HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-04-15 - Orange Coast Pilot•. IUISI ClllJ, THURS DAY. APRIL 15. 1982 BROKEN DREAM -Steve Moore and his daughter, Crystal, st.and near w~at used to be his 28-foot sailboat Edith's Trip, which ran aground at Capistrano Beach Sunday night when South County raid arc o .. Private schooling Reagan urging tuition break CHICAGO (AP) -President Reagan, declaring that "working Americans are overtaxed a nd underappreciated." unveiled a program today that would let most parents claim tax credits to> help send their childre n to pri- vate schools. The only ones left out would be those making more than $75,000 a year. Taking a step administration officials acknowledged was in- tended to boost Reagan's stan- dinl'( w ith lower and midJle- Tequila fire threat? SA takes action South-of-the-border travelers well know that tequila can set the mind on fire. Could it also trigger an inferno in south Santa Ana? Santa Ana Fire Department officials think so. At their urging. the city attorney's office has filed a 30-count misdemeanor criminal complaint against Oak Distribu- ting Inc., a firm that is storing 40,000 gallons of tequila in tanks at 515 E. Dyer Road. Officials say the tank walls are too thin, that dispensing val- ves are not of proper design and that ventilation is not adequate. A trial is set for May 19 in Central Orange County Munici- pal Court. NATION income parents who send their children to parochial schools, the president said: "I have come to propose a tui- tion tax oredit for parents who bear the double burden of public and private school costs." Reagan fl e w to Chicago this morning to disclose the plan an a speech to the National Catholic Educational Association, which represents 10,000 Roman Catho- lic schools. His timing coincides with the deadline for Americans to file their federal income tax returns. Reagan released th<.' text of his plan m Washington before his departure. It would let parents claim federaJ income tax credits of up to 50 percent of tuition paid • for each child in private ele- me ntary or secondary school. There would be a ceiling of $100 in 1983, $300 in 1984 and $500 in 1985. The full credit would be avai- lable for families with incomes up to $50,000. A partial credit would be available for families with incomes as high as $75,000. One official. requesting ano- nymity, said the program, which will be sent to Congress this spring, would be a he lp to lower income families s truggling to send children to private schools. "The one area the administra- tion needs help with is the blue- collar voters, the Irish , Italian. and Polish Catholics in Detroit and Chicago," he said, adding that "they may not have a job. but they'll send their kids to Ca- (See TUITION, Page AZ) Take it with you City dwellers need a machine to provide familiar urban sounds -arguing neighbors, loud music, traffic -to lull them to sleep when they are in rural areas. Page A7. ·Percy to aid blind Sen. C harles Percy, R-Ill., who has a hearing problem himself, ,will become a volunteer read er for a taping program for the blind. Page 85. STATE LOS ANGELF.S (AP) -Authorities are investi- gatina the alcohol trea~t program that Advanced H ealtb Sy1tem1 Inc. runa throu&h nine Raleiah Hills hoepitala in c.autornia to determine whether patienta were transfernd between them to bypu1 Medicare payment Umlta, today'• Loa Anpt. Tlmea Mid. llUR HIMlllll DAllY PIPIR OR ANGE COUNT Y . C ALIFORNIA 25 CENTS Botulism scar e Stores facing salmon checks Delly l"llot It.ti Photo he mistook the Lights of Dana Point Harbor for Marina del Rey. Moore, 68, has no money to salvage the hulk. A federal offtc1al says inspe<·· tors soon wall began spot checks at Southern California markets to determine the effectiveness of a voluntary recall of a canned Alaskan salmon that may C'Ontam botulism toxin. John Stovall. recall din.>etor at the Los Angeles office of the Food and Drug Administration, said, ofhc1aL'> are mmplelmg the process of tracking suspected cans through the nation's com- plex food d1stnbullon network. "We are just now gelling to the retail accounts," Stovall said Cans containmg salmon packed al eight Alas ka plants are s us- JX.'Cted of being improperly con- structed The suspected defects could permit the growth of bac: lt'ria tha t produces botulism to- . xm. Botulism can be fatal Only one death -that of a Belgian man -has been directly attnbuted to a defective salmon c:ontamer. Stovall said a good deaJ of de- tective work has been involved in the FDA's attempt to track down all cans suspected of containing tatnted salmon. He oHered the following illu- strauon: A lead distributor in Seattle may have sent 5,000 cases of salmon to a secondary distributor m Kansas City, which may have shipped goods to 10 grocery wa- rehouses throughout the country. The d1Stributor may or may not be able to say which cases went to the individual warehouses. "Say one of the warehouses is in Denver. You have to find out who his customers are. They might say they shipped the pro- <See SALMON , Page AZ) • 1cers arrest THAT'S A TAKE -Warner Bros. cameraman focuses in on three stars of upcoming television pilot called "The James Boys" near lifeguard tower at Main Beach Park i n Laguna. The pilot s tars (from le ft) Brian Kerwin, Kelly Oellr ll'tlot "'"1toe by Sift• Mltc'*I Harmon and Edward E.dwards and is a takeoff on the movie "Kramer vs. Kramer." Movie crews we re taking shots in Laguna Beach for the credits for the film. · Masked bandits rob Mesa bar Two men wearing stocking masks and armed with a sawed off shotgun forced seven people in a Costa Mesa bar Wednesday night to hand over their cash before herding them anto a ba- throom. police srud. Police Lt. Tom Durha m said the two gunmen ente r ed the COUNTY Fluor flees 'fire' back door of Vicki's Joung£. 1791 Newport Blvd. shortly before 11 p.m. Five male customers, a woman customer and a femaJe bartender were ordered to the floor and to throw their wallets out in front of them. Durham said $250 was taken Fluor Corp. employees evacuated safely from a "fire" in the firm's glass tower in Irvine. Fire officials said the fire fighting drill went smoothly. Page Bl. 'Archie' comes to Newport Television's "Archie BunRer" is getting a restau- nmt in real life; Carroll O 'Connor plans to open a di- ning establishment in Newport Center. Pllge C6. from the customers and the cash register The two masked gunmen de - scribed only as being in their late 20's or early 30's yelled obsceni- ties and told their victims they would "blow their heads off" if they didn't follow orders. INDEX Ann Landers B2 Movies B7 Mutual Funds C6 National News A3 Public Notices B4,C6,D3 Sports Cl-4 Dr. Steincrohn B2 Stock Mark(9 C7 Television B6 Theaters B7 Weather A2 World News A3 SPORTS Cocaine business booming The newly formed Orange County Sheriff's Department South County narcotics detail swung into action for the first lime Wednesday night and ar- rested nine suspected drug dea- lers in various locations. Although a negligible amount of drugs was seized during the raid, those arrested collectively sold about $250.000 worth of co- caine a week. according to Lt. Wyatt Hart, a sheriff's departm- ent spokesman. AuthontJ~ began fanning out from the Laguna Niguel sheriff's substation about 7 p.m. and be- gan serving the first of 11 arrest warrants. By evening's end, six persons had been arrested on warrants and three others were booked on various drug charges. F o ur warrants remained outstanding this morning. accor- ding to Hart. The arrests all resulted from purchases of narcotics made by one undercover narcotics officer over a 10-week period, Hart said. Arrested on warrants during the raid were: Tanya L . Braw- ner. 22, of San Clemente; G re- gory H. Lynch, 22. of El Toro; Margo 0 . Kozlov, 25, of San Clemente; Davis R. Leonelli, 25, of San Clemente; Jeffrey F . Newton, 22, of Mission Viejo; and Mark C. Kuri, 20, of El Toro. They were booked into the Orange County Jail on suspicion of selling, Hart said. Bails for those arrested ranged from $5,000 to $20,000. Also arrested were David M, Nicol, 25, of San Clemente, on charges of sales and conspiracy to seU cocaine At Your Service Erma Bombeck L .M. Boyd Business California A4 B2 A6 C6-7 A5 B2 Cavalcade Classified Comics Crossword Death Notices F.ditorial Entertainment Horoacope / Dl.00-7 D2 D2 D3 A6 B7 82 Valley students aid voting Stxfy teVenth and eighth grede ltiidenta from 1 Fountain Valley 1ehool helped pt out the vote ln a councl1 elec.11on. Pap C8. Fans Jiel money's worth Anae"1a work overtime for the leCOnd nilht ln a row ancJ come away with two wina. Pqe Cl. • ' .. Orange Oout DAILY PILOTl'Thuntd~, Aprll 15, 1981 stories TUITION CREDITS ... t.hoUc echoola." "They're Oemocraca, but con- 1ervatlve Democraa.., • conati- tuency th preekt.nt owned (ln the lMO to hold on to now(' Hid. "That'• wh~ t . It's · Sood poUtica, v ca." But he said e te n ance CommiUee Cha&traan' 8obe rt Dole, R..K.an., and Senate Budget Committee Chairman Pete V .' Domenlcl, R-N.M., might balk becauae the plan could Increase the federal deOdt. J\nd other• Jn Conareu and elsewhere have aahl that the program i1 being propolled too late to win y-.e thla yew. Paul B. Sa1moo. tnrecutive di- rector of the American Aasocia- tion of SchOQ} Admlniltrators, said it "would undermine the public schools" of the nation, and stated: "Picking the pock~l:S .of ou r public 1choola woula De counter-. productive.•• Willard McGuire, president of the 1.7 million-member Nadonal Education Allociatlon, aaid OJ\ CBS-TV'• "Morning" abow his union would fight tuition tax credlta for private schooJa in any form. Robert Smith, head of the Council for American Private Education, said the tax credita were "not directed at weakening public education," but intende<J to help the two-thirds of families with children in private 8Chools, w ho make leas than $2~.000 a year. After the speech, Reagan planned to visit an 8th grade civics class at the St. Peter's Ca- tholic Elementary School in Ge- neva, m., a suburb west o( Chi- cago. --:----------~~~---:---~------~--------------Haig will '~ry again' Seeks compromise in explosive Falkland crisis WASHINGTON (AP) -~­cntary of Stat.e Alexander )4. Raia Jr., under ftOwtna prellUn to find a c:ompromlae ln the Falkland bW\ds c:rilis, la making another try at defusing WNt he called an "exceptionally difflcult and exceptionally dangeroua problem." Haig left Washington today on the 16 -hour flight to Buenos Aires, his second trip to the Ar- gentine capital since he began h.ls peace-seeking mission April 8. He has twice visited London on his shuttle. ln London, meanwhile, Bridah defenae officials told Prime M1n- is ter Margaret Thatcher that elements of the 31-ship Argen- tine fleet may be sailing in the direction of the Falklands. The Brltlah n•v•I taak force Major ahlpa known Nlllng toward tM Falklend laland1 . .............. lnvtnclbte, 19,600 1on1. Dull! 1081, c.rriel 8 Hamer w lhott 1a•olf end landing je11 plu1 SN l(jng oop1e,1, SM Datt Ind Seacat milllle1. Ht"'*• 23.900 IOOI. buoh 1869; t\u 12 Hlnler j9tl, 9 -,... • ••• ,. S.1 Klnge. Sea Dari and Seaoal miMlltt "-11... . . fMrlMa anci lnlrwpld, •llCt't 12,000 tont, bull! 186$-07, ~ & W1111x copltfl plus tll'IOlllO Ctllt llld 8Hcat m11t11et on Men D ta ... ltleffletd, Covtntty and QIM90w. tlCh 4, 100 ION. 6 bull! 1975-78, 1 lyn~ cope1r plus SN Datt ITllMllH ...... ~ .......... ... Ml( '4 Ind Ml< 40 IOrl*)OeS "' 1 I -I ,._ lroedeWOfd •no er1111ant. HCt1 3.500 ton1. 11u1n 191s-1on . 2 lynx copeer1 wt1n 1n111u1> torpedoee, 4 EJIOOtl and s.. Woll mtNllal p4u1 MK 4e IOfpedoet Plymouth ano Vermouth, 2,600 10ns 1>ui11 1960-61, 1 wuo copier. Seeut m1111te1 1nd an11aub mortars Anl•lotlft· Alecrtty ano Arrow 2 750 tona. bu•ll 1971- 75 I lyrui copltf EIOCIC and Seacat tnoUllN ......... Ila ~rtl. 4,500 ions buoh 1976 100 T.geffllll MK 40 ~-...... _ ... __ _ ...... ~ oi.moroen ano Antrim. eacn 6 200 tON. bull! 1 tee and 1970 I We11tx copter. 4 E11oc.t am11Np mistrles plus 36 Sea Slug m1111te1 ............ , ,, ,1 •. a • 7 d 1111.1.t.1 .. , ..... d Sewage facility debated By ROBERT BARKER or ... .,..,,... • ..., The queatlo~hether the at.ate or the city haa the authority to approve or deny a trMb and sewage burning facility In Hunt- ington Beach might depend on the aize of the plant. Liaa Trankley, an attorney with the 1tate Ener1y Commla- slon, Hid this week the 1tate would have the final ay lt the plant produces 50 or m ore megawatts of power per day. The city would have jurildic- t.ion over whether a new power producing plant could go into operation if It produces ie. than 50 megawatta, said Ma. Trankley. Dan Ryan of the Ryan Energy Corp. of Costa Mesa declined to say how many megawatts the proposed facility is projticted to produce. SALMON RECALL ... The officiala said that most o! the Argentine navy was still ln port, but that "aome elementa of the Argentine fleet" may be lea- ving port "and in that case we would expect them to sail south," toward the Falklands. The officials said they doubted the Argentine ships would "risk breaching" the war zone Britain established around the islands, but predicted the ships "may . . . sail close to thq Argentine main- land and even skirt the maritime exclusion zone in an attempt to score some P.ropaganda advan- tage and bolster up morale in Argentina." Str Galahad. S1t Gera1m Sir Bect1vere, Sir PerOl\llle and S1t Tn11ram, each 3 270 tone. l>Ult1 11166-67 And Ryan wouldn't say if he planned to apply directly to the state for the necessary pennits. duct to warehouses for some of the chain st.ores. "Then we h ave to i o to the local warehouse and det~rmine who actually got the aalmOn. The warehouse people often can't say which stores actually got what. and will juat give us a list of the stores they sold to. "Then we start on the ret.aU level" Tonight's deadline for tax re·turns _J WASHINGTON (AP) -The sct;ne wilJ be commonplace to- night: A weary ~l'USbes to the Post Office, ~s an envelope into a ooDecdoa bOx and breathes a sigh of relief. Once again, Mr. and Mrs. Taxpayer --~ m ha ye settled accQJ,IJlts.. with Uncle Sam. Midnight tonight is the dead- line for almost all couples and individuals to file their federal income-tax returns. II the past is any guide, perhaps 10 million or more of them will wait until the last minute to complete the c hore, creating monumental traffic jams around many metro- politan P_ost Offices._ As a rule, 20 million t o 22 million returns are filed on April 13, 14 and 15 each year. Frontier will use ' 'quiet' DC-9 jets Frontier Airlines announced this week that it will begin · new and lees noisy M.c!Do=tf Douglas DC-9 Super 804'tllners on flights from John -Wayne Airport. effecti-..e May 20. On that date, the airline's late morning flight io Las Vegas and Denver will utilize a Super 80. Frontier will initiate Super 80 service on its early morning light to Las Vegas and Denver on June 1. Frontier is purchasing three of the $25 million aircraft to com- plement its present fleet of Boeing 737& Frontier's Super 80s will have seating for 147 passengers, com- pared to 106 on the 737s. Coastal hlOhl 78 lo 63. IOW9 53 1.o 80. Northem and CenlHI CaNfomla wMI be pent) cloudy through ~ dey. Chenc.e of.,_.~ tn Sl•rr• today, alont Oreeon b0fd41f F'rtday. Snow level 4,000 '-t 1n nortn. e.ooo i. --. .. 63 79 31 74 eo 62 75 S5 58 48 51 71 n 72 58 64 47 76 eo 87 78 72 50 83 59 • 43 57 47 81 78 81 14 82 eo 78 7t 86 90 ., 62 l! n 64 81 .. IO ., 88 117 51 46 eo 18 17 10 Lo 39 43 24 58 43 39 50 40 42 Sen Anlonlo 30 S-ltle 38 Sblx Falla 39 SI Louis S3 St P-Tempe 3S Spolc- 33 TUC*>ll ~ W11hit'\9tn 57 Wlehl11 33 59 38 49 29 42 29 36 40 35 68 70 as 70 61 48 53 IO 40 63 63 76 2t ; • 42 60 41 37 57 • 41 S8 43 3f •2 51 .. CAl.FONllA The Defense Ministry also said no major Argentine warship had e ntered the war zone and said officials could not confirm Ar- gentine claims that two of its coast guard gunboats went to the Falklands on Tuesday. Britain, which has a naval fleet steaming to the $Quth Atlantic, has said all Argentine ships wi- th 1 n 200-mile radius of the islands are subject to attack. Earlier, Mrs. Thatcher told a.__ specla meeting of P-arliament that Argentina must withdraw troops from the islands before negotiations <Im be held on their future sovereignty . Argentina• seized the islands April 2. President Reagan, responding to reports that the Soviet Union has been providing intelligence information to Argentina on Bri- tish fleet movements, said the Soviet should "butt out" of the crisis. On Wednesday, Haig appealed to both Britain and Argentina to make "responsible and defensible adjustments" in their positions before it is too late. Argentinians.have invited me to return to Buenos Aires," he said. He said he might go to London next. Officials were not willing to discuss details of the proposals. But one aaid it undoubtedly fo- cused on the pivotal issue ot so- vereignty -how to satisfy the Argentines that they will be given soverejgnty over the Falk- lands if they withdraw their troops. The official, who didn't want to be identified, said the admini- stration is loolcing to the Argen- tine government of General Leopoldo Galtieri to show nex1- bility injts pooitiOIL "It is an exceptionally difficult and exceptionally dangerous problem," Haig told reporters in a statement. "The positions that both...co1.1ntries hold are deeply felt, and in many c-t/s mutually contradictory." . • B Haig said he developed some Urn award "new ideas" after his talks in B k London earlier in the week ana $1 II an ruptcy COurtS · d escribed these to Argentine ffii ion ' • • }' officials over the teleph one unconslltut1ona Wednesday. oosroN <AP> -A milkman "Based on these new ideas, the who was burned over half his CHATIANOOGA, Tenn. (AP) body when gasoline leaked from -A U.S . Bankruptcy Court his Jl'ord Mustang during a 1977 judge has ruled that a law Con-} killed,· l l hurl accident has been awarded $1 gress passed in 1978 makes all million by a jury. The controversial facility, pro- posed as a replacement for the 38-acre Steverson Brothers Mud Dump at Hamilton Avenue and Magnolia Street across the street from Edison High School, repor- tedly would burn 2,400 t-0ns of rubbish and sewage sludge daily. The opinion by the state En- t>rgy Commission attorney raised quest.Jons concerning last week's rezoning of the dump site by the city planrung commission. The planning commission changed the zoning from light manufacturing use to limited use apparently to allay fears of resi- dents and to make it more dHfi- cult for the approval of the co- generation plant (a facility that produces both steam and electric power .) But the state Energy Commis- sion attorney said lhaL the.state can override wning restrictions as long as the plant produces 50 megawatts and· is deemed to be in the public interest. Sh e said there would be ex- tensive h earings in the city should the matter fall under state a uthority. "It ts 1.>Ur intention to get the plant approved and I feel we will be able to put it there ," said Ryan. fede ral bankruptcy courts un-OAKLAND (AP) -One per-The victim, James D. Elias, 34, constitutional. son was killed and t'l others in-of Methuen, suffered the burns Air crash kills 2 Judge Ralph H. Kelley ruled jured when a car traveling the whe n his car was struck from Wednesday t h at Congress, in wrong way on the freeway behind in an accident on Inters-AVON PARK, Fla. (AP) - passing the Bankruptcy Reform slammed into a station wagon, tate 495 in Merrimac. Two airmen we re killed when Act of 1978, pJ.aced the bankrup-police say. Chester Metoyer, 59, A U.S. District Court jury re-their F -4D Cighter jet from Mac- tcy courts under jurisdiction of of Oakland. died after the sedan turned the damages Wednesaay 0111 Air Force Base in Tampa bankruptcy judges who do not he was driving crashed into the against Ford Motor Co. after a crashed during a training mission have tenure protection that the station wagon early Wednesday month-long trial before Judge Wednesday, military officials Constitution gives to federal di-on the MacArthur Freeway. Rya Zobel. said strict judges. 1-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ee 4e TT .. 90 47 86 64 63 .. t6 72 75 57 5e 13 87 6e 10 63 • eo 96 116 13 64 .. '° &4 15 t5 '2 81 .. 11 .. 82 12 12 91 f7 e& .. ... .. 10 .. 63 $81111 Monica 65 6CI 45 64 611 .. S5 50 3-4 80 49 62 35 SIOCll(on 45 Tahoe Velley 41 Themlal 61 Tonence 35 Yum• 54 43 51 Lo <13 51 55 46 31 35 se Calgary Edmot11on Montreal Oltewa Regine Toronlo Vancou11« CANADA .. 29 26 36 35 31 30 39 Lo 44 38 4e< 48 52 50 49 ~ 'Smog 45 47 '7 51 52 54 <15 54 54 38 58 52 55 45 48 " 49 The Air Outllty Manegetn.,,; 011tr1ct pndtcte good .. quality tn 111 pert• of lite South Coa~ Baeln lodl!Y. ' AOMO foreott•r• .. Id the POltulllllt 8~ !no. w11 be 100 In tlle San Oabrlel and Po-mon• 11ellty1 and tn. RIYef8lde end San Berntlf'dlno reglona. 75 In tne San Fernando M\d Santa Clatlta velteya. 50 In "*' opolltllft LOI Ange191 and 42 ev.ltlllhere ..... Extended forecmt 55 51 47 47 44 If 153 8 1turday-Mon41y; l'alr with 54, NMOna1 ·~ """' es 49 to 76 In COtlt.ll ..cs Ytllley .,... Close-Out 0 off and more ·calif ornia 11 54 and tow1 •• to ••· Hight tn ~ m011ntaln1 II to .. Ind IOWI 3~=~-----------oiil..__ ~ ao '° "°' EVERYTHING JN OUR NEWPORT CENTER STORE REDUCED TO CLEAR. OUR COMPLETE COLLECTION OF DA YT/ME DRESSES, COCKTAIL DRESSES. EVENING GOWNS, CLASSIC AND CONTEMPORARY SPORTSWEAR, LINGERIE, LOUNGEWEAR. ROBES, SHOES AND ACCESSORJES. ------------------- 1to11thern C•llfornl• wlll IHt pertl~ CIOildy tOdly, ~ moetiy r11r on ,r.._.. ....... ~. Or-.~ .. ~"r.: · 1111111111 SHOP MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY .. In --~·:·o:.. ... ,,.,i.owe ... W..to ............. . ,... ............. . '...,...,,....._ .. ...... ............... 11111, ... 111 .. ......,,. ...... "'!"~ t t • I ... ... -"" 4 • • • • tt • ti .... ........ .. -.., 1 I IW 1 t 1W I a W I • W FROM 10:00 AM. TO 6:00 P.M. JOHN aoG.A.N Ill Fl\SHION ISLl\ND. NEWPORT' CENTER: 6.U·7100 ' LAST WALL TO FALL -After five dynamite blast s failed to bring down this defiant building, contractor J erral Parris of Mobile, Ala., collapsed the last wall using a ,,., .............. 2,600-pound wrecking ball. He began the task of demolishing the cold-'Storage building more than a week ago. He said he found the defiant building "kind of amusing." --- Oran~ Coa1t OAILV PILOT/Thursday, Aprll 15, 1982 s ,Falklands hold future Argentina's president basks in glory of invasion BUENOS AIRES, Argentina (AP) -It was like old times whe n the tall, gravel-voiced general stood on the balcony of Government House and ralsed hit arma to quiet the cheer ing multitude. But thia was Saturday, not 1950, and the general was Presi- dent Leopoldo Galtien, not Juan Domingo P e ron , the arm y strongman who dominated Ar· gentina from the presidency and from exile for the better part of 30 yean. Two weeks ago, the idea that hundreds of thousands of people would cheer Galtieri in the Plaza de Mayo would ha'!e been ab- surd. The six-year-old military gov- ernment was facing the harshest · criticism of its tenure, with poli- tical parties and organized labor demanding economic action to IJft the country out of recession and progress toward civilian rule. Now Galtieri, described by politicians and other military men as str ong willed and ambi- tious, has piled up considerable political capital for himself with t h e audacious capture of the Falkland lliJands. A national dream has come true, and the 55-year-old son of l~isrants from southern Italy ls baak.ing in the glory. Galtieri assumed the presiden- cy in December after orchestra- ting ' palace coup against Gen. Roberto Viola. He became the most powerful figure in the military regime when he mana- ged to hold on to the army com- mand also. He has described h imself as "the most fervent admirer of the democratic system" but has war- ned against moving too quickly wward civilian rule He said the Peronists, the country's chief political faction, had to share the blame for the Marxist terrorists that operated in Argentina until security forces crus hed them in 1978. "If we think of the ballot box as an end in itself, we will be heading for a void similar to the abyss we almost felJ mto a few years ago,'' he said. But civilian politicians suspect Galtieri's reluct.anee to open the polls would disappear if he was convmced he had a good chance of winning an election. "He has political ambitions," said a Christian Democratic lea- der who asked not to be identi- fied . "He has bee n an anti· Peron1st but understands tha t comblnlng military and popular support is the eplwme in Argen- tine politics. He is a pragmatist capable of fonning alliances with pohtical groups of variou s persuasions." The occupation of the Falk- lands has put Galtieri in a strong position. But to maintAin it, he must make the realization of Ar· gentina's centuries-old claim to the islands stick. One army col- onel said any order to withdraw without British recognition of Argentine sovereignty "would cause great indignation" within the armed forces. Meanwh ile, he must build bridges to political arid labor or- g~izataons. Despite the general ellJ>horia over the islands, he is far from everyon e's darling. A significant number of boos and whistles greeted his announce- mant from the balcony Saturday that he was negotiating with Secretary of State Alexander M. Haig Jr. as "the representative of the Argentine people." Galtieri was considered a close friend of the United States. He took military engineering courses there and in the Panama Canal Zone and visited the United States twice last year as army chief. ----- Reagan's trip worries aides WASHINGTON (AP) -The president doth protest too much. No, h e said . he wasn't the slightest bit defensive about ta- _ki~g a Car!bbean _va~aj.ii>n last_ week. No, said his aides, it didn't bother them. either. The trip, said President Rea1(- an as he prepared to leave Bar- bados for home, was "just fine." But sensitivity to the way the president's Cive-day "workinf holigay" would app~C\f_hack in the United States -where the northern climes were suffering unseasonabl y cold and even Nuns attend first shareholding meet KNOXVILLE, Tenn. (AP) - A coalition of nuns who fought for four years to be recognired as voting shareholders in Blue Dia- mond Coal Co. attended their first annual meeting in what a compan y officer s aid was a "cordial" atmo6phere. of labor relations or mine safety." Mar ie Boggs, a Wise County, Va., woman whose son. Dennis, was one of 26 men who died in two 1976 explosions at a min e near Oven Fork, K y .. accompa- nied the coalition to the meeting. snowy spring weather -clearly played a part an the White House planning, both before the trip and as it occurred. Wherube tdp .was first CJ:>n- templated, it was tD be primarily a vacation. The president and his wife had been in vited to spend the Easter holiday with their longtime friend, actress Claudet- te Colbert. who maintains a sea- side villa along the fashionable west coast of Barbados. Then aides began to worry about the impact one more pre- sidential vacation -and an ex- pensive on e, at that -would have on Reagan's public image. ~timat.es of the cost of the Car- ibbean trip ranged from $1 mil- lion to $3.5 milliotv The White House says no precise figures will be available until all the bills have been received. The president's staff took pains to keep photographers (rom ta- king pictures of the president cavorting in the turquoise surt of the Caribbean, but they ere un- successful. Still phowgraphers and teleVl- SIOn camera crews were not per- mitted.to .portray the president-in the study of his borrowed home overlooking the sea after he de· livered a five-minute radio ad· dress to the Unite d States on Saturday. But, using telephotb lenses, they captured him an y - way when he got to the beach. On several occasions. Reagan freely acknowfedged that h is schedule in Barbados was light a fter his meetings were conclu- ded on Thursday. In the radio address, he told Americans that "we took yester· day, Good Fr iday. off. And to- morrow we'll go to church and then fly back to Washington." On Friday, he was asked if he was "defensive" about the vaca- tion. "No , I'm very pleased to have a day off," he told repor- ters. In a separate news conference after the hour-long. closed-door stockholders meeting, Sister Ei- leen Harrington, a spokeswoman for the coalition of religious groups, agreed that the meeting was a good one. Heir-apparent Neither side revealed any substantive action taken during the meeting. The ne w stockholders, who call themselves the Coal Comp- any Monitoring Project, had charged when they bought the stock in 1978 that Blue Diamond has had one of the w orst safety and .environmental records in the region. But both Sister Harrington and Blue Diamond vice president Herman L Stallard noted the company had 20 percent fewer federal mine safety violations ci- ted last year compared with the year before. "This year we found that the company was more receptive to us," Sister Harrington said. "All our questions were heard and answered." She said the coal'tion s till plans tD keep a close eye on the firm. "We have in Blue Diamond's case a company that has clung steadfastly to its secret style of operation ," she said. "We hear the company boasting of profit. But we don't hear them boasting R EGISTER S -Beatrice Celest.ain Bolden, who is 113, registers to vote for the first time in her life at Houma, La., while a member of the . P a ri s h Voters League steadies her hand. ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat CIHalfled adv9f1talng 7141142-5171 All other depar1menb 142-4321 ThomaaP.Halev ~end.Chill~ Olllcs Robert N. Weed ,.,_ Kay Schultz Vloe~ end Olr«lor Of -wno Tom Murphlne [dllcw Mike HllYev ~ °' "-'tollno ~I Ken Goddard onctor °' ()peratione ~ecLMl"I CIW1la Loot -.....Nlor MAIN OFFICE DO WHt hY $4., C.C. MHe, CA. Mell.-..: h• 15MI, C•t.e-. CA.,_ c..-,rttM ,. 0r.,.. c-.....,.....,,.. c_., .... _~ .. -·-··--·~~ .... • ..-11---....., lie ,..,,_ ........... _ ....... "~ ......... ~ .... -· VOL. 75, NO. 105 • can;i. pa1gns TIJUANA, Mex ico (AP) - Presidential candidate Miguel de la Madrid Hurtado completed a campaign tour of M exico's nor- thern border with talks on Ti- juana's urban problems. His visit. which began Tuesday afte rnoon , was comprised of seminars designed to help him plan future development along the border. After being greeted at the air- port by a crowd of 600· 700, the nominee for the ruling Institu- tional Revolutionary Party visi- ted a school yard within 5-0 yards of the border. At the site, leaders of Tijuana's poor communities cited the need for improvements in water service, sewers, lights and playgrounds. De la Madrid is considered the most likely successor to Mexican President Jose Lopez Portillo in December. His four-city tour included stops at Nuevo Laredo, Juarez, San Luis Rio Colorado and Ti- juana, one of Mexico's fasteat- growing cities. Since 1940, Ti- juana has exploded from a city of 5-0,000 to more than 1 million. During a meeting with Tijuana Mayor Roberto Andrade Salazar, de la Madrid was briefed on the pressures brought an the city by the constant influx of new resi- dents who don't pay taxes tD the ct ty treasury. His visit included a meeting w ith Baja California Gov. Ro- berto de la Ma drid, a distant cousin. Meanwhile, rumon srew that man y Baja Califomiana plan to boycott the July 4 election be- cau.e of the peso devaluation and diaatlafaction with PRI senato- rial candidates. U.S . reporte rs gene rally ~e-........ ....., .......... ~ We'Te Listening .••• 'l What do you like about lhe Daily Piiot? What don't you ltke? Call the number below and your mea111e will be recorded transcribed and delivered lo the appropriate editor. ' . The ume 24·hour answertn1 tervlce may be used to record let· ters to the editor on any topic. Mallboa contributors mutt lncludt their name and telephone number for vt(flcaUon. No clrculatlon c1ll1, please. · Tell ua what·• on your mind. .. 842efl088 -· 11 <-·' Baja • 1n scribe the two federal Senate candidates from Baja California as unpopular with in their own party. AP~o CONVICTION SET ASIDE -Luis Marin, 26, gets hug and kiss from his wife, Blanca, after Judge Lawrence Martin set aside his con viction for arson and murder. Marin was found guilty of setting a fire at Stouffer's Inn in West.chester, N.Y., which killed 26 persons Dec. 4, 1980, and sentenced to 15 years to life. There were no eyewitnesses to the alleged crime. The judge ru\ed ''insufficient" evidence. r A4 \ Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Thureday, Aprtl 15, 1982 your auto O'tAR READERS: Regular maintenance is a crucial factor ln the life of your car. And according to the U.S. General Services Administration, a few easy checks can help you ~void a broken fan belt on the road or more eerioua engine problems. One aafeguard Is~ check yo~ oil at .least _ev_e1ry other time you fill up your car with gas. J?on t ad~ 011 until 1t a a. full quart low, but when it reaches this pomt, rut 1n a can of premium-grade all-weather oil immediately. And i the oll warning light sho~d ever come on whileJour engine Is running, turn off the ignition inunediately to avol major engine damage. Periodically check the fluid level in your manual or auto- matic transmission. Remember that cars with automatic trans- missions must be checked while the engine is running. If the car whines while it's shifting, it could mean your car's transmission needs service. Check tire pressure at least once a month. Buy a tire gauge and learn how to use it. And learn how to "read" the tires themselves: wear on the edges indicates tires are underinflated, while wear in the middle means they're overinflated. Maintai- . ning the correct pressure not only prolongs tire life, it also can improve gas mileage. Cycle recall limited WASHINGTON (AP) -Con- sumer response lo an exercise bicycle recall ha.a been IO limited the government le renewing a warning about a wldely - diatrlbuted machine which can cause 1erioua, permanent lnjury. The recall affected about 200,- 000 exercise bicycles made by Beacon Enterprises Inc. of Yonkers, N .Y . Although the company established a telephone service where cycle owners can obtain information and order re- placement parts, only about 136 replacement kits have been or- dered. Bicycle owners may call collect at 212-683-9288. Since the recall was announced by the company and the Con- sumer Product Safety Commis- sion on Oct. 19, some 15 injuries have been identified. Whenever you take your car in for routine maintenance, ask the mechanic to check the hoses for soundnes-5 and your fan belts for correct tension. If your car ever overheats while you are driving, pull over and tum off the engine to let .it cool. If you'r-e- stuck in traffic and can't pull over, shift into neutral and press the accelerator one-quarter down. Then turn on the car heater to drain some excess heat away. Much more about routine personal car maintenance is in- cluded in the booklet, "Car Care and Service," available for $1.75 from Consumer Information Center, Dept. 104K, Pueblo, Colo. 81009. The injuries occurred when the metal seat support post broke through the plastic seat and im- paled the bicycle rider. One wo- man's injuries from a bicycle led doctors to perform a hysterec- tomy. Another person required a col06tomy -a procedure where an artificial opening is made in the colon -to repair the da- mage. UWINphoto A MAN AND HIS APE -Actor Jimmy Stewart gets a hug from a costumed ape during a reception in Washington honoring him for his conservation efforts. • "Got a problem? Then write to Pat Dunn. Pat will The problem was deemed se- rious enough for the Food and Drug Administratio n to join CPSC in monitoring the recall. Soviet world chess cham- pion Anat o ly Karpov was defeated by a 14 -year -old English schoolboy and three other young competitors while playing 25 simulta - neous games against the En- gland Junior Team. the youngest competitor. "It really hasn't sunk in yet that I've won against the world champion." . cut red t.ape, getting the answers and action you • 1 need to 80lve inequities in government and business. Mail your questions to Pat Dunn, At Your Service, • Orange Coast Daily Pilot, P .O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Aa lDll/lY letters as possible will be answered, but phoned inquiries or letters not including the rea· der's full name, address and business hours' pho'le number can- not pe considered. " The bicycles were sold as ei- ther Scandia Model 461 Dual Action Cycler with Tension or Sc1mdia model 462 Dual Action Cycle . Lee forced Ka rpo\11 to re- sign m 43 moves. He was also defeated by John Richardson, 18; Alan Byron, 19. and John Cox, 20. Beacon distributed the exerci- sers through catalogs of Mon- tgomery Ward, Spiegel. Alden and some smaller retail outlets throughout the United States. "I caught him with a knight move which captured two of his pawns," said Ed- wa rd Lee, who at 14 was Karpov won 11 o! his other games and drew 10. WE'RE A LOT MOREl'HU- A BELL Oii YOUR. •LL Behind the bell. Behind the famous Seacoast sticker. Behind ., all the state-of-the art protection devices we make and Install, Is Seacoast central station. When an alarm goes off on your property, we get the signal in a nearby, 24-hour-a-day cen- tral station. If the signal Indicates tire, burglary or holdup, we call the police or fire department. Since our central station is U. L. rated, our central station customers can qualify for a sizeable discount on their Insurance. And to increase our reach. make response time even faster, and Improve efficiency, we're computerizing our station. But improvements aren't new to Seacoast. We've been getting better for 21 years. And today we' re the leaders 1n the security .business in the Harbor area with over 10,000 customers Including a wide range of big and small ratail, industrial and commercial establishments. To find out more about our Seacoast central station write or come by our new facility at 2488 Newport Blvd .. Costa Mesa. Iii\ SEACOAST \J ~CURJTY SYSTEMS 2488 NEWPORT BOULEVARD • COSTA MESA CALIFORNIA • 92627 • (71 4) 642-3490 • NobodJ .. ., your dilhtt cleantt! • Low Enero cyclt tor everyda.y IO&dt • Entro Sav,r {)ryl11r eyclt (lr- tulalM air willlout llffl • f!J1cl11ai" Micro-Mt.ti .. f'llwr • a a.vet Jtt•.tl8,.._ PLATES 6" B&B 1.49 a· SALAD 2.49 10'1> •DINNER 3.49 WALNUT FINISH WOOD WITH GLASS FRAMES From Taiwan WHITE PORCELAIN ACCESSORIES FROM OUR GRAND OPEN STOCK SELECTIO_N-=,._.,,,1 From Japan GOLD ACCENTED STONEWARE VASES From Taiwan Gold accented floral design vases have rich. solid color back· ground'I. BROWN BACK· GROUND 6" tall • ·xs· s·x1· 1.49 1.89 Easy to Insert a ravorlte photo or miniature masterpiece. s·x10· 2 .99 BLUE BRIGHT PLASTIC LACQUERWARE BACK· COASTERS A CANAPE TRAYS 6 'I•· tall Festively brig hi · GROUND From Japan ~ I --1.~~~~~~2~.8~9~e~a:_ch~--J yellow, orange. ~ blue, purple or green. 2V• QT. ALUMINUM COASTERS .. 'I•• die .• 49 each TEA KETTLE From Taiwan A trim design with TRAYS s•;.· x 111,-1.39 each molded ~-----------.1 wood handle and knob. WHITE EARTHENWARE RING HOLDER From Japan MORTAR & PESTLE TOOTH· BRUSH HOLDER • •t. ·wide 2'1• • tall 2.69 7 '1. • dla. 1 99 . • •;, • deep • 4-TILE CERAMIC Keep your rings right at hand! WOVEN COILED STRAW CYLINDER PLANTERS &WOOD TRIVET From Mexico FLORAL PAINTED TIN CANISTER From Bangladesh WOOD' CANVAS FOLDtNO DtAECTOA'S CHAIR From Singapore 111111 Well constructed chair le at home on the Mt, In the flat or atudlo. Nttural hard· wOOd f,.me with brown, black or orano- oanva1. From Hong Kong ~LIE.,,...,. A classically lovely design to hold cookies. r.... .. .-.--. candles or tea. ... SQ. • v, • tall 1.29 NATURAL RATTAN PLANT STANDS From Hong Kong e .. utlful stands have wood reinforced tops. 7" to 12· Square 31 v. • tall 17.88 30" tall 13.88 ••tall 1.18 5Va • to 30• deep 2.49 to~ 8.89 DIR•CTLY ACRO .. ~ROM SOUTH COAST· PLAZA IUIHTU MIT Of •ITIL AT 1111 IUM.IWU , • (TAa -Tk lllT .. • ....,.,, -·---. • ... -·.u ...... I Zsa Zsa m arries husb and No. 7 The flUHt• alpped cham- paan" to the tunes of a ma· rlachl band u Zaa Zaa Gabor wa1 married on a yacht off the Pacific retort of Puerto Vallar\a, Mexico to her eev- enth huaband, a Spanlah· born count ahe cal.hi ''a born prlnce." The wedding ceremony waa the eighth for the Hungarian-born actreN and author of "How to Get a Man," "How to Keep a Man" and "How to Get Rid of a Man." Mils Gabor, who mar- ried one of her previoua hWt- bande twice, was divorced this year. h was the second mar- riage for Coont Felipe de Alba, 52, a real estate lawyer with properties in Mexico, Italy and Palm Beach. Fla. The couple met 12 years ago at a polo match in DeauviUe, France. Actress Vaneaaa Redgrave urged the Boston Symphony Orchestra. to let her go on with the show and narrate performances that were can- celed because of protests over her scheduled appearance. The BSO would be taking a "strong and proud stand . . . m defense of basic rights" if it were to reschedule her per- fonnances, the British actress said on a Boston radio appea- rance. But BSO spokeswoman Caroline Smed vig said the "decision to cancel the all- StraVlnsky program is final." Ms. Redgrave. 45, an Aca- demy Award winner, has been outspoken in her sup- port for the Palestine Libera- tion Organization , gwing rise to the complaints. For crafts or cakes a •1. • dta 1.99 pkg CHIKAN EMBROI· DERED COTION CAMBRIC KURTAS IN 3 LENGTHS From India Well made Kurtas from 1.ucknow are embellished with the lovely Ch1kan embroidered detail typical of that area. Assorted Solld Colors .-.,---r-S·M·L·XL SHIRT 27" long 9.88 TUNIC •1• long 13.66 MAXI 56" long 16.88 LITTLE TO LAROE "TORTOISE SHELL" SPLIT BAMBOO BASKETS From China Natural bamboo strips with burnt accanta are combined with finer woven natural bamboo. lllZES 10· to 21 • dla. 9• to 17" deep 2.29 to 8.39 . •. .. . •. :· . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. • . ·. ~ ... . ~ '• . Tax man pulling her leg LARAMIE. Wyo. (AP) -The Internal Revenue Service has been accuaed of demanding an arm and • le1 from American• every April 15, and a woman here plans to obU_.,, at least in part. Janet Tyler aaya ahe wU1 write out. her tax check of •10.000 on her artificial leg and send It to the IRS aa a protest over her in- abiU ty to file tax re turns aa a wldow. Her husband. Richard, died ln 1978, and she filed joint returns aa a widow. But the IRS allows wldowa or widowers to file joint returns for only two years, and then considers them single heads of households. "I wouldn't mind it if t.hey would wait until 1 remarry, or until my children have grown up," said Mrs. Tyler, who has three children aged 4, 6 and 8. The children also must pay federal income tax, about $3,000 each, because their father's estate was settled in 1981. Mrs. Tyler said she has extra money from her husband's estate to cover taxes, but she asked, "What about the widows who don't'.' She said her banker , accoun- tant and lawyer have assured her the leg check is legal, and she planned to hold a public signing of the document Thursday at her business, Jackson-Tyl er and Sew-On. AP~o ANNIVERSARY -The 40th anniversary of the B-25 bombing raid on Tokyo April 18, 1942, was celebrated recently, with Gen. David C. Jones, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and retired Gen. Jimmy Doolittle, who led the raid, taking part. Doolittle received an award from the National Aviation Club. I mmigr a n ts get advice WASHINGTON (AP) -If immigrants to the United States stayed in ethnic enclaves instead of scattering around the country, they might make more progress, says a Johns Hopkins University professor. That contention was put forth by Alejandro Portes, reporting on a six-year study of Cuban and Mexican immigrants. He said the Cubans studied had lower un- employment rates and h igher incomes than Mexicans. Also, the study said, 14 percent of the Cu- bans had management and pro- fessional jobs, while only 1 per- cent of the Mexicans had such positions. The reason, says Portes, was that the Cubans remained almost exclusively in the Miami area, where ther e is a Cuban "network" to help them find jobs and to advance professionally as managers and small busines.c;mPn Orange Coast DAILY PILOT /Thuraday, Aprlt 15, 1982 Al Accredited a't last Laguna School of Art students now can transfer credits BY JERRY HERTENSTEIN or .... .,..,,......., It was a ICholarly moment, but officlala at the Laauna Beach School of Art coulan't help ha- ving a good time with announ- cement o f the school's long tought accred.ltatlon. "Despite thi1 (accredltation) the IChool " solng to continue to be a great deaf of fun. still enjoyable," said Dr. Richard To- bin, c:l1Nctor of the 8Chool since January. Thoee attendiug a press confe- rence announcing the accredita- tion by the Reston, Va.-based National Association of Schools of Art and Design were in a jo- vlal mood. Jack McDowell, president of the school's 13-member board of directors, had a wide smile on h1s face as he fielded questions. "This assures students they can transfer credits. And it gives part-time students a more stable feeling of where they fit in," Tobin said. "Before accreditation those looking for a specific program could not be sure of a credential's significance." "This means a great deal to the school's stand ing acr oss the country," said McDowell. "It gives assurance we can now work with other accredited schools." Credits will be transferrable to any state unive~y. The school offers a certificate of completion after 135 hours.· •·so many are going back to school now, mainly women, and they have academic cre dit in mind," Tobin observed. He .Wd evening clasiles will be strengthened. At'Credltation does not mean that a student cannot continue taking ceramics quarter after quarter, according to Sue Darrow. regi..strar. Accreditation will mean • con- centrated effort to acquire addi- tional space, especially for par- klng, McDowelJ said. He noted accreditation has been a goal of the school since moving to Its present 1ite at 2222 Laguna Canyon Road five years ago from it.s previous location on the Festival of Arts grounds. But plans suffered a setback when a fire destro1ed the admi- nistration buiJding in 1979. It was r e built by 1980 "better than before," McDowell said . ''The curnculum and faculty are also better. Our budget is balanced a nd we don 't o w e a ce nt anywhere." School officials don't necessa- rily see accreditation as a step to receiving national and state fuJl - ding. "We rely on priva~ donations, getting strong support from m- d 1 v i dual s, f amilies and foundations," McDowell said. · Tobin said there is a sudden surge of interest in the school. About 850 students are enrolled this spring quarter compared t.o 595 in spring of 1981. He said there are eight accre- dited art schools in Southe rn California, but five of those arc held by universities. Others attending this w~k's press conferem.-e were Paul St1- ker, treasurer and board mem- ber, and Ruth Salyer, on e o f three original board memben still tervlng. The school w u formed 20 years ago. Nukes face • corro sion of holt.s WASHINGTON (AP) -The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has warned oper a tor s of 47 atomic power plants that bolts in some of their plants may be cor- roded a nd could cause leaks of radioactive water. "In the last few years the re have been a significant number or incidents of failed or severely degraded bolts and studs" in the primary coolant sys t~ms o r pressure d wate r reactor s (PWRs), the NRC said. It is the latest in a series of corr osion problems that h ave cropped up in the 41 PWR reac- tors nationwide. The 25 other operating atomic power plants are boilmg water reactors. which use a different system. Recently, the NRC t.old Con· gress that corrosion problems are widespread in a number of PWR generator tubes. In January, a leak of steam from such a tube caased the release or radioactive steam into the atm6sphere at the Ginna nuclea r plant near Ro· chester, N.Y. WIN FREE _IIClETS "Mine u rfl/ /Ola/ m •er S500.000 when I 'm 62.'' Just Look for Your Name! Winners In Today's Classifieds! IT'S EASY! Fir.d your name and address In today's classified section, then cal' 642-5678 Ext. 272 to claim you. tickets. Winners each day, so ch· ck the classlfleds In the ... D1i1J ~ilat • fJREAT fJAS fJIVEAWAY WlllllER In Friday'• Illy Piii It Could Be YOU/ .. ~ • BankofAmerica'sIRAPLUS: It could beyour million dollar nest egg. Any investment that can help providt.· you with a ~cure and comfortahk retirement has w be the opportunity of a lifc:timc. lh overlook it could be the mistake of a lifetime. IRA PLllS is just sm.:h an investment. Even if you open your IRA PLUS after you're 4 5, you could h ave a comfortable nest q~ by age 6 5. And if at 25 you started investing S2000 a yc:ar in your IRA Pl.US. it could mount up to well over a million dollars hy the time you retire. How your IRA PLUS nest egg can gn:>w. ""-ly lla1antt .. ..,r../JO If openN ac ... , ·~14· nwnl lS ·'° "' 40 ., 'lO '~ uooo Jl.~1 ~~4' Nll.\.474 J.414,661 U07,,J6 J99.960 f.M.089 JU ,0"1 lax savin~ now. Even if your retirement is just a few years away, IRA PLUS is an effective tax shelter. And. over JO years, your IRA PLIJ:. can outpace a taxable investment with the same Interest rate by more than 4 tn J: You can deduct up to S2000 a year contributed to IRA PWS from your gross lnc.'Ome on your federal income tax. Working couples can deduct up to S4000. And, you defer taxes on the interest . You pay taxes only on IRA PLUS funds withdrawn after you retire;· when you're likely to be in a lower tax bracket. Check our plu.~s. Plus: A choace of high interes t investments. St.:ln·1 from a varlet)' of IRA PU is high intcrl·..;t · · · inn :M· ment options. for cxampk. th<: rate on our IH month investment is one of the highcst you c m get on accounts of this typ<:. Plus: No fees. Unlike manr IRA's, IRA Pl.l 1!'1 has no set-up or maintenance: kt:s. Plus: Convenience. More branchc!'I an<l con\'cnicnt services like automatic deductions -C."\'cn from vour paycheck. (Ask your employer.) · Plus: Safety. The kind of safety you want for rour retirement fun<ls -tht.· safety of California's lar~est financial institution. Plus: BankAmeriCALL™ (800) 652-1\11. Call us to ll free 24 hour.-. a da): seven day~ a wct:k. We'll send you more detai Is. The sooner you start, thl' bi~er your I RA PLUS nl'!'lt egg will be. Open yours at Hank of America 1<><U1J! IRA+ All cx~mrk: •' illl(· o( our fn\'l-Mnx·nt c!fllMHl.' 15.75% 18Moiiths ( .Ul'r\.'fll Annu.11 IU!c R•m1 nOO INntmum ckpoltt llalt' b llUbfrc.1 Ill d-w" but Is bed at lime ol aca>una upml~ ~ Int tenn d Che lnwttll'lml •A--. .. .-~ wtc9' U0.000 taQbk! ~. 141' \Imp!< lntt'ftM, Tltt-... r«ntt. be ~ ...... 111.4 .... 91\' ... hdinlwn •• Wkh ttft*ilt ·~~ ........... bt>a-... ,91'1 att ~"' pt'i>Allln. • • •w1nll•-~lt f\"qoift"ftM'MI mwc lw mt't. BAN_Ko F AM ~RICAIB ' J .41 s Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Thuraday, Aprll 16, 1982 Cities take sides • • in a primary race The R c publ1cun primary hattle between No lan f'rizzelle nnd David Sills in the fHhh A s sembly District is heating up. Even local oHiceholders are taking sides. ' Ma ny of those local officials, includin g a majority of the city touncils in Fountain Valley, Costa Mesa and lrvine and a majority o f the county Board of S upervisors, are sid ing with Sills . They are saying that Friz.- zeUe, an optometrist a nd longtime Republican activist. has failed to r espo nd to the n eeds o f lornl government during h is freshma n.. term in the Lejitislature. Frizzelle res p o nds that h e hasn't sought the support of local o fficials, nor does ~ believe it appropriate to do so in a partisan race. H e was e lected two years ago from the 73rd Assembly District, defeating Democratic incumbent Dennis Mangers of Huntington Beach . The dis tric t was reappor- tioned and now 1s the 69th. But the ne-w district stretching acr~ Irvin e, Costa M esa. Fountain Valley a nd into Huntington Beach includes much of the old 73rd and Friucllc is consid ered the incumbent. R epublican \eaders Crom other parts of the state criticized Sills when the Irvine mayor a n - nounced he was going to chaUenge Frizzelle. They argued that, be - cause the 69th is believed to be a safe Re publican seat, a primary fi ght would be divisive and would drain party coCf ers of campaign funds that t:ould ht! put to better u se battling Democrats in n ext fall's general election. Forgotten. perhaps. w as that F rizzelle was p lanning to chal- lc;-nge the n -assem blyman Robert Badham in the 1970 GOP primary. S~me Republicans who remember that ill-fated e ffort say Frazze lle l'Ouldn't find e nough petitioners to sig n h is candidacy papers. Friz- zelle recaJls it differe ntly. He says he dropped out of the race before filing for the good of the party. Be that as it m ay, it's n ote- worth y that som e of o ur loca l e lected leaders feel strongly en - ou g h ahou t the S ills-Frizzelle con frontation to choose sides two months before the June 8 primary. The easier course for them to fol- low would be to s tand a loof and avoid the possibility of offending the eventual winner . ... Library thefts hurt Huntington Beac h library officials are requesting permission to-take same pretty tough -action-in their efforts to re<:over books that lenders refuse lo return. In 1981. about 4,000 book s valued at nearly $:l7,000 we re ne- ver brought back. In addition to dt.>priving the community o f the mate ria ls, t he t h oug htl ess act i on b y th e thoughtless few is proving to be a drain on li brary resources. To t·ounter this. labrary offi- cials are asking that a small claims agent ~ designall'd m the <:1 ty to expedite actio n in small <:la 1ms court to recover books and fines. City officials indicate they'll act -on thC" request after receiving more information. The action might appear pr ct ty extr e me, but so is the situation. At a tame that libraries are suffering more and more cutbacks, more resid ents apparently ar e ta- king out books a nd are n 't inter- ested in returning them. Barring other solutions that no one so far has come up with, the small claims action a ppears to be a pretty good way to go. Tim ~ io share the cos t Off1c1als an Lagun a Beach believe ope rator s o f t ime-sh are con versions h avC' e njoyed the benefits of running a hotel-t ype operation. without payin g for the privilege. And the Ct ty Cou n<·1 l has initiated a n ordinance that would see the recently conver ted operations contribute more to pay for city services. s uc h as police, fire, a nd lifeguards. They say the new law will be m o re fair for h ote l and motel o p erators who must pay an 8 percent bed tax, or transient tax. for units occupied by visitors. As it stands, those who hold title to so-called o wn-your-own units in time-share facilities do not have to pay a bed tax. Unde r the n e w o r dinance, those units rented out or traded by owners will be subject to the bed tax. However , owner s who use their week or two-week period the m se lves will n o t be taxed under the ordinance. H o t el and m otel o perators complain that vacant tame-share units can be rented out overnigh t or for a w eekend at lowe r prkes 1 h a n the h o t e ls or m otels can charge Thal's because the hotel and motels m ust cover the cost of the 8 p e r ce nt t a x , wh e r eas th e time-share operators have no such tax assessment. T ime -s hare con ver s i o n s contribute to othe r c ity cost s besides police and fire services. T h ey create needs for parking. increased costs for sew er service, and trash service. The ne w ordinance s h ould help to pick up a portion o f those costs. Op1nio11s expressed 1n the space abOve are lhOse of the Daily Pitot. Other views ex· pre '>~ed on In•'> Prlqe arc thO'i1 011netr e1umor '> and art•'>t'> Reader comm ent is 1nv11 ed Addri.''>'> l hp ::>a11 y Pilot. PO Bo" 1 Sl>O, Co'> Id M e'>a, CA 9'21>21> Phone ( 7141 1>4~·.1321 • L.M. Boyd I Romance and the law Takes a confident young lady to marry a lawyer. She'd better be in- telligent. too. The practicing attorney works with legal secretaries, and good legal secretaries have to be skillful and bright. Said lawyer is bound to make comparisons. If h is current wife doesn 't measure up, he knows in his line of work how to get a new one. This is Item No. 933S in our Love and War ml\fl'S huge file on romance in the legal profession. Q. How old is the average "lady of the night" now? A. Typically, s he's 20, white, un- married, a high school dropout, a former runaway, and a lone operator who works without a procurer. lf you don't like Little Moron jokes, Polish jokes or TexS1 Aggie jokes, then call it a Yogi Berra joke. He dot'SD'' mind. Yogi W\'n\ lnto a plmi. ORA NGE COAST Daily Pilat. 've•·•-•-• .. , •• , ... •••• •I •• w.,. ••• " '~ ... w ~·f\• , .. ,~-......... l\tt ,.,...._,.. <• .,.~ parlor and ordered a small pie. Wai- tress: "Shall I cuJ It in eight pieces or four?" Yog1: "Four. I don't think I can eat eight." You'll need to touch 17 digits to make some calla on the worldwide direct-dial tele phone system. Even as long lfl.O • a generation or so, Katharine Sepburn said , "Obviously. there eomes a time when you are no lo~~ juvenile hero or the ingenue. &at yO\l can keep actmg until you are 900 ~ old -If you could live that lq.' Q. Country western slnser Merle Haggard did time at San Quentin in U~58. But wasn't he pardoned? A. Ke was. Lona alter his release and parole aervice.1n 1972, then Cal: lfo rnia Governor Ronald Reagan aJgned a Cull pardon. Thomas P. H•l•Y Publlr.het T....,,.. A. Minttiftt Editor a.,.,_,, KreUtfc" Ecmor1a1 P•oe Editor Argentina eyes Antarctica WASHINGTON The Argenune invasion of the Falkland Islands may be a wa rmup for a future assault on An1- art:t1ca But next time. U.S. toes may be tramped on Secret CIA documents point out that the conditions wh1ch led to this month's Argentine aggression in the South At· lantac apply even more strongly to Ant· ;m:tica: ( 1) a reported abundance of oil, (2) the desire to divert the publac·s at- t11ntion frum domestic strife: (3) a long- st;rnding legal claim; and (4) national pride. • THE CIA PAPERS give this back- ground on the Fa lklands furor: An oil· thirsty Argentina hopes "to lay the basis for a 'claim to oil deposits be lieved to t.>x1st near the Falklands" and, at the same tin;>e. to create "a useful d1vl•rs1on from~estic ~Uf'fllOil.'' -..-- According to the CIA. a Brittsh res- earch team, attracted by the scent of 011, made a Coray into Falkland waters in 1976. As the British approached the islands. "a series of interce pted naval communications (indicated that) an Ar- gt•nttne destroyer sought to halt the Bnt1Sh research vessel Shackleton near the islands and threatened lo fi re into its hull when the Shackleton re fused to comply·• . ~ This mc1dent on the high seas was a prl'lude to today's Brit1sh-Aq,"(enttne showdown over the Falklands Explains the CIA: Argenuna has ··rel used t<> fl'l" ogn1ze Br1t1sh sovereignty uver tht' Falklands. and the century-old d1!>pUtt' has been madi• worst' by Argenlme ~us- G. -JA-Cl-A-ND-IR-SD-N -~ p1c1ons that (the Bri ll~h have been ex plormg for) 011 deposits in the arl'a ·· There have been similar tensions ovt'r t he An l a r l" t 1 c . R e la Les t h <' C I A · ··overlapping claims uf t he Un'1ted Kingdom, Argentina and Chile at tht· Antarctic peninsula (have) sparked much political heat and. at least onn:. t>'Ven gunfire " The United States. which explon>d the frozen ·conttnt.>nl in lhe 1820s, has more right than the other dannants to th<' Antarct ic. But instead of daaming thl· land, the United Statt'S sought to mtid1atl0 thl' dispute and persuadt>d tht' rivals tu sign a 195Y trea,ty temporarily '>l'lltng aside their claims. Nl•vertheless, Argentina has cornanut-ll w assert sovereignty over a poruon of Anum.:lll:a and has bolstt•rl.'d its da1m by performing marriages and flying preg- nant women there 10 g1v<: birth to Ar- gt·nt1nc· t1l1wns on tht• u1sµuted l<'I ritory Senel Whitt· lluu::.l' c.J1x-uml•nt:,. also J.Xllnt out lhill "'l\rgl•ntma geographu:ally d1>manates tht.· oc.'t.•an routt>S betw~'t·n thc.· S o u t h A 1 I il n 1 1 c.· d n <.l P a < 1 I 1 <" ()(·(:'an :-. Wl'rl· the Panama Ccinal nut up<:rabh· or JViltlablt-. or an the PVl•nt uf a µrutracted war. this route would havt.• a high stratc·g1c.: 1mportam·t· " My assoc.·1att· Dale Van Atl.d. who rt"'t"· 1·nlly v1::.1tc·d Antarl"l1c.·a. found th<H Ar- g<:ntma h<1S lx.-'(•n forc.•l'ful In prl·ssang its tt-rnt.onal da1ms Thl· Argent1m· JUnta has been ... umuliltt·d nu douht bv th<> d1M.·c>very of nt•h uil .ind m1nt •r<1I cJtopos1t.., un the l("Y t'\intment GIVEN THE SAM E int·<·n11vl·' that l<·d to the Falklands adventun•. th1· Ar · gt•ntme genc·rals may ev1:ntually dl'l. ldt· t11 ()('t:upy thl.' Antarc:t1t• pc.:nmsul<t. 1ntt·l- hgcnce sourcl'S suggpst Arry such ln•1vc• . ._ would havt to overrun a 1>4:rmam·nt U S base staffed bv sci<'nllst:> The SC't0rc-t White House papers urge ··a c.:onterlt-d d1plomat1c effort to n·dl'h s u m e a i.:: r t· e m c· n t w 1 t h A r g {' n · una Sut·h an l'ffort could pos- '>lbly head uff what 01herw1::..-might b<.•1:ome a d1v1s1ve (1:-.::.ut•) wh1th would adverse 1 v J ff t' l" t th l' ex ct• I I c· n t U S -Argentine COUJWrallon an Antart•t1c· rt•search and log1::.t11·s . or might have Pvcn mort• S<'r1ous l'OllSt'<.JUl'n~ for our rclat1on!> ·· Fonda may help us unders tand aging To the Editor: The las t week of Marc h was an eventful week for the film tndustry. Amid the glamour and energy of the Academy Awards came a touching hu- man event. It was with universal ap- plause and gratitude that the award for outstanding achievement in the best ac- tor category was bes towed on Henry Fonda. His outstanding perfonnance in "On Golden Pond" mirrored a time in our Lives which is so often not looked upon w ith warmth, caring and un- derstanding. The television cameras fo- cused in on Mr. Fonda in a less tha n energetic state of health to record his reaction to achieving the award. His reaction, as always. was honest, direct, and complete ly characteristic of Henry Fonda. However. it was interesting what the public and the newsbroadcasters saw . There was considerable discussion that followed on whether it was considerate to have this gentleman exposed to the public at a debilitated time in his life. There was discussion over the possible inappropriateness of this telecast. But, how appropriate it was, not only con- sidering the role wpich we had just commended, but as an honest display of a period of growth in the process of his life. Why sh ould the obvious hearing 1mpafrment, gentleness of speech, pale clear features and de liberate ness o f movement be seen as anything but a normal, natural process in the stages of growth of human beings? IT IS A paradox of our culture that we accept and reward the portrayal of the coming of age on the screen or in the theater. But, when it is brought into the perspective of reality, It becomes a con- troversial issue as to the appropriateness of sharing this time in one's li(e with the same public family that has been sharing your life for so many years. The deta- ched audience is able to accept depressed stages in the Lives of actors as long as these stages are not perceived as reality. It is difficult for all or us to observe loved ones and individuals we admire in a less than energetic state. But, perhaps the more we are expoeed to the nonnal and 90metimel trying stages of file, we will begin to grow our1elve1 in our ability to care. understand, and deeply love re - gardless of the extent of loss we may feel. Perhaps Henry Fonda will teach us about our fears, our concern.a and our sometimes limited views of the a~ges of Ule. BETTY McMICKEN. M.A. CCC Speech Patholopt VNA Hotpa Advl9ory c.oundJ Willing to fight To lhe Editor. Your.-edl&orial ,..,.~ ibe A.raen•. tlne ooeup ltlon of th• to·e1lled Falkland lllanda i. unl'Hllllic and mfa.- lndlna. You f<qel to polnt out that \he ltlandl were taurped from Ar1entlne tove· n•1gnty in 1833. The deft'nseless Argcn· tine govenu1 and civilian populat1un were brutally expelll.'d from tht•tr uwn territory by the British navy ma typical act of piracy and colon1alasm Argentina's attempts of pNH:eful ne- gouauons were ignorC'd for ovt·r ...1 hun- dred years. A resolution from the lnt£·r· MAILBOX national Juridical Committee of lht:' U.N in 1976 est.abltshed the islands Ix-long to Argen~ina, but England still rC'fust-d to t.alk about it • Let"s face the truth The Br1t1sh are fighting against their own det·adency They decline to accept the old tames of the British 1mperium are gone Their navy has traded pnmitive vessels for nuclear submarines a nd carriers but their crews are still the same pirates Argentina's Preside nt Galueri has been clear in his message to President Reagan: "Time has run out." We will not tolerate the British colon ialism anv longer and we a re willing to fight to defend our rights. ALEJANOHO TELLO Airline's gall To the Editor: In complete defiance of virtually every regulatory agency Pacific Southwest Airlines IS going to double its number of daily flights from Orange County Air- port. What unmitigated gall! By this di- rect challenge to the residents of New- port Beach PSA is thumbing its nose at the entire Orange County Airport pro- blem. The only intelligent and appro- priate response is a total and immediate boycott of PSA throughou t the ~tale. Let's Cly anything but PSA and wipe that smirk oCf their f&G"e. RICHARD M FOXX Boyd wro11g To the F.diior: L .M. Boyd was In error Ma rch 29 when he wrote that Oliver C romwell was the only ruler of England who was neither a king nor a queen . Cromwell's son ruchard also ruled as Lord Protector, albeit ineffectJvely, trom Sept. 1658 to May 1659. Legi la tors I ail To lhe Editor. BILL BE'M'S The current effort to quallfy an ln· ltlatlve to eatabU.h 1 tea~latlv r ap. portJonmmt ~ la only \he most • recent sign of the continuing failure of the Legislature tu transcend poltt1cal parusans h1p and govern m the public interest It 1s ironic: that the Republican Party. wh1l:h tradillonally has opposc'd bureau- cratic and JUdadc:il transgressions on the leg1Slat1ve sphere. ha-; jomed with Com- mon CauSC' tht' primary lobbyist for the creation of elec·tt on t'\)mm1ss1ons in thC' rC'apportionment c<ul)palgn. THE INITIATIVE process. originally devised c!S a r•c·ans for COU nleral"ltng c.-ontrol by spc. •I 1ntl'rcsts sut"h as the Southern l'ac.·if1 Railroad over the Le- gislature. has 1\(, 'TIC lht• primary means by which m;.i r uliucal issues are de- l~rmined. Ta 1dexmg. the Peripheral Canal, and re 1 ns m criminal procedure ar<' only ;i f• 11f the rssuC'S on the June ballot tha• ::.huuld properly have been addressed oy tht• lt'g1slators. Few voters have suffl<01C'nt lime or experttse to ren- der informl'<l JUdgm<'nts on most 1ntt1a- tive measures Their s U('t:ess or failure consequently dep<mds nut on reasoned debate but on h1gh-(1nanc.°C'd mas.-.-ml.'dia advert1smg efforts The framers of our systt>m uf govern- m e nt never 1ntended 1t to bf' one in which issues o{ public polll'Y werC' lt) be ·de termined by mass popular vote or uncl~ted romm1SSions. These trends are a dir~t function of the decline of res- ponsible representative government BILL CROSBY NaYy dinosa urs To the Editor. Mr. Danger (Mailbox, April 1) couldn't be m ore correct in his judgment on battleship conversions. As a "battleship sailor" during WW2 I am patnfully aware of their vulnerability compoun- ded when on e considers the h i-tech weaponry available today. I suggest renaming the New Jersey the Jerseiosaurus novus. It is living proof that the age of dinosaurs. 1s not over and that Neande rthals roam the corridors of the Pentagon. as they have since lhe days of Billy Mitchell J . W. REID CllllYm tr ~ clititt.I have th~lr way th only peopl who will be ab!e to aftord h~ in Newport 8Mct'I wW be~ who ln- h~rited wealt.h, the corpont.e nouveeu rirhe, &h t .ram operators ind tho bl1 drug dnlt-ra. N.E..P. --...:5.::-··-................ .. -~............ ......, .. ....... ..."""'...... . ···-----------------------------------~----~------~ Orange CoHt DAILY PILOT/Thurlday, Aprll 15, 1982 . Soothing Sounds no .help to true city dweller I )at Md a blnhday, and CM of the 11tu J recelved wa1 • 111ound condl ...... 1 wmn't qu.ita awe what a -.and "°'1· dl\1ontr wa~l but I read the brochure thalcame wtU\ lt., and it el(plained that a IOUnd condJUoner la IOI'\ of like an a1r coodlUoner. An air condltianer' II auppo- eed w improve the quality of the air in the room you're in; a IOU.nd conditioner la aupJ>C*d w improve the quality of the IOUnd. THE THEORY ts that modem life L! ao nolay and audlbb' hectic that we now need IOU.lld condiUonera, especially to get to aleep. Mine ts an electronic model. It has a bunch of dials and control knobs on it; you plug it ln, and you decide what kind of sound conditioning you want, and then you lie back and wait w fall asleep. You can ch008e gentle rain; you can ch008e ~-rain; you can chooee a rushing waterla!f: you can chooee waves pounding up agamst the shore. All of the eoun<b the sound conditioner provides are water sounds, and they are all de- signed to help you doze off even in the middle of the busy city. Well . . . this is a great device, and it does exactly what it says it does. It makes terrific water noises. When you turn it on, you could swear you were in RUFFELL'S UPHOlSTERY .......... ~ s... 1922 NAAIOR IL VD. COST A MISA -541· I I 56- coller 'n cuff JU L ~ W---. 8-1 lhlt St Coet• Meae 142-8718 ·~ .... THI .~-!.!!r!. ...... __ ... it Llc ' 1785 7 S9'v.ce T me Sletta •I YOUt 0oo< 1ca1 Stor• -..i YOU< "'•> COSTA MllA 641•1219 ,.,...._. ..... --YllJ049~1 ~~c.,w-1'--.. ,.. .. ,. ...... ..,. .... ..,.., Don't be a Victim Find out how to protect ogoinst crime. Huntington Center Moll Sot .I Sun. 12 to 5. WANT ADS WORK ~WONDERS WORLDWID~ .. , To place-your Want Ad CJll 642·5678 Double Check the largains in the Daily Pilot Class1f1ed today! VALUES GALORE THERE'S BIG MONEY in LlnLE WANT ADS To place your ClaHlfied Ad Call '42·5678 TODAY ' th• mlddle of a tropical ralnatonn. or on the beech at Malibu. The only problem la, when I try to aleep wlth lt on. I lie awake and stare at the celllna. I am used to llvlng ln the clty, and I can deep in the middle of any kind of noiae. City nolaea make me 111111111 drowsy. Alt a matter of fld, I fell uJeep on my desk between the 1ut p&rqrapl\ and this paragraph. The only places I have trouble alee- ~are placid, beautiful environments on the road -preciaely the klnds of places the aound conditioner la deslJzned to simulate. ln downtown Chicago f can sleep like an infant; but send me on a ,:itory to some small to,wn with the crickets chirping and the wind whispe- ring through the branches and the lake la pping against the shore, and I Ile awake all night. IT OCCURS to me that I don't need the sound conditioner in the city; all the lapping waves in the world won't help me sleep here. What I do need is a dif- ferent kind of aound conditioner for when I travel to 1mall towN. And I wonder lf the company could maru.tfac~· ture one for thoee of ua who have be· come accuatomed to bll.city life. The dial settings could be relatively simple: -PLEASING POTHOLES: The sound would be of large automobiles dropplna into holes ln the concrete; the tires would thud, the metal would acrape ag~t the street, the engine would sun and the car would screech off. Thia would be repeated at five-second inter· vala, juat aa the waves apinlt the ahore are ~ W do on the CUl'n!ftt eound conditioner. -DROWSY-TIME DOORMEN: Thia setting would be composed malnly of ear-sfiattering whistles. The effecl would be that of apartment-building doonnen competing• with each other for cabs; each whistle would be ot a alll}ltly different tone, and they would combine to make a perverse symphony guaran- teed to lull the city dweller to aleep no matter how quiet the town ln which he finds himself. -CARESSING CAR ALARMS: Thi.a sound effect would simulate what hap- pens when someone tries to break into a car on your street, not knowing that the car has one of those alarm systems at- tached to it. The siren would start aoftly, 8 mg, .. llf,0.7 mg ... IV. ,s ..._~FTC fiil1Md. .. - and then escalate Into a horrible wall loud = W shatter alul· Thia would be a • aett!n1 on the rnechlne; lt would remain atlent until approximately 2 a.m., at thich which t..lme lt would kick ln. Then lt would eound relentlealy for 45 minutes; there would be no control that would enable you w turn it off. -DIVINE DOMESTIC DISTURB- ANCES: Thia would be made up es- aentially of men and women acreamlng at each other, crying, throwing things toward each other and al.amml.ng doors. ' Thia would be a apeciel R-rated aett.ing; most of the language would be obscene, and the Lord's name would regularly be Wicks °> v'ld6 "I said -this 1s a stickup!" ,; . . ... . . I~' ... ..... · .. Uled ln vain. Ir you tried to tamper with aetUng, the voices would ceue berallna each other and start threateninl you. -BEATIFIC BAR-CLOSINGS: Theae eounda would come on at juat the time of nll}lt that the taverna ln cities shut down. In your bed you would hear loud conversatlona, belligerent chal- lenge•, off-key alnging and bottle• breaking on the pavement. Thi.a setting would be guaranteed to temind you ol home, even if you were on the moet re- mote tropical isle. -SLEEPYTTME STEREO: The ef- fect would be of abrasive, annoying music, of a t ype you hate, coming tprough a wall. Punctuating the music would be the thumping of neighbors stomping on their floors and tapping broom handles against their oeilino in an effort to get the music to atop. With each of these attempts, though, the mu- sic would only grow louder. It would finally fade away as dawn came to end the night. I'm no expert on these things, and I don't know whether such a sound con- ditioner could really be manufactured. I do know one thing, though: II I have to go through too many more nights of gentle rainstorms and lilting waves wa- shing. onto the beach, I'm going to crack up. I need my sleep. Warning : The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. -. ' ~ II • .• ; Salem 4 SMOOTH LOW TAR 10Qs • Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Thureday, Aprll 1,, 1982 rr-~~~~~~~~~~~~-- / MISS OC COMPETES -Lori Leonelli of Newport Beach, selected Mi~ Orange County 1982 last month, w ill compete in two-hour California Beauty Pageant at Knott's Berry Farm April 24 . Pageant will be televised. Female exec plans appeal on ouster SAN JOSE (AP) -The female president of a large Silicon Valley electronics firm has vowed to appeal a lawsuit verdict favoring a country club that forced her to leave its men-only restaurant. "I'm not going to let down my daughter, or women I don't know, on civil rights," said Billye Ericksen, 45, who lost the $600,000 suit t:iy a vote of 10-2 in Santa Clara Superior Court. Ms. Ericksen was ordered from the Men's Grill at the Los ~ltos Golf and Country Club while at- tending a golt tournament sponsored by two major electronics trade ~iatJons in 1979. "I was absolutely mortified. There I was with 70 men, and I was the only person excluded," she recalled. Ms. Ericksen, who originally sought $150,000 damages, later ra1sed it to $600,000, arguing that the club directly inOuenced two electronics firms which canceled contracts with her firm, Capsco Sales. Boston crime highest NEW YORK (AP) -Boston had the highest crime rate among the nation's major cities in 1981 while N~w York. Los Angeles and Chicago -the most populous -were ranked 12th, 13th and 24th. The New York City Police Department compi- led the list. WAREHOUSE CONSOLIDATION . AND INSTORE WAREHOUSE SAL"I W•tch tor our Warehouae Coneolldatlon end In Store W•r•houH S•le Aprll 24th • 25th at our Coeta MeN Store onty. 111& IEWPGRT ILYD., COSTA IESI tPJ# ~~ 'l.e .. Opt1 Su1d11s 12:30·1 P.I. A TRADITION FOR 60 YEARS serm, ,..1 AM 142-2010 Spring Gas Bar- B-Q Sale In Progress AMCO \\~\t.DERS Sl!ppt~ SpttWJzl06 In tlw coordln•t#on of 1M dttontlY~ hardw•tt for yoflr pro}«t. FlalsMd hardw•rr for: DOORS~ BATH, KITCHEN, BARS, CABINET AND BATH ACCESSORIES (714) 642-4184 a-dM1 ts• -------· ~- D on' t block fire lanes in HB City cracking down on enforcement pf new public safety law HunUneton Beach ii enforcing a now law aimed al keeping flre lanes clear on private property, Cartlcularly shopping centers, 1arae apartment complexes and oondomlnium developments. Enforcement lnvolvea posting sign.a prohlblUna parking. Alao. fire lane curb1 will be painted red. Although auch red zones have been poeted on city streets, the city did not have the power to ldentif y and enforce fire lanea on private property until this ear. I According to Huntington Beach Fire Protection SpeclaUJt William E. Sampeon, a two-week witrning period Is lmpoaed lm- modiate ly a fter a parti'Cular shopping cenler or residential complex la poeted. After thla grace period, moto- rists who pack In the marked flre lanes could get $27 citations. Sampapn aald fire lanea not only allow firefighters accesa to the scene of a blaze but a lso provide space for deployment of equipment such as f ire hotes, ladders and aerlal apparatua. · He u.ld one vehicle parked In a critical location could hinder fi- refighting efforts and jeopardb.e life and property. PoeUnJ of fire lanes In all pri- vate properties affected by the new Huntington Beach law ia expected to be completed by the end of 1982. Call 142-1171. Put • few word• lo work for ou. CROWN HARDWARE PARKING LOT SALE behind Corona Del Mar Store only All Merchandise in Parking Lot Most Items 1/2 Price or Lower . . Saturday, April 1 l, only 8:30 a.m. to Approx. 5:00 p.m. No Presales • All Sales Final BELOW IS A PARTIAli LIST OF SALE ITEMS POWER TOOLS ........................................................................... ONE THIRD OFF STAINLESS STEEL BOWLS .............•.•.......................................... HALF PRICE SHOWER CURTAINS ••••.•...•••..•..••.•••.••.•.....•.•....•......•.......•.•............ HALF PRICE LAWN SPRINKLERS ··································~~··································· HALF PRICE ... KITCHEN GADGETS ...••....•..••.......••.•.•.......•.................................... HALF PRICE WOKS .....•....•.••••.•.•.........•................•.......•...•.............•.......•............... HALF PRICE · WINE STEWARDS ...•••....•...•..........••••.•...•....................................... :HALF PRICE HAND TOOLS ASSORTED ............................................................. HALF PRICE CANDLES ................•.......•.•.....•......................................................... HALF PRICE WEBER GRILLS 18'' Black 139.00 ...•..•.•••.................................................... Colors ..... •45.00 221/2 '' Black '49.00 ......................................................... Colors ..... •ss.oo BLACK & DECkER ELECT. STAPLER -#9700 ...................................... 115.00 ELECTRIC HEATERS ••.••••••.•••••.••.•.•.•.•........•........................................ 25°/o OFF KERO-SUN KEROSENE HEATERS .................................................... 25°/o OFF CAFE SAL TON COFFEE & CAPPUCINO MAKER'" ................... HALF PRICE PRESSURE COOKERS. ................................................................... HALF PRICE CHICKEN BUCKETS BY WEAREVER. ......................................... HALF PRICE RETIRING -Dr. C hristophe r Kra ft, directo r of th e J ohnson Space Center in Houston, wW retire at the end of the year. CABINET HARDWARE ........................................................... MOST ITEMS 25c .. • HOSE NOU.LES ...•.•.•.•...••••.•.••.•...••......•..............•............•.............. HALF PRICE STAINLESS FLATWARE-plastlc handles discount colora ...... HALF PRICE CONTACT & SHELF PAPER .................. ~ ...................................... HALF PRICE COMBO WRENCH SET .........................................•........................ HALF PRICE MALIBU 3-LITE SET .....•...................•.........................................•................ 159.00 MALIBU 5-LITE SET ...................•.....•...........•................•••........................... '69.00 SALT & PEPPER SETS ............•.•...•..••...•.•••••..•......•..........•............ HALF PRICE BARTH & DRYFUSS TOWELS, POT HOLDERS ...................... HALF PRICE I RITZ TOWELS .•••••••.•..•....••.•...............•................•............................ HALF PRICE MAGNALITE COOKWARE ............................................................. HALF PRICE TOSCANY TEAPOTS & MUGS ..................................................... HALF PRICE DURO ADHESIVES ..........................................................•.............. HALF PRICE WATERLESS HAND 8LEANER .•.••........•. : .................................... HALF PRICE CAPPUCCINO MUGS •.•.••.•••.•.•...•..••............................•.................. HALF PRICE PLACEMATS-AUDREY & TEXTOL ............................................ HALF PRICE APRONS ••••.•••••.........•..••.....•............•.•.••...•...............•.•.•....•............... HALF PRICE TEA KETTLES .......•••••••........•................................•........•.....•......•.•.. HALF PRICE MISC. RUBBERMAID .••.....•.•..•........•....................•..........•............... HALF PRICE COFFEE MUGS-ASSORTED ....................................................... HALF PRICE CROCKPOTS .•.....••••••••••••••.••••••••..•••••............•....•..........•.......•.......... HALF PRICE CORNINGWARE-MISC. PIECES ................................................. HALF PRICE ANTIQUING KITS •..•...•.......................•.....•...•...•......•......................•. HALF PRICE BATHROOM TOWEL BARS, SOAP DISHES ............................... HALF PRICE MISC. PAINTS 6 SPRAY PAINTS ................................................ HALF PRICE BEHR WOOD STAINS & SPRAY STAINS ................................... HALF PRICE ASSORT. TIN CANNISTERS .......................................................... HALF PRICE PYREX CASSEROLE & UTILITY DISHES ................................... HALF PRICE CORELLE EXPRESSIONS •••.•.•••••••.•••..••...•.••..•......•.....•.•••.•.......•... HALF PRICE STEMWARE-MISC ••••.•••.••.•.••••....•.••.......•.••...••.....••..•....•..•......•..... HALF PRICE FAUCETS •••..•.•••••••••••••••.•.•••••••••••..••..••••.••••••..................••...•.....•.•.•••. HALF PRICE SWITCH PLAT.ES •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••...•...•..•••••.•••••••••.•.••.•••..•• HALF PRICE CANNISTER SETS •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••••••....•.•.•••...•.•...• HALF PRICE HELLERMADE GRIDS & BASKETS ............................................. HALF PRICE WOODEN SALAD BOWLS ............................................................... HALF PRICE GARAGE DOOR OPENER ................................................................ HALF PRICE SENTRY FIREPROOF SURVIVOR SALE ...................................... HALF PRICE CURTAIN HARDWARE ...................................................................... HALF PRICE ICE BUCKETS ..................................................................................... HALF PRICE BRASS DOOR KNOCKERS .............................................................. HALF PRICE MAIL BOXES ....................................................................................... HALF PRICE KWIKSET TYLO ENTRY LOCKS .................................................... HALF PRICE PIPE WRENCHES ............................................................................... HALF PRICE LUFKIN MEASURING TAPES .......................................... , ............... HALF PRICE AND ••••• LOTS MORE Many Item• In llmlted supply or one of a kind. CROWll HARDWARE .,. • An•helM Hlllt COIONA DIL MAI 11011. C..t ..,. <•Jilt. ........ ~ .. , ....... , • W•tcllff Pl••• 673!-2100 •H~rYlewCefttet' THI Cllll MD THI toum THURSDAY. APRIL 15, 1882 CAVALCADE TELEVISION ENTERTAINMENT 82 86 87 -·-> T h e 1970s are t r u ly over: Marriage is on th e up swi ng, but with som e be wi lde ~ing terminology. Erma Bombeck, Page 8 2. ... a a ~\ Fluor drill fires them up ~,,,. Caltrans burns its bridges ON THE ROAD (PART U) -In the continuing saga of how our corrunuters live along this best of all ~ible coasts -sometimes known as "You Can't Get There From Here" -today we shall exarhine the plight of the Newport Beach motorist. T he Newport Beach motorist is easy to find. He's stalled in traffic, somewhere near Newport Bay Bridge. Befor e in terviewing one of the hapless creatures, however, we should probably apologize to him and all his fell ow hapless ones. T h is is beca u se we failed miserably twice in r..\ , this sterling journal to TOM MORPHINE ~t;. notify t h e Hapless Ones -~ that the Newport Bay -----------Bridge would be squeezed down to a single lane. Wednesday it was the westbound a p proach, going upcoast. Today it was the eastbound squeeze, going downroast. THIS FAILURE TO NOTIFY happened because our state hi8hway brass -known as Caltrans-didn't give out any nouficat1ons until it was too late to get in the paper. Well, after all, it wasn't too much of an inconvenience. Oh, several hundred commuters were late to work ancJ several hundred additionally were late to classes at school. What happened to the drivers? They passed on while waiting ro pass across. Several h igh business executives missed appointment~ w here they stood to-make several thousand doll~rs. And reportedly there were five broken engagements and three threats of dissolution of marriage. Beyond that, it was just a trifling matter. IN EVENT YOU MISSED the morning traffic snarlup on t he approach to Newport Bay Bridge, you have to understand that it was necessary because Caltrans parked one truck in the middle of the highway and had one technician, manning one hose, who was sandblasting away some center lines on the pavement. Apparently this work cannot be accomplished at any other time than the morning rush hour. Some Wrong Thinkers, like the chap who got trapped in the jam and lost a $410,000 stock deal, will declare that this kind of operation that inflicts such delay on busy people iS an absolute governmental obscenity. That is to say, why couldn't they sandblast their damned white lines after midnigh t , w hen nobody's out there but a couple of stragglers from Bobby McGee's and one itinerant shoe salesman headed for San Diego? WH E N THINGS GOT stick y during the lane sandblasting Wednesday, several Newport cops were in evidence on the scene. But they weren't doing much about directing t r affic. ThPy were givin g tickets to some frustrated drivers who allegedly got on the wrong side of the detour. It would have been nice to see some members of the Local Law out there waving their anns around like they w e re directing traffic flow. It might not have helped a blamed bit. But at least the com mu ter vict im s would have felt somebody was tryin~ to do somethin~ to help them. IN SEMI-DEFENSE of Caltrans, they did notify the city of Newport Beach about Operation Sandblast. But city officials said they've given up trying to out-guess Caltrans, in tha t in the past they've been notified of an impending closure and then nothing happened. Other tfmes, the city didn't get notified and something did happen. The way our highway system is going, Caltrans ought to get a new dessert named after it. We could call it California Surprise. HEADING FOR WORK -F.ach county firefighter, clad in turnout coat and boots, carries 100 feet of 2 'll-inch hose and air bottle to aid breathing of would-be victims. There were no faked injuries in simulated high-rise drill. Employees out of building in JO minutes during high-rise exercise By GLENN SCOTT Of IM DalfJ Nol l taff Two floors of ,the gleaming Fluor Corp. headquarters in Ir- vine went up in flames Wednes· day -sort of. It was only a drill lhA drew 14 scarlet fire trucks and 1dozens of firefighters to the 10-story buil- ding and foreed 500 employees to take an unexpected hour break before lunch. But it was an important drill, according to Capt. Gary Sten- berg, spokesman for the Orange County Fire Department, because it was the first time the depart- ment has practiced firefighting in a high-rise building. • Officials deemed the drill a success and claimed victory dou· sing the imaginary fire that spread from the seventh to the eighth floor. Actually, the mystery blaze · was "ignited" by a fire depart- ment official who at 10:08 a.m. shot smoke from a pressurized can into a smoke detector. Soon thereafter, fire engines and ladder trucks were rolling toward Fluor's glaM castle off the San Diego Freeway. For safely reasons, the trucks traveled with the normal traffic Clow and left their red lights and sirens off. Behind one entourage of fire- fighters, like ducklings behind their mother, followed about a half-dozen cars loaded with news reporters and photographers who had been apprised of the drill. Some photographers even sta- tioned themselves in advance on Fluor's spacious lawn. A fe w workers admitted while patiently standing in a parking lot during the exercise that the unusual site of waiting photographers had tipped them off to the drill. Nevertheless, Fluor's vice pre· sident for corporate security, Bill Nelson, said he was happy that all employees had filed down fire-proofed stairways and out of the building within 10 minutes. "The only way to do that is to practice," said Nelson, who added that Fluor officials had volunt- eered for the drill. It should be noted that just about everyone took part in the drill. Even Chairman of the Board J . Robert Fluor was among the well-dressed throng in the parking lot. There were a few small hit· ches, however. One fellow who was shaving m a bathroom initially refused to leave the building, firefighters said And another 79-year-old gentleman needed some help ne- gotiating the steps. Meanwhile, the drill was interrupted slightly after only 23 minutes when a real caU for help came from another building at the complex where a worker suffered -and survived an epi- lepllc seizure. Fluor. which deals in mterna· tional contracts for energy systems. is prepared at its Irvine base for more than just fi res. Nelson said the company's new emergency management plan tested dunng the drill also covers natural disasters, such as earth- quakes, or man-made threats. Enough food is kept in storage on the site for three days of emergency use , and a 20,000-gallon reserve tank of water is available, said Fluor spokesman Tim Patterson. Despite the obvious problem of pretending there lS a fire when there isn't, Fluor's employees drew praise from Stenberg, who noted the ease in which the workers yielded hallways to oxygen-masked firefighters. "The nice thing about a plan like th is is everybody knows . what to do," he said. • D•tly Piiot Photo• by G..-y Aml>rOM DOWN AND OUT -As Fluor Corp. employees clear the hallways en route to fireproof stair- ways, mas ked fire crew squirms along floor beneath ''rising smoke and heat." BA TT ALION CHIEF -Stan Matthews uses phone system that firemen set up on site . I :/ J I . f I / I I l;i I I I I • -( ,. I I r .· LADDD'I LDllT -Bill Ivenan of Truck Compuy 22 of ~ JIW8. climbl 100 fMt, which only rwhel leftnth Ooar. Hid then bMl'l a tire, he would haw broUri In. . . .. Or1noe Cout DAILY ptLOT/Thurtd1y, Aprll 15, 1982 ... •ANN LANDERS •ERMA BOMBECK •HOROSCOPE Recognizing sign sig,nals time to stOp therapy DEAR ANN LANDERS: I have great empathy for the woman who flipped over h~r doctor's beautiful eyes. (She forgot what she went to see him about the moment she walked into his office.) That woman is luckier than I. If it's only his eyes, she can look at the ceiling or the floor. I fell madly in love with the whole man. He was my therapist. I lived from one session to the next and made up ''emergencies" in between. I would have run off with him. left my husband and family -eve rything -if he had given me the slightest bit of encouragement. One day I blurted out my feelings. He was amazed and embarrassed -explained he was happily married and trying to help me make m y marriage be tte r. Anything between us was out of the question. I was crushed and humiliated. l had made a complete fool of myself. Of course. that was our last session . Seven months have passed and I am still praying for God's help to get all thoughts of this man out of my head. I a dvise any woman who becomes • HOIOSCOPf BY SIDNEY OMARA Sagittarius: Travel due Friday, April 16 ARIES (March 21-April 19): What had _been s uppressed wilLhe Le.leased and-.ihis works to your advantage. Member of oppo- site sex aids in making wis h come true . Accetn on change. variety. travel, ability to express ideas in graphic manne r . TAURUS (April 20-Ma y 20): What seems like opposition will actually prove to be a s te ppings tone to progress. Focus on home repairs. domestic adjustment and purchase which makes reside nce a more comfortable place. GEMINI (May 21 -June 20): Avoid rea- fhing too far afield! ~hat you .~k is ~lo_ser ihan might be a nticipated. Fill m missing $paces. Focus on commmunacation. travel ~nd need for defining terms. meanings . CANCER (June 21 -July 22): You may be asked to co-sign, to give references and to ~heck source material. Emphasis .on res.P?n· $ibility. past performances and mtensihed relationship. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Finish what you start be aware of public rela tions. contractual obligations and promise made to one who has proved loyal. Permit others to express their views. pta:r your own cards close to chest. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Ne w ap- proach to basic: tasks proves constructive . Services improve. 1nd1v1dual you aided in past will return favor. Accent on initiative. e mployme nt and affairs o f heart. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Good lunar aspect highlights romance, discoveries, creativ«t' resources and pleasure from chil- dren. Intuition is oa target. learning process is stimulated. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): You'll have more working room. you'll be able to more accurately judge property values and you'll be pleased by invitation to social af- fair. Horizons expand. chances to become more a ffluent multiply. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Short trip could be on agenda. Rules. regulations are subject to review. Emphasis on visits, ideas. re '1etives and the initia tion o f a re- building process. Misplaced object will be located. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): You get what you go after. style is imprinted and creative process as stimulated. Constructive change occurs. financial picture is brighter. Relationship is clarified . AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18); Impor- tant domestic adjustment occurs; you'll be at right place at pro per mom e nt. G e nuine bargain is available and you 'll obtain it. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Focus on change of routine, privacy. opportunity to gain second emotional wind. Emphasis also on institutions. hospitals, special groups and efforts to e r ase doubts. fears. POT SHOTS BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT HOW MANY JOURNEYS MUST ONE MAKE IN OR.DER TO QUALIFY "S A PROFESSIONAL PASSENGER'? emotionally involved with her doctor, la- wyer, counselor. clergyman -whoever - to stop seeing him tfie moment she recog- nizes signs. -THIS TOO SHALL PASS DEAR WISH: You are ·not alone, dear. Every day brings doiena of letlen from women (and men) wbo relate similar sto- ries. I can't improve on your advice. It's perfect. Tbankl for sharing. DEAR ANN LANDERS: 1 was annoyed by the catty judgment in your column about women who wear hair curlers downtown. The clawed creature who wrote said, "Women who wear hair rollers in public are insecure and don't ge t out much, so they wear curlers to create the impression they have importan~ plans for the evening." Well. hear this: I. for one. cannot afford to patronize a beauty shop and there are a lot m ore like me. Plus. I have no time to sit under a dryer. So I roll up my hair and go about my business, doing all the things a homemaker must do. I seem to be running from morning 'til night. SHEPHERD IN THE SNOW -L ynn Watson stands in front of an enormous snow thrower at the maintenarice headquarters in Silverton. Colo. It is his job to keep a 17-mile stretch of U.S. Highway 550 open to the driving public I like to look nu:e for my famil y • t supper t ime . Ro lling up my hair in the· morning helps·. S t ay-at-home wives a nd mothe rs have a tough enough time these days without defending them.selves again1>t stupid criticism. Tell Miss Know -It-All to get o ff o ur l'ase . will you? -A HOMEMAKER IN PORTLAND DEAR DEFENDER: I received a ton of letters from furious housewives In balr curlers. But yours said It best. Thanks for the well-worded blast. DEAR ANN LANDERS: M y smart-aJec:k husband ope ned up his big mouth to tht• judge and now he has to servP 15 days for ignoring a large number of traffic tic·kets. Of course, it was in the newspaper and tht' phone hasn't stopped ringing. 'l'he thought that the fat her of my children will have a .)Clil record makes me sick. I have three -a little girl. six months old, and two boys. seven a nd nine. Wha t should I tell them? -MONTEREY. CALIF HEARTACHE AP Wlrephoto during harsh winters in the southwestern part of the Stale. ''You have to know ever y inch of the road. but you can stall become lost m the winter when everythmg turns w hite a nd the shapes chan ge." he says. -• GOREN ON BRIDGE . . BY CHARLES H GOREN ANO OMAR SHARIF East·Wl'~t \ulnnable. Easl deals. NORTH •7 852 •J 7 4 3 2 +A875 2 WEST EAST •J 9653 +KQ4 9 7 6 43 ~ AK Q J 10 KQ '.>J1096 +3 +K SOUTH +A 10 82 Void •J A85 +QJ10964 'the bidding: East South Weat North I : 2 + 4 "" 5 + Pa88 Pa11 5 ? Pa11 Pa11 6 +' Pa11 Paes Obie Paes Pa11 Pa11 Opening lead: King of I) . Bridge on c~muter trains 1s, of nt-cessi~. fasl·paced - you "run out of track" in less than an hour. But there is s urh a thing as playing too h&stily. even for the train! The bidding v. a s rea!ionable for any sort of bridge. South's decision to bid six clubs was based on the fact that he wasn't sure who could make what. but we could ronstruct a sound rase for a penalty double instead. That would have netted 800 points with accurate defenc;e. West led the king or diamonds. l>t>clarer won l hr are and led a club to the are. relling the king. "Well, I can't put my diamorid losers any where. Down one", announc ed South. The defenders agreeably entered 100 points on their ide of the ledger. South was too quick to lower the nag. True, there was no place for him to put his diamond loser. But there was al!io no way for the defenders lo collect their two diamond tricks as the cards lie. After dropping the king or clubs, declarer should cash the ace or spades and ruff a spade.Thenthree heart ruUs sandwichf'd around two <tpadt' rurr.. l'11m1njtc tht' maJor su1l'> frl)m hoth dcrlarn's hand and dummy !Jt>clar('r end'I in h1' hjnd and h1., last four rard'i art· two diamonds and two trump-.. Dummy 1-. dov.n to thref' diamonds and a trump. Now det'larer !>imply exits with a diamond from hand West pedorre win'> t1'11., trirk. hut ht· 1~ left w11h nothing but major -.u1t card' Whl'ther he returns .i spadt' or a hl·art. fl p1·lan·r rurrs on the table and d1<>rards h1!> last diamond from his hand. So the "lam rolls home. even thoul{h it 1s again!lt the odd<; How do you choose the beat opening lead? Charin Goren hu the an1wf'r. For a copy of "Winning Opeain1 Ludt," send 11.85 to "Goren·Lead1." care of thli new1paper. P.O. Boll 259. Norwood, N.J. 07648. Make check. payable to News· _paperboob. Consider cold therapy DEAR DR. STEINCROHN: Wbat'1 better for artllrttlt. beat or cold 1ppllcatloa1? I developed artbrltls ID my left knee .... aboat slx moatbs a10. I am t4. 1t•1not10•&; my doctor calls it 01teoartllritl1, w'leb 11 supposed to be common la my a1e groap. lo addUioa to prescrtbt.a1 aspf rin, the doctor n••eated t•rkl•~·towel a9plicaU· oa1 wr••I oat of warm water. B•t tke1 dom't ltelp mlld. lta't upJrta 1afflde9t for my alliJll jolllt? -MRS. L. DEAR MRS. L: Warm appUcatJona ot dry or moltt heat are of~ quite helpful. But lhere U. ncitpttoiw like younelt who don't bmefJt from the heat. Hat your doctor mlllldwtd prwriblna cold appllcaUon ln1tead7 M1ny of my patient.a have preferred It to heat tre1t· ....... v In a NCtnt ttudy mentioned fl O.rii· I ~ rou1 HIAlTH • OR PETER J . STEINCAOHN t.r1a ~azine, doctors described cold treat-"*"• 'baggie therapy.'' Dr. Peter Usinger and Ulociates treated the knees of 24 ar- tbndC pauents wath cold: applyln1 plastic bap. ·filled whh the lee cu bet. abOve and beloW am knee for 20 mlnu• \hree limel a clay fot lour weeka. nit felulta; I IApUant ~l in k.Me·l'anp motion. ·~· Comfort and ~ llllomrUa. UM of hut hat bffn the lradldonal truUMnt. If there'• lilU• relief, 111bftuc Mtllnti w. ~f 9hould oainllder •1114 iMrapy .• q AllN lANDflS DEAR HEART: It doesn't matter what you tell the girl, but you'd better tell the boys their father had to go to jail. Explain that he is not a criminal, be didn't hurt anybody, but be broke some laws that had to do with driving a car -and now be bas to pay tbe price. Are you, or '·' sunwone you car<' <Jboul mess111g aruund wJth drugs -or con.'>1dering 1t ? An· all drugs bacl:> What about pot -m modC'ralion? Anr1 L;mdc•rs' al/-nc•w booklet, "ThC' L owdown on Dope· ... .1u•paratc·s the facts from the f1C'l1C>n . f'or eaC'h bookll•t or- d <· r<'d. s t'nd $2.00, plus a long. se lf- addn·ssed. swmpt'CI (·nvC'lope (.17 CE'nts pos· tag<') to Ann Lanclc>rs. I' 0 Box 11995, ChJ- cago. l/l. 60611. ERMA BOMBfCK AT WIT'S ENO • F a1nil y life stabilizing I got this straight from th(• Census Bu- reau. Marn&g<· as t·om,ng back " For those of you who fo llow trends. it marks lhe C'nd of the most popular diets of the '70s: a d1vorc.·t· and 500 calories a day. It signals t he rt•turn o f the dinosaurs w ho roamed the <!cirth in twos It might possibly mark the t•nd of Jill Clc.iyburgh mov1t-s. IT ALL SOUNDS LIKE <.i s(:enano from "L1ttlt• Houst• on the Pra1rw" Family life 1s supposed to stabal1w HousC'holds wall move out of the c:1t1es and bal'k to the rural areas People wall know what they want before they get stuck with 1t And all !)e(:ause the great c:hunk of population born during the baby boom ( 19-16-l 9fi4) is getting too old and too tart>d to play the singles g-.ttne. Marriage has gone thro ugh a lo t o f rhetoric during th1• past dL'Cadc. Some of the terminology l unders tood Mos t of it, I didn't. It's a wond(•r any of us survived at If marriages ar<' to flourish again. they'rl' just going to havt.• to SJX'll some things out ·· Ml'aningful Con vNsata on: What 1s at and as 1t fattening'! Nu one• has a clue.• what at means. We're going to h<lVf:' some guidelinc'S on what quC:1ltfil's as mec.1ningful. and do we havt• to ruin a p<:rfectly good meal with Jt'! Writing Your Own MarriagC' Contract: This has ix.~cn tou ambiguous. Can you get taken to court for nol'turnal headach t's'! Lying" Wrnpping your gum m the <:ontract and p1tc:h ing at'.' NEW SEXUAL FREEDOM: How docs this differ fr.om lh<' old sexual fr<.•t'dom? Why do I nl'ed a m;,inual for it? Can you order rww parts? Shared Rcspons1b1ltty: Has a nac.·c.· ring to it. but who gets custody of the child with intestinal flu at :3 a.m. and how rome you're going to bt• a fathc·r in thrt•c months and your stomal'h is ~till flat" Non-Trad1t1onal Marriage. I know it has to do with acute.· boredom with monogam y. but the· only l'ouplc I t'ver knew in a non- trad1t1onal marraagt' that worked were Buffy and Claudt· and they were two pet rabbits. Naturall y. I'm de la ghtt'd with the re- turn of marriage· It'll do a lot for matched towc•l manufactun·rs and bridal paraphe r- naha. Maybe we'll evt•n get a new vocabu· lary that wt· can all understand. Qlffllf By PHIL INTERLANOI of Laguna.Beach f . 'Dallas' still No. I '60 Minutes.' · M* A*S* H' dip in ratings LOS ANGEL.~ (AP) "OuUas" k pt lta No. 1 position in thl' television ratlna• lhe past week. H did CBS, althouah the network's two perennial wlnner11 -"60 Minutes" and "M A-S -H'( ~dropped uut of the Top 10, ~rding to tho A.C. Nielsen Co. The CBS prime-time soap opera about the oil-rich Ewing fam ily re- malncd unshakable in first place. In second place for the week e nding April 11 was CBS' "The Jeffersons." CBS's ''60 Minutes'\ finished 14th, although it got its u sual 41 percent share of the sets in use. Fewer people were tuned in, ho- wever. because of Easter Sunday. Its new oppos i • lion o n ABC , "Inside America." did e ve n w o rse, finishing in 67th place, third from the bottom. "M-A-S-H" fell lo 36~h an the ra-COLEMAN ·tangs, knocked o ut by NBC's only placement in the Top 10, "The Kid with the Broken Halo,'' NBC's Mon- day Night Movie starring Gary Col- eman. The movie finished fifth. CBS won the week with a rating of 17.0. ABC was second with a rating of 16.6 and NBC was third w ith 14 .2. The networks say that means an an average prime-time minutes, 17 per- cent of the nation's homes with TV were tuned to CBS CBS also continued In front for tht' seuson to date. h has 1t rating of 19.1 overall, while ABC had 18.2 and NBC 15.3. Two ABC comedies, "Three's Com - pany" 1md "Too Close for Comfort," rem ained In st rong positions as the third and fourth shows. H e r e a r e the T o p 10 s h o w s . "Dallas," a rating of 27.9 or 22.3 mil- 1 io n h o u seh o l ds, C B S; ''The Jeffersons," 25.6 or 20.5 m1lhol'}, CBS; ''Three's Company," 24.6 or 19.3 mil- uon, ABC. ··Too Close for Comfort," 24 2 or 19.3 million , rerun, ABC; movie-"The Kid with the Broken Halo," 24.1 or 19.3 million . NBC; .. Alice," 23.8 or 19 0 m1lht>n. CBS; "Falcon Crest," 22.0 or 17.6 million, CBS; "Dukes of Hazzard," 21.8 or 17.4 million , CBS; "Trapper John," 21.7 or 17 3 million, CBS; "Hart to Hart ," 21.6 or 17.2 million, ABC. Here are the next 10 shows: "Joanie L oves Chach1 ," ABC; "Dy n asty," ABC; "One Day at a Time," CBS; "60 Minutes," CBS; "Love Boat," ABC; ''The FaU Guy," ABC; "Happy Days." rerun, ABC; movie "You Only Lave Twice," ABC ; "Arch ie Bunke r 's Place," CBS; "T .J. Hooker," ABC. Herc a re the five lowest -ra te d sho ws: "One of the Boys." NBC, "Q .E.D," CBS; "Inside America," A BC. movie -"Goldie a nd the Boxer," rerun, NBC; movie -"Last Ride of the Da lton Gang." rerun, NBC. JCPenney Garden Shop Sale 3 Days Only April 16, 17 & .18 ~---~FASHION ISl.ANO ___ __., ~ NEWPORT CENTER ~~ ;, , -.;;.-,rrrr-. {)J.~i.:;R ~~~\\~ African Violets 4" Potted Reg. $1.99 Now s1.39 6" Cyclamen ~~ ~ • Reg. $5.99 ~"(;~,~ 1 Now s4.69 Poodle Treea "F=a::R::::;::::R 2 tier S 1 8 99 3 tier $2299 6' Flcua BenJamlna Houae Plant Specimen reg. $89.99 NOW 169" Ro1e1 2 gal. reg. 5.99 NOW s3tt 6" Potted Follage Aaaortment Choose from Diffenbachia. Philodendron and Ficu s varieties. Reg. $5.99 Now s3_99 --4li1il 6"· Hanging ,':: .. ~• Gardenia Euryopa 3 gal. reg. $9.99 NOW 1741 Reg. $4.59 Sale 13.99 • • ' '. Shade or • ~ f Special 18.99 Meyer Lemon 5 gal. reg. $11.99 NOW 1841 Neanthabella Palm I" Potted Reg. $16.99 Sale 110.99 ' Orange Coaet DAILY PILOT /Thuraday, April 15. 1982 We just robbed · nine major banks. We took only the mod ded1c'fllnl to hn11q111g y(J// l>u11k111ll, ut Yo1~'/l ltnd u < ompletc• m"IW 11/ talented career bankers. 11., hne~t -und m the ftnt"it ~111m111ul-'>/lf'< iu/1wd :.t'n'" e.\ tnt.lud111,11, Eighteen of Callforrrla '11 ,.,,~., Tiie t/11/erenc e tlwv l/l(J/11• £' llP\lh/e IJ11,111t'\.' loon~. c"'h ""'" flneat. Our motive? S<1methm~ ~i,x·rn1/. (i1111t• '" tu<lm w.:e111<'1//, wul c <1111/>at<•r "'n tt ,., To bring ftrtll dtu111 bank-Announcing the 30% IRA Something Sp«ial ing to your community. That\ t(ll,ht' We'll par ruu" 011r fne11cllr <'\/"'-''''do e1 <·nt/111111, • Well, we~ve done Ill wl1uppmR :10'%. on w>111 l11rl1rnl1wl 1111<1i1,11w/Jlc• 1111/1<1/u· hw1k11111, </Ill< k. Busmess or personal, you ~W' the Rettremt•nt A< c w1111 lw 11111et\ 1111/ 111!1< w111 e111d c•cM fl)I w11 l.1ke mo~ responswe, e:..pert\ervtt.t! day., whe11 \'()II 111i.•11 m111 ll<A 1•\1t•11rlt•<I llC1111' 'u elm' F11111 dm ~· at Hw 1tlflgto11 National Bank ~ befme 5/ / 5 8:.! up 11411·" wul 11 alk-11p tellt•" VJl't'<I di~inctice thfl!(' SJory lxmkmp, Free Checks wi111111 1v1w· u <ir r >w u11toflwt1c lactlity Et~ry sluff Wt •'// ht1)' ~wu u/cl <lwi k' ",,11 r1-lle1 ""/H'll .N l11n11'\, "''''"elm' member t!> a prv11e11 ow '"''' 11111101, lwi Ii '"fJ/ili " /1 ~'t'k 7'lwt \ 1 "''< e1111•m 1•1 prufe~ional "'' "'" 11111 opt ,11 \'< 1w wit// yecm; ol />l.'f\tmal c lwi lmt~ w, 1111111 exµmem ''· /,y 511518:! Business Expertise We 're o hill '><'n 1c <' //11\11/(''i.\ /><111k ( IJI Ill II/ti('( I tu You Owe it to Yourself Stu11 111 Get 111 kmJ/I 11<,, (JIU/ 11111" 11,<'I to lmou \'1"1 >'< 1u 'II uqwe. 0111 w 11 11 1• t\ "1 ""'' 1a/, 11 tJI( 111fcl Ix• u c nm1 • t11lx111k1111111 l:n1• el">'' lffl l \('Ill/I/~ V< Ill betfc•1 HUNTINGTON NA TI ON AL BANK Open now at the comer of BolMJ Chica and Heil in Huntington Beach. Something Special . -· ~ 1i fh'i:JI Rol\O Ouw .'Mreet l/1111/111llf•111 lllw11 'J.!1• f'I (714) 840·1354 (213) $92-1337 .,,"',,.,,,iu 83 -~1· . .• Easle!~;~!~~~~~'. · ""£ Great for workshop, STURDl- CRAFT BOOK- CASE 32" H, 32" W, 101h " 0 playroom, bathroom, kitchen, storeroom, garage, school or office. Constructed of Indust- rial grade particle board. (BK602) $ 99 RH. '14" Ill. 122• MANY MORE STORAGE UNITS TO CHOOSE FROMU oor nate to match your decor with: •VINYL LAMINATES •REAL WOOD VENEER •PAINT •WALL PANELING •VARNISH •MOULDINGS PLASTIC LAMINATE REAL WOOD VENEER ~::-::--:;~===!!'!!? Used over particle- board, plywood or flake boar . Available in ten rich wood species, clamp-free. Pre- blended to a polyester plastic laminate. 30!"tt All Item• llmlted to 1tock on hand. Ad good thru ~/22/82. Cabinet Accessories , Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Thurlday, Aprll 15, 1982 •• l/1•f1 /' 11/•1'11•/rH' I .J/I\ ol• , .• ,,,,tlril/1• $.t I /;1rl111•1• ,/,,.// /,.·r11111d.J l1o11t /rJ11W. ~I H (.'11/11rf11/ ilf'fllllltlU /..1c $';' .~ ,,,, For dedkaltd Pappaga/Jo People wbo crave color ... sunny summer accessones matched wttb crafty canvas runabouts. (.~11111 • /,.•/1 "'I" /1·111/wr li11d,/1•. /.I I l i111i.1• 111/t'• I :.! I 10 I:!-:" "/(1°1(1/IU " t olll\ II• /11 I "111.J.,J I Ill I ""'1"/ """ '"""''' i11 ,,, ... ,,, /1·· ·""'. (l/11r· S:.!-s:i •14'A\HIOf<ISl.A .. D.NtWPOUllACHl71•1 .. 4-4Jll .,,. ...... sntn AlHA .. H AIJI JIJU 0U1I ., .• ""' •f , ••• ,,.,,, "' "' ~.,,, ./;1ri• .\ .. ,,.uh~u•,11 llt lttlf "' .. ,.,,,,.,,r:Jl/11 ,,.. .. ,, Arrests of trio clear up 11 robberies The arrsta of thrft La Puente youtht ln Palm Sprtnp and Irvine have helped Orange County Sheriff's Department lnve1tlgator1 clear up 11 commercial robberies In Orange and Los Angele11 countJes, o!ficiala say. Sheriff'• Lt. Wyatt Hart aald Wed· neaday that two juveniles were arrested by Palm Sprlnp police lut weekend fol - lowing a hJgh-1peed chue. The third : .. • a "" 0 • c \U\ndsor Presents: '-.. waa arreste9 by Irvine poltce The three range in age Crom 15 l.O 18 and are In cu1tody at Orange County Juvenile Hall. 10lvt! up l.O 2~ rob~nes beca~ of the arrea\.11. It I• believed the thr~ 1u1pect1 are allegedly reaponalble for the robberies of fast-food rest.auranta and other busines- Hart said thtt arresi. or th~ youths led sea located along Southern California to recovery of atolen 1tem1 in 11 pre-freeways In Loa Angele• and Orante vloualy unaolved caaea Involving bust-counties. nesses near freeways. The sheriff's offl -Hart did not elaborate on the Items clal aaid inveatl atora believe they can found by investigators. -.----"~~~~~~~~'"--~~~~~~~~~~~~~ =o ·w of · ! e eese es1gns B California '-: "ID c Ii Brown or Navy Sizes 8-14 Showing Along with More Styles and S Colors in bat~ing Suits than Any- ": place in Orange County. 51 : ... c -51 ) tnd•or ::a a. • 0 ., e; :a --• 0 ., e :a a. 0 0 ., Costa Mesa · 546 2622 Laguna Hills v. Harbor Center • Mission Vieio ~ 0 -P•11m Jotpuam H•P•a .... ,~, Delly Piiot Photo .,., Gery Aml>rOM BLEW ITS TOP -Southern Californ ia Edison employee Bill Baldwin, left, and Mobil service station owne r Auburn Katte ngell inspect reinforced concrete Edison vault cover that was blown 25 to 30 feet into air by explosion Tuesday at Springdale Street and Edinger Avenue in Huntington Beach . Fire officials said no one was hurt in blast, which was caused by ignition of gasoline that had leaked from underground tank. i~~"-IUC~-MGTIC~E~~l~~"-IUC~·~~-E ~~ flCTITIOUI aul-11 NAMf ITA\"fMINT NOTHING DOWN! Los Angeles limes challenges claim ,,_ PuD11s.rieo O'enve Co111 0 1 11y Pilot ""'" ' a ·~ n 1ea2 ,1•~2-e2 "IUC NOTICE NIUC NOTICE FICTITIOUS Ml-H N.,_ ITAT£•11T t h4 loHowin.g l)eflOf'l'I '' e OOo''O Du St· n.KS a1 ' .. "' I rrnmic,l•J tu buy nm· property 1n 72 hour., thl'Y loo~ me to nnl' nl the 1t1ul>(ht''-l c1t1c ... h•r h11yin~ redl l''itate in Amt'n< a Sdn h .inu"<:<' and I b0u!'lht SEVF.N pn•rer11e-. in only FIFfY-SfVEN h11ur-. (In l<1ct . wt· -.pent 1wt'r nne o l th1"it' h1•ur-. wall.htnj.( .i real e-.tate agent., -.on rldv '"ccer I Tht• l.1"' AnKele<. Time-. reporll'r <.t,1yed in the ...ime mntl'I room with mt• .rnd m•vt·r ll't me 11111 111 hi., 'IKht lur thl' 1·nt1n· I 1lty--Wvl·n hou ~-. 111<>t '" he d ~· <>urt' n1• tnd. w,1., mvnlvt'\I Then• 1-. nt• tncl...! You rJn learn tht' ll'l hmqlll'' I u~ 111 he.:m vnur rnad 11> l1n .. inu.1I indq't0nd1•nce hl1\lnK EX( EL 11-Nl no.11 l•.,tatl:' n~ht whl'r<' yuu ll\•1· YOU IX)N f HAVE TO UF RICH TO HUY IH:AI l:ST A TE rvt•n 1n tht>"l' ltme-. 1•1 intl.1tit•n ti>thl ml>nl'V .mJ h1~h intht'.,I rJte-. '\ <•u t dn .. tnr ml' 1•l 1·v1•rvthm>t ml"-I u>nvl'nt111n.1I th1nl...t'r-. lt•el 1., nt'll'S<,,Jrv h1r huvin14 real l''tdtt' L.J<.h t n·d11 ,1 SOM• OF WHAT YOUULEAAN AT TH• S•MINAA ••• • How to 'tJll gft 6"'·1~ lntttnt rite butud of 141'·~ • How to achieve finandal lndlo~ndm~ In th« current «conomy In th« 1hortnt poalbktlm« • How 10 make ~ lnter«M on your lnvntnwnb iMlted of 6"'·161' • How to teh ednnt• of th. n- IJla IAwt end to fully W!ttf' yOUr lncomf • How to IAI.« .dvll!M1ip Of ......_ )10\i ftOW own that )10\i IM)' not tvm """'about lMI CM tMlit.,.. , .. e How to tu"' )'OV'J' _........ IMo uuttw '"'4 IMMY ........ lllv~ (tvM If you'n low Oft ..... IM Ulli ,_, • • How to e<Mtve ffwcW ... ,_i.o ............. ,..... ....... . ................... ,,, .. , ,,, " ~•rady 1oh J <.trnn>t linancial -.1atemt•nt -and I'll <,till bt· <>hie to buy a~ much rrnrertv a., ( W,Jnl tit '> dCIUdllV ea'tll'r in so-calleJ rett'.,,11marv time., and I wont t>nd ur with big nej.(t:1 t1ve cc1~h flow'>. l'1therl How7 Bl'<au<;(• I underst<1nd creative linanung' That., hllw I hl>ll~ht mO'\t 1•1 the reill e<.tate I now own .:1nJ 11 <> mac.Jc nw .i m1ll111na1rf' at the a~e ol thirty-twn. YOU to" usin)! the PROVEN SAFI: HONEST prinC1plt"i that will be outlml.J in an introductorv NOTHING OOWN . .;emin.1r tab,nlutelv NO COST OR UBUCATIONt t J n buv re.ii t..,tate with littlt' or no monev Jown I HATE REAL ESTATE• I rt>allv do hut I l..nPw of n1> other w.Jy vo~ can -.1.1rt with O THING learn ""me ba'>1< l..ict-. in .1 <>h1,rt t1mt' a nu then -with llnlv ,1 littlt> llmt' .ind elh>rt mal...e lotc, •II ml•n<'y in 1w.1 d tew year.. Yt..,, EVEN I ~ TODAYS TOUGH l\tARKET. wu tJn create real we.ilth IM V<'llr,elt.and in five vear<> 11 you l<>ll0w my rl,m Mm• with a TAX-FREE INCOME UF lJI' TO S25 000 A YEAR ly 1ntru<luct0rv '>emmar tno cost nr .ibli)4dllt>nl cfe.;cnbe-, a rnmplete prcwam that ANYO NE c.m learn tn u.-.e -a pm14rc1m that includeor; ewer 50 srec1ll< trt•cJtive lmc1ncin~ techniques' tMy '>Ut ce<-st.ul c1SS<X'1att. who teac~ the 1ntro- ductc1ry seminar. will clearly explaln TWO of thne techniqu~ In df't•iL 1 NOTHING DOWN ,, tht m~rn .appro.ich ot the ttghtiH and many thou"nds tlf pt>oplt from .-II walks ot lift-plumbers. d0<tort. M"Crttarin. tt.idwrs. salttmtn stuckn11. rttlrHt- have IHmtd HOW TO PROSPER DURING A RECESSION u l"li my proar•m. By th« way. I don t havt •ny <•lluMJ on my h•nd• btc•u• I don'I advocat• buy1n~ run-Jown, c,lum-lype buildinKc, dnd l1>1in~ them ur anu tryinj.( to rent them 'r1>u can m.:il...t' mnnt•y that wav hut 1t., tht• hard \'JV .:inu 11 tal...t•c. ll•tc, ol t1ml'1 Mv NOTHING OOWN m1·thodc, ,m EASY Jnd SIMl'l E Alter vou ve le.imt'<.I tht>m <.tcp·by-.,tc•r they tan turn yciu lrnm .:i c..loubtin~ nnvir.t> intn a CONJ-I OEl'ff l:.XPERT (om<' to the intmdut tury -.eminar lab.,olutely NO co-;t N oblij.(at1onl and 14et a complt•te outl1m· nf my method<., pluc, <.nme <.pec1 f1t NOTHING DOWN technique<.. You II di.,cover him h• lind the BFST t-111v-. toften 1n Vllur nwn bacl...yardl h1•w 111 l.1cJll' the 'Don t Wanter" whll 11 dl• almo-.t anythinl>( In )(et ml 111 J prorc•rtv· how tu borrow .11 SIX tu Tr.N PER(. ENT 11\.'Tl:IH·ST when the prime rdte "1iver lo'"" twn <>peC1 l1C NEW crl'dt1 vc fin.in cinK tl•chnique-. how lt> buy l'Ven 11 vc•ur cn•d11 ralinK 1~ terribll' how I<• ryrdm1d V!•Ur bunt>d d'>'>el' lnl<t ;\ 111 l ION<; and man\' 11lht•r <..,l'l"(lf-1( NFW f\.1f:THOD<.., FINAL NIGHT 8 P.M. THURSDAY, APRIL 15th NEWPOIT IEACH MAlllOn 900 Newport Center Dr. (at Fuhlon llland) Newport leach My hnitht•r. Dr Rich.1ru All1•n. ".1 'f°lt'C1aliq in Juult 1-<luc.1111m Alter n1 m· vt>.ir-. 11n tht· l.itultv ul 1111.ln .. H11rl...1n-. Umvt•,-...1ty ht' hit' 1nint'd mt' to dPv1•lnr tht· mo.,t COMl'I ETE EASY-TO UNDFl<ST AND WOI<"-AHI I: lt',1{hin~ mt•th1i<l-. c1v.s1IJ!il1• Our ~r.iJuJtt• -.urvt•v-. prnvc• IT WORl<..St f'lt'<ht' t.:il...e tht• t1m1· tn u•rnt• 111 mv intri•ductorv ,1•m1n.1r t fht'V <111 -.tart dt 8 I' 'vi but <. OMf-l".Al{I 't v.1· oltt•n run out c•l thJ1r-.11 It.,,, 11·rr1l11 h•arnin>; 1•iq wn1•nct·. u •nuu1 tt•J by my '-Uct1•.,..tul ,J...,<>t1c11t· c1nd. J~,11n. th1•11·., AH~Ol l 'Tl:l Y NO COST UR OBI.I CATION Tht• nint'ty m1nutl' ~min.tr will introdull' you 111 -.om1• l1fr-1.hanwn)( fJc '' thdl .,h11uh.I rt•volutinn1L t' vour pl.in-. l11r th1· lutun• 011n t wait to huy rt'al t·-.tatt· huv n·al t•-.tJtt· Jnd wait ' fh.ink-.' ,..,. •• .,.,,.., u • ., •• ,. NY#n9 about ~t 0 . A#en 'a ''NOTHING DOWN'' metltod: ~;,,,, .Jf'f'rtlJo h Ill fl'•'('t'r f\ lflT't''""•'lll ~\II\ Ill<' •111tl'1 111111/Jil, tlll"•' 11111/1, ut1.J \J /' tfh f}f,J' fl l/lllPt lft.Jll!_hf, I/, iJr, tJllJ /.Jlf tit,;,, .ill 1Jr, 111/r,., 11t11111.in ""J lic10•1 ,,,,,,,.'lb) -/In.in /1.J,.,,cm •• \t011w .. ,,,,,,ttvtn\ Jn,/ 1~tVllt'r I 11ro1t~/v rttom HMwJ 11 /nr "'""'"•' '"lrrrttrJ '" t~ l"O<Jd to tin.in. wl 1nJ.·('mJtn,_.• · -·'"""" M. (4/t'"'· .\1/t1tr Spnnx "ft 'J fa1ttast1e In 4'u '""" tltlW ntOJttltJ. t.LW' ,,..,,J, _,,, r.a1lt profit t4o11 w AM ,,..JJt /rOflll 011 "'''" )W' Of~ for II l<ll•"' .. -Mr '"'" Mrt. ZM.,, MiAllutw "frKf'fl1.Jld My lltf lllO'f. J1f"4 .. RI "'°"tltJ " • -Rou A. <~ D D .. ~ "'-ITATEMENl M UANDC>flMEN'T MUHM FICTITIOUl8Ul*fl1 NAME "''"-No. Jt'711 TIMES PAS! AHTIOUES AHO COl lEC TABl ES 2093 I S-C0.11 C.. H....,1. "'QI°" 8eech CA 92M& °"""' T Slone 20931 S..C:Out Cw HunllflOI"" Beec:n, CA 92&q Jo.n M Stone, 20931 s .. co.11 Ctr Hun11"1jton 8uGPI C• 92649 ft'll' bus1ne1t 11 conou<:led bt 1n In· ,,.. 'ollow"'ll --· ...... •t>...-d·<tKlual the use ot 1ne f•Ct•llOY• t>u11ne1s name 0.~td T Slone ORANGE IRH Cl EANERS •I 2353' El lh1• st•IPmenl .... ltled ••Ill 11\e IOIO RQOd •3 El 10<0 CA 11'6JO County c ..... OI O••noe Covnly on M .. ~ T,,. •tcttlooul buatness nome 11111<180 10 30 1982 •t>Ove wu 111ec1 1n Coun1y on •·111-8 1 B•UHG MO CHUl<G 12•61 Ut ltncla Put>h•neo O••ng• Coul 0•1ly Piiot o .. o.,,. G•CMO CA 1126-t 1 Ao'" 1 a 15 22 1982 "56-92 MYUl<G JA.E CHUNG 12•61 l• Lin· ----------- d• o .. .,.,. G•O¥•. CA 926'' DI IDLIC ..,..TICE Tl\" 1>u11neu wa• conduc1ed or en ____ n_'°--""------i;;::,.=:;,"1"° Htoclll•on °1""' 111"" • NOTICE OF DEATH OF Byung MoCnung MA LCOLM KI NG MyungJMCl'lung MA STELLER AND OF '"'' s1e1•m•n• ... to1eo w11n '"' p ET I T I 0 N T 0 AD M I Coun1y '-""" 01 O<•noe Coun•y on M11<cn 2• 1m ,_,1,,,0 N I ST E R EST A TE N 0 . Pu1>1t1llad Or•nge COHI O•"U"f~ A 113016. AP<i 1. a 1s 22 11&2 1 1 To all hl·1n.. bem•r1c1anes. l·n·d 1 t•1r~ and l '''" 11 ngcn l l"rt•d1tor!> of Makolm King Mastt•lh•r and person!> who f'~~-.~=r mav Ix· Olhl'rW&• lnll'l'l..~tl'Cl Tne 1-•"9 _ _, •• OC>i"9""""'"" in lhl· "Ill .1nd or l"'lall' .. INIERHA l•ON•l PATHFINDERS A pc•ution has !wen filed AGENCY. •02v w ... 1.,,1y PIOC41 su11• 101, by Margart•! .J MasH·ller in ~~~Ecc:~~TEW•THERs. lht· Su p.t•r1or Court o r 011 Sea•P••Y Hun11ng1on Buen CA Orangc County rcqucst1ng 926'1& that Margart•! J Masteller o.J,:;,'.,"u"'"'" 11 conout1ed oy an 1n-bl• appoinll'CI as personal re· 11111 :i.i:~!1:1~~":'~,1~0 '"'" 1,,. pn•senlat1vc to administer eoun1y c•-oc O<•nge Coun•v on M .. 011 the estate of Mak'Olm Kmg 1 1982 ,, .. ,10 Masteller (under .Jhe lnde- Pu1>i.oneo Or•nv• CoHI Daily Pilot, p<'ndenl Admm1!!1\-a11on of M.,c;i 2s. ""'~ 1 e 1s. 1ee2 14<l6-112 ~tall>s Act) The peuuon is "IUC NOTICE 8-N11 NOTICE TO CREDITORS OF BULK TRANSFER (SKe, 1101·1107 U.C.C.) sN for hearing m Dept. No. 3 .it 700 C1v1l· Center Drive, WC>st . in the City of Santa Ana, California on May 12, 1982 al 9:30 a.rn . IF YOU OBJECT lo the NOltCe t5 hereby given to creditors gr;.inttng or the pel1lJOn. you ot 1he w1lh1n nemed transterortsl !>hould either ap..,..ar at the thel a oolk lri1nsftw ts about 10 l>e ,,.. made on personal properly here•· ht•aring and state your ob- l'laller desc11t>ed JN'lions or file written ob-The nomets1 and business ad-)t''l1ons with ~court before ~ss 01the1n1ended 11an1terorts1 the hearing Your appea- Bobb•e Mc><gen Len.. 1525 Mese ran'v may be In person or by Verde Elllt No 213, Colla Mesa your attorney. CA 92626 IF YOU ARE A CREDI-The nametsl ano business •d· . . dress ol 1tte 1n1ended trasflleree(sl TOR or a ront.mgent creditor are of the deceased, you must Ma11ne Heallh Se11r1ces. inc file your c laim with the 15910 ven1ura Ste 1611. Encino. court or present it lo t he CA. 91436 Tnet the property pertinent hefeto personal representative ap- IS a.ci11>e<1 1n o-•t H pointed by the court within Fu1n1tu111 11xtures equipment four months from the date of meteriela. etc end Is l<><:eted at t525 Mt!U Verde Ent No 2 t3, f1rsl issuance of letlers as Costa Mew. CA 92626 provided an Section 700 of The busln•u name used by the the Probate Code of Califor- Nld lransi..ort•J et &akl locatlon IS. T. h f r 111 Morgen Nuttes Reglltty ano nt~. ~ tame o~ ng Mcwgan Employ\'Mllt ~ claims will not expttt prior n11t aato t>ullc 1ren11., 111nt~ t.o four months from the date ~R':~t:cs~~O~t~~i~H~'. r f thn hC':irini; no~!~,.! .. \>uve TIOH.3407W•tS11nhStrMt.SU1t• YOU MAY EXAMINE 71 t. lo. MgNI, Calllornle 90020 th~ me kept by t.htt COW"l. u on c>< •1t• May 3. 1112 you are lnteres\ed In the ea-The nem• eno •OOtH• wh•r• f 'le cte1m1 may bt llltd 11 Qrem•rcy !Ale, you may • • rcque.t E•crow Corooreuon. 3407 Wt" with the court to receive Sl••h s1r .. 1. Sult• 111, Loe An-special noll~ of the lnven-~ ~~= ~nt ctelm• In tory of et\ate aueta and o( 1tt1uwow 11Aofll30. tM2wt11ctt11 the petltJon1, a«.'OUnll and tilt ou11nt11 dey before the con· ntporta dc9ct1bed ln ScUon ~tionu .. ~~ l200 .~ of t he Callfornla -~ ~~::.::.C"c:'~~d ':::.:; P"*J_ .... 0i. Code~. Tr-*011•1 WNO the~ Id· _,. • U, ttttlon•t bveiMN "'""" 9ftcJ .,. A~ 11 w :.:"'...:'*' 1t1e ,..,_ ~ .... Ull WlJ1•tre lld., kl&9 D.-A9ttt ,. •• M•rl11i .... ,." l t rvlcte, Lea •a• CA •at IM (Ill• II =..::-· Q .... II. ~ ~ Qiml DIM; .... Tr=• llll ~ tt.,tt, ... .. ~:~"ft. <r.v '=• , . , .,.... • P e rcy to read b"ok for blind WASHINOroN (AP) -Sen. Charles H. Percy wW eoon be littJnt down ln front of • tape recorder to read aloud Alexl1 de Tocqueville'• 700-paie muterplece "Democracy ln America" for a bllnd Worn&*1. &fore he II flniahed, the Ill.lnoia Republic.an pl&N to put the 140-year-old political IClence book onto cueettea for the uae ot Kathleen Brandt, 24, of Klngsyille, Md., and other blind people. The recordinl &ea.ions, beidnnina April 23, are 1ponaored by the New York-6aaed l\ecording for the Blind Inc., a 31-year-old aroup th~t provides casaettes of educational textbooks to 17 ,000 handicapped borrowers. Percy. who h as a hearing problem, has been thinking about becoming a volunteer reader for the program for some time, a •ter said. "I think the sena- tor's own handicap makes him sensitive to o th e r pe o ple 's problems," another aide said. Percy, chairman of theSenateForeign PERCY Relations Committee. was on an overseas trip and unavailable for com- ment. , Miss Brandt said s he had heard parts of "Democracy in America" and wanted to listen to the whole thing. But she said she was stunned to learn one of the Senate's most powerful members would take on the reading task. "I was surprised and very pleased," said the woman, who holds a degree in Russian and inter- .national relations from Goucher College outside Baltimore, Md. "He has done a very good job in the Foreign Relations Committee, and it's wonderful that someone of his stature would read for me and for others." ~ Brandt said she was told Percy wanted to read ''something that pertained to government." She added: "This would seem to be the perfect choice." "Democracy in America" was de Tocqueville's 1640 report to jittery European aristocrats and bu- sinessmen on this country's experiment in what they saw as "radical" democracy. It is a classic that most serious students of American politics read. · After Miss Brandt listens to the cassettes, they- will be sent to other Recording for the Blind bor- rowers who request them, she said. Percy's recor- ding sessions will be supervised by Harold Pfeffer. a retired attorney and Patent Office examiner. Retired U.S . Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart last year made cassettes of a 255-page vo- lume titled "The Rights of Aliens" at the request of a blind law student. He later was scheduled to make a recording of the 188-page New York penal code. Both were Recording for the Blind Inc. projects. A Percy aide said that many years ago these- nator made recordi~ for the Hadley School for the Blind in Winnetka, Ill. 'Huck Finn ' ban issue appealed FAIRFAX, Va. (AP) -The fight to keep Mark Twain's classic "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" out of the hands of junior high students at a school named for the author goes to the county superintendent of schools. The human relations committee at Mark Twain Intermediate School says the book is racist and harmful to black students. Area School Superintendent Dons Torrice ru- led that the book can be taught. But John Wallace, an aaministrative aidP at the school, said the human relations committee decided to appeal to Fairfax County School Superintendent Linton Deck. Parole chie f named SACRAMENTO (AP) -Gov. F.clmund Brown Jr . has appointed his community affairs aide, Percy Pinkney, as chairman of the Youthful Offender Parole Board. Pinkney, 44, has been Brown's special assistant for community affairs since the governor took office in 1975. Stop Crime· learn how to protect your family. This Sat .I Sun. 12 to 5. Huntington Center Mall. ~Alamo· W A .. ,,, A C.ir Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Thurtday, Aprll 16, 1982 OR LESS ANYWHERE WE FLY IN THE CONTINENTAL U.S. What are you Jomg ~ift ing home~ Flying is on -..tie ,n Conttnl'nr,il . Frum Apnl 15 rhmugh June 15, you can fl y away to any city we: fly co in rhe t.ontinenral U .. for onlv $149 ur le~ each way wi th a munJ rnp pun.-haM'., from L.A. lnterna· tiunal. Burhank ur Ontario. Ju t make ynur re-.ervariom anJ huy your Coach ttckcr c1ther 7 or 14 Jays 1n aJvance, JepenJing on your Je~tinatiun. anJ ~tay through one SarurJay. If you have cha!Jren. ler them fly aw<1y too. K1Js between 2-11 can fl y for only $89. 50 or le:.s l'11Ch way with a munJ mp ticket when accom· panieJ hy an aJult. (One ch1IJ per aJult.) AnJ when you fl y to Flo riJa you only pay $129each way w1rh rounJ mp purcha:,c, plm ro M1am1, Ft. Laudcnfalc, Tampa or O rlanJn you can get a fret car for the Jay from Alamo Rene A Car. It'!\ an auromat1c. <'ltr-cnnJmnneJ 2 Joor C hevctte. AnJ if you rent for longer. it's only $19 per Jay, unlim1teJ mileage:" Sear~ are limited, so hurry anJ call yo ur trnvel agent. company travel Jeparcrnenc or Ointinenral. AnJ tl y away. It Jl">e:.n't pay to stay home an ymore. DENVER *112.'°* HOUSlDN '99 CHICAGO •125 BOSTON *149 NEW ARK/LAGUARDIA *149 PHILADELPHIA *149 I-arc• :ir~ each w,iy wnh rounJ mp purchase. ~" '\\I.A' IR\\\\ l\l' .... ,c;~u ... fl)"" ll~ 1111 'l. ITU:.' h lR ~14" 1 )k 11 '' l '\1 II \It A' <\)~f\4\f('f~U\' .i\u"IH\ l ,l'•f'' t •• 1 •. , .. t. 'r• "l!' t:ll .... · 1, Ll••k •• 1.1. U1mJ hu~r1tt11 l>f«'fl ""\ lnJ1.m tf'•,I\. K•n ....... < ,,, lmlt•l11 ''"'''"II' 1,,1-1-, L .,h .. nu \l.Jl.,.H IJ<•~• \1tl\l 1t1li:t't \1111flc.1r 1l1 ....... , Ptul ,('" .. t )rlt.tll" \~LI 1h11ni 1 ( If\ t '"111!1 ·~1.1 ..... 1 .. r<'"~''''·' r~.,., ~-'n ""flhof11t• ·i:uur-• T1.._ .... ,. 1,,,,, \l • .. '11ttl:t••n I'\ \\1d11t I I uc" \U~C'• r h 1. i1 m~, •Hh'"'' nutk.c Tr l\rl 11111"'' ~ ~11mrlc1c-I •' loh.._ I~ I"'"': t t,,,, .. h.,. t.ur u--. 1 .. ~ ,,.. \t I\ I 1''"· L.,... An~t,., ;;: ,,\\ f\.·,<'rl\ fftll., '"• h·1n.mJt1 \,1lln l>"'lt h\.\'-J\\ul ,1fli (.1knJ.tk f1,1"-1~1\,1 :4'" ;1..,1 l1•11i,:l\•kh ''7 4•h\'-t"lnr,ui11 f\1mu11.1 11'°\loo, ()~41 t "lw •n1r:,· t •'-l'lf\ 'Ii \111-R1Ht"'tt..k: ... m f\:1u u,ho , ·II trn l "'·.\."'l ;!t; \'!~"-'U• '1.tt-nd \•Ill "l ;" ... h. -''"' 1 ''"".,. • 'uth f\.1\ Mf\ !!\._, •t I :!H 00 horn Un1ar•1 Uu1bi!n~ •_'\(.1m~• ft'nlotl 1•Ucr C\.MtKf"•r r..t\\ fi•' ~ ..... t.u.. 11rthm.1I ,.1ll1,t11n J.uo H.,"t" '4.t~\.rr 1nJ Jh~ 11ft t.h"tL"t· '' wrl1t..J ... lt l ;r mu,r ""rtelf'l.i ur ,m J;t, 11t 4!nt\..&I h\ rrt..,.nr .. t1nn tt4 t •'fllln~tu ll t~"l't \. "kr .._ ... .J ,m\ J_.., ttl thr •t"c""l .. .. Anthony'1 lh0e 8ervtoe • lllnk Of Amertoa • Chertle 8wr Jew••• Crown Hlrdwwe •Dr. Lou !Ider• The Helt Hendlert lalon • H .. Uday'1 w.n•1 Ctothlng • Hedcory ,__ • Humpty Dumpty • La G.._la • Mlrket latket • M• Amiee T...,I • Nenoy Dunn AnttQuel • Nftpon ... boe lavtngl • Pll* UNlmtted • 8aY-0n ~ • l tONlc .... • v ... , •mttmaee ~ • w~ 011•11r1 • ~ ~ • w11.-.... • ,.._..,,"'°"" • . • .· . • . . . . . . • l I I { I ' r /, I .. 1:00.88 ..WI C~Rlll!'8 ANGEL8 • WHITl IHAOOW • THI JD'F'IMONe • HAWAII f'lVE-4 I 8U81NE88 R!P<>f'T UHOPISTANOINO HUMAN BEHAVIOR 'Pain And Hypn0111" Cl) C88HEW8 0 A8CNEWS I N8CNEWS MOVIE • •Yt ''Any Numt>e< Can Play" ( 111491 C111k Gable, 419•11 Smllh An honnt lW10 c.ietrM gamblet'1 ~le If beMI WIUI I M<IM ot lregecl .. 1 1:30 8) AU IN THE FAMILY Archie lindl OUI Llonel Jet-'"'°" hH ~ dltll>Q hll 21-year-Old n'-e HEW88EA T WTTH CL.ETE AOBEAT8 (Ii) BUSINESS REPORT (l)l'J!NEWS 9 BARNEY MIU ER 7:00 fJ C88 NEWS 0 HBCNEWS 8 HAPPY DAYS AGAIN D ABCNEWS Ii> LYNN SHACKLfl'ORO SlfOW tD M"A"S"H Frank demands lhll Hawkeye be court-mar- lialed lor htltlng him 1n the OR i) JOl<ER'S WILD • OVEREASY "Employment ' Gues11 ,• Toan Sommers, Lllwrence Hochhelmer (RI 0 '11) DICK CAVETf Drugs Addiction And Recovery· Gue111 Or Mark S Gold John Phil· lops. Mackenz11 Phtlhps (Perl l)(RI ()) P.M. MAGAZINE An llllempl 10 ,.ve Egypt's Sphtna lrom the ravages ol air polluhon. IHChlng ell· queue 10 kids ®)ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT An lnlervlew with Ed .McMahOo. .Q! THE MUPPETS Guest Tony Randall CID VIDEO JUKEBOX (Q)MOVIE * • "Tile Pilot' ( 1980) Ct111 Robertson. Diane Bali.et A pilot turns to drinking to escape the unhappiness ol hos mar- riage and Ille 1rus1ra11on or his carf!ef 'PG' 7:05(Z)MOVIE • • • • G1g1 ' ( 1958) Maur1<:1 Chevallet Leslie CaJon A tomtx>y being groomed by he< aunl and grandmother sel1 out on her own 10 c.atctl a man 7:20 (t) NffL PLA YOf'fl Klnga II Vancouver 7·30 8 2 OH THE TOWN FHlurec:f a P<Oflle ol the Hell s Mama s, lake a IOOk a1 ven1r11oqu1s1 Paul Win- chell and his pyppelS J8'ry Melloney and Knuckle- head, mee1 a man wllO pretends lo De • Bnllsh !Old 0 ~FAMILY FEUO 0 LAVERNE & SHIRLEY &C,OMPANY A German delivery man faints 1n the gorls' apart- ment D THE GAY EIGHTIES Dr Wllltam Rader reports on the gay ltlesty1e lnclud· lng prol1le1 o! gays and k!Sb•an members or lhe San Frencoaco 8nd Los Angeles gay commun1t1ea 0 BULLSEYE Orange Co11t OAILY PILOT/Thu,.day, Aprll 15, 1982 CAR CARE -Brad Sears reviews basics of car care on "Last Chance Garage," premiering tonight a t 8 on KCET (28). 4D M"A08•H Hewkeye ~ to Iha fron1 with an erchenemy to avOIO e ··aurproN" birth· day party Cl) Cl) TIC TAC DOUGH 9 MACNEIL I LEHRER R(POAT ~NEWS 0 YOU ASKED FOA IT Feelureo "P-d9' Pull Motocroas" and "Man Swallow5 Bandage." CID BOXING'S BEST "Grudge Fights" Berry Tompkln1, Muhammad All and Joe f',..,., lake a IOOlc back et a hall century ot the most historic and pub- llclted vendellu In lhe hit· tory ol boxing 8:00 8 (I) MAGNUM, P.1. A famous corumn!sl hort1$ Magnum lo protect her ••· hu1band unlll ahe can cOI· Nici the back ahmony due her (RI D QtFAME The students plan a t>enahl show tor two tormer vauoevUle stars wtoo 818 llV!ng 11 tfle SChOOI 0 MOVIE . • • • "Oeadher Than T11e Male" ( t967) Richard Johnson. Sylva Kosona Alt&t lhe murders ol two weallhy men, a prominent Brot•Sh insurance company suspects two female kilters who are pert o! a master plot U -®l HO ~OAP. RADIO (Premiere) The proprietor or a seedy hotel in Attantlc Coty continues Ille uncon- •enuonal tradthons ol two generations before him 4D P.M. MAGAZINE A proltle ol Dianne Ben- nett. music cOlumnost tor the "Hollywood Report8' .. A h•I song that reunited the author with his girl· lttend II) MOVIE • • UFO Journals" ( t975) Documentary RepoftS. of extrat8'restnal spaoecra!t Slghlongs are eaammed. f1i) I.AST CHANCE GARAGE HOSI Brlld Sears dl&Q· noses an a•hl>Q ballary and 1nveshg1tff a bralte sys- tem compt81nt '11) SNEAK PREVIEWS Rage< Ebe<t and Gerle S11kel r-"A Ltttle Sea.· Penttenttary 2" and Some Kind 01 Hero (¢)MOVIE • <II • 'Outlaw Blues" ( 1977) Peter Fonda. Susan Saini Jan111s Wh11n a country-western singer steals h11 1011g. ~n e~-<;nn tries desperately to retrieve his recording rtghls whole baflllng Ille p011ce 'PG' lS)MOVIE • • '• 'The Nude Bomb" I 11180) Oon Adema. Sylvia 1(111111 Sec;rel eoen1 Max- well Smor1 tee" h11 mos1 dang;wou1 edve<aaty 1n an ardlYIHam Who plans 10 launch mluli.t that wm d1Stot>e the entire toumen population PG' O MOVIE • • • •, 'Lo Cage Au~ Folles" ( 111791 lJOo Tog- naut, Mlch81 Serraull A nogntclub owner tuea to prepa.re his tran1\lflt1te lover lor a viii! by hla son'1 ll1ncee'1 tether. the moro11 commlaaloner of Franca "A' 8:30 D 0 M()AJ( • MINDY All tnel gllt1er1 11 Mork"s gold when Iha Orkan learn1 how to make (he prec:oou1 n'etal from polVfll81 4D ALL IN THE FAMILY Mike and Gtor1e go back none years and rernembe< lhelr •e<y !orst. and almost tasl. date f1i) SNEAI( PREVIEWS Roget l:be<t and Gene Sosl>.84 rev-A Liiiie Se• Pen11en11ary 2 and Some Kind 01 Hf!fo '11) PORTRAITS IN PASTELS ''Green Eyes (Hl MOVIE • • '• ·Happy Bor1hday To Me' ( t980) Melissa Sue Anderson. Glenn Ford As murd&t !Mlglns chopp;ng away at her ctrcle of eh11s1 lnends, a prep school sen- ior womes that she may be Ille neat VICllm --or POSS•· bty Iha killer 'R' 11:00 f) (I) SIMON 6 SIMON • A J and Rtcll PDM as zoo workers white lnvealiga- llng lhe death ol an ani- mal tender o a OIFF"RENT • STROt<ESQ D O llTdS Trie women resist Mr Han's demands to take polygraph 1es1s aimed at tdenllfytng a spy O G) MERVGRlFfl .. &i)NUMEROUHO (PreMl8<8) J""'8n 5 T aoho a mOdern-day legend 1n the ancient spor1 of sumo wrestling os proloteO '11) MASTERPIECE THEATRE Love In A Cold Chmaui Rings And Things Uncle Matt staunchly reluses to let Lonon marry Tony K•oe· sog (Part 31Q [OIMOVIE • • Squeeze Pray ( 19811 Jt1nn1 Hetrock. Melissa Michaels A group of gtrls try to get their boy- l•1ends altentoon by !orm- tng lheor own soltbalt team (!)MOVIE COl'nle Conl .. 111118 .no compete •oa1fot11 one 1.noll\et 41te ffftured In Ihle u!IC*\110tad comec1y oame thOw 10:00 • Cl) KHOTI 1.AH01NO l\lcf\Md IOI*• ~a and Jason In the toOuH 4tl4' lhr .. 1en1 10 ttnOOt any0nt wno ,,,.. 10 ·~ 111em o a Hill erAUT I LUe.8 An elderly man llhoot1 e HJepanle you 1 h 1 hell bam . aadM hlmMI! In hit home (R) I ••ID HEWS 201 ao TO THE MANOR 90AH Audrey torclbly remind• Rleh1rd ol hll manorial duttee when .,, ltlne<anl worker who h .. worlled lot lier In previous ye1ra return• (1:)MOVIE * * • "Tl'la Lui 01 The Mobile Hot ShOta" ( 111611) Jamu Copurn, Lynn Reogreve The surv1vlnQ member of an Old LOU•lll· ana lemlly wtn1 the grand prize on a TV game ~ l>UI in order to COiiect ha mull marry hl1 co-wtnrw on the next day·a PfCIO'An'I A $)BIZARRE Test Tube T~1" O MOVIE • • '• "American Pop·• ( 11181) AnimatoO The hi~ 101y of Amer1can pop music. lrom vau~vtlle 10 rock n rOll. os traced through sevetal gene<a- Hons 01 a fem11y 01 mus1- c1ana 'fl' 10:30 Cl) NEWS fill BUTTERFLIES Leonard aaka Ria 10 speno hll birthday with h1m m> MONEYMAKERS "lntlauon Robin Hood 01 The '801" (H)HEROES "Potion • The Man Behind The Myth" Film footage and rare stilts provide new 1nsigh1 Into tl'le man behind the mtlltary maslt l0 1 EVERYTHING GOES Rick Podell hOSIS lhlS adult comedy game show. where contestants must take oll Jhetr ctolhes 11 they 1nco<- rec1ty an.-a question rha1 11as been gtven them S MOVIE ,. • • Deadly Games· (1981) Sam Groom. Otck !Jutkus A woman returns to her hometown 10 1nves- 11ga1e he• sister s mysteri- ous dealh A' 11:00&DO(l)OIB NEWS 0 SATURDAY NIOHT Host LDwse Lasser Guests Prese<vatlon Hatr Jan Band 0 KOJAK ID THE JEFFERSONS Florence appears 10 have lllooed ti) BENNY Hill • Go aboard Ship with 8e<lny on cherge f1i) DICK CAVETT D1ugs Add1c1ton And Recovery Guests Or Mark S Gold, JOhn Phll- lops, Mackenzie Ptilllips (Par1211RI '11) THE LAWMAKERS Cortespondents Linda Wertneomer and tokie Roberts 10.n Paul Duke for an up-10-the-mH>ute s..om· mary ol Congress1on111 !)(.l1v1ttes HJ MOVIE • • D•ny Trocl<s (1981) Etholl Gould Kate Jack- son A Harvard prolessor b(!Comes Iha Quarry of ~·sons anxious to gel '"'" hands on a recently d•SCOV8fe0 letter Written by George Washington PG QJ MOVIE • • • Caveman" (1981) f'11ngo Starr. Dennis Ourud The clownish membiw ot a barely human prehls1oric lrlbe begins 10 discover that brains and not brawn wHI be the key lo his peo- ple's survival PG· lZ)MOVIE \ TU BE TOPPERS KABC (7) 8:00 -"No Soap. Radio." New sitcom about :Haff and gul.'lts al o seedy hotel ln AtlanUc City. KCET (28) 8:00 "Last Chance Garage." Series debuts on review of basic car c.are See photo, left. KNXT (2) 9:00 "Simon & S imon ." A.J . and Rick pose as workers at a wo when they are hired to invt$tlgate the death of an animal te nder. KNBC (4) 10:00 -"Hill Street Blues." An elderly man shoots a Hispanic youth then barricades himself in his home. t t:.50 (CJ MOVIE • • It · Fame" ( 19801 "- Ce•a. B81ry Miiier S.ver1I gille<I aluden11 et 1 New York hlQh achool ror lhe pertormlng arts Hpe<lence var1ou1 setbecke and IUC· ceases of bOlh pe<aonal and prote111ona1 n1tur .. PG 12'00 8 ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT An tnlervtew with Ed McMll'lon D ®l VEGAS Dan desper ete4y aearche& for a V81>Qtianee-aeek1ng manioc who 1n)8Cled him with a po1son lhal hH no known ant1do111 (Al (iJ MOVIE • • "II Can Be Done Am•· go" ! 19731 Jeck Palence, Bud Spencer When a cou· pie ot Mexicans rull llllO trouble togethe1 1rie11 tem~r 1 get °"' or nand 4D MOVIE ••• "Llllth" ( t9S..i w ... ren Beatty, Jean Sel>etg An employee at a mental 1ns111u11on tails In love with one of lhe p111en1s Cl) LOVE, AMERICAN STYLE &;) FOCUS ~ SOCIETY 0 MOVIE • • • "Heeven Can Wan·· I 1978) Warren Beatty Jul.e Chrtatie Alie< I P<O foot- ball star s hie 11 prema- 1urety cie1rneo by an inept angel tl'le m8"' •s given the oooy of a m1111ona1re ondus lroahst to conUnue hvong 1n PG 12:0S S MOVIE • * '• Thiel ( 198t) James Caan Tuesday Weld A proleu1ona1 croot. gives up nos 1ndepend8"c:e !or a big SCOflf fl'lat lie hopes w111 secure hll !am1 ty's lulure 'A' 12:30 0 la LATE NIGHT WTTH DAVID LETTERMAN Guests Hunter Thompson. Jann Wenner 8 COUPLES II) NEWS fr) EXPLORING LANGUAGE IH )MOVIE • • 194 1 119791 Jon11 Belushi, l oshoro Motune After the bombing or Peart Harbof Southern Cehlor· noa c1v1hans and mir11ery personnel reac1 wtth unb11 Oted panic to news OI a Japanese attaci. 1n lh81r own backyaro PG Z MOVIE • • The Frl'flCh Woman f 198 1) Franco.se Fabian Dayle Haddon A bordello house being kepi open by a gove<nment subSJdy 1s ine scene 01 mu1der ano POl•t1ca1 SC81ldal When o VIP customer 1S photo graphe<I 81 play R 12'40 f) CJ) MCMILLAN & WIFE 1:000 MOVIE • • Kansas Pacific · f 1953) Sterling Hayden Eve M11to1 II) MOVIE * • 'A Bell From Hell ( 1970) V1veca Lond!ors Renaud Vertev 1·t00 MOVIE * *'r GeneSIS II (1972) Alex Cord. Marielle Han- ley ®J NEWS 1:300 0f)HEW8 2:00 0 MOVIE • • • Mo08'n Romance· (1981) Albert Brooks. Kalhryn H11rold A him editor troes repeatedly to win back lhe hun ol me women he toves A' %)MOVIE • • • • The Fore Wllhon ( 111631 Maurice Ronet, la1111 Skerla Thtl lUI 24 hours ol a man 81 lhe end ol n;s rope e1e reviewed 2·05 I Cl MOVIE • • ·ou1rageou11 t 1977) Criug Russell, Hollis Mclaren A good-natured haordresse1. who moon· lights as an 1mpersona1or or tamale celebrities, sh81es on apartment and a plalontc relet1onshlp with o Mlhtzophrenoc young wom- an 'A' 2'10 lSI MOVIE • •1, "The Se• Machine ( 1978) tn 2037 A 0 sclen- t•sls solve the energy problem by harnessing the power ot the human libido R 2:20 I) NEWS 2·30 0 MOVIE • * The Tyrant" ( 1972) Richard Jonnson Martha Hy8' The son of 1< Roman emperor •S trusted wtlh de!end•nQ hos people lrom a foreign invasion eJpedll· ad by 8 lraol()f Q) MOVIE • • • Johnny Come La1oty ( 19431 James Cag· ney MartorH! Main Two veteren .-spaper pub- trshers 1oon torcas on a light &ga1ns1 a locot town boss m MOVIE • * Mummy·, Revenge ( 1973) l!'aul Naschy, Jack I aylOr Supernatural evenls begins when a mummy i.earches lor a body 10 house his w;le's soul (~I MOVIE • • • / Happy Borlhday To Me 11960> Melissa Sue AnOerson Glenn Foro As mU1der begins chopping .iway at her corcle 01 eltust lloenos o prep school sen- 101 worries lhal She may be lhi> next v1c;11m •• or posso- bly lhe k;ller R 2 400 HEWS 2'.SS iJ MOVIE • * The Beat 01 Tht1 Salecrac:kers I t9771 Tony Musan1e Simon Oakland A man assumes a !alse 1den11ty on order to break a ring ol bank robbers 330 $MOVIE • * •, Deadly Games' ( 198 l I Sam Groom Otck Butkus A woman relurns to he• hometown to 1nves- 11gate her sister s mysteri- ous death R 0 MOVIE • * ,, Which Way IS Up?" ( 1977) Rocnard Pryor Lonelle McKee A se1· starved lru1J ptc1t.e1 ts caught 1n a comic cros5llre b111ween hos union and the Mbb. and a hyP<>Crollcat preachflf fonds heaven on a IOdoos choir A' 3:4S IC MOVIE • • • Bells Are R1ng1ng" ( t960) Jud~ Holllday Dean M11n1n A shy and lmpres- lllOllel)lt you11Q an-lllQ MfVICe Ol)ef •10< ~ tnfthllt.0 Wllh I ct\1tmlr1g tcrte>lwtller 4;00 Cll MOVte • • \.'t Cloud Dancer"' 1111eo1 Oevtd Camodone, ~nlf., 0 Naill A 100 stunt fllat fleOleCll the pitOC>le wtlO Cele ll>Oul him 111 the Mffith purwl1 of hit danger out ti><>' I 'PO 4·20 (HI MOVll • • r he Hollywood Kn1ghlt" ( 11180) Rot>ett Wuhl Tony Oen11 On H•I 1~1 eve In 11185, • rowdy htgh ecnoot gano wrNkt h1voc; In S.verly ~0111 to 1venge the clo.ing ot lhelr hangO\lt by 11'18 IOG.al home owner• atfiOGl· iltlon 'A' 4308 18PY 4D MISSION· IMPOS818L.E f 'r idatf• Day• f ,..t" tf oa~I~• -MORNING - 8:00 CC) * * •;, "Tha Prlvalt Eyee" ( 11180) Oon t<nu11a Tim Conway Tw0 Oum· bllng American oelecllv" we called lfl to 1nveet1g1te e -• ol murde<a tn an Englllh cut le PG' (8) 111 * "Mr Sycam<He' (111751 Juon Robards. Jean Simmons (%) 111 *'I\ "The Hilted Experiment" ( 1973) Ja~· Whllrnore. Tlppt Hedren 7:30 CC) • * • "The Learning TrM" ( 111691 Kyle Johnton. Alea Clarke 7:311 (%) • • • "'A Foce In The Crowd" (1957) Andy Grll· 11th. Patrtc:la Near A dl!ret· IC1 goe1 from I Jiii cell to natlonal recognition on the strength o! hi• humo1 and mulleat talent 11:00 CID • • "'Kiii And Kiii Again" ( 11181) James Ryan. AnneUne Krle4 A martial arts expert balllea the minion& or a power-mad ecienllll Intent on anlllav· Ing mankind wttl'I a n- m1no-contrOI drug PG ••'> 'HugoTheHIP· po" ( t976) Animated Voloel of Burl l\lff Paut Lynde A pmk h1ppopo1a- mu1 takn an advenlurous trop, accompanied by e hi· tie black boy 'PG 0 * * Huctlleberry Finn · ( 1974) Jell East Peul Winfield BIM<I on the 11ory by Merk Twain A young boy ano • runaway slave become lnvotved 1n e series of adventures while lleelng down the Ml111111p. pl River on • rah ~30 Cl) * • "ParedlN Can· yon" ( 1935) John Wayne, Marlon Burn• A reoe,.1 agent tracks d_,, a gang of counlerlettera opet a ting along the Mexican border (C) ••'""SI Ives·· ( 111761 Charles Bronson. Jacque- line Bissel A IO<met crime repor1er-turned·detect1ve Is l'llred by a wealthy film !ancter to r.c;o,.... a M l of 1ncr1m1na11ng ledgers PG 9:46 Cl, * • Blood And Gu ls (111781 Wtlll1m Smith Micheline L1nc:101 An aging wrestle< -i.s his OO.ln·•·mllMon shOI lo< success In Ille, wO<k 8n0 tove 'PG t O:OO **'•"Despair' t 11179) Olrk Bogarde Anorea Fflt· reot A RuSS1an con1ect1on- er llvtng In Oerrnany 111 !BGe<I with 10111 •urn dUrtllO tl'le nae ol Nazism CS)•••'• "The Gazebo ( 1960) Grenn F0<d, Oebb•e Reynolds A TV wmer bun· gtes the murder of his wife's blackmaller 0 • • • •;, "Doctor zn;va- go" (1965) Omar Sharif, Geraldine Chaplln Two rovers struggle amidst tile splnt and passions o! the Russian RevOlullon 1t:30 CC) * • ''t "The Private Eyes" (1980) Oon Knotts. Tim Conway Two bum- bling Ame<lcan delectlves are called rn 10 lnvestlQlle a se<lea OI murders In an ~C.Wlle '"°' Cl> • • • "Ott OOCll IOOll .... (1NO> o.oroe """" lultMe '*Nllt Ood return• to hrlll 1110 Cllooa. Iha Y°""ll dtugll- ler ol an adwnlelng - utlw 10 epr...S 1111 -~ 10 Ille --1«1 'PO' 1~ D * • "'The AomentlO Agt" ( 1$00) HuOh Wll- lltlne. Mii Z.CWllllO A llOPhl•tleatad gift ol'termt her mfddle.a.ged \MCNf e • •'It "8evege Pam. pea" (IN 7) Aobet1 Tlytor, ROtl ~ An Atmy off!. 08< trlet 10 keiep hit mUl- tary unit lnttcl 11ttt • bend ol rebel Argentinian ~en end lnd!Mlt 'f'" •~a the GOOntry11oe • ill ill "The Cool OnN" ( 1N7) Rodd}' MoOowllll, Debbie Wll~ A re11tng rOQI< 1tar end a YOU"O glrl 1""1 up 10 eetebllth a ~c.t- (l) * * "Xanadu" ( tlllO) OIM• Newlon-Jann. Gene Klfly A young ental, a ha8venly muM and 8 ..ill· menial mllllona1ra join toro.e to oper1 up a ~ •Ollet-clleco pal-PG' ':00 CC) • * ' • 'A T 11\lnder 0t Dfumt" (llle1) Rlehatd Boone, Geo<ge Hamilton A Muoned captain or the U S Caverry rldee hatd on a grNn. young lieutenant jUll out ol West POlnl CID •*'• "H1rd Country"' ( 1981) Jan·Mleflael Vin· <*II, Kii)" Saalnger A Tu. as lactdfy worker II torn bel-hll deelre to con- tinue In lhe ··goo0 Old boy" ltl .. fyla and I'll• !lan- c:te' 1 show bullnea• ambt· tlona. 'PG' t: 16 (l) • • • "A Face 1n The Crowd" ( t9571 Andy Grlf- lilh. Patrleta Neel A derel- IC1 QOM lrom a Jatl oell to nallonll recognition on the llrength or his humor and mullcal t aren1 t:30 0 • • "Force Five S1ar- vengert" ( t98 II Animated An army o! llllle roooll bind togetl'le< to defend Earlh against a force of eroen Invaders 'G 3:00 CiJ 111 • "The RaVtne' ( t9701 David Mc:Callum, Johnny Crawford Ourlng WOflO War II a Getman 1oldler i. H11gned to locale a e.lkan sniper wtlo lurn1 out to be more be•u· llfuf lhan he eJ.pected 3:30 * '* • "The Bog Red One ( 1980) LM Mwvtn. Mark Hamtlt A tough Army IMlfge&nl leads four young, 1ne .. perienc.d recruns Into 11'18 vootenc&-lltteo Irey of World WBJ II comb81 'PG (%) * * • * "Smalt Chenge" ( 11176) Geory Den1oucaaull. Philippe Goldman Directed by Frenc:ola Truneut S8Verat French Children demon- ''' ate Ille amazlng wisdom and lll~ocence which yOUlhl poueu In OUIWll· ling their elders 'PG' 4:30 111 • '" "Hugo The Hip- po · ( 19761 Animated VOICM or Burl Ives. Paul Lynde A pink h1ppopo1e- mu1 takes an edvenluroua lrop, accompanied by a 111· lie black bOy PG' 0 • •' • "8rolher Sun, Siiier Moon' ( 11173) Graham Faulkner Judi Bowl<er Franc11 of ASSisl rejec11 wealth and hOnOr tn O<der to 11.,,. arid work among the gentle In natute and the poor In sotrol 6:00 .C) • • • "The Le8fnlng Tree· (1969) Kyte JOhnson Alex Clarke A black IMO· age< learns 8bOUI Ille while llvong In l(anau during the 19201 6:1& CZ>••• Home MoVtes" ( 1980) Ketth Gordon, Kiri! Douglas A young film SIU· deni suffers lrom a badgering teacher and an ettra<:t1on to l'llS brother's !Ian~ 'PG' 6:30 * • "Mr Sycamore" I 19 751 Jeson Robards Jean Sommons A middle- aged matlman lantastzes about becoming a tree lo escape the drudgery of hit ltle CHANNEL LISTINGS ••• ·~ "Day For Noght" t 1972) Jacqueline Bisset. va1en11na Cortese Otrect tKI by FrencolS Trutlsut The loves end IOYtlS ot lllm pe<tormers are lludled tn a movie-w• 1h1n-e-mov1e PG 1:30 0 ~GIMME A BREAK Tne chlel runs onto a wom- an he k.-'" high school (RI • • "fogetfler ( 19791 J11<:que41ne Bisset Maa1ml0 hen Schell 11:308 (1) QUINCY JOHN DARLING by Armstrong & Batiuk 0 KNX T <( HSJ C!) KNB( tNfl( I O K flAllncto 8 KABC IAIKt 0 Kr MB t(R'>I 0 KHJ TV find I Cl!l KCS f (AR( I m K riv 11nu , Q) KCOP TV rind I EJi) KCET 1PBS1 a;) KOC. E I POSI 0 On lV z 1 rv " HRO C ( 1n• n't'• t tW(JR N'V N i' II tWT H'>t I tf SPN1 S l'>howl1me1 0 SDOll•Ohl (it C(.ibll• No•w\ Nc·lwork) D ®l TAAi Louie panu;s when he learns 1ha1 h11 mother 11 planning to remerry (R)Q fD UP ANO COMING (Season Prem1Clfe) Bao Bustness" Joyce proposes a bold and u1ky SOiution when Frank s conatruchon company 5eems c1059 to lalhl>Q o (S) LAFf!!-A-THON A come<llon hosl and four 0 al THE BEST OF CARSON Guests Robert Blake, Charhe Calllaa, James Gal- way Rey Johnson, Bam1>1 Finney (RI 0 @) ABC NEWS NIGHT LINE G) ALL IN THE FAMILY 8) SAHFOAO AHO SO.. fl) HEWSBEAT WTTH CLETE R08ERTS '11) CAPT!Ofo4EO ABC HEWS 'No Soap, Radio' just silly Businessmen If you art> doing bux1nes~ under o ftc/1/inus Huqnes!i \'nme 1111u are required by law f Husme.<1s 011d Series categorized as a 'mindless, moronic' television By FRED ROTHENBERG A, Telew18fon WrHlf NEW YORK ABC's "No Soap. Radio'" be- longs in the same category as the other mindless, moronic television that's been getting trial runs on the network for possible spots in the fall program 9Chedule. "No Soap, Radio'' was the punch line for an old ruse to embarrass unwitting victims. Those in on the joke would laugh at the meaningless punch line hoping to tr,ick the unsuspecting to think they're miasing something and join in WeU, a t least "No Soap, Radio" is an honest title. There's no real joke here, either. ABC again haa lived up to the mindleH, minimum quality standard it set with Its recent test shows. "We pare You» and "Inside America." "No Soap, Radio'" (on channel 7 at 8) ia cer- tainly no "Police Squad," another ABC offering that also had rapid-fire comedy bits that bordered on, and ct'QMed the border of, good taste. "Police Squad" worked as whimsical aaU.re on t.i .. ht-Upped police ahows from TV's early yean. But 'No Soap. Radio" lm't ut.lre; it'• just 1Wy. The 1bow'1 setting la a d.Uapldated hotel In AOanUc Qty. Steve Gutient>ers II Rotet. the ma- ~ hmltfld by b&mre "*"and a deterioratlna hotel. Thoee who Und humor ln the chatet and phY*al t-u,. of Saturday c:anoona rm,ht la~ at ~t bellhope. leakl.nc ceilinca, "*" fallli\a ~ Ooon. and et.Yaton U\at bounce up a.nG down. QuUltpOUI mt&MUonl and ~f ·tht--wall d\arw- ters don't automatically disqualify comedy shows. l'ro/es~mmx Code .'iec Not every sit.com has to be a "M-A-S-H." dealing 171/C>fl tu 179.1fl 1 to /1/e a with social issues. "Taxi." ABC's best comedy. J.'tctitwiis Business works well with zany characters and wacky events. \'ome Statement and But "No Soap. Radio" has nothing going for it. haue 11 published fo r Tonight's flimsy plot has Roger wavering four consecutwe weeks about selling the hotel to a seed y lawyer, who wants to turn the family establishment into a WE at I he DA 11. Y gamblin8 emponum. Now that you know the basic f'/LOT con help with story. understand that it's shelved for much of the both. Call the l.C:GAI. time for unrelated pranks and non sequiturs. n 1-; f' A RT M f; .VT a I It's hard to believe that writers could pass this 642-4321 J.:It .1.12 for show off as funny, but, then ... No Soap , .Radio. further m/ormatwn Newport to Avalon • 1 CAN F-"EEL -n£. F~ S WEAT COMIN& OUT OF EVERY PORE.1.' The classic sondol sling with the oh-so-low comfort heel. Avorloble in white pumo coif. Wf BUY THIS s1nr IN TH[Sf Sl/~S s 6 10 N !I 10 M 4 10 ~ ----. ;it~q SHOES._._.. 99 FASHION fSlANO • NEWPO RT BEACH • I • staging LA opera LOS ANGELF3 (AP) -The fir a t L o s Angeles-produced opera in 17 years or.e ns this week, and that a newa - but to opera fans world- wide the real event ia maestro Carlo Marla Glulini's return to an opera podium alter a 14-year hiatua. An array of crl tics from all over the U.S. and Europe are gathe- ring for Tuesday night's Los Angeles Muaic Center premiere of Giu-seppe Verdi's "Falstaff.'' ., ... ..,... .. Cut-wise. "Falataff" JUST A LJ'M'LE -Tim Matheson scene from t he new movie "A boasts such international and Kate Capshaw test out a new Little Sex." It's Matheson's first stars as Renato Bruson in bed in a d~partment store in a leading role in 22 years as an actor. the title role. -~~~~~~~_;;_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"""'-.;;.,;._~~~-- St a rd om • arrives -finally By BOB THOMAS AHoc:141ted Pr•H Writer HOLLYWOOD -Af- ter 22 years as an actor, Tim Matheson finds himself in his first star- ring role, and he figures it's about time. "Actually I began in the business when I was 8," says the handsome, strongly built actor, who iB now 34. "But I was a slow starter. I really didn't get going until l was 12 and appeared in 'My Three Sons.'" Matheson was one of Hollywood's busiest boy actors, appearing in "L eave It to Beaver," "Bonanza" and other ae.. ries on television, as well as s u c h f e atures as "Yours, Mine and Ours" and "Magnum Force." As an adult he ~scored as the llbidlnous Otter in "National Lampoon 's Animal House.'' Still, the status of stardom eluded him. "A Little Sex" may change that. He appears throughout the new Un- iversal release as a TV commercial director with an irresistible appeal for beautiful young women. So what's his problem? He wants to marry his roommate. film newco- mer Kate Capshaw, and ~°' f UN• fO' l llCllUUNf' 'Vli!rii~1fM1l' ,.-i ~With Boxofflce ----------' --=3 • R~~r. 6:15 8 15 10·15 VM:TOR VICTORIA IPGI Also P1avm11 ..___.._I RI he fears h e won 't be faithful. His fears are I realized , and that pro- vides the drama and the surpris ingly moral mes-l r=========i sage of the otherwise AA \fr~t~f'/~1 light comedy. ~Ul Co·FH1~re "A Little Sex" is the u...a.-RI first feature film venture I Chuck Norris of MTM Enterprises, the SILENT RAGE IRI firm that produCE'd "The ~~.:.9::1·~1 Mary T y l e r M o ore c:::====-===::i: Show" and "Hill S treet Blues." Matheson admitted he won consideration for ,,..;.-----------. O PEN 6 JO NIC H TL.Y Ch1Jdre n Under I 2 FREE Unleu Noted NOW PLAYING IUlU ""ll OlllWl-tN CllllDOME l OWAllOS NlW,OtlT 8uena Pill~ 821 4070 O•arnJe 634 2SS3 Newpoo Beacn 644 0760 MANN PU PLAZA STADIUM OIUYl-IN ua Cllll MA Blu S:.>9 S3311 Ooan;>-619 8170 Wes1mo0<•~1 893 0~46 EDWAllOS SADOLEBACll EOWAllOS llUSTOl "°•usu .cc«"ro ll Toro ~81 ~880 Co;14 1o1,sa S40 7 4'4 '°"'"is tNOoouoo1 Libby Tucl..er h1tchh1ked from Brooklyn to take Hollywood by -.1urm. And her fa ther by ~urpn~. the lead through his ac- quaintance w ith Bruce Paltrow, who makes his ~=======~~~i:ii:ii::i::i:i:iii:ii:::::::::iiiii:::=:= feature debut as director. I "A Little Sex" makes some cogent comments on the sexual revolution, and Matheson finds he agrees with the film's espousal of seemingly old-fashioned values. MEEO HELP? llelp) our:.rlf to .1 !leaping s('h•1·twn of Quahf1l'd llopcfuh m tht• DA ILY P ILOT _HELf WANTED ADS NOW PLAYING IMA BIN Plua 529 533!1 COITA.U Edw1'11S Bmlol $40-7444 COSTA... •OIWIGl • WHTMINITllt Edwards Cinenla c.nrtr ~ UA lwtn C.nem33 t 79 414' 634 2SS3 898 1243 ll TOIO ClaA.l8l •-•·.,•~ Edw11cb SaddleOlc* StaOun °'1ve In Cl'.J(--.-1' m seeo &3t en o I :::::-.=. I ''Riv11ls '2001' 11nll 'STAR WARS''' , .. ~ . . ~ --. -. ~ -,. ' -·-·· - Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Thuraday, Aprll 15, 1982 \ You •11 be glad you came! •BARGAIN MAYINEES * Mond1y thru Saturday AU Performances before 5:00 PM {Except Speclll E11pgement1 11141 H..Waya) I ~ l\otlllA[J~ M~ll Ml•OOo 01 to1ecron1 LA MIRADA WALK·IN 99•·2•00 WVICTOR VICTOftlA" 1001 ,.~ ......... .. ·~Y'S"Ull _._..._ ..... Ul. .. 16 .uT~Ol ft«Yl.All "CHANOTS Of' FIAl" 1001 ------ LAKEWOOD CENTER WALK IN •IT ACTOOI ""° ACTMH "Ott OOU>e.N PONO" l"°I -... --.- "SOMf KIND Of HI.RO" l"l 1.a..k:ll.•te.a.1t• LAKEWOOD CENTER SOUTH WAI• IN ~Al 0.. Mto 21J/6M-t211 "'MllSIH0"1"°1 --" .. ""·- LAGUNA "SOME KIMO Of HEAO" C"l • .... :t .. .,. ........... . wlllltltMO"(OOI _,,_ ••fHIE FMNCH LIEUTtNANTS WOMAN" 1•1 12:"~ ... ti!·~ 'ocully 01 Condtewood 213/531·9510 "f'OMY'S " 1•1 ·--ut.•>4•.- l DAil. ~""""JOA,..., WW °""' I"° llAJIO-!WC& • .,.., .. ""° loOUO•Y "MDS'"coo1 tUI.•• •• "CAT PEOf'U" t•l ~ ... ,. ... -......... ••• oCT.----.. • "CHAllltOTI Of' F1RIE" 1001'"9, -.... -... so COAST WALK·IN Soult. Coatl Hfwoy al t road•oy 494-1514 "CAT PE<>Pl.E" t"I MOflt...ntfl ' .... ,.. .-. .... ,. tUll. l:•I. '""' 7 1l, .. , .-" ..... .. '" .. 1; JO "DeATHTRAP" cooi-TMOO , ... itn f"'Rll,SAT,IVN,.. 4..JO.P•tn IMPORTANT NOTICE' CMllOIUN UNOER 12 FRH• MM"',,.. Wlf~ lilltflt '"'"'tu 6 JO• 1:.-S•• Htf1 6 00 ,. Cl04-fl SOU"D • Y0!/11 AO! CAii IWJtO IS \'OUI ~O olf NO all! CAI! llAOO Wll• l(',NmOlj ACaSSOllY l'OSITOi --AN l'OlllAllJ 1•AU CH-1'1 IJllM.ll$ Ill Clll All IWJtO ANAHllll.I ANAHEIM DRIVE·IN ''••"oY 91 al \emon It 179-9150 W-" OI' '«MM ACAOl_M_Y '"'•w""AM>-=-:1:--T ··AAIOEllS Of' THI LOST ARK" f'\.UI 1001 •ntl FINAL COUNTDOWN" tl'GI Cltlf II SOOhO .,.. t1ncotft Ave W• of cnon 121·4070 SUI ...... PAii• LINCOLN OAIVE·IN ltf'ICOln Aw• Well ot 11'\0tt t 21·4070 •O INfAIN FOUNTAIH VALLEY DRIVE·IN Son Oie90 ,....,, 01 .....,.,..,,., ($0 ) "CLASH OF THIE TITANS" 1001 ... .,. "THI LORD Of' THI. RINGS" tl'OI CINI " souroo •Sl ACT0411 ANO ACT1"•1 "OH GOLDEN POND-Cl'G,-.us "ORDINARY PlOPlf"' 1~1 "SOME KIND OF HlAO" 1•1 fOl.UI "9.0.8 ."l"I "Sil.ENT 111.AGr t"l fOl.llt "CAT 11«~•"1"1 "0WIT '°" fN" 1111 ouia "CAV•MAN" Cl'OI ff2·2U1 CUlf "$OUtO() ,..,._c;.,._?_:1_~--~_;;-_°'_) •ff---"°" OOLDEf l'OND" 1NlfUl9 "eT "'"1HO OVIR" 1111 .. 'WCHAM> ""YOR UVI ON THI IUNHT 9Tlllr' c•1 -"UMD CMta" 1111 CCII( " fOUllO . ·~ ,. ,. .. " l h tJABRA l·~ VI IN --· ... ·-~--., ..... a - "' .. ' Or.>ANGl ()PIVI 11\1 •'9'C)MY't" 1•1 -"THI NIONT Tl49 UOMTt WSNT OUT .. •OftOIA" 1111 11UT fCl\IM oe ne ...,.. "CHAMOTS Of' ,_ .. tHI fl.lie "AWntUfl" tl'OI Ctllt " IOUllO~--­ •'ftOMY'I" IH I fl.lie "W .. eMOCr 1111 c ... "tOUllO "IOtH ICIND OP .. AO" CCII -"l.0&"1111 The uhimatc in sight and sound. Now. re·recorded in new djgital stereo. • .,..,....,,1,.1••.._., ... ,...,,,,.,, ... o ... , .. ._ tu•-.111w• • •-... .....,1 ,..,. ,, ... .,, n ... -{g] STARTS TOMORRQW AT 111.ESE Sl'UCTED ntPATRF.S COSTA MBA Edwolds1dWn Centet 751-4184 ORAN<iE C1nedome 634-2553 "'°'*"'°• "'!!IDIJP .. ..-..-;i, i I I .. FINALIST -Patsy Neallngton, 15-,eor- old-daughter o Mr. and Mn . Wllliam E. Neslington of Costa Me 11, .has been selected a finalist in M iss Ca l ifornia National Teen-Ager Pageant May 7-9 in Los Angeles. Or1nge Coast DAILY PILOT/Thur1d1y, Aprll Hi, 1982 ; . Lihr~ry may use Claims court HB facility wants to rec/ain1 unreturned itetns Huntington Beoe h library officials want to go to small claims court to mnkl' ~opll' fl' tum books to the city Ubrary OfCiclals point o ut that about , 4,000 items -mostly books - weren't returned in 1981 The value of the unreturned Items is estimated at nearly $27 ,000. out a til'rl<'s of n •minclers nnd 1111t 1ces. Collt•t·uon agl.'n ts un.• d1spnll'ht•d 111 uggruvut<'d t'll8f'S, !Jut urt· frc:qu<'ntly ignored, ac- mn.lang to Moorhou.'-<.• ubout $900.000 wh1l'h could be invested to lwlp C1nunce library optm1 tions. The City Coun<:il has asked for more information on Moorhou- se's request to designate a small claims ag&nt In the city and ta- king the cases to court lf they don't return the mate- rtnl8, the mascreants are asked to pay the prn.-e of the book plus $10 In late fees and prcx:essang char- ges. MariJ' uana e ized Moorhouse said he also ts ron- SOUGHT -Gary Lewellyn, a Des Moines, I.a., inveetment broker, is being sought by F BI on warrant for bank fraud and embezzle- ment. Vincent Moorhouse, dire<.:tor of the city's Community Services Department, asserts that the pu- blic is being deprived of the use of ~terials by a few hard-core library violators. Library officials presentely send s1dermg askmg the City Council MIAMI (AP) -Officials have to impose a one-time depocit fee seized l, 120,703 pounds of man- on ttbrary eards to help cope with JUana this year under a ne w tht! non-return P.f at.ems. federal task force aga inst drug He said a $10 fee co~u~ld:.!p~r~od~u~c.-e~_:,,sm~u~gg~lin~g!.:., ,.::th'.:c:...:Coas::::::t:...:G:::.:::uar~d_:saJ::·:::d:..... ~~~====~~===---------- ~ ............... FACTORY-DIRECT PAINT . SAVINGS =- INTERIOR/EXTERIOR HOUSE PAINT EASY KOTE LATEX For use on s1d1n9 stu<co oncl mosonry Assorted colors INTERIOR-EXTER IOR Comp Aetoll S.45 VINYL LATEX PAINT SEMl-GlOSS 3.95 Got. INTERIOR/EXTERIOR FlAT WALL PAINT COVER KOTE LATEX A 9ood quohty point for use on most surfoces lLt11te & off-white Comp Aeto1I 6.99 ~over i~kote REDWOOD ANISH WOOD COAT EXTERIOR For fences. sh1n9les oncl rouqh wood ectenors Comp Aeto1I S.98 9" x 1 '" RJNT SANDPAPER Comp 17< 9' x 12' Pt.Ame DROP ClOTH Comp 29< 3/ 4" WIDE MASKING TAPE comp 79< 9" POl YESTER ROllER COVER comp 99< 1-1 I 4" PUTTY KNIFE comp 99< 9" PlASTIC PAN & ROllER SET Comp 2.49 BRlmE, NYLON 1" 69<&1. 2" 99<Eo. 3" OA POl YE STEA BRUSHES 1-11 2" 89<&1. 2-112" 1~.? 4" EVERY ITEM SOLO CARRIES STANDARD BRANDS' UNCONDITIONAL Anaheim 2 FT. WOOD STEP STOOL OUA LOW PRICE Each HANDY® WOOD STEP LADDERS 95 4 FT. Each 5 FT. 25~. 59~. 59~. 59~. lt? Comet of liMoln • UndMy (1 ,aod4 .... ill •aalll'Mlt) (714)5JJ-1507 ., ·-- THE BEST QUALITY PAINT AT ANY PRICE A-1 ® PREMIUM ACRYCITE INTEAIOA-EXTEAIOA HOUSE PAINT R durable scrubbobts 1ntcnor extenor point thot lasts 12 years or more Guoronreed one coot co11eroge Choose from white off white ond 38 rotors 0 <g)<g) 3M 4 OZ. GLUE WOODWORKERS All-PURPOSE of the CAULKING COMPOUND OAP® AElY-ON Ot t>ose coulk for 9eneml purpose use Seats airtight and wotert19ht Sets to a semi elosuc seal Wh•te or 9re1,1 11 oz conto1ner ,-...,..... ._. 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Comp 4. 79 Ea. 79( Ea. la Habra Corner of WhfttM; & Idaho {I ~ tOll ol ~Hodendo ) (llJ) 691-5106 .1 I 4" PLASTIC For interior or exterior use In white 011ocodo yellow/gold or wood· 9ra1n Comp Aetotl 6. 50 8.00 5" Ea. 8' x 6' c.,....,'" ll.00 fo. 10' x 6' 9 SELF-STICK SHELF PAPER Assorted patterns & co· tors 18" width Flrst quo llty Contact oncl Qv1k Cover 99( VRlUEI MtN DMY MOfQW ntM1 HllOM' I "·M. TO f '.M · 5"TUM>41W I "M. TO 6.JO '·"'· • SUMJM f Ill.a. TO l1M , ... Mission \llcjo 11565 Morquorite .Pkwy. <"' ~ llkwy) (714) 49S-1 JIJ t ~ 1620 Nofth Tustin { .. twHft Toft a ~) (714) 991-tJOl Santa Ana 1416~ ... ( llledl,.._.,........, ) (714) 546 41t7 I ; Dally Pilat THURSDAY, APRIL 15, 1982 FOR THE RECORD C3 COMING TOGETHER --C-Orona del Mar baserunner Gordon Moss (24) tries to score run but finds an obstacle in University catcher J eff Frei. Moss was called out on the play. Trojans Better late than Angels hand Seattle a double dose of /al e inning heroics By CURT SEEDEN Of tM Delly Piiot Steff There was a lime not too long ago that late night entertainment was supplied by Johnny Carson a n d movH'S like "Bedtime for Bonw ." We ll. the Angels and the Seattle Mariners, It seems a re trying to corner the market with t heir own brand of midnight anucs. FOR THE ~'Ond cons<.'('utlve night, the two teams took their show into overtime. and thanks to timely hits by B0bby G rich a nd Bob Boone. the• Angels have won two straight at home O\'er a period of 30 innings and near ly nine hours of baseball. For the record. 1t took a double by Grich to score Rod Carew from second base in the bottom of the 10th 1nn1ng to give the Ange ls a 2-1 win in their regu- larly scheduled contest Wednes- day night before 23,905 fans at Anaheim Stadium In that one, the Mariners rui- ned a perfectly good pnme-timP e ffort by Angel youngster Mike Witt who breezed through eight innmgs with a five-hit shutout. T hey did it with an infield single b y Manny Castillo. a fie lder 's choice and a throwing e rror by Grich . That notched the score at 1-1. calling for a couple o f po ts of freshly brewed cocree. eye drops and as1>0rted grumblings from bleary-eyed fans, ushers and members of the (de)press(ed). Earlier in the evening, the Ange ls a nd Marin ers still had some unfinished business -that 18-inning maratho n standoff from the previous night which stiU required completion. THE ANGELS successfully capped that one, too, by a 4-3 score, but not before 20 innings had elapsed. Boone e nded the nightmare with a bases-loaded single about an ho ur into the evening. It was the late 70s when the Angels last won two games on the same day at home. "I don't feel too much pain in my back." offered Grich with a sm ile, the effects of h is game- winning hit working something like a comforting massage . Grich was referring to the back spasms that kept him from playing In the Angels' first six games. And up until hi s game - winning double, he had only a l -for-3 perfo rmance and his costly nlnth-innin8 e rror to offer. "I gues I felt parUy to blame (for aending the game into extra Innings)." he added. • Meanwhile, Manager Gene Mauch 1eemed pleased with his team 's sweep of th e ''double-header." "IT MAltES me feel aood en- o u1h to drive one hour and 46 minutes to St..'<' my wife in Palm Springs," he confessed. There were really no losers on the Angels Wednesday night, al- though starter Witt saw a solid If they keep pitching like I his . they're going to get th eir s hare of h 'l llS . -Gene Mauch e CCort go Cor naught. jus t.as GeufC Zahn had the night. or was that morning. befor!'? "If they keep pitching like this. they're going to get their share of the wins," Mnu~h said. "Their names aren't written across the uniforms, it's this." he added. pointing to thl' word Angels on his jersey. After struggling through two days and 20 innings of the first game. t he Ange ls again h ad trouble mus te ring b ase hits Reggie J ackson. for instance. went l -for-3 Wednesday night. prompting numerous boos Yet 1t was J ackson who had suµplted the only run of th(• game through the firs t e ight innings with his RBI single in the third. Sure. th(' AngC'ls had 15 hits m tht• first game. but they had W innings in which to scatter them IT MAY HAVE taken more than six hours and 20 innings to win the firs t game. but 1n thl• l'nd. It turned out to be a rather prociuct1ve n1ghl(s ) for the Angl•ls. To begin with, Don Baylor 's two hits Wednesday night gave him fiv(' for the first gamC', tying an Ange•) r!'cord (held hy Rod Carew) for most hits in one game. Those who care to rem ember last season -and Baylor will IX' the first to admit he'd hke to forget 1t will recall the big designat(•d hitter w ent 3-for-62 (See ANGELS, Page C3 ) Dlllr .... ,..... _, c...... • ..,., DODGE BALL -Angel Bobby Grich runs lnto Julio Cruz af1er Seattle 1eCOnd bueman relayed the ball to first base for double play during game W_ednetday night. .. C'o l/eges announce letters of intent in basketball. C2 -. ~ • • Oefty f'tlot f'Mtoe by ... Md! O'OoMell handed Sea Kinl:>s~ 4-0 setback and further tightened the Sea Vie\v League baseball race. See story, Page C2. CHOSEN -Edison High's Barry L eigh will coach the South AJl-stars. Le igh to c oach South stars By ROGER CARLSON 01 '"-Deity Piiot Steff Barry Leigh. who coach ed Edison H1gh's Chargers to t he S unset League basketball cham- pions hip and had his t e am , ranke d no worse than No. 2 in the C IF 4-A for the e ntire regu- lar 1981-82 season . has been chosen to coach the South in the Orange Coun ty All-star game. The game. sponsored by the Costa Mesa Kiwanis Club, is tentatively set for June lP at Orange Coast College and the South will be going for its 12th victory in 17 tries since the sen es was inaugurated in 1965. Leigh. in his fourt h year a t the varsity he lm with the Chargers. coached his team to the school's first league title and the best overall record (24-3). Despite the fact the Chargers were eliminated in the second round of the CIF playoffs, they were considered among the top three teams ever produced in the Oranf(e Coast area. "To be involved with this game is a real honor," said Leigh. "['m excited over the prospect to coach these kinds oC players with their kind of ta!ent." The South figures to be rated as the favorite again, and Leigh ' agrees, but adds. ''It's always a great f(ame." The game features many of the best graduating seniors in Orange County and the N o rth will counter with Esperanza Coach Mlkl' Moore, who led his Aztecs to the Eniplre League tltle and to the aecond round of the 1-A playofft whbout the help of a 1in1le All·Oran 1e Coun ty or All-OF play r . Dodgers vi.ctirns of 'Dorne ' attack Astros sc ratch out 2-1 decision HOUSTON (AP) -When the Hou s ton Astros have won this year. it's been w ith a familiar formula Good pitching and jus t e nough runs to gel by have been an As- tro trademark in recent seasons. and Houston reverted to the old formula for a v ictory over the Los Angeles Dodgers W<'Cinesday night. Don S utton and Joe Sambito combined to handcuff the Los Angeles Dodge rs on five hll as the Astros won a 2-1 decision on Alan Ashby's solo home' run in the seventh inning. That gives Houston four wins in nine games this season. each by one run and by scores of 1-0. 2-l. 2-1 and 3-2 "We have to get good p1tchmg lo win," Houston Manager Bill Virdon said. "Our starters havC' to hold them Jong enough for us LO get somethmg on the board." Sutton . 1-1, and Sambito fit the bill perfectly S utton gave up a run in the first on Steve Gar- vey's RBI single. but the n relir<'Ci 14 straight ba tters and cruised until the eighth inning Los AngC'les Manager Tom Lasorda thought It was a typical Sutton performance. "He seemed hke the S<Jme pit cher I've seen for a whtlt'," La- sorda said of his fo rmer pitching a ce "We had enough chances. Wt• didn 't get Sutton a nd it's tough to wm with JUSt one run." Samb1to entered in the eighth and t•arned his se<.'Ond save. The Dodgers had two runners aboard with nobody out when Sambito c•ntered. and the Houston relief ac:e started by f1cldmg a bunt by Stl'VL' Sax and turn1ng 1t for a fort'C' out at third base. Samb1to the n struck out Ken Landreaux but made an error on a pickoff try to move Rick Mon- day and Sax into scoring position . Afte r in tentibnall y walking Dusty Baker to load the bases. Samb1to and Garvey squa red off. with Samb1to fie lding Garvey's chopper back towards the mound for the third out "I don 't think l threw as well las t year a s I d id in 1979 a nd 1980," Sambno said. "This spring was the best in all my years of baseball and I fe<.>I hke I'm back to where I was two years ago." Houston matched the Dodgers' run 1n the first inning on J ose Cruz's run -scoring single in the las t of th<' firs t and A s hby brought in the winning run with his round-tripper, his third home run of the y<.'ar and second in two nights. The Dodgers open a four-game ser1t•s at San Diego against the Padn 'S tonight. Kings to march on VANCOUVER (AP) -T he Los Angeles Kings. having won a Playoff series for the first time in five years, now are confident th<.'y can advance to the StanJey Cup semifinals for only the second time in their 15-year history. On TV tonight, channel 9 at 7:30 p.m. The Kings upset the heavily fa- vored Edmonton Oilers in the best- of-fi ve Smythe Division semifinal 3-2 by winning two games in F.dmonton, including a 7-4 rout in Tuesday night's decisive fifth garne. Their vic- tories came on the strength of their a bi lity to adequately control Wayne Gretzky while pressing the F.dmonton defense and the n exploiting Oiler mistakes. The victor y mean t a ticket to Vancouver. where the y begin the best-of-seven division semi-final to- night against the red-hot Canucks. The onJy time Los Angeles advanced to the Stanley Cup semiCinal -the next step for either the Kings or the Canuclcs -was in 1969 when they lost four straight to the St. Louis Blues. The Kings handled the Canuck:s most of the seaaon, winnlnl all bu~ their llnal two meetings. . "Those lut two games didn't mean anything to us," aid Kings d efenaeman Jerry K orab. "We couldn't go up in the standings and we couldn't go any lower. We had a lot of IUCCle99 against them -we hadn't loet to them In the flrat seven aamea - but we can't I t It go to our heads." The Lot Aneelea-Edmont.on ael"le. waa • mentally exhau.-tlna one aa the Kfng:a rallied from 4-1 and ~-0 deflcita to win thetr tint two pmc!ll. Kan as grid program under investigation From AP dl1pacc-.e1 LAWRENCE, Kan. -A Univer-··' aity of Karuu offlclal today confir-. , med reports that the National Colle- tiate Athlet.lc Aatoclation ia conduc- una preliminary investigation o{ t.he Jayhawk.a' foot.ball prosram. Jlm l...es,,ig, who will take over as Kl.J ath- letic director April 29, said in telephone inter- views from Bowling Green, Ohio, that the NCAA told the uni'iersity in a letter It wa1 CQn- ducting t.he anvest4ption. F.dison High products Dino Bell. Bill Mala- vasi and Frank and Troy Seurer are currently attending ~ while Troy ruchardton, Dave Geroux and k.e&.Majpr have signed letters of intent to attend UM! university. Lessig ttUd the Wichl ta Eagle-Beacon and Lawrence J~ .. florld that he had received a copy o1 the~ letter that was sent to t.he KU chancellar. • I Le88ig:, Who wrapping up his duties as athletic di~tori1at Bowling Green, said there were no current pl.ans for an internal investi~a- tion at KU. · ''That wouldll't be appropriate at this time. It could be something very minor. The only thing to my kh«J)Yledge now is that the univer- sity has received the letter." A prelimiqary le tter is NCAA standard procedure and qaay or may not lead to an official investigation. Quote -~~e day Newpoit,~cb resident George Ar· gyros whoo 1:he Seattle Mariners in the American eague, is a member of Baseballs' Restructuring Commjttee. "We will make baseball more like a business. There are now 26 inWviduaJs'as owners and a commissioner whose duties were set down in 1921 and haven't been changed appre- ciably. We need a chief executive officer and a ·board of directors and to have the owners work 4'ta more concentrated effort to work tog__ettaer." BasebaO today On th.la date ln bueball in l 9e8. Infielder Al We la' error on a potentl1J double play ball allowed Norm MUler lo ~ the game'• only run u the Houlton Aat.r<» beat lhe New York Mttta 1-0 in 24 llU\ingv at the Aatrodome . . . the longest l·O nll(ht ~can major l~gut• hlltory. • On OU. date in 1947: · Brookl)'n Dodacra fi rst baseman Jac1de Robinlon becanw the first black to play In t.he major leques in modem u"""· mak.lna h.la debut in a ~3 Dodger victOry over the &.\On Bravee at Ebbets Field. Armas sluga Twins In 12th ToJI)' Ann••' tee0nd home run of Ill t.he Jame, a two-run shot in the 12t.h inning, propelled t.he Oakland A's to a 7 -~ victory over t.he Minnesota Twins Wedne.day night. With two outs, CUU Jobtoa singled off Feiuaaclo Arroyo, then Anna.a 1lam- med hia game-winne r over the right-field fence ... Biiiy Sample stole two bases and 8COl'ed twice while Cbarlle Hougb baffled New York wit.h his knuckleball as Tex.as downed the Yankees, 4-1 ... Amos Otis drilled a Doa Staaltoese pltdl off the left-field wall with two' outs in th~ bottom of the ninth to score U.L. Wu~gtoo and give Kansas City a 4-3 win over Baltimore ... Pinch-rutter Wayne Nordbagen and Bad MartiDes slashed two-out singles in the bottom of the ninth to help Toronto take a 5-4 victory over Detroit . . . Tom Paciorek capped a four-run rally with a three-run homer, lifting Chicago to a 5-4 victory over Boston. The White Sox remain unbe aten in th e yountt season . . . Andre Tboruton collected three sin- gles and drove in three runs as Cleveland d e- feated Milwaukee, 6-2. Braves rally to stay unbeaten Bruce Benedict doubled home ·• the tying run in the ninth inning, then walked with the bases loaded to force in the go-ahead run in the 10th as the unbeaten Atlanta Braves won their eighth straight game, a 5-2 come-from-behind victory over Cincinnati ... Elsewhere in the National League, Tim Lollar hurled six strong innings and Juan Bonilla drilled a n RBI double in a two-run first inning that started San Diego on its way to a 3-2 win in San Francisco . . . Jerry White slammed a three-run pinch home'-with two outs in the sixth inning to rally Monttltal to a 5-4 victory over Pittsburgh ... Andy Rincon threw a three-hitter. and Tommy Herr drove in two runs with a two-out single in the seventh inning to help St. Louis s t o p C hicago, 3-1 ... Mookte Wiison's two-run homer in the fourth-inning and Rod Gardenblre's three RBI l ed the M ets to an 8-1 victory over Philadelphia . Triathlon series set to begin • Ill 76ers end Platona' playoff hopes Jallll ErvlDI ecor d 33 polnta, m lncludJna 13 i.n a fourth-quart.er rally, lrlgerlna the Phil.ad lphia 76era to o , ll g.111 victory over Detroit Wednes- day nlaht. The loH offlcaally eliminated the Ptaton1 from the NBA playoffs ... Elsewhere, World Free poured In 37 poin\4, 23 of t.ht'm ln lhu 11«-ond hall, leadln.i Gol~n Sta~ to a 104-93 victor In Seattle . . . Regle Tbeut pumpc.od In 21 point.a ond Ardt Giimore bad 20 to pace Chicago pa 1 t New York . 120-116 . . . Boston out.aco- red Milwaukee 14 -2 during the final 3:56 and behind Kevlo McHale'• 20 point•. outlasted the Buck.a, 100-91. It WU the Buck.a' third etralght loss •.. Jaa vaa Breda t1mNO Kolff and Ray WUUamt each sank a pair of free throws in thle final eight seconds to give New Jersey a 98-94 win over Washington. The victory clinched a playoff bert.h for the Nell . . . Walter Davis and DeDDJ1 Jobn1oa each acored 20 points to lead Phoenix to a 104-92 victory over San Antonio ... Reggie Jobnaon poured in a game-high 20 points and grabbed nine rebounds to power Kansas City to a 114-95 victory over Dallas ... David Tbomp1on scored 26 points and sparked Denver to a 141-122 triumph over Houston. Babashoff elected to Hall of Fame Fountain Valley product SbJrley i1 Babasboff , along with John Naber, have been inducted into the lnterna- ti on a I Swimming Hall of Fame. Babashoff won two silver medals and a gold at the 1972 Olympics in Munich. Televlslon, radio Followinji[ are the top SPOrts events on .Jv tonight , Ratings are : .... excellent; v v v worth watching; v v fair; v forge~ 1t Cf) 7:20 p.m., Channel 9 v v v NHL PLAYOFFS: Kings at Vancouver. Annooocers: Bob Miller and Nick Nickson. The surprising Kings take on the Canuck.s for the Smythe Division championship and a shot at the Stanley Cup. The Kings finished off f.d. monton Tuesday night to gain a spot in the division finals in an almost unbelievable series. RADIO Baseball -Dodgers at San Diego, 7 p.m., KA.BC (790); Seattle at Angels. 7:30 p.m., KMPC (710). Hockey -Kintts at Vancouver, KPRZ (11 50). Athletes to be tested in swimming, biking and running in five-city swin_g One of the latest crioes these days ha.a been the triathlon boom. In recent week.a, t.he San Diego Union and Los Angeles Times have run in-de pth stories on the event, which is an end&lrance test involving swim, bike and running ~ta. The triathletes are tested in consecutive 2 kilames... (1.2 mile) swimming, 35 KM (21.7 mile) b~.a6d 15 KM (9.3 mile) rua. Entry forms for lbe·five-city United States Triathlon Series aw IM1WCVllilable in many sporting goods and running'!lhoe stores along the West Coast. The series is set to open at Torrey Pines State Beach in San Diego on June 12, then will move to Tro J,aP.~ sign outs ) -The University of Southern Califom' need Wednesday that two hiRh scboot players.b;a11e signed letters of intent to play basketball for the Trojans next year while UCLA said that one sb}ndout has signed to play with the Bruins. '~ The two who wilt play for the Troj~ns are Gerry Wright, a 6--8 ~ from San Gorgonio High, and Kevin Steward, a 6-5 guard from Pali- sades HWl. Signing with the Bruins was 6-1 guard Monte) Hatcher from Santa M°'*2 High School. Long Beach State announced it had signed a pair of recruits -6-5 swing man Charles Houston from Cisco Junior College in Texas and 6-11 center Ivan Berberckt from Rio Mesa High in Oxnard. UC Irvine announced the signing of five players -6-9 center Tod Murphy from Lakewood High; 6-7 forward Ronnie Grandison of St. Ber- nard's High: 6-4 guard Ken Bardsley of Costa Mesa High; 6-5 guard Judd Beardsley of Cyp~ College, and 6-4 JlUMd Michael Lopez of Los Angeles Valley Junior College. The University of San Francisco was the big winner in the basketball recruiting sweepstakes in Northern California, but 11th-ranked Fresno State got t.he big man it was after. USF Coach Pete Beny sa.td he had received national letters of Intent from four players he thinks will "start a new tradition" for the Dons. The biggest and perba,.PS best of the USF re~ cruits is Paul Fortier. a 6-9 center-forward from St. Ignatius in San rr~. J.t'resno Cloach ~a.ant. who led rus team to a 27-3 rtcor-1 sif;!ngs from Mario Ellia. 8-1, aD-dtf Angeles. Marvin Carter, 6-4, frmB .• and Cleve Lewis, a 6-7 junior ooU. Visalia. RUNNING DENNIS BROSTERHOUS Los Angeles an JWy 10. San Francisco (July 31). Portland (August 14) before finishing in Seattle (August 31). lndividuaJ entries for the series are $25 per city. Men's, women's and mixed relay entries are $45 per city and entriefl will be limited to 500 in- dividual and 100 total relay teams per city. All entrants will receive a T-shirt and the op- portunity to win cash and merchandise prizes. Se- ries grand priz.el will be awarded to the men's and women's regional champion in California and the Northwest. but to qualify, a triathlete must compete in each regional city. Two champions per region will be crowned on the basis of lowest elapsed total time for all regional events. ORANGE COAST COLLEGE wiU be offering a fitness c laas this spr1ng. entitled , "Let's Go Walking." The class meets Monday and Wednesday eve- nings. beginning next Wednesday and continuing through June 2. The one-hour class sessions begin at 7 p.m. on the OCC track. Series fee is $6 and registration will be con- ducted on the track. Course instructor is fitness - expert Keith Mayershiro. "Walking is sociable. inexpensive. easy. and a very good way to get into better physical shape," Mayeshiro said. For more information, phone 556-5880. WHAM GOING ON COUNTY-WIDE: Applications for the Seal Beach Recreation Department's Eighth Annual lOK Run are now available and the deadline to register is April 23 at 5 p.m. The race will be held on Saturday, May'8, be- Marina, Barons • • post v1ctor1es Marina High struggled but stayed unbea!en m Sunset League play, while Fountain Valley earned a needed win and La Quinta topped Edison Wed- netiday night in high school volleyball action. On the community college level, Orange Coast and Golden West were also victorious. Marina kept it.I two-game advantage in the Sunset wit.h a 16-14, 14-16, 17-15, 15-10 triumph over the stubborn Huntington Beach Ollen. · "It wasn't very Impressive," claimed Marina Coach Tim R«ed of his team's performance. Fountain Valley kept pace with a 15-7, 15-13, 15-7 success over Ocean View. The Barons are $-2 ln loop play while the Seahawks fell to 3-4. ~unior outside hitter/middle blocker Rob Whi- tehair recorded nine blocks and eight killa while junior setter Scott Nellon did a good job of running the Baron offenee. . La QuJot.a thumped Edilon by th• ldent.icaJ ICOttS of 15-8, lM. 1&~8 to move into a tie for the l'\&N\tt•Up lpot with Fountain Valley. The AEWlcl went to aophomorel Jefi Roeent.hal and Brad ltollar. playlna In their first vanity pmea, to help thm> "9\ Lhe vi;ctory. • Oranp Cout bree&ed to ·a 1&-2, 14-US. 15 ... le-3 ~ O¥« CerriCOI to move lta record to 7-0, The PhtM WAI 8111\ 8emardino V~ Sat.urdal. Golden W• upptd Ill mark to 4·1 In conf•-r•~ olal bJ defeal1n1 LA Harbor, U -9, 15·9, t&-14. ll~ blocker Btad Sanden and ou&lide hltw ara... l'vrtl MOOd out In the R\.wderl' ft. ------~----~- ginrung with the1 wheelchair entrants at 8 a.m. and all other runners at 8:05. The entry fee is $8 per person with medals awarded to the top finishers in each age division and every finisher receiving a T- shirt. This is also the first year that this race will be open to non-residents and approximate ly 1.000 runners are expected to participate. A lOK RUN at William Mason Park tn Irvine will be held Sunday, April 25 to benefit the cam- paign of Pete McCJoskey for state senate. Registration fees are $6.50 with a T -shirt and $4 without. The race is slated to begin at 8 a.m. BISBEES ' ' " I : 406 S Bay Front 8 ;tlboa Island 675 -S18C Call 642-5678. Put a few words to work tor ou. ~J C ~PhlMIW ~ PACIFIC COAST OptEN COM, S'lCIAl WESTERN CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES FRl.-SAT., APR. 16-17, 8 P.M. '· ~ DIPINOINO CHAM'90N LAHY "41W'5 HTUINS TO ACTION 18300 S. VERMONT AVI 'llDIH •21l1 l2l 11 00 ,71), )2) t 1•7 .... ,..... ........ n SCIAMILIS FIGlll I STOCKS CMC s.ctieM4 n.r., . 15, 7:30 , ..... Wttti Stnet St.cka s.., Apr. 11, 7 ·"'· ' • Cla11lfled advertising Is your best Choice for help In eelllng the Items you no longer need. It's Quick and lnexpenaive. Sea View tightens Up Un i topples CdM,· Irvine wins The Sea View League baseball race la beco- ming a.11 tight as wer after University blanked Co- rona del Mar Wednesday and Irvine, Eatancla and Saddleback posted wlns. One SuOlet League con- test waB held with Huntington Beach rallying to record a wild victory over Marina. Here's hvw 1t went: Unlvertlty 4, CotONI del Mar "() The first mrung set the tone of the afternoon as the Trojans scored twice and Corona del Mar misaed a chance after loading the bases with just one out. Rich Sorenson led off the game with a single, took third on Jeff Miller's double and llCOred on a passed ball. Mike Frei knocked in the second Uni- versity run The Sea Kings trtt.>d to retaliate right away in the bottom o f the first afi.er loading the bues with one out but a sharp hne drive was turned into a double play to squelch the threat. University scored its third run in the third on singles by Randy Myers and Jeff MilJer and a CdM throwing error. The Cina! run came in the ~ixth on an error, passed baU. fielder's c:hoice and another throwing error. lrvln• 11, Coata MeH 9 The Vaqueros spread the hitting around as everybody except one player in the starting lineup had at least one hit. Jay &-ott went 3-for-3 to lead the chargf. as lrvine broke an 8-8 deadlock with three seventh- inmng runs. Rich Kiral led off with a double and Jay Scott singled in the go-ahead run, taking second on the throw to the plate. Mike Tierney singled in the sec.'Ond run, takm_g second on another throw. then raced home when John Scott delivered a base hit. Eatancle 10, Newport Harbor 4 Jeff Gardner was 3-for-3 with three stolen · bases to lead the Estam·1a attack that saw the Eagles S('Or(' three limes in the fourth and add four more in the hfth. The Eagles had nine stolen bases for the game tn improving their rl'<:ord to 9-7 ·I overall and 3-3-1 in Sea View League play Gardner, in add1t1on to a perfect day at the plate. scored two runs. had a pair of RBI and in- cluded two doubles in h1s htt total. He also walked twice. Huntington Beach 13, Marina 11 • This wild one wa&n't decided unlit the final frame when the Oilers rallied for three runs to overturn an 11-10 de!1c1t. ln the seventh. Huntington Beach loaded the bases on walks, scored two runs on an error. and the third when Brian Beard singled. Greg DeVaJk had three singles for the winners, while Kevin Elst.er singled twice and tripled to pace Marina Saddleback 5, El Toro 4 J ohn Alvarez dotJblro. went to third on a sac- r1f1re and scored on an t•rror m the seventh 1nnmg to send the game into an extra inning. Saddleback then sc:ored the winrung run on a single by Re uben Galvin. a walk, sacrifice a nd another single by Jack Ml>dina. hts second base hit of the game. L.agune Hiiia 11, Sen Clemente 3 Lee Plemel went all the way as Laguna Hills scored seven big runs an the fifth inning to post its fifth victory of the South Coast League season against two losses. The Skiing's Great /-A FLY ~A.\ AIR IRVINE ~ \.:~: ~ TO MAMMOTH ."". from John Wayne Airport :t~ l 6 00 Air Irvine will arrange + tu for transportatiQn to and from the main lodge~600 Round Trip. one way • Depart Saturday 7 am Depart Mammoth Sunday 4 pm C•ll Now/ S••t• Llmlttidl (714) 540-6911 19531 ~ Way South General Aviation Tlf'l'IWI IJREAT fJAI fJIVEAWAr In Friday'• '-'"" . It Coµld Se YOU/ • • I I • • ' ' ' ' ' j ' I I , I r :II ?I ~ 'o 0 Ill D • • al • ~~----~~~---~----~~~~~~----==--~~~__.....------------~~-------:-------------------------------, ~\''' ~&~ --.:i.-r..-.:.,_, ' ' ~ 010 I01 IO•-e 10 1 Vl,QciWcl\, MoClwt'S (4). .,..... (7~ fMleffy (I) and f lmrnone, o.nn,., Spm...., <•> end HaaNY W -Oenlly, 1.0, L -VllCiloYloh. ' ~';;> H,_ MMweult-. Money fl~ A -7, ...,......,., ..... 1 ,.._ YOft, 000 001 000-1 7 0 r TftU $00 010 OOll-4 4 0 ~ . . "' " ":':.~~ w..Mn\DtwWM Wl'-4.09 • 0 1000 4 2 .N 7 & 3 .1125 5 3 1125 ' 4 500 2 3 400 2 9 .250 hatem DMa6eft MllwllUllM 3 2 800 1 1 I 2 2'i\ ' ~ 22500 '/\ Toronto 3 3 500 l't b ton 2 ~ 400 I New York 2 3 400 1 a.tt1mora 2 4 333 "" o.trott 2 ' 333 tl't • ......,.a._.. A~ 4, S..llle 3. 20 IMlnQI. coml)le- illon Of tpCI gwM ~ 2. S..tt .. I. 10 IMlnQ9, regu1.,1y C~llwlklkM 2 Clllcago 5, b ton • Toronto 5. Detroit ' Taxe• 4, Hew Yori! 1 KanlU City 4, 8alllmora 3 OalllllNI 7, MlnnMOta 5, 12 lnnlnQI Today'ta..- S..nle (Perry 0-II ti ~(Moreno 0-11. n Oek1an<1 (Lengford 1-0) 11 MlnnH ota (Wlllllmt 1-0) Toronto (Stieb 0 -0) at Detroit (Rozema 1-0) Cl'tlcago (Limp 0-01 11 Botton (O)ede 0-11•"' Mltwaukff (CeldweU 0·01 et Clevelend (BlyMyen 0-0) Oi\ly g-tenec:tutecl ICATIOMAL L!AGUE ."..,"~ W L Pel. Gii Atlanta ~ Houaton San Frendaco s.... Diego Clr>ell'\naU 8 0 1000 4 3 571 4 s 4« 3 4 4211 2 ' 333 2 8 .250 ltMtetn OIYle'on MontrMI 3 I 750 Hew Y0tll 5 2 714 St Loult 5 3 815 Clllc.ego 3 II 375 Pltlaburgh 1 3 .2so Phllaa.IPhlll I 5 19 7 WednMdey'a 0- Houtton 2 Oodpr9 I Atlante 5, Clnc:lnnau 2 (10 w.tnoel Monlreal 5, Pllltb\lrgh 4 N-York 8. PhlladelpN• 1 Sl LOUIS 3. Ch+c41QO 1 S111 Diego 3. San Francltce> 2 Toe1er·a o..- 3'h 41,, 4'A. s 9 •• Oodpr9 (Valenzuela 1-01 •I S.... Diego (E1che4betge1 0·21. n Phlladetphle !Christenson O· t I at New YO<ll (ZAchr, 1-01 P11taburgll (Rlloden G-0) al MontrHI (Rog«a 0-01 SI Louis (Mura o.o 01 L•Polnt O·Ol et Ch~ (Bird 1· I) Only g-~led ~ 'f AMERICAN LEAGUE Angeli 4, .,_,,,,.,. 3 ITllMde)t't c;omcMeflonl HAtTLa l CAllf'OflMIA llllrllbl \ aot>r llbl JCna 2b !I 0 1 0 OownlnQ II 4 0 0 0 c .. 11110 3b 9 I 2 0 Clark II s 0 1 0 Bochte II 4 0 1 0 Lynn cl 8 O 1 0 ~ II 5 0 t 0 Cat-lb 7 I 2 0 Zisk dh 7 0 2 O Re.lc*an rf 3 0 0 O Randle dh 1 0 0 0 BelllqU1 rf 3 0 0 0 C-a rf 6 2 1 0 Grich 2b 5 0 1 0 Mllet 1 b 7 0 1 1 JM0<an p< 0 0 0 0 Eu1en c 7 o 2 1 Foll 2b • o o o OHnOtn cf 3 0 3 1 Baylor dh 9 2 5 1 Slm090n cf • o 1 o OeCna 3b 8 1 2 1 TCruz u 2 0 0 0 But1etn M 5 O 1 0 Strghlr p11 1 O O O Boone c 6 o 2 2 Serne u • 0 0 0 Totllt 69 3 IS 3' Tolela 65 4 15 4 ec-.1>7~ Seattle 00001000100000100000-3 Caklom1e 010 010 000 000 00100001-4 OM out w11en winning run tcored E-Foll, Behn-. OP-Seattle 2. Calff0<- nle • LOB-Seetlle 14 Calllornle 111 28-0eClncea, 80011e. Ba ylor Carew SB-Carew. Baylor 2. JCrur S-TCruz 8urleaon, BQOfle 2 Ziak. Beniquez. oac.;.n. ces ... " .. S..111• And« ... Vande8erg Stanton C1111dlH Nunez Helton (l,0·21 c ........ IP HlllEJIMaO 5 •2212 21-> 2 0 0 3 1 lo> 1 0 0 1 ' l->00000 2 10022 6 2 1 1 2 6 2''\ S 1 1 2 I Zahn 8 5 121 Aue II 7 1 2 S ea11r1-. ,,,., 2 o 2 o S~ (W,2-01 •\\ 1 0 0 0 1 Zehn plleheCI to 1 bat19f in the 9th '::>udl" pitched to 2 ball•• In the 121h AncMtt 2. Mariner• 1 (1'-.-..Y'• 0-.) MATTU! CAUFOllNIA all rll bl llbrllbl J Cruz,2b 5 0 0 0 Downing.II • t 0 0 MCeall.3b • 1 2 0 Clwk,tl 1 0 0 0 Boehle.II 4 0 0 0 Lynn.cl • 0 1 0 Zlall,dh 3 0 0 0 Cat9W, lb 3 1 I 0 RanOte .. p< 0 0 O O Re JcUn.c14 0 1 1 &alel'l,C: • 0 1 0 Benlquz,rf 0 0 0 0 Cower'lt,rf 4 0 I 0 GrlCll,2b 4 0 2 I Simpeoo,cr 4 o 1 o eey1or ,dh • o 1 o M ..... lb 4 0 I 0 OeCnca.3b 1 0 0 0 T C<la,u 2 0 I 0 FOii.l b 1 0 0 0 8ot6ey ,ph 1 0 0 0 8Yr1Moll. a3 0 0 0 Serna.ts , 0 0 0 Boone.c: 3 0 2 0 Totals 311 1 7 0 TOl•ll 32 2 8 2 See111e ._,. bJ~ oo 1 0-1 Calllolnie 001 000 000 1-2 One out -winning""' scored. E -Orleh, O.Clnce1. DP -$ea1t1e I. Callfomle 2. LOB -SMIOe 8, Calllornle 11 28 -Boone, Slmpaon. Grich. S -Foll, BenlquR. ...... . Hllf._U.0 Nelton M\ 4 1 1 • 2 Stanton 3 3 0 0 2 1 VandeBrO(L.1· 11 flt. A.nderton 0 1 t 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 c ....... Witt 8'.lt fl 0 0 3 Flenl!o (W.2-01 11'. 1 • 0 0 0 1 Anderton p11Che<l to 1 b8119f In the 101h, HBP -By Wiil (Zltk) T -2:37 A - 23.llOS A~eftfegee aAtTINQ Alt II H ... ,_ra, ,Joe Ferguaon 6 1 2 0 0 400 Aod eer-33 7 t3 0 3 .393 8obOy Clllf1I I 1 3 0 t 375 ~ 9 03 01333 """ 27 1 11 0 a .833 0ouo OtClnoal )0 8 II 2 e 300 Fred Lynn 35 5 10 0 1 215 Don 8lytcw 37 • I 0 2 .218 Min OownlftQ 33 3 9 2 4 111 AlllClle Jedt90R 31 0 5 0 1 1111 Atclt-llutleaon 36 3 5 0 2 .142 Tim Foll 29 2 4 0 1 137 Juell 9"1iQUC 11 0 1 0 2 090 JoM~ 0 0 0 0 0 000 ~ Sconlera 1 0 0 0 0 .000 rrTCMMQ • ff -IO W.t. UlA a :1 3 o o.o o.oo 2 I 2 I 0-0 000 11 e a 1 1-0 o.63 ,~ 1 1 4 2-0 o ... N 6 1 4 2.() I. 1T 1a • 10 1 0-1 u a • • 0 2 0-0 t .26 11 I !I 4 0-0 2.4$ 1t~ I J II 0-1 · 2.7& e • ' a ~1 a.oo n 11 117 N 64 U6 .................. 0..., 000 • 00 I 400-8 11 0 8-0rl 000 ttO 000-4 4 2 TIOUI. .... (7) end A*. """"'· tlM-llr (7). APolllt I #Id -.en. W -Treut, ~ l -...... 4'1."" -°'*""°· .... .,.. (1~ A -t ,1*», ......,.. --~Tloo-. 1, ~~ Otl 000 001.-. 10 1 Meettrt9f, •1•1111~• t01 a11t1 N9l111; &MMH,,... llJ ... w-.... -,...., =-.. .. .. 0-1.""' -...... (I ...._ °"1, IHrt"' (I), A - Pacella, M•y (I ) end C.-. Houall and Sunoti.<9 w HouQll, 2.0 I. -,_..., 0-1 A -19,127 0.troll -~l,~0:..-4 II 0 Toronto 001 002 011-6 11 0 ~ry. 8-let (II. ..._ (ll) and Wocu n .. 111••· Clenoy. Gerwin (e). Jackeon (81 end if W111tt W -Jlokeon. M . l -S....., ().1 H,. -Toronto, IM>llinlle (11 A -I0, 114. ... ,.~. Oellland 300 too 010 002-7 7 0 MIMetOle 020 00 I 200 000-t 11 1 ~•ttJ, lJndet-..ood (7). ,,_ (IOI end Newman. t<eemey (11). H41-.a, Fenon (1~ Davte (9), Corbell (I ). Arroyo ( t21 and W~· neoer W -Jonet, 2· 1 L -Alroyo, 0-t HRa -0.-lel>d. Annu 2 (2) A -10,6". Aatroe 2. Dodten 1 LOI AHOlllil HOUaTON llb rllbl •rllbl Se,., 2b 4 O I O G111ner. 2b 4 1 1 O l.MlOrea, cf 4 1 2 0 Pllhl, rf 4 0 0 0 Belew. H 3 0 o o Scon, cf 4 o o O Garvey, lb 3 0 I 1 Cruz." 3 0 2 I Cey, lb • 0 0 0 ""'by, c 3 1 1 1 Guwraro, rf 4 0 0 0 i<nlQht, 3b 3 O O O Sc!Oecll. C 3 0 0 0 A HoM. 1b3 0 I 0 YNget. ph I 0 0 0 TllOn,.. 2 0 I 0 ~ .. 3 o 1 o Sutton 3 o o o Hooton. p 2 0 0 0 SamD110, p O 0 O 0 Moooay, II 0 0 0 0 S. Howe. p 0 0 0 0 Total• 31 I 5 1 Total• 29 2 e 2 ._..bJ._... LCM AngelM 100 000 000-1 Houaton 100 000 10a-2 E-Rua .. 11, Aahby, St mblto. DP-Loa A~ I LOB-Loe Angelee II, Houtlon 4 HA-Alllby (31 58-Gw,,.. Loe Ange4oee • H A Ell M 10 H<>Oton IL. t-11 ti 2 2 1 • S Howe o o o o o HcHnton SuttontW. 1·11 1 1 1 1 SarnDllO 15.21 2 0 0 0 2 I Sulton p11cneo to i-IMttera In'"" elQhlh T -2.14 A -2&,5112 ...... s.11.oa2 Atlenta 001 000 001 3-5 12 2 Cincinnati 011 000 000 0 -2 II 1 Booos. Hrabo9ky (7). Cemp (!II 111<1 e.n... d tc 1. -P utore, Hume (lll. Kern ( tOJ and O'Be<ry W -Camp, 1-0 L Kern. 0-2 A -14,217 ....... ~I Plllladelphla 010 000 000-1 7 2 New Yont 010 310 21a-8 11 1 Ruth-., Farme< (n Monge (91 and Dlu. M Scon end Stearn• w M Scol1, '· 1 L -Ruth-.. 0-2 HR New YO<~. Wijeon ( 1) A -13,420 ~.,,.. s. "'•* 4 Plttlburgh 01 I 000 011-• ll 2 Montreal 000 t03 0 h -5 7 2 Solomon, Scurry 161. D RoblnllOll (7) IMt<I T Pena: Sa11derton. LH 171. RH•dOI' (81. Fryman tlll a rllS Ca ner W -SanClerton t-0 L -Sotomou, O· f S -Fryman 111 HRI -M0<1treaJ. Cromarlle (II. w1111a '11. A -35,941 CW'dlnMa 3, C11be t SI LOUla 000 100 200-3 I I 0 CllleeOO 100 000 000-1 3 1 Rlneon l11CI Poner: Jenlllnt Hernandez (II) ano Moreland w -Rincon. 1-0 L -.Jefl~1n1. 1· I A -11,6" Pedree ). QWlta2 Sen OlegO 200 100 000-3 1 O San FranclKO 000 000 002-2 7 0 lonar. Deleon (7). Luce• 191 111<1 Gwoaoz; Schatreoer, Martin (41, 91.,111ng (8). Lavelle (91 and Rensom W -Lollar 1·0 L ScNlt-. 0-1 S -LUCM (2) HR San Franco9CO. Summer'e 11~ A -5,703 College KOfM UCLA 3, San OlegO Stele 2 Loyola 10. use e C6I State F.-1on 5. CS Dom Hiii• 3 cs Hotll'lrtdge 12, Soc.I COiiege 2 Cal Baptist 2. UC lrv!ne 1 Grand Ct nyon, Ariz 7-9 Nevad•·lu veo .. J.12 Community college a.nteAnal.Of .... C-t4 Orange Coul 101 000 020-4 ll 1 Senta Ana 050 210 00•-I II 2 Reinholtz end Tinoco Sawyer and Gray 28 -Dugo111 (OCC~ S11WW>s1<1 \OCC). Brown 10CCI Giay ISA) AbbOll (SAi HR-Bry111t CSA! aou111 ... 1 .. n 1, a..tcile4Nlcll 5 Soulh-tern 400 010 020-7 18 0 SedO!eOk' 000 310 001-~ 9 l Hemng. He1<11pecN1< 1111111<1 Opoenhetme< 8on111a Kobel 171 and Irwin W-Her11ng L-Bonllle 28-Hahrl (S•dd I. lee (Sn<ld I HR-Balouoh (SI High achool lrflne 11. Coeta ..... t Irvine 000 710 3-11 IS • Cosla Mesa 004 103 1-9 8 4 T1ernev Simms 161 end K11al, Hyde Per· runo 181 end F1elo W -S.mms tS 21 L Be<•U"I) 28 -Webster Ill. Kira! (II. Johnson 1CMI Unl••nll' 4, C0<ona def Mar 0 Un•VetSlty 20 I 001 0-4 8 I Cor0<•0 oet Mar 000 000 0-0 2 3 Lal_. VOllOO (SI and Fr91 Pefe<MI' ano Melbon w -LatMn 12·21 L -Pet .. M<l s -llOSIOO <B -Miiier IU) i...vun• Hiiia 11, San Clemente 3 Laouna Hmt 102 071 0-1 I 17 2 S•n Clemente 003 000 0-3 6 • Plemel and Roman Brunn1ng eno Pu1er oaugh 28-Roman ILH) Lowrey 1LHI. CllOP!*I ILHI ~l,llT0<0 4 Se<ldlebe<:~ 300 000 1 1 -s 7 3 El T0<0 011 110 00-4 II 2 GalY<n. Damian tSI ano Ba-er Pifer, Maher 121 and Jocooo w -0em1an. L -M•hlll 28 -AIYarN (SI. Ettancle 10, Hew-1 ~ 4 Es1anc1e 201 3'0 0-tO 10 2 N~ Harbor 020 002 0-4 8 S Johnson Roachelle 121. Talley (Ill and Riggs, Bayer (61. Kollna, NUOfl"I t•I Spiller (SI Parks (51 Te"y (71 and Wtllt W- Roacltelle 11-11 L-Ko11na 28 -Gerdne< 2 !El Johnson tEI. Campeau (NHI. Kohn• (NHI 38-RtQgs IEI HunllnotOfl a-cit 13, .. ., .... 11 Huntington ~001 teo 3-13 11 3 Mwlne 007 310 0-11 11 4 &Mrd. L..llllrn« (3), Flynn (4), Buckelt (Ill end Shirley, Bennet!. Puch1t1 151, Bennett (7) 111<1 Florea W -Buck .. 1. l -Berlnett 28 -Shlrle)' (HB). 38 -Ettter (Ml. Ven- OO<Ml-(H81 HIGH SCHOOL 8TANDtN08 Se• vi.w L••eu. W l T Ge CotO"ll del ~I S 2 0 Un1ver1jty 4 2 0 llVIM 4 2 0 Seddtet>&e-3 2 O Ca.te ,,.... 3 3 1 blM>Clll 3 3 I El T0<0 2 S 0 N9wpo<1 H •tl>Or I II 0 WMIWIMey'e loo<" un•-•llY •. Corona <Ml Mat o blanc>• 10 ~ Herbot 4 !MM 11, Costa M-. ll Sa«lieo.ctc 5, El Toro 4 ,,_,. o.-(1:'5) Corona <Ml Mar at tl\llM Newpot1H~borat~ Unt-tllY at Costa MMe Et Toro at Ee11111C1a 'h ~ 1 2 2 3 • ------, Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT /Thureday, Aprll 15, 1982 ca L.99~ ...... " .. "",. =~:::: =:.. ___, ~Dalt( ..... h) 720 •OO Ito ,.~ 0..,,. (f\ttdlliOfell 4 40 3.00 IPfY'e e..1 (Kllllftll9t) Ut A*> reoed. Tu.taH NOge. Ill~ .,,,..., lltar ~. J 0 F«MI. T'lfM. 2 04 • all.ACT~ ( 1·2) peill UO 40 ( 1·2) IMllCI $29 40. tcC:C*D """· One ,,. !rot Top C.t IOt~) 4 40 I 20 UO °""" Duo'-CTO~ld e.eo 4,00 lof\)On Whltlley ( ) e.20 AleO rllCled N'4f• Meme. Ollllon't ~. DrMden Stw. w• tM .. Good, ~tio­ Ttme 2·07~ Tt4llllO M.CL One mll9 .,_ VOiar (e.tiovtll) 3:00 2 40 2 10 An<IY'• w11111on IOOlilw1•1 2 eo 2-20 Ania Up 8'11ppet (Clllf) 2 40 AlaO r-cecl Mo410n Workt ~ Anllit T, AedMIQR nm.-2" 215. SI OACTA (4·81 pflld $1 00 P'OUllWTW llACL One mMe 1104 HoOle VIG1ory (P-•l 3 40 2 90 2 20 T MllnO {WleNrd) 3 20 2.40 Fly1nO Squad (Hyman! 2.40 Aleo r-O Meulah, Storm ..... ~. No 8et Time 2 09 l'l'TH lllACE. One mlle pece The Punll (Flllon) 2 1 00 II eo •.20 1-!r Joe e (CHiii 19.eo ~.20 Hunt .... Hun1 .. IKueblerl 2.40 Ateo r•c•d Lady Eddy, 0111c:11 Lu ry S"-'8, Rak. Iron Dulle. Time. 2.0ll 115 *2 ll(AC:TA (3-91 paid l284.90 a1xnt MCI. One rnl4e ~ Gold c11-(Kuet11er1 13 eo 4 eo 3 20 Yeeldo (Goudr-.1 3 00 2.40 K"r Hano-(Be~) 3.00 Alto reced. ArvtrM't Girt, Shadow R4ln• veen. Energetic Kid. Bingo 8engo, April Slit. Time 201215 KVIHTH "-'Cl. One mile ~ ar-·a CllOloe (8h«renl8 oo 3 40 3.00 Fok \I~ Prkle tGrvn<IYI 10 00 11.00 lrlah 0-(Longo) 4.40 Alto <aced Slilppet Wyalt, Armb<"o Vegaa, Golden Carel, Stunning Guatt, Nathan'e Hope. Warm WlahM Thne. 2 O• 315. SI lllACTA (3-11paid 1&5.80. 12 PICK 1111 111-•-11-3-4-3) paid •2~.eo wllh 70 w!Mlng tlclt.ele (""9 ~) 12 Pick SI" coneolellOn paid M 40 ...:11 1 tll W11WW1Q 11ckett (lour hOrHtl 12 Pick 81• acretch contolltlon paid 114.00 with ae winning tlclletl (two horsM, two actatO-. or thrM horaea, one acratcll or thrH llorHe. two act•td!M) llGHTH lllACI.. One mlle pee. L• Petroo (Kuebler> s 80 3.40 2.eo Kr~ht'• Honour (Sleelh) 4.00 3.20 Flnel S-i> (Todd II) 2 80 Alao raced Sent• • Twinkle, OH-Jt,,,.. Rllytllm Ot4-Euy 0 V Royal Edward. Attn bro a. .. OH -Oee<lheat ror lltth Tm.. 2·02 115 12 fllACTA (5-31 paid122 00 NWnt RI.Cf. One mile pece Jimmy Beller (Ma1chen<1133 80 11 20 9.40 Gotchaco-tld (Longo) 14 00 8 80 Blarney Wey (Kuebler) 3 20 Alto raced While llklghler Tu<IO< Bay. P v Bret Wanatace DMI> s Slone Time 2 O• 3tS U IXACTA (2-31 Pll<I S214 20 TIHTH RACE. One mile p- Btg Sp<lttg (W"llatntl 7 20 • 40 2 80 PoderOIO jPerl<9f) 18 20 4 80 Jull a Smoothie tFoley) 3 00 Alao raced Charcoal Hanover. Knight Brigade, Hardy Mac~aber, luOy Card, l(e<lwy, Renee's Ch~ Time 2 03 SI UACTA (7-oil) Paid S..S •O Altendanoe 4,344 Sent• Anita ftONl90AY'I MaUI. Ta (IOttt of....,.._~_,.,., NIT lllACI.. 6 turlongt War liOUM (W9111ngton) •II 20 ,. 20 0 80 TrllQlc Ball (OllVWM) 7 80 S.llO Anoth« To.at (Slloemak9fl 9.00 Ho Cl\oy. The Method, Klng't Flrt 1. Em- perlot John, Loom Jal. E'a Tradlllon Lei'• Be H809J, Rltlnv EchO Time t tOO at:COMO MCI. 8 IUrtong& Hempen'e Nur• (Hewleyl • 80 3 00 2 llO My Amy Giii (Mo<e®) 4 00 3 •O ,Icy &)Oy (Black) 9.110 My Dutchess. Otra P1omH1. Ktthlnlla. "•\Other Tov, Century'• Ledy, Lerken Time 1 09 415 12 DAILY OOUllUI (ll-9) paid I tM 00 n.11> llACL 6 1Uf10009 Ski R8C* IOtlv~esl 7 80 • •o 3 00 Smuggler a GOICI (Blacl<I tO 20 4 00 Ima Slz:zlel (MoCarronl 2.80 Also raced Shenlln. Jet Piiate. 801· pllOrut TirM I 09 416 115 EXACTA ( 1-oill PeiCI '280 00 FOUflf1'4 MCI. 9 flif10ngs . •A Big 1<111 t0et111>o1J ... ve1 '20 3 eo 2 eo T0<1y'1 Darting (V..,_J 3 &0 3.00 Gold County (0.-r•) • eo "'so rec«I Royal wino.1orrn. Quiet Flight, Irish Godden. De<11cated Glrl, The Kind. Gold Jlld<et Time 1 11 115 FIF'TM "ACE. 6'~ hnlOngs on tur1 Ouat\lum Leap (McCanon15 80 3 20 2 &O MlllpO<'t IT 0<01 6 20 •.OO Fall (OellhOuauyel 5 20 Alto raced' SllH hy, Pencil Polnl, Conletll. VIZler. Nev11< Cry Ttme I 14 0 15 UACT A tS· 71 pekl '87 SO SIXTH llACf. 1 1118 mllM l'leze Prlnoe (OlahMY•I 11.00 S 00 3 80 Emetald Foa (Orlege) Ill 20 II 20 Krytlll 5"ow (Olar! 7 llO Also r!Mlld Ouo1ed. Aral Derby, Oallld N , Noble Jeeture, Kingdom EltpteN. Outdoor Ruler. Bold T oondll<, Courl O'Clowne, Flrst M_,lne Time 1 4•% alVDfTH ftACI. 1 11111 m11M Aoo••l\dlz-1 (Aamtnl 9 eo 4 20 3 ~ Feather Reward tOelehOU ... '191 7 llO •.OO Everybody't Toy (M~on) 3 40 Aleo riced Julle11ne Jennifer Bll•not O•U Tim& 1 •3 215 115 IXACTA (7·61 pal<! $111100 12 PICK SIX (~l·O•S-6-71 Paid 1\105 80 with 114 winning tlehelt (lbt hot-~ a2 PIGil Sis COM01e1lon pelcl $28.40 wttll 1.5111 wtn. nlng ticket• (llW hor-1 S2 Plc:lc Six ecrirtc:h conaolatlon peld $72,40 with 153 winning llcketa (four hor-. one ac:<t1tofl). EIGHTH lllACE. 1'\ ,,,_ on turf Receng It Fun (McCerroo) 8 oo 6 eo • 20 Bargain e.ic:ony (Blacltl 21.eo e oo Royal CepUw (Shoemaker) • 3.40 Alto raced Aall Ma, Ad Man, A'9•rdl. Bu,,,,..I, Native Stepper. Eetorll, Quac:118ft, A-Knight, 8"ielcor1C: Time 1.•e NINTH llACL 1'4 ml1" on tllff Right of l ight (McCerron) 1T00 7 40 5.20 Serq (C...llMClel 10 20 ll 80 .M'lecontulte (Gverrel ll O? Ateo raced. EJ Fantaaltco. HIM °""'· Nor· btll, Be On Tlrne, Monico, Noble Tred11ton, Har. Ullreohatge Time· 1•48 • DACTA (6-0) Paid t2M 00 411endanor. 25,583. ................. c~c:OU.a• 0.MQe Cot8I Otf o.mtoe. 111-2. 14-11, 1M.1W. Go109n Wtel def. LA Hltt>Ot, 111-f. 1M . .... 14. ..... ~ Follnllln Ve!My d4lf OOMft View, 1t•7. 1 ... 1S. 15-P LI Olllnll def. lelleon, IM, 1M, 1&-1. Mertn1 Cltl. HuntlnQtOC\ -..Ofl. 11•14. , .. , .. ,, .. , •• 1'910. HIGH ICttOOL 8T ANIMN08 --..u..-• W L ...... 1 0 ,_,,..,. v,,_, t I 2 Lt Qulllte I I I o..i View a • • ............... 2 • 4\t ,.... 1 ..... .,.,..... 0 • ~ ,......,.. .... f'l •• ,. •• 111111M.-11s " ..... ....._.. ..... m ...... ,.. .... _...1 ...... :::-1~ o-....-. .. i.. ....... ~ . • JOO f'll•dlay 1ela~-1. Newp01t Harbor. li601 200frH -1 Woolloll1 (NH). I., !12 10ut1won If). 1 12 4, I L-IN+tl. 1 118 '1 ~M-1 s1111i.y (NH). 2 10 7. 2 JOl'tn· eon (NH>. 2 1u. 3. Sllln (t~ n• • &o ft-1 hiding (El. 22 7, 2. ll\Otnpoton (NH). tt 13 0: J Oreke (ll). U 7 100 Uy-1 fterkM (NHI, &7 e 2 Jappa fH"I, N 9, 3 Tlf10let (NH). 5t 4 100 frH -1 Tllompeon (NHI. 01 9 . 2 RIOQ8 (II, 51.ll. 3. WooHOlk (NH), 6' I &00 l•H-I lovlhlon 1£1. I> 18.81 2 JoflMon (Nii). 6 19 8, S WIQl<e (I). 6 20 <J 100 blck-1 lt9'My (NH). 61 t. l IMICI (El. 1 00 7. 3 ,.,,.,, (NH). 1 03 ll 100 bta&ll-1. HatfllOI\ !NH). 1 07 I, 2 amn 111. AIOQ• (E). 1:01.1, 3. &aJln cE>. 1 oe 7 .001r .. rtley-1 N4rwport Hwbor, 1:27 .4. ~1tt,l1d•allutiM 200 rneclley , ... 7 -I "'"""""1Y. 1.63 0 200 Ir" -1 WU/IO()u(ne (UI, 1.68 0. 2 Andrew• tS). Z 05 69. 3 Oouglu (UI, 2 oe•2 2001M -I Sc:hwttm IUI 2 18 0. 2 MllijlM (81, 2 S4 2•. 3 8uflln99' (U) 2 " 0 so ,, .. -1 COIWlek 1u1. 20 98, 2 ewua11 IU), 23 9. 3 Sctllll«I" (U). 23 59, 100 fly -1 Sclllecttr (U). I 06 0 2 Watllboume (U). 1 07 O. 3 Pt-119e1 fUI. 1 09117 100 ltM -1 8a1tlell IUI. 63 7. 2 OouolQ (U). 55 Ill, 3 Colwl(;k (UI. SS 81 500 ,, .. -I Schwarm (U). 5 15 5, 2 £t fer!Y tS). 8·31 4, 3 Gehrleh (U), 9· 33 38 100 becit -1 WullboutM IU) 1 07 0 2 Anor-. cs1. 1 07 J 3 Pendle1on 1u1, 1 08 1 100 oreaat -1 K WHl'lbou•n• 1u1 1 07 O. 2. l<erc;hner tUI. 1 10 01, 3 8a11ett II.I), I 12 0 400 I'" reta1 I Uni-ally 3 33 39 '°""a.In Veller 111, OoHn V-22 200 medley relay-1 Fountain Valley. 1 51 81 200 lrM-t Win (FVI. I Sll 79. 2 W1IU1 (FVI, 2 01 49, 3 Pe<le!llOll IFV). 2 02 48 200 IM-1 Bentley (FVI 2 Oll 88 2 o ... ve rtan1an 1FV1 2 20 7S 3 Huang tFV1 2280 50 ,, .. _ 1 Schulll (FVI .. H 36. 2 Mc Gerrlggle 1ov1. 24 72. 3. Mever (Ov1. 24 79 01vlng-1 Skytte tFVI. 148 72 2 P11nr (FVJ 1411.35, 3 Jemat (FVI 98 20 100 lly-I ltgllt (FVI 1 00 93 2 Brt9ht tFVI. 1 0 1.39 3 8sumoanner 1FVI. 1 OS 99 100 lree-1 Schullz (FVI. 52 96. 2 MC Cartlly 1Fv1. 5• 38. 3 McOarr19g1e 1ov1. ~10 soo Ir-1 Walk• (FVJ 5 21 70. 2 wan 1FV1 S 3 I 10, 3 Oe<v"1enlen 1rv1. 5 34 10 100 beck-1. R1chma11 (FVI. I 05 83 2 MO()re (FVI. 1'07 39 3 Maurel IFVI I 08 09 100 bruat -I Young (FV) t 08 92 2 Huang 1FV) I 10 18 3 Beumg•rner tfV) 1 10 79 400 lree rel11y-1 Foun111n Valley 3 34 86 C«-dlel Met IOI, ltYlne 41 200 me dle y reley -t Coron• d el Mar.1SO1 200 frff -1 Crofts ill. 1 51 5. 2 Ron ICdMI, 1 58 7, 3 Scou (CdMI, 2 00 7 2001M -1 Mollar<l tCdMI. 2 03 II 2 LoolbOUrrow (CdM). 2 18 7 3 Schloesamen ICdMI 2 2ll S 50 ftM -1 i<Mnvernen (II. 23 &. 2 Paul-.... (CdMI, 24 1, 3 Smiln ICclMI. 2•.8 100 fly - 1 Morrow (CdMJ 59 4, 2 Bo- _..(I). 1'00 5 3 Jacoba (CdM) I 02 6 100 ,, .. -1 Roll ICdMI, 52 8 2 Srn•ln (CdM). 53 4, 3 Pleroe (II. SA 0 SOO tree -1 Lootbounow ICdM). 5 10 7, 2 llana11e tCdM). 5 28 1 3 Sco11 (CdM). s 32 2 tOO beck -1 Elllott Ill. t oe II. 2 Plkll-. (CdMJ, 1 oe 8, 3 Schuller ICdMI. 1 07 S 100 br9Mt -1 Moletd (CdM), HM 7 2 Mazelln (I). 1.10 2, 3 lmbernlno ICdM), 11011 400 free relay -1 Corona del M8' 3 41 11 ller"'8 a. Hllnt1nglon .....,.. 1'0 200 meelley relay -1 Huntlnglon ee.ctt. I 52 16. 200 lrH -1. GrUllth (li8), 1 51191. 2 HopllJNI (Ml. 2 00 CM 3 II Lrnctl (Ml n t 200 IM -1 Sm;t11 IM), 2 oe 82 2 Folker lliB). 2 09.22, 3 J Lync:tl iMI, n t 50 ,, .. -1 Pwaona (Ml. 22 llO. 2 Haya (HBI. 2• eo. 3 MMler tMJ, 25 70 100 lly -I p.,._,. (MJ, n I , 2 8erro (HB). sa 311: 3 Hot1on (HSI. I 03 so 100 Ir• -1 Hopl\lnt (M), n t • 2 ~e (HS). M 30, 3 Miiter (M). n 1 soo 1rw -1. EnrlQl't1 IMI, n 1 • 2 l'I Lynoh (Ml. n I ; 3 Gtlfllll• (H8). n I 100 beck -1 Smith (Ml n t . 2 Par manlier IHBI. 1 01 12, 3 Han .. n IHBI toe 40 100 br-1 1 Serro (HBI. I 07 10, 2 J Lync:h (Ml. n 1 . 3 t(llUey (li8), " t 400 ft• reley -t Marine. n I WOMEN fdleoft 11a. w .. rmlfte1er 31 200 meeltey reley-1 EdlllOll, 2· t5 7, 200 tfH 1 W MacKenzie IEI. 2 17 5. 200 IM-1 Auoenateln (E). 2 311 •, SO "" 1 Camp....i (WI. 2e 2. C>Mno-t Kene116n IEJ 228 10, tOO ny-1 W MecK81\.lie IE) 1 07 0 100 l•M-1 L..ayrll (E). 1-oe.1, soo ,, .. _, \/an Dorn (WI. II 18 9: 100 back-1. Au OAl'lllein (E), 1 111 0, 100 br-t-I Bell (E), I 215. 400 1tM rtlay-1 Edlton • 27 4 b1-le '7 • ......,.,, Hef1IOf ,. 200 medley reley-1 Newport Herbor, z·07 11. 200 free-1 Maddoc~ (El, 2 08 2, 200 IM-t Ounn•no (NHI. 2 40 4. so lree-1 ~pent" tEI. 27 0 100 lly-1 MadOOClt (Et 1()4 0. 100 lr-1 CWl*'flet !El 57 11 500 free-I Madsen IEI 5 53 O. 100 bee~ 1 Averlll tEI. 1 011 O. 100 breaat-I Oun111no (NHI, I 14 ll •00 ''"relay 1 EttanCIK, 4 Oii 5 ~t1.laddl1' .... 200 medley r"4ay -1 University, 2 03.0, 200 free -1 Schultl (U). 2 26111. 2001M - 1 e ernatrkl 1s1. 2 3 4 28, 50 rree -I ScftulU (U). 28 0, tOO fly -1 Blown (UI. 1-07 0. 100 ffM -1 WOiie (S). $8 3. 500 ,,_ -1. C..tton (U), 6:2t ()4, 100 becll - 1. Celt tU). 1 11.0, 100 ~II -1 Ruhl (U), 1 20 O: 200 tree relay -1 Unly11r111y 4.280 ........ ..,. 9MCfl 101, ll'er1N • 200 rnedi.y reley-1. Mer1na. 2.09 90, 200 ,, .. _ 1 s 1011ch 1He1. 2·05 oa: 2001M-1 GllleOn (HS). 2 34 711: SO lrM-1 Becki.,. (H8), 2e 75, Olvlng-1 McC•nU (H8), 140 90. 100 lty-1 Glbton (H8). 1 12 18; 100 l•H-1 Be ckley (HBI. 59 113. SOO lr .. -1 Stor!Ch (HSI. S:•O 35. 100 baclc -1. Barrett (Ml. 1. 15 48 100 breul-1 Boehm (M). 1 22.3 I; 400 lrM re&ey-1 Huntington Beedl. 4•11.17 ~ v.-., 1a.. Ooeerl V'-,, 200 ,,..ai.,. r"4•Y -1. Foun1etn V•lley. 2.18 to, 200 lrM -1 Hull (FV). 2 23 12; 200 1M -I Md<awi (FV), 2·311.58, SO lrM -1 T'-9 (FVI. 2.28 43, 0Mno -1 Del· laY« (FV), 1411 06; 100 fly -I. e udman If \/), 1 17 28. 100 ltff -I Scllullr (FV) 1 02 IMI; 500 1tM -1 Thelll (FVJ. 5 5!1 78. 100 ti-. -1 Armst11:Wt9 IFV~ 1 13 '7. 100 ~1 -Amlelrong (fV). 114 37, 400,... relay -1 Fountain Valley, n t. c:.-....... 101, .,,,.... • 200 medley relay -I Corona cMI Mar. 2:03 ); 200 1rw -1 Rol>b (COM). 2 10 2. 200IM -I. AalnholCI ICdM), 2 20 9, 50 "9e -1 LoolbOun'OW (OdM), 27.7, 100 fly -1 lkllchtr (CdMI. t:Oi 2; iOO ,,_ -1 Bede (I). 1-00.7; 500 ffee -1 RobO (COM), 5:40 II; 10C1 11-* -1. "9lrlhOld (COM). 1 :Oe 2: 100 lw-1 -1, Btttcow(coM). 1;12,0: 400,... ,.,.,., -1 Cofone cMI Mat, 4· 10. 7 MM Lak9re 1-. M&& 111 UTAM -Ot ntl•r 21. P oqueue t 1, ~ 14, 0,..,. II, Otlftttll 12, Nlc;llle II. WIMlerne_!ll.1._!>ufen 4, Hatdy 2. WOOCI 1. To-t•· 44~ 115 1.0.--... -..,,.... 1&. wa .. 20. ~· 11u n. r. w-20, Hilton 10. Coot* •• McrMoo tO . .,_ 4, c. ~ 1, ~ 4 Toe-. M 1i>-1t 1111 ..... ...,....,. \Altl H tt 31 17-11& 1M ,.,._ 2t 24 M 40-111 FM11ec1 °"' -"-Tot .. '°'* -Viti\ 21. Lot,.,_.... 21. A -11,.411. ............. ~ lat, UW1 <19 ~tOO,'•-*••• 5':4.~~r ..... •1•.o....• m._.1 ,NlwYWll Ill 0.--M1,..._.... 112 ,........ ...... Mattltl .. ...... :;ir!'.:.: e .. ==.. ~ . . .. " WonHtn'1 IOftbell COMMUNfTY CC>U.ICMl °'-C-1 2. ....... Aftleftlo 0 Mt SM .Antonio 000 000 0-0 l 0 Orln08 eo..1 too 010 • :I 2 ' Evletll •"d Ka ne, Culp end Crut 38-L.arnarr tOCCI ~ .... 1, a-i. ~ 0 GOi08tt Wwl 000 000 000 000 1-1 1 I 8art11 MOOIC8 000 000 000 000 0-0 3 I Kyle< O.lp (t) end Mc Elr ... Munn and 8rtctc,,.. W Oetp l -Munn PelOfnar t,a~o Seaolebac~ 000 000 0-0 o o Palomar )00 033 • t 1 2 Rogers •RO Rubalcavt Tompk1na •~d \/Illa 2B Mueller IP) HR M""llel IPI HIGH aCHO«. IMI Ci..-tte ti,~ Hiiie O Lagune Hiiia 000 000 0 -0 3 4 S... Clemente 104 112133 a-23 17 1 Scnultre, 9praooina 141 and langlleld, eucclnl end loc-nert w 8ucc•nl l - Schul1ze 2e-s.,,...,.. 1sc1. LOC1111e11 csc1 eucc1n1 1sc1 38 Cn11ttanton tSCI HR CnritlenMn tSCI lnrtne J, Coate 111 ... 1 Irvine 020 100 0 J l 0 COttA Mw~• 000 010 0-1 4 I Hartin ettO Kowarlt(.11 lua ano M<Aleel Unl-altr 12, CM-del Mer 4 Unlv91&lly 360 OQ;I 0-12 Ill 1 C0<onA del Mor 001 000 3-• 1 J Fu. C.te t51 and WllhettPOOft. Garell If) OoclOs ....... 141 28 Renshaw IUI Hett ICdMI 38 Gare:,. tUI Pecltlc SouthWfft Open (at Loe Angetee) flt'9t Round ....... Jimmy Connora oel H.,otO Solomon. I>-t 2 6, 6-3. Roscoe T""""' def JOl>n Auattn 7-6. 8-•. F&rd1 Taygan oel Ch"s °""' 6-0. 7 6 .__ Ro<.lftd llnglee Victor Amaya <1t1I Sa nely Maytr S·• (rellrecll Mar1"' Davis oel 8~1 Scenton, 6-3 7 ~ WCT tournament (al Holltton) Flral 110\llWI llnglff 1~an lend! Oel N1tk Saviano 6-3 6-2. Joatt•lult Clerc del Sammy G1ammalv•, 6· 7. 6-•. 8·4 Jose Hlgue<H del Marlo. E<I monoaon 8·• 8-7 II· t Peter McNamera <let Jose Loper-Mae.o 6·3 6 1 E11k ••-.. "•""Y oat Terry Moor 7-6 &·• Steve Oertlon def Francisco Gonzeler 6· 7 6 2 7-11 Communltr colleg• Or""119 Coeal I. Cerrito• 0 Stn91ff f9<lderly COCCI Clef V1lla11u~I 6·0 6 1 Kline IOC.C1 oe1 Rey11><1rgon 6·0 6-3 Bonlft tOCC) <let li&mph1ff 6 3 A I Bteun 1<X:c1 oer C11a11es 6-J 6·2 5<.1tu•te1 10Cc1 OPI 81AC~ 6·2 11·0 Cohen tOCCi oet M>ll<!t 6 I 6 I Doub I .. F11<1<1JJrly·80nla tOtCt oet v11111rnel Re'(tlberOf!" 6·0 6-2 Rneto11k-Braun tOCC:I Qel Homplllll M1l1<!1 6 0 6 l t<hne S<:hUSICI tOCCI °'' Cha•leS·C'l\CO Ii 0 6-l Golden WHI t, l ente Monica 0 Sln9lea Leoe•man 1GWC1 ae1 N•nley 3 6 6-1 II 4 Hamll!Otl GWCI Clef Slusar / • 6 &· 1 6·2 Kosa• (GWC1 <lei McGonag1ll 6 4 b·? ~l(l'IOSS<;n IGWCI t:lel F•nltlY 4·6 6-•. 6-2 Wiit 1GWC1 llOI t1osonoma 7-6 6·0 Sexlon IC.WCI d ... B<c,•nono 6 7 6 I fi ) Oollble• Leoerman Ham111on 1GWC1 Clel N1sslev Mc1.Jone;111. • 6 7 5 <1ereu11 W11t Se.ion 1GWC1 lier Thomas-Finley, 6-7 6 • 6·3 M~C•tlh)'R•CllUISOn tGWC1 Oef 8tec1no110 Sklsar7 6·4 7 !> High tchoo( L.evuna kech 21, Caplatrano Vall•1 7 Sl119IH Perty tl81 def F1ndt!ll 6·• lost to M111ota ' 6 Clef OffVer f;.o Clef fh•beoeau 6· 1 '\cllanu (l Bl "'°"· 6 • losl 3·6 won 6 0 6· I Boeflmer ll B1 IOSI l-6 J.6 6-7 won l>·O 0ttke<S0" tlBI loSI .1-6. 1-6 won 6· I 6' Double• W1llo10-81uml•el<I ILBI Clt'I L1nt1strom-Hw1n 6 2 6-0. Clef 1 ow11teno·Se<va\ 6-0 n O Brano1 .t<o11en<1a (l81 won. 6 3 6 I 6·3 6 I Irvine 25, Co.la M••• 3 Slft11lee W•rntt rt.Ml oel Harper 1 ·~ •0•1 10 Phlm t-8 lost lo Snew 3·8 Oel Kn1gnt, 6· I T1am tCMI lnSI O·O. 1-6 4-6 won 7 ·6 l<OOA 1CM1 lost 0·6 0·6 2·6 t-6 Phan IC: Ml IOSI I 6 0 6 2 6 4-6 Doublet R1cney Nouven 1CM1 lo•1 10 Hue110 G111111hs 3-6 1·6 lost 10 ve1asco Yo119 H• ~-7 Sm•ll't Simmons tCMI 1011 4-6 O 6 On 36 Hewpo<I Harbor 22. E.1tancla • llngln MacrM tNHJ r1~1 Baro.ii 6-0 oer Stude oa~e' g.C) Clef G11cre11 . 6·0. oe1. Olten 6 O S.mahme (NH) won 6·0 6-3 6 4 6-0 Jem111 Myers1NH1 won 6 0 6·0 6·3 6·0 Jotln Mye<s (NHI won 6 0 6-t 6-2 6 2 Oovblee li1ya.C0<•l<•y INHI Clel 1nepo111-Fl•9g, 6-• 6·4. split with Brown-Spicer. 6·3. 3·6 StenMll-Smllh t NH! ep111 2-6 6-oil tosl S-7 8-7 eor-de4 M•• is. unn....ity 3 s1,..1ee Suftlven ICCIMI Clel Gr-, 8·2. d!Jf Mlrll· nez 6-t. def Margol11 6·0 Oel GsJther 6-1 erowntburge< CC<IMI. 1011 J-6 WO<\ 6-0 6·2 8-1 Ater 1CdM1. lost 3-6 won 6-1 6·3 7.5 PrOOP tCdMI. !oat 2-6. won 6-0 8·2. 8-0 Oovblet Ger~an-Wuher ICdll 11•1 DAV·P1ulsor1 8-0 9.3 Clef Ollver Brown 6-4 8 ·1 Hayw1td·Ew1ng ICdMI won 6-0 9 2 8· I fl.;> Women Col .... UIC t. UC lr.tne 1 llflelM Henry IUSCI Clef Ma M-• 8·0 6 3, L F9fnanclet IUSCI d•I I Keeling, 3-9. 8-1, e.-0, C Fernandez (USC) def Nixon. ~3. 8-0. Voydtt (USCI def Me Myart, 9 -0, 8-1 P9r>do IUSC) del Elledge. 6-2. 6-3. HeyTMfl (USCI def M~2 PenCIO·Htnry (USC! d~I Myera-Myera. G 3. 6-2. Suur~CIO·llOyClat (USCI def Mellort-1< ... lng. II-1. 6·2. Liiy-Heynen (USC) CM1 Nflton~. t.Q. 11-i -------------------------- DELIVERS -Bobby Grich came through with a 10th in- ning single as Angels topped Seattle, 2-l Wednesday to re- cord their second win of the rtighL From Page C1 ANGELS • • e in the month of April. "At least I'm h1 ttmg the ball hard I guess 1t comes from ha- ving so man y good players around m<.'." Baylor admitted af .. terward. "IT TOOK US two days to do it Th e enthusiasm was there The-guys are hilling the ball hJrd now," Baylor continued , trying w explain how the Angels maintamed their sanity throu.i;?h the marathon. "8oonl' finaUy got a pll.ch over the plate. It (the count) was 3-2 and h e knew 1t had to be a s trike," Baylor ac!dtod. "It wa!> n ice to just get it ov<'r with.'' noted Boone. who hall more praise for reliever (and winm•rl Luis SanchC'Z in the first gam "Ht' threw super. He came in throwing strikes." Boone praised "HC' didn't s how any nervous- ness. He JUSt st<1yt'd with his main pitch. the> fast baJJ ." Sanchez wound up working 4 ' 1 inning. I ;.-, innings early WC'dnesday morning after Tues- day night's game dragged mto tht-wee hours of the morning. HL· t'arned his second v1<•tor y ag<lln.'>t no defeats. IN THE so-called night.cap. reJl('ver Swvc Henku gained his S<.>t'(>nd victory against no defeats. Witt. meanwhile. l1m11ed the Mariners tn JUSt s ix hits while walking no one and stnking out thrN' And to top things off, Angel , shortstop Rick Burleson set a major leagUl' record for most as- Sl"t" 1n an c>xtra inning game with 15 over the 20-mning a f .. fair ANGEL HOTEi l nt Ano•ll •Gu•l•d lhatr lonqnl 11--oy -20 """"91 --M•-,._, '"" 0 ... 1_ .... .,.. ... ,..,the Anotla. •-<I - on Jt.11., 9 1i7, 1n • 20 mntno •"•" ;,,. At eJto conttfbut.., ,,,.. longest gem• t1me .. wtM. 1n .Aingef hlttOry jVll 1111 week 1n th•" 16~1nn1ng O.fe•t In 0 .. 18"° Tna1 game lasted hve ~ ClnCI l 1 mlnUt• r...,><11y We<IM1'1day a con1 .. t con141med ... hour• oncl &II mtnulM IO< tn01""' Angel 1ecotCI M-1 pttctwl< 0.--llUIP<1&1'9Y .,.,,.., ,,,. MCO<td g.,,.. •"• wrtarino ,,... oeleal 1n fi... llrtl g-With 1nr" wobbl)o inning& ., rt!41el llt!aren a.,ttwd P...., w!ll QPOOM lhe Anoeft ltfto-J ...,._ tn 10 ntQflfl __ ,.,. Lake r s • Will without enthusiasm INGLEWOOD (AP) -The Los Angeles Lakers didn't have much mcentive against the lowly UL:lh Jau. and they played like 1t. l lowevcr. when the game was on the line, they took command. "l felt it was a scrimmage," said Lo6 Angeles Coach Pat Riley Wednesday night. shortly aft.er h is team had scored 22 of the game's h nal 34 points to pull away for a 128-115 victory over the Jaz.z. ''We did not play well until it counted. "It was very quiet," added Ri· ley, referring to the crowd of 11 ,488. ''The players were very subdued before the game. Our players are physically and ment· ally drained." Th e Lakers, 55-25, clinched the National Baske tball Associa· llon 's Pac ific Division cam- pionship with a 107 -104 victory over Seattle Sunday night. On Tuesday night, they lost st Gol- den State 106-101. "It is kind of hard to be at your best when you're lhi.nkina about t h e playoffs," said Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, who led a balan- ced Los Angeles offense with 22 noint.s. "But any way we can get a win. we will take lt." Connors struggles LOS ANGELES {AP) -Top- aeedecl Jimmy Connon •""'l&led to • 6-1, 2-6, &-3 victory over Harold Solomon WodnHday nlaht In the flrtt-round of lhe Padflc Southwell T"'"nil Open. F.arller l.n the day t 11.xtb •• tied Ro1co1 Tanner downed John Auldn 1.e. 8-' and J'wdj ,.., .... el.lmlnl1ad Chtll ~ l-0, Tot ID a'1vancc '° the llC.'Ond round. • I _,.... _______ _ • C4 Orange CO..t DAILY PILOT/Thureday, Aprll 18, 1982 AP Wlrepholo TANGLED UP -Ben Poquette (50) of the Utah Jazz moves in to block a shot attempt by Lakers' Kurt Rambis Wednesday night at the Forum in Inglewood. Lakers went on t o beat Utah, 128-115. Busy weeken~ for yachtsmen Newport Harbor will be jammed with boats starting Saturday when yacht races from the north and south start finishing here in preparat.rlm for the Newport to Ensenada race a week later. Yacht races terminating here this weekend will be California Yacht Club's Mayor's Trophy race (the second of the Overt.on Series for International Offshore Rule and Performance Handicap yachts); Marina Yacht Club's race to Newport Beach via Long Beach and the oil islan~s; Ventura Yacht Club's race from Ventura County to Newport. From down San Diego way will come Coronado Yacht Club's traditional Coronado to Newport race for the Ackennan trophy involving IOR boats, and another race for the Henderson trophy involvin~ PHRF and SDHF yachts. Four local yacht clubs will be staging weekend regattas. Newport Harbor and Balboa Yacht dubs will join forces for the 20-Fathom race, the third race of the Ahmanson-Dickson Series and the first of BYC's 66 Series. Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club will host the second race of its Angelman Series on Saturday; BYC will conduct the Harry Woods Memorial Trophy regatta for L ido-14s Saturday and Sunday. Los Angeles-Long Beach Los Angeles Yacht Club -Los Angeles to Howland's Landing via Eagle Rock, Catalina Island (Whitney, Los Angeles Times, Little Whitney. Todd Pacific Series). Santa Monica Bay .J Califomla Yacht Club -Mayor's Trophy race ~ to Newport, Saturday. ~ Marina Yacht Club -Oil Islands race to Long If Beach/Newport (PHRF) Saturday. King Harbor Yacht Club -Cal-20 qualifying I races, Saturday, Sunday. Santa Monica Yacht Club -Cyrano Cup pre- dicted log race, Saturday. North and Inland 5 Ventura Yacht Club -Ventura County to ._ Newport Beach (PHRF) Saturday. ~ Point Dume Yacht Club -S pring Series No. 4 (Ventura Sabot) Sunday. Santa Barbara Yacht Club -Spring Series No. 2 (one-design, PHRF) Sunday. Over 7 00 e nte r e d in Ensenada race Would you believe 704 entries in the upcoming Newport to Ensenada yacht race? Believe it. Because that is the latest number recorded by the sponsoring Newport Ocean Sailing Association. The number is 17 more than the record entry list of last year and merely adds to the fact that the race is the largest international yacht race in the world. The race starts Saturday, April 24, off the Newport Jetty. :I For a number of years it was a guessing game aa to when the entry list would break the 600 mark- ln less than three years the list has jumped from 800 to more than 700. By ALMON LOCK.ABEY Rustle r s n ip Cypress Golden Weat College survived a scare from host Cypress in the Southern California Conferen- ce, while Orange Coast dropped a tough non- conference decision to visiting Lon' Beach City College Wednesday night in women a community oollege buketbe.11 action. Golden West broke a 79-79 tie with 25 aeconda remaining to pt It.I fifth wtn In six conference out-· lne· Kelly HarNon hit a three-point play to break, tbe tie and Teresa Rae added llOlne iOIW'ance with a pair of tree throws with eeven 9eCOllda left. The Ruatlen had to battle back from a 49-43 defk:Jt at halftime! Jill Guthrie led all .conn with H potnca whUe Janet Ramaekera added 16 for OolcMD W• now lM overall. Onnee Collt tta'd$cic. to Lona a.ch mmt ol the ft)' beh&nd Mark (17 points), Kn. ~ (17). Cyndi (10) and n.ICrw lfflnl"' (I). '"'9 _._. dn)ooed &he Ptra._. OYWall rtaard to 11-4. OCC Miu-San Dl•10 M ... thl1 FridaJ alPt at 7:IO. . ' I NO DEALER SAT.£$ I _AD STARTS THURS._ BEHR NATURAL CLEAR WOOD nrtlSH OR PLUS 1-EXTERIOR STAii YOUR CHOICE 8?! ~ The people ln C0<1cbella Valley were glad to aff ua and our prlc:ea. Asked where the bec:k we were? 3 PC. PADfT TRAY AID ROLLER SET 199 Obh. lt'a spring time again. Time to freshen up the paint and you might aa well have the right eqflpment to do it. Sa•e1 lime. · COICENTRA TED PROPEL One tube of this stuff added at every fill-up la supposed to make your engine run smoother and increase your gaa mileage. Limited quan!itle1. PRESTOIE D ANTI-FREEZE/ SUMMER COOLANT 3!~' A good price for anti-freeze ao what are you waiting for? (Sony. I don't change the stuff for you, it'• not in the contrac:1.) BOMAN SOUlfD SYSTEMS Ill/ Fii STEREO RIDIO WITB CISSEnE PUYER Auto-atop. push balance i , I . ~-:-• I I ~ "'---' • • t '-' ' control. fast forward/ e ject control and tape/ radio lndlc:ator lights. 39 ~!412 CARRERA AM/ Fii STEREO RIDIO FM muting local/dlatant nrltch, ad)uatable shaft Httlnga and headphone Jack. WITJI CASSETTE PUYEI UD SPEUERS COLEMU PACDORSE D .. TRAILER WITH FENDERS Juat llke the title 9GJ'• It'• a packhone. You can throw 1our motorcycle up theN or put aldff on lt and haul wood or what••• you want. One Thou11Cmd One Hundred Elgbty Pound Capacity. I WOO,D LAD DEBS . b tter view trom up • much e l 'You geatn~ beaidea it ha• atedeier than that there (a lot atea reinlorced atep• d a lovely paint ahaky chair) an ahelt reinlorced. 4 F'l'. 6 F'l' e ',77 1577 8 F'l' · r l \ NeYer aaw so many abeeta of plywood whiz ln and out the doors of .a•t9r• aa at our Cathedral City store. lotaa busy builders out there . Cx8ah .. ta. ¥4" HARDWOOD PLYWOOD MAHOGANY DA'iUA BIRCH ASH OAK 27"" 2977 33"" 35"" 3777 QUAKER STATE MOTOR OIL 30 W'r. OR 20150 WT. Sa-Ye younelJ some bucu and change your own oil. Lota cheaper than h<n'lng a garage do It and you !mow It'• done right. =-~ · I TURTLE WAX CAR CARE PRODUCTS ZIP WU Cll WlSB SUPER UBD SllELL WU IUIOTE 1WU 11• 1•• 333 II OZ. 18 oz. 180Z. Here'• some time well spent. Waxing your car tr .. p• lt nice looking and helps It atay that ~::di-way ao that when you Hll you get more out of It. MECUllR'S CIR CIRE PRODUCTS WCl.EllD WU Forahlgbgloea ahlne. Com.a ln 31 • a lC oa. pcrate or 11 oa. llqu.ld. EA. rm l'llllD IFIWl'LESS CllWU 2'X2 ' CEDAR DECK SQUARES Pre-cut together (bub?) aquares that you can uae for a deck, walkway, entry, atepa or anything ela• you can think of. U'm not the only genlua. am I?) 4" X 6 FOOT TIGHT KNOT DOG EARED CEDAR FENCING We bad our grand opening In Cathedral City earller th la month and people were buying all . • lrioda of fenc:lng and building materials. Wowl WEYERHAEUSER PAIELDIG CLOSE-OUT I 418 PAllE~ llrft'lllT"'IM"lmnll u:8° 3 77 COMBINATION CHESTNUT. DOORMATS COMBINATION WEAVE. COMBINATION PECAN • ... VERA CRUZ 9?! YOUR CHOICE 50°/o"'.:U That'• It. Henry. wipe yom f .. t before you come Ln th• bouH. IMp eYerythlng nice and tldJ, I like neat and clea:D. you bow. FIRE tttEB SIFE 189!! • 4 FURNITURE See and all you thought we had w aa 2 x 4's and paneling. Gotta ya. We gotta lotta furniture too. Good stuff and ea sy to a saemble. RADi BIRD IMPULSE SPRINKLERS DELRIN ~~G PLASTIC BRASS 4 ~!PJC 9!!JDA-B Said It get1 mighty bot in the dHert near Cathedral City 10 people were buying up thi11tuff for keeping the lawn gr .. n. PERMALITE PLASTICS PVC PIPE CEMENT Y.PT. 88t r Gll pipe acb9dulH and z 12a u'91 except acb9dule 80. V2 PT. ~205. MAJESTIC WASHERLESS FAUCETS 4" LIYITOBY WITH POP-UP OR I" IU'ftlEI DECK FAUCET YOUR 9 97 ~ CHOICE o~ inltall tbese guya zlppo bong. Saya ~no1lve operatlng parta .. wby don't they ~9';ICIY they don't ruat ea1lly? ComH with a 0 warranty. .. -: .. . • . NATIONAL LUMBER GARBAGE DISPOSES . 1 20 V, HP. 2-YR. WARR. #.30 'It HP, 3 YR. WARR. .. .50 'It RP. 5 Ya WARR. 70 ~• HP. 7 YR. WARR. 2997 44•7 59•7 8497 BRASS PLATED TABLE BRASS PLATED COAT RACK TILT TOP 1797 1997 :CHEER 2997 TPLE GERMAIN'S ROSE GUARD, I!! Sometime• even the beat care you can give a ro1e i1n't quite enough. Thi1'1l fe9d. kill aphid• and other in1ecta and 1ome weed1 and gra11e1. JOBE'S TOMA TO SPIKES 7 ~! or 12 ____ .._._,,..,,.,._.....,, You wanna beega r9dda ripa tomatoea ju a ta I Ilea they u11a in Italy? Putta coupla apikea In each plan ta eacha seaaona. aa goooda. IVY MAR SLllf G BACK 5 POSMON DESK CHAIR Five different waya to relax and have fun In the aun. Haa I 4aa ita own fluJfly little plllow and comea in yellow or brown. . .. - TWO GALLON ROSES 2·EA~ Ah. roaea. there la nothing more beautUul on tbla earth than a rose. I talk to mine. we9d them. and prune them with T.L.C • 19" 3 HP 99~~ I Orange Coast OAIL V PILOT /Thur1da , A rll 15 1982 Cl ' ~ CP\~t>IZAL crN sro~ OP£N•N~ WA3 A. SM"SH Hl r ~ So Wl:.'RE. CD~&M6' IUC,\.fr gAU:. WIOll ANoOta.. s \JPEJl. M>. (GOODl'li! iHE SUPGe1") 11\ANKS' CATHG:WALCLt'1, PMl-1 Sfftl~'s, R,_,~ M 1.1t~~e. / PA t..M 1>esEe.T AWO ALL. • ~ Tttf\NICS ~ ~\la>t-.&E W~ .stt-ts ovi. ~ El.&:V£N fLACe!r . OAK VENEER DRUM TABLE 3397 ENTERTADfMENT CENTER WITH SMOKE :0 63!~ TATUNG FANS 6" TWO SPEED PERSONAL FAN aaa nscn.1.1 TlllG FUS 9" TWO SPEED 14 88 12" THREE SPEtl> 2 I 88 16" THREE SPEED 2888 Sure beata buying a whole air conditioning ayatem for your 'Wlace. Geta rid of the bot air and lea••• you cool aa a cucumber. STAPO DELUXE 6 n . BEACH UMBRELLA 12aa Catch aome rays and then duck under the umbrella for aome sipping of some cool liquid refreshment and some munchies. Multi-colored. DURALITE FURNITUR~, FOLDIMG SAND CHAIR FIESTA CllAIR 5X4X4 WEB 9!~ Multi-colored webbing. 5 x 3 x 3 wide weba. CUISE LGUllCE 73" LONG l 'Xll WEI MURRAY BICYCLES MEN'S 26" BALBOA CRUISER Black with Whitewall tlrea. cantilever frame and tull loam handle bara. #l-5022X42 Black cherry trimmed in firecracker red bike. balloon whitewall•. coaater brake and large cruiaer aaddle. #2-5033. OR LADIES TWO TONE 26" MONTEREY CRUISER WITH FUL~ FEllDERS YOUR 8997 CHOICE MEN'S 26" I 0 SPEED BAJA 124!2!.12 Black knobby tirea and Satellite chrome frame with aun gold rlma. hubs and apoke protector. Sturdy stuff. won't wobble. and heavy duty 1teel poata and s upporta. A 5 1helf unit ln charcoal g ray. You a H em.ble. RUBBERMAID CLOSE-OUT YAllTY W ISTEBISKET 1 29 #29'5 STACKER I 9!#2340 SELF-CLOSDIG WISTDISKET 3?!, STEP-OK TRASBCD 5 59 #9046 Who couldn't UH extras around the hou11? (What you just went to the Swap Mfft and bought everything you need? Well. forget It. then.) HIRSH um.m STEEL smYUIG All ateel conatruction with heavy duty back and aide brae ... A 30'\v x 59"H x 12"0 four abelf unit. IEIYT DUTY SToaKE SIELTillC 36"W X 7l"H 12•7 X 12"0 #TU28N •2"W X 71 "ff 2197 X 18"0 #TLSl2.N BIRSB PORTDLE . 'DD RLDllG SIW TDLE 39~! Oran Ooa1t DA LY PILOT/Thurlday, Aprll 15, 1982 Nil.IC NOTICE NOTICI Therigllt ...:.-:.~ • IS NOW! Rilht now Is a ,,eat time to buy aold. And since Krugerrands come In con ven1ent one, 1/i, 11 •. and 1/10 ounce sizes. gold is easier than ever to own Buy a few each month and hold them -for&ollege tu11ton. a dream vacation, or golden retirement years ·construction ~ available at ·Heritage Bank. . Resklenflal • Cornrnetclal Bulldlngs: . Takeout Commitment required along with leases. ConlBrt ·Jdf JOhnson SOUth Of8fl8C COunly/lrvlM 7"1851"'°50 . , YOU ARI IN D.,AULT UNDER A OHD OI-TMIST, OAT'aD JU ... I , 1MO. u-.aaa YOU TAKE ACTION TO ""'OHCT YOUfl PflOHflTY, IT MAYR SOLD AT A ..UBUC IAl.2. IF YOU NHD AN EXPLANATION 01' THE NATUlle 01' THE PllO· CUDING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. ~~~Ji'~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ •nmn •• DOUltt: MUC ~( Ml.IC NOTICE NOTICE OF ~US'TH'9 SALE ·~JJ MteAllllur Blvd (di 811ch) FICTITIOUS BUllNl!SS ....-OI svnlllOfl COUflT °'mt NAME STAH MENT T.8. Ho. 2·1C5S ls;,,,.wRT IU ITATf °' CAUfOflNIA 'Ofl Tne followong peraons are do•ng (114) 14MIJ1 THI COUHTY °' OllANOa busloess es NO. An lMI RAUL OE SIGNS. 1638 Iowa ~o':.1~~:..:0J: ~!':,1 Sl!eel. No C. Co1ta Mesa, Calllor On May 7, 1982, al 9 15 o'clock am , on Friday, at trio ffont entran-1':==:;:=:=:======:;"~ ct to the Old Otaoge County Cour· i:. fhouse, located on Santa Ana Blvd NIUC •TICE I~ molle< or 1ne opp11ca11on 01 nla 92626 NORM7i MILORED LYNCH Raul Garcia 16.ll._lowa Street, belween Sycamore Street & Broad· r------------way, Santa Ana, CA . WESTERN MUTUAL CORPORATION, e Call- lornta corpo<111on, as Trutltt. or avbltllutlld Trustee, unoer the Deed of Trust exewtec:t by T H O , a &Ole proprietor herein called Trustor, recoroed June 10 1980 H tnstru. ment No 9069. In Book 13630, Pege 592 o t Ot11clal Record• ol Orange County. CalllOfnla. Wiii sell 11 public auction to lhe highest bidder for cash, payable In lawful money of the United Stattts at the lime ot sale, the lntereat conveyeo to and now helel by utd TruSlee unoer sa10 Oeed ot Trust tn the pr099fly Situated 1n said County and Stale described as All r1ghl, 11tte end Interest Into that ceneJn INse· '1CTYTIOOl~ll NA-IT A Tl•lfT Whe•eu. •h• i>et•t•On o• NORMA MIL No C, Costa Me111, Cafllornla ORE 0 L VNC•• ha$ l>Mll """" w11n Ille Cle<~ 92626 ~~~~~ ~<>,:'~~~·,,~':,, °'Nd;R~:"~'1~~~'6 Jim Newes. 1636 towa Street. LYNCH to NAOMI RUIH LYNN No c Costa Mesa Callforn1a MUSIC BY SHAY 7201 Cnennel If IS HEREBY OROEREO ..... oll '"' 92626 The r~ peraon i. O'*'Q Du- ~ Aoeo e.it>oe CA 9:HMll "°"" .,t.,ated 111.-"''""' ·~., o.-rn1s business 11 conductll<l by a LARRY SHAY 120 t Cn1nn•• Road Iota 1n .. COUii •I 10 JO. m Jun• 23 !)IHW!fal pallnefSlltp Balboa, CA 92tel 11182 "''"" coon1oom OI ~"*'' 3 Raul Garcia 01~11 00••nett " c:onduet.a Dr •11 ,.,. ~C:,: .. ';wo~~~~ ~.,::;·~:.P:.1~.!!,~:0,101 This statement wes tiled wtlh the L.,,,, Siity II IS FURTHER ORDEl1ED ""'. COf>Y County Cletk Of Otange County on Thlt tltt•m•nt w11 ltlaO wllh lh• Ol th•• Otdftl to •ll<lw caUH b• puolllhed Ap<ll 13. 1982 County C..,... Of Or~ Counlf "" M.,ch once • wee• 101 lour su~ceuovt w&ek& F1171t2 15, 19112 proo1 to IM dty 01 H•d neo11no 1n THE Published Orange Coast Oa1ly P1-'*'S1 0.All y PllOI a ne• .. PAPll Of Qtnt•ll lot April 15 22 29. May 6, 1982 PuDllaheo O•eng• Coa11 Delly Piiot, <ot<uletoon p11n1eo n 1ne Covn1r 01 1654.52 Maten ?S Aa<• I e 15. 1982 HOS-42 Ot•noe nold estate created by• le•se oateo flCTITIOU• 111.18-11 Novem1>er 13, 1978, more parllcu· NA• ITATlllENT lluly d8SCflbed In EJch1bll "A' lhe lo41owl11Q panono ••• -ng !><Jal OATED Apt~ 1 IJ92 RONALD ,., PRENNEl1 JUOQ<l ol Iha s.,_.,. COUii Pucusnea o, ange Coe at Oailt P1101 AP' 8 1S n 29 1917 1613 8' PUBLIC NOTICE P\lll.IC NOTICE STATEMENT OF WITHDRAWAL FROM PARTNEllSHIP OPERATING UNDER FICTITIOUS llUSINHS NAME PARCEL I -::CIENOA DE MESA APART Lota I, 2. 3 and tt>e Eesterty 1 foot MENl$, ''° w .. 1 wii.on. CM••~ •. FICTITIOUS BU.IH€S.I Th11 totlowino p.,r aon has ,,,.tth- 01 LOI 4 1n Block 3 of the Balboa CA 9?626 NAME STATEMENT drawn as a general partner from the Bayside Tract, In the City of New-HACIENDA LIMilEO 180 W••• Wll The tollowtng person 11 001ng partnership opara11ng under 1ne port Beach Coun.ty of Orange. "°" Cot11 Maea.CA92626 DuSIMSS BS toctll•OUS bUSlnelS name 01 CHAR· State of Cafltornla, as more parll· DIYld ~ LemD 16552 MecAttnur cularty described In El<HtBtT "A 8f\l<I SUit• 440 """"'<;:, ~715 auacneo nereto and made a pa•t S11rt~ = ~':~~11:"""""' 8MI ORANGE COUNTY ORN.A · LES PRINTING COMPANY 830 MEl"TAL IFlON. 1666 16th SllHI, Wot llHh StrHI Costa Mesa. Costa Mesa CA 92627 Caltlornla 92627 heteot Metvdao ~n. •a552 MecAl'11M CLAY ELIOT SOUTHERLAND The flcrttoous busu>l!SS name sla- EXHIBIT MA~ SlvO S..01• .. o. WW... CA 92715 Alt rithl, title ano lntetetl onto 111a1 TN9 .,.,..,_. "CO'ldUCled by • ""'""" ceflaln leasehold e11a1e created by 1Mrt11ennop a lease dated November t3, 1978, ~";:' :.n~amD 905 t Ellsworth Stteet Huntongton 1emen1 lo< tne partner&htp was tiled Beach CA 92646 on December JO 1981 1n tne Tnos business is conducted by an Cou11ty of Orange 1no1v1dua1 Full Name and Aaoress of 1ne by and between ROlend Fr&nk Vat-M<lh•O.O RnMl!n Clay Southerland Person Wlthclrawong CRAIG WIL· !his statement was flleo w11n the LIAM BATLEY ~ r Montectto O<lve. lety and VIYlar• Muriel Vallely his Tn11 >1•1•men1 .... 111eo woth 1ne wife. not lndlvldualty Of por&onally, C0un1y c ... • ol ()<tinge COU111y on M111cn County Clerk 01 Orange County on Corona del M&r Calllornta 92625 April 13 1982 Sign.a: Craig W. Bal .. y but solely as Trustee ot the Vallely 31 1982 Family Trust, create<! by Trust In· ,,_ oentute elated Maren 3, 1972 IS Publo1ned D11n9e COHI Deny PllOI F117231 F17t720 lesSOf ano Fun Zone Oevetopment Ap<ll ' 6 15 n ite2 ••97 82 PubloSheo Orange Coast Oa11v Pttot. Pubhshed Orange Coast Oaoty Pt· Aprot 15 22 29 May 6 1982 IOI Aput 15 22 29 May 6 1982 H lessee recoreled December 13 1978 tn Book 12961 page 148, I 68S·82 1656-82 Olllcial AecO<dS PARCEL I PUIUC M8TICE Ml.IC NOTICE LOIS 1, 2. 3 and the Easle<ly I tool NOTICE OF TllUSTEl!IS SALE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS ot Loi 4 In Block 3 ot the Balboa T.S, Ho. SM75 NAME STATEMENT B1y1lde Tract, tn the City of New-NOTICE IS HEREBY GtVEN, that The toltowlng peflon ts doing port Beach, County of Orange, on weonesday April 28. 1982. al business u State of Caltf0<nla, as per map rec-9 00 o clock am ot said Clay. 1n Ille VICTOR PRODUCTIONS, 1103 Ofdlld In book 4 page 78 of Mi.eel· room set 111de tor conducting W1tnu1 Street Tustin CA 92660 laneous Maps. tn lhe olllce ot the Trustees Saiet wltntn the offices ot VICTOR LaVAR PETERSON County Rec0<de< of said County REAL ESTATE SECURITIES SER· 1103 Walnut, Tu1tin CA 92660 PARCEL 2 Vt CE located al 2020 North This l>vSlness os conoucteo by an That portton ot Block 3 ot the Bal· Broaoway SUiia 206. 1n the City of 1nd1vldual boa Bayside Traci, shown as an Santa Ana, County of Orange, State Victor LaVar Paterson unnumbered tot In said Block 3 on a of Calirorn1a CALIFORNIA LANO Tnos statement was tiled with the map recorded tn BOOll 4. P4'08 76 of TITLE COMPANY, e Ca11torn1a CO<· Counly Cte<k ot Orar19e County on Miscellaneous Maps, described as p0<at1on. as Cluly appointed Trustee March 31 1982 follows· under ano pursuant to the powe< ot Beginning at a point on tt>e Easte<ly sale confer<ed In that certain Deed line ot LOI 23 '" BIOCk A Of Ba)'Slcle. 01 Trust l!.l(l!(;Uteo by Ayed M Naber u snow11 on a Map reco<deel 111 ano Nawat M Naber Husband F1M31() Publlsneo Orange Coasr Dally P1101 Apr11 15 n 29, May 6. 1982 1702 8~ Book 3 page 38 ol salel MIKella· and Wote as J0tnt Tenants. recorded -------------neous Maps, Which point In 72 00 December 2. 1980 tn 8()()1( 13857 ot Pl&JC NOTICE taet Northerly ftom the Northerly OlllClaJ Records ot satd County at ------------- tone ot Bay AYi)flue. tnence Weate<ty page 527 Recorder s Instrument MN >975 at roght angles 30 00 feet. 1nence No 3760 reuon ot a breach or FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NO<lherty parallel wttn Palm Street detaull on paymenl Of pe<lormanca NAME STATEM£HT (shown as Main Street on nld Map). ot tl'le obh9a11ons secured tt>et11by. Tho 1ot1owlng persons are doing to the Northeast comer of lot 1 tn 1nctud:110 111111 bruch or oetautt busoneas as Block 3 otthe Balboa Bayalde Tract. Ni.toce nl wti11:n wu recoroeil SAN flS & COM PANY. 500 as shown on the map recoroeo In January 4 1982 aa Hecorder's In· N11wpon Center Drive, Suite 700, book 4 page 78 ot satd M1acell1· strument No 82-0001655, WILL Newp0<1 Beach. CA 92&60 neous Maps. thence Southeaste<ty SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE CURTIS 0 BARNES 500 New- along Ille Northaasletly fine of said HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH, law-port Center Ortve. Suite 700, New· Block 3 to 1ne Non"-Ste<1y line of tut money ot tl'le United Stales. or a port Beacn. CA 92660 Palm Street; thence Southwesterly Cashte< s Cheek drawn Oii a., ... or SANORA M BARNES 500 along said line 10 the Point or Be-national bank. a state or federal Newport Center Onve. Suite 700. ginning credit union, 01 a state or federal Newport Beach. CA 92660 PARCEL 3 savings ano toan association dom•· Curtis O Barnes Thal portion di Lot 24 1n Block A of cited on this Slate, alt payable et Ille Tnos statement was flied wtth the Bayside, as shown on a map recor· flme of sate, all right, !Ille end lnte· County Clark ot 0 1ang11 County on de<! In bOOk 3, page 38 ot M1scella· rest held by 11. a5 Trustee. In that April 13, 1982 naous Maps records of Orange real property 11tuate 1n said County F1t7112 COllnty. Cattlomla, 1nd that POfllon and Stata. descro~ as IOllOWt Publ15hed Orange Coast OaHy Piiot of LOI 8 In Seclton 35. Township 6 LOI 20 of Tr11ct No 7061 llS per Aprll 15 22 29. May 6 1982 South, Range 10 West. San Ber-map rec0<oeo tn Book 266, Pages 1709-82 na<dlno Base and Mefld1an. c:tetc<I· 36 tnrough 41 1nctusive or MISQelt11-------------- bed as follows neous Maps. Records ot Orange PUBllC NOTIC{ Beginning al Iha Nor1nea11 comet County CaltfOfnta -------------of LOI 1 In BIOCk 3 ot Balboa Bay· The street ac:tdrHI Of other cOm· FICTITIOUS BUSINESS Side Tract. as anown on a map rec· mon oesignatlon of the real pro· NAME STATEMENT orde<I In book 41. page 76 ot Mt•-perty 111 here1n1bove described is The fot1ow1ng person 11 doing oellaneous Map1, records of Orange purported 10 be. 1~782 Oonce&ter business A' County, California thence Nonh-Road. 1rv1ne. C11Mtorn111 A· 1 SIL VEA CLIPPER DOG westflf'ty along the Nortneasu111y Nne The undenlgutd hereby 01sclalm1 GROOMING. 12 5 "• Broaoway or 1111<1 Block 3 to a potnt 1 00 toot 111 llabHtty fOf any lnc0<rectness tn Costa Mesa CahlOfnla 92627 Northwesterly trom the Nor1nwes1 saoo street aooress or other com· Terrance Lee Dodds 1944 corner of Lot 3 of u td Btoc;ll 3 mon oes1gnation Whittle< Avenue Coste Mesa C•h- thence Northeasterly along a line Said sate will be made wttnout fOfnoa 92627 parallel with and 1 00 foot Notth· "'111anty, upreas or implied ••· Tn11 buStneu is conoucted by an .... 1erty, meaau<ed et rlgnt 1ngles. gardlng title poaseu1on, or en· 1n<11v1<1u11t lrom the NO<t'-Sterly prolongattoo cumb<ances, 10 Httaty Ille principal of the North-terty hne of said Lot balance ot tne Note or orher obit· 3, Block 3. lo Ill tn1er sectlon with ga11on secured by said Dead of 1he line of ordinary high tide of the Trust. wlth Interest and other sums Pacific Ocean In Newport Bay, as as provtded lhe<etn, plus aovance1, "llt>lllhed DY a O.CrM renoweo In II any, undet th41 te<ms thereof and the Suc>erJo< Court ot tne State of lnter8't on tueh ad11ances, end Riv• C111torn .. In and '°' the County ot lees. ch11tge• and e•pen-ot tne Ou1nga In an ACllOO entitled ' Clty of Trustee and ot the trusts created by Newpo<1 Beectt Wflllll Flrll Nellon· said Deed ot Trust The total al Bank of senra Ana end 01he<1" amount ot said obllgattoo, Including (Ceae No 23879, e Cl8f11flad copy ot reasonably estimated fees. ch8rge1 which wH recorded November 9, and expenMa ot tile Trustee. 111 the 1928 In bOOk 215 page 160 ot Ottl-ttme ot Initial publication of Ihle 0111 Record•; theoot Soulhaaallll'ly Nottce. 11 $8,41415 50 along the aald tide line to Its Inter-Dated. April 6, 1982 Mellon with Iha Nofthelltetty pro-CALIFORNIA LANO longetlon of the Nor1hW8'1a<ly line TITLE COMPANY of Pllm Strae1 aa 11\0Wn on Int map a Cattt0fnl8 COfpo<alton. of Mid S.lboa Ba)'llda Tract. the-aa Tru1tM nee Soulh-terty along said pro-By REAL ESTATE tonoaUon and the Nort'-9ter1y line SECURITIES SERVICE, ol !>aim Slrffl lo 111 1n1er1ectton a California corporaoon, With the Nort'-tle<1y line OI BIOck Ill A~I 3 ot 1110 Balboe B8y1tdt Trac\, 8y. (SEAL) O J MOfger. Tetrance L Dodds Thia statement was filed with the County Clerk of Orange County on April 13, 1982 '11119' Publllhed Orange Coast Dally Pl· IOI. Aprlt 15. 22. 29. May 6 1982 llJ.76-82 P\8.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUIMH NAME 8TAHMeNT The tollowlng per1on1 ate doing bu1lne11111s SHREDDERS, 234 ProapeGI NewPof1 Beach. C1t11orn11 92683 Stephen R Tully a C1lltorn11 corp0t1tlon. 234 Protpeet, NewpO<I BelCll, Cahlom111 92663 Ann M PlllHlpt, 2°'',. Anttbes Newport Beech. C.MIOfnll 92883 Thi• butlnellS II conduclld by a general pertntfSlup. Stephen R Tully T hit 11a1emen1 wat filed with tho thence NorthwHtarty along said 111 Praltdent Northea11er1y tint 10 the Poln1 of 2020 N Broedway, County Clef~ ot Orenge County on Beolnnlng. Suitt 206, Aprll 7. 1962. f1..-i'O EXCEPT any portion t~reot lylng San1a Ane. CA 02706 I p bllahad Oran""' Coal! Delly p1• bMow Meen LOW W118< Tai: (71•) f6:J..U'1<1 u .,. The 1trMt addrtN and/or other Publllhed Orenot Coa•I 08lly Pt· tot, Mfll 15, 22, 29, May 8, 1982 common dMlglWIHon, If any, la SM· 1o1. ApfR a, I&. 22. 1982 1505-42 1875-82 portt<I to be '08 P1fm Avenue. Balboa Ptf'lntu'e, Hewpof1 BMcfl. Celltomla. , l'tllllC NOTlC£ PUBLIC NOTICE .... ., ... 'ICTrTIOUI IUl_.1 flAMI ITATUllNT rne •01•j•1t\Q penona .,. o~no ou11~ ...... tl1S.AVAlACONSTRVCTIONCO t11 DA\110 A 8All8f.R 6 Af>SOCoAIES INC CONSTRUCTION tll ENOIN(ER1NG AS SOCIA1ES t•l CONSTRUCTION ENGi NEERING ASSOCIA1ES 703 l11~dolph A-.ue Cosio 1.4... CA 92626 SAUAlA CON'!lTRUC110N co • C111forn11 corponH1on 103 ~anoolph A•~""" Coll• Me•• CA 926?6 OAVIO A SARBER 6 ASSOCIAIES INC • C8l•lo<l'lte C0•00tahon 2032 Soutto r.-01,,., •·~·"" lo• •ngeteo CA 9ocns '""• bv•1nes.a •• t.unduettJd b) an unlf'I corpotaled •uoc1ahnn othiN lt\An 1t °"" fllftf'lhtp S.•••• C.ont11..ct0011 c:.o t -..,o S.•••• p,~, 1M \lolmlf'1nl we• tol<OCI Wtlh Ille Counl~ tiler• ot Ot_.noe County on Merct\ lt 1912 ,1Mol02 Puohtheo Orerioto Go•t1 D1•1y P1101 4ptol 8 I) 22 2<1 1982 1608·81 P\lll.IC NOTICE FICTmous BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The tollOWlng persons are 001ng business 111 THE TIN UUtE, 752 SI Clair Costa Mesa, Cahtornoa 92626 0ot1s L Boehm. 8192 Caltfornte St<eet. No 21. Buena Part. Calitor nla 92621 Alvin F Boehm 8192 Cafllom1a Street, No 21 BUfl& Par~. Calil0<· noa 92621 Gene H FeulsllGt.. 3081 Yukon Street Co"• Mase Cal1fornoa 92626 ThlS business 1s conoucteo by a gene<el pa11nersh1p o L Boenm This stalement wu ftteo w•th the Counly CIOll• of Orange County on April 13. 198:? FllnOO Puohshed Orange Coast Oalty Pl- 101 Aptll 15 22 29 Mey 6. 1982 1657-82 PUBLIC NOTICE N8·t2'710 Eacrow No. 1110 Lii NOTICE TO CllEOtTOAS OF BULK TllAN8f"ER (S.C. 1101 ... 107 U.C.C.) Noll~ is ~eby given to creditors ot the w11h1n named parties that a bulk transler IS about 10 be maoa on pet1onet p1oper1y herelnatter de· .crlbed The namM end business address ol the intended transferors ue ROBERT BENJAMIN, MARJORIE BENJAMIN, 787 Newlon Way, Cotta Mesa, Callfomla The name ano bualMU ad<1ra11 01 the Intended tran1leree 11. RO· BEFIT J ABBOTT 3609 Wnt Ma<Arthllf. SYtle 806 & 806, Santa Ana. C1Hlornt1 That the P<QP..-ty pentoent hereto ts described In ~al u : furniture 11.&tures, equipment goodWIH, trlde· name. llock ln trade, cOYanant not 10 compete eno 11 located at 187 Newton Way, Co111 Me ... Celllor nla The buaineu name uaed by the said tran1lero1 at 11ld location ta· BOMAR ENTERPRISES S•ld Sal• wlll t>e made wtthout w•tranty 11 to Hiie poe-aton or encumorat\C#, fOf llMI PUfPOH Of paying Ille ol>UglltOn• MOUfed by .id Deed of Truet. lnCllldillO ti.,.. 4lnd "'** of IN l rwtee Wl4:I of IN llWU cr•t.o by Mid OMcl of Trv11. adv•~ t~.under, wllll 1m.--ptcMded ~.end Ille ~ Pf1ndpll Ind "' .... ' °' Ille No1~1t ..our.ct by_ ~Id Offd ot Thal said bulk tran1tar 11 Intended 10 bt contummated 1t Iha olllo9 of SERVICE ESCROW COMPANY, P.O Box :118, 14282 a.tch 8htd . WHtm1n11er. Calffornle 02tl3 on or ~tcnnoua llU ... H flCTmOUI .utM•• 111er Mty 3, 1ee2 NA• STATIMllNT NA.Ml STATIMINT Tllet tht 1 .. 1date1or filing olalml T'l'lll(~-1410.nt.Ja. OATID Apt ti, 1112. ~"'1TUAL~. 100 .. """" .., ... t'!c\cl!flo ~:.tr..~ ~0....0...0.-fllOI. ••e.a11;• m•.u ' Tiie followlng penon1 are doing The following peraone ere doing 1n the ll(;t'OW rlflfl'ed 10 herein 11 butlneet u : bull~ b AprU 30, 1H2 VICTOR EHGINEERIHO, tH72 AJ O!llONfJA PAINTINO, So l•r H 11 llt'IOwn to M id tnten· w11.,1>ury Lane, Hunt1ng1on e..ctl, 18820 Mt. Hlltl:hl~ fOllfttelfl v.i. deO Tr111a1e1eH 11ld Intended CA t2644 1ay, Calllomlt n1oa Tnnai.ror UMd the 1o11ow1ng addl· VOJE H KM OSl!K . 19672 JollnO HltOrtlh. 1U20Mt ~buelnu1W11nM ancllddf .... Wa~ '--• HuntlngtOfl leMfl. Hu1Cflino9. '°""laln VI/Wt, Cellfol. within Illa thrff yHra IHI PHI CA t*f n1a t27Ge. NOHe. MAOOIE KMOlll(, 1H12 Nc11t ~ McDwmolt, 1M20 Ml. Tiiie Dlltll ll•n1ler 11 avb)eot lo Wat9rtlwy i..an.. Hun\lneton INctl. HlllcNnel. '°""1aln 11.,, Celltof· Calllornla Uniform Comma1e1a1 ~ ~ nil 1270.. c-. leatlon • 109 Tiiie bwlnell le~-bye TlW ~ lif oondUc1«I by a 0..0 ~"" 11, Itta """*' l*'tntnllllp. ... .. ~. ...... J. ...... ..._ !(moeta _. L Mtl*mot1 .......... ,,.....,.. 2::'?:fllll.....,.,.... ........ llWUI.,. ~ .......... , ...... .ill... = "-0-. d ~ COMftty M (:Ol#lfY C.. ef Or.,. County Oii lltMOI 00.MIY """" I. ,. "'111 II. ,.. ,_ .... ' ,.,. ~ ==··---~ ~c.e ~..... ~-·'* ar..o.... ,,.. ~ ~ Or...J. OWt -,.... """ "· "· •. ...., .. ·-...... , .. "· ... ..., .. .: ti ..... -1'10.. 1 ...... , tH'MI "Archie's Place' in Newport C'arrol/ O'Connor to open restaurant at center By STEVE TRIPOLI O(the Dll6lr ...... 81111f The cigar, the r lng1 o n hl1 middle fingera, the familiar g~­ tures and faacial oxpreaions -aU of \hem wett present. A• C rroll O'Connor stood In hl.s blue blazer ln the mld.Jt of a Newport cent.er crowd, however, there could be little doubt that those symbols and traJta belonged to him long before they became part or Archie Bunker. the chll· racter he's made famous. Archie was not the mam topic T uesday, though O'Connor was not unwilling to talk about him . His main purpose for being in Newporl. Beach was to talk about th~ new restaurant which he and two partners (one of them actor Patrick O'Neal) are planning to open in Newpor t Cente r early next year. O'Connor also talked during an tnlCrvtew about his acun~ career and what the future may hold. The restaurant, to be called • O'Connor and O'Neal's -The Newport Place. wall be a "kind of eclectic" continental restaurant located in the C ivic: Plaza <.'<>m - p I ex an New port Cen ter, O'Connor said. "We'll have a good bar, a cou- ple of party rooms and & wane cellar,'' O'Connor told a crowd which had com e to sip ch a m - pagne and watch him unveil a sign beanng the new restaurant's name. He al.so promised reasona- ble prices. ''I'm going LO take a personal mt.erest m it," he said . O'Connor probab ly wasn't kidd ing whe n he promised to keep track of things. He and O'Neal already co-own the sue- cessful Qmger Man restaurant m .Beverly H i\!s, and he professes an interest 1n restaurant ow- OVER THE COUNTER MUTUAL FUND O'Connor anH O'Neals' D•lty Piiot Sta" PMto IRISH PUB? -Actors Carroll O'Connor (left) and Patrick O'Neal display the sign for their new restaurant, whtch they plan to open in Newport Center next year. n crship tha t is backed by an ubility to l~l k about the business_ "Sure. I 'm go111g to be wat· t"htng things h ere." O'Connor said in an 10terv1ew. "1 can 't be ont.' of th01><' absentee guys (owners) I <'Ount the money." T hough he has no formal tra1- 1ung m the restaurant business, O'Connor said he takes part in planning his restaurants using "ideas 1 got from all over the world" and the knowledge he ts slowly .caining in the bus1m.>ss None of wh1t"h means that O'Connor is t.hlnking oC termina- ting his acting career ''An actor never reall y leaves the business. You're always rea- dy 1( someone comes up with a good role, even 1f you've been away for a while,'' ht.• said Huw much longl'r wtll the NASO LISTINGS 11 year -old Ar<.•hte Bunkl·r role l..ISt? "Conlra1:tually , two m or<- ycars 1f the raungs stay good Then I guess I'll sit down with CBS and decide what to do l don't know what I'll do when the Umt> comes." T hough oth er at·tors a nd ac tr<'SS<'S ofte n say t hey fear a long running telev1s1on role be- l a usythey arc <.1 fa1d of being st ~n·otyped , O'Connor 1nststs that he hai. no sut:h feelings aboul Archie "I've loved playmg Archie a ll these years. J t•an say more in that role more about America -and nobody rnte rfcres with the way l run the show (he now owns pe1rt of the produt"Uon uf "Art'hll' Bunker's Place") "I couldn't poss ibly be as autonomous or happy m motion pt(.'lUrt'h or on stage" .c"t. UpPct•l I UPS l.A\I , . ,, . 1 UP :JOI •'• • '• UP 16• l • .. Up Ul 1'~ • > Up 1S 0 111 • .._ up 11 • ~ .. Up 16J . .. '• Up l6 l Up 1•.I Up 14 3 UP U 1 Up U t Up IJ.7 Up 13~ UP 13') Up Ul UP 11.l UP •2.l up n .s Up 17.1 Up ILi Up 11 I UP 11 9 Up 11 I ,.... . , ., • 71. t ' . '• • s." ,.,. ..... I'> ?'- •• 1 • ' .. ,, . , . .. . '· •IS 1' • 1"· Ill '• , ... .~. .. , .. "• ' '• .... s , . ., 1'' ~ lA~I , .. .. ,, . 11'9 1\\ 1' 1 , .. •o•. ~ •• • 10, 1'. J ' 1 , .. \ ,. ' , ... 13'1o 11.\o '~ ''" 11 .. ,,, S"- ,, '• UC> ti 1 '• UP !I I t1'Q Pct ' Ol1 :JOI t . Oft 111 ''> Ott 11 2 ,. ' Ott 171 1> OU '7• • , Ott l6 7 • I Off IS. 1'1,. Oft U6 '' Oii "·' .. Oii ., , I) OU '1 1 '. 00 10.0 I • ()ff fO 0 .. Ott '1 .. Off '1 • Ott •s J Oii 9 I I • ()ff • I '• Ott & 1 11• Ott 86 ,, • Oii 1,.3 '. Oii l,J •., Oii l.J •·~ Ott a,2 '• Ott 6.0 I ()<I 1.0 I NYSE OMPO ITE TRAN QUOT•t1C*t INU.uO• fl.ADI' 0111 , ........ 'WO••· MIOWUl f'4(1f'IC, ..... IOITOt', DI nol'• ••• (llf(1111tA'I uoc• taCMAltOU AWD IU'OUIO I Y 1MI 11100 AllD tMUllH T I 8 C7 Solar facility generates power Spectal '° tile Dally Pilot DAGGETT -The world's largest liOlar-powered elec:trical generaUng facility has aucceafuUy genera- ted commercial electrk power,.Secretary of Energy James a. F.dwa.rdl annoWiced wed.neaday. Electricity lrotn the $141 million pilot plant went t-0 the Southern California Edison Co. grid from the tnclUty located in the Mojave Desert near Barstow. The faeiUt.y, which uses sunlight reflected Crom hellostat.s (mirron1) to heat water, generate steam and d rive a turbine, waa developed by the U.S. Depart- ment of Energy and Edison. First zinc ore produced St. Joe Resources Co .. a unit of Fluor Corp .• haa announced production of the first zinc ore from it.a new Pierrepont Mine. The mine is part of ~t. Joe's Mining division at Balmat, St. Lawrence County, N.Y The Pierrepont pro.JeCt, ongmaJJy announced in August 1980, represents one of the highest grade zinc deposits in North America with ore reserves of 2.5 million tons averaging 16 percent zinc, officials said. Disn ey, Morocco in accord Walt Disney World has announ<.'ed the signing of an agreement with the Kingdom of Morocco for par- t1d pation by Morocco in World Showcase in Epcot Cent.er at Orlando. Fla. The agreement was signed in Rabat, Morocco, by the minister or trade, industry and tourism, Au.edine Gucssous, acting as an officer or the Office National Morocain du Tourisme. Representing Disney were Jack Lindquist, senior vire president, marketing, and Ron Cayo. senior vice pn-s1dent, business affairs. Local firms profiled Newport Secunt1es Corp. will present a seminar. "Security Investments in Orange County," on April 22 at 7 p.m. at its office, 3151 Airway Ave, Suite H-1. Costa Mesa. The program will focus on the 100 publicly traded companies headquartered in Orange County. For information, call 957-1081 Runway pact OK 'd The Kaster Corp. of San Bernardino was the low bidder on the Dallas-Fort Worth airport runway con- tract at $42,749,000. An award is expected within four weeks. The finn was the prune contractor for the Upper Newport Bay Bndge. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES AMERICAN LEADERS NEW YORK (API -Sales. Woo puce -rwt "-~ !fie ten ,,_, &<ll•t' Amtrl<M'l Slock ~ l~s. trdng netiowolly .. mo'9 !,..... J I Oon'ePlrl \ :ztO,IDO .,.. l o OorchUO.S 110.200 ,. • , Nau Atri lt3, 100 !.... • '+ CMfc.n 9 11S.l00 ,, •• 'I l(ofyf'Nrm • '5.200 ~ • ' • Hc&OITr n.100 lJV. , '\ ~ 72,0CO 1~ • '• 0\1$1411()11 6',600 1' 14 .. Yllllno B ~.106 30'°\ • ''• CUrfc °"' "'·'°° ,, .,. UPS ANO DOWNS GOLD' COINS Pt1 Up It l UP 11 S UP II l Up 101 Up '1 UP H Up ti Up U Up 7 • Up 1< U1> • UP j Up H Up H Up H Up SS Up S' UP St ut> !O ' NEW YORK CA'>-"'°"' .... f"'9dly of OOIO -.. ~ .. ....,., swtc.. llCNpit .... I "01 oa,, "1UO. up lo4.7f, _...,.. llMl.li 1 ~-. •n.oo. up 1o4,11. ......_to'*°• 1.2 1'9\' CIL. 1488.71. wP N ,80, AHlrllHI too crown •• 9102 uo, 01 , '362 71. uo ta 00 ~Dlilll ....... XI Intl lD Tm I! Ull 66 Slk tio.a Tr., IJllK °r;'.,U' .. ~ = ~ 347 60 15CUJ )11 '7 M6 l7 2.17 I ti ... 117 • 111 11 117 01 + o .s m 11 ))4 .. ne,. DI .. I °' '5 5lJr WHAT STOCKS DID NEW YORK (4PI ""' ,. Wed --•U Oll:hl'l!Q ,... l..hNn9ld c<ll T-1 ..... !'IC!) -"""' JO --.. W"•l AME• 000 NEW YORK 14Pl ""' ,. Wed. ~ ,,, Oe<lln«I ,,. ~~ m 17• .,.... nlQM • -'°""' 10 METALS Wednesd•y •.S.W.100 1.2111.'00 I ... 100 1 111.JOO ~-ct;J. 27l 1)1 , .. 11 1 Copper 76· 78 cents a pound, U S destinallont lb Leed 28-32 cents a pound Zinc 35.39 cents a pound. delt11.,lld. Tin $6 5365 Metals Week composite Aklmlnum 76-77 cents a l>OOnd. N Y MefCUf}' $395 00 per nasit ~-$345 00 lrOy oz., N Y SILVER WednHd•r Handy & Harmen. S7 590 ptr troy ounc;e. GOLD QUOTATIONS Wed. London: morning 11,.tng $384 75, up St 1-25. London: elternoon fixing S38fi 75, up $13.25. Perla: 1383 94. UP S 10.64 ,,_,.""1: 1366.98. up $12.98. Zurich: Late fixing $365 00 bid. up $1300. $36800 asked. Hendr a Ha•,..en: only dilly quot• $366 75, up S 13 ?5 E......,_d: orny daffy quote S3H.75, up $13.75 E~: only dally quote f1brlcatt<1 $385.00. up s 13.01 SYMBOLS _ _,,..,. __ .,"""' "'-----of------"-"""-'-'_... Ot ..,..."4ftft.,.t -.Cferehon Spec.., Ot .. ,,, =:~"'":~.: == .. ..... -9111'9 ......... 1 ........ ,_ ..... -....... C..,._"'9 .. _ 0.Cla1" 0• "'" tn PfK•flAf It -· ~ ....... --.............. .. ~-------.. ... ----~--~ .. ---.... ---......... __ ......... _~ .. ...... .._,.,,_.,...._......,. ~ ... _.. ... _.. .... ,2-.---.............. _.. ....... __ _.._... ..... ,..,.. ..... ..._.. --.. 1111 ........ 11141 CMl-c;.I... -·-ftOlr•hl.. ., -----···--............ ~ "' -n.e..-... -............ .. ,..._ -···-·-.............. -,.....,.....,.......,. ___ _ ..... ------~~~--~------------------------------------------~--------,_,~-----------=~----~~~- J I 0 > Orange Cout DAILY PILOT /Thurlday, Aprtl 15, 1982 Studehts helped get out Valley vOte YMCA units plan merger Sorn of the mott 11gB'rH1lve election workera in Fountai n Valley didn't cast an y ballot• th«nlelvet TuMday. They w n!n't old enough. But that didn't 1top about 60 JeVcnth and eighth 8rlldt' ISlU• dent.I at Olaler School In Fount· aln Valley from participating ln" 1et·out·the-vote campajgn tor the city coul)dl election. Aclcordlng t.o Gisler Principal Sonny Morper, the students obt· alned a Uat of registered voters In their neighborhood from the county and passe d out 2,000 remember-to-vote filers during Eut.er vac:aUon. Then after IChool Tuetday, the student.a checked their commu- nity'• three pollin1 placea and obtalnect a U.t of who hadn't vo- ted yet. ' Parenti then shuttled the 1tu· dents to 8everal area buain8le9 that had agreed to let the youngsters use their phone• to help encourage additional voting before the c1a.ing of the polla at A p.m. Phones were provided by I'M' Cannon, Fountain Valley Insu- rance , the Huntington Beach- Fountain Valley Board of Real- ton, the Fountain Valley Cham- ber of Commen:e and Coats and w~ Real Fat.ate. The studenta received a varie- ty of respon1ee to thelr calla. "It'• been half and half," said W ndy Della Santa, 13. "Some of the people have been nlce aand eome have been really mean." Accordlna to the atude nta, many l't'Sidenta were grateful for the reminder. but others were concerned about where the youngstera had obtain ed their unllated phont' numbers. (The numbers were Included on the county Reailatrar o f V ote ra print.out.) One student laid h1a "uddest" call wu ttaehina the home ol a ~tered voter who had recent- ly died. The youngaten were ln.struc- ted not to advocate any candl- dats in the ekction or to d1'cule them at all. But just reminding residenta to vote became compli- cated in .ome Instances. "I explained the whole thing to one man, and he aaid, 'What are you talking about?' So I had to explain it a second Ume," recalled Jell Zentarski. H . But the atudentai reported tha• majority of people th •y talked to were pleasant. The youngsters l&1d they had learned a lot about the pollt.k:al proceM through the project. Althouah lt waa not immedla- tely known how significantly the atudenta increased the voter tur- nout In their neighborhood , Morper aaid he was pleaaed. ''Thia was something you can't learn about In a book," he said. "And It's also one more way to point out the ¥ood things that kids are doing.'· -By PHIL SNEIDERMAN Thu YMCA of North Oranae County In Fullerton •nd th• YMCA ot O ranae Cpunt_y In Santa Ana are mere£hi, offldala of the two agendel announced. The merj_er, effective thla month, ia taJdng place in order to cr eate a more eftlclent frame· work to se rve the community and to cut per capita operating costs, officia ls said. The n e w YMCA will uae the name YMCA of Orange County. Officials also said they expect the new organization 's s1ie to enhance 11.8 fund-raiamg capabi- lity. steps to a success ul garage sa e. D .. ly Not 818ff Photo ELECTION PROJECT -Jeff Zentarski, 14, and Lisa Dunn, 13, both eighth grade rs at Gisler School in Founta in Valley, used a telephone at ITT Cannon to encourage voters to cast their ballots in Tuesday's election. Nuclear conflict teach-in slated W ASHlNGTON (AP) -In hundreds of com- m uni ties across America next week, people will gather to consider the hometown consequences of nuclear war. There will be talks at service club luncheons, churches, schools and public meetings and a "Run for Your Life" race in Winston -Salem, N.C., a ser- mon by the Rev. Billy G raham at Yale University, a "Peace With J ustice Concert " in Cle ve land, a "There's No Place to Run" run in Champaign, ID., and a sh owing of the fi lm, "Dr. S trangelove" in Sacramento. In Cedar Rapids. lowa, according to organizers, red pieces of paper w1U be tacked on poles, marking the radius of destrucuon of :i hypothetical nuclear explosion. And in Spokane, Wash., helium-filled balloons will be released containing scraps of paper reading: "You've just been hit by fallout." All told , t he organ izers o f t he event -it amounts to a nattonal teach -in -estimate that 10 million to 20 million people will take part in 650 communities and on 350 college campuses during the week April 18-25. Man y others may w a tch ''Thinking Twice About Nuclear Wa r,'' an h our-long program on Public Broadcasting Service stations. The events are locally arranged under the im- petus of Ground Zero, an organization with a staff of 12 and a budget of $290.000. It was founded in 1980 to stimulate a week of national discussion on the consequences of nuclear war. "Ground Zero" is the technical term for the poinpoint where a n uclear weapon detonates. In connection with the w eek, Pocket Books published ''Nuclear War: What's In It For You," which Roger Molander wrote. Roger Molander said the book offers, in simple form, as much informa- tion as a president gets about nuclear strategy and the consequences of a nuclear exchange. Ground Zero week will open in more than 500 communities with the unfurling of a banner rea- ding, "If this were ground 7.ero for a one megaton explosion, virtually everything within two miles will be destroyed immediately." A 370-mile bike ride is planned for the areQ around Whiteman Air Force Base, Mo .. with the purpoee of showing that a "surgical" nuclear strike there would km half the population within that circumference. Five minutes of church bell ringing will open the week in Portland, Ore. In a park ou\side the White House here, a lunchtime "speaker's corner'' will be established to entertain the public's questioM on nuclear ialues. In Hanover. N.H .. a panel of clergymen will diacuas, "Nuclear Weapons: Is There Any Word from the Lord?" At the Unjversity of Arkansas, atudents and townspeople plan to line the main street of Fayet- teville with two miles of anti-weapons~· And students at Northwest Community in Nome, Alaska, will release 100 bottlea in the Bering Sea with a m~ asking finders to "open thelr eyes" to the threat of nuclear war. Decision reversed · NEW HAVEN, Conn. (AP)-Yale UnJvenity faculty memben hav~ voted \0 require foreign la~1e atudy for undergraduatea, revenif\.I a ""dec:Wol\--of the late 1960s and leavinc ).ast one Ivy Leuue lnltitution wl\hout the requirement. ~ f.culty rnembera voted ~9rove • re-· qutnment t!Yt all u.nder~uat.ea y two yean of fortlp lan1ua1ea or paaa a 1tandardlaed ~t..itoptadf~ TM dec:illon 1 \W Brown Unlvendty u Ow only Ivy ~ ICbool without a f°""ln ~ NqUINMnt. -------' .. Garage sales, yard sales, rummage sales, street sales ... no matter what you call them, the id_ea is the same -TURNING THINGS YOU NO LONGER NEED INTO CASH. When you get tired of fighting your way into a crowded attic or garage, or when you need a little extra cash, have a garage sale! So get into the act, clean out those unwanted items, and make money doing it! It's fun, it's profitable, and following these 10 steps will make it simple. ' 1 Decide on dates. Look at a calendar and set the dates and ti es of your • sale. Weekends are usually good, but m successful sales have been held in the evening, j after work. Check the weather forecast in the paper; and watch for any other large event that may attract potential buyers away, such as fairs or community events. Have your sale run at least two days -some people may not be able to come on any single day. 4 Where to advertise. Place your ad where it will be seen by people who live in the area -most people shop close to home. The • Daily Pilot is read by 88,000 adults in Costa Mesa. Newport Beach, Laguna Beach, Irvine. Huntington Beach and Fountain Valley -guaranteeing you wide exposure. And with the Pilot. you're not paying for waste circulation in Los An~les or Anaheim. Plan to run your ad 3 times or more11and start 1t a few days before the sale so bargain hµnters can have plenty of notice. 2 What to sell. Everything! That is, everything you haven't used in the • last year. If an item has antique value, or is brand-new. or has unusual value. be sure to ask a healthy price for it. Get a pad of paper and search your whole house. 5 Make a si9n. To help make your sale successful. make a few signs • from cardboard and letter with a magic marker. A good sign size rs 14" x 22" Look everywhere. and list everything. fwoltltwe. This is your main attraction and your best source of Income. Be sure to place furniture where it can be seen from the street. Price furniture low enough to beat auctions and secondhand sales (check the classifieds for comparisons). but high enough so you can come down a little.when someone shows interest. RockinQ chairs. chest of drawers, tables and chairs are all very successful at garage sales, so feature them in your ad. .......,. .. Smaller antiques should be grouped. and kept close at hand where you can watch and talk about them. Nostalgia items are very popular - display them well. Clotttlftc). Make sure clothing is clean, and mark the price way down. Put as many things as possible on hangers. Separate kid's things by age. Display adult clothing by sex and age group. Low prices are a-• on clothes except for unusual items. which should be tagged With an explanation (like, "hand-embroidered flowers, dress worn by Mae West)." AppliGRCH. These will sell for a fair price only tf they work. No one will take your word for~. Have an extension cord so they can be tested, better yet, have radios playing, old TV sets turned o · etc. Make sure buyers understand they are sold "as is". ,._.., These usually go fast, but keep them out of direct sunlight. A good idea is to name your plants before the sale (Spider Lady, cousin Jasper. Maggie~ and write a line or two on the name card about how to care for them. ] Write your ad. · Here is a suggested ad: "Gara'-'8 Sale -desks, Bentwood rocking chair, toys, Infants' clothing, 1922 • Victrola in original cabinet, ,,..ny Oadgets, lots of unusual items, rock collection, plants. Refreshments. 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. 1234 South Anystreet. Yourtown. Just west of Main and 2nd." Use this sample ad as a guide. Be sure to list unusual items. Be as specific as possible. Give directions If needed. Don't use abbreviations -many people won't bother to decipher them CAUTION: Don't advertise anything you don't really have. Every Item In the ad must be on hand at the start of the sale. 642-5678 6 Placin9 your si9n. The morning of the sale, but not before, place your signs. Be sure and add your address and any • directional arrows. This should be done about a half hour before the sale starts. Place your sign where it can oe seen from both sides of the street by passing cars and pedestrians. CAUTION : Some towns have laws that restrict the placement and duration of garage sale signs. Please check with your town's planning department or clerk 1 Markin9 prices. Mark prices where they can be seen clearly. Office • supply stores have varoius sizes and colors of stickers that work well, or y<;>u can use masking tape. However you mark them, make prices low. Garage sales are for bar~ain hunters. Remember, Ytlhatever you can't sell you II have to drag back tn the house and store again for another year. 8 Servin9 refreshments. This doesn't have to cost much, and creates a friendly • atmosphere. It also encourages people to stay longer and perhaps buy more. You could even charge for expensive items like donuts. or the kids could go in business for the day, with a lemonade stand 9 Display. Make sure everything can be seen. Have card tables or boards used as shelves between two chairs. Don't • cause people to bend over unless you can't help it. Use one table as a desk where you can see everything and take money. Use only one cash box (tin cans or boxes work fine) and make sure someone is appointed "cashier" at all times. Arrange beforehand for a friend who can help answer questions. relief for lunch, etc. Check your neigbbon and friends. •See If any want to join your saJe. This will give you aomeone to share expenses with and increase Interest In your ule. If others join you, be sure to Include this In your ad (example: "three-family sale," "neighborhood sale"~ Group sales are a lot more fun, too. ~l~RI~~~~~~ . aooo LUCK WITH YOUR GARAae' IALB 330W. Bey St., Cotta M .... CA. u.ay/T •• ••,,.c•-.e.11 . .aNO ..,,N'' Open N:30 Monday thru Friday, Saturday I-noon. """ .,.. ~· .. ~v• ,. . rv1 ' ' .. . I • ·' ' --- Diiiy Piiat Thurlday, April 16, 1982 Furniture is bought and sold every day with a classification '8050 ad. CLASSIFIED INDEX ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ,......_., HoHu: tOOJ All-ru I u t 1lle ad· ~.~.~ ....... ~.~.~ ....... I ~!.~.~ ....... ~.~~:'!~ ........ ~:.~.~ ....... ~:.~.~ ...... . G1•r• IOOJ GtMr• 1002 CH.r• 1002 CorwdefMw 1022 CostoMeH 1024 LAiJ-a.och 1041 ve rtl sed 1n thi s newaj)aper " 1ubJet't to the Federal Fair Hous- ing Act of 1968 which mtkes 1t illegal to ad verttSe "any preference, 1o;a limitation, o r dis· :: crimlnation baaed on 1t11 race, color, religion, :: sex, or national ongin. 15 ~;1' s~~~n~~~r~r::c~~ , .. limitation, or dis · :: crimination ·· IOllO ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• w1.:--;1.1 Y \ TAYLOR CO. HEAl.TUl\S '>lllCI' l !HH MUI V1IW SJtt,tlO 4 Br, 2'h Ba. View home overlooklng Pa· villon. Catalina and nite lltes. lowest price view home In Harbor View. Hiiis. Vacant. move Immediately. 2111 Ill ....... IHls aeal ...... , 0010, 1.1:• ~10 PEllDILA RIEi XLNT TERMS! Remodeled traditional 3 bdnn, den, 3 bath, reduced to $395,00-0. Prue West Bay ooyfront. Sups for 2 boats, remodeled 3 bdrm, 3 bath $1 ,200.000. Ocean & jetty views. Manne room, 4 bdrm. 3 bath, 3700 sq.ft. $1,385,000. Liii ISLE llllES ~h~c.~.~12 ba + 3 br. 2 ba unit & k1t·kt>r. $300,000 assuma hit• al 13"1 Asking ~9.(XX) Owner/ogt. twc>-92J9 evst~0-4988 dys I Br Pentndge Cove Con do. micro. frplc. 2 car gar:ige ""' opener Stl2,500 Tt>rmb 545·311S 4llPOOLHOME w1lh cathedrul re1lfna5 --------•I and a remodeled k1\(•hen 9.S't. assumable loan and a n anxious owner Only SI t0,000 Call 979-5370 .\I >Ill 1IE1I I• Ai'• .. "-•I 'YI"-' FORl':CLOSURE SA l.f: Undt'r lender's t'O!!l So Laguna pvt est 011· 180 deg OCl'an \ u Sl'tunty ~11.W MS-20l3 . &tot, LG1J1110 Hlls I 050 With or w1tho rurn. ••••••••••••• •••••• ••• 24x64 Grttnbn r llome S7 sou o o w N • No in Laguna 1111 nicest S QUALIFYING star park Young adlts 2Br palJo home $107.SOO' welcome Te.!!)' I Bk r ) 497 30J.I Grff*af P _. Btaullful 24x60 Keywest Lab forfft I 055 Jim 2Br. 2Ba This 1s ••••••••• •••• • •• •• • • • • • the best buy in town CLASSIC PARK PLACE MOllLE HOMl EST ATES 2106 lla~~~~te 200 A :: This newspaper will not :: knowinflY accept any ,.,. ad,•ert1s1ng for real :: estate which IS Ln viola ""' !,!<.!!..QUhe law. IQlll ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 11 ® 1---------1-Prime Lido Nord bay front 5 bdrm, 5 ·~ bath Lge L.R .. 2 boat slJp> $1 ,500,000 VIEW!VIEW! ~}!JOY viewing the orean and mgbt hghts from lhb delightful 4 Bdrm home Formal dining room and family room Plus. your ov.n i.pa Pn'ate area with rom munity pool f:xr1•llent financing 11\ ailahlt· S429,000 Toro 1032 i~~l~,pA~· I 540-5937 •••••••••••••••••••••• :-EllROIS: AdYertiHN l!i: -..ct check tft•ir ads ;: daily .ct ~rt .... lo ron 6-clGffty. Tk , ... DAILY PILOT a1111111t1 MESA VHDE OWNER ANXIOUS ran 41R & POOL/SPA t.astic end unu 4 Bdr !'-, 642-5200 PETE BARRETI '·· REALTY MODEL HA5 EVERYTHI NG 1 Obit> wide 2 br, I'~ ba. ~n~':'n,~~! llOll -~ labilty for tit• first h1cornct l•Hrtio1t Outstandiri~1 valut> in Ba. gar. patio. yard. tlus lri·leve homt' on pool, park $89,900 As cul -de-sac Overs1ied sume S59,000 Isl at lot. famil y r oo m 11""~· Prin. only Agt wtfrvk. Owner will as· _~7-2040 slst with financing A ._ _______ .... Remodeled 3 bdrm, 2 bath + 'arge rec' nn beam ce1llngs, furnished, patios. $420,000. cond o Mirrored wardrobes. upi:raded t·a~lmg and reram1c llled kitchen all make --------•I Uus 11 beautiful starter home Com mumty pool. sp.i and tennis rourti. Divorce forl'tS bale $98 ,500 by owner 859-1770, 768 4589 Cul de sal' street I Sl72 space rent Adults. Sun & Sail II Club i.ll'ldll peb Quit!t II 8 20 min to wrner lot t!7 ,500 or Newport Centt-r 1 best Ownt!r 847 29~ $2llJ.UOO With Sl60.000 at 12'. fixed rilll' & I LO\el} dbl v.1de guarded fully .imoruzcd g:ites. exd area 11 B -W.$ • l'>le .,. :: 1---------1 great buy al $239.000 "" 751-3191 Liii& ISLE UffllllT Lagoon view Crom 6 bdrm. 5 bath, play- room, dark rm, den, Boat slip $1.350,000' I 18004H} OCEAN VU RlLWE/On I OPPORlUMIJY Nopoint!>orquc.hf}tn~ Rent $1 76 Ov. nt'r 770 0347 11146 ~ •--O•w•n•er-A•g•en•l _ _. 5 MOBILE llOM ES Sl6,000 $42 .500 tov. !!JN _, MUSTY. DUSTY &VACAHT * 109,000• 9.Y r assumab1e hnanr 4 + bdrms induc 1111: 2 rroi.tcr ~Wll'S. 31 ~ ba II( ....... oa leoch I 040 ~j>ace rent C M 646 8612 •••••••••••••• ••••• •••• Newport ~och I 069 -- :=::r:;:~~ )Ha ••••••••••••••••••••••• ---""-....._."'-'__.__, ing ava1la blt' on this UYSllE COYE family rm, 2 rrplt·s. rw.l1 r wood b<.-am 1.'Cll u11:s all m J v.ulk to pm .ite be.it•h lot:at1on The perfect fam1I} home 1n the perfe<"l family neighborhood $525,000 v.-1th perfel'l r111anl'tnlt --------·I·········· ............. ~nts -lvm0<l'nf :,:; ~ 1002 ~=::~:: t::" ~ •4••••• •••••••••••••••• ~::::::::[::· ?;. SI 0,000 DOWN ~'">\irf\ -~~1:;.l•' ~ MOVES YOU IN Apu 1 "'"'" ... 4 Bd 2 sty. dbT gar. C ~;·•"' '•' >N Mesa. nu paint, rri>l On-• R ..... a.11..,4 ~ ly s110.ooo Var.int ..o=;;:==="' Hotfl•MCAth um D" c I 1; .... , -..1 mo : 1 an a a pp e . a g l ~.~~~~~~~ ~ OCEANFRONT uke-new· duplex-3 & 2 tastefully decorated 3 Br townhome Vacant & qwck possession 2670 San Miguel. :-;ev.port Beach1 759 ISO! or 752-7373. ~ Walker G Lee Spectacular bayfront view 2 br. 2 ba up, 2 br, 2 ba dn 2 boat sups SJ.900,000 TIES YllT&l-lllSSIDI YIE.10 New French Normandy 4 bdrm. 4 bath, guest house, pool. Near lake $795.000 COlllUIO CAYS ~Tro1t1f..-nd PANIC •• ~.~ •••••••• !?.~~ aCter Just buying and 10·s of 1000 ' u nde1 stant'd upgrades YOl' I markl't Steal th1!< prt> I 4-f'lex HI lch WIN' Assume 10'7. VA st1g11x.1i. dddres~ ror only $250 000 Ov. nt>r. A i.:t loan 3 Bdrm. l'•bU SJIB.<KJO Assume lo<tnJo Jewell_7 t4 898-2636 HURRY on this ont>' Submit terms Spar1ou~ eo...mtrclal Sl.25.500 '4 Bdr t•ustom hnme ,., 1600 001,.t wait Call LM1a .l opHty 67~1771 1114631 .1266 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Corona dl'I ~I ar 2 ~tory rommerual Pri red I Coll 644-7211 Rrn11h10-.....1•• t.LO C.rt~forlh~ OlO (lfftnRN•' 1.: &..w.llh,Rt"UI ••A Brdm 2 Ba each unit on .-_;;;;-~----­the sand, will take sml Coronado ls.land rust bayfront lot. 85' boat dock. Plans avail. $425,000 w/terms. I ~ I I belov. mkt for qwrk sale al $350.000 Ov. ner finanrini: .it 101 , '4 for 3 l~tu1I Muhl ·~ down or trade and curr) the entlrt> balanre S7SO,OOO.besl deal on the v.ater. ~:::.~~ ~ •tt4N !: , ,.,., H .... " "'° I lotm Hidtawoy BUSINESS, INV£ST· Lrg 4 Bdrm 2 Ba fa mil> MOO RIUNCf ,, I home w thug-e bo-nus fkd, .... ~..,.;. ~ 1 room & bath forming 4 """'""'"•••HI ;o10 separate qtrs Owner JACOIS RULTY ...ilS-6610 ::::::=::~· = will assist with f1nanc· :::':! ?:!:".:. : mg Full price Sl45,000. ••• JemW.lo1t 34~Granda Mor1111n rn • Ill)) 751·_3191 AHNOIHICEMENTS. PUSONALS & LOST & FOUND AAM.;ncrnw11'' t ar Pool Lttt.i ~OC..rh Loot •,....., .... _. ... 'locul Ovo.• Trntt• sm1m ~01.r'f "''""«> EMPlOJMENT & rtfPUATION MM1oh lhU'WUOft JUilt'*IDtf'd• ...... ,,,. .... ,I MllCHANDISE A\lll'l*f'I ~fd..':; ... ,t:f1•• t •• , ..... EQWilpwwJ'I Uh !Joe• rr ... to 'I'°" •WrwHtrt ,_,., ..... "w.lt """'"' -C-· Jr.,...n t...vnlork '4M'l'llf•ff1 M1wt ll1/W!(llllh Jih.wtU~••u•t'd lllw.wral ttill'Vm.r,,h Ofhfr fw• 6 ~"1' ..... P\t_,. 6 0r&tM !iit-.u\.Mar-h1~ ~1114Ceod, Slott A"'Ulit •M a,., ~T ....... H•tt ~,,... IOATS &MHINE EQU"MENT .\ir('I'•" C:•JnPf'r'\~lt N•f'tt tlfc1nfC•n =-~-.... Motor H"" S.lt ltt ftil lr.,ff'n,Ttt\'fi r~~~~:~~"?.ro A~TOMOllLE ......... 4.niJqMt f.•un' ltcrUhOfl \ f'i11(lft ~~~~:,~ud' rrwu \ .... Alii\Wllu ... A~WtMl'd AUTOS, IM~ITCD 1;0.rt l AU••~-· \wd• 4.nl.aHU,,_) ~II* f.•ptl ~ O•la..- •'"''' r .. , ....... ,,, ... , Jf'AM"n •uttlWIUI U~•• W.W .... .. , ... MttHtntlr•t II<. llGI °""' , .•. ,. ........ Pon<"' ......... Wb M•)C"t "''"' $u b -,_. .. , .. ,.,.... ft_,.. \'4fll•t••lfl Voho UTIS, IH ~:\: Find out about the high ~ earning real estate sales ...:ro career opportunities =w i th TH E REAL F.STATERS. Licensing ""' school fees completely refundable to school or )'OUT choice Extensive sales training. For in ~ formai ion , call 751·619L l'O ... " UHIOUE ""'" IN BAYCR'EST This .. u fWlrt1onal 4 Bdrm fam1· "'11> ly home lends itself to -entenaming The large :: yard with pool and spa 100 has room on the side Cor :: RV parking. S395.000 lklOO :! U,_.IOOf t1C)MfS otat> Realtors. 675-6000 ::1---------•1 9."tO : PA.LM SPllHGS :: GIVEAWAY -Gorgeous. furni s hed -custom house 1n ex :: clus1vt> area or Palm Springs Try SJ0.000 dwn. FUii price S475.000. t0•• J oy c e W a I rz e . a gt -jQJO -IJl60 -"1IO .... -- 9111 ,,., >Ill ,,. tlll .. ~ WI tllt .... To place your message before the reading public phone Dail~· Pilot Classified. 642 ss1s Dana Point You are the winner of four free llckets I SIG 00 I value to the J. lllihei. loot Sltow ANAHEIM CONVENTION CENTER April 17-ZS To claim tickets. call 642 5678, ext 272 Tickets must bt' claimed by April 23. 1982 *** SUMMERTIME Get rudy ror 11 with lh1 s I affordable 4 Bdrm 2 Ba C M. home w1pool &1 spa Also has lrg add on ranuly room Assume SB8.!i00 loan Full pnce SlSS.000. 631-7370 TRADITIOUL REALTY MAMMOTH SMOWlllD CONDO BY OWNER luxury 3 bdrm , 2 ba . Tw o fireplaces . Next to Ski Slopes. S3SO,OOO. xlnt fin 714-492-43S3 •IA.YFIONT• IOAT SLIP IEDUCE:D Pnvate beach, lite & cheery comfortable home. 3 large bedrooms &den. 2 baths, fireplace. and much more! Will tradedown! INCLUDES THE LAND ' Owner· 11)1• i--------•I Agent 673-9187 or .,., 675-7<Wi0. SS79.000! ~ Want Ad _!i.fill1.1__642·S678 •--------1 -..... ,s· ow '*' REStOENTIAl REAl ESTATE SERVICES • - 1111111 -.,. ..... ... --..,, ---... -.., Ml 911 ... .., -M l ---Ml Somerset 4 BR 9nly steps from pool & tennis courts In Seawlnd. City tights & pastO\°al view, plank flooring, tile entry, 3 car garage. Great family home . Owner will carry large AITD . IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 U -• • CharmlnQ 2 BR home with bachelor unit In back. Proftlltonlly decorated. S bk>ct<• to ocean. owner wlM llll•t w/flnanclng. Muet ... to ~PP1tcl1t1. $285.000 Pit Ollcton 752~f414 (~S1) \ JUSTUSTED CORONA d.I MAR Temr1c LD\estmenl op pcnumt south of-the hwy Excellent income from this unusual rro perty Pnced to sel by mounted owner at iust ~.000· 25'1 down. 17141671-4400 IMME:DIA TE yrs v. SIJO.ono dov. n ~o Calta M.so I 024 ....................... BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR MESAVHDE 3 Bdrm home. 2 baths, dbl garage all in \ I condll 1on S 129 .soo Sl9.500 dov. n Owner w1 II 11,..s1st 1n finanl'ing POSSESSION neg cash Ouv. Ov. n Agt --~ ~(l.Gi.--tfown. 1n1ymt>nls' i3HUM --------•1 $1500.mo It 1s po~s1ble ,_ .. rty 2000 SPWSH! SPLASH' to own loveh Sbdrm 2 .-ome ,.,.. 341 Boy\•d• Q,.v.. N B b 7!1 bib 1 Single story ranrh st) le sto~ N 0 "B.i l'k Ba) ••••••••••••••••••••••• with spectacular pool area ~.000 l\SHl991 4 pl ex ro ~ta M t>~a HAU. OF FAME HOMl 4 Bdrm with man} re cent upgradinl(s As sumable Jolin and seller will assist v.1th add1 lJonal financing S14S.OOO Call now 979-5370 and spa Just StJS.900 1'._:v_es l'all 631 i215 Sll16.000 Long term hn do I $?il.000 dn S'lSO per mo Low wn and no qua 1 neg Principals onh fying Won't la~t GET READY John 646 76611 AJ:l. HAllOR RIDGE OWNER DESPERAn: FOi SUMMH Ht..'NTINGT01' BCll Dramallc home lcic JU•d I s Bdrm bearh GIANT in Step; to bearh. pool. ten I All 2 Br JO yrs old ' Roy Mc Cordle, RJtr. 541.7729 m this very pnvatt• and t'Xe<'Utive ne1ghb<1rhood ms, and rarqut-thall $458,000 AsJouma hie t>xdus1ve communll} 4 I LARGE LOT Priced $60,000 belov. courts J Br 2 ba l.1do loan Bkr 536 0123 bedroom Lautremont J Rd l 'i Ka 1·orner mlct O~ner must lot'll Sands \·ar<ml $192.UOO plan ~·1th spectat•ul.ir lot·dllon $17 ooo tlv. n 1mmtd1atl'I) Submit on 675•1771 McuwtR::~· DH~rt. 2 400 \1ev. Pn\latt' courl\ard $1 022 pa~~ iii I No pnct>andtcrml> I '""""'"' w 1 t h f 1 s h po n d balloons Only $!17 ,t"IO •••••••••••••••••• ••••• A °'' '""n of lliirbur lnv~tmenl to Professionally dl•corat JoH e Walt1t' Hl MANAGER 'S CHOICE PA.LMDESERT i.tJ•/llJlfl+ ed and landsl·aped Onl) 631'1.266 Best bu} in II 8 Super ~le sty end unit in Som· ~ S729.!i00 s harp 3 Bdrm J ust rn!r.lel. l!!t' 2 br. 2 ba. SU9.900 Low down. nu huge II\' din rm area. IF YOU I ---qualifying and take ovt>r kit v. eating area. lndQ have a ser\11re fo offer or 1.ookinl( for a homt> of pa)'ments. Won ·1 last nn. 2 rar enrl i:ar 1,., p ~to sell. pl are an Jcl ~our ov.n"' Yoo ·11 find Allstate graded fantastir \ tev. 10 the Dady P1lolj l'l\1n} home~ adH•rttl>ed I H FORECLOSURE Nr pool & tennis court Class1f1ed Set'l1on I for sole in Cl;i~.\lfiedr---------S5,900Toto1Down &ecutiYt omtl Nr Hwys 74 & 111 As e:biMI~!i!i7S 1 ~·~ry dlll'..,_ 1 I Modtt Clos .. Out 148-~709 Oreanrrnnt duplex sum.' loan&. selll•r v.111 ,, .. ,,,,,..,, ... ,, ,,,,,,.., UH• hi• Lttety "'· '-c• u.111,000 lew ht. T111h estate $2,I00,000 ... lllhf •14&• ...... 12,200,000 ... Is. lratMI C111I Ctl4es SI, 100,oot .... ,. 111 .... C41 .. • 1 ,JI0,000 u.41 1111 layfrtlt+4"• S1,Hl,MO hnr Slllern larft'Ht, ._.. $1,IOl,111 , .. larfrt, .. , + .... $1,110,000 MUlflllT Trt,111 ++ $1,IH,000 WATERFRONT HOMES, INC REAL lST A TE s.w,. RH11.i, Pwcwt1,. MMW9""""' lllUIYll Presenting The least Expensive Home In Newport Beach 's Prestigious Big Canyon. Shows Like A Model -Typi- cally Pride Of Ownership. Huge Masler Suite Plus Separate Guest Quarters. Owner/Agent Will Finance. Priced Un- der Market Value At $425,000. John Merrill's Listing. G:r ·--.. ........ . 759-9100 # 2 CCMpOt• Pine ...,.,..c ...... '=~=' ~\l~tA-~t.!fs· .... .... Wl1o4 lty QAY I. IQ&NI ----- • t_..,. "'"9n ol lht '-...,......, -o. .... ............ '-...... -• ,, ,~ i N t I E I I I SCINO Ii' . I I I r . t I A R T T I I ! Alt• llOflth19 l0t ~ two ~I I I r ; =':~=.:: H A G C U T I ~~ ol WMft they llul1td tht -r ...... 1 .......... 1 ..... r---1-• ~ :-... ~-= -------"" ..... ,,.. -Nt f ..... • :nt.rw;\•"ln r r r r r r I' 1 I ~=(· tUftU fO I I I I I I I I ICl'MA.ITS .......... C' • •• ~.If • .. . Cole d Brand nev. elegant 2 HR $450 oou v. ith .:ood carry 2nd Sl22.!IUO Of Newport, ~ 2': ba. fri>k , 2 l'ar .:ar lrriM I 044 term~ 998-924S 675·5511 ""'-l>wtcs w \au e <" K~ aya .. RNlton. ~ Uoth B<trm5 JlrtcdmaNlter1······················· Pl RE r1mrSMr-.ihdtrYOI ~--bellt>r call FAST Total 673· l GOO OwMnh P 2450 p)mls Slli4 mo Call, Woodbrida.S.autv • J ••••••••••••••••••••••• W o o d b r i d CJ e 12 5 631 3405. e, e ~I 3 Br+den tielufi(ul c<fn Executive rondo. ore an & Timt Shore Co1tdo DomlouH 7SI 3297 do across from lake b a Y \ 1 e w F PI l' · Pala Mesa 2 week& any 2 Ir loct.cJo "'°*1• I FORECLOSURE ;o~f..~~t eb>~n1~/~~~ ~~~ed~%~Wo ~1~11~:i ~~~g~0~1de:~c~an9~~ hl9'fy llpCJl'oded, tilt Colltl(e Park I carry paper Ai.sume ex mont•) O~ ~ S58 9035 fmant"tnl! t11try & lftirror•d J JBR 2ba Lender will I 1slml( loao Dnve b> Jt e\'S673 "899 551 2340 ... ~obe1. Good OI· SELL HELO WI Laku1de t hen call ~C--tv 111lft0blt I st TD & MARKF.'I'' h731517 0wn Bkr MEWPORT CREST _...~ .. , 2500 owe 0 2nd. V~ry P'loyo Real btott nus beaut1ru1 rnndo IS ••••••••••••••••••••••• imtiYated. S 149 ,000 j 67l·1900 deroratcd m the finest of * * * SPACIOUS taslt' F\Jrn1sh1ngs ran COl.Eot:NEWPOAT 13%RHAHCIMG 1s the only wa) tol ~r~[h~s~t~sbdG';'e;t ~~1~/i~fn REALTORS This big 2 ~tory home , clescnbe this lo\•ely 4 term.~ Huntington Beal·h 2su 1. c .... 1 Mww. I bdrm. 21, ba. home t You are the wmnc1 or Co,.".~~1 ...... JU.~l ma de for the arl1vc no-· ed th th f I 'our' l rk ls 1$16 001 -rarruly who nt>cds lot-. or ~1gn w1 e am1 ' ree i e 615·5511 room 5 blR bdrmll. 3 ly 111 mmd Fam rm \aluetothe lcAoa lslaftd I 006 mi: room with mass1\'C level Master sulle Ol' ANAJll:IM baths and l.'normous 11~ I and 3 bdrms. on o11el ~"'loot Show ••••••••••••••••••••••• used brick rirepluce cupies the entire 2nd CONVENTION h le\el Good location A CE.'liTER Apnl 17 ZS ping. city park and ten must set' at S219,900 To claim llrkets. 1·all Walk to srhools s op I 6\Mih-2Loh k 1 642·51ii8. e xt 27 2 Cafe. ofrlce. apts rus As mg SIS8.000 Ca 1 '/ IROA.DMOOR Tickets must be rla1mt>cl Ownerfinance -(.C"~ iiEAVIEW hyApnl23 1982 111 ~~~. .... 1 llH&Vll 11(~l;:r ~:.:. ·x~~ 1~~::r%:."·~ °"' .. s.:.: • eon.a~Mor 10221 -v 833·8600 I rro;;::·~EALTY ••~•~•••••••~~~.~ • •••••••••••••••••••••• o\Allo.I~ AHXl~USl!I 67r "311 BLAC"K SANDS LOT "" ,,_ • • ..-4 Island of llawa11 . must House on Bqon1a SIOK ow mr l. this tt513CAMPU5Da·flMNE I sell $6000 6.115647 S23.5.000. lot value, pnn. shari> 4 br. 2 ba. fam _ __ _ -~_\213 1438·5823-'-rm. SJla home CAN BE 1 __ A RE.AL IUY Red &tat. YOURS' Come take a --r-.. oclt I 0411 Beautiliifly cfecorated &chalMJt 2800 look & we"ll figure out ••••••••••••••••••••••• ocean. bay & htes '11. nu ••••••••••••••••••••••• •CHIMA COVE* · how. 1!~000 979·1138 A Lot pool. spa + much more Pnval.l> Party v.1sht>~ to 3 bdrn;i. 2 ba, ocean & For A Littt. Assume lov. 1nlt>resl exchan11e luxury San ~ay view Buy before ........ 1 acrt + tildg site. gent-rate Great terms Only Dle~o Condo & cash Cor hsted with R.E. com· lrool•lew ly sloping parcel short $376.500 Best area surularhomeorcondom pany-pn re to increase Tht> attractive decor dist.ance from tennis & value. Call Patrick or Newpo rt Rea('h area when listed w/brkr. sets off this 2 story. 3 beach. Ownr has 1n FredTtnore.631 1266or nt41._27s-6446or6423944 Prin. only S389K . bedroom condo, well eluded plans Cor custom '180-8702 RV PARK rl 642·Wl8 located 1n Brook view villa $125,000. Spec· on ver near 21, bat.bs. dining room. tarular views! oce.an. Oregon. S37SK CHAIMIMG ~PLX. BiautifUI street in CdM. 2 Br Owner's unit w/beam tellings and fireplace Also Lge l Bdrm apt with fireplace + a bachelor. Good in· come.Patio around pool. Assu mab le loan $315.lm ma ster su1le; the 3rd MISSION REALTY ~!.Y. s.36·0321 bedroom ran double as a '94·0731 OCEANFRONT Laguna den' For relaxing, use . Bch. 4 units. S400.000 the community sp15 and FA.MTASTIC HOME HEWPOOwn llT HEIGh H1TS eqw.1ty. great tax wnte pools! $138.000. For de-~~~e"anoJe:~st"ol!~s 111ti:~n=b:~se.c2eirn ofi_~-0321 lalls.call9'19·2390 Gourmet kitchen . I Ba. ~117 lot Large ..... masaive living rm. detached garage ••••••••••••••••••••••• formal dining, coiy $179,000. S48·5041 eves & Ho.es,..,..lhd OW M Ea M E ED S nreplares. pool. spa. Lg wknda, 631·3S20 wkdl'.!:__ ...................... . CASH rfeatea.$.W.000. S.a.-• 1076 .... I.a.ct 3106 2 Br. 1 Ba + I Br I Ba t..,... V1ll9f LI ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• 72 x 1115 R2 lot. Do not 4!7-17 U 000 llLOW APPi 3 br, 2 ba. wtgar. Mo. to disturb tenants 15281 _________ 1 Luxury-Jllr. 2,-z l:h . :a_Y~l~~ec. Avail ATTN · BUILDERS ! Orange $129,000 1o~r; flnandn o, orn ~-7 ---Level R2 lot, so of hwy 548--SOU evts & wknds. ltM'.ALD IAY " ,......._ for duplex or sln&le 631·3520wkdys. AViAllb'Wi~NER v\tw,$1)4~. --w... 3124 ~ family. call for lnCo. re· --------Ocean· views. 3 bdrm, 4 TERRi.LL RLTY ••••••u••••••••••••••• garding fin an. $230.000 ~ tH A I 00 bl, kit. w/convenlence~. ___ 498>t653 -New 3 Br 3 Ba Condo ,4 .. 71 l I 3Br. 281. A·l rond on ram. rm, l1e Jardin. $1500/mo furn11htd .... larp R.a lot. Park like petio, formal dln rm. Ollerlttl llt.h Stem unfum. Mo. lo Mo :· yard. E11t1ide · By lit Uv:cm. Quiet cul·dt ...... ••••••••••••••••• rentll. l at. " lut. • owner ,l311,000. 6'Ml2S A(. "12J.!!O.~ur. ......_.._1 &iperb locaUoo. next to • orto 41aR$:30PM 11,...n ,_.S. 1 IOO ~ng Ir theaters. ....................... ---, ________ ,Newjlort Beach Ot Anu Ml:aartlltda 116' bayrront Park Mint ••••••••••••••••••••••• rond. ·n dbl wide. Oreanfronl z br. l ba. fi~lact\ brirk eatlo, &trait No pet.a Avail 11\.M. A ao 2 br., 2 ba , now lo June 20lh. l$$O double wldf, comer lot U J~~'*-.:..::::11~­ Ut.OOO. 8111 Orund1 1 IR, condo, ttol. ~n.u...----1 JIM:li, um. -..ma,., If~ loollm1 for a bit· ..... ltlr *'· OarM :.. WOll'l == ~ , .... , .. : ' I I I I ~ .. Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Thurlday, April 15, 1N2 THIE t \ MILl' ClaCl'fl -.-111!!!!!!!!!!!!111-_ by Bil Keane 11Where do mistakes go when you rub them out?" by Brad Anderson - "Marmaduke's ready for his grapefruit." PO VOU KNOW WMAT I LIKE. Aeour WOMEN? BIG GEORGIE by Virgil Partch (VIP) i .l ~ "Mommle, Is that a troll?" Hank Ketchum ' ...... 1 WELL, HOW WOULD 'rt>U UKf IT IF I LISTENED TO YOU 6UYS TELLIN' &Jo All 7HE TH1t'f5S 'IOU'Rf ~ FOR ? by Harold Le Doux YOU DON'T LOOK IN VERY OClOO &HAPE. &AM I WHAT KIND oi: EXERC15E 00 YOU 001 MAYef 'rOU 5HC>Ul.D &TAAl' ..J0661NU r---- WITM ME IN l'HE MORN I NO I E~~· WHAT S~ of WANT Do You THINK MooN Ml<iJtr MOVE OUT BE'C,AUSE WE RAISED IAii ~15 RENT? ACROSS 1 In favOf of 4 Warm 9Name 12 Tune penod ' 13 JOln 14 Lana ol llMI tree abbr 15 ExtSled 16 Stubborn annnal : 17 Soulh Alncan Dutchman 18 Tull of leather 20 26th Pres • 2 I Liquid meas 23 Beverage 24 Evening perty 28 Mut4cian's .... , 30 Secs of three dfMIN 32 Wordof l()frOW 3" Hlgtl C*d 35 CIMllfy 3e Able 3t S1111rntt1 40Gutftint• 41 Otltel'\IC1 44 Scafe note 45 Repulse 47 Farm bvttd- tng so Renl 51 Poem 54 Bein oet>t 55 Downy duclt 56 Uncooked 5 7 In mutlc. high 58 Ogles 59 Change the cow of DOWN I Nol many 2Moneyof yofll 3Grale 4 VIOient outburst 5Counl 6He1p 7 F olloWef ol S...f 8ChMlel- G8Ulle 9Pllt 10 EmpkfV 11 Profllbll 17 Ship'• ,.~ 20.Aaeo ADS ,ARE" Yo<.J 1.oot<1NG .AT ? PEANt:T8 MHOE GORDO YES--- HY DAO SET UP A TRUST FUND FOR ME t'l'l\k \" "INKt:RBEi\~ 5EE ~ ON THAI Lli1l£ ~EEN iHER£ I 400 CAN ACTUAL.l(,I ~E ('(V.) HEART BEATIN& ! I ~EME~ lWE lASl TIME I PLAYED AGAINST MIM ... i I Qf •·'"''' l!>E1TER ::;r t..1!7'1 iOUR --J • HERE ---TAKE THIS PENNY FROM Me' IOIE:/VTIF/- (_A Tlcv..J5, BA8'1f "THAT WAS-A ooe-MCED e<.JTTEJeFL Y, THE CAL I F,:J,ti?NIA STATE IN5ECTf ~W c.oME NOTHING'~ HAPPENING~ by Charles M. Schulz AS SOOH A5 l OPENED TME CAN CS 8Au.S, HE CALLEO THE~ "OUT"! by Tom K Ryan by Jeff MacNelly by Ernie Bushm1ller NOW I CAN SAY I MADE. YOU A MILLIONAIRE by Gus Arriola l NOMINATE aETE NOIRE A? OUR .ST.ATE IAJ.SEL.T/ by Kevin Fagan LE.1 ME. l(NOu) ~f.N '(()\) 'fll)() AREf1N1~tO ~eon.er-­.... 11Tr~~----~~--------..... --------....... _. ... _. ... _. ...... ._._...,..,....,...., ... _.......,....,. ...... -. ......... ....; .... ....,. __ ...., .......... ._ __________ ~- ' .. -. Orange Cooat DAILY PILOT/Thursdey, Aprll 15. 1982 oa aTA,._N'T OI Wl'TICHIAWAl ""* '""' ....... °"llATIMQ UHOCll ricTmoua llU .... HllAMI rne ·~ peooon .... -'l!l;ltewn .. • ~n.-al parfMr lrom lht p111,,..en1p oe>ef'•tlf\\I "ndM tne fte;UU0\11 b"••n••• -ol fH[ srOCICllOOM •I l07l lfvlne A,.. , Coote ~. CA t2921 Tiie lietltlOl.la bl.o .. ntn 1ume •1•1-11 '°'the PMl--'llO .... n1ec1 on AprU • lNO in the Coullly o1 0r""Oe "ll NO fl3Mt1 FUii Name Ind Adelfnt Of 1119 p .. -Wllhd1aw1no P11111" King 19,$ 1 l dO•· -llile, Huntington llMCll CA 926-18 PtlyltAe KinO M=~·~:.-:~T'l.• t ~.0~~2°"1:!:01.':; PUIUC NOT1Cl 'ICTITtoua •U•IHEH NAME I TATtMEHT !...., lottow1l\{I peir.on •• dCM<>Q .... ..,.... 'icrmoua auaM11 NAMI aTAnfllllNl rt•• touo-me P.••O.'• .,. u0toQ bu•· ....... Ill SUMMA l EASING INC 1DI 8UMMA C0MM£RCt"l I E.ASING o Cal lf0t111a CO•PIH•lton 22201 S1.,.,1gnt C• ... rt l0<u. CA 02630 CARl li[HRY AMENOA Jt 1120, S.,.,llQ/tt c;,_ El fO<O CA snt30 MAX MAGEE 1803t Oo1Mel 111•.o SMll Ana CA 92680 Thie lhJ...,,... It Ci0'~\;Cted Uy • htnOtld Wt~tNp C0tt H ""*"I• 'IGTITIOUI 9UMtlH N4MI aUTIMllfT 11><1 IQl!OWW19 !M'tO<lt tie OOil'Q CWtl• -·· AVANT OAAOIHI tMt ha ttn Aff nut Coe" -.. .... CA t2U7 AVAHI 0All!OfN8 I """.0• lll"•ltlcl 0111~.,•'ltP $000 t. th-•ton t1ou1e ·-l..U \/--lldo ff 101 ti.. -• cONNc;too or• wn1tao Pel''*""'" Jen .. • n llofel Thi• e111emeni •et Iliad '""" th• County CMrt~ ol O.llof\09 c-ty on ,...,.,, • tff7 ,, ... 1' ... :.~~l~•&h·~ ... ~·~"ge,~u~:~r11:,i;~1-~·1 '9CTITIOUI aUllHIU HAM~ U AflMINt ftt.-tftfh ..,..,.,..., 'llf lf I·• '"VI ' l•t 'II "ilH ft t '•t AVll f.,, ltl~U I 1Hl1ll "'"'•~t Nv •• t .. trth11 Un.111111 tflf11nu•• H1•l1t•tl WiAl ~,, tl1..1ttt 11:•0 rwc htJ 111•111 Nu \I h •'·h h111u• r •l•lulfhM ~ ..... u '""I Ii l l•fO) It< IJl!lllll h•1J IJ'f HI !II ""'"''j ti I ft\ \l•f ... lti•I t _._,_ f .... J 'tllll·lh ll•tt t u+lv l ._ ,~ ul o •• ,.., •. t."'-im.,. fttl AL.11il u '"a ... ~ ... ,.,, t•~,1111,,, ... 1 th.111u•' 1 ""' ,,,., ... ti.1u1 .\~I b l"t }.' tl ttl(t, IMI\ 81' Thtl 1l a•emen1 ••• fHe\) with th• PUBLIC MOTi:[ ~~~;lttk of 0<10\je Cov•1ty ..,., M••~" ------------- flM30'7 A;~~''f9,i ~~··~v,:1co ... 0011r.:~~t1 PUlllC NOTICE ftCflTtOUI au~HESS NAM( STATE •l':l•t 1 t •II 1<# l•l\I 6 t•f ,.,u, dlt• •It I If' ,,,, llMMIM1, "qtllMOflVI MtJ •Ol I Ml' HANtt Nt • OHi o<ll:• • ''tit' .. -------------I t '·•Mt • \A 1,f .'I •'·HI Hl\M * ,,_o,,-1Nc.·. ,.., ... ,,.. r PAUi t ASSOCIATES tOH2 ~;7'o~M llfv• COutt. f0un10111 Val"-Y. CA F1ance1 G Peull IO•S? 1,uck•• A•-c.,.,,, Fountot<> v ..... , CA 91706 ftCTtTtOUI aultHllS HAM[ 5 f A Tl Ml HT lf1u 111i111w111~ ;~''''>"• .,, <hm1y 11ua ,,, ~,, ,. •ft,..•11111•,1mC11 i.''to4 '11)'10 I f..,,Allt.;I t IUUO W,•\11 n Vd.t , ... ,~ t•r .n~;t I A fi/f·•·~ 11. r ,,.,,.. ' c1,r11ho1o •111 l.lv 11.-,. .. ••ifl AP Wlrepholo a..:.:::.but•l\CI .. 10 conducted by an 1n UltN(lU l ONfh•h 1•0 l 1thl~l1AN \, ttANNI If 0 JUUi I f 'INh • 111/ V1•h• Hvllh l;1tl!lo1n1.1 ~I· 14 1•-'''""·'''' N•th1m• t ummmQ'\ I h•, t.th•n11•ut ~n-. fll••1) wttl• ttu f .oumy \ 11•1!1. 11 tlf,1h111• C 1uut" "'' At;11• 11 IA,,/ GRANDMOTHER LIFTS CAR -Angela Cavallo, le ft, lifted a full-size Thi• ,r1·::~.-.~. ~";'~ 111,0 "'"" ,,,, sedan four inc h es o ff th e gro und whe n h e r son Ton y . right, was p in ned county c ... -o1 o.~eoun1r on M•ll" · El d J c--t I ted 30 1902 ,,..,19 '>P•'llo.,I Ovl't\11nf\ ~OtV•\.•' lfilntu 1 t1111, JI t rn1J'Jtot100 .1 ( 4l fuo11 I 1.\.lfl~llJ ,,,,., 'ct./ "'1•1°" ,,._,,,,., ~ •hfotn•• 'JI t-4 , ... ,12 t'11l•li"tt• .. 1t f h .,ti JI C\Jllf I Ua•f, Polut Ap•.t ti • I •q I'•"· ' ·l·' ts. 11 •• , tiu >t•••"' ' "10.x.tt'<I h' .. lOfl,.;J afte r a bumper ,ack fell. even -year-ol o hnny CA.I w a rds, center. a e r .. uo11•n•d 0•1110• coatt o'''Y P1101 n eigh bors. w h o r e placed the jac k and pulled t h e J.m conscious T o n y o ut. A"'~, '· '5• 22 11182 ,«8•82 rullJC NOOCE Mrs. Cav allo c redited prayer w ith giving h er the s tre n gth to lift th e auto. POOLIC NOTICE )Vlf11UJU \l'f't'l"tttUI\ .... ,\II~ t1 lh1~1'1t01(,.,,., ( "'',.,. 1l111f1 °'"•A juo-... "'"''•'.,. nc rmous aus1HtsS NAME •U T[M[HT 'Boitleinouth' danger Falling as leep while nursing toot h ha:ard PHIL A D E L PHIA (AP) -Babies w h o f a ll asleep while nurs ing o r d r inki n g Crom b o ttle s p rovid e a "perfect b reedin g gro und" for bac te- ria that can eat a w ay a t the ir teeth a n d threate n p e rman e n t d amag e . a d e ntistry professor w arns. "B ottle mout h syn d ro m e" occurs because babies do n ot fully s w allow Liquids le f t in t h e ir m o uths as the y fall asleep, according to D r . Linda N e lson . ac tin g d irecto r of d e ntistry a t Chil- said . "Unless you h ave a ve ry astuw pa- ren t o r a ver y astute ped1atr1c1an, ~o o n e e ver p icks u p on it because the y never can see it," s h e said. The decay will make the bac ks look ye llow and mush y . m uch lik e ch edd ar cheese. M s. N elson said. ••·•• •t•lttment 1i11.o lil.-f1 ..,,.,,th~ t'11mt~ NS-9%550 L"''~ 111t11,1nq.•t111111t'f .,,. ••'"' f, l'-tli ... 1 NOTICE OF DEATH OF """1 ••••. 1 ''"'"u• " ,., .... :'.,'~~:,' H AROLD AR T H U R CON·"'" ~ 1 n ··• ''"' I 1Ji" NER AND OF PETIT I ON --------- TO ADMINISTER ESTATE NO A-1 1299~. PUBLIC NOT¥:£ T~ all heirs, be.n £'fa·1a n es, "~J;:';'TS. ~~:~::• t·red1tors and contingen l Cft.'· tn. to1tow11•0 pettont a•e doong Du" hi .. u t f Al1t1t. A' Al •'• ._ .f Mt1• fu•<f,I .. '41, lllol 1h'1 ·~,fl (.,1hft)ffl .1 ••'hi*. • r1,..1f, I fiot..h HO'\C.111 '.4.W M.11 JVf Ith t Ill •• , •• •Jt•I M II c 1ht11(Hl<J .• ,(.'' H•ou 1• I' W101o1n1 "'"' -..,, 1• ;.·nft• C ••i.!' I dt•I M ,, ( 1Mvf ·• 'flt ,, \ tol"t•!ll'' 1 h,)H1 I fl l•'f .1 fHl•r-.,•I 1~m·1-h11 f 11 II I ,~If I\ ti fJ Ill fr,, I tlM~·r"l!I ..-, I 11" W 01 If•• Ul.11•11 I •• I ••HI JI I ll' h hU ,Aj I 't"l di lo r s o f HA ROLD AR nes"r~E ElEC1RON1C CO II AGE >•20 THU R CONNER a nd p e r · ,,..,..,ow!llOOO..Cu•t•Mew GAt7626 1,.1,,,,,,,,..11.,,, sons who may be olhcrw1~ COMPUTER ASS1STEO OIV[RSIFIEO A1 " I .. 1·111. inten•sted in the will and/or ~~;,~;·j~~~f~~~!~ e~~:"i~;:~;: Jt- 1 'u ,11., •••• ,, If IJ I~. estate Mna c~ 91676 A pe tauo n has bcl'n flil'd ,.,1.:: t••ll•'1MS .. con<lo~t"" "'. <OoW by L IN DA S. CONN ER in tom""'"'"'"•"'° "'•~·"••u "~!~~o~:A~~~~!~s the Su p e ri or Court of ~~EE•~•~u~•"9> •• 1 1 ..... ,.. ,,,, ,1 . ., .. ,. O RANGE County requesting B•uc• R we°"' I 11 •11 .1" ", •" JI ,, ,, that LINDA S CONNER be Tht1 :.~~1~":';~1 wKt llltuJ with lh• I '' nnM ' MAt~t.t Ml N1 '•'Mt appointed as personal reprl·· (;()Of'lly cw" o• Uf'Mn.Qf: Lountv on FtttJ ~:.A:·.. .:.:.,, ' ';I ••• l """""' 111 PUBLIC NOOCE M UC MOTtl POOUC NOTICC NOTICE M NON·llHPONllelLIT'Y NOllCll 19 l'leteby 01~•n thal In• u1111M•1rgnd will not be r1a1><111•1b.. PVllJC NOTICE 101 •ny debt• or 11ao11111ea cuntrnc· 1------------- tttd by 1111yon11 otht11 111011 "'YMlf on or afler 11111 date Oa1oa 1htl lat <llly OI "'P"' 1987 D•t111f1 c $tll.-1 4 l!> R1v"r~ldt! N1<Wl)Ort Belich CA 8 92663 PubhSht!<l Ort1nge C<>Ht Oa1ty P1101 April l4 I~ 2 t 1982 189• ·82 PUIUC NOTlCE NOTICE OF TRU8TH'S I ALE T.8. No. l37U NOTIC( IS HEREBV GIVEN ll'lal on Wed11e~day May 5 1982 a1 9 00 o Clock .i m of sau.I day Ill tne rOOnt &1!1 aside 101 conducting T1uStt1t:1 • S.ites w11hin 1l'le oll1c.e' of REAL ES TA TE SECURIT tES SERVI<.[ lo- cated dl 2020 Nor in Broadway Sulle 206, 111 the City ul San1a Ana Coumy 01 0 1en9e. Stele 01 Callfor· n1il CALIFORNIA LANO TIHE COMPANY a Cahlorme c;oqiora· hon "dUly appointed Tru~lee un· do• and pursuanl to lh" pow11r 01 aati: conforrl!d 1n 111a1 cerium Oeed Of l ruSl l!AeCu1e<l by JAMES F CLARK ll single man and HUGH A MAT HESON, a smgle man as 101n1 tenants recorded Sep1en1ber 30 1981 m Sook 14239 Of 0 11tCt81 Re- c0<ds of 531d Coutt1y al page 648 RecotdM s Instrument No 39553. by reason of a breuctt or c.1etou11 m poymenl or performance of tl'le obhga11ons se<;ured tllereby 1nclu ding tnal bre<1ch 01 detaull No11ce 01 which w"~ 1eco1ded Janudry 8. 1982, as Recorder ~ lnst1umen1 No 82-008930 WILL SFU AT PUBLIC AUCTION 10 THE HIGHEST BtD- DER FOR c ... s~· 18WIUI money ot 1t1e United States or a ca&hter s Gheclo. d•awn Qll .i St.itr or na11onal bdnk .. >l<Me or leoeral "red1t u111on or a slate or fedl'ral sa•111gs and loan assoG1a1ion dorn1c1led •n ltllS s1a1e all p11yob1., al the tune of sale all ngl'lt ttllt! and 1nteres1 httld riv 1t .ss TruSlee 1n tha1 real pro pe1 ly s11ua1ed 1n said Cou1tly a11d !.>late. desc11bed as rollow!. A LEASEHOLD fSTATE IN ANO 10 Lot 12 Block 11 4 ot lract No n 4 as sl'lown on a Mop rEK.otdelJ m Bouk 13 pages 3& ~nd 37 of Mis cetlaneou!> Maps 1n the oltice of the Coun1y Reco,der of Sil•d Count 1 NOTICE Of' TllUtTH 'I •ALe T.a. NO. ))209 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN tl'l•t on WednHd•y Aprtf 21. 1982, Al 9 00 Q'clOCk am of a11td day. In Iha •oom 1111 1111.le for conducllng rru1IM 1 Sates w1tn1n the otticn of REAL ESl A TE SECURITIES SER· VICE locuted 111 2020 Noflh Broadway Svne 206. 1ri Iha City ol Santa Ana County ot O<enge. Slt111 01 Cel1torma REAl ESlATE SECU fllTIES SERVICE. a Calllo1n1a cor vora11on. as duly appointed rrullee under and pVtsuant 10 me power of sele conteo od '" mll certain D84Ml of T1us1 e.ecuted by MARY JO l;lAAET ICH 'l"Otd8d Jonuary 29, 198 t In Boot< 13930 ot Offietal R+- cords 01 said Counly et page I 185 Recorder s instrument No J3863 by reuon ol a Dreach 01 <lef11ull 1n payment or perrorm"nce of tile obllQ8llOtlt secured lhe<eby inctuamg that breac.l'I or default No11ce of wn1ch wn recorded NO· v11"1b41r 13, 198, In Book 14290 OI Olhc1a1 Records ol said Co..n1y et :i•oe t• 13 Recorder a Instrument ~~o 159 II WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUC TtON T 0 THE HIGHEST BID- DER FOR CASH lawrul money ol lhe Umt~d S1a1es o• a cashier's c;heel. arawn on a stale or natoonlll blink a s1.i1e or ledetal c111dll ur11011. 01 a 51810 or fedetal 5av1ngs .i11ll loan asaoc1allon dom1clled in 1111s Slate all payable at tne hme 01 Sail! illt ngnl 1tlle and tnlt!feSt helO lly 11 ds Trusiee, "' lhal reel P•O· Pl!rly s11ua1e 1n said Counly ano Stel& descr1t>eQ as toflows Lot 2 1n Bloct. 6 Of Tr&e1 No 772 in lhe City of Newpon Beach Counly of Orange S1a1e of Cahlor nli1 as !>hOWn on a Map recorded tn DOOk 23 pages 5 and 6 M1scella· neous Maps records ot OrN'ge Cuunty. Caltforn1a fXCEPTING THEREFROM lhal '''I p0•tl0'1 more par1icula1ty descr1oeo as folto .. s -dttn'~ Hospital m-Phtlad~tphla and a d e n tistry p r ofessor at the U niversity o f P e nnsylvania "Decay J oes n 't go away," s h e ad- ded. "If t h e y m iss it. 1t is some thin g the c hild is gom g to Jive w ith for th e r est of th e ir lives. "Whe n you have a toot h th at d ec a ys. it ver y o f te n be· com es infa ·ted and the ch ild can g e t v e r y. ver y sic k ." s h e said . T h e you ngs ter can get feve rs or teeth so weak e ned t h ey chip. and if the c hild has oth e r u nre la ted m edica l pro blems. "you ca n re ally accele r ate t h em ." sentattve to adaurus terJ h &.' 16 1987 '1e.tQZ2 ....... i.i l , .... ~ .. ""'• •...... w estate of HAROLD ARTH Pub111f\ecJ o,anoe C.oast O•ilr Poot ''' .~!.:,.: 1 1," .:~ t~,' ~j1,':11t:1;~.11,:~! 1 l 411 m UR CONNER. C osta Mesa , ,....,," 2~ ""''1' ~ •5 i96? t397·82 ""''""11 CA (under the Independent th4\ ''j~~~~,t •. /~ !~~:n •. rn uw t1tNlltr AAcdtm) 1Tnh1setr~t11ou.nono~sEses\alfeosr PUlllC NOTtl • ,.., •. • r"•''<l' c .,. ... , .,. 111 •• 1 ·,.~;s Ille s11eel adorei!. ur olhe• 1.om mon des1gnut1on 01 the •eal µro· 1ier1r as t1ere1nabove desc11bed 1s purJl()r1e<I to be 204 and 20•· 1Stn Sheet New11ort Beacn Cali lorn1a Beg1nn111g al fhe Southeaste1ly cornt>r 01 sO•d Lot 2. lhence Nortl'I !.!> degrees 39 25· WesT atono me <;oulhweslerly line of said Loi e '11Slance of 6 00 leet 10 the 1>eg1n "'"9 ol a 1engent curve, concave Nor11'1wes1erly hav1n11 a radius of b 00 feet ll~nce Soull•eastetly and Fas1er1y atong sa•d curve lflrOugl'I an angte of 8'1 degrees 58' 38 a d•sl811ce of 9 42 feel 10 a tine ion ge•H said fine tang11n1 be1n9 the Soulheasterly line ot said lot 2 thence South 34 degrees 2 I !> 7 west along sa•C SoulhltaSlerly fine & d1s1anc11 ot 6 00 feel to the po1nl ol 1>egmn1ng , T h e bacteria feed o n the s u gars in b reast m ilk, formu la a n d o t her li - q u id s , s he said. About 100 of the 5,000 young d ental patie n ts seen a t the h ospital he r e e ach y ear s uffer from the syndro m e , s h e said . It strikes youngsters who have a gene tic predisposition to d ental d ecay, but the re is no w ay of detecting tha t propensity in babies. she said. r -• IJI '*'11••11 "' lO(Jt' ~.#'11fl\f u.,+11 ..... I hearing in Dept No 3 a t 700 F~:~~T'...~~H:rn •1 • " 1 ., 1•;A, 1 .. 111 b. Civ1t· Center Drive Wes t. TM 1G11ow1119 .,.,, • .,.. • ..,. oomo IJ<J•• "Rig ht a t the root or th e bab y tooth , th e perma n e nt tooth is forming w tuch LS ve ry sensitive to any changes in its e n v ironme nt," s h e said . "The n it's not 'Just a baby tooth' anymore." S an t a A na, C A 927 0 I o n """•• PUil.iC NOTlC( M ay 12. 1911i a t 9:30 a m. .., ••• ~fg!1:E::!Lh~~~2~0·1><>< Bou flCTTTIOVa au•IHH• IF YOU O BJECT to t h e JOHN' LEw•S ENTEAPA1SES •NC granung of lhc pettlton, you ~.;,:i:,:,n1c.;.~~P~~0~/9°~~~;<•rbo• '"" ,oi::.:: r!J!,.n~;:_~ t>v.,,_, ~hould eith~r ~prar at t~c r.,;~ o..M""" "condu<:•ed o. • <o•PG-: if!~i.~N~;:.~,"~~~~!~!Nr~~-~~~~ e aring an s a e your o • Joi><• 1 •-••En• 11.. BHcn CA 97663 B ecau se t h e d ecay begin s o n th e backs o f the infants' tin y teeth a nd because parents are "so brainwashed tha t m ilk gives y o u s tro ng teeth ," the d ecay is o fte n n ot n o ticed until at r e ach es c rit ic a l s tages, M s . Ne lso n T o pre vent bot tlemouth syndr o me. ''we reco mme n d n o thing s t ronge r tha n w a t e r m the b o ttle whe n the bab y slee ps." M s. Ne lson said. "W e d on 't w a n t t.o interfere with t h e n a - tur a l d e s ire t o s uc kle . It's n o t the bottle but wha t's m it ." JCC l1o ns or file writte n ob ~...:...~-.. DIJl\N( ANH•(),NY W[,.,GHER 281 JeCltOn S Wtlh the CO Urt be Th•• llotom•M wU tilod "'"" lh• H..-0-0.1-e. C<>tll Mesa CA 91626 h f rut t>u•1net~ •• conaucl•d by en '" ~:a~ !;!~~~n ~~:~; ~~~~~;~• ot O••·~ Coo11ly :·,::; O••;:~ .~:;~,:.,;::"r.,ted ••In in.. b y your attorney Pul>i•tn•~ O••nqo Co•$I O•••y Pilot (..nunty C*~ o1 0.""IJ" County flfl M•«fl IF Y OU AR E A C REDI-"'"'en 75 A"""' ti 15 196' •3s9 82 n 1982 TOR or a conungenl c.:red1tor · o f the d eceased , you m u s t PUIUC MOTlCE f tle your claim with tht>l----------ruauc NOnc£ Planetarium sets PHUC llTICE flCTITIOUI 8U91Hlll NAME ITATI:•NT court o r presenl 11 to lhl' F::~,'...~i:::r personal r e presentau ve ap Tr-e •-no_..,.,. ere 011>"9 °"" pointed by lhe courl wath an nessl-:. COMBE s HAIR OlS•GNS FOR four months from the date of MEN ANO wOMEN 796• HM1>0< Bouie IVP£lllOA COUlll OF CALll'OllNIA COUNT'# Of OflANOE 100 CMc C..,,., lk W"t Poet OlflC<I lloa IJa I AfllO ANI, C• tl102 space' 'journey • ID "T o W o rlds Unk no w n ," a progra m w h ich takes t h e au d ience on an imaginary JOurney to the plan ets a nd moons o f th e sola r system . wall close o ut the Oran g e Coast C o lle g e Plan N M 1um S e ries fClr lh e spring with 10 s h o wings. • P e rfo rmances a.re scheduled fiv e co n secutive F riday s -April 16. 23 a nd 30 a nd M a y 7 and 14 a t 7 an d 8:30 pm. Tic kets are $L50 for ad 1,1lts a nd $1 for children under 12. T h e y will be sold at t h e door. a nd seating IS limited. Fo r inlormat.Jon. pho ne 556-5880. • Weight sem1nar set P svchoto i;Ost Bob be L . a nd the San Dieg o Free- way. the IOllOwong peison I~ dOlng t>uMne .. -XCAllBER REAl ry AND INVEST MENfS 2865 [ Coaal High••) Sulle 30• {'.orona def ,..., Coltto«,.. 92625 l 1twrence J V1en1 1300 Pat~ Ht•· potl No 312 Nt'wt)Of1 S..Cn C•IH0<nl• 92660 f '"' Ovtin•1t •• conoucltd 1>., an 1n d4- .. awreocA J v1an1 In•• ttlt•m•nl ~•• f1lell w1lh the County Clet~ ot O•onge C0un1y on M.,Ctl "O 1087 ,,_ Publltf\fUJ Or•iige Coaal Oa111 P11ot Apt t 8 t5, 71, 1981 ""·12 "1cmKX1a SUllN!H HA• ITAT£MENT The 1-ong P9<sc>n IS dOlf\O bl.I,_ H PRINT Pll\CEMENT. 015 Well 911· bo<I Boulevard Suit• 8, N.,.PO<t Buch Cl\ 97661 GREGORY J llfrlE • 12 Evening Ster l-"'-l>O'l 86ecl>. CA O?e60 HHS bu1inn 1 1• conducted by 1n •n d'v1d uat OttQO<Y J llltle t nit tta\ement was tH•O w••h '"• Coullly CleA of Ounge COUnty on M•Ch 23 1982 fllsn7 M:~~i~·;·:~r:"g• ,~0~;~10111r;i;:1~t2 (erst issuance o f le tte rs as '"'0 -.."oc0:.';l~~ Cc;Me::2~n3 ""°"""'' provided in Secu bn 700 of °''~ Sa<~• Ana CA 97700 the Probate Code of Califor-0.••=~8~~ E,..n~1~CAH:~~o.'m MOf1bw~ n 1 a The ti m e f or f 1l 1 ng TN• but1ness iscOl'ducte<i ov •II"""'"' claims w ill not expire prior 1P••t-th.::'oe-l • l ""'"" l.O four monlhs from the dal(' Tn .. lt•t~mt'nl WU 11100 WJlh lne of the hearing noticed above Covn1y c1or~ o• Onnve Coun11 on M•rtn Y O U MAY EXAMINE12 1982 n a.m the file ke pt by the court If Put>t·•nPd O•an1~ C.no• O•·lv P11ot · ed h Marth 1~ APf•I t 0 " tY87 t•OO 8' you are interest m t e es- tate, you may file a request'------------ PUlltc NOT1Cl w i th the court to receive special no uce of the mve n · t0ry of estate assets a n d of the petition s, accounts and reports desl'nbed in Section 1200.5 of the Califom1a Pro- bate Code. LINDA S. CONNER. Attorney at Law 396·U E. Usl St reet Costa Mesa, CA 9%627 (71 4) 558-3001 Publis hed Oran g e Coast Daily Pilot , April 15, 16, 22. 1!182 flCTrTIOUI aUBtHU I HANE ITATUIENT The rotlmi.lr.Q Q4tflKJ"\ "'" f10tnq buSI -·· OA !CINE C:OC~ 11\ll l OUNGf 290 I Har t>Ot BOvlt'YDfd Cotltt M~s" CA 9:1626 CL ARENCE P HflENIHI I t610 Poppy Avenu4! fountain v111ev CA 92708 AUDREY R Ht:l(NIHI 11616 Poppy Avenue Fountain VAiley CA 91708 Tf'\1s tu.111ne1s '' conducted by an m d•".OU .. Ct.renoe t:ll ~n1 Y hll ttetemf!nt was fitlf!O wit h UH! County Cl<!r~ ot °'""~ C0unty Of\ Morch 23 19U flMltl Matt'' uf the Adopuon Pe11t1cn ot M•· Cl-tAEl JOHN SfHANI Acloptlng p., .... CITATIOH f PllOUTEI CASf NO AD-25111 I Hf P£0PLE Or fn( STAI£ or C At lrORNIA '"JERRY OH RYAN You 1tt'4 l1fllr•t>y t.ll~d 1na 1fuJu1fell to 'll~~' el fl nearn1'Q 111 '"'' '°"''' on Jvne l") 198) '' 9 45 a"' 1n Oeoillttm~nt '+ toc.ateG •• 100 C•w Cer1lf'f ()u.,,.. Neit ·~•nu~ •n• <.;""'°''"A 92102 ~ to O•Wl! •ny 1eg•t 'f'lton why ac.cord1110 lo '"., v\\'1hed Pttlll•Ofl h'ed w•ttt thft. t.<XHt Dated Mo•<'• 1• t982 Arthu< E 11,_.a-1r f1ubltthed Orano~ f.•H•tt D••ly P1101 Ma1ch 2~ Apiw I A tS •982 ••03·82 PUBLIC NOT1Cl ftCTtTIOVI aUSIHEH HAME ITATEMEHT Hip foli0¥1f•nv Of'•torHi •re do.no nu\I '~'"' PAC.1r1c AtRCRAf T DE T All t9300 1he JON1tt ~oen SRn11 """ t.nt1forn1" 91707 Jeltl&y Ro-t CIA•• 25365 Gem1no £1 Toto C4'hl0<n ... .,630 lnomos E"9'!"'• Dewald 1901 P•r• '\llrMI ''"'"" C1llforn1a Th•t butin.est It condoctttO Uy" 0"""'•' P~'"'~"""'P )fllfl c,., .. Som mer w i ll co n duc t a w ei ght -co ntro l w o rkshop o n A p r il 24 f rom 9 a .m . to 4 p.m. at the Missio n V iejo H oli- d a y Inn. L a P az R oad T h e work s h op as sponsored by Saddleback College . PUtuc MOncE __________ 1_1_1 _1-_s_2 ... :,~~1i~"·~o"'~':"ge 1~0~~,0•11r.~;1i~ th•" atatttmftnl •• , l11•d .,...~th lh~ (..uunly C.""• ol O...-oe C0un1y on MAI<" ~ 1982 McCQaMIQ MOlTU.dllS Laguna Beach 494·94 15 Laguna Hiii'> 768·0933 San J.1an Cap1s1rano 495· 177b HA•let1 LAW,._MT. OLIVE Mon uary • Ceme1e1y Crematory t625 Gisler Ave Costa Mesa 540·55511 rtUCI .. OTHIU IB.L llOADW A Y MOl'TUAIY 11 0 Bro adway Costa Mesa 642·91 50 hLT11HGll0'4 SMl'TH & TUTHILL WHTCUH CHArtL 427 E 17th S I Costa Mesa 646-937' .... Cl .. OTHHS 5MITHI' MOITVAIT 621 Mt•n St ~nlmgton O.ach 536-6539 PACl'M: YllW ....OIJ.UPAJI• c:.n.t-'Y MortUl 'V Ctlapel-Ore matory 3&00 PllCthc Vie'# Ortve Newpon Beectt ... i100 • T h e cost is $20 for t h e public a n d $25 for nurses w h o w is h to earn CE c redit. F o r in formatio n . ca ll 831-4646 DEATH NOTICES POOLIC NOTICE ric:Tnl<Xla llU .... 11 NOTICE OF NAME aTAn:llKNT INTENTION TO Tne tollOwlnlJ e>erton' ere Oot"ll butt TRANSFER ALCOHOLIC ""°F9JTURES UNltMITEO OISfRtBU BF.VERAGE LICENSE T tNG 2933 Jacorand• Avenue Coe11 The rOllOwlng defin1t1ons end de- Mna, CefttofN• 92626 t>gnetions sl'lall apply 1n lhoa Nollce Jamu H Scott, ?033 Jeco11no1 wll l'toul regerd To number or gen· Av.,,.,.. Cost1 Me.a. CaUIO<nio 9?076 def Ann E Stoll. 1933 J•urando A•• TRANSFEROR H J REST AU· -C:O.Ca M ... Caltl0<Na 9192t RANTS. INC .• Celll0<nla COfPOI'•· • ,:.,'".!tr:-* 19 condueted ..., huab...O Uon. 4498 llncotn Avenue, CyP<ess. J.,.... H Scott C11llf0<nla 90630 !hit atot•ment ., .. tlleo .,11n lhe TRANSFEREE LeFERME. INC . a H OLLY i:",'~;""1' ot 0.61'99 County on M•Ctl Celll0tnle CO<l>O'&llon. 2e.s 1 Mar· M A RY F. H OLLY , rest-,,_ ~~~:c::~1::;:;2•y. Min ion vie1o dent of the area for 25 years. A;u~11:"~. ~2~~2:2 con t 0""f4~~~t2 ABC LICENSE. On Sele Ge. ... a1 Passed a way o n Apr I I 5, No. 47-81"32. 284SI MARGUERITE 98 -.,. PARKWAY I 2. She was ver y active r ..... llT1CE ESCRO HOLDER THE YOUNG with the Disabled American ASSOCIATES. INC .. 3700 ~port Veterans O r gan ization o f l'tCTITIOUl llUaMH Blvd . Sulle 205. Newpor1 Beach. Or ""-··-S he ked NAiii aTAnMIHf Celll0<nia 92663. ange ......... ty wor Tht foMowlng c-eon .. clOlnQ -DATE OF CONSUMMATION It with th ~ e ducation ally •• fHE SHINtN0 . 775 w Htn StrM•. ha• bH n agreed be1wMn aald u. h and icapped c hildren e n d Cot••.....,.. CA 921121 cen ... end lt1ttoded tr11111le<M es w as a teach er in Orange CM•loontr Rem Anoe<eon. t522"' required by Sec . 24074 ol tl'le w Ocu n Front, Newpotl eucfl, CA Bualneu and Proleu lona Cod• Coun ty .for several yeara. t 2M3 tl'let 111a con1lde 1at1o n tor the S he ls au rvived b y he r chll-'"'• 1>11t1-1• conduct.a by an tn· 1ran1lar of u ld t>uatnen and dre n Rutle Mazzei. Chucky dMdWI ()w1etop11er R ...,....,,. 11_.., al Mid lletnM le to be paid Argo, Jr. and Nancy Argo all Tlllt u11ement ... lllt d wllfl Tiit onl)' alter aald tranaler l'IH ba.n or New York . Andrew Mag· ~~?"of~ c-.., Oft Mardi :=:' ~= g:l~~,m·111 ol g lolo o f Fontan a . C a .. and ,,_,, lhe amount ollha putClt\aM prtge Ann M aaalola of San Juan ~~"eh•,~ ~~·~~CoHt o.ur Piiot. tor u ld 1ra n1ter ts the a um of Caplltrano , Ca .. brothen 1u 1-e2 110,000 00 peyeble u follow'I. '5.000.00 -Cuti Robert T owles of San J oee, s&.000.00 -Not• (redeemable c. and Fred T owles o( Tu-Piil.iC ll11C( lor CH l'I •• conlt•CI CION ) LAST CllOn, Arizona, ablo 1urvivied DAY TO FILE CLAIMS N>IM H ll'I, by 4 granchlldren. Services ~=t• 1~~tlct la l'laraby given tl'ltt will bt' held on S•t urday, Tiie •04iowlne --tt llolllo ~ Tre 11aleror Intend• lo moa a April 17, 1982 at l:OOPM at • lfMlf9f or tt1e 8bo'>'8 dtiaerlbed Li. th u ._ ......... _, _ M 1 MTEASU>AC". • C-.... ~ .. cenH 10 Tra11•farff. 10 be con• e ~ ..... wn emoria uon 1111 C•fll•t A•..,11•, hit• aoo. summa1ad et 1,,_ olflce 01 Eioro· C h •pel w ith Rev. A aron """';ot:':Tv'~=~ ,..,.. Ottw, wflolder at ttle time ot con•ul!lma-Jluhltt, Harbor Trinity Bep-Hliill#IO'Oft ~ CA tH48 tton Of 1hat•fler Of«lltett Of the tilt C h urch o f Cott.a Meaa T111e ......,._, 1, MMue1.cs by "" "'" Traneter0< ~ flit Clelmt with tile f, d e _ _.,. EeciowtlOIOer on Of t>etora the ta1 o I atlna. gcfVlcet und e r J111rt1 e. ~ d, to f1la c1111m1 1tated aboW. t he d lrecUo n o f B a t iz '111••1•1•"'•n1 •"111•d •11~•11• r.,,...OflltllllMdthe~ S.r1eron-8mltb &r T u thill ~can °' 0r-. ~on ~• other buttneaa N"'9' 1114 tdd,_ w .. tcllff Cha pel M ortuary ,_ .. wtltlfWI Ille Itel ttt. ~ IO,., ._o_t_c_o_•_t_•_M_•_•_•_· _e_•_e_-_e_s_1_1_. LMMll-ll'V_"'_~_._....,._0_r_:.n_r_. 1_f._·~_:._1,_o._"T:_aa_p,_1~~ ~;.: ~·~ ::;e 642·5678 ftliOllllled Or•n1• CoH t Dally Pvt a ffl'W war-di to work for you ,..,., .._. 1 '" 1112.u • PUIUC NOTlCC 8-1111 NOTICE TO CREDITOflS Of BULK TJIAHSFER (hn. 1101 .. 107 U.C.C.) Notice 11 hereby given 10 credt· tors o f lhe wflh ~n named translflfO<(a) 11'111 • t>ulk transfer ts 9l:>Ouf to be made on pet1onal pro- perly here<nalte< described Tl'le name(s) and business ad dress ol 11w1 Intended lransleror(s) 111e Bobbie Morgen Lene. 152S Mesa Verde East No ?13, Co1111 Mesa CA 92828 The n1me(11 and business ad-dress of tl'le lnleoded trsnsferee(s) f ll452' Pubt1Sh~O Or•ngfl Lo•sl Ot1ly P110• Ap. t 8 t~ '2 1982 U 95·82 ru1uc NOncE SUPERIOll COURT OF CAllFOR NIA COUNTY OF ORANGE CENTRAL JUDICIAL DISTillCT 100 CIYlc Center tk. W"t Santa Ana, Ca. l2llO PLAINTIFF: PHILIP KLIHt<EllT. o ErENOANT: R09ERT COL T'ER SUMMONS UHLAWFUl. DETAINER t TATE HOUllNG LAW S day Affponee Tlma c-Nllftlber 14-71-15 NOTIClf You hue ..... t ued. fllt cevrl ,,.., deckh .. 1t11101 rou wllllout llfe rour being ll•e•d lolfllMt fOll reopond Marina Heallh Services , Inc . w1111111 "'• doya. 11-tlle 1n1., ... otlon 1S910 Van1ur11 Sta 1611 Encino, ......,, CA g T436 fl )'Oil Wilh to ~ lhe edvtee of Tl'lal lhe properly pertinent h•· en attorney In Tl'lla m11te1 . you relo 11 dHCrlbod in gcnetll as· sl'lovld do so promptly so that y01Jr Furniture, flxl ur•s. aQulpmenf. wrlllen response. II any. may be 11- malerl•ls, elc and la located at led on time 152S Men Verd• EHi No 2 f3. AYllOI v.tM ....... ........,,._ II Costa M-CA lrf...,..•I puee. ... ldlr co11tr• Ud. af11 The t>ualneH name uHd by th .~ .. • -4 ... IHI.~· Aid tr-teror(I) at aald locatlOn II =.I .... We le.,_ I - Morgan NuraH Reglttry •" SI Ulled d-aolleltar et con· Morgen Eme>loyn*lt AoencY Ml<> de un at>ogedo en H I• a1unto Tl'lll H id butll lranaler It lnlan dabarla hacerto 1mmedla1emen1a: ded to be contummeted al tl\e ol· de u ta manera au rupuesll flea of GRAMERC Y ESCRO II " I. d r CORPORA TIO"' 3407 WHI Sl~I H Cr '·II a'I' a guna, pue e la ,., reglttrllda a lienU>O Street, Sulle 711, Loa Angel81, l. TOT .. Dltl'INDA#Ti A olvll C•NfOfftl• 90020 on Of •lltr May 3 comp1e1111 "" t>M n llled by tl'le 1982 p1.in11" eo••t you " )'Olj w\11\ 10 Tiie nern• and edd•H• wl'lar ci.l«ld ll'lls ,.~1• 'l'OU m.;11, ,...lflln clalm1 may ba llled 11 Oramarc 6 days alter lhls tummont It Nf\oed EtCiTOW Corporation, 3407 WHI on you Ille wllh t~ ~ 8 wrltW!n 81Jclh SltHI, 81111• 7 11, LOI An ,~ .. 10 I~ coml)letnl UnlMI ~':~°'cs::>~ Clalm• you do t o your defa ult wlll be •.. ltlO entered on llPC>llCietlOn of Iha p4aln· 11141 111<rrow 11 ""'41 30. l982 wtllc 1111. and 11111 cOVf'I INY entet • lild· II ttMI bUllr14lll day befOte ll'le c ge menl eg11ne1 you tor lht C::: tumftlltlOn N ie IP«lf*I ebO,,. oecnllftdtd In Iha COfl'IOCailll. SO fer .. 18 ltf\OWn to Mid tnlen coulO ru ult In garnlallm•"' ol did Tran1lerH(I) H id lnlended waoaa tilling of morwtV Of Pfopert)' Tranafwot(•l uMd tM f~ ed· or otliar rertet rtQUHl8d If\ Iha dlllonal bualne" 111ltfttl 111 •d· ~"1 Cit ....... lllln Iha llW .. yetr't Int Dal.cl °"'*"'* 2• tNO peao!.t:':P,. I. 1"2 Lee A. er~ Marina HMlll'I t arvlCt l ...., Ol•:-~011 Inc .,. VlftOanl 0 ·~·Jr ...c -::::. c.w ...:- lnlendect Tr_,_ p7 OranoftoH I Oall't rublttllaO OranQe 0.HI Diii~ f1111ot II I I ti n 1M2 Pllot. Aptll 11.., ttl1'" .._ tlOT U ' ' ' ' ' ,,., 12 Tne unde1s1gnf'll 1teri>ny <l•S· claims all 1tab11t1v lt•r dny mcorrPCI npss 1n ~1d Sheet 111Ja1ess or nthef tommon aes1g11a11on Sa1cl salP will bt' mdc.IP w1111ou1 warranty t1aprPU or 1mpl1eo re qaramg 1111e pc>uess1on or "n cumbranr.es to sat•sfy tne principal L>alance of lhe NOie n1 othAr obt• ga1,011 sPc1.11ed by said Deed 01 frusl w•1h interest .ind other <Jums 1s prov1<Jea me1em plus advances. ,, any, under the terms theteof and mteresl 011 such advances and plus l&ftS chargf."J and expenses ol the r rustee l!nd ot tile uusts crea1e<1 by •aid Deea ol Tru~t The 101a1 11moun1 of so1d obllgaunn. 1ncludmg 111asonat>ty eS11matf'CI fees charges and eapenses ol lht' l 1us1ee al the l<me 01 1n111el puoll~allon 01 lh1s Notice. 1s S 107 339 60 Dated Apr11 9 1982 CAllfORNIA LANO TITLE COMPANY a C3hfornta co•porahon as Trustee. By REALESrATE SECURIT IFS SERVICE .i Cahforma corporahon II~ Agenl By ISEAl ) 0 J Morgo1 tts P•es1dpn1 ?020 North B1oac1 .. av Su11e :?06. Sama Ann CA \1~706 T<>lephone 11 141953 6810 Put>hst•ed Ordngt' Coast Daily Pilot Apr11 15. 22 arid 29 1982 1669 82 PUBLIC NOOCE lite strl!t'I .. aares~ 01 0111er com· mon des1gnotion ol the real µro- µeny as nrre1nabove described 1s pu1"onell to be '215 Lugon1a Street Newporl Bea(;h Cafll0<n1a lne undersigned 11ere11y dis claims all 11a1>1111y 10, any 1ncorrecl· ll+'Ss '" said s1ree1 address or Olher common des1gnaT1on Said sail' will oe made w1thou1 warranty e•P•ess or 1mphed re g.11arng t111e. posbess•on 01 en cumbrances to sausty 1he pnnc1pa1 balance 01 tile Note or 01ner obit gal•on secured oy U•d Deed of TruSI. w1111 interest and other sums a~ prO••ded 111ere1n. plus advances 11 anv under Ille 1erm5 lhereol and 1111eres1 on such advances end plus tees charges and e~penses or t11t' Trustee and of tnll lrusls crea· te<l by said Deed 01 Trust Tl'le 101al lmoun1 of said obkgat•on •nclu<11ng •e11sonably estimated tees. charo~ dnd eapensm ol lhe Trus1ee al lhe time of tnll•BI pUbflCBllOn of lh•S Nohce •s S99 640 37 Dated Marcl'I 26 198:1 REAL ESTATE SECURITIES SERVICE a Calff0<nla CO<POfl llon, el Tn11IM By: DJ. M0<ger, Ila PrHl<Mnl 2020 N. Broedw•y No. 209. Sent• Ana, Ca, t270CI (71 4)9S3.U10 Publlsneci O•at1qe Coast Daily P1IOI Ap11I I 8 l!> T982 T473·82 "'IUC MOTlCC B -8961 SYNOP S IS OF THE ANNUAL S TATEMENT OF Centennlal Ins urance Compa ny. Atlanllc Bulldlng, 45 Wall S tre et, New York , N.Y. 10005 Year Ended Decembe r 31, 1981 Total a d mitted assets ·$143.141 857 Total ltab11tt1es 106 363.654 Special surplus funds -O- Cap11a1 pa1d -up/Guar anty Capital/Statutory Deposit 3,000 000 Gross p a•d-in a no contributed surplus 8,526 874 Unassigned lund s (surp lus) 25.251.329 S urplus as regards po licyholders 36. 778.203 Incom e to r the year 7 1.692.858 Disbursem ents to r lhe year 60.357.548 We h ereby cert ify tha t the a bov e item s are 1n a ccordance with the Annual S tatement tor the year ende d December JI. 1981. m ade to the Ins urance Comm1ss 1one< o t the S tate of C alttornia, purs uant to la w . Isl J o hn J Mac kwoskl, President l s/J oseph P Decamlnada. Secretary Published Orange C oast Daily Piiot. April 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 1982 1663-82 PVIUC NOTICE -l NIUC •nee 8 -8"0 S YNOPSlS OF THE ANNUAL STATEMENT OF Atl•ntlc Mutu•I lnauranc• Company Atl•nllc BuUdlng, 45 Well Strfft, New Yorit, N.V. 10005 y.., Ended 0.C.mbet S1, 1911 Total edm ltted aaaeta $431.358.497 Total llab llltles 318,906,099 Special surplus funds 102.452.398 Capital pald-\fp/Guaranty Cap ltal/S tatutorv Depa~lt 3,000.000 Gross paid-In and contributed surplus -0- u nasSlgned f\Jnd s (surplus) 7,000.000 S urp lus a s regards pollcyofders 112,452.398 Income lor the year 214,044.<MO Disbursements for the year 180, 112.620 We hereby certify thet the above Items are In s ccorc11nce with tht Annuel St•tement fo r the year ended December 31. 1981. m1de to tl'le lns ur1nce Commlasto ner of the State o f Cellfornla . pursuant to l•w It /John J . Macttowat<I. Pre9Jdent lt lJOMPh P. O.C.mlnlda seorttaN Publl"*' Orange Coeat Dally Pilot, Aprll 13, 14, 1&, 16. 17. 1982 J.' " 1eu.a ••• Otlngt Cout DAILY PILOT 1Thurld1y, April 15, 1982 DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS Sell your no-longer-needed Items for cash. If It doesn't eell, we'll run It another 3 OLLARS INES daya FREE. One Item per ad, must be priced. Sorry, no real estate or commerclal ads. CaJI today for full d1taJl1. ( ............. dMiebtn .... tUO> 3 3DAY8 CLA881FIED8642•5678 .._..,..llttd ~ '*"""ta..d .,.._ ... ,.,...iltff ••••u..w.. IAf*•=•tsu..w.. 4f ,.,....u.fww.. ._..1osa.. ooo Ofik.a..ta1 uoo ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••r• .. ••••••••••1••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~.?.~~.~ ... !!~~ ...... ~ ........ ?~.z.~ ~~~~~ ... ?!.~~ ~~ ..... !~~~ c .......... w... 3124 .,_,.. HU •••• ~~ ••••• ?~?.~ B&,!~ht.1~u11ntN~~wfro~·~J I ~~u~~. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• M Fk R S3 .. ......., "" Executive Big Canyon 3 bf, fam rm. din rm. 2 5 Bd Country r harmer. BAY va:w furnished z \3br SC Pl SA 2Br. 2\'aBa, frpk. encl Ilia~ 2Br. l lAIBlt Dplx, I II pnv e SO COSTA MESA condo. former mdl. 2 Br ba, new paint /drps. Npt H&ta. 3000+ IQ fl BR. l Ba w/1hower, no G • llr 1 an.5750 praae ()('ft view. ~ ffl>I~ view SS75 mo ~~ Jtmta from $220 mo I. 2 full&oll coursevu spot frplr , 2 ca r RU RVact'els.Newlypalnt· pet/I '60Qmo.yrly .223 •r· poo . spa. mo Avail May 1 &»!!9,83Q.f@ Ci &3roomorrich leas lhruout. Av11\ 811. Gardener Avail S785. ed ram rm, den. vacant E Bay front L It ll e £htld ok 752 5822 .or 1~~1<» aft 3PM ~°I ... ' "3 SO fle11lonom1ci. 67S 6700 1500/lle. &44·7424 Bkr ~ Walk t.o schoola S1'50 Balboa Ialand 673-4326 .,.1 1460 _ __ ---.ts ,.,...IMd ...-.. ---Diana a 6311266 · Room 3 B T h ...... _ .. ltect. 3140 oru.fwwl•d 3t00 ........ , .............. Approx 4SO sq ft Zoned W ........ ter l I ti Family Home Colle~e COlhl M.ao 1724 apt J: qw!t .~~I~ ::~e ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• l60 single gar, safe & C 2. $170 mo 130 f: 17th ....................... ~~ },~:~:. Bl~u~1r<'y ....................... plex. NewJ..y decorated: wtffletrM ADh SEAWlllo..ID ~ure. 731 W 18th SL . !it· Su1~e 0, C M Kt>y ut * * * hook"· ups". water & IAYFIO~ CASA Df ORO firephtce enclsd patio & Un!um. ilid:m ~pf. All f"'lll C.M.,__673-7JfL_ &lilt-"·'-~2-~ M.l.MtllCHI ga.rdener S7SO /mo t:m', 'r trebp~~~·ed2 All-Utrtlt'IESPAID I garage. SOrry. no pets. util pd. All amenities. VILLAGE l'IO. sgl garuf.:e_. :safr ,& 1 MO.NEE 218Dlllan Pl. 6'4-9079. goriieous view. Pier an SS7S Mo 645 33111 or ~9. New l&2 bdrm luxury secure. nr t.11 ta11t•111 M. rt C.itt Costa Mesa l""'DEGVIEWCONDO a~· .S3000""'rmo.Avail Compare beCore you 1 8'7§:~ Deluxe poolside xlra aptsi.nl4plans I Bdrm !!1·s ... ~~.Costa MeKu Fu"Str'l'J: (i.ill se•A kc You att the wlnAer or ""' ,... rent Custom desi~n flREPLACE p t I 2b 2 b bl r ec s 2 bd r "" """" four frtt tickets <Sl6 001 2 BR, 2\Atbll, micro, gar F . 1. features. Pool. BB . . oo pvt arge r. a. tna. rum ..,1 . rm rom ---EXEC oHices. include~ Value lo the p .m.4.300_,_6JS.1781 patto&dishwasher dswhr. 1"'1 miles beuch. $570, Townhouse from Storage 1earuge, Npl Urh. all amen1t1es from cov'rd garage, sur XLG2Br aar"-napls Adults no""t.s •<N>mo ~'"0 + rvv.ls t4 s serure. pvt d rive ~ 6447189 ,..,.._·caJbr,Jba,pool rounded with plush " .,,.. · ~ ~ ~ """ ' .. nni • .,._. rro ••i..toatSlaow vuu•"' " o n Easts1de S560 s.36-8362 waterfalls. ponds ' Gas f7S1rro.64611511 -ANAHEIM home. gar, patio S5SO landscaputg. No pets ~7 2841 -for t'OOk1ng & heat mg COST A. MESA CONVENTION OC-RENIA_LS 75i)·3314 lBrfum fromS490 T1~1:..i.HIF~LtETCEE paid From San Diego SSO Eli>y ar<'e!>) 1ril'al Superbl7lhSt -lorallon CENTER Apnl 17 25 oc RENTALS ~f!r.Jumw·•·--from S580 WD~~~idevt2 P~~o. 1a~:.i ~ Sa rm poop 15 te ~~· Frwy drive North on ~~riit~,(; ~t;,!sl' 951!43 I room. 400 sq rt S360 To claim tickets. call l·Sbr'sS200toS2000 _.-. ___ ,_,,.._, .. • 642·l971 de· una. · n · Beach LO McFadden --mo 968 9477 Da l'\ 642·S678 , ext 272 750-3314 ~n7-dan BLUFFS 3 BR 2...., ba. Nice i Br: dplx Qwel. ..!low mJL640·0W7 _846-06J!. then West on MrFadden wknd Tickets must be claimed fplc upgraded patio Sep. by gar. 1 emplyd STUNNING large I Br ARLINGTON APTS lo Sea wind V11la1Ce R ... al 4400 by Apnl 23, 1982 MOVE IM TORAY I S87S mo or lse opl · adult over 35, No pets. garden 11fst. pool & rer ~t'~, :S?Ulttw~h~~: _l714)89J.5198 1617 Westchtr, N H. Wanl ~ ~~~t~ro~: or • * ._ 1t.~~er:'~on~~ s~:.p~~\ 760-8384 67S-5930 ~· 54IH02l -r~a'st14 /mo . 710 w Adults only No pets Nr 4 000 hnanml lnsl 7000s r N8's roosl pre st ll(IOU!> HoMMt Unfwwiah.d gar. $790. 1-439.JMB BeautiCul 3 br, 3 ba home ....... CMI leoc9' 3740 , B -. -t_hebeach:..~..:....11656, _ •••••••••••••••••••••• l~t fl~r _Ag_en! 541 5032 blt!gs Cjtll 833-0440 -overlooking lge Rreen· ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 r 1 2 ba townhouse m fum rm w/bllthroom M 2 orfll·es. 345', bath, ;;;.:;; .......... ii.oz Et~c•.br;:.st~'!'rho~~·s~ beltSlOOO/mo . H.J' FIHE$T ~~o&.~~rrl , oo J~~Db~t\~bftins. f~~· ;:er~sii~~1~1a~~i ~~~~~~~~:~:x, storage a1•a11. S2SO nw ••••••••••••••••••••••• rent. S975 805/654-0322, &44-6848 art. 4 ·30 m Sparusb \..:tale 1.1ving ! ~ - - -2 rar garage washer I 3PM sq rt From SI 16 a sq 548-334.S....!94 3803 Oranfe Hill 3Br. den, 714 997-8600 ask for Pat law~., Pool H"'. Beautiful park-like sur •2 Br 1 ba Mesa Verde dryer hOok up' $650 mo rt No lease required Mecled S..ite frm d r. spa. View orScot_! !ji!Br2ba +den Spa roundings Ter rared upper New decor No 8'2·2946. I Br SLSO f emale pre Ail.J A1r1>0rter Inn 2172 Catalina S2200 lse Bigenclosedyardnfht pool Sunken gas bbq. pe ts Gar SSOO mo --ferred Westside l'osta Dupont Call AM forlffH 3Br 28a Townhouse, k Ba C sparkling fountains 833_8974 __ 3bd.2ba1 da.bluns,enc Mesa,6465436 833-.,.,.,,, 1200sq -rt Avail Mai 6:11·244S pnvate spa, polio. 2 car on Bae Y oun ry s gar lnory rac1I S600 ~ I st Wes 1 r II H are a· N selling. SlOSO mo in Pac 1 o us rooms Lux condo, 2 mstr br's, 968-iO'll · S22S upstairs S2SO mastr lalloo P.-tulo 3207 f ~~ae~ e pos~ef 5~~~ eludes gardenmg & pool Separate dining area 1•, ba. 2 balconies, frplc, --bdrm prvt balh, SIOO BA YFRONT · tw6-8614orS48·2267 ••••••••••••••••••••••• $8Xll A t 646 4380 serv. 752·2197 W a I k I n r_ Io set s . rrurro. waler landsrape. "'ooclolke Aoh sec nr Beal'h & Adam~ Pnme off1cl! 673 t003 rdol 112 Bdr. l blk lo beaeh. mo . gen ..::. -homelike kitchen & 2 car gar w op~ner Spa~lous t and 2 bdrm Ji&\'._960-6030 --Rftltah 4475 early, nu crpt. no pets. 0.0 P-.+ 3226 Nwpt Bluffs. 3 br condo cabmets. Walk to Hunt 1 ~l,rro. 645-4045 among beau I a k e ;::, -C M " Costa Mesa, 250 . sq fl ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1S 675·2010 6·9PM on choice greenbelt togtonCenter • --1 p 1 d rum. room Ln "u1t>t I swte Sl751mo Lt1ls 111 · ~--••••••••••••••••••••••• Bngbl&sbarp No pets tB<lrm -Curn s:;os 1<JUlETADULTSoverJS, srea~ OONJac an room for working eld 779 W 19th St OFRCEORSHOP CoroM ct.I Mor 3222 DUPLEX EJtlra large JI Lease. Sll7S 644 -5319 2 Bdrm·unfurn from $565 unrurn 2 Br. upper. rer re a · 0 pets person Not under 32 8Sl·8928. 1n newer bfdg on Coast ••••••••••••••••••••••• Benns. 28x18 liv rm. 2 ~ -$395 Beaut landscap· ~I years 548·5804 : Hwy, South Laguna Ap Xlnl 2 br 2 ba S850 full ba. bltin kilch. plush Ne".\'l>Ort Crest 4Br 2~, ba, No Pets I utg No pets. LEEWARD 2 Br 2ba. upsta1ri. apt ----53! & 572 sq ft SI 00 per prox SOO sq fl. Ex 1213)450:1960 ~kdys cps1drps, some ocean q11et rourtyard, close to Utlhlles Frei!' APTS 2020 Fullerton Wt r Pd • n o Pe I ~. Hotek, Mohh 4100 sq rt . 397S Birch . N B ('t'llenl pnvate parking 1?U164Q-97S3e\'S/wknd View 495·1490 _ pool and tennis SIOSO 6.11 0097 baltony/sgl oar $S2S, ••••••••••••••••••••••• A&_enl54l·S032._ behind bid" S52S mo ~ ---1 rm.CaU67S-S7 I " " 2 br house. 1 ba. pittlo.•BToro 3232 1 b LAQUINTAHERMOSA 2bdrm 2ba townhouse. aJ!Wlofee54S2000 SUUIKMOTR TumerAsMx· 4941177 hi' 1dm combo S6SO ••••••••••••••••••••••• 3 br, 2 ~ a adult condo. 16211 Parkside Ln. 1 blk w rrpfc. WesLS1de. $49S 2 br. l ba. nr Beach &I WKiy renfals now a\'311 execuplan trialRttttol 4500 I 760-8379bet 12·5 · · 2BR, 2BA almost new $795. "'/PQOl. 1 ic Hoa!( W of Beach. 3 blks S or Call Debbie 540·0702. Slater encl gar No SI05 & up Color TV --~ -rondo m El Toro canyon Hospital. 642-6314 Edinger -pets 1495 641.9348 dys Phones in room ~274 •0·. ;;;·0;;r·;·s;ro·;~·· 2 br. frplc. dtn. rm, lge r Ammunity pool spa •. p r • .,.7 11: .... 1 SPAC 2 BR . OPEN ,,.,.1,,,,6 k d · Newport Biid CM ·~r: C kit 2 blks lo Big Corona ""' · w anoramir view o ~ "-'1.."1.1 BEAM rigs, bar. lots of ~ u!..£VS w n s 646-744.S w Oflceot" rt or lesi. ~11A tone. Bch 00 645 SMe t.enrus courts S650 mo ocean park 3br 2ba u... .. 37 9 wood. S42.5 No pets. 2256 ~~~'1 I I"' -serv1ce1rusfom per !. q ft Agent -· -,· 213-493-USl.J.!!859 1770 den. immac 2 frplcs: ,..wpott•oc" 6 M ..... le St 548 7356 or 1 ,.. 1 ~lhebeach Hotel rms omce&desk spare S415032 Cotta Meta 3 224 e I e <' gar Ask 1 n g ....................... m~ I nu ar <' • enr · kitchen & bath. $300 mo Nr. O.C Airport ... ••••••••••••••••••••t'~Valley 32H Sl750mo. twill oegot.) · · --gar.DW.bllms,smoke + PlOdepofnt 2306 W "Seet0Apprel·1ate1 " 4,029SqFt HORSE PROPERTY ••••••••••••••••••••••• Aruuous (2131 933.7271 3 bdrm, 2 ba, no 8ets. 1 alarm. balr, Water pd. Oceanfront. Newport 759.8978 ~ ~f\1 HOMES FOR RENT d . 21.3' 662 ""' h I d CC ~15 893-0465 h. " " Q 3 Bdr 2 Ba, located in 3 & 4 Bdrms S725·S7SO ys, \ ) ·4956eves ..... ar Sl' oo s an . = .:.. Beac 673-4154 v FD • SA SA Hgts 1800 sq rt Fen <' e d v 11 rd s & Beaut. 3 BR home at 1824 Good fret>way access. 2 Br 2 Ba laundry hook ----E? 716 ft orr1ces. 3 ba . home $775/ mo Ca 11 garages. K(ds & pets Port Barmout h. NB. i!95 +.<tell 540·2245 up. 11a1rage Must see' ~~e~~~ates KQU. CEHTER shower. wetbar 2700 sq Trad1t1onal Ril y welcome -s45 2000 ll50 rm. A.V Palmer. 2Br,S71W Joann.lslflr. 1 ~ Kitchenettes Phones NEWPORT ftfenced)ard.Formore f!?l·filO Ask for J.un__ Agent, no ree _ 213""36-7301 no pets $430 Sierra STUDIO APT "Z" ch.aMel Movies Elegant Exec suJles 1n utfo phone 557 1300 da Lg 'd M"ml 6411324 UTJLSFURN $32• Sand """'N prest101ou!> loc lnrl 7~10078e1 easts1 e 4rm, pet y.~ •-.. 32., 0 Harbor vu Jbr. many up· ~-· ., Jp1per. i,..,, ewport ., ~llo&ut1lpdS3SO ,,_.,..,.Oll-ocn .. d d 2Br t981MapleA1•e Isl 960-1239 BICosuaMeu64~9137 secretarial rerep ttnl Cl• fl~ off & oh OC E.NTALS 750-3314 ....................... gra es . gar ener . --LJorusl, telephone ans & -'-..:::'.lo1l~1 •·1Jas1n r~1 ----SBlk!U>ocean Elegant2 t!lOOirm 760-04SI nr. nor.,ts 2 persons. MAalHHSWAU Yacafioel..tofs 4250 more Ofcs from S436 ~i°:e"cM"'67562SI 2Br1•,Ba S525 Br Family Rm & Den Ja.moffBay 2bdrm Xlnt s4so ierra Mgml. Lrg 2 S"i 2•, Ba ••••••••••••••••••••••• mo On-rail ofrs Sl6S ' - 2 Br I Ba S500 S8SO Mo Plush crplS, 211 rond Rel S700 Speclcu Sludoos. one 64!.~ Townhouse Apartmt>nt OCEANF'RONT 2 & 4 Br mo THE HE AD lndusthal Bldg: sublet. Both units part or a Ba Cedar&glass.sun 6.11·5233 andtwobedroom81*'1· 2brwllhgarage.unrurn. Frplc. enclsd gar. AvaJl.now Weeklythru QUARTERS COM good safearea.H B 3450 tnplex Have garages & deck , db I c ar [>r 1 1.Cl5ta1rs S38S mo Refs patio/yard Nelir Hunt summer. 67_3·7_873 PANl ES. A profei.s1onul I i.q fl, 2 furn oHices paLJos Trad1t1onal Rlty garage, fully ma int Walk to bch Clean 3Br ments FURNISHED reqwred. 352 V1rtona Harbour Children OK. en l'I ron men l (7 14 1 Reas 841 2066 631·7370. Ask for Jim yard. No~ts. ln~uire at 2bJ. 2 car gar. f Ip, patio end UNFURNISHED. 64S-8J61 Simo. 340 qo7 Easter. Sum mer. reserve 8Sl-068I OC "'I.PORT 5271..... l 960 6 1 Bl01rm 96().1235 Com Oa"wOOd also otters -now! Weekly rental. I A " IEOHEOF oui. · · poo!,tennis " 2 BRl11 Ba,pat10.newly21udsok,$415.2 br.new Br.Apt.Slee1J6upto 4 Newport Beach near 3200sqfl.Sl,41Wpermn TM& LUCKY f~W Huge 4 Bdr 3 Ba, S1150. L 1 h •All Utllltlel Pltd det'Ol'aled. no pels. S480 rrpt, front un1l. avail Ba 1 boa pen 1 n s u I 8 Hoag Hosp. 1000 <.q rt . 966 0122 ·~·., Near b h M II uxury poo ome • "lrnmedl .. • I S48-4.506 now 8319303 67<iu73 ft6PM second floor offire~. om , Rent in Costa ~ esa's ear ' 8 oy marvelous Weslcl1H · -"'"'!!-_a pie parking well main 3,tnl sq rt warehsc fur NEWEST gated 20 Rllrs 960·4342 location 4 Bdr. m1rro. Occuc»ncy 2br, newly reder duplex .,.,._ 3144 Ocean front Newport tamed bldg ' Vu:ky da\s rent. all or part 30' per Townh10,me VILLAGE 3BR.28a.fplc.k1dsOK. many extras Year or 'SIMlllionin 1 1 w1s1ngle gar . large'••••••••••••••••••••••• Balboa Pentn wkly ren 714164§~ · sqrt 631·0fl71 COMM\JN ITY 2 & 3 Br. S62S rm Ask for l\etth, more lse S149S Call Recnltlon l_ard fSOO_mo_SS9·5001 jOrangetree lbdrm + lort. I tat startmg Apr t thru 2'1 Ba. 1600 1800sq fl or 962-4471 Lois, agt 63U266 Ano Mucl'I More• I Eastside 2 BR sm > ard I Lennis, pools , SS40 summer 2 & 3 Br IUSIHESS ADDRESS PRIME OFFICE • ~e luxury Garages, Near Slater & Spr· 4br 2ba. Nr bch, pool, Foiamonrn oraltle· • 1 aptional gar ' $495 mo 730 1250 . S42 7609 . 544-0614,8383232 Answering & mall Wareliouse spare "ith Suy1dt~Obu·tdu1bsn1n1~n rmoaosmlesr. mgdale, 2 story, 4 br. trus. S995 +sec !l/wprl ~me Modetsor-l,..~" 900sq n ~·411-4S ~~---Beautiful Palm Desert ser\'1ce .. ronferen r e I cbaarpte~. drps, & ~eft ~ 1 Le HW\I\ Sh I 962 227 No ,,..ts ---__._ l room AdJ 0C Airport r; 700 to 3200 sq t wood mutg ireplares. c ean ase NVV mo rs. Ava1 SI I . 9amto~ .r.-. 2Br w gar $420 Cpts,la.o,..•oc:• 3141 wuuu. 2 br. 2 ba. comp I $100 rm 714 851-1342 Mesa Industrial park micro.wave ovens. 840-l18S 963.aill2 I fnrd yrd, wtr pd. 2228 ••••••••••••••••••••••• rum Pool . spa, tennis 711 w 17th Sl Pl!r1 f1r pnvate patios & yards OC-RENTALS SPYGLASS eitecut1ve Oekwood "A" Ph1rent1a 636-4120 OCEANFRONT Apts. 2 Fri Sat-Sun SlSO Wkl> 4SO sq ft furn oHlre Blulf lndustnal Park Gardener provided I Sbr·~ S200 lo S2000 home. 4 Bdr, 2•, Ba, J I ~m _ Br .. Studio S4SO S825 ~Jl412647 mornings 1 space. S400 mo l835 Wh 1u 1 er A\ e Elegant hvmg onl~ 15 750-33!.i_ ~nLd.!YS car garage. 2 frplcs . Garden Apartments Spar 3 br. 212 ba twnhse Utilsincld SJ6.0J21 Relltah to Sh•• 4300 · -: ~J.:0763 642 4463&&42 7604 ~~~~:;,~~le;~~ Si.~~ VACA.l\/T, CLEAN JSR Popular Tradew1nd s Newpo'1 Beech/No. apt, din rm, patio. N OCEAN VIF.W I Br ron· •••••••••••••••••••••••!Design to swte exeC'ut1\e ~ 4550 Plata or 0 C A1rporl. (714)325·2624 Thu·Sat mdl. $1750/mo Mike 880 Irvine Costa Mesa. S600 mo do. Avail im~d. Walk olfi~ with set•retimal :::::?:••••••••••••••• Just east or New{>Ort (213T447·7680Sun-Wed Ctow agt.64S-3176 ra116rnl Wkd_naf1_~·7214. ~l~opp1ni: rnlr ROOMMATE :~•ci:i~!!ll~~·~~STORAG~: S PA CE . Blvd. & so or San Diego lrvint J244 .. ::t':,':. :1~~~taSGOO (7i.) 6'5-1104 4 8d Twn, dbl gar, va ---Cannery Village Broker Costa Mesa 24 X 13 Frwy Startmg at $900 a ....................... QC-RENTALS 750.3314 Newport Beach/So. cant Nu paint & crpts. Newport •oct. 3169 FINDERS 67S.4912 enclQ!ed Ele1-. hook -up , month 631 ·5439. 2473 Twnhorne. new 3 br, 3 ba. 1700 16th St no pets S7~ Call Diana. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Oldest & largest agency La N" I Be tr I 646 7660 Orange AH · Costa palio gar Park pool OC-RENTALS (Dove• at ~1") agt 631 ·1266 May go PAii NEWPORT AJI clients scrttned with iguna 'Rigue au 1 u Stora0e Rlrl0 20 x 40 Mesa · · · 1 Sb · S200t $2000 teasenn11on 0H1ces ecept1on1sl " .. · ------ac S/rm 833 9057 · rs o (714) 642·5113 -=--pbota; & references sec> . me s s e n g e r eas} strttl arcess Ed Separate house, easts1de Rancho San Joaqwn con· 750-l'H4 ~n 7 d&.J'S Ne'<l<er 2 br. 11, ba. gar . COUNTIY CLUI Credits· Cosmor,:hlan service La" & Tax mger St Santa l\na 2Br I Ba crpts, drps, do. ZBr 2 ba . den thwport Helglth rM.blt·ins.S47S 711W LIVING Good Mommg menra. Libary,'Xeroll.. phone 1!70973.J11~ stove. washer dryer hk-Simo. 645•7107 L.. 3776 :!Olh_~-4900 Bachelors. 1,2 bedroom The Tomorrow Show I a.Mwenng t"rom SJ.SO W.............. 4600 up. rncd ya rd. enclsd O. ... x . S.Cletltit..te *'" off • to all new Call83t 5333 ~ ga r No pets . no Greentree d eta r hed 2 Br 1 Sa~ New paint, ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 bdrM, I bG ~.ct apts&townhouses clients who need a place · __ .:. · ••••••••••••••••••••••• waterbeds SSOO/mo + hon-e. 2Br. frplr. coun· stove, waler paid 2 bdnn, 1''2 ba, blk to garage. new' amt and ~11000 644_J~O MEWPORT 641 lltt Prime OHi<'!! Spa<·e. DESPEl.ATE secur ity deposit try kitchen. covered Gardener No pels beach.$425 · l'8J1>el Near edco.$475 NO FEE! Apt. & Condo • Corona delMar 1070 >q Rent or 1ease year S48·5442or770·5629 patio.2cargarage,com· SSSO/m>. lsl last& SISO. _974.7225 _.eer!.!_IO~l_:tH30 _ rentals Villa Rentals. ft suite S850 mo round 2 bdrm unrurn ---munity pool & park. nr Sl 7'h Bolsa S48-504 I Lg 2Br Iba. cptidrps. __ 67Hl!._12 Broker _ Non·smkr. Jbr ~ondo. 6J~951~-apt house Beach Area •Jo~~/'We:-1~h~r~a ~~: schls1shopplng & tennis eves & wknds, 631·3520 A.P. lwllh refng, laundry, stove. LJDO VIEW $200/mo. + 'a ut1l SISO •CdM dlHwte. A C. am by Mother and Son Ex· _Avlnow David_646·3~ rm ~12776-wkdys u..fwMalted d t w, at e upstairs 2Br 2 Ba.2palioAdults ~.964·3654.H B ~epk~S3'75ull~d 285S ~~ent~~·rr~Jgf~1 Woodbndge Condo 3Br Big Canyo~ condo.~ Bd ....................... w/balc gar, no pels ~:.J!00067S·63S9 Share Newport Beach .Cst wy 675· 00 213-652.6711 or 854 0707 2J:~~lban~arp.;'.~hr$~;p 21.,ba . 2 rar gar. full golf course v1ew.1a11ooP.-w1o 3107 ~f!J.ll!.m~_s._9884 __ 1 BR condo Versames apt.M/F.2bdrm 2 ba Near San Diego Fwy & aflS PM Japanese landscape $la)l)Llse.644·7424 Bkr Share 2Br, lot or wood & lik• ~ ..;<11 mo Catt' lncl parkmg and ut1l Harbor 4 offices su11a & ...,,... Placentia545 7983 ardener prou1ded ••••••••••••••••••••••• "''"'w ......., u F d "' I b h ""'°' --·--g • r._,.._...._ 3117.1. 4BR 2BA I F plr wat1ruper, new cpl P\'l Richard. 213 830·2323 . '"' · s:;c) ep 1250 ren front oHice & rt-cepl room. sm ar or t'O\ 3 b d r m . 2 b a , Pool. lake. tennis crts -'--""' 6 • 1 year Y r · r-tal Pref a" 35 to SS are a . 2 bath 5 & I ta~e w bath S200 mo Sl"""/mo .. 1.91 .. or agt •••••••••••••••• ••• •••• bll·w 1 park1ng Close lo pa Lio $4951 mo B 111 2.lJ..823·7854 · .. Ca 1 R d 892 60 6 water/gardener incl uuu .>.> ,,., 61 63 1266 6.11-2010 kitchenette. air. & furn an 1 · I $795.Nopets.644·2778. 67~160 l..C·~~· *., ~~l2. ocean Brkr -1 ---Large 2 bdrm. t ba. 4210 Prof M/floshr 2 br on a1•1JI. mo._5492928 R S C Pl d I 2bd. 2ba condo nr. S. C. Seashore S750 mo. Yrly . N 8 p S300 1 •. C r· /l1t•est/ 28 nr za. A u 1 * * lrl'(SI 118 ia rca <Xean front 3 Br 2 Ba Plaza. Pool. ser. gate 646-4419 · en~ 'mo. sl "' .M. 2 or ices, 345 ft . rondos. Quiet $565 rmo UW • Newport Bearh Years lease. Sl3SOtmo No pets S5 2S mo last req'd. Kns 675 1211 balh. storage avail 1250 RR.Ce Gas uicl SS6-IS26 Two Woodbridge J Br You are the winner or 714 / 3 37 . 24 14 days . 63J.1476 ON BEACH, 3fl/Seashore or 54(). 7377 S48-3345/494·38QJ_ •••••••••••••••• •• ••••• New 2 br. 2 ba condo. hons. ~Imo on 1 yr four free tickets CS16.00l 675-8004 eves & wknds Redec. lbr 11 ba · gar· Shr condo w /prof person. Swimming pool <·hem inl · 1 $800 lease. 12 more lo choose value to the S 9 8 S loo. r ~. l.St. last dep All • • • serv1t'e business Costa :~r~o~.'N'oancs,mkrs. from. We're the ones to CorwdtlM• 3122 "'tftleld_ 675-3470/2ll·992· --amenities. 83H SlllO; Mcwu,tJ~t Mesa.Hunt Beach area 3371 caU for leaan. ~ltow ••••••••••••••••••••••• .,..~ -2Br yrly, garage, 1700 58479 8566-l) ll20 rin1ty Cir No exp. nel' Will train [)y979-6/ev 7S1·8184 (UIJ CONVENTION Wallllo beach, 2 br. frplc. FAMILY &ns. rm .. $750 mo. Call ror -,-----Huntington Beach l'IO.IW full amount re House, horse OK. 2Br. l\bodbrldge CENTER A rll l7·2S lge deck , encl. prkg, Bea.uli1ul aarden ap~ appt. Burr While Rltra M/ for N.B hse, ,.., blk You are Ole winner or 2_.~I red W i 11 n el ~rm. 20202 Birch St. Realcg To claim tlc~eu. call liidry fac. S8SO mo. May NP1t1oa/decks.CHhe.a1tpa1d. 6'7S-4630 ~~ti~~~~lIM· S2SO rour free tickets ($16.001 ~.000+. Call collw SantaAnaH s.~1·6931 5513000 642·S678. ut. 272. lst.675-8589 I "~J,:.:s . I dren 2Br~ba.eat1nk1tch. Encl ~ wantect-1M'7F .~ valuetothe Q,~~lill9AM 6PM E. Side 3Br. 2BI. ram rm · Tickets must be clauned Lovely 3 bdrm duplexes. 2 Br 1,, Ba SSlS pauo.,.~2gar SSJS. no 20 . s 5 hr 2 b r 2 b a hlllA1• 1o1at 1 ! Sltow w / f rp I c. r n c d yd . tt!Uarrntl ""·~. lrvlff by April 23. 1982 I Avail. May 19th So or 2 Br 2 Ba . HU ,._. 134 ~AJIEIM gardener, cpts. drps pc ff Sl200 c 11 • ,,_, ...c.i~·-==~ ---townhouse nr bch S275 CONVENTION 11>0 iro lit & last + UHT ALS * * * . mo a 3 Br 2 Ba S600 STEPS TO BEACH rm. 631..s506 CENTER Apnl 17·25 $400. m Robiohood Ln lbr, lba S8SO AM l2IO'. Marcia Redick. Agl. 398W. Wilson 2 Br, 2 houses from -To claim tickets. rall " PM 2br.2ba '""7S 644-!IOIO. 631·5S83or642·3708 ocean.~ Yrly lease 2:1 yr old fem looking for 642·S678. ext . 272 ,_ ______ _ SSl-1117an 3 · -••••••••••••••••••••••! ba d k fri samet.osbare2bdrm,in 2br,2i;,ba S8SO Beautifully maintained 2 Br, I . . ec . re g. 2 Br 1•2 Ba. Crplc. D1W. o.ta Mesa. $250 mo + Tickets must be claimed OPPORTUNITY a ... ~ =esmyo~ r: ~: 3br.2ba $875 older borne. Orig wood I stove incl; $600 mo. vt patio, gar age. l,.\lllil.645-4389 byApril 23.1982. •• 3br. 2ba $1400 """"'lin'Ltbdrms, 2 car I ~ av1tl lmmed. rro 543·5418 * * * da Hart 631·1266, agt. 3br 2b $1500 t r ..--Sunn~ 3 Bdrm . 2 •~ba 4br'2t>! s~Jo gara&e. ge yard S650 eo.t.Mtta 3124 Cape Cod Twnhse 2 Br. Exec. offke.1...llnl N.B .... ~r'2~b• s11oo m>.6.1'7·7918 ....................... 1a,.,Ba.$490,crpts.drps. toc .. copi!!A,"'25. ~~~ Xv:1\1hMi':r~. ~~~ Le0 Raisof RILYf33·8600 e I I., lZH I •211.lll. Nopets.875·6606. 9fi6.l1111/640-62ll_ w/ ardener. 631·1094 ••••• .. •••••••••••••• Newfy·-cfecor. Cfas pd. 2 bdrm. 1 ba townhouse. WoolllridmS7'5 HOMEFORRENT encl gar. d /washer, Newpalnl, new carpets. Meufam derml M. a2r,f!_~cr •• 2dbbre· 2 ~r-+ oe-n. "'i 61. ate, 3Bdrm. $675. Fenced pool, bbq, Adults. no Sundeck. 11rage, ldry • r num>. frplc. fenced yd. yard• 1.arage. Kfdt a ti pets. 142-5073. fat. F.utslde. SS2S mo. g a r . r e n c e d Y d 2 car 1ar. Nr pool s pa, welcome 545-2000 Pl s .. · &46-3'20 1---------G ardener Incl S900 tennis. (213)137:a33i f · · •3br. nr S.C. 111· ,,, Bd. 2 bl duPlex lower 173-1173 00 ee Callx>rt. pool. spa $6'75. V~ shan> 2 BR 1,,._ ba l.lll:t Dlbwhr, frplc au -4 bdrm1 alnale houae ff(lllEFORRENT Pet ok. 1s2-s1122 or waltlncaeta eoclaar' • f1 MzA ' · 2 BR 1 Ba duplex. new Unlver1 ty Pk. 2 car pr 2 Bdrm. S47S Garage Ml·lt&O. etc. $49$ mo ' Ask for ... of. Uftflm! Need to more expr'd $tlespeople. WE OFFER OWNERSHIP PARTICIPATION Minimum tnvutment $12.~ We forecast 50'-' return pu 4ear ~fore t11e1 an pay the r:i\but comminlon. R.ay m n•ms ....... 0,p•rhMity 5001 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ellt'l"pt iona I COSMETOLOGY bual lldS Grut lcx·ouon In Th~ Girl '~ Gym 1n La~wi~ Rearh Include~ rrtt llll'm~nh1p Chl'n lelt eslabhsbed Only SIOOO Jan 497 409S , ~~8 ........ o,,ort.fty 5015 ••••••••••••••••••••••• LOANSllARK WANTED Net'd $10.000 for 90 day) al your terms M1~~ Pot ter,!S'.l·~ MoMy to Loan 5 025 ....................... Prh•MOMY SI 0,000 .ct Op Tom or Jeannr &42 8852 2nd TD's 120.000 SIS0.000 fully amon to 20 yrs Other 2nds to Sl.000.000 Apyts, comm'I & non owner progrum Pnn on-1 y tall for ogt UOWNEY SAVINGS. lirt'Ol 963 2tl 11 5030 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Bl.Older need) S82,500 lo complelt> 12 units in R11 l!rs1de W secure "1th SI00,000 1st TD dut> 111 I )'ear Ca II ('Ollect aft 5,492 S67 SlO.<XX> 10 SIU.WO 000 fur golc1 platt'd Tl)'s Max Gtr. loan tu\ alut' Return 34 abo'e prime Call Dennison & Assol' 673 7311 ~s.Tnnt DMcb 5035 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Loe.Otte? HHdCosll? Real £s tate mone) a\allable 2nd or 3rd TD Loans on residential or Lnl'Oll'll' properties We handle a full range or mortgage Q>\erage al very com pet Ill\ e rate5 Courtesr to Brokers 714 760 1551 a sk for Stel"e or Duane WIDOW HAS SSS for TD 's . RE Loans, IOK Up No Credit Chec•k, ~o Penal· lY Dennison Assoc 6J3-73LI WE BUY 2nds GREATSOL'THWEST CAPITAi.CORP 67_5.4HO I buy discounted TD 's straight notes. etc Ai.k for Keith. broker. 968 !!1153 or 962-4471 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 5100 .........•..........•.• •SPIRITUAL RUDIMG• UltSSo t:lcammo Real San Clemente 492 7296 F\Jll hl' SCRAM-lETS ANSWERS lleavt-n Sonir Trail Caught llATCllET After f1ghtml! for ~ears. lwo neighbors f1nall) stopped their feud The~ did. ho" el"er keep a map or "here the~ boned the llATCHET HcwY•• 5120 .............•......... MAU SOMIOH£ MAf'l'Y MAKI IOMEON£ SlllllU PlaceallAPPYAO m this column ror only SJ 2S Call 642 S678 For Cl1ss1r1e<1 Ad ACTION Cllll II Oa1ly Pilot AO.VISOR 842-5618 paint & cpts. gar no ~er, air cond Near Kida 6 peta welcome. Bill l31-1211!6 • 1 Bd, 1 ba a~t, Balboa r;:tt~~dep lt48 £1.oiaennlt. refrig $12$. $4HXlll.A&tnt.noree. ......... 1 er:+. E.alde. lat It last =.n.~I~~ ~~1~~ I 3 Br. 3 Ba. Exet Honie In M S :_ ~rity. $.WO. Call -==~::..----- Archltttta, d8lfntl'I, pi.l\l\el'I Two IPK'ft In N•wport Center. One 11 2000 tq fl and -la 3000 1C1 fl Vtty favorable ratttl wu. 'llln'I Cow. 8rolttt \tint A~~u!!!_642·S671 .... t .. ...... .. . °'!'~ 5015 Op; .... , 5011 ' "' ...... ood 2 t Ith &Ww••1d J421 "'r:P. INT --..W CONDOS nunnW •• • Of}' w BeallilJ u landica_ped I APRfL JfENT"l'lEE xtra Ira fam. room. No =a Pool i Spa. E. Side adult Uving, 2BR _... bd • does pleatt. Gardener It · kl N IBA. rr• 1a .... 2 rm <'OD• t Id StSO/mo SC Plaza. Sec O lH . ver par na. 0 ~ '~:!:..¥!~~~.!.!!=-I do ra In I u ma w I t II' wa er pa · 1 peol Tr.ct la ama 11 Pftl, - flreP.larea. 1kyli&hla1 ~ tnt no -· -Wudly resort·llke'. lt.cbelor $395 ssoo. dlx Eutalde 2 patio• 1Dd 2 car "-""...... J21l I.BR.~ •• air. paUo. 181'. $450-$4» bdrm,IV.banaUedln• 1 ..,.,., ............. •••••••••• s.et-.S end unit. No 2Br. II-. Ba. 10: \rteforeat..141-1164.. 1..JC=.:c=;;:=:.:._ __ _ I mv:sa~I 1515 .. .2 IR. nee, bch rec . -+ $JS uUI . ZZll rd 5'0-, ....... _,.1250"'""------ j OofU ort°' a fat, aat.td. vac. 413· I IJZ, e2tlr, ~t nr s.c. Plan. ~J~ 2 fM I tu -aT2 $.A. nol:'91. IMO. No 2 o ..... 1J2,~orMl·l4tQ, . ' ' ........ ~, .• ,,?~!! mOC~YJ a., J bt I bl 111111 pd Cl 111 J17' m !. mll Sl CM . 1 1 ~'r.P. · HOlllJOI RIHT Wl/~PTION uee /fllO. . 1 le. lSdl oil,=· rm. n.W tt••••••••tt••• t ,..... w...t.d AS~AP .. ll J ldrm. -rtae .. _.... ., "-u .. •be• llamt etiU111, 1·~V -o. u•4 it IM. ecaa '"f, c ••Dl&.UX&u 1;... . ArN.·A~fi 1.n ~· llcll • ; 1 BRtd;DJ for ..... No .... rrr• ·-E' 8'71 •• <WMe_ .,.cf ••• 11. Im· 1, •• IUIJ. MHJ .. • . ..... ..,. Udo CflJ fT• ... ~~ ... ,.... -iiiimtUlll1 '°-"ur ._ .. ci.1111 I ......... ft .lm.t•lk ~ oee llMl11Ull ~-• _ m ]JLMQIO'_ 1dUotlwa1L IClrAJ\C) -~--Ill W#Jtl .U·ia ' .............................................. WE'RE LOOllG ....... ™'• """an1111 ··-· We nHd '250,000 10111. Minimum 125,000 per lnveleor to ha growth In Wbot 11 •1 lgtl4lnQ ocrnpeny. ......... _ .. • 1:,11111·1111 -______________ .., • I I l • , •••• .... ,c....... ..... ...... • p........... lie MA~ •.sm... ....................... .•............•••...... .....•••............•.. ........................ . ........•..•••.....................•........ ···········y·········· ""' "" ~"B-E .. .,PH LT ,..._ • •A b R h d .. BRYANT'S.. C\.9iomC.ram1r Tll• .L. .. •-... 7 ""'-LI ,,... A THl~~SCIHI ProleulootlScrvlc• 0 --1ble rttlrtcl cou ru•CPl•Olui& y IC ar I ri R I = F l •·• ilh Drtvew111. PtllOI block • -bl II .. -Sinol' Ur In• 13 vn of W1l covt oa emova ttrv run AddiUone Rtmodellna o.Mi · .... wn. a ru nata HauJln1yerdrlcinup (>le avail June. Sept happppy kK'~lcuatomer• A.lit~ IMZ 134~ ut~e?S·llif Doon, wlDdowa, pallo _!.a.!!!:_ 51 Tree u1m·removal Quirk l clean. Free .:at. Rda. Call Palm Deaert Thank eovm. Freecst. Rtu. ntOMPSON'S L1wncare·Rotutlllln11 5'73·0548 t 340-2118 you 631 ·4410 .....,./lltpelr CERAlUC LINOLEUM • •,. l'70 ~CR,.....I CONSTR 646-1571 or call H -,..........__ p~ ••••••••••••••••• •••• • • Tiie ptOf Ina tall. w=•..a:=::a..-~~-1!.!.~I ... , · .... •••••••• .. •••••••• Anawer d Ut7 IU-'300 aulla&, 1ndin1. de· .._Ta --ReM .tel Bobl'll-'l..l~~!..-......:14~:Zl!!!.2 DRYWALL/ACOUSTIC ~ ---molltlon Concrete ' •••••••••••• .. ••••••••• ~ yra exp c t I Nutpatc.bea • teJClures ...!!!:.!!!....!.r~!t&.!~~~::.:.. noment·Mat0nry·8locll ltyruxp. Fully llc'd 6 011.RDENINO SERVICE tree remov-dump truck. FEDERATED ~.Ina. Rela. Color lntttl. HJ· lilt u A.LL TILE•• Walla·Cuat. work. Lie. inaured. W.· 9 20 yra urmr· Lnd1c~ln1. ick aerv. IMZ·18H. _ Income Tax Stlrvlcc ex rt. 963 O&llDlck PWTER PATCHJNG Qua.Illy work. 10 yrs u · Ret./comm DRYWALLTAPINO tree& tr mmed, c ean· All around h1ullna. tree 1..a11 PAINTER NEEDS Retlllt'cos Int/ext 3Q R!r Geot el31-5479 - A*,_S... Rob!M7· Alllenuretl1couatlr .&u-3* -e1tlmalea Call J im, Pr Ta WORK! 30yruxp, int i )'.n. Ne!Lfaul~S 2917 free SerYlu ,,-04.i; Dally Pilot ~'TAMPED CONCRETE Free est. Kevln 8'75·9011 .._..., Ser'flc.1 S48·3964 ft c~ . Acoustk celHngs t.:O'S PJ.ASTF.RING •••••••••#••••••••••••• Servi~ Directory M~ colon 4& Patterns -.............._..... ••••••••••••••••••••••• H -a...-. ......_ Alllllff .. Qav1.11 PalntJn..t. IW7 5186 All Types Int or Ext •Expert Trtt Pruning• •----l Orivea·PatlosWalka ~~ Colle&e Students wndw UIKau g 'NoS.vlDii·norllarge °'•"-•·So r l ...., • ....., .. , "-ComnwrrlatLandarape L_,,,.., ... ullt ve Uc .• ,_ '710.S»t Free U •377&51 ....................... dng Cit a I odd ....................... 1142 tlOI """""" • n iunt ng ..w-owo or r' ee l'St Se I 957 1311 642-1671 td )22 --:.:...;;==--...:..:. Hl " El..tCI'RICIAN priced .JOba · w " n,. Want 1 REALLY CLEAN -------JO )'r• up in lk,a<'h PLASTt:RING ..!Y ~ ----•ii .. iilliiilili'iiiiiiiiii._I '-delS..c ... at --5526151 nght, frM estimate on ·M2~S· 972 I HOUSE!CwlGlnJthllm INCOMETAX llttaFree_tt1i.~·1029 Int & ext, Restu1·ro . Compltt•Trt«"Serviu ·cua1omCif\>41nlry Olr•Ktor tarUaeoramallJob•. tt..iyw• Clrl 1''reeHt 645·5123 10:euhpablaEl p~.'sa.7 a...tv blorkwalls5'16-4892 Gen'lc:lnup lllrrl& ..... ~~1 to p:~1os. JI·~· ••••••••• .. •••••••••••• c. l»IS21 173.0359 ••••••••••••••••••••••• HOBl.N'SCLEANING -lnlerfoii t~~rl! Lllwnr nov 536_09_14 ....................... . P qua i.y Dr 'Voo Chiroj>ractor LIC'D ELECTRICIAN General Malnlrnance Service-a thoroughly '~••1J Wayne Lerntr (IXOYF.l JAYI Tl.I CAii Drivewa.ya, Parkin& Lot work Lie. no. 380801 Acuprusure. 1'.:I Toro a':I work . Reaa. rates Repalni &i Decorat111g clean house. 540.oss1 •••••••••••••••••••• ••• 151 9103 •••••••••••••••• ••••• • • ~!."-'!!·service. 640·9308 Reoal. rt, Se1lcoatin&. FreusL SS9-SSI I 770.5251 24 hr_s __ ... t. '"'1·•""2 Tom •Quality• Ray 640·51_44 --VAN OEN BERG Driuru1 cleared from SIO r--i...... 11r~lct 5'511.1 hlt631 4199 Lie C.. I "'" °" -· --LANDSCAPING "Nt:W WOK" Plumbing Repairs ,......, _.,, ,,,__ u .1 be 0 ,. • ., Ca hec:tore. (i...,al TOP QUALITY HOME IMPROVEMENT HOUSEWORK M Int :1, d PAINTING Sl'.RVI~ Es ~'r<-e"t M&M 642 9033 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ._, ... I r& radlng ••••:••••••• ••••••• •••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ELECTRICAL WORK R EPA.JR PLUM BING WA. ..-ED a , comm . rH1 lnl/exl Ref~. lllh d Typtne. Wralln&. Ed1t1n11 6Pavln11 Co Cabinel.J ·Remo4 A.DD'NS REMODELING Re. •3 lll\cs Healing rarpentry "' Tree trim , rlean-up. ud'. •Plumblnl( •Hea1111g & M offi Res/romm. Sltylit.ee ·RoomAdd'ns i 1 • as.rates. .._i. _ _, elec tlle ' Pree eat No tflghq_uaUtyhousework. Brick&tile Ins.bonded, Cla_!os 5451175 •£lectrlt·11I 24 hr Y iceor)'oun lk Ut7804. IW2-1120 Gmhse wnc1_ws. 754 4420 ~1':;.; L~~· ~~~3r ELECTRICIAN LI r. ob i00 small. 645-2811 Experienced, de~nda · lic'd Free est 979·5148 uc·s PAINT t.: H l·n-wrient;Y I':~ 848·7825 ~~ ~· 642 2142 .......... H<»itE IMPROVEMENT REMODEL/ ADD-ONS-::S~f):pa~~J!a~~ JACK OF ALL TR AO ES ~ ~es~ho~:es~3g~o''it2 .... u.y ~r:·~~,1:~t13fe911 ....... t) M..... ~.~.~~ ...... •••••••••••••••••• •• ••• .,.LGE/SML}NT /EXT and Carpentry. Lic'd --Call day or nigh I. a!Ur6 00 PM. ,•••••~•••••••••• ••• ••• • •'-""EV L'NS PAINTING •••••••••••• •••• ••• • ••• "Ltl the Sunshine In .. Babysitting In our C M. "" n . Char845·3749 ~ rs. lrwm548·27 19 ~•/T'Nt -•_!ackJ!JS·3014* ---BRlt:K WORK Smtill ..,, .... PROPEITY CallSunslkntWindow ~~·~~~/~s~N CArpetW'fict -COMtd 'LtRESID r;;i::·;;~~;;·1~;·a; Expert home and apt re ExJ:~!1~~~~~~e~i~g ~~!a .Nf~\"1~r:. ~~~~11 ~~tb:~~e~.°ch~~j:~. in MANAGEMEHT Clffi\lng,Ltd 548·88S3 ---""=.;..:..::::.==..:.:.:::...:..:.=-••••••••••••••••••••••• Recrod.).dd'ns Repairs bineta efa ~ F1 pair Carpentry. roof. supi!)il!! Kit~ 641 4970 67~317S 64§·3348.l~ 4561 C>r•n~e Co uea I~ yr~ 3>''t Monthll'. 01sco!l_nt caretlll & loving mr; ma or We care Crpt Cleaners Very reas Lie. 390250 :t 642.sJ7 c ree .e_lu!nb, Etr_642·6013 expenenre l'all forinro •RESIDENTIAL• 21 mos to care for yours. Steam clean & uphols. J11ck H. Bennett, Jr. · we bid all Jobs lge sml ~r~~/~~~l~lc HU>CK WAI.LS LAIRY IATES and rates Avg 1 sty SJO. avg 2 sly !Dl'homtF/T.631·3787 Truckmounturut Gen.Conlr ~29142 Gwdi•IJ Quuhty exper hl"d _Rel_s --Jea.n_631·5016 ~8\los Onvt'ways p~~IN..C •1>4S9383 Ul-1112 ~ Chns95_J8388 BABYSITTING Work uar __ 64S·37_!~ Bonded & Insured ••••••••••••••••••••••• Bill& Dav'e S44 932S ~c d Oen.ms 636 045;!! INT EXT PAINTING • .........., Refs. Costa Mesa Shampoo & steam clean. Additions & remodeling K&D Landscape M ainl. JotfNTHE HANDYMAN-Quality Housecleaning Bryant s Landscaping uc'd Refs. Free est ,_,'""'I Orange Coast Window6 979 6646 Color brighteners, wht bonded Slate Lie #2027s2 Res1d/Comm Clean-up . wla personal touch CM. Hn t•k, stone, block. l'On 646 1067 ••••••••••••••••••••••• "We leavt you with 111 ---~-=· ~ crpts lO min. bleach. J .G Allen 494.1810 _(!Hauling 548 2489 Plumb1111-elec .. odd JObs Irv HB Beth 85() O'JJJ trele Frplrs. UHQ':., lfUber Roofing all l) pe:. bnghter outlook '" I J ¢y Hall. hv 'din rms $1.5 ; . Landscaping VdClnups ~tma~L838 ·4~ ~es cleaned-Palace:. pal10:1 & dmtwity.11 Paptriltcj Ne14 rero\erdech ~ttts_!.1mates ~-6111 ••••••••••••••••••••••• avg room S7.50, couch C...... WoodworililHJ Tree !nm-Expert ma ml 11<>hshed. Sat serv S3S Guar Lie. & inb ~ 0914 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Lis •411802 548 9734 ""'iHIMJ For all you need to know SlO: chr SS Guar elim. •• .. ••••••••••••••••••• _ Jil'l.!.851.0129__ Fl.AT RATE-DAV or,, Ref's Cheryl 968.9463 Mo i.... 1-'arthmg lnlermr Design t HENRV ROOFING• ••••••••••••••••••••••• about bankruptcy, call pet odor. Crpt repair. CUSTOM CABINETS -ALL MISC. JOBS ---•...., llANGING $10 ROLi. SIONGLES & REPAIR WRITING . RESEARCH. !7141835·9162 IS yrs exp Do work Interiors. bars, mantles. .....,,. Gwdllltf' INT 1f':XT -PROM PT Caue H!kpr or House ....................... Quality Lu: 111~ Strip· Lie lj,15232 ~ ti213 EDITING An> ~ubJect m~fs.s:i10101 libraries, cabinets. FV~esl. Ken839·5035 INSTALLATIONS rleaner looking for 5 -.\SC MOVING-ping Disc onp.iper f!lf'mal.St le &46·4965 INh. M .. H•ct/ ----~ skylites t Id g ------CHET 64H 751 days, same house. w af Qutck C:irdul Service Vlll,!1 MC ScQll 64S 9325 s.dllostinc) -~ ~ S.-.6c. NoSteam/NoShampoo Ref 646.oo95i :~ THEGRASSHOPPER flut'nl family Call Fr~eStimates SS2·0410 ••••••••••••••••••••••• --------....................... StamSpecialisl Fast · s. ' · Compltelawnmalnl Ani.werAd • soo -1-:xpert ~allroverini:'" BUDGET RATES L1c'd .,>tARJNESERVICES _d f'reeest.839-1582 Crown moulding. cedar __ Dominic642·~ ......_ 6420X>.:Mhrs •A-I MOVING• stallatJon Reas pmes Lowmm SmlJobsOK Mechani~.paant. EXCELCARPET CARE lined rloset.s, bookcases. GARDENING MAINT :::::::................ Top Quality Spen:11 ~~.rnt A~i.111nmen1 Joreeest Ins 641 75111 for Ad Action varnish ........ uphol, area rug mantels, entertainment Landsrapinu. Tree tnm DUMP JOBS care in handhn~. 25 yr~ T k b & ..,.,. tabinets. Wood solullons " HOUSECU~ANING e p Co l t t WALl p PL'R a..,a....., &all ea · ru wax rleanin° Work 0 uar & rerooval Clean· ups &Small Movin" Jobs x mpe 1 ive ra es • A •· _, • .,... a CA<9766 " .. wwoodproblems• .. ISOURBl!SINESS· NOO\ertJme 73013'~ Allk d "'-l ...................... . ----'"":...::::..·::...:.---f'reeesl645·17_71__ 6311528 f'reeestimatts 642 4889 ~MIKE;646_ IJ9_J _ flit 1oyrs Janice's --,,., $ll ro11"1 L51.~·,e~..!-'~ .. ~ Dai~ Pilot STARVING l'OLU:G E • """""" * ~«Jllh • Whether you're buying or Crpts 1nstalltrepaared o-a.C-TREES HAULING -student has Ra~y Ann, ~75 2514 STUDENTS MOVING Norm 64S·otl80 f'l'eeesl 631 9255 sell" Cl r d d Flood damage, steam ..-.., T ped/ d ''I . I lge lruc·k Lowest rate Lt..... ~ 0 an ISOR "'I!· ass1 1e a clng. 554.8510, 973.8566 ....................... op remove_,, .... ean Prom 1 Cull 759 1976 .--•tl.ifiiriJ C Lir llT124·436 I Wall11al>t'ring l'a1ntin1: Stucco IUI" vertis111g will ~el your --RIVER ROCK perrel:l ~~~i>v • ..,1.J476 i Ttf. Jc J h ••••••••••••••••••••••• lnsurt'd 641·11427 res l'om I Scand1na\ 1an ••••••••••••••••••••••• messrge to l e right If a nt\\ house Wiii ease over pool decks. patios. _an ~ () n -Prol'I couple Wishes to WATCH us GROW ' qual Htlmar_S48 1fi75 Re stur1·os tnm p<110led 642-5678 t1?'7~: C1ill Toda_y' your s~~ng fever. turn walkways, driveways. C!ass1fled Ads. )Our one Sell things fast with Ddily houses1t, Ne~'Port area. f Sa dbl ---lo class1f1ed. 642·56~ etc. 661·2371 ~ s!J9.e.pmg renter_ Ptlot Want Ads July_, ~fs! 644-6839 evs Wanl Ads C;i ll 642·5{!71S t>42 5678 ~ns~ ast & 9~~~~1!. --------• I lMt & F'CMl9d SlOOilolt I. Fo.d 5300 Hltp Wcmttd 7100 ... W..ted 7100 Http WClflh.d 7 100 Http Want.ct 7100 Hetp W..t.d 7100 Wanted 7100 Hefp W.tflf 7100 Hefp W.ttd 71 OC ••...••................ ·········~········· ....•.••....••...•.......•••..•••.................. ····.····· ..•............................... ···1 ···•··············· .................•...•.....................•....•........................ Los! All~red M Seal Acco.ts, oble BUSBOYS Clencal Gen Ok musl DANCE M F' assist in so<' Ho6tess1Cash1er MB>ICA.L ASSIST. Part-tune r_:inl Siamese. \'IC fl'f The Good F.arth be good w numbers. club. ballrm dassh The Good f.arlh MACHINIST Orflre nurse needt'd Accurate typist Lido FOUND ADS ARE FREE Cal~ ~8£h 494 1283 __ Tht J n ~Mri& I h R.esl1uranl & Bakery IS pleasant ofr en\lron Earn as YOU learn lo ~auranl & B9'kt'r')' I) Laser ma nufa rlu rer starting approx Muy I Village.• Men\lngs, Call '11..()!it. Blk puppy, M . 3'-:i an A/i~le~~:I ~~111~~ loolting for 2 ruu time C:1?~1~rf~g optional SI~ mo PT eves Mr ~a:~g fo~r~ ful~ um<' I seek5 talented appr~n· Call.§4&-MJ6 ~}~" 9·2pm only mos., vie. Ham11lon for an industrious in hard working 1n -ElltsS42-4508 d ·d j h~1 in 1 ltceorJourneymanw1th lMDMATE -· I Placentia ~-6944 __ dlvidual. Exper on 10 d1v1d uals. who en JOY COOK Dehvel) persons over l8 "~~a ~ithwthe eu"~1?> null & lathe expenence 0.. (i 41. l•-------- F o u n d r re e Fem key General ()(c and or wortunc with the publir Convalescent Ho!>p1tal for LA Tunu to homes Good ~Y compfny I~ Excellent pay benefits nsh:: :,a~eN 8. w~~~t! ,ilT Tl..-E A me r1 ran Es k 1 mo accounting ex per prer'd Good pay, rompany '" 661 Center. Mesa Verde 1n C M . Jam 6 am surance' & "a rat 1on including hea Ith in per~o11 to wo~k P JT &9pm. Eilp-andmg youth 64~5671 milted white. Fem Ge; Xlnt benefits and "'Ork · sur~nce & val:atton ~ta Mesa ~-»115 F.ronomy car required available Apply in surance.varalion&hoh· cleaning boat. help rook rounseling rirm has --lllilliiiliiiili•-•I Shep,Collie. blk 1wht. l!lg conditions Apply m av~aWe G~~ ~h No co 11e1• l 1 n g person The Good Earth fay kpay A~ly tat on f15hing tnps. ll!>h & C>pffungs for 3 S sharp fem shepherd blkitan l\'J~on: THE JOLLY ~laurant & Bak:~Y NumefoTo:,,nena 5400-5450 mo +bonus Restaurant & Baker> ~~rsml~~nJJOSrc~iYe ha\e run Over 21 outg001g mature people • * * fem shep wh+ blk 1tan. G 11 ER I NC 1 1704 2 210 Newport Center Dr'. Needs a day cook. Apply 646 ~ 210 Newport ~nter Or A vi ad or , •sa n Juan 2 I 3 S 4 9 161 4 L ' lo motivate am bilious Allw IC.atv m.a I e W h 1 P P c l · 7j1 ::r,te Ave rv ine ~een 3·SPM between 2 and ~ PM Dental Assistant Are you between :J..5PM Capistrano !San Diego rressage 1~13 yr olds Ca ll 2-Spm t770 Mal1afd bnndle1wht Male shep _±._ -OJJl -----18120 Brookhurst St looking ror a rewarding Fwy San Juan Creek Nursing k2·.a21. exl 343 Ask for Costa Mesa blk 1brn. mahe Akita ADMI N ASSISTANT, IUSPERSON founl!JnYalle_y l'areer opportun1t) HOl\ ROad off rampl t:OE Need RN or J.Vl'\ pan Andrea You are the winner or blk brn male neut rull -lime pos1t 1on , Nttd -respons1ble. ex w excellentpolentialfor Switchboar ferator, M1F111 tun.> for n1~ht shift in llliiiiiiiiliiiili _____ _ fourfreetirket.&($16001 Basen11 . 644 ?656. clencal & bookkeeping perienced lead bus Cosmetiri•n,hcensedror personal Rrowth & re ~v~l~k15~eed~do~: Coo\' llosp Xl11tsalarJ Perso;a-ble-.-energetic valuet.othe N~rtShelter C)1 __ duties for ~1ctona Sta· person. Good pay & nice ~~[0~n t~~l N6;~~;! cogi:i1t1on• ~e s~k your luxury Laguna Beach -& bend1ts orrered person sought lo sell ~MlloatShow Found . Ow11rr bunnv, llOn Rest. wpl Bch & Laenvir:!'hment. 494·96SO i_IJ_.274857_5 r aring. r airs1 t' ex Hotel Contact Margie ~ .. IC:!Gt<CtMOft I Please apply Be\l!rl> natural beauty products ANAHEIM \'IC Dana Pt. Alraza'r, Westminslu lor Call ..... pert111e to romphmenl ManmlLJQ· 497 4471 General me chan1 ral Manor. 34U Victoria . & suntan oils in Orange CONVENTION 4i9."96-6390aft5 752.0240 CAI .. lliH -s COUNTER SALES ourh1ghlysk1lledteem knowledgefap melec C.M County.Musthaveown CENTERApnl17·25 --forNw-,.r P'"" QH Dynam1rrompanyseek· Modern. pleasant t'n HOUSEKEEPf.R,LIVt: trical & plumb1n1: -transp.Call49S·2724 To claim tirlcets. call Found: M.blonde Poodle. A.LA.RM bn ewpo Limousine 1ng enthauslic hard v1ronment, excellent IN ror family, Ne~purl helprul Apply to Larry. Nursing 642·5678 . ext 272. Danat!;:\~'.~15~~ve lo IMSTAL~!RJ 50 per week Contact woning andiv to handle benefit pa<'kage Sl250 1f Bch area Well paid Surf & Sand Hotel_. La.ie .. 'RSES '10£ Peuuon c1 rculator Tidtets must be claimed _&QCXI_ __ ___ Salary negotta e any '[.er'?' .. HeSanry 751 07•21 counter sates at a busy qua Ii fa ed Newport 646-0193_ Bch. 497 447} E.O E nu ft Pr PT. l.S-18 hr Work by Apnl 23. 1982 ~ uiru t instant pr1nl1no •hop Beach 640 7922 Exper all shifts Con\' own_ hrs. 840·6912 __ _ l'tnC!Mfs SlSO adv. 3: n ~e m e n l " ~ __;. __ . llosp. Nwpl Br h ••••••••••••••••••••••• poss1b1lities. Exrr HoJ§~\fftALES 1 1 ~~i~~.ri~ ~l~r29ia~I •Dental Recepllon1.s1. l~IMTORY ASST MATEllAL Cheerful, ded1rated to RECEPT.ITYP~ST --------•I **** techn1r1ans on) Applymperson Cro~n 17tJl~ .... C~6420621 parl lime AM 1-.ic I Asslllltng [n operations CONTROL gd P\'t rare Xlnt ins Newport 'Star ad· REW A.RD A.tl.mwtis Mau~e 83J.9:lll ukror Kent Kardware 3107 E Coast l Cou n l H rl erk dry :~~c~en~=~ie'::rst~~e~ 'fo~rabee ~~ 1! N~t~k SUPERVISOR. J?!"Q&.!'~m Call S42 ~· ~~~~~"!n:r\~~f/ ~~~~ *** For 1J1formalion leading oper1·24 hrs a day A.slist.t to Hwy, (;d!\1_ I cleaners. 3 dy!i pr wk. ple:uant busy office~ 1th operauon of ma rhme~: AMr Snenhfir l)rilhng •OffiCE HELP~ ror front desk Requires t.o the recovery or GT 7daysaweek ........_Dl~or Mature lady pref Will great staff "~u st he shipping, rt'cel\ing lnlernat1 on JI . a Position open 1n Real excellentlyp1ng&phone BM X racing bake 69 Gorgeous girls to NO "experit.dl:enec.,w1ll CLASSIFIED lr!!!!,6467~1 sharp. sahir) optn Ilea~)' lifting in'ol\·erl l dynam1th1jlhRro"tholl EiitateAppra1salfirmm skills Agency ex chrome frame , go)d pamper you Jacu111 tram Newport Beach AD VISORS Counter person 1-:-.:per . Newport re n I er Ex per prer F'ashion field set\ ice l'Ompan~ ~M. good phone & l)'p penence helpful, but not ~~::t, ~e~~o:n w:'::~ ~~ l~a!sas B=l~a~ J~/:!e7n~~I ask Here's• a unique op FUii t1rre Start SJ 65 hr 640<00> -l~land investment firm ~n...: ronr 1:;i~1!~!~1oro~· :;;~rA4ood pay 5 d)S ~~~The Sanborn Beach & Lndianapolis, Amer1rard . Mast.er .&Tl ........ FtRM portu111ly for someone ~~II DtlilCMril/RtctOt. Call640·0l2J.9 3o2pm • trol Supernsor If }OU H B .. approx. 2 weeks Charge. Amen ran t:x ••~• • whoenJOYS work mg with CRB>IT for new r~t ire n'le nt -I ha\e a minimum 3 years P.&c;K .&GIM(; ago.Pleaseca11~·9832. press. Diners all EXPANDING the publtr on the facility nr UCI 4pm till .,_. __ .... _ expenence m matenal Tht>Ong1na1 'Red ~late welcome 714 1645·3433 Nee<f.man<1gemen1 & telel>hone. and earn1n1: CQQRDJHA~OR midnight Tues Sat "ftllllnAthwuctd l'Olltrol supen1s1on . \\'e Co needs p time help lo 2112 Harbor HI. C:M Salll:S, p/tune & f1t1me MONEY• Publishm1t irm orated Resp, neat appearanl'l' 18 or over Perm r T ha"e a challeng1111: pos1 box indl\1dual plate~ Lost I lk & h F --~-& near J W Airport seeks Xlnt workinf cond & pos1t1on. rnorn111g~ So uon a\allable for \OU ,. __ .. geb w l cat, Coeds~ouldlovetoparty Musthemalure.n~~l abrightind1V1dualtoas bentf1ls 4 75 hr Laguna V:llaRe Animal Appl1~ant• must h·~\e ....._ .. ,genial atmosphere Turtle Rock area tn rapoo.. U.11 l'al 0 i.;011· Your successful sales · c ed o 1•-I "'"' ~""8 ' • u Call ~·5139 CM Irvine Call 851 ·0493. with JOU Leslie or nor" t714lSS9·4930. T F', expenenre will enable sist in our r it ept ~1 l~_M f I ~.J!!ta~ ...,, expenenl·e 1n working 548 ·5533 <ask for Syh1a , anytime . 9am·l2. youLobecomeakeypart This candidate 5hould ~&ll!llOWlatlerofSC with an MRI' based PACIA.GHS Suzanne> '16!·0036 of our Cl assified Ad ha'e experience'" ~ETA.ILIMG Plata . exrlusl\e computer integrated $340hr lo start Merit rt · s l 0 phone commu111ra11ons, Steves Oeta1hng needs lchorolatr store has manufactunnit S)~tem raises 1537 Monrovia Found 5 mos old fem A.'fJIKrtOM: ~n~mg 1 es epart 1ns1de aed1t & rullec· hard~orking. cleanrut p time position a\ ail llP 3000 expenenrc de A'e NB Doberman. Blk brown Linda & Vl'C"l''s Ambitaoua boys and t1ons. good t)'p1nR skills energet1r persons for ~l)'m_person sirable but not mun -' - Nr M1ss1on Creek, San " girls l().IJ years old, to The people we seek & the willingness to long-term employment. datory We orrer ex· PA.RT /TIME Juan Cap. 661·3882 art l'HOTO MODELS work one or two even should be able to type 45 learn & acrepl new Call§:Jl-6900 LEGAL SECY I cellent salal) & work1n!l ~/HR 10 7 m. ESCORTS mgs a week gelling "J)m. spell well, and dts challenges Contact Doughnut maker ex per I l'Olldilions as ~ell as an 1 Nat 6 I + MUS Found Full grown Great BACK&B£'M'ER newspaper subsrrip play accuracy m detail Mrs_~v~..}4.?·4834 salaryopen ca.X,Uearh Panttme.expcr'd.llun outstandinit,hencritl ~~,'orr~ce rEas~Picnc1;s~ Dane. fawn color. spiked THAN EVER! 24 HRS tions Transportation work We offer excellent CUSTOO I AN -1 m med ~a.~J'lll lmgton Beach. need~d package f 11 r 1 m to~ & SS. Oivers1r1ed collar.646-1724 and constant adult company benefits in ope. ning . Nwpt lkh re for overflow 111 general mediate consideration j work on behalf of rhenl Found: blk F Great 669-0207 superv151on provided clud1J1g med1ral. dental, Lail store & offices. ex DRIVEIS (LIMO I prart1t·e I.a~ Firm 14 to subr111l resume with cur rorp Potenllal for ad· ror ~~n?&al!'tJ Ca 11 DeaMeCrort 979 7450 Restaurant needs all pos1t1ons Apply 1n l't'r.i0n_,:l2817th Slc CM Restaurant TA.COHll 1s loolung for Tull, part tin help, day or night ()pportuni11es for edvan rement Apply IB!ICoast Hw..tr..La,g Bl'h RC*tePtnOll w1lh car for wicke: basket lunch sen 1l'e Mon f'r1 , rall after 2 <6utc3111 Qall 3 lo 5 JOPM. ask for h fe 1nsu ranee. el c per. reh11ble. person Ftl' & P 'T OM V pnnt 16hrs per "k Thurs and rent salary history to I van('('menl Candidates Dane. Rancho Palos Andrea, 642·4321 , ext Salary rommensurale wteye for detail .!!J!.1!9...£?11675·4219 f'r1da)'.S Exper ~·1th AMF Sc1ent1f1l' Dnlhng should be personable Verdes tag, Hunt. Bch Telephone F'antasy 343 With experience PLUS a Perm/rull-time. position Ory Cleaning Counter l~M 01Spla.ywrller pre I n.ternat1ona I. 18~ 11 have a good speak mi S .. 'l CUf11ta 7S4·4l2l6 Conver 5 at i 0 n w 1th ire al rommiss1on pro w Ix Int benefits . Ca 11 Person Apply in person rd Will train Ask for Mitchell So · lrYine CA ~Otre & wish to earn SSS "" '"" Found. Basenj1 , older M h II .. , V gram ~&or Jim 644 507Q_ l650 San Mt duel, N B. Cathi. Mon thru Wed 92714 . Atln 8111 Wnithl aft e~e ~knd hrs a\ all poss1ra'tbionle boupet nnot nxe~r Adsek PM 646J~ red&whtneut M.N B ice e •• C isa Auto lube man. exp 64441.93 .. ~1-E04l E.OE MF F'or a confidential in , ~O ......,..•ary.Hr tly rate + for Mr. z .. rb-Coustn Airponarea.898-3826 , ... ,....,., 1-332<> Ready to st e rt a --LOAHA.UDITOR/ 1 tervtew. r11ll Mr Sarota 0 Found: Sat. eve m Big AG~:tfr1isic ~-673-~~~~~da1t~u~e~~~~n~ 1~Jlo~n~~~~ort OUAUTY COKTROL Ctass1f1ed Ads. vour one j at 54S·Sl7B .::~methin~ 10 sell' Canyon grey Lhasa SJS.7_134 __ A.UTOMECHA.MIC ne1.1-~""mentroranln forAd.Actl•On & long term assifin "reinporary full time s_•nnshonnmg cenler Want AdHelJ>~ "·•2•"78 ,.. fled d · Arwn. .. ' Well droomed Own hand tools. APPLY .... .,.... T N I ....... 1t1on Exrinence re ~ r.c '" "" "'8551-1-a 5 011 w~ll ,..,.. "" " lervtew Monday through ments. op pay. o ee ,..... · d4-13S2 Earn Money Give a hm NEWPORT TIRE Friday. Call a Purcell Temporaraei;. quired Ca I Jennifer •-t. Bassel Hound fem. party, silk argmnts. CENTER. 3000 East 8510055 Hebner 754 180 I Wht/brown. Arch Sch _&!fts. Judy 962·9604 __ Coul Hwy Corona Del 642-4321, ed 277 Dai"' Pilot --·---E o E · Hts. Lag. Reward Ptnclld5ffTlcnSl60 Mar ORANGECOA.ST IJ GINllALOFffC~ I OrangeCoastSavings &1M420dy,499-3620ev ....................... Babysitter Energet1r DAILY PILOT Must \now Post rite _ 1700Adams, C M Found Fem sm Cocker Danc~r for Bachelor wo":anb 1~ car~ for 11 330W' !JayST AO-VISOR §ll!~m &tn>e.B9S·3843 LOAHPAcacAGER/ Spaniel blonde. vie Pa_qies Attractive. :· h tmmy ri•wt>gr CostaMl!sa 642·5678 HilDWAIESA.LES NOCESSOll Bushard & Garfield legitimate. must call in ac: ome , exi e EOE/MF ru H t 1 me Crown F II t H . 8. 848·9126 963 838i reservation 5 days"' a~· hours. tranaportat1on Hardware 3107 E. Coast ~lti~meEx~~~~c~e?n d vance. Mon -Fri ntteSSaf'l'.673-6026. Results·lhat's what you H~!;t!_M. t'OllV l•t•·2nd T.O Ex · 7JO.SS18, as_!for L1ndsa Beauty gel with classified Cl ,,..rien~ed only Great Found ~et of keys at Now accepting ipplica k2·S6TII assifte<j Ads_ 642-5678 • • • "" Wedge Balboa name 11 working environment "'"m"on"' 't 67< .. :...5 L I & Uons ror h1ir S)'t ists al llailJ p·1at H.I. S-Olt Call Jennifer Hebner· "' 1 · ,. . ....., 11 ;.;,• Forrester Ltd. Ap~y in • I · · · · · ....... ' '· • ·· ····:. 2790Cl6oll Ave. E o E d ill ,.. T S t E r~ M 7~ 1~1. . . . Found: puppies v1r. 22n h .llMMI penon ue· a · ....wla esa OrangeCoastSavings ' Irvine. blk 'M Lab II ..... ................. 1'7thSt., C.M. 645-53'79 You are the winner or 1100 Adams, c M. Gc*t Ret F. 642·0121_ ~ W..e.d. 7 075 UTICI S • • four free tickets ISl6.00> Found: Doberman. miss· •••••••• .. ••••••••••••• Hai!Aessers .!r~ some , DISTRICT M'N'GER valuetothe i.ng 2 legs, "Miry Jo", Hsllpg in ex~h. for rm 4i tollowinf needed for ft ft ~ lo.t SI.ow For Classified Ad ACTION Calla vie. F..astbluff. 64CHlS77 board, reh1ble y~ung pleuan , busy full· I : This highly successful local newapaper · -·-00·ANNV>JlENl:JTYION ~ _________ 1French Canadi an . senice salo n In · hasanopenlnglnthecirtulationde· LOST ILACI & M11t~':!f ~If ur, Dana Pt. Del Obispo & Stonef\111. may be ma k· in& his way to C. M. •1-te5 ..... ... ., .... , Liberal Laguna . Newport. Insurance· ""'""'"'"\foraDistrictManaoer.Bastc CENTERApnl 17·25 Cbarlet,495-62M benefa'ts. top pal. ,...._, ..... , -To claim Ucltels, call D1ilv Pilot AO-VISOR 642 56711 skills will entail supervision of 10 to 1• ••2 5678 .. •t 272 y,... ... tadg loollin& for 1 Sever1lriitlons aval •· '9 l::_,: .... m·:·t"be" c'1a1·-...d· I~... ...6 ,..,.. M r · year old boy and girl home delivery , ,~,..,.., .... • ..... ive-in ousekeeper .-. ..... arc or Ill· by Aprll 23, 1982. Exp. Pleue leave your &ayiew, 6'2-4164 carriers. Areas of supervision will be nwnbtt. -0891 delivery, collecUona and sales. Selected * * * Make a treat discovery. Wiited 7100 ~pe~1t'l:!rform1 applicants will receive ~ly ICbedu-Ffrst apartmeot? Find Shop claulfled tor ACCOUNTANT l.mmtdiate ..,1111 ror 1n ..tsunt to tioancial dlttdor of rapidly tx· pandln1 health r1re company loc1ted In Newport Buch Ex· biltinl and payroll ana hid railel, bonw opportunities &nd f'lWl1 one that'• Jual rt1ht ln today '1 best buy a oUltr otnce duties ror fringe benefita such u company paid ctasaified. 142-se'IS -"6'2-....;;...;.561'8.;;..;;;. _____ , conaultin nr:a dental and health plan, group life inau-·1111y Pillt .. , ............... , . ··~· ranee, wcadon and lick leave. Company veh icle 11 f urnlahed during working • • houri. Applicants must be over 18, have ' ' a aood drMug record and be neat ap-Part lime penon to deliver Dally Pilot : peariEC .. Hours are 1enerally Monday auto route in Laj. Sch· 7 days per wk· : I lbtu Friday. Some overtime avaJlable. lf you are qualified and lnttreat.ed in lffr. about 2 hrs per day. M·F , 3:30PM. nlna the clrculaUon bualntaa, cont.act Sat.Sun-MM. Don Wlllianw. Apply In pmon. 8:30 to MUST LJVE IN LAC OCH AREA. No 10:30AM or 2:00 to 6PM. collec:tinC· F.am1np S300 per month ud ~ ::• up Call -Oaily Pllo\, 642-4321-lve name aso w:a; &Mt 4t phone (or call bllCk & interview. ( (, ) ) IANTID ( (,--c:o~~-) ) 'NeWspaper Carriers tor routes in Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley & Newport Beach • Good EarnMgs • Super Trips • GreatPrbts CALL CIRCULATION QEPARTMENT ..., ... r.rlenft In p1yroll. ulr rtconrlliallon ' 1ccount1 p1y1 ble re· qmre ldHI undld1le will hue 1tntr1I knowltidat o( ICCOUnUn& t.lllM~ lrial balanre ~ bt wlllq to a11ill hi tuUIM t.t..., •• ac-. t-ou1ul11 111le1t tor ca., ·•~tloll ror lettrYlt• u II J Ht, ...... cc.ta ..... CA. . &pl ~CJ DnploJtr : ~ • • ~ . •.. . t ... '. t ,.• • ••u ••••••••••••••• ••••••,•••i••••••••.,. •i-..--·---"--...M 942-4321 ' ·•···············•·••·•······•••••·····•· . ~ ~ '·' .· .· .· •• • .. .. SEC'Y !EXEC.I Ught bookkeeping Im mediate opening. ror Chnsllan organization Hours flexible tS·8 hrs day} Christian bark ground prererred Salary open arcording to experience Ca II Dis dples, ln~631 7010 Sewing Ma r h1ne Operators Exp'd. quah· ty minded. benefits P.R PROD prep & Q C assist 642·~2 SKILLS TRAIHIHG Serve your country one weekend each month plus two week s earh year in the Army Reserve Lea rn a skill/get expenrnre. Ex· tra rmney, PX and re· tirement benerits. Call Today Huntington Brh 962 8821 Santa Ana 552.Jl73 Stitchery lovers learh & sell nffdlecraft Earn ~ lShr SJ1·6S98 Sludent Jobs HHI IOYS-GIRLS How would you n~e lo eam u murh as U0.00 a week' Do you like drive in rrov1es, picnics. p1na parties. beach parties. 1)1111 many other things• 11'en you would probaby probably enJOY working for us. QUALIFICATIONS l. Over 12 years or age 2. Neat. honest and de· omdable t. Wort after school ond Sllurdaya. CALL TODAY I s.1'7·»31 <>r S31·$Z57 IAMtolOPM • Qrange Cout DAILY PILOTIThurtdey, Aptll 15, 1912 • . ' ·' Orange Cout OAILY PILOT/Thuntday, April 15, 1982 . ., YOU "AUTO" ~ Or~nge County lntem,ational 0 0 -A • April 21-25 Drive Into ~ U118 =tmf£tnter Spring ~~~,~ Shew '74 VW BUO .z;mcs.--.---- Xlnl cond. yellow. '72.Sq Bat,~ owner. Lo Q!OO Orm. M'·Offf mileQe. · ·•SQUAREBACK 7$1-440l SlSOorwill part out. 'llCONVER~IBLE 645-!!fl a.., 18.000 ma, wheels. '76 R bbit a/c.M).'55·l8&0 a runs areal . A/C, AM/FM cass .. re-14 BUS. runs " looks ~nice. 631·7958. ~ tl300. &n·9696 ~/OBQ. B!!!l!"i §7$-5278 • '811 bua. btautJful clean ·~ VW Bue. xlnt cond. red bocly. Excellent in· 12115. t.erior and mechanical. 645-3608 12175. 49'7· 15t'1 i3 VW Su~r Beetle. sun · 1t10 ·~ e .. ,. =:.ni!:k:'1~k~,~~~ Like oew-:-wfaite-red an· ruu like new l3000 terior. {U§.1~i IU~. OIO. MZ:IQ.lOext. 22. '76 Sciaxco, 4 spd, xlnt 'SOP Vanaaon Camper cond.S2ml>orbestoffer ·27, xtras. SI0.900 14H110atl.5 496-4933 dys . 494-6778 '64 BUG. runs good, good .!:-.ft body, aood Urea. $950 . .., ...,.. Body ~Int cond. 541Hl912 alt. s Dig not running Best t. lOTom ~"' 19116 &%°a1vd. COSTA MESA 4M-t103 HM447 '17 VOL VO 2440 L Xlnt cond, lo mi, new titts, "900. Ill0-1393 '74 VOLVO WAGON Great cond. extras. S21!QO. 494.1490 ••••••••••••••••••••••• HOS ••••••••••••••••••••••• '9> Cpe de Ville, aaau.r-oe exisUna fillancinJ. C411 Lori. W-2009 or evea 720-12Z1. THILAICHST S&ICTIOM of late model; low mlleaae Cadillacs In Soot.hem California! MAIRS ~~lo'rti~d. COSTA MESA 74 Gremlin A_MC. Air. radio. P .S lo m Iles 77 Seville. 71JC m ilea. 11100. 541-1857 af\. 4pm. loaded. S6500 . 8-Spm Mel ft I 0 -=M=on,,_·.::..:Fri ..... • =556~-0353=..._· --1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• JUiie Car! ·ss Skylark red convert mecb. " u -ter. compl. restored, . 552·9758 '72 Cad. runs xlnt, much recent work. '900 firm 536-98S7 ·m Sdn de VIie. hke nu I body, m>tor xlnt. lo mi ' MS-4 COMMEll CHEVROLET '\..)\rj 1 '• I' • • t-.. I I \1 f • ')4()...1 200 ......... MATCH THE HUMIERS OH THE MAP WITH THE NUMBERS IN THE BOXES • ATL.ASCHRYSLIR.ft.YMOUTH 2929 Harbor Blvd .. Costa Mesa. Tel. 546·1934 3 blocks south of San Diego Freeway otf Harb<>< Blvd Complete , body shop. Sales. ~ldl. Parts Service Dept open Monday thru Fnday 7:30 A.M. to 5:30 PM. and 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. on Saturday. • llACH IMPOllTS ., lM8 Dove Street. Newport Beech Tel 752-0900 Call us, we're the spec1ahsts for Alfa Romeo Peugeot. Saab & Maserat1 • THEODOIEIOllMSFOID Modern. Nies, MfVIC., p-. body. pelnl & tire depta. CompetitfVe ratn on ,._ & dlllly rentals. 2060 Hart>of Btvd., Cotta Mesa. &42-0010 or·540-e211 • JOHMSOM & SOM UMCOLM .aCURY 2926 Harbor Blvd .. Coata ......_ Tel. ~5630. 57 Year• of friendly family ""'Ice -Orange County'a oldest Lln- coln·Mercury dealership. SOUTH COAST DOME 2188 Harbor Blvd .. Cotta Me-. T ... 540-0330. RV aervlce 8'>9Ciallatt. e_uttom van ~- • MIWPOIT M'OITS :)100 w COHI Highway. l!Mwport Beach. Tel. 6'2~1714. TIM,.,.. It r $\t.llMl'I. • NEW,OIT DATSUN 888 Dove Strfft, Newport Beach. Tel. 833-1300. At the triangle oJ Jamboree. MacArthUf & Bristol behind Vlc10fla Station. Sales. Service. Leulng & Part.a. We l'Mke great deelal • MAIHSCADILLAC 2600 Harbor Blvd .. Costa Meea. Tel. 5'60-9100. Orange County's Largest Cadillac deeler. Salea. Selv1ce. Leas- ing. • DAVID J. PHILUPS IUICIC-IOMTIAC-MA1DA Sales • SEl1'Vioe • Lees.Ing 24'888 Alicia Parkwey Laguna Hills 837-2400 • CHICIC IVEltSOH POISCHl-AUOl-VW '15 E Coast Hwy .. NewpQrt Beech. 673-0900. The only dealer1h1p In Orange County IMlh these three great makn under one roof! • ALAM MA•MOM POMTIAC-SUIAIU 2AIO Harbor Blvd , Cotta ......_ Tel. Sot~. Sai., s.Mce, Leutng ... Mr. Goodwrwnch." HOUSI OF NOITS MHCIHl•ll ,.. ......... ~ e.2 Manehee•r Blvd , ._. ,.__ (on Santa .Ana Frwwey). Tit!• haeh 81¥d. offnimp -tharp right on Menchel .. ,, OW. MEA·CEDE8 (2t3or 7'4) 637·2'»3 . • • IOI LOMG>NE POMTIAC 13600 Beach Blvd .. Westminster. Tel. ~.Wt. Or!n99 County's oldMt and largeet Pontiac dealership. 5a!f19· Service, Parts • SAIL CHIYlOUT 900 South Coat Highway LagunaS..Ch ~ ............ ,., .. SALES HOURS: Mon . ..frl. 9-7. Sat 9-5. Sun. 10-4 494-1131 5*-1987 COST.A MES.A DATSUN 2845 Harbor Blvd Costa Mesa Tel 540-6410 Serving Orange County for 16 years 1 Mile So 405 • SUNSET FORD, IHC. (Home of Willie the Whalei 5«0 Garden Grove Blvd . Westmlnater. Tel 636-4010 • • SANTA AMA DATSUN 2001 E. 17th Street. Santa Ana. Tel. Me-7911 . Your• OrlOlnal Dedicated Dat1un oe.ler. • MllACU MAZDA w.w moved! our new locetJon II 1425 a.., Street. eo.ta Mela. Tel. 545-3334. Stop by I vWt OUf' bfand n.w ahOwroom and Hf Why we're tn. 11 Mada deai.r 1n Southern Caotornla. Salee. a.Moe, P-and Leuln9 . AM ...... MAZDA ''Ollr Q.C:. ...... ... ... ..... ~ ..... c....· eo1 S. Anaheim Blvd .. Anaheim 958-1820. Ju1t nor1h ol Santa Ana Frwy. on Anaheim Blvd. Call ua flrtll "WE ARE HARO TO FINC>-ellT WORTH ITI" • SADDUIACI IMW~MU 28402 Marguerite Pkwy., AV«'f ~ •tt Wt ofter whM no benk or ..... compeny cen• 1. £apettty ..,.ed, rnoec modem aeNlee a parts dept ; 2 One Of the louehland'• moat ••pefitflced ..._ & IMlif'O etlft; S ~of th• mlddlefMn by te11tnQ dMler dll'9Cll. 131 .ICMI) Mlteion V KM UASIMG, IMC. 130 W. 19th St. ~osta Mesa 642· 1944 You're In for a surpnse at OOM Le8Slng 0 COMMB.L CHlftOUT 2128 Harbor 81vd .• Costa MM&. Ol9f 20 yMrl eerv1ng Or.nge C~ntyl Sal ... INlllng, Mtlllce. Call 5445-1200; epeclal parta llne; ~9400; body ahop line; 754-0400. • llOY CAllVElt IOU.S ltOYCIMMW 1540 Jamboree Road. Newport BNch ~.Sal•: Service. Part• And Leasing. • OICX MILLll PIAT /LANCIA "Probebly the '°"91 priced Flatt (n Southern Celikllnla" (Located I mile north o4 South Cont F'taz.a near Main St. and Warn« Ave In Santa Ana.) 120 w. Wamer. Santa Ana 557-2t32 FOR F ON THI THER INFORMATION, OR TO BE PL~CED . AD, CONTACT YOUR DAILY PILOT R_EP. J I •. •• Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Thurlday, Aprll 15, 1982 LINCOLN ANNOUNCES 3Y SOF VIRTUALLY COST·FREE DRIVING. IFWE DIDN'T BUILD THEM SOWELL WE COULDN'T BACK THEM THIS WELL. Starting right now. no one offers you a broader. more complete program. ----r-- ---- Not Cadillac. Not anyone. How can w,e be so confident? Because our high quality is based on the use of advanced technology. Precision robotics. loser - controlled paint application. and more. Not the least of which is a work force dedicated to quality We are literally making the finest luxurv cars in our history That's why we're w illing to offer a more comprehensive program than anyone else. A laser light beam follows the contour of the car body 01 part of the automatic paint system, auurlng uniform and consistent paint applicallon. FREE SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE FOR 3 FULL YEARS Your scheduled maintenance costs just became zero. What's more, we even cover "wear items" like brake pads and linings, wiper blades and shock absorbers All parts All labor All free For 3 full years. warranty. It's good for 3 full years. Or 36,000 miles. Whichever comes first. While termed a "limited" warranty, our comprehenstte program covers virtually everything except accidents. driver abuse. tires. and fiu1ds between maintenance inteNals. I 5°/o CASH BONUS To further 1nv1te you into an '82 Lincoln. Mark VI. or Continental. we're offering 5% off the base vehicle sticker price This 1s all factory money so you may apply the total amount to your Qlown So for ~ears g_r ~6.000_m~es (whichever comes first) ·virtually the only thing you have to . pay for is gas. __.__._9-Y.!!'ent or_g~t a check dir~ct from Lincoln-Mercury. Lease customers may select either the 5% cash bonus or our exclusive factory-to-dealer 9.9% inter- ,, Lincoln; Mark VI, and Continental body components are welded using computer-controlled robots. Thi robots provide 100•1. consistency and uniformity for repetitive, dlfflcutt operations. The little box you ... on the leff 11 a untvenol mk:ro-proceuor et.ctrlcal ... ttng system (UNIMm). It funcllonally ... ts the etectrk:af 1yst9m of wery Mork YI, Uncoln, and Contlnentol Pf'°' to vehk:le shipment. The ... , results WfffYl"9 the lnt.grtty of the electrical syst.m are reftect.d In a computer printout. FREE WARRANTY FOR 3 FULL YEARS Every Lincoln, Mark VI, and Continental is built to such exacting specifications, we'll also offer you something e lse . tt's a totally free, no-strings-attached est plan. See your ,, dealer for details. (Limit one per c ustomer) THE LINCOLN COMMITMENT To introduce you to the high quality of our new cars, we'll give you both the Free Maintenance and Free Warranty, plus the 5% cash bonus on any (repeat, any) new '82 Lincoln, Mark VI. or Continental which you take delivery of by May17. But that's not all. You'll also receive something else. The preferential treatment of "The Lincoln Commitment." A quality program so extensive it i~udes everything from special tra rtation allowances (for when your c is being serviced overnight) to special owner contact programs that guarantee your o pinions will be heard. To us, all this isn't just a matter of quality. Ifs a matter of pride. Your pride. In drMng something special. And being treated that way yourself. MARKVI, CONTINENTAL, ANDUNCOLN. LINCOLN-MERCURY DIVISION ~ r lilly Piiat THURSDAY. APRIL t6, t982 H/F FOR THE RECORD C3 - Co lleges announce letters of intent in basket ball. C2 ,. _ . ...,_ -. -· -. - -----uilty PUOfl'ti016il 1)y Pelrldl' O'Donneil ·----COMING''TOOETHER~·coron.a-del191aroaserunner C<>rdon Moss (24) tries to score run but handed Sea Kings a 4-0 setback and further tightened the Sea View League baseball race. See finds an obstacle in University catcher Jeff Frei. Moss was called out on the play. Trojans story, Page C2. ~~~~~~~--=~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Better late than r Angels hand Seattle a double do se of late. inning heroics By <;URT SEEDEN of' .... Daily Piiot ..... There was a time not too long ago that late night entertainment vfas supplied by J ohnny Carson and movies like "Bed tim e for Bonzo." W e ll , th e Ange ls and the Seattle Ma riners, it seems are trying to com er the market with their own brand of midnight antics. . FOR THE second consecutive night, the two teams took their show into overtime, and thanks to timely hits by Bobby Grich and Bob Boone, the Angels have won two straight at home over a period of 30 innings and nearly nine hours of baseball. For the record, it took a double b y Grich to score Rod Carew from second base in the bottom of t h e 10th inning t o give the Angels a 2-1 win in their regu- larly scheduled contest Wednes- day night before 23,905 fans at Anaheim Stadium. · In that one, the Mariners rui- ned a perfectly good prime-time effort by Ange l youngster Mike Witt who breez.ed through eight innings with a five-hit shutout. They did it with an infield single by Manny Castillo. a fielder's choice and a throwing error by Grich. That notched .the score at 1-1, calling for a couple of pots of freshly brewed coffee, eye drops and assorted grumblings from bleary-eyed fans, us hers and members of the (de)press(ed). Earlier in the evening, the Ange ls and Marine rs still had aome unfinished business -that 18-inning marathon standoff from the previoua night which still required completion. THE ANGELS s u ccessfully capped that one, too, by a 4-3 ecore, but not before 20 innings had elapsed. Boone ended the nightmare with ·a bases-load ed atngle about an hour into the evening. It was the late 70. when the Angels last w on two games on tbe same day at borne. "l don't feel too much pain in niy back," offered Grich with a1 1mUe, the effects of bla game- Winning hit working aome\hing ~ a mmforting m•-.. Grich was referrfn8 to the beck spuma that kept )Um from playing in the Angels' first slx games. . . An~ up until hl a game- wlnning double, he had only a 1-for-3 performance and h l1 cmtly ninth-lnnlna error to offer. '1 l'lell I felt pu1ly to blame (for sending the 1ame into extra tnninp), .. he added. Meanwhll~. !le~".!fer Gene Mauch aeemed with h1I team '• 1weep of the "doubJe...heeder. '' .. IT Mill:I me 1 .. 1 FOd en- ou1h to drive one hour and 40 minutes to see my wife in Palm S prings," he confessed. There were really no losers on the Angels 6'/eclnesday night, al- though starter Witt saw a solid If they keep pitching like this, they're going t o_ get th eir s hare of wins. -Gene Mauch effort go for naught, jus t as ~ff Zahn had the night, or was that morning, before? "If they keep pitching like this, they're going to get their share of the wins," Mauch said. "Their names aren't written across the uniforms, it's this," he added, pointing to the word Angels on his jersey. Afte r struggling through two days and 20 innings of the first game, the Angels again h ad trouble mustering base hits . Reggie J ackson , for instan ce, wen t ~'l-for-3 Wednesday night, promptiDg numerous boos. Ye t it was Jackson who had supplied the only run of the game through the f irst eight innings with his RBI single in the third. Sure, the Angels had 15 hits in the first game, but they had 20 innings in which to scatter them. IT MAY HA VE taken m ore than six hours and 20 innings to win the first game, but in the end, 1t turned out to be a rather produc tive n ight(s) for t h e Angels. T o begin w ith, Don Baylor's two hits Wednesday night gave him five for the first game, tying an Angel record (he ld by Rod Carew) for most hits i n on e game. Those who care to re member last season -and Baylor will be the first to admit he'd like to forget it -will recall t he b ig designated hitter went 4-for-65 (See ANGELS, Pa~e Cl) ...................... ~ DODGE BAU -Anae1 Bobby Grich runa lnt.o Julio Cruz aft.tr Seattle -..ond bueman relayed the bell to fint hue for double pJay duriftl pme Wednelday nl&ht.. ' CHOSEN -Edison High's Barry Leigh will coach the South All-stars. Leigh to coach South stars By ROGER CARLSON Of tM Delly Piiot I lAlff Barry L e igh, who C'Oached Edison High's Chargers to the Sunset League basketball clw"n- p ions h ip a nd had his team ranked no worse than No. 2 m the CIF 4-A for the entire regu- lar 1981 -82 sea son . has been chosen to coach the South in the Orange County All-star game. The game, s po n sored by the Costa M esa Kiwanis Club. is tentatively set for June 19 at Orange Coast College and th e South will be going for its 12th victory in 17 tries since the series was inaugurated in 1965. Leigh, in his fourth year at the varsity helm with the Chargers, coached his team to the school's f irst league title and the best overall record (24-3). Despite the fact the Chargers we re e liminated in the second round of the CIF playoffs, they were considered among th e top three teams ever produced in the Orange Coast area. "T o be invo lve d with this game is a real honor." said Leigh. "rm excited over the prospect to coach these kinds of players with their kind of talent." The South figures to be rated u th• favorite again, and Leigh agrees, but adcb, "It's always a greet Jtame. '' The pme features many of the , belt pduating letlion in Ora.nae County and the North will counter wllh Elperanu Coach Mike M00te, who led hll Astem to the l:mplN.LNaue thJe and to the Hcond round of the 1 ·A playoff• without th help of a 1ln1le_All-Oran1• County or AP.CIJ' plaY9f. I Dodgers victims of 'Dorne' attack Astros scratch out 2-1 decision HOUSTON (AP) -When the Houston Astros have won this year, it's been with a familiar formula Good pitching and JUSt enough runs to get by have been an As- tro trademark in re<-ent seasons, and Houston reverted t.o the old formula for a victory over the Loo Angeles Dodgers Wednesday night. . Don Sutton and Joe Sambito combined to handcuff the Los Angeles Dodgers on five hit as the Astros won a 2-1 decision on Alan Ashby's solo home run in the seventh inning. That gives Houston four wins in nine games this season. each by one run and by scores of 1-0, 2-1. 2-1 and 3-2. "We have to get good pitching to wm," Houston Manager Bill Virdon said . "Our starters have to hold them long enough for us to get something on the board " Sutton, 1-l. a nd Sambito fit the biU perfectly. Sutton gave up a run in the first on S teve Gar- vey's RBI single, but then retired 14 straight batters and cruised until the eighth inning. Los Angeles Manager T om Lasorda thought 1t was a typical Sutton performance. "He seemed like the same pit- cher I've seen for a while," La- sorda said of his former pitching ace "We had e nough chances. We didn 't get 1:>utton a nd it's tough to win w ith just one run." Samb1t.o entered m the eighth and earned h1S second save. The Dodgers had two_runners aboard with nobody out when Sambito entered. a nd tht• Houston relief ace started by fielding a bunt by Steve Sax a nd turning 1t for a force out at third base. Sambito then struck out Ken Landreaux but made an error on a pickofC try to move Rick Mon- day and Sax into scoring position. Aftf'r inte ntionally walking Dusty Baker to load the bases, Samb1to and Garvey squared off, w ith Samb1to fielding Garvey's chopper back towards the mound for the third out. "I don't think I threw as well last year as I did in 1979 and 1980." Sambito said. ''This spring was the best in alJ my years of baseball and I feel like I'm back to where I was two years ago." Houston matched the Dodgers' run in the first inning on Jose Cruz's run-scoring single in the last o f the first a nd Ashby brought in the winning run with his roun_d-tripper, his third home run of the year and second in two nights The Dodgers open a four-game series at San Diego against the Padres tonight. ·Kings to march on VANCOUVER (AP) -The Loo Angeles Kings, having won a Playoff series for the first time m five years, now are confident they can advance to the Stanley Cup sem1fmals for only the second time in their 15-year history. The Kings upset the heavily fa- vored Edmonton Oilers in the best- of-ftve Smythe Division semifinal 3-2 by winning two games in Edmonton, On TV tonight Channel 9 at 7:30 fncluding a 7-4 rout In Tuesday night's decisive fifth game. Their vic- tories came on the strength of their ability to adequately control Wayne Gretzky while pressing the Edmonton defense and then exploiting Oller mistakes. J • b The victory m eant a ticket to erry aora Vancouver, where they begin the beat-of-tieVen d.Malon aemi-final toniaht againat the red-hot Ca- nuc.ks. The only time Los Angeles advanced to the Stanley Cup aemifinal -the next at.ep for either th~ Kingl or the Canuctm - wu In 1~9 when they loat four atraiabt to the St. Lou.la Blues. The Ki.no handled the Canucla mc.t of the eeuon, winnina all but their final two meed.no. ''Tboee Wt two aamet didn't m an anythlna to Ul,1 ' Mid Klnp ddenaeman Jerry Korab. "We couldn't 10 up ln the ltancUnp and we couldn't 80 any lower. We had a lot of "'~ ap1Dll them -we Mdn 't lot\ to them in the first ll'Ylft pmiM - but we can't let It IO to our hMda." • l I I l l1ily Piiat THURSDAY. APRIL 15, 1982 H/F FOR THE RECORD C3 .. .. ........ .. , ... Colleges announce letters of intent in basketball. C2 COMING TOGETHER -Corona del Mar baserunner Gordon Moss (24) tries to score run but handed Sea Kings a 4-0 setback and further tightened the Sea View Le~gu' 7' =~ ;=. ~ finds an obstacle in University catcher Jeff Frei. Moss was called out on the play. Trojans story, Page C2. < ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- ,_ ___ _ Better late than nev er Angels hand S eattle a double dose of late. inning heroics By CURT SEEDEN Oftlle Olllly Piiot Staff There was a time not too long ago that late night enwrtainment vfas supplied by J ohnny Carson and movies like "Bedtime for Bonzo." • W ell, the Angels and the Seattle Mariners, it seems are trying to corner the market with their own brand of midnight antics. FOR THE second consecutive night, the two teams took their show into overtime, and thanks to timely hits by Bobby Grich and Bob Boone, the Angels have won two straight at home over a period of 30 innings and nearly nine hours of baseball. For the record, it took a double by Grich to score Rod Carew from second base in the bottom of the 10th inning to give the Angels a 2-1 win in their regu- larly scheduled contest Wednes- day night before 23,905 fans at ~eim Stadium. In that one. the Mariners rui- ned a perfectly good prime-time effort by Angel youngster Mike Witt who breezed through eight innings with a five-hit shutout. They did it with an infield single by Manny Castillo, a fielder's choice and a throwing error by Grich. That notched .the score at 1-1, calling for a couple of pots of freshly brewed coffee, eye drops a nd assorted grumblings from bleary-eyed fans, u s hers and members of the (de)press(ed). Earlie r in the evening , the Angels and Mariners still had some unfinished business -that 18-inning marathon stando ff from the previous night which still required completion. THE ANGELS s u ccessfully capped that one, too, by a 4-3 .core, but not before 20 innings had elapsed. Boone ended the nightmare with ·a bases-loaded a4ngle about an hour into the evening. . It was the late 70s when the Angela lut won two games on tbe same day at home. "I don't feel too much pain ln my back." offered Grich with a1 amlle, the effecta of hla aame- winning hit work.lna something like a d>m.forting muuge. Grich WU referrina to the t.ck lpum8 that kept him from playi.na ln the Angela first aix gamea. • An~ up until his game- wlnn1fll double, he had only a l ·for-3 performance and hia COltly ninth·lnnlna error to offer'. "I Suell I felt pu1ly to blame (for Hndin1 the~· Into extra lnninal)," he . Meanwhll .. , ;.~~:/er Gene Mauch -med with hla uam '• aweep of th• Hdou.ble-tielder •" un MAI D me f•l .,.xi en· OUlh t.o drive OM hour and 45 minutes to see my wife in Palm Springs," he confessed. There were really no 10&ers on the Angels Wednesday night, al- though starter Witt saw a solid If they keep pitching like this , they're going t o. get th eir s hare of WtnS. -Gene Mauch e ffort go for naught, jus t as Geoff Zahn had the night, qr was that morning, before? "If they keep pitching like this, they're going to get their share of the w ins," Mauch said. "Their names aren't written across the uniforms. it's this," he added, pointing to the word Angels on his jersey. After struggling through two days and 20 innings of the fitst game, the Ange ls again h ad trouble mustering base h its. Reggie Jackson. for instance, ' went l-for-3 Wednesday night, prompting numerous boos. Yet It was .Jackson who had supplied the ohly run of the game through the fi rst eight innings with his RBI single in the third. Sure, the Angels had 15 hits m the first game, but they had 20 innings in which to scatter them. IT MAY HA VE taken more than si>< hours and 20 innings to win the first game, but in the end, it turned out to be a rather pro ductive night(s) for the Angels. To begin with, Don Baylor's two hits Wednesday night gave him five for the first game, tying an Angel record (h eld by Rod Carew) for most hits in one game. Those who care to remember last season -and Baylor will be the first to admit he'd like to forget it -w ill recall the big designated hitter went 4-for-65 (See ANGE~. PaJte Cl) CHOSEN -Edison High's Barry Leigh will coach the South All-stars. Le i g h t o co ach South star s By ROGER CARLSON 01 t!M Deity Piiot ltefl Barry Leigh, who (·oached Edison High's Chargers to the Sunset League basketball cham- pionship a nd had his team ranked no worse than No. 2 in the CIF 4-A for the entire regu- lar 1981 -82 season, has been ch<>&en to coach the South in the Orange County All-star game. T he game, sponsored by the Costa Mesa Kiwanis Club, is tentatively set for June 19 at Orange Coast College and the South will be going for its 12th victory in 17 tries since the series was inaugurated in 1965. Leigh , in his fourth year at the varsity helm with the Chargers, coached his team to the school's first league title and the best overall record (24-3). Despite the fact the Chargers were eliminated in the second round of the CIF playoffs, they were considered among the top three teams ever produced Ln the Orange Coast area. "To be involved with this game 1s a real honor," Wd Leigh. "I'm excited over the prospect~ OOllCh the9e kinds of players with their kind of talent.' The South figures to be rated aa the favorite .,am, and Leigh agrees, but add.a, "It'• alwaya a peatiame." The 1ame features many of the belt sraduatina lehlon ln e>ranie County and the North wnt counter with Eaperanu C:O.ch Mike Moore, who led hit Alteca to tM l'mlJft ........ thJ.e and '° the Hcond round of the l ·A playoft1 without \ho help of a 1tn1I• All·Or1n1• County or AU.:ctJ' plapr. Dodgers victill1 s o f 'D oll1e' atiack Astros scratch out 2-1 deciston HOUSTON (AP) -When the Houston Astros have won this year, it's been with a familiar formula Good p1tchjng and just enough runs to get by have been an As- tro trademark tn recent seasons, and Houston reverted to the old formula for a victory over the Los Angeles Dodgers Wednesday night. Don Sutton and Joe Sambito combined to handcuff the Los Angeles Dodgers on five hit as the Astros won a 2-1 decision on Alan Ashby's solo home run in the seventh mrnng. That gives Houston four wins in nine games this season, each by one run and by scores of 1-0, 2-1. 2-1 and 3-2 "We have to get good patching to win," Houston Manager Bill Virdon said. "Our starters have to hold them long enough for us to get something on the board." Sutton, 1-1. and Sambito fit the bill perfectly. Sutton gave up a run m the first on Steve Gar- vey's RBI single, but then retired 14 straight batters and cruised until the eighth inning. Los Angeles Manager Tom Lasorda thought at was a typical Sutton performance. "He seemed like the same pit- cher I've seen for a while," La- sorda srud of has former pitching ace. "Wt.• had enough ch ances. We didn't get Sutton and it's tough to win with JUSt one run." Samb1to entered m the eighth and earned his second save. The Dodgers had two runners aboard with nobody out when Sambito entered. and th~ Houston relief ace st.arlt'd by fielding a bunt by Steve Sax and turning it for a force out at third base. Samb1to then struck out Ken Landreaux but made an error on a pickoff try to move Rick Mon- day and Sax mto scoring position . After intentionally walking Dusty Baker to load the bases, Sambato and Garvey squared off, with Sambito fielding Garvey's chopper back towards the mound for the third out. "I don't thmk I threw as well last year as I did in 1979 and 1980," Sambito srud. "Th1S spring was the best m au my years of baseball and I feel like I'm back to where 1 was two years ago." Houston matched the Dodgers' run m the first inning on Jose Cruz's run-scoring single in the last of the fi rst and A s hby brought m the wanning run with hlS round-tripper. hts third home run of the year and second in two njghts. The Dodgers open a four-game series at San Diego against the Padres tonight. ·Kings to march on VANCOUVER (AP) -The Los Angeles Kings, having won a Playo!f series for the first time m five years, now are confident they can advance to the Stanley Cup semifinals for only the second time in their 15-year history. The Kings upset the heavily fa- vored Edmonton Oilers in the best- of-five Smythe Division semifinal 3-2 by winning two games in Edmonton, On TV tonight Channel 9 at 7:30 In cluding a 7-4 ro u t in Tueaday night's decisive fifth game. Their vic- tories came on the strength of their ability to adequately control Wayne Gretzky while pressing the F.dmonton de fe nse and then exploiting Oiler mistakes. J It b The victory meant a ticket to erry ora Vancouver, where they begin t he bea~f-11even division lemi-final toniaht .,a1nat the Aid-hot C.- nucka. The only time Loa Anaelee acfvanced to the Stanley CUp IJemifinal -the next 1tep tor either the K1n8J or the Canuckl - wu ln 1969 when they lost four atrelaht co the 8\. Louil Bbael. The Kino handled the Canuck:a moat of \he aeuon. winnlnl all but their llnal two moetfno. "Tboae laat two I•"* didn't meen anythlna co UI," Mid Kine~ deftnHman Jerry Korab. "W• couldn't 10 "P lft tho •ta.ndlnla ~ we couldn't IO any tower. W• had • lo& ol ._ ....,_ Uwm -we hadn't lost co thorn ln the'"" 11\19..,.... -but w. Gin'& Sot It IO co our heldl." Cl Orengo Coaat DAIL.Y PILOT/Thuraday, Aprll 15. 1982 t~ __ ._. __________________ ...., .. Kansas grid program under inve ligation From AP dispatcbea LAWRENCE. Kan. -A Unlwr· ti] 1ity oC Kansas official today con fir • • med report$ that the National Colle-\ giale Athletic Association 1s conduc- Ung preliminary investigauon of the Jayhawks' football.program. Jltn Lessig, who will t.ike over as KU ath- letic director April 29, said an telephone inter- views from Bowling Ureen, Ohio, that the NCAA told the university in a letter it was con- duc·ting the investigation Edison High products Dino Bell. Bill Mala- vasi a nd Frank and Troy Seurer are currently attending Kansas, while Troy Richardson. Dave Geroux and Ken Major havt• signed letters of Intent to attend the Wllversaty Lessig told the Wichita Eagle-Beacon'~rnd Lawrence Journal-World that he had received a copy of the NCAA Jetter that was sent to the KU chancellor. Lessig. who is wrapping up his duties as a thletic director at Bowling Green, said there were no current plans for an internal investiga- tion at KU. "That wouldn't bt· appropriate at this time. It could be something Vl'l'Y minor The only thing to my knowlt'dge now 1s that the univer- sity has received th<.' l<.'tler " A preliminary lettt•r 1~ NCAA standard procedure and may or may not lc·ad to an officiaJ anvest1Ration Quote of the day Newport Beach resident George Ar- ' gyros who owns the Seattle Mariners in the American League. is a member of Baseballs' Restructuring Committee. "We will make baseball more like a business. There are now 26 individuals as owners and a commissioner whose duties were set down in 1921 and haven't been changed appre.- c1ably. We need a chief executive officer and a board of dm.>etors and to have the owners work m a more <.'Ont·<mtrated effort to work together " .---~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -~- Baseball today On thla date In ~ball In 1968: Infielder Al Wela' rror on a potcntlaJ double play ball allowed Norm Miller 1.<> &ror<! the game's only run 8¥ th Hou•\.On Aatros beat the New York Mt>til 1·0 ln 24 mnmp ot the Astrodome . . ttw longt'8t 1-0 OJl(ht ji(Uffil' an ffi8JOr ll'Uf.CUl' hll(tOry On this da\4• an UJ47. Brooklyn Dodgcn1 first baM.•11Hm Jockic Robln8on becall\tl the• Cn'llt black to phay m the ma.)or leagues in rnodcm tJmcs, maklna his debut ln a 5-3 Dodger vic&ory over the Boeton Braves at Ebbets Field Armas slugs Twins In 12th Tony Armas' second hom • run oC ii the game, a two-run shot in the 12th inning. propelled the Oakland A's to a 7-5 victory over the MmnetiOta Twin& Wednesda~ night. With two out.a, Cliff Jolul1oa singled off Fernando Arroyo, then Armas alam- med his game-winnt•r over the right·field fence .. Bllly Sample stole two bases and scored twwe while Charlie Hougb ba((led New York with his knuckleball as Texas downed the Yankees, 4-1 ... Amos Otlt drilled a Doa Staohoust 'Itch off the left-field wall with two1 outs in the bottom o f the ninth to score U.L . Washington and give Kansas City a 4-3 win over Baltimore . Pinch-hitter Wayne Nordbageo and Buck Martinei slasht-d two-out singles in the bottom of the ninth to help Toronto take a 5-4 victory over Detroit . Tom Paciorek capped a four-run rally Wlth a threc--run homer. lifting Chicago to a 5-4 Victory over Boston. The White Sox remain u nbeaten 1n th e young season Andre Thornton collected three sin- gles and drove in three runs as Cleveland de- feat.t-d Milwaukee, 6-2. Braves rally to stay unbeaten Bruce Bened ict doubled home • the tying run in the ninth inning. then walked with the bases loaded to forc.-e m the go-ahead run m the 10th as the unbeaten Atlanta Braves won their eighth straight game, a 5-2 come-from-behind victory over Cincinnati . Elsewhere in the National League, Tim Lollar hurled six strong innings and Juan Bonilla drilled an RBI double in a two-run first inning that sl<irted San Diego on its way lo a :!-2 win in San Francisco ... Jerry White slammed a three-run pinch homer with two outs m the sixth inning to rally MontreaJ to a 5-4 victory over Pittsburgh . Andy Rincon threw a three-hitter, and Tommy Herr drove in two runs wuh a two-out singk• m the seventh 1nn1ng to h elp St. Louis stop Chicago. :l-1 . Mookie Wilson's two-run homer an the fourth-inning and Rod Gardenhire's three RBI led the Met s to an 8 -J v1c:tory over Phtladel ph1a Triathlon series set to begin • Ill 76ers end Pistons' playoff hopes JullH Ervllll acored 33 point.», m lncludJna 18 ln a fourth.qu~u-ter rally, trlggerina the l'hlladclphla 76ets to a , 119-"l l l victory over Detroit Wednes· day night. The losa otfic1a lly e liminated the l'l1tonJ1 from the NBA playocra . . Ellewhere, World Free puu~ In 37 point.a, 23 of them ln Lhti second half, l~uding Gold1•n SW«' U> o 104-93 v1cto In Seattle . . Reasle Tbeas pumped In 21 potnta and Arel• Gllmore haa 20 to pa c~ <..: h lcaso pa1t N ew Y ork, 120-116 ... Boston out.aco- red Milwaukee 14-2 during the f in.al 3:55 and behlnd Kevin McHale'1 20 points, outlu~ the Bucks, 100-91. It was the Buclu' third straight loss ... Jaa vaa Breda Kolfl and Ray Williams each sank a pair of free throws m the final eight seconds to give New Jersey a 98-94 win over Washington. The victory clinched a playoff berth for the Nets ... Walter Davis and Denoia Jolul1oa each scored 20 points to lead Phoenix to a 104 -92 vict ory over San Antonio .. Reggie Jobn1oa poured in a game-high 20 points and grabbed nine rebounds to power Kansas City to a 114-95 victory over Dallas Davld Thompson scored 26 points and sparked Denver to a 141 -122 triumph over Houston Babashoff elected to Hall of Fame Fountain Vallt'y product Shirley a ' Babasboff . along with Jobn .Naber, have been inducted into the Interna- tional Swimming Hall of Fame Babashoff won two silver medals and a gold at the 1972 Olympics in Munich. Television, radio FoUowinR are the top sports events on TV tonight, Ratings are: . excellc-nt, v v v worth watching; v v fair, v forge~ at Cf) 7:20 p.m., Channel 9 v v v NHL PLAYOFFS: Kings at Vancouver. Announcers: Bob Miller and Nick Nickson. The surprising Kings take on the Canucks for the Smythe Division championship and a shot at the Sµnley Cup. The Kings finished off Ed- mon ton Tuesday nigh t to gain a spot in the division finals an an almost unbelievable series, RADIO Baseball -Dodgers at San Otego, 7 p.m .. KA.BC (790); Seattle at Angels, 7:30 pm , KMPC (7 10). Hockey Km!!ts at Vancouver, KPRZ ( 1150). San Diego A thletes to be tested in swilnn1ing. hiking and running in five-city swing • One of thl• latest crazes th{'S(• days has been the triathlon boom. In recent weeks. the San Diego Union and Los Angeles Times have run m -depth stones on the event, which 1s an endurance test involving swim, bike and runmng events. The tr1athletes are tested in consecuttve 2 kilometer ( 1.2 mile) swimming. 35 KM (21.7 mile) biking and 15 KM (9.3 mile) run Entry forms for the five-city Unlled States Triathlon Series are now available in many sporting goods and running shoe stores along the West Coast. The series 1s set to open at Torrey Pines State Beach in San Diego on June 12. thl•n will move to Trojans sign two standouts LOS ANGELES (AP) The University of Southern California announcC'd Wednesday that two hr~h school players have s1gnl'd letters of intent to play basketball for the TroJans next year while UCLA said that 11m· standout h<ts signed Lo play with the Bruins The two who will play for the TroJans are , Gerry Wright, a 6-8 forward from San Gorgonio High, and Kevin Steward. a 6-5 guard from Pali- sades Hh~h. Sign ing with the Bruins was ti I guard Monte! Hatcher from Santa Monica High School. Long Beach State annoum:('tl 1t had signed a pair of re<:ruits 6-5 swing man Charles Houston from Casco Junior College m T<•xas and 6-1 1 center Ivan Berberckt from Rm Mesa High m Oxnard. UC Irvine announced the signing of five players -6-9 ctmtcr Tod Murphy from Lakewood High, 6-7 forward Ronnie Grandison of St. Ber- nard's High: 6-4 guard Ken Bardsley of Costa Mesa High: 6-5 guard Judd Bcardslt•y of Cypress Colle~e. and 6-4 guard Michael Lopez of Los Angeles Valley Junior College. The University of San Francisco was the big winner in the bac;ketball recruiting sweepstakes m Northern California, but 11th-ranked Fresno State got the big man 1t was after USF Coach Pete Barry said he· had received national letters of intent from four players he thinks will "start a new traditJon" for the Dons. The biggest and perhaps tx>st of the USF re- cruits is Paul Fortier. a 6-9 renwr-forward from St. Ignatius in San Francisco l''resno Coach Boyd G rant, who led his team l.o a 27-3 record expected signings from Mario Ellis, 6-1, all-city guard from Los Angeles, Marvin Carter. 6-4, from Chicago. Ill .. and Cleve Lewis, a 6-1 junior college transfer from Visalia. occ, addleback defeated Santa Ana downed Orange Coast, 8-4. in South Coast C.Onference play while Saddleback was losing to Southwestern. 7-5, m MiMion Conference acUon In oommunity college baseball play Wcdneaday. The Pirates (6-3 in the South Coast Conferen- ce) can't seem to buy a win at Santa Ana where lhey are 2--7 over the last six ycan.. .Five une arn d runs In the second inn ing proved to be the Bu.cs' undoing. With two out and two on. CX:C shortstop Sam Groot bootedia gJ"Ound ball to ac>ed the ba.lel. Pnc.her Jack Rclnholts then hit 1 Santa AN betwr to f~-. over a run before John Bryant uncorked a grand 11am home run over tbl Wt l~ld ftJ)CO-. • ~\hweNm &ouched Clau4:ho ·~ pitchtt · Oecitl BonJU. Cot lour Nnt ln t.he f lrat lnnina and llddlebldc could rwver ""1Wl'f' Souchwntern p1r1-)'od four hl\I, • walkl • ..mnce ny and an ttr0t ln&o tow runa and um O.udQ l'OUldn•t oa"h them af~r \hi ' RUNNING DENNIS BROSTERHOUS Los Angeles on JuJy 10, San Francisco (July 31), Portland (August 14) before finishing in Seattle (August JI) . • lnd1v1dual e ntries for the series are $25 per cny Men's, women's and mixed relay entries are $45 per city and entries will be limited lo 500 in- dividual and 100 total relay teams per city All entrants will receive a T-shirt and the op- portunity to win cash and merchahd1se prizes. Se- ries grand prizes will be awarded to the men's and women's regional champion an California and the Northwest, but to qualify. a triathlete must compete tn each regional city. Two champions per region wilJ be c:rowned on the basis of lowest elapsed total time for all regional events ORANGE COAST COLLEGE will be offering a fitness class this spring. entitled, "Let's Go Walkmg." The class meets Monday and Wednesday eve- nings. beginning next Wednesday and continuing through June 2. The one-hour class St'SSions begin at 7 pm. on the OCC track. Series Cee 1s $6 and reg1strat1on will be con- ducted on the track. Course instructor is fitness expert Keith Mayershiro. ''Walking is sociable, inexpensive, easy, and a very good way to get into betler physical shape," Mayesh1ro said For more 1nformat1on, phone 556-5880 WHAT'S GOING ON COUNTY-WlDE: Applications for the Seal Beach Recreation Department's Eighth Annual lO K Run are now available and the deadline to register is April 23 at 5 p.m. The race will be held on Saturday, May 8. be- Marina, Barons • • post v1ctor1es Marina High struggled bul stayed unbea'.en m Sunset League play, while Fountain Valley earned a needed win and La Quinta topped Edison Wed- nesday night in high school volleyball action. · On the community college level, Orange Coast and Golden West were also victorious. Marina kept its two-game advantage in the Sunset with a 16-14. 14-16, 17-15, 15-10 triumph over the stubborn Huntington Beach Oilers. '1lt wasn't very impressive," claimed Marina Coach Tim Reed of bls team's Performance. Fountain Valley kept pace with a 15-7, ll>-13, 15-7 sua."tc'SS over Ocean View. The Barons arc 5-2 ln loop play while the Seahawks fell to 3-4. Jun.for outside hitter/middle blocker Rob Wh1- tehal.r recorded nine blocks and eight kills while junior aetwr,Scott Nebon did a good job of running the Baron otfonaa. La Quinta thumpc!d Edison by the ldent.icaJ 11COrn of 15-8, 15-8, 15-8 to move tnso • u~ for t~ runner-up spot with Fountain Valley. The ~ went to JOpbomoru Jeff R<*?nthal and Brad K ollar, playing In their flrat va.raJty pma.. to he~cm J{e\ tho victory Oranae t broeud \0 a 10·~. 14-18, 15.-4, 10·3 .....-CMtt Cetritot co movo lw r'lt'Ofd '° 7.0. The Pt,..tei villt San Bemard1no Valley Slll\ll'dlf. Ookl•n W•\ up~ 1\1 mark'° 4·1 ln conf•· renc• pl•)' by def H\Jn1 LA Harbor, 16·8, ao.e, ICl· 14. 'Mlitdlt bl«ker Brad Sanden and outeiid• hlt~r 8rlail hrril 1"1Cld CNl In IN RUltW!i' wln. ' ' ginning with the wheelchair entrants at 8 am and all other runners at 8:05. The entry fee IS $8 per person with medals awarded to the top finishers in C'ach age d1v1Sion and every hmsher receiving a T- shirt This IS also the first year that thlS ra<.-e will be open to non-residents a nd a pproximately 1,000 runners are expected to participate. A lOK RUN at William Mason Park in Irvine will be held Sunday, April 25 to benefit the cam- paign of Pete McCloskey for state senate. Registration fees are $6.50 with a T-shirt and $4 without The race is slated l.o begin at 8 a m. BISBEES '·! '• T• '' .. • •. 406 S. Bay Front Ba Ibo" Island 675-51 8(' Call 642-5678. Put a few words lo work tor ou. ~ J C ~ PMllAA, ~ PACIFIC COAST OPEN COMP SPECIAL WESTERN CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES FRl.-SAT., APR. 16-17, 8 P.M. '· ~ DEFENDING CHAMP10N LAUY llHIUIPS RETURNS TO ACTION 18100 S. VIRMOllT AVE. 'AIDIH !21ll l211 100 171J1J7l 1142 AIMftleW ... _. n SCIAMIUS FIGUIE I STOCKS CMCS..CtMMtl l'Mr., A,r. 15, 7:30 P·"'· Witt. Strttt Sttd11 5-., A,r. 11, 1 P."'" ' • Classified adverti1ing is your beat choice for help In Mlling the Items vou no longer need. It's quick and lnexpenlive. Sea View tightens up Uni 10,pp/es CdM ,· Irvine wins Tht• Sea Vww Luasue buebi.11 race i1 beco- ming as tight as ever af'Cr Unlvee"llty blanked Co- rona del Mar Wednelday and .lrvfn•'. F.stancia and Saddleback poeted wl.N. One Sunset League <.'On - test wa.M held with Huntington Beach rullylng to re<.'Ord ll wild victory over Marina Here's how it went. UnlveraJly •. Corona d9I M•r o The first annang set the tone of the afternoon as the Trojans scored twL<.-e and Corona del Mar missed a chance after loading the bast.':! with JUSt one out. Rich Sorenson led of( the gamt· with a single, took third on Jeff Miller's double and scored on a p~ ball Mike Frei knocked in the :;(l(Ont.l Uni- versity run The S<.'a Kings tried to retaliate righ t away in the bottom of the first a fter loading thl' bases wllh Ont.' out but a sharp lme drive was turned into a doubll· play Lo !!Quelch the threat University sc:ured its thJrd run m the third on singles by Randy Myers and Jeff Millt.>r and a CdM throwing error The fmal run cam(' 1n th<.• sixth on an error. passed ball, fielder's cho1<.i.' and another 1hrowmg <.'rror. lrvlne 11, Coata Meaa 9 The Vaqu<•ros s pread the hitting around as everybody t'Xt'C'pt one player in tht.> staruns lineup had at leasl one hit Jay &'Ott went :J-for-3 to k·ad the charge. as Irvine broke• an 8-R deadlcx:k with three S(>venth· inning runs Rich Karn) led off with a doublc and Jay &'Ott singled an the• go-ahead run, Laking SC<.'Ond on the throw to lhtc" plate Mike Tierney singled m the se<:ond run. taktn_f( sel'ond on another throw, then raced home when Joh~tt deliVC'rPd a base hit Eatancla 10, Newport Harbor 4 Jeff Gardner was 3 -for ~:i with three stolen · bases to lead the Estandla atta<:k that saw the Eagles sc:ore thrN• times in th1: fourth and add four more in the fifth The Eagles had nm<: s tolen baM-:. for the game 1r1 improving thell' rt'<.'Ord to 9-7-1 ovc·rall and 3-3-1 111 &•a V1c•w League play, Gardner, 1n addition to a p •rfect day at the plate, srnrN.1 two runs, had a pair or RBI and In· eluded two cJoublC'S in h1S hll total Ht• also walked twwe Huntington Bea<:h 13, Marina 11 - _ Th1s. wild <>ne wa•m.:.t~~d-urn..H~,..t.._,f~1ftA&et-l --- frame whl•n the Otlf.:'rs rallied for three runs to overturn an 11-10 deficit In ttw sc·venth. Huntington Beach loadL.od tht• bases on walks, S<.'Ortod two runs on an error, and thl' third whc:n Brian Beard singled. Grt•g De Valk had three si ngles for th<· winners, while Kcvm Elstcr singled twice and tr1pll-d to pace Manna Saddleback 5, El Toro 4, John Alvarez doubk.od. Wf.:'nt to third on a sat.- rif 1ce and S<:ored on an error in tht• :.cvt•n th inning to send tht• game into an extra mnmg Saddlc>back then St'Ored the wmnmg run on a singll• by Reuben Galvin, a walk, sacr1f1ce and another single by Jack Medina, his SE:'<.'Ond base hit of the game Laguna Hiiia 11, San Clemente 3 L«' Plemel went all the way as L<iguna Hills St'Ored S<.•ven big runs in the fifth inning to post its fifth victory of the South Coast League season agains t two losses •. The Skiing's Great FLY I~ ,. ''" \ AIR IRVINE . A~~ TO MAMMOTH ·~ J~ from John Wayne Airport l 600 Air Irvine will arrange + tu for transportation to and from the main lodge-600 Round Trip. one way t Depart Saturday 7 am Depart Mammoth Sunday 4 pm Call Nowt Seat• Llmltedl (714) 540-6911 195J\ ~ Way South General Aviation TemWI fJREAT fJAS fJIVEAWAY In Frldoy1 • ---It Could Se YOU/ ' , S.IH Ntl ho" ... I )atn Nt l Wle\ N•I '91" N•I P. I I\~ CIOM Cl'IO I' ~ l>CI> Cto.. Cl>Q P f l'ld\ (tow C"9 PI! "OS CIOw ("9 PE 11(8 Cto~ ("lj ... ~ .~ 1 ~.~ 1~1:a.11~ ,, a .: ~ '°; '5 =··" ="· . t.11.., l: • .., = .... Jlftf r: ~ .... ...,,19 .. ;.:: • •n l"''t1::,.1 ,..~~r:~ =:..:t .. ~""~~ ... ·.·:.,~ .,:~="J2·1 ·•15'L:'~ '-let ~~ R 'nt: tt l~lll '·'* 2 ) 14 + ... -UI • , •• =~ = 11-w-1 '114 T...-o ·! • ,,.. ..... " I 1 ' a ~ ~ 1 4 • ••• '. li:IY. ::= ·i ,.: -· Mollt~ US . I io • ll't 8f '-lH ·.,· .. m '4! .. l4 ft•On 110 I Ml1.-I-. ..... .. = 'i ' ···-. I.JO t ... ~ ··· Mf'll t IO >4 ~\lo pl YI • "' Te11I.• a:. S . .,..., .. 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GMP n l.e S t IM . . fK1NGr 64 11 140 111>-Yt "-Pl. U:Z 6 'l2S " . . SIOllCI 2.40 016.J JOO.I.-\.'f MIFM t to 10 8 22'+-V. llt:Allty 2.:11 t 7 24'4-\.'f Ql'tW I 4 9 ltAI.-Yt Grtvtl 1.7.0 S 'Z26 ,._ MGMlJo lOt 12 ?lit • + 1,-. IW'l. flf (.JD . llO Jl!V>... StOlnd 2.10 6 tsl ........ ~ n .JI 10 12' IS..-'.\ ~Tr-!-! •J• ~ ~"·;,i; (.)tclcpl 1.109 3 1 11 14 c;n,y wt 14 114 . Me LI g .40 Jl ll'lo... . ,_Pl. Opr17S 12 ~ 'I'll StCIOOf> 2.40 4 .. , M ..... ...CO .n 10 11 35'.4. · ,_ .,. .. ~ .....--0-0 -Grow<; U M) I .. ""'+ 14 Mltmt JO ii ll 16.,.._ Y, ,_Pl.. pr 8 .• t 100 S2'1'>-14 SOOll pf 3.7J . 1100 .. ..,._ 11> ~ pl4,j() .. 1100 l2 ..... 811Tr flf •.%2 ·,· ' 31 -.... DMG .. II 2?'lo..... GthRtY .. • n~..... ..., ' I •• Dltlo+ -. ~ uo 7 • »•A .. v. StP.cQ> .70 • • 7111>+ .... WPIP s IAO ' lll 23V.+ 14 ....... ·" s ~.... D9nlClrl .20 • 112 111e+ "" Gnlmrn 1.40 17 JJ 2"9+ .. Mrtllf U$ rlO 31 """" flf uo .. ' " _, st ..... ft> • 1 IJ14+ .. ~T gl.OI • m1o. . 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IUO •• 1210 II _, TnfYtfl " ~ ,._ Jtlo .n 4 llO ....... 14 1A • 19 + Yt ~ I • 6 22 -14 "'"""' uo 1 • ..-.. "" Mllilfll .. ,. IJI ~"' 1A 1 ., D -.... Tcfttlr .n 4 s.tf 1114• -. ,., I ,. J1~ \4o : : • N . •••• I ... t It! 24\4 • _, ._.Ill t • U4t1 "41~• " Me!H!ft Ill.if a Sl tw.-\lo ii IAI I 2" ~ ... . Tt;tmlC I la 16t1 W\4+ _. .JD 1' 10liJ IS-.+ II) 1.a ,_ ,_ .... • • • • 1M t • n...-Jtlo ttewtP s .ti It d 0.-Jt1o Motf1tll .. 2.04 t " ~ ~ El pl ..SO • • dll JI -1 Tetcom i J , .. ,. .» 19 ti D -~ 1.•ii ao ~' 'I" J ..__"' He11tt1 .•• 12 """• .... Mltt9I a , 14 ''""·· s .• n JJ r.!;· "' .,.,..,.. • • 1""'•'"' uo • " •-'4 'fl 4 • a -ia i • IO 1Dh"' "'tflt!lr ... $ II M + \lo Mllrl'a ltt ' 9' :N .:.:.''4 10.AO t 0 "° " .. • 11 ~" s ~"' Hlv.n .u11 ,. ""'· •• ~ W1J • ~.,. 11 as li • lllo f 7 J =-"' l."9 ., ; 1~ ~ Hiltlft 1.19 t tt1 • -l Mtf'illill 1• r s. -+ lo<\ .Iii 11 '1 + Vo 6 • ••• • ~ t !J!~" H!t-1111 J llS~IYt ::::\' 1 ... -· \it U> IO_, ~ ... rt/UI .. I .. " ~ .~" ~= :=r • , m ..._ .. --... , ,...... ,f ~ i i:t:::: Phone refunds eyed "'·". 11 !Wo..... ~I-... ,., ...,,.... .... ,, ....... ... :'f JI i .... ·;,m ! '-:=f'. ;:;.; _: ~·~ ""'* ,..,. 14 11 .:.::~ ·;1• ll....+·i* SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -State 1.11 ti W + :: fl · • S ~ = ..... 1 ,J IS• • "' ~ ..... It • ~ .. Ir ..... fl -! .~ l'f + = = . '.. ~ . '.':~ t-.u ~ : ~ =: :: =· !P._t :: = ~"'f li _ ;; fl ····" Coo1roUer Kenneth Cory Wanta $5.3 6~ .?! ::-~ fil·' 1'!!!'m:~ 11~u :ti e:.m .i·"i ii-I ~ :' 11..r: ~~~~~ -~i·! •1 ~i ~1"! ~:tt '·iJi &.;i !fr"~: J ~m:~.~ '.i ~' fi:~ '°c;';i:,~e CalllomJa supreme 'I 'I .... .,. • 'J±. VI ...... ,... • .. ,.. " iAi ow .. .. i . " Court Wednmdey the .m.oney thou.Id -0:.C -~~ • ~tMI -!:$!!i:: ! r!'e E '~ii~ ~::; I :: r::.~. be turned over to him ln tl"Ult tor • ~ l ~ R! I ,t l "'~= : '!! ::I+"· -• • I ,I f! ~ :: , ~·· unloeo~ple due l'tlundl, with \.·,.,/ ~, t!-lj··l ii KI~ ., ~= . :j 1 IT".~~~ ~h:\rub.Tc cu:iru:~~n 'f .1. ~:, T: ~ I,.! '~ :i j ta .. · i 1 :·j ~~~ .. ~ !flI I '-_ .... .. 1 !.:::: • 111 .. ,. t'Clll) A..-1974 to ,.__ u. ttlO. 7 Multi-level market planned A 40,000 square foot aupemwket with 2 built-In elevators transporting customers to and from an overhead parklng lot, Is being constructed for Irvine Ranch Farmers Market on the first floor of the Be· verly Center. Los Angeles. • Owned by Jon Hubbard, the-Orange-Coun~­ based produce and grocery chain has three specialty market locaUona 1n Irvine, Tustin and Newport Beach. Architect UI Louis K. Glasbrenner of San Cle- mente. Conrac picks Bolden Bolden Machinery Co. has been selected to re- present Conrac Machine Tool Division's tube bending and tube end-forming equipment in Southern Cali- fornia. Owner/President Al Bolden, has operated his Santa Ana-based company si.nct: 1978. Conrac is located in Westminster. -systonetics marks profit Systonetics, Inc., Fullerton, a manufacturer of interclctive project management graphic software, re- ported that revenues for t,he fiscal year ended Feb. 28 w ere $5,556,000 as compared with last year's $2,040,000, representing a 172 percent increase. Earnings for the year were $651 ,000 as compared with last year's loss of $1,278,000. On a per-share basis earnings were 71 cents per share compared to the prevtous loss of $2.35 per share. Vltrasystems expands board Dr. Robert J . Hermann has been elected to the board of directors of Ultrasystems, Inc., Irvine , in- creasing the board membership to 7. Dr. Hermann is a former assistant secretary of the Air Force for research and development and logistics as well as the special assistant for intelligence to the undersecretary of Defense for research and enginee- ring. He is a vice president for Systems Technology, Electronics Sector, United Technology Corporation Business bank VP named Robert N. Manley of Yorba Linda has been named ~utiy_e . .llice presiden.LoLa business .hank b.e.Wg formed in OranRe County. r Enterprise National Bank (its organization) plans to open near the Irvine industrial and business com- plex in early fall after a capitalization drive of $5 million. Manley previously served as vice president of Manufacturers Bank, Newport Beach. and for 10 years with California First Bank . 'Challenge~ Santa Ana topic "High Technology or High Unemployme nt: The Challenge for the 80's .. is the theme of a three-day sympos.ium beginning Monday at Santa Ana College. Representatives of Orange County companies, educa- tion groups and government agencies will participate in workshops and group sessions addressing producti- vity, upgrading and retraining needs of industry and the need for cooperative arrangements between the private sector and educational institutions. Dr. Wils6n Riles, state superintendent of public instruction, and Brig. Gen. Joseph Connolly. U.S.A.F .. will kick off the symposium Monday at a breakfast meeting for the chief executive officers of 170 county organizations._ STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES NEW YORK (l'P} -Wed. pri ce -ret c:NnQe ol Int 11"-"'°st actlw ,.,.,,, Yori< Stock ExdW>Oe on .. ,, tr .. rog Not-ly Ill more tlwn •I. ScHltJ arw 1,su .. 100 1~ + ~ IBM 1,717,«>D 6J<o\ + l\lt 0oo\ > 1" IDO l8'i. -''• _..,. ni.600 ..,,,.. + '"' lft.:hl n ~.4111) 1311> MIDll s SSC,«>D 21\>t ~ S31.300 ~ +tl/t '"-t G&.E '2',000 12- Sony Corp «>S,300 13 -" ,,,.... T& T 3119.«>D SS'h + 1h Oll<OrO m. 100 21'h + •t. T.,.,., s m , 100 11 SMn:Aolb 313,G 1' • '"' ,.,.._ 310,700 10,,, + 'h T~ 299,700 111.,. ~ AMERICAN LEADERS NEW YORK (AP) -Sales, WfKJ. pnoe -,. c:NnQe of tr. ten most ectlvt Nntrtc., 5'od Eicmenoe luues, trmcllno NI-Iv .i mono o .. n \I ~ s »O,IOO ·~ -~ ~ 1711.200 II +I .... Alr1 16J,7DO 5"1• • \I+ CMfCln O 11S,3DD 11~ -'I'll ~Ptllrm I f.S,200 lt"'-t V. :=' 13,JQ) IJ\lo + 'I'll 12,000 I~ • ~ ~I ... 6CID 1114 "" Wlrtll • sue. JO.<o\ • v. o-ft "'' 4',600 12 -..... UPS AND DOWNS ...... O.,••• Pel. Up It.I Up 11.S Up 11.1 Up 10.7 UP 9.7 Up H Up t .I Uo U Up q Up 7.2 Uo t.7 Up S.t Up s.• Uo S.• Up s .• Up 5"} Up H UP SJ Up S.t? NEW Y~l((API ANI Oow·Jonei ·~ ~-···"· o.;.,, Nldl Lew 0-a.. J) Incl llO Tm IS Ull 66 Slk lru& 'Tr., Ullls buo ""·* 131.91 1138.0'I--1.tS 347 60 lS0.43 3'7 ., 346. 37 2 77 111.66 112 .... 111 17 117 01. 0 ·~ Xl2.21 lJ.UI )28 ~ )31 6'1--1 06 6S Stir •,S.U,700 1,2811,900 l.l86.100 7,212,JOO WHAT STOCKS DID NEW YORK CAP) WIVT AMUOoO -.. Wed. &13 7'18 "" 1901 JO 1' NEW YORK IAPI -,. Wtd. 111 271 22S n• ,,,.,.. ~I. METALS w.c1....a., • 10 713 1.31 166 " 7 CopjMr 78-78 cenis a pound. U.S. deetlnatlona. Zinc 35-39 oenls a pound, dell· vered. Tin $6.7343 Melals Week com- posite lb Alumlnllm 76-77 oeflll I PoUnd.,_N.Y Mercury 1395 oo per nu11. "-11num $360.00 troy ot., N.Y SILVER WedllffdllJ Handy & Herman. $7.565 per troy ounce GOLD QUOTATIONS ,wect. londoft; Mor11lng ll•lng $382.50, on S-4.25. lOtMloni 1nernoon nx1n9 '363.25, on 13.60. ' f'tlM: 1362.70, on •1.2<1, FIWllrturt: ~.01. on $3.~7 l•rlcfl: Lite flxl11g $382.00 bid, off 13.00: $3$5.00 Mk.CS. Hendr & Mermen: 011ly delly quo1e. SN3.28, Oft 13.50. off ':t:::6* ClflJy d•lly ciuoi. ~.28. ~ only deily quote 11lbttollted w u 1. °" as.ea. SYMBOLS g H/F Orange Coatt DAILY PILOT/Thureday, Aprtl 15, 1982 ! I ~ Students helped get out Valley vote YMCA units p lan merger Some of the moat a11reMlve election "<J)rken In Fountain Valley didn't caat any ballot• themlelvtt Tueeday. nwty wettn't old enouah. But th.at dJdn't atop about &O seventh and eighth arade atu- dentl at Glaler School ln Fount- ain Valley from partJdpating ln a aet-out-the-vote campaign for the dty council election. Aooordlng to Giiler Principal Sonny Morper, the 1tudenta obt- ained a llat of registered voters ln their neighborhood from the county and passed out 2,000 remember-to -vote filers during Euter vacation. Then after acbool Tue.day, the 1tudenta checked their commu- nity'• three polllng l>l•ce• and obtained a U.t of who hadn't vo- ted yet. Puenta then ahuttled \he 1tu· denta to several area bualne.et \ha t had agreed to let th e youngsters use their phone• to help encourage additional voting before the closing of the poll.a at 8 p.m. Phones were provided by ITT Cannon, Fountain Valley Insu- rance, the-Huntington Beach· Fountain Valley Board of Real- ton, \he Fountain Valley Cham- ber of Commerce and Coeta and Wallace Real F..tate. The 1tudenta received a varie- ty of rmporwea to \heir call.B. "It's been halt and half," said Wendy Della Santa, lS. "Some of the people have been nice and eome have been really mean." According to the student•. many retidenta were grateful for the reminder, but others were concerned about where the youngsters had obtfi,ned their unlisted phone numliers. (The numbers were included on the county Regl1trar o f Voters printoUl.) One 1tudent said his "uddeet" call wu reaching \he home of a registered voter who had recent- ly died. The youngsters were Instruc- ted not to advocate any candi- dates ln the election or to d1lcuas them at all. But just reminding residenta to vote became compli- cated in some lnatan<.'e8. "I explained the whole thing to one man, and he said, 'What are you talking about?' So I had to explain it a second time," recalled Jeff Zentarsk.i, H . But \he atudent.a reported tht- majority of people they talked to were pleasant. The youngsters aa.id they had learned a lot about \he political process through the project. Although it was not hn.media- tely known how significantly the 1tudent1 increased the voter tur- nout in their neighborhood, Morper said he was pleased. "This was something you can't learn about in a book," he said. "And It's also one more way to point out the 'ood things that kids are doing.' -By PHIL SNEIDERMAN ' "Bone.Jour The YMCA of North Orange County In Fullerton and the YMCA of Orang~ County Jn Santa Ana are merging, official.I of ttw two aa ncies annowxied. The mers_e r, effective thl1 month, la taking plaoo ln order to create a more efficient frame- work to serve the community and to cut per capita operating costs, officials said. The ne w YMCA wiU use the name YMCA of Orange C.OuJ'\ty. Officials also said they expect the new organization's size to enhance its fund-raising ca_l,>8bi· lily. Badger ••• -·--__ , _______ -----~---1>~Motlt•~··· ELECTION PROJECT -Jeff Zentarski, 14, and Lisa Dunn, 13, both eighth graders at Gisler School in Fountain Valley, used a telephone at ITT Cannon to encourage voters to cast their ballots in Tuesday's election. Nucle ar conflic t teach-in slate d WASHINGTON (AP) -In hundreds of com- munities across America next week, people will gather to consider the hometown consequences of nuclear war. There will be talks at service club luncheons, churches, schools and public meetings and a "Run for Your Life" race in Winston-Salem, N.C., a ser- mon by \he Rev. Billy Graham at Yale University, a "Peace With Justice Concert" in Cleveland, a "There's No Place to Run" run in Champaign, Ill., and a showing of the film, "Dr. Strangelove" in Sacramento. In Cedar Rapids, Iowa, according to organizers, red pieces of paper will be tacked on poles, marking the radius of destruction of :i hypothetical nuclear explosion. And in S pokane, Wash., helium-filled balloons will be released containing scraps of paper reading: ''You've just been hit by fallout." All told, the organizers of the event -it amounts to a national teach-in -estimate that 10 million to 20 million people will take part in 650 communities and on 350 college campuses during \he week April 18-25. Many others may watch "Thinking Twice About Nuclear War," an hour-long program on Public Broadcasting Service stations. The events are locally arranged under the im- petus of Ground Zero, an organization with a staff of 12 and a budget of $290,000. It was founded in 1980 to stimulate a week of national discussion on the consequences of nuclear war. ''Ground Zero" is the technical term for the ' poinpoint where a nuclear weapon detonates. In connection with the week, Pocket Books published "Nuclear War: What's In It For You," which Roger Molander wrote. Roger Molander said the book offers, in simple form, as much informa- tion as a president gets about nuclear strategy and the consequences of a nuclear exchange. Ground Zero week will open in more than 500 communities with the unfurling of a banner rea- ding, "U this were ground zero for a one megaton explosion, virtually everythinl within two miles will be destroyed immediately.' A 370-mile bike ride is planned for \he &re4 around Whiteman Air Force Base, Mo., with the purpoae of showing \hat a "surgical" nuclear strike there would kill half the population within that circumference. Five minutes of church bell ringing will open the week ln Portland, Ore. In a park outside the White House here, a lunchtime "speaker's comer" will be established to entertain \he public's questions on nuclear issues. In Hanover, N.H ., a panel of clergymen will d.i.lcuss, "Nuclear Weapons: Ia There Any Word from the Lord?'" At the University of Arkansas. 1tudent.a and to~ple plan to line \he main street of Fayet- teville with two miles of anti-weapons placards. And studenta at Northwest Community College in Nome, Aluk.a, will releue 100 bottles in the Bering Sea with a~ uJdng findent to "open their eye." to the threat 'of nuclear war. Decision reversed NEW HAVEN, Conn. (AP)-Yale Univendty faculty members have voted to require foreign laJ\aUa8e 1tudy for underaraduates, revenln& a dedllon of the late 1960I and 1-vtnc jult one Ivy Leque lnldtuUon without the requinment. be faculty memben voted to approve a re- qui.rwlnMt that all undlraradua .. ltUCly two yeen of f orel1n lan1ua1t1 or p111 a 1tandardlaed ~ ... to -a diploma. 1iM dldl6on IMVM Brown Univenlty M the only IVJ i...,. Dool wtthout a f--'cn Lancua1t ~" spred H on the house Glidden goes on easy, dries qulckly. Durable flat tlnl1h. Resists bllaters, peeling, mildew. Easy water clean- up. Reg. 17.99 Rugged nylon re-lnforced garden hose la 30' long. ·~ .. diameter for even flow. Brass couplings. #T 665 Reg. 6.99 pipe In the Wlter Ouaffty 10-foot 19ngth PVC sprinkler pipe. w· dlametlf'. schedule 125. ~. 89e 11 99 311 &1c lantastlcally 1predable Exterior spred latex gloss House & Trim paint from Glidden. 12,.! Goes on with ease Quick drying Reg. 19.99 round & round cuts It down Lawn Chief 22" rotary mower with eaay-1111 starter & ltngertlp 1 • 1 91 height adjusters. 3'..-li h.o. #53 grass catcher ........ 19.95 pumping llr 100 Pll prMSUl'9 loot pump for tut air pumping to In· nata~. tlrM. l>Mch ball•. rafts. end more. #KFP1 _Reg. 7.95 Au-Revoir Gar-baagel '' Badger I disposal by In -sink-erator really handles tough jobs. Gives quiet, dependable, powerful action. Reg. 44.75 . . 32ss boring? try this! Black & Decker's'•" variable speed reversing drill Double l 9'' Insulated. #7127 Reg 29 99 • •llfrJ lock 11t Tylo by Kwikset Keyed tor exterior door with dead latch for extra a•• seconty. Complete with 2 keys Bra11 finish. #400. Reg. 11.99 .......... wltll success Take out that old ballcock and float, and r~ them with Iha quiet wat•r-Hvlng FluldmHter. Adjuatlbl9 helghl f.WOA. ~· 7.19 have a lald-bacll summer Mul1•·PoSltlon btnana chair made of strong, comfortable vinyl slfapplng over steel 849 frame Reg 14 95 feast your eyes on this barbeque Dual burne< propane gu barbeque fea- tures heavy duty conatructlon and high· domed lid Tank In· 22911 eluded #9230. Reg 309.95 ' . -\ • . I ~ 1rfT" .. ~.-... •1 '"Y"' to stay In hot w1tw 11899 30-gatlon water heater with en•rgy Mvlng temperature lhut-otf. .......... 124.11 st ......... ..... I t <I\ •• • Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT /Thureday, AprlJ 15, 1982 H l f DI NIUC Mffte ITATl•NT Of W!TMIMlAWA.L ""°"' ,"""1tltl ..... ONIUTIMO UMDlfl mmioua flCTITIOUI au ...... ~ .. ~ ,...... 11ATl•NT Tiie klllowlne per-.,... wttllcl••-.. 1111 1a11-1no -aon• or• dooio 1>t<•1· • ~., PerlJ>lr tr.11111 11" Hrlntr.~lf> -r:; SUMMA LfAS1NG INC (bl =·~1Hr:rob':c-111~0::'1f,;":.:! SUMMA COMMf:ACtAL LU.SING, • (.el A .. Colle Mete. CA 9*7 ttotni. COtPOflllOfl 2''°2 s..t>ltQnl C•_.. Tile "'~io... 11ut1r1M1 -tlAll-1 El foto CA tl21JO 10t t"9 1*1"8AlllO -M>ad on Aptl 4 CARL Hf.NAY AMENOA Jr 72701 IMO Ill 1119 Coullly 01 0r""'09 AU NO S\lnllonl Ct-fl TOfo CA 112':!0 '116M2 MAX MAGEE, llOJ1 Oetm•I Pl ... • fllM --_,_ of 1J>e ,,.,_. Sat1ta ARA. CA G29IO Wllhdtewlng Pllllll• Kl"Q, 111931 f:dQe-Tru• llu-le ~eel I>) • Mmlt"° NIUC MOnel •IC m10u1 au11HeH OjA .. f ITATl .. INT h ... ff~IOCf (,.ft4lf• It dV"nQ b"•',,... •• >011((. S(AVtl..(!I • tt&O t u~ttd -..11~~:~~' ~~~~~.~~~v•, ,\;~'l:'1•a .,,,_, N<> ~. U.ruau Wu•• l..8h10rt>t.1 Ill~,~ t;u11n••~ • <onov .. •eu u .. 10 " J°4•tC)t4'1 w u ..... , Ir ... tl1t .. t .. t1I w•• l•'-o Mitt trw CCNnh' (. ...... ~ °'""O" ('.()Vllly"" Ap<~ 6 194; l'lasnt ••uLhttte,1 Of•ng .. C..0111 tJ•••t Pilot At'' n •·· n .1'.i •~•? •60~ 82 wood ......... \jl\ttnolon BMoll, CA 9264t -1,,..INP I'll~ IClnQ Cllti H A.-~ ----------..---Publlllled Otanoe Co111 Delly Pilot, !ht• tl•l•menl wu llleel wlln the MlfCh 2t, April t. 9, 16 IM2 1420-82 County Cletk of Ofono<> County un M111ch NOTI<:I Of' NOH-fll8f'ONt•1L1TV Notice 11 heraby given lh11 1111 unOll'•IQnd Wiii "°' lie 111p0n1lble "'IUC •nee tor any dlb" 01 ll11>11111es con1rec· 1-------------19d by 1ny01"" 01ne1 1h1tn mysett, on °' eftet 1h1s dlta Olltr<I ltlt1 Ill C11y ol APflL I i!2.. Oanlal C S<:Nlr 415 RrverttO• Newpo<I Beach CA 8 92663 Pul>hl~eO Orlf\ge COUI 0111ly PtlOt NOTICI Of' T"UITH't a.ALI f.S. NO. U20I NOTIC~ IS MV-~ OIVl!N, that on Wadnalld1y. Aprll 21 1912, at 9 00 o'cloek • m of Mid day, In lhe 1oom u1 a1101 tor conducllng l •ullM • Salal within tna off~ of t61M-82 REAL ESTATE SECURITIES SER· ------------VICE located "' 2020 No tlll April 14 IS. :? 1 tll82 PVILIC MOneE B1oa0way. Sulla 206 10 the City of Sante Ana, County 01 O•anoe. Slate of Calll01nl1. REAL ESTATE SECU· NOTICE OF fRUSTlf'S SALE RITIES SERVICE 1 Celllornl1 CO<· T.I . No. "729 w111on, u duty appolnlad fruttee NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. 11111 under and c>ur1u1nt lo Iha power of on We<lnesooy. May 5. 1982. 111 9·00 sale conlurted In 111a1 cer111n Deed ... :~·~~~11 .. w•nu o~'"''" ••• ito•"V ou.. o'clocll ""' of tatd day. in the 1oom of Trull e1ecu1ad by MARV JO 30, 19112 -------------f'lltlllOT NIUC MOneE Pubtl•~•O 011110• Co••I Deitv P1101. 1-------------1 Aj)r1I I, 8. 1&, 22. •962 1482 82 PlCmioua au--•• !&Am ITATl!llllENT 'ICTITIOVI IUllNlll NAMl I TATIMINT 111 CUMMINY!s AU IOMO• IVI 1J1 MO set Hide tor conouctlng T1u11 .. ·1 BARETICH recorded January 29. llilf M(C•tl\Nll.. .. o 010~ ,.~ ""''"" S alet, within Iha oltlcea of REAL 1981, In Boolt 13930 of Otflc;llf ~- 8 ' 1.ua10 Mt••• r·A 9~~~6 ESTATE SECURITIES SERVICE, lo-corda ol Hid Coon1Y II PllQ4I 1185, w11 ltA!.1 l < U Ml.'ING~ t40H ceted al 2020 Noru1 Broadway, Recorda1·1 tnatrum•nl No T,,_ 1-..g --It OOll'O ~ ... "'IUC llOTlCE F PAULI ASSOCtAT£4, 1002 ~~-RI-C00t1 FOUf'\1""' V~ CA ,ICTITIOUI aUllHLH NAMf ITUflffHT •"''"''•r• I•••"* I.." gn 14 Suite 206. In Ille C11y ol S•nta Ana. 33863 by re11on of • t>re•cll or 11 O•O l C.Al•N 11 1000 W••1 l • County 01 Or81lge Stale 01 CaJtlOf· deteull In peymenl or pe<lormance 11•1• """' tu6 <~or..,~ 1 A i lObll n11, CALIFORNIA l ANO TITLE ol Iha Ot>ltglllOnl MC.urecl lhl<eby P•~~,.!.,~~~,.~, '' tC1NIV4-'"° bY • ~., COMPANY • Calilotnla corpora-1ncludlng that oreach or defauh FrtncH 0 Pl utt 104Sl lru~U• "'-Cour1 Fovnloln v..., CA t270t the IC>llU.,,ttHJ pt!t.Ont ore 00.0\j' UUll nft ... "'' AP Wlt~to ~.,butl~n la conduct.a Dy en 111-OONOA 1..0N•F40LL£0 \.HHl')ltAN t:.HANNELEO RH tEf f U,.0 •lt.• V•I" ''"'*"e C1f.f0fn•• 9'1 t4 "''·"•ml r.u•••"""O' lton as duly appom1ed Trustee un· No1tce ol w111c11 w11 rKordad No-'"'' &1••-·• w•• ''""' ""'h •M Count) Cler and pu11uan1 10 1he powet o l llllml>llf 13 1981, tn Boote 14290 01 c;i.~• "' °'•"'14' <:c.<.nty "" ""''t 6 1t1e1 sale conlerrao m ma1 ~nain Deed Olt1C1al ReGOrdl ol aa1d County. at GRANDMOTHER LIFTS CAR -Angela Cavallo, left,_ lifted a f~-size Thia :.r.w;::.~. ~~ fll•O wllh lh• sedan four inches off the ground when her son Tony, right, was pinned Coun1yc..,kot<><eno-Coun1yonMate11 after a bumper jack fell. Eleven-year-old Johnny Edwards, center, alerted 30;.~~! ... a o reni• COllt o.,rv1=. neighbors, who replaced the jack and pulled the unconscious Tony out. A1><N ' •. 16· n 1 82 1ue-a2 Sp•utuat Ow•f\.eflfta S•rY~• ntv1n• 1t0'••1 COfpOr•11on • Lahtmn • t.urpOu6 hvn •381 V1~ lf..i1ne C~Morm• 9'11 '' P"n"•Mo O••nQ• t.oHI 0.,r,1: ol Trull execulttd by J AMES F page 14 13 Rac:ordot"• 1n111umen1 .. ..., 1 ~ ,~ n 7r; 1917 t!>el-e2 CLARK, a single mun and HUGH A No 159 t 1 Wll L SELL AT PUBLIC Mrs. Cavallo credited prayer with giving her the strength to lift the auto. POOLIC NOTICE I htl lH.ltHtoe .... (.l\)nt)UC.\80 Dy'. (..Ofp(> , .. ,KH'l 'if>lfllUal 01fOt~•• 'M!otw1C•1 tnt1rnat1u1••t CU4pt•1t1t111,1 O<.r• A Jri""" &et,., .. ,.., MATHESON. a atngttt men, as jOlnt AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST BID· 1enan11, recorded September JO. DER rok CASH lawlul money ot , 1981, In Bo<>ll 14239 of Ot11c1al Re· 111e Unlled S111tet, or a cun1er·s ------------cords ot said Coun1y, et page 648 chec:k drawn on a state or national 'ICTtTlOIJI 1us1N1ts Recorder 's 1na1rume111 No 39553, bank. a st1te or federal credit PUlllC MOneE 'Bottlemouth' dange r NS -92550 t nit 1t1f.,nvn1 w•• MOO wut1 Oltt r.u..,uty Cle•~ <)I O••l\Qe 1..tl<lnly nn Aprol 6 1961 FtMttlO Pubhlh•d Ot•ri\Jv ("I '' 0 4•1v P1lc,,t NAfoll! ITATEfollNT by realK>tl 01 8 breacn or delaun In union, or 11 11a1e 01 teder1J sa~1;,s .,.r,'."', •ollCJw•nij """uno ••• <l<>•ng t>u•• paymenl or perlormance of Ille and loan anoc1a11on domiciled n 'lll&llON~ A AIWI ~o~. ,... ••. Obhga11on1 SbCUre<l 1helllby •nCIU· lhrS SIBie ell P•y•t>le •• •he lime ot ~u""'• . 010.,. 0.,. M•r c.ai.turn., Qltil!> dtng 1hal breacll or del&ull. Notice 5111e, all r19111 mi. ano Inlet.SI held •,,,.,.. ( n ••••u"'r m M•r9.,.. of wlllch wa' recorded January 8 by II. •~ Truslee, 1n 11111 re1I pro- NOTICE OF DEATH OF HAROLD ARTHUR CON· Apt 9 I~ U 2~ !~82 ""• ~~ NER AND OF PETITION --------- TO ADMINISTER ESTATE _ NO. A-11%999. "'IUC MOOCe ''• • • n•· '-'•' Co ru•n•o '1162~ 1982 as Recorder s 1n11rumen1 No perty situate In 1110 County end b .,,... f W•"''"'' !.II~ "'"•-•I• 82-008930, WILL SELL AT PUBLIC State deSGrtbed 15 lollOws Falling asleep while nursing 1001 h haz ard t..l•Uo'• 11"' MAI c .......... 'i162~ AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST 810· Loi 2 In Bloclo. 6 of TrKI No 772 1'" t..• ....... '"''°"' 1"'J t>r •-Al DER FOR CASH tawlut money ol tn the C11y OT New poll 8e1ch J,,, ... ,,S~tff'I At(htt,Jinw 'hd UnUed States or 3 c.;ash1er s County ot Ot•nge Stale of CatlfOfr ""' :a.••'ttt,,.,.,u w., Mi w11n ,,., •• r.oun11 check dflVwt\ on a stat~ Of nattonat n1a. as shOwn on e Map recorded tn ""' ut ll<euQM c '""'• .n Ap••t 1 •98~ t>ani.. a 11818 or iooeral c1ed11 1>001< 23. page• 5 and 6 Mtscell•· F•MIOO union, 01 a 11ate 01 reoe1er savings neou, Maps, records ol 01ange To all heirs. bene.!iciaries, '~,~;~=::' PHILADELPHlA (AP) -Babies said. creditors and conungent ere-'"• 1a11c1 ... ,,.0 per..,,.,,.,. oo-"u bu•" ""1 1 '""" 0••"0• <, ... ,, L•••'Y P.iut and loan as&oc1a11on domrclleo Ul Coonty Callt01n1a "1" ~ '' 'II .t" '~"· 1601 a;-this state, atl payable et the lime of EXCEPTING THEREFROM that who fa ll asleep while nursin9 or "Unless you have a ve.-v astute pa-d1lors o f HAROLD AR-,_. .. "J T HUR C ONNER d THE ELECTAONIC COTTAGE. ~·20 drinking from b o ttles provi ea rent or a very astu te pediatrician, no an per · M..oowa.ooi..r.oet•M-CAD2616 "perfect breeding ground" for bac:te-one ever picks up on it because they sons w ho ~Y be otherwise llEA~oE~~~W1 ;-Es:~~6~~.o~vi~~~.'~.~ ria that can eat away at their teeth never can see it," she said . interested 10 the will and/or corp0<•11on. 3420 Modow B•ooi.. Coe•• d l estate: Meu CA 92626 PUBLIC MOneE an threaten p e rmane nt damage, a The decay w ill make the backs ook A pe uuun has been filed ,,[,:,' 11u .. ,,.,.. "conouc1ec1 t>y • co•oo dentistry pro f essor warns. yellow and mushy, much like c heddar by LINDA s. CONNER in com""1., A .. , .. .., o.-•'""' F•~!~~o~: .. ~~~~:~• "B ottle mouth syndrome" occu rs c heese, Ms. Nelson said . th e Superi o r Co urt of ~~"€.~.f.0:;.,K.'.. n ... ru1tow"'~1•'""" o""'ll""''"""' because babies do not fully s wallow "Decay doesn't go a way." sh e ad-O RANGE County requesting e.uc• 11 we-., ,111..,.1 A ,1,, <-AUuF 10, sue liquids left in their mouths as they fall ded. ··u they miss it, 1t is something that LINDA s CONNER be '"" t:.=~• .... .,1•0 .... h •h• c.EssFul M(JNH MA%fMEN• SEMt asl""""P accordm· gtoDr L " daNe lso the ~hild · g to 1· "th fo th ed na1 NAAS'-'' v"''l•'•'•'J N•-.por1 ~ , . 1n n , ~ 1s gotn 1ve w1 r e appoint as perso . repr<'-'1"':~,c ..... 01 OrAllQ<' covn1y on Fee R••· r. l ,11 ,.1 .. ·i.tno act ing director of d e ntistry at C hil-rest o f their lives. "'When you have a senlal1ve to administer 1he 2 F\84Cm "" • d 1 "'•• • 1 • v ·'• • •"<'v . .dre•'c: l{ospi~oL.1? .. NJadelph1a.and...a. ·-J,/)Oth..J.hal..decays . It VCI")' .often ~-• .estate or li/dlOLD MTH.-·J:t1•n•O Otenj• co ... o~ Pilol ".r.:":!:.:~'~·· ..... ~r'~--' dentistry professor at the University com es infected .. and the child can U R CONNER, Costa Mesa, 105 AD<TI 1~ im '3w~ ~·•otJu•• ,!,..., r Ju1i.... o f Pennsy lvania. get ver y, ver y s ick," s he said. The CA (under the Independent · roo .,.,_,, .... 111..a .. .,r.1,,.c.o•""' The bacteria feed o n the su~ars tn youngs•~r can. get fevers or teeth so Adm1n1s1rat1on o f Estates PUlllC llOTlC[ c""• 0• OrA"ll• 1.oumy 01· Apr~? 1t1e2 ""' A Th . . is f ', ... n breas t milk, fo rmula and ot e r Ii-w eakened they chip, a n d if the child Cl) .e petition set or Pv11••tn•o t>:•··~· .c.o••• D•••y P1101 quids. s h e said . has other unre lated medica l problems hea~ing in Dept No. 3 at 700 ~J.'.:£'°;',~~~=:r "P' d ·~ u i~ 99l i6(11.e2 AbOut 100 o f the 5,000 young dental "yo u can really ac."Celerate them ." ' Civic CenLer Drive W est, '"• rouow•ng P""°"' ••• 01""0 1""' 1111UC -nee .. . Santa Ana, CA 92701 on neu •• l'"V ..., patients seen at the hospital h e re each Right at the root ~f the baby too~h. May 12, 1982 at 9:30 a .m te•tt~Eg.;,:e~:~l~A~~W"'""' Bu<r ----------~ year suffer from the syndrome, s h e the permane nt tooth IS form.mg which IF YOU OBJECT to tht> JOHN, lEw1s ENTERPFltSEs 1HC '~~T·A~=~11 said. It strikes youngsters who have a is Vf!ry sensi~~e to ~y ~hang~ ,in its granung of the petition . you ~~!~n1~;.~~P:'0~,, ~~~;'"'b°' rne •01i0wtn0 _..,,..•a doing 1>u11ness genetic predisposition lo d e ntal d ecay, enVU"orunent, she said. The n tt snot s h o uld either appear at tht> i '"' 1>u..-.. c.onc1ve:1.., "• • e<>t1><>-.. CENtENN•Al 1N11E~TMENTS 5302 but there is n o way of detecting that 'just a baby tooth' anymore." hea rtng and state your ob· ' oOfl Jvntt 1 U w•• ln• "" w P•c•r•c Cou1 "'O""•Y Ne .. por1 propensity m babies. s he said. To prevent bOttlc moulh syndrome, JE'<'llons or file written ob· JoM 1 l --~~~e9~lHON• wENGELEFI m Because the decay b e gins on the "we recommend n o thing str o nger iecttons w ith the court be· T1tr1 :.~=~' ••• t•l•d ,.,,,, '"• .. ""°""' o .... eo. .. ""' ... CA 92626 h Y l '"' ou••Mt• 1 conduct•O by •o •n· backs of the infants' tiny teeth and than wate r in the b o ttle whe n the fore t e hearing our ap· Coun•y c,.,,. "' O•""O" couniy on MatCh 11 •• >(Wt because parents are "so brainwash ed baby slee ps," M s . Nelso n said. "W e pearance may be m person or" 73 1982 '11ST11 Oa•IO AW-- f '"• \IAttm ent w•t filed wHn the C.0...-ly C..,,~ ol 0.Al"IQ• County on M•r~ 51116, all rtghl. Ulla end 1n1ereS1 held portion. more parttcularly described by It. 11s Trus1ee. •n 1hat real pro· as lollowr perty 111ualed tn sa10 County and Beginning 81 1118 Sou111easterly s 1a1e, oesc11bed as follows cornet of sa10 Lot 2, 111enee North A LEASEHOLD ESTATE IN ANO 55 oeg•ees 39 25' WOSI along Ille TO Southwesterly line 01 setd Lot. a Lot 12 Block t 14 ol rracl No d1s1ance 01600 leel 10 lhe t>ogtn· 234 15 ShQWl' on a Map recoroed 1n n1ng o! • langeni curve, concave Book 13 pages 36 11no 37 ol Mrs-Nor111wes1erly llllVlng a 1adlus of ceoaneous Maps 1n ,,.,., olltee 01 lhe 6 00 1ee1, 111ence Sou111eaS1e<ly and Couniy Recordet 01 said C<>11n1y Eas1er1y aloov said curve through Tne s11ee1 eodtess or 01her com-an angle 01 89 ~e:ir:,::, 58' 38 · a OT1' C11!srgn811'0'11 af""'1! real ~ ~ ·--• 9 .Q ~ .M.;;. ~ pe11y as llerernat>ove described rs gent s110 line 1angen1 betng Ille purported 10 t>e 204 and 204·'~ -Southeastetly lln& ol 1a10 Loi 2 . 15111 StrMI, Newpqrt Beach Cal•· lllence Soulll 34 degrees 21 57' torn1a • West along saJd Sou111eas1e<ly line, The unde111gned hereby dts-a dtSlar•ee 01600 1ee1 lo the point claims all llablllly tor any ln<:<>rrect· of beginning ness In said slr&el address or olller The s1ree1 adoress 01 other com· common des•gna11on mon designation ol the real pro- S.id sale will be made w1111ou1 peny 81 11e1ernabove described Is warranty o~press 01 1mp1teo. re. purporled to be 215 Lugonoa Q8fdlng 1111e. poneulon or en-Slreet. Newport Beec:ll Calttornla cumbrances, 10 sausty 1he prtnelpat Tiie undersigned hereby dts- balance ol 1he Nole or 01her obh-cta1ms all lt1btltty tor any 1nc0frec1- ga 1ron secu1ed by said Deed 01 ness 1n u.10 11ree1 aooreu or other Trusl. w.lh 1n1eres1 and 0111er wms common detignetton that milk gives you strong teeth," the d on't want to interfere with the na-b y your attorney M:~1~·rt~·~"r1~0~;~2°• 'r3~~~ d ecay is o fte n not noticed until it tural d esir e to s u c kle . It's n o t the tF YOU ARE A CREDI· reac h es c ritical stages, M s . N e ls on bottle but what's in it." TOR or a conungent creditor · o f the deceased. you mus t "'IUC MOneE as p1ov><1tl0 lhe<ll1n. plus a<lvat>CM, Said sate w111 be made wrllloul 11 any. undllf the terms lhe<eol and warran1y eapress or implied re· interest on wch advances anO plus gardrng t•lle possession or en-lees chorgea and expenses 01 tile cumbtanoes 10 sattsty Ille prtr>Gtpal Trustee end ol 1he truSls created by balance ol Ille Nole o• olher obit· said Deed of Trus1 The 101al ga11on seGured by said Deed of amoonl ol said obllgahon, including TruSI wllh 1ntert111 and Olller sums Flmtt reasonably es11mated tees. cllargcs as provtded lhe<ein. plus advances ••• P.~~t~•:•.0~011ro1 n~n,~o1•9•9•~D•111y3P7~108~ 11no 11xpenses ol 1he Trust1t11. 111111e II any unde< the 1e1ms llleleot end M ~" 0 ~~ 8 • • -• 11me or ln111a1 pubhcallon ol 1hls •nterest on sucll advances, and ?J 1992 Plane tarium set s 'journey • ID s pace' "To Worlds Unknown," a program which 'lakes the audience on an imaginary pumey to the planets and moons o f the solar system . w1U close out the O rang e Coast College Planc>t:uium Series for the s p r ing with 10 s h owin gs. P e rforma nces are scheduled f iv e consecutive Fridays -April 16. 23 and 30 and May 7 and 14 - at 7 and 8:30 p.m . Tick ets a r e $1.50 for a dults and $1 for ch ildren under 12 They wiU be sold at the door. and seating IS limited For information, phon e 556-5880. Weight seminar sel Psvcholo~st Bobbe L. and the San Diego Free- Som m er will conduct way a weight -co ntrol Th e w or k s h o p i s w o rks h o p o n April 24 sponsored by Saddlebac k from 9 a .m . to 4 p .m . at College. the M ission Viejo H o li-The cost is $20 for the day Inn, La Paz R oad public and $25 for nurses -------------.,who wish t o earn CE McCOIMfC« MORTUARIES Laguna Beach 494·941 5 Laguna Hills 768·0933 San JJ3n Capistrano 495 1776 tiUI OI UW~MT. OLIVE Mortuary •Cemetery Crema1ory IG25 Gisler Ave Costa Mesa 540 5554 P'IOCE llOTHERS llU llOADWA.Y MOITUARY I 10 Broadway Cosla Mesa 642 9150 IAL n H IOH OH SMITH & TUTHILL WISTCUFJ CHAP'IL 427 E I 71h SI Cos1a Mesa 6 46-9371 N I CI llOntlH SMfTHS' MOITU.-Y 627 Main St ...,.nhngton Beach 636-6539 credit. For i nformation, calJ 831-4646. DllTH IDTICIS HOLLY MARY F . HOLLY. resi- dent of the area for 25 years. Pasted a w ay on April 5, 1982. S h e waa very active with the Disabled American Veterans Organization of Orange County. She worked with t h e e ducationally hand icapped children a nd was a teacher In Orange County for several years. She is survived by her chil- dren Rutle Mau.el, Chucky Argo, Jr. and Nancy Argo all of New York. Andrew Mag· giola of Fontana, Ca., and Ann Maggiola of San Juan Caplltrano, Ca., brothers Robert Towla of San Joee. Ca. and Fred Towles of Tu- CIOn. Arbon.a, al.lo tu.Mviedl by 4 Jranchlldren. Services will be held on Saturday, April 17, 1982 at l!OOPM at the Kacrbor Lewn Memorial Chapel wltb Bev. Aaron Buhlilr, l:larla' Trtnlty Bep.. UH Chu~h of Coat.a Meta oflklaUJIC. &.rvlce. under lh• dlrecUon of Balta a.r..ron~lmJth •Tuthill WeiicUtf Ouiptl Morn1ar1 f Coala Mtaa. 841-U? I . 642·5671 file your c laim with the . ----------- court or present 1t to the '~~~~~~":r9' PllllC MOW ~TTTIOUI .Ul-11 MAMC ITARMPfT personal representative ap-r11<1 lottowtno oer•on• ••• oom11 """' I Uf'llllOll CCXHIT ,,,_ I~ -'°" IS CIOO<>Q _,_. pointed b y lht' court w ithin -L":. COMBE s HAIR OEStONS ro ll four months from the date of MEN ANO WOMEN 2Q61 Htlfl>Or - M CAUf'OflMIA COUNTY M CHIANOE 700 Ci.le c ... w o. w .. 1 u XCALIBEA FIEAL lV ANO INVEST -firs t issuance o f le tters as •llldM~':l~ gM11::'~nJ Molla ... MENTS 2ees E co .. 1 H•ohw•y Su•ta provided 1n Section 700 o f 0o .... s.,,,. AA1 CA 1121~ -·-.. ·-...... A-, Ce. '2'1lt 304 l~'::i::'.i Mv~en7~~~~!~-e~s.;... the Probate Code of Califor-a....:":.::.~ ~'~c .. Hmo.'223 MOl>4>•• POf1 N<> J12 ~ 8Hcll C81Homl8 n1a The time f o r f iling ,,.,. __ 11eonouctedDy•11M"'•t 9"m. Du•m•u ,. conouci.a by en •n claims will not expire prior IP"'1-"':~ l • Combe u a11., ot '"• •coot.on Pehtton of Mt CHA fl JOHN STEFANI Aaoptrng Parent CITATIOM <"'09.t.TEI ClllE "°· A.0-!9111 drVlduor to Cour months from the date Tntt 11•t•men1 "" i.iea '"''" '"" THE PEOPl-E OF THE ST A TE OF CAL· IFOllNIA To JERRY OCE RVAN f1ou are n•reb-,i c11eo U'IO ,equ1reo to •t>e>ea.t at n rw.amWJ m •~• couf1 on .June '~ 1987 al 8 •S am on Oeputment 9 toc•ll<l 11 700 C•VIC Cent• en.... w.,.1, S•n•• Ano Celllorn<.t 97702 •n<l to give ano; 1e911 reeton wtiy •ccord1no to tt\• vet1f~ c:>l110Gn t~ W!IP\ thl~ COUii l hll .~=~ :'.":11tled lO>lh Tn• Of the heanng noticed above. County Clet~ OI Otll'QI CCIUnlV On Maren Countv Cle<~ ol <><anoe County on Mwcll Y 0 U MAY EXA MINE 12· 1982 Fl'42t1 "10 •092 F·~ the file k ept by the courL 1f I Pu1>111h•o Orano• co .. 1 0•111 P1101 -' ._ .... ' h Maten 2S ... ,,...1 I 8 IS 1981 1'00 82 A;u~'':n~g ~;·~B;2 Co111 0111r4~12 you are 1nte res<CU m t e es· tate, you may r.te a request.._ __________ _ Dated Mttch 14 1982 with the court to receive PUIUC •nee special notice of th e mven------------ At1ll11< L Kr-... ,Dooputy PuDl••"•O 0· •n91 Cout Dally PllOI Mar~ l~ Al><•• I a IS 1982 f.003-8? tory o f estate assets and o f FtCTITIOUt .u-11 the pet1t1on s, accounts and NAMl ITATDIENT PHUC MOneE '1CTITIOUI 9Ul-ll ..._81'AT£MINT Tne •-.O -ton If CIOong --H reports described m Section ~,..~-no oe11on• •1• OO<"ii .,..,,. ------------ '1CTITIOVI aulfMEll NANI ITATEMENT PRINT PLACEMENT 91S w .. 1 Bal -Bouievwd S...te 8 ~ Beech CA 92iMl1 1200.5 of the California Pro-OA ICINE COCIC 'All LOUNc.E ltO I bate Code ~;~:6or Boute•••o c~,,. M•o c • GllEGOllV J LITTLE 4 12 hen1no Sttlf l-~ BM<:11, CA 112660 Thl1 bu1ln•t• ta conoucteo by •n In· 01\lldU.tl LINDA s. CONNER, ClAFIENC( p HElENll't 116115 Attomey at Law ::fcfeY •v•nue rount••n V•lley C:A 1 h• foUo•lno o-a.on• ,.,. dOtftO t>o'4 MU AS PACIFIC "lllCllMT DETAIL, 19300 t•e Jonea Ro1d. Santa An•. C•lfforn1a 92707 396-%% E. !ht Slreet Auo11Ev 11 HELEN1H1 11616 PoPP, Coeta Mesa, CA 9Z82'1 Av=i.~:i,,"~!~nt~~':d~~e9i~0y8 •n 1n. Jeffrey llol>er1 Clerk, 253155 G"mtn• El Toto C1Ulorn,. 02830 Greoort J Ulllft lh•• at•t•m•nl wa1 Hied wtth the County Cler~ DI Or~ County on M•rell 23 19112 (714) 558·3001 dMdual .Publis h ed Orang e C oast H•tt .~i:::-;::. ;:':';',~~o ..,,,h th• ,.,_i:i~~'i"..:~ ~~1::-"W•ld, 390 I Porli- Publllll•d Or•nu• co .. t o.~;~. Daily Pilot , April 15. 16. 22, County Cl<n of Or•noe County on Moren M•r~2S.AP<ff I, 9 IS 11182 13111·82 1982. '3 1992 f 1&5111 11111 DUI•~• ,. C0"'11KI~ l>v ~ -i.l Ot'1nN\hf0 )fM (..a•r• PV8UC MOOCe __________ 1_1_1_1_._8_2 M:~~,~·~"·:l)t~·~n1•.~0~;~20•11r.~:1~~ I fu• tl•t•ment wa'\ hl•d with th• <.ounty Ct<o<• ol Clt""O" (;ounty on Morch "> 1982 Ml.IC NOTICE 't<:mioua -II N011CE OF ...,. 8TAT'lll£NT INTENTION TO The tOllow1"9 l*tont ••• dOl"O bUll-TRANSFER ALCOHOLIC -F~TUllES UNLIM•TED OtSTRIBU· BEVER.AGE UCENSE TINO 21133 Jacerend1 Av•nu•. Co111 The loHowlng dellnltk>nl and do-M ... C.lllornt• 112e:ie slgnallons 1hall apply In this Notloe J1mH H Scott 21133 J1c111nd1 w1thou1 regard to number or gen· A-. Colt• M861. Celtf0<nt1 112929 Cler Ann E Scou. 21133 Jecarande A••· TRANSFEROR HJ. RES TAU· ,..,., Cotta Ueu. Catifornlt &2929 RANTS, INC , a Cellfo<nle COfPQl'I· .:ih::,::-It cO'lducted br 11ua1>an<1 lion. 4498 Lincoln Avenue. Cypreu, J-H Scott CaJllOfnl1 90630. Tlll1 1l•t•m1n1 *•• flied wltll tll• TRANSFEREE LeFERME, INC., 1 Counly CitR Of Orenoa County on M~ CallfOfnla corporation, 2~5 t Mar· 30. tK2 ,,_ guarlla Pa1kw1y, Mlulon Viejo. Cellfomle 92&92 ~11~11:~g. ~·72:2 COHI 0•1~S~ ABC LICENSE. On s... General No. 47-81432, 2~51 MARGUERITE PARKWAY '1CTTTIOUS 9UelNIM ..... ,A~ ',... fc>ll0w4ll0 '*'°" la ~ --.. THt SHINING, 77S W 171h SlrHI, Corli• -. CA 92627 Cllrttlophlf Aem And••-'· 1622"" w OcHn '•onl, Newport BH Oll. CA 92893 Thi• blltl,.. .. I• conducted Dy .,, Ir\. CIMdull C!Wlol~ll ---. Tiii• •l•l•m•nl wu lll•cl wllll Ill• Counl"f c-of o.enoa County on M-30 IM2 ,11M11 P11bll111•d 011110• Coot 0111y Pllo•. April I I. 16, 22 IM 2 1 .. r ... 2 ESCROWHOLOER. THE YOUNG ASSOCIATES. INC .• 3700 Newport Blvd .. Sull• 206. N9wport B .. cn. CellfOl'nl1 92&&3.. *11 DATE OF CONSUMMATION. It hH bean agrffd betwaan H id fl. oen-1nd Intended tranlfaraa at required t>y Sao. 2 4074 o l the Bu1ln111 and Profaulon1 Coda. thll the con1ldarat1on for the tr1n1lar ol 1110 bu1ln111 end u1111far ol Nid 11oan11 II to b9 paid only 11tar .. Id 1r1n1ler 1111 l>ffn •PPfOvad by 11ld 0.partmant of Alootlollc S.-aga Control The amount o4 Iha pYrGMll Pf1oa for H id tran1ler 11 tlla tum ot s 10,000 00 peyabla .. followlo U .000.00 -Cetfl l&.000.00 -Nola (radffm•bl9 lor CHll It contreot CIOM) LAST DAY TO FILE Cl.AIM& "9fl 28111, ~.:r• 1~!1101 11 nertby given 11111 The-,..,._ II doWlf ~ Tr1n1lar.or lnt•nd• to mak1 1 •· lr9119Nf ot the •~Ibid u- ""'DINAA04, • Cllllatftl8 COrPO< .. nn•• to TranefarM, 10 I>• con-~ =,~ .. ::::1 •1111• IOO, IUfl'IMllM ., the Office or llCfO• ~ \.:.°'" '!0141 ~ °""' wtlOtd« .. Ultt time Of~ ~ • CA.,.. Uon « 111ar..nw. Cnldltore or tl'8 Tiiie ..,..._. .. _._.ed &y M ltt• T~ INIY flll Clel!M""" the ...._ ,,_.. L "'* ~~ on Ot IMifOf'e IN 1eM fllll eta1e111e111 •H 11114 wllll Ille .,,:.::.:-:::: = lfle-.::..lg ~On ., er.. °"""Y -'811. otMt ~ Mml8 Ind ...... ,._, _ _....,. .... !twee,,...'° tar ..:..T..:~.T.~~~o.i'r,:~ C...~~.-:=C:-,.. . ..__ f1M.Sa PU8UC llOOCE ~u~"t~~ ~;·~az2co111 0•11r4:;_~~ a.-11 NOTICE TO CREDITOR& OF BULK TRANaFEft tUP'ERIOR COURT (hce. 1101 .. 107 U.C.C.) OF CALIFORNIA Notice 11 ll"raby given lo ctedl-COUNTY OF ORAHQE tors ol the w it h in n e med llansle<or(I) thet 1 t>ulk transfer Is CENTRAL JUOtCIAL DISTRICT ebout 1o be mllda on pofSOnal pro-700 CMc Cant., Or. WHt party here.nail« d.scrlbed lent• Ana, Ca. t29IO The name(s) 1no business ad· PUUNTIFF: PHllUJ ICUNICERT. drast ol Iha In I ended 11ansferorjs) 0£1'£NOANT: ROBE"1' COLTER. era SUMMONS Bobble MOfgtn i.-. 1525 M9sa '*LAWFUi. DnA•R V11da EHi No 213. Colla MeH . ITAft HOUtlNG LAW CA 9262& 5 d91 RMpoM9 Timi c-Nvfnb« M-n.t5 Tiie naml(1) Ind butlnau ICI· NOTICll T•• ,. ... -" ·-· Tiie d~ of Iha lntanded 1ren1t«ll(tJ ._....., ...._. ....... , ,_ .-i .,. ,_ Mlftl lll••d ........ , .............. Marini Health Sarvlcaa. Inc: .. wtnllft tiff...,._ .....-IM .,.,.._...,. 15910 Vtn1ura Ste 1611. Encino, ........ CA 91436 • If y()U witll 10 Mall Iha ad~ of That the propeny pertinent he· 1n e1torn1y In lhls m11ter, you reto 11 datcrll>ld In genera• as: lll<>uld do eo promptly eo 11111 yoor Furn1tu11, fl•tur••. equipment written re9'X1'1H. If 1ny, may be II• m11arlal1, ate. 1nd 11 located at: •t0 on time. Hi25 Mau Varda EHi No 213, AVllOI U.led"" -----·II CO.ta MIN CA. ll~nal JVMle .......,,, ~.,.,,. U4. •111 Thi b I ' _ .. b 11 •lilHeMI• • -..... IH. ,._de ut nan name ut..... Y ' ._,,.de 1 -.., w. i. ~......,--Mid 1rana11tor(1) a1 .. Id10c111on ie· ....._ Morgan Nur111 Rtglslry •n SI Uatad das .. aollcllar ti con- M«Olft Ernc>loymant AQlnCY. Mjo di un lbogadoWI .... MUlllO Tll81 111d bulk translar Is Int deb9tla hl09<IO lmmedlatam9nt•' dM 10 b9 contun1m1tad 11 the of • flea o l GRAMERCY ESCRO da 1111 manar1. eu r11pua11a CORPORATION 3407 Wiii Shel llCrlla, I I hay alguna, pueda Mt Stra•I, Sulla i 11. LO• AngalH ~~:s;..:at~MT· A cl•ll Cllltoml• 90020 on °' anw May 3 complelnl llH 1>1111 Iliad by the 1~~. n1me and 1ddtHI wller plalnflfl llJlll\•t )'OU. 11 )'OU with to ' ... 1 o Mfelld tlli9 lllwwult, you mutt. wtTlllll claim• m1y bl 11..., • 11ma1c 5 d•)'l •ft« ltlle aummon• 11 ~ Eacrow Corpo1t1lon. 3401 WH on )'OU ma with tNs coun •written Sixth &treat, Suite 111, Lot An rttPMM 10 Iha comptalnt. UnlMI 01~ ':!': ::20:1. oi.itnl you do 10 your d•t1ull wlll 1>1 entered on IWliclUOn Of Ille pltln· thle IMfOW 11 AC>fl 30, 912 tiff, and 11111 ooun mey witer • ~ la .,. ~ ..., ~ the oon-oemttnttgalntt you tor tl'll rellef ~ C:1:~ :-OlnlellctecJ In Ille oomt*int, ~ Cled Tt1t1tllrff(t) a.id 11119110.ci oowld ruwll 111 01,111111me11t 01 fr.,,...,~al llled ttle lolOOflllllO.., ....., tMlllG Of~ Ot P'OC*tY Cllllon•I bullne•• 11_, and •d :i,,otll•r.:enat reqwfftld 111 tll• di--. wM'*t Iha ttv.. yw11 .... O:::' 01 I W ~4 1NO ~~,.,,. •• ttu L.-A.~ Marina .._.1111 leh~• ...., ~~ "'° ..,,Y"-"Q.,..,.. Jlt ~-...c....D{. Pvt a /.w \OOrcU to worlc for 11ou '-r::w1fef Of~ 0..1 D•llV !'IOI. ,.,. 11. ,.., ,.,,...., "'......,,,.,...,.. ....... I ~~~ '""1•11114 Oflntl 00 ... 1 D•ll> f111ltlt1t!H OrMl .. 2:"r." 0..1~ l'tOl. Aptl ti, tlU *7 ...,_, ~ 1, .. I D . IUMflM.ll • • Notice is $107,339 60 plus tees cllflrges and e•pense. ot Oaled April 9 1982 Ille Trus1ee and of lhe 1rus1s crea- CALIFORNIA LANO led by said Deed ot Trull The tole! TITLE COMPANY amounl ol said o0119a1ton, tneludtng a Calllo1n1a C01'&>0ra11on reasonably esumateo tees charges as TruSlee a11d expenses of the f rus1ee. al the By REAL ESTATE ltme of 1n111al pubhca11on of this SECURITIES SERVICE Noltce. is $99.&40 37 a Ca111orn111 corP01ah01• Oaled M111c11 26 1982 lls Agenl REAL ESTATE SECUNTIES By (SEALI DJ Mo1ge1 SERVtCE lls Presidenl 1 Cllllomla c:orpotallon. 2020 Nollh Broadway H Truetaa Suite 206. Br: O.J. Motger, Ila Preeldent Sanl& Ana. CA 92706 2020 N, Btoadwar No. 208, re1eph011e (7 14) 953·6810 Senta A,,., C1. t270I Published Orange Coast Oatlv (71 4)ts3-a10 P1101 April 1!> 22 and 29 1982 Publtslllld Orange Coas1 Daily 1669 82 PtlOI April 1. e 15 1982 1473-82 PUBUC llOOCE PUBLIC llOltE B-8961 SYNOPSIS OF THE ANNUAL STATEMENT OF Centennlel Insurance Company, Atlentlc Bulldlng, 45 Well StrMt, New York, N.Y. 10005 Year Ended O.cember 31, 1981 Total admitted assets $143,141,857 Total liabilities 106,363.654 Special surplus funds -0- Capltal paid-up/Guaranty Cap ital/Statutory Deposit 3 ,000.000 Gross pa1d-1n ana contributed surplus Unassigned lunds 8 .526.874 (surplus) 25.251,329 S urplus as regards policyholders 36, 778.203 Income fo r the year 7 1.692.858 Disbursements for the year 60,357.548 We hereby cerllfy that the above it ems are in accordance w ith the Annual Statement to r the year ended December 3 1, 1981, made to the Insurance Commissioner of the State of California. pursuant to law Isl John J . Mackwosk l, Presiden1 ts/Joseph P . Oecamineda. Secretary Published Orange Coast Daily Pilot. April 13. 14. 15, 16, 17, 1982 1663-a2 MUC 11nee j ---- ' 8-IMO SYNOPSIS OF THE ANNUAL STATEMENT OF Atlantic Mutual lneuranc• Company At lanttc Building, 45 Wall 8trfft. New YOftt, N.Y. 10005 YHr Ended Decembef' S1, 1981 Total admitted assets $431 ,358,497 Total llablllties 318,906.099 Special 1urplus funds 102,452.398 Capital peld-up/Guaranty Capltal/Statutorv Deposit Gross paid-In and · 3,000,000 -0-contributed &urplua Une88lgned funda (aurptua) 7 ,000,000 Surptu1 H regard• pollcyotders 112,452.398 Income for the ~tar 214,044.040 Dltburtements for the year 180, 112,520 Wt hereby certify that tho ebovt ltema are In accordanc. with the Annu.I Statement for the Yff' ended December 31, 1981, med• to th• lneuranc• Commlealoner of the Stat• of Calltomla. punuant to law. 16, /t /JOhfl J. MadloWlkl, Pretfdent ltlJOM(At P. Otcam.lneda &ect9lary Publl9hed Orange Coelt Oalty Piiot, Aprtl 11. 14, te. ,.,, 1912 1ta.U I H/F Orange Coast OAILV PILOTIThurtday, Aprtl 15, 1982 DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS Sell your no-longer-needed Items for cash. If It doesn't setl, we'll run It another 3 days FREE. One Item per ad, must be priced. Sorry, no real eatate or commercial ads. Call today for full details. Noft.rtfurld1ldr lltn llnrr 11.AIO) • •• 3 3DAYS INES CLASSIFIEDS642•5678 OLLA RS ... ~ ............................ ----.... ----------~~ .... ----~~--~--~------~--~--~~~--~~----~--------~--------------~~ ..... ~----... ...... . Opport.ity IOOS ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~; x t' l' 11 l I u 11 .t I CllSME1'01,01;y bubl rw-<~ Crt>at l11l'11llon 1n The• C11'1 °\ (i y m 1n HMttfMrW*d ........,..._d u.tvrWthtd .,.._..._,.,,., ... d j.,_t..,..su.fw'a. ,.,_.. .. 1hu.fw.. ~IMC1t1U... ._..to Shore 000 Offlc.eRewtaf 4400 :::~l~~tr~~·!tu~'\1·~1~.~1b ~;·:;:;a;:~· .. ;·,·;; ....... ;;.: ...... jj.i4 ·;:;;.;a;~· .. )•i6t -i:.::d0 ... jj(;6 ~·::;;;:••mu;;;;1;,::;:;••••••••;;;; ••··~-.;:.::;,;.••••••;;;·~ ;;:·:;:;~·;·~·;:·~~·;; ···~·~~;:~·:;;·••• $1;1,~·u1:·~lJ~l~bh1t~d7 1<fi9~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••• •••••• •••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Beat·h. WJOt t.•rtl,)IO)'l'd .. SoMt u .. tts 1(~ SlnM l!:x.tt ult\lt' Bil( Canyon 3 br. ram rm. din rm. 2 S 8d Country charmer. BAV VIEW furnish•d z ••;•,••;;••••;••• iR"r~·i~;&·:·,;~j;~·;~;j Unique 2Br. 1''1 8.11 Opli1 , ~11 F ktt pni Hl' S35o COSTA MESA lnvntmtnt condo.former rndl.2 Rr bo. new patrH lc.lrpK, NRPl Hj(l.11, 3000+ sq.rt BR. I &t w/shower. no •Jbr,nr f aia .S7~~ goral(e ocn view. $650 frplc ,OCn\iew ~75mo 646·53:>5 HMt~frum$:!20nw l.l ~"""..uy 5015 full gotr l'OUt~~ vu, ~pot f rp I c. 2 <' 11 r ll Ii r edVfacces~. Newly pa int· pel$ S600 mo yrly 223 c~·rl.d po~ · 7~~115822 · mo Av a 11 M 11 y t SJ>.7145 830-6155 Gf;f! & 3 room off11·1·~ ~ , .... , less lhruout Avail. 6 I Gardener 1\\1111 $785 am rm, den, vacant E Bayrronl Lillie 1 o · 01 7jQ;511»aft3PM --:....: -for ~ .. 350 H~Jlooumu:. ' liir. li71HI ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1500/lse 644 7424 Bkr ~ 0605 Walk lo schools $1450 Balboa Island 673 4326 641·1460 -----eh F.nd*d '"" "' l.OAN Sii \tt I\ Olana,a.ItPl 1266 • --RJ>omy 3 Br Townhouse ......... ctdl J840 or~ 3t00 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Awrux 4~' ''I n Zon1·cJ WA'll'l Fl> WestiMttt.r 31t8 FPa~I~ ~~o~rH;0n:rc~ CostoM.ICI l724 ~ m QWl't adult com· ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• S60 blll)!lt' l:JI ,Jfl' t. C'2$170 1110 1311 ~. lilh :'\c't'll $IOIUI 1111 ,., d<l\l> ....................... dbl garage. loundry ........... •••••••••••• ex. Nf'wly decorated. Wiffletre. Aph SE Wl ... D securl' 731 W IKth Sr St Su11l' U l ~I K1•\ • .i JI \ou1 ll'rm~ \11" l'ol • • • hook ups. "ater & IAYFIOm Cil.A.DEORO 1 ireplal'e enclsdpat10& Unfum. 1hdrm Opt All A " C M "731787 Soite l-: 6<\23055 ll'r ,ttrt22'>4 MLMason gardener S750 1tllo 2 story, 4 + rms. 2 Al.l.1!t(lJ1'h;spAID I garagt> SOrry. nu peL~ ulll &XI. All umt•nit1cs VILLAGE 1'lll, s~I gan.11:\· ~Jlt• & IMO.FREE MOMytoLaan 5025 fiiit:11Ha11PI. 644·0079. baths . (lrl'p laced S57S Mo 645 3381 or ~0019. St·t·ure, 111 ~:,1 ,1111·1,1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Cost M gorgeous view P1eran C bf I 675-5949 New 1&2 bdrm luxury 11 s . t'n•l u M"',1 MtWDOrtC,nter a es& till DEC VIEW CONDO slit. S3000 ""r mo Avo1I ompare e ore you -· Deluxe poolside x Ir a aj.lts m 14 plans I Bdrm ~·ir~t 1·111~, full <,c•r \ 11·1· Prh ote MOfley You are the winnt>r or ~ rent Custom d~s•vn F'IREPLACL' p 1 1 b •· bl f 63l8MJ four free tickets tSlS O(ll 2 SR. 2'~ba, micro, gar Fe I realures Pool. HS "'· oo pvt urge 2 r, 2 ull In~. rom ~15. 2 bdrm from ~:XEC' offll't'' m1 !°'"'' $10,000 and Up Vllluetolht> '1J2S 53HJ00,6751781 CO\ 'rd Jar uge. ,ur ~1o&d1shwusher dswhr. 1'2 milt's bearh S570. Townhous1• from Sloragega1Ji:~ ~r lh'h .. 11 .iml'n1t1l'~ ~("'" lomurJt•Jnni ... _ ....... _1 lo Cholce3br. Jba. pool rounde with p 1 us h X 2 Rr garden apb Adults, no pet!. S500mo $640 + poob, h·nntb ~cc u re . II \I t 1 1 \l ~ rro 1,,11 718!1 J t>4Z llll!>l -"' at Shaw home,~~· alloSSSO 1 nds 1 N l on Eu s t s1 de SS60 536-8362 "alt>rf.ilb. pond~· Cab $75 ml 64&1151! ANAHEIM aR capng. opes 5572841 Tll ~~ WHIF'Fl.ETttt;E for t·ookini: & heatrni: S6(J F I I COSTAMESA 1 ~'n1I l'l>~E!ll lMJOSl~10tHHl CONVENTION 0C REN _ 75<).331'1 I r furn from $490 piud Jo'rum San Diego .lib)' at·n·~h. tc 1'•1 Suiwrh 17th St l111·;ottcJ11 full~ .il'TXlrl lo 20 yrs CENTER Apnl1725 )()C HENTALS 2Br furn from$580 W6s~1dp\/p~~o. lavB:.j §;Jrrm l\p'i\tiym, Jo'rwy drt•e! North on t·lirt1i:e:r.f'51l'US:~1 :1 I 1oom, ltMI ><1 It SJ(ju l lllho:r 2mh toSl.\HIO.llOO To claim lickeb, rnll l 5br'sS200toS2000 ~W WiLson, 642 1971 t'(,'.1·iwi~.r!i Poll. t•nrus. Heal·h to Mr f addl'n a n o,l 18 I mu 9611 !117i flu ,., I i\11\t' i·om11) I & non 642·S678, e:1.1 272 7SO.l314 oJ:>en7·d8)'!> BLUFFS 3 BR 212 ba. N1re I Br dplx Qllll'l now '400mo 610·0997 lhen Weslon ~kfJlltll·n "knd ""nc•rpm~ra1m f'r 1non ~r!~1~511~ l'laimecJ MOVE IN TODAY' fplc, upgraded. pauo. ~11 b~ve~a~ 1 N~,m~~r~ ~:n1~~l 1~f ~ r~~ ~~~azc~1~:1sRr ~~14~~5:~1 Vitlai:r ••• ~~.~~~ ••••• ~~.~~ ~tc. Offic~ Spoc• :;o\\ \i\· ~·~\I~~~ * * * 4 br. 21, ba Newp'orl S875 mo or lst' opt p:ll 54111021 area $4~ mo 710 W 11 ~ Ba S485 T" nh~e 1617 Wl"litchfl. N II Want !'r 0 C Airport 11'1 ont· ul 1111."nt !lti.1 :!ftl I R.l\'1era condo Spa. dbl ~60-8384 675 5930 -llllh St i\dull.5 only o pclb Nr 4000 r1nanc1ul tnbt 71Hl0ll ( :"H ~ mn,.1 prt-~n.:11111' U......--U-L·-lsh•d gar J7!K1 1439·3848 Beautiful 3 br. 3 ba home tWlncjton leoch 3740 lhebearh !IG() K/;56 ••••••••••••••••••••••• lbl noor. Agent S41 5032. bldg~ C'all 1133 O·WI Monty Wont•d 5030 ......_, mvnt .. l I :! Rr I', bu to" nhou~e. Sm fum rm b11lh '•U• I ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••• •• • • • ••• •• L'-4b st h 3 over ook1ng i:e green •••••••••••••••••••• ••• (' t I cl ........ D H~W • lo\ I vvll oiu Ff c ES l' M 2 offu·t·~. :m hath I I ... .... c.Al'C r cu om ome. bell SIOOO/ 1:ir. pauo. )m yr . nu * -" * pm nr Su l'~l Pl:tia * ~uxE O I • llu cle1 n~t""' ...,2 S.IO to ~ 3202 frpk. wel bar Mui.I · mo H.11.'s FIME$T ve.bS $.\30,64~ 4837 3 bdrm. 21, bat , lillrn~. h·m im•f 5Sli 1137 afl Prnm I room ul) tu 200!1 sturagt• Ji ail s:!Su 11111 t11ruplt•tl' 12 u111h 1n ••••••••••••••••••••••• rt'fll $9'75 805 ~ 0322. -~ 61!411 art 4 30pm Spanish Estate L1\ mi;' 2 l'ilr garagl'. w111>ht•1 p -.q ft From SI Iii " ,~ >1113345 I!~ JH03 lll\l'l,t•ll' \\ 'l'ture 71·• 997 "~'"" ask for Put n.. tr I k I k *2 Br I ba Mesa Verde .i-.. _.. "" 3 M . I d Oranfe 11 111 38r den ~ """" u lav Vlew 'ool HM. • .... 11u 1 u par 1 l' sur upper Ne" dernr No ... _,er""'"' up ... 50 mo (I No lea'e 1 ec1111n• Medical Suite lo\llh )tmum ''' I > ue frm d r. s pa \ 1e" orSrott ~e3Br 2ba +den Spa ruundings TerrHed pels Gar s500 mo &t22946 I Rr StStl 1-'l'male 1m· ,\dJ A1rportc·r Inn 217:! 1111 \t-Jr l'Jll cullt'l'l Jrt Catalina 52 2oo Isl' Big enclosl'<i yard nghl pool Sunken gas bbq 833_ -897_ 4 frrred Wt·~1s1d1• ('ns1.1 !~~C.!'.!1 1 Ca 11 ,\ ~ for Lease 5 l!l'J~!fi 639-~"5 3 Br 2 Ba. Townhousl.'. on Back Bay Country s parkling rounti1in1> Jbd,2ba1da,bltin1>,1•nc· Mesu,6465436 """""" 121•1 b(I fl A1a1I ~IJ 1 -pnvatespa,pat10.2 c:ar Sparious rooms Lux i•ondo.2 mstrbr's, gar. lnary hll·1I. SGOo hi Wl·,trliff .irc·u SH1.1.0110SIOIMJOIMJO for lolboo Pet1htwla 3207 far a ~ e N ° Pe 1 s ~f~~~ga~J~~~l!"'t ~~1 Separate din mi: urt>a 1'" ba, 2 hulrontt>i.. frpk, 968 1~1~ ~r~~l~1:t· ~~~ m;tM1 BAY FRO ~T IWti-lll:itt 01 ~ 221i7 • l!etlcl vlalt'tl ·w ' ~I ax ••••••••••••••••••••••• mmcd possession 75221u7 Walk in l'l o~l'ls . nucro.watilrland«•ap", " m· loantu1al'lll'lh•1urn ~ rro Agenl 646 4380 sen • · ;, ' u• ' Wooclalae Aph. set· nr at'h & Adam' l'tlmt' nfft<·c.> 673 11103 rcial 3 ~ I I' 11 t~ ~.'n'u ~l~ll,on~e;ect~· DanoPoiftt 3~26 Nwpl Bluffs. 3 br condo ~~~~~k~~lkt~·.~~l~nf ' ~u~a~5~Msopent>r ~~~ l~~n;u2 ~~~~ Jud}961J6030 . ('c,.,ta .,Im :!!111 ... 1/ II Rnltals 4475 g~;1~~'1z,·.:·1111~m•~,,u·~ 675-201Q,6·9PM ••••••••••••••••••••••• on. choice ~reenbell inl(tonCenler ""IET ADllLTS 3 ,treams Pool J.i<· Jndl F\tm room 111 ( M Qtut•l j "Wit' Sl75 mu L 11, 111 ••••••••••••••••••••••• DUPLEX El 1 3 Bnght&sharp Nopet:. 1&1rm·fum.~t5 I ""· ., · O\er 5. rer Are a l\u "('ls room ror 11.urk1nl( ~hi 779 W l'Hh St OFRCEORSHOP ,............. T t Corona del Mar 3222 x ra 11 ri:e I Lease. l117S 644·5319 2 lldrni unfurn from $565 unfurn • Br upper <>•c c=i ,. I pt•r:.on Nol unc.l1•r 3:! 1 K.~l·ll!r.!11 In n<'lo\l'r hfdj;( on Co,1~1 .._-.~s. ru5 ••••••••••••••••••••••• lkrm.~. 28xl8 h\ rm. 2 --$395. Beaut lundscap """""" year>. 548 ~14 ll"Y· Suuth Lai:una ,\p DtedS 5035 Xlnt 2 br 2 ba $85-0 full ba, bllin k1h'h. plu1>h Newport Crest 4Br 2' z ba. Nu Pell> I mg. Nu JX'ls t.F. ~:w AH r> 2 Br 2ba. opi,lJir~ opt I 520 & 572 sq rt St Oil 11t•r pro~ Silo ,11 fl E, I ••••••••••••• •• •••• •• •• t21J J450.1960wkdys l'J>b drps. some ot·con QI.Del t•ourtyard. close to t;Uhhcs f'rr{'' I ,\PTS 2020 F'u ll1•rlon w l r Pd . no 11 ct~. ~. Mot~s 4100 '>II ft 397S ll1r1·h 'I/ B rclll'b.L 1.in1 all' 11.11 f..111 i.: LOClll Dwe? t714l640 9753 evs "knd \'le" $650, <l95·l4!KI pool and lennis SIOSO ~HJ397 ball'On) •sol )(ar $525 ••••••••••••••••••••••• A~nt 541 S032 behind bldo $525 mo ... __ ... Cash? --1 rro Call 615·S788 " " ~ 2 br house. 1 ba. palio.•BToro 3232 --1 • • LAQ INTA llEHl\IOSA 2bdrm. 2b.i to"nhouse a~,noree!>4!'>2000 SEALilKMOTEl TumerA-.i.o< 49-l llii Hedi E:.tall' mone' h\' dm l'Ombo $650 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 3 br. 2 , ba adull rondo. 16211 Parklolde Ln I blk w frpk. We:.bldl'. $49!'> 2 br, I ba. nr H\'llt'h &I Wl<I} renlal!; '!0\o\ J\ill! execuplan :l\JJl.ibll.' 2nd or Jrd TO 760-8.179 bel 12 s 2BR. 2BA ailmosl ne" $795 .. w pool. \'II' Hoai: W of Btal'h. 3 blk~ S llf Call Dt>bb1(' S4lJ.11702 Slult>r en"I uar "'o SHIS & up (Olor T\ trial Retttal 45oo I Loan) on re~uh•nuul or H06n1tal '"2 6314 F-·· • ' ... ,, Phon"• 1n rn1 m 2·•7 I •••••••••• •••••••••• ••••• '" -l'Ol'ldo IO El Toro canyon _z; '" .umi:er pets $.195 641 9348 I ~~ "'I .. • lnt'tlllll' pro1>t'l l ll'' n l' 2br.rbfilc.d1n rm lge Co 1 I &p f a . .nr.a S PAl' 2 BR. OPEN t~~. Ne lo\porl 1111 <1 CM NU .. M5 111n·h!l860 ~lj handte ·afullrun~ .. nt kll2bks l••B10Corona. mmumypoo ,spa anoramtt' view o • a_-u·.11..,~I BEAM t•lus.bar lot.suf G<MJ.1076 e\'S "knds 1"·'"7•·" "AHewConcept .. It irlb~ '11Aiont• 51r '" Bcb S?OO 64~ 51146 . teM1s cotrts. $65-0 mu ocean park 3br, 2ba. --~~ · ood S425' ~.. L 22.51il .,...,.. '"" fulli.en it·e tu1>Cut•• ' · · I rrnr1ru1· ~!.>\X!llJ:J.: Jll -~----I 21349J.1Uli!J4.8Sll·m~ ;"!ett; tmmar 2--frplrs, Hl,.rt!eoch 3769 ~~apl'e s1 ·""nt;3~; or DB.UXIE21R/ll··~·ol rOITTfiel>t-at'h ~llotc•l'r{n~ 0H11·~&de~k :.11Jtl' ~t;~~q fl "~~~~. ll'I') ~·ump.>lllt\I.' fdl{'~ Costa Men 3224 !~Valle 3234 e I e c gar Asking ••••••••••••••••••••••• 67J·lllll3 I mlbearll r rp t . t n I kJl~hen & balh. SJOCI mo ~r o l' Airport C11urle" to Hrnkl'rb •••••••••••••••••••••••i Y $1750 rro '"ill nt>gol l -itar DW.blt1n1>.\moke t D»dt>i!lll 2306 y. ~toAppiettJfr' 4,029SqFt il l ilill l~SI J'k for HORSE PROPERTY. l••iio'MtsroR.RE•N;.••• Aru"ous 1213> 938-7271 3 bdrm. 2 ba . no pets I al:trm, balr Watt•r pd Oc-eanfron N~"port 759·8978 ~ Smd Bid !\le,coruu .. nl· 3 Bdr 2 Ba. located tn 3 & 4 Bdrms. $725 S750 ~~!lll) 662 4956 e".'~ near schools and Ol'l' 1475 893-046.S llt'arh 673 .~ m r uvr.l RD ~A I \\1()0W It.\.-; SSS fol TD ' S.A. Hgts 1800 sq fl F enced Y 3 rd 5 & Beaut. 3 BR home al 1824 Good freewa) al't'cs~ 2 Rr 2 Ba luundn ho-Ok ~16 rt uffu·e" 3 hJ U E Loan~. IOI\ L p ~to home .. $775 1 mo . C'a II garages Kids & llel~ Port Ba rmouth. NB. tl9S + dep 540·2'1A5 ~ grrage Mu~l i.t•1·' ~!;ff t"~~~!t~s KOLL CENTER ~110"1·r "''lb:ir :!71HJ "' l'rt><hl Chl'1'k "\o Pt>nal Trad1l1onal R l t )' welco me 545 2ooo S950 rro A\' Palmer. 2Br.S71 W Jounn. hlfl~.1 88 1 Kill'henl'ltt•~·l'hone~ HEWPORT (lfc1H'ed\,ml Furn1n1 1 1 11 Llt·nn1"111 '''ot· 6.11·7370 Ask for Jim i\g!nl, no fee 213~7301 no pets $4311 Stcrru snJDIO AM z· rhannel Mo\·tet. ~:le£ant Exl'I 'lllll'' 111 mro 11hont· 557 tJ1M1 11.. ti'i3 i3t I Lgeasll>ide4rm.pel ~onle ch 3240 HarborVu3br. many up· Mgmt 641 1324 l'TILSFUlN S325 S..nd&1per 1967Nl'"'l'Urt l>rl')l1K1011s lot lnol m 10J7Kt•1 WE BUY 2 d OC~~~A~pd7~14 ••••••••••••••~•••••••• gr~de s. 1&ia~de n er . 2n~~· ~:i~~l>ap~e ~·r~o~~'. Sli0·1239 I Ill tll>ta Mesa 64S·9137 ~1~1~~t ~e~~.;~onc~~.~~ P& •:,~\:1'i.·~~t"~ 1'~ ~' 1;1tEATSOl'Tflw~:sT -------5 Blkstoocf'an Elega nt 2 _ll_l _rm SI --s450 Sierra ~itmt. MAllMEISWAU VocatioRRefttal1 4250 m.m Ofr!> from S4~6 diie..e.l'~I t.i'i5t;:!51 CAPITAL.l'Olll' 2Brt12 Ba S!\25 Br family Rm & Den Justol(Bay,2bdrm Xlnt 6411324 L rg 2 Br z•, Ba ••••••••••••••••••••••• rrc On ·rnll ofrs Sl65 2Brl 83 S500 $85(1Mo Plush rrpls, 211 cond Ref $700 mo. Sprc:lous siuc:llos one -· Townhouse Apartment OCEAN FRONT 2 &: 4 fir mo THE II E ,\ ll lndu...,lnal Hfdj;(. ~uhll'l 675·4890 Both units parlor a Ba Cedar&glass.sun 631-5233 anotwobedfoomaoart· 2brw1lh garage,unfurn. frpl r . enrlscl gar, A\·ail now Weekly lhru Ql'ARTEH S l'0 ~1 l(ood~aft•an•a 11 H Jt511 1 hui di~rountel1 TU' triplex Have garages & deck , db I r a r pr v ----menrs FURNISHED ~lairs $3115 mo Rer~ patio yard N'ear llu~l summer 673 7873 PANI ES A profr"1onJI I )q It 2 _111rn otr1n'" ,1r,ught note' t'lC .\sf.. patios. Trad1l1onal Rily garage, fully ma1n1 Walle to bcll Cll'an 3Br reiiwred 352 V1l'lor1J Harbour Ch1ldrl'n OK • en11ronment oil 11 Rea~ 841 a!UfW. for Kl'tlh hrnkrr 631·7370~k for Jim_ yard No pels lnqutrt' al 2ba, 2car gar. f p. patio end UNFURNISHED ~161 SS7S rro 840 6807 Easler. Summer. re!tl'rll' ~I 0681 I ,...., uO<'>or""~ 1·-. I 52'7llllh SL 9606331 BIO m 960-1235 Comm 0 k rood 1 If I -no"' Weekh rentdl. I 1 OC AIRPORT ""'~ """ • IEONEOF --l!!!Qh_!enrus a"' aso oeu 2 BR11t Ha 1>at1u.ne"ly2ku:lspk.S415,Z br,nelo\ Br Apl Slel>~u11 10 4 1 Newpurt llt•11rh nt•ar 33.Chq (t Sll~pl'fn)tl THE.LUCKY FEW . Huge4 Bdr 3 Ba , ~1150. Luxury pool home . •AJfUtilitlelPeld deroraled nnJ>('ls S480 <'l'pl. front un1l 11va1I Balboa Pen insula I lhiu.: llusp 11100 ''I rt . 9660122 1 Allnounc._nts/ R C M Near bear h Mallo• •1rntTM1CNte 1 54114500 now831·!003 67S.~73a~t6P'1 ~·onc.lfloor oH11·e~ am I p---' ent 1n osta esa s RJ · · ' mar\'elous Wes tcliff " le.> arkmit "l'll 01,1111 J,tUl ''l ft "art•h>c' fur ~s/ NEWES T galt>d 20 lf596Q:.4342 location 4 Bdr. m1rro. Occ:Yprncy 2br,newlyn'<lrc· !tuple~ lr"filw 3144 Ckean front :'\o:lo\µort I r,1111~ blctg'\.ll'kl JJis rt'fll ul11J1 pJrt 3tr 1>c•r Lost&Found Townhome VILLACE3BR.2Ba.rplr.k1ds OK. minyex.lras Year or 'SlMiHion ln "srnglei:ar lari:cl••••••••••••••••••••••• BalboaPenin wkh rl'n 7'14645484•1 · · sqftfiJl tltlil ••••••••••••••••••••••• COMM UN ITY 2 & 3 Br S62S mo Ask for Kellh. more lse Sl-195 Call Recf99tlon , )ard $500 mu 559 5001 10ranget.ree I bdrm +loft. I tul starting \pr i thru I Allnounc._nh 51 OO 2'~Ba 16001800sq fl o( 9624471 l...oL'5 ~631 L266 And Mucn More I f.a:.~lde 2 llH sm \ard tennis, pool' SS40 1 ~ummn 2 & 3 Hr IUSIHESSADDRESS I PRtMEOFFICE ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~~d~o~~~bsry 111 G~;~,e:,: N~ar SI ale r & S P r 4;=;ba Nr brh. pool. For a l"lOn!tl. or a hKi· I optional 11ar . $.19S mo 1 130 1250 , S ~ Z 76119 . 544--0614 838 3232 An'" l'f In J.! & rn J ii I WJre ou~t> ~pure· "ith •SPIRITUAL Sul.lo, dtnin~ rooms. mgdale. z. stor). I br. trus. $99S+~e1· Nwprl nme Modelsnro>n"•!Jv ~l>C}fl 548·4845 1 5116-JJOO Beaul1ful Palm Desert 'eriH't' ronfi•rc•n cc·1 i·arpll'!\ drp~ & "4'1 I R~DIHG · ' 1 1 $900 Sh A I < !J62 227 NolJ'!IS . • b b· . · room AdJ Ol' i\1rpnrt har> 71111 lo .lj!j~l Ml ft • wood burning ireplaces. c ean ,ease mo rs. vai "1 ·I • 9amlo~ 2Hr " ~ar $4211 l pt~.1 LC11JN•.och 3848 l'OOdo.~ r. 2 .3· H~ml'I I $1lMI mo 71 1 8.\1 1:112 :\les;i Industrial park Ult5So ; C<irnmo lit-al micro.wave ovens . &IO-ll~ 96J.~ fnl·d vrd, 11.tr pi! 22211 ••••••••••••••••••••••• furn . 1 c~I, 'pa. ltnnis 711 w 17th St l'.ic•iri Sun Clt'm~:n11· 41IJ i29!i Qrivatl' patios & )ards OC·RENTALS SPYGLASS t'~e C'ul1ve I ··A" f>larent1a 1136 -1120 OCl!:ANFRONT Apt~. 2 th S:tl Sun St5o Wkly 450 s~ fl ruin offuc• Hlufr lndu~lrtdl Par~· t\tllht• GardenPr pro\1ded 1 5br'~S200toS2000 home,4Bdr,2'> Ba.3 Oakwood l·Spm ~r. Studio S450S82S ~Su2G47 morn1ngs spurl'$4~•1 mo 11135 Whiilic·r \11· Elegant In mg only 15 750-3314 open 1 da)s car gara11.c 2 frp lrs. Garden Apartments Spa(• 3 br 2,, bJ '" nhst• lit1ls meld 536 0321 Rftttah to Shor. 4300 Ii-I 1 tr.r.:i 1>12 -1463 & t)ol2 ;i;c14 I SCRAM-l.ETS m1nutes rrom Fashion \'ACA.'I CLE\N 3BR popular Tradew1nds N-.-.....Beeeh/No apt. din rm patio, :-.i OCEAN VIEW 1 nr i·on •••••••••••••••••••••••I Ut>l.1)tn tosuilt•t•~t·tu1111· CA--4550 Island. 1 minules lo S C 7 325·2624 Th S mdl $1 750 mo M1k t> .... ...,.., Costa Mrsa 1600 mn do Ai ail imlTl{'d Walk , ol'fiC'~ lo\lth i.e1·ret.mal --~ ANSWERS Plaza or 0 C Airport 1 14 1 ·. u at c;i:pw!,&t 6453176 8801rvine ~ttr\lc·e Jl()<llltblt• li\inl( •••••••••••••••••••••••I Just easl of Newport l2131447·7~SunWt'd 1a1161111 \Yl1dysaft 2,!>4G·7214 ~l~opp1n1: l'nl r ROOMMATE :m'ii frOO(!.l()(Jl1on mSTlllL\(i E SPA\'E I ~k;nen ~mic· Blvd. &so of San Diego lr"fine .J244 tlalboals 2bryear (714164$-1104 ~ Bd Twn, dbl gar. \3· l'annt'r. Villa.:e llr11~t:• <.'o,tJ \k~a ~4 X 1:1 Trait l'au~hl f'rwyhSlartmg 3at $900 a •••••••••••••••••••••.. JC~~-· .a~t,sds ~~-33114 Newport Beach/So l'anl Nu pain,t & rrpts. Mtwport leach 3169 flM O ER S 67S 4!lti ~~~ ~111~1 Fl1·1 hook u1> I IATC ll f. T mont 631 54 9. 24i3 Twnhome ne" 3 br. 3 ba. 1700 t61h St nopeu $750 Call Diana.••••••••••••••••••••••• Oldesl & lari:est aj!ent') 1 1...a~una ~1i:u1•l J\{',111t1lul ~ "" , \lt~r rJl(hllni: for \PJr, Oranj!l' Al I' Cost<t pal10. gar Park. pool. OC:·RENTALS (Ooveral 16(1l) agt 631 1266 ~ta ~ J!O p1n11 NEWPORT All chenlSM'rCf'nrd lo\llh Offll'l'~ Rt•t't•pl1on1 .. 1 Stor.t~t· Bldg 20 \ !" '"" no:i)thlJ111' rinall~ ~1es;i Jar '9]5 rro 11;!3·9057 1·5br's $200 to $2000 (71'tJ 642·5113 lease Oj>Uon Ml\ photos & reference~ I Se(') m <' ~ 't• n I:" r ea.~~ i.t ~t·l'I .il·rc:.' t.11 'lcfped 1he1r leud Thr' Separate house. easts1de Rancho San Joaquin ron 750-33~4 open Um Newer 2 bt. I' 1 ba. gar , COUNTRY CLUI Credits C'osmopohtan sen j \'\~ La" ii. Ta~ tnt?l'r ~I Sant a \ n .1 du ho" l'\ l'r kt·l'~ a 2 8r.I Ba crpt~.drps. do 2Br 2 ba. de n Newport Heights DW.bltms.$.175 711W LIVIHG GoodMornmgAn:icma. l.ibar\, Xl'rO\, 11hoiH' $170973 1939 ~:1·~~,:~r ~,~i"[f11\l'' stove. washer dryer hk $87~.'rro_, ~5·7107 tp•-x 20th. 548 4900 Bat•helors. 1&2 bedroom TiwTomorrow Show I answenng Frnm SJSO etltat Wonted 4600 up, rncd yard. enclsd .c SanClew.t. 3776 ••1 off• to all nc" Call831 !'>33:1 s u-.Ads 5120 gar No pets. no Greentree delat·hed 2 Br I New parnl. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2bdnft.lba ~tioa"d apts&lo"11houses rhentswhoneedaplarr ' 1 ....................... ·~1 walerbeds S500 mo + ho~. 2Br. frplc. coun stove. waler paid 2 bdrm. p 2 bu. lilk lo gara.:e. nc11.1 aml and rrom~jLOOO &1 11900 Priml' OH1t·e ~p.ic i' DESPERATE 1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• s e c u fl t y de p 6 s 11 try kttrhen. covered Gardt"ner No pets beach $425 carpel Near edro $475 NO f'EE' Apt & Condo NEWPORT 641-1899 Corona dt>l Mar l(l'j(I -.c1 I Rl·nt nr 1 l'J~e I e Jr • ~J\ n~l> S48-5442or770·5629 pat10.2cargarage.rom $.550rro Isl lasl &Sl50 974.7225 Qe.!I00 ,5516)30 rentalsVillaRenlals ft 'u1l t! U SIJ mo I round 2 bdrm unfurn J',.Yr mwuty pool & park. n1 51712 Rolsa, 548 ·S04 I Lg 28 r Iba. t'pl drps. 672:.4!!!2 Broker Non smkr, 3br rondo. b/5 !1510 apt hl1o'l' l\{'Jc:h \n·.i •2 BR. den. FP. 2 baron schlsishoppmg & tennis eves & wknds. 6JJ.JS20 ~..L. r 1 d S200 rro + •, util SISO *''cl'I dlx suitt• ,\ t' Jm b) Motht•r und Son r.~ I do, nr Westchff S675 cm• 551 Z776 wkd s "" re ng. aun ry. slo,vt> LIDO VIEW " " II Ill r T Avlnow.David646·3255 ~"~~-· -----lMfwfti*d d1w, a i r. upstairs 2Br 2 Ba 2palwAdulls de_p _964~ ti R plr~g.S375utilpd 28.55 "'enl irre, nS'150 ' Woodbridge Condo 3Br Big Canyon condo. 3 Bd ••••••••••••••••••••••• w balC' gar, .no pets _paj_,_t>000675-63S9 Share Newport Bc~c·h E Csl lllo\v 675 69ll0 I mo M' \\ 0 0 rt ' I I 2 BR. 1 ba. gar. wshr w D b full uolf ~ourse view CA7< r 11 64< t>GOA -_'f.!. ~ 1213 652 6711 or 1154 11707 2'2 a , 2 car g ar . s1200?tse.r'.•.74"•~k_r . •...a......-p-.:..~..,.ja 3807 -c ...... al am ~""?!"' I BR condo. Ver~a11les. apt r.t t' 2bdrm.2ba Near San Utc.>l(o F"' &: dR SP.,I Hkup. no pets S48S Japanese landscape .,.... ut -...._,_ Sh 2B I r ood •· Incl parkrn° and ut1I H bur 1 ff t • ~C Placentia 54~.:.7!83 ••••••••••••••• •• •••••. arp r. ot o " "' hke new. SSSO mu Ca II .. ar o ite~ '01 r "'I gardtner prO\tded ScaC...nt. 3276 4BR. 2BA yearly frplc. wallpaper. nc" t'Pl. Pvl R1rhard. 213 830 2323 . tMIFPSSOf dep 3~50 r~~ fron1 offire & r1•('rpt I room 'm harh or'''' \.J 3 b d r m . 2 b a , Pool. lake. tennis crts bl k. Cl patlO s495 mo Riii 213 ...,., .,.... 1 a re ai: ., to ,,., Jr<' 3 2 hath, & • tagt• " bath swo mu I water 'gardener incl sum rro 551·9155 or agt ••••••••••••••••••••••• Hns. par mg. ose lo ""I 1266 '°"" '°"" 631 2.010 kllrhenl'lle. air, & furn I' Call R.imh 1192 f;Olfi I ~N t 644 4!778 67_5-6160__ *** bay &ocea n Brkr ~-·-l..arge 2bdrmlba4210 1!~ s -. --R.L Gradilllor 615-4912. 2bd. 2ba condo nr s C Seashore. flsO mo ·vr ly Pror M' f" to ~hr 2 br on 11va1I $8.§0 mo. 549 292K 2BR nr SC Plza Adult * * l[lt'(SI. 118 \11a Turca O:ean front 3 Br 2 Ba Plaza. Pool. sec. i:ate 6464419 N B Pen. S300 mo . Isl & C M 2 ofll<'l''· 315 ft ,;,,__'flnYHt/ cmdos. Qwel $565•mo UW Newport Beach Years lease SlJSO mo No pels S525 mo -last req'd Kns 675 1211 balh.stora1?t'a1 ;11I S250 ~e Gas ind 556· 1626 T\\o Woodbridge 3 Rr You are Lhe winner of 714 1337 · 24 14 d a .vs. ~1_·1_476 ON BEACH. 38 Seashort> QI' 540 7377 S48 3345 494 31103 ••••••••••••• •••• ••• • • • ho """"" I -Redf'r 3br Iba. 0 ar Slo\1mm1n~ pool "h{' 1 I New 2 br. 2 ba condo. ~5 _.,., mo on vr rour free ti ckets IS16 001 67~~ eyes & wknd~ $ 9 8 5 y ~ Sbr rondo" pror per~o11 ' 11 •tu I S800 lease 12 rrore to rhoose valuelothe 21 S285 1st . last. dep All * * * !trni«• u~me's ro,t;i ::~r~o~ ·rJ:ncs.mkrs. from We're the ones to CorOMdelMor 3122 "'2zlfleld 67S.3419L21J·W2· 604 amenities 838 5180. MaraarwtJ~•• Mt.>Sa llunt lleul'h:or1•.1 n..m3376,ev751.81_84 callforleases. A1•i..1ootShow ....................... -2Br yrly , ~arage. $700 966-_8479 8566-D~Tnnit)•(n No exp nN· W1ll t1 a1n ~ = ANAHEIM Walk lo bearh. 2 br. rr~lc . FAMIL y A"S. rro . S750 mo Call for llunttngton fk>·aC'h s,.<,1).000 full a mo uni IC' House. horse OK . 2Br ~odbrldg•• CONVENTION lg d k e "I pr " 8eauti1ul garden apts. appt. llB Wh"t Rll M1F for NB hse. 11 blk You are the lo\mner of qui rr(I W 111 n c· t $600 rro 20202 Birch St " CEN°fER ~pn1t7-2S lndry r~c 'ssJ:) mo M a"y Patios/decks lill8l paid ~~ 1 e rs bearh, yrl). prkg. S250 rou.r free t1rkcls 1S16 11111 $40.1.100 t l'ull t•oll1•1 t ~~Ana Hgts 5516931 Realty To rlaim tickets. rail lst 67S.8589 No pets Child re n t 15ljast 6454695 \aluelolhe Mon f r1 9 1\~I li l'~I 551 3000 642-5678 . ext 272 ~ ---I welrome 2Brlba.eat1nk1tch En rl 5 .. _ ~1167 0111 E Side 3Br. 2Ba. ram rm · Tickets must be claimed Lovely 3 bdrm duplexes 2 Br 11• Ba $SIS patio & gar $535. no Rmmle wanted IM It' tn AltaheAhRN lo1 Eotl.M nuw w/frp lc. rn c d yd . 1mBarra11n """·'"'M byApril23.1982 I Avail. May 19th So of 28r 2Ba SS"~ ~2~4 20's s hr 2br 2 ba NAfn gardener. cpts. drps ---PC H $1200 mo Call · townhouse nr brh. S275 CONVENT40N lfl)O rro. Isl & last t RENTALS * * * --· M'arda Redick . Agt 38r.2Bn. $600 5rEPSTOBEACH ~,j31~ Cfo.:NTERApnl 17 25 $400. m Robinhood Ln. lbr, lba $650 AM 3280 ~·· 9060 . , 398 W. Wilson :I Br. 2 houses from "" old f I k' r To claim llckt'ts. c·a11 ._ ______ _ 2br. 2ba S675 ""..:. . -6.1l·SS83 or 642·3708 ocean. $52.S. Yrly lease .., yr em oo ing or 642 56 7 8. ex t 2 7 2 ... 5 1737 aft JPM 2br. 2•~ba S8SO ··;~~ir~ii;·;,;;r;~;i~·;; 12 Br. 1 ~a. det k. rdng. 2 8~1;-; ea. frpl~ ();w, ~ t~~!re~~~~· ~n Tickets must bl' da1med 3 Bd. pool $775 pr mo Jbr.2ba $875 older home Orig wood ' stove incl; $600 mo. pvt patio. garage ''2 ut_11.645-4~ byApril 23.1982 5005 OPPORTUNITY ofaU~! MAI([ SOflllf()tj( HAl't'Y MAllE SOMEONE 5"'1lE l'lal'l' a llAl'PY ,\ll m th1~ 1•olumn foronh SJ Z5 l'all 1;1~ 56711 DOM, Happy Annl..,•nary· _. 32*1 Aa if you co11ld for9et-b11t ••• ,~?!?! sum moves )'OU '" Lin· Jbr, 2ba $1400 panelin'i.! bdrms. 2 car I 73l-0207 av11l 1!!!med. -153Slmo. ~-78 __ --* •• j!_H.art63j·l~agt _ Jbr 2ba St500 rurn d HUI Fem to shr 2 same Bch Sunny 3 Bdrm. 2•2ba 4br:2ba SI JSO garage. rgeyar _,., CodeM.ICI 3124 Cape Cod Twnhse 2 Br dplx ~/mo.+ '• ul il F.xe<' oHtcel.. iclnl NU E·side wtlh yard. dbl 4br,2'.aba Sl lOO J!l>.63'1·7913 ---•••••••••••••••••••••• 112 8a $490.crpts.drps. !!tJlast._se~.64f·8603 loc .ropier.Jl25 Need 10 mort• c•xpr 11 salesDPnplr w E. -0 "' .. ~: II OWN£RSlll I' LOVE, PAT gar. Avail May I. S795 -~Raisor Rlt~ 3291 111. .211. l ll. ~ts. 675-6606-'-Prol . 1 966-17791640·6215 w/garden_e_r. 631 1094_ _ Newry·-·cfecor <fas pd. 2 bdrm. I ba townhouse. · smg e person to 1thr -W~~l7'5 HOMEFORRENT encl tar d /washer. Newpainl.new ca""'ls. lg. N.8. home. muny u .c.. d•I u ar 2 br 2 ba 2 b a a ~ I ~Ad It .,.._ xlras,no""ls 631 6313 m..,.a ~ ,.. · • · r + · · " 3Bdrm. $6'75 Fenced poo . u s. no Sundeck. garage. ldry r-fam. rm. 2 rrplc. db le micro. Crplc. fenced yd. yard ar grnge. Kids a & ~· 642· . _ far. F..aatside. $525 mo CM. lge, neat 2 BR upl ~ arde fen, r '1d S~l 2 car_ ga2ri3Nr ~spa. pet.s welcome 545·2000. •3br, nr S.C. Plaza. S.A -_-..Ji6.:3429 --Bd, 2 ba duplex lower w/poOI. W. Bay St Shr I ~~17f'r nr Lennd..:.fil_JS37_··83: ~.no ree <l•fllOrt. pool. spa. 1675. Very sh•IJ> 2 BR iv. ba. unit. Dahwhr. rrplc. aar. ::f.11YGa~. '?o°:i ~r 1~W -4 bdrm. single house HOMEFORRENT Pet ok. 75Z·S822 or walklncloseu encl gar. rm.6'1H642A_gt 9PM,642·2078 2 BR I Ba duplex.. new Uruven11ly Pk. 2 car 1ar 2 Bdrm. $475. Garage 641-1480. ~c. $4~ mo · Ask for 1 Bd. 1 ba apt. Balboa paint & cpts. Mar no ~' er. air cond Near Kids & pets welcome Bi. U,631·12166 ____ "-In 1 blk to bch No Roommate lo shr :SRr ~ ~ + dep 1948 . tennis. refng $925. Aa t r ...... 2Ba heh hse. $275 mo llWNIT omn ArchllC'\ti, de111nrra. ~t-3484 1~ __ · en '" qo_tt,_ lle8tiJIJUI I' Br. +. E.slde Lst Ii last prtg M3S mo e1s 1642 ~ --------3 Br 3 Ba Exec HorM In + ffcurity S500. Call W.iited f /rmmte shr 3br Northwoods. 21tol')' with l4JI ~~TM~S 1 S48-43ll8 3 b a (on do , N . o r.lann.-1'3 Two IP'l('n n "'""' porl Cfn ltr, On• is 2000 tq h and OIW ta 3000 IQ fl. Vf'f"j favortbll' r•l••I Wll· 'u.m Cote, 8roktt ' ' A~ f8'-f.'-~1E xtra lrg ram. room. No 8::.t.n'~!!l., ~.:,,s:~~ • E~ Side adult living. 2BR S29H u ll t Rund y ~h J and 2 bdrm ron docs pltaH. Gardener It SC Pl S ~over3'Parklna. ~o IBA. .. ~ d o m in 1 u m a w 11 h water paid. $9SOt mo. I ~"· Tt iate,~. Pflt -__ MMM•---~ condo SW. nr SC nreplacu. akyll•hta. SU-2000.A t nt.no ret. rrf.ndl;~c:ea!rr.Ti~e· Bl~lor $395 ssoo. d is Eaataid• 2 B r 1• .. ba . patio. Pin o r rind phu·r1 pa I I 01 and 2 r ar LlfMMlplf l2U lBR, dlnln1t. air. r.•lio I Br S4SO.S4$$ bdrm. l '• ba nestled tn a ~/mo v. m1 to bth toa•th• r Sh l' 11 r y irar,... ••••••••••••••••••'*••• Secluded tt1d uni . No 28r I'• Ba. $$101 pirwlret fore~t.MJ..9114. C)llf42>.438'7 ~·94 UJI le SltS 157$ .z BR. exec. 11th ret ~·--~ + m utll ZZ50V u1rd .li0:962tj MO-I~ UDO BAY FRONT FtC'Ole. titan. resp. non· I lt7lVOcirovla fac.i11ted. vie. 493 1132. 'UH!!P-•2tlr, ~1 nr S.C. Plau .1 Ull Jll*. JM F.Jt11"t2Br. 2ba. frpk, am\r. 2 br. I bu. I hik a offict11. re«tpllon rm, Coll1 Met1 ••·3112 SA roo1~.WO.Nol 2"6lldnftolc~Nopete. PllUO.SUOO/mo.4M-0029 but h, pr k11 avail •tot•ict rm, 72S 1111fl tJlfftt R't11 1IZ ~Q!.l4 '61-)04 Mf·ta41 qr.l:l.J!ll_IJ~TO Utl/mo , $1 00 dcp forttd air hut, 127& ···--· OCCPMCYI ~ lbr Iba, tlllls pd, Cl1 1• HH ,_ 1" !. 11th St CM /...0.1-lr.-1 W.. ikll ok, i.Mtry rm , new •••-••• ..... , .... r f'IWIKt iJ"'ed ASAP 14'-JUO, fT~ 111117 Malftld ceUl11. 11l1l, f'H/mo , *SU 1> rlllt. ontu1 vlew, ~ 2ba • 11N8B, Ju uOt!LUXE .. room . No pe.1.1. o-,_.m.1111 ~~ct; Pfl = m 9'11 ; ~Im <11\tt tpt.rt 1¥111 :; ,,,,,._.-="'·,,.=·•· "'" ~.;r_ t::r.'A!-~cr11t• ' Mt• =~.:i~:· PARTll'IPATION Minimum 1n\·1·~tmtnt $12.501 Wt" foreca!lt SCI'. rrtum J)f'r yru bcforl' laxes and pay the· hl&hesl romm 111s1on Call Ruy 714, 768 33~ Want Ad Kr,uh-. M:l ~711 ............. ... ..... 0,1ai1mity 5015 0,fl Wty SOIS ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• WE'RE LOOKltG ,..,.. .. ,. ....... .... we nted 1250,000 total. Mini mum 126,000 per lnveetor to flNnce gtO'Mh In whol111J1 NQhtinQ c:otftPlnY, .."' .... ,.. 111• JU/111·1111 J 4 llUlll:UIT lAGUU BEACH /IEI ClllT l HURSOA V. APRIL 15, 1982 ORA NGE COUNTY . C A LIFORNIA 25 CENTS Crystal Cove plans fight on evictions By JERRY HERTENSTEIN Of the 091ty Ptlot lteff P~t..ume r~ckmt.s of Crystal Cove say they will fight eviction notices that were tacked on the doors of their cottages or stuffed ~n maHboxes. The notices were distributed to 23 homes o{ the 45-home coastal haven between Corona del Mar and Laguna Beach shortly before noon Wednesday in a move that \ ,. many living there part-time saul upset them. The reside ntial area , private since first construc ted as a movie set in the 1920's, bealme part of the Crystal Cove S tate Beach purc hased by the sta te in 1979 for $32.6 million. The st.ate Le- gisla ture d ecided at that time part-time resid e nts sh o uld be moved out to allow greater public ac.'C.'eSS to the beach --- -~·· • BROKEN DREAM -Steve Moore a nd his d aughter, C rystal. stand n ear what used to be his 28-{oot sailboa t Edith's Trip, w h ich ran agro und at Capistrano Beach Sunday night whe n The ev~<.:llon notk"eS sw lt' that those living there part-lime must vacate by July 31. according lo Russ Makley, lease manager who sa ys he r eceive d a n ot ice a l- though ht: clam'\S he lS a rulJlLme resident "l think it's a httlt• un rair," said Art Donahue, a part-lime resident w ho h as a home in Santa Ana. "I d idn't rind out a b o ut i t unt i l l as t n i ght (Wednesday) when a reportc·1- calk d my w1ft• " Donahue !iutd his son, Kt•vin, lives y<.>u around a t C1 yst:tl Cove. ;'' Donahue said he had ret.'<.'iVt:d :.i letter five months ago from the s ta le Depart ment of Gent>ra l Sernces t ha t word wou Id bl• forthcoming on what wou ld be.· don e w ith th e p roperties at Crystal Cov.<' b ut that word has he m istook tl\e lights of Dan a Point H a rbor for Manna del Rey Moore, 68, has nu money to salvage the hulk. 'Defusing' try slated by Haig Wrecked sailboat Markets probed for had salmon Harbor Patrol job? WASHINGTON (AP)_! Se- cretary or State Ale xa nde r M . Haig Jr., under growing pressure to find a com pro mise 1n the Falkland Islands crisis, 1s making another try at defusing what he called an "exceptionally difficult a nd ext:ept1o nally da ngerous problem." A 28 -foot sailboat t hat ran aground off Capistrano Beach Monday may have to be removed by the Dana Point Harbor Patrol because the boat's owner says ht• can't afford salvage costs Dana Pomt Harbor Patrol Sgt Dick Po we ll said he will g1Vl' 68-year -old Stl'V<' Moore a ft'W more days to salvage h is f('rro c.:emC'nl boat, "Edith's Trip." !)(• fore the patrol removes the boat and bills Moore Mea'nwhile, a harbor pat rol spokeswcma n in d1c.:a ted t h :it pounding surf has t.ak1..•n Its loll o n tht' seven -ton , hand -b uilt sloop Sh<' S<Jid th C' !)(wt 1s brea king up and may not be sal vageablc- Tht· boat ran aground .ibout 2 a m Munday morning wh1•n McJort· bt•eaml' t·onfusl•J by' tht• IJana Po11-:t h:crbc>r lights and belit'VC'd ht· was off M;inna dPI Hey Moort• and his :n vt•ar-oltl daughtt•r, Crystal. Wt'I!' on a shakedl)Wn cru!S<' bdort• 1•mbar- king rm a trip to Hawa11 A fed eral off1c1a l says inspec- tors soon will bl'gtn spot checks i.ll Southern California m<.1rkNs to det.crmme th<' <'ffec·uvt·n~c; of a voluntary n•l·all of a ct1nnPd Alaskan salmon that may t·ontam botulism toxin · John Stovall. rt'<:all dirC'(.'l•lf at the Los Angt•lt•s offll'e of the f'ood and Drug Admin1strat1on. said officia ls are completing th<' procc•ss of tr<.i('king susp1·cted e•ans th rough tlw natwn's c.:um pll'x food d1slr1bul1un net work Haig left Was hington today on the 16-hour fl ight to Bue n os Aires, his second trip to the Ar- gentine capital since he began his peace-st'eking mission April 8. He has tw we visited London on his shuttle In London, meanwhile. British defense officials told Prime Min- ister Margaret Thatcher that elements of the 31-ship Argen- tine fleet may be sailing in thr direction o r the Falklands Roundups of ali~ns continue in Irvine "We an· JUst nllw gC't11ng lo the retail Jt'l'OUllt..:.." Stovall s.i1d. Cons t'Ont..11nmg salmon pa(·kt'CI at (•ight Alaska pla nts arc> sus- pcc·ted of being improperly <.'on - structed . The suspected dt•fl'C'ls t·ould perm it the growth of bat·· lt•na that produces botulism to- xin. Botulism can be fatal. The officials said that most of the Argentine navy was still in port, but that "some elements of the Argentine fleet" may be lea- ving port "and m tha t case we would expect them to sail south." toward the FalkJands. The officials said they doubted the Argentine ships would "risk breaching" the war zone Britain estabhshed around the islands, but predicted the ships "may _ . . sail close to the Argentine main- land and even skirt the maritime exclusion zone in an a ttempt to score some propaganda advan- tage a nd bolster up mora le in Arge ntina" NATION I By SANDIE JOY Of the Dell)' Ptlot Stetl The U.S. Border Patrol 1s con- tinuing to round up illegal aliens in Irvine fi e lds this week and some Irvine city o fficials are un- ha ppy about it Basically, city off1c:1als said they fear for the safety of Lrvin1..• residents during Border Pa trol raids. Al T u esday's City Count·ll meeting. M ayor David Sills questioned what would happen 1f illegal aliens flee into yards and homes pursued by federal agents. "The idea of me n on horseback and armed or m helicopters may be acceptable in some areas," S ills sa id during an m tervww Take it with you City dwellers need a m achine to provide familiar urban sounds -arguing neighbors, loud music, traffic -to lull Lhem to sleep when they are in rural areas. Page A7. Percy to aid blind Sen. C h arles Percy, R-Ill., who has a h earing problem himself, will become a volunteer reader for a taping program for the blind. Page B5. STATE LOS ANGELES (AP) -AuthorlUes are invesU- aating lhe alcohol treatment program that Advanced Health Systems Inc. runs through nine Raleigh Hills hospltall in CalifomJ.a to determine whether patie n ts were tramferred between them to bypus Medic.are payment limltl. today'1 Los Angelea Timea said. Wednesday. "bu t 1ns1dl~ a l'lly. you s1n1ply don't c:onduct poltc.:C' operations that way " Recently. he said, a n illegal ahen trying to get away from the Bordet Patrol cauSt'd an accident on Irvinl' Center Dnv<' wh<'n he made a U-turn m trarf1c T hl• mayor also told or &1rdl•r Patrol hehcoptC'rs hovering over the l'Jty and along with oth<>r city off1c1als. said he's afraid o n e might c:rai.h in a res1dl'nt1al area T he council agre<'d 'Tuesday to write a bout its concerns for ci ti- zen safety to the Im migra tion and Naturahz.a t1on S<'rv1cc (INS) and to ask for cloS<'r l"OOpcration between the Border Patrol and local POiie.~ COUNTY Fluor flees 'fire' O nly one death -that of a &-lg1a n man has been d1rC<'tly attributed to a defoctive salmon l'Cmtainer. Stovall said a good deal of de- tective work has been involved in the FDA's attempt to track down all t'ans suspe~:ted of containing tainted salmon He offered the following 11lu- stra t1on: A lead distributor 1n SPattle may havC' sent 5,000 casC's of salmon to a S('COndary distrtbutor in Kansas City, which may have shipped goods to 10 gr~ry wa- rehouses throughout the rountry. The distributor may or may not be a ble to say which cases went to the individual warehouses Fluor Corp. employees evacuated safe ly !rom a "fire" in the firm's glass towe r in Irvine. Fire officials said the firefighting d rill went smoothly. Page Bl. 'Archie' comes lo Newport Television's "Archie Bunker" is getting a restau- rant ln real Ufe; Carroll O 'Connor plans to open a di- ning establishme nt in Ne wport Center. Page C6. \ Valley tudents aid voting Sixty seventh and eighth grade stUdenia from a Fountain Valley 1ehool helped get out the vote in a council election. Page C8. t not l.wt•n n""CeivL-'<l "My first rt'at·tmn 1-; thal Wt:. thl' Crystal Covt• lfonwuwnt·r-. A.~1..illon t-Wl hu-.y with our lawi.uat a nd SL"t.' if w1· 1•;1n gN this thing slraightl:'nt•d 11ut." Dona hue said The a~oc1auon w.111ts a lt'JM opuon on the proix·1 ly s1m1lor tel the 20-yc•ar option ~1v1•11 tu mo bale· homt• res1dl•nL-; at El Mw ro &•:.iL·h a mil£• down tlw h1ghw:1y (.'1 ystal Cuvt· has l'l'l't•1ved 1wllo;1al .md :tt.atc leu>gruuon a. J lusturit· site' Makley said that resad<·nt.s are t•ont-erncd that, 1f the c.'Ott.agl'S are vacated w ithout soml· pla n for tht'1r prest•rvauon, the st<t lt• will .JI low thl'm to go to "rat·k and I Ulll t'ha1 It·~ D. llull>erl, of the state [J<•µar tnwnt 1Jf General 8l•rv1<.:es, fSee CRYSTAL, Pa~e A2) Narcs nab • nine • Ill county raid Tltt· Ill'"" Jy f111 nwd Ur<ing1· County Shl·nff', lh·p.11 tnw111 S11uth County n.irt·ot II''> cJcot;11l swung in to at·t111n f11r tht• f1rs1 I.Im<· W1·dm•sd<.1v n1gh1 and ur rl'slt•d null' ::.uspH'tt•d drug dt·<l It·•" in v:inous lc1<. .itmns Although a 1wglig1hlt· amount n( drugs was Sl'l7<•d during the· ra 1<l . th11'>I' arn·stc•d l·olh•l'll\'t•ly sold .1hout $2!10.0011 Wurth ol rn t·:11n<' a wt•1·k . ,wc ·11rcl1ng t11 Lt Wu1ll I I art. ;i .... 1w1 II['-. dt·1>.11 tn1 L·n·t ::.pokt·sman Authonllt"• b<·g,111 f.tnnmg otll from the· Lagun.1 Nrgw·I '>hC'nff'-. suhsl<il1on ahout 7 p Ill anJ b1· gan ~t-rv111g th1..· fll":.t ol il .arrt·~t v.«111 ant'> By t•v1 11111i(:-111d six p1•1 :.11ns h<td bt•t•n Jfl esll·d un warrJnL-. and thrl't' otht·rs w1•rc lxxikl'd on vanous drug l'hc.trgt•s F ll u r w ;.c r ran t.... 1 •·ma 1 n l' J 1>Utstanding this 111or111ng. an:or ding to Hart Tht· arrt·~u, <ill n·sultl'd fri11n pun·ha!><.'~ of n<.1n·cilll"S made· b~ one underl'ovPr ;ia1 l"fllll':> ,offlt't'r over a 10-wf>('k ix·nod, Hart said Ar n•strd on w<.1rrants during thl' raid WC'rt: Tanya L Braw n(.>r. 22, of San Clt·nwntc>. G1« gor) 11 L;. nc·h. :!:! 111 81 Toi o Margo 0 K01l11\. :!:l. of S.cn Cll'ml·ntc. Davi:-H Lt•,10('l11, :!fl, o r San Clemt·n tt·; J c·f f r l'y F' Newton. :l2, of M1ss1on Vu.•jo.-and Mark C Kun. 211. of El Toro Thl'v W<'rP hookNI 1ntt1 tht Orange: County J;ul on :-usp1u11n of st>lling, Hur t .... aid Bails for thos1• arrC'sll·d rangc·d I rom $5.000 10 $20.0UO Abu arn'stc•cJ wt•11 Davia M N1C'ol. 25. of San Clt•nwnte. on charg1·-. ut YlC"> and n>n.-.pir ... 1·y to SC'll wcame. J.imt•s K t ;ould. :W. or Tus11n. l'harg1•d With salt·s of <'«11';11111· .ind p11~'' '"'1011 nf man Tax deadline at midnight WASHI NGTON CAPl Tht• scc•nl' w1 II b<• n>mmon plan• to mght. A WE·ary Amc·nt·an rusht·~ to t lw P ost Orf1t'l'. drops a n envelop<• into a t·olll'l't1on box and breat hes a sigh of rl'lief. Onn • again, Mr and Mrs Taxpayer will have SC'llled aec:ounts with Und<' Sam. Midnigh t tonight 1~ the dl".lci line for a lmost a ll <.·ouples an<i 1nd1v1duals lo rile• lhc-ir fed<.>ntl inconw -tax rC'turns lf the past 1:- any gu1dt'. perha~ Ill million c>r more of them will wait until tht' la st minute t o l'Omplete thC' C'h orc. cr eating mon umenta l traffic jams around many metro- poh tan Post Orric.:c•s A s a r u le, 20 million to 2:l million return.-. arl' hlt'<i un April 13. 14 and 15 C'ach year. INDEX Ann Landers 82 Movies 87 Mutua l Funds C6 National News A3 Public Notices B4,C6 ,D3 Sports Cl-4 Dr. Steincrohn B2 Stock Markets C7 Television B6 Theaters B7 Weather A2 World News A3 SPORTS JU.111.1 for !><lie., a nd &'Ott Ross. 20. 111 M1.,s1on Vll'JO, also c.:har ged with ~h·s of tu·aint:-and posscs- -.icin of manjuana for sail' I larl dt>~·ribt:d thost' arrested ..;'> -;u .... p<•t·tt·d n11ddk-ll'Vl·l d rug dt•..ilt"rs Spat costs children • twins P.1ul <cnd Bn:nda HcHmon of ·1 u s t 1 n h a v t' s c l' n t h c 1 r 11 month old twin boy-. only durmg Wl•t•kly VISltS lo roste r home·:.; s1m·1· .J;in 14 , wh<•n they had what tht y now call a man ta) .... ,,.Jt "It's d hl'll of tc way to raise a f.11rnlv Tht•V V(• mi.Id~· a ll'rribl£· m1stakt· .. 1ic.1rmon sc..1d of Ven- tura County officia ls w ho took t h l' b o y ~ a v. a y J f t c• r a n "t•nlhus1..i-;t1t poh<.·ewoman" saw th1•1r homt• <.tnd reportt>d pole n· t1al l'h1ld abust· "Wl· havP 1wver mistn:atC'd our kid:-." llarmnn 1ns1sL-.. "First we want thl•111 ba«k and thr n we \v<cnt t11 find out how d horrible thing l1k1 th1'> rnuld hav<' ever h.1 pp<•m ~I Th1..• ll arn11Jn!'> .... 1n t·1· moved I mm Ox1wrd tn Tustin T ht• cus- tmh , as1 m11v1·d w ith thc•m, a l- t hough ll<.1rmun said. ''Nobody l'\'c•1 told us th;it would happen " /\ h.-:.mng was st·hC'dulc>d today 111 01 ang1· County Juvc•nile ( 'oui t I iar mo11 hadn't workC'd for a monti\ .m<l o1 hJlf and his wife w,1 • f1vt· 11111nths pregnant and out uf !>Orts" whl'n th<' tw o squ.ibbll-<l in JJnuary Shl' called for a pullt·t· c•S(_·ort to r1..•tr1c•vc her things from lhl• houS<'. ''Wt· madt· up JUSl t wo d a ys ld l<'r but Wt,.Vl' been paying for th.Jl argunwnt <>vcr stn('('" Mrs f !Jrmon s.a1d "l mis:. my babies amt I want tht•m back." T h t-poht't'Woman who showed up noll'd l ht· boys Bernard Paul Ill and Josep h Don ald - were m thl'lr cribs w ith wet d.Ja- pers and that Joseph had a bad diaper rash a nd fever Her report also said thf' a pa r tmc•n t w as rm·ssy, dirty and sparsely fur- nished "We V. l'I <' getting ready to move· in with Brenda's fathe r lx><:ause wt• were so low on cash," Harmon 1..·xplamed . "The place, well, rnaybt· 1t d idn't look so good at th e limt• " "l knew about JOS<'ph's diaper rash he has verv sens1uve skin and l was trl:'~li ng n ," Mrs. Harmon said At Your Service Erma Bombeck L .M. Boyd Business California A4 82 A6 C6-7 A5 B2 CavaJcade Classified Comics Crossword Death Notices F.ditoriaJ Entertainment Horoscope Dl,03-7 D2 02 03' A6 87 82 Fan /let money's worth Angels work overtime for the att0nd night in • row and come away with two wi.lu. Page Cl. j • Coa1t OAILV PILOT/Thur1day, Aprtl 18, 1982 -.- Tuition tax plan propose.d CHJCAGO (AP) -President Reagan, declaring that "working Americans are overtaxed and underappreciated," unve iled a program today that would let most parents claim tax c:redlu to help send their children to pri- vate schools. The only ones left out would b e those making mo re than $75,000 a year. Takmg a step admm1strat1on 0Uic1als acknowlt'dged was in- tended to boost Reagan's stan- din" with lower and middle - mcome parents who send their children to parochial schools. the president said: "I have t'Ome to propose a tui- tton tax cred it for parents who bear the double burden of public and private school l'OSts " THAT'S A TAKE -Warn~r Bros. cameraman f?Cuses in on three stars of upcoming television pilot called "The. James Boys" near lifeguard t~wer at Main Beach Park in Laguna. The pilot s tars (from left) Brian Kerwin, Kelly D.., Piiot Pflotoe by Sleva Mii~ Hannon and Edward Edwards and is a takeoff on the movie "Kramer vs. Kramer." Movie crews were taking shots in Laguna Beach for the credits for the film. Reagan Clew to Ch1t·ago this morning to d1sdose the· plan m a spccc·h to the National Catholic Educational Assoc1at1on. which n ·prc:sents 10,000 Roman Catho- hc &ehools H1s timing coinc1dt•s with the deadlinl' for Amer1t·ans to file their ft:'deral tru:ome tax returns. Construction feels effects of strike [;.j\J'' \\\\\ R<.•agan released the· tc•xt of bis plan m Washington before his d<'parture. It would ll'l parents claim foderal in<.'Omc• tax credits of up to 50 pen:.-ent of tu1t1on patd •for l'ach child in private e le- mentary o r secondary :.chool. Thcrl' would be a ceiling of $100 tn 1!:18:3, $300 m 1984 a nd $500 in l!Jt!5 By JEFF ADLER Of the Delly Piiot Stan CRYSTAL COVE • • • said the eviction notices were a Crystal Cove providing they: follow up to noti1·es S<'nt out last Guarantee publk act-ess to November determining who was the beach. S triking Teamster rock. sand and t'Oncrete haulers walked the picket Imes for the 11th day to- day while negotiattons between the union and the industry trade assoc1at1on remained at an im- passe. and wasn't a tempo~ary occupant Maintain the t•ottages in at the cov~. He said th.at word their current condition While union officials have in - d 1ca ted they are willing to modcrate their de mands some- w~ott&l6f's for t-ht'-Seu- thern California Rock Products and lkady Mix Concrete Asso-.. ciat1ons have said they are un- wllhng to increase their offer of a $3.03-an-hour hike in wages and bl•nl'fits over thc next three yc-ars w..as...a~ gJVeILil1 that time that __ -Pay full marke"-4'ent. th~ _in that category would be Forfeit all nghts to sue the receiving ev1ctto"! nut1t-es. stall' for any harm coming from Wedn es d ay s a.ct1on has ixi:upancy of the cottages. prompted a letter fr om Assem-Purchase insuran<.>t> for the blywoman Marian Bergc:><>n. R-public. Newport Beach: s upporting the That request has been sent to request of residents that they be thl• state Parks and Recreation allowed to continue laving at Department. Boiles heirs· in suit · Union and associallon negotia- tors have not sat down at the bargammg table since the strike began Apnl 5. Harry H. Hodes, son ol Orange County Register newspaper founde r R.C. Hotles. ts su ing oth e r m e mbers of his family , seeking dissolution of the Re- gtster's parent t'Ompany and dis- tr1buuon of assets among family members. a Tustin resident, was torcecl ou~ of any meaningful participation on the management of Freedom Newspapers, Inc., by two other branches of the family which share ownership o( the (inn. Mt'anwhile. the strike by the m o r l· tha n 2,000 d r ivers in Orang<.> and Los Angeles counties 1s beginning to take its toll on the more than $1 billion in construc- uon pro.iects i;iow under way. T he legal action £11t'<.i Wedn<.•s- day in Orange County Superior Court. asserL<> that l larry Hoiles, Frt•cd o m Ne ws papers Inc owns the Register, and owns or t'Ontrols 30 other daily newspa- p<'rs. eight weekly papers. a tel- c•v 1sion s tation and a w eekly ~hopper Building industry officials said that area c·o nstrucllon projects arl' bt?gmnmg to "slowly grind to a halt" bet:ause contractors can---- not procure concrete and asso- ciated products. Fair through Friday Coastal Small crall advisory over Ille outer walers from Potnt Concep- Uon 10 San NICOias Island due 10 northwest winds 15 to 25 knots with 11ronger gusts today Sees 4 to 6 feet. Elsewhere westerly wlnda 12 lo 20 knots ellernoon and evening becoming mostly light and vaneble on the mght end morning hours Westerly swell 2 to 3 feet Mos1ry clear u.s~ sumniary Thunde<storms rumbled slOng In lron1 of an advancing cold front lrom eastern Norlh Dakota to central Kansas loday and 1howe<s and lhunderstorms poured roon on Minnesota and Wisconsin Heavy thundefs1orms devel~ over Oklahoma and Texas and a torneoo touched down but did no damage In west T exes Rain prevailed from the northern Paclllc Coast 10 wes1ern Wyoming end the northern Rockies, with snow In hlglle< elevations Isolated etiowers and thunders- torms dotted the Southeas1. and skies were ctear from the Ohio \/allay and Great Lekas to Iha mlddla and norlhern Attan11c Coast. knots and oce11n s ... ot:s betwoe.1 !O and 7 1001 Elsewhe<e. winds stiould 1>e llghl and variable but predominantly west to southwes1 at 12 10 18 ltnots Fnday alternoon The wea· thermen predicted morning clouds, 3 10 4 loot wind waves and 3-1001 westerly •-' ·Te mpe ratures NATION 53 24 24 79 42 87 41 74 54 .02 7• 60 08 63 32 85 66 01 62 35 67 35 03 75 59 01 74 37 07 55 30 05 58 39 87 76 48 31 51 30 68 34 78 64 Memphis Miami Mllwoukee Mpls·SI P Nashville New Orleans New York Nor1olk No Plalle Okla Coty Omaha Orlando .-.1bany Albuque Amarlllo Asnevllle Atlanta Atlante Cty Auston Balllmore Billings Blrmlnghm Bismarck Bol!IB Boston Brownsvtle ButtalO Burlinglon Casper Cher1S1n SC Charlstn W\I Charttle NC Cheyenne Chieago Cincinnati Cleveland Clmbla SC Columbu~ Oel-Ft Wth Oa)llon Oenve< 71 39 77 58 72 34 58 41 12 P11t1adph1a 6<1 40 Phoenl• Pl1t1burgh Piiand. Ma Piiand. Ore 47 31 76 59 60 35 1• Ptovldenoe 87 68 04 57 33 78 39 Raleigh Reno 81 58 82 77 48 38 65 so (){j 77 49 8<4 69 61 43 63 41 81 48 23 84 68 80 60 03 86 68 43 38 88 60 57 31 51 25 46 37 26 60 32 75 46 04 57 32 68 49 Lancaster Los Ange4es Maryavtue Monterey Needles Oak lend Paao Robles Rad Bluff Redwood Coty Sacramento Sallnes San Diego Sen Francisc:o Santa Barbara Santa Marla S1oc111on TherrnaJ Ukiah 8atl10W Big Bear B•IN>p Catalina 80 45 66 53 63 60 85 62 47 68 47 66 62 so 05 62 39 08 62 41 04 85 60 58 48 84 49 85 66 84 56 Tha Nallonal Wea1her Sarv1ce lorec4at• acauered 1howara and thundeunowera from Iha Wea1arn Oraet lak .. and uppaf MIMINlppl \/allay lo the central Gull Coaal and over South Dakota and Ne- braska. Des Momea OetrOlt Oulu1h 12 55 so 30 49 39 .06 85 57 Sall Lake San Antonio Saettle Shreveport Sioux l'eita SI Loula 88 65 46 38 81 64 13 Long Beac:h Monrovia 75 55 58 31 73 35 68 so 68 61 84 45 54 38 15 52 81 '45 81 48 11 47 81 47 84 54 70 54 70 54 Widely tcattered aho-tl -• predicted over northern Florlde Aain .,_. -e expected lrom Iha northern Paclllc Coaat to the northern Rocklaa. with snow In hlQher elevaliont. "•m'/araturea early today ranga from 24 In Otani Falls, N.Y .• 10 80 In Key Watl. Fla California Sklat wlfl alternate between douOy and clear llC!'OM Southern Calllornla through Friday Tha Nallonal Weather Sarvlea a1ao predicted guaty wind• In moun-• talna and dla«11. Daytime tamparaturas ahould raaoh 72 In Los Angalat and at bMohBI. w .. 1 to no<thwMI wtndl 1 -raaoh IO mpll In Iha mount • Ff1dl!y, wlltl e.mparaturee ba 62 and 58. OWty ..,. protiatlty wll CllOw ...,, ..... "°""' Fr1d9r • .-.111 lhl ~ V*t "'°'*' l'Wl08 ~ It ~ TO': Ill Iha Mojaw Delerl "°"' 10 tll\d 11 and lfl de--'* ..... eoutll ~ ... and "~ _.. cnf'I acMIOrY .... poet~. ..S ltf "8tafa trom Point Co.n• oetttffM\ to San 'Nleol .. l1lano1, .. l~ wlnda OUl'lno to 30 El Puo Fargo Aegstall Greet Falts Hartford Helena Honolulu Houston lndnaplls Jacluln MS Jaot<snvlle Kant City Laa Vagas Little Rock Loulsvtlle Lul>bOOk 63 47 59 29 43 28 .07 57 '17 47 32 20 81 68 78 7 1 61 41 M 59 82 61 llO 62 78 51 78 60 65 41 90 58 St P·Tampa St Sia Marie Spoil a,,. Syrac:uaa T<>palta Tuoaon TUisa Wastllngln Wlehl1a n 55 oe 68 49 80 63 41 28 47 31 01 S2 27 I 84 62 85 50 88 ee 84 « 63 64 CAL.lf'ORNIA Balleratlald 72 54 Blythe 87 Euralta 53 Fresno 69 38 .30 48 SURf RIPOii ~. Wiison NttWpOr1 Beach Onteno Riverside 61n Befnardlno San Oabrle4 Sen Jose Santa Cruz tah08 Valley Exteruled forecast SOUTHERN C ALIFOFINIA COASTAL AND MOUNTAIN ~REAS -Fair with aaaaonal tamperaturH Hight 86 10 75 In ooaetal and Y8iltey 8f8M and IOwa 44 10 54. HtoM In mountain• 52 to 62 &nd Iowa mottly 30 to '40. Tides TODAY Second lliO'I l:oe p rn 3 2 Second IOw 1· 1e p.m. 3.0 PM>AY • Arat high 2:16 am, 3 I Flrat IOw 10''"9.nl O e Second high I: 11 p.m. 3.4 Second low 10::M p.m. 2.7 Sun HI• today at 1:24 p.m .. rlaaa Flldfoy 11 S;21 e.,111 • Moon r!Ma todtly 1112:11 Lm., Mt1 Frtday at 10:21 '-'!'· ' Sealing project set for Ziggurat The U.S. General Services MministraUon is seek.m.&__ olds -from contractors fo seaTancl wate rproof the existing as- phalt surface of the parking lot at the Che t Holtfield fed- eral building in Laguna Ni- guel The work includes pain- • The Laguna Beach Edu- cation Foundation board will meet Monday at 7:30 p.m. to view unedited films of the foundation's recent 5 and 10 kilo me ter runs In Laguna Canyon. The films. shot bv the La- • ting. stnpmg and numbering parkmg areas as well Pro;ecn.-.001 Is e5£1mated at between $50.000 and $100,000 and as sch eduled to be com- pleted within 90 days after thc contract is awarded. Sealed bids will Ix> opened April 22. For more informa- tion, call (415) 974-9000 guna Video Club, will be shown at t he South Coast Mt'd1cal Center. ~3 1872 Coast Ht~hway in South Laguna. Participants m those races, and inte rested residents, are invited to attend. i JH Th<.• full credit would Ix> ava1- labll' for famtlie:. with incomes up to $50,000. Tequila fire threat? SA takes -aetion South-of-the-border travelers well know ,l hat tequila can set the mind on fire. Could 1t also trigger an inft:orno in south Santa Ana? ' Santa Ana Fire Department offlc.·1als think so. At their urging. the c·at y attorney's offK'(• has filed a 30-rount misdemean" cnmmal complaint against Oak D1s tnbu- t1ng Inc. a firm that 1s stormg 40.000 gallons of tequila in tanks at 5 15 E. Dyer Road. O£f1c1als say the tank walls are too thin, that dispensing val- vc.>S are not of proper design a nd that venulat1on IS not adequate. A trial ts set for May 19 in Cc·ntral Orange County Munici- pal Court Close-Out 0 off and more EVERYTHING IN OUR N E WPORT CENTER STORE REDUCED TO CLEAR. OUR COMPLE TE COLLECTION OF DAYTIME DRESSES, DRESSES, COCKTAIL EVENING GOWNS, CLASSIC AND CONTEMPORARY SPORTSWEAR. LINGERIE, LOUNGEWEAR, SHOES AND ACCESSORIES. ~ ROBES. SHOP MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY FROM 10:00 A .M . TO 6 :00 P.M. · JOHN HOGAN 111 FASHION ISLAND. NEWPORT CENTER: 6 44-7100 ---------- -· - Orange Coa1t DAil Y PILOT/Thursday, Aprll 15, 1982 L wrn rn [rn Only 10 • survivors found No other life seen in Mexican vil lages buried by vo lcano AP Wlfepfloto STATE STAMP -Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr. unveils a new U.S. postage stamp honoring the state bird and flower, the California quail and the California poppy. ~ffiU~OO~ PICHUCALCO, Mexico (AP) ted a plea fbr mt'rcy, the oCftcials -An army patrol reached three said. more villages on the slopes of the Chincb.onil volcano and found • two women and eight children JERUSALEM IAP) -High- alive in one of them. But a Red level Ame rican , fs rael1 and Cross worker who accompanied Egyptian 0Cftc1als met in J erusa- them said they were unable to lem and Cairo today to try to determine 1f any of the other clear up s nags threatening to villagers were buried an their delay Israel's return of the rest of huts or escaped. "Whe re there the Sinai peninsula to Egypt on were once houses and trees, it April 25. U.S . Deputy Secreu.iry now looks hke a great desert," of State Walter J . Stoessel met Jose Claudio Martinez said Wed-for two hours with Prime Mm- nesday night after returning ~ster ~~ruwhef!l Begin and _Fore- with the patrol from a two-day .. 1g~ M1mstcr .. Y1tzh~k _Shamir and trek to the villages of Guayabal, said he was opt1m1st1t· for a good Guadalupe Victoria and El Vol· outcome." can. CAIRO, Egypt (AP) -Five Moslem fanatics were executed in succession at dawn today at a remote army base for the assas- sination of Preside nt Anwar Sa- dat, military legal officials re- ported. Two army men died be- fore a firtng squ ad , and three civilians we re hanged within hours after Sadat's successor , President Hosni Mubarak. rejec· WASHINGTON IAP I -The· Senate has narrowly defeated a resoluuon that would have reaf- f 1rmed a 20-year-old po licy pledgtng the United Stall's to prevent Cuban adventurism tn the Western Hemis phere by military force if necessary. But the prime mover of the resolu - tion, Sen S teven Symms. H Idaho, said he will continUl' has fight an th<' Sen ate F or<·1g n Relations Committee -wht.•n · oppone nts said he should have Howard Hughes ' paternal heirs file s uit against will finders for $5.25 million ----itt)US'l'()N-tA"pt-=--Lawyerr for five paternal heirs to the vast fortune of Howard Hughes said a $5.25 million damage suit filed against four Californians and a Nevada corporation is a warrung to others who may claim to have found a will written by the weallhy recluse. Attorneys for the five cousins declared hears to half of Hughes' estate asked Harns C.Ounty Probate Judge Pat Gregory to brand an alleged will found by Acme International Corp. President Martha Jo Graves a fraud. The suit, which also seeks $250,000 in actual da- mages and $1 million in punitive damages from each of five de- fendants, was filed Wednesday ~UillU~ agatnst Acme, Ms.~. 1\cme --trm:I ongma.ny been rcportt'd 1H·--w-ASHIN&T6N (Af't--'f'reasm-y· stockholder Glen David Bour-1.6 pel"Ct'nl Secretary Donald T . Regan said land, both of Los Angeles, Stan-today the et·onomy is "dead in , ley Dubrin of Anaheim, Calif.. the wat<'r" but expressed confa- and Harold Mallett of Canoga dence 1t will revive this summer Park, Calif. EAST CHICAGO, Ind. (AP )-A once efforts are made to bring WA SHINGTON I AP> -The nation's indus trial production dropped 0.8 percent an March , the seventh dec line in eight months and a new sign that the r ecession is not yet ending, a Fede ral Reserve Board report indicated today. Production had risen 1.2 percent in February af. ter six straight months of nega- tive figures, the new report said, revising the February gain that ' partially rompll'ted bridge over a down the looming budget dc•fi · canal collapsed today and autho-cits. Regan, appearing on ABC"s ritJes said at least 9 people were "Good Morning America." said killed and 12 tnJured The acc1-the financial markets need to sec dent hap pen c d at the Cline that C.Ongress is moving to redul'e Avenue Extens ion, an ovepass the large budget deficit expected spanning the Indian Harbor Ship for 1983 an order for the economy Canal between East Chicago and to pick up Hammond. The t•anal runs into Lake Michigan. All available ambulances in the densely popu- lated industr1ahu>d area 20 miles southeast of Chicago wert-sum - moned to the SCt.>ne. Chino prison actions probed WASHINGTON IAP )-The National Theater, beset by a bit· ter dispute w ith the Shubert Organization and controversy over an ad101nang construction pro1ect, will close indefinitely starung in early May and lay off virtually its entire staff of 100 people, a spokesman said today. Layoff notices were sent to em- ployees from stagehands to box- office personnel by theater ma- nager Ric hard Schneider. who said the theater was being cl~-'CI for lack of bookings Schneide r gave no date for reopening. R eports say double murderer 'taken on shopping trips' LOS ANGELES (AP) -The state has placed the associate superintendent of the California lnst1tut1on for Men in Chino on administrative leave while offi- cials investigate reports that a double murderer was taken on s h opping trips away from the prison. Phil Guthrie, spokesman for the state Department of C.Or- rections. said Wednesday that Charles Wilcots was put on leave the day before pending the out- come of the probe. "There is a potenual of disciplinary action against other employees," Gu- thrie said. S AN DI EGO (AP) -In a move blamed on a weak tuna market and a slow national eco- nomy, Bumble Bee seafood can - nery will close indefinitely in late May, the HonoluJu-based parent farm of Castle & Cook said Wed- nesday The San Diego plant emplo;rs about 900 workers and processed about 40,000 tons of fish per year, mostly Bumble Bee brand tuna and Figaro cat food. Castle & Cook canneries in Honolulu and Puerto Rico will remain in operation, the company said. LOS ANGELES (AP ) -An inmate who says Sirhan Sirhan told him he would kill Sen. F.d- ward Kennedy if he got out of prison has now been accused of forging a letter about h imself from author Joseph Wambaugh to the state parole board. Wam- baugh, a former poUce detective, says he never wrote th e letter urging the Board o f Prison Terms to parole Lawre nce Eu- gene Wilson . the Los Angeles Times r eported today Wilson, serving a life sentence for a 1973 murder in Anaheim, 1s one of the 20 people District Attorney John Van de Kamp had scheduled to testify this month in hts attempt to cancel Sirhan's 1984 parole date. ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Claaalfled advertising 7141142-5178 All other ~rtmenta 142~321 SACRAMENTO (AP) -The showcase bill of the Senate De- mocrats' plan to revive the hou- sing industry barely got over its first committee hurdle. And it may not have gotten that far if the Democratic leadership hadn't replaced a wavering committee member with the bill's author. It happened Wednesday night to SBl862 by Sen. Barry Keene, D-Mendocino. The Senate Local Government C.Ommittee gave it a bare passing 4-1 vote after Keene was named to the committee to replace Sen . Alan Robbins. D - Van Nuys. It went to the Senate Finance Committee. The bill is aimed at generating low-interest loans for first-time home buyers. Thomas P. Halev Pu~ .,,., CNef 6:ecuu,,. O!!le. Robert N Weed p......,.,,, Kay Schultz Vlo9 PrMldenl -Oltee!Of ol -~"'O Tom Murphlne EOllOf Mike H1tvev o..ctor ol M.,li~"'O (ClfClUlellOnl Ken Goddard Olredor ol ()per81ior. Ray MllClean CoftlfOller Char191 looa ~Edllor D.-., ........... y , ........ ~ ~~•fdllV II ¥OV 00 -,_ --t>y~>Opm cetli.to-t T Pm -.,..,. coay ... 11 i.e --ea ..._., -S..ncMt II 'IOU 00 ""' =·~ c:: ~. ~"' ... C::: _ _, MAIN OFFlCE no Wttl e.v St • Cona Mew, CA. Malle.....,_: 8oii IMO, C•le ~ ... CA ftl.M c.,..v••oM ,., o..,... eo." ,._,_.,. ~,. Ho 11n.t ttonn. 111.,..retlol'I., eclftorl<tl "'-.. ..,. ••rllM"'4!flh ,.,.Ill Mey M ,_ .. wltfllMll -le• pennlHIOll of C-.r\l•ltllt-Mr. VOL. 75, NO. 105 SACR AMENTO CAP> -The state has put the University of California Davis Medical Center on probation until Dec. 31, 1985, following accusations relating to its kidney a nd h eart surgery units. The state Department of Health Services said Wednesday that the center, located in Sacra- mento, agreed to the probation terma. We're Listening .••. What do you like about the Dally Pilot? What don't you like? Call the number below and your message will be recorded, transcribed and delivered to the appropriate editor takl•n It 1n tht• firs t plucl'. The• mttasure <•chocs the words of a resolution that was approvt.'<i by Congre~ and i;ugned by Prt>S1dent J ohn F' Kennedy on Oct 3, Ul62 whc·n Wash111gton and Mus<:ow wt•re facing off over the prest·nt'<' of Soviet nuclear m1ssalc•s in Cuba It ~y:., m part, that "thl• United States 1s determined to pn·vent by whatever mea ns may bl• m><.'CSSary, induding the us<.• of arms, the Marx1st-Lcn1n1st r<'· game in Cuba from extending by fort e or threat of furn• its ag- gress1vl' or subversive act1v1t1cs to any part of this hemispht>rl' " WASHINGTON <A P > In a b reak with Pres1d(•nt Rc•agan':. poltl·1t·s on El Salvador. the c:ha1nnan of the &•natl' Fvr(•1gn Relations Cumm1ttce and thrN· oth<'r moderate :.c.•nators arc ur gang "m l'anmgful nt•gotiatwns" with leftist guerrillas lo t•ncl tht• Salvad<>ran civil war Tht• four scmators callt'<.l for negotiations 1n a ll•twr sl'nt to &·cn·tary of Stall· A I c• x and t.• r M Ha 1 g J r two WPt·ks ago T ht• lr lt<·r has not lx't·n m<Jdt• public· but 1l!> l'Onl<•nl!> were dt.>S<·rtlx'<.I to The A.'ll><x:tated l'r<'SS. MOSCOW 1AP) &met Pre- sident Leonid I Brl•zhncv. out of public view for thrt·(• weeks, 1s still resting, a ~m1ur Soviet ofh- l'lal said today "Ll·on1d llych Brezhnev 1s on has n •st that 1s usual for this t1mt· uf year," Ni - kolai Blokh1n, pn•s1d<:nt of tht> Soviet At·adPmy o f Medical Sc1ent'CS, told a news 1:onfercm'<' on Sovwt hc•alth issues Blokhin made the statcam•nt in reply to a qut'Sllon about thP hl'alth o f the• 75-yt·ar-old Sovll't leadc•r, but he gav<· no d<·talls BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) - U.·banon's h1gh<~l Mt>!>ll'm leader l"alll·d for a n·ast· fire· between warring Mosh•m mil1t1as as lht.• loll m thre:-t• dayi, of t 1ghting in B<·1rut a nd sou lht•rn Lc•banon e II m b (' d t o 4 :l ch• a cl a n d 1 3 8 wounded Thl• lxattlc· in Beirut's Moslem sc•l'tor subs1dl'd shortly bt·forl' noon today, but 1ntermit- ll·nt i,nipmg Jnd spornd1t· mortar l·xplo:.10ns k<·µt tc•n s 1on high AP Wlrepholo MIRACLE TREE? -Residents of Miami's Little Havana section throng around the base of a sea grape tree that is said to have healing properties. Several days ago, a 92-year-old man rubbed his cataract-ridden eyes with sap from the tree and, for the first time in five years, claims to have dear vision . Doctors blame tannic acid in the tree for the ''healing." The s ame 24·hour answerin1 service may be used to record Jet· ters lo the editor on any topic. Mailbox contributors must Include their name and telephone number for ve~flcatlon. No circulation calls, please. · Tell us what's on your mind. 642·6086 R.AF'F1iewe1or .,............ .................... ... ............. ,.......,,. .... ..w. II QSPU@2f 1D lil £a s &jF I ij' L Orange CoHt DAILY PILOT/Thura:d1y, Aprll 16, 1882 ~aguna neighbors shOuld join the city Laguna Beal·h is activ<'l y considering annexing two is land neighbo rhoods into thl' l'aty, a nd the idea as entirely logical. At issue are 12 homl's m the• Allvtew Terrace neighborhood a t the north end of the city. The other island l'Ommumty 1s the Old Top o f the World neighborhood overlooking Aliso Viejo. S ixty-one homes would be affected in that annexation bid. Al'C.·ess to both l'ounty island~ is by city roadways. Police and f arf' services are provided by tht.• dty, and the two areas are, e.sentaally, landlockl>d in Laguna Beach Last wee k , the City Council initiated a nnexation procc(•dings in the Allvaew T (•rrace m.•aghbor- hood. Public hearings wall be he ld before the Planning Commission later this month. and be fon • the City Council on May 4. But the counc il he ld off o n ptOCt.'t.'<!Lng With bringtng the Old Top of the World community anw the municipal fold. Council membl·rs said th~y want to wail until a position pa- per, containing alternate ways to pay for city servil-es. can be work- ed up and prescntt•d to the f1 ve- membcr panel. This seems unnecessary. The Old Top of the World community s ho uld not be contr ibuting pro- perty tax money to the county. The city could realize about $1!:1,000 pe r year in taxes w e r e both communities to become part of Laguna Bc:•ach . Tht> city s hould move ahead with ann exation o f both neigh- borhoods as soon as possible. I Bickering no help When artists and those who or- gamze exh1b1ts of art s ta rt butt- ing h eads in a city lake Laguna Beach. you have· lo scratch your own head and w onder why . SomC' 160 artists -many of them L aguna residents s how their work at tht• Festival o f Arts each year, where nearly 250.000 visitors t·omc· to see a nd b!.Jy art and v a<.'w the P ageant of the Maste rs The Pageant atseH isn't doing so gad!Y either. It h as develo pe.Q an inte rnational reputation. ll has mo ney in the bank, and by a n y standards IS On<.' of th e premie r annual "art" ev(•nL<> an the state But recently there seems to have been an inordina te amount of bad feelings bt•twt>e n thl' artis ts and the fC'stival boC:Jrd o[ darc.'<:tors. In March. t h e bour d raa::.c.·d the sales booth nites ft•es col lected from artists ror transactions handled by thP festival sales booth in the absence· o f the artis ts - from 10 percent to ~5 percent tor each in absentia sale. The board soad the m1Jv1• was made to "C'ncouragc.· more artists to atten d their fc.•su val," a n event they said is conspicuously bereft of the artists th emselves on th e grounds The a rtist!> were furious Tht·y said n was impossible to !lit an their booths at th<.• festival a nd stall rind tame to turn out the work that they a r e s upposed to sell. Thev claimed that no 1me consul - ted "them a bout the "missing ar· lists" problem a nd were insulted that they'd been "treated like t'hildren ' Early this month the festival board "re thought" ats action and upped the sales booth fees to 15 pert·ent rather than the 25 .. s till believing tha t the iru:r.ease w.o.uld bring artists back lo the g rounds. A good many of the artists were s till angry. Som<' said there were oth f'r ways to e ntice paant- l·r~. sculptors a nd photographers back to their booths but none had any suggestions o n how to accomplish that The a mount o f animosi ty stirred up ov<.'r th<' increase seems far more than is necrssary -es- pecially considering that none of the artists have to use the sales boo th tu begin with. If the festival board wo uld quit treating its ar- tists like children. and those arttsts would quit reacting lake childre n, Wt• might have a more lively. creative and profitable festival in the future After a ll. tha t as what both sades say they want. Time to share the cos t Off1c1als an Laguna B<'at'h believe-o pe r ators o f tim~-sharf> conversions have e nJoyt>d the b en efi ts o f running a hot<.>1 -type operation. without paying for the privilege>. And the C ity Counci I has initiated an ordinance that would see th e recentl y converted operations contribute m ore to pay for city services. such as police . fire, and lifeguards. They say the new law w1U be more fair for h otel and m otel operators who must pay an 8 percent bed tax. or transient tax, for units cx.--cu pied by visitors. As 1t s tands, those who hold tatle to so-called own-your-own units an time-share facilities do not have to pay a bed tax. Unde r the n e w ordanan<.'e, those units rented out or traded by owners wall be s ubject to the bed tax. • H o wever, owne rs who use t hf'1r week or two-w eek period themselves will n o t be taxe d under the ordinance. H o te l a nd mote l o p e rato rs l'O mplai n that vacant llme-shcffe umts can be rented out overnig ht or for a w eekend at lower prices' tha n the hotels or motels can charge. That's because the hotel and motels must cover the cost of the 8 perc e nt tax, wh ereas th e ume-share operators have no such tax assessment. T 1 m e -share conversions t'ontr i b utc> t o other city costs besides po lice and fire services. They crea te needs for parking, increased costs for sewer service, and trash service. The n e w ordinance s hould help to pack up a portion of those costs. Opin1011s e11pressed 1n the spaw above are those of the Dally Pilot. Qther views ex- pressed on tn1s page art> thOSC' 01 tneir author .. ano art1'>I'> Hea<Ser comment 1s inv1t ed AdOrl''>'> The ;)ail ~ Pilot P 0 Box 1)b0 Cosla M Psa CA 921>26 Phont t /14) 641-4371 • L.M. Boyd /Romance and .. the law Takes a confident young lad y to marry a lawyer. She'd better be in- Lelligent, too. The practking attorney works with legal secretaries. and good legal secretaries have to be s killful and bright. Said lawyer is bound to make comparisons. If his current wife doesn't measure up, he knows in his line of work how to get a new one. This is Item No. 9335 in our Love and War man's huge file on romance in the legal profession. U you don't like Little Moron jokes, Polish jokes or Texas Aggie jokes, then call it a Yo~1 Berra joke. He doesn't mind. Yogi went into a plz:t.11 ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat I • parlor and ordered a small pie. Wai- tress: "Shall I cut ll in eight pieces or four?" Yog1: "Four. I don't thtnk i can eat eight." Observes George Burns: "I'm at an age when l have nothing to do with natural food I nttd all the preserva. lives I can get.'' Q . Countr y western singer Merle Haggard did time at Snn Quentin in 1958. But wasn't he pardoned? A. He was. Long after his release and parole eervfce. ln 1972, then Cal~ ifornia Governor Ronald Reagan signed a full pardon. Thomas P. Hil ley Publisher Tltomas A. Murphln• Editor Barbara Krelblch Editorial Page Editor ' Argentina eyes Antarctica WASHINGTON T h(· Arf(l'nlln<· invasion o{ the Falkland lslands may be a warmup for a {utun· assault on Ant- arcuc-a But next ume, U S tOL'S may be tramped on Secret CIA documen~ µomt uut that thl' l'Ondiuons which led to this rnu11th's Argt>ntine aggression in the South At- lanuc apply l'Vcn more strongly to Ant arcuca: (I) a reported abundan<..-t> of wl, (2) the desire to divert the public's .it tt•ntion from dom1-'stit strife; (:3) a long- s tanding legal claam, and (4) natwnal pride. THE CIA PAPERS g1v<· th1~ back· gr1lund on the Fa1klands furor: Ali 01l· th1rsty Argentma hopes "to lay th(• basis Cur a claim to 011 d t.>pus1ls belu:ved to l'XISt near the Falklands" and. al lhl· same tune, to create ·•a useful daverswn ([Q[fl dornesu c tunnQ.1t" _ According to the CIA , a British rt's- earch team. attracted bv the sC'ent vf 011. made a foray anto Faiklanc.J waters an 1976 As the British approat·hed the islands. "a series of mtcrccpll'd naval <.:ummunicat1ons (indicated that) an Ar- gcnune dt•stroyer sought to halt the British research veSSt'I Shackleton near thl' islands and threatened lO {are into 11s hull whc•n the Shac·kleton refust•d tu comply" T has incident on the high seas was a prelude to today's Bnt1sb-Argent1ne showdown uvpr the F~lklands r:xplains the CIA: Argentma has "relUS<.>d to r('I: ognaze Bri tish sovereign ty ovt•r tht· FJlklands, and the century-old dispute hab bl.oen made worse by Arg<•ntrnt• sus- Q -JA-CK-AN_D_IRS_O_N -~ p1nuns that lthe Bnush have bec•n t•x- plunng for) 011 dt'pos1t.'> in lht' art•J " There h3\'l' lx•en surnlar tcn::.1on' l>Vt•r t he Antarl'11 c . R t>l atc•s tht• C I A "Overlapping l'la1ms of th<: United Krngdom. Arg1:nt1na ::ind Chile al thl' Antarctic pt·ninsula (have) sparkl•d mut·h poht1cal heat ullll , ..it kast 1m1 l'. even ~fire _"_ __ Th~n11t.•d States. which l'Xplurt:d thC' lrmen conl1m·nt 1n th<.• 1810s. has mon.· ra~ht than tht• othl'r lla1man ts to thl· Anl~1rclll". But instead of claiming lhl· land, tht• Un1tl'd Statl''i sought t() mt·d111ll' the d1sputl' and pt•rsuadt-d tht• ravab 10 s1~n a 1959 tn.•at)' tt•mpuranly st•tling a:.1dt.· their dauns Neverthel<.•ss. Argt·nt1na has rontrnui·d tu :.isst•r l s0Vl'rr1gnty CJVl•r ;i port11Jn nf Antarctica and has holsu:rl-<l Its <:la1m bv performing marnagl'S .:md flying pn·g· nant womt•n thl'rl' lo g1vl' birth to Ar- g<.•ntrnt' ullzt·ns on tht· rlhpUtL.'ll tt-n 1 turv S1..•tn•t White Hous<.· documt•11ts <.ilso point out that "Argentina gl'ograph1t'ally domanatt~ tlw o<:ean routes b<:·twf•cn the Sou th A 1lant1t· and Pat•1 f1c Ot·1•<1ns Wl·n• thl· Panom<i Canul not o,:w.•rabll· or ava1 lahll', or in the evt•nt of a protra< t1..J w<1r. this mull' would h.ivl' a high !>tratt·g11 1mport.1nll' M \ al>SOl1C1ll' D<ill' Van Au.1, who 1f'(.'- 1•1Hly v1s1tt.•d Antan'lll'<>. found that Ar· g,•ntma has l'><:l'n fon<.•ful 111 pn•ssing ats tt·rrnun..il da1ms ThP Argen un~ JUnto h.1s twc·n sllmulale:d no doubt bv th1 d1S<•ovt•rv ul rll'h uil arul mirwral dl jxr..1L' on the 1<·y l'<>llllnt•nt GI VEN THE SAME 1m·t•ntrvc·s th at l1·d to thl Falklands JdVt•nturc· the Ar· gt•ntint· gcm•rals may t•vt•ntually dl'Cldt· ti) CK'l'Uµv the· Ant.<:1r\'l1t· 1x·11111sul;, inld· llgt•nl'.~Urt.•t-s suggE>S-t Any 'lut·h mov1· • would ha\.t• lo ovt·rrun a 1x.rm..1n1·11t U S b~e !..t.affl·c..I hv S<.·1ent1'>l!.. Tht· '>(~rt•l Whitt• House.· paix•r. urg\: .. :i t·onn·nvd d1plom<1t11 effort to 11•ach s '' ml' a g r l· I:' rn t· n t w 1 l h A r g t· n - tln<l Such an effor I t·o ulc.J j.HI!.. -..1hly h1•;ici 11ff whul 11lht•rw1M· might lx·l'.111Til' J J1v1s1v(' (l'>Slll J wh1lh wuuld .J d \' t. l s l' I v a rr t' l l l h t. '. » l' l' II I' n I I.I S Aq~t·niuw t·1101,wr ,1t11111 1n t\nt;1n llt r••st..in·h a nd logl'lll'>. or n11ght h .1Vl' l'Vl'll mur t. s1•r1ous lOOS<'<.fUl:'Ol'l'S f111 our relations '" Fonda may help us understand aging To the Edit.or: The last w eek o f Marc h wa s an eventful w eek for the film industry Amid the glamour and energy of the Academy Awards camt.> a touching hu- man event. It was with universal ap- plause and gratitude that the award for outstanding achievement an the best ac- tor category was bestowed on Henry Fonda. His outstanding performance m "On Golden Pond" mirrored a t ime in our lives which is so often not looked upon with warmth. car ing a nd un- derstanding. The telev1s1on cameras fo. cused in on Mr. Fonda an a less than energetic state of health to record his reaction to at•haevang the award . His reaction. as always, was honest. direct. and completely charactenst ic of Henry Fonda. However , it was interesting what the public and the newsbroadcasters saw . T he re was considerable discussion that followed on whethe r it was considerate to have this gentleman exposed to the public at a debilitated time in his life. There was discussion over the possible inappropriateness of this telecast But, how appropriate it was, not only con- s idering the role which w e had just commended, but as an honest display o{ a period of growth In the process of his life. Why should the obvious hearing impairment, gentleness of speech. pale clear features and dehberate ness of movement be seen as anyth ing but a normal, natural process in the st.ages of growth of hwnan beings? IT IS A paradox of our culture that we accept and reward the portrayal of the coming of age on the screen or in the theater But, when it is brought into the perspective of reality, it becomes a con- troversial issue as to the appropriateness of sharing this time an one's life with the same public family that has been s haring your life for so many years. The deta- ched audience is able lo accept depressed st.ages in the Lives of actors as long as these stages are not perceived as reality. It is dHficult for all of us to observe loved ones and individualci we admire in a less than en ergetic state. But, perhaps the more we are exposed to the normal and sometimes trying stages of life, we will begm to grow ourselves In our ability to care . understand. and deeply Jove re- gardless of the extent of loss we may feel. Perhaps Henry Fonda will teach us about our fears, our concerns and our sometimes liml~ views of the stages of life. BETTY McMlCK.EN, M.A. CCC S~h Pathologist VNA Hospice Advi.llory Council Willing to fight To the F.dltor: Your editorial rc"ardln"_the Argen· tl ne occupation ot lb' 10-cal led Falkland Islands is unrealistic and mis- l~ading. You rorgc\ to polnl out that the Islands WC!re ~1urpcd from Argcntane sove· ' rl•1gnty in lllJJ The dc•f('nS('ll-ss Argen- ti nc govenor and n vii 1an puµula 11on wt•re brutally t•xpell('ll from tht•11 own tt•rr1tory by thl' Bnt1sh navv 1n .i typrl·al Jct uf piracy a nd colunr.1lism Argentina'<; attl'mpts ot p1·:itdul Ill' goliat1ons WC'rt: 1gnorC'd for m·1•1 ..i hun- dn'<i vears A resolution from th1 Intl 1 MAILBOX national Jurad1cal Commltlt•e of th<.• l' N in 197ti est.abllsht>d tht.• islands bl·long to Arg1mtina. but England still r<-fused lo t..alk about 1t. Let's fa1.·c the truth ThE' British are righting against their uwn dccadC'ncy They ded1m· to Cl<'C'l.'pt the old tames of tht• Bri11sh 1mpcnum a re gont• Their nuvy has traded primitive vessels for nuclt.>ar submarines a nd carrit.•rs but th(•ar crews are still thC' s:Jme pirate·::. Argentina's Preside nt Galt1era has bl'en clear in his message to President Reagan: "T ime has run out." We will not tolerate the British colonialism any longer and we a re walling to fight to defend our rights. ALE.JANDRO TELLO A irline's gall To the Editor: In complete defianct' of virtually every regulatory agency Pac1f 1c Southwest Aarhnes is going to double ats number of daily flights from Orange County Air- port. What unmitigated gall! By this di· reel challenge to the residents of New- port Beach PSA is thumbing its nose at the entire Orange County Airport pro- blem. The only intelligent a nd appro- priate response is a total and immediate boycott of PSA throughout the s tate. Let's fly anything but PSA and wipe that smirlt off their face. RICHARD M 1'""0XX Boy d wrong To the F,djtor: L .M . Boyd was an error March 29 when he wrote that Oliver Cromwell wu the only ru1er of England who was neither a king nor a queen. Cromwell's son Richard also ruled as Lord Protector, albeit ineffectively. from Sept. 1658 to May 1659. BILL BETTS Legi Jators fail To the Editor. The current effort to q ualify an In· lt.latlve to e~tabllsh a leglalative reap· portion.rnent commt.lon ls only the rnott • Ul"1~1t-t-,.•••-M. .. f .. t1tll\lteC".,.._fcC tH• ..-m .,._.et tM"ll,..M lllMI I\,_ ... Utleftel -word\ 0< I"" woll t. t l,..n or•ltrtnu All lt11tl'\ mu\I •n (IUdt \l9'<1IUtt .,,.. "'''""' .Odon .,.,, """""' 10\U .,. •llllhtlG .., '~' 11 Wlfl<•.,.1 , .. _ I\ -.cwir--try •oil Ml Ot ci.Ali•-Ltll"' M •f lie tti .......... le .. l .. 04tmt..,..,,... ,,_,of llW ,.,tr,...,_...," .. '"'.,,., . .,.,~ ...... ......,....,.,.,. • n't't•nl sign IJf the> c·tmtmuing failure of th£· L egislature to transcend pol1rn·al part1sansh1p and govC'rn m tht• publ1l intt.'rest. It 1s 1ronrl' that the Republican Pdrty. wh1t•h trad1llnnally has uppost>d bur<.'au- crat1L· and JUdadal transgressions on the leg1slat1V<' spht.•re. hai. JOmed with Com· mon Cetu~· tht• pnmary lobhy1st for 1he creation of l'lf'<.'llOn cornm1ssums 111 the n·ap(.)Ort1onrnent l·amp;i1gn THI:. I NITIATI VE process, originally clev1seo .,.., ,1 • 1 .111c;; fo r t·ounterac-t1ng control bv "Ill ii 111t<'rcsts sul'h ..is th<..· Souther n l ,,,.11 H,11lroad ovc•r th(' Le- gislature, has • '"' tht' primary mL•ans by which m r •llt1cal issues are de- ll'nnmed T, otlt•xmg. the Penpht>ral Canal. and " . r\S in cnmmal prcx:roure are only a f• of the issues on the June ballot tha ~nould properly have be n 1 addressed 1>y tht· legislators. Few voters have sufflcwnt trmt or expertise to ren- der informed JUdgnwnts on most initia- tive measures Tht•ir success or failure t'Onsequently d~pcn<ls not o n reasoned debate but on h1gh-f111a1wc<l mass·med1a advertising efforts The framC'rs of ou1 ~) slt•m of govern- mcn t n<'Vl'r intendc•d 11 to bt' on e in which issues of public• pohl·y werC' to be · determint•d by mass popular vote or unelected <.'Ommtssions TheSt.· trt'nds are a d irect function of th(• dl•l'lme of rPs- ponsible repr£'SCntallve government BILL CHOS BY Navy dinosa urs To the &iitor: Mr. Dinger (Mailbox. April I) couldn't be more correct in his judgment on battleship conversions As a "battleship sailor " during WW2 I am painfully aware of their vulnerability compoun· ded when on e con side rs the h1 ·tech weaponry available today. I suggest re naming the New Jersey the Jerseiosaurus n ovus. It is living proof that the age of dinosaurs is not over and that Neanderthals roam the corridors of the Pentagon, as they have sin<.-e the days of Bally M11.cheU J. W. REID lilDllY liUS H lhe clltlsts have their wa"I the only proplc who will be able to afford houses In Nowport Beach will be those who in· h rJttd weal\h, the corporate nouveau rlchc the scam operators and tht' big dNg dealers. N.E.P. OIM"I' 0... ~--.,.. -411ee., ~ -• • -·u-11.,-l'tlft«I Ult ritwtet I ... ,...,..._,._.,,_ ... _ ..... 0-J 0-. ~ ~llwl .. , l I THURSDAY. APRIL 15, 1982 ,. . . . OR ANGE COUNTY C ALIFORNIA 25 CENTS Irvine eyes scaled-down sp.ending By GLENN SCOTT O(tfW~"-CIWf Memben o! lrvine'a City Council say they'd rather scale down plans for new public faci- lities than delay the projec1a be- cause of discouraging budget projections. Thus, administrators already charged with cutting back bud- gets for next year's city opera- tions also will review ways of 'Spat' costs 2 children Paul and Brenda Harmon of T u stin h ave seen th eir 11-month -old twin boys only during weekly visits to foster homes since J an. 14, when they had what they now call a marital spat. "It's a heU of a way to raise a family. They've made a terrible mistake," Harmon said of Ven- tura County officials who took th e boys away a ft e r an "enthusiastic policewoman" saw their home and reported poten- tial child abuse. I paring off at least 10 percent of the costs for a new animal shel- ter . corporation yard and ci~y hall. Council members also said du- ring a late-night d iscussion a t Tuesday's meeting that analysts should examine new options for generating funds to pay for the facilities. One might be leasing from 50 to 100 spaces in the ani- mal shelter to tht' county dog catcher. To e nsure that the directives are followed, councilmen Bill Vardoulls and Art Anthony were named to a subcommittee to fol- low through on the orders. The council's decision was, m essence, a rejection of a proposal from C i ty Manager William Woollett Jr. to put off plans for the p rojects for six m onths . Woollell, pointing oul that the city stands to lose as much as $1 million in reduced state grants and tax refunda in the next fiscal year , said h e w ould like the council to wait until a f ter a 1982-83 budget is adopted before committing to the capital expen- ditures. New revenue anticipated to cover the $1 .3 million annual debt for the shelter and corpora- tion yard hasn't materialized, hl' said. because hJ.gh interfit ral4.'il have discouraged development thal would havt! generated the funda. Under the former schedule, construction on lh<! $4 million arumal shelter and ad.)C:lc.-ent $5 2 million corporation yard would have begun in early summer at a site o n Sand Canyon Road next to the Santa Fe Railway tracks. Residents' safety feared A new city hall proposed for Lhc civic center on Jeffrey Road at Barranca Parkway probably could not begin for 18 to 24 months. Meanwhile. a selection com-· mlttee Wednesday recommended that architects David Klages & Associa11eS of Costa Mesa, in con- JUnction with the SWA Group of Laguna B each and Caudill, (See SPENDING, Pal(e A%> City officials flay Irvine alien busts By SANDIE JOY O(tti. Deity Pltot Steff The U.S . Border Patrol ts con- tinuing to round up iUegal aliens an Irvine fields this week a nd some Irvine city officials are un- happy about it. Basically. city officials said they fear for the safety of Irvine residl'nts during Border Patrol raids At Tuesday's C ity Counl'tl meeting, Mayor David Sills quesuoned what would happen 1f illegal aliens fie<? in to yards and homes pursued by federal agents. "The idea of mC'n on horseback and anned or m helicopters may be acceptable in some areas," Sills said during an interview Wednesday. "but inside a city, you sunply s;lon't conduct police operations that way." Recently. he said, an illegal alien trying to get away from the Border Patrol caused an accident on Lrvine Cent.er Drive when he made a U-turn in traffic. The mayor also told of Border Patrol helit'Opt.ers hovering ovet ''We have never mistreated our kids," Harmon insists. "First we wan t the m back and then we want to find out how a horrible --lhTng Til<e ffiiS could nave ever· happened." Markets --- the city and along with other city t>ff-tcialr. scnd-he's-af raid orre-- might crash in a residential area. The Harmons since moved from Oxnard to Tustin. The cus- tody case moved with them, al- though Ha rmon said, ''No body ever told us that would happen." probed for had salmon A hearing was scheduled today i n Orange Co unty Juven ile Court. Harmon hadn't worked for a month and a half and his wife was five months pregnant and "out of sor ts" whe n the two squabbled in January. S he called for a police escort to retrieve her things from the house. o.IJ Not Pt1oto bf Patrtdr O'OoMell IN THE BAG -Committee of 4,000 lead e r s Barbara Amstader (left) and Barbara Young hold bags of money col- lected for their lawsuit against the Irvine Company. A federal official says inspec- tors soon w1U begin spot checks at Southern California markets to determine the effectiveness of a voluntar y recall o f a canned Alaskan salmon that may contain botulism toxm. "We made up just two days later but we've been paying for that argument ever since," Mrs. Hannon said. "I miss my babies and I want them back." The policewoman who showed up noted the boys -Bernard Paul III and Joseph Donald - were in their cribs with wet dia- pers and that Joseph had a bad diaper rash and fever . Her report also said the apartment was messy, dirty and s parsely fur- nished. Wambaugh fires up Committee of 4,000 John StovaU. recall director at the Los Angeles office of the Food and Drug Administration, said officials are completing the process of tr acking suspected cans through the nation's com- plex food distnbut1on network . "We are just now getllng to the retail acc.-ounts," Stovall said. Cans containing salmon packed at eight Alaska plants are sus- pected of being improperly con- structed. The suspected defects could permit the growth of bac- teria that produces botulism to- xin . Botulism can be fatal. "We were getting ready to move in with Brenda's father because we were so low on cash," Harmon explained. "The place, well, maybe it didn't look so good al the time." "I knew about Joseph's diaper rash -he has very sensitive skin -and I was treating 1t," Mrs. Hannon said. The boy's fever was at most 99 degrees because he was teething, she added. But the boys were placed in foster homes. The couple noted that their guardians have written letters saying they w ere healthy when they arrived. On Jan. 19, Ventura County Juvenile Judge William Peck d elayed ruling in the case be- cause Harmon still wasn't wor- king. The couple then moved in • with Mrs. Harmon's father until Harmon found a computer prog- rammer's job in Inglewood and a new apartment in Tustin. NATION By STEVE MARBLE Of IN Delly PUot Slaff Committee o{ 4,000 leaders. in a pubUc muscle-flexing demon- stration that drew more than 1,- 000 people Wednesday. asked members for support and money to bolster their fight against the Irvine Company over leasehold land. The hit of the evening rally al the Marriott Hotel in Newpor t Beach was policeman-author J o- seph Warnbaugh, a Linda Isle resident, who d rew cheers when he described the lrvine Company as "dumb and greedy." "I'm n ot going to let these carpetbaggers screw me out of my money because it was too hard to come by." said Wam- baugh. "One day there's going to be a tremendous judgtnent (legal award) agai n st the I rvine Company," he predicted, adding, "and I want a piece of it." Wambaugh, who left quickly aft.er his brief talk, said he has been involved in several l.iwsuits during his literary career. "I pick my sho(s carefully and I've been around enough to know that this o n e (lawsuit) 1s a winner," he told a reporter as he Take it with you City dwellers need a machine to provide familiar urban sounds -arguing neighbors, loud music, traffic -to lull them to sleep when they are in rural areas. Page A7. Percy to aid blind Sen. Charles Percy, R-Ill., who has a hearing problem himaelf, ~ become a volunt.eer reader for a taping program for the blind. Page 85. STATE LOS ANGELES (A.P) -Authoritiee are invest1- gati.b4r the alcohol ~tl'Der!t prop-am that Advanced Healtn Sywt.erm Inc. rune throUgh nine Ra1etgh Hills hollpltala tn C.alitom.la to ~ whetl\er patienta wett tran.ferred between them to bypem M~ payment limits, todayta Lo. AnceJe1 'nines laid. JOINS SUIT -Author Jo- seph Wambaugh described the Irvine Company as "dumb and greedy" in a talk before leasehold protesters. left Wednesday night's procee- dings. The lawsuit against the deve- (See 4,000, Pale A%) COUNTY Fluor flees '(ire' Only one death -that of a Belgian man -has been directJy attributed to a defective salmon container. Stovall said a good deal of de- tective work has been involved in the FDA's attempt to track down all cans suspected of containing tainted salmon. He offered the foUowing illu- stration: A lead distributor in Seattle may have sent 5,000 cases of salmon to a secondary distributor in Kansas City, which may have shipped goods to 10 grocery wa- rehouses throughout the country. The d istributor may or may not be able to say which cases went to the individual warehouses. "Say one of the warehouses is in Denver. You have to find out who his c ustomers ar e. They might say they shipped the pro- duct to warehouses for some of the chain stores. "Then w e have to go to the local warehouse and determine who actually got the salmon. The warehouse people often can't sav which stores actually got what Fluor Corp. employees evacuated safely from a "fire" in the firm's glass tower in Irvine. Fire officials . said the firefighting drill went smoothly. Page Bl. 'Archie' comes to Newport Television's "Archie Bunker" is getting a restau- rant in real life; Carroll O'Connor plans to open a di- ning establlahment in Newport Center. Page~- Valley students aid voting Slxfy eewnth and elahth grade stUdenta from a Fountain Valley achool helped get out the vote ln a cound1 election.. P.,e C8 . . , ' . , HAPPY -Suspended L os Angeles County Coroner Dr. Thomas Noguchi smil es Wednesday after leaving a Civil Service Commission ses- sion where he won a heanng to discuss his suspension. Construction feels effects of strike Striking Teamster rock, sand and t'Oncrete haulers walked the picket lines for the 11th day to· day while negoL1at1ons between the uruon and the industry trade association remained al an im- passe. While union offkials have tn· d1cated they are willing to moderate their demands some- what, negotiators for the Sou- thern California Rock Products and Ready Mix Concrete Asso- ciations have said they are un- willing to increase their offer of a $3.03-an-hour hike in wages and . benefits over the next three years. INDEX Ann Landers B2 Movies B7 Mutual Funds C6 National News A3 PubUciNotices B4,C6,D3 Sports Cl -4 Dr. Steincrohn B2 Stock Markets C7 Television B6 Theaters B7 Weather A2 World News A3 SPORTS The council agreed Tuesday to write about its concerns for citi- zen safety to the Immigra tion and Naturalization Service (INS) and to ask for closer cooperation between thl' Border Patrol and local police. Basically. what city officials want is advance notice of im- pending raids so local pol.ice can be prepared to react. That letter is being drafted by Irvine Police Chief Leo Pearl who said today. •·Four or five hours noti ce would be reasonable.'' Assistant City Manager Paul Brady said today. "We'd like to get as mut'h advance notice as possible I imagine 24-hour notice would be reasonable." Dale Musegates. deputy chief patrol agent for the Border Pa- trol in Chula Vista, said today his agency "has no problem working with the police ... but the more people who know what ts going to happen. the more chance 1t'U get out. (See ALIEN, Page A2l Tax deadline at midnight WASHINGTON (AP) -The scene will be commonplace to- night: A weary American rushes to the P ost Office. drops an envelope into a collection box and breathes a sigh of relief. Once again, Mr. and Mrs Taxpayer will have settled accounts with Uncle Sam. Midnight tonight 1s the dead- line for almos t all couples a nd individuals to file their federal income-tax returns. If the past is any guide, perhaJl5 10 miUion or more of them will wait until the last minute to complete the chore. creating mo numental traffic jams arowrd many metro. Politan Post Offices. As a rule, 20 million to 22 million returns are filed on April 13, 14 and 15 each year. At Your Service Erma Bombeck L.M. Boyd Business A4 B2 A6 ~-7 A5 B2 Calif omia Cavalcade Clas&fied Comics Crossword Death Notices F.ditorial Entertainment Horoecope Dl,D3-7 D2 D2 D3 A6 87 B2 Fans 11et money'~ worth Anae1s work overtime for the eecond n.tght ln a row and come away with two wtns. P9 Cl. \ ·I I • ; Oreigo Cout DAILY PILOTIT'hurtday! Aprll US, 1982 ~\ ----------------... --------------------------------------------------------------------------Narcotic ._, Continued stories 4,000 flGHT· HEATS UP. • • lopment tlm1 wws Ciled by four Newport families who are at- tempting to have It r«'Oglilicd in' court u a cla11 action 1ul t ao other rt.'llidt-nt.s can join. Attorney David Grant, a Newport resident, told the crowd that lawyers hope to have the suit certified as a cl888 action by mid-summer. Grant said lawyers represen- ting the families have obtained a deposition from former Irvine Company President Ray Watson. Grant asserted that it "is an im- portant pia-e of evidence." The quarrel centers on the appraised value of land residents in Newpor t and lrvme lease from . the Irvine Company Residents pay 6 percent of the land va1ue annually to the d t!velopment firm. The leases arc readjusted pe- riodically and leaseholders asked to pay 6 percent of the current value of the land. It is the readjustment process that has triggered the cries o f protest. Residents complain an- nual lease payments of $1,500 are being pushed up to $30,000 and higher. Attorney Grant said former company leader Watson has told them when he was at the helm, the policy on least>s was to let residents share "50-50 m the ap- preciation" of land. Grant aajd the "new" Irvine Company ma.na~ement changed the polfcy "deciding moner ii more Important than people.' Irvine Company spokesman Jerry Collins, who didn't attend the rally, said it would be lnap- propr i1tle for the firm to com- ment on any matter relating to the lawsult. He did say that the Irvine Company has had good support on programs designed to let res- idents lease land at reduced va- lues or purchase it with Irvine Company-provided financing. Collins said 50 leases currently are m escrow and that 800 per- sons have written the Irvine Company for details on the programs. Newport resident Harry Ba ker, a leaseholder whose finan- cial plight has been documented in newspapers coast-to-coast told the crowd he has refused to pay his increased payment of $67,000, reportedly up from $1,600 a year. Baker said he's had his Bayside Drive home, which is in default, up for sale for nearly a year, but that he has not received an offer. Committee leaders, who have not detailed their group's own financial condition, distributed ''buck bags" and urged members to contribute At least ten of the small paper bags were filled with cash and checks by the end of the evening. SPENDING SCALEDOWN. • • R owlett & Scott o r Hous ton should design the city hall and civic cent.er master 'plan. liraoy Sald, "we·re gomg to nave to take some big cuts in full-ume positions." detail • nets nine The newly formed Orange County Sheriff'• Department South County narcotics detall swung Into action tor the first time Wednesday night and ar- rested mne suspected drug dea- lers In vadous locations. Although a negligible amount of drugs was ~ized during the raid, those arrest.eel collectively sold about $250.000 worth of co- calnt: a week, according to Lt. Wyatt Hart. a sheriff's departm- ent spokesman. Authorities began fanning out from the Laguna Niguel sheriff's s ubstation about 7 p.m . and be- gan serving the first of 11 arrest warrants. By evening's end, six persons had been arrested on warrants and three others were booked on various drug charges. Four warrants remained outstanding this morrung, ac:cor- cting to Hart. The arrests all resulted from purchases of narcotics made by one undercover narcotics officer over a 10-week period, Hart said. Arrested on warrants during the raid we re: Tanya L. Braw- ner, 22, of San C lemente; Gre- gory H. Lynch , 22, of El Toro; Margo 0 . Kozlov, 25, o f San Clemente: Davis R. Leonelli, 25, of San C lemenle; Jeffrey F . Newton. 22. of Mission Viejo; and Mark C. Kur!. 20, of El Toro. They were booked into the Orange County Jail on suspicion of sellinR. Hart said. Bails for those arrested ranged from $5,000 to $20,000. Parking fees The British n•vel t•ak force MajOr 1hlpe known Nlllng towatd the Falklend l1t1nd1 .......... lnvlnc!DM, 19 500 tot\I. bulll 1111, Cllll'\ea 8 ~ llOt tJtli...all encl lltldin9 I'll '*" ... Klng OOOllfl Su Den &nd S..C.1 mi1t11M tr ...,.,_., 23~ tont, ou1" 1~9. no 12 Mlltner )1111 Ii ., ..... S.a K1r1g1. Sea Dari and Sucal m1pliet -----,.., .... end Intrepid each 12 000 tons bu4tt 1116~ 67 !> WIUllX COQIOIS plu• ll1lchng c••" 4)1\(j 5'1actl ll'lltlllOI on H ('.M DtctCf.,. 8"-ffleld, Coventr; and 01 .. oow. each 4,100 1001. outtt 197~ 78. I LynK copt11 plu1 Sea 01n m1 .. l1tt. MK 44 Ind MK 48 1orPt<10t1 ......... 8r~1word and lrtlllant, 11en 3,SOO tons. t>ullt 197~ 1977 2 Lynx C®ltll w11h ant11ub to1p&0oe1. 4 E•OCel and SH Woff m1u11e1 plu& MK 48 torpedots Plymouth and Yarmouth, 2,800 ions. llulll 1960·81 1 W11p COl)ler S.aett M1Ullts Bncl 1nl1tub 11\0rllTI Antelo.,-, AlllCrlty Incl Art0w, 2 7!>0 '°''' built 19 7 I 75 1 Lyn• cop1e1 Eaoc:e1 Incl Seacat m11111u .............. Su.,-rt>. 4,500 ton& buin I 976 100 Togtr11th MK 46 IOl~S ........ to • .... "'•• ~ ,._.._ .,..,., I a a ,¢ = :St.,,, • • ~~no Antrim each 6 ~ tooa. t>u•lt 1966~ llld I 970. I Wtue-COPI•• 4 Exocet Sn\llhlp m1&11tes plus :J6 Soa Slug m•111les ~--Sir Galahad Sir Ger11nt Sn Bed1"1110 511 f>erc1v.,. and S11 T111t1am eacn J 210 tons outlt 1966·67 I# WINpflole REINFORCEMENTS -Argentinian soldiers tote their duffel bags after arriving on the Falkland Islands. The troops were sent lo reinforce Argentina's position on the islands against a possible British effort to retake them. Haig heads south • • on peace 1111ss1on WASHINGTON (AP) Se- cretary of State Alexander M. Haig Jr .. under growing pressure to find a compromise in the Falk.land Islands crisis, tS making another try at defusing what he calJed an "exceptionally difficult and exceptionally dangerous problem." Haig left Washmgt.on today on score some propaganda advan- tage and bolster up morale 1n Argentina_" Tuition CHICAGO (AP) -Preaident Roagan, declaring that "working Ame ricans are overtaxed and underapprcciated," unveiled a program today tha t would let most parents da1m tax credits to help iend their children to pri- vate achoo!JI. The onJy ones lert out would be those making more t han $75,000 a year Taking a step administration officials acknowledged was in- tended to boost Reagan's stan- ding with lower and middle- income parents who send their children w parochial schools, the president srud: "I have come to propose a tui- tion t.ax credtt for parents who bear the double burden of publst· and pnvate ~hool custs." Reagan flt>w to Chicago this mommg to d1SClose the plan in a speech to the National Catholic Educational Association. which represents 10,000 Roman Catho- 11<.' S('hools. Has taming coinC'1des with the deadline for Americans to file their federal income tax returns . Ruling due on status of video games The City Council IS expected to consider that recommendatiOf'I m May. The financial picture didn't seem to faze thP Pnthusiasm of some council members to push forward with the new building projects. 11 the 16-hour flight to Buenos at co eges Aires. his second trip to the Ar· The Defense Ministry also said no major Argentine warship had entered the war zone and said officials could not confirm Ar- gentine claims that tWO Of tlS coast guard gunboats went to the Falklands on Tuesday Irvine's planning commission is expectc.-d to declare tonight that v1dc.'O games constitute a fonn of l-OmmPrc1al recrt:auon. Tht.' decision will clear the air ror city inspectors whose job is to insure· that no more than an al- lowed number e.f the popul1lr electronk• games are included in local business establishments. While reviewing council orders on these new projects, top city administrator.t are continuing to examine ways of reducing some department budgets by as much as 20 percent. Although nothing is definite, acx.'Ording to Assistant City Manager Paul Brady Jr., as many as 25 layoffs could be ne- cessary to balance the city bud- get. Anthony tore into Woollett_ during the session and criucized top staff members for not trying to find ways to preserve the construction schedule. gentine capital since he began hls L "k d * ~ 1 n peace-see~ing ~ission April 8. UJ e -1.0 f/IJ-.6.. lJ__ --lk has twtce VISlted London On 'Quiet' jets for Frontier 1f the governor's current bud- ~et ~ adopted by the LcgtSla~ure, Anthony's wife. Elaine. is chairwoman of the city's Animal Care Committee, which advises the city on policies for treating animals at its shelter. The city currently leases a smaJl animal care facility in Laguna Canyon. ALIEN ROUNDUP. • • "Confidentiality has to be maintained," he explained, "for the raids to be effecuve." Musegates said his agency was asked by Peart on Monday not to conduct raids during rush hour traffic. In its latest raid, the Border Patrol arrested 32 illegaJ aliens on Tuesday in fields near the Marine Corps Helicopter Station at Tustin, on the edge of Irvine. Semester parking fees for stu- dents who drive to Golden West College in Hunungton Beach and Orange C!:oast College in Costa Mesa havf' been doubled Crom $5 to $10. Action incr easing the fees came Wednesday night by the Coast Commuruty College Board of Trustees. The $ l 0 fee for per-semester parking on the college lots will begin this faJI. The old $5 fee was charged for the first time during the current semester. PreV1ously, parking had been free. Fee increases will also apply to !>tudents who park at the five converted elementary school campuses operated by Coastline College District off1c1als say the fee increase 1s needed to offset the his shuttle. In London, meanwhile, Briush defense officials told Prime Mm- is ter Margaret Thatcher that elements of the 31 -ship Argen- tine fleet may be sailing in thr direction of the Fa1kla.nds. The officials said that most of the Argentine navy was still m port, but that "some elements of the Argentine fleet'' may be lea- ving port "and in that case we would expect them to sail south," toward the Falklands. The ofhcials Sald they doubted the Argentine ships would "risk breaching" the war wne Britam established around the islands. but predicted the ships "may . sail close to the Argenune main- land and even skirt the mant1mc exclusion zone in an attempt to Frontier Airlines announced this week that it will begin using new and less noisy McDonnell Douglas OC-9 Super 80 jetliners on flights from John Wayne Airport, effective May 20. On that date. the airline's late morning flight to Las Vegas and Denver will utilize a Super 80 Frontier will initiate Super 80 service on its early morning flight to Las Vegas and Denver on June L Fronuer ts purchasing three of the $25 million aircraft to com- plement its present fleet of Boeing 737s Frontier's Super 80s will have seating for 147 passengers, com- pared to 106 on the 737s. Video games currently aren't listed by name an the city's zo- ning codes as a form of commer- ci<i I recreation By including them, city policies would be ea- sier to enforce, said John Mur- phy, manager of the ci ty's deve- lopment services In a related matter, the com- m1as1on also will consider whe- ther the Varsity Ice Cream Par- lour, a new business in the Wal- nur Village Shopping Center, should be allowed to include 21 video games m a separate room. At their 7:30 p.m meeting at Irvine City Hall, commission members will consider whether the shopping center's commercial use gu1dehnes can be interpreted lo allow the game room, Murphy "We said, 'Sure, fme'," Muse- gates said. "We'll cooperate any way we can with the po!Jce and the community but we can't curtaiJ our operations." Irvine Councilwoman Mary Ann Gaido said the raids ''don't do more than disrupt business" whtle Chief Peart satd he thinks laws regarding alien workers should be changed. S3Jd cost of maintaining campus par-·--------------------------------------------- king lots Fair through Friday knoll and OC4tan swells between 5 and 7 lee! El~a. winds &hOuld oe light and v1rlable, but p11domin1ntty well to southwest 81 12 to 18 knots Friday afternoon Tiie wea. Coastal Small craft 1dv1sory over tlie outer _,.,., t1om Potnt Concec>- tlon lo San Ntcolas Island due 10 northwHt winds I 5 to 25 knoll with 11ronger gu111 today Seas 4 10 8 le•t. Elaewhere westerly winds 12 to 20 kno11 1tternoon end evening becoming mo11ty • thermen Pttdl<:ted morning clouds. 3 to 4 loot wind waves and 3-1001 westerly twell. ~.1.~ ~.!!~~ ~~r:~'°.':!;~ to 3 feel Mostly clear V .S. sunimary Thunderl10fml rumbled along In front of an advancing cold lront from eutern North Oakote 10 o.ntrel KM!Mt today, and•~• end thunderstorm• poured rein on MlnnMOtl and Wltconlln Heavy 1hu~tonn• dlVetoped o-.. Oktehoma and Te.u. and a tornado touctled down but did no damage In -t Texu Rain ~•lied from the northern f>IC!fk: CoHt to western Wyoming end tha northern Rockies. wllh anow In higher M<tlllonl. Isolated tho-• and thundeu- torrna dolled the Southeut, end 1kl11 were <:lt1r from the Ohio Valley and Great Lakee to the mlddle and norther11 Allanll1: Coell. Temperatures NATION AIDeny 53 24 -2• Alt>uque 79 42 Amerlllo &7 41 MheVll1e 74 S4 02 Atlanll 74 60 08 Atlante C1y 83 32 Austin 85 66 .01 Balttmore 62 35 Bl= 61 35 03 81 hm 75 59 .1>1 81tm8'Ck 74 37 07 Bolte 55 30 05 8oaton 58 39 SfownlVlle 87 76 8utflllo 48 31 Burlington 51 30 Casper 68 ~ Chatllln SC 78 84 Cho1tttn WV 71 39 Ch1rttte NC 77 58 12 Cheyenne 72 34 ChiclG<> 56 4t Cincinnati 84 40 Ctevtlend 47 3t Clmbla SC 16 59 14 Columtxis 60 35 Del-Fl Wth 87 88 .04 O.yton 57 33 Oerl• 78 39 0.. MOlnes 72 55 Detroit 50 30 Duluth 49 39 .Of El Paeo 85 57 FlfllO 83 47 59 29 --- Memphis 81 Miami 82 Miiwaukee 48 Mpls-St.P 65 Nasnvttte 17 New Orleana 84 N-Y<lf"k 61 Nor10lk 63 No. Platte 81 Ollta City 84 Omelia 80 Orlando 86 Pl'llladr,hla 43 f>hoen11 88 Pittsburgh 57 Piiand, Me 5t Plllllld, Ore 48 f>ro\lldenoe 60 Rlleigtl 75 Reno 57 Salt LDke 88 San Antonio 88 S..ttle 46 ~ 81 77 St Louie 88 St f>-Tarnc>e 80 St Ste Mlt1e 4t The Nallonel Weather Servlc• lorec: .. tt ac1t1ered thowera and thunderthowerl from the W•t•n Greet Llk• 811<1 Ul>Qef MlMiMlppl V•ll•Y to the cen1r1t Gulf Co111 and ovei' $(Wlh Oeko11 and Ne- braak&. Wl<Mly 8"tl8'ed all-. were pr9dk:1ed over norlhern FJorld• Rein "-' -• e~.ct from the nGf1hem Paolflo Cou1 to the northern Rockle1, wl1h 1now In ~..,..lone l"emper•l11ru e11ty tod•y ranged from 24 In Glen• Falla. N.Y., to to In KB'Y Welt. At Fllgl11ft GrMI Flltl 43 28 .01· Spolc-47 Hwtlord IS7 27 Syracuee 52 He4erll 47 32 -20 Topeita 84 Honolulu 81 88 Tuc:eon 85 HQ\itton 78 71 Tulla 88 lndneplla 91 41 Wuhlngtn 84 Jldt911 MS &4 59 Wlc:Hta 83 JllCkll'IYlle 82 81 Kane City IO 82 CAl.IORNIA L .. VIOM 78 61 8'1<~ 72 Ullll Aoc6! 79 80 Blythe 87 ~ es 41 Euf'lll• IS3 L.®bocll< 90 58 F~ 69 California 56 TT 38 50 09 49 89 43 41 48 23 86 60 03 68 38 60 31 25 37 26 32 46 04 32 49 85 38 13 84 55 06 411 83 26 31 01 27 82 50 88 44 &4 64 31 30 46 SlilH wilt 1lt1rn1tt btl•Hn c:IOUdy and deer ac;rOM 8oulhtn\ Celllornll lhrough flrtday Th• Nallonal Wtatntr 8•rYl1:• aleo Pfedlated 9u1ty wlncla In moun• IM!eand~ I SU Rf Rf PORT Daytll'M ltm~r11urH ehould rHoh 7,3. in LOI AngelH and t i ~io nof'thwetl Wlndl could' rHCh 30 111ph In the moun111n1 Ffkley, wfttl """'*.tura ~ 52 and08. ...._ Owly'*ldt~-­dttett .... ..,.,. ~ricMy ...... "' =~-:-~~ :::.::; o.art fl'om 10 -" lllCI In --..,. ..,,.. IOllltl ~ .. .rid 1 '!IA ..,.. et*" iiMWIY • ,,_;. .ii 1qr tiett"' trOf'll '°'nt ~n­oe uon 1o l•n lfloOld l6l1ndl, ,.,..._ wllMil QIUldno to ao ... :~ ·-...... ~ .... T .... Huntington 8IUffa POOf 61 =::.::. any 14 "* °' 2-4 ~ °' .,. "· .....,, 2-4 68 ttnd ... *""'1 2-4 ..., °' MboeW..,.. a POOf °' ~-uvw-H _....,,., u. == 3 poor " 14 = 5e a.n~ .... 14 111, 117 Tr.._.,{T...,_) 1·2 -l~• lldll: Rlgfl: 9:11 un.: Low: 1CUO a.m.: ..... dlNctlon· ~ • Lanc;e,ter 60 45 LOI A"Ofllel 66 53 Mlt)'tvllle 63 Monterey 60 Needles 85 Oakland 62 •1 f>no Robles 68 47 Red Blutt 66 Redwood City 82 50 .05 Sacremento 62 39 .08 Sellnaa 62 41 .04 San Diego 85 60 Sen FranGllCO 58 48 Sanle Barbera 64 49 Santa Maita 65 Stockton 66 Therm el 84 Uklall 56 Blratow 75 55 819 Bui 56 31 81ah00 73 35 Cetall,,. 66 50 Long 8eecn ee 51 Monrovia &4 45 Mt. Wilson 54 31 Newpof1 BNdl 86 62 OntltM> 91 45 RMlflide 11 ... Sen e.rnerdlnO 9t 41 San G9bf1el 81 47 Sen JoM 84 64 San•• CfU1 70 IS4 Tehoe Valley 70 54 Extended forecast SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA (:0A8TAL ANO MOUN TAIN AREAS -Fair with ltUOntl tem~aturH. High• e& lo '16 tn QOMtal and Vlllly .,_ and lowe I 44 to 114. Hlgfll tn mountlllnt 62 to 92 tnd lowt moetty ~ lo 40. Tide' TOOAY 8«iond lllOh 9.'0f p.m. 3.2. e.ootld IOw 8:18 p.m. 3.0. ~y l'1rlt high 2:11 e.m. u Flrtt tow 10'.31 e.m. o.8 ~hiOll 9:11 p.m. a.4 leooflCI IOw 10':34 PA 2.7 lun HI• '°W •I t :24 p.1" .. n.. ~rkley 11 • 1 1 m. Moon rlMt 1*1 Ill 12:11 e.m~ .... 'ttder .. !0:27_L~ ,, Close-Out 0 off and more EVERYTHING I N OUR NEWPORT CENTER STORE REDUCED TO CLEAR. OF COMPL ETE COLLECTION DAYTIME DRESSES, COCKTAIL DRESSES. EVENING GOWNS, CLASSIC AND CONTEMPORARY SPORTSWEAR. OUR LINGERIE, L OUNGEWEAR. SHOES AND ACCESSORIES. R O B ES. SH OP MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY FROM 10:00 A .M . TO 6 :00 P.M. · J .OHNHOGAN Jll Fl\SHION ISLAND. NEWPORT CENTER: 644·7100 - ". Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT /Thuraday, April 15, 1982 Building slowdown hits Irvine coffers Reluctance of city admin1 strator'8 w push ahead with new capital programs in lrvine s1gno11ls the problerns that can beset a dP- veloping city when growth sud- denly stops. Because Irvine is a new cit y that hasn't built its own set of public facilities, it relies on reve- nue derived fro m private devC'- lopment to finan ce its public pro- jects. A new animal shelter and a corporauon yard .were nt'Xt on lhf' burner. But city officials are recom m e nding this week that those projects and all other new capital outlays be postponed for the next s ix m o nths. The reason is simple. Withou t new h otels and othl•r s tructures going up to build a tax base and pay one-time develop- ment fees, insufficient funds an· availabl~ for the buildings. City officials didn't want to c ut into existing r evenue to fi- nance new buildings. They fig- ured to use the extra taxes and one-time development fees collec- ted from private development. When the interest rates went up, though, those developments weren't completed. That left the city in a position of either continu- ing a deficit or pos tponing its projects too. The dec1s1on to wait seems the more prude nt. Irvine hasn't been troubled b y the economic times as much as many oth e r c1- tics: officials say its financial st.a- bil 1 ty as good. But the effect of high mterest rates 1s beginning to show. J obs aren't being filJed and administrators still are mulling over the possibility of layoffs Projections show revenues next year for the city w1JJ be down 3.5 percent from this year. Thus, the new buildings will have to wait until pnvate develo- p e r s can g ea r up again. The interdependence between the pri- Vi1te and public sectors is strong When one is hurting, so is the other. Cities take sides ThC' R epublican primary battle between Nolan Frtzzelle and David Sills in the 69th As- sembly District is heating up. Even local officeholders arc takmg sides. Many of those local officials, including a majority of the ctty councils m Fountain Valky, Cost<) fVjesa and lrv me a nd a majority of ttlie county Board of '5upcrvisors. are siding with Sills. They arc saying that Friz. i.elle, an optometrist a nd longtime Republican al"livist , has failed to r espond to the n~l'ds of loca I government during his fres hman term in thP Legislature. Frizzellt• responds that he.• hasn't sought the support of local officials. nor does he bc>lteve it appropnate to do su m a partisan race. He was l'IC.'<.'ted two yt•a1-s ag11 from the 73rd Assembly D1stm t de feating Dt•mocralie incumbent Dennis Mangt•rs of Hunungton Beach The d 1s tric t was n ·a ppor- ttoned and now 1s the 69th. But the n ew distrn.:t s tn•t.chmg across Irvin e. Co:.ta M esi1. Fountain Valley a nd into Huntington Beach mcludes much of tht' old 73rd and Pay delllands Irvine teacheJ"S are sc.-eking a 12.5 pc•rcent boost in the ir base> pay of $14 .126 in contract nego- tiations which were to get under way today The 672 teachers. represented by the Irvine Teachers Association (ITA), a lso want a 15 percent hike in other salary areas based on ex perience, teaching load and college degrees In all, ITA proposes a deal which would cost the Irvme Uni fied School District $18.5 mtl11on next year while the d1strtct is offering a $16.6 million package including a 3 percent base pa y boost for teachers. The 1981-82 contract is for $16.3 million Fr1zze ll c as co n sidered t?1t• 1m:umb<!nt. Republican lt•aders from oth er parts of the state criticized Salls wher. the Irvine mayor an- 11ounced he was going to chaUenge Frizzelle They argued that, bc- t•ause the 69th 1s believed to be a safe Republat·an scat. a primary f1ght.-would be<ltYtsive and would drain party coffers of c·ampa1gn funds that could be put to bette r ust· battling Democrats in next fall's general elec.:tion Forgotten, perhaps. was that Frtzzelle was planning to chal- ll•nge then-assemblyman Robert Bac.lham m the 1970 GOP primary. Some Republicans who remember that ill -fatC'd effort say Frizzelle couldn't find enough petition ers to sign his candidacy papers. Friz- zelle rt.>Calls It d ifferently. He says ht· dropped out of the race befort• faltng for the good of the party B<' that as tt m ay. it'~ notc>- w orthy that s~me of our loca l c·lc•cted leaders feel strongly e n ough about the Sills-Frizzellc confrontation to choose sides twc, months before the June 8 pnmary The easter <.'Ourse for them to fol low would be to st.and aloof and avoid the· poss1b1lity of o frcndmg the eventual winner unrealis tic Cuns1denng tht> sp1ralmg cost of living. a raise probably 1s 1n order. But, also considerin g the un- c<•rtamty of the economy and the ris ing une mployment rate. per- haps the teachers should recognize that many others are going without increases, and far too many without any paycheck at all. The school board's 3 percent offer may be low, but IT A 's 15 a nd 12.5 percent demands are r i- dtl·ulou s. We su ggest the teachers come back with more realistic goals and that both sides seek out a more N'onom1cally feasibl e meeting ground. , • \ Op1n1011s expressed in the spate aoove are 1nose of lhe Dally Pilot. O\ner 11iews ex prl''>!>ed on tn1'> page a1 f' lnOSt.• 01 1neir J ut hot ' dnO art 1c,ts Rl•dder tommenl ,., 1nv11 ed Address Thi <:>a1ly P1101 P 0 6011 t)bU Costa Mec,a CA 92626 Phone 1 11~1 64l·J311 . L.M. Boyd /Romance and the law Takes a confide nt young lady to marry a lawyer. She'd better be in- teUigenl, too. The practicing attorney works with legal secretari~. and good legal secretaries have to be skillful and bright. Saad lawyer is bound to make t•ompansons. If his current wtff' doesn't measure up. he knows in his line of work how to get a nt•w one This is ltem No. 9335 in our Love and War man's huge file on romance in the legal prof~ion. lf you don't like Little Moron jokes, Polish jokes or Texas Aggie jokes. then ca11 it a Yoga Berra joke. He doesn't mind. Yogi went into a pin.a ORANGE COAST Daily Pilot parlor and ordered a small pie. Wai· tress: "Shall 1 cut it in eight pieces or four?" Yogi: "Four. l don't think I can eat eight." • Observes George Bums: "I'm at an age when I have nothing to do with natural food I need all the preserva- tives I can get " Q Country weatern singer Merle Haggard did tlme at San Quentin an 1958. But wasn't he pardoned? A. He was. Long after his release and parole service. ln 1972, then Cal; lfornia Governor Ronald Reagan slgned a full pardon • Thomas P. Haley Publi$her Thomas A. Murpttlne EClltor Barbara Krelbich Editorial Page Editor Argentina eyes Antarctica WASHlNGTON The Argentine invasion of the Falkland Islands may Ix• a warmup for a future assault on Ant· arcttca But next time. U S. toes may bf, tramped on. Se<.·rct CIA documents point out thal tht' cond1t1ons which led to this month's Argentine aggrl'ss1on in the South Al lanl1c apply even more strongly to Ant- afl'llca. ( 1) a reportt.'<i abundance of 011, (2) tht• desire• to divert tht' publu."s at- tention from domestlt' strtft'. (:3) a long standing legal claim. and (4) national pnde THE CIA PAPERS gave this b<tl"k ground on lht' Falklands furor An ml thirsty Argentina hopes "to lay the basis lur a claim to 011 dl'posats behevt•d tu <•xist near the Falklands" and, at tht <>amc time, tu create "a ust'I ul diVl•r:.wn from domes lat• tl:u-mt.rtl." According to the CIA. a Brit1'11 rt•s earch team, attracted by the sc:enl <•f rnl , made a foray into Falkland wat<'rs in 1976 As the British a pproached the islands, "a series of mtercepted nav<il communications (indicated that) an Ar- gentine destroyer 'iOught to halt the Bnt1sh researc:h vl'SSCl Shackleton near thl' islands and threatened to fire into 1Ui hull when lht· Sh::.ic kleton refused tu t'Omply" This inc1dt·nt un the high seas was a pre lude to today's Bnush-ArJ(t'nltnf' showdown ovt•r lht• Falklands Explatn). the CIA: Argenuna has "refused to t'l'\.' ognize Brn1sh sovereignty over the.• Falklands. and the century-old dtsputt· has tx~n made worse by Argentine sus G -JA-CK-AN-D-IR-SD-N -d p1c1ons th<1t (the.• British have hPen t-'IC- plonng fur) 011 deposits tn tht-orl'a " The1 l' have.· tx't'n Mmil<ir tensions o\'1•1 t h <' A n t a r <. t 1 c.· R e I a t es t h l' C I 1\ . ··Overlapping lla1ms u f tht' Un1tl'lJ Kingdom. Argenttna anu Ct11lt• at lht· Antarl't1c· pt'n1nsult! (h..1Vt') s park•·d mm·h political heal and. JI l1-<1s1 Ollt't• even gunfm.'" The Un1tt-d Statt·s. wh1t•h t•xplored lhe trozcn 1·ont1nent tn thl' 11.1:.!0s. has more• right 1h<1n the other l'la1m<1nts 10 tl'w Antarctit· Bui instt'ad of cla1mmg tht· lam.I , the United States sought to media ti' thC' d1spu1e and i:x·rsu;:iued tht· nvab to sign J 1959 trealv temporarily "l'tlln~ as t<k tht•tr da1m!> Nt·verlht h•ss, Argentl!lJ has i.:unttnut'<l to .isst>rl 'iOVt•n•1gnty over a portion of Antart'tll'<l and has bolstered IL'i da1m I>\ pt:'rlormmg marriages <tnd flying prt>K- nan1 womc•n thP1<' to g1vt· birth 10 Ar g1·nt1nc, ~·1t1zens on tht· d1spult•d lt•rnlory Sl'<·n ·I White• lloust> documt-nls also IJC>lnl ou1 Lh<tl "Argt•ntma gl'<.lgraph1t·ally dominatt•s the, oc:ean routes betw(.'(m 1ht· Suu 1h Atlanti c and Po t1f1t Ot:l'ans Were the Panama CanJI not op<.'rablt· rJr available. or in tht-evPnt of 3 protfiil"Wd war. 1h1s routt.' would have a high strc1teg1t: 1mport.am.'t' ' My associate Dale Van Atta, who n-l· t•ntlv v1s1tt.-d Antarc.·t1l'a. found ~hat Ar- gt•ntma hd.S lx•t•n fort't'ful tn prc.-ssmg its lt'rritorial da1m:. The.-Argl•nttnt-JUnla ha:-. bt•t•n <;ttmul<ttl'd n o doubt by the CfiSl..'OVl'ry of I ll0h oil anJ m1nt•ral dt•pc.1S1Lo; ,,,, thl' 11 y t·ontmt•nt GIVEN THE SAME 1nt·l'nttvt·s that ll·d to th1· Falklands advt'nture, the Ar gt•nttnl' genc•1als may t•v£>ntually d('(.tdt.> lo oct:upy thl' Antard1t· J)E'nlllliUla mtel- ltgt·m·c· sour<E!s suggest Anv -.uch mnvt· l.\.oul<l h.;vt: to ovc.-rrun a pc.•rfl'l,int nt US baM' stalled bv sclt.'nt1s1S The ::.t>t·ret Whne House, papt.'I'> u1ge "a c·onc·l'rted d1plomat11 el l<1rl tu rn•t·h s 11 m e <• g r t· e m e n t w 1 1 h A r n c· n - ltna Sueh an e ffort tuuld po!>- -;cblv ht·ad off what 11tht.•rw1:.1· m1gh1 bet'Clffif:' J diVl!-.IVe (ISSUl') which l.\.flUld a d v e r s t· 1 y a f r e t' t t h l' t' x t: t· I I t· n 1 US -Argentine t·ooi:x·nil1on In Anlart tic. n •sl'an·h and log1sl1t·s. or might ht1vt· l'V(•n mort· st'nous c..·1msequt·1wt>s rur 11ur r<·l::.iuon!'> .. Fonda may help us understand aging To thf' Editor: The last week o f Marc..·h was an eventful week for the film industry Amid the glamour and em•rgy of the· Academy Award.5 came a touching hu- man t.Vent It was with un1vNsal ap- plause and gratitude that the award for outstanding achievement in the best ac tor category was bt'stowed on Henry Fonda. Has outstanding perfonnanc-e an ''On Golden Pond" mirrored a lime in our lives which as so often not looked upon ~ith warmth, caring and un- derstanding The television cameras fo- cused an on Mr. Fonda 1n a less than energetic slatt.' of health to record has reaction to achieving the award His reaction, as always, was honest, direct, and completely characterasuc of Henry Fonda. However, 1t was interesting what the public and the newsbroadcasters saw There was considerable discussion that followed on whether It was considerate to have this gentleman exposed to the public al a debilitated time in has life There was discussion over the possibl<' inappropriateness of this telecast But, how appropriate 1t was. not only con- s1der1ng the role which we had JUSt commended, but as an honest display of a period of growth in the process of his life. Why should the obvaous hearing impairment. gentleness or speech. pale clear features and deliberateness of movement be seen as anything but a normal. natural process in the st.ages of growth of human beings? IT IS A paradox of our culture that we ae<.·ept and reward the portrayal of the coming of age on the screen or in the theater. But. when at is brought into the perspective of reality. it becomes a con- troversial issue as to the appropriateness of sharing thL5 time In one's life with the same public family that has been sharing your life for so many years. The d eta- ched audience is able to accept depressed 11tages m the lives of actors as long as these stages are not perceived as reality. [tis diUicult for all of us to observe loved ones and ind1v1duals we admire in a less than energetic slate. But. perhaps the more we are exposed to the nonna.l and sometimes trying stages of life, w e wlU begin t.o grow ourselves in our ability to care, understand, and deeply Jove re- gardless of the extent of loss we may feel. Perhaps Henry Fonda will teach us about our fears, our concerns and our sometimes limited views of the si.ges of Ufo. BE'ITY McMlCKEN, M.A. CCC Speech Pathologist VNA H08pice Advisory Council Willing to fight To the Editor: Your edltortal r aardlnJt..the Araen tine occupuion ot the 10-called Falkland lslanda la unreallltJc and mis- leading. You forget t.o point out that the ialands wert usurped from ,Argentine aove- n•1gnt;. tr1 183:i The defonseles.'> Argc•n tmt· govt•nur and civilian pupulation wt•n• bruwlly t'Xpt•lled from their own lt'rntory b;. lh1· Brtt1sh n;wy H'I a typ1t·<il <Jc..·1 uf pir<iey and t olont:i lro;m A1 gt.·nttnd 's allc..•n1pt.o; ol r• .1( o•ful nt• got1..1t1ons were 1gnon·d 101 11v1·1 1 hun- drt·d Yt•ars A rt'Solut10n f rurn tlw 111tt-1 MAILBOX n .. uonal Jund1t·al Comm1t1ec• 11f the.· U N. in 1976 establtsht•d thl' island" hc:·long to Aqwntma, but F.ngldnu still rl'lused to talk about 1 l Let's fat:e the truth Tht! Braush an• f1ght1ng agamsl t hear own dt•eadcncy Thl'Y decline lo dl't.'<'Pt lhe old tlm('S of tht· British 1mperium arc gone Tht•1r nc1vy has trndl'd prunallve Vt•ssels for nudedr submarines and c.·arriers but thc·1r crew:. are still the· same pirates Argentina's President Galtaen has been cle<ir in his message to Pres1den1 Heagan: "T1me hliS run out." We will not tolNate the Bnush colonialism any longer and we art: walling to fight to dt•fond our rights. ALEJANDRO TELLO A irline's gall To the F.chtor· In complet.e defiance of virtually every rrgulatory agency Pac1f1c Southwest Airlines 1s going to double its number of datly fligl'fts from Orange County Atr port. What urumt1gated gall! By this di- rect challenge to the residents of New- port Beach PSA as thumbing ilS nose at the entire Orange· County Airport pro- blem The only intelligent and appro· praate response as a total and immediate boy('Oll of PSA throughout the state. Let's fly anything but PSA and wipe that smirk off their face. RICHARD M. FOXX ' Boyd wro 11g To the Editor: L M. Boyd WllS an error March 29 when h e wrote that Oliver Cromwell was the only ruler of England who was neither a king nor a queen. Cromwell's son Richard also ruled as Lord Protect.or, albeit ineffective ly, from Sept. 1658 to May 1659. filLL BETTS L egi la tor fail To the Edit.or: Th~ current effort to qualify an In- itiative to establish a legislative rHp- porUonment oornmblion 14 only the most • l •llt•. ,,_ ·•-n .; • -~MM f,.. rfOM .. C .. lltt It! ltf\ 11'111 tl!Ml<t ot etlmlMI• llt>tl I\ r_,.lltd 1.tflt" ti JD0 wtr•\ ti' ICM wOI 119 91,..n ll'tltrtn<t All I.Cl.,'\ MU\I II\ <hHH \O~lwro •nO m••llf'CI tHrtU -..t M-~ fftO M w tlflll•ld Ofl •-•I ti WO•Cl~I , .. \011 I\ _,.., ~fl will noC w ""°''""° Ltllff\ M•f IMI Ctct.,,.,..d It '41 tOlt Nt"'• -~ n\fMDer oc IM tanCrlbulO•-•~ M fjvtfl IOr ·••llo<tllar\ OUl'llOWJ. II rt'<'<'lll sign of 1 he < 1mtmumg Iii I lure of the Leg1sl<Jturt· to transn·nd political parl1sansh1p .rnd govt·rn an th<' publit: interest ft 1s 1ron1<. that tht• Republican Party which trJd1t1onally has opposed bun•au- l'rauc .ind JUUK1al transgn--s.-;wn.'> on tht' lcgisJauv1· sphl'l"l'. has .)Otnt'<i with Com- mon Cau!->(.• the primary lobbyist fur 1he C'reat1or1 of (•lecuon t·omm1sswn5 an tht• rL•a pporllonmcnt t·ampa1gn THE "NITIATIVE pn.ice!~. originally dCVISE'CI JS ;, II ,lfls for l"UUntt'racttng tontrol by Sf'lt'I 1nwrests suC'h as the Southern }' v• ti I (.11 lroad OVer tht.' Le g1slatur<" h.t~ 11° 1 the primary mc•ans by which ma 1 111cal issues are de termmcd T dl> 11·,mg, the.• Peripheral Canal. and n ·f ..... 111 cnmmal prOCt'(lurt..' are only a ft• 1 the• issues on the• June ballot that ,11>ulc.J properly have been addressed ,_y tht• lt•g1slators Few voters he1ve sufflCJent lime· 11r cxpt.•rltse to ren· d{'r informed JUdgrrn•nts on most m1t1a uvc ml·asun·s The11 !-.Ut"t"ess or failure• mnsequently d1·pl•ndi-o 11ut rm rt'ason<'d debate but on h1gh-f1n.11wt'<.l mass-mt'<i1a advcrusmg Prforts The framers of our ~y:.tt•m of g()vl'm- men t n t•ver 1ntendl·d tt tu be one an whtch issues of public· poltc·~ were to be determined by m ass pupular vote or unclN"tc-d commissions. Tht'Sl· t1 ends are a direct fum·uon or the dt'din1 of res- ponsible representative governml•nt BILL CHOSBY Navy di11o sa urs To the Editor Mr. Dmg'er (Mailbox. April 1) couldn't be more correct 1n his JUdgment on battleship conversions As a ''battleship sailor" during WW2 I am painfully awar e of their vulnerability compoun- ded when one considers the ha-tech weaponry available today. I suggest r enaming the New J ersey the Jerseiossurus novus. It is Jiving proof that the age of dinosaurs is not over ahd that Neanderthals roam the corridors of the Pentagon. as they have since the days of Bally Mitchell. J . W REID GllllYGO H the elitists have their way the only people who will be able to afford housies In Newport Beach will ht-th08C who in· h"rl~ weahh, the corpora~ nouveau rich • the scam oper•tors and th<' big drug d lers. • N.E.P. I ,. mu• 111111 OH ANGE COU NTY . CA LIFORNIA 25 CENTS Cause of fire West Mesa area unknown Grand jury hacks Newport Beach fire ~vestiga­ to.rs, still unsure what trlggered a $400,000 blaze that gutted a Bal- boa hotel this week, have ruled out as a cause a small chemical lab dlacovered in one room. flood protect.ion Firemen, digging through the charred remains ol the Bay View Hotel, reported earlier this week ~ey had come acro68 more than 150 gallons of DSMO, a cleaning solution popular as an externally applied medicine. Investigators said they've since determined that the chemical iB not flammable. Firemen have not ruled out arson but said nothing points to that at this point. The fire, wh ich broke out du- ring the early morning hours Monday a nd took 35 fi remen more than three hours to ex- tinguish , left 19 guests -all full-time residents at the hotel - homeless. By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL Of' !tie o.My f'l6ot Shift The Orange County Grand Jury, in a report released today, gave strong endorsement to a massive plan to improve flood protection along the course of the Santa Ana River. A report by the U .S . Army Corps of Engineers, cited by the Grand Jury, noted that danger areas include Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley and west Co.ta Mesa. Referring to a report prepared by the Corps of Engineers, the jury said, "The corps ... states that the potential of flooding of the Santa Ana River Flood Plain is the greatest flood hazard west of the Mwissippi. The displaced tenants, who had been provided free lodging at a nearby Balboa hotel, Wed- nesday saia they are seeking new qwu-ters. Investigators said they're un- certain w ho the owner or owners of the Palm Avenue building may be. ' IN THE BAG -Committee of 4,000 leaders Barbara Amstader (left) and Barbara Young hold bags of money col- lected for their lawsuit against the Irvine Company. "There is no way t o predict when Orange County could ex- perien ce one of the most de- vastating floods in United States history." The corps has been backing a plan for major improvements along the river, including recon- struction of the existing river cha.noel and raising the height of t he Prado Dam in Santa Ana Canyon near Corona. City officials said the aging structure has been under rede- velopment pressure recently and that a local firm had filed plans to convert the building into an office and retail shop complex. Officials also said the redeve- lopment plan has been tempora- rily shelved because of negotia- ting differences. Wambaugh fires up Committee of 4,000 The initial $1 billion plan cal- led for construcuon of a second dam in the Mentone area of San Bernardino County. However, boards of supervi- sors in Orange, Riverside and San Bernardino counties are now backing a scaled down $654 mil- lion plan to make downriver im- provements while studies conti- nue on the controversial propos- ed dam at Mentone. Parking fees at colleges hiked to $10 Semester parking fees for stu- dents w ho drive to Golden West College in Huntington Beach and Orange Coast College in Costa Mesa have been doubled from $5 to $10. Action increasing the fees came Wednesday night by the . Coast Comm\mity College Board of Trustees. The $10 fee for per-semester parking on the college lots will begin this Call. The old $5 fee was charged for the first time during the current semester. Previously, parking had been free. Fee increases will also apply to students who park at the five converted e lementary school campuses oper ated by Coastline College. District officials say the fee increase Is needed to offset the cost of maintaining campus par- king lots. College officials say that as a result of the parking fee, the di- strict can save funds formerly allocated to parking lots and use them for educational programs. The fee increase was approved Wednesday by a 3 to Z vote, with trustee William Kettler, Richard Olson and Robert Humphreys in favor, and George Rodda, Jr. and Carol Gandy opposed. The district expects to receive $312,000 per semester from the Golden West fees, $425,000 per semester from Orange Coast parking, and $100,000 per se- mester from Coastline -all un- der the increased $10 parking fee. NATION By STEVJ';. MARBLE Of !tie OeltJ Hot llaff Committee of 4,000 leaders, in a public muscle -flexing demon- stration that drew more than 1,- 000 people Wednesday, asked members for support and money to bolster their fight against the Irvine Company over leasehold land. \ · The hit of the evening rally at the Marriott Hotel in Newport Beach was policeman-author Jo- seph Wambaugh, a Linda Isle resident, who drew cheers when he described the Irvine Company as "dumb and greedy." "I'm not going to le t these carpetbaggers screw me out of my money because it was too hard to come b y," said Wam- baugh. "One day there's going to be a tr~mendous judgtne nt (legal award) against the Irvine Company," he predicted, adding, "and I want a piece of it." WamlJaugh, who left quickly after his brief talk, said he has been involved in several lawsuits during his literary career. "I pick my shots carefully and I've been around enough to know that this one (laws uit) is a winner," he told a reporter as he left Wednesday nigh t's procee- dings. The lawsuit against the deve- lopment firm was filed b~ four Newport families who are at- tempting to have it recognized in court as a class action suit so other residents can join. Attorney David Grant, a Newport resident, told the crowd that lawyers hope to have the suit certified as a class action by mid-summer. Grant said lawyers represen- ting the families have obtained a deposition from forme r Irvine Company President Ray Watson. Grant asserted that it "is an im- portant piece of evidence." The quarrel centers on the appraised value of land residents in Newport and Irvine lease from the Irvine Company. Residents Take it with you · Qty dwellers need a machine to provide familiar urban sounds -arguing neighbors, loud music, traffic -to lull them to sleep when they are in rural areas. Page A7. ClllCAGO (AP) -President Reagan, interrupted by demonstrators protesting the arms race and his budget priorities, propoeed today to let most parents claim tax credits .to help aend their children to private 1ehoola. STATE .LOS ANGELES (AP) -Authorltlel are investi- gating the alcohol tl'eatmel!t ~that Advanced Healtb Systems_ Inc. rum ~ nine .RaJetab Hilla hmpltall In Califom.la to det.enn1ne whether patienta were trandened between tMr'O t.o byJ)UI Medicare• payment llmlta, today• Loi AnaeJee nme. Mid. ~, JOINS SUIT -Author Jo- seph Wambaugh described the Irvine Company as "dumb and greedy" in a talk before leasehold protesters. pay 6 percent of the land value annually to the development firm. The leases are readjusted pe- riodicalJy and leaseholders asked to pay 6 percent of the current value of the land. It is the readjustment process that has triggered the cries of protest. Residents complain an- nual lease payments of $1,500 are being pushed up to $30,000 and higher . Attorney Grant said forme r company leader Watson has told them when he was at the helm, the policy on leases was to le t residents share "50-50 in the ap- preciation" of land. Grant said the "ne w" Irv ine Company management changed the po licy "deciding money is more important than people." Irvine Company spokesman (See 4,000, Paae >\%) COUNTY Fluor flees 'fire' In addition to endorsing the flood plan, the jury recommen- ded that county officials develop a "flood warning plan." "Despite the potential property damage and loss of life. there is no flood warning system in the lower Santa Ana River Flood Plain," the jury said. "The large area of Orange County which would be affected, and in which approximately one million people reside, includes the entire river area below Prado Dam, primarily all of Anaheim, Masked thugs hit bar in Costa Mesa Two men wearing stocking masks and armed with a sawed off shotgun forced seven people in a Costa Mesa bar Wednesday night to hand over their cash before herding them into a ba- throom. police said. Police Lt. Tom Durham said the two gunmen entered the back door of Vicki's lounge, 1791 Newport Blvd. shortly before 11 p.m. Five male customers, a woman customer and a female bartender were ordered to the floor and to throw their wallets out in front of them. Durham said $250 was taken from the customers and the cash register. The two masked gunmen de- scribed only as being in their late 20's or early 30's yelled obsceni- ties and told their victims they would "blow their heads off" if they didn't follow orders. Fluor Corp. employees evacuated safely from a "fire" in the firm's g1as,, tower in Irvine. Fire officials said the firefighting drill went smoothly. Page Bl. 'Archie' comes to Newport Television's "Archie Bunker" ia getting a rest.BU· rant in real life; Carn>U O'Connor plans to open a di· ning establishment in Newport Center. Page C6. Valley students aid voting Sixty eeventh and eighth grade ltiidenta from 8" Foun1aln Valley echool helped pt°"' the vote in a coundl election. p_,e C8. Stanton, Garden Grove, West- minster, Fountain Valley, Hunt- ington Beach, west Santa Ana, west Coata Mesa, west Orange, and portions of Seal Beach and Cypress. ''The most vulnerable of these are Fountain Valley, Huntington Beach, west Costa Mesa and west Santa Ana. "Should the river revert to its historical boundaries during a flood, It would spr ead over a wide area, particularly at its mouth." The river empties into the Pacific Ocean on the Hunt- ington Beach -Newport Beach boundary. . The jury said county officials should undertake a public inlor· mation campaign to alert resi- dents in potential flood areaa "of the necessity for the complet.ion of a flood protection project." And it said the county tax coll (See ~D, Pa1e A%) I# ... , •••• CIRCUS TRIO -First lady Nancy Reagan enjoyed Ringling Brothers Barnum & Bailey Circus Wednesday with Melissa Herzig, 6, (left), and Mathew Lockhart, 8, during perfor- mance in Washington, D.C. Haig heads south • • on peace m1ss1on WASHINGTON (AP) -Se- cretary of State Alexander M. Haig Jr., under growing pressure to find a compro m ise in the Falkland lslancls crisia, is making another try at defusing what he called an "exceptionally difficult and exceptionally dangerous problem." Haig left Washington today on the 16-hour flight to Buenos Aires, his second trip to the Ar- gentine capital since he began his peace-seeking mission April 8. He has twice visited London on his shuttle. In London, meanwhile, British defense officials told Prime Min- ister Margaret Thatcher that INDEX Ann Landers B2 Movies 87 Mutual Funds C6 National News A3 Public Notices B4,C6.00 Sports Cl-4 Dr.Steincrohn B2 Stock Markets CT Televtsion B6 Thea ten 87 Weather Al World News A3 SPORTS elements of the 31-ship Argen- tine fleet may be sailing in the direction of the FalklandS. The officials said that most of the Argentine navy was still in port, but that "some elements of the Argentine fleet" may be lea- ving port "and in th at case we would expect them to sail 90Uth," toward the Falklands. The officials said they doubted the Argentine ships would·~ breaching" the war wne Bri · established around the islands,.. but predicted the ships "may . . . sail cloee to the Argentine main- land and even skirt the maritime, exclusion wne in an attempt j (See FALKLAND, Pa1e A!) At Your Service Erma Dombeck L.M. Boyd BulinelS C.aU.fomia A4 82 A6 C6--7 M . 82 Cavabde C1llllified C.omial Cromword Deeth Noticee Editorial J:nt.ertainment Horwcope Dl,03-7 00 D2 D3 A8 B7 B2 I , FALKLANDISLANDS ... ICON aome propaaanda advan- taae and bolster up morale In. Argentina." The Defense Ministry al8o aaJd no major Argentine warship had entered the war ione and said officials could not confirm Ar- aentlne claims that two of Its coast guard gunboats went to the Falklands on Tueeday. Earlier, Mra. Thatchet told a apeclal meeting of Parllament that Argentina must withdraw troops from the Islands before negotiations can be held on their future sovereignty. Argentina aeized the ialands April 2. ~LOOD PLAN BACKED. • • lector's office shouJd Insert no- tices in tax bills showing which homes are in the potential flood area. Those notices should In- clude intormatton on flood insu- rance, the jury sa.td. The jury said it supports a larger Prado Dam, higher highway and street bridges along the river channel, reconstruction of the channel from Prado Dam to the Pacific Ocean and study of various means of funding the corps' so-called All-River Plan. .. -.-,c.;: a as SU 3¥¥ cs •••••••••• 4,000 FIGHT HEATS UP. • • Jerry Collins, who didn't attend the rally, said it would be inap- propriate for the firm lo com- ment on any matter relating to the lawsuit. Collins said 50 leases currently are in escrow and that 800 per- s<1lls have written the Irvine Company for details on the programs. BROKEN DREAM -Steve re and his daughter, Crystal, stand near what used to be his 28-foot sailboat Edith's Trip, which ran aground at Capistrano Beach Sunday night when he mistook the lights of Dana Point Harbor for Marina del Rey. Moore, 68, has no money to salvage the hulk. He did say that the lrvrne Company has had good support on programs designed to let res- idents lease land at reduced va- lues or purchase it with Irvine CompaQY· provided financing. Newport resident Harrr Ba- ker, a leaseholder whose finan- cial plight has been documented in newspapers coast-to-coast told the crowd he has refused, to pay his increased payment of $67,000, reportedly up fi:om $1,600 a year. Bad salmon checks slated at markets Lusk • Ill Newport Beach resident and developer John D. Lusk will be h onor ed by tthe Orange County Council ot the Boy Scouts of A111erica at a luncheon Wednesday in Ana- heim. . The council, the sixth lar- gest in the .nation, will award Lusk the "Good Scout Award" for his years of ser- •The Orange County Sea Explorer Scouts will stage a vessel inspection and awards ceremony at the Boy Scouts Sea Base in Newport Beach Saturday. The event begins at noon with an inspection of the explorer-maintained sailing and power vessels by the U .S Coast Guard. .. vice with the scouting orga- n.iz.a ti on. Com~ Norm Crosby is scheduled to serve as the master of ceremonies at the ' luncheon, to be held at the Marriott Hotel in Anaheim. Tickets for the lu ncheon are priced at $100 per person. For informa tion, cal l 546-4990 .. At 2 p.m .. there will be a crew inspection and drill kompetition to be followed by an awards ceremony. A bar- beque dinner and dance is scheduled during early eve- ning hours. There iS a $ l.50 charge for dinner. The Sea Scout Base is lo- cated at 1931 West Coast Highway. A federal official says inspec- tors soon will begin spot checks at Southern Californfa ma'"kets to determine the effectiven~ of a voluntary recall of a canned Alaskan salmon that may contain botulism toxin. John Stovall, recall director at the Los Angeles office of the Food and Drug Administration, said officials are completing the process of tracking suspected cans through the nation's com- plex food distribution network. "We are just now getting to the retaJI accounts," Stovall said. Cans containing salmon packed at eight Alaska pla nts are sus- pected of being improperly con- structed. The suspected defects could permit the growth of bac- teria that produces botulism to- xin. Botulism can be fatal. Only one dea,,.th -that of a Belgian man -has been directly attributed to a defective salmon container. Stovall said a good deal of de- tective work has been involved in the FDA's attempt to track down all cans suspected of containing tainted salmon. He offered the following illu- stration: A lead distributor in Seattle may have sent 5.000 cases of salmon to a secondary distributor in Kansas City, which may have shipped goods to 10 grocery wa- rehouses throughout the country. The distnbutor may or may not be able to say which cases went to the individual warehouses. Fair through Friday knots and ocean swells !Mltween 5 and 7 feet. Coastal Small craft advlaory over 1,,e outer waters from POlnt ~­ tlon 10 San Nk:ol .. 111.,-,d due to northwe11 wlnda 15 to 25 knots with atronger-gusll tOdey Seu 4 lo 6 leel. El1ew,,ere westerly winds t 2 te 20 knoll afternoon end evening becoming moally Elsewhefe. winds Should be llg,,t and variable. bul predominantly weal to 1ou1,,we11 et 12 to 18 knota Friday atternoon. TM wee- t,, er men predicted morning clouds, 3 to 4 foot wlnd wa..,.. and 3-foot -tefly .-.1 Temperatures itifil ;;:c1 ~ /~ I~ night end ~w• ..... ,. .. vu•. neatefly •well 2 10 3 feel Moe11y CINt Alt>eny Albuque Amlttllo ~ .. At .. nte NATION Atlenlc Cty V.S. summary =~· Thund«910<m1 rumbled along In Bllhnga front ol en edvenclng cold front ~':m from ea11ern Nori,, Oekoll 10 Bolte C«1trlll K11nau \Oday, an<I "-• Bolton end tllvnderatorrM pour'9d rain on 8rownsvtle Mlnneeote and WllCOf\lln. Buttelo HMvy thund9rat0<m1 develoe>ed owr Olll8home eno Texu. end e Burllngton CU9W t.omedo touched down but did no ctuartstn SC demege In -1 Texu. WV Rain pr9Y1111ed lrom the nO<thlf'n Charllln Pectllc Coast lo -tern Wyoming C,,arllle NC and lh• nort,,ern RocklH. with . g=:,ne 1N1W In hlOI*. elrletlon1. · Cloclnrletl l9olated tnowerl end thunder1- tonn1 dolled the Sout,,Hll. end C..,_,..811<1 •lllH were CIHr from l,,e Ohio Clmble SC Vall•r. and OrHI LlllH to lh• ~~~h mldd • and northern Atlantic 0 yt Coat a on The. Netlonel WHlher Service g:;;om. f0<ecut1ece11ered1110wer1 end Detroit thu~ lrom Iha Weetem Oteet LAik• end upper Mlulnlppi DUiuth Velley to the centre! Gulf co .. 1 ~ Paeo end ov.r Soulh Dakota 1nd N•· ~ff bf~ -tiered ~ -· OtM1 Falla predicted ~ nonllerft Ftonda. =d Aelrl .,_.. -e eltl)eC1ed i.om IN nor1hetn Plldftc Co.I to the HonollfU nor1hern Rockie•, with anow In ~ ~=~ .. u rly 1odey Jecllen MS renged from 24 In Glen• Fella, = N.Y~ to IO In K.-r Weet, Fla. LM Vegae ·California Uttle Aoct. ~ L.ubbo<* 53 24 .24 79 42 87 41 74 54 .02 74 60 .08 63 32 85 66 .01 82 35 61 35 .03 75 59 .01 74 37 .07 55 30 .05 58 39 87 •76 48 31 51 30 68 34 78 84 71 39 n sa .12 72 34 S8 41 64 40 47 31 76 59 .14 60 35 87 88 .04 57 a3 78 39 72 55 50 30 49 S9 .oe 85 57 e3 47 59 29 43 28 .07 57 27 47 32 .20 s1 ea 78 71 61 41 &4 59 92 61 IO 82 78 51 11 eo 86 41 90 58 Memphis Miami Mllwauk .. Mpls-St.P NUhllllle New Orteen• Hew Yori< NorlOlk No Piette Okla City Omaha Orlan<lo Phlladphle Phoenix Plttat>urgh Piiand, Me Piiand, Ore Pr<Wldence Raleigh !\en<> Seit Liiie San .Anlonlo S..1tle = S1 Louie ' St P-T.mpa St Ste Marte Spok-Syreo.e Toe>eke Tuc:eon Tulle Wllhlngtn Wldllta 81 ~ 82 77 48 38 65 50 77 49 84 89 61 43 83 41 81 48 84 68 80 80 86 ea 43 38 68 60 67 3 1 51 25 48 37 80 32 75 48 57 $2 ea 49 88 86 48 38 • 81 84 77 55 ea 49 80 83 41 26 47 31 52 27 84 82 85 50 ea ea 84 44 83 &4 l.anculer Los Angeles Maty9vllle 09 Monterey Need tee 01ltland Puo Roblee Red Blul! .23 RedwOOd Clly Sacremen10 .03 Sellnu Sen Olev<> San Frenciaco Santa Barbera Senll Marie ·Slodcton .28 Thefmel Ukiah 04 B11111ow Big Bear Bl9hop Cetlllna 13 Long Beech Monrollla oe Ml. WlllOn NftP041 Beedl Onlllto Rlwrtlde .d 1 sen Bernerdlno San Gabriel sen .io.. Santa Crul Tahoe VeJWr 60 66 63 60 85 62 68 66 62 62 62 65 S8 84 85 66 84 56 75 56 73 66 66 64 M 86 81 81 81 81 &4 70 70 • 38 .30 46 Extended forecast 45 53 47 47 50 .05 39 .08 41 04 80 48 49 55 31 35 50 51 45 3l 52 45 46 47 47 64 54 5'l , · SURf RIPDRT SOUTHERN OA l lflORNIA COASTAL AND M OUNTAIN ARl!A8 -'air with HHOnal ••mPtf'alur•e. Hlghe t8 to 76 In 00.Cll end Y"'9y lf9M lll'!d IOwl 44 to 64. HlgN In~ 52 to .... e2 1nc1 1ow1 rnolltlY 30 to 40. . TOOAY , ~ high 1:111 p.m. u. l800flCI klw e: 11 p.M. a.o . .... y Ar'll ,. l;~l &.fft. u "'9t low t0:$ t a..rn. OA ...., ... ..,, '·"'· 8.4 ...., ... 10:J4 PAI\. I. 7 lun Mt• tMay at 1:14 p.lft., ,... ,......, • t:zt ...... MOOll ..... ..., • 11::11 I.fl\,, ... ,..... • to:n ... '!'- Wrecked sailboat Harbor Patrol job? A 28-foot sailboat that ran aground off Capistrano Beach Monday may have to be removed by the Dana Point Harbor Patrol because the boat's owner says he can't afford salvage costs. Dana Point Harbor Patrol Sgt. Dick Powell said he will give 68-year-old Steve Moore a few more days to salvage his ferro- cement boat, "Edith's Trip," be- fore the patrol removes the boat and bills Moore. Meanwhile, a harbor patrol spokeswoman indicated that pounding surf has taken 1ts toll on the seven -ton . hand-built Tax deadline at midnight WASHINGTON (AP) -The scene will be commonplace to- night: A weary American rushes t o the Post Office, drops an envelope into a collection box and breathes a sigh of relief. Once again. Mr. and Mrs. Taxpa:>'.er will have settled accounts with Uncle Sam. Midnight tonight is the dead- line for almost all couples and individuals to file their federal tncome-tax returns. If the past is any guide, perhaps 10 million or more of them will wait until the last minute to complete the chore sloop. She said the boat is brea- king up and may not be sal- vageable. The boat ran aground about 2 a .m . Monday morning when Moore became confused by the Dana Point harbor lights and believed he was off Marina del Rey. Moore and his 24 -year-old daughter, Crystal, were on a shakedown cruise before embar- king on a trip to Hawa11. 'Quiet' jets for Frontier Frontier Airlines announced this week that it will begin using new and less noisy McDonnell Douglas OC-9 Super 80 jetliners on £lights from John Wayne Airport, effective May 20. On that date, the airline's late morning flight to Las Vegas and Denver will utilize ao Super 80. Frontier will initiate Super 80 service on its early morning flight to Las Vegas and Denver on June I. Frontier is purchasing three of the $25 million aircraft to com- plement its present fleet of Boeing 737s. Frontier's Super 80s w1JJ have seating for 147 passengers. com- pared to 106 on the 737s. Crystal Cove to fight eviction order By JERRY HERTENSTEIN Of the Delly Piiot I t.ff Part-time residents of Crystal Cove say they wiU fight eviction notices that were tacked on the doors of their c:ottages or stuffed m matlboxes. The notK-es were distnbuted to 23 homes of the 45-home coastal haven between Corona del Mar and Laguna Beach shortly before noon Wednesday m a move that many IJvmg ther..-part-Ume said upset them The res1dent1al area, private since first constructed as a movie set m the 1920's, became part of the Crystal Cove State Beach purchased by the state in· t979 for $32.6 million. The state Le- gislature decided at that time part-time residents should be moved out to allow greater public access to the beach. The eviction notices state that th05C living there part-time must vacate by July 31. according to Russ Makley, lease manager who says he received a notice al- though he claims he is a fulltime resident. "I think it's a little unfair," said Art Donahue. a part-time resident who has a home in . Santa Ana. "I didn't find out about it until la s t night (Wednesday) when a reporter called my wife." Donahue said his son. Kevin. lives year around at Crystal Cove. Close-0.ut 0 off and more E VERYTHING IN OUR N EWPORT CENTER STOR E REDUCED T O CL EAR. OUR COMPLETE COLLECTION OF DA YT/ME DRESSES. COCKTAIL DRESSES, EVENING GOWNS, CLi\SSIC AND CONTEMPORARY SPORTSWEAR, LINGERIE, LOUNGEWEAR, ROBES, SH OES AND ACCESSORIES. SHOP MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY FROM 10:00 A.M. TO 6 :00 P.M . · J.OHN~OG.AN J l l, Ft\SHION ISL/\ND. NE\.-VPORT CENTER: 644· 7 JOO ' a ~· c Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Thursday, Aprll 15, 1982 Cities take sides • • 1n a primary race The R e publican primary battle l>l'twccn Nolan Frizzell\• a nd Duv1d Sills in the 69th As scmbly Distract is h~atlng up. Evt"n local office h olders arc taking s10<~ Many of those local off1ciuls, including a majority o f the city councils in Foun tain Valley, Costa Mesa and Irvine ond a m<.1jonty of the <.-ounty Board o f S upervisor::.. are s1dm~ with Sills They are saying that Friz - zelle, an optome tris t <.1nd longtl!T\l' Re publican activist, has failed to respond t o the nc·cd s of l oca l governme nt during his freshman term in the Le~1slature. Frizzelle r esponds that ht• hasn't sought the support uf lcxal 0Cf1c1als. n o r d oes he bellt'Vl' 1t appropriate to do so in a partisan ract. He was e lected two years ago from the 73rd Assembly Dis trict. defeating Democratic incumbent Dennis Mangers of Huntington &ach The d1 s tr1c t was reappor t1oncd and now 1s tht• tHhh. But the new district strNching across Irv ine. CostJ M c.•:-,a , Fountain Valley and into H unungtun &·ach includes much of th«> old 73rd and Fr1zzvl l e i s con s id ered the 1nt·umbcnt. Republican l eader s Cro m o tht•r parts of the state criticized S ills when the Irvine mayor an- nounn'<f h e w as going to challenge fo'rizi.elle . They argued that, b e - t·ause the 69th is believed to be a safe R epublican seat, a primary fight would be divisive and w ould drain party <:of(e rs of campaign funds that could bc put to better u s<' battling DC'mocrats in n ext fall's gt>neral e k'l't1on. forgotten, perhaps, was that Fnzzelll' was pla nning lo c h a l- lt'nge tht'n -asst•mblyman Robe rt Badham m the 1970 GOP primary Some Repubhcans who reme mber the1t di-fated effort say Frizzelk couldn't f ind e nough petiuoners lO s ign h is candidacy papers. Friz- zelle recalls 1t differe ntly. He says he d ropped out of the race lx'fore filing for the good of the party . Be that as it may , it's no te- wort h y that som e o f o ur loc<il C'll•ctt-d leaders ft•el s trongly e n - ough :i bo ut the S 1Jls-Frizwllc eonfrontat1on to choose sides two months beforn the June 8 pnm;;iry. The easit•r course for them to fol low would bc to stand clloo f and avoid the poss1b1hty o' 0Cfc·nd1'lg thl' evC'ntual winner Don't jump too soon Generally we would applaud any move by a city council Lu try to reduce bureaucracy. In the case of Costa M esa s upcoming decis io n n e xt M onday n ight to t'Onsider ending its parti- cipation in the Southern Califo r- nia Association o f Governments , popula rly known as SCAG, it isn't yet tha t apparent t hat there• 1s much to be gamed. Coun c ilma n Eric Johns on s uggested it may be like Jumping off a foundering ship before any lifeboats have lx't.0n located . SCAG was formed in 1965 to assist 128 m emlx·r L'1til•s in Orangt., Los Angeles. Rivers ide, San Bc1 - n ardino, ImpL·n al a nd VenturCJ t.'Ount1es in dea ling w ith lranspor talion. hous ing. en vironmental issues and othe r regional pro b l em s. While we d on't feel SCAG has lived up to its hopes and done grea t things fo r Cos ta Mesa or Orange County, the question 1s whether the dty would really do better out o{ ll Councilman Donn Ha ll, who proposed withdrawing from SCAG, argu es th a t it is "just another layer of unnecessary gov ernme nt" a nd that o the r gro ups already are providing th e services p rovided by SCAC Yet Hali says he would like to see f o r mat i o n o f a n ew "sub-regional" council in Orange County to better serve the city's interests. But tht•re already e xists an Orange County chapter of the California LeaguC' of Cities - which h as not been a ll that su c- cessful m promoting county or re - gion a l cooperation. And past e f - forts to form the type of g ro up H all suggests have failed misera- bly. It m ay well be that ll ts lime tu rebuild a nd reform SCAG. It may cover l<XJ broad an area for real common interest a nd actio n , cind 1t may. as h as been grumbled. be too dommated by Los Angeles uty and t-ounty And 11 could bf· thC:lt Costa MeS<J's w1thdrnwal. coupled with som e seven o ther c 1t1es in the county that have withdrawn in recent years, could be the s h ock treatment that forces SCAG to n :o rganize and shape up its act better Some• of the citic>s that withdrew, however. a re said to be> considering returning to SCAG. Going 1t a lone, Costa Mesa 1s hardly in a position to wie ld much dout anywhe r e, in Sacramen to, Was hington o r ~ven in Orange County lf the city wants to pur- su e a sub-r£>gional group idea ll probably w o uld be wise to s tay with 'the ship (membership 1n SCAG is only $1,000 a year) until 1t can find a better one . Otherwise, Costa M esa could fmd itself swunming alone m some cold and s hark-infested waters. Boost for education In the coming months in New- port-Mesa Unified School District trus tees will b e considering a number of recomme ndations made by the Educational Resoun·es Advisory Committee. The g r o up o f pare nts and teache rs worked n <'arly 10 months pre paring the report that included recommendations on c urriculum During a recent s tudy session Deputy Superintendent Norma n Loats said that the district would like to see many o f ERAC's rec - ommendations adopted. C hief amon g them was an increase in high school graduation require m e n ts from 200 to 220 units ( ERAC recomme nded 230) and an in crease of 70 minutes to the m - s trut·tional day for stu dents in grades 1. 2 and 3. District officials also said they w ould like to st>e ho m e work as- sign ments en couraged, a seven- per iod day establis h ed for all middle school s tudents, creation o f • extended day care. and the addi- tion of a number of e lectives m t h e middle schools District o fficials o rig ina lly so1d that 1t would cost $2. l million to imple ment all of the ERAC committee's suggestions. Aud although the district did not d ecide to adopt a 11 o f the committee recommendations. it dtd agree wi th many of them. Loats said he b e lieves the dis trict can add m ost o f the recommendations at a cost of only $25,000. We wis h him well Whe ther or not district offi- cials can do what they and the committe«> would like remains to be seen. The most important eleme nt 1s that pare nts and teachers got involvPd and sh owe d that they could make a dltfcrence in th<' typP of education students in the Newport-M esa district will re- c.'e1ve. Opinr01·1s expressed In the space above are those of the Daily Pilot. Other 111ews ex· pres'!.ed on tn1s page are ltlose ot their authors and arl 1sts Reader tomment is 1nv1t ed. Address The Dally Piiot, ·p 0 . Box 1S60, Costa MeScl, CA 92626 Pl'lone 1714 1 641~·4321 • ORANGE COAST Daily Pilaj Thomas P. Haley Publisher Thomas A. Murpftiu Ed itor Barb.lra krelblch Editorial Page Editor Argentina eyes Antarctica WAS HINGTON Thl' ArgL•ntrne 111vas1on of tht• Fcilkland Islands mav bl- a warmup for a futurE' J..Sault nn Ant- arc·llt'<I But 1wxt ttnil!, US U1b rn .. v lw tramJX,'<i on - Sl'<.TPt CIA documents point out thut the eond1t1ons which lt'<.i to thl!> month' Argt·nt11w ..iggression 111 th<• South At- lantll· apply l'Vl·n morl' '>trongly to Ant ar('llca. ( J) a n 'ported abundance of oil . (2) thP dt•s1rt• to chvt•rt tht• public's at- lt•nt1un frorn du11wst1t· ... tnfl'. 1:H a long- -:.tandrng ll•g<tl ddlm, and 14) nat1unal prtdl TH E CIA PAPERS g1w thts 1.iatk ground un th<· Falklands furor. t\n c11l thirsty Ar~ent1na ho~ "to Jay the 00:.1:. for <J t·lu1m 10 oil de po:.1ts bel11•vt'd l<1 <->.bl llt'JI t hl' Falkland:," <ind. at th(· -.anw tllllt'. to c1c•att· "a UM·ful da\'t•rswn from donit·SllL 1urmo1l " Al'lot<ling tu tht• CIA . .i Britis h rl's- ean·h tL•;1m, attracted by the sc.•t:nt 111 oal. made .1 foray into. F'aikl,ind wall'rs in l 976 A':> th<:' British a ppr oath<·d tht• islands, "a sent•s oJ 1ntL'rl'l•ptcd naval eommunica11ons (ind1<:all'd that) ara Ar gl•n11m· d C's troyer sought tu halt th<· Br111sh n•se<1rch ves.wl ShaL k I Non nt>..tr th1• 1!1.l:tnd~ and 1hreate11l'd to frn· mto 1~ hull wlt1•11 tht• Shat·klcton r<'fust·d to mmply · This inc1dt•nt on thl' high <;<:as was J prl•lud<' to toda) s Rnush -Ar~t·nllm :,hC)wdown UVL't tht• Fnlklands. £xpla1n~ th" CIA . Argl·ntana has "n•lus..'d to n~· 11gn1H· British sovL·rc1gnt y OVC'r th1· Falklands, and thl· <'c•ntury-old d1sputt· Ii.is hc•t 11 mac.Ji · w1ir~· by Argt•nunc• -:.u' Q -JA-CK-A-ND-IR-SO-N -d p1t·11111' that tlhe Bnttsh havt: bl·t'n l'X· plur111g 1111) 1111 deposit~ 111 the an·~1 " Thl'l l' h:.ivt> lx'<.'n s1m1l.ir tension:::. uvt 1 I h ~· A n I a r c I a • R l' I d ti· s t h , • C l A "Ov<•rlapprng da1ms of the Unnc<l Kingdom. Argl•nun::. ,111d Cht!P .it tlw Antarctic pt·n1nsuld lhdvt·) spark1·d mul'11 pol1ucal ht•cJl and .. n h•os t onu l.'V"n ~unfl-fii' .. - Thl· Un11ed St.all''" \\ htdl t·>.µ1111 l'll th1 lrown l'OIHIJ'U.'nt in tht 182Us, has mun • riKht than the utht·r c:ld1mants tu tht• A11tan·t1t· But instead of cl<11011ng th1· l11nd, thL· United Statt·s sought to rm·d1Jtt· till' d1sµUtt• allU JX'l'Suadt•d thl' flV<llS lo -,1gn ..1 1!:15\J tr t•<tty tt•rnpor<1nly settrng ,1s1d1· thPtr tla1m .... N1·H0rtlwk ''· Argt•rllllld has rnnttnUt'<l 111 ;.1s.,1·1 t -.11\t·n ·1gnty ovc•r a por1111n of 1\11tan-llc.<1 ;ind h.1-. bob tt•i t·d IL'> da1m In pL0rlurm1ng m.irn..igt·-:. :ind tly111g 1nt·g nant "'om<'n th..rl' tu g1v1· birth to Ar ~1·nt1rw t·1t1z<·ni' o n tht' d1sputt•d tt·1·11 tm' S1•crct Whitt• Ho use dcx:unwnt:-.d:-.u pu111t out that "Argentina gt-0grJphlt'.illy do1111natrs th<· ocean routt'S lx•twt•t·n tin ~outh AllJnla t and P.it 1f1 t Ot't•.111~ Wt rt· tht: Panam;i Con.JI not opcr..Jbll• w ..JV:Jil<iblt'. or tn tht> t•vt·nt of a protraclL'<l war. this route• Wt>ul<l h.ivc• J high stratl!glt' 1mponanl't' " My ClSSO<.'IJlt• D<1IL• Van Att<1, who 11 < t·ntly v1s1tc.·d AnU:lr('lit·a, found that Ar gentina has bl't'n Cor<.'t•ful Ill JJll'"-'111g 1ls tt·rntoraal d<11ms The Argu1t11ll' JUr\lJ h.1~ bP<'n ... u mulatc·d no doubt b y thl· d1sc.0Vl'I y of rwh oil and m1m rul d<:pc,:.lls 1>1l tht• 1t·y l'Ollttnc.•nt GIVEN Tiil': SAME rnn·nllVt'S toat lt·d to lhP ralklan<ls advlnturc .. thl· Ar ).{l'nt1nt· gt·rn:rals m.1y t•Vt·ntually dl'<.'ldt to rx.LU!J) th<' Anwn:t1t· pt•11ini.ul.1 inwl l1g<·nc.-t> :.ouN.~ ..,u~~l Anv ..m-h mm:r v.uuld hav• w overrun a JX.'I n1.il\l'l1t U S base st.affrd by S<.'IC'nllsts. The ~Tl't White HoUSt.' JXIJ>l'I s u1 gl• ·a com:e rted d1plomat1<.: effort to rc•aL·h s o m e a g r c o m e n t w 1 t h A r g t· n t1na . SuC'h an l"ffort l'ould pos· ;,1bly ht:'c.td off wh<it othPrWISl' m1J.:hl b<:comc.• a d1Vt!.IVl' (issue) wh"h would ad v c r s t' I v a f ft• t· t t h t' l· x < t· 11 l' n 1 U S -Argc-ni1m t'OC>pt•ratwn in Ant.•rt lll rL·sear('h and log1st1t·~. ur might hav1· < v._•n more :.l'fl• 'us consc-qut•nt·<'~ Im uur rdat1on!>" Fonda may help us understand aging To tht? Editor. Tht· last week o f M:1rch was an eventful W<'ek for tht> film 1ndus1rv Amid the glamour and c•nNgy of th<.· Acadr·my A wards came• a touching hu man PVPnt ft was with u111vt:'rsal ap- plause and gratitude that lhl· award for outstanding ac:h1C'vement m the best ac- tor c·atcgory was bestowl'd on Hc.·nry Fonda His outstanding performance m "On Goldl•n Pond" mirrored a time in our lives wh1c:h is so often not looked upon with warmth, caring a nd un d£>rst.mding Tht• td£>v1s1on cameras fo- cused in on Mr Fonda in a ll•ss than enl'rgeuc state· of ht>alth tr> record has rc•ac·llon to a<·h1c•vrng tlw award H as rc<1ction, c1s cJlways. was honest, direct, and complcwly chara('tN1st1c of Henry Fonda. However, 1t was mtt·resttng what tht• public and the newsbroadcasters saw There was considerable d1scusswn that followc'<i on whelher 1t w~ c:ons1dera1R to have this gentleman exposed to the public at a <lebilit.ated time in his hfe . ThC're was d1scuss1on over the possible mappropriatC'ness of this lt'l£'Cast. But, how appr6pna te it was, not only con- sidering the role which we had just commended. but as an honC'St display of a period of growth m the process of his hfe. Why shou ld the obvious hearing impairment, gcntlen<'SS of speech, pa le clear f eatures and de hberatPness of m oveme nt bC' seen as an y thing but a normal, natural process in the stages of growth of human beings? IT IS A paradox of our culture that we accept a nd reward the portrayal of the m mmg o f age on the scr~n or in the theate~ut, when 1t is brought into the pers~e of reality, it becomes a ron- troversial issue as to the .arpropriateness of sharing this time in one s life with the same public family that has been &hating your life for so many years. The deta- ched audience 1s able to accept depressed stages m the hves of actors as long as these st.ages are not perceived as reality. It 1s difficult for all of us to observe loved ones and individuals we admire in a less than e nergetic state. But, perhaps the more we arc exposed to the normal and sometimes trying stages of life, we will begin to grow ourselves in our ability to care, understand, and deeply love re - gardless of the extent of loss we may feel. Perhaps Henry Fonda will teach us about our fears, our concerns and our sometimes limited views of the stages of ll(e BETTY McMICK.EN, M.A. CCC Speech P3thologist VNA Hoap1~ Advt.80ry Council Willing to fight To the Editor: YQur editorial reiardln'l_the Arl(en- t ine occupa t ion o f t he •o-called Falkllnd Ialands is unrealistic and mis· leading You forget to potnt out \hat th Wancb were 1iaaurped from Araontln~ sov~· H•1gn1~ in llU:j Th<' dc•re~li>ss Argen line.• govPn11r ,ind c1vli1un puµul.ll1<)n wt·n· hru1~11 . .,, l'Xpt•lh:d from their uwn lt•rl'ltorv b" thl' Onll'>h navv in ,, lY!Jllal . it t ul pint< v dnd rolon1.i hsm t\1 gt·ntuw·~ <illemp~ o l p1·.11 .. rul m got1<1t1uns \\ ll l 1gnon•d lor O\ 1 1 ,, hun dn·d vc·~1r. A n·solutmn from the ln1c·r MAILBOX n.1t1unal Jund1cal Comrrnlll'<' of the· U N 111 I 9i tJ cst.1bll!>ht'<I tht.• islands bt•long to Argt•nllt\d. but E11~l..ind still rel u&•d to tJlk JOoUl II Let's fat•t. thl• truth Tht· British arl' fighting again:-.t th1•1r uwn dl'ttsd<.•nc·y ThPy dedtnt' to Jl'<.'t·pt thC' old umes of I ht· British 1mpt"r1urn an· gorw. Th1·1r n,avy has traded pr11Tlll1VC VC'SSE'b for nucle.ir submannc•s and carnl'rs but the 1r lTC'WS are •mil the !.ame piratc·s A rgen tan a 's Pres1den t Galt1eri has been clear m his message to President Rc•agan: "Time has run out." We will not to lC'ra te th e· Britis h colo nialis m any lungN a nd we arl.' wlihng to fight to dl'fC'nd our nghts ALEJANDRO TELLO .1irline 's gall To the Edi tor. In complete defiance of virtually evl"rv r egulatory c1gency Pacific SouthwL•st A1rhnes is going to double its number of daily flights from Orange County Air- port What unm1t1gated gall! By thlS d1 - rl'ct challenge to the residents of New- port Beach PSA 1s thumbing its nose a l the entire Orange County Airport pro- blem. The only intelligent and appro- priate response is a total and immedlatl' boycott of PSA throughout the statl' Let's fly anything but PSA and w1pt:> that smirk off thetr face RlCHARD M FOXX Boyd wrong To 1 he F.di tor· L.M . Boyd was in error March i9 when he wrote that Oliver Cromwell was the only ruler or England who was neither a king nor a queen. Cromwell's son Richard also ruled as Lord Protector, ~!belt Ineffectively, from Sept. 1658 to May 1659. BILL BETTS Legislators fail To the Editor: The current ecrort to qualify an in· IUatlve to establish a legislative reap- pon.lonmcn\ commttlion ls only the moll • L•t•t ,,..,. .....,.,...,._,~,.,,. T,_ ,..,.I t•c ..... ,_i.t l'ft\ lf'I .. -· ., tllmlMI• llMI '' ,._,... t.9ltff'\ .. MO •••H 01 I•\\ •111 De Q!•tfl ... lttf41<t 411 Milt" "'"'' '" ,,,.., ,,.,...,.., •• .., lf•••"llt •-•u -... ,.._, _, " .,.,,,,,..,II.,. ·-•• '' Wfltcoonl •••'6ft '' -•tflt ,.._.,, .... 11 ........... .,.... l ttl .. , .... , .. , ... .,_.. .. W1 ... ""'"'' -.,.,.. -91 tlW t •H4¥ .. _.,. .. f l""' It• ........ ,..,. ..... ~ r<.'<.·ent s ign of tlw t•ontmumg failure of the L(·g1slaturt· tu transn·n<l poht1cJl p<1rt1sansh1p <md govern m th<• publil' m tL•rest Tt as 1ro111c that the Republican Party . which tr;1d1lw11ally has oppoN..'<i burC'aU· t'l'.H1c dnd JU(i1c1al transgrt'S::>mns on the legt.'\lallvt• sphcrl'. has JOined with Com mon Caust· the primary lobbyist for lhl· tTeatu m of c•lt><:llon comm1ss1011s in tht-n ·apport10nmc.·nt {'ampa1gn THE fNITIATIVE p1ot·1•ss, orag1nall~ dl'Vl!>f'd ,, .1 .111, for t·uuntt·rat·11ng control h~ "I" interests c;uch c1' thl' Southl'rll I .• II 1{.11lroad OVl'r the Ll'- g1slatun· h..1~ • "· tht• primary mt.'ans by which m. \l t1cal issues are de- wrmined T ..i tl'x1 ng. the Penphl'ral Canal. and n 1s in C'rimmal proc.·t.'Clure are only ;1 t. ,1 the issues on tht• June ballot tha• .noulci properly have been addreswd .1y t lw lt·g1Slat.ors. F<•w voters havt' suCf1u<·n1 111111 or expertl.St' to ren- der informt'<:I Judgments on most 1nitia- t1ve mc·asures Tht·1r success or failure 1·onsequ(•ntly Llt•pl·nd~ not on n•asoned debate but on high fmant•e<l mass-media advertising l'ffor ts The framers or our systt•m of govem- men t never 1 n tende<l 11 to bl· on<:' Ill wh1<·h L<;sUl'S of public polil·y were to be de termined by mass pupul.ir vote or une!('('tc'<:I <.-omm1ss1ons. Tht-st lrt'nds are a direct function of the detl11w of res- ponsible repr<'St'nU1uvc' governmt•nt. BlLL CHOSBY Navy dinosaurs To the Editor. Mr. Dinger (Mailbox, April I) couldn't be more correct 1n his Judgme nl on battleship conversions. As a "battleship sailor" during WW2 I am painfully aware of lheir vulnerability compoun- d e d when one con siders the hi-tech weaponry available today 1 suggest renaming the New Jersey the Jersewsaurus novus. It is living proof that the age of dinosaurs is not over and that Neanderthals roam the corridors of the Pentagon, as they have since the days of BiUy Mitt·heU. J W REID lillllY GUI How can Coost Community College Di- strict own hall of \he 28 oetu that lhe M sa l'Ondo proj<.-ct needs and yet pa- rfnll hav(" to raise private fu nds lor th lr childl'('n to have remedial l"Cfldlna PrtliN~? MA o .... ,._,_..re ........,..,~ .... WI ...._,"',...._, ................... , ........ ... ,,..... • ..._, ... Oeillf"""' • P' THURSOA Y, APRIL 1 '>. 1982 OR ANGE COUNTY . CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS Cause of fire West Mesa area unknO'Wn Grand jury backs Newport Beach fire investiga- ton, still unsure what triagered a . $400,000 blaze that gutted a Bal-· boa hotel th.la week, have ruled out aa a cause a small chemical lab diacovered in one room. flood protect.ion Firemen, digging through the charred remains of the Bay View Hotel, reported earlier this week they had come across more than 150 gallons of DSMO, a cleaning solution popular as an externally applied medicine. Investigators said they've since determined that the chemical is not flammable. Firemen have not ruled out arson but said nothing points to that at this point. The fire, which broke out du- ring the early morning hours Monday and took 35 firemen more than three hours to ex- tinguish, left 19 guests -all full-time residents at the hotel - homeless. By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL or ttie Oe11J Hot ,..., The Orange County Grand Jury, in a report released today, gave strong endorsement to a massive plan to improve flood protection along the course of the Santa Ana River. A repo rt by the U.S . Army Corps of Engineers, cited by the Grand Jury, noted that danger areas include Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley and west Costa Mesa. Referring to a report prepared by the Corps of Engineers, the jury said, ''The corps . . . states that the potential of flooding of the Santa Ana River Flood Plain i.s the greatest flood hazard west of the M~issippi. The displaced tenants, who had been provided free lodging at a nearby Balboa hotel, Wed- nesday said they are seeking new quarters. Investigators said they're un- certain who the owner or owners of the Palm Avenue building may~. • Delly f'tlot Photo by Pettk:ll O'DclrlMll IN THE B~G -Committee of 4 ,000 leaders Barbara Armtader (left) and Barbara Young hold bags of money col- lected for the ir lawsuit against the Irvine Company. "There is no way to predict when Orange County could e x- perience one of the most de- vastating floods in United States history." The corps has been backing a plan for major improvements along the river, including recon- struction of the existing river ch~el and raising the height of the Prado Dam in Santa Ana. Canyon near Corona. City officials said the aging structure has been under rede- velopment .pressure recently and that a local firm had filed plans to convert the building into an office and retail shop complex. Offmals also said the redeve- lopment plan has been tempora- rily shelved because of negotia- ting differences. Wambaugh fires up Colllrnittee of 4,000 The initial $1 billion plan cal- led for construction of a second dam in the Mentone-area of San Bernardino County. However, boards of supervi- sor s in Orange, Riverside and San Bernardino counties are now backing a scaled down $654 mil- Uon plan to make downriver im- provements while studies conti- nue on the controversial propos- ed dam at Mentone. Parking fees at colleges hiked to $10 Semester parking fees for stu- dents who drive to Golden West College in Huntington Beach and Orange Coast College in Costa Mesa have been doubled from $5 to $10. Action increasing the fees came Wednesday night by the . Coast Community College Board of Trustees. The $10 fee for per-semester parking on the college lots will begin this fall. The old $5 fee was char~ed for the first time during the current semester. Previously, parking had beeh tree. Fee increases will also apply to students who park at the five converted elementary school campuses operated by Coastline College. District officials say the fee increase is needed to offset the cost of maintaining campus par- king lots. College officials say that as a result of the parking fee, the di- strict can save funds formerly allocated to parking lots and use them for educational programs. The fee increase was approved Wednesday by a 3 to 2 vote, with trustee William Kettler, Richard Olson and Robert Humphreys in favor, and George Rodda, Jr. and Carol Gandy opposed. The district expecta to receive $312,000 per semester from the Golden West fees, $425,000 per semester from Orange Coast parking, and $100,000 per se- mester from Coastline -all un- der the increased $10 parking fee. NATION By STEV"-" MARBLE Of the OellJ Not Slaff Committee of 4,000 leaders. in a public muscle-flexing demon- stration that drew more than 1,- 000 people Wednesday, asked members for support and money to bolster their fight against the Irvine Company over leasehold land. The hit of the evening rally at the Marriott Hotel in Newport Beach was policema.n...author Je>- seph Wambaugh, a Linda Isle resident, who drew cheers when he described the Irvine Company as ''dumb and greedy." "l 'm not going to let these carpetbaggers screw me out of my money because it was too hard to come by," said Wam- baugh. "One day there's going to ~ a tremendous judgment (legal award) against the Irvine Company," he predicted, adding, "and I want a piece of it." Wambaugh, who left quickly after his brief talk, said he has been involved in several lawsuits during his literary career. "I pick my shots carefully and I've been around enough to know that this one (lawsuit) is a winner," he told a reporter as he left Wednesday night's procee- dings. The lawsuit against the deve- lopment firm was filed by four Newport families who are at- tempting to have it recognized in court as a class action suit so other residents can join. Attorney David Grant, a Newport resident, told the crqwd that lawyers hope to have the suit certified as a class action by mid-sununer. Grant said lawyers represen- ting the families have obtained a deposition from former Irvine Company President Ray Watson. Grant asserted that it ''is an im- portant piece of evidence." The quarrel centers on the appraised value of land residents in Newport and Irvine lease from the Irvine Company. Residents CHICAGO (AP) -President Reagan, int.errupted by demonstrators protesting the arms race and his budget priorities, propoeed today to let moat parents claim tax credits to help aend their children to private 1ehools. Take it with you Cty dwellers need a machine to provide familiar urban eounds -argulna neighbors, loud music, traffic -to lull them to sleep-when they are in rural areas. Page A7. STATE .. JOINS SUIT -Author Jo- seph Wambaugh described the Irvine Company as "dumb and greedy" in a talk before leasehold protesters. pay 6 percent of the land value annually to the d evelo pment firm. The leases are readjusted pe- riodically and leaseholders asked to pay 6 percent of the current value of the land. It is the readjusbnent process that has triggered the cries of protest. Residents complain an- nual lease payments of $1,500 are ~ing pushed up to $30,000 and higher. Attorney Grant said former oompany leader W.atson has told them when he was at the helm, the policy on leases was to let residents share "50-50 in the ap- preciation" of land. Grant said the "new'' lrvine Company management changed the policy "deciding money is more important than people." Irvine Company spokesman (See 4,000, Paae A2) COUNTY Fluor flees 'I ire' In ad di ti on to endorsing the flood plan, the jury recommen- ded that county officials develop a ''flood warning plan.'' "Despite the potential property damage and loss of life, there is no flood warning system in the lower Santa Ana River Flood Plain," the jury said. "The large area of Orange County which would ~ affected. and in which approximately one million people reside, includes the entire river area ~low Prado Dam, primarily all of Anahe im, Masked thugs hit bar in Costa Mesa Two men wearing stocking masks and armed with a sawed off shotgun forced seven people in a Costa Mesa bar Wednesday night to hand over their cash before herding them into a ba- throom. police said. Police Lt. Tom Durham said the two gunmen e ntered the back door of Vicki's lounge, 1791 Newport Blvd. shortly before 11 p.m. Five male customers, a woman customer and a female bartender were ordered to the floor and to throw their wallets out in front of them. Durham said $250 was taken Crom the customers and the cash register. The two masked gunmen de- scribed only as ~ing in their late 20's or early 30's yelled obeceni- ties and told their victims they would "blow their heads off" if they didn't follow orders. Fluor Corp. employees evacuated safely from a "fire" in the firm's glass tower in Irvine. Fire officiala said the firefighting drill went smoothly. Page Bl. 'Archie' comes to Newport Television's .. Archie Bunker" ii geU:ing a reetau- rant in real life; Carroll O'Connor plana to open a di- ning establishment in NewporJ Center. Pa,e CG. Valley students aid votins. Sixfy eeventh and e,hth IJ'ade ltUdenta flU:I\ a Fount.aln Valley ICbool helped 8't out the vote in a coundl election. P-ae C8. I Stanton, Garden Grove, West- minster, Fountain Valley, Hunt- ington Beach, west Santa Ana, west Costa Mesa, west Orange, and portions of Seal Beach and Cypress. "The most vulnerable of these are Fountain Valley, Huntington Beach, west Costa Mesa and west Santa Ana. "Should the river revert to Its historical boundaries during a flood, it would spread over a wide area, par ticularly at its mouth." The river empties into the Pacific Ocean on the Hunt- ington Beac h -Newport Beach boundary. The jury said county officiala should undertake a public in.for- mation campaign to alert resi- dents in potential flood a.reaa "of the necessity for the completion of a flood protection project." And it said the county tax ool-(~ FLOOD, Page A!) ,.,..,...... CIRCUS TRIO -First lady Nancy Reagan enjoyed Ringling Brothers Barnum & Bailey Circus Wednesday with Melissa Herzig, 6, (left), and Mathew Lockhart, 8, during perfor- mance in Washington, D.C. Haig heads south • • on peace m1ss1on WASHINGTON (AP) -Se- cr etary of State Alexander M. Haig Jr., under growing pressure to find a compromise in the Falkland Islands crisis, is making another try at defusing what he called an ''xceptionally difficult and exceptionally dangerous problem." Haig left Washington today on the 16-hour flight to Buenos Aires, his second trip to the Ar- gentine capital since he began his peace-seeking mission April 8. He has twice visited London on his shuttle. In London, meanwhile, British defense officials told Prime Min- ister Margaret Thatcher that INDEX Ann Landers B2 Movies B7 Mutual F\tnds C6 National News A3 Public Notices B4,C6,D3 Sporta Cl-4 Dr. St.eincrohn B2 Stock Marketa CT Televilion B6 Thee ten 87 Weather A2 World News A3 SPORTS elements of the 31-ship Argen- tine fleet may ~ sailing in the direction of the Falklands. The officials said that most of the Argentine navy was still in port, but that "some elements of the Argentine fleet" may be lea- ving port "and in that case we would expect them to sail south," toward the Falklands. The officials said they doubted the Argentine ships would "risk breaching" the war :r.one Britain established around the islands, but predicted the ships "may . . . sail close to the Argentine main- land and even skirt the maritime exclusion r.one in an attempt to (See FALKLAND, Page A%) At Your Service Erma Bombeck L .M. Boyd Bust-e• Califomia A4 B2 A6 C6-7 A5 B2 Cava.Jcade Oustfied c.omiai Cro.word Death Notioe.9 Editorial F.nt.ertainment liorolcope Dl.D3-7 D2 D2 D3 A6 B7 B2 F~et inonez! wordJ work OYW fer' the laXlllCf ~t in a row came away With two wtna. P.,. Cl. • .. Orange Coast DAll.Y PILOT/Thuraday. Aprll 16, 1982 N Al .;----------------------------------------------------------------------------...;,_------------------~ WOOUJ[OO Only 10 • survivors found No other life seen in Mexican villages burie d by volcano AP Wlfeptloto STATE STAMP -Gov. &Jmund G. Brown Jr. unveils a new U.S . postage stamp honoring the state bird and flower, the California quail and the California poppy. PICH UCALCO, Mexico (AP) -An army patrol reached three more villages on the slopes of the C hlnchonal volcano and found two women and eight children alive in one of them. But a Red Cross worker who accomparued them said they were unable to determine if any o f the other villagers w ere buried in their huts or escaped. "Where there were once houses and trees, it now looks like a great desert," Jose Claudio Martinez said Wed- nesd ay night after returning with the patrol from a two-day trek to the villages of Guayabal, Guadalupe Victoria and El Vol- can. CAIRO, Egypt (AP) -Five Moslem fanatics were executed in succession at dawn today at a remote army base for the assas- sination of President Anwar Sa- dat, military legal officials re- ported. Two army men died be- fore a firing squad, and three civilians were hanged within h ours after Sadat's successor. President Hosm Mubarak. rejec- Wd a plea lbr mE:rcy, the officials sald . J E R USALEM (AP) -High- level American . Israeli and Egyptian 0Hic1als met in Jerusa- lem and Cairo today to try to clear up snags threatening to delay Israel's return of the rest of the Sinai peninsula to Egypt on April 25. U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Walter J . Stoessel met for two hours with Prime Min- ister Menachem Begin and Fort'- ign Minister Yitzhak Shamir and said he was "optirrustic for a good out.come." WASHINGTON (AP) -The Senate has narrowly defeated a resolution that would have reaf- firmed a 20 -year -o ld p olicy pledging the United States to prevent Cu ban ad venturism in the Western Hemisph ere by military force 1f necessary But the prime mover of the resolu- tion, Sen. Steven Symms, R- Idaho, sa1d ht• will continue has fight in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee -wh~·rc opponents said he should have taken it in the first pince. Tht.> measure ec.·hoes the words of a resolution that was approved hy Congress and signed by President John F'. Kennedy on Oct. 3, 1962 when Washington and Moscow were facing off over the prescn<.·c· o f Soviet nudear m1sssles an Cuba lt says, in part. that "tht' UnttC'd States 1s dt'termmcd to prl'Vl'nt by whatever means may bt' nc>ees.sary, including the use of arms, the· Marxist-Leninist rc·- g1mc in Cuba from extending by force or threat of force its :fg- gn·ssiv(' or subversive activities to any part of. this hC'm1sphere." WASHINGTON (AP) ln .. bn•ak with President Reagan 's pol11:1es on El Salvador, tht• l'hairman of thf" &.·natt.> Foreign Relations Committee and thrt>l' other mo<forat(• senators an• ur- ging "mc<tntngful negot1atwns" with leftist guerrillas to end the Salvadornn civil war The• four S<.'Oators c:alled for negotiations in a letter ~·nt to Secretary of Staw Alexander M . Haig Jr two weeks ago. The lt>tter has not bc't.'n made publil· but 1t:. c'OntenL<> were described w Tht-Assoc1aWd Press. MOSCOW (AP) Soviet Pre- sident Leonid l Brezhnev, out of public vww for three weeks, 1s stiU resting. a senior SoVJet offt- c 1 a I said today "Leonid llych Brezhnev is on has rest that is usual for thtS time of year," Ni- kolai Bfokhin, president of the Soviet Academy o f M edical Sciences, told a news c:onference on Soviet health tSSUt.'S. Blokhin made the statement In reply to a question about the health of the 75-year old SoviN leadl•r, but he gave no details BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) Lebanon's h1ghc..>St M~lem leader <:<tlll·d for a ceast.• fire between warring Mo:.lem m1lit1as as the toU in thr<.'<' dc.ys of fighting in Beirut and southern Lebanon c:ltmbed to 42 dead and 138 wounded The battlC' in Beirut's Moslem se<:tor sub~idcd shortly before noon today, but intermit- u•nt sniping and sporadic mortar explosions kl'pl tension high. Indiana bridge collapse kills 12 EAST CHICAGO, Ind. (AP ) - A free-standing section of high- way bridge collapsed today as construction workers were pou- ring concrete. killing at least 12 people, injuring 15 and trapping four others under the wreckage, authorities said. "All I remember was there was a loud noise and then it started coming down," said Robert Gilbert of Gary. who was working nearby. "People started to holler and then I ran." The accident happened at the Cline A venue Extension, an overpass that was to span the Indian Harbor Ship Canal bet- ween East C h icago and Ham- mond. Authorities said 450 fee t of the steel and concrete bridge collapsed in two parts and fell 50 {"ttt to the construction site be- low. Graves a fraud The suit, which also seeks $250,000 in actual da-- mages and $1 million in punitive damages from each of five de- ' ~endants, w as filed Wednesday HOUSTON (AP) Lawyers against Acme, Ms. Graves, Acme for five paternal heirs to the vast stockholde r G len David Bour- fortune of Howard Hughes said a land, both of Los Angeles, Stan- $5.25 million damage suit filed ley Dubrin of Anaheim, Calif., against four Californians and a and Harold Mallett of Canoga Nevada corporation is a warning Park, Calif. to others who may claim to have found a will written by the wealthy recluse. Attorneys for the five cousins declared heirs to half of Hughes' estate asked Harris County Probate J udge Pat Gregory to brand an alleged will found by Acme International Corp . President Martha Jo WASHINGTON (AP ) -The nation's industrial production dropped 0.8 pe rcent in March, the seventh decline in eight months and a new sign that the recession is not yet e nding, a Federal Reserve Board repor~ Chino prison actions p r obe d R eports say double m urderer 'taken on shopping trips' LOS ANGELES (AP) -The state has placed the associate supenntendent of the California 'In.stituuon for Men in Chino on administrative leave while offi- cials investigate reports th.at a double murderer was taken on shopping trips away from the prison. Phil Guthrie, spokesman for the state Department of Cor- rections, said Wednesday that Charles Wilcots was put on leave the day before pending the out- come of th e probe. "There as a potential of disciplinary action against other employees," Gu- thrie said. SA N DI EGO (AP) -In a move blamed on a weak tuna market and a slow national eco- nomy, Bumble Bee seafood can- nery will close indefinitely in late May. the Honolulu-based parent firm of CasUe & Cook said W ed- nesday. The San Diego plant employs about 900 workers and processed about 40,000 tons of fish per year, mostly Bumble Bee brand tuna and Figaro cat food. Castle & Cook canneries in Honolulu and P uerto Rico will remain in operation, the company said. LOS ANGELES (AP ) -An inmate who says Sirhan Sirhan told him he would kill Sen. Ed- ward Kennedy if he got out of prison has now been accused of forging a letter about himself from author Joseph Wambaugh to the state parole board. Wam- baugh, a former police detective, says he never wrote the letter .urging the Board of Prison Terms to parole Lawrence Eu- gene Wilson, the Los Angeles Times reported today. Wilson, serving a life sentence for a 1973 murder in Anaheim, lS one of the 20 people District Attorney John Van de Kamp had scheduled to testify this month in his attempt to cancel Sirhan 's 1984 parole date. ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat CIH11fted adYeftfling 7141842-5171 All ottt.r department. 542-4321 SACRAMENTO (AP) -The showcase bill of the Senate De- mocrats' plan to revive the hou- sing industry barely got over its first committee hurdle . And it may not have gotten that far if the Democratic leadership hadn't replaced a wavering committee member with the bill's author. It happened Wednesday night to SB1862 by Sen. Barry Keene, D-Mendocino. The Senate Local Government Committee gave it a bare passing 4-1 vote after Keene was named to the committee to replace Sen. Alan Robbins, D- Van Nuys. It went to the Senate Finance Committee. The bill is aimed at generating low-interest loans for first-time home buyers. Thomu P. H1lev Pu-encl Clllel 6-AIW OlllC* Robert N. Weed ,._, Kay Schultz. l/loe.......,, encl OW9C10t ol A<Mr!lelng Tom Murphlne IEClllor • Mlke H1~ =.::. .... Ken Goddltd CJlroec1er .. ep.,.,... ~lAan CNlt1ee LOOI ....,...,. IEcllor ............ _, .. ._ ..... MAIN OFFICE DI Wnt Bey SI .• C ... • -·CA. ¥ell .--: llow 15111, Cca .. Mew. CA . ..,. c.,.,,loM tta 0r-. c-s1 PW11S111,. c_., No R9WI ftor'IK, 1111111,.ellont, ed"°"lel man.r or ... v••llM......U ,.,.In mey be ,...,._ .. wt"'9ul aoeclel pemlftMclftof<~•lofll -r. VOL 75; NO. 105 SACRAME NTO (AP) -The state has put the University of California Davia Medical Center on probation until Dec. 31, 1985, following accuaations relating to lts kidn ey and heart surger y u nits. T he state Departmen t of Health Services said Wedne.day that the center, located in Sacra- men to, agreed to the probation tenns. We're Listening ••• .. .. . Whal do you like about lhe OalJy Pilot? Wha l don 't you ilke ? Call the number below and your message will be record~ transcribed and delivered to the appropriate editor · Tbe same 2A·hour an1werin1 service may be used to r~cord-let· tefs to the editor on any topic. Mailbox ~onlrlbutora must 'Include their name and telephone numbtr for veldficallon. No clrcul1Uon calla, please. · · • Tell us what's on your mind. · 642•8088 indicated today. Production had risen 1.2 percent ln ~bruary ar - ter six straight months of nega- tive figures, the new report said, revising the February gain that had originally been reported at 1.6 percent WASHINGTON tAP )-The NationaJ Theater. beset by a bat- ter dispute with the Shubert Organization and controversy over an adjoining construction project, wall close indefin itely starting in early May and lay off virtually its entire staff of 100 people, a spokesman said today. Layoff notices were sent to em- ployees from stagehands to box- office personnel by theater ma- nager Richard Schneider, who said the theater was being closed for lack of bookings. WASHINGTON (AP)-Treasury Secretary Donald T . Regan said today the economy 1s "dead in the water" but expressed confi- dence it will revive this summer once efforts are made to bring down the looming budget defi- cits. APWl~o MIRACLE TR EE? -Reside nts of Miami's Little Havana section throng around the base of a sea grape tree that is said to have healing properties. Several days ago, a 92-year-old man rubbed his cataract-ridden eyes with sap from the tree and, for the first time in five years, claims to have clear vision. Doctors blame tannic acid in the tree for the "healing." RAFF:ieWClr:Y4 .~ ............................. .. ....... ................... .......... , ... ~· N Orange Co111 DAILY PILOT/Thurlday. Aprll 15, 1982 Council should p ,ut ref erendurn to vote For the se<:ond tinw 1n JUSt eight munths, Newport B(•at·h c1- tiz~m 1> appear lll have> gathcrrd enough ~ugnatun·s to r equ1rP thP City Coun<'il tu t•1ther n ·pt•al a major dt•veloprnen t pro.lt'<.'t o r put 1t to a c 1tyw1df> V<1tc Th c I at f' !. t tar g c· t 1 s th t• count·al-approvt>d Banning Hanl'h projt.."<·t, a 75-at'f'l' slic<.' of land to Ix' developed wath homes, o ffu.:<.'S and industria l buildings. Thl· referendum leadt·rs this week turnt..'Ci in roughly o.:mo sig- natures. far more tha n the 4.:rno names n N .·ded tu qua It f y New- port's c ity clerk h as 30 days to inspect the n~m('S. The r e fPr<'ndum group - comprist•d mostly of mt•mbe r s from tht• Wt•st New port Legisla- t ive Alliance h:Jd l'rttic1zed tht• d evclopm Pnt plan on a number of fronts, int'ludtng tlw tr:iff it· tlw group churned the proJt'1.:l w11uld generall' Tht• whole <ti la ir . o f coursl., brings b<.1ck mc•mont·s of lht> rd<' r endum push <.1ga1nst tht: l rv11\l Compan y's Nt•wport Cl·na•r <'>- pansion pl.in ln that n•t('f1'ndum. lht• lea dt•rs t•ollcclc <l enough signatures lo qualify. The council. though, re- pc~lcd the project <t l the request of the Irvinl' Company, which feared 1t w<1uld not win an election test because of an "anti Ir v ine Com- pJny" mood in Ne wport fueled by tht' l<>asehold fl ap On the Banning proj<."Ct, ther1.· 1s again room to si:x'(.·ulatc• that thf' t.lcvelo pment plan m a y not IX' put to an elt..'<:t1on test. Devl'lopcr Ham·oc.:k "Btll" Banmng. whose prO.)t.'Ct w as scaled down by the c:o uncil, has htnt<"d the projL'l'l may no lo nger be· f1 - nanl'1aJly ft•asible. Ht• may c:hoosc tu nul WC:Jstt· t1mt:> w ith the rl'ft·- rt•ndum and simply withdraw his tlWll pl'Oj<'\.'t Should Banning choose no l to wtthdraw. uur feeling 1s tha t the eounul ml'mbers have a n obliga- tion LO put tht' dL•vl'lopm e nl quc•s- tion lo a nt vw1de volt' lt m.iv ~ost somt· money and 1l ma:v prov(• to disr upt the flow of things a t City H a ll and 1t seem s ... un· 10 1rn:n•ast• div1s1vcness in th1.· l·nmmunll..,.. but a n t•lec:tion a p - p<•etrs to bl• what c1 large numl:x:r of l 'I tizt·ns want. Appeal oil ruling Newport J3cac:b_k.u1 t.ruulili!-. About om· millton bucks' ww th ui trouble Tht• t·1t\o, v,,h1l·h t1111k o\.t•r a 16-w e ll OW Opt•f'l:lt lOf\ OU l~ldt-' l'l l-Y- limits last year . now st.11 1ds lei lu~t· con trol o l the ngs Tht• we! Is, opt· rated for 11 Yl'3rs by a man nanwd Hoh<·r t Armstrong. a n · slant drillt•d into stale tidelands tnn1rollt'<I b~ Newpor t &·ac.:h A cC'ordmg to ci recent Orang1· County Su!Jeriur Court dt·l·1s1or1. N ewport al'tl'J 1mpropc·rly 1n t,J king ov1•r tlw W(•lls. Judg<· Hat m on &·ov1llC' s<11d Nl'wport has no right tu l'Ondt•nin and tak1· o\·1·1 proi:x·rty qutsidl· il"i boundar11•s Tha t d ec1s1on, unit 'is ap · pealed. likely will prf'v1.:nt thl' Cll)- fr om running the Wl'll" Cind collecting a n C'st1mated $1 million a year in profiu.. l r on 1 l' ;i l l y 1 t w d s a no t h t• r Supt•no1 C'our't JUd,g€' Edward Wallin who g.ivc Lhe uLy pcr- m 1ss1on to take· irnnwd1ate poSS<'S- stc>n of tht' wells from o perator A r mstrong, whosl• lease on thf' W+-Hs t>X pu·pd la:tt yt•ur Although the> city was taking .1 bit of ;i gamble by taking. over. l llV offtl'1ab took c:omfort in W:il- 1111\ ruling t·nough comtort that tt sµt·n t rnor1• than $200.000 buil· ding .1 n1•w lank fur m nt'<H' th<• wt·lls W1 · pr;,11sed tht• l'llY for ma- king th:Jt 111<1V<' back then a nd wt· wouldn 't St'<:o nd-guc>ss it now. The bottom line 1s that the 0 11 111 the t1dcl<.1nds belongs to the city ;md th<.· u t y. 1n s ome manner or :inotht:r. should be able to pump 1t • .rnd profit trom it. We lH·lil·Vt' that with tht· cunl hctmg signal from th<' supt.•· nor courtho u sC', thl' ('llV should app1.·al Judge· Scovllk's ruling anci pursue its legal options for control o f the wells Boost Jor education ln thl• coming rnonths m New- port-M esa Un1fa.•d &:hool D1str1c:t trust(•<'" wtll hl· con s1d<'rin g n numbc1 of rec:omml'ndat1uns ma<lt· b y the, Education al Rc·~ourt.es Advisory Comm1twc. The group o f par(·nts anu teach('rs worked nearly 10 mon ths preparing the r eport that mdudE.'d r ecomme ndations on curnc:ulum. During a recent study sessio n De puty S upc>rint<'nde nt No rman Loats said that th<.• d1stnct woulJ like to sec man y of EHAC's r(·C'- ommendations ado pted . C hief among tht'm was a n mc rcasl' m high school g raduation requirements from 200 to 220 unite; (ERAC recommended 2:m) a nd :m inc:rease o f 70 minutes to the> m struc:tional day fo r s tudents in grades 1, 2 and :l. Distract officials also said thc•v would like to S<'e h o m ework as- signme nts e ncourage d . a seven- period day est ablis h ed f o r <1ll middle sch ool stude nts, l'rcauon of • l'Xtl'nd1·d day Cdrt.•, Cind thL· add1- t1on of<• numlY.:r of C'lect1ves m th~· mt m.i k· sc.: hoo ls. D1st111..l off1t·1.1ls or1g111all v -..11d that 1t would t·ost $2 1 m1l11on to 1mplt'mcnt all o f the ERAC committcl''s s uggestions And alth ough the district did not dec:1dt· to ado pt al I of the (.·omm1ttc<.· rt..-commcndations. it did agree with many of the m . Lo<.1ts s<.1 1d ht· helie ves the district c:an • .icld most of the r ec:ommendat1ons J t :.a cost o f u nly $25.000. We w ish him w e ll. Whc·ther or not district of{l - c1als <'an do what thev and th<.' t'Omm1 llt'l' would ltke remains to be seen. Th<' most importa nt e lem<'nl 1!> that parents and teachers got involvl'd and s howed tha t lh<'y l'nu ld make a diffe rence in the type of 0duc:ation studen ts in the Newport -Mesa dis tric t will re- t't'1ve. Opin1011s expressed 1n lhe space' dboVP Me those of the Daily Piiot Other views ex Orl'''>l'd on lh1'> p..iq<• ilrl flll)'>I' OI lrif'1r ,1ut1101 °' olnel drl 1'-I" ~eaOer <.Ommen I IS lrlllll ed Addrt• ...... Thr• i).a11v Pllol p 0 130.< l~t:>IJ (O<;ld M •''>d, CA 926'11> Phone I /I.I) b4'1 43}1 • L.M. Boyd /Romance and the law TakC's a ronf1de nt young lady to marry a lawyer She'd better be in- telligent, too. The practicing attorney works with legal M"Crt'taries, and good legal secretar ies h ave to b£> skillful and bright Said lawyer 1s bound to make compansons. H his current w1k doesn't measure up, he knows in his line of work how to get a new one. This is Item No. 9335 in our Love and War man's huge file on romance in the legal profession. lC you don't like Little Moron jokes, Polish jokes or Texas Aggie jokes, ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat PvOil\f\9!0 •vtt; ¥ 61¥ ot tn~ J•••t •t Ue Wtt\t 0.tY 1t (OU• ""'tW Actdt~\ I tu t-.\Otlfildr"M.P to f\o• I~ {l>\14-'4 t A•>t-. then call 1l a Yogi Berra joke He doesn't mind Yogi went into a p1u.a parlor and ordered a small pie. Wa1- tn'ss. "Shall I cut it in eigh\ p1e<.-es or four'.'" Yoga : "Four. 1 don't think I can e&t eight " You 'll need to touch 17 digits w make some calls on the worldwidt> d irect-dial telephone system. Observes George Bums: "I'm at an age when I have nothing to do with natural food . I need all the preserva- tives I can get." Thomas P. Haley Publi~her Thomas A. Murphln• Editor Barbara Kreibich Editorial Page Editor Argentina eyes Antarctica WASHINGTON Tht-Arg1m11nt' invasion of the Falkl~nd lslands may be a warmup for a future assault on Ant- arl'llt:a. But nt•xt tinw. US toes may be trarnpt.'<l on Sl'<'l't•t CIA tl1.x:umt•n ts point out lhat th1· wnd1llon. ... Whll'h It'd to this month's Argenllnt.• Jgg1t•ss111n 111 the South Al· l.inuc· apply t:Vt.'n n1url.' l>trongly tu Ant· art·tu.:a: (I) a rC'purtt·d ..1bundam·I.' of ml. \:!) the dt·sm· to d1vl·rt th<.' pubJtl·'s at· tt•11t1on from dumestll' !>lrt fl'. ( :H cJ long· standing lt·gal da1m. and I 1) natwnal pride T HE CIA PAPERS g1v1• this hack· ground on the Falklands furor An oil· th1~t-y ~cn11n11 hopt~ "to lay the-ba~" for a claim tu u1l dt•µusll:-bt·ht.•\ t•J to l:'XISI neaa tht• fo'<tlklJ1Hh :111d , <Jt tht samL· t1m1." lo creaw "a usc·ful d1\ l'l'>tt>n I rom -Oom~slll' turmoli " At·rnrding to the CIA . ..a Ba 1t1sh res· l'arl'h tt•om, attracted bv thl· scen1 11?~11 math a foray into Faikland Wdll'IS in 1!:171.i As thl' British approal'ht:d the· islands. "a s t·rit.•::. of 1nll'r{'e>ptC'd n,1val (·ommuml·auons (1nd1n1ted that) an Ar- gt•n ll nl· dt.•s truyer sought lo halt tht. Brtll::.h rl's<'dr1.·h v~l'i Shackkton ni·ar tlw 1:-l,indc; .ind threatt.'nt'Ci to Cart• into 11s hull '' h1 ·n thC' Shack lt!ton rdus1.·d Iii 1.·omph .. This mc1d< 11 on th<' high ~ao; was cJ prelude to toda":. Rr1u ... h -Argl•nt1n(· :.howdown liver thL• ~ alklands Expl.1111:. tht• ClA: Argl'ntlnd ha<; "rt'lusl'Ci to n .. ogn11.e Br1t1sh so\·erc·1gnty ovc·r thl· F.tlklands. ;ind thP C'l•ntury old d1spu11· h.IS ~ ... ~n 111.1d1• WOl"'of' by Argl•11t1nt• ... 11., (.) -JA-CK-A-ND-IR-SD-N -~ pu 1011s th...al nht• Rr1t1s h hc1vc· h1.·t·11 , >. pl1111ng tor I oil dt'!JO!'>llS Ill tlw .trt'ol Thl•rl· h.1\1· lx·1·11 s11111J.11 11·n:.111n:. 1JV1•1 I ht' Ant 111 l' t tc tt v I .It t' s 1 h l' ('I A £•0\•t'rlapptng rl:-nm-; nt rhf' l'nrn•rt Kingdom Argc·nlln...a .111d Cl11l1 • .11 1h1 .-\11t.irt'll( p1·n1ns11l.1 lh.l\'t•) s p.11 J...1·d fllULh !JOI I lit ;11 he iii .ind .. 11 11·..1:.I 111111'. t"Wll gun f trt• .. The• Unitt·d St<tlt ., v.. h1d1 t >.pltirl·d tlw "Y't<t11•n l'<lnlllll 111 in th1· IH2lh, ha' inon 11ght 1ha11 1h1· 11lh1 rt la1manb to th1 Ant<irl't11· But 1i1s1<·.id ol , Ja1m111g 1h1 I.me.I. thC' U1)1tl'<l Stat1• ... 1>o1ught 10 lllt'dtrrlt 1 lw ri1sµu ll' .111u ix·rsuad1 ·cl t lw n' .1 b to ... 1gn a 19:111 lit .1t\ t1·111p11ra11h s1·t11111-: .1~1dl• tht'11 L lc11rns N1.·vc·rtht.:h">.-.. krgr 11t111.1h;is1011t1r1u1·d 111 .1ss1:rt ~11v1•1 1·1gnl'1 11Vt r ;i portion of A11t<J1Ttwa ,md h ... .., bol,h•1 1•d 1~ da1111 h\ p<•rforming m..irnag1·.., .ind 11 \mg prt•g n.anl '\.\Oln< rt lht·r< 111 g1v1 h11 th ti• t\1 ~1·1111111.· 1·1ttll'n" on lhl· d1:.pUtl·d t1 r r1tor v St.•< r1.·1 Whitt· HuuSl· dU1. UITil'llls .d ... o IJOlfll llllt th.at "J\1g1•11lllli1 j.(t~1gr.11Jh1t.11ly d111n111aH-, th• ou•a n rout1·.., h1:1w1 o·n th1 S 11 u 1 h A t I ,, 11 l 1 1.· d n d P ,, 1 1 I 1 t. U1 !'<Ill" Wt.•n· tht• Pu11...a111a l'<111;d 11111 •1p1·1·al>lt· or <•va il<ihlt-. 01 111th1.·1 \1·11t ,.f H p1otr.11'led w:tr this aoutt w11uld h.1v1• a high -.11 a1t·g1t 1mµo1Wm1 · 1\-1\ <1:-.,oc. 1..111' D.tlt V .1 n A 11...a. \\ h•' 1, 'I 1·11tly v1~1u•d A111.11..-t1t·:i. found thtJI A1 · g1·ntm.1 h.1 ... l1<>t'll lun·1 ful 1n 1JH·:.s1ng 1b i.·1 nt11r1;d dJ11rh Tht· Arg£"nllnt.• JUlltJ 11.,.., h•·1·11 ... un1ulatt·d n u d111101 h\ 1 lw cl1"411\1·n 111 nlli wl ..11Hl 1111111 r.il d1·po"l~ 1111th1·11\ 1ontml•nt GIVE~ T HE SAME 1nl·1·nt1\'t·.., lh.1l lt-d to th1· F .. lkland!> ,11lvl•nlun· tht· :\1 g1·11t1c11• g1·1wrab may 1 Vt·ntuall~ d1'11tl1· ''' ·~·1 up\ tht /\nt;,11\:l11 1wnm ... ul.J , 111tl'I· hgc·nC"1' ~un·fls <;Uggt'St Anv 1.,111 h 11111vr- w111tld h.1vt• ti! t1\'t'rn111 a 1x·rm;1111 ·11t US i>;1..,, st<.1 It'd bv '>(:ll'nt1:-L-. Tht· ~'<rl·I ·wh1w llousi pap1 "' 111g1· ··.i 1·11m·c.·rt1·d cl1plwn:1tH 1•1 furl t11 r 1·.i< h .., c1 rn ,. 11gr1• t· nit· n l w 1 th A 1 gt•,, I trl" s u l' h 0 n l' ff II rt l II u Id Pll'> ..,il11\ ht.<111 11(( v.. h<JI otlH t Y. 1'1 m1ghl l11·t1111\1 ;, d1\ 1 ... 1,·t· \h ... Ul'I \\huh \\ 11uld .id\11..,tlv ...ift cc.t 1h1 l>.1tll1nt CS Argc•11l1rw ux1p<·1 <Jl11111 m ,\11t.1rt.111. l°"'>l'Clfl h ,:11d l 11g1~tlt ... U I 1111ghl h:1\'t 1 v1 ·n n111n '>t nou::. corh• '!Ul 111.t·s I »r 11u1 I• l,1l1111\" Fonda may help us understand aging To the Editor: The l ast w eek of M arl'h was a n l'Vl'ntful week for the film 10du::.try Amid the· g lamour and energy o f the A<.'ademy Awards c.:aml' a tou{'hang hu- man C'vent It was with universal a p· plause and gratitude that the award for o utstanding ach1cvem(•nt in the best ae- tor t·ategory was bestowed on Hl•nr) Fonda. His outstanding performance in "On Golden Pond" mirrored a time in our lives which 1s so ofll'n not looked upon with warmth , <:anng c1nd un- d£'rstand10g The telev1s1on caml•ras fo- t.·ust·d >n o n Mr F onda in a lt•ss than energetic sta•c of hC'alth to rernrd his reaction to al'h1cv>ng thl' award H is reaction, as always. was honest. dm'\:t, and completely charat'tl'rlStic or Hl'nry Fonda. However. 1t w as intt•rest1ng what the public and the newsbroad casters saw Th<'re w as considerable diS('uss1on that followed on whether It was cons1dcralt- to have this gentleman exposed to the public at a debilitated umc in his life There was diSfUSSion ovtr the possible inuppropriateness of this l<'le<:ast But, how appropriate It was. not only con- sidering the• role which we had JUst commended, but as an honPSt display of a period of growth in the process of his life>. Why should the obvious hearing 1mpa1rment, gentleness of speech. pale c. le ar features and d e hbe ratenC'ss of movement be seen as anyth10g but a normal. natural process in the stagC'S of growth of human lx-ings? IT IS A paradox of our cultur~ that W<' accept and reward the portrayal of the coming of age on the screen or in the theater. But, when it is brought into the pcrspect1ve of rea'ny. it becomes a con- troversial issue as to the appropriateness of sharing this time in one's hfe with the same pub!J<.· famj ly that has been sharing your life for so many years. The deta- ched audience is abll' to accept depressed stages in the lives of actors as long as these stages are not perceived as reahty. It 1s difficult for all of us to observe lovro ones and individuals we admire in a lt?l'lS than energl't1c state. But, perhaps the more we are exposed to the 11tJrmal and sometimes trying s~ges of life, we will begin to grow ourselves tn our ability to care. understand, and deeply love re- gardless of the extent of loss we may feel. Perhaps Henry Fonda will teach us about our fears, our concerns and ou: sometimes limited viewa of the stages of life. BETTY McMICKEN. M.A. CCC Speech Pathologist VNA Hospice Advisory Counol Willing to fight To the F.dltor: Your editorial rep,atdlnjt_the Ar~en· Une occupation o f the so-called Falkland Islands 1a unrealL111tk nnd mis· lead ing. You forgN to point out that the islands w ere usurp d from Argentine aove- rt 1g111; rn ttt:l:l Tht clt l1 •11st•lt•s!'> Aigt·n ... Ulnt• gov1 11 r ,1nd 11vll1.111 popul.tlrnn "'"""\\t•rt b1 u1.a1:, 1 'r><·ll1·d lr11ni tlwar o'' 11 1t•111111r~ h' th1 · ~1111..,h n,1\'Y 111 .1 t\p1t,tl ..alt ol µual\ .ind evl11111 1l·..,m Arg1•nt1nJ':-; ;.ittemµts 01 1 ·• ·'' t•ful 11t•· got1at11Jns w1•n• 1gnon·d lrn • '• 1 hu11- d1t·d vt•ar. A rl':;.olut1m1 rrrm1 tlw ,,, 1 MAILBOX n.111rn1.il Jl111d1n1I Comm1th1 111 lht U N 111 Wit. t·st.1hl1f.hl'd lht• 1 ... t.mds 1>1 long to Ai gl·nt111a hut England -.1111 1 t·lusi•d to l<1lk <ibout 11 Ll't's fal"<' the· truth Tht• 81111 ... h .in· lighting <1g,11nst th1·1r 11\\n dt·l.ldt 111·) T lwy dt.'<:llm· t11 <t<.'H 'f.>l tlw olc.l 111111.., of thl' Bnt1..;h 1mp<·num <irl' grmt· Thc·11 11.1vy has lr,1df'CI pnn11t1v1· Vt"'"t b f1>r nul'll'ar ..,ubmartn{·:. and tarrier-. IHH th1·11 crl·ws .. art• still !hi:' ~mC' p1ral1•,.. Argcntin,i's Pre-.1dC'nt Galllt>ri has been l'l<'ar in his mC's::.age to PrC's1dl'nt Rt•agan. "Tinw has run out" We will not tolerate tht.• Briush l'Olon1alt::.m anv longer and we art' willing 1t1 fight t~l dC'fC'nd our rights. ALEJANORO TELLU TELEPHONE YOUR LETTER TO THE EDITOR See instructions below Church 4•xpa11s ion To the Editor [ rind It ll('Cessary to respond tO an C'd1torial wh1th appc.•ared April 8 m re ga rd to t hl' proposed ex pans1on of St Andrew's Church First, I think the tcrmmology nt.'<'CiS lo be cleared up The 105-fool s truC'tun• the chun.·h would hke to build sh ould not be rt•ferrcd 10 as a towl'r and dd1n1tely cann ot be called a f>IN:plc. It 1s. more rorrcctlv. a lO!l-foot s tructurl' o f sub t-l.1nual width anrl s1gnift<:ant nrelj (6,500 sq ft ) d esigned to house o ffices. com - plete w ith two elevators. Second , the reason the chureh did not comple te its plans for the Castaways property last year was no\ m any way due to Cliff Haven residents' opinions or requests, but rather that the Irvine Company withdrew its offer of the pro- perty. THIRD, SHOULD St. Andr ew'i; C hurch move to a more Rppropnate site for Its expansion and the exiffting pro- perty not remain a church, any viable use of th e property could never reach • 1..t1••' llOll'I ,_,. .; ...... .tlft9 r"' ,._.i •• ,_,, .. 1e1 ,.,. ld'hl -· °' ohm•NI• hM I I\·-·"" l•llM\ of -wOtd\ Of ltt\ WfH .. V'""" Otff•ttnt • Att ••tt•n m'-1\t "' ., .... ,,_,.,,. •"II m••""' •OCl••n WI ,..,,,., "'4Y bf wtlM•IO II'! •M~l 11 >11111<1 ... I , .. M,. t~ tlC)Oel'tl\t ,....,, •111 M l 0. ...,.,.-t..flltf l m .... , ................ , .oet "'•"'• --~· .. 1"4 t ei\tr.e.i•r ''''"'Ill,,...., te• '.-ttlK•hM pu.rpo"'? t•\'c•n thl· dt•thtl\ <ii St Andtt'"'"" JS 1t 1wv. st.inds Thl 1wv.. 11\\ nu.., '-"OU ld -.u- rt•h hl' n ·qu11t.d to 11hs1.r\t th1 lq~al llt'tght 1111111 ... .ind ulf ·"lll'''t 1i.111'111~ r1 gut.,11on.., It St J\nd11·v.. '.., ..,tJv ... .ind 1 p;i11d.., tht·\' sh111Jld 11hs1·n ··· 1h1 .,,,nil 11 ·qu11 Pmt·nts Tht· 1·hurd1 \\,1::. tounck<l 111 "n·1 1h1 IH'l d s 11 ! t h1 IH 1ghbor htJtJd .111.I I ht , 11mmu11:t \ ()vpr thl· Vh,1r" llH·\ h;l\'1• t1!1 ulv g111Wn w1thm thP nc•1ghbot hood ,,.., 11 • n11 n1IH r ... h1p has grown It 1h1•\ h.t\, ' 1 11 •111\\ n tht• nughh11rh1111d th1•:v "" 1 • • '-Pt'< l tht n •s111l nL.., to twncl tu 1111 tt 1,11111, but 1nst1·.1d ""' k :inoth(·r . 1 t lht•ir (.'n(,Jrgt•d nm· grq.::.111011 l•• ' W1 h;1H , till' tommunll\ 1111 :.!ti \! .. 1rs ,111d n our hum1· u 1; Snug H<1rhor H 1.l v1 .. 1r::. durmt-{ \\ h1C'h 11me tht· 1 ,, .in<.l rcsllll'nt...., h:ivt· bt·c·11 ~nod m'lf Hir-. 'l'hl' it.·sidl'nL., w11uld l1kl· lo kC't'p I li1,1t \\,1\ H1\l{l{.dC-\ .JEt\N \\'HIT~"<>Rll A ;,./i1u• ~ . ...; µa II To thl' Editor In complt•tt.• dl'ftt.1111 • ,, \ 11 tu.1lh t'\l r:v n·gulatory ag1•ncy P.u 1111 Suuthwt>st A1rltn£'s 1s going to duulil• 1t.., number Ctf dail> flights from Or~1ng1· C11unty Air- port Wh<1t unm1ugated gJ11' Bv this d1 rt't'I t'h;Jl1t>ng1• to the• rc•s1Jt·11h llf New· port &•ac:h PSA 1s thumbing t:. no .. <· al the• l'nllrt' Orange County A1rp11r1 pro blNn Thl' only intellagPnt and .1ppro- pr1.:ite rt•spon!.e 1s a total and inu111 .. hate boycott nf PSA throughout th1 •tale LC't's fly anything but PSJ\ Jnu \' qw that smirk off lhcll' foct•. RlC ilAHD M f'OXX Boy d w ro111{ To the Editor: L .M. Boyd was 10 C'rror March 29 when he wrote that Oliver Cromwell was the only rule r or England who was neither a kmg nor a queen. Cromwell's son Richard also ruled as Lord Protl'Ctor. albeit ml'fft~·t1vely. from Sept 1658 to May 165\l BILL BE'ITS lilDllY GUS How can Collst Community CoUege Di- striet own bnlf of the 28 acres that the Mt•u <.'Ondo projl.>ct. needs and yet pa r nu hove to raise private funds for lh Ir children lO hnvtt remedtal reading progn.•ms? M.B. • • ,,------------------------..;..;.;;.;..&......,c-.ou-..t ..,o ... Al-L..,v PILOT/Thurtday, Aprll 15. 1982 ________ ._ ______ _.... ......... £1 NY E COMPO ITE TRAN ACTIONS •lleiTATIC)fnfNC~UOI T•AOltcHI , .... •l•YH:!L.MI .... , PAcl,l C, ..... 90tf'Otj, o•HOIT ••• CINClllllATI noc. llU!AltOlt ANO •ll'O•TIO • ., TMI llAaO ANO 1•ntNIT klU N•I r..1tt Ntl P ll .,_ (IO .. Cllt Jf,I ""' ci. .. CllQ :11.Jf U!l~:: =~ .... 1 ~ ~14 + ~ 9 I .,. t t;l;,: "' HMillll • 1j 11 JI"°' ..... N•I =ti' ti,u ,.... .. =~ ,. , J 10 l: P I -CIOW Cllt .. J 14 Melll'll t fl I .. 16 • "°' ~·ii , ....... " 11W: ..:1: ltl:c' , .. t~ = .. EA~ ~li ._. -..1" -ti . ' 1't-~ .... ,,,.. ,. rt ,. -· "' ... _ . , .. ::-1' "' .. • . = ~ . ' . ., ~ Iott --• • .. •• • • .......... , ... -1 "' I !Ml 1-:.,.~;;,,._."' 1 .. , + ..,_ Ut 1 • *-• .,._ "-'" tM, ~ ...... "' ~ii' •• ~ J •• 6'4H ... I' I ll4b CIOV 4 ~"' 1 1 ! tt ~/I t 't I~ "41::+ " I :-.. ....... l • ,. "' n \,, ~ ii n:: ~ ~F. .. i " . " =: . : ;; 'tt =~ .. I... I 41 ',.".;. !"Al 1 .. ., 7 ~"' .. UIA, '" ~$' .» S D "'°+ 14 ,.. DI T ..... • t.; ' ,; F. "' t • IO it ... " v. I 'i II 7J ...... .. .. tN ~~ tS S 1 ~ ,_ I I . + I U J 't ~ ft l% J( .:.. • ... • .. ~ -G-C -, s 1 • tt1 ~1 J" \\ I t ~-11= 'j~ \ II ~ I~ 1m! ~ II" M , m ,__'w. -.. I . ij ~ ~ = t i "•"' I.JI J J -"' HiN<illfLI!!., U ~t 19 .ft • t + p ... t i t "' lyt It 10 1i6 .,.__ ._ t 114 ... ~.. I ~ ~ ~ ~ .. 1tl • .. ~ .40 ,. .. »-"' • 1 .. ' = lt L.11•.·1~ .• "' ~····".·. ~ .. ~: 14111'•"" =::, t= ! 11~ :"'··i~ .. 14 lM+ ~ I t SM tJ11i ill .. 11 Ir ..... ~ l.Jt t 114 14YI• 'Ml ; • N-14 ,.~• ltO '" •• .._ 1,JQ ' .. IU1h 14 Hin .. IAO 4 D I,.._•"' l! MY!. " -~ • • • .. ., ... uo "' 1111" + "' ....,.. .Pt 12 '1 10 ..... = !..SJ I .. _,.. Celll"E 11 11 Q 11\'I )i9 ff 1194 1.-+ 1 "°"°°' ,., 14 p') JI'-+ .. 1 • . 11 -"' F. ... 1 g = ~·;·~ 1.n ms ~" Mettllil ' • 4 n -w. • .• 22 f' .. , . I I W .._. "' it 1 1M ,,..._ .. """8llo\ I 'II 1 1A 2.411.-.. J 10 + 1111 ... I .. n ~ "°' IA-4 6 11 ~ .... Noytllll US • ft! 16"'+ w E • ri 1n s: "' 13 Sfa '°' 1 fl t .., JO .. .. • HeulRI ,a t 1QS U .. , 11 I 10 +"' ~I ., ; 7J llV>--_, t.111 1 '4 lt'h "" ttolM fl2.J1 .• I P.~ *'"' II • iU 1' ... .. Cel'OCO S 19 ~ 91y,.1y, ,_.. 1A t •1' ~+ \lo Molrit Dft.!O . IO -• "° •43.ft IO Ullo .... C...OA .i. • " t2 , "' 1PG pf 17! b U t v. HOlrll Df"25 . • 0 • "" r .ff · · 1 • • .. • • CMll'w J.40 7 IU. 21-... Bcw .30 . , S IOV.-\'t Houln I 2.16 • JD7J 1t -"' t .1\00 ~+1\/o CMP pl U1 .. 2 '"'" -ff. D Sl iC+ ~ HouNO f,10 4 tot ~+ W. Lit • 000 !014-214 CMTec 2.10 1 l4 ,.\It-.. .tO U ·Jt ,.,1, HOuOAy IMe 1 U ICM , ,, O UO S S 14 .. .. . 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KMtyl11 n 10....+ Yi Nf1C» lb 1 It !~+ lll Collrac .ID It U Jltt.-111 GEO .:M • "' l'l\'t• '-1Uty p1 1A6 . 1 ~ 11 At.wE .16 • • 1314-V. C.ollECI ~ » • tltO ..... . GF Eqp IS 11 4Vr-Yt KM• tA 10 IS 1'141. ,_,.. .20 1' 1 17'\lo• -.. CollE pf 6 • 1311116 •I G+!Hau .52 I 1DO Jl~+I.,_ ICMIV ~ 1 SO ,,..,_Yi lllMll 1.12 • a ,.,,., '" · CollE pl Hd , tAOO J1Yt. c;.$11 JJ1 I 1S 1 ~-KAllaall 1,lO 9 Jla ~ II -..Co .ID If 15 JIV.-I\ CollE pl S IO l5 o.wwwt 1.12 11 JOI UV. -ICAlhoif 40 I JO ~ • ~ .-.HOii 2.40 7 4" l21M-V. Collf'OI l.12 1 M • • v. GaciStr ·'° a JD IJtl>-v. K9111 • IO J 114 t'lil .... ~ 1114.!0 • l ~+ .. CollF,f' UO • 10 ~• V. GMSw 1.ll • 4 IO"-+ \It ~ ... 11 1' l1V..,. Ntt0 ,,,,, .. · ll JO ·•••• CnsF 1.$:1 4 -,..,.,, ~ GeMM .l2 tldD UW.+I .. l(yOtl 220 I 7S I"'+ 'A MdOG UO I 252 ~+ \lo CMNG 3,7' • ,. dYt+ '"' Gelco 1.12 1 t..s IM• \It ICrrOI ., • Ill 11•,..... Yi oll9dC> fl <1.11 • JI ~ 14 OtG fl 10.• "1JD IOO • .. GemC.a 11 111 •14• -. 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" ~ . 1M-.. 1'.. 1 •• 1111 -~- •l lit J ..... ~ " 11 t:• ~ _. .. 12 tM+" ,M •Wit .. ~ .,t= .~., =:4:.~ ;if'.. .. 1l ~.. ~:...·!.. ........ ·:1 u"' '"11 • ~ ,,1.11 .. 1 .,_... 1. ·4 +t HMW t M '-+.,.. .,.. IA .. ,. 10 t ,,_ ,, 7 ~ I' ""T A ti t ..... ,. . .. ... ··m ~"" ~·-... it~ ~e ==: -~ ~. 1 ... ~ = ;~ :., =:;-"I~.~°'" :-:~ .. II • ........ ~ t1n::~I "9ft,IS tAe .. 0 •+ 141 I •r #1, ~'!.' : ;..,-; = l.. --,.....,,, , .... , tt 1--"' , ... .; m -.. ... , JN+ • 'I . " = ~ ....... Vi '1 = '&-.!'! l' k ·: .. ~~·~ ,,._ ~ ~~i E::.~ 111 Jt. 'I • ., r! : . ! 1· q· I""' . .': . :i i E.~ t1 • , r~~ ~ ~ft :: J j.~·i ~ I• "i lo J ~C 'l'i ~~ Jll .. ., tL. · 11 .t .. " •JE ·• .; L::~.. ·13 .a s;,I ' A. Dow Jones Final UP 1.52 a..o&ING 138.81 Multi-level market planned A 40,000 square foot supennarket with 2 built-in elevators transporting customers to and from an overhead parking lot, is being constructed for Irvine Ranch Fann.era Market on the first floor of the Be- verly Center, Los Angeles. Owned by Jon Hubbard, the Orange County- based produce and grocery chain has three specialty market locations in Irvine, Tustin and Newport Beach. Architect is Louis K. Glasbrenner of San Cle- mente. Conrac picks Bolden Bolden Machinery Co. has been selected to re- present Conrac Machine Tool Division's tube bending and tube end-forming equipment in Southern Cali- fornia . Owner/President Al Bolden, has operated his Santa Ana-based company since 1978 . Conrac is located m Westminster. Ultrasystems expands board Dr. Robert J. Hermann has been elected to the board of directors of Ultrasystems. lnc .. Irvine, in- 'creasing the boa.rd membership to 7 Dr. Hermann is a former assistant secretary of the Air Force for research and development and logistics as well as the special assistant for intelligence to the undersecretary af Defense for research and eng1nee- ring. He is a vice ~~esident for S..YSJ.ems Tu:hnology, lleetfurucs Sector. United Technology Corporauon. Business bank VP named Robert N. Manley of Yorba Linda has been named executive vice president of a business bank being formed in OranRe County . Enterprise National Bank (its organization) plans to open near the Irvine industrial and business <.'Om- plex in early fall after a capitalization drive of $5 million. Manley previously served as vice president of Manufacturers Bank, Newport Beach, and for lO years with California First Bank . 'Challenge~ Santa Ana topic "High Technology or High Unemployment: The Challenge for the 80's" is the theme of a three-day symposium beginning Monday at Santa ~ College. Representatives of Orange County comparues, educa- tion groups and government _agencies wi~l participa~ in workshops and group sess10ns address1.11g producu- v1ty, upgrading and retraining needs of industry and the need for cooperative arrangements between the pnvate sector and educational institutions. Dr Wilson Riles, state superintendent of public instruction, and Brig. Gen. Joeeph Connolly, U.S .A.F .. will luck off the symposium Monday at a breakfast meeting for the chief executive officers of 170 county organiz.auons .• ·STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT AMERICAN LEADERS MEW'l'Ollll~-kleo "°°""''°'_,... .,.,.,. al .,. -I .., .... -y""' -~ -trad"'O l\Olo()ll<>"'t ., -,,_ .. T .... Corl> l,•,llJO .... • \It IBM M ,SOO .. ·~ M.n Atty =:: 1 . ... ec-. I 2.tlJo ""' S..JOO 211 ... • \lo E~ S.l,llJO .... . ... lm.100 IJ lo I 213,lOD l2Yt \lo MDllll • 2n,l00 JI~ . ..,. Giii-CD 1",JllO J~ •• Ully Ell 254,JOO ""' . '"' ~ Mt,tOO •"' . "' 217,JOO 11 . .,.. = 24J,D) • . .. 2«1,100 7"' . '" METALS Copp., 76-78 cenls e pound US deltlnlllons LMd 28-32 08<111 1 pound ~PS AND DOWNS Zinc 35.39 cents a pound, dell· ve<ed. T111 S6 73•3 Metals WHk com- posite lb Alumlnum 76-7f\oe•Hs 1 POUnd NY ~,, $395,00 per nesi. Pletlflum S360 00 troy oz • N Y SILVER Hlllldy & Harman. S7 565 per lroy OUnQ9 GOLD QUOTATIONS London: morning fixing 1362.60. off $4.25. LOftdon: anflt'noon lfalnO $393.25. ott S3 50 1"9"e; ~2 70, Ott $ 1 24. 'rri'fl.lrt '393 o 1. on '3 e 1 Z•rlcllr Lele fixing 1382 00 bid. ofl '3.00:~.oo u1cec1 He11d a Herftlell: only dally quote l3Q . ott S3 so If.......,.. only deity quote '393 25, oft $1.50 ~ only dlllly quole febtQted '38t•1. on '3.&a •