HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-04-10 - Orange Coast Pilot. I •• INTRICATE CONSTRUCTION -A 324-square-foot repliea of a medieval castle, above, is only one of many meticulously built structures put together with LEGO bricks in a South Coast Plaza display .. Below, a Fabuland Park had a ferris o.11r Not ""°'" t>r ..... hrne wheel, mammoth roller coas~r and assorted other rides for little LEGO people to enjoy. The display runs through Easter Sunday. .YllR 11111111 UllY PIPll ·Haig cou~t~ .. A . .. on goodwill ~ I to end crisis BUENOS AIRES, Argentina (AP) -Secretary of State Ale- xander M. Haig Jr. said Friday the "close relationship between t he' United States and Argen- . tina" should help settle the dee- pening Falkland Islands crisis. Argentina poured more rein- forcements into the Falklands, broadcast air raid instructions in a major coastal city, and pledged to defend itself if Britain attack- ed. Dozens of British.warships were steaming toward the dis- puted islands and Royal Navy submarines were believed alrea- dy in the area. Haig said on arrival from London: "Argentina and the United States are hemispheric partners w ith many years of historical cooperalion. 'That rela- tionship. which has become even more cordial in recent months, should serve as a good basis in seeking to avoid conflict." Haig met in London with Prime Minister Margaret That- c her. She dispatched a fleet Monday t o r ecapture the Bri tisb-administered islands, which Argentina seized April 2. The secretary of state Hid President Reagan })ad asked him to "assist in finding a eolution to the crisis in the South Atlantic." The Pentagon an.nounced in Washington that U.S . merchant ships had been advised to stay away from the 200-mile war zone around the Falklands, which Britain said will be effective Monday, but said the notice "in no way constitutes" U.S. policy in the dispute. Twenty-one Amer- icans were reported on the islands. Earlier in the day, Foreign Minister Nicanor Costa Mendez said, "If Britain persists in its hard-headedness and attacka, we will defend our selves." On Thursday he said "the danger of war with Britain is fading." Argentina continued flying troops and muni lions fro m coastal airbases to the Falkland (See FALKLANDS, Page A%) Harbour couple pleads Steens, woman enter no cont est pleas in sex case Three of six adults charged with 132 counts involving sex with girls aged 9 and 13 pleaded no contest to sex perversion charges Friday in Orange County S~orCourt. The pleas were entered before Judge Myron Brown by J ohn Steen, ~6; his wife, Christi. 30. and Mary Plunkett, 22, under a aettlement negotiated between defense attorneys and Deputy District Attorney Marty Eng- quist. The Steens, who reside in Huntington Harbour, were ar- rested ln May after a relative of one of the young girls intercep- ted a letter in which the girl de- scribed the alleged sexual acti- vity. Plaza display masterpiece of intricate workmanship In the letter, the girl wrote that she had seen a television movie about child pornogr aphy and expressed a desire to stop her involvement with Uie defe n- dants. Steen has been described by authorities as a retired business- man who enjoyed videotaping the alleged sexual encounters involving his wife, other women and the female children. Any child who could put toge- ther a Lroo model like the ones on display in South Coast Plaza Mall will probably be designing skyscrapers before age 18. ".rhe models, some containing up to 195,100 pieces and taking 325 man-hours (not child-hours) to assembl!t will remain on dis-play tbrougn Easter Sunday. There is even a little play area where youngsters can try their hands at LEGO models, which consist primarily of little studded plastic bricks that can be connec- ted in a mind-boggling number of ways. At the risk of having the kids clamor for model sets, the more exotic of which can set mom or dad back about $70, the display is worth seeing. This is the first time the exhi- bit, design~ in Denmark and put WORLD together by Lego Systems, Inc. technicians, has been shown in Southern California. Among the more impressive structures in the display are: -A 13-foot-high replica of Brussels Town Square. -A large replica of the Statue of Liberty which appropriately enough stands in the mall's fountain. -A 324-square-foot medieval castle. -A jungle scene complete with a baby kangaroo rocking back and forth in its mother's pouch. -A space command center. The manufacturer est imates that more than 50 million chil- dren throughout the world play with LEGO building blocks. They may not exceed the popu- larity of video games here, but 70 Volcano warnings ignored PICHUCALCO, Mexico (AP) -Ignoring war- nings that El Chinc;honal may erupt again. about 6,000 peuanta have returned to their Uh-covered homes. NATION Diplo~atic title unknown WASJUNGTON (AP) -'!be State Department says lt doeS\'t know the dipbnatic title of a Saudi prinCe who WM given diplomatic immunity after he and hil wife were accueed of a.aulttna policemen. State, local taxes ri1ing Federal lncome w. take tM b&aMt chunk out of worts.a' ~ but -· aDcfToaa1 ........ rillnl·~M . . percent of Western European households with children up to age 14 own a set. Here is some triv ia that un- doubtedly will prove invaluable at the next cocktail party: There are almost 103 million ways to join six eight-sided LEGO bricks. A statistician has figured that children spend about 4 billion hours every year playing with th08e tricky bricks. Or. 763,913 people visited the models in LEGOLAND Park last year in Denmark where Lego Systems Inc. was founded 50 years ago. Bob Gary, publicist for South Coast Plaza, said the suggestion to stage the display came from the owner of the mall's toy store whJch has a LEGO Eiffel Tower sitting in its window. STATE Police seized several video- tapes when they served a search warrant at the Steens' Trinidad Island residence. A plea of no contest, or nolo contendre, is considered equiva- lent to a plea of guilty. However, evidence of criminal wrongdoing may not be used in a civil court action against a person who enters a no contest plea. The $teens are scheduled to appear before Judge Brown May 14 for further prooeedinp.-Prior to that date, both defendants will be evaluated to determine if they qualify as mentally disordered sex offenders. U such a finding ia made, and upheld by Brown, the Steens could either be sentenced to pri- son or be hospitaliu.id for treat- Canal picks up support SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -More Calltomlam than ever support construction of the Peripheral Canal, but the chasm between north and 80Uth conti- nues to grow, Pollster Mervin Field Mid Friday. Bailey on other .side Gas price explottloa due ment. Engquist said. Miss Plunkett will not be eva- luated. She will return to court for senten cing May 10. Judge Brown said h e would "favorably'' view an application for probation. with perhaps 90me term in county jail. He said she w~ukl.not be sentenced to state pnson. The Steens, Engquist said, could be sentenced to more than 20 years in state prison and Miss Plunkett 18 years as a result of the pleas on the eight counts. Three other defendants in the case, Patricia Lombardo, Irma Cruz and Teena S hoobs, are scheduled to stand trial Monday. Plane narrowly • misses restaurant TORRANCE (AP) -Near- panic broke out in a crowded ice cream parlor when a light plane crashed and burned on the street .outside, killing three people and turning the store "into an oven," witnesses said. "I saw this inferno outside and I thought, 'Oh my God, we're going to burn down ," said 22-year-old Kim Booth of nearby Rancho Palos Verdes, who was in Farrell's Ice Cream Parlour when the plane cras h ed shortly after 12:30 p.m . Friday. Three people died in the F.aster weekend outing, but only one of the badly charred bodies w as identified -44-year-old Don Morgan, a Loe Angeles City fire captain. Police said the other two were believed to be Morgan's daughter and a friend, but the coroner's office said it would be Wlable to establish positive identities pen-, ding checks of dental records. Farrell's workers said custo- mers rush ed to ·get out of the store but w ere driven back by the beat. Gordon McRae of Rancho Paloe Verdes waa sitting with his back to a large window in the front of the store taking movies INDEX CJa•ified 85-8 Comics A8 Comment A8 Croaword A8 Death Notices 85 Entertainment Al0-11 Movies Al0-11 SPORTS of a birthday party for his dauJl}lter and 10 of her friends. "[heard a loud boom, like a thump," McRae said. "At the same time. I felt the heat. When I turned around, the flames were against the glass, which was one inch from my noee. I felt like I was in an oven." In late 1972, a privately owned F86 jet fighter crashed into Far- rell's Ice Cream Parlour in Sac- ramento, killing 22 people. The plane had taken off shortly be- fore from Sacramento's Execu- tive Airport after the pilot at- tended a weekend air show. C hris Brown of Redo ndo Beach, who witnessed the Sac- ramento craah, was visiting a client in an office only a few hundred yards from Friday's accident. More than two hours after the crash, when re9CUers were final- ly able to get cloee enough to the hot wreckage to retrieve bodies. a man braked his car in the middle of the street and ran toward the plane crying, ''Oh God, that's them." He waa restrained by officen and collapeed in their arma. 'lbe man later was identified as one of. Morgan's sons. Public Notices Al2, Bf Sporta Bl-4 .Television Al3 Theetera Al0-11 Weather A2 Youth A7 Bad njpt for AJweh, Dodgen . . The Anaeia io.t ln th• peat lndoon, and U.. Daidlln dtdft>t .,... W9ll CKddoan. .. 8pCll1il. Pia Bl. \ Orange CoHt DAILY PILOT/Saturday, Aprll 10, 1982 ~----------------------------------------------------------------------~\ . \\.'t Continued stoTies FALK LAND ~ lalands 111 pn•purntw11 flit u po~ Bible attack by a Rritu.h uruu1da heading for the nrch1pdago, 2!\0 miles t\'a5l or Arg~nlma The Argt'f\Une sir fort'C> said 1t had rein fo rced Its upt•raltonal atrength Wlq takt•H -;tt'J'-'i.. Ul llw liJlands to p<'rm1t "dett'ctwn . itlentificauun, anll'l l t•ptltm jfld destruction" of hostilt.· au't·11.1!t All st ute owned trans port planes, lnclud111g .u1 t raft of thl' state airlin<' 1\t•ro1ltn.-as Ar1.wn tinas, wew µl.1l'1 'tl u11d1·r th•· JU risdlction of lht a 11 fm < 1· tr .m- sport command . but .m At 1 oli neas spokesrna11 S<11d tht• a1rlme had received 1w onkr~ ltJ moclrfy normal opt.•rnlions Argenttna p1t">t'nu·d ·' wt 1 th'n complaint to tl11 L' N St•t·un1y Council on Fr1d<1~. 111ntt'tlllt11~ CRI IS. • • that Br 1t:un'b dt'daralion of e war :z.orw around the Falkla,nd lslanda constituted an act of ag- gu-ss1on AftN prf'st•n1111g tht> t'Omplaint to tht• 15-natwn t'oundl. Argen- tmr Ambassact or Eduardo A Rot.i told rt>porters that. ln view of the Bntuih dt>daral1on, "we ft•t•l entitled to use the self- d1•fl'ose .nghtll Hln>rding to the (U N ) charter." Ho-.:a said hL-; govt•mnwnt had not ask••<l for J rww t ount'1l <le- b<1h• on tht.> ronflit·t Ldst Satur- day, th E' t: o u n t· 11 ado p led a Driush-sponson•d n•l;olut1on cal- ling for a ccs..~t1011 of host1ltt1cs, an 1mmed1at1 At ~1·ntmc with- drn'.\ <11 from till' disputt'd islands and a rf'Sump11un of ncgouattons. Nixon due at county fund-raiser When fonner pr<.'Sidcmt Richa- rd Nixon vlsils Orangt• County April 21 , he'll be speokmg on "recent International e vents," Republican Party oUlclah say. Nixon, who resigned from of- fice nearly eight years ago, will appear at the Disneyland &tel as part of a GOP Cunq-ra1sing effort. "With his extraordinary range of experience m 30 yt'ars of ob- serving the global scene. we know. that President Nixon·~ speech is going to provide us with exceptional insight intu what is happening across the world today ," said Lois Lundberg , county Republican Party chair - man. Tickets for the dinner, at $150 per person, are available by cal- ling 547-6614. Cool weekend Coastal llglll vartablt' w1r1ds lh1s n101 nlng beGQm1no wfl5t 10 ~utllwt?SI 10 10 15 kn<'ls 1n .if1ernonr1 u l•l d8Cfea11ng 1n even1n11 Nesterlr swells I to ~ fHll V11natiloo 1.u1h cloudiness t'1ro1111tt 10111ght U.S. su111111<1ry Another sprn'll !llorm J ''"P"J up 10 7 lncnes ..,, inow "', PP1•r sytvanla and lndhtr\d on rodfl-, t lhund8'110fmS a11d tornode>o>\ rfl ged through cerllrttl ~•orilla fnr u second day Sno"" fell lrom norl~"'" W1111 Vlfglnla lhrOUijh Murytanrt Per•11 sylvanta ano N11w ... erse~ nto Ohio and Nttw Yo·~ " <• wu' ht by an Apr~ bhUdrd or T ,..,J11y Thunderstorm:, <'•nd •w 1 -''"d does were repur111d '" r1 "''' • and there woro SC81fHt<lrl !hull der11orms ''om 1 hP ' 1ut h•·' n Plalns l o lhll l<>wf'r M· "'"S•IJf'' Valley. More snow we., pre<tictfltd tnr 1a<11y tor 111e Grll·•' Lai.. • ., r"'Jl(J Willie rein wu 11~1"v r,o, F•o .. d.1 10 South Ce1011nJ md v• • ,,..,. central Pac•ltt Co..t~t Highs w1H11 e•r1>ct1>'1 •u t" n lhe 30s and 40 ,n N"" lr.q1.111d to 1118 northern 1 '""' "" "tO alono the · ~n1ra1 A• • •• ,, 1 nonhem Pac11tc co"~" El1J int•" 605 111ono " c. ' ' Coast f Prr•r 11 " • lo reach lhl' 10• al •q "" r fornla coast :-tn11 Tt1t:-Ot'. n .. ' thern Ftorldd ,lt1l~ I'"'••• I• 1 Souttiwe'\I The mid >llerno•' "' rr '1 •• wa9 26 In l..8W1910W" M nl "" (' M1am• and Vero Beflc.t f li ._.,,.,. lhe warmest poon • wt• r;, Califor11ir1 Southern C. .thfOPl ;;1 w1I r A11 var1able n•o• 101111 , "" tt >v11'• torught Mo .11, c 1J1 " I" I '11 chance ot ~p11n• h 1c n• IQ" 1 showers Ea•tt" 5 • <lll • ..,1,11• • • cooler Sund k y ,,ftlOf.( f hn S"iJlh LOB~I Air Quality M ino~um .. nl 01str1c1 prtodlcts unfleAlthlul 1t1r quaHt( tor sens• llvtt 1.t1~1'0r1> today In (hi! $.,n Fern .. n<Jo 5Rnta Ctanta, San C11t>ro4'I itno P<imona valle~s Hi· ~. r&t(} .. ano Son Bernardino, """ •Jm1ng gooa Sunday and M •nday "' 1111 uroit• ot ltlfo Snuth Lllii~I All B11~in F tor tnd~y lht! AOMO fOrl'Caat II Po11i111un Standard Index ol 113 tor lhe Sun F11rnando ano San13 Clafll~ "''"'Y~ 1?5 tor the San "'tl""' llnd Pomona ~Alleys and 1!'\M ,,, Rt,,tJf::.1de itnd San Ber11ar ,110 Gooo &tt Quallty w111 pre <l•< tl'<l t • olh•H r 901ons w1t11 a Pvllul•un Sturodard lnde~ OI 1~ tor n1t'ttropc1h'dn Ln' AtlQeles Ft7 IC"r Bar11111111 "ll lor Home I-Els1nor .. tnO 4 ... to, ',,h~r lrfl&S Ext1>11d1>d f<>n't'<tSI M~n•ld, Wednesda1 Mosiiy roourJy w•tll c11artefl OI 11gt.t aho .. '"~ MClnday r11 r <1ntl mild Tu"• 11.1 sn.i w .. Jnf'•d~y Co•~•• .,., 1 ,, g••• 65 1 75 ~no 10~ 4fi t ~tt 111 muu• 1 ~ins t••Qh9 !'>2 to 61 jt\(] ll'\'ft~ k 10 40 1 'f-'111 /H'ra / u r es NATIC•I HI Lo .. ,~, ,. '·"' 41 Al'lC.flL1r~ 1' ")~ '., A1tu1ta 61 4~ Al :t,,•• .. 36 .. j.tH1rr .. ~2 , .. U '"'"II"" 63 40 Be·~ 53 31 bu~tu • 44 ,9 lluf!111Q <43 22 Burt1nqton •6 11 Ct,.,,,,.., NV •2 J, ~, .... ,.,, ... ~l f.(' '\• G"1t1p•Oflt 41 18 I.I CllQ •O 2· C1nc.1,.,nat J( C•• ... 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Ore i>ro'l1dence l1al1t1Q1> R~nu P1ch"'nnd S1tll L81'e $.in Antonio Sea we S10u4. ~a IS 51 L ~ ~ SIP '.impJ 61 50 38 43 78 42 51 38 41 78 64 35 65 77 50 70 57 38 50 90 38 38 50 72 39 57 52 37 78 38 46 63 42 60 59 57 50 59 59 41 38 79 47 Spok1ne 29 Tucaon 22 Wuhtngtn 211 WIChlla 55 28 CALIFORNIA 33 Apple Valley 23 Bakersfield 24 Barstow 59 Be1umon1 511 Big Bear 29 81Shol> 37 81)'1118 63 C11lellna 27 Culver Cny 48 Eureka 36 Fresno 35 Lancuter 37 Long Bear.1> 77 LOI Angele> 26 Meryev111e 20 Monrovia 35 Mon1e1>e110 56 Monte<ey 3<41 Ml Wiison 35 Need let> w Newport Beacn 33 Oakland 66 Ontario 28 Pasadena 23 Alverstde 33 Red 8lul1 28 Redwood City 38 Reno 2-4 Sacramento 30 Salinas 29 San Bernardino 50 San Gabriel 34 San Otego 25 San Franc1scc 31 San Jose 72 Santa Ana .... t 55 28 7<4 57 45 34 '>3 30 HI Lo 66 42 67 49 73 53 5q 45 51 35 67 39 81 62 69 <47 18 59 b3 37 62 42 67 38 1"l 52 72 54 70 41 'B 49 'tr 52 1;4 <49 ~~ l7 Ill 58 70 53 71 47 l"i 47 74 51 12 44 68 38 70 •II 59 2<4 66 38 66 44 71 48 ., '" <43 l'} 59 68 49 69 46 76 52 Orang!! Co1Jnt1 1 .;ro t • ~ "" -e..,..------------11---------hlghs thl5 We<\kend from th• lnw Santa Bartio1a 67 46 Senta Monica 6" 51 601 at the bedch11 tc ,,,,d iO• inland lows t <.>n llll 46 10 56 Inland v&ll .. vs ,.,11 nd "' f1 Qh'\ atound 70. IOws 1to-0u ':.G Mountain ~.,..,. 14 •o c,~ I .. .,, 211 to 38 Northern d1<~·n '"ll'" f..2 t > •o lows•:.> to 52 Soulhl''" d••~M1 hlghS 72 10 8<4 low~ !>5 10 e; lncreaa1ng clouds w1111 c~.inv ol taln ()Viti Northern ·111d c .. 1.trlll Calllorn•a lon•ghl ~nd faS'"' Sunday Snow l!'•tJI ot..)ut '> ()()() leel In north 7 000 '""' cenlt R Sierra. and ll 000 toot •oolh L-._-~~Rf Rf PORT Surf Surf Surf &well Swell 8..U 8.-c;l't Avg Ma• Prd Avg .... Dlr z,,,.,., t 2 11 t 2 WSW 'iaf'•• Mon ell ' 2 II I 2 w ·~PWP0'1 2 3 \I 1 2 w San Ooego Cnly 2 3 11 2 w OullU<lk for Sunday lJllle ChBl'Qe Stockton Tehoe Valley Thermal T<>frartce Yuma Tides Flral low Flrs1 high Second tow Second hign 69 48 86 ;2 1!3 TODAY 4 11 am 10 26 am 3 55 pm 10 O'l pm 39 15 56 SI 64 00 4 0 1 2 5 I PASSOVER SEDER Ball and Sophie W1- dasksy of Irvine celebrc.1t<.-d the Passover Seder with 20 friends. The eight-day holiday that Dally PllOI Pholo bJ Rlchafd Koetli.t commemorates thC' exodus of the J e ws from E~ypt 3.000 years ago continues until Thurs- day Building layoffs seen Talks in driver strike n1ay not start until next week LOS ANGELE'S (AP) Up to 50,000 Southf'rn California con- struction workers could bt· laid off if a strike by 2,000 l'Oncrele truck drivers contanu~. industry officials say. Both sades an the d1spull' say they hope negotiations lo Pnd the· strike that began Momfay will resume soon, but Jay Watkins, chairman of the Southt·rn Cali- fornia Rock Products 11nd Rl'ady Max Concrete Assoc1at10ns. said Friday at 1s unlikely new talks could be schedulE>d befo1 t· next w eek. The trut·k dnvl•rs. Tt•amstc,rs me mbers who work uut of Los Ange les and O range counties. provide an estunated 80 percent of the concr ete for maJor con- strucuon projects ma r1vt·-<.'Ounly area that includes V(•ntura, Ha vcrs1de and San B('rnard1no t'OUnli<'S Contra<.'tors havt· tried to "work around" tht· lack of con cr<'CI'. but a lt:ngthy stnkt· could hJll $1 b1ll1on v.01th of con !.trul·t1on projects at a time whf'n um•mployment in tht• industry IS aln•ady at about .20 pc·rcent. ln a letter tu ttw compan1r-. aff ected. Teamstf'r rwgotiator-. said th<.•y were l'agc·r "to r<-'solvc our d1fferent·es bc•fort• anv c'CO nomll' loss occun. of -.uch rnagni tud<.· that neither m1•mtx•rs of tht• industry association.'> or the rock and sand workfor<:e would bl• abl£' to regam the losses " Th<.• walkout began after the· union rejected the companies' last offer of wage and benefit increases tot.ahng $3.03 an hour uver a three-year pact. Wa tkins said the companies sull view that offer as final. but arl' w illing to partic ipa te in ""mearungful negotiations." Union members. c urre ntly earning $1 1.50 an hour, had as- kt-d for a $5.40 hourly raise over thl' thre<> years. Teams ter s po k esman Dick Martino claimed the demands '.\C•n• just1f1ed because dnvers agreed to a pay cut in I 980 and a meager raise in 1981 that netted them only a 14-i:ent -an-hour in- crease for two years. He noted that drivers m San Diego County are paid $14.50 an hour. Minor fires strike high-rises High-rise fires in Nt•wpcirt Beach and Costa M<"-.<.1 w1 th1n hours or each othC'r Friday l'aU sed three minor mjurll''i hut llllk damage, officials saJd The injuries occurn·d at th<' as-yet uncompleted Nl wporl Center offices of Pacific-Mutual Life Insurance Co .. when• a lire started in a fifth-floor trash bin shortly after 5.30 p.m Acting Battalion Chll'f Jerry Strom of the Ne·\.\ port Rt>at·h Fm• D1•p<rr tment said o ff 11:1als detf'r mlnl•d that thf' f11t• was caus<·d <.1ct·1d1•nlally whc·n lwmt>d mate• rials were depos1u>d 1n tht> ban A wt·lder and two securitv guards In the building werr treated al Hoag Memorial Hos- pital for smoke mhalauon and rclc•aiwd They wen• Rick Gard- nt•r, 3i. of Westminster. Stt•vc• County era h es probed California Highway Patrol of- ficers w e re investigating two accidents late Fndav onl' which re portedJy resulted in a f;Hah ty CHP officials said tht· appa- rently fatal accident O<.'("Urt cod at Imperial H ighway and KPllogg Drive, near the Anaht?tm Yorba Lmda line. at about 7 :w pm ,,./ ..-, A St'cond aec:1dent, t1n the San Da·go Freeway near the Magno- lia Street exit. H'portcdly invol- ved a vehicle wh1rh struck two CllP cruisers thl•n .HLPmptt:d tc> lt-avt• the seem• Offrc:tals said the-tar's drivN "'as arrested and < h:irgcd with drunk(•n driving. Gra nt, 20. believed to be o f Midway Ca t y, and Vito Buono, :.W, of Irvine Stro m sa id there was "'minimal" fi re damage to the fifth floor and a small amount of smoke damage to that floor and the one above it. Interior walls and furnishings have not yet been installed in the building. Strom said. Firefighters c·ontroUed the blaze m about 10 minutes but remained on the scene for more than an hour, he said. The other fire, in a 15th-floor <.·dfeteria of the Great Weste rn Savings and Loan Building, Two Town Center, Costa Mesa, caused minor damage and no injur ies, officials said. Firefighters on the scene said the fin• started in a trash can. The two incidents were unre- lated. ofhc1als said. DISTINCTIVE FURNITURE EXCEPTIONAL SAVINGS!! - I, I 11 2 0 0/o TRICO':ORT OFF ALLIBERT Act now and enjoy summer entertaining with the elegant flair ~t.TRICONFORT and ALLIBERT. These exclusive French designs afford the beauty and durat>1hty that results from exceptionaf craftsmanship. Plan to en1oy great savings and great entertaining. s 1 06 EXAMPLES: PARASOL REG '132 TRICONFORT ramatuelle '1 692 table & 4 monaco arm chrs. ' · REG 12.115 ALLIBERT Table & 4 '752 dangarl arm chrs REG. 1940 Prioes ellective thru Apnl 15 and ltJbject IO quantitln on hand. , ·~ . • ~ l ,, •• 11~ • 64().5800 ~ f °'*'tto•aot1V• lon)OOQulflHllltlhoo<ICMMocArfhvtll¥d• AcrOttlrOMfo.,,_lolOllOtlfl~teocll ~ /r..JuRSERV • INDOOR PLANTS • FLORIST • LANDSCAPING • PATIO FURNITURE • ANTIQUES • ' I l - I- ~illU~OO~ ff WOOffi[OO Nicaragua aid offered U.S. aid c,onditiona / on halt in arms to leftists WASHINGTON (AP) -The United Statu it offering to reinai.ate economic aid to Nicara- gua if its leftl.at Sandinilta gov- ernment cuta the flow of anm to guerrlllas in El Salvador, U.S . offlclala said Friday. The eight- point plan for normalizing rela- tions was presented in Managua on Thursday by U.S. Ambassa- dor Anthony Quainton as part of a months-long U.S. effort to get a dialogue going between the two estranged governments. LONDON (AP) -Two Bri- tish explorers pitched camp less than 15 miles from the North Pole on Friday night and radioed that they hoped to reach the top of the world this afternoon. Sir Ranulph Fiennea and Charles Burton would then head home to Greenwich on the last leg of their journey to become the first men to circle the globe via both poles. Fiennes and Burton were averlg:ing 20 miles a day as they raced their snowmobiles across the desolate A.retie Circle ice rid- ges, a London spokesman said. LIVERPOOL, England (AP) -When he was 6 years old, Noel Smith was told by an eminent heart specialist that he had rheumatic fever, causing vascular heart disease, and must lead a quiet life, Now ag~d 59, after swallowing more than 77 ,000 heart pills, Smith has been told there is nothing wrong with him. O~NGE COAST Daily Pilai CleHlfled edvertlalng 7141642·54578 All other depertment1 642-4321 Thomas P. Haley Publllhet Md Chief E:•eculMI ~ Robert N Weed ,.,....,..., Kay Schultz Vice Preelclenl Md OlrealOt ol l\c!Y«\lalnQ Tom Murphtne EClllor Mika Harvey Dltector ol Mllri<eung (C1te>MUon) Kan Goddard Ootk10t ol ~•lion• Ray Maclean Conlrollef Charles Loos Menegonv Ee1<1or MAIN OFFICE lJO Wea ~SI • Coste -... CA Mell eOdress Bo• IS60. Cml• MHA, CA ~ Coe>Y•l9hl 1"2 0.--Co .. I Publl\111"9 C-y No.,.,.,, s~. lihntretlons, e<lllOf'iel m•t••.,..-.. verllwrnenls herein mey be r<tl>f-.Ced wlthOul wie<l•I permlulon of <oe>yriQ/lt OWMr The Or-Ca.1st Delly PllOI, wlll\ Wf\lcll ts corn- bi'l4d tM -Pren, Is publlslled by the 0r.,. Co.UI Put>llV>lno Comp.ony Seper•t• editions ••• publl•lled Monday tllrOUQll Fr>dey for Coste -· Newport Be.Kii, Hunllngton a.e<.11, Fount<tin Valley, lr¥1ne, ~ 8-:1\, Sovti. Co.st. A •I~,......... edillOft lj P•Altl-S.1urd•Y• -Su~ Tlw prlflclpei l>Ublhlllno plant Is et llO Wot B•v Sirwet, P 0 . Bo. 156(1, Ca&te Mew, Celltorni• ,,.,.. VOL. 75, NO. 100 AdvanCff ln dlagnoetic method.a during h1I ttfettme were credited for the dlecovery by doctors at Broadgreen Hoepii.al, Liverpool. "It was quite shattering to learn there had never been anything wrong with my heart," Smith told a Dally Mall reporte r Thursday. NEW YORK (AP) -A basic measure of the nation's money supply rose $900 million in the latest reporting week, the Fed- eral Reserve Board said Friday. In a separate report, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York re- ported that commercial and industrial loans on the books of the nation's large banks rose $2 billion. That compared with a gain of $183 million the previous week. On the money report, Ro- bert Parry, chief economist at Security Pacific National Bank in Los Angeles, said he expected faster growth in the money sup- ply in coming weeks, but he said interest rates s hould "trend downward" later this spring. HONOLULU (AP ) -A lu- xury yacht found adrift 850 miles west of San Diego was delivered to a U .S . Navy pier at Pearl Harbor Friday by an amphibious ship on an international mili- tary exercise. The sailboat "Sinderella" was spotted with W~'re 'Listening ••• Mono1y·F ttO•Y I I you dO l'\()4: l'\a\lf "'°"' OIOfir DV S 30 om c.111 oetore I om ano "°"' eopy 11n11 ~ OllJl•~eo s.tu•d•y 1no Suno•y If ~w oo t'M>4 r~ve 'fOV' coc>'t' Oy 1 a m <Mt before 10 a #Tl 1no )'Our coo., Wiiii De dehveted ~ What do you like about the Daily Pilot? What don't you like? Call· the number below and your message will be recorded, transcribed and delivered to the appropriate editor. The same 24·hour answenng service may be used to record let- ters to the editor on any topic Mailbox contributors must include their name and telephonf number for vert_ficat1on. No circulation calls. please Tell us what's on your mind 642·6086 * Open Evenings * Lab On Premises X-Rays, Diagnosis, Cleaning for s2 5 Senior Citizens Discount CREDIT-MASTERCARD-VISA 2706 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa 556-8013 EASTER BRUNCH - IC LUNCH & DINNER Beginning 9 a.m. Easter Morning Serving . Spec~a/ Gourmet Omelets and a f antastic Seafood Quiche Special price on champatne al day Come relax & 1njoy the view on this special day! " 3180 Alrw.:l!:e:-........ Clllflf ....... 541-MIO Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT/Saturday, Aprll 10, 1982 PRESIDENTIAL SPLASH -President Reagan enjoyed the warm waters of the Ca- ribbean Friday after talks with officials of the island nation of Barbados Reagan, his wife AP Wlrephoto Nancy and actress Claudette Colbert swam in Cobblers Cove., whcr<' Miss Colbert has a resi- dence Man at right 1s unidentified. broke n mast and tattered sail on April 4. No people, fe>Qd or clo- thing were found on board, a Navy spokesman said. NEW YORK (AP) -Death rates from leukemia and Hodg- kin's disease have dropped markedly in the last decade - especially in children, according to a report r e leased Friday . Leukemia deaths in men of all ages decreased by 8 percent du- ring the decade ending in 1978, and deaths among women decli- ned by 10 percent, according to the report by the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company of New "'(ork. Deaths from Hodgkin's disease, a less common cancer than le ukemia, declined ht' 43 percent in men and 46 percent in womelT during the same period, the report said. INDEPENDENCE, Mo. (AP) -City officials are taking ano· ther look at a proposal to locate fonner President Richard M . Ni- -xon's presidential library here -· the hometown of I larry S Tru man, who, m a publish(•d but unsent m emu. c:alled Ni xon "Squirrel Head." "I haVl' r(!(.•c1v· ed some phone calls and som<· comments that havt• made me• re-evaluate my position," lnd1· pende n ce Cuuncdml.ln M1 k(• Martin said Friday. Martin, an early opponent of the proposal. asked the city on Thursday to reconsider City Managc•r KPllh Wtlson's 1dC'a of trying to S('('Un· the library for lndt·rx·ndcnt·f' By Tbe Associated Press A little-sister l>torm to a ran' spring blizzard grew up Fndav and dumped up to 7 inches of snow on lndiana and Pt•nnsylva nia. washed the m1d -Atlanti(' states with ramshowers and rap- ped Florida with tornadoes "This is April," roared Arnet 1''1- gueroa, a NationaJ Weather Ser· vice m c teo r o fog1 :.t at th e Baltimore-Washington Interna- tional Airport. "This 1s not sup- posed to happen " By Friday rught, the storm front had moved out over the Atlanti<:. BRIDGETOWN, Barbados IAP> -While President Reagan put thl' buMn<.'SS half of his Car- 1 bbea n trip behind him and re- laxt·d F riday under a tropical sun. the leaders of Barbados and D•Jm1n1ca took iss u e with his dai m tha\ a Marxis t "virus" thn.·atens the region . The only businc·ss on Reagan's schedule Friday was preparation of the surfside r adio address he will bt•am bac:k to the Uruted States from Barbados today. Otherwise. the pn'S1dcnt .. and his wife Nancy dt'<h('att'CI the day to visiung with thl 1r longtim e friend . actress Claudl'ltt• Colbert. By The Associated Press The federal budget deficit will pass $I 00 b1 Il ion for the first llml'. according to a revlSed esti- mate released Friday by th e Reagan admm1strat.Jon. The fiscal 1982 dd1cit forecast was changed from $98 6 b1lhon to $100.5 bil· lion, while the pred1ct1on for fi· seal 1983, which starts Oct. l , was revised to $101.9 billion from' $91 5 b11l1on Many economists expl•c·t the deficit to be even hjghcr • City Council members often have good intentions. Un- fortunately, they lack the experience and training nec- essary to deliver on their promises. IT'S BEEN GOING ON A LONG TIME • As a longtime Huntington Beach resident, BUD BELSITO is concerned about the sense of frustration which has existed among voters for so long. • As a former city administrator BUD BELSITO has seen council members come and go . BUD BELSITO has seen the hope and faith of voters fade as promises remained unfulfilled. WE HAVE A SOLUTION • This time let's elect a councilmember who can deliver more than rhetoric, empty promises, big campaign signs, and. mindless computer letters. • Having extensive municipal experience as well as having earned advanced degrees in public management and law, BUD BELSITO Is able and desires to contribute his expertise and training on your behalf. FOR ALL HE WILL DO, THIS BUD'S FOR YOU. Paid For By The Bud BellHo Election CommlttM 1.0. 820348 ll01 w.,.,,.,., ~untanoton a.ch, Tom MC*My Chairmen Orange Cout 0AjlY PILOT/Saturday, April 10, 1982 lOC H. WERNER BUCK ENTERPRISES Pr...,,,_ Forecast updated Chapman College's Center for F.conomic Re- search will present a forecast update confe- rence April 21 at 1:30 at the M arriott Hotel, Newport Beach. The center will update its fourth annual "Orange County Busi- ness Forecast: 1982 Quarterly Activity," which was presented in December. The forecast is based on the Chapman econo- metric model, a large- scale quarterly forecas- ting model. Until now, the forecast has been on an annual basis only. For information, call 997-6818. reasonable and faithful Joyous and dignified secular and spiritual personal and relational Hear Dr. Gary Barmore preaching "TURNINOUFE AROUND" ... y ~ch Worahlp •t.Jcc 0 8 998 Nureery pr CGrMr ofl'elMew Rd •• ,. Dr. 545-4110 ELECT r=13!§UL·~ H.I. CitJ .council QUALIFIED a IUD IELSITD 14th lfnn11dl Anahllim .,.__.,. See Today's Classified Section ·tor Details Is a proven leader experienced In city planning, budgeting and administration, as well as having earned advanced de- grees In Public Management and Law. ~~;1g1111a:ul;l 1 I 111 1wno 8 endorsed by the Huntington Beach Police Officer's Assoclatlori. fH1)(,,.i01! D IR IELS"1 la a ongtme resident dedicated to 8 bright future for Huntington Beach. 'FOR l~L HE WILL DO THIS BUD'S fOR JOU! Chrl•t Luth•r•n Church ( ........ lynod) 7to Vlctona, Coeta MMe -a1-1111 Jesut Chrlat la Aleen Today, HalleluJahl Worthlp and Rejoice With Ua On Euter Eaater Worahlp, Aprll 11 IAM ·"THE 81LENT'WITNEll" 1:15AM 6 11AM -"LOVE IN FULL BLOOM" Fot tti. C hlld,.,. Easter Egg Hunt, April 10-12 Noon-2PM PRINCE OF PEACE LUTHERAN CtuCH 2987 Mesa Verde Drive, Costa Mesa, CA 8unrlM Service -6:30, with Rip Pratt, Youth Pastor, speaking Ea1ter Breakf .. t -7:30 to 10:30 FHtlval Wor9hlp -8:00, 9:30 and 11:00 Pastor Brendtro speaking at 8 and 11 on "tM'• Allvel" Pastor Andrew Anderson at 9:30 on "He Shal Reicn f0t Ever and Ever!" Spec/a/ music by choirs, handbells and Instru- ments. Nursery care. ON THE FIRST DAY OF THE WEEK ... chey wenc to the comb . buc ther did nor fmd the body of the Lord Jesus. HE IS RISEN: HE IS RISEN INDEED You 're Invited to Newport Harbor Lutheran Church this Easter Sunday. Come hear the Easter Miracle. Easter Sunday, Apfll 11 Festival Services al 8:00 A.M. and 10:30 A.M. Pastor Roger Berg preaching on, "One Dot, Not Three Pancake breakfast before both semces -bnng the whole fam1/y/ne1ghborhood. NurMfY care 11v111/11ble at both S«Vlces. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR AN AITERNATIVE 'TO 'TRADITIONAL' CHURCH? IMAGINE YOURSELF ... on Sunday morning with a group of positive thinking people .. .listening tO a dynamic speaker offering ways to have greater health, happiness, success, prosperity, and more loving relationships. That's what you can experience every Sunday morning at 9:00 or 10:30 at the Church of Religious Science, Huntington Beach. Here you will open new doors of self-awareness. Here you will find the space to release the magnificence that is you. Here you will think and express, listen and share, learn and participate. Here you will discover ihe richness of new friendships that will support you as you become the person God wants you to be! Here you will unlock the secret of mastery in living as you discover the principles of genuine happiness, good health, true success, continuing prosperity, and unlimited blessing. Here you will feast at the banquet of life. Here ... at the Huntington Beach Church of Religious Science ... there'a a whole new church going on! ' You are invited to be a part of it. You will find at the Huntington Beach Church of Religious Science opportunities that are many and varied-as wide-ranging as your seeking mind. You will discover unlimited possibilities for expanding yourself mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically through ... * Sunday Celebration * Classes * Workshops * Seminars * Music * Dial-A-Thought (714) 536·2732 * Social and special events * Book store-materials for positive living * Children's Sunday Activities-where * children learn at an early age to create a * fulfilling life. EASTER SUNRISE SERVICE 8~.M. 0 The Great ..twdeaiog" Church of Religioup; cience Seacliff Village, Suite 45 2223 Main Street, Huntingt.Qp Beach, CA 92648 (7 14) 536-9336 Teen Group Nunery Care Junior Church Coffee Social Join us on Sundays at 9:00 and 10:30 a.m. I I • ---~-----:----------~------..--..... --------............. .. --Orange Coaet DAILY PILOT /Saturday, Aprll 10, 1982 Al Famous trial lawyer suddenly a defendant SAN FRANCISCO (AP) Legal lion F . Lee Balley, whcm muterly roar has turned the tables on maJ'\Y •5U>r, aita quietly before the bench th daya Uke any other defe~t that hil a tt.ome)'I pt him oil. Balley, who hu represented such client. u hetreee Patrida HNtJt and Dr. Sam Sheppard llnd who hu been pictured lately In vodka adver tlae- men te, whtapered auggeatlons and commen ts Thunday \0 the two lawy~ defendina htm against chargea of drivina under the influence of alcohol and goina through a stop sign. At the table next to them was a not-90-famous aaslata nt district aHo.cney~ Larry Mur ray , who fildn't have anyone to w h isper to because he's proeecuUng the case alone. ln fact, Murray politely refused to answer any questions about the case because he thinks it isn't ethical, and wouldn't even say what law school he was graduated from. Murray, who has been with the DA's office three years, said, "What I'm doing is nothing more than what other proeecutors do all day long, e very d ay, every week. I'm not looking to be In the limelight." Bailey, who pleaded innocent to the charges, has accused the arresting officers of violating his civil rights. He requested a jury trial. Jurors for the trial easily recognized the famed 48-year-old Boston lawyer, dressed neatly in a vested, tan suit wi th check ed tie. One juror was asked if her husband, a lawyer, had ever talked with her about any of the 17 books Cforfhaf omeone onf,asfet For the discrim· inating taste that APWl~to TABLES TURNED -Attorney F. Lee Bailey. w h o has r e p rese nted man y cel e brit y defendants over t he y ears, is h imself the defen dant in a drunken driving case in San Francisco. Bailey has written. "My husbaJ1d is very articulate and hkt' most lawyers he can't stand the sound of s1ll'm't•," sht• said, drawing laughs from sp«:tators · Bailey. too, threw back his head and ~lapped hlS thigh. Murray, outlining his case to the JUry, said of- ficer Peter Canaan watched Bailey d1w<.· through a stop sign about 1 a.m. Feb. 28 m an exclusive Pacific Heights neighborhood. then flagged him over The policeman smelled akohol on Bailey's ecial undtly. Beach. in Via Lido Plaza. J ust a few steps south of Lido Cinema. seeks the palatable delights of Fine French Cuisine. witho ut the haute cuisine prices. Why not join The finer things in life are us at "Chez Lautrec" for our "Easter Champagne Brunch" From 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Only $8.00 Per Person. Enjoy this Easter in the quixotic surroundings of the fashionable "Chez Lautrec". Located at 3421 Via Lido . Newpo always worth seeking out! For reservations call your Hosts. Pierre and Danielle at . . (7 14) 675-4904 bretath and noticed he had red, watery eyes, Murray said. He showed Balley how to walk the straight crack Ill a aldewalk to demonat.rat.ct his IObriety. "He wu a UtU 1haky," Murny told the jurors. "l don't th in k you 'll hear anyone testify he was falling down drunk." Murray said Bailey, who wu arrested and ta- ken to the station, was warned that If he ref used to take an alcohol test it could be uaed agalnat him in court, and Bailey refuaed. Murray said the arresting officer asked that his supervisor handle the case because "this man (Bailey) is threatening my job." Bailey also made such remarl<B to the station officers as, "I want you to make a note of that You're viola•ing my rights," Murray said. Bailey shouted and acted like a courtroom lawyer, he ad- ded. But Bailey will testjfy th.at he smelled alcohol on the arresting officer's breath, said Al Johnson, Bailey's law partner. Also on the defense team is Robert L . Shapiro of Los Angeles. Baile y noted the officer was shaky when he demonstrated how to walk the line in the sidewalk, J ohnson said. The officer used a "vicious karatl• <.'hop" to knock a cigarette out of Bailey's hand, and a lso shoved him, he said. Bailey didn't trust the officer to give him the test, Johnson added. Bailey, who has dealt with the press m any umes m representing famous clients, has declined comment on his own case outside the courtroom, although he took an active part in his defensc,du- n ng pre-trial motions. Ren "STATE OF THE ART" "'<><tel VGPllU 21 DAY PROO. • WIRELESS REMOTI: • CAB&:-£ READY SCOTT HAWAII TRANSPORT YOURSELF TO EXOTIC PLACES THIS SPRING When you step into ladies' sandals by Scott Hawaii. Let your fantasies go, in colorful Hawaiian-print fabric and comfortable nylon-leather sole. Choose slip-on thong or ankle strap styles. in exciting bright colors. Perfect for that "great getaway" --wherever you are! Sizes 5-1 0. 19.99 & 22.99 Shoa ire 1vetl1blc only 1t the loutlona ll1ted. RCA XL-100 19" - 299°!. .. - SUPER VALUE •AllTOMATIC FH TUNING •DIAL LIGHT •ErDGY SAVING CHASSIS YOUR CHOICE RCA or Zenith full Random Access Remote Control - and Much, Much More. 2 5' ' OIAG°"AL RANDOM REMOTE CONTROL COLOR YCU CHOICE- ZENITH or RCA •DltECT TO CHAfKl ltEMOTt CONTWOLS •CABU ltEAOY •lOOi SOU> STATt LOWEST ,_,C£ EVER. DON'T JISS TtlS SALE. WHY BUY AT ABC? • • -~~;tfA~~f! , Easter Sunday i ' Champagne Brunch j · Buffet l 0 a.m. -3 p.m. SEVEN ENTREES SIX SALADS SEA FOOD BAR S 1 2 • 95 per person LARGE PARTIES WELCOME I RESERVATIONS 536-8866) 3000 PALM AVENUE HUNTINGTON BEACH ·~ ALL '82 MODELS PRICED TO CLEAR VFP 170 • VFT 190 • VFT 450 VFT 650 • CC006 • CC010 • CC011 PFP600 AC/ ADAPTOR CHARGER sggoo Vt<250 6 HOOt TAPES S}} 99 c... te1 VK2SO 6 HOOt TAPES s1izs .... RCA ColorTrak 19" dagonal RCA ColorTrak 25" ~ SHOWN 18 ONLY ONE OF SEVER.AL C.ABIHET MODELS IN STOCK FOR THIS SALE. • t t046 llOOIHUUT i.__.;.. ______ __, ,., ........ COSTA MESA Aak about terms • Vlaa 01 Metter Cnarg• ~ed • 3 VHr Picture T~, 1 Yr. Partl. 1 Yr. S.Vlce Warranty On 1982 Color Trek 1nd Sywtem Ill Conaol•• • Oiltf1Wor Authorized Service on PremiMI • All Avalllbl• Mod•I• In Stock• No Commlllioned 811111pet10nt •We • Know Our Product I ,_.de lfld Out Not Juat The Prtoe • Ou1llty •Integrity• HonlllY· HUMTIM•TOM UACM ~~~-----1 c:.M.1. tM-IHt RIPICES · 17th & Orange (Mesa Center) HERITAGE PLAZA 'Calver Dr. a Walnut, Irvine , I ~ange Coeet DAILY PILOT/6eturd9Y, Aofit 10, 191a rnrDJru1~.mu uge h ikes loom n atu ral gas THOMAS D. ELIAS It.ate Public UtilJtiet Comm.llllon a metMgc for the thouaanda ot con- n who complained and demonstra- over the w inter's electrlc rate tn- aaea: Juat wait 'tll you aee what'S> 1ppe~ to natural gas Elect.riclty bills doubled and even lrl· d ln some parts of California last ter when the PUC granted a $900 Uon rate Increase to Pacific Gas & -ICU'lll' Co. and eliminated IOl'ne of the dies that had always been enjoyed all-electric homes. HEN PROTESTS erupted, the PUC ponded by saying it could not do h to change its decision. Fuel costs, r contracts, high interest rat.es and tax policy all helped dictate the ruling and a similar one · · Diego Gas & Electric's rat.es b';ii61 on. no •take ln the Alaaltan project. which wtll ~ the tarael\ and most expenllve pl'lvately-flnanced conatructlon job In history. Between the Alukan project and price decontrol In the lower 48 states, Cali- fornia consumers can e>epec\ prtcea to double by 198~. at a rnlnimwn. The PUC expec\t protett1. "lt'a a healthy system becau.ee it lives people a place wher e their compfalnta can be heard," Bryson said. But any complaints will largely be futile. For the PUC haa even fewer op- tions on natural pa pricing than It dJd on electric rates, leaving comumen with no choice but to brace for very large In- creases. Thom.u Elias, a tree-lane. colu.mn18t hued In Santa M on.iCA, analyzes atate issues. -.. ow the commission says there's even it can do about huge new natural gas hikes. oee increases are sure to rome as the eral government moves swiftly to-Lessons derived from Polis h • • c r ISI S ClllflRlll IDCUS Wllrd decontrol of virtually all domesti- cally produced gas, a process that will be largl':ly finished by 1985. Unlike electricity, where nuclear po- wer plants, hydroelectric power and other factors can help make up for in- creasing oil costs, in natural gas about 65 percent of the price paid by consumers goes to pay for the raw gas. And decontrol is swiftly accelerating tllose rates. Already, gas from deep wells "' Oklahoma, Texas, Colorado and New Mexico costs more than the world price for an equivalent amount of oil. BUT THE MOST expensive gas is now combined with gas from shallower wells that are still controlled, so the overall price Califonuans pay is still below the world cost for equivalent energy from oil. "At the current price, the decontrolled g~ would never sell by itself," said John Bryson, PUC president and a leading critic of the Reagan administration's de- regulation policies. "The kind of partial decontrol we have today benefits no one but producers. We take the position that there ought to be some kind of cap on prices for the deep gas, even if it's tied to world oil prices." But the Reagan administration makea those decisions, and so long as they're in line with the 1978 Natural Gas Dere- gulation Act, the state cornmis&on has no choice but to pass the new costs on to consumers. So it will. It also will have to pass along about 20 percent of the cost of the huge Alaska gas pipeline project, long before anyone uses any of that gas. That's because of a fed eral law passed last year forcing consumers who will eventually uae the Alaskan supply to pay for it in advance. The PUC also opposed that law. "We think utility decisions will not be as sound if the utility knows consumers, not stockholders, are taking all the risks," Bryson said. "We take the posi- tion that energy is like any other com- modity and you should pay for it when it. anives." BUT THE PUC LOST and Bryson says "It may have been a mistake for Cali- fornia to push for a Western leg on the Alaska pipeline." Without the Western leg, slated to bring 20 percent of the Alaska gas to California, consumers here would have By ANDRZEJ &ORBONSIU Remarks by Dr. And.rzej Korbonaki, UCLA profenor of POiitical acience, are reprinted from the 'town Hll.11 journal. When we take a close look at what happened in Poland, and to what extent the martial law regime ia functioning, there are many lessons to be derived from the crisis. These letl80ns are appli- cable not only to the United States but to the rest of the world as well The most immediate origins of the Polish crisis developed in the summer of 1980. Impoverished economic conditions gen erated a wide-ranging aeries of strikes. The government of Poland ini- tiated negotiations with the strikers and officially agreed to recognize Solidarity, the independent labor union. The next 16 months saw a continual struggle for power between the independent labor unions and the government. At first, the labor unions were prima- rily concerned with bread and butter issues, changes to improve the economic standing of their members. Eventually it became clear that the government was not taking the unions' issues serioualy. Solemn agreements between Solidarity and the government were not being ho- nored by the government. Wicks O•tm U.-5-."'" -..-- "Poland this. Poland that. 'Nhatever happened to Afghanistan?" Utilizing the power of labor atrikea, Poland'• independent unions moved to political iuuea. The demand.a made by union leaden struck at the heart of the political system. The demand.a includ- ed major government concesaions of power. The p olit ical conflicts became increasingly intenae until Dec. 13 -the eve of the military coup. On that date, Poland's government declared martial law and dis banded Solidarity. 1bat briefly was and is the situation. There are lemons to be derived from the Polish experience. Obvioualy, a ny conclusions are highly tentative since the criaiB continues. But there are some asp- ects of the struggle that are parUcularly revealing to the world. ONE DEALS WITH the malleability of the human spirit. Thia may aound like a cllche, but this latest rise of the Polish people saya a lot about the strength of people dedicated to principles. In that nation, the people have been oppressed more than 35 years by this imposed foreign system of governme nt. The Communist Party baa b een "brainwashing" the people, isolating them from contact with the nwt of the world, and forcibly imposing an alien system upon them. Still, Poland's ma9l!9 refu.ed to accept conununiml. In the United States, people tend to be realistic and hard-noeed about life. & a result, it ia 80Dletimes difficult for ua to understand this idealistic spirit that haa persevered ln Poland and is ab9ent alto- gether in West.em Europe. A very significant 8nd obvious point that has been made to the world by the Polish crisis is the "bankruptcy" inhe- rent in the c:ommwUst system. Poland's Communist Party had 35 years to make the system work and to sell ita program to the people. It <X>Uld not. Particularly revealing is the fact that the very people communism is su~ to favor -the working class -were the leaders of the rebellion. EASTERN EUROPE is in an a wk- ward position. S ituated between the Soviet Union to the east and Germany to the w est, this region continues to be highly unstable. Two World Wars star- ted there, and now the Polish crisis has created the specter of World War m. Another lesson from the Polish crisis for America is that Eastern Europe is clearly not a solid communlat bloc. In the past, the United States has basically Party foolishly raised future expecta· relegated F..astem Europe to the control tions way beyond possible performance. of the Soviet Union. People sunply have to eat. If there is no America has concentrated ita concerns food, and it appears the system is inca - on Western Europe and other continents, pable of supplying a better life in the like Asia a nd Africa. We h ave dimi-future, that system is in deep trouble. ni.shed our interest in the wellare of the Another lesson arising from Poland's 170 million people living in F.astem Eu-turmoil suggests both superpo wers rope. We have demonstrated our insen-wielded very little leverage over Po- sitivity during the futile uprising in land's affairs. Hungary in 1956 and in Czechoslovakia The United St.at.es was clearly lmuted in 1968. in tts influence over Poland's future. All The Polish crisis has finally aroused the actions taken by both the Carter and some American interest in the region . Reagan admi.n.istrations have so far been Eastern Europe now receives more at-only symbolic. America was not able to tention than it has since World War Il. It do anything meaningful. Moreover, is an unstable region with countries that America was so pow e rless tha t we America can influence. couldn't even get our allies in the rest of The Polish crisis has helped illuminate the international community to do any- • the gap that exists between the rulers thing. and the ruled. Poland's Commupist Pa- rty consisted of arrogant ruling elite who THE SOVIET UNION was in the same were quite unconcerned with the inte-position. For the entire 16 months of rests of the masses. They did not believe Poland's internal turmoil, the Soviets the masses would do anything. have been somewhat helpless to do anything. The worldwide hostile reac- IN BOTH POLAN.I> and Iran, most tion tha t w ould have occurred in the Americans accepted .that the interests of event of a Russian invasion kept the these nations were those being expressed Soviets out of Poland. Contrary to Pre- by t heir elite. Obviously, we were sident Reagan's contenuon that Poland's wrong. current martial law is really Soviet pre- American political analysts should pay sence by proxy. there is no substantia- more atten tion to what is being expres-tion that the Soviet Union even approves aed by the masses, and the elite of any of the martial law. country should not ao readily dismiss the The final lesson of the Polish crisis grumblings of the masses. The masses do rel ates to the powerlessness of the have power, and upon occasion that po-superpowers. Both the United St.at.es and wer is asserted. After all, Lech Walesa the Soviet Union were rendered impo- was an unemployed electrician with only tent in part by their res pective shaky a sixth grade education, and he became alliances. International relations are ex- PoJand's great ch arismatic leader who tremely complex and are in constant wielded a great deal of power. flux. As 11ituations change, n eeds and de- T h e Po 1 is h experience also sires also change. A nation that needed h ighlights the importance of econo-American technology one year may not mic considerations to political stability. need it the next. The Polish crisis made Looking at the current stability of the it clear that our one-time reliable allies Russian system, it could be argued that are not so reliable anymore. had the Communist Party kept its bread We sh ould care fully reconsider our and butter promises, and had it institut-international Links. We have just seen, ed a more rational economic policy and for example, that there is no longer a avoided r aising false expectations, the strong Link between the United States crisis could have been delayed. and Germany. Not only did Germany Hungary and East Germany are sim-tum its back on the American call for ilar examples. In these nations where support, so did our closest ally. Canada. some discontent with the political system T he Canadians would not take a solid surely exists, that discon tent is modera-stance against the potential danger of ted by economies that are working rea-• Soviet involvement in Poland. sonably well When and if another international Poland was -and still is -an eco-crisis erupts. America ought to know nomic "basket case." Its overall economic ahead of time on whom, if anyone, we policy is irrational, and the Communist can count on for help. ede ral t a xes biggest, but state, local l evie s m o unt up, too LOUISE COOK Aflodll9MI "-WrtW Federal income ta>ces are uppermost in pie's mjnds as April 15 approaches, t state and Local levies also account for • big chunk of the money collected by vemment and the take is rising. r A study by the Tax Foundation Inc., a npn-partisan. non-profit research group ch has its headquarters in Washing- , D.C .. sh ows that state and local es totaled $236.2 billion in fi.acal 1980, latest year for which figures are ayailable. That's about half as much as the federal government collected in ta>ces during the same year. Americans paid $1 to state and local governments for every $2 they paid the federal gov- enunent. The foundation also says that aa of the middle of laat month, lawmaken ln 26 states have introduced bills that would, if pa98ed.. boost state taxes alone by $6.8 billion annually. State legialaton appro- ved tax hikes of $3.8 billion laat year. Foundation economiall made a de- tailed analytis of existing taxes at the state level and found that the sales tax is the biggest source of revenue, accounting for $43.2 blllion or 31.5 percent of all state tax collections ln 1980. The researchers said sta te general sales tax rates range from a low o f 2 percent in Oklahoma to a high of 7 .5 percent in Connecticut. Alaska, Dela- ware , Montana , New Hampahi.re and Oregon were the only states without a general sales tax. Local sales taxes are impoeed by d ties and towns in 26 states. The higbeet combined rate of sales tax -8.25 per- cent -is paid by residen ts of New York ' City, where there is a local ta>c of 4.25 percent on top (>{ a st.ate rate of 4 per· cent. Income taxes are the second biggest money-raiser for the states. lndividual income ta>ces accounted for 27.1 percent of state taxes in fiscal 1980 and corporate lncome levies accounted for 9,7 percent. Only five states -Nevada, South Da- kota, Texas, Washington and Wyoming -do not levy either a corporate or a Workforce plan targets AFDC recipients S'ACRAMENTO -Anyone who rec- eives state welfare payment.a ln the form of Ald to Families with Dependent Qilldren (AFDC) would have to partid-.,.te tn • work Prosram or forfeit bene-lba under le&ialatlon authored by Aa- .-nbl.yman Sill Lockyer, D-San Lean-• Lockyer'• bW symbolizes a new theory afpvemmen.t ualatan.ce, said the au- 4Qr. "lmtead of m rely bandln1 out we're JOf.na to pl9Vtde • meam NCh penon can prantee bll rwn economlc eec:urity tbroU,lh work~" aid l.Aekyu. '"'l"hqee ~ '° ... ......,pile wtll llmply not .~-:---~ :.i.n Yt'ouJd involve • two-tMnd ~ of job comb&Md with \he lndlvtd~ ~ NCllP..,18 c.wr.\ly ~ ~ to CIM l\..n• blJ HUIMft s.niom Catnln.t .ade It ~'tat 118'9 MY man th8n &t currently apendl on such prowanw. A person coming i nto the new program would be evaluated l.n tenna of "job reedineet," with a look taken at hia or her life.9tyle and akilla. Staff al the local Employment Preparation Prqp-um would tf.en provide peycholoclcaf 1up- port while the applicant begins a job IMl"Ch. 8lJM.AN SD VICF.8 Committee C.00- IUlta.nt Ong Scbmldt laid that a1mott 00 pe1"C)e2\& of thoee ln exlstlnc pilot J:m- pl_o11Mft& Prepe.ratJon Prosram1 flnd Jcllll •l tbil .... u .. appiket faUld to do a>. he or ahe wouki -be 8hlhld Into more ln~nse job IU.tth and tralnlnc ~~J~=:: l\IW law, Only DhY*&UY d ......... perm and tha9 who hlw no ..._ to chOd _.. woWd be aD: wed to ..... ·-~ benelU• wilhout part&atpaUal la lhi· ..,. wl tn&nlnl ........... ~ n.. ' partment of Social Service. estimates that 500,000 AFOC recipieDll would fall under the new requirements. The 0 11\andard•' recipient, • mother and two ~ would still receive about $508 a mon\h. Lockyer'• pl.an aho teelu to reelace job tnin1nC P'OF8ftlS such .. the Com~ l>nbenalve Employment Tratnlni. I\ Acc~t (C&'TA), which Is echeduled to be phMed out at the federal level. ICBM.IDT SAID one dWttence be· tween Loc kr•r'• blll and other' "welfare'w0tk1 ... ~ ii that train· Lnc fundl proYkt.d for AJ'DC redp6enta wOu)d not be ~ by • public lllll'CY but by the ......... mnnunlty, wldch would eelect \he t1Pll al trMn&nc to b_e prov&ded on the Dul• of 1klll1 Nl9ded In the~. While he could noi ooroment Oft \he, 1pedftc )ep!aUon, Shawn OrUa, De· ...,...., ol lodal a.rvso. P\abUc ID- lomwtian Otflaw, olWwcl t.-V-. on I • the theory of putting welfare recipients to work. "To ~uire AFDC recipients to work 11 popular," he noted. "It's been made popular becauae or the tone or tbe national ad.ministration, and the public'• feellnp about the work ethic. But re· qulrina (recipients) ju.at to work for the grant doea not aave the taxpayers money.1- 0rtll -.id propo8alt which offer }Qng- tftm tra1n1nc and job akW d.velopmm\ would probably receive more aupport from the Brown admlnla\raUon than plana to simply make redplenta 11rake leav. tn Balboe Park.'' ''Th.la admloliltntlon would be ln ,,,.. vor ot any welfare-work or workfare Protr•m ~l wU_l provtde pe.rmanent ~ pan••ll jam. and permanently a.p ,_..OU &he....,.,. r6 ... but DO\ ~W al I ~ Jll'Cllll'9rD Iha& ~ ... queQ dw pubOc'• .,... ~ tar tbl W9ft ~ '' hi ..... ,---. ' personal income tax. Only seven states -the preceding five, plus Alaska and Florida -do not have any personal in- come ta>c. The most widespread taxes a t the state level are gasoline and cigarette le- vies. which are imposed by all 50 states. Forty -four states have state property taxes and all the states have local pro- perty taxes. The public, m eanwhile, is abou\ equally divided in its dislike of the fed- eral income tax and local property levies. The Advisory Cornm.il!laion on lntergo- vernmen tal Relations. a non-partisan group created by Congress to monitor the operation of government, conducts regular surveys to find out what people think about taxes and different levels of government. In the latest survey, taken late Jatt year, 36 percent chose the federal income tax aa the worst and 33 percent picked local property taxes. Fourteen ~t said state sales t.axea were the wont and 9 percent said atate income tax.ea were leatt fair. The remaining 9 percent aid they did not know wh.icb tax was went. OAANOl OOAl'T lllllJPllll Th• com~t pa1 ollbe O•llY • i'llot •~•k• to lnlorm and 1Umul•l4 rudera by Pf'fMtl\ m1 a variet' ot eommentarr on toplea or lnterHt and 1l 1ntnc:anct f'rom Informed ob Hrvtr1 llftd apob1meft. ·.·.YOUTH · .. The F.oster bunnies came hop- ping and bopping along thls week. There were millions of them everywhere. Ever yone knows th•t bunny rabbits reproduce quite quickly. And Uncle Len couldn't belie- ve how many of them showed up on his desk t'br the contest. 'f¥e furry little creatures were an such abundance that good old Uncle Len had to consult with a magic fairy to pick the winners. The best of the bunch came from Gregory Hurst, 12, of Fountain Valley. Gregory took lint place and the $5 prize. Sherry Norton, 10, of Hunt- ington Beach sent in a nice se- cond place entry. She wins $2. Honorable mention winners popped out of just about every com er . Congratulations to Linda Zapata, 14, of Newport Beach; Kathy Flanagan, 14, of Costa Mesa, and Trent Lethco, 12, Ro- byn Landess, 13, and Heidi Lan- dea, 11, all of Fountain Valley. Some thanks are in order for aome of Uncle Len's other devo- ted friends. From Fountain Val- ley, thanks to Jon Newman, 10, Lisa Norton, 12, and Dori Dutton, 6. Uncle Len 's friends in New- port Beach include Jeffrey Bel- litti and Gregory Rhodes, 11. Jeff gets an Uncle Len No-No for not including his age. A1so thanks to Stacie Bonacker, 9, of Irvine, Kathy Eklof, 7, and Scott Tow- send, 9, of Laguna Niguel. Just a note to my very special friends at Busha rd Middle School in Huntington Beach. I received your circus drawings too late for the contest deadline. Re- member everyone, all entries must be on my desk by Wednes- day. You s hould mail them no later than Monday or drop tl\em off, if you wish, at the Daily Pilot building, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa. Brandy Jackson, 5, of Costa Mesa also was too late last week for the contest. Tell your post office to speed things up a bit. They're too slow. For next week, Uncle L e n would like all my friends to have some fun drawing characters from one of your favorite activi- ties. Most of you proba bly have played some of tha;e new video arcade games. What I'd like to see is a picture of your favorite video game character. The r e are man y to ch oose Crom. You can draw a picture of FIRST PLACE: Gregory Hurst of Fountain Valley SECOND PLACE: Sherry Norton of Huntington Beach a Space Invader creature, a Pac- M an or one of the Pac-Man meanies that eat up your yellow gobbler. Maybe you'd like to draw the Centipede character or a picture of the rocket ship in the Asteroids game. Choose your favorite and draw it with black ink only on a piece of white paper 4 inches square. Make sure you include your name, address and age with the entry. Send your video game charoc- ter pictures to Uncle Len, P .O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa, Calif. 92626. The bunny contest w as fun and I expect next week shoulQ be even better. Students outshine ins tructor TURLOCK (AP) -When a computer programming instruc- tor was outclassed by a high 1ehooJ student, he handed over a defective satellite receiving sta- tion to his students fof tinkering. The result is a functional earth station for enterprising Turlock High School students. Bob Hoskins admits he has a reputation for fixing most any- thin~ but the commercial dish given to the school by the Tur- lock cable television franchise baffled him. "One of my students, Jerry Reed, tried to tell me I was hoo- king it up wrong, and that it would not work," Hoskins said. "He was right so I turned it all over to him." Within a month. Hoskins said the high school junior and his classmates were pidung up sig- nals from a 22-ehannel satellite. S tudents later located signals from another nine satellites. The instructor is elated about his students' potential as satellite technicians. "We train the studen ts to find a satellite in orbit around the earth, aim the antenna and fine tune the system f or peak reception," he explained. "It's predicted the job market will be wide open for satellite techni- cians as the installation of home · receivers spreads." Dog of the Weelr ------Home models generally cost $7,000 to $8,000, Hoskins said. ·The dish donated by Sammons Communication s Inc. is worth S90.000 to Sl00.000. Roger Smith, Sammon1; chief technician, contacted the school last May to find out if the school was interested in the broken- down equipment. "Being a ~. I told him, 'Yes'," Hoskins recalled. Smith encouraged the repair effort because of the lack of in- s truc tion for technicians. Hoskins said he is aware of no other high .school or college nationally that can boast such a tralnini program. The reflector was dismantled to haul it to tchool. With the unit back in one piece and in good repair. students hope to build a trailer ao they can aim freely, Hoakina aald. ., The system la capable of recei-vina entertainment networks Uke Home Box Office, Showtime and even the adult movie channel, F.ecapede. ''The coordinates for \hat sat~ elllte are a deep, dark eecret," said Hoeldna, who ldcnowledged plnpolntina it himleU. "I'm not tellin1 anyone how." Stu· · denu alao lnatalled a cable IYl*O on c:ampw and tune ln for dally Instruction In _proaram-mlnl. n. dMI allo pJ.anl to ,.._ core[ echacaUonal proarama for odw~-.. W.'lfbaYI IO chedl out all tbt ..... ,... ........... befGN W9 -ln&o \bat, however.'' Hoekfau mid. Orenge Coat OAl~Y PILOT/Saturday, Aprll 10, 1982 ., PROP ER P ROCEDURE -Bridget Dunham. 6, seems curious about what's the n ext step in eating an artichoke that sh e just properly peeled during a special class h eld for children at a Chicago hotel. An etiquette expert h instructed the youngsters in proper meal habit._ and how to handle certain foods -like arti-, chokes. Toddler survives transplant A year after surgery, smallest patient 'doing well' ' .. I• ,.., BOSTON (AP) -Melissa Saunders was slowly dying and weighed just 9 1A pounds when doctors replaced one of her dis- eased kidneys. A year later, they say she is a healthy toddler and apparently the smallest child ever to sur vive a kidney tran- splant. Boston found that she had con- gestive heart failure and acute kidney failure. The problem turned out to be primary hyperoxaluria, an inhe- rited metabolic disorder. It leads to a buildup of the chemical cal- cium oxalate, which damages the kidneys and other organs. just had to stop the dialysis and' 1 let her die. And we felt we owed'' her as well as ourselves that"' chance. We felt it was giving her a chance at life. " At 10 p.m. on March 25, 1981, doctors began the painstaking, miniature surgery on the 8 -month-old after receiving a kidney from a child who had dJed. They finished at 2 a.m. the next day, and Melissa has been growing stronger. ever since. "Her overall condition now is The doctors began dial~ to purify her blood, but the treAt- ment does not remove calcium oxalate as well as a healthy kid- ney can. The sick child continued to fail, and by the time s he rea- ched 8 months, she weighed only 9 ~ pounds. "When the thought of a ttan- splant was presented to us. we knew that we were losing Me- Hssa very quickly," recalls Mni. Saunder s. "W e didn't think about it for very long before we decided that we had to reach for the stars and let her have a chance for a transplant. Mrs. Saunders says Melissa -,; who now weighs 17 pounds -is4 a happy and active 20 month-old,~ who runs and plays with her two,, sisters. H erri n , chief of pe diatric nephrology at the hospital, says .. children with severe forms of'{; Melissa's disease usually die.,: Until recently, transplants were JI not attempted because the out-f, come was usually bad. •I He said surgeons do not like to ;. attempt the operation on children "i who weigh less than 20 pounds, ,.. because reattaching the tiny blood vessels is e xceptionally fJ difficult. But they feared the , disease would cause too much " damage if they waited until Me-~ lissa grew. •very good," says John T. Herrin, who believes she is the smallest child to survive the surgery for a year. Melissa's parents, Linda and Daniel Saunders of suburban Hamilton, Mass .. learned of their baby's problems when she was 3 months old . Doctors at Massa- chusetts Gen eral Hospital in "We were getting to a point where we would probably have "Her long-term chances at the moment look good," said Herrin .• i world scope· (10 point• lor nch qu.stlon 1nswtrtd correctly) 1 In Salvador<1n electiom. five right-wing parties won a majority of seats in the Assembly, although the Christian Democratic P<1rty of President .. l .. received the most votes. 2 The space shuttle Columbia completed its third and long~t mission, although a slOrm at Whrte Sands, (CHOOSE ONE: Califor~ia, New Mexico) delayed the landing. l President Reagan said the federal govern- ment would make it easier for young people to qualify for home loans. The average price of a new home in the U.S. last month was .. 1 .. a-S52,000. b-'66.SOO. c-S81,JOO. 4 Thousands of demonstrators gathered in Washington, D.C. and rn a number of European citl~ recently to protest U.S. involvement In .. l .. a-El Salvador. b-the Sinai. c-lran. S Ground was broken in Washington, D.C. for a 57-mlllion monument to commemorate the veterans of (CHOOSE ONE: World War II, the Vletn<1m Wu). It will be inscribed with the names of 58,000 Americans who died In that WU. newsname (10 point• II )'OU can lchntlly thla person In then-•) I have led my Latin American nation since 1959. Recently, I have come under attack from the U.S. and other nations who say I am trying to ekpon Marxist revolutioru 10 neishbor· ing countries. Who am I, and what country do I lel<ll matchwords . (4 potnta fof eactr c~ IM4Ctl) 1-commemoflte a·to be In contact, to talk J.<iommendatlon ~lse 4-commencement 4-a betlnnln1 ~o remember whh 1 Answers appear (apslde down) below qalt (10 polnta II you 1n1wtr this qufftlon correctly) Despite threats of violence and sporadic attadts by leftist guerrillu throughout the country, the votert of El Salvador turned out in huge numbers to cast their ballots in the first national elections there since 19n. TRUE OR FALSE: The official U.S. delega11on declared the election free and fair. peoplewatch/sportftght (2 points lor tech quesllon 1n1wertd correctly) 1 Henry Fonda was named Best Actor by the Aademy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences for his performance in 0'l Colden Pond. TRUE OR FALSE: It was the first Academy Awud for a specific performance that Henry Fonda has won. 2 The Academy Awud for Best Actress went to .. l .. for her part in the same film. · a-Katharine Hepburn b-lane Fonda c-Meryl Streep 3 (CHOOSE ONE: North Carolina, G~rgetown) i.cored a victory In New Orleans to win the NCAA basketball cham· plonshlp. 4 The basketball te.m from Bradley Unive"lty won the 4Sth National Invitation Tournament with a victory over Purdue. TRUE OR FALSE: Bradley wu not Invited to panid pate In the NCM national championships. S The Nonh Dakota Slou• won the national WCHA cham· plonshlp with a victory over the defendin1 colleslate hockey champs from the University of (CHOOSE ONE: Minnesota, Wisconsin). roundtable · 'emtlJ dlKYUloft (no llCC>fe) Is lddltlonal 1pendln1 for nuclear wupons needed, c:.onlldwtnc the Soviet Union'• nud~r 1trenttf'if Or do you think thh eeremony °'monument tptndlns conttlbut• to tM llketlhood of nuclear waif YOUA ICCMll! ...... , .. ,...... -TCW "°"II e1 .... ~ -r~ " IO .. ,..,. .. -o.-. t1 .. ",...... -,. •VIC, IM .. 41·12 I~ l J 1 s Al Oran~ Coast DAILY PILOT/Saturday, April 10, 1982 THE fAMILl' CIRCl'~ 111 don't think the Easter Bunny hid any up there, Billy." )l.\R)l.\Ol'KE r~ by Brad Anderson L__ "I'm not taking my eyes off him ... there's no telling what kind of mischief he's thinking up!" G\R•'U :l.D WMEN IM OFF THl5 C?IE.T, I 'M GOING TO EAT LA'3AGrNA, CAKE, ICE CREAM, MA5MEC7 POTATOES ... )100'\ '9 l ' LI.I ~S ACROSS 1 Jel alar gear 6 Clubs 10 Can prov 14 Fighting 56 01 Hindu lore 57 Gold Sp 58 ·- Roberts 60 Por1tCO 63 Niter FRIDAY'S PUZ2lE SOLVED 2 words 15 State 16 nmeolday 17 Game bjrd 18 Brighi COior 65 Fii IOf -- &e Town on the 1::1:1~~ :-&f.~if:+:-8 2words 20 Hardware llem 21 Specimen 22 • -whiz'" Thames 67 Pert 68 Otkt 69 Foiwerded 70 Raced 71 Garment 23 --llre DOWN 25 Sevensomes 1 Money 2 7 Guard 2 Stelly sight 30 Saronel's 3 Flet1011al title ''"t' 31 Hummingbird 2 words 32 Prodd«S 4 Engine part 34 8all9t 5 Exist 38 Tuma· tnf e Fuet. .o Wlte men 2 WOl'da 428"-7S~ '3 +--dult 8 PICl!e down 450.....( tAockl 47 Or.-up 10 Fuea 4t ll'c , In 11 V•C 0..-ti llrd ICIUnd I IOUMllM ~··~ • NC:.,... ,.,.. 19 LUklWlllTI 21 Melodlea 24 Fasten 2f ConYe'(anct 27C~y 21 Alway6 2t Rlgt\tf\11 33 Turned OYet 3S~td 2worda 3t ThlcJlen 37 Sldll llNeC1 .. ,... «Baffle 4e Man'• nlcli· nem. 49Appll•~ 51 Chanet taker 52 M~ S3 Otclalm 54 Lawmaltlf 56 Pr""'11 58 F11 Pref It Slnglee t2Mtllowl .. ~ 16 City VIII -- BIG GEORGE by V1rgll Partch (VIP) PEA~l'TS • c'MON DAD I YOIJ SAID WE WE 601N6 iO PLAY CATCH OIL .. NO, THAT'S f ALL Rl6HT .. I UNDERSTAND .. .. I Tl:MBLE"t:t:DN 1' -mis MONlH -me COVEIEt7 IJJ,.ACK ~ Ff:A1l-IE:R GOES 10 IHE GU'( WHO'S & WWU11N6-M1 l'IOGRAf'trl ! 1l-IA1 eN6PCSSEl7 GH~ O''fHE 10451£:t7~: HOL.OGf'.APNIC MDftSe, I NAME '(OU 1Nl71AN OF 1}U: MONIH!! ~ SHOt: 10 WHAi ro YOU ATim ~LJ'Tt:' '{OLJR FASCINAllON wrm MY CARE:eR.1 HOI.. ? by Charles M. Schul~ • iAAIN6 DOWN OVR OOTSIPE CMRIS1'MAS Ll6HT5 .•. by Tom K. Ryan by Jeff MacNelly "Now THERE'S 1 depressing sfllht for you." The secNt ri F hou6ekeering is, of C.OUrGe, el~ r;ea.C£. 1 2 3 4 5 14 17 bv Jim Dav1$ I JUST C1AINED \._TWO POUNPS ! ~ by Ferd & Tom Johnson iMAT1S ,A Fb5ITIV£ IDENTIFICATION -.. WHY DIDYOU LAUGH A T MY NEW SHIRT?··· IS IT TOO LOUD? GORDO I COMMEND CX>U FOR ADIVlllllN(, IT' lEb I SOT I'M RE.AU..4 Dl~APPOINTE.D 1HA1 YOU GHEAfE.D 00 THE 1E.5T ! I DR:\BBl .. t: i.IE.U., 11.)E.MCH, ~s1vt rROM '40l.>RSNJJttu> 1.llMf MO lfl~ O\~lO(~'fE.Q 'fll.UMS, I 11~0 ~ t\llE. 11~ 'fotW,"I. DR. S~OC'K YOU SAY YOUR ROOM IS HOW COL..P ~ H .\ \i E 'I ... '\. I !'\.'IC.. '-0iff;1-1 T i-lE TE:.:;-T f.Z~::;(.'L T :;o .l ~l(..' ... f;[' '101.' <...1/...J T~ 0t='-lEi:;;::AL He,.XLTH -~/'JEJ:.°1i=> OF FQ).J['dAJ~ n:r;;.; by Tom Battuk YOU KNOW , WHHl lX)U CHEAT , fKlLJ'RE. ONL4 ~EATING l,>()(JR.JELF ! I 'll OVERLOOK IT IF lX)LJ WILL I AND ·;'ou SAY YOU CAN'1'" GC:I 10 I HC: IHC:RMOSIAI f' by Kevin Fagan ME.1.'f 'f1lflE '40\J W..~'f \0 1(1SS N\E. ~1~T. ~~11\A~. ~E.lfl1ijQ h'E. 'fo M <lN O- C~t6" "f.LME1 l\ by George Lemont SO HAVC: 'f"HC: PC:NGUIN c:>o 11 .' Debate, concert among events "STATE ONTROL OF CHURCH ACTIVISM" '" tlu t lllt• of 11 dC'bOtl' between a parochtal professor and n r1·p1 \'~l·nWllw o{ the American Civil Liberties l •nw11 !'ht• tldx.1tt· 1s to begin at 7.30 p.m. Friday in Hoom :.ll4 of tht Cht·mlstry building. Orange Coast Collt•!t1 • Cm .. u. Ml·sa. CllAM8ER STNGERS from the University of Souttw111 ( Jhforn1a will perform at 8 p .m . Wed- nesdny 1n Founders 1 lalJ audit.Orium, Christ College .rrvln1•1 1530 Con(·ordia A CllLTURAL EXHIBIT, carnival and bazaar will ht' ht-Id today and S unday at the Orange Count' Ruct.lhist Church. 909 S . Dale St .. Anaheim. HOlH .irt.• lrorn :i to 9 p.m. each day. RON ROTH. Corm~r director of C harismatic Rent ,, . .i in P1·1m.1 , Ill.. wall be the luncheon speaker Tuesday lor thl· Full Gospel Business M en 's Fel- low.,htp Tiu· nwt'ling begins at noon at the Costa Mc'-• C.nmtr' Club A UIBLE ST UDY SERIES for career women is tu :.t<11 t ,lt 1 p m Monday a t the New port Bal):>oa Sin in1,,, l"c1111111un1ty Room. 1100 Irvine, Ave., Nt•\\ µ11rt 81·;11 h Spun)>ut is Adventure With the B1bl1 AlH Ll CONFIRMATION CLASSES are plann• .1 .tt St l\largaret's Episcopal Church, San Juan ( , pi t1.111u h1•g111ning Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. TRA \ l:.Lll\G to Ntgl"na next week to conduct sen1111"1' 1en rn1111swr:. tn thC' area will be the Rev. W11!1a111 D { bnn ,rnd the Rev Andy Atadero of t~ l~·lic\1•r-r .. 1th Centn in Irvine. TH E LOGO~ ... group of high school seniors of th~ Co111n1un1ty P1 esb:r ll·r1an Chu rch , Laguna &·aC"h . v. 111 mu t April 18 at 7 p.m. at Brahams Hall, 415 F'ure't Avl THE R OGER WAGNER CHORALE will pNl• •1111 in l'Ofll'('' t April 18 at 4 p.m. at the Santa Anu I· 11 1 !lntlt•\I Mt•lhod1st Church . 609 Spurgeon St CHORALE PERFORMANCE -Debo- rah Doiran directs the Mater Dei High Sch ool Chamber Singers as they perform at an ecu- Accord seen on papal role NEW YORK (AP) -In the beginnings of Christianity, each community of believers ch oee its own leader, its bishop. Gradually the bishop of Rome came to be seen as chief bishop -since the post first was held by Jesus' chief apostle, Pet.er. That is the traditional background out of which an international Roman Catholic-Anglican commis- sion has agreed on the propriety of papal leadership in a proposed relinking of the two global wings of the faith. But in the envisioned unity, the pope's over- sight would be shared with all the other bishops and their people, a kind of rallying cent.er to reflect the common convictions of the whole church. Orange Cout DAILY PILfT/8aturday, Aprll 10, 1982 menical Eastertime Prayer Breakfast at t he S heraton.Newport Thursday. The event was given by Robert Bain, William Frost and As- ~ "tlot ..... ""°'° sociates for a Newport Beach engineering firm's employees and their spouses. clients, friends and community leaders. · ~ South ·Coast ·community Church Services 8:30 A.M. & 10: 15 A.M. Corona del Mar High School, 2101 Eastblutt Or .. Corona d~I Mar "Dead~ Bue Not Burled l'ecH Tim Timmons Speaking For Info : Call 644-1350 REAL VALUES on items from applesauce to zippers Dll.IJ Pl.IOI' are advertised every day in the ORANGE COAST CHURCH DffiECTORY F r eedom of Worship An "You ve tried the rest. NOW try the BEST !" Rev. Dr. S.--C. JecbcNI Mew ~-aM C ......... h ...... t .W.T'-JM Chritff91 Clllrclil S.lldsy s.ntc. & .... c~• I Stll Ii Irr .... .-..,.,.. leeclil 10:)0 A.M. "The Great Demonstration'' .. .. Ct.rch Otflcr I •2' T...._ Cost. M.M -· '46-1 0 l2 otClll • Mft '46-6464 1st CHURCH Of RELIGIOUS SOBICI' Of NEWPORT IEAOt "'"""C>O< Cnvtc" UMecl C"'-'C" ol R-.o<a-l A WORSHIP -I 0 A.M. Child Core Guest Speaker Rev. Lolita M. Hughe• I 0 I I Comelback StrMi, Newport leoclt1 loff J•*•" a..dl · ~-ti-Man•~ 6ffico Mo. '44-1 ht ~ - Church of Sr. Matthew by the Sea I TradrtlOnBI Episcopal) HC>l y COMMUNION-Each Sundar-9:00 AM' 18•101t ofComm:>nPrayer-1928 MERTZ HALL of Community Congregations/ Church 611 Heliotrope, Corona de/ Mar ~ R~v. Jamff Hohfe4d -532·220 I ST.JOHN'S THE Er1scor.u. c.-CH .... COSTA MHA loy Str..t ot e>r...,. A•- 8:00 Hofy Co~lolt I 0:00 Hofy Eucharist I 0:00 s-day Scltool 'N UrlfJ()' Care ttio lo•. C0ttred ........... Vlur 548-2237 +ST. WMS EPISOOPAi CHUIKJt' WB.COMES YOU ~ 3209 Via Udo, Neu '"' leach S-Osy 1:00 A.M. flNyw ..... .W, c---s-dsy t:OO .4.M. C-....Clil Sc._., ... ..._. ... ..._ 5-ky I 0:00 A.M. 11tr..t ....... ,..,., .... MofrC ,....,_ .......... ...., '\at?Aec, ... " t:OO I I 0:00 4.M. ~ c ... CHAllSMATIC ~S Rnt S...., .t Mio..._. -7!0t P.M.. T...., -I 0:00 A..M. tWr I '1 i1t ....... s..ko WMlll ~ 0.. Of.._. .,.. ... .,. '· • ...., "·....., _ ,._ 67 •• • NE\WOIT..._ LUTMlltM Olmt 1't 0... .... Nl'WJa.T llACN W..MJI .... , .......... ................ WORSHIP SlRVICE TbO AM CHRISTIAN !OUCATION t'11 AM WORSHIP SCAVICE tp 30 A.M l .......... ,....... \ WILCO... ' " CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES BRANCHES OF TH( MOTHER CHOACH THE FIRST ~llO< OF CHfllST SC•ENT•ST IN 80STOH MASSACHUSETTS "ARE SIN, DISEASE, AND DEATH REAL" Sunday, April 11th, 1982 Coah .... -Pint Ca...dl of ca.mt, Sc-.... 2110 ......... Dr~ c .......... C lllrdt Ii s-.y Scti..1 -I 0:00 A.M. ...... .-. 2110 ........ Dr. t A.MA:lO P .M. M9a. ..... s.t. We& 1·7:SO P.M. -t-t:lO P..M. '" ..... -Ant CWcJa of c·.....-•. ScJe.tlat ·--s.. ............. jl ... SdlMI 4161 .............. , ... . Cl.di I S-., Sc9lool -I 0:00 AM. CH"-0 CN\f. PAOYUO AT SUo«MY SEllVICl llm"-91• ...C.. ~Ant a.rdt of Cllrht, Sc ...... IMI I Ol•o. t l111dlaft• lk«ll Clllrdt I S-., Sc9lool -I 0:00 .4.M. 1 ..... l--UIM•St. ~.._. -Ant Ca.rdl of a.rtst, USHltliMn Clllrdt & S-., Sc.._, -I 0:00 4.M. ...... ·--214 ,.... ..... M•wport IMdt -Pint Ct.ct. of Cllrht, Sclewtfit UOJ Yl9 Ucto. .._,.,. lk«lil Clllrdt Ii S-., Sc.._, -t:OO Ii I t:lO 4.M, 1 ..... l-. JJl5Yl91.We M-. .. Sot.-t .4.M.-S f'.M. T-.-7 -t P.M. °""' C.... """"-T-oyo -I »1' 30 AM F0< SIUd'; T- M•wport INdt-S.Co.d a.di of Cllrht, Sclewtht l I 00 P•Hk Vlow Dr .. c-.. w.r Cllircll I S-., Sc-.. -I 0:00 A.M. ..... •--JIOO "I• t. C..t Hwy .. C4M WID. ~ TISTIMOMY t &IA••S - I P.M. All CtuCHIS Al ., • ..........,..,....., IO --"'9 Cflufell ---flw~ Ofll\eR-.,.R_... CMW c-..... w.4 AT ALL SllYICIS WfSTMINSTBt LUTHERAN OUtOt 11141 ...... _ IMed .. S.. ~ flrwy. & W11t ' I c ""4.t -WOltSHIP SllYICIS - l:JO & I 0:00 .A.M. P.4STOI JO& A. S~ CHllST M !Missouri Synod) 760 VlcteN St~ c-. ...... ~ •. ,_,,...,.._.,,_1611 w6lsHIP SHYICl -1:11 I I 1:00 A.M. S..,S......& ..-.... a--t:H.A.M. ~ S......-141616• . •Sermon Topic Aprll 11th · laster 'unrl•• Services 6 A.M. • "Th• Greot Awoltenln•" C HUR~H OF •BJGIOUS SCllM_CI Member of the United Church of Rellglou1 Science ,lrAO.ff Yll..U!Of 8UlrE •S t22J MMf lnlf!T. wtnmNGTON au.OH, C,. ~ -·~ 1~00 & IO"jO AM ... --- A COllW. wnc• FIOM m 111t1 ma tf atm. C1•11mCSM C ..... n.l 61Itt1l•tr .. 1. .... c __ .. ..._ 644-7400 ~W.lllh........., IOA.M.-5-..yW ..... er.-Sctpll -........., c.. &1111111• CWft'CtT.ula.11 J40St ......... . ot Cller uyre, L...-looclil 494-1061 JOHM M. HYMOU>S MARCUHT AMH llYMOlDS ........._ 10 .4.M. -5-*'Y W ...... ct.re• Sc...., & ...._.., HAllOI CMtlmAM CHURCH IDiM.,..._,CllrWI 2401 tn'-•S... ..... 641-$711 y Attend The Church of Your Choice ST. MARK PRESBYTEllAH OUKJf ......... Dr •• Ja .. 1 rff ..... ,.. .... • .... W--.Mc~ •••. i..y w .... ,.....,. ...... ..__.. ..... otr.ct!,...WO , ..... Worship Service -9:00 a .m.-10:30 a.m . ....._.., C-. .I ..... SWYlcn For ltifo: c .. 644-ll4 I Pl~jlllll<ttli C ll11qn;11l1tirnH1I C h11rd1 32'2 llOAD ST .. MIWPOtrr llACH '4~27~CJ . S-.dov ·~ic~ -I 0:30 A.M. "CHllST, THI LIGHT' A ordlalW.tc0111efrCNU1 THE UNITED METHODIST ·CHURCH Costa Mesa MSTUMTID MITMOOIST CtMlCH 19th St. a Harbor Blvd • C-....Clil S-.. t:lO w_....,10:u Charles 0 . Clark. Minister C09ta MHa NOtth Huntington Beach .. ISTUMITm MITHOOIST CWH 2721 11th St. ~'537 W.....,Ji-kMlt:ll..,.. N.,,_.,C....AJl-- a.rdi~t:OO-. . ~YmtDI UMTID MITMOCMST cMCH w....., .. a.a ScMel l:Jt • I t:OO A.M. Or.wm..L,.._. cAlllfcWA IYTMlllA Newl>C)tt Beectl 1400 W. Balboa Blvd 873-3805 Rev. Robert Sheperd. Jr W ....... &a..11 ...... t :Jt A.M. ww., ............ ,...,c- , ... M-6P~ Founteln V•tev MST ..... ...,,..,.IT a.at 18226 BueNrd St. MWltJ Dr Carroll E. Word, Minister w.....,aa.... ...... fo.MAA ............ ~ Y•WllleW I ., _,,.. .. ._.,, RIST CtmlTIAM CHUIQt ..... W-.ll ........... -.Yi Cl WllMtAW , .. ..., ·-......... ... .... , ....... _......, ........ , ...~,.~~.; .. .,.i.. ............. _,,... ......... _,...., ""' ct ......... .... This Sunday Worship In ST. AMHEW"S NISITIBIAM CHUaCH 600 St Andrews Road • Newport Beach • 631 -2880 Dr. Jolll A."""--. Jr .. ,..._ Wonhlp Servlcoe -711Ur4S and 10:15 A.M. "Life's Moat Crucial Question" Dr. John A. Huffman, Jr. PrMC;hlng PIOG«AMS . 7:1.S o.m.-lnfontt thru IUndorgorten: Child Coro 1:45 o.m.-lttfonte thru IUn4er9orten1 Chlld Coro 10:15 o.m.-lnfontl thru Klndorgorton: Child Coro .41C lb.,.I r 64'-2222 Coc:ac-Hy Prflbyteri• c~a. 41 s ,..... 1. .... L.otm-.... 4'4-7115 Rev Arthur J. Tankersley Rev. Craig Williams Christian Education Hour 9:~10:00 AM Worship -10· 1 s AM rn CAlll. ""'°,,_ AT AU Klll'llCt• PRESIYTERIAM CHURCH OF THE COYEMAMT 2150 ,_.,._ 14. C.• ....._-:-SS7-ll40 ._.._...,.,, .. eer Terry McCanne. Director of Youth Ministries Howard Kllhon, Director ot Adult Ministries Don Maddox. Director of Singles Ministries -..., W ..... -t:lO I I 0:00 4.M. a-as-..-~ ........ 0:00 4.M. ......., C8'9......__1:)0 Ii I 0:00 4.M • ......... -7:00 ....... . CHURCH OF C .. IST 217 w ...... Cott• ..... 64'-lltl We re A Going Glowing Growing Church SUMDA Y SBYICIS t•U Sl\IDY t AM. WOISHlf' It A-M-.& A P.M. 11 ...... -"The S.tftriltc Sen111t" .... U:1 .. I , .... -un.t S.tftritlc Stn111t" ..-.. 11:1_. ,._.ni...i......,. -o-.c.,,_..,....._ ·m-.HADOll~ ..... S..._,.Senic." MtMy~ l :ISP.M. t •• A , • A pt ,._., Senic.• -·Ant,,...,........... 7:1~ ...... Rabbi Bernard I-' King Jamboree & Eastblufl Dr Music· Arie St)ilder Newpon Beach C.lif Educator: Nancy Levin ,_ Mhw a1 c• '44.7HJ . AMV_..OtW_ ef~L~~~~,'!~, ... 1 Bar/Mltzvah Training - Youth Group -Sisterhood SeNlcee: Friday. 8: 15 p.m. Sat., 9: 15 Lm. Sun., 9:30 a.m. RABI HERSHEL BROOKS 817 W•t tt.mllton, Coet• ...._ 131-3212 .. _s.-.aa SHAllA T .. vtell MA....-W,1 .. --. • . Attend 5 he e hurc h . Of Your Ckoice b - / ~·· Orang Coaat DAILY PILOT /Saturday, Aprll 10, 1882 Oscar big profit booster for 'Chariots' HOLL. YWOOO (AP) The hoopla surroun- dlns the annual ACAdcmy Aw,1i1rds hWi died away untH next year, but thf' accuum for s urprise best p cture-wlMer "Chedow of i''ln•" contmues to rlng lhHter cash re~tef'i. "Charlota, the British-made movie about the tribulations of England's 1924 Olympics team, ra<.'t!d e>ff to alf'Q9car-propcUed $3.3 million in 555 theaters April 2-4. That was a big 72 percent increase over the p.revlous weekend's $1.8 million I~ the same number of theaters, said Ashley Boone, vit..-e presi- dent, distribution and marketing !or the Ladd Co. · The film has groased $30,222,429 In 28 weeks ending April 4. said Boone, who said he thmks the movfe will double that amount before it goes out of release, with $10 million expected thls week alone. Meanwhile, pictures that will be eligible for next year's 09car race such as 20th Century-Fox's . "Porky's" and Paramount's "Some Kind of Hero" drew even bigger post-Oscar and Easter vacation crowds. And the re-release of the Disney classic, '.'Fantasia," soared to big grosses on the back of a new Dolby stereo digital soundtrack. ''Porky's," about teen-aged antics at a 1950s bordello, gobbled up $8,034,766 at 1.484 theaters to bring its 17-day total to a b1~ $31,278.442 Richard Pryor's "Some Kind of Hero ' logged $5.631,293 at 975 theaters m its first three days in release You "AUTO" Drive Into Sp(ing "Fant.asia'' took ln $38,000 in a amgle theater in three day11 m Los Angeles, which was termed ''just short of fantastic" by Dick Cook. vice pres1dent- general sales manager for Buena Vista Distribution Co., the Disney film releasing arm. Boone aald Oscar recognition for "Chariots" "doesn't hurt," but Barry Reardon, vi~ president- general &ales manager for Warner Bros., which re- lease• the movie, said the Oscar could mean $7 million to tlO milllon more for the film this year. Another bli Otcar-winner, "Raiders of the Lost Ark," oonUnued to draw amazingly well, taking in $2,002,677 last weekend ln 737 tneaters for an en- ormous 297 opay total .of $203, 198,682. The three-day take for "Raiders" the weekend before the March 29 08can was $1 ,598,648 in 760 theaters. • • "I think it's popularly perceived as being the big winner," Paramount spokes)\'oman ~usan l'lle said of the five 05cars for "Raiders," which all were in the technical categories. "Reds," which won a best director Academy Award, posted $781,249 on 484 screens last wee- kend, up from $664,880 in 400 theaters the prior weekend. Double-Oscar-winning "Arthur" a dded $462,260 at 294 theaters to Warner Bros. coffers, Keep an eye out for the funniest movie Anaheim Convention Center April 21st thru 25th O#Kouttf tickers n.itable at: • lllMylocMCM~ • Alplul S.r. Stotwa • SNk•y'1pt1u • Wwn1y"• H•mtwrven • H Salt Fl1h ' Chip• In 9fld 1umwndlng OrMiQ• County Spoosor.a by Motor Car Dealers Assoc1atoon .QI Orange County Produced by CaMers Exposit/on Group For Further lnlormat10n call (714 999-8900 l oo FUN•, .. £JIC1Tl ... l.,T• ~·ff fh• '·<ft~,'~· .... tflf!l·il·X JI ape,,._,, Bcuaoff~ 1 t A·;§~ 12.152154 15 6 15 8 15 10 15 OU~FORFl .. E In 70mm 12.4 005 157 JO 9: 4 No Pauei 1 No Economy Seil•~ I Atn~mll l l'tP'G1~ 1. 155.JO 7·4 93s5-70mm VICTOR VICTORIA tPG1 Also Playing ,..__.._IRI Chuck No,,,, SROITRAGE tRI Plu1 Co·fHturt o..dt .... 11 tRI ----------- -about ·growing up ever made! You'll be glad you came! MflVIN SIMON PRODUCTIONS/ASTRAL BELLEVUE PAlHE INC ~~·BOB CLARK'S "PORKY"S"' KIM CAnRALL·SCOTI COLOMBY·KAKJ HIJNTER·ALEX KARRAS1111'f'Y~ SUSAN CLARK •• ,.,..., '•·'"'' ~ HAROLD GREENBERG.rc MELVIN SIMON "Ill.or:, DON CARMODY .. ( BOB CLARK"'· .. t •"1l • BOB CLARK ft'f:·_: ''Rivals '2001'and 'STAR WARS''' -STEPllEN SCHA.EFER, US Magazlttr l~ . .._. .. ' ------ compared with $473\732 al 530 llCl'een» the week! before to brini lta 38-weck total to $90,439.487. Howevt.>r, 0.Can arcn'1 always made of gold "On Golden Pond," w hlch galned best actmg awards for H nry Fonda and Katharine Hepburn aud a writing 09car for Ernest Thom):*)n, dropped off to $3,805,370 in 995 out of l ,125 theaters re- portlna last weekend compared with $4,334,420 on 1.010 ICl'eel'll the weekend before, March 26-28. But the film still had grossed a respectable $84,020,712 ln 11 weeks. Some new films didn't find many adheren~ through April 8, notably Universal-RKO's "Cat People,'' at.erring Nast.lssia Kinski. which drew a slim $1 ,617,636 at 600 out of 700 theaters reporung. and Universa.l'~lease of MTM Enterprises' first theatrical film , "'). Little Sex," which gathert.>d $1,301 ,336 in 500 theaters. Columbia's martial arts film, ''Silent Rage." brought in $3,693 ,11 7 in 1,458 theaters m its fin.t three days. Colwnb1a's "Richard Pryor Live on the Sunset Strip," which had been the top box office draw until April 8, apparently felt the competition Crom the other Pryor film, and dropped 50 percent to $2,288.353 at 851 theaters But ll still was m second place m the 1982 box office chase with $27.215.487 *BARGAIN MATINEES • Monday thru Saturday All Performances before 5:00 PM (Except Special Engagements and Holidays) lA MlllA[)A MALI M11000 01 l o••crona LA MIRADA WAU<-tN 994-2400 "VtCTOfl VICTOAIA" 1P01 t? JIL J .. t40 t tt WtO ··PORKY s· 1-1 lt10 1:. • 40 IU a-10 tOU "'' ...CTUM. °" nc "'-"' .. CHARIOTS OF FIA!'" \POI .__.,., __ LAKEWOOD CENTER WALK IN H l f &CTOtl ANO AC1"Mll "ON GOLDEN PONO" ,,01 HIO,>?O \0 tfl 10H '"SOME KIND OF HERO .. 1-1 11'...M J )I •• '"ll LJIO tO.lO "MISSING"' -1 >• '" .. THE FRENCH LIEUTENANTS WOMAN",_, ,,..., " .. '°" .. QUEST FOR FIRE"" 1-1 -00..• , .. H ID , •• , .. ,. noo Focutl'( o• Conol••ooo 213/531·9580 ··PORK Y'S"' 1111 t2' 40 1'00 t H , 7 4\, tO-o\ DAil 't 8A,.0ArN HUCI 'Oft •MlllT IMOW -· .. SOME KIHO Of HERO'" 1•1 t>O JIO, 1 10 1.0 ,,. HO 8ARQAifif fl'NCt IUND•V AfltO ...OUOAY LAKEWOOD CENTER SOUTH WAllC IN kx:IJllV At ~ Arno 21J/6H·92ll .. MIS SINO .. tPOI tJJO >• , ... ,~ .... LAGUNA ••REOS"' t•GI 1Jle •>O •>0 ··CAT PEOPLE'" 1•1 ' '° ) .0 • ., L)\ to-)0 l&ll P'telVftt AHO IClllill"""-"t" .. CHARIOTS OF FIRE"" fP0)1J.JI HO SJt l"'OI tOJO so. COAST WALK·IN Soull\ Coott Htwoy QC ltOOd•OY 494-1514 . "CAT ~OPU!'" c-1 flll(Hlil TNfll 1 ,, t-•t ,-,. 1.u IUtil J '' • O r ti ,_,., .. DEATHTRAP" tPO!Oo'O'O T"" tto tt> fflllll IAf IUM '1:91 •..» 7-~ ,ACIFtC THCAlllES OlllVHN SWA, fllEflS \1111(• •OUI IUCt\ ,,.. .. D '"f OH tt HAlllOll 9l VD 0111\IHH & ORANGE DlllVf.IN 1••10 >,. 5•ru•on a su110&• flll0 , ..... , SU .. DH l Af t.JtaMflll SIADlu• IMPOR TAN r NOTICE' CHllORlN UNOIR 12FRH! "'''•' ·n• W11t1fl M94\ lfttv '". X>. hi S!lft ""' 6.00 , .. Clll! II !>()(IND • !ll\JM 01 tAll llAOIO IS !Oii~ SltMlo od '«l AM CAii l\AOlll W!TM IGHrrofl ACCUSOl!l l'Ol~ -l\lllNG •" l'OllTA8l1 1•AU CIHNl OIWf.IHl l.ll Oii Mil MOIO "NAH(IM ANAHEIM ORIVE·IN ''•••Ot " Of L•mon St 179·9150 ...,..,."Of •O..-ACA0«-,.-,-.-.-,.,.--0~1 I ··RAIDERS OF TtlE LOST ARK"" I ~utl CPOI .. THE FINAL COUNTI>OWN ... tfl01 l C••t • WU•O ---- 8UINA PAii~ BUENA PARK ORIVE·IN l•nco•n A•• •••• of ltf"oH 121"4070 8UINA PAii• LINCOLW DRIVE·IN t•nc.01n A•• ••" ot •non 121-4070 IQUNIAIN FOUNTAIN VALLEY DRIVE· IN $on 01•110 ,,_.,. ot lroo•~unt (So ) "CLASH Of' TI4E TITANS"" c..01 "-U& ·•THE LOAD OF THE RINGS"" l'Ol K t' 4CTOfl itiMO ACTllf'llS .. OH OOLOEN PONO"' tPO~ua ••ORDINARY PEOPLE" 1•1 "SOME KINO OF HERO"",_, "-U& ··s.o.e ···-· "Sil.I.NT RAO!"' 1-1 l'lU8 "CATP'e~··1-1 "OUEIT FOR flflll'" !NI l'\.119 "CAVIMAN" IPOI 962•2411 C'"f 11 SOUM> -~1.!!B....__Got_;_-,_~~-t_6;_1_°' _· ...... J M&T ACTOll AMI ACTMH I "ON OOU>l!N l'OffO" INl"lU• "ITAl'tTINO OVIA" t•I Cllll Ii SOUflO "AICHAM> "'"°" UVI OH Tt4I IUHMT ITIW" 1•1 """' "UMOCAlll"'1•1 -·· ..,. .. ..,( .. ORANGE Dl>IVt IN '?OMY'I" (llll "-U9 "THR NIGHT T..: LIOHTI WINT OUT .. OIOMIA" t•I .................... MISSION OlllVf IN . . .. . WA~NE ~ '•l \.I IN .. • n l'ICNM a. no. """ "CHAAtOTS OF '1M" tPOJ l'lUI .. A"TI4Uft"' tPOI Olllt 11 SOUtlO ---•.oN('f'I " ll'OI -"~IN IMOKl"UIJ "IO• ICINO OF .... 0" 1•1 "'-U9 "l .0.8."1•1 "CAT N~" 1•1 "'"' 'WATMWl9Hll"1111 B.ftlrMMNTO "" .. , ... . -.. ....................... , •• l .... '"'""' .. , v v , , -..... __ , TECHNICOLOR• -NOW SHOWI NG------ ANAHEIM IEl IOflO ()AAHG( OllAHGE ljfcxJl<hur\I XXJ<JIOt..o.x ~ 0ronQ6 Mall UA r.,rv C..•!lf>l'NJ 71"} 61W , '..111 !>l\W 6Jl 0341J GJ4 .)911 YEA FOl.INIAIN VAi.LEY Ot!AHG£ WISTMINSTEll Monn !Jt..,J •1'uo f<~Y>lo111 v•11>.rv lwrn SrorJ'UlT• Ot '" IJA (1f«TltJ ')]<,> ~J'I /\I'/ 1'11J I 19 1'1111 R<i HJ!>4(; COSIA MESA llMNE ldwOt<.ls C1l)(;(tl0 I('"'"" VI I 41~ 1 W~· ldblQfJO '>51 ~ .. \.-. ... t•ar.t ll!rt 'Ju"!rt' uith P""""· . .t t•l11.-..-.IC' l1orror nun If•.·· -Jat•l4 "rull. u :.·ff ... ff ,.,.,,.,, WMl'"""""•"-•lt• ... ..._.•! o .. ...-0.-• \JO.MG I HE'S TRYING TO BE FAITHFUL, AND FAILING HILARIOUSLY. a little ... A LOT OF LAUGHS! II 1. Trivia Bowl has few entr~ies , Over the Hill Gang has slim one-point advantage There'• only a smatterlna of entrtes ln Trivia Bowl XXVt, but the mall cfellvery wa1 late on d•adltne day. Any entries received before today haw been duly noted and will be cn!!dlted ln next week'• colu.mn. IU th1np et.and now, the Over ~e HUI Ou1 II out in front by one point wlth Ed Sekmerler and newcomer Wtnelow Leacb close on the Gan1'a heela. Trivial tidbit: the late John Wayne was far and awey the favorite of moviegoers wtth 22 years at TllllBYT.T. the top of the box office poll. A distant second was Clint Eastwood with 14. On lO round two of the XXVIth running. 1. Rufus McKanan was a hearty adventure movie actor better known as whom? ~. The comic book character Green Lantern shied away from what color? 3. "Cover the earth" was a commercial phrase associated with what product? 4. Na"'e the first plane to circle the globe non-stop. 5. Remember Nervous Norvous ("Transfusion," etc.)? What was his real name? 6. Name the Broadway show tune which con- tains these tender lyrics: "To hell with the rules, get used to the fools who have to be stepped on from time to time." 7. Who was the only jockey lO ride two Triple Crown winners? 8. Oliver T. Erwenter is the leading character in what play? 9. In the remake of "The P ostman Always Rings Twice," name (a) the brand of gasoline sold (R]~ l: ~· NOW PLAYING IUlllA rAllK DfllVf·lll CINEDOME EDWAllDS N£WrOllT Buena Pillk 821 4070 Oratle)t 634 2553 ~wpon Beacll 644 0760 MA• lllU rLAZA STADIUM OlllWl·lll UA CINEMA Bru 529 5339 O•anoe 639 8770 Wes1mrns1e1 893 054& tDWAJIOl I AODlHACK EDWHDS llllSTOl ..c,,uac.uc:et~110 El T010 581 5880 Costa Mesa 540 1444 '°" r"•u•GM>r"c"' BEST ACTRESS -Katharine Hepburn BEST AC'TOR -Henry Fonda BEST SCREENPLAY {Adaptation) -ErneRt Thompson , when life is al its finest ... when love ii at its f ul}est... LORD GaAD£ ,.,._,An ITC fl1111\ If(' f1lnh PllJC111r1•rn \ \V.Rll 11\TIEU. Film KATHARINE H£1'9URN HENRY FONUA JANI~ "ON OOLDEN POND" ~ 00.'<l !lltt(EO\ C\\B~E'l ltU\l.\.\ '11W"\I ~\TEAi lli\\t<illl SI\ ~ llll'ct Gll.IUT -...:.. BIU.l' '11WA,\l.~~... • • El.\tn ~ l&ARk 11\lltLL I at John Collcoe' station and (b) the name (not hia char.cter'e) that Jack N!chollon wore on his atten- dant'• uniform. 10. Shirley'• swinging new lite.tyle didn't bo- ther her bua~ too much, but her daughter was really hun in what movie? TRIVIA BOWL XXVI ST AND IN GS Ovet Ille HMI G.ellQ ( 10) 10 Tiie Group (4) 4 Eo Sc""*1« (I ) I John AUNllll (3) 3 WlnllOW lNCh (II I Tt\e a.hr FllC!ll 121 2 N1ncy Prior (II) 5 Latt Week'• ADawen l. Kim Darby (name change) 2. Scooby Doo (cartoon characters) 3. Sheb Woolley with "Purple People Eater" ("High Noon" singer) 4. Jeanie (Mauldin'• jeep) 5. "Slaters Three" (Lucy's play) 6. "West Side Story" (Bryant and Nixon) 7. Tank Younger (Grambling's Cirst pro) 8. '1Night of Janu,ary 16th" (Sigurd Junquist) 9 . (a) Bushwood , (b) Rolling Lakes (11Caddyshack'' clubs) 19. "It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World" (movie riddle) (Send your answers to TRIVIA, clo the Daily Pilot, Box 1560, Cafta Mesa 92626. All entrie.t must be received by Wednesday, otherwise hall the player's last score will be awarded.) 5 WINNER ACADEMY AWARDS NOW PLAYING IDWAllDS souTileiiiu -,00-ClllD>OMl Or""Qt UIAllllM DfUft·ll Sou1n to.st Plu1 IMIJ Mc,.. 11u16342553 ANllHOI f/U15•67711 DD--· =-~:.=... (11•1119900 ., IDWAllDS fOUllTAlll YALLU lOWlllOl WOOOllllDGI fOunU•o V.,,.,...111'1839 !~00 k•Nl714J 551 0655 -0 P....,-1 ACCIP•t• ,-0-r-. l..o..t.ACWJO WINNER1~~Rf>~Y BEST PICTURE BEST ORJGINAL SCORE ~VANGELIS BEST ORJGINAL SCREENPLAY COLIN WELLAND BEST COSTUME MELINA CANONERO _ ..... --.... _ ... __ Libby Tucker hitchhiked from Brooklyn to take Hollywood by storm. And her father by surprise. WAITER MAffilAU ANN·MARCR£f OINAH MANOFF A HFR8ERT ROSS FILM NEll SIMON"S I OUCI fT TO BE IN f'l(i\JRES Ov\'('lnc of l'hnlf'lt"•Pln O,..VID M WA~ <;I 1 Mu•ll'by MARVIN HAMLISCH ProdU<'t'J by llER8FRT R()<.i; •nd NEil "1"'4<W E.....-uh'" 1'11'<lut•'f R(X::ER M R(ll Ii" ft IN s.-..... npi... by NUL~IMON ~by HERBERT Rtl!.!> f ::a . -. . --. 0...-.. ,, .._ .. --- Orano-Cout DAILY PILOT/Saturday, Aprll 10, 1882 All •u Brea Plaza 529 S339 COITA MllA •OllAltGE EdwilldS Conema Cen1e1 Cmedome 979 414 1 6342SS3 • WUTMINITlll Ull lw1n Cmemas 898 1243 COITAMUA Edwards Br.slot 540 74U El TOAD OAANGI EdwilldS ~leback Sladwm Olive In ~81 5880 639 8770 .... w ..... -- I HO PAI.Ml 4CCt,ltO ,o .. '"'' f..O&OUH••] FRl·SUN 12;30, 3:00, 5:30 1:00, 10-.30 PG SH<DT THE M<DN PERSONAL BEST l!l FRI-SUH. 2;00, 4:00, 1:15 1:1S, 10:1S (Ill "ICH.AAO i.v()ft "SOME KIND OF HERO" 01ARJOTS Of flRE 0 1!!21 FAl·IUN. 12:30, 2:30 4:30 l:JO, 1:30, 10:20 RICHARD LM ON THE PRQ SUNSET m1P -• COlU•" f'tCTVltl DEATHTRAP ~ CAiie, o-.t"°"'""-yt • _._ m FRl·IUH. 1:30, 3:45 1:00. 1:15. 10:30 FAl•IUH. 2:00 4.-00. t:15, t:1S 10:11 (ft) DEATHTRAP • "'CHAIL CAIMI c;HNITOf'HIA AlllVI OYAl'CCANNOH The trap ls Mt ••• For a wtdetdly funny who'lt-dcMt. .... , ... , •ot:ATHTMP .. 1. _. f ' )A'• 1•1 '•A tt. 1,. j( H ~r tt Jr t1/\I .r >I •• •· t jAf f'kt ':l'J.' ~,Ai t I .i "DAS BOOT" FRI-SUH. 1:15, 4:00 7:00, 1:45 {R) RKHARD LM ON THf ~YQR SUNSH STRIP (!} • \I'll ... ,.., 'V-f 'DJllPllll OF THE IVLOSTARI< FRl·SUN. 1:00, 4:55, 1:00 ~~~=· 4rllu' ci FAl·SUH. 3:05, 7:00, 11:00 '• 14 •M1 M tit I H•JH1 I H.A.'H "'-A I .. t. i..'1 WAU I\9B1N .=::HOOD .... ,,_ ..... ..__g FRI-SUH. 1:10, 3:20, 5:30. 7:45, 1:<15 (Q) cdward s CINE MA f<ARRU•ltllvO ATAOAMS 546 3105 COSTA MESA • 4 ACADOIY AWAllOI tflCt.. lllY ~TUM FRI-SUN. 1:00, l: 15, 5:30 1:00. 10:15 PQ l'dw.irds LIDO CINEMA °'IWl'<'R' l!LllCJ Af \/IA ,l[i'i 673-8350 ..., 'NPf)A,. Bf .. , M FAI. 1:45 IATllUM. 1:15, 5.-00. 1:.45 1·r1w.1 r cl<. SJ\ODL FRACK Pl AZA .• , '"","'..~~·""''''( 581 -5880 lllCM""' '11YC)ll "SOME KIND OF HERO" FAt-IUN. t:OO 2:11.4;•.t:• 1:41, 10:40 "' -----IB8 •• ......,...~ ......,.,, FRI-SUN. 1:10, 3:20 ·~. 7:.S, t:45 (Q) "CAT PEOPLE" CltVCll- "81l£NT RAGE"1111 FRI-SUN. 1:15, l :15 5:15, 7:15, .. ,. _.....,.... "VICTOR/ VICTORIA" flt._IUH. l:lO, l:40 Plll·IUN. 1:45 8:00, t:15, 10:IO (fl) 4:15, 1:00, •.JO (JIG) llQIAID LM ON THE Prt0R SONSET STllP • ·--,.c;._ ~~ "A '"' AH LrTTLI ,,..., ....... llX'' --CLAIHOP ,...""" , ....... THITITAMr .,.,,,,_r-...... ",... • Orw,ot Coat DAILY PILOT/Saturday, Apt1110, 1982 ~tv Jersey: re country is going? f .. ~!~~~J!! N.J . TURNPIKE -Standup o m lc : "Swine flu was iacovered in New Jersey - here else?" Lauahter. Other comic: "The Mafia's feelinf the ecesalon. They laid or four uds e11 In Jersey ." More aushter. New Jersey today Is an utomallc boff, funnier than Brooklyn or downtown Burbank. 1 The laughter emanates from -the trillions of non-Jersey ans .who cruise up the Turnpike l!>taring al rear bumpers, ~odging chemical trucks, ~nifflng refineries and .,.dly f!urrendering $1.50 to""iScape across the Hudson into New 'vork. It gets no respect. Yet Jersey gave America the steam 11ocomotive <Hoboken, 1825); baseball <sa me place, 1846); lfootbaJI (New Brunswick, 1869); 'Edison's lightbulb <Menlo Park, .1879); movie cliffhangers (Palisades, early 1900s); the !f o u r · I a n e. h i g h w a y a n d ,cloverleaf (Newark); Count .Basie; Valium; Meryl Streep; Wan Ginzburg; me, and Secau- ~us. Laughter. , And it may become a pioneer 'in what to do, or not do, about :r o tt e d c i t i es , d w i n d I i n g 'ra rm 1 and. aging suburbs. !'regional planning and local government. It just may be where the country is going. New Jersey is 7.3 million peopl~ 5 zillion pickups. sixth among the states in per capita income; ~-plus garbage dumps 'with Jimmy Hoffa buried in every one; 150,000 deer; 12 armored divisions of Mafioso; )line casinos ; 16 skillion ~uburbs ; 3,518 bartenders 11amed Louie ; one cover ed ibridge; two U.S. senators, one a basketball player, the other convicted in the Abscam affair, and 40 of the state variety. three 1of them indicted. All of this facting out on a small stage. A peek al the future? Tum off here. Exit 1. Yup, that's a silo. We have 9,100 farms with about 1 million 1acres. They produce $2,977 per acre. tops in the nation. But half the farmland is owned by non-farmers. Read developers. Jersey farmers. average age 53. .have a morale problem with subdivisions crowding right into lhe barnyard. The new s uburbanites tcomplain about chicken feathers 'On their front lawns, about ·missing trains because they got s tuck behind an 8 mph tractor. .The Garden State grows only 54 percent of its vegetables. Milk .comes from Wisronsin. The farmers sell out and retire to Florida. Belatedly. New J ersey thinks this is no solution. This is Stow Creek Township. )t always was farmland and may always be They have ,zoned almost the whole place for agriculture. You can be in Philly in an hour. This is one of a number of land preservation ideas. Some •have worked. some not. But the state has become a test tube for the nation. i Over to Shell Pile -that's its '1ame because that's what it is - the "Timothy Bateman" is ,bringing in oys ters out of 11:>elaware Bay just as she's been' iooing for 100 years. Joe Lohr at the packing house '5ays they 're better t h an Chesapeake's. South Dennis .Jlearly looks like it was stolen from Vermont with a pretty ,white church lo match. Not a ranchhouse for miles. Just cool -screened porches. • Condos or countryside? Time will tell. •· W est from Exit 2 is 1Greenwich. Jerseyans burned :som e British tea here. but jBosto.n got all the credit. No s urprise. The Joisey accent is really a 'Yiddish·lrish import from 'Brooklyn. Jerseyans actually ay "Nook" for Newark. "What'>" is ''Henh?" Ports Newark and Elizabeth andle twice the tonnage of the ew York docks. But the Port of gew York Authority didn't add .J . to its title until 1971, almost years aft.er its creation. No espect. None. L Whe r e is the Statue of t iberty? Wrong. It's in Jersey. M Left. from Exit 3 is Camden, ast resting place or Walt hitman. RCA used to employ 8,000 people there making iradios . E .C. Booz distilled ~piri\s there . Boon went !elsewhere. Radios now •are ~ade in Taiwan. Camden looks Mis beveled. I The other direction ls Atlantic ~i\y, founded on a gimmick. A ~ilroad conductor built a ardwalk to keep sand oll b1a ardin1 house rugs. The l1teat mmick, or course. ls caainoe. The jury's still out. The state J!icked up a lot or tax revenue. ;\nd 30,000 jobs. But blocks of \be town look like an oceanfront pamden. TheTe aren't enou1b firat-clua etel rooms to draw the bll onvent.looa Uke the American edlcal Aaoclation, which Uled be a resutar. Now the AMA IMtto}.uVe .... a,_ AP ....... DUELING SITE -Statue of Alexander Hamilton in Wee- hawken, N.J . marks where Aaron Burr mortally wounded his political rival on July 11 . 1804. Duel occurred on river bank below Stone was moved when railroad was built. "Gambling, of course, draws every hood and con man in the country." says a high state lawman. "But I don't think the mob controls, dominates or even largely influences t he casino jndustry.··· · Industry footnote: In 1979 . Vincent Falcone. a cement contractor, was found shot to death in the trunk of his car in Margate, AC's best suburb. Respect? Miss New Jersey has never won the Miss America Pageant. Exit 4: More history, more land problems. The state seal wa s designed in 1777 in Haddonfield, al the Indian King Tavern. With a race horse at the top. What can you say? Nearby is Mount Laurel. a bedr oom com munit y in converted farmland that was zoned for inctuslry but not the blue collars that would work there In 1975 the state s upreme court said no, a town couldn't have it both ways The elegant exurbs shuddered at the thought of all downtown Newark arriving on their doorsteps in gaseous 1948 DeS o to s to demand accommodation. The landmark decision struck at the core of J ersey's municipal structure and sent wavelets nationwide. To the Jerseyan. home rule has been h is castle. This is understandable. Small in size. flanked by u nsympathetic neighbors. washed by tide.s of immigrants, Jerseyans sought refu ge in local government, the more local the better . Over time this created a feudal landsca pe of 567 municipalities "wrapped· m red tape ," says planner McKim Norton. The locals could zone out school kids from the fecund town next door, send the malls elsewhere and forbid drinks on Sunday. Result? Excessive localism, s'tatewide indifference, a n amorphous lack of place. This is exacerbated by the N Y .. Philly commuters whose wallets are not always where their beds are . When Spread City hit after World War II and the baby boom had to be sch ool ed , the municipalities courted ratables. The ideal Jersey town became Teterboro, which has about 22 voters anct $40 million in taxable factories and warehouses Basking Ridge got a SlOO million AT&T operating headquarters that looks like the world's larges t lamasary. Bernardsville next door got none of the ratables and all of the traffic. The corporations got their way. Spread continues but has taken a "buckshot" pattern: a 3,000-employee Exxon lab on a former dairy farm, Playboy Club bunnies in a Las Vegian resort hutch in bucolic Sussex County, AT&T's Long Lines monolith next to a town that spends much o f its budget defending 10-acre zoning. Fortunately, while your view from the turnpike may not look it. 74 percent of the state is undeveloped and more than 40 percent. of it still for.ested. · On. to Exit 5. All out for the Pine Barrens, discovered ln 1988 by writer John McPbee ln a story in the New Yorker, yes, the New Yorker. McPhee pointed out that the vast, sandy stretches or unmajestic plnes were priltlne, almost a quarter of the 1tate, bad enouah subterranean water to tum Arbona Into a parrot· jun9le and maybe should escape \be bulldozer. When former Gov. Brendan Byrne, who Ju1t left office, rtcenU,y declared 'nJ0,000 1cree olt llmita and the Leat1lature concurred, the Pineya stuck pa. In McPbee don,. · 1 dl'Oft~for ,.,..., bOUn ~ ,... - ROW OF TOWNHOUSES -Pn(·ps of modt .. ,I hr "" no..,tnnt•..., 111 Hoboken. ~.J . have quadrupll•d 111 lus l fm11 \L';11 ... MtlPLACID FAMI -The Statue of Liberty ts not In New York u mott people think. She actually stands in New Jer.y • Men trom the tumptke. the Pinelancts the other day place~ hke Ong 's Hat. Martha. Friendship and Lower Bank and saw scarcely a soul and nar) a traffic light Thcv'n• counted 299 species of bird s 1n the P1nelands. 39 of mammals and 59 of reptiles. It 1s also, observed a federal agent, "the Arhngton National Cemetery of the mob " Th<' mob got a toehold in Jersey during Proh1b1tion. took up rt·s1dcnce in earnes t when the Hud so n wa s bridged and tunneled JUSt like the other commuters to the city and became an unruly presence in unwns . city halls . garbage haulrng, the docks ·and even mozzarell a c h ee se . Th e dl\·is ion of Law Enforcement thinks the air has heeomc notably cleaner in the last dozen years An inform'cd layman, on the otht'r hand. s a ys ··scratch anyv. hen·. and you'll find the mob The~ may be interested in only lO J><'rcent of what's going on, but that's their territory. And a municipal official can't 1ust bf' 90 percent honest. .. ~cw J ersey also has 7.2 trillion buses. all with worn-out piston rings . It has decrepit rail commu ter lin es that nonetheless. unlike their New Yo rk counterparts, run on time. It has a population density of 978 7 people per square mile, ~realest in the United States and higher than India. but mass' transit 1s a heavy money loser because the masses are spread out llow this will be resolved will he another proving ground• for Amt•rica So get a horse'> We got them: more than 400 f arms where breeding trotters is a booming $84 million business. Herc's Exit 711.. Trenton, seat of government. Jersey has come a long way from colonial days when one governor . Lord Co rnhury. a cousin of Queen Anne. was a transvestite who t·onducted state affairs in drag. He also received a bribe of 100 pounds from the proprietors, crown landlords of the state. a baleful precedent. The die was cast for New J ersey right al the start when the Duke of York. later James JI . gave the stale to two cronies who wanted to name it Albania aftf'r the Duke of Albany but decided instead on the Isle of Jersey The cronies immediately divided up the grant into East and West Jersey the boundary survives and the place has su ffer ed from schizophrenia ever since So m e where around New Egypt in the middle or the state Philly radio stations begin to fade and New York's pick up. They play the tunes : Jersey dances. Caught between a rock and a Quaker place, Jersey tried to survive by charging what the tramc funneling between the two metropolises would bear. The unfortunate consequence of this was that the state developed the conviction it could live off passersby instead of its own resources. ln the early 18005 it even extended the vole to "s laves , aliens and Phlladelphians." It welcomed corporations with easy laws. The corporations, in turn, made governors puppets, and for a time the Legislature was lltlle more than a well-greased caboose ol the Pennsylvania Railro1d. (l was not a growth situation for democratic insUtu\1001. TbUI changed In 1947 when, under the leaderablp of Gov. Allred Driacoll, a new, model constitution waa enacted maktnf • lhe 1overnor one of the 1tron1Mt ha~ uecutlv• in UM DaLioa. , Under th• U.S. ~upnm• Court's one-man, one-vote decision, ciullY ~rdel'1 mt:lted' away. Rural areaa lost thefr Senate majority to the cities. And the county boesea lost their clout of patronage. The governors could finally govern, and when Byrne. with a stale Supreme Court gun at his head, performed another miracle by getting an Income tax passed, he had the money to do so Somewhere alon1 about then, New Jersey began to shed the Duke of York and municipal feudalis m and enter the 20th century At Exit 8. Princeton ls in New Jersey's Sun Belt. Laughter. This is a vague circle west and south of New York of farms, rolling hills. brooks, nice old 'villages and estates of the gentry that can't always be seen from the road. Corporate campuses. research facilities and financial outcrops the size of Superdomes have leapfrogged the outer cities of New Jersey's inner urban core to settle in amongst the verdure. Semisuburban Somerset and Morris counties added 5 percent in population Ul the last decade and 100,000 jobs. Ten million square feel of office space has been built between New Brunswick and Princeton in six years This both reflects and aggr avates another New Jersey problem that may be heading your way. Forty percent of Jer s e y's JObs were 1n manufacturing Now 25 percent are. White collar and high-heeled service jobs have made up the difference in the Princetons while manual laborers. especially blacks, are idle back in the cities. where the new jobs aren't They lack money to commute to the Sun Belt, may not have the skills if they could. can't afford s uburban dwelling prices and aren't overly welcome by an apprehensive middle c lass that's seen downtown Newark · New Brunswick, Exit 9, is one place where the two coincide. Johnson & Johnson, the bandage p eople. are inves ting $400 million downtown for a corpo rate headquarters complex. J&J and the will of its founder felt an obligation to the town of its birth New Brunswick is also the seat of Rutgers University, which became a land grant college in 1864 but didn't receive any state money until 1902. But by now you get the picture. Exit 10 is Perth Amboy where the Proprietors of East Jersey still exist. They own any land not held by anyone else. usually slivers of land between adjacent deeds. They have a full-time title searcher who's been quite successful for them. He drives a Cadillac. From New Brunswick north is the Jersey that fuels Johnny Carson's monologues· bowling alleys, airports, power plants, 12-lane highways, green and yellow factory smoke, endless suburbs with only the name on the police cars to tell them apart. The suburbs were built on cheap gas and cheap money. Neither remains. While the suburbs age and need more maintenance, their yQµng find it difficult to afford living there. They pioneer by moving back· to the cities. Brownstone prices in Hoboken have quadrupled in a s many years . But what happens to the lower class tenants ev i cted by gentrification? It is a circle, vicious or not, in a state so small that you can't keep moving things about without jostling somebody else. As political machines. the cities of Jersey are rusted. As machines for living, the foreeast is clouded. Newark's Mayor Kenneth Gibson says if his city can make it. any city can. Parts of it have. Newark, 58 percent black, remains the banking center of the s tate, and in the Jronbound sectio n , a Mediterranean enclave, stores are all rented, and you can walk the streets day or night. The last stretches or t he Turnpike staJk above a tidal estuary called t1!e Hackensack Meadows where trappers still t.ake 20,000 muskrat pelt.s a year. It was a good place to dump garbage and recalcitrant hoods until a dozen years ago when the 14 surrounding municipalities grudging)): agreed to pool their tax revenue -another U.S. fll'St -to clean i\ up and develop it, an area. the slle of Manhattan and within silbt of it. Ratables have tripled. Where Secaucus p1111 once swilled on New York's discarded table scraps, there are now $300,000 condos . And corporate beadqu1rters of Jap1ne1e ca11ette makers . And wareboulel. And tbe football Glanw.no of ~™ doa't admit tbe~~.~ Eut Rutberfont, N.J. W, wouJda't ftt an their Ml•••. AD area II tl ... U.. -Of Cent ral Park la IOlq to Ille parklMd .....,,a UI ..... dow1I tM ..... mD rd tr f/11 ,.,~ . ' ---------· l:tO (C) MOv. ••111 'Beat friend•" ( 19711) Rlch•rd Hatoh, 0oug Ch4M>itl Dunno a Ille> to Calltotnll. en -Ion. ally dltt,...._, VoUOQ men trlM to cU.trav hit •t • fri.i-14'• relatlOntl'tlp with Illa Qff11n.nd 'R' 1:20 (J) WHA rs UP AME.AICAI F .. ~tured: a IOOll et eou• puncture for 1nlm111, black Am.,1c1n1 who precuce polyg1my and ..oodoo, I profile Of l.,.,,ale 11rlppe11 l:JO 0 HAMMER HOOSE OF ~ "The Thln-lh Reunion" Ruth Calrn1 11 blOIJOhl lace-10-t•c:e with eome de.anged lndMdulls while 1n,,..11ga11ng Slrl~ l'lap- penlng1II1 lunetal 1:00 8 8UHAISE SEMESTER 0 SEAEHOIPfTY Ill TEEN TALK ID BUREAU REPORT G) SAT~AY MOAHIHO Cl) PUBLIC AFFAIRS 9 NEWSMAICEAS t :06 (%) MO\/IE ••'Ar "Nighthawks ' (1981) Sylvester Stallone, Billy Dee Williams A loogh New York City cop hH his work CUI out for him when one of the world's most dangerous lerrortsts an1,,.. In n1s c•ty R t : 15 Cl) IOA MAKES A MOVIE Ida r1l1e1 money 10 have her, moth«'• movie cam- era fixed IO She can enter a children 1 film tes11v11 t'20Qi!'NEWS 9:30 I) DUSTY'S TAEEHOUSE D TliArscAT U PACE8ETTEAS 8 AMERICA: TtiE SEOOHO CENTURY ID SPEAKOOT 9 CAPTIOHEO A9C NE:WS Cl) VOICE Of AORICUl TURE QI rrs YOUR BUSINESS Qf) Oft SNUGGLES (C)MOVIE * * "Shame. Shame On The Bl•by Boys C 1979) Monte Markham A tour· brothllf lamlly ot cattle rustlers and lh11r lather chali.no<i the local c>eputy to a genuine sho01ou1 at the old c:orral 'PG (H)MOVIE * • * "The Ordeal 0 1 POI· ty Hea111 I t9791 Dennis Weaver l•aa Ellbacner The kidnapping and seerch tor heiress Patty HNr91 IS re-created lrom the Vtew· po.nl ol the FBI agent tn charge ot the San Fral'\04- co t>vreau 0 MOVIE ''Green Homon Jimmy Stewart 7:00 I) KIOSWORLO F'ealure<I Albert Oayan lnterv1ews Bruce We'lz who plays the part ot Detective Belke< on 11141 tele111s1on series • Hitt Street Blues"; a rl«>Ofl trom Michelle Brattain 1n Rock Hill, Soulh Carottna. on the new SPofl called "rot~limbo " D Q! TME FUHTSTONEB 8 BIO 8lUE MAR8l£ 8 a SUPERFRIENOS 0 DAVEY ANOOOUATM G) TURHABOUT • YOGA FOR HEAL TH CJ) INTERNATIONAL HOUR (I) FRACTURED fllCKERS 7:30 8 MR. MOOH'S MAGIC CIRCUS D QfJSMURFS 8 Oft SHUOOL.E.8 8 9 ~IERICH I SCOOBYOOO llJ DA VEY ANO OOUA TH 81 NEWS • UHOEASTAHOINO HUMAN BEHAVIOR {I) INTERNATIONAL HOUR WACt<Y WOALO Of JONA TH.AH WINTERS Guest Letlle Uggams 7:46 (Z) MOVIE • • • "ParadlMI Alley" (19781 Sytvea1er Sllltone. Armand Assante Three ICheming brothers from the Hell's Kitcheo section of New York City combine their lrelt1 of brains and 1><1wn In their etfor11 lo create better t1ves tor themMlvet ·PG· 8!00 8 Cl) POPEYE 8 MOVIE • • "Oki Barn Oanc:e" ( 11138) Gene Aulry A C:OW· boy sell• rtorses on the tide unfit • competitor 1t1r1a dealing In trector1 II REALEBTATETOOAY • MOVIE • ".'A> "Blee* Sunday" ( 1177) Rober! Shew, Merthe Keller. A derangecl lli.tnam veter1111 foln• 1111 At•b tettorllt In 1 pl04 to mlKder 80,000 "'*"'*"· ~ Super Bowl 111111. • IJNOEMTANDNI PACE AHO TIME (C)MOYE ••~ "Tlle Ptlv•ta Eyw" ( 1111()) DOf'I ICnolfl , Tim Cooway Two bumbllng ~<let~ -c9lled In to ln-'lone • --TRIBUTE -Singer Crystal Gayle ap- pears in salute to the Grand Ole Opry on "Country Comes Home" tonight at 9 on KNXT (2). ..,.., ot murd(l<S In an Engll.castre ·po l SJMelllE * • • '• fha Guebo ( 19601 Glonn l'otd, Debbie R.,ynoldt . A TV wr lier l>Url gta. the murd1tr of n11 wife ' blackmailer 0 MO\/IE • A'• "The Frisc;o Kid ( 191111 Gene Wiider, Ham· son Ford A Potl!lh rabbi finds hlmse41 1nvotved In wild tron1141r m11adven- 1ures w11n a daring ban~ roober when l'le 1r1111et1 10 San rranc1sco to lake over a new congregation PG 8:30 I) TARZAN I LONE RANGER 0 fB ICIO SUPER POWER HOUR 0 ®) F0HZ I HAPPY OAYSGANO fl:) PEOPLEANO OROANIZA T~S 9:00 0 WCT TENNIS 0 @) LAVERNE & SHIRLEY 0 MOVIE • • Tl'le lUI War t 19&81 Ak11a Takarada, Yuriho Hosnl An e1om1c; holocaust marks lhe end 01 Earth's &Alstence (!) \/Ill.A AU.EORA fl:) NEWVOICE '1!) AMERICAN GOVERNMENT H' BARE.FOOT IN THE PARK R1th11rd Thomas end Bess Armotrono s1a1 1n this per- tormaroce 01 Neu Simon's comedy at>ou1 a paor ot New Yori. ntlwlyweds Tapoo at tl'ltl Moore The- ater"' Seallle Wash 9:30 I) (I) BUGS BUNNY I ROADRUNNER 0 ~SPIDER-MAN 0 @) HEA THCUFF I MARMADUKE ID THIS WEEK IN BASEBALL «!) OORISOAY fl:) MONEV MAKERS '1!) AMERICAN GOVERNMENT C MOVIE * * '> SI Ives ( 1976) t.11arles Bronson Jac.q.- hne B•ssel A torme• cr1mE1 repOrtlH turned· deleGl•ve " h1re<1 oy a wealtlly fllm tanc;1er to recover 11 M1 ot oncrtmonating ~s 'PG' 1:35 Z MOVIE • • • Alt That Jazz" t t9791 Roy Sclwlldet. Jes- StC4 Lange Troe 1umu111 .. ous hie 01 a prot&SSlonaJ choreol)f.tPMr ls followed lrom succes~ on the stage to personot crises R tO;OO 0 ~SPACE STARS 0 SHANANA 0 @) THUNOARR I OOL04EOOLO ID CAR CARE CENTRAL «!)&OB.JONES &;I THIS OLD HOVSE Bob Vila and Norm Abram take a tour ot the newly renovated house (RIO '1!) VOTER'S PIPELINE Jim Cooper 1n1erv-alt the candidates for Iha Stale Senale on issues per111n1ng 10 the 11a1e and Orange County (Si MOVIE * • • Chapter Two' f 1979) James Caan Mar slla M1son Soon ""Bf h11 w1te's death a writer finds r11mseO retuclantly lalllng 111 love again PG 0MOVIE * • Hucl(leberry F'"n Bese<I on the story by Mar~ fwaon A young boy and a runaway Slave become involved tn 11 senes ot adventures wlltle fleeing down 1he Mlsslsslp- pr River on a re" 10:30 0 AMERICA'S TOP~ 0 WILD. WILO WORLO OF ANIMALS ID WE'RE MOVIN' «!) OORISOAY Si) PHOTO SHOW '1!) PORTRAITS IN PASTELS 11.00 o a FAMIL v c~LE CUP Tl~ worlds top lemale 1ennl1 stars compete tor • $300.000 first prlie In lhe tenth annual edlllOf\ ot thla tourn11men1 (Hve lrom the Sea Pt"" Rac:que1 Club In Hlllon Head, s C.) 8 SASEBAU Cetllornl• Angel• .... Min· ~ta Twins 8 (11 WEEJ<EHO 8PlaAl "Mayd1yl Mayday!" Two cNk!ren are •tr anded In th& wlldar~ eftar their p.,enia ••• ln)Ured In • plane etetl'I (Plf1 2HRIQ U ENCOMNEWS I SOUL TRAIN THE AOOt<lE8 • COOKING MEXICAN Ci) CAWOAAPMY ()) NCAA SPECIAL Men'• 1982 Gymnaalkll Champ10n1hlp1 (from Lln- i;otn, Neb ), Women'• 1982 Gymnastic• Champion- ships (from Sall l•k• City. Utan) 11:301) BLACKSTAR 8 8) AAIElllCAN ~NOST ANO U WILD, Wtl.O WEST fD CRAFTS CW: EDO m> CAUIORAPHY (CJ MOVIE 11 • Co11on Candy" ( 1978/ Cllnt How1rd, Charies Merlin Smtih A group ot high IChool mla- 1111 lorrn e rocll band 10 compttte with tne achoot'a eetebtlshed band O{) VIDEO JUKE.BOX 0 INTIERNA TIOHAL CHAMPIONSHIP Of MAGIC I 1:46 ZJ MOlllE •I * ·~ "'Dey Fot Night'. ( 1972) Jacqueline Biiiet, v elenUna CorteMl. Direct· ed by Francols Trutteut The hves an<1 loves of IHm pe<to.mers are studied In a mov1e0 wtthln·•· movte ·PG' -AFTERNOON - 12:00 I) TAOLLKINS ID a,.OVIE • • * "Demetrius And The Gladiators" ( 1954) Victor Mature. Susen Hey ward ti) AOAM-12 Qi) SUM CUISINE The Brunch Show" '1!) NEEOLECRAFT fill RACE FOR THE PENNANT Hosts Barry lomp1c1n1 and T rm McCarver sn81k a ~ at the upcoming 898- son 12: t5 $ LITTLE JOHNNY JONES This revival ot ,,.. 1904 Goo•oe M Conan mualcal comedy aboot en a Ameri- can JOCkey who tries IO win tne Eogllllll Oerb)I f .. turee such favorites as "Give My Regatds To Broedway" and ··van1<ee Doodle Den- dy 1~30 I) TOM ANO JERRY 8 MOVIE * * * ··Tickle Me" 11965) Elvtl Presltly. Julie Adami 0 MOVIE • • "C"8mptons Of Jut- llGe ( t955) Ct1y1on Moore Jay Sllve<heets «!) AOAM-t2 Malloy and Reed can tne F1raarma and EKplo91vM $«lion ..net\ they SU$1>9CI I hey have found • bOml> Sil COLL£0E FOR CANINES Bruce Sesalons conoludes hos lesson on t88Chlng your dog !he 'Gome" com- mano IAJ '1!) NEEDLECRAFT @) KIOSWORLO 0 HAMMER HOUSE OF HORROR ltie Thlr1Mnlh Reunion· Ruth C11rns ts b<ouglu tace-10-face wHh aome deranged 1ndlv1duals wtlrle Investigating strange h41P- peo1ngs at a fune<aL 1:00 I) (I) MASTERS GOLF TOURNAMENT rh1rd-r01Jnd covereoe ot the 46th Masters Tourna- ment (hve trom the AuQU$- ta NaUonal Goll Club In Augusla. Ga ) Q BASEBALL Selrlllt Mar- iners at Oakland A"1 ti) MOVIE • '• 'Great111t Hera.a Of Tne Bible" (1979) Ed Amee. Ron Palllto The blb- 11ce1 stories ot the Tower ot Babel and Sodom and Gomorrah are dram1llad fJil WOOOWRIOKT'S SHOP . You Noed A Shaving Horse" Roy Un<lertfttl dem· onstratea Ille art Of apttt. ling WOOd using a v11r1ety of tools CR) mi OAOWtHO \'EARS "Prenatal Oeveloprnen1°· 9 HERE'S LUCY afl8ASEBALL Seottle Mariners at Oak· land A'• (H)MOVIE • • "Nobody"1 Perlellt" 1198 t) Gebe 1Cept1111, Ale.a Karras. ThrM unttk .. y h«oee eet out to 1>an1e the red 111)8 ~ blK-~ Ot city hall 'PG· 1:ao• NOVA "Ar11als In The lab'" A IOolt II taken 11 1he 201h-Cefllu- ry ~· who ere utlng compvtllf'I lllld 1-. to cr .. 1. 1111 •~•rao«SINlty &rTey of tlr&nge ,_ .,, lorrne. (A) o CHANNEL LISTINGS • OAOW1NO YICAM ·~ LMITilng lnfw" 9 EN'T'MTAN9fr T.-W&K • KNXT (C8SI e KNBC (N8CI e KTL.A llnd.l .!(ABC (ABC! e KFMB (CHI e KHJ•TV (l"'CI l e K<:ST (AIC) e 1tnv 11114,1 '• KCOP.TV (Ind.I ,e ICCIT l,Hl e KOCa CP85) CDl On·TV l%l Z·TV ®HBO CC> CClnemu I (J) CWORI NY'. N.Y' al (WTBSI CJ) (E$PNI (5flowtlme > • 5"tt10flt • (Cable N-1 N.twotlll ln1tfWlwt wilh 0... Arna Matllyn MGCoo, lrn.I Bot~. Sonny'°"°_, Srnoll4')' RoblMoft <J:)MOV1' •• "Stltme. ~ On TIMI Slaby lloyl" (1t7t) Moflts Mll1'11M\ A four· O!OtlMf temlly of ..me 1\111.., and tMlt f..,.. ~lheloc*~ lo • oenulN ltlOOtOUC el Iha o6d con81. 'fllO' .IDAtMQI A~ t:4t CJ) ..aw. • • • • "Olgt" ( ttHt Mauno. Clwillllet, 1A1111 0.0I'. ,. tomOoy Nlrll O'OOfnld by ,_ 1111\t _, ft~ MCa out on her own to Ol1dl • m1111. '*. GIU.ICIAN'l 191.ANO Qlltlgen ~ a glue 11\lt may help lhe cut .. weya _.,,. ltOfl\ the ltllend ·~ * • ..~...... '-"Gell On WhH ll'" ( 19'7) Adam Hoartle. J&Qk Nlclholaon. A g811g Of molotoycle IOUQhl 11 fOfced 10 1188 fOllOwlng Iha Ofli~kllling Of I NII> or • MOVllE • * •""' ··My Side Of The Mountain" (1981) Ted Ece.... Theodor• 811o.. A genii• folk 1lnger be1rl4Hlda • t3-)'Mf-old Canedlen bOy who retreaia to 111e MOunlllln• to do IOm& IO\ll·-OhlnQ. ID UNOENTANOINO HUM.AH BEHAVIOR "Paraonallty The«y" (l)MOVtE * •·~ "Mr Buddwlng" ( 1988) J1mH Garner, Suunne PIHhella An amnellec •••rchH hla memory lor an1_.1 to hie Identity aided by flee11ng rec:oltec1lon1 OI hit ~ 11t1on1 with dtllerent temetee O MOVIE *•'A "Any Number Can Play·· ( 1149) Clark Gable, Aleala Smith An honeet and carefr .. gambler'• llft Is beMt With • Mtle9 of trllQecli.t 2:30 8 01WOAH'8 ISL.AHO SklpPe< bahve1 that a curse has fallen on him tor dlalurblng the rHllng place or a ClltWd ··Tiki" v<>c'· 0 SUOAR RAY l.EOHAAO'S GOLDEN OLOVU "HigNtgh11" (Plt1 2) f19 INSIDE STORY "Inside Story In El Salva- dor ' Hoddtng Carter reports from El Selvadot on P<Bll coverage of the Wilt and the March 28th elections, and on how acwra1t ~ balanced the coverage has ~. '1ti) UHOERSTAHOINO HUMAN8EHA~ "Abnormel Psychology" (fJJ PAOf'ES&OHAl 80WLERS TOUR S t00,000 Cleveland Open (lrom Sockey• LllllM In Nonh Olm1111d. Olllo) MOVIE • * • "The Big Red One" I 1980) l ea Marvin, Mark Hamlll A touglt Army -- QMnl lead• fo.n young, Inexperienced rectulla 1n10 !he vfolenc.litllld fray of World War It combat 'PG 3!001) NCAA S~l Man's 11182 Gymnu11c1 Cnemplon1hlps (from Un- cotn, Neb I: Women's 1982 GymnHllcs Cnemplon- lhll>S (from San Like City, Utah) G MOVIE • •;, "Son Ot Sin bad" (tll5.C) 0 11e Roberlson, Sally Fotr•t A young man Is forced to w0<1< t mlrecte 1n order lo win hit freedom trom the Cellph of Bagh- dad G) MOVIE • • • "Tl'le Sliver Chatlce" ( 1955) P1ul Newmen, Vlr- glllla Mayo A young Greek deslgns lhll LUI Sup()« chalice. fD SHARIMO TWE OAEAM: MAYA ANGELOU Maye Angelou c:ap1rv1t• her audience at the Untver- llty of Kentucky. Ill She movea trom her own poet. ry 10 11\11 Of Olhef blecl( poets al) HOME OAROENE.R CJ) TWIS WEE>< IN BASEBAU (C)MOVIE • * "Second Wind" (1980) llnd11y Wagner. James Naughton. A m11n contilluea 10 aller\81• hl6 Wife Ind aon by Joogjng alone to think aboor the problem• that are destroy- ing his mattltge 'PG' 3:30 II PROf'ESSIONAl BOWLERS TOUR I t00,000 Ctevt111nd Open (trom Buckeye Linet In Nor1 h Olmsted. Otllo) U ORlm.Y ADAMS EASTER SPECIAL "The Renewal" A wl<lower. stranded In lhe ~ wllh I\•• young '°"· teem• the meaning ot Euter through the friendship of Orlz:zty Adams and hil compen• ions mi HOME OAROENEll Cl) OAAO RACING ON TWO WHEELS 3:45 (%)MOVIE • *'"' "Cloud Dancer·· • ( t980) Davi<! Carridine, Jenniter O'NeOI. A top s1un1 HI« neglect• Ille people wl\o care about him In the Mlfllh pvflUll Of hll d1ngerou1 apor1. 'PG' 4:00 D EV£AYWHEAE Loceflon· live from the ~ Mery, long 8-:ti for the 701h annl_,.,,, of the "Slnktng of tHt Titan- ic" • MOVIE ***°" "Eul• Pllrlde" ( t9'8) Judy Gerllllld. Fred Aaullre. A big lter tuma 1111 unknown IMO e _,..tlon lllld fella In to... wttll her. ·~.A.?Q llOLOGY (J) ITAA TN!tC The Enl.,l>tiM •• etteolted by a 1trange foroe tt1e1 tlk• oonttol of the lfllC>. an.~ ..... Ttie helt to • 19m11y torMw NtM ~lofd to !Ind 1111 ~·-..... 8 90Wl.llG • ....,. MIMCI OOl'*8 T°""*'*'t'' Cl)W~WOMJ>Of JOMATtweM!llW 0...: IAllllUOO--. .MOVll ..... ......,.. .. (1"4) C1en1 o.i.. ~ r-. _. .............. Olltdl ~ """ .. ......... 0 -.o.rman.. ~-80009' lllMl9. ~ ~· llCIL09Y Orange Coat DAILY PILOT/Saturday. Aprll 10, 1982 TUBE TOPPERS KTLA (5) 6:00 -"Harvey." Jarne. Ste- wart givea one of hJ.I best performances u Elwood P. Dowd, whoee oompanlon ls an invilibl~ rabbit named Harvey. KA.BC (7) 7:00 -"Shoot~ Don't Shoot." Documentary fOC'WleS on law enforcement officers who had to 1boot or were 1hot Ln the line of d uty. KOCE (50), KCET (28) 8:00 -"Live From Lincoln Center." Soprano Gianna Roland! stars in "Lucia Di Lamrnermoor." KNXT (2) 9:00 -"Countr y Comes Home." Kris Krlstoff erson, Crystal Gale at the Grand 01 Opry. See photo, left. (C)WOVI€ • • * "The l earning Tr .... ( 1&e9) KVfe JOhnibn, AleK Cl8tka A bled< 18"1- eoer teerne •l>Out NI• whlle 1t111nQ tn ICenNA during the 11209. ®MOVIE * 11 • "The Ordeal Of Pit· ty HMrll" ( t979) Oennl9 w .. ....,, u.. Eltbectler The kk!napplnQ encl Matefl lot heitNS P•HY Helrll la rlM:rMted lrorn Iha view- point or the FBI &gent In Charge of Iha S1111 Francl~ cobVr941U. Cl) FAACTUREO FUCKERS 5:00 8 AMEAICAN AOVENT'UAE 9 8TAATREJ< Kirk tries to .. ,,. an all8n splCNhlp trom deltruc- tton. 8 WIDE WORLD CK: SPORTS American Cup Gymnullca C h1mp1on1hlp1 (trom Madlaon Squat.i Garden 111 N-York City), World Cup Welghtlllttog (from Vienna. Aullrll) U ICOJAK Crocl\er's dedtcatioll 10 duly 1truootet with hta tov· alty 10 611 old hlg'1 tchoOt chum auspected ot being Involved In • protection reek al • 80UDGOLO ~ 80CC€R MAOE IN GERMANY' Por1ug111 va. Sweden Cl) M"A"S"H Frank complaint to Gener· al Barker when ~8wlt9)'8 II appolnted Chief Surgeon ., the 4077th ({I NEWS Qf) LAWREHCE WEl.K "Parade Of Easter Songs"" <-mMOvtE • • *'"' "The way We Were" ( 1973) Barbra Streiund, Rober1 Redford A young cotteoe couple In the t9305 dlacover that ''*r ooimc:al dlttlt"anoes It II SI rong enOUQh to ieol>- ar dtze their marriage (S)MOVIE • •II 'Chapter Two ' ( tll71) Jwnee Cun, Mat· 1111 Maaon Soon •"er hit wfle'a death, a wrtter llnd1 hlmaett relUC1anlly lat1111g 1n love 1Qtlln ·PG' &-.aG 8 l.A8T OF TME WILD D NEWS • OHCEUPONA Cl.A8SIC _ "Tt>e Tatltnlan" King Rlc:'1- ard, '"'1zJnQ tne Cf'UllOet 118\'I lalled. makes his peace with S•i.dtn and Kenneth and oflar• ICen- nath Edith'• hand 1n mar- riage (Part 8)(R) 0 CJ;i WELCOME a.<CK. KOTTER Batbanno ~ humlllaled Whan the tchool gym teacher hits him In front of lhe 04r11· gym clan 9 WtOE WORU) cw: SPORTS American Cup Gymna1tce cr11mplonshtp1 (from Mldll0<1 Square G8tden In N-York Clty), WOtk! <Alp W&IOhflr"lng (from Vienna, Au1trt1). 5:36.<Zl MOVIE II • * "PeradlH Alley" (t9781 Sylv.ater Stallone. Armend As1111te. Thr .. ,Chiming brother• from lhll Hell's KltC:hen MC11on of New Y0<1< City combine their trelta of brains and brawn In their efforts to c:relle better llves for 1hemtelves 'PG· -EVBH---"'-' --~ 11 = = 8 MOVIE ***'Ar "Harvey" (t95t) Jlll'IM Stewert. JoMpl\l"8 Hutt A wom1111 trlet to h1,,. her brother put awey when he beglnl talking IO Illa lnvlllble rabbit friend CIJ WHITE SHADOW A l>Hutlful ,_.,, Oflllf'I A..... ti jot> U a hlgh·Ptld aport1 commen- 1ator • ™EMUPP£T8 au.t. lOfe(ll Lynn. • MOVIE • • "Stw Piiot'' (1970) 1<"1t Mort1s, Gordon MllQl\- 811 A prof-end 1111 ~ ... fl«oe tnterptanetary b•tll• 8Q11nat ~ plloU from Iha plan« Hydre. •~rrOVT ~lured; the~ 11111 fld of the '40e; ldobe hornM In Ille South~; 1119 ""'* of the Mleml Sound M~ • AMllllCA "NetloMI Tr-ctOt PIAllnQ ~-.·· ·MM\'~ .. TI4afQN> ..... ~ • .-o- tlon f/f ""' ...... ~ "~.·''I Wr"8 TM lonoa.-· "Can•t 81t1ti. WMhoul V~" Md ~ -.,.y· TI09d 111 .._. M01n ·u=. MM'( m.9' lillOOM A• ........ e CIOfftllO- eltlon. ~ ... .-.,y '° ...... lrAMWIOe '° ... ar=*'.u..i.' au.ca: Kite ICl,.,..,.--111•••-•, -~ I ~"' ··~ ..,,. ...,.._ __.. ( t980) Don Knon•. Tim Conw11 h•O bumbling Amerleen delec1n..t .,, aatled In to ln,,..tlgllt a M<lel of murders tn en El'Ofitl\ culle 'PG' 7~ 8 ()) IN MAACH OF "Ohott1 In Ptiologflphy" D FAMILY FEUD 8 SHOOT,OON'T SHOOT Peter Falk 11<>11a 1 doW· men11ry 1pecl11 which t~ on taw 11nl0fc:.- tnenl ofllcerl who hed 10 e/\001 0t -• altot tn the nne of duty llJ ntE HAROY 80Y8 I NANCYOAEW MYSTEAIES Nancy dlSC0\181'1 !he boya' l•ll'lar lytng unconscious lr1 'monutery (P8.11 2) ID LAWREHCE WELK 'Parade Of Ehler Sonot" filD LIFE OH EARTH "The Compvlalve Commu- nicelors" 01\/ld Attenbo<- OUQll tookl II Ille plt1 communocellon hu pl•yed In the development ot mono G'I) THIS OLD HOUSE Bob VMa 1natall1 tile new kitchen appll1noes and Norm Abram build• a new re81 patio o ~ PEOPL('S COURT Qf) THE MUPPET$ Guest: Leo Seyer (fl) VIDEO JUKEBOX ©)MOVIE 1 •I "C1....,.en" (198tl Ringo Sterr, Dennis Quaid The clowmah memt>et of a oarety hUman prtllltlotlc trt~ beglnt 10 discover that blllnl end not b••wn will be the kly to Ills peo- ple's aurv1veJ 'PG' 7:30 8 DANCE Fn'ER Ceieottty IUdOM Jimmy MCNk;hol, Thelma Hop. klros, Pattlck Wayne GUMI Jamee Marcel D LOOKATUS mi SMEAi< PREVIEWS Roger Ebert end Gene Slll!el revl-"The Cat People." I Ouglil To Be In PICIUrM. 'lllelor llk:1o- fla" and "Siient Rl98 ·• Cl) AOHT BACK 9 TAU< CW: THE TOWN John Beally reports on the 11111 of tha S811 0teoo economy 8 THE MUPf'ETS 0~1. Denny Kaye T A8l.E 8£TTINOS Robert Klein, Eileen Heck· arl, Stoc;l(ard Chennlng Ind O;nah Menott •tar In th•• .... ies of v1gnenes about tamtty Illa, HI around dinner tabtea Taped II lhe Broolllyn Center for Performing Ar1s. Br<>Olllyn College ( S) l.AFF-A· THON A comedian host and tour comic contestant• who compete agetnst one e.nolher ere teetured In tht1 uncensored comedy game lhOw (%)MOVIE • • ·~ 'Nighthawks·· ( tQ8 ti SytvMter Stlllone, Biiiy Dee Wllllams A toogh New Yotk CllV cop hN hll W()fl( C:UI oul IOt him wl\el"I ona Of the WO<ld's most dangeroua ttrrorl1ts arrt\'11 1n his city 'R' t;OO I) Cl) WALT DISNEY "The Adventurts Of POl· tyanna" Sh1tley Jonff end Patsy Kerttll ere leelured 1n • new veralon of the ctassk: story by Elunct N Porter D 9 HARPER VAU£'t' Flora's handlO<ftl relative decides 10 make Stella Ills Will 8 MOVIE •II• "Je1u1 Chrltl. Supanter" ( t973) Tad Heeley. Yvonne En1m1n fhe last eeven d•Y• In the Ille ot Jesut are muak:lllty r1-creat~ 1gatnst the backdrop of contemporary ,., ... 8 (Ill T .J. HO()f(EJI A young women who WH perlUlded by Hookat end Romeno to teruly In a murdef UM becomel Iha kllle<'a new target llJ UOVIE * ·~ ""The leoend Of Boo· gy Cr•lc'' (11172) Oallld Hats, LUC)' Grantham. A myateriou•. hairy etMlur• prowte the 1Wamplllildl of8 Ari\- • 90NNY AHO QfEA • MO'M * • ~ "Tl\a llrUr~•" (195Q) C81TOll BeMt. Roo• « Moore. A young Spenieh poslulant 11tugglH ~her~f0tamen lllld her reAglott •• GNAT ~ "LM From LlnOoln C.O· tar" Soptano Qtanne Roletldl tUtt lrl ti. Utfe t°'8 Of the ...,, YOftl City <>tier•'• produ011on of "l..ldll Of ~": ~ 81111 ..... tM JudMfl 8omool OOftCMtl f.~-c.m.i Knowt- edge" ( t 971) Jedi Nlclllol- ~ M&-M.grwt. ""° -.!Nnde~ ..... .,., )'Ml't ~ *"' .... .~~·­by IMr1ng and .... ClllMI _,. oths'• """'*Ide. 'A' Cl)..,. ••• ''llW CfUY" (1MO) ~....,..Gene ..... • ,_ __ ......-.n b.,..,.,..,.. -.... r.:.. • • °" "Nlghth•wll1 (1Mt) lyt~ 11e11one. ll!ly Dee Wttllelne, A tOUQh ..... Yorti City oop hM Ill• ""' 11111 °"" '°' """ wll8fl -Of the -'d'e "'°'' d•ngero111 1.,rorlt11 ettlYW In hilt C!.lty. 'R' t:11.9JIQHlOf.THHO'ta A pelr ol t~ w41-• benklng err0t N I mall• Orempa lllld ..,nwd thou. unde of OOIW1 rioN1 (Pert I) t:008())~ OOMUHONl Country mu1tc II••• lllCll.l<llng Krla Ktlaloflar '°"· Cr;ttel O~. Johnny Caal\ and Lot-11• Lynn ~ It the Orend 0111 ()pry 10 pay tribute to the pt-I"-! gave them their fill! l>IO br ... D Q!MOVIE • • "Gold!• Ana fh• eo.., .. I t9711 o J Sime> Ion. Mellu.t Mi(;l\M11«1 An unemploy.a e>.40ldl., II llelped by a heellYW-'Ohl tlgi'r18r'e 10-yaar-olel dlUQhl&r to c:arv• • 9'1C· ctattlll c:er-tor n1n1M11 In the boXIOQ ttng. (RI 8 9 LOV!90AT A dOCIOf lravelllng ~th I tamale companion f\lna Into an old glrltrlend, and Gopher 11111 lot hll former aellOOltaecher O G) LANO WITHOUT 000 (}l)MOVIE * • * ,.., "Lady SIOQS Tile Bluea" ( t972) DllO• Ross, Billy Dee Wrfltama Thll allernetlly lltller and treg- IC car-ot bl\>M "nger B1t1111 Hott1dey. whose •Odtcllon to drug• lncrlllMCI u her popularity did, 11 Hac.d lQ)MOVIE * • • • "Network· (19761 F'aye Ounaw•y Pater Finch An eg1ng televtllOn newsman, wfl<>MI ratings ere steadily sllpplng, 11 1urn•d tnto 1 ranting prophet Of Ille a1rw&V8$ by 1 crally tem•le program- m1og e•ecullve 'R I: 15 (lJ MOVIE • • 'It Cloud 01ncar' C 1980) Oa"'4 C1otr1<11111. Jenn1t8t O'Neill A lop ttunl Iller neglects 11-e 1)8«)fe Wl\O u•e about him on the Slllttah pursuit ot n1s dlnget'OUI 9POf1 PG 10:00 U 8) ti) NEWS 8 (JJ) FAHTASY ISLAND An amnella V1Cl1m longs 10 regain f\lf memory and two game snow hosts ptay e wlnner-te~es-all. IOS8l· taces-de8th contosl O 0 MOVIE * • * The Long S111ps (1964) R1Chard Widmar~. Sidney Portier A Vt~tng taus m rove white 1MM1rCl\lng tor the Golden Bell of 81 James CC} MOVIE "Flllmota" R '.:S)MOVIE • * • Oeaoty Games· p98t) Sam Groom Ok:k Butkus A woman re1urns lo her hometown 10 lnves- llgate ner lfSter s m'f'liteu ous death R' 0 MO\/IE • * "The Final Contltct" (111!1) Sam Neill Ronano Braui tn the tnird part ol · n 1e Omen" trilogy young Oam1<1<1, the embodiment ot the An1ocnr1s1. 11 now an adult arid e trusted advisor to the president ot the U.S "R' 10:30 ID PORTRAIT Of A L.EO£NO "Allee Cooper' «!)NEWS t1:001)08C.ll®J9 NEWS 8 ENTERTAINMENT THISWEEIC tn1er111-s wun Oea1 l'lrn&L Marilyn McCoo. Ernest Borgntne. Sollny Bono arid Smolley Robinson ID MOVIE • 111 ·~ "Easter Parade" c 19481 Judy GB1tand Fred Astaire A 1>1Q st11 turns an unknown tnto a sensation and tells In love wlln ner ti) PRISONER: CELL BLOCt<H 11:06 (%)MOVIE • • "The Frenefl Women" ( 1981) F;ancotse Fabian. Oayte Htlddon A bordello hOuS6 being kepi open by e go-nmenl aubsldy I• 1ne scene 01 murder and pot II !<;el tcandal when a VIP customer 11 photo- graphed at play R' 11:30 fJ BOXIMO "Fight Ot The Month a a SA ruROAv NtOHT UV£ Host Oenlel J lrevanll 8 A9CNEWS {I) MOVIE • .... "The N-Frontier' ( t9351 Jonn W1yne Pnyttoa Isley A group of cattle ruster1 are outwitted by 9 eowbOy ®)MOVIE ••A• "M 'A"S•H" ( 1969) Donald Sulhefland. Emott Goulet During the Korean War. a pair ot 111ny 1urgeon1 turn an Army med1C111 post Into madcap chaos with lhllf prank a CB)MOVIE •• ..._ "Uted c ...... (1980) Kurt Ruuett, Jack Wiiden Alter the owner of • bllll· krupt c:ar lhop diet, hit employ9M try to cover up hll demlM 10 pt......,t 1\11 wealthy car dMler brother from tnherhtne thll t>val- neas 'R' 11:'6 CJ) 1MZAAM "Super Dew" t1;468 MOV1t • ** "0oo4by• Mr Chip•.. ( t9U) Peter O'TOOle, Petule C1artl. A dedtceled Englltl't 9Cllool- ,,,..,., It much kW9d by hltlludertlt (C)MOVIE **°" "St. i-" (117t) Ch8tW Broneon. J~ 11ne 8iMlll. A f0<mer ~ rec>0t1•·t~ec11ve .. hl<td by • WMlthY """ IMcler to-• Ml of ~lno ledcMr"I 'PO' -~~ tt100• MCMI ... • • "'The -Of The Clou" (1131) Jredrlo Merdl, OltuOeot'8 ColMrt. A AOfnM anetocnt MOl'lf. toee '* poeltlOn Md Pol-..... '°' .. love of • =~91YOND "TD ICfteiW Ti. ~· All ......,_..,....,...... Al l lnO In • -.theltl '"rendl town, f-me OMth In baJUe ot a etrengw wtlO lia 10 beCOlfte ,,., hutMnd (())MOVll I* "fhe Wortd Of Henry P1111" .MOYie I• "The Hand" (t9tt) MlehNI Caine. "'1d,.. MltOOVIOOI 81Ufra lncl- Cltnl t 1ne1 ntghlm1re1 begin ~ In • cet· 1oontar1 Ill• 111er he aunere the IOM ot • hand 'M' 12:0e tl l uovte ••''I Thia!' (lllt) Jlll'IH CHn. TuHday Weld, A l)fol..-lon•I Cl'OOll glvea uphlt~ '°' • big ICOf8 lhll he f\Ol)ft Wll4 MW<• Ill• lernl ly'1 lulur1 'R 12:30 II) MOVIE * I OUlh Rmllel On A Murdarat ( 1973) Ewa Aulln Kl•u1 Klntll.1 A young men tam1>«1 wlll\ the 111perntturat •nel 1t1ampta to rM1or• Ula 10 ,,.,.dNd 12:.SS (l ) MOVIE • • • * "Gigi' ( 1968) MIUrtca Chevlll9'. l.aal18 C1ton A tomboy being groomed by ner aunt Md gr•oamotner NII out on ner own to eaten 1 man 12:<45 MOVIE • * The NIQhl Rld«a ( t939) John Wayne, Dore«! McKay A COWhancl 8Al)ONS 8 et<>Oll cialm/ng 10 be a oesGendanl ot 1 famous don 1:001) MOVIE • • * "Tne s11nder Thraao" c t968) S•dney P0t1oar Anne Bancro" A SA>i<:ld•I woman P'-• v0lun1eer at a crisis cllntc wtio lrllS to locale her t>etore ors 100 late 0 ROCK CONCERT ID MOVIE * '• "The Oernon Planet" ( 1965) Barry Sulllvan. Mot· ma B11ngue1 Several spec. crew membllrl are mur. dered on 1ne pt111e1 Aur1 by IUpe<IOr being$ wl\o requore n-bodies 10 mha1>11 and a so-vell1Cl8 to escape °' EVEHINO AT THE IMPROV Holl Jackie Mason FM· tu•ed como<:s Jay JOl1n· son Michael Prttch8/d Liz . T Orr es Sob Sage1 • 1.20 1 C MOVIE • * ·0u11ageous• ( 1977) Craig Russell Holli• McLaren A good-natured hatrdrllSSllr who moon- llgnts as an 1mperson810< ot temate celebr1t1111. shar11s an apanment end • pta1on1c re«it1onsh1p wtth • SChllopl1renlC young wom. an R t:2.5 IHJ MOVIE • • • ·cadoyshack" t 1980) Brll Murr1y, Rodney Oongerlleld The dement ad grOYnds-keeper ot a swanky country club w119es war againsl !he 000"1115 inllabtllng h•s tur1 R 1:46@) ABC NEWS 2:00(BNEWS 0MOVIE * • • Modern Romance" c 1981) Albert Brook1, Kathryn Harrotd A mm 80110< Ir-rtpealedly 10 wrn baci< the heart ot lhll woman he loves "R' 2: 10 S TWO TOP BANANAS Don Adams and Don RIC· ~les team up lot 11 sttOW case ot burletque and uncensored comedy 2:30 0 NEWS 0 MOVIE • • • 'The Cru~des ( 19351 Lorette Young, Ian Keith Rlehard the Lion• hearted and his totiowers set out 10 lrM Ch•isllan SIBVM In Iha HOiy lllr'd (f )MOVIE • • • "All That Jaa' (111791 Roy Scheider, Jes- SICa Lange The tumuttu· ous hie Of a ptOl8$S>Oll8f choreographer 1s totlowed trom success on the 11aoe to PBfSOnaJ crtteS R' 2.66 CCJ MOVIE • * Collon Candy" 11978) Cllnl Howard Charles M8111n Smith A group ot hlQh 9Ctlool mit- t.ls torm a rock band to compete w1in lhe school's eslabllShed bend S:OO I) NEWS ID MOVIE 111 '" Wat Of Tne Mon- sters" ( 1966) Kojlro Hon- go. Kyollo En1m1 Gam. mere and Barugon W<81k havoc 1n Japan unlit they are destroyed 3:06 l H MOVIE * * 'Wiiiia & Phll" ( 1980) Mochle4 Onlkean. Margot K•dder Three people begin a trlangutar rornenoe In GreenWICh \/lllege lhlt conttnues thfoughOut the mercurial social mtlleu of the '70s 'R" 3; 10 ) l.Aff'·A· TliOH A comed11111 hoat and IOUt comic c;ontea1an11 who compete agalnat one another ent t1111ureel In t'1ia uncensored comedy ~ snow 2:30 8 MOVIE • • • "Morning Olaf)'"" ( t933) Katharine Hepburn, Douglas Fe1rt>..,ii1 Jr A tm•ll-town girl atrugolee lot Iha Chance to go on ••• 3':40 (5) WIO<Y WOAlD ~ JOHATMAH wwt£A8 GUMt: LAiiie UOgam1. 4.-00 0 MOVIE * -'A "Nighthawk•" ( 1981) SytYwter Stellotle • Biiiy 0.. Wlllllllnl A tOUQh N.-Yotk Cit)' QOC> hu hie wortl CUI OU1 l'Or him wtren one of ltlt woncs·1 moat d1no•rou1 terrorttta eni~ In hit city 'R' 4: to Cl) MOVIE • • "' "OMdty o-" (1981) Sam Groom. Didi Butkut A women Nl\Knt Co her "Ometown to ~ l!Qalt her ... , ••• myeteri- Olla Cleath •A' ':II. MAYllMY IU' .O • ..,_(C)MCMI • •'A "St '-" (1tlt) Ohett9 lroneon. ~ line ....... A tor"'8r orflM report&r·lumed-clet~ ..... bye~lh ~•o-••ot 1no~ •• ...,,. ........ •f1Q• .._ (J) lllOllJI •• ..,.~.. (tt7t) .................... IMlclflll. ' . , I I 0 Al4 Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Saturd1Y, Aprtl 10, 1982 .. 'I I ~ L ,,a . v ~ I This Easter week Is the right time to hop over to Plummer's fOr top Qualltvfurnlture at prices so low they're hare-raising! Shop and compare- The most fllnctk>NI deSIC for Its size.47Y."x23" X 281/," H. TWO drawers and bullt·ln book ~ompartment. S155value. ~:::::.:aval e multiplies at Plummer's! You can't beat Ervt's twln·slze davt>e<J for stvle. storage, and savings! The unit Is made of 1overv teak at>ove a space-saving storaoe draw er and offers suoer comfort DY day and ntoht $235 val. CMattress not lnd Uded.I SherwOOd Living ---~~rn\~WrrnROO~Combo vou·re always prepared'\.., overnight guests With this smart ~ng room combo covered In durable. beautiful cotton duck The luxurious 68" sofa ana chair unfold Into beds 1 S246value $189 : $119 s755 s415 $569 .. " ' ' ,. '• r Star Bedroom In White Lacquer Clamp Lamp This contempararv design tamp either stands b~ 15 Itself or clips to $ anything Available In vartous colors $14 val •• Give your home a touch Of flame grain teak w1tn these 1ove1y bOOkcases crafteel of tne finest veneer AM tor a touch Of practlcahtv tne shelves are ad1ustable1 !lack ~' coostrvet'° wttn rmtcrnno PVC A. 21Y, x 12Y, .. x 76'/, $149 vat s89 I . 35y, x 12Y. x 40y, $109 val ~ I . 35y, .. x 12Y." x 76'1• S169val TWOforS171 Also available In w alnut at slightly higher prices. Teak Organize~ This amazing teak _.., oroanizer expands to fit your needs. Closeo It measures on1v 32" x 21 x 45" Opened In measures 64" wide and reveals a desk for wrlttno or typing, bOOkcases a flte • cabinet-even a tock~ $ 559 storage Sl'lelf1 $769value Beauttfultv deslOned anc1 made of $199 flne. warm teak -ttextendstrom 35%" x 53" to 35% .. x 92''. E\len more oueen size bed. headbOard and night stands $1425 value In teak $349 vat comer Table This beautiful piece neattv sotves the entertainment soace problem tor stereo. tapedeek, tuner. Tll set and LP album storage 59" x 18 · x 58" H $259 ~~a~rt ·$ 275 ~k~f.~.~.~175 lmPQrtant. It sells at ttits tncredlbty tow pnce! The matthlng ct\al~ are uph<>IStered, seat and ~de. In vanous cotors anci Offer vou the same t>eautv. EnJoy RIO for less I i~~·,:..~~:·.::· .. ~~.~.~~.~.~.~:: ....... ~ 159 ... And we ao mean ttlls smartfV r1ch, contemparary group called "RIO" by Ekom es. n::~ .. ~75 ~=~ .. ~89 carefullyha~~~r=~~ndSt31ned ln __ _..,.._.,r--__ _.._-.r---r-r-tt1-.....1s suoer cushy hlOhback \ sofa, toveseat -..--'" • and cnatr _..~__,_-.;....-:41._...~-+-"-1 "make It happen" In any room. 79"Sofa $795 S1250 vaL. .... Teak & canvas Chair Wdlwdod Dining Table This Bauhaus· lnse>tred occasional chair Is a dasSIC Of modem design. It's made of t>eauaf\JI tokwttn a dUrable canvas seat. YOU'ii slmPIY "9Yef'Qetl The flne deSlgn of oenmartc meets me clasSlc style of the Breuer chair In this dining set! The table IS craf'ted of beautiful t>eeCh and measures 62" x 31 '· x 28" hlOh. The Breuer stvte cttat~ add the Charm of cane for seat and Dack and are available In either walnut or natural wooo flntsh wtttl durable chrome frames. Side chair Arm chair $79 vatue $89 value $39 $49 Here Is a magnlflcent l'landcrafted bedroom set from oenmanc·s top maker Hand rubbed, IUstTOUS teak, all solid teak edges, sat1n smooth wooa drawers. fully flnlshed teak backs on all p ieces HeadbOard and night stands are all one piece construc:t1on; the flnestl The one and on1v1 or1111na1 Stt essless Leather Chair from Norway Elegant Chrome & leather with ottoman Avallabte In vanous colors. S795 value $499 Swedish White Lacquer Wall System select any OM of U.. stnale OPttons & dest9rt your own Basic narrow unit 19v, x 15% x 79v,, S129val 1: Single door. narrow unit. $31 val . . . 24 Record divider set narrow unit S4.3 vat . Basic wide unit 3W. x 15'h x 79y, $175 vat $135 Dro p hd. $47val ; Double door set. w ide unit, $46 val SS Drawers. each narrow unit. 525 vat 19 Drawers. each wide unit S31 val 24 Double glass door set. wide untt $64 val 52 •149 • PLU more CIOl 1 lfOl'tlOle c:natr at ChlS Pt10I anywhere etsel BB'l$149 INTERNATIONAL COllTUIPOllAllY FUllNITUllE ftWDINA • 180 s . Lake Avenue• f21 3> 449·6741 mwc>DIOdlSIOUthofCOIOrlOOI WllT LOIMMB • 1m1 Wltsnlre BIYd. • f213> 820·3918 nwoD+oc1cSwestot1unav1 • VAUIY • 12240 Sherman Way, No HOllVWOC>d •(215) 1'65-ot01 <letW""~"""''l.ant C8r'1¥00) IAllTAW • 15«> E. warner . (714) 557·0611 1E•ltDverRa.onHNPOrt FWf'. IOUTM MY• 23855 Hawtho rne Blvd .. Torrance• <213> 378·94?3 ione btOCk nortti Of eottt ttwv> I lllllM VllJO • Marguerite Plaza • '714> 495·325'2 caetween crown v1ttev l A¥erv PtlWV> • _.'IOtol -.WY--tol ... u tumto.n 0'1ftlO Of cne ftMlt wnllt'l -mlnY-...,. ur 1111 11llbelCI 1n m1Dnt '°" ll'IV pldC UP. Prtc:es n ~to Stock°" rwncs. \ .. OFF -ROADER Huntington Beach's Bob Peters Will compete in Camel Trophy '82 in New Guinea. Twins pin 2-1 loss on Angels MINNEAPOLIS (AP) -Min- nesota Twins rookie Kent Hrbek is tired of his team being ma- ligned. "E.verybody gets down on us because we're young. So what? We're the Twins and we're in the same league they are," Hrbek said, referring to the Angels whom he helped beat 2-1 Friday night when he blasted a curve ball high into the upper deck in right field. The first baseman hit the first pitch of the seventh inning off On TV today Channel 5 at 11:15 losing pitcher Angel Moreno, who made his first start of the season. "I'd rather be in this situation than the other way around," Twins Manager Billy Gardner said of the team's 3-1 record. "But I just like being in the big leagues." And he liked having right- hander Al Williams on the mound Friday. Williams went all the way, limiting the Angels' hitters to four hits while striking out six. "The fastball was working good for me in the late innings," Williams said. "But we got a good' defense behind me. Also that home run came at a good time.'' The two teams dueled evenly through six innings. The Angels took a 1-0 lead in the second in- ning when second baseman Tim Foli singled home Doug DeCin- ces, who got on with a double. Minnesota tied the game in the third when designated hitter Jesus Vega hit a solo homer into the left field seats. Dilly Piiat SATURDAY, APRIL 10, 1M2 ( -ClASlflil B5 0 0 A real test of racing ingenuitY HB's Bob Peters awaits 1,000-mile off-road race in New Guinea • By HOWARD L. BANDY York and filled it out," Pet.en aaya. "I an identically prepared British Leyland a mechanic on four-wheel drive vehicles Qrh lWlr ,... ...., , was one of more than 3,000 to fill out the Range Rover with four-wheel drive. and grew up in drag racing in St. Louil. Camel Trophy 82 la ~ 1,000-mlle, apelications. Tne two American teams will be "We were able to get acquainted. with 1~-day off-road competition matching 'I was fortunate in being one of the 36 competing against teams from West the vehicle in Frankfurt during a e1ght teams of two drivers each over the finalists selected and I heard from them Germany ltaly and Holland and will be three-day tcaining aeSlion " Peters sap. rugged jungle and rain forests of the almost immediately. We were invited to ' "We were at Karfsruhe at' the tip of tbe mountain ranges of Papua, New Guinea. participate in a three-day trial at Seara , Th , 11 b I J Black Forest and the course took us over It is a test of ingenuity as well as a J>oint in Northern California where they ere e a 0 I 0 a 10-acre quarry that was a total mud mechanical nightmare for those compe-evaluated our driving techniques and submarine driving, crossing bog. There were four-foot holes, v~y ting and this year, for the first time, the gave us some peychologlcal test.a. a number o·' rz·vers and we steep hills and a lot of long runa. U.S. is involved with two teams. "Within two weeks after that, I was 'J "In New Guinea we'll be going ~ One of the four competitors is Bob notified that I would be one of the four expect the water to be over bridges that are not very well kept it Peters, a resident of Huntington Beach, on the U.S . team." d will be our task to get them ready 91' who has been involved in oU-road racing Peters and the other three drivers left the hoo . ' our own vehicle, then put them back ~ more as a mechanic than a driver, for a for Frankfurt, West Germany Friday on they were for the next one. number of years with the Walker Evans the first leg of their journey. judged on a point system that rewards ''The time in West Germany gave 1.11.a team. The competition will •tart at Kol in the best solutions to natural obstacles as pretty good shakedown and we met the How does one go about getting invol-the Bismarck Range in New Guinea next well as maintenance of their vehicles. other teams we will compete against. ved in such a venture as the Camel Friday. Peters and teammate Ken Ar-Peters is a poUce investigator who has ''The Italians have mountain climben Trophy '82 competition? nold, a 37-year-old heavy equipment been involved with off-road racing since and the German team has a medical "I received an application from New operator from Placerville, will be driving 1972. He has an extensive background as (See NEW GUINEA, Page 84) UNDER TAG -Angel base-runner Doug DeCinces (11) slides into third with a successful steal in the third inning of Friday night's game in Minneapolis. Grabbing the late UWll Jt1l1 throw is Twins' third baseman Gary Gaetti while umpire George Maloney eyes the play. Angels fell to 2-2 on the season, losing, 2-1. San Diego overcomes Dodgers LOS ANGELES.CAP) -Si.Jlto Lezcano doubled home Ruppert Jones with two out in the sev- enth inning to break a 4-4 tie and send the San Diego Padres to a 7'-4 victory over the Los Angeles Dodgers Friday night. Lezcano's double came an ln- ning after Los Angeles tied the score on a bases-loaded double by pinch-hitter Rick Monday. JONES GOT the San Diego rally going with a walk off losing pitcher Terry Forster. 1-1, and Lezcano followed with a loJlg drive off the wall in center field. Rookie right-hander Floyd Chiffer , 1-0, pitching in relief of Tim Lollar, earned his first major league victory and Gary Lucaa got the save. Trailing 4-1, Los Angeles struck for three runs in the sixth, filling the bases with one out on singles by Ron Cey and Pedco Guerrero and a walk to Steve Yeager. Chl.ffer relieved Lollar, and Bill Russell grounded shar- ply to third as Luis Salaz.ar for- ced Cey at the plate. Monday then cleared the bases with his double. The Padres added a run in the eighth on a single by Salaz.ar, a stolen base and infield outs by Randy Bass and Joe Lefebvre. San Diego added an unearned run in the ninth on a throwing error by Russell al shortstop and an RBI single by Terry Kennedy. TEMPLETON'S infield out, drove in San Diego's first run in the third, Lezcano doubled and scored on Bass' two-out single in the fourth and Lollar singled to lead off the fifth and eventually scored on an infield out. Lollar equeezed home a run in the sixth. The Dodge rs scor e d in the fourth on a single by Guerrero and a double by Yeager. It was Strange dr-"'· at Masters Friday • 1eau ..,eaa. .. .ac by 2lh games The victory was the first of the season for t h e Padres. who 0 (I ' "' ,.. \\ • I, 1 W f' 1 l S C: I' S '"'"~ two games agamst the Giants .. Lo$ Angeles continues to strug- gle against its neighbors to the south. Last year, the Padres and Dodgers split the six games et Dodger Stadium, while the Dod- gers maintained a slim 3-2 aiO. AUGUSTA, Ga. (AP) -With Jack Nicklaus backing off on the glass-slick greens he once hand- fed so well, Curtis Strange and Craig Stadler moved into a share of the second-round lead Friday in the 46th Masters golf tourna- ment. "It's amazing how quick it can turn around," said Strange, a 27-year-old winner of three PGA Tour titles, after posting his rou- nd of 2-under-par 70. "You go from the worst player In the world to leading the masters." It can go the other way, too. Nick.laua, now 42 but still re- garded as the finest player the game has produced, went from the lead to a strualing abo-ran, Wlable m handle the ilopes and speed of the greens be onoe put- ted better than anyone in the world. With his face as dark, grim and gloomy u the clouda t:hat pro- duced a downpour and interrup- ted Thursday's play, Nicklaus blew a 3-atroke lead, •truuled and 8COWled to a 5-over-par 77 and WM lent careenina beck in the field at 146. That's 2 lhota behind the 144 total -par fer two trip OYet" the Au1u1ta National Golf Club , ~ -that WM cmnplled b)' Stedler and Stnnp, Stad!:t a winner earlier &tail ~ a eonalatent cballenc•r, took a ab are of the top 1pot wl th a .oond-round •. "l wasn't concerned at being 7 shots back of Nicklaus at the start of the round," he said. "I didn't have time to assess my position or situation. I just knew I had to make some birdies to get back in It." Tom Kite and Tom Watson alao engineered big turnarounds to regain a position among the leaden. "I feel like rve been riding the bull at Gilley'..a in Houston, I've been up and down all day," the happy Kite exclaimed alter a wildly erratic round of 69 that included eight birdies, a double bogey and three bogeys. That moved Kite, who last year led the PGA Tour in both money-winn.ino and stroke ave- rage with a 14~ total. l shot back at the halfway point of tbia event, the flnt of the )'Mt's four major t.esa of golfina ...-tnell. Wataon, along with Kite and Nicklaus, were amona the 38 players 8tl'anded on the coune by the afternoon storm Tbunday. They returned t o the wblte, colonial clubhe>U9e 1hortly after daybreak Friday mornin1 to complete first.round play. Watton ll~lahed poorly~· pla1b\I bla beck nine in 42 ana ~ 6 lhota to par over tbe 1-f three boJea. That completed a 77 and put the 19U"• only ~dml Wlnmr l ... ILUTDI. ..... IM) • INGLEWOOD (AP) -For- ward Jamaal Wilkes scored 25 points and guard Norm Nixon added 22 Friday to lead the fast- breaking Los Angeles Lakers to a 153-128 National Basketball Association victory over the Denver Nuggets. With the victory the Lakers improved their Pacific Division lead to 2 Y\ games over th e Seattle Super Sonics. Los Angeles 9COred 48 points in the leCOnd quarter and 47 in the third. David Thompeon 9COred 20 for the Nugget.a. while Dan Imel had 19 and Alex English 9COred 18. Denver went ~ for the flnt three minutes of the third quarter u the Lakera we:re bull- . dine an 88-64 lead. Loa Ange1ea out.scored Denver by 13-0, 15-2 and 21-4 in building a 30-point 1Md with six minut.ee left in the third period. Denver had 1&.arted off well, and waa leldllw by 10 pcinta at ao-20 with • 1f:24 left ln flrat quart.er. "nle Nuaeta atayed in front until tb• Lakera went abeed 40-a8 with 9:28 left in the tint half. The JMd.,cbanaed band.a leY• eral Ume1 before the Laker• bn*e 81·91 Ue by made el1ht CCIGllC\ldw DQAnta md outaoored Denver 14-1 ln the remalnln& thnt mlDutlm lol. tM ftnt hall. vantage in San Diego. • Friday night, Burt Hooton started for the Dodgers, goin& just four innings plus before gi- ving way to Forster. VALENZUELA'S .. OPENER TODAY LOS ANGELES (AP) -Fer- nando Valenruela, who ended his holdout with the Loa Angeles Dodgers only about two w• ago, wanted to pitch u 9000 u . J>C*lble. He will ,et his change today at 1:30. Valenzuela. who didn't ~~ to spring t:ra1n1ng unUl March 13, wilf face the San Diego Pacir'a at Dodcer Stadium. Ori1lnally not scheduled ~ pitch until the Howiton aerlea next week, the 21-yar-old Va- lensuela, who won the iOtl National L= Cy Youtia Awa.rd and of the Y• bonon, went 10 Mameer' T~ LMorda and pitch1ns coech ltiil Pernnolld and aakl be wenwcf let work. 11Wt..thou1bt that lf ale wanted to pit.eh IO badl1, ·l"! would clv• blm th• chanott~ t.-.da-'d. 4 • l I • ·-· - Orenge Cout DAILY PILOT/Saturday, April 10, 1982 Angry Penguins boss ·offers ticket refunds From AP dJapatcbes PITTSBURGH -Pittsburgh Penguin ow- ner. Edwurd J DeBartolo Sr., dla-·~ 1uated wllh his team's play in tho ' , Stanley Cup playoffs, has offered a refund to any fan holding a ticket to tonlght's gl,Ulle with the New York lalanders. In a krs(>, three-sentence statement lasued Friday through a team spokesman, DeBartolo uld he will not alt.end the game and understancb the frustration of fans who have seen the Pen- guins blown out L wice. "No one ls more upset and disappointed with the play of the Pittsburgh Penguins than me," the P enguin owner said in the statement, read by team f>ublidst Terry Schiffhauer. " am not attending Saturday night's playoff game and I empathize with you fans who have decided not to ('Orne to thl' Civic Arena tomorrow night," he adrle<;I. "Should fans who have purchased tickets feel a refund ts warranted, the Pittsburgh Pen- guins will comply with that wish," DeBartolo added. The Penguins, one game away from elimi- nation in the National Hockey League playoffs, have sold about 11 ,000 tickets for the game with the Islanders The arena seats 16,033. The Islanders, gunning for th eir third straight NHL title, have routed Pittsburgh by 8-1 and 7-2 "t.Ylres m the opening two games in New York Royals ride Otis' slam to victory Amos Otis hammered a grand-II alam home run in the first inning Friday night, sending the Kansas City Royals on their way to a 4-2 victory over the Detroit Tigers in the Royals' home opener. Larry G,ura went the distance in burling a six-hiller Elsewhere. the Oakland A's acored five runs in the fifth inning when Gay- .lord Perry, se<'king hfs 298th major -league vie toty, was charged with three wild pi tches and a throwing error, and went on to defeat Seattle, 5-3 ... Cecil Cooper's two-run double and a two-run homer by Ben Ogilvie highlighted a six-run firi;t inning as Milwaukee bombed To- ronto, 15-4 in the sea.son opener for both teams. Shortstop Robin Yount and first baseman Cooper had three hit.<. apicce to pace Milwaukee's 15-hit attack. Quote of the day "It's not slow down. We don't waltz, but we don't boogaloo, either. It's just a nice Texas two-step ... -Houston Rocketa coach Del Harris. on his team's setup style of play. Reda' Pastore twlrla four-hitter Fruk Paltore fired a four-II hitter, and Joaau1 Bueti drove ln tbrH runa u tho Ciactnnatl Reda blanked San l'ranclaco, '1 -0 Friday ntcht. Putore, a n,h\,ohander, became tho firwt Reda' pUcher to th.row a thutout and complete pme thk MWan,. u.he walked Uvee and 9iruck out three ln 34-dep-ee weather at Riverfront Stadium • . . am· B•ellaer'a two-run homer and a two-run atnale by Xeltb Morelaad led the Chlcaao Cubs to a home-openi~ 5-0 victory over tho New York Meta. Forauoa Jeakla1, re- t urnl n1 to the Cut>. after eiaht teUOlll ln the American Leaaue, waa the winner, atopplna the Meta on five hita over 6 ~ lnntnga . . . Dale Muplay key~ a five-run At- 'AITOM lanta flrat inning off nemeala Doa Sattoa with a two-run homer to power the Braves to a 6-2 home opening victory over Houston. It waa the Braves' third at.raiaht vic- tory. representing their belt a tart aloce 1969 ... Andre Dawson slammed a home run, and Steve Rosen threw a three-hit shutout aa Montreal opened ita eeaaon with a 2-0 victory over Philadelphia. Celtlcs cllnch third straight tltle Robert Parl1b scored 36 points, m including 24 in the fint half, and the Boaton Celtics clinched their third consecutive Atlantic Divi.aion championahip Fri- day night with a 106-103 National Baaketba.11 A.saociation victory over the New Jeney Neta . . . In other games, Bllly 1ta11•t acored 18 points in the second half to lead Indiana to a 100-97 verdict over Cleveland that helps keep the Pacers' playoff hopes alive ... Dallas center Wayne Cooper made two free throws and blocked a ahot ln the final minute aa the Mavericks beat Phoenix, 105-100, dampening the Suna' playoff hopel . . . Slduy MHcrief aco- red ~ pointa and veteran Beb 'ANaH Laaier had 26 aa Milwaukee whipped Detroit, 118-100 for the Bucks' leVe'Jlth straignt victory . . . Spesacer Haywood ecored a game-high 25 points to lead Waahington to a 114-98 decision over Chicago .. -. . Ernie Gr1afleld, Mike Woodson and Steve Jolm1oa combined for 64 points to power Kansas City the to a 115-99 triumph over Utah . . . Atlanta surprised Philadelphia with an easy 103-88 ver- dict over the 76ers. The win was Atlanta's 10th in the last 15 games ... Portland had little diffi- culty in handing San Diego a 124-104 setback. VIias, Clerc square off at Monte Carlo MONTE CARLO, Monaco -Argentina's Guillenno Vilas and Joee-Luis Clerc, E3 their friendship weakened by Clerc's refusal to play for their country in the Davia Cup, will face each other today in the aemi-finala of the Monte Carlo Grand Prix tenni.s tournament. The two made it to the aemi-finala of thia clay court tournament without kl8ing a set. Vllaa, the No. 2 seed, trounced umeeded Pablo Arraya of Peru, 6-1, 6-1 in the quarterfi- nala Friday, while Clerc, aeeded third, advanced with a 6-0, 6-3 victory over unseeded Manual Orantes of Spain. UCI explodes; OCC wins agai Anteat ers win third straight; Bucs on Arizona roll UC Irvine ust'd a first inning explosion to rout host Loyola-Marymount, and Orange Coast College made it two straight in Arirona Friday to highlight Orange Coast-an•a baseball action. Here's what took place: UC lrvlne 11, Loyol•·Marymount 3 The Anteaters made things much easier for starting pitcher J)ennis Cowan by putting nine runs on the board tx•fore the junior right-hander made a pitch. Key hits m tht! first came from Ron CummingB, who unloaded the bases with a triple, and Troy Ybarra, who dC'hvered a three-run double. Ybarra's hit capped the big mning. Cowan went the n~ five innings to even hia record at 4-4 H<' allowed two runs on three hits but was troublf'd a bit by Wlldness as he walked seven. J im Wl'nRer picked up his first save by ~orking the f1'1:1l fnur Innings The vwtor ' ma1 ked the third o;traight for the Anteaters aftc 1 thf'y had dropped thetr fu-st three SCBA contest to f'ppperdane. UCl IS now 20-15-1 overall. The two teams play a noon double-header at Irvine t¢ay with '*'nior left-hander Dave Wood- head slated to gn in one of the gam~. • ' Orenge Coaat 8, Yavapai 4 • Scott Darling went 3-for-4, making him 7-for-9 in tournament action. as the Pirates rolled to their 17th victory overall against just four losses. The Pirates. competing in the Mesa Kiwanla Road.runner invitational, trailed Yavapai, Ariz., 3-2 in the third inning, onJy to pick up three runs when Tom Duggan clf.'ared the bases w ith a three-run le. Robb Munson got the save for OCC, but he had to survive a ninth-inning Yavapai upl'Wng l9 do so. OCC will face Southern Idaho at 9 this mor- ning and then meet hoat Mesa Community COllege at noon . Two victories today earn Coach Mike Mayne's squad the tournament championship. Kings resume series at home INGLEWOOD (AP) -The Loe Angeles Kings and Edmonton Oilers reswne their National Hockey League playoff series tonight at the Forum, with the Kings tied 1-1 with the Oilers -and 1-1 with Wayne Gretzky. ln Wednesday's opening contest in Edmonton, Gretzky failed on a break.away in the final minute, enabling the Kings to come away with a 10-8 vic- tory in a wild game. But Thursday night in F.d - monton, Gretzky evened ru. peraonal ecore with the Kings and the two cluba' best-of-five Smythe Division semifinal when he IOOred an a breakaway in overtime to give the Oilers a 3-2 triumph. The Kings' strategy of shadowing Gretzky, who scored 92 goals in the regular aeuon. aeemed to work relatively well in the 1.irat two gains of the series. After the overtime win, tl\e Oilers' first~. Gretzky said: "l didn't realll have a lot of oppor- tunities and on the chancea had, I felt like I waa alwaya half a stride behind. I should have been able to bear down more but I couldn't." Polltlcal Advertisement "Second on your ballot ••. FIRST In choice/" 2 i Bob Mandie ................ / ........ -!XI tDI ME, 19' 6000 llWtllS YOU stOl.D GM MANDl~MAllDA II I ~Re Elect • SucctlSM --··-"= . "'"' ... CMdl ....... 4,,.. • 8.A. _......... ... • c. .... Id .... ..... • lom' , ..... H.J ..... dty • CalMts ........ ..., • ...,., 11 'fWl/1• ,_ ... ......., • ._... ... om ..w e Mlfays Kcmliil t. llt. t.,... e Wllb ................ .... ............ . .. CommlttH to EJ~ct Bob Mandlo, 1112 Matn 8t., Huntl Baseball today On w. date an b&Rb&ll tn 1sn1 : Befort what wu \hen the l&rgmt bue- baD crowd ln Penmylvanla hlatory -&5,- 382 -the PhJ.ladelph .. Phlllita chriltened thelr new Veterans Sta dium with a 4-1 " victory over the Monttta.l Expos. Ont:hla elate In 1913: Wuhln1ton'1 Walter J ohruon shut out the New York Hlshlanders, 8-0, to at.art a then-record at.rtilk of 66 consecuUve acore- ltW lnnin8J foe the Senatore' fireball~r. Today's birthdays: New York Yankees first bueman Bob' Wat80n la 38. Plttaburgh Pirates outfielder Lee Lacy la 34. Yankees outfielder Ken Griffey la 32. Boyd Grant pondering ASU position TEMPE. Ariz. -Arizona State University haa aaked Boyd Grant of Fresno State m to interview for the school'• vacant . head baaketball coaching job, Grant said. "At thia time, I'm undecided," Grant said Thu.nday. "Arizona State did contact me. I al- waya feel good about ASU. I think it'a a auper place. I'm thinking about it right now." Grant, 48, last year coached Fresno State to a 27-3 record and a berth in the National Colle- giate Athletic Aaaoctation tournament's West Regional. In hia five years at Fresno, G rant's teams have compiled a 106-32 record. Grant alao has been a~proached by Mi.ssis- aippi and Wiaoouin about fllllng vacancies there. Meanwhile, the Ariz.ona Republic said Jim Brandenburg, head coach at Wyoming, also has been invited by Arizona State University for an interview. He would neither confirm nor deny that he la interested in the job. The university also had contacted Utah's J~rry Ptmm, but he aaid Thursday he would not pursue the post. "I've got a good job here," said Pimm. "I told ABU Athletic Director, Dick Tamburo that I probably couldn't afford to apply." Jhn Herrick. head coach at Pepperdine, and Jim Newman and Paul Howard, both aasistant.s at Arizona State University. are other coaches known to have been contacted by the aelectiQn committee that will recommend a successor to Ned Wulk. Wulk was recently re8&1igned to an adminiatrative job. Tamburo said he would like to have a new coach named by Tuesday. Olymplc coins Idea shelved The group scheduled lo sell • commemorative coins for the 1984 Swnmer Olympica has withdrawn its offer, forcing organizers of the Games to conaider waya of cutting back to offset' a $200 million loea in expected revenues . . . Stella Taylor, a marathon swimmer who is the oldest woman f!Ver to swim the English Channel, set an unoffici.a.l endurance record when she completed a 65-hour swim in a fres h -water pooJ at Fort Lauderdale, F la . . . . Katherine Rawls, known in the 1930s as the world's greateat fe- male swimmer, died of cancer in Florida at the age of 64 . . . Payne Stewar1 and Don Levin were tied for first at 8-under -par 132 following 8eCOnd round action at the Magnolia Open golf clauic ln MisM.uippl . . . Jobn Beary, tho- roughbred racing'• all-time money winner and 1981 hone of the year. will be sidelined until this fall with a leg problem . . . Kea Anderson, a highly succe11ful coach at the University of Wiaconaln-Eau Claire, has been named head buketbe1l coach at the University of Wisconsin- Madi8on. Baseball grabs TV spotlight Masters golf also on tap Following are the top sporta events ·on TV to- day. Ratings are: v v v v ex.eel.lent; v v v worth watchlng: v v fair; v torpt It. · 6 11 a.m., Channel 5 ...,.. v v v ANGELS kASEBAU.: Angell at Mlnne90t.a. An.no11Dcer•: Bob St.arr. J~ Buttitta and Ron Fairly. After taking two out of t.htte ln Oakland, the Angela debuted ln the Mlnneapolia Metrodome with a 2-1 defeat at the hands of the host Twi.rw Friday night. Scheduled to pitch for the Angela la Bruce Kaon against left-hander Darrell Jacbon. Cf) 1 p.m., Channel 2 ...,.. ...,.. ...,.. ...,.. GOLF: The Mast.en Tournament. Aanouncers: Vin Scully, Pat Summerall, ~n Wright, Clive Clark and Ken Venturi. Curtis Stra nge and Craig Stadier share the lead at the midway point of the Masters. Mean- while, both Tom Kite and Tom Wa\80n managed to overcome bad starts with three-under-par 698 Fri- day to stay in the hunt al Augusta. 1:15 p.m., Channel 4 ...,.. v v BASEBALL: Seattle a t Oakland. An.nou.ncers: Charlie Jones and Bob Costas. Seattle is one of the more improved teams in the majors this year. The Mariners have former Golden West College star Bud Bulling behind the plate. Oakland's Rick Langford will be maldng his second start of the season today. OTHER TELEVISION 1 p.m. (4) -SPORTSWORLD -Part 1 of the Golden Gloves Association of America tournament of champions, taped a t Kansas City, Mo. 1:30 p.m. (7) -AMERICAN SPORTSMAN - Actor Peter O'Toole and host Curt Gowdy visit the Okavango Delta, a natural wildlife sanctuary in Botswana, Africa. 2:30 p.m. (7) -U.S.A. VS. THE WORLD - The U.S . vs. Ireland in a series of bouts taped at Biloxi, Miss. 3:30 p.m. (7) -WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS - A scheduled 15-round WBA light heavyweight title bout between champion Michael Spinks (19-0) and Murray Sutherland (32-6). RADIO Baseball -Angels at Minnesota, 11 :10 a .m .. KMPC (710); San Diego at Dodgers, 12:45 p.m ., KA.BC (790). Basketball -Seattle at Lakers, 6:50 p.m ., KLAC (570). U.S. poloists breeze EDMONTON. Alberta -The Unjted Stat.es Olympic water polo team crushed Brazil, 15-3 Friday in the opening game of the World Cha'tl- pionship qualifying tournament here Friday. The U.S. squad, coached by Newport Beach resident and Long Beach City College Coach Monte Nitzkowski, will play Canada today and finish round-robin play Sunday against Mexico. STUDENT AID. I It takes more than brains to go to college. It takes money. fur tuition, room and board, and books. The Army College Fund is designed to help you get that money for college while serving your country. If ~u qualify. _you can join the Army College ~pnd when you join the Army. every dollar you put in, Uncle Sam putS m five . Or more . So. after just two years in the Anny, you can have up to $15.200 for college. ~three years, up to $20, 100 . Qill for your free copy of the Army CoJlese Fund boolclet. lt cou1d be the most imporumt book you've ever read. Call toll free 800-423-3673. In California. SCX)..282-5864. AIUft •ALLW>U CAM IL """"II~ c:= T,,.":" hnta AM UIAR Ctr. R11n Tuelln ,., .... , Orange Cobt DAILY PILOT/Saturday, Aprll 10, 1982 Ill ~ ., . M4'lot LMaue •tendlna• A•NClNLUO~ ......... ~ w L ..... - BalllmOre ............. Boe ton Clevtlend New York Detroit Toronto 3 1 2 2 2 2 1 t 1 3 0 0 0 0 ........ Otvi.i.n 760 .500 500 500 250 000 000 1 0 I 000 I 0 t 000 0 0 000 0 0 000 0 0 000 0 I 000 0 t 000 ""*''eacor.. t Ml-It 2. Afttele I MllwM .. 15. Toronto 4 Botton el Balllmore, ppd, enow ChlcaQo •I New York. ppd, anow ~ City 4, Oelroll 2 Oakland 5. S..nte 3 Only g.,,._ echeduled Todaf'a Q- 1 I I 2 I 1 ... 1 ' AngeM (Kl.on o--0) at Mlnneaota (JllCllaon C>-0) Mll.,eultH (Catawell 0 -0 ) 11 Torpnto !Clarlcy 0-01 Ch1cll00 et N-York. ppd cold Boelon (Eckersley O"O and Oieda 0-0) at 8altlmore (McGregor 0.0 and 0 Martinez 0-0). 2 T eau (T anena 0-0) at Clelle4...0 \Barker CH>) Seattle (Moore 0-01 at Oakland (langlOfa 0-0) Devon (Petry 0-01 at Kensaa City (Leonard 0-1). n NATIONAL LEAOUE w .. 1em Dlvlelof\ w L !"ct. 09 Atlante 3 0 I 000 ~ 2 1 1167 Clncfnnetl 2 1 1167 Hou11on 2 2 ~ San Otego 1 2 333 San Franctaco O 3 000 Ealtern Otvhlloft I 0 I 000 2 I 1167 1 I ,.., 2 3 MontrNI CNoeoo N..., York St Loult Pttttbu!gh Ptlllldelph4• t 1 500 .... I 2 333 t 0 0 000 ., 0 2 000 , • .., ,,.., .. .._... Sen Otego 7. ~ 4 Chleago 5. New York 0 Clnclnnau 7. San Frenctaco 0 Atlanta 8, Houston 2 Montreal 2. Phlledefpl\11 O Only g.,._ acheduled Todar'a Oen>M San Diego (Elcllelberv« 0-I) ti Oodee<'o (Vllenzwte C>-0) Pllltblxgh (Atloderl 0-0) et St LOUIS (M..,.,. 0-0) N-YOf'k (Zachry 0..() or Fak:one 0-0) at Chicago (Bird O..()) San Frenclsco (Gale 0-0) et Clnc1nn111 (Soto 0-ll Montreal (Gullk:kaon 0-0) at Phtlaoell)hl• (Rut,,_., 0-0), n Hou,100 (Ruhte 0 11 II Atlanta (Bedroaian 0-01. n AMERICAN LEAOUE Twin• 2, Angel• 1 C~ MINNE IOTA abrltllf abrhbl Buf!Mn, .. 4 0 0 0 El_,•c:h. cf 4 0 I 0 Lynn, cf 3 0 0 0 Ward II 4 0 I 0 car-. lb • 0 I 0 Engle. rt 4 0 I 0 RJllCktn. rt 4 O O O Smalley, .. 3 0 t O Baylor dh • 0 0 0 Hrbek, lb • I I I 0.Clnea, 3b3 I 2 0 Geettl 3b 3 0 2 0 Downing. II 3 0 0 0 Veoa. dh 2 1 I I Foll, 2b 3 0 1 I Wiifong. 2b 2 0 0 0 Fe<gutn, c 3 0 O O Wynegar. e 3 0 I 0 Totelt 3 I 1 • 1 Total• 32 2 II 2 ._...,,.,,.,.,. Calllornta o 10 000 000-1 MlnnMOll 001 000 IOl<-2 OP Calllornla 3, MlnnHola. LOB- Celll0<nl• 8, Mlnneeota 6. 26-0eClnc:. 2, Gaettl. El .. nr~Ch HR-Vega 1. Hrbelc 2 28-0eelncee. Carew Calllomle Mo<eno IL 0-11 Bahn_, Hua!« llllrt-4a "'H lllllMIO II II 2 2 2 3 11'1 I 0 0 1 0 •,i,00000 WHMema (W, 1-0) II 4 1 1 3 8 AMoreno pltehed to 2 bettera 111 1he 7th. PB -Ferguson on T-2 20 A-19,105 .,_ .... 15, .... .,.,. • M~w ... ue 800 t07 010-16 18 2 T0<onto 000 202 000-• 8 2 Vuckovich, EHterly (7), Bernard (8). 0 JorMS (Ill and Moore. Boml>aoc:". Murray (I~ Garvin !•I. Gott (5). J McLeuohlln (9) and Whitt W -Vuckvovoch 11-0) L-Bombac' (0· 11 HR -Mllwaultee. OglMe ( 11 for onto Whlll 111 A -30 216 llo7ale 4, Tlgen 2 Oelroll 000 000 200-2 8 O l<anau City 400 000 OOx-• 8 t Morrie IOllCI Pwrlllh, Gura and Wethall. W -Gurt ( t-0) L -Morris (0-1). HR - l(enaaa City, 0111 (I) A -29.oe9 A'all, ...,.._., $Miiie 000 002 001-3 8 5 Oakland 000 060 OOa-5 5 0 Perry and Euten: McCeny, Mclaughlin (II). Owchlnko (9) and N-m•n W -Mc- Ct tty (1-0). L -Pe<ry (0-1) S -Owclllnl(o (1) A 28, 1311 NATIONAL LEAOUE Padr" 7, Dodgen 4 IAH DIEGO LOI ANO£L11 •rllbl arltbi Richerdt. H 1 0 t 0 Su. 2b 5 0 0 0 Lefeb¥f'e, II 3 0 I 1 Lenclrea, cf 4 O I 0 Bonllle 2b 2 0 0 0 BMet, 11 5 0 0 0 Tmpetn, N 5 I 0 I Gwwy, lb 4 0 I 0 RJonee. cf 4 I 0 I Cey, 3b 4 0 1 0 Le:zc:ano, rt 4 I 2 I Guerr•o. rt4 2 2 0 l<enn«!y, c 4 I 1 I Veeger, c 3 I 2 t Saluer. 3b 5 I 2 0 RueMll ... 4 ' 2 0 s .... lb 6 O I t Hooton. p 2 O O O Loller, p 2 2 2 t Powe<, p 0 0 0 0 Chiller. P 0 0 0 0 Monday. pll 1 0 I 3 S.Vac:qa, phO o O O Forllet, p o o O O Lucea, p 0 0 0 0 APtna, p 0 0 0 0 Roenck. pl\ 1 0 0 0 T01~a 35 7 10 7 TotJlll 37 4 10 4 ._.."' ....... Sen Diego 001 111 111-7 LOI Angelel 000 103 000-4 E-AlltMll LOB-Sen Otego 10. L4' Alt· ge1ee I 28-Lacano 2. Yeaoer. Mondt y S8-Salaz.ar S -Bonme 2. LOiiar. •MltlltMIO .... 7 4 4 t 2 , .. I 0 0 0 t 7 1 0 0 0 " 4 • ' ' a ' 2 I ' ' 1 I 21\ ' ' 2 ' 0 0 c-. ........ ,.._ VOtk 000 000 000-0 0 I ~ 000 IOI 02x-6 1 1 Soott, Pw*> (1), OrOICO 191 end It-: Jenkin•, Smith (7) end Mo,.l•nd W - Jen!llM 11-01. L -lko41 (0-11 8 -Smith ( 11 HR -CIHUgO. 811c;kne1 "' A -2t,Otl "9dleF,CMMMO 84ltl Fr~ 000 000 000-0 4 3 ClnclMaU 200 121 Ola-7 12 8ctlelndw, 8atr ($).Minion Ill Md Mt!Y. PUlort llnd Tr...ino. W -P..,ore (1-0). L -SchaWldet (0-1), A -10,e>ee. •evMe.MITM2 HOU.lo<\ OOC) 000 101-2 7 3 Allan•• $00 000 01x-e II o 81111on, l eCoN (61. LaCorte (7) and A•· hby; Booot. Hreboaky (7) and een.cllcl. W -Bogg• ( 1·0) L -Sutton (0· 1). S - H<eboeky (1) HR -Atlante, Mllflll'tY (2) A -33,133 ...... a. ......... Montreal 100 100 000-2 I t Pt\M.o.lp/11• 000 000 000-0 3 0 Rog.a and can ... CMa1.-. Lyte 111. Fer,,,., (9) ancl Olu W -~· (1-0) L -Christensen (0-lt HR -Montreat. 01W80fl (11 A -7,795 College UC: nine 11.1...,-• UC trV1ne 900 010 100-11 13 I Loyola 000 200 010 -3 8 2 Cowen, Wenger (II) end 8&mard, Rupp 17). Cley, Brannon (II. s-.ld (2) end H1118 w -Cowen (4-4) L -Ctay (2·3) 2B -Vberre (UCI) 2. Glick (UCI), O•vten (LMI. Peyella (LM). 3B -Cumming& (UCI), 8C8A 1landl1t91 W L Q8 Pepper dine UC Senta Batbara U of San Diego UC lrvlne Cal Stat• Fullanon Loyole-Mwymount Cat Stele LA Long B4laGh State ,.,.., .. ._.. II I 4 2 3 4 2 3 3 3 4 3 3 4 3 7 I I 4 li'h I 8 ll'A UC !Nine 11, Loyole-Mwymounl 3 Pepperdtna 9. Cel SI.ale LA 1 CAI State Futlenon 7. UC Senta Bwt>at• I Toda1'• 0..-I"'-' ctoul*-tMelMnl Loyola-Merymounl el UC !Nine UC Senta Berbat• at Cal State FullW1on ~dine et Cat Stal• LA Oth«8ccwe Arizona Statt I, USC 0 Community collteg. 0r*'O' c -1 e. Yav ... 4 Yavapai 001 200 001-• 8 0 Orange Coeal 002 301 OOx-6 9 3 Stlenberg, Brockman (7) end Angut; Relnhottt, Munaon (8) and Puaaerleh W AelnllOll2 15-I) L-Stlent>ttg S-Munton 38 -Ouogen (OCCl. Melvin (YI. Ma1ter1 •~marMnt (•I A...-ta. 0..) Craig St.ctlet Cunis S1tange Tom Kite fom Wataon ~Floyd S-a...1eroa Jadt Nlcl(1- Attay s..n Tom W-OPI .wry Piie Oery P .. yet Mlflc H..,._ Peter Ool1..,,.... Jac:lt Flenner Hubert Or_., John Scilroede< Oreg Nomt.,, Fuay Zoelle< CeMn PMt Y111111<1 Haoawa Danny Edward• Jay Heu Keith Feruu- Qlin Pohl Tommy Aaron Larry Nelaofl Bob Glider ~ Straclt a-..J-Holtgrleve OeYIOG<lham Morn• Hataleky &Noe Uol.dle Jim Simons I.Jodie Mud4 Arnold Pelmet Lanny Wldlllna Wtrfne Levi Chi Chi Rod!lgU$1 Petlf Jac:ob_, lM TrlWK> a-WMlerd Wood Oeorge AtCh9f Bob Goalby P•y Br-O-ge8uma e.n Ctenanew l'Mled to o_,, Bemherd Langer a-..J•y Sigel IMO AG«I John M8/lalf9Y Ed Flori Chal1ee Coody GM Morgen Oeve Elehelberger Lon Hlr>ltle John Cooll O.....Ban MWlllt .CO.ey Pavtl'I .. Stien Undlev H•lrwtn AMy North ·--- 75-49-144 74-70-t« 7~145 n.._1'6 74-72-146 73-73-He e.n-1441 7!>-72-147 75-72-147 74-73-147 7•-73-t47 74-73-147 73-7•-147 72-76-147 76-72-1'6 77-71-148 73-75-1'6 72-71-144 n-72-t4g 7S..74-149 76-74-1411 76-74-150 76-74-150 75-75-150 76-72-150 7t-71-150 78-71-150 74-71-150 74-78-150 73-77-t50 73-17-150 76-75-151 n.14-151 77-74-151 75-78-151 76-78-153 77-71-153 76-75-153 76-75-153 75-71-153 78-75-t53 79-74-153 81-72-153 73-e0-153 75-79-ts.4 74-80-164 77-78-155 80-76-165 76-ae>-155 78-I0-158 1a.eo-156 75-81-158 76-78-158 79-77-168 81-75-156 82-74-158 75-82-157 7M2-167 7t-79-t58 80-71-168 I0-78-168 M-72-168 •• ,., DOlo WOlllU>~~ ,_......._T-•1 I , .................... , Unlled 8t"41e 15. Brazll ) Cenllde I , Mealoo 5 T..,..0-Unlted S1a1ee ..... c.n.de M8'llco ... Btllll NaA ~ tN~:!i':' loelon toe, ,.._ .WNY 103 Allan1• 103, ~ 18 lfldleNi 100. 0-...ncl t l M ......... 111, Oflrolt 100 WaeNnoton I 14, Chic4IOO N 0..... fOll, ~ 1o0 Poftlefld tll4, SM Diego 11M KanMa Ctty t 18, UtM tt ,..,..a.... ........ .. .,W~Ofl ~ ...... ~ .... Yori! 11 etev.lancl San Atttonlo et "°'»ton o.n-•I VI-" S..ltle ., "'-'Iii San Diego at OolcMn State ti Laten 111, tNaaett 121 OSNVlll -~ 207'0'~ t7 ..... 11. o.Jnn '"iieoKlnney 14. oonehdek I , ~ 20, Horeloee 10, HiCP 14. Ray •. Aocl'8 O. TOIMI: 12 2"-35 tllf: - L08 ANOelal -Ramble 0, Wiik• 26 Abdul-Jabber 20, M. JoMeGll 11, NlllOl'I 22. COOC* 10, McAOoo t, a.-5. c. JoMeon 14, lanllttlet'ger 17, Moa. tO, McltenN 4 T~ &e 1~33 153 8ccwe "' Olwtw-. Oen-" 31 20 44-121 Loa ~ 27 •8 47 31-153 ThrM •polnt goalt-None Fouled oul- Nor>e Total loule-Oenvw 26, LOI ~ 2e A-11,<fM. COMMUNITY COLLEGE WOMEN OCC 17 LA Pierce 57 011ANOa co••T -1'1111«• 1, Cer\anlel> 7. ElflnOtt 26, Cerr04I 8, MW" 4, Addler 2. Sandvtken I. Kroyw 12, Berry 4 Tota 31 ~917 LA Pll!ACI! -MCNtY 12, Rae 8 PrUOOt 4 Hobb• 25. Cullen 2. Fogal 8 Total•. 23 1 t-23 57 Halftime: Otanot CoMt 27·23 Total route Oranot eo..1 18, LA Pter01 Ill. Fouled O<Jt Betry (OCCl. FOQlf (P). Women AU.-Cll' 4-A Rr9i T- C'-Yi Miiiet (Rlverllde POl)lr, Toni Eldrkl- ge (Gehr), Allison H11eltlne (San Gabrlel). s.ctiy Mk (iv--el<H North). Oel<dre Oun can {lllQlewOOdt. Velerie Oehn (Arc.die~ t.11- chell• McCoy (Gehri. RenH Overton (River-tide POlyr, Violet Palmet (Comptont. Lee Brock (Buena). 8econd T_,, AtlQle CMlllan (Lynwood). V.,_ POI· let (Al•enlde N0<tll). D•bble Blac" (Simi Valley), LIZ Him (San Gat>ri.t), OenlM Sitton (La Sierra). Mickey Sklereu (WHll•k•I. Chatl-Bremond (lnglewOOCI), Sue Edrk:h (St Joeeph). Karina Lud""'9 (Royal); Paule a.tty (Royal~ TMntT-Erln HlgMhl (North Ton..-). Kylee Broek (8uenat, lorl. No<cla (Do• Puet>tot~ Temmy Webb (OcH n Vltw): Krl• Nelt on (Sa n Gal>rlel), Lynn Shtfow (Mo<nlngelde). Angie Stovell (Lynwood). Reolna cr ... •lotd (Rivet aide Nortlll. Su .. n 8 oltnder (Gahr I. JllOQule Shec:klel0<d (Culv9r City) Pl•v« ol thl Year. CMryl Miiiet (RI~ l>oly)_ Loe Al.mltoe FNOA rl M8Ul. Tl ('1al of IO-nlfttl '*-_..,.) FllllT "ACIL One mite ~. Bound lor Glory (Andtnon)7 20 4.110 3 80 Easy 0 V (FOiey) 8 40 5 00 J-Rhyltlm (Baitlaroeon1 8.20 A19o rllCld· Bret't Boy, t<nlght'a Honour, Ranoml, C111e1 Ed, Llztrd Upt My Direct Knight T1me 2•0 I 4/5 IZ UACTA (7-4) paid $74 eo NCONO llACI!. One mile p-. Buclctue (Patlc•l 9.20 3.80 3.00 8cotlng Otllle (lJOhtl>MI) 4.80 3 40 Wlnlleld Armbfo (VAllandlnohan'I) 3 00 Alao tac.cl E""gttlc l<la Grll H Crul--ey, SptrlleltOM Thne I 58. TitMO M CI!. One mile peoe Captain Jamee(Vlllandtngtlam) 3780 1890 920 Juat a Smoothie (FOiey) 8.00 5 20 La Patron N (Kuebler) g 80 Aleo raced; Ru81k: Scott. LOyll Laa, Her Cly MecFeber. Chercoel Henov. Aahley Lord nm. 202 2/5 IZ IXACTA (5·11 pek! S327 80 FOORTlt ltACI. One mlle p- Galltudel (OoudrMU) II 20 4.00 3 40 Spo11igM Gal '""'°"'°") 3 40 3 00 OC-Mlchth (SIMthl 4 eo AISo rllCld Bonnie Lass, Dania's Endea- vor. Tarwller. Ketty Korner, Sly Lil Time 2 00 315 FFTl4 llACE. Ona mite peoe -.. S"IP (Grundy) 22 00 8 20 4 40 Splntllf Anna (Shlrrtnl 12.80 1.20 Anoeta Kay (Patketl 3 80 Al10 raced· Second Thoug1111. Femlly Tradlllon, Bravella. Summer rrollc. Whllo L.-ugl1ter. ANeml'• Girl nm.. 1 59 2/5. 12 IJCACTA (3-5) pale! $181 40 SIXTH ltACI. One mite pace Celeblul (Anderton) 8 ()() 5 00 3 4() Senga F\oaa (Grundy) t 2 00 4 20 1ndlen S-le (GoudlMU) 2.80 Alto raced· Wejovar ROH, Flo•• Dor. Aalrld Ann Time 1·59 215 MVENTH "ACE. One mite pee» Dfeern Time (Kueblat) •.20 3 40 3 00 Sheely Hiii Donne (Mllfetwlnd) 8.00 •.OO Hit And Run IAndenon) 3 80 Aleo rac.d: J091e'a Cl\OIC:e, WIM lnv .. I· ment, Wane Be Hec>Vf, Golda Meir, Renee't Chenet Time: 2•00'1\ 12 IXACTA (3-81 peld $24 80 1Z lltCtt 11X (4-6-3-3-4-3) pekl *4,875 00 w11t1 .....,, ..mn1ng 11e1<11a (llYt hOrMIJ $2 Pldc Sia ooneolatlon paid S29.80 with 384 winning llCl<tla (IOU! ~) llGtfTl4 M C«. Ona mile peca Well Hanover (Adt.......,,I 9 20 4 40 3.00 a-Rwldom Wind (~I 3 eo 3.00 Mr OelrM (Otnnla) 3.20 Aleo raced· Oepper Honey. 8'endlng Iron. a-Solld Fuel. ~ .. Tulenllke4 • -coul)4ed nm.. 2 00 IZ IXACTA (!>-1) pak! S2ll eo • ~ llACli. One mile P101 Specltl Ouellly (Aubin) 21 40 8.20 5 40 Aulon 1Ander9onl 3.eo 2.eo L C'a Byrd (Perry) 8 eo Alee> rec:ed; GolO Slat. Mount U>Oell, True Tricia. Snack Peck, C•P Duhelne. Vouno ....,, Time 1·~ Ip DACTA (Ml Peld $74 80 TllfT'H MCL One mile peoe. c.m Fell• (C1owel •.80 3 40 2 80 lA Rotrl (Hayter) 3 00 2.40 ....., .. E.aP<Wt (Cooelendl 4 '° Caulkins collects No. 38 GAINESVILLE, Fla. (AP) -Fourteen-year- old Dara Torres won the women's 50-yard frees- tyle and Tracy Caulkins pi cked up her 38th national swimming title Friday night at the Un- ited States Open Shor t Course Championships. Torres, a high school freshman from Beverly Hills, edged American record-holder Jill Sterk- el in the sprint with a time of 22.44 seconds. better than Sterkel's 22.46 but shy of the 22.41 mark the 20-year-old University of Texas star set in 1981. Caulkins, a 19 - year-old University of Florida freshman who eclipsed Johnny Weis- s muller's record 36 national titles on Thurs- day, glided to an easy victory in the women's 200-yar d 1ndiv1dual medley in 1:58.94. T hat was shy o f her 1981 Amer ican record of 1:57.ll. Fifteen-year -old Tif- fany Cohen of Mission Viejo. an earlier wlIUler in the wom e n 's 1,000-yard freestyle, won the 500-yard frees- t y I e with a time of 4:39.97, edging Nada- dores teammate Mary- beth Linzmcier, who fi- nished with 4:40.18. J e f f Kos t o f·f . a 16-year-old high school junior from Upland, took the men's 500 -yar d freestyle in 4: 19.38, after a sprinting first -p lace start by Rowdy Gaines. Bas t wins at peedway Mike Bast of Riverside won the four-lap 9Cratch mam event Friday night to highlight speedway motorcycle action at the Orange County Fair- grounds in Costa Mesa. Bast defeated second· place Gene Woods of Costa Mesa, while Alan Christian of Huntington Beach was th ird . Mike Curoso of Huntington Beach firushed fourth. Chr istian won the h a ndicap main event. while Buena Park's Dan McNeill was second and Dan Becker of Fountain Valley finished third. The action was wat- ch ed by 6.327 racing fans. ATTINTIONI MEN ON[Y NEW 198i's ••• GRIAT SAVlllGll 3201 1281 CMetnut ,.,, Moot ElttetlOr Wllh NABERS CADILLAC •Hou. DlnYf •Sinlt lull ol dlah..t .aothea l\ampel' MIT CALL Ptrehment. (4479). 9e9t ~. (&&65). LIASI Ol 1U1t ................. Roy Carver BMW 2000 Holl>Of &Ivel Coste M-.o rJ 141 s.d0·9100 • 12 I 31 $81 8266 TOP llAIS w .... .,.... .. tlMh• .... 64M1f0 IMO JAll.ou& RD-. NOPOllT aNTUl ICWPOln' MACH. CA. "'60 71•~'40·..W MD~ I II,,,,,,... (Wcttec~ 8 I& 0 10 4 llO lllow T 1iPt ( VeldlV*O) & 20 AIM reoed: 8n;ln ~. l\ov.i 811110'1•. Ht. ~. ,1111 Vi.Ion, 0uKt. All-C1tllt11 'ii:. 141 ... MVDfTM MCI. •~ ruoooo• Jena G (Olt~arM) t 20 S 00 4 ?0 Windy DC (Guerre) 1• 20 8 oo bled (PlncaV) ~ 00 Al•o raced Fane, IO . ~lrat AO••nc;e Chelp a..11, Count-Clbrtllo TIMe· 1'16 115 • IXAC'TA 1•·71pak1 .... 00 12 PtCll etX (g 12 11 S-2 4) paid t ft ltM 20 ""''" two Wll\lllnO tlCk .. • (llJI hOt-l U Plc;k SI• OOlll041t1on Plld I t.233.20 With •2 winning tick.ta (ft•• hor-l 12 PIQll SIA -•lc:h conaolauon INlld IM3 20 wtth "'"" wlllfllflQ llCllelt (IOU! hllnM. OM .Zratcnl llOHTII MCIL 8 lurtong1 M.ct Key (Oelahouteaye) 9 00 Ant-LO Muatc (Atmll_,) ""*' 8'01'* (Gueua) 440 JOO • 4(1 3 20 4 00 F1y1n11 Alto ••c•d S tano Pat, Mo11v11y Chld<. Night lHQu1I "'"' 1·08 215 ... TM llACL •'~ ,.., ... Emper0< Mlrlo (Sll>lllel 80 00 20 20 8 80 Old Ace (Ortega) 8 80 5 00 Black Bell (Velenw4Htl 8 40 Alao racea Provld"'111al. General 01d11 Apache Scout. Ster C••••• ''"'' 11..,1., Gegar1n. Sleepy Admtral Shunt)ey nme 1 50 • EXACT A (7 ·81 p,tlO M191 00 Allendanc. 28.8 t3 D D .......... ....,....,,_, , .................. Mt.t TioW....-...... Merlina Ntw•Ulow Otf .,,.,_ ~ 8·3 8-l. Pem Slltl._., Otf Bo11n1t Otdlltill. 8 1, I t, Andrea LNlld Otf Kalhleen HO<· ••th. 1 6. I 2. AndtH Jaeger del K11hr R"'-'dl, 6-S, 8-0 o ... _., ........ .,.111Mt-.._... Ctul1 fvett·Lloyd d•I. Pam 8Ntver. •ll. «I-•. Mime Ja..MIV911 Otf Hana MandllkO..e. 7 6 11·0 Martina NavrAlllO•a Ciel AndfH l Ml\d .. , 8-7, .. , Colteg. UC Wine t . UC a.Me..,..,.. a ........ Snyder (UCI) dtf Ande1aon, t-~-t 1, •••nen (UC88) oer Ou•d•. 8-2, 8-2, Mc· p...,_, (UCI) ctel AIOoa. 8--4, W . ~ (UCI) def Flne<men. 1-2. a.., Aemoe (UCq de! Stevent 1-11, 6-3, 6-2. K1emt1 (UC88} del P•c:nlt 3..fl. 8-3, M 0....... Snrder·Ouede (UCI) Clet AneltrtOll· Blfntn 2-11. 0·4 1-4. Atooa-Anderaon lUCSB) da l Neteon·R•moa. 11-•. 1 -'; McPlteraon Parczek (UCI) aet L11bbtrt• Mut ... I 7 ~.I 7 6-1 Women COU.ICM UC lrvlne 7, Cel It.le .............. 2 M• Myart 1uc~"'f::zyn•"•· 8-4, 7-1. KMllflg (UCI) def Ehrgon 8-2, 8-2. NIJlon IUCll de! Jel-. 8-1. t-1. Rice (BJ Otf Me My•••. 7-8. II 4, Elledge (UCll del L•ckey 3-8 8-1. 8-3. Mallory 1uc11 del While 1-.f 8-1 OoutlMe M11rs-Myera (UCll del A1c.-Jerecza~.'. 6-3 6-1 MallOl')'·KMHnu (UCll det Ehrgon-. Lackey, •-11, 8 3. 11·2: Garlleld·l<uc~yna~•: tBI d4'1 Nlxon-EIM>dge 8-7 6-3, 6-3 : ONE WEEK ONLY! CLEARANCE SALE : ALL FLOOR MODELS come In And Check Our Low, Low Prices ONE WEEK ONLY! . ' . '~--~-~------=------ Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Saturday, Aprll 10, 1882 LIPTON CUP ACTION -Macedonia, a New York-36, skippered by Ken Winters, Oceanside Yacht Club, crosses tacks with Richard Compton's Wampum. Santa DaMy l"tlot Pboto by Almofl l.octlabey Barbara Yacht Club in opening race of the Lipton Challenge Cup series at Long Beach. Macedonia is holding down 10th place after two races. Wampum is in 14th place. Brooke A n n victo rious aga in Lipton Challenge Cup may be headed for San Diego By ALMON LOCKABEY DtillJ Not 8oeClftt Witw Flambuoyant and Tonka, a Peterson-34 rating 26.5 and representing the An.acapa Yacht Club. Tonka is in 9th pl.ace after two races with 20 points. L ~~~Pae~-ma~~--~r~~,.~1_11111 __ ~~-i~·~~Plal~~ll1ll~~~ PlaJC1111l N""°"9 WM I ..cwnoulMW N1mOUe WM ~ ._, U. eTA,,_... U. 9TAT-1 IWll rtA,_,. l6Mll efA~ Tiie tOllOWinO ,.,_ .,. _.,,. 111191 ~ '*°"""' .,..._ ii ... ..,.._ The ~ ,.,_ .,.. ..... llulf. Tiie ....... .,._ II ...,_ - -•:. ., ......... ,.IHI .. C,.... ... ALL IOUTHlllN 'AlffflHO COM· -_. "' Me WAnM """"' ...,., """ ,~y •uti: OllHNVILLI IANTA '"""THM l'Ullll'1"0 ... , .... ''fHAYll\ uo . .'.', 14111 ........ ,AHY, Q/9 19010.... • ._. llllte 7IO, "'' • -OrM.eo.le ....._CA""'1 -.._~ .... -tlM* ...._. ...... ~ t2tlO ..... . . ..,. \.. ...... ttf ........ °""" "°"" ~ •"-· ._ .. .... ,~ Life.__ CeM-THt:,1 L Y~ HIO I OllHN· ee.t. ....._CA ... 7 ~I MIU ..... Gel....._ uei-••nr .• Htll Yo1• OOlllOllJlon.llU ~ ~ ~ .... *'.... ..,. ...... , ........ g,..,.. ~ --C•lllPll• Oflw•. len "'•tM. C111tou 111 -Yr c..-. CA iiei7 ,.,. _._. __.. llJ •......, ~ thl• Dv-M ~led by Ill lft> ........... u Fl•lllOftl V•nh11e, 110 I Oove Tiii ~ncr-1.,r" Ill d 11• ,. ---""""e..,,....., llfMI. lwti, 190, Newpotl llMotl, ()ell. 1 1 1 1"'1" Wll 1 W " ... 1ur10n L. """' Tlllo tllllmeftl WH ttfed wllll Ille toollil tHIO. · OcM'llyOler1lof Or""91C°""'I'°" Apt t, tlllt ot•t•m•nt wH 111eo wt111 ttt• ~a.II Of 0..,,.. ~ Oii...,... ~~=-II oondllcled ~ I 9"'1'11 IMI r.tW ~()lerll of Qr9n09 CouMy Oft ... Clfl It. 1992. ~ t1 ,,_,. V-• l'ul>Mthff °''i'.'f. Cofft ~~ ,._ ~ °'M91 CoMt o...y ,_, Jt;wt o O'OOlll*I. Alt' I. IO. 11. l ... M2 • ,u1111-Oreoee co .. 1 o.llY Piiot .._. ao, t7, Alt' I. '°· ,_ 0ener11 ,..,,,., w.rc11 21. Alt' a: 10. 11. ttN 114~• Tiii• tl•l•"'tftl •H 11110 •1111 tlte r.JC •nc£ tl86-U ------------c-ity Cletll Of On11191 CN\ty °" .._ - .. ,. 1"2 ------------,~, PICTTnOUe 1U9111SN _,........._ IUtlmlTAT..-n ,.._, Tr~=-l ... lollowlng -ere doing butt. ...... --"'Ml IS ' A 1>'11 ALL AMU'llCAH IUILOllll, 2027 ... ,......._ C.. .. 111 "'-'lie, ColtA -. CA t2t21 l'u&llMIH Of•l\99 CoMI 09'1y Pilot, llOll!"T K. TAYLO", H O Oro•• -27. Alt' a. IO, 11. IM2 1436-12 "'-eA~l\A~;t =r.ll!llllY, U4 AclllNI. ~CA tl1•i Thll ~·--*'by. 9"'1'11 ~. AobenK, ~ MnnGUe 9UM1118 Tltlo t lll•m•nl wH lll•d with Ill• MAim ITAft-.n County Clerk of Or-. County°" Aprll I , TN~ -.,. doing~ IN2 --, __ ALKO INVlllMl!NTI . 2048 SH Publlatt..i 0•""9• Coul Olllty ,llol, C:O... ......_ eo.te ,.__CA tH27 Apttl ), IO, 17, 24, 1912 lllOIM2 PAUL E. LOWE". 204e SH Cove IAW. eo.&e ,._, CA '2t11 ~RE THEllESA M. AljORlWS, eue ~ 1.aM. Vort>e Linde, CA t2811. a.-~RYer=.~a~l4;243 W11w ~A;::,u MARILYN L GROVER. I 122 .. 0 .. The 1o1owtftg ~ 11 dolf'll -- Kumultumu, Honolulu. H-t2et2 M lhll -11-90 bye een-el SOUTH COAST CA"9£T CARE. 2019 ~ B Twtlft A .. , Coeila-. Ca. tte17 P9' L .._ RicNrd 0 w-. 2019 "B T\dtln Thi• etet•menl ••• llled wllb Ill• A .. eo.to-. Ce tne27 County ci.ti OI Or-. Coooty °" Apr11 1. rhio bu-11 -eel 1>y e 111N1.o 11182 1)4111_.,,.,, • ,,.... RlcM<d G WMtl.,.,. Pul>llth9d Oreng• Coaol Delly Pilot, Jhl• ftlltmen l w11 lll•d wlllt Ill• Apf1I s. 10. 17, 24. tM2 l&t~ County ci.i. of Orenge County on w.rc:n ------------24 tN 2 ~llTIC ,_. ________ E ____ ... :~1~r~·t"f0'. ~r:~e1:~:.'.:;· l'IC'11TIOU9 MINS .. ..,._ ITATUllWT T ... lollowlng Pl"Orla 11<1 clolftO bull---1-~----------0 EL TOH LEA&IHG, 3210 s. Suten &t.-. Set1IA An&. CA '2704 DELL J SH0 8 ERY U 02 Buen a VIiia, &Ml ci...-1e, CA '2972. R08ERT W. LEONO. 21211 ForMI Meedow o.t... El Toro, CA t2e30. KAREN L_ LEONG, ?1211 Forell MeedCN OrM, El Toro. CA tH30 AAHOY W. LEOHO. 292'2 Hiia Fon! "'-· El Toro. CA .,930 Tltlt ~le _eel by a QtftWel ""''-"""· Oell J s--, Tlllo otatemenl weo llled will\ Ill• Coutlty C1aor1< of er.,. County "" Aprll 1 1M2 ncnnoue_.. PIC1'nOU9..... ...... .,.,,_..,. ...... ..,,.~ , .... ·~ ,.,._ ... ~ - The tOllowlrlO ...,_ -..... --.. -M. ITll'tll .... A.u.£N •AlllNIMHlll. OAll llDOSllOWfTAlll TMU & 1112 av-1 C...ter 0.-, a..«. 140, TOY CO , 1027 loutll LlftwOOO Awe., """-, CiMor'* tnll SMte AM. CA '2'10I C K ...,., Jt. 114 E9I 20ll\ ,.,._ T-• W~ lnO., e C.0.· No •. Coele ...... Oelllomle t2116 Ill• c0tporatl0ft, 1021 IC>U«ll Linwood "fymond P St...,.1. MJ15 Celle A .. , ..., .. AM. CA t270I Nor•nf•. Cap111r•no 8eacll. Celllornl• ""' -.. ~by ·-t?t26 •lllO" Lelend Slepll•nt . 11t EHi 1e111 v.,._ w~ i..c 8"..i. Coll•....._ c-• mt1 er.tee It v...... '"" --.. CGnOllCWd by e O--el ~ '*"-INI> Thie t1•te111ent •II 111•0 wllll Ill• C K ....,_ Jt County°""' of er.,. County°" -di a 11 otel•m•nl ... lll•d with .,.. II, 1912 County Clert. al OrMO" County on Metdl P~ 24, 1N 2 Publlalted O,.nge Coaol Delly Piiot, ,.,_ MatQlt 20. t1. Aptll '· •o. , .. 2 l$4M2 M~-::l~~~T'Y~. ~r.·r~·11r~~2 l'tCTmOW8UMiaM MAllll ITA'OlmlO' The~~ .. dolr10 --.. COASTLINE PHYSICAL THl!"APY SEAVICH. 33022 r .... o SI • Dene ,.~ CA t2Ut ~ A oiw-. 33022 T-o St . 0... l'orit. CA t2e2t ~ Dv9ineu la COftdUCllCI by Ill In· Br.-A GIW19WI Tltto 11al•m•n1 wet llltd wllll Ill• County ~ of Otllftge County on Fe(I 13, 1982 ,..,. PubllthlQ Orange Cou l Oelly Piiot. ... .,"" 20. 2l. Aprll 3, 10. 11182 t~ '9C'nfloue ...... ..... .,.A~ T ... loloilMQ penone .,. doi"ll ---SAllMOVl'S HA~LMAl'll(. 31 F.....,,, -· "-'-·CA t:zeeo AJIT s SAWHNEY. ,. Lucern•. ~t IMec:ll CA t2MO SATIHOER I( SAWHNIY. 24 ~· ne. ~ 8-:11. Clo t2MO l !Me -.. _.., l>y .,, In· dl-...i A/ti 8 5-..y T1111 1ta1•men1 wu file d •ltlt Ill• County Cl9tll al Otonge County on Aprll 1. 1982 p~ Publllhl<I Orenge Cooot O•lly PllOI . Aprll 3. 10. 17, 24. 1 .. 2 1610-«! l'tCTmOUe .,.... NAMSITA,.__, T ... following--·.,. doing ---AOAPTl\IE AESOORCI S. 610 Fern 1111 A .. , Corone Oii Mer. CA t2t26 Sl\Wt O iw.ttn. 510 -A .. Corone dOll l.t•. CA 9M2j Ellen 0 Auohn. 6 10 Fe<t\INI Av. Corone Ott ..._. CA 92925 Tltll --la conouetecl by en .->-cori>o<el.O ~ olhaor .,..,, • ""1· -9"1c> S1""1 0 AtAllrl BlwlG -Thlt 1l alement ••• tUed with th• Cout\ty Clerk OI OrlftClt Coutlty on ........,,, 10 1N 2 ,,... Pul>llth9d Ore11ge Coe.at Delly Pllol. Maorclt 20, 21. A/1lfl 3. 10. 1N 2 AClTTIOUI IUtNNIH ..._STA~ 1361-12 AlL·8ENZ ACCESSORIES . 1300 T ... 1-.g .,.,_ 11 doOt>g --..,_ A-. '2 IC, eo.t• W-. Cell-u -t2e2t FOTO OWIK, t715S Brooollurat SI. Jeftcl Bergen. 1300 AOemt A-. founlt#I \lelW/ CA 92708 '21C, Coett ..._. C-tne29. Yoon. Soll• Koo. 10&45 El Centro Tiit. buolnecld 11 c:onouct..i by en In· A.. Fountton \lllley. CA 92708 OMduef Th11 bu11neaa 11 conducted bV an 1n- Jenel e.ven dN-Tltlo 11a1emen1 •11 111•0 •illl Ill• Soni! Koo Yoon County ~ al 0..,. eo..nty on Matefl 11111 1111em1n1 •U hied will\ 1111 11. 1182 County Cler~ "'Oranoe County on Matm ,,._ 24 1982 Publl11t1<1 O•ang• Cou 1 Delly Piiot. ,,_ A/llM 3. 10. 17. 24. 11112 1545-82 Pul>lltlled Orenge Cotll 0111y Pilot. LONG BEACH -The 79-year-old San Diego Lipton Challenge Cup appeared to be on its way back home Friday as the San Diego Yacht Club challenger, Brooke Ann, skjppered by Bruce Nel- son, scored its second straight handicap win. Under the current Lipton Cup rules the winner is the boat with the lowest hanrucap score in the 1 ___ rnuc __ •_nc_E __ _ PVIUC MOOCE M"1cll 27. AprM 3. 10, 17, 1982 I Going into today's final race, Nelson and his crew need only to stay out of foul trouble. avoid a breakdown or gear failure, and pl.ace fifth or higher to recapture southern California's oldest yachting troph y. In Friday's 17.6-mile race Brooke Ann led from start to finish and beat Long Beach Yacht Club's defender, Barney Flam in Flambouyant, by five minutes and 26 seconds on elapsed time. On the handicap scale Flambouyant gives Brooke Ann .59 seconds per mile. Brooke Ann's two straight wins gives her I th points to six for second pl.ace Tomahawk, Balboa Yacht Club, and seven for LBYC's Flambuoyant. Bill Palmer's Shenandoah, Newport Harbor Yacht Club, has an outside chance with a score of eight points. Pacific Mariner's Yacht Club's Turka has nine points, and King Harbor Yacht Club's Couer de Lion, is in sixth place with 10 points. Th-el"e were 18 challengers and the defender originally entered in the series. California Yacht Club withdrew before the start because of crew troubles, and Allen Brown's Spirit, Voyagers Yacht Club, was disqualified after the first race because-of a rating di!crepency. Both Thursday and Friday's races were sailed in moderate 12-15 knot breezes, but a forecast weather front promised heavier winds, and possibly rain for today's race. . Brooke Ann is a Nelson-Marek-designed yacht being skippered by co-designer Bruce Nelson. The yacht is making its debut in offshore racing this year and is CWTently leading in Los Angeles Yacht Club's Whitney Series after four races. Under the International Offshore Rule rating system Brooke Ann rates 32.3 feet, just one-tenth of a foot leas than the defende r . Flambuoyant, a Peterson-41 sloop. · 4> this year's Lipton Challenge there is a 20 percent rating range between the scratch boat, From Page 81 MASTERS. • • ln danger of rniasing the cut. But Wat.eon came back with a display of the grim lipped detennination that has made him the outstanding player of his time. He rallied with a 69 that left him only 2 shots back at 146. Mark H ayes bad a spot amon g the pace· aetters until he encountered a dismal experience on the 18th green. Hayes. whose last victory came ln the 1977 Tournament Playen Championship, was 1 under par, 1 shot off 1he lead, and putting for a birdie that would tie him for the top apot. It waa about a 12-footer. but he miaeed it on the low aide and the ball began trickling down the slope. Hayes walked toward the ball, then stopped aa the bell pauaed then rolled down the hllla, finally ltoppina tome 30 feet away. OCC women top LA Pierce PASADENA -Delores Effinger 1COred 25 _. md hauled down 13 rebowW Fliday night hielPna Oranae Cout Colleae to a 67·57 victory over LA Pierce in women'• community cou.,e ~...uon. ~ wlnnlna. the Pirates earned fifth plllCe ln Che PilMlerla TOumament of Cbamp6orw. OOC, 18-S overall, held a precariou1 27-23 halfdme advantaf:ct.and never could,pull away from t.A Plism, w -• 26.pcint ICOrtQC per· fm-tram DI-» Robbi. ,,,. Pin• alilo NCltwd 12 pgln .. I.ram Kril at..,. . ,. three races. From Page 81 NEW GUI NEA. • • doctor. The Dutch are all off-road enthusiasts." Before he was picked for the team. Peters knew of his teammate Arnold but had never met him. "I knew of him because of his experience 'in road racing. He has an extensive jeep background and is an off-road racer, par-excellence. He drove the Darien Gap in the jungles between Panama and Colombia and his wilderness survival experience includes three years service in the U.S. Army as a member of the Green Berets." Peters served with the U.S . Navy during the Vietnam crislS as a helicopter crewman on search and rescue m~ions. "We'll be on the road for 10 days if everything goes right. I can foresee it going longer. We'll have two days to prepare for the trip after we arrive. We'll do such thrngs as waterproofing the ignition. "There'll be a lot of submarine driving. cros- sing of a number of rivers and we expect the water to be over the hood. This is the monsoon season over there and we'll get a lot of rain every day. "THERE IS A competent mechanic on each team and it is his duty to salvage the damage and limp out of trouble the best way possible. "We'll be staying at base camps each night where we will assemble and prepare for the next day. "This is really not a race or a rally but a test of our ingenuity and driving ability over natural obstacles. "This IS the first time this event has been sta- ged with teams from more than one country. They have a point system they will use to determine a winner but they aren't telling us what it is. "There will be obeervers al major obstacles to grade our ability to work as teams and to judge how we get over these unique obstacles. "There will be a lot of bridge repair and so far we have no maps of where we are going. "We are limited to 33 pounds of equipment per person which includes approximately one pound of survival rations in case we get separated from the others. Aircraft will be checking our whereabouts as we go along. ''I don't know how they will see us in t hat thick jungle but that doesn't bother us." - Peters Is married and wife Mary wasn't very excited when he first made application to join the Camel Trophy '82 RJ'OUp. "YES, SHE WAS was very disinterested at first," Peters says. "But now she's enthused and excited about it. When I atgned up, she said, "yeah, sure, they are going to pick you'." The terrain the teams will pus over goe. aa high as 15,000 feet and through rain foresta alive with ICOl"plona. bats, crocodiles and pythons. They will wrestle a 2-ton vehicleEF.atony, narrow paths, when there are paths. are often logs erected over gushing me.ma IDCft often than not, there are no brict,_ and ritual tribal warfare ii 1UU a way of Ufe for; the natlwe. The .ctUal competition rum for 10 daya from · April 16 throu&h April 2~ and then three claya of wmdonl.nc before beM•na home. It'• an exclttn1 chaDence and Hunttn1ton Bw:b'• Bob Peten OOOlklet'a hlmlelf fortunate to be amon1 the few choeen for the trip and com- petition. 'l1ler'e are o&hetl wbo would prefer tNI com- forw of home and a ielrlWon 11t to view IUCh aar- roui: lhould haw quite• ICIOl'Y to tall wtm'.l be rwtunw from c.m.1 Trophy •12 In Papua New QulnM. ,. PlC'T1TIOUS .,.. .. MAlllllTA~ CREATIVE OCCASIONS, 240 N-· port Center Ori••· Sull• 200, M-porl a..cr., CA t2CMJO, The IOIOwlnQ S--II dolr1Q ~ .. Samantht Hamme<. 187 bpl.onode. lfVln<!, CA 82715 EMERGO INTERNATIONAL. 249 L• Jollt Ori .. , """'1>0<t Beeolt. CA 92983 JOHANNA M ORANOIA. 2•8 IA JOla o.M. "'-' -· CA 92t63 Tll•• but1ntN 11 eon<!ucl•d l>Y "' In· Tttlo busl,,.N I• eonducll<I tly "' In· -S-0.. Hemmaor 01-JOr-Tltlo ttetament w11 lll•d wlllt 1111 County ci.t< OI Or-. Coumy on A/111 1. 1982 11111 •••••menl w11 lll•d willt 111• County~ of er.,. Coooty on Apttl 1. ,_,. 1"2 p~ ...;~~1.1~~~1~;~~~;.~0111 0911(~ Publl•""' O••n11• Co•11 0 111y P1101, April 3, 10, 17, 24, 19'12 1493-82 l'IClTTlOUI IU ... U PlC'T1TIOUS ~U ..:.. ... .:.~ ~~olng -Tiie I~ s!!!.TE.=- MIC RO·FUSION ENGINEERING .. GROUP, 3857 Birch St Sulle 909. New-i<EYSlONE REAL TY. 6612 Wtol· _, 8Mcll. CA 92980 mintier A ... W•tmlnttat'. CA 92683 .i-PU Br-d. 135 w lleM<, O•Yld Ma•well a.men. ~IO Bl•b) N104. eo.te-. CA 826H Hll AO Long 8-:11. CA 90815 Cltettet Alleft Smltfl. ~5 w Ballw. ~bu.,,,.., 11 eon<1uc1..i Dy •n In· A(ll •F201, Coeu M9M. CA 02«26 ~ M a.men ~=-llc:oncM;teelby•~ Thll 11a1emen1 weo 111•0 •llfl lltt .i-p ~d Counl"t C... al ~County on Maorclt Tnlo t111emen1 wu tiled wlllt tlte 24, 1982 ,,...,, ~~;-" OI Orenge eo.,nty on Maorclt Pul>lloheO Or•ng• Coaol Oolly Piiot. ,,._,., Marett 27, Ac><M 3, 10. 17 IH2 1371_.2 Publlott..i Or•nge Coe11 O•lly Pilot. ------------M•cll 27. Ao1t 3, '10, 17. 1982 1~ l'lennou9 _.. ..,._8TA~ fltC'TTT10U8 -.. .: .!.Ollowlng -.... clolftO butl- Th r MAm STATDSWT (•) SUHBEl T PU8LICAllONS: (b) ._ ... Ollowlng _."°" .... dOlng Dv ... WOALO WEST PVBUCA TIOffS: (c) ~ SOUTH COAST CIRCUITS. 2255 Rll-SEHOLO MAOAZtNE. 3001 ~ A-•--,,.,., 81"9 a.toe.~ -. CA t282t ""9V ...... 1a Ana. CA t2707 Oe borelt l. Mel"•. 14 t1 Hendel. c R 8EH80N. 1313 O••llnglord, ...... Pn. CA IOl2 I C-. .._, CA 92ea. ~ L.allomue. t417 .-, ... SETTY J . THOMPSON, 410 1 Cort-ne Petti. CA '°'21 -0tM. c:or-dal M.,, CA llMH Tllll ~ 11 concluC1ecl by o oar-W JOHN E. BREE.OOH. 31 Glenn . .,__ ~ CA '2714 o.tiorlll1 L _,. lnlne~u:;7~·. Cl.ARI(. 30 ClvWI....,.., Tltlo 1111ement w11 llled with tit• County Clertl ol ()nflge County °" -~----II--by 1 IJl"Wel It. IM2 -----, __ C R S.-""bllolted Ofenot Coa11 Ottly Pilot. Tlllo tt•tement woo lll•d wllfl tit• 7 ..,,_ 3 10 tM2 County ci.t< al 0..,. County °" ~ 1, -20• 2 • • • 130$-l2 1182. Pub""*' ot.,,ue co .. , o.~ NIUC •nee Aprll 3. 10. 17. 24, 1112 • !02-eit------------ l'lCTmOUI llUIMm .. ~STA~ The~~ .. doil'll - PICTmoue.,.... -~ ITA,,_,. AU8$11 WV.A/ART WV.A. 210 Tiii T Sl. HuntlftV!on -· CA ~ lie 1-.....g--.. ... dOil'O -Suu n LH Tllom•..o.,.~10 7111 S t .• -•· H\onllng1on a.ctt, CA ,....,. AAIH90W COIJl'OHS, .., 1 MlllCAr· Tlllt ...... MM .. oonducled by "" In· tttur llMI Ste. 211 • .......,,, a.ctt. CA dMdull. t2tlO 8ueen L n- HUQMe Ad -· • Cellfortll9 -· Tlllo at•l•m•nl wH lll•d wllll Ille ponlllorl, * 1 ..._,,,.. ll"CI S1e. 2 I 1. County ow-"' ()nflge County °" -........,,, ...,,., CA t2MO 24. ttG ,.,. -.. _.._by·---,.,..,.. Publlthecl Orenge Co•tl Ollly Piiot. Maordl 21. AQl'l 3. 10. 11. IM2 1:1412-e:> ' .... • Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/S&turdmy, April 10, 1882 Al'~ BOYCOTl'ED BY HOOKERS -Shirley Hol- mon awaits business in her classy new restau- rant that she developed from an old Chinese laundry in the heart of Salinas' "r ed light district." Her attempt to turn the shady side of town respectable is encouraged by local busi- nessmen, but the hookers are upset by the restaurant's dress code forbidding flashy attire and are boycotting the place. iiii11· 1mcis RUTH son, Church of J esus Chnst D 0 L L Y P A U L I N E o f Latter Day Saints oHicia- R UTH. a restdent of Costa ting. Services under the di- Mesa, Ca. since 1978. Passed r ection o f Harbor L a wn away on April 8, 1982. She Mount Olive Mortuary o f was a resident of Petiscola, Costa Mesa. 540-5554. Florida for 40 years before NELSON moving to California. She "" "IE M NELSON . was a member of the Elks ~ · • resi- By SYDNEY OMA.RR Suday, Aprtl 11 ARJES (Man!h 21-April 19): You'll have~ aucltene., you OM ·bnprint 'Style and you can make valuable contactl which MVe dJ.rect effort on your future. Focua on travel, aptrituAI concepta. law and communication. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): You'U delve be- neath surface Indication• -you locate mlulng Items and could strike pay dirt. You'll be rtd of burden, you'll have more freedom, greater Inde- pendence and you'll be in more direct control of your own destiny. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Patience ii your, ally; refuae to ~ chided lnto raah action. Check le- galities, explore various avenues, wait for clue, hlnt or "meaningful colncidence." Accent on contracts, possible partnershlpe,J:.ivocative announcement trom one whose ideas with your own. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Perceive picture as a whole -leave fine points, detaila for another rime. Focwi on employment, time achedule, ability to communicate with those who perform 1pecial services. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Breakthrough Lndlca- ted -red tape UI tom and you'll have more leeway for creative activity. Signi1icant chailRes occur, atyle is impnnted and romance is featured. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): You'll be concerned with property values, residence, budget prepara- tions and other practical issues. Travel could be on · agenda, long-diatance calls are featured and your itinerary is outlined. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Important domestic adjustment dominates scenario. Relatives, trips, · messages are part of busy scenario. Special purchase or gift is highlighted. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Take nothing for granted, especially where finances are concerned. Steer clear of wishful thinking, avoid self-deception and insist on definition of tenns. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Emphasis on responsibility, promotion, reward and intensified relationship. You'll be at right place at right time. Jud~me nt and intuition are on target. CAPRICORN: (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Fini.sh rather th an initiate project. Look behind scenes for clues. Someone will truSt you with confidential informa- tion. Be discreet, realize you are on brink of major opportunity. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Emphasis on romance, wish fulfillment and ability to win friends and influence people. You could receive s pecial recognition for participation in community project. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Family reunion could highlight agenda. One you aided in past will express appreciation in material manner. Cancer, Capncom , Aquanus natives figure prof!Unently. Club in Florida for 40 years dent o{ Newport Be&eh, Ca and a member of the Retired for the past ~ years, passed , ____ PIBJC ___ NO_TICE ___ _ Ml.IC Mn1C( NnriOUi ..... Ml.IC ll)llC( .-.cn'ioue ., ..... ...-n•~ fh• lotlowlng pereon 11 doing ~-NATIOHAL. PHOTO Of COST~ Ml!8A, ttH Aneh.im It .. Coate ..... Ce.t2t27 ..... Alen a.-. ttte Anaflelm St., Cotta MeM. C.. t2t27 Thia ~ le oonduCted by .,, lndMdull. l!lret A. S.- Tllll ~ -lll9d wttt1 t"8 Coumv CWlt of Orange County on Aotll •. 1"2. ,,_1 . Publlahed Orenge CoHt Delly Piiot Aptll 10. 17. 24. May 1, 1982 1802-42 ftCnnoui-l&Am STAT"llmWT '"" lollowlng --... OOillQ .,... ,.. ea; TUF"F ,A8ll!HER8 COMPANY, tf 141 8.,,1• Lavr•ll• Cl•Cl4P, 'oun1e1n Vttl/ltlf. CA t270t --Fot• Wlaott. p-Jene Wll.011. 11141 8 1111• Laurella Clrc:le. Fo..Mlll'I v-.,, CA t270I Tlllo -II c:onduet9CI by an In· dMclulll. _,or•W*<ln Tiii• etet•m•nl WH 111•4 wllll Ille County Ol9rll OI Oranoe Co.Inly Oft ..._,... 24. tta. ,_ P1tllll•lted Ofan~ Coul Dally PHot. Mtlfdl 21, """ a. 10, 11. 1112 tl7M2 f!tC1mOU9 --llAm STA~ Tl•..,..,..,.~ .. clc*IO - N#OflfT llU9INESS JOUAHAl. Ona """°" .._, 1>o1 o.... a ..... ...,... ll0'1 ....... CA l2llO Al MenOei. I 116 W .... 001 IMYcl., ~ e.o.. CA 92te1 Thlt--lt~lly·-~.--Tiii• etatemenl •H 111•4 •1111 the Courtly Clef" OI 0...,. Courwy Oft -ti. tta ,_ P1tllll .. tecl Ofan~ Cout Dally Pllol, -20. 27, Aprll S. 10. !NZ t301~ Officera Wives Organization away on Apnl 8, 1982. She In Florida. She h as been a was a member o( th e Gol~en membe r o f St. J ohn the Age Grou p. aCflhated w 1lh Baptist Catholic Church. She the Chras-.C hu_rch by lhe ls survived by her son Carl ~· She LS survtved by her M. Ruth of Texas. sisters children Mary Ellen Ander- Berdie I. Howard of Costa son of .S an Francisco. C a ., Mesa, Ca, Gladys Marine of Marpne ~ K.Jl.tle .. Bon- Yucaipa. Ca., Helen Paradis rue Mane W~e of Arizona, of Redondo Beach, Ca., Bon-Cla~de W ilham Net.son of nie Austin of Sacramenlo. lndtana. Rotx>r.t David Nel · Ca., Louise Carlo of 'Hunt-son o f Hawa11 and James ington Beach, ea .. Rose Lee Larry Ne lson of Ne~port Akridge of Sacramento, Ca .. Beach, Ca., 18 grandc~Jdren brothers Andrew Akridge and 11 great-gran~~dren. of Simi Valley, Ca. and Slumber Room v1s 1tat_ion Warren C . Akridge of was held on Fnd.ay, April 9. Fontana, Ca., also survtved 1982 fro m 12:00 noon to by 2 grandchildren. Slumber 7:00PM. at the Harbor Lawn Room visitation will be held Memonal Chapel, 1625 G1- ITATI!_,.,. Of WITIC>flAWAl. FlUHll PA"1ll[9'IHIP Ofllf9'ATINO UNDEJl AClTTIOUI llUllNEU~ NOTICI! Of AJllltJCATION ~.~ .. TO MU The~ __, 11 c1c*10 °"'*- The tollowlng person haa with· drawn u a general part!lflf "°"'the partnership operating under the llctltlou1 buelnHa nama of 0 & F Conetrucllon Company at 1116111 Gr.-ivi.w i.-. Huntington 8-;ti, CA 1126411. The llc1ttlou1 b<.191,_. name et• 1-t fl)( the partnership WU llled on June 2e, 11111 t In the County of ~Heme and Addreu ot th• Pereon Wlthdrew1r111. Edward Oe- Mu tla, 161161 Greenview Lane, Hunllngton 8Mctl, CA 1128411 Edwvd DeMutle ,.. No. 1el002 Publlahed Orange Coell Oall., P1lol ApfH 10, 17, 24, May 1. 1982 1642·82 on Monday , Aprtl 12. 1982 sler . Costa Mesa. Ca. Ser-1------------- from 8 :00AM to 3 :00PM. Vices will be held on Satur-1---~~~r=--­ Recitation of the Rosary will d a y . A pr 1 I I 0 • I 9 8 2 a t beheldonMonday,Apf ill2. IO:OOAM at lhe C hrist 1982 at 3:30PM at lhe Har-Church by the Sea with ~v. be In 1u11 1 bor Lawn Memorial Chapel. Robert Shepard, Jr o ffina-1982. a;d Entombmenl services will be Ung : Services under lhe dJ· ~ held at Belview Mausoleum rectaon of Baltz Bergeron-tan on Tuesda A ril 13 1982 at Smith & Tuthill Westcli f z lo·OOAM ySe, f\P 'd th Chapel Mortuary o f Cos n1nce 82·5 eh1ngee the 10-. . rv\ces un er e M 9 ng or portiona of Lo11 51 and 111. direction o f Harbor Lawn esa. 646 -371. Newport Helghll Treet from MG Mount Olive Mortuary of 1na Cl·CP to CL, In connection PETflNGALL with Rezone Petluon R-82-03 Costa Mesa. ~0-5554. ELINOR ROGERS PET-Tile lull te•t of the prol>Offd or- ..... u .. '"'Y dlnance m•y be read In th1 City ITIADAJ, T l NG A LL, arrangements Cle<k'a olflee at n Fetr Drive, eo.ta EFFIE C . MA HAN Y . made by Peek Family Clo-Mesa resident of Costa Mesa, Ca nial Funeral H ome, Wes t EILEEN P PHIN NEY for the past 8 years. Passed m 1 n s t e r . I! 9 3 3 5 2 5 o r g~~ ~"toate M ... away on April 7, 1982. She 539.9549 Publlarted Orange Co••t Dilly waa active in civil affairs for Piiot, ~p<ll 10. 111112 1&48-82 her adult life. She is survi FOSTER .,._ 'C MnTtl'C ved by her children Edwin ruuu """"'" H. M ahany of Ne w Jersey J.IMMY R . FOSTER, NOTICEIMVITINQ..,I Robert J . Mahany of Red resident of Santa Ana. Ca. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN tllal wood City, Ca. Edmundo Passed away o n April 7. Meledpraoosat1 wlHberec:ieMldby Mahany of R ose wood. Ca. 1982 . H e was a 21 year theCltyolCoe1•~•1theomce and Jean T . McA rthur ofl m~mber of the Brack L~y-~~1~~ ~:i11•u:._0g.,7:;.J.7. Costa M esa, Cu ., sis ters er s & Stone M asons Union unlll lhe hour of 11:00 i.m. on April Maude White of Mis.<lowi 8 No. 22. manager and coach 29. 111112, •t which time the)' will be grandchildren and I gre~t-o f the G 1 r 1 · s Bobb 1 e ~:~,:"'t>er':::r ~N~ grandchlld. Services will be Socks League. member of SHING A~ 1 ~~~QsftdrU~bt}. held on Saturday April lO the National Jet Boal and EOUIPM~ :t: ......... _. _,,,~ .. ..,.i Al.COHOUC ..W.MC.I • To Whom It May Concern: G ' c RECORDS. GAMEi, 5110 HENRY BELL & HENRY H. BELL, WMlrninllet' A_,.,.. Unit M. s-M ANI. JR .,, epp1y1ng to the ~t Calltornie ernn ol Aleohollo Beverage Control IOI' Ho ~·=-~!:,4~~art. ··41•· ON SALE BEER & WINE (PU8 r111e 1><111-1e "°""_.., 11y.,. 11" EAT PL) to Mil aleOhollc beYlregee - et 9CI06 Hemllton A--. ~ O<tOO<Y ~-ton eeeon Callfomla. Tiiie llll•man1 wu 111•0 wllll Ill• Publlehed Orange CoHt 01lly Coltn1y oi.ti OI Orange c-.ty"" - Piiot. Aprtl 10, 111112 1537..U ~s. 1* .. ~ Pl8.IC ll)llC( ..!~I~ ~f.'f:. ~~I~~ l'JCTITIOUe ...... N.U. STA,.....,., The lollowlng peraon 11 doing ~-TOM'S WEU SERVICE, 3001 A1dhlll. Bulldlng IV, Suite 105. ea.ta ~. Ce. 929211 CharlH T. Haye, 3173 1 Via P.to. TraOuoc> CAn)'On. Ce.. 9211711 Thie ~ le c:onouo1ed by In lndMdual CherlM T. Hev- Thla •t•l-1 wu llled wfth lhe County Clenl of Orange County on Aprll 9. tllll2. l'IClmOUI ........ NAl9 aTATllmNT The following peraon la doing ~-ACE DEUCE MFG., 1835 Whit· tltr. 85, Coate ..... C&. 92927 O.Yld R. Mccollum. 2227 Po-rnone. llA, Coate .._, C&. 92827 Thll ~ le eondUcted by an lndlvldull. Oevld R. MoColMfl Thll statement -ll6acl wlttl the Coun'Y Cieri! of Otwioe County on April II. 111112 ,,_ Publlehed Or1nge Coaat Dilly ,,_ Piiot April 10. t7. 24, M•y 1, 19112 Publl1hed Orange Coaat Dilly 1615-82 Piiot April 10. t7, 24. May 1. 19112 ~----------~ 1604~2 NlJC ll)TlC( NOTICE°" "*JC HEAMtQ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thet • publlc hearing wllf be Mid by the City Council of th• City of Colla ""'-on ....,. 3. 111112. In the Counoll Chamber• ot Clly H1tl, 77 F11r ~. eo.ta ......_ at 1:30 p.rn~ "' H eoon the< .. tter u practicable, on lhe lollowlng Item: 1'0 CONSIO. ER REVOCATION OF ENCROACH- MENT PERMIT NO. lie, weter ..... lh• on tile IOUth tide al Sunttow. A-approxlmetel)' 100 '-' _, ol Fuchale StrMt, and to decl1re Miii Illa • pubtle ""'-108. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN tt1et It MIO time end piece, 8" lnt.-..d per'IOn9 may 8C>PM' end be '-d by lh• Cit)' Council on IM afore- mentioned matter. '1CTTn0Ua .,... •• ..,._ITAT'UmNT Th1 following peraon I• doing ~ .. : HARBOUR FINANCIAL. 70411 Uttle Hert>ot Or .• HuntlngtOll Beedl, Ca. 112&48 Robert Nl4aon Wllll•m•. 70411 l.1111• Herbor. Huntington e.ech. Ce. 92e48 Thie ~ .. conducled by Ill lndMdual. Rober1 N. W1llleml TNI statement wu ll6acl Wfttl Iha County Clet1I of Orenge County on AprN ~. 11112. ,,...,.., Publlahed Orange CoHt Delly PNot Apr11 10, 17, 24, May t. 11182 1934-82 EILEEN P. PHINNEY. City CWlt NlJC ll)llC( Publlahed Oreng• Coaat Delly 1--fll=IC=Tm=M>Ul=:-:..,=•=•:::u:-=---1 Piiot, Apr14 10, 1982 lfl.49.-82 ..,._ ITATDlbfT rt8JC ll)TlC( ~::!:wing per1on la doing 1982 t l ·OOPM .l th H . United Boat Racers Associa-ANO SUCH OTHER FACILITIES "5 a . a e ar-. H h" MAY BE REQUIRED TO CON-.......,,.. bor Lawn Memona] Chapel tu~n. e IS survived by . IS STRUCT A PICNIC SHELTER AT ~COUNTY AN'S COSMETIC COMPANY , 804 W. WHhlngton II 15, Senta ,.,.... Ce.. 9270$ with Bishop M ernll Swen-wife Dons, daughter Kim-BRENTWOOD PARK. 2&6 E. MON-llUMICIPA&. COUln' berly Barstow of Tustm, Ca. TE VISTA. COSTA MESA. CALI -IOU'TM NOtCtA&. DllTNCT ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;i;=:::::::::;;;~json James R ay Foste r of FORNIA 111141 c,_ Y.., ~ San A --,..._ I Bon A Mt ol plan•, apeclflcatlOna, Ind ............... CA mn PACIFIC YllW MIMOIJAL PAltK Cerrecerv Mortuary Chapel-Crematory 3500 Pac1f1c View Drive Newport Beach 6"·2700 ta ""'" '-Al •• s aters -other contr11et documenta mey be PLAINTIFF: JEFFREY R. ANGLE. nie W ebb of Garden Grove, oblllned In the office or the 0.-a minor b)' ANN G. ANGLE. hi• . , Barbara Sanchez and partment of Leleure Servi"'· 77 au.dlerl Ad Llt«ft. La Do nna Fudge both o f Fair Drive. Coat•~ Clltfomla. DEFENDANT: GAEO 9CIARROT· S . upon receipt of • nonn1fvndable ,_ TA, en lndlvlduel and doing tiu•l-an ta Ana, Ca., Janet Frie-ol le.00. 11 bidders requeat pl1n1 MU H MISSION HILLS MA80N- n and Debbie Foste r, bro-and 1P9Clrlcatlon1 be milled. IM RY, and DOES 1 -5, lndl.wl\te.. ther Howard and hi. mother ct1arg.1 wt1t be '7.50 I* Mt IM -'*8 M"ld d S Ill b Each bid lhtlt be made on IM c.. .... _. 1 re · erv1ces w e propoHI form 1nd In th• manner NOTICll YM "-" i.-8'1M. An Ouoc Tra n . 804 w. WHhlngton 1115, Santi An•. Ca. 9270$ TNI ~ II oonOuc:ted by an lndMduel. An OVoc Tr1n Thie ltatement -Ned wfth tM Coumv etent of Otwioe Coun'Y on Apr1I •• 11182. ,,_. Publlefled Orange CoHt Dally Piiot Apr1I 10. 17. 24, Mey 1. 1M2 1000-82 *CObelQC MORTUAa•s Laquna Beach 494-9415 held on Tuesday, April 13, provided In the conlreof Ooou-TM__....., ....... .....,..,.. 1982 at 3:00PM at the Har-mente. and 1h1ll be accompanied without '"' Miiie ..._ _.... r Lawn Memorial Chapel by• certified°' ceahler'• c:tl8dl °' • C ,.....-...,. • .,._ _.,.. flllCTrTllOU9 • H•M . bid bond lor not'-lllan 10 .,__ ~1hn ~ .... _ tT -1th R ev. Joe Buonasslas, cent of the lmOUnt °'the blcf. ,Md. ";:' wiiti to.-it. edlllOe of -•·-· Laquna Hills 768-0933 Seo Juan CaPISlrano 495-1776 H*N09 LAW~MT. Ot.IYI Mortuary • Ceme lery Crerretorv 1625 Gisler Ave Costa Mesa 54(}-5554 '9Cl.O.,.... ....,..~, a7Ma.ln It ~nunaton •ec:h NltUI • Baptist Church of Co.ta payable to the City of ea.ta ~ an ettorney In thl• matter. you The folOwlno ~ •• doing e aa offica.ting. Services The Contract()( lhall, In the per-ltlOUld do IO P'omptty IO t"9t rc>llf ~E~HOUSE GALLERY. Un d th d I Ct I f lorrnanoe ol the W«k and lmpr0'4-written ~. If ,;.,,., mey be ft. 1 .... ,.___ , --..---. ,._ er e re on ° ment-. conform to the l..tbor Code led on time. .._ -R-P•• ----··"""' Harbor Lawn-M ount Olive ot the St•1• of Celltornle Ind°"* AVllOI u.tM IMI ..,. ...,.. 1216~haron 8iger. 12111 Temple ortuar y of Costa M esa. laws of the State of Cellfomla ei>-~. II ,,...... ~ ......, T , --,._ ,.._ -...:1 5554 pllolbla ther9to, wtlh tM 8ll08PtlOn _.,. lM. e1111 .._.. • ...... 8"., ----.. .-. ,. .. ._ -only 01 1ueh variation• H mey be 41H Ud. '".-Ha ..._,,. th It lloildlell C. a.oar. 1211 Temple Speaker slated requir.d unclerlhe llP8del atatutea clM. Lee aa ....... 1' 1 : .-...... Terr., Laoune a.oh. Ce.. 92161 purwt lo wllletl pr~IQll i. lllla ~ 11 oonduo'8d by en r9UOder ere .._, Ind wtllot! tle¥a 81 Uetect o-eollolter el con-lndMdl.tll. 8fwOl'I not l>Mrl ...,_Mded by tile P'<M-111ifO de un llboG9dO en _.. --*>, T1lll .._, lklfll of the Lebor Code. P•••'°' deOer'le ..-ro tmmectletemente. OounCY :;":'~~-~the to labot ..,.,,. be Qlwn only In the de Ht• mt nera , au reeput•t• Aptt •· 1M2 ..... -.... -"1 on menntf prOYlded by i.w. ffOflta. el hay tlovn•. pvede -' ' ~ No bid lflel be OOl--ed unMM ~ 8 llmPO " le mede on • '°"" ""'*'*' by • l . TO THIE ~E.NOANT: A oMI Publl•hed Oreno• Cout Dall)' tne Cit)' of C08U ..._,end i. mede oomplalnt ha• been n1ec1 by tlle Plot Apttl 10• 17• 24. M4IY 1, 1112 In ---with !tie Pl~• of '*"""' ...... W'O'I· " '°" ...... to 1117-12 Dr. Arthur B. Laffer, 1t1e pr09QMI ~ta. deMld w. ....,.., ~ muM. .tlf*I ft8JC fl011C( origlna tor of "Laffer &ch tlld6er mwt be *--cf Ind • _.. .,_ tNe MM1C1n111 -1-----------1 Curve", will be apeaker llleo~•~tw .... ¥Mon rou. m. wttt11111e-n • at the 16th annual Col-e!::~c;:4~,~=~ :;:-:-.:~=.~ ":,:;Jt#A~1 lege Economic Outlook rwtw:t ""I Of a1 b6cla. .,. entered on eppMoetlon ot tlle TN......._,.,_ .. 4loll'I r~1 t Ch a.en p Plllnney ,_..,, Md~tNI ~ :!'!"' ·~ 11ue1..-• """° enmce a apman ~Qer11 °'~ ~ ,_,.,, .. ._ Q .. IAT IXPICTATIOHI College, Orange. on Qty of Coll• uw ,........ ..,.1 .... at.....,,... ~ 4100.,.. It. April 20. Pul>M1hed Orenoe CO .. t Delly could r .. 111t In tetnl1t11Hnt ol -.:.,c~.::.·~~ Plot, .. 10, 11. ftea , .. 7..-a ..... t:lklltl at.__.,..,....,., ---· ~ by Heri· 1--------------f or ottlet relief ,._.,.., .. lri tt141 .• .._AM.~ llr7'Cll tage Sank, the forum, ocigmit '"011.,41 14• ••urtlll, IHI ,..--.......,_.. 0 T S U th 0 U Pilot TID O 1 ~ a. tta. Aw., l..oe MllM. 0.. _................_ to . • mith. ae e • Y ,,._ """" .........i..t.--( •""---.IL..-""'a•• •~··tt" a•rYl"e a.ti ,.. .... la -0 S t lliJ I pc--:.t 0 ...... -a"'• ,. ... ncav , .. ,, .. ........_ t!!lf't* .. I.a "to brina not.eel audio-directory. Your °"""" ,..... A..._. rtdel CO relate flrlt-band HrVl~e la our IMMW '·....., ,,... ,.. tlif""' h major matt.en ol Nt.kJnalj ..-tahy .... s P ':':fl-Dr. =" ~ ~ • concern to Or1na• ~...,GA_ ,_ County'• butiftffl i .. .,. eau ta llTI ••'· 122 o...... a... Oeitw ~·-.• °"--o.. Deir derl.'' ... "· ....... ~ ....... tO, t1. M. ... ·~ . I I 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 D A I L y p I L 0 T c L A s s I F I E D 6 4 2 • 5 6_ 7 8 Clllllf lEI CLASSIFIED INDEX .. ~ = m:J -~ .. ..._ ...,,.. llJt I r 1ell e-hu•H••u•au••• ... ••••••••• Or • lln ·-"'" • 1111•. Nortbtrn ~ Dav. lltP ,, .... , .... Cit 642·5&71 llSllSS, IWUY. MOO,fllMCl == = ==:." = ...., .. c-= ...., ...... .._.._Tll01 - AllllUllCOIOIYS. POSIW.S& UST&FIM SE:MlS .. -!Vll 11110 -•11 llU ---------*I -.,, -----a! ------... -------- ·atoll Calif. 1uper rl 1'h1I la aa idot • 11"7 ....., .,.. t.o uo .proj1tt, ....-..tbtbapUlli ol It hat alw~r• WllW r.ctward oalhr l~old NII In t he tHP OC· S J ... CUPANC y GROSSED 14, 1M2 at t. 0110 IN "'' ~ NtWIUD. Walter wu pt on premilei bani in Su Fraoci.eooo !"l.. ! ?? J.\IU tBr 1 for m1r. Rm to add -!Pl~fb~at!::JruolS=.---- more un w/SZS0,000 ha. ISH.000 ..... ,._. IJH dwn We will ............. •••••••••• per on a re·ti--••----• ba1ll Wrlteto . =~a General Partner, G . Kim role Ocean fro h , 85081.-; w. nl, Newport Beach Ca . 921663~·--- Mo.eyto ""9 . SOJ •••••••••••• •••••••••• rri¥ •Mo.ty 000-4U, s~:n, or Jeanne 542.1152 2nd TD"a $20,000·1150.000 rt 10 20/yt• 2nds to Sl.000.000 mm'I & non rogram. Pnn on 111 f or agt. fuJl.y aim Other Apyt.s. co owne(?i \:?: a I V SAVINGS 96J.2'11 OWNE _llrent: -.d SOl ......,w •••••••••• •••••••••••• 125.000 for 30 days . Will repel S27 pie ge .500 + 20·~ & a Is l TD of $.W,500 on a new house ~27 (7t4)7Sl FOUlll US AIE FIEE Cal~ 642-1671 •t• ~!~ Kuntln&ton &ach You are Ille winner of four frff tl rkell 1$14.001 valuetot.M '•*fttr~· CONVENTION CENTER April 17·2$ ..... To r lalm tickets. call U2·S678 , u t. 272 Tlcltets must be rlaimed b)' April 23, lllllZ. __ !•:......:::•--- Doctor nd s SSOK. 2 yr last: Lrg M lan Grrman ~ notr.serured by Shepherd. vir . San drnre Evs Clrmrnte 492·6771. :( sLraight NB resi 7f».2S>_!._ WlOOWH AS S$S lor TD's ns. tOK Up No et·k. No Penal n1son A ssor RE Lou Crt'd1t Ch l)' Orn REWARD LOST-llWAID Large Female Labrtdor mix pupp y While w black farr . 3 black marks on bark. Answers • 673 73tL WE BUY 2nds to Cheyenne. Lost Vic. ··~ 19th & Monrovia. C M ~ SOUTHWt~ST Call Steve S4S·Slll 909 ~ GRf.AT CAPI J1 TAL CORP ~~.LC M S-41f0 Reward· lost brown kml 1 ... ~ , Loet& •••••••••• -a..; vest-lyr short sweuler. ....... p;irt o ensemblr. vir .....As/ Pl11rrnlla, C.M. S48·8'61 fMct • ••• • ••• • • • • •• lat pieak help UI nnd TIAIQOITATIOll A.trtral\ 9 " our Sheepdo~. L1kr e.m 5 I 00 Park Dist II B Pleasr -1•c r•"'Pf" .. '-Jt 1t,n1 u.c1nf l •r. =~-...· li-H-.-.i• R<'ll ltMM.nTrn ri !~!~a.ti.,,, AUTIM011l£ ..,_,,ej . ...... u ........ IC«f'eAl .. \'C'&tt-ao ~.~~~~rt.td\ ftwkl v .... 41!1Wl.IMl&it -'-w .. ...i AITOS, IMPOITll ..-.1 .\11 Koft"V Audi AwU• lh"h') •""' '-"•• ow.. l.lotl 1.1e1o .. .,.,.,.n rl.I .......... J,.:CtMt ,,_,. tuf&.1MtUa14 ._..... ....... Mtt1.-.k .. twru 1111 •t:ll OWi , .. ,,. ~-N4 .. _ ... 11n..11 A..1111.tihl)'r-"' ...... = ,,....,.. ,.,... Tt1-.Mpft V•.U•e.:n Volwv l#.Wh l A•I AUTOS. fStD .... 1 C.d1H.,, C.:.•Mll l,...,, ... ll•H•ki' ........ ~ .. , .. \.Mf\f'U•· Cwtt•r ~· 1-...r"•' i.-..1• lhwttHtl M ftl'-.t) ~~k ,..... P17_.. ....... ~rlltrd V•~· .,,..,....,.. • " I 1: I~ • II .... ,.. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Swimming pool rhrm1cal service business Cnslll Mesa. Hunt ~arh area No up nrr Will 1ra1n ~.000 full amnunl re quirrd Will nel $10,000+ Call rolle('t Mon ·Fr1 9AM 6PM 0 /867-0111 ...... O,partwiffy 5005 ••••••••••••••••••••••• OPPORTUNITY ofow.tt.! Need 10 mote upr'd ·~le. W 0 F F E R OWNERSHIP PARTICIPATION Minimum Investment 112JOO. We forecast SO'A- retum per J"r before taus an pay the ~theat comm ission. 714/7M·3335 Mlt111;11. Trwt .,... ...•...... •• •• •• • • • • • •• t•iill 5J6.1069 CASTl •No exp •$25-S& MG MOW! ner All lype:. 1ht\ 3· 10 hr~ ork in mov1rs ra1mn..: lllm ·~:Xtru w •Indus. t THEJ OISOUICE tllam 7pml saJ vm * Found Mllll' yellow Lab 'A tbandana mllll• blk .• poodlr. male Lh;.uu. wh1lt' rem m1xrd Sht'phtrd 1·nlhe blk & whl . rema It• Dob1t• red: rem Shephrrd. blk & lJn 644 36S6 125 Mt'su Dr. CM Nrwport An11mal Shrlter IE SPtlfTUAL ADlMG• I Camino th-al. Found remak ~ha..:..:y rtu)! llll~So E mrntt· 492 7296 'A blk l'Jr... '> iicHXlh• San Cle ~\ill hr 6671m ds 5120 t'1111nd h: brwn rabbit. ttwY• Sunta Ana 11..:ts an•a ••-.n•••••••• 7~1 2Slu rl)S 1133 246~ ......... .,; fuunrl ttli.ll'k l>oi..11• mix km Milt· ~ ;in" n ·. 77~ 014~ f ounrl <;rral J>ulh' ttmwn mah• Sp1kl' t•ol l;.i r Npl lll·h C t II tl46-17Z4 r 11un<1 m1•<1 ~/ ..: rt•t•n • purrul \t'r") IJmt·. l> t' err H' I f1 , I n · 1 n t' MAllE SOlllEONf """" •Allf SOtlfON( SMll.f ~ 116113 founri lurl!t' rahb1l. 1w111 lhdtit'k Ra~.(.' M N II Ca II 64S llWll 1-·ounrl lnsh Sdh'r, l>ui.. l'lal't'a llAPPY AD in 1h1s 1•1llumn ror onl) SJ Z5 Call642 5678 It' m1·c Cull it• m 1" Shellll'. l'ol"kt•r mix. Aust Sh1·p mix. llorrlt•r l'olhr lnml' Anim:il • Cure umlt•r. 7S.·3134 WE'RE LOOKIG Ft1•'fWllMll- IC11ft.-S ...... We need $250,000 total. Minimum $25.000 per investor to finance growth In wholesale llghtlnQ company. OPll'T In ll1WI ..,_ T&ID W UY 114/lll·Ull '=~::' S©\\~lA-~£trs· .... .. .. -----a-4"" C\AY I ~ ----- •=•=:-~~ ............... 1-_ .. -$ '• •• ••••••••••••••••••••••• &...Dlt7 ~Cd? Rear 'Eitate monc1 available 2nd or Srd TD 'Lout oa r"ldentJal or Income p ... rtla. We bMdlt a 11111 ru1e ol mor1&Qe Cover11e at my competitive rates. Court11y to 8n»lrcr1. 714·'110·15$1 aalr (or .. Otange Cout DAILY PILOT /Saturday, ,,.I 10, 1982 DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS Sell your no-longer-needed Items tor cash. If It doesn't sell. we'll run It another 3 days FREE. One Item pet ad. must be priced. Sorry, no real estate or commercial ads. Call today for full details. (Non.-ref11nct.1Me. l 11re llnN IUIO) • 0 LO QLQ LQO 3 3DAYS LINES CLASSIFIEDS 642 •5678 ~ ~ ~ 5300 Hlftp W..ted 7100 W..e.d 7100 Hl4p Wmhd 7100 Http W..tM 71 OC Http W..t.ct 71 00 .... W~d 7100 Http W.t.ct 710 Http W..t•d ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• 7100 Wanted 7100 •••••••••••••••••••••• h1W11I h• tll.ill Kluvr in Ar1wnll111t Wanted companion for Lad)• rt'rupt•1 utmi: I mm SAi.Jo:.'\ Sf'ECfAL PER SON ('tl\I ll7S 1112,t, 1!1176114 DATAINTIYClK. eld.,rly women. 7am F., X EC U T I V F: br-Olcen hrp. m1 >1 alk1•1 P~RTT\Mf -..1i.., S.111"' lh·p1t'~1·nt11t111• I< l'tirl t1mt• mutlit•1 ·~ WRITERS ~· It 1-: 1-; , A N t • ~ 1111• Olllt: fo1 I 11ul I THE RtrD RALl.OON 4pm, Mon·~'rl. $75/wk SEC~ ET ARY I AD ntt'd.~ son~unt• 111 tw lw1 c-.111 no reoder 11d hu~1 helJl('r n1•1·d1·d for flrn11ly L1'D . H ti t 8SH~1 MINJSTRATIVE AS "llano:.·· Co1 tl wk\ G l/Vm ;Ap11111111v 1011th n~·~' unounts for ,ul ol 5()('eilll <'hlld ~.•p.-r !'>111•t·1ult:st~ nl•t>dl'of t11 ti.iv' REWARD ~·ur infor m1111nn T<·.itllng to tht• rt•t'lll't.'I 1 uf CT flMX 111l·111~ h1 k t- 1•hr11nw Ir .11111• 110111 fl1Hlk ,,., Hilu" "hn•b & Ii I l' ~ 'f 11 k I' n fl 11111 llt>.1l'h & l11J1J11.1poil' If fl .1ppru\ 2 "t'l'k' ai:o Plt•a" r,111 ;,31, !JIUl )Jl'.t mah l\111111•"· 1 .11 l l yrs 11111 fl 1•>1 .11 ti \ 11 Allam' •h •111111 1111 964 ~1' 111 un ng on . -SISTANT.f or General 641). I rnun~d1111ot 111111' hu' (PEP BOYS Vt'rtusing.Mon Jo'r1.Uum helprutbut willir1111;'Jht· Harbour b , s~ekmg so· COOKS Hell{Tr. fr-I lhru Manager Top skills re -4008 11p1•moi:~ ft11 3 ~ ,hJq1 5pm Bini.' • t·o 111 h ~·~~e "xc~ dn~npd~t! Tn~ ~~· :5861ilana Way. qull,red. typlpng 65WFPMI I L(PAL SECY outi:oin1: m.11ur .. flt11ph· • ·-·-•"""'°'-m1 ss ion ro m Pu") Zl\\,'~~~~in h:;~·~~l.~·,~r:; ' -· ~ _ ___,_ ___ S ' \OOW M u O lo 1mtniit1• a111l111w11· i Q. ~ Q ht.'rwf1ti.. >1 111 train N1•111 rlullt'' \\ krub &, ., :1 ~rJ::~/i~~'~rse'~;ro'r~~~~ DfNTAL ASSTJ.llDA bene!Cllllpkg3 Soul a ry Part time , t•xpcr'd. 111111 ~11,1.1 yr oht' t '.tll ., '11w1 JIP~'f'J a J>pe n r .. II t't' t. 11111Hl o~t'n11i:111, 114·r "k Look ·11onantl11reparut1onof Aa .. •e yo u betn ~a SS6 II tmgton Beach. fll't'llt-111 \121l~l t'XI 31:1 \\~f111 •SALESPEOPLE• 'r•lhni;e~~entull Apvl\ ini: for .11l11t· ou11f11m reports Wtlltrain Full searching for a reward HOTB. forov~rflu>1 in ueawrul 1H1t.1 J1•11n)·si11er, ltllill IJt'rl>IHI" Jl/1HHl 1x>~1l11t· M•wportluch Adnrtlalnq ll:Jt 6300 e\I f1I h.tdiH ...•.•................. ~ 8005 ••••••••••••••••••••••• hener1ts excel working IO~ career opportunity Sw1tchboard-{)perator r~~l'tlle Luk ~~m 14 1·: I Fvll Tin Plan•nlla, l' M Jtl1tudt• ( J II t;7~ K7:!ll 1~iod1t1ons Contort Ann w ff Y~1r1 becha1rsd1d,e ex· Restrvaltombl & Front f'rida~r \.~pl'~rs.,:1~·· 1 Per~on .tilo• ''"'' "'1 111 IF YOU Sa11Jw1ch Shov Crimi I:! nrxui lo t.l'M I•--------• .it 714 1146 001 t pert•~:;~ Huse "'ap Off1l'e Cltrk needed at IBM 0111,1111~-.nter pre ver'-•n '''ul!hl 10 "11 LUCE SALES, kw1tt1l'h1~.r11t'h"·~l~it~r·.a 111113· rJ11~ ~J!.~~~ .. 1 om mi 11 ui .itl' w1-;s11\l~181~en:R prec1a so. we In luxury Laguna Be11ch f'd Will t11i111 Ask for ntllllfJI h•'.lllh 1m•d11t I~ '(OU L ' ' ,.. ' ""r ATUMTA.FtRM vh1te you lho Joan uhs &f Hotel Conlarl Margit• Cathi Mon thru Wt·d 41,11nt.wnihm111,111~,. 'L LOVE \tu111-:i1 \u,tlw11•hJ \'\'.lllJL,~:M ALI EXP AMDIHG ~lusare 1~ l de gro1wtff o Marrrofilo 497 4477 ~7 OO!i' t\•u11h \h1•t lta\, ••>\u f'EP IOYS! hit• ~ 1 ''i hr II m 'ilu•lt>rii Joh' l 17~1 \1.1·,tmin,ter \ 1" '1ot·eu man11gement & canng enla .o ire trm'f' 1·.o111•'>.'. 1 '"" 1111.int.oi:t• <of 1111 '15118"111 llu' 1;31 Jo111 1,\f<IH.:'lo (,f<O\f: ~1.1ul:-". t '·~ mtt~tur~ fnellamt~· ;l~eJneRnt m~d~:~1~ i1~ AN~°VlWlr1f~1rn LOAH AUDITOR/ ••1>1 .. 1lt1111111u in1111111,.11r -;(JU 1-.:\~ I< \l.1ndo" t. HEY! ~~ 6!03 r'''l"lo (.'all !'at O'l'on suranee,plus a perren N,e 14 p orl Be11c h 3 1"'em~r n r.:li tirr 1,,111.., 1,1,111.·" '''""' rl'lirt"I OI\ llunun.:tufl llo\\ .-uuld 111u T1l.o t•1 •OK u • 01 OU .. 'ITYCO""TROL ll• 1 1ll"ll'-h'.1•lonl!.111l11 1 hull•'111111, "'II trJm BO YS-GIRLS Found H .. 1111111111,,,,11,1 nor 171415~!1 l!lJO. TF. lage o produrt1on O clockta7 0'rlo1·k PM , •1 · 1l' 11.11,,, \\t 11111.1 .111 ,., ll<h'\.ll>li.'llil t·Jrn.•111111.,,-.s:,11o1 f)(,,,.1 "-h ··~ , ,11 t ij ''Jm 12 SIJOll mo 1r qualified Monday thru Frida> poMllon }o;"'fr"'nl'n• • n· I ,,.tit 111 ,1,,11,,,11 ,,11,111 "t"·~ · f>o 11m f,k1'<h111 I FALLIROOk WqutSltow ond Solt \pnl II !I JO 19112 llour.11 \\1 7 1'\1 l'ntl'~ ult-i·l•ll ~,, 1111 • ---------•I • e" Po r l Be a r h \1ust huvr car Tet'n.Aite ~uin·rt l J 1 1 t'Onili·r . 11 1 .1 t. ,.,.,u , 1 .... ~.·~·· • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 11111w>1 II'' l•I• 111"" 11111J 644al22 haby:,11t1ng.hou~t't'ltan .eha:it·r 7:.i 111 "1 1111 1ul11d1·~lf"<"11111.. SECRETARY 1>.tl11n "'""" 11Jrt11·' Ft11111.I I l'Jl•I 11111 11,1, 61? ""'ti I'" u 11 •I lol'~Hlq•o l~t llol';i 11 I 2l:J j~~I I~- Ptu onol1 " 111 lnu' I l \I I I II J 11 t ('I II' I.~ I I 5350 ATia.TIOH: \111l11t1uu> bo), and i:11 I' 111 13 y!';1rs old lo v. •Ii-••llt' or l>10 t•1rn HIJ:' ii >lt'\'i-g~tlln~ Ill'" 'lldJH'r ~u hst•ri p 111111, T1 an~portat iun .11111 l 00,1.inl Jdull '"\II'' 11,111n pro11ded l".t 11lo5 :!OP\!, ,\Sk for I tng Lile cook111° S7 per l'. O }o. 1 t 1 I ti ti • •Ut'nlal Rt'l·ept1u111.sl hr C 11673 .. 7ci" (>ranl(t>l'ttJ,.!'1.lltnl.' I·'"., 11111011 1111111·1 '>Lit 11p1,t f111J1H 1.tl p11\111J111 11 11·1 11111!' purl ltmt' AM f,x I J ,,.. t7WAdam!I. l' \I 11111 111 "" •~11111 .. pl.111 ,tillt rr-·111, t.I\ rt'turn~ ll1t·1111111 >11111ltl p111lrJl11 penenced. neat. mature. LilQUSEKEEPER I" '"'."11 ''ti 1111• •. • ' 1.11Jt• ;11 "I'm IO ki·1 pn1h.1\1l1 t•nJ•11 "'" k111 • t'11JOYSOIN.' patients 1n J fo:Xp'd-& mature L.iit• LOAHPAC"AGER1 fl\ "'1 l'l;,I ~II~" I hpt•rt1•1111· requ1n·.t 1111 u' pleasaotbusyofflrew1lh 10 llefs 7519655eves PROCESSOR ~·i 1•1 ~ ~, 1 I ,i; I~ I " 1; ~ t \onsmnkn :-.,11,,11 llt \11~11 \llO'\-. great staff ~1us t be Full l1m1• 111•rm.1ntltl \\11111 ~··I'll' 1111 ,,·,11.11 ,,,,,1, Ill $110111110 l'I'\ r1rm 1 011•r12\t'.tl'fll,tl!I I sha rp, s alar) open lnternallonal c:omsany po~tl11>n Fxtil•iii·nii ml l'I l ''" 11 r1 ... t.1 \lt,.1 t .ill CJ1t1l1· .' ''·'' h11nn1 .11111 ''' Ne wport Cenlt>r opening L'S subs1 tary l'om ISl&.~ruJ'J I) 1 , 1.1111,111 '" 1111 "'' PEP BOYS i'•lll>llJ l"'ml.ilil1 640-!Xnl IO Orangt' County. St!t'k I I . l"\llt I , .. 1 r d I I ,I \\111 k .oflt•1 r """I .11111 ~ :1lll1rook ll11:h ~thool !'ll>ulh \1 1,'l1on al St oljlt• ( 'uac h I lk111;1l11•11 $1 Sii """11"11 t•1l l11 F.1lllt1 t11Jk \I U'll SIJf •~I\ I '"'1t1lll>1) 11. ... ' • I Antlrt'a. fo42 1321. t'Xl JIJ --------mg adminblratt'e uss1~ pt'rlkt'lll'l't "11 ' 1•11'·11 1 I' t11°• ~1· '" 15221 l'"och Blvd. "'" fl•ta~ S.11urtl.11 No needto travelallover rr "or ini: l'll\lfttllOW•ll ' S-'•s .. ••'t~S·c·~ l'\l.11·1111;\' tanl to start uv 0 •<·t• l'all .fenmtt•r lld1111·• Wtstminsttr, Co. .. ... "•• ... ' town to look for garage x In 1 .,. er !Ju I & 7~ !Hitt fo. II E Pf\otc~f1&>hr•s 1,11 1101'1,,1111111111 llpt11111~ .11J1 obil' "' :.:r. 1!1J1,111 •JI; .... ~. sales you'll ftnd lhl'm )ecretanal skill\. good Oran"eloa~t~:oinoi:' ""111•·•1"'11<1• 1 fooiJd•lli·o ,1 ~ hi l11r .1 S:1lt·' ,\, i.\\llool1ll'~I • • • Glen C.Smith 1~111 fl, ff:i,I A+Lat•fi,. M n~"aqP t '' II 11 11 .I d,1 \ , '\ I.,., 1, I h(f (;,., r·· I ._ 1 lc I • IJ1lfnp1•t \ 1'1 I II It/ 11 !l•u.n,1 I, th, ,, \\ <111 ·•' l "II I' I ' H I II ~ \ml' I I • • I \I ,1 , I t'hJr!t 111 I' p I l''' "1 !1 unw :n1nt.11' •, 1 I : t ,_..,.,,A "II h '"I .a I I I I lindz & Vir.ki s PHOTO ._.OOHS escocn s I \1 \ H 1, 111''1 ~II . ,, , ... .AUTO MECHAHIC nghl here in l'lasscried l'xper. flexible w gootl lioO \dam~, l' \I t•" ''''" ---------1 ,1.,t ant -.;,., '1 111 ·'" l-To place rour garage sense of humor Salar~ N~wpo1 t.Rt. or:t1 !1 I lfll' lo.1wtl O'llflljl:tll\ t 11111 )1,incl t11t1Jt, i\ PPLY '~\\'Po HT Tl Rt:: < ~~rEH 3111111 }o;u~t \'••J'l 11111 l'ornn.1 0~1 \l.u \11111 I' art' , uunll'r 111 r'on Frt't'" J) .\uto \11,.,1110 \'1t'JO, ~!J5 Olt)I) salejid..QI 6_42·5678 negotiable Call 49:1 3638 I MACHl~ISTS Acf•trtmna SALES I l1rr11• 1•"1111111 C'1111l..i•·t · AlsoMill'h1no"l 'Hdp1·1 I'll 1.t1x14 ,1 ,,, I to 111•1 "ol , ... , ''" 1~·•1..) .• ,; '>llli -.. I a1·1y P1·101' .................. ·· ... : rail for JfJrH '"~ 1111 1 ·1··;·:···1 .:· I Ill ~ I 1111 SECRETARY .I I M.irk,5.'>7 33110 PRll'H SHOP 1 11 \rl'h form I·"• ,11 (.,11111 • ho· I' ftl I •f ~ \1 an1rurist (111 po" Iii• llJ•ll••' ~, 1., ,,, 11 , , 11,1 _ 111111' t•• l1•J111 ~t1.:111w. sk111 l'an• \al1111 111...,11, 11 1,·1,. ~ .. "11,,1 ........... ---4~rt'l'lii-~ i:1111tl l.t11.:11 .• i.;1 I l 1.,1 ,•h1111(• ~ .. 11 ... 1111 •II." I \\ 111 lo.1111• t "'"I • \t.,01t11 .. 11 ,,,, • ltnl' •t 11run11 Hl1 • luHtt'"'' ·~ •tll I' l\JJ\ I ,ti fl \II 'It I 1•·r '·" II \In 'tin FR nl\ huml' II (I r II 11 l I m l' :? • 11 •toht'll ~jJ il!l~I 1 · ll,11 I :0-1\ltr 'l;tt•dl'tl : \\ ~1111 1·11• ' llnl1 I : 11~1! 1r .. 1.\umt•n uppl~ • \\\ l11•n1t• , 11 'tt>I 'l\172 . n1111f\lll F l'f Tl full I , 11 • 1 ,. t• I h 1 11 tr 1 a I •11l,u111 1111111'"'"' l'nln •' w•r ht'IJllll I 1wr~on .... ll1·t,11l I r.111·1 \J:l'n l'<I !411\.'I ,1,f. fur llrtt~ BUYER II ,. ' JI It II ' I h I l' r II r I• 11 r l' h a ' 1 11 I! r ~ " .. Part ume person to dC'hver Daily Pilot auto route in Lag. Sch-7 days per wk- a bout 2 hrs per day. M-F, 3 30PM Sat-Sun-5AM MUST LIVE lN LAG BCH AREA No l'Oll('('llng Earrungs $300 per month and up Call -Oaily Pilot, &12--1321-lve ndITlc & phone for call bark & intervww ... ······························ ....... · ' en South l'11ast \'1ll;n t !II 1 \I ,,1 , "'' " '"'"''"' 1' ti ' ''cl 1111 ~ ti P•n• ''-II ", .. 1 Comm or rt•111 :is1. , I"' 1r.o1 .. r. \ "I"'' 1 h ,111 l'r1111''"" t'\llt'I I"• t 1no.; I 11111 I' I t 1 11n111~ hll C>a1111·l"'" ,\ \ "" MAllkETIHG 1111 I 1•111·11• I II •I 'Ill \ II bi~ 1>11:' ASSOCIATE 1 .. 1~1 S1•11111 "l.111011 \tlt•fi •I J 11 t \I 1 h J II I 1 ' lid)"-'' hol: ~ I' 111111 "t•' :\11 Huth !I'• ~ • ..rill'\\ .it I' Jt1 r \I P,1rt ltml· " 0( ,., t"< Ulll t' F"r •Pl t • ll4H 111!!5 MATERIAL COHTRO L SUPERVISOR ,, .. MAKE A BUCK START HERE • I • \11 , 11 I 1 rr.• • • l1o 11 11 St·n 111~ l"'r'''" Im '"' •'lt1h 1 J 1 n flltl•t1.tt• 1pt•n1ru .. • • \ \ • l•I t •' 1, 1• 111 1 "m I• 1 u' ' ' ti 11 '•'Ill lot• '"I'll II I"''"'' ·~ti\ .ftolf\ !1tt:t I ( \I • ( li1 Jn Ill' .\ f It' l•I I·" ''" 1111 •'I 0 1 t I II' f'.1111 <1•1 I• I • ' t • ' ~ •'t" l't I 1 t •\I II I I II' Ill \ II 111!1•1 \ ·~''" •r,h u• • •! .111•h •I' l llh I IX tiJI I 11'\I 111\\11 \,I,, \11 J•ll• I'· 'II REAlESTAT£ ln>'htmtnt Salt\ • \ I 11 I 1;01 llJI IMll Ill I .11'\l !IU ' t ftft• f • * I I 'I I' Ji 11d II ~.xpl11r1· lht v.orld ,.q ________ _ \ d I u l' ' l " u fl " I ,, I rld'-~lft<•oJ ('I Pr\ 1J,1 I &12 S67H TYPES ETIER ,,., I•,, I I lot ,t11d ( fl~l.1 "'''•' \1111 Ill' tilt' \lllllH'f of 111111 11 ... • 111 f..t•I<, ~II. I•• '.1lut to ll1t Anahtim Boat Show '' \llH\1 c ""'I'" 1111\ 11 'll'H \111111. ·' I tt l l.1111 I ti ~>'I' I ·' (I I I. )11; X t• ., .!j ,1 I I ~.I I• Ill ·'l I t I l.1lflll' I \p1d ·•1 I'll!~ • • • ',\1~111 Ill 11"\I, \ .. I .,,,,. ,,., t I• 1·r • ••nJhh 1·1-..... : J~,E~IG~~~ ~~~f...., 11 , • I 11• 1•1.1 111·~ h ~ vr1, h.1~ \!iflt,lf•• It~,. '1, • \r t ,4 ., ,u1 J I I',, I 1 f ~u r 1 u nd ' r .ff I',,, t tt ,. r· ., ' ovi " •;j,, r. P. ·, r 1111 l.1111 I I ~t 'ti I r I ltl I I I' I • I I 111·11t·r1,tl, m;11n1 . .11ninl! 1 • p;11r 11en1, & 11fflte '111•1•ht•' Mt1'I ha1 l' t•x •aily Pilat · · · ........ · · . . . \\IF' '>•11•1111111 lorsl' lntt•rnJ1111n.1J 1 thn.1m11 ti11•h ~'""lh" I field "'n 11 l t "" ; •• • hJ' an 1111111t•ol1.ll•· "I",, mii tm ,1 \!;11<'1 1 11 • .. 1 lrtol <;up ... r11,01 It l•H• h;nt'am1n1n11,r11.1,. ""' l'Xl~'IH'l\11' Ill 111,1 !1 ro ii 1-nntrul "'II''' 11,1•111 ,, h•IH·" t h.dlt·n~·111~ I""' llCJn ot\ Jil,1hio' 1110 'ot I Applll •llll\ 11111'' h.1 I l'\llt'rll'll( • Ill II Ill" 1(l~ \\llh .Ill \1111' ''·"''! 1omputt'r 111l<~1.i1 ... • m;.n11fJll1tt111~ 1•!• ·1 • '-,. f I I It " • J •11 t I~ ., I ,, 1. 1< 1 ·1 'H \ 1n.1 1 .. 1-r 111'\ls·1 >ll'•'~l.:lttl I« pl 1< I ,.,, Ill J• "111111 1111 .I 11111111 lo ,11 I 1111r rl· 1•• 1 '" 111111,. , Ol•JUlh' 1'\IH I It 1111 nllllJfllllf'I • • Ill 1"! \1 pl' 111 I'• 1 11111 , I 111111•1 u111.1I• 1111.•' 11111 •lw c;.1'._t1 .l, ,,r. ~"'''· l\11f~l1!1 •t~1 I \1 1 .. J~ I \ 1ll \of1,;li l.tddt•f 11 II~ I h,llf'-''111f ,I 1 I I \ II " I I\ iwlp 11• I'll• "1' • d 1-.·c r. , 1·11 , 1 '•" , I II !It " Hr l IS I I I ' I "' <;lf\fll I c •• ., .... , ,. {'1tn \ 1• r 111 \1 11 lt1•U1 \I ~·w. ~y~nt & t'r~oiion • l• I I \ ,, 1111 \ I I .....•••••.......•.••.• Jobs Wonttd 7 075 ............•.......... fl-kl'> I o ,\ boa ril " q , t "11 • r r ,. , , I r , 11 , 11 , '' 1 ,.,,.,. ' ('h:11 lt' •'', 1, • fll'h 11111 11 I \\ ti f 1\ I lor l'I • I It 11 . 1111 f1·r i1 il•t• It ;,II) 111 • I I I 'llf ,. l\th\\t t 11 ht CompJlll•"I \1ol1• 111.1t111t "om a 11 'o h 1• .1 1 1 hou~t>v.•tr~ "" I • 11 t4 ; I l<t''l tofl"'"' 1111 \\ I ~·t 11'(,ll • l'\JI .<II ol11 I fu11tl11111 •k,1r1·, p.111 ll Oil' I Ill ~1 J II I Ill• II l !n\l ll621 Nu r c; t' c nm 1· an 11111 matu1t> t''flf>r. \Inn h1 aftc•n111()J1~ lnh• 1; 1~1 45911 rrom~ Help Want•d 7 100 ...•..•.•.•......•.•... ACCOUHTlt~G SUPERVISOR With Watn Oist. Te<'l u111 1f • • •1u1 11111• •'- Supt'r\ "l'' ' ,. ork 1n 111' parini.: & rfla111to11111111 f1llr;il 11•11u 11• ,t ntl r•• portc; I' r'tr ''''"I' 1r coun. n~ I H 0h•11.,1111l al11111 .1th 1 1.. ""1 a ncl t, 111 p1•t •• r • ' pt> r J t· 11 1• .... 1 I I \ s1.11uo ~1 111i • 111 t'\ rellt'nl 1i .. 1w111 1 It ,, ., sub1ml 11 11111r I• '""" f 'nnt·g1111 j 11 I JI I ., ,, c 0 ,,, ~ .. ( '1111,(1 .... 11 If W:iittr Pt•I I• I l'lh~l Plart'ntt.t \ '" 1 1•\I 1 Melia, t' \ 'l?<·'i ACCOUNTING CUtU< II Oulu.,. 1iirluclr 1111 m11 rt h Arrount~ I a~ J hl1 "" Olf'lt&I l'ornpull'f \11>11 u~1~t.~ 1n p11) roll pr1• paration, n~nthly f1n11n c1al reports nnd otht>r rlC'dra l •k il l~ · J(n(lwll'dl!" of h1"1n1·~~ ·nurh1 nH t>11 1n~ • ml n I m u m 4 ~ ~ I \I Salary St~i Sl~2:J "'11 h .oc ellenl hf'nd 11 ~ Pleac.-1ubm11 rt\umt to Join l'innr••n (714>6~1 I~ < O Mt··n Olmolld•(td 9 ater ()1, trict at ,s Plartnt11 ::i Coal• lhu. CA. 111 I ·'' ll h II) l' I In 11 111 a• 111r1rtl! &. 'k1JI, I t11•l<lll! 111.1l1•flJI .111.il\'I' 111·~1111,11111n & tt1J1111u1 tl'o1ti11n l'apa Id• 111 "''rkoni.? 1\llh all I k11·1., 111 nianJl!t·ment '1·1111 , t· 111m .~ ,:ilan hl\lttrl 1<1 ( h1 ..... r11·1I \d c.,,; L>a1h 1'1lol f' 0 1~,, 1~1 , l't>\la \lt>sa r.!ti21) • • • Carol Ltt Maddy 16 ~I P11m.rn t.n ll11nl11 .,111n Beach '"" Jlt the "inner of •1111r frt•t' lllkt'I~ $Iii INlt .1h• .. •othe ~mloatShow "All Ent l IJ~\ f:~TIO' l F' TFR \pril Ii 2;, f, 1 Lum t1rkel' ,·;;II ' 1 • '."1 •• 7 x t' ' l 2 ; 2 1,. kds mu~I b1• 1 l.11nwc1 I \pr1 I :!J l'l!Cl! • • • I 1'1111111 lht• "~''' Pl'Uflll' 1•r.,1!1I•· 1' 1mi-ur1 ant to th~ 'urrr,., of dn1 ~.ti J,O:e \itlt· .\1,tkl' sure \ •1111 ' 1-, I 1' I t• d 1 n < l.""f1l•rl phone f.t.! 5till\ DISTRICT MANAGER This highly successful local newspaper has an opening in the c1rculauon de partment for a District Manager Bask skills will entatl superv1S1on of 10 to 14 year old boy and girl home delivery carriers Areas of superv1s1on w1U be delivery, roUecuons and sales. Selected applicants wiU receive rej{U]arly schedu- led raises, bonus opportunities and many fringe benefits such as company paid dental and health plan, group Life insu- rance, vacation and sick leave. Company vehicle 1s furnished during working hours. Applicants must be over 18, have a good dnviug record and be neat ap- pearing. Hours are generally Monday thru Fndav. Some overtime available H you are qualified and interested in lear- ning the c1rculat10n business, contact Don Williams. Apply in person, 8.30 to I0:30AM or 2:00 to 5PM. -Or11111 Ctut l1ily Piltt 330 W. Bay Street Costa Mesa. CA . Equal Opportunity Employer ......................................... · UNEMPLOYED1 NEED A JOB? Lei us help you lend an employer. The Dally Pilot. Irvine Mirror & M1ss1on V1e10 Mirror will print your employment-wanted ad ~\~FREE J.~. ' \ There Is absolutely no charge to you. We will print your employment-wanted ad on Sunday, April 18 in the Dally Piiot & again on Wednesday, Aprll 21 In the Dally Piiot, Irvine Mirror & Mission Viejo Mirror rea- ching over 2001000 adult readers. Use the coupon below to list your job tltle, your qualifications & telephone number. Mall or bring your ad to the Dally Piiot before Thursday, April 15. This of fer applies to any person who Is presently unem- ployed. Nt>t applicable to those seeking baby-sitting, housecleaning, at-home work or other service type employment. (Please print In 25 words or less) .. .. Ill' JOKI l'\f•l'flt'lll I .... II -.ir Jhh• hut nut 01,11 1• I " 11 ' ' daton \\1• ult• 1 , , 11111 I' 1·f'llt'nt ,,1fJ1) ii. ""'" 111; PACIFIC COAST t'tlll<hllun~ ·" '"II ' 111 HWY FRO"'T AGE oui:.t.ind•ni:. 1•·11 ' 111 NEWPORT BE .. CH pJtlo.ai.:t f111 111 ""' flll•rt1.1lt· 111n-.1d1 r .111•111 Induct' ~u1Jm11 rl'>ttmt· .. 1th• 111 Wolk-in Buytr\ rt'nl 'alJn hl'l11n tu 71 4 ,42 lB S \\1F !'1111·1111111· 1>111111 ·o • 0 lntt"rn,.t1111,.t 1• IJI IAildorToml \11ltht>ll "'• l11111o I\ \ I" I I I '!'!il l \lln l!iil\\rti.:11' 111 1-l•I ". I E<H \I ~ --• \l..:mt tr_.t1111·1· I t ,. t ,Jl1·' ~ allrn 111 11Li11 I r\p pr!'f ii.! I l7 I ti4G 1i.111 MODELS HEEDED •Ch.ir,1111•r l' '"'' t ~ 1111 Vr\. for ratalui: ~ f11m "Ork ·~1illc· ft'OIH!t-IX Ji''" mu't loo~ I I 11; ''' 1111 film n11 ,.,,.1'"11 1 nl'l l'\'o.lrl ~:i, sx:. 1w1 rta~ •B1k 1111 1ir1111" 111 ~ ~ ;· ~ !J' Sl511 • f, :qw r 11• n 1 I' II 1 .1 ,... 1 m>dl'b SI~ J -.hov. •\\1lr1 t•l11th!'-. 1.11.1111.: ,omr tnpl!''' S ·~• +dothe<. THE JOI SOURCE tlffl t!/111 I lam ipm 1 ~ur>mJ: RECEPTIO"'l~T 111 .._,, '-• II 1 \I• . \ ""'l'l • I I t' l 'o ' l \I ~ ""'·' l<H r,l' I Jlr\I' \11.:-:-r''·•h l' ,, rt t ro • \I • I llt 11f1 .·qHn ' ti !!r 1r I \\di ' 1 • 1111 '\\ 11 I t f1t1 1 f d I I I llt 1•tJt ti '11 I l'I l ,o 111 (>i•:o II ~.pi 1•111 Recept/Tyoist 11111111111 H.1 I I I" t I ,.·,Jullt' ( 1ufl :1.1,1.11 It•· t •11.1111 \SSl.;f "1 \fl; fl ('I H ti\ .... ,, I ....... r .. 111 Pl I ••• r , I ih "' I tt ,1tu.•• • u UH\ ~I.tr\ 111 IJ •1•• d; \ \ldtlllt I .... ;, I• I Ill 11'!1 H'\\ NURSES AIDE ~:xper all shrfh 1 "'" TA.CO BELL ll o~p ~"Pl llih 1<l••k11°lr•11 1,,, Chferlul tlt>rt11 a1<•1t tr una 111 I 1 ' 111cl11 (~11.,1111111:11·~ Ii I .1 h .11 gd pit 1-.11 t> .\Int 111, , ,.,,. 111 , 1 ,1,1., progrJmlJllt.1211011 ,z, ....... I r"~ l.1pll1l1 OfficeH•lp HI.I \II 1 It Ill\ 11111 Lau.. l) p1ni:. fth~~ rnolll J!i ', "1, , r 1 11 ... 11 11 bookkCl'Plll)! (all 1111 \ant•t1 ~tttl•, 111>. .' ·111l appl M·\RK • 1 M :-. II 1;7,; :.r.1:1 557 33811 PACKAGERS I ~.11 .... $3 40 hr to start \I 1•n t r:tise1, 1~:1; M onnn ia OUTSTAHDING Arr . N R OPPORTUNITY F111 • OUTSTANDING , PART TIME I SALES MANAGER l ouplr to help 111 famrl) To ~UPl'I, 1,, 111'11!1• & 1 wholesale retail \Ju~• I heltl 1,all.'~ for Ht , r 11111 ne~s Nal1onall) ud 1 multi m1ll11111 111111 .. 1 ver!Jsed product Good rum pan, M 11,1 h ,1 \ t' profits. bonus'~ T.tJ!Ut• ,11;·1 t•"ful ·"'" 11wm1 Assoc 953 8177 "~I"'' l.111•11; • 1••. 11•1• 1 proch11 h l•• oh llL A lh l'llUlll 'I 11r1 \I a ii Re<um1 I• 1;, ''"' ti \l:tna1 t'f 111 l ~··' ~llll (.' I 9261\ I PART/TIME Clm cal ht•fp wanletl for \\ holei1al!' fnllh1011 1 m porter :-lo exp('rlrnr!' needed Typinj! J pftt, C M Kl't'p :m "',.•in I''" t'' th•• 213 753 3'1i6 i14 •mi 4M4J ca.w \\ll) t>• .1 11·11111.u Cl ( .... c I a~~ I r I ···I I !' •• ti I' I ~I 1.-u Ad, ~2 5678 ~~8 11•n&1Y/'"'1EDO Established real estate development company has an opening In Orange County for an exper. secretary. Position required a background ln real estate development property management. Applleant should be well versed In tho preparation of leeaes, be f amlllar with Real Eatate terms and forms, must type 70·80WPM from dictating machine, handle accounts payable, cus1omer r111t1on1 and general off tee. College background preferred. Thia 11 a per· mlMf'lt poeWon, Salafy commenaurate with uper. Send reeume to: Cluatftld Ad #843, Dally Piiot, P.Q. Box 15e0, Cotta w.., Ct. t292e Want a Top Job in Telecommunications ? • • lllJI! 1-.i)'' •• Part Time Full Time? \\ .. n1•1·rl .111 lt·lt•phont' rl' L''l•ttlflf'·I S(•t·rdanl·s lo sen ll'l' •• 11 r11111 µul1'1 · l1·g 11 merl1cal p 1 11I, .. ,s1o11 JI ,\ c n du 'i l r 1 a I • ci'ihmll.·r ... Wt• \\I II tr acn 'ou on 111r t rn11p1t1"1 1H11d 111 or l'~'orc; & I (1tl11ffl !J!'~"t(.'lll." Flex1ble!!-Pick Your Own Hours ~IUMEHTS 1i:1 1•l ll'slt«I \\)Im I\ ping spel·d 1 \111,t hJ\ 1 pleas;mt 'ocre .~ Jn.Intl(' I J \ltp,f ht· .1hl1 tot l'Jd h<.,len SPl'¥ ,\ 1' 111· .11 tlw <;anw t1m1• 18*RTS l•:\r11lll'nl 1·11m~·n..,at 111n • I 1tll l11111· uc pac I t1m1• 1·11•\l lil1 • hr •lit'" d1oos1• ... 11111 vour l'.11rt \;w:1t11111.., hohd<t~" m1•d1ral i \l.111.lgl'!lll'lll J(I\ tlllt't'llll'll' 11al1111wl I\ UMf'U SHIFT SCHB>UllS ll.1111 11 .tll ~am ll;11n Kam !pm !~pm .!pm l.!)•m .tpm :.,.m i11m tipm 11pm lipm Wpm lipm lam •• 1111~11rn11.lm Spm !~'pm !ip111 ;.,,. !Jm l;1m !I JCtam CAPRICORN ffiECOMftlJNICATIONS NETWORK 851.4600 Pt•r-onnel Dcpartmt>nl Ore1n9t Coast Doily Pilot I\\ fl.11 "I I ' I \I, -·' \1 r I 1o1I i 1(11 I 1 ~ 11 l• Va cation Rtlitf Pool iol~1" I •II Yfllioncts 8010 II \llJ1111< \II~-\ \l'l'l.l\,11 ... ~f{\Jt"~ . 1\, •11lr··•11nd c11.1r ·•J+f 11 1111 I )11• 3017 I BUY APPLIANCES IA ''-'~ 11133 \\ 1 h1·1' oh H·r rl'I rt~ '\ 1,u.1r \I"' trildl:' t " " •rl..mi; •1r ""' 11°>!1 l~;j!~ T~ Assi<,Jnmenh \\e n· ,, ... i.in I • t. nlil ·: :-rn .1 I I ,, I• c ~ I ' • ..1hnr J•o• '1 '1' iilu rdn~11.1t•1r ~l'" 11lh•r •r •(lh11 orl• I'•'"'"""' I l1•r •Iii 1.cll "''II. 11 •Ji, •31 '•1'6 I''' l•t I''-tr •• I \I , .... -· om· ' .it 1 \I 1 r1111 1 •• 1 1 1 \ lk' '1111 1. 1'·' ''' I (I • .lfttt r 1 .. p, r" "' 01 ,. I ·' I • II ,1 ~ I " • I ' O~lt"!-o'J'"' ,, •• , :1111 .. • t11 I a1 .111.it,1. 1 ...... , ~ 1111 .• 'Uh,llll.t• •I •,di II h'-i'I' "·1l.1"' "• IH tuh un •' \ IH r'' 111 • < "n t 1H I l',.r,11111wl Or~Coast Ooify Pilot 1311 \\ fl.II St {'.,,, I ,,..,,1 An ~;q11.tl 111•1•11 Ernpll 1 \\' \ \, I ~. 11 II I .1 I I I I I d tl•Ullll•I j>4'1 ·•I 1111 111111 ti.I \f ! •It ilt I otl!i,1• I .... ·1--~)'"' I\\ 11f'l1 I' It t 11' ........ II I! n I I rt I' ti Im Ill• ,, I )I II \\ I' \I h I I \ \ tr,on,tnp11 .. n •1·11 1·11111 \\ ,1, I 11 1 , .111 S !t 5 ll""\11 L:• ~h· .. n 1:1 'tl11u I 111 •111 !>)(Ml \II ""'"~··•I •Ill 1111;, lfrln. 't11.•n.1t1111• ~ ru,1 ""' , ,, loi.1 n1·" ~~I hi~ ''~l II 1• I I I j,' t· I ,1 I 111 ( I • ~ \\ J'l11•r & tin t·r Stl.l 1·.1 II" h" J , h ,. r ' I 1111 ••II· 'IX.II\ H1.,n1.t'1 11"1 lr11•1 frt•t ltl..1 Ill'" t 11 ,1 rl ~I'>~ *•:I·•~• ....... lf'lllJ.! l'htlt •I ~llflf ·'"'' ·'"" l!tll '1111 • t111d '~' ">Jr.11~'1~~ Jll ••l'\1 11.~p .. inc i; s ~ ~ 1l'f11., 5'!,;t1 f..1·1111-•lt \\ ,1,llt'I ! I ol' if'! I r s,:!!l:) f l11(1Hlllll \\ .t~ht'r .\ ~J1•1 I I\ I I Sl!I.\ >In Miii~ I; ~ r l'f n i: I~ • 11 fl .! 11 r "h1l 1• mu~t 't' I SJ 35 flfm ~111 K7'i 111tl1 I 1 \lh I I ph "'" 11t·1I I ·~ '"' II h l>I\ 1,1h<.1111 \\ J'ht·r ! If• \Int 'ill.tr\ ! 1 I llo•lir J ~~ -....,1r, h11 !1111 i;a<. ~!"l 'i.V< I •In. r $II~ I h111 h S.11HI \rt• \nu pl.111n1r11: t 1,r1•1·n r111111• r ~i5 mO\t' l'l.1"1f11·ri ,Ith 11";1)10i "111 poinl you m lh1 r1~hl l>i-h"'"ht·r 1l'llt1>1 un d1rt'1tton 111 f1nrt lht <lt'r tht•inunter<.~. s11111 r-------------------~ho-~_._H_1u_n_"_t'_•l_b4_2_~..;-;..·;_11 1 1~2 tlKI~ "• nrnorl' portJlolt· r11<. I h'4J,bt1r "1th , hopping 1 hoard 11111 S.'>li ( t ___ ca=;;...'--' > WANTE D c {---c:o,._.---) ) Newspaper Carrier·S for routes in Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley & Newport Beach • • • Good Eamlngs Super Trips Great PriRS CALL CIRCULATiON DEPARTMENT llily._.. 842-4321 I l!li fi~l l,;1guna lkh < llf:ST Fil EEZER S!IAl Conl:H·t l'ondt' ~ H!l9 Wh1rlpnol ~a-. l llllht·~ df\l'r NrHr u~rrt ~i5 KJI 11&11, ~2 58011 l~~!~~! .......... ~?.2.~ BM>. Bike. aned1zed I rim) !\HS f ramr ~ best ofr 64~ 2464 1S..hv.1nn l'rUJsl'r Tani?" I fork~ ~Int rond St5.ll OBO Gan, m 6<113 IYlcl!MJ Matmols 8025 ....................... HOW 36•/FT R1'1i>1ood 2x6 &cckin2. 4 20' long also red"ood fenc1nl{ Lo\\e~l pnce l?Uar Jim or Ken mytime, 77~ 1491 Certs 1015 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Burmt~t' kittens. sable l' f" A 9 weeks $175 Slud 1v111I 83J 0971_ __ KITIENS SIAMESE& MI XED 962.0932 Do9I I040 "9••··················· Male Coldtn Rct rievtr pupplu. AK C re· gisttrtd 754.7883 I Got aomething to say but ' Id aure bow to say il? I Call us for friendly. belpluJ advice. 642-5678 Dol)I 1040lftnilwt 105C ha!JtW. IOSS Mtal•1C11t1 IOIO ~ Spoiti119Gooch I094 INh.Powtr 9040 Canlpln , W./ AlltoStrTlce,Porb Tn1eks 9560 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ..... _..,. 1013 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• llRt t t 120 & Accessori•s 9400 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ESHOND Pups. AKC 20 Sofas new, $98 ea. 10 Sal/Sun 3581 Venture Dr JOHN WAYNE TENNIS '••••••••••••••••••••••• 7'2" ye.now surfboard S60. 31' Unlflite Sprl Fisher. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••··· ·54 Che\· Flatbed. oak Champ sire. M/F Pet & loveseats. S88 ~8. Mat· Hunt. Harbour, Trinidad CLUB MEM BERSHl P Warehouse Sale: Bach. Wards elec. wa1sl re· Rebll 310 engllles Fully •72 ~'ord F 3S() v. 1th LITE BODY WOKK & slJll., front body needs sbow . Pvt pt y tresses .9S7-S'I08 lsland ..mL 642·3083 Coon. Fender. Gibson. ducer Sl45 S te~e wpped Xlnl cond chass1Smountcamper& pamtuptl)~'. off your v.orlt Greal fflg Sl.000 213/89H34S aft 6 pm. MOVING SALE Old pock el wa'-Ch, Sl~ J BL, Peavey. M X R. 831~. 644-5983 all xtras 33,SOO miles bodv sho!>. est 536 !1832 67~17iZi .,wch~~~a~~n~~f 1 .lb~r:t~ Sm refrig. maple stert'O, Duncan Phyfe dble leg Shure, Yamaha. etc Model 100 Winchester Rt· ~Lloyd_640·4199. 1978 DODGE •, Ton Short a..n.sew,.i 560 c cJ marble corree table. table, $100. Old vanity 540-11264 flew/scope,$225.SUper ltlOtYW~ F" ROM"'OP RTS Bed Pickup 38.000 lo M l>llllli. 4 mos. 546· 1395 I .,..,.7396° · . real c 0 n wood cofftt table. maple stool. $20. Chord organ. • -Ue snoA'-erd van able X Model 1. l2 ga shot I~ rt 1' h o m 5 0 n 16 FORD RANG ER with AL A r, A miles v. 6 C)'I econ .. 0"~ ,...... "'.,.. l'l.lllaLo t TLC an paint 1981 Camper fully All pans to convert IUJ •Poodles "R" People• 1 . bed, dresser. sewing ~-4727 speed, soun s great gun. $350 714·894-7248 u · Mt • 1600 to Veloce. cxc p.,.r st automatic. T-Cups , Toy, $200 lo 2 Custom made twin mach .. love seat, oil Exclusive Magic Island $00.S31·3567 d)'S, 714-847-6&09evs ieoolct:r·'.:8~reelahm1s as{sOJ· r,:ui~lentU~!n~~~~ pistons Sl400 Dennis. A~1 fM tape. dual gas ~. Pets Boarded & beds, SIOOeatofr 4 D.rwr p8lllting, dishes. books Id h K2S 979_2748 after Gpm or tank~ Real sharp truck Groomed 546-284B dresser 646·S398 & night etc. 631.a147 759 w 19th go11 c a rter me m Hollow body electric Golfclul:ll. Wilson . 4 67~~~ 540-4473 v.knds C1T89.IS3t Call now . ask st.and . 8201 \Wallace Woods J. berslup.5972058 ~tar.great neck &ac · woods. 10 irons. bag, 16' Runabout v. JS for Da\'e J o nes Beautrull coaled Cocker. f1 . d Shutters, 4 panel each. 24 Uon. 100. S31·3567 cart Like nu. 752·6246 Evin rude. runt good. Motorised l ikes ti 40 Theodore Roh ins Ford Bu tr, AK C • c h amp ~at a lion W aterbe . Garage sale Sat and Sun-x94 .. rou~ w a In ut _. __ F "" & wv ll-.... '""" N l BAh d k ••••••••••••••••••• •••• (i.1.2 0010 rather 5 yrs. s15 o K1ng size. excellent day9-J.Z3 Blazing Star, · '-'"-,.,..,.., n , -· ~. + wp ' oc BATAVUSMO PED SSAYESAYES --. -·----4177.JWJ cond. P50. 963-9148 Irvine. Girl's 6 piece rlJl!jh, $200. -4103 Ecpl,_wt 1085 tlfi, Steno IOtl space, $50/mo . 675·7474 Excellent Cond soo m1 WITH USED PARTS '63 Dodge panel truck. bdrm set. 7·9179 (2)S' loveseals $.300ea ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••• •••••• ~'lo.t .ml_ 7s2.1499 lmport.ed car parts nev. paint. ures. nms Yorbh1re Tenier puppy, Karges din rm set & Sa 4'x3' ornate w 1m1rror Desk Exttutlve. 72" x Microwave TV Antenna. Ne ;po;:"l"}{ a r b 0 r IMPORT battery , '66 eng, digital male,AKCChampbnes. breakfront ; Gorham GarageSale. tmorn8 $195,644·9805dy673-9051 32'1 Sl!S. Add i ng 1Slrunmovles.S1591nst 0000.973--0659 VESPA12Stl' AulOSU PPLY radio $3200 Aft 6 Sboe.s. $:400. 546-8624 sterling natware. serv. o'clock. 603 Carnation, ev Machine \tape) S25 . _!am·9pm : 638·8724. 2700 MI. $7S010BO 101 N Manchester lSS.91.:!Q__ d for 10 + all access.; Corooa del Mar. 644-1271 The Price ia "Really 7S t 8058 I 9900 Dobie Puppies.re .AKC. Lenox China; Dresden ile S o 12P,1Mikasachina$550. . Ya.olec ... •r Rloht" on this 24 ' ---_:__ -Anaheim . 776· 1978 RANCHERO GT c h a m P 1 on l 1 n e s. Vases: Calli Porcelains ~=~r!aJw-p~~ 4~~c: 10 ' cir Port TV 1250 Office desk. S drawer, JVC 6700. mint cond lra"wter w 110 muc h Must sell 78 Peugeot 103. Loaded v.· cruise cc.n cropped, shots 968·37S3 640· 9356 a fl 6 pm . 19101 Bik101 LoJ H.B. 644-!llOSdy, 573.9051 ev with executive chair and .644-6620 --personality she's noticed lo m1. like nev. cond. 451! SL Cloth top. new trot. au1omat1c. pwr st . Very young Dobe/Shep Carolee. Near Ward & Ganield. Ultra Sonic cleaner . 2 customer chairs top Marantz st.ereo receiver. wherever she goes. Sips $300/0BO.J!.46 9131 -S600 Two SL seats SSOO air cond., new paint female pup py to good Queen size bed 'w/mutt. large SJSO. Curio cabinet ~e~Nter~~b~\~~e ~e~ walnut cabinet. Sony 4. encl. head. grea.t bllle NEW "Western flyer" PP&t6-&ie7 Soper dean, low pa) bolJ2 .644·7902Irene box spnngs. hvr duty Large moving sale· 631·5979 SSOea tumtable,pl0.67S·3044. galley & lots or mslrlf· rmped. won in charity -. ;:::~nJ'z;r1::~ D~~~ Wire f'ox Terner Pm· r K K t Antiques. rum .. lamps. ~fiAIM HUHTBS ~nls & extras. She s bmefil. retails S650. sell ..... for Sale AKC. Xl~uall.ty. 0 ,r1.arrrrm. s~sgo lbosit e0xrrra crystal. china, silver ..1 c•fte·bac" chai·~. 63.1·7640 . Sony '82portable VCR SL been loved & pampered ~· 644.4683 ~ont.-s. Theodore Robins -222i., Marguente (in al. "' .... , II> u IBM electnc typewnter 2000rrr 2000. w/remole, I so You kn o w You ••••••••••••••••••••••• rord_~0910. Ll!.1-828· SS2·75S4 ley l CdM. Sat Only. S300 Droplear table. d d · ·d ' S llOO Like new shouldn't miss seeing ~ -1--/ IMPORTANT '7JGMC•-,ton PL'.lom1. LAKELAND TERRIER II G Id Apntrll 1 10th. Sam 4pm S2SO Mattresses & box I stan ar s11e w /w1 e .,.1.-... be r ' C a 11 L I d o ~YCJh NOTICE TO . 1 Must se . Harvest o 673-0S88 spnngs 4 hi·back din. cama e 100. 646-2652 _.......,.. Scoottn 91 SO READERS AND duel tank s. cmpr shell ~rei. ~':!:. ~K'c Recliner. xlnt cond rm chairs. 2 sets or 10 modern desks & BeautiruJ Medit. ronsole Anchorage ror more de ••••••••••••••••••••••• ADVERTISERS p650 §45·941~ -- reg. Ch. sired. good Jl"5,9Sl-9289ev --Stamps . c overs, Frenchglassware.red& chairs. like new, high colorTV.sell at ''l Pnce. lalls,673-9330. ___ HARLEY DAVIDSON The pmc of items ..... W.ttd 9590 w/chlldren & cats . ESTATE SA LE· Beaut household, misc 1225 .clear. S2Sea. Sec'y desk. quality. Cost s.soo. sell ~.559-6849 _ '81 Ra.nger Bow Rider Knuckle Basket c<1se ad\ertisetl by \ehicle ••••••••••••••••••••••• Housebroken. 673.8318 Pecan w /smoke glass Keel. CdM <Harbor Vu S17~ 4 gold chrome !195ea. 493-2499 ZENITH ZJ" Color TV Custom. p.ass thru, 18', mos l I Y or 1 ~ 1 n a I dealers 10 the \ ehirle rorree & end tbl set. Hills). Pr4, Sat Ont small tables, $125. Anti· Rem>te control & cart o's1zed Mere Cruiser Sl600/0~9.;.0593 classified ad vert1s1ni: WE MHD YOUR AdorableEasterPups ma.tchine ~.all unit. GARAGE SALE·Furn, que white chest of Exeeuuve desk & chr, 6 125 646-67l4 en . 995.840·5521 1 ___ """---columns does not in· GOOD USED CAI! Wht Shep 1Gldn SolidState2S color con· wshr/dryr.babythings, drwrs SISO Cane·back drwrdincl fi hngsd2r0w0r. --1·· R .1 c ,74 F '79 110NOA CXSOO elude any applicable Anytlimgcons1dere<I, Retriever sole TV Sl95. Oak bdrm cloth.es. etc. Sat 9-4. Sun ll>vmat, sSo. Antique ~.~127 36X60 · loahlrM.-iH 'Swed%~~ tw l06rH'j! Loaded. like new. 7000 taxes. license transfer 1977thru 1980 lOea. 646·3732 set 16 pc ) <;us tom 12.4 3049 Yukon Circle. desk. SIOO End table, ~...... Volvo chi. bke new. Ask m1 ,Sl60Q. ~3..:1807__ fees . finance r harges, ~ ~esi~.a~1~!·1! 'r~·~e ~: l~~ai1~~11nts1~ C.M. SJO 67S·S3119, 67S-3738. l~yMpe~~iteec~.ti~~·~e~~I~ G::;••••••••••;;,·jo ing ~7.SOO. Fin & slip Yamaha CSL looks new. ~~ ~~~.~~ ~~~~:1·~:l~g~s .~.7002 ~sofa bed. No junk SATISUN only. Beds. J~an:ayne Tennis Club serviced,$12S.5S1·5G42 ....................... ~0~1JyfcM~7f~~ eng..0Bn0e~.2,s 2,:.o rk · °'dealer documentary k ranhelpmove.SS0.1860 chests. sewing ma 17'NonaCanoe . m __ 'OT.J _ _:.I "" --preparation charge~ un C1tnes. washer/dryer. Membership for sale Executive Desk. drk Asking $350 lo.ts. Sail 9060 '80 SUiuk1 DS250, less less otherwise spec1f1rd FnttoYo. 1045 Twulcoml er sleeping unit fish1n1 equipment. Callafter5pm545·6351 Walnut.large.nearnew.I ~a1·., -67S·l372 ••••••••••••••••••••••• lhan 100 m1 Perfect bvtheadvert1s_er ••••u••••• • ••• • ••• •• • • w/l.ab e. $75, g!laas top La isA 't • 822 LS 530 a pro x 1, r e l a 1 "' !! = Fem Pomeranian, J vrs. coffee table w /black Sanmtipg Rmd 'cM1 em~ ACRYLIC N A1 1 h • ce-: 675-7578. -36' Sailboat Kit. int 80~ cond . no damage ,. ............... ' d a o New York Sa on on t e Tadeo Kayak completed. lOHP diesel ~bstofr 6311449 _ ~ 9510 very friendly & affec· wood base, $7S, room e· s S ..,,.,l'"t al Peter's Land ......_ 1017 S2SO Q k I $26 000 ••••••••••••••••••••••• tionate, to gd home humidifier, $50. 549·2430 Huge Garage ale. at "•"' · r-wn u1c sa e . '78 KZ650 xlnt cond ex !161$811 aft6PM P,2. 2 g.arages full. F'l.lrn, lllg. ••••••••••••••••••••••• . 759-1288 . 644·57~ or call Ans Ad tra's low mi $1600 b/o W'NTEO 81\ Naugahyde couch in beds, & more. 210 Cliff 21J.S92·1004, 846·0036 PARAKEETS Sacnfice! New radio con· #641, 00·4300 hrs. ~17Cerrit05. L.B. ft 1 owner low mileage used A·I cond1llon Sl25. Dr lin 11leyl Lag Bch. Jotm Wayne Tennis Club .9S 962-0932 trolled mode I Coul SA BOT. equipped for TO BUY cat. Black long hair, 548..,C.M. ~~ membership. $1100 or Guard ~at. 33 inches uilinJ. wioars. Good ltll SUZUKI yellow e~es. spayed. 12 Gll'l's 6 piece bdrm set Fr ont Throw I• wn best olfu .136-4544 IUHMY IAlllTS loo&. twin motors. $600. oondil.loop?S. 759-1677 GSI IOOEX LATE MODEL yean o d. Answ~rs to white. 1\.'a yrs old. Paid mower; radial arm saw, M L 20" 1 bl d 19.95. 962-0932 S.Sl-3360 . N Vance le lfines pipe Tabitha or electnc can J2000 sac.$500.857·9179 power tools, uphl chrs. ri.o.::r~ 3HP, McL!n: Well mannered S/yr old lOFT.PORTA-BOAT Encson 29• w/ ewport Suzuki fairing. 6,000 USED CARS :=:;·:~~lots or at B~RM. SET. dble bed & Toyota Sta Wag. items Briggs Straton Edger, Yellow Nape A muon. ~Folds to 4n" .. ~at Jde1 al ~re~e:u~~· ~o~d115t~ miles1 J Mint 8399Cood S2995 WILSON FORD 631·7356eve's rmtching dresser, old, too numerous lo men-2HP. Briggs Straton ~1080 546-7900, ask ~or l!lumg. a ue s:z7 500 Pacihc Nat I ..9li_tm~ _ I Free .t.. .. for good home but good, (?S. 646·5239 li<SI Sat onlt· 9am lo Core Master tiller. used t:t'.~ Cindy Mc Nu I l Y 11 ua.5. Yacht&, 714.645.2267 .82 SUZUKI cs 450 EX l82S5 Beach Blvd Sml ~ed Fem. SOFA-SLEEPER. ~m2'll E.19t St. Costa twice 3.SHP, Will sell weenM m. 7Sl·7300 HOBIE 14 l500 mi Sl300 Call JeU Huntington Beach 675--0305 Herculon. queen size, esa r~~~r all 3 for Lovebircb . Peach-Fare IDtth, M•tH•ct/ w/trailer. &ood rond afl 4pm 552-6463 --1 8~2--6.61 L _ d xlntcond,$135.559·0466 Must sell.baby twins s~es p:irs ·breeding 5en1u f02 IOO. 646-1814 1978 Honda 7SO.-F Super ~..a-../ Free to you S wk ol kit· coming. Quality anti· foJ jacket'-gorgeous wht Pairs. 5. 548·1419 •••••••••••••••••••••• Sport. Blk w chrome ';.l!::~'--ten. Get in time for King size mattress set. ques, old fra!J'e~ pie· lipped Labrador fox . Easte r Br al s . 2 ENJOY YOUR BOAT ~ Interest Ill Columbia Kerker hdr. 8500 mi "--~ 9520 F..aster631·2699 likenew,$200. l"-many m••c items 1 \l verv , ... do th k' 45'Motor sailer,xlnl M' d M ••••••••••••••••••••••• · 6"·2564 ..,...,, "' · very c as · , peachf1ce lovebirds . ~us . e wor . rood, Newport slip. Int con usl see To Jood home sma II Sat only 9-3. 26526 btautirul u ed. SLSOO Cage Included S80 . V1f1!1Sh. p ainlL clean, anuable partner Must ~080. ~7-1845 MODB. "A·'~! white poppy &/or lge Sofa.size bean bag chair. Asure, Mission Viejo. (@mnew)494·3989 S3HSJ• m>.a.tn. Exp. rcewport aell S46-6679 Shay replrcas. pickups Old Di&I. mix. 536-0794 xlnt cond. $75. SS2·6236 j:.'11..oo!ll for di rections. Roulette ame encased In M1111tena.nce. 548·6581 . Traltn. Tra•ef 91 70 & coupe~. 4 to choose (lumeuage) HDrwt 1060 world gfobe w/table on rw-&<>rg.s 1090 ........_ ...,.......__ P28 made in Sweden. a ....................... from ' (006768 ) <Slk. • _... 1050 ...,,.,... SELL Qn le $100 ~·a -·2 ••••••••••••••••••••••• _., --classic w/Yanmar dsl, T II is· II A:nl3> Pnres starting ..WM • "'v"• · sz wa r ....................... casten. . ...... ...., Black Beautl ! Ebon'J 'zm'-.t ,903 xlnl cond. only SU.000 ra er, ovcra · at ••••••••••••••••••••••• bed, wooden nr frame. Stakes producing mare, W • be' l ....,..r-Beeline, fully equlp'd. A Cbemalux heater. black-type in foal to omens ige coa w. Beby Grand iano.Xltn •••••••n••••••••••••• 673-9301 doll! Call 675·846!i art OHLYS9,9951 **I BUY** 19>/bel ff 7608738 Acretanat'. Delaware fur collar, never worn. c.ond.$3500.551-6266 Used cruising m111nsail. 6pmorwknds. Good used F'l.lmlture ,to er . Chief ma re ln foal to szs..9.165.&46·52:19 Kohler & Campbell !Oor&.hlfUl't, root 151't 6 1Mh. Sia,./ 9070 ~~--- Appllances--OR l will 2 m rig tL!IO ea· hdrk ma· Ac r 1 ta rl al. 2 y r Air Dome pool encl., Console piano · bench in· m. S2SO Deeb 18' Ja.yco tent trailer. sips lftlorSELLforYou pie chest $60, storage Delaware Chief filly swim all. yr. Save on cl. llalla.n Prov. Beaut. 673·5.'WO ••••••••••••••••••••••• 8• fully eqwp=. like MASTllS AUCTION cab$40. 546-07&8 from stakes producing beaUna-bUls. Xlnt cond. IUSO. 847-2'784 ZODlAC CADET. 10', gd Sllm A•ell new, $3300. 842· 8 rt Eartbtooe couch, rmre. in training. Yrf-161iO/olr. 00-9866. cood. S700, cell Up to S&'"ft. COM area. l•-------64' H16.IJl-t'25 iood condition. $100 Ina Acratari1t.foal from Fu 11 Fi m lly Me m. MJ: ::.!!: ::.f~~f~h':fd 675-91181 11.00 per ft. Cell Peg~y B0Ms.531U ~~~ulctm&a~nr!1• berablp, John Wa yne $850.646-21811 EVINRUDE 9.9 H/Pd ~ ~~e. 1l4·9"·24 3 T8CT TlilLEI Hird (Qp, s1ee~ up to 8. Very clean with a like· new tent. Lots or sealing inalde 111d storage room , alao lots or room to carry gear while traveUn1. 11850. 997 "'679 MUSTS&L Kaho11ny cfolil>Te bed with mattrua. Moon lbaptd mirror oo head- *1'd. t&OOOBO 831·779'1an 6 ~~~~~~r~::,~et:~~ St::c'kF.~m11~1 'mu ~1' Club $SOO. mo·s Brinkerhoff oak =.it~h~~f'· 11 ;;i;;:x,rlna • bo1t. X1ot cond. Like new. ~planldt Av .. Hemet. pl.ayer. all ori1 .. needs prime Udo tale loc1Uon. Hudboerd, heate r. ~-701S Marketteer eolf cart S3SO t§llr,I00.645-4199 IMh.Powwr 904 ~:m7aft1:30PM. ptdded rr1me complete. Sluben Sle1rrted Edu with charJ:.~011 5ewt1tMii:•ll11 10t1 ··~.................... ~ $200. 114 -631·0235. u ddle. xlot eond, ....................... 40 Owena '.l'•hltlan. Uvt· ,.......,,....,._. 714 . s 4 l • 7 1 2 o ( 1 v U<rlfice •tbest of· VON'S game atamp1 Wanted &ood worlt lna lboard slip 1val1. Call .... THEODORE ROBINS FORD 10Ml HAR!OP filvlJ (0\lA Ml~A 6·1~ (\•"I -----1949 For d P i cku p f1alhead 6, runs goOd. 900 firm 49ER 751·8018 al\ s, 673-5984 'S7 METRO all stock. needs some restoring. jJ,000. 548-6801 C.M. ---------1 rnrua&el fer . Kim 831 ·2185 needed. not V8\ Vl6, aewlni machine. re· Judy o r Har ve y : slips-ev1ff1141846-77M tlUYRJIMITUllW CHAIRS_,, (DO!lftieml ~:..~·~a·.!.ll spllt wblt. Oya 175-384l ; ~tJt!!l9am-5pm. orZ131'9'Z·W9 f ....... Utllty 91IO LANDY ACHT · -··· ·· · M ..j _, !!!!.!!!!!!!!!! _, ...., -~ _._ ""'17 ~··· llbo t 11 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '64 Cad de VIiie convert. BLUEVELVET WISlaNSADDLI ' ffi!0 '.,._ P1nd whit you went In to ... n: 1 1 p, ll'dualaxle triiler.aood new r1dlals.S1200t0 80 . ,.11110,...c.-y 292S HarbOr Bl vd. COSTA MESA lli·2500 WE PAY TOP DOLLAR FOR USED CARS AUHMAGMOM '~t.~~~"'~u COSTA MESA .su-4100 sn-••u WEIUY CLEAHCARS AMO TRUCKS COMMEll CHEVROLET "" II 1 r '111 ' f ,,,...;,"t·· S4b-I 200 Top ~J'1!.l\port1 Cars, BUJll . Ca mpers. 914's, Audi a Ask for Ure MGR JIMMAllHO TW't!:~ti!r. HUNTINGTON BEACH _142.2000 WIMHD YOUIUOT1C &•mSHCA.IS 9'0-JtOl w/~ 140-1'7'7 -=:rmeo1t with detch WaMHtlp? H2·5f'lt DaUyPUotClualfltdl. rt~~~ree. t'ODd,ll'O. MU!if SIU New Bentwood rocker· Iha .. II• .... 1061 850-1901 ....._ Poww f040 ,._. 9040 BOAT SUPS AVAlL.... 957.aGOf 4 Wllett Drhts 9510 ' 3100"'\v Co11t Hwy. Bttw 0/ • person1l IClhJ1tatandback'80 ....................... Newport Be1cb Tennis .............................................. -~zs· 45' 20' All •teet Sxt ut ility ....................... N~'!,~ach nu. all my ele1aut 850-1901 BOXSoM&_(double > ind Club Fimlly Ihm· ~~m · ' · tralltr, bvy duty tim 1 I 7 8 D 0 D C E --~--!!!!S!!---funlbremut buold l.n BAMBOO TABLE with MATf'RESSSl5. benhip for Hie 1700 wl!p&tt.MTS.dt·B S Ramch1r1er 4x4. Pretty ~· ll room of It Jiautop.SIO. «?ML!&Bcb. (uve $500). ·Dy• -·•• IMh.Spetodl New 111 1teel 5x10 uUI. •roon Ii white with WAMTED! ...... ...._ ':..~ .. tl!u. rrt1nK1'n~stoa, 4'7.a2t ......._ 1870 50fl4leya!ZH323 •&· CRUISING KETCH 1978: Center .. 90I lrlr. remp brakes le bUcket Mlll, pwr. •l.. Lite in0Ck1'T'o,ot11 and --_ .. "' "" S RING __.., -•••••••• .. •••• .. •••• IPlrt E MiiilS AIC/FM altreoi.J!'al•' Vot voa . C1 l I u a lledl, bdrm 1 ta. KJ.NO lNN,,.R P ....................... las Player PlaJSo. 25' c:odl-9ft, 2 ltN '"* t.-d I tub 1ft. IJ'SXJ BOAT '~ wtde tltts. <h .. '1Vl5tl. TODAY!!! clla. Mt W/t'IM EXTRA FIRM metltal DUmood eanU(I, M pt, Carver 50 bn. Volvo hMd l "'°"" fonNrd. Low tn. Poe-NEWTRAILER Al moat oew \ltltlty Call now 1nd aak for llalrt • china "'-o .. cr uMdf worth Dlscied, 14X &old, Sl15. Outd r l • 1 . Rt I b It I IS'Vlce bocb wllh loclt· Dtvt Jones. Theodore Wd. lllmll'ed top col· 1511,..nc.1248de . Never l9M Cbrya_ltr me rloe enf. .ebll llp. "'*'°"Mi. 135.000; • n Ina . compartmenta for Rollh1I Ford. eu.0010 . ... latlilt Mt, ot!ltra tooj ;twr:i:•p:aod~r !MERALDS·Blrtbatont 7»mlor7SHM2 I ofter. ~Jlr ~~.:!t = _, \N:k, SllOO. Firm. 'IO Toyota Lona bed, :'f, ~~it ce:,. !l!:!!l!!boclle·iM-nso. !j,;f1 l:l.fholc• SCUll£T$ =· ~~ =°"~=l ID fftlll w1ler. 11150. 1htllt "'*"1 utru . ...... patDUap. IOFA Bft\."-.. bnni ... old ... _ l ........ Ol.a... • ..-. ..... 3 _.......... ~ M1·1H$ efter • da ·&~'", .. " MUS Js.~LL IUOO '**CMt'I Curto _,..... __ -:.l Coad <Id wlite .I' unCt et &Mflllr9~ ..... u--. .-u .. wr --~ ••111-1 "" "" n , ••cli 'more. ~..r:#llUVU · so 1man rut cul """uw out•• v1r1u1111Clng price of ....................... lfrlJIOR0414.t.ortllltd ,.....,_..,tkHUtltja 'Nnbldl Uh l&ltCI ""!""' · 81 •~ J-"-L1ric -1121 A•Piillbll b111k IOln. '1 -t•1a 1t1pe lit. A\l\011t1tlc. M*9...._ •• ,. ·-~·--~· I I leyor -Abiurd-11, IL-.=:-:=r--~ .!....,. ... -; ........ ,... Aii6ITIOM t•r. al.• br1h1. Pr ltt_eli 6 •-· .. , • LOUIY IUO ¥Vr· 1-· C .. , ... Ttce• mt _ _,_, onr· •Wll'll« _ ................. A bl1 1••• hiutr Awtgrtp top ,..,...,_I LU It 1i111t Una,,...., mr 1 ..nil to abtd. btoW11 ..... £i ......, 1 Mt· ..._...: "II ••~ ...... ..,.... "'* toM at 14\W, 111111 .w. ,..,.~ .. a., .... ,.,,, l•fl lt 1111 I btt••/Mll• , • ._. '''IU"r •• •1" 'nit k••a••*• ..,...,.. D.\!J.· "· • '-.. .,' • ., .. ;,.,;'!.':.\~ =!r:t~-1~ ··~··· !!'}}~=; .. ·~ ...... (7\4).... &~~.~·r.~ .. ,-., .... ..,; -L11a~ #'. ..... cu ams q cue 5 • OJ1n91 Coat DAILY PILOT18aturdly, Aort1 10, 19e2 ..._w..w t1to.....,..,,,.... , ...., ~ .,... .............................................. ••····················· .............................................. •·······~·············· ·····················~ ····•····•············• .......................................... .. pe4:1~::;,~~~ar ~ ............. !?.'.~ ~ ............. !?.'.~ ~ ............. !?.'.~ ~ .............. !?.'.~ ~ ............ !?.~~ ~ .......... !?~.~ !!~ ................................... !!.~~ ~.~!~: ..... ,,!!.~!· lf::J:l~::m~~tk> & n.Mettbcttfat 1'0ol~\5'.odo ml. llnt '82 11ooda CIVlca 'Vr POR '57 Claaalc 1 10YOLVGODIU.LH 1 "7t~lio11 Waaon ecyl lHO OLDS C u tlau s:'ua Fl-ti r.+Of Yew C<lld. MUil tf'll. beat of· $1J7 41 + tu per mo SPetdster Replica bit rN' ~RAN >ECOUIQTY Air auto, pwr alterin&. Supreme 8rou1h1m '" f H'llM C1oafd end 411 mo. leaae '1&, 30,000 ml Mint brikn. window• T1rt. Loa«SH w/tllt. crulu IMWPwc-.or .,._ 9720 AllSlvmmH.~·1!18!.. suoo M •'. 830am SALIS,SllYICI roof rack , am /fm pwr 1eat1, AM IFii McL~illllMd .. Wll ....................... '79 A~ord lltr hbk Auto. ~ 8@im._~$an1s21119 AMD~ING c~41M·1733_ r:~tf:· ~~~e~ ~~~I ~ UrT8 DATSUN 200SX 5 AC, beige, xlnt ~ond Porache Spudtdor, OVEHSE, ,(,l Vl:RY i5Nova, l ownt>r, 2dr, 6 at:ar t~i:. fl-l~~ax+,. 14' Of LHM spNd. tr1namt111on. uh 1'13.'iO. 11:1\.Qt.aell.3'16-fe!l l'itwrwtus tar lrlt s:?OCI EXP RT8 cyl,_ auto. £1ctntnl. c.n ~ •nd kvo Atk ',( )l: f tt ( 0.\\ 1 Dodge CIEYIEI BMW n.tbcff9t'l2 IMW't Ar, ften! SAL £$. S r. tt V I C I!: Ir Ow-"'-t "-1 condlllonln~. and AM @1.:t~ ~ 79:11 hotne ~;!i'Jl 1195, IQ 1$T8. --r or D • v e J o n • • , L!A.51NO _(71 ~) SJ2·llll FM lte~co t'W rMtalhr '78 Uunda C1vlt', mint '60 ROA06T F.R WLI IKI 9925 'JModore Robins Ford .!8118 I h11 hu1 lih d l'11,t.1 '"''·'~I) ();(Ill A Tew rem1lntna '81 Models & Ocmog are Hlill nallable ! We ~J*illlitt In : European delivery "Ind flawleu p~wned BMW's 'G &.1SCS1()p I ----~----Silverhn1Jhw1thdelu11:t cond. $3800 Extra's Newlnt &tup,Sll.500 VO~O a.i?M1n • areen. -·.....atCOUoJITY'S 1nterlur Styll11h 6'13·1:lln«.or675·7416ou. rus.0632 •••••••••••••••••••••• ~ -Sa~ ........ <ser.:14951 ~ " economy (263vcP 1 -~ n .:.. 4-.,. 190e Har r Rlvd ·a m cs1sarar1 I' $4299. ElirlelkoToyotu 10ACCOIDLX lolaltoyce 9756 COSTA MESA leBARON 1911 OLDS Cutl11& ••••••••••••••••••••••• Alfw RONo 9705 ············'·········· 1\1111600 VttcKe COftnnlott? All pans to l'On\ ert 101 1600 lo \'elot'e. e~c pistons $1 100 979-2Hll afler~lll.J!r ~_!nds '73 Alfa Sp) der. p1·rfect for summer. run~ xlnt Body. lop, ml l{ond ~ PlO<I 494-687 s Audi 9707 .••••.•...•..•••...•... '73 IOOGL. lo m1 good l'OOd, SI ooo or be:.t or 1~r 675 5715 Wht!re f ustome r Service Comes 1st' Sates.Service Leasing ~W lst1.~_anto Ana (114)~ 3171 ~~~n<!u :---:::....____ c ~·esi Alpl~~'!·~l:21 f.i1111 Used Car S11tH1 Auto. fo mr. oriit ownrr. •••••• .. ••••••••••••••• 646-DOJ 540-94.61 ~g;,'"! 1 ~irk, ~'r'!~ AT . . . . . . • <ser.om> ro:t~97':.t~~:bo~.:~~~3 ~"'1Jl6 •1 DEALER IN U.S.A. A.tot. U~ COHYEITllLE PldMd while: top. 1111. 'B2T33iS.fariblue · '18 Honda W/W rebuilt ••••••••••••••••••••••• MOWOt4DISrt..AY crulselnAM/fo'M tar. Sipd ....... (aer.5248> ~~ ensine ~00. IOr CARVER Mdl 9'10 r r. w d. & dour loc 5 ;~;r.P~~~a {aer.5505> ~~rvire·Leasina .__ -11161 9730 lOJ.S-~ ··~79~s:b;;t,".;;,~;d••• *~AAM * usl'SWr-&f1c:~~w.c::1t '8:27331 Chestnut rl'LJI ._,,.. M.-clllill>Nf~CIN'\9 pa, pb. pwr k&lll, alt, ~~ I o r D II v e Jn nu alllo... . . . <ser 6288> 0---.1 c~. • •M••••• .. 1•1 ,••L•l•k•••••··~1•1• ~ll>P' 11 .. 1oe>_. cnase, apon top, 1tere-0 CHR L .R/PL MOUTI ~re Robini. Ford EXCELLENT ~~CMJI XJus6tL.u · t1 1nt'w l ClOUO SUNDAYS $3995_892 4090 J(1l<J F. Pirllt SA 642·0010 __ SELECTION ,_""°' tNI~ no ma n pru '· Sil 4471 320Sspds.&autos.,J20S ___ $9500. Kathy. 640291:.! ,79 SI •Sh '77 Skylark, 30,0011 m1 • -79cleMl2-dr packages and 528i's 5 Late '79 733~t low miles. ev~ 644-2126 I Ylti odow Xlnt ('Ofld S(!rvict rer I '75 Cordoha CU1tASS"-SlJl>REM E spd &aula&' new l'Olld. tnrU-OUl As ~ -'731 ia~LOB~· ~ ~~~. OV.11.!'r_~ 552 307~ lllK ml gOOd C:oncf 12200 BROUGHAM. S4700 131•2040 495•4949 sutne lease w11h low in· @!6IMI 5661JAM Coclloc 9915 080 ~J_?qs · ..M!JteofCer1S2&(99 Saddl.bac"IMW leteSt rate Call Anthony ....................... -'73 Omega Olds. 6 ryl, ~1if.aarrlz11uueen.tc.: Pkwy ~!!8ds642631·.m~· eves & 1976 Datsun B210 2 door Subar'6I 9762 COMTf:MrLATIHG CGAtt.etital 9930 hat t· h back . 2 d r Miss:On VieJo ...!!"'!...._ -'!!""' -with an et•onom1cal 4 •••••••••••••••••• ••• •• CAD!l.UC? ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~75/rna~oJr 960 ~ (I\ very Exit otr t-SI '722002. very clean. bpeed tr uni. . radio & Subaru DL Hat di bark We specfa 1ir 1n leases 1978 CO~TIN F:NTAL 4 '73 Cutlass Supreme. ~nSufill~~ "~0632 heuter Ven rlean' C.:S.5 ~pd for the bus1nt·ss ex Door MUlt wh1tt wit.h rure f>wr. stereo. air. 1 .,_ t5S6RJR1 \'mir Cor Just S5895 ~utive & prores111onal red leather 1nlerior, ownr ~ 768 5035 $2619 Earle lkl' Toyota <~er 07031 I rroon roof & au the toys --- Wh•n ._...1 ..... 1d i6 BMW 2002. 4 speed, ~'ine Used Car Sales Sa.lei. Service 1.rimn~ Lcrqt Select°" f'mancmg &\llll&ble A Old.\ Cutla11~ Supreme ........ -.. "''" am/fm rauettc. Ex 1966-1970 Hartior Blvd . SADDLHACIC Of"Mew 1982 s~r rar 182570'll C.:1111 1971. t'act 11lr, bucket active readers your ad in cellent rond. Muke orrer Costa Mesa 54n 931)3 su u~ Coditloca now and ask for l)aye seat& wtconsole White clu tiried, lMy're PW67~JS79 ~9467 ~o• YOUR SUIARU A 1 Stock' J<lnfS Theodore Rob1os top OYer new broote .. llhlO_il 054949 N WBEll R' f'Ql'd 642-0010 f1m1h Sharp t'ar' In ready «> buy and 'TI 320i Good cond · 'Tl Z Aolo t·a~s sterto Nin MAZO• ~=-~_.,, ~ . .. -vesttd SJlOO ror brother acllvaly aearching light metallir blue Newpaint&uphl S3.900 llW'H& Toyota 9765 J9C.00llnen.tal MarkV Make offer must sell. forthe eaiclium S6800 497·6747 home, 646-867!1 --.. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ( .. i\Dfl l i\ Collectors Series 845-7'52 • 787~_worl!.._ "'"'' 1972 Toyota Corolla ., J .1 ' Wlnte. All extra~ ind - -c.ohllthe1r need-'7721lOZ.40Km1.1owner. fACIJITI Wa l(on l\utoinalir /1.(.'(Hl.•il••~-.1 blt·in CB. 44.000 easy P'Wo 9957 naybe it 9 in your Capri 9715 met blue, 11 1" am (m, 1trs wos1 CISll lllSOOll1' trani.. radio helltl'r. • '"'·' ,,....,, '1-lU "It'> fwy rru. Xlnt <'Ond 19950 ••••••••••••••••••••••• d ....................... CB. 1oore Xlnt l'Or\d ,,.~ o.,.,. k f u • ·1s eagn v6. stick. New cr:1.50 631 56211 rool r3ck & an ei.cep 1! .,_......., tas or ... rs ·72 Runabout, 91 000 m1 D •1 p•1at forClairil&dAd ~ · ttonal 10 yr old car • .,._.. VII _Moss)__ _auto. air , ~m rni al Y I ACTION bllll rkstires &stereo '7t 1200. auto. am rm 'lll Mazda62tl 19.000mi.5 pnt'edto!)ell 1417CIOJ 7J .,.,.,, de 1 e, 55.ooo $"' ... DR"IL cassette, t·over, very Cd lfi(Xl ~-1682 --t·assellr S\3011 ORO i.pd, like new Sti·IOO F..11rl1: lkl' Toyota r111e ~~~~~01;od cund {'""vair'po"we~d Nl'eds good cond St2011 Buyer meets seller·w1th A DAIU '1LOT i 4 Capri. 2800 VG. 4 spd. 631 2529or031 7356, 641'~-t: s e d Car Sa I l' i. 1"-'• -;;me work 5800 673-5771 an effl'ct1ve class1hrd cla salfled ads AO.VISOI xlnl running cond $2100. .78 Datsun 280z. S2.000 ._.___...i..._ •-.., .. 740 1966 1970 llarbor Blvd THE UR GEST 631 881_2 ad fl.t2·5678 642·5678 '42-1671 631 ~ .. _, b k 1 ~ -... .., Costa Mei.a 646 9303 SB.ECTIOM ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ 0~ ~ • 0~ntr ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~~ or late model. lo~ 9935 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ ~~~ ~11~<~ ~~s.a:~~~~ -Ml. pref~r a '76 fehca, nev. pdint. r-i mileage C'ad1llac:s in ~-•••••••••••••••• leBARQN t'able ntnd th1 uout u..dM~ecks spd. AM F'M stereo. SouthernCahfornui ' '67 Coronet. 4 dr. run~ $585() CJll Mr William~ toa new good t'Ond S3200 MA.BERS great, reg gas I ow1wr, CO ... VERTllLE 54872AS anvtfialnculst? 67S.7lSI C•DILLAC '5!!1F'lr.!.11~SJJ4!1 -" ·n 2lllZ Ml!tl blue Xlnl a>mpafe -·fTdtbe of rm I '76 Corolla Dix Air 42K 2GOOff:lrbor Bhd ii Charger. OflR 62K ml, HOW OM DISrLAT 9960 ·our famous in out Supu ~ound portsD1ret'tleaseandGUI ml. good rond S22SO COSTA MESA a1r.pwr.reg gas.sharp HAAN system. ~19S,857-6761 II ~~ 85jn~12blr f> n~br 631J7L5_art3pm 11750 55_13288 * * 10_. __ 9721 714 MERCEDES 1s 213 1 '~Cresssda Wagon. fully 54.0• 1_860 'Ill Dodge Charger RT. I __.. or714 '637·233J t'QPl. 6 c:yl uuto, 21 26 'HO CPt' de Ville, assume 440 Magnum i\ T PS OUlYSLF.R PLYMOUTll ••••••••••••••••••••••• ---mpg. xlnt rond $76SO exist.mi: financin~ Call PB. clean some body 2(0) E First SA DIMES-A-LINE NEW * tit. 5490966L55111215 um 833 2009 or l'\i!S damage left side Many 4l·4..47J I I ,~ M L hli '"' T 'Tai 1229 n e w pa r I ' S I S 9 S -DELOREAN in6642 c0.ar1 r II "" oyola Curona 2 dr 631 ~-·11 C\,'DA 383. 4 spd, PS, d d I I C rk D Juto trans, needs eng & '77 SEVILLE ~ PB h h r RUGS 2 oval bra1 e MAN'SbtkdlO Woman's MARTELL tube type MOTORCYCLE alarm 1 111000571 Hunlmgton B_eat•h ll ans work "' 1 ~ Load~'(!. onl) J7 ,300 act , 1g per ormanre multi t·olored chenille l b1k e $1 5 Lamp $IS stereo AM/FM receiver $25. '64 Dart transnuamon You are lhe winner ol ~1 080&12 71196 9940 ~ bstg.fr 642·4627 $2S .. olhl'r, yellow and Table. form1ca SmS w ith 2 1peakera SJO $40 Antique bench frame $24,950 four free llrkl't~ 1$161)()1 1 .,...,. . . . mi I>) ong ocal owner •••••••••••••••••••••• anHoc 9965 brown 9 ~ I 2 $ I 5 Round table SJS Glass Strob iaie 1justable flash $25 Slide pro)eeior $20 ' HOH DA valnetothe l!n:l 1oyota Lorun;.i St;.i Xlnl mnd ~tu,t see to l98I FORD f' .mmonl 1 646·5607 2426 Elden I amp shade S 2 0 $12. New AM/FM Digital Car a 1 r con d 1t1 on AJMlhei locrt Sh Wa~ .iulo Goorl ,·nnd appre< S89so fl rm Door 6 t'~I automatic. c M Wheelchair $JS 2060 clock radlO $20. Good ure compressors SJll each SAttJ ~ANA AS"AHEI \t OW I -642 i3s.i 1 760-Utls afternoon~ p\\r SI . air c:ond Onl) ROLLA WAY twin bt'd, Slat!' Ave CM Follow and wheel (Chevy) 15 Garbage d11posal S20 JOI arner CONVENTIO~ I •77 Corolla SRS 79 Norfolk Gra) ~l'\llle 9.1.W rml~. $3\e on this s 2 5 KI n g bed s 5 0 I 01 akmStrerl Home after inch $15. 12ln Black and Hand truck $10. Slant 6 __5_40·1430 n:NTER Apnl 17 2S I I. I FTB A(.' K $2 5 OU loaded sky b I u e beau I v Mahogany IWUI bec:1s $45 p. Whitt TV, VHF works head $40. Bed frame SS Fiat 9725 ro rla1m llrkel,, call 644 7733. l'\t' & ~ knd!) 7S2·!f731 or 1SI 1242 11rr. X381 ) (a II now each Lamps SS-$LO 1 WALNUT dining room good $35. 17in Black and TIJ't'S 6:50-13. C78-13 SS •••••••••••••••••••••••! ~42k 56i8 e~t 1 27 2d !!SI 1398 Repossession !>a le make ~!o'R~;1~~ J~~~d ta bl es $ 5 $I 0 N 1 n t! table with no-mar tablt w hi 1 e TV S 1 S AM 860 2 Hau rd' Wu t · It' et.s mu~t 'r ,ume "14 Corrolla, d 1>an S2000 bid on ·;9 l'pt' de \'ille drawer dresser and top $50 Four chairs to Battery receiver Sl2 · minster. 894-1818 b) ApnlZ3 t9S2 orl>tostoHer RSI Ull!ll'\l fullyegwpped 891 5361 S4200IO mirror S3:> LoYe seat mai.ch $15 l'och 642-J287 Wood and metal boxes •FANTASTIC* * * • 225hd5pm 1976 Ford Granada 4 SI -SJ. Tramistor radio's AM/FM Hi-Fl 5tereo with '81 SEVILLE Door Econom1t·al Ii couch $ 25 Tw' n bo>< OOUBLE b •d sso Twin Crom $2-S 10 Tall black record player, has new *FIATS* Mercedes Sale 'Ill Ceht'a Sunrhawr 1·on 'vlint l'oncl Lt>ather int. c > 11 n de r l' n i: 1 n e s5pent.ngariabndanmda lmtres11altr!•2s~ b!'d S25 tT"'o twin table lamp. J way $8 diamond stylus,:.! \l'1t1blt-J U 111111 1111 It Y!!llo.,. 11 ooo m i aut-0mat1ctransm1!IS10n Ci ' '--'-ads$15 h 1'w 21JO "'--tors Cirde. apt speakers 8 track tapt' I For European dell\ er~ SQ!W &1506:12 l>ii:itJI in~trunn nls. air rond po~l'r ,teer $15 Play pens $2<t and ""'°pre eac 0 ~ ~ftllll Seledion at f.ic'ton Allnl 30th or · pv.r ~nd.,.s ~e.ih dr h h $26 Changing table $8 desks $25 and S50 four D . Costa Mesa. Phone deck player, cost $300 T' I l•arh Ma y One 300 [) 76 c.oroll~ • dr 4 ~p<l locks. a r. luddcd S ) r m.:. radio, ealt>r as Ml·rro~ S"'·SS. S4J .2987 dressef3 $1 0 each Two 642-7589 asking $40 Stingray P~Owned I lurbO sedan and une JOO 1 uni! Ul'nt-r $:!900 or of f' :t 1 lo" mile:. & is an e\l'f'P .. " Daro h h $200 h b1~ycle, girl• 1•1·n with •Totally I ("r p 1 t a( OI") p~r rain war 11onallv clean t•;.ir' 667-ll09 s c au'S eac ' • , D Waoon Savt-dollars " 'par} ranlv Siil 7511 P I' ' or 1'w ....... •-20 h PORTABLE gas ba.rberue new a 11 red tire 1 • " • ' 1235RFB) Sper1al at on· o ""' Stoou S eac · $25_ B&D electric lawn Rec:Oftditl-.d For rrore 1nlormal1u11, 80 To,vto Cehc:.i fl.·ln~ 673 7334 ly 52999 E.ir le Ike UPRIGHT vacuum $25 BBQ SIO Two Captain• completely overhauJed, RatSoortsCcin <;'ALL \'1q?1n.i 114 v.holesale 1\ll \lra ·16 Se\ille. ,er\ d t'an. To(iota Finl' L'sed (.'ar Portable TV. black and chairs SIS each Two mower $20 White Stag good buy at S40 Cadillac Man) 'foChoosc f'rom &IS 41100orCIS 1122 ~)5 G.i115'!!lli S41i 2429 .... "'() I Sa 1966 19~0 JI bo h 2 T I I $7 h 70 I b tent attaches 10 van or '68 Fleetwood parts 10 All v I ,. d ""·"' mi ong ov.ner. l!l> · ' ar r w tle S S e escope on a_IJIPS eac· may' be uaed seperately perfect cond1t1on, hub "' eh1lt' es uuaranl!'e I 'ISi ~L i IMMHni allo)s. Tri•-i. 97 6 7 PD95 645 8999 Bh d . Co~ ta ~h·~ ;i t r1 pod $ 12 Canis trr ~unchin\ bag $35 Skis $45 St>ars Spreader. new $10 h 4 r r.x~mp es hlU(' blue llhr. S:Ul.00<1 •• :::;.: •••••• ••• •••••• .77 Fleetl'ood Brnugham f:i46.9J93~ 9467 ;~c:~mi~~c~111 ~0{~~ co8:::;~502064~h2e~5c;;: SB . Painted Redwood $;g~Left:~d~1:~tr~~, 75FfATSPIDER J ~·4159J 645·3IOI t979TRll:MPH '\p1thre Xlnt l'und, wire whls. 1980 f'ORO f'l11rmont 64 Curnllure· 2 chairs SS render skJru. SIS t'ICh or s spd .. '1tr ~terU'ii 1 I~ "5(1 SEL l.Wau11ful Rt•31 clean ~ 1<h only sunroof. leather. pwr Sq u 1 re Y. a Ro n 6-1s2s 644· 7349 Newport Beach each c h a I se s s $25 (or both. 15in wheels I c;;~er s~~j1~ I itt I wtutc ~ llh b.al'k lt•ather 4!5.llOll miles t.ov. do ... n seat:;. en. crUJSC cont Geor,Reous mint ... h1te NEW Testament, KJV in PATIO table, glass top. Tete-a·tete with umbrella fit any large GM v.-hide u > • intenor All the l'\tra~ I o ~ P. a ) me n l" 1 ~offer P\I party lo\llh air cond P~ r :.l. 16 cassettt'~ no or 2J iron, enamel chairs S3 table SIS Set Malibu SIS each . 2 for $2S $4495 17.tOJ m1 n~ooo <.:all 1 19.'\JXWr\I Call no~ ;.ind l 760-86181522b043 &automatic Only22.J~6 records S23. t•a!>e $7 "II each 548-0908 garden hghta, new $20 642-7033 71463J.7836 I ask for Davr June' ·eosEVILLF miles $3\'e no~ Gel re new . n e ver us l'd Son or H1bach1 $4 . '77FIATSPIDER 7(l~IERC'E[l•,·.s :151u • Tht'OOort' Hulun' F<inl Bla<'k black ln~dl.'d ady for va c ation TIRES2ER70Xt:>onFord LADIES and men s l 5 pd t all , • -~ f.4:!0010 · <5977.A\'1 CJllno"' Jnd 673-591 5 rims SZS pair NicP bi Whirly bird spreader 0 d Al 1. d s s <'rM •'as~ 11a 0 > 23.00(lml \en l'lcan I $13,500 5402430 ask for Da\t• Jone~ DEEP Sn poles reels. sofa SSO 631·3701 SI SO Sohd mahogany 1 ·Spee 80 a ies ~his · mini ton \ $8.'JjJO 645 0632 VcAswaqttt 9770 ·72 r~. run:. \Int much Theodore Robin\ f ord newcodf15h1ngpolew1th JOin round table. need• coaster brake cruiser MltST .SF.E C \R •MG 9742 ••••••••••"•••••••••••1 rl'<'ent ~ork Sl!O(l ftrm 642()1)10 brackl'tS10 S22.548-9tl32 SEWINGmach1ne S4S ref1n1sh1ng S27 Look.r1denew.name •lACP577 1 'iORui:~lntthruout.ne.,. 5369957 St>wing cabinet S7 S Prof Pu1onal quality brands, ~hot«' $49 extras $4995 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ru.~t11m ml , 2nd o-.nl'r WANTED UPHOLSTERED chair Cred!'nza $7 Large sla 1y pewr1 ter t;ible S 12 548-8066 $244() Firm 5;u; 4280 Comaro 9917 $35. c.orree table$1S End be n r h S I 5 0 v e Ladies golf ca.r1 with seat C02 Rifle $10 536-0934 '78 RAT SPIDER ATIEHTIOH •••••••••••••• ••••••••• TO BUY tables SI :> Chest o l rousserieSIO Uprigh $10 Ladieigol!shoea <•.pd , m"a .,.hi • MG 19661UG ;1979(.'ht'\rOll'l ('amarn S · " ' M" , ~··~ paint. llres \Int "·II po ... ·er. air c·ond drawersSIS nowures V3l1JumSl5Typmguabl 808"" S 2 pair MEN'Stulungboois,new 'lert'O. lo~ner onh ~WHERS ru ••TEMOOEL $25 each Anuque photos S3 Aquanum $40 Rubbermaid organizers $25sw-10 TV black and :.;Km1 1r.&l'PQ1 TON EAL C'O\'ER I tood 3Jmpl! SIG.SO stereo rasst'lle, lilt - SIO h Double II S h L SI o th ' . • . . _840 1383 ~heel. cruise c:ontrol USED C •RS ea<: st.ro er 11.eac amp $1 each Paperbacks white SlO.Men'aclo es. $5495 ms ~tG s. 71 RI .70 \'W D h W rally v.heels & more' "' $20 Ell'<' Irie heater $5 Clothes and shoes ~·$3. 1 O c. !i Oc . Two l w 1 n large $1-$10. 231 I Firhill. Never used S75 ° ai. N a)?on. New me<alll c brown WILSON FORD Travel garment bag SIS 962 7383 mattress sets, perfect Newport Beach. 548-8384 ,79 Fl"T S'ID"'"R Maria&31 7797 l\'e msg IJ.UIO. fal1or) air. Jensen r h h ddl A If t b S3 d • T "" w; Casi.elle ~tereo. super ims ~11 ~a e in 82$5 Be h Bl d nt1qul:' go c u 5 GUITAR $5 Car to ron ition •4 S set. wo BOAT gear 50c-$50 10 Automalll', stereo. clean $4.000 lo mi pp tenor «83JXNR1 SSJ99 1 ar ' each Books 2Sc-SI 862 luggage rack $8 Mode m<1ple twin beds . Gal.lonpcopanetankwith wh1re whls A \er)' ur_. 9744 700188laft6PM f:arle Ike To)ola Fine Huntington Beach Loma Circle. Men d el D;mish swivel chair SIO bookcase headboards. gagt> $50. Brass httings sharp t'ar Will Deal'" ,..... Ls e d Ca r Sa I es 8~ LI Mar. C<.6ta Mesa Rear wheel for 271 maybeusecheperatelyor 25c·$5_ Cleats 50c-SS 1063\'SA I ••••••••••••••••••••••• 'fi8 \'W Bug good engine 19661970 Harbor Blvd . PREST0111rcoolrr.31 IO ·~pecdb1 k e $I O asbunk1$4Seach.Be.arh Tu r nbuckles S2-S3S $5995 1""9111CR~atoratlon RunsgoodS9110 . Costa Mesa 6469303 'l4LTD4-dr speed S25 Vapomer $5 Schwinn 271n qu1c back ruts $leac h Vents $5-$1 0 Hinges "WebelieH.,.ehaH•lhl' 6h3 MGB Reel 11l'"' _751·764i I ~~ .. R('guar ~ars. run,:. good. Pair or Walkie Talk1t» release 10-speed rea Louvered ahutters 36xl2 S1 ·$3 Outboard S:>O SHARPEST & LOWEST t: nmll' paint tonneau '7iCONVF.RTIBLE 1!17!1 CHE\'Y Camaro srat'ious ami) t'ar $10 Ski boots. size 6 1r. wheel $15 Bike part $1 each Cardboard Sabot $50 Calf $6. Lots priced FIAT!-. in So bra. uphol & rebll en~. Ne"' eng. bukes White fkrhnetta l\11dn11rht ~ ake oHer. 640 S228 $10. Chair SS lbdge pipe 2Sc·S2 SO. 545-3838 ward robes S l each of Brass rhaln 2Sc-SOc 1 Cal ,.. much m ur h mn rt' on while. Champagne blue rnetalht' w 23 813 liflerGP_m 4' Wknd~ wrenrhes I.fin $8 !Om Plastic and me~I letter foot. Waterproof Duffie $3LIJ() 646 7211 Ed1t1on $6700 840 14j)O lo.,. miles .\utoma0t1c. '72 Gran Tonno stn ~ gn. $5 . Two suit cases $4 WASHER $50 Dryer $50. hies $2 e&ch. 28JO LP bag material SJ.75 per Pu Olt•k Miller Motors '77 MGB Lo n11 manl '76 \'WB\..G p~r st . air cnnd . well maint .. good t'Ond. each. Met.al storage shed Dishwasher $50 Power S alle. Costa Mesa. 01\e ya rd Wire ties and logo with :iddress and cond AM FM rad1n Xlnl cond. lo mi siher stereocass & till wheel Mmg trealed ext $2000 $50.Foreigncoins,large mowt>rS40 Eleclr1 block aouth of Baker on terminahSlar.....ft.Boe phoneno onrile , Red $3900 I o~ru·r pxiurirm3S9tl4&6 Ceorgeous r ar ~,8961940 mower $40 C.Ompr1!$SO F at Adams and ""'6 6311687 1S7'7WYD1 Call no11o and .telecuon25c-$10each S50 Vacuumcleaner $25 airview pamt 50c-SS Charu Sl ·74\'WRt'G ask for Da\t' Jones i8 fiesta s unroof. S tandard catalog or Push mower $10 Seed El Camino Take El 1993 Orange. Costa Mesa Opel 9746 Xlntrond,yello~ Theodore Robin~ Ford stereo. to m1. xlnt rond, World coins $5. Large spreader SLO. Electri Canu.no to 2nd stop sign 548-1381 '72850Sp)der. ,i!ood mpg. •••••••••••••••••••••·~ $l(XkHir_m ~59 0466 64200l0 $3600 649..:§931 landscape painting $10 edger SI S , Electric LADIES 3 speed bike S25. !CAMPING gear 25c-$5 rbll eng. nu alternator '71 0-1 GT I Twin bed set rnallress 0. roltt 9920 70 Ma\•enrk 75.000 rm I Ctuld's PeJll'll machine S2 colllvator $20 Saturday Old lime car. clgarelle Electric man1curer S4 559-1581 $1300 963:)(61 box sprin~ fr am~' " I 0~·ner 3spd. 6 l') I Three quarter bed 22 fl $2 0 T • B . Sp d _ _. Id hdb d I 1 . d 512c •••••••••••••••••••••••, lt6hp Runs gd 8.c;t ofr headboardwithshell$l2 afternoon I ower ash tray r ee 9xl2 carpet .1 aby 78 y er. r"" w go . 'NIJtOI 9741 r "< n rnn " WANT Uus.,.knd 54920Jl Two mirrors $IS each Street, Costa Mesa. bookcaaes SSO each name bracelets $4.50. Bed tan int . 28K mt. xlnl ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~I~ ED · 325 W Bay Street. Costa HIGH back redmer desk Manual 1ddmg rn1chine rufrlea $4-SIO Blender sh~.$4m 646-~-19825 '67 \'W Squarebat'k. lst TO BUY '73 Ford Ran chno S l5 . R o l o <ilex f ile $3.Wallclock $4.Tape tt.-L. 972• S300takes.Goodrunntn" w1s hell. Runs well , Mesa. 548-5908 chair S50 Rotory lawn 1 1 $IO N da d $" d $lO r~TU o rf .960 270, ,. ooeds bod\' work $t500 mower S35 Hand mowe con a ner . eva recor era "' an ••••••••••••••• ••• • •• •• ARE HER E.1 g_ea~ . .,.) --t "'TE MO DEL 49H406_PM BLACK and while TV SIO. Port.able 19in eolor TV $2S 6ft sofa Sl5 3 drawer desk $25 3m ReaJ Estate rourse for hrensc $15. Jft hght blue table lamp SIO Spanish course $10 607 Begorua. Corona del Mar S;iturday I 4, Sunday I 0-4 67S-0023 BIKE 10 speed, maru 26tn $25. AM car radio, worka good SS. lrorung board S2 :148-1823 BAR and stool• set $28. Tables $5-$30. Ktng site and twin Sitt headboards $3-$17 . Radio's iron's Sl -$8. Pictures S2-SIO Tools $3-$8 Toys, dolls. c h i ld r en• and adult clothlns. dishes, music boxes, book1. baby dothes, jtwelry, shelves, lX-$5. 3102 C.Oral Ave .. apt A • Co1t1 Meu 4 Blockl weal of Spires Restaurant. Harbor Blvd., Cotta Mea. FRAMED t2xl8 plcturH of 1949-IHl Ford ind Mercu ry $10 uch 1141-l8SG Saturday lwnln& Poet maaad net U tac h . U 3t Ford h1atml11ton $H C-4 rord auto tn neml•lon MO. 14Ut llumUM.111 l'llOOn h•b c•r. to. Chro me Corvet e valve coven f40. Two ault.ar• '20. (JW.. on etaad ft. Art ~~= U ·U uell. Olcl ha.YIU.• clMk fH, ........ reu&ala !Ill(. , $10 Chairs wt1h roller slodt ~~ne l!:_S.:,~ldracUk SKhoehs $1 00 2aSpa $t~ 1979 F'ORO Fiesta Real Qime m and dnve lhe 'li6SQUAREBACK - S30 each 2ftx7h panel an '"""''"'re ""u"' L Ile en ware C· " eronomy for S2595 leading diesel' A\•aila· SJSOorw1ll part out USED CARS l..iRc.olll 994! $3. S7 Ul h. good f 0 $S 4(tx8ft work bench 0 r i en ta I vase S 5 <K2A32A 1 Tesl dnve and ble for Immediate de· -~5-9!M7 WILSON FORD ••••••••••••••••••••••• fenc:mg or building. Metal S50. Picture with clock Telephone poles 4·6 feet buy today Financing l!Yery! See why people .69 VW Sqbck . needs '69 LINCOLN CONT and fiberglass water bags. SlO. Toya Sl·S25. Clothes $3. Slump atone 20 aqua.re available Cull now. asll are s w Itch 1 n g t 0 work, snrf. rack, A C. l82$5 Bieat'h Blvd l Good transport a lion car 11 SOc h Sl·S IO 32S W . Bay feet SS.Potaandplanters for Dave J ones p , ~080 ~~n~1~f~41~w~ft C:,~coi Streel, Costa Mesa ,Sl·S5. Baby swing SS Theodore Robins Ford BeugE•e«C~IMPORTS ~ 846-1~ Hu8nt4i1ngt6on Bel 1ach 548·~3 _ wire, new SSO. Chord 548-5988 Ladder SJ. SuilCUel S5 642.0010 A i7 Scu'OCrO Ru ns !.uper • 6 ·~ <Ith . 11!.llOO mi EH S k h 1 $20 Hand tools $1-$5. Skate HaRda 9727 848 veStreel look~st Mtll blue l ond SJOOO ri rm o~rga'5o$~imml.n ~~D,i: ~~~bi:. ltOll boards $3-m . Tape deck ....................... NEWPORT BEACH ,.Ph497·4910 SEE US FIR~T! &44·91kl5dy,6~.9()S~ P -'•bl t _,,ft I ch 1. (2) •3 .. $10. Typeownter $5. T.V '71:., nooo 1~~~' We have a good se ection o ... e ypew .. .., ename a rs • " aet s 10: Clothet 25c·S5 -f3..1t!_•VJ... . __ o( NE W & USED 7J Mark IV Lincoln. nev. $2S. Refrlgeralor cro each.~ Stock Jeep wheels $3 WE'RE '~ 975 'A C Chevrolets'· radial tires. new paint. top freeier SSO 221 E. GARDEN tooh , rakes, Sc:raleh pidt 25c· °':I foe •••••••••"•"•••••••• PRTOTE-OWLNLYED very dean Must see 19th Street, a.ta M-hoes. ahovels $3-$'7. Bladt .. Good 70R14 radial OEALIN' A Weellda an S,JSl-514! HOSE LOOOft of new a n d Decker U -1 4 0 tire S5. El~ 1ar11e MBSTER R~~~~~~D MlrYeridl 9t4J 'Ain !Nlde diameier S25. f inishing 1an der $15. door opener S2S. ~o ten IMMEDIATE PORSCME/&UDI Excelfent Economy •••••••••••••• .. ••••••• 548-4934 646-6714 speed bike9 ~. Pauit 2:1c l363llfa.rb0 Bfvd. And Lots of FUN! '72 Maverick. 6 cyt. auto. E1'e~t~~~a~~~::1;:~: SI~ ';t:~ = DELIVERY ON w.:;:~G.:r~l-MANYii?oCMHOOSE SI Citation Cpe. 4 spd. ~~look~ OK. r ouR leather cha1ra, game table type l4in to seal, excellent, eacrlflce $25 eat'h Leather b rlefc11e $~. Leather shave cue $2 50 Mexb.n p1ven. 12ln. 80c each. Ma rble aink lop 39 \.;In $10. Two antique Chlnae 1llver ind Carne lian jewelry pend1nt1 $25 t!llCh. Bumble Bff' pin. • , K1r1l 1old with Oem eyee. U O Three bar atool1, t31n to uat, CGCnfottablc tub style, 11 ii $19 NCb. Rattan cblir 1wln1. H la, U O. Old ont -drawer wood tile ubln.t $10 Stereo h ca d p h o n u U Maanfnta, ma to 1te0 ~. rour 1ttxttt p1nr .i¥ee $1.20 .-b. two lllx4ft putkle ...,.,., • ..:ll. PlllM ......... ........... Plac .. .. ._..._.WIS. 1'•• Ht14lY• cr11t1l =-1~&· Ster eoscope. all wood SIO Crystal gobbleta 7:1c c t .. .,_., U.000 mi. ~ or BS· Miiar, ttS< reproductJon of antique each . L amp S 3 . MOST 714636°2333 _BU DICK MILLE R s ume lse. 955·0031 ...................... , 3-D vlewu with card• Motorcycle helmet $S. 914. Compl recond. ma ny MOTORS LOGO WITH wk 551· 73 v a. 'SCOUGAR •20 Oil p1lntln11 and Dlninl table $5. Bar a•t ra •, s .... t o a p. A 0 D R ES S A N D -, Iulo,-.~ firm • · 1tool1 3 each. Chrome MODELS "" " u PHONE NU MBER ON '76 .... Cla,_ 2l40W.'i m wall ckcor ~. °= and p. co(fee tlb1e $l:I. ~e~te $4250/obo. fiLE 2 cfr. a\ito~-AM7FM 8 lampahlde withrinc Sort M uon -Sm ith track stereo. 1 owner ....... HS; 1 1111 c h i m ney $5 . iurfboard$SO.S.mboo SAVE '5eC1usicCoueew1sun "78 VW Rabbit Dix. air. G l-7'34 ••••••••••••••••••••••· ~'~$f.~~~ bird Cllft $3. 1993 Oran,t '13'~ en111ne. $4000. itereo, mint orig. No z MAUIU COMV. '68CONVERTIRLE p opcorn p opper u o. Street, Co1t1 Meu n!rb or dents S3700. 000/0/r: ~ 615-3S ~uto. •::sJ:14:lnt Pi per runer 201t20in $10. S48-la8l AT 1.!mS48·7M5 "II Monte Carlo, sharp, ' Seto( fou r painted on GIRL'S 20 Inch Schwinn '68 Futback. runs good. CUll~.am/fm.8 track. ·~m~:~~~a~t~e. a~~:j 11-m~ ~ bicycle $30. '54 Chev{. HONDA ax>ortrade . 1/c'1J~ bWk and $2$. Wood fron t end (hood, frtl, 98()..~17 •----:==:..._---.1 and bn11 Y Arner1c1n doora. tender•) $ tor '73Surr Bua·. mint cond. ,,~_,.Nova. 350 .• auto. _,..•••• ttll d1ninl room lliht fU\url, 11ch f.art '54 Chevy Cua Int. AM ( f' M , PS. PB. new paint, new ............ ••••••••••• comp1e tl' $f&. Larae tram Nndard) m ·eo SANTA radiala. New c utch u.-.. lOOd mecbanlcal Am erican fla1 $2. Ford p ickup door •10 1 . cond CaULW-&110 11\tr WlMTn ~ Mie. lln-B M• .ti. Rew~ plate 1'Scirocro.Silver. 48pd. 1..-:JU&..------.1 MIU Oriw. (r.r) c.c.ta ...._ l"tlr bumpers (0.tl\l:::i 1' ANA AK ml. 0r1&. owner. • COIYITTI JD UY ' ITOftl ~~~u . o MIW ltl2 Tlb Oim 10-relaa and hra.twM .... t77Z t.w:-&lMt io,.. ate. LATIMODIL: 1Np a ltOfne. It'• 1lm· COOCH be•ullful t~ Par•dilt'n1a ~ M:11Qff _ .... •••••••••• .... nirtin. UllDCAIS rJ~ ~YA:J1~t ~~~=..10 :l'w~ .. tardaJ at ~&. v .. " 1...., OMLTllMflt -~" ....... t.o ~ ar ... ·..::r.t:.:; ·~ ,, . lulhr, , •• ~~· If: :.w.:·~ .... ~ ~( • ...... f ·=... '\t:°.~~·~ L~ .... •··•··········••••••··· WANTED TO BUY LATE MODEL USED CARS WILSON FORD 182$5 Bearh Bhd llunllngton Bearh 842·6-611 iJ Grand Pni1. ori~ owner S2.000 Xlnt con ~195 p p 770·~:!9 VfCJO 9974 ...........•.....•.••.. '71 Vega. runs needs work SSOO best offer 646.(.646 AllhK,UMclo •••••••••••••••••••••• CAllLLAC CLEARANCE SALE! 1911 CADILLAC ILDOIADO COUPE (1BGB068) sis,995 1977 CADILLAC SIVILLI (091TBL) sg995 1982 CADILLAC CIMAllON "Automotlc" (18HMS29) s11,995 19IO CAotUAC SIVILLI "Two-Tone" (909ZEO) s14,995 19IO CADILLAC ILDOIADO otlSll (1ACL556) s13,995 1979 CAotLLAC SIVILU (399WQV) $10,995 1979 CADt&.1.AC COU,. DIVILU DllllL ($22XWO) s1995 •KA1101 aYD. COITAllllA -- /) :0 0 - ::> 7 .) .. .; 7 ~ ~ '\) ... ) 0 < • ::i ' ~ -, -; ~ J • ; ~ "\) ~ l ~ 1 ~ 7 > :i > ... ~ ar g .u 7"l"'~.~-~-~-:a::;;====:::::===::;~;;:;;;;;;:-;::=:=::=::-=:-:;;:::;:=:::=:::::=::::::;:":"~-:-~-:-"':":"'::"'-;'-:-~~":""":""'~":""!~:-"~:--:"~~~~~~~~ ~ ----------------~' OEAOUNES For Tuesday through Saturday publlcatlons, 5:30 PM the previous day. For Sunday and Monday publications. 12:00 noon Saturday ERRORS AO/ertl..,. should check their eds dally end report errors lmmedietely. Th• DAILY PILOT ~a lieblllty for the first Incorrect inMrtlon only. IOUAL HOUINNO Of'f'OllTUNIT't' 0 =~ lalyPilat Q n n 0 . REAL ESTATE ~ 642-5678 PUBLISHER'S NOTICE: All real estme adY9ttlted In this newtptipef la eubject to the Federel Felr Housing~ of 1988 which nwic. It lllegel to ed\lertlM "eny preference. Umltatlon, or dltcnmlnation bMed on rece. colol', religion, MX, or netioNI origin. or 111'1 Intention to nwlce ll'Y such preference, llmltetlon. or dilctlmlntitlon." lhlni9wsp.,.r will not knowingly eccept q ~Ising for reel ...... which la In violation of the i.w. MISES FOi SAU ~SIFIED INDEX u mm ·-IJOO !Mt t• 1• l• lM 1• t• -, .. ---.. --2"' -- •Adi In this category must be ~d Open 8-6:30. 8aturday I-noon (Cio.d on Sundly) 3.10 W. Bay St, Cotta M ..... ca._,..., IOITALS , .. -----_, --·-----. .. ... .. ·= -- I r -- '\ Real Estate/ An Advertlal Supplement to the DAILY PILOT /Saturday, April 10, 1982 BALBOA l)UPLEX with a BAYVIEW from the large front balcony deck, plus a huge sun deck in back over the garage. 2 Bedrooms in each unit, just a few doors to the Bay. Tremendous assumable loan. Asking $299,000., submit your down payment WATERFRONT DUPLEX This spectacular property has 2 sun decks, a spiral staircase, antique stained-glass windows, a master bed- room with a balcony and French doors. Flexible design. Try a 3 bedroom, 1 bath unit or 2 bedroom, 2 bath unit. $595,000. OCEANFRONT 3 Br. 2 Ba. upper unit - 2 Br 2 Ba lower private sundeck & patio. Less than 2 yrs old anc:f generates about $3000 a mo in- come. The real news is you can take over the existing bank loan of approx. $425,000 without qualifying incl. 12~% int. fixed for 30 yrs. Only asking ' $659,000. Try a low _down pymt. I JACOBS REAL TY To You and Yours · From The Staff At: Jacobs Realty WE SHOW WATERFRONT PROPERTIES BY BOAT TOO!! Why worry about lenders?? OUR len- ders can't be beat. Reasons Why?? NO POINTS, NO APPRAISAL FEES, NO JUNK CHARGES, NO WAITING ON QUALIFICATIONS, NO DELAYS ON FUNDING, the lowest Int. rates obtain- able anywhere, with effective rates from 9% to 12%. Yes, our sellers are willing to be the lender, so why worry about financing. We've got ltlltl AND, with some REAL low down payments tool REAL SHARP DUPLEX just a few doors to the beach. 2 + 2 bedrooms including new carpeting and drapes. A nice patio separates the double garage and both units. Super location, near shops and market. Asking $275,000 with owner financing the balance. OCEANFRONT DUPLEX Perfect location just a few blocks from the Fun Zone, restaurants and. the Bal- boa Island Ferry. Three bedrooms, 2 baths and 2 bedrooms, 2 baths. Built-ins, 4-ear garage. 4 ~ years old. $750,000 and the seller will finance the entire balance ~th a low down pymt. ~ . . BEACH HOUSE CLOSE TO THE BEACH and only $119,900. 3 Bedrooms or use as 2 and convertible-4en+dining room. Comple- tely redecorated with paint and exten- sive use of wall paper thruout. Built in range and oven, dishwasher, etc. Offer a down payment that makes you happy and the owner wi.U fiJ].ance the entire balance. JACOBS REAL TY 675-6670 2919 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, CA 92663 . - J Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAJLV PILOT/Saturday, April 10, 1982 -3. • co If nrn1rr @ 1nvrs 1nrnT conrnm IAYlllE nm• -IEW LllTlll TruJy the "Creme de la creme" of waterfront living. Over 8500 sq ft of the finest quality construction available. Located on the main channel with its own white sandy beach, amenities include a pool, spa, seven bedrooms and a view from all rooms. $5.75 Million. UlllOR ISWI CISTO._.lJI OIAllEL The finest waterfront home with the best location in Newport Beach. Over 5 000 square feet and a pier for a 100 foot yacht. Unusually large bayfro~t lawn. The price is $5 million and the owner will finance a . notable amount. • Liii& ISLE CISTO._.lJI Cl&llEL Breathtaking views of the main channel from every important room in the home. Over 76 feet on the water, 6,500 square feet of sheer ele- gance. The price is $3.6 million. 11111101 llHE OllTl~ICOIP&UILE YIEW This Country French estate offers one of the finest bay and ocean views ever. Over 5,300 square feet of the finest craftsmanship. The price is $2.3 million. Ill CUYM OllTl9-ll TIE lllF OllllE If Country English and privacy are your choice, this 6,200 square feet estate with new pool and spa is the answer. Right on the 10th fairway. The price is $2.3 million with over $1 million of assumable financing. LllO ISLE-WlTEIFlllT CISTll Simply the finest waterfront on Lido on the market today. Pier and slip plus oversized lot and $1.4 million in assumable fmancing. The price is $2.25 million. Liii& ISLE--IWI CUlllEL Five bedrooms, all ensuite, and right on the water with your own pier and slip for multiple boats. Owner will finance over $1 million. Call Cor appoinunent. The price is $1 .85 million. Ill ClllOI OllTOll-ll TllE IOLF COIRSE Truly the best family home with 6 large bedrooms lncluding a separate 2 bedroom suite with its own living room. On the 9th fairway with private pool. The price is $1.8 million. Ill O&IYOI CISTOl-01 TIE IOLF COllSE This award-winning home, on the 7th fairway is country club living at its finest. Over 4,000 square feet with dramatic architecture and LARGE rooms. The price iS $1.75 million with owner financing. H&lllOI llllE CISTOll-IR&ll SP&lllll IEW Elegant Country French esta14? with the very f~nest_ame~ties. T~rnflc views and over 5,000 square feet. VERY creative fmancmg available. The priee is $1 ,595 million. Ill 011101 OUSTOll-IREATllT&ll• VIEW Adjoining its own private 2.25 acre park, this 6 bedroom mans(' is vacant and ready to move in. Over 5.500 square ff'CL w11h a VERY pnvate pool and spa. The pn~ is $1 595 million HARIOR RlllE-YIEW LOT Panoramic view on Newport Bay and Pacific ocean. Prime location. Over $600,000 of assumable financmg. Best available lot on the ~dge. $1 ,350.000. Mm 111111 llU OllTIM IYD 1.1 &OIU Out of the flight path, this custom home offers magnificent opportu- nities. Separate guest home and private pool and spa. Owner will fi- nance entire loan. The price is $985,000. IM OUYM TIWlllllE-IEl.111 Piil Ah "end unit'' Deane townhome, this fine opportunity offers an ex- ceptional yard with cu_,tom pool, spa and sauna. Three bedrooms and over 3,400 square feet. The price is $895,000. Ill Ullll TIWIHIE-CITWU YIEW Exquisite in every detail, this 3 bedroom, 3,000 aqua.re feet home offers multiple use of skylights and enormous privacy. Highly upgraded. The price is $675,000 Ill OllYll TIWllllE~I TIE llLF CllllE This "new to the market" home is vacant and ready to move in. $410,000 of low intttest assumable financing. Three bedrooms, three baths, three car garage. Priced to seU at $629,500. Liii TIWllllE-W/ll&T II.IP II TIE W&TEI "Refined" is the descriptive word for this lovely 2 bedroom plus den (3rd bedroom) and 3 full baths. Over 2,500 square feet and a BOAT SUP! The price is $595,000. WEST IEWPOIT llPLD-W&TEIFlllT Spacious waterfront home with 7 bedrooms or 4 and 3. Pier and float. Excellent own er financing for qualified buyer. The price is $545.000. Ill GUYii TIWIHIE-Clllll'I IEIT llY This new to the market home offers 3 bedrooms and 3 baths on its own corner. Excellent assumable financing. Exclusive with Cote Realty. The price is $500,000. YlLU Ullll tlWllllE~lllLY IPIUIEI This lovely 2 bedroom, 2 bath home offers the ultimate in luxury with huge assumable financing and owner will carry. The price is $239,000. IEWPllT OlllST TOWIM• SIPEI TEllS Offering 4 bedrooms and ,2 ~ baths, th.is home has it all. Co~unity pool and tennis. Vacant and ready to move in. Large loan available Th~ price is $225,000. IRYllE-TllREIHI TIWllllE Three Qedroom home with spacious and sunny living room. dining room arl'ft kitchen. Oversized lot. New carpets and large assumable loan. B New on the market. $167,500. WESTOLIFF TOWllOIE-CAll Yll IELIRE ITt 2 be<lroom, 2 bath home with pool and a huge assumable loon. &>Her will lease option with $5,000 down, Th<' price is $123,900 LOSES l&LIO& PElllllLA-WITI PIEi I SLIP I Offering 4 bedrooms and 4 baths with pool all for $3.000 per month Adults only' Ill OUYOI TOWIHll-01 TllE IOLF COURSE Hjghly upgraded, this 3 bedroom, 2,850 square feet home has it all! Move right.now . $2,600 per month. (714) 640-5777 2075 San Joaquin Hilla Road • Newport Beach, California 92860 ..., -- 1. 4 -Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, Aprlt 10, 1982 IASULUPP $175,000 Lowest priced single family home in this area. Owner will help finance for 15 ye8.l'Jl. Open Sunday 1-5. 2658 Basswood. Or call Lois Miller 631-1266 MISA VIRDI GOLP COURSI Custom 3 br 2 ba luxury home on 16th Fairway. A.aume lg. loan -Full Price only $299,900. Call Anne McCasland 631-1266 I NIWPORT HllGHTS CLIPPHAVIN I have an inventory of PRIME PROPERTIES: 2 br +den w/car parking - $250,000; EXCLUSIVE custom -2 br den . jac. -$299,000; EXCLUSIVE 4 br -2600 - $299,000; Cltffhaven POOL home. QUALITY -$349,000; Cape Cod w/OCEAN VIEW -$590,000; Call RAE RODGERS 631-1266 311 CONDO Try $10,000 dwn, very sharp, $115,000 Patrick or Fred Tenore 631-1266 AISOLUTI STIALI I stake my reputation on the FACT that this i.s the BEST BUY in Newport Beach. OCEAN VU, LRG 4 BDR , PROF DDX>RATED, pool, apa & like nu all for only $376,500. A trade considered. Call PATRICK TENORE Directly 631-1266 or 760-8702 TODAY! 0 TO $15,000 DNI 3 bd 2 bath Beauty. Great cpnd. Only $975/mo. Avail lmmed. Call Today PATRICK TENORE 631-1266 HARIOI llDGI 2 bd DYNASTY w/vu $379,900. Tty loelt dwn, leue option or TRADE. Patrick or Fred Tenore 631-1266 3 ID STIAL 3 bd 2 ba on golf ooune, $130,000. Assume loelt int. Tty $15,000 dwn. Patrick or Fred Tenore 631-1266 Newport Beach 15 C~ate Plaza . . 159-1221 R~Mtte Irvine 4482 Barranca Pkwy. 559 -9400 ,_EifDBIT MEMlil iiaOlits 234 EAST 1 mt STREET I COSTA MESA 631-1266 •. -1 II .. Orange County Reat Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, Aprll 10, 1982 - 5 -OCUIFROIT - SUPER l•COIE + RESORT LIVI•& Spectacular seavlews and substantial in- "'.estment returns await you In this unusual oceanfront duplex. Two spacious units - 3 Bdrms up, 2 Bdrms down -plus addi- tional owner's unit -provide full Income - and a vacation at beach anytime. Special tax write offs and flexible financing. Try trading up. Priced to sell, now, $675,000 ll~IY llOllLI . 759-1221 SU•RISE -SU•SETS Gated privacy leads to pool, spa & views through walls of glass! A real top of the hill feeling! Slngle story. 3 BR, family rm, form. din. rm, and morel Move-In condition. owner/agt assisted financing. $275,000 IHIY 111111111 759-1221 -644-6636 BLUFFS IEST End unit Trina bordering wlld life area. GREAT SELLER ASSISTED FINANCING! Decorated, 3BR, 2'h ba. Spllt-leve~ A/C. C all IHIY 1•1111111 749-12"1 or 644-6636 IOYlll TD sumnn · Discover why the media calls It "The Most Livable City In America". Call for COUR- TESY RELOCATION COUNSELING AP- POINTMENT to obtain maps, brochures and specific Information on areas. With knoWledge create your own quality of llfe In a location that fulfills your needs, wants and d esires. IAU FIUZZllU UWll (Licensed In Wash ln'gton & Calif). 759-1221 3 IR EL llMPO 12% 11.-Slll .. ,,,. Ill 3 BR El Dumpo exterior -like new Inside! New cpts, paint fixtures, range & oven. Giant 65x1 10' lotl Best part Is 12% dn, assume 12.6% 30 yrs In -$877 mo pays all! Full price $83,5001 Take advantage - call • UlTD 759-1221 Costa Mesa 234 E. 17th St., 631-1266 •EWPORT llEISITS S45,0IO * Excellent location. 3 BR custom bit Brand new condo. Real craftsmanship here! 2 story + pvt yard and patio tool * Priced today $45,000 under market! lmmed oc- cupancy. Hurry call. Ill SALTU 759-12211 Now! Just $179,000! IEWf lllT CllEST OllM Three bedroom, 3 bath, family room, di- ning room, huge master suite with sitting room. view, largest model, $210,000. Submlt any offer on terms. HI tr HYIE IMP. 759-1221. IUlll 11•1 5 Br, 4 Ba. Game Rm, Formal Din. Highly Upgraded, Italian Marb.le In Liv. Rm. Din. Rm. Kit Fam. Rm, Study and Fam. Rm . has beaut . paneling and shutters. Fab. View. Two large Patio Decks. A must to see at $895,000 Ill tr llYIE lllP. 759-1221 IUVIEW Wll 4 BR 3 BA F.R., D.R. city & ocean view. Grd gate, pool & tennis. $1700 per mo. Ill "llYll lllP. 759-1221 COSTA IESI R-2 E. SIDE Large 2 bedroom, 2 bath, den. Huge living room with dining combo. Large corner lot with room to park 6 autos. $130,000. • ., llYIE 1 .... 759-1221. 760-1580. OCUIFllOIT-OCUllFROIT Convert this ex. large duplex to your pri- vate residence and live on the finest beach · on the coast. $170,000 1st at 11%. 2nd of $250,000 at 10% Steal at $650,000. IN ., llYll ltlf. 759-1221. .tl•DA ISLE TRADE Breathtaking Bay view, 2 boat docks, room for 4 boats up to 74 ft. 5 bedrooms, 6 baths, game room, formal dining, sepa- rate guest wing, pool. Seller carry 1st TO o r trade Indust rial or office building. $2,100,000. 111 "llYIE I .... 759-1221. HlRIOR RIKE LUSE Four bedrooms, 3 baths, formal dining room, family room, study, beautifully de- corated, large decks, fabulous view. Pri- vate guarded gate, pool and tennis. $2900 a month. Submit all offers. Ill ., ltYll • .. ,. 759-1221. llEWPlllT CREST co• Two bedrooms, 2'h baths, loft, highly up- graded, oak floors, beautiful papers. ocean view. $98,000 1st at 12%. Priced at $170,000 .... ., llYll lllP. 759-1221. CAlllO SIOllES Fabulous ocean and coastline view 3 bedroom, 3 bath, formal dining room, ramlly room, study, large pool and cour- tyard, private beaches. $895,000. Fee. Ill ... llYll ltlf. 759-1221 .. LIN WITUFIMT LUSE 2 Br, 3 Ba, Fam. Rm .. Sec. Bldg. Under ground Parking, Approx. 2~00 Sq. Ft. Poss. Boat Dock has Fantastic View. $1,800/MO. Ill tr llYll INP 759-1221 URIOll 111111 •W CISTOI 4 Br. 5Ba. F.R. Fantastic Sun Rm. Beau. Master ste, W/Mble F.P. & Ocean & City View, Huge master Ba. W/lmported Tiies. One of the lrgst lots W /Rm for Pool & lrg Play Area Very Very Motivated Seller. Bring any offer. Lowest price custom at $1 ,400,000 ... • llYIE lllP 759-1221 nine 4482 Barranca Pkwy. 559-9400 - .- ,, 6 -Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, April 10, 1982 NEWPORT BEACH Ill CllYOI 1111,IOO Gorgeous Deane townhome. A glamorous· Ver- sailles with 4 bedrooms plus den. Soaring 2/story ceilings, wide golf course view and fufl security. Good financing available. LIDO ISLE . $455,111 Extra large lot, extra large home. Fabulous potential. Formal dining room, 5 BR, den & spa. Large sundeck could be beautiful garden room. Owner will consider all offers. llYSIORES U41,511 FEE Wonderful family home near beach In private gate guarded Bayshores. Panelled den, 3 bed- rooms. charming Interior courtyard. Outstand- ing value on fee land. Great buy. llJSllRES $435,011 FEE Great potential for remodel In this 3 BR & den home. Close to beaches In this private, gate guarded area. Owner will assist with creative financing. Submit all offers. Fee land. llYCIEST $311,111 Elegant & gracious describes this spacious 4 BR with Famlly Rm overlooking sparkling pool & spa. Beveled glass entry, remodeled tlle kit- chen. Ass!Jme 1st & owner will carry large 2nd. IAYCaEST Slll,111 One story custom home on a quiet tree-lined street. Move-1n condition to be sure! 4 BR, Fam Rm, formal OR & exceptional pool, spa & patio area. Realistic owner transferred. ua• VIEW .ml 1111,111 Unique expanded 5 bedroom, 4 bath Pitlermo model. Beautiful amenities Include new neutral carpets & fresh paint, 3 flreplaces, lovely private yard. Owner will carry AITD or 2nd T.D. with 20-/o down. Ill CUYOI $311,111 Just listed, Mclain condo on golf course with Catalina view, 2/car garage, 2 bedrooms & formal dining room. Priced for quick sale. Large assumable loan & owner wlll carry 2nd. WOOllllllE 1311,IH Immaculate 4 + BR Prescott. Outstanding landscaplng, brick patio. Excellent locatlon. Vautte~ ceilings, mirrored wardrobes, two stone fireplaces. Great family home. OWC large 2nd. WOOHllHE 1211,111 Choice 4 BR home In terrific family neighbor· hood .. Excellent condition! Excellent financing! Lovely spa, brickwork & trellises. NEWPORT BEACH OFFICE 2161 SAN JOAQUIN HILLS llOAD RESIDENTIAL REAL EST ATE SERVICES CORONA DEL MAR SPYIWS 12,411,111 The ultimate Villa! 4-6 bedrooms, 7 baths, fountains, el~trlc gate, security, entertainment areas, pool, spa, library, cantlna, master suite, tile floors. The most glorious view In all Newport Beach. ....., OLD CORDU IEL llAR 11, 111,111 See the spectacular CataMna sunsets and boat activity from this completely remodeled home overlooking the Jetty. 4 BR. Den , Formal Dining Rm. All exquisitely decorated. Dramatic! CORDIA DEL IWI Slll,111 Extra large 2 year old duplex nestled In trees on Bayside Drive. Great view frorp each unit of bay and ocean. Excellent financing on this one-of- a-kind property at a prime location. lllRIOR VIEW Ill.LS SJll,111 Combine trees, tailored landscape, parklike yard, accented by covered patio & spa with upgraded 3 BR home & decorator touches plus great terms, & you have something special. COROU DEL 11111 $111,HI Lovely street, partial ocean view, & deslrable location make this home a must for the builder or smart Investor. Only one block to beaches. Greatly reducedll IRYllE TERRACE $311,MI Fantastic custom family home, 4 BR & family & formal dining. Tastefully decorated. Mint con- dition. Lush patio areas. Owner will help fi- nance. .Ill-CIEEI 1331,111 One of the prettiest homes In this guard gated community. Light & airy 2 BR & den. Elegantly appointed with air cond. & private location. Fee. COllOU IEL Ull S211,llO Spacious 2 BR. Front house has a separate 1 BR guest or rental unit. Both recently refur- bished -offering today's buyer care-free duplex living south of the highway. /RV/NE UllYERSITT PIRI $211,111 Deane Homes freshly painted & decorated. Ready to move In. ~~ll!Jtlf..UUY. d.eslgned.. patio Mngs the lush landscaping.right Into this super 4 bedroom famlly home. UllYERSITT PIRI S 193,DID FEE Best buy In University Park. Beautiful customl· zed free-standing Deane hOme. 3 bedroom & family room, brick wrap-around patio, light oak parquet floors In entry, kitchen & family room, remodeled kitchen. Impeccably maintained! WATERFRONT LIRA ISLE S 1,151,111 Fee land large bayfront home on gate guarded private Island. Mooring for 3 large boats, across from tennis courts and private beach. You own the land & owner is ottering excellent financing. UYSHORES Sl,HD,111 Fee land + waterfront location: A combination that can 't be beat! Add a spacious courtyard patio & large redwood deck overloQklng the bay & It's a value that demands attention. PEllllSUU S 1,&Dl,Dll Seclusion on the bay In this charming 5 BR home complete with exquisite furnishings. Among the many amenities are 2 fireplaces. spare lot, pier, slip, sandy beach all on Fee land. Ill.IOI ISLE Sl,251,111 3 BR & a bonus rm on Balboa Island. View of the Turning Basin. Great for boating. Large slip &' 2 side ties. Good financing available. PEl•suu s 1,211,IDI Cape Cod NEW 3 BR with pier & sllp for 55' boat. Landscaped. Large deck. 2 fireplaces. Security system. Sweeping night and day views. Will entertain all offers. llYSIORES 1711,111 · This home has a flair for living with 4 BR, large family room overlooking the bay. All the ame- nities of a guard-gated community. Good terms are available. IEWPORT IUCI Slll,511 2 BR 2 BA Condo In exclusive secured bldg. Enjoy sauna, spa, pool & rec. facllltles. Conve- nient to Lido shopping & restaurants. Excellent financing. PEmlSUU Sll&,111 Rustic charm on the ocean front In this 4 BR Balboan home. On site parking with a spec- tacular Catalina Island View makes this a buy on Fee land. TURnERICI 1115,110 · You own the landl 4 bedroom plus spa In pre- stigious Turtlerock. Priced for fa&t sale. Seller ~ flexible. Assoc. tennis plus 3 pools. TURnEROCI $171,111 Lovely 4 BR detached home In good condition & location. Excellent financing -great assumable loan plus owner wlll consider Interest paydown on new 2nd T.D. Listed $14,000 below last sale of same model. I •~~:~~~~:=-~~~---"--~~~~~~~~~~~.~~~~'~ Orange County Real Estate/ An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT /Saturday, April 10. 1982 -7 , \.. , Qf ti,LTOR' Betty Berkshire Broker Associate 8 Yurs hperitnce BiH Durkin Broker Associate 8 Years £•pe11ence Helene Jacobs Associate 3 Yti!S [Jpenenu Judy Reyes Associate 8 Years [tperience Lawrence J. Viani Broker , Pat Cobb Associate 6 Years [Jpeotnce \.. " ~ Xuan French Associate >Year [aperieoce ,J \. .... r Ruth Lund Associate 20 Yurs (1pe1ienct .) \. Ron Say Associate S Years [lpeoPn<t • SINGLE FAMILY • 3 13r , F P ....................... s 129, 500 4 Br, Pool, Spa .......... s169,900 4 Br, FP ....................... s139,500 4 Br , Poot, Spa .......... 5165,000 4 Br, FP .............. : ........ s145,000 4 Br, FP ........................ s120,000 4 Br, FR ....................... s227,500 •CONDO'S• 2 Br, Pool ...................... s86,500 Studio Penthouse ...... s99,500 '- "' ,J .... ,J ""'I ,J REAL TY & INVESTMENJ9S " James A. Jones Caroline Morse Managing General Partner Bro~er M.inaeer Adm1n1slraltve Assistant ,J Gerry Corso Pat Cummings Elaine DeMoray As5oc1ate Associate Associate • Years [•Ptf ttnct S Yurs C.oeroence 2 Yurs bperience , , .... / "' , Flo Grey Bob Horwitz Nancy Jacobini Broker Assoc1at" Broker Associate Associate 2? Years [1per1tn<e 13 Yem [1pe11ence 3 Years [1pe11ence \. ~ "'" .) \. r " r """ r Raylene Miracle Victor Mouleart Deirdre O'Sdvan Broker Associate Associate Associate 6 Yms [1pe11t11ce 20 Yurs hoe11ence • Years bpe11enct \.. ,J \.. ,J ..... r " r Jim Schumann Lelia "Le" Smith Lora Sobe/man Associate Associate Associate • Years l•Ot•M!nce • Yta" (•ptroenct 3 Yrars hperienct '-,J \. , • ...._ • INVESTMENT • PROPERTY MANAGEMENT • PARTNERSHIP Custom Duplex ......... s340,ooo Com mercial ................ s995,ooo Duplex .......... ~ ................ s70,000 INVESTMENTS Units (4) ...................... s265,000 • SAL ES • LE ASES • RENTALS \. ~ Units (8) ...................... s240,ooo Beach Duplex .......... s280,000 Ranch .................... s2, 700,000 Walnut Ran ch ........... s850,000 Lan d ............................. 5600,000 Units (22) .................... s75Q,OOO 1525 MESA VERDE DRIVE EAST ........................... SUITE 121, · RfALTOR COSTA MESA REAL TY & INVEST.MENTS · 979-5310 ... ' . . .. · 8 -Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, Aprtl 10, 1982 MACNAB IRVINE REALTY A SI 85DMIN Cir THE IRVM CDMFW4Y LlllT IOISE Ellllt UllM llUll Hand crafted -truly a home.of excellence. Slate roof-brick court- yard entrance -wood floors -leaded windows -walnut carved- doors, greenhouse. Ams w/tree top balconies & charm. Formal din rm, 9 BR-beach-pier & sllp to accommodate 95 foot yacht. $7,000,000. Barbara Aune 642-8235 {H12) ucn.-111•111U Elegant custom home. Approx. 6500 sq. ft. w/lncomparabte views of ocean-bay-mountains-Catalina. Nothing has been left out of this exquisite home In most prestigious private Newport commu- nity. Outstanding value. $2,500,000 Suzanne Shuler 642-8235 CllMA ... ·lllUYnllT Light & bright & spacious 4 or 5 BR famlly home -Fantastic main bay view. Dock. Excellent financing &lo lease option. $1 ,875,000 FEEi Martha Macnab 642-8235 (H14) II' IAYFRDm Water, water everywhere ... There are water views from all the living areas of this Innovatively designed home on a 50 ft. tot w/ excellent docking facilities. 4 BR. 4 BA. FR. DR. Seller w/carry lg 2nd. Best price In town $1,550,000 Including land. Dona Chi- chester 642-8235 (H15) UllM llllE wmt VIEW 4 BR Devonshire offering prestige. security & night light views. Upstairs offers one story lfvtng w/atrlum, master suite, den, formal living-dining & tam rm. Submit all offers. $795,000 Lynne Valentine 644-6200 (H16) SEISATIDUL YIEW . Corona def Mar Front row location In Irvine Terrace! Custom with high ceillngs., spacious rooms including 3 BR. 5 BA, fam rm for bill lards & nifty den. Beautiful "Dream Kitchen." Owner w/ consider small house or condo & will assist w/flnancing. $695,000 LH. Cathy Schweickert 642-8235 (H17) "CAPE COi TIUmGIAL" DI LIDO ISLE 2'h years new. Exquisite detailing! 1 tot to beach w/a little bay view. 3 BR. 2'h BA, tam rm, 3 fptcs. $685,000 w/ $299,000 assum. • B of A 1st. Oona Chichester 642-8235. (H 18) YOU DWI TIE LAllD I IOIT SLIP S62&,DOD Immaculate & beautlfully furnished home on a sandy beach in a private community. Professlonatly remodeled. Mary Lou Marlon 642-8235 (H19) IWllOI VIEW llUS SUPEll VlEW Delightful 4 BR expanded Broadmoor. Master suite w/sitting rm & private garden on tower level. New oak floors & cabinets -custom tiles & waltcoverlngs. Spacious fam rm opening to patio & deck w/super view. $.498,000 LH. Lynne Valentine (H20) PAllDU. VIEW Lg 5 BR single level home. Beautifully customized. Separate tam rm & extra BA could be In-law qtrs. Wood plank floors, new drapes, hot tub. Close to schools, beach & shopping. Good as- sumable loans. $4Q.5,000 Incl. land. Rosemary Sietz 644-6200 1111,111 PlllCE IEllCTllll •W $411,111 Custom Tri fevef 3 BA, 3 BA pfus guest. Setter flnanctnsi. 2211 Waterlront, Corona del Mar. Martha Macnab &42-8235 (H22) l!W! ....... ... First offering! Plush & Immaculate upgraded, oourtyard & fountaJn view. Clubhouse, pool & spa. Excellent financing. $94,500 Incl. land. Dick Halderman 842-8235 (H3e) 901 DOVll DlllVI ......... ,.... ...... w.y MAGI, CA 92663 (714) 64241235 ELEIUT Ill CAllYDI -IEW DFFERllli One story 3 BR Bordeaux end unit on lg lot. Spacious living-dining room s. garden kitchen opening to covered patio & beautlfully landscaped yard. Owner wlll finance. $475,000 Lynne Valentine 644-6200 (H23) SPY&USS EJCEPTIOUL With terms to match. 'Beautlfulty decorated Portsmouth model - lushly landscaped courtyard surrounds an Intimate pool & spa. Terrific financing. $450,000 -Tom Att lnson or Terry Hanes 642-8235 (H24\ OITSTAlllllC YEW Let us show you this great 3 or 4 BR home In Corona del Mar on a cul-de-sac street with loads of privacy and a great view of the ocean. A lg front courtyard offers color throughout the year. $397 ,500 Maxine Propp 644-6200 (H25) IRUT Ttl•S, EJCIWIT YILUE II llYllE TERRACE! Enjoy this beautifully maintained family home w/4 BR & pool. Extra lg tot w/mature fruit trees. Remodeled country kitchen, parquet floors. Low interest terms w/seller financing. $360,000 Includes land. Claudia Ding Mueller 644-6200 (H26) IYAll WEW Beautiful "Baycrest" 4 BA family home. Exceptional locatlon - Immaculate. Spacious rms throughout. Dellghtful Island kitchen, formal din rm. Quallty construction. A Best Buy at only $335,000 Suzanne Shuler 642-8235 (H27i NAlllDR YIEW NDIES Customized one of a kind home. 4 BR, tam rm. study/den, sky- lights. hardwood floors. wood beamed celtings, garden windows, master bath w/spa. Setler w/asslst w/flnanclng. long escrow possible. $285,000 Fee Land -Joyce Edlund 642-8235 (H28) A UIRlRY IUTCIEI with floor to celllng fplc Is one of the many attractions pf this charming gray & white cottage w/brlck & sycamore trees on a lg fee lot In Eastbluff. 3 BR -Owner transferred. Only $27.9.500. Barbara Aune 642-8235 (H29) CNEERFIL .YIEW COIDD Bright & airy Trina In prime location In the Bluffs -3 BR, 2'h BA, great back bay & night tight view-owner will assist w/flnanclng. 426 Vista Parade. $249,500 LH. Tom Altlnson or Terry Hanes 642-8235 (H30) IEW OFFUlll Absolutely Immaculate. Bright & cheery Monaco w/add on bed- room, 3 plus den In park Uke setting. Beautiful patio. Room for pool. $239,000. Lois Egan 644-6200 (H31) AUt ... IMUI Or just ltve In this cute 1 BA cottage w/fpfc on tree tined street In Corona del Mar. Great aasumabte financing & owner wtll carry! Price le right at $225,000. Holly Markas 644-6200 (H32) IUFF1 IUT H~•" on lovely greenbelt. One story 3 BA oondo. sunny location, ~ carpeted, painted, wall papered. ExceUent financing. Perfect for young « retiring couple. $226,000 Jan Young 842-8235 (H33) \' 1648 IAN MIGUIL DmVI NIWPOlll' •Aat, CA H660 - .. Orange County Real Eatate/An Advertielng Suppktment to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, Aptll 10, 1982 -9 t) THE SOLUTION Coldwell Banker-Forest E. Olson has de- veloped a method of financing a home that we believe will be very attractive to the homebuyer. We call It the 5%.Solution. You'll call it sensattonal. This innovative 5% . Interest Financing Program is another rea- son why Coldwell Banker has been an in- dustry leaEter for over 75 years and is the nation's largest full service real estate company. ' YOUR DREAM OF HOME OWNERSHIP CAN COME TRUE ••• with Coldwell Banker's 50/o FINANCING SOLUTION. a HOW THE SOLUTION ~.WORKS • • You pay 5o/o Annual Percentage Rate In- terest • Your down payment can vary (depending on current loan balance) • The Seller Is paid off in equal monthly Installments over 96 months • There are no balloon payments • There are no hidden costs • There are no loan origination fees YOU OWN YOUR HOME FREE AND CLEAR IN JUST I YEARSI AN ADDED PLUSI The difference between eight years of. lnterHt payment• and 30 ~ ·· · --··-year• ·01··1nterHt i>•Vmen1a··c:ar1··a.vtf.you thousand• of dollara. BUYERS 8EMINAR8 ••• are scheduled to be held at all Coldwell Banker-Forest E. Olson offloes. Call the office nearest you for reservations and details. ~ THESE PROPERTIES ARE AVAILABLE AT So/o FINANCING: Sensatlonal Showplacelll $217, 000 Yours In 8 years ... 4 bedroom, 3.5 Bath, Family Room, Pool, Spa plus much much more! Seller will finance. 5°/o Annual per- centage rate. $60,000 down, 96 mo. pay- . ments of $1988, Includes principal and In- • terest. (714) 894-7521 & 962-5585 ~ Outstanding Valuelll $133,000 Enjoy privacy and seclusion beside the spa1kllng pond In your own back yard paradise. A lovely 4 Bedroom home, that offers charm and gracious living for only $133,000. Seller will finance. 5°/o annual percentage rate, $50,000 down, 96 mo payments of $1,050.78 Includes prlnc. and Interest. (714) 645-0303 For complete details, call your Coldwell-Banker-Forest E. Olson bfflce today! ATTENTION SELLEAll If you have been unsuccessful In selling your home, or If you are thinking about doing so. call the Coldwell Banker-Forest E. Olson nearest you to find out how the 5o/o FINANCING SOLUTION can help you sell your home In today's market. OPEN 7 DAYS A WBEK, 8:30 A.M. TO 8 P.M. ' E: tbrtillton Beach W. tbttiltton Beach Costa MIA 714) 962-5515 (213) 592-1525 (714) 194-7521 (213) 591-3328 (714~0303 at Broaklust & Garfield, H.B. at Edw•ds I Eclnl•, H.B. at H1rbor I , Costa 11isa . AMERICA'S LARGEST EULL SERVICE REAL ESTATE COMPANY . • .. -.... 10 -Orange County Real Es1ate/ An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT /Saturday, Aprll 10, 1982 * $20,000 DN * Spacious family home with soaring cathedral· ceilings and bright and airy country .kitchen. With 4 large brs, 2 ba's and a family room, it's a bargain at $154,900. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. *MASSIVE CUSTOM FIREPLACE* Spend those romantic evenings basking in the glow of this massive fireplace. This spacious four bedroom home is ideally located close to Westminster Mall and Goldenwest College and priced to sell! $119,900. 9032 Adams. Huntington Beach . 556-7035. *SIX ON A LOT* Six houses on one lot in prime rentaJ area of Costa Mesa. All but one have fireplaces and have recently been painted. No deferred mainte- nance. Aslong $395,000. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035 $3,000 REBATE Superb financing on th.is bright and cheery 4 br, 1.75 ba home PLUS the seller will give a $3,000 rebate at C.O.E. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. *$10,000 IUYS ITll La.dies apparel shop with good lease tenllS. Located in busy shopping center. Inve ntory n egotiable. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach . 556-7035. . *ZERO DOWN* On the water. Price slashed $15,000 to $199,900. Owner will finance. Professionally deborated w/gourmet kitchen. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. * 1~ ACRE ESTATE* Completely remodeled home with new kitchen featurthg custom oak cabinets, built-in microwave and trash compactor. Large fonnal dining room has built-in oak buffet and cabine ts. Huge detached garage has ~ bath and could be easily conve~ to guesthouse. Sacrifice for $169,- 900. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. *TAKEOVIR 11.23 LOAN* Only $20,000 down on this spacious four bedroom, 2 bath home with aoaring cathedral ceilings. Earthtone decor throughout with custom wall coverings. Bright and airy country kitchen plus family room and custom patio. Offered at $154,900. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. *llXIY KNOLLS llAUn* U you enjoy the charm and stately grace of an era gone by, this 4 bedroom, 2 bath home is for you. Large fonnal dining room with view of beautifully landscaped grounds. Guesthouse at rear of property. Offered at $239,500. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. *LOCATION x 3 + POOLI* Sensational PORTOF1NO m odel on exceptionally large lot on FEE land with 4 bedrooms, spa. fireplace. ONLY $349,000 with 10.97% as- sumable ftnancing!! 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373 .• $30,000* * 11.463 FINANCING -fl Available!! Fabulous TURTLEROCK VISTA TOWNHOME Featuring 3 br's, fplc, gourmet dining and private courtyard. Only $280,000. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. * $95,500 . Costa Mesa. Spacious 3br detached home with Mlrge yard. Freshly painted. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-5353. * 10112 3 FINANCING when you takeover extsting lst T .D. Popular BIRCH Model w /fplc. central air & the largest back yard in WOODBRIDGE GLEN. Only $134,900. 2670 San Miguel, Newpo!t.Beach, 759-1501 or 752-7373. * 12.93 INTEREST* HAllOI VIEW HOME Immaculate MONACO model featuring 2br/den, frplc & spa!! Low inte'rest financing available. $241,500. FEE. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. *TURTLEROCK * $1,279 PER MONTH is all you pay when you takeover existing lst T .D. Spacious 4 br ex- ecutive detached home. Featuring fnnl din, fmly rm & frplc. Only $213,500 FEE. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach . 759-1501 or 752-7373. *WESTCLIFF* 121.4 FINANCING When you takeover existing Joans on this EXECUTIVE HOME fea- tuming 4 br 2 1h ba's and pool. Reduced to $299.000 fee land. 2670 San Miguel 759-1501 or 752-7373. *WATERFRONT HOME* PllVATI BEACH Sensational 4 br home smack on the water!! Featuring trench doors, frplc, professionally decorated & private SANDY BEACH. Only $249,000 & seller will carry AITD! 2670 San Miguel Dr .. Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. * 12~ 3 FINANCING * * * BUILDER CLOSEOUT * * available on brand new town home! Featuring 2 mstr suites, encl'd garages & private court yrd. Only $114,950. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759=-1501 or '752-7373. MUSTY, DUSTY & VACANT* $109,000 * 9.9% &Mwnable financing available on this tastefully decorated 3 BR townhome. Vacant & quick possession. 2670 San Miguel, Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. **PALERMO HARBOR VIEW HOME ** Equals an ideal home for the growing family aeeking a prime Newport Beach location wmI land ownership. Large llWUlY rooms and family room overlook a large pool .et in a low maintenance yard. Sellen offer their own financing at 12% and have reduced the price to under Totally remodeled by craftamen! Featuring French ~rs. wooden shutter, plank noors, used brick & pool & spa. FEE and w/GREAT ~--T.ERMS!! 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 769-1501 or 752-7373. $300,000. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. NEWPORT BEACH Office 2870 Son Mlgu11 Drive Newport 11ach, CA 12eeo (714) 759-1501 HUNTINGTON BEACH OfflCE 9032 Adami Ave. Huntington l1ach, CA 92148 (714) 558-7035 II ---.-- PRESENTS PRICE SLASHED -$60,000 -IOOM TO SPAii On this 5 bedroom Southport model! On Spyglass hill. Complete with pool. jacuzzi and view. Seller has bought another and will consider any type of creative offers. Now only $579,500. In this East Bluff 2 story family home, 4 bedrooms, 3 batha and large custom designed family room. ~t view. Large low interest assumable loan available. A.kins only $299,950. JASMINI CRllK ___ N_EW_P_O_R_T_l_E_A_C_H ___ Rare 3 bedroom one-story end unit. Beautifully llVINI upgraded. Ch~ greenbelt location in this moat ----------------1 . LIASI OPTION Thia beautiful 3 bedroom end unit condo. Inclu- ded is a super water view, encloeed patio, and a large assumable first loan. Owner has bought another. Offered at $284,000. WARRPRONT..CUSTOM Luxurious one of a kind CUBtom 3 bedroom home with 2 bedroom guest quarters or rental unit. Located on waterfront complete with your own pier and slip. Highlights of this home include tile spa. sauna, security system, 2 fireplaces and pri- vate sundeck. $789.000 includes the land. GRACIOUS LIVING is yours in this immaculately kept Spyglass home. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, formal dining room and family room. Breathtaking mountain and dty lights view. Ex.eellent financing is available. Price just reduced to only $495,000. OLD CORONA DUPLIX Premium quality two bedroom units, beams, fireplaces, shade trees, aix years new. Pride of ownership. Seller will exchange. Create your trernlJ. Offered at *347.500. PALMSPlllM6S 1345 S. PAl.M CANYON DlllYI C7 I 4t J2J.16 I f desirable security community. Excellent finan- cing is available. $427 ,500. HARIOR RIDGI Dramatic home located in this very private and exclusive ()()mmunity. 4 bedroom Lautremont plan with spedaCUlar view. Private courtyard START Hiii In thia charming Rancho San Joaquin Villas one bedroom and loft totally upgraded condo. Ter- rific ._.,mable finandng, Price bM been ctr.ti- cally reduced to only $149,950. Call today. with fishpond. Profeaalonally decorated and ---------------landacaped. Only $729,500. IASY TO OWN Lowest priced one bedroom unit in thia highly regarded Versailles adult condo community. Guarded gate, pool, spa, and rec room. Large UP•mable loan and IN"lJer will help in financing. Only $106,000. ALSO SANTA ANA STAaT Hiii In this very affordable trl-level ooodo. Located near South Coast Plua. Complete with 3 bed- rooms and owner flnanctng. Only $U2,900:. VILLA PARK available in the Veraaillea ia a two bedroom and 2 IUILDIR'S SPICIAL bath unit. The owner lives out of the aree and la Villa Park view lot nee.r $million dollar homes. highly motivated to lell Will OOlllidet all often. Seller will subordinate! Submit your terms. $126,ooo. $39~.ooo. IALIOA ISLAND AnENTION IUILDERS Choice location with tear down. Hallway be- tween ferry and shopping. Owner will subordi- nate with reasonable down payment. Call for details. $325,000. PROFESSIONAL SERVICE MIWPOlrT IMCH J C090IAft PLAZA DalYI ....... DANA POINT $21,000 Moves you into this lovely 2 bedroom, 2 bath home with ocean view. Reduced few quick sale; Seller extremely motivated. Try leue option, trade. etc. $159,950. • -,.. -_...,. 12 -Or.nge County RMI e.tate/Ari .. Aavenlllng Supplemenl '° the.OAILY PILOT/88tUrClly, Al>f't10;1982 :rhis Weekend! KttP this handy d irectory with you this wttktnd as you 10 rtou...-.ntlng. All tM locations listed betow art clescribH In grHt.r dttall tlMwMrt In today's DAILY PILOT classtfled ads. Patrons advertising open houses tor sale or rent tn The Dally Piiot may list such Information In these columns Heh Saturday and Sunday. HOUSES FOR SALE 2 • plue FAM Rll « DEN 1~ Dolphin Terr., Corona del Mer ~200 $950,000 Sat 1-5 s~ 157 F9'rvtew, Coeta Meaa 646-8396 Open Sat 10-4 510 Vla Flof1da (The Plnn.)San Ctem 759-9100 $395,000 Sun 1-5 1911 Court Ave. (Nwpt Pentn.) NB 875-2291 $399,000 Sat/Sun 11-6 15ee Myrtlewood, Me9a Verde, CM M6-3255/S4()...4()87 Set/Sun 12-5 416 De Sola Tflf(Corona Hghtnde)CdM ~200 $495,000 Sat 1-5 25 Ruatllng Wind, Trt1f1(, Irv. 759-1501 $280,000 Sat 1-5 * 134 Harbor Isl Rd, Npt Bch 751-3181 $650,000 Sat/Sun 12-5 1818 Port Weetboume, HVH, N.B. 759-1501 $241,500 Sat 1-5 409 Cofumbua., Corona del Mar 673-8550 $330,000 Sat 1-5 1312 Santaneffa Terr, CdM 673-8550 $225,000 Sat 1-5 •eee Senate, eo.ta Meea 548-2313 $128,500 Sat 12 .... 1912 s.ndlewood, Cotta Mesa 546-2313 $127,900 Sat 12~ J 8R plue PAM Rll or DEN •1974 Prt Lockalelgh (Hrbr VleW) NB 644-2673 $259,000 Sat/Sun 1~ 1524 Santanella Terr, Irv.Terr, CdM 831-7300 $395,000 2149 Miramar (Bal Pen.) NB 831-1288 1845,000 Set/Sun 1-5 * 1472 Gelaxy Dr., Dover Shra. NB 642-2510 S739,000-,_ Sat/Sun 1-5 2851 BMnood (E-btuff) NB 831-12ee $175,000 Sun 1-5 1882 Mldbury, l.Mdmeftt. Hunt.Bch ... 4458 t146,800 Set 1-5 M2 ~ .. Dr (PfoM _, N8 ,...... 11.-..0 8et1-6 19122 Biddle Dr., Trtlf't(, Irv. 759-1501 $213,000 62 Drakea Bey (Spygla) CdM 640-9900 $495.000 1436 Serenade Terrace, CdM 875-5511 $3.i9,500 118 Via Quito. Udo Isle, NB Sat 1-5 Sun 1-5 Sat 1-5 673-7300 Sat 2-6; Sun 1.,.. 30382 N. Hampton Rd, Lag. NIQuel 831-6477 $247,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 15·15 Cumberland (Weetollff) NB 54()...1151 $240,000 Sun 12.,.. 510 Allao (Nwpt Hgta) NB 831-5861 $365,000 Sat 12 .... 4 BEDROOM 233 PolnMttla= CdM) CdM 67S....271 ,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 Tultln & 16th Pl., Newport Hghte 675-7533 $225,000 Sat/Sun 3202 Delaware Pl., Meaa Verde, CM 545->9258 1139,500 Sat 11-5 760 Via Udo_$oud, Udo lale, NB 673-9060 $576,000 Sun 1-5 4 • plue PAM Rll « DEN 1801 Antigua Cir., Newport Bch S..8-8798 $450,000 Sat/Sun 1.,.. ™!i.Vtlnttlto»r .. CQtia Meaa ·-.. . .•• 6;)0-9299 $228,000 Sat/Sun 11-5 2106 YllCht Graytlng, Seavtew, NB 875-2311 $398,500 Sat 1-5 1020 WhlteMlla (Hrbr Vu) NB 831-1288 $376,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 *1915 ChubalCO Or., Irv. Terrace 844-6200 $MO,()()().Fee Sat 1-5 * 17 Mutr BMd'I Cir, Spygll, CdM 6«-9060 $2,400,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1132 Sea Lane, Corona def Mar 87W550 $350,000 Sat 1-5 18 Rue Vks, Big Cyn, H.B. ~toe() $796,000 Sat 1-5 •2029 Swel'I, Coeta M..a 546-2313 '290.000 Sat 1~ 11112 WI P ' r co. Trttrtc. Irv. ••• tlOO .... Slit 1-6 * •2319 e.y.lde. Corona def ... 642-8235 $1,195,000-Fee Sat 1-5 1"41 Galaxy Dr. (OoYet Shene) NB 548--5647 $420,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 333 Poppy A'<le., Corona def Mer 780-0462 *691.ISOt Sat 1-5 210 Via San f*no, Lido lite, NB 873-2558 or 675-3048 Sat/Sun 1-5 * 286S Tempte Hiiia Dr, Lag Bch 497-S..S.. $895,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 I • plue FAM Rll or DIN * 12 Trafalgar, Hrbr Ridge, NB 642-8235 $2,500,000 Sat 1 .... *41 Bodega Bay (Spygle) CdM 640-9900 $579,500 Sat 1-5 CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE 2 BEDROOM * 2067 Vista del Oro (Bluffs) NB 759-9100 $235,000 Sat 1-5 **1815 w. Bay Ave., Penln, NB 673-3777 $350,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 41 n~ Oahlla, Corona del Mar 675-5511 $275,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2525 Ocean Blvd., Corona del Mar 640-5560 $499,000 Sat 1-5 20204 Peach Ln ., Hunt. Beach 963-8377 S 110,000 Sat/Sun 12-5 2 II plu1 PAM IM er DIN 1016 Bayside Coves E .. N.B. 642-8235 $446,000 Sat 2-5 J 9EDROOM *3 14 Ave. Cumbre (Bluffs) NB 759-9100 $210,000 Sat 1-5 **1815 w. Bay Ave .• Penln., NB • 673-3777 $490,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 411 Dahlla, Corona del Mar 675-5511 $325,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 462 Trucha, Bluffs, Newport Bch 640-5560 $225,000 Sat 1-5 TOWNHOUSES FOR SALE 2 9IDROOll Falrvtew/Avocedo, Garden Pf't(, CM 546-2239 $137,950 Sat/Sun 10:30-5 MOBILE HOMES --·-··PoR·tsAte·--. ··---·-··· .. ··--·- 2 BR plue FAM RM « DEN 23301 Ridge Route #147, Laguna Hie 673-0158 $44,500 Sat 1-5 DUPLEXES FOR SALE JMpllla2• 107 Ruby, B8'boa laland 644-9080 $596,500 CONDOMINIUM FOR LEASE 2 ... 00M 16 Sea i...nd, Ila cMyon, NB 1 .. 1&01 t12l0 MO. Sat 1-6 I (') ... N I 0 ... i t j § l i ' I I i ;ti J I -------------------------------------------------------!llllllllllP. .. -------!!"I ..... ~ HUNTINGT1 BEACH ORANGE COAST REAL ESTATE MARKET Somewhere In thla Dally Piiot circulation area Is the home you want. No 'matter where you are or ' where you want to be, use this section and this map to make you at home. A puDlc ..W. of the lllllJPlll Clualfled1 142-5678 . , ...... ~ .. t' sa wuoo CAHWOH I ,I • PACIFIC OCEAN . i 1_4 ~Ora~ <?<>unty Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, April 10. 1982 UNIQUE UNDElt $400,000 IN NEWPORT UN IQUE IN EVERYWAY -Pool, sauna, 4 bdrm, french doors, parque& Dooring, great kitchen, security system. Owner will assist on terms move right in S295,000. UNIQUE IN HARlJOR VIEW - Homes value & location in this 3 bdrm + fam. rm. Mexican paver entry, plush carpet, much more, fee, good assumable loans. $279,000. CAN YOU BELIEVE -Spacious 3 bdrm 2lh bath, fireplace, wet bar, patios, master suite, walk-in closet, security gates, comm . pool & tenn~, plus a Big Canyon address. $267,900. ACCENTS ON DET AlLS -Make &his Jasmine Creek condo an outstanding beauty. This Piao 3 has 3 br and a family room all on one level -with a lavishly landscaped patio -a most popular model in a very popular area. Hurry $375,000. SHHH! -Very few people know where' Beacon Bay is & even fewer will ever experience this quiet secluded area -on the bay near Linda and Harbor Islands. This duplex is stef>8 from the beach - needs a lot of love and care, but will provide much in return. $395,000. CAREFREE LIVING -·At the beau-· tiful Versaille. Wonderful location, some with ocean views, goOd financing, guar- ded gate, security systems & we have 'four to choose from, priced from 1247,900. ***UNIQUE IN NEARBY LOCATIONS HUNTINGTON BEACH • UNIQUE IN HUNTINGTON HAR- BOR -Location, charm & warmth characterize this beautiful 3 bdrm home. Pool, spa, deck, & low maintenance spectacular at $189,500. SANTA ANA SUPER CONVENIENT LOCATION -Woodside Village condo, 2 br 2 ba new carpel, good financing. 186,900. LAGUNA REACH UNJQ E IN LAC UNA -'fhi11 11eclu- ded 2br 1 ba condo. on &he oct"an side of Coast Hwy. is verlect for tJ\c 8C('Ond half of your life. Ouc lOr)' with a peaceful "iew of the hills. $145,000. U~l()U~ ti()M~~ REALTORS. 675-6000 OUR SALES STAFF IS CAREFULLY SELECTED, PROPERLY TRAINED AND VERY SUCCESSFUL. • ***UNIQUE IN OLD CORONA DEL MAR UNIQUE THREE HOUSE -3 bdrms, 3 baths, 3 suodech, and 3 car garage make this 3 year old duplex in Old CdM, a tremendous value. Skylights, beamed ceilings and both units have fireplaces too! Owner will a ssis t on financing. $398,500. ***UNIQUE IN EASTBLUFF/ THE BLUFF TENNIS ONE BLOCK AW A Y -This unique condo in The Bluffs U; close to shops and school. The owner is motiva- ted SI 95,000. THIS 4 BDR BLUFFS CONDO HA S IT ALL -Beam ceilings with added skylights, upgraded kitchen, central air- conditioning with humidifier, great loca- l ion, good financing and in mo,•e-in condition. $249,500. FINE IN EVERY INCH -This 4br + bonus rm home that was just remodeled includes frplc & air cond. The Bluffs. $275,000. GREAT GREEN BELTS -See this 3br 2ba single story condo in the Bluffs. 2 patios and the owner may help fi- nance. $157,500. 1957 San Bruno, Open Sat. 1-5. MCIFIC COil'91' HIGHWAY AT MacA'"""91 eotJU'\MO IN CORONA DEL MAR ***UN IQUE JN COSTA ME~;\ I \1<)1 E I '\ E .\~TS llH; COSTi\ "' t·. s ,\ -Qui e 1 & qua i 111 , 2 h d r rn . hard~ ood floorb. R-2 101, owner assh.ted fin anc·ing. A super bu y at $109,500. EASTSIDE COSTA MESA 4 PLEX - Clean & bright. Super rental area, two 2 bdrm & two 3 bdrm units -2 separate bldgs. $350,000. lJN l<)lJE NEAR SOUTH COAST PLAZA -This 3 bedroom, family room &ri-level co ndo sits among lush trees & running streams. Close to shop- ping (you can walk). Call for an appl. $139,900. YO U DON'T HA VE TO BE RICH - To enjoy the community tennis or pool nor to enjoy the light and airy decor, but be practical and appreciate this solar assisted 2 br + den home with attractive financing and only $152,000. ***UNIQUE IN IRVINE UNIQUE IN T URTLEROCK -Out- standing 5 bdrm view home. Park like yard, open spacious floor plan, soaring ceilings, with a ssumable financing $399,000 fee. ***UNIQUE IN CORONA DEL MAR & NEWPORT UNIQUE IN BIG CANYON -Big, brigh'1 Broadmoor. Cul-de-sac, pool, spa, level with very attractive owner finan- cing. Well priced. Call for details. 6 Winged Foot, Open Sat/Sun 1-5. UNIQ UE IN HARBOR RIDGE -This highly upgraded home in the Crest has 2 bdrms. 2 baths, a great patio & view. Perfect in every detail. $450,000. THIS BLUE WATER VIEW -Will inspire you as your remodeling talents go into action. 3 bdrm& on a large lot and in the <'..enter of down coast uowth can be had with estate financin~ $329,000. 420 De Sola Terrace, Open Sat. 1-5. ***UNIQUE ON THE WATER CO MFORTABLE & WARM THROUGHOUT -3br & den on Balboa Island. Right on the Grand Ca- nal. This home even has an income unit. Owner will help with the financing .. 1650,000. NEVEH A Dl LL MOMENT FROM •\~Y WI Nl>O" -Ra)fron& tl uplcx O\erlookinf( the Pa\·illioo. 10 ~·cars 11c". s 1.095.000. 510 So. Bay Front, Open Sat. 1-5. Orange County Real Estate/An Ad vertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, April 10, 1982 -15 FllOI lFFllllllLE. • • • • • • • • TO IFFLIEIT. f • I a f BALBOA IS. BA YFRONT Nt'wly rt'mudeled and decnn1teod ? bedroom bome ON WATER wltb bncb out front and panoramic VIEW of Bayfronl boating actlvil) aod nlgbt hgllts. Abo, 3 bedroom apartment for rental lncomeo )ear 'roo11d. Tbt location is ucellent. Tbt OWDtr ~111 ht'lp flnaoce Sl,171,000 Ptt land COAST HWY. COMMERCIAL NPT. E•celleot corner b111lne11 propnly wllb establisbed teoaoll. OW belp floaoct. 3 units wllb potential lo n paod. $1,175,000 ftt. BLUFFS-BEAUTIFUL PLAN "W" New appolances, carpets & decor "ltb many mlrrora. Two-story 3 bed. wllb n u lble ftJaacLIJ; AJTD, le.ue opctoo or? $179,500. BAYSIDE COVE BA YFRONT Prime Sea DlamODd plu oa o.e level wldl ? bed, i ba. ptu dee. Bay vie", private beack, pool l-spa. Boat 1Up availallle. Ftt tud, n n.ooo. BEST PRICE ON "POINT" Opportu.Jty to 0"11 a 3 bedroom, Z. bed! Male oa ncluhe PealnHla Polat. By tbe park . ltlS,000. 17U Pl.ua del Su Walk to bay ud beacb. PRICE REDUCTION-BA YFRONT Grat locadoe wltb paaonamlc V11 of boatl.11 actJvlty ud nlgbt llgbt from luge patio. Spacl011 l-story hme wltll every aece11lty for eajoylag UY1Ji1 ud 11t11door l!lltertalobl.g. Pier & slip for ? boats. ASSUMABLE LOAN OF $108,toO, $1,0S,Off FEE. SUBMIT VOUR EXCHAJl!tGES. NEWPORT BAYFRONT ESTATE Willi N ' oo Newport Bay. Swttplq, puonamlc vie"' from die Pavllloe to tile moutalaL All Hltieatlc arclaJtecniral 1tatemeet of bygone days ttirowpoat tlila S-atory resldnce plu 4111 floor oburva&loa tower. Tiie ~•allty aad craftamaaalllp la tllla dlplfled 1tractare offer 1p1clo11 rooms 6 privacy, la addldoa to 1nerou IDdeor 6 oaldoor baJCOllles, patios ucl CMrt)'m eatry. ftll maplllceat villa offers tw• wili&• for private Uvtaa. ftll 18cla4es I bedrooms ud I battirooma, a formal dbilq rMm, l k!~1. formal Uvlag room, large famlly room Ir macl more. A sepente, aelf-coataa.ed m11ter Hite. Larie pier aad float wtll accomm11late a It', plu two et•u beats. A detailed brockan wtu be anlla)le wpoe ~t. U ,Ht,"8 fee la.ad. Adjotala1 peat apartmait, plu I car pn1e naUahle for $HS,ttt oe a 1e,.na1e 4511M ft. lot. BA YFRONT-LARGE & LOVELY u .... traciell wHle "waterf,..t" new from w. lpell ud tpadea llome wttti larae brid peU. ... pier fer tw• 55' yadiu. C-vemat lecad.tt u4 espedally luJe UYlq rMm, elente4 41alq room, 1ar&e bar, f&mUy room, plu ill.a.ad llltc:lllea. Sis kdr11m1, lla1e m11t1r Hite wltlll aarble Ore,lace ud llreadl&aklq view ef all. A vtry c.mfwUIUe f1"r plu wtdl a fedlllc 1( privacy! U,IM,Ht lacJMes la.ad. Ill-HM. HARBOR RIDGE-FRENCH MANOR 1 H de1ree VIEW •f Bay, Oceaa ud 1t111tt 11&11111 . Mapllleftt ... llty u4 de&all dlroal)Mt dlb 5,'1M "I· ft. retl4emce. Formal lllme wtdl • Wreem1, Ul»l'lf1, 1 .... 11 illaJa& NetD. lmmeme famUy l'MID u4 pmeree1 ... ter ..a .. wta flreplace, ..-.ct•-u4 .,.. 1m,......1n u4 cnfiMl fw die ll&J1lcelar MaleeWMr, m die beat tra41doa ., .._ ... LMtt XI~ MMer llloue. SUM.Ht fee. CATALINA SUNSETS-COSTA MESA Oceu •lew1 fre m !Hat 1rlced l be4. cHd• a. eemplu. OWNl!lll WILL TRADE EQUITY FOR UNITS. Sold hnllibeod fw SIU,Nt. OP EN SAT. 1-S P.M. ZOO S B1yfroot, Bal. la .... . • .. .. ............ U ,t00,000 1518 Abalooe, Bal. b . ..... . ............................ -........ $57$,000 30!4 Oeeao Blvd , CdM ..................................... Sl,350,900 !01 · ltlb St., BaJ. Pea. from t311,000 8!4 West Bay, Bayfrool . .. ........ ,.,._, ............. $J,4U,OOO 4 Narbonne, Ua rt>or Rld&e.q ................................. $Z,ZOO,OOO 4%4 Belv11r Lane, Pea. Pt ........................................... '41',000 Z4%4"Vl1ta Hosar, Blaffa ..................................... -.... $171,HO 3714 CUu el, Npt lllud ............................................ SOl,tff 700 Lido Part Dr. II & U .................................. from '41,000 !001 Kla11 Road, View .......... , ................................... '41$,000 BALBOA ISLAND· ' WATERFRONT OPEN SATURDAY 1-5 PM. %00 SO. BAYFRONT. BALBOA ISLAND LIDO ISLE CLASSIC Totally re~odeled and decorated !-story 111 tile bear MMlterrueu Oavor. ()pea, brtpt 4 bedreom, 4 batll wtdl t patios for aatertalal.8,g LI ud Mt. Stabled tlu1, ud opea beams. OW flauce wllll .. w cull doW'I paymeat. M••.tff NEWPORT QUIET STREET 0. caJ.dt-llC, ArToudH by trees. Comfonable J beet. ! k. wltti fireplace la coatry kUd1u 1114 Uv ... roem. Sl75,ttt fee. 17J4Ht SUBMIT LEASE/OPT VU HOME PuoramJc close ap view tf bay, eceu u4 111 .. t llOl1. Spadou, 1pe9 u4 petaidaUy fwmal lllme wttll larse lfvtq reem, family lleme wltll Iara• llYlaa rMm, famll)' rMm, formal dla1q reem plu I be4lwm1. MarMe bad! muter Hite 11141 Z larse TieW 4lecb. S'7H, ... l'EE. LINDA ISLE-WATER & GREENERY Gl'fttlery abead1 • dlll cenier "waterf,..t" lllme wtdi pier a. 1Up for I lileatl. Larae ,.u. • IWfQte •b'J .. er dip poel ..... a...w.u,. c:eier61118" ieeer .......... tlala npeclally 1pac1oet 5 W . IMNDe; illclMla& IWfnte ... ter Hile . maids rm. Lasarl• .. 6 Iara• ea&enataa.. Uvlq, dJalq ud famUy reoma wltll ,..,...,... Mr. tl,ltf ..... AFFORDABLE NEWPORT We line aderaMe ••bile llltmu la lM CaaaerJ Vllla1e meM.le llleme..,.. ! W . fNtD SO, .... Ju1 lib a Mme ..• wperfect W .... NEW ESTATE-TENNIS COURT! Coovenleot Laguna Buell addren away from tlle cro'Nds, but clOat' to •II A u tare lover's paradlae OD 1.88 acre1 with i:omma.odia& putoraJ VIEW of oceu, 111111 ud alpt Upt1. Total aecartty, privacy u d aertalty. ftll qullty trad.ldoul bome oo 3 levels oHt rs Ute aJtlmate la flaillled detalla. Foor bedrooms btcladlog t,Ote 141. ft. master aolle, teulJ room wllb hall oak bar wltJt bran raU, family room, n u.a room, locker aod wel1llt uerclH room, wlJle cellar aod other •etalla for tJte dl1crlm1aattaci Yowr 0"11 repladoe Up ted aad fe11ttd teaall coart wltb ample obeervatfoa art11. Jl'or a vlrwbl1 ud appolJltmeot. 1'734to0. SZ,Sto,tOO , VU-LOCATION-VU! TERMS! Eapeclally l1r1e trl-level llome wl&ll beaallfal decor by decorator tllroa1llo1t. Hospitality aad lasary la tlll1 3 bedroem, formal and mirrored dlal11 rtom, llw1e famlly room plu larf e billiard room Hite. F or tlle "llealtll eatlla1t a1t' a 1aaaa r oem 9la1 private 1p1 . UNQUESTIONABLE VIEW OF OCEAN AND BA VFRONT clo~•p. Owiier wllJ Jtelp fl&utt. Sll~.NO. OCEAN VU-OLD CDM Prem.lui street wltll es&ase alu Jl'MIMb, 75 fL froa&aae, Z lecal lots ud puoramlc VIEW of ocua aad jeny. Early Newport resldaict wltll die ckarm ud q..Uty of by10Ae days. Wood puellag, moldl.,. ud lar1e rooms. $1,lll ,Ht. SELLER WILL ASSIST WJTll FINANCING. % WATER CONDOS-BAL ISLE FANTASTIC lar&t coedoa ON WATER wltll lf'Ul VIEW. A "rarity" ott Balboa lllud, tkk two tewllotlees llave boat doclla aod are la raer tllaa moat llomea. Eacll ult ha 3 bedrooms, J batlla, t car ~ara1e1 ud patloa. Sold fanl1lied. Great reatal1 or for year rou4 resWeacel Owaer fiu.lblt or will coaaldC'r esclluge. Sl,180,otO FEE. 1'71-tttt. NEWPORT HEIGHTS Seper lecadoa oe frat ltreel. Lar1e lot wldl lrtt1, llowe.n ud beaatlfal poo . P~ect famlly llome wttli I bedroom• ud family room. Low caall doW11 ud 0W11er will carry. CaU for flaa.acte1 de1all1 $!71.8f'. LEASE/OPTION OPPORTUNITY! Ne-w luary ceeclot, J•t .-. te Newpert Bayfnet u4 wal.11 J o beacll! Great locatloa aad HHHI •••llty i11 tlll1 l-M4r11m S.wUoeN ceeik. Owlltt .,fen Oesale term1 er S15,ttt c11ll d•••, Utt per meatll leue u4 a .. e-year o~t1H t• pwrcll11e fer Ull,ttt. Foar .. tal cHdt Hit• avanai.le wltll flulble flaaaci•1 plH1. 8reclll1re1 aad fttaib avallUle • 1t1e 1t ttt-ll5 l tUI Street off BaJlloe Boelevar4. Ul-ICM QUIET PENINSULA PT.! Great lecadee u4 sr-t • beGwm llllDe • a Iara• lot • • privase lue. Re~W..,. l'tMy ce ... vela S41l, ... wtdl ... &erml. DRAMATIC & EXCITING LIDO ISLE ()pea 6 frleMJy llleme oe a larse 4hll ft. let la • •b"ed 11 1treet lecadee. Venatlle flew lllall, ... lnel wltll I JIM + Ma. GlauM lual wldl poel ia\le 6 efftee atta. Baatllal lardew aa• •rtdi patio. Maay Htra •Jeclal featarea . 05,Ht. 10~ CASH-VIEW PROPERTY Vwer Ne.,.,-t lecaU.. -......... wtdl .... I ........ aalts. U•e Ill eee u4 nm& die..._, w ...W a...,~ pt .. pfft liltHe. Plaa1 apprHe•. Al•Ht let ulae a& Ul5 ..... Ona wtU ~ ._..,.,.._ .._ M.tt. WATERFRONT HOMES, INC. REALTORS .. 2436 \~. l ,Otl'I I f14"' Nr "--rmn ij(>,u h h:H-J lOO "lpM'talil.intz in rrc•p"r1) rm th,. wulr.r , , 'J 15 Mnrln" A"l' Balbt>a hl~nrl 6i3-6900 !8-_ Orenge County RMI Eetate/An AdwwtJelng 8upptement to the DAILY PILOT/S.turdey, April 10, 1902 OCEAN VIW $299,000 4 Br. 2~ Ba. View boine 0verlook.inc Pa- vilion. Catalina and nite Uta Lowest price view home in Harbor View Hllls. Vacant, move immediately. ---~­Mapifiomt location o'1ookinc 8th green of golf cou.ne. Majestic Colonial CU1tom by owner/builder. 5 bdnm, Jae formal din rm. fam rm. billiard rm. refriierat.ed wine rm, & 6~ ba. Marble, finest wood ~. air oond., +many CUltOm f•turei $2,150,000 tncludl.nc land. May ll!J1 fumilhed. • ..... WP 1111 ml,m Beaul 4 bdrm. hm rm w/~, formal din rm, 2 ~ ba. Newly ~rated in 10ft pleulna colon. Beautiful new cptna & drapes. New marblir entry. Pool & spa. .............. Golf course view! Beaut. landscaped. Park-lib Rttine-LoYely pooi.. & pze- bo. Get.ed courtyard with foun\aln. Marble foyer w/,Uttertnc chandeUer. 4 bdnm, den, formal din rm. 4 ~ ba. $950,000 includinc land. Larae cmner lite. ____ ,_ Quiet: park-like 1ettinc. Rm tor paddle tmnla and pool Great for orchard. Cul de ac It. 3 bdnm, fam rm. '379,600 fee. UIYUlll .. 11 ... t Bdrm family home. Formal din rm. &- duded pool & patio. x. -emeble Joan. L..t included. Quiet ad de ac .v.t. ---...-Popular 3 bdrm. Monm> model. Formal din rm. Many extru. Security system. Large -.unable Join. Owner anxloul. A.ct now! ............. A fantlltic 3 Br .. Lindi" model on widest arembtJl Lib new. V.:ant. '270,000. New carpets & drpe. See anytime 844-4110. _,, __ , __ 3 bdrm, mn rm.1'd. Security 1J*m. Vu ' of lilbtl by llftbt md YU ol CDID by diy. Lee-. low lnL laln. Mo DIW DD fea •10 1111-.-.. um P'amlly .._. In CoU.p Park of Irvine. Hke ,.rd. /Jr cand. &Ila. Good -emeb&e fhw q See now . ....-10. •••n-•n Magnificent View Home In Newport Beach's Gate Guarded Harbor Ridge WIU Be Under Construction Soon. One Of The Finest In The Area. The Style 11 English Tudor. The Blueprints Are In OUr Office. You Are Welcome To Inspect $2,200,000. Susan Trtvlson's Listing. · .. ......... 11111f DTl11 Special 5 BR Home On Approx. 5 Act•. Solar Heated Pool, Spa. Room For Tennis Court, Horlel, Guest Houae. Magnlftcent View Of SUrroundlng Vllflr/ & Adjacent To Mllel Of Equestrian Trails. $1,975,000. Binnie Dixon'• Lilting. m•mr-PromontOfY Bay. FONMI D.R. Oen-Ubr9ry. Melt• BR O'Lookl Bay. 3 Other BRa & Maid's Rm & Ba. Pier, Sllp For Lrg Yacht. Owner Wiii A11l1t W/Flnancln9. YOU OWN THE LAND. $1,850,000. C.thryn Tennlle'a Ultlng. ·-Spectacular Golf CourM View. TNt Elegant Ust1ng Offers Pri- vacy, 3 Large Bectrooma, 3 Bathl, Family Room, 3-Car Garage & Lovely Gardena. EnJoy Ent.-talnina In Thia Dramatic Home. Priced At $850,000. Trudy Stubbtefield'a Listing . ___ , In Laguna Beech, High On A Hll AbcMI The Oc:eM. C8IWd Entry Door -SUnken Bar -Game Room -Stained & Leaded Glau -2-StOfY Areplace & A Pool & Spa Complete The PlctU<e. Appointment, Pleue. $795,000. Ann Brtzob' Listing. _. .. ,_ ocean View Home. Superb Moc*n Stytlng. Sharp, CIMr. Clean FMture1. It Spar1de1, It'• So Cteln. Excellent Financing. Un- doubttdty One Of The Belt Prtc.d Homee In Em«9ld Bay. $895,000. Joyce Debolt'• Uttlng. -.a--·-Recently Complttff Cuatom Unit W/UMd Brick Flreplact, Mexican Tllel & Vauftff C..llnga. Muter SUit• W/Catheclral Windows & T~ Vlewa. Cozy, Sedudld 2 8R Aw Untt Plue Poll.~ Oulrinl ar.t Flnlnc:q.13M.OOO. Colll ..... Uettng. ........ Lowly eourtyard Entry -Tiie Gatore -Plul Bay View -Huge Patio -Potted Plant• -Flowing Fountain• -lndoor/OutdoOr LMng -2 BR 2 BA Condo Showa Better Than A Model. A "Joy Of Newport" Liiting. -·--.a --Ill 2 BR~ HM "PalOlillty PMI'' Ownn w9 Arwnoe 75% I To °'8llftld 8u)wl. 8umMMlld ., LUltt undlclplng. Thell I lMfta Ale Jutt A Shott 8trol To ltectl & Shopping. AttnlctM lmllbMnt At 1282,000. Ann Mroll' Ultlng. I t ".-&IJ 111w1•nua1• Attr9CtM Splr1lth 2 IA AmlMd ..,.._ No Vacanda Good Locatton. South Of~. Excellent Ttnn1. Reduced To t 121,llOO. Illy ltllpWf 1 Ultlng. 8 acre Medlterraneen ESTATE. Manicured Gardens. Roman atone t•racet and atone walls, 8000 aq ft two-atory rHldence, Wine c:eAer, ...,.ate atone STUDIO, two GUEST HOUSES, grHnhouH. Private wetl. A FAMILY HOME. Brochure avallabfe on request. ---. .... LEASE OPTION-ft.B. BeauUful 3 Bdrm view home in private community. lnclud.8 tennia court and. •wimmine pool Own« will carry 2nd TD or leMe opdon. $389.000. ......... , .. . 1111l .......... ..... BROADMOOR SEAVlW--14.B. Pert Royal 2 ltlrj, 4 Bdrm, 3 bath plUI formal dlninc and much, much more. $388$0. ............. . .. ,.....,..... ..... 1111: mtRACE hbuba CX9ll wt bay vWn. ~ 4 Bdrm. eowmet kttchm and nrimmh'I pool JUI& reduced to •• 000 indudinc the land. Owner Yf!l"J anxba and will finance. 30 YEAR-13%' LOAN New Cape Cod 2 Bdrm in prtvatit mm- munlty with pool and J&'Ulll. Walklnc dJatance to everythlna. •117,950-1" dawn. ....... .... ... 1111111 .... 1 .... Ml ...... ... $10,000DOWM . MOVES YOU IM 4 ·scr2.1ty, dbT gar, c. Ilsa, nu paint, crpt. On· ly $110,000. Vacant. Dlaoa Cappel, 11t *** &r.\"~~e. Newport Beach You are tbe winner of br tree tidtdl ($15.00) valuetotbe ~-CONVENTION CENTER April11-25 To claim Octets, call 642·5171, ut. 272. ndteta must be claimed by April 23, lllZ. *** NEWPORT HTS. 48R 2ba, frplc. '225,000. 115-7538 or U1·3374. Open Sat /Sun : T\llliD/lllb Pl. Bkra. Welcome. SPECTACUUI llylt• 111$ See It all from t.IUa lovely s Bedroom, family room laome In beautiful SPYGLASS -Caulina, Palaa Verdea, NeWJIOrt Bay city ll&llta and luuetl ! Owner witJI a lat or 2ndT.D. a. ..... ..., ~ •Mam• .-lllOI YITllAMS• .aaMbOiiea. 2. 1, 4 bdra from 855.000 to .. .. ...... OtlCrow feea . -=•.w YlttM ••n. Orange County Real Estate/ An Advertl~ng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT /Saturday, Aprll 10, 1982 -17 ~.~~ ...... ..._..,_Wt ..._tww. ....,_ 1ooi ~ -1002-1~-:......_. 1002 .____,, .. -... .. . . . . . . ........... ........... .. .... .. .... ...._.._ ..._..... IM 100% ~ I ooz ··········•!••········· ....................... , ............................................. . ........ , .. !,···!······ ······················-' ....................... F• ld 1 .. ,.n 1AY v11W .......... XLNT TERMS! Remodeled traditional 3 bdrm, den, 3 bath, reduced t.o $395,000. Priz.e West Bay bayfronl Slips for 2 boats, remodeled 3 bdrm. 3 bath $1,200,000. Ocean & jetty viewa. Marine room, 4 bdrm, 3 bath, 3700 lq.fl $1,385,000. L9111U ... Prime Lido Nord bayfront. 5 bdrm. 5~ bath. Lee L.R., 2 boat alipe $UOO,OOO. Remodeled 3 bdrm. 2 bath + large rec. nn bee.m ceilings, fumJahed, patioa. $420,000. · U.llUl&Yfmf Lagoon view from 6 bdrm, 5 bath, play- room. dark rm, den, Boat al.Ip. $1,350,000! 1&1191"" Spectacular bayfront view 2 br, 2 t>& up; 2 br, 2 ba dn. 2 boat alipe $1,900,000. Tm WIT&I •H• ""' New French Normandy 4 bdrm, 4 bath, guest houle, pool Near lake. $795,000. BILL GRUNDY . REALTO~ i ; , I ~ • • "• .. f ' ~> t b • • •• = -t. .fl . UHt. ls liall Classified Adiafe reallr, small "people to people · 17 000 DOWH sales caJls wilb big re· 3 Bir hiime, take over adership and big re· '96.:n> in loans. Prine. suits! To cf.lace your only. 962·4471 , Bkr. classified a , call today _....._.._ ___ •! 6'2-~ Build )bur Own Home in PcUm Desert Bahia del Sol Custom Home Sites Large homesites c:Mfloolcin,g Palm Dtsert in prime location ad)Wling Ironwood Country Oub. Walled entry. full Improved stret'IS. utilities in platt. Minimum 12,(XXl sq. ft lots, excellent dioices. con~t 61li1ndal •mn~ts F1IOM $4.5.000. 10"Mi DOWN 70'!ft lST 1:0., lW1%" INlllEST, 2 YRS. 20% 2ND 'ID .. U 'h" INIUEST, 5 YRS. llfl*ft' r.tiopetilll• Invited "M.,,.... APR IMJLIV Lido ll1e charmer •• • na-•IAYFIOMT• &all a w/aeparate 2 Br unit ·-IOAT SUP over 1ara1e. Lar1e low Udo 1"8 bayfront. Pier and lllp locatlon. 4 Pnvat~'fcP. lite & n-. Pi••t ~ ~·u°C~d~ ~.:i113 d~·=t~~1t~~~-h sub-To place your meuaae before the readin1 public, phone cheery comfortable 1191J II $S75,000. honw. 3 larie bedrooms lftVJSOI '7J.to60 &den.2 baths, fireplace. Nr' and much more! Will &!j2·5&78 DAVIDSON REA~TY trade down ! INCLUDES Vt THE LAND! Owner· Daily Pi lot C lusified, 64.2·5678 A&eitt 673-9187 or ------• ~7060. ~19.000! ~=====~==-=-=-='-=-=-=-=-==~- HAR8(I RIMI Jodelle Mdl -Thia home offers luxury ~fort for the afftuent. 3 Bdrma, 2'A ba, formal dining rm and a pan- oramic view of all Newport and the blue Pacific. Ananclng at leel than 11% Int. Asking $795,000. lllVEISITY PARK This Im~ 3 Bdrm 2 ba home In a pattt Nke eettlng II only for the fuuielt and moat dlac:rlmlnatlng. Imagine fl •. nanc:lng at ~% lnter .. t. ""'Ing $169. 000. ta.SD REALTY ..., ........... 7111 GaJler .Special •Decorated in IWUlY pu1ela & stained g1aa ·Charmlna prdtn IW'l'OUndJ.ng this lite & brite home. •Peek of tbt blue Padfk •2 8dmw and dtn. •24 hour guard pie. pool.a, tennis, plus lush greenbelt. •J.-nine Creek-in Corona dtl Mar. •Very ipeCial price of $335,000 FEE. OOME SEE THIS LOVELY "EASTER SPIXlAL" THIS WEEKEND. A .... t IU 9067 et 6U 9060 CAIOU Mc.MAHAN NEW BA YFRONT CONDOS ~ U«y baildinc/4 condot. PlftOramic beKh & main Illy"""' SecWed ecreet. 3 Bdnm., 3~ bath Penthut _.. t 2 ........ 2~ bl.th_.. 1'11. 2,LQO • 2.700 eq. ft. C-.. .,.. Stem.,_. in _.. bldi. ~/...-. s.curily, c..-. M A tae. OPEN SAT• 6 SUN., l·& 1115 Welt Bey Aft. (oo ....._.) SSS0,000 10 9-490,000 CANNERY ~VILLAGE RE~LTY &10 30th St., Newport Bea~b ......... 40 foot lot. 5 bdrm, 3 bath. Watch the aunaetl from your gigantic master suite. 4 car garage. $1,750,000. .... mt-.. 5 bdrm, 7 bath home with all the ameni- ties. Indoor/outdoor pool with alldlng glass roof. Sauna, steam room, 3 j8cuzzil. Play & game room. Screening room. Gourmet kitchen. 6500 sq. ft. $975,000. ...... Fabulous financing on this 3 BR custom home which Is light, bright and very airy. Detailed craftamenahlp used throughout. Too many amenltJes to mention. "~-Lido Park Drive ov.Oooklng bay & Lido · lw. Boat docking. Walk to lhope & mar- ket. Owner wlll consider trade for Palm Springs home or Lu Palmu or Canyon area. Asking $525,000. ..... _ Mclain Greenbrier Model, 2 bdrm, 2 bath, dining room, large master suite wttf\ sit- ting and dr8111ng area. Great gotf courae view. Pool, tennis, security. Good finan- cing. You own the land $265,000. .... ,FR Brand new and Just llsted In Newport Beach on the Peninsula. 3 bdrm, 3 bath, 3 stories. Ocean and bay vlewt from master suite decks. Steps to sand and ocean . Priced toe fut action at $309,000. Ii 101• llftllllS Just Hated this tr1plex that Is definitely for you. These units are In demand and are always rented. Close to park, shopping and sehools. Act fastl Too good to lutl Only $169,500. umm Charming small 3 BR famlly home or rental Investment. Beamed ceilings, large used brick fireplace, huge yard with alley accesa. Quiet street. Owner very motive· ted. $147,500. wr .. Two Iota In Cannery Vlllagr. Going busl· nea. Owners retiring. Owner wtll carry lat TD. Can be purchaaed wtth or without In· ventory. -IPll'FKU 1 BR totally furnllhed security complex. Pool, gym, )acuzzJ, walk to beectl. Affor· dablt financing. Owner wm aacrlflce at 1118,000. ... t 18 -Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, April 10. 1982 lrcMd Mtw Coftdo1 Tudor stylt co11do1, So. of Hwy hi CorCMo del Mor. Cothtdrol celll119s ond Island ldtchtft. FrOftt uaff 3 ..... llOW $325,000. Reor Hit 2 ldr• $275,000. 411-41 I'll DCllhlo COLE Off NEWPORT REALTOR$ Hl & I . C:-1 N•J· Cor_ .. ,_ 115·551 t IFYOU ha\ ea sen 1<'e to orrer or goods to sell. place an ad in the Dall) Pilot Classified Section Phone 642 S61IL _ RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE SERVICE AffOflOABt.E ANANCING NOW1 12'?t. 30 Vea leim No Con Dates New Soles. Resoles & l?etinaice ~A~ (71,)~ RESIOf'NTIAl REAt ESTATE SERVICES BtG CANYON VERSAILLES OPEN SATURDAY 1-5 FlNt ume offered! Magnl.Lit"ent 4 bdrm. den townhome overlooking golf coww. Outstanding view and model perfect c:oodition A belt buy at $79MOO. LUCY 1051 IN NEWPORTC~NTER 644-9060 IJ1-ll00 1006 , .. Mila 1007 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• BEACH HOUSE This is a real charmer Best buy on Island 2Br +bachelor $295.000. c.entury 21 Lock h. rt Call 962·8847 3 ~~a't. ra?J~Jv 1ng room with fireplare and formal dining Upstairs Ce at u res master bdrm with fireplace. hu11e family room Large 2 <'ar I•---------garage plus patio and gas ~BQ Owner will IAYAOHT W /PIH mry2:nd: 1495.ooo Best buy on the water' 642 5200 Best financing around 1 • FOREVER VIEW BAY FRONT "CHANNEL REEF" 2525 Oct• II IFSI 0...Today t-5 SeldOfil-· olrere<f in this OUTSTAMDIHG IUY! -S.lmf1ce 8y O"' ner Guar. 80~ 30 ) r loan avail. at 2 pts und.er 4 I br. 2 ba ram. rm. spa. immac. 142K 979 1138 •CLOSE TO BEACH Assumr $70K VA In at 911.,3. 38r, (Ip , SI 14,000 Prine on!r 543· 7023 Bk r FORECLOSURE College Park JBR 2ba Lender will SELL BE LOW MARKET' P'tayo ltMI &tott -'ll-J.UO Landmark locat1on blilding Very spacious 2 bdrm. 2 bath with sweeping panorama or Newport Ba\ & blue Pac1rit' Asso<' pool. spacious su ndecks & boat shps Approx SJOOK 1--------• d assum loans orrered at 5499,000 i~1.1 .. 111111 • s~ i.! 11 . •1~1 .. 1 .. '' ' 13% RMAHCIMG This big 2 story home . J PETE ' BARRETf l,. REALTY Delightful 2bdrm fAlli...ITASTIC townhouse "' gar f"ll Bnght beautiful end un fl11i...1A11i...1Cl11i...1G It ('ooled by sea f"ll n f"ll breezes Lrg ex1st1ng SPEctACL'LAR \'IE\\ 8'21 : VA Full pri1·e and PRIVATE !:ll>A arl' l.106,500 Agt 556·6516 thrtt of the out~landtn~ ONNER DESPERATE reatures being nHered 5 Br beat'h giant in ex . 141th this 4 bdrm 2 bil ecutlve neighborhood Ma1•Ta\'1sh in Tu rtle Ro c k Highlands Pn<'ed SS0.000 belo~· Lavtshh• up"raded & c:x mkt Owner must sell loc " this week Submit on ent auon Call to price and terms Bkr day ror more details 8411_~ MANAGER'SCHOJCE Best buy in H B Super sharp 3 Bdrm Just SI 19.~ Low down. no quahrymg and take O\'Cr payments Won't last ~0709 ~ I 042 't~l3 CAMPIJSDl·IRVINE •••••••••••••••• • •••••• LCllJIMO le«h I 041 151..AHD HOME •••••••••••••••• •••• ••• with loot P.~li New ocean vu 4 Br fam1l) 5 Bdrms-+ maids qrtrs rm $445,000 l~I Tah1t1 mt sq rt. custom bwlt ~ 497.5454 coort) ard. spa. 3 frpkll. -great rinan avail New ocn \U 4 Bdr pool. 1600.000 714 840 &n4 $695,000 2665 TemJ)lt> Bkr Hllls Agt 497 54~ Opn s~ Quahfied buyer could ITl>Ye right 10 and enJO)' tl4'0 2 Bdrm units with your own pier and slip. All ror S'IS0,000 an!I you j PETE J BARRETI .. REALTY • I ! 1'1fJj1 ,\1 yf flu.• t .1 .lf1i1.I' I' •1 Hldq 1 just made for the artl\'e rarruly who needs lou. or room ~ big bdrm~ 3 1044 baths and enormous h\' ,,..._ 1ng room with ma ssive used brirk firepl.i<'e •....•••...•........•.. WALIL to town & neach This t'harmtr can ~ either a 2 or 3 bdrm & 1s im rnacul11e Pnred to sell Features skyhtes. trark llghuna & separate din in1 room Owner orrers ex<'ellent hnanc1n1 S2!19.500 own the land! i--------•l---------Walk to St'hools. shop· ptng, rity park and ten 642-5200 j PETE ' BARRETI ··· REALTY 6lMih· 2 Lob Cafe. office, 11pts Owner finance Ill ~ty. ltltr 675-21,6 dllMor IOU ~~ ••••••• !~.a.~ ·rus·M~in111ss.ooo Call ...................... SACRlFlCE SALE . ~1 w~'lii~P.OB~~Yi,1c ~:.' b~wri·o !~a~~ . jJ!itl~!ikt1 B Owner&46·&586 ownerla&t will carry •• !ll-------balanre Cute 3BR 111 ba. comer lot. ver) ntce SPYtiLASS street '99,900 Devin ~Off~ Rut ~late, 642 6368 ~mu va'i'uJ~~yex~~: TOWNH~XliPEXTk' IAMHUPTCY Hi&li usumable lat, low lnl. Low dn. S.C Pina condo 190 ooo 2 8 r. Jl•ba sn.ooo 1 Br 646-0686 1 u k et p I a n w It h Sa " • 3 28 dbl 91 pa oram1c ocean and t 1""'· r. 1· .._ /10/o·lSK • ELK.AMT Dl'hgnt1ul end unit Northwood Townhome 2bdrm. 21 ,ba. rrpl c shutters. brick encl ~10, g1r. pool & ja<' 1.000. 91-,'l ftnancing wner . 675·1989 . 832·3168. TURTURO Cl( 4 lkfrm . ..zoa on cul·dt· 11c. Popular Plan 2. OWC at 12 ~ Try ~d:ted paymenu DeMis Ricketts & ASIOC of~llllon. buutlrully lS1 Fairview btwn Fair ap nted ~ bdrm Nan & Willon. o~n Fri 10·1. Iii t ll&hl views + pool 1ara1e. Pool. usume 48R/28A Ail 176·4100 New 111 town• Classified and 1pa. feat ur1n1 xlnt ~t'~3°~ ~ew ~:k \0 :: I•-------• 1 can help you meet many rinancln& with owner $102.500. Make ofter. 1 ofyourneeda.642·5e78 partlclpa\lon. Com Me-8:1118 I pelltlvely 11rlced al MA NFRED STEVER Use lht Dally Pilot \iew w.HODOWH uler Bedrooms Vault~ (tll'a $135.000 11.-------~ -~ C.11 ror appt to RLTR "Fut Result" aervlct 64 ... 72 1 I CI N D E R E L L A OOLLHOUSE with a • directory Your f74,000 VA auuma ble u1.22u J<iMl<annall servi~ 11 our IOln at l~ Interest. S -..i J BR 2 Ba. le• yard. Plu• •~·• ty extremtlI. m()llvated ~ '-.1111lu 1\\ He tit, 3 l 0:tn'\.'Tut,,uT'!ln do acrot• rrom lake. Completely loaded w/extru Owner will c~ paper. AMvmt ex· llt.l(li loan. Drl ve by at Lakealde then call m1mOwn/Bkr .. Call6'2·M1hxt m i.llen. Devin Roi ._ __ ...... ______ .... ---------------!-\Mf.ta4111 !~---------~=--·----------------- EASY FIHAMCIMG A-2bdrm <'Ondo wlth room for outdoor enter· tainlnc Great Invest· ~nt potential with Its larp auuma ble loan at less than current rates Owner •&11 submit all offers Sl31.SOO M·IA Primt lndu.sttfel proper· ty with hU\)' duty power, offices. separate ~ areas ' house on lar1e securely fenced level tot. Great op· Ponunlty •s.ooo ~r 'O\IMM ..... .... _ 1114' 4"-11n Orange County Real Estate/An AdvertJalng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, Aprll 10, 1982 -19 "'-"ForWt .......... w.·· :"'-"forWt ForWt .......... w.--·· ........... Wt ......... Wt 0..-IHlll.... • .....•........•........ . ............................................................................................................................................................... . &..,-INdl 1041 V1tf9 1067 Menwrt•a 10.t Ml:uwrtlffd l06t lilsn•rt•tlCll 1069 •a 1069 S.Ch111• 107' t, hw• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••'•••••••••••••••••• ••••'•••••••••••••••••• ••••'•••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •Wt I J 00 .......... 4br 3ba nr bch, 115$1(. • ..................... . Sotttacular cilllinal DWrau S. SUK dn. owe 11100 mo. ti.( "-"#1./. ~ ,_ •c Octm 4olltx HI ldi White water view. t()';l-Beauiltiilioftdo on Lake Grad pymnt.a. 962·122'1 & l~n¥J!rl .. ,.7jms Vac?!~?Pe'~~ery Wllltew...,.Ylewa $250.000. Owner/Agt dn. F.asy monthly pay-Mission Viejo. Pvt 963-82. ~ n ( Village Suitable for Brand new deluxe ~on Jewell. 714-198·2636 rnents on tst and 2nd. Bearh. Must sell by ' Uta root 4.0001a.fl buildine. will d d 2 OWC 3rd. No pa{. 2 4-ll>&.170-t'110 ··-.i taite&o~boat!Consider : os. ate~ to aan, Ca urcW years. 4 bdrm, l + + ......,.Y&.wH-1 ·Ntw O..~ ·13~ 1.i live above your work, frptcs , '!! rlpootl bu•·~ '-••iy 1600 ~. b • · S 4 9 9 · 9 O O · ~ i:>rfo ·r, -r, s...J. .1 " and have your boat too! ~ pica carpe · "" ••••••••••••••••••••••• Owner/Al\. 544.2170 or MlupartlHdl 1069 ~l o~c~~o~!~~ ·80 · -·.., · i tti S.Wtt a-50.000inctudestand. a~.w~J0~0: nrur1np(ISl.I. &05l1 •• .. ••••••••••••••••••• John Shu. Broker ·CO"r• LnyLI 642-5200 1297.500. • 1!,IU.Urt · 1 FANTASTIC HOME llM-3454 BRJNGALLOFFERS! ·l~ sq commem~ 190-dee ocean v lews DOVER ~HORI$ Both have 3 Bdrms, separate yard a, fire-... ** • • ** • ... • tot U1 prime Fountain 3000+ .and custom 4 er. bin. format fhn· 1--------1 places, hardWood floo<s. Open Beam eel-Ufe.t .... T'9l1 Valley location. C:ty ap Gourmet kitchen -in& Room. 2 Fireplaces, Unga. At only $239,000 this property wtll This mainlfieent Pin· ~~K~~nsbl~;. ~~r:/ massive living rm. 3 car gara11e + taree not last long. Call today. oacle" home in pre-parkaee priced at formal dlnine. cozy Hobby Room. Pool siled II G.ODO DM • ........ lal .. ll all)ous Mariner's Point mo fittplaces.pool,spa Lg lot, beaut. landscaped. 3br]~~.txtra-1ie lot features spectacular ,OOO. rec area.1589.000. Owner will assist at w, superb view. Will whitewater coastline M1B IE.ALTY L.,..Ylhgtl.E flnancing.OnJy$420,000. trade for anylbing! ~ WTll.Uff mwfromalmostevery 546:0114 497 17' I <>Pen Sat/Sun 1-5 PrincipabonJy. 986-9087 s-ct.caMr Ya. room. Thia former de- • Rol>inson: Realtor DOVER SHORES 3 Mml.-21-'h ba, 1en. luxe model home h11 all Dewuioft L.-. 541-5647 new cpt.a. F.njoy view or the interior design ex· 2&1rni;·1ba,-tf8pically1--llilii:li:iiili:::--IHftLUTE mtns. ocean, a. city tras. Assume ll:V.3 landscaped condo. NNU Beautiful 3 Bdnn. 3 beth, extra wide lot Ufhts from secluded hot loan. MUST SEE IN Beautiful Ocean View!-STEAL!! Lu1>. Vacant. PERSON! 13119.900 Priceless location. Ex· OHTHIWATEI on Galaxy Drive. Dining room, f~~ OPBUAT 1.4 cellent Beach House. QWet community with 111.ake !DY reputation on room, 2 car g&rlge, patio. View of J4J I .._.. ~ !'102! 732-llMOCollect ! private docks and extra the FACT that thiJ is the Bey, Fashion Island & mount.aim. POOL 675-rn't• •• S:Al::lBEl~IT'i SS OC,. .. ..-0..,. bolt/RV par\in11. F.njoy BEST BUY ill Newport & SPA. $100,000 down. Owner will help rw::~ ~ "' sunnyj>&UO on the bay. Beach. OCEAN VU . ..~ ESTATI taree rtreptace in livlne LRG 4 BDR, PROF. finance. • . WiJlie Private community room, arid view from DECORATED. pool, spa --~ home. just 25 min. to this nice borne. SSS0.000 &c like nu all for only ~rt Ce11ler, with 6 includes land. SSTt.SOO. A trade con· bednloms 9 baths, 9,000 sidered. Call PATRICK sq. rt. 3 lots and pool. 642-5200 TENORE Dire ctly T!JUI D;rivacy plus hie ISl-1216 or 760-9'102 view rl islands. beaches, coaallioe. $3,600hOOO. Call Dennis Bus at Armbruster, Clurman. Brown 714/'94.W5. J PETE BARRE TI REALTY Lm m•, KL llJ.14" FOIEClOSUIE 4911-lOIO ~~~~-.... l y OWNH c.plslt 900 I 071 H A ll 0 ir v· 1 E w ...................... . j ... ExceU~t opportunity for lnvutor. 12,000 ,~foot ofln bull· ldini. F\llly '-d. Over meo.ooo • YMf c1epre-.aat1on. Pri«d ID RI.I at U .4 mlllion.Prindp.ia .OAJ.y. Call Willl.un Cow. 19ro11er I Panoramic ocean vus i Br 2 Ba Carmel mdl coodo.3Br2Y.Ba.2bllis ...-1AT1 Harbor View Homes. lO beach Assumable SISSlftM $245.000. SlOK down, loans. Seller motivated. ~ Vf' balance at 131,\ ArTD. BY &tmll~cluded lovely Street. Back Bay Area. Majestic home. yet coiy and coovenient u • ccttaae. Completely customia«t. 4 Bdrm. 3 Bl inct'e tMaater Suite) · Sep. Maid's Quarters. Lovely Uv room lookine out to coreeoua landscaped batkyard. Oceanfront duplex. HOMES Buut. 4Br 2ba lam rm. 1450,000 with 1ood Somenet. 6 "4 bdrms . 4 crt home . A/C. deck. terms. ba . ram 11 y room . ereat00b1zy 1129.000 Agt . Rell'l>del under const ...;492=.:·2:.:.1==------:'il.i:O~ 1475·000 M44r1 wa 1 • ... , 1ot1 c=r:-..'1'r7o'O 1--------1···· .. ················· ...................... . Ca I I Joe Ba Ii: er .. 10~ own, payments By0wner.2i03/164·99'11 Armbruster Clurmao. ll500/mo. It II JIOlllble •-.--------- •YOWNEI IN MlNT CONDITION; ~~ l!y ~Dow..a Goreoua 3 Bdrm · a ~Bl~ow~n!!:.-~41M=·8595=~P~l~9.:.,000=-1 to own lovely 5bdrm. 21• story, N.B. Back Bay A LOT uu. '250.000. 850-1991. Harbor View Homes by Waterfall, Gaubo. brick Owner. 3BR 2BA fam . patio. Obie frpc. fam rm, Ire lot, pool, air nn. formal dinin& rm. cond .• anum. 10 ... % G5,000. Xlnt fiaancinf OfllNliT.U-4 " dream come true Just 5 bdr Ve sailles 3br)Z6a nlii ~ach. 2 aster rooms 1111900 Bltr 1411 0709 model. Pnce S650\000. a...ooo. 9"' 612~ fin. 112000' . . . l250.000 dn. owe ba for ram A UTTll Eves call: at-1215. ThatYwhat Y-c>U -,d with thit prime ACRE PLUS BUILDING SITE. A aenUy sloping parcel. loaUd t~t • short d.is- taace from tennis 6 the 412'1 BruceCreacenl U1·2Z42 5yn.Call lllr. Fuentes (UdoSands) 645-1141 J4ilil lCa1aliall ~~.~~n•m _....:E::..:Y.::el::..;7;.:.14"-·991""""-·=3216~- ~~L~vl~E~~E~ CANYON VIEWS. Not enough? 'Ibe owner bu Included detailed con- structioa plans for an unbelievable CUSTOM V1lJ.A lN MEDITER· RANEAN STYLf:. We believe you11 aeree It's "A LOT FOR A LlT- 11.E" at lhe fllll offered price of 1125,000. For tmt11 call Cliff u ... v-.. loan. 1259~. 644-2573 av a i I. OPEN AL Raml>lliii ~~r:y in-fot appt. vpen Sat/Sun WEEK 1·5 1521 ANITA fonmlil)' best describes lml-4._______ L N ( 1 b I k r r o m our 4 Bdrm fa m ti y ..:;fl::.lblagdo:::::=l._. MS--0532=-"=----- home. with ita abun· UIMPllCI LIASIOPTIOM danceolwoodand brick. ~$ALI Bay and ocean view .,. lmUCTION BR • -, r·c auuma-rrom the 1 Bdrm 1ufft ret Ciiia11roal · 4 • ~ ....... I • ·--apartment. Pool and spa 10'.\ down. Terms . .-.ex~ ..... terma ..,., •. plus additional $299,000. Mr. Clark. lion. Sharp, VJCanl. ame.n1t1e1. Call for de· _,,~=.:337=.::0c.i::!:=.ift.:6'-----$2a,OOO . IU ·04H. tails. w • .._ .... ~:.c.:::..i.1.:.:A&t-'-. ---- • 4" 5200 t1om61\"!rc1•m•~-,,,,. praiaal. 45' boat alip. Like new. SS25 ,000. m.4IM4 J PETE BARRE TI REALTY Ch~~'f!~.?o~ In l J% "--clM ............ .,......., cu.tOm 8aycmfTlome ,_Wt 1100 DllllW. 1800 Ille by owner. 4 bdrm + ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• den. ,y, ba, pool and•--------Newport Beach De Anza SJ!!. stl-1798 bayrront Park. Ill Int Elle<U.lvecoodo.oceani cond. '71 dbl wide. b. y v I e w . , p I c . JUST •uc. rireotac!L ~rick patio. cathedral clp. etc. I+ sno.ooo. '51.0Go. AllO 2 br .. 2 ba .. den, 110.000 option .... _ J Ir Jk double wide. rorner lot :;ur• Ul-9035; •lew coe4o I• ::.~_-Bill Grundy Me ... e .... t. Cal Obie wide 2 br, ·~ ba, • Oaloret t.r terw. '172 space rent. Adults. '-liillillllliWll:l::iilllii•I armU pets. Quiet H.B. • corner lot. $27,500 or best. Owner, 847-2:954. CHOOSI THI llST INIALIOA TIMELESS.-2 unit.a ill bean ol the Point. F1exi- ble we as 2 or single 1131.000 NEWER. 3 Bdrm 2 baths e.ch. CIOH to beaches. sbopa. DM.000. MiSSJON REALTY 985S. Cst Hwy. Laguna l•-------best locailon. 3 bdrm. Lovely lge ya rd. Beautirut trees. Only 12l0.000. Xlnt flnan . Ori ve by 1946 Port J,octslei&h. 644-4289 Dir Own your own lot with 1800 sq.rt. mobile home. ID xlnt par\. Owner a:u· loua . Hu&hes R.E m.msor•-1m B~T PRICE, an the area for 2 cute 2 Bdrm llllits Cowltty kllthen. dinln11 room. double aara11e.12118.SOO. 4tf.Oll I OCEAN VU ENDUNlT ...,... ... I 050 Prime toe. 2 Br. Tri·lvl ••••••••••••••••••••••• NptCrestS235.000 Bkr. I 75 o o D O W N ! N 0 Tom Gollier 644-9200 QUALIFYING 2Brpatlohome Sl07,500' T Bltr 497.3034 ...,.......... IOSJ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~:ti~,~~~ 4 bdnna plua bonus. pool and jac. By owner this w@only.&qfll EXCEPTIONAL HOME Super terms, 2 story 38c1rm. 2~Ba ram rm It den, •P• • BBQ. Mt. view, J>vt park Ute set· WI&. JZ47 000. t~~ lsl TD 13\\94 2nd TD <Int. only. ), Appl. oal.y wkdy1. Cell Act: 9S&-t477. Open House S.t~l'/Sua· da11. 1·5. North fla.mDtcll R . <CVP 6: VlaV.U.). THE IVA YOUNG CO. (114)117.tdl IOU ....................... r..-.r..tDl,Dea, llA.~OWW. Mild?E • HHttf ............. '1' ... Oetperate own•r aaya "Muat sell now:" 60/foot bay view. Juat pro. fetllonaJly decorated. . .Llk• new. Sophla11cated 2 bdrm and den, 2~ blthl, bit. pod, ape, bllict'l l llCUo- ttty. PRICE REDUCED fH,000 to • • • 1448,000. Only $30,000 down: Dtbbte Fratt;:;:-8285; 876-5943. .. ,... --.u. .. .,..., ... ma--wm.11wm•in-w• HARB(I RM CUSTOM OPEN SATllDAY 1·4 Ofutlcalty reduced magnificent Me- diterranean VIiia. Unparalleled 180 degree views of Catallna, ocean, Newport Harb'or and mountains. featurlhg approxlmatety 8,600 eq. ft. of tht ultimate In tl•gant II~ space. Offering five btdrooms. , apa, sauna & eltVltor. Careful at· tentlon ha• been pakt to ~ dttaM, the retUlt being a home wttld\ lllowl lta owntrt to experience tht t:*Qht of luxury. Seel.,..,. extremetv an- xlou1 and have reduced tM llklng ~ of thla home $500,000. Suzan. nt Shuler 842-.8235 OPEN 8ATUR· DAY 4/10112 •. 1·~ .•• 12 TRAFAL· GAR , HARBOR RlOGE, NEWPORT BEACH. IW&l.--9"1.&iMWJE•ll!tll•a ... MONACO MOD& 2 Blfi.rid' atn. m111y UP· O"ldea. U1umabl~ loan .1.5}.~· Lovely dbl wide. 1u1rcled 111es, exclusive aru HlmUn(lon Bch. 846·90IO BAYFRONT, pier and slip on Balboa lsland 2 Bdrm each Excellent flnancln11. 1750.000 642-5200 J PETE BARRE TI R[ALTY l.:&IJ Sara Marvin flMOOO so· Star mobl~. 2 Br 18aJ expando II v rrn. eooo cond., clear, nu roof, partly furn.\ beaut . part. reuooaole rent . P.ell OK . Set-up In Yllcalpa, Ca. Ill health forces ule. Aatlna •-------m.m. m-M• L.dUMAHH.LS Pr•••rtr 2000 s.aa.... 101• ...................... . -•••••••••••••••••••• lh-P.tl •=ex Costa Mua m.ooo dL AA11me t:ilat-2..., Offtdl• ooo. ~enn nn Inc &ae at 10~ '7e ertec· A .. UYlll At .000 dn. per mo live Int. ratea. IBr+dtn· Mfe; ... Ii Pl1tH ~ Prine pal1 only. +f1r,ocnv11,walitot.vt 2 Bit 1iil nn z ba. ~tl=rtlOA&\ bdl club. $195-.000. By M.llQ)'' buite al as.ooo. .._ _____ _ omA7'14aftfRm. I Br + tam rm. I bt, .. l'llciDi • Clualtled ad It cbolca co~t.i.\or very • _, u dial1Jl1 your =#,;oia-• Ast. .... Oh·•..-a call. -We'll do tbt rut.i&.,..•ferW. llOO ..,, ToP\attJOV "Put.ltMu.lt" llntM DinctOl1 .t .... Call Now ..... ,. ... •.. FM ~~v.i~· Wiit t carry. Contact John a..lrokat-.MM .. -.:1 . . I 20 -Orange County Reef Estate/ An Advertlling Supplement to the DAILY PILOT /Saturday, April 10, 1982 <**"IHI •t111t 0...-lell ..... Oller-lell ..... "-" U•fw.'.' 1• Hlws U• ..... 1ll1d • ...._. UlfwwUMd ..._.. U.fwWIMct -H.es U.fwlltMd ...................... 4 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~······················ --,,.,.,., 2000 ,._ ,...,.,., JOOO ..... ....... Corw .. M• nu ~ MtM 1224 c.. MtM UZ4 lnlle . 3244 -• ; .... l26f ••••••••••••••••••••••• ....................... ....... 2700 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••-•••••••••••• .... ••••••• XlnUbr,2ba.$&$0. Sm1ll 1 Br aar huae 3 Bd. pool. S77S pr mo Twnhome.new3br,3ba. un DOWN QR <213)450-lMOwkdys yard. $425/mo. Drive by SlOOO moves you 1n Lin· patio, gar. Park. pool, IAYFIOMT * IWEST(IS * . flED TAX Hl. TER 7 77 4 PJex with Attn. am1nltl11. A11um1 111 T.O. -Mil« will carry -20% CASH down. $165,000 .... , ................. ... .......... .,.,., ... ... ... .., ...... ltU \714)640-~ evs/wknd '1'W) W. Wilson. 673·6336, da Hart 63J.12e6. act. jac.@75/mo 833-9057 2 It«)', 4 + bdrrns, 2 Tllo[ Avail lnuntd Newly re· 842•9666 Mesa del Mar. 2 br. 2 ba, SUPER S BR w frplc, bat bs . r Ire p I aced ... furbished 2 or 3 br, so of 2 BR. l ba, aar, wshr W ID ram. rm, 2 frplc, dble sWldeck Nr pool, park. gorgeous view. Pier an I> I ct u res Que PCH . S700. 510''2 Hkup no pets $48 5. &ar . f en.ced yd 18@5/mo.780-9307 liiD)()(J A ail FAU..BROOK RAN CH. Femleaf 675·5788 ~C Placentia 545·7983 Gardener incl S900 Rancho San Joaqwn con· iiL••mNI U acres. Lovely home HARBOR RIDGE 3 bd r m. 2 b a . 673-1173 do 2Br 2ba , den , wtth 4500 st + tennis Soannc cathedral ceil· water /gardener incl. IUDStrETS OIC 1!175/mo. 645·7107. w.i~i~l~~th~~ inas. beautiful ''lew. f195.Noeets 644-2778 2bdrm townhouse nr So lrv1De new 2 Br 2 ba. In Orance Co. Full price coontry kitchen. 3 BR. 1 Br . lba, full sec. pool. Ov1c Center Lrg mstr. backyard. pool. spa $&$0 SHS,000. Week ends Yrlylse.Sl900mo. sp1 , S465 Include s ~l!,~~'!.,~~116 gar SS7S 640-7631,760-1996 ~5000. ext 208. 831·1400 Barrett Rlty 642·5200 ps/wtr. Agent. no fee ,.... . ...,.,.... · 3 bdrm. 2 ba townhouse. ·~---2b---,-d-.-r-rn-1-fm- or644·9513. 957-0222 0.. PoW 322' f;:ls. tennis rourts. r~ ~iW (: 1!°y. NB letl lat.h 3 Br. 2 Ba new Jet! & 2 br. encl gar .. crpls. ....................... vers1ty Park. lr\'me. $925/mo. All 541 5032 11_.._ llOO pa111t. No pell $1 mo. drps. stove. No pets MNr Oct• Call714/S29·4169 aft 6 BLUFFS 3 BR 21, ba, II!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ __,,.. UJ J 1 H _. '525. 773 W Wilson Tri·leve[ lovely Area. ... T nh 3 b 2 '= ••••••••••••••••••••••• t><>U>na aa VffOll. ierrace "': Orne· r. fplc. uparaded. patio. LohforS. 2200 LohforS. 2200 RV Park on rh'er near 41>.AJ.A'>~~ 6.1l·4111111 4-5 bdra'i!. 2 ba. 2 CO\'-ba.endurut.formaldm . 1375 mo or tse opt ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ocean.~re on. S37SK .v"r.-2BR nr SC Plu Adult eredF_..!}~':rd2 S9c~ ~~. frplc , dble car .. pool & 760-8384675·5930 -lity 1 .......a~ Qwet •u• mo ''"'~ J spa No pets. $795 . ..... · · -6"'3-8491/ '"'"'"'" · ..,.,... 'TIS-0239 96UT72 759-6158 Beautiful 3 br. 3 ba home OCEAN FRONT Laguna 1' Gas incl. ~-l&26 ' overlooking lge green· * PRll ACREAfl LOTS * ........ ""' ...... t ,.., .......... .............. ,,.. .... I Sch. 4 units, $400.000 .. , L c:o... Mlly., C4ll WT SIDI DUPLEX: E11tr~ large 3 Utc~·IVE belt. SlOOO/mo t t t t Bnght lBr separate hse. Be~. 211xl8 hv rm, 2 b ft ~11 y, cru ax wn e· -ri l d hook ups full ba bltln kitch plush 2 story, 4 rm; 3 . a. 644~ a . 4:30pm ,S38-032l -C:O.MtM 1224 ~~1~· g~r~e wt'k t~ cps /dfps. some 'ocean dlnina ·ro~m l d!"!1~~ Newport Crest Condo 4 NEWPORT BCH .. CdM ••••••••••••••••••••••• shopping. ne'wly de· viewtltVI ~1490 (;~~belt Sl lOO ;ncls Br. ram. r'!'. dining rm . Spectacular view or llAao.t11:op corated. S495 mo . incl ~.....-L..L.V..._ 121 ......... service SS9-46S4 pool, tennis. St200/mo Ba Ibo a I 1 I a n d & yyw; &rltlr 642·9620 r -_.., .. ~ yr!y. 646-0686 Peninlula. s bath. 2frplc "'-LUCKY FIW . ••••••••••••••••••••••• B Ownr-luxury 2 Br 2 Ba -+ ~ + pool rm . ext Rent m Costa ·.-Jen's Outside tract home-HOMES FOR RENT :fetached Woodbridge ..,,~,,roolHllJ. rtmdl. lce home. Trade NEWEST cated 20 111Sldeapalace Cst mde· 3 & 4 Bdrms. S72S·l7SO. home . Short or tong Lii3Br2ba +den Spa. for income prop .. small Townhome VTLLAGE corated 3 Bd r. huge Fenced ya r ds & term. ms SS9-S981 Bfg enclosed yard right hollY or condo. Pvt pty COMMUNITY. 2 & 3 Br. bonus rm w/stone frplc, garages Kids & pets on Back Bay. Country 64M947 2•1 Ba. Ul00·1800sq. ft ot gardener incl See to welcome HS-2000 llMTALS setting SlOSO/mo in· -----pure lu11ury Garages. ~556-0347 _ .t.aent nofee. _ lbr, lba SOSO eludes gardening & pool ....... hydro-tu~ 1n master NEWVI EWCONDO .. • .. ~ ... JJ•O 2br.2ba $675 serv 752·219'1 ~;;;~::~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~1••••••••••••••••••••••• sui te. dining rooms. 2 BR 2, b ,~ -"' 2br.21iba S8SO 1._ _______ _ ,;;; ........ ,.,..tMd wood burning fireplaces. · , a. micro. gar •••••••••••••••••••• ••• 3br. 2ba $875 1• IKWPr•rtf 2000 ....................... m1rro.wa\•e ovens. ~ SJ3.4J00,6?S 1781 SBrBlksFto~a~. El1gO"t 2 Jbr,Zba $1400 llGCAHYOM ••••••••••••••••••••••• c~•·u·D~M.t.• .......... _, l l06 pnvate patios & yards Jbdnn, 2ba, 2 or gar. · anuy m en. Jbr.2ba S1500furn. ~GoffC l ..... .uy•"'SHS,t11:• I -•~ ~ -.,_., Gardener pro\•lded. frplc, washer/dryer. •Mo.Plu.sh crpU,21.Ai 4br,2ba Sl350 3 rm, 21~ B:~ool. .,.._ ""' -4vew .,.,.1npnmequ1et ........... •••••••••••• n 8111 Ba Cedar & glass sun SllOO Assume 9 ''2~ oan. R·l locatioo $5$5.000. per :1 Br2ba. furnished. Short Elegant living only IS new rrpt ... mo d "k dbl "a r ' pr~ 4br.2~ba Jacuui &Tennis. Newly ,.. II f • m1nut-from Fashion E v e s 1 w "' n d s '' · ' Le Raisor RJtv 833..%00 .._._ v t SI 200 Quality Tri·Plex our "" & owner w1 1n1nce term mo+ per mo "" oarage fully ma int ~ """· acan . mo S.C. Pina For saJe by wl2S""-down A111 675-4000 Island. 7 minutes lo SC <7l4l967·1372 -" N. · ACROSS FROM PARK. W~ M T 1or C Owner & priced below 171 .. 1671 .. 400 · Plaza or OC.A1rport OPIH~AT.1·4 ~~8th.o~~~~reat rm ma c u I ate Re.I.I~· "Y 64H:io romparables at $247.SOO. ,. ., Cod9 MtM J 124 Just east of Newport New Penlndge Cove 2 ------.--"Deerfield". 2 br. 2•-; OWC 2nd Save yourself IJIJI Ut.JIJI ••••••••••••••••••••••• Blvd & so of San Dlego br 2 ba condo Frplc tge l..euefopl 4 Br 3ba pool ba. F p , 2 car gar comm.lss1on . points & lliil Lwtunous. new 3 BR . 3 frwy Starting at S900 a de.ck over waterr'all home S 1200 J mo /0 p efrig wash 4 Br 2 Ba Nr bch, pool, high Interest Open Ba. furnished condo month. 63 1·5439. 2413 Pool. jac. 2 cu car fi44.7020UngoR.E. ~ Ava1{ 4115 .t ns · tennis. mo-mo '995 + nruRS. lhru SUN. 117 Clo6e to all shoppmii Orange Ave . Costa Nonsmkrs No pets 750 Beaut 4 Br Landmark · sec Newport Shores Jtnalter Lane.C M. Monthtomonlh.utilm Maa. --Wesleyan Ba y \bet. F/Or.farnrm,3car gar, PLUSH "W.000 · Avail S-1 962·1227 . S46-LS7Sotl·•l·SZ42 Y cl. lat & lut SI SOO Nice clean 2 Br. I Ba. Br!Jlol & Bear. nr SC $895. Diana , Agt BRIDGE" end unit, 2 .:!963-6682=='------ Tl••LU A01m1onol 548-49118 rnt'lsd aarage. yard. Pla~mo 751·8184 146-137l,640-4027eves 8R+den,2ba + 2car llGCAHYOMLSl ,.... ll;irborln\·~tmt>ntCo ............ 1 141 nrw paint & carpet .No House. horse OK. 2Br NEW CUSTOMlbdrm 2 lar w~OP .,facinf park -i ARMtLainCoodo. 1149,900 •••••••••••••••••••••••pets. SSSO+securit)' t&OOmo.20202 B1rch St l"t ba.2stysun-dk .de· pool .Avail.4~ S850 Sl07S permo.Ca11Gerry ~ dOWD. u~tj; loan. Lac. 8ch front condo, 3 2546 Orance. house B. Santa Ana Hilts. 551-11&31 s I c n er d rps • a II rm Agent ~-17 · 673:ne1 or760-lm no .second. CrpsLdrps. th iat• D.....+. br, 3 ba, pool. tennis. ~·2778. E Side 3Br. 2Ba. ram rm amenities . nr Lake Pk . ...,...._. l241 Newport Hgts 2 Br + den. ~r;o.patlo,boq.See .._. 2400 l21317C6-2221eves_ USTSIDJ w/frpl c. fncd yd . wlk to beach. sns mo ........................ lrg yard . garege . • loty.LY""',SantaAna ••••••••••••••••••••••• * WMlttt-2 Br ho\.tae with den. gardener. cpts. drps . Gardener +S25 ut il llK>dec. panoramic view. 1575/mo.640-7814 S. -'"'· IOll1GO SPllM&S OCEA.Jlrvn~w: ~ibdrrn garage, w/d hook· ups. l900 mo. lSl & last + ~t lncl'd. Avail now. 2 BR1 exclusive nbrhd. DLXHOMEltlNCOME ~llu&rregocondo: 2 Laa1.11a&ch ·~~+util' 329 University Dr. See SQ>.m Robinhood Ln 1.201 Alabama. 960-2686 bina.1750.497·5965 Harbor View Knoll 3br 211 yr old, 1·3Br. 5-2Br br. 2..., ba. compl. fum. ~ ..... 2006• _.., · manager at s. 548·0648 ~1737 an JP"!:__ _ ors.4S-7'9111 , ... 3 br w/atudio. bltlns. condo. spacious with I I I ome of .... , E ....,_ Ba f .... atorage +. Corn rn w annua nc By owner 492·'909 °' ves. Mes• Verde, IM7 New 3 """"' 2\'l · 2000 sq 1 refric .• pa nor a m le pool /tennis. $1100/mo S42,700.Sellerwl7UEca1drry wltdys ~. Me:,.rtlHdt l 16t Sft>lra~houle. e11tside Jersey· 3Br 2ba. new ~-"· aveil. now octanvlewbouse.Multi· oomo Free 6445598 Isl at 11~· 256 en •••••••••• .. •u•••••••• 2 ·er 1 Ba crpls drps dee Man)' eatra1. 1725. -.iimo. 720-052'7 lt'vel 6 aundttks. S9'75 · · · · Ave.,Clf.'19-5089Bkr. n..a..Ji.t.rY.. FIMIST116 staff. wuher/d,.Yer hk: 54HlllS,M2·5350lvmsa 3 Br 2 Ba+ den. frplc. mo. )'rly. 494-9333 or BIG CANYON CONDO. LIYllA61 o._,.... 2450 c·~oM YllW up fncd yard enclad covered patio gardener. t213):U6.f807 full coll course view. 3 ~~tnFg~s'tpfi~anze!r .... ~;;~,;;.:.• .. •• ~vfr:a:e£~~i!nt~~ ~=t~~ ~/~ n: 3 bd=.Sf.~room. ~'c:.~c=lt~~t Ltlplltllt 3250 ~~~-~e~ltr~11• tO'X-dawnorleu.Notes "" artnen,lp ID 2Br. furolabed. Lease . aecurity depo11t. dinln1 room. 2 baths, exta&Z •Ni•:.•:8••r•z••b•1·:.~;:·.;j\b HarborViewHomea38r --' trad OK A kine 2Ba w/water view 13~ ~· ,,.,, .. 18 ~ ....... or170.5829 Ortplace. Bit ins. 2 cer ~"'" "" 2ba f m ne I dee "'"' es · 1 ,....."mo.......... --' car. Patio. utru . 2 Bdrm Huntington Bay n ...... tace. dbl gar, a/c, • am, r · w Y · S295oaiJiisOOO. Oaed loan for 30 yrs. By aBdrm 281 q ua!':J.I t •• ~-r~... Coodo, wuher/drver In· r·~Uo. newly painted, lMll.250, 644-8117 . Rl-.. etta. owner960-106S w. I I .... 3191 ...._, ...... B'rentw . _l\. .. C ...... 'I d ~-. °"""'' 60• cht. wtr pd,. no pets. 850 I mo. no o as JM{ Monaco 2 brJ 2 ba. A.uoc. ~c;-t, ....................... vlt Santa Ana 6 Santa Fncd patfo & urport. Wpne,Act646..SS16 den. gardener. i.ovely 151.0424 ,.,.,..., 2500 * * • lnbtl Sta. 9800 mo. Va· SS25. acent. no fee 11_...__. l25J home in choice area. tll. fll.PLD ....................... ~·v~.8 ~open. ~8788 or HIWCOMDOS ~2IOOO i:=~ ......... @S.~82A8orM7--0S47 Hi1hfi-upgraTed tri * * * Costa M APRIL lflll'tl'REE HOME FOR RENT Clean. quiet 2 BR 2 Ba. Nwpt Bl':'fts. 3 br condo plu nur Beach and .1.-H.rrilOll You are the :.'i!ner or •2BR.den. FPl2bacon· Fteahland2bdrrn con· 4 Bdrm 1725. Fenced fam rm. dbl gar small on. cho1re 1reenbell. Adlma. 3 Br owner'• un· iflii2Si iiti llita four free tickets me 001 do\ nr Westc iff. M7S. do m In i um 11 w It h yard It 11r1ce. Kida It yard . S7 50 herb . BrighUi aharp. No peU. It+ two 2 bdrms. Fount.ainValley val•""tothe Av1now.D1vldMl-:m5 fireplaces. 1k1llcht1. mu wefcorne. 545-2000 831-1'729 t.eue.Su7S.'44·s.3111 -000 You are the winner of .... patios and 2 car i~'fnt noree -••'!t· · four free ticket.a (Sl8.00) ~w IA~ IAY caniaes. . ~Nlrfe.I CROWN ~~Uff K.! Profesalonals val· ... to• .. -• Br. 3 -. Townhouse · -..... Y GHLAN"""· Bdt k '' • •177 -u"" .. DJI lo 15•5 ' ._ s · + . .. nur per . rw ~ 19.t S..w CONVENTION by blbblinl brook, frplc. ltnlfOI ~ , .. ,i. 3241 2Br, 2BI. "50 mo. Avell 11259/mo, Alt 144.ottl 2 DELUXE 4-PLEXES . --AN.un:nc --CENTER April 11·25 d/W. pooli..~"Y xlrH. eo.t:'M':sv~· ....................... Ma)' 1. Clbhse. pool. Mode r II span I 1 h Alam loam. 1285K. tall CONVENTION To claim ticlela. c:all No pets. J113U/mo. leaae Water Oriented Condo ..._.700 JlOOO/mo. Tustin Ave ror E -Z terms CENTER Aprllt7 2S 842·5678, ut. 272. Lil.+ w. d-1. 11raae Ul•JtOt Lux 2Br 2ba. fr plc:, llS75 ... 2 BR.exec.bthrtc btwnClay 6CUlf.UR CM/llB/SA. Prin only. To clalm tkllets. tall Tlclleta muat be claimed Avail4-25146...a3 bltlnt, 2 car 11r. •ct rac. a•ted. vac. 493-1132, zt», i. fam rm, enc:l AIU•1* 842-5171, ut. 2'12 bfApr\123.1112. -~ .• Tenn.II. pool and •1.an 111t.1o.front6backyard. m.JNTINGTONBEACH Ticketam1&1tbec:lalmed • * * ~,:,. w1ter acc:eu. JJH Good lllkprs pref 1Uolt.$183,000aU2Br byApril23, 1982. LlllW•I UEEIS .fTa.4154 ......... . ..._.. btwn S·1 pm. tllltl35f.000, 1yre new • • • ~_.__ 3J44 •-• ................. !llownbhm4·5pm. V a..uooo lOy "'-" u.ew •lllH ,,.,... L<Mty 3bdrm, 2ba. spa. 9 11-. l not• o.t.t~ ....................... ••••••••••• .... •••••••• nke yrd. up1r1dtd. "7S NewportCrest•BrJ\IJ ba. ::d~.B~r.~°!0'1~H "•riy JHO 6-r'll JJ02 f€W EXECUTIVE LJVltG Woodbrtd1e condo 3Br1 lncl"*tJ10:2m. q\8etcourtyud1 clOH to .=.:==;.=;:;..;..=-.---.--..-1 ....................... •••••••••••• .. ••••••••• Pl•Va ... "-'-l'f•ba. UtJI rm. covo • --... )••t pool lad tant1. Sl050 ·-PAI.TM• ..,... .... '*'°·carport. Steps to ---• n .caum.sm w_.,_. hfo Ui Jr.8 COUMTl'l,5WAM llNT AL' '-'ii • Olympic: pe>ol. ••••r .................. 'to 5 Bedroom a Ba Un· for~ ownen. P · · I I T Tl Ytarlf.'iffify.lrinter. ~ .. ...u. •• z BR o...-i.-w/1.M 1-I ..-, J .... -Optr mo au for 1$ 8d Couetry charmer • duplft.642·5431, liL &i U •Bdnna ...,..._,. """"" "'' ~ ,,......., ..... "'7-c · Nill"-" JOGO ft' furalabed Ho mt . 8 UNITS NEAR THE VlneYaim, nnCht1 In 1 1 ••,.QIS. a••LTY adllt oritnted, w/~ ilclllll & 2 tlf elec. M!Ml· or751.fqt RVaccai. Newty :c!to~ $1200/Month. Atut. 8EAal Owner •ill help th• Pa• o R ob I • • """"" .,.. J*'· No ptU. When deer, SOlllt oct111 n. 1Wtlerock: air 3b1, ram td (~ rm. den, vacut. 1.m.=-•,..100=------ lW\tb finandn&.. A1kln1 arN ... ~s:.c!' Call 1 P I 0 P I I T Y. rom 178S. rm. Uv .nn. frmJ din.. Walk '° eclltoolt. SHIO. lfM1lot View U R + ~· n ooo.8krtil·07ot _"::':-11, .... , ua.as.. , 1 lll'Clftlftlkc:ape.AIC Lff 116.Ma .. tDl·UM .. rt dee. 2 BA. hn· _ --...., •• .....," ;.. -n:t.91111 •ccalatt. G,.r furn. J111tllartioauplubuei.' .,..,... · UWIZl ••ftltnltl..._ 1 TJlELAKES ~~+ram t.QU.~. •mo. ;:: :111:~~~~ -M12Jl:UIL aar,_. tJc>-topabape,nr u 7 ffn • ~•• •••o I 1·, 111ct amt 1 ~over nn. YJPI 11 .. , .,. i11011 It 11 witll a IOw'· ,._ la ion' C~ eeba. i pu't. Nice Ur ~ ..,. 911£~ -Ollll WIC' Quiet. VI· ...... '121'5 llo I 1r Hlrflw V• Ar, ... , 9P-~Oll Claultltd Id adlllpJOMDtet .. ay eoado..!..l!:_Coaat Plua. ll•llSflM._. --" • ~-!.!: .......... 1 lime. f!adu,~uer . ~--a(Jouneedl. NJ.~ u : ~1 _ __ -_ _ ! ._...,. _ ... ~ an.aiuo 111•1• ~l ~ _......._-__ -' I : ' I Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, April 10, 1982 -21 ...... ~ r.nilhd ~··••h&Ws.. :~ ............ .,.............. .,.............. .,............... .......Mohlt 4100 .......................................................................................................................................... •·•·····•······•······· ......•...........•.... Ml.,.,.leada U6t1c.e.w... 1714 .... , ...... lt07 C-.MMo . 1124 .......... 1124 l ..... •leada 1140 He portleada ll6t SIALAHMOTB. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ... •••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• YiiiY ~t.als now avail Panoramir view of CASA DIE ORO <kean front 3 Br. 2 Ba. QUIE'TADULTSover35. Spac.3br.2~batwnbse L&e2br 2~ba 2frplca FF HAVEN. 2 br. I SUI$' up. Color TV ocean/park. 3brl 2bia. ill.UtiU'flESPAID Years lease. $1350/mo. unlum.1&2Br.upper apt, din. rm, patio. N. famrm.Goodarea • ba. new r rpt , fresh Phooes lo room. 2274 den. immac. 2 rplrs. 114 /337 ·24 14 days. From $340. Be au t Coat• Mesa l600 mo. rm + !ec •clog.· Nice paint, frylc. eat-in kit Newport Blvd CM elec. gar. Asking Compare before you 6Ts.a&O(eves•wkods landsrawng. No pets. Wkdys atl.2,546·7214 are a . A 1 be rt a Noeeu.~.6'2-2134 ..:114M~:.:::~-=------~~·~~egot ). f::1t~r~~·t~::,1 ,de.:~i~ ZBR l~a. i,; block lo bay. ~rfeW~ ~t~f 2020 2 Br, 1 ba duplex Gar ( 7 14 I 8 4 6 • 13 7 I or Large 2 bdrm, 1 ba, 4210 YeceiMo. ....... 4250 • d l&SO incl utilities. Call · SmJ yd. SQ Plumer St (213)43().0794 Seashore S750 mo. Yrly ...................... . ~~~· JB~~!:~h~t ~T ~~~:de/a~rt\e·p~uu:h 752-5710 2bdrm 2ba townhouse. $475. Noeets. 5'&·2277 ir.w 3144 846-4419 OCEANFRONT 2 '4 Br landscaping No pell eor-.. Mw 1122 w/frpfc. We.stslde. s.9s 2 Br 1 Ba fttthly paint ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2bdrm 2ba ground noor Avail now. Weekly lhru =~io~.V. Palmer. l Br. furn . from $490 ••••••••••••••••••••••• CaU Debbie S40.0702. eel, 5'50 ,00, + S250 ser. Oranaetree lbdrm + loft . condo Frp le. pool , summer. 673·7873 . .=:.....:;;-..-..;..=..-----•?Br.rum. from$580 Small bachelor w/sep SPAC. 2 .BR. OPEN deposit.7S4-0986 tennis. pools. SS.O $650/mo Quiel area. Lac. Bcb frool condo. 3 Clean 2b~t den, patio ~W. Wiboo , W -1971 bdrm, walk to bl'b B'EOI rigs, bar. lots of 2 Br upper balrooy car 730-12SO . 542 7609 • 645-IS28. ___ br, 3 ba. pool, tenn1S =r·~btp to bch, Y~ .._. 3740 $37 5 1 mo Uta I pd wOod, M25. N~ta. 2256 D/W idl~ prt!f no'peu' 586-3300 EASTBLUFF townhouse C213)7~2228eves. not· diatur~fe~ints ........................ 1tiC).96Sf ~St. ·7359 0 '" $4.50mo.541-9084 · ...... leedl 1141 apt.3bdrm. 21,; ba. 2car Lee Bis Bear cabin. Pool (213>f81-7$17. ah' Ft ... tf,T Walk to beach. 2 br. frplc, • Wl<''de l&e 1 b 1 •·pl x ••••••••••••••••••••••• gar. adults. no pelll. $650 t.able, cok>r tv. 2 frplcs -11 ""' lge jiet'k, encl. prkg. 2 Br Iba. encl gu, dis· 'IJ/I • r "1 de · OCEANFRONT Apts. 2 per rm Slpa 14. S45-llll6 4 br, 21,; ba. 1 blk beach. F.atale . ving! lndry fac Sll50 mo May hwahr $430/mo. DW, dr;Jses. n ry • Br Studio $450 $82S . 644-1010 Vacant lmmac. cond. ~~~~,~~r~!·~:a~~d lit.~ · ~2075, S48-S163 carport, · 64S-8W Utiis incld. 536.0321 ~BEACH, 3S/Seashore F::::r:,:.r;r;::t.~~"~ •11111·•12081~ ~-Sunken gas bbq. Lovely 2 • 3 bdrm 3 bdrm. 2 ba. no pets . .,_,.... 1126 Blcbelor, small kitchen Redec. 3br/lba. 11r Br. Apt. Sleep& up lo•. S.Q a• 1276 sparkling founta ins duplexes. Avail. May llffr schools and OCC ........................ l bath. Quietb near $ 9 8 5 Y r . Balboa Penin sula •-.................... Sp a c i o us rooms . lit. So. of P.C.H. From Good freeway access. 3 br. 2Va ba apt twnh"· sbopa. bua & each. 67~3'70/213-682-:zrot 6Th-9!73atl 6PM. * * * Separate dloioc area. $610. Call Marria $t915+dep.540-2245 frplr, ocean vu. $750. Mature lady pref. No EASTBLUFF.Sparioua l Nwpt Bcb rum 2bdrm . .._......_. Walk-in c.lose t s. Redick,A&t,644·9060. 2Br. 11;1a Ba Condo E.j 6.17.-0'706,96l·Sl24 peU.$3001ncl.utll.Can bdrm. pool balrooy. l~bahouse.~blkfrom 'l'ISO-si"llirAve. 11104 hof!lt!llke kllrben • ~........_..._ 1124 Side. Xtras No pets , ... .., .... _...... ll4G bef11111..4'7·SM2. Xlnt View. Pleasant bch. Ample parkin£. ~ n-b cabinets Wallt to Huot· ~ -..,~ •120 °5481384 ..,.• __. St·""'-_,. , ... bt~k to •-a Sin•1e adults No A ·1 5/ ~115 b 00 uo:aC ,.,,. ce t uoooooouun••••••n• fll!ol·V•.ro ' . HeHunooeo•••••••••• uwu -+. ""• "" ""' . 6> VII 1-v or y W • You a winner or .... onBdrmoe,r. "<Ac l~2 M.lll. n-..L. s c Plaia2bd beach,orshopp1oc utils pets.$..'l60mo. Also wk or 9/4·9/ll. '--f U ........ " 00) 1 ·urn,_.., ........., nr · · WH...._ A.ti ~-.. ....,lOor 4t7'.3077 6'4-4167 F ·1· I C II ,._ ree .... n.o 1•16· Z Bdnn-unfum from SSM New y decor. Gu pd. 2 ba. pool, no pell. SS2S Uolum. f bclim lpt. All ~ ._.... ama •es 00 Y · 1 valuetothe encl ear. d /wuher, 111>.A&Ull-1476 ut1I PCl All amenities. Mi, ,.,..._.. ll6t S.Clsm• lt7'1-=-1"7.:..::5$«X'i8=-=""-'·-----A~w NoPet.s. pool, bbq. Adults. no 2 br with garace unfurn M&4hl. .. ...... ••••••••••••••• ••••••u••••••••••••••• Ocean front Newport CONVENTlON Utilities Free! pets.8'2·5073. •lain. 1315 mo. Rers: Deluxe poolside xtra , .. MfWPOIT Studio a~. ocean view, Balboa Penio wkly ren· CENTER April l7-25 MBOC~•MCYll required. Js.2 Victoria. larlt Zbr z ba bltAs ,_. ft uW incJ d. 1375 mo 332 taJ ltlrtio1 Apr. l tbru 1:2~W~.0!~~~·2W~ :.;~~~=:~7~~~ ~~:t'f8:e1,1!:: 1':'~~de.1mbutcozy =.:~~J:,~: APAITllEllTS ~~~~it'cinte =~~m-kiz•, lBr. nctets m111t be claimed F.dinger laimury room. No pets. wl\ota ol natural wood. SJl.GZ. Old Spanish upstairs to Sllwe 000 byApri.IZS, 1112. 147•5441 Nolaatmo. rent. .851·91522 3·5:30. THE WHIFFLETREE COUMTIY CLUI stl.ldio, ocean view. 4 ...................... . * * * TSLMGMT 6'2·1803 New 2Br. 2Ba. no pets. 1·2-3 Bdrm. Apt.s. Gym. UVIMG IM ~IS~ach. 1260 mo. r-oa..... 3290 ... portleada l76t Roomy 3 Br. Townhouse $4115 mo. Nr. West 19th Soa.Sauna. pool. tennis. ROOMM ·TE -••n••••••••••••• .. •••• ~In quiet adult com-St. i)icl 1arir1e. 646-4644 etc. l46--0819. MEWPOIT ..._ 4000 A ••••••••••••••••••··~·· Want aomethioe xtra . Newlv decorated. or541-4'711 u.·-tin· "'on Creek Apt. 1•"'CH •••••0 ••0 •••••••••••• Fflli...IDERS 3 tr, 2 ba, lie/id, quiet ~ca· at lo 1 .. Br ' •· """ •• liA Room ln famllv .. ome "" I d " ,_lace, enrlsd patio• E'·' ...... 2Br i•~ba. a /c. has ............ 1•·2 Br. Frpks, ' " · "'...._. lar cu · e-uc. te_ps to complete!" ·~.-c....... ......, ~ """"''"'"' • C M IZOO/mo util11·ncl .,.._. • cest aceocy. DI.rt teon.ia School 3 i. 1 ear~ ""''' no pets I .. d •· I enclsd 1araces TV A lux11"' community on · · · · •""U-•·screened with bib.' Avail. "4122 . .00. (uni!•.•0· 7&0-tU1. $515 Md. 64S-S381 or oc.e l'r "' :sat 0 ~ty .... J613. SAM · the Bick Bay. Spec· 631-8353 ~·~ereoces. Call91.95t 547-444'. 17S-51M9. 1!52:1/llll. gt. 6'5· 13 SPM only. lacular Spa! 7 awim· Briehl. sunny room. Credits: Coamopolitan w , , ••• 2 BR 1~ Ba. patio, newly ARUNGTON APTS. mln&poola.S ighted ten· Christian fem .. 28·40. Good Morning America, '"' • , • l2tl ~led, no pets. $480. c... • ..i-•• ' quiet 2 Br. nil cowu. bike trails. 67S·M51 $250+ util TheTo1111rrowShow . ........... •••••••••••• 'f'V&slrll!lll. -Ba-~ .. T h putt In I Ire en Cdll. • .... off• to all new HOllEFORRENT • b r 11 1...., · .-... wn se. Bachelors. 1 and 2 -==------"' aBdrm. $&7S. Fenced F_...LYAnS. SoCltPlua. lBr 1 aln. u1 Adult.aooly. No peta Nr .._. ___ apartment•. Cdll rm to prof. mature, clientawhonttd1plac.-e. Yard~araee.Kidsa' Beautiful 1atden apll. a«.~.spa.$465 ,rs the~b.-..56. .~net"" to"wn"' .. ousea from quiet M/F. ref's. Don·r-~~~~~M~l-~l~l~t;t Plliol/dttks Keatgald. ps/w . A1eot. DO ff. n smkr 640-7845 oetl1 come. S45-2000. N 2 ... 1 915'7-0222 3Br t....,Ba c.-oodo. lm& SS«>toSlOOOper month · · ~.oofee 0 peti . Cnl ren C1aremonL $S50 tat• OnJamboreeAt Smfumnnw/balhroom PEACEFUL2 Br. 2 Ba .• c ;t • 1 ~-BA. ssu 2~m:~: t:c,:;on:, laat +ate. 51M-4163 SanJo.quin HUis Road Pfiv. or So. Cat Pina, a + v, utill. Female ..... hhd 1425 2BR.2BA. $535 11148VlolaPl.,C.ll. ~a.a.it.. 714144.1900 ~;:.pref. 556·1137 aft prefen"ed.13l~aft6. ·-••••••••••••••••••• --•W Wltsoo 631·5583 ..._ l milidi. lrplc:encfiar. NO FEE! Apt. • Condo . FemtoabtN""'t Bcb con· ...... atudlo&. one . l.4e3br,2oa. c~ d~. dlahw11her. blt·ins. reatals. Villa Rentall. Room W/VleW ln bea~t. do, fully rum. unfurn sbdrmtAfJ'tlaUfr:c S9'7S lfldMobedrOOmlOlft· Willi*....... carport. Nr C. o am:>ke alarm. 2 patl.ot.. l7s. B r. N.8. bome, prof. F. kit. bdrm, non·amkr, 1240 + ~ ' • menta. FURNllHED 2 Br .• -ea~ larle IUD· pd.I. pso. m..-c water pd.@00.193·04l5. UDO VIEW priv~ avail. S250 + ~ lllil. DoD 631--0815 mo. .,.. UNFUftNllHED. dect.~ace. Adult., no •b . or S.C. Plaza. S.A. ~~ 790-aU Neat new adult condo nr pets.~. 752-2550. Cariiort. pool, s~a. S675 3Br'rwnhff lVaBa. part-2 Br. 2 Ba. 2 Pillo Ad.ulls · •OMTHI SANDI! SC .Plaza. Ser gales, o.llWOO(f altO ott.,a .. _ •cE Pool p It 2 ln1. pool $600 mo. . 1006rl'5-639 HaWI. Mehlt 4100 l+l+l. l>ilme Nefiport ~l. Tract 11 small. ·M~,... P1R~a..n • pvt et o . TS2· 82 or m-59 •• .. •••••••••oo•••••••• lot S400 JI &45-7S5'1 I Ilk •1t1 ., pe~idtdia.bwasber. "1·1490. . Obt.bebeach-Hotelrms, .. m eod_;Y1 resorl· e. XLG2 Br.1mlen qta. 2bt 2ba SC Pl 2 tr tri·plex, patio. re· Ill JH£ IAJ 111tcben •bath. S300 mo. Shr t8r bH. E. Bluff&. lBR. Qllllllf, air, falio. Oooie IOW on EuUlde $50 ... ·=--1nr · · 111• furbilbed.llblkslobch. w1 I .... .__ M<A Secluded end uni . No • t1 ..., In -· S.A root. spa. $550. No ._.1 .... •MA + l300 dtpollt. nos W. ...-. I IU\C""'"• ......, mo. pets.,;.J'95 + 135 ulil. "'8cltllOlit $$7,-1. eet!.m-Dorl41·14t0. rwoc1111·-Lmunoua z bedroom. 1 Oceanfront. Newport + 1• util. 720·1328. 11$.~ Wesuide 2 B~. l Ba, CLEAN,SHARP 2 br. 1~ ba, 1175 + Sl'IS bath tpartmeot located Buch.~154 1.•=1·1:::19=------ And Muctt More• D/W, pvt patio. avail 1 br, lloYe • mria. $335. dep. Gu pd. Nr Beacb di.Netty acrou from t.be ... lw• ~llll•d 2:f c!'?or.°~fe~~::: For a monltl. Ofl-'ife-now. MOmo. l40-0!!!J M-111'7 BIYd 6 MacFaddt11 Av. Reuben E . Lee . •UllfwiJaha• JftO l I R d Wiie Modell~~. No-..... Overloob Newpgrt Bay. • • •••••• •• •• •••• eso mo · an Y 91o!IP8otn NO~ IAHIAMAI Ans Mesa Verde 2 br. z ba. SllOO/montb. For ap--·•••• .... •• -.... , ... •••• tarmao1....710-5244 ' L=-r 1 Br .. cal'}>Ort, (rpl~. iar .. tndry rm. Polfttment ple11e call . t? hc9etttt JU~ or COi· fl laundry. No pets. ~mo. 64$-3144 ~lOT»M'fl ll·Fl.·S enn e un po f • led <213>27s-7 Olllwood ~1 w. Lttb. St. lllO. i BR 1 Ba, ear. Isn't that the horse that won 2 BR 2 Ba Irvine. fplr, a.din Apertrwa dwnatain. child OK. lit Bacbelor unit\ ~ bill T c . '72? ~~~ltpets. ~lwlVNo. ............. c .. tl@l.541·5"U1;14t-m5 .---...... trunocean,yry,avall. n. riple rown '" ~ -._, Tiit: liUii'lt rear paOo F.altalde BR d • ;;"i'k.l'oom now. fresh! painted. ~f'Y'\~ EMM!vnondo.ocean.\ 9:~~';8 rt,lc. d/W, pool fr spa'. lttad>~~~~ • 112111 ,..IO~ aew .115-1229 u .. .I ·· bay view fpl c. (114).._1104 Nopets.ff!0.549·1647. IQ.ft.~ •8etdln~ 2 Br condo, upper, lfyou'iellO!ut•for~)i~ Clldledral clp, l'lc. l+ snJNNING lar1e 1 Br. 5t:ac'lllllo~2 Br 1~ Ba • ..... ~,-·, Wttttllff/Dover area, --.don't f..ibod -ytN',.notabit. den, • per mo. Oya ~ lwf\llo. &ar'den apt. pool 6 rec. -beam cell· --· -dull pool, la~~.~alk I(~ il one of 14 ~~ •85i evt, 17M891 (~ 1:" ,J\ area. 1425/mo. 710 W. • blt-ifti. 1ara1e, pvt • "911IMdtI5-to . cfff..,, ~ ftoc1pb1u11 Seo..wd Vh,t .. ...... ......... l'tU\ IOftQ .. St. • o= " drape!. 1 u. .., partlaa· llepl Si w.....:........ Beach. Seo.wd \IL-. it 0 '"" ....................... ""' 2 Br ..... ba ·-... _... ...... ..... ~..... 1 7.. • -··VV"· .__,,. ......._...._. 1716 .,,, ..,..n ...... se. ._. to-1r1y. 11mo. ohitolyp1rtOia.dpo:f .. ic111cl~ . -Gar. j)ltk>, tml yrd, no Z8r w!' . '420. Cptt, l'lO:M4 or 711"'41 n. ad of Gflel'lliclll'yow datlr4. -Vir;·;~·; •· ~.14S-4111 fbcd wtr pd me Mhh • 2bdrm of 8:i l Bl w/lbower. ao =?. ... !!'!: ..... ??!.~VACANT ! l .1lde trl· "A" aeenUa. a'M110 a~'tf..-.u.;wu... c.'Glldo w/alJ' f!:DJ:!!: ~~fuittl~~~~q.;. pea.• mo. yrlY. m 2 bdrm 1~ ba bUc to pla.11,~t.lletzbr,lodry, 1.spn. 2 u.r ~ wasller/ I.Lit tom1le1. GltH . parG.codldbynallldO<*lllbwa.Addto E. Ja1froat. Little beldttas · Uo, • ltaW no pets. INSTANT.. 4Mrti0c*·11P'. llSO mo. llDIPn: (114)f40:tl00, • lhlri.rrisCOllfl.~pook.ojaa.aiCllltd Balboflsl!Dd.m..at f7',7ZZ5 ZS. Ht oodlud. Quiet, pvt , Udrm ~ t•b.f'm·f!'~":· ocor-.. •iei•localion~~Ol'ld .._, t #1 J717 s...MI J7lt 111We2BR1 81 att cb ~!M.axtta.GarifD~ .Jbd.2~J~.a,blt.ID!,eiic. Pi' •Mf.*7 ae . ••P¥••~,au· ..... ~opbc.~WClllAd, _ .................... _ ................. .., pvt patio.' ad!1t1 ~so. 111· SH, I{.·_..,. faeU. llOO. •· piouity._hcme ~~I IWrm, lttpt to !Hdl Praf~ 1 bdrm ~ OO DeU -+ --Nra..JbDkal,ht)'.t 0...ondt.o~OlllGl'ldf.'-Obofl = · JUtl)'. C.l IU' 10 01t P\ua. AJl -.•mL· W_..Mh lr,1'41-.6t.rmlh1:i _MM. -•IU• Yearl1la•.LllltcaDdo.2 lllltl br'a ..!..~C"fl:YA lpltdMTii411 bdrm =1•· •· •c+c»•••••m•16.00 BAY FRONTAGE. •••ll!l!lfftl ·~·-.abelcoei•,f'lllc: ~.Ntio • .tf.t; ••ou bU\t lake . -Ill 'Magi. '*<ti..-, prt1. lbr, '*">. wltetludleape • *'-ll'9lt aUJ ,,... .,._, Pool, j1c aad WllTCL. ... StOOO:fw1 •· IOI E~ 2 car aar. w. opeaer: ffll_...,' ·1 rte Aru. No peta . ....-.fWIMa",frplt. ~·1"'1•· mt1mo.MHOM 1&1.1penoe ~ NW1 • C..Mlee J714 -·--• .. ••••••• •llr w SC Plue. I A 1111,t;::a: y'fl 2 If ~ ""'11"1 Qt. Wr 1 'fmodeaa 1\tpl to __ ............... P t 11t1 1117 o.ar. ~·.· 1pa •. t15o: • ... ~ c Wtr •,~· ao '~!· -.:.. ,.·. 1•,attJ :1a ~,..i......,.i.,,,l.ocf\.<A ,.. 1 If. dpla. Quiet. -.................. Cblld oil. '70·5122 or, ·-bl.ICIOQ ~ -· bull. (JlJ) m -111, , p14Jm.Sl9' s... by w . 1 empt.yd NllHIBRJ_DA.yeulY. , . 'Id ha, dbl 11r, v1-~!I-•r.itt.ScllrL-~Otw.• llodl ._ ._ JS. No peta. ft-pk, bll.uu, pr, par•· betllall lbr I COIL Ht Nlllt 6 ~. 2 ._. l be, er •ada • l • _. Vnul... -.. :......u...... r~ .. •. M-1111 . ~~=.::Ju!. ~DO;:,;~:!: ........ CaUDlua, 811.;, nd. Jlr. N~ ..... -•·Ci'! m.11~~-... 0ll-..ilO--~~ to Rllt -·---elec ruu. uso . lit Cll·UM. ••1 10 __ eu ... •11. ~aLJ.-.am. 1 ...,.~·O,.dalrlOAM,.cW. Q'lllllltMIJgitwcU, I Qw!tl!dMIM:S111 Mqtlicm. ~~/!b!lt. ~~ 7 r,, t,.liq' ()r fl •QI\ ~ .b \\'l ., e. TO J1'1 v 111.0 •• It ,,, ff1Ulfi4)1011Ue onlt.lhHvtJ/l ,,A \Dloh· ·) lo'\:tri 1•1111,.,. I .. , ',, t() 22 -Orange County Real Estate/An Advenlltng SOpplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, April 10, 1982 Rmn:U needed M/F sbr fw OSO ~A.2br~S1~~. a~~:e ·····~················· s.46-32Morm.5168 • s1n1le gar. safe & secure. 731 W. 18th St., M/F to sbr 3Br. 2Ba bse C.M.m -7787. nr. OCC. lg yd. S240 + Storaae aarage, Corona uW. Sll-6522 del Mar. $.SSfmo . Fem. quiet oonsmkr. 2 873-2787 eves br. 2 ba apt, pool, C.M. •.-&..a $275 + utils. SS7-5S28 -4400 luuw.W./A_. Orang~ ~~rme of· fi~/storaae space C/P. 12,500 & 2780 aq. rt. bldp. Fountain Valley School District, P.O. &xMlO, F.V. 92108. Ma. Wieland: (714 )842-'651. a. old rof F It ••••••••••••• • • • • • • • • • • Near San Diego fwy & yr C : see 5 1117 Westcliff, N.B. Want Harbor 4 offices suite & same lo s r nice.ly furn. financial inst. 7000s.f. front office & recepl. !miiiiillllli-.m•-•111 2 br. 1 ba apt 10 C.M. lJt. lloor. Aienl 541·5032. are a , 2 bat b s Ir --------1 Must be neat Ir resp . ..=..:..::::::::.:..:..=-::==-=-== $200/mo + ut ils . •Dll.UXIOfflClS• kitchenette. air, & furn. 646-2557 From l room up lo 3000 avail. -.W mo. 549-2928 $2Q) mo. Incl. util. Nice IQ. ft. From $1.16 a sq. C.M. 2 offices. 345 rt . area. 2 bdrms avail im· fl. No lease required. bath,st.or1aeavail. $250. med. UMO El Camino, Acij. Airport.er Inn. 2172 541-3:M$/4N-31103 •STOLC&ml TYIO ~sq':lt.5!iu in I delirable location. Con· tact Ed DeAvila at 17. apt C .. C.M. See 7 am to Dupont· Ca 11 AM · :mt-B Harbor Blvd. in 2pmor8pmtollpm. &33-3223. ffaOJor·Baker Ctr. CM. Resp. adult roommate 8 •YfRO.._.T Across from FEDCO. , ---' ...... lo sbr my condo A " 580 sq.ft., vacant, of· ·~ • Prime office. 673-1003. feted at $475. See today. 1 N.B. MSG/mo. ~-9391 Ne'@Ort Ctt1t M/P prof ca.ta Mesa. 250 sq ft. A&l.549-1* z..40 nan smkr sbr con· suite. Sl15/mo. Utils in· * * * do 2 aty 2Br'. 21/JBa . cld. 779 W. 19th. St. ..,., .. ,Pert -' .t pra&e. wsbr/dryr. pool. ~l.SZ.S. 2!18Newport Blvd. 16 Ja~. tmnls. S32S util ~ & 572 sq. rt. SUMI per Costa M incl.~77211 sq. ft .. 3975 Birch .. N.B. You att ~e !~~ner or > t Ulfl...., 4500 Shr 3Br. 2Ba bme. 1 or 2 eot 541·5032. four rree tickets ($16.001 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ ladies St60 & I-it valuet.othe N.B., 3975 Birch. 8860 sq. ~lo.t Sito ft. or less MIA zone, SO' .!til .M. 642@ . _ -·AHAJr"ElM' w per sq ft. Ag en l Fem roommate to shr execuplan· CONVENTION ~M:.:..l·S032=.'---- Condo 3Br, 2Ba, Wood· ' CENTER April 17·25 4 OH c.. Ft bridge, Irv. S275 mo. "AM.wColtc..t" To claim tickets. call ' ~ ~I F\ill aervicetcusCom AN Wlr Ilda offke&deskspace. 642 ·5678• ext. 272 · O'f."~-OYERRD~A Large Npt Bch hse. Ex· Nr O.C. Ai''"""rt Tickets must be clailll(!d 716 rt orrices. 3 ba. tras Profmaleunder3S. •rv b A ·123 !""" Senu·Priv6316313 "SeetoAppreciate!" Y pn · """' shower, wetbar 2700 sq 759-8978 * * * ft rtnced yard. For more M2l·35toshrquietpool/ -------•lt:xtt. orrice. lllnt NB into phone 557-1300 da JM: home. SC Plaza. non· •~ .,..,< 1ro-0378ev smkr. S200 to S250 ......... copter ......... 641•3523, 494.2742 KOU C&fTU 966-1779/640·6215 1.<n> sq. ft . warehouse, BeaOt ~eaofronl dp1", on the beach. N B. 2 br. 2 ba. pvt qtrs SSOO/sgl. 900012 people 675-9166, 540-3810 F' 25-35, nonsmkr. shr 2 br. l'~ ba twnhse:CdM. ocean vu, frplc. patio, $?.SO + utils. 760-6980 MALETOSHARE NWPT BEACH CO NDO ~ Prof r 24-30 to sbr .,, 12 same, 2 sty~ 3 br. 3 ba nr beach. H.B No pets. S267 + utils. tst & Ian ~2910evs MIWPOIT toP lor S295tmo. Elegant Exec swtes tn Two t'hlt' law oHicu, 675.QSJ prestigious loc lnrl IOxl? & 12x15. SS75 pr secret arial , recep rro mfullserv1cesu1te. hoc)t 4550 lJCnist telephone ans & ~ean vu, secretarial ••••••••••••••••••••••• rmre 'orcs from $436 st.altons$'91lprmo Call STORAGE SPACE. rm. On·call ores S165 of f Ice ma nag er · Costa Mesa 24 X 13 mo T H E H EA 0 . 714 644·7600 _ enclosed Elec. hook·up. QUARTERS CO M· 2 o(fices. reteptton rm. 646-7660 PA.NIES A professional storage rm. 725 sq ft ......,. Wanhd 4600 environment 1714 1 Forced air heat. $275 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~1-0681 333 E .. 17th St. CM Live-in. Gourmet Cook, Newport Buch near 64S-24SO, 675·0707 Clllldc1re, College Grad Hoag Hosp 1000 sq ft . Airport area, plush exec f o r s u m m e r set'Olld Ooor offices, am· swles, $275+. Typing, lm-S4J.16&4. Debra. pie parking, well main· ans serv avail 957·9331 -~bldg. Vicky days uDELUX E-;;-___ rv-.._co __ _ 1 /~. Office space avail. Im l..N (fJ ..f)I Nwpt Bch. clean. run Answering le mat I 110 ft 1157-1204 IUSMSS ADDRESS med 750 sq ft Irvine loc. ~, ~<,;c M/F over 3S shr 2 br. 2 · r ba apt, beaut. loc Pool. ~~c~dj.cOC ~f~~e COSTA MESA (: jac, tennis, view, extras SlOO/mo 7141851-1342 I Mo. Frff I..+ $345 111cl utils + SlOO la S.. UMt1 sec. 548-0108 450 $q, fl. furn ofrlce Rents from $200 mo I. 2 Fem roommate to shr hse m Woodbridge. own rm & ba. S2SO + 1, util. 5.52·97lM eves 851-1494 dn.Ben __ F'em to share duplex thru June 15 Sl75 uttl me Balboa, 675·174!.._ _ Share Newport Beach apt. M F 2 bdrm, 2 ba. Incl parking aWJ: util. M/F. ~ dep O ren· ta! Pref ag 3S to SS 6:11·2000_ --- space. $300/mo 641 0763 & 3 room offices. -Realonom1cs 675-6700 Oesi&n to suite executive -------offices with secretanal Awrox. 450 sq rt 7..oned service pooslble hvmg C·2. $170 mo 130 E 17th area. Good local.ion m Sl, Suite 0, C.M. Key at Cannery Village Broker Suite E. 642-3055 615-4912 ......... lttttaf 4450 Laguna Nlguel·Beauhful ••••••••••••••••• •••••• offices Receptionist. 2 offices. ear , bath Sec>', mess en 1 er Mann1r1 Mile area, NB service. Law & Tax .SECURE ! 646·7641 Lib1ry1 Xero11 , phone answenng. From S3SO. Call 831-5333 328" MeWDOf't ll•cl Sl200 sq n. lwlable ?or offices or comml/retall. Prof MIFJO + toshr lo\'· Prime Office Spice. SIOOO/mo 644-4614 or ely, qwet, pvt Eastbluff Corona del Mar. 1070 sq. ~7""'20-'--'1:::::'65:::::..... ___ -p· ~View. Avail. 5/1 rt. suite . S850/mo Pl In Cl l,:ed-""" 675-9510 ac g your ass 11 mo. 64().4.....,_ __ --------ad Is so simple . JUll Prof. MtF to shr 2 br on 6 rm ore. 972 s/f, nr give 111 a c1ll on the N.B. Pen. $300/mo, Isl & Newport/17th St, Costa phone and we'U help you Jut req 'd Kris 675· 1217 Meu All u t I I pd word your 1d for fast rt .. ~ .7111 _ mo.64MSM aulta,M2,S678 Classfjled sa lespeople know how to say IL right-call us todayfor ass ts Cance In prepar· Ing your ad. l Reach over 86,000 of the Orange Coast's most affluent adults .. Call 642-5678 to see how little it takes to reach so many. Daily Pilat Newport Beach • Costa Mesa Irvine • Huntington Beach Fountain Valley • Laguna Beach For additional olauified 1dv1rti1i111, P-11111 HI S1ation 8. Orange County ReaJ Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, April 10, 1982 -23 ADVERTISEMENT Exclusive Sea Island community a standout When the term "c~c" is used, many things come to mind. Perhaps, it's a finely cut jewel, a vintage wine, an antique car or a priceless work of art. Or, in the case of Sea Island, this term could refer to a unique com- munity. This planned community of 132 is located on Jamboree Road in New- port Beach. adjacent to the fairways of the Irvine Coast Country Club and across the street from the famed Newporter Inn and J ohn Wayne Tennis Club. Sea Island is not for everyone, and developer Robert B. McLain is the first to admit it. Exclusively for af. fluent buyers, Sea Island is designed to meet the needs of thoee who~ accustomed to perfection and are willing to pay more to purchase the very finest. Just the mention of McLain De- velopment Company adviaes the ex- perienced buyer that this community is one of extraordinary design and beauty. McLain has been associated with many other prestigious residential accomplishments. Big Canyon Townhomes and Big Canyon East apartments were both Gold Nugget Award-winning projects, as wer e Silver Sands Racquet Club in Palm Desert and Woodbridge Arborlake in Irvine. But, one visit to the firm's most recent offering, Sea Island, is en - ough to illustrate that this may well be McLain's fla~hip. "Sea Island is by far the most luxurious community we have developed," said McL ain. "The community has as many elaborate features as any I have ever seen. and you don't really see this kind of quality anywhere." Established upon a dramatic bluff, within blocks of Newport Center, Sea Island affords panoramic views of the fairways and upper Newport Bay, the cosmopolitan silhouette of Newport Center , or the Pacific Ocean. Beyond the 24-hour guard gate is a world of elegance, security, rec- reation and elaborate landscaping that goes beyond the ordinary. Sea Island is set amid a semi- tropical setting complete with eme- rald lagoons, waterfalls, exotic flora and meticulously-landscaped green- belts. Community features include two night-lighted tennis courts, a swim- ming pool with deck, hot swirl pool, and a furnished clubhouse. Profes- sional maintenance is ~rovided through the homeowner s associa- tion, for a monthly fee, and complete details can be obtained th.rough the sales office. Seven floor plans, sited on terra- ced lots, are presented in designs ranging from 2,111 to 3,003 square feet. The one and two-story resi- dences are cWTently being offered from $365,000 to $795,000. Recent reductions in interest rates, and subcontractor contract renegotiations resulted in a recent price cut of $55,000 to $210,000. "We felt we could offer the homes at this price reduction," said McLain, "Our decision has brought in many new buyers." The homes feature two bedrooms, with two or two-and-one-half bat.ha; two bedrooms, plus den with two- and,.one-half baths; two bedrooms plus libn.ry with three-and-one-half baths.; and three bedrooms, with den or library and four baths. M cLain spared no expense in outfitting the h omes with every LUXURY -Sea Island homes arejocated in a lelll.l-tropical eetting in Newport Beach with exotic flora and meticulously-land.caped green- belts. Panoramic views are al8o featured. need. These extra features are what McLain feels put the "frosting on the cake" a nd make his condomi- niums characteristic of the affluent in Newport Beach lifestyle. The condominium homes feature sunken living rooms with custom fireplaces, or fireplace conversation com ers in the den or library. Some homes include a second fireplace in the master bedrpom. Additional touches of McLain's unique brand of luxury are provided in the condominiums' vaulted and coffered ceilings, skylights, cleres- tory windows, handsome staircases with oak railings and wooden po&ts, and an abundance of sliding glass doors opening to private lanais and decks. Multi-paned greenhouse and bay windows, spacious fonnal living and dining rooms, and wet ban which feature detailed count.er tops of im- ported Italian granite, wine racks, and built-in icemakers continue Sea Island's theme of affluent elegance. However, amid all of this luxury, the master bedroom suites stand out as the crowning design achievement of the architects, Corbin-Yamafuji & . Partners. . . Some homes feature special "His" and "Her" master baths. Accents include imported Italian marble ap- pointments, gold-plate d fixtures, and steeping tubs with whirlpool jets. The gounnet kitchens are a cook's delight complete with every concei- vable appliance and amenity. Mi- crowave ovens, self-cleaning ovens with designer hoods in copper or wood, disposal.a, NuTone food pro- cessors, cook tops with barbeques, and trash compactors are among the price-included features. Air conditioning, central vacuum systems, perimeter security systems and luxurious carpeting throughout are other features contained in all Sea Island homes. The 28-acre CQmmunity is security sensitive. A six to 10-foot wall, with a 24-hour guarded main gate, a TV- moni tored owners' entrance, and two-way electronic communication with each home are element,l that ensure the privacy and security of residents. "Security is a big selling point," said McLain. "Many of Sea Island's buyers are coming from the West- wood and Bel Air area where crime has forced them to look elsewhere for peace of mind," McLain added. Local demand for homes within the site created such interest during the five years o:a&~ that were invested in Sea d , that McLain's pre-opening "prospect list" totaled over 2,500 potential buyers. Pre- sently 25,percent of the homes built in the first phase are sold. "The spectacular architecture, custom appointments, lush semi- tropical landscaping, security, and the historic appreciation of Newport Beach property make these homes, incomparable values," said McLain, "And now, with these price re- ducti<ffi's, Sea Island qualifies as possibly the best buy in the Newport Beach area. These new homes re- present an island of security in a cha nging world, at prices that can never be duplicated ," concluded McLain. Elegantly furnished model homes, by Saddleback Interiors, are open daily from 10 a.m. until dusk at 11 Sea Cove Lane. The Sea Island community is located on Jamboree Road, just n orth of Pacific Coast Highway, in Newport Beach, # ENTRY -Lu.ah foJia&e and elepnt stylinc are pert ol the 28-llCl'e Sea bland communltya appeal. The development UC> featun!ll Q.IStom ap- pomtmenta, leC.'W'lty, and the hJ8toric appreciation of Newport Beech property. . .... ~ I I - • IMUll Tllll &.--Super sharp one year new condo. High a99umable loan. 2 huge bdrms each with Its own master bath. Larg& family area, brick fireplace, 2 car attached ga· rage. Only ~124,950. Call 548-2313 ftlW -Spectacular ocean and city lights view. Most affordable area In Laguna Beach. Spa· clous 3 Bdrm home with excellent financing. I Priced to sell now at $239,000. 648-7171 Slll PAYS AU -Decorators dream; rich In de- tal 11 Custom pine panelling, tastefully done , throughout! Fabulous single story! $7,550 down to existing loans 14.5% effective ratel Hurry, only $62,950. 963-6767 011.nm llLF 111111 .. -Walla of glass overtook 12th & 13th fairway In this home, where no expense was spared. Upgraded from top to bottom and priced at only $!30,000. See today! 847·6010 U.. ..U + Piil -A spectacular rustic 3 Bdrm 2 bath home, wood cabinet kitchen, family room with brick flreplace. 18x36 family pool, built-In gas barbeque, beautiful patio. Only $128,500 call now, 546-2313 WAlURllT lllJAL, 1111 MlaY -Outstand- ing view of Newport Beach, boats and bayl Cozy brick fireplace. Country kitchen. Available Aprll 15th. Call 673-8550 WITlllUIT IWlll -Balboa Island, Eut bay front of little lstand. Keep u a beautiful duplex or convert to huge single family home. Both units have 3 Bdrms, 2 bath, large llvlng area, fireplaces. Spacious kitchens. At the financing to your needs. -.. on the water" -only $995,000. 548-2313 UAll ..., 111 ..,. -Fantutlc term• by motivated N-:= Beach owner! Choice end untt locatlon. H upgraded. Oak panellng & wood 1hutter1. 3 large Bdrms. Asking. 1242,700. Hurry, call 873-8550 ..;.rt ..... ...... 10, 1982 . LIH llU -Lowest priced at only $319,500. This charming home won't last long. Located near clubhouse and tennis court In the midst of a galaxy of brllllant homes. Excellent financing. 646-7171 ~ .. 10111111 n.u -Plus pool, $135,000. EJ- egant 3 Bdrm penthouse. Gorgeous view. Ca- thedral celllngsl Master suite, private balcony, crackling fireplace. Steps to sand. Assume $73,600 loan, 9~%. $661/mo. or try $13,500 down. Call 963-6767 Ill ...._, Tl IElll -Very sharp and clean 3 Bdrm, 2 bath. Just 11 years old. Flexlble fi- nancing. Be first to see. 847-6010 FIUOltslll IUUll -Desperation salel Ow- ner must sell. Bring all offers! Mesa Verde 3 Bdrm 2 bath, family home, 2 brick flreplaces. Only $124,950. You must see this one. Call 546-2313 Hlll YllW, IELIW IUlln -Corona d_,I Mar owner must sell now! Just reduced $50,000. Panoramic ocean and night lights view. 4 Bdrm + famlly room. Asking $350,000. Call today, 673-8550 OIUU TIMI 111111 -Your dream come true on a lovely tree-lined street & pride of owner- ship neighborhood. Assume a $74,000 loan at 121n•1 •. Full price for this 3 Bdrm 1 'n bath beauty Is only $99,500. 646-7171 DI.ml 11111 Plllll Tl SIU -2200 square feet of luxurious llvlngl Formal dining room, family room with crackling fireplace. Separate second level with 3 spacious bdrms. Attractive financing makes this Impossible to match at -$158,9001 Call 963-6767 IHTHllll llLLH -Price reduced AGAIN! Now only $92,000 for sharp Huntington Beach townhome, with excellent financing. Great starter or Investment. Quick escrow needed. 847-6010 W ..... 11 YILUll .. IHI -3 Bdrm, 2 story, $12,000 down, $119,000. 3 Bdrm, 1 story, $9,- 300 down, $92,900. 2 Bdrm, 1 story, $8,600 down, $85,900. 2 Bdrm, 1 story $7,600 down, $75,900. All have pools, spa & sauna available. Walk to South coast Shopping. Call for more detalls. 548-2313. How about these? LIMIT ,... llYml TRUii -Just lilted In prestlgloue CdM nelghbortlood. Out.standing 3 Bdrm, one level floor plan. Private, 1paclou1 rear yard features towering trees. Only $225,0001 Call 873-8560 ,_ 11111.L .. -Aaaume low lntereet loan of S71 ,SOO & seller will help tailor to meet bu~ers needs. Large 3 Bdrm floor plan with delfOhtful living room which lnv1t• family en- joyment. Lowut prices In area af S12G,OOO. 84&-7171 .. lnlH .......... ......... .. ... ,, ..... ,.., I IUL llLL ..U -3 Bdrm home, absolutely Immaculate. Custom master suite ... crackling flreplacel Large yard with frl.llt trees! Quiet tree-lined street! Thousands below neighbor- hood. $105,0001 963-6767 IUA YIUI • 1111111 + NIL -This excellent floor plan features formal living, stone fireplace. Secluded master suite, country kitchen over- looking pool and easy care grounds. Asking $144,500. Call for details. 963-7881 YI LIAI -Low Interest rate -no quallfylng necessary. 3 Bdrm home with gorgeous pool and yard. Priced at only S 139,900. Hurry, 847·6010 Filla I 11111111 -Most popular Buccola 5 Bdrm or 4 Bdrms, den, 3000 sq.ft. Formal llvlng & dining room. Country size kitchen with breakfast nook overlooking huge family room. Truly a huge family home. Great financing, price only $279,950. Call 546-2313 DILlllYI 2 STAY -(Walnut VIiiage). Large 4 Bdrm, tiled entry, formal living and dining. family room, stone fireplace, gourmet kitchen. Stairs leading to huge master suite. Large co- vered patio overlooking park-llke grounds. Call now, asking $220,000. 963·7881 YA • ... -Owner bought another. Large ~ Bdrm home, 2 bath, country kitchen, formal 11- vlng room, on large lot. Only $105,500. Call 963-7881 lll,llla 11111 nt -Bring paint, carpet and Ideas! 10 minutes to South Coast Plaza. 3 Bdrms. Good assumable 1st. To see this bar- gain, call 673-8550 HIHAlll YllW -2 story, 4 Bdrm. Assume $88,800 loan, $753 per mo. Formal entertal· . nlng, crackling fireplace, gourmet kitchen overlooking patio and breathtaking view. Must see to appreciate. Call now, 963-7881 -· ~ W -Lovety t,.....tlned 1treet, pride of owMrshlp netghborhood and an u- aumabte $74,000 loan at 12'A%. Fuff prlct on thla 3 Bdrm 2 bath dotJ "°'* 19 onJy $91,5001 848-7171 .... ...