcl .ibout ..i two-minutt• l1 •:1d ovt•r Brook<· A1111 bt•1ng ~11ll·d by l'O·dl's1g.rw1 Brut·t· Nelson · Bul lhl· rtH't• t·han~t·d drJmJl1t·.illv wlwn F'l;.imbuoyunt suflt•1 t-<l a :.phl ht•ad!MJll cm th(· '>t'<.'CUHI upprom·h to tl.t· wmdwal'd mark Bro11k1· Ann took lht: lc:.aJ .md f1n1shl•d about thrft' m1nutt'S atu-ud 11f l"l(1mbuoy.mt , S1•1'f111d u1l ha11d1t ti)> ltnll' wab John Arl'llb 111mah.iwk. bt•&ng :.k1ppNt•d by Duvt• Ull111,1n 11f Balbou Yal·ht Club. Third wa:. Bill Palnwr's She· mmdo;.ih , btc·mg S<lllt-d by J)(•nnt'> Uurl(an Othl•rs in the ftrl>t ltl Courth, S pml. Allt•n arown, Voyagers Yal•ht Club, fiflh, Couer dl' L 1un, Ed Harl, Kmg H arbor Yat·ht Club; sixth. F'lam- bu oyant, sevt•n th. Ya Turko. Y1:1cht Norman Dt• Vant. Pat·1(1e Manners Club. 1•1ghth, M at·t•dom a. Ken Wmtc•rs, Ol·l'ansidt• Yaeht Club. nmlh. Tonka, l,larry ll1bbs, Anacapa Yadll Club, and ten lh, Rt'Cl Shift. AnnP K;.ahll·, Los A nlo{l'lt-s Y;.it·ht Club From Page C1 SEV ANO COLUMN~. • 11 p1m·h hits. mdudm g a memorable homt' run off Ron Davis in game four of the W orld Wer&l!s that hl'lped launch the Oodgt•r-s to a comd>at'k w m over the New York Yankt>es Undt·rstandably. Johnstont• wai:. soml:'w hal m1ffl-d by rumors this s pring that ht• woulJn't s lll'k w it h lht• dub Tht• word was that lht' team was gomg Lo kt't"p thn~ t•au·hcrs (M1kt• &·1osc1a. S teve Yeager and H<1mon Lora) which limited the· Dod- gers w six vulfll'lders (Dusty Bakc>r. K e n Lan· dreaux, Pedro Gut>rrero. Hic k Monday, Jor~t· Orta and Ron Koen&l'k<!), making Johnsl<>nt• exptmdable "YOU'RE DAMN right at bothtn>d ml'," says Johnswm• of th<• rumor "But, no, I really wasn't l'llfll'l'l'rll'd OC't'<:IUJ>t• I km·w tht•rt• was nubod y t•lst• cm this team. olht·r than H1t·k Mond<iy, who ;.ould rlo what I t-ould do .. Wh1c:h 1s wh<Jt'' "Wh1t·h 1s l'Omc· o ff tht• bt•nch m tht• t'tghth ur ninth inning. with thl' ganw on ttw lmt•. and gt•t base h1U. of! th1.· likes of Bruce Sutter. Gary LH· valle. Dal·k T1drow, Slt•v1· Rogns. Tom Sl•avt'r. Nolan Ryan . " Tht· last wa:. t•ndlc·ss "I l'Ouldn't bl'11eve tht•y wen· going to reph1ct• ffil' with ..i guy who 1.·ou ldn't m..ik<· tht• 40-man rustt:r of tht· Toronto Blu<· J ays." liP adds sourly "Wt• m ·t>dt>d thrl't' t·all'ht•rb around hl're ltkt• Ana- hl·tm n<'<-ds anoth1•r Big A "Anyway, I fc•ll that 1f 1t was a t•hallengt' tht•y w;,intcd. thl'n I ww.. going lei g1v1• 1t lo them.'· - And Johnstonc· did just that huth on and of I th1· fl<'ld to the• dPltght of ha:. teammal<•:. . . Add John ... tmw on th1• pos.-;1btl11v of th(' Dod- gt•rs bt"<.·om111g t'Omplan•nt. · "lnJUfll'S would b<· lh1· only thing that would k<'<-'P this lt·arn from rt•pt.•ating. Complacenc·y isn't on lhlS dub "If nothing t·lst•. prof l'SSton;.il pride will t;.ik1.· ovt·r Nobody w ants to be made fools uf " Prices 6ood tltrU April 11, 1982 Swl•l·FlcH Fan Oil Filter Cools Mfine when you pull a trailer 21~~ SAT., APRIL 17tl 10-4 CAL'S CAIERAS INC. ,,,..,,,., FllEElll FllEEJll FIEEJll JUKON REPAIR CLlllC WA Wlnlellle<g. Qwnef of AUChof tied C..me<a Repiow (AvthoflZMI Nollon SeMce) in Los Angeles, wlll check out "°"' Nikon -• loo klcl--.g shult.. l'f"C, clNt1ll'g ancl nwo ecl~l,,_ls in iust ,,,., utn roglll before you eyes IU All IEW ltlOI Fl-% SEE OTHER NEW EO<Jl,.,,,,ENT ·~··""""'.I' . ....., ... ----• , 1'C(I ..-i .... ...... ~ ..... ·~~ll'llP"e .. ,~ ...... o._. •• ..., FREE X:~-... l_,P.,,,t.f\ltV CAL'S CAMERAS INC. 1770 IEWPORT ILVD com 1m 111t1 Ml-8313 $£t I· . \ .. I wt~ Businessmen I f you ore do1ng business under o ,..1c t1 t1ous RusineH Vame you are required by law r Bw;mess and Pro/nsums Ctxk. Sec 17900 to t7!13fl J to /1Le a F'1 ct 1 t1ou.~ Buszness .\'amt> StatPment and havt> 1t published for four rcmsrcut we u.'!f'ek$ WE at the DAILY PILC>r can h<'IP v.nth both. Colt the I.EGA/. D € P A R r /\H; NT o I 642-4)21 E:rt 332 /or furthu mformotwr For most U.S. cars, ~ans 24~ ,HIA,,H'3 Radiator Cap #lf.22 1~~ ""'· 14 oz. ,.,,,,.r.,,t, can twer, cl.,,,, Car Care Products 1~~ .Engine Spr'y Paint ""1 I• ntl1111tes. fesfont •W CM loot ' ;::;:=.,WwL 2~' Import & U.S. Auto l'•i'U Speci•lists COSTA MESA• South (',oast Auto Supply .. ~EWPORT BEACH • United Auto Parts 688 W. Baker At Bristol • 2002 W. r.oast tighway • 556-2500 646-9363 · P n tr F s AR r s u G < a t, rr n P n tc E s A N u M AY v AR v A r PA H 1 1< 1 ~A 1 1 N c. , Hr 1 1, 1 t r 1 ~ • • HAPPENING .. IN THE DAILY PILOT'S AUTO MARKET ••• l'f{IH;l.Al\tl~(. TllP. \I01'Tll t,1f April as Orange < 'ou11ty Auto Dt•;,lers' month. SuJll•rv1sor Bruce Nes u.nde fJl t'SCllL'> a mpy of 1h1· Board or Supcrv1wn.' r~lulion t.o Jim Upf>, 1·X1'<·ut1v1• cJ11 t'<'l1>1 Motor CJr lll.•;;l1·rs' A:;.>;oc1- .11111n of ( lt.in~t· C11u111y "' \ \ I \ \ \ \ OrJngc• l'uu111 \ BoJrd 11f SUJH.'I Vt· "" ~· Cha11 m ... 11 Hru1 • N1·:.ldntlt 1 .. ri ti1d,1\ p111c. IJ1m1-d Ap1 ii ,1), < >r Jiii>:• County Auto lll·;;l1·r.' M•mlh. · ·" he· pr c·M·oh'tl ,, 1111.1v 111 1h1· Su!X'I v1;.or~· t«'!>41lutw11 tu ,Jun Upp. ni.ih1. Ext't'Ut1vt· IJ1r{'(.:tor of th•· Motor C.1r j),.,.i,•1-s' A"''il.Jl.'1Jlll111 of Oranl-{t l'ou"t' lc;.,u1111o( lht' Pltlc:lam.11111n, 1111· Bu:ud 111.J1lc· 111111• ul th" 1.,., t lhJI th•· uni• hu11dn-d .111d t"'1·r11y JUlO th·.il<·r' of 01.i111o;c-l'11u111v n ·µ11 '4'111 a '1g111f1t,Jlll J.1tlfllun tJf lht· lonol 1111ruin1y In .idd1t1t11l, '>Pl'< I.ti n·t·o~111l1t1n "'"' 1(1vt•11 lo lht' Ur .111g.· l'uuntv 11111'1 H<Jl1011.1l Au tu Sltuw lo 111 h1·ld t\pnl :!I .!~ .Jt tl11 A11.1lw1m l'1t11\t'nt1011 <:1·n11·1, al \\hll'h l11t·JJ d1•.1f1" will 'ho"' tlw 1 ... 11 .... 1 Hitt:! . 111odl'I;. 111 l.Jcilh lllfl'lgll and cJ<11lll"'llf \ld11t'it•'i, '" Wt•ll cl;. >otJOW "fJl'<'l<ilty l'clf:> Mm t t ,,r, "'ill 111 d1..,µJ;,iv1•d al this V• ,11 ·, Shuv. thJn In .111)' fJI t \lt1Wo \I '<ti Lt,.·.il <h·.oler'> .11' "upprn llllH tht· Au111 Shu\~ with 1H1mer11u' p111111ol1c111' 'J.w1 t.il l'V1•111;. Jlld spl'(;l;;I µr111 t M't'llu11~ .. oil d11't'< 1111 111warJ ,.11mul;1t1111( lhc• .1uu1 huy111g µuhh1 "' c )r,uig1 t'uu11I\ tu "!)11\'l Into Sprong.""' liu lo'" 1hc 1h1·1111 111 chi-. ''"'r' Shov. *** Ill \ 11\t. IO\ Ill \C II Tlw µubht h." J 11111'>la11t tll't~I lur pr11lc·-.s1unal \.\c·ll tr,urwd JUtor1111liil1· mt'< lo.mu--:. K1111\.\ 111g thi.... l;,.,,, gt· L>t· l.11l11. Prt·,11J1 111 •if Cur tnll'r· l>t'Llllu l'lu·vrolt•l. of lfunllr1glu11 Ht .11 h. cltin<ilt•d two Ii Lll'k l'hLl~-'I~ ltJ Cokh•n wt',.I Ct111111HHlll\I ( 'ttll1·gt· H.ilph Mt·giirdt·n, '""trUl'IOI ;it (;01d .. n w .. ,t .... v~ "Th""' \\ill h1·l11 t1UI \UUllf.! , ....... Jt lt· ... rn .• 11 th1· 1111111'<1 tw-. ul .• 111·11g1n1· tr.111-.1111"''""' 1hll••n ·n11 ... 1 ,,tt'l·n11g. •Ii Evny1h111g ,... h1·n· 1"'1•µ1 1111• hoth Jnt.l lht '4·aL" Tt11~ 1!> ,1 mu1·h hl'llt·r w.tv lit.on pr.11·1u·111g on si1mt·1111C'·~ '.11 " *** I I \IC \I \I. \llt 11 I \Ill I \I, I 11111\ l't. N1•v.'- µ1111 ll.11 hn1 ll1~h S1 h11ol l 'f,,,, "' l~ll:! V • .I1 .. J1, t1Jr1dn (;11·11 K.1ull111,111 t.11..tully ~tudu-,, tht· high 1111t. .. 1g(' t;1l·· tor" nf &ltt /\ud1 -IUllU d11·'«•I \\Ith Don ('h,Jfltnn. gt·n•·n1I m.1nag1·1 111 t'h11 k h·1•1 '"n Por,., h" Audi 111 N1·\\ p11rt Bt•d( h \I\\ l't 1111 Ill \I II l;lt•n K;1uf1111.111. IH ..• '>('lllOr .it N1·wpu11 11;11 htH ll1~h Sl'ht1ol .ind c1 ..... , •d l!JH2 V,1lt-<l1t l11na11 \\Ill l11d fur,, ~I llllll !ol:h11l,11,h1µ \\h1·n ht' 1ompt It·.., m th1· 1\ud1 Stud<·nt I::c:onorny Hun on Aµnl 17 Th,· Au<lt Stucl1•nt Eu11111nl\' Hun. 'fJ"ll"'1n"<l b" &he.· South1•111 ( ',1hfor 111.1 l'cor,.. ht• Audi l>t·.ikr-. A~'ooc.·1~t111n, rt'WJnt ... high~ huol -.1ud1·11t' lnr tlu·1r dr l\tlll'( bOlt•l\I Jnd ••ff1u1 m' ,kilb · K,rnffm.1n will d1 l\'1• ,, l!IH:! ,\ucli 1111111 d11·,1•I pro- ' tclc'<I h:-i Clm k lvt•r'>(lll ltlt 111 Nt •v. port li<•<it'h I le· wall 1·ompl'l1· <il>(Jlllsl IH 11lh•·1 t11gh 'c h11ul studt•nl~ dnvmg 1dt•11t1l·al mudt•I Audi' 1wc r .o tlt•...ign;1ll'd :!OH mil• 111u~· 1h,1t l1'c1lurc•s tht• '' pttal S11utlwrn CJl1furn1.1 ti riving 'o!IUJlltm,, lllt ludmg 11 C't'\.\ ,J\'>, ltl' hoUl\•VJrdb. I t'Sldl'n- llal :;tn·i:L' J nd mun11 y road!> Tht .. :.tud1•n1 who"'' vt•hll'IE' rl'l't1rds lh1· h1~h1•-.1 fw·I mill'agt• •m thl' run "'ill IX' ,l\\,ff<lt'<l .1 $1 uou..,. h11l;ir;h1p bv tht Soulho·rn C.1lrforn1a Purs< h• t\uclt lll.·.1lt•1" A'-;,K·1Jt1t111 Should K<1urt111.1n win &ht• ,..,:hol.11":.h1p. h<' will ust.' 11 to ht·lp fin.1l1l'l' h11t -.tud11•"> in 1nfurm.011on c·.1111pu1er ,..,wnw at tht· Un1vl·r....,1ty 111 C.1lifurn10 ln·1m• K.iurrman 1s 1·urrl•r11I~ tJk1n~ dasst-s at Koc. k"' 1 II lntt·rn.illonal. l::xplon·r Posl Nu .HU, whl•rt• ht• 1~ h•;irnm~ hn"' 10 Ut'· sign. builci ant.I opt·r.tll' !>Of twar l' .tnd h,irdw,1n· t'Ompu- l<'rs Kauffman I!>'""' .in an·omplishl·d mus1t 1,on lit' plays piano for Nt·~• port Ht1rbur High St:huol'!. mos1t:al produl·t1on~ and m da!>S1cal mu~lt' Jud111oni. Last Vl'<ff he won th1• s1•hvol's 1Aiu1s Armstrong J al7 Awa.rd and c.•arned a supermr ra11ng at a not1on;il pianu :lUdll1on ••• \ \ \I II 1\1 . t'tu)t'Orcha I I. an l'l\ J)('rlmtmktl proJC't'l 1 l';1r, will bl' d1splay1·d at &ht> Orang<' County lnh•rnattonal Auto Show. to b•• hl•ld April 21 25 al thl· Anahl'tm ConvE'nt1on CPnln ll 1s lhl' rl'Sult of o 1·olli1bora1ion between automollvt' styf151 Bl'rnard &•auprdm and the mechamcal engine1.·nng students al Concordia University in Montreal. under' tht' gu1dant't' ol tht•tr profes..wr. Dr. Clyde Kwok One u( S('Veral SPl'<'laltv cars tu bt> t'Xh1b11ed al the Auto Show, the Ctim'Qrd1a II. is t'\:'rtaml) uniqu<• The fact that on<' t•nters th•• tar through tht' elet:lrrn1lly uix•rated slidmg rnof 1s reawn enough to attract the atLC'nl1on of many Show visitors This type o r entry •~ not as im- practical as 1t sounds Small hinged stirrups on c·at·h flank of the Cfnc.:ord1a 11 make entry vC'ry mu1·h hkc mounlmg a horse Other distinl'l1ve features of the Concordia 11 m· elude. a onc-p1ecc. ultra-streamlined C1berglass body Lo insure r1g1d1ty and prevent squeaking. a p erimeter bumper ror maximum structura l strength and safely, an air suspension system lh_!t allows height adJust menl for maximum ground dearance and a 1.vmpletely compute- rized duhboard system that provides the driver w ith maxunum lnfonnauon. ln addition lo ll~<'ialty cars. the latest 1982 II\ models of domestic and import vehicles wllJ be shown by area dealen . Dlsrount tickets lo tht-Show~ available at Alpha Bela Stores. Shakey·s P1u.a. H. Salt Fish & Ch1p1. Wendy's and, part1c1paung new car dealerships . ••• SEE WHAT YOUR LOCAL AUTO DEALERS HAVE TO OFFER YOU IN TODA Y'S PAP.ER. .. Orenge Coaet DAILY PILOT /Friday, Aprll 9, 1982 ..... --------------------------.... ,----------------------~~----------------------------------------------------------------c.;. - ~ ' . ., . MelOt &.Moue etllndlng• AMl .. IClN lUOut! MtMe Mloneeolt 0.-lend SM II ta Clllcego Ttxaa K.,....Cll1 Belllmor• Ooelon ~ 0.Voll Mllweuk .. Hew Vorlt Toronto W ....... OftWaft W L 2 I 2 I I 2 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 I l..Wfl Dl¥ltlon ..... &a7 8117 333 333 000 000 000 I 0 I 000 0 0 000 0 0 000 0 0 000 0 0 000 0 0 000 0 0 000 llwt9da1'• lc«M A,...a e. Otllilan<I e 118 1nn1nQ•I fQ(onlo el 0.tt041. Pl>CI • lllOW Ttua el -York, f11>C1 , .,._ 8oe1on 11 CNcaoo. ppd • anow CleYtltncl 11 a,u1w-... P1>C1 , anow MlnnMOta 4, SMllta 1 Only o-llCMdulect TodeJ't o.n- I I .... ... 1 .... .... .,., ... •,t At11•I• (Mottno 1·31 Al MlnnetOlt (Wlfllema 6-101. n MllwtukM (Vuckovich 14 ·41 ti Toronlo (Sltab 11·10) 8oa1on (Eckeraley 11·8) •• Btlllmore IMcGrego1 13·SI. n ChlCIQo at New VQ(k, ppd , snow De1roll (MQ(rla 14-71 II Kanaaa Clly (Gui• 11·81. n S.enle (Petry 8·91 at Oakland (MoCelly 14·71. n Only p~-.-ICll4Klule<I NATIONAL LEAGUE W•l.m OtwltkHI W l Pct 0 11 OoOgen J 0 1 000 ... tlanl" I 0 I 000 Hou~•on ~ 1 66 7 ( 1nc.oinau ' 1 !>00 1 San IJ•"1ju 0 l 000 l '-tdn fr.11K1~u 0 l 000 2 Eule1n Olvltlon Haw Yortt I 0 I 000 Cnicego I I 500 ',t, St lOUlt 1 i 333 I MonlrMI 0 O 000 •, Pllltbu<gh 0 0 000 .,. Pl\lltdelphla 0 I 000 I rhu•.O.r'• Sc0t1• M0<11tea1 a1 P1ll•burgn Pc>cJ .now New YQ(• 7 PM~O('fpll1a { HOuaton I, SI LOUii 0 Only qames scn4!0uoeo Tod•y'o Oame1 San 01e90 tlollM 1 fir ~I Ood911• IHOOlon 11 ~I n New Vo'~ t5c.un r, 10• al l.h•CdQt1 1 Jetikut\ '>·81 S•n Franc,s.co tScncu1eoe1 6 lJJ a1 tuh .. u1 nall 1Pas1ore 4 91 n Hous1on 1Su11on 1 I 91 ul Allanlll 1t1u1111s I IJ I n Morl!leal 1no1100 12 111 •I Pt11lotWlpt\1• 1Ch11>1M•on 4 71 n Only QHmff6 >CMClulud Satur<l•r'• Oamn ')dr• 01e9u d1 Oodgefa P1t1\t>m9h ru St l<1ui\ Ntiw Yo•k al ChrtO<JO •;a,. f-1anc1seo a' Cinc.1nndt• Mun11~a1 al P1'14la<lelptn, " t10U$1nn "' Atltnla n AMERICAN LEAGUE ~l1l,A'1ll CAUFOML\ OAKLAND erllbl 11trllbl Burien... 1 2 I 0 R HnCIVl,n 3 3 2 I Lynn.cf 8 2 2 I Murphy.cf 8 0 0 I cw-. tb 7 0 2 t Meyoer.Oh 2 I I 2 At Jelkan,rt 7 0 0 0 C Jllntn.dh S 0 0 0 Clent,H 0 0 0 0 Almu,rt 1 0 2 2 81ytor,dh s 0 0 I Grou,3b 8 0 I 0 o.cnca,3b S 2 2 3 Spencr, lb t 0 0 0 Oownlng " 4 0 l 0 RuctO. lb 4 0 , 0 Banoquz,H 3 0 0 0 L09M2b 6 0 t 0 FOll,2b II 1 2 0 Kewna,.i: S 0 0 0 lloone,c 4 0 t 0 l(lutla pl! I I I 0 J Mor"'.Pf 0 0 0 0 F SlllllY .u 2 I 1 0 Fwg.tn,C '2 1 2 0 Burg!IS.ph I 0 I 0 Se•ln Pf 0 0 O 0 PIC:dc>.IS 3 0 I 0 Mcl(ey,ptl I 0 0 0 To1eJ1 ~ 8 13 6 Tolels S3 15 12 6 leo<'t .,, .......... CetlfQ(nit 100 t20 000 000 000 •-II Oeklend OQ3 000 100 000 000 2 6 E -JKktOn, Rudi Kearney, SanchtU OP -Celllornlt 141 LOO Celllornl• 1111 Oakltnd 28 Lynn, Henderaon, Armas. Klullt 36 -Meyer HR 0.Clneft 2, (2) SB -Hen<1.,t0n 2. se~1on. O.Clncee s - Fol1, Rudi SF -Oeyl()f, 0.C.ncea. Lynn Ctlltort1lt If' H II IR h 10 Wiit 2.... 3 3 3 3 t HUaler I.,, I 0 0 2 1 Renko 4 4 I I I I A... 4'h 0 0 0 S 2 SencMl (W, I 013 2 1 I 3 O ... lafld Keough 8"' llna-oocl II'\ J .ion. (L, I· ti .... Owc:l'llnkO ~-Belt! -Owchlt\ko l 8 4 t 0 3 • I 0 5 31 2 4 1 0 2 9 4 1 0 0 0 0 A -11,806 Twin• 4, M1tl,..,. I 000 000 lllO-, " 0 010 101 IOlo 4 8 O Nlll'°" Vt1~rg 101 CaUd1H tTl t ncl h ... n Ha•en• CQ(btttl 1811110 WynVQ11 w Ht,,...• I 1•01 l NeltOn 10 II 5 COI0.11 111 llJlo -SHIU• l 11111n I II M11111e.01t Ct•lll1 1lt A 10 4 11 NATIONAL LIAQUI M•t• , • l'hllll•• 2 N~w Yur• 100 010 400 I 10 ~ Pn.!aCJelj;l'll<i 000 00 I 00 I 2 1 I Jonn l ynth t 71 All.,n (DI a nd St•1tna (.a111u11 811a•l•r 171 R.eo ttll Farmer IDJ .,.a 01 .. 1 w Jor1e1 t I ·O) l Carl1on 10 I 1 I tit~ l'hllAdfflphl\1 M8Cl<IO• 11 1 A I'> J4'> Aall'M 1, CttcllMle 0 81 l.Oula 000 000 000-0 • 1 Houtlon 000 000 Ob-1 0 I An<lul.,, Sull"' (Ill Md Port ... : K~, D Smlth (Ill end Milby. W -KMPC* ( 1..01 l -IU1clultr 10-H S -0 Smllh (ti A - 23,S&e College A10/0lld Sldle 13 USC" 4 l. •I Poly Pomona 4 UC R1•fH •>Ge J t,1,.r~mon1~Mlldtl •J Col luth.,ran ~ Nevactt ·LH Veqas 16 $W Lou111ana 4 'f>n(j BPdCll S'. .. le 10 N&v<iOa LIS Vegas 4 I 1~s100 51110 'I SW LOU0&1;an<t ~ J"<kw11v1IU! 1 1 floriaa Slale J 10 IJtrll l •"1UJ~·11t... flOf•Od Sti;le "'' n1~ JOU\ non,. run lh•\ !ttd\OO m s .. <.on<J Qame to brttak NCAA rtCO<da I Community college • Ottnge Coa1l l~SU ]Ya I Ot!WlQ8 Coail 200 ~ 448-IS IS S ArtL Slalt JV 410 010 110-8 t3 7 N•flh' Ouno t6) Munson t8• .mcJ f1nQ(t1 c.r.tvhlll 0~1lti.t"~ t8• tJOO W41t.dm4'1t\.I W o .... ., 11 01 L L1avb111 ;e c.10011occ1 0111l11M110Cl..1 JB Brown tOCCI Ou\10.tll 10CL I HR -Brown IASUI • NHL •rotte DIVISIONAL lflllFlNALI , ... I offhe) w-...1·aa-.. lllfte• 10 Edmonlon 8 Bo.ton 3, 8ulftlo I NV lalan<1«1 8, Plnaburgll 1 Monlreal 5, OuatMIC l PnHIOelphla 4, NY Ranger1 I Chicago 3. MlnnMOla 2, OT SI LOUIS 4, Winnipeg 3 \lencou-5, CelOWY 3 ~ .......... Edmonton 3, K ..... 2. -t..O l·I Boston 1 euna1o 3 0os1on lead• _,.. 2..0 HY 1a1enC1e<S 1, Ptl!Jburgh 2, NY lt141n6eft 1aac1--2-0 Ouebec 3. Monlrwl 2, -t-1· I NY Aanoerl 7, Phllectelpn.e 3.-* 1- 1·1 Cnlc;ego S, Minnesott 3 Clllcego 1 .. dl -2-0 WIMipeg 5. St LOUii 7, -llecl 1·1 Vencouver 2, Calgery t (ofl \lencouver IM<ll --2-0 a.tw•1·· GentM Edmonton at King• NV Rangers al PhileOelpf\11 Monlreel al Ouebec NV Islanders •I Pllltbu•Qfl eo.1on at eunato Vancouver at CalOtllY Minnesota at Chicago Wlnnlpeg 11 SI Louis Sundef'ta- NY Ranoet• et PNladelpl\11 8ot1on et 0une1o. rt ,__., MontrNI ti Quebec NV lalenders 11 Plt191><M'gh, ~ ,_..,., MlnneeoCe 11 ~. It .-y Winnipeg el SI. LoUia VancouYCll' et Celoery, If ~ ......., .. a-. Edmonlon ti IC .... T__,.tO-. " ...... Edmonton, ll ,_y Buffalo II !loeton. If .-y Quebec ., Mon!IMI, If -v Plnst>urgh e1 NY la&enOen, If -'I CNc9gO ., MlnnMol•. If --v ~ et NY RlnQars If,___., SI louts It Wlnnlpeg. rt ..-y calQety e1 Vencouv. II --V Oiiers 3, King• 2 Score bf Perlodo l u A,ua•·tt~, f .,, ...... ,"', Fir at Petlod 0 1 0" • I 0 I 1 1 I ''""Jnton HliQfle'\ I H•~mtP• f 0001tn• t c,•, r1 .. n+tlf1,..\ <;1mme1 l A 2 18 Hur•lf)t I 1trn l tH lll'g"1 fdm J l!S loyllll l A J ~l t orru1,·uofl Beonc.h setved l>1 Huomeo ., 11 Mn"~"'' f dm 8 22 HOJ)k +n' l A I~ I, <.o!l•r Forn 14 42 Lr-w" LA 18 2& Second Per lod I"'· AnQ.,f!\ N1ChOHS 'l IS1mm.-f w .. o .. , ., 11 1 tll• AnQl'les E v~n• J 1101 h·"·•llu•\ C:ih!U~ '( Edm 10 ~I T n'flOf LA 1~ J8 """"" f<1m 15 38 Third P••loO " I ,1mnnton Ku" l tHuyO'( G'ellkyJ t "\ Ot, Pt_toalhP~ None O••rtlme ' F omonton r.1ellkY i (HuCJ<lv I uml('yl ' • 0 ';h1Jt\ on 9oa l Los A nq~le., 1 19 &·3 3~ Edmonton 1~· tO IJ 7 •S C.1011111:~ lf>S Ang.etes less.a,a f omnn1 l'>f' tun, A 17 490 Loe Al•mltoe 1HIHllOAY'I RllUUI (~II Ol to.ftltlll MtMU 111 .. ll:fttJ "jlllT llACI One m<NI P~• • Ana v • Dana tOIMnJ 6 eo • 40 3 2u H1ppoompv1 C lt<eJme1"'1 lll 20 8110 flla Jlll'r\4" t\lllhlllOO)QhMhl II 00 Alt(l IKOO An11 Up Skipper Rl'lyll\m Ana 81~11• Jun~ All•" f R•lll••gn • A11dy • r 11<1oy Alm.>nd "411<1 a Covlll<IO Inn• 2 O!> 21!> U llCACTA 11·!>1 p11<1~880 H COHO RACI. 0 114 ml .. pace Kllrr M•no•v1 IB•YleU) s 00 4 00 l 80 Arnll11u \1411111 1Kt•1na1 31 40 5 110 w111n WllhH 1oouoreeu1 2 60 Al•o rated Foa "•llty PllO• R M's C111oy &Hu Nallltn s Hope Skiµ..,., Wyall Gol OC!n Cir O S1unn1ng O••c'91 11111<1 ~ 04 THlllO llACI. One m1Ni p~e An<ly a Dean 1Gouc11ea111 4 00 2 60 2 20 l oyel HuntO' 1w11111101 2 80 2 40 lluwdy Scoot tG1ego<yl J 20 Atoo 1aced Wiid C••o MOlll•unor Dalu Sco1poo G Iron Duke J119"bt•11 Inna I 03 $1 UACTA t6 ~I Pl >O SIJ 20 FOUflTH AACI Oo• mile 1101 J1llUI l httmb14yl 19 80 b 20 ""'m1 eouno 1Park01tl J 20 '''''" Ruom tl 'llnir1ou1 .180 2 60 3 20 Al~111<UO Chttll Guv A Ann~ Mftl- lk mc~ Tin~ i Ol l '> FIFTH RACE one ,,,,141 ........ I ·Ith· 81u1 Rull\!< tAub•nt • 80 l bO 1 40 I •llh!lb111v Lane 18ocklu101 i 40 2 40 Hu .. ov Mon tA<11m11 s bO Al•o 11tc.O Boote Bay Eloquen1 Roy S llu..c. F•noers Anoys (;11arge1 f 1m<' 2 02 llS U UACTA 18 21 paid StO 80 SIXTH RACE On" mile ltOt r "'Y Milt~llfljBY !Rllch1el 9 60 O•rw~ tF•tGOI 5 20 2 60 8 60 300 2 10 Nallvti Slarhnt- HlllUW8Y 1GoU011•au1 Al>O 111cud P1alOHl<O P•I r 111u1 Gum l•mt• 201 11'> SEVENTH RACE On" mil" pace Andy• lion tOoular lel 7 40 J 20 2 60 J1l1•• Ho !Ci<t'QO• VI 2 80 2 40 Amo1(1nc.u 1Vallandmgnum~ "00 Alt'C '"red Oe!.crl Son Mr 8ou11c"' !lval~ M31 QU•I Hale yon Het 0 lun" 2 00 II~ U ElACTA II 21 pB1cl S? I U0 U PICK Sii I~ 6 ~~II J 11 1.1a1cl $4 778 bO 11t•U• t1ye v.•01\•f!il hCk_,11 t$.o~. not~• S2 P .c._9' 'it• \.Of1~0l&llon OBIO S 102 00 Wllh f8 Wlnr'UnQ l•Ckt"I• fftvtt hOt1't!!i) $1 Pu .. )o. ~ .... ~C.falCh 'ufl)Ot~1·on l>d•O Sl~b 80 .... ,h 1-.0 ... nmno 11( ... f"t" lftt\U t\<>f"M-'I 004! SC'iUCh) EIOHTH RACE Ont' mol" P•Ce '-<·tl<lh IAn<ltr>Of'I J 40 1 40 I 411 ,.,..,, M .H1fH.· IAub•nt • l bO 1 40 J 1ttt Pit 1Ac.~e1man1 1 •O Aho ••t.ttd Aoay~ ~t-.1ppttr Mooern Toucti. Scold\ At>d Kalllue. Nallve "°'f, OQ. ~•onw f'h '"'f' OU f 1n1sncd r.:•v1 m 0•\4.lvtlhl•<.tO •nd r I t\.t'ft ldSI t1mto 1001~ ., EXACT A t I fl p.nn ~8 h0 NINTH RACE 011t: m11 .. IJdl~ I W·•" \ 01eam 151Jerren1 Q '10 I bll 4 10 OU nftht.HO HdflOVt!f 1At ke1m,1111 i 20 J 00 [IH J1•1Pm1on • Soy .... ,. •• ,,,1 1 lO l sn OH 0ttdUt'1tMI rn1 \t!<.flfht Al'o ,UC:t<d Rr1ll11m l lat.~u A1mb•'• tjflltJ 1ptrn11 f-'MJt•h• t inw J no 11'J S2 EllACTA 1.t 41 p111tl ~I ••0 $2 EXACT.ti t I h11mu) \It 1>!'1 TENTH RACE O"•' 1n1lt' t•" e t..J1•Yt•t fit•lh•f If Otffll f,Q "O(t 1 8(l hMi Hhli' lAuOmt 4 80 l .CO '1h-<1\W litU"nmttf tKU(!httof I ~ ts(I Ai•.u f,11 t•\,J ~Ult1 Ht,1t111vr•1 fl' 1W1 at•lfv Uul1h•I A r I U\fv '-i~tCJPf_•I t(tll\ ''"'' .• 00 ' ., S1 Ell ACTA t• ~I V<l•d $/I tiO Anand~ S3115 Sana. Anita TMURM>AY·• Mauue (7WI of....,.,_.....,.... ... ~· ~ RA.CL II Nt1onge Mis'""'"' 1'ilf'."tnt'<1 1~ f.0 10 00 7 IO Bt.tfl(jy• ~ A9b 1()t1\'Ctr~~· l 20 2 60 Rdma<Je 1S11>•11(>1 8 00 Al"Sf) •titted B•• C.unp 81ttat. Out lhe w .n ... M•e• Host Hctlt " Notion f Prrei.10 s. Pt/Ul_ l•I M•\~ Gooo ... Ma, ...... r.i~t ldS$, C.k>t Na NQ.tt.-t Ar.$-101 ,,,,.,.. I oq 4 ~ SECOND llACE t. lv1lo1>9s Ir.,,,' lod 1Toro1 6 80 • 10 i bO Vavmmom 1P1t.HC@• f, lO J 60 611Qnl lslt' !Ot'l~h<lv~•J•l'I 2 40 t •1fa OU1ck El 1'8P•lo Joe s looutt• '"'"~" l. H f Jt>I D•tl81"11 C.uv nmt• 1 0971!> SJ DAIL V OOUaLE 1~·8> paid S 1.36 40 THIRD RACE. I'> IUllonos P•ln•t Slat 1S1b1ll4!1 11 40 1 40 4 80 Manmnq Cour1 1Caslaneoa1 14 80 8 40 lol.tlll"" Casile 1V•lcnzli@4A1 ~ 00 Al~O •OC<><I SuHnne, Boy Raptrl Rebel Orn•ntal Policy fhu1HJe1 Sunoar Black M111Q1111 Danc1no l nu Mcangle Real Ph'ff Won(' N l ove 1imt~ 1 11)/'. ~OUllTH llACE. b twlongs F lf'f'I OIO• tGuClfl •I • 80 l 80 2 40 r llll"t"ll IC>elahOU~•ayel J 60 2 60 Hiqh on Rob~y 1011vere•1 4 •O Also raced L1gn11001<•0 l(lult Will Do Ol"l'lelle Reo Sky Ano <;a11 Away Joylul OM Hello Ootly HC>p<! to 'pll 11mt> I 10 ~uca.· ... -T Ot11 t .. ened9 (Vl0¥90) 14S 40 t I 00 21 40 10 40 II 00 2140 A09t1090'f'ICh tP..,c.1 0 40 ~ ~ 111enci.i If OIOI e 00 Alt0 rM:.O Cap111n Qen4Htl C IHt Vtr 0"1 'ebulo11t Aeuon U11c1a1111 l prin11 010941' '111 K ueoio• MHI•• Jono Lib• non. ""' HouM ,_ 141 11& at Ill.ACTA 18 11 ""° S2 40 I 00 IOrT'H MC&. l 'A IUflonet 11anui tP1nny1 6 to 4 10 ' llO i.rw •• H bruee tOIJvaretJ ~ 60 l 00 Pmiu OI NOi• (0.l&llOuUllY.I 2. 40 Alto r1i:ed Ornay Knotl 0•11• O•DI•• 'lllllal r11001 lono on CIOH Ol•t n r11111 SIMI M1tll Mr StabO lOld 09f•hn rime I Ill 315 ll!VllfTM llA(:it. 6' t lv11qt1gt Mlfeculoue l<ltt (M¢Ctn) 3.00 2 40 2 10 Sff My Aoenl tA•mvtMnl 4 60 1 eo lnfl'1 O'Brl4tn I s1.,1111r I 7 80 Alto 11c•d Jtntu t<inoy At1• 11 L•Qhl About Sunni, D1••m•r • Holld•v lime I IS 3/S .. IXACTA t2 II Pt•O $Jl &0 U PICK ltll (8 8 1 6 2 71 p1111 146• tlO w11h 770 winning 111;••11 111v• hOll •n l $~ P"• SI• conaol1hon f)illd j I I 20 Willl ,J 704 w111n1ng tickell tlt><J1 llott<ttl llOHTH RAC!. b rurlonga un1ame<1 Spm1 1H•wlfly1 ~ 60 1 ~o J oo Ou_, 01 CQ(nwall If ()(0) ~ 00 4 20 Cn~k O l UC1\ 1P1n.ay1 'o bO Alao r aceo Rosv Ctoutl 1 Go1 'o1.11u<1 lra~l Jelle• EOQt• Cnerui..,. r1ui.1. Jome 1 08 41!1 HIHTH llACl OM m11t B•>Ull B•Y tP1nuy1 4 10 1 ftO :> .•o furly Eog/11 f a<:tl• 18llK'I b 411 • 10 Re<onlorm 1Cu1ant'<l&I t •O Also llCO!CI Ag•ldlO Hom<! C<>111I Rul1no ~·~· • Boy Eo • Ov"aSly Moel > M•U•< ':>,.!. ·•' f.ir511 R..-mo•e: 01t John lime 136 $5 UACTA t9·11 Pfl>O S83 00 Allenoanu 26 l8S Monie C.,lo Grend Prix Ouerlerll"•I Sino••• • .. nn1c k NO•l'I 11e1 B1orn Bo1u " I f, z lvu11 LunOI aer B•ldl~ TatOCZy b 0 t! I Women'• tournemenl l•I Hiiton Head, l .C.) Third Round llnglet c.1111• E •••I lloyo O•I Paule Sm1m IJ 1 6-0 Mime JautO•ec <lel Pem Cault 8· J 6·• Hana MtnCJli~ova ~ Betty Nage!Mr) 6·1 b·2 Zona Gt1t1son del Ouk Hee lee ti-4 6·0 tNote R..maon1no m"""''" pusip0 ""° taint College UC-7,0W'*"W ........ t i.1n9- "•nyd .. , tUt.11 11 t M 1tft•r t b b I h 0 Uualll'IUl..llOP• H"'"" bl 7 ~ MlPh<trwo 1u<.11 "~' ')kdn'4' t. ' b 4 N&lso<1 tUCll Of'I H~I·'"' Ii J (, u 11,.mot 1UCll a..r Jllvd"" "'• t. J )-6 b ' Do<lble• PPrc1elii. M'P'"°''on 1UC•1 d t·f M 1lltU '>•~n><! 6 2 I> 4 JJY••P•lf'IY 11<!~1111<..Al O<!I Amur lolle1 7 b 6 4 C.1>ek1a11 11 ,.,o.,1w•1t tUl.11 tlel h~t~m W"'s' 6 4 ti 1 Women COLLEOl UC lr•lne I, USIU 0 Slngltt M ·• Myu•~ llH lt dt•f 8f)ll1t1 t, 0 t, I ~.,.-;tiny tUCfl Ot'I J\n1yht I ~ (l I N •o\Ull 1\ltl1<M en. ,, 0 " I Mt• My•'" j II( It IJ .. I '> IU.•llt•n I> I h l l l~'<l(Jt• I U(.;11 <l"I tfllhArcl f I fi 1 KilU""· 1ULll th•t AHt•Yftlh ft • (, I Doub I .. My'''~ M~.-,, cut.ti oot 9,.,.,m ...,rn<Jhf fl --4 t~ I Mttflory .,,~IHQ IUCll 1)t'I tu• A11t .. wdh• t> I b .' N"CI" J •h~.Jtl~ ''" 11 ,J11f "-to••tl•lh tt1t111,,(1 6 I 6 I Trout plent1 t O<; AhGll I '. A1g RIA~ <.it+• l.d • •rttC la•.e ft Oorada Par• l•"•· l 111 tht•ln 1 ••e Han""1 01m lll?Q l~'"'' l 11u· Rao l.tt•e>. l•llle R0< • ACl$fllvOor Pre,• AO p.,,, la~~ Puod"lQ\IOne l&.,e:-Pvr.1n1td l dht" San Anroruo C'•·ti-k San 01ma., fif"-t .. ,...,,,,, Sdn (1abuet R11i.H tHO"h 1utd f-.11\I Fnr~ 1 5anll Fe AISf'fvo11 ORANGE t aquna N .. ,.,..1 p ,,. l B••· RI ~ERSIOf < ahulll~ I ""v H"rnel I •••• S• ir,n.,. Lake 5AN BERNARDINO C.ucaml)<lgu Gu•"• Pail. Loke Gtfln H ftltm PHf~ l *1.._r "-1lvtu wood Lake !:>AN OrE OO Sa,, lu1s R~y !11v1•1 <;wee1wa1et Rivet SANTA BARBAR" Davy 61own C1ack Manzano Creel> San1a Vnez R1v111 VENTURA -CullU Ulk•. Mlllll~ CrMI<. Stnte Paull Creek. SHpe Cr•ek (lower Sectlonl. v.,,1ure Rh« tNQ(lll Fonc1 KERN -Harl Paik l ak .. l\t•rfl R1ve1 i6ore11 Pow('<h(luse 10 °"'1\ocra1 Oam KR3 Powerhouse 10 l •k~ 1sab~ll•1 Kern R1vf'1 oSOUlh Forkl TUlARE IC~n R1•P1 1Fa1rv1t>w Oam 10 KR3 Powerl'IOUH , Jonnaondele Brr<lg• 10 fdll•-08111) INYO -Cou onwooo Ct•<'• D1at l•'t' r1PO<QO$ Creel> ln~c;e C1N~ Lonc- P1ne C<ee~ O~ns Rtver 1~ 811tJ9es Oown s1ream 10 St~•att L•net Ptuastitn1 V•llov Rtt~vou S';'mmt-5 C'~ •utt.,_ ,.,_., Yacht schedule set It's your return support that counts! HELP PREVENT BIRTH DEFECTS The United States Yacht Racing cScott Memorial Trophy and Joh ns- Union has revised tts 1982 calendar of tone Trophy) Fort Worth Boat Club. major champ1onsh1p events. These Fort Worth. Tex .. June 26-July 2. tiates, sites and classes have been set: Nattonal Sports Festival -Eagle Collegiate dinghy champ1onsh1ps -Creek Park. Indianapolis, Ind .. July Mission Bay Aquatic Center, San 22-31. • Diego, sailed m Flying Juniors, June Olympic Classes Regatta -Long 1-5. Beach, July 31-Aug. 7. Intercollegiate Yacht Racing Asso-National Sea Explorers C ham- tiatio n of North America a nnual pionship -High Adventure Gateway hleeting -Mi ssio n Bay Aquatic Base. Florida Keys, Aug. 8-11. tenter, June 5. U.S . lnterclub Matc h Racing Collegiate team racing cham-Champions (Prince of Wales Bowl) - bionship -Mission Bay Aquatic Royal Vancouve r Yacht Club Van- t':enter, June 6-10 m Flying Juniors. couver, B.C. Aug. 14-19 in J -24s. Collegiate women's championship U.S . Singlehanded Championship -University of Washington, Seattle, (O'Day Trophy ) -Missio n Bay June 13-17 in Laser Us. Aquatic Center, Aug. 16-20 in Lasers. U.S . women's double-handed and Half Ton, Three Quarter Ton and ~ngle-handed champ1onsh1ps (Adams One Ton Championships -Traverse tlnd Merts trophies) -Coral Reef City. Mich. Aug. 19-26. :i'acht Club, Miami. Fla .. June 21 -26 U.S. Junior Sailing Championships 1n Lasers, Lasers, Windsurfers. (Sears Cup. Bemis Trophy. Smythe U.S . youth d ouble -hande d aad Trophy) -Richmond Yacht Club. '1ngle-handed sailing championships Richmond, Calif., Aug. 22-26. ,....:. ___ ,:_ ______ _;__ __ ~--2..-------~ OCC topple Golden W est PASADENA -The Orange Co~st College women's bask,tball team earned a bid i9!0 the fi - nals of the coriaolation bracket of the Pasadena City College Tournament .of Champions with a 72 -64 decision over croea-town rivaJ Golden West College Th~y. The Pirates, who im- proved their overall record to 17-3 with the \fidory, had five playen tc0re In double Cl•urea aect by Kris Kroyer, who totaled 17 oob\t.a. , *COCKTAIL CRUISE* APRIL 11. l :ll-1:11 P.I. •&,00 UYE EITEITllmllT .................... tv1crch of Dimes fJREAT fJllS fJIVEAWAr WINNER Wffk #6 In Today's Classified Section MHt.,1 tovrruiment 111 1..,.11e11. Oa I JllOll Hlctli.. l·f~l-­ Jt<* AeNw I·~-.. ~ l·Moffle Het.....,. 1-0ey"- 1-0ree HOimen Oevlc! °' llhaM S.V. Be11M1troe l·Mltk HayM 1-llen Clentinew Aay Floyd ....i-HollOflr;• OtlY Pteyer oktfry Pelt Curtl• Strange Aon Slr9Cll l·Lann~ wac111111a l·Otn Pohl 1·0.ve Pohl 1·0.YCI Bert 1-Ch«lel Cooel)' l·Oanny Ectwt1da 1-Vulelce HflQtWI l·An<IV 8Mtt 1.A1I Wall l·L .. TreYlnO lomWeltkopl Arnold P- Cr91Q $ladle< laao AOkl o-oe Butn• •·Ea F'1or1 •·K~•ltl ferqu• l•Hubert Or_, John Malleney JlyHUI BrUC41 L-• Tf'W" ""• t Jt>hti '-4 htO.•th•• t tl\'HI Pt .. lh• I-Ml Ht-WI_.,, '''" ~.1n,t1t1'lri H•·,t1hUttJ l\i''~' w .. ~lu• I l"YI 1 Jom_. Mude1 luiu W~h-tm ( , .. (tu J-(11tJ'•Q•Jt'I l •'tit'" JutoU•,••r' I lummv /\mun 1 r,11 M(1qjt.1•1 la W1H1-1ttl Wuod ' It., ',1h 11u l 1 L111vt1 t •• t1t•ltlt•t11••f I Don l 'orJlt•y lit r (Jft•V f.ldVlh r l lJI, y NeliiOl1 1 ftob <J•l<Jt•• 1 ( ,t'UtQl' Attht•J I BthW t 111cJh·y ·• h•V •11y,1I u.,14 hwm I lu11 t•o1 .. h· Jtlh1my M1llM !loll t.o.,lby • f>hi•m.~ Plo-110•1' I Johtt ( uu .. '1.un "lt~• HI '·'th f•f''' '."" ._ I fhllf ( t"tto I •• f.lu"•••n•tti f 11 1,., I lJ<..,q fl>l!I Antt)' '°'utltt -.. ft.1hi-f1ttlitt r 1 , n H1ut~ I fldf\lt..L.4.Jullt:J 8 <lenotes lllftlllUr 3133 .. )1..31 72 36-36-12 ::~::!~~ ~31-73 36-37-73 3$.39-73 36-30 73 37.37 74 3J-38-74 38-38-74 37.37 74 37·37-74 38·38-14 311-35-74 39-31-14 31148-75 40·35-75 40-36-15 40-36-75 3&-37-15 36-311-75 37-31-75 39.311 1S 36-39-76 311-!le-75 38-37-75 3e·31 76 3S 40 75 37·38-7S 3&-37-7S 40-38 76 3~41-76 37,-39 711 37-39-76 40-38-76 37.39 76 37-39-711 •I 1(; • / 40 ·' J'I \ij f I '' jf, SI 41 II IB J'• II IC. 4 1 I. ,, )'-, 11 tO lh /H I/Al Ill fl· 17 Ill ,, ~ 1 /fl J" 411 16 ~O IH 1ij 11 J~ Ill 40 JG /'I 40 ·1.. l<; )l ... l'I t t 18 /'J 10 19 '1j JH 41 HO •O 411 RO J~ •I ll\J 40 41 Ill J\11 4l 111 41 t4 tl 1 n .i~ 111 .:10 .. , tt,' .. ' 4 1 <J] 41 4 I II• .. ' .. ...... .. ~ .. # II' •'I •I 11• -'~ •~ llr 4, 4b Ht 40 ·~ ij" I corno1e1ect llrst round Ttiu<9dey ~ • • .. " Soltbell Clf' RANlllHCS 4-A t H1t1r1 .. fl, 2 Edlaon, 3 Ma1ln1, • I _,111 I,•'" t1 Arl ul t ',,,w '<I ilh•" X l 1 1Jt111tlr4 •t ft Ow l•ln It; I 11111 ,, l ·A t ,1 lh'•''Ph 1l 1tt.•·w11t•t,1 • I H W11•.vl w ..... ~ .... ,, 4 t ,, H,,,,, , • t<(l;"• ·•ifJh 6 Mate1 O•I •,tmlr1 HU!. 6 .um , t• II• 1t h.fl n•. 10 Waloul 2·• 11•1.1 • Motthlt•I f I 1a M•r u.J.1 l·A 1 • • ••• . .,.,. I Jv.,...1A1 •,tt'•'·• M 1 11 1 • '''' ,, ., < h1 1•' 111 4 n.n1 ,,, thrt ~'V··••n Aht•r11v b Mui" Stat I Ou.Htll t; 't,,01" <ltu•t q ~I 8or•riYfi'fllVfP t0 (.al.11111 .1~ 5,...11 School• I P...O.,,. POiy; 2 Maricope, 3 V- e '"' • <,et1ano S-. N•wiPOr-t Ch,tat&an t. t 1.1 .t lh'''-'" l MetOdvlaO<J 6 La, \httttt ,.. •""Y t.hr1\th.tn 'l Ba"'"' _1n O•.,no" l u .,,...,, U.S. Short Couree MHt , .. Qa!Me,,.., Fie.) MEN • .. ·oo ht... t t ••• , ....... p/V,•r 1 aqh• 'tL A• 1 1 1 35 17. 2 Wood (Floflde Aquellcal. 1 36.28 3. Gat>er1no (FIQ(lda Aquttlcal, I 36 31, • 1noth it nflghUi11 ArJl;"l1' °'' l Jt; Mi ') -...~., •W' 1M 1 ... •.Mlfl Vlt'J\.. N ... H.1ddrJrt•s1 ' \t n•, '1 ll•t•Wl'f 1NJd.1<J '''"St 1 .)7 7fJ 400 IM -Prado (N1dedore11. 3 46 97 tm••t record). 2. VHHllO (N•d•dorH) 3 S 1 13; 3 Von Jouanne (So llllnola), 3 53 Ill; 4 Htyea (NtdedQ(9S). 3 54 47, 5 Kennedy (No Otlllmott SCI. 3 S4 89. 15 MadNQa (Nldldores), 3·65 07 Ot'--Bat· nleotl (Nedadoreal. 3 SS.88 800 lrM relly -I Florlda Aquettcs A f1 /1 04 2 Nad . .oo•e~ A 6 19 68 J flor1C1,1 ELECT E=J:3@1C·J H.B. City Council A11uu1or •II 0 II 'I" 4 Ned1<l111ee II o 111 n; Ulld\lll< .. ,_, 1 ... m A 8 .lllte • lonQN>tt• A11u•11._. A I 40 ~· •omit 100 "O I WuuOlle1d tNtd•Ouletl 1 4't 0 1 / :-OteHfl tlonqhorn Aau,.~•I I 4'> 111 I l I"~" tWM111ul I 1-!S<.1 I 41111 4 l.tol" h IN•1h llOt•ll I 48 14 'I l <111 1t1wl luw I •• I I 4t 1• II t<11w111 IW•ll t.,.,.,..1nyt ' •• l.l 01hw1.t 7 l 11t1tn•••' 1N,..1.1.1tWffftf l •W ll 4110 IM I l..•IJllllll• IN•-Aquatte•I 4 11 I~ I W1n11• 1C.11m•n1°"'n A~'°""'Y l'a f I 1 l Ill 1 (,._,,, IWHf l':hHllll ~Ull Ul~MI• '>(I 4 16 $1) 4 l161k.'<1jtf{;.,n1al\IOW•• A~a11wm; ISCI 4 It ~4 ~ l 1nclle1 (Well Q1,,1111f1y 4 20 70 8 Urt ltl IN•o•dOtHI 4 2 l 111 Olht•• I ll••ker tNededoreol -4 29 :SO, 8 Hermei.d (Nadedof•I. ~ !fled "l~I 11~" 1tll~y I N•i'll<()0•4" A 1 10 'I~ tAm"'tt\..,,, •HcJ lt1t.n1I r•L.UfUJ •• N110vtll• Aquetlet A. 1 ,, ••. 3 Longllofn Aquellca A, 7 17 35, 4 lncklolry HINa AQUellet A, 7 It 43, 6 Flotldt AQullki• A. 12007, 8 ltl< ... O. SC A 7 20 II' -(_ > • MBA WllTUIN CONHMNCI P•clllc Ol•l•loft W l Pel 08 t l•~·'· ~ ''" .. t ·• th ,, 't t,l,g •• lll.ol1I; 4 ,t,1h t.' H "•JJ tfl J't"'' ti/ t4 "-•J tU l1nrl11&1I ••t ~It I\ Ci· ,., •• ,. "tl1 "'''• lio·ll·• .... II t,t Mldweot OMolOn . " 44 II 4 II ... ~ .... "' r I .. , ""' •,u '-'..' 1•1 IJ,Jll I ,•t ~ ' j Id ... ,,,, /,:. 1·14 •O'J , ' UITEllH COIWEllEHCE I• , I' I h ,, ' '"°"° It,, • , l/'J I lt•llt~I 11 '~' ~ I il!f .. 'M+IN111io1·• Alt11•• 1 ,,,,,, "' llh.1,1il I , ,,. •·I ( "'"'"'·''"' Alt•ntlc Ol•lolon I ,., jll 1, H C•nlr•I Ol•ltlon ' .. J •II Ill H HI t I 4 J HI .H, j• iii t1•111J1 .. 't1f1l1 t1l1t y •hnche<I pleyoll 11><>11 • hur•o•y • bcore1 11 .~ I••• t I f 4t 'If 1 '' ~ I Ut• Porlleno 1<>e Ph<Mnl• 104 , .~·11 11 " li1tq·, ~I' T on1ghl • O•m•• I 11 I •I'! I l•ii.•ft , ' ' I• j ~ • 'I It ' o I .,. 111111 •' .... ,, ..... •, • 1t t ••• , I' II . ,, ,,, ,1 I JO I 1 II ,,,, •IJO ~,. 11, ,. COMMUNITY COLLEGE WOMEN Orange CoHI 72, Golden WHI 64 ORANCE COAST I II ,, I t• ,,.,., +•• u '• M .. ~ • •• , , 1 ftt.1f GOL0£N WEST • I ~I ti ,, •• ,111. , .. ,,, ... ,, ,.,,. t'. I• ,, fu1 1i " ·•' Women All-CIF 3-A Flral Teem I 1 I lt•1 /n 111•1 , •• I! I II •• fll l.,.i t!t111I ,111,, J"4.,1 1 t I IJ> Id H r 11 1 l•ltl1ijf ii I II'' fll t ',• • • .. t,11 ft,_,.,.,. "I H•UU I>•'' .• t t ,, .11·11 '1f11,111 Ah•rT ,,, , Second THm I 1111 1, I hit• 1Alf 1 I~'"' II t,t111 tt1 '''l•' ll j • • ' I I ' I II I 'I. f ' J'4 ~ tJ f\1.' I ' , t I ii •• l t Iii It HI 11•4! lt1ttl1t•\ It I M,, • lh ,, I • A 11 J l H 11 f I' I ~ 1 1 I I •I 11 1 t t .... \,t + I •1 II! I ' It t t _ ,,,. f • A.1t·1 r. l ,"' .. •t flt f 1ft' I A •h·ll•1.-.. t(• t Trutd Te•m Alo I tl , • -tlf , f I 1 /.1 ,, •" I I It I Thur1day'1 lrensactton1 BASEBALL ~ ,.,,., •c•n l••gu• ,., ... l' ""• .• l. ' .. 1qlll'll ~fdll f-1~1ltll'\I* I . '", u •1\t Mu ~I''; M.thh .. •f p•h ht, I( H, .. ., 111110• h •UIU• ' 1rnp lt>1 tutur•• 1~-t111nnu·11t f'OOT8.tlll N•llonal Foolball Luque ,t • n11t•, ( AHIJINAl "> '-.111n,..c1 A.n 1t11 illy Vt·h·1•11 1f11f,~011o1v1• f141t • COi LEGE t t NlltAI It 'lf.H(t/\ f411111•tJ Aili f 1111 •If .tlhh•1n f!lf"C IOI ''''' L lllA N.1rn• 1• fr 11 I t•• I • td I> QUALIFIED I] IUD BELSITO is a proven leader experienced In city planning, budgeting and administration, as well as having earned advanced de- grees in Public Management and Law. CRIME FIGHTER I] IUD IELSITG is endorsed by the Huntington Beach Police Officer's Association'. i1U1lt,;I01Mli llD IELSITI Is a ongtime resident dedicated to a brtght future for Huntington Beach. FOR ALL HE WILL DO THIS BUD'S FOR YOU! Paid FOt By The Bud Befalto EMctlon Commttt .. 1.0. 820G-43 • 6901 Watnef Ave., Huntington 9Mch 92648, Tom MOMley Chak'mM Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Friday, Aprll ~. 1982 . ;, Cl - Masters golf, plenty of baseball on the tube this weekend Saturday's TV, radio TELEVISION 9 a.m. (5) -WCT TENNIS. 11 a.m . (4) -WOME N'S TENNIS -The semifmalJ or the Family Circle Cup at Hilton Head laland, S.C. (5) -ANGEL BASEBALL -Angels at Minnl'90ta. l p m. (2) -THE MASTERS -Third round play Crom Augusta, Ga. 1 :1~ ~.m. (4) -BASEBALL -Seattle a t Oakland. 2:30 p.m . (7) -SUGAR RAY LEONARD'S GOLDEN GLOVES. 3 p .m. (2) -COLLEGE G YMNASTICS - Taped coverage of the NCAA Division l men's and women's champion.ships. 3:30 p.m. (7) -PRO BOWLING -The finals Pirates rally 1 for win TEMPE, Ariz -Sco- ring 14 runs in its final three trips to the plate, the Orange Coast College basebaJl t.eam rang up an 18-8 victor y over the Arizona St~te ·unior varsity Thu sd night in the openi game of t he Mesa Community College r o und robin tournament. The Pirates had t o claw back from deficits of 5-2 and 6 -4 to earn their 16th v1ctorv of the season against four de- feats. Down 6-4 entering the seven th, J eff Brown cracked a triple to drive in a pair of runs. It was Brown's second clutc h hit of the evening after h e had driven in two runs 1n the top o f the first with a single. Scott Darling also car- ried a big bat, going 4-for-5 with three singles and a double. Darling drove in five runs, while Scott Groot was credited with three RBI. On the mound, Rich Dunn p ic k ed up for starter Bob Nettles m the bottom of the s1xth and was the recipient of his second win after the Pi- rates rallied m the CinaJ three innings. Dunn aJ. lowed two runs. both unearned , during his stint of 2~ innings. The Pirates were due for a 4 o'clock assignment against Yavap!li College this afternoon. Vallely to face Ram five The Rams basketball team, captained by quar- terback J eff Rutledge. will play the South Coast Community Church AU- stars Saturday, April 17, at Corona de! Mar High School. TiPoff is set for 7 p.m. Others competing for ., the Rams in clude Pre- ston Den nard, Nolan Cromwell, Jim Young - blood, Bob Brudzinski, Johnnie Johnson, Jackie Slater , Carl Ekern and DouJl Smith. Members of the All- stars include: Ken Bard- sley. who has committed h imself to UC Irvine in th e fall: Glen Conley. formerly with Athletes in Action: John Vallely. a UCLA graduate; former Los Angeles Laker Den- nis H am ilton; former Rams defensive end Phil Olsen ; and Tim Tim- mons, pasto r o f the church. For more infonnation. phone 644-1350.' Outrigger dedicated T he l mua Outrigger Club of Newport Beach w ill l aunch a new Koa w ood ou tr igger canoe tha t has been built in California Saturday at 9 a'.m . l n North Lido Cha nne l by J osh Slo- cum'• Restaurant at 2601 West Cout High way. The launching will get a traditional llawaiian b le11ln1 and t he b oat will be dedicated to for- mer m•m ber Fran k Sanborn w ho paued away 1'llt year. ' The boet hold• atx paddS.n lncludln1 the .........., end the lmua Club 11 11m1nfo:f erd the 4&-mlll Mo ... In Hewell In Oc1.ober. of the Qleveland Open, taped at North Olnuted, Oh.lo. ~ p.m. (7) -WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS - &rt C.Onn r, Ttacee Talavera and Julianne McNa- mara vie for top honors 1n the American Cup gymnastics meet , taped at New York Also: the World Cup weightlifting champion1h1p, taped at Vienna. 11:30 p.m. (2) -FIGHT OF THE MONTH - Former heavyweight champion J ohn Tate (25-2) vs Larry Alexander (18-9-2) in a scheduled 10-round heavyweight bout, taped at Atlantic City, N.J. RADIO Baseball -Angels at Minnesota, 11: 10 a.m., KMPC (710); San Diego at Dodgers, 1 p.m .. KABC (790\ Golf -Masters Reports, 8:45, 9:45, 11:45 a.m., 12:45, 1:45. 2:45 p.m .. KNX (1070). H ockey -Edmonton ot K ings, 7 05 p m , KPRZ (1150) Sunday's TV, radio TELEVISION 10 a.m. (:!) -NBA BASKETBALL Boston at Ph1ladelph1a 11 a.m (5) -BASEBALL -Angels at Min- nesota 12:30 p.m. (2) -THE MAS T ERS -Final round play in the Masters Crom Augusta, Ga. 1 p.m. (4) -SPORTSWORLD -Part 1 of th"' Golden Gloves Association of America tournam('n t of champions, taped at Kansas City, Mo. Also: Part 1 of the world's stron((est men competiuon, taped at McAfee, N.J . and the Widowmaker hill climb motorcycle rat-e, taped at Salt Lake City 1:30 p.m. (7) -AMERICAN SPORTSMAN FREE OFFER "Datsun Guide to Boorstrdp BusmeS1es " Pick up you" (rom any DCltsun dealer or send$] check or money order tO cover postage and hand/mg to Datsun Guide to Bootstrap Busmes.ses. PO Box 10799·A. Des Mom~s. Iowa 50340 A llow 6 wt>eks for deltvery Actor Pewr O'Toole and hoet Curt Gowdy visit the Okavango Ot!ha, 11 na tural wildlife 11anctuury ln Botswana, Africa. Al5o; Author Peter SenchJey and i cx.-eanojUapht•r Sylvia Earle Inspect the mt.>ehan1cs . f or shark bite& m the Bahamas. ....., 2.30 pm (7) U.S.A. VS. THE WORLD - The U.S vs lreland m a series of bouta taped at B1lox1, Mu~s '3:30 p.m (7) WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS - A sch eduled 15-round WEA light heavyweight·. title bout bt>twt'<'n t·hampion Michael Spanks (19-0) i at\d Murray Sutherland (32•6). ' RADIO Bast>ball Angels at Minnesota, 11 : 10 a .m , KMPC (710), San Diego at Dodgers, 12 45 p.m .. KABC (790). Basketball Seattle at Lakers, 6 50 pm., KLAC (570) ---- NISSAN IS PROUD TD SPONSOR 1m. ~ ... ( ABC rv s TEL[ CAS r OF THE 1984 OL VMPIC GAMES Prolllct If NISSAN l+I _...,. -·-· .• • "'! .•1.,r .- .·,•' •' ·-· ' .. I ' ' . '' . : ~ : ' ... : 1(• ; ' .. ,. ····· •• ., J .. "-' ,•, . '• ., •MSlO ON THl OIFIElt_f NCl llTWlEN MANUMCTVltElt'S SUGGESTED ltlTAIL PftlCE OF Ol'TIONS PVltCHASED Sl""AA TEL Y ANO AS AN MVf' MCKAGl ,,.KIJ INO.UOl DISCOUNTS IV MANUMCTlJltElt ANO M ltTICIMTING OEAllltS, ANO tJCCLUOE TAXES .. " J•:>l '!• ' Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Friday, Aprll 9, 1982 ncrmoue .,.. .. U.ITA'f-.n ,,..~....--~­.. &UT YA~~, UICI W-eo.t OM tNYllTMl lOI t t 11 Oene ..._ C.4 tmr o. .... Coel• ...... CA.IHH 111oaun ANTHONY llAlllAN t l YNHI t( OINlaOlllQ. I' 17 O•n• w-...i. •63 C"'9 ..._ CA t1t7' Of .... ~ MeM. CA tttlt rtOTITIOUI tlllrlMllM ttAMllfltTUSNT ,,.,. t-.ng --.. "°"" ""-•A JAl•tlOH !IV.HO MOlOfl WOlll<I 2'00 .... .,._, ..... llt>.U ,.Or_ de ..., c;..;.10'"'• •m• 11111 o.. ......... (04\tluCl.O by .,, ·~ -flllt &ut~ It OO"Cl .. ~t.0 llY 911 In fflt.t llvtlllfft It GOllcliKt.0 01 1111 .n di-..1 -He•.,.._ llol*'I A .,.,,.,. I LYNN( K OIH88UllO ""' t i element ••• lll•d wltl'I "" flll1 1telemenl wu hlt O •1111 !Pie llllo olelemenl •oo 111•0 wllll Ille Gownly Cltf-of Of-Coun!y on Metct 0-.ty 01w1< 01 0.-C-ty on N/lfl 1. Co11n1y Cieri< 01 0.•199 C-ty"" A!H• 1 IT IN? ,.., '"' ,,_w ,,....,. ,,....,. ..,.,''!~1\"", •.o,o:!:!e: ;a:.~ . ..09:'' :•!~' Pul>lltl\K O•en~• COH I P•llt 111101. l'utllltNHI °' .... " C:oul Delly l'llQlll, ~· • ...... • .... " -~· 11. 2'. )Cl, M2 M2 .. 2 Aotfl. t . tt. n. ao. ·1 .. 2 tan ., PVIUC MOTICl lllOTtCI 0' TlllUeT•a·e tALI PlCTmout ~H Lo•n lllo. MAlllllltOTT M.u. ITAll•lfl T.S, No. rttn·I I Tne IOlto<oll<IQ .,.,_ i. oomo .,.._, NEWPORT HOME l0AN. INC. n .,. Ouly appo1ntod TIUllH uno•r lh• PROFUlllONAL OFFICE it.UfOMit. 101tow1ng deacrlbed aooa 01 tru•I !ION, 11191 MllCll•ll No 1tv111t. Cit. eUHlllOfl COVflT Of' CALWOMIA COUNTY OP OllANOt .......... " .... tM AHIM•lt..-et l'Mll.ltf' IOW A.llO I UIH, ... i..... , .. c ......... -H<I. A11»1e 0!'0111 TO IHOW CAUH Will Sfll AT PUBLIC AUC110N t2T~MIY lit.URENCE O'tHlNNElL TO Tl-IE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR 70442 o-HuntlnQlon e.ecn Cit. CASH tpay1blt al 11m11 ot UI• in tn.tt • lllwtul 111on11y ot lhll Ul'llO<l Stale•I Tl\lf l>uelntt• It CQnd..Cled by en "' '011 CttAMOI 0' NAMI EILEEN "' BUSH Nlo llletl e 11ttll1<\<1 111 1n1e cnvn ftH an CHO. aOuwtng peuoon., 11 1ght 1111e ano 1n1tore11 conveyed ~ to 1na now hold by It under u10 Owy l 0 ~ Deed 01 Tru1t 111 the property here• '"" •te1tme111 ,. .. tlleo "'"" '"• nutttt oescribeo ~-ty Clef-OI o. 9llOt Covn1y on""'~ 7 TRUSTOR WILLIAM MARRIOT 1 N 2 fl~ .. ,,o PHYLLIS H MAARtOf 1 t1u1 ""'u11•HttU n1.;11ut '.,, ... , 11.~,1., f •'· 1 baOCJ 800 Wlftt A.1.t ·I !'-4 U1 it J• ,..,.. l4•f:t I# BfNEFICIAAY N~WPORT HOM£ LOAN TRUST •82 Rocoroed M1y 17 1981 •• 1ntt1 rulllC MOTlCE ~ooc;;m ~'~~ ~nn':':u'~°'Eo"~~~·~ BUSH .. ",,.,.uy mo•'•" tl\AI all P•1ton1 rAt•Mt.0 "' 1P\t M•Htt al()f~ al)plM "'°'"'" I~•• (UU<l Ill ~'"-' NO 3 et 100 Ltvic.. Cent .. O.•v• WHI 6•ota An1 (.;•ll•u"u• on May l? 1tt7 at 10 'O u c.hx.~ •,,, •t1d U1et1 •oo H~t• trH> CWM ti •nr lhey NIY• ...-tty •Aid ~""' r0t cllel!Q<I OI r..i>• II.WO hul ~ II' Ool "" No 14213 Ill booll, 14054 pag11 340 -------------01 011tc1at R11cora1 1n the 0111ce 01 'ICTITIOUI eu11Nt•• " •• ,.,,.,.., .,,d .. ..i '"'1 • "''" "1 1"'1 lhP AecorOt'f ot Otano• County NA• ITATIMl NT 6':1~', ·:,:~~--~c~~!~::p:."~:·~~::,~~ ;i;:~w~:;~r~:,.::1~st aem11>e1 lhe ,/"" to1tow1no ll"'IOn" o-o ""'"-' ~~c.~1~1'.'.~: ,"~~~~"~ •,:~~~·v:.~~:·~~.:; lOl 94 ol Ttact No ti5:/J Ill'"" GLAZED .... E .... ORIES 10101 S.••I•• -· ""'~ 1u ........ , ul ...... r ..... ''V <..·t~ 01 11v1ne Co11nty ot 011111g.. :';:_11;,ro. '011 Foun••0• V•"•Y '-•" o,,,,., ~:,:~:~ ~ ,!~!~ ... j tuNJUOft COURT Ct* CA&JllOIMllA COUN'f 'f °' OftANOI i. &MIUHMef lhe ~ ..... Rye11Tlrell ......... ,., Clllftet ef NM\e o.of)I TO tHOW CAU .. ,~~~'tt&- 'ARIO 1nd 8U8AN MAHMOOD on IMlhell or ,.,,,,~ 1ppltcant ll1v1 lll9d I petition In 11111 COUl'I tot Ill ordtt allow1l1Q petlt!On« IO ChlW'OI hi• name from AYAN TAAll( MAfl· MOOD 10 RVAN TAAIO MAH· MOOD It I• he,.l)y Otdflred lhll all pet• eon• 1111eret1ed In 1111 matter alo· •H•IO 111111111 before thla coun In Depertm1nl No. 3 11 TOO Civic Conter Drive WHI, 811111 An4. Callfornla. on Mey 12. 1082. al 10 30 o clock • m , end than end the•• ahow c1u11, If any they heve. why u1d pellllon tor c hange or name ahoulO no1 t>e g11r118d. It 11 1urtht< orde<ed that • COCY or thta order to 1how ceuae t>e pu- bhtl\od m Delly Piiot. • '-IPIPll' or general c1rcu1a11on. publlal'IO<l 1n 11111 covnty at teaal once 1 weel< for lour coneecutlve wooka prior to the Oly ol llllO llNttng Oet.O M1toll 3 I 1082 lllon.kt Ill. p,__ Judat or Iha li;pe1tof Co..,, Publlsned Orange Coa11 Diiiy Piiot April 2 9 t6 23 t982 1~18-82 PHllC MOTlCl "CTITIOUS e USIMfSI NAM!! ITATUllfNT BLANKET OF ICE -Andrew Stumler, of Starlight, Ind .. surveys acres of strawberries that have been threatened by the reE:enl cold snap in the Ohio Valley. Many growers, in- AP Wlfe9holo eluding Stumler, used irrigation to cover the plants with a protective coasting of ke to keep the crop from freezing. So faJ", the tactic seems to have worked, 5talt! ot Cahlorn1e n pe1 map rec· Root< AnthOny Beneo1C1 llyme 11>91 Ju<llJll <>' 111., Ot<Jea ff) book 254 pages •7 to~ M••• ~o Ct S•n•• Au• t e 11ro1n11 S \.HtUOf c~t ,.,,"~ h)l•.., ..... ;'V UoefM)ll ~· "°''"O OuM*' 1nclu)1ve M111eella,.eou1 M11p1 m 92707 "'"''°' • 111c:-... , I 1NDit. s SlLHE r it.lltAl SERVICES me olhct1 ot trwi county recorae• 01 Thlt Cuo•nett It tonducoed Ly •00 '" n01 No e•N!l••r. 11• -20 1 St.,ur••O '"'' Berth it. Cetun 2 sa•O county 1ogethe1 with "" ap oMdual RU9"' "' Byr11e '"''" A"•· c.i nroa ''-""'' e ... ,n t. .. ,,.,.,,., 9nMl3 purtenanl, uon 9XCIU8tVe 88&ement f "I• tt•tement waa hied wUh tn• a!:"lt1J2ll~•·,'l. ()2•J•",Q~.~ua\,t 0 4H\'1,_ ~;:a8I L•t1'1• V .. fH"l•au 6!>5 Win-'Ow Av~ 8 ""' • u 1901 '""' ' I ror'(j &.A.,h C .. 1l0<m• QOll 14 lot ingress ano 0Qr(lll$ over lOI 14 County Cltft.. ol OnftO'I Coun•y ()ti .......... rr ... !tut·~··· •• •llllOuCle;J , •• an Ill ol 5810 TtdCI 17, 1911 "18l1C NOTICE EXCE PT THE:RHROM all 011 gas minerals and other hydroc.11 bons. below a <1ep111 or ~00 toe1 ,t1$41t Pul>lltheO O•enge Coot• Dally Pt101 "'"Ch 19 21, it.prW 2 9. 198' tn7 87 l 1nO• l Vl-"INta" Most outgrow epilepsy '°ICTITIOOI 8Ul1Nfl8 NAM!! ITATIM!NT WtlhOUI the ttljhl OI sutl8<.ol ointrv II> rulUC MOTlCE Ut.Sv,ved in 1ns1rumen•s Of 'tteoru ne~:~~OlfOw+"O tl•tt01'1t ••• tJIJlh'' l•ut• ""' 1lti1ten1•nt w¥t filed with lhe L01.m•y tttwtri o' C)f•,~ Couttly tm Maren 17 198, f 11$412 Publ11ned Ot 1nge c;oatt 01uly Pilot MOICI\ 19 }6 it.ri<ll 2 9 1982 1278-62 'Aah l•ee l1v111e , C111tlorniu -Bit.SrC &vStNESS 8A'\IC.'.'i 1 r•,., Study shows do ctors can identify recurring seiz ures 91716 ftcmtout I UllNfl8 New1>0•1 it.•e 1u111n Colll u &eo 111 ti SHf'et eda1ess 01 common NAM! ITATUrtENT B-•m ... Bo•ro 6•11• I"' •I C••·l~r~ro 1 th~~l\,nAltOf\ I~ ShOWn &bOVtJ '10 nf)~h-e ~ollawlng Q•raUl'1t t ie OOing DVtl 'O'PC>llUIO<• 1J4l1 Nf'•fNtl ,.". fv\M1 PUBLIC NaTICE w.111a11ty •S 0rve11 AS 10 11' Gomp11' S[A GATE ENIERPAISES NO 71 1301 CA 926&U lt"'rtt-'M~ or couectn~~"'-, Oo1i1• Sun• 400 Ne'ffpor1 e •• ,,, <..A. ,ti/,:~• bvtin•n i• '-V"Ou11mJ t' '"''IJ FICTITIOOI IUllNfl8 NAME ITA TEME.NT BOSTON (Al') M ost c hil-to 23 years, the longest s uc h fol - lowup ever conducted. a nnual inc1dcnt-c re m a ins at d<Jse to this level until agl' JO. Among adults, It a fflic ts about 46 of ever y 100,000 pt.'Ople yearly. Ttu• bPneflc11:uy uruJet ;:,aid 0f'CO 'J7660 B••l'r•t"; 9, ••O aao1 "' '"" IQU(J'""tf\O 0.&.0rt 1t dOl"'V Ou-..nea.. dren with epilepsy w1U outgrow their illness by adulthood, and doctors can identify the few who are likely to have seizures lat.er tn life. a s tudy concludes. of ltu~• oy re8S~t 01 a breac..tl ur He11t~ ln"911tnent Companw Gt11Mt•I \enciey e t.t ... •'"'" di-1.iull 111 1fl11 obl191;1tons securttO P.,,,... 1301 oo .. Su•ll 400 NewPl>'I "'~"°"'" The report. published 1n Thursday's New England Jour- nal of Medicine, concluded that most "have an excellent c hance of remaining seizure-free after the withdrawal of ant1 - c.'Onvulsant drugs." 111t't6Dy hetetotorn e~et:utl!d and Beech Cit. 92~ Tr s ll•rom•r.r ., ... 1o1on ., ,, '" l.~I' 011 t<;E PROOUCTS 5El'IVICES Ot!ttvered io the u noersign•d d Jn.a °"'11n4tH '' c.()n()u(t.0 Dy t l1m1t&C l,.uuntyi Cli&I• ,f (.tt.lr\)tl: (, ,,n,1 ,. tAa• 1 ~~~f!,~,.:~nfJ<l'~~nt•11~ Fount•io V."e' Nearly all the patients were under age 8 when thell' seizures b e gan. although a fe w were as o ld as 13. They t ook anti - C."Onvulsant medicine for al least four years after thelr last seizure. wr.tt"n Oecl9flltt0(1 ol Oetaull ano P•rtnet•~:,1tagw lnvettmett1 C.v IT ,qB,7 r N \I••!\ Jl(l()eft Peart.Of lb&JI hf'1 Demano lor Sale unC vtrtUen noh<C Gat't' M w .. t .. ""'"'h"Q (),., .,. t(..I••• • ~1~~ M· unt1 " fnut·~•1n \Helley C.-lttntnt• ot breach dflO ot cl~hOn io c.ause rn11 a1a1ement ••-' h••d N•tf-the ..... v-,g J6 •o•u / -, 1f.fA' '"'' n ~11oe the unoe,s1gned I .J sell 1a10 pro ~,°"';!t2C.lief1t or Or~e County ot\ '4ait"t-------------fti ••u• '1•~s '' c..or.ou<.te<J ov an '" A s tud y that fo llo wed I ~8 young epilepsy victims through the ir teens and 20s found that nearly three-fourths remained free of seizures after they stop- ped taking epilepsy m echcme . Two-thirds of the r e lapses <><.'· curred during the first two years after d r ugs were withdrawn, and 85 percent occurred within five years. OveraU, only 41 people, or 28 percent. had new seizures af ter they stopped taking epilepsy Pt'!IY rn s:.t•sty sa10 ubhgahon$ ana ~ Fll~ll P'UIUC MOTlC( 1 ., .. .,.,.. l r ... , .• ,. u ., • .,..,,. 1hPrea1ter the undNStqneo caused P 0 c 0 1 P 1 ft'!,, ''•'•""·~n• •• , 1,, • ._. w tt'1 ll"lr :·~;·~~~r~~r0~~;:,nt>~~t2~~~r: ...... ~~",•;•2~ ~;:.v; II 0~~2 ... ~181 :; l---,,.-0-T-tC_E_l_H_V_tT_l_H_G_B_ID_S __ ~;"';'~~~..,. ur O•-C°""''"" ..,..,.,. .. ~ ''''" N O 330~1 rn boo ... 1~331 PUIUC NOncE NOTICE IS HEAEBYGIVfN Hl01 FllQQ para1~~~1 .. 0~~1~·:~.?:::~~~ R~~r~~ ~'C?.:~~C::~ :~.~ ~~~:·~.~~ .,:~~1 ~~·,t ~;4':%:!"""' LW":.::1~r2 "The fact that overaU, tne re- lapse rate 1s low compared to what 1s generally accepted for adults 1fi most encouraging," said Dr Jean H olDwach Thurs ton. who directed the study . The resear c h e r s found that youngsters are most ltkely to have recurring seizures if they are mentally retarded or have movement handicaps. The pro- blem may also r eappear 1f the victims suffered a form of epi- lt'psy called ,Jackson ian seizure thout v>vPnant or wauAnly t'~P""~ FlcTITIOUS BIJSIHESS ot tll~ City Ctet~ at lllf' C.11y ltdll 17 '" ornlJhPO req.;11hnq 1111.: DO\Sc\ NAME STATEMENT Farr Orrve Co~ta Mt!~ C;o~lorn1.; PUIUC llOTlCE .,.0,. or encumbrdnt PS lo 11ay ttru The tollowtng person •r. Ooing un111 into nour ot 11 00 am on Ap111 r .. n1 ... n•tHj p11nt1p~I sum 0 1 1'1P bustneas u Z9 1982 111 wn1c;h llmt> tttey will he • r ·ulul~I Wturl'O tJy sa•o Ot·t'O 01 YOLANDA SEWING SERVICE openeo publ•Cly ano 1eaa alnvct 1n '~:::~~TA~~~~· l•u'1 wrm 1n1t•tt·~· ··~ 1n 'k!IO nolt• 1801 w 18tn St Santa Ana. CA ll'le Council CttamtJe1s rot r uRNI '" r •• ~I' O"""J ...,., medicine. ' '"'"'"tle<I .iavanct>s 1t uny under ll2Tot SHING All LABOR MATERIALS 0 " ' '""" .,....., " nnt lh{' '""''~ .,, ~~l(J Dl'PO 01 ltu\I Yotenoe Mesa Ouinones. 1801 EOUIPMENT TRANSPORTATION ... t •D ~ rtHPfR<; 177 Rive•••U• l•·PS 1.h.119es ,,,.o t .. ~ns11s 01 ltrc W leth St. Santa Ana. CA 92706 ANO SUCH OTHER FACILITIES AS O.• .. ·1 N __ , B<oM;h c.• ~2663 The s urvey at Washington University School of M edicin e in St. L o uis kept t rack of the c hildhood epilepsy victims for 15 The National Institute of N eu- rologica I and Commun1C·altVl' Dis orders a n d S troke estimates e pilepsy strikes 73 of every 100,- 000 c hildre n u n der age I . The a hx·ahzcd muscle twitching -or had m ore than o ne form of c-pi- lepl1t• seizur e . fru~teto ~no eit the tru\t~ c•t!dltl(l lly ThlS business 15 conouctea by MEAV0BE R0EOUIA0EO TODPSROPVIOE "' JIMC 'R9~12H1E!> JUI Colleen C.oSla ...... a oeeo ul 11u51 D M Lill N AN LAN . CA ING "'" ~ • • en lndlvldUBI FOR FAIR DRIVE PARKWAYS Tr.,, outrnon •• tonaucteo by en "' M ~;"~ 5•;1; 8~·1~ \•tl7 n(j'~111~':n M~7~~~. Yolanda Ou1nol'es A set or ptons 11oec1tt1.at'vt1\ !lnd 0"'~""' J•"' k w,1.,. Lll~r"'·'" A'e11uP entranc. ... 10 th• fh1s statement was filed wllh the olher contract oocumenu may tJe '"" .,.,~m•"' .,., 1 .... 0 '""" '"~ r ,.., (',•nt"' 8111l(j1n" ·100 [ (...11011 County Cletk ot Orange County on ot>to1ned Ill Ille olt1ce ot tilt' o~ C.wrl11 Ll•r• or O••l'O• l.ouoolv .,,.. MMIL'1 rn 1., Avi·nlle 111 11,1, {;11v 111 0 11111.,., Maten 3 I. l9B2 panrn•rnl ot L111!urP Services 1 3• 1Q~~ DIATH NDTICIS "1BllC MOTlCl ''"''.•>I I dtolwn1tl .. Fll6345 Fair OllVI' COb18 Ml!Sil C..ahlt)lllld f19')47 Al ltlf ""'" ,,, ""' •Whdl vubhc .\ Published 0Jange Coast Daily upon re<;eipt 01 a non•etur1dllbll' '"" h 1nh•I"'"' 0••11ll• C<••SI Oar•v 1>1101 111 ""' llub nolru' lllt' 101ul •mount P1101 Ap111 2 9 16 23. 19~!80·82 ot $6 00 II ll1 dders teQUf'S1 pl.ins "'I""' '• "' n •9~. u n e, ')f tlw tmp,11'1 httl.uit" vi uw OtJt, ano ,pec1l1c..-.t1uu5' Ofl moilt•O 1ne FICTtftOVt llU81NEl8 NAM! lfATENENT , •• lll1ll "'''(IJIP(1 ,,.., fht' ttJOV•"' d•· Charge will be \7 50 p~r ~P1 , 111•,.ll ll>'l!<J 01 tr ust .1110 11s1rnhJll-1f PUBLIC MOTlC[ Each 010 sh.111 tie m a <l<i or. "'" rlJBLIC MOOCE NELSON MARUYAMA Ttm Noyei. of Costa M esa, t nt1 toUow1nQ ~'son a are do•oo bu•• -·· PHOENIX 11.APORTS 1•~ E 19th SI \,Q-,1' ,.io.ptm~e5 dlld d0Vd0tf'S. •!> proposal fo rm t)rltj Ht tht-mcH1MH ~LO 1 j'l fH provrded •n llol' c ''"''SCI dor 1 flCTITIOOS 8U81NEIS NAME STATEMENT ELS IE M NELSON. rest· TOM YOSHlAKl MA-C a and Stacy and M1kl' d<'nt of Newport Bcal·h, Ca RUY AM A . Los Angeles Jarboe of Newport B('aL·h . fur lht· past 5 yean.. passed born Nisei and veteran of Ca Mr Smith was one of thl away on Aprtl 8. 1982 She World War 11, passed away founding fathers o f the wasamembcroftht>Goldenon Aprtl 7. 1982 al Hoag Greater Los Angeles Pn·si. A ge Group, affiliated wtth Memonal Hospital due to a Club and was Editor of th<' the Chrtsl C hurrh by the heart t'Ond1t1on H e IS surv1-Goof-offers Ga1C'lt1t', Nc·w- &a S he as 'urvived by her ved by his wife Grace. :.on po rt Beach. Ca H e was a l'htldn•n Mary Ellen Andt"r Henry. Mrs Susan McGuire. reporter for :15 yt·an. for thl• son of San F'ra nrtsl'O. Ca , mother K1rh1ko. 2 brothers Los Angelt•s lit•rald Exam1- MarJ0ne Emma Kittle. Bon· H cnrv. Arthur. 2 s isters ner M emon:.I 'nv1ces wtll nte Mane Wine of Arizona. M es Margaret Sh1nka1. bl' held 1111 Su1urdav. April Claude Wiiiiam Ne· Ison or M ary Let.· f'uneral services IO . 198 2 at I I 00 AM J l Indiana , Robert David Nc·I al 11 OOAM on Monday Aprtl P1L•rt·c· B rolht•rs Bt•ll Broad svn of Hawa11 and Jame~ 12. 1982 al Par1fil' View w ay Chapel with Dr G1'0r g<' Larry Nelson o f Nt•w port Chapel, Par1f1c View Memo-O Wood of Newp•>rl Mi>sa Rt•al·h . Ca .. Ill l(randchtldren nal Park. 3500 Pac1f1c V1('w Ch r 1st 1 a n Cl' n t l' r and 11 great·grandch1ldren Drive. Newport Beach. Ca o ff1l'tating. lnwrmenl will Slumber R oom v1s1tat1on The famtly rc-quesi.s that th<' be' burial at sea In lie u of wtll bC' ht•ld on F'rrday. Apnl flowers please be omnted flowers contrtbuuons muy bt· Coot• "'na CA 9nn it.Ion S Melley 2 •33 lnd••n S1><.no• ln New00<• Beecn Cit. 92660 l ei d!'term•nl' th!' opening 1,,., "CTITIOUS BUSINESS ments ann sr1dll 11~ .... comeian1ed ''• • "'"'"9 ~•..,, •• oo""ll tx.>rnev yuu may call 17 141 937 oqes NAME STAT~ .. ElllT by a Ce<lthe<J Ill Cd'"'"' s cn"C' '" d .. ,,,Ol'\n• M t l(1y '1133 lnO•ln Sottnga Ln N-1 Buel\ CA 92Mi0 Dal" Apnl 1 1q8, Tl1e tollowmg person is do 1119 t>•O oona lor 1101 , .. ~ th .. r 10 eii•r bUN51<•NE POOl 'Sl>it. Lit.RE 2609 Nl:WPOR1 HOME l>u!'~SSC~NS T RUCTION SER-cent ot !hA .imounl tit 1np t>•O m.1oe ":O\~~,..S~ri-t ,..,nonq1''" &!ach t:""t"' Men""' M0<e'9S 13811 """'o • A0u"' I H•IJ CA 9211~ LOAN INC: payable 10 111e C•ly ot CobtJ Mf!sa Av~~ r ._ 1~ .. n·h 2609 r10.,0• IS S8•0 T•uslt'f' VICES. 7733 s R1tcney Santa Tile C..11n1•~Cll)r st.al' "' 1h(' Pf'' r .... """'"UI{/<• ll••· r (,.hln<n•• J1ann·an M o••ltts 2l812 Pesaro L• guoe H ... CA 92653 fjy T D SE RVICf CO An1. CA 92705 tormance ot 1r,p woro dnO •meirove ., ... . lQent Joseph D P11chard 408 401h ments. conlo•m 10 n ~ Ldt>o• C.ooe r"' ~v•·"'"" '"""u•r•d D) .,, m ,,.,., buli"'9U IS Condut1.C Dy• Ii.,,.-' patl'Wf'lh'O Bv Cin()y .• cnoonove• SI Newport Beach, CA ot lhe SlalP ot Cahlorn·~ 11no otne '""'u• A~s•'Stdnt S+-icrPlary Ttus business f5 conducied by law s of thP S1a1, nl l.tthforr •A ao t, "•~ :::;' ~ -~~~:d _, "' uu· V~N! -..cK1) '"'' sta1empn t we~ l1l11JO w1tn 1n t1 COVftty Ctef.,_ of O'•'~ Couti1y on M1,,n '1 •987 l)ni> C•tv BolllPvard Wp~l an mdlviOuet phcable thereto wrlh lhl' t'•V•phoo """" i:; .,, nt r,. '"II'"._.,..,,,, on Marer Or dllQC c,,. 'l2668 Joseph D Prrchara only o l su'n va,,atior ~ as may bl' , 1 ,.,el FtllS417 P·.,bl·t '1•0 01 •"0~ Coast Daily P1101 Me•C" 19 26 it.p•1• 2 9 1982 127~82 141 83!> 8;-88 This stet-l was hle<l with tne reQurre<I unOPr '"" s"""rcll s1~hlll'S FlU.11 p11l,hSl•e<J OranCJP Coa~t Dailv p, County Cterk ot O•ange County on pursua11t to wt11ct> P•OCl.'i'd11•ci< "" """'·•~•a O•oroa~ l.ot111 O••'Y P•lot '°'' Aµ .. 1 'I 16 n l'l8l' 1598·81 Aplll I 1982 F, ••• .,,. reunde• are ta~"" and wtucn havl' ....... ,q 2~ •p• 2 g r982 •277 e: .,..._,., no1 been suilerseOPd by thi> prov. l:I. 191!2 from 12 00 noon ltl Fukui Mortuary d1rlo'<.'tors made t o the City or H vpl' 7 OOPM al the Harbor Lawn Cam·er R <'St'arL·h Pierr e• Memorial Chapel, 1625 G1-PIRAINO Brothers 81•11 Broadway sler. Costa Mesa . Ca Ser-ISABELLE MACKEY M ortuary d1r(>(.•tors PUIUC MOTlCE OFf'ICIAL PflOCE£OIHOI Of' TltE BOARD Of' S\W£RV110.-I OF ORANGE COOHTY, CALlfa..HIA Santa Ana. Cellfornle JI, •egula• meellng 01 the Board of SupervtSO<s of Orange County. Calllornie. also Sllll'lll as lhe Governing Board of the Dl1tnc1S governed by the Boerd Of Supt!ntlSO•S WM held on March 30, t98:l 81 9:30 A.M The tollowlng named mMl'lbera belng present: Bruce Neatande. Che11men, Roger R Stanton, Harriett M Wieder. Thom11 F Alley and Ille Clerk Abaenl Supervisor Ralpn B Clark 10 represent the Orange County BLAIR T111ns11 01s111c1 at the Amettcan Publlc Transportalton A110<:l1tton'1 West111n Conferer>ce 1n Sall Lake City, Ullh Famlly Planning S«vloes MARJORIE ANN BLAJR. and Pedlat1ic tmmunlulllona Contrec1s 111e epp<oved Certain Conatruc- age 58. a resident of Hunt-lion contracts are Mt for bid P0<tton1 01 LI Patm• Avenue end Weir ington B<'itCh, Ca .Passed Cenyon Road ere declared to be County Highway• Ceah Duterence FunOs 11e reviewed and rec>lenlShed Submislton of the 11182-83 r-el away o n Tuesday, April 6. appl+calton '°' the Urben Health 1n111auve Community Heatth Cent .. I• 1982 at Pac1f1l'3 H ospital euthortzed Ellglbll11y wo1ker MOU Is amended Prociametton1 a nd Mrs. Blair was a member or commenda11ons are app1ovea Eileen land •ell 11 approved RFP for St Simon & Jude Catholtl' hve-ye•r Sheep Grazing Lease Is auth«lzed Resolutton reg11d1ng the PubtrsheO Orange Coast Daily s•ons 01 tne l abOI Code Pr .. 1erPnct! Pilot Ap111 2 9, 16 73. 1982 10 lot>or stMll t>e givPn onty •n '"" PUIUC MOOCE 1524·82 manner provrdell t>y l~w No bid shall be cons10ert•d unlt!S J~:~EIOSuf~~~=:ras ll 1s. made on a form lurmshM by fhf". rvainwmg Pf'r~ 11 <h)•"O b~'""'n PUIUC NOTICE the City 01 Costa Mesa a110 is meae ., flCTrTtOVS iuelNEtS 1n accordance wrth thP ptov1s•o11s 01 '>1£ RJH1 r IJllF CO ~04 1 8tue1•1 NAME ITATIEMENT lhe proposal requirements l"'~,~~~i~n,?1~~,~~QE~~c~2~9504 , Tne I0110W1no Ptf'IK>n 1l dO•"O nu,•ness Each bidder must be hccnsed end BlutttY c .. cit *'u"i.ngron Beech C,A H atso prequahlroo es requ11ed by law 9~M9 HILLIE McCOAMAC-. llU.LrV 1000 Thi! Ci ty Council 01 lhfl City O In.,""''""''•• C"On<1urt•d t>\ 1n in ~:~~;:m;i111nwoy 1 •11une emn I Costa Mesa restirvea 1110 119hl 10 urv1<1u11 Pl\ytllo Jun Kor:illus 24382 Los re1ect any 01 all btdS ::Ol•i>na•"• 0 80f'UtM>r S•Hlt'IOt. L•oun1 N•outtl, Cafl,orn4a Eiieen p Phinney l '11• 1ta lttmenl w j )> •11.-0 wnn ltlfl 92tn City Clerk ol the i~"~~:,;1~•• o• O••"O<' County"" "'•1cn Thlo 1>u11neu •• condutieo o~ an •n Ctty ot Cos la Mesa , ,_ dMCIUlll Published Orange Coast Darty Pubh•Ma 01109~ c:onSI Derry Prtol fhll ola::::'!'n~~·:r:,,,d worn tne PtlOl Ap11I 7, 9 1982 1">32·82 Apol 2 " tf, n 1987 1418.82 Covnry C""k ot O.enoe County"" ..,..,"" 11. 1987 '111S411 Pubhoh.O O••nv• Cot1r Oe11y Piiot ~ 19. 211. it.ptM 2 9. 1982 1320~2 rulUC MOTlCE PUBLIC MOTlCC PUBLIC MOTlCE NOTICE OF ELECTION (AYISO OE ELECCtON J v1L•es will be held on Satur-PIRAINOA, passed away on day April 10 1982 atApnl3.191l2 Sheissurv1ved 10 v0 llA M at the C hrist b y her c hildre n . J ohn Cle - \h\m·h by the Sea wuh Jkv mens,. lsab<'lle Richardson. Rob<'rt B Shepard. Jr orf1-Jasmmt' (Paula) Gold, Ren<'. c1at1ng Scrv1crs unde r the Vincent and Julie P1ra1no d1rK·tton of Baltz Bergeron-and R osemarie Hess. sister Smtth & Tuthill W l•stcltfr Cathenne R Lee. also sur Chapel M ortuary of Costa v1ved by 7 grandchtldren MC'Sa 646-9371 Mass of Christian Burial wall be held al 6.30PM on M o n- Chu~h and had attnnd-...1 St. Orlfl98 County Child Abuse Councll and Adutt Dey Health C11e P1enn1ng , , • l'U Counc>I ta lldopted Sut>mrSS>On of applleellon for Pren1tel C1re S--1-------------NOTICf IS HEREBY GIVEN 11 11 t ,, r , .• 1 M "' < pat f 1.-. ''"" w•ll Df' tu•ltt 111 H•P lit, ul ""'' •• «..t 'v•·"t(t•t'f' ti • 81r fJ'f ot '"''~ 1982 terr lh~ l()llOilw ltef m ... .t,Urt PETI'INGALL day. Aprtl 12. 1982 at St Mary Academ y tn Leaven-11 euthorlzed Resolutton reg11dlng 1987·83 AHFP Program and Meja( worth. Ka.tsas and had ser Briaoe Program IS aaopled Funds are allocaled tor Orenge County vo-k.rnt-Allor~ Program. Inc Aeorganlullon No 5a (Whiting Ranch) Is vcd with lhe Waves during app•oved AB a Oete<mlnatlon. Dana POlnt Santtery Olattlc1, t• llC>P<oved World War U Beloved w1f( Ttect matteta are 8.PP<Oved The Tlmft Mirror Clblevlllon Ceble Televl· of Lawrence R Blair. belo-on Fra/IClllM is amenoed. Resolution regwdlng the Governor'• propo- vcd mother o f Re bl·u·a A 1982-83 Stale BudQet 11 adopted lmptementetlon plan for r110tge· ELINOR ROGERS PET Elizabeth C hurch Catholic TINCALL. arrangemc•nts Church. Alt.adena. Ca Inte r- made bv P<'ek Fam1lv Colo-ment Monte ra! Quebec. Ca- n1al Funeral Hom•'. Wl:'~t nada C abot & Sons M or- m 1 n s l c r , II !J 3 :15 2 5 or tuary. Pasadena directors. nlzallon wllhrn the Ptobetlon Department for Juvenlle Olverllon/Non· W1lhams of Manteca. Ca . C..Slody tntlke Prog•am is app<oved. Fine! 1ppllcatton for a Geoth«mal Pamela M Tho mpson or Development Grant 11 auth<>ttzed Funas are lltocated for Saddlebldt Ridgecrest. Ca., Stephen L . ve11ey Seniors Club Consldetatlon of 0<opc>Md Ofdl!l4nell 1)9(1alnlng to ~:l9 9549 LE BO TON ---------~ WILLARD PAUL LE payment to• cents or probet!OO end admlnlslrlltve •-ror cotlectlon ot Bhur o f Edl.SOn. W ashington rHlltullon 11 continued Conslderellon ol th• agreement for Ctvll and Mary Elizabeth Neuma-Oefen1e/Emergeocy Preparedness S«vtces 11 continued Negotlallon ot nn of Northglenn, Colorado. a contract extension emendmeot !or outatattonlng of Ellglblllty Won!ers la also surviving are 11 grand authorlz.ed Negohatlon o! an egrMmtnl for e public park llte with P•· r ,ACIFtC VIEW MEMORIAL ,AH Cerreterv Mortuarv Chapel-Crematory 3500 Pac1f1c View Drive Newp011 Beach 644 2700 Mc:CotlMK:a MORTUA•llS Laouna Beac h 494-9415 Laouna Hills 768-0933 San Juan Cap1st1ano 495·1776 HA.atoll LAW~MT. 0Lt¥1 M<><tua"' • Cen-e terv Creme to"' ... 1625 Gisler Ave Costa Mesa 540-5554 rlllCI NQTHHS llU llOADW•Y MORTU•RY 110 Broadway Coe11Mna 6-42·91SO ULTl-•llOM SMITH & TUTHILL WHTC ..... CHA"" 427E 17th St Costa Mete 6'16-9371 ,_ClllO,.._I SMn'HI' MOITUAI Y 827 Matn St ~nllnQlon Beach ~ <:eMtter Homes, tnc. la eutllor1z.ea Sludlee ena r8f>Of1a ol Senior Aec- c hi Id re n , I brother Hugh eetlon and Community Cen1er end Welfare Fraud Prevention tte •u· Markey of Omaha, Nebraska horlzed. Tax matters are approved. Travel request 11 aulhorll.ed. Budget and sister Betty S k<'n<' of ranaler1 are approved. AHFP AgrMmenl with the Ct!y of CypreN 11 H ouston, Texas. Prayer ~nr. pproved. The Cheparrel management Program 11 euthortzed. P1r1t0nll '"" alters are approved. rasuence of a repl1oement Wllfrtnl lo M. Mctntoltl Ronald and Kenneth Le vices were conduc t ed o n 1 authorlz.ed. The Affirmative Action Advtaory 8~d'a Annuet Report ta Bout on both oC Arizona, T h ursday, Apral 8. 1982 a t eoelved.RenewatoflheServloeContrktWlth OptlmatDat•CllfP<l'etlon sister Joyce Motowsk1 of Pierce Bro thers Smtt~s· • authortzed. £me>1oymen1 01 e HearingOtflcef 10""' 1111 appell lrom Wisconsin. also a fnend Jo Chapel. Mass o f Chrls•tan Ill of en enrmet permit of e. George, Jr. ra autllortz.ed CompromlM of BOUTON, a resident o f Cost.a Mesa. Ca. for lhr past 6 years Passed away on April !'>, 1982. He is survived by his father Lawrence of Wisconsin, brot her Vernon Le Bouton o f Wiscons in. • tel llln It eooeptld. Pureh-ere 111111lor1Hd. A~ oon•ract Lefebure of Costa Mesa. Ca Burial and interment will Ith ABM Lighting Servk:ita 11 euthorlz:ed. Rep0f1a regarding Out-ol- and several m ec.es and ne-take plac e on Saturdav, CereProgramforChlldrenendtheOrangeCoumyMarlnelnstttute h R t t f th ~ e rlOllved. The former Stenton tit• otllQe Is relocated The poet IUdlt 01 p ews. er1 a ion ° e April 10, 1982 in lndepe n -SA/Procur-t 11 received. Polley regMdlng prohibition of s.~ull R osary was held on Wed-dence. M luouri. Pierce Bro-H111nment or any County EmployM 11 epproved. The tHO C.n14.11 n esday. April 7 , 1982 al thers S miths' Mortuary di· Repo<1. Volume )..A. Is recelveO Mlr"lnd1 Acoountancy Cori>or•tlon II 7:00PM at the Harbor Lawn rectors 636-6539. ed H Conauttant lo examine nine recipient• of S111e l\inda. The M I Ch I M f tr.:1 with Wllelt>urg end Aroneon for teoll tervlcll It emanded The emor1a ifPe ass 0 rMment to M«le the dl!ISM• fYVll' relOcatlM of water lecllltlea 19 IC>- Chnsuan Burial was will be ptllJC •m oV9d Eight Tiiie 111AQ<M<Mnt•1r1 8ITlll'>Oed At>etement of pene1t1ee held on Monday April 12, for l~e to Ille~ of OWMrlhlp 11e1emen11r1 IPP<o-..d A mor1· 1982 at St. Peters Catholic P'lc:TmOUa ~.. gage IS releeHO The BOetd IOjour.ieo JUNE ALEXANDER Church, Oshkosh. Wisconsin. rum ITAT'llmfT fSEALI Clet1l of !he Soerd Final mtennent will be held .. nr. ~ --.. dOl<IQ -OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF SUP~~ at St hM~gare\ Ce~te.ry • ., .. :.u:.~~-v.E: l~'r~~~i.1~':"~~ ORANGE COUNTY. CA~IFORNIA. Senta AM. Celltomla Neena • 1.SCOnsm rvt<:ft ~ A regular "'"11ng of 1he 8oerd of Su'*"*"" of Orange County. under th e direction of ~ar-~L~°dA ~~AnH11va wi y, Cellfomte. ll80 lllllng u !he Governing Soetd of the Ole1rlct1 QOWfnld bor Lawn-M ount Olive Tiiie bu.in•• I• condvelt•tl by"" In· by the Bolld of Supentltora wes held on Merd'l 31, 1N2. et IJ:30 A.M Mortuary of Costa Mesa dMdual Tlwl fottowlng named member• being Pf'-t: Brvoe Net1111de. Cl\1tr-1.1e1111 Addl men; Roger R. Sten1on, Herrl11t M. Wieder, Thomae F. Riley •!Ml lhe 540-5554. flllo t111•men1 "'" tiled "'"" Ill• Cletk. Al>Mnl: SupetY!tor ~lph B. Clertc to rlJ)f-1 the Oranoe County SMITH ~IY CIW\ OI OfMQt Oounl)' on ... 7. T11n111 Dlslllct 11 the American Public Tran1Portetlon Auocl1Uon'1 JU 0 S 0 N G EDDE S ,,.... WHtt1n Conference In Sell Like City. Utah. The rieme Sh•llop Avenue 11 Pul>ll•n.O Ore11ge co .. 1 O.lly Piiot, ch11nged to Ridgeway Avenue. i\pproprtallon• for equtp"*1\ for Hert>or S MITH, resident of Costa Aprtl t. te. 13, :io. 1 .. 2 1612·12 P11rot Boat ere 1noreued Reaotullon regarding Community Clll\IC of M esa, Ca. Paaaed a way on Ot111Q8 County la adopt.Id. M H11r1bed11n 11 appotntea to tht Huma.n April 7, 1982. S urvived by NIUC •TC£ ~1~Lf' Comml1tton. Tile Board edjovrM<I J= ~~: hla wife Melba of Costa of SuPeMaore M e. a • ca . . l s 0 n • n d NO~tCI 0, A"9UOATIOH OFFICIAL PrtOCEEOINOS OF THE ORANGE COUNTY H'OU8tNO d h I H k d TO tau. UTHORITY aua ter-ln-aw a n an Al.COHOLIC NVl"AOll A rtolllar ~lnO of the <>ranoa County Houelng AUtt1o1'1tY WM held Pea1Y Jnboe o f N ewpo rt 4-1.a MlrCltl 3f, 1982. fhl fo11ow1r19 named meMtlltt Mint~: Thom. f'. Beach, C. , l dAuahter and To Whom 11 May Conc•n Alley, ChelrlNln; AOQlf A. 9tm1ton, """'1tt M. Wieder, 8ruoe......,. aon-ln-law Kathy and Mike CHARLIE'S CHILI CORPORATI· the Ctettt. AbMnt. ~-AlllPfl .. CW'll '° ~ .. Noyee of Qisia Meu. C. .. 1 ~~~~~!~~ ~;i.!.'=."C:'!.1:~~~~C.:,~=:.."': •tep-brolher Philip Wlllt of OH 8Alf ~eATWtNI! (PVI UT the Pl'OPOMd MOU .. CWflllO. OCMA ""---.... -... Huntlnaton B••<'h, Ca , 1 PL I 't Mii •lcohoflo t>ever•llft 11 ''Nol Rud." Thi AwtNwtwy _.,'°""*'to• -..i ..-.... ..... ai.p-aut.e-r Beuv Burrouahl 2211 ewpo1t lhld • Cott• M•aa etnp1oyM Mier; NOC>tl•llons TM AuthOl'lt)' ~· " CA mu MAI.I .IVNI All)WC)(" o t San Marco 1. Ca • 4 P~ Otanoa co." OailY,.. ~of .. loMt srandc.hlldfren, Pa\rkk •ncl IOI All'~ 9, 1W ti0).12 I .. ·-·,..,.,. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STA TE ME HT The lollowlng pe•son rs doing buSIM$S as FASHION NAILS. 3• 13 Newport Blvd , Newpor1 Beach. CA 92663 Nguon Huu Nguyen 1427 Weatwooa Blvd . West los An· gelel. CA 90024 This business 11 conducted t>y en lndlvtduat Nguon Nguyen This stetement wes tiled w•lh the County Cle•k or Orange County on March 26. 1982 • F1M0!51 Pubt11hea Orange Coast Dally Piiot, Aprlt 2, 9. 16. 23, 1982 1525·82 PUlllC llOTlCE FICTITIOUS 1u.-H NAMI ITATWMINT fllt 10110..ir>g l>'H~• •r• Oo<nQ Outl-._. .. PRESTIGE ENTERPRISES NO 202, 1301 Oove. Sul•• '00 ~ Beecll Cit. 112MO lit<fllQe ,.._,,,,.,,, Comoenv. o ..... 1 P111I-1301 Dove S..•t• t OO, N-po<t lleectl Cit. 92te0 lhlo bU-i.contluCl..i Cy e M""1e<I -1--"'I> _,_,,,_,,,,.,,,Co O..,IOll w ... '"It ..... ,...nt wet fll•d With IP'le <:ountr °""" 01 O.onoe Coun•y on M-11 1'82 ,,U420 Puot1oh•O Or•n11• COHI Di iiy Piiot. .,..,Ch 19 H it.I><* 2. 9. 1 .. 7 1774-'2 "°TIT10UI IUIMU HA• STAftMINT The IOllowtng persone lie doing bullnal .. ALPHA SONIC, 1232-C VIiiage WI'/. San11 Ane. CA 02705. lloyO V. CMllelon. 2~42 Hllllry Lane. Lagun1 Hiiia. Calllor"te 92$53. Edmond Lff Hate, 25792 AP· plln Way, MllllOn VlefO, Cellfornla .. ,. Tllta buelnlla 11 conducted by a ~·t partnet'llhlp. l.IOyd v. CMtteton e a.n.t Al Pettner Thll atltll'nent ... Iii.ct with Ille Cou!llY Clerk or <>renve.County on MM1!12t, 1tl2 ,, .... L.9W °"'Ta:., 0.-.1. ..... ................. -..c.111 .... ,.... ~---CA- tPOR MEOtO OE LA PRESENTE SE DA AYISO <JU*' un.-Pit u •On "'u it , ti J•·' • r.tl •. , 1 < i 11 itul 1t1 J ,.,. 1 1 t..•un.ut t,Jr-trv1'\t' •11 m;u tec. A C1f ur1 -h 1'1R, I ,)f 3 I \•t,Jo• ... t)tl rn1•\J1\Jd I '°lh 111 ••·•· C•h .t lrv•t ' fJf H•'' ori/f.,I to '~••• •tttl ~di I '' h' 1,,,f,h· h 11m '(• 1rll()' ;t J IS I ., , ........ H" h Pll ' •h ru1•IJ''"' tcu '""""'' ,,, 1cf1l \Pp.tr.HI tU• 1' C..ulV''' lJr11o1r· Y.1h· A\l••m1tt 11110 JP'lrP., ff111h1 w •H• A1ctH"'•CI' t •i•••lo.11 H'-1 •"',o.t.t f"t R,,11 vi. •t' <.,.,,, 111ff1t·I uJ.1 Ii (.1\11t31J 1H• Hv111t 1 Pffilllf " "' nch•t t1Ht•n· l 1•h Jih1• fl)«..,, Hlht fHifC IU'1 d•• f •lJ''''n ,,. ,,,'""'to'-"'",''' Q•t .. ulln,t p u .t i t1'• 111( •1111.11 ftu1tfw" pHr.1 • p.lt tt1(,f11·•. O•' tt1\lt•l.u um d 1· , •• ,,0(.Mfll "'' ( tjlVflf Ch lo'I ... 11•· ""''f11;t• ~ J,~u,., nn.\n • 110 l,t 1 H'"pttrn.; dt• t1•1(11C u•f•I Atd11~on fup•·" 1 y S1lnlc\ r, .,, Fn E[J ITT ED Hu· 1mlls will b .. opt-1n tw1wP .. f1 U1t1 h11ur, ''' r 00 tl rn and 8 00 m ll •J!J lu~ares oe. vo t.Jt.HJn ~'lar.m ,1ltutfH,s •'ntte hu, ho,as df! las 7 00 I rTI y IM 8 00 ti nt I Clly Clark Nency C. Aowlend. City Clerk of the City ot lrvtne ltvln•. Callto<nla (S.cret1rlo Munk:lpel de la Ctud1d d• lnlne. C111!01nle) Dated: Aprll S, t982 (F.chedo: 5 de Avrit de 1912) Put>ll1hed 011110• Coe•I Dally Pllol. Aptll •. 15, 1"2 1829-lt tPubllcldo:Or1no• Coeal O•llr Piiot. 9 de ev•ll d• t!ll2, 1 18 de ewrtl de 1tn1 1'2M2 HOMINHS FOR PUBLIC 0'"CE (CANOIOATOa PAlllA OFICIO PU8LIC0) ptlUC MOTlCE NOTICE IS HIAEBY OIVEN 11\111 11\e following persons hive bNO 00· m1na1ea for Ille othces t>eremalter nwi1woneel to be flltea at 11'111 c;-a1 Municrpal ElectlOtl lo t>e hel<I 1n 1M t nv of Irvine Of' Tue$d1y the 8th dey 01 June 1982 (NOTICtA U OA POR EITI'. MEDIO que lot sigu1entas c1na101t01 hen 11do nom1n11oos p•ra tos or1c1os aqu1 aentro mencionedos que seren ocuplldos en 11 G-1•t ftecc!Ofl MunK:lpel que lendre luger en la c•u<l.•O dtt lt'Vlne mar111 Ii dte 8 Oe j\Jnlo de 11182 I '()411 MIMIM!R OF THI CITY COUNCIL Vote '9f r.o (I) (PAlllA 10010 al LA JIJNTA MllNIClttAL) Edwnrd A Dolnen (Vote "°' doe (I)) C0tnmunlty Cotteoe ProfellOr (Prot.-or de CotlOJO comun111i Be1oer11 WIOl'ltf' Comm11n11y I.elder ti.Ider Comunal} L•trY Agtan Irvine City CoullC)llmeml>tf (Mternbro dtll ConeeJO Municf. pal ae trv1ne1 ,.... Jolin N1kaOll1 Mtmber Boara or E.ducellOll, I U SO. TMttmOl'O, Junte di fducaCIO!l. , u s D I Bltt Pout 1.0Cll 811aln-Owner M•ttorl• J Keiaer "•11•.0 Col Jubll1del Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Friday, April 9. 1982 CT APWlr~to SPACE STATION PROPOSED -The des ign. proposed by a John- Artist's .rendering illustrates a son Space Center study group. command module in place in an calls for t l to operate in low Earth orbiting space operations center. orbit with a crew of 8 to 12 people. .DEATHS ELSEWHERE OXFORD. Conn. (AP) -Mark T. McKee, 94 , who served on the board of directors of Pan American Airways for 30 years, died Tuesday MOSCOW (AP) Pavel Rotmistrov . 82. a Soviet army mars hal. died. Rotm1s trov was a W orld War ll h e r o and commander of S oviet troops in Germany after the war. -------- Builder financing talk set Ways for buildt•r s set'- king to f1nann' h ornc coo structaon anti obtain m o rtgages fur buyers will be to p1'°s of a semi· nar April 29 sponsort·d by Profcss10nal Bualdt-r m agaiim• and tht• CPA farm o f K l·nneth Lt·Vt•n thal and Co The seminar . thl' third tn a series. takes platl' at tht• South Coast Plaza hotel, Costa Ml'sd The o the r t wo were· ht-le.I 111 Hous t o n dnd Lo!> An g l •les P'UlllC NOTICE FIC flTIOUI IU81H£H NAME ITAllMENT 1 ne lt>4low1ng p .. •on• att domo Du" ~ ...... OESEA1 ENILAPfllSES. 1201 Wul l o \lelo Aveou<O Su11e 900. 0t1nge Calll<H nia D2668 w 1111am E 011ermllle1. Jr TrusiH nt the Otte,,"11ter lntet VIYOI Trutt dl~•d Apr~ 21. 1979, 633 Udo P11k Wey,~ ... po11 811.w;n. Ca111om1a 92603 Jonn w Hengesn. T1u11" ol '"" Hon· oesn Inlet \111101 fru.t1 dated AuQUlt 9 1979 IS~b 1 BHcl'lm<t~I Sa<>l8 Ana Cal 1l0<nt• 1)2705 Jonn N Honoes11 fn.1stee lttui tlatement ••• tiled 'lllrttn \ne County Cler• ol O,ang~ County ,,., MalC" 30 198i .1ecu-•tc-AllW....,. at law F-1..,,t/IF-W-Fareo •-•no elO Newpc><t C-fot OrlH _ _,_,CA-,,_ Put>h•l'\•O O•aoti1• t,o•st U•1•.,. P11ot AP'~ 2 9 16 il 1981 1~29 81 •• ruauc NOTlCE flCTITIOUS au1111u1 NAME I TATUHNT ftt• to·~11t·f1Q CM!f'M>f' 11 doing but1ft4!:» NIUC NOTICE .. OTICI fO Ci.I011'0RI °' IUU TltANIJllt tteo. t101 .. 101 u.c.c.i Notice ii hereby !!!_VfJI\ 10 uw tr• Ciiio•• ot MAUACf:N OdWNfV ll•nttlllOI #llOM bu••n•H •dd<•H II',, ' 301h SllNI City QI Ne .. PO<I 8181..h couniy of Ol•nve State of C911tc11111• th111 • but~ u•ntffll 1t &boul tu b• n1a1111 t~ KC 6 AN f I· NANCIAl IN(; • Ctl1tornt• eorpQ 1111on 1111n1terff• wfloM bu•m••~ 1dd1ou 11 14101 South Yo•b~ 'itr .. t Suite 4'00. City ot Tu111n. Countv ot Oranoe S111a ol Cahror nto• r1111 vropmty 10 h41 lt•11ett1Hnd •• dHtllb!Kf 111 Qtlll•rnl "' All ~lo<.~ m t•o<HI. l1~tur111 equ1pmen1 11110 goOd will ol thot Perfume ShOp business known °' 1'11'.RFUMlS OF LIOO. and locat•d 01 3412 V111 Oporlo Clly Of Newport Beach County of Orange Atllllt ot C111ilorn10 Tl\8 riulk t1•n1t111 will 011 c.om.um· 11101tt10 011 ot ulleo lho 27th day 01 April 1!18:.> .11 1000 ff m 111 WES l ERN MU llJAl f SC ROW CORP Ann Ardith Rustolt whoMt ad<J•vn 11 14081 Soutn YortJa Suit., 10 I Tu111n Cfthfornta Thal lhO IA'1 day hH t1tono c.1a1m' 1n tho escrow 1ute1 reel 10 li11<11or1 1a April 26, 1982 So IA• 81 is known 10 lhe T1d11~ to•ee 1111 ou11n•1~ name~ .;ncJ .10 11•1'~\t'> u'ed by the Transteror fur thC' p.1~1 ttuH yea1s Jro tt11: sam•• Dc11PU Ap11I 2 1982 KE8AN FINANCIAL. INC A Celllornla corporetton Mehmat U9ur lrt11un, Pre1lden1 Tran•l•r•• NIUC MOTICl PtcmlOUllUIMll NANI ITAflMINT r11e tOitOWtno 0«10111 .,, ooing bullf_ .. 8POAT TRENDS (fl.4911\jlACIWara "llP••Mntallv••I J900 WHletly Pl N9Wl>Qft 8"ct1 CA t2680 Jamet C Harmon 10 CeC11r Tr .. L1', IMne, CA 9211& Frank 0 ChrlllenMn 1012 l • Oona Court. Fountain Vafl•Y. CA 112708 0 1ry A O atarholl 8 Almond Tr .. ~n llVlf,., CA 112716 l 1111 bUtlllfJlt II COndUC:lttO DV I l)ell8!91 Plllrterllllp Jame• C H•1rnon Thi• ttotemant w11 11111<1 w1tt1 Ill• County Clark of Or11no• County on March 31. 11112 Ptlla42 Publlahed Oreno• Cont Cally Pilot Aprlf 2. 9. t6. 23. 1982 15:>7·82 P'U8llC tlQTICE "CTlflOUI IUltNUS NA• ITATllMNT rtl• 1011ow1ng 11eu1on1 .,. doing bul l _ ... PERFUMES OJ UDO 34 n Illa Opor10 N-Port 8Mch c.J1l0tnta 82663 K•b•f"I F1nanc1e1 •n< • l..•l1tnrn1• j~t '' 111•10 I .. 10 I ~· •1U fVlf t tt•t•I •I h lu .. I t I ft f '41 I •• t 140 TNt ,,.._ It c~l.O by • totPO •llOl'I K.eO.lf.,,.,M.. ... ''" • taltfOfnt-a eotPOfeht-"'• ,_ ... , , ........ . l•. I• Ht•• 1\1t•mtnl ••• ft••tJ ••th the ;;ounty Cito• or Cit-t:ounty on APf1I ~ 1982 I vol"''"" 01 "'9" t.oa't Od11, P ,._, '"' A1.ir.1 '\ 1·182 1!>!:11 82 Publllned Ooa~u• ton• Oa1ty Pllt>t Apt~ 9 16 23 JO 1981 182• 82 I rueuc NOTICE ------rtJ8llC NOTICE FICllTIOUI 8UllNlS$ NAMI ITAffMENT f f.o I il!•1"91l••4 '1•1 1f1 tit 1111•11\I l1U• 'I P'U8llC llOTICE ITATUOl(NT OF WfTHOflAWAL Ff!Olllll l'AllTNElllNIP OPEllATIMO UNOEll FICTITIOUS IUllNUI NAMf tne r~ow•no D6'50'1 M.1 w•lhdr•wn as 1 o•n•,•• Oltlner trom •he par1ners,,1p HOTICE or PUBLIC 14l .. lllHG ruauc NOTICE FICTITIOUI avt1NEH NAiii£ STATEMENT I""' fohnt1t "9 peno11" •'" drnnu lm\• "'""Wt. POllf ~t<ARMAC.> l'IL JllO W a-I.lo• 8hrd ,., ..... """' t"eac.it ( • ,fulfu• 916'>J W1U·•m H W•gnet "°"' ~''·•'""•'• Jnc-• C•t1to1r111 COUiOf•l•O" , , 'l l . Ountl Tust•n C811fr.,,to•• ~'ICJ',, Marci• WAQfl.. POft PhlH'•tKy / 1 1 t L.Cuestl fustN"I Ca ,torn'• 9170(, I TAT&MIJIT °'A.a•~ M Utl Of PIC ttflOUt IUMllHNAMI .~ ':.".. i.:-;;:i:;:: :..:.:.":*' 11rv11101>1t Af.Al ry w12 W••min••tt "-w .. ,,,_,.. c.,.'°'"'-t1&» Tne Jocl1ho"' .._._ N-•-•ed IU •O<r'I• ••• f•'9d Mt 0..,"\I. Cc.Nf'1 .. U'I MIY 11 lt71 Jen· MUI C.,.p t Ct~ll'f"'• «l'POll l""1 bl \I w .. 10..ntt.f Aw•~ W•.ttm1,,1let Cll1l()O•~• 9,11) ff'tlt W••o•'t ••t C:Of\414.Kt•t ll't • c1tf ptWeiKl'fl JenM0t r.OftJ JMW1 ~,.,.,, t'f4...0•rll 1 rua atat•mer1i ••• flled wtth thw ~Vohl'; (.:t.t~ OI O.ettt.ia• Gwnty Vfl Mtuctt I t IW~/ ,, .... f'u1Jt11neo Oran.A• t;o••I Oa1Jy fl+h>t t.tar"r' i8 ""'H 2. 8 16 lffSl 1370 82 ruauc MOncr H7to NOTICE TO CRfOITORI OF IULK TltANIFfA AT PUILIC AUCTION NO TICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to th• C••dltore Of ST AR-SCREW PROOUC TS, INC , Trensteror whoae bu11ne11 aodrHs ts 3585 Cadlllac Ave . Cos1e Mesa County of Orange. Slate of Cetofcxnia tht11 • bulk transfet IS •bout IO ~ ma11 at Publlc 'Aucllon ot property to ca1t1CJ " 3585 Caolltac Ave . Costa Mose County of Orange State ot CaJ1torn1a Sa111 properly os dascr1bad m oeneral as SCREW MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT OI that AUTOMA· TIC SCREW MACHINE PlANT business known 111 STAR·SCREW PRODUCTS INC Aucnon ,.111 Do conducted by TAUBER-ARONS AUCTIONEERING CO INC Aue uon-oo the 271h dey ot Aprtl 1962 at 10 30 O'CIOCk A M HI 3!>85 C•d•lloc Ave . Costa Mesu. County of Orange. Slate ot Cafl tornl• The 1 ... ,.,,, ol the Sale will be lex cash So let a& known to the Aucuo neeo all bullness nume9 and ad· dr11s541s uMtd by lhe T1ensleror lor the three years rest past. are lauber·Atons Auctioneering Co Inc. 3397 Berham Blvd . Los An- geles lL A ~ CA Tauber.Arons Auc11oneer1ng Co . tnc w111 not t>e ac1tno as es· crow holders end will not accept 01 pay vedttor 1 c1a11n& Oiled Aprtl 1 t 982 BERT ARONS. Auc.uoneer PuDhshed 0111nge Coas1 Dally Piiot April 9 1982 1574·82 rueuc NOTICE NOTIC« TO COHTllACTOfll 1 f'Mt noflC-f' 11 putMtll'lied a.nnu~ 1n It(, COtdM'M'fl: wtth ptOM.on• 01 tM CaJ,ttUt"..i E<Jut.•11011 Code Sec11or 19649 S hJ1 tel\ool Otllricll on bf!ftalt QI tM ,,~,~ OI Coall-Aelj""111 lkwpal.,.\AI Poog •I m N~l•1tht1an01n.g Ui• prow111ont of £ ouot•Otl Coo" 'iecuon 396•0 '"" ,,., Ult<. K'100I d1•1tt<.I m11 recfo1ve U'\fO,mst D+<h ano 1waut Wt\h.Ctt ""''*' lltlO• •\ •M•<Jil•ed tf'\ ~hi Of ... , ttian I '1000 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 D A I L y · NEW YORK (AP Helen Lawreoson, 74, a long-time magaime wn· ter and editor whose fu-st success was a 1936 arucle titled "Latms Are Lou sy Lovers." dlL''Ci hcrf>. fDRTHI RICORD FOUNTAIN VALLEY COMMUNITY HOSPITAL March 12 Mr dOd Mrs Do11ald (,ervanlf<S Wes1mlnster boy Metch 14 Cory Oavos dntl L 1ll1Jn r 1IJHI':> Hu111111<1tun Bt!ath boy R eg1strat1on tor tilt' 8.:m am seminar ma\ be.· madt' by c alling Pro· f CS!>tonal Builc.11.;r , 800-621 -l4H . or th e Nt•wport &•ach o ffice or K e nneth Leventhal anc.I Co , 6'10·5000 A $195 registrc1t10n fee 1ndudes lunc h and semt· n<.ir mall'ric.tb Building topic of p 1 l ENC.tNE£RtNC. 2~0 Souln F•1utf'w S•""t.a A"• t.:.1~t0t~• 9110• M.chae4 W1IH•rri Ploto 230!) Wat~ S.nta Ana C'\hl<Hnoa 9/704 hos t>u~meu '' co"duct•d I>)' •n in OIY'C>uai t.ticnael W Piiio fhis tJatement wit tiled w1Ut lh• Counlr C~• 01 Ol•"O" Coo111y on Mai.II 17 1982 F lts..OI Put>ll$hed 01 •nuo Coa•t 0"1'( P1lo• M0<<n >9 ie A1>tol 2 9 1992 16S 82 flU8llC NOTICE f'ICITTIOUI aUllHHS NAM€ ITATENINT rn.e toUowm~ pe,too1 1te dotnQ bu~i r1na ., OOMi>mos CONS TAI.IC Tl()N 80• 16293 ltvme C•"lon11a 92' 13 270 I S fa1r ... 1e• •PS S1rite An• Cahtorn•a 91704 • Frink 0omt"90• 2701 S r.mvtew •PS Santo An1 CaitfOfnia 9'704 t<ennetri O••• Oom1ngo1 '701 S r_.....,. •PS Santi Ana C .. fO<ft•I 9'7().4 0..S --tS <""®t:le<l D• • OO"f!' Al ~=:~~V~£":~~:R~~~~s,:1u3•;~11~:! A•" co.ia Meu CA 92627 f M hctit~ tMliJNtSI n1""° i1at"""ent t~ 1n.e paHnflfsh1P Wl.i Med Of• Ap(1I A 1990 ,,, ,,,. County ol 0.aO>ge ffl E NO ~ 13~S97 Fvlt Name ano A00'"' or 1ne Pttncm w11no,1w•no Pt1llltt king 1993 1 Eoge "'QO(J t 1nw Huntu-.0,01• ~Kh CA 92646 Pnylh1 KHtQ Publ10n•d Oo•ngo Coatl Daily P1101 Moren 16 Ap111 2 9 I) 19111 100·8? ruauc NOTICE Mae I Wagrl4tf PtJ4t Pt\atmaq· tr t8 N r1ow"' ~lnll Ana C.aht0trua 9170f fh,, tJuS•~., 1~ IJ.lf\<JUC.180 l•• I COfp(. PUA 1 t'~iAfOJIAl 'f IN~ W1~4•m H w~.,nm Prttstd•nl Otwneuft frm•n.'1tl M""•O*' tn1' slat•m•nt ••• 11110 ... 11,, 1ne County CkWk of Or•ftUt! County on Mattn 9 198, flMno ~uoll,ned Or1r100 toa1t Oa11., Pilot M•1 19 26 .. pr 7 ~ 1987 132'·8? rueuc NOTICE FICTrTIOUI IUl-98 NAME ITA,.._NT I h4t IOll<1wing IM'"°"' are oo.ng "".. I IT" TlMENT Of NH u A•ANOONMENT Of Bill M~GUI AE ENTERPRISES USE OF ,ICTlllOUI 10061 !al-I A_...., Sutla 1 Founlaon 9UllM£11 NAMI \rall"'!I CA 0'108 n.. IOlio->Q ~ """" ab""°°""" 81ll Mc.GUIRE CHEVROLET •NC 1 lh<I u"" ol lh<I llClll!Out bU-n- tt..-.. '°"'"IM.." may b4P l •ltOf!d du ring th41 cunent c.ttktnd•r tNr tor genetal ~MJ.nMftnQ C)t""'aJ bo•ldinQ end VIUtWS t.pAC111tr ton1'klf>' MW'ltCM o1 -ntrirm•I l>KIJ•nt,1 \. tGeit1Mfd COt-.h6c.IOlt wnD dMM9 tu IHI! Ul•\.eO "" bid hsl• IO• the purpose Of lot.94~H10 l<>'iCUlhC>nl '°' lrltOfrTtll 01ds fOf wOl Iii w1tr,•fl tn.,., 1pec:i.1~1y t11eas are ttn cou• eged 10 ma~ft apphc.41t1on d11ecUy to th~ 0~11nc1 ottiee •• rottowa P..,1 llftyder, l<1per111t-r Co••ll•n• A•g1on11 Occwp1tlon11 P100,•m UOl H•,1>01 81•0 !lull• C 1:1 Cotta Meoo, Ce. 9a27 • I,,' I I 11 I• ·~fl I ,1 I •• I I Oaoa•are <orpora11on 10081 1 olb••I KEYSTONE RE Al TY 8517 w .. 1 A.;enue Sun• 1 f ounta1n V•U•'f CA rNnltM Avenue W"\m1nit., C•htoin1a • t 97708 92683 fhtt ~..,. ... '" CondUC190 b., • t.OIPo Jan~Mot Cotp • Ca;.IC)fn•• CO'POft p I L 0 I t M r and Mrs Steven Coleman Fountain Vall+'v Qlll Mr and Mrs w .111am Ct.iv Fou11 lo•n Vall!!y 9111 March 15 Mr and Mr!. Cr,1•9 CdffOH P• Huntongton Beach t.oy Mr •nd Mr\ Sieve (.r.it>er Wt I minste1 gtrt Cvnthod Hl!ndtev Hunl "<llOrt B .... cti ooy Mr .inu Mr~ Ru~SPll lhOllll'l\011 Huntinoton Beach. oirt Mr ann Mos 0<'nn1• t.od1t "' Balbua 1s1 .. 11<1 g111 March 11 Mr a1111 Mos Sru,111 McR011tJ11 Hunttngton Boach 9111 Mt .ind Mrs Aru,wan Si1lrlt1r111v1 Fountain Valley boy Mo 1Hld Mo• M1ct1uel V.11 wo1i.1 Costa Me•a boy March 17 Mr dnd Mr ~ Robt.rt Emt"V Fountain Valley !Joy Mr and Mrs Michael lOmdS•,l)y Cos1a Mes<1 bov Mt and Mrs Alan ::iemtow CuslJ MKa gift March 11 Ml and Mrs David Bush r ountd"' valley g•rt M o ano Mrs Wayne 01>11n"1011 Hunhngton B<•dCh boy Mr .ind Mrs Chester S1mmoM Huntington BeJ<.h ll"' March 111 Mr and Mrs Paul Bartels Hun• 1ngton Beach q1tl Mr ano Mrs l1111v Woods Foun taln Valley. boy Mr and Mrs R1c;hard DetJnev Wes1rn1nsll'r qui Mr ano M rs Geraro Hanigan Hun11n9ton Beacn Doy March 21 Mr .ind Mrs M1ct1aet Sp11nq Huntington Beach boy SAN CLEMENTE GENERAL HO SPIT AL March 12 Mr and Mrs Raul l OPl'l San Clemente boy March 13 Mr and Mrs Ch11s Kol'qel Sa" Juan Cep1s1r ano girl March 14 Mr and Mrs Juan G111ouno D~na Point. Doy Mr and Mrs Kris WalcoH. Dene Potnt. boy Merell 15 Mr and Mrs Mario B&htina Onn11 Po1n1 g11I March 1f Mr and MIS Mlllk Llllle San Cle· mente boy Mr and Mrs Derek Perkins Cap.. strano Beach Doy Mr and Mrs James WhOrtey Sen Clemente boy March 17 Mr and Mrs Kenneth Thach San Clemente. twins boy •no girt Mr and Mrs Phtlhp Colten C•c>t· strano Beach O"' Mr snd Mrs Carl LMnoston Dana Point boy March ti Mr and Mrs Jaclde Patock San Cletyen18 boy WEITSl'H MIDICA1. CENTER '"""r' tO Mr ano Mra Thu Nguyen, Coat• Meu. DOy cm1nar "Build to Suit a nd Lease -Or Wh.it lf an Owner Doesn 't Want to SC'll H ts L and" will be the topic of an Apnl 21 S<>mmar It will be spon sored by Southern Ca l1 forn1a t·h apter 12 of thl' Ct•rll· ftcd Commcrn<d lnvc>st mrn t M cmbt·rs .:i t the Arrporwr I nn o n Ma· t·Arthur Boulevard. Ir· Vint'. at 9 am H o n M vles. CCIM. o f D e nve r : a p <.irtrH•r i n Harlan & Mvles. will b<' the speaker F o r anformatto n . t'all 850-1235 Then· will be a $15 c harge for lunc h and tht• program Marketing meet set • James F M o ntgomery. president and chairman of the board f or Great W estern F'manc1al Corp .. Bcverlv Hills. will be a s peake r 1n Walke r & Lee. l nc.'s e ighth annu a l Insight program April 29 a t the Disneyland H otel m Anaheim. Montgomery will dis· l'USS changing marke t cond1t1ons a nd the role o f financ1ah~nstitutions in r eal estate W e ll tes ts SAN JOSE (AP) - OCfic 1als o f the Santa -'-""" Kennetn Qom.noos ln1• st1tam•n1 ••• hied wun lhe eovnr, C1et• ot Or-Counrr on MOICh 17 1981 rel~ B _,,. 11~n 6-fitl W•1tm1,,ster Av~u• W•tl • M""""• I " .. rts•e< CaMcwn.a 1')2683 cw'!"'°"'~ ~cG • 5, ,. "w"'~ •• ·~uc:t•d •·• ~ ,_~ ---.~~- P'U8llC NOTlCE l n.a "tt•t•ment ••s I led ••I" lf'I• Jattet a...m•+i Pf"Mt<>enl T.S. No. 7551C).8 Pt-I I Ja~ "'°' Cotp NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE t.out\l~C.-of<>n••'O"Counryon ""'" 1 '~'' st•lem-nl .,..,. '''"" •11" '"" BENEFICIAL MANAGEM ENT '"""' IH7 Count C""' of °'"""" {.ounly on Mltci> PubH>"•O O••too• CoH• O•"Y P.1~1 Cllrteton .. ,,, Farlo, Mc:Ooft,..H, •n1111•. 2• ,9~2 CORPORATION 01' AMERICA as '4•• 19 i6 Ai>• • ' •982 1307 41 w..,, a -~ duly o1ppo1n1ed T1ustee under the I Att•MJ• •• l.9• PutA•,"'•d "·•"O• Lr_.,, 0 .. 1,~ J• I following desc:rtbed deed ot •rust rueuc NOTICE -EM! La-· ... d r.1 ... ,, '" .. "'., .... ,,~2 , • u 6,, wrll snL Ar PUBLIC Auc110N La IWHa CA ~1 FllMT• TO THE HIGHEST BIOOER FOR FICTITIOUI IUlltffH NAME IT A TEMENT Th@ 'ot"aw·no C)eft()n IS OOtno t,u,,,,,.s,s as LITTLE WINC. PAOOU(. !IONS 186 Vuv m•• Piece COJI& M•t• Ceilto1n1a 92627 '<••t S1epnen D'ttws 186 vug1n1a P•ace C.osta Mesa C1111orn1a 92617 This bu11ntts1 11 condurted by .,, ,,, tJtYtdlAt K•rt Otew, lh1\ •t•1emen1 "'il' t11~0 w1t"1 the Counry Ctftfk of Ota~fl Count~ on MMCh 17 •982 Puousneo <>••"II• CoHt O•••r Pilot l'tJ8llC MOflCE CASH (pay•bte al hme of sate 1n I .. "'" 9 18 13 .)() 111s' 1626 8' lawful money 01 lhe Un119d Stares) all rioht. hlte and 1nteret1 conveyed •••ttC -nee FICTITIOUS •UllNUS lO Ind now tleld Dy II unde1 sa111 ruv "" NAME lllATlMENT Deed of Trust In lhe property he· NS-92503 NOTICE OF DEATH OF MARY VERA BLA CKS TOCK AND OF PETITION TO ADMINISTER ESTATE NO. A-112769. ,,ie!:@a!011ow1t1g ""'°'\nn-. eff'I 01')1"0 tn.111 remahet described v ANO c PAOPfP •1£!. 1~ t11 "''Y TRUSTOR Bill GLENN BOMAN 0011, Cucle W"'"" "''" Cohlr,.n11 ancJ OE BRA VALORIE B OMAN 9168 l husband and wife as joint 1enants "'•<1•ne1 '" V~"'"c1 6~6' tl••t<len C11 BENEFICIARY COAST HOME ct~o~~~~n:•~.~~::." 6~~~,ri~~:.:~~11 LOANS INC ci. Hunllngton BMC!• C.•h•O<n•a 926• 7 Recorded June 24, 1980 as mslf oom•nit A •"" Londa "' ve11uc" No 2!> 178 m book 136.ol.ol paoe 311 1~ 111 t.tey-ry C.•cltl WMtmintl.. 01 Otllcoal Records In the of11ce ol FllS..13 Tn .di ~lt'lr~. h1•1lt'f1nJn1~. C.t•'"'"'• 92883 the Recorder ot Orange County, ... :~1\19,,.2~ 0~~1°; ~0~:~2°•:~,:·~~, t· t 1· d 1 t •, r, t• nd lo n l l ngt· n t Jorin L encs Ant\onett• M Cunklin said deed of trust desGt1be s '"e I rueuc NOntE ACTITIOUI •UtllHlll NAME I TAU •NT The toHO*lfWfiJ persont "'fl ctotng ~ .. '*'as H .. R80fl LAW CENTER 3SOO IMnt A...,.,., .._. e..ch Cal>IOf"'I 92980 o .. Kl Magoltoty J 0 lt>e 3'9 San MIQ<Hll 0.-S...tt 14& New!>o<1 V..Cn C11ttonva 92660 l"" bu.,,_. 11 condUCled Dy 1 COfl>O- r1tt0n 0e...i Mag•laoty .I 0 lnC 0avtd Mago .. .., Pr-I Thta •tatet"le'1t wet ltle d w1tt1 '"• Counl\I Cler~ of Orange County°" ,\pro 6 1982 n •no PutJ1l1,,e<1 Or1nge Coatt Oa11, Pilot ""'11 9 18 l3 30 1082 t82S-82 rueuc NOTICE FICTTTIOUI IWtM•t NA!lft ITA TEMINT The IOl'-nQ l*llOtl II clotng bU-1 •• A~EAICAN PRECIOUS INTERNA· TIONAL. '77-F Rl-11611 Ot1ve, "-' Beacn. CA 92863 ROBERT l . BOGGIO. 122 I W Cot.II flwy • Newpon 8Mcll CA 92603 Thi• bu11ne11 11 conducltd by en In dl"'®al ~1 l &ovo•o Thlt atetemen' ••• Uled •l1h ""• County ci.~ 01 0.anQ9 Counly on Aor• 7 1982 ,1_1 Publllhed Or1nge Cou t Oally Pllol jlOfM 9. te. 23. 30, l982 1"9-82 1·11•d1lor,ul MAHY VERA ~~"'°'"Y"•~ L""'"~ie C.iMorni• follow1ngpropeny 1 ..., 0 1 The land referred to In this gua- BLAl'KSTO<'K ,1111t po·r~ons ""';;:,:~~en• onou<• ~ 4 9""e<• runtee 11 slluated in the S1a1e ot ~ h 11 m .1 y h l' 11 t ht r \.\ t 'i 1 t.to<"-.. ve11u.:c Caflfom1a County of Orange and os 1nll•rl"-ll'\l .m th1• wtll and u 11 j n' 11at~m""' ~0 l.ito ,.11' '"• dirscrlbed as tollows · C.wn1, ""' ot ·yo •0i!+ Co.mi,"" Ma<cn LOI ~ of Traci No 10513 In the '''t.111· 1' iqe2 Clly of Cos1a Mesa Counly ot I\ fl\'11111111 11 .... ·~···n l tlt•<l p bl>heO O•ono• Cou• Oa•l~I= Orange State or C•hfornta as per h\i JAM ES A FH YE 111 tht .,.,,~,, '19 26 AP'• • q 1qe2 12s1.a2 map recorded 1n boOk 448 paoes s 'u p<·rtor Court u( Orang1 I 45 to 47 inctusove Miscellaneous ••••t" -hf'( Maps on the ottoce ot the Cou,,ty Cuunty rt•qu<••;t1 11g that rvD\ i. ""'"' Rec0<d8< of 5111d County J r\ M ~:S A F HYE bt• a p EXCEPTING from said l•nd. an l''"nlt'll a~ p<'r:'>onal r1•prc· ~~~T·A~:.O":ras und1v1ded one-fourth tnteres1 In end \t•nt.JllVt tu admin1.,11•r lht o l>U to'" crude o1t petroleum, gas I V E ~e.~o11o""no ""'"'"' at~ 0 "II " brae esphattum ano all tundred 1<,tJlt o f MARY Ht\ O &W COMPANV ~791Rooe" SYbstancesandoth8<m1neral1un· BLAC K S1 Ol'K N1•w port o""'' Hun11ng1on Benn Ca1oloin•1 der and m Hid l•nd as reserved on &·:n h. CA iundN ihi· lndC'-926•9 •hf' df'!•tl from l Allhur Burgess Jonn r 0 Conn«• '' 578 1 Rogers and others recordeO January 9 pt.•ntlull Adm1ntstrat111n uf 011•e Hun1•no1on BHcn C11ttnrn11 1957• in booN 3754, page 328 E.,t.al~ At·t) Thi• l>l.'\lllllO I!. 926•:01,,ce W•ed•monn ~781 Rogers OlllClal Reccxds 30 ,;c,•t ftir hl'aring rn Dt.•pt No .J O•"• Hun11noton Boen Catolo•n11 3057 Yulton Circle. Cosla Mesa. 111 701> C i v rt· Cr•nt<·r Drivi · 9:>rn!C><J .. -•Honduelfldby10-a1 CA iif a s1ree1 address or common1 W<>St. Sanw An.1, CA fl:.!iOI part,,...th•P daa1gn•llon Is shown above, no on Apnl ~ 1. 1982 at Y::10 li m tnis ,,.~:!:~~ ::~!~n with the warranty Is given as to Us comple- 1 F YOU OR.I ECT 111 the County CIH\ ot Otanoe Cou111Y on Marth teneu or c0<rectness)." The bone· f h 31 1982 llcfary un<ler s111d OMO of Trust, by g ranting u t t• pC'l1t1on. you ,,_ reason of a breech or default In the sh Quld (•tthcr appc>ar at the Publ1tned O•ano~ co .. 1 oa11y Plfo•. obllgatlona u cured thereby. here- hearini.: 1ind '-lltll' your oh AP'll 2. 9. •fl. 23, •982 IAl!l-82 tofora execu1ed end delivered to I · t.. the und8<slgned a written Oeclera-Jl 't' l Ill n S or tic• written 01J· P'lllUC NOTICE lion of Del11u1t end Demand tor JC'Cl1o ns Wtth thl" ('OUrt b<'· Sate. and written notlee of breach fort• tht' hN1ring. Y our ap· •nd of election to ~UM the under· Pl':Jranct• may bt.• tn p erson' NOTICE TO CREDITORS algned to tell aald prop«ty to sal-OF BULK TRANSFER tsly said obflQallooa, and tlleteaft8< or by your attornl'Y 1S•« 1101-1101 u.c .C.) the underslQned caused said notlcle IF YOU A RE A CREDI Nohce is he•eby 91vcn to lhe ere· of breach and of erection 10 be Clara County H ea I th PUil.JC NOTICC Department have order· , _________ .___ TOR or a 1•onttng<'nl crrotlor d1tor~ of CHARLES G MYUNG Recorded December 31, 1981 H of th(' d<'l'<'a sed . you must Transte1or whos•• home addre'~ is 1n•tr No 38<1411 ot :Jsid Othc11I Re· · 7 Che<ry Hills LAno City ot Newport cords ed hundreds o f public water wel.15 -serving a total o f 100,000 people - tested for chemical con - tamination. r ti{' y 0 u r t I aim w Ith th(' Beac;ll Counly ot 01anoe St&lfl ot Said .... Wiii be m•O•. bul WI· The Calllcxnie State Solid Wes1e (OU rt o r prust'nt rt to th<.> Caftlornoa that a bulk tr11nst•r 11 thout covenen1 OI w9rranty. e•press Management Board has received a p<-rsonal reprcsenUlllVl' ap· aboul 10 be m 11oe 10 PAUL ex tmplle<S. regardlno uoe. po- qrant 11~11cat1on for a recyctono CHENG-VIE WANG and RICHARD tlon. ex encumbfancet. to pay tile pro0ram from thl' City ot l1v1ne Fo• prnnll'd by thi• court Within CHENG·LUNG WANG Transferees remaining principal 1um of Ill• rno•e 1rttcxmal•on about av111tab11tty four mo nths from the date of wnosenome aoore5' os bllJll t:tnet nolet•l aecured by H id OMd of or copies ano!theduled Mar1n1>s Cirst issu a nce nf lrtters as Avenue C11y ot North Hollywood Trott, with ln1eres1 ea In said note call 19 16132J-Ot27 or w11111 Grants provrdt'd In S<'l'ttun 700 of County ot Los An9etes Stale of provodad. advance•. 1f any, under 1n1ormat1on Soho Wast11 Menaoe· Cahforn1a the 1trm1 ot 1atd Oeed of Trull. Nil.JC llOft( rnent Bo111d 1020 Ntntll Street th<' Probate Code ttf Califor-nie prape<ly 1o be tuinst8<rlld 11 '-· ctiarge. and expenMS of llle ----------.--/ SUtll' 300 Sec•emC'nlo CA 9!>8 u n 1 a The t 1 m e (o r (ti 1 n g dl'SC"be<l 1n general 11s All stoc~ 1n Truatae and oltlle 1ru1t1 created by CMAlfTEll NO. 1u11 Pu1>t111>e<1 0r•"91! Coas1 Oa~y Pl· claims will not explre prror to trade. ll•turn l!<lU•prnent end OOOd Mid OellCI of Trust. Seid Nie wtll be co 1111 PT R o L l E 11 o F t ME tot Ap11t 9 145 n t9B2 1629-82 { 1._s Crom the date o{ will 1hat Restaurant bu11neu known held on Monday. M•y 3 , 1982 111 CURRENCY T'~•U•Y Ofl>artmenf 01 o ur m o n "' 119 KUNG WON RESTAURANT and 2 00 p,,, II 11111 Cllapman Avenue uw unttHSt•tH, w .. hl"9t""· o t NIUC "81'( the h earing n o uC'ed above. toca1eo al JblU tut t.n1pm1n t.1ty entrance to th• Civic c.nter 8vll· wh~e.K ,..,,f.ctorv •• ..,.,... "•• y OU MA y EXAMINE or Oranoe County ot Orange, State ding. 300 EaJI Chapman Avenue. tn Maret\ 11 been P,._,ecl to ,.,. ComPlrooer or h fl k b h If of Calilorni11 '11'te Cltv ol Orange, CA. Mr artd Mrs Donald w111ace. Ir· '"" Currenc Y th al "1 NT ER'"' ~IOTT'flOUI llUIMH t ~ 1 c ept Y t e court. The but~ t19nifor w111 be con.um· Atthll time of th• lnltlat publlca· Vft'le. girl CAPISTRANO NATIONAL BANK NA• ITATl•lfT you are lnU>rested ln the es-meted on or aner Iha 27lh day ol uon of 111t1notloe.tile101a1 amount ------------~•led 111 s.t'I Juan Caot~lr..,o, Stal• rne lollowing !*tan• tto4<1Q .,.._.., tale, you may file a ronuest A~rll. 1982 91 10 00 a m 11 WES· of the unpaid balance ol the obll· •ltJC ·-Of Cellloml•, .,., comptoed with •11 •• • ~-. d b II b d ~· llM proYl•klflsoftMll•lufHOflll<t Unlled AUTO·INTERIOMOFeNOLANU with the court to receive T RN MUTUAL ESCROW Alln o•tlon MCur• "' •• ov• fJ• -------------Stei.t requtred to 11e comj>tleCI wttn 3021 s Or""O" A_,..., S..,11 An•. CA • 1 • f th · Linda Rubenaclle1 wlloae adore11 aorlbed deed of trust and .. umated n101 llJ>41C111 n olll'<' 0 e inven · rs 14081 South v6rbe. Sutt• tO 1. 00111. ••IHlf'HI, and •dvancH I• ncmlOUS .,._.. beiore being aut.horl«fd to ~mm•nct p EA I( { , t d f '\.... ..,... aTAftMIMT 1,. 1111,,_, of l>IW1"'"9 ., • N•'k>"•• t.YNN l •Y M•lH. Ag1 a T,,. tory o esta.e asse s an o Tustin. Callfornra 9211110 Thal Ill• $40,64150 To detwmln. ttM ~ ~,,. fOMoWfrlO .,.,_ 1e dOlng -18ftlllllQAuo<tauon ~;~901 w -...C"'111uf. 1111• Mt. the petitions. accounts and 101 data fo1 1111nq cta1ms In tl\a H · nln~d. you may eall (7 4) M1 , How, trwffiM•. I MtH»y Ur Illy ow11 n 111 tluitn•tt 11 c<1nducled by an in. reporbl d('S('l"ibed In Section crow reterr~ to h11re1n 11 AOlll 28, 937 ftACl'IC MAAKUlNO ANO IUf'PlY lht tbovt 11ame<1 .. 1ocltllo11 h t!Mdu•l 1962 0.ta. ApfH I , IH2. COM~IVjY, 143 c 21111111 .. t. Cottt eu111or1rec1 to comme<1<e IM 1>11t1neu lynn l'lay9r ...... 1200.il of thf" Californ i a so tar 119 11 •nown10 th•"""' aen.ftGlal M8nllOll'l'*lf ~ ~ tau7 10c 21 1111 et Hnlotno •• • N•tlon11 la<1J1•no rn11 11a11mt!ll •o fllto wltn Int Probaw c.od~. ferres. all bu11neu names end 111· COfl>Of•Uon of AmaflCla CO.:'.::. ==-7 • · A~t•llOll Counl)' ca.~ 01 O<~ Counl'f on MarCll CHRISTOPHER T. COF. dreun uMCI by tl\a lr11Mfer0< ror 11 ... d T!'\.191• llliil ..,.._.It COlldUCted by 1111 In· Ill IHllll*IY --wllMtot my 29. 1912 PIN Attomev a1 Law 10'7 Hie ,,..I 1!11 .. ~·.,.the -T o. &eNloe ~ ......,. MlltHltf9fflUtftl•ttlleev Publlalled O••"O• coell 0,~:-J=. :.r. , • F I !)etfl(I AprU t, IOU agll"ll w."' -o.o...., "'' i E . \;ltapm ao Aveaue. u · .,.l~ C'*'O v111 Wang. Patricia A.~ fll1t 11a18111e111wu t11eow1111111t lo/C"8•1e•E 1#'C1 -t.Ajl<ll,t•,lf,tNl 1~ lerton CA t!IJ l· tel. (714) Alcl'lard Cheng.Lung Aatllltantlecnllf)I c-tyC\erlo .. pr._ C...llty ell,.. Acll111C-ro1i.r Call 642-5111. ., ,,·.o . W8"Q. °"'City ltvd Wll9t "'*Y "· ''" tftN~y l· • Ttanlt«-Or~ CA tattl ,_.. Pvat1t1W11 °'"""' ~,, o .. •r _, Put • fell! wor.t1 c PWM~ Ofene. c ... , D•llr ,...., .. It, ... ,.. JMttll l IJ ••• ,. l'Yllll•"" 0.81\fe C.H1OAll)1'1181, l Publlthed Ofenoe Cofft Dtllty Pr. Poblll!Htd rant• o .. , Dl llJ .... lt .... ~ t. • ..., ,.,,.. II I.'·..., , • ., lo WOtll for JOU. ,.... I ,. ' ,.., 1904., tot. Apr~ 9 1ff2 1 ...... 2 Not, Apfll 8, ,,, 13. IM2 IS71-t2 ·---~-~~-----~ c L A s 5 1 I I F l I E D 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 CLASSIFIED INDEX 1~.~~ ............. . rt Pbct Your Ad. Call 642-5678 HOUSES ro• $Al( .,,~ttl h.tbl.. hlaltd k.lbh.t ., ......... . '•"''•"''~··" I 1•.,.•4"' ..... '•Ail•"•u ,......, .... ,.. •11 ... " ••-..M•·•\tl•• 11.,._,9f\ .. ""' tv-•• ft•IM , .... _. .... , l••wA• U1 h ....... ,11.,1 '4 , .... \ ... ,, '••fN' ..... fll ... ~, .,. .... . 'w J ..... , ..... IJ. ....... '"• ...... ~ ... ... ""u , ,,...,. "••ljll h -t """' .11 ... IUl £STAil \+U•I• • '• \~ .. "l'hl,. I tv. ,, ..... ,, tt... ,, I .... _,, • •tt-tht I·• t t4 f• "''. ,, 1(11 '••-".n·•·""'""'' l~l ••· I •I '' • ............ ~ ·~ i. ... ,, ••• 1• fl l1~t., !1 ••! I I •i• .. , . ,..,. ~ • •1 h., .. I I 1 ~·~~II !to oll I! '"·"···· l't·1 ~ "'' ' I ""'"' I j I ....... '\l .. t1 ···1 h. tw I .tin •. M•,1 t ,,, t • r •1 ,. k•• I •h ~ •• 1• I "' 11 .• UNIAlS . . .. SUSIN[SS INY[SI MENI FINANC( 'ti• • .. ... j,.I • V, I ....... I" \1 I ..-.., f• \I '• • ~ • I I' ANNOUNCCMENIS. PERSONALS'· lOSI i FOUND ... H I'• 1, ... 1·· ... 1., .. A ' • 1 .. ,,1• SERVICES [MPI OYMlNI ' PREPARATION II "' M!RCH ANOISf ........... II II•"'" I •• , ••• 1. I , •• 4 • ,,, ... '\I;,, '1•ot' t I ••"' "'" ,, I , .. ,. I "'• 1 11 t '' eom' MARIN( (QUIPMlHT 14io ~! \I.,< I .... ''•'I'" I I ~ ,1 t • •"•' 11. ''"•' "'"· !j, •". ... , ...... . .. ~· ...... . IUNSPORUllON ... ' ~· I ' ' "''' ...... '94w l1 t.-• ~•if••• Y: If ... I• I ' • AUTOMOBIU ,, .,, ... f I I , ... "· ... ........ I .. \ AUTOS IM'1!RIEO .. ' 4 o( It' I• .... •I '"'~~ I ... ... 1 •• It·• 11 '"' .... '"'. ...... l ."• ... ·" .1 l.afftbrll(hi~ 'tt4+\1 \111 , ' II•!! "" 'l•1H .... l't1111. l•t,, .. .. ... ., ..... . "•"•·•" Ku •lit•• k " , ... ..... ...,.,...,1 .. 1 ' .... I ., tti ~ '~'-"·•~· ,_ .. , .. , .... l •t .. ,.,. .. AUIOS. N£W AUTOS. USED ... , ... \JI ,. \ ·~~ l l»M•Hflt. \ .,,,.11 .. ,...,. llo.<l,. ,.,. ll'\ll .. 11•1 l.4•1.0.fl llltft!d. ~'''"' .... , .... , LMnwt.t\• 1'1MO t>i ........ ~··~ n ..... o.ro.rd \h,f .,,. , ... ""' 11•• IW. "" ... EQUAL HOUSING orPORTUNITY PublsMf''s Hotlu: All rt'al n latr 1HI \er11~1·d 1n 1h1~ llt."111 \papt•r 1~ \UbJt't't lo tlw Ft'der.11 t'arr lluu~ mR Act of 1968 111 h1l·h makes 11 1llt'gal lo Jd H•nt!>I" an) preft'r l'IH 1· ltm1ta1111n or d i.) 1nm111.111on bi11tl'd on r al't' 1·olor rehi:1un W\ of n<1llonal 11rtKtn. ui df\ 1t1lt-nt1on In m.i k e .in) 'uC'h preferent e. l11111t<11111n "' d" tnmrno1t1of\ Th" fll'1115paper 14 lll nol k1111111wgl) "''~pt .my .ith t'rt 1 ~1ni: for rt•;il 1..,lal1• -wh1< h 1~ m 'wl.i lion ul lht' IJ111 1------1 .. I .. .. ERRORS: AdnrtiHrs ~d c:l!.ck their-ads daity and rtporl tr- ron i"'""diately. The DAILY ftlLOT aswmu liability for the first i11c:orrtd inurtion Olly. " Houwt for Safe .. .. .. •••.•..••............•• 1002 .••.•.•...............• SUftat SHAR, :I ll<lrm home• 111 tin 111 E't liJ1 f1rt•11IJ<•' .111<1 mo rt• \n"no, 11111111·1 s1~1 \tHt (.ill"''"' !li!I ~Jill ALLSTATE REALTORS OCEA"4FROMT Oro•tic price ~tion for calh lyoWMr. 640-7990 PRESTIGIOUS IAt"t~l~n~·~~~f..t11 .ii 11111\ S:ll'I !,1111 I h" 1 h.111111ni: hnm1• 11111n l l,1,t ltH11( l.m .11t·tl 111•.ir 'l11hh1111" & 11·1111" ltllll'b Ill lh1 111111'1 111 J ~ .ii J \ \ "r "r ti I 1 ,1 11 I hum•' ~ '' l'll1·n1 fmJnt ing J\ JllJhlt· l'J ll for d1:tJ1b 646-; 171 4 IR. ftOOL. Sft A "I'll m.iint;11m•ct pnt11· 11( "" n1•r\h111 htorm· 111 11 h m.in' 11thr1 Jrt11•n1t11•, l ()nh Sh~~.l""' 1 Jll 111114 •mi ~170 ALLSTATE REALTORS What it ... I moons tar ,lj(YUr ad to be c/m;silied .. ,,,, •• I II ' . •I .. .. " ... . .., .. . l repeat appea rances I Tht market for I wh.t Lever vou advert 19e changes cont1nually When you repeal your ed. you rMch new shoppers, occ• "onal shoppe" and thott who 'hop evtry dav Daily Pilat classifled ads 642·5678 OfJPOITUHITY knocks oRen when )'OU u.w rauJl·&etlipl Dally P\lot Cl ... lfled Adi to rtach the Onriit Co11t mirtet For O.UWAd ACTION Clll A M&T N.Of ..__ MMtN Phone .U.lf71 I 'j ~~.~.~···n·~ ~.':':.~ ....... a.~~....... ....................... ....................... .. .................................................................. . •11J11Ct1 IVG •••rlll IOOJ r llOI •••r.t IOOJ •••r• 1002 lt•r.t 1002 l1•rtl 1001 C-.. W. IOU C..Mete IH~ .....•.•.........••.•• . •....................• ···············t.t~·--·· ................................................................................................................... ·~···················· ...................... . RESIDENTIAL ~GAGE SERVICE AfrOIDAll.E FINANCING NOWI 12~\ JO Ye01 Temi • No Coll Dotes New Sole&. Re50le5 & Refinance Noo<>MW Al/Qlable (71,)~ RESIOENflAl REAl ESTAlE SfRVICES BIG CANYON . VERSAILLES OPEN SATURDAY 1-5 First time offered! Magnificent 4 bdrm. den townhome overlooking golf course. Outstanding view and model perfect condition. A best buy at $795.000. LUCY ROSE IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-90Q0 RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTA IE S£RVICES POllSIU $725,HI Count your steps to the bay - it's that close! This NEW 4 BR country styled home offers the ultimate in quality of craftsmanship. "Extras" abound make this a very special property. IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 ILtfFS TUH. LWE/tmll 011 SW Only $12,000 Down. Large Assumable Loan With 30 Year Fixed Rate. Owner Wfll Carry Large 2nd T.D. At Low In- terest. Lovely 3 BR End Unit W!Warp Around Patio 'On Lush Greenbelt. Im- mediate Possession. Only $210,000.' Sally Shlpley's Listing. 759-9100 --......... ,. # 2 c °"* ... Pina Htwport C...ttr STAR GA'ZEK~.,:~ M. f~ Og.t, A(f ,_., (;..,...,,_ ~ V A 10'" ~g 'O '"'• $•t'I r) Jr.,' "' ""'tu~f' fDr Sc.'l' do, tf'Od1ll ,.d\U"''""-V'(j.....,t t1'~' of 'tOUf ZM« t• ''"' \•Q< ,,,., l. " .. >Ill' ""' u-.... .. sv-• )OI..., >t•~ 111"1 "°""' re., )J &"Of...., ... ., ..... . ,,,,,. . ..... .... ,.. tOl..:. .. W"f ..... ti Wor• •t(,.., UM\-~~Okt ,,,,.,. .,1.,.... l.fill'tt1,111,+H ••Qlfllf't 1\0.t Oal'IO ••1.o-«1 .... ''°"" HOl+•r• 1•11..-0 ..... ........ 4 \ltH I 10"'""'""" '°'·~ ,, .. ''°'°"' n11-)1••• ll~IC«I n .. 14WM ~ ..... ,,..,,. ..... of> ~-· ,. .. lO'-• ,,_ )l()o ... ~. .... ,. ..... "'°' ,._ ...... -~c:-s 5:: ,,,,, L OOREB I I I' I I r f. I l!Y[U I· • 1 1 1 r 1 l ,,,.., .... US...-"¥'• ........ .. ,~ .. 6\01 MW•tt 4ri·o n WJO' .. ¥¥••!\ U tihr• ,,,.,.,.., ,, ..... ,, .. , ,.""'" •\to1a~"'G "°' 11,..., ,.,,~ .... ...... t 1¥fr111111 ., .. I.JOO .... ,, 16¥'11 ... ·-. ,,...,.._ __ ....... •O••n '°'-°'"• ( ~·o ,. __ ,,, ffi[B ; Tiit new bOH la not too amart. Tiie only way 11• could gtt to Ill• bOttom of • problem ( ... _N_E_G _E_L~T --,I 'll>Y -. l I I ~ I I' ~ni.!:::'~!iE! .. . . . ...... .... llJ ... XLNT TERMS! Remodeled tradltlonel 3 bdrm, den. 3 bath, reduced to $39MOO. Pme West Bay beyfront. Sllpt for 2 boats, reniodeled 3 bdrm, 3 bath $1 ,200,000. Ocean & jetty views. Marme room, '1 bdrm. 3 bath, 3700 sq.ft. $1,385,000. UMllLE •a Prime Lido Nord bay front. 5 bdrm. 5 ~ bath. Lge L.R.. 2 boat slips $1.500,000. rterooc:leled 3 bdrm, 2 bath + large rec. nn beam ceilings. furnished, paU<ll. $420.000. LlllA ISLE UYFHIT Lagoon view from 6 bdrm, 5 bath, play- room, dark nn, den, Boat slip. $1.350,000! UYSI• OIYE Spectacular bayfront view 2 br, 2 ba up; 2 br, 2 ba dn. 2 boat slips $1,900,000. TIES YISTAS-llSSlll VIE.II New French Normandy 4 bdrm, 4 bath, guest house. pool. Near lake. $795,000. ClllUll CAYS Coronado Island cust. bayfront lot. 85' boat dock. Plans avail. $425,000 wlfenns. BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 341 6oy\od .. Dr•., N B bl) 6161 \~ I :-.. I I ·, \ AY LOR CO. HL:\l I 1 Hi:--·.,. l'l·lf; ... ""' .... ,,.,.. Popular S bdrm. Monaco model. Formal din rm. Many extras. Security a}'at.em . Large aasumable loan. Owner anxloua. Act nowt 2111 .. ,,.... .. IN4 IEWNIT OllfD. I.I. 144-4111 "MESA VEIDE" SIEDIOOMS Try s..i>,ooO iliwn Owner will rarry Most popular Buccola 5 Bdrm or 4+ den. 3000 sq.ft .. formal l!VU1g and dining room, country size kitchen, breakfast nook over-looks huge family room . Soarkbng pool and heat-ed spa. Truly a huge family home $299,000 Call 546-2313 . $15,000 IUYS IT MO COSTS ~Y•Hlh Attractive 3 Bdrm + family room, many s pecial decorat1n11 features, inter-com. cen tral vacuum. huge tree covered lot. $389.SOO SPECTACULAR Bay & Ocean VIEWS See al all from this lovely 5 Bedroom. family room On"'~~hls clUllc hoolt. Lr& l Br w/101d1 of maho11ny molding. Feature• Jn· elude wine cellar Ir frpl c .. Owner wlll tlnlnce. e3Ml70 Tl{,\Dl'l 10\. \I ~I .\I I' MAMMOTH m1111 ~~~~0s bdrm, 2 ba . Two firtplace1. Next to Ski Slopes ~.000. xlnt fin 71442-4353 • Cl.08£ TO BEACH ... .... CH,~.!! DPU.. ~."°",,,., v~1•J•oooat ztz=.'T!: .• 11y O'ne~~~l!it:'t~ --,.·~1 ·~imB'kr.' l1ndaeeped undo. oelllnp and fireplace ·-------•I Be•IAUul~eao Vlew!-1.Ct l Bdrm apt with PrlcelMa locaUoo. Ea· "1ate + a barhelor. eellent Blach · Good lo come.patio PllC9 ~ .. HT! 702 712-1140 1«1J._ .-.!00 &u,ya 3 8drm 1~ around pool. Anu.ma ble baiii on laree lot. With OCIAMNO"' loen.SSJS.000· huge fenced yerd. HTATI ATTN : BUILDERS Refurbl1htd thruout. Private community Level R2 lot. 80 of hwy Excel.lent 111 homt, re· home, juat 25 min. to for duplex or single tirement or lnvcetmcrnt Nf'!Vl)Ort Center, with G fem.UY. Call tor Info re· 64Z.5200 • bedrOomal 9 bataa. 9.000 g1rd1n1 flnan 1230,000 ~~· ~v'::y •:rua'Ti~ 644-7JI I vlewollalandt. beachn. A PETE BARRETT REALTY --------CIN DERELLA DIY .. OPllS DOLLHOUSJ!: with 1 Lowis1pneid2l>r. Iba $74,000 VA assumable homr in CdM R·2 lot loan at 10"'< tnlerest 3 30xll8. Assume 121-,•t, BR 2 Ba, lge > ard. Plus loan. Sl.92.000 prin only extremely mot1veted CallKen,675-6700 sellers De\ an Real pUPLEX-BY OWNER Flsla~OO 6368 coastline. u .soolooo. Call Dennis Busn et Armbrualer. Clurman. Brown 114/494-&SllS 6pe~!f:'~:tl1101/ Whtie w1ter view. 1~ dn. Eaay monthly pay· ITl!nt.s on Isl and 2nd. OWC Srd No pal 2 years 4 bdrm, I + • + 1, b a $ 4 9 9 . 9 o o . O\lomr Agt 544·2170 or 8M-Om Beat cash down takes! O.. PoW I 02' Woo6ridge OW<?. Reduced to S275K ••••••••••• • • •••• • •• • •• D•HM ~~or675·3063 4Br. 1'11.Ba .•fam rm, -i Ir -"--..a....a House on Begonia frplc, patio. sundk. &..JillleHHh 105 2 ~ ,._..,, ~ 000 lot value pnn 168 500. Terms 496 7358 ••••••••••••••••••••• .. ~ oc'-d tile _..,, ' ' . --S 7 5 0 0 D 0 W N ' N 0 -r1 ... • only. Bkr <2!3)4~·5823 fabulous ocean & harbor QUALIFYING tatry & · Mlrrortcl view on bluff 2 Br 2 Ba 28 L' h me 1107 500• wcr••s. Good at-c:o.taMHa 1024 secunty Great terms' Te~atlfkrJ497·3034 s••blt I tf TD & ••••••••••••••••••••••• Mustsee 893 3t51 coll ------- OWC a 2nd. Ytry SACRIFICE SALE. ~va1a..... 103.1 L.,...~ 1052 Sl5,000 down. good as· ~ .... , , ••••••••••••••••••••••• lllOtlvahtd. $149,000 su mable loan and ••••••••••••••••••••••• }'t lo •P 't COLIOFNIWPORT owner/agt will carry ASSUMEll'/1% Ex~:f'ien't terti"! 4 ..... LTORS balance. Cute 3BR I'• Beaubful 4 br, 2 ba. l~e tJdrm.s plus bonus. Pool ~ ba, romer lot, very 111ce fam. rm, pool & CO\' d and jac. By owner this u u1.c-tH••· street. $99,900. De van patio Nrsmall pvt park week~.495·0718 CottM del -Real Flitat~.M2·~ an best F V. area Ca II ----- 4'15·!5511 .[1m1 agt.., 962 8149 Lalle Forest I 055 MESA VERDE · a.-·"' 1 o .. o ••••••••••••••••••••••• Gii ~ , Lake Forest 3BR. Den, Purchase th1S lovely 3 Bd Costa Mesa home with only SIS.000 and as· Sum! this underlying VA loan Seller will pay all your closing costs! This home is pnced under the market for 1mmed1ate sale·IS day escrow OK! home 1n beautiful SPYGLASS Catalina. UHIOUE ••••••••••••••••••••••• 28A TenTIS, by owner $25,000YA120/o~ TI0-9549 Shari> 2400 sq ft 4 rm M'--'--vtaL. I 067 on cul-de·sar -•-... I Take advantage of this ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ rantasur value now. Call ;... ,Carl M06eJ1, Ownr1Agt I ~.l'.1..7S9·l221 __ _ Palo& Verdes. Nt>wport In TurtleiTorli City Bay, city lights and lights view from the dazzlin(sunsets' Ownt>r very tap Bnght. open 4 will assist with a Isl or Bdrm + ram1I> room. 3 2ndT o full baths Fireplace ChHl!n Rtolty l::~~~c!t:1d~~~ 3 Bdrm1iome . 2 baths. dbl garage, all m A I condition . $129 ,SOO Sl9.SOO down. Owner ~ 111 asslSt in financmg RoyMcCorde, lltr. 541.7729 R E Professionals ••••••••••••••••••••••• UJ.tJ77 Dfstrn1S. ~-.o:~-1 .. PAYMENTS" -759•1111 I U!lliill()Uf t1()MfS Beautiful condo OD Lake M1 ss1on V1eJO P\t Beach. Must sell by •· t(}.82 'n(}.9790 from affordable ••• to affluent ...... Isl oettac• .,. ..... Pt1ilnl1 Pt lilMle S2tl,llO .. .,.rt hiph ..... SZll,000 ..... c.tt111, J w S1H,IOO llysWt ... ..,., ... 1111,IOI layfrtlt • Ir + .... .,,... .... Ttufs c..t Estate .2 ........ Utrt ........ ++ ,,,.,,,, ....,"", ., ,. U,111,#1 U4t hit Jtr ..... 1411,111 WATERFRONT HOMES, INC REAL EST A TE s.i. •• iWfl•• p,_,,~ ~- 2(36 W Cou1 H""V ll~ M.r1nt A~ !'1-1 ~arh e..it.o. lwnd 631-1400 67:Ut00 • Wl'lllFlllT ME PllYITI IDOi * Sens<!tlcnal 4 bedroom home smack on the waterll Featuring trench doors, fireplace, profes- sionally decorated and private SANDY BEACn. Only $249,000 and seller wlll carry AITDI 2670 San Miguel Drive, Newport Beach 759-1501 or 752-7373. RNIT IUll "'* 2171S.llpellrht (714) lff.1111 (114) llJ-1111 SlllC&RNlt FORTIES SONGS Z l C Y 0 A U M A N 0 C 0 C A C 0 L A T E 6 A l T M $ Z M S U T 8 D I W A l A A A S A A S Y 0 S A U E M S H F W A H 1 N T Y E 0 D A W T Y A 0 U I 0 A W U A C l Z 8 D S l T 0 I U S M T R 8 E M 0 A A E l I N 0 L A A A A E E T W E P P E A D l 1 II E Z U N G I G C I 0 S R A U 0 A M S B Y T J J T M N H E U SPTPN AA Y OLANSETARSN E A A 0 E II L 0 P E A M M 0 A A I S T NAMGDRABLTAUAEATSOA H N I 8 A T 0 L I G 0 N A A G S T N T E E 0 E S L A 0 I C I 0 l A C I M S T II D C A 8 N C L 0 E Y Q R V IC A S 0 SCMOANJRELLAIAOCS H UNDER $1,000 A spectacular 4 Bdrm 2 bath family home . Large family area . fireplace. enclosed patio. pool and spa. You must Set' lhlS one. only !? "''""'"' •»1 MESA WOODS Beautiful custom cabinetry by ma st er VIEW Realtors. 615-6000 BY OWNER. 4br, 2ba. family rm. central patio & back patio. Sl76M ISLAHDHOME wftttloatP.9Ck or ocean and Spyglass Hills This exceptional 5 Bdrms • maids qrtrs Plan 6 in Jasmme Creek THE MAGIC has luxury appoint 336 Vist.a Baya 548-1392 1069 DX> sq ft . rustom built. lrteWDon lead COW'tyard, spa. 3 frplcs. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ments throughout the Of LA QUINTA horn> and grounds En joy the security or a gal ed community. Ex cellenl financmg t11ke over loans. C.11 today for rrore mforma ti on. great f1nan avail IMMB>IAU OUTSTAHDIHG IUY! $600.000 714 840 8754 POSSEs~·o .... · Sacnfice. By Owner Bkr de ~ " La Qwnta . for more Guar. 80 ... , JO yr loan ---IOt:; own. payments avail at 2 pls u'niler. 4 • I 044 $1500 ml. It 1s possible lllan a half century. one br, 2 ba. ram. rm, spa, ••••••••••••••••••••••• to own lovely 5bdrm. 2 of Soulht>rn California's · i•"K 979 1138 story, N B. Bark Bay 11'1)Sl magnifirent dersr·ert ®mac. _v. · TURTURO CIC d area. $250,000. 850·1991. resort oasis. now o ers S5,900Total Down 4 Bdrm. 2 liu on cu! e Ey_escall: 631-7215 __ astUMing6000sq. rt. La ModtfClose-Out sac Popular Plan 2 i--------• Quinta Country Club Braridnew elegant 2 BR OWC at 12 '. Try fairway estate Features -.. r I 2 graduated payments 4 bedrooms and den. 412 2'1Tua, rp <:, c·ar gar S200 000 .........._ Yi.w Homs Both Bdrms are master · ...._...,. baths. spa and sauna, 3 suites wtvaulled rigs. Denms Ril'ketts & I Best pnced home on fee farcftlaces Solid oak Assoc land OWC Contact b l. th h l better call FAST Totall John Sho~. Broker UI ins roug ou pymts $1174 mo Call l.5J~4l.4 ~a Gourmet s kyli~hted 12 5 631 3 .. 05 • 9~34.$4 ' craftsman really sets this 3 Bdrm 2 Ba home apart Lovely gazebo and beanng fruit trees Low rate. new loan available Full price Sl.59,000. 751-3191 kitchen Soph1st1cated · -• · eves1--------• ~23CAMP115Da·fllVlffE serurity system and ~!:3297_ --1·-------located behind the gates 1--------• Woodbridcw lea.tv •HOMES* •FOi YETl!IAHS • Brancl new homes. 2. 3, 4 bdnns from SSS.000 to I as.ooo. .,down, Oescrow fees Mnta.a.eDD214 C.11 Ralph S41-IM25 Vet a ent 24 hrs of La Qwnta Country 30 YI-13,14% LM 3 Br-+ din be~utiful rdn Club host rlub for the ,.,__ ...... _ P-L do across from lake 1983 Bob Hope Desert ~ _... Complete!)' loaded Classic Offered atl New Ca Pt: Co d 2 w txlras O"'nt>r will 119),000. FOR AN AP· ~mm pnvate com carry paper Assu~ ex POINTM ENT CALL !flUnllY. with pool and istmg loan Om e b~ 31 Jacur.u Walkmg dis· L k d t h ~11 CLASSIC RULTY lance to ever)•thing a e~1 e en Ca 7DIO El Paseo, Sle 8 $131950. IO"'I dn Models 67J.15l7 0~ n Bkr 7141346-5696 or 568·3516 pm SI0,000 DH 3 br.1~'J lia txtra·lte lor ~ superb \'1e~. Will trade for anything• Pnnc1pals only 966·9087 ABSOLUTE Palm Desert. Caltr I opei\ daily 11 am till 5 ROGERS REAL TY LOIJlllll ltoch I 048 -$40 000 ON I.a.ct I 006 ' __ 615--2.JU ·········~·.:;;········· 3 Bdrm i'bath. assuma-•••••••••••••••••••••••I FORECLOSURE For A Littfe IESTPRICE STEAL!! I stake m) reputation on the FACT that lhts IS the BEST BUY tn Newport Bearh OCEAN Vt..:. LRG 4 BDR . PROF DF.cORATED. pool. spa & like nu all for only S376,SOO .. A lrade con- sidered Call PATRICK TENORE Directly 631·1266 or 760·11702 TODAY! Great starter home Owner will consider ALL offers. 2 Bdrms. great Cos ta Mesa neighborhood. Lowest priced home in the area at$U77,000. 751-3191 ble loans at ll.9'JI OWC . College Park ~acre+ bldg site. ieenl East.side. Call ~-9t61 3BR 2ba Lender will h• slopmg parcel short ~ OPEN HOUSE REALTY /. BUCH HOUSE ~,&i~! B E L 0 W d1Stance from tennis & Thls is a real charmer beach Ownr has an Best buy on Island. 2Br Playa R.al Estatt eluded plans for custom +bachelor $295,000. 673-1900 villa. $125.000. Spec Century 21 Lockhart tacular views' C.11962·8847 TaMS/LOCATIOM MI SSION REALTY PJ.000 ~own and owe 494 0731 --1st 13'f · 10 )'rs 3 Br, 1--------I 2ba. dbl gar. frplc . ne~ FAH'TASTIC HOME 6 ~ 2Loa.. cpts/painl. Ron Say. 180 deg ocun views PALM SPllMGS JUST LISTED! IAY &OCEAH STEPS from this 2 Bdrm house & I Bdrm house on 30xll00' R·2 lot. Only ~.000' lolboa lay Prop. RHlton GfYUWAY Gorgeous furnished custom house an ex. elusive area or Palm Springs. Try $30.000 dwn. Full price $475.000 Joyce Waltze. 631-1266 •675-7060• I __ , __ HARBOR Rl>GE Jodelle Mdl -This home offers luxury and comfort tor the affluent. 3 Bdrms, 21.h ba, formal dining rm and a pan- oramic view of all Newport and the blue Pacific. Financing at less than 1 w. Int. Asking $795,000. UNIVERSITY PARK This Immaculate 3 Bdrm 2 ba home In a park llke setting Is only for the fussiest and most discriminating. Imagine fi- nancing at 9¥..11. Interest. Asking $169, 000 . tnSTElt REAL TY ..., ......... ., ... ~.~~! ... !!~~1:~.~~! ... !!~~ REAL ESTATE EXCELLENCE SINCE 1949 -"" ... ·" -llalll Macnlficently UPCl'ided 3 Bdrm home on 62"1 16' lot. French windows & doora, crown mold.lnp, braa hardware, oomple- tely new ldtcbtn. atnaJest.ory. You own the land. ·l62f Santaneila :remce. Open Sat 1-S. $396,000 11n....,a,u. .... ,.. • n Agl. 979-$370. eves call I 3000+ and custom C. e.om!=e,apts ~l.S>l I Gourmet kit chen Owner finance. -massive h\'1n1t rm, r----U-0-0-ISU ___ _ MHcr•sty, lltr IAMICRUnCY I forma l d1nin1t . rot> IAYFIOMT 675-21'6 ~t~i!~u~~ecls~,~~ fireplaces, pool. spa Lit II $1 ,000 000 condo. $90.000 2Br. ret'area SS89.000 Chann111g 2 fidrm plus lalboa ,.......... I 007 l '•ba $75.000 I Br I LOIJlllll YHloc)t R.E I den. 2 bath, pier and ShJ! 646-0686. 1 ID·116J to accommodate 40 ••••••••••••••••••••••• - -boat North side. For an MESA VERD& WAUL appo1nt~nt to see this Harbor Baker area. 3j to town & bearh This exclusive property. ull ••• ~~Jr Fountain Valley You are the winner or two free tickets 1S18.00> value to the br, 2 ba Assume $94.000•I char~r can be either a ~1151 111 loans at 12'1 Sl200 2 or 3 bdrm & 1s 1m ml PITI S46-325S or macuJate Pnced to sell ~_Open_ Sat_ Sun ~eatures skyhtes. track TOWNHOUSE EXTRA bghtmg & separate dtn ·~HERITAGE CIRCUS Y ilGAS Longlleach-V-eterans SHARP 111.g room Owner orrers i--------• 157 fairvtew btwn Fair excellent f1nannn1t . • REALTORS Stldium AJ>ril 4· 14 Orange County Fairgrounds April 1S·l8 ncketa good for selected performances To claim tickets. call 642·5678, ext . 272 . Ticket& must be claimed by Apri 115, 1982 • •• & Wilson, open Fri 10·1, $299,SOO Sat 10-4. 3Br. 28a, dbl WY FfMAMCIH~ garage, pool. assume A 2 bdrm condo with 12...,~ or new 80'4 loan room for outdoor enter at 13 i.., ~. Ask 1 n g tainmg. Gr~al invest· $102,500. Make offer rrent polenllal with Its 646-8396 large assumable loan at MANFRED STEVER less than current ~ates, RLTR Owner says submit all -Try 1 OO/o Dowa! orrers $138.SOO 0 2 And llssull'lt' loans on M· I A I 2 this ranch-style 3 Pri~ andustnal proper c.or-.. M• ••••••••••••••••••••••• bedroom home that of-ly with heavy duty COUMTIY Fll!NCH fers easy-going outdoor power. offit'es. separate Grly-w/wliite Sliutters. 11 v In g! Be au ti f u I worll areas & house on lace window treatments. barbecue 15 round in the large securely fenced Decorator papers. 4 Br, bedtyard, alon~ with a level lot Great op 3~ Ba. e doors from pat.lo. ¥ld you re only poftwuly sms.000 bu ch . Be I u l i r u I minutes from the beach. "Lna flowers. Reduced to ~~ kttpt1 the in-·--.•i(!-•r l&SO~OOO. doors comry. $112.500. i\.~''S Sat/SUn l·S For details. cont1ct ......... PoinutU I !J'19.23llO ~fl• Doug las. ~ ............ !!~~!~ ............. !!.~~ ..... a..,....... .._.._Clll_I URGE PRICE U:DUCTIOH Fee Canal -rront • BR . IO"k down . Terms . $299,000. Mr Clark. 64>3370 an 6 __ BY &tmh~cluded lovely Street. Back Bay Area. M ajeslic home. yet cozy and ronven1ent as a cottage. Completely customued. 4 Bdrm. 3 Ba lncl'g <Master Su1tel · Sep. Maid's Quarters. Lovely hv room looking ou t to gorgeous 1111dscaped backyard. Waterfall, Guebo, brick p1lio Dble frpc, fam nn. formal d1n1n« rm S3915.000. Xlnt rinancing avail. OPEN ALL WEEK l·S 1521 ANITA LN ti blk from Hi&t!J~). MS~-- -~ ......... --.--142"-=-·=5e'1"'-'I Sell idJt items __ ~2:.~ ... ,,,. .. ~ 106t .... '°'' ....................... . .............••.••... -U~ LIM Woodbrldgt de-1-Ched home 3 Bl( 2 ~ BA, fam rm. formel dining, low Interest loan. Comm. pool & tennis. Ont o( \he W. west priced Carmel model in C.Ottace hornet. Need a quick 11le .• 164,500 ,,__ Lel'Nudt 501-t790 (Hll) ----- ' •••••••••••••••••••••• Mis~ leecli I 06 •••• 7. .............. . OrMgl Coul DAILY PtLOT/Fnday, April 9, 1982 DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS Seti your no-longer-needed Item• for cash. It It doe1n't 1111, we'll run It another 3 d8YI FREE. One Item per ad. muat be priced. Sorry, no real lltate or commercial ads. CaJI today tor full detalla . ....... 11.., 3 3 AY8 INES CLA881FIED&642•567 OLLAR I •• "-tt,.,W. Olitr......... Ol.-lttt•hlte "-"U•tWwrttHd tt...Uwfwlll~ U.fw dlll1d • ~.~tkd .... ,.,.., ... , ApeltUNtthu.fw9. s;a.::.;;; ..... i.o7~ &;;;~w ........... ;;;;;;;:;;; .. iooo c;=;.i·;.; .. ;22·i ~·.;;•uu•;j·i4 ;;;:· ........... ii44 ~··;;~ ... ii . ., s;c;;.; ... · .. ;7;; n;;;;;;;•mmjii4 ••••••••••••••• •••••••• "•rtr I 600 ••••••••••••••••••••••, ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••• ••• •• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• St!.000. dn. Auume eldat •••••••••••••• .. ••••••• LIVllAi&I Nice 2Br 2ba, 1pa, ao or Eut1ldt 3 bedroom So lrvtn.e new 2 Br 2 ba . Harbor View Hon~11 3 Dr Z bdrm, l~ ba. bllt Lo 2 8r 111 b1 townhoust lfarbor View Home a by lnlfinan at 10~ % erree· nrvn np(l$11 Covlnetoo 4-plex near PCH fl50. 323 Larkspur. Nwpt 1cbooll. move· In backyard, pool, spa l850 2ba, ram, rm, niewly dl'c btl<'h. ~.7~ Car, p~10. eml yrd. no Owner. 3BR 2BA lam. ttvelnt.ratn.3Br+den. KU.LU •• so Cout Plau ~·1453 <'ond. Avail lmmed. 14().7831 1eo.19N ~,_6«11177 --~.~~·4837 rm, Ira lot, pool, ilr +f/r\.om vu. walkto pvt 41,3$0 aq ft commert'lal 1<>% down or Ina. Note~ Xlnt2 b 2 b $850 f150/mo . 752·5040 or 3 bdrm ~ ba townhouse OC RENTALS S...AM 3710 VAC'ANT ! E.aldt' trl cond .. au um. IO),,~ bd1 club. Sl~,000. By lot in prime Fountai11 Md trades OK Asking (2l31~l~wltdya ..,. Uev wltench pools , tennla courts. 1·5br'aS200to 12000 ••••••••••••••••••••••• plex, lg, qwtt 2br, lndry. }oanor a' .,!S9, "A~n· 8Ma4t·/2'Su7ns ,..own_._•7•4'.•.a_•_m •. -I Valley location. City ap· 1295 000. \114)14().~ evs/wlnd_ OP91 li T. I ·4 University Park Irvine' 7~3314 ~n 7 da.Ji. Prol derorated, I bdrm patio. ad Its no pets I • ,,... upc provfd plans for 19,200 ~R1ckett11f •vaiJ lm-d N'"~I" r'"· N.W .P-ttitifcf1e Cove 2 ean 714LS29.CU!9'aft6 · Nt Bluer-3 br co do nr So Cit Plua. Ali $525 359 Woodland , P-wcOu• aq ft otnce bl~g. Total AJIO( " ...., ..,.., "' br.2barondo.Frpk,lfe ---wp . 5 • n 1nn1lles Yearly lat 6'/3.Jl!OO ~w~v•-w1 packal{e pr1 r ed at Hl.0424 furblahed 2or 3br,soof deck over waterfa I Terrace~rne.3br,2 oBrin ... tho,1ceh greNenbetlt ~Mo 553·1202aft5 "'~"·-'-2 BR I Ra attarh .... '750,000. --------PCH 1700 510 ~ Pool ,Jac2caraar ba,endurut,forltlllldin • .,.t sarp opes .,.,..,... WSI OP'TIOM new luxe con· .... • -1• •LTY H.1.-• ·L~ Fernleal. 675·5788 Nonsmkrs: No ""ls. 750 (rplc. dble gar .. pool & ~~ 175. 644 SJJ9 gar, pvt patio, ;adults dos, slept to 11nd, 2 r-.-~ '"'"'" ,... N s795 Aw ... .ts prei . no pelg $490 .. TIADI SALi f11>IC!i wblrlpool baths, 54Mll4 Highly upgrade t n llARBOR RIDGE Wesleyan Bay t bet apa o pets · Mod er n Sp a n 1 ~ h 'lh.._,dvi set' 646.2723 Low ain-;-Trg Uauma -)"'OU ptCk carpet. 13~% -~;:;;;:::;:.:::--1 plex near ~11ch and Soanng cathedral ceil· Bnstol It Bear, nr SC ~..f172 .... 7~~158 $1000 /mo Tustin Ave _,....._... ble.ncell.terms&loc11-flnancinaw/2<Yk down.4 Adams 3Browner'sun inas. beaut iful view. Plfu).S!!OOmlJ.151 ·8184 Woodbndge condo 3Br. btwn Clay & CbH 3BR ....................... WMYAID tlon. Sharp, ucant. available. priced from It + two 2 bdrms counlr)' kitchen. 3 BR. Ho~ horse OK 2Br 1• ba Ut1l rm covd 2ba. lge ram rm. encl Moel.._.. 3106 $625/mo 3 Br 2 Ba $21 0' 000 6 44 . 0 496' $297 500 S279,000. Yrly be, $1900 mo ~ rm. 20202 Birch St pa~. Clrt>Ort steps to pauo. front & back yard ••••••••••••••••••••••• duplex. 2 car garage. ~Ownr~~l...,.A---. _____ 1 BiilNGALLOFFERS• R £Professionals _!!arreu t 64H200 SantaAnaH&ta.5Sl 6SSl lennt5 & Olympic pool. Good h.skprs prl!f L1tth: bhtnd, I bdrm. wuherJdryer hook·up. •••••••• • • * * • * t6~ •377 Jae f700 per mo ask for 646·0388 bt.wn 5 7 pm stove. refng, DIW No r111lc. all built ins Thl6 FORECLOSURE ---C:O...MelG 3224 E. Side3Br, 2Ba . ram rm AkiMl·S489or751.6427 ~~ btwn4·U>m ~· SllSOmo 673 9473 one won't tut Cllll for Ufe.tllwT~! 2 DELUXE 4·PLEXES ••••••••••••••••••••••• w/(rplc . fn cd yd . --~ -C 8 2 b appt Oceanfront duplex This magnificent "Pin· .. FtlT Assm loans. S285K. rail "Cute"4rmeaslllde gardener. cpts, drps. Turtlerock. 3Br 3ba. ram N~rt rest4 r ,, 8 · I , .. ..,.. 1107 ~_MOM'r &4L)60l $450,000 with good nacle" home in pre· Oll1D for E ·Z terms oottaae.pet.s,only$395 '9IXI mo lst & las~+ rm. Liv rm. frml din . q11et courtyard,eloseto ••••••••••••••••••••••• terms. st.It giot.ls Mariner's Point ,._ U I I 11 CMIHB/SA. Prin only' OC RENTALS 750.3314 $400. m Koblnhood Ln prof landscape, A/C Lse !!'!'leaa1n1i1Je~Ms $1050 Nu 2 & 3BR. 2BA. yurly 2bdnn. lba,_pallo & gar eatures spectacular ..... ce en oppor un Y A . S49·'"""' 568-1737 afUPM _Ql!t 752-9061 "~-_ _: Frplc, bit-ins. gar. park New paint"' carpets Nr P~aR.E. whitewater coastline ·for investor. 12,000 ......, Oloice3br,2baexec. ..._ 1ng Close to bay & f edco $475 mo Agt · f I ........ _ foot offi..-bull showhm frp1lcc gar $600 3 8d pool .,75 or mo Mesa Verde, 1857 New l 71 B k 67• 491 2 u1 "130 6 -1900 View rom a most every dii;ruuy~Ove; D•Mrf. OCRENTALS. 750·3314 $1oo0movta .. you rn Lin· Jeraey: 3Br 2ba , new c:..,ktt..o 2 ~ r r ,,. "".,, -------------1 l:!"ino1!~~~m;:~s ~~j $180,000 a year deprt· lewt 2400 daHart63l·l266,_ajL_ de<'. Many extras f750 ........................ Ckean front 3 Br 2 Ba. Lux condo. 2 mstr br's, ILUFFS llSTIUY! 3 BR, 2 story Plaza Con· do. Near shops, pool. acbool . Only $137 ,950. ' the Interior design ex-dallon. Priced to 1ell al ••••••••••••••••••••••• IEL~E YOF W "'--P-L.t. 322-6 548·11186 642·5350 Iv ms.& bdrhm, 1 ba lwnhs~ Years lease. $1350/mo. l''ll ba. 2balconies. frpk, tras. Assume 11"'1% $,2.4mlllion.PrincipalJ IOllEGOSNIMGS THI-" H - ---T~ELAKES Wass.~k 4~;~ poo . 714 /337 -2414 days . nucro,waterlandscape, loan. MUST SEE IN only.CaUW1111ameott. Villu-BOrrego condo: 2 Renl1n Cosla -r.lesa's ....................... E)id unit 1 Bdrm over gar. · _..:__ ___ 67~89)4eves &wknds.. 2 car gar w opener PERSON! SJBt.900 Broker brB. 21,; ba, compl. furn NEWEST galled 2EO T .1 ..... 0c1 •,• own garage Qwet. va· _... 3290 2BR Iba. 12 block to bay ~Lrn>.645·,1-04S __ tJY owner, 492·9909 or Townhome VI LAG n · eve( ove Y Area cant.S700mo ••••••••••••••••••••••• S6S() 1ncl ut1hlle~ Call QUIET ADULTS over lS, ......._ wltd 494·6S58. COMMUNITY. 2 & 3 Br. 4·5 bdrms. 2 ba. 2 cov Ba tt RJt '"2 5200 br 2 ba lge yd quiet 7525710 unlum I & 2 Br upper ~ 2..., Ba. 1600-1800 sq. fl. of end patios. 2 car gar rre Y.,.. -cut'.de.sac. Steps to -from SJ40. Bt> au t •• RIC A IS . a..d.s. ,_._, pure luxury . Garages. Fen~ yard 1950 mo L-leoc" 1241 perk, tennis School 3 Corw ct.I Mar 3122 landscaping No pets. s:E,AL. Gro'" 2700 hydrO·lubs. In master 77S-0239 -r--blk.s. Avail 4122 $800 ....................... LEEWARD APTS 2020 •• Coado-.1 .. ~ow•· ••••••••••••••••••••••• suite d1n1ng rooms. r......-t....L..,...._. 1214 ••••••••••••••••••••••• CallS59·l~IS-47·4444 WaJ.ktobt'ach.2br.frplc. FUiierton 631·0391 ESIAIE for 1700 II) woodbumingfireplaces,..__ --r UIOdegpanoram1rv1ew, -----ll!edeck. encl. prkg. -------...,_... e.o... DOWN QR micro·wave ovens, ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 BR. exclw11ve nbrhd, ~hr 1291 lndry rac $850 mo May 2bdrm. 2ba townhouse. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ri . •-ds HOMES FOR RENT b110 vtd "" 497 596S ·~· 67<.GUKl ~1("'1". Wes•·1de. u 95 493-0202 4ge..1040 I ~ vate patios .. yar _..,,_, "" _ __ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ..,._ ., ......., ~ . .. • ... ,.. ---•iliilliliilliliilliliillmf--------•15 bd~~a1lles JUDE... • FJ~r,~~1nifvJgro;~1~e~s }~~c°:'d's1.a"!.~·!75t L..,..H6cJ-I 1252 3BdHOME~,?7~REFNT d ---SeaP~CDeb2b1eB54RO... 01002PEN P. I c t u r e s q u e I . , K d & I ••••••••••• ••• •• •• • •• • • rm ..., " en ce n Wu• . ..... 1091 imdeL Price $650,000. fALLBROOK .HA.NCH. minutes from Fashion gar,ages I s rooslCoasthne YU Monarch yard & garage Kids a & COIOHA DR Milh BEAM rigs, bar. lolS or H.V.H by OWMr ••••••••••••••••••••••• S2SO,IXXl dJ1 OWC bal for IS acres Lovely home Lsland, 7 nunutes to SC we com~ 5~ 2 Summit cond'o, dbl gar . pets welcome 545-2000 Clean 2 bdrm , I bat wood. S42.S No pets. 2256 Charmin&. Monaco in lN MINT CONDITION ; 5yrs_ CllJI Mr. Fuentes with 4500 st + tennis 1 Plaza or 0 C.A1rport. A ent no tt. 3 br 2 ba frplc No pets A,gent, no Jee _ _ apartnnt v.1th carpets. Maple St S48·7356 or best location 3 bdrm. Gorgous 3 Bdrm . a Eves714-997·3286 cowt.pool,ndmgtrails ~~~la~ if s~:of~:~ HitllHitcl•leodl 3240 J1s0i11J0_,493-22S6 drapes & enclosed 673-81103,,___ ____ _ Love .1 Y I g e Y 0 d . dream come true Just IKollt Property 2000 Trade for sma lier home ' Frwy Starting at S900 I ....................... Clean. qwet 2 BR 2 Ba. ~fw lllshed 1425 garage l600per mo 2 Br Iba. encl gar, dis· ~l~~~I i~~~s rin:~ $llll,900. Bkr. B48-0709 ....................... Ill Orange Co Full pnce month 631·S439. 2473 Exec4br:3 ba w/3 car ram rm. dbl gar. small ....................... 17141 673-4400 hwshr. $4J01m> i p 4 plex Costa Mesa S995.000 Weekends Orange Ave . Costa gar,patio.puroptS675 yard S750 Herb , Nearnewadultt·ondonr l21JIU-.H21 645·2mS,S48·5763 ~fe1~fi. &!.:.~ ort OlierlHI Estate Sl.86,IXXl. Long term rin . 645-SIXM>. ext 206. 8311400 Mesa OCRENTALS 750 3314 831-1729 SC Plaza Ser gates. ·~~~- ••••n••••••••••••••••• li!0.000 dn. $250 per mo or644·9513__ Rmdld2br-;'OldWorl;r:-SBlkstoocean, Elegant 2 Laguna N1quel CROWN pool Tract is small. HARBOR 3neti;!~c~~a·a~3 /!::~: r::c:i~~~o!do.~~alnc~l Mollletto.1 I IOO ~~sU~~':ls only . ._,Estate w/gar rncd petsok$42S Br. Family Rm & Den VALLEY HIGHLANDS friendly, resort like Good freeway access calhedral cl~. etc. l+j hrS. b~ 2100 OC RENTA.i.s 750·3314 Sll50Mo Plush<'rpts.2•.'l 2Br.28a.S650mo Avail IBR. dining. air. patio. ~+de .540·2245 den. Slo.000 Option ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 ......... ,T ... v SH8tTEI --Ba. Cedar & glass. sun Ma" 1 Clbhse. pool Secluded end unit No 1 d ~""' ••••••••••••••••••••••• Easts1de 3 Br. 2 Ba . deck. dbl rar prv , pets. S495 + S3S ulll Bach cottage. sm Y money. Dys 558·9035; Newport Beach De A'!za Assume 9 .,..% oan. RV Park on river near flOOlmo .. lst.last&sec. garage. fu lly ma int. ~~ _tlS.2:580 F.astside. $32S mo. Ut1I evs6'73-4899 ~~~~~0'!~8 P3b~ · ~J~~ t.C.1~r11!ri/o~e:al~e~~ ()('~~n: ~~~~· s375K deposit Call· 548·4388 yard. No pets. lnqulreat ~75 .. 2 BR. exer, bch rec 2 br. 2 sty. pool. rec area . 494-0395 631-5416 f1re~acAle brick patio, Owner & priced below !!LL_ 52718th.Sl.96o..6331,_ tac.gated, vat',493·1132. Nice Ior_ El Toro 2Br. 1''2 Ba Condo E .., 2 b 2 b OCEANFRONT Laguna 2 B B 661 3672 S d XI No pets WATBROMT ..,1, · so r., a , comparablesat S247,500. ... . ••oooo Nice clean r I a.1 Br condo. Patio._:.... $650 /mo _ Randy 1 e ras. Vacant site in Cannery double wide. comer lot OWC 2nd. Save yourself ox:h. 4 units, .... • 0 enclsd garage , yard, carport. Frig .. pool.ten· Mt-rt leoc• 3269 St arm an, 11 o s 24 4 l!25"67~8120_..}48 838_! Village. Suitable tor $39,000. Bill Grundy commission, points & 'fli<l~,f,eat tax write· new paint & earpet. No nis. clubhouse. no pel5 ••• ;:;:···•••••••••••••• Pacesetter Rlty : or t•ol 2 Br . 2 Ba apt over i:ar NEW CAPE COD 2 St) 4.<XX>~.rt.building,will 87~161 high Interest. Open ... ,.............,l pets S550+security ~+dep.768·1633 HiUsidebeauly3+br lect(213J~S-7537 Nopets.S650mo. 2Br. 2Ba, garage, fnrd take60 boat! Consider: Obie wide 2 br, 1.,.. ba, 11fURS. thru SUN. 817 NEWPORTBCH.CdM ~m08range. house 8-DUPLEX . 119 Hunt frptc.eatio,poolS82S 2 BR 2 Ba Irvine. fplr. r~110~J111,,. .1,,,1, If,.A yd, gardener. bltns. etr live above your work. $172 space rent. Adult.s, Jennifer Lane, C.M · Spectacular view of ~--· ington Ave ocean view. Q<;_K~T~~J!l4 w/coos1der kids & pets. f'1 ,.. •.c.~m'.l -~t:'_~ k1ds1pets OK S64S mo ttndhaveyourboattoo! small pets. Quiel H.B. S46-1S75orl-481·~2 Balboa I sla n d & USTSIDl vollevbail crt, IB r l!!1Smo_752·692S •• i-iu» Lorri dys 547 ·9571 . 16.'iO.<XX> includes land. comer lot. S27 .500 or Peninsula 5 bath. 2 frpk 2 Br. house wfih den, ml/~ 2Br '6()()mo or eves wknds 850·0223 00 .._. "--· 847 2954 $399 000 + den + pool rm. ext · d 1 r IAYRlOMT Exerutive condo. ocean & I 6.,,1_ 0 191, 642-SZ .,.,.., vwncT, . . ' rerndl, lge home Trade garage, w/d hook-ups . rent en.Ure up ex or b a Y \'I e w f PI c . I ' o'I 'I Coodo nr S C Plaza 2 bd A PETE BARRE IT .. REALTY Own your own lot with J ~UNITS for income prop .. s mall 329 Universit~ Dr. See SllOO /mo Ca 11 Bob ~ :~·. 4 r ~re~'i~~·/ cathedral clgs ett· I+ 3141 E. Coeet Hwy .. CclM 2 ba, pool. no pets S.S25 Uni aq.ft. mobile home. ~Crps. a~. home or condo. Pvt ply mana~er at . 548·0648 ~~~r.~~ oft' or F gorgeous view . Pier and den. S800 per mo r>ys rm ~631·1476 ln xlnt park. Owner an.x· blt·in r/o, patio. ~:;r· &4M947 Eves ...... ,...__ shp. $3000 per mo Avail ~903S.i. ev_s .... 673-4899 2 Br.S7l w Joann. Isl fir. loua. Hu1he7s R.E la1u1pdrdy rm .. pood 1 2 BR 1 Ba duplex, new let:H/opt 4 Br 3ba pool Feb.I. no· pets S430 Sierra 13S-1355or499-l 31 bi 1ar rm, cove re .... p11nt & cpts. gar. no bo me $1 2 O 0 I mo ~-•.L._.... C-"-"-'--3124 M 6411324 parking. 20% down. pets ~ + dep. l948 644-70201...UJ 0 R.E ff hiw.ts rwnM--.. ,_,_ £!!!1_ _ _ ----------•IOl!erlttil Estate 12'\lo~ loan. nosecood. •••••••••••••••••••••••! Mev MS 3484 --••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 Br. 1981 Maple Ave. Isl ....................... IOI S. Lyoo,Sa.nta Ana ....._,.,...a.cl _eyer_ . Beaut. 4 Br Landmark ltAoalllmd 3706 Ill. 2 IR. 3 II. Or. no pets 2 persons. •W•f1C1111Hw• ....... ..._, ....................... ,SeparaLe hous4!, easlsidt f /Or.ramrm.3cargar. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Newl> decor Gas pd $450 Sierra Mgmt. SI00,000 befow -ap-hrS. 1100 laUCIDSI0,000 ............ )106 2Br I Ba r111ts.drps, S896 . Diana. Agl BAY VIEW furnished 2 end gar d washer. 641·1l24 praisal. 45· boat 1hp ••••••••••••••••••••••• 0~ AMXIOUS •••••••••••••••••••••••1 sto\le1 washer/dryer hk· 846-ll71, 84G-4027 eves BR. 1 Ba w shower. no pool. bbq Adults no 2 br wilh garage. unfum. Like new $525.000 Lovely dbl wide. guarded Ent siae: cute Zbdrm 3 Br Zba, fumlShed Shon up. incd yard. enclsd NEW CUSTOM 3 bdrm. 2 Balboa ls 2+ bron bch pets. S60<I mo yrly 223 pets. 642·50'73 \4)5tairs S385 mo Rds 675-6IM4 gates, exclUJive area house+ 2 unit.s. Bring term $900 + per mo gar. No pets. no "'1 ba.2sty sun-dk, de· gar.su.nsetpalloS600 E. Bayrront. Little IUUD\OCCP ... CYI. reqwred 352 Victoria --------me 1Hunbn oo !kb. 846·9060 offers. Only Sl39,500. A&l 675-4000 waterbeds SSOOimo + s 1 g n er d rp s . a 11 QC_ REN'tALS 750·3314 Balboa»~11QJ7H326 ...._ " ~=;;m:=-="'-"'-"'-=----1 Bia 645-6266 · securit}' depo sit amenities , nr Lake Pk . SJ85.SJ901mo 2 Br 1 Ba 645-816_1 _ GETIUDY A.crMpforW. 1200 : · COlhlMeso 1124 5-48·549..Q!..71~·5629. -wilt to beach. $875 mo BLUFFS 3 BR 2'.., ba, llAoaP.-...aa 1707 Pool. beamed re1hng. 1 Br £/Side, sm but cozy FOlSUMMH ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• 3 BR twnh ine, 2''1 ba. 2 Gardener +S25 ut1I fpk , upgraded, patio,!••••••••••••••••••••••• laundry room No pets wilots 9( natural wood Slepg to beach, pc:)Ol. ten· 12'/i .Acrff • • • fplc's, new. f ormal din, credit incl'd. Avail now. S89S mo or lse opt. I 3bdrm, steps lo sand. No last rro rent $.160 8St 9522 3.5·30 nis & racquetball 3 Br RanchoCallfomiaAre-a. IUMITS/MI hugebackyd.641·1725 1201 Alabama 960-2686 .1.liQ:83!!4 675·593Q_ · Slm/rro -yearly. Call TSL MGMT 6421603 Nls ~ --ls- 2ba.vault.ed ceilinas.lge oak trees streams . Fee land. 0'4ner will 1 ~/:T1d JBdrm. 2Ba , quality or545-7988 3Br. 211t8a Condo, hu8e 67~S710arte~l'!.I-· --~my 3 Br Townhouse $;s d,· N/·w~~t~9lh master bdrm. Vacant view Soil report for carry_ Contact John Garden Grove home. 287 Brentwood. 3 Bdrm 2'" Ba. 2000 sq rt mstr. view. end unit BA. Y f R 0 NT AG E . apl in qwet adult com St Encl garage 646·4644 ()pen Fri/Sat 1·4. CJtrus. Low dn. Low int. Shea. Broker 955.3454 You are the winner of vie Santa Ana & Santa house, av a i I . no w $750 rro. <2l3 , 829·0446 beach. pier, prkg. lbr. plex. Newly decorated, or 5411-<1716 4823RrVERAVE. A«t.1-67&.5717artSPM two frtttickel5 (Sl8.()()) lsabelSl5.S900mo.Va· /m:>.720-05Z7 dys, 1213 ) 372-4155 $1000·6 wks 303 E fi replace,ent'lsd'pat10& ,. -----,7.,1771 J.:§.,...,~1!17~L--~~--r-----.... ~~~I eves/wknds G'Aoae~water 1871'"""' cra"e Sorrv, no ""I'. Es1de 2Br1 11ba .a1r.h.as .,.. -v•v !! _ valuetothe cant & O""n. ~788 or 3 Br 2 Ba + den. fmt~. --· ~ -· · '""'°" " ·; ,., ·' I k d & "" .,. ' 75 Mo. 64S 3381 or oc e gar patio .. .... CllCUS YilGAS 646-8883 covered patio. gardener. Beautiful~ br, 3 ba home C:O.MeM 3724 67s.59t9. ~lrro...o...A.KI 64~.:~.lL _ for S. I l 00 SUPll Long Beach -Veterans •2 BR, den. FP. 2 ba con-close to schools & beach. overloolnng lge green-••••••••••••••••• ••• ••• - WTILUFF s.ctoc*r View 3 8&m. 21't ba, den, new cpts. Enjoy view of mtns. ocean. & t'ity lidlts from secluded hot tuli. Vat'ant. OP84 SAT 1·4 2421 ~· 675-1771 ••• e.g.~~~.., Laguna Beach You are the winner or two free Uckels IS18.00) v1lue to I.he ciacus v AIG.AS Long lltach Veterans Stadiu m A.J>ril 4· 14 Orange County fairfl"OWlda April lS· 18 Tickets good for selected performances To claim ticket.s. call 642·S678, ext. 272. Tickets must be rlaimed by April 15. •1182 ••• HARBOR RIMI CUSTOM (ffN SATIIDAY 1-4 Drutlcally reduced magnlflcent Me- diterranean VIiia. Unparalleled 180 degree views of Catalina, ocean, Newport Harbor and mountains. Featuring approxlmatefy 6,500 sq. ft. of the ultimate In elegant living · space. Offering five bedrooms. pool, apa, sauna & elevator. Careful at- tention has been paid to ~ detail, the resutt being a homt wh~ altowl ltl owner• to experience the height of luxury. sellers are e1dr9'Mty an· xlou• and have 1'9duced the llklng price of this home $500,000. SUzan. ne Shuler 8"42·8235 OPEN SA TUR· DAY 4/10/82 .. 1 ...... 12 TRAFAL· GA~ HARBOR RIDGE, NEWPORT BEACH. ""'--... ·-·•11••• TAI SH&TEI Stadium April 4.14 do. nr Westclirt. 1675. f750. 963-8600. 835.3933 btll.SIOOO/mo. fil~"" DE ORO l Br garage, yard No I room with bath in xlnt FOil IMVESTOI!! Orange County A.vi now David 646·3255 ext 242 _644-6MI aft. 4: m "" pets Kids OK $425 mo Ea s Is ' de lo cat 1 on San Clemente pride of fairgrounds Apri I 15 18 CHOICE exe<' 3br pool OC RENT A t.S Newport Crest Condo 4 ILITI ES PA ID 5_48~1 ~~~l~~v~~;k~~~Os or owners hip. Modern Ticketagood for selected honf:Wueenskitch. S650 1.5br'sS200toS2000 Br ram. rm. dinin(; rm. Compare before you I Spani!b style four unit performances "-"' d pool, ~nnis. $1200/mo 2 BR J•t Ba . pal10. newly apartment house with To claim tickets, call OC·R TALS 750-3314 750-3314 · .,.,.,n 7 axs I . 646-0686 rent. Custom design Ykwtfil!ld decorated. no pets S480 272 Bdrm H · Ba features -Pool. BBQ, "~ ocean·bills& goll <'Ourse 642 ·5678. ext · IACI IAY 2• untington · Y cov 'rd Jarage, sur FAMILY AnS. ~"506 -- view, close lo ever· Tlrkets ml.Ill be daimed 3 Br. 3 Ba Townhouse Coodo, washer/dryer In· ~~Pool Ha rounde with plush Beauh?ul garden apls SoCst Plaza !Br Iba. full )'thing, only three years by April l5. !982 by babbhng brook. rrplc. cld. wtr pd .. no pets. ~ Br 2 1 +den Spa landscaping. No pets Pat1osldecb Heat paid sec. pool. spa $465 1ncls old, shows like new. new I * * • dlw, pool, many xtras. f'nrd patio & carport Big encloaed yard right 1 Br. tum from $490 No pets 2 \'hildren gu1-Mr Agent. no fee three bedroom, two bath unous. new · A 1 25 545-2000 setting. $1050 /mo IO· •• ow ner could occupy Lux . 3 BR 3 No pet.s. $850/mo lease $52S. agent. no ree on Back Bey Country 2Br. rum from $5801 welrome 957 city & ocean view apart· Ba . furnished condo. I.st. + ser vai 4· eludes gardening & pool ~ W ~'ilson_,__ 642· 1911 22 BBRR. 211B1ABA ~15 m apt. $500 mo See ment if applicable. and Close to all shopping 646-&423___ HBdOME fS072R REfNT d serv 752·2197 Ni<"e I Br dplx. Q1.11et.1 -w Wilson 631 ::. .... Sat mom. before noon. rent the other three Mont.h lo month. ulll in Small I Br. gar huge 4 rd ~m 5 Kendce& Sep by gar I emplydi ~ --~ ljl~_B_Y1ola PIA C.!L_ apartment.s for income. cl. lsl & last $1500 yard. $425/m>. Dn ve by ya .. rcarage. I s • • • adult over 3S No pets I W1s1de. lge I & 2 br, ow. Id b 2b d Seller will help finance S48-C968 ~ W Wilson. 673-6336, pets we come. ~5·2000 t~ .548·102_1 _ _ _ ~· lndry. carport. ~e3 r. a.r rpts, 11>5. .,.., ....... •ft-nofee 1 carport Nr OCC No a n d s a v e b u y e r 1 _ le-L. 3141 ,,_..._ ..,....,... · -.S 1 ra ter Ave & 645 662S thousands or dollars!!! _,..... ....,. H........... Costa Mesa S350/rro Dix mobile hm -~..,_751·~-Selling price of $.325.000 ••••••••••••••••••••••• E/Side. bght " coiy 2 br ~-You are the winner or Mature adults. no pels ~ ~. •3br. nr SC. Pina. S.A is way below current Lag. Bch front condo •. 3 duplex. Iba, gar . newly l~a• 324 two free ticket.s ($18.00) Quietrt. sBel cdur64e6 83719391 2 er i-sa-large sun Carport. pool. spa. $675 reifil:acement Cos t!!! br, 3 ba, pool, tennis redec. No pets. S550 ....... ••••••••••••••• value to the ~ v . .. . d«k.Warage A.dulls. no Pet ok 752· 5822 or (Z13)7~ 2228 eves 642-6260; 631·3678 Wale Oriented Condo ...... 7 • ., 251<1'1 P CIPALS ONLY !!! . Lux 2Br 2ba, frplc , CllCUSYAIGAS Nl'WpOltleodl 376' >'""· -.· ~ 641·1460 ---_ Call owner (7 14 1 *M~°ii!i 2BR.lba,gar.wshrW/D bit.ins. 2 car gar, sec LonalltachYe-terans ••••••••••••••••••••••• F1REPLACE.Poo1pvt •2br.2ba,nrS C.Plaz.a . 642-0138. OCEAN · . 1 rm. ~P ·PlnaocenPtf~!}47~ J•le. Tennis, pool and ~~mApril4·14 Want something xtra pat1o&d1shwasher s.A. Pool. spa. ssso No Lagwia Bcb. $450 + util. ,_...c .,...,. ac & water access. ..,..,.geCount( special in a 2 Br . XLG2Br garden apts. ~· 752·5822J?r 64!:l460'-szo~0 Dru 497-2006 3 bdrm . 2 b a . mo.673·4854 fair&J"C)Wld.aApri 15·18 TownhoU.se completely on East si d e S560 Jb SC Pl S , 3169 water/gardener incl. ._.__ 324 Ticltm good for selected fW11? 1895. Mo. 760·9117. 557-2841 •G r. nr 1 au,S A &.tys-ocea root uplex Huportleacll 1795.Noeet.s.644·2718. ~ Delformances ar. poo . spa. 750 l.d Newport. Break even •• .. ••••• .. •••••••••••• ••••••• .. ••••••••••••• t o claim tickets, call West.side 2 BR. 1 Ba. Child ok. 762 5822 or poteltial. Will trade for AMISTllG I Br · Iba, full.sec. pool. Twnhome,new 3br,3ba, 642·5678 , ext. 272. D/W, pvt patio. ava1I Ml-1460. inyt.hing!966--9087 c•1o.1y......-..v1•W spa. S4 6A5 includ,es patio~, . Park, pool, Tick.ets muslbe claimed now.$46;<lm_Q_,~0·0997 C..EAN &SHARP """ v.. ,. "I gas~ gent. no ee Jae. mo. 833.90$7 b April ic I"""' Privacy " aerunty on 957......... -Y "• ""' I.AHIA Mil A"S I br. stove & ref rig. S335 6--U-m-'ta-$255-,000-.-lO_y_r_s 1 hi Fairway. Elegantly I flt'(SI * * Luge I 8r .. carport, !tl·IJTI_ old, wm trade for TD's, furn la b ed· Le as e · 2d~br,. e~~~ve~a~o c;:~: * *UAJ . Custom home , 2bdrm. POOi & laundry No pets Men Verde 2 br. 2 ba. hie, condo+ some cub. S31K!O/mo. 64M518 h Two Woodbridge 3 Br Jba, d,.n, w/Fol. 511 Nso. 1131 w. IDth St rrplc. gar .. lndry rm BIU.536-0123 SS · 773 W. Wison. homes. •tmo on 1 yr Irvine 'Ave. 1•sot mo. ~-~Imo 645-3144 631489 leue. 12 more to ch001e ~lions av al . Wkdy : 'ft'.~ ,_.....__ HUNl'BCH-203DOWN 28R or S.C Plza. Adult --We'-,., .. 0 ... to 1773· w .. nd•/eve•· ,, _ _. $440. 2 BR I Ba , gar. h11it.a$la,OOOall 28r. •• .. ••••••••n••••••••• condol. Quiet. 1565/mo. ~~crieaH.t-"' n..... · ' " " " ront & rear paflo, dwnstalrs. child OK Jst • Units m .ooo 7 yrs ~zo• Guincl Cb11-. .. ~. h]>lc, dtw. pool & spa +~.54J·_S331J 646·2325 new JI & ._....., ll\Qod rt4e HARBOR RIDGE Scllldolll studios. one ~.J!!O 549 2447 .r...= _ :e~~ri~:.10ar~ ·····u;r~L·~······ en0it~1J:r~tebse. If& .!111 ~a".t 1~i.t::~ie~ ~':n':~s= STUNNING iar1~ 1 Br ~g!rB~!J~a~ 536-0lZ.3 Vearl.Y::Weekfy.Wlnter, refnf, lndry book-ups, fl• 551 ,... • rrplc. wet bar. 3 vu Ind UNAIRNtlH&D. ~ns:g,:11t0~~ S!Ln.541~ 2,3.4 Bdrm.a. patio, aarage, wilt lo 1 • dee II: 1 . SI 6 00 I mo Oak........, aiao ollttt lath. Sl. Spaciou• 2 Br 11 .. Ba Mate your advertisln& JACOIS IE.ALn •hopping. newly de· ·!fllll uu l'twy,lnll!t 549-... 1'75-4018 -""" townhouse, beam cell· dollar go farther! Lilt , 10, 11 Ty ~kd. ....... ~mo. incl oaq DCOCI· 4 bdrm, a ba Canal 0 AllUtlllltel'9lcl inp,bll·ins,l(aral(e.pvt r:oJ;buli.neueveryday ~--do. 2Br 2ba, d en . Front , Jee~. Npt •111w1dllte ~-l~. crpts & drape11 I.be ClaulOed tection MGIS. Outside tract home· F /mo.--.T10'7. Shn.l ... bllt Ocean. Ooou11rcy ""' ~ ~~·I~ ---~~ newspaper. lnaldea~ace.Catmde· Greentree detac hed Oomm1M'.Ol/\ennla'1200. 011 Mmionln e4111, .... tf 2Br w/gar $420 Cpts. · conted a 8dr, bu&e boa, ZBr. h'plc, coun· m~l.175-7450 "-lillloi1 rncd yrd, wtr pd. 2228 * IVEST(IS * flED TAX Siil TEI ?77 4 PllX wtth Ann."'""'"'-· Allul'M 1et T.O. • ..._ wtll o.ry • 20% OMH down. S 185,000 ... , ........... . ...... ., ...... . .......... boo~ rm w/llone f111lc, lry ltltcben, covered Newport ~2 Br + den, And Much Mort' "A" Plamilia. 636 4120 1ardener incl. See to =·2w1ara1t,com· ~yard , iarage . Forimonlh.or i 'hl.. ...:I..;::;· s::.:.=.i- belleve.551-0M7 Y pool 6 lark. nr ~/mo 840-7814 """MOdtllOOIWI~ IMSTAMTIM NEWvtEWCONDO adlll/ahOoohla. tennl•. · 91mto. 11mn Nor"': Quiet. pvt. Jbdrm 2 BR 2t,t ba mlero •ar lllD. Q\.m., ' ......S «{'. •• JHod,171=11it WTALI SptictoliTliclrin + fam ati~~r·,~raJ~~ OCRIN'J'~LS ·tbr. tlil. · IUO rm. VIEW! M.r:n1 up· ~ I l-6br'1SIOOtolltOO 2'1r.l~ba D =--SllfS o. I yr Qerdln~ I 1JO.Pl4 OJ!!Jdw lbr.~bl. ...,. . 141 10 ... JIU I 3.br. F.R..:t Iba . .,......,.f'\ara ...,_. V'-W K.Mll abr To Pl•ce your allr.tba. tlNDf'\ara coMo. 1pHlou1 wltll "Fut A .. ult11 Or.2bl. .;• a11ra1t +. Co••· Service Dlrtdory fbr.Nti.. ... l\liatl. tUltflllO . 11"'9rllU. .... . Id ... -CaU Now I • t .... .,..... ao CANYON CONDO..l 64J.1'71 • UelY. Part,.....,. 1-...._,.•iilw, 1 .... u 41l~flle. -... ... ... OU.,.. .... ' . -------------------------·------ I' \ •• • Orange CoU1 DAILY PILOl/Frtdey, Aprla 9, 1eea ~.~.~.~~ .. ~~~~ ~.~.~ ...... ?~.~~ ~'!!~ ..... ~~!.~ ~~!~ ..... !!.~! ~~~ ..... !!~~ ..... ~~ ..... !!~! l.CQJ ~ ft. •arthoute, f"Nwt• 81'~ Doalr mill Companloo A cit, ma\ute A«oullinl ~ SECY taploc IZl5/rm rem. Mlle Bq ire, 'IV: woman. No h•av >' 'ATAIMTIY CU. .ATT9n'IOM: .,-.....--'"~=... l45 _ ---~orlc. No llve·ln T i 8£1> BALU'>ON A mlilllou1 boy•· and r.11, ""see•per'd, Hun .... W.e.4 4600 Found: med n 11rHri c.p~t~·iTffimafur~ ha,~" llun~1n1ton llrll 10.13 Ytar• old, to }!;ll;"etflo!c~ ::::r"a~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~•·• .. ••••••••••••••••••• p_ar~~ ve~ tumt , ~·~.u~all~fi« ~t?~'~d~:: ~I OMM lcl~o '11?n ~~l~~wV~m 14~ w 00 Uve-ln Gourmet C<>uk Durf1eld. l nlne (unc.d0rt1 dealr•• put 1 nit• wee I• n& llhnperwk Thur11nd ~atwitt U..... .,_twllhu.tw.. .-ec.._I....,_ 4JIO Offkel_... 44 Chlldcm Collese Grad ~·ll03 time employment tr Y • · 0 m P etc newapap~r aublrrip· Frida 1 E~ tr with •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••un•••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••• ••• t o r • 'u m m e r Found~&e r1hbll. near '1P-~btlll~ for Input llont Tr1n1porUUon IBM ~pJay!nttr pre ~-leec91 3140 Mtwportleec91 llH OC•:AN•'RON1' 2 & 4 Br Colla Men. 250 • ft fa.541-le&t Debra. ~Back Bay. C M N ll ......._ ..t.d 1100 ll rrerc and unffr~ t • nd con1 tan t id u It I'd. Will train. •11 for ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••u••u•••~•••• .. •• Avail oow. Wttltly lhru 5.~ .... •t7S/mo Ullq" In ---II•••-.-._,,, ~~ pirellptarait OfL"~ll 1up_ervl1lon provided. Ca' .. ' M""' ,.,ru w~·• auinmer 1173 T873 ,.,"· • 11• ' ...... /ltvetf/ ......_L •••n•••••••••••••••••• . ....,._!""· W ran rv C.lUU> 5:30PM, Ilk for ""'• ""' "' ""' WIHWrH A•h PHl NEWPORT rid 179 W 10th St ,._. found butball 11love in btMftu, exrel ,..orkln& Andru. &42 4321 , ut 8;,47-eOU Unfum i bdrm Apt All RR Palm sgnn11~ aru <Mon &11-••••••••••••••••••••••• CdM 675 1024. 4~ 7684 ACCOUMTIMG ccndJUon& Con1ac1 Ann 3'3 LIVE rN comp1nlon for ~I~ All 11nwntllt's IDIDJMENTS \~!~Y ru~~.CO:~~~r~uRm2 Swimming pool chemical <_Lve ma for P1ul} • SUPHVISOlt •lJl4L846·00ll ~;Jll ~~~ n o'n'et ""'I-MM G1>l f. t"nnla. Da I ly . I service buslneu. Costa Found: Irish Seller, Do.x WHtt Water Dlit AQUATICS Applicauon• lleluxr puol•llk Xll'll Wt,'<'lllr' m1>11lhll rllleli execup an Men .Hunt Ueach uea le mix. Collie mix. Techri!Cal1cc·ounffria ' are beinl( acce~ted for ~~~~t~~~~~y ~i/rgH'1.fte:J>"4 l•r~'t' 2br 2 b11• blln~ COUNTRY CLUI II\ 11 714 SS 800 I No exp. net WLll train Shellie. Corker mix. •14>ervlso~ work in prr· Hteauor~. poo auen· NE w PORT T 1 n t; 1147-1~7 lbwhr, 11, mllr~ bt•11t·h LIVING IN 9SP~asltfor Mark "A.HewCCNK..t" ~.000 full ll'nount re Aust Shep mix, Border panng & malntain1n& danta. aw1,m in•Lructors CENTt:R 3000 F.ut /\dulla,nopt'b. ~mo Lal( lkh front condo, 3 •\illsMvlce/culifom quired CWl1l l l 1"1 el Colhe Irvine Animal fi~c•I records and re· & an.us ... l dlri:,1odr,of Coast llwy Corona Dt<I ~"8 m NEWPORT office' desk IPIC:C 14o.ooo+. a C'O Cl'l C!_reCenter. 7S4·3'11!:.._ pol'U Prefer lttonj( IC· aquatics •Jpnng an or bt. 3 ba. pool. tennis 0 Mon Fri 9AM ·6PM ti g b ck d aummtr, full & PIT M11.r lluntin11t on Creek Apt BEACH l213ll~ 2'l28eves_ Nr .C Airport 4<1/116'10111 ~oun nllh 11 Mtou.n Contact Mr. Wc•tUn11 or Auto Purl~ countrr L>eluxt I & 2 Br F'rplc-1', Liit> 8111 l:ltar rabm Pool "See~~fJ'.r:'ale!" L..............__., I REW"' a~ a ':'cl' c~m p1:r:~v1!1~n Ma Eklund~·~04 ~n;on, Fr~way Auto. cnclJd gara0 l's, TV A luxun commul)ll)' on l"bl" rolor tv "r I ""'--"" s I •••lonVi••o 495 0100 15e('Unt)8481Sl3,8AM lheBal'kliu> Sp1•r .... .~rpt'li ~ 5015 fortnform1tlonr11dlng perience aar)' A.TlAMTA.FflM r~ ~ SPMonll' t1H·ula1 S11t1 7 ~w1m Sl~s 14 S4S 0016 ••••••••••••••••••••••• to lhe recovery or GT SllSOO Sl ,946 with ex EIPA.HDIHG liABYSITIER my home. --rn1n1tpools.8f111htl'd ten ~~•~lt'r.Summer,resene KOLLCIENTIEl LOANSllARK BMX rac1ne bike ~~~:i~~e~st/1J:!~ ~!eclmana"e&mfe~l & 11 B Full llnlt' ~ ~. 2 br. I b11. front unit 111~ l'ourb. lJikl' trails, now' Wt'ekly rental. I HEWPOIT WANTl':D l'htome frame . 11old l<\nnegan. 1714 )&3l 1200_ ~It'll, 111hnll' 1t1me t•h1ldren 9$.17809 gar . patio. 2 ku1s ok. no p u l t 1 n 1: 11 r l' e n Hr A1>l Sleeps up to 4 Blegant £xel' suites In Need $10,000 ror 90 days crank set. yellow wheels <.:iO Mesa Consohdaled Mu8t ~ ~natur~, n~11l & pets Isl. 'i last. $100 l:l11 t·hel or~ 1 anrl 2 Hulhoa l't!n111~ulu prest1111ous lor In d at your termi> Miss Pot & tires. Taken from Water Di strii·t. 1965 respon Cull Pat 0 ~on BANKING ser JblkW orBearhorr bedroonb apartmenb bi5 047:l.1fl 8PM secretaria l. rteep t ~2254 Bearh & lnd1anapohs. l'l.H·entra Ave Costa nor (1141559 4930 r f' TaL"'•r~ Slater Mgr. 17381101 and townhouses from ll0ru5t. t.elephont' ans & 11 B. approx 2 'I' eeks 9am 12 """ MATalA.l Keelson. 847 0422 /\ vail s.~oto s1000 ver month N"pt lkh rurn 2bdrm · rm re or rs from S436 MoMy to LOCM 5025 ago. Please rall 536 9832. Mesu. r A 92627 1-.xper 11 JO lo 30 dai COHTIOL now. On Jambtirt't' At 11 ·' ,hha houM·I. '; blkkfrom rm On t•ull ofrs St65 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ly C1111 842·8600 ~YilS~~ ARLINGTON APTS · n Ju;u1u111 llilb Houtl A t < 1 LS b r rn ...,.... "''"• "" "' " AM f 1ent 1r l Ing Sa w · Amf l' var tn~ mo T 11 "''. II EA D ia...i.,...._ "'-•~ .. CCOU ... Tl ... G ~ f ) I "' 90 \ill.. or y w "UARTF'.l'S ··o u P---'-5350 ~1:·1(11 OK K E"L'R f II I Soar1ous & QWet 2 Br 17141 ... 41 0 Abo 'l'k or 9 49 11 '( \ ... '" SI0,000..d p ~ ~ JI() E 1-r. ll lnternat1ona . a IT; Ba $4115 , Twnhbe Ml FEt:• Apl & l'ondo Famllil'l> uni) Cull PANIES Al)roress1onal TomorJeannr ••••••••••••••••••••••• Oulll-81 cudepnmurily t•harge lhro t rial d.Yllfl\!1>tt11gh growth o1I Adulbonl> No pet!'. Nr N~tal.· .,111 .. R~ntul• 17~-QlS9 environment t714 1 _642·8852 **** Accounts Payable 1111 bah1n~.romfutert•ntry fTefCl slrv1ce rompany tM.~ach. 960·8656 ·~ .. 675 ;912UHi~kt>i ' · 851-06!!1 2 T D , D1g1tal Computer Also exper helrru 1 person ha.' an 1mmediale open Ot•ean front Nt•wporl n d s Atlantis Massag~ assists in payroll pre ofr Reta1 Travel A11en Ufl for a Matem1I Con 3Br l12 Ba condo 19776 LIDO Vll':W llulboa Pcn111 wkly ren Newporl llenrh near S20,000·S150,000 full)' -open-i.4hr11 t1day parallon.monlhlyfmun <'1 494~_<!_skforBetly tml Soperv1sor. H you Claremont ~ bt & 2Br 2 Ba 2patioAdUll\ tal startmi: A11r l lh111 !~J~!,r~~e~\~· ~rtt.Sto100020t000yrs AOthter 7daybaweek t1al reports and olher have.imL01mum3 ycar\ last+ er59<H663 p5efJH.10067~635!1 bll mmt•r 2 & 31\r ~ ..... o . · py s. 611 Gorgeou~ girl~ to l'lerical skills BUYER eJ(prncn1•e LO matenul --"' 544-0014,838 3232 pie parking. well main comm'I & non ownrr pamper you J.11·uu1. KJ1owledge or huMnes~ rontrol superv1s1on. "e Delat2bdrm,2ba lainedbldi: Vitkydays programs No bkrs Sauna Loralsas 'l't!lla!> m.irh1ne~ typing Re !>ponsible for haH•a rh.dleogingpob1 lrrubCli.Trplr.endgar, QNTHEBAY RentabtoShare 4300 714164}~ Bnmt 963·2611 tour1ns B.1 nl<. m1n1mum 45WPM vurr ha sinic rll'I' llOn available for you dishwasher. bit ins , ••••••••••••••••••••••• Amerkard , Ma ste r Sala ry Sl .252 $1 ,$23 w1lh material. maintJining Applicants must have smoke alarm. 2 polios. Luxuriou!> 2 bedroom. 1 IUSIHESSA.DDIESS MoMyW..t.d 5030 Charge. Amencan F.x eX«e llenl bent'fits ·------~ repair items & ofrlte expenenrt' rn wurk1ng "aterpd $500 ~93 0il65 bath avartment lo(':lled Answering &I mail ••••••••••••••••••••••• press. Din e r !> all Please iubm11 resumr immediatl' supplies Mu M h&\•e t'X with an MRP ba!>ed JBrTwnhse l',Ba park rlire1tl> Jl'fll)S from the ROOM MA TE !>ervire. l'O nferenre 0 ,00J for JO days Will welrome 714 645 3433 to Joan Finnegan ,_,._, ·~ ~· M ~~uf=~u~n~ule;kill~ <·ompuler 1ntt'grat cd 1nii . pool $600 mo Re uben f. L l' e FINDERS ~ n:d/14 ~I ~~~~rt ~~~/g!2'aso:'s( f~' 0~ 2112 Harbor Bl <.:M f714J631 1200 C 0 Mesa "='...:' :.:::~.~.: ::.. • in rosting. mll lt>ri a I manufartunng S}Slem 61J.568.S SOvl800erlooks Nhew~rt Ba> Oldest & largest al(l!m·y. -$311,500 on a new hou)e C.oed.s would lo\•e tu v11rty tCoru.ot lldta9· t8eSd WPlat('r Olii. r .. ~'".::,. analysis. ne~nt1atwn & ~~a:MXX>bl·• ~uxtpennoe~r~~~ 2 br In. pie• ~-L o r munl n >r 111i 450 sq ft rum ortire 1714/751·•027 with vou Ll'Sll" ur rie · a <·e n ia -,~ 1·01nmun1ratmn Ca pa ~ • "· a ' · l' pointment ple11se r~ll All d1enls screcnt!d with spat•n ...,,.., mo .., ,, ~ Ave . Costa Mesa. CA. bl r k h 11 daton We offer l'X furbished . 12 b s to bc•h. photos & r r , • lW\11} Sy Iv 1 a a ri y t 1 me , 92627 ctuslfled eds e o "'or mi: w1l 11 • & k s.150 mo ~ 6480 !1141720 2473 M F 8·5 (' _. i.' eren el~ 641 0763 M~1. Trust 161 !nl6 . 642-5678 leHl~ of rrusnaitement t't'llcnl salary wor rng -· i--------•I rat1ts .. osmolJO 1tan DHdl 5035 -Send resume & salarv t'OOd1llons as well as an 2 br.1'2 ba $375 + S315 Good Morrunl(AIJl('nl'a Des1gnloswteexe1·u1tve • -outstanding bentr1t Ba h I k -~ To-•r•'"" Sho" o(flres "ith set>retarial •••••••••••••••• ••• •••• ·1 ' Im.tor) to l'la~s1fwd Ad I k F dep Gas pd NrBeal·h eeor unll. 1, Ill ""' ""'"' I a1·1yP181 ...................... : sm Dail) Pilot P O pac age _or 1m Blvd & Mar Fadden Av from ()(·can. \'rh avail • 12 off• to a II new sen·1ce, poos1ble livmit Loan Dw7 I :...da 'Yl"Ckl''s 8oJ( · 1560 l'o~t.i Mesa rn>d1ate rons1derat1on ~ls89J.4894 no". fresh!) painted, rllenlS\\honeedaplat·t• area. Good lo<·ation in MHcfCaah7 Liii I 92626 · · ' · subm1lresumew1lh rur ll('Wrl]lt,$32.S 6759229 MEWPORT 641-1899 CIMeryVlll&ge Broker Real--€stalc money P'HOfOMODELS . . rent salary history to ~e 2 br, 21 ' ba 2 frpks. l•lill-illili-illillilllillill-1 615 4912 a\aJlable 2nd 01 3rd TD fSCO~TS ' · COOK'S Helper rri thru AMF Scientific Dnlling am rm Good area N5625 WUTCLIFF 1..ar,una Niouel Be.iutiful Loans on res1dent1al or BACK & lH.TTEH Pilrl t1ml' (X'rson to J eLv<'r Dally Pilot SuJl 4<XXl Hilana Wa y lnternat1onal. 1801 1 rm + sei· & clng ire rl'rrole lo ~hdte 2 brlrm " ... TI .. • " 0 ~·~'""I ... t .. All So I CA are a A 1 ber 1 a Beaut 1 br & den. frph apt in CdM $267 mo u f1t·es Rerepl1on1st mrome vro~rt1es n e f.AN r.Vl'.H' 24 JIHS auto route in Lag Bch·7 days per wk-n """"°" "u rue-. nine I 7 1 I J 8 46 I 3 7 I n r IJ091 ~ f.40 1Hl I 720-~15 9S5 3402 Seq mess e n g e I handle a full range of 669-0207 Ccutter Cleril 92714, Attn Bill Wri~ht 1213J43().(Yl!l-t 2 bdr.l ba.t:ll.'an.~tcp:;to l ~ st'n·ice. Law & Tax i rrortgag(' Coverage al 10utcai11 about 2 hn. pl'r day M-F. 3.30PM. PeeW~sHoldoi(s Oa1 EOE ,.,. beach S650 mo yearh Non·smkr 3br l'Onll u. L1bary. Xerox. phone \'ery t·ompellllve ralrs --------11 ly Mon thru Sat 10 5 1866 basis 1213 l 787 7:107 S2tXJ mo + I I ut1I $1~0 ans'l'ering From $35<1 I Court es) to Brokers ~1-Sun-!>AM 1'1'1'pl Bl 645·4007 Mgmt trainee. r l. p I. 1714>61519'J'J dep 96-l ~ 11 li l'.3118315333 ~14 760 1S51 a sk for l.J(''d Aesthet11·1an f:uro MUST LIVE IN LAG BCH AREA No sales Fabn<.' or relail -Prime Off1t·e S&,are Ste\'e_QrDuane pean F al'1ah Jnd Ot;.'ITALASSISTA!'\T r sea.?,:>':--ADU LT ~~ ·;·,~, LIVING • SecuHly Gaits • Pool & Rec Room • ' & 2 BR PahG ;\pis • Ga1oen Lanascap1~ • 01shwas11e11 & 8801 • JOQ IG Buen & ShGPS SEA E~VIAON~~t~Jl 4#, {. ••I ' •• • • ,. .:· •IRA.HD HEW• 3 bdrm. 21, batli bllin~, 2 rar g~raj?c. washer dryer hook·up SGSO mo ~~ 3 bd. 2 bo. d a bltms enl' gar. lndry far1I. S61HJ _968-_1021 I BR rontlo, \ l'rsaille~. Wanted F rmmte sh,r :lbr I 57• 07,... Pan tllTltl', Co) ta Mt'Sd exp pre i12 4H 1 · !Jkene" ~Omo Call Jba ('On do , N R Coronadel Marl Osq WlDOWHA.5$SSforTD's ITBSS~. "''' I mllL-ctmgEarnmg.s$30Upermonlh.md 641.3272 64&4040 Richard 2138302323 S325+utll R andy rt SOile $850 mo (RSLoca~s.~O~ u,r N~ ~nt& I U" Call Daily Pilo• "4243"1-Jvn nan•u MOD""S ... E""'""" 2_13-82J.71is4 t'AS4228 6759510 'rC\J1t ec . o ena · atiOft I ,, .., 11 "' , IL DEHTA.LA.SST/RDA. ~ " DIS¥ . • -. t\ Dennison A~sor 11 a\ I' \ 0 u h <' r n •CharaC'ter types. 18 KO tl.IF'F HA\'•:N :! br 1 Hmmte nt't.'ded MF ~hr •CdMqlxswlc• Al .am 6737311 ••••••••••••••••••••••• /!<.J pht•nc• fnrtall ba(·k & 1ntt-rv1c'\\ sear('hmi:'ror 3 re'l'ard-yrs for catalog & film ba nt>" a pt. fresh Ii: :?br 2ba furn apt in pie pkg. $375 ut1I pll ms -~ & rt l work I ~·is~~ ~~~21~34k11 ~~~>rsJi~~68 )IJrk !1~:~:~ ~~~~:rire WE BUY 2nds •• !'::~~ ..... ~~.~~ ......................................... · ~~~~~~f ~~~<&n:! ~~:e1~k311r1J8~2;)>r;, ~ f to shr 38r. 28:i h~c tw sq ft. easy al't'ess on GREATSOUTHWEST • • • I , predated• If so. we in· film no experienn· I Large 2 bdrm. t hil . 4210 nr OCC. lg }d. S2m • and off S D rwy & CAPITAL CORP Robert S 1[f: ' v11e you to join us & neressar>. S35 $85 per I ~;e S7 5 omu Yrl) ut1I 631 ~.! ~';"~~Ave f'ln VI) ~5·4'!0 I ~~~~o~;~, r Da1·1y p·11a1 ............. ~......... ~r~a~n~'denfa~~}~J(~r ~il;~1n1 pn nl'l'Ork 2bdrm. 2ba i:round lloor ,,.l'm. QWt'I nonsmkr 2 y f F:xrellent benefit) m 5'7 ~9 Sl50 condo rrplr. pool br it ba dpl. pool.(.' M """""11tc.f!Wntl/ ou are !hi' \\tnnt!r 0 • : d d 1 •Experienced ramp $650 mo "111AI ··re·· sm+uhls 5575S28 RtMwable/AMUal I PtnOIMll1/ twofree l1t'kt1l\ •$1 800I tlu ing lme ltll 111 rrodels.S45ashow >< ~ Q u , _ C~P , -·t & r......;_.... value to the DISTRICT MANAGER surance p us a percen w Id 1 h 1 ~1528 ~ Hold prof f st•rk' '""'°" I ,.,_ ..._ lage of produt·t1on ' 1 r 01 es <'ata og. -h 1 f · Orun11e Co p 1me of ••••••••••••••••••••••• CIRCUSVA.RGAS S JOO f 11 d some topless. $250 EA.':>'TBLl'l-'t' lo"nhou~t· ~arni lo 5 r nire ) ~rn f11'e storage )parer I' .. _~ ....... 5100 Long Bearh Veterans This highly SU<.'t'essful local newspapE'r 1 mo 1 qua 1 ll' +clothes apt 3 bdrm 211 ha 2 !'Jr ~ br I ba .llJI rn (. ~1 j 12 500 & it780 s rt -.-tt11t.... Stadium Apnl ~ I~ Ne" I' or I R ,. a I' h icar. adult~ no pets snso Must be nt'al I!. re~p bldJt.S Fountain ~alle) ••••••••••••••••••••••• Orange Count) h.is an opening in the circula11on de· 644-{.(122 THI JOI SOURCE per mo S:!OO mo t u ti h :\rhool Dist r11·1. p o l CASTIHG MOW! Fairgrounds April 15 Ill pc1rtmenl for a D1stnct Manager Basic •Dental Re reption1st _SIJI 0777_1 llam 7pm, 1>441010 &i62557 0ox8SIU, !-' V 92708 M~ •Noexp net' All types Tlrketsi:oodfo1 ~l'l\'rH••I ~kills w1\I £•ntail SU(X'rv1s1on or lO lO 14 parl lime AM Eit Ne" Chr1st1an Pre S200 mo In ·I u11I ~u·t• W1el ·nd 1114 Jl!4Z 6651 •$25-$85 day,3 lllhrs. ~rlormanre~ y"ar old boy and girl horn" deli ver)' ""nen1·1'd nt'al. mature. school davran• nl'eds "'-C•-nt"' 3176 ' · a I ·"'.xtra~orklnmo\'1°s 11 ' ' "' "· " bo T -.......,. .. Jrl.'a. 2 bdrms a\ ail 1m , r. ~ ' o daim 1u·kc1, ca f II b !.'llJO)'!. n1re patients in a wrector nar r nntty ••••••••••••••••••••••• merl 1()40 El Camino :-learSan Diego Fwy & •lndus.lra1mn11film 642 5678 e>.1 212 l·Jrners Art•aso su~rvision wi e pleasant bus\offH'c "1th Bapt1~l Chur<'h. 1230 Slud.lo .iet ot·ean \ 1e" . pt c r :-.t See 7 am 10 llarbor 4 orr1rt'~ suite & Tickets must be 1 l.1i mt!d dt>hvcrv. collt'C't1ons and salC's-Selected great 513 r( :\t u~t be Baker. c M f'or info uul Ulrl d $375 mo 332 ~J>m or 8pm to 11 pm front oHii·e ~ recept THf JOI SOUICE b> Apnl 15. I~ aµphcants will receive re~larly schcdu sharp s ala r~ oprn 963-ll66 _ _ EncmolnSanClemenll• -Jrea . 2 b ath s &I """07TI !llam7IJm i . bo ll d ,. r I R d I k h & f '""' * ~ * IA" raises nus onnnrturu es an manv ~:.~ w port \. e n e r .'"'~Ula Wooclme AptJ 1s~lht.> Miir Apt Cl esp a u t room matt• 1lr 1·nelle, air. urn -I -~ . t'\.I • rr-; ......,.0300 ·•~J .. Spal'IOUS 1 and 2 bdrm Old Spani~h ups lairs n~ed to shr my t·11ndu. avail l8SO mu 549 ~28 I •SPlllTUA.l Jobi Wc.ftd, 7 075~; fringe benefits such as company paid --llJRSES AIDE a mo n I? bl' au I a kl' J>tudio, ocean \ ie\\ ~ NB_~ mo 645 9391 c M 2 orrtre~. 345 rt READIMG• ••••••••••••••••••••••' : dental and health plan, group hfe 1nsu-HA.MOY PERSON streams Pool. Jar and blks bearh S260 mn Shr >tRr hse. E Rluff~ bath. storaiie au1I S250 t 181.S So.El Camino Real. htskpg in exrh lur rm & : ranee. vacation and sick leave. Company Laguna Niguel home HEicper alNI shifts CBon1v rec Area Nu pets ""'7.151 pool.lg k1trhAn S2.5omu ..... .,..,,. '943803 I an Clern>nte 4927296 boarrl. rehablt> \Oun~ •. h 1 f h d d k o\\ncr\ asso<· needs osp wpt t' I a•c c.... """_ "' """........,.. ii ve 1c e IS urnis e u nng wor 1ng r rhAnrf 1 d d 1 d 1 ~I 000 +11ut11720 1328 --·f\illhr Frenr h Cana1an • p.inllmepersonorex ""u .e1ra(' o R 4 18 ~I B Harbor Blvd in I L b I 1 · hours. Applicants must be over 18. have ter1or ma 1ntnnanrn gd P\1 rare Xlnt ins 2 Br 2ba upstairs apl OOfltl l 91S9 · 1 l'f a • :1 Run a • • W d ••••••••••••••••••••••• . . f Harbor Baker Ctr CM 'ILCKt & Fowtd 5300 Charles, (95-62!11i a good dnviug record and be neat ap-Transportahon & tools pro&.ram C~ll 642 8044 tr P n ° Pe t ' Room with , ie" & "all 'llt'"l>Or1 Crest M ~ pro A(•ros!; rrom ~-EDCO ••••••••••••••. ••• •••. • H I I M d reqw rt'd Send details & • balcony ~RI gar S525 unit m) homt'. M F in 25-41.,J non ~mkr. s~~ l'On S80 sq ft . \at ant. or Pos i 11 on " an l t' d b ~ peanng ours are genera y on a y u ge rl'Qwreme nh In Offke/Part hmt ~no fee 545-~ 30., F.ast Bluff pool do _ s l> 2Hr . _ ~Ba rered at $475 Set• toda) rmture 'l'oma n J~ nuro; thru Friday Some overt1me available If po Bo)( si;s Laji!ona Propeny M&mt offlre in lrviM 3144 3\dil $2.~l mo t $11!0 garage."shr dr1f pool Agt !>!91366 I Ulgrompanion Al~orrce you are quahfted and interested m lear· N1guel9267i Dana PoLOt needs itood ••••••••••••••••••••••• dep 7608242 /~~r1tt15~~~1~· ~25 util ~:m off1rl'. xlnt N n I FOUND ADS 0tolra\'1e1R644'8065 _ 1 ning th<> circulation business. contact ~P'J.SEICEEPH H~~:esart~ur!~r:1~~ Orangetrt.'l'lhdrm + h•ft 1 d 50 t h d I IO<',t'opier.S22S enla ecevt 111n•~l I • Don W1U1ams Apply in ""rson. 8.30 to F:xp'd mature Li\(' pleasant 3 °1rl 0H1l'l' 2 tennis pools. SS40 ~n.Aunt B~~h art' up,., Shr JBr 2Ra hme I or 2 966 1179 640 6215_ ARE FREE ma, lure. 25 )ri. ('f\pr in • Ill 30AM or 2.00 to 5PM ,... Ul Refs 751-9655eH·~ da)~ a "e"ek Salar) 730 1250 542 7609 5360,J21 )oung lad1rs $160 & '• ield Kno"n or e'< based on experil'nl'e 586-ruJ ut1I CM 642 8558 &all.· t•ellenre in produ('t1on Ora1111 Ctltt ~/CQMPAHIOM 1 Minimum 3 ) ear~ 1 Rm " full hse pn\ Sm l..ar"" Npt Brh hse E>. l'Olle<11ons. ret·alllt pa laily Pilet 50 60. (1~e 1n. for nlcler fHJ ll2l2 L.ocjunaluch 3a41 l'h1hl olc $250 mo l't1I t~~Prof llllileunderJS 642·5678 uent n>lallons $eeks a 4 JJO W Bay Street : I \\Tiier Condo on ol·ean -••••••••••••••••••••••• pd.SSOdep A\•uilno~ Semi Pnv6Jl 6313 day week wan l~lah , • : C.oronadel Mar l.1ghl PART/TIME OCEANFRONT ·\pl~. 2 646 3812 denlJSt in solo pra1't1c1• Costa Mesa. CA · <.:lt'nt'al hefp wanted for Br. Studio $450 $825 Beaut Oreanrronl dpl\, Lost Lrt: M Ian German Clll!>e to Irvine :lrt'.i Ex l F.qual Opportunity Employer : JEWELRY SAU~S ~ell "holesale fashion 1m t:t!_ls inrld 536 0021 ~~r s:mo '=1~~11~~~r on the llt'a1·h N B 2 br 2 IEW'PtlT Shepherd. \ 1 r San ~I refs Call \n ""1 : ladies Je" ('Ir) R 1 \ e poner No exvenenre Bachelor sma ll kit~hen 631 ~ ba. pvt qtrs SS<lll ~RI. Clem('nte 492 6771 , ad1t6.5t 6424300,2-thrs ......................................... ~~e~111~t'ia~rpr~f.1~ needPd TypLOI( d plus & bath Quiet neur S600 2people CllTtl REWARD .------------------------, 1 C M shops . bus & he u h 2 rooms. full pm $lfi7 50 ~S-9166. 540·3810 Arch1tec1Ji. dl.'91sners, LOST -REW A.RD t°a ~n:~ Yg~g P;1,r~1~{ il3 753 3776 714 979 4944 Maturr lady pref No A\a1I immed .re F2.5·35.nonsmkr shr 2 plannrrs 1'wospaCM Lar-Fe~ .. leLabrador UNEM .PL I YE I ? 6P."9rl'M i---------$300 I I (• an~tune ex1·ept 6 9pm 1n Newport Center ~ .. .:. "' r pets inc ut1 an lMOEICam1no•t'.l')t hr 1•.,balwnhse.l'dM. O mix pupp )' Wh itt' l v-·-t·"'·•h"lat1erors·r P~TTIM1: be furn 49i ~-Ot'ean YO. frpk. patio ne IS 2000 sq hand w/blaAk raAe. 3 bl ark I "'"" .. .,,,. .. B h I onl' ts 3000 9Q fl. Very ' ' P I a / a . e " r I u ~ 1 \ e 6 9pm .:cpandinl( ) oulh Stud10$.'ll0+ '•block to rig t , ~unn> room 0tl +ull s 760-691!(> ravorable ra1e11 W1I-mark.son bark Answers 1 r hocolate store h.is rounselinic firm ha!> beach, nr shopping. ut1b Christian rem · 211 10 "ALE TO SllAR E " C Brok lo Cheyenne Lost Vir I f J < h 613 9451 $250 + util "' uam 01e, er l9lh & Monrovia. C.M. p time )l()S1t1on aq11 openings or ,, s arp ~494 5410or497·3077 CdM NWl'T REACH CONDO Call Steve . .,.. 5131 909 NEED A JOB? I Aj>ply mperson outi:ointr mature pe ople 645 4224 '"" to motivate amb1t1ous Newport leach 3169 Cd!'tt rm to prof ma lure. Doi."!'.ood,_C.M Let us help you find an employer. The Daily Pilot. Irvine Mirror EaJ?cr buyer" r eall the 10.IJ)r olds Call 2 Spm ••••••••••••••••••••••• l '1 f I Prol. F 24 30 lo shr " 2 I I d d {'las•1f1t'd ·rl· "\ "r\ ~·~'""I ••3 A k r CJwe -' . r~ s non Found Blk Persian. J?old & Mission Viejo Mir or will print your emp oyment-wante a ., u •• ' • • '""""' • ext .,.. s or l 2 Br rondo. uppl•r Westt'hrf10 over a rl'll , dub pool. laundry. walk LQ sbo_1)6 $625 64~·4844 smkr 6407845 sa1n>.2st(\,J br.3 banr • U''"S . grn rollar Ila\ I f \OU ha \ e Andrea bearh. I R No pNs ~, • ...-. . h t I .._ _______ _ 6 rm of1· 972 s r n r dMla~·-'. Bia Can)·ori '>4JITV!l mg or sa t' re ,.. I BR, gar parking. steps ID bearh. yr~ $475 mo 170.2494 or 731 5448 ~m furn rm w bathroom pnv. nr So Cst Plaza. fem prd 5~6 17:17 art 3PM_ Holek.M•l1 4100 ·······•••••••·•······· 5005. 2bdrm. 2ba. lux SEA.LARK MOTB. rondo w all amenities \\'l(fy rental~ now a\1111 Xlnt rnmplex. Glenn $105 & (' I T\' Eineman 1714164_099()(> up oor ' Phone~ in room 2274 J Br 2ba. frplr. gar, patio. Newport Rh rl {' M oc vu. walk to buch &16-744S ~rro__..~·7907 Onlhebearh Hotel rmJ>. Nr Hoag Hospital. 2 sl )' 2 kitl'hen & hath, SJOO mo br. 11 2 ba, din rm. lndn· 1 + ml deposit 2306 W book·UP SSOO 642 66~ Oceanfront. Newport aQ L Beach. 673 4 ts.t _ $267 + ulils. Isl & la~l · · · · n ~c-u ,.. ~1 al'h them fast and mex • .,,.29 fl Newpon mh St. Costa 640-4626 ' I f ....... I l'V\ Mesa All 11111 pd v' i'. 'FREE 1Jt'ns1vel_y,call642567R t;ass11edAj~642·56711 N R h I r Reward lost brown knit , · "Pt r · (' ean. un £750..!1:10 ~4884 ~es1 t>r short sweater. -...... 't ~1F O\er35 shr 2 br. 2 , · ~ ha apt. heaut lor Pool. T"·o ehte la" orrires. pan o ensemble, vie ·::;_.rJ _ _,t 4 , .. -·,·, '\Si ._ 1 • f SECRETARY RECF.PTIONIST Jar. tennis.\ ie". extras 10xl7 & 12x 15 S-575 pr Pla~!!l!ai C M S4t8461 « _ ~ IM-t J Job . IOO in full SerVll'e SUlte ndfll a ftl1 m $345 ind ut1ls + SIOO Ocean vu. secretarial lABl please help us find ~ ) "l' sl.'C._}48·0108 our Sheepdo~ Lake ._,. ~ ~, , • T I · t' 1 stations S90 pr mo Ca ll Pa .... Dist H Pleas(' e etommUOlta 10R$. Fem roommate 10 shr hsc of r 1 l' e ma n 11 It er . raii'Sls-1_om LO Wondbnditc. own rm 714 644·7600 ••BORED?•• & ba. S250 ~ 1: ulll Reward lost dog (8uf 5S2·9'794 eves 1151-1494 2 ornres. rereptmn rm. fy ). small Corkapoo There Is absolutely no cha~e to you. We will print Pat Time . Full Time? d"" Ben storage rm. 725 sq.rt. Schnauzer. beige. brn. I t d S d A II 1 8 I ,,,~ Forred air heut. 5275 your emp oyment-wan e a on un ay, pr 1 n · Room.mate M1F shr my 333 E. 17lh St. CM blk.blktippedears.Cur We n eed 30 tele pho ne re · bch ~e. N.B S300 + 13 ~24SO. 6750707 ly hair & 1a11. v1c the Daily Pilot & again on Wednesday, Aprll 21 in the ceriionist secretaries lo servi"e I -4069 -----Harbor Hamilton D 'I Pll t I I M' & Ml I Vi . Ml .,. " l!ll~ ----rurportarea.plushexer 631-5780_ _ a1y O • rvne 1rror sson e10 rror rea-our computer. legal·medical· femtoshareduplexthru swtes, S275+ Typing, Ching over 200,000 adult readers. professional & industria l ------1!111-·------JW1e IS. St7s util me. ans. serv avail. 957·9331 ~:1~ & wht. Use the coupon below to llst your job title, your customers. We WI II train vou on Kennebunkport? Balboa,6J5· 1142 ----;;DELUXE •• vir Adams/Brookhurst tlfl 1 & b b our computers-word processors & ShrJbr2bahome/wJor OHkespaceavail. Im· Answers lo Smok y. qua Catons telephonenum er.Mellor rlngyour - Isn't that the horse that won 2yo:flad1es S160 + 1":1 rnr<11so sq rt lrvineloc Reward.96J-0596 ad to the Dally Piiot before Thursday, Aprll 15. This acC0W1ting systems~· The Triple Crown '" '72? wJ._·&SSll t11~851 ~ Found: Ma le yellow Lab offer applies to any person who is presently unem-Aexil*!!-Pict Yu Own H11rs ......,.. fD· ~ COST A MESA w/bandana • male hlk ployed. Not applicable to Jhose seeking baby-sitting, ~~ 050 IMo.Frfflewt poodle: male Lhasa, h I I h k h I 1. 6.5-00tes•~..1ummtyp1'ng speed If you r1• !'IOI 'Ue wlio lo who1) Kennybt.fll:po<l "'()\ :Ion 1 lee! bod -.ou <e no! olotle K~pot! •I~ of 14 OlllflCllvely cilff'fenl ~· lloorplom OI Seowind V1lloqe 10 ~tington Beoch Seowind V1Noqe •S o rewlt ol 1oidlv peoond1zed profess.onol plonn.nq The ltrd of 011ention you de serve A pe.f ec1 blf'rd of rot1Te ond hrq - nes~ed ,,, o loe\t .,.,,1h bct>blanq brooh ond quet pot'ds. cooed by no!llO IXeoll btee1e1. Add to rhai 1.,.-u CO\lf\ 1....-nmirq pooh o jocuw ord 0 Conventinl loco!ion neat \f.opponq ond ~ ord youve '1'f o ploce anyone would prOl.6r crJ honW' !Even Keonybunlportl) 0-.e ond rwo beci-oom one ood rwo both opatment~ from $515 00 ••••••••••••••••••••••• S60 single gar. safe & secure. 731 W 18th St . C.!f. 67~ 7787 Garage for rent. $45 mo Mesa del Mar area. C. M TSl·!l!lC!§ _.,l""v;:r...:.;.m""s ..... __ 1...~u-u.... white. rem mixed ouseceanng, at-ome wor or ot er servce type ~ ~ •• "' "'" Shepherd collie blk & employment. 2 Must have pleasant voice & ~Jroomts rroomfnA!'s mo. 1· 2 wtt .. female Dobie red: ma.Mer • "' f Sh b d blk •-(Plertse print in 25 words or less) Realonomks 675·6700 'm ep er • • 3 Must be able to read-l1'sten-spe~t. tan. 644·36S6 125 Mesa ..,. Approx. 450 sq. ft Zone~ Or CM Newport Animal & type at the same time C-2. $170 mo. 130 E. 11th .-Sbe:::=lt.::..:er______ ...ns ~ilt~~~~-~ Key at Found remaluh\ggy dog I. Excellent compensation Storage gange, Nwpt w/blk urs. •;, pOodle z. F\.lll time or pa rt time Hats. seeure. pvt drive ....... ....., 4450 7872 s rm,646·11$8 _ ••••••••••••••••••••••• Found lg brwn r abbit. 3. Flex,ible hours, choose your Offtu...... 4400 l2t H ~rt 11•4 Santa Ana Hgu area. shift ••••••••••••••••••••••• Sl.200 ,q ft. lUitable Tor 751·2SlO dye 833·2465 4. Paid vacations-holidays.medical ISIT Westcllff N 8. Wint olfices or l'Omntl/retall. I eves ------5 Ma nagement advancement fi I I ' t 1000s t $1000/mo 644 ·448-4 or mane 1 1°' · · · 120-1665 Found: Grut Dine. nationally ·floor. A ent S4l·S032.:.. Brown male. Spike col SAWll sttn SQ9l'US •DIWXIOfffCIS• .. AclhWI...., -4500 lar. Npt Bch. Call 8am-IO.m8am llamsam-lpm l2pm·2pm From I room un «> 2000 ............. 0 •• ••••• • 1148-172' 14 fl PY.om Sfl& a aq N.8 .. 3'75 Birch. 8860 1q. J2J>m.3pm Spm-1pm 6pm-8pm f\. No leaae required. fl or lesa. MIA lOflf, S()r I sca11.• •EtS u I 6Pfn-10pm 6pm lam Adj.Aif1)orter lnn.ZJ12 ptr 1q . ft ARent 1 ........ myneme &------------------71m-$pm8am$pml2pm41pm Du~L Call AM . ~1$32, l AllSl(I$ (nolfofpubfle.l11onl ~pm·l~mlamt30lim m._._ 4.0H '411 A BDlero-Value -C... .1SSS&~Oll~~~~riqone.oc11.cA IAYFRONT o~o\'tt~A Ru:E\i~~~-hlllll'lllt lflalMlallmllJWB ·~~~0.,,F!wwoy~ncirthon8toth to pn office m.IOOJ. 111 rt Oftlctl, I ba, The MW -ii not too Ul~lff· llirrors ........ 5v.~-~ -..~~ "'--..-on Mcfodd.M to c. __ .J V. tllonr, wtlbar. 1700 14 rt. n. -~ ••1 lie ..., -.-.r111 D 6 5TZ 94. fl, tl.00 ,_, ~~rel. POf nre .. Ml IM W&om Penamel Department. ~'*'9~•0p.idoilytOAM '~dwll ~~~.~~~·~S7~58~lrtl\.~~·N~l8J.~~!!!~~~Ml;·~UIO~;da;u~•~r~o~-I;•~•~·~··~ '''~============~==~======~~~=========:Ji~~~~~~~~~~~~~. '!'!::-~!"11'11111111~~-~11!~~~~~1~ ~~,.:__-~ ' • I 1 - a.~7 Per Da7 That a ALL you p )' ror a 30d1y ad In lltt DAILY PtLOT SRVICI 0JnW~8!Y ~~1tm~~· Servlre Otret'tory Rtpr~cntatlv1• 612·561!, .. t 122 ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• Al..J1il'AT!o; PAVING Seakoauni: ~tnv111,i: Repairs Cumn1 lleMll I.Jc •397362 t'45 Ii Ill I l)nveways, Parkmg Lui ReJ>'!I~. St'ako.111111o: S&S ~j>hll 631 41!191.ll L>an Hallberg G rJchn1o: & Pa\mR Cu Res C'omm l,!i; -~ M-12 1720 labysittincJ .....•................. Habysrlhng in our C M homes l Yr & up An) !J~~ 8482 646 S75!1 Careful & IQv1n11 ma mu or 21rros 10 <'a re for )Our~. my ho.me F T 631 37H7 lcNnlptcy ••••••••••••••••••••••• f'or all you nt.'ed tu kn<I\\ about bankruplry. c;11l EJ4j83.~ 9162 loots, Mointtnance / Service ••......•.......•....•• MARINESF.R\'ll'ES MeC'hanrl'. pa int 'arm~h Teak. rub& "a' 64) 9766 .•...••••••........•..• GERWlCK & SOH Bwlders Since 1947 t\dc!Jhons Remodehnl? Doors. 1110do11 ~ pa110 l'OH'rs Free esl Rt>a!> Lrc :310942 549 21711 •• ....................... '?:.~.~!.~':'!:'. ..... ~ ............... ~~~, ............. ~ ...... , ......... ~!.~~ ........ : .. !~ ............... !~~.~~ ............................... . FlNE HOME CONCRETE11\SPllAl.T RIVt:R ROCK ptrftd TREES Haulinll 1trad1n11 dt' Prol'I 1·ouplt w1ahc:• to Y\ne pa1n111111 by lhC'hard ••BRYANT'~•• Rt lhK'rol tnm 1111m1lld IMPROVEM~:NTS Onvt'wa_ys. patloa, blOC'k ovt'r pool dtrk). patios, mohtlon ('onrri•lr & ~rt, Nl'wporl orl'u Sinor l.11·. in' 13 yr' of W11lko,enn11 Hrmov11I frtt Sandblut & bnrk Adchlions ,Remodtllng 111alls ~nnt)l636(MSll wulkw•.Y.~_. dn\l'\\U}~. Topped/remiHtd Clean treeremovdumptrur k Jul,J,rt'fs 844M.1'1 t•'' happyloralt'u'llOmt"r11 Alll)'Jit'll d<t21343 IJrtn'td ~)7112111 11. THOMPSON'S rtt• Mllml 1p,l1wnrtnov 7513478 Quackscrv 41427633 lllcolMTu 11urnk)OU 1.131 4410 "-ltr/lepelr TMe <.'ONCRET£CON~"1'R n........11 ~5.r¥lcn DUMPJOBS ,...................... CuttoM,illlllttMa ....................... •fn•n:•oonuu•, .... . c::cla l.ar )13!13 6428"82 :':!::::~ ............... wiio"00'"'00 .... A~_;· olrSm.\ll Mov1"j Job• 1"1Wt:KA1'1m ~ )'I'S t'JCp CJC'. 411.t!Mt Nr11t p11trhl'd tr•turH ~l'i{ ~V,Al.l.F.D d ~~DllHnlA~ t~m:nl Mu.onry lilo<"k DRYWALL Al'Ol'STll' r~.oJS: ffrfduiut '' Call MIK E414 l3Bt lnt'Ornt1'1Ali St•r\tl'(• &ndt!d Ins R"fs Color frttttl 19l·l0f A m 11 •U~!~~r&m I.it' ,34111192 ?10 8S54 W11lh1 Cu.111 work Ltl' 14 yrnxp .. \rllv hr d It Gmcalua1ral Hesean·h HoUIKltcaift9 831 41171 t'XIJl'rt. !lf'i.'J 09l_IJ)1rk Pl.A.5TiR PATC'lllNG R~I~ 'Jo,_. Rt's 1rornm tn~urt'd S3:! ~549 {714) 963 7330 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Paul'~ Tu Serv1el' PAIN'rt:R Nl'.:EDS Hr~lut•i•os lnllt'JCt 30 lustom Cer~1t r1lr Rob S47 21183 O.RYWALL. 'l'A l'ING · Want" ,R,EA}.l. Y,rl.EAN Pror r~ults al reai.un11 WORK! :io yrs exp inti yn1 Neat i'uul 545 2977 P~o~ ~.en FreH~I All textures & ui·ou1>lic· IROMIHG llOllS~' C11ll (,ln~ham ble1mre11 64S 8!136 ext Al-ouJ1lk <·e1lingi. •.. ; ., •. • • Mi thu k 675 1401t ,.L.11 ... Co-"'r""'"".t Kl•V'ri67•9Q88 MyCDMhonw.~ahl) G1tl.Fr~t'St6-05123 Oav11Pahllin.J! 847Sl8G ... DS ILASll',KI Nq •'F.RAMIC LINOLEUM -.u ... •~vu ' " & 67< 5 -..• FrHTa1 All1'}1-'t'b lnt orElll "' ' •••••••••••oo •••••••••• r11tea aerv. J f!OHIN SU .. EANING I"""'-'"udtlt , Hishop&Son Pamtmi: tl451!2.\8for ~ht•t-Nt Trleprof lnsl~ll , Voun1o: rnuthi-r lovin1t Electrical ~" Service othorouithly ~~'""l.,"''\-c~ 30 yrs e>.p in Ucac·h 1 " • • 1!1•ai. rates Bob67S 51..\1 t'alnnt•ti. lt1•mod home a1rm~11hcrc any ••••tt••••tt••••••••••• -1 dll_anhou.sr ~O ()1157 "No. >1vm11s ooc· or11e arl'll !o'rerc•t 5411 IU21J 11.ASn:KIN<. • 11 Tll f. Sk)llll'l> Hnom i\d1l'n~ hr ~ On t 0 h1· h1:111"h ELEC."1'1UCIAN prn·c·ll ... :••••••••••••••••••• 642·4101 ~ lnl & t:xt. Hesluc·c·u. ••n • · • ·* * C:rnh.~e wndwi. 1M 4420 Jlrov1Je n~al~ 6411 7617 riRht. free eallnllite on ( 11R'l~,1ntr;> PMI u~ohnrfi~ I foj(p'd Houseel1eanl'r , _....__-1-A Oualltv Palftt'·ca bl0t·k wall8 58fj ~112 {.11.rahly work IO yr~ l.'X htr"e or i;rnu 11 Job~ no in..:., um. in Mature & Re luble ...._.'"r""J lrflenor!i & extc'rit1rs ptr Get>rJle 831 5479 llOMF.IMP RO\-EMENT ('h1ltl1•11r{'in}0ourhoml•, ur"'•~:!I 67303.'>!i Ol')w11H S1111•10 Tll' ~2-~/6690411l ••••••••••••••••••••••• · , t:J\'iTi':HSi'i':l'IAI. 1.ca:1SMI. INT Jo:XT 11 vr woman. l'XP. rel ltt-roocM J fl fi4tl 9990 16 !J>ml I \/ANDENBEm; Wuyne 'f.~{'~[0~IXOn.i lmd•:xt J>l41~1(·rrn1< Trft Stortfu 25yrli ('har!i45 :i'74!l 54()1~31k1•(•ptry10g 1 LIC"Ul':t.t:tlHlnAN ,._ IM 1 t • NING LANOSCAl'INU · · ' Ca11 Johnli7S 75<.lti •••••••••••••••••n•oo• Qua I \\Ork Rea~ rate~ I v.:utra 1111 eniinn• llOUSECLEA Mlllnt, l'Omm'I n•s1d ·Nt;w LOOK • J:o:itlJCll T1el• l'ru111111o: • C.,.t s.rvlu Ctwropractor i'h~ t•st 631 wn Tom llepairr. & Dt>l'Oraimi: ~p·d. refs & rehable 'l'tl'l' 1r1 m. deu n u11 l'Al i'l'INC Sl':KV1n:s P'lumbinq romnll'tt"IJI l.ar11b1·avc •••••n••••••oo•••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• TOI' QllAI IT\ •~allt) •Ha.} 640 5144 Call an1ume_._9552418 Bnl'li. & Ille Ins. lxmd1•d, Int t•xt Rd~. Ill' ti ••••••••• ••••••••••••• "''"Ill"> '157 8388 Wl'l'are C1111 (.'lt•11rwr' Dr Yoo l'hrrowadur ELF.CTltl(' ,j wont-. llOME IM PROV t-:M t: ''I' HOUSEWORK hl·'d i'h-1· l'sl !179 Sl4t; (1aud111'1o :i~~. I Ii~· lhalll!\ 1 learc~{ from SIH ( omplt'lt• Tree Se1 Ill t Sttam de:tn & up huh i\t'upressure ~.I Toro Re'"· rut"• 1 • 531 !'>055 R EPAlll PLllM HJNC: W'" ._.TED I l('"S 1,.1 ~,1 ~I' l'lumlt1nie 1·patrf> . Ct·n 1 dn up & lrriu TrlJ<'k rnuunl urut 770·S2SI 24 hr!' -'·' · " Heat111". c·arpc•ntn· "'" ...__ · · "·' r.' fttt'l'\I \1&\1 1;12 90J.I " W k 5:rll' 1" • • .._.., lnl l':xt IO)r~t'\ll f..i\\nrt·nm !>360!114 or guar Iii ll Formica/Tile elct. tu• r'tee e?11 No h ••••••••••••••••••••••• Refl> Fh•el'~I 536 ~11911 I •l'lumliinii •ll1·.111111o: & ".'" amrvw1 • •t ... ·1m l0l1•Jr1 COfttrodon, General ! ....................... Jr>bloosmall 64S-2811 High q,uallty OUbl'"urk uul''K WORK Sma 11 · • f,lnl rt 1 .1 I 2 I hr ..,.., ,.. "' , • ExPt"nenced , dependa un '" . •S"TF.Vf.'ljS PAIVl"l'llC; • I 7"''• C'olnr brri:htent·r~. \\hi ••••••••• ••••• •••••" •• Form11·.i rnunlt.'r top:. & JAt'K OF ALL THAO ES ble honest mtelh "ent Job~ 'lj1•1411ort C11~1 J 1·rn·rgrnt ~ r.1 11,ui "'" JAYETRU CARE l'ompl sen ll't' 6~!1 930K I 'lll'i 10 rntn blt•Jl"h \UU''ljS REMO DEi.l 'llG t•ab1nets rer Jll'd l"r t'I' r ail da) or nii:ht nW besl Phonl' 673"70t:! \\Ito~,, Ir \I II t' K 1· h b l>aik ' 'lln\\ 'Ill'• 111 II.ill II\ din rm!> $15 l'lan~. Ltt,.d G 1·01 Vt" I ~I 1>42 ~i •JaC'k 675 3014 • unerS 00 PM f>i5 .117!) l'XI ,~:r:•·.~;.,1111"'1 cl:,~, dl~!.,11"' :l\I: room $7 ~I lOlJlh P1l~r&Son~.s51 ~32 • 1 ,..,, ~~ .... ,,. SIO l'hr $5 GuJr dim l>n, •·ri:--;G SL'Jl Vl('t-: GardtnfftcJ El.pert home and ·•Ill 't.' l'.:W,'.n1~1· lluu~ekt•1•p1111: llL<K1'.. WAI.LS • rv'r . r::. •••••••••tt•••••••••••• p.i1r Carpentr~ rttuf • .. rurn"h \a1·11ur11 & l'al11ll\ UrrH'\\a~' Pt'I odor C rpl n•pJrr "'I 'r• "\Iler comm re • • ., I · 1 ,.., ··~" l"Sa 15 ) r) l''lJI nu 14 11rl. ~;ti 't.13 'ti0-17 d\ ~ e\' KA I) La.ndM0Jj)1: ~t.11nl plumh, Ek &12 6013 l>Ul'Phe~ Kiit) h4 I 4'17111 JI' I ~11n1~ '""' ,.. ., m1i.elf l<ef~ 531 Olttl • H~id Comm Lli·.rn lip \\'l•li11l 111l 111hs ll(l' ~ml I Sl'HL'A A LH 11 Hn ant ) Lamht·11111111: ., , REMODEL AJ>O U:'llS U llauhng 5-UI i-ltl!I '"•aht'. l''IWI h1"1! Prof. r"~.·. r"li.i'·li• Hni·k. ~tum• lilul !.. ru11 .~oSteam NoShampou dl' 1 L J "" , I •u" ' u 1 Hu(' SlamSpt•c·1Jhl>I FJ't Jfl a~n I) ll' I Lancls1·apin,I( \dl'hllljh H11l &t>a1t' fi.11 •1325 Refi. Jea11G;11 w11;1 1,r.·1tl•tl~·., ~'ll...'"r'l\l'Wo",\•," I .. 'r 839 5 2 ~~r:. lr\\inS4tl 2719 Trl'l'tnm bpt·~~ma1111 H0.\1El~1PHO\'l-:MENT I ! ' & " u " ti') eee~l Ill l'OM"LRF.Sll> J1mMI01d I 'r11"nuor·. 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I Sl"t)1U~!"S hom1• 11(1111· I • ;, . * I ••••••••••••••••••••••• I r I "kut · 1$1" 1x11 u ~"' •r 6''" • "'K "" 1111 ..,uJ ll> Spf•1·1.1 Far1hnlf Jnt1•n1.i 1)1·~1f11 wo rer '' 's n 7<" '""'".9 •Mark r l'<'l':.llllllllt•' "" ~tn• h.v rl'11<1hle. 1ru:.l\\orlh.1 I I I 1al ue lolh1• Alldll1ons & n•mo<lt•llni:. """"""'· " f , I! 1•att• 1n IJ11<l1111: ~:-i ~rs HAN l:"ICSlll IUll., CIRCUS VARGAS hundc'<.I State Ltc rt;W2752 THF: GHA.c;Sl!Ol'l'i':ll l Hardwood R oors b~o ~11~~1f't~ .. '~ r~11~ exp I ·omiwt1111 t• r :1lc' t>uahl) 1.11 111~ Strip LOOI! lk'ui·h Veter Jn1. J G ,\llrn 494· ll!IO Complete lawn ma 1111 ••••••••••••••••••••••• d · , ~ ' Nouwr111rw no 1:i;,:1 11111~ 01~r 011 J1.q1e1 St d \ 14 14 l.)omrnrt• &12 41151 1 11 AHDWOOIJ FL.OOHS es l't \t' 11 • 1" ii 11 S f,\I' \'),"(,' \'()I.I.•'.(',•. V1~:i :\I(· Sl'Oll t.45 •1:125 a rum / pn I -. T 0~uu11full\ 1·lnd· n»ct I 5411 im I ' " r r Oran.:e(ounl) C&istomWoodworkinq GARDENINt,:\li\IN an·~"l'<l'd -'RJ<!.IHKI Jatanl~e lloust•l"lraniu" !'\·n 1>~;.'liTS MO\'IN1: Fa1riirouncb Aprrl I~• Ill ••••••••••••••••••••••• Land~t"apini: Trrr 1nm " ' I • .. t"O l.1t· «TJii l3Cl Exper1 \\allt•o\'L•nnl! 111 Tll'kC~ i:ood ror ,1•lt•rlt•tl C l'STO~I CABIN ETS & I l'I lu......... :.>.pem•m·ed W1•t•kl\ I t I ~l;11la111111 Ill-a" Prltl')> Tlltonnq Property M~n1tftt ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••ttot•• ••• •• •• ••• \l•r.t 'iuliJtt"h K Ii! & rol PRO,ERTY lt•i.!e 2.l 'r' 1·w S<I hr MA.M~GEMEMT \Ir Mor g,111 MS sm OranRl' lo -!r "·' JS ) 1' Typlnq Sff•lct l''J>t•nl•Ott1 < JJ1 for 1nfu I••••••••••••••••••••••• .ind rate' T\pmi: Wnlinlo: Ei.111 96J·8182 lllJ.: '.\I\ 0H11•1• UI WUr~ I Sn1IJub,uk M22142 RoofincJ Window CIHnin9 •••• •••• • • • •• • • ••••••••I •••••••••••• • • •• • • • • • • • llulx•1 ll1Mtl 1ni.: ,111 t \Ill'' l..l"l lhl· Sun~h1m• In :'lit'" 11•rn1 1•1 tl1•1·lo.' 1 ,111 Sun~hrne W1ndo11 IJr ~·1 111111:! 5lll !fi:l4 I t 'lt·:inm1:. Lid 5411 lll!53 , tn:.\ HY 1!1101• I~ I;. 4\ll', ~111nlhly Dl'l'llUlll Slll:'\C:l.fo:S & ll1'.I' \Ill •Hr:.'i1tH:NTl1\L• l.11· •II~~ .'\IK li:!l3 \\~ l ,t1 SJO . Jllo: 2 '>I) ltllll~ I F \!\"Wt• 'I""' ~IS l'hm !157 KJllX ll1j11li,11111ti•1 s:'IHI' 11.i' \;\ \\'1!1/()0\\'S f'n-..·t-~lllllJ ln .~x1, ,~12 H>HTl!r liOLlllAYS pcrl'ormanc·e~ lnlenors.bars.mantll'" for::~l~Ull'~t'Ji:.'.2'~1!!1 1 ::::-::: ................ 01\lltran' IJ.li!Sl!lh w~1\~irl'~~\i'ttf~.. Consullanl """l!llmt•nl To da1m lrl'keb. 1·all libraries. l'ab1n1·h THE GREEM SCENE Mi\l'l.INl: stu<lent h.i' (luaht} llou~l·dP.1 n~n)! 'oHJ lj.~••1 Sanctllaitin9 llr.ingdoa~I \\indu\\s bT. ~1.2k•~l•.6 7ml\u•. teb~ t1·la1211i11~·' sl~Jr~t~~".IJ09rus2·t. <~6 >!~!1,r,1.: Lawn lrtt sh1 uh u1,.,tall lgt• trut·k Lt11'l''l r.ill· " a personal lo111 h C \I --.\IC MOYIMG-\\ \I.I.I' \l'Hl ••••••••••••••••••••• •• \\t• 11·.11 ,. \OU" ilh d f..12 54 Ill &45 j'li2 ' '" ' ' " '' J""" "" ..;..)"' 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I'\,\ \\ \LI.I' \l'Ell SkytiCJhh •••• ~:':' ....... ••. ••• ••. l'PI uphol. area ru~ rabinets Wood ~ululrun~ I 1>'12 001 24 hr' • l;u1·!. & d1•an F1t·1· i':-i lkxbet'll'Jmni: I "ill 1111 fJ,1 & ( Jrl'lul l.n\\ "'t \lllon11, fnt• t·~I 00•••••••••••••••• • • • •• deaning Workguar lo"oodprobll'm,.,• 1!-.t.·ll ~·II' '>l.'11" \n•l h·t toiJI~ ilfonou Juhe Rat<" w" \llu"' \1 (' !II roll Lu ::13119111> Freee~t645 1771 631 1528 t'IJJ>i.1(1t.'d help bl2 5l>7H l0IJ,,lflt'd \tJ,f..i:! 51;;R ti-12 !J611i \h.i r.11 In' lii3 ll~J :\ormt>i5 oiw1 Personable ent.'rgt'lrc lleJI l::!otJtc P ru 1 S \l.~:s 1·qH·r fur St•f\inl: 11,.,"'" Im ~111 .1 11 •1p1 ,11 1· , 1 person sough I tn wll ft.'SS1onali. 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Dnlw Sh1•p I ~I-IS. · 1 211 1 I \I 111 Ill.' 'ultl Fr 1da\ J!~bhn~c~~:>•. f~~ell~~~~~ AL!.1:-.i8'l·1R!'b pnntmg.1:0t11t ~pdh11 1:A. v.urtt. Pt. •r rn111ul1• ~" 11 m1111hl1~l..t•l $l!>O I fl·maf,. 1•u1•ll) 111 .i:out!I ESTAI ~ ~\I ~ H1•au1 \pr ti Int o 119~ 1577 U·on. We lrarn, n11 ov~1·r l'_ONF'IOENTIAL a fm•ncll\ sm1h• .lrl' tht• SPECIAL PER SOM mo 11 I"' l' x IH' r 11· n n· 1 li-12 11:!7 hllflll', $.'1 1;.14 i!I02 ln•m• l'l'I an \\ 'n111l..1• l!I."' •A •SALESPEOPLE• b · 1 \\ I' h · 1 r 1 11 \1111111)! 'Jlt· ~"' 4 10 neC'ess Ca II Char t!) 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W ff ----------f SJ)ar) < on1m1·n~uralt> Joe•"'·,""""'. f( _ • 11 ro nee c or er ran.,~ I C't'flters e o er an e"C ""' n.>= l>h (,1,..,011 "·•'htr , , r' etnl'\1•r h1•11,t'hold mr'l 12:!5 PRIKT SHOP Deanna,~9·8466 rellent starling )>a Ian Sol~ 14 t·\pl'r WOR n p RO<. r s so ll ~> ~""' h" tlul' .I!·'' SIUt•a 1rn; li:t:! O~ulBR ~it~ 1-.t>t•l t'd\I !IJrhor \ u and a benefits parkat.:l'I OUTSTAMDIMG d d I tlnt'r SllMI toulh SJIHI I V11t•1•n '.inu/" 111 •t 11111' x t SJLOnl~ Counter help. paste up Rec:tof/Typist 1hat mC'ludes d1srnunh UMITY S\udt·nl Job!o n e c l' I m rn t' • Jr mu r It ' r' '' • ' hte typmg Expenent·e forlnm?"BasM ro Call paid iaratmns medical OPPORT HEY• llOW I' \I h l' J \' G11•1•n '"•l1111·r Si~ jfrtttoYou 8045 "'hdit'' •I•''" t h.111 \,\11\l,f. ~.\L.~. Furn ~l,C.M.642 5280 .,,.,.. '9797450 andllfems bonusp an. OUTSTAMDING IOYs-GIRLS ruler expi·r •1 pit" l"'hu·•,tri•r 11·1111\\ 1111 :t \r ultl rn;tl1• l'omll1· J'o" ' >1u1h1·' t'I• SJl'4 t Sun desired 1795 Ne\\port """ann"Croft I I for . traru.lnlJIUin rt'•t Com f>i:l :l1d1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~"'1 ·.~•1 uf11,,•lt1•rt. "'~111 dnr ltab\ thini:l> pen!>1on and morl'' Jiu\\ \\uulcl \uu hl.1· I•• .oralt>d l.al!un.1 l11h " "" \\h111· 14 1 •~•1 k111 J.! '' \ k r I P1T office manager lor Hf:C'f.PTIONIST tor SOL ND INT~;R EST SALESMAMAGER •·Jm .i)nll•ti•.l'S.~tm ,1 ,101 ,al.m t'all lll'hr.t 1lcrtht"l'OUn1t·rCa St•Hr 111·c1h good hum1· hc;illlHi,ircl ,1111 1,11111 11~,11 :11~1·1 11 on 1r1·e menial health cent1·r Cc1t>la Me~a mortuar~ 1:-.c;" I.ET S GET To ~uprn1w 1n)idt• & 141'<'k ''l:k1\11uhki·1ln\1· t!J.l~ ti-121ttio.i ~:i:r.11 11111111111'\I SiS !lli:t'Hil•• h I h I & \(Jl':\JNTELI' \ I I fit"ld )J)c, fnr HI \r t1lil JI T st \ I H d sdrupeC'g1atreza'"1!.!"ntaMcou•ut I•" t'Xper not nl'tl'"JI\ . . . PJJ' m multr million dollar m n1u\tl'' ll""'" JJll!.1 t-.1·11n1un• 111•rt.1lol1 d1' Fl·m nnw ra111,1n :l ~r.. ~" N ll""h\ I ' h 11 ..,,, . nn \ t.' ' ..... ' ' ~t'nr or !'I ll/en (on j)t'rsonat llJrtlt'' h(•;uh Jl<ll'IH'' WRITERS h\\.t,h1•1 "llh 1·h1111111ni.: H'r"\ rn .. ndl~ & Jfft·c "" ...... ~ I<""'" I I hi''" .... \\ 10)! mJ br·hngual. musl I) Pt' s1derl'd Call li~t. 'IJ'i t iompJn) \l t"t h.I\ ''I ~Ju., m;1n\ oth,·r 1h1nl(, 'I F H E F: L \ ' 1· 1-. bo.ird tup S.'ilt tuinall' 10 i:d h11m 1· I \ I mmhltnn ~1~;, l llnl'~ \\ "hl'r dn H 40 A r <11<1~~ful ,,ill'' m"ml · Id h I • I I t "°"' f " ;).II! 1o>1111 · \I I h ' . l wpm ~en~e o a~k rorMr l-:1tn·n PEP BOYS ' '' " en\OU 14ttll 11ruJ1) Spl'l"1a1~h n1•1•1 t•1 111 1!171iJ.."!!L:i~unall•h \lt18..,,,.1atlil'.11 1~ inf t'(jUljlml'n hurmr and an abrht' to l'\lit'r ~elltnl( • on,umt•r h) I •1 ork 11°1 d ' 0 1· I t t I 10IJ)'. n11 1 1tt•m, H2? , n-taurant rod I & I (Jrll a•) enJ•)" I,., II) , •'tfL'.S'fL"n•_L_z •·.11 I I I t .1r 'i. 1111·11• ••rm 'l'I • ' . -get a loni: \\ men I JI '""' 15221 leoch l l•d. p u1·ts lu 1 rui.: · 1 1' r1 , r r 1>r.r r I owner O\\< m1 1·a1:1· uw1 ht I' 'I SrntiJ 'tl Hll C\1 health prolesswnals tf T~COBEll rnunl slnrt'' :\1 :11 1 sr~.l rl("1\TIO"S I Hewport~och t!••1l'1>nt.1l·tt'111d1• ··at lllark lunl( hJ ll ~. ll' I lr..tth! ,JJ,t .• !: neressarySS.Oliprhrtv "loolongfor TulT.parl Westminster.Co. Hesumt' lo Gl'lll'ral J(herl2\i•arsn1Jge I ~d~trllstnq1 114K47'~ \1°l1011 1•\t''·'fl:t\l'll ti ~.iui,:ii~oox., •. ii.t 11111!l'l;aral!l'Sah• Sat start 64_1·0532 f111"l' hl'lp da.\· or n1i:h1 fo:qual Opporlunr_I) Mana1o:t•r. llJT ~flfl::' f)u" :i :"'. i•at. liom•st .irul tit• fi31 6300cxt fl : )ear~ 11i1l \nsl41·r~ 10 lll>H:it !'11-.l dhlt· ft1·t! II. 1 11 ~ ~ ~arJl(t'" full Furn. -Oppnrtunrlll'S for ad\ an Employl'r M f Tuslrn. Ca 92tillO -AAlction 8015 Ta1>11h11 or l'lerl ri 1 1.1 n I m11t·h1111o: d r t',!>t'I old b"<Jo, & m1)(1· ~Ill l"h rt Rr. .. l EST .. TE M"-'nl Afi~I) p•:nilahlc 1iu--L.-dise 00••••••••••••••••••••• <"'"ner Nl'1·d~ lot' ot .1t hut L'tKid Si.) f>.lfi :,~:t!I llr rin :ill!·~ 1 l .. 1i: lli'h ..,.. "' """'' ;I Work ;1f11•r 'I hoot .inc ._..~ .,,. j " 1.'>.S ln•fl-nt Softs 009Coa!>I 14), Lag H1·h S:.le!o !-.aluril;"~ , ........... • ... • •• • ••oo ten11011 & !o' ~ SI 1 •• \ SI L'. 1, •. k l!H c 2 ,..,...., h S'"LES '{···-r L ,. .&...:....... 80051 l)l RLI(' L'l'RNITL'RE f>.1113,5l;e\l'' • r • .r.r. <. L' ·r1 I • Apphcauons no\\ 1' Re:.tauranl .. ..L...ert' • S I ~ • ,.,_ l'i\ ,L TO )I\ ' ...... ~.. < llerrulnn q ut•t•n '111· r I u 11 1 1r0 14 :. 11 n tng a('~0p1-.. for .• re\\ ...... .,, ISlnq Q es I f'o~111 on~ J .u I dl' I • .,., •936 •31 5·1<-• •• A'"'TION I lnl d $13< "'I •111·1 n1tt••"r r.·1tl1JI Jrm s '\\ lop p~fess~nals ;;, the• ~.\!tS(~,SRIST(·o''~~ lllgh quahl} uT\en or dl' I rn:>O.\lrallll!( prodlll'l!o Ill "'"s;\~, ,~;IOP\1 .... 1 1••••••••••••••••• ••• * "" * funtitutt 80501 ~ rnn ' " ,).J, • I . i~1:.··r toob uphl I hrs tn\'est~N 111dustn Sm restaurant, P'I golf ~1~bl1acnad11~~l'h~~eel"J~1 ~rr~a·e~. 'htorrcW~11'1"1r~ao11n1r S WESTMINSn:R r....tritfriday7·3(1PM ,••••••••••••••••••••••• Klmki.: '11t· .. ~~o1llt1'"' 't'I T11"11.1 Sta Wai: ilems ' I "< l>'I ABBEY I "'"\<'I bnf' • t 1 I'll('" """'"r lllO numi•ruu~ lo men •Semi pnvale offrm in ~~~~ .f:~~ghr~0~1:\~ ~~~t~~.;;~~~pe{f~1 96J.JH1i TelephoneSolll'ltvr ANTlQt:EMALL ~:hr\na;, ~bhm i~h~~' I Good** I BUY * * 11 li+l 2S'H 1100 SJI onl~ !lam to Newport Bearh area Mature -196 57/ii for 111 opportunrl) high t"om I SALf:S •Aesl Work in~ t'un<l 11751 Westmmslc>r "''' refrrgcralor ~ ~l'a t r used F'urnrlun• & Sofa •me bl'Jn hJt.: rhdtr Jpm 221 ~: 19th SI Costa tenu~\\ m1ss1ons + bnnu~l'' Sales Re1m·,enlJll't t1> •Absolute)~ no~elhn~ GARDEN GROV t: 53,ergatelel!lhls 1 A1>phances OH I 1o1 1ll•I \lnl rond $75 5521i2Jli l \ll'Sd •We offer prr' ale &. 213 659-4091 cJll on reJdcr ud hu\I •l'omm1s~1on + bonu,es 554-6103 '"VE '"VE S .&VE wll or SELL for You 1 the mess.i~w· publir synd1C'at1on. de RETAI L (I. t-: K K nes~ Jnoun1., ror ad •Caneas11\ .-arn \OU '"' $,.. "' MASTERS AUCTION Horws 8060 velopment. ma n<1"l' Newnnrt Bearh Vanet) rt n~ 1ton •'rr 9 m s11x1 ..... r il"\ ~e honor BofA Mr \ll"ST SFLI. (Jn'' \\Jl1·r po -r · s fl \{' ISi . " r d I .... u {'a~. hrer".s ('ho~k · & 646-8616. 133-,625 bed 11oodrn fir frJmt ••••••••••••••••••••••• ment. co ndo con St.ore 1~22ndSt .. S .. LESL'"DY . Spm '~<' ~ l'ltm •Topphonerl\\1'1'1.' F .. ".IOOIC <•., ""k~ produc1nn maro C Lo 675-.,,,.3 "' "' " ~ C.1•h , :'II 0 PEHSONAL I he ma lu \ heJ It' r ·"0 ,. .. <. versions ontarl nnie '"' :i1ustbetops,partt1me. m 1~s1on 1·ompan\ ptl\Jralronnr .&..W.....Sh ' .,,,11 t fl "flR"Jll hl.irkl~JX' in foal lo G_ambarbella i52 1920 SALES ex per d ~Ice a P I benefits "111 lrJtn ~tal I •St.<rn honu~ p.iut ...... ~ ow Cll ~.l'K S 1' L E ASE ' '"" >e' o i•r • '' ' r\cratarral Dela11 are There's an eas\ \\3\ for Experienced per'ion fearanre Desi gner ·~ 11ppcarantl' & )(oud q•ia rterl) GftdS• Food il\:lrlahle ltrm' \laho~~~Td~~~~e her! :!refng$!ll11·~ hdrk mJ (.'hrrf mare 1n foal to .'"OUloselllhat btl'.\rle nee<led.PT or f'T for .advApparel Xlntpa) spelhn!:"". \('nl1o1l \ppl~ ·2~hrv.eek Apnl8,9.IO 1982 'llhJt'l°l topre~ale . I \\1th mai1rc•ss \loon 1111• l"heo,I 560 \lnrJl!l' Arra1ar1at 2 \r ~ounolonJ?eruse Jus1 sgec1alt) ~wrm\\car KOl\RONF. INT"L 1803 Penny'a'er llihfl •='t'.,.Produi·t HourspllAM il''>l MASTERSAUCTIOH sha"""mrrror nn hedd l 1·ab~O>Uill7till Dela\\are Ch1er rill> · ., h "' 1r11rr Dr 'JB Plac0nt1~1 (0 ',1 •\lan"'"nment& nies 207<1 ~•nu~ort l'l\d """' r k od advertise 11 1n lhr !i op 1n N"PI n l' n es ~ u ·' ,11p~"~Pl'I.~ ~'allbrookHrl(hSrhool "'' '''c:' 1 board II fl FJrlhtum• rnu1h rom fiita es pr uc,!nf Clas~1f1ed'5,'all6~25678 673 0490 &~9 •••••••••••••••• •faperonl) needJJJPI) SouthMrssinn 8J3.962S 6468686 $500080 631 -7797aft6 1:oorl i·un•liliun s111n mare in lraininl! r ~~~_;,;. ..... .;_ __ .i...;. ________ .._ _______ _, s~RET .. RY •Call Dene. 5-11! ·Hiii. tatStaoeCoal'h) OHOIH.~ 5.1111 mg Acra1.1na( foa l from """ "' Don 'l SI '"'' ~lakes pro<l11c1ng ma re { { ) ) WANTED ( (---05~--..) ) 'NeWspaper Carriers for routes in Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley & Newport Beach • Good Earnings Super Trips • • Great Prizes CALL CIRCULATION ~PAATMENT -llli~PHat 642 ... 321 Stat t) p1~1. frnan r1aJ 12 -1P:ll ation "" Wa\'f'les.' IJrl'.im Wt•a11•r (.'an lw St't'n al Hanson !i statement~ la' rt'lurn~ IT d . Sponsoredb.1 licyclft 8020 l llUYFURMITURE l\1nl( "71' llJt1·r hl•d I Stnc·k Farms 3761:! ........... 70 "·pm 10 kl') e11n1s court alien an. fallbrook Music Socil'ly b 9Si 8133 XI 1 1 k u... -· 1 ti •••••••••••n•••••••••• , nt lOnt .1 l' nl'" ~:,planadt' i\\ Hemet E'xpent·nc·e regoirt•d app •C'aUons an·. i•ing 1·5.§ot.Q H\\} 76 Men's 10 sneed b1 h lleadbo..r1l h1•11ter 1213 1•97 7013 Nons mo ker Sa I an act·l•ptcd for I' T sprrnl( T h 51 I •~ Walnut dining I Jhle ti d I ., Slloomo CPA firm help&,fulltrrn,e.·sum.mer WOOD-BURNING ounng :rn11 r>ars..,o <'hr!i lcaneltrki hufll•I ~adedfram1•111mpelr St..., S r 1 .,. •-as A~•l. t0\0 ar0 en .. ,, 5020 '.1011 7 t I t.:J I 112.·1 '· u ... ,n ll'I? rll'I r.xtr.a "-ta Mn~·· {'all ''urt>I·' help lonl1,1tl l enr11s.Hu,t ocg '''""'5 '·,.,' · """" S600 Great 1·111111 -~ ddl I d """' "~v '" ' asonable 497 2246 7 I 4 tl 4 I i I 2 II I I ' s a I!· X n I l' on · 7"" I040 at 81 1: ( anyon ( ( ~-· c..·hwmn C'ruisnr T"nge 675-7396 f .. ~<11 "'A•t f "" "' ' " ~ssajel ~al·n tc·e. """ in-"' o 644 5404 DESIG .... -HOME forks, xlnt cond. $150 c t ma ·•o 1 win re r K 1 m 83 \ '-' 16 5 l TRAINEES Queen An~ Drop lea r OllO. Gary 752·6413 ~~ s?~ ea of~ '4 Ur\\ r llCLlllAF:l~~F~.ISc.\~1 •.•. 1 tnoon Bpm t -, S~RETARY , Arch firm lookmJ? for an indi\' willing to learn , ne'IC\ble. gno(i 1anl(U3J(l' t.L typing skills. wurd processor exper pref Hill Ounrelson & Assot• N 8 675-6442 Senrce SU1t1on Atten dant M ec h an11·'s Helper ~'\ill & p time See Mr Bolt ~ 2490 faii:"1ew at Farr~ C M Buying and selhnl? et 11 reasonable pnre that's what rlass1h td •~ a 11 about. 642·5678 .e;irn a sk1lr gel ex lhl. s.soo. Rare piano leg a..ia.a-, M ....... rial• 8025 dresser 646 5398 & ni~ht · ' penenC'e in tht> Army desk S895 En A t ~ -,_,,, .,.. .. d ~~ ll50 1901 WESTERN SADDLE Rescrvl' Arter lramln~ · g · n 1 ue ••••••••••••••••••••••• stan ,..... -\\ :.tan<fli65 840-877i I k d desk Sl.500. Antique an Fl oatation WaterlJNI, Nrw Bcnt\\OOd rot"k1•r 5crvc wer en eac C'Ollect ion, Eng Su r MOW 36• /FT uphl ~eat and hu,·k Sllll rmnth plus lwo weeks round & many more Redwood 2x6 flecking ~ size, excellent 850 t901 Ha•lholdGooda 1065 each year Earn extra items . 675 ·5389 or 4 20' long : also redwOOd __ j3SO 963·9148 -••••••••••••••••••••••• rmney, PX. retirement W'~~38 Ask for Janet fencing LO\\ e11t price BAMROO TABLE "ith BOX Sonng ldoubltl and benefits Call to<lay for guar. Jim o r Ken glll!llltop S.W MATtRF.SSS2S rm re information. Bi.If et, ornate inlay· uni· an)1.Jml' 77S 1491 MUST SELL 497 6329 497-6329 Lag Br_h Huntington Brh962 8821 que $450. S45-2835 3026 '-I..! Berause o a ptrsonal KING INNERSl'RING Santa Ana 552·3173 Kl!!.tbtooke, CM Ccrh IOlS matter all mv eletanl E'.,....R F'I R • ..._._ 1070 ----• :.J\1 A · 1\1 mJtln •ss ...,_.,...., TRAVEL AGENT-FULL· ..... mets 1010 ....................... furniture must bt sod m ~-nl.''er used \\orth ..................... .. TIME. Sabre trained ........................ Bur':"'S<' ktttt-ns. s able a hurl') ti rooms or 11 ~.sar S241!del Nt'\l'r D1am>nd earnng~. 24 pt must have 2 yrs l.'xper HARBOR AREA CI' A 9 weeks Sl7S loratcd in a Huntml(lon ustd queen 51. \\Orth pterttd, 14K gold . $115 Call 494 9741 weekd~s APPUANCESERVICE Sloo~v!tl 839·0972 Harbor Estate. Kmg & S399. cash uni>. S2l8 del 642 6n 496-511112 eves wknds -We sell rttond., guar Kl'M'ENS Queen beds. bdrm suits UsuallJ home, 754 7~ EMERALDS Birthstonl' Rave something \o 'lell' appliances. 549.3077 SIAMESE& MIXED Broyhill dm set• cane ror May' Your rhort t' 031.!!fiedadsdort\\l'll --9620932 bark chairs &r china G.regts.le 1055 onlyj20ea &40.86IJ!I _ ...................... 1 IUY AmlAMClS "--hutch Mirrortd lop cor ...................... . Les 9[71133 .,_,. 1040 tee table set. others loo Old white gold bracelet lllllT&IY/MlllllPll W h d f ••••••••••••••••••••••• Beige sectional. camel SW PMlET so small r ost cut Establlshed real estate development /J1 e~. ryAlso rt~a'd~· Kf.~HOND Pups AKC !IOlu & love seat. mir Evny ~ndil Sam d1armnds ~ By appt I 0 i.. ... · uakinr • Olamp sire. M 1f Pel & rors. lamps. pa1nl1ngs. 0 ° ay • C on!y 642-6831 company has an opening n range .,..,, wor cg or not 'h 0 w p v t pl y wood bookcase"s. cuno 3pm. ran ~f oast -- County for an exper. secretary. Position ~-0682 2U/W7·1345aft 6i>m cabinet , mur h 01or~ Collt!lt. F111n•iew & Ari· Mtc11.... IOIO d I I t t Muat sell! St11nature Pncl'd for quick Sl'll lh1s inl'\on, Costa Mesa Ad •u••••••••••••••••00•• required a backgroun n rea ea a e Frostiest Refrfgerator. Male Golden Retnevtr Fri. thru Easter Sunda)' mission tree to bu)'ers. Craftsman 10·· Radial development property management. Sl1S pupplu. A KC r e · 9.s From Btach & Seller R uer n Saw,nblnetwidraweu Applicant should be well versed In the · 146»794 t . 1~:1111P Warner. west on w arnt'r t1ona11nro ti~,~1969 Pranaratlon of leaaea. be famlllar with -3 uuo puJ>A, up lo ~o I to Algonquin. north lo 556 5ll80 8 tl d 1 "'"' Washer, clean. Sll5 . Vll'i .. "ofcolon Oavtnport, ldt to avarian an pant Real Estate terms and forms, must type Dryer, ias. clean. $75. "V e.4-~ 8 a run 1 r 111 h1 10 Sa /"'°· .. u v l> ll"HI Vaae 1192o·s 1 70·80WPM from dictating machine, S.Ove. fli.11 ah: , 1100 All - -Kama II, lett to 168l I t """ -1 enturt r, l200. Goldrlm Crystal htndl. a"COuntt pavable. customer work -448 Bttlll full roeltd Coeker. .Kiltr.1111, Hunt Bch Hunt Harbour. Trlnld1d PI 1 le s, GI 11 & e ~. " 1 • \." Burr. AKC . r hamp bland 11.soru .. Frand11un relations and general offlct. Coll~t Rdrii,, Sl~ature frost· rather 5 y rst 1150 MOVING SALE Olina·Mountaln Laurtl • background preftrrtd. Thlt la I per-lell008U1, li e new, mo. . _ Karee~ din rm stt Ii Sm mria, maple atereo. 11n. Stereo Conaolr S.,.,., t b i.r t O .. l.25·, Pobnnd UO+ Al mantnt poefflOn. _, commenaura t YorbhlreTtrrier puppy rth ron • ornam marble torfu lable. wfth ':lr.· Send r.umt to: Clllllflld Rt(rlaerat or llU. It AKCCba~lfnn' 1ttrlin1natwart.1trv woodcolttttabtt,tnaJ>lt \Mil .. S4S _17Z2. 1u" WM1WlclrytrllZSta • ...... ror 10 + all acuu .. bed . druur. 1twf11~ Aaa-Ha•IU1k&4.W. Ad # , Oalty Piiot, P.O. Box ~vv, DI b b Sl OO _. 1A1101 Osina· Dmcln h I ~-ln.n w..111~ I w a I tr • --1 V-·· Cal'1 :.t--.11\na !nit .• O\lt Hit. o v-... _ Colla MIN. ca. t2t2e Mia! ldlla11Mr, Ftina e ' r,,.~. pelataa, dlahn. baokt • aoi. llM/010 • ..::;11;.-.::1------.--i U£ •• n ./w IJtota. '40· JH I ft ., m. *·DI.. .11t. lldt lll·UU, .... ======:::::;a::==~::....:_~~.t.::.:=:::=:::::~~====-~I=·:=:::::::'~;::;:=::= W tW'"'-:.J.::-~~====~ • I . I. OrlnQI Cou1 O~ILY PILOT/Ft1d1y, APtll 9, 1082 romg' 2 CELICA. CORoNA. [J\11\.JU CRESS/DA OR SUPRA! 71FmDPllTO t cyl . ltlo, Mclll'*ll, etllntll llttl, ...... -du• • lie. •QIOWO S1999 71 PllTO lw• ... '"' .......... _... •lllf·-· s2499 Ult .... lft .. In ... -dON Oely u .... 1 .. lie •tn•Rs 71 Tlml CORMA 4 cyf • 4 lftff, , .......... ••If• CltfH, &llttl, Uctlltlt Qellltltt, •tU lit Lie. •4ttl'RJ YI. ttl•. tlf, •ttltt, IW' ,_, .. wtllttwtll Ntu . Ull -H t ,..., 0.tr JU .. !IOU bllt1 S,Hitl Uc. •435WAI 'IOTIJYUIA~ s2999 s4499 All!f:• lltrM. CHlllll, IUllltl lelttltl. II" • er . 5 "'· tlr,"' lltt flet. , .. "'"'· s9499 Jet .......... JWt. -IKl.l, llectt4 Hiii. tNtlilll ................ •flllllt ..... Uc. •llWU11 t l i ' HtO ................ '4lul•1... IOIO Na 8017 IMh. WI 9060~ .... ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• flJO •••••••••••••••••••••• I f.\TYM 82 C~LA . STARLET LftWU oR TERCEL! 77 PllTO IUU80UT • cyf ...... , ........... ••11• ...... . . .,.,d_ lie. •tt1TOI' 78 IBCUllY CAPll I f cyf , f llH•, •11tt1, AlllF• &ltrH Ulseltt, tlC.,.IHtllf dllt lie •4IOWOO 71IMT•8100 t eyt • S '"" tit N<ltl sttb AlllF• llett• au.a. UUllNt , .... Hit• r ... t ....itmt lie •1UHS7 71POaal8!4 • "" ........ tit., ......... , .. wl-. Alllf• llttH , uutllt . u 1a. _,...,..,.,du•.-... ., .. ,., ... .,.cltl PrlcH ........ t -Uc. •7Nl0C s2499 s2999 s4299 JOHN WAYNE TENNIS Well mu.nered 5/yr old HOBff: 14 u•••n•n••••••••••••• U.08 MEMB!R&flP Yellow ~•l>t A muon, w/traUer, aood cond WODIL .. A "ti Premium pncn oaldfor any uted cir crort1111 or dOMt•tlcl In 1ood condition .. • *0/080 5'8·7900. Hit '48·1W. Shay repl1ra1; p1cllu1>1 2!i TV'• tH' Sl25. for Cindy McNully INh.SU,./ 'rouptt. 4 to choote U ahtVacuumS25.All Wi • • DocU 9070 from' (OOe1esJ ($tk. _ li..~l . _ Loveblrdt , Peach.face ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~I Prlct11 at1rtln& Ori a Sltchmo Leroy •lnllet lrt · breedlna Sia.. A,_.. at Nelm1n Seri(r1ph Paf1 · 5.~ 1419 Up toTft, COM area U l/300. V1lue JS,000. £a 1 t er s rats 2 •.oo per I\. Call Pe11y W\11 aell for S4..i.OOO. Call peacbface Joveblrdt. or CArrle, 714-9" Z..73 ~7S2·111M __ Ca e lntluded H O wk-daa.s_ Gori\em 1terUn1, e 1el· s.s, 4 --Shore moortnJ 11 boat, Unp 125 pc I, ''Sliver otl~ Udo file l0tatlon Scroll". MOO. Sterlioll "-& °'9aM I090 k.5-202'7 n 1.;MM.:.._ 10 . :Im.._ ••••••••• • ••• •• • • • • • • • • HI .._,. H...., ,_..........,.... 'lbomasorean w/rbytbm 11911..,.0. 1949 f ord P lt kup fcir laII JOlDf WA~E section, Utfll. cond lJ ~?f F1atbe1d 6, runs good, TENNIS CLUB 11400 ~· 96H388 1 IS ava 41846.7766 1MK> firm 49ER 7S1·6018 Pleue Cl ll week dayi Black. Beauty ! Ebony orZl3/S92-1359 lljl5,._SJ3·5984 640-.SSM...RUNI IJaby Grand Piano. Xltn BOAT SLIPS AVAI L, . '29 Ford~oort Coupe Oldj;,ckel;atch, sui: Qind. ~· Ml-8266 :z~r;~ct:n Z.S', 45'. 20' Duncan Phyfe dble leg Kobler & C1 mpbell --~--Cal 67l31l5 __ tab~. 1100. Old vanity c:onsote piano, bench 1n INh, c.-..i & ••7 METRO II t k 51.oOI. szo. Chord orean, cl. lllllan Prov Beaut Sid ..,._.. 9010 .. 1 s oc · needs sorM restoring . 548~ <k!O. IM7-2784_ .. •••••••••••••••• • •• •• I (XX) 5411-6801 C M Rancho San Joaqwn Rar-Sew'9c)Mecw... IOU 15'SKJ BOAT LAND YACHT quet Club membtrab1p ••••••••••••••••••••••• NEW_TRAIL~9691 '64 Cad de Ville convert. SHUaFlntl USED r.Jt~~RUCKS COME IN OR CALL FOR T,~~~L 182fi'A~~\fvo HUNTINGTON BEACH 147-6017 « iUJlll C:>uple 1150 Days Wanted, good working Bi rt bo d V h new radials. Sl200/0BO 549-981i6. Eves 7!11 2148 sewin& ma r hlne. re J 16 111 ar 8, wit l 528-0087 AskforCheril. asonable. Oya 675·3841. ruce trlr older boat used - ----AMtot, lillporltd Exclusive Magic Island Eva675-0611 in fresh water $3150 4 Whee4 Drhes 9550 ••••••••••••••••••••••• gold charter me m· C-rfl-G--..... 109.,. ~!~6800--796!1 after 6. du •••00••00••••••00•••••• Atfal 9705 bershlp.W ·20§:!! _ ..,...... -...,, -. .. ...., '80 Toyota Longbed , CNMO ••••••••••••••••••••••• shell many e"trus ••••••••••••••••••••••• · Shutters. 4 panel each. 24 x94 ", rough walnut _finish, 00. 963·4103 - 7'2" ye,llow surlboa.rd $60 MUST s ELL $5500. Alfa 1600 Ward s elec waist re T-nportatioR 498-1477 213 /918-3743 Yttoce COll•ert&o..7 durer $145 Steve ••••••••••••••••••••••• --• -All parts to convert JOI 831~. Ca ... 1n, Sole/ Tn1tb 9560 1600 to Velore. ext• 121!1' loveseats IJOOea. 4'x3' ornate w/mirror $196, 644-9805 dy 673 ~SI ~ Model 100 Wmchester R1 lailt 9120 •••••••••••••••• ••••••• pistons Sl400 979·2748 new/scope, S225 Super ••••••••••••••••••••••• ·79 Toyota SRS short bed . arter6.Pmor wknd~-X Model I, 12 ga shot '72 Ford f ·350 with air. snug top. SS.000 gun. $350. 714-894·7248 chassis mount ramper & 8S7-1JJ9 Aid 9707 ~714~1<6609evs all xtras. 33.500 miles '73 Che' Suburban. •••••••••tt•••••••••••• Goifrlu115, Wilson K28. 4 ~· Llo.l'd 640·il99 power & air 99K. ex ·73 lOOCL. lo m1. good 12 P.I Mikasa china S5SO 10 · cir Port TV $250 644-~filo. 673 9Q51 ev_ Ultra Son1r cleaner, woods, 10 irons, bag. '76 FORD RANGER with cellet1t ~ 960-2514 rond. Sl,000 or best Of· cart.Llkenu 7!12·6246 1981 Ca ~er. Cull> .; Chev -flatbed. oak fer 67S.5715 large SJSO. Curio c11b1net ~~631·5979 TV, Rocio, ~11f::lientu~!n~~~o~ ~.1~· Grrorenatt boden/ sn1eoooeds IMW 9 712 HIR. Shf'eo 1091 540-4473 ~ " • ••••••••••••••• •••••• •• IARGAIH HUHTEllS Pf of cane·back chairs . $300. Droplear table, S2SO. Mattresses & box springs 4 ht·back dm rm chairs 2 sets or Frenrh glassware. red & clear. S2!I ea Sec') desk. $175 4 gold chrome ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~---....1 ·ll. Microwave 1V Antenna. --.urv .. e1 9140 I.st run movies. $159 inst ••••••••••••••••••••••• 9am·9pm: 638-8724 BATAVUS MO·PED Exrellent Cond. 500 m1 Yidto lecqf"•r JVC 6700. mint rond ~~-~ =::.... ___ _,752· 1499 VE.5PA 125cc 2700MI $750 080 _7Sl·SOM small tables, S125 Anti Marantz stereo receiver. que white r hesl of walnut rabinet. Sony drwrs, $150 Cane bark l_ll(lllJl_ble. t-wi 67!1·3-044 Must sell '78 Peugeot 103, 1 .. 0 A - - --!""" lo nu. hke ne~ cond oveseat . ..., ntique 1QSC 4.2 Pwr Amplifier, ~.LOBO 646-91~1 desk. SIOO End table. 1 Shure PE560 m1" SJ() 675-5389. 675 3738 ' Mohwc let/ _kfanetl 645·7236 Anthony aft ,...,.cycM 9150 ~-M-_ Scoohn John Wayne Tennis Club ••••••••••••••••••••••• Membership for sale Sony '82portable VCR SL HARLEY·DAVIDSON .Call after Sj>m MS 6351 ffl'J"cf 21i:~chw:ren~o~e. Knurkl e Basket rase. ACRYL IC NAILS $30. 642•9333 most 1 y or 1g1 n a I New York Salon on the I ----Sl60010BO water al Peter's Land BPauuful Med1t , ronsole _~Jl593 111g rolor1V. sell at ., pnr e. '74 Yamaha Dirt Bike 213·592 IOCU 846 0036 t4<!0 559-6849 MX 100. Good cond $225 --~ John Wayne T~nis Club ZENITII 23" Color TV (:all 91!.8-2CX17_· ~ membership. Sl 100 or Remote control & cart ·~HONDA ATC-70 bestoffer_836·4544 !..125,.~14 WITH EXTRA TIRES Angels Season T1(·kets loah & Mari11t ~Cash __ 642·01~ for sale, r lub le,·el. Eqiipmtllf Yamaha Virago '81. 750cc J!) !are value M6 3~~ •••••••••••••••• • •• •••• like new only 4600 miles MrLane 20" 7 blade GeMral 9010 Extras inrluding 36 mower. 3HP, Mt·Lane ••••••••••••••••••••••• ll'llnlh warranty $2495 Briggs Straton F:d;:er, 17' Nona Canoe Call 646-~ _ 2HP. Briggs Straton Asking S350 '79 HONDACX500 Core Master tiller. used Craig_ 675 1372 Loaded. like new, 7000 twi ce 3 5HP. Will sell Tadro Ka yak nu,Jl§Q9. 673.:7807 ~rately or all 3 for $250 Yamaha CS!. looks new SJG.8079 7!,19 1288 l' o g n e eds w o r k I Fox Jarket gorgeous wht Sacnfire' Ne11> radio con lJ.!K> 080 499 1260 lipped Labrador fox . trolled model Coast '80 Suzuki DS250. less very rlassy . ver y Guard boat. 33 inrhes than 100 m1 Perfect beautiful, sz Med $1500 long. twin motors. $600 cnw1 1494 3989 rond . no damage ~new - --551-3360 ll150_bst_gfr._631 1449_ ~r~t~r:~ :~,~a~:d o~ ~ t;i4•t• .. •c:t/ '78 ~ xlnt cond ex· rasters '100 646 2652 S..-.tct 9020 lra's low m1 $1600 b o --••••••••••••••••••••••• 59!1._~r_n!..._o§ .. LJ~.:.B Women's beige coat w ENJOY YOUR BOAT fur rollar, never worn. Letusdolhework' 1911 SUZUKI ~zS.9J6S 646·5239 I Varnish. paint. rlean. GSI I 000 full Family Ml'm repairs. Exp Newport Vanre ! .Ki nes pipe bersh1p. John Wayne ~aJJltenance Mll-6581 S'!zulo famng, 6.000 Tennis Club S500 oah,Mariltt nules._ Mmt Cond 12995 I _644-0>1 .,...... 9030 I Call Jim 957-8399 Marketteer golf rart S350 ••••••••••••••••••, •••• Motor Ho.ts, Salt/ with rharger Used rrwsmg ma 1nsa1l ...,/Storogt 9160 __ S48 7011 1002, luH 42 ft, foot IS ft 6 • ••••••••••••••••••••••• Babystroll Baby Stroller m S250. RENT 26 ft motor home S20. Basmetl S45 Baby 673.:.~0 I Slps8, fully loaded ~Q.__~5·9116 _ ZODIAC CADET. 10'. gd . --645•8616 - VON'S game !>lamps rond.S700,call Nlln. Tranf 9170 needed. nos V8. Vl6. _615·9961 ••••••••••••••••••••••• V~8. V'll. V25 Will split EVINRUDE 9 9 HIP , Trailer. 15' ov.e~all. _WUU1111gs. 642·3156 long shaft, lo hrs. gd &ellne. fully eqwp d A delrh rond. «M 67!1·9961 doll ' Call 675·8465 art --~-=-6pm or wknds. loats. Power 9040 ... •• ••••• , •........... T N11n. Utility 9 I 10 ti4t1kd 40' Owens Tah111an. hve ••••••••••••••••••••••• ..._.... 1013 aboard slip ava1t. eall IAll steel 6x8 uuhty J udy 0 r Harvey · trailer. hvy duty tires ••••••••••••••••••••••• 642·•"••... 9 .< '1 w{spar~75. 494-2695 1 Warehouse Sale Bach. -~_,...._w_!!_ am .i_em ------ Conn, Fender, Gibson. 1972 18 rt Sportsllner New all steel SxlO ut1l J BL. Peavey. M XR . rabtn, 140 HP Me rr . trlr. ramp. brakes & Shure, Yamaha, etc eql.ip'd for fishing Xlnl s~.._~.642·8915 _ 540-8264 cond. $4.IXXIOBO Jw1to S..-.lce, Paris Offiu J;,nlihwt & 832•0359 -& Acce11orits 9400 ~P"'fM 1015 31' Uoiflite Sprt Fisher ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••• •••• R.ebll 310 engines. Fully • * * equi pped. Xlnl cond 1 .m~·~ mi~f/:tiffr0Cr. I 1930s Yillt~ Huntington Bearh I 1 S fl -f h o m s o n You a~ lhe wmner of 1 runabout. TLC an paint lwo frtt ttckets 1Sl8 001 would make this a col· valuetothe lector's dream 1150 ATT&fTIOH MG OWHEIS TONN EAU COVER Fils MG's, '71· '81 Never used. Si5 Maria631·7797 Ive msg CllCUS Y AIGAS -=fn=-=~2739::..:.=-___ _ LooglleachVeterans 16' Runa bout w /35 -------- Stadium Apnl 4-14' Evinrude. runs good. UTE BODY WORK & Orange County SotOO. + Nwpl Bch dock paint.up to 50'k off your Fairgrounds April 15·18 s ce /roo. 675·7474_ boch sho est. 536·9632 _ '63 Dodge pa.nel trurk. new paml, tires. n ms, battery . '66 eng ; digital radio. 13200 A ft 6 759.9130 MtotW.ted 9590 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ii I ht or_,. Co.ty 292!1 Harl>Or Blvd. COSTA MESA jJ-9-lSOO WE PAY TOP DOLLAR FOR USED CARS ALAHMAGHOH P~~i?o~~f~U COSTA MESA 54'.=UOJL -5M·J.!51 WEIUY Q.EAHCARS AHO TRUCKS COHMElL CHEVROLET ,..,_,. H 1rf••r HI, ·l 11t-.f\\I~'\ S4frl 200 HIGHIUYEI Top · ifollars for Sports Cars, Bugs. Campers. 914's, Audi's Ask for U C MGR JIMMillHO YOL.ISWAGEH 187f1Beach.Bl\'d Ht."NTINGTO!ll BEACH _lu..lO.Q.O __ _ WE HEED YOUR EXOTIC &UmSHCARS -• 3100-W. Coast Hw)'. Newport Beach 642.:.94~---I WANTED! Lale model Toyotas and Volvos Call u s TODAY '!' & CREVIER BMW The&c:fft.q 'l2 1MW'1 A~ Jfen! A few rema1n1ng '81 Models & Demos are still available ! We spec1ahz:e in European delivery and flawleu pre-owned BMW 's Where Customer Serv1cl' Comes Isl! Sales-Servu:e·Leasing 2IXI W lst. Santa Ana 17141835-3171 Closed Sund~-- PU SADDLEBAC K BMW logo with round BM W Ill middle or • Re,·ersed SA D OLE BACK SA L ES SERV ICE LEASING '82633CS1 Opal green. 5spd . . . <ser.M95 1 '82633CS1 Sa ra ri 5spd Cser 5102) '82633CS1 Alpine whte AT Iser 0323) ·52 7331 Sa fan blue 5spd Iser S248 I '82 7331 Pol ans 5spd Cser 5505) '827331 Chntnut auto Cser 62881 EXCELLENT SELECTION 320 5 spds & autos . 320 S pa~kages and !128i's 5 spd. &autos ' lll-2040 495.4949 ~~~~·y Mission VieJo I Avery Exit off l·S l ~n SundaJ_S __ The Most hc:HiltcJ Pert Of Yow IMW~Or LHMC-'dle Mcl.areft IMW!! a.,o..i.. ... lyOw,.._.,._, -17.HJ .522-5333 ORANGE COUHTY'S OLDEST $ Sales-Serv1re Leasm.1? lOt" CARVER f(ll.5-RJIC'E . ftvfW· Ciel~ ID ~ClNto _Nlv.ooollf>O< f 1\1)~ fOYOTA·YOUO Lale 'i1 13Jih low miles. --------new cond. l ru-oul. As· Earle Ike 1 .. ,......,.... sume lease with low in· c ....... ,.. lerest rate Call Anthony ~ U•·tlOJ • H0-'40 days 642 5757, eves & wkncb6.;ll_~ Top D.llar J ti I IMW lJOI while. wibrown intenor, Pal'd sunroof. cauett e , AM FM stereo ISK f"orYourCar ~ miles. xlnl rond1t1on JOHHSOH & SOH. Resumr payment~ u.c• Mi .~!.!43or8'7 6j36 gK"iirk~1~'1. 'S>52&. whl. lthr, 201\ m1. Q>sla~eaa M0:~.9 1mma r .. loaded St7 900. Cl . f ed d 640-<&S eve. ~~:Sn!~~orselected 14' Boston Whaler. '81 To claim tickets. call 25hp Evinrude. xlnt 642-5678, ext 272 . shape$4200.640·7814. a.slll 1 a vert151ng 1s ---- - ALFA ROMEO PARTS a beUer wa y to tell more ~ 9715 All parts to convert 101 people about the service ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1600 to Veloce. exc you ha\'t~ lo offer Ask '76 Capn V6, stick. Ne w piatOM. Sl400. Dennis. about our low rates to· baltlbrks tires & stereo Tickets must bt clairMd MoalM/lo.t by April lS, 1982 Ne wpo.rt""lli r b or. • • • Jl.0,(XX). 973-0658 979·2748 a rt er 6 pm or 1 ,.:c!a:.::::=642=:.·567_;8::;:-:.__..:::~:E@>:=:::· :'.:548::·:::*2=:.===:......... wknds. •• GI SL • Cloth lop, new sa:x>. Two SL seal.a S500. PPM6-6487 IBM Correcting Selec· The Price is "Really tric, dual pitch. IS in Right" oo tbl1 24 ' <:arriafe,xlnt condS150. tnwler w/10 much 67S-73l personality she's nOliced Desk1 Executive. 72" x wherever she 1oe1. Slps Alltol fw S. 32 • s 12 5. Add in g 4, encl. head. great little ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ma chine (tape> S25. galley t: Iota or Instr~· IMPORTANT 6M-l27l. ment.s II extraa. Shes NOTICE TO been loved II pampered READERS AND CXflce desk 5 drawer so yo~ know you ADVERTISERS with ueciiitve chair and ahouldn t miss seeing The price or items 2 C\lltomer chalr1. tol h e r I C a 11 LI d o advertised by vehicle cond. All for StSO. 2 • Allcboragefor more de· dtalers in the vehicle drawtt file cab, like new talll,1173>~. clalllfled idvertlsln& S50ea §31· 7640 'II Ranger Bow Rider columm does not in· ~. pus thru, 11'. elude any applicable I.JIM eledr1c typewriter, 0'1btd Mere Cruiser tax•. liceue, tranlfer 1tandard 1ize w /wide g. S-.840-5521 fea, finance charg ... carriyefl00.646-26$2 -..... ..... 9060 f•forairpollulloocon· 0 d d ~ ... --.. -trol devi~ certlficatlon1 1 mo ern e1a1 • ••••••••• .. •••••••••••• -..... a•-..__,._ 1 cba1n lib new hlab -""' K'I' uu.;,.,,_n ary \llllty COit i50b sell •· 81Uboet ~~' Int IK preperat.lon cbarlfl un· · · ~. _,p 41tMI. i. othtfwile specified · Qulclt ule tH.000. thudver\ller. ~ve <Itek le ctlr, e l4W'1ll or call Au Ad drwr incl nllna drwr, '"1."2·4'00.Mlan. e-'11 Hit wood 3h80 UOO. SABOT I 4 r ••••••••••••••••••••••• , eq,1 ppe or • ~ W/Olrl. Good w•arrn .. ., wm~.IJl·lm RIUY .................... f!ric:Me 21. w/Ntwport JI llllV IASTP BUNN IES alp, HW Int, t 11lll 6 ... ~erland Dwarra1 ........ •Ill"' fOIMI. T!7, LAftMOD& aow SIG. 414-'llS .... Patlflc Nat 1 UlllCAIS -· ) • An&mOH MG TON'~r1t~JvER COHHELL FILS ~Hi's. ·71 '81 Ne~·eru~ed.S75 \\.igon Automatic EilLEIKE I Mana631 7797 IH• msg trans . rJdlO ht'at1:r --¥0LYO CHEVIOLET 9955 roo< rark &I Jn l'Xl't'I' 1 1966 Harbor Blvd. ••••••••••••••••••••••• .X>' lldrt •• r Kh 1 ••toil·\ \H . .., \ 546-1200 Ilona! Ill yr old t'ar l COSTA MESA \MINTED 1MGI 97441 pnred to sell 1417GIOt _ ·--·o "" ! • .. ••••••••••••••••••••! Earle lkt> Toyot.1 Fmr I 646-9301540·94.67 "" C • d TO BUY • • • l's t• d (.'a r Sa It•~ ·79 \'olvo 264 GL. lo:idt•d. "" 1tat1on l µe , 4 sµ • 966 97 II ... Bl 1 13,000 m1 $.S-100 or a~ J D ... rf . I ·I o ar .... H H · 1 lo mtleai(e. mint ('tmd sumfl I .~" ,,55 oo3 t 1 .. TE MODEL Mr~ .M, "" ro910 Costa Me~a 6411 9303 S&OOll 646-69~ ' ' 'J ""' I 711L100Par Dr 540-9467 -wkdyi.,$SI 167Je\e~ USEOC"'RS Newport Bea<•h '79 <MGL \'oh'o loadl•d "' You are thr v.mner or ·~To)ota CoronJ ni•t>ch SR leather . n1•v. '76MatibvClou WILSON FORD tv.o frt~ tickets !Sl8 001 bodvv.ork S600 ur be't radials. $7500 orrer 2 dr., .iutu. A '.\1 F.\1 8 ,·atue to the otr ba\e 897 WS6 Must sell 714 951 ·48t6. trarK :.tt'rCi;. I ov. ner 111255 Bearh Rini I CIRCUS Y AJtGAS '79Ce!Jra GT great t•ond 63!:Slll11 $2<SS6JI -7434 llunllni:ton Bt·ath LongBe.ich\'eter;ins xtras SS800 Ste\!? A.tos,Uffd '72MA.UIUCOHV. I 842·66l I Stadium Apnl 4 14 97S.~. 646 5904 ••••••••••••••••••••••• R,000 ofr 675 7935 , I Orange Count) '76 Corolla Dix Air 121\ AMC 9905 16 Montl' Carlo sha • , 79 ~es~ ~-dr . . fairgroundsApnl IS 18 mi good rond s:!"Sll 1·•••••••••••••••••••••• r II r ·81 ~· ll Tl.ASS Sl PH~.MI'. I l'lrkelsgoodrorseh.•eted 631:3'7l5art 3pm ~ i lGremlln.runsgd.AC au('~~am m ra( BROlGll~\~I S4i1111 I performanreli ~ AM PM ta~ Nds somt> &IS 3634 Maxrorrer 152 6499 , To datm tu·ket~ .. !'all 'lrlCress1da Wal(on. rully inside detaihn!( S750 I . · ·111 c ti· ·s s • . \'Ii I 642 S6HI . e' t 2 7 2 1 l'<IJ)l. 6 t·yl. auto 21 26 I 7~2 '73(.'he\y Nova JSO. auto , tu ap S 11P1~1fl . Tlrketllmustbt>cla1med mpg. xlnt ('Ond S76SH I~ PR new paint nell ~uMo.FM• · later . I I by Apnl \S. t9R2 549-0966, $SI 11215 11uidc 9910 11res. good mel'h~n1ral ~ bsi or/' ;ti;, ~J-11; 1' · I * * * '611 To~ota Coron.a 2 dr I••••••··~··,·~··•••••••• rond CJll 850-1770 arter I auto trans. neelh 11ni: & l1ass1r Car ~ Sk~ lark Jpm ·73 0rfll•ga Old.' 1; c ~I 1 llNnacRestOfotlon trans v.ork \, 15 redc·orwert.merh &r\ I haH·hba1 k 2 dr 63 ~me Rt>d . nt'v. ~ OBOG4:!7R~ ter rompl re,t11r1•cl •CORYITTE ~75 makeofr '1606035 I chrome paint. tonneau. • $4i0t $S2-9iS9 HEW 1912 • bra. uphol & reblt eng 119i3 To~ota l'oronJ Sta• ....,.., ~· b L t ·d Loaded. glass top-; l'tt· 73 Cutia" Suprt•me mur h mu(· h mor e Wag. auto Good roncl "' ..,.,:sa re 1m1 t Ser 4740 i 217 ruce Pwr ,u•reo air I $3 *XJ 646 1211 642 1353 11> pb pv. r se.its. J1r owm S2000 ibll 51135 • m.ose. sport toµ ~lt'rt'o OHL Y S 18,498! OI~ • I· s ·77 \1GB Lo m1. mint '77CorolloSR5 I ~892(U9(1 • HOWA.Jt~Chenolet (ut.a~~ .u1ir~me (•ond AM fM rac110 I lf"f'BACK S?500 Do ·dSt· 1971 Falt J1r hucket I Red S3900 1 ov.ncr J ~ 7733. e'l' & v.\nds Cocilloc 9915 NEW\ro ~BEtcH seats ~ t•on~ule White 6311687 ""l "''"' !••••••••••••••••••••••• top O\er nl v. hrunle ""' . ....,., 133·0555 finish Sharp 1·or' In P"CJtot 9748 ·74 Corrolla. dean SWOO 1 COHTEMPLATIMG 9 \'t>stt>d s.'lllMI for hrotht'r I ••••••••••••••••••••••• orbestorrer.851 Oll9t•xt j CA,O,~L~C? ler 9 25 Make orrl.'r, must sell 2Z> bef s m We sper1a 1ze in leases ••••••••••••••• •• • •• ••• Make ofr ti-IS 7452 I 982s · --~ for the business ex aluwocpti 9770 1 ecut1\'e&proress1onal LeBARQN Pinto 9957 ARE HERE! 1······················· ~s.ctl 1~······················ I Come m and dri\'e the ·71 Super Beetle. rebll 9 Ofl2 I CONVERTIBLE 72 Runabout 97.000 m1. leading diesel' A' a1la eng, nev. paint mt brks. I Of w I I auto. a 1 r a m rm ble for 1mmed1ate de looks & runs grrat Codilocs 1 MOW OH DISPLAY 1 rasselle. l'O\fr. Hr~ ~~e2~~1 ~~~0~n~I~ ~bst.!>fr 963-0102 NAHowBEIRStocRll!~ *HAAN* ,~~~1 tonc1 s1 2110 I Peugeot' IH'OU've never placed a t~ 9960 BEACH IMPORTS ass1f1ed ad. )OU re in ('1\DILL1\ .., RYSL R1PLYMOUTH00••••••••••••••••••••• i 848 bOve SLreeL the mmonty: Tr) 1t once ' ' 2020 E First SA I NEWPORT BEACH and see how qu1rkl~ you /I O.Hi.111.-lllv.t 5"' """1 L BARON gel results Phonl' '1"1•1\\-.i '>il0 "t0\I -'1.1..~ e ~k_090 0 -li4£~L ~ ••••••••••••••••••!!.3.~ CONVERTIBLE 1917 CADILLAC SEVILLE (091TBLI sg995 1982 CADILLAC CIMA HON "Automatic" I 1BHM529) s11 ,995 1980 CADILLAC SEVllLE "Two-Tone" l~ZEOI s14,995 1980 CADILLAC ELDORADO DIESEL (1ACL5S6) 513,995 1979 CADILLAC SEVILLE f399WOV) SI0 ,995 1979 CADILLAC COUPE DEVILLE DIESEL (522XW0) sg995 1978 CADILLAC SEVILLE 11CMP666) s9g95 Offer good lhru Mond<ly. 4-12-82 l.REAT fJAS fJIVEAWAY THE LARGEST '79Conhnental Mark v HOW OH DISPLAY SEUCTIOM Collertor's Series I 1'..T "-BER~ of I ale model. lov. White All extras 1nrl ' *HAAN* !. ~I' -. mileage C~d1llal'~ in blt·in CB. 44.000 easy I I (~ \Oil l \ ~ Soot.hem California. fwy m1 Xlnt cond $9950 h ~I " ,/ , u "'IERS 642 8500 1 ask for Mrs RYSLER PLY MO UTll WINNER WHk #I Ellz1beth Lyon Coron• del Mir Picked from -entr• -WEEK #t SOLUTION - &AYE OAI I TIMI ""' MO&Sl 2ll20 f' First SA 2000 HARBOR BLVD CADILLAC -541·4471 COSTA Mf:Si\ 2'iiOA'ir60r Blvd $AHDRAIL COSTA MESA Corva1r powe.red Needs Compare before ~ou buy 540-1860 c Aft '86" SOmt' work S800 Classified mak<'S 1t easy. ~~.i ')ii 6V·88tg___ ~5678 ••••••• MhK. Mew 9100 Alftos, Mew • 9100, AMtot, Mew 9100 Aaltot, Mew 9100 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• D5 NEW 1982 ESCORT $5499 Including rebate -plus dealer added options. Ser. 114450. Stk. 1314. FORD CARE COVERAGE 24 mo./24,000 free full maintenance, and Extended Warranty "The Closest Thing to Cost Free Drivin1" NEW 1982 $6494 incl. rebate -plus dealer added options. Ser. 121405, Stk. 0687. $ REBATE NEW 1983 RANGE-R It's the llew Size, High Mileage Pickup From Ford Featuring • High Payload Capacity • Twln·l·l•am Su1pen1lon • Aerodynamic Shape • Dual Mlrror1 • Double Wall Con1tructlon And the ll1t 9oe1 on and on to keep you In Style. $ Incl. 'Rebate -plus dealer added options. er. A09212. Stk. T1301. THE FIRST 1983 OF THE YEAR!!. 24 mo./24,000 Free Full Maintenance and Extended Warranty! !~~~!~~ ~~i~~~!gE~~~t!d, rent a ,$ 5 0 ~••r ~ beautiful Ford Escort for only • • • 1 100 FllEE MILES ($50 minimum repair order. 3 day ma>clmum, customer pays for gas). Reserve ----·· -----·---~------------------------ NEW 1982 F-100 56675 Incl. Rebat e -plus dealer added options. Ser. A 14105, Stk. T1289. NEW 1981 GRANADA 55668 Incl. Rebate .. plus dealer added options: Ser. 114394, Stk. O 118. ~'t!ll:llia..i!!ll NEW 1981 MUST ANG 56599 Incl. Rebate -plus dealer added options. Ser. 120223, Stk. 0677. NEW 1982 COURIER ··~-- 56594 Incl. Rebate -plus dealer added options. Ser. 605466, Stk. T1282. PHOTO FOR ILLUS fRA TIO PUJIPOSES NEW 1981 FAIRMONT 5 6710 Incl. Rebate -plus dealer added options. Ser. 107659, Stk. 0020. ONLY IP-.-.,...!'.""""'.i 10 995 nc. Aebele • plua 0-. '..,L Qf1Uone. Ser. A357'3. Siil. T104 . !o~t~!1!!m!t~c~.'ck !n~~!!~~tr, camber, and $1 9 9 5 toe-In. Does not Include v,ehlcle1 with MacPherson struts. Domestic pa11en9er car only. Expires 4/15/12; TOT AL PRICE AS DESCRIBED yours NOW! Offer expires 4/15/82. WE TAKE APPOINTMENTS. USED CARS MAKE YOUR APPOINTMENT TODA YI 1975 PlllTO Wl&Oll Greet transportation! Auto .. air, luggage rack. (784UMX). ~ s99 DOWI $99 llm for 24 mos. on approved credit. Cash price •1977••. Del. pmt. 12475 Incl. tax. lie. & Inter- est. Annual Percentage Rate 21.57. 1171 DITSUI 211 Economical 4 cyl.. 4 spd. trans., radio. (173593). $99 •n $99 ••m for 36 mos. on approved credit. Cuh price 12681". Def. pmt. '366300 Incl. tax, 11c:& In- terest. Annual Percentage Rate 21.20. 1172 FORD llSTll& Vary Sharp! Auto. trans., amlfm radio. (1CGX761). $99... $99 •m for 24 mos. on approved credit. Cash price 11977"". Del. pmt. 12475 Incl. tax, lie. & Inter- est. Annual Percentage Rate 21.57. 1111 CHEYmE 4 DR, Ready to Go! Auto. trans., luggage rack . (766YTEl. $99 IOWI $99 MllTll for 48 mos. on approved credit. Cash price $3272.17. Del. pmt. $4651.00 Incl. ,tax. lie., & Interest. Annual Percentage Rate 20. 75. 1171 PllTO WllOI Real Clean! Auto .. air, roof rack. (555PRF). $99 .... $99 •• ,. for 36 mos. on approved credit. Cuh price '2881". Def. pmt. 1366300 Incl. tax, lie. & ln- lerest. Annual Percentage Rate 21.20. 1977 DITSUll 210 Super Economy! 4 cyl. engine. 4 spd. trans. (339914). 1171 IEllCUllY COIUR 1171 FORI ELITE 1177 OUS OIEU Nice Carl Auto .. air, power ateerlng. (338EBS). WOW! Auto. trans., pwr. ateerlng, radials. Elegant! Auto. trans., air, cruise. (1BIY113). 1171 GUiii PRIX Loaded with luxury! Beautiful Sliver! (671RLF). $99 .... ~99 • ..,.. lor 36 mos. on approved credit. Cuh price '2681,., Del. pmt. '366300 Incl. tax, lie. & In- terest. Annual Percentage Rate 21.20. (816KYJ). $99 •n $99 IMTll $99 •n $99 ••n $99 •n $99 lllTI for 24 moa. on approved credit. C..h price for 36 mos. on aperoV*I credit. Cash prtoe for 36 moa. on aperoved credit. Cuh price 11977"". Def. pmt. •2475 Incl. tax, lie. & Inter-'2681". Def. pmt. 38&300 Incl. tax, lie. & In-'2881". Def. pmt. 366300 Incl. tax, lie. & tn- 91t. Annual P«oentage Rate 21.57. ter .. t. Annual Percentege Rate 21.20.1 ter .. t. Annual Percentage Rate 21.20. On the Hill No blues on 'Hill Street Blues' now Emmy award-winning "Hill Street Blues" won't be singing them come next season. NBC an- nounced the dramatic television aeries was the first to be renewed. In Thursday's upcoming episode, the heat is turned up on the Hill when an angry old man, embittered by the decline of his neighborhood and taunts of children, shoots a young Hispanic and barricades himself in his home. Meanwhjle, Capt. Frank Furillo (Daniel J. Travanti) explodes at hls superiors after one of his undercover cops is executed by a gang leader. On a lighter note, Sgt. Eaterhaus (Michael Conrad) revels in his rekindled relationship with his more moderate ex-wife after six months with the irreprt!81ible Grace Gardner (Barbara Babcock) "on the carnal frontien." * * * Dulel J. TravuU, wu woe u Emmy Jut fall a1 O.t1tu.dl•1 Lead Actor t. a Drama Serles for ~ 1ta.niq role u Capt. Pruk Fuillo • NBC1 "BW Street Bl••," will Mlt d9e April 1t edJU. of "Satuday Nlpt Uve." fte lhW aln at 11:3' p.m. •l'Muelf. * * * An all-star caat -including J•ck Pala_nce, Larry Wilcox, Dale Robertson, Bo Hopkins, Cliff Potts, Sharon Ferrell and Don Collier -is featured in "The Last Ride of the Dalton Gang." The three-hour drama of the West will be pre9e11ted at 8 tonight on NBC (Channel 4). * * * A galaxy of country music auperatan including Johnny c.h. Loretta ~ Ceyatal ~)'~. Anne Murray, Alabama. Roy Clark, The Oak R1dce Boya, Kris Krlatoffenon and Mel Tillll, will venture to the ~ of the Grand Ole Opry for ''Country Goes Home, ' a two-hour CBS special h09ted by Glen Campbell at 9 p.m. Saturday on Channel 2. 'l'be show will fe.ture spedal appeerances by Chet Akins, Earl Kluah. Roy A.cuff, Billy Swann, Jimmy C. Newman, llank, Thompeon, Don Wil- llaml and Boxcar Willie. The performera made a pilgrimage to the Grand Ole Opcy. in Nashville, Tenn., where many bad their first blg break ln show businell. They will relate anecdotes about their first performances on the Opry 1tage and 1hare their memorlea of the cwntry music landmark. * * * "My Fair Lady," the delilhtful W. 91 np-to romance that took eight Academy A~ will air -... .. .... -' --_...;._ _______ _ - •April 9 -April 15• at 8 p_.m. Sunday on ABC (Channel 7). See Hill Street, Page 32 'Hill Street Blues' is renewed for 'another season on NBC. 'Capitol' scorecard Ward in 'Thornbirds' . See Daytime Drama on Page 35 See Inside TV on Page 31 a 4 I & -· , • f f. I N CD O> .... ----... -----. ~MAXELL TAPE SEMllllR I CLllllC APRIL 1.0th ONLY-NOON 'til4RM I On Saturday, Apr11 ·1oth from noon I tlll 4 p.m. factory representatives from I FREE!! FREE!! Maxell wlll be at Atlantic Mustc to an-I. Your Choice of a Maxell Rock, swer all your questions aboui tapes and I Jazz or Classical Sampler Al- taping. As a speclal bonus, purchase two I bum For Just Stopping By - Maxell XLS series tapes for $9.96 and • Aprll 1~1h Only. Maxell technicians wlll clean, demagnl-SPECIAL FOR ONLY $9.96 . I I t d k' f 1) A.NY TWO XLS SERIES TAPES t ze, eva ua e your ec s per ormance 2) A MAXELL TAPE DECK CARE KIT and on those decks with front panel bias 3) YOUR DECK AND~AVORITE TAPE and equallzatlon controls adjust your EVALUATED ON MAXELL'S TEST EQUIPMENT deck precisely to your favorite tape. To 4) YOUR DECK CLEANED AND k d k t I t h DEMAGNITIZED BY MAXELL ma e sure your ec s ays n op s ape I FACTORY REPRESENTATIVES a Maxell Care Kit Is Included tool All for 1 s> ADJUSTMENT OF FRONT PANEL only $9.961 I :~EQUALIZATION coNTRoLs I . - BRlllG ·YOUR .TAPE DECK AND FAVORITE TAPE TO ATLANTIC! ********************************************* APE CLINIC SPECIALS VALID APRIL 10th OllL Y! MAXELL 1.1>90 MAXELL MX-46 MAXELL LN-46 I INDUSTllY stANDAI MAXILL MDAL MAXILL QUALITY IN A HIGH-alAS 90 THI Plana TAPI fOI MAXILL'S 811T TAPI fOI THI AT THI VllY MINUTI CAIHm MOST RICOIDINGS O,.N lllL TA'I 81ST SOUND A•OUND llST 'llCI Mfe.Llat '289 M'11.Llot~ Mf9.Llat $J• M'11.Llot $499 M'11.Llat $119 'rke ,,.,. 'rice 'rice 'rice '7.59 .... ,$5.19 .... $12.69 .... ..... .... $2.19 .... 1a...1t 10 llMlt 10 u.tt10 Unlit 12 TO SERVE OUR CUST_GMERS.BIUER STARTING-MONDAY APRIL 12th AnANTIC 15 I CHANGING OUR WEEKDAY HOURS. WE WILL OPEN AT 10 A.M. AND CLOSE AT 7 P.M. HOURS: MON.·FRI. 10.7 SAT. 10-5 SUN. 12·5 CLOSED WEDNESDAY llilyl'illt MAIN OFFICE 330 West Bay St., Costa Mesa, t a. Mall address: Box 1560, Costa Mesa Ca 92626 Telephone: 6"C2-4321 ' ., Index Orange Coast TV Antenna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 3 Sports Highlights. . . . . . . . ............... Page 5 Daytime Schedule .. . .. . . . . . .. .. .. . .. Page 6 Evening Schedule ...................... Page B Letters . .. . . . . . . .. .. . . . . .. .. . . .. . . . . .. Page 29 Word Game . .. . .. . .. .. .. . . . .. ......... Page 29 Inside TV ................. . . ....... Page 33 TV Puzzle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............. Page 33 Daytime Drama . .. .. . . .. . . .. . . .. .. .. . Page 34 Channels 9 KNXT <CBS> 6121 W. Sunset Blvd .• Los Anaeles, Ca. 8 KNBC (NBC> 3000 W. Alameda Ave .. Burbank, Ca. e KTLA Und.J 5800 W. Sunset Blvd.. Los Angeles. Ca. O KABC <ABC> 4151 Prospect Ave .. Los .lngeles, Ca. <8J Kf'MB <CBS> 7677 Engineer Rd .. San Diego. Ca 0 KHJ·TV Clod.) 5515 Melrose Ave. Los Angeles. Ca ( 101 KCST <ABC > 8330 Engineer Rd .. San Diego, Ca. 18 KTTV ( lnd.) 5746 W. Sunset Blvd .. Los Angeles, Ca Q) KCOP·TV (Ind. I 915 N La Brea Ave . Los Angeles. Ca <241 CBS Cable • @KCET <PBS> 4401 Sunset Blvd .. Los An.ieles, Ca. 9 KOCE <PBS> 15744 Goldt>n West St . Hunt111glon Beach 10 1 On TV 1139 Grand Central Ave . Glendale. Ca IZI Z·TV 2939 Nebraska Ave . Santa Monica. Ca <HI HBO . Time·Ule Bldg .. RockeCeller Center, NY , N Y 1C1 Cinemax (' Time·' ife Bldg .. Rockefeller Center. N Y N Y 0 t WOR1 N\',N.V 1111 cWTBSi Atlanta . Ga. cE1ESPN c L1 Select 1 Si Showttme Is' SpolliRht t C 1 1 Cable News Network 1 . /'. TV Antenna TV news coverage in OC shafted By PHIL SNEIDERMAN OflMo.ltr ........ Let'• face it: when it comes to TV news cove- rage .. Orange County geta the shaft. We have two million residents. We have busy beaches and Disneyland. We have affluent harbor ~ommunities just a few streets away from low- mcome pockets where Indochinese refugees and illegal aliens crowd into modest quart.en. We have m~h technology industries just down the road from fields where strawberries are still picked by ~. We have aatng, crowded freeways winding: t hrough cities tfiat-•till have a lot of ~wing to do. - But when it comH to TV news coverage Orange County sometimes might as well be tucked away north o{ the Arctic Circle. Two of the Los Angeles-based network-owned stations maintain one report.er in Orange County. The third has aasigned two. . These troops must keep tabs on all tbe county's ma.JOr news developments. By necessity, they skim only the cream off the county's news agenda. Even then, Orange County stories mtUt com· pete with Los Angeles news for a few minutes on the nightly station telecasts. For the past few years, the on e television program you could tune in for strictly Orange County reports has been "Newscheck," produced by KOCE Channel 50 in Huntington Beach. Now, Orange County t~levision news buffs have taken it in the teeth again: because of evapo- rating federaJ funds, "Newscheck'' will leave the air in June. There was a bit of gallows humor exchanged among the "Ne wscheck" staff last week. The program's demise had just been reported In print and the "Newscheck" phone was ringjng off the hook as fans and fello·N newspeople conveyed their sympathies. "The good news is tha t people a re finally noticing us," "Newscheck" staffers exclaimed. "The bad news is that we're going off the air in two months ... " The cancellation of "Newscheck" is a blow to Orange County viewers. Certainly, the program has none of the technical dazzle of the big-budget Los Angeles station news shows. DAVE LOPEZ BOB NA V ARBO And though "Newscheck " anchor Wendy Wetzel has a smooth delivery, she's not going to cause Connie Chung to IOl!le any sleep. But if "Newacheck" has none of the flash of the Los Angeles broadcaata, it alao haa none of the fluff. You won't find the Green Grocer striding onto the Channel 50 set, asking someone to squeeze his avocados. What you do get are local stories with a capital L. Important city council votes in Orange County. Features on colorful Orange County residents. I....o- cal flaps that never seem to find their way onto the Los Angeles programs. There are ironies associated with the cancella- tion of "Newscheck." Local news is a big moneymaker for tlae com- me~ciaJ television stations. But public television stations have not been able to come up with private funds to replace cutbacks in the federaJ aid that has subsidized such programming. While local coaporations may want to have their name announced as underwriter of a culturaJ special or even a single-issue documentary program. they are reluctant to subsidize a news program that has a free hand to explore all sorts of county de- velopments -even some that might involve the sponsor. "Newscheck" has cost $600,000 annually to See News, Page 32 ON THE COVER -The outstanding cast of NBC's "Hill Street Blues" includes (front from /eh ) Michael Conrad, Barbara Bosson, Daniel J. Travanti, Veronica Hamel, Michael Warren, (middle from left) James B. Sik· king, Taurean Blacque, Rene Enriquez, Bruce Weitz, (rear from left) F,d Marinaro, Betty Thomas and Joe Spano. VIDEO MOVIES SPOKEN HERE • FRENCH LIE UTENANT'S WOMAN • BLUE COLLAR • HALLOWEEN II • THE MIRROR CRACK 'D • GALLIPOLI • SYBIL I ,OOO's of Movies For Sale or Rent • STRIPES •LENNY See the Video Experts at_ ... Video Cassette R1ntal1 MM: 1884-1 HARIOR ll;;V • ..... COSTA MESA • 646el928 ...,, • FINAL CONFLICT • FOR YOUR EYES ONLY 3 . l (\,! co O> ,... ~ '"O "C LL ~ ------1111! ~ AUTHORIZED SALES/SERVICE/sATISFACTION -.2 a: AMC-JEEP I . ORANGE COAST AMC-JEEP--R&IAULT 2524 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -549-8023 SADDLEBACK BMW /SUBARU • 28402 Marguerite Parkway Mission Viejo 831-2040 -495-4949 • ROY CARVER BMW 1540 Jamboree Road Newport Beach -640.6444 BOB Mel.ARENS 1MW At Beach Blvd. & Whittier La Habra -522-5333 CREVIER MOTORS 208 W. 1st St. Santa Ana -835-3171 CADILLAC MAIERS CADILLAC 2600 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -540-9100 CHEVROLET CONNELL CHEVROLET 2800 Harbor Brvd.- . <Asta Mesa -546-1200 CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH ATLAS CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH 2929 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -546-1934 DATSUN NEWPORT DATSUN 888 Dove Street Newport Beach -833-1300 FORD THEODORE ROBINS FORD 2060 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa 642-00 I 0 -540.821 I LINCOLN-MERCURY JOHNSON & SON UMCOLM-MERCURY 2626 Harbor Blvd. COsta Mesa -540.5630 SANTA AMA UNCOLN·MERCURY 1301 N . Tustin Avenue Santa Ana -547-0511 MAZDA MIRACLE MAZDA 1425 Baker Street <Asta Mesa -545-3334 ANAHEIM MAZDA 601 S . Anaheim Blvd. Anaheim -956-1820 PEUGEOT IEACM IMPORTS 848 Dove Street Newport Beach -752-0900 .. PONTIAC BOB LONGPRE PONTIAC 13600 Beach Blvd. Westminster 892-6651 -636-2500 PORSCHE-AUDI CHICK IVERSOM. IMC. 445 E. · Coast Hwy. Newport Beach -6 73-0900 MEISTER PORSCHE-AUDI 13631 Harbor Blvd. Garden Grove-· 636-2333 SAAB . BEACH IMPORTS 848 Dove Street Newport Beach -752-0900 TOYOTA EARLE IKE TOYOTA 1966 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -646-9303 MAXEY TOYOTA 18881 Beach Blvd. Huntington Beach 847-855f· VOLKSWAGEN JIM MARINO VOLKSWAGEN 18711 Beach Blvd., Huntington Beach 842-2000 VOLVO EARLl-IKE V01VO 1966 Harbor Blvd. <Asta Mesa -.646-9303 Sports Highlights APM.l, 1182 EV£NNO 1:00 (OJ THE WAY rr WAS "11136 Wor1d s.ti.•· New Yorll Olanta YI. New YOttl Yanll- 7:30 Cil B,&Sf8.4U 'San Diego Padr• at Loa Angelem Oodoenl cm N8A 8ASf<ET8AU. 0enllef Nugg«a YI. LOI AngalM LalceB 11:30 • (I) MA8TEA8 OOl.F HIGHUOHTI Highlights ot Ille MCOOd tound of play In the 4&th MuteB Golf Tour~ (from Ille Auguall National GOii Club In Augutla, Ga.) Sf'~Y"SS. APtW-10, tM:t MOfNN8 l:OO . WCT TEIN9 9:30. nteS WEEK IN BASE8AU. 11:00 IJ al FMMLY CIRCLE CUP The worid'• loe> tem.le lenni1 11ar1 oompele tor • S300.000 lim prize In Ille lenlh ww"'9I edition ol U. tournament (""9 trom Ille Sea Pinet ~uel Clob In Hiiton Heed, S.C.). " ..... 'LL Cautornla Angels .,,._ Mlrl- nesota Twins (l)NCM~ Men'a 1982 Oymnllltjc:9 et.1iploiiltlipa (from Un- ooln, Ne«I.); Wom.n'1 1982- Gym n HllCI Champlon- shlpa (from Sall Lake Cltv, Ulahl Al' I ENiiOON 12:00 CJD RACE FOA THE PENNANT Hollt1 Betry T omc>k Ina and Tim Mee..--11nMk • peek •I Ille ~ -aon. 1:00 8 (I) MAST£M GOLF TOUANAMEHT Ttwd-round -· of Ille <16th MuteB Touma. menl (!Ille from Ille ~ ta National GOif Club In Augusta, GL). .. 8A9EIW.1. Regional c:cwrage of San OM!oo P"'iidt• •I Loa~ ... Oodoenl; S..llle MW· ln«1 at Oalcland A'a QIM SE9AU. Seattle Marinen at Oak· land A'1 2-.;30 • 8UOAA RAY L.EONAAO'S OOlDEN Ol.OYU "HlgNlghla" (Part 2) QI PROR88IONAL BOWLEM T~ 1100,000 ~ Open (from Buoll.y9 laMS In North Olmaled, Oflio). 3:00 8 NCM P£CW. Men'a 1982 Gymnattlca ~(lromU"­ coln, N.t> >: w-·· 19e2 GymnHtlca Champion· 9hlpe (tr om Saft lake City, Utah). (I) nteS W&J( ... BASEBALL 3:30 • PAOf'E8SIONAl 80WlEA9 TOUR 1100,000 Clewland Open (from 8uckeye Lan. in Nor1h Olmated, Ohio). (I) OMO AACINQ ON TWOWHEB.8 4:008~ "Miller1 Mbled Doubles Toumament" 4:30. 800CEA MADE IN OEMlANY Pon vs.Sweden ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ REGGIE JACKSON ... and the California An- gels play Minnesota Twins S aturday a t 11 a.m. on Channel 5. 5:00. WIDE WOALO Of' SPORTS Am.lean Cup Gymnutlca Ch•mp1on1hlp1 (from Madison ~Garden In ~ York City); Wor1d Cup Weighlllfllng (from Vienna. Austrle). • aocce. MADE .. 08'MANY Ponugal YI. S-.den 5:30 QI WIOE ~Of' SPORTS American Cup Gymnutica Champlon1hlp1 (from Madteon Squwe Gwd9n In ~ York City): Wortd Cup we1gt1111«1ng ftrom vie.-. AIASlnlll. ~ e:oo. SPORTS MIB«:.A "National Trac10r Pulllng ChampiONhlP9" 11:30 • 800CJNO "Fight Of Tiie Mol\111" Sunday Haveaballl limited memberships avolloble ~-.. ~ .::::::~~~..:...._;·~'.. . _· ___ _ ] • Corporate Membership • FomlhJ Membersffip • Single Membership • Assodote Membership • Junior Executive ( 18 to 29 years of age) • Junior Membership ( 12 to 18 years of oge) • Swim Membenhlp • Aerobic Membership • And our new Annual Membership tO;CIO. (I) NM M8e<ETMll Boa1on Celtlc8 at PNladel- P'lil 78era I l!'IMP'U 9UNCH 10-.ao AHGaS ·a -~ fl"fEVIEW Joe Buttitta And 8oO Starr ladt at Ille upcoming - aon for the Callf0<nl1 Mgell with lntervlewa with playeu, coach••. and Gen«ai Manager Gene Meuch. I OUTDOOR LR 11:00 QIFA*.Yc..a..t: a. The world'• lop ,.,,,.,. I_. l llM'I ~ for I '200.000 ,.,., prize in the 1enlh 8nnUal edition of thie tOUl'nlll'*'t (Nve from the s.. Pll'IM Racquet Club "' Hilton Heed, S.C.). • BASEBAU. Callfomla Angela "" Min- -ta TWW\I AFT9'NOC* t2:30. (I) IM9T!M GOl.F TOUANAliEff Flnakound Cl0¥9r9ge of the 46111 M..-. Tourna- ment (lfw from the Augus- ta Natlonal Gott Club In Auguata, GL). 1:008 al IPORTSWONJ> Golden GloYee ANoclallon ot Am«ica Tournernent of CMmpions (from Kan- City, Mo.). Patt 1 of the W0rld'1 StrOftgeat Man C4mpeli1lon (from McAtee. H.J.); jet llii clwnplon- ltllp1 (trom tWwWI). • Q lfl'(MTWAT 1:30•111 ~ WORT8MAN Peter O'T oole end <:."1 Gowdy challenOe lhe tiger flall In ,,.. ~ fWllng camp In ~ Atnca, P9ter 8enchley and Sylvia E¥1e trallel to Stella Matitl in tlle a.n.m. to wort! With bull •N1111•; lour kay•ker• take on Ille unchallenged lo-. "°""9 r~ below NleQar• F .... 2:30. QI U.S.A. VS. THE W0N.D IN Ol. YMPIC SPORT\ The U.S. natlonel tewn YI lnlh nallonal learn '" bo1t- i~ (ftom Bilolll, Miu .I 3:00 Cl) BASOALL llUNCH QltuQAARAY l.£0NAN>'S OOl.DU' OLOYU Minn.cite YI SI. l.oui9 l'.30 . QI WICE WOAU> ~ SPORTS 15•t0Und WBA Wor1d Ugllt HN~t Champon.. stlip with Mfender MichMI S pinlt1 YI. Murray S..U-· land (ftom Allll\llC City, NJ.). 5:00 . GAEA TEST SPORTS L.EOEN08 IEV£NHO 7:00 CO) NBA 8A8KE'T1IAl.l. Loe Anoei-I.Mier• YI. Seattle Super90nicl , 1:30. 8PORT8 F1NAl. Monday APAIL 12, 11a ~ 6.-00 . DOOOER DUGOUT 5:15 . DOOGEA ~-GME SHOW 6~· BASEBAU Houston A1t1os vs. Loe Angele9 Dodgers Tuesday AFTEANOOH 5:00. OOOOIA DUGOUT 11:15. OOOOER PM:-OAME SHOW 6:30. BASEllAl.l Loe Mgel9e Dodgar'I et Houlton Allroe Eve.G UIO.LYNll~ 7!30 THE HEMl.DED AHOEL9 Ted Daw.on loolla et what'• In 1t0re tor the call- tornla Angel9 tllil -D NBA 8A9K£T8AU Golden Stll1e Warrlonl YI Loe Ange6M Lalcera Wrlnesday APNl 14, 1182 AFTEANOOH 6:00 . DOOOEA DUGOUT 6: 15 . DOOOER PAE-GAME SHOW 5:.30 • IASEM.U LM Ange6M Dodgera •I Houlton .AlltM EVENNO 1:IO (I) e•SEMU San Diego Pad,_ et San Frand9co Olanta Thursday EV£NINO 7:30 CID llOXINO'S 8f.sT "Grudge Flghll" Batry Tompltln1. MuMrnmed Ali end Joe F....., teke a IOc* bec:k at a hell oenlUfY of Ille moel hl•lorlc IWld pul>- liclzed Yend911• In Ille 1119- tory ol boxing HO. NUMEAO UNO (Premler"e) Japan'• T ajtwi, e modem-day legend in Iha ancient apor1 of MM'nO wrll1Hfl9, IS profiled. What has been a better investment than BUILDING? NOTHING! Let your inveetrnent make money for you ... build a new home, an apartment or remodel the one you have. / Phone (714) 739-8532 / (213) eo'l-2588 21•t CENTURY CONSTRUCTION CO l~Flnandnl W• parantee our wort and co.pletiaa da&e 5 ·~ -------~ -------" 6 • !Daytime 0 IOA MAKES A MOVIE (MoN) (%)MOVIE (1 HR .. 4' MIN.) (MON) 6:46,NEWS 7:00 MORNING NEWS TODAY . 700CLU8 I BIG VALLEY 9) LOVE BOAT (A) TIC TAC DOUGH I DREAM OF JEANNIE FACING INFLATION (FRI) Ii> EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMING (MON THU) l: Q. < ~- 't> ;::: u.. \I< >H '\ I '\( ; (II G000 MORNING AMERICA THE FROOZLES ROMPEAAOOM 4:55(11) MOVIE (1HR.,30 MIN.) (MON) BUGS BUNNY ANO FRIENDS 5:00 8 SUNRIS£ SEMESTER BUSINESS REPORT I SHORT PICKS (WED) PERSONAL ANANCE ANO MONEY MANAGE· MOVIE (1HR.,63 MIN.) (FRI) MENT (FRI) MOVIE (1HR.49 MIN.) (TUE) AMERICAN GOVERNMENT (MON, WED) 5:05 07) I DREAM OF JEANNIE • Of EARTH ANO MAN (TUE, 'THU) 6:30 II JUNTOS (MON, WED, FRI) MOVIE (FRI) YOU ANO THE LAW (TUE. THU) SPORTS CENTER (MON, TUE. THU, FRI) JtMMY SWAGGART MOVIE (2 HRS., 4 MIN.) (THU) LET THERE BE LIGHT (FRI) MOVIE ( 1 HR., 41 MIN.) (FRI) INTERNATIONAL HOUR (MON, TUE) MOVIE (1 HR., 49 MIN.) (MON) TV 8 LOOKS AT LEARNING (WED) MOVIE (2 HRS., 60 MIN.) (TUE) PUBLIC AFFAIRS (THU) THE MINE AND THE MINOTAUR (WED) NEWARK ANO REALITY (FRI) 7:301J THERE IS A WAY MEET THE MAYORS (MON. WED) THE FLINTSTONES NEW YORK REPORT (TUE) KROFFT SUPERSTARS NINE ON NEW JERSEY (TH,.lJ} YOGA FOR HEAL TH UNIVERSITY Of THE AIR (l'UE-FRI) • MAGIC Of OU. PAINTING MOvtE (1HR.,39 MIN.) (MON) MOVIE (MON-WED) MURDER AMONG FRl~OS (1 HR .. 45 MIN.) LITTLEf':RIENDS (THU) f:E) SPORTS CENTER (WED) MOVIE (1HR,63 MIN.) (WED) BAREFOOT IN THE PARI< (2 HRS.) (MON) MOVIE (1HR.,34 MIN.) (WED) ANDREW'S RAIDERS (WED) 6:36 (JZ) MY THREE SONS MOVIE ~ 1 HR .. 40 MIN.) (Wf:D. FRI) 5:458 HISTORY OF MEXICO (MON, WED. FRI) MOVIE 1 HR .• 68 MIN.) (THU) I AMERICAN GOVERNMEN't (TUE. THU) MOVIE 1 HR. 39 MIN.) (WED) ll!) A.M. WEATHER 8:00 Cl) SUNUP SAN DIEGO CtHEMASCORE (WED) JIM BAKKER 5:50 CID NEWS · JOHN DAVIDSON 5:55@.) REAL ESTATE PRINCIPLES (MON, WED, TOMANDJERRY FRI) CARTOONS a.I HOME GARDENER (TUE, THU) BIG BLUE MARBLE (FRI) 6:00 8 LA. MORNING MISTE'R ROGERS (R) (MON-THU) HOT FUOOE BOOY BUDDIES PEOPLE 7 (FRI) MOVIE (1 HR., 53 MIN.~ (TUE) FOCUS ON SOCIETY (MON, WED) MOVIE ( 1 HR., 30 MIN. (THU) OCEANUS (TUE. THU) MOVIE ( 1 HR., 25 MIN. (MON) MORNING NEWS WILD BABIES (TUE) • COMMUNITY FEEDBACK (FRI) MOVIE 11 HR., 36 MIN.} (WED) • YOUTH ANO THE ISSUES (MON) MOVIE 2 HRS .. 3 MIN. (TUE) MEET THE MAYOR (TUE) MOVIE 1 HR. 57 MIN. (THU) FRANKLY FEMALE (WEO) 8:06 ltl> MOVIE rT CAN BE DONE (THU) (%) MOVIE (2 HRS .. 1 MIN.) (FRI) STRAIGHT TALK 8: 15 (%) CtNEMASCORE (MON) JtMMY SWAGGART 8:30. LEAVE rT TO BEAVER NEWS I VILLA ALEGRE (R) Q (THU. FRI) UNDERSTANDING HUMAN BEHAVIOR (FRI) VILLA ALEGRE (R) (MON-WED) IT'S EVERYBODY'S BUSINESS (MON, WED) MISTER ROGERS (R) HUMANmES THROUGH THE ARTS (TUE. MOVIE (THU) THU) MOVIE ( 1 HR., 30 MINi (WED, FRI) I G PROJECT UNIVERSE (MON, WED, FRI} MOVIE ( 1 HR .. 5' MIN. (MON) MATHEMATICS FOR MODERN LMNG (TUE. 9:00 9 Cl) ONE DAV AT A ME (R) THU) REGIS PHILBIN (FRI) • WRITING FOR A RE.4SON (TUE. THU) OtFF'RENT STROKE$ (MON-THU) MOVIE (MON, WED, THU) OZZIE ANO HARRIET ALL-STAR SPORTS CHALLENGE (FRI) A.M. LOS ANGELES SPORTSWOMAN (MON, WED) JACK LALANNE ALL-STAR SOCCER (TUE) NEWS COLLEGE INSTRUCTIONAL SERIES (THU) THE ROCKFORD FILES MOVIE (1 HR., 30 MIN.) (THU) I LOVE LUCY RtCHARO SIMMONS QUE PASA, U.S.A.? (R) (FRI) MOVIE ( 1 HR .. 50]fil MN. (FRI) MOVIE ( 1 HR .. 30 MIN. !ON) MOVIE ( 1 HR .. 45 MIN. TUE) STEVIE NICKS INC (1 HR.) (WED) MOVIE 11 HA .• 35 MIN.) (THU) MOVIE 1 HR., 55 MIN.) (MON, FRI) MOVIE 2 HRS., 26 MIN.) (TUE) MOVIE (2 HRS.) (WED) MOVIE (1 HR., 50 MIN.) (THU) MOVIE ! 1 HR .. 40 MIN.) (FRI) MOVIE 2 HRS.) (TUE) MOVIE 1 HR .. 48 MIN.) (THU) 10:05 ~MOVE (MON, TUE. THU, FRI) 10: 16 MOVIE ( 1 HR., 48 MIN.) (TUE) 10:30 fZ BATTLESTARS PITFALL (MON, THU, FRI) BASEBALL (TUE. WED) GHOST ANO MRS. MUIR (TUE-FRI) TWICE A WOMAN (MON) INDEPENDENT NETWORK NEWS EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMING (FRI) MOVIE (WED) CLARENCE DARROW (1HR.,30 MIN.) (THU) MOVIE (1 HR., 31 MIN.) (MON) 11:001TATTLETALES THE DOCTORS BONANZA l1J FAMILY FEUD THE YOUNG ANO THE RESTLESS • BEST OF GAOUCHO BULLSEYE (MON, THU. FRI) SUPER PAY CARDS LOVE. AMERK;AN STYLE RAINBOW'S END (FRI) ElECTRtC COMPANY (R) (MON-WED) WHY IN THE WORLD (THU) MOVIE (TUE. THU, FRI) THIS WEEK IN THE NBA (WED) MOVIE (1 HR., 50 MIN.) (WED) HAMM~ HOUSE OF HoAROR (MON) MOVIE (1HR .. 5' MIN.) (WED) 11:30 I THE YOUNG ANO THE RESTLESS SEARCH FOR TOMORROW RYAN'S HOPE MATCH GAME MATCH GAME (MON, THU, FRI) .NEWS LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE MACN8L / LEHRER REPORT BIG BLUE MARBLE (WED) MOVIE (MON) NHL HOCKEY (FRI) POCKET BIUIAROS (TUE) VIDEO JUKEBOX HU) SKIING (WED. TH~ HARRY CHAP1N I CONCERT (WED) 11:35 (%)MOVIE (2 HRS .. 23 MIN.) (FRI) 11:45~ MOVIE (1 HR.. 54 MIN.) (THU) • AFTERNOON SCRAMBLED FEET (1HR .. 40 MIN.) (FRI) ROMPER ROOM MOVIE 11HR •• 35 MIN.) '(THU) SESAMESTREETQ 12:008. DAYS OF OUR LIVES MOVIE 2 HRS.) (TUE) DONAHUE TWILIGHT ZONE MOVIE 1 HR. ~1 MIN.) (WED) 3-2-1 CONTACT (R) c;J (FRI) 0 ALL MY CHILDREN MOVIE 1 HR, 66 MIN.) (THU) • VILLA ALEGRE ~A) (MON-WED) NEWS 8:06 IJl> MOVIE . • VILLA ALEGRE R) c;J (THU) •• MOVIE 8:158 HEALTH AELO MOVIE (TUE, W 0, ~I) BONANZA (MON. THU, FRI) • ALMS THAT TEACH TOP RANK BOXING (FAI) DICK CAVEtT (%)MOVIE (1HR.,47 MIN.) (FRI) BOXING (MON) EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMING (FRI) 8:261 ED ALLEN AUTO RACING (TUE) FEELING FREE (MON) 6:30 CAPTAIN KANGAROO PKA F\A.L CON1 AC1' KARA TE (WED) FOOTSTEPS (TUE) SO'S WOMAN (FRO TRACK ANO AELO (THU) GETTIN' TO KNoW ME (R) Q (WED) GALLERY (MON-THU) WACt<:f WORLD Of JONATHAN WlNTE~ FASTFORWARO (THU) DAYBREAK LA. (TUE) GYMNASTICS (MON) rTCANBEOONE (FRI) e JOHNNY CASH: A FLOWER OUT Of PLACE VANITIES (1 HR,30 MIN.) (FRI) COMMUNITY FEE'OBACK (MON) 0 HA.) (FRI) HEROES (MON) YOUTH ANO THE ISSUES (TUE) • MOVI~ (1 HR., 67 MIN.) (MON) TABLE 8E'TTINGS (1 HR .. 30 MIN.) (TUE) OFF HANO (WED) 9: 16(%). MOVIE (1 HR., 4' MIN.) (WED) MOVIE 1 HR .. 58 MIN.~ THU) FRANKLY FaAALE {T!:tU) 9:30. Cl) ALICE (R) MOVIE 1 HR., "3 MIN. FRI) GAEA T SPACE COAST~ BLOCKBUSTERS MOVIE. 1 HA., 47 MIN. MON) FELIX THE CAT THE RIR.EMAN MOVIE 1 HA.. ~$1 MN. ) CAP'TlONEO ABC NEWS (TUE-FRI) MtOMOANING LA. (FRI) MOVIE 1 HR., 35 MIN. U) EXPlOASNG LANGUAGE (MON) MID MOflrftNG LA. (MON-THU) MOVIE 2 HRS .• 1 MIN. FRI) .IUMY SWAGGART BEWfTCHED MOVIE 2 HR.l.} ( ) ~ ANANCE ANO MONEY MANAGE· MOVIE MOVIE 2 HAS., 2 M~IN MENT (FRI) El.ECTAIC COMPANY (R) IOA MAKES A MOVIE U) NT'AO(jUCfNQ BIOLOGY (MON, WED) MOVIE (MON) MOVIE (1HR.,67 MIN. (t.fON) AMEAICAN STORY (TUE. tHU) EAOEI CTHU) 12:06 ltl> FUN'ttME (MON. E. lHU, FRI) CHILDREN Of FIRE MOUNTAIN (FRI) ABadlE (MON. WED, FRI) CZ) MOVIE (1HR..31 MIN.) (TUE) :=~(THU.FRI> ~~~u 12:30V~~WOALOTOAN8 ALL-8T AA 8POAT8 CHAU.ENGE (MON) MOVIE (2 HAS.)"~ :>)U) OVER EASY 1ll8 WEEK IN THE NBA (WED) B.EC1RIC MO (TH FAOM JUMP8TRE£1' (R) MOVE (1 HR.. IO MIN.} {TUE. FRI) Ill 9A8E'BALL {WED) UP AHO COMN:l (R) -MCJ·•·B> .. HV"8 ... ~MON9!1~~ ... ._ ............... 11j111~~(~2~11'8.==~'t .. ~·111.ti1Fffm) ....... lll!lll~--l!lllll~~WHV;:~IN=ntE~WC~CN=.:O:-=~~~~~~ MOVIE 1 HR. 40 MIN. MON) MOVIE l1 HR, 51 MtN3 ~UE) . .... THE oe8PEL ~ TO 8T. MARt i~~ lll6&N'S "GHOSTS" (TUE) DANCE: MAY O'DONNELL (WED} YOU ASKED FOR IT THE BRADY BUNCH MIGHTY MOUSE 7 ICOUEBEGVMNll\STtee (WED) POaCET 8'l.LIAROS (THU) MOVIE [HRS .• 5 MIN.) ~WED) MOVIE 1 HR •• '' ...,N.) HU 12:36QZ) THE JNTSTONES (SoN. ~UE. THU. FRI) 1:00 D. ANOTHER WORLD I HOUR MAGAZINE THE VERY SPECIAL JACK GILFOAO SPECIAi THU) PASSOVER (FRI) MISTER ROGERS (R) SPORTSWOMAN (TUE) I E:e BACK. KOTTER BACH'S "TOCCATA ANO FUGUE IN c .r 0 MINOA" (MON) () CABARET; StNGIN' II (TUE) t1J ONE LIFE TO LIVE MOVIE (MON. THU. FRI) MATINEE AT THE BIJOU (FRI) EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMING (MON-THU) EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMING (MON. TUE THU, FRI) I ~ UPON A CLASSIC (WED) MOVIE (TUE. THU. FRJ) NHL HOCKEY (MON) SCHRAOE PRO TEAM ROOEO (TUE) TIME WAS (1 HR.) (WED) MOVIE (1 HR., 35 MIN.) (WED) 1:051 THE MUNSTERS 1:10 KINER'S KORNER (TUE. WED) 1:30 (I) CAPITOL 0NEWS MOV1E (TUE. WED) SIGNATURE (TUE-FRI) NAPOLEON & LOVE (MON) BIG BLUE MAABlE (MON) I EOUCA TIONAL PROGRAMMING (WED) MOVIE (MON. WED) TRACK ANO AELO (WED) MOVE ~1 HR., 40 MIN.) (FRI) MOVIE 2 HRS •• 30 MIN.) (TUE) MOV1E 1 HR .. 55 MIN.) (l'RU) 1:35@ LEAVE IT TO BEAV~ CZ) MOVIE (1HR.,39 MIN.) (FRI) (%)MOVIE (1 HR., 47 MIN.) (TUE) 1:451 MOVIE (1 HR., 31 MIN.) (THU) 2:00 (I) GUIDING LIGHT I TEXAS JOHN DAVIDSON B ®'GENERAL HOSP1T Al IRONSIDE I OPEN LINE SUPERMAN • BOTANtC MAN: WHITE DEA TH, NEW UFI FRJ) MIXED BAG: A PIECE OF THE ACTION (TUE) OUtZ KIDS (WED) COLLLLLECTING (THU) • GUTEN TAG. WIE GEHT'S? (FRI) • GUTEN TAG IN OEUTSCHLAND (MON) • LES GAMMAS (TUE) TOMOAROW'S FAMILIES. TOMORROW'! FR1ENOS (WED) • HABLAMOS ESPANOL (THU) MOTORCYCLE RACING (FRI) PKA FULL CONT ACT KARA l'E (THU) MOVIE (1HR.,37 MIN.) (WED) MOVIE (1 HR .. 36 MIN.) (THU) MOVIE AEROSICISE (MON, WED, FRI) THE MINE ANO THE MINOTAUR (FRI) MOVIE (1 HR., 35 MIN.) (MON, TUE) MOVIE (1 HR., '7 MIN.) (MON) 2:05@ THE BRADY BUNCH 2:30 m THEWALTONS (FRI) I BEWITCHED (MON· THU) EMERGENCY MOVIE (FRI) MOV1u1 HR .• 50 MIN.) (MON) MOVIE 1 HR., 26 MIN.) ~MON, FRI) MOVIE 1 HR .• 33 MIN.) TUE) MOVIE 1 HR., 36 MIN.) WED)' ClA NCE DARROW (1 HA .. 30 MIN.) lWED) Cl MOVIE (1HR .. 58 MIN.) (THU) 2:35 IB~ Y HIUBILLIES 2:45 MOV1E (1 HR. 39 MIN.) (WED) 3:00 THE ROCKFORD FILES (FRI) BARNEY MILLER (MON-THU) DONAHUE fUCHABO SIMMONS EDGE Of .NIGHT (MON, TUE. THU, FRI) AFTERSCHOOL SPECIAL (WED) MERV GRIFFIN MOVIE HAW~ll FIVE-0 PEOPLE'S COURT THEWALTONS (MON-THU) POPEYE YOU AND THE LAW (FR1) HOME GARDENER (MON. WED) AMERtCAN GOVERNMENT (TUE. THU) HOUR MAGAZINE SESAME STRfiEf O CHILDREN OF FIA'E MOUNTAIN (MON, WED FRI) I MOV1E (TUE) LITTLE ~ENO (THU) F.A. SOCCER (TUE) CLARENCE DARROW (1HR.,30 MIN.) (FRlt 3:05@ ANDY GRIFFTTH 3: 15(Z) MOV1E (1 HR .. '7 MIN.) (FRI) CZl MOVIE (2 HRS .. 23 MIN.) (THU) 3:30 8 BARNABY JONES (MON-THU) R1CHARO SIMMONS PEOPLE'S COURT (MON, TUE. THU, FRI) CHARLIE'S ANGELS (MON, TUE. THU, FRI) AFTERSCHOOL SPECIAL (WED) BEWITCHED (FRI) WOODY WOOOP~KER A PlA Y FOR LOVE (WED) CALL ME BETTY CARTER (THU) YOU AND THE LAW (FRI) INSIDE JAPAN (MON, W~D) OCEANUS (TUE, THU) SUNSHINE PORCUPINE (FRJ) MOVIE (MON) IOA MAKES A MOV1E (WED) MOV1E (1 HA .. 30 MIN.) (FRI) VANITIES (1 HR., 30 MIN.) (THU) IDA MAKES A MOVIE (FRI) MOVIE (1HR.,25 MIN.) (MON) MOVIE (1 HR., 57 MIN.) (THU) IOA MAKES A MOVIE (1 HR.) (MON) EUBIEI ( 1 HR .. 30 MIN.) (TUE) MOVIE (1 HA .. 39 MIN.) (TUE} 3:35 @ GOMER PYLE 3:50 (%)MOVIE (1HR..39 MIN.) (MON) 4:00 1J BARNEY MILLER (FRI) CJ MARY TYLER MOORE Costa Mesa's Only Complete Funeral Facilities .. Sen in g All Faiths" 3-2· 1 CONT ACT (A) Q (FRI) TO BE ANNOUNCED (MON-THU) LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE VICTORY GARDEN (FRf) • CALLIGRAPHY (MON, WED) • HOME GARDEN~ (TUE. THU) MOVIE (WEO-f'Rf) COUEGE INSTiruCTIONAL SERIES (FRI) ALL-STAR SPORTS CHALLENGE (MON) THIS WEEK IN THE NBA (TUE) SPORTS FORUM (WED) THIS WEEK IN THE NHL (THU) MOVIE ( 1 HR., 36 MIN.) (TUE) STANDING ROOM ONLY (1 Hll) (WED) • CS) MOVIE (1 HR., 40 MIN.) (FRI) 0 MOVIE (1 HR .. 57 MIN.) (WED) 4:05@ WINNERS (FRI) @CAROL BURNETT AND FRIENDS (MON· THU) -4:308NEWS 808NEWHAAT (!) ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT M"A"S"H LAVERNE & SHIRLEY & COMPANY THE BRADY BUNCH SIGNATURE MISTER ROGERS (R) • MACNEIL I LEHRER REPOAT SPORTS CENTER WHAT ON EARTH (MON) MOVIE ( 1 HR., 30 MIN.) (TUE) MOVIE (1 HR .• 40 MIN.) (WEO) MOVIE ( 1 HR .. 27 MIN.) (FRI) MOVIE (1 HR.. 58 MIN.) (MON, THU) CINEMASCORE (WED) -4:35@ BASEBALL (FRI) @ SANFORD AND SON (MON-WED) @ NBA BASKETBALL (THU) •:'5(%)MOVIE {1HR.,48 MIN.) (WED) 5:00 8 D 8 (I) t1J NEWS I LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE KOJAK NBA BASKETBALL (FRI) HOLL YWOOO (MON) MOVIE (TUE· THU) I INCREDIBLE HULK (FRI) DOOOER DUGOUT (MON-WED) WELCOME BACK. KOTTER (THU) FRED FLINTSTONE AND FRIENDS MIXED BAG: NEW BLUES (FRJ) MIXED BAG: A PIECE Of THE ACTION (MON) aJ) QUIZ KIDS (TUE) i COLLLLLECTING {WED) BOTANIC MAN: LMNG WATER (THU) SESAME smEET Q LIVE AT AVE OVER EASY MOVIE (MON) SUNSHINE PORCUPINE (TUE) AUTO RACING (WED, FRI) ROAD RACE (MON) COLLEGE GYMNASTICS (TUE) SPORTS FORUM (THU) llarbor LaWQ ·Mount Olive Men1orial Park · Mortuary· Mausoleums Burial In Any Cemetery -Shipment -Cremation, Plans Available 1625 Glsler·Ave. · Costa Mesa {Gl81er ~ve. at Harbor Blvd.) Ph. 540-5554 3Klrl0f 'IO l'!!.~----------lllm!ll ..... ~~11111!1~~~~ .... > "O ~ 14 .... • \I< >IC\ I~< ; \I< >\ · 1 LS 5:00 D "Used Cars" ( 1980. Comedy) Kurt Russell. Jaci< Warden. 6:05 all "Living It Up" ( 1954, Comedy) Dean Martin, Jerr_t_Lewls. 6:15(Z) "Paradise Alley" (1978, Drama) Sylvester Stallone, Armand Assante. 6:30 CB) "Hot Lead And Cold Feet" ( 1978, Comedy) Jrm Dale. Don Knotts. 7:00(C) "Jesus" ( 1979, Orama) Brian Deacon. Riv· ka Noiman. 0 "Heaven Can Wait'' ( 1978, Fantasy) Warren Bea..!!Y. Julie Christie 7:30(.l) "The Shogun Warn<><s. Dan Guard Ace" ( 1981. Fantasy) Animated. 8:0&@ "Ruthless" ( 1948, Drama) Zachary Scott. Diana Lynn (%)"Together" ( 1979) Jacqueline Bisset, MalC1mih· an Schell 8:30® "Dirty Tricks" ( 1981, Comedy) Ethol1 Gould, Kate Jackson 9:00CC) "ABBA: The Movie" (1978, Musical) ABBA. 9:30 ml "Lucky Texan" ( 1934. Western) John Wa'1!!!3. Gabby Hayes 9:35(.Z) "Brolher Sun, Sisler Moon" ( 1973. B1ogre· phy}_ Graham Faulkner, Judi Bowker 10:00 CH) "Flash Gordon" ( 1980, Science-Fiction) Sam J. Jones. Max Von Sydow (S) "Something Of Value" ( 1957. OfamaL,Rock Hudson. E>ana Wynter g "The Shogun Wamors Grandizer" ( 1981. Fan· tasyj_ Animated. 10:05@ ''Nero Wolfe" ( 1970. Mystery) Thayer David, Anne Ba)(ter 11:00(C) "Ode To Billy Joe" (1976. Drama) Robby Benson, Glynnis O'Connor 11:35 (%)"Lost Honzon" ( 1937. Fan1asy) Ronald Col· man. Jane Wyatt . \F. l lJ(\( >< >~ \I<)\' I ES 12:00 0 "Carry On Admiral" ( 1956, Comedy) Peg· gy Cummins. David T omhnson. ID "Man On A String" ( 1971, Adventure) Christo· pher GeOfge, William Schallert G) "Land 01 The Pharaohs" ( 1955, Drama) Jack Hawkins. Joan Colhns. CS) "Eyewitness" ( 1981. Mystery) Sigourney Weaver. Wllllam Hurt. (§1 "Brother Sun. Sister Moon" ( 1973. Biography) Gral\am Faulkner. Judi Bowker 1:00(!) "Godspell" ( 1973, MuS1cal) Victor Garber David Haskell CC) "Jesus" ( 1979, Drama) Brian Deacon. Rivka Nol man 1:30 (HJ "Kill And Kill Again" ( 1981, Adventure) James Ryan. Anneline Kriel. 1:35 (%) "Nighthawks" ( 1981. Drama) Sylvester Stallone. Billy Dee Wrlliams 2:00([) "Bustin' Loose" ( 1981, Comedy) Richarc Pryor, Cicely Tyson 2:30 la "Oh. My Boy" CS) "Cry Wolf" ( 1947, Mystery) Errol Flynn, Barba· ra Stanwyck 3:00 0 "Rachel's Man" ( 1974, Romance) Alte Tushingharn. Leonard Whiting. 3: 15 (%) "Paradise Alley" ( 1978. Drama) Sylveste1 Stallone, Armand Assante 3:30(HJ "Dirty Trrcks" (1981, Comedy) Ei11ot1 Gould, Kate Jackson 4:00(C) "ABBA: The Movie" ( 1978, Muslcal) ABBA. ·(I) "The Shogun Warriors: Dan Guard Ace" (1981. Fantasy) Animated. 5:0000 "Flash Gordon" (1980, Sclence-Ftc11on) Sam J. Jones. Max Von SydOw 5:Q6(%) "Baby Doll" ( 1957, Drama) Carroll Baker. l(afl Malden. e:ooeeeNEWB CHARLIE'S ANGELS C88NEW8 WHrTE SHADOW A8CNEWS THE JEffER80N8 HAWAII FIVE-0 8U8INE88 REPORT NBC NEWS CAEATMTY WfTH BIU MOY£R8 "Gerbage' • 8111 Moyers meet• tome unulUal people whoee won. lnvoMtt atudylng what we throw away. 9 CC> MOVIE "Ode To Billy Joe" ( 1976, Drama) Rob- by Benton, Glynnle O'Connor. Bated on the ~ by Bobtlte Gentry. A. tonnented teen-eger'• ~·· ·~ ooq>llc.tte hit &st true romanc:.. PG (1 hrq4'"*'-• ...... 9'.J " ""'... -.... .__ A 'HAZZARD' FOR THE BOSS -Actor John Schneider, who plays Bo Duke on the "Dukes of Hazzard," is doing very well ii) th~ recording business, too. llis version of the Elvis Presley classic, "It's Now or Never," has been getting lots of play around the country. The Dukes, who make life tough on Boss Hogg, the man who runs Hazzard County with a tight fist, can be seen Friday at 8 p.m. on CBS (Ch. 2). (1) MOVIE ·'Don't Go Near The Water" ( 1957 Comedy) Glenn Ford, Gia Scala World War I sailors 1n the South Pacific find that they need only< recreation hall to complete their paradise ( 1 hr .. 4( min) (§1 MOVIE "The Frisco Kid" ( 1979, Comedy) Gen£ Wrlder. Hamson Ford. A Polish rabb4 finds h1msel involved 1n wild frontier misadventures wllh a darint bank robber when he travels to San Francisco tc take over a new congrega1lon 'PG' ( 1 hr , 58 min.) 6:30 Cl) G) NEWS I BARNEY MILLEA ALL IN THE FAMILY NAPOLEON ANO LOVE Ian Holm and Billie Whi telaw star in this nine-part series on the life anc loves of Napoleon. (Part 1) ( 1 hr ) fi) NEWSBEA T: LOS ANGELES WEEK IN REVIEW '1'i) BUSINESS REPORT 7:001J CBS NEWS I NBC NEWS HAPPY DAYS AGAIN • ABC NEWS P.M. MAGA.ZINE Meet a person who wen undercover in Poland; HoilywOod super-agent Mart) Klein. 0 YOU ASKED FOR IT lJJ) ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT An interview wilt Smot<ey Robinson I M•A•s•H ~·sw1LO OVER EASY Guests· Steve Allen, Paul Nathan son, Jack Lalanne. (R) Q I THE MUPPETS DtCK CAVl!'TT Guest. Clare Boothe Luce (Par !l (R) . (!) All-STAR SPORTS CHALLE.NGE Brooklyr Dodgers Of The 1950's vs. New Yo~k Footbal Giants 01 The 1950's ( 1 hr.) (JI) MOVIE "Hot Lead And Cold Feet" ( JQ78, Com- edy) Jim Dale, Don Knotts In The Old West, twlr brothera -one rough 'n' tough, the other a city· bred mllquetoast -compete In a grueling contest tc ~ see who will Inherit their father's f0<1une. 'G' ( 1 hr. 30mln.) ([)THE GOLDEN AGE Of TELEVISION "Requiel'T For A Heavyweight" Origin111ty Pfoduoed as part o CBS's Pla)'tlouM 90 setlee, thi8 teledfama starrl°' Jack Palance gives a glimpse Into 1he thabby w0tlc ~lzeflghtlng. (2 hrs.) (Q) THE-WAY IT W~ "1936 World Serles" Ne-. York ()lenta vs. New Yori< Yankees (%) MOVIE "Brother Sun. Sist8' Moon" ( 1973 BloQraphy) Graham Faulkner, Judi Bowker. Franclt of An)al rejects weafth and honor In ordet to Jivf and wont among the gentle In natute •nd the poor If apffit. (2 htl' .. 1 min.) 1:30 e 2 ON THE TOWN Feetur~ Wlltdl Bett) '4 t .-...w~~~w.i lpeec hydroplane dnver; v1S1t with Gregory Hines, ieac dancer In the theatrical hit "Sophisticated Ladles" a look at some rare hlstOfic photos of condition~ leading to ttoods in Los Angeles. D EASTER FEVER Animated. When the Eastei Bunny decides to take an early retirement, he Is giv· en a farewell roast. 8 STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE: PETS O~ PARADE Animated The kids and their pets marct and perlorm as they vre for first prize tn the Annua Strawberry Land Pet Show D PEOPLE'S COURT (J) BASEBALL San Otego Padres at Los Angele~ Dodgers (2 hrs • 30 min ) • BULLSEYE NEW YORK REPORT YOU ASKED FOR IT M"A"S•H TIC TAC DOUGH SIGNATURE Guest· Gordon Dav•dSOn • MACNBL I LEHRER REPORT FAMILY FEUD 8!) WALL STREET WEEK "Some Curves Frorr Laffer" Guest· Anhur Latter. professor of b'Osines! economrcs at the University ol Southern Cahforn1a (ID NBA BASKETBALL Denver Nuggets vs L~ A~les Lakers (2 hrs.) 7:35 NEWS 8:00 THE DUKES Of HAZZARD Boss Hogg con cocts a scheme to win the deed to the puke farm (R) {1 hr ) 0 G) MOVIE 'The Last Ride Ot The Dalton Gang' ( 1979, Western) Larry Wilcox, Jack Palance ThE notorious Dallon brothers are appointed deput1e! after the death of their law·ab1dlng brother, Frank l3 hrs) 0 MOVIE "Friday The Rabbi Slept Late" ( 1976 Mystery) Art Carney, Stuart Margolrn. A smalf.towr poltce chief investigates the case of a dead womar drscovered on the steps of a synagogue. (2 hrs ) U BENSON Benson poses as a convict to expoSE corruption 1n the state penrtentlary (R) Q 0 THE HAPPIEST PEOPLE ON EARTH In lhrs spe cial businessman tell other men hke themselves o their experiences of GOd ( 1 hr ) .{!) RACING FROM ROOSEVELT ®J AN EVENING AT THE SYMPHONY David Ather ton conducts the San Otego Symphony Orchestra (2 hrs l • Tube Topper "The Last Ride of the Dalton Gang" Channel 4 -8 p.m . ..... m P. M. MAGAZINE A man whose boss offered hirr $50.000 to lose weight and run a marathon, Holly wOod super-agent Marty Klern G) MOVIE "The Big Trees" ( 1952, Western) Ktr~ Douglas. Eve Miller Landowners are determined tc protect their timberland from a greedy lumber baror in California's redwood forest. (2 hrs.) @ MIXED BAG: NEW BLUES An examination o the Chicago Blues scene today with old-timers com i into new apprectallon. Ci) WASHINGTON WEEK IN REVIEW MOVIE "Breaking Point" ( 1976. Drama) B< Svenson. Robert Culp. A man. who witnesses f gangland murder, is terr0<ized by the Mafia after ht testifies. and must move with his family to Toronto 'R' (1 hr . 31 min ) (()SPORTS CENTER CS) MOVIE "Bedknobs And Broomsticks" ( 1971 Fantasy) Angela Lansbury, David Tomlinson. Dur Ing World War II, a novice sorceress and hec thref young frlendS set off f<>< a magic lslaAd where sh« intendS to learn ~h about witchctaf1 to use i ~Inst the Nazis. 'G' (1 hr., 57 min.) , .. JOEl GAEY IN CONCERT ( 1 HR.) e:soe BARNEY MILLER Harris sets off a'commo tlon In the precinct house when he smacks a lawyer and =~broker is arrested. Q ~All IN THE FAMILY II CHAMBER MUSIC SOCIETY OF LINCOLN CEN- TER Muslcal selections from T orem. Bach, Ame Rachmaninoff and Kreisler, f .. turlng Barbasa Hen drleks. soprano. and Earl Wild, planl&t. (Part 2) ( · hr.) • WALL STREET WEEK "Some Curvea Fron Laffer" Guest: Arthur Latt.r. protee&or of buslneat economics at the Unl\l8'Slty of Southern C.llfornla. e CAEATMTY WITH 8tLL MOVEM ''Normar Leer -The Cr•tt.... Prooeea" Blh ~ looks lntc the creaOve PfocelS by whtCh LMr and hlt UIOci at" translate an !dee Into •n ent«talnlng lhow ~·ft 1) 0 CB> MO'llE ''The ~ Brot-..·· ( 1980, Mulical) John Belulhl. Dan Aytc~. ~ bll= ITU' '~ ~~ Nee> -----~~-~---::--:--:--------------~--------------~~~11!11!~~-I!!!!~.!!!!~~"~ r-' Friday (oontinued) Nazis and the U.S. Army to put together a benefl concert 10 raise money for their parish. 'A" (2 hrs. 13 min.) 8!36@All IN THE FAMILY 9:008 DALLAS Sue Ellen accepts J.R.'s proposa ol marriage, Lucy agrees to lake a pregnancy test and Miss Ellie vows lo remove J R. from Ewing 011 ( 1 hr.) 8 THE PHOENIX Bennu pursues a group of uran~ um hljack8's who heve taken fl woman hostage. ( hr.) I GOLDEN OOMES OF MOSCOW MERV GRIFAN CREA TMTV WITH Bill MOYffiS "Normat Lear -The Creative Process" Bill Moyers looks intc the creative process by Which Lear and his associ ates translate an idea into an entertaining show (Part ·1 ) Q G VOTER'S PIPELINE Jim Cooper interviews al the candidates for the State Senate on issues per laining to the state and Orange County. (£)TOP RANK BOXING From Nashville, Tennessee (2 hrs., 30 min.) (L) MOVIE "Dirty Tricl<s" ( 198 t, Comedy) Elliot Gould, Kate Jackson. A Harvard prolessor bec<>mel the quarry of persons amoous to get their hands or a recently discovered letter written by Georgt Washington. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 0 MOVIE "Heaven Can Wait" ( 1978, Fantasy) Warren Beatty, Julie Christle. Afte< a pro footbal star's life Is prematurely claimed by an inept angel the man Is given the body of a mlllionalre industrial 1st to coolinue living In. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 41 min.) CZ) MOVIE "Nighthawl<s" ( 1981, Orama) Sylveste Stallone, Billy Dee Williams. A tovgh New York Cit) cop has his work cut out for him when one of thE world's most dangerous terrorists arrives in his city 'R' !_1 hr , 39 min.) 9:05@ MOVIE "The Longest Hundred Miles" (1967 Adventure) Doug McClure, Katharine Ross. A pries leads a group of adults and Aliplno children awa) from the invading Japanese. (2 hrs.) 9:30 (!) MOVfE "The Night Has Eyes" (1942, Mys tery) James Mason, Joyce Howard. A young worn an revisiting the scene of her friend's death on thE MOO<s a year bel0<e encounters the same evil force: that led ro the earlle< tragedy. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) • IH NAPOLEON AND LOVE Ian Holm and Billie Whl telaw star in this nin~part series on lhe life anc lovesolNapoleon. (Part 1) (1 hr.) •• INStOE STORY "lnsl~ Story In El SalVador' Hoddlng Carter reports from 8 Salvador on pres! coverage of the war and the March 28th electtons and on how accurate and balanced the coveragt has been. CC) MOVIE "Best Friends" (1975, Suspense) Rich ard Hatch, Doug Chapin. During a trip lo California an emotionally distressed young man tries le destroy his best friend's relationship with his girl lriend. 'R' ( 1 hr .• 25 min.) (1D MOVfE "Stir Crazy" ( 1980, Comedy) Richarc Pryor. Gene Wilder. Two men are mistaken tor bani robbers ancf sent lo jail. 'R' (1 hr., 51 min.) 10:00 B FALCON CR£ST Chase gathers enough con crete evidence to take Angela Into court over h1~ fathef's mysterious death (Part 1) (1 hr) I GeeNEWS (fl STRIKE FORCE Lieutenant Gunze<'s honey moon turns into a nightmare when his bride is crlll cally wounded during an assassination attempt. ( hr) Cl) ANTHONY NEWLEV AT SEA WORLD Susa1 Anton, Paul Williams and Martin Mull Join A nthOO' Newley an this concert from Sea World in Orlando Florida. ( 1 hr ) 9 TONY BROWN'S JOURNAL "South Africa Time Running Out'. Tony Brown examines the find tngs and recommendations of a study on U.S. pollc: toward South Africa ID ARING LINE "The Future Of Our Relations Wttl Mainland China" Guest: John King Fairbank. autho of "ChlnabOUnd: A Filly Year Memoir." ( 1 hr.) CS) WHAT'S UP AMERtCAI Featured: a IOOk at acu puncture for animals; black Americans who practice polygamy and vOOdoo: a profile of female strippers ( t hr.) 10:~-NeWS I iiGNATURE Guest: Gordon Davidson. · CAUFORNIA WEEK IN REVIEW 10:46 (%) CINEMASOOAE 11:00. 8 e (I) l11 • NEWS I SATUAOAY NeGHT t<OJAK JOEFRAM<UN M*A*S*H 8ANFOAO AND SON MIXED BA.G: NEW BLUES An examlnatlol'I o the Chicago Blues scene today with Old·tlmers com Ing Into new appttclatlOn. • DeCK CAVETT Guest: Clare Boothe Luce (Per 2 (R) CAl.FOAHlA wee< IH REVIEW -· ,...,,_ 9ld!f"""119N.'...,,.,..,,...Jlmn Col THE BOSS LADY -Jane Wyman stars as a wealthy and powerful vintner in Northern California, who controls many lives around her. She is feared by just about everyone, including a nephew (Billy Moses), i n "Falcon Crest," seen Friday at 10 p.m. on CBS (Ch. 2). lins, Oliver Tobias. A waiter advances his career b~ sleeplng~ilh his boss's wife. 'R' ( 1 hr., 35 min.) CID ON LOCATION "Don Rickles And His Wisl Guys" Taped before a live audience at the Sahar; Hotel, the caustic king of "put-downs." Don Ric l<les, hosts a hilarious cast of versatile comedians i! hr .. 30 rnln.) CD MOVfE "F'iona" ( 1980, Adventure) Rona Rich mond, Anthony Steel. A notorious woman journalis recounts he< outrageous adventures with some o Europe's leading playboys. 'A' ( 1 hr , 22 min.) i BIZARRE "World's Oldest Stuntman" CHANNa. ZERO (1 HR.) MOVIE "Paradise Alley" ( 1978. Orama) SylVes ter Stallone, Armand Assante. Three schemint brothers from the Hell's Kitchen section of Nev York City combine their traits of brains and brawn ii their efforts 10 create better lives lor themselves 'PG' ( 1 hr., 47 min.) 11:05@ MOVIE ··Paranoiac" ( 1963, Drama) Janeth Scott. Oliver Reed. A young woman becomes th1 object of an evil plot involving her brother and aunr ( 1 hr .. 45 min.) 11:308 (I) MASTERS GOLF HIGHLIGHn Highlights of the second round of play In the 4611 Masters Golf Tournament (from the Augus11 National Golf Club in Augusta, Ga.). D GD TONIGHT Host· Johnny Carson. Guests Lynn Redgrave, Jerry Seinfeld, David Horowitz ( hr.) I (fl ABC NEWS NtGHTLJNE THE JEFfERSONS LOVE. AM~AN STYLE . CHAMBER MUSIC SOCIETY OF LINCOLN CEN TER Musical setections from Torelli, Bach, Arne Rachmaninoff and Kreisler, featuring Barbara Hen drlcks, soprano, and Earl Wild, pianist. (Part 2) ( hr,) . I NEWSBEA T: LOS ANGa.ES WEEK IN REVIEW CAPTIONED ABC NEWS SPORTS CENTER R.E.O. SPEEOWAGON IN CONCERT Fiimed live In concert In Denver, R.E.O. performs many ol lhei recent hits, including "Taking II On Tlle Run" am "Keep On Loving Yoo.'' ( 1 hr.) (I) MOVIE "Eyewitness" ( 1981. Mystery) Slg<>or nay Weaver, William Hurt. A tetevfslon reporte becomes lnvotved with a janitor who may knov more about a murder that fie witnessed than he r. say\~. 'R' (1 hr., 43 min.) 11:4•09 (I) MOVIE "Parts: The Clonus Horror' (1979. Horr<>f) Petef Graves, Keenan Wynn Clones are grown as sources of reptaoeebte huma1 limbs and Ofg&~s. (2 hts., 5 min.) 12:00. ENTERT~ENT TONGHT An lntervleY withs: RoblnlOn. e l11 Y8 Host: Howard E. Rolllns Jr. Guests Ouarterfla&h. (R) ( 1 hr., 30 min.) •MOVIE "Rachel's Man" (1974, Romance) Rlt1 Tushlnghlm, !Aonard Whiting The blt>flcal love lifo w,of Rachel and Jacob II told. (2 hra.) MOVIE "Trlpoll" ( 1950. Actventurt) Maur"' • , Hal•. ~ 'P•vnt -t'Ki U....-~ tt'11 Trioo pirates to raise the American fllg on Tripol In JSos 9 (2 hrs.) • MOVIE "The Last Man On Eartt]" (1964, Hor :!! ror) Vincent Price. Franca Bettola ·The sole swvlvo 2 of an epidemic fears for his fife when bOdles leav1 -t lheir graves at night to seek his blood. ( 1 hr., 4! < min) r • LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE ~ (D) MOVIE "Penitentiary" ( 1938. Drama) Joto :,, Howard. Walter Connolly. A prosecu!Of encounter :::!. a man whom he had convicted years earlier of man ~ slaughter charges. ( 1 hr , 20 min.) <;< 0 MOVIE "Hard Country" ( 1981. Orama) Jan > Michael Vincent. Kim Basinger. A Texas factor 1:J worker IS torn between his desire 10 continue in the 2: "good old boy" lifestyle and his liancee's show e> business ambitions. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 46 min.) :.._ 12:3081JD SCTV NETWORK Guests: the Ian Thoma co Band. (R) ( 1 hr . 30 min ) ~ I COUPlES NEWS NAPOLEON AND LOVE Ian Holm and Billie Wh1 \ telaw star in this n1n~part series on the life an• loves of Napoleon. (Part 1) ( 1 hr.) CC) MOVIE "On~ Trick Pony" ( 1980, Orama) Pal Simon. Blair Brown A once-popular perfonner 1 pressured by everyone around him to drop his styi. of music and wnte songs rhal can bring him back t• the top 40. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 39 min.) (I) PROFESSIONAL RODEO From Mesqu11e, Tex as. (2 hrs.) CID MOVIE "Kill And Kill Again" ( 1981. Adventure James Ryan. Anneline Kriel. A martial arts eltper battles the minions of a power-mad sctenllst lnten on enslaving mankind with a new mind-control drlJf 'PG' (1 hr , 40 min.) 12:50@ MOVIE "The Nighl They Tool< Miss Beauti fut" ( t977, Drama) Chuck Connors, Phil snvers. I group of terrorists hijacks an airliner with five beaut pageant finalists on board. (2 hrs.) ~ 1:008 MOVIE "Great Day In The Morning" (195€ Adventure) Virginia Mayo, Robert Slack. In tho days preceding the Civil War. Gold Rush fever run high in Colorado as Inhabitants unwittingly becom bitterrlvals. (2 hrs.) . aJ MOVIE "Witches Mountain" ( 1973, Mystery Patty Shepard. John Cattarl A news photographE accepts an assignment to photograph a legendar ~ce called Witches Moun1aln. ( 1 hr., 30 min) CZ) MOVIE "Together" ( 1979) Jacqueline Bissel Maximilian Schell. (2 hrs., 1 min,) , 1:15(S) MOVIE "Island Of 1000 Delighls"On a lusJ tropical Island, beautiful womeo are sold Into sla11 ery 'R' ( 1 hr., 20 min.) 1:301 EVENING AT THE IMPROV 1:~ NEWS e MOVIE "Monster From A Prehls1oric Planet' ( 1966. Science--Flcllon) Tamio Kawajl, Vol<• Yamamoto. Three men discover a young prehistorl creature and enrage the creature's parents by lak Ing It to Japan with them (2 hrs.) 2:00DO)NEWS 0 MOVIE "B1ubaker" ( 1980, Drama) Robert Red ford, Vaphel Kotro A refOfm-mlnded warde('I uncOll ers widespread corruption when he enters his newt assigned prison posing as an inmate. 'R' (2 hrs., 11 min~ 2:05 NEWS 2: 10 MOVIE "Breaking Point" ( 1976, Orama) B· Svenson, Robert Culp. A man, who witnesses , gangland murder, Is tel'rorlzed by the Mafia after h· testifies. and must move with his family to Torontc ·A' (1 hr , 3 1 min.) (HJ MOVIE "Happy Birthday To Me" ( 1980, Hor ror) Melissa Sue Anderson. Glenn FOfd. As murde begins chopping away at her circle ol elitist lriendE a prep school senior WO<rles that she may be tl"M next vtctim -or possibly the killer 'R' ( 1 hr.. 41 min) 2:208 MOVIE "The Cardlnar· ( 1963, Orama) Ton Tryon. Romy Schneider. An American priest tool< back upon his dramatic religious caflMlf and accom p!ishments as he is about to receive his C8rdinar robes. (3 hrs .. 25 min.) 2:308NEWS Cf) MOVfE "You Can't Cheat An Honest Man· ( 1939, Comedy) W.C. Fields. Edgar Bergen. J young woman tries 10 marry a wealthy man becaus. she thinks her fathef Is poot. ( 1 hr , 30 min.) • MOW: "Night Of The BIOod Monstef" ( 1972 HOfl'or) Christopher Lee. Marla Schea. A battk between King Henry V and Wiiiiam of Orange result: In the execution of many women accused of witch craft. ( 1 hr . 30 mln.1 CD POCKET BU.JARD8 "Legendary Stera Seftee' Joe Balsla YS. lJJlhef l.atlftet ( 1 hr,. 30 min.) (%) MOVIE "Short EY91" ( 1978, Orwnl) Bruc1 Davison, Jote Perez. CorMc:ts attempt to stay alM In the brutal atmoephent of• ptl9on Wher9 certalt fellow Inmates brNk U'nolt ~ k.l'IOWn ru&e o ~· 'R' ( 1 Iv .• '44 min,) ~.a CI) MOVIE ''Twttwe Plus One" (Comedy) Shaton T1tt .A )'()Ung MlnW' -rohet tfV'M ooun ttles tor a chair that con~ a ~ fonun6. 'R' ( ~~~min.> ·r· • ·~ '°'._llKJ WM,,0"' ~ .~ ..... • 4H I J !Saturday 5:00 Cf) CHRISTOPHER CLOSEUP (!)PROFESSIONAL ROOEO From Mesquite. Tex· as.$hrs.) 5:06 BASEBALL BUNCH 5: 10 MOVIE "~t Friends" ( 1975. Suspense) Richard Hatch, ~Chapin. 5:20 (I) WHA rs UP AMERICA! Featured: a IOOk at acupuncture f()( animals; black Americans whc practice polygamy and voodoo; a profile of female strle28rs. ( 1 hr.) 5:30(!) NEWARK ANO REALITY II HAMMER HOUSE OF HORROR ' 5:36 tm THE PARTRIDGE FAMILY 8:00 8 SUNRISE SEMESTER 1 5~{F1RS APPLE POLISHERS NEWSMAKERS BUREAU REPORT SATURDAY MORNING 8:06 tm WAR AND PEACE (%) M0VtE "Nighthawks" ( 1981, Ofema) Sylvester Stallone. Biiiy Dee Williams. ( t hr., 39 min.) 8:15(1) IOA MAKES A MOVIE Ida raises money to have her mothef's movie camera fixed so she can enter a children's film festival. lk201NEW8 &30 DUSTY'S TREEHOUSE THAT'S CAT PACESETTERS VOICE OF AGRICULTURE AMERICA: THE SECOND CENTURY DAVEY ANO GOLIATH rT'S YOUR BUSINESS SPEAK OUT CAPTIONED ABC NEWS OR SNUGGLES MOVIE "Shame. Shame On The Bixby Boys" {.1979, Adventure) Monte Ma(kham. '(If) MOVIE "The Ordeal Of Patty Hearst" ( 1979, Ofama) Dennis Weaver, Lisa Eilbacher. (2 hrs .. 30 min.) II MOVIE "Green Horizon" (Drama) Jimmy Stew· art. 11 hr .. 27 min.) 7:00 9 KlOSWORlD Featured: Albert Dayan Inter· views Bruce Wel12. who plays the part of Detective Bell<er on the televisioo se<ies "Hiii Street Blues": a report from Michelle Brattain In Rock Hill. South Carolina. on the new sport called "roller limbo." e THE FLINTSTONES BIG BLUE MARBLE 9 SUPERFRIENDS INTERNATIONAL HOUR DAVEY AND GOLIATH DOCTOR WHO TURNABOUT YOGA FOR HEAL TH SPORTS CENTER FRACTURED FLICKERS 7:05(11) MOVIE "Macbeth" (1948, Ofama) Orson Welles. Jeanette Nolan. 7:30 I MR. MOON'S MAGIC CIRCUS SMURFS OR SNUGGLES 11J RICHIE RICH I SCOOBY 000 INTERNATIONAL HOUR DAVEY AND GOLIATH DOCTOR WHO NEWS UNOER8T ANDING HUMANBEHAV10A WACKY WORLD OF JONATHAN WINTERS Guest Leslie Uggams. 7:..a (%)MOVIE "Paradi8e Alley" I 1978. Ofama) Syl· vester Stallone. Armand Assante. ( t hr .. 47 min.) 8:00 8 ()) POPEYE e MOVIE "Old Barn Danoe" ( 1938, Western) Gene Autry. · • REAL ESTATE TOOAY Cf) MOVIE "The Golden Stallion" ( 1949. Western) Roy Rogers. Dale Evans. e MOVIE "Black Sunday" ( 1977. Suspense) Robert Shaw. Marthe Keller. • UNOEMTA.NOINO 8PAOE ANO TIME (C) MOYE "The PrNltte Eyes" (1980. Comedy) Don Knotts, Tim Conwty. (I) AU.-6T AA SPORTS CHALLENGE Miiwaukee Br~ Of The 1970'• va. New YOC'k Jets Of The 1970'• (I) MOVIE .. The Gulbo" (1960. COmedy) Glenn F0<d. Oeeble Alpclldl. (1 hr .• 40 min.) e MOVIE ''lN Ffllao Kid" ( 1979, Comedy) Gene Wiider. tUrrtean Fanl ( 1 tv .. &a. ml mlnn •• ) 1:30 T I LDfE RANOEA • PEOPLE AND ORGANIZA T10NS (I> COLLEGE INSTRUCTIONAL SERIES "Baseball: Pitching Ofilts And Outfield Play" 9:001 WCT TENNIS • I LAVERNE & SHIRLEY MOW: "The Last War" (1968, Science-Action) IAkl~I~ Yuriho Hoshi. VILLA ALLEGRA NEWVOICE AMERICAN GOVERNMENT POCKET BILLIARDS "Legendary Stars Serles" Babe Cranfield vs. U.J. Puckett ( 1 hr., 30 min.) CID BAREFOOT IN THE PARK Richard Thomas,anc Bess Armstrong star In this performance of Nei Simon's comedy about a pair of New Y0<k newlyweds. Taped at the Moore Theat8f In Seattle, Wash. (2 hrs.) 9:05 tm MOVIE "The Last 01 The Mohlcans" ( 1936. Adventure) Randolph Scott. Henry Wilcoxon 9:30 I()) BUGS BUNNY I ROAD RUNNER SPIOER·MAN HEA THCUFF I MARMADUKE THIS WEEK IN BASEBALL DORISOAY MONEY MAKERS AMERICAN GOVERNMENT MOVIE "St. Ives" ( 1976, Adventure) Char~ Brooson, Jacqueline Bisset. 9:35 (%) MOVIE "All That Jazz" ( 1979, MuSICal) Ro~ Scheider. Jessica Lange. (2 hrs .. 3 min.) 10:100 ~fO~P.:fE STARS 11J THUNOARR I GOLDIE GOLD WILD KINGDOM CAR CARE CENTRAL BOB JONES THIS OLD HOUSE Bob Vita and Norm Abrart take a tour of the newly renovated house. (R) Q 8\) VOTER'S PIPELINE Jim Cooper interviews al the candidates lor the State Senate on Issues per· talnlng to the state and Orange County {l)MOVIE "Chapter Two" (1979, Comedy) Ja~ Caan. Marsha Mason. (2 hrs .. 4 min.) II MOVIE "Huckleberry Finn" (1 hr., 58 min.) 10:308 AMERICA'S TOP TEN G WILD, WILD WORLD OF ANIMALS (J) EASTER IS A little boy's search for his lost d~ serves as a reminder of Easter's deeper meaning. I WE'RE MOVIN' DORISOAY PHOTO SHOW PORTRAITS IN PASTELS PKA FULL CONTACT KARATE "World Light· weight Championship" from Oklahoma City. Okla homa (time period" extended to accommodatE Sports Center). (2 hrs., 30 min.) 11:008. FAMILY CIRCLE CUP The world's t~ female tennis stars compete for a $300,000 first priH In the tenth annual edition of this tournament (live from the Sea Pines Racquet Club In Hiltor Head. S.C.). (2 hrs.) e BASEBALL Calilomla Angela vs. Mlnnnote Twins (3 tn.) • 0 WEEkENO SPEaAL "Mayda I Mayda I" Two children art stranded In tht :.,: •~• their patents are lnjo<~ In e plane crash. (Part 2) ~)~AA 8P£CW. Metl'a 1982 Qymt\l .. let Cham> ~pe {from Lincoln. Neb.): Women's 198~ Gymnu11et Champ+onehlpe (from Satt LaQ Ctty, -· • .. • ... 'Jt'6 ZAP! Three superheroet1 who work togerher to thwart nefariousne,. demon - strate their special po- wers in "Spiderman and -HS. A..tn.uirJl..-hienda, '' seen Saturday mom.Ing at 9:30 an NBC (Cb. 4). Spiderman (front) shoots a web to entrap enemies and scales walls. Fire-Star (center) controls hea t and the Iceman has rhe power of sub-zero temperatures at his fingertips. CJ) BASEBALL New York Mets at Chicago CubS (L hrs.. 30 min.) I SOUL TRAIN THE ROOKIES COOKING MEXICAN CALLIGRAPHY 11:06@ MOVIE "PiHow Talk" (1959, Comedy) Rocle Hudson, Doris Day. 1 t:301BLACKBTAR I AMERICAN BAN06T ANO wtlD. WILD WEST CRAFTS OF EOO CALLIGRAPHY MOVIE "Cotton Candy" ( 1978, Comedy) Clln1 Howard. Charles Martin Smith. (If) VIDEO JUKEBOX Cl INTERNATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP Of MAGIC (1 HR) 11:46(%) MOVIE "Day F°' Night" ( 1972. Ofama) Jacqueline Bisset, Valentina Cortese. Directed b) min,) . \I· l l.IC\< >< >'\ 12:00 8 TROLLKJNS •MOVIE "Demetrius And The Gladiators" ( 1954 Orama) Vict0< Mature, Susan Hayward. I ADAM-12 SLIM CUISINE NEEDLECRAFT RACE FOR THE PENNANT Hosts Barry Tomp- kins and Tlm Mccarver sneak a peek et the upcom· ing season ( 1 hr ) 12:15(1) LITTLE JOHNNY JONES This revival of thE 1904 George M. Cohan musical comedy about an £ American jockey who tries to win the English Derb) features such favorites as "Give My Regards Tc Broadway" and "Yankee Doodle Dandy." ( 1 hr 30 min.) • 12:308 TOM ANO JERRY 8 MOVIE "Tickle Me" ( 1965, Musical) Elvis Pres l.!Y. Jolle Adams U MOVIE "Champions Of Justioe" ( 1955, West ern) Clayton Moore, Jay SOverheels. I KJOSWORLD ADAM-12 COLLEGE FOR CANINES Bruce Sessions con· eludes his lesson on teaching your dog the "come' command. (R) I NEEDLECRAFT HAMMER HOUSE OF HORAOA 1:008 ())MASTERS GOLF TOURNAMENT Third· round coverage of the 46th Masters Tournamerr (live from the Augusta National Golf Club in Augus· ta. Ga.). (2 hra.) 8 BASE8ALL Regional cC>Yerage of San Dlegc Padres at Los Angeles Dodgers.: Seattle Mariners a· Oakland A's (3 hr5.) tII HERE'S LUCY • MOVIE "Greel8$t H94'0ta Of The Bible" ( 1979 Drema) Ed Ames, Ron Pallllo. · • WOOOWRIGHTS SHOP "You Need A Shavlnc Horse" Roy UndefhlM dtmonstrat• the art of spllt ti~ wood uelng a variety of tools. (A) e BASEBALL Seattle Mariners at 0.ldt.nd A's (~ hrs.~ I TRACK ~Q.D "Martin Luther Kin( Gamel" (time pettod ••tended to accommodttt Centtr) . (3 hr$ ) MOVIE "Nobodv'1 P-1ekl" (1981. Comedy) Alex Karr... 1 tw. 38 min. - Satmday (rontinued) 0 ENTERTAINMENT THIS WEEK Interviews wilt Desi Amaz. Marilyn McCoo. Ernest Borgnine, Sonn} Bono and Smokey Robinson. ( 1 hr.) • NOVA "Artists In The Lab" A look is taken a the 20th-century pioneers who are using computer! and lasers to Cfeate an extraordinary array o strange new art forms. (R) c:;> ( 1 hr.) e GROWING YEARS ~ MOVIE "Shame. Shame On The Bixby Boys' (1979, Adventure) Monte Mar'<ham D IOA MAKES A MOVIE t:36,® MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE -1-:~E-!-'Gigi" ( 1968. Musical) Maurice Che- valier, Leslie Caron. ( 1 hr .. 56 min.) 2:00 e GILLIGAN'S ISLAND I OISASTE'RS MOVIE "Hell's Angels On Wheels" ( 1967, Ora· ma) Adam Roarke. Jack Nk:holson. (I) ENTERTAINMENT THIS WEEK Interviews wltt Desi Arnaz. Marilyn McCoo, Ernest Borgnine, Sonn> Bono and Smokey Robinson. ( 1 hr.) • MO'JtE "My Side Of The Mountain" ( 1969 Adventure) Ted Eccles. Theodore Blkel. ~SIGNA'n.JRE Guest: Gordon Davidson. UNDERSTAN~NGHUMANBEHAVIOR MOVIE "Hard Country" (1981, Orama) Jan- Mlcilael Vinoent, Kim Basinger. (I) MOVIE "Mr. Buddwing" ( 1966, Mystery) Jame! Garner, Suzanne Pleshette. (1 hr., 40 min.) 0 MOVIE "Any Number Can Play" (1949, Ora· ma) Clark Gable, Alexis Smith. (2 hrs.) 2:30. GIWGAN'S ISLANO 8 SUGAR RAY LEONARD'S GOLDEN GLOVEE "Highlights" (Part 2) ( 1 hr.) «I PROFESSIONAL. BOWLERS TOUR $100,00C Clevela,nd Open (from Buckeye Lanes In Nortt Olmsted. Ohio). (1 hr., 30 min.) @ MIXED BAG: NEW BLUES An examination o the Chicago Blues scene today with old-timers com- ing into new appreciation • INSIDE STORY "Inside Story In 8 Salvador' Hodding Carter reports from El Salvador on pr~ coverage of the war and the March 28th elections - and on how accurate and balanced the coveragE has been. fD)UNOERSTANOtNGHUMANBEHAV10R CH> MOVIE "The Big Red One" ( 1980, Adventure) Lee Marvin, Mark Hamill. (1hr.,53 min.) 2:35 (Ill MOTOAWEEK ILLUSTRATED 3:088 NCAA SPECIAL Men's 1982 Gymnastic~ Championships (from Lincoln, Neb.); Women'! 1982 Gymnastics Championships (from Salt LakE City, U1ah) . (2 hrs ) • . 8 MOVIE "Son Of Slnbad" ( 1954, Adventure) Dale Rober1son. Salty Forrest. I TH&S WEB< IN BASEBALL RACING FROM AQUEDUCT MOVIE "The Sliva< Chalice" ( 1955. Drama) Paut Newman, Virginia Mayo. QI CHAMBER MUSIC SOCIETY OF LINCOLN C£N. TER Musical selections from Torelli. Bach. Arne Rachmaninoff and Kreisler. featuring Barbara Hen· dricks, soprano, and Earl Wild, pianis1 (Part 2) ( 1 hr.) • SHARING THE DREAM: MAYA ANGELOl Maya Angelou captrvates her audience at the Uni versity of Kentucky, as she moves from her owr ~try to that of other black poets. ( 1 hr.) 8 HOME GARDENER ~MOVIE "Second Wind" ( 1980, Drama) Lindsa) Wainer, James Naughton. 3:06 WRESTLING 3:30 PROFESSIO NAL BOWLERS TOUR S 100.000 Cleveland Open (from Buckeye Lanes Ir North Olmsted, Ohio). ( 1 hr .• 30 min.) (I) DRAG RACING ON TWO WHEELS ti GR'2Zl Y ADAMS EASTER SPECIAL "ThE Renewal" A widower. stranded In the desert with hi! young son, learns the meaning of Easter through tht friendship of Grizzly Adams and his companions. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) (I) HORSE RACING "Pan AM Turi Classic" G HOME GARDENER 3:~(%) MOVIE "Cloud Dancer" ( 1980, Adventure) David Carradine, Jennifer O'Neill. ( 1 tv., 48 min .. ) GETTING DOWN -Oliver Nugent (Mickey Rooney) and his crony, Bernard (Scatman Crothers), team up to entertain patrons at a neighborhood eatery in "Don't Bank on It," the first part of a two-part presentation of "One of the Boys" Saturday at 8 on NBC (Ch. 4). 4:00 D EVERYWHERE Location: live from the Queer Mary, Long Beach for the 70th anniversary of tht l"Sli~~o~Tltanlc." (1 hr.,30 mln.) ERIC SEV AAEIO'S CHRONICLE THE ROCKFORO FILES MOVIE "Easter Parade" ( 1948, Musical) Jud~ Garland, Fred Astaire. 9 NAPOLEON ANO LOVE Ian Holm and Billle Whl telaw star In this nine-part series on the life anc loves of Napoleon. (Part 1) ( 1 hr.) I QUE PASA. U.S.A.? 9 BOWLING "Millers Mixed Doubles Tournament' l hr.) INl'ROOUCING BIOLOGY SPORTS CE~ WACKY WORLD OF JONA THAN WI~ Guest: Leslie Uggams. Ct MOVIE "Betrayed" ( 1954. Drama) Clar• Gable, Lana Turner .. (2 hrs.) 4:30 (I) NHL HOCKEY "Stanley Q.Jp Ptayoffs" (: hrs.) • SOCCER MADE IN GERMANY Portugal vs Sweden ( 1 hr ) ID INTRODUCING BIOLOGY ~ MOVIE "The Learning Tree" (1969, Drama) ~ Johnson. Alex Clarke. CB) MOVIE "The Ordeal Of Patty Hearst" ( 1979 Drama) Dennis Weavef. Lisa Eilbacher. (2 hrs., 3( Cir~CTURED FLICKERS 4:35111) BASEBALL Houston Astros at A11antt Braves (3 hrs.) 5:00 8 AMERICAN _.DVENTURE I STAR TREK WIDE WORLD OF SPOATS Amerk:an Cup Gym nasties Championships (trom Madison Square Gar den in New York City) : World Cup Welghtllftin{ lorn Vienna. Austria) . ( 1 hr . 30 min.) M·A·s·H KOJAK NEWS SOLID GOLD · THE DEA TH Of ADOLPH Hffi.ER A drama o ti the last to days ot Hitler's 1119. with Frank Antay at the deterlora1ing Hiiier. and Carolina Mortimer In thf :2 role of his mistress. Eva Braun. (2 hrs.) 0_- 1 LAWA£NCE WELK SOCCER MADE IN GERMANY Portugal vs < Sweden ( 1 hr.) (!) BOXJNG "lnterservtee Armed Forces Champion _ 0r- shlps" (3 hrs.) IO cm MOVIE "The Way We Were" ( 1973, Romance) ,, Barbra Streisand. Robert Redford. ~ • (I) MOVIE "Chapter Two" ( 1979, Comedy) Jame! Ci Caan, Marsha Mason. (2 hrs , 4 min.) ~ 5:30 8 LAST OF THE WILD "~COME BACK. KOTIER ll WIDE WORLD Of SPORTS American Cup Gym CD nasties Championships (from Madison Square Gar ~ den in New York Ci1y) ; World Cup Welghtliftlrl{ CD (lrom Vienna. Austria) ( 1 hr . 30 min.) ~ e ONCE UPON A CLASSIC "The Talisman" Kin{ Richard, realizing the CrusadeS have failed. make: his peace with Saladin and Kenneth and offers Ken· neth Edith's hand in marriage. (Part 8) (R) c:;> 5:35 (%) MOVIE "Paradise Alley" ( 1978, Drama) Syl vester Stallone. Armand Assante. ( 1 hr .. 47 min.) 6:00 I (I) CBS NEWS I N8CNEWS MOVIE "Harvey" ( t9S1, Comedy) James Stew art. Josephine HuN. A woman tries to have he brother put away when he begtns talking to his invi Sible rabbit friend. (2 hrs.) I WHrTE SHADOW THEMUPPETS MOVIE "Star Pilot" ( 1970, Science-Fiction) Kirk Morris. Gordon Mitchell. A professor and hi! colleagues wage a fierce Interplanetary batik ~inst space pilots from the planet Hydra. (2 hrs.) • CHECKING IT OUT Featured: the zoot suit fad o the '40s; adobe homes In the Southwest: 1he musk of the Miami Sound Machine. Q ID SPORTS AMERICA "Natlonal Tractor Pulli~ Championships" ( 1 hr.) 0 BARRY MANILOW: IN THE AOUNO Manfiol, performs a selection of his hits, including "Mandy,' "I Write The Songs." "Can't Smlle Without You' and "Copecabana." Taped at Pittsburgh's Civk Arena. ~2 hrs.}_ • 6:308 8 (I). NEWS I MARY TYLER MOORE THEMUPPETS PAESENTE MOVIE "The Private Eyes" ( 1980. Comedy) Don Knotts, Tim Conway. Two bumbling Americar detectives are called In to Investigate a series o murders in an English castle. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 31 min.) 7:00. (I) IN SEARCH OF ... I FAMILY FEUD SHOOT. DON'T SHOOT Peter Falk hosts a doc umentary special which focuses on law entorcemen officers who had to shoot OI were sh01 in the line o duty ( t hr.) 1J THE HARDY BOYS I NANCY DREW MYSTER IES I PEOPLE'S COURT LAWRENCE WEl.K THE LAST NAZJ Broadcaster Pa1ric)( Watson" Interview with the now late Alber1 Speer, 1he ma1 who helped build as well as deStroy Hitler's Thlrt Reich. ( 1 hr.) • LIF£ ON EARTH "The Compulsive Communica tors" David Attenborough looks at the pert commu nicallon has played In the development of man. c; l hr.) THE MUPPET'S THIS OLD HOUSE Bob VIia Installs the nev kitchen appliances and Norm Abram builds a nev rear patio. c:;> CH> VIDEO JUKEBOX CD MOVIE "Revenge Of The Mysterons From Mars' ( 1981, Fantasy) Puppe1&;, Captal.n Scarlet goe- lnto deep space to stop ttll deadly Mysterons fron 'destroying Earth. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) , cm MOVIE "Caveman" (1981, Comedy) RiOQ( Starr, Dennis Ooald. The ciownlsh membet of 1 :JT~;,!?~4 Y Creative Jewelers. Inc. "] -. Cl-~--~~&lkM/. ·--~ (714) 760-6766 2810 E. PACIAC OOAST tfWY. • CORONA DEL t.tAR NATIONALLY KNOWN, AWARD WINNING JEWELRY DESIGNER -· It N co O> -o; ..:: Q. < >. • 'l> "t: u. * ..J ~ -0 if -... Wherever 'Jf1.l busy itinerary takes you ... for business « pleme, befcie you ~ -plat a slop to Pat IUley's. For ll yus row -Pat Marley, himself, ni am:iates conmue to prest11t men's tastwoos that esme in dress ()I' casual! '*>w we've exter*d to ladies· tr~! te aiafS have a hideaway le ~tars 111 the attJc rm. Plus all arOlRf the store you'll hod nxpected collecWes ni gift items f ii aiy special gift! --------------------------------, I 2 DINNERS ~:'c~~~ I I I BUY 1 DINNER FOR $7.50 AND GET THE 2ND l DINNER FREE l MONDAY•TUESDAY•WEDNESDA Y WITB THIS AD ONLY Offer~ A,nJ H , IHt 5 PM &e IPM MONDAY BEEF BARRON BUFFET A selection or beer entrees, potato, fresh vegetable a nd salad bar. TUESDAY cMaJIMA 8VFtET 3 Mexican en t rees, salad bar and a glass or Coors Dran (21 years or olderl. WEDNESDAY COUNTRY B-B-Q . BUFFET BBQ Chicken, BBQ Riha, baked beans, com bread, vegetable toup, western style potatoes & salad bar. THE JOCKEY CLUB ;. "'''' • hK 117..., I I ', 1 1 ' '1 ' I ' \ j I I: 1 I i ' -- s2· OFF EVERY SQUARE YARD • Ove r 60 patte rns and colors. • Limited time on1y! Designer Solarian, Amerira', favorite Ooor, i~ the only 110.wax Ooor with the rich11t>~~ and marvelou' hand· crafted loo~ of Inlaid Color'". And, Armstrong's i.pcc111I Mirabond• i.urface shines without waxing far longrr than 'myl no-1<ax Ooors. So get a grret Ooor-at great -.aving~. But l1urry, th" salr eml' April 21 • "'°'"''"""w"' ·• ~..t ... "W' f'ttf r• It ... \ \Wt\ II\ (f'fldrf 1-113 Pl1111ti1 Awe. Co1t1•••It12121 &48-4838 988-8180 ' • -----------------------------~·@ • ------·' ~· Scuurday (c~n~Y -·--· ~ (%) MOVIE "All That Jazz" ( 1979. Musical) Ro~ -Scheider. Jessica Lange. The tumultuous life of a a; professional choreographer Is followed from suc· cess on the stage to personal crises. 'A' (2 hrs .. 3 mlnj__ 2:55 ct) MOVIE "Cotton Candy" ( 1978. Comedy) Clint Howard. Charles Martin Smith. A group of high school misfits form a rock band to compete with the school's established band. (1 hr .. 40 min.) 3:00 8 @ NEWS (!) STRAIGHT TALK G) MOVIE "War Of The Monsters" (1966, Science· Fiction) Kojiro Hongo, Kyoko Enami. Gammera and Barugon wreak havoc in Japan until they are destroyed. ( 1 hr., 45 min.) 3:05(8) MOVIE ''Willie & Phil" (1980. Comedy) Michael Ontkean,. Margot Kidder. Three people begin a triangular romance In Greenwich Village that continues throughout the mercurial social milieu ol the '70s. 'A' ( 1 hr .. 56 min.) • 3:10(S) LAFF-A-THON A. comedian host and four comic contestants who compete against one anoth- er are featured in this uncensored comedy game show. 3:308 MOVIE "Morning Glory" (1933, Drama) Katharine Hepburn. Douglas Fairbanks Jr. A small· town girl struggles for the chance to go on stage. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) (!)SPORTSWOMAN 3:.COCS) WACKY WORLD OF JONATHAN WINTERS Guest: Leslie Uggams. 4:00(1) OR. PAI]( YONGGI CHO (I) SPORTS CENTER O MOYIE "Nighthawks" ( 1981. Drama) Sylvester Stallone. Billy Dee Wiiiiams. A tough New York Cit~ cop has his work cut out for him wheo one of the world's most dangerous terrorists arrives In his city. 'A' $hr .. 39 min.) 4:05 BETWEEN THE LINES 4: 10 'MOVIE "Deadly Games" ( 1981. Mystery) Sam Groom. Dick Butkus. A woman returns to her hometown to investigate her sister's mysterlou~ death. 'R' ( 1 hr., 35 min.) 4:-25. MAYBERRY RF.D. 4:30 (J) VIEWPOINT ON NUTRITION CC) MOVIE "St. Ives" ( 1976. Adventure) Charlef Bronson. Jacqueline Bisset. A former crime report· er-turned-detective Is hired by a weaUhy film fancier to recover a set of incriminating ledgers. 'PG' ( l hr.. 34min.I -· ---------.. ·---- Louise Mandrell wants everything By JOE EDW ~RDS AMocleted ~ .,..., • NASHVILLE, Tenn. -Singer Louise Man- drell says it's like watching home movies when "Barbara Mandrell and the Mandrell Sisters" comes on television. Louise is the brunette of the three Mandrell sis~rs. who star together in the NBC variety show, which is completing i~ second and final season. "Saturday nights are like home movies," Louise, 27, said in an interview upon returning home to Nashville. She had just completed taping the shows in Los Angeles. "We sat back and saw ourselves," the country music singer and musician said. "For some people, when a job is through, it's all over and there's no- thing left. But we'll always have tapes of the shows." Now that her commitment to the show is over, she's concentrating on other career matters. She's reading movie scripts, recording an album and doing concerts. "Pm greedy," she said as she sipped a diet cola in her father's Music Row office, where he directs the Mandrell family career ventures. "I want everythin"; I want to work on the road, do TV and movies. • She waa a relatively unknown singer until the show, which haa been .shifted from 8 p .m. PST Saturday to 10 p.m. PST ~aya, gave her ex- traordinary expoaure for someone ao obecure. "I can tell a difference in myaelf between the first and second aeal!IOll," she said. "Pm atill growing and learning. I've learned so much from watching Barbara; I felt like I was going to eollege and lear- ning from her.'' Barbara Mandrell. who has dedded the show strained her too much physically to do another season, has said she will noW concentrate on her recording career and probably do a television spe- c.iaJ or two. She has been voted th~ prestigious \oibothane™ A VISCO ELASTIC POLYMER 'II Odklas~ ------------- WUISE MANDRELL ... a little greedy entertainer of the year the past two years by the Country Music Association. The third Mandrell sister, lrlene, remained in Cahfomia and hopes to do more television work. Louise describes her relationship with Barbara __:... who is six years older -as "best friend as well as sister. "She's been the biggest influence on my career," she said. "We get along so well because neither one will 'yes' the other; we demand respect from each other. Next to R.C. (Bannon, Louise's third husband), she's been the most influential on my penonal life, too." Louise, who used to play bass guitar in Bar- bara's band, is.studying movie 9Cripts with an eye to a comedy role. It would be her first experience in a motion picture. "I'm being very careful. I want a role that fits me ... Announcing The -r----------------··•·····------, i $ 5 Gift Certificate $ 5 ! Ma•Tiott Tennis Otlb I Good Towards Purchase of '2500 or More I I ~ .__. 0. S... ..._, txp. 4111 ·1 ---------------------------------I & D Athletic Wear 9594 HAMILTON AVE. HUNTINGTON BEACH 964-3256 • Limited Membership Ava.ilabie • No lnitiaDon Fee • 10 '""'"~hi Courts __ ............ ..-.., p • Full Club House Facilities e RnhunRay-·~dTe.nnis 900 NeWJ)Ort Center Drive Newport Be.ch, CA 92660 -·-j \ . Sunday .\ J( >H '\ I ~< . •:66. EASTER SUNRtSE SERVICE 6:00 (f) NNE ON NEW JERSEY (() HORSESHOW JUMPING "Anheuser-Busch lnvi· tatlonal" from Tampa, Flolida. (2 hrs) 6:061 JAMES ROBISON 5:30 DAY Of OtSCOVERY 5:36 CARTOONS 8:00 ~PfTY I MUSIC ANO THE SPOKEN WORD SUNDAY MORNING YOlJ'llot At,10 THE ISSUES ORAL R08ERTS DIAECTIONS Clarinetist Glora Feldman Qer· f0<ms Jewish folk music in honor of Passover. I ROMPEA ROOM FREEDOM IN A NEW WORLD The 250th anni· vefsary of the oldest synagogue in continuous use 1r the Western Httmisphere Is celebrated. CS) LITTLE JOHNNY JONES This revival of the 1904 George M. Cohan musical comedy about an -c; American jockey who tnes to win the English Derb> features such favorites as "Grve My Regards Tc Broadway" and "Yankee Doodle Dandy." ( 1 hr . 30 min.) D MOVIE "Kin_i1 Of Kings" ( 1962. Drama) Jeffre~ Hunter. Robert Ryan. (3 hrs.) 6:05@ LOST IN SPACE ~SUNSHINE PORCUPINE 6: 15 m CHRtSTOPHER CLOSEUP C%l MOVIE "Brother Sun. Sister Moon" ( 1973. Biography) Graham Faulkner. Judr Bowker. (2 hrs .. 1 min.) 6:30 8 FOR OUR TIMES A specially commrssionec cantata based on the Old Testament story of Davie and Bathsheba features Metropolilan Opera soloists. (R) THArSCAT ROBERT SCHULLER DAYBREAK LA. AMERICA: THE SECOND CENTURY POINT Of VIEW PUBLIC PULSE NEWS • . . • AGAICULTURE U.S.A. CC> MOVIE "Children 0 1 Theatre Streel" ( 1 hr , 3L min.) CID STEVIE NICKS IN CONCERT Fleetwood Mac member Nicks performs "Alter The GHtter Fades," "Leather And Lace," "The Highwayman" and "Bel· la Donna," as well as favorites from the Fleetwooc Mac repertoire. Taped at the Fox Wilshire Theatre ir Los Angeles ( 1 hr.) 7:00 8 TODA Y'S RELIGION WHITNEYANDTHEROBOT TOP CAT rr IS WRITTEN . • KENNETH COPELAND • SUNDAY MASS SPECTRUM DAY OF OtSCOVERY CARTOONS YOGA FOR HEAL TH SPORTS CENTER 7:06 ttl) LIGHTER SIDE OF THE NEWS 7:30 9 COMMITMENT Tube Topper Trapper John, M .D. Channel 2 -10 p.m. D ODYSSEY Guests: Rev. Demetri Kangelafls. St Sophia's Greek Orthodox Church. Los Angeles Rev. George W Cote. Synod of Southern California and Hawaii. United Presbyterian Church I LITTLE RASCALS CAMPUS PROFILE "Vitamins" Guests: FlorencE La Rue, Maureen Salaman. Betty Lee Morales I TV 8 LOOKS AT LEARNING SEARCA JIMMY SWAGGART MISTER ROGERS (R) THE WORLD TOMORROW MOVIE "Ruckus" ( 1980, Orama) Dirk Benedict Linda Blalr. ( 1 hr .. 35 min.) 7:35@ MOVIE "Oklahoma!" (1955, Musical) Gor· don MacRae, Shirley Jones. 8:00 9 SUNDAY MORNING D EASTER LITURGY AT SANT A BARBARA Ar Eaat8f Mass 1G celebfaled ouldooc'5 at lhe f rancJs- can mission of Santa Barbara, California ( 1 hr.) POPEYE ANO HIS FRIENDS PERSONAL OfMENSIONS LET THERE BE LIGHT LLOYD OOIL VIE THA rs. THE SPIRIT JERRY FALWELL 8.ECTRIC COMPANY (R) REX HUMBARD MOVIE "King Of Kings" ( 1962. Drama) Jeffre} Hunter, Robert Ryan (() F.A. SOCCER "The Road To Wembley" (Malet 12) (1 hr.) Cl) MOVIE "The Shogun Warriors: DAn Guard Ace' ( 1981 , Fantasy) Anim1'ted. ( 1 hr .. 40 min.) 8:30 8 THE GREATEST MYSTERY Princess GracE ol Monaco hosts this special featuring Petula Clan. and the Irish musical group, The Chreftatns. THELAHAYES MEETING TIME AT CALVARY REX HUMBARD • FREDER1CK K. PRICE ELECTRIC COMPANY (R) KNOW YOUR BIBLE MOVIE "Lost Horizon" ( 1937. Fantasy) Ronalc Colman. Jane~tl. (1 hr . 57 min) 9:1oolS~u~E IT IS WRITTEN SESAME STREET (R) Q ALL.ST AR SPORTS CHALLENGE Brooklyr Dodgers Of The t9SO's vs New York Footbal Giants Of The 1950's CID THE REMARKABLE ROCKET David Niven nar· rates this animated version of Oscar Wilde's stor> about a stubborn firecracker. g MOVIE "ttolkes" ( 1980. Adventure) Roge1 Moore, James Mason. ( 1 hr . 39 min ) 9:30 I LOUIS RUKEYSER MEET THE PRESS NEW ZOO REVUE FACE THE NATION DAY Of DISCOVERY KENNETH COPELAND THE WORLD TOMORROW FIGURE SKATING "Men's Free-Style Worlc Championships" from Copenhagen. Denmark. (~ hrs.) CID MOVIE "1941·· ( 1979, Comedy) John Belushi HOMEOWNERS ROOM ADDITIONS -REMODELING AS LOW AS 596°0 A MONTH• THERE HAS NEVER BEEN A BETTER :-' TIME TO ADD ON THAT EXTRA BEDROOM I ~~ ~~TEH.A~~A~~e'C1~~f;T~~IL~1f2~e~ '1;3 AND BATH REMODELING . 1~ CALL NOW FOR A FREE ESTIMATE OR~ FOR YOUR FAMILY VISIT OUR SH:>WROOMS AT = bj JtJ WIST...S1H MALL ~~ I IU ... LIYIL NIAil SIAI St :rJJ 100% PER FORMANCE BON 0 -. ~ a:;nCOMPLETION DATE GUAR.ANTEE -LIEN~ 1rat:6FREE CONSTRUCTION.' ./ ~ :riJ 714-lff.fl1t -7iWtl-4tl7 llj .~ LAMO ;· [m CONSTRUCTION .. 1\E ' ~ •&ASED ON SALES PAICI! OF tl.000 ~ '. 1ft A.P.A.,OAC. 1-aewfQO·fiio•kUA n ,_.,. v en• • 15 , ~ 0 -~ I ~ ,, .., a: CD ':< > 't) ~ ~ .... CD Q) N l 16 ~ • Suflaiy. {coniinlled) O> ... Toshlro Mllune. (1 hr, 58 min.) 10:00 9 (I) NBA BASKETBALL Boston Celtics a Philadelphia 76ers (2 hrs . 30 min ) D ON CAMPUS Featured: e discussion with dis abled student Paul longmOf'e and his teacher anc dissertation advisor Dr. Robert Dawldoftt of Clare mont Graduate School. I GILLIGAN'S-ISLAND BASEBALL BUNCH HERALD Of TRUTH THE GREATEST MYSTERY Princess Grace o Monaco hosts this special featuring Petula Clar~ and the Irish musical group. The Ch1etta1ns G) REX HUMBARD • fD THE LAWMAKERS Correspondents Linda W et the1mer and Cok1e Robens 101n Paul Duke for an up to-the-minute summary of Congressional act1v11ies I NEWSCENTER WEEKL V MAGIC OF Oil PAINTING MOVIE "Oh God!" ( 1977. Comedy) GeorgE Burns. John Denver ( t hr., 36 min ) 10:30 D FREEOOM IN A. NEW WORLD The 250tt anniversary of the oldest synagogue in cont1nuou• use 1n the Western Hemisphere is celebrated 8 ANGELS '82 -A PREVIEW Joe But1111a And Bot Starr look at the upcoming season Jor the Cahfornt< Angets with Interviews with players. coaches. anc General Manager Gene Mauch 8 ®) KIDS ARE PEOPLE TOO Guests John anc Mackenzie Ph1ll1ps. Ann J1lhan. Olympic hurdle Edwin Moses. puppeteer Marc Weiner (R) ( 1 hr ) I R08ERT SCHULLER e.ouTOOOR LIFE JERRY FALWELL OPEN MIND MAGIC Of OIL PAINTING MOVIE "Tim" (1981. Orama) Piper Laurie, Me Gibson. ( 1 hr . 35 min ) 10:35@ THIS WEEK IN BASEBALL 11:00 II fli) FAMIL V CIRCLE CUP The world'& to~ female tennis stars compete '°' a $200,000 hrs prize in lhe lenlh annual ed111on of this tournamen (hve from the Sea Pines Racquel Club in Hiltor Head. S.C.) (2 hrs) 8 BASEBALL Caltfornia Angels vs Minnesott Twins (3 hrs) Cf) BASEBALL New York Mets at Chicago Cubs (~ hrs., 30 min.) m> MOVIE "The Silver Chalice" (1955. Drama) Paul Newman. V11g1n1a Mayo tD MASTERPIECE THEATRE "Love In A Cold Cit mate: Coming Out" Louisa has her coming-out bat and shortly thereafter announces her engagemen to an older man. (Part 2) O ( 1 hr ) 8i) WASHtNGTON WEEK IN REVIEW (R) ct) MOVIE "The 400 Blows" (1959. Drama) Jean Pierre Leaud. Patrick Auttey. g MOVIE "Force Five: Starvengers" ( 1981, Sc• ence-Fiction) Animated ( 1 hr .. 40 min.) 11:06@ BASEBALL Houston Astros at Allanu Braves (3 hrs .. 10 min) 11:30 8 (II THIS WEEK WITH DAVID BAINKLEY I TERR¥ COLE-WHITT AKER CHURCH IN THE HOME WALL SmEET WEEK "Some Curves Fron Latter" Guest· Anhtlr Lafler, professor of buslne5! economics at the Univers11y of Southern California ffil CE) COLLEGE GYMNASTICS "Division II Men's A.nc Women's Individual Compelllfon Championship' from Springfield, Massachuse11s. (Time peri0< eidended 10 accommodate Sports Center). (2 hfs. 30min.) ®MOVIE "The Earlhllng;; ( 1980. Adventure) WO liam Holden. Rlclty Schroder. ( 1 hr., 37 min.) . \I . J' 1 . IC\< >< > \ 12:0011 SEARCH • MOVIE "A Man Called Peter" (1955. Blogra phy) Richard Todd. Jean Peters. • • THE FIRST CHUACHILLS "The Queen Com mands" Falsely accused of Jacobean treachery John Churchill is imprisoned 1n the Tower. Queer Mary <fies leevlng William to rule. ( 1 hr.) ID PERSONAL l!INANCE AND MONEY MAtfAGE MENT Cl) MOVIE "L.itlle Miss Marker" ( 1980, Comedy) Waller Mauhau, Juhe Andrews. ( 1 hr. 39 min.) CZ) MOVIE "N1ghthaW1<s" ( 1981. Orama) Sytvesta Stallone. Biiiy Dee WllHama ( 1 hi., 39 m n.) 12:30 9 W MASTERS GOLF TOURNAMENT Flnal round coverage of the 46th Masters Toumamen (live from the Augusta Na11ooal Golf Club In Augus 1a.~30mln.) I THE GREATEST MYSTERY PrlncesS Grace o M0t1aco hosts tNt special featuring Petula Clari and tM lrllh mullcal group, The Chieftains. BORN TO RUN -A poor Louisiana horse trainer (Walter Matthau) and his youngest son (Michael Hershewe) gain respect for a talented race horse born on their farm in "Casey's Shadow," to be broadcast Sunday at 9 p.m. on NBC (Ch. 4). _, PERSONAL RNANCE AND MONEY MANAGE MENT 1:008 fm SPORTSWORLD Golden Gloves Assoc1a tion of America Tournament of Champions (Iron Kansas City. Mo.), Pan 1 of the World's Stronges Man Compelilion (lrom McAfee. N.J.): jet sk lcha[j;(j'~s~E':..~ Hawaii) (2 hrs ) TEEN TALK "On Sibling Revelry" ADAM·12 WESTERN EXPOSURE AMERICAN STORY MOVIE "Bells Are Ringing" ( 1960, Musical) Judy Holliday. Dean Martin II MOVIE "Brother Sun. Sister Moon" ( 1973 Biography) Gr<!ham Faulkner. Judi Bowker ( 1 hr 58min-L 1:308 QI AMERICAN SPORTSMAN Peter O'Tooh and Curt Gowdy challenge the tiger ltsh in th1 Shakawe fishing camp In Bo1swana. Africa: Pete Benchley and Sylvia Earle travel to Stella Marrs 11 the Bahamas to work with bull sharks; four kayakef' lake on the unchallenged lower gorge rapids belov Niagara Falls. ( 1 hr.) I WILD, WILD WEST GREATEST SPORTS LEGENDS ADAM-12 LA PASCUA DEL SENOR A narrative and scrrp tural passages tn Spanish lie logelher trad11tona Easter music perlormed by the Mormon T abemack Choir ID AMERICAN STORY CB> STEVIE NICKS IN CONCERT Fleetwood Mac member Nicks performs "Alter The Ghtter Fades,' "leather And Lace,'' "The Highwayman" and "Bel la Donna.·· as well as favorites f(om the PleetWOO< Mac 1epertoire. Taped at the fo>t Wilshire Theatre Ir Los Angeles ( I hr ) 1:~Cl) MOVIE "Cloud Dancer" ( 1980. Adventure) David Carradine, Jennifer O'Neill ( t hr. 48 min) 2:008 GILLIGAN'S ISLAND Cf) THE HARDY BOYS I NANCY DREW MYSTER JES • MOVIE "My Side Of The Mountain" ( 1969 Adventure) Ted Eccles, Theodore Sikel m MOVIE "The Miracle Of Our Lady Of Fatima' {1952, Orama) Giibert Roland. Frank Silvera. 9 THE DEA TH OF AOOLPH HITLER A drama o the last 10 days of Hitler's life. with Frank Finlay 8 ! the deteriOfating Hlllar, and Caronna Monimer In the role of his mistress. Eva Braun. (2 hrs.) • WESTERN EXPOSURE G) WRITING FOR A REASON (() SCHRAOE PAO TEAM ROOEG-Kansas Wran glers vs. Tulsa Twisters (ttme peclod e>tl~ tc accommodate Sports Center) (2 hrs.) (I) MOVIE "Don't Go Near The Water" (19S7 ~n Ford. Gia Scala. ( 1 hr , '40 min.) ~n.~AN'8181.ANO U,8.A. V& THE WORLD IN OLYMPIC Tht U.t Nltonal teem YL lr1eh netlona 1n tr om 1 -. it'ti4QVIE "&lertoc+I Holme9 Al'IO I-fie Voice 0 1 T er ror" ( 1942, Mys1eryJ Basil Rathbone. Nigel Bruce fll) PRESENTE '1!) WRITING FOR A REASON CID MOVIE "G1g1" ( 1958. Musical) Maurice Cheval 1er. Leshe Caron (2 hrs ) 2:35@ WRESTLING 3:00 fJ LAST OF THE WILD IJ AT ONE Guest autf)Or/drama1is1 Andre Grego ri._ ( 1 hr ) U MOVIE ·The Grea1es1 G1h" ( 1974 Drama Glenn Ford. Juhe Harns (I) BASEBALL BUNCH (!)MEET THE MAYORS Eli) AMERICAN ~KYUNE m SUGAR RAV LEONARD'S GOLDEN GLOVE~ Minnesota VS St LOUIS (I hr ) ml OF EARTH AND MAN (t) MOVIE "Any Which Way You Can" ( 198C Comedy) Cltnl Eastwood. Sondra Locke g MOVIE "Heaven Can Wait" ( 1978, Fan1asy Warren Beatty. Juhe Chrislie (I hr 4 t min.) 3:.30 B AMERICAN ADVENTURE fJ @l WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS 15-round WB1 World L1gh1 Heavyweight Championship will defender Michael Spinks vs Murray Sutherlan• (from A1lant1c C11y. NJ) ( 1 hr . 30 min ) i SERGEANT PRESTON OF THE YUKON IT IS WRITTEN NEWSBEAT: LOS ANGELES WEEK IN REVIEW '1i) OF EARTH AND MAN (:t) MOVIE "Children 01 Theat1e Street" ( 1 hr . 3• min) Cl) MOVIE "Brother Sun, Sister Moon" ( t97::: Biography) Graham Faulkner, Judi BoWker (2 hrs t min) 3:35@ NICE PEOPLE •:OO II INTERFACE O SUNDAY Loca1ton hve from the Buddha B111h day Festival 1n L1nte Tokyo ( 1 hr , 30 min) (I) VICTORY AT SEA 0 MOVIE "Legacy Ot Blood' ( 1971 Horror) Joh1 Carradine, Faith Oomergue (!) NBA BASKETBALL Detroit Pistons vs Nev York Knicks (2 hrs . 30 mtn ) g) MOVIE "Easter Parade" ( t948, Musical) Jud• Garland. Fred Asta11e Cl) MOVIE "Mystery 01 The Sacred Shroud' i_1979) Documentary (3 THE LAST NAZI Broadcaster Patrick Watson" 1nterv1ew with lhe now late Albert Speer. the mar who helped build as well as destroy Hitler's Thirc Reich (I hr) &l) WALL $TREET WEEK "Some Curves Fron Laller" Guest. Arlhur Laffer. professor of bus1ne5! economics at the Un1vers1ty of Southern California j£l) fl) MOVIE "The People Thal Time Forgot" ( 1977 Sclence-Fict1on) Patrick Wayne. Doug McClure '1!) PROJECT UNIVERSE ([) SPORTS CENTER (S) IOA MAKES A MOVIE Ida raises money 10 have her mother's movie camera lixed so she can enter < children's film festival 4:05@ MOVIE "Sto11es Of The Bible" ( 1978. Ora ma) David Birney. Sam Bottoms 4:30 II NEWSMAKERS i LOUIS RUKEYSER WASHINGTON WEEK IN REVIEW (R) PROJECT UNIVERSE NHL HOCKEY "Stanley Cup Playolls" Ne"' York Islanders vs Pittsburgh Penguins (2 hrs 3( min) MOVIE "King 01 The Mountain" ( 198 t, Adven lure) Harry Hamlin, Joseph Bottoms ( 1 hr , 3C min) CS) MOVIE "P1nchclill Grand Prix" { 1980. Adven lure) Animated ( 1 hr . 30 min) 6:0011 FACE THE NATION GREATEST SPORTS LEGENDS M•A•S•H ISTARmEK NEWS NAPOLEON ~ LOVE "Rose" As Napoleor rises from a penniless brigadier general to the toast or Paris. he meets Rose Beauharnal~. ( 1 hr.) 9 FIRING LINE "The Libertarian Credo" Gues1 TlbOf Machan, senior fellow of the Reason Founds tjon in Santa Barbara ( 1 hr ) Ii) PROJECT UNIVERSE (C) MOVIE "Jesus" ( 1979. Drama) Bnan Deacon. Rivka Nolman. (I) MOVIE "The Llltle Dragons" {Adventure) Charles Lane. Ann Sothern (0) MOVIE "Monty Py1hon And The Holy Grall' i.!_974. Comedy) Graham Chapman. John Cteese 9 MOVIE "King Of Kings" ( 1962, Orama) Jellre., Hunter. Robeft Ryan (3 hrs ) 5:130~l~CK. KO=R MONEYMAKERS MOVIE ''Gigi" ( 1958, Musical) Mautlee Chev81- ( Sunday (continued) F\ 1. '\ L\( I 6:009 D 8 NEWS 9 MOVIE "Angel In My Pocket" ( 1969. Comedy) Andy Griffith. Lee Meriwether. A newly 0<dained l min; =to unite his quarreUlng parishioners. KOJAK CHARLIE'S ANGELS M•A•s•H MOVIE "The Lost Years" ( 1976) Documentary. Newly unearthed documents purpon that Jesus Christ undertook a pilgrimage stretching from Rome to Tibet during the 16 years of his life not recorded in the Gospels. (2 hrs.) @THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO ST. MARK Alec McCowen gives a solo-performance in this theatrical rendition of a sectton from the King James Version of the Bible. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) I LIFE AROUND US NBC NEWS EVENING AT SYMPHONY Set1I Ozawa leads the Boston Symphony Orchestra In Liszt's "Orpheus'' and the Symphony No. 4 in E, Opus 98, by Brahms. {!l) ( 1 hr.) CB) MOVIE "1~t" (1979, Comedy) John &lush1, Toshiro Mitune. After the bombtng of Pearl Harbor, Southern Calil0<nla civilians and military personnel react with unbridled panic to news of a Japanese attack in their own backyard. 'PG' (1 hr .. 58 min.) Cl) MOVIE "Little Miss Marker" ( 1980, Comedy) Walt• Matthau, Julie Andrews. Based on the Damon Runyon story. A gruH, stingy 1930s bookle'e fife Is turned around when he accepts a 6-year-old moppet as a marker for a racing bet. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 39 8:05 .. A WEE><'S TIME mini tt.30 FIGHT BACK e GOO'S GUE'ALl.AS A convent is overrun by fleeli bandits. I THE~TOMORROW THE~ ARABS IN AMERICA 7:00 '()) 80 MINUTES 8 FATHER MURPHY Murphy PfOposes mar· riage to Mae Woodard. (Part 2) O (1 hr.) PRE-PAID DENTAL PLAN -NO DEDUCTIBLE NO WAITING PERIOD ON PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS FREE -OFFICE VISITS FREE -EXAMINATIONS FREE -CLEANING a x .. RAYa Our Special Yearly Rates For Dental Services · In clude: Surgery, Orthodontics and Optometry Benefits. lndlvldual ............ $46 year .............. $71 year -: ............. $96 y~ar Conc~pts 36 Dental Plans (714) 545-7370 .MM< SWAOOART THEMUPPETS TIJTANl<HAMEN'S EGYPT I 9 INStOE AMERICA R.IPwtlSON NOVA "Artists In The Lab" A look Is taken at the 201tw:erltUl'y pioneers who are using computers and lasers 10 create an ex1raordinary array of strange new art fOf'm&. (R) n ( 1 tv.) (I:) MOVIE "The 400 Bk>wa-;r C 1959, Orame) JMn- Plene leoud. Patrick Auftey. A young boy dep4Y9d of parentat wermth and the acceptance of his peers turns Na alienatlon and despair toward a life of small crimes. {1 hr., •S min.)• CE-SKINl "U.S. Alpine Skiing Championships" from Squaw Valley, Calll0<nia. ( 1 hr.) ([) MOVIE "Airplane!" (1980. Comedy) Robert Hays. Julie Hagerty. After an airliner's crew falls to lood poisoning, a nervous former war pilot is Tube Topper Inside America Channel 7 -7 p.m. Pfessed into service and must contend with on- boatd hysteria, a secretive control tower and cliche- fllled memories. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) (D) MtA 8ASKET8All Los Angek!s Lakers vs. Seattle Supersonic& (2 hrs.) . 7:05@ NEW8 7:30e THE MUPPET'S 8 BACH'S "TOCCATA ANO FUGUE IN 0 MINOA" Perlormed by Karl Rlcht•. • MATTEAS Of= tlfE ANO DEATH CZ> Ma.E "Tim" (1981, Drama) Piper Laurie, Mel Gibson. A young retarded man and a 98nlitive, mid- dle-aged women develop a ctose relatlonshlp ol mutU81 need end understanding that leads to en unorthodox marriage. (1 hr., 36mln.) e:oo e Cl)~ BUNKER'S PUCE Stephanie tries to capture the "real" Archie on r.n. (R) 8 e CHIPS A young boy Is inadvertently caught In the middle of a feud between two undetwofld marijuana-growing factions. (R) ( 1 hr.) • f3fTBfr AINMEHT THIS WEEK Interviews with • ASK AIOUT VALET LEASE OUR • l'UN ' 900 So. Coast Hwy •• LOCJWt• haclt 494· I I 31 or 546-996 7 H~ ~. f·7, Set. t -S, S-. IM PRl-IASTI• SALi 111m 111 11111il um KNICKERS CAMISOLE Desi Arnaz, Marlfyn·McCoo. E~t Borgnlne: Sonny O Bono and Smokey Robinson. ( 1 hr.) 8 9 MOVIE "My Fair Lady" ( 1SS.., MUSJCal) Rex ::2 Harrison, Audrey Hepburn. Based on George &tr-§: nard Shaw'9 "Pygmalion." A British llngulstlcs -i expert bets a friend that he can pass a lower-<ilass < Londoner off as a lady. Q (3 hrs., 30 min.). o' D IT 18 WRITTEN c m MORECAMBE & WISE . ~ • MOVIE "My Side Of The Mount.in" (1969, 1 Act.w\Ue) Ted Eccles. TheodOf'e 91kel. A gentle : f<* 9ltlQ9I befriends a t~yeltf-old Canadian boy ':' who retf981s to the mountalna to do some ~ > searching. (2 hrs.) ~­e soUOGOLD ID NAPOLEON & LOVE "Rose" As NapoleOn <D rises from a penniless brigadier general to the toast .... ot Paris. he meets Rose Beauharnals. ( 1 hr ) <D • NOVA "Notes Of A Biology Watcher· A Film ~ With Lewis Thomas" Biologist and award-winning authOf' Or. Lewis Thomas reveals some of the mys- terious wonders of life. (A) o ( 1 hr ) '9 MASTERPIECE THEATRE "Love In A Cold Cli- mate: Rings And Things" Uncle Matt staunchly refuses to let Linda marry Tony Kroeslg. (Part 3) O ~hr.) SPORTS CENTER MOVIE "Nighthawks" (1981, Drama) Sylvester Stallone, Billy Dee Williams. A tough New YOf'k City cop has his work cut out fOf' him when one of the w0<1d's most dangerous terrOf'ists arrives in his city. 'A' (1 hr., 39 min.) Cl) MOVIE "Oh God!" (1977, Comedy) George Bums, John Denver. God selects an unsuspecting young superrnarttet manager to deliver a message of hope end good will to the skeptical people of the ~ wortd. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 38 min.) e MOYIE "Doctor Zhlvago" ( 1965, Orama) Omar Sharlf, Geraldine ChapNn. Two lovers struggle amidat the spirit and passions of the Russian Revo- lution. =· 30 mln.t l:Oi@ UP 1:30. (I) OHE DAY AT A TIME While Ann Is mak- ing wedding arrangement& for Barbara and Mark, the two ..e off In la& Vegas contemplating elope- ment. (Part 1) ~nE WOAlD TOMOAAOW 1 ~AT THE &tPA0V MOVIE ''The Mlrr0< Crack'd'' (1980, Mystery) Ellzabeth Taylor. Kim Novak. Based on a story b) Agatha Ovistle. A strange murder invoMng rlva' • .. 'I N 'Swxiay (continued) CD O> ..-H~ood stars takes place in an English village . 'PG ( 1 hr .. 46 min.) 9:00 B Cl) ALICE Vera goes to her high school reunion In Boston then returns to Phoenix engagec to a lormer heartthrob. e e MOVIE "Casey's Shadow" ( 1978, Drama) Walter Matthau, Alexls Smith. A poor Loulsianar horse trainer forsakes reason and good judgment ir his deter"!lnation to win a ma)or horse,race. (R) (2 hrs .. 30 mm.) I WILD KINGDOM OR. CHO MAKING fT "How To Survive And Succeed In The '80s" Five of America's most successful sell· made men talk about how to live with Inflation. ( 1 hr.) ' 9 THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO ST. MARK Alec McCowen gives a solo-performance in this theatrica rendition of a section from the King James Versior of the Bible. (1 hr .. 30 min.) • MASTERP1ECE THEATRE "Love In A Cold Cli· mate: Rings And Things" Uncle Matt staunch!) refuses to let Linda marry Tony Kroestg. (Part 3) Q u hr.) llO AMERICAN PlA YHOUSE "Medal Of Honoi Rag" In an adaptation of Tom Cole's stage drama based on a true story, a black Vietnam veterar resorts to robbery when he finds that he cannot ~ his family Q ( 1 hr., 30 min.) ~MOVIE "King Of Kings" (1962, Drama) Jettre) Hunter, Robert Ryan. The coming of Jesus end thE events of his Ille gave birth to a new religion. (:! hrs.) (!)COLLEGE GYMNASTICS "Division II Men's Anc Women's Individual Competition Championship" from Springfield. Massachusetts. (2 hrs.) (Q) MOVIE "Nighthawks" (1981. Drama) Sylvester Stallone, Billy Dee Williams. A tough New York Cit) cop has his work cut out for him when one of thE world's mbst dangeious terrorists arrives In his city. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 39 min.) (%) MOVIE "Together" ( 1979) Jacqueline Bisset, Maxlmlllan Schell. ( 1 hr., 31 min.) 9:05@ MOVIE "The Perils Of Pauline" ( 1947, Com· edy) Betty Hutton. John Lund. The life of Siient tilrr 1 star Pearl White is traoed from her humble begin· nings to her triumph In the Foiles Bergere. (2 hrs.) 9:30 B Cl) THE JEFFERSONS A smoottHalkln~ record producer convinces Flol'ence that she can bE a star. I WORlO OF SUfMVAl JACK VAH IMPE MOVIE "Sundays And Cybele" ( 1962. Drama) Hardy Kruger, Patricia Gozzl. The frlendshii:; between an 0tphan and an amnesiac strengthen£ untN tr~y strikes. (2 hrs., 30 min.) 10:008 Cl) TRAPPER JOHN, M.O. Jackpot set~ shares in his boxing protege to Gonzo. Trapper anc other members of the hospital staff. (1 hr.) l ee NEWS MAVERICK WHO Will PROTECT THE FAMILY? An In· depth look is taken at the people who have fought for and against the ratification of the Equal Right£ Amendment. (1 hr.) CID MOVIE "Ruckus" ( 1980. Drama) Dirk Benedict. (213) 947-2128 bittier Domestic Employment Agenc ' L ive-in housekeepers, companion s, babysitters. gardeners. Brought to your home for interviews . "-elt .. , , • ,., ... DraptrlC:S mode in our workroom. Call for fniC ttllmates lh your home. TO THE ALTAR -John Michael Murphy (Merlin Olsen) takes teacher Mae Wood- ward (Katherine Cannon) as his bride in Part ll of "The First Miracle" on NBC's (Ch. 4) "Father Murphy:• Sunday at 7. p.m. Linda Blair. A shell-shocked Vietnam vet disturb£ the peace of a small Alabama town. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 3~ min.) Cl) MOVIE "Network" ( 1976. Drama) Faye Ouna- w&y. Peter Anch. An a~ television ~wsman whose ratings are steadily slipping, Is turned Into c; ranting prophet of the airwaves by a crafty femalE pr~amming executive. 'R' (2 hrs.) 10:30• JERRY FALWELL I JIMMY SWAGGART BACH'S ''TOCCATA ANO FOOUE IN C: MINOR" Perf0tmed by Karl Richter. G LORD MOUNTBATTEN: A MAN FOR THE CEN- TURY "Leader Of Men" Through sheer merit, Lore Mountbatten riseS from sailor to commander of hi£ first ship In th& Royal Navy. (Part 2) (R) O ( 1 hr.) CD MARVIN HAMUSCH: THEY'RE PLAYING M'r SONG Liza Minnelll, Johnny Mathis. Gladys Kmght and Carly Simon sing some of today's greatest hit~ Including; "The Way We Were," "What I Did For Love" and "Nobody Does It Better " (%) CINEMASCORE 11:008 Cl) NEWS I PACESETTERS THE SILENT CRISIS Hosts. Stan Mooneyham Carol Lawrence. Guests: Mike Douglas. Dick Var Patten. Maureen McGovern ( 1 hr.) James L. Zimm erman Certified Pubtlc Accountant Full range of personalrzed professional services for small businesses & Individuals • INCOME TAX PREPARATION a PLANNING • SYSTEMS DESION I INSTALLATION • COMPUTERIZED FINANCIAL REPORTING • FrH lnltlal Con1uttatlon ~ Yl t: ~ ...t w x • E ...., • 645-4212 IMPOKTA~T CARS ·~~'7. .-ti;· . . . Ut.IAll.!'1 l~ll~ITU.> ( 71 •t) %CHl99 I I 11t1 .tU1t• \fn11:•UO•t.( tttl llN """' •fi,ttt•\l1U•th .. l ut 1.t"h' \II tl1·1111h111: '~'"' ''''"" h 833 Dover Or. Sulle30 Newport hadl (") ~ c=; ~ ~ '" """' llt1• "'''" '"""''~ \•Mtt f .. ~I• '" 1.1,IU!i ",. "' •'l't"' '"'""' Ill • '"'' 9 NAPOLEON & LOVE "Rose" As Napoleor rises from a penniless brigadier general to the toas1 of Parrs, he meets Rose BeauharnatS. (1 hr.) • TOP OF THE WORLD Contestants from thE Unrted States. Great Britain and Australia competE in a qurz program that tests their expertise In a widE variety of subjects. (!) All-STAR SPORTS CHALLENGE MilwaukeE Brewers Of The 1970's vs. New York Jets Of ThE 1970's (m MOVIE "Payday" (1973. Drama) Rip Torn Anna Capri. A country and western singer ruthlessl} makes his way to stardom by manipulating and dis· cardrng those around him. ( 1 hr., 45 min.) CZ> MOVIE "Nrghthawks" ( 1981, Drama) Sylvester Stallone, Billy Dee Wrllrams. A tough New York Cit} cop has his work cut ou1 tor him when one of thE world's most dangerous terrorists arrives In his city 'A' U hr , 39 min.) 11:05 IIZ) MOVIE "Town Tamer" ( 1965, Western) Dana Andrews. Terry Moore A man attempts tc avenge the death of his wife by taming lawleS£ towns. ( 1 hr .. 55 min.) 11:15,CBS NEWS 11:30 SPORTS FINAL I @.)fl)NEWS 700 CLUB W Clement Stone, the founder of < multimillron dollar insurance emprre, reveals his for mula for making money: artist Robert Summers ( t hr . 35 min) CJ) THRILLERS ID MOVIE "Top Hat" (1935. Musical) Free Astaire. Ginger Rogers. A man has trouble with hi! girlfriend because she thrnks he's married to her best friend. (2 hrs.) I T ALES OF THE UNEXPECTED SNEAK PREVIEWS Roger Eben and Gene Sisk el review "The Cat People," "I Ought To Be In Pie tures." "Vrctor. Victoria" and "Silent Rage." (R) ([)SPORTS CENTER ([)MOVIE "Joy Of Flying" ( 1979, Adventure) Cor· 1nne Cartier, Gianni Garko A woman bee~ liberated from her fear of sex after she ~ involved with the International jet set. 'R' ( 1 hr., 2( min.) g MOVIE "tfolkes" ( 1980. Adventure) Roge1 Moore, James Mason A dapper. woman-hatirX frogman is called in to thwart the plans of extor1ion· rsts who have hijacked a supply ship and are threat· ening to destroy two North Sea oll rigs. 'PG' ( 1 hr. 39 min.) 11:40(8) MOVIE "Up The Academy" (1980, Com& dy) Ron Lerbman. Barbara Bach. The war obsessed commandant of Weinberg Military Acad& my Is no match tor the troublesome brats enrollee there. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 29 min.) 11:"5 I THE ROCKFORD FILES 12:00 ABC NEWS CJ) LOUIS RUKEVSER Cf) MOVIE "Ccucambu" ( 1968. Adventure) Johr Ireland. Carol Ohmart. A plane loaded with hi)ackec diamonds crashes in the headhunter region of thE Amazon jungle. (2 hrs.) @) MOVIE "Zeppelin" (1971. Adventure) Michae York, Elke Sommer During World War I, a Brilis~ spy learns that the Germans are planning to use < giant dirigible to steal the Magna Carta and thereb) erode British morale (2 hrs.) tJ)HEE HAW #EWPORT DATSU# Wants To ··aa Your #1 Datsun Dealer In Orange County! See Us Today •.. We Ira Offering Fant11tic April Savin11! I ______ .._( l .,:__ ---------- Sunday (continued) IS THE GOSPEL ACCOROtNG TO ST. MARK Alec McCowen gives a solo-performance in this theatrics rendition of a seclton trom the King James Versior of the Bible ( 1 hr . 30 min.) • THE ARST CHURCHILLS "The Queen Com mands" Falsely accused of Jacobean treachery John Churchill is Imprisoned in the Tower. Queer Mary dies leaving William to rule. ( 1 hr.) • MOVIE "Loving You" ( 1957, Musical) 8vi! Presley. Lizabeth Scott. A member of a hillbilly bane eventually wins the heart of the band's female sing er. (R) (2 hrs.) CC) MOVIE "Fame" ( 1980. Orama) Irene Cara, Bar ry Miller. Several gifted students at a New York hlgt school for the performing arts experience varioui setbacks and successes of both personal and pro- fesslonal natures. 'PG' (2 hrs .. 14 min.) Cl) MOVIE "Nighthawks" ( 1981. Orama) Sylveste• Stallone. Billy Dee Williams. A tough New York Cit) cop has his work cut out tor him when one of thE world's most dangerous letrorists arrives in his city 'R' ( 1 hr , 39 min ) 12:16 0 MOVIE "Loving You" (1957. MuS1Cal) Elv1! Presley. Lizabeth Scott. A member of a hillbilly bane eventually wins the heart of the band's lemale sing er. (R) (2 hrs ) D MOVIE "Widow" ( 1976. Drama) Michae Learned, Bradford Dillman. Based on the story b) Lynn Caine. A woman made vulnerable by her hus band's death struggles to cope with the problems o poverty and the responsibility of raising two youn, children by herself. (2 hrs.) 12:30(£) NHL HOCKEY "Stanley Cup Playoffs" Ne~ York Islanders vs Pittsburgh Penguins (2 hrs .. 3C min.) "' 12:468 NAME OF THE GAME (%) MOVIE "Cloud Dancer" (1980. Adventure) David Carradine, Jennifer O'Neill. A top stunt llie1 neglects the people who care about him In the sel fish pursuit of his dangerous sport. 'PG' ( 1 hr . 4E min.) 1:00«l)RAT PATROL ([)MOVIE "The Pilot" ( 1980. Orama) Cliff Robert son. Diane Baker. A pilot turns to drinking to escapE the u.nhappmess of his marriage and the frustratior of his career 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 34 min.) 1:10(11) MOVIE "Mountain Men" (1980, Adventure) Charlton Heston. Brian Keith. •Two fur lrapperi enjoy the freedom of the wilderness In the last te~ years before the encroachment of c1vihzation. 'R' ( 1 hr., 36mln.) 1:3018 TURNABOUT OZl MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE @ BACH'S ''TOCCATA ANO FUGUE IN [ MINOR" Performed by Karl Richter. Cl MOVIE "Texas Lightning" (1981, Orama) IT'S NOT ARCHIE BUNKE R -"The J e ffersons," a spinoff from "All in the Family" a number of years back, is seen Sunday at 6:30 p.m. on KTTV (Ch. 11) and then again at 9:30 on CBS (Ch . 2). Pictured are (from left) Isabel Sanford as Louise, Mike Evans as Lionel. and Sherman Hem- sley as George Jefferson. Channing Mitchell. Maureen McCormici< A b0y'1 weekend hunting trip with his lather turns Into ar Initiation Into manhOOd. 'R' (1 hr., 3{> min,) 1:46(1) MOVIE "The Final Conflict" (1981, Drama) Sam Neill. Rossano Brazzi. In the third part of "ThE Omen" trilogy. young Damien. the embodimen! o 1he Antichrist Is now an adult and a trusted adviso lo the preslde'nt of the U.S. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 49 min.) 2:00 (JJ) ABC NEWS CINEWS 2:05 (!) NEWS 2: 16 8 LOUIS RUKEYSER Nell Carter likes to work By JERRY BUCK ,,.-T~ Writ« LOS ANGELES -Nell Carter learned to sing with her brother Bernard at home in Alabama. just down the block from W .C. Handy's old home. . "I started singing on the front porch," recalls Miss Carter, the Broadway singing star now fea- tured in the NBC series "Gimme a Break." "It was a r eal front poreh with a swing." She was only 6 years old, gro- wing up in Birmingham. when she sang "How Great Thou Art" while her brother pretended to lead her in the choir. Later, she graduated to Handel's "Messiah." "We thought Bernard was going to be the musician in the family." she says. says. "I learned to play t.he piano and guitar. It was the first time that I socialized with other black children, because I'd been mostly around home. That w as before 1 knew t h e r e were wh i te children." In the NBC series, M iS-' Carter plays a substitute mother to the three children of a widowed po- lice ca pt.ain. The show has yet to prove il- se lf in the ratings. And Miss Carter says she and her co-star, Dolph Sweet, haven't settled on a firm relationship bet.ween their characters. "We lock h orns," she says. "Nell wins by conniving, but once I lost a fight by giving in. It's a story of two people w ho like each other but can't stand what they do. We're more like brother and sister." 8NEWS -t9 CC) MOVIE "Jesus" (1979, Orama) Brian Deacon .,, Rivka Nolman. The life of the "King of Kings." fron = his early years as the son of a poor carpent8f' to hi! 2 Instigation of the religious and social revolution tha -t led to his death by cruoifhoon. Is detailed. 'G' ( 1 hr. < 57 min.) 2:30 Cf) MORNING STRETCH (1l) rrs YOUR BUSINESS 2:35 (%) MOVIE "Paradise Alley" ( 1978. Drama) Syt ~ vester Stallone. Armand Assante. Three achemi"i i brothers from the Hell's Kitchen section of Ne111 ~ York City combine their traits of b<ains and brawn ir their efforts to create better tlves tor themselves ~ 'PG' ( 1 hr., 47 min.) ;a; 2:46 8 NEWS !" 2:66(11) MOVIE "194 1" (1979. Comedy) Johr ~ Belushi. Toshiro Mifune. After the bomblng of Pear U> Harbor. Southern Calif0<nia civilians and militar1 ~ personnel react with unbridled panic to news of i Japanese attack In their own backyard. 'PG'-( 1 hr. 58 min.) 3:00 9 TODAY'S RELIGION I JOE FRANKLIN NEWS NEW YORK METS HIGHLIGHTS MOVIE "Tim" ( 1981, Orama) Piper Laurie. Me Qlbson A young retarded man and a sensitive. mid die-aged woman develop a close relationship o mutual need and understanding that leads to ar un0<thodox marriage. ( 1 hr .. 35 min.) 3:30 8 NEWSMAKERS ([) COl.LEGE INSTRUCTIONAL SERIES "Baseball Pitching Drills And OUttield Play" (I) MOVIE "Network" ( 1976, Orama) Faye Ouna way. Peter Finch. An aging television newsman whose ratings are steadily sllpplng. Is turned into < ranting prophet of the airwaves by a crafty femal• pr<>Q!_ammlng executive 'R' (2 hrs.) 4:00 9 INTERFACE (I) JIMMY SWAGGART ([)SPORTS CENTER 4:05(1l) FUNTIME • 4:16(C) MOVIE "The 400 Blows" (1959. Orama) Jean-Pierre Leaud, Patrick Auffey. A young bOi depr'ived of parental warmth '8fld the acceptance o his peers turns his alienation and despair toward E life of small crimes. (1 hr .. 45 min.) 4:30 Cf) JIM BAKKER IB MOVIE "American Pop" (1981, Musical) Anl mated. The history of American pop music. Iron vaudeville to rock 'n' roll, is traced through severa generations of a family of (TlUslclans. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 3~ min.) . (%) MOVIE "Brother Sun, Sister Moon" ( 1973 Biography) Graham Faulkner, Judi Bowker. Franch' of Assisi rejects wealth and honor in orde< to livf and work among the gentle in nature and the poor Ir spirit (2 hrs., 1 min.) Miss Carter, a Tony award· winner for "Ain't Misbehavin'," may have been influenced by the proximity of Handy's house. He la ttCOgDir.ed. as the father of the blues, a1 compoeer of auch endu# ring tunes as "St. Louis Blues" and "M emphis Blues." ··ms bOUle was on \he corner,'' Mils Carter remembers, "and his slater, who taught school, lived there." The sh ow occasionally h aa delved into weighty subjects, like death, and t he use ol a birth control device by on e of the daughter•. Or, as Min Carter puts ft, "Every now and then the ~writers feel guilty and feel they should write somethln1 intelligent." Miu Carter, who is 4-foot-11 and we!gha 18~ pound.a, picked at TONY AWARD WINNER -Nell Carter (right), who has already won a Tony award for her perfonnance in "Ain't Mlsbehavin '," has transf~rred her went to television In ''Gimme a Break.'' Shown JVlr.b her 1s· Lara JIU Miner, a cvt member. It w u n 't long before Nell Carter w aa 1ip1ln1 ln a r eal chu h choir. "Then rny grand. mo er tent !".'e•to th't..:!, .. the her fruit salad during lunch. She She signed a contract with five aay1 ahe ta on a. diet wit.la a&\ ~ peppae JtiPWat\"I ~' ~>' unusual ~ve-.i.e~· ··~·~-~th-~~·partadpantt ·-,.. .. to e "The Wonderful Country" ( f959, Western; -· !Monday Robert Mitchum: Juffe London. . Cl) "Why Shoot The Teacher?" ( 1980. Romance: Bud Cort. Samantha Egger. D "Betrayed" ( 1954. Orama) Clark Gable. Lam Turner. L\ 1 . '\I '\C , 8:008 D 8 NEWS I CHARUES ANGELS C88NEWS l: ~ \ J( >l z' 1 '\c . .\ 1< >\ · r 1 ~ 4;6600 "King Of Th8 Mountain" (1981. AcMntUfe) H~ Hamlin. Jo6eph Bottoms. 5:30(1) "Little Miss Marker" ( 1980, Comedy) Waite Matthau, Julie Andrews. 6:00(C) "Choppy And The Princess" ( 1973, Fama sy) Animated. 6:05@ "Dark Command" ( 1940. Western) Jonr Wa~. Walter Pidgeon 6:30(.lJ "Short Eyes" ( 1978, Drama) Bruce Davi son. Jose Perez. · 7:000 "Wholly Moses!" ( 1980. Comedy) Dudle\ Moore, Laraine Newman. 7:30(C) "The Soft Skin" ( 1964. Drama) Francois. Dorleac. Jean Desailly. 8:00CI) "Who Says I Can't Ride A Rainbow!" (1971 Adventure) Jack Klugman. Norma French. 8:05@ "The Outside<" ( 1967, Mystery) Derrer McGavin. Sean Garrison. (%) "Lost Horizon" ( 1937. Fantasy) Ronald Col man, Jane Wyatt. 12:30® "Kilt And Kiii Again" (1981, Adventure: James Rylln. Ameline Krlel. 't!GO(I) "Beron Bkx>d'' (197i. Horr«} ~Cot ten. EJke Sommer. 1:30(C) "Second Wind" ( 1980. Orame) Undsa· WaQ!!.8'. James Naughton. 2:00 UJ "The Postman Always Rings Twice" (198 1 Drama) Jack Nicholson . .-..;.:a Lange. II "Tim" ( f9a 1. Drama) Pipe< Laurie. Mel Gibson (%)"Paradise Alley" ( 1978. Drama) Sylvester Stal Tube Topper My Body, My Child Channel 7 -y p.m. WHrTE SHADOW MOVIE "The Vikings" ( 1958, Adventure) Klr1 Douglas. Janel Leigh. Vikings p<epare IOI and carr out an adventurous Invasion of England. (2 hl's .. 31 l~n~~ BUS»ESS REPORT NBC NEWS NEEDLECRAFT ~ MOVIE "Hot Lead And Cold Feet" ( 1978, Com edy) Jim Dale. Don Knotts In The Old West. tw1 brothers --one rough 'n' tough. the other a city bred milquetoast --compete m a grueli~ contest t• see who will inherit their father's fortune. 'G' ( 1 hr 30mrn.) 8:30(%) "Baby Doll" (1957, Drama) Carroll Baker Karl Malden. 9:000 "BedknobS And Broomstlci<s" (1971, Fan tasyl Angela Lansbury. David Tomlinson. 0 MOVIE "Bedknobs And Broomsticks" ( 1971 Fantasy) Angela Lansbury. David Tomlinson. Dur ing World War II, a novice sorceress and her threo young friends set off for a magic island where sh· intends to learn enough about witchcraft to use • against the Nazis. ·G' (1 hr .. 57 min.) 6:30 ()) e NEWS 0 BARNEY MILLER 9:30• '"Neath Arizona Skies" (1934. Western) John Wayne. Shetla Terry. (C) "Outlaw Blues" ( 1977, Drama) Feter Fonda Susan Saint James. lone. Am\aod Assante. 2:30 CH> .. Rash Gordon.. ( 1980. Scienc&-F'ictlon. Sam J. Jones. Max Von SydoW. Cl) "Cry Wolf" (1947. Mystery) Errol Rynn. Barba ra Stanwyck. • NEWSBEAT: CALIFORNIA CONGRESSIONAi REPORT . GD Bus.NESS REPORT CE PKA FUll CONT ACT KARA TE "Wo<ld Supe Middleweight Chamv!onship" froor'T'opeka, Kansa! ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 10:00® "Hot Lead And Cold Feet" (1978. Comedy) Jim Dale. Don Knotts. Cl) "l'llCry Tomotrow" (1955. Biography) Susa• H8Y't!V8fd. Alohard Conte. 3:ooe "Don't Push, I'll Charge When I'm Ready' ( 1969. Comedy) Enzo Ceruslc'o. SUelV.9"• 3:30<m "Wings ii\ The Wlldef'nesa .... (1nr .• 30 min.) CJ) "Wh<> Says I Can't Aide A Rainbow!" (1971 Adventure) Jack K~man. Norma Frencti. 7:00a C88 NEWS 10:06dl) "The Perils Of Pauline" (1967. Comedy) Pa Boone. Pamela Austin. 10:30 (%) "Together" ( 1979) Jacqueline Bisset. Maxi mltian Schei. 11:30(C) "ABBA: The Movie" ( 1978.. Musical} ~88A . \I· l LI C\< H >'\ \ !< >\ I l -~ 12:ooe "Dakota Lii" ( 1950. We.stern) Georg. MontQ<>n*Y. Rod Cameron. • "The New Interns" ( 1964. Drama) Michael Cal Ian. Barbara-Eden. 3:50(%) "Nighthawks · (1981. Orama) SyMiste Stallone. Billy Dee Wllams. 4:30 .... 1941" (1979. Comedy) John ~ TOllWo Mifuo9. 5:00(C) "The Soft Skin" (1964, Drama) Francoist Oorleac. Jean DesaiJI}' . Cl) "Klng Of Kings" ( 1962, Drama) Jeffrey Hunt81 Robert Ryan. 5:0611!) "Written On The Wind" ( 1957. Orama) Dor oth~alone. Robert Stack. 5:30(.lJ "Lost Horizon" ( 1937, Fantasy) Ronald Col man. Jane Wyatl. , ..........•......... , 1 Make your y•iffany's 1 I next call to I I PRIVATE CLUB I I 8!5·8090 AFTER 2 PM I OIE CEil OllLY I NBC NEWS •. HAPPY DAYS AGAIN A8CNEW8 P.M. MAGAZINE A p<ofile of actress Morga1 Faifchlld; a former college footbeff stllf who is deter mined to walk again after a crippling accident. I YOU ASKED FOR IT ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT An interview w1tl Tanya Tucker. I JOKER'S WILD CABARET: SINGIN' II Featuring Kathy Murrm and Nancy Dussault. • OVER EASY "Nutrition" Guests: Dr. Jea1 Mayer, Chef Narsal David. (R) Q e THE MUPPETS I SPECIAL MEMBERSHIP SILE I I SPECIAL-FROM $100 I I SALE ENDS Al!RIL 30TH I I I SALE!~rr1111 • We'll give you any one of the itemt below for ju11 one cent I I I I ~llEAOH I Tiff au' s I 3388 ~~~· Ofty ""N~PORT I WHEN YOU JOIN TIFFANY'S I YOU BELONG TO • 1 PRIVATE I CLUBS LOCI AHOa.EI • ~ DIBJO • IAfj R'WC)ll()() • I v.q TAHOE• HOHOUAV • ~ • 0.ICAOO •IT LOUIS • MIAMI• AEHO • AT V.NTA. WASHtHOTON. oc.. HOUITON I • CW.I.Al • "4EMPHl8 • ~A AGAl'\A. co. MEX. Are 1•W "••lfte • Prl•••• Pert1t ..._It .. mte.Y•-C.-t ...... ........... with the purchase of thi& gre.t '8llle or any bed in the "°'e of equal or gruter value. Alph1 I Mauagr s~11•m ... ....... I' SMe1 ~· cw Comfonn .................. I' 3 ~ Pedded !Wit-.. ·-·-··--I' 6 Drawer Sp.ce S.ftf ,_........... ... I' Al hedt -cemplete "nh 1111"'-lw.ter. liner pedeetal. and fiU 1Li1. ORA WERSOPTIONAL TIMBERLINE $359 Reg. $485.00 f -----------------------------------~ .. ----------------~,.......------------------------~ Monday (contin•~lit:d.-...,,...) --- ~DICK CAVETT Guest Clare Boothe Luce. (Par 21 (R) (t) MOVIE "ABBA The Movie" ( 1978, Musical ABBA A hapless disc 1ockey tenaciously pursue the renowned Swedish super group as they sing 11 of their hits including "Dancing Queen." "Water too." "S 0 S " and .. Fernando " 'G' (1 hr., 3 min.) MOVIE "The Way We Were" ( 1973. Romance Barbra S1re1sand. Roberl Redford A young colleg. couple 1n the 1930s discover that their political d1f lerences are strong enough lo 1eopard1ze lheir mar riage ( 1 hr 58 min ) CID MOVIE "The Earthling" ( 1980. Adventure) W1I ham Holden. Ricky Schroder A world travele teaches a young orpllan the ways of survival in lh• Australian wilderness 'PG' ( 1 hr . 37 mm) 7:05@NEWS 7:30 fJ 2 ON THE TOWN Featured: Los Angeles plans 1n the event of a nuclear atrack. an 1nterv1ev with actor George Ham1llon. the building of Dodge Stadium. some Hispanic workers make 11 as 101 fashion designers: a profile of Gene Mitchener .• handicapped comedian taping his f1rs1 variety hou tor Theta Cable I G) FAMILY FEUD LAVERNE & SHIRLEY & COMPANY EYE ON LA. Featured a tnp to the Beverly Hiii: Gun Club. a report on a team who writes commer lcial&')g+~·: ~~~~oup of high divers BULLSEY£ YOU ASKED FOR IT SIGNATURE Guest Pearl Bailey (Part 2) MACNEIL I LEHRER REPORT ~GREAT PERFORMANCES "Dance In America Paul Taylor I Two landmark Dances" The Pau Taylor Dance Company performs "Le Sacre Ol Prmtemps" and "Arden Court" at the 1981 Ameri can Dance Festival held last summer in Durham North Carolina ( 1 hr.) CZ) MOVIE "Baby Doll" ( 1957, Orama) Carrol Baker. Karl Malden. A voluptuous young womar whose attraction to vanous men is quite mutua leads them to lhe ~estruct1<>n of their preVJOUsl~ hap.ey hves. 'A' ( 1 hr .. 54 min.) 8:006 (I) PRIVATE BENJAMIN Capt lewis po~ as a cocktail waitress al a bar where soldiers arE be1n_g_ fleeced. _ D W UTILE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE Mr. Olesor is kidnapped and his wife refuses to pay the ransom tfl) c;> ( 1 hr.) U MOVIE "The Caper Of The Golden Bulls' ( 1967. Adventure) Stephen Boyd. Yvette Mimieux A gang of professional crooks 1n Spam plans a spectacular bank heist during festival tirne In Pam· plona (2 hrs.) D ®) THA rs INCREDIBLE Featured· a balancirl{; ac1 performed 1,000 feet above a city in France: ar 1nvent1on to prevent dnvers from falling asleep at the whee'-( 1 hr.) 0 MOVIE "The Last Of The Mahicans" ( 1936. Adventure) Randolph Scott. Henry Wiicoxon Based on the story by James Fenimore Cooper. Forl Wilham Henry Is attacked by Indians during the French and Indian War. (2 hrs.) HARD-NOSED REPORTER -Robert Walden, who plays Joe Rossi on "Lou Grant" Monday at 10 p.m. on CBS (Ch. 2), takes on just about any kind of reporting assignment, and with bulldog detennination , will not let up until the story is told. m) MOVIE "Ghosts That Still Walk" ( 1978, Horror) Ann Nelson, Matt Boston Terrifying evil forces seize control or an entire family and threaten to destroy al the members (2 hrs) @ MIXED BAG: A PIECE OF THE ACTION The movement toward providing royalities for painter~ and sculptors is examined with dealers. artists, and collectors on both coasts. fL) GREAT PERFORMANCES "Dance In America. Paul Taylor I Two Landmark Dances" The Paul Taylor Dance Company perlorms "Le Sacre Ol1 Pnntemps" and .. Arden Court" at the 1981 Amerl· can Dance Festival held last summer in Durham, North Carolina. ( 1 hr.) CE) SPORTS CENTER CID MOVIE "Kill And Kill Again" ( 1981 , Adventure) James Ryan, Anneline Krtel. A martial arts expert battles ,the minions of a power-mad scientist intent on enslaving mankind with a new mind-control drug. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 40 min ) MURDER AMONG FRIENDS Sally Kellerman and Leslie Neilsen star in this comedy whodunit, set 1n a New York apartment on New Year's Eve, involv· 1ng an actor, his wealthy wife and l•is emb1t10US agent ( 1 hr .• 45 mm) ARE YOUR UTILITY BILLS INCRl!ASING7 Our energy ma~ment 1yetemt c•n reduce your udMy costlt Cell ua tor FREE lnformetlon H••tlng •nd Air Conditioning .Specl•ffat9alnce1915 545-5542 979-8771 OftAN<H COUNTY * lftCM YU tlARTI * TCllllt YU llJSClESI * lfQ£AS( YOUR EJDQ'fl * lftOVE YU Bt.OOOMSUE. 8 M<WtE '1Hmd Country" t 1961, Dremet <Mn- M1chael Vincent. Kim BaSJnger. A Texas factory worker is torn between his desire to continue in the "good old boy" lltestyle and hts flancee's show business ambitions. 'PG' ( 1 hr . 45 mm.) ~ 0 --c < 8:05 ([!)ALL IN THE FAMfL Y 8:30 8 REPORT TO MURPHY One of Murphy's . or- Rarotees turns out lo be a girl he adlT\lfed dunng IO Ii~~~ AFFAIRS "Latin Profile" IRONSIDE ALL IN THE FAMILY HENR.IK IBSEN'S "GHOSTS" Starring Dorothy ;s. Tut1n and Brian Deacon this play ol lb~n·s tells the a, story of a mother's anguish when she sees the detested tra11s of her deceased husband manifested 1n her beloved son. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) ml BERNSTEIN I BEETHOVEN "Missa Solemnis" Leonard Bernstein leads the Concertgebouw Orchestra of Amsterdam and the Chorus Radio H1l- versum 1n Beethoven's Missa Solemnis in 0 Major, Opus 123 ( 1 hr . 30 min.) 8:35 @ MOVIE "The President's Analyst" ( 1967. Comedy) James Coburn, Godfrey Cambridge The chief executive's analyst is ordered killed when 1t is determined that he knows too much (2 hrs . 10 min) • 9:001) Cl) M"A"S0 H A Korean farmer sells a goat with an uncontrollable and voracious appet11e 10 Khn~r and a valuable antique lo Charles. DUD MOVIE "Thou Shalt Not Kill" (Premiere, Ora- ma) Lee Grant. Michael Gwynne A determined defense attorney fights to clear a young man of rwo separate murder charges, despite overwhelming evi- dence against hlm (2 hrs.) D III MY BODY, MY CHILD Vanessa Redgrave .stars as a middle-aged woman who is laced with phoos1ng between giving birth to a probably deformed child or having an abortion; Jack Albert· son and JOStlph Campanella co-star. (2 hrs ) G) MERV GRIFAN fD BERNSTEIN I BEETHOVEN "Missa Solemnis" Leonard Bernstein leads the Concertgebouw Orchestra of Amsterdam and the Chorus Radio Hll· versum in Beethoven's Mlssa Solemnls In D Major. Qf>tJS 123. ( 1 hr., 30 min) ct) MOVIE "OUtlaw Blues" ( 1977, Ofama) Peter Fonda, Susan Saint James. When a country-western singer steals his song. an ex-con tries desperately to retrieve his recording nghts while baffling the police 'PG' ( 1 hr , 40 min.) CE) COLLEGE GYMNASTICS "Division II Women's Individual Competition Championship" from Spring- field, Massachusetts. (2 hrs.) ([) HOLL YWOOO ON TRIAL An unflattering piece of American history is recalled wilh footage from the 1947 trial of lhe Hollywood Ten, who were accused of being communists, convicted and sent to prison (2 hrs ) (0) MOVIE "Deadly Games" ( i981, Mystery) Joann Hams, Sam Groom. When a woman returns home tor her sisters lurneral she falls 1n love with the detective who is investigating the murder of her sis· ter i 1 hr.. 30 min.) 9:3011 (I) MAKING THE GRADE Dave's womamz· ing lands him on Harry's doorstep and forces Harry to play marriage counselor to get rid of his unwant- ed new roommate. (JJ MOVIE "Miss Robin Hood" ( 1952) Margaret -<O Cl> N • • N co OI .... g; x ......... ~----- < .... -------------------------------------) ~ "C "t: LL ~ ~ -0 = ~ STARRING CITIZENS FORUM Programming That Gets You Right Where You Live! NEWPORT BEACH AND THE IRVINE COMPANY ... THE DREAM AND THE R.EALl1Y Are you concerned about leasehold? Would you like to h ear all sides of the Issue? Peter Kremer and Ray Watson. current and past Pres idents of The Irvine Company. address t.Qls and other topics as local citizens speak out on the one hour program -hosted by Newport's Mayor. Jackie Heather. Don't miss it! CITIZENS FORUM EPISODES MAY BE VIEWED MONDAY WEDNESDAY MONDAY WEDNESDAY April 5th, April 7th. April 19th, April 21st. 7:30 PM 7:30PM 7:30 PM 7:30 PM IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING .. NEWPORT NOW" ON CABLE CHANNEL 24 or K Monday (continued) Rutherford. Richard Hearne. A modern female rakes the role of the Sherwood Forest Robin Hood and does good for everyone. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) (%) MOVIE "Short Eyes" ( 1978, Drama) Br:.ice Davison. Jose Perez. Convicts attempt 10 stay alive in the brutal atmosphere of a prison where certain fellow inmates break almost every known rule ot decencl:_'R' (1 hr .. 44 min.) 10:00 8 Cl) LOU GRANT Lou runs Into home repair problems. and a wily city courcilman uses one of Animal's ~tos in a revenge law SUtt ( 1 hr.) l ame News CABARET: SINGIN' II Featunng Kathy Murrow and Nancy Dussault. 89 PAPER CHASE "A Day In The Ute Of. " A third-year law student (OarleM Carr) almost seri- ously injures bicycling James Hart (James Stephens) while driving her car. ( 1 hr ) (8) BAREFOOT IN THE PARK Richard Thomas and Bess Armstrong star In this performance of Neil Simon's comedy about a pair ot New York newlywe:js. Taped at the Moore Theater in Seattle. Wash. (2 hrs.) · (I) MOVIE "Why Shoot The Teacher?" ( 1980. Romance) Bud Cort. Samantha Egger In western Canada during the '30s, an Eastern-bred teacher and a neglected housewife develop a close relallon· ship out ot their mutual loneliness. 'PG' (1 hr .. 47 min.) · Ct MO\llE "Stir Crazy" ( 1980. Comedy) Richard Pryor. Gene Wiider. Two men are mls1aken tor bank robbers and sent to jail. 'R' ( 1 hr., 51 min.) 10:30. NEWS I SIGNATURE GtteSI: Peart Bailey (Part 2) A PLACE IN TIME A keen new Interest bas aristtn In preserving eome of our country's historic bulldlngs. dlStrlcta and entire small towns. cm MOVIE "Stay As You Are" (1980. Romance) Marcello Mastroianni, Nastassla Klnsl<l. A married, mlddle-aged man embartcs on an affair with a teen· age girl who may be related to him. 'A' ( 1 hr .. 45 mln.1 10:45(11) MOVIE "The Royal African Rifles" ( 1954. Adventure) Louis HllywMd, Vefonlca Hurst. In the early 1900s, a British otfioef In Africa Is assigned to recover a stOlen arms supply. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) 11:00 • 8 e (I) t11 e NEWS I IA't'\R)AY NIGHT KOJAK JOE FRANKLIN M•A•S•H IENNYHtl.L · t.1XED BAG: A PIECE Of THE ACTION The movement toward providing royaHtles for painters and ICUlptOfa It examined with dealeft, artists. and cOlleciors on botl'l coeats. • Dea< CAVETT "Cocaine Panel" Guests: Or. Peter Bourne. Or. Leeter GMlpoon. ICfMOwrlt8f Lealle Fulltt. (Part 1) (A) • LANO Of THE COOC. SUN A. IOOI( It.taken at the sen Lull valley. a~ Mel. Hllpenlc .,.. known at the 'moat IOtarlzed communky In thtU.S." a:>~ '1MlMteMI'' ·C.1A14 Sa .... ..8ch----)' .. ~- M*A*S*H 1 The very popul ar TV series, M • A •s• H, is seen weeknights at 7 l(nd 7:30 o'clock on KTTV (Ch. 11) and then again at 9 o'clock Mon· day on CBS (Ch. 2). Shown here are (front from left) Loretta Swit, Harry Morgan. Alan Alda, Mike Farrell, (back from left) William Christopher, Gary Burghoff, who has since l eft the show, David Ogden Stiers and Jamie Farr. ard Hatch. Doug Chapin Ourtng a trip 10 California. an emotionally distressed young man tries re destroy his best friend's relationship with his glrl· lrtend 'A' ( t hr , 25 min ) (I) BEST OF TOP RANK BOXING (JJ MOVIE "The Chinese Connection" ( 1973. Adventure) Bruce Lee. Robert Baker. A martial arts student sets out to avenge the murder of his teacher in which a rival school was involved 'R' ( 1 hr • 47 min.) 11:3011 (I) QUINCY When Quincy tries 10 expose an incompetent physician. he meets with a wall 01 silence from the doctor's colleagues (R) ( 1 hr . lC min) D ff) THE BEST OF CARSON Guests: Engelbert Humperdinck, Steve Landesburg, Loni Anderson. Bill Underwood (R) ( 1 hr.) I 0 ABC NEWS NIGHTLINE THE JEFFERSONS SANFORD ANO SON HENRIK IBSEN'S "GHOSTS" Starring OOfoth) Tutin and Brian Deacon this play of Ibsen's tells thE story of a mother's anguish when she sees the detested traits of her deceased husband manitestec In her beloved son. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) e NEWSBEA T: CALIFORNIA CONGRESSIONAL REPORT ~CAPTIONED ABC NEWS SPORTS CENTER MOVIE "The French Woma.n" ( 1981, Orama.) Francoise Fabian, Dayle HaddOn. A bo<dello housE being kept open by a ~rnment subsidy Is thE soene of murde< and political scandal when a VtF customer is photographed at play. 'R' ( 1 hr.. 37 min.) ... 11:46(1) MOVIE "The P06tman Always Rings Twice" (1981, Orama) Jack Nicholson, Jessica Lange. ,. young woman and her lover plot to murdM her hus· band. 'R' ( 1 hr .• 37 min.) 12:00. ENTERTAINJii4ENT TONIGHT An lntervle'A with Tanya Tuci<er. 8 9 MOVIE "Bluebeard" ( 1972. Orama) Rk:harc Burton. Raquel Welch. A psyohotlo kffler devises e series of ways to do away with t>Muttful women. (~ hta.. 15 mln.) . e MOVIE "Don't Push, I'll Charge Whan l'rr Ready" ( 1969. Comedy) Enzo'Ceruslco. SUe Lyon An Italian POW somehow gets dt'atted Into the Unit· ed States Army. (2 hrl.) (I) MO'J1E "F'ightlog Father Dunne" ( 19'8. West· etn) Pat O'Brien. Darryl HlckrMn. A Ml8aourl priest opens a home 10< orphaned, wayward boyt. (~ hrs.) -e ~ "Bedlam" ( 1fM6, Ofama) Boris Kar1off, Anna Lee. A gill cn.udes to lmproYe the horrlc conditions In London's Infamous lneane asytum. ( 1 hr .• 30 mln.) I LOVE. AMEAICAH 8TYl.E AtlERCA: THE 8ECONO CINTURY MOYE "1e.t1" (1919, Comedy) John ~ TOINro ~. After the bombing of Pt9rt Hetbof. Southern Callfornla c:MlllM Md mlltary Plftot'IM "'8Ct with untlfidled S*'liC to MWI of I JlpeNlf afteck In th9W own beckylld. 'PO' ~r f'ftln.) 12: 11G) MCME ''ColJnt'L tlNtlk ' ( 1968. ~.MMllDll)..&lllt ~' •.Z.. GIOGI,, .. • . . Tuesday \I< >IC\ I :\< ; \ I< >\ · 1 LS 5:00 0 "Wholly Moses•" ( 1980 Comedy) Dodie~ Moore. Laraine Newman 6:00(%) "The Fire Wilhin"· ( 1963. Drama) Meurict Ronet. Lena Skerla. 6:05 Ill) "Flame Ot The Barbary Coast" ( 1945 Adventure) John Wayne. Ann Dvorak 6:30(8) "Manganlnn1e·· ( 1980, Drama) Mawuyu Yathalawuy. Anna Ralph. 7:000 :·Tess" (1919, Drama) -~d'!1assla Klnskt Peter F1r1h. 7:30 CC) "The Pr1vate Eyes" ( 1980, Comedy) Dor Knotts. Tim Conway 8:00 "The Big Red One" ( 1980. Adventure) Le< Marvin. Mark Hamill CZ) "All Thal Jazz" ( 1979, Musical) Roy Scheider Jessica Lange • 8.:05@ ''Asylum For A Spy" ( 1967, Mystery) Rob ert Stack. Felicia Farr 9:00(C) "St. Ives" ( 1976, Adventure) Charles Bron son, Jacqueline Bis5et 9:30 m "Lawless Front1er" ( 1935. Western) Johr Wa~e. Sheila TeHy. 10:00CHJ "Hard Country" (1981, Orama) Jan-M1chae Vincent. Kim Basinger CS) "The Brothers Karamazov" ( 1958. Orama) Mana Schell. Yul Brynner. U "Brother Suri. Sister Moon" ( 1973. Biography) Graham Faulkner. Judi Bowker 10:06 al) "April In Pans" (1953. Musical) l:>ofls Day Ray~r. tO: 16 CZ) "Cloud Dancer" ( 1980. Adventure) Davie Carradine. Jennifer o· Neill. 11:00(C) "A Thundef Of Drums" (1961. Western) Richard Boone. George Hamilton. \I l"l'.I{ "< >( >'\ \ 1< >\.I LS 12:000 "A Blueprint For Murder" ( 1953, Mystery) Jean Peters, Joseph Cotten. • "Life Al The Top" (1966, Orama) LaurenCf Haf'Vey, Jean Simmons e "Ten Little Indians" ( 1966, Mystery) Hugi O'Brien. Shirley Eaton. II "I Sent A Letler To My Love" { 1981, Romance) Simone Sign0<et. Jean-Rochefort. 12:05(1) "Together" (1979) Jacqueline Bisset. Maxi millan Schell~ .. 12:30CS) "S1tr1'azy~ { 1980. Comedy) Richard Pryor Gene Wilder 1:00(C) "Ode To Billy Joe" ( 1976, Orama) Robb\ Benson. Glynnis O'Conn0<. 1:30(!) "Village Of The Damned" (1960, Science Flclion) George Sanders. Barbara Shelley. CID "The Ordeal Of Pat1y Hearst" (1979, Orama) Dennis Weaver. Lisa Eilbacher. 1:35(%) "Paradise Alley" ( 1978, Drama) Sylveste Stallone. Armand Assante. 2:00(1) "The Hunter" (1979, Orama) Stev1 McOueen. EU Wallach. D "The Nude Bomb" (1980, COmedy) Doi Adams. Sytvia Kristel. 2:30(1) ")(anadu" ( 1980, Musical) Ollvla Newton John. Gene KeUy. 3:00 8 "He<eule$ Unchained" ( 1960, Adventure) Steve Reeves. Sylva Koscina. ~"The Learning Tree" (1969, Orama) Kyle John son. Alex Clarke. 3:30(%) "Nighthawks" (1981. Drama) Sytveste Stallooe. Billy Dee WMhams. • 4:0000 "Nobody·s Perfekl'' (1981, COmedy) Gabf Kaplan. Alex Karras ~30 (1) "Countdown To Olsaste<" Animated. 6:00(1) "Strawberry Stalement" ( 1970) Bruo Davidson, Kim Darby g "Counldown To Disaster" 6: 16(%) "Brother Sun. Sister Moon" ( 1973, Biogra phyLGraham Faulknet, Judi Bowker. 5:30(C) "St. Ives" ( 1976, Advenlure) Charles Bron son, Jacqueline Bisset TAKING UP THE CHALLENGE -Bert Raccoon · accepi., the challenge to a hockey game in the animated family special ''The Raccoon on lee," airing Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. on NBC (Ch. 4). ! ~ "The Private Eyes" (1980. Comedy: Don Knotts. Tim Conway. Two bumbling Amerlca1 ;;g detectives are called In to Investigate a &efles c 2 murders in an English cas11e. ·PG· ( 1 hr .. 31 min.) ~ CB) FLASHBACK "Fire At Cocoanut Grove" En1 Sevareid hosts this unique docvmentary which illus 1 trates the lragic events of Saturday night, Novem ~ ber 28. t 942 when lhe famous Boston nightclul .,, explode<l into a blazing inferno. ( 1 hr.) :i CZ) MOVIE "The Fire Within" ( 1963. Orama) Mau ~ rice Ronet, Lena Skerla. The last 24 hours of a ma1 -:c. at the end of his rope are reviewed (2 hrs ) > 8:0011 CJ) O.E.0. A men is shot outside •he Oeveri -o home in England just as he is aboul to reveal som• 3: vital lnformatloo. ( 1 h<.) D g) BRET MAVERICK Maverick tries to catch th• - leader of a utopian group that has 11eeced Swee1wa fO ler farmers out of their land. (Part 1) ( 1 hr.) ~ 8 MOVIE "Jory" (1973. Western) Robby Sensor John Marley A youth matures during a tong. hen catlle drive (2 hrs.) fl (fl HAPPY DAYS Fonzie steals a kiss from ar allractlve new teacher (R) Q (!) BENNY HILL II) MOVIE "Lost City 01 Allan11s" ( 1977. Adven ture) Documentary Exciting deepwaler digs otte new proof that the fabled city of Atlantts truly lie beneath lhe blue water of the Aegean Sea (2 hrs ) I OUIZKIOS THE COUSTEAU ODYSSEY "The Nile" Jacque and Philippe Cousteau eKplore the natural beautie and lhe cultures along the banks of the Nile as the travel from the mountain headwale<s to Khartourr lPart 1) (A) (1 hr.) Ql9 NOVA "Notes Of A Blology Watcher: A Fllr With Lewis Thomas" Biologl8t and award-wfnntno author Dr. Lewis Thomas reveals some of the mys terious wonders of life. (R) Q ( 1 hr.) (()SPORTS CENTER (I) MOVIE "Xanadu" ( 1980. Musical) Ohvia New Cl) MOVIE "The Big Red One" ( 1980. Adventure: ton-John, Gene Kelly. A young artlSl, a heawtnl Lee Marvin, Mar1t Hamill. A tough Army sergean muse and a sentimental millionalre join forces t• leads four young, Inexperienced recruits Into the vio open up a huge roller-disco palace. 'PG' ( 1 hf .. 3: lence·filled tray of W0<ld War II combat 'PG' ( 1 hr. min.) 53 min.} II MOVtE "Nightengale Sang ln Barkley Square' 6:30()) ID NEWS (2 hf&.) 0 BARNEY MILLER 8:20® All IN THE FAMll. Y 9 A Pl.A Y FOA LOVE "The Pump" A surreallst11 8:30. 9 JOANIE LOV£8 CHACHt Chact look Into the inner thoughts and fantasies of a mar encourages a homesick Joanie to hang out with hf undergoing heart surgery. ( 1 hr) college roommate, then regrets it when sh- 1 N£WSBEAT WITH CLETE ROBERTS becomes the sweetheart of fraternity row. Q BUSINESS REPORT i MAUDE MOVIE "The Cat And The Canary'' ( 1978. Mys AU IN THE FAMILY lery) Hon0< Blackman. Michael Gallen. Heirs bat114 DANCE: MAY O'OONNELL May O'Donnell, for a fortune at !he spooky estate of a deceaser former Martha Graham dancer. and her young com milllonalre 'PG' ( t hr , 30 min) pany perfrom excerpts from "Pursuit Of Happiness 7:00 8 CBS NEWS and other pieces. (1 hr.) I NBC NEWS CH) MOVIE "Caddyshack" (1980. Comedy) Bl HAPPY DAYS AGAIN Murray. Rodney Dangerfield The dementec ABC NEWS grounds-keeper of a swan«y country club wage P.M. MAGAZINE A 12-year-old college fresh war •rniosl the gophers inhabiting his turf. 'R' ( im~~: a psychologist who treats pets as well as peo a:~·al, ~~ "Lonely Are The Brave" ( 1962 l YNH SHACKELFORD Western) Kirk OouglH. Waltar Matthau. A sheri1 NtNE ON NEW ~EV and his posse try to traci( down a cowboy who ENTERT AJNM£HT TONtGHT An lnten1iew will escaped from jail and headed for the mountlliis.. (. H~ Hefner. hrs., 10 min.) I JOKEA'S~.D t:ooe Cl) MOVIE "The las1 Song" (1981 OVER EASY Guest: George Sheanng. (R) c;> Suspense) Lynde Cat1•. Ronny CoK. A women 81\t THE MUPPET'S her young daughter .,.. pursued by protesaloof DICK CAVETT "Cocaine Panel" Guests: Dr killers aft8f they mletakenlycome Into pouetSion c Peter Bourne. Dr. Lester Grlnspoon, screenwrlte an Incriminating tape (R) (2 hn.) Leslie ~ullef. (Part 1) (R) e e Fl.AMINGO PbAD Sende ls Involved In 1 (I) POWER BOAT RACING From Miami. Aorlda.. ( serious accident and Lut•Mae d~ Iha hr.) !lrone Is having an affair wi1h her daught«. (1 tv.) ([) MOvtE "Tim" ( 1981, Drama) Piper Laurie, ME • 0 THAEFS COMPNl'f latry finely gees a dato Glbton. A young re1arded man and a eensltlve. mid with hfs letett lnfatuetion -Tent. (R) Q dl&-aged woman develop a cloee reletlonshlp o i RACING MOM AOOSEWi.T mutual need and understanding that leads to a1 MERV GRIFFIN - unorthodox marriage. (1 hr., 36 min.) AMERCAN PlAVHOUIE "Wor1<1ng" People c (DJ MOVIE "The Hideaways" ( 1973. Comedy; varied occupations di9coss their worklnQ livee In 11 Ingrid Bergman. Johnny Doran. Two chlldrfU) rur adaptation of the 1917 atege musicaT based OI away from 'home and hide In New YOfk Olly's Metro Studs Tetkef'1 best-Mlltng boOk. O (nlr., ~ mrt.) politan Museum of Art. where they are belrlende< G THE COUSTEAU OOY88EY "The Nile" Jacque -by a spfrlted recluse. 'G' ( 1 hr., 45 min.) and Phltippe CoOsteau eicpbe the natural beeUtte 7:16iCINEMASCOR£ and the cultures atong the bant<s of the Nile a the 7:20 NEWS travel from the mountain headwaters to Khartoum 7:30 2 ON THE TOWN Featured: look at the new ~art 1} (R) (1 hf.) est gift !dee -adult theme C8kes; an lnteMeW wltl CC) MO'llE •A 'rhundlt Of [)fuma" (1981, Weet.m. "Elv1ra." Channel 9's horror fllms hostess; coverage Richard Boone. George Hamlltoo. A seasoned cap ol a Comedy Store wedding. taln of the U.S. Cavafrv rid96 ha<d on a green. youni 8 RACCOONS OH ICE A.nlmated. Rich Little, Alt1 lieutenant juSI out of West Point (1 hr., .-0 min.) Coolidge and Leo Sayer provide the vOioes tor th!-(I) PKA F'UU. CONT ACT KARA TE "Wor1d Llan1 muslcal speclal. ·weight Championship" from Oldahoma City. Okla I LAVEJWIE & SHlllLEY & COMPANY tioma. (2 tvs.) THE HERALDED ANGELS Ted Dawson looks a ([) MOVIE "Mlddle-Age Cfazy" ( 1980, eom.dy; what's in atore for the CaHfornle Angels this season Ann-Margret, Bruce Dem. A Texas developer's sue (I) e TIC TAC DOUGH ceasful job aod beautiful wife manage to drl~ hln e N8A B~LL Golden State Warriors vs Into• ml<Hfe crltls. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 3t mlfl.) Loe Anae'es Laktrc (2 hr&.., 30 min.) (D) MCME "fl, Face tn The Crowd" (1957, Drama: Ne#ARK ANO AEAUTY An<ty Griffith, Patnctl NN1 A dlntllct goee ttcm ' YOU ASKED FOA IT =to netlclnal *~on the ttrtf'gth of hi; ~GuMr.-•.~.s•one i~~~~~~~iir!ir~J~~""" !!!: GUI I \lfll 8nd .. UC) ~ II -"'"""'"'"""' ·- ... FUN CITY • Wednesc;lay \I< >I l '\ I :\< ; \I< >\ · 1 LS 5:30()) "The Big Red One" ( 1980. Adventure) LeE Marvin, Mark Hamill. D "Which Way ts Up?" ( t977, Comedy) Richcirc Pryor, Lonette McKee. 6:00 CC) "Children Of Theatre Street" ( 1 hr., 30 min ) CZ) "Together" (1979) Jacqueline Bissel, Maximili an Schell. 8:05(11) "Lady FOf A Night" ( 1942, Romance) Joar Blondell. John Wayne. 7:30 CC) "Shame. Shame On The Bixby Boys" ( 1979 Adventure) Monte Markham. CS) "Force Ave: Starvengers" ( 1981, Science-Pie lion) Animated. CZ) "Nighthawks" ( t981. Orama) Sylvester Stal lone, Billy Dee Wllljams. B:OOU "The Nude Bomb" (1980. Comedy) Dor Adams. Sylvia Kristel. 8:05(11) "The Man From The Alamo" (t953, West ern) Glenn Ford, Julie Adams. 8:3000 "King Of The Mountain" ( 198 t, Adventure) Haf!Y. Hamlin, Joseph Bottoms. 9:00{C) "It's Alive" ( 1975, HOfror) John Ryan Sharon Farrell. 9:15(%) "Short Eyes" (1978, Orama) Bruce Dalli· son. Jose Perez.. 9:30• "Blue Steel" ( t934. Western) John Wayne. Eleanor Hunt. II "Nightengale Sang In Barkley Square" 10:00()) "Love Me Or Leave Me" (1955. Musical) Doris Day. James Cagney. 10:30~ "King Of Kings" ( 1962, Orama) Jel1r8) Hunter, Rober1 Ryan. 11:0000 "Flash Gordon" ( 1980. Science-FlctlOn) Sam J. Jones, Max Von Sydow. CZ) "Baby. Doll" (1957, Drama) Carroll Baker. Kar Malden. . \ l · 1 L 1 l .\"< >< > .\ \I< )\.I l. ~ 12:008 "Rose Of Cimarron" (1952. Western) MalE Powers. Bob Steele. e "The Quick Gun" ( 1964. Western) Audie Mur phy, Merry Anders. • "You're A Big Boy Now" ( 1967, Comedy) Elli abeth Hartman. Gtiraldine Page. CS) "The Odd Couple" ( 1968, Comedy) Jack Lem- mon, Watt« Manhau. 12:30g "Who'n Stop The Rain?" ( 1978, Orama) Nick Nolte. Tuesday Weld. 1:00(%) "Tim" ( t981, OOma) Piper Laurie, Mel Gib son. 1:30(!) "Die Screaming, Marianne" ( t973 ~) Susan George. Leo Genn. CC) "Shame. Shame On The Bixby Boys" ( 1979 Adventure) Monte Markham. 2:0000 "The Earthling" ( 1980, Adventure) Willian Holden. Ricky Schroder. OJ "The Hollywood Knights" ( 1980. Comedy) Robert Wuhl, Tony Danza. 2:30 CS) "Oh God!" ( t 977, Comedy) George Bums John Denv«. 2:"5(%) "Nighthawks" ( t98 t, Orama) Sylvestet Stallone, Billy Dee WUliams. 3:00 e "Squeeze A Flower" ( 1970, Comedy) Jae• Albertson, Wattef" Chiari. .4:00 CC) "Children 01 Theatre Street" ( 1 hr., 30 min.) g "Bedknobs And Broomsticks" ( 1971, Fantasy) A~ Lansbury, David Tomlinson. .4:30(1) "Force Frve: Starvengers" (1981, Sclence- flctlon) Animated. .4:"6(%) "Cloud Danoer" ( t980. Adventure) Oavk Carradine. Jennifer o· Neill 5:00(!) "Battle Of 8 Alamein" ( 197 t. Adventure) ~ilton. Mlch8el Rennie. 6:06«1) "Man Without A Siar" (1955, Western) ~ Douglas, Jeanne Crain. 5:301'.C) "Cotton Candy" (1978, Comedy) Cfin· Howard. Charles Martin Smith. .. i •• 'BOOK 'EM, DAN-0' -Jack Lord stars as Steve M<.<;arrett, the superoop who heads the Honolulu-based "Hawaii Five-0," weeknights at 6 on Owmel 13. L\ L '\I'\< ; 8:0088.NEWS I CHARLIE'S ANGEt.8 C8SNEWS WHITE SHADOW ABC NEWS HAWA"FIVE-0 BUSINESS REPORT I N8CNEWS NEEDLECRAFT ANDREW'S RAIDERS During the Civil War, < Northern spy tries to infiltrate rebel territory anc capture a train vital to the South's supply Hnes (Pan 2) D El.ECTRtC ESKIMO An Eskimo boy is sudden!) endowed with extraordinary electrical powers duritl( a rTl_!gnefism experiment at the North Pole. · 8: 15 l&) UTTlE JOHNNY JONES This revfval of thf t904 George M. Cohan muslcal comedy about an < American jockey who tries to win the English Oerb) features such favorites as "Give My ~rds Tc Broadway" and "Yankee Doodle Dendy. ' ( 1 hr. 30 min-1_ 8:30 CJ)• NEWS 9 BARNEY MUER QI CALL ME BETIY CARTER America's foremos bebop jazz stylist performs In this feast of music l~~~dt.aeR08ERTS 8U8INE8S REPORT 8:.46 (%) OtNEMASCORE 7:00 8 CBS NEWS I N8CNEWS • HAPPY DAYS AGAIN ABC NEWS P.M. MAGAZINE A group of fans who hac "Leave ft To Beaver"' put back on their local sta lion; we foug_ht fat and won . I YOU ASKED FOR IT MEET THE MAYORS ENtERTAINM9IT TONIGHT An Interview wl1t I~~~ =EASY Guest: Frankie Laine. (R) Q LOOKALNE fl!) DICK CAVETT "Cocaine Panel" Guests: Or Peter Bourne, Dr. Lester Grinspoon, screenwrite "lJ Leslie Fuller. (Part 2) (R) 5 00 TIME WAS "The 1950s" Dick Cavett recall! - America's fOfmal entry Into the space race, the birtt ~ of rock ·n· roll and the very early days of television ,-U ~) o OJ MOVIE "Cheaper To Keep Her" (1980. Corne c:> dy) Mac Davis, Tovah Feldshuh. In order to mee ::t' his alimony payments, a recently divorced privall a: detective tracks down delfnquent husbands for E • divorce lawyM. 'R' ( 1 hr., 32 min.) ~ <m MOVIE "Gigi" ( 1958. Musical} Maurice Cheval > ier. Leslie Caron. A tomboy being groomed by he ~ aunt and grandmother sets out on her own to catct a man. (2 hrs.) ~ II CHANNEL ZERO ( 1 HR) _. (%)MOVIE "Lost HOfizon" ( t937, Fantasy) Ronak ~ Colman, Jane Wyatt. A kidnapped diplomat discov N ers the Himalayan kingdom of Shangri-La. a plaC( of eternal peace and immortality. ( 1 hr .. 57 min.) 7:30 8 2 ON THE TOWN Featured· visit the Hernloc~ Society; Crossroads School In Los Angeles; LCY. A~es· biggest indoor skating rink. It• FAM'l(Y FEUD LAVERNE & SHIRLEY & COMPANY EYE ON ~A. Featured: a report on windsurfing a trip to Israel's Masada: a look at metallic hair (ifBAseeALL San Diego Padres at San Franclsc< IG~~~ SIGNATURE Guest Herman Kahn MACNEJL I LEHRER REPORT NON-ACTION TB..EVISION SPECIAL "Bl00< And Sand· War In The Sahara" Interviews with U.S and Moroccan statesmen and politicians are lea tured in a look al U.S. IOfetgn policy in the Polisarc Front-Moroccan conflict in the Western Sahara. ( hr.) ~ MOVIE "It's Allve" ( 1975, Horror) John Ryan Sharon Farrell. A bouncing baby comes Into ttw wOfld with fangs. claws and a strong homicide Instinct. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 30 min ) (I) SPORTS FORUM 8:00 8 HERBIE. THE LOVE BUG Jim and Susar decide to sell Herbie and buy a station wagon. ( · hr.) I • REAL PEOPLE MOVIE "In Circumstanllal Evidenoe" (1976 Mystery) Raymond Burr, Mark HamHI. A once-sue cessful lawyer is accused of causing a witness le ~jure himself. (2 hrs.) • • 9 THE GAEA TEST AMERtCAN HERO Ralpl learns that his mother's llance Is smuggling top secret material coveted by Arabs, oil companie: and the U.S. govMnment. ( 1 hr.) 8 MOVIE "In Search Of Gregory" ( t 970 Romanoe) Julie Chr~le. Michael Sarrazin. When i young woman's father remarries. she attends ttw wedding because of her attraction to one of th< house guests. (2 hrs.) (!) BEHNY HILL e MOVIE "Alien Encounters" (1975) Documents ry. Seoleral scientifically documented encounter: with extraterrestrial beings ere examined. (2 hrs.) Ill COlllUECTING Featured: orchids; folk art. • NON-f1CTION TELEVtSK>N SPECIAL "Blooc And Sand: War In The Sahara" Interviews with U.S and MOfoccan statesmen and politicians are tea lured In a look al U.S. foreign policy in the Pollsarc Front-Moroccan conffict in the Western Sahara ( hr.) (()SPORTS CENTER (8) MOVIE "The Blues Brothers" ( 1980, Musical) John Belushi, Dan Aykroyd. Two blues singers mus contend with the Chicago police, the CIA, Neo Nazis and the U.S. Army to put together • beneff concert to raise money for their parish. 'R' (2 hrs. 13 min.) (I) BIZARRE "World's Oldest Stuntman" D MOVIE "Caddyshack" ( 1980. Comedy) Bl Murray, Rodney Dangerfield. The dementec grCU'ldS-«MI* of a swriy country club wage '·. I ,. ,. .. j• ,. t6 N \\ednesday (oontinued) ~ -war agaJnst the gophe(s Inhabiting his turf. 'A' hi .. 47 min.) 8:06 (l) ALL IN THE FAMILY 8:30 (!) IRONSIDE I ALL IN THE FAMILY THE VERY SPECIAL JACK GILFOAO SPECIAi Jack Gllf0<d perl0<ms songs, skits and renditions o outrageous characters in this one-hour variety sho~ ( 1 hr.) GD CALIFORNIA UNEMPLOYMENT: LIVING Qt AND OFF THE LAND A look at the rising unemploy ment In Calif0<nla. (1 hr.) Cl) MOVJE "The Odd Cou~" (1968, C9medv: Jack Lemmon. Waller Matthau. Two divorced mei with conflicting personalities decide to share at apartment In New York City. (1 hr., 45 min.) 8:35(11) MOVIE "I Walk Alone" ( t948, Drama) Liza beth Scott, Burt Lancaster. A mobster leart'l' through experience that his tough tactics don't worl as well as they once did. (2 hrs., 5 min.) 9:00 8 THE DUKES OF HAZZARD Rosco wins au o Boss Hogg's riches in a card game. (A) (2 hrs.) D e THE FACTS Of LIFE Jo tries to feminize he cousin, a girl who has grown up in a house full o boys. • D tll THE FALL GUY Cott again clashes wltl Insurance agent Kay Faulkner as they each attemp to track down a gorgeous jewel_ thief. ( t hr.) I MERV GRIFAN MIOOLETOWN "Family Business" AH the mem bet's of a family of 10 struggle to keep the father', pizza franchise from sliding Into bankruptcy. c:;> ( 1 hr .• 30 min.) CC) MOVIE "He Knows You're Alone" (1980 Suspense) Don Scardino. Caitlin O'Heaney. A psy chotic murderer stalks attractive young b<ideS--to be. silently and lethally slashing their dreams o wedded blls6. 'R' ( 1 hr., 30 min.) (I) BOXJNG "lnterservlce Armed Forces Champion ships" (3 hrs.) (I) MOVIE "Tefror Train" ( 1980, Suspense) Be1 Johnson. Jamie Lee Curtis. A college fraternity': New Year's masquerade party turns Into a night mare when a vindictive guest starts killing ott thl Q!_rty-goers. 'R' ( 1 hr . 37 min.) CW MOVIE "The ldolmaker" ( 1980, Drama) Ra· Sharil.ey, Tovah Feldshoh. A manipulative manage uses various ploys to catapult two teen-agers Int< ~p singing stardom. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 47 min.) CZ) MOVIE "Nighthawks" (t981, Drama) Sytveste Stallone, Silty Dee Williams. A tough New Yori< Cir cop has his wor1< cut out for him when one of th. world's mos1 dangerous terrorists arrives in his city 'R' ( 1 hr .• 39 min.} 9:308 e TEACHERS ONLY (Premle<e) A gh whose parents have separated asks her teacher i she can stay with her for the weekend. Cl) MOVIE "Scared To Death" (1947, Mys~ery: Bela Lugosi. Joyce Compton. A killer Is f0<oed t< confront the image of a man she murde1 ed. ( 1 hr. 30 min.) QI CALL ME BETTY CART~ America's loremos bebop jazz stylist performs In this feas1 of music song and history. ( 1 hr.) ID JAZZ AT THE MAINTENANCE SHOP "Dexte Gotdon Quartet (No. 1)" Dexter Gordon, teno sax; Auyfus Reid, bass: George Cabl'JS, piano Eddie Gladden. drums. (R) 10:008 e QUINCY A wealthy lawyer uses lax drunk en driving laws to avoid punishment after killing 1 i destrlan. {A) ( t hr.) •• NEWS ,. DYNASTY Blake lashes ou1 at Alexis. 1 hitchhike< threatens to announce he had an affa1 with Steven. and Police !rt. Holliman Questions Clau dia. (.1 hr.) Cl) ~ "The Singing Cowboy Rides 'Again" ( hr.) • MIOOLETOWN "Famlly Business" All the mem bets of a family of 10 struggle to keep the father' pizza franchise trom sliding Into bankruptcy. c:;> ( 1 hr .• 30 min.) • BARA'( QANILOW IN CONCERT Manllow per forms a selection of his hlts. ( 1 hr •• 25 min.) 10:15(8) MOVtE "Flash Gordon" (1980, Sclenee-Fic REMEMBERING -Singer Frankie Laine perfonns a"ld relates how he cared for his w ife during her long illness. Hosted by Hugh Downs, this "Easy Over" program will be aeen Wednesday at 7 p.m. on Chan- nel 28. lion) Sam J. Jones, Max Von Sydow. A trio c earthlings travel to the planet Mongo and helped it oppressed inhabitants in the overthrow of the ev Em~or Ming. 'PG' ( 1 hr , 50 min.) 10:30. NEWS I SIGNATURE Guest: Herman Kahn MATTERS OF LIFE AND DEA TH MOVIE "The Stud" (1978, Orama) Joan Cot llns. Oliver Tobias. A waiter advances his career b· sleeping with his bosS's wife. 'R' ( 1 hr . 35 min.) . ()) MOVIE "Oh Godl" ( 1977. Comedy) Georgi Burns, John Denver. God selects an 1.lf\5USP8Cti"1 young supermarket manager to dellvef a messag• of hope and good wlll to the skeptical people of tho modem-day world. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 36 min.) 10:40(11) MOVIE "Kitten With A Whip" (1964. Drama. Ann-Margret, John Forsythe. A ref0<m school runa way and her wild cohorts coerce a respectable poli tician Into driving them to Mexico. ( 1 hr .• 45 min.) 10:46 (%) CfNEMASCORE 11:00888Cll ate NEWS SATURDAY NIGHT KOJAK JOE FRANKLIN M•A•s•H BENNY HILL COUlLLECTlNG Featured: orchids: fOlk art DICK CAVETT ''Drugs: Addlclion And Recov ery" Guests: Dr. Mark S. Gold, Jot'ln Phllllps, Mack enzle Phillips. (Part 1) (A) (I) MOW: "Rabid" ( 1979. Horror) Marilyn Cham bers. Frank Moore. A young woman who was critl cally Injured in a motorcycle accident is saved by 1 radically new surgical procedufe that ~aves her will only one side effect -a voracious appetite lo human blood. 'R' ( 1 hr., 34 min.) (Q) MOVIE "Stir Crazy" ( 1980, Comedy) Rlcharc Pryor. Gene Wilder. Two men are mistaken for bani robbers and sent to jail. 'A' ( 1 hf .. 51 min.) CZ> MOVIE "Tim" (1981, Drama) Piper Laurie, Me Gibson. A young retarded T'[lan and a sensitive, mid die-aged w~n develop a close refatlonahlp o mtitual need and undetalanding thet INds to ar unorthodox marriage. ( 1 hr., 35 min.) 11~308 MOVIE "The Bees" ( t978, Science-Fiction) John Saxon. John Carradine. A straln of highly Intel ligent killer bees try to stop man's destructlOn of tht envitonment. (A) (2 hrs .• 5 mrn.) 8 ID THE BEST OF CARSON Guests: Wiiiian Devane. BUddy Rich, Sidney Goldsmith. Davie Horowitz.. (A) ( 1 hr.) ' 8 9 ABC NEWS ~IGHTUNE Cl) MOVIE "Two-Lane Blacktop" (1971, Adven ture) James Taylor. Warren Oates. Young cha~ lenges old to a cross-country car race. (2 hrs.) II THE JEFFERSONS SANFORD AND SON THE VERY SPECIAL JACK GILFORD SPECIAl Jack Giiford performs songs. skits and renditions o outr~s characters in this one-hour variety show l hr. T WITH CLETE Ao8ERTS CAPTIONED ABC NEWS 12:009 ENTERTAINMEHT TONIGHT An 1ntervi8'1\ with Chubby Checker 8 al LOVE BOAT Doc is treated by a gorgeouf doctor: a retired ballerina meets her former partner a woman invites her cabbie to travel with her. (R) ( 1 hf., 10 min.) 8 MOVIE "SQueeze A Flower" ( 1970. Comedy) Jack Albeftson, Walter Chiarl. In order to protec1 the secrets of hls success from a selfish busines! cohort, an Italian monk leaves the country clutchi"' his secret formula for a very fine home b<ew (2 hrs) (!)MOVIE "Phantom Lady" ( t944, Mystery) Fran· chot Tone, Alan Curtis. A man charged with hi~ wile's murder sect.1res help from lriends to establist his lnnocenoe. (2 hrs.) • MOVIE "Good Day For A Hanging" ( 1959. Western) Fred MacMuuay. Maggie Hayes. Wt)en ar ex-lawman captures a slain sheriffs killer, he ~ dismayed to find that the townspeople prefer tc think of his captive as being guileless and incapable of &Ueh a crime. ( 1 hr., 45 min.) I LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE AMERICA: THE SECOND CENTURY MOVIE "La Cage Awe Fotles" ( 1979, Comedy) Ugo Tognazzi, Michel Serrault. A nightclub ownei tries to prepare his transvestite love< for a visit by h~ son's flanoee:s father, the morals commissioner ot France. 'R' (1 hr .. 31 min.) (I) SPORTS CENTER 8 MOVIE "Any Number Can Play" ( 1949. Dra- ma) Clark Gable, Alexis Smith. An honest and care- free gamble<'s lite is beset with a series of tragedies. (2 hrs.) 12:1000 STEVIE NICKS IN CONCERT Fleetwood Mac member Nicks performs "After The Glitter Fades," "Leather And Lace," "The Highwayman" and "Bel- la Donna," as well as favorites from the Fleetwood Mac repertoire. Taped at the Fox Wilshire Tl'leatre in Los Angeles. ( 1 hr.) 12:15(1) MOVIE "Island Of tOOO Delights"On a lush tropical Island. beautiful women are sold into slav· ery. 'A' (1 hr., 20 min.) 12:25(11) MOVIE "Cop-Out" ( 1968, Suspense) Jame!. Mason. Geraldine Chaplin. A broken-down alcoholic lawyer comes out ol seclusion 10 defend hts daugh· ter's boyfriend, who has been charged wlth murder. (2 hrs.) • 12:308 e LATE NIGHT WITH DAVID ~ETTERMAN Guest: cartoonist Jim Davis. ( 1 hr.) I COUPLES ~ME BETTY CARTER America's foremost bebop Jazz stylist performs in this least of music. SQOg and history. (1 hr.) • PEOPLE AND ORGANIZATIONS CZ> MOVIE "Baby 0on·· ( 1957, Drama) Carroll Baker, Karl Malden. A voluptuous young woman Whose attraction to varlous men is quite mutual leads them to the destruction of their previously haP£Y !Ives. ·A' ( 1 Hr., 54 min.} 12:46UJ THE POINTER SISTERS Anita. Ruth and June perlorm in a conoert tea luring "Fire," "Yes We Can Csn" end "He's So Shy.'' ( 1 hr.) 1:00• MOVIE "Wichita" ( 1956. Weltem) Joel McCrH . Vera Miles. A Weetem town is tamed by a new lewman. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) e MOVIE "Long Oly's Journey Into N1Atlt" ( 1962. WHIPPLE'S HEALTHY FOODS of Newport ... w • .,. 911!1" ~ ... H-VIEW CENTER 1621 S.. Ml .... Drive Newport .le•ch. Ca. 644-7l3S ! I I I -~-~~-----------------------------................................ ~ ~ (oontinued) Drama) Katharine HepbUrn, Jason Robards. Ba.sed on the play by Eugene O'Neill. A family encounters personal problems wtth alcohol, narcotics, tubercu- losis and depression. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) ((} AUTO RACff\IG "World Of Ou11aws Sprints" from Rossburg, Ohio. (2 hrs .. 30 min.) 1:108 MOVIE'"Young Diiiinger" (1965. Biography) Nick Adams, Robert Conrad. John Diiiinger's first escape begins the tale of his Ille. which was ended i a bullet. ( 1 hr., 30 min ) NEWS MOVIE "Up The Academy" ( 1980, Comedy) Ron Leibman, Barbara Bach. The war-<>bsessed commandant of Weinberg Military Academy Is no match for the troublesome brats enrolled there. 'A' ( 1 hr., e9 min.) T ube Topper The Fall Guy. Channel 7 -Y p.m . 1:30DeNEWS CC) MOVIE "King Of t<Jngs" ( 1962, Orama) Jeffrey Hunter. Robert Ryan. The coming of Jesus and the events of his life gave birth to a new religlon. (3 1:36 NEWS hrs., . 1:'6 MOVIE "Blood On The Sun" (19~5, Drama) James Cagney. Sylvia Sidney. Japanese war1ords try to silence an American newspaperman who fore- sees Japan's threat to democ<acy prlot to the anack on Peart Harbor. (2 hrs.) (I) MOVIE "Twelve Plus One" {COmedy) Sharen Tate.A young woman searches three countries for a chair that contains a great fortune. 'A' ( 1 hr., 35 min.l 2:00D MOVIE '1Nlghthawks" (198 1, Drama) Syl· vester Stallone. BIUy Dee Williams. A tough New York City cop has his work cut out for hfm wheri one of the world's mos1 dangerous terrorists arrives In his city. 'R' ( 1 hr., 39 min.) 2:06 Cf) NEWS • "o cl.EANfNG Si:a.. •\ -w1c ~..._ Anncx.nces That ~Co ~ NOW .•• You can have • ycu r.tni, Levolor, Etc. Binds deaned PROfESSIOfW.L Y at Reasonable Rates -RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL - Free Estimate Pick-up and Delivery 714-952-3288 9306 Katella Anaheim • • All Work Guaranteed • • • R. DENIS RUSSELL, D.J>.M. T PODIA TRIS T/ FOOT SPEC/AUST · _· Achttta, QiWren end Seniors . Welco1111 lnitiel I•-& Conaultetion By Appointment Only 979-0313 11100 WMtlD AVE., Sll1t 306 FOllnAM VAU.EY Ad actnt to fountain V Co~ \ 2:108 MOVIE "One Of Our Own" (1975, Drama) George Peppard, 09eer Homolka. l'htt nN'otogy d&partment of a large hospital bustles with activity as al plcal day Is chronicled. (2 hf's.) 2:25 RAT PATROL 2:30 MOVIE "Sunscorched" ( 1964, Western) Mark Stevens. Marianne Koch. A notorious bend of outlaws attempts to intimidate a local sheriff. ( 1 hi., 40 min.) Cf) MORNING STRETCH Stanwyclc joins 'Thorn Birds' cast HOLLYWOOD (AP) -Barbara Stanwyck, wl¥> recently was presented an honorary Academy Award, will portray wealthy AUltralian landowner Mary Canon in the n ine-hour ABC mini "The 1born Birds. •• She will be the woman whO tries to corrupt Father Ralph. played by Richard Ownberlain, and dilluade him from hia priestly vows. B.chel Ward plays Meg. Producer Stan Marguliea will begin production of the mini--teries in May in Hawaii and Southern California. Daryl Duke will direct from. ~fu~ by Carmen Culver, ~Pied: from the best novel by C.Olleen M~. Lee Remick stars aa the reatleaa wife of a plantation owner in Malaya in the television venion of W. Somenet Maugham's "The Letter" on the ABC Tbea&er of the Month on Mooday, May 3. Jack 'nlompeon. the Australian ectol' who was in "Breake r Morant" a nd "A Woman Called Golda," also stars. John Erman directed from a acreenplay by Lawrence B. Marcus. This is the third film venkln of the story, and all are linked by Herbert Maraball. Manhall star- red in the 1929 venion with Jeanne &.gel1. He played mother role in the 1940 venion with Bette Davis. And In thls interpretation, his daughter, Sarah Marshall, ~ important role. HEARING AID BATTERIES 51 OFF! Wl'TMMSAD c.npbell Hearing Aids In Monlgomety Ward Bldg, H•tiltcJtM Ctwtw ........... t7 (%) MOVIE "Short Eyes" ( 1978, Drama) Bruce Davison. Jose Perez. Convicts attempt to stay alive ~ in the bMal atmosphere of a prison wh«e certain 2 fellow Inmates break almost every known rule of -1 decency. 'A' ( 1 hr., 44 min.) < 2:4'0 . NEWS r-00 MOYIE "Wlnle & Phil",... ( i980, Comedy) 8 Michael Ontkean. Margot Kidder. Three people - begin a triangular romance In Greenwich Village that ~ continues throughout the mercurial social milieu of Ci: the '70s.'R' (1hr.,56mln.) ~ 3:00 Cf) JOE FRANKLIN ). @NEWS ~ 3:201 BlZARRE "World's Oldest Stuntman" 3: 3:30 SPORTSWOMAN 3:'5 MISSK>N: IMPOSSIBLE ~ 3:60 MOVIE "The Odd Couple" (1968. Comedy) c0 Jack Lemmon. Waltt!f Matthau. Two divorced men ~ with oonflictlno personalities decide to share an apartment In New York City. ( 1 hr .. 45 min ) 4:00(1) JIMMY SWAGGART CE SPORTS CENTER ct MOVIE "The Final Confllct" (1981. Drama) Sam Neill, Rossano Brazzi. In the third part of "The Omen" trilogy, young Damien. the embodiment of the Antichrist. is now an adult and a trus1ed advisof to the president of the U.S. 'R' ( 1 hr., 49 min.) 4:06@ F\JNTIME 4:10. MOVIE "The Last Crooked Mlle" (1947, Mystery) Adele Mara. Donald Barry. A detective finds out that a bank robber's girl friend is a klller who plans to keep the bank money herself. ( 1 hr .. 20mln.) 4:15(%) MOVIE "Nightha'Nt(s" (1981, Drama) Sy1· vaster Stallone, Billy Dee Wiiiiams. A tough New York City cop has his work cut out for him when one of the world's most dangerous terrorists arrives In his city. 'A' ( 1 hr., 39 min.) 4:30(1) JIM BAKK.EF4 CC) MOVIE "He Knows You're Alone" (1980, Suspense) Don Scardino. Caitlin O'Heaney. A psy· chotic murderer stalks attractive young brides-to- be, silently and lethatty slashing their dreams of wedded bllu. 'R' (1 hi., 30 min.) •:40 00 STEVIE NICKS IN CONCERT Fleetwood Mac member N'ICks performs "Ah8f' The Glitter Fades," "Leather And Lace," "The Highwayman" and "Bel· la Donna." as well as favorlles from the Fleetwood Mac repet1oit'e. Taped at the Fox Wilshire Theatre in • Los Angeles. ( 1 hr.) 4:'5• MAYBERRY R.F.O. A ..-Wk eenift '11 die ~ •I l"ewpot1 ____ _, Pe4ie1ry Cro.p. RUNNER'S ANKLE AND FOOT PAIN - k.nown H joger'a anlde," ~iWnc pein on the ouUlde of the ankle. Thi.I can hap- pen when a fool rolla oul· wud and leana on the ankle ex<.'ftllvely. Bach Ume you follow the curve of • ro9d or tnck your feet .haw IO bear up to llix "'-the W,ht of YOW' body. Thia can Injure t~ 1t1a111enta If there'• • -a-in )'OW' ankles Structural lmbalarlCft In your feel can be controlled by your foot 1pecialial, alle- vlatinc the s-in and dJ.eoom. fort and he!Pnt '° Improve your~. NllwP"' Po4!e1ry <;,_p 136:J Avoee4o A•e. N.B. 760-6907 8'19 S•ptlrior An . N-1*1 lk.c-h IMPORT . CHJ DOM:: ANDER<ON S NJTON'OTNE COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE FRll PICKUP..HUV&RY :=.::·llUl (11•) 142~171 <~-"' . . . ,f I t \I< >l l ~I '\( ~ \I< >\ 11 " ~ 8:00~ "Wings In The WlldemesS" (1 hr .• 30 min.) "' (II) "Hot Lead And Cold Feet'' ( 1978, Comedy) ;f Jim Dale. Don Knotts. 0 D "Tim" (1981. Drama) Piper Laurie. Mel Gibson. o (%) "Gigi" ( 1958. Musical) Maurice Chevalier. -J Leslie Caron. ~ 6:06Gl) "Rio Grande'' J1950, Western) John Wayoo. Maureen O'Hara. ~ 7:00(1) "Chapter Two" ( 1979, Comedy) James 0: Caan. Marsha Mason. 7:3011 "1941" (1979. Comedy) John Belushi. T oshlro Mitune. 8:0000 "Smokey Bites The Oust" (1981, Comedy) Jimmy McNlohol, Janet Julian. (%) "Lost Horizon" (1937, Fantasy) Ronald Col· man. Jane Wyatt. 8:06@ "The Midnight St()('(" ( 1957, Mystery) Tony Curtis. Marisa Pavan. 8:30(C) "Belts Are Ringing'.' ( 1960. Musical) Judy Holliday. Dean Martin. 9:30 • "Frontier Horizon" ( 1938. Western) John Wa~. Jennifer Jones. 10:00CHJ "Ruckus" ( 1980. Drama) Din< Beoedict. Linda Blalr. Cl) "Betrayed" ( 1954, Orama) Clark Gable. Lana Turner. (%)"Cloud Dance<" ( 1980, Adventure) David Car- radine, Jennifer O'Neill. 10:06@ "Prescription: Murder" ( 1967. Mysl8f)') Gene Barry, Peter Falk. 11:00~ "The 400 Blows" ( 1959. Drama) Jean;- Plerre Leaud, Patrick Auffey. 11:45(%) "Day For Night" (1972, Drama) Jacqueli~ Bisset. Valentina Cortese. Directed by Franco•~ Truffaut. . \J · .. l lJ~:\< >< >:" \I<>\ I LS 12:00G "The Foor Deoces" (1975. Drama) Jack Palance. Carol Lyntey. • "A Raisin In The Sun" ( 1961, Drama) S!dneY Poitier. Claudia McNeil. • "Lightning Strikes Twioe" ( 1951. Mystery) Ruth Roman. Richard T Odd. -CH> "1941" (1979, Comedy) John Belushl, Toshirc Mifune. Cl) "The Nude Bomb" (1980. Comedy) Don Adams. SyMa Kristel. 12:30 II "Heaven Can Wait" ( 1978. Fantasy) Warren Bea_!!y. Julie Christie. 1:00(!) "Lisa And The Devit" (1973, Mystery) Telly Savalas. Elke Sommer. CC) "Outlaw Blues" ( 1977. Drama) Peter Fonda. Susan Saint James. 1:30(1) "I'll Cry Tomo<row" ( 1955. Biography) Susan Hayward, Richard Conte. 1:'45 (%) "Together" ( 1979) Jacquelina Bisset, Maxi· milian Schell. 2:00(11) "Nobody's Perlekt" (1981, Comedy) GabE Kaplan, Alex Karras. (I) "He Knows You're Alone" ( 1980. Suspense) Don Scardino, Caitlln O'Heaney . 2:300 "1941" (1979, Comedy) John Bel~. T oshiro Mlfune. 3:008 "It Can Be Done Amigo" ( 1973. Western) Jack Palance. Bud Spencer. . 3: 16(%) "Lost Horizon" ( 1937, Fantasy) Ronald CoJ. man. Jane Wyatt. 3:30 Cl) "Bedknobs And Broomsticks" ( 1971, Fan· tas~Angela Lansbury. David Tomlinson. 4:00 "Wings In The Wilderness" ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 4:30 "Huckleberry Fino" ( 197 4, Adventure) Jett East. Paul Winfield. 5:00(1) "Thal Man In Islar~" .( 1966, Comedy) Horst Buchholz. u.k> Adorl. Tube Topper Cagney & Lacey Channel 2 -9 p.m. (8) "Hot Lead And CoJd Feet" ( 1978, Comedy) Jim Dale, Don Knotts. 6: 15(%) "Cloud Dancer" (1980, Adventure) Davie Carradine. Jennifer O'Neill. 5:30 QI "Aguirre. The Wrath Of God" CC) "Bells Are Ringing" ( 1960. Musical) Judy Holli· day. Dean Martin. Cl) "Chapter Two" ( 1979. Comedy) James Caan Marsha Mason. &:ooeeeNEWS CHARLIE'S ANGELS CBS NEWS WHITE SHAOOW ABC NEWS TttEJEFfERSONS HAW.Alt RYE-0 8U8NiS8 REPORT NBC NEWS UNOERST ANOtNG HUMAN BEHAVK>R MOV1E "Any Number Can Play" ( 1949. Dra- ma) Clar11 Gable, Alexis Smilh. An hones1 and care- free gambler's life Is beset wit\3 series of tragedies (2 hrs.)_ 6:30 (I). NEWS l ~.,:~LY NEW88EA T W1TH CLETE R08ERTS BU8INEB8 REPORT S:50Gl) NEWS 7:00 8 C88 NEWS l ~~~YSAGAIN ABC NEWS P.M. MAGAZINE An attempt to save Egypt'~ Sphinx from the ravages of air pollution: teachln{ etlqueue to kids. I I YOU ASKED FOR fT ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT An Interview witt _ Ed McMahon. • I M•A•s•H JOKER'S WILD OVEA EASY "EmplOyment" Guests: 11st Sommers. Lawrence Hoohheimer (R) Q I TiiEMUPPETS DtCK CAVETT "Drugs: Addiction And Recov ery" Guests: Dr. Mark S. Gold, John Phillips. Mack enzie Phllllps. (Part 1) (A) CB> VIOEO JUKEBOX ([) MOVIE "Network" ( 1976, Orama) Faye Ollna· ·way. Peter Anch. An aging television newsman whose rating.s are steadily slipping, is turned Into £ ranting prophet of the airwaves by a crafty femalE programming executive. 'R' (2 hrs.) CO) MOVIE "The Pilot" ( 1980. Orama) Cliff Robef1 son. Diane Baker. A pilot twns to drinking to esca~ the unhappiness of htS marriage and the frustratior of his careet. 'PG' (1 hr .• 34 min.) 7:05 (%) MOVIE "Gigi" ( 1958. Musical) Maurice Che- valier. Leslie Caron. A tomboy being groomed b) her aunt and grandmother sets out on her own I< catch a man. ( t hf., 56 min.) 7:308 2 ON THE TOWN Featured: a profile of thE Hell's Mama's; take a look at ventriloquist Paul Win- chell and his puppets Jerry Mahoney and Knuck~ head; meet a man who pretendS to be a British lord I • FAMll V FEUD LAVERNE & 8HtRLEY & COMPAHV • TttE GAY EJGHTIES Or. William Rader report! on fhe gay lifestyle lnctuding profiles of gays anc lesbian members of the San Francisco and LO! A~ gay communities. • TIC TAC OOUGH BW..8EYE NEW YORK REPORT YOU ASKED FOR fT M•A•s•H saGNATURE Guest: Vincent Canby. MACNEJl I LEHRER REPORT NEWS BOXING'S BEST "Grudge Flghts" Barry Tomp- kins. Muhammad All and Joe Frasier take a lw back at a half century of the most historic and publl, clzed vendettas In the hist()('( of boxing. ( 1 hr.) 8:00 8 Cl) MAGNUM. P.1. A famous columnist hlr~ Magnum to protect her ex·hUs~nd until she car collect the back alimony due her (A) (1 hr.) D e FAME The students plan a benelit show lo two former vaudeville stars who are living at thE sehool. (1 hr.) 9 MOVIE "Deadlier Than The Male" (1967 AdVenture) Richard Jonnson. Sylva Koscina. Afte the roordefs of two wealthy men. a prominent Britist insoranoe company suspects two female klllers whc are part ol a master p6o1. (2 hrs.) 8 9 NO SOAP, AADIO (Premiere) The proprl etor of a seedy hotel In Atlantic City continues thf unconventional traditions of two generations befort him 8 MOVIE "Only One Day Left Before Tomorrow' ( 1971, Drama) Peter Ollel. Sal Mineo. A pair o International repossessors try to regain a jet troo the son of a South American dictator. (2 hrs ) (f) BENNY Hill e P.M. MAGAZINE A profile of Dianne Bennett music columnist for the "Hollywood Reporter." A hi song that reunited the aU1hor with his girlfriend. e MOVIE "UFO Journals" (1975) Documentary r.--------CCMOfl -~------· -S-$ -s s_s_s_s -s $_$_$_$ -$ $_$_$_$_$--,$ I CMS Dri'!e-:::::: Gas N Wash .,___. H_E_A_D_A_C_H_E......,S~~-- ~ ~. FREE. ~ ~I • llON.·LADIU'DAY •112 .. EG.'1UCE FAST CASH .._.-... _....... • TUEl..·llP'IDAY ·112 .. EO..,.UCE I st ~I • ftD .... PDETAll·tl2MQ."'9CE "•2nd 3rd TD•• ~I • ntUR&.·f'MECAAWASHW/10GALO.Uf'\MCHAIE I . '"'· · IVDlY .... cu "'El ~ • IAJ •• fNEIPRAYWAJCWIREQ. WASH 1'1~11'1,,.., ......... ed to,_.. .... •Short Term • LongTerm • Swing Loans Personalized service in your home or omee OP£N=tl LYON'S ~I . IUN..-~ll'RAYWAllWIMG.WASH ~ I o.. r. c..t-., _... ,COM~A,'llllJ'Alll·AWK'IDO,flAT,POtlK'Hl.rotlllCll'IAoo.unn ...... I Come In To TM Mobil Station At ~ 4'15 W. PACIFIC COAST HWY. AT llUPUl90ll 67.a6J ________ ....., _______ _ .-.. UAL.llT.Aft LOA"9 r••• Servas ...... ht. 2Nl•3rd T.:D. LOANI INCOME PIOPEln COMMlllCIAL ••• INDUSDIAL ••• APAaTMINT ILDGS. 731-1734 :: J ,..... ~ured by a comblD&Uon Ott real &Dd penoaal ...... ...... property. ~ •= CA• •••llW MOltNA81 COltPOeATION ... f ... .,.,,. ......... 71 .. 760-tlSI -&•t••• S$S$SSSSSSSSSSSSSSS$ YOU DESERVE TO FEEL GOOD CALLMMMO ... c.., ...... ,c ......... WISTCUPf C .. IOfllACTIC OflllCI ., ........ ....., ZMJ W ..... Dr .. S.-. IOI .....,..,. ..... ·-C.-"1 -,,. .. .,.,._, Mo.t lrw.tranc. Accepted ... . -.... " ~ ~ ~ ' $ .,.. ... a: .. ';.< > 'O ~ !D ... co Cl> N • 50 ('f 1bursday ( cootinued) ! Reports of extraterrMtrlal spa~ecraft slghlJng9 lrf examined (2 hrs.) tJ1 BOTANIC MAN: LIVING W..A TER Some of tht most bl.z.arre and fasdnlltlng element• of nalwe art investigated by David Bellamy . • LAST CHANCE GARAGE Host Brad Sears dlag noses an a1hng battery and investigates a brake sys tern compl~int G SNEAK PREVIEWS RC?": Eberl and Gene Sisk el review "A Little Sex. "Penitentiary 2" anc "Some Kind Of Hero." Ct) MOVIE "Outlaw Blues" ( 1977. Orama) Pete Fonda. Susan Saint James. When a country-westerr singer steals his song. an ex-con tries desperately le retrieve ~~ording rights while baffling the police 'PG' ( l hr .. 40 min.) ([)SPORTS CENTER Cl) MOVIE "The Nude Bomb" ( 1980. Comedy) Don Adams. Sytvla Krl.slel. Secret agent Maxwet Smart faces his most dangerous adversary 1n ar archvlllaln who plans to launch missiles lhat will dis robe the entire human population. 'PG' ( l hr . 3! min.) g MOVIE "La Cage Aux Folles" ( 1979. Comedy) Ugo Tognazzl. Michel Setrault. A nightclub owne tries to prepare his transvestite lover for a visrt by hit soo's fiancee's lathe<, the morals commissioner o France. 'A' ( 1 hr .• 31 min.) 8:06@ GOO BLESS AMERICA 8:30 8 9 MORK & MINDY All that gh11ers ~ Mork's gold when the Orkan learns how to make lhf f)feclous metal from polyester. i RACING FROM AOOSEVELT ALL IN THE FAMll. Y MOVIE "Aguirre, The Wrath Of God" Warne Herzog's film of a large Spanish expedition search 1ng for the lost city of El Dorado In the mid· 1500's who fall inlo the hands of Don Lope de Aguirre. • driven man who dreams of steaHng an entire contt nenl (2 hrs.) fD SNEAK PREVIEWS Roger Ebert and Gene Sisk el review "A Little Sex." "Penitentiary 2" anc "Some Kind 0 1 Hero." 8'D PORTRAITS IN PASm.S (ff) MOVIE "Happy Birthday To Me" ( 1980, Hor ror) Melissa Sue Anderson. Glenn Ford As murde begins chopping away at her circle of eht1st friends a prep school senior worries that she may be th1 next victim -or possibly the killer. 'R' ( 1 hr., 41 minl_ 9!001J (I) CAGNEY & LACEY Mary Beth and Chri: suspect chlld abuse in lhe case of a 4-year-old gu who lrted to 1ump oll a building ledge. ( 1 hr.) I CID OIFF'RENT STROKES Q • ({I 9 TO 5 The women resist Mr. Hart': demands 10 take polygraph tests aimed al Identify I~ a spy O , C1J MOVIE "Woman's World" ( 1954. Ofa"'8) Clif ton Webb. June Allyson Three men and their wiveo are observed 1n New York by a prospective employ er (2 hrs.) G) MERV GRIFFIN fD NUMERO UNO (Premiere) Japan's Ta1ho. : modern-day legend in the ancient sport of sumc wres1hng, is profiled 81) MASTERPIECE THEATRE "love In A Cold Cll male: Rings And Things" Uncle Ma11 s1aunchl1 refuses to let Linda marry Tony Kroesig (Part 3) c; £ h~lrro RACING "World Of O\ltlaws Sprints' from Rossburg. Ohio (2 hrs., 30 min) MOVIE "The First Deadly Sin" ( 1980. Mystery) Frank Sinatra, Faye Dunaway A veteran New Yori C11y poltce detective. whose wife Is suffering from • o;erious illness. Ines to catch a bru1al killer terronz1n< Manhattan 'R' ( 1 hr . 52 min.) (0) MOVIE .. Squeeze Play" (1981. Comedy) Jenr He1r1ck. Melissa Michaels A group of girls try 10 ge their boylriends a11ention by forming their own solt ball leam ( 1 hr., 30 min ) CI) MOVIE 'Day For Night" ( 1972 Orama: •Jacqueline Bisset. Valentina Cortese. Directed b• Francois Trulfaul The lives and loves of film per formers are studied 1n a movie-within-a-movie. 'PG (1 hr . 54 min ) 9:05@ Movu: "Subterfuge" (1968, Suspense) Gene Barry. Joan Collins. An American agent h London becomes involved In a shaky marriage trlan gle with International complicallons (2 hrs.) 9:30 D GD GIMME A BREAK The chief ru'!s inlo 1 woman he knew In high school. (R) 8 al TAXI Louie J:)anics when he learns that hi! mother Is planning lo remarry. (R) O • UP ANO COMING (Season Premiere) "Ba< Business" Joyce proposes a bold and risky solutlor when Frank's construction company seema cloee If failing. O CJ) LAFF-A-THON A comedlan host and fOUf eomk oontestants Who compete against one another en leetured In thit unceneoted Comedy game show. 10:00• (I) KNOTS LANOtNG Rlch!lrd lock• Lauri and Jeton 1n the hOUM and thr .. t.,.. to shoot •"Y L .-e~tor::U*1'1. (1hrt ,...,...,.,.., u•a:t•. ~ 1>tMA1 rt WANTS PROTECTION -Vera Miles stars as a woman who hires Magnum (Tom Sel- leck) to protect her ex-husband, at least. until she can collect her back alimony, on "Magnum, P.I.," Thu.1"9day at 8 p.m. on CBS (Ch. 2). II fJI) HILL STREET BLUES An elderly man shQOt: a Hispanic youth then barricades himsell In hi· home (R) ( l hr.) l •••GDNEWS (1120 I 20 TO THE MANOR BOAN MOVIE "The Last Of The Moblle Hot Shots· ( 1969, Comedy) James Coburn, Lynn Redgrave The surviving member ot an old Louisiana lamil· wins lhe grand prize on a TV game show bUt ii order to collect he must marry his co-winner oo th• next day's program 'R' ( 1 hr .. 40 min.) Cl) BIZARRE "Test Tube Teens" D MOVIE ''American Pop" (198 1. Musical) Ani mated. The history of American pop music. fron vaudeville to rock 'n' roll, Is traced through severE generations. of a family of musicians. 'R' ( 1 hr., 3· min.) t0:30 aJ NEWS I SIGNATURE Guest: Vincent Canby. BUTTERFLIES MONEYMAKERS HEROES "Pallon -The Man Behind Tne Myth' r11m footage and rare sltlls provide new 1ns1ght 1nt1 the man behind the military mask. ~ EVERYTHING GOES Rick Podell hosts 1h1s adul comedy game show where contestants must tak olt their clothes II they Incorrectly answer a Quest101 that has been given them (SJ MOVIE "Deadly Games" ( 1981, Mystery) San Groom, Dick Butkus A woman returns to her home town lo investigate her sister's mystertous death 'F ( 1 hr . 35 min L 11:0080 U CllOm NEWS D SATURDAY NIGHT I KOJAK JOE FRANKLIN M•A•S•H Q) BENNY HILL 18 BOTANIC MAN: LIVING WATER Some of th mosl bizarre and tascmallng elements of nature ar 1nves~ated by David Bellamy fD DICK CAVETT "Drugs· Add1c11on And Reco .. ery" Guests· Or Marl< S. Gold. John Phillips, Mack en'21e Phillips (Part 2) (A) IJ) THE LAWMAKE'RS Correspondent& Linda Wet thelmer and Cokle Roberts join Paul Duke f(J( an up to-the·minule summary of Congressional activities (JI) MOVIE "Dirty Tricks" (1981. Comedy) Elllo1 Gould. Kate Jackson. A Harvard professor become the quarry bf persons anxious to get their hands °' a recently discovered letter WYitlen by Geo<g. Washington. 'PG' (1 hr., 30 min,) CD MOVIE "Garden Of Beauty" (1974, Fantasy Yves Merle Maurin, Florence Cayrot. A bank cler1 Imagines romantic fantasies aboul the women ~ meets In his work. (1 hr . 32 min,) cm MOVIE "Ca~n" (1981. eom.dy) Ring• Slarr. OenniS O\lald. ~ clownish member of • ·barely human prehistoric tribe begins to dlscove that Drelnl and flOt brawn Wiii be the k~ to hi ~·uorvlval. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 31 min.) a W .MOVIE "~<?i~~79) Jeoquetine BIUet ~r~ 'r"t , I -11:0&tm MOYIE •·1-tie Pewnt>fokflf'' ( 1965. Orama Rod Steiger. Geraldine Fitzgerald A Jewtsh pawr broker. a victim of NazJ persecution. loses aN faith 1• his fellow man. (2 hrs.., 25 min.) 11:309 (I) QUINCY Quincy's decision to remarr prompts him to ponder the past rather than th· future. (R) ( 1 hr .. 10 min.) D CID TH~ BEST Of CARSON Guests: Rober Blake. Charlie Calllas, James Galway, Ray Johnsor Bambi Finney. (R) ( 1 hr ) 19 ABC NEWS NIGHTLINE THE JEfFERSONS SANFORD AND SON MOVIE "Aguirre, The Wrath Of God" Wern£ Herzog's film of a large Spanish exped1tton searct" Ing for the lost city of Et Dorado In the mid· 1500' < who tall into1he hands of Don Lope de Aguirre. driven man who dreams ol stealing an entire cont nent. (2 hrs ) I NEWSBEAT WITH CLETE ROBERTS CAPTIONED ABC NEWS SPORTS CENTER 11:50(t) MOVIE "Fame" ( 1980, Orama) Irene Cara Ba"try Miiier. Several gifted students. at a New Yor high school for lhe performing arts experience va11 ous setbacks and successes of both personal an• professlonal natures 'PG' (2 hrs .. 14 mtn ) 12:008 ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT An mterv1e\ with Ed McMahon • 8 9 VEGAS Dan desperately searches for a ven geance-seeklng maniac who Injected him w11h • poison that has no known an1ido1e (R) ( 1 hr .. 11 min.) D MOVIE "It Can Be Done Amigo" ( 1973. West ern) Jack Palance, Bud Spencer When a couple c Mexicans run !Oto trouble together thetr tempers ge out of hand. (2 hrs ) Cf) MOVIE "Sealed Cargo" (1951. Suspense Dana Andrews, Claude Rains. A fishing vessel res cues a captain and des1roys the ship that aban doned him. (2 hrs.) e MOVIE "Liiith" ( 1964. Drama) Warren Beatty Jean Seberg. An employee at a mental lnst1tut1or falls in love with one of the patien1s (2 hrs . 31 min.)· I LOVE. AMERICAN SlYLE FOCUS ON SOCIETY MOVIE "Heaven Can Walt" ( 1978. Fantasy Warren Beatty, Julie Christle. After a pro tootba star's Ille Is prematurely claimed by an Inept angel the man Is given the body of a millionaire industrial Isl to continue living In. 'PG' ( l hr , 4 1 min ) 12:05(1) MOVIE "Thief" ( 1981, Orama) James Caan Tuesday Weld. A professlonal crook gives up hi independence for a big score lhat he hopes w1 • secure his family's future. 'A' (2 hrs.~ 12:308 CD LATE NIGHT WITH DAVID LETTERMAf' Guests: Hunter Thompson, Jann Wenner ( l hr ) I COUPLES NEWS - EXPLORING LANGUAGE TOP RANK BOXING From Atlantic City, Nev Jersey. (2 tvs . 30 min.) MOVIE "1941 " ( 1979. Comedy) John Belushi Toshlro Mllune After lhe bombing of Pearl Harbo1 Southern Calitorn1a c11111tans and military personnc react with unbridled panic 10 news of a Japanes1 atlack 1n thetr own backyard 'PG' (1 hr . 58 min.) ( MOVIE "Kill Or Be Killed" (1980, Adventure) James Ryan, Charlotte Mlchelle A former Naz• com mander. who lost an important karatp match to tht Japanest! during the war. seeks 10 avenge his detea by enlisting the top kung tu fighters lrom a1ound 1h1 world In a tournament 'PG' (·1 hr., 30 min ) CZ) MOVIE "The French Woman" (198 1. DramR) Francoise Fabian. Dayle Haddon A bordello houst being kept open by a government subsidy 1s lht scene of murder and political scandal when a Vlf customer 1c; phOtographed at play 'A' ( 1 hr . 3~ min-.L 12:~6 (I) MCMILLAN & WIFE Sally and M1ldrec become the v1c11ms ol scare tactics aimed at th1 Comm1SS1oner (A) ( 1 hr . 40 min) 1:008 MOVIE "Kansas Pacillc" ( 1953. Western) Slerhng H11yden. Eve Miller In 1860, a band o Southern rebels attempts 10 block construction o the Kansas-Pacific Railroad ( 1 hr , 30 min ) • MOVIE "A Bell From Hell" ( 1970. Mystery) V!Veca Lindfors. Renaud Vetley. A deeply sensitlvt young man vows revenge against hts aunt and threE cousins alter they commit him to a mental lnstltu tlon. ( 1 hr., 30 min ) t: 10 8 MOVIE "Genesis 11" ( 1972. Science-Action) Alex Cord, Marlette Hartley. A brilliant 20th-oentuf) space aclentist burled during a holocaust anc unearthed two centuries later becomes the object o rivalry between two opposing clvlllz.atlons ( 1 hr., 3C min.) ONEWS 1:308.NEWS (I!) i10VI£ "Sheflock Holmes In Pursuit To Algiers' ( 1~5. Mystery) Btsil Rathbone.~ Brvce. Sher- IOck Holmea end Wattol'I bnlve pertlous clrcum- ttanc-In 0tdet to r•tore 91\ Eastern heir to hit riQtlttlJI throrW'. ~ hr •• 15 min.) \~· ··•v¥rci.t>At r 1111.Y .....,,~, .. --=--=-=--==------;;:~;;;~;;~========~-==----:--:---:----.31 -Inside TV---Bostwick plays British beauty common laborer on 'Thorn Birds' By JEFF PARK.ER O(tlle .,.., Not ..... - ,--Rachel Ward,-th~ British-born beauty-who knocked us out in "Sharkey's Machine," has been signed to star opposite Ri<;hard Chamberlain in ABC's television production of ''The Thom Birds." Ms. Ward began her career as a model. then moved to stage and television conunercials before her film in "Night School" . . . Soap fans will be pleased to khow that Ann F1ood, who plays the bright and beautiful reporter Nancy Karr on ''The F.dge of Night," Is observing her 20th anniversary on the show th.is month. Hats off to Ann ... "My Body, My Child," a searing story of a middle-aged woman who must decide whether or not to abort what wiU probably be a deformed baby, will air Monday, on ABC. Vanesa Redgrave will star as the distraught woman, LeenJe, wlth Jack Albertaon and Joeeph Campanella . . . "Charles and Diana: A Royal Romance," will be produced for CBS for future broadcast. The television movie, which will tell the story of Prince Charles and Lady Diana, is yet to be cut ... CBS News will take a hard look at "The American-Iaraeli Connection" April 19 at 10 p.m. This show will focua on the complex ties between the two nations which at one time seemed unsha- kable but now may be showing signs of decay . . . "The Last Song," a television movie aet for CBS April 13, bas the sound of a winner: Lynda Carter stars as a singer who becomes entrapped with desperate men, a perilous struggle and a hair-raising chaae, all as a result of an electronic bugging job her husband does on a divorce caae he's working. It's a high-tech story and Lynda says she can believe it because "rm a hi-fi buff and I know what happens on the ahow is very poesible". . . . Former Dirt Band leader John McEuen wUJ debut his "jazz grus" music on the country music special, "Country Comes Home" April 10 on CBS. 'the new music came about through a meeting of bluegrass player McEuen and New York jazz muaiclana. The reaultlng muaic is a jazz-country hybrid. "I decided it would be a nice marriage." he said. "I think most inatrumenta can play together. It's up to the m•lllid•m to allow it to .happen" . . . Production hu begun on "American Eagle," starring Larry Hagman and Susan Anspach. She plays his tanner lover, who finds him in Guaymas as a recent widow with bad guys after her. Addi- tional filming in Guaymu, 'I\.acson and Page, Ari- zona is yet to be done . . . Sinser Lou Rawll has been signed to record three new aooga for the coming televiaion debut of cartoon cat Garfleld in "Here Comes Garfield." Rawla ta a four-time winner of the Granuny award and ha atx gold and one platinum alburtw ... Jack Nichohon, Mary Steenburgen and the late John Belushi will star in "Goin' South" April 19 on NBC. The movie was made in 1978 and fol- lows the exploits of a bunalina rustler (Nlcholaon) who believea there ia gold 0n fier land . . . A dream come true for a I08p fan: One Betty Kline, a "Search For Tomorrow" fan fot" 31 years, was profoundly depn!l9ed to have to mill her IOap one day becaU8e she had to go on vacation to the Caribbean 1aland of St. Kitta. She wanted to eee if one of her favorite characters survived a lab ex- plosion. But lo, she entered a St. Kitta reetaurant Cooking School APRIL Schedule TEMPTING TEMPTRE SS -Beautiful Raebel Ward, shown here in a scene from "Sbarkey's Machine," has been signed to ~ against Richard Chamberlain in ABC's production of "The Thom Birds." that night and found that ''Search for Tomorrow'' stars Sharry Mathia and Rod Arranta were sitting there ee~! They filled her in on the ept.ode she'd miaeed and invited her to the next day's shootins. We hope she enjoyed the vacation after all . . . Three new comedy aeries -one featuring the return of Lynn Redltrave to 1eriet1 television, an- other from the prooucer of "Real People" and "Laugh In," and the third an antmat.ed comedy format from Hanna Barbera ProducUona -~ presented on NBC for limited runs in April. - In other NBC moves, "Harper Valley'' will return beginning April 10, and new time periods for "Barbara Mandrell and the Mandrelf Sisters," "NBC MagazJne," "Mr.Clain'• Law," "Chicago Story" and "One of the Boys." The new shows are ''Teacher's Only," which will take the place of "Love, Sidney" until that show returns in May. Also, "Shape of Things," featuring new-television performers who will focus on comedy and music from a woman'• point of view; and Hanna Barbera'• "Jokebook," a new co- medy show featuring clasak jokes and comedy si- tuatione ... NBC has also announced that it has bought the t ?leviaion rights to "On Golden Pond.'' No air date has been .et . . . Gary Coleman, the 14-year old star of "Diff'rent Strokes," hu. another accomplishment to his credit -he's ldving hirnaelf dialysis. Thia ta polSibTe through an operation Coleman had last month, in whkh a Tenchkof.f catheter was placed in bis peritoneal cavity. With this option, Gary can DOW run a lit.er of eolution through h1a bloodltream once e.ch day, thereby fOretiolni the usual trip to the hOlpital that kidneY. patlenta need to make. His doctor de8Cribed him u ''very fucl- nated with the procedure . . . " By JERRY BUCK ,, U T ........ .,.., :l. LOS ANGELES -Barry Bostwick says be i was helped l.mmen8ely in his portrayal of a steel-~ worker in the PBS muaical "Working'' by having > access to S~ Terkel'• taped interview with the .'g_ reaJ steelworker. - "l was able not only to hear the words but !" listen to the attitudes," he said. · _. "ll woul d have ~ be en easy to play my !\> character as angry," he said. "He was a blue collar worker, he'd been pushed around, and he was overqualified for a dead-end job. What I was able to get from the tapes was a sense of hope, a aenae of humor and an att itude of irony." "Working," a 90-minute adaptation of the stage musical hued on Terke~·s nonfiction book celebrating "ord inary working BOSTWICK people, .. will be telecast Tuesday as part of the American Playbol.we aeries on public television. It ia a co-production of KCET in Los Angeles and WNET in New.Yock. Bostwick was given aoce9I to the tapes because he w~ a late addition to the cast and had only a few days to find his character. He taped his role last summer while starring in Loe Angeles stage pro- duction of "'Ille Pirates of Penzance." "I'm uaed to interviews," he said. "But here are a group of people not uaed to being asked about themBelves. I'm sure more than one walked away with a different feeling about himeelf.'' Scatman Crothers play, a parking Jot attendant in the musical and Barbara Barrie is a 8Cbool tea- cher. Charles Haid of "Hill Street Blues" plays a meter...reader, Barbera Hershey hM a part as a call girl. Eileen Brennan ia a millworker and Rita Mo- reno has the role of a waitre.s. "There wu no problem finding the cast," said Bostw1ck. "They're good characters and are fun for an actor to play. lllere'a 80 much material to lean on." Terkel, who la host, told KCET, "No matter how bewildertng the times, no matter bow crude or rough tilde ordinary people may speak, they are all aware of a eeme of penonal worth, no matter how demeanl.ng their work may aeem." Bostwick, the original Danny Zuko in Broad- way's "Grease," will aoon be eeen in what he calls an "AM movie." He said, "There are two kinds of movies, AM movies and FM movies. AM movies are good for drive-ins, like -Greaae.' But 'Reda' is an FM movie. An AM movie has broad appeal. Clint Eastwood and Charles Bronson make AM movies. " 'Meptorce,' whkh opens in June, la defini- tely an AM movie. It's a $20-million P,roduction and the biggest thing rve ever been in,' he said. "All that money ta up ihett on the ecreen. There are DO -t»g aalaries. no major It.an. We all worked for little money hoping for a sequel, and then we would make tome ~·'' MONDAY llJESOA\' WEDNESDAY Jlt.URSoAY FRIDAY ·SATURDAY 12 19 llAM. KAY PAITOflUI OOAME'AD OINHm jl>Aflfll'S 20 11 ··~TOH ··-:r-= APRIL 9 •••I 10 17 .... --~--~~~~--------_._..._.._.._..-----·-------:'""""':~-=------:---~----~~~~~--~~~.-~""'~.-_-_-_~_-_-.:--_--___ -----~~---------;----· ., I • • 3! : .. News coverage ~ ,,; From Page 3 . :C produce. Only 15 percent comes from corporate Q. aponaon, accor:ding to the KOCE officials. < Continuing cutbacks in federal support have ~ made the program simp~1:0 costly to produce. ~ "I think people re · public television has -c been cut, but I don't think people know how much LL it's been cut," observed "Newscheck" reporter-~ producer Deborah Manning. -' -She-said--ehe'..-certain the progJa.rt1°' staff WW ~ find ot~er jobs after June, but she regrets the _ breakup of the "Newecheck" team. .2 She said the production of "Newscheck" has a: been a "labor of love," with the staff covering a wide range of county stories, from the fall of Superviilor Ralph Diedrich to the controversy over Ali Rouahan's worlm of art. With the loa of "Newacheck," Orange County viewen will have to tum to the broadcasts of the network-owned stations. With somewhat limited local resources, the Orange County-baled television reporters certainly try their best to hit the top local news events. KNXT Channel 2 has the aggressive Dave Lopez, who has impre91ive contacts with local law enforcement agencies. Lopez also is known for doing frequent live reports from Orange County locations. But such long-diatance reporting has its ha- zards. Lopez once announced he was reporting live from the scene of a murder in Garden Grove. while the station's lettering overlay identified the city as ''Westnlinater. '' Bob Navarro, who is Orange County bureau chie1 for KNBC Channel 4, admits that this area aometimes gets sboctcbanged. ''The problem is what it's always been -the station• are bai1ed in LA, and they have an LA emphuia." he said. Navarro said he files about 12 stories a week from Orange County. He said he could use some help. "My boss told me that it looked like they might put another reporter and another desk person down • • • JOlll llOW AND SAYE 50% ... . B OBIC CUSSES • LOCKERS WEl6HT TRA-.6 • JACUZZI SHOWBS • SAUNA .... .. --... I r ~ JIM RYERSON i DEBORAH MANNING here, but I haven't heard anything further," he said. "I hope it happens before the end of the year." KABC Channel 7's Jim Rye.raon says his sta- tion has the strongest commitment to Orange County. He and reporter Barney Morris work staggered shifts to usu.re a longer span of coverlge. -He aaJd Channel 7 also has an asaig:nment edi- tor and videotape editing facilities in Orange County, unlike the other two network-owned sta- tions. In additi(Jn, Ryerson said the KABC manage- ment requires that its Orange County staff live in this county. "I know all about the problems of the Santa Ana Freeway because I have to drive it every day ..IQ. work," said Ryenon, who lives in Newport Beacr. He sa1d he and Morrla try to balance the com- mon Orange County crime coverage with local li- festyle stories. He also insists that Orange County stories are not given second clua status at Channel 7. "If our stories are b(g, they'll lead the newscast with it,'' Ryerson said. "They've done it on many occasions." A MORE BEAUTIFUL YOU! I Larry Stewart- .. , lost 3 ~ lnchft oH my waist In only 8 U""Mlme'nta " Heather McNair- "Th11 ls the only all-over ef· fectave C'ellullte & inC"h loss program that worked foe me " Annot1Qi1 tJtmtim Stucio's Gland Openinc In The Newport Areal Our to ta I f I t.nc91 pc'OfT8JTl pro- dlll'ft astorushlng result.a. The highly IOphlslicated machines • Rtduct Weltht combined with our nutrillonal • ElmNte Cet.tte program and ure.tyle guidan· e Remove Inches C'e lake oH unwanted inchea • fL-& T Muscle and C'Onlour your body for a •m one s healthitt, more beautiful you. Get In sh.1Pf and st.J 11 shape with the professionals "Reds Cuarantttd'' William E. Smeltzer, M.D. WISHES TO ANNOUNCE THE OPENING OF HIS OFFICE FOR G ENERA L & FA MILY PRACTICE At Newr:,rt Peninswt Center Wells 1rgo ~nk Building. 2727 Newport lhld. #102 N.8. 92663 ' Still, he admits that Orange County must live ln the shadow of Loe Angeles. "There's way too much here for even two crews," Ryel"900 said. "U Orange County were in the middle of Neb~aaka, it would be the 15th or 16th largest TV market in the country. There would .be five stations here." Thus, even if the Los Angeles stations dC? e?<- pand their Orange County bureaus, this area will always have to take a bac.kaeat to Hollywood. For this reason. the lea of Huntingt9n Beach- based "Ne wscheck " hits hard. Maybe the "Newacheck" reporters aren't the slickest broadcast journalists around. But at least they're the people next door. • • .Hill Street From Page 1 The movie stars Rex Harrison as Prof. Henry Higgins and Audrey Hepburn as the woebegone flower girl Higgins transforms into the fairest lady of them all. * * * Live coverage of "The F.aster Liturgy at Mis- s.ion Santa Barbara" will be broadcast at 11 a.m. Sunday on NBC (Owmel 4). The Franciscan mis- sion and the surrounding Santa Ines mountains form a unique backdrop for this specia}Oiie-hour service. The mission, one o1 the most famous in the state, was the Cathedral of Baja and Alta during the days of the Spanish Empire. Alta later became the State of Cali1omia. * * * Vanessa Redgrave stars in "My Body, My Child," a story about a middle-aged lriah-American schoolteacher, the mother of three daughten, who wants to be a mother all over again. The drama airs at 9 p.m. Monday on ABC (Channel 7). * * * A unique lifesaving parachute sa1ety device for motorcyclists is tested at 105 miles per h our, a 12·year-old ice skater performs a.mazing feats and a P.!raon tells of a close encounter with a UFO on 'That's Incredible," to be aired at 8 p.m. Monday on ABC (Channel 7). The show is hosted by John Davidson, Fran Tarkenton and Caiby Lee Crosby. • Letters 'Fa1ne's' Leroy popular FAME FUN -I uw tile movte "Fame" tlarff timet ud aow watdl tbe TV 1erlet wttboat fall; I love Gene Aatlloay Ray, wllo plays Leroy. Can yoa tell me wbere I can write to Mm? Fan mail can either be sent through the show at MG M Television, 10202 W. Washington Blvd., Culver City, CA 90230, I or in care of Ray's per- sonal manage r back in h is native New York: Selma Rubin, 104-60 , Q ueens Blvd., Forest I Hills, NY 11375. RATINGS RACE - Cu yoa settle u are-· meat dlat w beea going on la my family for m•tU? It coecent1 tlte Nlel1ea ratlag1. My fa· titer IDIUU tlte "boxet" are oaly placed oa TV teU beloqiq to people wltlt tile latt ume Niel· sea. I bow t~l1 II ai>- tud, bat H woa't beli9'" veme. Your father's opinion probably ariae8 from the practice of calling per- aona whOle viewing ha- bits are logged b y the A .C . N ielsen Co. aa "Nielsen families." The families are actually chosen from a random sample in key markets, which ia in no way res- tricted to just thoae with the surname Nielsen. The A.C. Nielsen Co. and \\Ord Game r atings system were created by Arthur Char- les Ni~laen Jr. Send your letters to Pepaer O'Brien, United Fearure Syndicate, 200 Park Avenue, Room 602, New York, N. Y. 10166. FILL I~~ Ml~SIN§ LETrEK'S lt.J lf-4E \\ rv WORDS" BELOW. FIRI !NI I I l&IVNi>ILI Isl I lfll 1 IZIZIL.1\1 IAIP ~ I SI ~I IOI I tr l ME Isl 1•tuhtft> Isl IAIRI trl I IKI ~~:;tr ~ ~EA~NJGE ,-~ gg) LEir~S Yoo f/C.£.€D I~ "'10 Sl'Ell "T"HE ~~A ~ TV' tNMl AcnfKS::tL I I I I I ,..........1 IT~..-1 .----.---...... TV Puzzle ACROSS 1,6 Shown. plays Jolene onAllce 12 -CameJones 13 DuBois on Good Times 14 The Bridges at Tok<>- 15 Hutch's pal 17 Mr. Nugent'a lnsigne 18 -MoreRlver 20 Pln·up's appeal 21 Plays Mel on Allee 22 -Boat 24 Secret agent 25 Host ot What's My Line 26 Played Fred Sanford 28 Wllltam- 29 Played Ricky Ricardo: lnlt. 30 Mr. Bean's sign-oft 31 Plays Renko 33 The Gttostand Mrs.- 36 Foontaln or Rozelle 37 Formerly Clay 40 He was Rhoda's husband 42 Sue-Langdon 43 O.le or Maurice • 45 Aumont•s friend 48 Prefix with aay or do 47 Plays Gannon 49 -Dorado 50. 56 Played Mr. Spock 52 Tony or Emmy 64 Played Mftt Diiion 55 See 50 Acrots 3 Olivier's lnitlals 4 Those eliected 5 10%-era 6 Delicate and trail 7 -Sommer 6 Stallone to friends 9 Hart-Hart 10 Jennifer or Eugene 11 Plays Mrs. Pynchon 13 Enfold 16 Ohsand- 19 AllAbout- 21 Joan Van Ar1< role 23 Starred In Green Acres 25 Correct the mistakes 27 Ryan, to Tatum 28 Dick Van Patten role 31 Plays Elaine on Taki 32 Snacked 3-4 Gershwin or Wolfert 35 Cesar Of' Ned 36 Mias Prentiss 37 Says laso 38 Shortening 39 Chemical ending 41 Nell Carter on Lobo 43 Gabor and Llttle 4-4 Ollie's Pa.I 47 Compass point 48 Prefix with night and light. 51 -the Waterfront 53 Not prime time T0.50% On Display Callin• a> Daytime "t: Q. < ~ ~ Rachel bet riends ~· . ~ Russian sculptor ~ 0:: By LYNDA lllRSCll ANOTHER WORLD: At the New York art~. Rachel befrienda Rtmian eculptor Nicolia Pirenko. Using lncriminating photos of Sandy and Blaine. Mayor Stein geta Mac to 6eCk out .of mayoral rw:e. An angry Mac still plans to get Stein out of ottice. Fea:rini her tnar'fblce is in danger, Henrietta bega Quinn to stay away from Bob. Following an argument with Sally, Denny inmta they marry rilbt away and the couple ties the knot. Going to Brian, Ceci.lle pretends she's changed and cl.ai.rm she'll give Sandy the baby If be stays with her until the birth. The Judie allows Jamie's book to be publiabed and gives a go-ahead for the movie, but Jamie is unhappy with the mcreenplay. ALL MY CBD.DREN: Deciding she cannot deal with Kent's territorial attitude, Erica goes beck to Brandon. Brandon agrees to take her beck after she convinca him her liaillon with Kent was to get even for hJs returning to Sara's bed. A moment of pMlioll between Pammy and Mark is Interrupted by a call from Ellen. Angry because she left the office for a few minuce., Kent fires Helen. After ltealing bi.I own TV, Benny dumps it in the river and then learns the insurance company doesn't cover the theft. Donna is told she's pregnant, but ded.deulot to tell Palmer until he returns from a busine9I trip. Overhearlna Jesse and Jenny tslk about Jenny leaving Greg becauae of his mother's manipulation, Angie telll Greg. Greg ar- rives )ust as Jenny is about to depart for New York and taJks her into staying and being his gi.rll.dend. AS THE WORLD TURNS: Annie ii s.hake.n because t he bab y she helped deliver , and who was a lso her· namesake, has a life-threatening ailment. Kim looks for a new job and wonders if her marriage to Nick ii stable. Margo is rescued from tht1i3 by some police officers, and the captain warns her th.at if she makes one mistake she's out of the progam . Dr. Joyce Brothers counsels Matt about Barbara's problems w ith flashbacks and decides her pl"t!9ent-day tension is causing her to live stretches of time in the past. Barbara has a flashback concerning Gunnar and a love affair. Gunnar decides to claim the las1 name of Stenbeck. Karen tells Cynthia th.at all she wants is to have Jeff love her. CAPITOL: At Tyler's reception, he tells Julie he loves her, but she says their love cannot be because of their families' political warring. Clariaaa decides to back Tyler's candidacy against Trey Clegg. Gordon, posing as Lawrence Barnngton, amves at the reception and makei connccllons with Julie and Myrna, claimlnf. he is the nephew of a former senator. Wally shows u p at Tyler's reception and nearly passes out. Alt he and Thomas head for the hospitaJ a cameraman hired by Phil Burgess (an ex-FBI man hired by Trey) snaps a photo of Wally nearly collapsing and Thomas trying to attack the photographer with his crutches. Sloane decides tD go after both Tyler and Trey and then choose the best prospect for the presidency DA VS OF OUR LIVES: Runoing out of money, Tony and Ren~ share the same hotel room, but not sex. Unaware that Tony and Re nee are half-sister-and- brother. something they don't know either. Lu: offel"! any help she can. Liz vetoes moving in with Neil and out of the mansion... White sharing he' hoWle but not her bed with Roman, Marlena cannot deny her attraction and decides she Meda to get ;i roommatt' to prevent any ro- """' FRANTIC FIRST AID -Travis Se ntell (Rod Arrants) desperately tries to revive his unconscio~s wife, Liza, (Sherry Mathis), after an explosion leaves them shipwrecked on a remote Caribbean island in a scene from NBC's "Search for Tomorrow," weekdays at~ 11:30 a.m. on Channel 4. mantle occurrence. When Jes1ie suggests to Jake that they spend weekend together to test their love, he de- cides she'• a tramp and considers her for his next victim. DOCTORS: Nola agrees to marry Billy. Nola refuaes to tell Barney w ho the fatht-r of her unborn chlld is. Natalie becomes tense when Luke wants receipts for running of Medicine Man. Me ~ing Is hired to wait tables at the Medicine Man. Unable to handle his father's manipulation, Jeff considers leaving town, a thought which pan.lat Althea. EDGE OF NIGHT: Aware that he can't get money from Raven with original plan. Smiley decides to get money by having her buy her way out of jail. Getting Cliff out of the courtroom by pretending to be Mike on the phone, S miley gets Johnny on the stand. Johnny testifies th.at a jealous Raven kWed his girlfriend In cold blood. Geraldine, being told th.at Raven is on vacation, plans a trap of her own. Sky shows up at Gttaldine's and Is unable to convince her that he is her nephew, the real Sky Whitney. When Geraldine nsks Sky simple questions about himself, he cannot remember and realizes he needs Nora and Spencer's help. Jinx rontinues to grow weaker. GENERAL HOSPITAL: Although Laura T passes lie-detector test, Luke still thinks she knows what hap- pened to Laura S and decides she's been hypnotized by David. Tiflany spots a sailor irying to pawn pendant t.M.t belonged to Laura S. Luke gets the sailor to take him to captain of his ahip. Captaln explains the pendAnt was found in wreckage of ship his boat accidentally rammed and sunk. He shows Lwke Laura's raincoat and says he saw a blonde girl in the water. Despite the evidence, Luke refuses to believe Laura is dead and vows to get David During inquiry, Bradshaw claims Mrs. Newell died because Anne disregarded his orders. Anne caUs Bni<hhaw a liar and is suspended by Steve Wtth Scotty unable to call oH Johnny's fight, Dernlcy fears Rick wiU make enough money. tD buy sports cent.er buildiJli. Hea- ther learns Cynthia has attused all he-rr PtYchlattlita or coming on to her. Monica cannot sell mansion lf Alan's alive RANCI©- GUIDING LIGHT: Mark discovers Vanessa pre- tended to be Hope on the phone and gave editor of Business Day go-ahead to print unflattering remarks about Amanda. Alan is being held captive in remote cabin by two men. Carrie continues to have lapses and Sara suggests she needs Intensive therfpy. Carrie agreee. but inlista therapy be done at home. Carrie No. 2 continues her llai9on with Chuck Boland. Katie and Tony call It quita. Derek ub Hillary to marry him. In London, Nola managet to aave the cradle from Helena. Quint returna to Nola, but Nola deddee she has lost to Helena and pre- pares to head back to Springfield. BeC0tt Nola depart.s. she talks Quint Into going lntD the lab and S\ealina beck the atones th.at we.re taken from Quint's lab, but Nola leaves h er coat In the lab. Brenda Lowry, a systems analyst who reeembles Mike's fonner love Renee Du.Boi.s, geta pollitlon at SpauldJ.nc Ent.erpNes.. ONE LIFE TO UVE: Karl diBoovers Mimi at the Smithsonlan Institution, where the ia hiding in mwnmy's ca.e. Beeu 9C8J>e9 grating to re.cue Mimi but is cornered by Karl. When Beau refu.1e9 to tell Karl where the so- laramite vein ls located, Karl prepares to kW hin:M>ut AM arrives and saves Beau and Mimi. Dorian discovers mysterious dlK with engraving of "Zanta," a m ywlical emblem. Evan orders Larry to steal the di.sc. Alberto follows Astrid to Ivan's, where he reallies Ivan and Hugo are the same man. Alberto teU.. Ivan that the electrode unplant has limited power and th.at the operaliona will all have to be redone. Ivan operates on Alberto and has him leave toWn. When Kat spends night with Brad, Marcello realizes he's loet her. RYAN'S HOPE: &..,ing Dee's divorce decree, J ane realizes her papers were forged, and Ox admita it. Ox once again acapes the hit men, but telll Jane he doesn't want to endanger her and says he'll give himself up to them though it means certain death. Jane begs him not to. On her wedding day, Jane marches down the a.isle wondering if she can go through with a bigamous mar- riage to Roger. Believing it is the only way to save Var- t.oba's legal employees and businesses Crom the job. Joe agrees to head the companies. J ack learns th.at the buyer of the Woodbine building is a front for a foreign corpo- ration. SEARCH FOR TOMORROW: A rescued Liza and Travis return to Hendenon. Prt!SSured by Li1.a, Travis tells her about Operation Sunburst and the danger that it caused him. Cissy and Lee are married, causing Sunny much heartbreak. S uzi realizes her love for Brian and her dance career are conflicting interests. Ted fearful that Janet's new business Interests will give her little time for him. Marlin ii drinking and playing cards again. TEXAS: T.J. asks Paige tD marry hun, but she says she's not ready for commitment. Reana is fearful thal Judith is going to use the children to regain her closeneflll to Grant. J ustin prepares lo meet with Hannibal. The poilonoul gas that killed Beau is released throughout the cave. Grant and Ryan take of! tD look for Brette, Mark, Ruby and Rikki. In the hoapit.al, Joel relives being shot by Gretchen. YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS: After Chuckae's s~ful kidney tranaplant, Snapper considers revcahng to Chucklr that he is his father. Aware that Sally is lrying to get Snapper for herself, LIZ inlonns him that Chris offered to t.ake Chuckle ln, Snapper is deUghtL'd and stunned by the revelation. since Sally never told him. Nikki tells Vidor that she is pregnant by KeVUl. Kevin wants her to have an abortion, which she refU91'S, and then tells her be has no desire tD marry her. Feeling she's off the hook, Nikki suggests to Victor that she and her baby -which may be Victor's -should hve with hun. Victor says no: he is going to make certam Kevin ma.mes her. Laune is told by Robert that his wife is not de.Id, but hos been 10 an anstJtulion Cor over 16 yea~. Patti Is living with Jack, bul he is -.yeing Chris. Havr a question :it>out you'-favorJte soap or soap scar~ Write to Lynda Htrsdt clo Filld Newspaper Syn- d1ct1te, PO. Bok 1gno;··1,..,rne, Calif. 92714. She will answer as many qu~uons as she can Jn her column, but the volume of mail makes perM>nal repl1t!6 unpossible. fine statia'"ery 2823 east coast highway -675-1010 coraia ciel mar • -l ____________________________ ..;_ __ .;;.... ____________________________________________ ~~55 that ahe wanted to marry· the father, not the .an. Thia cauaed a long-term estrangement among all :2 the family members, but the trio were reunited just o before Paddy waa murdered by one of Frank ~ Smith's mt!n. < 0 Daytime A scorecard for CBS's new soap By LYNDA HIRSCH When it comes to watching a new soap opera, it's almost impossible to tell the storyline without a scorecard. So here's the scorecard for CBS's brand-new soap opera, "Capltol." This shouldn't be as confusing as most, since it's a half-hour show. John C.Onboy, the show's execu- tive producer, who held that position when "Young and the ResUes11" came on the air in a half-hour fonnat, believes 30 minutes ia the way to go and was less than delighted when CBS pushed for Y&R to go to an hour. "Capitol," which was created by Stephen and Elin~r Karpf, revo~':'es around two old-line Washington, D.C., families -the McCandlesses and the Cl~. In the opening we became aware that the McCandlesses are the good guys and the Cleggs are the bad guys. Although it has not been brought out on acreen as of yet, these families have been at odda for at least 35 years. · Judson Tyler, played by Rory Calhoun, is the patriarch of the McCandless family as father of Clarissa Tyler McCandless. In the mid-'30s he was very instrumental in the Roo&evelt administration, and during the Red scare of the McCarthy era the Cleggs accused Judson of being aoft on communism, causing the end of his political career and his exit from Washington. His daughter Clarissa (C.Onstance Towers) is widowed and the mother of six children. She is an attorney, as was hel' late husband. (The Cleggs may have been involved in his death in an "accident.") Her chOdren include Tyler McCandless (David Mason Daniels). When the story opened, Tyler was a returning POW w~o was held ~t.We for nearly three years following a Persian Gulf incident. His grandfather would like nothing better than for him to run for political office, and hopes he eventually might become president. Mother Clarilsa is totally aga.i.Nt a political career for Tyler. She hu another son, Thomas (Brian-Robert Taylor), a doctor who ia paralyzed from the waist down. A third son, Wally (Bill Beien), ls the pro- verbial black sheep of the family. In the opening, Wally was beaten by bookies because he owed them over $9,000 and had no means to i:)ay them back. Wally is obviously not enamored ol his super-hero brother Tyler. The other McC.andlesa offspring on the air at present is Gillian (Kelly Palzia), an 18-year-old girl. A.a for the Cleggs, M~ (Carolyn Jones) ia the second wife of Samuel"':~· She ia the "dragon lady." She and Clariaa despite each other, but ~ caaionally recall their childhood friendship. Myrna has very little feeling for her atepson Trey (Nicholas Walker), whom she oonaidera a weakling. Trey la a villain with IODle eoft edges, espedally when concerning his half-alater Juile, played by Kimberly Beck-Hilton. Jordie, the last of the Clea children, has ylt to appear. Myrna's husband, Sam Clegg (William Sampeon), ia a political animal who appeera a buf- foon at times but is really• ~has Myrna. His first wife, Tre~ther, la inatitutionallzied. The perip famil__r _la the ~ he.ded by Sen. Mark Denning (Ed Ne9on), who ia a cbe LOVES A HERO -Kimberly Beck-Hilton portrays college student Julie Clegg, who is in love with returning Air Force hero Tyler McCandles, p,layed by David Mason Daniels, in "Capitol. ' Here they-are on location in Washington D.C. "Capitol" is seen weekdays at 1:30 p.m. on CBS (Ch. 2). friend of the McCandlesaes and also wouid like to see Tyler run against Trey Clegg for congressman from the District of C.Olumbia. His daughter Sloane (Deborah Mullowney) is a vamp -a newscaster out to marry any man who c.an make her first lady, although she would rather be president. Julie and Sloane are both interested in Tyler - Sloane for the political advantages and Julie be· cause she truly loves him. If there is a good-guy Clegg, then it would have to be Julie. C.Omplicating matters is Wally's interest in Julie. Sloane's mother (Mark's wife) has yet to be seen, but she is emotionaily unbalanced and a hy- pochondriac. It is obvious from the looks that Mark and Clarissa throw af each other that they are at- tracted ~ one other but thus far unable to act on it. Also Introduced is a devious character now wn as Lawrence Barrington (Jeff Ch berlain), who is out to entrap Julie. Lesser c ters include Maggie, Trey's secretary (Julie Parrish), and Frank Burgess (Duncan Gamble), a former FBI agent who does Trey's dirty work. At this point. those are the major storylines runnlng through "Capitol," although obviously more will crop up. New characters will be added and others will be axed. Q: Stace Joe Kelly came oato "General Bos~ltal," w~cla womea laas lie beea lavolved wi&ll . -P.J., Portlud, Ore. A: Joe Kelly has been involved with several women. His first love waa Anne Logan, but she became interested in hla best friend, Jeff Weber. Althouah Jeff has Ii.nee departed Port Charles and found another woman. Joe. hu not regained his interest in Anne aside from being a friend. Heather Weber, Jeffs ex-wife, has suddenly taken a ahine to Joe and " pu1}.iJl8 out all &he 11.opS to aet him to march down ille aisle. ID the chancter'a put. priOI' to Joe's emergence on GR, he WM involved with &ee. Role then met his father Paddy and decided MINI BLINDS 50% OFF 100% PLUSH NYLON CARPET & PAO INSTALLED From $6.95 Per Yard WE DISCOUNT PRICE -NOl OUAl.IT\' , r- Q: My qHSllOD 11 regardJq Bobbi Spencer on ~ "Geaeral Hospltal." Yoa said tbat 1be left GB to go .,, to Maalaattaa ud take over a pec1Jatrtc1 caae. I ~ claJm lt'a tbe atorylJJle. My friend uy1 Jt's whac g: tlte actress la dolag ba real We. Wlalcll oae of aa lJ "1= rtpt? -M.G., St. l..oai1, Mo. > A:. You're right. Although Jackie Zeman, who ~ played Bobbi, once wanted to ltudy medicine, she ~ gave up that ~ for acting, a decision she has never regretted. A.a for the Bobbi Spencer charac-<O ter, she is head of a pediatric nursing floor in New CD York. ~ Q: "On Daya of Oar Lives." tlaey clalm tbat Jake 11 tbe marderer. I say that's totally tmpoaal- ble, 1lace oae of tile victims w11 strangled wblle Jake aad Je11le were on tbelr way to Las Vegas. I dlla.k It's a cnap Mot Co try and eamce I storyline reg1rdle11 of .1revtou laformatton 1tvea oat da- riDg die aafoldJag of &lie atory. -M.P., Campbell, Oii.lo. A : You are correct. Jake and Je.ssie were on thelr way to Laa Vegas. But the writers have de- cided to continue with their story that Jake is the strangler. To that end, they've tried to rectify the situation with the recent inaert of Jessie recalling that she fell asleep while on the way to Vegas. When she awakened during the night, Jake was missing. She went back to sleep and the next time she woke up he was there. Jessie assumed that she had simply dre.Jlllt that Jake was gone, when in actuality we know that he was bac!< in Salem per- petrating the evil deed. Q: Looking at tbe cast U1ta for aoap operas, it 1eema tbat It takes bandreda of people to pat on a abow. la tbat the case? -W.N., Nanaet, N.Y. A: Yes, especially when you're dealing with an hour-long show. Most casts have at least 35 regular members. Add about 10 for "day'' players, extras and "under fives," etc. Also writers, which number anywhere from five to ten, including head writers, breakdown writers and dialogue writers. What with cameramen, producer, director, office staff, casting directors, n\4keup a.rtiata. aoenic designers, costumers and publicity agents, doing a soap is truly a group effort, and if one link fails the show c.an go from No. 1 to No. 14 in no time. Have• queatlon-about your favorite soap or soap aw? Write to Lynda Hirsch, clo Field New- spaper Syndicate, P.O. Box 19620, Irvine, Calif. 92714. She will answer as many questions as she can in ber column, but the vol~ of mail makes. personal replies irnpa;sible. 'Maid in America' cast set HOLLYWOOD (AP) -Susan Clark and Alex Kanas star in the CBS movie "Maid in America," now filming in Atlanta. Mias Clark plays a liberal attorney aa:uaed of sexual dl8crimination by an unemployed worker, Karras, who answers her ad for a live-in maid. The movie, directed by Paul Aaron and written by Peter Felbleman, al80 stars Fritz Weaver, Mil- dred Natwick, O.vid Spielberg, Beverly Hope A~ k.lmon and Barbara Byrne. Oullt. 9llop • ~ff' a.AM SIC/li·Uf'S KC1N/lilf¥C Al'fflL I.tr• • R,•f'«JlllAl)B QfllL'l'S • CllTS :~ • DOU. •M..uf nw; UrrullS DOIWllH&• ~, . ._.,.~ .. I -. r Stsrlµlg Opt1ool now offers it.a huge collection at ''package" pr:toes ... com»lete with clear atngJe vt• lan••· '\ • GJM8 or »ladtc Jn·• ....... ·. . . . . . no extra charge • Gvenb14Jenm• .................. no extra charge • llbWCi-•crlgttom• . . . . . . . . . . . . . no extx'&obarge •S.medqsentoemmevou• .. :. noextraabarge Plu ••• ~ 8'erJtng Gaaramee -If you're not satisfied, return your purchase within 60 da.ys for a tall Hfland. ·-..... --~ ...... •W.1NltlMN57'1 eekender •April 9, 1982• Y( )l IR< J JMPLETE C ;U IDE TO C JRANC ;~, ( :C 1 \ST DIVERS!< JNS Katherine MacGregor and Tom Toner of 'DA ' Tom Toner in destiny's way By SANDIE JOY Ol'lheO.,f'llltlUlf Tom Toner doesn't have much to do with the real world. He said he tried it once and found it didn't have much to offer him so he went back to spen- ding all his waking hours in and around the theater. "The streets are just things that get me to work," said the actor who will pla~ the title role in South Coast Repertory Theater a production of "DA." opening Tuesday in Costa Mesa. When he was 7, living in the Pittsburgh suburb of Homestead, Pa., Toner's sister took him to a production of ''Treasure Island." "From the moment the curtain went up," he said during a recent interview, "I knew I was on the path of destiny." Toner has performed so extensively that his credits, written in tiny type, take up two full pages, single-space. ~ They range from roles in "The Elephant Man" on Broadway to "Midsummer Night's Dream" off- Broadway to "Damn Yankees" oui in the hinter- lands and "Guiding Light" on daytime television to "I Love My Wile" on the silver screen. He said he doesn't prefet one medium over another. "Nope," be declared, "it's my job." Inevitably, he speculated, "rll wind up on tel- evision and that wUf pleMe my pocketbook, not my eoul." . Lut year wu hia "Judiet year," Toner aaid. Arnone other lhowa, hew• a Judae on "Ku." on ''Guidtna Lilht'' and on ''Another World.•• said, "this 9eem8 to be my Irish year." He added, "I know DA being Irish myself. There's a lot of DA in me. He's the classic example of the Irish father." He was to have done the American premiere of "DA" in Maryland but. he said, "I was on scratchy ground with the director." The play eventually wu done off-Broadway where it won rave reviews and lots of awards. Barnard Hughes, who was television's ".Doc" and now is "Mr. Merlin," did the role. Toner said he's played Hughes' understudy a number of times and has replaced him in a show or two. "Do you get the picture. There I am breathing down hia neck unashamedl1. And here we are ~ain. This time I'm doing It.' The DA role "has been lurkinR around me," Toner said, "so this is an exorcism oT sorts." See Tom Toner, Page 4 "In 1Another World,' l divorced Mac and Ra- chel and then dedded the fa• of their child.'' he uld ... And, yoLl should bave teen the trial on 'G\&ktinc Licht' .•• Then.• he ticked oU a list oe recetll roles in· He's bringing out '•.'~~,.~i.~'=.t··~·'~art ..... _ J ::, Miss MacGregor has d~ncer~ soul By JIMMY JOHNSON o< ... .,.., ......... When little Kathy MacGregor came into the world her mother did three things -she powdered her rump, diapered her behind and immediately enrolled her in dancing cl.asses. ~you know, Katherine MacGregor has been that awful Mn1. Oleson on "Little House on the Prairie" for the past eight years, but for the next 4 ~ weeks she will be Mum in the South Coast Repertory's fine production of "DA." The play, which opens on the main stage Tuesday night, al.so stars Thomas Toner in the title role of "DA" and Dean Santoro as Charlie, the son. "DA" ia the story of a lovable old I.ri.shman and his relationship with a cynical aon. The play offers a lot of Irish cha.rm and has won a number of awards. When the curtain rises on "DA" Tuesday eve- ning at 8 It wffi mark the first time in 12 years that Miss MacGregor has been on stage. Until she arri- ved in Hollywood 12 years ago, the stage had practlcally been her whole life. "'The laat thing I did on stage," she recalled, "was a dlnner theater in Jacksonville, Fla. Af- ter that I came to Hollywood with• new marriage. "I ~__y had no desire to come ...Uollywood,'' Miss MacGregor emphasized. "But l.;had a new husband and he had a job teaching acting at UCLA. The marriage failed, but I stayed on in C.alif omia." Her marriage may have failed, but not her career. After about four years in Hollywood she landed the part of Mn. Olete>n on "Uttle Houae," and admita to patterning the character after the mean old witch in "The Wizard of Oz." That was eight yean ago. 'lAfter work.in~levialon for eight years,'' Mill MacGregor , ''returning to the theater has not been euy. 1 have a hard time reiain.ing my lines, but David »nines has been very patient with me .. "In television the very most dialogue you have to learn la 2~ paces," ahe said. .. It's a lot ditterent in the theater, but then, I got tbls show rather quickly. 'Little Howte' wrapped on a Wednesday and I started here on the following Tuesday and didn't really have time to prepare myself.'' But Katherine Mac.Gregor la a professional and an excellent actre9I, both of which, she comes by quite honestly. Her mother was a ctiorus girl and vaudevillian between the two wan. And before little Kathy wu off \akum powder and baby oil, her mother had her in danclng cl.aaes. Acting baa always been 1<.atherine MacGre- gor's dream -a dream which is now comlng true, thanks to her mother, who was forced to atve up the si.ge quite early in life but passed on the desire to perform to her little daughter. "Shortly after World War I." Miss MacGregor said. "my mother was a taxi driver in Detroit. She See MM:Gregor, Page 9 -- Phillip Ryder u .. 1 a.hu- man skull in hi1 perfor- mances to emphasize the points made by Shake- speare and hl1 contem- poraries about death. Ryder brings out ~hakespeare By GLENN SCOTI' "It was an extremely ignorant age," he said. or ... Dei1J,......,. ~ "But they tried to understand. They tried Phillip Ryder is a modern man. He jogs. He desperately." drives on freeways. He is obsessed with tortilla Ryder speculates that the high risk of death chips because he can't buy them in his native En-moved the poets to write passionately about dying, gland. loving and even grasping for power. On the year When the stage lights dlm, however, he be-Shakespeare was born, for example, a third of his comes William Shakespeare. He breathes the lite-town was wiped out by the plague. rary air of Elizabethan England. "There was more of a pnsure to make some- It is the full circle, he tells his audience with a thing of younelf because life was ao short," Ryder flourish, as he did last week for a group at UC Ir-said. vine. Shakespeare has arrived in the preeent where No one knows why Shakespeare died, or why he might entice the ~ood people into the past he stopped writing a few years earlier. It may have through his and others writing. been because his beloved Globe Theatre burned While Ryder is accessible, Shakespeare is not down, Ryder says, or he may have contracted always so. He left a legacy of 37 plays and dozens of multiple sclerosis, even syphilis. sonnets. But his private life is mostly a mystery. The questions never cease. Why did Shake- Perhaps this void gives Ryder his breathing room. speare take such a compassionate approach to the As a student ln li"w.. .. 11."' and drama, later as a madneas of King Lear when most contemporaries .... "6'-"". ridiculed the insane? Was it becauae his father ™'d high school teacher and a performer and finally gone mad? Records show his once-auccessfw during his four years as the ''character," Ryder has business had gone downhill before it was sold. continually studied both Shakeseeare and cont.em-The answers are at, bUt even the questions poraries auch as Ben Johnlon or F.dmund Spencer. are important to Ryder and his character who visit He can recite extensively from Shakespeare's schools u often 81 theaters. Ryder says he E:Spe-p~ys. turn more than a step of Elizabethan dance cially likes to perform for those who otherwise and aow a bawdy ballad from 400 years hence. He would never dream of meeting Shakespeare, figu- can Juag)e •a atreet actor might. He even looks a ratively of coune. bit llkit.he bard, with hia balcf bead and beard. ~ Says he: "I like to -t a crowd and win them . "Everything I do is tied to my cbaracter," ne over." e- says. By trylna to briJll Shakespeare to life, Ryder But brin1in1 out Shakes~are means more says be can better illustrate to hia audiences that the than playing a part and memor1linC lines. It means bard wu more than a ltUf:fy literary figure but a delvln1 into the way Ellzabethana lived and h .. -.... -pa ... '-of the folllet and mistakes evorvn.-tbouaht, "suffered a Jot and lived bard.''. _._.i -UllC' --~- &id Ryder: ''They were more often ln penonal makes. criaia than people are in the modem workl." Ryder will never meet the dram.atilt and poet, Ryder u.m a skull tn h1a ~to em-who wu born 418 yean .,o, but he claima that phuhe the potnta made by S peue and b.ll even the att.elnl>' to emulate hJm hu helped 'hJm contemponria about death. He redta a poem by develop, ln the modem eeme at least. lfe meets Jobmon about a 19veft-y.r-old wa wbo died a-more~ ~ aleep9 better ~-~~a a1~~8~-~MftmA"9 J·,~~ .. P.'E'; . r.11•;,~~~~,,~ J ~rq.q 4 lJ4~~~.~;'·1 i .~~ ~' ~· Q!&\ hn~ J .CJ (.(.01 . ·- s • • -The movies-----------------------------~ 'Deathtrap' is .clever and filled with surprises By JEFF PARKER or ... .,.., ....... "Deathtrap" la slick, stagey fun. Michael Caine and Dyan Cannon (playing Sidney and Myra Brubl) bring such a goofy charm to their roles that you never quite get enough of them. The story takes place at the Bru.Jila• Southampton home, where Sidney retuma after watching his new play, "Murder MOit Fair," open on Broad- way. The audience hates it. He comes borne drunk and dillllluaioned, in his own eyes a bu-been. Myra trim to comfort him, but she's such an anxiety-ridden me8I that she nearly junu» out of her pmta when he comes throup the door. Sidney ba8 written the flopped play, but lt'a Myra who aaffen for lt; on opening night ahe tmOkea IO IDMY ~ the ubtraya seem to be aprouUn1 bu11a. In a desperate attempt to rescue Sidney from bil,post-play deS-EI FIOO. Myra lnaiau that 'he call a-youn1 playwriCbt who bM 9ellt Sidney b.ia first play -a murder mystery ao good that even ~ admita "a b9d <lirector couldn"t hurt It." Muctmtly, be a,crees. The next day, Clifford Andenon (Cuistopher Beeve) arriYel at the hou.e with the only other copy of hia ~in hand and Sidney - eyetna IOft with jeeJom, porcine eyes -figurea that the belt way to save hla career la to ldll the youna man and steal hia work. "Deethtrap" isn't reelly about Sid- ney, Myra or Cliff -tt'a about cleYel' atagin& and aurprleea. >.. the movie reecbe9 the halfway point, the won- derfully drawn characten start luc- . gi.ng the plot pom1a around with them and "Deathtrap" dJ&re..es from ex- citement to contrivance. Not that it matters much. The play, acripted for the acreen by Jay Pre9IOD Allen from the atageplay (the lonKeat running mystery on Broadway) by Ira Levin, ia a spoof on pl)'CholoP:al thrillers, a "Sleuth" with an eye for teli-parody. It's hard to keep your emotional bea- rinp in th.is movie: the le. funny and more aerioua its characters become, the more trumped-up the story geta. "Deathtrap" may be long on clever- DelS and abort on believability, but it worka. You don't care about the cha- ractera, you care about the plot. Michael Caine's Sidney la a won- derful performance. C.aine 1oob hee- vier, drier than ever -all the good- nml tee1n1 to have been waabe(l out of him in the role of Sidney. He'a al- most alovenly here; not the prim F.n- aliab aentieman we're \.-cl to teeing. Opposite him, Dyan Cannon la aa pretty and exdtable .. a toy poodle - abe'a got no bralDI but loCI of heart. Cannon looks ao 1ood and healthy that her ~ • a foil fOI' the feeblenem of Myra's mind. Sbe'a the extemalized venlon of &dney'a an- xiety -he writes about murders while -klDa henelf with woay. Chriatopher Reeve, I think. la lac- kin& ln hll role u tbe YC>Wli play-wdibt. He 1ee1m to haw made a style of nonchalance; he's 80 cuual on- 8Cl'een that you tend to fOl'lel be'• there. He atoopa, ,ru., hovers with unpinly nuiaance about the tcreen wttb an "aw lhucb" kdt on b.ia '-'e. lt'a a nice idea aplnlt Caine'• control and Cannon'• neurotic fl'endel, but it doem't work. When ReeYe .. relaxed this much, the whole M eeema to fall asleep with him. He'a cuual when he'• bavinl a drink an the IOfa; he'a cuual when he•a reedy few murder. -JUB1' BEBBABSAL, OB 18 IT'! ... Pl•ywright Sidney Brubl (MJchae1 Cabw) and h.bJ e.1~ oollaboratol' CJilfonl An- derson (Christopher R=-,:g.:ane • acene from their pl•y, 'Deathtrap .• Reeve doesn't have ln~nal.ty, lu1t charm. He flips off bia Unea Ike they're a bore here. He aeema aboYe the movie, not In it. • When th1nca get cla~ in "Deathtra " -the action ta\es place ·excluaiv~fy ln the Bnahl home in a few abort days -a chattering "psychic," Helsa Ten Dorp (Irene Worth) burau into the home and predicta violence. YOU can feel Levin and Allen brincinc bel' in for frelh alr In the plot, but there's not much rhyme OI' 1-.m to her coninta and 1oinga. Worth play1 the role with IUCh a heavy accent you can ICar'Cely make out what sbe'a •yinc. lt'a ane of thme rolel pn>pt>ed up at f!ftr'Y nnmt with IOIDlt ldioeyncbratic ''trait!•& when Help atea1I the lbow -lite- rally -you feel a UUJe let down. You want her to work en bar acomt flnt, thm steal the-show. Ifa bard. to tell what "Deethtrap" ...Uy wanta from ua. The movie lm't friehtenina, it'• not terrifying, i~ ceues to be funny and the arspet• II underw~. But it never 1'>eell cletfeme-. ~. enough of that for two movies. ''Dee th trap'' la a low-calorie thriller. Circus Vargas will open at fairgrounds fl. STEVE MARBLE toenatJa. a drc:ua bubel' 1iW9 the chim.-a quick .. ~~~v!::'-•L-..,_ ..,,. to?iof them all, haircut and the do&I are p>emed and fed. ~"\a -.--. VK ~·.... The drc:ua Is al80 a traveUnc suburb of IOl'tl. will et up itlr two-acre tent in c.a.ta esa April 15 When lt b1ta town. performen and their famO!es for a four-day run at the Orange County Fair-clean up their tra1Jen. huw out clothealines and fire gfOWlda. up be.rbecue9to1ftPm"e dlnner. The three-ring V~ circua, a throwback to Tbe.Qrc.w Varps Is the bnfndrlld of Clifford the days of the R1n&Unc Broe., will perform nine E. Varp1, a Northern Califomla abow bU f.an who two and a half hour lhowa. eod.lna April 18. reportedly felt bun \Vben the ~DI Brea. rolled ~ickeu -$5.~0 for a.eneral admission and up itlr tent for the final time In 19 . - $11.50 for a raerved box -can be purchued at the . v~ tn m effort to"Uep the tq top tradl- ..-vtce P~ to the falrgroundl off Arllnp>n Ave-tion alive, hooked on wttb a -1.1. ltNlllinl drc:ua nue.!J!he eil'CUI, which makft-an.-.nnualTomp ~ the--mld•lMOll; ---Aa the tale goes. be later IOld bia houae and throwzh Orange County, br1np with it more than purcbMed the tiny enterprtR, which came com~te 100 drew IWI and 150 animals, ~ from with three trucks but not an animal in liltlt. ::"~e:m~:_~ and all de9cri • ei-To keep the clrcua afloat, Varaaa drove the Tbe ahowa are a blendi.na of the humorous and traveling crew's ~ truck, lel'Ved 8 rtna- the exdtlna, wtth nall-bltina hlgh-wlre acts and JDllltel' and dd Udlitta when he wmn"i busy. lfe tenlion-packed t1aer' ahowl. And a m-a. wouldn't allO worried a Jot, ottk:IU for the drew now ray. be a~ without clowna, wbkh Va.rps came. >..the yean went by. the circus *ame a p1en of. roarinc multi-nallllon dollar aucc:et1 which m.-,%! ~tting up ol the dm.11 ls M much a put of ~ the Qatioo yeu-ly, IBtUnC up in puid.na 1oil. the show u anythtnl elle. The travelinll troupe ahopplnc .-US and falrarounda. tnd1Uonally hha '°"1l near daybnak anil spends I~ tbe d.n:w' tint perfonNDce at the county etcht boun drtvinl ln tent stakes, Wl1ofld1na ele-tairpoundL phanta and finally hoitdnC tbe football field-ailed The ~ ~ II mt fol' 8 p.m. April l& tent. . • . with a • Md 8 p.rn. .,,,,,. ... day. On tft 9!= ~"~ -=-\5BR(~~~ >. • ~sh! • 1'.!!'' f:t.Jcmc file ta ueed J~ ~ ~~ & p.m. '-' • ..., ., a 4 ax a <'I Cl) • • • 0) Torn Toner in destiny's way -ai From Page l -Contending he never aspired to do Broadway, "&. the actor said, ''The theater to dat.e bu aerved al-< most every purpaee tt can for me." ~ H.ia roles have been many and varied, and have ~ provided him with ateady work throughout the ;f years, a rarity for an actor. Toner chalk.a up his _ steedy employment to being a character man for i which there is more of a calling than for a leading i man becauae they are more versatile. 1 "I put in a lot of hard yeca gettin2 where I am." Toner aald, "and I know u 1We as 1 sit here, ~ it'll continue." -In particular, Toner hu portrayed a Jot of old !2 men. 0: "Even when I WU young," he said, "I played old people. I bad the most elaborate makeup on earth. I was ready to play anything. Then a couple of yean ago, when I wu doing Shakespeare, there I was sitting at my dreesing table. I looked down and there was no makeup but one pencil. "My face caught up with my makeup kit. "It was a starl.Ung revelation ... There I was with my batt face ba.naing out." Toner bu been beiavily involved in the regio- nal theater mmienent. "I put in a good did 1~ years in the reciorW theater movement." be explained. "llvina out of r:JlY car. Wherever there wu a theater, ref go. I was thrilled to be a part of a pioneer movement. . "I used to think that IOmeda~ rd 1ettle down and live like a person," he said, 'but the theaters came up too fast.•• Toner said he was perfectly content doing re- gional theater but, "Onoe having tasted that rarlfied air at the top of the mountain, Broadway, . . . I opted to stay there like a gladiator and fight in treacherous terrain when I knew how comfortable it had been in the foothilla." The actor had plenty of praise for South Coast Repertory Theater where he is perfonning for the first time. "This iJI a comfortable atmosphere for deve- lopment of the art," he said. ''Things can grow here without impedence. Everybody is here for the same pu.rpoee, to build the theater. "That speaks well for the community," he said. Of his career, Toner said, ''One of the beauties ~olden 9;%§~~ ~~ Z;;;ragon . ·--- GENUINE CHINESf MANDARIN DISHES Specializing In Chinese A La Carte Dishes .Lunc:h D•n(ler Dall>' • Food To Take Out 471 IC ..... • OUMel .ZOJJ ~ ..... 750.7171 • 150::soM COSTA MISA ._...,...... 642°71'2 • Ul-tttt Commltt" for Alta Preeenta: THE NEW ARTl!F PLAYERS -"The Fruit of Her Hende" _ ~Friday. AprJI 17, 1982 ---8pm -Concert .+ieN Explores Jewish history and culture, notable women from Eve to the preeent day. of mflituation is the un~billty. I don't want to know what tomorrow holds for me ... "We are the summation of our yesterdays," he added. "That'• what I take into tomorrow." He explained, "I have a philosophy of life. It is the moment; it ii now." . The nature of his job has taken him "to won- derful places,'' the actor said. For example, he has run with the bulls at Pamplona. lt was a high point ln his career. be said. He had traveled to Spain to perform in the movie, "Caper of the Golden Bulla." One morning be was asked, "Did you buy your tenoJs shoes?" Next thing he knew he was running with the bulla. Arrangements had been made for Toner and actor Stephen Boyd to run for a bit, then be helped over a barricade by a local polloeman. "The streets are entirely cordoned oU," Toner explah>ed. "There'• no eecape." Boyd reached the barricade first and was hel- ped over, but. when Toner got there, a policeman kept puah1n2 him off. ''I bad to run . . . I fell down. People were running over my bead. I didn't care. They jumped over my lep. I rolled up in a ball. I was as calm as -a human can"be. The bulls thundered by. Then abock let in and I was quivering." Afterwards, Toner received an apology. "Damn,'' he was told, "it won't happen again." Next day, they ran again. nu. time, the police wouldn't let Boyd over the barricade. "We had been told before leaving the United States never to touch a Spanish policeman," Toner said. "It was instant death." But Boyd knocked down the policeman and clambered over, followed by Toner. "Then," said Toner, "I saw the polioema.n on the ground. One of our men had a huge stack of Spaniah money and he just kept peeling off bills and toaaing them at the policeman . . . It all worked out." The third day, the actor said, "was one of the great thrills of my life." The festival was over but the crew had to do a pickup in which Toner was gored by a bull. Thou- sands of extras had been hired to re-create the running of the bulls scene. · "And it was all for me. A dreadful responsibility," Toner said. He started running, took his fall where he was to be gored, was pulled over the barricade and the director called. "That's it." When the extraa rea1iz.ed they didn't have to do it again, Toner said, ''They all cheered and, there I stood in the middle of the street, bowing with thousands cheering. It was a high point of my life." Conrad readies G-rated 'Grease' A "G -rated" version of the hit Broadway and film musical "Greaae" has been prepared by Robert Conrad to go on the s1age at Lincoln Middle School. C.Orona deJ Mar, beginning April 16~ Both the previous stage versions and the film "definitely" were rated "R" (restricted viewing), aax>rding to the director, but the Corona del Mar version Will be suitable for the entire family. In C.Onrad's version, the love story itseli has been emphasized over the '50s nostalgia aspect of the show. The show is being presented by a group spon- sored by the City of Newport Beach Parks and Recreauon Uepa.rtment and will be on stage ln Co- rona del Mar for three weekends. Musical reviews featuring some of the numbers from the show will be presented at South Coast Plaza on Wednesday. "Grease" is the third musical production on which C.Onrad has combined talents with producer Mel Mazurowski on behalf of the city of Newport Beach. Last year, they presented "Sound of Music" and "The Music Man." Conrad, who has an advanced degree in theater ~. has worked in musical and dramatic presenta- tions in his hometown of Harrisburg, Pa .. as well as in Miami and in Southern California. Original JOBBER89 Shorts at the Garage ... ------------------------- ' I -R BRUNCH WITH THE EASTER BUNNY The k1Js will luve our L1su:r Buffe1 Hrumh lx-L1u~t· the L:..1~tn Bunn) will be 1here ( l:J>1er eg>; hunt .11 11. \() AM .111J I \0 P M.J You'll love tt for the f.1bul11us .1rr.1y of t.1'1)' .!>fWu.tlttt"> C'A>mpl1mentJry Ch.1mp.1gn<· RuJSt BJmn 'uf Bed BJked HJm. RJ1:.1n SJule Eggs Bent.Jttt Seafood Newburg An11p.i:.lll .trl.I Fre!>h f rut1 .1l.1J, H.11n, Turkey .1nJ Hed Tip!> J l.1 Deut~dt ( h1lll·J St-.ifc10J M11u-,,t• Ill P.~tr) lh 1lken ( h.1~1ot-u r Herring 111 Suur ( rt-.1m Hor <.ro)'> Hun~ AnJ Mulh, Muth Morl Sc:nt.J 1n our mJ~ntltrent {1rJnJ B.1lln)(Hll. AJul" SI!.. ''i() ChilJrt·n: $(,()() Or 1n !ht· t.'tt~.1111 prtVJl)' ul 1he (1r.1nJ Puri.1ge ReSIJur Jn! AJuhs SI 1 50 (h1IJren S8 00 Cun11nuou' t·J11t•nJ1nmenr Re~ervJ11ons .1V.11IJble beginning 10 .1 111 L:ll 752·8777 • R THE REGISTRY HOTEL 18800 M.xArthur BoulevJrJ, Irvine 7Y!..·H777 1 h.-Rl',K"llY Hott-I < ur~ir.11100, IJJll.i.. Tn." -49 dancers, singers and musicians Satll'day Aprl 24 8:00 p.m. Irvine Bowl in Lagma Beach -over 200 authentic costumes -religious & sacred ritu - a Is from Aztec to pre- Colombiam times "In the area of showmanship, costuminc. Cho· reo1raph1C variety, pacina and audience relation, the 1roup's credentials are unquestioned." -Los l:"lflts rtmtS -wide repertoire of re- gional fiesta dances ". . . sold out, shoutinc. cheerina per1ormance . . . rrusuilly atlractfve, brlelitty costumed dan- ces ..• musical 1roup with virtle sinters, vir· tuoso trumpet players . . . the audiell(e virtually roared its approval." -Dance Netts TICKETS: $3-8 Chlldren·under 12 -half Drlce Fbr lnformetton and reservations call ~ 1_.668 Monday-Friday 10-12 and 1-3 • Presented by Saddleback Cole&e Commurity Service Now you can rent great home video movies and rent the Player too! We've 1ot them ... llterally hundred• o r title. or a ll t)'Pft .. .tftdy '° ao with Rentabe\a, the Jow COit home video renlal proc:ram that com. complete with the movie you want plus an eay-io-uae ponabk! home video player that quickly attaches to your own TV. Low daily rental complete with the movie you choose. A1k about 1pec:lal matlnee and party ...... ~. . ENJ; BEJ; Recent A•le•H• Now Available S.0 .8 .. Rleh & Femoua, For Your Ev•• Only, Atlentle City, French Lieutenant'• Woman, Only When I Laugh, Body Hetrt, Excellbur, Sup9rmen II, PMoe of The City, Outland. Coming soon: On Golden Pond, St• Wer•. T~ Stll0f1Yi1io1 1Hrt41MJ ,rtoe4 at ••IJ '62995! - -McMN • Vldtc> 'D'abuco Pl.am 13925 Yale Ave . Irvine. CA 92714 ~L 714·551·8121 I 0 A 6 ~~Interm~sion~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CJ) -CJ)~-'Royal Farni· ly' quin Dinner Playbouae, 3503 s. Harbor Blvd .. just nonh of Costa Mesa (979-5511), u that theater's fifth annivenary show. Performances are nightly < f I except Monday at varying times th.rough May 9. May 28 for four weekend.a . . . Auditions will be held Tue9day and Wednes- day for the Gem Theater's summer musicals "Oliver" and "Slde by Side by Sondheim" . . . the tryouts will be oonducted from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. at the Garden Grove Center of the Ranchd Santiago College DI.strict, 13162 Newhope St., Room 28 ... "O~ sur ace g QSS The Irvine Community Theater opens the w8dcy comedy "Who's On First?" tonight at Turtle ;£ Rock Community Park. Sunnyhill Ro8d off Turtle • ~TOM mus Rock Drive in Irvine (557-7297). Curtain is 8 p.m . .g ... ...., .... ..... Fridays and Saturdays through May 1 with Sunday "fME llllOYAL.fAIAY" c PracUUonen of the theater have long taken matinees at 2 p.m. April 18 and 25. "p1ay by Geotoe s. Kaufman end Edne Fert>tr, dltec:19d by Susan «> particullir delight in writing about their own craft, It's a dark weekend for the Mission VieJ·o Kelly. produced by HllnCY Et>e«t .... ~Terry Hegeny, Mt ~ d f th d bl tal _ _._ f this deelgner Victoria lkyM, ~end lighting by Jolln Szura. Pl'• I an one o e more en ura e • w-.. o Playhouse, but It.a current production of "The _.,ted Thl.ndllyl ttvough Satur~ et e p.m., ~ at 2:30 ~ genre is "The Royal Family" by George S. Kaul-Deadly Game" will return to Laguna Beach's Fo-untl Apl1I 25 at the Newpor1 Hart>ora Ac1on n-ter, * Monte -man and Edna Ferber, first produced 80IDe 55 yean n.yn Theater of the Festival of A.rta grounds next VIN St., eo.ta ....._ ~ 831-6110. g ago as a beckhanded salute to the Barrymores. week. Performances are Fridays and Saturdays at Jule~ .................... ·-··--..................... Mwy SultVWt ~ In its revival (the third in the pMt five ye.an 8:30 through April 24. FllMY c-ndllh .................... -.............................. Patride GlkMa1 locally) by the Newport Harbor Acton Theater, the o._.. Ce~ ......................................................... _. LIM Wiicox ··~--1 f bin he L-Tb * Anthony Cevendlltl ..................................................... John Szut-a su.~~ g 088 o ten outs eat auu.tanoe. e ~ o-i .................................................................... .11m Flynn setting and coetumes are fint cabin, but the en-CALLBOAR D -Tryouts for the Orange KJtty o-i .................................................................. Sorrett wevne ~i:!l~~o~ effects all too ~~tyG~e~~th~:r~~~eed~a~: 5,:t~::::::::::::::::::::::~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ = There a.re, howewr, momenta of pure gold in nity Theater Tueeday at 7:30 in the Turtle Rock Delle •. _ ........... _ ......... -......................................... Aotwe Ehlert Susan Kelly's gkmy production, mounted against Community Park clubhouae, Sunnyhill Road off ~~ .. ::.~:::::::·:::::::::::::::::::: .. :::::::::::::::: .. ~~ designer VictQria Bcyan'a splendid art deco b.ck-Turtle Rock Drive in Irvine ... Robb Fahey is ...._ ~ ......................... _ .......................... Shele W81etWMtl drop. Arnone the more memorable perfonnances d.lrecting and will be casting three men and two H.ilboy9 ·-···-..................................... Terry HeoertY. Chip tvOl'IKKI are tbme of Mary Sullivan • the Broedway queen _w;:· :;:omen:;::;ln:;:th:;:eu:;' ;;la;:te:=20s:;•;: forfor== the=aho=w=·=w==hk:h===o~pena:=~;;Relnfiet~~clt;; .. ;;" .. ;;.-;; ... ;; .... ;; .... ;; ... ;; .... ;; .... ;; .... ;; ... ;; .... ;; .... ;; ... ;; .... ;; .... ;; .... ;; .... ;; ... ;; .... ;; .... ;;. Mundae;;~~ nerwmly COMklerina abdication; John Szura .. the • Great Profile, muttib1 and pclllbJC for. hll pUblk: (the family) Jn pure unCured Mm style; Lila Wilcox as the beiftll appumt teeterina between manilll8 and stardom, and Patricia GUchrtst, OYel'COOUn& a shaky start to splendidly delineate the grand oJd lady of the stage. Lesa convincing are Jim Flyn'a pompous, fa- . ding actor; Jack Byron's kindly man.ager, Tony Reverditto'• stockbroker' swain~ Georse Brad- ford'• zilliona1re suitor. Sorrell Wayne turns Jn a gem of a perfonnance • Flynn's feisty wife, while Florence bi1era and Everett OMnidl require more nervoua energy • the harried eervanta. "The Royal Family" la an ambitious effort which should gain momentum with-aublequent stagin&s. It continues weekends through April 25 at the Back Bay High, School auditorium, 390 Monte Vista St., c.o.ta Mesa. * ELSEWHERE ON THE local theater front, one production is doamg this week.end, another is taking an EMtm-weekend hiatus and three more continue their encacements. S.. Stunt Actor• "In Action-Scene•" Excltlngl/11 Funl/11 Santa Ana College Stadium Saturday, April 10 1:30 p.m, lo 4:30 p.m. ._r 1.11111._r121111 Tlck•,.·NOW •t: AStJCI IOI <met l»fnilT c.t. II UC .._ ..,_, s.«11 Cl'7 1111, hits I '""'""" ....., City Hiii. t.. ...,snm snd st the door. If svsllsble. Final performances of "Division Street," a tut-movtnc farce about aa1D« radlcala in Chicqo, will be elven toniabt and Satiirday at 8 p.m. at the Laguna Moulton l>layhou.e, 606 Laguna Cantak: For lnlomutlon, cMI (TU} 1V~a81 Join us for EASTER BRUNCH AND DINNER Sunday. April 11th. Great Drinks Delightful Lunches Glorious Dinners 37 Fashion Island Newport Beach 644-2030 500 N. Euclid St. Anaheim Plaza 772-2130 1bd. 1Aauna Beach. Reaervatiom a.re being (7•""1 -.~--at 4~0743. .., _._,. "South Pacific" oootlnues its extended run at ~========~======~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~ SebMtian'a West Dinner PlaybouR, HO Ave. Pico, Clemente (492-9950). Perlonnancea are given xcept Mondays at varying curtain times May9. Carats" ii on the boards of the Harle- Scotland music at UCI The music of Scotland· will oome to UC Irvine Swlday, April 18, when the mUlical quartet, Silly Wiz.ard, perfonm a\ an 8 p.m. concert in the Fine Arts vm.,e Theatre. The popular folk group native to Scotland URS such traditional Instruments -the Celtic drum, the pennywbiaUe, banjo and accordion with electric tie. and keyboerda to ~y MaCh tunes as "A Scarce O'Tattiee" and "Sweet MOlly.'' Tick.eta to the concert are f5 general admialion. t:rfor ucr atuclenta andl4 lor other atudenta. llellior citizens, staff and Alumni Aalociation memben. RESTAURANT Easter Sunday Champagne Brunch Buffet 10 a.m. -3 p.m. SEVEN ENTREES SIX SALADS SEA FOOD BAR S12.95 per person LARGE PARTIES WELCOME (RESERVATIONS 536-8866} 3000 PALM AVINUI HUNTINGTON llACH I nw•oein• ... "eo J. ' =• -The business~------------~ g The Harlequin: c_elebration time By TOM TITUS o< the 0.-, ,... ..... Time was, between the start of construction in 1974 and the grand opening in 1977, that few peo- ple ever envisioned the Harlequin Dinner Play- house celebrating a fifth anniversary. Two who did, and continued to despite myriad adversity, were Al and Barbara Hampton. To say the Hamftons .were not !iiacouraged when their dream o putting toget}\er a dinner theater operation suffered repeated setbacka is to understate the case. For tltree years they clung to their half-completed building at 3503 S . Harbor Blvd. just north of Costa Mesa in the face of a carpenters' strike, 1068 of financing and architectu- ral problems. Eventually the owners and future operators of the Harlequin became the builders as well, with Al Hampton hiring and supervi&ing the subcontractors to carry out his grand design of what a dinner theater should be. Today, Al and Barbara are the proud parents of a healthy 5-year-old whoee birthday is being celebrated all this month with the staging of the comedy "Forty Carats" -a reprise of the theater's first production In April of 1977. From the outset, the Hamptons' goal was to create an edifice whiCh would houae quality fare, both on the table and on the stage. And the ''dessert" portion of the evening -the show - always haa been the key element in the equation. "I would like people to say that the Harlequin is a theater that serves dinner," Barbara says. "We want a place where people can come and enjoy, where they will leave their daily problems, which ia why we otter light. relaxing ahowl -comedies or musicala.'' To date, the Harlequin haa mounted 37 pro- ductions, a dozen of which have been muaicals. In the past Al Hampton, a tra1n£d singer-entertainer, put on a mini-<XD:ert between dinner and show. Both Al and Barbara 1 rew up ln Baltimore where they owned both a niahtclub and decorating businesa. They moved to California, as ao many do, Committee for Arts Presents: TllE IEW YORI STllll •UllTO Ill FllEllS FESTIYIL Tuesday, April 20, 1982 -8:30pni -VIiiage Theatre Guest Artists: Allan Vogel -Oboe, Ml· chele Zukovsky -Clarinet, Dennis Trembly - Double Bass, John Perry -Plano. Selections by Bruch, Prokofiev & Schubert. Sunday, Aprll 25, 1982 -8:30pm -VIiiage Theatre Guest Artists: Richard Todd -French Horn, Andrea Byers -Vlolln, Barry Gold -VIO- ionceiio. Sefectlons by Mozart and Brahms. Wednesday, April 28, 1982 -8:30pm -VIiiage Theatre Guest Artist: Ellot Fisk -Guit ar. Se- lections by Bach, Beethoven, Pagnanlnl, Tede- sco and Boccherlnl. Genecal -$10 and Students -$4.00 Tickets available at ASUCI Box Office, Mon-Fri, 9:30am~pm . 833-5549. Visa and Mast er Charge Orders, call 833-8617 between 10am - 2pm. For program Information, call 833-e379. to escape the harsh weather, and also to pW'tue opportunities in entertainment -their original plan waa to open a restaurant and cocktail lounge In Orange County. A return trip to the East -where they were invited to a dinner playhouse -in 1970 changed the th.rust of their ambition, and despite their lack of theater background, they set their sights on owning such an operation. Alter clearing the tough physical hurdles and getting their act together, the Hamptons found the going slow at flrst because, aa Barbara says, "we had to educate the public aa to what dinner theater was all about." It was not a business they could organize and then leave the operation to someone else. "A dinner theater functions on someone being at the helm and caring at all times," she believes. "It ls a very personal type of situation." ~ Today Al ia the "idea man" for the Harlequin i and Barbara is the one who translates her hua-:l band's visions into reality. She is heavily involved ~ in all aspects of the Harlequin'• operations -from ~ selecting the productions, the cast and crew, to ac-:- tually tasting the food to be sure all is properly ~ taken care of. a. ''The customer comes first; he or she is the mast ~ important person," Barbara declares. "People come > to relax and enjoy themselves, to get away from 't> their frustrations and problems." ~ 'That philoeophy bas produced a winning com-~ bination at what is generally conceded to -be the ..... "class" of the dinner theater operation locally. With ~ constant and careful nurturing from its parents, the N Hamptons, there should be a good many more an- niversaries to follow. A Family Shopping/Dining & Entertainment Cienter Albertson's • Bank of America • Bilbo Baggins •Coco's/Reuben's • Dolphin Hair Fash10ns • Edwards Cinema • Fash'n Splash • Hamburger Hamlet• Ice Capades •Mesa Verde Aorist• Mesa Verde Travel Mlone's • Music Market • Plecemakers • Photography by Jeffrey • Southern California Optical Spa Lady• Swensen's 2701 Hefbof Blwl. • (Harbor & Adams)· Coee. Mesa, CA 8 i Artef players .... ~ off er chronicle Q. < ~ The lives of 13 extraordinary Jewish women -will be chronicled in poetry, proee, music and aong ~ Friday (April 18) at UC Irvine during the staging of u.. ''The Fruit of Her Hands" in the campus Fine Arta ~ Concert Hall. ~ The work will be pre9ented at 8 p.m. by the .; New Artef Players, a professional theater group I that takes its name from the original Artef players, ~ a Yiddish thespian group in New York during the -1920s and 30s. .2 a: The 13 women de9C;ribed in the work include the Biblical Eve and Deborah, actrese Sarah Bern- hardt and Ziegfeld Follies comedian Fanny Brice. Charles returns to Crazy Horse Ray Charles, a 52-year-old legend in popular music, will perform two shows each on Monday ahd Tueaday, April 19 and 20 at the Crazy Honie Steak House in Santa Ana. As a testament to his popularity, however, the 1,000 tickets for the four performances were mostly snatched up the same day they went on sale, March 29, according to a spokeswoman at the popUlar restaurant. · Charles will stage shows at 7 p.m. and 10 p.m . each night. Tickets are $25 each. Most of the good aeats went to people who began lining up two hours prior to the 5 p.m. opening of ticket sales at the Crazy Horse. Tickets to the production are $5 general ad- millaion, $3 for UCI students and $4 for other stu- dents. aenior citizens, alumni ueodation and staff members. RAY CHARLES ... legendary musician. A few seats may be left by this weekend, ac- cording to the restaurant spokesman, but they'll be the ones tucked back in the comers. ELABORATE EASTER BUFFET Served Pool-Side 9:30-3:00 D J·..>" .... ~ And our Regular Champagne Brunch Served in the Mediterranean Room 9:30-3:00 and meet the Easter Bunny (wittl his photocraPher) who wm be handing out eggs to all the boys & girls. '-. ~· 18700 MacArttu Btvd. Airportef' Inn Hotel Irvine 33-2770 Make }Our wffktnd1 ···spectal'' with a magnificent champagne brunch overlooklng Newport Bay. Smorgasbord buffet. only $9.15 ($4.95 under 12) Saturcloy 11 :00 a.m. -3:00 p.m. Surday 10:00 a .m. • 3:00 P·!"· .,_....., ... -..----- ·-a STARRING COllLEIE USE Music By JULE STYN.E Book By STEPHEN.SONDHEIM .. Directed •nd Choreographed by JOHN SPINDLER Guess 'Nho's coming to the Gf1ndef Gourmet Coffee Shoppes? April 11th. Easter Sunday. from 8:00 AM to -.-. 4:00 PM, the Easter Bunny '<Nill make o special appearance to poss out Easter Treats to off the kids. So bring the tomlly. and be ue to bring o CAMERA! H~tll"QIOO 8eoct1 ~ Poc:ltc Coast Hwy to d F"9t ~Beooh 1400 Pocitlc CCQf Hwy MacGregor has soul of dancer From Page 1 was driving a cab because there were no men. The war, ?;OU know. , • She was sharing an apartment with friendl and one day they were walking past the front of a theater in Detroit There was a sign ip the window which read 'Girls Wanted.' "In those days you could walk in off the street, and if you had the looks and the movements, you could go to work. My mother was hired as a chorus girl. • ''Mother was cute, tiny and very limber. She was quick to learn and in no time she was doing vaudeville skits, but it wasn't long before she was forced to quit the stage. She got black small pox and was left with some pretty bad acars. "She got out of the business, but her heart was always there. I was born when she was 32 and long before I was out of diapers., I was in dance class. "I was actually born in California, but we 9000 moved to Colorado, where I first remember hearing mother tell stories about the theater. She woula entertain us and rd just sit, look and think how wonderful she is. "Mother had the body and IOUl of a dancer. I too, had the 80Ul of a dancer, but not the body." But that didn't stop llttie Kathy MacGregor. She studied and worked in children's plays, took drama le90N every week, and after high school studied drama at Denver Univenlty and North· western. With a degree in drama, she headed for New YCl'k. Her first job in New York was telling adver· tiaement for the Lambs Oub, where ahe met a di· rector, who gave her a job in Pennsylvania making $1~ a week. When that job ended she returned to New York and really started putting henelf together. "I got a black dress, a string of pearls and learned to drlnk martinis,'' ahe said. "I got chic and got my teacher -San.ford Melaner. I wu going to do summer stock, but instead, too~ a job with Ar· thur Murray. I danced on hit teJev19ion show and was later leJlt to &.&rope for a workiJlc vacation. "I came back exhausted and bad1o take a week off before f>b\g on a TV quiz abow. I was told I would be fven the answer to my question before going on. was. It was a promotion and I repre- sented Arthur Murray.'' A short time later a number of TV quiz shows came under fire for giving guests the answers to the questions before the show. Mia MacGrefor made her Broadway debut in ''The Seven Year U:h." Many more plays followed. Then ~ollywood, "Little House," and fl· nally South Rep. "DA" will run through May 16. Comic club w ill host sci-fi art show The West Coast Comic Club will sponsor its annual Science Fiction and Fantasy Art Show and Competition May 1.3·16 at the Mall of Orange, 2200 N. Tustin Blvd. The show reportedly is the nation's only regularly scheduled art exhibition devoted so- lely to science fiction and fantasy art. Entries are received from throughout the :!Jnited States. On special display this year will be ani· mation artwork from the film "Heavy Metal." Artists may submit worka for competition by contacting Eugene Henderaon at 639-0089 5-10 p.m. weekdays. Judging ln the amateur and mute.rs dMslons will take place on May 16, with awards presented the same day. -llliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 9 1910 W. COAST HWY. NIWft>IST llACM, CA • (11•>6J 1-MJ I ''Rivals '2001' and 'Snt R WA RS''' -STEPHEN SCHAEFER, US Moguine -·----I IO Currently screening o) A LITTLE SEX: Rated R, atara Tim Matheson, Kate -Capshaw and Edward HftT11'.W\1\ in the story of a man who UW. ~ 1.0 be faithful but finds It hard. The R rating is fOf' adult litua-4". dons. ~ ABSENCE OP MALICE: Rated PG, Paul Newman and Sally 'O Field. A caNfu1 study of the power of the iir-and ita ;£ ~ neetly execuced by 5k1ney Pollack. The PG rattn, la foe adult tancu.. ~ -a TBB AMATEUR: Raced R. stan John Savaae and Marthe c Keller in a tale of CIA intncue and betrayal. The R rattn, ii (or ., violence. ! ATUHTIC CITY: Raced R. stan Burt Lancuttt aa an~. bottom-rune ex-pnptes' who aeta one IMt chance 1.0 ~a big 0 buck when be bappaw upon a larae amount ot oocalne, and one -IMt chance 'at l"lllD&DClt when he rmeu SUlan Sarandon, a card 0.:: cte.Jer, Louil Malle direNd thla bit of whhnly, wnnen by John Gu.are. lt'1 tr.h, funny, and alfVt!. The R natl.nl la {Of' violence and adult lltuadorla. THE BE.AST WITHIN: Rated R. 1cars Ronny Cox, Bibi ee.ch and Paul Clementi in a tale of horl"oc. The R rftinc II for violence. BODY BEAT: Rated R. lt&n'ln( Wllllam Hun aa a bunlllna. loYstndl attorney and Kathleen Tumn-aa the fanme fatal Th.la 9U)', devlow myat«y t.akea pi-In a fk:tltioua Florida 10Wn eo hot that people In cafe. order Iced teet twO at a time. Directed by Lawrence KMdan. aa an homaae IO film nol.r, the R rating comes from brief nudity, talty Janiuage and a genrral air of ~ THE BOllDEJl: Rated R. 11an Jadt Nichol.an .. a dislllu- Doned bonier iuanf and Valerie Perrine aa hb credit-mad wife. Ntchol9on ta brtlllant aa the~ Ow'1Je Smith; Harvey Keitel la taut M hll corrupt friend and pannu. The R ratina ii for violence. 111mt nudlty·and Janauap. Bt.m'ZllP'L Y: Rated R. mn Stacy K.-:h and Pu. Zadora In the fib ven1on of Jamee M. Caln'• novel of Inca\. Dlrec1ed by Man amber from a IO'ipt by John Goff and Omber. The R ratinf la for adult materilll. CANNERY llOW: Raced PO, lltar9 Nick Nohe and Debra Wlneer in a~ film.adaptation ol John St.einbeck'1 storiel "Cannery Bow" and "Sweet TbW"lday." Shot on MOM aound ..... thla lllOYie hM a --. enchant.ed lock and fine performanca by Nolte, win.er and Audra Undley .. the rmdame.. Na.mated by John Hu.ton. The PG ractnc II for RX.Ual adult lituadoN. CAT PEOPLE: Rate R, 1tar1 Naatanla Kln1kl and Malcolm McDowell in a tale of love and the 1upematural. DI· ~ by Paul Schrader, mual.c by Ueor!Po MOl'Oekr. Tile K ra ii foe aex and vio&efVJr. P&llPllTPMTI whlle u waH llYES llllDI 474 E. 17th S t. Coe teMeu ... 2131 You "AUTd' Drive Into Spring Orange County lntegJatlonal Aute CILUUOl'I OP P1llE: Rated PG and IWTinl Ben en. and Ian 0'8.riaon .. ninnen in the 19i4 Olymp.d.. wbo ND r90el for different~ but manaae t.o win just the anie. The PG ratina mutt be foe Ill lofty themes: ~ II no nudity, no violence and Vt!r)' UUle offensive iancuaP· DEATHTRAP: Rated PG, 11ar1 Chrlltopher Reeve, Mkhael Caine and Dyan Cannon In a clever murder mystery about a waahed up wrlter and a ptOmlli.na younc authoc who pens a areat myat«y. The PG ralini ii foe vlo&ence. DEATH WISH: Rated R. 1tar1 Charles Bronaon and Jill Ireland. Tb.ii 1tory contlnum the aap of a man who .ell out to avenae the death of hll wife at I.he handl of mugger1. The R rat.in& II fOf' violence. EVJ4 UNDER THE SUN: Rated PG, l1al"I Peter Ustinov, Jane Birldn, Sylvia Mi.lea. James Muon and DUlna Rigg 111 Aptha Chri1Ue'1 tale of murder and intrigue. The PG ratina 11 for adult situationa. THE P'RENal LIEUTENANT'S WOMAN: Raled R, stan Meryl Streep In the role of the heartbroken and heartbreaking French Lleu1eo&nt'1 woman and Jeremy Irom .. the Victorian &"'ltlnnan who gamblft hll iov. and reputation on her. The Victorian love !l10I)' I.able Is lntttcut wl th another plot: the "CAT PEOPLE" ,... ........ ,..._ 4ACll~ "MISSING" tl::ll, ...... NI, .. "EVIL UNDER THE SUN" ............ ,.. .. MOVIE RATINGS FOR PARENTS AND YOUNG PEOPLE n..~o1.,., • ..,..,o.......,. _.,. .-........ _,,"' .... ... -0-.. -0,. ..... ~ ~ AU. AGES ADM4TTlO l!::!J a.-.. """-. -------ti NOW SHOWING r-I ------- ANAHEIM Brookhurst 772-6446 ~BreaPlazo 529-5339 COSTA MESA R TOIO ORANGE ORANGE Sode.tieback Orange Mall LIA City Cinema 581-MSO 637-oo40 634--3911 =~~~~win ~Or-In ~I 839-1500 639-8770 893-0546 Edwards Cinema Center 979-4141 IMNt Woodbftdge 551-0655 ... - modem day film crew mak1nc a movie of ''The French Lieu- tenant'• Woman" hM lta own romantic drWDlll and down1alls which are meant IO ocmpare and conlnlt with the Vlc1orian .equence. The R rating la for adult •xual aituationl. GALLIPOLI: Rated R. ltal"I Mel Glbaon and Mark Lee .. two Youn& Australian eoldien who fl.ght In the tragjc battle of Gallipoli In World War I. The R raung i.s for 1.aniuaa.e and violence. ORE.AT WHITE: Rated PG. It.In Vic Morrow, James Frantbcul and a great whlt.e shark. The PG raung II foe violence. MAXING LOVE: Raled R, 11ar1 Michael Onlkea.n, Kate 1 Jacbon and Harry Hamlin In a 1tory about a woman, 1 man and hll homoRxua1 lover. The R rating Is for adult lituauona and homoexuallty. MISSING: Rated PG,ltal"I Jadt Lemmon and Silly Specek as a man and his daughter in law who IMl"Ch for his mislllng IOI'\. 'The evenll are baled on a uue Jt.ory in which 1 YOW\i American was apparently allowed IO be killed in a Latin American country by ton.a friendly with the U.S. GovemmenL 'Ille PG ratina is for adult Ii wa tionl. See Currently, Page 12 Libby Tucker hitchhiked from Brooklyn to take Hollywood by storm. And her father by surprise. ,• __ _ ... di p 1 j I I -The stars----------- Actress Debbie Reynolds just turned 5Q (April 1) and says she i.s not afr/Ud of gro- wing old. Seen · through the years, she has At 50, Debbie is cornf ortable By PATRIClt CONNOLLY .. 11al1t1f"-Wftlllf . SEATTLE -P ert, perky and 50, actress Debbie Reynolda says she doesn't mind growing old -anymore "Forty was the hard one for me. Once I got over that. I just kept going," she said, laughing and touching up some makeup during a recent ferryboat ride acroaa Puget Sound. She wu appearin$( in the ""1tngln' -and-hoof In' " muaical review, "Teamwork" with comedian-impressionist Rich I.Jttle at the Paramount Theater. A hair stylist, who accompanies the star nearly . everywhere, flounced a blond wave into place. "I was 50 April 1 -the bUr one -but I don't mind," she said. 'Tm comfortable with myaelf. Fi- nancially, I still have to work but I'm aecure as a bwnan being.'' She baa two divoroea and two grown children behind her. She's on her own, with plana fot a new Broadway musical and performance \his summer in the Midwest. She's a.180 taping a television game show and will do a show in Reoo, Nev., next month. But marriage ia not in the picture, she aaya. "You can't~t married until you find aorneone you love, and I haven't." she said. "My children are on their own and rm proud of them. Now their J1'K)~er's free to travel.' Her 1955 marriage to crooner F.ddie Fiah'er - which prodooed daughter Carrie, and eon. Todd - ended in divorce four years later. In 1960, she married shoe store tycoon Harry Karl. Preston's new r ole iD. 'Victoria' BJ BOB THOMAS ..... 111 • ..._ .... HOLLYWOOD -"In my lifetime of tean and laughter I've never played anythin& \ike this before," eays 'Robert Preston in wondennient over his ro1e in the new Blake F.dwardll movie, "Victor, Victorla.'' After 44 yean of macho portrayals, inclUding the dynamic Harold HW of ''Music Man." here is Bob Preston In the part of a Par;. -~ who has a romance with -Alex KarrM. fonner Detroit Lionl tackle. "I plfY a happy.J3-lucky, Left Bank, gey entertainer/',Pre.wn of h1I role .... Toddy, who I copY' 7 !.lwn4g.Jadle J\nd'!'\JQ •r!!AV> changed 1101De as the photcs ttvea1 -(froin left) 1982, 1973, 1964 and 1950. She quickly and coldly. disrn118ed Fisher's re- cent kiss-and-tell book "F.ddie Fisher.'' in which be says he didn't love her -"We were married to the fan magazines, not to each other." "I haven't read it." ahe said, with a wave of her hand. "My daughter read it and said it was all right and didn't say anything too bad. I just don't care about it. Mias Reynolda ia amUled to find henielf rein- carnated with the younger geoeration, not as the bouncy, mugging comedienne of '40s and '50s mu- sicals, but as the mother of a science fiction movie star. Daughter Carrie has starred as Princess Leia in "Star Wan" and "The Em ire Strikes Beck." "A lot of younpten ~n't know Debbie Rey- nolda -but hey know Prinoes8 Leia," she said of her 25-year-old daughter. "I sign their autographs, 'Prince88 Leia's Mother' and they love it." Todd Fisher, 23, a former architecture student, is a "reborn Chriadan" with a reu,ioul television program in Southern California, she said. "Star Wan" uide, most current film is too explicit for Mim Reynolds. who fiita ~ l.n a lavender pucho outfit and, at 6-feet-1 and about 100 pounds, aeema little cllanged from 30 yean ago. 'Tm afraJd rm from the romantic era and don't go for the near-rornosraphy in some movies today," she laid." can lir'8 and dance and act and I don't have to do rum. for a living anymor-e. "Actreu friends of mine say, 'that's part of being an actrem' and I uy, 'No, that's part of beinj a stripper ... or another profemion.' But they're working in films and rm not." The television eeries grind can eat up young actre9lel tnrina to raiae famillf9 and feed husbands, too, Mid M1ae Reynalda, whoee ~ries lut year -a "Fantasy laland" cor>.'. called "Aloha Holiday" -. lasted ''nine eeconds~' -~y her count. "It's abeolutely kllU.ng, grueling and impossible male impenonator and become a nightclub eenaa- ~. . "It'• very aeldom .you get a character who ia th& much fun, that inventive, that freewheeling. He haa nothing to do with 'La C.. aux Fones.' He's a very happy, well-edjuatecf IUY· He just happena to prefer men. Who e1ae but Blake would have thought of me for the panr Preston fint learned about "Victor, Victoria" when be was working for Edwarda In "S.O.B." aa a "Dr. Feelaood" type llollywood doctor, a role that many feel delerved an Oacar nomination. Later Edwarda called Preston at hia Connecticut home and aid: "rve been wiitinl &his acript and Toddy looks just like you." At &4 Bob Preston still findl challenaes 1n a career that began when Paramount picked 1lim out of the Paaadena PlayhOUle in 1938. · He •• here retently -to work on hia tint television movie, "Cold Rading,'' a whodunnit with , LE fed!rave. He haa bpt the Parrt;:I =s 'Forty was the hard one far me.' -Debbie Rey- nolds for a personal life," she said of doing television se- ries. "You work from five or 1ix o'clock in the morning until 11 at night and then you get home and memorize dlaJosue and get ue and go back to work. It's as thouah you shouldn t take your ma- keup off. That'• wny l prefer the theater." Starting off In abow ~today probably hasn't~ much from when she got into it "by accident," through winning a Mim Burbank. Calif., beauty pageant and being noticed by a Hollywood talent scout. "Try out for all the plays and appear in all the community functions you can,'' ahe advises others. "Don't be afraid to fail, to make a fool of yourself. Acting is making a fool of you.nelf.'' Sippins hot coffee from a styrofoam cup, she stepped onto a rain..aplattered ferry boat deck for a photographer, and cocked a cheerful eye at the dripping sky. he bought from Johnny Weismuller In 1940, though his primary home remains In the East. During his visit. Preston talked about his ca- reer and reflected on how he waa a victim of Hol- lywood typecasting. "I wu a leadlns man in B pictures and a heavy in A'1," he aaJd. "I left Hollywood In 1952 to do 'Cloudburst' fot Hammer Productions in London," he recalled. "Every day after work. the rest of the CMt went to the West n¥I to appec in plays. and I thought how wonderful that wu. America la the only major country where the movie md the theater worlds are aeparated pofp'aphically.'1 Pretton ~plaoed Jcm Fernil' in Uae Brotdway revival of 'Twentieth Centur')"' and conWaid the theater world "that I ~·t Ju1t a cowboy actor.'' The big break came when Preaton flew here to perfonn "Trouble" for Meredith Wlll90l\1 who de- mi*i:Mae' be bed ll'i6t ~--· u . 'I I I I I -. It Currently • screening >. 1h>m Page 10 ~ ON GOl.DEN POND: Rated PG, stars Henry Fonda and "C Kalharlne Hepburn • ID ..iina couple retuml.ni to live on u. Golden Pood. He'a filled with-uudelis about dffth; lhe'a ~ lnt.enninabl}' cbesfu1.. 'l'bey blcktt politely until the arrival of -o their daueh• (Jane J'ooda), her laie.t boyfriend, Billy {played c brilllanUy by Dabn&y c.oleman) and his 13-year-old boy. The PC C> rating la foe lanplce. ! ONE FROM THE HEART: Rated R. takes place In a llOWld :> 11age re-creation of Laa Vegas and teU. the atoc')' of 24 houn In -the Uva of two laven. The film WM dlttcted by Francia Coppola. .2 written by Armyan 8emilWin and C-oppola, and stan Frederic it Forrst, Tai Garr, Raul Julia and NlllWlia .Klnakl. The K rating IS for adult altualiom. PENNIES FROM REA VEN: Rated R, 11.a.rS Steve Martin and ~madette Peters in a \hrowbeck to 1930I muaica.ls. Set against the ~ the atoc')' la Rrioua. even a llttJe black. The R raung ii tor adult altuationl and sex. PERSONAL BUT: Raced R. atan Mariel Heminaway and Patrice Donoelly In the llOC')' of two athletes V)'ll\& for a bid In the 1980 Olympic Pentathalon. Jt'a a oelebratJon of c:ompetition. friendship, good heelth and good bod.lea, written, directed and produced by Robet1 Towne. 1be R rating la for nudity, homo- sexuality and adult sltuatbw. POR&V'S: Raced R. IW'a Kim Caurall, Scot C.Olomby and Alex K.amia ln a tale of boys growing up. The R rating ii for nudity QU~ FOR FlllE.: Raced R, is a look at ptthis10ric man Jnd woman. complete with primltl~ ~e and a tel of "body languace" developed by an~t Demond Morris. The film stars Everett McCm and Rae Dawn O\ong. The R rating IA for violence and RX. RAGTIME: Rated PG, ii an lntelllaen1 -=reen venion of E. See OJ.rrentJy, Page 13 BEST ACTRESS -Katharine Hepburn BEST ACTOR -Henry Fonda BEST SCREENPLAY (Adaptation) -Ernest Thompson when life is at ita finest .•• when loYe is at ib fuUeat .•. . \ •BARGAIN MATINEES • Mond•r ttlru hturday All Performancet befOlt 5:00 PM (&cie,t l,.aal E•11•11ll IN HllNlyl) "l'OMY'9" 1111 _a:a ___ _ LAl<EWOOO CE NTER WAii( IN ~ IUMD f» HU0"1111 --..... -·- l Al(fWOOO C ENTEi:I '.OUTH ., .. , • " k9()MI "'"° Of .. "°'" Clll ------ ~IT'°",_" 1111 --___ ,_,_,_ klclllly 01 COllOlh OOCI 211/IJ1•9llO _ .. llO ___ .. ___ ~= I -Soutll COCMI Mtwoy otltoMw•• 414-1114 ~~..r l'M.Mf,-a ...... ?l .. - ..... ..,.,....... '" ............. .. """'·---.... - 5 WINNER ACADEMY AWARDS NOW PLAYING CDWAllll IOUTM COAST l'UlA C.-.ocNH OrMlQO! ....UM Olllft-111 Soutn C-1 PW•'°'"' ~ 171 •I 134 7553 ~ 171415461711 ao--· =--~:::... CIU !tlUISO tDWlMI FOWT&I• H WT llWlllllll WOOOllllDOf lount-Yllf\!11141H9 ISOO lrwlt!T141551 0655 NO N.l6lS ~no,,_,._ 01&1iot•., PAClflC THEATllU OlllV(·lll swar MEETS 111111c" •Oli<l t11cu -"'•• ••t IA• n HAlllOll l lVO OAIVE·IN & OUllGE OlllVf·I• .... ftJN\Al-T 6 ,_, IOU '-*' lll<OOAU al-• llMW• ... ~ •••• ol\ .,...... 7:l0 ' , .. \., 7: u , .... \t.,, ...... IMPORTANT NOTICE! CHllOfUN UNOlR 12 f RU ! ".,"' .,,, .......... ,.,. '" 6.JO. s.1 S.• """ •.oo , .. ~!OllllD·l'OUll aM CAlllWllllS l'OUll~ tf IC) AM CAii IWJO WITl4 OfTlON ACClUOllT IOSITlON _,.... .. POlll'MU t•MJ. Cllf.A OIWf.llS 11:111 (ill ... IWll) .A"'4 .A'"4fl~ ANAHEIM DRIVE·IN f ... W9'1' ti 01 l-SI 179·9110 _,. Of ,_ ACl.lleltY AW""°I kflAIOVll Of' THE LOIT AM" •uie 1001 NT'He FtNA1. COUNTDOWN"' 1001 Cllof Ft 50llotO Bl l ,_.A '-'A._• BUENA PARK DRIVE IN ' ' .. ,. ~ ... ,. LINCOLN DlllVHN I I '-12~~~ ·~" 1 81·li!Jil.i"I ''eLASH Of' THE mANS" 1001 "-US "THI'. LOAO Of' THE RINGS" 1001 M IT ACfCMll ...... .r.CfM&t "ON ~N ~~ !._l'O~UI "OAOIHAAY .... r 1•1 Cllltft - "S OME ICINO Of' .. ft<>" 1111 "-lie ·a .o.a."1•1 "N..INTRAGr 1111 ...... "CAT NOPLr 1111 "OUl:IT FOR,_. 1W1 ...... •c AWMAN" tN I I Son 0!900 llwy of 9'oolilkmt (lo I ff2·2411 CH;( ., - : .... _c.._'f_:._~_;3_0I_) -ACfOll--.. "ON 00L0SN ~ CN~ "ST MTINO OVIR" 1111 Cllll•AIOUllD 'WCHARD """°" UYt OH ntm ~ ITW" C111 -"'*I> CM8" ll') Clfll·fl IOUllO ... , ...... LA HABRA IJfllld N ........ -·--·--•n·IMJ -~-- ~ . . . . ORANGE Di.>11..t '"' ... . ... MISSION 0111'.;f IN . . .... O'IC~ 0. TMI 'tUll '"CHANOTI Of' , ... 1N1 -"Aln'HUR'" INI COii( ft SOllllO ---"POMY'l·1 .. 1 -"UP '" SllO«ll" 1111 Clllt • H IOUllO SoftlO"""' ,...., •s-c-.e IN·7022 -~----------------------.,~ ............. ......-- Currently ~creeniIJg---- From Page 12 L. Doctorow's 1976 novel. which weavea hiat.orical charllCtenl - Harry Thaw, SWllonl While, Evelyn Nesbit, J.P. Mcqan -into the livn of what tries very hard to be a typical American family. fl.lubeth Mt'Govem givn • winn1ni pedcinnance u the dreemy eyed Neeblt and Howard E. Rollins II commanding u ~ Walker, a black piano player who II abwled by bi&ots and bwftucntl alib. The direc1or, Milos Foreman, had a difOcult tuk in cuttlni the 1prawll.nc book into film shape, and he's done . the job admirably. The PG ratinc It (or nudity and IOOle violence. REDS: Rated PG, 11ar1 Warren Beat~hn Reed. the American journalist and Diane Keeton u Bryant, who becomes hil wile. Thia film runa well over U\lft houri on a bud,et of over $30 million. and the loving catt ol Bee tty, who abo produced and directed, ahowa. The PG ratina It toe~ and adult situatiom. SllAR~Y'S MAClllNE: Rated R. stan &rt Reynokil u a iough cop caught between• corTUpt department and ever-praent bad guys. The R ratina ii for violence and ~. SHOOT THE MOON: Rated R. IW'S Albert Finney• Georse Dunlap. whme marriage to Faith (IXane Katon) la on the rocla. They become involved with different people, and for the tint time in yean, leftD to involve thermelvn ~It'• an accurae.e, moviJli account of a break-up. more Intuitive and precbe than most movies on ctivortt. I.a their dau,tlter, Sherry, Diana Hill ii brillianL Keaton giws the performanot of a lifetime. The R r•Uni ii for adult Ii tua1ionl. DEATHTRAP MICHAEL CAIN'E CHRISTOPHER RE,EVE DYAN CANNON . The trap is set .•• For a wickedly funny who'll-do-it. 1n IRA uv1N'S ••DEATHTRAP" Executive Producer JAY PRESSON ALLEN Associate Producer ALFRED de LIAGRE. JR. Music by JOHNNY MANDEL Produced by BURTT HARRIS Screenplay by JAY PRESSON ALLEN Based on the stage play by IRA LEVIN Directed .by SIDNEY LUMET IPGIPMOOM.1&..:1..atiiOI , __ _ tp .... ....-., .......... aa@ 0 ~~~notCOOMfWfY MOVIE RATINGS ""'Olllloc-o/N t ... •10 ........ ,__....,, .. _....,"' ...... _,,,,_°" __ ~ ~AGES M>Mmo ~ O.-lllAud-1 ~ AlLAGESAOMITTED • ~ P.,...iMGul-S..~ AUTRICTED \JftOff ., ,..,.,. ~ . p.,.,,, ... AOult 0.-- ® NOON( IJH06A 17 AOMlrTIO t"'Ot ··-....... "' "'-·-i I \ Jeri Holme•' Unique Boutique 4 No. 21 LumlMryerd Plaza 4M-23n 384 Foreet Ave., Laguna Beach 982-1498 HE'S TRYING TO BE FAITIIFUL, AND FAILING mLARIOUSLY. ... A LOT OF IAUGHS! ~ ....... "' .. ~ ..,. 111¥.I 13 :!! 0 -' ~ I ~ 0. ~ ..,. 1 0. ~ )> -0 ~ !;D ... (0 CD N .. , t .. • .. ... ~--DiveFsions----------------------------~ O> ~-PLAYS-·-------- <~ "WHO'S ON FIRST?" by El Toro's Jack Sharkey, a wacky farce, opens tonight as a pro- ~ duction of the Irvine c.o.nmuntty Theater at Turtle i:> Rocle Community Park, Sunnyhill Road off Turtle ;t Rock Drive in Irvine. Performances are Fridays and Saturdays at 8 p.m. through May l with Sunday ~ matineee April 18 and 25 at 2 p.m. Tick.eta available i:> at the door. Call 557-7297 for infonnation. i 1 ''DA.'' an award-wlnnina Irish comedy, opena ~ Tuesday at South Coast Repertory, 655 Town _ Center Drive, Calta Mesa. Curtain time is 8 p.m. .2 Tuelday throuih Saturday, 7:30 Sunday and 2:30 0: for weekend matinees. Reeervationa 957-4-033. "THE ROY AL FAMILY," a comedy about people in the theater a half century ago, ia on stage at the Newport Harbor Acton Theater, 390 Monte Vista St, Costa Mesa. Performances are Thundays through Saturdays at 8 p.m., Sundays at 2:30 until April 24. Call 631-5110 for ticket information. .. THE DEADLY GAME," a suapeme drama by the Mission Viejo Playhouse, continues at the Fo- rum Theater on the Fe9tival of Arts groU.Oda on Laguna Canyon Road in Laguna Beach. Perfor- mances are Fridays and Saturdays at 8:30 th.rough April 24, with n!9ervationa taken at 830-9252. "FORTY CAR.ATS," a romantic comedy span- ning the eenent3on pp la on stage at the Harlequin Dinner Playbou.e, 3~03 S. Harbor Blvd., Santa -,Ana. The ahow will be on 1ta1e nightly except Monday at varytnc curtain times through May 9. Call 979-5511 for ticket information. John Alexander wil cen- duct The Padfic Chorale in Serg.a Rachmaninoff'• ·v .. ,_.• this 9"nlng at the St. John Vlanney ~,.I at 7:30. "DIVISION STREET," a comedy populated with wacky cbaracten, cloees out at the Laguna Moulton Playhouse, 606 L•guna Canyon Road, Laguna Beach. Final performances are tonight and Saturday at 8 p.m. Reservations 494-0743. -ART------ "POST AL ART AND OTHER IMAGES" by Angie Miller la cm displa~ 12-16 in the Gug- enhelm and Upstain G ea, Chapman College 333 N. G1-ll, Oranae. Gallel'y houra are 1-5 p.m: Adm!Mion la free. "FADING AWAY," an exhibit by Laguna WINNeR ~~y BEST PICTURE BEST ORIGINAL SCORt: • VANGEUS Bf.ST ORIGINAL SCREENPLAY C.OLIN WELLAND Hf.ST COSTUME· MELINA CANONERO. ==p C11ARIOTS ==;:::=OF=fl=RE= ' Beach artist/photographer Jerry Burchfield depic- ting the final years in the life of his grandfather, is to be on display April 14-May 10 in the Orange Coast College Photo Gallery in the Fine Arts Buil· ding. Gallery hours are 8 a.m.-5 p.m. and 7 -9 p.m. Monday through Friday. Ad.miaaion is free. IL'LUSTRATIONS BY KAREN WHEELER are on display through April 30 at the Huntington Beach Library and CUltural Resources Center 7111 Talbert. Huntington Beach. Gallery hours ~ 1-9 p .. m. Mondays, 9 a.m .-9 p..m. Tue9day-Thuraday and 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Friday and Saturday. PAINTINGS BY SHIRLEY MURRAY are on exhicit at Challis Galleries, Laguna Beach begin-ning Monday. I WATERCOLORS AND OILS BY TIMOTHY J . CLARK are on display at Challis Galleries., Laguna Beach. A Santa Ana native, Clark has compfeted n~roua portraits. " RECENT PAINTINGS BY STEVEN DE- LAIR are on exhibit through April 25 at Challis Galleries, Laguna Beach. OIL PAINTINGS BY DAVID RAU, who spec- ializes in works featuring active sports aoenes, go on display April 17 at the Orangerie Gallery, Laguna Beach. "WORD ON PAPER BY SANTOMAsO" are on display at Riuoll Gallery, South Coast Plaia, Co.ta Mesa. Included are etcbinp, quatinta and gouaches. See Divenions, Page 15 ---11 .. IBml mllSI 11•--llllll•llllll :11m-:1111m-:11•~11•••-:11• !PI~=--=-..:1 ·~·-· .... -...... r ee=- • -Diversions--------~~§T VIDEO From Page 14 ARTIST LEONARD SCHEU ia to speak at 7:30 p.m. April 17 at a meeting of the Niguel Art ~ dation at Republic Savinga and Loan, Crown Val- ley Parkway, Laguna l'liguel. Information, call 830-7362. -ETC.------ _· "OLIVER" ia scheduled to be presented June 18-July 10 at the Festival Amphitheater, 12852 Main St., Garden Grove. Other shows scheduled include "Twelfth Night" to play Julr, 23-Aug. 7 and Aug. 27-Sept. 4, "Romeo and Juliet• on Aug. 12-21 and Aug. 27-Sept. 4. For ticketa 8nd information, call 636-7213. "GOURMET SEWING," a needlecraft wOl'kahop offering tips on creating designer clothes, begins April 16 at Orange Coast College. For in- fonnation, call 556-5880. JIM NABORS performs throtagh April 11 at Knott's Berry Fann, Buena Park, along with a live version of "Truth or Consequences" and perfor- mances by the Ritheous Brothen. April 30-May 1 will be a country Muaic Party. May 1-2 ia to be a Cinco de Mayo Fiesta. Memorial Day Weekend, May 29-31 will be Urban Cowboy Days. Knott's 7th annual Ice Show Spectacular begins June 12. DON AND ALICIA BULLOCK'S GUN SHOW AND SALE runs April 10-11 at Anaheim Convent- ion Center. A~on is $3.50 for adults and $2 for children 6-12. -DANCE------ AEROBIC DANCE _CLASSES begin April 12 at ~------- -~ .1 You'll bella4-,oueamel -------- the Crystal Cathedral, Uarden Grovi. lnfonnation, call 971-4144. A JAZZ FESTIVAL with guest artist jau vocalist Bobby McFerrin of San Francisco runs April 16-17 at Fullerton College. • -MUSIC------ "BEETHOVEN'S MIGHTY MASS" is title of the Pacific Chorale's concert May 22. For ticket information, call 542-1790. "VESPERS" BY SERGEI RACHMANINOFF will be performed by the Pacific Chorale at 7:30 p.m. Friday, April 9, at St. John Vianney Chapel, Balboa laland. ~ations are limited. For infor- mation, call 760-1834. THE PLIMSOULS return to the Golden Bear, Huntington Beach, for performances at 8:30 and 11 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. . B.B. KING performs at 8 :30 and 11 p .m . Wednesday and Thursday at the Golden Bear, Huntington Beach. VIOLINIST DEBORAH SMITH presents a recital at 8 p.m. April 16 at Chapman College, 333 N. Glasaell, Orange. Admission is free. Information, call 997-6871. -SINGLES----- "sPa1NGING FORTH AS A SINGLE" .is topic of an infonnal diacu.smon planned at 5 p.m. April 10 at the Advanced Health Center, 1300 Bristol St. North, Newport Beach. Admission .is $3. For lnfor- Matin, call 975--0700. ENTERTAINMENT from the Warner Home Video Rental Library .... ul0LFEN NEWEST RELEASES· NOSTALGIA· CONCERTS RELIGIOUS• SPORTS• CHILDRENS •ADULT INCLUDING THESE EXCITING TITLES FROM RUSSIA WITH LOVE DEATH HUNT WHAT'S NEW PUSSYCAT ZORRO. THE GAY BLADE COM.ING SOON On Golden Pond French Lieutenant's Woman T OUIAHO~ Of TAPES AHO DISCS TO CHOOSE FllOM OPEN: M·F. 10·9-SAT. 10·6-SUN. 12·5 ONE STOP FOR All YOUR VIDEO NEEDS llCR·s •BIG SCREENS•COLOR CAMERAS COLOR TV"S•lllOEO GAMES• ACCESSORIES 36!1 E•~t S•••ntHnth S11uf Cost• M•se. Caitlorm• 92617 fl14J 631 ·STOP or 631 l867 ACROSS FROM RALl'fl'S VIDEO- The Army is ~it to him in the daytime. His wife isn't doing it to him at night. ADI his j[irlfriend chaigcs him by the hour. Richard Pryor keeps dPttina caught ;;fthhls pants down . ~ 0 - I 'I - • .. - I . I r ,. N CIO QI .... .. A.s seary •• '.J•w•' wll6 paws. A elassle IJ•rrer ••ttle." -----DEATH TRAP o• -.l•e" K,..11. ~Btf§tfBEK FAl·IUN. 1:45, 4:00 6:15, 1:30, 10:45 (PG) A Sc:ltnct ~ltl;&t.ty Qu~Uft EST fORflRE fm !:: ~! :_ua• FAl·IUN. 2:00,A:OO 1:00, t.-00, 10:00 CR) "A unLE SEX" • FAJ..SUN 12:30, 3:00, 5:30 l!OO 10-.30 PO FAl·SUN. 2:00, 4:00, 1:15 t :15. 10:15 (Ill SH<DT THE MOON NC-HAM> ""'Oft FAl·SUN. 1:.45, 1:15, 1CUO PERSONAL BEST (!l "SOME KIND OF HERO" CHARIOTS OfflRE 0 ~ FRl·IUN. 12"..30, 2"..30 4~. 1:30, •:JO. 10:20 RICHARD LIVI ON THE PRYOR SUNSET STRIP Ill • COlt.JtlltllA l"l(TUllll • -----ffeOl>-UY·--r -r.= _..,. &.OITAM ~-­ ,,._IU...4:11.lllO ~ ..,..IUM. ·lrtl,Nl,111:41 •.! •• , .. , ' ' , •• '(;1111 •• nl·IUM. t:OO •:tt.lc11, 1:11 11111 c•n •.., 1t 11t,•.•t '•It t t tl)t• 1, ,f 'J" 4,., ,,,,. "DASsoor· FRI-SUN. 1:15. 4:00 7:00, 9:45 (A) MCtWIO ""°" "IOME KIND Of HERO" WAUIB ..... ,. ~ -·-e .. Jf ....... .__. FAl·IUN. 1:10, 3:20 lllO. 7:41. ..... (Q) , .. , •• ..,... 1?11, 1:11 .1:11, 7:tS, .. ,. -· ........ 11VICTOR/ VICTORIA" ,.. . .. t .. 811111 ClllT IUITllCTll llACH I f 1111111 llllll FRIDAY, APRI L 9, 1982 ORANGE COUN TY. C ALIF ORNIA 25 CENTS Bonfa challenges Hutton's statement By ROBERT BARKER or-..,..., "°' ,,_.. Former Huntington Beach city attorney Don Bonfa asserts that incumbent City Attorney Gail Hutton has gone beyond th e bounds of political rheto ric m their heated campai~n for thP * * • city's highest legal office. Bonfa claimed Thursday that Mrs. Hutton attused him "of be- traying my trust as an attorney for lhe city." ''I challenge her t.o prove this serious allegation.'' Bonfo served as city attorney for 10 years before 108ing to Mn. Hutton in 1978. He charged that Mrs. Hutton "went too far" in a prior dl.Bcus- sion this week of Bonfa's role concern ing a lawsuit on down- town development Mrs . Hutton said, "It is my understanding that Bonfa caused the suit in the first place." Mrs. Hutton said today the basis for her statement was for- med from conversations with William Arnsbary, the assistant city administrator. Mrs. Hutton declared that Amsbary has mumaw knowledge of the suit and was the strategist for the city m defense of the suit. Amsbary said it was his lx>hef that the suit was "propelll'<l" by C.'Ondemnation of downtown lots that he stud was rn1tiatt•d by Bon fa Ht-said th<' city later dropped condemnation action and decla- red a moratorium on the Iota. He said this "stop a nd go" policy caused frustra tion and polarized poi.1t1ons and the suit was flied about 10 yl'ars lat.er (See BONFA, Page AZ) 16seek 4 seats on panel Feds: no word yet Recall expanded There are more candidates in Tuesday's Huntington Beach City Council election than there are issues. on can salmon? Sixteen people. including all four incu"Tlbents. are 1n the crowded field It's about the same number that the elecuon usualJy attracts. What's differ e nt is that no burning issues have s urfaced during the campaign or at city council meetings or othe r forums in recent weeks Federal officials in Los An- geles said they have received no word today of a repo~ expan- s io n in the r ecall of ca nned Alaskan salmon that was a n - nounced out of Washington D.C. Government sources indicated Thursday the recall was being expanded to cover salmol') pro- duced by eight Alaskan packin~ plants and more than 50 million cans that may be con taminated by a deadly botulism toxin. "That begins to challenge tht• largest multiple rel·all we· have had in FDA hLStory -which was the mus h room ·rt'<·all o f the 1970s," said Wayne Pines, a spo- kesman for the Food and Drug Admirnstratwn A Belgian man d 1l'd 1n Fe- bruary ;,iftcr t•allng l'ontammatt-d Alaskan solmon The r('call 1s o f salmon 1n 7 '• -ounct-1.:ans sold under a va- n et y of brand nanws Thl' nx•al- lt'<l c·ans arl' 1dentif1 able only by tht· L-odes on their ends. Th<' FDA said co nsumers should return the cans to the pla<:l' of purchase a nd refrain from opening them or eating tlw1r contents The FDA believes a machine wh1l'h shapt'S the cans may have turn soml' of thc-ir edges. leaving holc•s or othe r defects in the M.·ams when the ends were atta- (See SALMON, Page A2) And because there has been an absence of controversy, the m cumbents generally have been Cree from attack . thus brighte - n i n g their c hances for r e - election There are issues in the city - such as the height of buildings in a coastal part of the cit y and what to do about mobile home parks -but they have ~n put on the back burner. Valley council campaig11 State aid cuts central issue The incumbents: Ru lb Bailey, 55, was mayor m 1980-81. She says her priorities include youth and senior prog- rams, the upgrading o f the downtown, improving streets. correcting drainage defic1enc1es, public safety and providing ba- lanced housing. By PHIL SNEIDERMAN Oftt>e o.-, Piiot ai.n• How to keep Fountain Valley afloat financially in an era o f decreasing funds is the central issue in the campaign for three city council seats. The campaign concludes Tues- day, when local voter s will choose from among 10 candidates vying for the council vacancies. Bob Mandi e, 40, a local businessman. He says the deve- lopment of industrial and com- mercial areas are necessar y to reduce the tax burden of res- idential property owners and to provide employment opportuni- ties. Don MacAlllster, 49, a bus1· nessman. He says housing needs are a priority in the city. He says senior citizens need new residen- tia I opportunities and mobile park tenants and owners deserve fair treatment. II# ""°'o IN COMMAND -British Brigadier J ulian Thompson, 47, officer commanding No. 3 Royal Marine Corrunando Brigade, shown here on recent snow maneuvers, is commander of British landing forces on the Royal Navy armada heading for the F a lkland Islands. Thompson 's rank is equivalent to a brigadier general m U.S. forces T h e race has been low-k ey, with few divisive issues separa- ting the candK!ates. All of the cont.enders agree that the city's financial dilemma is the number Easter Bunny plans coast egg hunts John Thomas, 42, president of the John A. Th omas Crane & Trucking Co. lnc. He emphasizes his four years' experience on the council. He says he 1s proud of improving police, fire, paramedic and senior citizen services "and slashing costly frills." U.S. ships warned to avoid Falklands The Easter Bunny wll will have a busy weekend along the Orange Coast. throwing parties, hiding eggs and giving away special prizes. Here in Huntington Beach and Fountain Valley, two appearan- ces by the Easter Bunny are planned. The challen~ers: Dao Mahaffey, 33, local bus- ness owner and member of the planning commission. He says he (8ee COUNCIL, Page A2) * * * Candidates' LONDON (AP)-Secretary of State Alexander M. Haig Jr. flew to Bue nos Ai res today to tell leaders of Argentina's military governme nt Britain will not re- . treat from its demand that they withdraw all forces from the Falkland Islands forum Monday In Washington, the Pentagon said a warning had been sent to U.S. merchant ships to s tay out of the 200-rrule war w ne Britain says 1t w ill impose a round the disputed islands. But it said the notice "in no way constitutes a U.S government position regar- din g foreign c laims o r proclamations." The final candidates' forum of the year is scheduled Monday night in Huntington Beach for city counci l and city attorney candidates. The forum will start at 7 p.m at the Huntington Con t,nen tal Clubhouse at 19801 Brookhurst St. The election will be held the following day. WORLD Haig left for the Argentine capital after about six hours or talks with Prime Minister Mar- garet Thatch er and othe r gov- ernment leaders. The British took a tough stand . Easter, Passover share themes The major Christian and Jewish holidays of Easter and Passover, which occur at about the same time this year, also have similar themes -the deliverance of man from darkness. Page A5. NATION .. 'Huck Finn' banned as 'racist' The classic American novel, ''The Adventures of Huc.kleberry Finn," was removed from the curriculum of a Virginia school named for its author Mark Twain following complaints it is .. rad.at." Page A4. R eagan to lead way? f "The Cowboy'' (Ronald Reagan) l.ronlcally could be the man leading nations toward civilized nuclear behavior. Page A6. L toward the growing crisis in the South Atlantic. Argentina seized the bleak , treeless Btitish colony 250 miles off its southern coast last Friday after years of disputing Britain's 150-year-old control of the islands and their 1,800 inhabi- tants, most of them of English and Scottish descent. On Thursday. the Argentine foreign minister said the threat of war seemed to be fading, al- though talks to resolve the crisis would be protracted. Meanwhile, thousands of Argentine volun- teers signed up to fight if called. In Brussels, delegations from Br itain and its nine European Economic Community partners met today to discuss possible economic sanctions against Ar- gentina to protest the invasion. STATE One is set for Saturday at noon o n the Sts. Simon a nd Jude church grounds al Magnolia and Indianapolis in Huntington Beach. The event IS open to all ha ndicappeed childre n and is sponsored by the Men's Club of S ts. Simon and Jude and the Knights of Columbus Council 6020. The Easter Bunny w ill preside over the hunt. In F ountain Va lley, the 6th annual East.er Egg Hunt is set for 11 a.m. Saturday a t the recrea- tion center, 16400 Brookhurst St. C hildren up to age 9 will be entertained by the East.er Bunny and an Easte r egg hunt with prizes gjven in various categories. Interested hunters should bring a basket. 'Duke~s' bid no surprise There's been n o doubt for years that George Deukmejian would take a run at being governor. Page A6. • Krishnas take over ranch Hare .Krishnas are eStabl.iahina a farm community on a ranch near Sequoia National l>ark. Page A 7. COUNTY Pareats: bow to co~ Patience growlns Olin after ha.vln• the ldd1 aro\P\d the hou8e all week? Cartoon.rat Tom JohnlOn ahows how to avoid tearina your hair in tbe final days of Easter vacaUon. Pace St . I • • one c hallenge tht•y 'll fat·e 1f <:lccted Accordmg to ci ty comptroller Ho ward L ongba lla, Fountain VaUey will fall at least $255,000 short in balancing its HJ82 83 budget. Following are descriptions of the 10 candidates and how they hope to solve this problem: Dan Morton, 4 I . owns a retail Jewelry business in Fount<.iin Valley He says the city must set pnorities among i ts programs and services and "take a hard look" at thost-that are least essential or not self-supportmg . He also fa- vors an annual merchant's week to promote local shopping a nd thereby boost sales tax revenue. Linda Moulton, 38. te~cher­ administrator 1n the Savanna School District (Anaheim), 1s a 10-year Fountain Valley resident who is completing her studies for a masters degree in publ.Jc admi- mstrat1on. She believes the city's strict sien ordinance should be modified to help make Fount.am Valley m ore attractive to new bu:.messcs and thu increase the l'1ty's tnc:ome from sales taxes. Be tty Mignanelll, 49. is a for- rnt•r pres1denl of the Fountain Valley Sl'hool b oard and a 15 year rl:'Stdent. She belteves th(.-l'llY <:ou ld save money by l'ntenng into (.'OOperative agree- ments with other agencies such ac; the school distri<:t for services .,uch as maintenance and paving. Charles W. "Mike" Mlcbaeli1, ti I , is a former police chief of Fountain Valley a nd Garden Grove, now operating his own security business. He says the city could boost revt•nues by in- creasing the fees it charges insu- rance companies for copies of traffic accident and fire reports. Keo Holland, 56, is a teacher in the ABC Unified School District (Cerrit-:>s), who formerly has (See STATE AID, Page A2) Bunny busted Dispute leads to Laguna hu,.tch By STEVE MITCHELL Of IM O .. ly Piiot Si.ff It could only happen 1n La- guna Beach where, alas, police arrested the Easter bunny. Officers took away his egg basket. ha ndc uffed him and lock ed him up Thursday o n charges of, well, being tipsy in public. The police dispatcher received a calJ from an irate merchant in the Village Fair mall at about 2:30 p.m .. complaining of a six- foot tall bunny who allegedly engaged the shopkeeper in a verbal dispute. Aft.er a short discussion as to INDEX whether police or animal control officers should handle the inci- dl•nt, patrolmen Mark Vuille and Ron Sapp were dispatched to the mall. There the officers found F.d- \1. ard G . Dia mos. 22. of Texas. garbed in Easter bunny attire and carrying a colorful basket of candy eggs. The allegedly tipsy bunny was booked into jail, and his big pink cars, white fluf(y tail and East.er basket were· returned to merch - ants who had hired the man to pass out candy to youngsters. Diamos was detained for sev- eral hours in a holding cell, and released late Thursday. At Your Service California Cavalcade Classified Comics Crossword Death Notices Stan Delaplane F.d.ltorial Ent.er1ainment A4 A5 B2 Horoscope 8 2 Ann Landers 82 C7-8,Dl -6 B4 84 C6 B2 A6 Weekender Home/Garden B5 SPORTS Movies Weekender National News A3 Public Notices C6-7 Restaurants Weekender S ports Cl-5 Tel~on TV Log Theaters Weekender Weather A2 World News A3 Mc~aus ahead fu the Masters . Jack Nicklaus has taken the lead ln the rain-delayed Mu~rs Golf tournament ln Aupta, Ga. Page Cl. r' H/F Orano• Oout OAJLV PILOT/Friday, A. rll 8, 18&2 Continued stories ._ BONFA CHALLENGE • • • Bonfa uaertod oarller lhla week that Mta. Hutton "falsely claimed t•redlt" In the case. Hti aald that tl her alleanuons were true about hi1 role they would · conatltuh: grounds tor disbar. rnent. Bon fa, who hot been try ing u n1ucce1sfully to engage M rs. HultQn In public debate, renewed hla challe11Re Thursday He Haid he would be ready to debate Saturday followmg " city polltlcaJ forum at 2 p.m. at the Delma Care Center at 88 11 Flo- rida St., Huntington Beach. Bonfa claims that n refusal by Mrs. Hutton would prove she has no evidence to back up the alle- ged "false statements." Mrs . Hutton has refused to debate. She said the challenge to do so is the work "of a desperntt• rnan." In his statement of quallf1ca STATE AID CUTS ISSUE • • • worked as a school pnnctpal, an a_lrcraft m echanic and a profes- ~ onaJ map maker. He describes ,.h imself as fiscally conservative .·and believes the city s hould adopt "a more pos1tive attitude" to attract more business and in-dustry ... ;.., F red Voss, 45, as a n admini- stra tive services manager for the county who now occupies a seat on the Fountain Valley Planning :.,Commission . He is opposed to Imposition of special assessments ior stree tlighting and median i;naintenance. without approval of locaJ voters. He also believes the C'ity's recrP::.ion center should be made self-sufficient. James Neal, 68. worked for 35 years as a city manager 1nclud1ng 13 in Fountain ValJey He behe· ves his experience with city fi. nances will help solv~ Fountain Valley's money problems. He ra vors using the city's redevelop- ment agency to bring more bust- ness and industry to the city Ben Nielsen, 37, a furn1tun• company executive, as the only incumbent counciJ member run ning in Tuesday's election Ht' says he has a record of striving for more efficiency in govern- me nt and enc.'Ouraglng new cor- porations to settle in Fountain Valley. He also wants to kf'l'P pressure on state legislators to prevent further cuts in funding to cities. J a m es C reigh ton, 3 1, 1s a COUNCIL CAMPAIGN • • • will work hard to reverse growth of city government which he says has interests an conflict with the .needs of c1uz.ens Frank F. Mirjabangir , 39, cavil engineer for city of Huntangton Beach. He says growth of city services is not keeping pace with the needs of thl' community and believes c ity should provide proper police and fare protecuon. recreationa l fac1lit1es and senior citiz.en services Ed Zschoche. 39, business ow- ner. He promises to treat voters 'With respect. He says he has ex- perienced the frustration of voi- cing community ron("('ms to offi- cials who prom1se and renege or refuse to act Dean Albright, 49, electracaan He says he favors fuU restoration of all marsh areas in the Bolsa Chica. He supports village atmo- sphere in downtown area and enc.'Ourages industry to locate an city to increase tax base. John F . Va lentloo, 59, quality assurance representative. He says he is well aware of aJI problems confronting Hunting ton Bcat•h and wiU be working for all the people "when elected to the city coun cil." Jay D. Stout, 39, financial au- ditor He says his long-term goals mclude downtown rejuvenation. L'Onunued improvement in crime control, efficiency in govemmt'nl SALMON RECALL. • • ched. The openings can pt>rmat the formauon of botulmum, a to-· xin that can cause the often-fatal disease botuhsm The newly recalled cans were produced at two Wh1tne y- Fida1RO Seafood Co. plants and by a St. Elias Ocean Products cannery. Can s fro m the Whatney- Fidalgo plant in Kodiak, Alaska. mclude all produced there during 1980 and 1981. Thear codes begin with HD13, HD14, RD13, RD14, \Ions ln thl' Huntington Beach awnplt! ballot and voter 1nlormA1· lion pamphlet, Bonfa said he would rt-phact-"weak, s h odd y Ineptness wtth atrength, compe. t~nt't' and profet1Slonulillm." In her statement, Mn1. Hutton said thl're was a serloua backlog of lawsuits when she took offkt• "Now lhoSl' cast.-s are handll•d withou t dt•luy, rnducmg admina· i1t n 1t1vt• t"o:>t'I for taxpayerll" l"ounwin V11llt•y t't>okw business owrwr who forrnt•rly workc-d us a bank 111wrl1tlorlH ortln•r un d a st.Ilk• u 1x ulfll"lul. He· b(•llt•v1•K lhnl af C111arw1ul prohh•m:c ror(.·1· lht· l'tty Into a dwH'L• lwtw1•1•r\ nt•w 11s:ct-11t1nwnts und J n•ductlon In ttW <.jUlillt y Of poltt't' 1tnd fa rt• St•r v ac•t-11, ht• would fovor tht.-u:c- st~•Ur\t•nt..'l t•v1•n without u vutc of tht• lt.K.•nl rt·~adt·nl.K Roy Rc>dl(t•r11, ·Hi. 111 monagl•r or n tn.J<:k hocty nwnufucturing 1·omp11ny t .Hsl y1•11r, lw t•hutn'(f a 1·orn1111tlt•t• 11p pm11tc·cl Lt) udvisc till' 1·uurn·ll 1111 huw lo rt'(fuce an urllll"IJ)Htt•d bU<.l~c·t tl1·f1c1t He l>t•lat•Vt'k ttw t"lty ~huuld t'Onlmue to SN•k ~uggl'ftt aun11 from res1- d(•n t..-. on huw lo trin1 upt•aatlng t'XjX'ru.t'~ "and a fair -;hake for all t·1 t1z.ens." Steve Scbomacber, 40, local busin essman H e says he will work for more economic inde- pendence by broadening city's economic base with clean indu- stry and Vlable prof~1on.aJ and t:ommercaaJ development. There are four candidates who d id n't pay $550 to have their statement of qualifications pu- b lis h ed a n d w h o couldn't be reacht'd for comment- They are Betty Clark, 64, a Ji. brary senior derk: M ark A. Juerges, a college s tudent, Wil- liam Stevens, a nursing assistant and Michael Music, a w ood- worker MD13, MD14, CD13 or CD14. A !Op lane code might read HD13A. Recal l ed ca n s fro m th e Wh1tney-F1dalgo p lant a t An- chorage were produced in 1981. T hey have a two-lme code with {a ve characters in the top line. Not as cold tonight Slay COid enough al n1gnt tO pre-r-~r------------... ~ ............... Coasta"t Vartable cloudiness with 1sola led showers becoming sunny 1h1s allernoon ano Saturday High! !Oday and Saturday in lhe low 60t at the betches 10 mid-70s in 111< Inland arelle Lows 1onight 4 7 tc 54 Pro1>ab1l11y 01 showers IOda\ only 20 percent T eml)(>relures 1r Hunlington·Newpot1 area rangE lrom 47 to 65 s11rv11 gOOd snow lor holiday skier! ~ 1ows are forecast between 28 "nd 38 -with sunny slopes Sal- uroay perhaps a bit mushy 1n 45 to '>5-oegree temperatures Balmy wealher should also gree1 the college revelers c1owo1l'lg Palm Springs Oayt1me 1empe<alures In lower aese11s are predocteo 10 range trom 78 10 86 on lower de· sens ano 66 to 76 1n high deserts Anyone planning ocean geta- ways Should lino west to south- weslerly breezes at tO to 15 knots calmer on the evenings A wes1erly 5WeU w1U ~ running I 10 2 leel . , T e "'£efatures N.,-iON E:!!:!J . ~ - c:::i --- Elsewhere from Po1n1 Concep lion to the Mexican 1>oroer enc out 60 m•tes l1gh1 va11ablt! wino• becoming west 10 soutnwesl 10 t< 1::> knols lh1s alternoon oecrea sing by early evening Wes1er1~ Swell 1 to 2 feel \le(l8bk! CIOUOI ness becoming lair lhos alternoon through Sa1uroay HI lo Pq> ----------------------Albany 34 25 Jac:lllsn MS Jecksnvlle Kan• Clly lfl Vegas lnt .. Rook LOUISVIiie Lubbock Memphis Miami Milwaukee Mpl1-St.P Nalllvllle New Orleans New Vork Nortotk No Piette Okla City Oma/I• Orl•ndo Pnlladph111 Phoenla Pt111burgl1 Ptland, M• Ptland, Of• Pf<Wldence ::t'c1ty Reno Sel1 Lake Smn An1onlo Seen .. sn~ Slou11 F911t St LOUii Albuqutt 64 41 Ama1lllO 6 t 35 AlllevtlHI 36 35 <19 All1n11 53 <12 33 • ~ Atlentc Cly 45 32 .04 • U S Auslln 90 S4 •: • • Summary Baltimore 46 35 05 . ! BIHlng• 39 33 Ughl 1now llu11ere0 oown on lhe Blrmlnghm 5" 40 04 :: Mldweat lo d1y from eoutheHt Bi.marcll 35 27 MlnnHote. autern Iowa end Bolte •9 30 l• nortl1H1t Mluourl 10 the upper 8o11on 40 29 :• 01110 Vall9\1. and the central Gull Brownsv11e 9!' 75 CoHI region wu pummeled by 8ulfalo 35 22 l heavy thundera1orms. Burlington 38 31 • ; 1 The H CO"d winter llorm In e Caeper 35 20 wffk moved out ot tl1e Mldweat C111r1ttn SC 57 51 .51 r tow11d ttie Eaat tod9Y. more frigid Cl11rl1tn WV 49 36 . t 1 1·~ temperaturH. high wind• ind a Ccharletn NC •7 35 78 , ! lretll covering of "'°"". heyenne 40 18 • Thundet"llOfma contlnu.Q over Clllcago 35 28 09 •l northern Florida, with overcua Cincinnati 41 34 23 l'i . lllllM. tog and drlz:zle elMWtlere In Cl9veland 38 29 ttie SouthMtt Ind rain In Vlrglnle Clmbia SC 52 4 t 78 and -11m North Catollna. ColorOOua c 43 28 .20 Snow waa p<edlcted leler In the DIJ.A Wtn 8 7 •e day from the northern Roc:lllea 10 o.yton 39 27 .23 tl1• nol1119fn p111n1 and ftom the Denver 47 29 Olnllll Great Lakee and northern 0.. ~ 30 22 07 Otito Val~ to lhe Nonh At11ntlc Detroit 38 28 coeat F0<9Call.n pr~lcted rain Duluth 38 1e o• the 10111h•rn App1lachlan1 El Puo n 55 and IO\lth-central Atlantic cout F.,90 34 28 Thunder~ -• npected Flaoftan 48 33 ... • the Peclflc Norttiw.1, IOUth...._ Hartford 38 24 37 27 88 89 40 27 67 48 52 38 39 38 66 45 48 37 79 17 31 26 31 20 52 35 88 58 43 34 46 37 40 1• 58 35 34 20 82 68 43 33 78 68 42 28 30 23 81 36 37 28 48 38 33 12 49 24 48 29 89 55 S8 40 83 44 29 25 35 J3 07 Lmn<:Mler 93 lot Angelel 06 Mll'Y'vllle Nee<llM OS Oakland 115 Puo Roblet Red Blulf 13 Redwood Ctty Secr•menlo 01 Sellnas 10 Sen Diego 21 San F11nc1seo 09 Senta Barbera Senle M11la Stockton Th6fm81 47 10 11 74 02 II 09 81111ow Big Bear Bishop C111lln1 Long Beech Monrovia Mt Wllaon Newp<lft Be8cll Ontt11lo Palm Sp<lng• e ... o.n. Rlverllde San Bernero1no San O•brkll S.nta Ana S.011 Cna T &hoe valley J l In the extreme SouthHlt, whll• Or111t Fiiis 38 26 .06 I *" deMri. and moet of the tou• Helena 44 29 03 CALW°"MIA I 1Ml'n pleln• were to h1v11 •unny Honolulu 9e 71 8ek--"91d 82 49 II Mlee. Houtton 38 30 .07 Eureka 67 38 Ex te1uled forecas t , Temc--turw around the nation lndn9'>flt 36 30 .07 Frwoo 62 44 I H rty loday ranged from 18 d•· •--~------·-----------­or-In Matquette, Midi., to 79 In '• l<ey Welt, Fla. 63 39 68 ~ 77 65 ~ 45 63 40 ~ 48 61 41 65 45 68 60 50 59 47 ~ 66 78 69 47 49 21 63 29 ~ 48 68 45 70 H 33 63 47 88 '° 78 so 67 43 66 41 66 41 69 43 71 46 67 45 41 09 l• ii Calif omia SURf RIPDRT SOUT HERN CA LIFORNIA COASTAL ANO MOUN TAIM AREAS -Mottly cloudy wlln cn•nce or 119nt ehow•ra EHt•r Sunoey end Mol"l<Jay Claarino Tunday. Miider Co11t11 area night 85 to 715 find tows 48 to 156. In mount•lnt highs 52 to 82 and lows 20 to 40 I Hold your outdoor •OO hunt• I S1turday and m1k1 your Eaater ~ bonnet • rein c1p Th• N1t1on11 11 we11her Ser111c1 pr•dlcta mo•llY 'I 1unny, w•rmer wHtl111 tf'lrough ! 81turday, but ~ Sund•Y· A loW P<IMIJI• 1yetem 800 ~ wNI ot S•n Diego 11 worlllno lt1 way northeaat. pu1hlno cloud• alle•d of It thet could Ol"'t 8011· thtrn Callfornle eome apeckltd .... 8Yl thOte lhOllld clMt mid• -r t!Wougt\ the holldly .... end -jUll1 Mfote Ille rain hit• • Loe Anoeltt ehollld warm pett IN ,_, hlgti toe INl'tl 10 lhe ~ 10. S.turd1y IMeh ttm· p..wr.. OOtlld 1111 IN lftld. 70. Movn1tln1 were HPI CltO to ' ' \ Ticks TOOAY hcond IOw a:~ p.m. 0.1 9-10 high 9:4 1 p.m 8..2 IATUm)AY Fl'9I IOw 4: t1 a.ft\ 0.0 ""-hlgti 10'.lt • "'· 4,0 leconcf" IOw 3:'9 p.m. 1.2 8-ld lllOt'I tO:OI p.m. 8. 1 aun .. ,. tod•r •t 1:20 p.m., ,.. ~. l:Jt Ll'll. Moot\ ,... ~ • J:<te Pm., .... ..,,_ • t:ao a.m Horse killed in crash A colllalon between a riderlca horse and an auto has le ft the h orse dead and two women In· jured, Huntington Bea.c h pollcP reported today. The driver of the auto, Dolores Mae Hill, 52. o f Huntington Bt>ach, wu repo rted In serious but stable condition t oday at Fo unta in Valley Commun ity Hospital. Her paslienger, Rosalyn Diane He rsch, also o f Huntington Beaeh. was treated at the hospi- tal and released . According to po lice, the wo - men were southbound on Gol- denw est S treet near Garfie ld Avenue in Huntington Beach at ?·05 p.m . Thursday whf'n a rt· dcrless brown horse darted an front of them l'olt('e said the car could not 11t.op m time, and the horse was kal led an t he collasio'n Officers 1dl•nt1fied the horse oas belonging to Lmda Lee of Fountafo Valley, but investigators today had not yN determined why the h orse was r oam i n g loose T hursday night. 2 escapees recaptured Two men facing multiple bur- glary <.:ounts are back an custody today after escapang Thursday night from Orange County Jatl. • T h e unnual upt•n e nroll ment p eriod in the Ocean Vlew High School Oistrtt·t In Huntington Beach will <·ont1 nue through April. ac.'t"<1rd1ng to dl~trict officials. Ounng that period, parenu.. of distract pupils may arran~e for transh r of their children •Ann e E Cungt-r or Huntington. Beach has been selected to receive a 1982 scholarship by the board o f trust ees of th e H arr y S Truman Scholars - The awards, whu:h l"<H'1 y an annual maximum s tq.>t•od • Kepresentataves of lhl· Metropolitan Wa ter Dastrll"l have planned a public meet- ing to discuss the watc·r s1 - tuat1on a nd why rt-!>Jdcnti. s hould become antc•rc•s tt?d an • For a fC'e u f $1 5-per-hour. patrons al thl· Hunungton Beach Central 11 brary can purchase th£-skalb of refcrenre hbraraaru. to l·ar ry out special research pro JeCls The service as available tu w any district 11Chool that has spaL"t' available. ~'J v t• or th\' d1st1•lc-t's 23 M·hools w111 not be accept1nf( nt•wt·omt•rs. Harbour View. Lake Vtt!W, Mi1rane View, Oak Vi"w and Sun View PeoplE' with questions l't•nta<.·t d1strat·t of(acei. at !M?-2551 o r $5.000 for t h~ last t"IO years of c.-olleg(• and two years 1>f graduaw study promise in publ1<.· S(:l"VIC(' fields Ma~ Conger as a student cit Mo unt Holyok e' College 1n Massal·h UM>t u. tht• luture 01 walkr supphei. ThE• publk IS invited to at- tc•nd tht> t'Vl•nt April 21 at 7 pm al Hunungton Be<H·h Caty Counc1 I Chambers, 2000 Main St th11i:.c• who an· uncertain ol h1>w l(I .it'CjUtre the net'eSS<.1ry Oldtt.•raal ror rc·porls <ind '~wt•t·hl·S or who don't ha111· lht· tame· for reM.'arch I hv~c· 1ntt-rc·i.ted lan con t.;1c.·t the• rt.>ft•rc·n<.'t' dt>Sk S heriff's spokesman Sgt. Dan Spratt said the two men. Buddy Carr. 19, of Fullerton, and Dane Huusfeldt, 28, of Whtttaer made the ir way to the roof of the jail, then lowered themselves to the ground with bedshC<'ts they had tied together. Reeords shattered Spratt said ;aal personnel lear- ned of the break about 11.15 p.m_ from a cattzen who saw the two men joggin g along Santa Ana Boulevard not far from the ;au 54 die in Eastern double-barrel storHJ Handg un owne rs rush to r egister CHICAGO (AP) -Handgun owners swamped a city office to register their weapons before the deadhne, when a ban on new registration was to take effect . Since the ordinance was passed March 19 by the City Council, gun registrations are running more than 10 times normal. offi- cials said, and perhaps more than 7,500 new registrations wiU have been received by today when the new ordi.n.a.m .. 'e becomes law. The deadline 1s today but all handguns had to be regtstered by the close of business Thursday because state offices are closed Good Friday . However, mail re- gistrations wall be accepted if they are postmarked no later than April 9. Violators are sub- ject ID a $500 fine. By The Associated P ress The second blas t of a double . barreled cold snap that has lulled at least 54 hurtled eastward to- day after adding 3 anches to 1he Midwest's snow cover and shat- tering cold-weather ret.'Ords from Montana to Maryland. A tornado and 90 mph wands Thursday tossed a trac10r-tra1ler on top of three cars and brought out looters m Sanford, Fla An lllCh of snow fell on Black Rock Mountain State Park m Georgia Up to 6 inches of snow fe ll nvernieht in Indiana. and the 1.2-inch total in Indaanapolis pushed the city's season total to a record 58 inches, the National Weather Service reported. Snow continued this morning m Montana and western North Dakota, with flurries in various parts of Ohio. llJinois and Penn- sylvania. Cold temperatures chilled the nation 's midsection, where the 20-degree temperature in Omaha. Neb .. broke a record set tn 1966. In Rochester, Minn., it was 15. brl'akmg ..i rc."<:ord S(!t tn 1909. Th<• se<.'Ond storm approached t hl' Non heast as residents we re still digging out from a blizzard Tuesday that closed schools and iced hig hways Crom Pennsylva- nia to New Hampshire Dozen s of people were eva- l"Uat.t.•d from housing for the el· derly in Ludlow, Mass .. after a power rarlure blacked out 7,000 western Massachusetts homes. Town officaaJs declared a state of emergency Frozen substallon switches an Ludlow were b lamed for the blackout, which started Wednes- day rught and wasn't expected to end completely unul today. Extra polire officers were called in to prevent looung Chicago, which got 9 inches of snow this week , was hat with n<'w snow Thursday night, as were many other parts of lllmois. The snowfall was heaviest' in centra l !lhnois, with Peoria re- portang 3 inches, and more unu- sually cold weather was expected through tonight ~------------------------------------~~- OBIE· SPORTS I.TO. Introduces The Opening. of an AEROBIC, DANCE I WORKOUT FASHION CENTER FEATURING: DANSKIN STEVI BROOKS BARELY LEGAL SEA SQUITS CARUSHKA Equipment: Aerobic & Sport Shoes Legwelghts Jumpropes Oum bells Trampolines ~SPORTS Coro•• .. Mll- 2831 Coast Hwy Corona del Mar, CA 671-9700 -SllPIEITS 11111111 lllLY - ·aeau: SPOtns '" .. 4108 Barranca P811cway Irvine, CA 112-1211 1 Orange Coa1t DAil. Y PILOT/Friday, April 9, 1982 UAW ratifies contract $2.5 billion in concessions granted to General Motors ANTI -FALWELL -Pro- testers, 200 o f them, chant sl ogans against the Rev. Jerry Falwell while he spoke to Old Time Gospel Ho ur supporters Thursday night in Minnea- polis. DETROIT (AP) -The Unitt'd Auto Workers union announced today that the union's rank and file narrowly ratified the 2 ~-year contract granting $2.6 billion in ooncessions to General Motors Corp. "It was a long struggle from January," Owen Bieber. UAW vice president in charge of the union's GM de- partment, said at a news confe- re nce WASHINGTON (AP> -Who- lesale prices fell at an annual rate of l . 7 per cent in March, the government reported today, matching February's decline and marking the first time since 1976 that prices have been off for two months running. Pacing th(• March d ecline, which private economists say is largely the produc t of the stubborn reces- sion, w ere falling prices for en · e rgy and food The decline an energy prices was the sharpest an more than six years. BRIDGETOWN, Barbados (AP) -After warning that a Marxist "virus" threatens impo venshed neigh boring islands. President Reagan went on holi- day for the Easter weekend be- side a tranquil beach where old Hollywood friend Claudette Col- bert has h er Caribbean home. But Reagan's official host, Prime Minister J .M .G .M . "Tom " Adams, indicated he did n ot Christians retrace the steps of Jesus JERUSALEM (AP ) -Devout Chris tians, many shouldering large wooden crosses. retraced Jesus' march to cruc1fax1on m a procession along the Via Dolo· rosa. the S treet of Tears. this Good Friday. Israeli soldiers kept watch and c leared a p a th through t h e narrow streets of Jerusalem's Old Caty as thou- sands of pilgrims made thetr way m small groups. stopping at the 14 stations of the cross for devo- tions. The Holy Land was repor- ted quiet following two weeks of anti-Israeh violence in the occu- pied West Bank of the J ordan and Arab Jerusalem. VILLAHE RMOSA, Mexico (AP ) -Arm y para troop e rs. heartened by fmdmg 200 survi- vors on a slope of the ChmchonaJ volcano. continued their search today for 4,800 more peasants isol ated for 11 da y s by th e blanket of ash that poured from the erupting mountain. Hopes for tl\eir survival improved Thurs- day when the Defense Ministry reported that 14 paratroopers had reached the village of San Francisco Leon and found 200 people alive. The soldiers jumped from a helicopter, struggled for seven hours over trails clogged by three feet of volcanic ash to reach the village. and led thE" villagers out on foot. SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador (AP) -House Majority Leader Jim Wright is telling Salvadoran leaders the U.S . Congress is op- posed to a rightist coalition gov- ernment that excludes P resident Jose Napoleon Duarte's centrist party. The Texas Democrat and seven other members of a con - gressional group arrived Thurs- day to assess the political and military situation following the election March 28 of a 60-seat Constituent Assembly. The as- sembly will choose a provisional government to r eplace the U.S .-backed civilian-military junta headed by Duarte. It will also write a new oonsutution and make plans for elecuon of a pre· s1dent and a congress. THE HAGUE, Nethe rlands \AP >:-Vandals with sledge- hamme rs and red spray paint severely damaged a White House replica at an exhibit here cele- brating 200 years of U.S.-Dutch friendship, police said. Officials at the Madurodam miniature park, a famous tourist attraction where the 60-by 20-foot struc- ture was being shown, said the replica was insured for $400,000 and took more than 20 years to buJld. The anti-war Onkruit Ac- tion Group clauned responsibility for the incident in a statement released to the Dutch national news agency ANP VATICAN CITY (AP) -Pope John Paul II, donning an ordi- nary priest's black mantle over ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat CIHalfled advertlalng 7141642-5878 All other departments 642~321 Thomas P Haley Pv-and Chlel £,_,,,,,. C>mce! Robert N Weed Pt...,.,,, Kay Schultz lllC9 ,,....,.,.t _,., ow.ci01 of Ad-11""'9 Tom Murphllle (dhOI Mike Harvey Dir-of ..... ~··inv t(:li'Q;lellol'll Ken Goddard Olr9Clo< of 0.-e!IOM ~Y MacLeen CGntt- Chartes Loos ~EdttOI MAIN OFACE , l:JO Wut er,$.1 , Coste Mew, CA. Mell addt'HS Bo• IS.0, C•ta MHe. CA • .,.,. Cooyrl9hl ltn Or-Cout PUC>tl\Mno c_, No n•ws stontt. lltu'4tallons, ..iftorlal ....iter or ao. vertls."*'ls .,.,.1., mey be rapr-911 wltllDut SC>Klel potr~Morl of c....,,rf91tt _, The Oraf!9t COHI Dally Pllol, with whleh IS c- blned IN -Prets, Is pUbll"'-d by Ille ~ c .. 11 P111111'111no Company S.O.•et• edlli.t!S ... pUbll"'-0 -.o.ty 1""""911 Frlclrf lof C_,. Niese, Newpor1 8Mch, H....tlftg!Ofl 8Hcll, I'_._ Veile.,, lrvlM, ~ llM<ll. Soiitl> c .. ~. A,..._~ edition It .,...,.llN<f 5.alunleys -~. n.. Pfln<lpel ....... lsl>lnQ plaftt It at DO WH4 e.y M_., P 0 lloa 1lt0, COJi. MllM , Celllofnle nu. VOL. 75, NO. H share the pr«-sldent 's concern about the seriousness of the threat of Marxism sr.reading from nearby Grenada. 'We have never had Cuba and the Soviet Union as immediate military threats." Adams told a news conference today. all hough he said they did represent an ideo- logical confrontation. HONOL U L U (AP ) -An abandoned yacht owned by a San Diego man is scheduled to arrive at Pearl Harbor aboard a Navy ship today. The 42-foot yacht Sinderella was found April 4. adrift and abandoned 850 miles west of San Diego. al"('()rdmg to a Navy s pok esman. The amphi -bious cargo ship Mobile, en route to Hawaii for the R1mpal' '82 military exercise, was diverted to the scene a nd hoisted the 10-ton vessel aboard, the ~pokesman said. The $250,000 yacht was an good shape except tor a broken mast and tattered rigging. aC'C-or- ding to the Navy NEW YORK (AP) Sales fell JO March at three of the nation's largest general merchandisers. and retail business elsewhere i;(enerally was sluggish . Analysts blamed worsening unemploy- ment and chilly weather that discouraged purchases of s pring apparel. J C. Penney Co., Mon- tgomery Ward & Co and F. W Woolworth Co~ said Thursda y SENATOR? -Nicholas F . Brady will be n amed to fill New J ersey's vacaf')t U .S. Sen.ate seat, according to The Ash bury Park Press. Brady. 52. is co-chairman of Dillon Read & Co .. a New York City investment banking ta.rm. his white papal vestments, heard oonfess1ons of 25 worshippers at St. Peter's Basilica on Good Fri- day When the pontiff sla pped into the basalJca through a back door, he was recognized by nearly 1.000 faithful who had been waitmg for him The pope, looking thin after fasting for Lent, gestured them to stop their applause and went into a confes- sional and heard confes.sions for 90 minutes. John Paul began the practice of hearing oonfessaon at the basilica on Good Friday two years ago -the first time a pontiff had ever performed the sacrament in St. Peter's, the lar- gest church in Christendom. JAJ(ART A, lndonesla (AP) - Officials on West Java say that lava and rocks streaming from the Galunggung volcano have destroyed three villages since the 9,154-foot peak erupted on Sun- day. It was the peak's first eruption in 64 years. Thirty thousand people have fled their villages to refugee camps, the officials said. At least one death -a child who sulf<X..ated -has been reported. Two elderly men were reported missing. The vol- cano last erupted in 1918, a nd had been con sidered inactive since then. offictaJs said. Previous eruptions were in 1822 and 1894. hly ..... 0.-•wy ........... Wtp're ·Listening ••• What do you llkt> about the .Daily Pilot? What don't you llkt>~ Call th~ number below and your mqugt> will be recorded. transcribed and delivered to the appropri\(e editor The same 24-hour answerini aervlc:t may "-uaed to record let- ters to the editor on any topic. Mallbo]t contrlbuton must Include their na me and lelephont number for ver,t,tlc•tlon No circulallon call!I, please. Tell us what '1 on your mind. 642·8088 that last month's sales fell below levels of a year ago. It was the third straight month of sales de- clines for Penney and Ward. BOISE, Idaho (AP> -A bird that era.shed through the canopy of 'a reconnaissance plane on a night flight knocked out an Idaho Air National Guard pilot and left the aircraft in the hands of the navigator, who wasn't qualified to Cly it, officials say Anothe r plane on a s1m1 lar trammg mis- sion "joined up in formation" with the damaged plane after the navigator issued a distress call Thursday night, and the unqua- 1 if ied flier brought down the plane, said Idaho Air Guard spo- kesman Maj Stephen Buss. "He was actually talked-down by a nother Air National Guard aircraft,·• Buss ilaid MIAMI (AP) -Archal'Ologal>ts have recovered fragments of wooden hull. beannR saw-blade and square-nall Lmpressions. from a ship wrecked JO the Bntish Wes Indies an the 16th century. Thl' M1am1 Herald reported Thurs- day. APWl~o SOME VACATION -While most high school students are enjoying a week off for Easte r vacation. almost 2,000 others are huffing and puffing at Fort Ord this week. It is all part of ROTC special Army training program throughout the state. They find the obstacle course hard work, but most say they enjoy it. State faces $1.3 billion debt Recession, cut s incon1e, sales . co rporat e tax rec<!ipts SACRAMENTO (AP) The state may sque eze through thas fiscal year w ith a $140 m1l11on surplus, but the deficit next year could be over $1.3 bilJion, warns a new state forecast. The latest report of the stale Department of Fmance. released Thursday. says the persistent recession wall re- duce state sales tax revenues an estimated $545 million an the 1982-83 fiscal year. It also pre- dicts severe drops an personal in- come tax and corporate tax re<"- e1pts OAKLAND (AP ) -In the wake of a fi er y explosion that rapped through the Caldecott Tunnel and incinerated seven people, federal officials plan to re view safety features of other tunnels to prevent similar acci- dents. The devastation in the 3 ,371-foot tunnel w as "gut-wrenching." Jam Burnett. chairman of the National Trans- portation S afety Board. said Thursday. "But hard as it 1s to say it, it's a relief that it wasn't worse, much worse" LOS ANGE LES (AP) -A group opposed to the proposed Peripheral Canal has filed suit agamst the Southern California Metropolitan W ater District. alleging MWD illegally used pu- blic funds to promote passage of the canal ballot measure. The million -dollar suit was flied Thursday in U.S District Court by the Cal1forn1ans for a Fair Water Policy, a statewide orga- nization opposing the canal. and st'ven individual plaintiffs The suit seeks a temporary m1unct10n to prevent water distract officials from mailing pro-canal literature, promoting s peakers m favor of the canal. and using public mon- ies lo "improperly influence" the ele«t1on. said Tam Brick . one of the and1v1dual plamtaffs TRUCKEE (AP ) -Doc tors treating avalanche survivor Anna Mana Conrad say her frostbitten feet continue to show signs of improvement, but at wall be sev- eral more days before a decision 1s reaC'hcd on possible amputa- twn Dr Roger Mason. the va- scular surgeon who has been treating Ms Conrad since her rescue Monday. said the chances of saving at least part of her left foot are good and of saving th<' right foot, fair "He r legs are improving," Mason told a news l'onference Thursday at Tahoe Forest Hospital • SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -A $2 million contract to design and build the mobile assembly buil- ding for the West Coast space shuttle launch complex at Van- dttnberg Air Force Base has been awarded lo Bechtel National Inc. Vandenberg wall be the home of all mtl1tarv shuttle launches. The first such iaunch as scheduled for 1985, but th<· first military pay- load wall be aboard the next shunle an June• RICHMOND <A P ) -Black and H1span1l' families an Contra Costa Count y have suffered "terrorisuc act.S of racial violence and harassment." and the police. u1stnC't attorney's office and the sthools a re in part to blame, a s tate rei;>0rt char,J.tes. ThC' Cah· fornia Fair Employment and Housing Commission found that law enforC'emC'nt agencies "often dad not provide a timely response wral~ for ass~t.an~." Noto~y did sheriff's officers sometimes disparage the victims but they also brought on incidents of racial violence. the· comm1ss1on char- ged SAN FRANCISCO <AP) -A suit seeking to protect valuable archaeological digs from next week 's planned bombing of a Hawaiian "target island" has been sent back to federal oourt in Hawaii. U.S District Judge Wil- ham Schwarzer said Thursday that a federal judge m Hawa11 retains jurischc·t1on in the case. PREMIUM NYLON CARPET SALE EVANS-BLACK "CANDORA" Anso IV Oakwood 125 yds. Avail. $15!§. latall. BERVEN "lasting Elegance" Anso IV Oyster Beige s14,!!. lntlll. 133 yds. avail. BERVEN "lasting Elegance " Anso IV Fireside 107 yds. avail. LEE'S "Good Feeling" Antron Applewood Tan & Bronze1'rown linited quantity mil. $15!! Installed Prices Include NZX-3600 sponge rubber pad .. DEN'S ·~a;;;,e·t1.·,:-:1nstaiiit/On:·custom draperies : )1.:~·:.t·. !>I l,. '"" 1k'l4 n COSTA MESA CALIF. 9262 7 • PHONE 6'66·4838 -6~6·2355 , --------~----- Ct H/F Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT/Friday. Aprll 9, 1982 BLANKET OF ICE -Andrew Stumler , of Starlight, Ind ., surveys acres of strawberries that have been threatened by the recent cold snap in the Ohio Valley. Man y growers, in - AP Wltepho1o eluding Stumler, used irrigation to cover the plants w ith a protective coasting of ice to keep the crop from freezing. So Car, the tactic seems t~ have worked. Most . outgrow epilepsy Study s hows doctors can identify recurring seiz ures BOSTON (Al') Most chil- dren with epilepsy will outgrow lheir illness by adulthood, and doctors can identify the few who are likely to have seizures Later m life, a study concludes. A s ludy lhat follo wed 14 8 young epilepsy victims through their teens ani::I 20s found that nearly three-fou rths remained free of seizures after they sto p- ped laking epilepsy medicine. "The fact that overall, the re- lapse rate is low compared to what is generally accepted for adults is most encouragjng," said Dr. J ea n Holowach Thursto n, who directed the study The s urvey at Washing t o n University School of Medicine an S t L ouis k ept t rack o f the childhood epilepsy victims for 15 DIATH NOTICIS r ,AC:lffC YllW MIMOllAL. 'AllC Cerretery Mortuary Chapel-Crematory 3500 Pac1f1c View Drove New part Beach 644·2700 McCO«MIQ MORTUA•IH Laquna Beach 49'4·94t5 Laquna H ills 768-0933 San Juan Capistrano 495-1776 HAllOI LA WM-MT. OLIYI Mortuarv • Cemeierv CrerNtorv 1625 Gisler Ave Costa Mesa S40.5S54 ,..Cl l•OTHHS llLL MOAOWA Y MOel'U .. Y 1 10 Broadway CostaMHa 842•9150 1A&.n .. •110,. IMTH & TVTHtLL. ~r'r1~"t.f'ti. Cost• M-. 8 4M371 to 23 years, the longest such fol lowup ever conducted The repor t , published in Thursday's New England Jour- nal of Medicine, concluded that most "have an excellent chance of remaining seizure-free after t h e withdraw a l o f a nt1 - convulsant drugs." • Two-thirds of the relapses OC· curred during the first two years after drugs were w ithdrawn. and 85 percent occurred within C1ve years. Overall, only 41 people, or 28 percent, had new seizures af- ter they stopped taking epilepsy medicine. The Na tional lnsutute of Neu- rolog1ca J and Communicat ive Disorde rs and S troke estimates epilepsy strikes 73 of every 100,- 000 childre n u nder age l . Th e annual im:1dence remains at close to thlS level unul age 10 Among adulls, it afrlic ts abo ut 46 of every 100,000 people yearly Nearly all the patients were under age 8 w hen their seizures began. although a few were as o ld as 13. T h ey took a n t i - convulsant medicine for at least four years after their last seizure The researchers found that youngste rs are most likely to have recurring seizures 1 C they are mentally retarded or have movement handicaps. T he pro- blem may also reappear if the victims suffered ' a form of epi- lepsy called jack.sonian seizure - a locahzed muscle twitching -or had more than one form of ep1- lept1c seizure. P1UIUC llOTICE P1UIUC MOTICE -M-Ttlla 1lt le,,.t nl •H rllt O wlll\ Ill• ~COURTO' CAUPOMIA COWTY O' oi.ANGI ................. A11111l11adeft-' ltr•T.,........,_. ~c--.. ........ OfllDIR TO lf40W CAUM ~~,.. .... TAllUO ano IU8AN MAHMOOO ,._,. on behalf of mln0< applloanl llaYe l'ublltl\90 O••n11• COH I Dally Pllol filed a pelHlon In tllll oout1 for .,, MwOll 1t , at, Ap<W a.•. 1ta2 llt'-12 Ofdef allowlnG petHIOner to C1f111noe 1111 n-from RYAN TARl!K MAft.. County Clorll ol 0r'"9' County Otl -11, 1tl2 NIUC RE MOOD 10 RYAN TARIQ MAH· MOOD IUNMoa COIMT 11 la ~.o, 0<weo 111•1 ... I*• NOTICI O' TIIUITll'I I Al.I NITmOUI .,... .. Loen No. MAllNUOTT 11AM1 l'TA'-'" °' CAUl'Otl!U tOl'I lnlefNled In Illa matt .. alo- COUlfTY °" OllAN09 r .. ald appear !>flora thl• court In "'Ille --et Dapertma nt No 3 •t 700 CIYIG ~el Cant1r Drive we11. 81nta A n• T.I . Ho. 14"2·• Tha I~...,_ It dolllO --NEWPORT HOME LOAN, tNO . aa ... duly •PPOlnled l ru11 .. under lhe PRO,EU IOkAL O,FIC! AUTOMA· tollowlng d11crlbed dHd ol 1ru11 TION. 1Ttt1 Mllch•ll Ho . 11v1ne, CA WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCflON tt7'c;AllV LAUIUNCE O'DONNELL ro THE HIGHEST BIOOER FOR 20A42 0.--. Huntin91on 8-1\ cli CASH IPIYl ble al 11m1 ot u la In t264t a -..... .UICI wtH, CallfOfnla, on May 12, 1812, II 10:30 ,.. c.._... e1 .._. o'GIOClk a m , and than 1nd tlltte -A11•1t llhOw c:auM, H 811)' tn.y Ila ... , Why ~II TO tttO• CAUM H id 1>e t111on tor c111nga or namt "°" CIWIOe °' ..._ lllould no1 tit gtll\1.cl towful money ol Ille Unltlld StllM) h Ja bvelne<lt It conelu~t" I>• 1n •n EILEEN M 11\JIH llM Ned • P«"IOn In II ta fur1h4" Ofdered that a r....,.. o4 1111• COU<1 tor M order ~ INl'HloMr .....,. ' alt right. lltle and lnle<H I conveyed -10 •nd now 11etd Dy ll under H id Qwy L O'Donnell IO cMnot Ml _, t -"-PHILLIP Ihle order lo lhOW cauH b• PU· EDWAllO BUSH to PAUl f OWAl'ID b"lhed In Dally Piiot .• -.p~ BUSH of genetlll c;lrout1Uon, pybHIMd In OHd OI Trull In the property here!-fl\t1 1latemtnl •H fllt a with th• 1111Her d••crll>ed ~-ty C*1< ol 0-Al'(lt Cou~l, U<I Al)<H 7. II " ntrt tlY O•OOf•O tn•I all Pe•IOllt thl• county I I r.tll onoe. --lor TRUSTOR WILLIAM MARRIOTT "' ~1~ ::.-:·~ .. ":.~. ':i:'~~H~:: lour C:OOMCUllW -"'• prtO< 10 tilt 700 Civic C..ttet ll<ive W•I Santa Ant day of Mid ri.er1ng. ano PHYLLIS H MARRIOT r huS· l'uDllth•O 011n<,1t l..uHI lla•lr P11r.1 banll end wtle ""''' V 16 ~J JO •·•~l 1~1 ei Ca11rorn10 on Moy 11 1112 al 10 30 Oiied Mitch 3 1. 1D82 BENEFICIARY NEWPORT HOME ------------o Cloe:~ o m and 111 ... and IMf• thOw ~ ft '"'- LOAN TRUST •82 Recorded Mev 12 t981 as tnllr No t4L' 13 in book U 054. Piii• ~o 01 Olllctal Records 1n tho olllce ot lhu Recorder ot Orange Coun1y, said oeed ot tru1t deacrtoes the tollowrng property Lot 94 ot l"•act No 11523. m the Clly GI 1rv1ne County ot Or11ngu S11u1 ot Celoto<nta 11 per map rec- oroeo In book 254, pegee 47 to ~ 1nclu11ve. M1acell1neou1 Mapa, tn lhe 01t1ce ol the county recoraer ol said coonty. 1ogether w1tll an ap- purionant. non-1xclus1ve Haement for 1ngre11 and eoreu ove< Lot 148 OI Hid Trac;1 PVIUC M&TICE ...,.. " .,,~ 1M-t ...... ""'Y Mid pe1n..,,, J~ ol 1111 aupeno, Court r"' ~ oi 11..,,. tl>Oulcl not .,. II"'"' PubOt had Or1nge Coatt 0 11ty 941 Piiot. April 2. 9. 18, 23. 1982. "CTITIOUI aUllHIH 01~;~ :':'~o~"!':~.l~a~ ~~!n11~Jn:~ 1618·82 NAMI aTATlllllNT DAILY PllOT 1 n•wtP•Pt• QI general fn.t •Ot~"O petlOft 11 OOH~ buMn•u t1rculai1on. pyblltri•o "' '"" c;uunly •• u I•••• one• • ... , to, lour l.UntKullw• GLAZED MEMORIES 1010 I Slat., ....i.t P'tOo 10 111e dey ol t..O '""'"''II A • .,, ... HO 200 Faunie.In Vall•y Cell· O•le<I Motel! JO 1982 '°'"'• 1n1oe Ronald H p,..,_ ~ Anl,,ony hnedlC• B1•ne 16t I Judil" 01 11,. Me1a ~o C 1 San1e Ane C•Hforn•t S!AflOf eou,,1 11707 ''""'°' • lllcfMtfl9J Thie bYtlnaH 11 eonauot•d b~ an rn 1101 No. a.-we1. II•. JOI dMclulll Ian ta Al\A, c A f210e ~ A Byrne PublithtO Orang• CuH I Dolly Piiot Thi• •••••mef\t w .. lllt d w111\ th• AprN 2 8, 111 23. t!Nl2 1)30·82 Counly C...k Of Or-CounlV on M11<Cllt . 17 1982 PHUC •TIC£ PlCTITIOIJI ~et NAMI ITATIMlltf Tiie fuHOwong !*ton •t °""'II OU-•• l1NOA'8 SECRETARIAL SERVICES. ~01 SQ!pyorO Woy ll•rth A Cabin 2 l;-po<t 8Mcll, Calltornlt 02M3 unot Ill.,,_, 055 WlntlQw •·-· Lung~. C&r1torn11 llQlll4 rh11 bu••ne11 It eonduc1.0 by •n 1n EXCEPT THEREFROM 111 Oii ,, ... ,. g~~. m~ne~~~· :~~:.~"~, ~~d~':::~-M:~11.·r~.0,:;,~u:. ~.0~~2°t:~o~~~~'· "CTITIOUI IUllNIH "'IUC NOTICE "'""""" l•n<Jl l 11..,,_ 1n11 t't lem•nt ••• lfled 'tllUh '"• Cwr\ly l..letk ot O.etioo Coun•r °" M"Cll ,, 1982 Wllt\OUI thl right OI 1ur1ec1 entry, BS NAMI ITATUlllHT d I I d PUIUC llOTlC( Tne IOllOw•rw.1 peroon• at• doing ""'' "*'2 re1111ve •n nstrumen11 o 1ecor ~ •• Pvblloh•O o ronge CoHt Oau, p1101 a!> A5h Tree Irvine -Caloforn1e • 8"81C BUSINESS BASICS •l•?I March 19 29 Apr~ 2. 9 1982 1218 82 9?716 FICTITIOUI 1Ua1N1H Newport A ... Tu111n Celll 0?880 Ill d sireet address or common NAMI ITATUlllfT Be""* t llollld 809• In<. • t 11••0<n1a l.le~1gnetlon IS Shown above. no ,..:.n..!otlo•lnQ l>e'tOl'I ere OOlng ll<ral ~~';"= 13A?1 N-1 Ave lull•n W8rranly IS given H to •t• comple-SEAGATE ENTERPRISES HO 21 1301 '""OU-.• Conelu<lad Dy. torPo PUIUC NOTICE leneH or correc1ne1St Do .. Sull• •OO Nt wpoll Btach CA oal•on The beneficiary under Ml•d Oeeo 92680 a.-~ Bo11d S.0• ,,,._ RCTJTIOU8 9UMNIH NAMI IT A TElllEHT ol Trusl. DY reaM>I\ 01 a breech or Hetolagt A.veat.,,..,t Compeny 0-&r Yaneey e a..,,,., dulaut1 1n Ille obll9a11ons secured Partnat, l30t Oo••. Su111 •OO Newpan P•et•Oent !he fOllOWlng !*ton It dOlnQ bu ....... t a1 lhereDy heretorore 11•ecut11d and Beacn. CA 02HO I n11 11t 1tmen1 wu llltO .. 11n tno oi;t1v1<1eo lo the undersigned a P~h~~=nau ,. conouctt<J ~Y • "''"'"° ~;"'~~~;It" of Orange Covnty"" March CRP OFH(,f PFIOOUCT6 SERI/ICES, 16831 l•n ~oun111n f oun111n V•ll•r Cakr0<n1e 92IOll written Oectara11on ol Default end ...,1190' •n-tmet11 eo n - Oem9nd tor Sale. and wr111en no1ice o.,.,, M wnt !>uo••tneo O•ange CoHI D•••• Puo1 Cnr1s11en RObert "-""' •0831 r., Mounl•nt Foun1a1n V•ll•r Celllorn1• 9:708 01 b•PllCh and of olec11on to cause l h•> •••temt nl we• lllod "'"" th• M11cr 19 26. All<• 2 ' 1982 13?, e2 1t1e unat"rs1goied lo sell s1110 pro-County Cler\ 01 0rtltlQ9 County on M11cn1 ____________ _ Hua ou11~•• •• C:Of'lduc. tff by an tn (JJ'ftdtJ .. perty 10 sausty saod obhgations and 11 1982 '1Uo!Tt tnerea1w1 the undersigned ceuaed Publlohtd Orongi co .. t Delly p1101 said nOhCt! ol b1oach and 01 e1ect1on Match 1o ?8 April 2 e. 198~ 13 18-82 10 be recoiaeo D&cemtior 28 1981 Cnttttian R P•91 M>n ""• t1•1ement waa flt•O wun tne P1UlllC llOTlC( NOTICE INVrTINQ 8108 ~~·~~~:fie<• ot O•at!Q9 County on Merell NOTICE IS HEREBYGIVEN thal FltlMJ as 1nst1 No 3305 l 1n qooi.. 14337 page 1002 ot said Oll1~1at Recoros "'IUC llOTICE Satd sale will oe maue but w• .,.._------------=i0i3,:~~'::: ~:: ;~:-:,,: ...;~~"~"~~ ~;·~c2coo1 o •• 1r.:\1.~11 OI the City Cl0tk al the City Hall. 77 ------------1hou1 covenan1 01 wd1111n1y &•press or 1mpt1eo re91ird•n9 111111 posses- aoon. l)f encumbrances lo pey the 1crne1n1ng principal sum ol the 1101e1s1 secureo by said Deed ol 1 rvsl with 1ntores1 as 111 seod note prov•ded edvantes 11 any unoer the terms 01 sa•o Deed of Trust lees a1arges and expen~ or the Trustee eno or Ille lru\lS created Dy !>llltl Deed ot Trust Said sa"' wtll be he4d on Monday May 3 1982 at 2 00 pm et 111e Chapman Avenue entrance 10 the Civic Center Bulld1ng 300 E Chap· man Avenue. 1n lho; City ot O•ange State 01 Celitom1a Al 1he tome ot lh<! 1n11oet publlca· l•on 01 mis notice lhe tolal amount ol lhf• unpaid balance ot lhe oblo~ 11a11on secured DV the above oe· '1Crtbl1<1 deed 01 trus1 and es11ma1eo costs e•penses and advance' is S60 139 83 10 ClPtermtne lne opening bid vou may 1.all t 7 14 l 93 7 ·0966 0Bll' Aprol I 198? NEWPORT H0Mf LOAN INC as said Trustee By T 0 SERVICf CO agent By Cindy Schoonover AsStstant Secretary One Coty Boulevard West Orange Ca 92668 t714J 835 8288 Pubt.sheO Orange COISl 011ly Pt· IOI Aprrl 9 16 23 t98L' 1598·82 P1UILIC llOTICE FICTITIOUS 8USINIE8S NAME STAT£MIE.HT Tiie tot1ow1ng person It dotng bustnea• u . YOLANOA SEWING SERVICE 1801 W 18th St S&flta Ana, CA t2706 Yol1nd1 Mesa Quinones. 1801 W 18th St. Sanle Ana CA 92706 Th11 buatness 1s conducled by an tndMdual Yolanda Ouinones This 1tatemen1 was flied with lhe County Clerk ol Orange County on Merell 31 1982 F\M345 Pubhehed Orange Cou t Dally Pllol. April 2. 9. 16. 23. 1982 1•80-112 PHUC llOTICE FICTITIOUS 8UllNES9 NAME STATEMENT The lollow1ng person Is doing bulklels tUI ALL CONSTRUCTION SER· VICES. 2233 S Ritchey Santa Ana, CA 92705 Joseph O Prtcllerd, 408 401h St • N1twport Beach. CA. Thia business ta conducted by an lndlvld uel Joseph 0 PrlClla•d lll•t statement wae llled with the County CIB•k ot Orange County on Aprtl I 1982 F11M51 Publlshed Orange Cou r Delly Pilot April 2. 9. 16. 23. 1982 1524·82 PlflUC lllTlC( PVIUC MOYIE Fau O"ve Cotta Mesa Cahtorn1a unlll the hour ol I I 00 a m 0'1 Aprll 29. 1982 at wtlleh time they will b6 opened publicly and read aJoud In "ICTTTIOUI IUl-11 the Council Chambers lor rURNI NAMI ITATEMINT $HING All LABOR, MATERIALS u '"" IOUOwlflO _ _, 11 "°''IO bu.,,,... EOUIPMENT, TRANSPORTATION HEIDI 8 HHPERS 171 ll1vt 1t1<10 ANO SUCH OTHER FACILITIES AS 0n .. oF HewPOrl a-. CA 02t63 MAY BE REOUIREO TO PROVIDE JIM R WllES 307 CollHn Cotta DEMOLITION ANO LANOSCAPING ,.. .... CA 926n FOR FAIR DRIVE PARKWAYS d·!~ .. bu11neu "cooouct.., oy an on A set 01 ptana, specUk:ellonS and Jim 11 woes Olhao COnlr8CI documents may be T"ll tlatemt nt *ti lllod with tho obtained in the oll1ce of lne De Coun•~ c,.,i. of Or•~ County on Maren partment ol Leisure Services. 77 l• 1oe2 Fair Drive, Costa MMa, Ce111orn1a "-' upan receipt of a nonrefundable lee A~~,,~~~ ~3·~~2cou1 D••1r.~~·~~ or $6 C>O II btdders request plans and spec1t1ca11ons be malled the charge wtll be S7 SO pet Mii Each b1a shall be made on the P1UIUC NOTICE propoul form ana tn the manne "crmoua aua1N1a1 provided In t he contract uocu NAME UATTM£NT mttnts. and shall be accompanied ,.,. lotto••""O _...,., •• ao.ng 1><.111,.... by a cen1t1ed or C4$hl&r s cnec~ or • as bid bond for not less than 10 per SUNSHINE POOl & SPA CARE 2to9 cent 01 the amount ol tna bid made :;:-~~~, .. , Hunl"'Qlon ee.dl ca1o1or- payao1e 10 lhe C1ly or Costa Mesa RoOt •t c; Thom .. 2600 F101101 The Contracror shall tn Hie per S1• .. t Hunhngton Beacn C111101n1e lormanoe ol the work and 1mprov~ 926"8 menls conform to 11'8 Labor Code lhtt bu11ntu •• conouctod oy .,, in· ol the Slate ol Celllom1a and other d•Vlduel Aooet1 c fr-oomu llWI or the Stale ol Catllorn1a ap Tni. tllltmtnl wa• lll•d wlln lhf ptk:lble the<eto. with lhe e•cephon c0un1y C1tt• "' 0•11n99 eoun1v on Mate!\ only ol such verlallons as mey be 11 •982 required unde< the epec;1at stalutes "'~11 pursuent to whlCll proceedings ~ Publ11hed Orana• Cou 1 Ot•lv P1101 reunder are taken and whlCh have M11cn 19 2fl 'lprol 2 9 1912 1211.97 not been superseded by lhe provl stone of the Labor Code Prelerenoe P1UILIC llOTlC( to tabor shall be given only 1n lhe ..-.-----------manner provided by law No bid sna11 be considered untess F~~~~~·• ll Is made on a lo<m lurn•slled by .. 'ne rOllOw>nV _ _, ,. doonO ~ lhe City ot Costa Mesa. and 15 made FICTITIOIJI IUllNHI In accordance w1t11 the provisions of C1r~,~~1~,,;,~~. J2•9 1 2:1$9'ay NAlllll ITATUllNT the proposal requtremer>lS STEPHANIE DRU BOETTCHER SO.I Tn. 1...-no per.on 1t d04ng bu..,.... EllGll blddM mull be llcensed and Blutjt y CtrGI• """''"010., BH cn. c" u also prequelllied as required by law 926•9 HILLIE McCORMACll REAL TY. 1000 The City Coyncll ol the City O fntt bvt1neu 11 conducteo tly tn In ~:,.,;:;;~~1onwty. l tgun• Bt•ch. Coale Mesa reserved the "Ohl to OM<Juat 51~.,,.. 0 Bot1ICl\e< Pny1111 JH n 11ori111u1 2•38' lo• reject any or all bids -· Serrano• l aguna Nogu•I Ct llforn1a Elleefl P Phinney lno• •••1emen1 wtt filed "'11h 11\t 0,.77 City Clerk OI the ~~~~f,.,~ or 0rtltlQ9 County on Merell ~ bYolneu 11 c:onduct•d by 1n on· City ol Colle Mesa , 1 ..... r n11 t11~~~'::'~111o w11n the 1 Ptio~bl':,~e:, ~·~;f2e Coa~'J2~~ A;~~ll~h~~ ~;~n•~2cou• 0•"r.~~~~ County Cl«k 01 Or-County on M.,cl\ ------------· 17 1982 ,,_II PVIUC MOTICE P1UILIC llOTICE M=u,t:,~.~o~ ;.o~~2oti~~~.1------------ NOTICE OF ELECTION flCTTTlOUS 8UllN£H MAMIE IT A.TUHNT Tha following person Is doing bullnesa u FASHION NAILS. 34 13 NewPon Blvd . ~ Beach. CA 92863 Ng uon H uu Nguyan. 1427 Wutwood Bl vd , Wut Loi An· gM9, CA 90024 Thll business Is conducted by an lndlvldu11. Nguon Nguyen Thll llltemtnl WU ltted with the County Clefk or Or•noe C<>Unty on March 28, 19a2 F111051 Publt•~ Orange Cou t Dilly Piiot, April 2, 9. 18, 23. 1182. 1625·82 MUC •TICE PlCTTTIOUI ........ NA••TATSMJn' TM lollowlng pereont "° Clolng ouai-,_ .. PRESTIGE l!:NTEllPRISE6 HO 202, 1301 l>OY9. 8vill AOC>. NftpOtl tleac:n, CA 92680 HerlltOe ln-tmenl Company, Genetel PAr1-1301 Dove. Sulit ~. ~ 8"acl\, CA t2lllO l lllt -" c:ondYC1.0 Dy I llmr1ad PMl~ Herlteci-ln-t"'8111 Co Qwylol WMI Tn11 ttlll"'•nl wH lllt d .. 111\ tht County Cler!\ Cl! Or•noa Celunty on M11'1t 17. 1N 2 '111GO Publlohed o .. ng1 Cou 1 01111 Piiot, Match II ff Ap<lf 2. I , 111112 la74-t2 (AVISO DE ELECCION) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Illa\ a Genetal Mun1c1pat EltK.1ton will t>e held 1n the Coty ot Irvine on Tuesday the 8th OB\ 01 June. 1982, IOr the loltowong measure I POR MEOIO OE LA PRESENTE SE DA AVlSO que una e1ecc;1on mun1c1pa1 general sere conauc1aa en la c1udoa de Irvine el manes 8 dt! 1vnoo de 198<' para la s19uiente med•da t m Shall thl' City ol lrv•nl' bl' llulhOllZed to issue Jno sell Donds pavaote 1rom a porllon 01 ou 18> revenues 10 provide tuna1ng loo ra11roaa 9raoe st1parat1ons al Culver Drive, 0 Yale Avenue and Jefloey Roall w1lh Alch1so11 rope~~ and Santa Fe Railway? 1$era au1ori1ada la Cludad de l1111ne a m em1tn y vender Donos pagaderos de una porc1on d~ mgreso de 1mpuestos sobrtl gasolone para prol)Orc1oner londos pare s;1perec1ones oe n1ve1ac1on dt' tenocerr•I en Cul~r Orovl' Yale Avenue v 0 Jellrey Road con ta c;ornpen•a de lerrocarr•I A1cr11&0n Topeka y san111 fe?t Tne polls w111 De qpen bl!lween !he hours ot 7 00 1 m 11nd B 00 m llos tugare$ de votec1on PSlara11 abrorlos onlrl' las horas de las 1 00 a m y tos 8 00 pm I City Cl.,k Haner c. Row11nc1. CllJ Cletlt ol the City of lfvlM ltvlM , Calllofnla (Secr•l•rlO Mun1c1.,.1 cte le Cluded de lnlne, CeHtornle) Dated: Aprll S, 1M2 \Fecllado; S da Avrll de 1H2) Publlell.cl D11nge Co111t Dall)' PllOI, Aprll 9, 11, 1M2 1t3-«! (Pulll!c.-o;Orenee Co111t Oelly Pilot, • de •••II de 11112. , 11 .... ,11 de 1912). 1ta-a2 NOMINUS FOA flUBLIC OFFICIE (l;ANDIDATOI flAAA t)FICIO flU8LICOI PVlllC •TlCl NOTIC( IS HER£8V OIVIEN thet the lollowlng pe<sons h•ve been no- mmatecl 1or the olllce• ~elnaller mention.ci to ~ tm.cs •I lllt o.n.r11 Munte1pel ElactlOn to ~ "9fd In Ille City ol lrvlne on Tund•Y Illa 9th dey of June 1982 (NOTICIA IE OA flOR IEIT'E MIEDIO qua lot ttgutentes candldatot han 1hfo nom1nados per a 101 ollclos aqul d1n1ro menclonado• Que uran cxupe<101 en ta Gene<el Eteccton Munlclpat que tendra IUQar en la ctudAl1 de lrvJna merlea. et dt1 8 d;J:1:..~~~ 1"I CITY COUNCIL Voll lof Twe (II (PARA 10C10 Dl LA JUNTA MUNtC•ALI (Vole I*'*" Cl)) Communl1y College ProlMtor \Prot•or de Co19tilo Edward ~. Oorn1n c omun1I). Barbare wi.n.r COl\'lmljtlll'f t.N def IL!d9f Comunet) 1.t rry AQr1n lrvtna City Cou~t>er (MllmbtO <181 Cono.IO Mun.el· pal de lrvltltl "°"" NPaOU Member. ao.rd of Educ:ellon I u s 0 (Mllmbfo. Jllnt• de EdUcaGlon. t U S.D ) 8111 Poat Locet Butlneae ~ Cl>ueono de NtgOCIO Loeel) MtrjOfMI J 1(411-Rllhld Col~· lnetr..CIOr (Pr.ofeeora eta C0itl014 Jubll,dll NMGJ C. ~ CffJCtaft .. .._CltJ .. ..,...,c ••• , ... , ............. _ .... .. C1lmf ......... c .... , , ..................................................................................................................... ------------~~--------~~ l I 1982 •.................... ,,. .. ~:!:.~~ ....... , =·~~ ....... ~.":":'..~ ........ ~!!.~.~ ....... ~:.~.s:!: ........ ,~:.~~ ........ ~.~~ ....... ~~:.~~ ............... '::.~ ...... . ••rel tOvJ C......... 1002 G••rel • tOOJ Cii ... nil t002 G"""" 1002 '"-"ef 1002 G...,... 1002 C«WcWMar 10~2 CottaM.so 1024 ltoch 1048 ·······•··············· .••......•.......••..•.•...•.••.....••• , ...... ·····•················· ....................................•.......•• •···••····•·••·•······· •..•..•........•..•.......................•.••.•...•..••.••••••....•. RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE SERVICE AffOIK>A8LE FINANCING NOWI 12' ·" .30 YOOI Term No Coll Doles New Sole!.. Resales & Rel1nonce Non-<>wner AVOI~ (7i4) 964·9090 R£SIOENflAI RfAl ES IAlf <;FRVICF~ BIG CANYON VERSAILLES OPEN SATURDAY 1-5 First lime offrn«l' Magn1f1t1:nl 4 bdrm. den townhome u•:.-rlook111g golf cour-st'. Outstanding vie~ and 11111dt'I pt>rft·cl cond1t1on. A best buv at $7!-15.000. LUCY .ROSE IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 ILIFFS JUDE, LEISE/OPTIOI OR SALE Only $12,000 Down. Large Assumable Loan With 30 Year Fixed Rate. Owner Will Carry Large 2nd T.D. At Low In- terest. Lovely 3 BR End Unit W/Warp Around Patio On Lush Greenbelt. Im- mediate Possession. Only $210.000. Sally Shlpley's Listing. 759-9100 u 2 Corpot aft Ptcno MtwporlC....,.. RESIOENIUH RE Al ~ SlATE SERVICE!'> PHlllSUU $725,000 Count your steps to the bay -it's that close! This NEW 4 BA country styled home offers the ultimate 1n quality of craftsmanship "Extras" abound make this a very special property IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 \lo " ,,., '.,.. •noi,., '""' ,,, ... "',~. .. ' ,,. 1 ....... "' ~b .. , ,., .~ .. "''~ _. . ..... .. , "••t: '· \ ,., ... • •v ,. ,, ... -i., ., ' l'tlf·'' . ,,, ' , .. t llWWl"4! 108• "li"JI ,.., 'l'llri'•ro l•'llri{ll'• • ' ' •• ,,, ' ,l~P' ·~' •I • 11,.,, t=.:='"-t • i r-,. n f ,., !\P·~ ''"'.l'I·,• 1\( ... 1 ••• "' . ,, ....... , ''i\••·• . 'O~~v·•1 I'·~ 1)\J(IW' ,, ~ ,. ~·J 1• YV 1~1 ~~·"\' "''" 1t1'i!O'"'I 1ftol!I\ 29 \M'I•• 1'Solt•" U f.1tt111••'1 ,~ ·-,, . ..... .. .. ... .. ,. .. , ... ..•. ... .., ... ~· .,.,.,, .... .. ~~·' ~'°" ~ .. ...... IOS . .179 .,,.._,, .... .,, .. ..,, .. .... ''·" °'' b• " ll°'I/¥" .. ~ ~ 11.'f····~· •"o" 8tU•''' ~.,..,.....,.,, : .. : (,,:\), # \\I • ~I I, ... 0 ltorron~ i.-1 ol t~t lour K"O"'blod word1 bf. low 10 '"'"' lout '""Pie word• I l 0 0 R E B I I I' I I 12 1 I LA YE U Ii' I I I I t . r ..... L_U__,R .... R .,..A ..... , :'·' ~ • The new bots IS not too I r r I smart Tilt only way "' eould get to tllt bottom of a probltm ... -------. ~ N E G E l T I " b~ ·-··-. ~ ....... , -....,1....-"l'-rl ....,,1"1 -1 0 COlllOlolt !Ito chu<'1• avot•d . . . by 1.11"'9 "' .... lfl\91\9 WOtd ..._..._ ..... _..__... __ •0• ~ """ -Nq 3 btlow • r::w.~:-;~cu r r r 14 r r r I' 1 ! ro.$C:~f\ immJ I I I I I I I I ICl+H.\.ITS Ai.inn 11.~lt• 1H1.-.11 HOO PllllllU Hllll XLNT 1'ERMSI R~modeled tradluon<1J J hdrm, dm, 3 bath. red uef'CI to $395,000. Prize West Bay bayfront. Slips for 2 boats, l't•modeled 3 bdrm. 3 bath $1,200,000. Ocean & jetty views. Marine room, 4 bdrm. 3 bath, 3700 sq.Ct. $1,385:000. LIM ISLE HIES Prime Lado Nord bayfront, 5 bdt·m. 5'r. U&th. Lge L.H.. 2 boot slips $1.500,000 1tt•m1.dt•ll'<I 3 bdrm, 2 bath ~ large rt'<.'. rm ~am re1hngs, furnished, patios. $420,000. Lllll ISLE llYFllOIT Lagoon vww from 6 bdrm. 5 bath, play· room. dark rm, den, Boot slip $1.350,000! llYSllE COVE Spectacular bayfront view 2 br, 2 ba up; 2 br, 2 ba dn. 2 boat slips $1.900,000. TRES YISTIS--llSSIOI VIEJO N1•w ~'1 t'nl'h Normandy 4 bdrm. 4 bath, guest house. pool. Near lake. $795,000 COROUIO CAYS Coronado Island cust. bayfront lot. 85' boat dock. Plans avail. $425,000 w/t.erms. BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 341 Bayside Q,..,,e NB 675 ·6161 w1-:s1.L Y ~ TAYLOR CO HEA LTUHS :-.1111 1· 1 !H( UAMI YllW Miil 1221,000 Popular 3 bdrm. Monaco model. Formal din rm. Many extras . Security system. Large assumable loan. Owner anxious. Act nowt On~~M:'~hb classtc homt Lri: I Br w/loads or mahouny mold1n11 Futures 1n dudt-wine cellar & rrplc Ow ner wlll flrumfe. 631·7370 TRADI TIO~'\L RLl\Ll' CHAIMIMG DPLX. Dr-1u£lrul 51 rt•rt 1n CdM . Owner's unit w/beam cellln1u and flreplo<'e t..ge I Bd1 rn upt with fi~phlt"« -+ 11 b11d1t'lor Good inC'ornl' Patio 11ruund pool A~~um11 hie• loon $31~.0tMl ATTN BU I L D ~:It S Lcv4,1I R2 fol. so of hwy ror du1Jltx 01 bllljll1• famUy l'all lor 111fo r<' 11ardln1? ftnan $230.1100 UC-7211 • C'LOSt: TO H KA(; H wume flOK VA In 11t 8'4'~ 3Hr . f1p, 11141000 l'f1n£J!'!!l' ~3 7023 Bu. NICED RtGHT! 1111.500 liuy~ 3 8drm t • 11 huth un h1rl(t' lot With h 11 g e ft n 1• c• II y a rd Hrfurh111ht>d thruoul F:xcellt>nt Isl horn1·. rt- tirrment ur &n\ t·Mmrnt 642-5200 2 'lrr:.'T~.-lly landl<'ated cond o . Beauuful eu1 Vitw ! - Prfreleu ocallon Ex· t•tllent Buch House l702) 732·9MO.Qollect' OCIAHNONT 2111 s .. J11411l• •Ill• .... ISTATE l'rlvat e .l·omm un1 ty homr. ju1t 25 m 111. to Newport Center, with 6 bed.roorrus. 9 b11th~. 9.000 sq ft 3 lots •nd pool Total privacy ph15 h11( Vil'W Of l&J&nd!I. bCllChC5, MAMMOTH coalilllne S3.6oo.ooo J PETE ' BARREll '•· REALTY •lWPORT CUTU, U . HMl10 RY -owfH!R luxury 3 Armbruster. Clu'rman. 5NOWlllD COHDO' elm Call Deon111 8 ubh ut bdrm, 2 bu ·rwo t 1 ' • Brownlfct/494·8595 f1repla1·es . Neitl Ill Sk 1 t•~.:..:l'l}:l:l!liWll!::Jl•---------i --------•I Slope~ $350,000 xlnthn "MESA VERDE" Hnor V.IHllla 714 492.4353 C I N IJ 1': It E I. I. A XWFiuncl..ca Sp1•t•lal·ular C11ttllin11 White water \'rl.'W IO'• dn Easy morllhly p11y rn·ots on l~I uod 2nd owr 3rd ~IJ pa)' 2 }t·iirs 4 bdrm. I +-"• t •, ha S49!1 !100 Owner A.,,_ 544 2170 or K.~ USl7 5BEDROOMS Try S30.000 clown Owm•r will (·arry Mosl 1101111la1 Uun~1la !'> Hclrm nr I 1 den, ~ sq rt,. formal hvml( and 1hninl! room. l'OUnlry Silt' klll'ht•fl . breakfast nook ovt"r looks huge fam1I\ room Sparkhnl( pool and hl•al ed spa Truh a hui.:e family home · S2!1!l IHlu Call 5'16·2313 Attr11et1vl' 3 Bdrm 1 famtly room. many :I J.lt"C'c<ll dt'l'oral en J.t fl•utures. mll'r l'Om c·1·n tral \ a<·uum. h111:1• lrt'l' t·overedlol ~1.~011 Of Newport, ' Cole d Real.Ion. ,; ., ...... !!) W oodbrl dge DollloYH 2 Ir lod.CJCI mod.I, hi~ •cvoct.d, tile entry & mirrored wcrdrobt$. Good as· f!i;Z{j}t}!I ~:cbl~ ~~·d. T~u~ I -11Dti•attci s 149 .ooo I s I S,000 BUYS IT SPECTACULAR COl.E OF NEWPORT ,~lrt~.2 ~~~!,~.,~ J Bay & Ocean j 2,~,~~~~!. H<l t"o~la Mesa ho mt• VIEWS I Corona d•l Illar OEVE\.OPERS DOLl.llOUS ~: 1o11th u IA>wesl pnt·et-l 2 hr, I b<t $74,000 VA UW!>UHlablt' homt' m C'dM H :! lot 101111 ut 10' ~ 111tere1it 3 ;JOxllt! A•surnt· 12•,·, lllt 2 Bu. ll!t' 1anl l'lu~ loan $1!12,000 p1·1n 11111) 1•\l1l·nwh mutl\lllt•d rail Kt>11,f>75·tl71t0 M•llt·r:. ·n,., Cit ltt•a l llllf'LEX BY OWN Ell ~lltatt-, t>l2 6.'lllll rw~t t·a~h down takt•s' Dana Point I 026 OWC Hedut•t>cl lo t175K •••••••••• • •• •• •••••••• It 0 u H' II n 11 t• j( "n I J r rp I('' µa fl" 'Cl 11 elk . Loguna Hiiis I 050 li79 !16ti7 or ti75 3tl6:J <111 r. 1 •,Ha . f.1 m r rn I $23.~ lklO. lut 1 .clut'. 111111 Slll8.5(() Tern" ~!16 i3~H ••••••••••••••••••••••• I Bk . Si511CI UOWN ' NO ony r 1ll:l 1•t:~,~.H2:1 ~Jltulou:.on•Ju&h.irh111 I Ql:\(IFYING -. I 024 11t11 111i ltluff 2 Br 2 1111 ;.i111 pall~ home Sto7.~IU' CostoMesa ~l·c•unt) Gr1•at ll'rm' Tt•ir. tBkrt•l97 3034 ••••• • • • • •• • • • • • • •• • • • • Must 'el .. K93 :SJ t, I t ull • SA r RI FI n ; :-A I. r: . I LOIJ"'CI MIC)Utl I OSl $15.UtXI do11n, goo/I a:. Fountmn Valley 034 ••••••••••••••••••••••• sumublt• lu Jn a nd ••••••••••••••••••••••• No orlow dnP rw'i owner al(t. wll.l 1.ir1\ ASSUME I 11h 0/o F:ue>llt>nl ter~!>. 4 halam·1· l 111\-.lllH I'·' lll'au11ru1 4 111 2 ha 1..:t· 1 hdrms plu::. bonu\ pool ha. t•orn1·r ltil "'n 1111·1· IJ11\ rm. I'""' &. tCJ' ·,1 nd Jal' B) 01111 .. ;. this ~tn·c~ $11!1.~tl~I . l?1'' 111 11;1lm '\r ;'"}all rnt p~rk ; ~l'l'kunl) 495 0711! Rl'al l'"lall.'1&1<! ti3t;!( 111 111.-sl f \ Jrt'J < Jll .J1111.<igt,%~Kl111 oldie forest 1055 111th onl\ $1!>.UOO ;1n<l :is I ~75·5 511 sunr l~is und .. rly 111..: \'A Sc't' 1t all from this lo\ l"h I I loan Sdl<'r 11111 pa} all 1 5 lit-droom. fam11) room MESA VERDE H~on Buch I 040 i.:i; .. ··;.~;:.;;·;ait'."j;;~~ your dosllll( ro~ts' '1'111~ hurnt• 111 h1•au11ful t 1 ;J lldrrfl hcmlt• ~ l>.c lh,, ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~H,\ Terms.hyu"nl'r hclll'll· 1~ pn1•t•cl 1111dt•1 lh1• Sl'YGLASS t'alah11a. UNIQUE . I (thl i;arai.:1'. all 111 \ I I 125 000VA120/o Ln I 770·9549 market fur 1111m1·1halt•1 l'alos Verdi's. N1•1tport In TurLIPror k I it~ .. runcl1 l1 011 $1:!!1 ;,oo Slia,.P 211-1 ,41 flt1t1lnn I . . . . salt'l5da} l'St'l'Ull 01\' Bay ('llY light~ a11cl , llghtb 11.-" from the I $l9,500duwn 0"111•r \\tll Olll'llldt'Sa(' 1MIHIOftVle90 1067 Ttlkt' ad\ :rntal(1• of thh claulmi.: sunst'ls' o .... n1•r 1 \t:I) Wt> Bn~hl 111>"11 ~ assist 111 f111ann111( H E l'rof.•,,1,wa" ••••••••••••••••••••••• fanla:.tin atu.-nu.,.. l';tll 11111 assist with a Isl or I Bdrm + bn111\ mum .t Curl MO!'l'll, O"nr ,\i.:t 2ndTD 1 full haths ~'1rl'plan• RoyMcCarcle,Rltr. 963-8377 I • lod • 7<" 1·•••1 I "llh t'O\'t>red ua t !Cl 548-7729 1 D"h"eu Sale I il) ·"' c.c. c .. -... ,·r-Da.alty r u. ..... _on I'" f I t I k 1111_.,-.;:~--...,..'"' .. ""' Lea~l.'optum al $.125 11<"1 ··-"""I' I 042 "''aut1 u rom u on ~a I' .... "PAYMENTS" I 7.59·1877 ' ' Hari>Our ~1t::.~1vn \'1 eJU P\t I l llllll()Ut tf«>MfS ••••••••••••••••••••••• Hl'a1·h Mu~l ,l'fl IJ) from affordable ••• to affluent l1IM1 Isl c1tt11• S2H1000 PHitHll" ..... S2H,OOO ••• ,.rt ••l&llh • , .. 1 S211,000 IHcll Ctftl&•• 3 W SlH,100 I, l1ysl•• c. .... ,., .. , SHl,000 layfr11t I Ir t •ec• Sl,H0,000 Tt11ls Ct1rt Estltt 12,100,000 Liff• rlt• ll1r •••• ++ 1111,00I ,,,.,, .,,,, "'· ,, 11,100,,000 Li•• hit Jlr h•• SCll,000 WATERFRONT HOMES.tNC. REAL ESTATE ~ ... Rvn1it11rii Proc>t'fl\ M.1.11w,,..m.rf1! 2430 w lOd\I 11 ... \ N"'"""'" 0.<<><h 6~1-1400 .~r-:a._ ~ 11 ~ Mornw five &11 ... ht.ind 67Ut00 * WlTEllFlllT HIE PlllY&TE IUCI * Sensational 4 bedroom hom e smack on the water!! Featuring trench doors. fireplace, profes-/ sionally decorated and private SANDY BEACn. Only $249.000 and seller will carry AITD! 2670 San Miguel Drive. Newport Beach 759-1501 or 752· 7373. IEWPtlr IUCI lfFICE 2178 Saa li&HI lritt (714) 11 ... 1111 (114) 112-nn ~ 1-,,Ntf FORTIES SONGS Z L C Y 0 R U M A N 0 C 0 C A C 0 L A T E G R l T M S Z M S U T B 0 I W A L A R A S R A S Y 0 S A U E M S H F W A H I N T Y E 0 0 A W T Y A 0 U I 0 R W U A C I Z B 0 S L T 0 I U S M T ~ B E M 0 A R E L I H 0 L R R R A E E T W E P P E R 0 L I N E Z U H G I G C l 0 S R A U 0 A M S B Y T I I T M H H E U S P T P H A A Y 0 L R H S E T A R S H E A A 0 E N l 0 P E A M M 0 A R l S T H A M G 0 R A B l T A U A E A T S 0 A N N l 8 A T 0 L I G 0 H R A G S T H T E E 0 E S ( A 0 I C 8 0 L A C 'I M G S T W D C A B N C L 0 E Y 0 R V N A S 0 S C M 0 A H 1 R E l L A 8 A 0 C S H ltllllny DOll:I ttr.._ Mllllc j T.i.ty a.tt. llld ao. ;J o.ty...... lt\1.;mO l••••ellli .... toy hM IM C..C. T-"""-' T~u.IDT ... ~MD~R.S' ,000 . VIEW I n .. ahors. m f>OtMl CIY OWNr:R. 4bt. :!.llA. ... Hi~Utl we ....... ~ \..J 11182 770-979(1 A.~PN1~tular 4 Bdrm 2 or ll<'ean and Sµ)l(lass family rm. t·t•ntr~l pt1ltti with8ootP9cli b~th ra '.11 11 ) h.v~~ lhlls Thi' ext·eptional &baC'lt patio $176~1 '., 5 lldrm'. m.11CI '4rl1 s I Larl(t' fan11I) ar" Plan6mJa.smmeCreek l THE MAGIC JJ6V1staBa)a 541113!1~ :01u sq fl. tu,tom hudl jNe-wportltach 1069 fireplUl't'. l'ndu~.t·tl ' h· s tuxur\' ;ipp11111l t1JUJ1)Jrtl 'Pa :I frplr~ 1•••••••••••• .... ••••••• pat10.poolan<l spa 'Ull l ~nts throul(houl th.-1 OF 0 T i:rt•at r111.111 ;l\Jtl I IMMEDIATE must see ,this <~~t' .uni) I ho!l'll'' and .:round, En 1 LA UIN A otlTSTANDING BUY! $600 1l0tl i 11 100 1175 1 I P~SS"'SSIO"" 139,000 t:all 546 2313 JO) lht• set·unt) of J l(ist SiJC'nf1re Th 01o1 n"r Ukr .. " ~ -. I .. ,, t'eJmmunll\ L.·· I i ( Guar Mo', :10 " luun 10'. o"n pa) menb , r ' .a t1wn1a or mort· · 4 S"·w• I · hi<' rl'll<'nl ftnant·in~ takt• than a half l'entun o111· a'a1I <ii ~ ph untl.-r 1 Irvine I 04 "'"" mo t is ri:;i.s1 I O\'l'r loan.~ Call toda\ of Southern t"ahf1irn1a " hr. 2 b .. f:Jm rm ~pa •••••••••••••••••••••••I tn ""n lo\'l.'I} 5 >tlrm 2 MESA WOODS for ~1re1nf1irn1"l1r1n t f t I t imn1<1 !' $1421\ !179 1138 TURTL~ROC~ 'IOI'). 1li H Ha C'k B11) ... u rn.>s mal(n1 1n•n r t'st·r I art•a $2511.000 SS.H991 r~1r1 oaM~. no.,.. offl'rs $5,900 Total Down t Bdrm :l u 1111 1·11 d1• r:'t~call 631·7215 Be a u t 1 r II I t' II ~ t u m I t•;1brnelr\' 111 ma sl t•r nafrsma·n rt•alh wt:- lh1s 3 Bdrm :! ll<i hon11· aµart Lo'd~ l!Jtdw and hcanni: fn111 l1 c't'' Low rit\l'. flt'" !nan I al'atlablt' Full 1111c·t•1 Sl59.00J i51 mu C::. SEl EC T -t"" PROPERTtE~ I ~523 CAMP\ISDt·IRV114E I I· • HOMES . I I a~.~~<'~EJ!!~M2~ ;, ·• I bdrllll> from S55,0tMI to I $8.5,001 SO down. o escro" fl't'S Mltst hove DD2 I 4 Call Ralph~ I 1t.12!i Vl.'t agent, 24 hr~ astunmng6000l>q ft I.a ModelClose-Owt 'ull' ,f'up11l.1r !'la!'.:! '--------• (Ju1ntJ ('ountr) t'lub Hrancl nt'll clt•gant ~ HH OWt a I I:• . In fair11a\ eslJlt' Fl•:Jlur .. , 2,, ba. frplr 2 !'ar f.!al ~rad11;111•cl 1 .. 11 1111·111' I ht'tiroom' Jnd tlt'n I'" lluth Bdrms :ire' 111•1,11.1 S!11:1.m1 Hc:rbor View Homes bath.,, :-pa .ind SJUll;J :t SUllt'' II '.111ll1•cl I II!' llt•nnl' Ill( 1-.t'lh ~ l~·-t pnn·d hullll.' "11 ree f1rel)l.1<t'' Snlicl oak ht'lll'f e·.ill f\S'I' f'olall ""'"' I I.incl owr Cunlac·t bulll1ns throui::hnul S ~ ('II 851 0424 1 J•1h n Sht'J llrukl'r l;our rnC'l s k) 11}!ht1•cl \J~OSbti:J 1l 1:Jl 1/fiw 1,, ~., '·---··----• \15,~ :1<154 k1tc-h1•n So11h1,1 n·a11•tl 751 3297 l loc:alt-0 ix•ht.nd the )!,1lt·~ Woodbrid~ Btautv H'C'llrJt\ '"lt•m and' of La l)urnta t'nuntr) lO YR -IJlf o;. LM 3 Hr Hl<'n hl'.iutiful l <fn ('luh host 1•lt1h lnr lht• 4 0 11(1 J1'ro'~ Imm l:ikt· j l l~OOOD...a l!IK.1 Bob 110111• 1>1•i.l•rl' Garden Par;ii ('om1Jll'l1•l\ loa•li•d . , • ", 1 ClaS!)ll ()ffl•red :Jll Ni·w l ;j Pt' l od ~J "t·xlrJ~ n\\llt'I \\ll l .lhr 1 li f:-<tr;J lf.:!t ,ot ~1.000 !-'OH .\:-.I .\I' bedroommpn,atl••·11111 1•arr.papN ,\\sum1•1•\ 11 ~Upl·rt> '1e1o1 "11! l'OINTMENTCAl.L mun1l) "1lh pool an<l isuni: loan llrni• IH 31 I '! adl' for 1:1n~ t.h1n~_ Jat•u111 Walklni: rlt~ l.akl.',1<h-tht•n ;ai1 l lnnl'1palsonly 9669081 ~AS~IC, REA~TY tan<'e tu "' 1·n th1n1! ,:l(llO F.11 a'l'O, .Ste· Ii Sl3i .950 Ill'. dn . Modt.'b Iii:! 1517 O" n Bk r I l'alfl!De~.";'1.lal.1f . open cfo11\ II am 1111 ;, ABSOLUTE 714 346-5mb or568 351h pm · ROGERS REAL TY L~ Beach I 048 STEALll $40 000 ON 675 2311 ••••••••••••••••••••••• .. lboolsJand 1006 • Alot f,ta~c·m)repu1a11on•m 3 Bdrm z bath. assuma •••••••••••••••••••••••I FORECLOSURE For A Littl lht• ~,\(I lhal th1:-is lht> . BEST PRICE Gre<il startu homt• Owner "Ill constdt•r ALL offers 2 Htlrms, g reat Costa Mt•sa neii?hborhoorl Lowest pnn'<I hollll' in !ht• .irea at SI07,l"IO 751 3191 bl I l 9 Ow(. . ...._________ ·II f' k I ' 1 llf:ST Hl"Y 1n '.\~"port e oansal 1 ', ~ 1 lo t•i.:1· .1r 1 .irn• -;· hldf.! 'tit' l!t'nl 1 Bt•.i t h <>CE:\:\ \'L Easts1de.Call645·916l BEl"H HOUSE I ~ni~ 1:h1~ \(i!hj'. ,:~tll I\ sl!lpmf.! pan·t•I 'hurl LRG ~ HOR . PIWF C::. SELEC T -t"" PROPERT IE~ JUST LISTED! I IAY & OCEAH STEPS from lh1s 2 Btlrm I house& I Bdrm hou~eun 30x1100' R 2 lot 0111) I 5255.00l.l' Bolboo lay Prop. RtaHors •675-7060• l OPEN HOUSE .... 0 REALTY ~ PALM SPRINGS GIVEAWAY Gorl(e ous (urn1shcd 1•ustom house 1n c·x t'lll:.l\l' area of Palm Spring:-Tr) S:IO.Ulltt chm f\111 pnet' S475,1HlO Joyc·e Wallze, 631 1266 . HARBOR RIDGE Jodelle Mdl -This home otters h•xury and comfort for the affluent. 3 Bdrms. 2'h ba. formal dining rm and a pan- oramic view of all Newport and the blue Pacific. Financing at less than 11% Int. Asking $795.000. UNIVERSITY PARK This immaculate 3 Bdrm 2 ba home in a park like setting is only for the fussiest and most discriminating. Imagine fi. nancing at 931Wo interest. Asking $169, 000. HOLSTEIN REAL TY • ...,.~ .... ., ... 1111 ~ Dalebout le) • Bay & Beach _ ~ Real Estate REAL ESTATE EXCELLENCE SINCE 1949 Clll Wl1'll IS ••• Tl ... THUCI Magnificently upgraded 3 Bdrm home on 62xll5' lot. French windows & doors • crown moldings, brass hardware. comple· tely new klt.chen, single story. You own the land. 1524 Santanella Terrace. Open SAl 1·5. $395,000 110 lll1lllJ ....... •• ,., d1~t.mn' frnm ll'n111' &. DECORATED. JXIOI. ,µa Ttus 1s a real charml'f l\1AHKEl" / I hl'Jl'h fl"nr hJ' 111 & hkt· nu all rnr uni\ Best buy on Island 21lr I Ployo Real E:statt I l'fulll'd plan~ for 1 us tom I S.Tili 500 .\ 1 railt-t•CJri +ba!'helor $295.~"IO. 673· 1900 'ilia Sl25 .uuu Spn· , ,icfc'rl'd Call PATRIC!\ Cenlun 21 Lo<'khart t.1nrlar "1'" '' r ~:'.'<UR t: ll 1 re ..a I, Ca[l%281147 I TERMS /LOCATION ~11ss10:-. un1.n t.:11 1261i or ifi(I Ri02 $30.l'W ao"11 amt ()\\t ~!14 0;;11 TODAY' Isl 13'. Ill 11" .I 111 I 2ba dbl i:ar frpk n1'" 1 FANTASTIC HOME 1•pts µa1nt Hon Sa\ 180 d1•1! 11<'l't1n \II'""~ 6 Uttih • 2 Lob Cafe. oHi<'e. ;ipts Owner fin:fnee I A~ !17!15370. Pit'' 1·1t1t 1 :1111111+ and r11stom 54.11-IROI cl Cuurmet ktt1·h1·11 ,_. -------- Iii Hordesty. Rltr 675-28'6 1 ma~~l\l' II\ 1og rni LIDO ISLE • BAMl(RUPTCY 1 fnrma I e11n10 1! t·ot~ I BAYFROHT ll11!h ;1ssumah!t' .t't. hrn I flrc?plai•l'h. pool. ,pa LI! 1 ml u1" 1tn St Plata rc:i'<treu $.\g!l,OIHl j , S 1,000,.,000 1·ondo S!IO .IHllJ :!Hr • l harmmg 2 udrm plus Bolboo Penitlsulo I 007 11 1ha S7!i .t10ll 111 r 1 Lagwio Villa¥ R.E \1('0 ;! hath. p1l'r and shp ! ••••••••••••.•••••••••• 646-0086 497-1761 to arrommociate 111· l10at North sHll' For an • * • MESA VERDE Juit Amo ya llarbor Ba k<'r a rra :1, l~CorkSt br.2ba l\s~umt•S!M .<HHI· Fount am \'alley m loans at 12'. Sl:!IH>I You are the 11 mner or rm PIT! 646 3255 11r two fret' tickets <SIS CIOl 1 540·4f6i<>iien.Sal Sun I \'aluetothe T<'W'-'<lot·s•· L'XTfl \ CIRCUS V~RGAS ' IH SHARI/" ' I l~n~ Beach Veterans 1 15i fair' 1('\\ bt 11. n Fa1rl Stadium Apn I 4· 14 & Wil~o11• open f n 111 I. . OrangeCoun.ly Sat 104 3llr. 211<1 . clhl 1 Fairgrounds Apr1115 18 j'.?ara.:e. pool. ass um<' I Tifkets good for selet'led 12e.,•, or 11,.11 su·. loan I performances at 1 :i •, •, A s k 1 n I!· To claim tickets. c·all s102 500 '\take offer 642 5678. ext 272 646.sJoo TicketsmustbE'cla1meci MANFRED ST~:\'EH by Apo I 15. 1982 Rl.Tll • • * T'Y. I 0% Down! Corolia .. Mor 1022 And assume 1111111~ 011 thi s ran1•h ~1\'lf ;1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• bedroom honw that or COUNTRY FRENCH rers easy·J?Orni: ouldocu Gray w/white shutters. ltvin~'. R eautdul laee window treatments barbe<'ue is round in fhe Deroralor papers. 4 Rr, backyard. alon11 with a 31., Ba. 6 doors from palio And you·re only beach. Be a u t 1 f u I rrunutes from the bt•iH·h flowers. Reduced to Flreplare keeps the 111 S6.50.()){l. doors l'omfy SI 12.500 <>Pen Sat/Sun 1·5 For dl'lalls. 1·ont:1rt ~.Poinsetlia 979-2300 -~f 1 a Douglas.I TARBELL ~~ ............ !~~!!~~ ..... : ...... !~.~~ llU AIHIUU LUI Woodbridge de· tached home 3 BR 21h BA, {am rm. formal dining, low interest loan. Comm. pool & t~nnis. One of tho lo· west priced Qumel model in Cottage )\omes. Need a quick sale. $164,500 Jeanne La.Fourcade 551-8700 {H 11) WALK.. .1ppomtllll'nl t(I s1•e this tu 101111 ,1,: f)l•arh Thi' I exduSl\l' µrol)('rt~ 1•all rhr1rn••r c·;in ht• 1•1th1•r .1 5411 l 151 ~';ui~l~Ki:~~:<.~d ~~ s~'.TI i'i~ll ~~I Feat!-lres ~k) htl':-. track iii ) ! l11(hltnl! & '-''P:Jratt• din • ! 1 ·i:- mi: room 01o1rwr offt•rs 1.:=======-: t>~rellPnl f111.111('10I! I 219.5110 WY FINANCING LARGE PRICE A 2 bdrm l't>ndc1 11 Ith REDUCTION room for outdoor l'ntt•r r'ee Canal -front 4 llH, laming Creal '"'-C's\ Ill'• down T1•rms rrenl polent1al 111th its S299,llOO Mr l"l.Jrk lur~e assumu ble lo,111 at f>IS·J370 aft 6 ll•Ss than C'U rrt·nt r a II'' I H Ii tilt 1 Ownrr ~a~~ :.uhm11 .111 fl" ()'~wNf"R' 1Q. 1 .. •d ofkr~ Sl~.;i4MI ' ~ · S"ef llut M I A lml'I) Street Bark Ba~ , • /\r('a ~1 a1esllt home. I nm· mclu~lnal propt'r \l'I <'Ill\' and ron\en1enl l) 111th hl';il'y tlul' .i,'at·,Jita11e Completely IJO""t!r. offu•es. ~l'par<itl' t·u.~tom1zed 4 !ldrm. 3 work area~ & hnu~e on .Ba mcl'g .cMa11te.r Suit.e l larg<' ~et.'\fr~ly fen('ed &>p Maid's Quarters le\'el lot Great op IA\'l.'f\' hv room look1nA portun1ty ~5.000 o u t · t o g or Re o u s 't' lands<'aped bac·k)ard .. •tr~r Waterfall. Ga7.ebo. bnfk .\~~~illf'-~ put10 Obie frpc'. ram · • · rm. formal dtnml! rm ~.IUI Xlnl fmanr1nf. 1~ .. c:o.c~ a\311 OPF:N J\l.. Ulllwnollocftc. tl>l61 WE:EK IS 1521 ANITA l.N 1 1 hlk from 1714) 494-1177 H1ghl;md I 64~ 0532 Want Ad Help• 1112 5678 Sell 1dlt! 1tNns tl42 5f;71t Htwport ltoch I 069 ltoch t OH •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • S<' . r.'"'""''1 ·t:,1 ... 1 .. ~,. t; ·1 l 1•• · S..11d1 1· le 111 ~ttV1l Both have 3 Bdrms. separate vards, fire- places, hardwOOd floors. 0Ptn Beam cei· lings. At only $239,000 this property w\11 not last long. Call tOday • ...... 111.a11 -- , FRIDAY, APRIL 9, 1982 Does tuto~ing drunken drivers pay • 8y JOEL C. DON or .. ~,.. ..... A UC Irvine ldenU.t has found drunken-driver treatment prog- rams work well for Ught drinkers but actually encourage heavy drinkers to a.rive while intoxica· ted. Dr. Frederick L. McGuire, in a repo rt Thursday to a Western Psycholoalcal Auociation mee- ting ln Sacramento. aald most light drinkers will imp.rove their driving records under any type of alooholiam treatment program. But heavy drinkers, because they often foeter antiaodal beha- vior, are spurred to continue to break state laws prohibl~ dri- vtng under the influence of al- cohol. During the past 10 yean, the medical paychologist hu studied the records of 18,000 drunken drivers in Orange County. He baaed his report, to be publlahed ln the spring lasue of the Journal of Health l'"aychology, on a sub- .et of 4,800 lndividuals. He then compared follow-up information on light and heavy drinken. Some were enrolled in treatment programs. "The light drinker in a treat- ment program had a better two- year drlvln' record than those not treated,' he said in an inter- view today. "The treated heavy drinker had a significantly worae Alaskan salmon scare driving record than the untrea- ted heavy drinkers. "What this says is the old axion that to put them in any program can't hurt is not true." McGuire said antisocial beha- vior is stirred up wHh heavy drinkers when they are ordered lo participate in an alcoholism treatment program. "That means that presently designed programs don't 'help' these people," he said. "Now the problem is do we give them longer. more mterae trealrnent programs or what." The scientist explain ed that light drinkers tend to be better educated, have social 1uooort (See TlPSY, Page At) Meet y our Laguna council b_"opef uls More recalls seen Laguna Beach voters go to the polls Tuesday to choose from among nine candidates for three seats on the five-member City <Auncil. Following. in capsule form, are PAUL CHRISTIANSEN descriptions of candidates and where they stand on key issues. Similar descripitions of the other six candidates appeared in Wed-nesday's and Thursday's papers. Ch r is tiansen eyes tr affic Name: Paul Christiansen. Age: 31. \ Occupation: Innkeeper. Education: J u ris doctorate, Western State University; BS in law from West.em State; AA de - gree, Orange Coast College; La- guna Beach High School gra- duate. Federal officials in Los An- geles said they have received no word today of a reported expan- sion in the r ecall o f canned Alaskan salmon that was an- noum'ed out of Washington D.C. Government sources indicated Thursday th e recall was being expanded to cover salmon pro- duced by eight Alaskan packing plants and more than 50 million cans that may be contaminated Britain 'will not retreat' LONDON (AP) -Secretary of Years in Lagana: 18. State Alexander M. Haig Jr. flew Laguna organ izations: Beau-to Buenos Aires today t o tell t.ification C.Ommitt.ee, Main Beach leaders of Argentina's military Park Committee, participant in government Britain will not re- Local Coastal Plan. treat from its demand that they Wbat ls yoar po1Uioa OD bill-withdraw all forces from the slde development? Falkland Islands. We should stand basically with ln Washington, the Pentagon said a warning had been sent to (See CHRISTIANSEN, Page ill U.S. merchant sh.ipa to stay out of the 200-mlle war wne Britain No new roads ·. says it will impose around the disputed islands. But it said the notice "in no way constitutes a B th L d U.S. government position regar---e ee s . d i n g f 0 re i g n c 1 a i m 8 0 r Name: Beth Leeds. Age: 40. Occapatton: Airbrush artist. E dacatlon: Laguna Beach proclamations." Haig left for the Arge ntine capital after about six hours of talks with Prime Minister Mar- garet Thatcher and other gov- ernment leaders. by a deadly botulism toxin. "That begins to chauenge the largest multiple recall we have had in FDA history -which was the mushroom recall o f the 1970s," said Wayne Pines, a spo- kesman for the Food and Drug Administration. A Belgian man died in Fe- bruary after ea ting contaminated Alaskan salmon. The reca ll is of salmon in 7 :Y. -ounce cans sold under a va- riety of brand names. The recaJ - Jed cans are identifiable onJy by the codes on thetr ends. The FDA said consumer s should return the cans to the place of purchase and refrain from opening them or eating thPir contents. The FDA believes a machine which shapes the cans may have tom some of their ~ges, leaving holes or other de fects in the seams when the ends were att.a• ched. The openings can permit. the formation of botulinum, a to• xm that can cause the often-fatal disease botulism. The newly recalled cans we~ produl·e d at two Wh1tne y- F1dal~o Seafood Co. plants and by a St. Elias Ocean Products cannery. E x change club lauds M c Closkey By JEFF ADLER oftM Deity Piiot 81.tf Republican U.S. Senate candi· date Paul "Pete" McCloskey Jr. worked the Exchange Club tun· cheon crowd with the lightest of campaign touches Thursday af· ternoon in Laguna Beach and gol a standing ovation. Not bad for a candidate whO&E only reference to his Senate bid was a closing, low-key "look al the quality of the candidates and make your choice accordingly " McCloskey spent the balance of his ume zeroing in on the Reagan Administration's propo- sed budget deficits. He called this nation's economic woes "the most important issue of our times." High School graduate. Years ln Lagana: 26. Lagana orgauJutions: Work- ed for preservation of lifeguard tower, establishement of Main Beach Park. offshor e oil rig battle. The British took a tough s tand toward the growing crisis in the South Atlantic. TOO MUCH HIPPITY-HOP -Laguna officers Ron Sapp and Mark Vuille help Easter Bunny from squad car. McCloskey, of Menlo Park, said there are four budget alter- natives Congr ess must ch oose among when it reconvenes follo- wing its spring recess. The alternatives include ac- cepting the proposed deficits at their record levels, cutting the defense budget, rescinding the next phase of tax cuts, cutting back social programs even fur- ther or, as a less than realistic fifth alternative, abolishing the Federal Reser ve System and empowering Congress to print money Wbat Is your position on bill· side development? Argehtina seized t he bleak, treeless British colony 250 miles of! its southern coast last .Friday al~r years of disputing Britain's 150-year-old control of the islands and their 1,800 inhabi- tants, most of them of English and Scottish descent. Bunny busted I'm against road extensions to accommodate developers, and I'm more for individual buildings than mass development. I think Dispute leads to Laguna hutch (See LEEDS, Page A%) Parking seen b y Sl~ter On Thursday, the Argentine foreign minister said the threat of war seemed to be fading, al- though talks to resolve the crisis would be protracted. Meanwhile, thousands of Argentine volun- teers signed up to fight if called. In Brussels, delegations from Britain· and its nine European Economic Community partners Name: Rickey Slater. met today to discuss possible Age: 48. economic sanctions against Ar- Occapa U o a : Mainten ance gentina to protest the invasion. supervisor. Major arms-supplying nations of Education: High school, Mon-the EEC, Britain, France, Bel- tebello. gium, the Ne thNlanda, West Years ln Laguna: 25. Gennany and Italy. have ~ady Lagana organiutlon1: None. · announced1a ban on military Wbat ls your position on bill-sales to the South American side development? country, and today the other four By STEVE MITCHELL 0( the 0.-, Not • ..,, It could only happen in La- guna Beach where, alas, police arrested the F..aster bunny. Officers took away his egg basket, ha ndcuffed him a n d locked him up Thursday on charges of, well, being tipsy in public. The police dispatcher received a call from an irate merchant in the Village Fair mall at about 2:30 p.m., complaining of a six- foot tall bunny who allegedly engaged the shopkeeper in a verbal dispute. After a short discussion as to whether police or animaJ control o fficers should handle the inci- dent, patrolmen Mark Vuille and Ron Sapp were dispatched to the mall. There the officers found Ed- ward G. Diamos. 22, of Texas, garbed in Easter bunny attire and carrying a colorful basket of candy eggs. The allegedly tipsy bunny was booked into jail, and his big pink ears, white fluffy tail and Easter basket were returned to merch- ants who had hired the man to pass out candy to youngsters. Diamos was detained for sev- eral hours in a holding cell. and released late Thursday. Eas ter Bunny to host hunts The Easter Bunny is in for a busy weekend along the Orange Coast, hosting parties, staging Easter egg hunts a nd giving prizes away. I'm for non-development, con- trolled development. We need moderate d evelopment of La· ~·s hillsides. C.Ommon Market members joined the anns ban. Alter talking with Mrs. That- cher, Foreign Secretary Francia Pym and Defense Minister John Nott. Haig told reporters it was "too early to say'' whether he (See FALKLANDS, Page .U) CUP to ticket PCH parker s Here in Laguna Beac h, an F.aster -egg hunt is set for 1 p.m. Sunday on the athletic field of Laguna Beach High School. Do• zens of colored eggs will be hid· den throughout the field, and special candy and prizes will be handed out by the Easter Bunny. R ICKEY SLATER WORLD Wbat can be done aboa t La- guna'• lack of partJa'? (See SLATER , Page A%) Easter, Passover share themes The major Christian and Jewish holidays of Easter and Passover, which occur at about the Same time this year, also have similar themes -the deliverance of.man from darkness. Page A5. NATION 'Huck Finn' banned as 'racist' The classic American novel, "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn," was removed from the currtculum of a Virginia school named for its author Mar~ Twain following complaints it is "racist." Page A4. R eagan to lead way ? ''The CowbOy" (Ronald Reepn) lronkall.y could be the man leading natiooa toward dvillzied nuclear behavior. Page A6. STATE California Highway Patrol of- ficers are planning to write more parking citations a lo ng Coast Highway south of Laguna Beach. starting this weekend. 'Duke"s' bid no surprise There's been no doubt for years that George Deukmejian would take a run at being governor. Page A6. Krishnas take over ranch Hare Krishnaa are establish.ina a fann community on a ranch near Sequoia National l>ark. Page A7. COUNTY Parenta: ·bow tu cope P a tie nce growlns th in •ft•r bavln1 t he kids around the bowe all Week? Cartoonist Tam Johmon lhowa how to avoMI teattNi your hair ln the final days of Eater VllCatioQ. Pap Sl . · ' • ln response to complaints by residents, the CHP wiU be citing illegally parked vehicles on both sides of the highway, and along residential sidest.reets. Youngliters under 9 years old are welcome to attend the hunt, sponsored by the American Le- gion Post and the Laguna Beach News Post. INDEX At Your Service California Cavalcade,. ' Classified Comics Crossword Death Notices Stan Delaplane Editorial Entertainment A4 A5 82 C7-8,Dl-6 B4 .84 C6 B2 A6 · Weekender Home/Garden B5 SPORTS Horoecope B2 Ann Landers B2 Movies Weekender National News A3 Pu~lic Notices C6-7 Restaurants Weekender Sports Cl-5 Television TV Log Theaters Weekender Weather A.2 World News A3 1VlcHaus abeatl in the Masters Jack Nicklaus has taken the lead ln the rain-delayed Masten Golf tou.ma..ment in Au.gutta, Ga. Page Cl. • t • Orange Cout DAIL V PILOT /Friday, Aprtl 9, 1982 Continued stories CHRISTIANSEN EYES TRAFFIC . • • the general plan and lht' local C.'OUtal plan. Speclflcolly, l would be a&aln.t, or ecale down any hill- aide project that adversely lm- pecta the existing neighborhoods. Wllat can be done about La· ru•'• lack of parldn1? I will consider a downtown parking structure, but I feel traffic COn(HUon la the focua of my campaign. Unlike the current adminlatration, I will no longer atudy the traffic problem. but wtll vigorously act to implement solutlom1 that may be viable to ease the growing problem of traffic congestion . Wbat can be done to pal off tbe debt on Sycamore Hlllt. 1 am unequivocally opposed to moving the Festival of Arts Crom it.a current location, aa l reel it will adveraely affect the local affaira. merchants and add to conseatlon in Laguna Canyon. With $1,~00 a day interest ac- cruing (aaainBt the city) we must stop 6e1ng concerned about Bay- wood and get the entire concept back on track. I see no reason to coddle a multi-million dollar cor· poraton while they figure out how to pay their debt to Laguna. LEEDS AGAINST EXTENSION • • • the Local Coast a 1 Plan was mandated by the state, but a lot more work needs to be done for ~affordable housing. • Wbat can be done about La- pna'1 lack of parking? We s hould encourage more transit systems in Laguna Beach. J 'm opposed to parking struc- lures, because they just bring more people into town. Mass transit should be the goal for Laguna Beach. What can be done to pay tbe debt on Sycamore Billi? I wouldn't sell (Sycamore Hills) to developers at all. The development by Baywood is just a step in the door for more de- velopment later on. We should look into fede ral or state pur- chase of the land to keep it in open space. It's import.ant to keep the area in open space. We don't need a greenbelt with a cement buckle SLATER ON PARKING • • • -We need to negotiate to find ·w~ys to provide parking, to deal with the problem instead of just ~.about it. That's all we've done about it for years is talk about it, and we're still talking about it. Wbat can be done to pay tbe debt on Sycamore HUis? I don't thmk we should put the Festival o{ Arts out there. But it's necessary to end the debt. McCLOSKEY LAUDED • • . ' "We're absolutely distressed as \o how to deal with this deficit," McCJoskey said. Among the a lternatives, Mc- Closkey suggested that the bud- get might be balanced by 1984 if cost-of-living increases in social programs were cut at least in half. if one-third of the tax cut were rolled back and if defense budget increases were held to 3 rather than 9 percent. He said such a plan could halve the deficits this year. Then, McCloskey asked for a show of hands on each alterna- tive. ~y his own calculations, the proposal h e presented was a · 6-to-1 winner in the room. He urged those attending to contact their U.S . Representa- tives and let them know their feelings on the budget. "I'm trying to stir up trouble." he said. Trailing in recent polls, Mc:- Closkey 1s one of seven leading candidates vying for the GOP U.S. Senate nomination. The front-running candidate is Rep. Barry Goldwater Jr .• R- Woodland Hills. Other candidates are San Die- go Mayor 'P"ete Wilson, McCJoskey. ltep. Hobert K Uornan, H-Los Angeles, Maureen Reagan, Ted Bruinsma and state Sen. John Schmitz. R-Corona del Mar. TIPSY DRIVERS • • • systems in their families, have good jobs and a Car better beha- vior record. So they tend to fare better in treatment. "Of those light and heavy drinkers in the military, the heavy drinkers had four times as many courts martial," he noted. "The most important implica-· tion of our work is you cannot approach the problem of drin- king by looking at them (drunken driver s) as a single group," he added. "Separating them into light and heavy drinkers is one way of looking at It. But w e shouldn't be loading. our first-offender programs with heavy drinkers because not only do they not get better but the evidence shows they get worse." FALKLANDS WARNING • • • rould avert a war. ships come in," said Nott. "We will sink them certainly within the 200-mile limit." Hotter than hot cakes Shortly before Haig arnved in London on Thursday, Nott warned in a TV interview that Royal ~avy ships will fire on any Argentine vessel entering the 2.l)O-mile blockade zone around t1ie islands that goes into effect at midnight Sunday Falklands time (8 p.m. PST). Britain on Monday dispatched a powerful annada to the South Atlantic to force the Argentines off the islands if diplomatic ef- forts to retK>lve the dispute fail. The fleet is not due there until April 20, but British submarines reportedly will be there by the weekend. REISTERSTOWN, Md. (AP) -Bake sales. barbecues a nd carnivals haven't worked, so the volunteer fir e department is beefing up its latest fund-raising campaign by using male dancers. "As far as we are concerned, we'll shoot first if any Arszentine The department plans to have scantily clad men dance at the fire station in a bid to raise at least $1,300 per show. as cold tonight stay c;old enough al n1ghl to pre-r--.r-----------................... ,.., serve good .snow fO< holiday skiers ~ -lows ere forecast between 28 end 38 -with sunny slopes Sat- urday, perhaps a bll mushy 1n 45 to 55-degree temperatures · Coastal va,,1ble cloudiness w11n 1so1a ted snowers becoming sunny 1n1s allernoon and Saturday H1gn1 loday and Salurday on 1ne low 60t 91 lhe 1>eecl>e$ lo mld·70s rn IM lnl1nd areas LOWll 1on1gn1 47 IC 54 Probablllly ol showers loda) ·on1y 20 pe.cenl Tempera1ures tr Hun11nglon-Newpor1 area rano< lrom 47 10 65 Balmy weather 51\ould also greet the coll~ revelers crowding Palm Springs Daytime temperatures In lower deser11 ere predicted lo range lrom 78 to 86 1n lower de- serts end 66 10 76 on high d-15- Anyone pt1nn1ng ocean geta- ways should ltnd west lo aoulh· westerly breezes at 10 10 15 knots. calmer 1n lhe ever11n9s A westerly swett will b4l running t 10 2 feet ' Elsewhefe, lrom Pc>1nt Coocep uon 10 the Mexican border ano out 60 mites Ltghl variable wtnd! t>eeom1r>g wes110 southwest 10 tc 15 knots 1h1s allernoon decree sing by early evening Wealerly swell 1 to 2 feel varl1ble cioudt nesa 1>e<:om1ng lair lh15 11ternoon ,ihrough S11urd1y Temperatures Albany Albuqu9 AIMrillo A1hellllle Allan ta NATION Atlante Cty U.S. summary ~:~. Sifting• Light enow nut111red down on tn. Blrmtnghm MldwHI today from southHll Bismarck MlnnHola, Hatern Iowa and 8o1ta norl llaHt Mluourl to the upp•r Bollon Ohio Vall9y, and lhe C911tral Gulf Browna\'I .. Co111 r9{110n wH pumm•l•d by Butl110 n.avy thund4l<1torms. Burllng1on Th• aecond winter storm In • Cuper weak mond out ol the MldwHI Ch1111a1n SC ' towerd tha Eul today, mof• lrlQld Ctt•rt1tn WV temperaturH, high wlnd1 and a 'Chart.In NC tr..n covering 01 1now Cn.y.nna Thund.,1torm1 continued ov., Chicago northern Florida. with ov•reHt Cincinnati lklaa, too and drlzzle alMWMre In Cleveland tha Southeeat and rain In Vlrotnl• Clmbl• SC and -tam Nof'th Carollna. Columbua Snow wu pr9dlct9d later In ,,,. O.Ft Wth day from IM nottharn Rocklill to ~ tn. nonh.,n plain• end from tn. 0.- oentral Oreat Lall• Ind nottham 0.. Molnoo OhlO Van.y to th• North Atlantic o.trolt eout. F0<.catan predlct41d r .. n Duluth over tha aouth•rn Appol•chl•n• El PMO • and IOUttH:lamrel AllMtle COM!. Faroo ~· _. a~eo Flegltaff In tn. axlr•m• 8outn.a1t, while OrM1 F .... tha Pacific Nort'-1, _,th-· HWl1ord ' tarn dooarta end l'llOlt of in. 90V-H9len9 tllefn plain• -r• to hav• 1unny Honolulu •1aa. Howton HI Lo Pqt 34 25 6' 41 81 35 38 35 .-49 63 42 .33 45 32 .04 90 54 48 35 .05 39 33 5" 40 04 35 27 49 30 40 29 98 75 35 22 38 31 35 20 57 51 .51 49 38 .11 47 35 .78 40 18 35 28 .09 41 34 .23 38 29 52 41 .78 43 28 .20 87 48 39 27 .23 47 29 30 22 .07 38 28 38 18 n 55 3" 28 48 33 38 26 .oe 38 24 44 29 .03 ee 11 38 30 .07 38 30 .07 , - J.aten MS Jadlln'Al9 Kant Chy Lu V9gd Utt .. Rode Lout.ville Lubboell Memphis Miami MllweukM Mpla-Sl.P Naahvllle New Oflelns New Yofk Norlolk No. Plelle Okla City Omlha Or1ando Phlllldphla Phoenix Plt19but1)h Piiand, Me Pti.nd. Ora Provldenoe ·b'coy A9rlo Sall Yk• San Antonio SMttla :u~ SI Louie 37 27 07 88 811 93 40 21 oe 87 48 52 38 05 39 38 15 68 45 48 37 13 711 77 31 28 01 31 20 tO 52 35 21 ee 58 09 43 3-4 48 37 .47 '40 14 58 35 34 20 82 68 10 43 33 78 88 42 28 30 23 81 38 37 28 11 48 36 74 33 12 02 411 24 48 29 811 65 58 40 83 « 211 25 11 35 33 .09 82 49 67 38 82 44 ; , Tamparaturatl atoond tha nation Ind,.,.. H rly today ronQad from 18 d•· .... -~------------------­!t gr-In ~. Midi., to 78 In :: l<ay W•t, Fla. Laneaslllr 83 La.Angeiea 68 M9t)'Svtlla 64 ~ ... 77 Oak I Ind 85 Puo Roblel 64 R9d Bluff 83 R41dwood City 64 Sacramento ~~ Sellnat San DWIOO 68 San Franeltco 60 Santa 8arbara 59 Santa Marl• 84 Stoclcton 66 Thermal 78 Beret ow 69 Big S..r 49 Bllll<>P 63 Catiline 64 Long Beach 68 Monrovl• 70 Mt. WlllOf\ Nawl)Ort Bellcfl 83 °"'•rte> 68 Pllm Spttnge 78 'RT:':: 87 68 San B«netdlnO 68 Sen Oebrlel &9 Sant• Ana 71 s.n1a Cna 87 Tahoe Vall9)' 41 Extended forecast 39 45 40 48 41 45 50 47 47 21 211 46 45 41 • 33 47 40 50 43 41 41 43 4e 45 Oii !! California SURF REPORT SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA COASTAL ANO MOU NTAIN AREAS -Mostly cloudy with c111nca of light 1how•rs EHier Sunday and Monday. Clearlno TUHdly. Milder. Cont••.,.. hlgha 85 to 75 ano loW1i 48 to se.. In mount•ln1 hlQha 62 to 82 ind Iowa• 28 to 40. Hold your outdoor eoo hun11 S11urd1y and mike your Easter bonnet 1 rain cep. The Natlonal 1w11th•r Strvlca predict• mo1t1y IUIW\Y. warm•r WHlher throuth . ~ Saturday. but .i-1 ~. HunUngeon 1111"'9 A low pr9MUl'e lyt\tm 800 ""-~ Pier ... , Of San Olego I• WOtlllnt Ill Slnta Atta ... .lefty wey northH1t, pu•hlno cloud• .oeh It. ~ •httd of 11 that could olve Sou-22nd St. ~ lharn C•lllornl• 1ome tP9QlllaO 8olbol W9d(ll loo. 8ut tt\OM lhOUld otNr mid-"°"*""" ~ thfouatl tM llOlldAV wtllltnd = HoloW -)u9t .,... "" "'" hfUI • .. ookl LOt Angeleio et\Outo werm P41tt ~ '*"'-"' ,.., .... ...... "* •• "* flit poor = :::: ._... . T .... 87 58 M.I 61.8 SU 5U 17.0 17.0 67.0 64.1 tM ,.,_,. ill9fl IOI nwkl lo Iha Tr....._ llPI* 70. laturday. hech tam· CT~> 2-3 OOOd 6U parnne ~ hit ttw mld•10e, TOMQfV'IOW'S TIOO: Higf1 tM Lm. Low UO P.M 9"11 Olr'90-llotount1ln1 wtrt aap•oted to llofl ~. -' < ( Tidea • LAGUNA EASTER BONNETS -Members of the Laguna Beach Soroptimist Club competed in an Easter bonnet contest during the group's 34th annual Easter breakfast this week. Deltr ,... lt.n Photo Winne rs, from left, are Mildred Cornelius, most o r iginal hat; Eleanor Barnes. most beautiful; and Bea MiUer, funniest hat. Elderly La gun an beaten ... ,, An 87-year-old Laguna Beach woman was beaten, raped, rob- bed and le ft for dead in he r ransacked apartment early this morning, police reported today. Arts f es ti val Acquaintances of the victim said they b ecame concerned when the elderly woman did not come to breakfast. jurying slated Officers were called and found the urudentified tenant bleeding in a chair m h~ room at about 8 a.m. The woman was rushed to South Coast Medical Center where she is being quesl!oned by police. Police believe the suspect entered the home either with a pass key or by jimmying a lock, awoke the sleeping woman and raped her. The woman was beaten with a flashlight and choked by the su- spect, who also ransacked the house, taking several antiques and cash before fleeing Police are seeking a male cau- casian, standing about 6 feet 1 inch taU, weighing 200 pounds. The suspect, m his early 30s, was wearing dark clothing and a windbreaker. Purchases nixed SAN FRANCISCO (AP) Pacific Gas & Electric Co. was or dered Thursday to suspend purchases of high-priced oil from Chevron U.S.A. in a move that could save consumers $95 million. The state Public Utilities Com- mission also said PG&E must re- veal the previously secret terms of its rontract with Chevron Jurying for the 1982 La- guna Beach Festival of Arts will be held April 17 in Irvine Bowl between 10 a .m. and 3 pm. Artists who h ve bet ween Newport Beach and San Cle- mente are eligible to submit their _works for Jurying. Bids will be opened next month for a sidewalk repair projec t in Laguna Nigue l where tree growth has bro- ken the concrete. Orange County Supervisors wiU open bids May 3 for what 1s expected to be a $25,000 contract for re pair of side- walks, curbs and gutters A champagne brunch, to benefit the Childrens Hospital of Orange County, will be h eld April 18 in L a guna Beach. The brunch is sponsored by the Queen of Hearts Guild of the hospital, and will be held from 11 a .m. to 2 p.m. m T1- • A series of free lectures on preparation for childbirth are being offered in Laguna Beach by instructor Jan Ala- baster, beginning April 16. The lecture, and a film, will be presented to a cquaint interested Lagunans with the Three pieces 0 1 art t rom each medium must be sub- mitted between 7 and 10 a.m at the festival grounds. and the works must be picked up bv 5 pm the same day. The festival will run from July 10 to Aug. 29. The trees are located m the county right o f way along Benecia a nd Grande Viste streets in a residential area southeast o f Crown Valley Parkway. . Work on the pro.iect is ex- pected to begm mid-May with completion six weeks later. voh Terrace at the Festival of Arts. A donation of $18 per per- son will benefit the hospital, and guild officials say $10 of that amount IS tax deductible. For reserval!ons, call Cathy Ray at 493-1558 before April 11 Lamaze method of prepared natural childbirth. The presentation will be at the Laguna Federal Savings and Loan building, 260 Ocean Ave .. beginning at 7:30 p.m. For mor e information. call 494-5548 OBIE SPORTS LTD. Introduces The Opening of an AEROBIC, DANCE I WORKOUT FASHION CENTER FEATURING: DANSKIN STEVI BROOKS BARELY LEGAL SEA SQUITS CARUSHKA Equipment: Aerobic & Sport Shoes Legwelghts Jumpropes Oum bells Trampolines .. ,._ c.r ......... 2.831 Coast Hwy. Corona del Mer. CA 671-9700 -lllNEITS llllVm lllLY - ~ESl'ORTS '" ... 4708 Barranca Pltr'tcwey lrvlne. CA 111-1112 , -· Out of darkness, light Easter, ~assover emphasize deliverance of man If GEORGE COl\NELL ' ... ,,,.. ............ NllW YORK -Out of the aufferina cam e po'Mtl'ful renewal. Out ot the darknell came Uaht. Thia ta the keynoi. both of the Jewlah Paa- eovv and the Chrtltlan Euter, whoee oblervances ~ under way t.hil Holy Week. • Althouah often held in separate period• be· ca1.111 of dlffeNnoee ln ~llgious calendan. the two obeervance. colndde t.hil tlme. as was the cue ln the origins of Chrilttanity. Their concurrence pointed up the aimllarlties ln meanina. each ln d.latlncUve ways. Both. "expreu one of humankind's deepest lonctngs -deliverance," aaya John Barry Ryan, a ' ( __ RE_uG_1_0N __ J borne by God himaelf u one with humanity to •tone for lin. "For God ao loved t.M world that he pve hil only Son ••• that the world ml1ht be aaved throuah hJ.tn." Scripture uya. Illa re1urrectSon, aeen u foretokenln1 that ultimate future tor the bumanklod he aha.red, 1- celebrated 1n F.Mter vtsUa 1eed1nc up to Satwday mldniaht in dawn aervicea outdoon and lndoora, and ln churchee Sunday morntno around the world. "Alleluia!" the choirl aini.'T.Chrilt ta riaenl" Both Pasaover and Eaater are feativala of spring, U110Ciated with renewal of life, of winter giving way to sun, of aom>w turned to joy. &th obaervanqes lnv9lve areal penonalltles, Moses, who led hla people out of brutal bondage, and Jesus, who entered people's wont sufferings, even' death, to overwme it. Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Friday, Aprll 9, 1982 L Aa : .... Witch J church exempt ~ ..... ATLANTA. (AP) -A Geor:aJa Supreme Cour~ ruline aranling tax-.. exempt 11atu1 to a 1 church of "wit.chea" and "warlock•" ii a victory for all co~gation.a, an1 attorney for the churc~ aaya. "It's an obvioua victory, for religious freedom for• even small minority. mi.sunderatood church~ or groups.'' said Thomas E. Maddox Jr., a lawyer for the Ravenwoo~1 Church of Wicca an At·, lanta. Roman Catholic and associate professor of religious studies at Manhattan College. Both observances derive from eventa in the past, yet are seen aa still active in the continuing experiences and prospects of people. Both convey messages of hope. At Pasaover, says Ryan, "the Jewlah people remind themselves and the world that our great yearning ls toward deliverance" from "the .evil forces that would enalave us." They see pro~ of It in God's deliverance from oppression of old, and through all time. The state's higheat1 .........,,-=~~-----~ court ruled that the Ra- venwood church meets the test under Georgia law exempting "all place s o f religio us worship" from property , taxes. For Christians, that deliverance was signaled for humanity by Christ's resurrection from execu- tion on the cl"QSS, a conquest over life's deepest af- Wction, death itself. "Death is swallowed up in victory," Scripture puts it. For Jews, God's redeeming love was mani- fested in the saving of their people from ancient slavery in Egypt, an event regarded as mirrored t.iplelessly through history and into the future. "The Lord is my strength and my song, and he has become my salvation," the early Israelites sang, a faith ln the overthrow of abuses and oppressions that has echoed through the centuries. The eight-day Jewish Passover began with home "Seders" Wednesday and Thursday evenings, while the current Holy Week for Christians culmi- nates with celebrations Sunday of the Resurrection. Church services today centered on the hours of Jesus' suffering on the cross, an agony considered Does relativity precede Einstein? DUBLIN, Ireland (AP) -An Irishman named George Francis Fitzgerald is the true father of the theory of relativity, not Albert Einstein, the Irish Times has claimed. The newspaper said Fitzgerald, who was pro- fessor of natural and experimental philosophy at Dublin's Trinity College, worked out his version of relativity in the 1880s and taught it to his students. Einstein published his theory in 1905. Writer John Malone said Fitzgerald found little interest in his idea here, so he wrote about it in a letter dated May 2, 1889, to an American magazine named Science, now long defunct. Malone said Fitzgerald, "possibly fearing fur- ther criticism, and even ridicule in Ireland," took no other steps to publish his theory, but it was publi- ci.l.ed by scientific friends in England in 1892 and reported by the British science weekly, Nature. Some of Europe's foremost physicists recogni- 1.ed Fitzgerald's achievement, but he died in 1901, "a great loss to Irish and world science," Malone wrote, and his nam~ has faded. "0 give thanks to the Lord for he is good," reads a Psalm used at Passover. "His steadfast love endures ... to all generations ... and It stands fast." Ryan says "early Christians quite clearly used Passover references not only lO undentand what took place in the life of Jesus but also to ahape their celebration in memory of him." It was a Passover "Seder" that Jesus shared with his apostles the night of his arrest, and to Christians he himself became their "Passover" - pa.sfilng from death to glory and prefiguring that destiny for others. The "first fruits" of a new world ahead, the missionary-apostle PauJ wrote, "a new creation; the old has passed away, behold, the new has come ... In Christ shall all be made alive." AP w1r..,hoto TRANSIT SHOWCASE -Exhibits on old-fashioned double-d ecker buses and ultramodern bullet trains are on display at the MaS!s Transit Show and Conference under way in, of all places, Los Angeles. C . Carroll Carter, editor of the "Mass Transit" journal, stands near one of the double-decker seats. Shuttle funds offered MONTEREY (AP) -A group of investors has offered to pay $1 billion CON:argo rights if a fifth space shuttle is built, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration confirmed. William Sword, a New York finan- cier. and a group of investors formally presented the offer within the last six months, NASA spokesman Miles Waggoner said in Washington. Hans M. Mark, deputy director al NASA, said in a speech at the U .S Naval Postgraduate School in Monte· rey that the adminis tration 1s "very seriously considering" the offer The mvestors want to sell cargo space and arrange for such in-space services as repair and maintenance of satellites, Mark said. GIGAllTIC 20th AllllVERSARY SALE All thru the month of April SAVINGS FROM 503 to 703 or more. All Items are selected from regular stock. nothing Is held back. Many Items are limited or one of a kind. To assure the most varied selections of s_ale Items. It's desirable to visit our showroom at your earliest con- venience. ELECTRI( and LllHlllll m Victoria Street, Costa Mesa lAcrw tro. Mw Mi ttwl MwHryl Phone 646-37371646-8194 OUI WE QUITll ~c::. GAllll DUE 10 REASONS IOI. A Tradition for 60 Years 1982 Serving Nightly Tll 1 A.M. Easter Hours FIND VDUR NAME IETOND OUI tOllll WE All FORCED TO CLOSE OUI DOOIS FOIEYll. WE HAVE SPENT 3 DAYS MAlllllG DOWN PllCIS ON EVERT· . I • 2 TICKETS WORTH $19 mwa "-I .... """........ ~ Clar~ SI -lOl'Q koch New~t & Foirview -Costo Mesa MO" Wed . API~ t'2 14 Thurs-Sundoy, April 15-18 TICl(ETS avallable st Circus Vargas locatlons and at all Tldletron outlets. FOf more .circus 1ntoona1k>n. call (714) 957· 1120 9 Wmers In Today 's Classifieds! IT'S EASYI Find yaur name and address In today's - ctallifled aectlon. then call 6•2-5878 Ext. 272 11111111111 to claim ~ur tickets. Wlnnera each di)'. eo check the ci11etfledt In the . THING 111 THI STQIE. WI PIOMISI THAT TOUWIU• THRIWD WITH OUI lllCllDllU PllCIS AllD SILECTIOllll Church members ar~ known as witches and ' warlocks, but don'(; practice stereotypical, I "bubble, bubble toil and , • trouble" witchcraft, the, I court found in its 4-2 , I decision. , Founder Lady Sintana ! told the court that he11. j faith 1s a matriarchaP. religion that originated in Europe and 'includes a belief in a deity that' I created and permeates• I the unive<,.,. I Newpor1 etvd. I & P.C.H., , Newport eeact1 I Reservations Suggested &4s-1on 4p.m. TO 12 MIDNIGHT SAT. S N. --. . . .. ...... . • : ' .. . . • ! ' , ~ . r -. i: p -. ' ' I • •• : ' 1 t I • • t i I : , .. -·. t l -. , •• ; r •• . l , 'I • t • -'' t I ' ' • H I I • • l • • ..... lnlll 1111111 FRIDAY. APRIL 9, 1982 Of.I ANGE. COUNT V. C ALIFORNIA 25 CENTS Does tutoring ,drunken drivers pay? By JOEL C. DON or .. Deir ..... ..,. A UC Irvine 8Cientiat ha.I found drunken·driver treatment prog-rama work well for light drinkers but actually encourage heavy drinken to drive while intoxica- ted. Dr. Frederick L . McGuire, in a report Thursday to a Western Paycbological AAoclatlon mee-/ vlng under the Influence of al- ting In Sacramento, aald moat ( cohol. light drinkers will lmptQve their ' Owing the put 10 years. the driving N!COl'da under any type of med1cal peychologiat haa Jtuclied alcoholism treatment pracram. the tecorda of 11~.ooo drunken drivers in Orange County. He But heavy drinkers, because bated hia report, to be publlahed they ofteq foster antl.lodal beha-in the spring iasue of the Journal vior, are spurred to continue to of Health Psychology, on a sub- break state laws prohibiting dri-eet of 4,800 individuals. He then compared follow-up information on light and heavy drinkers. Some were enrolled in treatment programs. "The Uaht drinker In a treat- ment Pf'Ol1'8m had a better two- year driving r ecoi;d than those not treated," he &Wd in an Inter- view today. "The treated heavy drinker had a s.igniflcanUy worse driving record than the untrea- ted heavy drinkers. "What this says ls the old ax!on that to put them in any program can't hurt ts not true." McGulre said antisocial beha-vior la stirred up with heavy drinkers when they are ordered to participate in an alcoholism treatment program. "That means that presently designed program• don1t 'help' theae people," he said. "Now the problem la d o w e give them longer, more intense treatment programs or what." The scientist explained that light drinkers tend to be better educated, have social support systems in their families. Salmon Econoniy outlook dim recall Irvine seeks halt widens Federal officials in Los An- geles said they have received no word today of a reported expan- sion in the re~ll of canned Alaskan salmon that was an- nounced out of Washington D.C. on .expenditures Government sources indicated Thursday the recall was being expanded to cover salmon pro- duced by eight Alaskan packing plants and more than 50 million cans that may be contaminated by a deadly botulism toxin. "That begins to challenge the largest multiple recall we have had in FDA history -which was the mushroom recall of the 1970s," said Wayne Pmes, a spo- kesman for the Food and Drug Administration. A Belgian man died in Fe- bruary aft.er eating contaminated Alaskan salmon. The recall is o f salmon in 7 ~-ounce cans sold under a va- rietnf brand names. The recal- led cans are identifiable only by the codes on their ends. The FDA said con sumers s hould return the cans to the place of purc hase and refrain from opening them or eating their contents. By GLENN SCO'M' O(tt1ecwi,ncicltaft Faced with one of the bleakest econom ic outlooks in Irvine's short history, city administrators want to suspend all capital ex- penditures during the next six months. That move would mean post- ponement for a new $4 million animal shelter and a $5.2 million corporation yard for the city. It also would put plans on indefi- nite hold for a new civic center. "We want to get a better handle on the financial picture," explained Paul Brady Jr., assis- tant city manag er . ''We don't want to build something and not have the funds to maintain it." The recommends ti on from City Manager William Woollett Jr. will be considered Tuesday by the Irvine City Council during its 7:30 p.m. meeting at City Hall. The FDA believes a machine which shapes the cans may have tom some of their edges, leaving holes or other defects in the seams when the ends were atta- ched. The openings can permit the formation of botulinum, a to- xin that can cause the often-fatal disease botulism. !Wlr ......... "*° DUCK DILEMMA -Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Jones of Irvine feed ducks near Woodbridge Lake. These ducks are "acceptable," but some others aren't and are damaging landscaping in the Irvine community. In a memo to council members, Woollett stressed that "the city's fi.scal picture is sound." However, he said funds anticipated to fi. nanoe the new building projects won't be arriving as soon as ex- pected. Officials hoped to fund t he new facilities with bed tax reve- nue from three proposed hotels and from so-called systems de- velopment fees charged to land developers. With high interest rates diaoouraging new construc- tion, however, funds needed to pay the anticipated $1.3 million debt service for the two new fa- cilities won't mat.eriajize within the next few years, he said. The newly recalled cans were produced at two Whitney- Fidalgo Seafood Co. plants and by a St. Elias Ocean Products cannery. Cans from the Whitne y - Fidalgo plant in Kodiak, Alaska, include all produced there during 1980 and 1981. Their codes begin with HD13, HD14, RD13, RD14, MD13, MD14, CD13 or CD14. A top line code might read HD13A. Coots unwarited in W oodhridge ln addition, city officials had ho ped the Irvine Compan y would donate all the land off Sand Canyon Road neat the Santa Fe Railway tracks for the two facilities. They claim now they'll have to spend about $1.2 million for about six of those acres. Reca lled can s f rom the Whitney-Fidalgo plant at An- chorage were produced in 1981. They have a two-line code with five characters in the top line. The codes begin on the top line with RA13 or CA13. The bottom line will end with the number 17. The St. Elias Ocean Products Co. at Cordova, Alaska, is recal- ling salmon pa.eked in 1980 and 1981. Those cans have a two-line code with only three characters on the top line. The codes begin with the letter R, P, M, C or K. The second character will be a "aquare" symbol. The third cha- racter is the number 0 or 1. An example of the top line code would be P square 1. · The recalls all have been vo- luntary, Pine said. He said FDA. the National Food Processors Association and the American Can Co. are stud ying ways to prevent the problem from hap- pening again. WORLD By SANDIE JOY of'tMO..,f'tlot8lloff A few ducks are okay, but hundreds of coots, also known as mud hens. are socially unaccep- table on the lakes in Irvine's Woodbridge Village where they "caused considerable damage to landscaping and lake ecology," according to village Manager Robert Figeira. "You're taJ.kinj{ ducks," he said today. "That's one thing. "But a coot to the Jake is like having a rat in your house. They destroy everything." Figeira said there have been "as many as a thousand coots on the man-made village lakes at one time and, while most of tha;e flew north a few weeks ago, the association already is preparing for their return this f.all. "You can get a permit to shoot them," he said, "but we don't think it's wise to do that because of the kids around the lake. "We're going to work on tran- quilizing the coots." Figeira said probably, after the coots are tranquilized, the asso- ciation "either wiJl have a vete. Easfler, Passover share themes The major Christian and Jewish holidays of F.aster and PU80Ver, which occur at about the same time thla year, also have similar themes -the deliverance of man from darkness. Page A5. NATION 'Huck Finn' banned as 'racis 1' The clusic American novel, ''The Adventw'ft ot Huckleberry Finn," waa removed from the cun1culum o1 a VirglnJa IChbol named for its author Mark Twain following complaJnta lt la ,.rad.It.., Page A4. Reagan to lead way 'I •'The Cowboy" (Ronald Reepn) ironically could be the man leecUng nadona toward dvW.llJd nucleN' bebavi«. J>aae A6. I rinarian dispose of them in a humane way or relocate them . "We haven't found anyone who wants coots," he said, "but we can give the ducks to Lion Country Safari." The association is working out a pl.an with state and federal fish and game off,icials to rid itself of coots and ducks but, said Figeira., "We're never going to have a sterile atmosphere of the lakes. It's okay if we keep 30 to 40 ducks." He explained a coot is a little off-gray duck approximately 12 inches long that "lives in packs." The acceptable ducks, he said, are the white ones and the mal- lards. The association spent $1 ,000 this year repairing ground cover damage caused by the coots and ducks, Figeira said, and "only time will tell the extent of da- mage to lake ecology." In addition to the migratory birds that have flown into the lakes, he said, there's a problem· with people depositing pet ducks in th.e area. '- (See COOTS, Page A!) City officials say they'll also receive from $900,000 to $1 mil- lion less next year from the state Garage gutted by blaze A fire of unknown origin gut- ted a garage on Culver Drive just north of Irvine today. The blai.e at 6:25 a.m. caused about $6,000 damage to the un- attached garage at a house at 12519 Culver Drive. Ruben Gonzalez lives in the farm house that Is owned by The Irvine Company. Investigators are searching for the cause, said Steve Whitaker, battalion chief for the Orange County Fire Department. No one was injured, he added. There's been no doubt for years that George Deu.kmejian would take a run at being governor. Page A6. Krishnas lake over ranch Ha.re Krlahnaa are establlahlna a fann community on a ranch near Sequoia National l>ark. Page A.7. • COUNTY P11nn1B: -bow to cope_ Patlenc@ 1rowtn1 thln after havin1 the kid• ~ the bo&m all week? c.arioanllt Tam Jobman ahowa how to aw6d teartna )'OW' balr In dw final claya of Eutiel' v.mdon. P• Ill. · i ---..... - in refunds for such thmgs as ci- garette taxes and motor ve tucle lees. "Although these decreases are minor in comparison to the total city operating budget, their re- duction will cause s igi;tificant problems for the n e xt t wo years," said Wooliett "State government is still d ebating the impact of their decis ions on local government and, since the local govenunent picture IS not clear, it is prudent to delay major financial commitments." City officials already have es-• (See COST, Page A2) 4 in Mesa council give Sills backing By JODI CADENHEAD 01 tn. o .. ,, P11o1 si.tt Four Costa Mesa City Council members say \hey're endorsing Irvine Mayor David Sills' bid for the Republican nomination in the 69th Assembly District. The reason they are taking sides in the GOP primary elec· lion, they say, is because Nolan Frizzelle, who lays claim to the incumbency in the newly reap- portioned district, made a dero- gatory remark abo.ut one of them. Councilmen i>onn Hall, Eric Joh nson and Ed McFarland are among those hosting a $150-per-person reception for Sills April 20 al Costa Mesa·s South Coast Plaza Hotel. Councilwoman and former mayor Norma Hertwg said she'd be on the host committee, too, if she hadn't sent her endorsement in too late to be included . She added that she has contributed $50 to Sills' campaign and plans to attend the recepuon. The Costa Mesa council mem- bers mad e it clear they aren't pleased about the way Fr1zzelle has re presented the ir city in Sacramento dunng the past two years. But they claimed it was the Assemblyman's accusation at an informal meeting with local lea- ders last month that made them decide to "go public" in support of Sills. Otherwise, they said, they would have followed a more tra- ditional course of taking a neutral stance toward candidates compe- ting in a primary election. One of the council members who was present when Fnzzelle made the remark described it as "ridic ulous and completely un- true" and said everyone who heard it was surprised and em- barrassed. Frizzelle said the remark was based on something he had been told the council member had said about him "I don't expect their support," said Frazzelle. "I haven·t asked for 1t. I think it's inappropriate for a person in a partisan office to seek SUPPort of non-partisan of- (See SILLS, Page A%) Bunny busted Dispute l eads to Laguna hutch By STEVE MITCHELL of'tM OeltJ '"°' lt8ff It could only happen in La- guna Beach where, alas, police arrested the F.aster bunny. Officers took away his egg basket, h andcuffed h im and locked him up Thurs day on charges of, well, being tipsy in public. The police dispatcher received a call from an irate merchant in the Village Fair mall at about 2:30 p.m., complaining of a six- foot tall bunny who allegedly engaged the s hopkee per in a verbal dispute. After a short discussion as to INDEX . . ~· whether police or animal control officers should handle the inci- dent, patrolmen Mark Vuille and Ron Sapp were dispatched to the mall. T here the officers found F.d- ward G. Diamos, 22, of Texas, garbed in Easter bunny attire and carrying a colorful basket of candy eggs. The allegedly tipsy bunny was booked in to jail, and his b. pink ears, white fluffy tail and~ basket were returned to merch- ants who had hired the man to pass out candy to younptera. Diamos was detained for sev- eral hours in a holding cell. and released late Thl11'8day. B2 California Cavalcade A~ 82 Ann Landers B2 I Claasified c.omk:a en.word Death Notices -Stan Delaplane F.ditorlal Entertainment Home/Garden C7-8,Dl~ 84 B4 C6 82 A6 Weekender B5 Movies Weekender National News A3 Public Notioee C6-7 Restaurants Weekender Sports Cl-5 Television TV Loe Theaters Weekender Wea the!' A2 World News A3 Jack Nlcklau1 haa t aken the lead in the ralnadelayad Muten Golf tournament in AUl\&lta. Ga. Pap Cl. stories SILLS SUPPORTED. • • Argentina talks due by Haig flee holcftn. I hav alway• abi- ded by that." In addition to the elected offl· clala from Costa Me1a, at leaat nine other local office holders are listed as hosts for the April 20 Sills fund-raiser. "l think the broad base of support from local officials indi- cates that there ls dissatisfaction with the job Frtu.eUe is doing," aaid Sills. Jim Orr, an aide to Frinelle, said the list of hosts for the Sills fund-raiser 11 "comprised of De- mocrata and cloeet Democrata." Among thoee lilted u hoeta for the reception are Orange County supervisors Thomas Riley. Bruce NeJtande and Roger Stanton. FoW\tain Valley council members Marvin Adler, Eugene Van Dask and Barbara Brown are on the list, as are Irvine councilmen Bill Vardoulls and Art Anthony and' Irvine school board President Lee Sicoli. COST CUTS EYED . • • tablished a hiring freeze and have left vacant 41 of their au- thorized 403 full-time positions, said Brady. Moreover, heads of the Com- munity Development and Com-. munity Services departments have bee n told to reduce their b udgets by 20 percent for the next fiscal year. The police and Public Works d e partments are charged with trimming their budgets by 5 percent, said Brady. Other capital purchases have been frozen as well. No tables. desks, chairs or similar equip- ment is to be ordered through July, Brady said. COOTS UNWANTED . • • "We fight that continually," Figeira said. "Our biggest pro- blem is at Easter when parents give kids little ducks. The little. duck grows up in two months to be an absolute pain and they bring them down and put them in the lake." The duck problem isn't unique to Woodbridge, the manager ~d. noting developments in otner parts of the Orange Coast also are besieged. "Lake Forest and Mission Viejo shot a lot," he said, "but their lakes are bigger and there aren't as many homes. We're going to be the first man-made lake to tranquilize ducks and re- move them that way." Records shattered 56 die in Eastern double-barrel storHJ By Tbe Associated Press The second blast of a double- barreled cold snap that has killed at least 56 hurtled eastward to- day after adding 3 inches to the Midwest's snow cover and shat- tering cold-weather records from Montana to Maryland. A tornado and 9<t mph winds Thursday tossed a tractor-trailer on top of three cars and brought out looters in Sanford, Fla. An inch of snow fell on Black Rock Mountain St.ate Park in Gt!Orgia. Up to 6 inches of snow fell overnillht in Indiana, and the 1,2-inch total in Ind ianapolis pushed the city's season total to a record 58 inches, the National Weather Service reported. Snow continued this morning in Montana and western North Dakota, with flurries in various parts of Ohio, Illinois and Penn- sylvania. Cold temperatures chilled the nation's midsection. where the 20-degree temperature in Omaha, Neb., broke a record set in 1966. In Rochester, Minn., it was 15, breaking a record set in 1909. The second storm approached the Northeast as residents were still digging out from a bliu.ard Tuesday that cloeed schools and iced highw~ys from Pennsylva- nia to New Hampshire. Dozens of people w ere eva- cuated from housing for the el- derly in Ludlow, Mass., after a power failure blacked out 7,000 western Massachusetts homes. Town officials declared a state of emergency. LONOON (AP)-Secretary of State Alexander M. Haig Jr. flew to Bu eno• Aires today to tell leaders of Araentina's mllltary government Britain will not re- treat from lta demand that they withdraw all forces from the Falk.land Ialanda. In Washington, the Pentagon said a warning had been sent to U.S . merchant ships to stay out of the 200-mlle war zone Brltai,n says it will Impose around the disputed islands. But it said the notice "in no way constitutes a U.S . government position regar- ding foreign claims or proclamations." Haig left for the Argentine capital after about six hours of talks with Prime Minister Mar - gare t Thatcher and other gov- ernment leaders. The British took a tough stand toward the growing crisis in the Sou th A t1an tit. Argentina seized the bleak, treeless British colony 250 miles off its soutqem coast last Friday after years of disputing Britain's 15 0 -yeaf-old control of the islands and their l,800 inhabi- tants, most of them of English and Scottish descent. On Thursday, the Argentine foreign minister said the t hreat of war seemed to be fading, al- though talks to resolve the crisis would be protracted. Meanwhile, thousands of Argentine volun- teers signed up to fight if called. In Brussels, delegations from Britain and its nine European &o nomic Community partners met today to discuss possible economic sanctions against Ar- gentina to protest the invasion. 2 escapees recaptured Two men facing multiple bur- glary counts are back in custody today after escaping Thursday night from Orange County Jail. Sheriff's spokesman Sgt. Dan Spratt said the two men, Buddy Carr, 19, of Fullerton, and Dane Huusfeldt, 28, of Whittier. made their way to the roof of the jail. then lowered themselves to the ground with bedsheets they had tied together. Spratt said jail personnel lear- ned of the break about 11:15 p.m. from a citizen who saw the two men jogging along Santa .~na Boulevard not far Crom the jail. Not as cold tonight slay Cold enough at night to pre-r--.r-----------......... !111111 ........ -lows arr4orecest betwffn 28 serve gooo snow tor hohoay sllle<s ~ and 38 -woth sunny atopes Sat· urd1y. perhaps a btl mUShy in 45 to ;;;.~~""~...P~~~•-55-c:tegree temperatures Coastal variable cloud1nass w1t11 1so1a- t8<1 showers t>ecomtng sunny this afternoon and Saturday High! today and Saturday m the low 60f at the beaches 10 m•d· 70s tn lht Inland •rees lows tonight 47 tc 54 Prob•biltty of ShOWe<& toOI ) only 20 percent Temperatures ir Hunttngton-Newporl area rangt lrom 41 to 65 Balmy weather should atso greet the conege revetera crowc:t1ng l>atm $ptongs Daytime temperaturn 1n lower d eserts are predicted to range lrom 78 to 86 In tower da· saris anc:t 66 to 76 tn high deserts. Anyone planning ocean geta- way• anoutd tlnd west to south· -s111r1y breezes at 10 to 15 knots. ~lmer In the evenings A westerly s-11 Wiii t>e running 1 to 2 teet Elaewttere, from Point Conoep lion to the Mei<1can border and oot 60 miles· Light variable wind& l>ecomong west to southwest 10 le T emperatures . 15 knots thlf afternoon decree sing by early evening Westerly swell 1 to 2 feet Var11bl11 cloudl nna becoming fair this afternoon ,through Saturday Albeny t.lbuque AmartllO AlheYllle Atlanta NATION Atlante Cl}' VS Auwtln .. summary Baltimore . Bllllng1 IJ9hl tnOW fluttered down on the Blrmlnghm Mldweat today from 1ou1heHt Bltmarck MlnnHota, •••1•rn Iowa end 8o1M nortlHIHI Ml11ourl to the upper eo.ton Ohio Valle\', and the Cll'1tral Gulf Brownavtle Cotll r~lon waa pummeled by Buffalo hMvy 1hunder1tonna. Burlington Th• Hcond winter 11orm In • Cuper Wffk moved out of 1h• Mldwelt C/'tatlltn SC toward Ille Eut today. more fl'1Qld Ch«.lltn WV temperaturH, high wind• and •· Cl'terlstn NC ITt.I\ cowt1ng Of IOOW ~ Thunclentorma continued ~ Ctllcego northern Florlda. with overcHt Cincinnati . alllee, log and drtzzle lllMWhere In Clevllland • the Southeett and rein In Virginia Clmbl• SC •. and -tern North Caroline. Columbua ; Snow WM predicted later In the Diii-Fi Wth • dlly from tht northern Aodtlel to Oeyton •. the north«n plaln1 end from the 0.- '• cem1'81 Grtet LMI• and l'IOl1tlern 0. ~ 1 Ohio Valley to the North Atlantic Detroit cout. Forecuter1 predicted rain. Oulu1h ovt r the 1outhern Appalachl•na El Puo , and aout~ Atlantic coeat. Fer110 ~ ... •JCPetted ~" In the eatrtme SoutheH1, whlle GNe1 Ftfta ~ IN Peolflc NorthwM1, IOUt"-Hwttord 'I tern d9er1a and moet of IN aou-Hellrla HI Lo Pep 3-4 25 64 41 61 35 38 35 .49 53 42 .33 45 32 04 90 54 46 35 05 39 33 S4 40 .04 35 27 49 30 40 29 98 75 35 22 36 31 35 20 57 51 .51 49 38 .11 47 35 78 40 18 35 28 .09 41 3-4 23 36 29 52 41 .78 43 28 .20 87 4e 39 27 .23 47 29 30 22 .07 36 28 38 18 77 55 34 28 48 33 38 28 oe 38 24 44 29 .03 H 71 38 30 .07 38 30 .07 I , ' @.TI) . ' ~ JedllNI MS JlldtanYlle Kant City Lu Vegu Little Rock loulsvllle Lubbock Memphil Mlwnl MllwaukM Mpi.-81.P NullYllle New Or1eant New Yori< Norfolk No. Platte Okie City Omaha Orlando Phlledphl• Phoenix Pltt$burgh Pllend. Me Piiand. Ore Pf'o¥1denoe ::::rClty Reno Seit Liii• San Antonio Seettle ~~ St Lout. 37 68 40 87 52 39 66 46 79 31 31 52 88 43 418 '40 58 34 82 43 78 412 30 81 37 418 33 411 48 811 58 83 29 35 27 .07 89 .93 27 .06 48 le .05 38 15 45 37 13 77 28 .Ot 20 10 35 21 58 09 3-4 37 47 14 35 20 68 10 33 88 28 11 23 le 28 38 74 12 02 24 29 55 40 .... 26 11 33 09 l thern pl1ln1 -were to have 1unny HOllPf\llu t tklea. Houaton • T~aturea wound the nation lndntpls c early today ranged from 18 de-.. ·--------------------- ;' ~In M8"1Wtte. Mich , to 79 In .C:: i; ~='iomia . . .. i::·_ llRF REPORT •f Hold your outdoor egg hunl•b tr • 1 Seturd1y and m•k• your EHtef 1l;•lil•l•lillllli'iiltr..., _________ _ ~onnat a rain cap Th• Natlonat _ IiFr ...._ Wtalhtr Service predlc11 moatty ....... •--.. • launny. wermer weather through i...-... ~ T-. ·~ Seturdey, IMlt ~· Sundey. HYntlngtoft.,,,. ... S7 A low rir-e l)'ltMI to0 mlle ~ .... 2-3 I* Ill WMt of Sen Otego 11 WOfldflt Ila ..,_ AM N¥w Jiltty 24 '* M.5 wer northeut, pu1nlng clovde 40ltl It. ~ 1-3 tllr M.6 1 •M•O of It tl\at could glve lou· t2ncl It-NIMpcllrt 1·2 poor MA t' tnern Calllornle tome tpeckled llliqe W-.. 1·2 poor M.S .... lut ttlOtt 9tlOIMt .., mid-~ ~ 24 good l1 J) thrOUOh the h04ld•Y wMlend 8-.._.. 14 ~ 17.0 -,.... bt(ote the ntln hlte. ' ~· oob 24 ....... 11 J) 1 LOe AllOMI thOl*I -m Pdt l.n a.-. "9r 14 glod M..5 ' • .. '90eft{ 11igf1 IOI nwtla to the T,..._., ' .,., fOt ••Mes.)' leeCtl ---CT.., 14 toOCI .... ,_.,,. oould M IM 1'116d-l'Ot. T()MC)MOW'9 TIOU: .. t: .. LA LoW l :IO PA 1wll C... M ountain• were H Pffl" to. _, ~. -- "-O&a. u \ 0••• .• <•-- Uncut• 63 39 Loa Angelee 88 Mllf'/IVllle 64 NMC!lea 77 Oalllend • 65 Pao Roblee 64 45 Red Blu" 83 40 Redwood Ctty 64 48 seer-to 81 41 Sall nu 65 45 Sen OleQo 86 San Franc!KO 80 so Santa~ 511 47 Santa Maria 84 Stodtton 86 Thermal 78 8arl1ow 69 47 Big Beer 411 21 81.nop 63 29 C.tallne 64 48 Long 8eech 68 415 Monrovia 70 41 Mt Wlleon 33 Newpc)(1 Beech 63 47 Ontario 86 40 Pelm Springe 78 50 ~ 87 43 68 41 Sari BemerdlnO 86 41 San Gabf'lel 89 43 Senta Ana 71 4e. Santa ena 87 46 Tahoe Vf/Wf 41 09 Extended forecast S OUTHERN C ALIFORNIA C O ASTAL ANO M OUNTAIN AREAS -Motif~ cloudi_wtth Chene• Of l~ht I OW•fl Itel' Sunday an Monday. Cltarlng TuHday. Mlldtr. Coutal , .. hlgne 85 to 75 aocs lowt 441 to . In mount•lnt hlgha 52 to e2 and IOW9 28 to •O. . Tides AW, COME ON -State Sen. John Schmitz of Corona del Mar appears as though he is bon>d by Gloria Allred's latest effort to embarrass him. She gave him a container of frogs at a Los A# WlretloMto Angeles pr~ conference. The frogs allude to a plague brought against an Egyptian pharoah by God as recorded in the Bible. Volunteers sought • to assist seniors A local group helping frail and homebound senior citizens in lrvine is seeking volunteers to make home vi- sits and telephone calls. The Senior Citizen Ou- treach Program will hold a •Swimming lessons for children up to eight years old will be offered in May at the Heritage Park Aquatics Com- plex in Irvine. Parents can registe r youngsters for the lessons from 9 a.m. to noon Saturday, April 24 at the complex. Two sesmons will be offered: from • A poetry appreciation meeting is planned for 2 p.m. Apnl 22 at the Irvine Senior Center. 3 Sandburg Way, Ir- vine. training session for interested persons from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. April 21 at the Irvine Seruor Center: 3 Sandberg Way More information may be obtained by calling Beth Renz, outreach coordinator, at 754-3889. May 3 to 14 and May 17 to 28. The 30-minute classes are scheduled Monday thro ugh Fnday and mclude water ad- justment, "Mommy and Me ," and beginning levels. Fee for the classes is $14 to $16, d e- pendmg on class size. The classes are sponsored by the city Community Ser- vices Department. Bebee Gomberg, activities coordinator for the cente r . said participants should bring their favorite poems to s hare with other poetry enthusiasts. Easter Bunny plans egg hunt The Easter Bunny wW make a special appearance Saturday at Turtle Rock Community Park, i Sunny Hill in Irvine. The bunny will arrive at 9 a.m. t o preside over a basket- decorating contest and egg hunt. Hunters should bring a basket for thei! e~. l"ee tor the activities as $2.50 per child and limited to 300 k!ris, so get there early or cal.I 752-6076 in advance. Schinitz gets frogs package Attorney Gloria Allred burst thro ugh reporters at State Sen . John Schmitz's press conference in Los Angeles to prese nt him with a container fuU of frogs. The lawyer, who has brought a lawsuit against Schmitz for re- ferring to her as a "slick butch law yeress" in a December news re lease . wished the senator "a pl.ague upon your house" as she displayed the containe r at the Thursday session. The press conference was cal- led b y Schmitz follow ing h is meetinR w ith Palestine Libera· uon Organization leader Y asser Arafat m Lebanon earlier this week . Schmitz said the PLO leader told him his organization wall recognize Israel as a st.ate if the U.S. wW recognize the PLO. "It's a combination of old offe rings in a new combination," Schmitz said of Arafat's proposal. The PLO would expect the U S. to "carry out its own stated policy" by supporting United Nauons Resoluuon 181 calling for the establishment of two separate Mideast nations -a Palestinian h ome land and a J ewish s tate, Schm.i tz said. Halfway through the confe- r ence, Ms. Allred offered Sch- rrurz the clear plastic box fuU of frogs. The frogs symbolize God's plague on Egypt. The senator from Corona del Mar ignored the curse upon his house and went on to tell more of has meeti.nR with Arafat. He said that U.S . policy in the ·Mideast has been unreasonably pro -[srae l OBIE SPORTS LTD. Introduces The Opening of an • AEROBIC, DAllCE I WORKOUT FASHIOll ·CEllTER FEATURING: DANSKIN STEVI BROOKS BARELY LEGAL SEA SQUITS CARUSHKA Equipment: Aerobic & Sport Shoes Legwelghts Jumpropes Oum bells Trampolines c., .......... 2831 Cout Hwy. Corona d•I M•. CA 671-t7H -SllPIEITS &1111¥111 l&ILY - ~ESPOltTH '" ... •708 Barranca P~ IN lne,CA 112·1112 Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Friday, Aprll 9, 1982 r UAW ratifies contract $2.5 billion in concessions granted to General Motors ANTI-FALWE LL -Pro- testers, 200 of the m , c han t slogans against the Rev. Jerry Falwell while he spoke to Old Time Gospel Hour supporters Thursday night in Minnea- polis. DETROIT (AP) -Tho United Auto Workers union announced today that the union's rank and file narrowly ratifie d the 2 Yi-year contract granting $2.~ billion in concessions to General Motors Corp ''It was a long struggle from January," Owen Bieber, UAW vice president in c harge of the union's GM de- parunent, said at a news confe- rence WASHINGTON (AP> -Who- lesale prices feU at an annual rate o f I. 7 percent in March , the government r e ported today, matching February's decLine and marking the first time since 1976 that prices have been off for two months running . Pacing the March decline , which private economists say is largely the product of the s tubborn reces- sion, were falling prices for en- e rgy and food The d ecline in energy prices was the sharpest in more than six years. B RIDGETOWN, Barbados (AP ) -After warning that a Marxist "virus" threatens impo- verished neigh boring islands, President Reagan went on holi- day for the Easter weekend be- side a tranquil beach where old Hollywood friend Claudette Col- bert has her Caribbean ho me . But Reagan's official host, Prime Minister J .M .G .M . "Tom" Adams. indicated he did not Christians retrace the steps of Jesus J E RUSALEM (AP) -Devout Christians, many shouldering large wooden crosses, retraced Jesus' march to crucifixion in a procession along the Via Dolo- rosa, the Street of Tears. this Good Fnday. Israeli soldiers kept watch and cleared a path through the narrow streets of Jerusalem's Old City as thou- sands of pilgrims made their way in small groups, stopping at the 14 stations of the cross for devo- tions. The Holy Land was repor- ted quiet foUowing two weeks of anti-Israeli violence in the occu- pied West Bank of the Jordan and Arab Jerusalem. VILLAH ERMOSA, Mexico (AP ) -Army paratroopers, heartened by finding 200 survi- vors on a slope of the Chinchonal volcano, continued their search today for 4.800 more peasants isolated for 11 days by the blanket of ash that poured from the erupting mountain. Hopes for their survival improved Thurs- day when the Defense Ministry reported that 14 paratroopers had reached the village of S an Francisco Leon and found 200 people alive. The soldiers jumped from a helicopter, struggled for seven hours over trails clogged by three feet of '/olcanic ash to reach the village, and Jed the villagers out on foot. SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador (AP) -House Majority Leader Jim Wright is telling Salvadoran leaders the U.S. Congress IS op- posed to a rightist coalition gov- ernment that excludes President Jose Napoleon Duarte's centrist party. The Texas Democrat and seven other members of a con- gressional group arrived Thurs- day to assess the poli t1cal and military situation following the election March 28 of a 60-seat Constituent Assembly. The as- sembly will choose a provisional government t o replace the U.S.-backed civilian-military junta headed by Duarte. It will also write a new constitution and make plans for election of a pre- sident and a congress. WASHI NGTON (AP) -As part of a plan to smooth diffe- rences with the Nicaraguan gov- ernment, the Reagan administra- tion has told the leftist regime it will consider resuming economic aid if Nicaragua will stop arming Salvadoran guerrillas. A State Department official told repor- ters today that Ambassador An- thony Quainton submitted an eight-point proposal to the San- dinista government in Nicaragua on Thursday. "We hope 1t 1s a beginning" toward resolving dif- ferences between the two coun- tries, the official said. VATICAN CITY (AP) -Pope John Paul 11, donning an ordi- nary priest's black mantle over ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Cla111fled advertlalng 7141642-5678 All other departments 642-4321 Thomas P Halev ,...,._ encl CNel (i..cullwt omc. Robert N. Weed ... _, Kay Schultz YloePf-1 ""' OIOectOf ot ....,_,..-.0 Tom Murphine IEdllOf Mike Harvey Ohc10t ol Mw\~1n9 IOrcutetlOtll Ken Goddard Director ot <>P-etlOtl• Ray MacLeen CoMrolW Charlea Loot ......... Eelilor MAIN OFFICE lJO WH1 !Uy St , COJI• ~.CA .,_.It •-..0 8o11 ISM>. COU. t.Wu. CA .,.,. COllV•f9M 1"2 Or-c-11 PUC>llW!lflll '-Y· Non-• storl9t, llluslrallon1. ffil0tlat m-or ed-••rllwo,.....ts herein may b9 ••P<oduuel without s-1•1 permlulon of COllV•lofll _,., VOL. TS. NO. II share the pres Iden t 's concl·rn about the seriousness of the threat o C Marxism spreading Crom nearby Grenada. "We have never had Cuba and the Soviet Union as immediate military threats,•· Adams told a news conference today, although he said they did represent an ideo- logical confrontation. H ONOLULU (AP> An abandoned yacht owned by a San Diego man IS scheduled to arrive a t Pearl Harbor aboard a Navy ship today. The 42-foot yacht Sanderella was found April 4, adrift and abandoned 850 miles west of San Diego. according to a Navy spokesman. The amphi- bious cargo ship Mobile, en route to Hawa11 for the R1mpac-"82 military exercise, was diverted to the scene and ho1su.'CI the 10-ton vessel aboard, the spokesman said. The $250,000 yacht was m good shape except tor a broken mast and tatterea rigging, ac:cor- dmg to the Navy BOISE, Idaho (AP) -A bird that crashed through the canopy of a r econnaissance plane on a mght flight knocked out an Idaho Air National Guard pilot and left the aircraft in the hands of the navigator, who wasn't qualified to fly 1t, officials say Another plane on a similar training m1s- s1on "Joined up an formauon '" with the damaged plane after the SENATOR ? -Nic holas F . Brady will be named to fill New Jersey's vacant U.S. Senate seat, according to The Ashbury Park Press. Brady, • 52. is co-chairman of Dillon Read & Co .. a New York City investment banking fum. his white papaJ vestments, heard confessions of 25 worshippers at St. Peter's Basilica on Good Fri- day. Whe n the pontiff slipped into the basilica through a back doo r . he was recognized by nearly 1,000 faithful who had been waiting for him. The pope, looking thin after fasting for Lent, gestured them to stop their applause and went into a confes- sional and heard confessions for 90 minutes. John Paul began the practice of hearing confession at the basilica on Good F'nday two years ago -tht• first ume a pontiff had ever performed the sacrament in St. Peter's, the lar- gest church in Christendom. JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) - Officials on West Java say that lava and rocks streaming from the Galunggung volcano have destroyed three villages since the 9,154-foot peak erupted on Sun- day. It was the peak 's first eruption in 64 years. Thirty thousand people have fled their villages to refugee camps, the officials said. At least one death -a child who suffoc:ated -has been reported. Two elderly men were reported mls&ng. The vol- cano last erupted in 1918, and had been considered inactive since then. oWcials said. Previous eruptions were in 1822 and 1894. ...,,..hi_., .......... W•'re 'Listening ••• ~y ,,..,.¥ ,, )'OU do -- ,0.. *"' Oy $ 30 p "' Call °'"""• I p Ill .... '°"' copy ..... 0. ~ .. ..._,,...., 'a..no~ ti ...,.. oo l'lll ::.r:111 ~ ~. ~"' ... 11': ..._.., What do you like about the Daily Pilot' What don't you like' Call the number below end your messa1e will be recorded. transcribed and delivered to lhe appropn'\(e editor . The same 24-hour answerina service may be used to record let· ters to the editor on any topic. Mailbox contributors must Include their name and telephone number for vert_flcatton No circulation calls, please. Tell u whan on your mind navigator Issued a distress cull Thursday night, and the unqua- lt f ied flier brought down the plane, said Idaho Air Guard spo- kE'Sman Maj. Stephen Buss WASHINGTON (AP) -Presi- dent Reagan said today, in a worsening budget outlook, that h1g.her federal spendinl( will produce the nation's first $100 bijlion deficit this year and swell his proposed d efi cit for 1983 to $101.9 blllion. The revised fiscal 1983 de ficit, while $10.4 billion larger than Reagan predicted on ly two m onths ago, would have grown by another $20 b1l- hon or so had the Reagan admi- nistration taken mto account re- cent trends suggesting the eco- nomy is an a deeper and longer recession tha n had been expec- ted, government sources said MERCURY, Nev. IAP) - More than I 00 demons tr a tors, bearing signs and black strea- mers r epresenttng some 700 atomic tests, turned out at the Nevada Test Site today, calling for an e nd to nuclear .weapons testing AP~o SOME VACATION -While most high school students are enjoying a week off for Easter vacation, almost 2,000 others a re huf!ing and puffing at Fort Ord this week . It is all part of ROTC special Army trainjng program throughout the state. Th.ey ~ind the obstacle course hard work, but most say they e n.JOY it. State faces $1.3 billion debt Recession cuts inco111e, sales. corporate tax receip1s SACRAMENTO (AP ) -The state may squeeze through this fiscal year with a $140 million surplus, but the defici t next year could be over $1 3 billion, warns a new state forecast. The latest report or the state Deparlment of finance. released Thursday, says the persistent recession will re- duce state sales tax revenues an estimated $545 milhon in the 1982-83 fiscal year It also pre- dicts St:'Vere drops an personal in- come tax and corporate tax rec- eipts OAKLAND IAPl -In the wake of a fiery explosion that ripped through the Caldecott Tunnel and incinerated seven people, federal officials plan to review safety features of other tunnels to prevent similar acci-· dents. The devas tation in the 3 .371 -f oot tunnel was '"gut-wrenching,'" Jim Burnett, chairman of the National Trans- portation Safety Board , said Thursday. "But hard as 1t is to say it, it's a relief that it wasn't worse, much worse." LOS ANGELES (AP) -A group opposed to the proposed Peripheral Canal has filed suit agair}st the Southern California Me tropolitan Water Dis trict , alleging MWD ilJegally used pu- bhc funds to promote passage of the cana l ballot measure The million -dollar sui t was filed Thursday in U.S District Court by the Cal1forn1ans for a Fair Water Policy, a statewide orga- nization opposing the canal. and s<·ven individual plaintiffs The suit seeks a temporary m1uncuon to prevent water district officials from mailing pro-canaJ literature,• promoting speakers in favor of the canal. and using public mon- lt'S to ··improperly mfluem•e" the t·lt•ction . said Tim Brick, one of the ind1v1dual plamuffs TRUCKEE (AP> Avalanche survivor Anna Maria Conrad 1s showing signs of progress m her battle to save her frostbitten feet, but her parents say they are worried about her mental state as well. "The health problems are only one of Anna's concerns now. She's also very upset about the loss of au her friends," her father said Thursday. He said she 1s particularly distraught over the loss of her boyfrie nd, Frank Yeatman, 22, who was one of seven people killed in last week's avalanche at Alpine Meadows ski resort. SAN FRANCISCO 'AP) A $2 million contract to design and build the mobile assembly buil- ding for the Wes t Coast space shuttle launch complex at Van- denberg Air Force Base has been awarded to Bechtel Nauonal lnc Vandenberg will be the home of all military shuttle launches LOS ANGELES (AP) -Con- fessed Hillside Strangler Ken- neth A. Bianchi had a computer hst of the names and home ad- dresses of suc h celebrities as J ohnny Carson and Dean Martin, a witness testified an the tnal of B1anch1's a ccused accompltce , Angelo Buono. Bianchi's former girlfriend, Angero Holt, 27, said Thursday that Bianchi left the List of le~al property descriptions al'\d h ome addresses on her doorstep with a note while she and Bianchi were dating in 1976. Deputy Attorney General Roger Boren said the list apparently was obtained while Bianch i worked as a title officer at the Cal1forn1a Land Title Co. 1n downtown Los Angeles. Other e ntertainers on the lis t were Sonny and Cher Bono, L ee Marvin and Telly Savalas. SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -A suit seeking to protect valuable archaeological digs from next w eek's planned bombing of a H awaiian '"target island" has been sent back to federal court in Hawaii. PREMIUM NYLON CARPET SALE EVANS-BLACK "CANDORA" Anso IV Oakwood 125 yds. Avail. $1595 :.~: BERVEN "Lasting Elegance" Anso IV Oyster Beige $14.!!. ...... 133 yds. avail. BERVEN "Lasting Elegance" Anso IV Fireside 107 yd s. avail. LEE'S "Good Feeling" Antron Applewood Tan & Bronze Brown limited quantity avail. Installed Prices Include NZX-3600 sponge rubber pad I' DEN'S . * .. e e • • !''"~' --:. ••••••••••••• e • e • • ' carpe~~, .. ~~ .. ·;::·• ·insta!lation ·custom dr~'!~"!s UE • COSTA MESA CALIF . 92677 • PHONE 6A6·A838 -6•6-23S' •, I 1:1111 1111 110181 FRIDAY. APRIL 9, 1982 ORANGE COUN TY C ALIFORNIA 25 CENTS Does tutoring .drunken drivers pay? By JOEL C. DON or .. ....,,.......,, A. UC Irvine ecientjat h.aa found dn.mken-driver treatment prog- rama work well for light drinkera but actually encourage heavy drlnken to drive while intoxica- ted. Dr. Frederick L . McGuire, in a report Thursday to a Western Psychological A.Noclation mee- ting In Sacr amento, ~id moat light drinkers will lmp{'Ove their driving reoorda under any type of alcoholism treatment prosram. But heavy drinkers, be«uae they often foster antlaodal beha- vior, are spurred to continue to break state laws prohibiting dri- ving under the Influence of al- cohol. During the put 10 years, the medical psycholC>list haa studied the records of lll,000 drunken drivers in Orange County. He hued his~, to be published in the s · iaue of the Journal of H::fth aychology, on a sub- eet of 4,800 111dividuala. He then compared follow-up lntormatlon on light and heavy drinken. Some were enrolled in treatment programs. "The light drinker In a treat- ment program had a better tw~ year driving record than those no~ treated.'' he said in an inter- view today. "The treated heavy drinker had a Jigniticantly worse driving record than the untrea· ted heavy drinkers. "What this says is the old axiom that to put them in any program can·~ hurt is not true." McGuire said anti~ial beha- vior is stirred up with heavy drink.era when they are ordered to participate in an alcoholism treatment program. "That means that presently designed programs don't 'help' these people," he said "Now the problem is do we gJve them longer, more Intense treatment programs or what." The scientist explained that light drinkers &end to be better educated, have sotlal support systems in their families. More troops reach islands Argentina vows to fight hack· Change to condos approved The Newport Beach Planning Commission has approved a con· troversial plan allowing owners of small apartments to convert rental units to condominiums. The plan approved Thursday night 5-2, still faces approval by the City Council. Commission members Debra Allen and .Allan Beek voted against the plan that is expected to affect more than 7,000 apartment renters. ·The conversion will affect only duplex, triplex and fourplex units and will be limited to a maximum of 5 percent of the city's stock annually. Opponents of the condomi· nium plan contend that the law change will displace renters, particularly senior citizens. "We're going to throw out a lot of people who can only afford to rent and replace them with peo- ple who are affluent enough to buy," said commissioner Beek. P roponents contend that the change would put ch4:aper hou- sing on the market in Newport Beach, where the average price of a house is estimated at more than $250.000. "One of the bad points is that it will remove rental stock," said Ms. Allen. "But It's good that it will allow some people to get into the housing market. I don't think you'll find speculative buyers." The Fair Housing Council of Orange County has been critical of the con dominium plan. The group says it has trouble belie· ving that Newport's reason for the law change is to provide a new stock of affordable housing. The plan would require appli- cants for condominium conver- sion to submit a report on the condition of the unit. On April 26 the City Council will achedule a public hearing for the proposed law change expec- ted to come before -the council May 10. Boulder freed YOSEMITE NATIONAL PARK (AP) -Crews success- fully blasted loose a 400-ton boulder overhanging a highway blocked by a massive rock slide at Yosemite National Park. The boulder was removed Thursday so workmen could safely begin clearing Highway 140, the route between Merced and the park. WORLD FUNERAL SET -Funeral services are scheduled Saturday for long-time coastal realtor Marjorie Clark. Realtor Clark succu:mbs Funeral services will be held Saturday for Newport Beach resident and realtor Marjorie Clark who died Wedneeday, fol- lowing a brief ,illAess. The services are set for 10 a.m. at Pacific View Memorial Park, Corona del Mar. Mrs. Clark joined Wesley N. Taylor Co., Realtors in Los An- geles in 1957 and became the top salesperson that year. It was an honor she continued to hold for 24 years. She and her husband Frantz Clark moved to Newport Beach in 1970 when the real estate company opened an office in Newport Center. Mrs. Clark was manager of the Residential Division until 1980 when she resigned to become vice president, senior sales con- sultanL "She was a fantastic high en- ergy lady," said Wesley Taylor, president of the real estate com- pany. "Everybody loved her. She was a lways, organized about everything." Mrs. Clark was born in Van Buren, Ark., and taught school before her marriage. She was a member of the Newport Harbor Board of Realtors, Newport Harbor Area Chamber of Com- merce and the Irvine Coast Country Club. Survivors include her hus- band, two brothers, Cy and Jack Carney of Arkansas; a niece, Pat Kollenda of Laguna Beach; and two nephews, J . Michael Gelger of Hillsborough , and William R. Geisrer of Tulsa, Okla. Easter, Passover share themes' The major Christian and Jewish holidays of Easter and P8880ver, which occur at about the same time this year, a lso have similar themes -the deliverance of man from darkness. Page AS. NATION 'Huck Finn' banned as •racist' The cl.usic American novel, '"!be Adventu.rel of Huckleberry Finn,'' waa removed from the curriculum of a Virginia IChool named for ita author Mark Twain following complaints it is "racist!' Page A4. Reas81J to lead way'? '-?'be C.OWboy'' (BonaJ,d ..... n) lronlcally could be the man leedinl natiofw tawird dvWald nuclear behavior. p_,. A6. 4 . Mesans backing Sills By JODI CADENHEAD Of the Dilly Piiot Slaft Four Costa Mesa City Council members say they're endorsing Irvine Mayor David Sills' bid for the Republican nomination in the 69th A!sembly District. The reason they are taking sides in the GOP primary elec- tion, they say, is because Nolan Frizzelle, who lays claim to the incumbency in the newly reap- portioned district, made a dero- gatory remark about one of them. Councilmen Donn Hall, Eric Johnson and Ed McFarland are among those ho s ting a $150-per-person reception for Sills A.~ 20 at Costa Mesa's South t Plaza Hotel. Councilwoman and former mayor Nonna Hertzog said she'd be on the host committee, too, if she hadn't sent her endonement in too late to be Included. She added that she has contributed $50 to Sills' campaign and plans to attend the reception. The Costa "Mesa council mem- bers made it clear they aren't pleased about the way Frizzelle has represented their city in Sacramento during the past two years. But they claimed it was the Assemblyman's accusation at an informal meeting with local lea- ders last month that made them decide to ''go public" in support of Sills. Haig due for talks BUENOS AIRES, Argentina (AP) -Arg~ntina poured rein- forcemen ls Into the Falkland Islands today, broadcast air raid ins tructions in a major coastal city. and warned "i! Britain per- sists in its hard-headedness and attacks, we wall defend ourselves." The Pentagon announced in Washington that U.S. merchant ships had been advised to stay away from the 200-mile war wne around the Falklands that Bri- tain declared effective Monday. but said the notice "in no way constitutes" U.S . policy in the dispute. Twenty-one Americans· were reported 9n the islands. Secretary of State Alexander M . Haig Jr. was expected in Buenos Aires tonight from London for peace-seeking talks with President Leopoldo Galtieri and Foreign Minister Nicanor Costa Mendez, who told journa- lists that Argentina will defend itself in the event of British at- tack. Labor and political leaders, echoing a call from a Buenos Aires radio station, urged Ar- gentines to gather in the Plaza de Mayo across from Government House Saturday in a mass show of 5Upport for the seizing of the Falk.lands after 149 years of Bri· ush rule. Otherwise, they said , they would have followed a more tra· ditional course of taking a neutral (See SILLS, Page AZ ) 2 escapees recaptured ~Photo IN COMMAND -British Brigadier Julian Thompson, 47, officer commanding No. 3 Royal Marine Commando Brigade, shown here on recent snow maneuvers, is commander of British landing forces on the Royal Navy armada heading for the Falkland Islands. Thompson's rank is equivalent to a brigadier general in U.S. forces. Despite the Good Friday holi- day, hundreds o! Argentines waited outside the Defense Min- istry to volunteer for military duty. Officials said ''thousands'' had volunteered since the office opened Wednesday. Argentina continued flying troops and muni lions from coastal air bases to the i2')ands, which Argentines call the Mal- vinas Islands, in preparation for a possible attack by a British ar- mada heading for the archipelago 250 miles off Argent._ina's sou- thern tip. Two men facing multiple bur- glary counts are back in custody today after escapin.S Thursday night from Orange County Jail. Easter Bunny plans egg hunt Sheriff's spokesman Sgt. Dan Spratt said the two men, Buddy Carr, 19, of Fullerton, and Dane Huusfeldt. 28, of Whittier. made their way to the roof of the jail, then lowered themselves to the ground with bedsheets they had tied together. Spratt said jail personnel lear- ned of the break about 11:15 p.m. from a citizen who saw the two men jogging along San ta Ana Boulevard not far from the jail. STATE The Easter Bunny is in for a busy weekend along the Orange Coast. with two appearances set for the Costa Mesa and Newport Beach areas. The holiday rabbit will come to F.astbluff Park in Newport Beach at 9:30 a.m . Saturday to watch kids hunt for hidden eggs. Youngsters ages 3 and 4 will hunt at 9:30 a.m.: ages 5 and 6 are set for 10 a.m.; and the 7-to 10-year-olds will begin their searching at 10:30 a.m. Special plastic eggs containing prizes will 'Duke'"s' bid no surprise There's been no doubt for years that George Deukmejian would take a nm at being governor. Page A6. Krishnas take over ranch Hare Kriahnaa are embliabij1 a farm community on a ranch near Sequoia Nation81 ark. Page A7. COUNTY ParealB: 'bow to cope Patience 1rowlnc thin after havinl the klda around the .... all w..kt Cartoaailt Tom Johzwaft lhowa bow to aw6d ~ 10'.ll' hair In tbe final cays of ........ vacaUon. Pap'Sl, I • be hidden throughout the park. The film "Th e Velveteen Rabbit" will be shown at Mari- ner's Branch Library, 2005 Dover Drive, Newport Beach, at 2:30 p.m. Saturday. It's Cree and eve- ryone is invited. In Costa Mesa, the city has planned a gala Easter Bonnet Parade and F..aster Egg hunt be- ginning Saturday at 9;30 a.m. at &tancia Adobe Park. Prizes will be given for the best Easter bonnet INDEX Reinforcement has been conti- nuous since the Apl'il 2 occupa- t i.on. and newspapers quoted military sources as saying 9,000 soldiers would be in place bf the time the main part of the British !leet arrived in 10 days. · Britain has hinted some of its nuclear submarines already are in the area, and said advance elements of the 40-ship convoy, reported bucking heavy seas off the West African coast, probably would near the Falk.lands some- time this weekend. A.t Your Service California Cavalcade A4 A.5 B2 Horoecope B2 . Clas&tied Comica Croesword Death Notices Stan Delaplane F.ditorial Entert.airunent Home/Garden C7-8,Dl-6 B4 B4 C6 B2 A8 Weekender 85 SPORTS Ann Landers B2 Movies Weekender National Newa A3 Public Notief!6 C6-7 Restaurants Weekender Sports Cl-5 Television TV Log Theaters Weekender Weather A2 World News A.3 '/Vfciclaus alieaif: in· the Masten Jack Nicldau1 ba1 taken the lead hi th• rain-delayed Mutel"I Golt tou.rnament ln AUCU1ta, Ga. hae Cl. t . -I C/N Orange Oout DAILY PILOT/Friday, ~11 8. 1982 ti"-'\\ •' Continued stories • I Salmon recall 1 ""--------------------------~------------...J !SILLS SUPPORTED ... widens I stance toward candidates c."Ompe- 1 tina ln a frimary e.l~on. One o the ~ouncil memben Koek iupport of non-partisan of- fice holdera. I have always abi- ded by that." Federal offlclahs ln L oa An iieles said the[ have received no word today o a reported expan. clon ln the r ecall o f canned Alaskan 11almon that was an- nowleed out of Wuhlngton D.C. who was pretent when Frizzelle , made the remark described lt as I .. rtdlculous and completely un- 1 true" and said everyone who heard it waa surprised and ~m· In addiUon to the elected offi- cla ls from Costa Mesa, at least nine other local office holders are listed as hosts for the April 20 Sills fund-raiser. I barrused. Friu.elle said the remark was i bued on something he had been I told the council member had said a bout him. "l think the broad base o f support from local officials indi- cates that there is dl!:satisfaction with the job Friz:zelle Is doing," said Sills. Government IOUl'Ce9 indicated Thursday the recall was being expanded to cover salmon p_ro- duced by eight Alaskan packing planta and more than 50 million cans that may be oont.aminate<i by a deadly botulism toxin. .. "I don't expect their support," said Frizzelle. "l haven't asked for It. I think it's inappropriate for a person in a partisan office to A charity dinner with raf- f !es, an auction a nd live entertainment will be held April 24 at the Newport Har- bor Art M useum to benefit the Newport Balboa Rotary Club. Proceeds from th~ event will go toward creating an • Three Orange Coast Col- lege students were among the top four winners in the recent semifinal 29th annual Cali- fornia Community Awards program, sponsored by Bank of America. Julia Daoiioger and Ruel Ciacb, each of Costa Mesa • Costa Mesa resident Iris Scbweitier has been nomina- ted by Western S tate Un - iversity College of Law to receive the Outstanding Young Women of America Award for 1981-82. • William Merlino of Cost.a Mesa was among the more than 300 students who were awarded degrees from Trny • Barton Coombs of Cost.a Mesa was recently named to the Dean's List a t Gonzaga Unive!'5ity in Spokane, Wash. Jim Orr. an aide to Frizzelle, suid the list of hosts for the Sills fund-raiser is "comprised of De- mocrats and closet Democrats." emergency response system for elderly and disabled per- sons in Newport. The system would be linked to Hoag MelllQrial Hospital. Tickets for the 7:30 p.m. charity dinner are $50. For reservations, call Glen Hug- hes at 644-2442. and Yvonne Miller of F"oun - t a in Valley will go on to compete in the final Southern California contest April 12 in Pasadena. Each received $500 for their d iscussio ns before a panel of judges on their field of study The award is presented annually by the U.S. Jaycees and nominees are chosen for their service to the commu- nity and extra-curricular ac- tivities. State University in Alabama. The degrees were confer- re d during commencement exercises March 12. Students must maintain a ~de point average of at least 3.5 in order to be included on the Dean's list. "That begins to challenge the largest multiple recall w e have had in FDA history -which was the mushroom recall o f the 1970s," said Wayne Pines, a spo- kesman for the Food and Drug Admi.nistra ti on. A B elgian man died in Fe - bruary after eating contaminated Alaskan salmon. The r ecall is of salmon in· 7 ~.ounce cans sold under a va- riety of brand names. The recal- led cans are identifiable only by the codes on their ends. The FDA said con s ume r s s hould re turn the cans to the f lace of purchase and refrain rom opening them or eating thP.ir contents. The FDA believes a machine which shapes the cans may have tom some of their edges, leaving holes or other d efects in the seams when the ends were attA- ched. The openings can permit the formation of botulinum, a to- xin that can cause the often-fatal disease botulism. The newly recalled cans were produ ced at two Whitney- Fidal~o Seafood Co. plants and by a St. Elias Ocean Products cannery. Cans from the Whitney - Fidalgo plant in Kodiak, Alaska, include all produced there during 1980 and 1981. Their c.'Odes begin with HD13, HD14, RD13, RD14. MD13, MD14, CD13 or CD14. A top line code might read HDl~A- R e ca 11 e d ca n s from the Whitney-Fidalgo pla nt at An- chorage were produced in 1981. They have a two-line code with five characters in the top line. The codes begin on the top line with RA13 or CA13. The bottom Line will end with the number 17_ The St. Elias Ocean Products Co. at Cordova, Alaska, is recal- ling salmon packed in 1980 and 1981. Those cans have a two-line code with only three characters on the top line. The codes begin with the letter R. P, M, C or K. The second character will be a "square" symbol. The third cha- racter is the number 0 or 1. An e xample of the top line cod e would be P square 1 Isolated showers Coastal Var18ble c1oud1nesa w11h 1s0la· 180 sho-s becoming 'unny lht! arternoon and S1nurday Htgh~ loday and Sa1Ufday •n the tow 60~ II the beaches lo mld-70s 1n tl'IE Inland areas. Lows 1on;gtt1 •7 IC 5• Probabtllly ol sttowers 10d8) only 20 percent Temperatures Ir Huntington-Newport are11 rangt from •7 to 65 Elsewl'tere, 1rom Point Concep tlon 10 the "4e11lean border ano out 60 moles Llgl'tt v11r1ablt! wond! becoming west to southwett 10 IC t6 knots tl>ts afternoon dKrea al'1g by early evening Westerly 11ey cold enough al night to pre- seNe gOO<I snow fOf holiday ski.,a -tows are forecast between 28 and 38 -wntt sunny slopes Sat- urday. perhaps a bll mushy on 45 to 55-deQree lemperatures Balmy wea1her Should alSO grMt the college revelers crowding Palm SP<•nos Daytime 1emper111ure1 1n lower deserts are predicted to range from 78 to 86 In tower de- serts and 66 to 76 1n high desetts Anyone planning ocean geta- ways should llnd we1t to south· westerly breezes at 10 to 1s knots calmlf on tile evenings A westerly sweil will be running 1 to 2,teet Temperatures NATION HI Lo Pep ~ I '' CI!El • ~ ~ " - • swell I to 2 feet Variable CIOUOI Albany 34 25 ~buque 6" 4 1 JICUn MS Jacltlhvlle Kana City Laa V1gu Lntle Rocit Loulevtlle Lubboclc Memc>llls Miami MllwlUkM Mpi..$t.P N..,.,vllle New Orieen• New Yor'I( Norfolk 37 27 07 88 eG 113 •o 21 oe 67 •8 Lancaster 83 39 MM becomlng 181r this allernoon S ,through Saturday Amarttlo 6t 35 A91!8Vllle 36 35 411 Atlanta 53 42 .33 LOI Angelel Mllf'Y9V\lle Need let 88 64 77 ,,t----------All8'1IC Cly 45 32 .04 52 36 .05 311 38 15 68 45 Oakland • 65 ·. U.S. summary AuS11n llO 5' Baltimore •e 35 05 Biiiing• 311 33 48 37 13 Puo Rot>IM 64 45 Red Stull 63 40 Rad'#ood City 64 48 ~ I Ugttl anow ftulletad down on the Blrmlnghm 54 <IQ .04 MldwHI todey from 1outheHI Bismarck 35 27 79 77 SacrlltlllWlto 61 41 Saltnu 65 •S Mlnna101a, e11tarn Iowa 1nd Bo1N 411 30 :1 nonheut Ml11ourt 10 the upper Bolton <IO 211 ';j Ohio Valley, ano the centr11 Gulf Browntvlle 118 75 31 28 01 31 20 tO 52 36 2t 68 58 Oii 43 34 San Diego San Francteoo SantLBarbare 88 80 50 59 47 CoHt region wu pummeled by Butt11o 35 22 hMvy thundetalonne. Burlington 36 31 The H cond winier llorm In a Cupar 3S 20 48 37 •7 '40 ,. Santa Matta 64 Sloctdon 68 ll WHk moved OUI of th• Midwest Charfa1n SC 57 51 .51 , IOW9rd the Eut loday. mote h1gld Ch1C111n WV •II 38 11 No. Pl1t11 Oki• City Omlha art.ndo Phtladphla Pfloantx Ptttlburgh PtlMld, Me Piiand, Of• Pfovldenca 58 35 34 20 ~mal artlOW Bio 9ear 76 89 47 •9 21 temparaturH, high wind• end a Chaila1n RC 47 35 78 freall cowrlng of lllOW. Cheyenne <I() t6 Thun<MRt0<ma contlnu.d over Chic:ago 35 28 .Oii northern Florida, with ovarcHt Cincinnati • 1 J.4 .23 ...... tog end df'lzzle ........... In ClaYalend 38 29 the~ and rain In Virginia Clmbla SC 62 41 .78 82 88 .10 43 33 78 68 42 28 11 30 23 81 36 Bishop 83 211 Cetelln• &4 48 Long 8-;h &8 •S MoMov111 70 41 Mt. Wlllon 33 Newpor1 e.cn &3 •7 end eatem North Cerollna. COlumbul ~ 28 .20 I Snow -pr-edlcted lat. In the 09-FI Wth 87 48 f::rc11y Reno 37 28 .. 38 33 12 411 2• 48 211 .74 - 02 Ontario ee 40 . Palm Spr1ngl 71 50 f dty from IM northern Rodtlea to Deyton 311 27 .23 l lhe nonharn plaln1 and lrom th• Denvw 47 211 oantr• Gr .. 1 Ulkea and nor1hem Dea Molnea 30 22 .07 Ohio Valley lo lh• NOf'th Atlantic Oetrol1 36 28 cout. Foracuter1 pradlcrted rain Duluth 36 18 over th• 1oulh•rn Appel1chlan1 El Puo n 55 end ~tral Atlantic coest. Fargo 34 28 Thund1111hower1 _.. expacted f'llotlllf 48 33 Salt Lalce San Anlonto S..ttle Sh<ewport Sioux ~Illa SI Louie 811 55 58 40 83 « 211 25 11 35 33 Oii ~ San Berr\wdlno San Qabf'lll Santa Anl Santa CNl T lhol Vallltwf 87 43 ee 41 88 41 611 43 71 46 87 45 41 Oii In Ille extreme SouthaHt. wtltle Greet Fiii 36 28 .oe the Pacific Notttt..i. eout"--HartfO<d 36 24 Exie-J -d 1em daMr1a ano moet of the IOU-Helene 44 211 .os c~ tu.&e tllern pl1lna -•to hive aunny Honolulu M 71 Ba118"lllald 82 •II ...... Houlton 38 30 .01 Eurek• 91 38 *-o~ecast Temperaturea .,ound tht Mtlon lndNtplll 38 30 .07 F.-no 82 44 J ' • ' early today ranged from 18 de·,.·--------------------SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ~lnMlf..,.,Mk:fl .. lo 7ll ln .~ ·--COA STAL ANO M OUN TAIN ., Weat. Fie. AREAS -Moatly cloudy Wiii'! Cal;~om · -,.... . llRf llPIRT ~~~~C:Y0~~~~0~~~~~'~i!!~i'r: "'} • ta · ~ Tueadey M iider Coutal aree lllglla 85 to 78 and low9 48 lo 58 Ill Hold your outdoor egg hunt• :......._ t 1 h"'h 52 t 82 nd .__ Saturday and make your EHier 1?0 :t , • _ moun • M ..,. • o • ......., bonnea a rain cep. The Netlonal -• ' -28 to 40. 1wMtller Servtc• predict• mottty ~ llUflt !~ :,..,;-, AT~57•• _________ .,.,II ·•unny, warmer wtather through .. -·.... Tides S.turd91. bUt w-1 Sunday. A low pr_,,.11ymtem 800 m11ea ~ ,_ 2-3 Mir N • -.et of San Diego 11 wottc1no 111 ....._ M9 ,.,_ Jetty 2.-:J ,.,, ee.e w•r no1th11111. puahlno cloud• GI It. ~ 24 lelr M .6 TOOAY ahMd of It that cou!O gl ve Sou· 22nd 8t. ~ 1-2 poor M .6 tMrn c.J.llo1nla 10ma 9'>Kkll0 lelboe WtdOI 1·1 poor M.6 111. 1M ._ lhoUld Clollr mid-Aod!Sllll. L.,ne 24 good 61.0 ttwodllllll ... hOldey .,.._, 8llMor HolOw 1-3 ~ Jr .0 -jult bllb• ... teln hilt. • l'lla•oob 14 ,,...... 87.0 LOI An.,... ttlould w..,... Piii ..., °""*"' .... ..., good .... 1M ,_, higtl IOI mll'tcl to the T,..,..._ Ufl'* 70. 8at11rd1y. llffch ltm· {T....,_.I 24 OOod 14.1 perat'"9 ~ 1111 tM mld>70.. ~• TIDU: H19f1 t: ... ..-m. Low a:to p.m ..... ow- • Mountain• wet1 uptctld 10 *"' ~. ' .. 8.oond io. l;Ji ~.m. 0.1, teoond """ 1:41 p.m. u IAn.»AY ,..,... low ... 17 &Ill. 0.01 ""-llllfl 10-.at a.II\, 4.0• leoond' IOw 1:11 p.m. U teoond Natl 10:09 p.m. 1.1 tun Mt• to4•r •t. 1:10 p.m .. ,..~•t:" .. m. Moon ...... .._ It 1:.41 PA. --~-~ .. "" Dlllly Not 11-'1 Pflolo CONVICTIONS STRONG -Richard England, fired as New- por.t Harbo~ High School band. director three years ago, re- mains convinced today that his stance against the school's principal was right. Ex-Harbor High teacher mulls school board post Richard England , who was fired as Newport Harbor High School's band instructor three years ago, is doing just fine these days. thank you. 'l'he 50-year-old former band d1rector is selling tax shelters for E.F. Hutton & Co. He refuses to divulge h is income, but said it exceeds the $24,000 a year salary he earned as a teacher. England doubts he will return to lhe classroom. He said he's turned down offers from other districts to teach. "l look at ll this way," said' England. "l have a company that gave me a great opportunity and now I owe them something." England said he still thinks about one day running for the Newport-Mesa school board. But gone are the "Th e re'11 Always Be An England" bwnper stickers and the loyalists who called themselves (SORE) Sup- porters of Richard England. What r emains is England's unwavering c6nvictaon that he was r ight i n taking a s tand against P rincipal Tom Jacobson in what amounted to a test of wills over who was m charge of the Harbor High band Today, Eng land as as ou tspo- ken and determined as he was the day he told Newport-Mesa Unified School District officials that he wanted his dismissal hearings made public. He ultimate ly was fired for msubordination and lost a court case challenging his dismissal. He still keeps a hand 1n the music world and continues to serve on the boards of the Orange County Philharmon ic Societ y a nd the Southern California Band and Orchestra Association. But England said he almost never thinks about his days as a band director or the loss of the job he once loved. "This could have destroyed me as a person," he said. "But I'm so convinced that I was right. that at hasn't" Bunny busted Dispute leads to Laguna hutch By STEVE MITCHELL 0( .... o.-, 'lot • ..,, It could only happen in La- guna Beach where, alas, police arrested the Easter bunny. Officer s t ook a way his egg basket, handcuffed him and lock ed him up Thurs day on charges of, well, being tipsy in public. The police dispatcher received a call from an irate merchant in the Village Fair mall at about 2:30 p.m., complaining of a six- foot tall bunny who allegedly e ngaged the s hopkeeper in a verbal dispute. After a short discussion as to whether police or animal control officers should handle the inci- dent. patrolmen Mark Vuille and Ron Sapp were dispatched to the mall. There the officers found Ed- ward G. Diamos , 22, of Texas, garbed in Easter bunny attire and carrying a colorful basket of candy eggs. The allegedly-tipsy bunny was booked into jail, and his big pink ears, white fluffy tail and Easter basket were returned to merch- ants who had hired the man to pass out candy to youn~sters. East braces for cold By Tiiie A11od.ated Prete The Heond blut of a doublc- barreled cold snap that haa kilJed at leut 56 hurtled eastward t.o- day after adding 3 inchee to the Mldwest'• inow cover and ahat- terlng cold-weather record.I from Montana to Maryland A tornado and 90 mph wlnda Thut'9day lo88ed a tractor-trailer on top of three can and brought out looters in Sanford, Fla. An inch of snow fell on Black Rock Mountain St.ate Park in Georgi.a Up to 6 inches of snow feli ovPr:nleht in l~diana 1 and the 1.2-inch total 1n Indianapolis pushed the city's season total to a r ecord 58 inches, the National Weather Service reported. Snow continued this morning in Montana and w estern North Dakota. with flurries in various parts of Ohio, lllinois and Penn· sylvania. Cold temperatures chilled the nation 's midsection, where the 20-degree temperature in Omaha. Neb., broke a record set in 1966 In Rochester, Mmn., 1t was 15, breaking a record set in 1909. The second stonn approached the Northeast as residents were stW djgging out from a blizz.ard Tuesday that closed schools and i~ highways from Pennsylva- rua to New Hampshire. Dozens of p~ople we re eva. cuated from housing for the el- derly in Ludlow, Mass., after a power failure blacked out 7.000 western Massachusetts homes. Town officials declared a state of emerge ncy. Frozen substation switches in Ludlow we r e blamed for the blackout, which started Wednes- day ~ht and wasn 't expected to end completely until today. Extra police officers were called in to prevent looting. Chicago, which got 9 inches of snow this week , was hit with new snow Thursday night, as were many other parts of Illinois_ The snowfall was heaviest in central Illinois, with Peoria re- porting 3 inches, and more unu- sually cold weather was expected through tonight. T he bitter cold set records for Apr il 8 in at least 10 cities. In Butte, Mont .. the mercury hit 16 degrees below zero. Great Falls, Mont., and Muskegon, Mich .. re- ported a record low 4 degrees. In Baltimore it was 26; in Newark, N .J .. 23; in Cleveland and De- troit, 11; in Toledo, Ohio, 10, and LO Pittsburgh. 14. "It's pretty unusual for cold air to come this far out of the north at this time of year," said Jim Behrens of the National Weather Service in Kansas City, Mo. Cold air from Canada dipped farther south than usual because of upper-atmosphere wind pat- terns, he said. OC the deaths blamed on the sto~ since Tuesday. most have been Ln crashes on slippery roads or from heart attacks whiJe sho- veling snow. OBIE SPORTS LTD . Introduces The Opening of an AEROBIC, DAllCE I WORKOUT FASHION ·CEllTER FEATURING: DANSKIN STEVI BROOKS BARIL Y LEGAL SEA SQUITS CARUSHKA Equipment: Aerobic & Sport Shoes Legwelghts Jumpropes Oum bells Trampolines x<mESPOtm c., .......... 2831 coaat t+tvf. · Corona del M•. CA 671-9711 • -SllPIEITI lllM.11 lllLY - ~Sft)RTS '" ... 4708 Barranoe P~ lrvlne. CA llZ-.IUJ J • lllPlll llACll FRIDAY. APRIL 9, 1982 ORANGE COUNT V CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS Does tutoring drunken drivers pay? BY JOEL C. DON °' .................. A UC Irvine lclentiat has found drunken-driver treatment prog- l'an\I work well tor light drlnken but. actually encourage heavy drinkers to drive while into>C:lca· ted. Dr. Frede.rick L. McGuire, in a report Thursday to a Western Psychological Aaociation mff- tlng in Sacramento, aald moat liaht drinkers will lmpeove their driving records under any type of alcoholism treatment program. But heavy drinkers, because they often foster antiaocial beha- vior, a.re spurred to continue to break at.ate laws prohibiting dri: vina under the influence of aJ. cohol. During the put 10 years, the medical peyehologiat hu 1tudled the record1 of fB ,000 drunken driver• ln Orange County. He bued his report, to be publlahed in the spring iaaue of the Joumal of Heaf th Psychology, on a sub- set of 4,800 individuals. • He then compared follow-up information on light and heavy drinken. Some were enrolled in ire.tment prosrama. "The Ugbt drinker In a treat- ment program had a better two- year drhiintt record than those not treated,' he said in an inter- view today. "The trieated heavy drinker h.&d a significantly worae driving record than the unttta- ted heevy ~ -r---- "What lhil aaya is the old axiom that to put them in any program can't hurt ls not true." McGuire said antisocial beha- vior ia stirred up w ith heavy drinkers when they are ordered to participate In an alcoholism treatment program. '"that.-meene-ihat-present! designed program• don't 'help' · theee people," he aaJd. "Now the problem is do w e g ive them longer, more intense treatment programs or what." The scientist explained that light drinkers tend to be better educated , have social support systems in their families . More troops reach islands Argentina vows to fight back Change to condos approved The Newport Beach Planning C9mmission has approved a con- troversial plan allowing owners of small apartments to convert rent.al units to condominiums. The plan approved Thursday night 5-2, 'still faces approval by the City Council. Commission members Debra Allen and Allan Beek voted against the plan that is expected to affect rnore than 7,000 apartment renters. The conversion will affect only duplex, triplex and fourplex units and will be limited to a maximum of 5 percent of the city's stock annually. Opponents of the condomi- nium plan contend that the law change will displace renters, particularly senior citizens. "We're going to throw out a lot of people who can only afford to rent and replace them with peo- ple who are affluent enough to buy," said commissioner Beek. Proponents contend that the change would put cheaper hou- sing on the market in Newport . Beach, where the average price of a house is estimated at more than $250,000. "One of the bad points is that it will remove rental stock," said Ms. Allen. "But it's good that it ~ allow some people to get into the housing market. I don't think you'll find speculative buyers." The Fair Housing Council of Orange County has been critical of the condominium plan. The group says it has trouble belie- ving that Newport's reason for the law change is to provide a new stock of affordable housing. The plan would require appli- cants for condominium conver- sion to submit a re port on the condition of the unit. On April 26 the City Council will achedule a public hearing for the proposed law change expec- ted to come before the coun cil May 10. Boulder (reed YOS EMITE NATIONAL PARK (AP) -Crews success- fully blasted loose a 400-ton boulder overhanging a highway blocked by a massive rock slide at Yosemite National Park. The boulder was removed Thursday so workmen could safely begin clearing Highway 140, the route between Merced and the park. WORLD FUNERAL SET -Funeral services are sch edul ed ' Saturday for long-time coastal realtor Marjorie Clark. Realtor Clark SUCCUHJbS Funeral services will be held Saturday for Newport Beach resident and realtor Marjorie Clark who died Wedneaday, fol- lowing a brief illnesa. The services are set for 10 a.m. at Pacific View Memorial Park, Corona del Mar . Mrs. Clark joined Wesley N. Taylor Co., Realtors in Los An- geles in 1957 and became the top salesperson that year. It was an honor she continued to hold for 24 years. She and her husband Frantz Clark moved to Newport Beach in 1970 when the real estate company opened an o ffice in Newport Center. Mrs. Clark was manager of the Residential Division until 1980 when she resigned to become vice president, senior sales con- sultant. "She was a fantastic high en- ergy lady," said Wesley Taylor, president of the real estate com- pany. "Everybody loved her. She was always o rganized about everything." Mrs. Clark w as born in Van Buren. Ark., and taught school before her marriage. She was a member of the Newport Harbor Board of Realtors, Newport Harbor Area Cha mber of Com- merce and the Irvine Coast Country Club. Survivors include her hus- band, two brothers, Cy and Jack Camey of Arkansas; a niece, Pat Kollenda of Laguna Beach; and two nephews, J . Michael Geiger of Hillsborough, and William R. Geilzer of Tulsa, Okla. Easter, Passover share themes The major Christian and Jewish holidays of Easter and Pamover, which occur at about the same lime t his year , also have similar themes -the deliverance of man from darkness. Page A5. NATION 'Huck Finn' banned as 'racist' The cl.me American novel. '"lbe Adventurea bf Huckleberry Finn,~ w• removed t.rom the currtculwn of a Vlrginla IChool nuned for its author Mark Twain following complalnts lt ii "rad8t." P• A4. Beagan lo lead way t "The Cowboy" (Ronald RftlP") ironall)' could be the man 1-dfna natkml toward dvru.d nudMr behaviar. hit M . • 4 Mesans hacking Sills By JODI CADENHEAD Of tM Oelly Piiot St.ti Four Costa Mesa City Council members say they're endorsing Irvine Mayor David Sills' bid for the Republican nomination in the 69th Assembly District. The reason they a re taking sides in the GOP primary elec- tion, they say, is because Nolan Frizzelle, who lays claim to the incumbency in the newly reap- portioned district, made a dero- gatory remark about one of them. Councilmen Donn Hall, Eric Johnson and Ed McFarland are among those hosting a $150-per-person reception for Sills A~ 2() at Costa Mesa's South t Plaza Hotel. Councilwoman and former mayor Norma Hertzog said she'd be on the host committee, too, if she hadn't sent her endorsement in too late to be included. She added that she has contributed $50 to Sills' campaign and plans to attend the reception. The Costa Mesa council mem- bers made it clear they aren't pleased about the way Friu.elle has represented their city in Sacramt9hto durtng the pa.st two years. But they claimed it was the Assemblyman's accusation at an infonnal meeting with local lea- ders last month that made them decide to "go public" in support of Sills. Haig due for talks BUENOS AIRES, Argentina (AP) -Argentina poured rein- forcemen ts into the Falkland Isl.ands today, broadcast air raid instructions in a major coastal city, and warned "if Britain per- sists in its hard-headedness and attacks, we will defend ourselves." T he Pentagon a nnounced in Washington that U.S. merchant ships had been advised to stay away from the 200-mile war wne around the Falklands that Bri- tain declared effective Monday, but said the notice "in no way constitutes" U.S. policy in the dispute. Twenty-one Americans were reJ)orted on the islands. Secretar y of State Alexander M . Haig Jr. was expected in Buenos Aires ton ight from London for peace-seeking Uliks . with President Leopoldo Galtieri and Foreign M inister Nicanor Cost.a Mendez, who told journa- lists tha( Argentina will defend itself in the event of British at- tack. Labor and political leaders, echoing a call from a Buenos Aires radio station , urged Ar- gentines to gather in the Plaza de Mayo across from Government House Saturday in a mass show of support for the seizing of the Falklands after 149 years of Bri- ush rule. Otherwise, they said, they would have followed a more tra- ditional course of taking a neutral (See SILIS, Page A%) 2 escapees recaptured • u l'tMlto IN COMMAND -British Brigadier Julian Thompson, 47, officer commanding No. 3 Royal Marine Commando Brigade, shown here on recent snow maneuvers, is commander of· British landing forces on the Royal Navy armada heading for the Falkland Islands. Thompson's rank is equivalent to a brigadier general in U.S. forces. Despite the Good Friday holi- day. hundreds of Argentines waited outside the Defense Min- istry to volunteer for military duty. Officials said "thousands" had volunteered since the office opened Wednesday. Argentina continued flying troops and munitions from coastal air bases to the islands, which Argentines call the Mal- vmas Islands, in preparation for a possiDle attack by a British ar- mada heading for the archipelago 250 miles off Argentina's sou- thern tip. Two men facing multiple bur-Easter Bunny plans egg hunt glary counts are back in custody . . today alter escapin.s Thursday The F.a.1ter Bunny is m for a night from Orange County Jail. busy w~kend along the Orange S heriff's spokesman Sgt. Dan • C.oast, wttb two appearances set Spratt said the two men. Buddy for the Costa Mesa and Newport Carr, 19, of Fullerton, and Dane Beach areas. Huusfeldt, 28, of Whittier, made The holiday r:abbit will come to their way to the roof of the jail, Eastbluff Park m Newport Beach then lowered themselves to the al 9:30 a.m. Saturday to wa\Ch ground with bedsheets they had kids hunt for hidden eggs. tied together. Youngsters ages 3 and 4 will Spratt said jail penonnel I.ear-hunt at 9:30 a.m.; ages 5 and 6 are ned of the break about 11:15 p.m. set for 10 a .m.;_ and the 7-to from a citizen who saw the two 10-year-olds wall begin their men jogging along Santa Ana sean:hing l\t 10:~0. a.m .. Sped~ Boulevard not far from the jail. plastic eggs contai.Oing pnzes will STATE 'Duke "s' bid no surprise There's been no doubt for years that George Deukmejian would take a nm at being governor. Page A6. Krisbnas take over ranch Hare Kriahnu are eltabUah1n.a a farm community on a ranch near Sequoia National l>ark. Page A7. COUNTY Parenl8: 1Jo..w lo co~ Patience srowtna tbln after bav!nc the kid.a around Ula home all w.ek? ~ Tom Johmcn lhoW9 bow to awkl _,. your hair In tbe flnal daYI of..._ vamtian. Pate JrL ) be hidden throughout the park. The film "The Vel veteen Rabbit" will be shown at Mari- ner's Branch Library, 2005 Dover Drive, Newport Beach, at 2:30 p.m. Saturday. It's Cree and eve- ryone is invited. In Costa Mesa , the city has planned a gala Easter Bonnet ~arade and F.aster Egg hunt be- ginning Saturday at 9:30 a.m. at Estancia Adobe Park. Prizes will be given for the best Easter bonnet. INDEX Reinforcement has been conti- nuous since the April 2 occupa- tion, and newspapers quoted military sources as saying 9,000 soldiers would be in place by the time the main part of the British fleet arrived in 10 days. Britain has hinted some of its nuclear submarines already are in the area, and said advance elements of the 40-ship con voy, reported bucking heavy seas off the West African coast, probably would near the Falklands some- time this weekend. At Your Service C.al.ifornia Cavalcade A4 A5 B2 Horoeoope B2 Ann Landen 82 • Classified CooUcs en.word Death Notices Stan Delaplane Editorial Entertainment Home/Garden C7-8,Dl-6 B4 B4 C6 B2 A6 Weekender 85 SPORTS Moviea Weekender National News A3 Public Notices C6-7 Reaiauranta Weekender Sporta Cl-5 Televt11on TV Los 'I'be.ten Weekender Weather A2 World News AS Nicklaus ahead iiJ· ·tbe Maslen Jack Nlcklau1 ha1 taken t h e l ead in the rain-delayed Muten OoU tournament in Auauata. a.. p_,.c1. •