HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-04-12 - Orange Coast Pilot.. ...... Ylll llllTDll DAILY MR M O NDAY, APRIL 12. 1982 Or<ANGE COUNTY CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS 1 ~ guests flee flames estroye ote oa a - Blaze difficult to fight · By STEVE MARBLE MIM Defr Noe SWf A Balboa Peninsula hotel was destroyed in a stubborn pre· dawn blaze today that took 35 firefighters nearly three hour1 and a half to quell and le ft 14 hotel guests homeless aqd five more unaccounted for. Authorities said it is believed the five Bay View Hotel guests they've been unable to locate were away or out of town at the time of the 12:41 a.m. fire. Firemen said it as not believed anyone was t rapped inside the second-story hotel near the en- trance to the Balboa Island Fer· ry. A spokesman for the Orange County chaptef of the Red c~. which re located hotel guests at a nother peninsula hotel. said they in tend to keep workers near the entrance to the gutted hotel today in hopes o f finding th~ missing five when they return to the hotel. The fire. which caused an es- timated $400,000 damage to the hotel and three commercial busi- nesses located on the first floor of the structure, reportedly started slowly, giving guests time to ga- ther up personal belongings. INFERNO AT BALBOA -Newport Beach fire units battled for more than three hours today in efforts to control stubborn and widespread fire that destroyed the landmark Bay View Hotel located at the Balboa ferry. landing abov.t sum- mer shops. There were no injuries although five .,.., ,... ...... "" ............. of the 8e!Di-permanent guests haven't been loca- aieci 6nd were believed to be out of ·town. Fire started at 12:41 a.m. and was under control at 4 . Fireman Russ Cheek said the blaze was extremely difficult to douse and reignited several times. He said Newport fire- fighters were joined by squads from Costa Mesa and Santa Ana . Cheek said the Orange County Sheriff's Harbor Patrol brought two fire boats up the harbor to help spray down the burning building. • British subs patrol zones in Falklands 11 Palestinians wounded Riots flare • In Israel LONDON (AP) -Britain's war zone around the Falkland Islands was in force today but there were no r eports of con- frontation. The British Defense Ministr y and a Buenos Aires. newspaper reported Argentina's ships had left the area. patrolled by Royal Navy submarines. U.S. Secretary of State Ale- xander HaiR and Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher exte nded their talks on the So\,ath Atlantic cri.S.s in to lunch. Their talks, joined by British Foreign Secretary Francis Pym and U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs Thomas Enders, were the aecond round in the American efforts to head off a war over the i.slands, inhabited by 1,800 English- descended sheepherders and sei- zed by Argentine marines April 2. Argentina's ambulador to the United States, Estaban Takacs, said on NBC's "Today" show that Atgentina might ot.erve a tem- porary truce and keep ita (See FALKLAND, Page AZ) WORLD JERUSALEM (AP) -Israeli gunfire wounded at leaat 11 Pa- lestinians today as strikes and the worst Arab riots in years swept Israeli-occupied territories after a Jewish gunman's killing spree at the Sacred Mount Shrine. The military command said troops fired on a mob in the West Bank town of Nablus. One youth was hit in the leg and the condi- tion of the other three was not irrut¥::i~tely known, a spoke-sman . 'hoops in the nearby Balata refugee camp tear-gamed several hundred Arabs who blocked a road with old refrigerators. Three youths were shot in the Deheishe Palestinian refugee camp ne.ar Bethlehem after they stoned cars, and four were wounded~ttheNUleiratcunpin the occupied Gaza Strip, the military said. It was unclear who was responsible for thoee shoo- tings, but Jewish settlers in occupied territories are empow~ red to carry firearms for aelf- defeme. Police and troops stopped Reagan chooses cronies President Reagan is showing a tendency to ap- point poli1;ical croniea •U.S. amb-ldors. Page A6. NATION Decision took long time Steve Allen aaya lt'1 taken 11 yean to accept hla IOO'I dedliorl to join.~. Pqe A7. Ni/lbt owls' favorite l.Mry Kine hM an extenllw ndio audience evm .,.._ mmt Ol Amldta II..., a1 IM Ume. Pill Al. . . -. ,. Arabs marching down main streets of Jen.aaalem's Arab aector and arrested 15 people, Israel radio said. Hospitals treated about 125 injured Arabs and Jews, irfi:luding 15 or 16 with bullet wounds. In Beirut, a rocket grenade hit the third floor of the U.S. Em- bassy at 4:30 a.m. today, knoc- king some concrete loose, and the Chrlatian V <>ice of Lebanoo radio reported a telephone caller said the attack was in response t-0 Sunday's fatal shooting ln Jeru- aalem which killed two Arab.. An embusy spokesman said no one was hurt. Driver rescued OJAI (AP) -A Ventura County deputy braved an inferno to rescue the driver of an auto that apun out of control and a1.ammed into an oak tree today, authorities said. Deputy William Stevens pulled the unidentified woman from the wreck on rain- alick Highway 33 just before it was engulfed in flamea. STATE Israel radio identifie d the gunman as Alan Harry Good- man. 38, and an Israeli reporter said he was from Baltimore, Md. The chief of Jeruaalem's police captured him after a 30-minute shooting spree in the golden-· domed Moeque of Omar, on the Temple Mount, the site from which Moalem tradition says the prophet Mohammed ascended to heaven. Goodman waa drafted two weeks aao and attached to a wilt ln Nablua on the occupied West Bank. military offidals Mid. The daily Maariv aald he told police he acted to avenge the deaths of 34 braells ln a Pa1esUnian tem>-- riat au..ack on a bua four years •· The newspaper quoted him aa aaytna he acted alone "on behalf of the whole Jewilh ~:· But police 80W"CeS aatd lnvestiptors were checking whether Good· man waa linked to tb. Kach movement. of&pring of tbe mili- tant Jewish ~feme Leacue ln the United State.. (See ISRAELI, Pace AJ) CORONA (AP) -Eleven coupla with children face eviction from a Rivenide County trailer park desJ:;8~ state Supreme Court nillnc that struck down a child ban u d.ilcriminatmy in molt rental housing. Cenfury's wettest season SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -A storm from the Gulf of AlMka brouaht men heavy rain and fierce, gusty wtndl to Nonbem Cal1fomia. topplina trea and cauana at 1eMt three deatha In what ia atre.dy San Frand8C0'1 wetU!at INIOO thia century. COUNTY Raped Laguna woman, 86, 'improving' An elderly Laguna Beach wo- man who was beaten, raped and robbed in her home Friday is listed in stable condition and "improving" at South C.oast Me- dical Center. The 86-year-old wP.'"an was beaten with a flashlight, repea- tedly choked and sexually as- saulted just after midnight Fri- day morning by a man who alipped undet«t.ed into her stu- dio, polJce said. The auapett la deacribed as a male cauc.uian between the ages of 30 and 35; with \h.inn1flB red hair with light sideburns and possibly a mustache. He is bet- ween 6-1 and 6-3 and weighs approximately 200 pounds. He was dreaed in dark clothing and a dark windbreaker jacket, police uid. T.be woman'• plight waa not notK!ed until 8:30 the same mor- ning, when she failed to appear for breakfast lnd associates found her in her room bruised and bleeding. She waa admitted to South Coast Medical Center INDEX Authorities said they were able to keep the blaze from s preading to the business outlets below the hotel, which include a bar, an ice <:ream stand and a gift shop. The damage a lso caused ope- rators of the Balboa ferry to close the entrance to the ferry. The ferry. a city spokesman said, will unload and load passengers at a public d ock n ear the Balboa Pavilion for an undetermined period. A Red Cross spokesman said the guests at the hotel were all full-time residents, many being local employees. The spokesman said the dis- placed guests have been provided temporary lodging at the Bay- shores Hotel and have been as- sured of at least three days free lodging. Several witnesses said persons ran out of the h otel a nd later tried to return to their rooms to retrieve belongings. The cause of the blaze is still undetermined , authorities said, adding that there is no .reason to believe the fire was of a suspi- cious origin. The peninsula hotel has been the s ubject of re development pressures and there are plans to construct offices and retail uses on the site. At Your Service F.nna Bambeck L.M. Boyd Careen Cavabde Cl""fied Comica ere.word I)eeth Notkes Edltorla1 Hurmoope A4 B2 A6 C3 B2 Ann Landers Movies National News Public Notices Sports 82 A8 A3 B6~ Cl,C3-6 B4 B4 C2 A6 B2 SPORTS . . Stock Markets Television Thea ten Weather World News Stadler captures Masters B3 85· A8 A2 A3 I , MW io.n, • a.a 19.d in the tinal rWm. ~ St.Adler won a 1udcfen.death playoff to earn the MMtM'l IDif UU. at~ Ga. ~ BO • s ~l~' . \1 Continued stories FALKLAND ISLANDS • • • wanhJs-in port while talks are on. "We have troos-, anyhow, on the laland.'' he noted. He aaid Argentina still coiUi- ·tJ dera \he blockade and Britain's 1dlapatch of a 40-ahip annada to w the Falklanda an ''act of ~ 1 tu , lion" but added: "I am still very .... hopeful, because the trip of Se- nf cretary of State Haig himself d:.. means that there are very active ti talks going Qn." i.. Haig first m e t with Mrs. n. 111 II I'· r .,(I u...., DANGER ZONE: -Circle .inwcates 200-m.ile wne where Britis h warn Argentine h vessels within area will be • 'sunk. Thatcher on ThW'9day, then fJew to Buenoe Aires where he held 12 houn of tallu before returning here with a propoeal, Britain's amhaNador to the United State., Sir Nicholu Hen- derson, said on the "Today'' ahow that the blockade remaina in force and the Royal Navy fieet will not tum back while Argen- Una maintains ita troops on the Falk.lands. The Buenos Aires newspaper La Nacion reported that Argen- tine wan.hips were patrolling the coasts of the mainland -well away from the Fa.lkJanda -and that the rest of the navy's ships went docked in their home ports "until they are needed to face the adversary.'' Confirmation of the report was not immediately available ln the Argentine capital or London. But lhe British Defense Ministry re- ported Sunday that all but two ships of Argentina's invasion fleet -a destroyer and a frigate -returned to their home ports before the war zone went into effect at midnight Falklands time (8 p.m. PST Sunday). La Nacion said officials it did not idenitify told it Argentine naval aircraft were "in action" monitoring ship traffic and ma- king preparations for attack mis- sions. Haig, making his second trip to London ln four days, arrived shortly after Britain's 200-mile "maritime exclusion zone" around the South Atlantic islands went into effect. Britain had said any Argentine vessel found in the wne would be sunk. HELD IN SHOOTINGS -Israeli officials identifi~ =~ (left), as Alan~ l.7oodman, at>, who allegedly anned with M-16, auto~a~1c w eapon, shot his way into mosque at J erusale.m, kilhng two, wounding others and t-0uching off bloody nots. • Search ·resumes· for 2 sailboats S AN FRANCISCO (AP) - The Coast Guard resumed the aearch today for four people aboard two racing sailboats re- ported m..isaing after a gale-force storm that killed two other sai- lors. Petty Officer Brandy Ian said the search was called off aher dark Sunday for the 24-foot Bad Sneaken and the 22-foot Sweet Omega. The Sweet Omega waa skip- pered by Janice White and ere w ed by Larry Ohs. both or Portland. according to Cht'ri An- drews, vice commodore of tht' Corinthian Yacht Club In Port land. Bad Sneakers wa.a skippered by Gregory Maimone of Castro Vall~y. although the ldentJty of his crew member was not known, the Coast Guard said. The boats were reported mla- sing Saturday after the storm packing 60-knot wind.a diarupted a double-hand race for 127 boats to the Farallon Islands, about 30 miles offshore, and back to San Franciaco Bay. The Sweet Omega's life ring was found floating off Point Reyes, about 30 miles north of San Francisoo, the Coast Guard said. The initial search involved four boats, 12 planes and a heli- copter sweeping an area from the Golden Gate Bridge to Jenner, 60 miles north of San Franci9CO and 4-0 miles offshore. The storm forced three boats asround and capsized another The other vessels were able to return to port as storm warnings of 20-25 knot winds were revised to warn of ~ale-force win~ Haskin said the three men abandoned the linking boat. "l came u about 10 yards from them.'' Haakina aaid. "They were floating upright, talking to each other. -Thtiy were hopeful, but they weren't really uylng. I thought they were doomed. The last thl~ I remember wu their flashlight fiickertna." Ha~l<lna was able to 1wlm to ahore, bu&. the bodlea of Huber and S troble were recovered by ii Cob.at Guard veesel. Autho- r! ties indicated the men were unable to survive lbe "°"gh seas and 55-degree waler. War game off market LONOON (AP) -Inventors of a popular video game ln which Britiah 1ubmarines torpedo Ar- gentine warahJs-say they have withdrawn it, following a Parlia- ment member's complaint that the computeriied combat encou- ra¥,es war. 'We agree that the game could now be seen to be in bad taste" said Gary Zabel of Mercury 332. the private orga nization that cr eated tbe game known as ''Obliterate.'' Zabel said S unday the game has been withdrawn from the cable television ser vice called PresteJ, run by the state-owned Tel~~ telephone company. The services 16.000 subacribers nee- ded specially adapted television sets to play the game, which was not available a n ywhere else. 1~ From Page A-. ,:: Laguna home burns; ISRAELI GUNFIRE • • • The men who died were aboard the 35-foot Kuhashan, which was not in the race, and were identified by authorities as John Huber, 48, and John Stro- ble, ~th policemen from Davis. Irvine gas station hit Y damage $5 7, 900 Jewish Defense League leader Meir Kahane aa.id today that the man had no connection with the organization, but said the league would make sure he .had a la- wyer and pay for his defense . Embers or a spark from a fire . · in a non-spark resistor fireplace . · is believed responsible for a blaz.e ; · that did $57 ,900 damage lo a q• Laguna Beach home, according ., · to Laguna fire marshal Herb Je- well. Louis Lave, lone occupant of the house at 560 Graceland Ave., .r e:SCape~ ~he 7:30 p.m. Saturday fire urunjured, J ewell said. The fire started on the wood shingles of the roof of the one- story home and spread into the attic. The entire roof was destroyed, the attic damaged and ceilings sustained water damage. It took 20 firefighters 35 minutes to control the blaz.e. Robert Healy, owner of the house, was not at home at the time of the incident. Jewell said. The gunman, wearing an army uniform and carryfog an M-16 rifle, struck at one of the most sensitive places in the Israeli capital. The golden-domed Mos- que of Omar is on th e Temple Mount, location of the Wailing Wall which is Judaism's holiest shrine. Moslems revere the site as the third holiest after Mecca • Fair through Tuesday ,. 1 1! ., Coastal Fair lhrough Tue1011y Hlgns tooay eno Tuesday 10 range from rntd 60s 11 the beacnes to low 709 • 11 tnland lows tonight 50 10 55 i J• Elsewhere. from P04nt C<>nQep- tlon to lhe Mulcen boider end out 60 miles· light var1e1>1e winds .a• night and morning hours throogh , , Tuesday Afternoon winds south· I wu.terly 10 lo t8 knots With local • 1• gu11s to 25 kno" In squall• Af· J ternoon wind waves 2 10 3 feet 1, Westerly swell 2 to 3 feet Panly cloudy bul 11111 111roog11 Tuesday ,. Honolulu HOUS!on I~ Jacbn MS Jecbnvtle ~City LaVegu Uttle Roell Loulllvtlle Lubbock Memphia Mleml Mllweul(ee Mpll-St.P NNhYll!e New Or!Mna New Yortc Norfolk No. Plett• Olcle City Omalla Or1endo Phlledc>hl• ... U.S. summary :::=:gh '" Heevy rain end high wind• P11end, Me t pounded the ooeet of Ofegon end Ptlend, Of• _, N<>rtMm •nd Centrel Celllomle, PrlWidellCe wt!«• up to 1 tncnee of r8ln NI In R...igh tolM er-MlQ8 S.t1Kday mor-RllPid City I> nlrlg. Reno G•I• ••rnlnga -• u tended Seit Lek• elong th• Oregon COUI, • high-Sen Antonio wind wernlng ••• lu ued for Seettle 11 aoutheHt Wyoming •nd trevel ' ~ •dvlaorlH w•r• poat9d for Che Sioux F11119 Nebretke penNn<He, wn.. wind St Louie gua1a of 50 mph-· 911.P«ted. SI P-Twnpe Snow "'-· -· llUttered SI St• Merle owr the to.. GrMI LM• OUf1ng Spoli- llle morning •nd •xpected to SyrllCUM rMCh lrito New Englend. Topelle Rain wu •xpected owr upper Tucaon Michigan, with tcatt«ed .,_.. TulM ov11r the lowttr Gr .. 1 lell" and Wllthing1n northern New Englend, with Wlchll• cloud• over much of th• lnl•nd Southwtist, central Texea end the . -.. n~hem Ohio V-""f. T emp«•tllrW lll'ound the 111111- on et mld·d•y Sund•y r•ngeO from 32 et Fllrmont, Minn., to 88 et lmpeftel, Cellf .. end Yuma. Ar1Z. Temperature• 80 &4 66 45 52 30 71 33 70 49 1.24 72 35 82 &4 70 41 59 33 88 39 66 40 82 et 42 29 48 22 70 32 70 51 56 41 59 41 84 23 71 40 72 30 89 56 .71 ···" -~ ~ .!.!:.:.. \ho o r,. \•n• •••• • ~d " llilllIII - - -= = = 54 35 ------------------------------------~ ~:: 48 29 56 49 .88 S4 30 84 39 70 27 58 45 .31 83 55 70 45 53 42 .80 et 35 57 25 66 32 69 56 .84 39 29 .16 82 47 .90 42 29 .16 73 39 88 54 73 47 59 38 811 39 .61 • 61 55 t 29 87 55 48 74 58 32 75 82 60 53 43 88 55 92 75 55 28 81 50 129 82 S3 1. t8 64 52 67 59 42 40 Hong Kong Jmllllr1• JeruNlem Jo'burg llm• U.bon London Medrld Menlla Moecow ,.... Oelhl P811t Alo 91 81 7t 52 Rome 38 Santlego SllO Paulo Seoul 04 Slng8'>0fe 14 Stoellh04m Tides 86 63 90 75 71 56 64 55 73 66 68 50 52 45 11 55 93 70 54 34 94 63 50 43 84 6t 64 48 68 55 72 59 54 39 90 75 ,. ')7 Pyramid invented and Medina, and riots broke out immediately as word spread that the attack w~ under way. Police Chief Yehoshua Caspi said the gunman told him: "So many of my family and friends are being killed. I had to take revenge." The boat's owner, Colin Has- kins, a copy editor for the Los Angeles Herald Examiner. said the Kuhashan collided Saturday night in storm-tossed seas with a A man brandishing a semi- automatic pistol robbed an Irvine gas station of $88 early Saturday morning, police reported. Israel's chief rabbinate de - nowlCed the attack, saying: "By this despicable act of opening fire on innocent people, the gunman desecrated the holiest site of the Jewish people and removed himself from the n ation of Israel." ~~~~~ored off the ~t 500go home ST. JOSEPH, Mich. (AP) - Five-hundred r esid e nts of a wealthy neighborhood have re- turned home after a six-hour evacuation prompted by the de- railment of railroad cars carrying toxic chemicals . No shots were fired and no one was injured in the 2:30 a.m. rob- bery a t Irvine Shell Service at 4162 Trabuco Road adjacent to the San ta Ana Freeway. Police said the service station attendant described the robbery suspect as a black male, wearing a n avy blue jogging s uit and running shoes. The suspect fled north on the Santa Ana Freeway. an a yellow Toyota ~..Alr7..--;~......,. •. ~., ::.-v ----~...,,.,.. .. ~.~ ,, ~~~ ~ ~ ~I ·: ", ~ .. '-~ • ~<:t ~·:. //l ~ ~ ,_ ~ .. _1 /L'f31 ~ I ~ t_·· , '.! I t ~ I ~I 9= 'l I . ~ ~ "-' .. + ~ ~I S ~ ~ ~ ~ ! I ~ ~ I ~ ~ ti ~ ~ ». Lightweight poplin is a Brooks Brothers favorite . ~ ~ Both businessman and traveller wi ll find ~he ~. ~ qual&t ies they seek in a warm weather suu ~ handsomely met h ere. The polyester and cot-~ i to n blend has a neat, crisp appeara nce. good ~ ~ c rease-res istance and washabili ty. Tailored ~ ~ o n our 3-bunon model with patch pockets ~ ~ and welted edges, in tan, navy or olive. Coat ~ ~ and trousers. $1 50 ~ i Uu you' B,.ok• B'othm '°'d "' Am"i<on £xp,m . ~ , ISTAIUSHID 1111 ~ $~@;)~//'$ ~ ( ~C~O~") ~ ~ lurnisbtnQ9 for Mtn . Womtn ~· 8oys ~ , 530 W~ST TrH TREST. LOS ANGELES, CALIF. ~ ~ PASH ION ISLAND. NHWPORT RHACH. CALIF. I~ ~....,~~~~~ -- Orange Coast DAILY PILOT /Monday, April 12, 1982 s Al ... . President 'boxed in' Reagan faces embarrassment on budget compromises WASHINGTON (AP) -Little by little, President Reagan has boxed himself in with public statements that could make it embarrasaing for hjm to endorse compromises to trim huge budget deficits. His hardline declarations against cuts in defense spending or tax increases oh consumers stand in sharp conuast t.o what House Speaker Thomas P . O'Neill saw la,t week as signs Reagan was willing to budge at least on the Pentagon buildup A month ago, for example. Reagan was saying: "Now, to those who say there must be an alternative to our in- creased military budget, ( agree. What they say is absolute!~ true. there is an alternative to a larger defense budget. It is a Larger and increased possibility of war." .Ill• AlllYllB . Reagan even has been warmly embracing the tax-indexing pro- v is1on that Congress added to prevent bracket creep cau.sed by inflation, even though indexing was not part of his own proposal. Considering th084.' statements, l'Ould Reagan agree to drop part of the tax cuts, or e ndorse a 4 percent income tax surcharge? Or announct• support for an oil im- port fee and an excise t ax on energy consumption? For all his tough talk, though, Reagan has dt•putized his chief of staff, James A Baker lll. to re- present the White House an s<>- cret budget negotiations with top congressional Democrats and Re - publicans. Baker has been getting up be- fore dawn to be at 6 a.m. and 7 a.m . negotiating sessions at the vice president's house or at Blair House, a govemm~t gueJSt hou- se. Sen. Pete V . Domenici of New Mexico, the Republican chairman of the Senate Budget Committee, said last week that participants ln the talks have made enough progress that they "could reach an agreement tomorrow" if Rea- gan and O'Neill would agree Although the negotiators have not signed off on an agreement, they are considering plllS for tax increases of about $13~ billion over three years: reductions in SociaJ Security cost of living in- creases and a cut of about $35 billion m the defense buildup. O'Neill says he won't discuss changes in Social Security until Reagan agrees to alter his tax program. most likely the 10 per- cent tax cut scheduled for July 1983. House Republican Leader Bob Machel said Reagan would ''throw you out of the office" for suggesting a c hange in the ta}( cut. • FeDERAL TRIANGLE This artist's re ndi- tion s hows a planned 1.3 million square foot office building that would complete and reju- venate the Federal Triangle in Washington. O.C. The proposed building would cost an es- APWlr~lo timated $350 million and would contain his- torical exhibits for tourists. The Triangle is a complex of fede ral offices between the White House and the Capitol. If the commander in chief really believed that statement, would he consider shaving his proposed Pentagon increase - which in 1983 alone amounts t.o an 18 percent increase'! His st.and aglilf\St tax increases seems equally rigid. "The American people have been promised tax relJef," Reag- an declared. ''Last year the Con- Ruling keeps boy . gress passed tax relwf, and as Feuding brings city to a halt out of doghouse long as l have any say in the matter. no one's going to take it away from us.'' ln fact, Reagan has taken to GAINESVILLE, Fla. (AP) -the courthouse. after the boys' saying recently that the r<X.--ession Three boys charged with pil!e-lawyers protested. Three rehel counciln1e11 'strike' to oust n1avor probably could have been avoi-ring lumber to build a doghouse He o rdered them to "build a de d if the three -year tax-cut won't have to serve three days of proper doghouse under the PRAIRIE VIEW, Texas (AP) -Three l'lly l'Ouncilmen trying lo oust thl• mayor h<Jve brought the local government to a virtual s tands till by boycott:ng c·ouncd meetings The thrL-e councilmen make up half the l'aty council. Without them, Mayo r Era s tus Sams doesn't have a quorum, and wi- thout a quorum he can't l'Ondul·t city business, eert1fy his own re- e lection or swc•ar 1n two new l'Ounc1lmen for thJS town of 4,000 people 45 miles northwest of llouston. Now the Austin County St.ate Bank 1s refusing to honor checks drawn on the city account and the six city t•mployees are wor- king without getting paid. "l don't know what to do," said Sams, 65. "l asked my attorney if I s hould send my policeman out to pick up the three councilmen and bring them herl' for the meetings, but he said not to." Councilmen Ph1hp N1ckleber- High court rules on drunk drivers S AN FRANCISCO <AP) The• s tall' Supreml' Court has rule<l that 1Ls 1979 dt"t·1s1on allo- wing drunk dnvNs to bl• sued for punitive damagt~ m addition to at·tual damagl's 1s rNruact1vl' for pending lawsu1Lo,; The court said, an dfect, that all lawsuits seekan~ damages from a drunk driver ca n be amended lo include punitive da- mages of the lawsuit as s till pt>n- ding lt would not aHect actions alre ady _final and the s tate's one-year statute of hm1ta tions would bar fi ling a new suit to collect punitive damagt'S. The 5 -1 d rc1s1on by Justice A~lan Broussard o n Thursday said the "retroactive apphl·ation will have a potent impact on the driving pubhl' as a small but sig- nif 1l'anl group of drunk drivers throughout the s tate bt'Come simultam•ously exposed to the prospect of ~rving as an examplc to others" IL ruled an favor of Donald Peterson who was riding in a car drive n by defendant No rman Thompson when it was involved in a Ventura County accident April 24, 1979 Pc•terson filed suit April 11 . 1980, for personal injuries and his wife sought damages for los." of his services as husband and provider The suit allcgcd Thompson drove with excessive speed after drinking alcohol and lost control of the vehicle It further claimed Thompson acted with "knowledge that probable se - rious injury" w ould result for others and "in conscious disre- gard" of safety of others. Such allegations, if allowed, could support a finding of malice and thus an award of punitive damages. In 1980, the plaintiffs twice moved to amend their suit in ac- cordance with the court's 1979 ruling, but were turned down by the trial court. The Supreme Court decision orders Peterson be allowed to amend his suit to claim punitive damages. The high court said it has rec- ognized exceptions to a general rule that a decision overruling a former decison is retroactive. But ll said in weighing considerations of fairness and public policy. it found no compelling reason to acccpt the drunk driving da- mages ruling. The l'Ourt reviewed various decisions mvolvmg retroactivity and rejected two arguments made b y Thompson He had conte nded pun1t1ve damages ean 't have a deterrent e ffect whe n bad conduct is already comple te. Secondly. he said it would be unfair to impose a new rule retroacuvely when litigants and insurers have relied on the old rules. ORANGE COAST CIHtlfled advertlllftil 714"42·5671 Daily Pilat All other departments 642-4321 MAIN OFFICE JJO W••I Bay St • Cosla Mot .. , CA ThOmas P Hale{. Mall •d<I"'" 8o• 1)60. c ... 1. """"'·CA .,.,. Publ!-11nC1 CIMI •KU11 .. O!tc. Cooyr!Qhl 1"1 Or-Coesl PUC>tll""'9 c--. Robert N Weed Non-• "ontt. lltuuratlon._ l'Clltorlal maltff or..,. PrHld..,t vtrtls.em~h Mr•in may be ••Pf'oclUCecl wl"*" •oe< lat permlnlon of cooyr!QM-Mr Kay Schultz VIC>ePr-t S.C.ono c•au PD$1-INlld al COlla Me ... C .. lfomta 11nC1 Olreclor OI ... 0-11""'() IVPS IU-«11)) SUll)O(rlpllon b• carrier"' I~_,,,, Tom Murphtne bV mall W. '° .--1111, EOrtor T.,. 0.-Goe•I Dally PllOI, wllll Wllkll I\ com- Mike Harv:r bineo tr.. -Preu, I• l>UOll•NHI by "'9 0r.,. OWctor OI M., .. lnQ Coal! PUl>ll\111,,. Company Seoa•al• editloM are (Qreulet-1 OVllll~ -.y Ill,_., Friday IOr c .. i. Mna, Ken Goddard H•w"°" llvcll, """'ift91on Be~ll. F_ .... V .. ley, ---... Irvine, I.~ 8Mcll, Soultl Coul. A 1"'91e,.......... Oltec1or OI OIM<•tiont I'. .cllllon I• .,...,.,.,,... Salurda'f' •nd ~~ . .,..,. Ray Maclean Conlr- prl"<le><tl PUlbll\Nn9 -•"al llO Well ky Strwl. P 0 Sea 1*1. C•te M<tv, Cellt.,,.nla mx. Cherles Loos VOL. 75, NO. 102 M.,...l!ollor - package approved in 1981 had confinement an the tiny struc-superv1s1on of a retired carpenter ry. Ronald Leverett and Tyrone not been trimmed sllghtly a nd lure, but they must build a new and donate the finJShed doghouse Davis voted four days before de layed. Not surprisingly. the one and donate it to the police to the Gainesville city police K-9 Saturday's municipal election to president does n9t mention that dog unit instead, a Judge says. urut." boot Sams out of office. They h e had agreed to the tax-l'ut Cil'C'uit Judge R .A. "Buzzy" The boys, aged 13 to 16, were charge that he mishandled city compromise and pronounced Gree n changed his sente nce to accused of taking $120 worth of funds by making purchases w1-himself satisfied once 1t was ap-keep them out of the doghouse, lumber from an empty house in thout council approval, failed to proved. which was to be set in front of an Alachua public housing proj- abide by council resolutions and ect m March to finish the dog- operated the city without a bud-house one of the defendants was get. building for hlS dog, Trigger The dog has since died. Sams appealed to a sta te d1 -Green gained national atten- strict court and later to the Texas uon two weeks ago when he ru- Supreme Court, but both decll-led a 6-year-old girl could be ned l.O review the case. tried as an adult for a bus stop Waller County Judge A .M. "assault" on a playmate. Prose- McCraig, however, accepted the cul.Ors reflA.ed to try the girl and appeal and said Sams could re-the parents agreed to settle the main in office at least until an case out of court with the help of April 23 hearing. If the mayor's a private arbitrator. removal is uphe ld, he will be The boys pleaded guilty in unable to seek another of{ice for juvenile court last week to bur- two years. glary, p<>tty theft a nd d'iminal The three re bel councilmen 1nasc h1e f. On Tuesday, Green refuse to acknowledge the jud-sentenced them to 72 hours in the ge's action. doghouse in front of the cour- "Whal McCra1g has done is at thouse. the expense of the people of The rough, unpainted doghou- Pra1rie View. H e's playing God se is three feet wide, three feet Alm' h " 'd N' kl be high and less than four feet deep. ig ty, sai ic e rry. It has a ventilation hole cut in the "We simply feel that what we top. did in re moving Mayor Sams The judge rejected suggestions from office was right. And now that the sentence constituted we refuse to sit down at a table cruel and unusual punishment. with him. According to the city "It will be a backyard cam - attomey. Sams is still the mayor, pout. They'll love it," Green had but what we did stands also," he said. said. The judge at first said he Sams argues that the citizens wanted the box placed in the don't agree. He was re-elected to community plaza in front of the his sixth two-year tenn by a vote courthouse, but later said he of 256 to 191 Saturday, and he might have the sentence served claims the vote vindicated his in nearby Alachua instead. pos1t1on. When the boys arrived in court The mayor said he presented a Wednesday pulling the doghouse budget to the council in Novem-on a dolly, Public Defender Alan ber. but the council refused to AP w tr99f!ot< Parlapiano and others objected. accept or reject it until a four-HAPPY BIRTHOA Y -Actress Lucille Ball. left, plants a kiss Green modified his order to al- year audit of the city is comple-on the cheek of George Mandlcos of Carpinteria at his 90th low the boys to go home at rught. ted later this year. He said the birthday celebration at Casa del Sol restaurant in Santa Then he delayed its implmenta- council then passed a resolution Barbara. Mandicos raised Miss Ball from the time she was lion entirely. that in the absence of a budget, four years o ld in Jamestown, N.Y. At right is her adoptive Materials for the new doghou- council approval is required be-sister Cleo Smith. also of Carpinteria, daughter of Mandicos. se ;'ill come from donations, he fore any city funds can be spent. 1------------------------------sru __ . _________ ..,:•:..__ The last budget expired Sept. 30, and Sams said he went along with the council resolution until the councilmen refused to take any action on the proposed bud- get. "It looks to me like this is all orchestrated," said Sams. The mayor said the squabble dates back to 1978 when he or- ' dered the arrest of Alvinn Thomas, then president of Prai- rie View A&M, for destroying city property after a college con- struction crew severed a city se- wer line. Thomas sllild Sams, the town and the police c hief, charging they violated his civil rights. Sams said the suit is still unre- solved. Sams said Nickleberry, Davls and Leverett work for the col- lege and are carrying out a ven- detta against him . Thomas could not be reached for comment desl>i\e three at- tempts to call hlm at his home. our wry O\)Jl1 p:>plin suit ... . ~tra:liLionaldacmn~~~lin suit,~ fioma spz.ci.al 2-ply fbbric, likcz oo cfuzr ya.;.W.. Q>.Xlr worn. 3 button with patch and flap µxkizt. O.,Ptleto.I•-, t ........... W•'re Ustenin g ••• ~'"""" 11 "°" "° noo,..... --by & lO P "' ca•l llltlo<a I P"' ....,l'OV'COOy.,.ll beCMl•-ttn .. ..,.,., -S.."CU, It ..... 00 f'OI What do you like about the Oa ily Piiot., What don't you like., r me11a1e will be recorded, propriate editor' Call the number below llnd you transcribed and dellvtred to &ht ap The samt' 24•hour 1n1we11n11e -r.: COO• Dy 1 am~ o.tore I I "' -,.....,, tOCIY "'" bOI -eel ter11 to tht' editor on any topic Mal rvlce may bt used to record let- lbox contributor• mUJl Include for verification. No circulation their ni.1mtt und l<'ltphonf' number I ~ ~.;tit:~J=·:~ ... ('"115, plC'llH(' ~ Minot-l•Mll T<11l us whal '1 en your mind .... w.ei_ ... ..... ~~ -... ,. .. , , Orange Cout OAILV PILOT/Mondi)', April 12, 1982 RETURNS -Britlah rock s tar Elton John arrives in London from a tour of Austra· Ila. He leaves again Wed nes day for the United States. Organic food law weak? DEAR PAT DUNN: Someone lold me there's a law in Callfomla Ulat regala&es organic food. Can you tell me what It Is and how such a law could possibly be enforced? L .E., Newport Beach In California, the word "organic" now refers lo raw farm products, processed foods. and meat, fish, poultry or milk products that a r e derived . without sy ntheti cally com pounded fertilizers and plant. animal, or mineral de rived s ubstances only being applied to the s·oil ; without synthetic pesticides being used for 12 months before seeding cor bud formation, for perennials) and no more than 10 percent of the tolerance of a pesticide <from dr ift or other unintentional contamination) permitted as a residue. and without added chemicals or drugs. . For-MllifW'' :>t.OQucts. no chemical~ or._ drugs which stimulate or regulate growffi or promote tenderness may be used and the final 60 percent of the sale weight of any animal must be raised on feeds without medications. This law wi ll self-destruct on Jan. l , 1983 unless it's renewed. Self.regulation by the organic food industry is the hoped·for outcome because no funds were aUocated for enforcement The .. Berkeley Co-op News" describes the law as a "toothless wonder." It's up to the public to report violations. if they can be recognized. Penalty for violation is a $500 fine or six months in jail or both. NEW JOB -Ra~· mond Procunier, for. mer chief of California prisons, has been na- med corrections direc- tor for the state of Virginia. Owning land in Mexico DEAR PAT DUNN: Can an American or other foreigner ever own land, a boase, or a condo In any beach area ID MexJco? I've beard conflicting opinions aboat tbl1. K.E .. Corona del Mar That's because the answer is yes and no. While it's true that no foreigner can ever own record title to land in the "Forbidden Zone" (100 kilometers from each border and 50 kilometers from the coast). he or she can own the beneficial .interest of a trust (fideicomiso) established at an approved Mexican bank or other financial institution. It is, in a way, like owning 100 percent of the shares of a corporation which in turn owns a farm. While 1t is technically true that you don't have Utle to the farm (the corporauon does), it is for most practical purposes the same as ownership. If you want to study this subject in depth, read the booklet ''All You Ever Wanted to Know About Owning Real F..'itate in Mexico," by California lawyer Richard L. Hecht and Mexican lawyer John W. Brennan. It can be ordered for $4 from the Guadalajara Law Center. P.O Box 10190, Marina del Rey, Calif. 90291. -- • "Cot a problem" Then wnte to Pat '-1 Dunn. Pat will cut red tape, getting • the answeu and actwn yOtl need to • iol~ inequities an go~mment and n business Mail your questions to Pat Dunn, At Your Sennce, Orange Coait Daily Patot. P 0 Bo:r 1560, Costa Me!a, CA 9Zti26 A:r many Lettn-s as poiinbte will be answered. but phoned 1nqu1ms or Letters not including the reader's full name. address and bunness hm.mt' phone number cannot be considered • City Council members often have good intentions. Un- fortunately, they lack the experience and training· nec- essary to deliver on their promises. IT'S BEEN GOING ON A LONG TIME • As a longtime Huntington Beach resident, BUD BELSITO is concerned about the senS'e of frustration which has' existed among voters for so long. • As a former city administrator BUD BELSITO has seen council members come and go. BUD BELSITO has seen the hope and faith of voters fade as promises remained unfulfilled. WE HAVE A SOLUTION • This time let's elect a councilmember who can deliver more than rhetoric, empty promises, big campaign signs, and mindless computer letters. • Having extensive municipal experience as well as having e~rned advanced degrees in public management and law, BUD BELSITO ls able and desires to contribute his expertise and training on your behalf. FOR ILL HE WILL DO, THIS BUD'S FOR YOU. ---------- .A change • Ill the weather Forecasts reorganized, focused on time periods WASHINGTON (AP) - Forecasta, like the weather Itself, are changing, the National Wea· ther Service reporta. A reorganized forecast concen- trati°' on time period.• is m use experiment.ally In several areas and is expected to be expanded nationwide, said Weather Service special projects officer Ed Gross. The new forecast is divided into three Ypcom.lng time periods, wllh the weather In that tune summarized. For example: ''This afternoon . . . wet snow followed by partial clearing. Highs 38 to 42. Chance of preci- pitation decreasing to 20 percent. "Tonight . . partly cloudy. Lows 33 to 37. "Tomorrow ... partly sunny and warmer. Highs 53 to 57." Gross said this arrangement of Informatio n should make the prediction more useful and easier to understand. Previously, the (<'recast was issued in the fonn of a narrative, •treumg weathor ok•m~nui Ina· tead of time. l''or example, th~ s.nme forecast mentioned ttbove might havt! been: • "Wet snow this afwrnoon fol· lowed by partial clearing. The chance of precipitation will de- crease to 20 percent. Partly clou- d y tonight, sunny tomorrow. Today's high, 38 to 42. The low tonight wlll ~ 33 to 37 and it will be warmer tomorrow with a high of 53 to 57.'' Two othc.•r changes are also being made, Gross said, although they will affect broadcasters and newspaper IJ.S('rs of the weather anformauoo more d1rectJy than the grne ra l public. These will b<.' two additions \o the special warnings issued in the event of tornadoes, severe thun- derstorms or flash floods These warnings will begin carrying an expiration ume, aft.er which they should po longer be broadcast. A n ew lane will be added at the tame of each war- ning lilting the rounll~ affected Both the countJ~ affected and the expiration time had been in · eluded m the text opthe warning and will continue to be there, Groas said, but by reputing them separately forecasters feel inte rested persons can more quickly determine If the warning applies in their area. The new forecast and warning programs are expected to be m USt" nationwide by April 28. The tests arc unde r way in Portland, Maine, Birmingham, Ala.; Washington. D.C .. Albany. N.Y. Sioux Falls, SD., Seattle, Wash .. and Reno. Nev Cuts proposed SACRA MENTO(AP) A SC'nate panel 1s n•l·ommcnd1ng $701.000 in cuts from the propo- :.ed $4 I m11l1on 1982-83 budget bf Gov. Edmund Bro wn Jr.'s OHu:e of Planning and Research. The Committee of 4000 is holding a meeting for all Leaseholders and friends. Wednesday,_ April 14, 1982 7:30 p.m. --MarriOtTHOtel (Bolf Room ) Fashion Island, Newport Beach Find Out What's a Fair Price for Your Land COUNTY OF ORANGE ENVIROMENT AL MANAGEMENT AGENCY ORANGE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION HEARING No tice i c; herebv gi ven t hat t he Orange Count \' Pl anningCnmmi ~"'h'n will ho l d a public hear i ng t o conside r a proposed 3m~ndmP nt t u the codi f ied ordinnnc~s . Ca~0 No . CA 81-4 TO ADD SEC. 7-9-118 CD ·co AST AL DEVELOPMENT" DISTRICT, TO THE ZONING CODE AND TO AMEND SECS. 7-9-19, 7-9-21, 7-9-150. 1, 7-9-150. 2, AND 7-9-150. 4 OF THE ZONING CODE AND SECTION 7-9-286 OF THE SUBDIVISION CODE FOR THE PURPOSE OF PRO- VIDING LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM IMPLEMENTATION PROCEDURES. Dat e o l Hearing : Time o f He<lring : Apr i 1 26, I 982 1:10 p .m. or a~ soon t lh•r ea f n•r .1s the Comm i s- sion ~genda pl'r mi ts. Location: H~arinp, Room, H~ll of Admini s trution, 10 r.ivi c: Ce ntt•r Plaza (Corne r o f Broadway nnd Santa An a Buul ~vard), Santa An n . Proposal: Code Amendment No . CA,81-4 proposed to :>dd the pro- cedures to the Oran~e Co unt y Codified Ordinances that are nece ssary f or the Count y to ass ume pe rmit author- ity over the unln cor pora~ed Coas tal Zone ar ea , a s provided by the California Coas tal Ac t of 1976. • I All persons either favor ing or opposing this proposal arefnvit~d t o present thei r views before the Planning Commission. Written comments are also invited. Comments may be sent to the Comm is- sion at the above address prior to or at the commencement of the scheduled public hearing. for further information, oll lntereated perAons ore invited to call Dave Moor of the Planning Code Sec tion at (714) 834-~380. or to com into th• orfice located t 400 Civic Center Drive We,t, Room 268, Santa Ana. California. A copy of CA 81-6 ta available for your r•vtev at that location. • .l:_ --- military award Sen. Mark Hatfield, an opponent of many U.S. mili- tary programs and ventures, has received Oregon·~ highest military award. Ha tfield was given the Oregon National Guard D1s- unguwhed ~rvice Medal and a citation praising the Oregon Republican for his support of the National Guard from wt\en he became governor in 1959 through last year, when he helped to have an F-4 jet fighter training program es- tablished at Kingsley Field in Klamath Falls. Hatfield said strengthening the National Guard 1s more import.ant than building some of the exotic weapons systems that he has opposed. Los Angeles County's <:h1cf administrative officer. Harry L . Hufford, will also be county dog-catl·her until supervisors find a replace- ment for Betty Smith. She res1gm•d last month as head of the Animal Can.• and Con· c· SEATTLE EYED Prin- ce Ph1hp of Britatn 1s ex- pectt>d to fly a Boemg 757 dunng an April 18 trip to the Bo<.'ing Co plant in Seattle. He is a qualified pilot. trol Ot·parlmtmt But llufford's nt'W post won't bring him thl' $5.ti57 pay raise Supervisor P ete Schabarum planned S u pl'r- v1sor Mike An tonovich said that tht' ra1S<' was drupp«I as "inappropriate." Wllltam J, Beoneu, chair· mnn of tht' N11tional Endow- ment for the Hurnun1U~. aaya a docunwntary on Nicaragua shown on publll' u:lcvlslon W41¥ "unaboi11hcd soc:lal11it· realism propaganda" u11d l!hould not have received foderal funds. The New York Times reported. &mnNt said the program, ''From the Ashes . N1caragu¥," portrayed the Central American country in a manner that ignored human . rights violations. He said the project received federal funds through block grants to the Wisc,'Onsin Com- m1lll'l' for the Humanlues, which gets nearly all its Cunds from thl' Na t iona l Endow- ment for the Humanities. Forrest Anderson used to tx_. governor of Montana. As far a:. the Republican Prest· dent1al Task Force ts concer- ned, he's still "Governor of the State of Monta-Na." Anderson, who left office in 1972, 1s a Democrat. But a letter from President Reagan under the task force lellcr- hcad indicates a belief that his loyalties might be e lse- where 1t asks help to "keep our Republican majority secure 111 the Senate." Ttw ll•ttcr. producc1d by a compukr, arrived at the gov- ernor'!> offit·c in the st.ate Ca- pitol, now occupied by Gov Ted Scbwinden, a Democrat Political Advertisement "Second on your· ballot ... FIRST In choice/" e Eleri 2TBob MandiC lml •~·· ....... , ••••• n ... rx~ t£R£ AR£ me GOOO REASONS YOU SHOOlO GIV£ MANDl~ur MANDA TE • Soccessf~ businessman/manacer • B.A. decree In Business Administration • Born & raised in H.B. Knows city • Mmied 17 years/ 16 Year old dauchter • Always·ieee~ tti isten to Jott- • Never rmsed COlllcil meetinc in 4 yrs. • Cuts covernme.11t costs & ~pendinc • Conducts hilflself with dicnity • Supports stronc crime control ~ · Wmt:s seoiots t-m.OWc inne ownm sale and secwe. MAN~DIC H.B. CITY COUNCIL Committee to Elect Bob Mandie. 1112 Main St .. Huntington Beach, CA 92648 (714) 536-5840 Robinsons YOU'LL SAVE 25°/o • DURING OUR INTRODUCTORY REE 'J le BARTON STERLING Si l' fER FLATWARE SALE. Ji , __ Gd! w•lh 1111,c h.1s• WITH YOUR PURCHASE OF EI GHT 4-PC. PLACE SETIINGS YOU 'LL RECEIVE OUR GIFTS OF A PAIR OF SHEF~IELD SILVERPLATED CANDELABRAS AND A SILVER CHEST. The soft gleam of sterttng s1lwr acids the final touch ol luxury to your format table -a shining reflection of thP quality and good taste of your home New American Federal elegantly s1mplP 1n design will complement your finest china me11culously craf!Pd and perfectly balanc(•d fo r a lifetime o f beauty and service Now in add111on ro the snvings whf'>n v0u purchase a service for eight you II r ece1ve free a lovely pair of sdvcrolatPd ct1nd clabras ta $240 value) and a handsome sliver chest laned for tarn1sh·ff'~1stance with a drawer for serving pieces (a S 125 value 1 Offer Pnds Junf' 26 Robinsons Sliver FlatwarP 181 To ordP.r call toll·frPe 1-800-345-8501. ASK ABOUT OUR SILVER CLUB PLAN. 4-pc. place setting: place fork place knife salad fork teaspoon Service for eight: eight 4-oc place settings Will be Sale S230 $172.50 $1 840 S1,380 ROBINSONS COMPUTERIZED WEDDING GIFT REGISTRY. MakP dn aoPOintment wrth our ccnsultdnt flt yollr nf'ar,...st Robinson" WP II rf'cord your gift preferences an every ~lorc via the only comouto11zod ~rv1cE> 1n SouthPrn Cal1lorn111 Orange Coat1 DAILY Pll.OT/Monday, Aprll 12, 1982 Fiv named Laguna seeks share to cable TV . . study panel of llme-shar1ng f'ivc rc1idents have been na· med to a cable telcvaslon com· Laguna fk.llch wants a 11hare of millee, formed by the Laguna thC! Ume-share bu:nness, and the City Council to study tht> city's City Council has endorsed an or- franch&ae with Storer Cable TV. dlnan<'C that would see operators Seventeen appltcan ts were of the so~Ued facihties pay for interviewed for the committee by city &efVlC't.'S. council members, and three men In the past two years. folio· and two women were selected to wing the c·onversion of the La- serve on the panel, whkh was guNl Shores Motel to lime-share, requested by Laguna Video Club. the city hM not collecl<>d bed tax Selected were newspaper ed1· from that faC'1hty tor Dav ad Bishop; Rich de Mi· Convt•nuonal hotels and motels chele, manager of spedals for the in Laguna Beach must pay an 8 CBS television network; Carole percent transwnl or bed tax to z. Laidlaw, teacher and admmi-the c·tty to ncgalt· the impat'ts of stra tor; George F. Palmer, ('Om · a ki g n<:rea· d costs for se puter consultant; and Linda Ann P r n · 1 · st• · Walcher, cable industry l·onsul-wers. trash, and polil't' and fin: serv1l·es tant. Laguna Video Club last month Tht.> t·1ty, as wllh hotel:. and asked the council to form a com-mot.els, ra·e1vt•s no state aid ba- mittee to study community pro-sed on population from t1ml· blems and programs. _ __share units. And hot.el and mott•I Opt>rutors complain there IN un· fair compet1t1on because they must pay a bc.>d tax whale llmt.>· share operators do not. Counctl members last wet-~ tentatively approved an ordinan- ce that would see an 8 perc:ent bed t.ax applied to units rented to non-own1:rs. or those traded by owners to other time-share par- Ul·1pants Ownt•rs who personally UM' their Ont' or twu wt•t•k t1mt> pt•· riod would not be affectt><l by tht- ordanant·(· · Laguna Bcat:h counl'il mt.•m· hers last month Imposed a rour month moratorium on lime-share com.wrs1ons while city off1t·1als study tht' impacts of SUC'h fan Ii· :1et; on tht.• c·1t y IRA DEADLINE: APRIL 15th. YOU CAN STILL DEDUCT UP TO Sl,790 IFYOU ·ACT SOON. You ... till hJ\'e time h> 0PL'n t)f Jdd to J Gibr.-ilt.-ir Individual Rrt 1rcrncnt :\u m1nr tor J•J~t tf you were not lOV<.'rl'd by ,l l omr.mv retirement plan. You mcly deduct ur tt1 5JSl10 trorn IJ~t yeJr.., 1nu>rrH.' (or 51-c;u 11 y11ur ..,~,OLbl' \\ J.., nllt ernplpy~d) on both Fedl'rJI Jnd CJlatnrn1J St.-itl' return ... l lKI... 1n C1brJltJr\ h1>4h rJlt! tnr I~ month ... r 1r up lo :; yt•Jr. 15.79% ~',:';:t' • 15.00'!f. ~~:•uJI flw inh'rt·-.t \"1C PJY you will not be tJxcd until\ 11u \\ 1thdrJ\\ the.• rnnney Jttcr retire.• ment \\hen ynu II pn>bJhl; lw in J k)\~~r tJ11. brJll...et Cumem ttx.lJy Jnd rc.·dule yourCJM" - • Yo ur IRA Savings are insured to 5100,000. / ... ..... II.:& -~~~~~~~~~ .... P.S. Use your tax refund to start your 1982 IRA. SHOP MONDAY F~IOAY 10.8, ' -ROBINSON 'S NEWPORT ffASHION lllANO • CI.M) 9*2800 AOltWION 'I WllTMINITlft MAll • (1tlf MMS31 • ~ . * . I ~-~ •, 1 I • • ~ • I . • f • l I I l .. \ .. } • '\ . • ' ' ' ' I ' ~ ' -' , ' .. l . ~ • • $ • • ? • ) • • • ' -.J • a £C: • • • Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Monday, APtll 12, 1982 Modified flood plan offers OC protection As ambitious projects go, the ~an to improve flood protection ong the course of the Santa Ana iver ranks near the top ol the ~st. · It had been propos ed that ¥a wards of $1 billion be spent by e U .'S. Army Corps of Engineers o build a dam on the uppe r iortion of the river in S a n ernardino County, raise the eight of the existing Prado Dam Santa Ana Canyon near Corona, and make improvements along the river channel and the r iver's major Orange C o unty tributa r y, Santiago Creek . But no w there has been a change in thinking. Officials, both locally and in Washington, D .C., feared that the plan might be too ambitious. And they said the whole project might be doomed to e xtinction if the cost w e re not trimmed. Following a recent meeting in Washington with a ranking corps oHicial, Bruce Nestande, chairman of the Orange County Board o f Supervisors, called il summit conf ere nee to analyze acceptable modifications. What r es ult e°' is a "con ceptual agreement" between officials in Orange, Rive rside and San Berna rdjno counties for a $650 million project consisting of d own-river improve ments only Unc;jer the m o difi e d plan , con~truction of the controver sial Mentone dam in San Bernardino Co unty w o uld b e d e f e rre d pending further studies. Officials sa y impro v e m e nts a long the lowe r r e a ch es o f the river are the o n es most urge ntly n eed e d . Those improvements w o uld offe r gr e ate r fl o od protection for several Orange County cities, including Fountain Valley and Huntington Beach. We hope the enthusiasm for the modified plan re mains high. Many'f hurdles -such as winning congressional approv al for the project -still must be cleared. Orange County will have to keep the p~urc on Washington. Crime watch works Des pite the troubled state of an effective means o f heading o!f t h e e c o n o m y a n d r i s i n g crime. une mplo yment , many public Neighbo rhood W a t c h ba - o pinao n po lls con tinue to list the sically mea n s paying atte ntion soaring crime rate as Ame ricans' t o wh a t i s go ing o n in your number one concern n e ig hbo rhood. kno w i ng whe n An~. :':".31C'-'"J-eommunitie8'"'--.Qeie hbru:s are aw~ .... ~? kP.e.µ1og a citizen s are su ccessfully joining w a tc hful eye on the ir h ome .. ~mg h a nds with l a w enfo rcem e nt a lert .to any 1:1nus ua l or sus p1c1ous a ge n cies t o do som e thing abo ut ac:tivity, n oting. the pres~nce o f crime prevention. 101~erers and ca.lhng for police help 1( 1t·seems advisable. ~ Th a t 's the point of th e It does n 't m ea n b e ing a Ne ighborhood Watch programs neighborhood s noop. It does mean o riginated by state Sen. Ed Dav is avoiding turning you r back a nd whe n he w as chief of police in Los a do pting a "L e t the cops handle An geles and now in e ffect i n it" a ttitude. Ther e no longe r is a communities thro u g h o ut the cop on the beat to make sute all is state . w e ll. But with p o lice ca r s i n To c all atte ntion t o these programs, and to encourage the ir s u p p o r t , C a I i f_orn 'i a I a w e nfo r cem e nt officia ls have designated April as Neighborhood Watch Month. Th e pr o gr a m s ga i n e d m o m e ntum whe n budge t c uts res ult1 n g fro m the passage o f Propos1t1o n 13 necessitated some r e duc t i ons 1n public s afe t y services. And , almos t witho ut e xception . police re gard thPm as con s tant t o u c h b y radio, 1t is possible to ge t h e lp in a hurry .,. Many Orang e Coast com - munities alrea d y have w e ll es tablis h e d a nd e ff ec tiv e Ne ig hborhoo d W a tc h program s. N e wport 's is t·a ll e d th e C o mmunity Co n g r ess . B y whatever name, the progr a m s d ese rve s upp o rt An a le rt neighbor could save you o r your hom e from being thc ne xt crime vic tim . A s k yo ur p o l ice d e partment a bout it One cut • JS welconJe ' Almost all the gov e rnme nt s p e nding cuts initiate d by the Reagan administration have been greet e d with wails fro m o n e section o f the populace or a nothe r. Almost, but not quite a ll. No tears appea r to have been shed ove r the fact tha t, in the past y e ar, m o r e than 1,000 a ssorted fed e ral publications h ave bPe n sc rapp e d . Th e Offi ce o f Manag e ment and Budg e t estimates the saving to d ate at $35 million and promises this is jus t the beginning. Th e annu a l b i ll f o r produc t n g the fl ood o f p ress r e leases. s tatis tic al r e p o rts. bulle tins, employee ne ws le tters and the like for fede ral age ncies has been estimated at somewhere between $300. million and $2 billion. No one seems very sure. Nor is anyone quite sure how many "information specialis ts" are engaged in putting out this flood of words. b ecause they operate under a multitiude of titles . The number certainly is well into the thousands. • In add i ti o n t o s impl y e liminatin g m a n y o f th e publications, the governme nt is furthe r economizing b y cutting the number o f recipie nts of free d ocume nts . Th e Inte r s tate C o mmerce C o mmiss i o n , for example, has cut IL'> free lis t from 250 to 14 and will charge others inte res ted in its bulle tins a s ubscription price of $160 a year. Similarly, the annual subscription price for the Federa l Register h as increased fro m $75 to $300. Th e r e 1s n o d o ubt som e gove rnment publications. notably the various consumer guides, are o C real value to the public. But a small fe.e already is charged for many of these a nd that makes sense. There is n o r eason the taxpaye rs should go on footing-the bill for highl y s p ecialized publications o f v e ry limited interest or, e ven wors e , for self-serving puff s hee ts lauding the efforts o f age ncies already tax-supported. Opinio11s expressed in the space above are those of the Daily Pilot. Other views ex· pressed on tn1'!> page are thow ot their author s and artist'!> Reader comment 1s inv1I ed Addre.,., The L>a1ly P1101, P 0. Box 1~60. Costa M e<,a, CA 92626 Phone (114) 641 4321 • L.M. Boyd/ Swords beat guns Another thing few Americans un- derstand about Japan is that it was once the foremost maker of guns. Samurai awordmen struggled for po· wer over this, and won. They rejec- ted gunpowder weapons when they rejecU!'d West.em Influence In the 18th century But for a while thert\ the ORANGE COAST DailyPilai Japanese we re the wofld's greatest gunners. An estimated four out of five U.S. soldieu who aaw combat during World War II never Clred their wea- pons in thoee batlle.. That'• the claim of war hittorian S.L.A. ManhalL Thonws P. H•l•Y PublisNr TfMNMI A. Murpttlne Editor aarura Krtlblch Edltorlel P•oe SOllor • Career diplomats left out WASHINGTON -Career diplomats an the S tate De partment are growing mutinou s over P r esident Reagan 's marked preference for political cronies as ambassadors. Mem bers of the American Fo reign Service Associa tion -t he d iplomats' union -have taken the unusual stt>p of compiling case histories on w hat th<.·y regard as the worst Reagan appoinl<.'l'S It rs thl'1r contention that proft•ss1onal Foreign Service officers should have been given the assignments tilO ONE QUESTIONS tht ng_ht of a prt'!Sidl'nl to name anyone ht• ('hl!OM'S lO an ambassadorship. As th<• <•y<'l> and Nrs of th<.• pr<.'S1denl rn a particular <.•ountry, an ambassador who rs a personal friend or poltt1t·al ally 1s somcll m(.'S the most effe<:ti ve en voy the cou ntry can have T he president hsll?ns to him and trusts his Judgment. which might not hc the case with a c·.Jrt!(•r diplomat whom he doesn't knuw So tht S1•n:.ih:. rn giving its ··adv1t•t• and t'OnM 1H" to pres1dent1al nominl't's. has ht!>luncally bl-en lenient toward thl• apporntmt•nt of political hacks ,mcf mon'. ey men to ~ns1tive pm.ts.overseas T he prl>Sent discontt.nt may hav<' lx.'<.'n stirred at least partl y by dasht·d hopl~ Over the past half century. p1 f'Sltll•nL<. have rellt'd rncreasmgly on career ufh cers Th e number who have alldllll'd ambassadorial rank has st<.•ad1lv n::.t·n, lo the point wh1•rt• 73 pl'ru·nt ;,f Jimmy __ O. ~ JACK ANOE RSON Carlt.'rs ambassadors wf'n: µrull•ss11in;1I diplomats But that s1tuat1on ha.-. changed drn ... u cally in the Re<1gc.n n•g1me Th(• numlx·r of c·arecr amha~dors has droppt'Cl lo ~b perc·enl. Crtll<-s in Foggy Bottom and un Capitol Hill including Sen. Claihornt· Pell, D-JU . author of the 1980 foreign Service AC'l told my associate Lucettt· Lagnado that Rl•agan has appointed a greater pert'entage of polillcal amba55a- dors than anvonc• since Herbert Hoovl'r Here ar<.· a fC'W of thl· Reagan ap pointees who have drawn the S<:orn of thl' profess10nals. -David Fundl'rburk. in Romania A former history proft>ssor who is fl uent in Romanian, Funderburk rs disparaged as a fierce crttil· uf th<.· govern men t ht.• 1s <m:r~rled lo. as well ctS of tht: Amen.ran prl'ss. fellow a<.·a<lc:m1t·1.ins and S t!.i ll' Dl>pc.irtment can.'<·rtsL'> whom ht• rt-g<u ds m,, -.oh un l'Ommunism Ht• om·t· charg(.-<l t h ~ l Rev B 111 v G r <i ham had b t• c• n "duped by communist uflttlJh. Ill Jlun- j.{ary'" on a I Y77 v1s1\ -FREO J, ECKERT,111 1"1J1 A lonn1·r pr1·S.'> ;1gt.•nt anc.l N1•w York !'>l..:IH· '>t"ll<1t11r. ~,.. h:.as no dl!->l"1•rn1bl1• h.itk grnund 111 d1pl11111at·y But hl· 1s r1·por· H•Jlv d1<,tf;11nlul ol thl' F11n•1gn St·n11t·1 p1.,t1·-.. ... 11111;,b "'lio r1•turn tht· d1.,f,1vor Kt:1lh Fooll· Nyburg. 1n Fmland 'rhmrgh his wt~,,. d-Ftnn an~ • .,.. .. ~~ - lht: d1ff1l·ult languagl· fluently, tht• ldaho rancher (naml! of hrs spn•ad F1nl.111d1.1) 1s faulted as a l1gh twt•1ght who'., n•1l t>qurpped for the 1n tncan<.•s uf F111111sh foreign policy. -William Rober t Ca~ey J r . Ill N1g1..•r This Central African l"Ountrv. which 1s mostly Sahara desert, 1~ hardly a d1pl11- mat1c plum. but the c.:ar<.•l'f ul flt"<''" n·· ~l'nt Cascy·s appointment. possibly bt - cause young CasC'y unl-c worked in N1gl·r1 .i.s a mining engint.'(,•r for Conon> Mil.in Bis h . rn BJ rbodo~ Ht··s a Nl'braska calllc· ranch<.'r. and thl' pro· ft•ss19nals grump that th<' Caribbean 1~ too 1mporWnt an arl·;.1 fur .:1 rwophytt· Today's prices teach how not to buy The plan• wherl· l ust.'<i to buy a m·w f'ord station wagon every thre<.' yt'an. rs now a Volkswagen dcalcr!>h1p 1 was driving by the othl'r day and wondered how mut:h a Volkswagen d1t'SC'I station wagon cost. so l stopped in to look a l the signs on the car windows. Th<.• c:ar c-osts more than $10,000. ~nd inasmuch as I wouldn·t pay $10,000 for a Cadillac. 1 certainly wouldn't put out that prin• for a Volkswag<•n T he last ttmt.' l priced Volks wagens they were $1. 700 and 1 t 's hctrd for me to get that frgun.• out of my mind. IT TURNS OUT that mv formt•r Ford- dca ler-turned-Volkswagen-mer chan t was also selling a li ne of J aguars, the dassy British car. Now. r m not one of thOSt' peoplt' who gOC's around all the lime talking about "'the good old days" when you could get a steak dinner for $3.95. but there are some prtt'e'S m 1982 that l can"t get usl'd to T he Jaguar I found mySC'lf looking at in the Volkswagen lot had a sucker price of $29.500 The single most important price m my lt fe IS $29.500. l paid that JUSl onCE' w hen we boug ht the house w e still livt• rn. That was 1952. I looked al the Jaguar and laughed . I'd lov<' to own it. but right then and thC're I made-m,ysdf a prm111:-1· ··1, Andn·w A Hoont•\ Jo hPrc•I" '>ll· lemnly swear that l'Vl'rl rf I g1•1 r 1eh 1"11 nevn buy a <.·ar that costs as mud1 ,,.., 1 hl· p uuSt· we've ltvE'Cl in for 30 years ' Our hou se· has c•1g ht rooms. thrl'I bathrooms, a two t'ar garage' and y<.•ar.; nl -AN-DY-RO-ON-IY _ _,,,.~ at-cumulated JUnk in the baS<'mcnt and the alltc For tht' same• pn<.·1.·. thC' car ha.., four doors, a c-rgart•lll' ltghH•r. 1 suppos<·, no bathrooms. no k1tl·h1•11 and no hast· ment. Inflation has nevt•r bothC'rt•d me much because, fortunatdv. mv rneonw has generally inflaw<l at 'the· $ame spt•t'Ci as the economy 1 nc•vl•r gamed mu<.·h on prices but I never lost gro~nd, e11h1·r When egg noodl<.-s w('nt up lo 79 l't•nL .... I got a ratS<' My w1fC' keeps talking ah<Jlll how much groc't'rtt'S are costtng but she never con~ratulates mC' on rncrt·a<>ing my bring-home pay (I brmg 1l home. I don·t take it home.) The b ig trkk tha t Amer kans .H e• learning 1s how not tu buy a lot of nC'W things all till' llnw W1 ,11 •·n t buv1nj! a:. m,in, rww l·ars lx'<·au.,e '"''n • gt•lting our kick~ out uf kt'<'ping our old unl-:. Morl· ;ind mon• you ht'ar peoph· sµ<•aking with µrt<ll' rn tht· f(lcl that tht•ir Chevy 1s "'' •v(•n vc•.u ... old ·'-;h~··., g( 1 8-1 ,UO(I mill'" i>n ht•1 and run... good as l ht• OJY I bought h('r ·· TEN · EAHS 1gu, one· out e>f every five Am<.•ri«at,... '>'-c1 nving C'ac·h yt•<ir That frgun• ha· d1 n•·d sha rply More Amt•n<.·ans ;,in •1g in their old hous.·. Thl·y paid $!'> 1r ll t•1ghl vt•ars Jgo and thev mu $85.000 tor It un the markc•t ·toda· , then th1•y d havt• lo pav $127 .nc1• ,, rww om• tht• samf• srze tornorrnv. ~.·rrc:rn ... a n · lll'ginning to do th<• S(.'I 111~ th111g with thrrr money. Th:it"s wha1·s n11nmg th1· f'\·onomy For my p;Jrt . th1•n• <.irt· high prtC'l'S 1 gC't usC'd tu and l11gh µrr<.•t•s I'! I m·vl•r gl'l ust'tl to The· µru·1• 111 ;1 g,1llon ol gas no longl'r botht'~ in1• To pay $1 :.W d1X·sn"t ~('(•m llkl• too mut h 1111 a gallon of :.0mething so powe1 lul th.ii ll wrll push nw Jnd my t·a r (m~ olrl ',11 I 18 miles I'll m•ver gl'l usc'Ci t11 h11t1 I room prices. though For a plal"<' ll• ... 1i·1·p for one night. $84 seems lik<· a lot On the other hand. the small priC'C' a newsp.1per has to pav for thrl't' eolumm. a WC't•k from me, 1s one of tht• best buys IC'ft on t•Jrlh. The false logic of 'good inte ntions' I a lways t hou ght that on e of the d umb<'sl of old adages is the one war- ning us. "The road to hl'll 1s paved with good intt•nt1ons:· It seems to mc that al· most tht• opposite 1s l rUN that the road to hPavC'n is paved with good rn- tcnllons What th<' adagt· 1mpli<.-s. of t-oUrS('. 1s tha t good 1ntl•nt1ons a lone are no t SYlllY 111111 enough; that meaning to do well must not become an excuse for not having done well: that failing to put our good Intention" Into practice puta us on the lonJ df'llCent to Avernus. Thf're Is a difference here that 1s not always d~tinguishcd: betwt'Cn what ts n ry and wh9l b !iuff1dcnr To tc• rompllAh anything worthwhile. I\ iJ nt'- Quot ··r am ccmvinrcd that our pOtlcl , now l.hal lh y 11re In place, ar the appropt"int rKpon•e to our eurrent dlfflftit •• ....Id ....... cC'ssary that we• fir-.t h<ivc good mtrn tions. but rl is n<>l suff1nt•nt Th1•\ must Qe c-arrit'Ci out What 1s important. howevt•t, 1s thil t we judge an act not by iL.:; result but hy its inll'ntions. If W (' sll'al money from ;1 prospt>rous nwrThqnt and lose.." 1t whilt• running away and 1\ 1s found by a bl111d orphan who u:.t.•i; rt t11 ~t'l <.'f'Ul«hes for ht•r cnppl<'<i motht•r, tlw n-sult may lx· good . but our at·t was bad tx~·ausc• our intention wa.<> had Conversely, If w<> inte nd to do good. and we fall, for one reason or anothl'r. we a rc still on the right road and not the one to hpll. In this practical age. we US<' "!iuC'Ct'SS" as the chlf'f critt•rion for nearly all our actions. no mo\tcr which motives have Inspired them IC we bomb the civilitin population of an enemy stole to a pulp. '-'<>mpclling 1\a surrcnd<'r, we rongratu· late oureelv upon "having shortened the war." But our antonthm w.as to brlna about 1 aperoy wbJUaotlon or th<> c~ w1th u lew ~ to ounielv u \ blc. no matter how m1ny oC their rtvf· Ilana wera klllt-d. This I l'Xlctly lh'1 UlnC.' ratlonalluUOn that. Hltlitt pvo for bombln1 Rolt.~rdam 1nd Covontry thlt It would •·md the war'°°"""'·" It Wt'I punuo thll klnd <If 1Cl'llk, ~kt <in atomic war t•nsu1·. anv nation wr lh thl' bomb t·ould 1ust1f:-. blowrn~ u p half lh<.· l'arth in tht• firs t f1v1· minutes of hostil1t11:·s as ··short<>nmg lh<' war.'' It i;un•lv would do th:Jt, mavtx-W l' 1:ould t'Vl'n "g<'l the t.Jme down to ·:rn SCt-onds by 1•xtt•rmmating thn>c qunrlt•rs of huma- rmy. Whut is trag1t· an thf' world 1s tha t whtl1• the intentions of people may be 1-lt>od toward om' another, the· intentions of political leaders are "good" only in terms or the perpetuation or their power. And t\ IS only this kind or distorted goodness that the road to hell is paved Wl\h I wl•h American auto makera ,_,outd lt>aarn rrom •he Ja~nf9t' how lO b\llld ,... wllh <Unfortable IW'l&Nrc nti. DCSCOUIWllD \ \· Son's defiance teaches lesson NEW YORK (AP) -El•v.en years after Steve Allen's ion joined a commune and changed his name, th\" cnlt'rtainer says he has <.'Ome t.o accept the deciafon and learned some important things about being a parent. .. The Idea of having feverish ambitions for your children can be destructive," Allen said. "Only unhappiness can result from parents driving children." Allen was not so philosophical when he first received a letter from his 24-year-old son, Brian, saying he had become a member of the Church of Armageddon and the "Love Family" in Seattle. Wash. Allen and his wife, actress Jayne Meadows, were "hurt and stunned" by the bombshell. Today, Allen said, "w e consider ourselves ver y fortu- nate and blessed when we look around at other families. There are l,001 worse other fates." "The important thing is that w e h ave a m a rvel o u s re la tion ship." hl' said. "We spend a lot of time together." ALLEN Allen has chronicled his fa- mily's experience m a new book, "S C'loved Son " T~e book also takes a look at many of the cull movemt:nts of the past decade. But the focus d early is on Brian Allen who, smce joining th<.· Love Family. <:a lls himself Logic Israel. All members of the group share the last naml' Israel. It 1s led by u former salesman who calls himself Love Israel. "Right from the st.art. they were not as wild as other groups," Allen said. "That might have some- thing to do with the personality of Love Israel. He JUSt seems.<t friendly young fellow -marnpulatave. but not typecast as a religious fanatic" It took Allen a whale to come to terms with his son's choil-e in life. "It was a gradual acceptance," he said. "It wasn't the same 1f hC' had been 16 and laving in our home. He was ulready out an the world and a fully responsible adult. "The fi rst lime I went, w hen I saw the child ren were happy and hl'althy that did impress me." he said. "Any society that can produce happy. healthy children is doing something worthwhile - compared t.o how life 1!:-on the street these days.'' Brian Allen has threl· childre n and a wifC'. Simplil'ity !sra<.•I. He and the other 140 or more members of lht• Seattle t'Ornmune work together to sustam-thl'ir community. 'f1tey llVe in houst'S near one anothC'r. Allen said. "They have d1v1ded areas of respons1b1hties," Allen said. "They spe nd a lot of time doing car- pentry, stone masonry. They give away surplus food to needy pcopll' m the community." Allen thinks h as son 1s fulfilled and happy with his life. "It would have been nice 1f he had become a Methodist and the governor of Wyoming," Allen said. "It all seemed very reasonable when Steve (another Allen son) at the age of 18 decided to be- ('Ome a doctor. "Brian never zeroed m on anything," he said. "He wasn't interested m money It was never clear what he would do for a hVlng." ,-THE .~g.!,!;~ s..-1 -... u \<•-• ••• .. 11 Ne•J>Ofl Buch 1 OOP M 10 OOP M. f(I. $20 00 '" StnGI 'J; <;1 Loe '11651 ~'t"" ''"" S1•o~at 'tOUI ~" l( ... S'<"'4' P#ftf~I "'"' AtPd,f COSTA MIU 641-1289 "~ .............. MIUIC* VllJO 495-04()1 Ad•Wt ltf"IUllon -tcoom>tlldtd 11•21 c-"'• c.,.1 ... -714 640-1268 cs-DMee • ...., ...... ,,. "'wy" SltOWT9E: TlcUll .. hit at lflqt 0.. flif&rtH4'S I CK., M A111r ti~ 1,, ~•v W1tl .,, '~"':::Call Now 957-1120 11 " I • Pll k ..... Mm .... ~Ill ~1(, AM SS ~ tllll ';~ ... ~"Gr.,., \.~ """ Sa ........... It~ 001''"T "IS..S Ol lJ'tl"O OAtl , .... , -........ -... O.t "" ..... _ '··~-" ''"••'''' -.. .. 1,.,m.,.. """"" .~ .. ~•'"'• DOLLARS & SENSE Financial Management . Seminar for Women , April 19-23, 9 a .m. to 3 p.m. Orange Coaat DAIL V PILOT /Monday. April t2, 1982 Graduate~ ought out National farm ,economy hearing to be phoned The Paaadena High WASHINGTON (AP) -The Agra -In a swtement h1sued hr re, Allan Paul, was "not an uttac:k o t1 the admlmalralion School Class of 1972 18 culture Council of America plans t.o hold council president, and Roge~ Cla rk of or anyone t•lse." aearehlng for alumni to a nationwide tt'lephone call-in to hear Brady, Neb . Vll't' chafrman of Farmland Many Farm Belt mcmben of Congress attend 8 10-year clasi. from farmers. agr1busmess people and lndwstrws, said the> project was organi-and soml' form groups have urged" the reunion lo be h e ld 1n others on the state of the farm economy. ied "to dramatize lo the Washington odmirustral1on to undertake more actions J I Council officials announced I.Oday that audlem'e the depth of f~rs· and ran-to help pull farmers out of their plight. u~ members should the call-ln will be May 11 from 7 a.m. t.o cher11' d1fficult1es" and to stimulate Depressed market pricea and high inte- contacl the sc hool at 7 p .m . PST. It ia being billed as a broader discussions on feasible remedies rest rotes are pushing down farmers' net 213-798-8901 "naUonaJ hearing on the farm economy." The statement said the call-in project Income for the third straight year . ,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l.:;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii .. John Robert Powers MODEL Become • profMalonel model thla , .. , O PROFESSIONAL MODELING PHOTOGRAPHIC MODELING TV COMMERCIAL WORKSHOP CAREER ADVANCEMENT EXECUTIVE GROOMING SELF IMPROVEMENT John Robert Powers In Orange County 3 Town & Country, Orange (714) 547-3%!8 CaU or Come la today ·~1 .... ,HJI ~ t 111.1,1·,,S S 1.00 llPari11 g TPst" St•l For '•'\\·port Bt•a(·h ELECTR ... S w II ht' given at '.'l~wport Ht•a(•h ll~arin ~ .\i<I ('(•nh•r Mon .• t\pr. 12, Tu••s., t\pr. I!), W.-d .• t\pr. 14 9 t\.~I. tu 5 P.:tl. Hearin~ tests will be conducted by a Hearing Aid Sp('ciali~t . who is hcensed by the California State Board of Medical Quality Assurance as a Hearing Aid Dis penser Anyone who has trouble hearing or understa nding is wt>lcome to a test emplo1 ying the latest electronic equi~menl wh1l'h will determine his or her particular loss You will set> a morlc-rn hearing aid so tiny 1t fit s totally w1th111 the ear NEWPORT B}t:AC'll llEAHI~(; 1\lf) C'E~TEH 1-'u1 rnt•rh .\11111l1!1mw1 ,. \\ .1111 111·<11 llH! \ul I ··n11·1 I"''·' .\11•-..1 1600 West Coast Highway Newport Be ach 646-8266 Ir ~IHI 1·an I lllJl..t· 11 10 tlll'w d,I\-. 1-.111 (111 ,q1pt .1t ,1nnlht•1 llffll' ---------------------~------------- There's s till time to take a n IRA o r Keogh deduction on yo ur 198 1 Federal Tax Return - provided you act before the deadline fo r filing. April 15. If yo u did open an IRA account in 1981 you can add to it, to fulfill your total qualification. If you didn't open an account. you canaen one and still get the total deduction for which u qualify. If you have a Keogh Plan started, you c n make deposits neces- sary to reach your maxi mum deduction level. \ \ \ ~ ~ Get all the answers and open an I RA account by phone! Just call one of the Money Management Specialists on our Financial Line. (714) 231-4023 Call Direct or Collect Great American Federal SAVINGS ANO LOAN ASSOCIATION 11te Sll9ijjdl ID Soar ••• A ~of SuccesT in Money Management ..• Safe Sil« 1885. 1· j I I • Al Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Monday, April 12, 1982 1Talk show nO 'hand-holder' King says listeners · tnicrocosm of America' NEW '/ORK (AP) 1..arry King i.a hard al work, chatting wllh guests and callers from all cornen, while mo&\ Am~ncans are aound asleep. Bul d"plle the nocturnal nature of his audience, Kl~ lnsiat.'I he'11 no "hand·holder." 'The people who listen to our show are no different than anyone else. They'te a microcosm of America," says King. "So I don'l treat 1t as an aU- nlaht ahow. Ir 1 were doing the thing al noon. I'd do It the aame way. ''Ten percent of America is up at night," aaya the hott of 1'The J...arry King Show" on the Mutual Radio Network, ••and only three r._ercent of the people awake then are lnsomniacs.,It s a lot younfer audience than mosl people lhink. and the y re interested in the same things as everyone else. ''The difference. I thank, is in altention span. There are less distractions at night, and I get the feeling people pay more attention to us at night than they might during the day," Kmg says. Whoever they are, the listeners are there in legion -MutuaJ estimates about 3.5 m1U1on people tune in sometime during each broadcast. "We starled with 28 stations less than three years ago," King says. "and we're up to 250 today. "h 's a huge audienc.-e, starved for information at thal hour," he says. "and they're just waiting for someone to come_ to talk with them." King 6lnd the guest, Md "()pen Phone Ameriaa," which lovltei ronversaUon w[th Kmg, to aign-off. Mutual offen participating stallona a "Best of King" program for weekend broadcast. Some stations on the West Coast coo:I:naate for the three-hour Ume difference by br aating "Open Phone America" live, followed by the guest aegJnenl on tape. That gives their listeners the op- portunity to participate in the-call-in portion of the program. (King can be heard in the Orange Coast area on KMPC, Loe Angeles.) Kini· who recently turned 48, wu railed In Brooklyn -he calls himaelf "a kid of tho 1treeta." He says be never went to college. His career in radio began in May 1957, aa a d18C jockey in Miami. Within month.a, he was host of a mid-morning talk show, broadcast live from a Miami Beach restaurant. "I'm 24," King recalls, "and from the second day l did that show -'Boy, this is my nlctte.' The show caught on very quickly -Bobby Darrin comes in, Jimmy HoHa, Ed Sullivan. Agents and PR people were bringing their clients by. ll was all great training." · King did the show at night for a time, in the mid-1960s, and in 1970, he says, "I went back to the studio and started talung calls." Though no one will a(imit to a connection between King's success and plans by at least two , TV networks -CBS and ABC -to program news and information in the wee hours, the Mutual talk how has proven the~ is a ~ptive audience bet- ween midnight and dawn. King a lso did color commentary on Miami-- Dolphins pro football games. through the mid-'70s. "The Larry King Show" premiered on the Mutual system Jan. 30, 1978, and the first nine weeks of the show was broadcast from Miami - while King sought a home in Washington. The program has been fed by satellite from the nation's capital ever s.mce. E .. "The Larry King Show," broadcast live five nights a week, from just before midnight to 2:30 a.m. PST, is in three segments -King's conversa- tion with the night's guest, a caU-in portion with ''Riv11ls '2001' 11nd 'STAR WARS''' ELECT l=J:UWiC·l . H.B. City Council QUALIFIED I] BUD BELSITO "Ther e's kind o f a magic in cal ling Washington," King says. "You get a chance to talk to the people who run the show." NOW PLAYING uu COITA llHA •OflAllQl •WHTMlllSTlll lliu Plaza Edwi11ds C~ Cente< C<nedome UA Twin Cinemu 529 5339 979 4141 634 2553 898 1243 COSTAMHA EdwafOs 8'1Slol 540 7444 l1 TOIM> ~ •-v··• • Edwlllds Saddteoick Stadium Dl;~e In CXJ(-..._ r 581 5880 639 8770 I ::::'!:°.,:-~:] .,_.,. . ....,._. .,,_.. . ··. ... .,.._..__"""'_ :' ..... ': ............ •• 1,""J NOW PLAYING IUEllA PAllll OIUWE-111 CllllOOME EDWARDS llEWPOAT e~n.i Pat• 8?1 4010 O<anqe 634 15~3 11e .. P011 lle.icn 644 0760 MAlllUlllA PLAZA STADIUM OlllWE·lll UA CllllMA Bre• 519 5339 Otaoqe 639 8710 Wt\lmon\te• 893 0~46 lOWAllOS SADOlHAU EDWARDS llllSTOl "°•..urueccmo U Toto S81 ~880 Costa Me<w1540 1444 •o• '"'u..ooor11••1 MAKE SOMEONE HAPPY 1 ~ RAB81TT ~ANCE 25th \l'Jr ~ \nnt\'t'rsar~ ~ ?' in lht• llJrhor Art-a ~ ,. ~ . FAIMEIS INSUHHCE ;•ooP 441 Old M.wport ll•d. Newport lkoch, CA U1·7740 ...... AR CAOl O~ liAMES Ope,. Witt\ BolOOffice --., . "Wf"' 12: 152:164:15 6: 15 8:1510:15 is a proven leader experienced ih city planning, budgeting and administration, as well as having earned advanced de- grees In Public Management and Law. CRIME FIGHTER [I IUD BELSITO Is endorsed by'the Huntington Beach Police Officer's Association. l1ijill~·I01M Ii IUI IELSITO Is a ongtlme resident dedicated to a bright future for Huntington Beach. FOR ALL HE WILL DO IHIS BUD'S fOR YOU! Plld For By T~ ~d ~llto Ei.ctlon CommlttM l.D. 120341 .eeo1 warner Ave .• Huntington a.ct\ 9*'. Tom t.&o11fl)' CMlr'fMn VICTOft VICT'QMA (PGI Alto Plav•nt .._...9-IRI AP Wl14'Pftolo MOSCOW POPS STAR -Alla Pugachova is currently the most popular pops singer in Russia. She says Soviet pops music was once strongly influenced by the West but now has a life of its own. · KHp an eye out for the funnieat movie about growipg tip ever m .. l You '11 be glad you camel *BARGAIN MATINEES• Monday thru Saturday All Perform1nces before 5:00 PM (Except Special Eng1gtmtnts 1nd Holidays) t)I MlllA[,A MAil M1tooo at t o1•c•ona LA MIRADA WALK ·IN tt•·2•00 "VICTOR VICTORIA" lPOI n•.>:Ot , .. au .. ,_ "PORK Y'S" 1•1 t)lO ?-.>$ ....... , '"' ~ at.Sf PtCtUM Of lltl Y-IA,. "CMAfllOT8 OF FlftE" lPGI ·--·--- LAKEWOOD CENTER WALK ·IH alaJ ACTOlll ANO ACf ... aa "ON GOLDEN POND'" 1P01 '111.JJI , .. , ... ~ ·SOME KINO OF HERO" 1•1 1-. HG I M 14' H• LAKEWOOD CENTER SOUTH WAU IN Foc:'!fY Al Del Mio 11J/H4-f211 , "MISSING" IPOI ,,.. .... ~., ... tt.. '° .. L>.GUNA "SOME KINO OF HERO" 1•1 tJ>•.>•.•...J0.1..JO ...... '"MISSING" IPGI -·· "THE FRENCH LIEUTENAHT"S WOMAN" 1•1 ''"'° t':Jt .... "OUEST FOfl FIRE'" w, '°"""" OOl.8'1 n .... ,. ,_.,. ... 11• focuny 01 ConGte•ooo 213/~31·9510 "PORK Y'S" 1•1 II 4iO >-GO $.l't 1 4.l ,. .. OAA 't e&IKiAM IWCI fO* fiijf ""6w °"'. ..a ••..O._. .-..Cl ~Al MIO ..c)L.IOAY "flEDS" IPGJ t}-.)11 •••• ··CAT PEOPU"'t•> ... , .............. ..., PIC.fUfllll ANO K ... Wt.A, "CHAfllOTS OF Fifi("' tfl'01t>ao >..• ' •• _.. •• so. COAST WALK·IN Soulll Coo1t 1uwoy ot lfooawoy 494-l514 "CAT PEOPLE"1•1 MON·OWI l1t.IO ,-.. ,., kHll , '' • 4.l.,,. tu ··DEA THTIIAP'" IPG-THll UO UI •f'I SAT •'* '-:ti. .... 1-t-2l •• .... ' .... 1•JO ~jll .. 1.l.J '\~\"\·-~._,. IMPORTANT NOTICl! CHILDREN UNOIR 12 fRU! ~-'~ '"' WtfM4 ..... Uww 'fl ' 30 • S•I s • .-"tl• ' 00 , .. ClllE Fl '°""° . fOIJll .. CAil llAOIO 1$ •DUii Sl'(M(A •• IC> A# CN1 ~ Will! lf.lllTOI ~ IOSITOI ...... Ml NllllMU ,.~ CN..fl ~ .. ~ .. tWllO ANA><llM ANAHEIM DRIVE·IN ''•••O¥ t1 ot l•moft St "CLASH OF TitE TIT ANS" Cl'Ot P\US "THE LORO OF .Tltl! RINGS" lll'GI 179•9150 Clll! " SOU"O ----.-M-,-OUll.,,....,.,AC"'"•DUHAW~ I .... AC~:.... .. ;;. .. ' - "flAIDEflS CW Tl* LOST A~"OH GOLDEN POMO" ll'Clll'UIS P\US 1"°1 "OflOINARY Pl!Of'U!" 1•1 ··THE FINAL COUNTDOWN" IPGI CINI f o SO\INO Coltt h loOUllU ------------ 8UINA PAllk BUENA PARK ORIVI IN ltrtc:Off\ Aff Welf OI ~" 121-~070 8ulNA PAllJ LINCOLN DRIVE·IN lo~ O.ooo 'IWY at l toaU•unt (Sa) "SOME KINO OF HEfl0" 1•1 P\US "S.o.a."1•1 "SILENT flAGE" 1•1 P\US "CAT PEOPLE" i•t ' 962•2 ... 1 Clllf '' SOUNO ... j .• ~~.~;f J •ST ACtllA .... AC'TMH "OH GOl.MN PO.O" I"°""'"* "STAflTIHQ OYWfl" 1•1 Ctllt Pl SOUllO "NCHAllO f'fr(Otl UV. ON THe IUMMT S~ ltlt "-IM "U•O CMIS" 1"1 Clllt ,. toullO A t4 A fllr. A LA HABRA i•Wl'il IN ---~--·--17MMt ----....... ORANGE 0111, • ''°' "NM~"lfll ..,,. .....,. THI UOMT'8 ..... OUT .. .._,."4111 ···~-""­"CHANOTS OP ....... CNI "-UI .. MTHUlt'' tlllOt Clllt " SOUllO ---"POllltY'S"1"1 -~ • IMO«I" ltll Cllll II IOUllO ... _ .. ,..._ ,,_Co ..... 118·7022 r .. · • • llllJPllll MONDAY, APRIL 12, 1982 CAVALCADE 82 COMICS 84 SPORTS 86 A ngels head hon1e aj ier losing 111 Minn f!so t a. Page 8 5. D 0 BY THE NUMBERS -Denise And rade of La Habra works out, left, as club oatrons 10 the DeHy Piiot Pholoe by Cherin SI.,., gallery watch Tim Fo ley and J eff Clar k lunge and G loria Ke ller take a break. Bouncer's e x haus ted Me!a club crowd gives ne w meaning to 1.4 Bottoms up" By JODI CADENHEAD Of lM Delly Ptlol SlaH Firs t the re were mak s t rip· pers. T hen 'came female mud w restling, followed by soml'lhmg savvily labeled "foxy boi?ing " - But Chuck Costa, the manager o f McConahay'.s, thinks h e's come up with the perfect way to get ~e trad itionally slow Mon· day night crowd in to his Costa Mesa nigh tclub. "Yea h , we 're offering aerobics," said the innovative 29-year-old manager. We laughed. Who would want to walk into their favoritt? water- ing h ole to watch a. bunch of men and women huHing, puffing and sw eating over s tr e n uous exercises? We stopped chuckling when we saw the dan<.·e floor pal·k(•d with people of a l l shapc•s and sizes stretching. running. pul- 1 ing and going non -stop for -1 5 minutes And there W('re ple nty o f ring-side spe<:tators taking more than a m o me nta r y sta re from their drinks to watch tht' c:lass led by 21 -year-old Cindy Ber- nier. "Watching girls 1s m'y favorite sport next to playing pool." ex- plained Chuck Early. 25. Costa Mesa. Not everyone cam e lo og le strangers Gary Voigt, 29. Hunt- ington Beach . said he showed up to watch his girlfriend. But she was d oing "so te rrible" that he refused lo point her out in the crowd. But many of thl• amateur ex· t•r'l·1scrs gave up long beforp the St!ss10n <'ndcd. On<' te mporarily exhausted 24 -year-old housewife said s he wasn't a t all embarras- sed t'o be dress<'d in red tights and a blad< leotard. exerns ing in front of a crowd Asked 1f her husband minded that she was the n >, the shapely blonde s napped. "He• sure docs. I'm a l a jazz excrl'ISt' da.s.'\ at a t·hurch supposed!) " Among the die-hards who sur- vived until the last sweaty kick was Tim Foley o f Huntington B<·ach . tht• club's bouncer. who l'olll'<.'Wd $110 from patrons on a bet that h<' l'Ouldn'l do 1l. "I didn't rea lm• 1l was that much," he said. "Basil·ally I'm worn out for a w~·k " FITNESS 'N' FATIGUE -While Judy oley of Placentia easily touc hes he r toes, P a ul Zuleger of Huntington Beach (and the legs behind her) rest. Jim Foley was glad to put his feet up after finishing 45 minutes to win a bet. D e adline d e taile d Last-minute tax filers assisted For Orange Count1ans who push the income tax fi ling deadline to its midnight April 15 limit there is salvation. T he Postal Service has a nnounced five OranRe County · post offices will acc'ept and postmark federal and state in- come tax returns until midnight Thursday. ln tact, postal officials intend to post un iformed per -· sonne l o utside of m a n y post offices to accommodate last-minute taxpayers. Orange County post offices remaining open will be: -Santa Ana Main Post Office, 2201 N. G rand Ave. -Anaheim Main Post Office. 701 Nort h Loara. · -Orange Main P ost Office, 1075 N. Tustin A ve. -Huntington Beach Main Post Office. 6771 Warner. -Laguna Niguel Ma in Post Office, 29911 Niguel Road Candidacy upheld An auditor-appraise r In the Orange Co\lnty assessor's offiee has won a court order requiring he be listed as a Re publican candidate for sovernor on the June 8 primary ballot. Orange County Superior Court Judge Edwa rd J . Wallin ruled that Jame. C... Manlfield's name should join those of GOP con- tende n M i ke Curb, George DeuJunejan, Wllliam ff.ft. Clark and Michael Arthur Hirt on the 1tatewlde ballot Uat. Manlfleld. a Fullerton rHI· dent, had 90Ught the court order when the Secretary o f St.ate'• Office rejected 14 of 65 slana- tures he needed from rep~ voters t.o qualify hb candidltcy. Most of the signatures were from voters ln Orange Count)'. Fourteen, however. were from voters ln Loa Angelo and R~ veralde counties. State elecUona code provialona say that the V<>4 tera 1hould all re1lde ln one countv. Wallin overTUled thal *hn&· call\y. • . , ' ! ., -Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT/Monday, April 12. 1982 •ANN LANDER S •ERMA BOMBECK •HOROSCO PE .. 1 Get professional help before it's too late I •' DEAR ANN LANDERS: Do you want to know why there are so many rapes? I can tell you, because I am a gu y who is just waiting for the right minute and th4¥' I'll grab aomebody. I have had a terrible weight problem ever since I was 10 years old. I am 20 now and have been laughed at and made fun of by girls all my life. They have made me feel like I am not worth anything. I have tried to~ be nice but all I ever got was a dirty look or an insult. The last girl I asked for a date told me to come around after I lost 200 pounds. I felt like breaking her damned face. 1 stay up nights thinking of ways to get back at that b ... and all. the others who treated me like dirt. In my head I have it all worked out. I know of an abandoned cabin on the.edge of town where I could keep a girl for a month and there wo\,lld be no witnesses when I got t hrougli with her. I wouldn't feel one bit guilty because I would just be getting even. -GUESS WHO lAM .. -· BAL WEEK BLUES? -One·year·old Ryan Carruth, son of Mr. and Mrs. Scott Carruth of Costa Mesa. doesn't seem to have a little Taurus gets Tuesday, April 13 ARIES (March 21-April 19): Family plans, communication and the overcoming of language, distance barriers. You'll have op- portunity to collect needed material. Cancer native is in picture. TAU{tUS (April 20-May 20): Diversify, make inquiries, give full rein to intellectual curiosity. You will receive answers, you'll improve financial status and you'll learn truth about money.earning capacity of one who makes grandiose claims. Gemini is in \.picture. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): P lans sub- ject to change; contract can be renegotiated and your status will be upgraded. Review facts, check sources, r,e ready for test ques- tions. Emphasiz.e willingness to hear various points of view. ~rpio plays key role. . CANCER (June 21 -July 22): Emphasis on employment, basic . tasks, resolutions concerning die t. nutrition, recreation and health . You'll discern motives, you'll suc· cessfully analyze situation involving mem- ber of opposite sex. Virgo is in picture. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Focus on chil· dren, domestic situation, possible remodeling of home or change of residence. Personal magnetism soars, popularity increases and elements of luck and timing ride with you. Romance, creativity and a variety of sensa- Qlfflflf By PHIL INTERLANDI ~ ....... ,_..,_.,._,..._ "You're dowll a tilJton.end+halt ... •. ab, a ~a-baJf ... '' WHOEVER YOlJ ARE: You are a I ery Succe.lul Women?" Now avail.able. a sick guy, much too slck to accept belp from me, but I'm gi.d you wrote because yoar DEAR ANN LANDERS: A smart-aleck • ANN UUDl'a. le&ter explain• why men rape. punk who l'Ul1I errands tn this office passed n1 1141 For a long time I have been .. YlDI rape me In the corridor thia morning and said, "'~~ ' ls not a crime of lust. It bas very little to do "You'd betler lay off the booze, Dad, your . ~ • wltb sex. It Is a crime of violence. Rapt1tt noee looks like a red balloon that's about to . despise women, and rape ls tbe ultimate go uf." · skin condition is an ignorant clod, unwortby expression of hostlllty. · happen to have a skin problem that of a response . On the outside chance that you are une causes my nose to become bulbous and red enough to reason, I will tell you wbere your periodically. I do not drink alcoholic beve-CONFIDENTIAL to Wounded ud Bit· logic falls apart. fustead of punl1~1 tbat rages and never have. This kid in the office ter: Man's capacity for cruelty to woman ls girl wbo told you to come around after yoa is not the only one who has made remarks matched only by ber ability to remember U. fost %00 pounds, you will grab a womu wbo about my red nose at:td assumed it•is from Picking at old sores merely prevents them never mistreated a person in her file. Slte drinking. Please tell me how to respond to from healing. Do yourself a favor -bury could be tbe mother of small children who these accusations. -CHEYENNE COM-the past and learn from It. need her or a person who would gladly help PLAINT you if she could. Your letter is a cry for help. Fe>r God's DEAR CHEY: Tlae skin problem 1oll.Dds sake, get it before you llo.sometbblg borrl-like ro1acea. Wblle It Is not caused bl Are your parents too strict? Hard to reach ? Ann Landers' booklet, "Bugged by Parenl.s? How to Get More Freedom,'' could help you bridge the generation gap. Send 50 cents with your request and a long. stamped. self ·addressed envelope to Ann L anders. P.O. &x 11995. Chicago, Ill. 6061 J. ble. drtnk.tn1, It ls aggravaCed by the use of a - cobol. Tbl1 is why some heavy drinkers have red noses. Don't miss Ann Landers' piece'in Wo- man's Day -"How Vo )\.fen Feel About Dally Pltot Stefl Photo playmate in sight as he surveys empty beach at Newport Pier during spring vacation. Maybe it's the weather, Ryan answers • HOIOSCOPf BY SIDNEY OMARA tions domihate exciting scenario. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Emphasis on property, leases. sales a nd basic values re- v ea led by professional appraisal. Define terms, steer clear of self.deception, study written material. 01der individual will lend benefit of experience. Pisces and another Virgo figure prominently. LIBRA <wt .. 23-0ct. 22): What seems a slipshod method· can actually become a successful. working operation . Know it, avoid forming hasty judgment. Short trip involves relative, could result in visit and will build reservoir of goodwill. Capricorn figures prominently. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): You'll be rid of financial burden. You'll locate missing item. You'll reach more people and receive additional compensation for services. One who aided in past will make reappearance. Aries, Leo. Libra persons play significant roles. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. ti): Em- phasis on new starts, greater independence, originality, creativity and exciting, romantic encounter. Cycle continues high and you'll be at right place at crucial moment. Imprint style. highlight willingness to pioneer a project. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Indi- vidual behind scenes works in your behalf; you are due to receive surprilte benefits. L egal tangle unravels, your position 11 stronger than originally anticipated. Cancer, Leo and another Capricorn play important roles. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): You pt your wish, you receive compllmenta, aoda1 activity accelerates and you could wln con- test. Key now is to be Qexibte, to reed, to make inquiries and to aha.ke off any hint of lethargy. Overaeu communication proves stlmulating, provides inlpfration. PISCES (Feb. t&-March 20): ~ '8 fulfilled, Individual tn polidon of aU1hartty la on your aide and prov• It. You rwoaup recent lo& Promot.lan c.'IOn'* thnJuib, proj- ect la under way::~·)'OU're ·jlvm man re- 1ponllbWty and...,. aut.barity. Anyone who comments on an unsightly Doggone recipe works I live in a stable garbage neighborhood. Food prices may soar. Waste may be at a minimum. but more dogs come to our area to knock over garbage cans than anywhere else in the world. ERMA BOMBECI AT WIT'S END I would have thought that cutbacks in air travel would have deterred some of the out-of ·state dogs from flying in, but that is not the case. Most of our garbage's popularity is ba- sed on reputation and word of mouth. We • have never advertised. We dragged car chains to the• ('nd of tht.· driveway and laced them into tht• handles of the cans. binding them together. A pat·k of dogs ate through tht· sidt· of the can and wt· never did get thC' knot OL!t of the chains FROM TIME TO TIME neighborhood groups have met and tried to figure out what the attraction is. Have dogs followed the rest of the country who favor drive-ins? Do they meet a better class of dogs when they eat out? Or haven't we taken a hard enough line against canine criminals? We tried freezing lht· gar bage before WP put it out. They waitt·d for it to thaw. WC' tried kitty litter around the l'an t hat l'un- tained c:amphor . They had a picnk· on 1t. ' Frankly, I ha ve never understood a dog's rationale. Take our dog. Please. He eats from the table, or should I say is offered the same ,are as we eat. He sniffs and rejects it. I wrap the s~me meal i n a piece of newspaper. put it in a plastic bag, drop the plastic bag in a rigid upright container with a hennetically-seal_ed lid and put it at the end of the driveway and he will tunnel un· der six feet of ~ard rock to get to it. Last week. I tried a new rt'<:ipe -Liver Fiesta. It's meatballs of ground liver. t·ab - bage and pimentos. toppt•d by a ehocolat{' sauce. There hasn·t bt'<-•n <i dug around our garbage cans si nce. I think I'm on to some- thing. POT SHOTS BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT 0,-~.....,.. A.11~·~- 0WI ,,_,,.. ~ ~··· ..,.-- It's probably the same rationale used by our children, who refuse to alt a hot dog unless it is drowning in a mustard-filled bun. wrapped in a ·piece of tissue and cost a buck and a half. I T'S ALWAYS GOOD TO SEE A F'RIENDLY FAC£ - IT'S NOT LIKE WE haven't tried to discourage dogs. Inspector Clouseau should be so ingenious. First, we put a boulder on top of each garbage can . A small poodle knocked it off and dumped over the entire can. COVLD YOU MAt<E VO\J~ S A LITTLE F'"1£NDL1£R '? GOIEN ON BRIDGE BY CHARLES H. GOREN AND OMAR SHARIF Q.1 -Aa South. vulnerable, you hold: •952 <;;>84 0 10974 +AQ83 The bidding hu proceeded: So•tlt w .. t NortJa Eut Pue I+ DW. Pue 2 + Pue 3 <;;> P ... ? What action do you take? A.-Despite the fact that you might have nothing. partner has told you that he expects to make nine tricks. He should have a good hand and, probably, a six.a.rd suit tor this action. You have two pouible trickt for partner. and you owe him a vote of confidence by bidding four hearts. Q.1-Both vulnerable, 11 South you hold: •AQIO'Tt IVS O&QtSI •J7 The bidding baa proceeded: N..ill Eut S..tlt Weet 1 <;;> Pue l + P ... 2. p ... 2 0 p ... I <:I P ... ? What dCS you bid now? A. -Beeau1e of the obvious misfit, thll hand ia not aa rood u it loolta. SUU. t0me move toward pme is in· dic:.ated, and ft doea not look H If t.hrM diamond• fa the rl1ht OM. Tb• moet. likely pm• l. in no trump, and you ahouJd make that aua-ation to partMr by bhlcllnr two no t.J'ump 11ow. Q.1-Neither vulaerablt. u South you hold: t A&4 o ... o &.I"" •A& T ... bMldiaf U. PN•tde4i1 ..... W• Nd &Mt INT ... 1 <:1 ... ' What io JOU '9W IOW1 A.-It is usually correct lo raise partner's major suit to game when you have three· card support and he has jumped. Here, however, all your points are outside parl ner's suit. and we sugges t that you bid three no trump -that might be the better contract. If partner is highly unbalanced. he does not have to linger there -he is free to bid again. Q.4 -Bot.h vulnerable as South you hold: •763 <;;>KJ8752 0 7 +Q65 The bidding has proceeded: Weet Nordl Eut South 1 • 2 O Pae1 ? What action do you take'! A.-While you might strike gokl by introducing your heart suit, such action is fraught with danger. Partner will surely expect a better hand from you and might do something rash. Pass. We really don't know how this question slipped in -we know none of our readers would indulge in a rescue operation since partner has not yet been doubled. Q.5-Neither vulnerable. u South you hold: •AQU ~a OllQS •AIGN The btddlns hu proceeded: ..... Weet N_.Eu& 1• P.. INT P-t . Whal act.loll do you Ltk•' A. -lf 1" play tJi.at a OH DO &naP ,..,_ co a OM club .,. ••• , W4 ...... •· ll pa&IU. k ii ... a IO •Ht.Mr ,.. IMuW ,... .,. .......... ,. .... _ .... ed .............. ,. l"4INM ... 1ti&_.ao trump and could have game if partner is maximum. so we would raise. If partner's no trump response shows a weaker hand and you did anything other than pass. you must have misunder· stood the problem. Q.6-As South. vulnerable. you hold: •J ~AJ1098S2 O' +A987 The bidding has proceeded: NortJi Eut Soutlt Weat 1 0. Pu1 1 <;;> Paee 3 <;;> PUI ? What do you bid now'! A. -Because of your great playing strength. yoU' should be willing to commit the hand to slam. However. you could easily have a grand elam on the hand if partner has the right cards. A cue·bidding se- quence should determine whether partner has two aces and second·round con· trol of clubs. Bid fou r clubs. Orange Coast DAILY PILOT /Monduy, April 12, 1982 s e s oa . success u ara e sa e. . .. Garage sales, yard sales, rummage sales, street sales ... no matter what you call them, the idea is the same -TURNING THINGS YOU NO LONGER> . NEED INTO CASH. When you get tired of fighting your way into a crowded attic or garage, or when you need a little extra cash, have a garage sale! So get into the act, clean out those unwanted items, and make money doing it! It's fun, it's profitable, and following these 10 steps will make it simple. Decide on dates. Look at a calendar and set the dates and times of your II sale. Weekends are usually good, but many successful sales have been held in the evening, just after work. Check the weather forecast in the paper, and watch for any other large event that may attract potential buyers away, such as fairs or community events. Hpve your sale run at least two days -some people may not be able to come on any si ngle day. What" to sell. Everything! That is, everything you haven't used in the II last year. If an item has antique value, or is brand-new, or has unusual value, be sure to ask a healthy price for it. Get a pad of paper and search your whole house. Look everywhere, and list everything. Furniture. This is your main attraction and your best source of income. Be sure to place furniture where it can be seen from the street. Price · furniture low enough to beat auctions and secondhand sales (check the classifieds for comparisons), but high enough so you can come down a little when someone shows interest. Rockinq chairs, chest of drawers, tables and chairs are all very successful at garage sales, so feature them in your ad. Antiques. Smaller antiques should be grouped . and kept close at hand where you can watch and talk about them. Nostalgia items are ve ry popular - display them well. Clothin9. Make sure clothing is clean, and mark the price way down. Put as many things as possible on hangers. Separate kid's things by age. Display adult clothing by sex and age group. Low prices are a must on clothes except for unusual items. which should be tagged with an explanation (like, "hand-embroidered flowers, dress worn by Mae West)." Appliances. These·wiH sell for a fair price only if they work. No one wi II take your word for it. Have an extension cord so they can be tested, or better yet, have radios playing, old TV sets turned on etc. Make sure buyers understand \l)ey are sold "as is". Plants. These usually go fast. but keep them out of direct sunlight. A good idea is to name your plants before the sale (Spider Lady, Cousin Jaspe:r, Maggie), and write a line or two on the name card about how to care for them. Write your ad. Here is a suggested ad: "Garage Sale -desks, II Bentwood rocking c hair, toys, infants' clothing, 1922 Victrola in original cabinet. many gadgets. lots of unusual items, rock collection, plants. Refreshments, 8 · a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. 1234 South Anystreet, Yourtown. Just west.of Main and 2nd." Use this sample ad as a guide. Be sure to list unusual Items. Be as specific as possible. Give directions if needed. Don't use abbreviations-many people won 't bother to decipher them. CAUTION : Don't advertise anything you don't really have. Every item in the ad must be on hand at the start of the sale. Where to advertise. Place y"o ur ad where if will be seen by people who llve in the area -most people shop close to home. The II Daily Pilot is read by 88,000 adults in Costa Mesa. Newport Beach. Laguna Beach, Irvine. Huntington Beach and Fountain Valley -guaranteeing you wi de exposure. And with the Pilot, you 're not paying for waste circulation in L os Angeles or Anaheim. Piaf} to run your ad 3 times or more, and start it a few days before the sale so bargain hunters can have plenty of notice. Make a sign. To help make your sale successful, make-a few sign s • from cardboard and letter with a magic marker. A good sign size is 14" x 22" Placing your sign. The morning of the sale. but not before. place your • signs. Be sure and add your address and any directional arrows. This should be done about a half hour before the sale starts. Place your sign where it can be seen from be>th sides of the street by passing cars and pedestrians. CAUTION: Some towns have laws that restrict the placement and duration of garage sale signs. Please check with your town ·s planning department or clerk. Marking prices. Mark prices where they can be seen clearly. Office • supply stores have varoius sizes and colors of stickers that work well . or you can use masking tape. However you mark them, make prices low. Garage sales are for bargain hunters. Remember. whatever you can 't sell you'll have to drag back in the house and store again for another year. Serving refreshments. This doesn 't have to cost much. and creates a friendly II atmosphere. It also encourages people to stay longer and perhaps buy more. You could even charge for expensive items like donuts. or the kids could go in business for the day. with a lemonade stand. D,isplay. Make sure everything can be seen. Have card tables or • boards used as shelves between two chairs. Don't cause people to bend over unless you can't help it. Use one tabte as'a desk where you can see everything and ·take money. Use only one cash box (tin cans or boxes work fine) and make sure someone is appointed "cashier'' at all times. Arrange beforehand for a friend who can help answer questions. relief for lunch, etc. Check your neighbors and friends. II See if any want to join your sale. This wi II give you someone to share expenses with and increase interest 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 in your sale. If others join you, be sure to include this in your ad (example: "three-family sale," 11neighborhood .. Daill Pilat ________ sale-"). Gr-oup sa--les are-a 1~1 ~_re fu-n, too __ . GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR GARAGE SALE/ MAY IT BE SUCCESSFVL AND FUN/ · 330 W. Bay St. Costa Mesa, CA. Open 8-5:30 Monday thlu Friday. Saturday S·noon. ... 1 .. . ' •: I .. ·. i. l I I ., I I I l I. • • I I • ' I l J I I • I f I L / .. Or1ng1 Cout DAILY PILOT/Mond1y, April 12, 1982 THE t'AMIL l' CIBCt8 BIG GEORGE by V1rg1I Partch (VIP) "Grandma says the Easter Bunny left us each a basket at her house!" "I hate Mondays." '9.\R'9 .\Dl'Kt~ by Brad Anderson Dt~~~IS T HE ME:\i\('t; ''Never mind that cross-your-heart trick ... a beef patty is missing, and you're the prime suspect!" Jl'OOI-: PARKER I YOU SAY THAT YOUR FATHER THAT'S Rlc,HT PROVIOIN(> I \ ANO PERMIT TEO YOU TO START DIDN'T SMOKE MORE THAN l51NCE by Harold Le Ooux I I TRY NEVER TO SMOKE MORE THAN TWO A DAY. ANO I HAVIN(, DECIDED 5MOKIN6 Cl6AR$ ~HEN YOU O~E A DAY UNTIL I WA5 , THEN' NEVER INHALE' THAT THEY SHOULD HAVE LUNCH lN HIS CHAMBERS. JU06E PARKER LEAVES SAM ANO WERE TEN YEARS E10HTEEN ' • OF~.OO? D ~ Al.ONE THERE FO~ A FEW MtNUTE5• ACROSS 47 Beehlveaate 1 watch 49 Cruc:lel tmes pocket 53 Peecetu! ~~ 4 Clay·eolored S 7 Goel pigment 58 ThUrmond of 90ove'sety lhtSenate liiiliiii~+= 12 Cx1sl 60 FUJI 13 ~ oulh African 61 Soft food v11\.1ge 62 Mounlaln 14 ~u COf lakes Ii Rel eal 63 Seed 17 V!ntlf eon11inet 19 G.wd fabrlC DOWN 'l 1 01phlll0ng I D+stanl 2'l $k1r• problem 2 Oslo coin 'l5 M ICJW 3 Wlgef 27 Appioech 4 Soup lnored· 3 t Cry o' cow lent 32 Papet end S Burning. as pen ct.taler of ducumenls 34 Plrl ot to be 6 Exct1matl00 35 Hew9j.tn 7 M• sn.ep rootal1dl 8 Lamb' a pen 3' Atttrni•t natnt 37 Sun god ~Uncouth 3' Flor~ l*IOll ~ 10 Lutlrlcatt 41 AoMlfl gOd I I Poem f2 Slwptfy 11 lltllld. 1n 43...... ,.,.. ..... llL&n "1.....-. 20 T ... PlrtCMf 4t Ut1r1 n CclleCt ~ 23 HNvtnly body 24 Negative 26 Special con· tldtfatlon 28 Prtj)Ollllon 29 Ettn 30 EllPUllQI 32 Of!IP'lng JJF.-lltgty 3SfwrOt...- 3t Frlttmtly ..... 40 .. -Gtem ~ • 1 50 '. "°"' .. ......,,. KISS I YEH, 'r<AYo ··IT ~,ANl<s UP THER'E WITH 'TH 1 INVENTION OF l'H' E,ARTH 15 RotJND ! 46 Tri* 46 limbs 49......., SO Inlet 51 Demon 52 Amlrall •loe> S4 Shot'! .. SS ArtlflClll tengueoe 5e food NII\ H Amtrtll lrlin ._+--+-- r,~ }' i' ~ I '.c; IT'S 'flME J REEVALUATE '1 MY PREVIOOSLY 1-4AF\0·LINf. SiAN'7 AGAINST DfCLAWING CATS P UNl 'TS '\.\~('\' I GAVE MY DOG A BATH TODAY ST.:JP 5Q(}/R,IA- I~.' ... HAT~ WITH 'IOL.J, .:ATf I 'll-llNK I'D BEf1'£R &IT OOWN R)R A 5€c.DND ! ~·s A .W~ED DOUSt.ES TEHNl5 TOllHAMENT THIS ti.E8( ... l M()'E VOU'lE IN 6000 SHAPE ... MINE IS GOING TO G ET ONE, TOO I !XlN'i KNOW . AU. OF A ~ODEN I'VE (;i)T f11£:£ REAU..Y BAD ~Eoi PAIN~ I FOB ·~Ea ea J'Oa •8JlfH; ~ M'( HEf\0 IN IHRTc.Aee, AC~S-RND MICHAEL, I "Tf\lNK tit( U M'/ '/00 SHOolO GO FEE\..~ I S™~\GH\ 1b AWFUL • 5EQ. ' -------..... I t(NOW ('le 6All4ED \Ill~ 8UT IF I()() 5/1.'( AHVTMIN6. r\L. WT YOU~ M HEAP WITH MY ~CKET ! " <{~ : .. ~·.i:·! t-""-"'"'. t;.. /#'cJ..,H'-'fll .... E .. by Charles M Schul z w.EH I l(HOIJ l COUlP 6ET HIT OVER n.E HE.AO Wlnf A AACKET. I CAN 8E THE 500l OF DISCRETION ! by Gus Amela WELL, EXCUUUUSE i.J5f QUICJ< ! 50M£800'J GO FOR HELP! L.005EN Hl5 i-~lltf f CAU. AN AM&llANC.E ... by Tom Battuk BOIL SOME WIITER !!! by Kevin Fagan 1.tl~ Ml~ t!E A~lL~~ 16 I Ev~R t.E'1' AAv1~C. A 91l~t4 AIU~\ ~e K\O t!JSI BE. S\C.K ! f/J - , "''")'' -EV!NltG- .. (U) aAMaA&.L ~•1Aatroe ....... NlWI ~IANOELI • WHITE SHADOW • HAWAII FIVl-4 I IUSIMESS AEP<>f'T NEEDlECAA" N9C~ (H)MOVIE • * ·~ "Hol LN<I And Cold F .. 1 .. (1878) Jim Dele. Oon Knoll• ln The Old WMI, IWlll brottiers -one ro..gh ·n tough, lhe othet • coy. bred milqueloul •• com- pete In • grueling conlMI to see who will lnherll their laltwlf'1 lortune 'G' •ctMOVJE *. * ·~ ''Beclknob• And Broomst1ck1" ( 18711 All99fa Lansbury. Devid T omllnaon OurlnQ Wor1CI Wai 11. a novice aorc:.r.., and ner three young lrlenda sel off for a magic ISiand where she 1n1end1 10 learn enough about wllcheralt to use II egaln11 11\eNUIS 'G' "'°· NEWSBEAT· CAL..IFOfNA CONGRESSIONAL RE.PORT Cl) BUSIHESS REPORT (l)Q!NEWS ®J BARNEY MIUER A crazed man lhrealens to leap off a building Into lhe otoclal mayoral parade 7:00 II C8S NEWS 0 N8CNEWS • HAP9V DAYS AGAIN • A8CNEW8 Cl Will.I ASKED F<>f' IT FeahJred "He CatchH l(lng Cobras With Hla Bara Hands" and "Japanese Noodles Messenoer " • JOKER'S wtlD • OV&REASY 'NutntlOn" Guesll Ot , ~ t4.Y.,,~fiel~ Oa...O (RlO Ill DICK CA YETT Guest Clare Boothe Luc. (Part 2)(R) Cl) P.M. MAGAZINE A profile of aetreu Mor- gan F airchlld; a la<mer col· lege lootbaM ttar who la dettwmined to welt< again alt• a crip91ing accident [I ENTERTAINMENT TONtOHT An 10tenMW with Tanya Tuctlet QI THE MUPPETS Guest. Shirley B-y (e:JMOVIE *a* "ABBA The MOYie" ( 11178) ABBA A hac>4eU disc iockey tenacloutly pursu~• the renowned SwedlSll '"lf>*I 8fOUP as !hey sing 18 ot their hlll, 1nclud1ng "Dancing Queen." "Walerloo," "SOS " and "Fernando " ·G· {O)MOVIE • • • "The Eerthllng" (19801 WtH1am Holdtln, R>cloy Schroder A world traveler teact>ea • young orphan the ways ot wrvtvat In the Austrahan Wiide<· .-s.'PG' 7:30 8 2 ON TI4E TOWN Featured. Los Angelff' plans 1n the even• of a CHANNEL LISTINGS 8 KNXT ICBSI Ci) KNBC (NBCI 0 l<TLA (Ind ) llKABC (ABCI Q K FMB ICBSI 0 KHJ TV (Ind ) Iii) KCST IABCI CD KTTV (Ind I 'II) KCOP-TV (Ind I tD KCET (PBSI G KOCE IPBSI The right K time ":ds '?'98'"1 IS ,..___._ NOW! Rilht now is at pelt time to tM.11 ,old. And since KruJerrands come in con- venient one, Y1, Ye, and V10 ounce sizes. gold 1s easier than ever to 9W1n. Buy a f~ each moflth and hold them-for collece tuition • • dream VKallOO. Of aotden rettrement )UfS. 1!3tt:'.!!!.."S ==·•-•111•• •m ...... W"' ... , Cl t•) ..... 0 l " c J t 117) ( s a • WELCOME BREAK -Lee Grant stars as defense attorney who takes a break from double murder case to spend time wit h her young son (Scott Marlowe) in "Thou Shalt Not Kill," tonight at 9 on KNBC (4). nuGleW allaek. an Int•· view Wtlh ae10f G.of~ Hamilton, the building of Dodger SIM!tum, tome Hi8'>8nic work•• make 11 aa top laahlon OMIQners: a p10111e of G-Mltehene<. a handicapped comedian t9')tng hi• lirlt llatlaly hOut la< Theta Cable 0 QI FAMll.Y FEUO G LA V£ANE & a.41Rl.EY &COMPANY Everything gOft wrong when Laverne and Shlf"ley ate aSked 0\.11 by two "dreaml>Ollll." 8 EYEOHL.A. Featured: a trip 10 the Bev· erly Hiiis Gun Club. a repot1 on a \Ulm who wntes commercial ltnole9; a IOok at a group of high diver• D euu.sEYE ., Cl) TIC TAC DOUGH Cll MACN£ll. / lEHREA REPORT "'9 GREAT PERFORMANCE.8 "Dane. In Amerlq Paul Ta)'lot I Two landmark Dances" The Paul Ta)'lot Dance ~Y P«forms "Le Sacte Ou Prlntemps" and "Arden Cour1" al the 198 t Amertean Dance Fes- hval held laal summer in Our"-tn. NO<th Carolina. t1J YOU ASKED F<>f' IT Featured "Pig And Fa<d ~ .. and '1'1\e Man WhO M~•" t 1836) Ran- dOlph Scott. H9nry Wlleoa· on BaMd on the ita<y t>y Jamee Fenlm0<a C()()9et Fort Willlam Henry ta allacked by lndlane during the French and lndlan W1r G) MOVIE * * "Ghoats That SUll Walk" (1978) Ann Neteon. Mall Boston Taullylng evlt IO<Cff MIL• conlrol of an .,.,.,. lam11y and th(eaten 10 daetroy all the mem· bet I fD GREAT PERFORMANCES "Danoe tn A,,,...ica· Paul Taylor I Two Landmatk Dances" The Paul Ta)'lot Dance Company petfa<me la Sacre Ou Pnntempa·· and "Aroen Cout1" •• '"* 1881 Ameocan Danca FM· hval hel<I last summer 1n Durham. North Carolina CH)MOVIE • * "KOi And Kill Again" (1881) James Ryan. Anne· hne Krtel A martial ar11 ••pert balllas the minion• ol a ~-mad IClerlhst intent on enstaVlng mat\. kind wtlh a ,_ mtnd-GOO· trol drng PG' Cl) MUROER AMONG FRIENDS ~::...,,,,,~ (%)MOVIE * * .,, ~·Bat>y Doll" ( 1957) Catroll Balcer. Kart Mal· den A VOiuptuous young woman wnoae attrecllon to 11anous men Is qulle mutu- al lead• them to the destruction of their prtM- oualy ~ ._ 'R' Sally Kette<man and lesli4' Neilsen star in thll comedy whO<lu"tt, set 1n 1 New York apartment on New Year'• Eve. 1nvolv1ng an -----"" ...... ~. and ... his am1>tllou1 agent U MOVIE L-00 8 Cl) PAIVA Tl: ~ * *'" "Herd Country" (1881) Jan-Mlci'tael Vin· cent. Kim Baslnget. A Te•- •• lacta<y worker Is torn between his deaJre 10 con- tinue In the "good otd boy ~lealyle and h11 llan- OM'I lhOW buaJness ambl- tlOnl 'PG' Capt. Lewla po-. a a codltall waitr-at a bar ""*9 aOldiara .,. being fleeced. 0 8 UTTlE HOUSE OH TI4EPAAIAE ~ 8 A90RT TO MUAPH'Y Ona of Murphy'• parot.M t1Kna out to t>e • gl<I he admired during high adlo<M. Mr OIMot\ la kidnapped and hle Wife refvaM to pay theranaom (R)Q 8 MOYIE • *'" "The Caper Of The Golden Bulla" t t967) Ste- phen 86yd, YYetta M~ leua. A g-no of profeulon.. aJ er()()!(• 1n Spain plans a spectacular bank heist during feallval time In p 111'12._lon• e o'THArs ~ • AUINTHEFAMILY Atehle 11 lon:.a to t1ka a tong and palnlul look ., hi• MU<a when Edtth'a t•ty but lovable elderly aunt ~ fOf ........ but thet\ nu no place to go CID 8EANSTeH I llEE™OVEH "Mlua SOlemnls" Leonerd Bernstein leads the Con· certgebouw Orchfflra ot Amlletdam and Iha ChO- rus Radio HllV9fsum 1n Beethoven s M1a1a Solemnrs tn D MaJO<, Opue 123 (I) PV8LIC AFFAIRS "Latin Proftle" Featured a balancing ec1 performed t .000 feat al>OYe a city 1n France; an irwenoon 10 pr-t drlY· era from faffing uleep at the wtleal. t:OOll(I) M•A•S'H Cil MOVIE * * * "The LUI Of The On·TV Z·TV HBO 1C1nemai1 I WOR) NY., NY (WTBSI IESPNI ISl'lowt1me1 Spolhghl (Cabt~ News Network) offers ~hlng In casual country club elegance • 27 holea of championship golf • 25 tennit court• (8 lighted) • 2 llWlmmlng and hydrothetapy PoOI• • 348 deluxe .... ping room• • n.tled In beautiful Rancho Ml~. Calif. (In the Palm Springt area) at bate of the me,gnlflcient Santa Rosa Mountalne Come ... fOf yoYtMlf wtiy we'Vebecome "Th4t Gem of the OeMf1" ·~Ho lAS ~LMAS RESORT· 4tooo ...... °""' llltldlO ...._.. Clllllomil W270 '7141 MH111 er, .. ,,,.. flCIGI HM2t0 A Korean larme< lells a goel ... ih an uneontroll· able and voraaout appe- tite to Klfnger end a 11alu· able an11Que to Charles O Q!MOVIE • ThOY Shall Nol Klll" (Premiere) lea Grant. MICh" Gwynne A deter- mined defense attorney fights to clear a young man ol two 8'11)ara1e murda• charges. desptt4' over- whelming evidence agalnat him 8 @ MY 900Y, MY CHILD 11-..a Reograva stars u a mlddi.-eged woman who II laced with choosing between gilling blrlh 10 a -- Pf OOably Oefofmed ctllld Of havlllQ "' •bot'tlon: J.ok Albert10n e110 JOlllOll ~ 00- l tat I ...,.., ..,.,... ..... "*' IUTHOVIH "Mlaae iolwnnle" ~ letnstetn !Md• the Con- oettQM>ouw Ol'Gflee1r1 Of Amata.dam llnd 'he Cho- rut RadlO H~ In Beethoven'• Mita• SOlelnnle In 0 ..... Oout 123. (C)WCW. • • • "Oullew 8tuee" (1tn) Pecer Fonde. 811Mn l •lnt Jemee. When 1 oountry•WHt9rn 1ln9ar etMll hit aong, 1111 U -«>tl trlu duperetely 10 retrieve Illa r•cordlng right• wNla baftllng the pottc:. 'PO' lm MOVIE • • ''Deadly Oamea" (1881) Joann Hartle, Sam Groom. When 1 woman rttlurna home fOf het lla- tere turne<al llhe lat11 In loY8 with the delec:tlve wt>o la ln-tlgatlng the mutdet of het allta. t:30 9 Cl) MAKINO THE ORAOE o. .... ·• womanlzlnQ lend• him on Harry'• d00<etep and la<c.e Hatry to play maulage eounMIOt 10 get rid of hi• unwanted ,_ roomm11a. (%)MOVIE • * ·~ "Snort Eyae" ( 11178) Bruce Davl1on. Joea Parw Convlel• attempt to stay al•Y8 In the bnllat atmoephata of a prieon wheta certain fellow lnmalff break almoet _.. ry known rule old~ 'R' 10:00 II Cl) LOU OAANT Lou runs Info home repair prol>lema. and a wlly city couneilfnan -one of Antmal'a pholoa 1n a revenge i.w ault DD•• NEWS Cl) PAP£A CHASE "A Day In The Ula 01 . " A third-year tew eludant (Daflene Carr) almoel Nri· oualy 1njurH bicycling James Hart (Jamu Stephana) while driving he< car (l() BAAEFOOT IN THE PARK Rlehatd Thomaa and Beu Atmslrong 11ar in this pet· formance of Nell Simon'• comQdy about a pair of New York newlyweds Taptl(l at the Moore Tha- atet In S..llle. Waah <~:-:c· *• \ 'Why Shoot The Teacher? ' ( 1860) Bud Cot!. Samantna Eogat tn -stern Canada during the '30•. an Eutern-bred teacher and a neglecied houa,ewll• develop a cloae relatlonshlp 0\.11 of their mutual loneilnMa 'PG' 0 MQ.VIE * • * "Stir Crazy' ( 1980) Rletlard PryO< 0.... W'lld- et Two men are mt.taken 10< bank rot>t>ar• and ...,, 10 jaM. 'R' 10:30 G) NEWS • A PLACE IN TIME A keen ,_ lntetMt nu arl1«1 In pr_..,ing aoma of our country'• hlstonc b<J1tdlng1. dl1tr1c;t1 and enhr• tlnl8ll towna (DJMOVIE • * ·~ "Stay Aa You Ate" ( 1880) M1r<*lo Maatroian- n1. Na11aaeia Klnakl. A married, mldd48-1Qed man embarks on an altalr wi1h a IMn·"Oe gltl who may t>e related to htm 'R' 11:00eaewoa NEWS • D SATURDAY NIGHT HOS1 8re>Oetldt CrawtO<d Guest o. John Cl KOJAA 8) M'A•&•H Hawkeye turns 119uth lo solve a raah of rot>berlea for which "* Is lhe prime SUSP*CI g) 8EHNYHILL Benny QOM on ealer1 tit DICK CAVETT "Cocatne P1ne4" G.-11: Or Peter Bourne. Ot Lea- 1 e' Grlnepoon. 11<:r88f'lwrtter Leslie Fuller (Part l)(RI Ill LANO OF TI4E COOl SUN A IOOI< It taken at the San Luis Valley. a precl<ltN- nantly rural. Hispllnic erN known a the "moat llCller- lzed communlly In the US " Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Monday, Aprll 12. 1982 TUBE TOPPERS KOCE (~0) 7:30, KCET (28) 8:00 - "Dance tn Amerlc~." The Paul Taylor Dance Company perfonm. K HJ ( 9) 8 : 0 0 -"The Las t o ( l h e. Mohicans." F ort William H e nry is attacked by Indiana during the French and Indian War. Randolph Scott, Henry Wikoxen star. KNBC (4) 9:00 -"Thou Shalt Not Kill." Premiere drama about defense attorney who fights to clear young man of two separate murder charges. See photo, left. KA8C (7) 9:00 -"My Body, My Child." Middle-aged woman is faced with choosing an abortion or bearing a poaibly deformed child . (t)MOVM! • • 'i't "Baal Friend•" ( 1975) Richard Hatch. ~ Chapin. During • trip to Calll0<nia, an emotion· ally dlalreaaed young man triee to dMtroy hl1 beet frlencfe r•tlonahlp with hit gl("tland. · R' 11:80 • Cl) QUINCY 0 QI THE BEST Of CARSON Guaete. Engelbert Hom- perdlnelc, Steve l andea- burg. Loni Andefaon. Biii UndetwOOd. (R) 8 t1J ABC NEWS NIOHTUHE • TltE JUFERSOHS Floret¥:e'• !lance -· 100 good to be 1"'41 • SAHFOAO AHO SON • NEW88EAT: CAUR>AHIA ~l AEPORT ID CAPTIOHED ABC NEWS (%)MOVIE • • * 'The Franch Woman" (188 t) Francoise Feblan. Deyle Haddon A t>Otdello house being kept °'*' by a governmt1nt subalay I• the acene ol murda. and P«Mlltcei scandal wtl8fl a VIP cust-le photo- l!raphed II play 'R t t:44 IS) MOVIE • • •i. ·The Postman At•ays Rings Twtca" ( 198 IJ Jack Nicholson, Jessica Lange A )'OUng woman and her lover plot lo murdat het hust>and 'R' -Ml>NIGHT- 12lll0,e QfTERTAIHMEHT - TONIGHT An 1r1I•-wtlh Tanya Tueket lltlJ MOVIE *. "Bluabeard" ( 1972) Richard Butlon, Raquel Welch. 8 MOVIE * • "Don't Pu11t. I'll Chatge Wiien I'm RMdy" t 111681 E nzo CerU9icX> &le Lyon • MOYIE * * ·~ "Bedlam" ( llM8) Bofll Karton, Anna L ... • LOV£, AMEAICAH STYLE • AMENCA: THE SECOND CENTURY e uow: * * .. llM , .. ( 19791 JOhn Bal.l9tll. T oel'ltro Mrf\ine Altet the bombing of P-1 Hatt>Ot, Soulhetn Callf0< • nl8 ~ and mihtary Pafaonnal reac1 with unbrl· died pank to newt of a Japa,_ llllcil In their own baeltya1d 'PG' 12:30 0 QI LAT£NIOHT WrTH DAVID LETTEAMAN 0.-11 MWk Goodson, Jetry ~. Mano Andret- 11. Edwin Newman 8 COUPLES G) NEWS • PEOPLE AHO OAGAHIZATIONS (C)MOVIE • *'A "8t88klng POlnt" ( 18761 Bo Sveneon, Robetl Culp A "*'· who wtlnMa- es a gangland murda<. II letra<tzed by lhe Mafia altet he IMllllM. and mutt move wtth h•• family 10 T0<onto 'R' (lDMOVIE * * • "FIHh Gordon" ( 1880) Sam J Jonea. Mu Von Sydow A trio OI earthling• 1raY81 lo the plane! Mango and helped 111 oppr....o lnhabltanlt 1n Iha Ovar1htOW of the avll Empet0t MlnQ 'PG' t2:40 8 (I) COWM80 1:00 8 GENE Aun.Y ., MOVIE • • * "The Naked Edge" (1961) Gary Cooper. Deborah Kerr (.%)MOVIE * * "Together" (1878) Jecquatlna Blstet Maa1ml· Man Schell 1:300 Q!NEWS U OEHEAVT~Y '8 TVRNA80UT 1:45 (S) MOVIE • * 'h "The Purple T9Jtl" ( 1979) Fred Allelre, Char- IOlll Rampllng A simple lrtslt cOYnlry doctO< unwt11- •1ngly IUIH on a ,_ and rid\ cl...,tmla WhtCh l1nd1 h11 old whlakey remedies unaeeeptable 'R' 2:00 (C) MOVIE * • "Second Wind " ( 1980) Lindsay Wagnet. James NllUQhlOtl A man continues 10 alienate hla W.fe and eon by. jOgglng alone 10 · th)nk alt&ii; me proble<na that 1ra deStroy- 1ng his marnaga ·PG· 0 HAMMER HOUSE Of HOAAOR "The ThltlMnlh Reunion" Rull'1 Calms 11 brought faoe-10-tac• with aome clefanged lndlvlduala white In-ligating strange h~ penongs ••• "''*'" 2:168 NEWS 2:20 9 NEWS 2:26 (l() MOVIE • * "lha Hollywood Kmghta.. ( 1880) Robat1 Wunt, Tony Danza On Hal- io-i .... In 1885 .• rowdy hlglt Khoo! gang wrMka havoc In ea-ty Hille lo -ioe lhe cioeing of ''*' nangout by the tocal home owner• a-· atlOn 'R 2:30 (Z) MOVIE * * 'h "Nlghth1wk1" (1981) SytvMtet Stallone. Btlly Dee Wllllama. A tough New Ya<k City OOP haa Na wo.k cut oul 10< him when one of the world'• moat dangerous tarror11ls arrrves In his city 'R' 2:65 8 MOVIE • * * 'Dully" ( 1888) J•mes Coburn, James Mason A trlO ot brothetl stagea a mtlllon-dollar lteltt t1om thitlf 111i. wt\offt t~ llete\ 1:00•~ • .,,. "Hatd Country'' (IHI) Jatt<Mldleel Vln- owtt, Kim 8Mlnger AT ... U ltamoty -"-la IOtn bat-hl!f ci.we to ~ unue 1n the "OOod o4d bOy" illfflyte ...0 hi• lien cee'• .._ ~ 1mbl- 11o<M 'PO' >.ao (" MOVll • * * '"The Solt Skin" t 1814) FtancolM OotlMC. .,,.... OeNlly A mlddla- c:lala bu~·· ,.,.,. "• cOllac>Me ..._, he baOomee lnvokttd In I letalul Naleon with en 411•· llr"Mtatawar<leN (J)MOVll * * * "Why Shoot The Teacher?" t 1980) 81.1d Cort. Samarltna Eooat tn -••n Cenac:la dutlng the '301, an EHtatn·b••d INCMt and a neg19ct.cl nouaewll• develop a QloM relatlonahlp 0\.11 of lheW mutual~.·pa· 4:00 CEf) IARUOOT IN THE PAM Riehatd Thomu and 8- Armatrong etar In 11* Paf· l0tmanee of Neil Sknon'a comedy •t>oul • p.., ol New York newlywed• Taped at the Moore TM- atar In Seattle, Wash 4:16 (%)MOVIE **·~"Short Eyee" (18781 Btuca Davison. JOH Petal Convleta allampl lo llay 811Y8 In the btulal almoec>hera Of 8 prlllOn where certain fallow inmates btaelt almoet av• ry known rule of ~ 'R Tew•day'• Day<••~ Movlr11 -MORNt«;- 8:00 (C) * • .,, "SI t11es" I 1976) Charles Bronson. Jacque. fine Blsaet A IO<met cnme rep0tf8t·lurned-detec11ve IS hliad by a ...... thy him lane.et to recover a Ml of lnetimlnaung ledgers 'PG' 9:30 tlD *'It "Lawless Frontier" ( 1835) John Wayne, Shalla Tetry A cowboy struggtea to ••~ate himself ot comet blamed on hllTI by a crOOked .,_Ill , •• iO:OO (8) "6 ..,.,,-'ffiltOCoUhlry'" ( 198 I) Jao-MtChael I/In· cenl. KllTI 8nHlgar A Tea- ll facta<y won.er 11 ta<n bet•een hla dealra to con- tinue 1n lhe "good old boy" tlfeslyte and hll 1tan- cee'1 1h0w business ambi- tions 'PG' (_$) * • • "The Bto111et1 Katama.zov" ( 19S81 Mana Sehelt. Yul 8rynn9t A man II uniuatty conY>Cted of mur<>wtng h11 fatn,r. 0 * * '" "Brothet s..n. S111ar -.Moon" t 19731 Graham Faulkner. Judi Bowktw Francis ol AHlll rejeeta -•Ith and honor In a<d« to Mva and work among 10. gen11e 1n nature and the poor 1n ll>i<11 10:t5 (?).*·~"Cloud Dancer" ( 19801 David Canedine. Jenntlet O'Neift A toP stunt Iller neglects the people who care abou1 him In Illa aelllsh P\ITIUll of hll dlnget'OUS spor1 . PG. 11:00 (t) **•;,"A Thl.lndef Of Drums" (1961) RK:naro Boone. 090<~ Hatnttton A teuoned caplam of the U S Cavalf)' rides hatd on a green. )'OUog lleutanen1 )Ull O\.lt or West Point 12:00 Cl * * '" · A Blueprtnl For Murder·· ( 1953) JHn Peletl , Joseph Cotten • •• * hl.tfeAt 0. TOj>"(1 ... )~ ~' '*"' lltrW'nOlll • *** "T1nUIU.tnal-1N" (tOM)~O'lt lhlrlay eeton • * • • "t lent A letter ro My Love" (HI Simone lfGnor... JUI! ~ort A mlddi.-'04ld -wtlo ,,.. "*'' ,,_. Of ...., edl.lll .... W · lr'f IOr hat llWelid IWOlhef d.cldte 10 write a i.ner o a~loNfy colurM. 'PG' 12!06 (%) • * "T ogatl\4tf" I t07t Jtcquellne BIN11. Ma 111118ehell 12:30 (J) * • * "Stir Clary"' (1980) Rlollwd Pryof, Wlldat Two men .,. t8"an fOt bel1I. rOf>bar llnd ...,, to lei 'R' 1:00 CC) * * '" "Od9 To 8llly Joa' ( 1970) Rot>by eon. 01ynn11 o·con Baled on the aono by t>le Gantry A t0tmant ,...,.ager·• put •.111>« anc;ae eompliula hit lit' true romance PG' 1:.30 CH) •• * "The OfCIMI Of Petty HHrst" t 187 Dennis WNY8t. LIN E bact1ar The k Id and Maten '°' IMll•-Pa ly Hearll I• r8-()(MI from 1ne viewpoint o~I • FBI agent in chatga of 1 San Fr anelsco but..., t:36 CZ).* • "ParlldlM Allay (1978) Sytvaetctr Stll . Armand Auanta Th( ~~ ::.:=·~~' ol N-York City com thetr tr911t of brain• Ot awn tn their attor'tl I create bellet hvea f 11\emselvea 'PG' 2:00 u * *'II "The Nude Bornt>" t 1980) Don Adamt. SytVla Kristel S.Cret agetll M••-1 Smart races Ma mos! dangerous adv«aa')' in an atcl'lv11ta;n wno p1- 10 launch mt&aJtae lhal wtl d1S1obe the enute num"1 poputallon 'PG' I 2:30 ($) • * "Xanadu" (19801 : Ollvla Newton-Jahn a.ne Kelly A young arHll, ,. heavenly muaa Ind a Mnll- menlat m1lhonaira 10•11 fOfCff 10 open up • ~ roller-d!KO p-.C. PG. 3:00 0 • * • "Hareulel Unchained ( 19601 St...,. Reeves. Sylva Kotc1n~ (C) * * • "Thi Learning Tree" ( 1969) Kyle JoltnM>r). Alea Clarke A bleclo. 1-.. ~ 1eama about "'• who llVlflO 1n1'allsaa during .--+-· 1920s ~(l) *a•.,· N!Qhlhawt.1·· (19811 Sytvaler Sta~. Btlly Dee W1lllam1 A tough N-YO<'k City CoP hH his wotk cut out IOt him w!Wilf> one ol the w0<td's mott oangerous 111rro t11te arnvea 1n h11 city R' 4:00 (HJ.* ·Nobody I Per- , ...... I t981) Gat>e Kapler). Alex Katru Thr" unllkety hetoes set out 10 banta this red tape and buf'eaua~ of city na11 PG 1 4:30(.$) ••"Countdown To ; D•saster" Animated Thi! Thunderbird• Mil out tb save the Emplrt St. "' Building from coltapa.~ on Manhattan Island • 6:00 U 'Cot.nldown To Otaas- ter" i 5: 15 tZJ * • ·~ Btolhef Sun. Sisler Moon (19~) Graham Faulkner. Ju I Bowker Francis ol A ref8Cls wealth and hO<IO< Ip oroer lo live and w°"' atnOng the gentle In natuR! and the poor "' spirtl : 5:.30 (C1 * * '> SI Ives 11878) Charles Bronson. J~ ' line B<IMt A IO<met er~ reporte•·lurned·detect1v 1a 1t1ted by a -!thy Iii ranclet' 10 recolf9f a set I 1ncr1m1nat1ng ledger• ·~ JOHN DARLING by Armstrong & Batluk j -- • 8UT 1 -n·iOUuHI YOU 5.AJP~ NEVER 61\IE TAUr::S. 'I ~T/ I'M CHA~I N(T ~M I SIX HUNDRED ~AR$ FoR IT/ I A NEW TRAINING FACILITY • . . ~--~------------------- --. Orang• Co••t DAIL y PILOT /Monday. April 12, 1982 Stadler InaSters ·Augusta 8ut he needs a playoff to do it after blowing big lead • AUGUSTA, Ga. (AP) -He's not stylish in tQe lmagc of Ma dison Avenue, his/.olf game is mostly selr·taught, he has no agentJan , until now, making a run for big riches oul8ide golf has not been of interest. He's roundish, hls mustache a bushy kind that hangs far over hill upper lip. He looks more like a construction w orker than a t'Ountry club golfer. Pohl thl•n bogeyt-d the· 14th unJ, with St.adln ul tht.• 11th, Pohl was still four strokes back. But Pohl blrdwd the ptlf-3 16th, and StadJer's fortum.'li went further awry HE BOGEYED 14 wtth thrct• putts. the n took ii bc1gC'y ut 16 when he hit his drive in a bunker. His sund wedge shot went past the hole and slid down the oth<•r side of thl' g lass-like green HIS NICKNAME is Walrus, he fights being overweight and has belt 1s tucked under has por- truding stomach about 40 fl~l Ht• two putted l'Oming back ... "I ww. :.it 14 when l saw Pohl on the board," St.adl<>r SJ1ti 'Ht· was four und(•r and t· w~ seven undt•1 I thought, 'I haVl' to gl't a nother ~1rd1e' " lt was not lo happen. He vents emotion more freely than most of his JX.'f.'rs, and he's had to work hard at not throwing clubs, not stomping his feet, not losing his cool when the going got tough on the golr c.'Ourse. He is Craig Stadler , the new masters l'hampaon. He could be the guy next door "When I. was a kid. I'd do what many do. I'd drop a couple balls on a green a t 5 or 6 at night and say, 'I got to sink this lo wan the U.S . Open or the Masters'," Stadler said after he beat Dan Pohl on th(• first hole of a sudden death playoff Sunday at Augusta National Golf Club "The Masters was something as a kad I drea- med of just seeing. "Just playang it for the fi rst time in 1974 was a drc•am come true "This . . this is JUSt unbelievable." STADLER, ZS, may not Cit the image o r a Masters winner, but he has the $64,000 check and he has the green jat·ket. He earned them. Earn them he did. He esc:aped disaster after blowing a six-stroke lead he had at the tum. It was a stroll 1n the park for StadlN, so 1t seemed. A runaway. T h e day was perfect. T he azaleas and thl· dogwood dres5<'d the ("OUrse an il.8 S unday bt>st Tht· sun was bright. the breews gentle. "I had a ~ood drive on 11. laid 1t up lO thl• right oC the green.' Stadler recalll'CI . "And as I was walking down the fairway. looking at the leadt'r board with a six-shot h•ad. I was thtnking, 'Th is 1s pretty easy.' I was pil'luring myself on the putting green where the wanrwr)>· presentation as made• "THEN I STARTED thanking, ·Worry about your owfl gamt', don't start thanking that way · My mand did stray for a bit," he said His game st.artl•d to stray on tht• nt•xt hult·. thl· par-:! No. 12. wher(• he· took a lx>gcy after masstnl:{ u seven-foot pull Meanwhile, Pohl, the longest driver on thl' tour, but a non-wanner an mon• than four yt•an., had birdied 12 with a 10-foot pull. and now tht' gap w:.is suddenly four strokes. A~ Wlrec»hoto SAND BLASTING -Craig Stadle r hits shot from a tra p o n the fifth h o le at Augusta Sunday during the final round of the Masters golf tournamen t. He started the day three strokes ahead of Jerry Pate, has playing partner. and Spain's Seve BalJes- teros, the Masters cham pion an 1980. . With birdie8 at two. six and seven, however , he strPlched the lead to sjx strokes over Ballesteros and Tom Weiskopf. who had gained one stroke . Pate. meanwhile, CelJ orr the pace by eight strokes with bogeys at one and four Pohl. who had played eight straight hole" the last six holt.'S of thl· third round and th<· fan.t two of the fourth an t.>ight under par that an- cludt-d suc.-cessivt• eaglt-s Saturday. also bardwd tht• next hole, No 1:3, a par 5 He just missed an ea~lt• on a 10-foot putt aftt•r hatting a four·1run "my bc'Sl iron shot 1n a long tamt'" Twins use the long ball to beat Angels Randy Johnson's homer gives Minnesota • nine on season; Redfern sharp • MINNEAPOLIS (AP) Minnesota de- signated hitter Randy Johnson had A~els pitcher-i<.en' r'iJ°rscn'snumher Suiiaay. -~ Forsc h gave up only three hits to the 1'w1ns and Johnson got two of them -his first maJOr lt•ague home run a nd a game- winnang RBI double. That's all the Twins needed for a :3-1 victory over the Angels and a 2-1 edgl' an their weekend series. "I threw him two good pitches and he hat both of them," said Forsch. 0-1 "There's nothang I can say." ' But Johnson had plenty to say. "I've been seeang the other guys do it. Maybe its contagious," Johnson said . re- ferring to the Twins' nine league-leading home runs. "He Just got the fastball out over the plate " "He can do a lattlC' bat," 1'w1ns Manager Billy Gardner saad o f Johnson . Then he added about the tC'am and tht.· victory, _"They Liad '! l;ia9 -'?~C xesJf.i.::day QM\ came_,.. back l.cXfay and played super. That shows they're not going to roll over and play dead for anybody." Tht.• game-winner came in the sc·venth when J o hnson doubled in K ent Hrbek, who had walked and was sacr1f1c:ed to se- cond.._ The Twins added a nothl''I run in the seventh when Gary Gaetll scored on Gary Ward's sal·rafice fly. Johnson gave the Twins a 1-0 lead with a blast anto the le ft field seats. Forsch, 0-1, had allowed only a leadoff single by the 1'w1ns' J im Eiscnreach in the first inning until Johnson's homer. The Angels tied the game 1-1 in the top of the seventh on Brian Downang's RBI double that scored Doug DeCinces, who had sinRled. PNe Rt•dfern, 1-l. got tht.· wan for tht• '!:wins. sc~-ric.:; e~v~ ha~ - -:_ - "I told him to go out and gave it all h1•'s got and he dad," Gardner said of Redfern Commenting on thl' game. Angels Ma - nager Gene Mauch said. "Pete Redfe rn. That's it. He had ot:ie o• his Rood days.'' • ThP loss. meanwhile. t'Venc-d the Angels' rt'('()rd al ~!-3 for the season-opening road trap The Angels took two of three Crom the Oakland A's to start thl' 1982 cam paign off on the right foot. ' The Angels now began a six-game ho- mesta nd on Tuesday night when the Seattle Mariners mvade Anaheim Stadium . Geoff Zahn will pitch for the Angels against the Manners' J im Beattie. A crowd of 35,000 to 40,000 is expt'(.·tt-d . Lakers win title and first-round bye wouldn't repeat atselr. at least this year. by nipping the SeattlC' Su perSon1cs 107-104 S unday night to clinch the division crown. wantt'd to do it themselves. and they d id 11 .. Puhl b1rd1t'tl lfi and now the margin was just . 11111· '\trukl·, and what had bc't'n a stroU for Stadler bt'l'unw a strugglt.• Swdler hll a dnvt.' and a f1vt• iron to 20 ft.•l'l of thr· huh· on JH It lookt'<.I hkt.• d routine two-pull par But ht.' hat h1i. putt weakly and left a six-foot.t:r. 1'h1•11 ht• rnrssed thal, too. It was n·man1st·t·nt of lht· Hl79 Masters wht.•n Stadlt·r·..., playing partner. F..d Snt.>t.'tl, who startt.>d th1· tiav favt.• )>trnkt~ Jhead. n1a.s.'-t.-d a s1m1lar pull at IH that -.t·nt tlw rn,1tt.·h anto a playoff PATE. WHO NEEDED t<J makt• a l5-foot al 18 to tu· tor the lt'ad. ll'fl it short and fell anlo a third plal't' LIP wllh B:.tllestcros N11\\, th11> mat<·h wa:. tll'd. and Stadler and Pohl "'l'lll tu ;a :.uddt•n dt.·alh playoff. startang at lht.· 10th holt · But unhkt· Sm>t·d. who had lost in the playoff. St;1dl1•1 atoned for ht)> 40 un thl· bm·k ntnt". atont'<.I for blowang a six :-.trokc· lead. ;ind sllt.•nt:t•tl thC' wlt1SJ)l'f'.. that ht' had l·hokt-d Tht.· playoff staru'<.I and t·ndt.-d on the 10th with StJdlN makang J rnutanr ijjlr. dnd Pohl hilting ..i pot11 ;.1·lond shot to 'tht" rrght <Jf the• green. thc•n m1ss111g an eaght -fool putt for a bogey. "I'd Ut.• a lool lo s<.1y I wasn't nervous walking down tlw 10th fairway," said Pohl, who had S':ort'S 111 Iii ti1 th1• final tw1; rounds aftt•r shooting a pair ut 7'1~ INGLEWOOD tAP) If there's one thmg th1· Los Angeles Lakers can be t·ertaan about right now, it's that thl'y won't suffer the indignity of being l'lamanated from th e Nataunal Bas kc•tball Assoc1at1on playoffs in a f1rst- round best-of three minasenl'S. That's what happened to the Lakers last sprang They entered the playoUs as the NBA's dl'fen- di ng ch ampio ns, but because they didn't wan the Pac1f1l' Divi- sion, they Wl•re deni~d a first- round bye. And it cost them as they were ousted from post- season act ion hy the Houston Rockets. "It's been a long, hard road," said Los Angeles Coach Pat Riley a fter two free throws by Bob McAdoo with eigh t seconds re- mainang and another foul shot by Michael Cooper with two seconds left gave the Lakers their cl1n - ch1ng wan. "It's o nly the first step for us as far as our goals (are The triumph gave Los An- geles, 54-24, a fou r-game lead over Seattle. 50-28 Each team has four games remaining in the regular season. Even if the Sonic.-s win all four and the Lakers lose all four. Los Angeles would still win the division title by virtue or its 4-2 advantage over Seattle an the teams' sea.son series. way, but a JU mp shot by Jal·k Sikma with 40 seconds lo go ll<>d the contest at 104-all Se<ittle had an o pportunit y to go ah<•ad shortly later. but Gus Williams missed a pair or Jump shots Si kma , who had 13 o f his t eam -leading 26 poants an th(• fourth quarwr. fouled McAdoo an a rC'bound scramble underneath the Seattle basket to set up tht• game-winning foul shots AP Wlr..,t.olo COME TO ME Ang('ls center fielder Fred Lynn makt-'S a diving catch of a shallow fly ball off the bat of Minnesota's _Randy Johnso~ Sunday afternoon __ The Lakers made sure history concerned). · ''They (the Son ics) were our adversary. They've been after us all year. They (the Lakers) didn't want to le t somebody beat them (the Sonics). They (the Lakers) Will 'stupid hockey' • ruin Oilers tonight? INGLEWOOD (AP) Los Ange les has a chance on home ice to eliminate the Edmonton Oilers in t h e fourth game of the National Hockey League playoHs t0night. The Kings have taken 2-1 lead an the best -of -five. first-round National Hockey League playoff series. If a fifth game is neces- sary. t he teams will re turn to Edmonton to play Tuesday night. The battle for the Stanley Cup hasn't shown the Oilers at their best. Edmon ton won the Smythe Division title during the regular season w it h a 48-17-15 record, while the Kings finished a lowly fourth in the division with a 24-41 -15 mark, losing their final five games of the regular season. But, a fter what NHL record- breaking scorer Wayne Gretzky called "stupid hockey" on Ed- mon ton's p a rt Saturday. the Klnp came back for a dramatic • wln against the Oilers to take the advantage in the series. Los Ange les waa down 5-0 going lnto the third period, but came back io tJe the KOtt at 5.5 with goa11 trom Jay wen.. Doug Smlth, Charlie Simmer, Mark Hardy and Steve Bosek, who llCOt'ed wtth only Hve aecond1 rema.lnina \o lend the same lnto' tudden dteth overtlme. Bookie Daryl Evans ICONd at 2!35 lnto the OYer1.lme SO put Lhe 1ame away b•fore a Hllou& crowd ot 18.005 at the Fon.am. "Stupid hockey," Gretzky said afte r the game. ''It could only happen to u s, the way w e'v e played so stupidly the whole se- ries. IC it wasn't bad enOlolgh , we killed so many penalties in the first two periods. we had to be stupid enough to take that many more in the third. Were we stu· pid enough to think it wouldn't catch up? It did." The Oilers had a difficult time in t h e first two games of the playoffs with a 10-8 setback in the opener Wednesday ni~ht . Former King Garey Unger ~as asked 1C the Oilers played sloppy in their ~S setback Saturday. "Y ou can't say w e played sloppy when we were up 5-0." he said. DODGER GAME A WASHOUT LOS ANGELES (AP) -Rain postponed Sunday's game bet- ween tqe San Diego Padres and ~oa Anaolea Dodgen. No ma- keup date waa .et. The postponement WH only the I 0th for the Doda•ra a Ince they moved from Brooklyn to Loe ~le. in 1958 and the Um •h~ S._pt. ~. 1978. 1lM Jloclael"I open 1 111W In Houlton conJcht. "I'm very happy," said McA- doo. who was signed by the La- kers as a free agent early this season after several years of stardom elsewhere "I'm just thinking about being in first place. I've always wanted to be on a winning team. Well, tonight it's a reality S1kma had 14 rebounds to help Seattle to a 57-:i6 rebounding advantage Reserve James Do- na ldson had a game-high 17 rl'· bounds to go with 12 points Fr<'Cl Brown addl'd 23 points for the Sonics. all but four or them an the first half. Yankees' platooning upsetting to Dent "It's been super playang with these guys They made at easy for me to blend in I'm very grateful. This is one of the best basketball feelings l've had in m y entire hfe." The Lakers led most of the "This is tht• kind of effort we need from ht.•r l' on out.'' said Seattle Coach Len Wilkens "If we have i\, we wall be okay Wt• need 1t from herC' on out "We needed to make somt' fr<.'<' throws. We rt•ally shot awful And we just can't throw the ball away like that " --- NEW YOHK (AP) Ev 1·n without Ht•ggae Jal'kson, thl' Nt.•w York Yankt•es don't lal'k for l'On trc>Vt•r)> v This t1rn<·. Ult' uproar revolves around orw uf thl· Yank1 .. ·:;· 4uwt men. shorLo.;lop But·ky Dt•nl, ht•ro of tht• 1978 playoffs and World Sera1•c;, who appan•ntlv has lw SPACE INV ADERI -No.~ thua ii put of the lfOW1d crew al Dodpr' Stadium "'Yinl to btp the rain off the playtns field Sunaay. TM pme between the ~l"I and Pladrm wu postponed. markin1 only the 10th tltne t.n 20 yean a ~ hM blatin rained out at ~Su.d.lum. .. ' l'Uml' a platuon player after eight years as a maJOr-league regular rollowing Saturday's acqu1s1t1on of Roy Smalle•:v from the Min- rwsota Twms [){•nl was so upset with the si- tuataon that he· wt.•nt to 5e(' owner Gt•urgt• Skanbrenner following Sunday's doublt>-header loss to the Chicago White Sox De nt played the farst game and Smal- ley the set.'Ond and Manager Bob Lemon d i sc l osed th a t the switch -hatting S malley w ould play against right-ha nder pit- chers and Dent. a• righty batter. against left-handers. "I'm not VNY happy about th as." Dent said before meeting with S te inbre nner. "I'm not a platoon player and I never Nlve been ... Asked 1f he could break down his batting average agains t r igh I-hande rs and left-h anders. De nt replie d , "No, and I don't ever care to." It was doubtful whether Dent r~ceived an y satisfac tion from Steinbrenner since he was visibly upset as he boarded the team bus for the start of a road trip. "I don't want to talk," he said. "l don't want to talk." Steinbrenner also declined to comment on the matter. The 29-year -old Smalley, a year younger than Dent, WH caught in the middle after re- porting to the Yankees about two h ours before the at.rt of tht double-h~r. "I'"' v~ry aurpliJtd," he Mid after Lemon dlecloeed hl• plaN te~rately to both player.. '11\'1 unfair to Bucky. That man hal played hl• tall off and l f HI badly fot hlm. h '1 a dJUINh Ii· tuatlon for both of t.aa. I'm "'9t happy to be her• aacl I'm aot tryln4 l(! beat hlm ou,& of an1· thlf\I.. .... - Borg will pass up this French Open From AP dl1patclles M ONTE CARLO, Monaco -~ Six-time French Open champion Bjorn Borg has decided not to enter that ioumament this yf"ar because of a rulinc that would force him to go through the qualifyin g round, his coach Lennart Bergelin said Sunday. Bergelin mad& the statement al the Monte Carlo Country Club, where the $300,000 Monte Carlo Grand Prix tournament was being played. The 25-year-old Borg e nded a five-month tourna- ment br~ak, the longest of his tennis career, to play rn the Monte Carlo tourney. He was e liminated Thurs day by France's Yannic k Noah in straight sets in a quarterfinal match. 90flO Borg, who had been see- king a record fourth title at Monte Carlo, had to go through the qualifying round this year be- cause of his dec1s1on to play in only seven Grand Prix tournaments in 1982. The Me n's International Professional Tennis Council, the governing board of the sport, has set a minimum of 10 Grand Prix tournaments for every player this year. Quote of the day "Anybod y who wants to keep the Rockies h ere will have to have deep pockets." -Colorado Rockies spokesman Kevin O'Brien, after Rockies owner Peter Gilbert announced that he would not be able to pul any more money into the NHL's worst team. Spirit, Runa way take trophies' ~~in~ thicd race of Voyagers Yacht Club's Humphrey Bogart Series for Performance Handicap Racing Fleet, Southern Ocean Racing Division and Ocean Racin~ Catamarans battled this weekend. Trophy winners: PHRF·A -1 Splrll, Allen Brown. VYC; 2 Sidewinder, Blue!- Terry. BCYC: 3. Ovlcl!lilver. Herm Sd>owe VYC. PHRF-8 -1. Runaway II. Charyl Wiebel, VYC, 2. Aloha II, Glenn ~. SSYC: 3 Flfacretl. Pal Gluier, VYC. ORCA -1. Krllllne, Eddie Arnold, BCYC: 2. Defiance, Hugh Towle, VYC; 3. lnvlc1ua, Milla Cruk:tllhanl!, BYC. SORO.-I. SO<oarar, Dennl9 ~. VYC; 2. Aleundr.a. Jan Plcll. UCISA, 3. Tsunami. Oe\'ld Grey, VYC Cu.tom T eMored ®££.:H~~ collar 'n cuff .~ ~ 0.-. .._... '-' Co.ta MeN 142-8718 C&t«~~. 2915 Red Hill Avenue Stone Mill Business Park A-108 Costa ~ ~ FLY .~ AIR IRVINE TO LAX Via Daily Fhghts From John Wayne Airport (Orange County) $35.00 (714) 540-6911 19531 AiJ>ort W1y"South General Aviation T enniNf * PUBLIC llOTICE * 'SO°' Cash Rebate Program If you own a home constructed before 2122175 and heated by natural gas, served by So. Cal. Gas Co., you are eligible for 100% fi- nancing at low cost 8% Apr. financing, on the purchase of 600 sq. h. or more of R-19 insula- tion which, when Installed brings the applicants entire accesslble attic area up to R-19 stan- dards. This limited money back otter Is good only on Insulation purchased between 4/9/82 and 6/9/82 unless extended , amended, or rescin- ded by this company by public notice prior to that cu t-off date. Calif. State and Federal energy tax credits of 40°/, of the gross sales cost apply. "E•llY llnllE" 545-8816 PRE-SEASON MARI EXH BALBOA MARINE HARDWARE laf'ilea You To Attend Our Finr Pulcin1 Lor Di1play Sat.day, Apri 17th 8 a.m. to 5' p.m. Oemo .. tralir .. , will b~ g iven by m•ny m•r iae · manuf ae1...-en including1 Ev1nRuoE z~IMI ~·•NTS ~~ ,~&SUASON. OINOHIH COllOAOI BALBOA ' MARINE 27008 .... C..st f114) 541-3407 . ...:r ... White Sox open with twlntslll aweep Brtn Bara1 and Salome Barojaa Ii combined on a five-hitter and the ChJcaao White Sox defeated the New York Yankeea 2-0 for a aweep of Sunday'• double-header u the latt two tearna to open the major-leaaue bueball 1euon flnally got under way. The White Sox took the opener when BUI Almon opened the 12th lnnina with a triple off Yankee rellet ace Rlcll GotA1e and acored on a 1tn1le by Ron LeFlore . . . loh Tador held Baltimore to We hita and Cane y Laalford drove ln four runa to lead Bolton to a 8 -0 vi c tory over the Orioles . • . Toby Harrell drove ln four runs with three ainJlles and Lea Bar ker ecat- tered eight hits as Cleve- 1 and crushed Texas , MMN• l.3-1 ... Dave Roaema hur- led a four-hitter in eight strong innings and got batting support from E ao1 Cabell and Kirk Gib1oa as 0.,-troit edged Kansas City, 2-1. Vida Bl ue, making his first American League start since 1977, surrendered only five hits in rune innings for the Royals but suffered the defeat ... Milwaukee batters shelled Toronto starter J im Claacy for seven runs in the first i.nrung and CllarHe Moore drilled four hits as the Brewers romped, 14-5 ... Rickey Henderson smashed three hits and scored the go-ahead run for Oakland as 1t beat Seattle, 3-1 to gain a split of a double-header which took 9 ~ hours. torg's hit caps Cards' rally D a n e lorg rapped a two -out, run-scoring single in the bottom or the a ninth inning Sunday to rally St. Louis to a 7-6 victory over the Pittsburgh Pirates in National League play. The triumph snapped a three-game losing streak by the Car- dinals. who e ntered the bottom of the ninth trailing, 6 -5 . . . Elsewher e, J e ff Leonard drove in a pair of runs and Cincinnati reliever J im Kern allowed two more on wild pitches as San Fran- cisco coasted to a 6-1 victory over the Reds. Al Holla nd scattered seven hits over sev- e n innings, getting relief help from Gar y L avelle for the victory . . George Foster's first home run of the season tnggered a four-run sixth in- nin.B and led the New York '°"o Mets to a 5-4 wm over the ChicaRo Cubs Orange CoHt OAIL.Y PILOT/Monday, Aprll 12, 1982 Baseball today On lh.i. date In ~ball In 1"6~; Richie Allen'• two-run homer ~d C Llrh1 ' Shon'• auona pli.chlns lt"d th Ph11adclph1ia PhJlUes to a 2·0 victory over the Houston AJU'Ot In th tlrat recutar season Nc1t1onal League game played at thl' A.t.rodomt• On lhil date In 19~~: Before• packed house of 32,147 •t Mu- nicipal Stadlwn, the transplanted Athletics left their Phll1delphla roots behind and started a new life In Kanaas City with e 6-2 victory over the Detroit Tigera. Today's birthday: Mon~al Expos pitcher Woodw Fryman ill 42. Penguins surprise Islanders again The surprising Pltllburgh Pen-~ guins. led by center Andre St. Laurent , with two goals, defeated the Ne w York Islanders, ~-2 Sunday night to even their NalJonaJ Hockey League playoff se- ries at two wins apioc-e. The Islanders, bidding for their third straight Stanley Cup utJe, trounced Pittsburgh 8-1 and 7-2 in their first two games ... Also staying alive was Montreal, ~ Pierre Mondou and Doug Risebrou~b eat·h M'O· red twice in a 6-2 victory over Quebec Celtics cllp 76ers In overtime Larry Bird came off the bench lo m score 20 points and tap in a field goal with 55 seconds left m ovcrtimt' to lead Boston to a 110-109 victory over Philadelphia in the National Basketball Assot·ia- tion Sunday ... Elsewhere, J olm Roundfield scored 21 points and John Drew adde d 19 as Atlanta continued its drive for a playoff berth by defeating Chicago, 108-89 ... Kelly Tr iupcka notched 22 points and John Long chippt-'<i m with 18 as Detroit fought off New York, 97-89 lo keep alive a faint hop e o f making th£' ,playoffs . . Dave Conine pourC'd m 25 points and fueled ~fourth-quarter ra lly lo lift San Antonio to a 126-121 win over Kansas City Dallas center Wayne Cooper scored 20 points and grabbed 16 rebounds to help the Mavt•ncks da1m a 109-97 victory over Houston. helping 1dll· Denver slide mto a second-place tie with th<' Rockets in the Midwest D1v1s1on Billy Ray Ba tes came o ff the bench m the last three• rni- ·nutes of overtime to score l'1ght pomL., as Port- land dumped Golden State. l 16-IOll Ex-champion Dempeey holpttaHz:ed J<'ormcr heavywe aht ehainpJon •• Jack Oeo1p e , 86, bfcame W Mid w• hospiutlu.\-d 7or obeervauon SuncM,, and e h01pJ1.AI apokemnan .. he WM an 'wbh• condition !.>t-mplll[llJ, who wu a partl- npanl m ~~veral 6t the mGll famous bou.ta ln hoxin~ history, was hotpUall.r.ed at 3:30 p .m . "He 1:-undn medlciil observaUon aod 11 ln •table cond1t1un. a spokesman ,.Id ... A coo~1• •I· grt'lllve M8"taa Navraweva IK'rvl'd her way to a &-4, 6-2 v~ctory owr -'Urea J ae1 e r Sunday ln the final of a wo- men'• tournament at Hilt.on Head ltland, S.C. Navratilova kept alive her chancea for winning a $1 million premium to anyone w ho c'n win the U.S. lndoo.r, the Htlton Hc.d lsland, Wim bledon and U.S. 01..,.uv Open tournaments. She'1 now halfway there Ama~ut boxers equ.are off thi!> week in the U.S. ama~ur championships at thl' Charlotte Coliseum in North ~Una. Top perforrrwrs at the rompet.ltJon will have the best shot al making the team ~nting the nation next month at Munich an the World Boxing Champ1onsh1ps . Makinc hta first at.art si.nce finishing fourth m the Santa Anita Hand.leap on M~1n h 7. Super Moment captured the 2~th run- ning of the San Bernardino Handicap at Santa Anild Sunday Televrsron, radio 1''11ll11w1nJ,? .arl' the· top sports events on TV tonight R<iting~ an•: vi;lvv excellent; vvv wonh WJtl'h1n~. v v fair; v forget it. n 5:30 p.m., Channel 11 v v v DODGER S BASEB A LL: Dodgers a t Houslun Announcers: Vin Scully and Ross Porter. ThL' Dvdgl'l"s hit the road for the first time m l!l!l:! to play tht·u· divisional rivals in Houston. Tht> A:.lro:. haVl' h<td a shaky start, losing four of th1·1r f 1rst six games, including three straight in Allanl<l LA L'> :i-l after being rained out Sunday. Jf'rTY Hl·us.., I!> ~:heduled to face Joe Niekro in this «'Vt·nmg'., tu~lc" &s<.·ball KABC (7!111) Hutk1•v KPHZ ( l l!ii)) RADIO Dodgers at Houston, 5:15 p.m .. ~dmontop at Kings, 7 p .m . NOTHING DOWN! Los Angeles Ti.mes challenges claim ~11eo say s-IN LESS THAN 57 HOURS I BOUGHT- couosetof Rob~-SEVEN HOMES WITHOUT CASH OR •"'"01·••<1;1"~;-~\UI~ CREDIT, AND LATER CLOSED ON ~-\\\~--t\"11 °' ~ FOUR. -_!!s.-•1t::~ \ "};, THE RECESSION HAS CREATED THE 0\1"',~ --· ... --~~~ BEST BUYER'S MARKET IN 50 YEARS. ~~--a\\\'1~ .... 7 ... ~:.;t;·: .. \S:/.D:~::;:I CAN QUICKLY TEACH YOU HOW ~ ~\~~::-.,.,,,,:·.~''""'' .. " .... , ........ ·:·,r:::To TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS . '. ' , ... I pmm..,t•d to huv 11nt• p11•iwrty in 72 hnu" tht•v t11n~ mt• It• •lnl' ol tht• tnu~hr.t nt1e., h•r huvm~ rral e.,tate in Anwmc1 Sc1n hc1nu"<t• and I bought SEVEN pn,pt·rt1l"> m 1•nlv FIFTY-SEVEN h1•ur-. (In la<.t wt• .. ,wnt 11vl'r unr ol thll"t.' h .. ur. w..it<hm.>-: ,1 n·.11 t,.,tate agent'c; .... n rlc1v "'ICll'r I Tht· l.1)<, An.>-:rleo, T1meo, n·r••rtrr 'ldyt•d in th1· ...imt· mntel roClm w11h mt• Jnd nrv..r lt't me 1•ut ol his "'.>-:ht tor the l'ntm• l1ltv .. rvt'n houi ..... fU"t 0,11 hl•d bt• .. un• no trid .. Wd" involved. Tht·n• 1., m• tnd .. ' Y11u tc1n le.un the lt'thm4ut" I u'-t•d ll' ht•>'m your r0.:id to lmannal mdept"ndt·nce huym~ EXCEi.- i ENT n•.il t'.,l.tlt• rt.>-:ht wht'r<' ynu live· YOlJ IX)NT HAVI:. TO Bl::. RlUf TO liLJY IU:AI. ESTATE t•ven m the.,e ttrnt°' 1•1 inll.it1tin t1~ht m1•m•v anJ hll!h mtt'rt'"I rJtt•-. Y1•u (Jn -.1r1r mt•''' t•vt·rvth1n).( mn~t ( \\l1Vt'nl11•nJI thmt.....r .. h·l'i I" nt'U'"'Jrv l••r huvm.>-: n'.111•.,tJh' 1 J-.h 1 n•J1t .1 SOMm OF WHAT YOU'LL LEARN AT THa SEMINAR ••• • How lo 11111 ittt 6'-1°' lnttresl r1lft ln.ttud of 14'\:20'. • How to achltvf ftnandal lndtptndma In tlw currtnl Konomy In lht thort.,t ponlblt tlmt • How to maltt ~ lnttrffi on your lnvHlmtntt Inst.ad of 6"'·16'11. • How to taltt advantag• of th.-n•w .... la• law. ind to fulJy ththtt your lncomt • How to t1l1t 1dvanta1e• of atHh you now own that you may not tvtn know abcMrt tl\at c-n Malit bta IU • How to '""' your wlllln11'111a Into cr.atlve and momy m1ld111 lnvntmtnl• t.vm II you'H low 011 1...tt and ~poor) • ~ to 8'111eve ANMi•I l114'.pan4im<• In ftM thorte& ,_ .... 11-with .. ,. •• , ... ho4t . . .., . -. ' ,, ~ ... ·~ .... ., ... :. TO CREATE REAL WEALTH str.idv rob, .i stron,>.: ltnannc1t .,tJtt•mt•nt and 111 ~1111 ht· able to buv .l'. mu1 h pmpNty ac; I want (It c; actuallv t'd'olt'r in 'l•-called reces<.1onary t1mt'., .ind I wont end up with b1~ nt')(Jf1vt• t.i-.h tll'lwc; either) How? Becausl' I understand crec1t1vt• ltnantin~! That'' how I b<'ll~ht mcl'.I nl the real t'!itate I now tlwn and 1t' m.:idt• nw .i millionaire at the a~<' ol thirty-two YOU . too, usin~ the PROVEN. SAH I IONEST principle!> that will be tiutlinro in an mtwductory "NOTHING DOWN ~minar tabc;nlutely NO COST 0 1{ OBLIGATIONt can buy real t..,lalt.• with li ttle or no money dClwn I HATE REAL EST A TE• I reallv do hut I t...n1•w llf no othl'r way vou c.in .. 1.1rt with NOTHING. leam 'ic,me ba'\1l tact' an J .,hmt time and then with univ a little llm<' ,,nd ellort -mat...e l11h 1•t m1•n<'v in 1u<,l a few vear., 't"\ l:.Vl::N IN TODAYS TOUGH.MARKET V••U lJO create rt'al wt'alth tor yC'lur.,elt .inJ m five ye.ir<. 11 you lolluw my rl.:in retm.' with a TAX-FREE INC0~1 E OF UI' TO S2S.OOO A YEAR My intrtiductory ~mmar (no co<,I nr FOR YOURSELF. bu\ HI)' 11111 d1•"11 -.lum l\J" b 11ld111)'' .1nd l1'ln)' 1h1 m 11p .and tnuw t1111111 th .. m ),.111 .anm.1!..1 1111•n•\1!.111'·'' hut II .. thl· h.trd \\,I\ .ind ,, r •• i , .. l1•h c•I tmw' :-..h NO fl llNt, I lt l\\ '\ 11H·tlu•d-. .11 •· l:.A~Y Jnd 'lll\11'1 I All! r V1'll vc· ll·.tnll'd thl·m .. tl·p "" .. 11·r 1 h1·1 c .in 111rn '''"' lrnm ,1 d11uhlin>: n11v111· tnl11 .1 t ~ )'\11 Dl:Nl ~\l'l·I< I l 1111w 111 till' 111111•.!111 t11rv wm1n.11 (,1h .. 1\IUtl'IV ;'\Jt) ('"I "' ohhg.11111111 .and g1·t J 1 P111pl1•I•• 1111111111· 111 my ml'thod' pluo, '111111' °'l'l'l l( It "JOTI llNC. ()( )WN lt•chn1L1tw" 'I .. 11 II J1-.Cll\'l'r h111' t11 find tlw 1110.., I h111' 111ltt•n in 1P11r 11w111>.11 ~v.11d 1 ""\' '" l111Jt1• lhl' Dem I \\,1rH1•1 "h" II d 1• t1lm11'ot .invthing IP >'<'I ml ''' .1 pr••rw•rt1 h,,,, h1 hnrr111' .11 ',I' 1 .. n '\ l'H<<. I ;-.;r I:\: fl:·tnc.:. I '' hl·n tlw prun1· r.111 · ,.,. "' 1·r le>' tw11 'Pl'lllll \.I\\ 1n .. 1t11 rlm.1n t 1n1o: tn hn14111'' Ill•\\ r.' hu\ • ', n 11 v11ur 1 u•d11 r.llin~. 1, tl'rr1hl1 h"" ''' r .. r.uniJ \11u r 1->urwd •""''" 111 1 .. \Ill LIQ:--;<; .1ml rn.1n1 "th r 'll'I C 11 11 NI-\\ ~H l llOP..., 8 P.M. -MON>AY, APRIL 12th \h l•r.,tht•r Dr R1d1.ml All1•n 1, ,1 I"~ 1.111-.1 in .adult Klu1 Jtmn Altc•r null.' ', .1" 11n 1tw f,11 ulty ,,, h•hn' 1 l"rt...in, I 1•1~1-r-.11.,. ht.> h.t" hlin<'l.l mt· to Jc.'vel"r tl1t 1111\ .. I tOMl'l.ETl:. E-ASY ro. 11\)1 >H{'l r AND, WOl~KABI t-tt•Jthin)t 11wth11tl' .1vc11labll•. ().1r 1-:rJOUdh' .. urvl'V' pr•''" 11 WOl<KS• I 'li·.1w tJl..l· lhl· t1m<' 111 tllm\' tn my t11lr11d11lt•1ry wmmar. fTht•y c1ll .. 1c1rt .it~ I' 7'-1. hut tOME EARLY wt• .. 111•11 111n out ol chair,!) It' .. J lt>rrtltc 1t .. 1rn1111: t"<rwrit•nH'. ltmduttt•d hy mv ,11, 1 , ... ,ltd ·""tllidU' dOO. c1.1o:.im. thert•' 1\1!...,( >I I 11 HY NO COST OR OHi.i l ,AT It):'\ Thi! n1 rwty minute -.<·mmJr will 1nt111th1t\' you tu \om1· ltlt'-1.han)tmK l.111, I ~.11 ... huvld n·v11lut1<in11l· your pl.in' 1111 thl• lutun· l>11n I w.:i1t to buy re .111,1.111• buv fi.'JI 1·.,t.11t• JnJ w;i11 1 rh.111~,· ~(,.A.et-_ ,..,. '• ..,.., ~.,. .. ylng ....,, ...... a.~·· ''HOTHINGOO""'''me,,_.: 1•hli>:d1t••n1 d<'SCTI~ a compltte prO>tJ'am •n1nu co•sT pt•,• HOm i:'"' ·'N"''""" '''P"'flt"n ""'l'Hf•'"' th.it ANYONE can learn to use -a ~•n " ""' ~"' , "1t "'"n' m~ht. '"''" '''"'\, ""J" pni1otram thJt mcludt'<. <Wtr 50 spec1t11 666 Anton Blvd. (1-40~, Brlst~ f'·"" tlt.t: ,, m11f\' '''"'""'· t""'· 1.111J /usr creative linancm~ t«hmqut><;' IMv wc· Hit} Costa Mesa '"'"' .11/ rh. '''"'" ~:...m i.1nJ ~s Ct"'slul ac;sociate. who teacht"O the mtn>-,.,,.,.,,, .. / H""'" llum>n. :watt/# ductory c;('mi n.ir. will cltarly t'ICplam 8 p M TUESD•Y •PRIL 13th ' .. , Two • • -" , " /,,,,,., oJllf'I ,mJ •'l'l'oltltl' I l/ro""'" rttom· Cll thtse techn1quts in Jet.111 I '"' NOTHING DOWN is th• mo<lern DISfEYl.Afl) HOm • ANAtD "" 11.1 11 /or"""'"'' 1111mm·J "' tltt rood to 11pproach ol tht' t'ightits and m~ny 1150 W Cln'ftos ($ Ana F 1111 ""'"' 1 '"d.·flt"JIJM " -thousands of ~oplt from all walks \"t • ant• rwy, -.\ttt_.,. ,\f c:..1tom, .\i/t~ .\)rt"' lilt-plumbtrs. dtlCtors, secrttanes tt.bar Hit) Anlhein /1 • /.intu1ttt /11 lni Mo." "'rw .....,,.._ ttacht'rs, saltsmt'n, studtnh, retlr~ -I p .M. _ WEDNESDAY APRIL 14th 11n11;J;./..•,,.,,,,., UJlt/i!!fo "*' M ""1td h•ve lurnt'd HOW TO flROSPER 1 ""14k /rOf'Urc ,...,..,., ........ /tw• DURING A RECESSION u1intt my LONG BEACH HOU>AY.. "''·m -M~WMn. .,_.MCA"-' program. 2640 hlltwood lhd. (1-405, By tht way. I don t havt any callu Llktwood Hit) lllW Bach on my Mnds becauw I don t advocate -------------- .. - - ' .. • . ) Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Monday, Aprll 12, 1Q82 SCOREBOARD ~ t I " ~ MaJor le99ue •tending• AMERICAN LEAGUE w .. tafllOlvlalon W L Pet GI Cnocaoo Monnesota A"1J•I• OeJ..land ><ansH City le•H Sea111e 2 0 1000 • 2 667 J 3 soo 3 3 soo 2 2 soo 1 ' soo 2 • 333 EH l•rn Di.talon Boll on Miiwaukee Ballimore CloM;lanu 0..11011 Toronto Now Vo•k 2 I 667 ? 1 667 2 2 500 I I 500 I 2 333 ' 2 333 0 2 000 Sunday·• Seo••• Minnesota 3. A"1J•I• I ' t ' t 2 ... CtllC8(jO 7 2 New Yori< 6·0 llSI game 12 innrngal Mllwaullee 14, I oron10 !> Bo11on 6 Balllmorf! O Cleveiand 13 1 e•U I O~WOll 2. ><anaos illy I Seato" 6 1 OaklanO 3 .3 1 "' game 16 .nn1ngs) T oday'a Ga ..... Oe1r0i1 1w 11eo. 0..01 a1 Toronto (leal 0·01 Cr11c•go 10011on o 01 al Boston CTouez 0 01 New Yott. CA1ghell1 0 01 di f9aas tTanaoa 0..01 n Only g...,_ sc:tteouleO Tueedey"e a...... Sea111e 01 .. ,,..._. ,, M11waukee at Cievelana Oeltbtl al T orOfHO n Ne• Y()f'k a1 Tex as n B11ll1m0t• al Kanaas Coty n Ouo laoo 11 Mrnnesota n Only gamM ocl>flduled NATIONAL LEAGUE Weatem Ohrl-'on W L Pct. GB 1111an1a Dodger• Ct0cmnat1 San Francisco Houston San a.ego 5 01000 3 ' 750 2 3 400 2 3 400 2 4 333 I 3 250 Eaatem Olvlalon New York 3 1 750 Montreal 2 t 667 P111sbu1gh I I ~ ChKllQO 2 3 400 1'• 3 3 3'> 3"> '• ,., SI LOU!S 2 3 400 I'> Ph1l8detpnoft I 3 250 2 S11nday'a k«ff Sal' O.eoo al Ooclver• Pod raon Ptt11aoe1p111a t Ml'nt1ea1 O Allenle 5, Hou.ion o San f,anctsco 6 Cmanna11 $1 L~ 7 P1111burgh 6 New Y ort. 5. Chicago • Today"aa-o Dodgen 1Aeuu 0·01 at Houston IJ N .... ro I 01 n Po11sbu1g111G,,lhn 0·01 at SI Lou" tManon O 11 New Yo•k (S•an O 01 at C"rcago IN~Olj Allanta t Watk T 01 al Cine nnatl 1~eny1I01 n Onty games -uleO TueedeJ"t a-a Oq.,. 81 Houslon n Pollsburgl'I 81 Montreal Ph1lmdete>111a •• New York St LOUIS at Chicago 'ian Ol@llo Al San Franoosco Atla.n' 1 a1 C.•r\Gtnnatt n AMERICAN LEAGUE Twine 3. Angel• 1 CALIFORNIA MINNESOTA abrhbl ebrhbl Bur lsn • 0 0 0 Esnrcll 4 O I O I y11n 4 0 t 0 Wollng 3 0 O O CMew J 0 2 0 Engle I 0 0 0 ReJck•n 4 0 0 O Hrll<!ll 2 1 O O Baylr 3 0 I Cl G&elli 3 I O O Ot!Cncs 4 I 1 9 AJhnsn 3 t 2 2 Owning J 0 t I Ward :> O O 1 F011 3 0 0 0 Wyngr 1 0 0 O Boonji 3 o t O raeoo 3 o o o I otalsil 1 1 1 T otalS24 3 3 3 • Se0<e by Inning• Calllornra 000 000 100 I Mrnllf!sota 000 O 10 ?O• 3 OP C11ht0tn1a t M1nn&.1ota 3 LOB Calltornre 5 Mrnnesola 2 2B Downing JOl'tnson HA Jonoson (II S Wrllono SF Wero Celllornla IP H R EA 99 SO F OISCl'I (l 0 ll8 3 3 J 2 Mlnneaote Afldte<n (W I I 19 7 I ;> HBP By F0tsc:ll 1En91<!1 IS!> A t? 7 tO A.cl lo1 I. Oriole• 0 Bo•ton 201 002 o 10 f> 10 Bat11mo<e 000 000 000 O 6 1 Tudor and Allenson Ftanao•n S1an- hou!MI (61 I Martrner (Ill and Dem~ W 1 udo• 11 ·01 L Flanagen \0· 11 A 11 73~ FllllT GAME Whit• lo1 7. Y...ii-e Chocago 001 320 000 001 7 15 o New York oo• 002 ooo 000-6 9 o l<OOS"l8fl, Lemp (61. Hockey (I H a11d Frsk. Guidry, Fraroer (51. Rawley (7), Gos.-.ge (91 and Cerone W Hickey (I 01 l GoHage (0· 1) HA Cho· cago. M0trtson ( 11 N-VOik W1nloetd 111 HCOftO OAME WMle lo1 2, Yan--0 cnocaoo ooo 002 000-2 e o New VO<k 000 000 000 0 S 0 Burns BatOIU (7) and Hill. JOl>n 8nd Foote w Burna P..01 L -John (0.11 Save B••Ol8• (11 A 31008 lnd&.nt 131 ll~n I ,,,...,. ooo ooo 001 1 a ClevelarlCI 002 460 01• 1 t4 0 MeOoctt Stnmldt 141 ,_.,,,0.1111 ISi Oa,.•rn t 71 Comet Ci t eno Sunobe•o Bark"' ond Hauer W Barket ( 1 01 I ,,.edocn co 11 HR , .,.,. sunoi..•o 111 A J 821 Tlgen 2. Ror•I• I Clfit< °'' 000 200 000 2 ~ (l o<l nsu Cny 000 00 I 000 1 4 1 Aoreml Saucrilr I'll'""' f.tMy Bluv and wem•n w Rozema 1 1 O\ l Blue (0· 11 S S"u""" 111 HR K&nsM City Breit 121 A 71 !162 Bren 121 A :>2 96) •••••ro 1•. a1ue J•r• s Miiwaukee 100 001 J12 1' 17 • fOfonlO 021 010 001 !> IJ 0 Haas ,_.cClure (51 Jon•• (WI and Yost Clancy Goll \II Gatvtn t!>I MuHly (81. MtLaugnhn (91 end Whllt W McClure t 1·0) l Clancy 10· II HA M•lwau klMl, Ogll .. e 121 I 01onto. Wh11t 121 A tO 128 FIRST GAME I M•rlnera e, A'• 3 St1a 000 000 003 000 000 3 6 t 5 Oak 000 110 00 I 000 000 0 3 10 2 Bannister. Stanton ( 10), VanaeBe1g ( 12) Caudill ( 13) and Ees1a11 No1r1s underwood (9) Jones l 11) Owchrnko I 121 McLaughlin ( 13) and Newmon Kearney ( 13) W Ceud1ll \I 01 l M c;Laugnlrn tO 11 HA Oakland Jonnson 111 N-man Pl Bu11ougn1t11 IECOHC> GAiie A'• :s. llil«lnef• 1 St!alll<! 00 I 000 000 I 11 0 Oa•dano 002 100 oo. 3 1 I M oore VandeBe•o 171 end Bulling lang10-o and K-ney w LanglOl'<I 11·0) L ,,.ou•• (0 'I A Ill 003 NATIONAL LEAGUE ...... s. Aetroe 0 HOUSIOO 000 000 000 0 5 2 Atlanta 000 300 1 h 5 6 0 Ryan Smith 161 LaC011• 1111 •nd As noy M8111t'< anO Benedocr w Mettler 12-0) L Ryan 10 21 HA Atlante Murl)hy Ill Horner (I) A t I 312 Gi...i. e. Reda 1 San Fran ;>()() 103 000 6 10 I C1nc1nnatr 00 t 000 000 7 7 Hollc1nd l •vetle \81 •na May Lei D••ndl Et>ett!n 141 l<('<n 161 Proc~ 181 •nd 0 Berry W Hollantl ( t 01 t ltl• brand! 10 11 A 11,205 Melo S.Cuba• New YOik 000 004 0 10 5 9 Cnoeago 2 10 000 00 I 4 9 I Falcon" Lynch \61 Alklr1 191 ond Hod ges, Larson Smtih 161 R1plfly I Tt r;arro bttll (9) &1nd MorelJ11d W f 1tlC01ttt (1·01 l l•"•Ort tO 11 S A11e11 I II HA New Yor k f os1er11 1 Chocaao Moreland 121 Morllff• 121 A s 430 Cardine!• 7, Plral•• e ;:"t~~h . ~ ~ ~ri; ~ .~ 0 BaumgitJtt>o Aob1W..(H1 tJJ Sc..urry f 71 T~"'UIY"' t7> Aomn •&• eno P(\n+.t Jw'M.J'\ Suu"r 18t Kaai I'll Jnd Port"' w l(aa1 11 01 L , Romo 10 t1 /4 t4 819 • Phlll ... 1, Eapoe 0 Montreat 000 000 000 Pllllaa..1pf>od 000 000 0 '' Burtt\. Jnd Ca• rp, K• ""'O* 0 ' ' ' ti 0 ino A' ~I> W l(ru~ow f I 0 L Hurr1 10 II A I !> 3!17 -(_ > • NBA WESTERN CONFERENCE Pacific Ohllt lon W L Pct t·LM••• 54 2• 692 y-S@allle ')() 28 6• t GOiden State •3 J5 5S I Pt>oen1> 4J 3~ 551 Porllana 4 t 17 526 Sa" Ooego t 6 63 203 MldwHt Ohltlon San A,,1ono0 46 J2 590 G8 ti " I J 38 • QeMet 44 34 56'1 2 Houston •• 3• 56.ol l Dallas 'JB 51 154 tB'' ><an..,.s Crtv 21 51 346 19 u1a11 n 5S 295 n EASTERN CONFERENCE •·Boston Allanllc OMNon I> t 17 54 24 41 37 •O 18 y Pholfldltlpll1a y-Washonglon ~ JPtsey N-YOf~ 13 ·~ Central Oi .. t•lon • -Mttwauket' '>4 24 All8nta 40 18 OelrOll 37 At 1n01ana )~ 44 c.nocago ..IO 48 coev~and t'> 6J c11nctted di\lt-..Ofl uti.e y <:lonc/'ed p1ayon •Pol• Sunday"• lcoreo Lellen t07 Seattle 104 782 b92 I ~,,, 20 ~·3 ·'' 4J'.I 18 697 513 ,. .,. 11 4,6 10 185 ,. '"~ J<I Boston 110 P1111aoetph1a t09 1011 Datt"" 109 Houston 97 San Anlonoo 128. Kansas C1ty t;> 1 OetrOil 97. New Y0tk 89 AUanta 108 ChOC:llgO 89 P0tlland I 16 Golden Stale 104 Tonlfhl"• Gem• San Oleqo tll Ulan Laker• 107, Sonic• 104 SEATTLE -Sttellon 10, Wt1l~er 7 Slkma 26. Ha1i1l1k 6 Wtlliama IS Do naldson 12, Brown 23. Vranes 4, Smith 1 Totals 4 I 21·35 10• LOS ANGEL!8 Rambo~ 6 Wllk9' 15 AbOul·J&bbar 33 E JOlln•Ort 8. NI •on 20. Mc.Aaoo 13 Cooper 8, 8•-er •. landsbetge< 0 C Jonnson O I olats 48 15· 19 107 kof• by o .. .,, .... ~atll<! 28 76 2S 25 104 Los Anoele• 29 JJ 2• 21 101 Thr~ potnt goals Brown rouled out S•.,ma fo1al louts Seatlte t9 lo• Angeles 25 A 17 SOS MHl•r• tournament (al Auguat,. Ge ) 214 • l:fJIQ StdOlt~ $1>• 000 Oc1n Pont S'J'J 000 295 Sava B4ll,.1ro• $2 t 000 l•ruy Pal@ I' I 000 211 !om K•te $13.~ I om WallOfr S t3 500 2tt l Hrry N61"1f> S 1 I 06 7 Cu1111 Srranoe St 1 01>7 Roy floyd, St 1.01>1 2tO !Indy Boan $8 5!>0 Ma•k HayM $8,550 fully Zoeti"r S8 ~'>0 1 om We•sk()IJt '8 550 291 Bob GllOOl Sl..700 292 YulaU Hagawa $5 850 Jim Simons $5 850 Gary Play• S!> 1150 J.._k No;.~ lau~ SS d!>O 2a Gary Player SS.850 Jack N1clc1au• S!> 850 2t3 David Grattam $5 000 294 P•t., Jacoo~n S• 300 8rUC4 L,.ttke '4 JOO a· Joelie Mu<IO Ja,• Aflfinet $4 300 as Morns Hetalsky $3 07~ W•y•oe LCM SJ 075 Be<> <.1.,.,SMw SJ 07!. Danny Eowa11lt S3 015 Petet ~l8fl'lu11 '3 07~ Jolln Sellr~ SJ 07~ 298 G00<ge Aro"'' S? • 7' Catv•ro P...:t• $? .,~ ,.. Ano S11..c~ $2 ,300 211 (.,j'Q19~ Hurn\ SI 100 K8tl h f f"t fJU" \,· tOO Lllrrny Wull• "'' Sl 100 lOO l ommy A.111\co S I 67S Grt'Q "'"'"'on S I ti/~ 301 l:loll Hl>Q"I> t 1 bb7 L•"' l 1evono St bo7 C111 UH ROdroguE'z $I 6h I 301 • Jume' Ho11Qflt-¥t" l03 ~•u~tl r_..,,,..n S 1 "•°'' -J, • .,. H.;.u~ S• ~ -c.., tlrt'Wer SI 500 -.... Bo< l.o•tOy S 1 500 ,.,. A1t h.J Pa1m.·~ St 500 ""°'"' P'iih Oft nn•l~t 15 6\l·b7 1' 7S7~b7b7 7J7..l·b811 74· 7J 67 11 /6-b9 , J b't 17 6!1·10-11 79 7' 70 69 1•10·1..11' 14 ll b\I ; 4 1'> 12 73 10 14· IJ· 13 70 ll 16 10 11 ,., 1? 66 1~ M7 1b6 7~ 15 I• 7 t 71 11 1•-6u n 74-73 7 1-74 69-71 7t TS ,. 7l 71 i'4 611 71 71 ,., 7) 71-70 71 78 75 70 7' 76-75 6!! 74 17 74 -&7 76 11 15. 75 , , 7' 17 15 70 71 76 1l 70 748070·1 7~ 74 74 72 7J-74 75 73 19 1• n 11 11 n 1.1 1. 74 76-7S 73 15 , .. ]"} 11 7& 74.72.17 15 18 n H 78 77. 77 73 13 TS 73 1'< n 11 n 10 ''· 1'8 7r, 73 '" 7~ 11 7'> 16 I• 1 16 '• '6 ·.·RO 1r,1,1.1~ 76-74 76-78 73·80 n llO Santa Anita SUNOAY'S AESUl TS (791h of 16·daJ mHtl"ll) FIRST RACE. 6 lurlvng> NBy<IO Bay tC.u~,,.u It 60 6 ;>() ~ 00 B"acn Wal• tOrl"<JAI 7 20 5 60 St1~1r.i-m£1 Glow tMCHottQu~) 1~ 60 Al\11 1&cttd Go1d'm Tdlont. Tufmng WhPf':I' Grih AnC1 ffltl ~;t9tl f1oottift'I P Vlk Be 5v 'u< !Jo t (i1rtnm .... l ·~.uhythm Ot u9nn CommAnd ftn'M' 1 ~· SECOND RACE. Or«• milt> Maw " PdPP·• Rlllf P tSllooJfT•~kP•I 8 60 4 40 J 40 Wf'!*o \ AtUl f.,wte11 ~ 00 "\ 40 Capta"1 Or ... n1 10<>1annun~yo>1 4 00 Al't41 r.1(Pt-1 l >h., l ,.., .. , $w UT"O I u• !;u~IO'#lll 001.thit M~"° P Pfflolf"ndf-4rd r,oi)m \ f'omfl• ,_.·lhl•~ P11 .. ftft1P 1 lf S2 DAILY DOUBLE I~ 91 t .11d ~~; 110 THIRD AACl t • mol<!S P,..rv (.ab•n 11 ·JtOI J? 00 t; filJ ' 8ll I"'"' El•h t0Ma1tou>s<1yPI 4 69 ~ 80 •if'3rt Bfioat f~hMf'Yl'li'Pt • b() At\u rMt>c1 B~.Ju Motil P11l')I At pin wAI An t-if'tr At><>ut Him rim~ 1 •9'· SS EXACT A IJ &1 paoa Sl 48 00 FOUflTH RACE 6 fu•tonq~ I am0us P~rtOI me< 10...anounave1 7 60 3 60 3 •O N ncy • 8aov I P1ncey1 3 20 2 80 M1f .. a'kJr~ tG6illt•nol ~ 80 At'\O 1.tc.t'MS lf!'8ding Advocate 1vo1 s La<ly Dynamic Gori Time FQr lnt@Qroty Bossi Wllat ,_.,..,.., T1m11 I I I 215 FlnH RACE. 6'' lurlono• Tetlaroun<J 10el81\l)UU8Yfll 10 80 5 40 J 20 nectoulllbl" tSh<>11maker I 6 00 l 80 Me ' 'iom<11n1ng {Vt11..nwe1a1 3 60 Alto raced S~h • A->yal Dream Et P11"Ch<1 Angil! C11y Bo"' Lau11h1nQ Boy tomP t 17 S5 ()(ACTA 12 61 paod ,128 00 llXTH RAC( t 1116 ml!M 1'ttor 1S1bille1 9 oo 3 60 J oo V1taos f P1nceyl 3 20 2 60 lrflf' o<unner rlorol 3 40 Atso rilC.t"O ra1ara.-au Barroe<1oe Sir Wong Out Early Mest1>< Old"" Age !Im<! I •~ llS lfVENTH fl.ACE. OrMt ntlle Buck<>ltOy 1Mcl.auo111 Ii 20 J 40 2 40 K1no De•••" m -·•1 'l eo 2 •O OH·ll Patfldrno \1)10111•1 2 70 DH·A1..e N Fly iCd\l&oledAI 2 40 OH Oedllh.WI '"' 11'111<1 Al•O tD< eO C•n I &v 0o1at Carue • fttn W~k~ SS fl(AC TA lb 71 1>•1d $52 !IO S2 PICIC llll 111 J II 1 J Ill paid SI • 499 20 will> 17 w1nr11ng 11c:••11 111ve no""'' Sl Pie~ StA con1ola11on paid $16 40 w•ll'I ft4 7 wonr1111g llekell \I Ou I ""'~I Sl Po~k '>1> -...i•tCll consOlaloon p•otl Slt 40 tlhrl>O• hi»-Ornt IOatCll ,,, liNo nut ·t-~ h1wo K-i•tchet~ EIGHTH RACE I • molM Su!A+• MOm"nt IMc(.rnlfl 60 3 40 2 60 M,,lonwl lttew.,,yl 4 60 2 60 11 ~ lh~ 0"" tGutfU81 2 20 Also r•ted UOf'CiJH• Sunttlln& Swag Time 1 48 Ji~ SS (XACTA (~ 11 P••<I Sl3 00 NINTH RACE. I , rnrlu• on lu1t Mr ReallOI IM<;lturuuf'IB 00 2 60 oul Peter Jon"" (Ouer•"I 2 40 oul L•lllt> Shtih (Va1enlu•ila) out Al'o rnutd Blfl.r•ngatono r,m., t !;() :u!) ~Ell.ACTA (' b) 1>MJ S~5 50 Alt<••llunc" 28.'32 NFL ache<lule Sunday Sept 11 Rame n . GrN n Bey al MllwaullN. noon At111n1.; di N""' Yvr• Gian" Ch1<;i;qo ti 0.-1""' Clever.ind .11 5 .. .;111e Houst0f1 at C1nc.1nnat1 l(,.,,Sd'> City at BultdlO M1am1 .. 1 NPW Yo•• Jeh Nl'w Erogla"d JI Balt1mor1t Oaktend .v "•~15<.0 St Lou•'> at N;>w Orlean'> Sarr C>lf)QO Ill r1 .. nver hm1.1.1 Bdy at Monne50ld W,;~tt1r191on <11 Ph1llldf'lph1.i Monday, Sept 13 P111sbu1gh al Dallas n Thuradey. Sept. 111 M uuo '>l·t t:1t huH.11U '' SundeJ, Sept. 18 Oetron at Ram• Baltimore at M1om1 Conc1nna11 a1 P11tsbur9h Dall.ts di St Loui5 New Orl€'11n'> "' Chicago N,..., Vo1k Jel'> .it New England OaH.irod <ii Atl.lllt,1 Ph1l.idelph1a al Cle11t11and Sd• Dot>go iii Kunsa'> City Sar f ranr.1s.t:o .n 0..nver Se.illle "' Hrru~lon W.i,h1n~I I 3mp.i Bay ay. S•pt 20 I •"~·n Bay di N;>w York vr .. nts Tllu'lddy Sept 2• '• Sunday. Sept 21 Ramo al Phll.ctelphla U ti ti tt, I~ I < "" >Qfi at .an franc1sco OdJl.u di Mol"n .. ~ola (if11 ••• , dt Nt·w Q1ieans Mtam l.lit (,r,...pn 8dy •lt'w Yor~ r,.dnl~ .it P111st>U1Qh Ne"' • 1• Jel~ c11 BJllomOrf' 0AH ""' "' San OitKJn <;t l Ou•5 di W,1$h1nglon s ..... 11 ... 11 Nt'W England T ~mna Bay al De11011 Monday, Sepl 27 (.onc;1n11atr al Clevol!lrid n Sunday. Oct. 3 Remo at St Loul1 Ba1t1mllre 111 0<11ro11 CIPveland 81 W;uhrngton H11u51on 01 NPw York Jets Kansas (.1ly '' Sea1tle M1am1 al Cmcmndll Monnf'~OIU et C1>1cago t'h·v-t "JI'"'' ,, lluU ilfl Nev. Orlean., di Oakland NPw York \,1a111' 01 Dallas Ph1IJdf'tp111.i v 5 G1een Bay a1 , 1 "' pl~ •.• P11t,tmrql1 .11 O.•nvt'• San O•"QO JI Allanla Mondey Oct 4 " San fr.i11c1~0 ul Tdmpa Bay n Sundey Oct 10 A tlanta al Rama Bulla!' 11 Ba11omo1e 'I -tf ti ''•If\ t I 1l.1t1cj Clt!vPldnd at Oa~hlrld llf>n•e• a1 NPW York Jels ~tro~1 ~t Mutn•11 Grl't'n B.iy ll Ctiicogo H•mston al Ka•1su~ City Minnesota ~I 1 lmpa Bay SI I ou•5 al Nt-w YO<k Grant~ San Franc.•l>CO ,11 New Orleans SPallle RI Si;n D1~0 W 1 fl•n11f1.1n ti p.,ll t Monday. Oct. 11 Phlladelph•a at r111aburoh. n Sunday, Oct. 17 Ramo el Sen Francl1co Allanla et Oelro•t Ball1more 111 Cleveland Chrr.aoo al St LOUIS Ctnc1nna11 Al New Vork 01onts Dnltas at Ph11odclph10 Denvfl1 al Houslon Kansa~ C11y at Son D19110 New Engtend 81 M1amr New Orleans 01 Monnesote OaklAn<' al Seallle P11tsburgh at Wesh1no1011 Tamp• Bay al Gree<r B11v Mondey, Oct. 11 Bullalo 01 New York Jel5 n Camel. Where a man belongs. Warning : The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. 8 m~ 'tdr"" n 7 mg nu.:ounc av. _per r.1ga1P.1te. f IC Rt111011 0£C '8 l Su~. Oct.24 New Of1eer11 at Rama Ctevet1nd II Plttsbutgll M11m1 at Balumore DaYH 111 Cincinnati. n 01kland 11 Denver St LOUIS .. N-Englano San Diego 11 Sea11le San Francisco at Atlanta Tampa Bay et Cn1Cago Washington at Houlton Mon«UJ I Oct. 25 N"w tor~ Goanls di P'11latklpll1" " SvndaJ. Oct. 31 R1m1 al San Di.go Atlanta at N-Orleans Buttalo e1 Denver Cnocago a1 Groen Bey Dallas at Now V<>tk Giants Houston at Cleveland M1am1 at Oakland N-England at N-York Jets Philadelphia at St Louts Pltteburgh 11 Clnctnnall San Francisco 11 Washington 3eatlle al Kansas City Tampa Bey et B1111mo1e Mon«Uy, "°"· 1 081100 at Minnesota. n Sunde)', Now. 7 Rame •I New Orleena Allanla et Chicago Balltmore al N-England Qenllet ., Sea.I lie OelrO<I 81 PhllllOf'!fphta Gr-.i Bey at Tampa HOUllon al P1t111burgh Kansas City at OaJcland M1nne&0ta al San Francisco llow york Giants at Cleveland New York Jets at &HlllO St Louis at Dallas WaShrngton et Ctoomnall MondeJ, Now •• San O.ego at Miami Sunday, Nov. 14 New YMlt Olanta •t Rema e...11110 at New England Cttoc&90 111 Tampa Bay C·nc1nrtat1 at Houston Clevt'land al Mtam1 Dallas 111 S8J1 Fr 11nc1&<:0 Denver al 1<$nsas City or_, Bay 111 Oetr0<1 Monnesote 111 Washlng1on New O!leans al $1111 Diego New York Je1s at P11tsburg11 Oakland at Balllmore Seattle at St Louis Mondey, Nov. 15 P1111aoetpn1a at Atlanta. n Sunct.J. Nov. 21 Ramo •I Atlant1 Balomore al New York Jets C1ncmne11 al Pttrladelph1a Oetroo a1 Chocago ><ansas C•ly at New Orleans M1am1 at Buttalo M innesota vs Green Bay al M rl· waukee New England at Cleveland P111sborgn at HouSOfl San Francisco at SI Lou4s Seatlle at Denver Tampa Bay at Dallas WuhH'lglon II New York Giants MondeJ, Noll. 22 San °'80<> at OaJcland Thunder. Nov. 25 T'Mnll119"'1ng Day Cleveland at Dallas New York Giants at Oet•Olt SundeJ, Now. 21 K-CllJ el Reme Balltmore al Buttalo Chicago et Minnesota Oenv8f ac San o.eo<> Gree<r Bay II New York .hits Houston at New England New Orleans at San Franctsco Oal<land al CtncJnnall Phtladelph11 at Wash1ng1on P1ttsburgn at Seattle St Louis al Allanta Monday, Noll. 211 M 1am1 at Tampa Bay, n TlluredaJ, Dec:. 2 San Francteco at Rema, n l unct.J, Dec:. 5 Atlanta 81 Denver Bullalo vs Green Bay at Mitwaul<oe C1nc1nnali at B11t1mor~ Danas at Washington H<>tJSlon at New York Glan1s Kansas CUy at Plllsburgh M1nne&0111 at Miami New England al Chic~o St Louis al Phlladetph1a Sert o.eo<> at Cleveland Seallle at Oakland • Tampa Bay at New Orleans MondaJ. Dec. I New York Je1s at Oelt0tl. n SatunSay. Dec. 11 Ptt11ade!Phla at New YOl'k Giants "·"'Diego at San I ranc1scu Sundey, Dec. 12 Oenttef al Remo Balltmore at M innesota Ch•\.ilQv dt Scattle- Clevetlllld •I C1nc1nnat• OelrOtl al Green Bay Mtam1 al New England New Orleans a1 Allanta O.t~tond di Kansas Coty P11tsborgh 81 BuHalo Tampa Bay at New vonc WllSllln<JIOn at SI Louis MondeJ, Dec. 11 DllllH •• HouS1on .. ,.,,.,. Dec:. 11 Rema at Oekland New York .h!IS at Miami Orend Prix toumement (el lliloftte Catlol ........ ,lnal Uu11 ... mo Vrlal def Ivan Landi fl.I 7~ fl..J (WH Wini '60.000 L-S30 000) Women'• tournement (•• "'"'"' Heed lelend. a.c.1 ~, ..... Merlina Navretllove def Al'l<lrM J .. Q41< ~ 11-2 (Navralrlote wina SJ• 000 Jatget w1n1 SI 7.500) o......., ..... Navraitlova-Pam Sttrtver del Joanne AuU•ll-V1tg1n1a R1111c1 II I 6 2 fNavrelrlova. Sh11Vet 1Ql11 $ 13.000 Au1 Mfl, Auvc1 IC>lll S7.000j Wat• D0to WOll1.D CNAWtoNaHW OUAUfYINO "-11oei1n T_.,,_, (al Edftlontot1, Alben•) ·-y·a ac- Unrled Slates 13 Me•ico • CanacJ• II Brent a tUnlled Stai .. ano Canaoa advance1 NHL Dleroff1 DIVISIONAL. ~I .J..-:d: flff) w '• acor .. IClnge 10. Edmorolon 8 aoa1on 3 BulllllO 1 NY lalende<1 &. Pi1110urgl'i Montreal 5. Ouebec; t Chicago 3 Minnesota 2 1011 S1 Lou•• •. W1nnrpeg 3 llancouve< ~. Calgary 3 Thundey"t kO<H Edmonton 3. King• 7 1011 Boston 7 Bunalo 3 NY lllandett 7. Pi1ta0urgh 2 Ouet>ec 3 ,_.ontrMI 2 NY Rengers 7 Pllllaotlp/11e 3 Cnocego 5. M1nr.e.~1a 3 Winnipeg 5 St LOUii 2 Vancou•et 2 Calgary 1 (Oii SalwU'I"• 1cor .. IOng• 6 [dmot'lon 51011 LOI AnQ<!!M _,._ ... ,' NY Rengers • Pllt~ 3 Ouoo>lleC 2 Mon\fael I Poll~butr 2 NY ltlanCIOtS 11011 Buttalo Boaton 2 Vancouver 3 Ca•o••y 1 vencou•e• w'na aeues 3..0 ' M1n~11 1 Cnocago I SI l DUIS 6 W""""8Q 3 .,,.., .• ac ... NY Aen9er a 7 Ph1180•lpflra S Aangeo ..," _._ 3 t Boston ~ Bullalo 2 Boston "''"' ..,. r-3·1 Montreet 6 Ouebee. 2 seues toed 2· 2 Ptttsburgn 5 NV Islanders 2 seues toed 2·2 Choc-oo 5 Mrnneao1a ? Cnocego •Ins --3 • SI Lou1a 8 W1nn11>419 2 St Louis ""nl ,. ... 3., Tonleht"• G.,,,e Eamonlon 81 King• TUHday'I 0-. Kine• al EOmonton 1t necessary Ouet>et at Mon11 .. 1 Ptllsburgh at NV lslandet1 Wfftlend trenuctlon1 AIMf'lcan lAeeW MINNESOTA TWINS Traoed Roy Smalley shorlltop 10 the N•w York Yank-'°' Aon Oevt• and Paul Bo<ts p.1Chefs and Greo Gagne ll>Ol'latop .......... L ..... ST LOUIS CARDINALS Nemed Joe McDonald genetel manager fJit-ded tl>e contracl ot wtwtey H•uo0 m• 119Q91. ll'lrough .,.,. 19&• -- ;• r.--------------------------------------------------------------------·· ----------------------------------------------------------------.· llllyPllat Monday, April 12, 1982 Furniture is bought and sold every day with a c'lassif ication ;8050 ad . .............................................. ....................... ~:::.~~~ ........ !~.~~~ ............................... ~!.~~ ............................. . . ... ............... ~~!~ ~~ .......... !~~ ~ .......... !~~ = ...... :.!! .. !~~ !~~=~.: ........ !~~ !!!'! ........... ~~.). ~~ ..... ~~.~.._ _ _. ... lW ,., ltll IB ... -IG IGo ... .... ·-... , .. 1•t ,. "" "" ·-... ·-·-1100 ·-lM IJll ,.,. ·-,. "" 1100 ... -uoo EQUAL HOUSING O{>POR TUNITY ,.........,..,Hoffee: PUllSIUMID XLNT TERMS! Remodeled traditional 3 bdrm, den, 3 bath, reduced to $395,000. Prir.e West Bay bayfront. Slips for 2 boats, i:emodeled 3 bdnn, 3 bath $1.200,000 . All real estate ad v e r l 1 s e d 1 n t h 1 s Ocean & ,etty views. Marine room, 4 bdrm, news.Paper 1s sub1ect to 3 bath 3700 sq ft $1 385 000 the Federal Fair Hous· ' · · ' ' LIM ISLE .. ES ing Art of 1968 which mikes it illegal to an. vertise "any preference, limitation. or dis crim1nation based on Prime Lido Nord bayfront. 5 bdrm. 5 'h race, color. religion. bath. Lge L.R , 2 boat slips $1.500,000. sex. or nAtional ongin. or an U\tenllon to make any such preference. • limitation. or dis Remodeled 3 bdrm, 2 bath t larfe rec. rm crinunation " beam ceilings, furnished, patios. 420,000 LllU ISLE UYFllllT WI·.~ I .t-: Y "\ TAYLOR CO. HEA I.TOI\:-.. •,j: II I I'. t·l 1 i .. UITll MftlUILUI" Golf course view! Beaut. landscaped. Park-like setting. Lovely pool, spa & ga- zebo. Gated courtyard with fountain . Marble foyer w/glltterlng chandelier. 4 bdrms. den, formal din rm. 4'h ba, $950.000 Including land. Large corner site. 211 1 .......... llltt ••14 IEWNIT OU'ftl, I.I. 144-4110 13% ~SUM ABLE I 4 P. POOL, SPA Well maintained. 11nde 11( ownershi p horn(' with many other amen1l1l'~ Onl> $165.000 Ca II no"" Lo~TTp~i~~Ho ne ~n~:'!\lt~~~! bedroom unat in this rondo. Pool, spa, tennis h I g h I y re g a r de d rourta. Divorce forces Venaillea adult c.'ondo aale. M ,500 b owner. ltifftbHINR community. Guarded &-JT70 7 &Ile. pool, spa and rec Ocean views. 3 bdrm, 4 ba, kit. w/ronveniences, lam rm, lge garden, pallO, lormal din rm . lge liv. rm. Quiet cul·de· sac S812,lm Owner room. Large assumable ........ aa•oc• 104 loan and seller will help •••0 ••••••••••• • ••• • • in financing. ONLY 11S,OOOYAl2o/o la llOll.<m. SDup uoo sq tt 4 barm 673-4411 RCTaylorCo (>40 ()<)()() OWNER ANXIOUS fan t.asl1c end unit 4 Bdr I' Ba, ur. patio. yard pool, park $89,900 As bume SS9 ,000 1st a 111,~. Pnn only AKI ~1·~ 1006 ••••••••••••••••••••••• on cul-de-sar. ----R. E. Professionals .....,.. Hiik I 050 MONACO MOD& t6l~ ....................... 2 ·al{ and ilen. many up· ONNERDESPERATE $7SOO DOWN ! NO gnde:s,assumableloan 8 be h · QUALIFYING tm;..~· 5 r. ac giant.in ex 28rpatiohome SI07,500' ullSara Marvui ec ut1ve neighborhood. Te....., '8kr)497·3034 67~ Priced $60,000 below ~ ·--- ---------· mk1. Owner must sell L* fornt I 055 this week . Submit on ••••••••••••••••••••••• S...AM IOIG pnce and terms Bkr Uke Forest 3BR. Den. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~07~ ZBA. Terms. by owner MANAGER 'SCHOICE ___ 77o-9M9 100/oDOWH Best buy in H.B Super Hew,orf •odl 1069 Sharp 3 &lrm R-2 lot. sharp 3 Bdrm Just ••••••••••••••••••••••• $72 ooo auuma ble I st Sl19 .. ~. Low down. no IMMB>IATE ro' Asking $89.900 Call quahrying and lake over · 6 twh· 2 Lots payments. Won't last POSSESSION Cafe:ofhce:apts Bkr848-07(1.J 10'1 ·down, payments .... • . ·: .. HERITAGE Owner finance --SISOO/mo It 1s possible ZD :. --~ -Z100 - This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which lS an viola tionolthe law alORS: AclnrtiHn ~ct.ck tMir ads CW, .ct ~rt er· ran t...dlotety. The DA.IL y PILOT OHUMl S WMlty .for the flnt i•eorrect iuertio11 Lagoon view from 6 bdrm, 5 bath, play- room, dark rm, den, Boat slip. $1,350,000' ()\\'Iler will carry 20•; dn Fixed rate for 30 years. lovdy 3 Bdrm pl~ den Ea~ts1dc Call 645·9161 m~o lrtN I 044 lo own lovely Sbdrm. 2 __ ~ IHI H•••ty. Rltr ••••••••••••••••••••••• story. N B Back Ba y iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilm-• ./.Jt:ALl'llA' . 675-21'6 TURTLEROCK area S2SO.ooo. 850·19!11 fl ...... -.,,..,. --------•I 4 IM!m, 2 oa on ruf de· Evescaj_I 631·12!S -Mew .... ..tO.tl CorOfto ~Mor I 02l sac. Popular Plan ~ This d~pTex is settfea o,; . . REALTORS -_ ............ JMlll _u.,_ --rw...uo1 -~ ...... J...c ~UM\1;"'1 \..ftl le T...-,...-.,. -T .. -... 1111 J>ZI °"""'-"'"•"' ~ UYSllE COYE Spectacular bayfront view 2 br. 2 ba up; 2 br, 2 ba dn. 2 boat slips $1,900.000. IUUTIFUL Beacon Bay Bayfront We have two homes hsl· ed on this beach Com mun1t~ tennis. park . o..An•\.al .. ""'...... JM Atta LafW'a .:II> Afll1 l\iir• ot l.l\f .:. Olly. TIES YIST&s-alSSlll YIUO Nl'w French Normandy 4 bdrm. 4 bath. guest house. pool. Near lake $795,000. --------· 1 boat shps. 1ranqu1hty and no traHI<· hasslt> l~ll REPO j Beacon Bay as a dream 11-. --·-d -:::.::...t: :: I ~:;:. ~::t : tto.Ms for Sale CIHlUll CITS T""o ~tor;. ~ BR. 3 h.i oome true Next lo Linda I romer lot Hank offers & llarbor Islands al , new vanable loan for 30 I se'M.IXX> & SI ,2SO,OOO I \'ears .Thi!> home nt!l•ds .. ....... ... Shtt• Ult •••••••••••••••••••••• &~!'..11'"' !: GeMr-at I OOl Coronado lsland cust. bayfront lot 85' boat dock. Plans avail $425.000 w/terms. =::.r.::i:.i :: ••••••••••••••••••••••. ~-·-!: ·1 WHAT ..... Rt11t6b -A VIE.W! ..sll£U, lllYtSl· ~acular ocean and BILL GRUNDY, REALlOR MDfl, AllAllCE city lights view in most 341 BCJy~·d" D"v•· N B b75 bl bl =~ -arrordable area or :::::=, = ra~~ ~:~ ~~~I~~~ =~ ~.'::. :! cellent financing. Priced --------•I Martt .. ,. ro-. ic. to sell now at S239.000 AllMMNCOIEMll. Callfi.46.7111 NEWPORT SHOIES WAUTO IUCH! ~~~~:"~ :_:: ·1·1·i .... , .. _,._i .. I ..... *·~·a· IAtlll"'"'--- 2 story, 3 bdrm. 2 bath home · ROOF PATIO WI T H V I EW ! INCLUDES LAND ! Seller will help wath '-''--$10.000 DOWN financing. S25s.ooo. ...... h. ),JOO Socul ti..•· Wiit MOVES YOU IN Wboe ley P'rop. Tu vtt• W» SEMES S..ott °'"""'l OIPlDY'llEllT l mPAllTIOll ~1-, ............ lltt1YI•-116 ~ MEICllAllllSl 4 Bd 2.sty. dbT gar. c. ltMffon w Mesa. nu paint. crpt. On· •67S-70tO * ly Sll0,000 Vacant l•-lllllliiiliiilillil-ilil--•I Diana Cappel. agt - : 63H2Ji6 .. MESA VERDE° : ,.J1'~~~w<?~~ner ••• v.111 carry. Most popular IOI! :: PRESTIGIOUS u~!~~~!?.~I 2 Brdm 2 Ba each unit on the sand, will take sml down or trade and carry the entire balance $750.~besl deal on the water. JACOIS IULTY _ 4ZM6ZO WILL EX CH ANG El DWN 'rLC and ~a\e SSS Other UllllllOOf OOM.fi ter"!s a\'allabll' t·all Realtors.67S·GOOO now. JUST LISTED COIOtif A del MAI Tern(1c investment op· portunJty 50Ulh Of the hwy Excellent income from lhl.S unusual rro perty Pri<·t'd to sel by molivated owner al JUSl $230.IXX> · 25'. do"" n MUSTY, DUSTY & VACANT * 109.000• 9 9', assumable finane 1ng avallahle on this tastefully deroraled J Br townhome Vacant & qwck possession 2670 San Miguel. Newport• Beach 759 ·1501 or 752 7:r73 ~ Walker& lee WPH SHARP ~ ear-m liome with \\t'l bar, firepla ce and more 1 Anxious owner S1 2\l.SOO 1 Call oow 979 $370 : UDO ISLE :: Lowest price<l on Lido al -only S319.500 This : charmu\g home .... on't -last long. Located nur ~ clubhou_se & tennis en CQUrts In the m 1dsl or a : galaxy of brilliant -homes . Ex celle nt : financing available Call : for details, 646·7171 Buccola S Bdrm or 4 + den, 3000 sq rt . formal living and dining room . country size kitchen. breakfast nook over· looks huge family room Sparkling pool and heat ed ~pa Truly a huge family home S299.000 Call 546-2313 THE REAL ESTAT&:RS View bay and ocean I Ne""l>Ort Heights eslatt> Excellent view. great I financing. Price only $429,000. Call lo see.I ~2313 ,----- _l l:iiiiii~~t/": I 5 fil§til ,... DIVE RIGHT IN wo Swim anytime in lovely : solar heated pool. 3 -~rm . 11. Ba . re : rix>deled kitchen in one -of Costa Mesa's best -areas. Owner very nex1· ble. f\111 pnce Sl45.000 ::; 751·3191 ll)I r.. II~ fll( ... ,.,, "'' -C:::. '-,fl~ ( T ~ P~~(JPi H 1 1l '1 --W! ••• 3007~~=e11~ir Costa Mesa You are lht> winner of foor free tickets 1$16 OOl \•alue to the AltaMim loat Show ANAHEIM CONVENTION CENTER April 17-25 To claim tickets call 642·S678. ex t 272. Tickets must be claimed by April 23. 1982 --* * ~ "PAYMENTS" OCEAN VIEW UNDER S 1,000 IB.OW MARKET A spectacular 4 Bdrm 2 COrona del Ma·r owner bath family home . m~t sell now' Just re· Large family area, duced S S0.000 rireplare . enclosed Panoramic ocean and patio. pool and spa You night lights vie\\ 4 m~t see thlll one. only Bdrm + family room . MOVE UP TO Sl:S.IXX>. Call S46·2313 Askin~ S3SO.OOO Call to· ~ :~:~~~~1m: '*41;\'ff!I· ilii&t!, -families . This beautiful ------~ -and spacious 4 Bdrm MAMMOTH lloft offers low interest ~WllfD COHDO lrtiM 172,500 ,,., assumable loans and is 8 O>WN R luxury 3 Just nght Tor the young t'lllO execut1've getting •tart· m< priced at only $269.900. bdrm . 2 b a . Two ~ :,; Call now! 646·7171 fl!'eplaces. Next to Ski ed. Most inexpensive flll I SI .-.u. 000 I t f' rondc>'in Orangelree. As· me ' tJla:!I !;! !!I Ol)eS. _,.,, . x n m. t'I. I II ~ j9:P?i{jift-1 i---7•14•.4•92···43S3---•I =· ~i~13'7ooan w ow rm tTJli '(TR fllll mi fUI fltl. fl<I f)M 11• "1«1 fl• fl'l8 i: ,,,, •1'& ,., flU tlll -'"' rm To pie~ your message before the reading public. ~one Dady Pilot Classified. 642·5678 OPPOltTUHITY knock! often when you use result-getting Dally Pilot Classlfied Ads to reach the Orange Coast rrerket. Phone 642·5678 "" ... , TR.\DI TIO~ \l. RL\I TY WSEO"IOH THEILUFFS Fantastic terms by motivated Newport Beach owner! Choice end unit location. Highly ~graded. Oak paneling and wood shutters. 3 large bdrma. Asking "I· Call.,, ..... _ 11111 lt1il.W1 Pr.,.rtits frt• 1fttr ... l1, , .tt lfflHtt 2 Mrt1 ltac' Ctttac• .... ...... .. .... S 121,111 h.,.n, I lh ........... ... .... .. S1ll,lll .... h . lrae4 Cnal C.94n ...... S1,110,... 114 ...,.rt ..... 041, ,. ...... S1.HUll U14a hie laJfrHt, Mel ·-S1,Hl,lll ... a CttH Wattrfrttt, ..... S1,IOl,lll hm Slltrts larfrHt, 4Ht ..... Sl,IOl,111 PtL larfnt, lk + 4"' ......... Sl,111,... WATERFRONT HOMES. INC. REAL ESTATE ..,_,...~ Rfnl.-\ Prf!C"'rlv ~mf'f"lt .. om• -YllWI Walk Thru Garden Courtyard To Towering Door Leading To Marble En· try. Winding Staircase & Spac. L.A. Large D.R. Oen W/Flreplace. Huge Master BR & BA. Plus 3 Add'I BRs. Big, Lot W/Paddle Tennis Court. Mountain. Ocean Views. Reduced To $825,000. Bob Thomas· Listing. Gl ·----~ ............ 759-9100 UC~ .. ,,._. Newporte..._ STAR GA'ZEK~ .. i.;..;:.=.:~---"1 CLAY l l'OLlA -t1 !~.~ ~;: -t1 To dt.,.lap -.1<19t 10< Tuetdoy, r.ad -d. CO<mponding lo~ nl ~" Zodl« birth •Ion ·-,._ ,. •• °"'" '°""' . , .... '°"' ·-. ..._ '°'-,,_ .,_ ,,. uo... •tC-........ "°"" ...... ,._ •r .. ,,.,.,,...~ ,,_ n-,.,_ .... •C:.. ::=-'" ..... ,,,°"' ..... ~ 11-.,_ DO., U • ,,_... .. ........ ·-.-.. ..... . .. ~Dr• .... a OI ·"-•oo •°""'"'' ....... ,. ... """' ,,.....,.... .tr-,,,... .,_ ,,, ... 61C.-,, ..... ...... "-.. -,. . ....., .,.. ,, ..... .. ,.,. "CM ·-.. ~ ·~ •.. ,,.. "~ st...... ."" ... >!.......... ~-w•-.. , .. ... .°""' ·-.. ~=-:c-....... . .... -~ ·-... ...... ~®"'-- ••••••••••••••••••••••• OWC a t 12 •; Try ~V!.wHOMtl a largecomerlolinSan· graduated payments Best pnred home on fee ta Ana Heights. One 2 S200.CXXJ land. OWC Contact bedroom and one 3 SPYGLASS Denn1sR1cke1ts & John Shea. Broker bedroom unit with re· FintffMt Offertd. Assoc 955-3454 cently remodeled in· J~l doors awa) rrom -0.Jli tenors 3 bedroom unit homes valued in excess _ _......... with rttently remodeled o( S2 m1lhon, beautifully --------·!·--------interiors. You can live in appointed S bdrm Nan one and rent .out the l u (' k et p I a n w l I h WooAridM a...tv i o~o D.... other' A.ssuma ble 12'l panoram1l' ocean and 3 Br-;cleri l:ielutlfol-cdn· 'I • " loan and seller will help rughl hghl views + pool do across from lake JbrJ i., a. xtra·llle lot with rinancing. Owner an(! spa. reatunng xlnl Completely loaded w superb view Will will rons1der uchang·· financing with owner w extras Owner will trade ror anything' mg for 2 or 3 bedroom part1r1pal1on Com carry paperAssumeex· Pnncipalaonly966·9087 condoinlrvineorCosta ~ pet1t1vel) priced at isling loan Dnve by 31 _ Mesa!SlM,000.979·2390 ~000 C~llfopppt to M.~~1~ii~.n~~:rn call _.IARBELL 644-1211 ABSOLUTE ---STEAL!! ~~~~.!!~ ...... • ', , . MATHER I slake my reputation on MaW. Hom• _ the FACT that this 1s the I I OO MOD EL B~ BUY in Newport For Sale DUPLEX BY OWN ER Best rash down lakes' OWC. Reduced to S275K 679;9667 or 67S·3063 __ Beach OCEAN VU. ••••••••••••••••••••••• in Cambridge Court. 2 LRG 4 BDR. PRO f LDvely dbl wide. guarded bdrm. zi., ba Almost DECORATED. ~I. spa ~les. uclusive area new home Perfect for I the sma II family or & lake nu all or on Y tin on Bch. 846·9060 I Pl l C $376,500 A trade con· Nownnrt Beach De Anza Slllg es. en Y 0 room sidered Call PATRICK ba_yJ,....ront Park Mint House on Begonia S235,IXX>. lot value. pnn only.·B~. (213~38·~ ~~l\a~~~f~:l~~~ TENORE Directly t'Ond. ·n dbl wide. near UCI and shopping. 63l· 126~ or 760·8702 firepl11ce. brick patio. Sl68.<XX>. TODAY· $61,lm. Also 2 br., 2 ba., double wide, corner lot $39.000 8111 Grun:iy CottoMeta 1024 ........•••............ .....,.. •odl I 041 ST HDIH IUY! 1 ·•••••••••••••••••••••• °'i!rn~e · By ~wner r.....~ ~ :.u.i. Guar 80', 30 ) r loan .---A .... ,,... a\all al 2 pls under 4, I acre+ bldg site. gent br. 2 ba ram. rm. spa.I ly sloping parcel short nnmac]142K . 979 1138 . distance rrom tennis. & --beach. Ownr has in· RVM* WGEPllCE RB>UCTIOH Fee Canal -front 4 BR. 10~ down. Te rms $299.000 Mr Clark. 645-:mO .!I!.§__ BY ~lA~cluded 67~161 ----- Obie wide 2 br. I "2 ba. $172 space rent Adults. small pets Qwet H.B comer lot. $27.500 or best. Owner, 847 ·2954~ Acrtop for Sale I 200 ••••••••••••••••••••••• I l l/2 AerH Ranchb C3fifom1a Area. oak trees. s treams. vaew. Soil report for citn.is Low dn. Low int Ail 1·676-S717 aft 5PM .L-On·tnc::.s __ _ '41 ....... far Wt 1300 MOVIH' OH UP eluded plans for t'ustom Give 1ourself Mesa villa. Sl25.000 Spe<' Verde in '82 3 Bdrm 2 tacular views~ lovely Streel. Bat·k Bay Area. Majestic home . yet rozy and con\•emenl as a cottage. Com pletely customized. 4 Bdrm. 3 Ba incl'g <Master Suite> · Sep Maid's Quarters l.Dvely hv room looking out to gorgeous ••••••••••••••••••••••• landscaped ba ckyard. 4-fttx HI le• Ba home w1many extras MISSION REALTY on <'Ul-de·sac. owe lrg 494-0731 2nd T.D Full price ~----- Waterfall, Gazebo. bnck S2SO.OOO. Owner 1 Agl patio. Obie r.rpc. fam Jewell. 714·898·2636 __ rm. formal dining rm ~.<XX>. Xlnt financing ~~lttl 1600 1134,500. 751·3191 FAMTASTIC HOME 180 deg ocean views 3000+ and custom Gourmet k1t l'hen · massive liv1n11 rm . formal dining. eozy avail OPEN ALL ~ C::. C,ft t CT WEEK 1·5 1521 ANITA ••••••••••••••••••••••• ....... PHOPE: H 1 ll '1 LN (I blk f rom Highland). 64S·OS:r.? - --fireplaces. pool. spa Lil $5,900 Total Dow• ru area. S..589.000. FORECLOSURE Br~wce~9'f BR LCll)lllO Vllogt R.E 21) ba. rrptr. 2 rar gar. ~!.116J Oceanfront duplex S4SO.OOO with good terms &th Bdrms are ma ster XW Filtmciiwl suites w1vaulled clgs, Speclacurar-Cai~lina/ belt.er call FAST. Total White water view 10r4 pymts Sll74 1mo Call dn Easy monthly pay. 12·5 .631 ·3405 . eves ments on Isl and 2nd. Playa R.E. 671-1900 751·329'7___ OWC 3rd. No pay 21 years. 4 bdrm. I + 'l, + "• ba $499 ,900 Owner/All\ 5«·2170 or •WahrlrOlll Hot11e * SI00.000 be low ap · praisal. 45' boat slip. Like new SS25,000 •CLOSE TO BEACH ~ume S'10K VA In al &".~. 38r. f/p, S114,000. Princonl 543·7023 Bk.L. FOt~~~rYRE 3BR 2ba. 8i.ender will SELL BELOW MARKET! Playa ltffll Estate 673.1900 FAMILY STYLf It's ifle nelghborliood that counts! Lovely 4 Bdrm home with large lamUy room in the heart or Mesa Verde. Well cared for. nice yard and located on s1de·non· traffic street. Vacant and ready. $173.000 ., 642-5200 j PETE ' BARRETI REALTY .... .t,~~JeJ.es °" Eaaulde lot. New Prk d t4'1,950 611-1771 67~ --~~~ ~17 ____ 1 Executive condo. ocean & bay view Fpl c. cathedral clgs. etr l + COLDWeu. BANl(C!Rtl flBALDIAY 1&65,000 Desira61e lor Oie private beach, tennis courts. its pools, parks, sunsets, and ocean breezes. Desinble because It's a veat 4 BR family home tn move in condition. A s~rb value in the right place. 644-9060 den. SI0.000 option money. Dys S58·9035 : evs 673-4899 llOADMOOlt SUYIEW Port Royil 2 story, 4 bdrm. 3bath plus formal dining and much much rmre. 1398.500. ltOGllS ltULTY tztHI I IFTOU have a service to oner or 2oods lo sell. r•ace an ad rn the Da ty Pilot Classified Section Phone 642-5678. ....... I 044 .,..... • I 044 ·····················-· .....••......••••...... HIHITII lllltall PHI Ttlll!ll Uhl1n1t1 In T own."'°'1'M IMng. 3 BR, 2y, BA, tam rm upgr1d11 galore. French door• & wtndow. BraM fix, tur•. perquet flooring brick petlo & 880. Prime location facing perk. O•ntr may 111l1t w/fln1nclng. S155.900, MINn HlnlOf\ 561-8700 (ff48) • llVELOPEIS!! 41.350 SQ n tommercial lot m pnme Fountain Valley location. City ap. proved plans for 19,200 sq ft office bldg Total package priced a l $'150,lm RIU.Elt HAL TY H6-0114 ..... T 111111 1 Excellent opp6rtu.ni1y 'for Investor 12,000 11quare root oflic:e buil- Jdina. P'ully '-ed. OYer · mo.ooo , ynr deptt- nation Prlc!d '° RU 11 $.2.4 milllon.Prlndpab only. Call William c.ot.e. Brob.r Qinina del Mar 2 story commercia l. Priced bdow mitt for qwck sale at $350.000. Owner fm.ancln& al 10'4~ for 3 yra w/$130.}JOO down. No nee. cull now. Own/A&t 131-1 C•••••••l••n•••· ..........• 1 .. ....................... s1 b~~alllu model Pri ct tlSO 000 mo.ooo dn. owe ba\ for $yrs. Call Mr. F\aentea Ev 714· ._,.., .. ., It .. ....................... •=:u Co1h Mu a ooo.a..at.erm fin a dl.IDOpermo • Prhatt,.11 ooly. ~-- •• •· •• i Orange Cout OAJLY PILOT/Moodey, Aprll 12, 1982 IUTHlllm DEATHS ELSEWHERE MOTICI Of' 111Utfln a.AU Nl-tUH ii u . ..._ 1-.a NOTICE OF Dl!!ATB 01' AU.EN wah, 2 111~1'1 and 1 brotner, wife Oor11, dau1hter Kim· n1tn. Mr McC lellan WH t.AWYIRI TITL! INSURANC CECIL BUEL CltUZiN bt!rly Banlow ol'J'uatin, C., born In Dalhart, Texa1 on cOA'<>AATION u duty ~t ANO OF PETITION O MARY P ALLEN. retl· 7 1randchlldron and 2 lknt of th• lll'Cll for the put l r9•t-1randchlldrcn. Inter· 8 yeara after movlna here ment at Cryatal City ~me· from Lynwood, Ca. Paued tery, Cry1t1I City, North away April 10, 1982. Sho Ii Dakol.ll McCormick Mortua- 1ur vlvod by htr hu1band ry di~torl T t\191 .. undtlr the IOllOwlnO ion JamH Ray f'o1tcir of July ~7. 1912. Ho wu weU bed dMd 01 11u•t Wll.L Hll A ADMINISTER £STATE NQ. Santa Ana, C. .. lllaten Don ltnown In bu1lneu and VO• GRAMBLlNO, l..a (AP) CHJCAOO (AP) -Jamet PUBLIC AUCTION TO THt HIQ A·llZH7. nle Webb of G•rd n Orove, lunter.r ac tlvltlea In the Ra1g11 Waldo E m euoo A. ftA>D&O, 77, former chair· HEST BIDDER Fon CASl1 (P•Y•ble To 11U hc:ln be~ C 8 'b S h d N 8 h d S Joae1 0 h b llt 0 f ... _ •·•· "-•• e111meo1..i.1n1awfu1rnoneyoll dl d. a.. ar 'ra anc ez an ewport eac ap an , • w o u ram· man o .. .., •--uo:moct1a..c United S•ai .. 1111 rlgllt 11118 end crti tors an conllnJ4tDt LaOonna Fud1e bolh ot Gabriel Vali..y areH. HI• b~ Sta'4t Univenalty from Party and a former 1\atr 1n1.,,.1 ¢0o'veyect10 ;id 110W Mld1c:redlton of Cl!'.:CIL B~ Santa An.a, C.., Janot f'rtt. butlnt!m <:al"ftr spanned tlfly a collection or clapboard finance director, died Fri· oY 11 under Mid Deed of Tn.t11 Ill lhe CRUZON and pe1reont who Edwa.rd, 1laatera Nora Tobin DA VIS 1en and Debbie Fo1ter . yeara. He wu an lndepe~ thack1 lnlu one of the na· day °'Y1m!v,~~~~Tano may~ otherwill' lntertskd of 0 veland, Ohio, and Ha· JILL. ANN"E OA VlS, rai- &el Murphy of New Jeniey. cit'nt or Cotta Mou Ca Services wlll be held on Pa11ed away on A prJl 11, Tue.1day, April 13, Ul82 at 1982 ShC' it 1urvlved by het 9 :00AM at Harbor Lawn hust>.nd John Grant Davia, Memorial Chapel. with Rev. Jr., her father and mother L oren Sangfree o f the G R o bert and Norma First Chri11ti111n Church o r Thompeon of Oil City, Pen· We1tm1nster officiating. Pri· nsylvanla, brothers Terrence vat" entombment aerv1ces of Atlanuc Beach, Florida will be held at Rose Hilla and fo'orest of Stowe Ohio Memorial Park. S lumber Memorial aervlc~• ~ill be Room vlaitation will held on held un Tuesday, April 12, Monday noon to 6. Services 1982 ilt 3:00PM In Grace under the direction or Har· Chapel, St. Andrews P res- bo r Lawn -Mount Olive byterian Church , Newport Mo rtua r y o r Costa M esa Beach with the Rev .. William brother H oward and hi• dent di.tribu\Or ot Un.Ion Oil tJon11 leadtna black coJJeaes, NOAMA a SMART 1111,oend •nil ln ~ wlU and/or Nia~. mother Mn. Ml.kJ.red FOi~. produce.; founder and or1a-died Friday. Jonea retired PORTLAND, Ore (AP) wtt. u Join• 1enen11 A ~tJUon hu bHn filed Servlcu will be held on nldna Board M•mbor o f In 1977 •her' 41 ye.rs H -MUes L. ltdwant1, 84, an M!~~~/l~:~~1J~v~g~~~~~ 5by J~,.. E. CRUWN In the Tuc1day, April 12, 1982 at Irv1neNationa,I Bank, Pacific president. Invent.or of a replacement PROFIT SHARING TRUST Upt'rior C.OUrt of ORANGE 3:00PM at Harbo r Lawn NatJonal Bank, and Anchor valvt-for the heart, dlt'd Roeotdtd~ugua111. 111eo .. 1n11r C.:ounty requt:•tins tha1 Memorial Chapel with Rev. Thrift And 1..oan. HI.a char!· NEW LONOON, Conn. Thunday. Edwli.rda had 63 No t230 In book 13118•. Peot 070 Jf:Ffo' E CRUZON be ap· Joe Buonasaial. First Bapt.l.lt Ulblc•and v.olunteeract.lvities (AP) -Horace Seel)'· petenia to hll crediu, span-?~.o~:~:,;::~~~;~~;! g~:i~'. ''olnLt>d aa pt"n•omal reprti· Church of Cotta Mea orti-Include lhe Boy Scou\1, Browa Jr .• 73, who 1erved n1ng ~™'•aviation and Hid dHd ol 1tue1 d .. crlbH lh• 1wn1at1vc lo admlnl1ter ~e dating Serv1ce1 under the Y .M .C .A .. the Rotary Club, lilt tem11 in the U.S . HOUM lumbering. followlngprO(*ly eaitalc o r C ECIL BUtL dlr~tion ot Harbor Lawn. and the 552 Club Mr. Mc· of RepreeentatJvs bt!tween Loi 23 In •1ock 13 o r,.,.. C RUZON Costa Mcu Ca M 01 Cl 11 ld 1""7 and 1963 d'ed ""-'-'• eddlllOll 10 ~Heigh!•, In Ille ' ' ount Ive Mortuary or e an WU an av •port.I .., • I rnua)'. LONDON (AP) -Ro· Cny 01 Newpo11 DHCh, Couh1y Of (und1•r the lndependt'nt A.d- Coita Mesa. :W0-55:W ran both u par\ldpant and bert Wateoa McCrooe, 89, 8 O••ng.. S111e of Cetllotnia, .. P9f mln111tralkin or F..wtes Art). LAIRD specta tor and wu well DYER, Ark. (AP) -S Mt11>rllCOfdeclln8ooi<4,P8Qt040fTh1• pcttt1or1111 act for h~a· VI R G 1N1 A KOCH known In Southland yach-Saaao Alamo, 66, cofounder cottlah technologlat and Ml~l•neou• Mapa, 111 •Ile ouic. 011 ring 1n Dept No. 3 at 7-00 LAIRD.~ away at h er ting circles. He la survived or a rellglou1 foundation buiinenman who helped t~n~voun•v Record•• 0' .. Id CIVIi.: c~nln Drive West, home on April 10, 1982 fol· by his wife, Winifred, and that operated bu1lne11e1 •alvage Germany'" battle 2904 Cllll 0.1vo. N9Wport BHcfl, S11nt11 Ana, C A 9270 I on lowing a lengthy lllneu. son, Jerry Jr both of New-Including atorea, a motel fleet after Wo rld War J. Calllotnl• 112660 I M11y ~. 11182 at 9 30 a.m . 540-~5:W. L . Flanagan 0Hic1ating. M L d nd M d I died Monday. 'Ill • 11rM1 eddrH• °' tommot1 I • OU O rs ai r was born Jun'\ port; 11. son urray of An-1 "" a constru ct on com-ouignallon 19 ihown •1>ove no Jo Y BJECT to tti~ BRADSHAW Donauon.s tn heu of Clowers 22, 1929. She lived In SanLll heim, Ca • aa well as bro -pany. died Thursday. She SAN oimo (AP) -Dr. w•rranly II given •• 10 Ill complt1 grMtmg or the peUUon, you LEL~ND JOHN may be made to the Jill BRADSHAW, re11dent of DavLS Memorial Fund at St. Coela Mesa, Ca. Passed away Andrews Presbtylerian Monica area until 1958. Fol· thers Murray, Sr. of Coro-and her hu.band operated G r••ville Fr*•L. "-t..t.t, 77• teneN or cori.:11-1 11houki either appear at the I i 4 de In d d L . ( S the Ton and S "'•·----• IUI .-Tri. benefiQary un.,., .. Id !'-! h , . d , b ow ng years ~ nee na o, an ou11 o acra· y uaan """'"" an Internationally known ol Tr111t by reuon Of• b<MGll °'' turint; an ~late your o • Springdale, Utah, Mrs. Lai.rd men to, Ca . H e had rive Chrl1tlan Foundation, ba· 1 11 1 h <l•fau111n111e obl"'••IOf•• MCur.al Jcl'l1on11 or file written o):>. d h _...,, h snP<· a at n t e ertect11 l)f .,, an er family returned to grandchildren. A memorial """' ere. (""--thereby. llerelofore e.n eu••d •no Jt•ctum11 w11h the court be-on April 9, 1982. Survived Church f''USTl!:R by I daughter Betty L . Al- mond or Lagunu Rills, Ca. I • son J ack Bradshaw or Ha- McC~Mlat MOHU.AllES Laguna Beach 494 941 5 Laguna H111., 768-()()33 San J..ian Cap1!>iran<1 495 177b HAHOll LAW~MT. OLIVE Morluary • Ceme1e1y Crema101y 1625 Gisler Av!! Co~ta Mesa 540 5554 P'IHCE HOTHH.S HU HOADWAY MORTUAR Y 110 BroaelwJy Cos1a Mesa 642 9150 IALT71HGHOH SMITH & TUTHILL WESTCLIFF CHAP'El 427 E 1 71h <;1 Cosla Mµ-.J f:4(;.Q'\7 I P'IHCE llOTHHS SMITHS' MOITU.AIY 627 Matn SI H1m1tngton Beac11 536-6539 P'.ACIF4C VIEW MD40RIAL P' AllC Cemetery Morluar,. Chapel·Cremalory 3500 Pac11oc Voew Drove Ne wpon Beath 644·2700 e JIMMY R. FOSTER res- ide nt of Santa Ana.' Ca. Passed away on April 7, 1982. He was a 21 year mem· ber of the Bnck Layers and Stone Masons Union #22. manager and coach of Girls' Bobby Sox League, member of the National Jet Boat and United Boat Racers Assocta- tion. H e is survived by his s nutrition and pollution on d 1 d a nta Monka until moving service ls to be held on he"'th, died ""·~ .. "v 8 ivere 10.111e undera19ned 11 fon· the h1•11rln~. Your an. H I D-.. -h T d ii BOS"'ON (AP) S If '" • uaouu wrlllen Oecler1Uon of Oel•ull arl(l . ,. ID untngton....,...,, where ues ay, Apr 13, 1982 at • -e • Oem•ndlorS•le.andwonteiinotl<A JWllr<•flt't> n u1y be in pcraon s he had lived the past 17 St. Michael Episcopal taught historian Edward of breac11 •nd or ei.cuon 10 ceuM or 1>r your attorney years. Mrs. Laud was active Church m Corona del Mar, Rowe Sa ow, 79, au_thor or B • lhe undo111gned 10 sell u1d P•o Ir YOU ARE A C REDI· in both church and c:lvic: ac· Ca a t l l :OOAM. In lieu or nearl v 100 book a and us1ness pef1ylo .. uetyUldobl10••ion•. •nd 'l'OH or a t'Ontmg('nt Credito " 1heteal1ar Illa undet11gned ceutoO r UVlUes for most of her life. flowers the family requeau "Flying Santa" to New u 10 no11c;e 01 breech and 01 01.c or lhc· df'C'('ased. you must In addition to her husband, conlribuuons ~made to the Eng.land Ughthouae keepers • uon 10 1>41 •e<;Otded Docembet 24 file· your da1m with the Carl Mrs. 1..aJrd is survived American Cancer Society Or fot 44 years, died Saturday. seminar l98l_.1'I onatt NO 31873 In 000-tourt (JI µrt•lll'nl It lO the by 2 daughters Cynthia of the hospital of your choice. ~~~~,"age 1003 0' Hid 0 111'1'1 Pf•ri.ooul n•pr~ntauve ap- Huntington Beach, Ca. Re -slated Said &ale wlll l>tl made. t>ul WI fJOllH.t.-<l by lht· court wit.bin bec.'Ca of Santa Barbara, Ca. 1hou1 oovon1on1 or werrAnly. expreu f1Jur months from tht' date or Services will be conducted at Pack1"ng f1'rm w1'ns case 01 IMPiied regarding 1111•. poues f1nH IHUanc(• ul fellers as , sion °' encumbranGe• 10 P•v 11\t Nil.JC-~( the Community UnJted Me-The Orange Coast r11me1n1ng principal sum Of Ille prov 1d('d cn St'l'tlOn 700 o r ---thodisl C hurch, 6662 Heil SACRAMENTO (AP) -The state Agncuhu-chapter of the Soc~ty for nole(sl ••cuted by Hod Dead Of the Probate Codl' or Cahfor- .. _ Avenue, Huntington Beach, ral Labor Relations Board says a Sanger packing Ad f Trust wi1h mieras• as'" U1<1 note n1c1 The time f o r f ilin g FICTTTtOUS .,..... C vancemenl o ana-provided 1d111ncea u any undet NAm ITATDIDIT a al 7 :30PM Tuesday, firm laid off two mechanics because heat ruined the gement and t an ta 111e 1erma 01 se1d oeed 01 r1u11 d:.110~ will not expire prior '""' 1oli0wln9 ~ ..,. ~ -· April 13, 1982. Serytces and plum crop, not because they supported the United An b h f' f I '-· charge• and e•penses of 111e lo four months from the date -::.co. lfO. 3 Upper ~· Plata entombment are provided by Fann W orkers. u Sa sranc !C'e 0 the T!u'1ee ind OI Ille 1'U'11 cre•lecl byl or tht' hearing nollC\.-d above Dme.Sull•200.Newpor18••Ch CA Paclfic:View Memo~Park .. mall usinessAd-,saldOeedolTru't YOU MAY EXAMINE 92~NDAuF GEDO£S,Truai•Ul\det and M ortuary, Newport G~~ ~~B:OdngH~~aT~~;ke~tJJa:r~~'Oy ministratio have an-A ~~1~;,81~9~~1 ::~~mr~~d1~l th., file kept by the court. If lh• Randall F Geddeo Trua1. d•••d Beach. Contributions may be n 0 Un Ced PI S f Or a C~apmon Avenue en1ranoe 10 1h1 you are mtercsu>d in the es-~.!'~.l= N0:::.~:1~1·•· made t 0 .. G 1 n g er. 8 United Packing Co; in August, 1980. to cut costs three-month age-civic; Cen1er Bu11a1ng. 3po Eu• talc-, you may file a request 0£NN1s w HARWOOO. Trutl•.,... Friendship Garden", Great after the Casselman plums were destroyed. ment program Chapman Avenue '" 1ne C11v of th th der lh• w111 01 B•1ll E Harwood, uo · Orange Wl e <.u urt t o receive ~c.<>1 .. 0<"'9 5"'1•900 ~ Oaks Village, PO Box 1767, SessJOns Will be hel at Al Ille llme Ol lhe •M1al PUOllCe !iJX'CIBI t\olll.t' or lh(' inven-~~isin:'°HARWOOO lruat•.,,.. La Mesa, Ca. 92041 PK1f1c the Ame rican M cGaw uon of 1111s nol>Ge 1he 101a1 11moon1 tnry o f t'!>lalt-as.sc-ts and of V -w M t d ' As ·a 's g th t Of 1118 unpaid balance of Ille Ol>h h , 0.. O.CW..•11on of 1NS1, elated 712Sf7'l, k o r uary 1rectors. J TOW 0 S08T conference room al 2525 gallon ~ecured I>" 1he above de· l f' pel1l1on s, 3CCOUnlS and sso Newport c ...... °'"•· Sulle eoo. McC' L'L' .. .... ' ts d bt-"" C>--Newporl 8Meh. CA ll?MO ......,. .&JU" McGaw Avenue, Irvme. sc:11bed deed of 1rus1 and e$loma1ea n;por es<.rl -u .1n .:x'\.'l1on JOHN a HEFFERNAN. 3 UPP•• GERALD W McCLEL· . f:lANGKOK, Thailand (AP) -Asia's popula-The cost for the series cos1s. a;.penses and advances 1a 1200 5 of th(' Cal1forn1a ,.._,.., Plata a. .... Sutt• 200. New!>Or1 LAN, the family and friends tlon is .expected to reac h 3.4 billion by the year S78,800 48 Probate C-OdE' eo.ch, CA 9?ee0 mo h ' . J 2000 IS $60. 1 0 delern11ne lhe opening b•d H Id E II . I tHOM4S A HEFFlRNAN. r ..... 1. o1 um IS passing on Apri • up from the current 2.5 billion, a report by the For 1·nformati'o n c·al 1 yoo may ca111714J 937 0966 • a ro · ean y , '"" Tllomu.,,., c1e1r• Heffetnan L1v1no !I 1982 foUowing I ·u U .. _ ... N . o "9 Attorney a t La Tru11 d•••O Jun• n 1u 1. 3 Upper • a ong 1 · ru ~ a lions says. 836 2896 81" MarGh ' 1982 w ~Plata Onve 5'111• 200 ~ -• LAWYERS TITLE 1%00 North.M.aio Street,.-·-- Beecll CA 112ee0 I INSURANCE CORPORATION Suite 704 ROBERT E HEHERN..CN 3 Upper PHUC MO~E 'VIUC MO~E ..... ti' •""E , 1111meic NOTICE 11-t said lrw.111e .._,Plata Onw Sut1• 200 ~ rftUlr '"' I r..-. By T 0 SERVICE COMPAN Y 1Santa Ana, CA 9%701 ~.\~1~ HEFFERNAN 3 Uppe< flCTTTIOUI IU..... NS.mu ------------C-1479 1108~ 17141 834·1%34 =.'1c~0nw. Sult• :>00 • .._, '"" .~ i!.~~-. r11e ,2;:!~~na 0011• MUMC•ALc~~ OF TitE s~:T °" ~~smanr ~:;~•fl< , 1.}'~~!:':l ... ~ ~~f .~~t ~1Y J'• BERNICE 8 HEFFERNAN, Trutl• of .. AOUATRONIX, 313 E .. I 22nd Slreet ,_. CK.ENDA.LE .IUOtCIAL IMSTMCT COUtfTY Of' LOS ANGELES One C11y Blvd . Wes1 16-43.111 1he TllomH E H•fl.,ntn Tealamenlary Cotle Mau. CUIO<llla 92627 ' no 1N\IE.STOR8. 3093 Coun1ry Club COUNTY Of LOS ANGIL.ES, In 1he Meller of -· -· FLEET. Orange CA 9;>668 P\8.IC NOTICE ~·· 3 VPC* ~ P1u.a Ori.a, Sutt• Jero11av J1<0 .. 1, 313 Eau 22110 o.-tv.. Coala M-CA 92626 STA=~ :;:c::u-., A WOOO, Mlnor\S) (7141 835·8288 rN.'"=!.. °";:e"~~ en..,,..,,. S1r•1. C:0.1a -Cellfomte 112627 Jernea L Jolln11on. 3093 Country ~CA 11205 A perllOfl(al who lhould 1>41 declared Published Orange Coa~1 Oa11y NOTICE '"VmNG BIOS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN lhal -----------....1 seeled proposels wtff oe received b) -pou1.0 -tlon ou. ,,,.,, a_,. ~ bvtl"fft It conducled by an"" ClubKr;i::,f-~~n~As!,~ Roed, PLAINTIFF. BOB NEW. INC. dbe lree from lhe c;utlody end eonlrOI ol "ilol Apr 5 I;> 19 !982 l502·83 -""'P John B Helternan Jet-Jlt0141 ~CA &toot 808 NEW LEASING SERVICE (his) parents Thlt tta1•111•n1 ""' llled with lhe Thie •1•1•ment •o llled wl1h 1he ~1~! :.!'._~";~& o.n .. lle DEFENDANT THOMAS CARTA· CASE C~ lS3t7 Coun4y ci.t\ OI Orange County on Me<c11 ~~?-" ol Orenoe County on March n. -•-.a by• OOfWel GENA end DOES 1 lhfough tO, In· Freedom From p.,_tef ~M~ __,. ,_. pann.aNp-L ~on clullw Cue!Od'f Md Conlrol a U.0-~ ~ Ottwe Publltl\.O 0ra"99 CoHI Da~y Pllo1, Thia a1a1emen1 Wat Iliad w11~ 1h• ....., .,....T .. ~D~-.&OM'T (UANOONMENT) ~ ....... CA -Metcll 29. A4>t11 &, 12, tt. 1M2 t4iM2 " ""' .. ,... ~ .......,_...__.. • (A« ADOPTION) TUCltlA, 900llTZ I Hlff'IMM County °"" OI Oranoe County on Merell CAN .._,. M2'M T Ch rt c di c Call •42 5•79 16· '182 NOTICll Y~· h••• ..... _" eu-"'. 0 • es •rr• ne •k• h•rlea ,_,. v -v • , P'IUl" n. -1 _;-dadde :;;...., ;;. Olis Caradine (alleged natural fa. Pt.el.IC NOTICE lhe Cnv of Cost• Mesa 11 Ille 0111« Ns-s•cJl Ol 1he C11y Clerk 81 Ille Cily Hall. 77 "" Felt Ouve. Cosl• Meae. CeNfomte NOTICE OF DEATH OF unrn Ille hOur 011100 am on May ISADORE SCH NEIDER 6. 1982. at whleh lime 111ey w!H 1>e Sc E opened publlely and rHd aloud In aka I. J . HN IDER, aka the Council Chambers for FUANI· ISADORE J . SCHNEIDER SHING All LABOR. MA TERl1'1LS. Pwblltr..e! 01e110• Con1 Dally Piiot Put a leW WOrd1 . P"'btftfled °:.;:/:. Cou1 Delly Pilot. Wllhoul JOUf belftt IMerd IHI .... lhert -wt\erHboule unknown. lo -___________ i.:w::"':.::°":.:..::22:.:,·:..29::.·.:""'~•.:..S_:•::,2·:...•::1112=-...::1ll3~t-12~L...::::==='o=w=o::r::k::l::o::r :!:::o::u:. :::::::i......,. __ 22_· "_· __ '_• _'1_· _'*-~1W~-12:!!J ,_ ,...,... wtttlln IO .., .. RM«I Chef1 Robbins 911• Un<la FIM1wooc:t h .,.,. .. hr bMow (mother) -whefeebout• unknown AND OF PETITION T EQUIPMENT. TRA NSPORTATION D I S R ANO SUCH OTHER FACIUTIES AS A M N I TE ESTATE NO. MAV BE REOUIREO FOR THE RE· A·l 12946. NOVAllON OF SLOPES ANO THE To all heirs, be nef1c1aries, INSTALLAT IO N OF DRAINAGE c r editors and conl1ngen SYSTEM Al MARINA VIEW PARK. Daily Pilat READER APPRECIATION NIGHT SUN. MAY 2 -6:00 PM LOS ANGELES SPORTS ARENA CHARUE TICKNER California's Own CHARUE TICKNER • Wofld Champion USA MARIE ALLEN • U S Nat 'I Sliver Medalist BAR•IE SMITH• U.S. Nat'i Sliver Medalist and Canadian Dance Champions LORNA WIGHTON and JOHN DOWDING SPECIAL GUEST STAR i -JANETLYNN OLYMPIC & WORLD BRONZE MEDALIST yOU Ml OMCI •T.00 ••. oo .... 00 I Ion and the ec9 S o "111!.-l!tilcle, athletic zeal, II:: It'• ICE CA~~ . ~on poet ~;.;-tamlly entertalnnt• of p • ICE CAMD£8 at the LOS ANGELES SPORTS ARENA APRIL 20 -MAY 2 ************************************ MAIL OR BRING THIS COUPON TO: LOS ANGELES SPORTS ARENA 3939 S. FIGUEROA STREET LOS ANGELES. CA 90037 SAVES2.00 ..., ... READER APPRECIATION NIGHT SUNDllW, MAY 2 -8 PM No. Adult I Youth tickets _____ @ MAKE CHECK OR MONEY ORDER PAYABLE TO ICE CAPADES -NO LIMIT ON TICKETS - ______ ., _____ To..i EnolOMd Neme'-~-------------------Oayf>hone _____ _ Adctr ... _____________ City _______ Zip ___ _ " you ...wi 10 M9lt j~ edlllQa ol end lo 1111 PllfMlNI elelmlng 10 be 111e en ettoinew In Ihle melter fethet or mo1he1 ol aeld minor , , you penon(t) at><>v9 nem9d tholAd do 90 promptly 90 thet your By order of 11111 Court you •1e he· ~l:'.'98PMM" eny. m8'f' be llt.d reoy olted and (required lo) appeer AVllOI Ueted he oldo deman· t>eiore lhe Judge Presiding In Oe· d•do. fl trlbwnal pw•d• dac:ldlr partmenl 234. Room 7-311 ot the c:onl•• Ud. eln llUdlenc:le • -•bove enlllled coun, located 111 q11e Ud. rHpOlld• denlro de so Criminal Court Bldg . 210 W fem· dlff. lN I• llltonnecloll que ..-. pie, Los Angeles. CA 90012 on June SI Ueled d-M>llcller 91 con-21. 1982 •I 11:00 e.m. of lhet day, lhen and It!«• to llhOw c:euse. II eny MjO de un •l>Ogado en •I• uunto, you heve, why .. Id pereon 1houlO ~la ll-1o lnmedlet-1•, de not be 6td8'ed frM from the ex>n· ••• men«•. eu '~t• eecrt••. 11<>1 ol (hit) patents eecordlng to the al hay elgune. puede -regltlreda pelltlon on file he<eln 8 l~THE DEFENDANT A I II The pellllon flied herein Is for Ute · c v pufPoM of treeing 1he tubject Child compleln1 hH been llled by the '°' pleoemenl lor adopllon pla1n1111 against you. II you Wish 10 OATEO Aprll 5 1982 defend thl1 lewtult, )'OU mue1, wllhltr John J. c ao d•Y• alter this S<Jmmona I• aer· · orcoren. ved on you, Ille wllh 11111 c:ourl • ~·k= wrlllen rMPOOM 10 the c;omptelnl Dec>uty • UnleM you do eo. your def IMlll Wiii '°"" H. Lereon be entered on eppllcellon ol Iha COUllty ~ plalntltt. end tlllt cour1 mey en1er • a..ttll f. w.-.. Judgment ~ you for lhe ~ Defiut'I C-ty C-... demended Ille c:ompielrll, ~ t-520 Crtlfttnel C-'9 ltuMdlftO could rHull In garnlallmenl ol 210 w .. 1 T_,.. street wegea, IU!lng of money °' Pf'opert}' l A~ CA I0012 or other rellel requHted In th• 09 t74-•1 complalnl. "-OAlEO· J ly 17 t981 Publlahed "'•noe Cout Dally Pllol. ~le oOnui.z. 4pl'll 12. 1g, 26. 19112 Clerk t6«-82 By ~ l-POiier. ooeca=.. ~-~( d r I SA DOR 1035 WEST 19lH STREET. COSlA c re I l 0 r s 0 MESA. CALIFORNIA SCH N EI DER . aka I J A Ml ol plans, ~lic:allon.s. ena SCHNEIDER aka IS A other con1rac1 documenta may be · ob1alned In 1he oll1ce ol lh• Oe-DORE J SCHNEIDER and par1ment ol Le1•ure Se1vlcea. 77 pt'rsons who may b<.• o ther-Fair Ome. Coste Mete, Celllom1a. wise inti:rested in thP will upon reoetpt of e nont.iundable tee d ol $6 00 II bidder• req11es1 plans an /or est.al(" and speclllcellons be milled Ille A peuuon has been hlc-d by cneroe win t>e $7 so per set RO BERT L. SCHNEIDER in Eec11 bid shell be made on 1ne th e Superior Court or propos11formand 1n 1hemanner provided In lhe conHac1 doc:u· ORANGE County requesting menls, and shell be ecc:ompemed that ROBERT L SCH N El. by• certified or eu111er·1 C11eck ore DER be appointed as perso-bid bond lor nol lest then 10 per- ' . c.n1 of 1he emounl of lhe bid. made na representative to adm1-peyllble 10 the City ot Cott• Mee& n1s te r the estate of ISA· The Coo1rac1or shall, In the perl0t· OORE SCHNEIDER. I.rvme, menc:e of lhe work end lmptoYe· Ca (und th Ind d men1s, conform 10 lhe Labor Code · er . e epen enl of 1he State Of ce111om1e and other Admm1slrat1on of Estates l•ws of 111e Stale ol C•lttornl• ep. Act) T he petition IS set for pltcable the<eto, with the axoepllon heanng in Dept. No 3 at 700 only ol such verlallona H mey be C C D · W required under Ille ~ aleMes 1v1 c e n ter rive t"St, pursuant 1o wtilch proceedings-. Santa Ana, C A 9270 I on reundef are t•ken end wfllch '*'1e May 5. 1982 at 9:30 a,m not been wperleded by the pr0vl· IF YOU OBJECT to the soonsollheL.aborCode.Pret•ence to labor sNll be gl....,, only In "'9 grnnt,mg of the peuuon, you manner provided oY 1aw A Pt ofusl""" Cof'p«Mklll me ""'"" lt9d... awte 2000 llotlJwood, CelhrllM toOa should either appear al Lht' No bid snan be eoneidered unms 11 hearing and state your ob· 11 made oo a lorm l\Knbhed oY the C-M17 f'f · b City Of Cotle M .... end It mec»ln ..,..., ~•~AL COUll'T Jec:L1ons or 1 e wn llen O -accordance wtlh th• provlalona of ._ ...,_ w., ject1ons w1lh the court be· the propose! requlremen" (211) ... 2901 Pl•~=•~ ~PPLV fore the hearing. Your ap-Eectt bidder mua1 be llcenMd and co . INC .. • ~ OOfllOt'•llon pea ra nee may be in person ••so prequ•lllled u required by law. Publlehed Orenge CoHI Delly Ptlol. Apr 5. 12. 19. 28. 1982 Oolencllll\1. OA\llD R KIMBALL, inOM· b Tlltl Clly Cooncil or lhe City of Cosla du•lly and oOlno t>valn•H ••DAVID R. or Y your attorney. Mesa reserved the right 10 retec1 155•·82 KIMBALL COliSTRUCTION. LAURA IF YOU ARE A CREDITOR any or ell bld4 LYNN COCITA, JOSEPH COCITA. lndM-or a contingent creditor o r Eiieen Phinney duelly and dolft9 ...,_. M DAVID R h d -~-' _ ( I Clly Cleric of Ille KIMtlAlL CONSTRUCTION. OOES I t e ecea,..,..., you must I e C.ly of Cosl• M"8 • -""OUQI\ xx.~ your claim with the rourt o r Publl$hed Orange Coat O•ily Pilot, ~.,..... c--1M n1 present 11 to the personal Ap<tl 12. 19. 1982 The f ITATu.wT NOTICll ,_ ..... -·--T... t.al led b 1~2 Ol1owlno --•• dolft9 00111-c.wt _, ..-....... 1 , ...... ,,...1 represen 1ve appom y ------------ ,_ G~LDEN STAR OUALIT'I' CLEA· ,_ ....... _, ....... , ... ,..,....., the court within four months NINO, 5134 AWMI tll S1rwel. Sa<nlaAM, =11 Mda,t.11"4 I ... llller-llor1 from th(' dale of first IS· PUlllC •~l CA 9Jl:'O£N GIRL ENTERPRISES. IHC. ",Ou ..Wq& .... ""'lldvlCe of"" •I· suance of letters as provided FICTITIOUI IW..... 1 • Calffomle --•llon, 6134 Aw ... 1'1 lO< ... y In .'.!''!~.!!.~·:.~h~.·~ in Section 700 or the Probate .... ITATllmNT Sit .... s.tlle AM, CA 12703 :..,C1'\'1911Y~i);. 'iti;o'Q;"...... Code of Cal1fomJa Th~ tlm rM IOllOWlng penont we d06ftO bu.._ Thie -11 cond\ietecl by a ~ A ,_as -UMMI M .... ··-t t 11 for C1Ung claims will not e x· AMERICAN IElEPHONE SUPPL y Qoldef\ Git! Enter1W-1nC. htlMwll ,_......_-·IM..... ( h CORPORATION OF SOUTHERN CM.I Eve~°""'·..,_,, _....... • -.,. IH. ,_..-. p1re prior lo our mont FOANIA 1915 lleO .._A-,~ Thlt 1111•"'enl wat flled wllh 1~0 .,_,,. ........ l-. .. ---Crom the date Of the heann Q Suite tOS. Colla M ... Cllltl""11e OollMy c...1i of Orenoe County on Metal .. ...,... .__, bo 92e2e It 1M2. Ill IJttad .._ eollollar el cor-...o do llOU\.-.:u a ve T~llOM Educellon Anel)'flt -u.ii Of'llllCaa cw DOMAU> '· -..o., ""~., •• -•0· deborla ,_ YOU MAY EXAMLNE the Me4noot Comj)et1y 1ncor...,.-.1.o. • ..... A--81 '"" ~ ... ~=:·,:.::,.. "'= file kept by the court Ir yo JerMr c0<por01ion', 1>1 Ma 111118 °""'°· -...................... ff• ~ • 11an1Po • lllnawoocl. -,,...., 07459 ,i.. a....., CA~ ,_ "';,TO THE OEFENDANT A c1v11 com-a.re interested In the estate r111!: """-,. cone:t...cted by•~ l'llllilthed Otanoe Coal1 oe11y ,.1101 p111n1 hH bHn filed bp th• p1a1n1111 you may file II request wl Ttlepllone E-lton....,..,... Mfltdl 22.21'.A4>tll5. 12. 1t1213$1.e2 · ·::!:,.~~~...::J.="~od•1:!':,:: the t·ourt to r~1ve specia -~Company.~ I --.:.1. _...,on-·'.':. - -nouc:e of the inventory o Fi-J FeiU, Pr-,_ 11\lt 11•1emenl •H filed wllh ff\e ~ '9flC( ::C.! ~0~1'°c1e"::~~ est.ate assets and of the peu c-i1y an of <>reno-C-l'f on.._.. -------------i -.c1on~01111op1e1M111,enc1 lions, accounts and repor " , .. , ,~ w,ron...., Tttlt 11All"'•fl1 wat llled wllll !It c-., °*" 04 0-0-c-r Oft ff,,.., , P14-lltl>ocl Or•11oe Coe•• O.fly Pllol M4l!Rlt ff. A4>t11 6, 12, 1t, 1Nt 1 = ::-111\0 ":... ~ .,,.ae:;: described I~ Section 1200. .......,. • :-Z..., p1a1r11.-001MrwA11t1~1 of the Cahfornla Probat ••~ :'.,,.~=.::i1..°'oc:=.°' Code. ~~=--~. Oo1ed' 14, 1MO Edward H. Stolle. E•q.. P11bll•'*I Ora"f: CoH1 oa11, P11o1 ~ 9eu1wete. Attorney at Law Maren 29· ""'9 5· 2· 1•· 1112 ·~ =-c.=-~..,:. llt Newport Ceater Drive, .......... a....... ..,1 SeJt.e ... ••.I llllCl Pv""911ee Of-. c..11 o.ur PH~. N e • p o r t B e a c • • C A ...._ n. 11. Alfll 1. t2. 1t12 tHM44H ~=:9 _________ ,_>tMt_. -(11') t4t-ltot -ffle-~ ---°°"' ..... "8JC fl)TIC( PubllooNd Oranaor eo-t DIAJy t'I· -----------loC, Aprll 12, IS, 19, lllll. CANYON LAICI. Hlll.t oc;vn~ .. -· 11146-82 MENT CO .. tt77t MOCMllllr ........,_ ~ ..,_.. 1111\e 200, iNIM. ~ N111. IT•w OOU.OetWl.-1, IM,t ~ .. ,_, ~t0ftl0fllllloo\11tm~ .... Tiie tollowlnt peraon I• doing 1 ~ l9TIC( Vltd.1....,_ IOO. llw., C........ n1u ~ -' lllOflq Iii.II., llleofpor""4 • .,...., • . ---N-fl-,-..,.--.,_.-----1 Al.JON I NTl~NATIONAl ~·-----~....._ ..... . _,. aTATW waT, i11t flUltW ..,.., SulM ,.._ ITATW ... =-I......_ MJ:~· ... 1 at .. n.e .......... ...-....... 106,eo.ta~OAttat. ,,_.......,...,_ • .._..._ .................. --......-• ...-.-L ---A~-. .._. ____ ,,., -..!..L. nsnn• ... __.., ...-...... -t • ._. 1"" ...... lt ......... a __ IONACIO't LAHOIOAl'l~G.1.114 ..., ..,_:;:r."rnenl 10I, CoMa I.~~ ',. .. .,,__n-..--._ _.. • .,._ Carlyeft °""' Ootl• ...... "911'19' ....... ,... ----=.=--"'" _.... . ....,,,~,·--....... ·--~ ~ ,.._ """._.....II Mftdlle*ld ~'" .. .., CA...,, ,.... I "'$._ ~-..,...,.... ... ,. I&. fllit .....,_le ., 911 i!1o Tiii• all!lll!efll •H fHef •lltl Ille ''* "~"'"' H9nlyLl1Jeall• ~·oi.._.~ ...... ....... -.. .t TMIPIP Mlt_llM .. tN "9rT'ft,~ ,.... '"1' ,,.J::::1~1Hw11 "' ~Glllftl-.•OrMllCN"tClfl '".,=19::.;:~::·~= ...... I ~Cllllafll~C....,-...... ' =Ui I , .. " ~ ,.., .... , •• Of!llP ,........ °'..,-....... ·~ J ,........ .. °Tl~ ... ,.., .. , ........ .,._ ......... w.~..;:; ..;J,'1:'4. ~ I I • "' CROW VS. EAGLE -A crow hovers over its nest, built on the catwalk near the top of the American F.agle roller coaster structure at •' G reat America amusement park in Gurnee, Ill. Ride technicians will ,•, keep an eye on the nest and C1ve eggs during the next few weeks as they test the roller coaster before the park's May 1 opening. The rolle r coaster passes at the left. fDR THI Rf CORD ,n91on Ht•acll boy .Births HOAG MEMORIAL HOSPITAL PllESBYTERJAN Merch 4 Mr ;md Mrs Dav"1 Nt>w Newport Beacn 011v M• .in<J M rs ll··111y Boen1e Cos11t Mes,1 boy Mr .ind M1, lltJIJOy Pau lrvrne boy Merch II •,.Mr .1nd Mr ~ Ronald Pte1z New •!l)(HI 8eJt..h fl1rl Mr .mo Mr~ Jelfrey Jvlly Balboa hld1111 hoy Much 12 M r .H11l Mt) M a• Swan,utt f ovni111n \lallt:y gorl M r am1 Mr'3 Jdm••\ Nilsen Irvine 11rl Mt •Ind Mrs Laurene!' Sneenan <.oslJ Mesa boy Mr ano Mrs Oonalo Beal Balboa t~ano 9or1 ·.Mt .1n<J M" E ,Jrr1t•\I Owen' Co 111111.1 def Mar boy Mt .ino M rs Nelson Cllau Ir"'"' girl Mr ano Mrs Fr11t1~ Hrnman 8dl OOIJ island boy •.Mr lrtd Mt~ R1~lldtd Bla~kwPll • Nf'Wp<ofl Bf',\lh q111 Mr ano Mrs Anlhony Vt>nlrm191t~ Cos111 Mes .. girt Mr and M rs Mark Cherry New 0011 Beach boy \ M.,ch S Mr and Mrs Pairock Chrtst.na Hun11nqton Beacll boy Mr 11no Mi s Sco11 Goelz Hunt onq1on Beacll 9"1 .•Mr 1n,1 Mr~ Jesse Daley 1rvonc.> ••bt1v Mr .. no Mrs David Well1ng1on Newport Beech gJrl Mefch 13 Mr 111\I Mr ~ M~•k Kn•ghl Hunl •1n41<H1 l:lrech boy Mr dnO Mrs Raymond D .. on Hu1111no1on Beach. b.>y M• .,;no Mis Aot>ert Adams Cos1a MC'kl Qlfl ·'•M• an<J Mrs John Dinsdale LuSH• -·MP!10 girt Mr tinO Mrs John Paulsch Co- 111119 dRI Mat boy Mr .no Mrs Robert Srnclaor Co'''' M esa ooy "'M• ano Mrs '>lu,111 'iweeoev l 1 March 10 Mr 1no Mis John ldnq Hunlinq· Ion Beach bo1 • quttd Beach hoy ~4r .incJ Mr~ 'lll"phen 'J00'1 f'iHu11tmq1on B••tt<.h bu., NII dllO Mrs Richard RNIOull'y Co\1<1 M1•l>.t boy Mr .inn Mis John O\Jnbar 1rvu1e \Jlfl •J M r .Jnd M r, J11hr1 Mit~k •H'­ •~t.1ntmQl(•n H1•11t.t1 t><1v Mr Jlltl Mr~ John J!'nsl•n New port 81•uch girl Mr dt11l M1 s Aano.111 Aase N ew .,.,rt Oc.>acn boy '• Mr rtnrJ MrSt Or1uq1 .. -.. ""•rt• h'Vlftt• 't>Oy Mr .ind M" c.; ... 1 M1do1e1on Ir vine hoy Mr tn<J Mrs J.:1mP' Robert. Costu M"~"' qirl M• ,111d Mrs Rober! Ku,hrlt>r La 11111.1 Eff!.)(.11 boy Merell 14 • Mr ~•nO M r) h•h•• '{ 1t. ru 1 t --' .,untmqtnn B""tt<.n UcJy ~'' lnil Mr~ ROl>ef' Hu1J.ly Irvine ht•y Mr .incl Mrs J••llr<•y Flass Co~ld Mt"'" qui Mt 1n<1 M'' RtJMlttll t ,.~,in II '"t•tn•• hoy M• .11111 Mr~ Mark Hop~· 11111ne. 1Jill March 15 Mr .ir11J M <> Slt'vt•n Pulham tr \lirH• tw 1,. bO'Y tmU 91tl •I Merch 7 ~t 1t11t1 Mt5 G;\r'f Montt"' "'"'"' M• .111<1 Mr~ Jome~ Duhon La- '""" Ht•.t<:.h q1rl Mt Jll<I Mrs Robt>•I (,uerrn lrv111c Q.rf ~" 1 Mt tnO M t<. lit•<1fl .,.::111 H11t1tuu, "·1' UHt Mr\ M 1<.hdt1I rAr,lngo '·' u •. , .• t>1,,\ Mo """ Mr) Jnnn f rtQ~sh Corond dl'I M.u 4orl M011 Be.t<:ll 9"1 Much 11 l«M t rlnd M 1 "\ W 1tltam W •f•lt•t t11urHing1on [jP;u.h Qui t--4r ''"I Mr<. William P.urlt• Oana •·~ 1111 t111v M1 .. uHi Mr<. (~lytJ" Pollock hv1n.-> {Jiii I''• M •rch I M• Ultt M r \ (Jf'ne M CJIW;t'( hVlllfl Mi .n,1 Mrs fhum.1«. Wolte 1,v1ne q1rl ~ J;Mt 1lnC1 'Ar\ t .,rt Li1umQ.tr n••r 'J\t.;-OSl.l M PS'I q,tl lt1,. • titM r ln<J Mfo., PcH•I W1lhdn1' Hunt ·~ M t lfUJ Mtc; Pttul f>pr "°'~ Hunt fu)'Olt f'P1tlt1 Wfl M• 1no Mr~ Asg••<t LP•hson <.u~1•t MP~d QHI rt!'. "" :r;hoices for librarians :Some a ba nd o n stacks for other careers ~}y JOYCE L. KENNEDY :-. ,,, Dear Joyce: I'm studying library ·1c ience a nd would like to know of ;~options open to me besides library work. -P.A.E ., Miami, Fla. J"-r Librarians ore abandoning the .;;tacks for altcrnativt• car('er·s in com- . munacat1uns. information st•rvtc:es, .publishing, supply firms and free- -lam'C work Why this parting from traditional ,._ways? A survey of graduate librarians in non-library fields reveals that some Jeave bec·ausc they have difficulty .lfoding Jobs or are d1ssat1sried with , pay. But th<• ma.)Ority go in search of reater challenges and more freedom. •' The results of the survey appear m ..t-hc book . "Wha t Else Can You Do .)Vath a Library Degree." edited by Se t ty Carol Selle n, available for ,,,S 15 .50 from Neal-Schuman Pub- ···11shcrs in association with Gaylord •.Qrothers. Inc. P.O Box 4901 . Syra- cuse. N.Y 13221. In the book 59 career switchers ,~II graduate librarians -tell how ~ftley did it and describe the conse- ~uences of their decisions. Some ex- amples: ---Barbara Freeman and Connie Regan left their librar y posts in A:hattanooga. Tenn., pooled their ~ney and went on the road as "The 1 F'ulktellers." Using their £lair for .droma and an assortment of props. they traveled from festJvals to schools •W> C?noert haLIB enthralling audiences, "foung and old, With tales of goblins and witches. To promote their craft, Ua4ty've written on the art ol ttory- tellina and conduct w orkshop• 10 othen can !cam. t· -A former reference librarian at :l.he Univertlty ol Nevada In Laa ~epa, Joyce HOlkinlon,JIOt t"Ompu&.er tralnlna and • ranect up wfth Lockl\Hd Information Sylcem1 In Palo Aho, ..... CARI IRS where she as.51sts t.elephon<.> customers in their search for mformauon from her company's computer She also wntc>s documentation on data bases and trams others how to use them. J Wend('ll Lotz Jr , trained 1n acadt>mtc librarianship, was lured from the purchasing d1vis1on of Ohio St.ote University by Baker and Taylor, thl' nation's largest book wholesaler. As the finn's manager of a program that provides materials for libraries, he has learnl'Ci to think m terms of making profits. has acquired admini· strative skills seldom developed in Ji. brary careers and travels frequently S h o uld yo u decide on a n on - trad1t1onal library career. avoip being stereot yped as a book custodian by analyzing and defining your transfer- able skills to show prospective em· ployers that you are qualified to ease into the new job HEADER SERVICE: A packer of information abou t paths for librari~. "Consider r.he Alternatives in Library Cal'e('rs." is available courtesy of the American Library Association. To obtain one. send a j,osrcard with your request to Joyce Lain K enn<'dy at Box 1560, Costa Mesa, 92628. Ask for "Librarian." Gun ' traded MIAMI (AP) -Drug dealers are sond log hundreds of American ma· chine guns to Latin Am rlca In ex· change for cocaine, according lo Ced· eral aaent.a. . . "The guns ar.-llterallt u'~ aa a b&Nr In the drug ll'IWc. ' Dan Con- roy, ..rent In charg of the MlamJ of· flco of the Alcohol, Tobacco and f'I· reenna Bu reau, •Jd . 6 ~ .2 • I ....,. ...... a ••••••••• _,, • ...,JO ...................... Covtn~pt~ near So. ·~~.·t1 Plu1 , 10'4 down or Ina. Note• llld trades OK Aellln& 121&000 iS!'Mi. RlcllttU' Aasot. Orange Cout DAILY Pll.OT/Moncfay, Aprll 12, 1982 ca "-"U•fa It.~ ....,. lb14 ,.st..,....,.. ..................... a ............................................................................................ . ~~.~!!! .. ~!~~ ...... r= ....... ~~.~· ~.~ .......... ?~~~ ~~~~ ... ?~~· ~~ ....... ?!!~ Sall 1 Br 11r hur RaMbo San Joiqwn ron H.artaor Vu Jbr. many UP· MOCOMCYI SZO OGO DN ~":.'1mo '!.,rt3ve 0>' do 2Br 2b1. den 1f.!.d,ee ,7!1~~1e ner . /mo.l .Jlr.1 Ba. 81.lYi ~lnrronr duplex · son v• ·83341• Jmimo. MHlln· lle rm.~...,.,, :!inbt•med eellln1. In NtwllC)rt. 1Jrt1k even So ll'VU'le new 2 Br 2 bi 3 bdrm. block rron'I beach la~U(, room. No peta .81.1 Wiii trade for 3 b d r m , 2 b 1 • blcky_ud, pool, spi $850 Yearly '750 Nol mo. rent. .tlHOr7 w1ter11ard1ner 111cl. MG-7~1 7S0.1998 61~tm TSLM "l.149~ ' N la. 1«·2'7'71_. -3 bdrm,; -ba townhouse, S. a.-• 327' sruN'NlNC lar&e I Br HJ . 1 Br · Iba full eec pool ~Is tennu rouru ••••••••••••••••••••••• &arden 1pt. pool l rec I Y up1n e trt· 1•·65 1 1• d ' · . · aru 1425/mo. 710 W. plex neu Bor h and 1p1 .. n c 11 es ruvers1ty Park. Ir vine * * * lath.St • Adama 3 Br owner'• un· u /wtr A&ent. no fee <;pll 7J!L~lm a ft 6 Al 1 ..... ,_1 =~t----5 6 ·7 1 It + two 2 bdrms 7 --Tm1C'rTwnhonw 3br 2 ·p ·o·Bo-x2074 2 Br I"' ba townhouae I UNITS/Ml sm,ooo 2 br, encl ear . crpts, bl. mc1 unit. forrml din • Newport Bearh G11. J>~t_10. 1m1,rrd. oo FH lend. Oilner willt R.E Profeuionals dri>t. stove No pets frpk, dble gar , pool It You are the winner of .2f!Ujp! 64.HI - r arry . Contact J ohn tU4l77 ~25. 773 W Wilson spa No pets $795 four rm tickets (116 001 VACANT ! E .side tri- Shta, Broker m .3454 ~ c:;..ty 831 ~-677t._7~·61~ value to the plex.111. ~uie~2br, lndry. "•rtr 2500 ~ SQ.c. Pli: .... ~dult Tut1Jellrock 3Br 3b11, fam ~~St.ow f~~~o, ts~t\_\,0°0~1~~t: -::=:;;::======::;;!••••••• .. •••••••••••••• ~ ... _. 111et. ~ mo rm, v rm. frrnl. drn CONVENTION 6"1J.l600 r * * * Gasincl.~1626 pro171~1ape. A <: Lse CF.NTER Apnl 17 25 - a · * D A I L · y p I L 0 T c L A c s s I F I E D 6 4 2 • 5 ~ • ' 4 00 • ~ Q.) ~ • >< Q.) • ~ • p f llily Pillt (IHS~re4 Ad\ Pllo,,.'41·~· NH~ •••rt• . .... , .. ,.,, f or a.irlfd Ad ACTION uu A DAIU f'llOT AD.\'ISOI '4J.S411 Whal it means fur yaur ad to be "classif Wd" large 0 audience M•tof!M..,._ In our eommul&y with"*">' to PM.T SIDI OJ1t "'"""-To claim ticket•. "all *2 Br 1 ba Mesa Verde laWI J~ ood ~ • upper New decor No 17msan_~_v_al Bn~h rseperate hse, W bndge Condo 31:1r 642 5678, eict 272 pets_ .. ,Gar s5oo/rno Huntington Beach refng, lndry hook ups. 2 i.., b a . 2 t' a r gar . Tlt'kets must be rla1med 833-an Yoo ere the winner of patio. guage, wlk to Japanese landscape byApnl23, 1982 four free ticket• (116.001 shopping, newly de gardener pro\ 1d ed * * * Lux coodo. 2 ms tr br"s. valuetolhe corated S.95 mo inrl Pool, lake. tennis rrts -l''>ba,2bakol)IH. frplr. ~w r.642·9620 $1000/roo S51·9155 or agt s.taAM 3210 micro, water landscape, _§:75-6160 •••••••••••• • •• •• •• • • •. 2 car gar w opener Outside tr art home · rrx1• 645-400 CONVENTION Inside a palace Cstm de-EXECUTIVE Beautifully maintained ~mo -- CENTER Apnl 17·25 corated 3 Bdr. hu&e 2 story, 4 Ddrm J ba. older home Ong wood QUJETADULTS over3S. To rlai(JI tickets, call bonus rm wlstone frplr, d1n1n1 room, f amlly panel.In'\,; bdrms. 2 rar unlum I It 2 Br upper 642·5618, ext 272 gardener incl See to room Cul de sac garage r11eyard S650 From SHO Beaut 1'rkets must be r la1med believe ~-0347 _ Green~lt $1100 1ncls J!'d.J!ll 79l8 landsca\\'ng No pets byApnl23.1982. NEWVIEWCONDO ...11221.~!!rvice ~946S4 Wft ..... IMr 32tl LEEWA D APTS 2020 * * * ... •••••••••••••••••••• FUiierton. 631· 7 ---=-...,,__ 2 BR, 2~2 ba. micro. gar * •LCll'fSI HOME FOR RENT 2bdrm 2ba townhouse. ..... ~ $.1.HJ00,61S·l78-1 -UW • 3Bdrm $675 Fenred w frplc. Westside. 1495 ••••••••••••••••••••••• OC RENTALS 1"'o Woodbndgt 3 Br yard & &arage Kids a & Call Debbie 540-0702 ....._ r.n.itlted 1 S br s S200 to S2000 homfs $900 rm on I yr pets !l s..5 2000 ?ffe_3314 __ Onen 1 davs lease 12 more to rhoose t"'e 7me SPAC 2 BR. 0 PEN ••••••••••••••••••••••• r "'-' from We1re the ones to en no ee BEAM clgsl.bar, lots of lalaoo 1.i.d 3106 New 2 br. 2 ba condo. rail for leases Condo•-wood. S425 NO pets. 2256 ••••••••••••••••••••••• m1l'ro. pool. J&r. S80C , ~ 3425 Maple St 548 -7356 or 3 B 2b ru h d Sh t mo No pets Nonsmkrs (UIJ """...,,.. r a. mis e or 3371 ~)~\dbrldgt ••••••••••••••••••••••• _o,_.........., -term $900+ per mo 1)}'979 ~ 751 8l84 Near new adult condo nr 2 Br Jba. enrl gar. dis 675-4000 House. horse OK. 2Br Ktalry SC Plaia Set' gates. h~-shr. $430 mo ColfaMHa ll24J $680 am 20202 Birch St pool Tract 1s sm11 ll. -~2(t75,548·5763 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~antaAJ)~S 151 ~31 551·3000 fri endly, resort·h ke 19N llarranra r~ .... 1,.1nr· IBR. dining. atr. patio 3 bdrm. 2 ba. no pets. Luxurious, new 3 BR. 3 E Side 3Br. 2Ba. ram rm Secluded end unit No nelJr schools and OCC. Ba. furnished rondo ~ f rp Ir . f n c d > d By Ownr luxuf) 2 Br 2 Ba ts s.95 + s35 util Good freeway a cress I Close to all shopping ~dener. cpts drps detached Woodbridge ~5 2580 ~ de.L_540-224S Month to month, util in mo Isl & lut + home Short or Ion g 2Br 1,, Ba Condo E cl Isl & last $1500 S400 277 Robinhood Ln term J97S 559 5981 2 br, 2 st), pool. rel' area Side Xtra•, No pets 1 5484968 5561737aft3PM I l Nice lor El Toro • &..,....;och 3141 Mesa V;rde~ 1857 Ne" tbr lb~Et4TALS S650 ~~i~m::'no. i ~Oa~2d4~ ~6~:·:1~,~~:::bd •••••••••\ ..... •• • ..... Jel'Sey 3Br 2ba new 2br 2ba S675 Pace.etter Rll) or t•ol 2 ba. pool. no pets S525 • ~r~~ dee Many extras s725. 2br. 2'2ba $850 lect 12131275 7537 mo A"' 631 IH6 OCEAN I rm. --3br,2bJ S875 2 BR 2 Ba Irvine fplr 2 br .Jith garage, unrurn. I 548111116.._6'2-53.W h ms& ~ --""'-' Laguna Bch $450 + ulll Hr SC rloia 3br. 2ba $1400 ~ t'Of\S ader kids & pets· upgta1rs S385 mo Rers I -4~.:.2906 _ 3 bdrm. famal) room, 3br.2ba S1500furn j!i75mo 152·6925 reqwred 352 Victoria W.-f'ileoch ll69 dining room. 2 baths. 44bbr.22~ab SSl310050 Ex~ut1\e-ron-do.oraan & 645-8161 -·-..,... fireplace Bil rn~ 2 \'ar r. , a I " • ••••••••••••••••••••••• ga pt 1 LeRaisor Rlt\8338600 ba) ''e " Fpl r . IBrE s1de.smbu1ron Versailles Barh S625 r a 10 l' x r a '· ~ -C'iithedral clgs. etr I+ w lots of natural ,.ooJ udo Prk roob1le S700 gardner ~ ~ &...,.... leoch l241 den, SllOO per mo D)s _PiO 851 9522 3.5 30 I V1ew2Brcondo Sl200 .... •••••••••••••••,••,• ~~~1._673-4899~ ---,.. ,._ "'-V1ll118alboa28P Sl20U I 3 Bd. pool $175 pr mo Ii.I deg panoramic 1·1ew, • • -New iBr, 2,Ba. no pets. Npt Crest 38r SISOO StW> rrovei. you in Lin 2 BR exclust\l' nbrhd, S485 mo Nr Wtst 19th Wattrfront Hom.--.•lnr da Ila rt 631 1266 .igt b.!Ud [750 497 5965 .,..,. ..... F.iniiaJted St Dlrl garage 646 4644 -~11400 l Sunnd 3 Bdrrr: 211ba •-H'I• 3250 ;::.:•:•l:,:_·~•••••3•7••0•6• or~_(l71G WfthftMsMr 3191 '51 e "11 yar · ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• dtco ted · 1' S480 l F:' h d dbl --r-'.. --2 BR 111 Ba patio newly ••••••••••••••••••••••• gar Adevail M63 11 1> 11191 ,5795 Ntct' 3Br 2 ha homt' wuh BAY VIEW lum1shed 2 548.~ ·nope 5 l I w gar ner , fireplace dbl gar e 1· BR I Ba w shower no -* • * Meude1 Mar,2br.2 ba. patio. newly painted pet,S $600 mo yrl> '223 SoCstPlaza IBrlba.full Hetet!Maieul fam rm 2 frplr dblt S650 mo n o do!(i. E Ba1fronl Lilllt' sec. pool spa $465 inr ls 2293 Pacifrr • B g a r fen 1 e d > d Waynt, Agt 646 gs16 Balboa Island 613 4326 gas v.'tr Al{ent. no fee Costa Mts~ Ga d. ·I S9oo ~1-0'l22 You are the "inner of I 673~1~;'r int &...,.... MiC)llel 3252 lalloorlftiftwlo 3707 . r four free ticket.~ 1St60oi ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• LgeJbr,2ba.rrpl,s.drps. valuetothe j 2 RR I Ba duplt'x . new Clean, qwrt 2 BR 2 Hal 3bdrm. i.teps lo \and l'arport Nr OCC ~o .,..,.,. locrt Show 1 paint & t'pls. l(ar no fam rm. dbl gar, 'm.il BlJ mo )earl> Call ~ ~ 751·~6 ANAJfEH•f pet.s S525 + drp 1948 )ard S750 ll rrb I 6755710artl'r6pm •Jbr.nrSC Plaza.SA CONVENTION 1 Me)·er S.9 3484 631 1729 Carpori. pool. spa So75 CENTERA~nl1725 DUPLEX 2Br 1•,ba SS75 2 BR exe< bi hrt\' CorOIMldttMor 3722 Pet ok 752 5822 o r T I t I 11 . • • •• • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • 641 1 •eJ'I o c aim 1c c s . c·a patio, sgl r ar iiar $450 far. gated va<'. 493 1132, t, blk . :!O """ 642 5678. t' x t 272 1 no pets Da vl' dl(t 6613672 ' s 10 ocean , r •2br. 2bll. nr SC Plaza 1'ckets must be rla1med I 644 1211 " l(ar deck. patio f urn s A Pool spa SS!iO No byApnl23,1982 Htwportleoch 3269 or unfurn A\atl 4 16 to ""l.s 7525822_o_r6411460 • • • l••••••••••••••o••••••• 7 JO Opuon for Srpt 82 .,__ MF# CONDOS Hillside bt'auty 3 + br AU£ 83 Rent ne11ot1ablt •Jbr. nr SC Plaza. S A APRIL RENT f"Rf.E f_rplr._patto.pool S825 :'-io ptts 714 883 2723 Gar. pool. spa S750 ....._ Uttfwwlalted f'resh 1 and 2 hdrm rnn OC RENTALS 7~ 3314 7 9pm Child ok 1S2-5822 or ••••••••••••••••••••••• dom1n1um~ "1th 5 Bd Country charml.'r. H.wportleoch 3769 64!·1460 eon.act.1Mor )222 firtplaces. \k >.li~hb. Npt Hgts JOOOt Ml ft ••••••••••••••••••••••• 0..EAN &SHARP ••••••••••••••••••••••• pat ios and 2 1·Jrl R\"arrt'ss Ne~I> paint Want something xtra lbr.sto\l'&rernl( SJJS Xlnt2br.2ba S8.W garages ed fam rm. drn. \acant special rn a 2 Br ~ 1377 12131456-1960-.kd)S S535to $595 I Walk to srhools $1450 Townhoust'. complete!) Mesa Verde 2 br. 2 ba 1714164!)-9553 e\ s wknd 1872 Monrovia Diana, agt 631 1266 rum• $895 Mo 760 9117 frplr. l(ar . lndry rm Ava1l 1mmed ev.I~ rr 1 Costa Mt>sa 'Balboa ls2+bronbch S..C..._ltk 3776 ~rm 645-3144 furbished 2 or J br so of 631-5909 j gar. sunset p<1L10 S60Q •••••••••••••••••• ••• •• 2 br. ne-.1) reder duplex PC H S700 5 1 0 •, OC_RENTA_LS 750 3314 2 bdrm. 1•1 ba blk to 14 single gar . largt Femleaf 675 57811 I MESA VERDE beach ~~ 7225 .rard J.SOO_mo 559.5001 CcKfaMfto 3224 4 bdrm. 2 ba famil) IAYfflOMT SJOO I BR I Ba . or. •••••••••••••••••••••••! home Qwet Area Avail 2 story. 4 + bdrm~. 2 ,$cllfaAM l710 dwnstarrs. chil d OK 1$1 "'Cute" 4 rm easts1de 1mmed1 ate I) M u n y baths f 1 rep I a ,. e ••••••••••• •. •. ••. •• ••• +-j400 s.t I ~h §46 2325 cot~ge, pets. onl) SJ95 amenttes 675 491 2 HK R gorgeou.~ view Pter and Pro< decorated I bdrm. F.ast.side 2 BR. sm ) ard OC R£NlALS 750 3314 slip mx> per mo A\ ail nr So Cst Plaza All attach gar $495 mo 90ll Oiotce3br,2Q.aell.er ro.oroW l2261 F'l'h a~nit1es Yearlf~ lse ~t ~4845 -- 1 showhm. frplt'. gar S60() I••••••••••••••••••••••• ~_Mo_w-1202 a t 5 oc R,E~l\LS 150 3314 r ... :r Oc·-I h ..... 2Br w gar S-420 Cpts. -"' ,._, -r. fncd yrd. wtr pd 2228 IE O ... E OF Tn leve . lovely Area I Uiwfwwlshed .. A .. Pl,cenua 636 4120 "' I 4 S bdrm!I, 2 ba 2 ro' •••••••••••••••••••• • •• l_-5£._m , THE LUCKY FEW ered pat10s 2 r ar Rar lc6oor.-w1o l l07 Rent in Costa M l'sa s Fmced > ard S950 mo ••••••••••••••••• ••••• • INST AMT IH NEWEST gattd 20 7150239 Jbr.2ba.pool,clmrm fm Nu2 &3BR.2BA yearly Quiet. pvl. ibd r m Town home \'I LLAG E DUPLEX Extra lar!(e 3 rm 1100 Clay. NB Ftplc. bll ms. gar, park w every xtra Gar. fnrd COMMUNITY 2 & 3 Br lkrms. 2SxlB hv rm. 2 $V}!>/mo A_gt S41 5032 mg Close to ba) & yrd S450 673 6336 ~~~,:a,~~;;~sa~af~e~~ full ba. bltm k1tch, plush BLL'Ff'S J BR 21, ba I ~ean Brk~7S 4912 ~ hydro·tubs in master rps drps some orun rplc. upgraded patio: Orean front 3 Br 2 Ba Spar 3 br. 211 ba twnbse su1te 1 dining rooms. '1ewl650,_~51490 S675 mo or 1st opt Years lease S1350 mo apl, dtn rm. patio. N woodoumangfireplares. ~Vat'-y 32l4 7_60-046755~30 714 337 2414 days . C.OSta Mesa S600 mo ... 675-P>4 eves & wknds Wkdys art. 2, 546-7214 m 1 c ro · w a,, e o' e n s . •••••••••••••••••• ••• •. Beautiful 3 br. 3 ha home I --- pnvate patios & yards HOMES f"OR RENT overlookinf! lge green-•2BR Iba. 1, block to bay Garde net pro \ 1ded 3 & 4 Bdrms S725 S750 belt. $1000 mo I S650 incl ullhties Call Elegant lhinf! only 15 f e n red >a rds & 6446848aft4 ~m 752·S110 _ minutes rrom Fashion guages Kids & pets l:'J Vl-w rool Hlft. ,,..~ ........ M-1122 lsland.1mmutes to SC welcome H5 2000 •nr _.__.. - Plaza or 0 C Airport A&_ent no fee !::tie Br 2ba +den Spa ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 Br I Ba. rreshly p11nt ed. $450 mo + 1250 sec de tl 7~·0986 Just east or Newport • ---Big enclosed yard right,Walktobt'ar h,2 br.frplc. Blvd & so of San Diego ........._. leoch 3240 on Back Bay Country lge deck. encl prkg. WiSldt. lge 1 br In 4·plex, f'rwy Startang at $900 a ••••••••••••••••••••••• setting $1050 mo 1n lndry fac S850 mo Ma> OW. draa p1 es. lndry . month 631 5439. 2473 ~,3baw J car eludes gardening & pool 1st 6758589 CIJJ!Ort,139S 00·6625 0 • C ~ serv 7522197 ----range Ave . osta g1r,pat10,pur opt 1675 __ _ 1,1 blks to ocean 2Br 4 Bd Twn. dbl gar, va M~a __ _OC_REl'fl'_A_!.§ 750 3314 Westcltff2Br 1650 (See ad under 37221 cant Nu paint & rrpts, Rmdld 2br "Old World' Beaut 4 Br Landmark F.astbluff 3Br $1200 7141883 2723 7'9 em no pets $'150 Call D11na, w1ga~dtEtsokS425 F/Dr.famrm.3cargar. ~~}~t~;~~k tm Cively 2 & 3 bdrm agt 6311266 May go OCR-=~A==c=-7503314 S89S. Diana . Agt Wat<'rfrontHomes Inc duplexes Avail May -"~==optoc.=lon:.:.;.;... ___ _ Nice clean 2 Br I Ba. 846-l3l!..84Q:.4027e,·e~ 631 .1400 · lSt So of P C H f'rom 2 bdrml Iba r ondo nr So enrlsd garagt'. yard. NEW CUSTOM 3 bdrm. 2 --S6 IO Ca I I M arr 11 ~ Para Pools1 s pa, new paint & carpet N ,, ba. 2 sty sun dk. de-Newpori Hgts 2f r + den. RedJJi, A.Jt .. 644·9060 sec g1le. Air cona $4U pets $550+steun tb signer drp s. all lrg yarct. arege Cost.Mesa --Jiz4 _,rm::.:.-.=85:..:.l.%·Z....,17"'-S ___ _ 2546 Orange, house amrnilies . nr Lake Pk. ~75/mQ.,.§40-7814 _ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ...__,............. •126 548·2778. wtk to beach. S875 mo - -~ Gardener +S25 utll llUHS I ll.21l.Jll. •• .. ••••••••••••••••••• liSTSIDE credit. incl'd Avail now Spacious 3 bdrm + fam Newfy dtcor. C-11 pd. 3 br, 21; b1 1pt twnhse. 2 Br nOl&se with den. 1201 Alabama 960·2686 rm VIEW! Many up enrl g1r . d tw asher, f11>lc, otean'""u. 1750. garaie. w/d hook·ups or545-Pe;ades. Sl27S Mo I yr pool. bbq Adults. no 63'1-<1706.•l=P 1 329 University Dr See 3 Bdr 2'L Ba 2000 rt ast. Pm. 042.5073, tW't-a...~L ••40 manager at S 548-0648 m ..., • sq A 53§~1 M7-6010 -...,. ~· - Ev.. hous e . a vail now La.lt.llMldw 1..-.....L.-... ••••••••••••••••••••••• Harbor View Homes 3 Br TBi front'£ -alio Separate house. easts1de mo. 720-0$27 -2bl. f1m. rm, newly dtr ront rear pa io. UnlW1f...._ A8h 2 Br 1 Ba rrpls. drps, ~RENTALS I.M 1 644-6977 frplc d /w. pool It sp1. um. fbdr-m lp( All stove washer/dryer hk-1·5br aS200to $2000 OC RENTALS No 70. 549·2447. ~· All 1muitles. up. lnrd yard, enclsd 7»3314 Open 7 da1s 1-5br'a1200to S2000 -:.::::.=.1:.:9"-· ----- gar. No p els , n o 3br home. clean. vacant 7~~14 Open 7 dll'!. Deluu poolside xt r 1 w1terbeds. ISOOtmo '+ A p po i n t me n t W. 2br, 2 ba, bltns, st<' u r1 t Y de P o s 1 t . (213)441·7680. Sun Wed. Nwpt Bluffs. 3 br rondo drilr, It.\ miles beach 549·5442or770·5629 (714)325-2&4. Thurs·S t. r:rl~~~~~i~.e~gbre~: Adulta. no peta. S500rno 3Bdrm, 2B1, quality 2 Bdrm HWllinfton 81y l.a.K.11175.644·S31 SJl.W. home. 287 Brentwood. Coodo, w11herldryer in· ~ vie Santa An1 ' Santa cld wtr pd. no pets. ,.,.. .. ...,..Crest48r 21,-l ba, babel Sts. 900 m o. Va Fnrd pauo fl cerport qwet courtyard( clOle to eent' rv.n Mf.8788 or 1<25 •1·nt no r·· PoOI aod lton a. 11050 VP" • ~ ' "' ' n llR· C.ll§?H'l'M ·6 ::,:cs • •2 BR. den. FP z ba ('Oft· HOM! FOR RENT 1~,2~ bl adtllt CW:40• nREPLACE, Pool 1 vt do\ nr Wettchff. 1675. 4 Bdrm 1725. Fenced Q~'':thilZ· oa1 ~6ctiabwua.lr. ....... , 7 "'-••of ,,.....u .. w,.. .w-,.ared. • M1 m . David fff·P yard fr iaraae. Kida ' ---· ----X I Br. p~ attt. UY •tkome 545-2000. Plnoramlc "'•• of on utelde UIO. 1 Ir T~IMMaff et oceu/parll. lbr I 2ba. Mt•MtL ~ llroM,trplt, 1244 :T:·c.tm;::: ~.t'1':'i Wlltalde a IR, l a.1 , Plli.1-9,!l•f -.i!u· _.................. -I•. (wUI ..... ). D/W,~.t paUo, IYll ,.... •t• ..... ..,.,.., oa --.. <tu> •m1 -~---UL + -. Al. 1ar11e ' , M .' : M; IJlll--IUI """· 8':t\.~:,~AT. I""' ' J..V •.... ,. t ~ .. l .. • .. W..t11Ua •1t/ C-'lrftM ~w.:..~ -~---;;.,.;.. . ~II;.;;,~ ,.... ,.,.._,.. .._ • s.r.tce •• 7.r-..... · .................................................................................... •••••••••••.•••••• •••••• ~;;;;;;, ................ •••••••••••••••••• ........................ ~ .. ed· ..... ,_ __... HA.Novu N Prof'I M1Ple wllb 1 to Plot palmmJ by Rlrhard .. eRVANT'S.. RHtur~/tnm ea•m -............... NoSleam/Nolllainpoo Qoown tnDUIU~_._ ... ..-ar nus JOKN~ll! rlec.· .,.,. houlll•l. tu~rt area Sinoi' Uc IOJ 13 )'rt or WaJlcovenn1 Removal fret.Sandblut' brick. ~~!ERVICES Sl.aln$peelalllt.Fut liMdciOtftalDQU11caae1t rop,.dfremovecl Clean Phw 1-eec.-oddJob• 1""' dt §4~1.Y • ~PP localruatomera I . 30 7·12 M-.c,palDt, 4f'x.ft••t.g.11R awnt.tlt. tn ertalo"len • lawnrenov 7114470 .lm. matn. 63H9H ~·r · .J3l '4lO vaml•fl. ELCARPETCARE ub&Mtl.Wood1oluton1 • • ..._.__ ~Ttl · -....... /1.,.W Tie Teak n.ab•wair. a& \IPhol 1rear111 to,woodproblcnul l ...... sc ... ::::::7................ ....................... ,..... . ........... ., .......... -·········· .. ······· clt-.. Wotk 111., 1wn·lNe-.lllriililA1till DUMP JOBS FEDERATED 2$ yn up. Lk. l~t Neatp.atchn' textum TILElNSTALl.ED ....,.. tlteltl&lm · Dtdl9t Trettrtm·removal fsSmlUMov!njJobe 1 tntomeTuServlre &oded. Ina. Ref•.,Color frM d. I H :IU! R2Klndl~~i'ft~tln ...................... ~lnlllll/,.,alred ... , ... , ................ ~~~~'fl·Rot.otlllln, 1 Ctll MIKEMf:WI '48 ~k ~ER PATCHING '""-~""'---'""""~.._,...... allWIClr I SOM Pio0d}Lma1t ateam RIVER ROCK perf~~t A 09· w er A 3r1 ~:1 HAUUNG --ctudent bu ...... Ta PAINTER NEEDS Ratureot Int/ext 30 ~C..n~tTiltt lliiliftn~ci'11''f clu,~1o:f/J.jiji Mrpooldt<b. pat""'· • 1a truck. Lowest rate ~=~ WORK130yrse1p1,1nt1 m .Nm.PaulS4$297..L . 1erv ... ,.:'{toe Additiorls ·Remodelln1 -walkway•. drivew1y•, Pl"ompt Call16!H976 , .. ext Acoustlcceiun11 , , ur. _ Doon,wlndowa,pallo C:-./CtMr• ett·•Hn& ._,..S..lcn Tl!tRhou.John. 'No v~4no1c 1r11e Dav P In In MHIM AJf>SPl..MT1~~~~~xt C£RAM1C·LINOLEUM coven. ,.. .. eat. Rea•. ... .................... DryWll •••••••••••••n•• ••• ••• Praleulonal Service --Bllhop & Son ~1lntin1 =for fr« ell . Tiie PfO(. lnatall. U(, !31*2 2 70 CONCRETE/MPHALT _, .. , .............. ,, llOMI... Haullna·yard dean up a...c .. lillg 30 yrs up. 1n Beach Re!!, f!lnJob 875'56SJ FlNEHOM~ ~:ib'~~k D!lYWALL/ACOU~JC M.YCDTrliOme.Qu~llty Qllck•clean. Free Eat .... V.ANDENB.ER•0•••11 !!tt..l)'.tt~!LMH2lL Int ~~TE~lci~?ucro ••AU.TILE .. IMPROVEMENTS ---·---Myru1p.F\lllyllcd• ~·Hrv.87H~ blocltwilll ' '• Qualltyworl. tOyrau· ~ AddJUons&Remodellna ~~1fg~'SSTR ir!und. $32:SS4! O>Utae $tudenta: wndw Haulln1. 1r1dln1. de· M~~~~~~e~id J=~~ra .G • 19 ~ ~2 Mi2 DRYWALL TAPING clnl ~., wuin&, odd moUtioo. Concrete & Trer trim. clean up Wayne Leiner (IXOYt:> n 1il11 T s.r.ic. ••••••••••••••••••••••• AU.Sl'ATE PAVING ~alcoatln1 StnJ)ina R.tpa.ln. Comni./Resfd Lie:. !397362 64Hl8l T K c. . All textures• acouatlc ' m2 tree rtmov·dump truck Brick & tilt Ins, bonded, __ 751·9'03_ ••••••••••••••••••••••• "" suo ro:a'.!e;:so · r.;.,~.C~~~k~L~~ FreeesL KevlntU ·IOl8 • 1 1 clt rv. '42·7638 Jic'd. t"eeest 979·5146 .. ~K" 0rw~1~~t~~~oaTr!10 ·:-.;;;~·;.;;-;;:;;;;;· Uc 11·-7 7" HU Rts./comm. BedrtUll ....................... ~ ..... .., PAJNTJNG SER VIC ES f)' est lrM 642 9033 .f~.rnerclal undJ7ca ·llH9!'"'Wll1 ' Rob~7·2683 ....................... GARDENING SERVICE ............................................. , Int/ext Refs, ins'd ---~"""'~·!.?;1c.=les~--~'=i Orivewaysi. Park inc Lot Repairs, ;:,ealcoat1ng. ADD'NS/REMODEL ELECTRICIAN priced 20ynexper. Lndscplng, Wa.nu REALLY CLEAN BRICK WORK : s m11 ii Claudio's 545-1175 •Plumblnit •Healing & Complete Tree Service Design incl. Willert & W.op1.tor right, rree eatimate on lrffl trimmed, clun· HOUSE? Call Gingham Jobs, N~wport , Coat11 UC'S PAINTER •Electrical 2 4 hr Gen'lclA·uplt lrrig. S&SAsphlt 631-4199 Lie Son.5411-1 an.4 m. .. ..................... lareeoumalljobs. . Gld.frtt'ffl.645·5123 Mesa, Irvine. Refs lnt·Ext.lOyrsexp. ~merftDC~~d84l;LW Lawn v. 538·0914 C. It Dr. Y00Chi'llr1ctor Uc. #386112 673·0359 H . Ill ROBIN'SCU lANING 675-3175 Refs Fr~~536_!8~ Ptoptft)'M•191•et Dan Hallberg Gr1d1ng & Paving Co Res/comm .. :'!: .. :~ ............. Acup~~l 2Al~~ro UC'D ELECTRICIAN •• ~:~ ............ , Service-a tborou!hly BLOCK WALLS •STEVENS PAINTING ....................... ~Y11~eCt.f 308 RESID/COMM 'L Qual. work · Reu. rates Geoetal Malntenanre cl house. 54 ·0857 Pal.Jos Dnveways ts back' Now sper 1n PIOPEllTY -· · · u c. 397804 842·1720 All·Around Carpentry Cwlt ...... G...,... Free . 631· 2 Tom Repairs' Decor a Ung HOUS R Ur'd Dl'MIS 636-~58-ext. f)'ee est. Charle . MANAGIMEt4T T ..... John 175-8082 ....................... TOP QUALJTY !Quality• Ray 840-5144 EWO K Bryant's Landscaping 64.5:3348/$46 45GJ Orange Co. erea 15 yrs ........ ~ ............. . Cabinets . Remod. ADD'NS/RE~ODELING ELECTRICAL WORK HOME IMPROVEMENT WANTED Bnck, stone, block ron ~penence Call ror info. Molt&lbJttts. K·l2' col Skylites . Room Add'ns P)ans. Lie d. Geo~re Reu. rat . 531· REPAIR PLUMBING lilaJI nuallty housework crete Frplcs,. Bf3Q's. PAlfM:_ ~~IA !L' 9383 and ratts. ~e. 25 yra tllf S4 hr . .. ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• Bab)'!ilt.ing ln our C.M. ~s. l Yr & up Any· time. 642-8.S2/646·5759 Gnihsewndws. 754·4420 Pllmer&Sons.~Hl9 · Fonlk·'Tlt Heating, cupentry. Elipe~enced de~nda· patio~ & dnv:ewaya _ -16.HJl2 ·Mor an 64 i.J!1§ REMOOEL /ADD·ONS ..., elec I.lie. Free est No ble, '-~est '1nte ·gent. Guar. Ltr.c&..J!1~36·0914 INT/EXT PAINTING HOME IMPROVEMENT andCari>entry Lic'd ..... ~ ................. JobtOO 11 645·28il ...,., 1 l.1c 'd. Refs. Freeesl Wllidow C~ LGE/SML. INT/EXT 25 I 1[r~ 27'19 Formica counter t0"8 ' -lml . 'The best. Pnone 673-7012 Mo•illc) -~·1~_7 ._,.,, ••••••••••••••••••••••• Carelul &lovingmamaof 25yrs. Charl!!.5·3749 yrs. rwn · cabineu refaced Free JAClCOFALLTRAOES atle!.6:00PM. • ..................... , -....................... "LetlheSunshlneln' 21 rms lo care ror yours. COMM'L/RESID est 6C2·5357 Call day or night. Expertise Housekeeping --AIC MOYIH(; EXTERIOR $275 labor ~klber Roofing.a II types Call Sunshine Window _my home FQ'. 631·378L r -a • R.em>d·Add 'ns·Rep1irs • J1ck675-3010 Wetumisb vicuum & Q\ick. Careful Servke ANY RO OM S'l9 Ce1hng New·r~over de<'ks Clearung, Ltd 548 8853 BABYSITTING ::'.~;.~!~~........ ~e;[krH~l;:~e~J~ ~~.!~ ............. Expert home and apt re s b Kall 64J·4970 f)'eee_sUll'lllle!; »2 0410 .~G.!D' 548·0127 LI<' 11.4l lll02 548 9734 20"< Monthly Discount Refs. Costa Mesa WeCareCrpt Cleaners Gen. Contr. 552·9142 La.odlc~pinJ·Yd Clnups pair. Carpentry· roof, SCRUB·A DUB A I MOYIH~G ... ..,....._, tHENRY ROOFING• •RESIDENTIAL• 979·6646 Steam clean & uphols. Bonded & lpsured TreelJim.f:Xpert m1int. plumb, Et<' 642-6013 Pro(, reu, reliable * Q. alft . S * I ••••••••••••••••••••••• SJDNGLES& REPAIR Av& I sty $30. ave 2 sty 1 Truck mount unit . . Jim 851·0129 We bid aJljobs · lge/sml Refs. J~_631 50lti Top ua ity . peciu Expert w11lleovennt1 1n Lie. 11415232 -548 6213 ~.Chris 957-8388 __ ~y Workguar. 645·3716 Additions & remodeling, allty,evper. lic'd care'~ handling. 25 yrs staUauon Reas pmcs Saldllas ....................... --bonded State Lie 11202752 >••IM A•._ . •· oa· v•.,. ,,.4.9325 Quahty Houseclean an~ exp. Co~pellhve rateli. Consultant Assii.:nml'nl tiliCJ Orange Coast Windows For all you need to know Shampoo ~ steam clean J .G. Allen 4!M·l810 ftetest. lCen lM·"SOls. • .. .,.. w/a pensonaltouch. CM. Noovert1me_,_73(J.1353 5111 8590 ....................... "We leave you with a bou b nk I Color bnghteners wht 'ftn.-Gn"''SHOPPER l~Bejh850·0933 sr•oVINGCOLLEGE ---BUOGETRATES1L1<"d bnghttroutlook'" a l a ruptcy,ca I crpts · 10 min bleach c.to.Wooclw°"'9g •nL n.n.> sTUDENTSMOViNG WALLPAPER Lowmm.SmlJobs OK •'reeesumates 8306111 -l714)8J.S.9162 Hall. liv1dan. rms $15 . ....................... Co~1~!lawn ma int. FLAT RATE· DAY or ''» Houses cleaned Palaces! CO Lie 11Tl24 06 All kinds . Free est f)'eust. Ins 641 7S81 w..ttiaicJ -o.~uig and selhoo at a avg room $7.50. couch CUSTOM CA'BINETS c6'2-415l ALL MISC. JOBS polished, Sil sen S3S Insured. 641.11427 Slllroll Lie 11330986 n...-..-., .,.... UUoT " SlO. chr SS. Guar ehm Interiors. bars, mantle11, GARDENING MAINT. INT./EXT.-PROMPT ...&!L~he~·9463 WAT<;H_ l)_SG_Row1 N~m-~·OllSO '*J1i9ifi ..................... .. reasonable pnce that's petodor.Crptrepa1r libraries, cabinets. Landscapift(. Treelrim INSTALLATIONS ~leaning. I will do --••••••••••••••••••••••• WRJTJNG, RESEARCH, what riassified is a ll 15 yrs exp Do work skylltes, rust molding. &renvaJ.Cle.n-ups. CHET64S-4757 1tror you Julie (1~1faed Ads. your on~ Have something to 6CIP • $1iyti,W. • EOITllJG Any subJect. about. 642·S678 m,YSell. Refs. 531,:filQ!_ Refs. 646-0092, $36·2366. Freu1t.imates. 642-4889 _ _J4£._9687_ sloj> shQi>i)an&s_enter Class_!fi~-a~ do 1l well ~)'ef e$l _ 631 9~5 (Qt'JP1..fil'lL~965_ DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS Sell your no-longer-needed Items for cash. If It doesn't sell, we'll run It another 3 days FREE. One item per ad, must be priced. Sorry, no real estate or commercial ads. Call tod ay for full details .. 3 3DAYS LINES CLASSIFIEDS642•5678 (Non~. Extre Mnel $1.00) !~~~~ .. !?~.~ ~~.·.·.'! ..... !~.~~ ~~~·~ ..... !~.~~ .. ~ty 5005 1~~~ ••• ~!~~ ~~ ......... ?!.~~~~~ ..... !!~~ ..... ~~ ..... ~!.~~ OCEANFRONT 2 & 4 Br. 1617 WestcliH, N.B. Want Prime Office Spare. •••~~!'.7.•••••••••••••• Avail. DOW. Weekly thru rmanci1I inst. 7~ (. Corona del Mar 1070 sq SCRAM ·ETS <Aeds would love lo party ACCOUMT1MG ACCOUMTIHG summer.673·7873. Isl.floor.A ent541·5032. ft. s uite S85 01mo OPPOITUINITY '"L ~1th you 1.l!slie or O.YKll ~e Big Bear cabin. Pool •DB.UH OFFICES• 67S.9SlO. ~ ANSWERS ~l ~a 3 0 )' 11 m c · SW'BYISOI Duties 1iiCluoe pnmarily table, rolor tv. 2 frplcs f)' t 2000 •CdM dlx suite, A/C, am of Ufeff 1 1 Willt W ..... Dl,t. Accou nts Payabll' on ._ ______ _,_ ... _..,_.., __ ! g 14 ~0016 om 1rrroom up 0 ~ ~~S37S t I d 28SS Nttd 1! more~xpr'd M1~a1(' Tusty "'-·vel rompan1un S9 69. Tecbrii~·aJ accoun~ing & Digital Computer Also •-t .. •t• 111.....1L.-•-I•* 111.....1L.-~-· _ _ sq. ft. om SI 16 a sq e • u 11 P \'·apor Attasl ''" ·~ s~. rvlSOI')' work an pre ass: .... an pa{iroll pr6 ~ • -~ ... -""-... Su n No lease required. _. _ Y'.1 675·69~ salesDH1ple ~ wanted by rel1rea lady g & ta 1 g "'.., ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••....,.,er. mmer. reserve Adj . W E--0 F F E R STAMPS to ~hr adwntures & ex pann main an n parauoo. mon hly fin an Hllltiilgtot11eacll l l4 ... ,..,.. .. adl 116' now' Weekly rental, 1 Dup~~rt~~\~n A2U2 Delwie 2nd noor offlre OWNERSHIP llus tlu) lkno,.1srt'ally penses o n lour o r rasC'al records and re c1al reports an41 olher ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••;••••••;_,••L••,::.•••••• :~ iii:a Sl~~1 ~~ ~~ :. s:JJ.3223 :r::r erb acr;s; 0£ PARTICIPATION nch He's ~o rich 1n flH'I ~)ll>(land orf'rant'l' or ' ports. Prefer strong acd r I er 1 ca I s k 1 I Is WES1C rr · v Minimum an vestment that "hen the) raise the Ph 1213j435 Z680 counting baekgroun Knowledge or business 3Br Twnh.se, lh Ba. park Beaut. f&r ' den, rrpk. 675-047J a1t5PM --B ·YFRO ..... T Warner Ave Ptn ly Sl2.500 We rorecast SO'' postal rates. he JUSI I along With surernsion ma <'h In es. l y p Ing 1ng. pool S600 mo poo!.~.640-7814 Ocean front Newport A " 962·755L ----return perlear before throws a"a) 111, uld TelephonefJnla)) and rompu er ex minimum 4SWPM 673-5685 l BR d V II BalboaPemnwkly ren· Primeotfice.673·1003. Ex,,,., ofra·~e$2xint NB taxes an pay the STAMPS . Con,ena11o n "1th per1enre Salary Salary Sl 252·Sl 523 ,.lth coo o ersa1 es ~· ~ M1t'helle MC Vi sa s11600·$1,946 w1ln ex excellent be0ne f1t s 2 br. 11., ba. S375 + $375 like new s5so mo. Cati la! starting Apr. l thru ~ Mesa. 250 !'W .. rt. loc . copier. 25. h1,hest <'Om m iss1on Lost & Fo.td Sl OO S.ll-6370 re ien.t benefit~ Please Please submit resume dep. Gas pd. Nr Beat·h Richard: 213·830 2323 : summe r. 2 & 3B r. s11te. $175/mo. Ula s in· 966·1779/~621S_ -Ca I ••••••••••••••••••••••• ._.::__.., ___ ,.,., 5360 submit resume to Joan to · Joan Finnegan NoBlvd & Ma cFadden Av 213-823-7854 -5"4-<Mil4~·3232 --~~.aJl9 W. 19th St., 6 rm ore. 972 s i r. nr Ray714•768·3335 ,._.__ _..., .. ~Mel!tan. t714 J6JI 1200 (714)6.JI l.200 C10 :\iesa . 89341194 0.IFF HAVEN 2 br l "" . --Newport/17th St. Costa ---•••••••••••• .. ••••••••• C 0 Mesa Consolidated Consolidated Water Dis U!e 2 br.2"2ba.2 frpks. ba. new crpi. fre'sh ..... toSllcre 4300 53J&572sq rt SlOOperl Mesa All util pd hrt..W.t tDancer for Ba chelor Water .D1strll'l 1965 tract. 1~5 Placeolla fam rm Good area $625 pamt, frpk. eal·m k1l ....................... sq. '\·fi?~•rch .. NB. 50 mo ~·~ _ ~ SO 15 FOUND ADS fe~1~:~le. A~~~:~~\) ~n ~1!,~~~Aa ~z; · Costa ~ COsta Mesa CA rm. +sec & cing N1re ~ 642 2t34 en · -i Two elite law orfices, ••••••••••••••••••••••• ID£ FREE resenaUon Sdays 1n ad i•-------1111(·--------a re a Alberta -bd b ROOMMATE . 10xl7 & 12xlS S575 pr LOANSHARK M \anc e Mo n fr1 ------( 714 ) 8 4 6 · 13 7 l or Large 2 rm. 1 a. 4210 I ·1 rm. in full ser~1ce suite. WANTED 7Xl-5.518 .. a_sk ror L1ndsa) !,21JlU>-0794. ~~e. S150 mo Yrly FINDERS execup an Oce.an vu. secretarial Need SI0,000 ror 90 day~ tall: IRAMDHEW -----Oldest &largestagency · stations S90 pr mo Call atyourttrms Miss Pot IE r:,_.t& 3 J 21 b th bft ~ 2bdrm. 2ba. ground noor All clients screened with .. A Mew COllC..t" of ri ce m a n a g er . ter:. ~·2254 642-5678 ,...,...,..... 2 . rm. 2 8 · hm · rondo frplc. pool. =&references l'\aUservice/rus(om TI4/ll44 7600 -~toL 5025 ••••••••••••••••••••••• car garage. was er S6501mo Quiet area ..1r. "d k ..__, o. cin'er OOok·up $650 mo. ~1528 ts: Cosmopolitan "' •« es space. 2 offices. reception rm. ••••••••••••••••••••••• * * * ,,,... Wmhd, 7 075 For Ad Action Call a Dai~ Pilot AO.VISOR 642·5678 OPPORTUMITY knocl is· ol ten when ~ou use resul t Retuni: Dally Pilot Class1r1ed Ads tu rearh the Oraniee Coa:.1 mark el 842.2946 ---Good Morning Amenca. Nr. O.C. Ai~rt .. storage rm. 725 sq fl ....., 1 .. ••••••••••••••••••••• EASTBLUFF townhouse TheTormrrow Show "SeewApprec1ate ' Forced air heat. S275 ,.n•Clte Mocwy Gr.aa Masters•'°" Hakpg in uch. ror rm & 3 bd, 2 ba, d a, blllns. enc apt 3 bdrm. 21'> ba. 2 car • 1, off• to 111 new 759-8978 333 E 17th St CM SI 0,000 Giid Up llifl'Mesa Dr I'S board rehab le young f:{.· lndry fa cal, S600 gar. adults. no pets $650 cltents who need a place. ~2450· 675.0707 Tom or Jeanne Santa Ana Heights Fr en'c h Can ad 1 an _ _llrll permo HIWPOIT 641-lltt Airport:rea,plush ;;ec. __ 642·~2 You are ~he winner of Libera l . Laguna Phone 642 5678 Woodlalie Atts 644·IOIO KOUCEHTEI sa.utes, S275+ Typing, 2nd TD's S20,000·Sl50.IWHI ~~~t~~~~rkets ISl6 001 Qlarles.495.S~ Spacious I and 2 bdrm ONBEACH.:18 Seashore. PEACEFUL 2 Br. 2 Ba . NEWPORT ans.serv.avail.957·9331 fully arrort to 20 yrs. Position wanted by Make a great discover> amon g beau lake Reder Jb r Iba, gar. Elegant-£x-eisuites in -Ot.her2ndsto$1,000,000 ~.r.Ji\,.Jhow maturewomanasnurs streams Pool, Jae and S 9 8 5 y r S235 + 'r'J utils. Female prestigious toe. Incl ••DELUX E•• Apyts. comm 'I & non CONVENTION ing comranion. Also free Shop classified for today's bes t buys 642.5678 rec Area No pet~ filS-3470/2~002 ~ erred.631·11543 n6 secretarial. recep· ~fice space avail. im· ownt'rprogram Pnnon totnve .644·8065 ~~~~~~~~~ ~I FemtoshrNwplBchcon· tionist , leiephone ans & med.750sqn.lrvineloe ly Call for agt CENTER April17·~ F 2Br yrly. garage. S700 do. fully rum. unfum more. Ofcs from $436 l.10 n . 857·1204 DOWN EV SA VI NG s To claim tirkets. eall 2 Br 2ba. upstairs apl rm $750 mo Ca ll ror bdrm. non_.mkr ..... " + rm on.call ores Sl6S Brent 963 2611 642 5678. ext 272 Wtr pd . n o pets . a~~urr White Rltrs l.'J util.~'63l-08IS mo THE HE AD · COSTAMESA --·--T\ckebmustbe rla1mcd balcony /sgi gar $525. 67~--___ • QUART ER S C 0 M . I Mo.. frff lt.t Mol~1. Tndt by Apnl 23. 1982 a nofee~-EASTBLUFF Spacious I Non-smkr. 3br ~ondo. PAN1F.S:Aprofeu1onal llllS-Ullita Dffdi 5035 • • • 2 br. 1 ba. nr Beach & bdrm. pool. balrony. ~/=~ 't f:•i. Sl50 envir onment t 714 l Rents from·s:ioo mo. 1. 2 ...................... .. Slater. encl. gar No Xlnt View. Pleasant ~· . . . 8.Sl-0681 &3roomoffices. L D 7 Losi-REWARD pets $495 1>41·9348 dys . Area. Single adults. No w3antedb F /rmdmte sNhr 3Bbr Newport Be a ch near Realonom1c1 675-6700 ..!: C:-11i? ~1r~e P ~~I; La~rh~~~ -~-·1076evs/wknds.. pets. SS60 mo. a co n. o · Hoag Hosp. 1000 sq rt .. APorox 450 sq. rt. Zoned Rul Estate money w/black face, 3 bliu·k ~ 2 b 1 b f t 644-4767 S325 + u la I. Randy 5«'00d noor oUirts. am· C·~. S170 mo. 130 E. l7lh avatlable 2nd or 3rd TC> marks on bark Answers r. a, . ront uni 645-4228 Die parking, well ma in· St. Suitt D. C M. Key al Loans on residential or Ch Lo \' gar · patio. ,2 Kids ok. no Sea a.-111t 317 6 needed M IF shr bined bldg. Vicky days &lite E. 642·3065 incornr properties. We ~ :Y=rovat C ~ pets, lst. , last SIOO ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~~ 2b f t 114/645-4800 handle a fulr range of I St sec. l blk W or Beach oH Studio a~. ocean view, ~A.. Hts St~~ a~a~~ . ,......,. .. l..tel 4500 mortgage Coveral>(e al ~ o:lec ~·5131 90~ Slater. Mgr 17381 tD > util indd. S375 mo. 332 · . · IUSIMESSADDUSS •••••••• .. ••••••••••••• t t ""'!'>'"'-= -'-Keelson, 347.0422 Avail "'-C'UIO' In San Clemente 54f>.3288or979·51 Ans werl n g & m a i 1 very compet1 1ve ra es ""' h h N.B .. 3975 Birch. 8860 sq. Cou rtesy to Brokers ~ (Jee lheMgrAptCJ_ M/Ftos r3B~ 2Ba se •servict11 conference fl.orless.MlA zone,50< 7!4·760·1551 ask for REWARD 1"'-3144 ~ I .tshrlllllted-nr OCC~y . S240 + room AUJ. OC Airport. °f4er sq. rt. Agent SleveorDuane Foruiformation Teadinf _.U-.i_.._.. 3900 util.631 JlOO/rm. 7141851'1342 J-50.12. -WIDOW ... .,~ for TD's to lhe recovery of G ••••••••••••••••••••••• -_____.. S200 In I t'l N. ( r rr· nJW Orangetree Jbd + loft ••••••••••••••••••••••• mo. c · u 1 ice 450 sq. l urn ° ire 4,029 <-Ft RE Loins. 10 Up. No BM X r a c i o g bike . rm s o' SE , ..... D a.rel. 2 bdrms avail Im· space S300/mo ...... Credit Check. No Penal chrome frame. jold ~~~~:~so~0~ 4 5;!. 1i~9 I Aw " °!'Z: IC~ ~C7a:i~n~o . 641·0763 o~o~ lb'!,. ty Dennison Assoc crank stl. yellow wheel~ 5111).ml VILLAGE 1"" " · · Design to suite executive 716 ft oHicu. 3 ba. 673-7311 & tires Taken from 2 ors m to 11 m. offices with secretanal shower etb 2700 Beath & lndianapohs 1 _ u'-J 1152 New . l&.2 bdrm luxury Shr 4Br Ilse, E. Bluffs. service nnn.lble living It, ..:,. w rtt"F sq WE BUY 2nds ltB approx. 2 week~ --r-""t•n apU in 14 plans. 1 Bdrm pool, lg kitchen, S250 mo. area. COOdlocalion in .enc~ ya · or more ago. Please call 536-9832. ••••••••••••••••••••••• from $515, 2 bdrm from + v. util. 720· 1328. Cannery Village. Broker ~one 557·t300 da GREAT SOUTHWEST • Niguel Shores 2br, P-'lba $570, Townhouse from •Ul!ii f7H9l2 ev CAPITALCORP --- condo. $650. Isl, last ~ S'40 + pools, tennis. 1000 sq It warehouse l.olt male Siimese cat, II sec 94Hl89 or 494·9891 waterfalls. ponds! GH Shr 3Br, 28a hrne. l or 2 ~ Nlguel·Buulirul toploc. ~/mo. · yrs old Reward Vir aft m ~~ t,n"e~f!;~ ~.~~@J: & •ii ~e~c;~·':;~~~t~~~~tr 875-6251. 6 ma.c,.llh/ ~~~M1gnolia. HB Ml wpoti •ecti J169 l'rwy drive North on Prof 11/F zs+ to ahr 2 br service, Law Ir Tu ... 4550 Pee 11ul1/ Found Be. Ir b d ••••••••••••••••••••••• Be.acb to Mc F1dden · nr SC Plaia pool Ubary Xerox. phone ... •••••••••••••••••••• Lott I Foilld Do · st!,ut ul C 'Ii in ,lM Y(WPOIT lhen West oo Mcfadden ,..211177 ' • llllftrlnj, From $350. STORAGE SP ACE . ....................... ~ 631i::gi7 1 lo 1111, n to Sn wind Vill1 ge. · Call113l·~ Coll• Meu. 24 X J3 6Jiirc-llh 5100 ~="Y""'. ==~----- OUMTIY C UI (714)53-51.98. ~ll~~N~S~DO I enclosed. Elec, hook·up ......... •••••••••••••••• Found. Black Labrador C IMCi L a-4000 64S-422A tl1MW.W./.,_.. 646-T880 CASTIMGMOWI ~flir~/W:1:~~.'g°J· h •-~ &2btd ....................... u..c1r •NOexp.nec.Afltypes 6422903 Bit' eru1a, l room Room in family home Femroocnmatetoahr bae Orange Co. pttme of· ...... /l••Ht/ .SZS.SSS/day,3-IOhrs . ..;;..;:o"""'=---- aots & townhouses. c M l200/mo utils incl ' ill Woodbridge. own rm fice/a«>rait space C/P .....C.t •Extra work in movies Found : 1 y r o I d ~om 1000 644·l909 ' . 631.W . It bl. S2SO + ~ utll. u 500 ' 2710 sq. n: -•••••••••••••••••••• •lndus. tralnlng film. Coclta~1 Bolsa Chace & NO FEE! Apt. " Condo $.S2·'7t4 evea. 151-1494 iii411. Fountain Valley Swinunln& ~I chemical Bolsa. " 8 on 3/30 rentals Villa Rent.els Bright, sunny room· cb1. Bm. ~hool Dl1trlct , P.O. service 6'.illnns. Costa 21J,,._$300 _._ 675-4912 B tr. Ch3n:t~~n !~~O · 28l~~· Fem to aha.re duplex thru Box BSIO, F. V. 92708. Ms. Mesa, Hunt Beach art a. ., .. s~so LJOOVIEW 6Cd.M7 • 4 · • t u 1 • June ts . $115 utll lnc. Wieland: (114)142-66$1. No exp. nee. Will train. rw DR 1 ~ · n..lboa 175-1742 li0.000 fulJ amount re· •Sf'tllTUAL ................ ••• •••• 2 Br. 2 Ba. 2 patio Adults CdM rm to pro( mature .., Near Sin Diego Fwy l ti red . w i 11 net ref. 10006 5·63511 liet M/F'. ref's non: Share Newport Beach Harbor 4 officet •wte & ,000+. Call collect 1815Ml4m\~ Real, * * * * Blchelor unit I ~ blk :rnkr.~78'$. · rfci ~~~~d 2u~: ~~ta off~\~ t':~ep~ on·Fr l 9AM ·8PM . SM Clemente. 492·729E A~ MOSJ.• from ocean, yr Y ·.avail. Sm furn rm w /bathroom M/F. S50 ctep. SZ$O ren· kitcJMndte, air. • furn. .0 1 Full Uc. 'TJ'1~ ~~!eka)' , now. freshly pllnted, F!:v nr So Cat Pina tat Pttf 11 S5 to U . avail a50mo $49·Zt28 .. e It .. e It o J• newcrpt ~ 67$-9229 · · n' -·---·--41-41 .u 69 or•e.ous Airls to UNEMPLOYED1 NEED A JOB? Let us help you find an employer. The Daily Pilot. Irvine Mirror & Mission Viejo Mirror will print your employment-wanted ad :1FREE There Is absolutely no charge to you. We will print your employment-wanted ad on Sunday, April 18 In the Dally Piiot & again on Wednesday, April 21 In the Dally Piiot, Irvine Mirror & Mission Viejo Mirror rea- ching over 200,000 adult readers. Use the coupon below to llst your job title, your qualifications & telephone number. Mall or bring your ad to the Dally Piiot before Thursday, April 15. This offer applies to any person who Is presently unem- ployed. Not applicable to those seeking baby·sittlng, housecleaning, at-home work or other service type employment. (Please print in 25 worda or less) ' · em pref. 556·1717 • GI· C.M. 2 ofncea. 34$ ft, O,••rfmltr 501 5 OH• ...,ty 501 5 pamper you. Jacuua, • 2wB r ~YfJ~· uppe r . Roomatewanted.Cdfll . bllh.ttorueavall.SZ$0 ..... •••••••••u••••• .. •••-.. •••H••u••u•••• S.1.11.a.Loc.als11we.ll11 1 ~tpoolc 1 ~r ar•rk Room w/vlew In beaut. Ill and rut. sns mo. -.-14N·F to u r 1 s l • e • n It c 11 • au 18:' NB. home. prof. F, kit. eeee llll'fDr LntW• Amutcard, Master ~~· · oriv pool avail. szso + Shr condo /prof raon • • • ft(. M. ~ ' aw •. American 6x· 1 BR. aar parkln1. •ltPI 11_oo*P.7to.G42 •· i.i ~ut. ~. Ali ,._Ill ~" t~:~.0111:,~:.3/3~~ lb btech. >'',lf.J:$ mo . ....._,..... 4100 a multt ... Ul·&llO ; -~,n .. :· .. •••arm, 112 ar I. _................... You are UM wlnner of I 11111 Ml I •· 2bdrm. Zt>a. 1111 :m...ora Mir to* 4 br. 2 ba ._,,_Ut'keta m1.00>1 ••-tmdo w/all am111ltlt1. ,.... MW avail. II o 11 1 e C • M • ••todlt nt "0~ lea. Olean JC.! Y:· ,~~~ lJ4 •Htltrl'r "· etc. Wt nttd 1250,000 total. Minimum llrlll.f".!f·Prlp~t~. Ht w rt ll•d CM . 12&,000 per imlltOf to flMnoe growth W. 0111 '° RKA leq:s _ In whJllJltl llgbtlno ... ty. -tw.lrw, •-41 t -llH· __ , ........ ~ ... , • w, • ~ u_r, Hit • ""'"" ... -It., .. ..... _ 111• tU /Y ll•llll ... Myname l•----:-"'."':"'-~~-:---------1"°4 tor ~\onl .. I • Cl W..W 7100 W.eM 7100 tw,W..W 7100 .W,WllW 7100 MllpW..W 7100 •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •w..w ....................... 111 f HO ~ IAT•..-nz Cll. \le\ ir~ l v11 X if. TRI QZU'I I.WON IUNISTRATIVE AS LTO la H111 lln1lon SISTANT for Oenenl Harllour II 1eekln1 to-u T .. 11 l'lllOM HJ>t'd In d,ta en· ,..tnaa•r . op 1•1 1 t'f· t r 1 c 0 m P , t • qwrtd. lYPlnl MWPMI l'1IOOftllblli!.Y ror Input SH I OOW PM Fu I olnrtllandli elnrorma b1n1t1t .. e~_1 S1lary Ucio aod or:es>aratlon Qf ll1"ll ~-31\0 !"fllOCjl. Wiii train. •\all Otne:ral beDel'lll. exrtl worilln1 ·PPLY .... OW C'CDditlona. Contact Ann A " ~·-Ame.tto No~~~~C:-111 train, Newport Beach ~•. Call '1SZ·OM1 ask r ftql1n~ ATlAMTAfllM $14,400 Per Vear DISTRIBUTION CENTER STAF1'' HAS IMMED. OPF.NINGS. MODPll.HtC. 11141f'4·H71 DPAMOtM• Neeam1n11ement & Sales, p/tlrne & rJtlme. GIHBA~OFflC~ Must ht matr,1re. neat & T 1 d Call p t o·eo emporary e p ne e respoo. a fl• lO COD\'e rl rtlu to ~.S 141SS9--4930, T F, nurrofllm Could lead to •--------pemwnentpos1l1on Call Ju . M9·8909 ... , SNCfAI. PllSOM ~&ESH~O Pu~ AKC VON'S 11me 1l1m p1 •••••• .. •• .. ••••••••••• MATlllAL PA.IT/1'1MI wllh car r~rlter Pa·rn me motlier'•· <.111mpalre Mt•• P1U1 nttded, noa VII\ Vfl, ·a SUZUKI GS 450 1!:X COMTIOL M INI + IOMUI bulttt lllJ>Ch aervlc,. hdper needf'd for ramlly 1 how P v t pt y VII, vtr, V~ WI I 11pht L500 ml moo Cell Jeft Nitr6nll co openlna Mon·t"rl, ult aner 2 rl~~lal child Exper 2131091 JM5 • SR.IJ' wlnil~._&U-m• ati CJ>m M2 &4AS AM~,~~ new olfice Eap 1cce111 "' htl uJ but wlll train tht Mair Golden Retrlt\ltr ...._, 1971 Honda 760 ~· Soper 1 0 tern~t1: n a ll~inf ~o~ i:ha?r ~~r~lf!~ ri. person Child Cl.'' pup p 1 u, AK c t e ._.._... IOU ~.PO(l 81k w rhromt ~amk blab arowth oll ,.,,,., rotl!ntlal ror ad Sa.let le va-rled houubold &11tfr('d 1$!.lM;! ••••••••••••••••••••••• Krtaf'r hdr ~SUU ml ,l Id I ·-r dutlea, Wltnda Ii 2 3 --Warehouse Sale Bach. Mint <'Ond Muat .-et b!. ~f~S:dl~~:g;.nl. vaM't'l'nl'nl Candidates uveml&hll Pfr wk l.ooli CW...~ Ptl COM. fender, Oibaon. l~/080 M7 IMS Int for a Material Con· thould bt ~raonable, ~PEP IMWC~ ln& ror active outdoor M \IJlll,• rMJ-Ma 139S JRL, Peavey MXR . Mw SeM trOJ Supervisor If you ~;lw,~o~~~lt$~1 ~~ ::.'~Yr~s~~i;g •Poodles "R" Peggie• Shure. Yam1d111. et<' 1::1~ ~160 have~ minimum 3 rors at\/eve/wknd bra 10jj --·-• Crom l:l noon to 6PM T·Cups. Toy. S2 d to ~1284 ••••••••••••••••••••••• upe mee In ma erlal For 1 t'onOdentilll In ~00 Salary commen1ur11tl! ~ .!.del!~ .. ~~!de ' LClllJ.it speaker, variable Convl!tled breed ''•n rontrol supervision, we tervlew.L. call Mr S1rot1 Jll'f'il!VI wjex~r Groome '""~ speed, sounus 1ru1 Dill l(d nice ln~ld(•, nd~ ::;;e :v~~~1:"}~~ s;>:J 1tSU.$118 •SALESPEOPLE• -Yol'UhireTerrler puppy, Jl.Ml.5313567 p_11Jn(. 'minor fl'Plllr" Applicants must have ,_ITI• Student Jobi male, AKC Champ linu Hollo; body e lel'ltl<' ~· lJn1111tU6 4524 expcrlenct' in working IF YOU Sho&IJ'OO. MG 8624 wilj ~real nt('k & oe Tl"lllilen T ti 9170 with an M1RP bauedd &9\lm~~~~~~f youth UKES"LES, IOY~HETlllh~ DoblePupi:i1ea,red.AKC , £lon I .5313567 ••••••• : •• ~:•••••••••• 1:omputer ntegrate 11 fl h "' champi o n I Ines ,,.,.. __ ..... Ii T ·1 i •· II nlllliuf1~-tunn11 ays t coun•t n11 rm u YOU\.LLOVl llow wou you e to c·~ahoa968-3'7~ __,...,.,,,...... ro1 t•r, " uve111 . HP !kXlO experhincc de openings ror 3·S shurp -aoY•t um u mut'li 11$5-0oo 1 • -e.l,....t 1015 Beellne". fully 1-.1u1 p'd A sirable but not man taoin~ mature p!!ople .-....-" week? Ooyou like drive S&>r1ngerSpamels. I male ••••••••••••••••••••••• doll ~ <.:ull 67S·H46~ .ill datory . We oUer ex rmt1vate imbilious Take adv1ntace or th1t In m>vics, picnic•. plzu 8 wkJ SIOO. I male l yr IBM "ExeeuUve" elcc Bpm or wknrl~ cellentsalury&work1ng ~~~~~!~-~~111~~l::r opportunltvtoJolnooeor partla. bearh p1rtlea, $.'!O~~ -typewriter, recently Ul'Jay<'Oll.'ntlrailer-slv~ l'Ol\ditions as well as an Andrea tht naUon'a leading auto ~ man1 other lhln~f Frftto Yo.i 1045 ~rv1t't.'t1.ji_!5 ~7 5642 8. rullJ.._equip1>ed, llke outstanding benefit pub retallera/servlc:t rc::n tYYu :gujotyd e:gr~~n~ •••••••••••••.•••••••••• F.xcrullve De ~k ' drk new, '3JOO 842 5488 Pa<' k age For 1 m emtm We offer an ex or WI • I OWMr low mileage ust-d Walnut, lar1ie. near nrw. mediate cons1der at1on Personable, energet ic cellent 5t1rting salary · c l HI k 1 11 h 1 l 1 subm1lrt'Sumewlthcur· person sought to st'll and a benerlts package QUALIFICATIONS a Ir on .. air, a pprox J f l' ~1 rent alary histor~ to natural beauty products that lnrludes discouotlll l Over 12 years or age yellow e~n. spayed, 12 enee-~ 61S-7S78 TIHTTIAILH HIAHIUYH Top tfoTtan 1orSpoQ• Can. 1Ju1• Carnpcrf1. 914'•· Audi' a AakforU CMGR JIMMA.IJNO rm:~ti!r. H\JNTINCTON BEACll 142-lOU WIMUD YOUllXOTtC a.1amsHCAlS Id ' Juxi'w \'ou1l llwy Nev.port B..arh 642.!l40S WANTED ! 1 .. 1t1• modt!I TOJOlas and Volvo ~ C11 1l u' TODAY''' AMF Scientific Dnlhnu & suntan oils tn Oranaa d d' 2 Neat honest and de y_ears 0 d Answers lo ......... 1017 1 1 . 1 80 "i ""' P8I vacations. me 1ca oendabie Tabitha or electric e11n ..-~ •TTIHTIOM: HOTB. D ttrnataona . I I County. Must have own and ure IRS . bonus pl11n. ~ Work after school 11nd opener Needs lots or Ill ••••••••••••••••••••••• Amb1t1ous ooys and Switchboa-rd\)pt'rator. MttchellSo , lrvme CA trans .Call49S2124 pension and more ' Saturda)'5 tmtion&lo,•e Well mannt'red S1yr old llard top. ~h'ci~ up to 8 , Vecy <'lean with J like rlt'14 tcnl Lots of 'Nlln¥ lll)ldt' and i.torJJCe ruoin sl.,u lot:-. or room to l'llrry gear while tr.1vehni; Sl8SO !197 8679 Earle Ike ~!..~ loOnUe oyreatrwsooledv'etn· R.escrvaUonist & Front 927E014,i.Alln 81llWrig.htF Pet1t10~ rirculator , SINOUGN'OLiL~rT·EsREGSETT CALLTODAY' 63173Meve·, Yellow Nape Arn87on. ...,... ance Clerk needed at .. r.. ~~ I f'T PT ~ S8 hr Work "" S37·se36or~I S257 SQX11000 ~6 7900. ll~k 1ng1 a week ruing luxury Laguna Beach __ ownhrs 840.6912 AQ AINtTEU' Apply in 8AMtolOPM f:Maltae 1050 for Cindy Ml·Nulty TOYOTA·YOLYO , .............. , r1~::~'!fr~ns~~r~~[,':n Hotel ~tact Margie ~DB.S~HO~ persona S ••••••••••••••••••••••• be-tw~118-11>m and constant adult Marrmll 497·4477-·-m. ~~~~ta~g;s& f~I~ w~r°ta"rmme * * I BUY * * Plcmoslr 0,...1 8090 Trailtn, Utflty t 180 c., ....... ""•O U Ol w S40·'4•1 su~rvasion ~ov1dt'd HOUSHHPH worlc positions PEP BOYS TRAVEL AGENT Min 2 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ca 13 lo S:30P , uskfor ANO BA BYS-l'fTE R •Male fellll! le. 18 22 > r"I. Mer.Fi ltoch m exper, mullt be rom Good used Furniture & Must sell. upright piano, l!I' dual .ix le tr.ul~r 1!•>')11 Andrea. 642·432t. u t Newport 8t' a ch 3 m~ look 14 16 >rs for ... ......&.tlL Cl 15221 leoch ll•d. puter train~ In lot Awhanres OR I will Uke new. great ror l'hild c'Ofld $1i.5tl Top Dollar Paid 343 O'clO<'k lo 1 O'clock PM him. no expenenl'e 631 W~x'l'ro C SS2 3052 , S52 1995 aft sdlorSELLCor You ~-646-V88 !IS7 llfiOli --------Monday thru Friday necessary, $35 S85 Pl'r w~...-at.r, o. SPM MASTetS AUCTIOH Must have ear Teenage da Re a I 1-:1 1 ate I' r u 1ual Opportumty 6 19ill 1920's Brinkerhoff oak A 11 :.tt•el tn~ u l ii 11 ~ ror You1 <.::tr' Al!TOMOTIVE babysitting, houseclean· BY k . k r~~1onals wanted Cood mployer M IF 46-1616._ll • player. all orig need) trailer h~y dot> tirt'h •IOOllC,P!lfl 111g Lite rooking. S7 per ;.7'~ 5!9\·' srt01n1w0 r · ~pht based on ex per • ~rJl!OO. 64~·4199 14 'sl'arl' $475 19,1 ifi!j5 JOHHSON & SOH u..t•MH'Cury <!fi2ii llurhor Alvcr ~~i~~~:arn ~?~P~nr~ ht ' 1673·5570_ •Experienred rnm11 PACIFICCOA.ST <A.LES NeeJ'lr.~m~~ and MUSTSELL SewincJMachlltes 8092 Almo~t nl'w util11~ romplex ror experient'ed HOUSHEEPER irodels. S4S a show HWY FIOHT A.GE 1-:x pl' rt"en cea person wee4'ends Replact>me nt Maho1:any cfoul>Te bed •••••••••••••••• • •• • •• • serv1('t body w 1th lotk Cclt;ta ~k~a 540 S63l bookkeepers ror manual Exp'd & mature Li\'e •Wild l'lothes c:alalog. HEWPOlTIEACH needed. r rr or FT, for poii1t1on for3 rnonlh:. 70 with ma tltt'i.b Moon Wanted, good work1nfi( 1ni: c•omlJartowht' lot entry accounts payable in ~efs Th!.:9655~ _ some lople ~s. S25U 1_..a.. __ • 1 specialty s wimwear worai per rn111ult'. six sht1ped mirror on hl•ad sewing m11ch1nr. re IT\lm trurk. Sl800 f11m 1'rcm1um pn<'e~ paid for an; used car tfore11:n or dome she·) in 11,_ooct l0ond1llon Sel' l'~ first I & bl p +clothes ~ h N 8 h months l'Xperil•nc•t board w;onoble Oys 675·3841 f'46-~laltt'r5vm recOpeiva re. /rma · Lady recuperating from THE JOI SOURCE Wal&-lft l~en 67s 3~£"'~." wpt ~ 1runlmu1n reqwred Ap $500080 631 7791a rt6 Evs615·061i • ........... c-1 r rt nenl p. or a vance broken hip on walker 669117 1 1 "" l)ly to Personnrl -.-.-• ce, a 1 menl to learn G.M ,ar needs someone to be her _·_77~1!1 ..Pm 714-642-l 50 Salesman rt'"Ulrl'd for TV, Radio, 'AccntoriH 9400 counting. See Offlc.e "Hands" for 6 wks NURSES. AIDES IAs.k f TOlltl "' 0~ Coad 98 ••111119!!111!.1111 ...... Mgr Mon .. Weds. or Fn ~ Need allsfofts. Can rarn ALt:rN&llfHES draprry & l'llrpet clean D Piiot I IUY FURNITURE HIFi, Stereo 80 ••••••••••••••••••••••• .. HOWAlt~CMnoltt --Slil 00 per 8 hr~ Mu st <.:ONFIOENTIAL iAf11''~n:r~idp~~8g1~~n~ 3311 Bay St I LA:'!> !IS7 8133 ••••••••••••••••••••••• l,.iiilltillll'fllMM Dove/ uailSts. LEGAL SECY have ex per. & ref') ~ 366 Cost11 Mesa a1 Sofa.i. nel4 $98 I'll to Microwa\'t' TV Antenna . ATTEHTIOM NEWPO I BEACH Lesco u 11 e Nurses RECEPTIONIST . 1 An Equal Opply £mplr lo\c~eat!> $811 ea \1at Isl run mo\ 1'-'~· $IS9 inst Part timt!, uper'd, Hun· Registry. 351 llosp1tal for S3f1SUn & HoT1day' Sales • tr~M'!-S39 957 S708 9am 9pm 63ft ~724 MG A.UTOMECHAMIC ungton Beach. needed Rd. Ste 119 Nr~Port Mesa Verde <.:onval MAKEAIUCK I -Msranu slt•n-.1 rl'l'e .. er. OWMERS <>Wnhandtools AVPLY for overflow U\ general Beacl\. SH 99~5 llaipt 661 Cenler St ~~T~"'R~ ,f'1oat.11111n Wuttrbl'd 14alnul rah1nt't. Son' TONNEAl'('OV~.11 NEWPORT TIRE · La F 540-""'' C M~5585 ir:: Kin.: .,1u. l'Htdh•nl ' f'11:1MG 0 \ 71 HI CENTER 3000 Ea st practice w irm 14 lo _ ~ Tiie ni:e es 1mei. Vacatiotl ,~ind $350 963 91411 turntable, "300 675 J0-14 ~ 5 d $7~ 11111\ 11 11 •~·• 111\tl Coast Hwy Corona Del 16hrsperwk Thurs ~nd Nursing RECEPTIONIST Cm·ulallon nrpt t•ur R-t:--"Pool a.....L.lrMan·1t.. 1 ·• . l'63'l'1r7u797~ 1 . 1 t .,.1,, 11.-.• "'""~-· Fr1dad;s Exper with Mfo:SSfo:NG t:H I rentlyhasposilinn~open inon l\Jritc·~ d111 rm \l'l &! ..,... • "'an.i il'mi.i: A~MOTIVE Ca~~Mlhw1.1rM1po::nr1~lhnr~ue;lcWPefoderl Expe~~~El~}D~on1 ~~~~ t5~~,· ~~~\tr~' ~~p~:!:~la~l~CJ y~1~1~ ~~~poo~~~fq~~:\~ed ~l~~i.~~rf1'~!~11j~;l'ur~/r~ •• ~~~........... LITE HOD' WORh & l Sf':l)(~t'~~Rl'CK!-- ·MECHAMICS/ 25• m1 Will t rain on earn an houri> 14ll~l' + h 1 '"' JO + 11 au ei.~ · GeMral 90 I 0 patnt u11 to so·. urr \our ro~H: 1..; OR 847-6041 Hosp N~pt lich sw1 t rhboard ('.i r generous l0omm1s1>1ons rcrap ir arts per~onne lA'OO\ t'h1n:i IJrl"dl'n ••••••••••••••••••••••• bod l'\1.1.FOR TKHMICIANS GM! --Cheerful. ded1calrd to needed ror Hrand~ Hn. 4pm 9p m fo'or or oo call ~orkAt'n1 tht'l \'<™.-i. Galli l'orl'tllllll\ 17 ·ona CanOt' } ~hop l'\I 536 'IH3~ , LOAMAUDITOI/ gd pvt rare Xlnt ins Deanna ~98466 I rmrr anlo please l'all pl't-press area eas 640 93!i6 Jft 6pm AskingS3SO FRE£APP~~~~L Q>unty growth requires• QUAUTY CONTROL ~rQ&ram Cill642 8044 ' 9.57 2361 !-:xi 12o.t one year expenenre in l Caroll'4' l'nua 675 L3_72 ALFA RO,H.O PARTS Corm1t.>r e o HOWARD Chevrolet u -r-emporary fol) timr l'W4:.c .. ~~ Rec:fttt/Typl1t --J. typeseltlnl!. paslt up. -o •\JI pan:. to rnn\l'rt 101 CHEVROLET pansion! po1it100 Experienre re· ""'''.. forlnmifA'as~(JCo <;:;ll1°SALES camera operation or Qul't>n we l>l'd w matt. IOIT PORTA BOAT 1600 to \t'lon'. nt IK211 1lf:.\Cli8L\'D quired Call Jennifer Late lypm~. 1 rn · mill! Deanne Croft Sales Represental1\'l' to PI at l' ma k 1 n I: 1 5 1 box spn_nl!' h\ ~ dut)' fold5 lo 4 nat Ideal piston:-. Sl41MI l>l'11n1', lll\'11\GTll:'>-BE,\l'll Soeclalists In tune-up, Re b n, t 7 s 4 . l 8 o 1 bookkeeprn_g Call for 9791450 ea. 11 on reader ad bus1 net·ess11ry You mu~l bl'I framl' Kini( Km Pxlrn dlllghy or f1sh10ic Val ur !1'7!1 27 II! JIH·r fipm •irl 847 •• 087 or electrical, and air c:ond. E o E appt MAS,RS7~3380 ,, ness acrounl:. for ad S\ Ill I able to work on a !!~ m $2 5 O b s l or r $845 St'll $4!15 ~knd!> • needed ' j OrangeCoaslSavings RECE:f'TIOHIST vertistng,Mon Fn .9am •subst1lutr or 1"all1n """7!'>54 751 -7300 54,·l331 I 1700Adams c M Mature Law off1t·c. Spm Base + com basis Sala!) clrpcm1son Must :.ell. Harvest Gold 4.'Kl ~I. l'loth lop IH'" Une mt!Chanics/techni • · · Order Processing Legal up pref . but not m 1s s ion . romp any experience Con I a <'I Rer llner x Int rnnd loats. Maintet1C11K•/ $600, Two SL 'l'Jli. $;,OO Aulol I rt d ciamneeded! LOAMPACIA.GER/ M ........ G"'R nee. Gen. omre duties. benef1ts.willlram Neat Personnel. ti••tv.,1...;..,,a\ Stnlce f020 PP8466487 • mpo e Sl2.551hr. G.M. exp pre F\Jll~gf~~~g~ nent ORDER H.estaura:i' spelling essent1aL Apply 0, Pl~:1 2 refni S1.10 ea. hdrk ma ••;:t;j()yy0otiR080:,;;·· AMtol for Sole Atta Romto 9705 "'""' ir:: Brenda, °"I 5078 ap_pea ran rr & good l+. C t • ~ ...,, "" "'°"'" •••••••••••••••••••••• • (erred. Pleasant work position. Experience in Pl.OCESSJHG Penn ys aver. 16 6 O ~ Bi St pie r est S60. ~torai;!l' I.et us do the work • ••••••••••••••• •••••••• •J\l•f•••:7;•••••••••••••• • ing rondltions in Airport conv. 1st & 2nd T.D Ex Rapidly growing eon· T~CO IE.LL Pl~~el}~a-'-C.M . Cost~ J~s·a rabJ40 546-<Y76S Varnish, paint, clean. IMl'ORTAN r , 31""'1 Complex. No trans penenced only . Great cern 111 attractive loca 15 looking for Tull. part Sand141chShop An ui1IO t Em I r BAMBOO TA8LI-: with repairs. Exp. Newport NOTICETO VttouCon•enlo.? work requi red See working environment t1on serking manaser timehelp,dayor mght. Waitress Wailt'f & ~lasstop~ Mamtenance~~6S81 RF.ADERSAND Alll)all\lOC'onven 101 Service Mgr. Call Jennifer Hebner: wilh expenence rn high ~,:~lu~~;r/0' ad van kitchen helper. 11 3 30 . 497 6329 loah. Mcwiee ADVf.RTl~E H~ 1601) t o \ eloce. c xc HOWAlt~CM•rolet 7S4-l~l.E.OE volumn. direct salrs lll9Coast Hw}'.Lll&.B~h MonFti ~fo~l lw rrha WANTED Qual1f1ed KING INNEHSPR INt; .:.....: _ _.. 9030 The prH't' of itt·m~ 111~\uni; $1100 9192748 Dove/ uail Sts. Orange Coast Savings d r pt. Exp r r 1 r nee bl e $4 2s hr H m <'OUl\ter person for lion EXTRA fl RM tl ...,..r--"' ddH•rt1~t·d b1 , ~l11t'le 1 dft~r fipm 111 "knds NEWPO TBEACH 1700Adams,C M managing automated RETAIL CLF.RK, over <.~.lWI R 6313041 da MIC dealrr Cont3l1 ma ress ....................... d I h h I orde ~ 5 1·ng dept JS, Newport Bea ""~~'-' us 1 Joe"""7 .. .,.,., set. never used ... urlh Used 1 t>aers 1n t ,. 11· lt'l' 73 o\lla Sp,1lt'r perfe<'l Auto Parts counter! ________ _ person, Freeway Auto. Mission Viejo, 495-0100 BABYSITTER my home, H.B Full tame . 2 MACHINIST Laser manufacturer seeks talented a ppren lice or loumeyman with mill & alhe expenence cluldren. 96J. 7809 Baby Stttt:.r Needed Excellent pay benefits Wknd eV"e 's Only including health in· mature women a&tfl~ surance, vacation & holi M ho 7l4 ~· 7 da) pay Apply al Y mt I L'-'· Laakmann Electro- BOOKKEEPER full Opt1cs1 tnc . 330S2 Calle charge th ru trial Av1aoor . San Juan balance, comruler entry Capistrano <San Diego exper helftu I person f'w)d San Juan Creek ale. Reta1 Travel Agen· Roa olf rampl EOE· ry. 494.8()48 ask ~r Beuy1mMmFili1 H._ ____ _ Delivery persons O\'er 18 for L.A Times lo homes in C. M . 3a m ·6a m F.ronomy car re'lu1red No c olle c t1ng $400-SCSO/mo + bonus 646-0037. Dental Ass1stanl Are you looking for a rewarding career opportunity w/excellent potential for personal growth I< re· rognit.Jon-> Wt' seek your caring, chairside ex pertise to co mpliment our highly skilled team Modern. pleasant en vironment, excellent benefit package 11250 1f quahfted Newport Beach. 64(). 7922 MACHlt41STS Also Mach1n1st's lfelper Call for appl. ask for ~ark,_557·3380. _ _ Manicurist for pre stig_1oos skin l'are salon in South Coast Village Comm. or re~I SS6·11l6 MAltKETIHG ASSOC IA Tl Part-fime w 10C ex ecutJve For appl call 848.1B95 MARKETING M.AMAGEMEHT TlAIHH HIGH PAY 1No Exper Ner •Rapid Advanrment ; Management Career Pos1t1ons 'Prorit Shanng /Yoong. well groomed people preferred I lmmed Openrngs _ l1 lilt61·lil.5__ r p • ..,.,e 5 • v S ~,.d SCREENER Windo14 & ""OJJ'1 ~.sac S248dt'I NeH>r crwsm.: mainsJi cla~s1f1t>•J Jillt·1 1 1~1n1: for wrnmer runs xlnl exeellenl ~ople skills anrlb . t-0re. 108 22n home units. will train. WORD PROt't-:S~OR u.,ed queen sz. 14 orth IOoi. hd( 42 ft. IOOl 15 fl 6 rolumn' 1lt1l'' nut in llo.J\ 11111 int ~ood anddelega ng abiltlles St .. N 675 5643 retired OK HunllnRton Dictaphone Antl" 2000& 0!9. l'a&h only . $2111 del '"S250 I clud(' Jll) Jr•IJIH Jhle 1~1111f S:l!1!10 l!I~ G87S llyou are sttkmg a high * * * Bch SJ6..6561 Dual DtSpla) 1-1r .. 1hle l\ually home, 754 7350 6!3·5340 taxc-. h<ens1• lran~ft'r>I' growth position. contact ~IOllOTrolf houri. J da) 14t'ek • . . ZODIAC CADET 111° i:d fees fmann• ~hJrl!l'' IMW 9712 M Md h 147 t 18th St 18 • • * • * • • * • • • • • • • • M w• Thurs Sat• t-:ii; SOI' A BED Qn sz. br14 n cond $700, call fees for Jir polhl111in' on ........ • ••• ••••••••••• ike cFadden. T e Costa Mesa SECRET ARY prr. d f. ~pan din i: & 1told pla111 l(ood l'llnd ti75·9961 trol dc11lt lrn1fu·Jt10n\ & ... Marshall Group Person You are th'" 14•mner of I Stal typ1s1. rinanr1al sen 1ee Nonsmoker iioo 1133 8488 or dralt'r do111mentJr\ . -.;•. nelServ1ce,lnc ,Orean "' E\'INR'DL' 99 11 I' four free uckels ISl6 00 1 slatemenu. lax returns 1lleOH1re,S49 2188 1\\'\11 beds. llltt nel4 used " c. ~reparauon «hJr""'" un & Lmroln, P 0 Box r\ I. I h ft I h d " Carmel. CA 93921 \'aluetothe 1\tpe 70 wpm, 10 key WORD rRu C'E~SOR :1rmnths s100 c:i~ei 675o996 r'' I? bf°"~, .. ~~.hder~11, ... 'Pl't1f1t'd l4al>62S-S100 ....... loat SI.ow F'."xpenrnl·e req u1 red n e e d r d 1 m m " d ~ 99113 r-vv~ _ ~ '""a \tr l'l r -----AN'AffEU.f -I Nonsmoker Sa I a q · 8 o w P M h ~ J. 1 ) I loah. rower 9040 ,.______, 95 IO CREVIER BMW "tfteto Aeelic•h" CONVENTiO~ I $,1100 mo Cf'A !1rm ( ~ l -C""',.,.ER A~nl 17 .,. . lO!;t.i M~;1 Call la role lransl·nptmn rt.'Q om u__._ 8060 ••••••••••••••••• •••••• ••••••••••••••••••••• •• ----u• • "" 7._. I() puter t•>.per .i plus ~ 40 Owens Tahitian lt•e PACXAGERS To rla1m tic els. r ail I .,..)(~ Locatrd Laguna Jkh •.•••••••••••·.··~···~··• aboard shp a\ail Call W'NTED TM ExcitmcJ'82 IMW's Art ..,ere! S340hrtostan Menl 6425678, ext 272 Secrl'lOll') ·dntsal31) CalllJl'hr3~ak~prorlut1ni;marr. Judv or Han e~ " raises 1537 Monro\'la 'l'lrket~must~elaim~cl SGIHAu't/Se<'v ~94114 ~11~::t!~f;1• 't~ef~~a~~1642-46Mbtwn9am~11m TO BUY \ '''" r~ma1 n1ni: Kl "odel-. & Demos ar•• 1 :.till a 1 ail:ible ' We • 'Jlt'l'1ah1e 1n European Ave_. N B b> ,\pnl 23. l9112 I Operunit a1 .11Yahle i'l'I ;iy * * * I Isl for a Sa 1 es As WRITEIS Chief ma re in foal to JI' Uniflite Sprt F1shrr 1 •TE MODEL ill/TIM"' S · f R £ f. I.. A N C ~: 1\ r r .it a r 1 at 2 ) r Rebll 310 engines Full> I.A Pilh fo . ~ fi'..<11tl'r huvl•rs rt'ad the sislant t'l' Y in an Sperialtsts nertlcd lo Oelaware l'h1er fill y ' equipped Xlnt 1·ond USEO CARS l1en('al e P wanted for r1u~~1f1ed ad:. e\ t'n ln·ml' based <"Of!'P3 n) tlay' rrom stakes produr1nf I $:)GK, 1?44-5983 wholesale fa shion im d a' I ( )' o u ha\ .I! f Uml' pos111on Cnntal'l ..... ~ .... •-ach mare m lrainmg Yr 2" S b-d S df h WILSON FORD porter No expencncc sorn..thm.I! fM sale. rl' l_!erky 557SI18 ""' n -in~ Acralanat foal from • ea 1r • 14 or 1s I dt>h•t•n Jud tla141es!-f)r<' u"nrll HMW s Where t 11slomer Sl'r11(P t'11rnrs 1st! needed. Typing a plus ach 1hem fast ancl 1nl·~ Serv1er Station Allen A nr+l1in~ stakei; producing mar<' boat & trlr Com pl, re 18255 Be1H'h Ill\ cl c M [ll'OSl\'ely,call~2 5678 d ant M ~,.h a n 11 's 631 m-ext ('an be seen at Hansnn s ad y to r1sh $14 .5011 lluntinl(lon f\1•ac·h I Sales St'n it·~ Leasing 21~ W 1:-.t. Santa Ana nt111J:, 3lil l°lo~l·1t '-u nda} ~·153-!1]6 714·97H 944 Helper ~'ull & p time ~M , Stol'k farm,, 3i613 ~-5865 842·6611 I •1 p•1 _. See Mr Rolls 2490 •••••••••••••••••••••••j ~iiplanade A' llemet •-..Lo Sail 906 : al Y I 81 · · ·· · · ................. :. Fair\'ltwat fair, t" M ...... I 8005 121315!n 7013 ::°:;•••••••••••••••• ~C.''--'c/s Senini: pc·r~on Im •••••••••••••••••••••••,...._ _ _.__, ... Goodi 8065 SABOT. c4u1ppt•d tor ,_,.. medial<· upen1nl(, l'X * * * ..__ sa1hn~. w oars Good •••••••••••••••••••••••! rellent l0 um p an) I ••••••••••••• .. •••••••• l'Cllld1l1onJ3'7SlS9-1677 MODEL "A"s! Pl ::, \ L> I> I. f: R i\ (' K 1:1!'11W lci~o with round R~W ir1 middle of R e \ e r ' " d S t\ [J IH.F:R \Cl\ " Part tune person to dehvC'r Daily Pilot auto route In Lag. Bch·7 days per wk- a bout 2 hrs per day, M·F, 3:30PM Sat-Sun-5AM. MUST LIVE IN LAG BCH AREA No collecting. F.ammgs $300 per month and up CaJI -Oatly Pilot, 642-4321-lve name & phone ror call back & interview benefits Apply In person l.ft ~ Ri1tn ROX Spnng tdouble I and . b Sha~ repfi('a!> p1rk up:-. J uni) Jol i) Roger.(' M 17670SanS11rwon 1!\IAITRF:SSS2S ,, ~nlen>st in Colum ia & roupe' ~ tn C"hoo~t· 2300Hartlor Bl Pountam \'alle\ 4!17 63291.a,g lkh 4s Motor sailer, xlnl from' 10Hti76111 rStk I You are th1• wmner or ........... ..&... 80701 condb.I Newport ~·tllp I ''"'"'"• l'nl·"· •IJnln•• ~ \ l rs s r. R \ 1 t "-SKILLS fourrreehcket\t$1600 1 -..... , arrua e partnrr •• ust """"'' '' ~ " 1.1:.ASl~G TlAIHIHG 'aluetothe ••••••••••••••••••••••• sell ~i9 al I R2fi3.1<S10palgreen, .e. •• ...a. • loot Sh EMfo:RALDS Birth~lnnel ---I OHLY S9,'95! j M 9 ~~:e~~urr~~~nt~n~~~ ;u~!:'AJIEIM ow for Ma)' Your r ho1t•e ~lps/ 9070 5~~t·'>1S;ifa~er ~ 5 plus l140 w reks each CONVENTION on.I) S20ea 6411 ISGllll I 5sprl •ser 5102 k~~~r\ne th~e~\:nm~ Toc~~Rt~!ke~~; ~all MtcelaMous 8080 ••••••s;j;;~~~ij•••••• I f,.~lt·'ii\lpi~~c~~~2J 1 skill getexpenence Ex· 642 S678 ext 272 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Up to ':I/fl. COM area 'R2i'131..,11fan blue tra rmney. PX and re Tickets must be claimed Shutters 4 panel eaeh. 24 S900 per fl Call PtRIO I Sspd tser S2411 ' urement benefits Call b~ Apn1 23.1982 x94 · rouRh "al not or Came. 714 9SS 2473 '82i:l:.h l'olam Today * -· * rm1sh, $'ZOO 963 41113 wic-da 8-5 j -5 S!)tl Iser 5505 Huntm~on Bl'h 962 882\ 1:? 15 loveseals SJtl\lea Shor; moonng & boat., 19 4 9 For ti P 1 r t.. up R2 7331 l ht'~tnut Sanla Ana~2 311L ..... me" 10 I 0 4'"3' ornate 14 mirror pnme Lido lslr location t1athrad 6 run~ i:ood JU\O 1ser 6288 t ..:..--------------------------••••••••••••••••••••••• $195. 6"44·!1M!i ch R73·90SI &l5-2Q27 aft 7 3QPM BX> firm 4!1F.R 751 6016 EXCF:LLENT HARBOR ARt:A e1 ---aft 5,m 5!.1114 SEl.t-:CTION .......................................... ArPLIANCt: St-:R\'ICf. W II d 12 P.I Mikasa china $550 .......... °"Harbour ·~ rordSport l'oupt• ~S,11l1' & .iutos . 320 S e se ret·on . 11uar 10 · dr Port TV 12so 'oat S271lO parkaj!.t'i< and 52111 s 5 ¥j>!!_ant·es 549·307\ 644 ~ dy, 673 9051 ev shps avail 714 1146 7766 Call 675 3175 ~pd & auto!>' llUYA.PPLIAHCES Ultra Sonic rlraner. °'213592·~S9 "29forrl!\edandc•l11 rn . lll-2040 495.4949 Us.-957·8133 , ~a~ge :SOm~uno rabinel U~ lo 44' sailboat shp. UOfl'SlOred llll\'C' l1lf1• ~~~~~~rwy Placmg your Classified For a..lf'wd A4 ad IS so simple 1usl ( <Q:> ) AcnON give us a call on lhe { ) ·_;.'i1;.r·. sr::;.:;Fi!:.':.~ "'1NTBD Oassifi('d Ads 642·5678 na ••IJ Piiat ··············· ...... : DISTRICT MANAGER This highly succesaful local newspaper has an opening in the circulatton de· partment for a District Manager. Basic skills will entail supervision of lO to 14 year old boy and girl home delivery carriers. Areas of supervi1ion will be delivery. collections and sales. Selected • applicants will ~ve ~Jy schedu- led railet, bonua opponuruues and man)' fringe benefits such as company paid dental and health plan, group life lnsu- rant"e, vacation and lick leeve. Company vehicle It furni1hed during working houri. Appllcants mutt be over 18, hAw a good drlvtu1 record and be neat ap· pearlng. Hourt are generally Monday thru Friday. Some overtiJM available. U you art qualified and lnttrttted ln lear· nine the drcuJatJon bualneu. contact Don Wllliaml. Apply ln pmon, 8:30 to lO:!OAM or 2:00 iO IPM. ' • :.t,::..:_ C.-Mla. CA. ..-~·,·~ . . . .. •' •••••••••••••••................•.....•.•. ( c---cos---} ) 'NeWspaper Carriers tor routes in Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley & Newport Beach • Good Ecrnings • Super Trips • Cireat Prim CALL . CIRCULATION • _Q{f>ART~T ..., ... 842 .. 321 • Retng .. Signature Frost ~· _L ewport Beat'h area $651)() 675·3175 Mission Viefo I~ IS, like new $250 i\CRYLIC NAILS $30 , ---~H7so Tniclu 9560 1,\ven Exitor 15) 00-~1 New York Salon on the BOAT SLIPS AVAii. •••••••••••••••••••••.. t)pt.'oSunday~ Re ( r1 g er at 0 r s I 7 s walt'r at Peter's L:rnd Newport Bt'h 25'. 45 '. 20· .73 GMC , 1 ton Pl, lo m '· Washer & dryer $125 ea mg 64.2-~.!SJ?m I k Dis hwas her SIOO 213·5921004,1146·0036 due ton s. 1•mp1 •hell $265(1 645 1141 !I 646-51148 John Wayne Tennis Club T CWCifO'"tatkMt 9590 Refrigerator, frost free, bes:nemofber rship. SI 100 or .:••••••••••••••••••••• Wot W.ted like new, clean s1ss t tr ~4544 -1ca """ S./ ...................... . •9060 _ An~elsSeasooTlckets ..... 9120 WIMHO YOUI SIS refrig, Philco Ford. . or sale. dub level. ••••••••••••••••••••••• GOOO USED Cil1 avondo g-m, xlnt cond '6face~I~ 546·31~ 16 FORD RANGER with An)'thlng t'ons1<fered : .546-<Yl6Bart6PM PACMA~ 1981 CamJ?e.!.i rully l9'77thru19&(1 Col pe d b eqtapped MU~l SELL ~ IT\ld!iay0 Sil rd~w~ typ/ In excellent cond1t1on !!_acntktl2700 644-.5687 540-M73 1 .. Air Dome pool encl , C-A MP ER S II ELL • K swim all yr Save on Sll>ctland Pita 68·72 El Kenmore portable dis healing bills Xlnt rond. Camino. I yr old Xlnt hwasher with chopptnit IG60lo!r 642-9666 ~ 11125. 547 1845 _ boa~-~ ........... tl40 ___§/,:, La&lllla Bch_. _ ~rt Beach Tennis .......... ••••••••••••• Wh irlpool gas clothes Club, fam ily Mt>m · BATAVUS MO.PED dryer. Never used. S27S bersh1p for salt'. 1100 Excellent Cond soo mi ~I.~·~--(save S500). Oya 7S2·1499 IOJO M2·{1flevs923•9323 NEW "Weatern Flyer" P~ P.wt rn>ped. won in charll)' Contrlcfor'a surplus bfneflt, retails t6SO, sell paint. Hlaheat quality (pr_f!9, "4·4613 p_alnt. Slnd1lr, Dunn "'1: t:" EdwerdJ, Pltuburah •·-:: and <tMh In all rolon. • t I H .......... ••••••••••••• "1ata, OIL BASE\ Semi -.... •••••••••••••••• w Jt 'fc{ ft ltl (lou enarnt1s 1nd HARLEY·DAVIDSON ~ ' I tpt('laft.1_,Palftlt. A to ST Kll•llle Baaktt UH, .a·'tai: ~llO r~wc'::ci per 1a1. On sale April 11 mo• t I J _ or I a In a I . f•dn.. Lowt1t ~rice Ir &a fn>m 8 AM lo •Pm PeG0/080 . JI ~our~•~•t 1a1 1uar 111 or en So Slmp10J Cir 111 MMeim. S1 Fwy kl Ball .... Oii Bill, .... ··~ . ......,.,•..,.,•k.,.,,''Wi' r:. . .~ ... #1 ... ~C-ty ~ Harbor Rlvc1 COSTA MESA --!JJ.1_500 WE PAY TOP DOLLAR roausiD CARS ALAHMA6"0M '•~L~'f!fU COSTA MESA .l4t:il1Llil~ WllUY Q.IAMCAIS Atm11UCIS T1M Most bcitlltcJ Par10f Yow IMW PurchoM Ot' LeawCCMIUlt Mclarett IMW!! a.,orL .... ly Ow"-' Pi-! l7 I 4lS22-5lll OUMGE COUMTY'S OLDEST & &ilts-Str\11C't·IA!as1n~ Lale-'19 1331h low milt~. rww t-ond l ru-out. As •umP le_ue with low in· ltrttt ratf'. Call Anthony d1y1 642-$757. eves • \!knda 631·~ '72 2'002~ t itan. ---~---"" IMW 208l. 4 ~ • • /fm r111tllt. Ix· '*-llakeolftt -• Oranp Cout DAILY PILOT/Monday, Aprll 121 1882 ..._-.,,,w .......... 1rt.d 'q1rW ........ aw · Mtoe.-.... rt.ci Wot,..,etied A.tot,l .. 1..W ...._UMd ..,_.,UM4 Alttt.UM4 ............................................................................... ; .•..•...•.. ········~·············· ..................•..................................................••.••••••••..••••••....••..•••••...••..••••.. ~ ............ !?.'.~ ~.:= ......... !?!~~ ............ !?.a.! ~~~.~~ .... !?~ ~ .......... !?.•.~ !~}.~!~ .. ._ ........ !!.~~ !~~ ............ !?.1.~ ~ .......... !!.'.~ ~=~~ ........ !!~~ ~ ........... !!.~~ ~llft Vt, aUtk. Ntw MIW 'IZ Hooda Clvl"' 4 Dr "IOMERCEDESlSCK.• Yrlt'Jr• '11 Toyoti l'oronu llkt "19 Volvo~ GL. lo•dt'd, am l"Mvroltt C1m1ro is Non, towner, 2dr. t 'ff l.INCOLN CONT /flrb U'" t attr.o ~ ,. la• per mo 23.000 mi Vtry tlun ~ UI new Air, r1w1nd dofo&. lo mlltllt. mint t·ond ~II JJCIY.t'r. 11r C'Ond ' <'YI, 1uto t:uelltnt Good transportation tar lllOlflN end• mo. ltllt mw1 MS 083., 4 door b k Ii •ttrro rauettt. ttlt t• .7 . '4001080 U » ffiJ i1l4l "4-0119 'l"'r"' ~ "C?,l1f.~ ~~DI um ~"' t:i~T ~ue "'100 848 ~ whrt'I, rrum control. ,..._&.. $41 093 !IOIOtl) * * • Tonn {Y.ork t 673 143-4 ~~ ., __ ~ rally wheel• 41 mort•! -r-ftH $24 flO ..._. t7lt ....._ .. ,..., CirdenCrovt ---New mtlalllr brown ••••••••n••••••••••••• 13 Matt IV Lincoln, new • ........................ J0'101~atll '8l\'d lz:lll S...s.r.kt-4..... 'llOCrtalda W111on. rully ••••••••••••••••••••••• reniah with Hddlt 111 7J eor.i.. redial tlrtt, new paint, 1'Cllfl1 Olll1, new radt.I HONDA Hunlinl\on Buth 7.l4.6l6-2JJJ cqpt •• cyl. IUIO. 21 2tl .. di tt I 0 lt'tiOI' UWXNR I W99 lllK ml ftOOcf cona $2200 very cltan Must see. tlree, 4 •'411. air. •Int ~t AMA You are llle winntr ur mp&. xlnt t'Olld S1MO ••••••••••••••••••••••• Earlt lkei Toyo111 fine ODO 63 7135 w d IUJill!~ • M4·1'1A$ row fr. llt-ket• 1116 OO> 914 Compl rtt011d. miany &41-0886 55111215 ·11 Sk 1 k 30 000 U • .. d Ca r Sa I e • ---- '.!!!!ll...ll!ur. arner val .. lo~ utraa, see to ap· -~ · · ' Y" · ' mi 186619'10 IJubor Blvd . C111611 ,.. 9930...... ttU ~ ............ !?!!,.. ~· re.ec1a1e. s •uo1o bo. ·~e~~r,~3i~~~~' ~~~ ~~mt·~;r ' ~5~Mtsa 64611303 ..... j>:Mou§ ...... ··~eecoN·vE:i\.fiai.·E··· '!!!J>t~~.:.~x ,1: ....................... CONVENTION ·s a~ic Coupt! w / s~n . .!'Coro? ~II ~d • d Cecllec t915 Qrfrolef tt20 Corv r pokw~ Needs ~ .. ·~ a1ir. IJl!.-.flnt -• "71 ~ft de -" I Id C!NTER April IT 2S root ood • ••""-• "' a. • r, .. sp • ••••••••••••••••n••••• I llOllll' wor _,., ~'""" -W~-.. ~(nAe::t:I~~ tan l~t. r'zs'K 1ni. •:1ni To claim tickets. r11ll 875 ~-en11ne . ......,.,. or111. owner. l2900 or or COHTIM,LATIHG ....................... 6318812 '66 Mu1tan1 V-8. auto . .Uvtrflai8hwllhdTluxe ~'46·6804 suus f1 U2 H78, ext 272 'OOROAosTER f!!,Pllt.Party 140·8618 CAD!a.LAC7 WANTED Dodp 9US am/fm uuette. idnl I nterior . St Y I ah '75 Flat ~pyder low ~:r• :~: • ~~:J1~111~.d111med New int' top. Ill SOU '*> 1'oyoto Cellu. Below We spcirla lit! in luses TO BUY ....................... CO!!d. ~·~-- etoaomy. !263VCP> =•mni~ iound "' · __ ~0832 · __ wholesale. All xtra f~r tllr but.1neu ex 'tll Dodge Chuger RT, 0 ... .._ 9955 tme. '4!!e lkeToyota· . 2e 111Plfl * • * ~·IM!l--~,5462429 e(u\ive1tproress1on11I 1 •TE MODEL '411 Magnum, A.IT . PS,••• .. •••••••••••••••••• Fine Uaeu Car Sa lea ---WWI.. .. ... .... loJc• t7HI t...., S.dloit -PH. dean some body ~mo Herbor Blvd • .._. '727 Ml'i 974J ••••••••••n••••••••••• YcAawt19" 9770 Of..._ 912 USS> CARS damage lett side Many WANTED Colt• Meaa t 48·U03 ...................... ·,:=:~ cma •u St) llll ••••••••••••••••••••••• •t DEALER IN U.S.A. • ..................... • ~ n e ;Jar ta s 15 es "'t 1uG "°C:"' stc!111 WILSON FORD 6.1t -TO BUY WE'RE ATT&tTIOH ~CARVER • Neiw parn . tJrei. •Int t8255Bearh lllvd ford H40 '7tU-7GS MG -~ ~ 33~&~650 ~ABER~ HuntingtonBearh •••• , ... ,.............. LATE MODEL Air. S speed. sunroor. OWMHS N....11\..L -Af)ll I \~ ~ .JU ill I 1976 Ford Cr1nada 4 USED CARS OEAUN' ~~iw'r.~1sell. make TO~J'~.~~~R~~R ~~!:;!=~· :'ui~.~.J>:~h:~,.~~::n ''H"''"': ,:.~1 ' SHUSFfRST! ~;rrnJ::·~n~~~r111n'/ WILSON FOID l.EDIATE W..ce•sa.. Neveruffd.S1S '-ClOSIOSUHOAYS • • Ca~tr stereo, super , ·••\\,, .,.111 11,.1 Wehaveagoodstlecllon automallrtransm1ss1on. Ul2:S5Beuh81vd 9740 Mana631·1797 lvt msg rlean, M.000 lo ml PP o r NEW & USED air rond . power steer Huntln"'on Buch ....................... ~ 9762 760-181111ft6PM £ Cllevrolels1 1111. radio. heater. ha~ "' llUVEIY ON •Ml, ,_..me •••••••••••"n•••••••• '6SSQUAR EB Al'K 'IK> Ct: de Ville. assume low miles & 15 an t'Xcep 842-66Jj_ _ ~......tu--· MGI 9744 SubaruDL HatC'hb<1rk " "" r ('II t1onally rll'lln ('Ir ' -~ I ••••••u•u••••••••••.,. CS. 5-spd m>or will part out exl5 mg mant'lnl( a <235RFB> SpeC'1al al on '79 ..... 1-. 1t'1S Dallun B210 2 door w\tA an econom1ral 4 speed trans.. radio a. heater . Very clean! (ZIRJH) Yours for just s-e. Earle Ike Toyota tine Used Car Sales talt70 Harbor Blvd . Costa Mesa 646 9303 ~ unsr toeNW 6459947 ton. 8332009 or t'VfS ly $2999 Earle Ike CUTLASS.SUPREME lftU _.ha .. M7 6mcebAt~~w . t~~'J£, '78 VW Rabbit Db. air. ml229 Toyota Finl' USl'd Car BROUG HAM. $4700 MODELS Compafe lfdllse or Im· chrome paint. tonneau. SalesStrv1re·Lt11stnl( sterfO. mint Orlll No THEUIGEST Sales 1966·1970 Harbor MaktoHtr752·'499 __ !JON Dirttt lean and 6Q bra. uphol & reblt enic. 5.ADOLllACI nicks or drnts '3700 SB.ECTIOM Blvd . Cos la Mes a '73 OnYga Olds 6 <'yl. , l}"°~·as~nsi2bl~ fY'°o15r muC'h murh more SUlilU J_1'!'54Jl724~ or late mo del. low Ill C1tat1on Cpe. 4 spd. 646-93Cp_5409467 hatC'hback . 2 dr SAVE 714/MERCEDES is 213 ~~~·7211 111.1•uo _.i1•1r.._.i1•.i1t ·~ Fastba<'k. runs ROOd. mileage Cad1ll111·s in 13 000 n\1 ~00 or as WANTED ~7~Lmakeofr 960-~ or 71•1637.2333 '-----~-_"'llw :u-,_ ...,,...or trade Sout~mCalUorn1a~ s ~me 1st 955 003 1 996,. .. '77 MGB Lo m1. m1nl _.., witd "'-• oi cond AM / f'M radio T... 9765 ~960-2617 HAIERS ys, S.S} 1673 eves TO BUY ••~•••••••••••••••••••• AT u..-des Sale Red. 1390U I owner ........................ '73Super Bui(. mini t'Ond C.6.DILL.6.C '76 MallMI CleH . '71 CUDA 383 4 spd PS lllllllil\11 6.11·16117 1972 Toyota Corolla Cuat int AM I FM . ~A'ii&i -B"'l 2 cfr. auto. Alf/t-M 11 ••TEMODEL PB, high ~rformanc~ "71210Z. Miot cond Ong For European delivery --Wagon Automatir radials. New r lutl'h ar rBvd lra<'k stereo. I owner -Jl(XX>/bslofr &42~6R._ own er. 21 ,000 mi HONDA atractory.April30thor Op-' 9746 trans .. radio. heatrr. ~645:9857 COSTA MESI\ 1?~631-7434 USED CARS Automatic, AM /FM early May. One 300 D .. ••••••••••••••••••••• rool rark & an exC'ep-·-· 540-1860 '73ChevyNova.JSO.auto. WILSON FORD '°""oc tt65 stereo, silver w/blk Int turbo Sfdah and one 300 '71 0..1 GT tional tO yr old C'ar '76Srirocro. Silver, 4 spd, PS. PB. tlew paint. new •••••••••••••• .. ••••••• moo. 7 52· 16 7 7 d a D Wagon. Save dollars. *1300. 96J.)f61 pnred to sell. t417G IOI. 68K mi. Orig. owner R.eposst'S11on sale make ood h 1 WANT£ ~lev · -SANTA For more information. %!!" --Earle Ike Toyota-Fine ~.!94·21110 bid on ·79 t:J)l' de Ville. llres. gc mec anic•a , 1825S Bearh Blvd O '711200, auto. am/rm CALL· Virgina 714 ~ 9741 Used Car Sa l es (ullyeqwpped 8915361 <'Ofld Call850·l710arter lluntmgtonBear h "a•••tt•. *1300 OBO. ~or645·1122 •••••oo•••••••••••• .. •• 1966-1970 Harbor Blvd . Vat•o 977 3pm. . ~ ... .,.66 ll TO BUY ~ ...... " " C t M 646 9303 ••••••••••• .. ••••••••• ·77 fltttwood Broul(ham . • CORYmE ~· at-Zmorl31·1356 I 982s os 1 esa. · Xlnt t'ond. wirt' whls. "71 Dat.11111 280Z. $2,000 ANA To Place your ~~· /1Jo~~~~~5~h~• sunroor. lealher. pwr LoadJ.~5159~~. eh· ReoJa~ ~~ ~~ "ood. LATE MODEL below book, 1 owner· , "Fast Result" ARE HERE! '76 Cehr:. new paint. s seats, CB. t·rwst' rnnl Sec,4?40/72l7 • "fr>:rious ramily "rar USED CARS,_ newrbit,5spd, air. new O>me in and dnve the spd.dA IFdM sSt3e2rtoo: SALIS, 5,_YICE ~7601or86rer18P.v22t '!~~JY OHLY $11 ... 911. Make orfer 640 S228 WILSON FORD t.1ra. wirt wlils impe<'· Parts&Strvice Open Service Directory' leading diesel! Availa go5~1 ron 0 IPl " "'" HOW••s ci.:w--•-t aftl'r6Pm & Wknds eab(e cond thruout All Day Saturday ad .. . Call Now ble for 1mmed1ate de 67 ,.... OVE~~l~vlRv ·i.isEVILLE Do~ uail sir-.76 Granada. 2 dr. 6 l') I. ams Beech Bl\'d -· CaU Mr. W1lhams 301 W Warner Ave livery ! See why people "76 c.orolla Dix. Air. 42K EXPERTS Blark blar k loaded Huntington Beach se. (lblk westor Ma1n> 642-5671 ~~d s~1trh 1 ng to m1. good rond $2250 113 .. 500 · 5402.430 N~'ri~;lliBEACH ~~r~~t" radio lil•.6.6JJ '772IOZ.40Km1.lowner. 7430 bt.JJ2 ...... eot I 6.1l-J7lla.ft~m._ -EAi "72t'ad.runsxlnt.mul'h mtt blue., •It amtrm. -I IEACH IMPORTS 0on· lf IH rttent work S900 rirm '78 Station Wagon. 6 l'yl U.CO.. tt45 YfCJD 9974 CB, more. Xlnt road. . . . I i4I bOvt Street I . t let that ~hone JU.st YOl YO SJS.99S7 Air. auto. pwr steenng ................ ,, ............................ . 131..sGll A I w y s a s a I e 1 n Tum to todays class1ried NEWPORT BEACH sit there• Put 1t to work· 1966 Harl>or Blvd brak~. windows Tilt. "66 ~r. 48.000 mi Exl' 74 Vega. runs. nl'eds --c "fi~·read the adsl ror the bl'St buys 752 090 n advertisl' in cla.ss1fied COSTA.MESA roor ra<'k . am fm 'cond $3000 rirm work ssoo best oUer Call&t2~ t .642·5678 64Z·S618 _ ---·---~-1 642,.5678 64'-'30l540.t4'7 _('~~494.1733 !44-~d 6739051ev ~ 0 ATLAS CHRYSLSl.ft. YMOUTH 2929 Harbor Blvd Costa Mesa Tel 546-193'. 3 blocks south 01 San Diego Freeway off Harbor Blvd. Complete ,body shop Sales Service. Pans. Service Dept. open Monday thru Friday 7 30 AM lo 5 30 PM. and 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. on Saturday • HACH IMPOllTS 'T 848 Dove Streel. Newport Beach Tel 752-0900 Call us. "'re the spec1a11sts for Alfa Romeo. Peugeot. Saal> & Maserall • THEODOREROllHSFOaD Modern 111es. service. parts, body, J>lllnt & tire depcs. Co~titlve rates on lease & dally rentals. 2060 Harbor Btvd., Costa Mesa. 642-0010 Of 540-8211. • JOHMSON & SON UMCOLH MBCURY 2e2e Harbor Blvd . Costa Mesa Tet. 54C>-5630. 57 Years or fnendly family service -Orlln09 County's Oldest Un- coln-Mefcury dealership SOUTH COAST DODGE 2888 Harbor Blvd . Co1ta Meea. Tel. 540-0330. RV l8tllice 1P9C1alltta. custom van converllons. • • HIWftORT IMPOln"S 3100 W. Co11t Highway, Newport Buch. Tel. "2~540·1764 The Ferrwl HeedQuartera. MATCH THE NUMBERS ON THE MAP WITH THE NUMBERS IN THE BOXES • NEWPORT DATSUN 8118 Dove Street. Newport Beach. Tel. 833-1300. At the triangle of Jamboree, MacArthur & Bristol behind Victoria Station Sales. Service, Leasing & Parts. We make great deals! • MAIERS CADILLAC 2600 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa. Tel. 540-9100. Orange County s Largest Cadillac dealer Sales. Service. Leas- ing. • DAVID J. PHILLIPS IUICK.flOMTIAC.MA%DA Salea • Sen11ce • Leasing Laguna Hills 24888 Alicia Parkway 837-2400 • CHICK IVERSON roasc.-.AUDl-VW 415 E. Coast Hwy., Newport Beach 673-0900. The only dealership 1n Orange County with these three great makes under one roofl • AL.AH MAGHO'N POMTIAC.SUl.6.JtU 2480 Herbor Blvd . Co111 Meta. Tel. 54~. S1111 • ..., Service, LHting. "Mr. GoodWrench " 0 HOUH OF IMPOllTS MllC_,,19G , .............. ~ 8882 Mancheater Blvd., Buena Partt (on Santa Ana FrMWey). T11<e 911ch 91Vd. otfr1mp -aherp right on MencMlter. OW. MER.CEDES (2t3 or 714) 837·2333 • • IOI LONGNE PONTIAC 13600 Beach Blvd Westminster Tel 892-6651 Orange County s oldest and largest Pontiac dealersn1p Safes. Service. Parts • SAIL CHEVROLET 900 South Coast Highway Laguna Beach "a.ny• ........... -,.., .. SALES HOURS : Mon ·Fri &-7, Sat. ~5. Sun. 10-4 494-1131 546-9967 COSTA MES.A DATSUN 2845 Harbor Blvd , Costa Mesa Tel 540-6410 Serving Orange County for 16 years 1 Mile So 405 SUNSET FORD, INC. (Home ol Willie the Whale~ 5440 Garden Grove Blvd .. Westminster Tel 63&-4010 • • SAMT A AMA DATSUN 2001 E. 17th Street. Santa Ana. Tel. 558-7811. Your. Original Dediceted Oat1un Dealer • MIRACLE MAZDA W•"ve movedl Our new locahon 1s 1425 Baker Street, Cos1a M9ea. Tel. 545-3334. Stop by & visit our brand new showroom and see why we're the #1 Mazd1 dealer In Southern Callfornt1. Salee, Service, Parts and Leasing . • ANAHllM MA%D.6. "<>Mr o.c. ..... De.-•• ...... s.rrla "--Cert" 801 S. Anaheim Blvd . .,Anahelm 956-1820 Just north of Santa An1 Frwy. on Anaheim Blvd. Call ut lirstl "WE ARE HARO TO AND-iSUT WORTH ITI" • SADDLUACK IMW /SUIAltU 29402 Marguerite Pkwy., AV«Y Pl<W'f exil wa offer what no bank o r lease ~ny can. 1. EKpertly tttffed, most mod•rn Hrvlce & parts dept.: 2. Orie of the 9outhland'1 mo1t •KP•tl•nced Ml• & leaelng staff; 3. Elimination of th• mlddl•man by IMllng dMler direct. 131 •2040 MINIOn V O 415-*I DGM L.IASIHG, INC. 730 W 19th St., Costa Mesa 642· 1944 You're in !or a surprise 11 DGM Leasing 0 CONNILL CHIYIOUT .2828 Hart>6r"Blvd .. Costa Mesa. ~ 20 years NtVlng Oran~ County! Sales. leasing. MrVloe. Call s.&-1200; special perts line: 546·9400. body shOp llne: 754-0400. • ROY CARVIR ROU.S ROYCl-IMW 1540 Jamboree Road. Newport Beach. 640-6444. Sa111, Service, Perts And Lea11ng • DICK MILLll "A TILANCIA "Probably the IOWelt priced Fla~" Southern Callfornle" (Locat.ci 1 mii. no<th of South Coeat Plaza near Main St. •nd Werner A.,. In Santa Ana.) 120 W. Wert'tfK. Santa Ane 5&7·2132 FOR F~RTHEFl INF~RMATION, OR TO BE PLACED ON THIS AD, CONTACT YOUR DAILY PILOT REP . . I . • .. MONDAY. APRIL 12, 1982 Of~A N GE COUNTY . CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS 1 ~ guests ' flee names ·a oa estroye ote ' . Blaze difficult to fight By STEVE MARBLE • Of the Deir ...... ..,, A Balboa Peninsula hot.el wai destroyed in a s tubborn pre~ dawn blaze today that took 3' firefighters nearly three hours and a half to quell and left l~ hotel guest.s homeless and fiv( more unaccounted for. Authorities said it is believed the five Bay View Hotel guestl they've been unable to local~ were away or out of town at the time of the 12:41 a.m. fire. ~men said it is not believed anyone was trapped inside the second-story hotel near the en- trance to the Balboa Island Fer- ry. A spokesman for the Orangf County chapter of the Red ~ whic h relocated hotel guests a~ anothe r pe ninsula hotel, saicj they int.end to keep workers near the entrance to th~ gutted hotel today in h op es of finding the missing five when they return to the hotel. The fire, which caused an es- timated $400,000 damage to the hot.el and three oommerda1 busi- nesses located on the first Ooor o·f the structure, reportedly started slowly. gjving guests time to ga- ther up personal belongings. INFERNO AT BALBOA -Newpo(t Beech fire units fNlttled for more than three hours today in efforts to control stubborn and widespread fire that dettroyed lhe landmark Bay View Hotel located at the Balboa ferry landing above sum- mer shops. There were no injuries although five ..., .......... ., ........ ~ of the eemi-permanent guests haven't been loca- ted and were believed to be out of town. Fire started at 12:41 a.m. 8nd was under control at. 4 . Fireman Russ Cheek said the blaze was extremely difficult tD douse a nd reignited several times. He said Ne wport fire- fighters were joined by squads from C.OSta Mesa and Santa Ana . Cheek said the Orange County Sheriff's Harbor Patrol brought two fire boats up the harbor to h elp spray down the burning building. Nine await Laguna vote on council Banning opponents success£ ul? Valley voters Leaders of a Newport Beach earlier this year, i~cludes plans . The .w-;st Newport outfit was go to polls Authorities said they were able to keep the blaze from spreading to the business outlets below the hot.el, which include a bar, an ice cream stand and a gift shop. referendum campaign today for homes and office and indu-jolned m its ~ferendum push by claimed they've collected enough st~al corutruc.tion on a 75-a~r:e Stop Polluting ~ur ~ewp?rt on Tuesday signatures to force the City shce of l~nd inland of Pacific (SPON) and Residents ~ctton Council to either abandon the Coast Highway and west of Plan <ft:AP>. t~o groups mst.ru- The damage also caused ope- rators of the Balboa ferry to cloee the entrance to the ferry. The ferry, a city spokesman said, will unload and load passengers at a public dock near the Ba lboa Pavilion for an unde termined period. By JEFF PARKER 0( tM Deir Piiot • ..., Laguna Beach voters will have Crom 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. at the polls Tuesday to decide which o( nine candidates will fill the three open seats on the City Council. Between 45 and 47 percent of the city's 13,000 registered voters are exepcted to cast votes at 11 precinct locations where booth. will be set up. The nine candidates repre9ellt an array of interests, from gay rights to pro-development, moderate development and no development at all. The candi- dates, their ages, ottUpations and years in the city are as follows: -Pat Barry, age 30, execu- tive director of the Boys Club, resident of Laguna Beach for three years. -Kelly Boyd, age 38, restau- rant manager and council in- cumbent, a 38-year resident of the city. -Paal C~rlttlusen, age 31, as inn.keeper and 18 year resident of Laguna Beach. -Bob Gemtry, age 43, aaso- (See LAGUNA RACE, Pace AZ) WORLD Banning Ranch project or put it Superior Avenue. men~ m leading a refer:~mdum to a citywide vote. campaign late last y~r agamst the The announcement marks the The protest against the $100 Irvine Com~any s. Newport second time in just eight months million project has come largely Cent.er expansion projeet. that Newport citiz.ens have orga-from members o( the West The Newport Cen~r proJec:t ni.zed referendum drives to tum Newport Legislative Alliance, a was scuttled by the aty ~ back development projects. collection of homeowner groups after the Irvine Cornpan:y said it Mike Johnson, leader of the who maintain the project will wanted to avoid an election con- referendum drive, estimated his bring too much traffic. test. group bas gathered roughly 6,000 signatures. If verified, the names far exceed the 4,300 names nee- ded to qualify. . Johnson said the group will meet today's deadline by turning the shmatures over to Newport City Clerk Wanda Andenen late this afternoon. Light Huntington turnout expected "We were getting a little wor-By ROBERT BARKER ried late last week," said John-Of!M Deir ,... .._.. But not nearly that number is e xpected to vote. BOn, "but I think th•'• no doubt now that we've ma4e it." The signatures, according to law, must be inspected and veri- fied by the city clerk's office. The c lerk's office has 30 day1 to 8Crt.ltiniz.e the names and confirm signatures of registered Newport voters. The Banning Ranch project, approved by the Newport council Nearly 100,000 Huntington Beach residents are registered to vote Tueeday as 16 candidates vie for four city council seata and two old rivala compete for the city atto.mey post. Figures releued today by the city clerk'• office show that 96,- 849 residenu are eligible to cut' ballou. STATE Only 15 percent of 'the re- gistered voten turned out in the fast city election in 1980 and City Clerk Alicia Wentworth ia pre- dicUng about the same showing Tuetlday. She also says the number of registered voters ii in11.ated be- cause voter li•tl haven't been (See BlJNTINGTON, hae Al) 11 Palestinians wounded JERUSALEM (AP) -Iaraeli gunfire wounded at least 11 Palestiniana wqay u ttrl1us and the wont Arab riots in yeen swept braeli-occupled territories ' OORONA (AP) -Eleven couplee with children face eviction from a Rivenlde County trailer park despite a state Supreme Court ruling that struck down a alml1ar child ban as di.9criminatory in most rental housing. NATION Decision took long time Steve Allen •Y. tt11 taken 11 yean to aocept b1I IOn'I dedlion to jam a commune. P-ae A7. Nisf,i owls' I at'orite Larry Ktnc hM an atmllve Nd.lo a•ldllla ew11 tboulb malt of A.....-ii.-.., at the time. P..-Al. Missing sailboats sought . SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -The Coa1t Guard resumed the 9Nl'Ch today for four people aboard two radn1 aallboatl reported mJ81ina after a 1ale-force ltOnn that killed two other ..non. COUNTY 1V orJc off tba.e calorieti Need a pllOI to work oft all dMI caJomi fram the' ~ MID and ONde or Ppt a ••.mlraf Y~ 'M.Y Wiiit to Jam die Oilitil ..... CiUWd ..... -...-111. ' • By PHIL SNEIDERMAN Of!M Deir .... ...., Fountain Valley voters will visit the polls Tuesday to chooee among 10 candidates vying for three city council seats. Polling places in the city's 28 preci.ncta will be open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. According to City Clerk Eve- lyn McClendoo., 28,200 Fountain Valley residents are registered to vote. She said voters who do not know the location of their polling place should call the city clerk's office, 963-8321. The last council election in 1980 drew one of the lowest turnouts in the city's recent his- tory -14 percent. Mrs. Mc- Clendon aaid the council elections of 1972, 1974 and 1976 all had tumou1a exceeding 20 percent. No other races or ballot mea- sures will be considered by Fountain Valley voten Tuesday. The candidates are Dan Mor- ton, Linda Moulton, Bettr, Mignanelli, Charles W. "Mike' Michaella, Kenneth Holland, Fred Voaa. James Neal:Be n (See VALLEY, Pace AZ) INDEX A Red Cross sookesman said (See BALBOA, Page A%) Cement boat ~· f runs agroud . A 30-foot ferro-cement sailboat ran aground in shallow waters off Capistrano Beach early today, authorities reported. The boat's skipper apparently became disoriented and believed the boat was off Marina del Rey whe n it ra n aground just bff Beach Boulevard about 2 a.m., an Orange County Sheriffs De~ ment Harbor Patrol spokeswo- man said. She said fog was not a factor in the incident. No injuries were reported and the boat owners were awaiting a high tide in an effort to refloat the vessel. At Your Service Erma Bambeck t..M. Boyd Careen C.avabde Clllllified Coma Ciomword Death Notices Bdltorial Harom>pe A4 B2 A6 C3 B2 Ann Landers Movies National News Public Notices Sports Stock Markets Televiaion Thea ten Weather World NeWI B2 A8 A3 C2 86-8 B3 B5 A8 A2 A3 C1,C3-8 84 84 C2 A6 B2 SPORTS Stadler caplww Mia•ten I a .. ~ ,• I J ~ I •' ~ '\ ' I .. I i \ I LAGUNA RACE. • • elate dean of studenta at UC Ir- vine, and a 12-year resident of the city. -Daa Keaaey, age 40, a pharmacist who has llved in Laguna Beach for four years. -Be&la Leeds, age 40, an air- brush art.lat who has lived ln the dty for 26 years. -Bdbble MlaklD, a,e 46, ac- tive ln community aerv\ce and a resident of Laguna Beach for 11 years. -Rickey Slater , age 48, a maintenance supervisor and :l5-year reside nt of Laguna Beach. f -Ron Williama, age 43, a real estate broker who has lived in the city for 15 years. Reptered voters of La1una Beach will cut thelr votee at one of 11 precinct polllna are ... ac· cording to City Clerk Verna Rollinger. The predncta fall ln 11 different geoaraphlcal locationa throuah<>ut the dty and may be located on the sample ballota tent to voters two weeb ago, Anyone with questlona about the election or the proper polling' location should call the clerk at 497-3311. ext. '209. For the first time In Laguna Beach history, votes will not be count~ by hand. The county's vote tallying machine will begin counting the votes when the polls close at 8 p.m. and the city ex- pects a final tally by 10:30 p.m. British le1aders reca·IIed LON DON (AP) -Prime Mlnllter Margare t Thatcher to- day ordered Parliament's Easter reces.s cut short to brief members Wednesday on U.S . Beere~ of State Ale xander M . Haiti Jr.'s effort to avert war over the Falkland lalanda. Mrs. Thatcher and Haig conti- nued their talks. which started at 9:30 a.m. (12:30 a .m. PST) and stretched through lunch and into the evening at No. 10 Downing Street. A scheduled preu brie- fing was twice postponed and there was no word on whether any progress was made. VALLEY CHOICES. • • Britain's war 1.0ne around !he• Falkland Islands was in force today and reports here and in Buenos Aires said Argentina's ships had left the area, patrolled by Royal Navy submarlnee. Nielsen, James Creighton, and Roy Rodgers. Nielsen is the only incumbent on the ballot. The other conclu- ding terms are those of 12-year Councilman Al Hollinden and appointee Eugene Van Dask. Both men chose not to seek re- election. The contenders for the three council seats include two men formerly employed by the citx as administrators. Neal was Foun- tain Valley's city manager for 13 years. Michaelis was the city's, Cirst police chief. The relatively quiet campaign has heated up slightly with a last -minute blitz of campaign li- terature. An apparently unregistered and unidentified group calling itself the "Fountain Valley Good Government Committee" dis- tributed a flie r reproducing n~wspaper accounts of Neal's difficulties with city employees ' during his final months as city ITW\ager. D.., No4 "'°4o b1 IUcMtd lloeHef HOTEL RUINS -Aerial view of the Bay View structure this morning. All of the hotel's guests Ho tel on the Balboa Peninsula sh ows the were evacuated. devastation wreaked by fire which h it the From Page A1 Neal said today he believes this lier was distributed only to local newspapers, not to r esidents throughout the city. He declined to comment on the articles re- produced in the flier. For the first time in local elections, Fountain Valley's four city employee groups have col- lectively endorsed three council candidates: Morton , Michaelis and Mrs. Mignanelli. Laiuna home burns; C' BAl1BOA. • • the guests at the· hotel were au run-tame residents. many being loc:C\] employees. Retiring councilmen Van Dask and Hollinden, however, last week sent out letters urging residents not to vote for the can- didates endorsed by the em- ployee associations. Van Dask and Hollinden said they believe the s upport of the employee groups could affect the candi- dates' decisions on city personnel matters if they are elected. damage $5 7, 900 Embers or a spark [rom a fire in a non-spark resistor fireplace is believed responsible for a blaze that did $57 ,900 damaite to a Laguna Beach home, accordmg to Laguna fire marshal Herb J e- well. Louis Lave, lone occupant of the house at 560 Graceland Ave .. escaped the 7:30 p.m . Saturday fire uninjured, Jewell said. · The s pokesman said the dis- placed guests have been provided temporary lodging at the Bay- shores Hotel and have been as- sured of at least three days free lodging. Several witnesses said persons ran out of the hotc>I and later tried to return to their rooms to retrieve belongins;ts. The decision to recall the House of Commons -which was not due back from F.aster break until next Monday, was m ade after Mrs . Thatcher consulted with opposition Labor Party lea- der Michael Foot. Man arrested ... after crash in Laguna A Buena Park man was ar- rested on suspicion of drunken drivmg after the pickup truck he was driving hit a telephone pole on Laguna Canyon Road in La- guna Beach, police said today. HUNTINGTON VOTE. • • Candidate omitted The name of former city au- ministrator Bud Belsito was in- advertently excluded in a story in some editions Friday o n Huntington Beach Cit y Council c.andidates in Tuesday's elections. The fire started on the wood shingles of the roof of the one- stocy home and spread into the awe. The entire roof was destroyed. the attic damaged and ceilings sustained water damage. It took 20 firefighter s 35 minutes to control the blaze. The cause of the blaze 1s still undetermined . author ities said, adding that there is no reason to believe the fire w.as of a susp1 - c1ous ongm. The peninsula hotel has been the subject of re develo pme nt pressures and there are plans to construct offices and retail uses on the sate. Raymond Bec k e r . 20, was headed north when he lost con- trol of his truck near Milligan Drive and struck the pole at 5:30 p.m. Sunday. according to police. The pole and a guy wire were broken and 66,000-volt lines were left dangling near the side of the road, according to a spo- kesman for the Laguna Beach Fire Department. Firemen were called to the scene until work- m en from South ern California Edison Co. could repair the da- mage. There was no (ire. .. .. purged recently. This would throw the turnout percentage off kilter, she said. In addition, no controversial issues have surfaced except in the bitter fight for city attorney waged by incumbent Gail Hutton and the former holder of the job, Don Bonfa. The pol.ls will be open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Voters who have e lection questions can call the city clerk's office at 536-5227. Included in this year's field of 16 city council candidates is Bud Belsito, the former city admini- s trator who was fire d by the present city council. AlsQ seeking election are two men who sued the city after lo- sing out in the 1980 city council election -F.dward Zclchoche and Dan Mahaffey. AJong with Bruce Greer, they sued after the vote counting ma- chine malfunctioned. They claimed that ballots were improperly destroyed and that t.he public was denied access to the vote counting. T hey lost their case in Supe- rior Court. The state Supreme Court refused to hear their ap- peal earlier this year. This year the city has leased four Martel-Vallee vote tally machines from the county for use Tuesday night. Three county employees also will be on hand to help with the vote counting. The voting also will be done by marker pens instead of punch- out devices used in the election of 1980. All four incumbents -Ruth Bailey, Bob Mandie, Don MacAJ- lister and John Thomas -are seeking election to their second term of four years. Other council challengers, in addition to Belsito, Mahaffey and Zschoche, a re Frank F . Mirja- hangir. Michael W. M usic, Mark A. Juerges, Dean Albright, John Valentino, Betty J . Clark, Re Stevens, Jay D. Stout and Steve Schumacher. The battle between Mrs. Hut- ton and Bonfa for city attorney has been the most lively of the campaign. Mrs. Hutton defeated Bonfa in 1978, ending his 10-year stinL Belsito, 47, is a businessman/ consultant. He worked fo( the city 19 years and was city admi- nistrator for four vears. He says he can p rovide lea- dership in implementing and ex- panding community facilities, in- cluding the senior center, rec- reation facilities and cultural ac- tivities. The Daily Pilot apologizes to Belsito for the onuss1on that ap- parently was made wh1le putting the page together Cyclists held S AN DIEGO (AP} -Stepping up a crackdown against motor · cycle gang cr imes. San Diego p oltce h ave take n s ax peo ple hnked to the HeU's Ange ls into custody. Mongols were indicted for the Jan. 17 slaying of a Hell's Angel me mber at a Lemon Grove bar. Fair through Tuesday Cotutal Fair through Tuesday Highs today ano Tuesday to 11nge from m10 60s a.1 ttte beachas to low 70t 1nl11no lows tonight SO to 55 Elsewhere. from Point Concep- tion to the Meiucan border and out 50 mli. loghl vartable winos night ano morning hot.I" througn Tuetday Afternoon winos 10Ulh- we11e<ly 10 to 16 knota With local gusts to 25 knots In squalls Al· te<noon wtnd waves 2 10 3 leet Westerly swetl 2 to 3 feet Partly ciouoy but fair through Tuesoay Des MOO- Oelroit Duluth BPuo Fwgo ~Ullf Greet Falls HartfO<d Helena Honolulu Houston lndnaplls J9Cllan MS Jeckanll!M KM\s City LuV41QU Ultle Rocit Loulsvllle Lubbock Memphis Miami Mllweukee US Mpl..St.P • • SUmmary Naatwlllll New~ light snow tell today over tl"te New Y0<1c northern• Appalachlan1 S111 .. Nortoll were clear over the reel of th• No. Platte EM!em S..boerd end -tinfd Old• City lo the Plelna. " C>meM For tonight and Tu .. dey, the OrWMlo National Weether S4lrvlo. predlc-Phil«lptlla led rain 10< the Peclflc Coest and Phoenix the Rockl ... Sunny tklH were Pttt8burah lorecul 10< moet of Ille rest of tlw Ptl9ncl. Me nation. P118nd. Ofe Temperaturee wound the netJon Provldel- Hrly today renged from 23 Al Relelgtl Glena Falla. N.Y. end Sault Ste Reno Mette and Pells!Dn, Midi., to 77 In Sen Lele• Ptloenlx. Afll. san Antonio s.ttle Temperature•~-=. NATIOM 81Loull • .. Le p,,., St P-Tempa 64 32 .0. St SI• M8rie 83 58 ~ 18 M Syr8QM9 82 31 Topeka 85 4-4 T~ eo •1 40 25 40 32 Si 89 •8 31 eo .a 83 43 6-4 30 .06 85 38 08 80 71 66 55 52 36 71 38 70 4• 72 52 82 56 70 •8 59 40 88 83 86 48 \.. •. \•,.• .. n·, Ot11.,d"'d ... ,......., 82 66 12 f!!II!rn - -• =: = " ... o•• u \ 0,.1 ,, ~"--' 42 31 .:·---------------------.a 38 70 4e 70 4-4 se 37 59 35 IM .S 71 53 72 51 69 50 54 32 92 72 43 22 •• 35 58 45 64 34 84 •2 58 40 e3 47 70 50 53 43 .. 47 57 41 55 4-4 ell 49 38 18 50 47 42 34 13 50 18 81 Tulaa WUl\lnglon Wichita 73 59 eg CAU'OR*A Bek-1\eld 7 • Blythe 92 Eureka 81 Fr~ 70 LancMter eo LoeAngelea 68 .02 M~ 68 ~.,..., 83 .02....,... 88 ()aklMd 113 . 15 Paeo Roblee 81 .22 Red 8luff M ~City 83 .SA 8aorlomlntQ 81 8allnM 117 Sen Ol9go 75 San Franclaoo 80 Sant• Barbara 61 Santa Maria 82 5e 34 48 5e 13 47 .88 4e .10 48 .15-4 53 .55 6-4 6.4 « .40 52 63 14 50 18 •& .10 81 51 24 153 1.41 .87 St~lon 87 51 . 18 Tllalmal 81 l*WI 158 .._.ow re de! Big Bear ':>/ C.tllllna 74 Long 8MCh 73 MOnfo'llt 72 Mt. Wllllon 50 ~e-d\ 72 Ontario 10 Palm Springe 90 Paaadenl 7! Sen S.nardlno Sen JOM ee Senta Ana 715 Tahoe Vtllfrt 42 CANADA Cllolgary 40 Edmonton 41 MontrMI 4-4 Ottawa 38 Regina ... Extended foreca11t ~J l:t 57 15 55 .28 57 57 42 1 HI 59 05 57 ee 55 .89 58 .32 55 .92 155 .26 40 32 21 27 32 n Robert Healy, owner of the house, was not at home at the time of the incident, Jewell said. Hot tubs backed LOS ANGELES (AP) -The Police Commissio n gave the go- ahead for a hot tub club in the city's heavily Jewish Fairfax di- strict despite objections from Or- thodox J ews and the Crescent West Homeowners Association. Driver rescued OJAI (AP) -A Ventura County deputy braved an infe rno to rescue the d river of an a uto that s pun out of control and slammed into an oak tree today, authorities said. Deputy William Stevens pulled the unidentified, woman from the wreck on rain- shck Highway 33 JUSt befor e 11 was engulfed in· flames Becker, single occupant of the vehicle, was booked into Laguna Beach city jail on sus picion of driving under the influence of alcohol and later released on bail, according to police. H e was not injured. ,,.-----.-_. .. ~ ' ' .. -... Lightweight poplin is a Brooks Brothers favorite Both businessman and travclkr ~·ill find the qualities they seek in a warm weather suit handsomely met here. The polyester and cot- ton blend ha a neat, t:ri ~p appearance, good crease-res is tance and washability. Tailored on our 3-button mm.lei with patc h poc kets a nd welted edges, in tan. navy or olive. Coat and trouserl>. $150 55 33 10 52 67 21 ... 46 • 3t 58 '40 .01 , ea 47 . 12 SS 38 76 116 ·IURf RIPIRT SOUTHl!A!" CALIFORNIA COASTAL ANO MOUNTAIN AAIAS -Felf Ind werrntr. Hlgtl tempel'eblrel 81 to 18 In ooutal Md v .... andfQM .... 1014. I -Hltflt In mountalnl &2 to u Md lowt It to '40. \ Uu your Brooks Brotht'rs f ard or Amtrican Expr~u. ISTAIU5Hf0 1111 -03#~~~/lfj/ M It .o7 NII Al 11 ... -.. u .• .. '° .. 41 .01 71 •1 .01 ...... .. .. <to • BS : a • C(~c~_I~~ J'urnlsh tng~ for Mm. Womtn : .. 80111 SlO Wli. rn urnrn1r 1: l.O A ORl.R CALIP. PA HI<> I LANO, HWr<>tt'r 8KACH, CALIP. ' Oral')g9 Cout OAILY PILOT/Monday, Aprll 12. 1982 H/F Al Bay storm kills 4 f 7 -inch rain causes slides, but rivers receding POOL DESTROYED -A mudslide destroyed this swimming pool at the home of Robert Grossman in Green brae, Calif., Sunday. Four homes were evacuated in the area for fear of more slides after a heavy rain swept thrpugh storm-plagued Northern and Cen tral Califor- nia. SAN PRANCllCO (AP) - Rlven b!ion to recede today af- ter a wetlc.end atorm drenched Northern Callfomla with up to 7 lncbee of rNJ\ th.at ioo.nec1 tona of muddy earth, while gale-force winda toppled t.reea into power Unee and darkened thoulanda of homes. The w eekend atorm, which swept out of the P acific from the Gulf of Alaaka, killed at leu t four people and left four mi81ing. The downpour added to already-record rainfall for the century in aeveral parta of Cali- fornia, including San Francilco and Sae'ramento. Weather offi- dala aaid between 2 and 7 inches of rain fell il1 northern and cen- tral a r ea a of the s t a t e in a 24-h our period ending Sunday afternoon. Forecasten predicted a new but weaker storm would dump more showers from central Ca lifornia nor thward thro ugh Tueeday. OAKLAND (AP) -Authori- ties hoped to reopen a tube in the C.aldecott Tunnel today, five days after a tanker-truc k exploded, killin g seven people. Tunnel Su pervisor Ray Mayo said crews would try to have the tunnel's em er gency telephone service L b oper ating in time to open the e anon,· tube for a fternoon commute traffic. It was the last d etail Tension mounting in Reagan to s end en ~oy to WASHINGTON (AP ) -Presi- tlent Reagan will send Underse- cretary of State Walter Stoessel t.o the Middle East this week in an effort to head off fighting between (srael and Palestinians 'in southern Lebanon, the White House said today. "The situation still remains tense in the Middle East," deputy White House press secretary Larry Speakes said. "Once again, we are in relatively continuous cont.act with govern- ments in the area to urge them to use maximum restraint." of their 52,0UU -mile journey around the world via both poles. Sir Ranulph Fiennes and Charles Burton, who planted a Union Jack on their arrival at the top of the world Sunday. mounted their snowmobiles for the 600-mile ride to the edge of t h e Arctic mm u~ rn rn area Circle. They were expected to rendezvous in five or six weeks with a ship that will carry them hpme to England after nearly three years away! The two set a record by crossing to the North Pole from the canadian coast in 45 days. being worked on. he said. Mayo said the damage to t h e tunnel waa superficial, rathe r than structural, but would require two months of rest.oration work that could cost up to $2 million. He said the oost of emergency over- time work to quickly open. the tunnel cotdd1lf00unt to $200,000. LOS ANGELES (AP) -Hea- vy clouds held back from dre n- By The A1t1oclated Press East.er in Europe was marked by massive anti-nuclear protests in West Germany, a pistol salute in Northern Ireland and a call by the head of the Roman Catholic Church in Poland for peaceful coexistence between martial law authorities and the Pollsh people. Archbishop Jozef Gle mp, the Polish primate. in a sermon t.o 3,- 000 worshippers in Warsaw, ur- ged Poles to put aisde grudges and work toward a national ac- cord . He also aske d Poland's m ilitary leaders to create a cli- mate that would make people feel "at home everywhere -in the church. in the streets. at our places of work." Gusting winds lash Colorado Roofs ripped off, trees downed in Fort Collins area JAKARTA, lodc>oesia (AP) The death t.oU from eruptions of the GaJunggung volcano in West Java has risen t.o.&12 people. with scores of in juries and two offi- cials feared swept away by lava flows, a government official said today. Two of the victims were babies trampled to death as 63,- 670 people took refuge at schools, government buildings and 23 emergency centers in the Tasik- malaya re-gion , 180 miles sou- theast of Jakarta. The 9,154-foot volcano has erupted twice since Apr il 4. It had been dor mant since 1918. LONDON (AP) -Two British explorers b&de farewell to the North Pole an d began the last and possibly most hazardous leg DEJ"lfVER (AP ) -Winds gusting t.o 128 mph lashed Colo- rado's northern Front Range ci- ties today. blowing down trees and r ipping off roofs in Fort Collins and sending rocks casca- ding o nto mountain canyon roads. There were no reports of injuries. The National Weather Service said a wind ~t of 128 mph was reported at the Raw- hide power pla nt in Fort Col- lins, with gusts of 85 m ph re - ported in Fort Collins. Gusts of 50 t.o 65 mph were common along the eastern foothills so u t h to De nver. The high winds follo- wed a day of record-high tem- peratures in Colorado on Sunday. Temperatures ranged as high as 88 degrees, the weather service . said. WASHINGTON (AP) -In a "quiet run" apparently spawned by reports about the financial troubles of thrift institutions, Americans have shifted billions of dollars from them into com- me rcial banks, analysts say. De- spite the fact that savers have never lost a cent in federally in- sured accoun ts, Americans mov- ed an estimated $12 billion out of savings and loan associations and mututal savings banks last year into commercial banks, according t.o an analysis by Andrew Carron , a researche r for the Brookings Institution . T hat was about one- th ird o f net new deposit losses ORANGE COAST Daily. Pilat CIHt Nled advertlalng 7~4i'S42-5f11 All other cMp811menta &42-4321 T11omu P. Halev .....,.._ -a..(,;_, ... ~ Robert N Weed -Kay Schultz ---°"""" OI -"-'~ Tom Murphlne Editor Mltle Harvey Cllrc1or OI Man91inCI ~I Ken Goddard Olr"eclor OI ()p.rat- ~aclean ChMIM Loot MeMOlf'Oldllor MAIN OFACE JJ0 WHI 8<ly SI , CO!I~ Mew, CA M4111 •Cldf'HS· 8o1t IMO, CO!IU. -·CA . .,._ Copyr19111 IC Or-C-tt Publlw.1"9 ~. No -•-•· llh1str4ltl.,,.~. edllori..1 -ol.,,. verllM"-U ......... ""'' to. r•....-..i _..,,.,,. •oe<i..1 ~tlofto1c.....,r10M-fWr. reported by thoee institutions in 1981. By The Associated Presa Peace marchers were arrested in South Dakota' and Mon tana, New Yorkers paraded their fi- nery d own Fifth Avenue a n d t hou sands br aved rain in Los Angeles to attend F.aster sunrise services as Americans celebrated Christianity's most sacred holi- day. A Catholic priest a nd a Protestant minister were among four people arrested as they tried t.o place F.aster lilies on a nuclear missile silo in Kadoka, S.D. ATLANTA (AP) -Searchers wearing green armbands poked through bushes and abandoned. buildings in search of two mis- sing young blacks, but police say there's nothing to link the cases with 28 slayings that terrori.red Atlanta from 1979 to 1981. The two men, both slight of build, in their 20s and re portedly su ffe- ring mental problems, have been missing from thejr Atlanta homes for a month or more. DETROIT (AP) -Production of cars in the United States in the 1982 model year will be the lo- west in almost 25 years, an auto industry trade journal estimates. Projec tions indicate only 5.15 million 1982 cars will be built, the lowest total since 4.3 million were produced in 1958, Ward'a Automotive Reports aaid today. The estimated 1982 production ia 23 percent below the 6.67 million b u ilt in the 1981 model year, Ward's aaid. NORTH FORT MYERS, Fla . (AP ) -A 4-year-old boy who survived a flre at his home nine months a.go and a near-drownlna a month la t4!r h u been mauleCI· by a pit bull terrie r. "Clayton'• · W•'re Listening .••• Whal do you li ke about the Dally Pilot? What don't you lib'! Call tht-number (below and your mtt Hlt wUI bt recorded. tr1n1crtbed a nd de lvtred to the appropriate editor. The H me 24·hour a'n1wt rtn1 service may be uHd lo record let· lera to the editor on any lopk Mallbox conVibutora must h1cludt their name and ltltphone number for veptfle1tlon No elrculaUon calla, please Tell us what'• on your mind , bftn ·th.rough so much ," h i! la - the r, Patrick Cornelison, aatd Sunday. "But he's got a channed life." In the emergency room, the boy received 80 stitches to piece together his upper Up, gouiges in t he back of bis ni. .. -ck, and tt'>• strip of flesh missing from tu.t left temple to h is jaw . Plast ic surgPry was scheduled to begin w ec. •'ll'sd.ay. NEW VOi\K (AP) -About $1.25 million in stolen art objects were recovered over the wee- kend, and police said Sunday the thieves a pparently 'failed to rea- lize the value of the goods. On Saturday po~ recovered an es- timated $1 million in paintings and aculptuN> by such artists as Louise Nevelson, Roy L1chteru.- tetn and Dubuffet. They were in a t ruck stolen from a street in lower Manhattan. And on Sun- day, an M:ld.itional $250,000 in art stolen at t he same time w as found in an abanctnnN~ Apar t- ment on Manhattan's lower F..ast Side. ., chins thou sands of Southern Calltom lans who attended out- door taster Sunrise services, but released a torren t later ln the day. The rain didn't at.op the 12th annual Easter Parade through d o wnto wn Los Angeles, al- though four fioats canceled and the other hall-dozen were soa- k ed. Ma r garet Warran, who coordinated t he parade, said there was a crowd despite the dow npour. By Sun day night, only a few sprinkles remained of the storm that spilled more than one-half inch of rain m Los An- geles in a 12-hour period. SACRAMENTO (AP) -J ohn G . Veneman, one of the Repu- blican ''Young Turks" o f the L egislature in the early 1960s and later a high federal oHicial, is dead . Veneman d ied at his home early Sunday of an appa- rent heart seizure, his family re- ported . He was 56. Funer al ar- rangement~ were still pending early today. T R UCKEE (AP) -Doctors have operated on avalanche aur-. v1vor Annie Conrad t.o remove a blood clot from one of her frost- bitten feet., and hoepital oUicials said Sunday "fairly decent blood Clow" had returned. Doctors have feared amputation w ould be ne- cessary unless c1rculat1on was restored to the 22-year-old ski lift operator'• right fool, which was shoeless whale she spent five days buned m a snowy tomb. Ms. Conrad was rescued last Monday after spending 117 hours buried under snow and debris following twin avalanches at Alpine Mea- dows ska resort. She s uffered frostbite un both feet. LANCASTER <AP ) -The daughter of singe r -actor Kris Kristofferson was in serious but improving <.'Onditaon today after a motorcycle accident that also slightly injured Olympic gold mt:'dalist l!:ric Heiden, authorities said . Tracy Kristofferson , 20. who suffe red internal 1njuries and a head injury, remained m the intensive care unit of Ante- lope Valley Hospital Med1c:al Center here, hosp1t.al spokeswo- man F'ranloe Richards said Sun- day rught LOS ANGELES CAP) -Small groups of Southern Californians held weekend demonstrations in support o f Great Britain and Argentina. in the dispute bet - ween those countries over the Falklands -or Malvinas islands. Some 200 people ignored an Easter Sunday downpour to de- monstrate in Pershing Square on Sunday. They were thrilled that Argentina, on April 2, took over what they call the Malvinas. - 1 "'1"1un was "'ttfe~ befor~~e British came in and took over in 1833 and call e d them th e Falklands," said Al berto Prin- gles, an Argentine national who has lived in the United States for 18 years and who organii.ed the demonstration. VENTURA (AP ) -Scientists J are hoping two bickering rare : birds don 't repeat a Humpty Dumpty act ancJ destroy for th<. setond t ime tJfrs ye"'1?'-a'f\. ~b~""­ cruc1a l to the survival of the California condor. Th e ne wly discovered egg represents an un- expected sc.'COnd chance thts sea-~. ' son to add to the species' popu- lation , which has dwindled tu fe wer than 30. "' U~o PONY SAVED -Clifford Woodward. a fireman in Marsh- fiE>ld, Mass., guides Ligh tning, an 11-year-old pony, from the icy waters of G reen Harbor River. The pony wan•!ered out onto the ttun ice, which gave away. our V<Lry own p::>plin suit ... ilia. trOOiLional docron andCXJLton pophn suit, me<k fiom a .spz.cial 2-ply fbbric, likii no othzr ya..;,W. ([:\.KlT" worn. 3 button with patch and flap µx:kat. . ,. ' . ( \ ' F uture confiden ce ,. NEW YORK (AP) -Business lea- ders are pesWnistic about the state of the economy but are expressing con- fidence in the future, the Conference Board said. The business-financed research or- gan i za ti on, which co nducts a "measure of business confidence" ba- sed on a survey of 1,500 ch.ief execu- tives. said Sunday those surveyed thought economic conditions would improve six months from now. On a scale of 100, the "business confidence measure" for the first quarter of 1982 wa,g 47, up from 43 in the last quarter of 1982, the board said 81 Ground was broken 1n the Irvine Induatrlal Complex-EuJJt by Brother Jnwrnutional Corporation for lt!c $5 mtlllon 80,000-squru·e foot distribution. aa.lee and admJn111trut.lve for ality. Complt>tlon is experted by Oct. l , according t.o Robert H. Reigrod, g<'neral manager. A subaldLary OI Japan-based Brother Indu:stnes, Brother International markets con.sumer produc:ts such u typewnte.n and sewing machines. and electronu: typewriters for office use. Thf' c..'on1pany will initially employ about 50 Wind h om e tour set A t.our of a wmd generator-powered home will be one of the exh1b1ts at the ~'Ond annual Energy Fair, sponsored by the Orange County chapter, Amencan lnstttute of An:h1tects The fuar, scheduled May 8 at Rancho Carrillo, located off Oru.•ga Highway e ight mill'ti east of San Juan Cap1Strano, will kick off celebration of the 125th anmversary of the nauonaJ professionaJ organization. For informauon, call 557-77Ht) Softwar e p act O K 'd Holland AullJmation Lnt.<>rnational of Costa Mesa has signed an agreement for d1str1but1on of its CPI M-rompatible ap¢1cat1ons software to users and dea- lers of Sharp m1crocompu~rs. California-based Cimarron Business Systems has been g ranted rights to offer HAi's applications pac- kages and BAS IC Interpreter in the United States and Mexico, according to Alan Routledge presa~nt of HAi's American div1Sion. S h angri-la set in Mesa Wilsonar t's traveling cxh1b1t. Shangri-La. visits South Coast Plaza m C-Osta Mesa o n April 19 from 4 to 8 p.m. and April 20 from noon LO 8 p.m Shangri-La will visit 28 c1wes an the Uruted Stat.es and Canada in 1982. Wilsonart presents design-aware interior surfa- cing materials and pos.5ib11Jt1es for applications. For infonnauon, call 52:3-1'200 · Fluor get North ea work Fluor Corporation :.ubs1d1ary has been name d project-servlC.'es contractor by th<' Norwegian State 011 Company (Stat.oil) for a gas-treatment plant and ter- minal to be built at Karsto, Norway. Sta toil is acting as operator for the Statpipe group of 011 companies. The onshore pro,)e('ts are part of the gas-gathering system to be 1.nstalled in the Norwegian sector of the North Sea. Fluor Oc:ean Serv&l'eS Ltd , London, wall perform the work as an extension of its recently an- nounced pro.ie<:t-serv1ces contract for the offshore fa- cilities, New computer due IBIS of LrVmc announced a June release date for an operaung system for Data General NOVA or com- patible compuLcrs Called Advanced Interacttve Operations System (ADIOS). the syst£>m claims 100 percent <..-ompatibilJty with Point 4 Data 0Jrporat1on's ffilS BASIC, allowmg users of th.at system an upgrade migration. Firm don a tes $200,000 Irvine-based Ponderosa Homes, one of the Aetna Life and Casualty Comparnes and one of the nauon's largest builders, donated morE'' than $200,000 to Cali- fornia n on-profit rommunlly organizations during 1981, 0Cf1c1als announced Shareh olders to m eet The annual shareholders meeting of EECO. lnc. of Santa Ana will be held at 8 p.m. April 26 at the firm's headquarters, 1601 E. Chestnut Ave G9lct,m e tals quotations Gold By The Associated Press Selected world gold prices today: London: morning fixing -market closed. London: afternoon fixing -market closed. P aris: market closed. FRANKFURT: market closed. .. Zurich: Late fi xing -market closed. , Handy & Ha rman: (only daily quote) $353.50, up $2.00. Engelhard: (only daily quote) $354.30, up $2.80. Engelhard: (only daily quote) fabricated $372.02, up $2 4. Metals NEW YORK (AP) -Spot nonferrous metal prices today: Copper 76-78 t-ents a pound. U.S. destinations. Lead 28-32 cents a pound. Zinc 35-39 cents a pound, delivered. Tia $6.5499 Met.a.ls Week composite lb. Alamiaam 76-77 cents a pound, N.Y. Mercury $395.00 per £lask. Platinum $345.00 troy oi., N.Y . Silver Handy & Harman, $7.355 per troy ounce. Help Prevent 14rth Defect1 - The Notion'• Number One CNld H•alth ~em. .. • *"'- . . I IUlll l:UIJ , llWPlll IUCll I fllll ITll:U MONDAY. APRIL 12, 1982 on ANGE COUN 1 y CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS t-t 14 guests flee flames a Ote estroye Blaze difficult to fight By STEVE MARBLE O(" !tie Delly Not It.fl • A Balboa Peninsula hotel W84 d estroyed in a stubborn pre! dawn blaze today that took 3~ firefighters nearly three hours and a half to quell and left 14 h otel guests homeless and five more unaccounted for. Authorities said it is believed the five Bay View Hotel guests they've been unable to locate -were away or out of town at the time of the 12:41 a .m. fire. Firemen said it is not believed , anyone was trapped inside the , second-story hotel near the en - trance to the Balboa Island Fer- ry A spokesman for the Orange County chapter of the Red Cross., which relocated hotel guests at another pe ninsula ho tel, said they intend to keep workers near 4be entr~ te 1he gutted heae!·- today in hopes of finding the mming five when they return to the hotel. The fire, which caused an es- timated $400,000 damage to the hotel and three c6mmercial busi- nesses located on the first floor of the structure, reportedly started slowly, giving guests time to ga- ther up personal belongings. ~ INFERNO AT ALBOA -Newport Beach fire units battled for more than three hours today in efforts to control stubborn and widespread fire that destroyed the landmark Bay View Hotel located at the Balboa ferry landing above sum- mer shops. There were no injuries although five .,.., .......... .,, ........ ~ of the semi-pennanent guests haven't been loca- ted and were believed to be out of town. Fire started at 12:41 a.m. and was under control at 4 . Fireman Russ Cheek said the blaze was extremely difficult to douse and reignited several times. He said Newport fire- fighters were joined by squads from C.OSta Mesa and Santa Ana . Cheek said the Orange C.Ounty Sheriff's Harbor Patrol brought two fire boats up the harbor to help spray down the burning building. Nine await Laguna vote on council Banning opponents successful? Valley voters Leaders of a Newport Beach earlier this year, i~cludes plans .. The .we:si Newport outfit was go to po)Js Authorities said they were able to keep the blaz.e from spreading to the busine$ outlets below the hotel, which include a bar, an ice cream stand and a gift shop. referendum campaign today for homes and offlce and mdu-JOIDed in 1t.s r~ferendum push by claimed they've collected enough st~ial constru~tion on a 75-a_cr:e Stop Polluting ~ur ~ewp~rt on Tues day signatures to force the City slice of l~md inland of Pac1f1c (SPON) and Residents ~ctlon The damage also caused ope- rators of the Balboa ferry to close the entrance to the ferry . The ferry, a city spokesman said, will unload and load passengers at a public dock n ear the Ba lboa Pavilion for an undetermined period. By JEFF PAR KER O(° IM Deltr l'tlot It.ff Laguna Beach voters will have from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. at the polls Tuesday to decide which of nine candidates will fill the three open seats on the City C.Ouncil. Between 45 and 47 percent of the city's 13,000 registered voters are exepcted to cast votes at 11 precinct locations where booths will be set UP- The nine candidates represent an array of interests, from gay rights to pro-development, moderate development and no development at all. The candi- dates, their ages, occupations and years in the city are as follows: -Pat Barry, age 30, execu- tive dir ector of the Boys Club, resident of Laguna Beach for three years. -Kelly Boyd, age 38, restau- rant manager and council in- cumbent, a 38-year resident of the city. -Paal Chrl1tlansea, age 31, ·as innkeeper and 18 year resident of Laguna Beach. -Bob Gentry, age 43, asso- (See LAGUNA RACE, Page A!) WORLD Council to either abandon the Coast Highway and west of Plan <R.AP), ~o groups tnstru- Banning Ranch project or put it Superior Avenue. men~ m leading a referendum to a citywide vote. campaign late last y~r against the The announcement marks the T h e protest against the .$100 Irvine Company s. N ewport second time in just eight months million project has come largely Center expansion project. . that Newport citizens have orga-from m e mbers o f t h e W est The Newport Center proJe<;t nized referendum drives to turn Newport Legislative Alliance, a was scuttled. by the dty co~ back development projects. collection q_f hOJJleowner groups after the Irvin~ Companr said at Mike Johnson, leader of the who mainertn"the project will wanted to avoid an election con- referendum drive, estimated his bring too much traffic. test. group has gathered roughly 6,000 signatures. If verified, the names far exceed the 4,300 names nee- ded to qwU.if¥. Johnson said the group will meet today's deadline by turning the sienatures over to Newport City Clerk Wanda Andersen late this afternoon. Light Huntington turnout expected "We were getting a little wor- ried late last week," said John-By ROBERT BARK.ER ol°IM 0.., Not Mllfl aon, "but I think there's no doubt But not nearly that number is expected to vote. now that we've made it." The signatures, according to law, must be inspected and veri- fied by the city clerk's office. The cle rk's office has 30 days to 9Cl'Utiniz.e the names and oonfirm signatures of registered Newpol't voters. The Banning Ranch project, approved by the NewPOrt QOUDcil Nearly 100,000 Huntington Beach residents are registered to vote Tueeday as 16 candidates vie for four city council seats and two old rivals compete for the city attorney post. Figures released today by the city clerk's office show that 96,- 849 residents are elig:lble to cast· ballots. STATE Only 15 percent o! the re- gistered voters turned out in the last city election in 1900 and Qty Clerk Alicia Wentworth la pre- dicting about the same •hawing Tuesday. She also says the number of registered votera ia inflated be- cause vote r lists haven't been (See HUNTINGTON, Paae A!) 11 Palestinians wounded JERUSALEM (AP) -llraeli gunfire wounded at least 11 Palestinians today 81 strikes and the worst ~ riota in years swept Israeli-occupied territories CORONA (AP) -Eleven couples with children face eviction from a Riverside County trailer park despite a state Supreme Court ruling that struck down ' siJl;illar child ban 81 di8criminatory in most rental hoU8lng. NATION ... Decision took long time Steve Allen aaya it's taken 11 years to aooept bis 80ft'I dedaon to jotn a commune. Pap A 7. Missing sailboats sought. SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -The Coast Guard re.umed the eeerch today for four people aboard two racing aallboa~ reported mt..lnl after a &ale-force storm that killed two other ..ocn_ COUNTY Ni11h1 owls' favorite Larry Kine hal an n1enllw·iwiio audmw» wm _ ~ IDOR of AIMl1aa "......,at~ Ume. hit Al. By PHIL SNEIDERMAN Of Ille .,.., Not ..... Fountain Valley voters will visit the polls Tuesday to choose among 10 candidates vying for three city council seats. Polling places in the city's 28 precincts will be open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. According to City Clerk Eve- lyn McClendon, 28,200 Fountain Valley residents are registered to vote. She said voters who do not know the location of their polling place should call the city clerk 's office, 963-8321. The last council e lection in 1980 drew one of the lowest turnouts in the city's recent his- tory -14 pe r cent. Mrs . Mc- Clendon said the council elections of 1972, 1974 and 1976 all had tumoul8 exceeding 20 percent. No other races or ballot mea- s ure• will be considered by Fountain Valley voten Tue.day. The candidates are Dan Mor- ton, Linda M oulton, Bettr Mignanelli, Charles W . "Mike" Michaelis, K e nne th Holland, Fred Voss. J ames Neal. B en (See VALLEY, Pace A!) INDEX A Red Cross spokesman said (See BALBOA, Page A!) Cement boat runs agroud A 30-foot ferro-cement sailboat ran aground in shallow waters off Capistrano Beach early today, authorities reported. The boat's skipper apparently became disoriented and believed the boat was off Marina del Rey when it ran aground just off Beach Boulevard about 2 a.m., an Orange C.Ounty Sheriff's Depart- ment Harbor Patrol spokeswo-. man said. She said fog was not a factor ill the incident. No injuries were reported and the boat owners were awaiting a h•gh tide in an effort to refioat the vessel. At Your Service Erma Bambeck L .M. Boyd Careen Cavaleade CJa•fied Comics ero.wOl'd Death Notiee9 Editorial Horolcope A4 B2 A6 C3 B2 Ann Landers Movies National News Public Notices Sports Stock Markets Television Theaters Weather World News B2 A8 A3 C2 86-8 B3 B5 A8 A2 A3 Cl,C3-6 B4 B4 C2 A6 B2 SPORTS /• Stadler captures &ten • Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Monday, Aprll 12, 1882 N Al Bay area storm kills 4 7-inch rain~causes slides, but rivers receding POOL DESTROYED -A mudslide destroyed this swimming pool at the home of Robert Grcmman in Qreenbrae, Calif., Sunday. Four homes were evacuated in the area for fear of more slides after a heavy rain swept through storm-plagued Northern and Central Califor- nia. SAN F RANCISCO (AP ) - Riven bean to recede today af- ter a weeltend atorm drenched Northern c..ll.fornia with up to 7 incb. of rain that loo9ened tons of muddy ear\h, while gale-force wlnda toppled trefl into power llnea and darkened thousanda of homes. The weekend storm, which swept out of the Pacific from the Gulf of Alaska, killed at leut four people and left four milling. The downpour added to already-record rainfall for the century in teveral parta of Cali- fornia, including San Francisco and Sacramento. Weather offi- ciala said between 2 and 7 inches of rain fell in northern and cen- tral areas of the state in a 24-h our period ending Sunday afternoon. Forecasters predicted a new but weaker stonn would dump more showen from central California northward through Tueeday. OAKLAND (AP) -For the fint time since 1even people died after a guoline tanker exploded in the Caldecott Tunnel, the ill- fated tube was to o~n to traffic late today, authoriues said. The north bore of the three-tube L b tWUlel was to open to westbound e an On • motorists "at 4 p.m . or shortly 'before," said Glenn Behm, a Tension mounting in Reagan to send envoy to WASHING TON (AP) -Presi- dent Reagan will send Underse- cretary of State Walter Stoessel to the Middle East this week in an effort to h ead off fightipg between Israel and Palestinians in southern Lebanon, the White House said today. ''The situation still remains tense in the Middle East," deputy White House press secretary Larry S peakes said. "Once again, we are in relatively continuous contact with govern- ments in the area to urge them to use maximum restraint.'' area of their 52,000-mile journey Circle. They were expected to around the world via both poles. rendezvous in five or six weeks Sir Ranulph "Fiennes and Charles with a ship that will carry them Burton, who planted a Union home to England after nearly Jack on their ai:_riv~ at the top ~L.~ •h~.years away. The two set a the world S<.m<tay. mounted ther-record by c:rocWng to the North snowmobiles for the 600-mile Pole from the Canadian coast in ride to the edge of the Ar~tic 45 days. [(]ffi u~ rn [(] maintenance engineer for the California Department of Trans- portation. Through this morning, eastbound traffic in the morning commute rush was barred from the tunnel, while motorists going west to Oakland and San Fran- cisco used the two open bores. .t. LOS ANGELES (AP) -Hea- vy clouds held back from dren- By Tbe Associated Press Easter in Europe was marked by massive Qnti-nuclear protests in West Germany, a pistol salute in Northern Ireland and a call by the head of the Roman Catholic Church in Poland for peaceful coexistence between martial law authorities and the Polish people. Archbishop J ozef Glemp, the Polish primate, in a sermon to 3,- 000 worshippers in Warsaw, ur- ged Poles to put aisde grudg~s and work toward a national ac- cord. He a lso asked P oland's military leaders to create a cli- mate that would make people feel "at home everywhere -in the church, in the streets, at our places of work." Gusting winds lash Colorado Roofs ripped off, trees downed in Fort Collins area BUENOS AIRES, Argentina (AP) -The U.S. Embassy said today all American s on the Falkland Islands have been told to leave and one family has de- parted the disputed territory. An embassy spokesman said it was not known pree1se)y how many Americans are on the islands, 250 miles off Argentina's southern coast. He said the embassy staff made contact with an unidenti- fied American there who agreed to advise fellow Americans of the advice that they leave. LONDON (AP) -Two British explorers bade fare w ell to the North Pole and began the last and ~ibly most jlal.ardous leg DENVER (AP) -W inds gusung to 128 mph lashed Colo- rado's northern Front Range ci- ties today, blowing down trees and ripping off roofs in Fort Collins and sending rocks casca- ding onto mountain canyon roads. There were no reports of injuries. The National Weather Service said a wind RUSt of 128 mph was reported at the Raw- hide power plan~ in Fort Col- lins, with gusts o f 85 mph re - ported in Fort Collins. Gusts of 50 to 65 mph were common along the eastern foothills south to Denver. The high winds follo- wed a day of record-high tem- peratures m Colorado on Sunday. Temperatures ranged as high as 88 degrees, the weather service said WASHINGTON (AP) -In a "quiet run" apparently spawned by reports about the financial troubles of thrift institutions, Americans have shifted billions of dollars from them into com - mercial banks, analysts say. De- spite the fact that savers have never lost a cent in federally in- sured accounts, Americans mov- ed an estimated $12 billion out of savings and loan associations and mututal savings banks last year into commercial banks, according lo an analysis by Andrew Carron, a researcher for the Brookings Institution. That was about one- third of net ne w deposit losses ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Cl1HNlecl adveftlai"i» 714AM2·5171 All othlf departments 6'2-4321 T'°""as P. Halev Pu-"""CNel !xecu11 .. oi- Robert N. Weed "'-lclenl Key Schultz Vloe-_Olr_o!_.,. Tom Murphlne Editor Mike Harvey Dlrec10r a! Met\: .. lnQ ~..,.,, Ken Godd•rd oir.lor a! Ope<etlCN ~ Mec:lean ~ CNrtee loot ........... fdlot MAIN OFFlCE J30 WHI Bey SI . Co.~ Mese, CA. Mell .OO-.u 8ox '*· C0&la -·CA.,__ C°"yrlQM 1"2 Or-Coest PUClllAMno C-y. Ho MWI slotlH, lllvtlratlO<IS. eclltorlel m-04' _. vertlte,.....~ ._..In mey lie re~ wftlloul -lel """'Hion Of <,.-Yr ..... -- VOL 75, NO. 102 reported by those institutions in 1981 By The Associated Press Peace marchers were arrested in South Dakota and Montana, New Yorkers pa raded their fi- nery d own Fifth Avenue and thousands braved rain in Los Angeles to attend Easter sunrise services as Americans celebrated Christianity's most sacred holi- day. A Catholic priest and a Protestant minister were among four people arrested as they tried to place Easter lilies on a nuclear missile silo in Kadoka, S .D. ATLANTA (AP) -Searchers wearing green armbands poked through bushes and abandoned· buildings in search of two mis- sing young blacks. but police say there's nothing to link the cases with 28 slayings that terrorized Atlanta from 1979 to 1981. The two men, both slight of build, in their 20s and reportedly suffe- ring mental problems, have been missing from their Atlanta homes for a month or more. TRENTON, N.J. (AP) -Gov. Thomas Kean announced today he is appointing millionaire busi- nessman Nicholas F. Brady to fill the U.S . Senate seat vacated by the resignation of Democratic Harrison Williama Jr. Brady, a R epublican , will serve in a "caretaker" capacity until the November election. "Mr. Brady is an individual of enormous capa- bilities, high principles and pro- fessional and penonal integrity," Kean said in a prepared state- ment. Brady immediately ruled out any possibility that he would ~ election lo the full six-year term in November. NEW VORlt (AP) -The' Kansas Oty Sw and the Kana. City Times won the 1982 Pulitller .,.. ... hl•trr ... _ ..... . ~•'re Listening_ ••• I Whal do you llkt about lhe Dally Piiot? What don't you llkt" Call the number below and your me1111e wllJ be recorded, transcribed and dthvtred to the appropriate editor. The same 24·hour 1n1werin1 service may be used to rtrord let· ters to the rojtor on any loplt. Mallb.>• cont.nbuton must Include their namt' •nd t~lt'phone number for ve~lcaUon No clrculatlon cull&, s>'ease · Tell u11 whul 's on your mind PriZe for general reporting today for coverage of the Hyatt Hot.el disaster and the fdentitication of its causes. The Detroit News recetved the gold medal for pu- blic service for a series exposing the Navy's cover-up of cir- cumstances surrounding the deaths of seamen. Saul Pett and Ron Edmonds of The Associated Prea received Pulitzers for fea- ture writing and spot news pho- tography, respectively. "Rabbit Is llich, '' a best~selling novel by John Updike, won the Pulitzer Priz.e for fiction. The award for poetry went to the late Sylvia Plath for ''The Collected Poems." NORTH FORT MVE RS, Fla. (AP) -A 4-year-old boy who survived a fire at his .home nine months ago and a near-drowning a month later has been mauled by a pit bull terrier. "Clavton's been through so mu'-11• f,u; ... ther, Patrick Cornelison, said Sunday. "But he's ~ot a charmed life." chln1 thouaanda Qf Southern Californian• who attended out- door Easter Sunrise aervtcea, but released a torrent later In the day. The rain didn't·ttop the 12th annual Easter Parade through downtown Los Angeles, al- though lour floats canceled and the other h att-dozen were soa- ked . Margaret Warran, who coordinated the parade, said there was a crowd despite the downpour. By Sunday night, only a few sprinkles remained of the stonn that spilled more than one-half inch of rain in Los An- geles in a 12-hour period. SACRAMENTO (AP) -J ohn G . Veneman, one of the Repu- blican "Young Turks" of the Legislature in the early 1960s and later a high federal official, is dead. Veneman died at his home early S unday of an appa- rent heart seizure, his family re- ported. He was 56. Funeral ar- rangements were still pending early today. LOS ANGELES (AP) -Small groups of Southern Californians held weekend demonstrations in support of Great Britain and Argentina, in the dispute bet- w een those countries over the TRUCKEE (AP) -Doctors have operated on avalanche ilut· vivor Annie Conrad to remove a blood clot from one of her froet- bltten feet, and ho.pital officials said Sunday "fairly decent blood flow" had returned. Doctora have feared amputation would be ne- cessar y unless circulation was restored to the 22-year-old ski lift operator's right Coot, which was shoeless while she spent flvt.• days burled in a snowy tomb. Ms. Conrad was reecued last Monday after spending 117 hours burled under snow and debris followlng twin avalanches at Alpine Mea- dows ski resort. She s uffered frostbite on both feet. LANCASTER (AP) -The daughter of singer-actor Kris Kristofferson was in serious but improving condition today after a motorcycle accident tha t also slightly injured Olympic gold medalist Eric Heiden, authorities said. Tracy Kristofferson, 20, who suffered internal injuries and a head injury, remained in the intensive care unit of Ante- lope Valley Hospital Medical Cen ter here, hospital spokeswo- man Frankie Richards said Sun- da!' night. Falklands -or Malvinas J.Slands. KING CITY (AP) -A traffic Some 200 people ignored an control airplane carrying two Easter Sunday downpour to de-Cahforma Highway Patrol offi- monstrate in Pershing Square on cers skidded and crashed mo- Sunday. They were thrilled that ments afCer landing at King City Argentina, on April 2, took over airport. Officer Richard Schult1, what they call the Malvinas. 26, of Kmg City, was treated for "That was the name before the a hand cut and released. The j>i.- &itu>tn:ame-br and took over itJ · -.nil, otticm--James MU1Je1t;-J4, o 1833 a nd calle d the m the Lockwood, escaped unharmed Falklands," said Alberto Prin-Aa:ording to the CHP, a strong gles, an Argentine national who cross-wind caught the single- has lived in the United States for engine Cessna 180 as it landed 18 years and who organized the after completing a speed patrol demonstration. along U.S. 101. AP~ PONY SAVED -Clifford Woodward, a fireman in Marsn- field, ~-.guides Lightning, an 11-year-old pony, from the icy waters of Green Harbor River. The pony wandered out onto the thin ice, which gave away. our wry awn p:>plin suit ... thz. tm:liLional dacmnen:ia:il.on p:>plin 5uit, ~ fiom a sp:zcial 2-ply febnc, hkti no othzr yo.;,W. ~ \N'Om . 3 QUtion With~ and flap µ:ckizt. wi .. P £PIO• tlo.., ••t ................. ~----~ 0rang9 Coat DAILY PILOT/Monda)', Aprll 12, 1982 N OMPO ITE TRAN ACTION 0 UOT4 tLO..• INCLUO& TaAO•' ON Tiil NAW YOac MIOWUT l'A(1•1c ,. .. , I OUOll, OtT•01t 4ND CIN(INNUI U O<ll U t(lt41tGU ANO lll~llTIO av Tltl N4iD .a .. o INSllNl t .... ("9 OFF 1.62 Q..OSING 841 .32 ~\\\ \\\\\\ Irvine Complex project begun Ground was hrnkt.>n in tht> lrvine Ind ustrial Complex-East by Drothi-r lntt•rnauonaJ Corporation for Its $5mtlhon H0,000 syuart!-{OOt dtstnbution, sales and adnumstrallvt· fa<•alHy Compleuon •~ expcct<.'d by Ocl. 1. according to Robert H Re1grw. gt>neral manager A subsidiary or Japan-baSl:d Brother lndustm-s. Brother International markets l'Cmsumer prudulls "IUch as typewriters and sewing machines, and t•lectronic typewriters for office use The company wall 1nnwlly employ about 50. Wind hon1e tour et A tour of a wind gl•nerator-powcred home wLll be one of the <.·xh1bu.-. at tht· <;('(·ond annual Energy Fair, sponsored by the Orangt.• County chapter, American Insntute of Archita1S " The fair, scht'dulc•d May 8 at Rancho Carrillo. located off Orwga High" ay l'•ght miles east or San Juan Capistrano, will kt('k uff cdebratiun of the 125th anniversary of th1· national protessional organization. For mrormaum1, call 557 7786 Software 11act OK"d Holland Aulom<1t11111 ln11·mat1onaJ of Cost.a Mesa has signed an agn:~m1•111 for d1str1but1on of its CPI M-compat1blt' apphcauons software to users and dea- lers of Sharp miCrtK'Ompul.t•rs Californaa-ba.51-d Cimarron Bu.smess Systems has · -been ~ 1 rghts to C7ffN' HAi's applications pac- kages and BASIC lnwrprt•tt•r 1n th<.> United St.ates and Mexico, according to Alan Routledge. president of HAl'b Amcncan d1v1s1on Shangri-la se t it1 IJ-1esa Wilsonart's traveling t!Xh1b1t, Shangri-La, visits South Coast Plaza m C()Sta Mt'Sa on April 19 from 4 to 8 p.m and Apnl 20 from noon to 8 p.m Shangri-La wall visit 28 l'llles m the Urut.ed States and Canada m 1982. Wilsonart prt•sents d£>s1gn-aware mtenor surfa- cing tnatenals and poss1b1ht1es for applicallons. For m!ormauun, call 52~J 1200 Fluor get North Sea work Fluor Corpor atwn subs1d1ary has been named projE.'Ct-servaces t•ontractor by the Norwegian State Oil Company (Stat.oil} for a gas-treatment plant and ter- minal to tx• built at Karsto. Norway Statotl ts acting as operator for the Statp1pc group nf oil companies. The onshort! projects arc part of the gas-gathering system to bt> 1nstalled in the Norwegian sect.or of the North Sea Fluor ()ccan Serv1c~ Ltd .. London, will perform the work as an extension of its recently an- nounced pro,ect-s<:rvic-es contract for the offshore fa- cilities New computer due IBIS of lrVme announced a June release date for an opera ting system for Data General NOVA or com- patible computers Called Advanced lnterat·t1ve Operations System (ADIOS), lhe system drums JOO percent compatibility with Point 4 Data Corporauon's TRIS BASIC, allowing users of that systC'm an upgrade migration. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT JJPS AND DOWNS SOLD COINS IS' a t~ •• I I 1'I. ''· 19 .. n~ "2'. ... Jtlo 11•. 'U':! '· " '• ' . . ., I t ll 11· lll .... 1-4, t tntr ~. Ulf 00, oH ..... ..._. ,..,, , ttor oz • h11 00, ott ... ~IO pmo, t.I ~OL .....,_., .. ..11.':t ~..:""· ,ttol ltO¥ oi •• AMERICAN LEADERS METALS . " .. , -"' + "' . :t -'-. "' +I NEW YORK IAP) -Spot ~-,.,,._ , .. P<-lod•y Cotti* 76-78 -.tt e pound, U.8. c1Mt1- MllOl\9 L...s 28-32 1*119 • pound Zlfto 3&-311 -.i. • pound, ,,..._.., ..._.,,_ 76-71 -.1. a pound, N Y ~ P 8500 perllulc ~ 1345 00 troy oz., HY SILVER GOLD QUOTATIONS . ~