HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-04-18 - Orange Coast Pilotl. .. WANTING TO GET AWAY? -Fair weather Sundays offer escapes from daily confines -or even this century. These .,.., .... ,.... .,, '--...,,,. students were lightered to The Pilgrim at the Orange County Marine Institute at Dana Point Harbor on a pret!y morning. June Reagan-Brezhnev meet nixed Soviet l eader suggests summit in fall, in neutral country MOSCOW (AP) -President Leanld L .Bret.hnev on Saturday reject.eel Presidt"nt Reapn's offer to meet thi1 June at a United Nations meeting in 'New York, saying a 1uperpower 1ummlt· should not be incidental to ano- ther forum. He propmed they meet lMtead In a neutral country In the fall. "remains hopeful that President Brezhnev WW come to the United Nations this June and meet with him then." Brezhnev mentioned F inland and Switzerland, two neutral European countries, u poulble sitee, and ~ October as a pouible time, aocordJ.na to the of:fidal newt ~ T--. which armounced Brezhnev'• respome. Brezhnev's remark. were made in respome to a question by the Communist Party new1p9per Pravda and dlltributed, In ad- vance, by Tua. Brezhnev later was reported by unofficial Soviet sources to have been hospitalized and then releued. He wu variously said to be 1ufferlng from exhaustion, a heart ailment or a atrw>ke, but the Soviet Foreign Miniatry said he wu on a regular winter.rest. His statement Saturday simul- taneously anawered Rea1ap'1 proposal and indicated that he oonsldera hUme1f ln good enough health to meet the American chief executive six months from now. Reagan had told reporters ln Washington April 5 that he would addreaa a U.N. disarma- ment oonference in New York in June, and suggested that Brezh- nev do the same. Brezhnev first propoaed in February 1981 that be and Rea- gan hold a twnrnit. However, the White House said then the time was not right for such a meeting, and that any meeting between the two leaden had to be care- fully prepared. ,,. . ... -11111111 llllY PIPll No hint yet Haig's efforts are working •. BU~OS AIRES, Argentina (AP) -Secretary of State Ale- xander M . Haig Jr. ended 12 houn of talks Saturday aimed at averting war between Argentina and Britain over the Falkland lalanda with no indication of a breakthrough. ''We're st1ll talking,'' Haig u.id u he entered hia downtown hotel after Saturday's aecond temion of negotlatlona at Government Howle. He declined further com- ment. State Department spokesman Dean -Filcber said he could not characterize the talks Haig had during the day and evening with Argen1ina's president, Gen. Leo- poldo Galtleri, and other mem- bers of the ruling Argentine junta and Foreign M.iniater Nica- nor Costa Mendez. "Secretary Haig haa kept Pre- aiden t Reagan fully informed about every step of the procesa," Fiacher said. While the talk.a were going on, more than 20 generals met at army headquarter• to review Haig'a efforts to cool tenaions growing out of Argentina's April 2 a e i £u re o f the Br i t I ah - adminittered Falklanda. After the morning round of talka, government press teeretary Rodollo Baltierrez aaid, "They're searching for common grounds for agreement. There are aome differences, but they're llill -:::;. , illandt in the South Atlantic tbtt are defended lJy an estimated f, 000 Ar,entiM troope. It it be1* ved the British war fleet la~ eral da)"I away. ' , The Brttiah Broedcalting ~· said Haig WU preming a plan fc:f U.N. or other third-party~ nistration of the illanda, with T continuing Argentine presenq and the return of expelled Brltiall officlala, ·while an eventual aobf tion was aought. • ! Irvine man found dead in pool The county ooroner'a office la inveatigatlna the death o4 a 40-year-old Irvine man who._. found at the bottom of hit belik- yard 1wimmin'g pool Saturday night. ; l>olice and Deputy Coroner "' Rick Plow• said Michael Swa,6(.. kowski, of 40 Farragut in the Northwood 9ection, was found:at the bottom of the pool by his wUe at about 6:10 p.m. wor~." · Participants have refuaed comment, and earlier Filcher aaid he wu "neither optimiltic nor pe:8llmlstic. •• Swantkowaki, a non-twirruner, waa last seen adjmting a pool 1weepl.ng device he bad purcha- eed earlier in the day, 8ccordlng to reports. But the postponement of Haig'• scheduled departure Saturday wu taken as a hint that bit ae- cond vilit to Buenos Alrea in a week was making IOOle proerett. A 40-ahip Brlti1h armada it •teaming toward the dilputed. Plow• said investigators .are attempting to determine if she death wu a drownlna or the.n- ault of ~ther lem. No fdul play ii . ~victim Md no put h tory of medical pto-blemt. Plows u.ld. ~ .A.Ide from his wife. Swant- k ow 1 k i ii a urvived by two daughten. At the White Hou.e, commu- nications director O.vid Gergen aald, "We do not interpret hie (BreshneV'•) remarks M a rejec- tion of the 1119ident'1 ape lll l d hopee that President Brezhnev would come to New York In June and meet wltb him" during a 1pedal U .N. aeaion on arms re-duction. .. It wu the 75-year-old Brezh- nev'• first major statement since . he disappeared from publlc view March 25 after a four-day visit to Soviet Central Asia. Students, ombudsman face last chances He aaid Brezhnev'• remarks would be 1tudied but Reagan Suit filed over Crystal Cove leases Crystal Cove residents repor- tedly have sued the state to pre- vent their eviction from beach- front oottages ttartLna In July. The 1ult, filed ~riday in Orange County Superior Court. claims the 1tate reneged on a promlle made in 1979 to grant the 60 involved residents 20-year Jeaaes if the area WU purchaled \jrom the Irvine Company. The purchaae took place later in 1979. · The state ball granted 20-year leases to resident• of the El Morro c.ove Trailer Park. which sill on the other end of the parcel stretchinc:iong Pacific Coast Hiahway tween Laguna Beach ana Corona c1e1 Mar. Twenty-four part-time resi- dents of the oottaeee had notice9 tacked to their doors on Wed- nesday, informing them that they must vacat.e by July 31. An alternative to eviction re- portedly offered by re1ldent1 calll fqr a1lowtnc them to main ~on of the cottages untll the Para and Recreation De- NATION partment wins authorization for a plan to" U8e the bulld1np The entire coastal strip from the Crystal Cove area to El Morro Cove is to become part of the new Cryata1 Cove State Park under stat.e ownership. Match ability to job sizes Today's Daily Pilot features a host of employment-wanted advertiaementa, which also will appear in Wednesday's Daily Pilot. Irvine Mirror and Million Viejo Mirror. To find t h e person with abill~:i.r,ou need -accoun-ting yst, bartender, life- guard, sales vice president, even a George-of-all-trades- aee Page F4 in the Clusi.fied eection. G88 price slump may be endins LOS ANGELES (AP) -Smaller oil refinen have r8Aleci ihlir WM'-le pl'tc. fCJI' the flnt Ume in more than • y-.r. lndJcatlnl the alump ln auollM pricft may be almollt over, lndu.try analy1t Dan ~ml Saturday. • Conflicting en vironm en ts lead to a job you'd har.d ly expect in an Ivory Tower ................ ce.e. ... CAMPUS MEDIATOR -Ron W~ ombudllnan at UC Ir- vine, aays he never forgeta that each student ii different and . needs to communicate to my In the univenity. COUNTY New senator Beta P"IB oa baclc w o1::_ r. By JOEL C. DON or ... .,..,,...~ Each rnoml.ng before he leaves home for work at UC Irvine, Ron Wilson gar.es at two photographs han · in his special room. T~oom includes hie future and his paaL The future, he aaya, it hidden in shelves of poetry books. The past lies in the photos. One ii a picture of Harlem. the New York Oty ghetto where he pw up. The other thow1 Man- SUNDAY SPECIAL battan's fashionable Washington Heights, a place he later called home. Wilson ia a continent away from thoae two places, but he saya be purposefully remind• himlelf of the oontruting neleh- borhooda. He doesn't want to loee sight of the gang wan, drug ad- dicta or con.men of Harlem or the refined lilestyle in Manhattan. It was th<>M conlllctlrur envi- ronments that f<qed Ron Wlllon into the kind of penon who, M UCI'• ombud1man, not only handlca but look:a forward to a job moat other adminiatratora would .MVer carwlder. People have dueat.ened bis We on more occulona than he can INDEX ~Bell M a 111w EM, F l-t C..cwword D'1 O.th MOtbia De M...alPllll M •~t Dl-7 r.turtna Sl ......... Dl -& llOl•'+i! Sl Ana l .... m Ms0111 M , recall. Students have tal!r«n awinp at him, viaitora to hit ol- flce have brought along pistol.a and rifles, hit tires have been slashed and one man tried-to \Ike his anger out on the adm.ip.istra- tor's family. It's hardly the job you'd expect In an Ivory Tower complex. rich with 10me of the world's leading acientlsts, artists and social thinkers. But it'• all in a day'• work for 4 the campus ombudsman. Chancellor Daniel Aldrich agrees "there are few people who would have the 1tomadl" for Ron Willon't job. But Wilaon insists be lova his work u the fipal mediator ln student-related matters. "Basically my job ii to be tbe impartial, individual hero 1or students," he •YI· "Every 1tudent I 1ee bu a problem. Ninety-five percent of the time I'm able to remlve and work through problem•. If· a 1tudent ls honest with me aod teU. me the truth Ulen'• a way to ~ye hit pcoblem." • A aoft-spoken, controlled mm (See BIS JOB, Pap AJ) . .. 08-7 AJ A4 m Bl-6 IM-& Cl-t D Dl-1 Cl A2 'Al Orange eoMt DAJ"-Y PILOT /Sunday, April 11, 1Ha NewllOft-.... IChool tn.wteel I ... and IOda1 ..... waWd are thlaklna about maktn1 tt become eff-ectlve in ti•• fall <>f touch« to ,..aduate from Harbor 1986 for fre1bmen wbo would hilh acbaoll, I ~ua\e fou.r )'een later, They'll oamld•r a ~ to in· a.cotnmendat1ona for 1Uffer t · INduatJoh requ!rementa ht1h 1ehool requirementa came do eo no unltl when they . from the Educational Reeourcea ~ Aptil 27. Advilor1 Committee of the U apProved, the new require-Newport-Meaa Untfled School ta appl)'inl to En8lilh", math, Dtatrtct. The committee of tea- t I e a~UpS, pickups n Resohrce Rally Several acUv;itla are planned ilong the Orange Coaat next i-eek as put of the 1982 Great California Reeou.rce Rally. They include a number of eventa at Onnae Coast College in Costa Mesa, a "Back Bay cleenup tn Newport Beach and a ~a­ thon at state beaches Ip Hunt- ~ ina'torl Beach. . The .gla11-a-thon doesn't ac- !ually start until May 1. It will tbntinue until Sept. 12. Monday in the quad area of Orange Coast, a drive will begin fes, you can take it ~ii,h you 1 SAN FRANCISCQ (AP) - Who sa~ you can't take it with you? Not Gabe Gabor. who'll ~ke your money and meaaage -P.d give the latter to someone 'Tho's about to climb the stairway :t heaven and see your dearly f ~ .. a to. Angeles area bu- ~esaman. runs Heaven's Union, a:kind of telegraph line between the here and the hereafter. , Forl $40, Gabor will take a rteaaage of 50 words or lea and fJnd a meaaenger who "has an Ulnesa or condition that makes his ~parture inevitable in the near f9ture." 1 How do you know the me91age ii delivered? "You have to have faith," Gabor said in an interview with the San Franclaco Exami- ner. (If you're worried that the rdeseenger might linger on F.arth t40 long, you can pay $100 and qi&bor will give your message to t~ee terminally ill persons to eOhance your chances of getting *rd to your loved one. I t by atudenta to collect one mil1Joo aluminum cam. Student body officen plan to uae proceeds ~ the sale of the cans for echolarahipa for liandi- caP,ped students. In Newport BeaCb, the Friends of Newport Bay and SPON are spearhead.inR the cleanup of the bay next S"'aturday morning, Apiil 24. The California Conservation Corps is expected to be on hand for the more demanding joba. But volunteeca are needed to clean up the debris. They can report to work at 9 a.m. at the staging area near the YMCA building at University Drive. · In Huntington Beach, the glaaa-a-thon will begin May 1 and last through the summer. Elementary and high school students are urged to pick up the glass containers that are hazards to barefoot beachgoe.rs. They get a coupon for each 12 bottles they collect. Those with the greatest number of coupons will get the top prizes a t an "auction" at the end of summer. Nine tons of glua were collec- ted last year in the program that was started three years ago. Signs at entrances at Hunting- ton State Beach and Bolaa Chica State Beach will instru ct · you.npters how to participate. About 600,000 people partici- pated in 750 separate recycling and cleanup events throughout the state at last year'• rally, sponsored by the state 1olid waste management board. The program won the 1981 Keep America Beautiful award for the best statewide observance i.n Ute nation. "The purpose of the rally," according to Solid Waste Mana- gement Board Ch&innan Terry Trumbull, "is to awaken Califor- nians to the state's garbage crisia and ways we can nelp avert it through recycling and litter control'' Afternoon~ around the natton Satufdey nanged from 29 In Marqwtte, Mich .. to ff In ~.Fla. • Extended forecast .. ,. cben and puenta 1tucUed the dlltrlc\'1 curriculum for 10 mon- tha. The commitC.. actually ftC• oounended. 280-unit Nq~ ment for araduadon. but dlltrict admbiltrat.on cut that to 220. The adviiory 1roup made • ·number of recommendation• . aimed at uparadinl achooll ln Newport Beldt and c.c.ta M-. The nl1h 1ehool unit increase will be-the flnt-~nstdered by .chool trulf.eel. ' A number of other lmprove- men ta recommended by the advl1ory group have been en· I doned by d.latriat admlniltratcn and .-1 on to the 9Choo1 board for consideration in coming month.I. Theee include a •uaestlon to increue the length oflhe IChool • day for fint, second and third graden. District administrators didn't endane recommendationa t.o start a vocational high school and tc offer IChoo1ona12-montb bui& Other recommendatio.na that ... Weft ...... -~ .... ii.litraton tnc1ude: · -That homewodl be encou· ~ -That an J:naliah apeaklna pro1ram be created for non· En1ll•h 1peaklq 1tudent1 ln elementary llChool. -That the l.Nm.ac:ttonal day for trades 1, 2 end 3 be tncreued from 240 mlnuta to 810 mtnut., wtth~:.oUl~ee melter flnt -That cru: on of extended day care be encouraaed by wor- kin1 with 1roupt tuch •• the YMCA and Heed Start. -'!bat a lll!'W!ft·perlod day be adopted for all middle achoola in the dJatrict by ~ 1983-84 echool year .• . -That computer inltructlon, vocal music, m.t.rwnental music, general 1hop, home economics, foreign language and typlng be returned to the middle school curriculum if money become• available. -Follow PlaD. B Monday Work crews once again are expected to close both west and eastbound lanes of the Upper Newport Bay Bridge Monday and Tuesday in a final push to complete the multi-million dollar span. 1 Officials from Caltrans report one and, occa.aionally, two westbound lanes of the bridge will be closed Monday beginning at 8 a.m. to permit workers to place reflective . ume marTcers acro8ll the bridge. , Offidala said this ICe!Wi.o ia expected to be repeated Tuesday in the eastbound lanes. The work, each of the days, is expected to last only a couple of hours. Traffic congestion is expected and morning oommui.ers, if possible, are advised to take alternate routes. from Page A 1 .,.., ..... ,,... .., a.tee ....., SIMPLY, A MESS -You didn't have to know beans about wrestlin.g ic> participate in the chili wrestling, staged strictly for laughs, at the South Coast ChU,t Championship Saturday in Irvine's Bommer Canyon. He re, Art Bialik and Sherry ''Olive Oil" Gast climb out of the chili after a spicy bout.. By the way, the Baxter's restaurant team won the cookoff. HIS JOB: AVERTING DESPERATE REACTIONS ·-. . ~ with an affection for three-piece suita, the French language, folk 11neer Joan Baez and Renaissan- ce poet Edmund Spenser, Wlbon ia a photographer and accom· plished dancer. At 16, he left home over a dis- pute with his father. He enlisted in the Marines, but was dis- charged for medical reasons. Wilson worked at odd jobs and managed to move from mail clerk to photographer at a major New York advertising agency. · Urged by his family to conti- nue his education. he plaaed high school eq!livalency exams with- ... ......., 88 n 92 48 ae 13 .. 76 .. 72 .. 88 .. 62 ..... =~ to 72 88 1a 53 28 .. 23 715 50 74 157 53 ao 87 50 ... 42 ... Z4 ... 48J 115 f11 llO 7t ... 43 ... 50 115 •t 12 181 •1 ... 115 aa 77 .. 11 71 77 ... l J'.: :: .... !! 50 .. J: ~ : :: 71 t1 .. " ., n IO 11 . .. •• out studying for them. He gra- duated in three years from the prestigious Bard College in upstate New York, with degrees in English literature, drama and dance. While in college, Wilson help- ed state prilonen earn their high school diplomas. Becallse he is a student's last resort. many who walk into his office on the second floor of the campus administration building find themselves suddenly at the mercy of "the system." They've missed deadlines for registration fees, are running out of money or are drowning in an academic squall of poor grades. Theee are the easy problems. Wilson spends the vast major- ity of his time guiding students through a maze of financial aid troubles. Often he helps bright high school students through their first experience with col- lege failure. He onoe received flowers when he helped a 1tu- dent get lnt.o medical echool. 'nlell there are the more diffi- cult cale9: the forgers, the chea· ten and the thlevea. When they visit WU.On'• office, they oft.en have reached the 1Mt leg on their way out of the ~ty. They've exliauated all other avenue. of aolvlng their moat Immediate prob1lm -expulaion. They've been to their profemon, to the deam of their academic departmenta and eometimes to the chanMlkr of the unive.ndty. Their 1Mt chance ii with Ron Wu.on. Many are desperate. by the time the)' step into Wilaon'• cramped office, briahtly decora- ted wtth post.en ancl lligned...00- numbered art printa. And on rare occasion• the'y take delperat.e .mkJnl. A recent encounter put WU- eon'a job in the pUbliC lpOdicbt. On Jan. 13 a former student pulled a replica of an X..raell- made Uzi machine 1un and ~him. Tbe l&Udmt, 18-~Jd Majid l'orooundeh, Uo t along a 29-year .. old man he ater de- acrlbed. a bodyguard. WU10n man•aed to alert hla aecretary. '!be entire eecond floor of the buildina wa1 cleared. Cempue polke arrived and dlt- covered a revolver e body-auard'• briefc:Me. WUlon •YI' Fo,ooundeh. an IrmMn dtmn, Md been expel- led from the untver1lty for clMatlaa. 1--tact, be not41, the 1tude11t had been ea"'lbt d:aea-Un, tfu. U.... He WM finally dlamlaeed when he 1iped hft namt to anotber umu1pectlJl8 ttudeftt'1 eulD ~. t&UI Jeo.. P9.!dilbc tbt ~ record of .......... Be bed t.lbd with~ deh mol\tb1 prior to tbe clay when th• 1tudent decided to ...... WI IStD fnD ...,.._ Uon I• latlmUlation. Lt::#.:t,t:';t•..:. Nita. ~ .,._ ilboftcl Mi ----~ ......... ..... .. ,. ......... ~ n.111 3 ......., .. _ _.J,:.:'a-M I Niii: 1WU ft ':'..:a...~-z:: :¥.s ~~ ... --· • OMBUDSMAN -Ron Wil- son walk• through campus park to vent prelBUttS of job at UC Irvine. "In my old neighborhood you don't talk about killing some- body, you kill them." he asserts. "It was what we would call sel- ling wolf tickets. 'Ibat's not what he was going to do becauee if I were dead. I wouldn't be any good to him. "I wasn't worried about Majid. It was the other guy who I was worried about. What you have to worry about in thi1 job la the unknown entity." A friend from the counseling deparUnent tried to oonsole Wil- son about the potentially Ufe- thteatening incident. But Wilson's mind was else- where. F.arly that morning, a student he had been working with on flnancial aid problems was dis- covered to have committed sui- cide on the campus. Wilson says he had a promising car eer in medicine. • "After that student committed suicid e I had nightmares won- dering if I could have done something," he says. "f had just talked with him i.n September. I wanted to throw u:p; I felt terri- ble. "My mind was still on that suicide when Majid walked in." To vent the pressure of his job, Wilson might sit down and eom- poae' a few lines of vene. Some- times he'll take a walk around the central campus park. "The day that student com- mitted suicide I couldn't write poetry. I just cried. Only recently have the nightma.rw •topped." In other lnatancea students have physically threatened workers in the financial aid and · trar'a officel: Wu.on la oft.en ~ bef<d campus police. "I was born and raised In He hu an lmpotlnl 6-.foot-7, Harlem. I've teen some of the 185-pound frame and baa a bellt con men in my life. t was in second-degree brown belt in ka- lldvertising and aaw even better rate. But campu1 regulations con men." prohibit t\im from ualng force Hett'• the way Wilson recal1a apinlt a atudent. the meeUng: And·belides, it im't hJa style . -J"orooundeh said his body-· 11When a student feels be or guard worked for the FBI and she cannot communicate ln a wu uaigned ~protect him be-productive, non-hOltile manner, I cau1e hi• father wu a former tell them t.o come to me about It," ~~;r:=r:'m ~:.1'*~~c!~~ he,~~hey don't obey me after fered to check the bodyguard's threatening a 1taff member on J'B1 credentiala. this cahmpu1. l will Uak.:.tiiure 'The former itudent pulled the ~.~. e call?pu1 po ce to fake rMCh1ne IWl out of a .Larae One time a student over· canVM ~end told WU.On 11rve medicated h1mlelf ud thnate- been atven ml1-bl9nche to blow ned violence aolmt oftldak in a away anyone who •eta ln my deparwent Olflce. Tba pollce ;,:i whetlMr it'• you. or tbe w-. oalled-Bu& w..... ~ ...-. " ln abelld of the authoritlea. He lhowed Willon the IUD f\lld "He would not leave and WM a real clip of bullet1. At that ;::ir-uoid and acarecl," be polnt, the admlnbtrator uked . "He told ~'I'm acend.' I \be 8'Udent to put the sun in the ~ 1ave him a hua and aald I'm clip Oft a table. ffe T lcal'fld too." ... -CIH8'fted ......... 114M2-M11 . AH othef d1p1rtmenea MM»t MAIN OflFa ........ 14 .. C-. MeM, CA. Melt.-..: ... •.•· c-.--.c .. ... C_,.fleM 9'11 Or!"19 c.tl .......... c.i-.. -~----·~~.......,-­Wf'tlM'-* ..,.... lftey .. , .............. 1119<le1,.. .. 1111 ... ~-. Dipping • into tradition - The most formal way Japanese entertain guests is the Omote Senke tea cere- mony, dating from the 16th century. Intricacies of this serene civility were_perfonned du- ring Asian Week at UC Ir- vine, using the t ea b owl with whiak for cleaning, to- wel for drying and thin acoop for measuring powde- red green tea. Supplies of the imported, bamboo im- plements are dwindling as few such craftsmen remain. Mn. Sofu Sadak.ane, hos- tess at top, cleans the tea bowl with whisk, The bam- boo ladle ia U8ed to remove hot water from kettle. The white bowl contains cool water. Guests enter the barely decorated room in a prescri- bed order, admire the flo- wers and kneel on matl to be •erved. Second gueat Mn. Sokel Nakatani drinkt her tea bealde Mra. Sowa Hitomi, the first guest. Bowl in foreground holds a sweet which is eaten before drin- king tea Assistant hostess Mrs. Soho Inose bows to Mrs. Nakatani before removing bowl. Thi.a popular IOdal custom in Japan waa originally conducted by men; women took up the art about 100 years ago. next Saturday· .. . Or~ Coaat DAILY PILOT/Sunday, Apr1118, 1982 Al Eye bank -cleaFs T raged y h elps two people; no cosmetic change to donor I . . Before corne.1 tranaplant IW'· cludlna the medical center, Santa gery, .t.orraine McGuire found Ana ffost Llona Club and the henelf reechlnc for objec:W only Celifomla Soctety of Ophthalmic to mill or drop them. Dtapenaera. A. ait~i!:' hfr ri&ht u· Donations come from people dually d ue to rare r whQ have made a pledge prior to called Fuch1' dyatrqphy, Mra. death. Sometimes hoepital em. McGuire, an lntemlve care w\f.t ployees ask family members or nune, often would atkk hereelf replace the needle's protective plutic cap. Thol&Mh the waa aware of thtf'correcilve surgery needed t.o restore her vision, the 52-ye•r-old Huntington Beach resident had to wait a year and a half for a ~ eye donor. Offidala ,.t the Orange County Ey~ Bank aay 1>4tlenta have to wait that long becauae the public isn't, ill yet. cornfo~ble ~ the notion of eye donaUons. "/\ lot of people don't want to donate because vanity ·gets in the way,'' says eye bank diTector Beverly Parr. "But there is no cosmetic change. Our technicians do it in such a way that there's no defacing of the ph.yslcal ap- pearance of the body." But medical workers have · been found to be somewhat re- luctant to aak the bereaved for eye donations, M.isa Parr says. That'• why the eye bank has launched an educational program for the medical community to discuss· the c rl tlcal need for donatlona .. "Every once on a while you'll gel a nurse or doctor who will approaCh the family," says eye bank public relations director Merle Wingate. "If families are prepared for it, it won't be an offensive question. "We're looking for a way for it (See EVE, Page A8) EYE BANK. DIRECTOR - Beverly Parr says vanity stopt potential donors. The probl~m ls compounded by the ever-growing demand for corneas, she says. ' Six foes, Maureen OK debate Based at Western Medical Center, the eye bank works with 22 county ophthalmologists. E.ach ·doctor has from one to 20 pa -• tienta waiting for a cornea tran- splant. The eye bank is a non-profit community service and doesn't charge for its work. It relies on private support as well as funds from its sponsoring agencies in- LOS ANGELES (AP) -Six other candidates for the Repu- blican nomination for the U.S. Senate have accepted or plan to accept Maureen Reagan's invita- tion to participate in a debate that would be broadcast on cable television in May. So far Rep. Barry Goldwater Jr. of Woodland Hills, Rep. Ro- bert Dornan of Santa Monica, ultra-conservative state Sed. John Schmitz and bu.in~ Ted ~Brulnsma have accepted her oUer, it waa reported Saturday.\ Representatives for candidates- San Diego Mayor Pete Wilaof and Rep. Pete McCloskey of Palo Alto told the Los Angeles Herald Examiner that both politician• would acx:ept the challenge. ' ~ob1nsons YOU'LL SAVE 25•/o AT OUR BEVELED GLASS FRAME SALE. Take a new slant 1n framing all your favoflte photographs You II think of these contemporary frames by Leonard as modern art. because of the new. sleek shape and the fashion .colors"'Wh1ch accent your decor Choose from black. Iliac salmon or toast 1n four sizes 3"x 4 .. Reg $16 Sale $11 .99 5"x 7:; Reg $18 Sale $13.49 B"x 10" Reg $20. Sale $14.99 Collage Reg $26 Sate $19.49 Robinson's S1at1onery/Games. 13 To order. call toll·free 1·800·345-8501 • ., ·. "• .. Lo}7alists await Nixon;·Hoar~ praises Seymour aw CllAJH.a B. LOOI. ln Tuetday•1 1peclal tlt('tlon to ifai........... fill the UM~ term ot J\a.l. Aa many• 1,000=ate ltrton'1 John Brtc11. who rt· ~Wectn.lay tatthe 8'pedlal&Dr b#. -~a.lllolllln for -s )l t a lap ...... ~...._ ~~~·a (~~:.~ntu~ l! ~=-aaw i--u..,.· Sacramento," aald head chMr· • ..--~-. leader Ralph Clark, whoee 4th ~th~~__: aap11 ri1oria1 ctiltrkt coven much I ..._ at a -'-• recepUan -. of tht MrM \trrltory u the .... ,..,,,. ,.-nate c:Uttrict. dine bll CUnner 1peeeh. Orpnl-••• .-. ann't •yinc,when.tbe re-COUNTY REGllTRAft ot 1 eeptio,n 11 belnl held, 0Uln1 Voters Al Olloli wu Jui' h.lppy ~ Nllllftl. that someone waa an oU\tfllal A no-host reception for thoee winner ln the race to replace DQtna $160 per plate fO(' dinner Brial. wm tab place from 7 '°. p.m. at .. -Jr.cl no candidate recelvt<J • the hotel. Thoee fortunate en·. majority ol the VOlee C81\, a ..,.. ~ to be in the rtabt piece at daf run-off ~ would ha~ the rl1ht time mT1ht 1•t a t.er\ nqu1red May 11, )'8t four . aJimpae of Nixon u he 1trlde1 weeka before tbe June prilnary. into the dininc room. .. u ~. one thine Oi.oft an do He'll be 1peak.ln1 Oil recent without t.hae da)'9. lt11 an extra international wenta." accordinf electloa. to Ora.nee County Republican leaders who are 1ta1tnc the fund.-niler. There will be no prm confe- rence, natch. • • • PINAL ELECTION returns bid been posted only a few houn Wednesday when the county Board of Supervisors paned a rt10lutlon commendln1 John· Seymour. the tenator-elect 1rt the. 30th ltate Senate Dlltrict. The Anaheim mayor over-- whelmed a field of six candidates • • • OLSON NOTED. lnddenrally, that the~ 14 ~tvoter turnout ln the 35th 'ii very near the bottom of the llat" for an election involvin1 a leglalative position. The county re1i1trar had predicted a 25 percent tur- nout.. • • • CONGRESSMAN PAUL "Pete" McCloekey Jr., In Costa Mesa Wed.nelday for the opening of b.lt Orange County campaian headquarters, says the Republl- \ ..., ............... RACF.S AllEAD -Rep. Paul McClo1key Jr. facea GOP Senate hopefuJa in June pri- mary, lOIC runners 1n Irvine. can primary race for the U.S . Senate niimlnatlon la going to come down to a matter of who will beat Jerry Brown In No- vember. Recent polla ~ the Califor- nia .,.....,_ 'MMtna • blC IMid over h1a Democra'6c primary ri- vals, but trallloa ReeubUcan1 -.wry aoww.w~ .. Ban D6llO ~Pete WtflOla and ~ lllty in the populuttJ derby. ••• MeQ,08UY WILL be dolna a lot o==on the o..an,e o-tnext y. He'• to take s-n 1n a lOK race early that mom!~~ ·trvtne. Then, he'll V.vel down· cwt to lrW19 Cow fldr a -_per penal\ brunch in hil behalf. The hoeta are Mn. WW Ward, Mr. Gd Mn. Andrew Morthland ud Mr and Mn. Nick WUllamt. ••• DEMOCRA11C eon,r-nan Jerry Patterton of central Orance Coounty •>41 the Border Patrol ouaht to 1et out of the oounty'11trawberry flelda. In a letter to Allen Nel1c>n1 U.S . commlJeloner of lmml1r•· tJon and natURlllz&Uon, Pattenon said border patrolmen, amon1 other thJnaa, ate cau.ana a lot of damase to the berry crops by 11.0mplna around In the f leldt on foot, honleblck, motoreyc1et and lt\ helicopters In search of Illegal allena. • • • MIKE CURB hall named &J. boa resident Bill Volt volunteer chairman of the Curb for gover· nor campalcn ln Onna County. V°'t w• cbllrman ot il"8 Jt...,n campalp In 0nn,. County lo l97f. ar~~'1a~Be~ Dale DyUma, DenNI Catron. Ina Frb:relle, St.an and ~ Ku.net, Vera Mannina, Dan Montano and AJleyene Reed. I • • • . AISBMBLDIAN Nolan Frtz,. r.elle, R-Huotlnlton Be~h. ope- ned hll campalcn headquarters Saturday:-The Offke II tn lrYine -17870 Sky Park Clrcle. • • • THE D. ROBERT De Carlo for C~r•it CommlttH. hat ICMd ' fW'd·railer for lhelt man today in Caplatrano Beach. De Carlo la one ol tht many &- pu bltcan i>riniat"Y. candkSat.et lo the 43rd.~J Dlsttlrt. The event ltar1t at 4 p.m. For • detlU.. call 496-4,24. • • • THE LAGUNA Nlauel Repu· bllcan Womm will meet at ~:30 a.m. Wednesday at the Crown Hou.ee. Sc:heduled ape.ken are Gordon ~ffy, a candidate for Cali!orn1* Secretary of 8\ate and the Sc:hmlti family -John and Mary. • • • DEMOCl\ATIC Senate candJ. date Gore Vidal wW be In South La1una Tuetday evenlna for a reception In hit behalf at tb• home of Berey Brief. 'n'8 Lexinet.on Group, an or-pnbatlon lpOftlOl'ed by 1he1)&. mocraUc National. Cocnmit1M to recnalt new blood few the J*1Y, It ~ the event. • • • MAUREEN REAOAflt h coverln1 Oran1e County like a blanket 1n her bid for the Repu- blican U.S. SeMte nomlnatloii. She'UJ>e busy Wednesday, 1peaJdna to ruJtora ln Hununc- ton Beech In the morning, retired f olka In Seal Beach in the after- noon and YMCA 1upporten In Newport Be.ch that evenina. • • • DR. GENE PRAT, a candi- date for ata\t Supttintendent of Public lnatrucUon, ~jll speak Thunday· n.laht to the Newport Harbor Republl~n Auembly. Ca1J 646~1<• for detalM. • Finance bill OK'd SA CRAMENTO (AP) -A publlc camp•llh financing bill de.crtbed • the first of lta kind ln the nation, hM won approval of the s1a-. A.embly'• Elec1Jona and Reapportionment Commit- tee. The 8 -3 vote lut week sent AB3 p8 to the Ways and Meant c.ommtt tee. DEfERRED PAYMENT PLAN. NO! ' I t I . SAVE 20%·30% ON OUR ENTIRE COLLECTION OF KARASTAN CARPETING Whether you're drawn to lhe magnificence of wool, the luster of polyesler. or the amazingly easy care of Anso* IV nylon. you'll ftnd over 800 ideas for refurbishing your home. 1n the mosl current of colors and textures. _All superbly crafted. as per Karaslan's unyielding standards. to give you years of pleasurable wear. You'll also receive free room measurement as 1ust one of our slandard services (Normal 1nstallat1on over 50·ounce rubberized 1ute padding 1s $5.50/sq. y~ extra. and includes compltmentary removal and Adorneau, a classic ·nylon Saxony plush in 27 cofors Chesteau. Antron• Ill nylon plush w ith the l<>Ott of crushed velvet. 27 hues. 'Excellency. deep polyester saxony plush tn 25 colors. Beau Ja rdin, a nylon plush with woven fern design. 25 colors Eloquence. an opulent nylon plush in 36 colors Palais Royale. a lavish plush of Ansoi IV nylon tn 36 hues. Beau Chateau, a luxurious .. Reg. ,Sale per sq. yd. per SQ. yd. $21.50 114.9~ $25 119.95 ~ $26.50 119.95 $31.50 12.4.95 $36 wool plush in 30 colors. $55 Sale per sq. yd. at 120 sq yds or more $13.45 $17.95 $17.45 $22.45 $22.45 Sale prices effective through· May 31 . RoblnlOl'l'I Broadloom, 63. , • • disposal of your old broadloom as well The quaht1es ltsted here represent only a fraction of our overall collecttoa. so you'll·dehn1tely want to come in • for the entire picture. RECEIVE AN ADDITIONAL 10•1. SAVINGS WHEN YOU PURCHASE 120 SQUARE YARDS OR MORE. Make the total investment tn your favorite Karastan style and color, and you'll have enough left over for new drapes as well• , Or1nge °°"' DAILY PU,.OT/8u~. APf1J 18, 1982 --- Jb JBIT ADLER °' ... ..., ........ '!bat lk:kly rejoinder, 0 0nly ln <Al.lfomla" l ha1 1ot to .,_, t•mtllar t.o anyone who's ever entenalned ~ here. . r.peclaDy u thole auetta hall frmn • leu enllahtened locale. Say, Cleveland, for instance. ""Thia parUcu.lar pair had vlatted California only once before oominl out a week aao to viait their journalist ~ Ana then, ~ aa now, their l'ellCtion to tl}1a Athena of the. West wu • pttdjctable u a Cleveland winter. giant ikytcraper betn1 constructed acTOM the street. The fiaw'e' moved around and periodb1Jy • waved. It didn't take ua too long to. fipre out UU. pel'IOI\ certainly had DC) ~ ~_up then. It followed, ln a matter ol. leCOftda, that this w• a leaper -a peraon intent upon dei troyinc himleU and forc:iJl8 UI to witnelt hll ftna1 mo--rnenta. • ·• Before we had a chance to reeet to what we aaw, the ~ wu falllni •.. down ... down • ,.down ... 1 ~ . "Only in Califor nia," ~hey chuckle with glee a t Mry opportunity. lt was with this di8dal-nine attitude t9Ward all that 1 i1 1ood and r ight in ouf wonderful state, that I took them to that revolving cock- We ahouted .in unilon at the ualY implication of what we~ wt~. A few-.., ..... ted by our aJarm. awunc arOund .in tilm,to ~tcb the tiny ~ ~ down\}'Vd, Tbel) it happened . A 1ree.1;1 a,ad w hite paraChute pulled open, blt the ab\ al)d QUI' ~per sently ,uded from li&ht. COME TO '.OUR KARASTAN DECORATING SEMINARS AT NEWPORT, .TltURSDAY1~APRll 22;. : ·I.AN~ 3 R.M.1 YOU~ co"~D WIN A · .. KARAS.TAN . RUG! . .. · tail lounge high atop the Bo-rr. .- naventure Hotel in downtown Loa Angeles. Here, I figured, on a day when the rain has cleared the smog from the L.A. skyline; they nUcht truly appreciate the beauty and wonder of ·tbi1 vast urb-an aprawl we know ingly call pU8dJ.e. - Not too Iona after we were aeated on the 35th floor and alter we had spotted the famous sign proclaiming "Hollywood" and Dodger Sta- dium we noticed a small, aolitary figure perched high above us in an uncomple ted portion of 80me ns Then we speculated. A tbriJ1._Jtes-, D)aybe. A movie stunt, I offered lamely. / ~ calla to the l=ea Police De-partment a day later allo fudle. Their reapot• waa protemonal, but bemu- sed. ''As lor'8 aa no~ waa hurt. .. We've hetrd of this five or lilc Umet in recent monthl ... no laws were broken .. .lf you're FinB to jump better to have a penchute." It all comes down to this: Ar_:rently, It's OK to leap from tall buildlnga in Angeles U you are 10 inclined. And one more thing: Only in Callfomla. ,,.~··· -....... " ...... -,.... ..,.._~ -......... -·· .. ,_ --... "~AYMENTS UNTIL AUGUST, 1982 ~ J . ' Ever 1~11 you could use an expert's advrce on shoppmg for. and decorating.with, carpets and rugs? A Karastan Home Fashions CoordinatOf will be on hand to answer all your q'uestlons. and show ••· one of the most elaborate and informative slide presentations we've ever seen You'll also get to register for the chance to win a 6' x 9'6" Karastan rug, to be given away at the end of each seminar SAVE 20%·60% ON RQR ENTIRE : C.ot'4c!ION -~-~ OF KARASTAN PURE ·wooL ARE;\ RUGS \ Discover some of our most outstanding savings ever on a truly remarkable selection of Karastan area rugs. Distinguished by the ktnd of quahty crattsmanship. pren:iium woots. and faltl'tft.ll .designs that have contributed to Karastan's fame. You 'll find all your EXCIPllONAL ·vAWI _.. ...... ANDMC>Rlt On our two blltutllng 1lze1 of t<tr11ttrh'1 Oriental TreHuree and Llrllted Edltl0il1. You'll ~ find MKy Herll (lhOwn), blue/PllCh and rnenoginy Ktnnan, tan end red Oynuty, and ~rat llflhln rnoUft. But hurry ... Mtlctlon1 vmry ·~·to .,., and 111 .-a to prior Mlt 311 I .·~ °'ii• ........ ~ 81 • ·~ Orig ......... ~ - • I choices in stock. too. although we'll provide free. prompt delivery It you prefer. Sale prices effective throygh May ;31 . Here. just a sampling of the values you'll find in Robinson's Area Rugs. 90. , '399 4' 3" x 6' Reg. $595. Serln 700. Karaatan'e top of the llne, lnctudUlg antique Bokhara (ehown), panel Klrman, Ser9PI, Hunt Scene, Sarouk motlft,·•nd more. Reg. 1249 2'10' JC 5•• ••.. '.. • . S3A9 5•9•. I' .. ·~.' • 11,225 a·a· x 10'e·· ~r. · . 11 .115 8'8" • 12• 11,825 10' • 14' 13, 1715 1110• x r 111& _______ ...... ____ ., __ 1'10' • 1f'.,.,...,.,--..-:~~~~tl10 1'10' • ti,. lt.OIO J ·~ o:a . .. *I .tw 1rh 1"" f h tJs. Jtll ' thl OS ·~l · lfJl 4 • II~ 0r.noe CoMt DAILY PILOT/&unday, Aprtl 18, 1882 • • ass the financing long with the buck A 1tate law changing the time edod for reaolutlon of tax a1- e11ment dl1putea has created a 12~.ooo hard1hlp for Ora"!e ty government. · The new law, whlch will take tffect Jan. l, requires that we. jnent appeals be decided in two tyears instead of four. The dilputes lriae when a taxpayer disagrees f.'lth the value the county uaes- tor'a office places on hia property. I Orange County Asaessor Brad new workers to help procea u - leSllnent appeals. . But the board wu grudgina ln Its approval -not becaUM! lt didn't tl'Ult Jacobi' figures -but because members feel the •tate should pay the added coet. Supervisor Ralph Clark aald . it was a ''claaaic example" of the state.passing on to a county a new cost without paaeing on any money to cover it. At his request the county is going to file a clalm with the state in a bid to get reimbursement for the $125,000. acobs has calculated that the county could lose between $1.3 million and $1.6 million in revenue Jf it could not meet the time re- J.:iuirements imposed by the new law. That fact alone persuaded •upervison to approve spending /-'$125,000 annually to hire seven That's a logical move. The state Isn't supposed to mandate programs to local government• without picking up the tab. But it happens all the time -and has happened once ·again. Nix safe harbor deals ' Safe harbor tax leasln& -a is that ~Y financially healthy jrovision of the 1981 tax law firms have received tax windfalls purportedly enacted to aid sick that impart little or no benefit to Oldustries -is running into stor-the economy. General Electric, for tly waters on Capitol Hill. example, ·paid no taxes on the ' The arrangement has CCllllle $2.55 billion it earned last year, \lJlder fire follo"(ing reports that and is entitled to a refund of up to "18JlY highly profitable firms. ea-$100 million on 1980 taxes because peciaJly oil companies, are using of participation in safe harbor ' he provision as a gimmick to deals. ghten their tax·loads. The most flagrant example is Of dubious value from the the oil industry, which is on no ftart, the tax break should be high one's lilt as ailing. 'n a-list of loopholes Congress Twenty percent of the 16,000 f>uld cl08e as it looks for ways to safe harbor transactions concluded ~t the federal budget deficit. in 1981 involved oil finns, which saved $1.5 billion in \aXes last year What safe ha·rbor leasing as 8 result, according to a federal bermits is the sale of plants and study. ~quipment by firms that are fl -The report has angered Sen. Dancially struggling. The seller Robert Dole, R-Kan .. who is cam- Oien leases the' equipment back paigning for either repeal or sharp from the buyer. As a result the restrictions on the policy. ''sale" is merely a paper transac-According to Dole, the safe on. harbor dodge has proved so lu-~ The seller receives continued crative one major oil company, \lse of the equipment and an which he didn't name, cut its tax iJllusion of cash. The buyer rec-bill by $159 million through Mfe eves a one-time 10 percent in-harbor puFchaaea. At the aame '1eatment tax credit off the pur-time, the co!'l'\P.any cut back Its dha.se price and depreciation wri-exploratory d.rtlllng budg'et by 20 t;e<>tfs. · pen:ent due to a capital shortage. 1 In theory, the arrangement is Thia is sound public policy? ajlpposed to encourage ailing in-Congress should take a se- 4u1 tries to invest in the new rious look at draining the safe glants and equipment many need harbor. With deficit.a high, the U> boost productivity and become government has no business 1ub- Jlrofitable. sidizing companies that don't need : What has happened, though. help. Forfeit ca1npaigners' pay Former Loyola Law School Dean Ted Bruinama, now a can· didate for the Republican nomt- . nation for the U.S. Senate eeat to ~ vacated by S.I. Hayakawa, hu po.eel an in tereat.ing question for ~e Federal Election Cornrn1-ion 1h Washington. Bruinsma notes that he re- llgned as dean of the law echool because, if he had contlnul!"d to 4raw his salary while devoting rJ)uch time to campaigning, at least part of that salary would have been considered a campaign con- trilSution by his employer under the Federal Election Act, and We- pt u to amount and source. t Federal law, says Brulnama, t,olds that lf a lawyer, for exam- fle, campaigns for federal office to tile neglect of hi• duties to hJs tm, the firm is conaldered ma- g fl campaign contribution to extent of hia ablence. All this ii building Up to his tention that three of hia oppo- ~nta in the GOP primary. Con· .,.e11men Paul McCloakey Jr., l&rry ~ldwater Jr. and Robert nan, have been neglectln1 congremional duties while on campal1n trail, but 1tlll col- ~ thetr aalarleia. • He arrives at tbia by compa- ring their voting attendance rec- ords lot the lut quarter of 1981 - 31 percent, 43 percent and 56 percent respectively, sharply be- low the average attendanc ln eoaan-of all memben. ~o the extent that their at- tention to duty, u measured by votlnl att.endance, ii IO far below the norm, Bn&1nsma ask.a, should not part of their pay be considered aa a campaign contribution by their employer, the U.S. govern- ment? While no one ii au.rpNed to find lncumbenta seeking re- election at all government levels busy on the campa12Jl trail ln an election year, he doeihave a point. Perhas-we have been \a.king for aranted the cuatomary exp18na- Uon that they are limply keeping ln touch with conatltuenta as part of their pb. There are the>1e ln Ca1lfomia who remember the time when members of the atate Legialature torfehed the per diem allowance plus other benefiw for failure to attend .-wn.. It will be lnteres- ttn1 to ·~e what the "Federal Election Cbrnmilllon makes of thll one . lnlOf\s fXprebed In the tPaGe •bov• •r• those-of the O•llY Piiot. Other views H · . reued ()(I th1\ pa1e •r• thos.e ot tt'le1r •ut"°'' •nd •rt 1st¥. Rudtr c:omment Is 1nv11 . Ad<frfl!"'Tn. 0.lly P1Lo P,0 Boie 1560, C9~ta Mesa, CA 9262'1. Ptione !7141 42·021 . • M. Boyd I Take y our chances > - I Q, What'• the mos\ popular pme of 1n1nc1 worktwic»? A. Lotf.Wie&. MON ~ have put on them than on anythlnc elle. S. are even mtnUOnecl a few 1n the Blble. Amonc CU'd ........ nat pop.Wlr II pokilo, and lllOf'9 women Ulan men play h. In c.ulno pmet, th• moet .eon.y ta won and loll In era,... An your ..... about the .,.,. lenith • """' noM? Thij lhOuld be, If ,,. ~. .. c ' . Af f ilia ti on could sway vote By CHARLES G. BELL Dr. Charles G. Bell is a professor of pol/Ucal science at Cal Slllte Fullerton. Political party organiz.alJoru are, ac- cording to most California political ob- servers, weak and Ineffective. And vo- ters. we are often told, are an lndepen- dent lot caring lea about candidate.' perty affiliation than \heir TV per90na- IJties or hair styles. To be sure, party org.anizat.loll ln Cal- ifornia is largely meaningless. St.ate and county central committees are e.entlally debating eodeties with no real political muacle. They are prohibited by law from making endonemenu or provjdJ.ng any support to candidates before the J>arty primaries. · INDICATIVE OF thelr weakneu 11 the !act that ln 1980 the.e oentca.1 com- mittees contrlbed leaa than 1 percent of \he total campaign contrlbutlona given to California legislative candidates. Ninety-rune percent of the money came from intere1t groups. Not only do mo.t voters affiliate with one oC the two major polltica.l pe.rt.les, but they u.ually think that It makes a dif- ference wtuc:h political party la in power Thua, while the formal party orgaru- uulons lack meaningful political clout, voters think the labela "Democrat" and "Republlcan" are important -they mean something to the voten. How the voter evaluates a candidate, an isaue. or the government 1\8elf ll often lnfluenced by party afflliaUon. One obvious example is how people view the preslc:jent. Aax>rding to a recent Field Poll, three-fourttu of our atate'a ClllflRNll ClllllTI Republicans have a "lot of confidence" in Ronald Reagan compared to orily one-third of the Democrat&. Another obviows example la how peo- ple vote, Republican voters tend to sup- port GOP cand1dates, Democratic voters usually support Dernecrata. Thll la par- ttcu la r l y true In leg1alalive races (Assembly, state Senate, and House of Represent.atJves) where the voters know little else about the candidate except party affillatJon. On the other hand, l.n a statewide race, particularly for governor or Unlted States Senate, money, media and peno- nallty play an Important part in in- Ouenctng the voter's dedalon. A classic example of thll ls Ronald Reagan'• 1966 gubernatorial victory In whicn he cap- tured &'l:iOut 700,000 Democratic votes. How vo ters v i ew various s.ov- ernment programa or taxing programs are often lnOuenced by their party affi- liation. Recent Field Polls ahow, for ex- ample, that a majority (54 percent) of Democrats approve of government programs that asaw-e jobl while a 'majo- ri t y of Republicana (68 percent) disagree. TAX POLICY illustrates another mea- ningful difference too. A majority of Democrau (66 percent) support t.he idea of taxing busl.ne9a income; a majority of Republicans (58 percent) oppoR such a tax. And, it will come as no surprbe that when uked lf they favor "large'' or ''1mal\" governmmt, Republicans (79 percer)t) reject.ed large gov~rnment in favor of small while 45 percent of De- mocrau favored large g~onunent. Generally speaking, mocratic lea- ders and voters believ In an activist government dedicated t helping the disadvantaged, the ill and the unem- ployed. Republicans do not. With the nation -and Ca1Jforn.i8 -in substantial economic difficulty, that difference be- tween Democrau and Republicana may well become the decisive fact.or in the 1982 elections. Party affiliation may become the moat important /actor In th"la year'• cam- paigns Private plane fees finance airport To the Edu.or: In .Neellt weelm llWl'al lettel'I to the editor have beftl publiahed where the writer ob~ to. pro~ new sen- er•l aviation a!rport bein1 bullt with ta.xpayen' fundll. 'It '8 bnpotWlt to note that any propOlled airport would be n- naoced by state and federal fund• aom.aed from aviation 1.111ers. Additionally, some fund• could be Olllde avallable from N'Wliue bonda and MAILBOX tt la quite pcmble une privaw capital would be invsted. No ieneraI taJCpayen monies would be involved. We have been Ulured that Oranae County would ~ve· a hJah f\mdlna.P!lortty due to need. T6e Board of Sul)el"YilCO la preeently enpged In a detailed search to dete-r- mine •t eeveral Iii. ai. viable optlooa. Thote who feel a new general avi.adon airport ii lmportant better write to the board expre.ing their IUpport llnc.-e all they have heard from to date ~re the "anti" people. · Cqntrary to popular belief, they do review lettera very carefully and l.nter· · e.ted cltlsen.1 ahould be heard on tht1 lmportant lasue. JOSEPH E. IRVINE I Executive Director 1 Community Airport C.oundl Election 'bligh t' • ju.stice tQ occur. A Fountain Vallef bu- alneMman could not even think o pla-cina the number of •llnJ that are ap- pearing to advertise a 1ale or a new bualneu, without facina aome aort of heat from city offidall. I woWd sunn19e that tb1a hypocrtay la due to the fad that mdtlt of theae city offlelala are up for re-el«Uon. A\ the risk of belna optat1ve, strict ordinance9 ahoWd prohlblt th1' u.nsSchtly form of pollution. Regional .a,rt cent.en could be eet up by the city for CandJdatee to dlaplay their merlu to people who were concerned, and rlddJ.nc the dty of ~ sl&N of which a few W1ll still exhlt Iona atwr the election ii over. sa>TI' R. wm5A Bill aids hom ebuyers To \h4t Editor: Oood news may well be on the borir.on with Aseemblyman Bruce Youn&'• Bill AB 3507 outlined In your Matth 21 C!d1- t1on. Thia legillative move toward tedudna mon&aae lntel'ell raw. It the d1rect N· 1u1t 0t nopefui bomebuyen havinl thett voK:ej heard at the government~: Providing f1nandal --..noe to flnt- Ume home~l'l la just the tnltial Np l.n a lone road blick \0 the rt.aht of home owneilhlp. Everyone who woWl 11ke to buy a home shQuld make their vo"*9 ~ by supportinc AB 3507. DAVE DAWSON Pretldent/~ Dtrector c.enuary 21 ... • Orange Cout DAILY PILOT /Su~ay, Aprtl 18, 1982 f THI I ARL'I "' ............ ,... ~~'=--a.Moe Tme 8-et YtM Door (Cal Slete --YtM .V.J COITA...a641·1219 1Ht__.lh& --YIUO 495-0401 win c-... -··-·CS-..... ,_,,~ • ..,., ... .,,J H~~u~s~ft?, a Heaping selection of Qu8lilied Hopefuls in lhe DAILY PILOT HELP WANTED ADS A LL MA1<ES! ·833-0555 Ask For Roy, lWl SPECIALIST ot· HOWARD Chevrolet ecw-o1 eo..-o...11 a. N£\MIORT8~ WIN FREE TICKETS Just Look for Yow Name/ H. WVWlll MICK Vfnll~I ,.,_,. 141h AIH'JUJ Anahtlim .__ See TWIGGY Skil • ·- · Gullstan carpets of Trevlra Pentron repel liquid spills and stains. Resistance Is effective even after heavy we~r and repeated cleanings. Protection Is permanent and built In. No other carpet beats It. Year .. I e ~· Gulistan carpets of Trevira Pentron are crafted under the Industry's most demanding construction specif I cations to assure maximum ~urabillty and wear resistance. Protection Is built In. No other carpet beats it. Gullstan carpets of Trevlra Pentron actually reject soil. Carpets stay beaut If ul longer and respond to cleaning better. Protection Is built In. rulistan. U ~JPStevens Trevlra Pentron static shock control Is completely effective and permanent. Annoying static shock bulld--up Is vlrutally eliminated. Protection is built In. SCiH IJ"IO IS" a Square Yard on Harlow's lestlevlra Ca1pe11! A luxurious saxony plush from Gullstan made of stain and soll resistant Trevlra yams-today's most durable carpet fiber. 23 fashion color& make It easy to coordinate 1211 with your particular deco_r. _ ... .,.. This dense plush will stand -up to the A rich, thick plush crafted from Trevlra yams for years of outstanding performance. 25 vibrant colors add to the deslrablllty of this long-weartng Gullstan carpet. It's one of 1511 Har1ow's be~t values. ... "- The ultimate In a richly fashioned plush everyday wear-and--tear of family living. Easy . care Trevtra fiber construction makes this styled for your decorating needs. With 28 sumptuous cofors, this Gullstan carpet will retain Its-appearance over years of wear. A beauty and a great boy. Gullatan carpet unmatched for wear and IL H beauty. 22 decorator colors. .. ... "- , ~· Or.nge Cout DAILY PILOT/Sunday. Aprll 18, 1982 EYE BANK SEEKS MORE CORNEAL DONORS . • • ~Prom Pa1e Al) to be al.molt a byword. That'• the 'bnly way we'll aet /f\Ore donallona." When eyes are donated, the corneu are removed by eye bank .\t-chnlctans. The workers alao · 'prepare the body eo there it no apparent oraan lOM. Two eye 1uraeon1 are then contacted from the tYe ban~ waltlna Hat, ead\ recelvtnr• Mill Parr uya most redpienll ar. victims of eome type o( dlt· eaae of the cornea, or kerato· noeu1. The cornH 11 the tran1· oarent , cap .. llke cover or "window" over the lria and pupil of the eye. Othera requiring tranaplanla may have damaaed or 1earttd corneaa. . Vlctlma of keratono.ua Uve in a world shrouded by fog. Mrs. McGulr:e, however, wu eaent· lally blind in her riaht eye until her Jan. 8 aurgery. tier left eye ha• not bee~ affected by the dlseue. -·- <:ommunlty Hoeplt41. Unlike kidney or heart tran- 1plant opcrationa, cornea repla- cementa are nearly alway• auc- ~'Cllful 1lnce there'• llttle chance of rejection ol the nf'w tlaauea, Mill l>arr explains. The 1urgeon removea the dla· cued cornea, replaclng it with a <tonat.ed tlaaue using sutures flner than human hair. The 14turea muat remain in the eye for about six months and caUJe little dla- oomfort. . Comeu can be Uled from any donor, preferably under age 70. Donora and reclplenta often are of dJfferent qe an>UPI· The eye bank wlll not accept tl11ue donation• from persona who auffered from a communl· cable dlaeue, moat cane r1 and other allmertt• that might be trarwnitted to the recipient. Pupft ---... CORNEA Iris' ----,,-.--'fl, - Vitreous Body ~~·tragedy two people are helped," Mi11 Parr notea. Patienta in need of two ~ 11.--i-'--rece ve one an are t en -placed at the bottom of the eye bank'•' list. But without the cornea tran- aplant, she would have had to quit her job at Fountain Valley Miss Parr adda that corneas must l>e..r_emoved wlthin al~ houn of death and the aurgeon hu 24 to 48 houn to transplant the healthy tbaue. In addition to the cornea, the aclera or white U..ue of the eye it removed for a variety of uaea. PluUc surgeons Ute the aclera to build the bridge of the nose or repair eyelid damage. Perldon- tlata can surgically implant the tl11ue in gums to help firm up looee teeth. MEDICAL ILLUSTRATION -Major eye parts, in capi~l let- tera, must be removed within six hours o( donor's death and transplanted within 48 hours. Few are rejected. ' :H 3.99 12& CANS SPECIAL! ·-· . -. - CllCIEW OF 111£ SU CHUM( UGHTJUNA In Oil or Water· ' It. ~eri i ~·c c;c·1 . ft ., • .. . . - ~ t:m FEVER •th'''·• IJ THERMMTER Oral. Rectal or Baby. 99~ SO MINE. • TUl.ETS DULCOLAX ..UTM SUPPOSITOltES For fast. predictable relief. 11 ... ,...,.1.69 PUAIOllC 1111'11 POITUU RADIO For fine mu11c·llstemno everywhere you gol Fea· tores include slide·rule tuning dial and eJrphone texternal speaktf jack (earphone incl.). Opefates 7~1495 . . SPECIAL! SAVE&Oe ZEST DIODOllAllT . lllAUTY llAll For that tingly. clean feeling all over! AD PRICES PREVAIL: SUNDA Y, APRIL 18th. THAU TUESDAY, APRIL 20th. fas.A UOUtD CRYITA&. f.DtOtT POCUT Ol llMD •LD CALCULATOR A tot1l 11vlngs on-a name that means ttie finest In calculators. Features Jnclude 4-key memory and automatic constant, ch•no• •ion ~e;;.. 9.95 == CMOICIJ IA. SAY• sec PRELL SHAMPOO NEW TDA5 INSTIUllEJITS SPEAK & SPELL c:MtACT The etcltlng, new lurnltto aid""' tuct.-es with speech! Makes ltatn no a con- stant rewarding ch1lltn0t tor IWfyone ':::: j ,j 9·5 ----'flt. SP•CIALI AIM TOOTHPASTE R19ular or Mint. 1.2& 1.59. IUT '/Nmm *VITAMIN C ... _ .. .... •11.ba li1liIDUrn Press only one button to preserve your fav· orite meme>fles on fi~'I. (Film Included) YOUR COST ~ f'OLMOIO MaAn ·•1t•C..-1t•S..•h& ... , .......... ,. ..... ....... Ulll ... Te "'9 Cll ..... ,_ fllllJ • -...,. .......... TllE ZERO .......... 11·11 lMe • ' (II i.> FlM 7.29,.. SAY• 3oe IEW FREEDOM ID.llUS llAll PADS Ultra absorbent fbr better protection. Regular or Super. -··2.79. ~~-... . UrUIJ LOW n~ n. NICES· GI D111E--1-1C SUPPUUI ,.:.5.99 Ill IWICRO-FINE 111 S1lllE •• ___ ,. s ·AVE7ae 2.soz. 1UY2aSAVE ase CMICIDt OF TIE SU DYSTER STEW Extra Oel1c1oos Robust Flavor• MYlMTA - ANT.aao •UQWD (12 .. , •TAIUTS ,, .. ., ••> :i,1.99u Clear or Cream Lotion. TURTLE WAX UQUmWAX .J:.~UJ MU CarWuM (K u..) nm 2.79. ............ .,, FOR THE RECORD 83 Downing_p,roVides capper His two home runs lift Angels to fifth straight s1:1ccess, 6-2 By CURT SEEDEN or-.. oe11r "°' • ..., ' Saturday night was Cap Night at Ana- heim Stadium, and the Angela had just enough old-fashioned capa for 45,000 fans. And when the crowd waa asked to n.e and wave their complimentary caps, there were 16,6i0 who had nothing to wave. They had to settle for a symbolic tip of the cap for the surging Angels. With Brian Downing clubbing two home runs and Rod Carew adding a two-run single, the Angels made it five atralght durlng the homestand with a 6-2 victory over the Minnesota Twins before an all- time Anaheim Stadium baseball crowd of 61 ,640. TUA T MARK Is even better than the 61,026 that showed up for the final game of the Freeway Series with the Dodgers. And the mob was not diaappoint_ed. Downing gave a pretty good Indication of the kind of night it was going to be when he slapped Terry Felton's 0-2 pitch into the leftfield stands to lead off the Angel first. And, starter Ken Forsch provided the healthy audience with yet another impres- sive pltchina performance. Forach went the d.iatance, 1eattering 10 hill and helped the Angels' team earned run average drop to 1.31. But it wd not a perfect night for the Angels. Short.atop Rick Burleson, who aeemed to be breaking out of a slump with a pair of alngles, suffered a strained right shoulder while trying to complete an off- balance double play throw, and the prog- }lOSia doesn't look good. "I DIDN'T like the look the doctors gave me when l uked about him (Burleson).'' admitted Manager Gene Mauch. I'm very, very much concerned. He has had problems th~ (with his shoulder) all spring. "He has had a half dozen Injections and a couple of tons of Ice during the spring. He's going to have an arthrogram tomorrow,'' Mauch added. Burleeon was injured in the sixth inning after the Twins had ICOred their first run of the game on a solo home run by Jim Ei- senreich. One out later, Mickey Hatcher collected his second hit of the day. That brouj(ht up rookie Kent Hrebek whose grounder was fielded by second baseman Bobby Grich. Grich toaaed to Burleson, and Burle90n -who had already a~vated the shoulder on an earlier play -S'ttffered the strain as he whirled and fired in an unsuccessful double play at- tempt. Burleson figured In the Angels' second inning uprising after Downing has staked them to a 1 ~o lead with hla first-Inning homer. IN THE SECOND, Burleson and Dow- rung singled, Md Fred Lynn drew a walk to load the bases. Tlutt brought up Carew and he promptly singled up the middle to score the two runs. The Al\8els built a 5-1 advantage when Reggie Jackson walked and eventually sc.'Ored on Don Baylor's single In the fifth, and Downing ripped his second eolo homer in the sixth. Downing, who'said he hadn't hit two (See ANGEU, Pase 86) Narrow .Jead for Wadkins . . Edison takes over first in un et after win Saturday. See story, Page B2. RANCHO LA COSTA (AP) - Lanny Wadkin s, leading the Tournament of Champions, took a look over hrs shoulder u'fd------- BEA VY LOAD -Toronto Blue Jays Al- •fredo Gt,iffin (top) lands on Boston's Garry Allenson who is forced out at secoT)d base NFL ·publicists during action Saturday at Fenway Park. The Red Sox held on to nip· the Blue Jays. 5-4. plan strategy They may not have much to write about come Septemb~r For want of a word, lt la amuaing that the publldty directon of the National Football Lague will convene here in 'Newport Beach for their an- nual meetings which are held to dilcull the latest techniques in drum beating and tub thumping. You aee. It Is entirely likely the publidty peo- SPORTS COLUMNIST BUD TUCKER . ple will have nothing to publicize ln the year of Ota landlord 1982. The players of the NFL will either be on strike or locked out by the owners and de---·,---------1111111111 tlC'riptiona of dark atadiuma make for dull lading. would be to take their ahare of the groa revenue The gap between the players and ~t and place It in a pool. Slmply stated, the way one 1a wide, which 1a to utter the very leaat. By com-player would make more than another would be to par1aon. the baeebtil players and owners were ln wtn more pmet. bed t.oeether in the 1"!9t lnddent of 1881. In other worda, the winners of the Super Bowl The players, ln • nutabeU. wish 65 pe!'Clel'll of,,, would come away with a wbatantially larger pey- tbe groea revenue 1enerated by the NFL teams. day than the alao rana and ao on and to forth. Among other item., th1a ,.-oWd incl~ tbe $2 bil-~ fiCw9d. Gerwy eldmata the increw in lion the NFL will receive from the tbia..nati8aal Mlary llCl'oe the NFL board will averap $100,000. teJevWoft 1Wtw<H kl durtnc &he upcomh'I five yw"S. Of coww, to ~ th1a pt, the players must receive their share of the sro-revenue and tua-t that the ec:Wal pettentaae rnilbt be neaodabJe. The owners atate flatly \hat any propoul regardlt\1 revenue •l\arinc 1a unutlafactory and in no way ~. Up to thl• Ital• of the aallop a\ leatt, the pla)'tn __, united and apparently wlW.nc t.o IO aown thrff Um" ana come up twice. Hence, a ...... teeml lmminent. wasn't parti<'ularly pleased with SPREAD-EAGLE -Atlanta Braves baserunner .Steve wha.t he a saw. Bedrosian moves gracefully toward first following slow Right behflfd him was Tom roller during Saturday night's game in the Aatrodome. W~~nieadlng the best playcr,.in . Braves tied a Nati~nal Lea~e record for most wins at the the game by two shots," Wadllns start of a season with 5-3 Vlctory. said Saturday after he'd regained the lead with a back-nine burst that produced six birdies and a third-round score of 68. "I DON'T think this thing i1 over with by a long shot. You know Tom is not going to back off, and behind him there are a lot of people at 4 and 5 under par. "At this atage, though, thino are kind of in the leader'• hancfa. U he goes out and ahoota 66 or 67 In the last round, it's pretty hard for an1body to catch up." Wataon agreed. "lt will take an outstanding round for me to have a chance," On TV today channel 4 at 11 :30 he said. "Lanny's a hard man to catch when he gets In front." Wadkins pulled away from the elite field of only winners of PGA Tour events during the last year with a 32 on hls back~ and, at one point, appeared poi- sed to make a rout of It. He birdied five of his first aix holes on the h omeward side of the 6,911-yard La Costa Country Club course, then bogeyed two of the last three. "l just kind of got it rolling," Wadkins said, "and then I started knocking the Oag down." HE COMPLETED 54 holes with a 207 total, 9 shots under par. Tom Watson, who won this event two.years in a row before being interrupted by Lee Tre- vino last season, matched par 72 in the mild, breezy weather and was second at 209. "I got off to a poor start and fust didn't. do anything particu- larly well," aatd Watson, who won four con.aecutive Player ,of the Year awarda before tne streak was broken ln 1981. Ron Streck wu another ahot back at 210 aft.er a 68. Tom Kite, last year'a leadinl money wiMer, had a 65 that ranked aa the best round of the tournament, and cloeed.up to 211, 4 atrokel beck in u. d\119 f« •• ooo ftnt prtle. ''When ~ play the first two rounda in 146, you've aot a lot of catchlna up to do, but I'm cer- tainly in a better frame of mind," Kite laid. HE WAS followed by U .S . ~ Open cham~ O.vld Graham and Fuuy Iler, tied at 212. Onham included a holie tn one, wt&h a ~·lion on the 9"ft&h, tn .. raund ot 70. Zoeller Md tbt ..... toe.al .... 4·pult double " bo99Y on the llxth. TNvlao Md a 74 and WM at • 217. er... ": w1wr Qt the M_... T8it , lhol '7hnd w• GUI of lbl Utl9 .._ M 118. -c: Dodgers find going rough in San Diego SAN DIEGO (AP) -After earning his flnt victory of the eeaaon, rookie San Diego reliever Eric Show found out he wu the lut to know. He got news of the decision in the dressing room af- ter the game. movement on the ball tonight." "I used to be a futball and slider pitcher, but I developed a sinker in aprtng tralnlng, and It has been my aavior," aid Show, a 25-year-old right-hander. Willlama la very pleaed with Terry Kennedy stroked a two-run double in the first in- ning to lift the Padres and Show On TV today to a 4-3 win over the Los Angeles channel 11 ·at 1 Dodges Saturday night for their fourth consecutive triumph. "I got the win?" Show asked the Padres' 5-4 at.art and hopes reporters. "I guess the main his team can continue to play thing ia the team won, and we above-.600 bueball. beat the Dodgers three in a row. I "l think we're off to a pretty hope we beat them tomorrow." good start." he said. "We've tM!en Show entered the game in the playing the same way all ·~ fifth inning and left in the ninth, ' long, and the players are ieally i with a runner on aeco~ and one hustling their tails off. If we out, replaced by Gary Lucas. continue at this rate, we'll be The worksheet for his four-10-8, 20-16. 40-32, ind 80-64. rD inning stint showed two hits, two take my chances with lhat walks and a strikeout. record." "Show did an outsiandlng The Pad.res' victory wu their job," said Padres' Manager Dick third atraight over the slumping Wllllams. "He had a lot of World Champions. · w ............ ~..,._ front tide aad 1aad he WH ''tilllll I ... ., ............... ............ -.. ,: .... .....,;), ...... •• ............. ¥ •• .... Orange Cout DAll..Y PILOT/Sunday, Aprtl 18, 1~82 --------------------"' · ~Brooklyn seek,ing baseball team . . : Pnm AP ..... &cMt NEW YORK -Ba1eball and Iii :Br~oold A marNae joined in 1890. : on the iouah dlamond of :lbbeta Fie , weathertnc ll'Umpa, ce- :lebrating pennants. Both aides wtlllng to "wait ·'til next yar." ; II) 19~7 came the divorce. ~ Owner Walter O'Malley packed up hil team ;.and headed for California. Brooklyn'• Dodgen ;would forever play ln a land of palm treea and ~en, their faithful fam reduced to rooting for :teem1 in other boroughs and other states. ! But state Sen. Thomas Bartoaiewlcz, .Brook.lyn-bom and bred in the era of the Boys of Summer, enviDona a Hollywood ending to thia 'love story. He dreaml of a new team piaytna ln )he new domed stadium in old Brooklyn, "No one de9erves a team more than we do," JaaY• the Democrat and leader of the bring- 'bueball-back-t.o-Brooklyn movement. "Being a ~ fan taught me to be optimistic, and ln irue Dodger ~tJon. we're going to do it. . "Brooklyn has got to win one." ! An artist's rendering of a propoeed Ebbets Pome sita on an euel ln Bart.osiewicz'a office. It a>mbi.nes modem technology -an air-1.nClated dome -with touchee of the put. including a red-brick front that suggests the facade of old ~ta Field. Bartosiewicz claims the dome, patwmed a!- 1er the Silverdome in Pooti.w:, Mich., could mean , $80 million a year to Broota'yn. Quote of the day "To buy the Loa Angeles Dodgers would be embarrulil)I " says Seattle ow- ner and Newport bualneu man Geor1e• Ar17ros. "The only way they can go 11 down.'' Braves tie Natlonal L.-gue wtn mark · Atlanta ihird buernan W Bor· .,. MJ' hit a two-run double ln \he''ftrwt • 1nn1na to help the Braw. .,., the Houtlon Altroe Saturday nJ.aht, 2-1 and U. the NatkJnal ~ NDCll"d for q:JnMCU· tJvtrvk:tories at the •tart of a lllMOI\. The victory wu 10th of the~ for the Bnvt1, who can ~itMall'e 1eMue mark and Ue the major·lelcue todav 1n the Mri• finale with llouaton. Oakl•nd won t 1 1tral1ht aamce at the 1iart of lut IM· ion for the maJor-lH1ue beat . . . Elaewhere, Bnce lereayi and Tom R•m• combined on a four-hitter, d Cincinnati ended a 1lx- l ame loalng' 1trea1' with a.n -2 victory ovc.r San Phnct.co . . . Leoa 0.rUID 1lammed a two-run homer NOMU and Larry Bowa 1napped a l-for-2~ slump with a pair of extra-bue hJta u Chicago ended a four-aame 101ln1 1treak bl beating Plttaburgh, 10-2 . . . Mooile WlllO• 1 sacrifice fly ln the bottom of the aeventh inning eccired Tom Veryie~ with the winning run u the Meta shaded Montreal, 2-1 ... Joaqaln AH•· Jar pitched a three-hit shutout and St. Louis tagged loeer Steve Carltoe for five early runs u the Ca.rdina1a blanked the Philadelphia Phlllleti, 6-0 for their seventh 1traJgbt victory . Chlsox stay perfect with sweep Jlm Morri1oa'1 Ue-breakina lea-Iii doff homer ln the bottom o1 the eighth inning Saturday night •parked a four-run rally and lifted the un- beaten Chicago White Sox to a lo-6 victory over Baltimore and a aweep of their double-header. Gre1 LadD1kJ hit a two-run homer ln the first ln.nl.ng and Britt Banas pitched a three-hitter for aeven lnnil'lp aa the White Sox won the opener, 3-1 ... Dwayne Marplly and Jim Spencer drove in two runs aplece to support tfle complete-game effort of former C.orona del Mar High product Matt Keom1li as Oakland ham- mered Seattle, 10-3 ... Amoa Otta drove ln five runs, including a game-winning two-run double in the eighth inning, as Kansas Qty pounded out 22 hill in beating Cleveland, 12-10 ... Lamar Joba10D belted a t~-run homer in the sixth inning, lending Tex.as to a 5-3 victory over Mil- waukee ... Glean Hoff mu capped five-run first inning with a three-run homer aa Boeton snap- ped a four-game losing streak in beating Toronto, 5-4 ... EDOI Cabell ha9 three hita. including a homer, ln Detroit's 5-3 victory over the Yankees. .. Warrior• eUmlnated from playoffs Louie ....... !t f1'M th.row with m nlne aecond1 remalnln1 1avo the Seattle SuperSonlc. a H-94 victory over Golden State Saturday ntabt, ellmlnaUnt the Warrion from the NatJonal Bll- ketball Alloclalion playoffa. It wu the aecond •t.raiabt Y"T the Waniora had ~n elimlnated on tne final day of their llMIOn ... ElMwbere, Ray Wl1Uam1 pumped in a cereer-hiah 62 polnta •New Jeney whipped Detroit, 147-132 to clinch, a home~ adva!)~ ln the finl round of the playoffa . . . Alea Elitll•lil and Du l11el acored 82 polnta aJJlece u Denver beat Oellaa. 130-124 to cl1nch lta flnt playoff berth ln three aeaaona. -Baseball today On th1s" dW!"' tn baseball ln lYIH: 1n the longest' game ln the hiltory of or- ga.nlr.ed baseball, the Roche1ter Red Wings and the Pawtucket Red Sox of the Inter- national League played a 2-2. 32-inning tie. On th.la date ln 1945: Pe te Gray, the famed one-armed out- rielder of the St. Louis Browns, went 1-for-4 in his major-league d ebut as the Browns defeated the Detroit Tigers 7-1 Today'1 Birtlidaya: Texas Rangen infielder Doug Flynn ia 31. Minnesota Twins pitcher Bobby Castillo ta 27 Whitworth takes four-stroke lead Kathy WUtwortb fired a n 1 -over~par 73 Saturday to h old a comfortable 4-st.roke lead entering the final round of the CPC International women's golf tournament. If Whitworth wans today, It will be the 82nd victory of her LPGA career. tying the number of championships by Mickey Wrl&bt ... Bob Byman, who has fi- nished no better than 22nd in 10 PGA tour ou- tinga this year, fired a 6-under-par 66 to take a three-stroke lead after three rounds of the Tal- 1.ahasaee Open. Laguna Niguel's Mark O'Meara, who carded a 5-under 67, moved into a second. place tte at 67. Lombardi's widow dead at 67 Marie Lombardi, widow of le-• gendary f.ro football coach Vince Lombard , died early Saturday at John F . Kennedy Hospital in West Palm Beach, Fla. at the• of 67. She had been W with a lung infection for several week&, ac- cord Ing to bet 1on-in -law, Pa•l BlckUm. ·- Jlaward set • national mark _Fergraus, Durand shine Special '° tlle Dally Pilot A.RCAOlA -Seilior Denean Howard broke her own naUonal record jn the 400 met.era and won two other !Int-place honon to highlight activity at the Arcadia Invitational here Saturday nlaht. Howard, from Kenned~h, ln l!IUnnlng a 52.90 400, echpeed her old of ~S.65 tet lut year. ~he al8o won the 100 (12.01) and 200 (23.90) eventa In the-women'.s. dlvilion. _ A& for Orange Coast area athletes, Lisa Fearaua beat last year's state champlom to win the high jump event ln the women'• djvialon for Laguna l3each, while teammate Rennie Du.rand en.Wied to an easy victory l.n the 800 meters. Fountain Valley's Sharon Hatfield alao breezed ln her speciality as she captured the 100 low hunf- lea. Hatfield finished almost a second ahead of the rest of her field. And, University's Polly Plumer made a sham- bles of her race as she easily outdiat.anoed the peck in the 1,600 meters. winning in a time of 4:63.45, whlch waa more than 10 eeoonda better than the seoond pl.ace finisher. ln the men's division, the only local flnt place honor went to Mission Viejo Higtl's Steve Kerho, who won the 330 low hurdles and fi.niahed .econd in the 110 highs. Other area track and field partidpantl to finish among the top five included Newport Harbor's Lance Betson , who waa fifth In th~ pole vault (5-10); F.dison'a Barbara Rainey, who was third ln the 400 met.era (56.97); University's Teresa Barrioa, who was third in the 3,200 meters (10:49.07); and Westminster's Laura McCracken, who finished be- hind Barrios in the 1,600 at 10:66.28. Among the team honors was a first place by University 1i!ft~ in the women'• distance medley relay, with n finilhi.ng fourth. Rustlers in finals The Golden West College softball team will be ylaylng for the championship of its own tournament al 1 o'clock this aft.emoon following a 4-0 victory over Chabot Friday night. Tanuny Delp went the distance on the mound, allowing only a second-inning single. Catcher Don- na McElru went 4-for-4 to pace the offense. Cypress meets Chabot at 10:30 this morning for the right to play Golden West in the title game at 1 . • 111111•1111 TIE .l''IU.1111111 SYSTEM. •1'E PEIPLE ftl lllE ·-~ llE Tim I ,. • • •'ti t• TIERNEY • Edison WIDS showdown Tierney hurls one-hitter to pace Irvine F.di9on'1 Jeff Kwolek hit a sacrifice fly to ICCft teammate Mib DeBenon in the top of the eighth bm1na and the Cbarpn went on to defeat ~ OUen o( Huntington Beach, 2-1, ln a crucial 8\,lnaet League baseball conte.t to h.18hlla)it action Saturday. h other prep pmes, lrvine defea- ted Saddleback, 1-0, ln a Sea View Le.,ue contat. while Woodbridge dqwned Newport CbNtian ln a non- 1.tMue a!f.air. ~ the community college front, Saddleback pounded out a Miaaion COnference victory over Rivenide; U. Angeles CC handed Golden West i~ flnt lou ln Southern Cal C.onfe- f'!JPU play; and Oran1e Coast out- 1Jugged Mt. San Jacinto ln a non- cmfem10e Ult. 'Here'• what happened! ldleon 2. tUtltfttlon 8-ch 1 trbe Chargers (8-1). wttb the vic- tory, moved one game ahead of the OUera (7-2) in die Sunaet League ~-'-In a pitcher'• duel, the Cbargen' Mike DeBenon and the OOen' Gary Backela went after etlCh other pitch· fpr-pltc:h until Huntln1to·n Beach R¥•hed acrou the flnt run of the ~ ln the bottom of the llxth. n'be Ollera 1cored when Brian ~ llnC1ed up the mkldle and came ~me one out later on a double to ~-bJ Buckelt Poach Ron LaRuffa'r Char1en co\mtered, however, with a nm of thttr own -thank.a to a little help from HuntiNrton Baech -in the top CC-the .vench. JAft fielder Charlie Guest opened i-. lnn1DI with a double and went to tNrd when Hunti.np>n'Beach'• M- • 'o F 'Wi dropped a pop fiy for ~ sror. ~ tbm-We1bd IP i-..s the ~ before catcber Tony 111...t boml G\mt to de ...... tl~ Owfn. Ihm WW on to win "ft,; ""' .. .._a --~ .... tbt ~..rg-F=-'= ~~-wt' tt1n,t.11to ,, ·a:~e::&, Mab ,,..: .......... a.1y-. ·=a:.-=-~. 'J OJ .... ..-z..~ _.,._f:ia:l · . .. .. ·---.. The victory moves Irvine into 10le eion of .econd place in the Sea i;;League, one game behind paoe--letting a Corona del Mar. Sadd- leback, now 4-3, will have another makeup game tbla Monday when it travela to play University. Woodbrtdge I, Newport Chrtat. 1 'nle Warrion improved their aeuon reciord to 6-11 u junior right-hander Kevin Burke llmlted the C-ooquerora to Just four blta. Burke, who ran hla record to 3-1 with the victory, struck out two and added to bia own eUort by driving ln two runs .. OCC 7, Mt. 8an Jticlnto 5 Rich Kelloa pitched a strong three inninp of reDef to give the Pirates a 22--6 record overall after winning the non-conference affair between the two teams. Kellogg scattered four hits and didn't allow an earned run during his stint to record hla first save of the year and help teammate Rich Soren- 80ll even hil record at 1-1. Freshman third baaeman Tom Duggan continued his torrid hitting at the plate u be went 2-for-3 to extend hil hittina 1tftak to U games. ~10,Rtvenlde7 The Gauchm built an 8-0 lead and then had .0 wtlhltand a furioua Ttaer rally to r~ord their 11th Ml11lon Conteience victory in 15 ouu.n,.. Ode Hahn, who hit two home runa on the day, started proceedlngt when he blMted a lhot (1llfJr the left field fence to stake Saddleback to a 1-0 i.t. Four lnnlna• later lt was Hahn a,ain u be hit another 10lo ahot to left wtth two outa. LACC I. Golden W•t I The Cu"bl 0-1 rn the MC01'd half) mapped the l\\lltlen' 16-came Sou- thern Cal ~ Winnlr'8 ttnek bY ICOl'tnl llx t:lm. in the ffnt five lnninp. . Connon ad•ances ' 1. ·, I ~ llstenOd to the problems people encountered~ they m<Md them· 'sel\a. And b1ed to oome up with a I _$Qlutk>n. . 1 We call oursotudon theJartran i M<Mng S)*rn.An economlcat, practi- cal~ to m<M )()Urael( OUrtrucka~made br peopte ~ ---" JarlrBn Truck Rental aren'ttruckdri\ers. Most of them~ automatic: transmlssk>n, ractio and bud<et seats. Power steering and powerb~AJong with special aero- d)Tulmlc Nose_ Cones• to lmprcM: mite.age and handHng. We ean provide )OU with traDersio hand trucN and m<Mng peels. A com· --· .. . plete Moving Puk:le. And a 24-hour toll-free mafntmanoe number. AJI thal plu.5 a ~ d dealers all <Mr the counb)i adds up to the Jartran M<Mng ~· A professional way bran amateur "10\ler to mo\e. -I ~ . . ' ' . .. ~ L&ACIW STANDIMGa AlwtemcU.,.. ................ WL.._Oll 7 0 1,000 • 2 .750 lit • a .121 8 4 3 .571 s 8 11 .545 a 68.A5&4 a • .2n • ...... .,..,..... Oeltalt .. 5 .... Toronto 4 6 .444 ~ 3 4 ,421 New Yon 3 4 .429 ......... s 6 .875 ... :=:,,. ~ g :~: I~ ............ ....... 8.~•2 Detroit 6, Hew VOl'k 3 KAnlM CllY 12, ~ 10 BoelOn 5. foronto 4 T-5, tt-.,r ... 3 ChlcllQO ~ 10. lenJmore , .. ~ tO. S-llle 3 T...,.10-..,._..t~t-1111 ~<ZaM I~ YOtll (~ I.()) .. OetnllC tPWlrJ 0.11 KAN4Y City (L-.td Ml et <:Wlelend (Oeftny 1..()) T •orito (Cle.ncy 0. t I 11 Boeton (Torrez 0-11 8eltlmore (MoOregor 0·1) et Clllc:ego IK-CMI) THH '"•"•>'Clllt 0·11 •t WUweukM (Via~ 1-1) • CMll~ fMoCettr 1.oi et 8Mnle ..... ~·.=- • L ""-C19 10 0 t.000 -6 4 .6M 4\.t 4 5 .444 I 4 e .400 8 4 7 .a&48\t 37 .J007 ...... ~ SL L°"8 I 3 .727 - .IOO '"' .57t 2 New Yon e 4 MontrMI 4 3 ~gfl 3 4 .429 3 364 4 .222 5 ~ ;~ ..... ,. . ._.- 8MOleao4 ....... 3 New Vofti 2. MontrMI t Qlbgo 10. l'tltebllrgfl 2 St. L011111 8. ,..,...,..... o Cltlclnnell I . Sen FrendKo 2 Adenl8 2, Howtoti t TMIW'•O-.. ........ (W9dl ,..()) •t Sen Oleao (Lolar t-G) MonltMI (Lee CMI) .. New VOf\ (R. ~ 2-0) • Clllcego (Meru 0.11 e.1 P1ttsbur1111 (Solomon CMll Pllllact.Cpllle (Aulllven 0.2) •t St. LOUii (Rirlcofl 1-0) Allent• (8•dro111n O·O) 1t Houlton ~t-1) ~ (S--CMll e1 Sen Frenaeoo !Fowllel I· II --tor• 8'rJIM Ellnrdl. cf. 2 1 2 t Wwd. If 4 1 1 O .._,If 4 0 3 0 Hfbetl. tb a o 1 1 R.lmln. dtl 4 0 0 0 a-u.a 4 000 ~.c 4 o IO Fe.do, 11 4 0 1 0 RWMhgt.2b4 0 1 0 CMIORMIA •rltM Downing, II 5 3 3 2 ACWtl.11 0000 L)'M. cf 3 1 1 0 ee.-. lb 4 0 1 2 ~rt31 10 ....... lfOOOO 0Ntl.2b 3011 ...,.,dll 4 011 o.cnc:.. 3b 2 0 1 0 8ur*on. 813 1 2 0 Fol, 11 1 0 0 0 Boone. c 4 0 I 0 Totall a3 2 10 2 Totale 32 I t2 I .... ., ......... ...,_ 000 001 010-2 Celllomll 120 10t 01•-I OP-t.ti"llMOl8 1, C.llfornla 4. LO&- Mlnt-* 7, c.Mornle 1 I. Hf'-Oownlng 2 (4). Ei-telcll (2). ~ S-Gttell ..,,111• • "" • • eo l:=ttt 0-1) 6~ 10 5 5 5 ' 2'1\211 3 0 ~ Fotldl (W, Ml t 10 2 2 S 2 T-2'.2t. A-41,4MO. Aft9el ..,., .... UTTM ........... 8 1 2 o o .400 1e 2 7 0 3 .IN 43 • 15 0 5 .3'I 43 5 " 0 s .326 31 1 ti 3 10 .291 43 1 12 4 • .n• 87 I 11 0 8 .297 11 1 11 o a .297 4151104.229 45 4 1 0 2 .151 32 2 6 0 2 .154 41 1 • 0 2 .1441 " 0 1 o. 2 .Otl 00000 .000 10000.000 41t ... '°' 6 48 .2$2 "'c•-• tt • eo w-L DA S.0 S I 0 0.0 0.00 2 1 2 1 0.0 0.00 17 • 3 6 1.0 0.$3 "·' 10 • 1 0-0 0.7t 10.2 1 I 4 2.0 O.M 1&..2 to 10 12 1-1 1.15 7.2 • 1 4 2.0 1.17 11 14 t I l·t 1.20 " • s • 0.0 2.A6 n. 1 tt 8 1 1-1 ut 111.2 17 41 ... u 1.17 ................ T.... OtO OOI oot-t 11 0 .... ... 001 100 001-a 1 2 TllMN. e..... (t) lftd lkllldtlert: Mo• ~.._...., .. ....__.._T .. -, • M . L -fllOClllfe. I· t. I -C-( 1). ""9 -T-, .-... (t). ta 1 ..... .... (1). A -10.t07. ........ -.... r.... .o • ,,._. 11 o ~ ... -........ ,, 0 ..,.._; ...,..m.,.....,...Tl*r, 0.(1)11W~.W-'-'.M,L­•-Het1, •·•· • -c..., en.""• -.__,....,_(t).A-tt.tt7. ,..... ........ ...... --~•tot 0:.. "' --.;-e • 0 .. ~aiI~=.8rL --... _ .... ~ '"' o-..m. ,._ Totall 32 4 I 4 ..... ., .......... LOI AftOllel 100 020 000 -3 Sen DMoo so 1 000 DOii -4 E -Cey. Selamr. Aueeel, Templeton OP -Loe MolMI I, 8111Diego2. L08 -Loe All~ r. Sen Diego IS 28 -Alellare11. Llnelr-..a, T ..... on. Kannec!Y. ~ 38 -Lanelr-S8 -Su Lee,...... OOIU (L,O. t) P-AP- SHowe IM CMeee N'HllP•to 2"'14202 l'l'tOOOtO 2 2 0 0 0 I 2 0 0 0 0 0 ~ 41-\ 4 3 8 2 0 s-(W. 1.0) 4 2 0 0 2 t l-s. 4 213 0 0 0 0 0 WP -P-. Snow. lelk·Po-. T -·2:24. A-47, llt. ............ , ~ 000 100 000-1 • 4 .... Von 100 000 10.-2 t 2 8utT1I end 0atter. 8wen. Puleo (I I. Lynotl (II and 81-nl w -Puleo. 1-1. l -Bur· rte, 0-2 A -11,52' ~ ........ Pl''I ... 000 000 ~ 3 0 I t. Loulll ~ 000 1°"-1 10 o Carfton. "-' (I), ~ (I) rll\CI Olia: AtldutW rll\CI Port«. W -~. 2-1. L - Camon. 04. A -17 .467 c-.,..,......, Qlbgo 110 010 052-10 11 0 PllUl)utgtl 000 200 000-2 t 2 ..._, HerNlndel (I) and Mclr*nd. o.wte (I ): 8aumgll191'1;-tifOltnlv (tt;" Grtftl~ i;;, - Romo (91 and Pww. w -..... 2-1. l -~. 0-I. HRe -CNc:aioo. Olr9*n (1). ~. "-"*"' (2). A -1.43'. ............ , ~ 000 I 12 00--1 12 0 SM Frendloo COi 000 001-2 4 2 BeNnyl. .....,.. (7} and 0 '8erry. HolMd. 8etr (I). MW1ln (I). Lewlle (I ) and Mey W -Berenyt. 2·1 L -Helllend, 1-t. HRa -Cincinnati. ~ (2). A -10,732. er-a.. ...... , Auante 200 000 000-2 a 1 "°""°"' 000 010 DOG-1 4 I Wall!. McWlllfwn. llSI. H.,.,.. (IS). G.,._ (T) and 8enedlc1:; Mllluo. Smllll (7). Samblto (t) and AMt13t. w -Henne. 1..0. l -.... IO. 1-1 S -o.-ber (2). A -33.IN. • ~ '. c.t•~t.uc.,......• UC lrWle 000 000 000-0 I 1 2 Clll st. FUiierton aoz 401 oox-1 a o eo-n, SofN (4) end 8em#d; ThomCleOtl and PlrNocelo. W-Tholftoeon. L-C-. 28-VenderOurV 2 (CSF). "'-• (UCf\. AllPP (UCI). 36-V~ (C81'), BelM (CSf). HA-~. .COlllD .... Cal ... , ....... 'UC.,.... 1 UC lrWle 000 100 0-1 I 4 c.11 St. Fu1111r1on o 10 m a-5 a o lll111at, Hlc:a1 (5) Md ,.11pp; lhtry and Plrruccello. w -aerrr . l-811n11 28-Vl>etre (UCI), CUMllllge (UCI). ""'--Hodl~(caf:). ~ (~~-acu ...... ,.. WL09 ,...,,.... • 1 Cel ltatl "'*"°" t I 1 UC SMle..,._. 7 6 a U. Sen Ol9go I I 4 UC WW. I 1 I Cal a.. LA I "9 514 i..o,ola~ 4 I I Lano ._,. S1Alle 2 • , ... . , .......... Cal ~ f'Ula1on ._,, UC WW. 0-1 Cal ..... LA.._., Lona a..dl ~ M ,J'· oA S.. Ol9go s-1. UC 8Mta ..... T...,..._ Pepper-dine 111 UC 1rW1e L°"°'9 .. Cal SW. fwllllttoft UC: s.nta ....... "' lOllt ..... 8fate U. of S.. (*00 Al Cel 81-tl LA U80 2, ~';'· - UCLA 44. 8tan!ORI 3-t o.MorM 2, ~Stele I (1~ lrwllllge~ UC,.._.. 12·2, Cal 8tale NNo1nt1omwfelgetM- M (~ oeme. 46all\ lllnlngel ~ Vegae S.2, i..o,o1a M .c=.::~.::!Z1 ~ 000 000 180-1 12 0 ~ 112 040 Ob-10 12 0 ~. OOIMt1 (~Dey, 8atUla (7); Klrwwr. 8fyMI (7). I•)...,._ (I) efld lnrlll. W-1<.lnftey. L-He11~. 8-8onlla. 28-e.n.la (R). HAl-Hefwl 2 (8). "'"'* ,.,. LM.,......cc1.o.e..WWt1 LOI AftOllel CC 111 030 200-I 10 2 Golden w.c 010 too 001-a 1 1 ~ end Jon.; ~. CWtl (I ) end 8cllUr. w~ ~ 29-..._. (LACC). 3&-8'rl!Wtlerry (l.ACC). ar.wec...1,-. .......... Ml S... '**"° 010 IOO Oto-I t 2 Or-. CC*! 400 020 01•-7 10 3 cannon. McOr9111 131. VlllQll '1: ~ (I) and Hotller: acw-. l(.ilooa •• end ..... 11.,1c11. ;-8oren1on. L-llc r•lll. 8-K.illlgg. 28-Wlleon (MSJ}. Clllfl (OCC). 8TANIMN08 aouttc cwt ConfwetlOe W L -Cerrttoe • 2 °'9"09C-T 3 " 8ellt.I Alie • 4 1 """1on 4 a Sit a.n Oleao .._ ;J a 4 Mt. .... Antonio 2 1 6 ... Gr~ I 1. ............. OrenQ! Oout 1. Ml. In J 1c1n10 5 (ncllM)OI ....... ..... AM t, Ml. 8911 Antonio 2 "*"°" 10 ..... Oleao .... 1 c:...-111.~a ~co!. .:c =---~ .. ~ °'--' .. Ml. .., NMNo ... .....,..c.1c.,.,. .... , ...... ........, - ' I ' ' 2 ., :a - .. ... I I l\l • • • • .................. ....,., ldlecwl 000 000 ' 1-..a 4 0 HUn11ngton ~ ooo 001 00-1 1 a OeeMol\, ~(I) fll'ld ~ ..... end a 111ney. w -Oehf!Oll. l-e11Ckel• ~-19-o.-t (I), ...... a (HI). M-o.e.-. HIGH 8CHOOL 8TANOINQ8 ... v ... ~ W L Ga Corqne e1e1 ...., 8 2 lrvlM I I 1 8eddlebtiCll 4 I '°" Unlwrllty 4 3 , ... Colle .... 4 3 1 ... EetMic.11 4 3 1"' fl Toro 2 e 4 H9wport Hwtlor 1 7 0 .....,.. ....... (11'1) Sadilllbldl ., Unlwtllty W1• I ..... 0-.. (1111) Corqftf del MM el Colla MMa H9wport Harbor at fl Toro lrvllle el Unlllet'llty Saeldle0edt11E11a11ete 8'"'4Mt LMeue • I 1 4 4 2 2 "•""'·e~ • MIC:r~ L Ga 1 2 1 a • s 4 7 • 1-. ( .. .,.... .......... , 100 -I. Manning (RlmntOll). 10.M . 2 HIM (Mutt). 10 H : S Walker (WuN11gtonl 1 t 0. 4. Oeater (Clatlc). t t t, 5 Mathie (Muir) 11 oe 200 -I M•lll'lllQ (H1m111on1. 2 t 12. 2 Oexllf (Clafl. 21.114, 3 Matllll (Muir). 22 08 4. ven1r-(La ean.da). 22.oe. s . Colamar IMolwcM«). 22 12 400 - L Cooper (WuNnolon). 47.2 t, 2 Howard (Lol\t ~ Poly). 0 .65. 3 Berl:llf l81lleralleld). 41 O. 4 01vt1 (8urrougl\al 48 17, 5. P.U (M;Ar), 4'.74 IOO - 1. &perza (EJ MOCllfle.). I 63.75. 2 Pelan (L• C1neele). t 54 38. 3 Oal>orne (Crentll1w1, 1.54 40, 4. Young 1Mo11n ~), 1:18.0I; 6. Hal (Sowlh). t:51S 13 1.100 -1. K~ ..... Viele). 4:11 25. 2 Wood (El OoredOI. 4. 12.27; 3. 811Np (San LIM Obllpo). 4~12.'5; 4. J-ver (c-tllol. 4 15.34; IS. Cherry (Elelorlelo), 4: 15.IO. 3,200 -I. Woode (~ t:07.74; 2. Nugent ICW-CltV), t:OUt; S. Vega (Chula Vlltel. t:Ol.08; 4. ~ (Senta 8ert>er1I. tot 87: 5. Wa1-I (~, t.1t.37 . 110HH -1 8r~ AIMt). 14 04. 2 Kwho , ...... Viejo). 14 •. s. GonzMlll (8111\op Montll0f"9t"). 14 44; 4. Oaweon (Tift.I 14 M; 5. an. (lerTa). 14.U. NOl)f -1 l(MftO( ...... Viejo). 37. 14. 2 Ander90f\ ,......,. 37 M , 3 AlklN {W8ftll). 37.87. 4. 8rown (8111\oo Amel). 37.H . 5 Young {Hewthome), 37 t'T D11ta"a. mee11er r•l•Y (2~ mlla•I - t Ula Vl1ta. 10:21 71; 2. San Lute Obispo. tO 37 51; 8. ~. 10-A0.57; 4. Mat« o.1, 10:42 5t; IS. Arcedla. 10:44 11. 1,IOO re1ey (lrwltetlONI) -t. ~on. > 17.tO: 2 Lont 9Mcllt litoty. 1:11.ff: s. 111~9 A"'•'· l ;tl,47: 4. Hatltt1or11e, ~11 .• 1e; e. w~ u1.-. 1,toO relay 1°"9"1 -I Wen11el Arte, 3.23..20: 2. e>orwy, U4.n ; s. e.-1v H*. 3.25.32: 4. 9ann1ne. s·21.t2. 5 Monfoo;j1, l:lt.67 . 400 r*t (lrWllatlonal) -1. WMNngton . 4 t.7; 2. MonrOYla, 42.2; S 8111\op Amat. 42 2: 4. Long •••ell poly, 42 4: 5. Sefra. 42.4. 400 '*Y (Open) -I Hemlllon, 42 t7; 2 e>orwy. 42M, 3. eornp.on, 42.n • .._ El Mo- --. 43.11: s. 009 "'**>e. 44 Ot. OT -1. Lu1te11 (Monro•I•). 113-•. 2 Oob06lle (llun'ougtll). 1924, 3 tat. (ClnMI WMtl. 1 ... 11: 4. H.it (Kelellel. 1714. 6 PW111~11'2 .. w -'· CO.uet1• (8uftllllk). 2$.3\t; 2. .... CHMll!On). 21-2; 3 w.1er1111 (c.nttel), 23·1: 4. 0.Wter (Clarkl, 22·9 ": S. WIHletn (Certon). 22.e\<\. PV -1, Fraley (Clovll Weit). 15•8: 2. Blletl ICIOlll1 WMI), 15.(); 3. Heolc!e1Hd cv~ 14.e: 4. Coleman IE c.Nno "41e!). 14·0: 5. (lie) Coaueu e (8urb1nk), e.1eon l"-POrl Hertlof), 14-0. HJ -t Burnett (Wuhl11gton) ... ,O; 2 eou.Nr (~ Perk). t-10, 3 Mllwlllg 1C1me1lllo). e-1. 4 Hel11H (Long ... en MM1111). M . 5. CNmbr C8elboe. ti'). M . SP -1. !(}ti• c•u•n• P11k1, eo-o~; 2 Perlll (CHelley). 6t·~ I . Flt1g11ald (8urrougfle). 17-t'ii; 4. Pwoell (~ ~ a. 0ormen <HawV1ornel. 6t-4v.. TJ -I. Wllllame (Troy), .... 7 ... ; 2. AtCNe (F1 .. no1. 41·0\.t; $. Wlhlem1 (Centrel). 47·1\t. 4. Pulllnl (Mlllr}, 47·1: 5. W)lllarn1 (~), .... 11~. ·-100 -1. Howard l~llllneclY}. 12.01; 2. ~ (Oerey). 12.10; 1. WIM40fl (Long 811cll Jordan), 12 14; 4. Yo11n11 (Muir). t231. 5 Mlnll~,.,..,. 1Ut. 200 -1. Howard (Ken"eoy1. U .to; 2 AmOICI (~:l4.2f: •• --~ 2U7; 4. (~). 2A.74; 1. (Long 9Mdl Jordell). 24.'rf. 400 -1. Howerel (K•"nect~I. n.~; 2. McGrew (QanH h•J. 54.71: 3. Aelne.Y (Edleorl), .. _11; 4. Aoft9 (Oottey). 57.:U; s. At1tlUr (Elp«MU). 87.at. too -I . Dllrlllld (~ had!). 2: 11. It; 2 Arnold (Loe-•>. 2 ta 84: s. Jollnao" (Manuel Arte). 2:f4 OS. 4 8ell (HftMrry Perkll 2'14 41: 5 Wrlgllt (Mlfl"91 Alli). 2158t. t,too -1. """'* (IJnNlrllM. 4:53-46: 2. Wallller (Clle1ewortll). 5:04.11; I . l)ytl1tra (Olelt•). 5:04.74; 4. Celt'-• (Mir• eo.t•). a:04.7t; 5. ,..,_(Lee Oetoe). S:Ol.03 • a.200 -1. Ooolt ~ 10:11.11· 2. Stryker \T111t1n}, to:at.U i_I . larrio. ~ .... ,. ,.,,, 10 :41.07: 4. MoCrHll•ll •tlM..w), 10.lt.lt ; I . bllw J .... NMO. 10M.42. 100\.H -1, MtiefWCI (.._._ V...,). 14 eo: a. Ctwdw ............. : a. .... -(.._. Vemure). t4.lt: •· ~ (\AN ............ 14,11: .. --cw-' Tott._., 11.0t. IOOLH -1. Keeton (Wlllfllll)t. 4:1 70: t . lonty IMwiuel Af1•). 44, .. ; a. T~ (LO"ll .. '4:11 Jorcle11). 411,01; 4, WllllM11 (WMlclleeW). 41.": I , Plnllel ~la). ...to. Ol•lallOe ~ , ... ., (2\t ,...,.., _ I. Ufllvwll!Y, 11:tta..t_'4_t • .......,rr ~erli, ,,.,. ... a."-"-'.-.... ttn.1t; ................ ,...... 11:11.17. , ........... *!I 1 ..... ...,,.. 1.IO. It; I. LMH. t :N .14; a, c-erHM. t;•et: •. "-................... : •. ---. ...... t#»Nllr~-1 0..,l;tt~L ........ 1:17. ti: ··=-· 't:lt. 11: 4 w...._ ... 41111 .. w ..... 4:0f.to. ..... :: •• ...,_ 1.0...•.a•: t ........ ., ... : •. lellt ...... ...... , •••. ·-·-· .... 11; •• c.. ............ •Nllr(Qlelll-'·'"'. 1 .. t • ...-... •~: i: .. :• ..... : • ... ~.•111 1. ........... Dl -t, Kl 6 ...-i, 171 .... I. K"'9:m=~ '-...... ......... , ... : .. ,....,.,, , .... : .. OtNI ' '· TJ -'· ~ ,.......,.._ IMtl I .,.. ... , ... ~.,., ... ._~;.;U!ril ~··~"' .... iif} ::it ' Orange Coat DAILY PILOT/Sunday, Aptll 18, 1982 UC .,.,._ t. ... 0-.-..... I ......... 8nyOlf (UCI) Clef Colllnl. M , 7-e, au.de (UCI) Oel FerT8ndl, 1-5. 1·5; e-(808) Oel Mc"'--· 1-e. 6-2, ~ (UCI) C1e1 w~. 1-e. &-7. M . ttoeltae(IOl)Clel. "-, t-.t, M , P•cnk (UCI) Clef. 0.u. t-2. 1-e. w . ~ Bnyder·Ou•d• (UCI) Clef e.-J•ffM. 1·4, •·S. Nel1on-R1mo1 (UCl) lled wllll 81oak-Collln1, 7-6, 3-e, ~. Mc~­ PefCllllk (UCl) oel. Weltington-0.U, 1-3. 1-3. Htah ecttoot c.r-... ,.., .... .,...... 4~ ....... EwtllO CCI Clel. ~, M: Of/I Gttflltll. t-0; Oel. ~~. M . oet. V1111g. l-0; 8oldat (Cl won t-1, t-1, t-0, .. 2: o.-..in (C) IOIC M : won 6-t; IOIC t .. : won t-t, Jonea ICI IOlt 2-4: won •2. M . •2 . ~ Prope>-HOltetlet CC) Clel. l(nlglll·Hatp.... 7·11. 8 ·2; del. Hu1n9·l'rlu, I · 1, I · 1, ~~WlllMll (Cl ll>llt .. t. 2-1: won M . ~...,_za.t 7 I •I MarOll (NI Clef i:~ loll lo Pl\am, 5-7, IOlt lo YI, t-7, def Qlung. to-3; Abel (NI won M , IOlt 1-e, M , won •3, Jetnel Myer'I (NI IOll 0-1. won M . 11-2 . .e 9-4. John Mywe(M) won 7·6, •3. e-1. a-o .,..... 811nMll·H•ye (N) del Agulrt•·Vu. 5·2. 8-2, Clef. <iuonO-Tran, 1-3, 1-3. Aelcl•Blxtar (M) won 1-3. 1-3. won &-3, W ....... ~ ................. ,,~ ....... P-.. (E) IOIC IO CHobt'9t.. M . Clef Cr-. '*· ...... loal to a.rn.ci ..... -CwrQll. t-2: Suttori (E) IOet o-t. 2-e. o-t. won &;: 1; Wllllc:Nr (E) loet 1-e; won t-t. IOIC C).4' won M . Tllmll (E) IOel .. 7. t-7, U. _, M. .,..... O'Conne11-81m191on1 (El •Piil will\ Atlelf .. •hrtl. M . ._1: Clef. E'Anwl-Doddl, W , .. 2: ~(!)won t-1, 6-1; wonl-0 ... 1. • u,...-....~.0.....-N ....... W..,d (LSI Oii HOwle, t-2. def ~­ IOI, t-2; claf. Oener, .. ,, °" ~ 6-0· lllenU (LB) lol l 2·f . 2-t . won t-2 ... t: loettf'll« (L8) lolt 2-1, 2.e. 5-7, won t-2. llr\lll"lfilld (L8) IOlll 2-e. WOfl .. 2. t-2. M . ~ Cepobleneo-Perry (L8) del lotem•n· Howle. 8-3 ... ,: Clef Hollnger-&mon ... 1. •1. ~lndl (L8)WOfl M , 1-3; _. M .6-7 ---.... 0-View '" Cao (M) .. ..:.~~ *'· ........ W: cl9I 9oOle. M : c191. ,.,,_, •2. llftllOI IM) won._,, t-1, M , M , ._,.o IMI won 1-5. ~t M , 14; Wong (Ml won t-2, 1-e, t-t, .,..... Cr~ CMI clef. Voo-Sull. l-0. 1-0. Clef HM-Pan., .. 1, t-t, Mta-Cumulte (Ml won M , t-1: 10et .. 7. 6-0, ,... llT_1'..._.10 ....... Berger (Eat.) -to w ..... IOlt to c-. 1-4, IOIC to Mollllop, 2-4. C1e1 ~ .. 2: 8lillclebeller (bl.) ... 2-4. o-t. o-t. -t-1: Ollor•I (Eat.I. loet 2-e, 2-e. 6-7, won W : OIMr'I (&l.). IOet t-t, 1-e. o-t, won 7-t. .,..... 1111d°"l·fl•oo (Ell.) 1011 10 Kem•n•-•· Miier. S.7. 6-7; 6-t. ~Wlllllll, 6-0, 8-2; ~-(&t.). IOI! ..... $.7; -.. ,. e.o. WCMMft c.-... UC liMllP ~.:::-c_,_ 1 ...,,. ...,.. (UCI) c . """*'· 8-1, 8-1, l(Mlllnt (UCI) 6fll ikown, f.1, l ·I, Millon (UCI) HI. Smith. M . 1·2. 1-0. Mell"Cla My911 (UCll def. Arma1. 1·3. t-3: Elledge tUOll Clef. 9owlen, W . M ; ~ (UCI) dee. 8-1er9, 6-1, M . o.w-. Myw~• (UCI) Clef. Regman-Smltll. 8·2, t-~; •rown·AllllU (OC) Clef Sauber· S«r-, 2.e. 6-3. M ; lerlno~ (UCI) -eo.w.-SMOara. ..... t-2 COflmlUMITY COU..Glll Onllfe C..t 1 a-0-.-..._I AMCI (OCCI de~~·:mp1on. t-2. l ·O: Ooetttdie (OCC) clef <>-1. t-2. t-2; !Olor- •Y (OCC) def. MoOoneld, t-1. 8·2: .. jen ~Cl clef. W•ll-lng, 2-1. e-a. t-1: 1M11 0CCJ cltll. DelcMtlln, ~ M : ~ clef. Olr'#lll. 4-e. t-0, ... , 0.-... "-I 8ejel\ (OCC) Oel. ~ l ·O, I· I . Ooe111clle·Kllor1r (OCCI clef. ~t-1,t-0.~ Zt9llng (M) clef. ~. 6-7 ...... 6-3 C1"'•••':1.:=& ~ 80Ul-.-CM. •• ~ .......... C4111a119) t llO "--l, flll'dlell (OWfej. It: tl.1; I . O'lrleft (C), 1t:IO,I : I . OUlllO"I (tM). 11:61.7. 100 ,,.. -,, c.c1entt <•~· .. ,o: a. LUlld fCllWC), 4t.I: a. ...,. (0 ...... -._ -I. """"""* CG t:oo.11 I. ...... _,, l:tt I; t "9MI I l :OU. ... ..... -1 ......... COWCI. 2:11.1; I. ...,,... M. 2:tt.I; a. ... M. uo.e. IOO llr-I. ... ~.Mt; I 0... ....., CV). t:M.4; I,_._, COWCI. t•f. ......._ ...... -1 • .._. .... M ,•7' L---Mo•ttettl...._.. .... -~-· ............ ,, .. • .......... Wll ......... ~, ,,_ __ , . ._. ... . •. -...... ... &.!. .... ~ 1: .. O.-."':l.-1.A ..... ...... 9';· -• i .... .n.:~ ............. ........ t.Gl.I; I.~ ~~·~7,1 .... =-~-~ •.tit ~·-to~·,~ M · ~§··-r-...=.:·• tc iii' _, ,. • ....... ~ COMlllUMTY C0u.RGI Olenga Coetl -~ llemetdlllo. t6-2. 16-4. 1$.5 HIGH 8CHOOL 8TANDMG8 ... v ... ~ W L oa Coet•..... • 1 E.ltancle • 1 CorONdelM11 1 3 2 UhMrllty 7 s 2 IMna 37 II Newpot1 Hll'bor 3 1 I B Toro 2 8 1 Woodbridge 2 tO t T--.w'I °""'9e (Ii 11) COlw ..._ at lllellcll ~ 91 Woodl>tldOI El Toro at eoron. cllJI liier Newport Karbor at ~ 11 P'ICtl =t-t-~2·11 pe1e1 11.314 to •:' .wltll '"'.. tldtel• !I've "°'-' u . -. PICll SIA coneolet jMllCI 147.IO wltll 6' wtnntng tlcllet1 (lour 11«-I. 12 Pick 11• 1cra1ch con1ol1t1on peld J44 40 wltli 14 · "· winning llekell (1111• '*-• Oll9 toc:Hlc:fl or • two "°'-· two ICtltcllel) ~~on°'CJ:=r-11 oo 10 tO SAO S.. f!oYW CT OOd) I IO UO • OelnleeCI llackeoy! 3,00 Ai.o rtCIO 8 C Count, 81-llmld. Torplcle • • Knlgl\1. O.ry """""6. Mite GI*! . r1me I S7 315 t2 lllACT A (.._ 11 peld 1115 00 • NINTH Mca. One mill peoe Trldl• Clwg« C~I 2UO 5.00 3.10 . !" ful PoQel (Baltlt) 2.to 2.20 F1oe1y Hullllr <a.n-i 2.IO • Aleo rec:ed Attar9 Uon. ~ OUO. • ......, • Fldll>. ~ i.-_ __., 0 Time 2 019'. ti UACTA (5-1) pelCI 147 00 Tl.lfTM M<:a. One mla peoe ~ (Ac*enMll) f.IO 4 40 4.IO Apcloflo'a w_., ~~MUI 4 to 3 20 Hetlve HUnt• ( I 3_80 A••o 11c:ed: Smart Koela. 811 Cllamp . 8'.,.,,.,.. Bcteml*. Time 1:6t 215. a UACTA ci-11 pe1e1 w.oo. G.lvamt AAC9. ON m11 .,_. .- L ... I SltOI (Andiaraon) 1 .20 4.00 3.40 c.lgery (tWader) 7 .IO 4 00 A-. Md ... !AUDlnl '-'° AIM> reced· Cap Oul'lalne. Cool It Ma"· Celtll!A, Delo WOOCIA, &ryen, Torrtd llMu, Time 2:02 2/~. • IXACTA (M) pe1C1 13f.20. Att~l.15e. ~ >· ~ . . . ., .. ........ , ........ t1t -511 13 ... ,, 432 20 407 22 ,11$ 40 Oeellell ...... ~. GOiden '#.et 010 lOO ,_ 1 t CNbol 000 000 0-0 1 2 • Delp end Mc:Eha; "'-_, Ollcf'9 28 : • -elrd (QW) 38 -~(OW) • ....... . .. '"""°"a. ~ IMLJ 2 ~ 2. Olt"1oe ' Cl'Pfell 2. Nlenoft o Of.,.a Cout DAILY PtlOT/Sunday, Aprte 18, 1882 NBA .. golf and.-Dodgers top TV ' • • h HOWARD L. BANDY OfllltW, .... .., • NBA BAS&ETBAIL: LUen at Phoenix.. and the tnck pull and the uphill race at the world'• Am•~n: D6ck Seockton and BW ftwll. ., 1tron•est man comeptltion. (7) -AMERICAN SPORTSMAN -Lauren Hutton examine• the ~ are \he top eporta ewnta oo TV to-day. Ratiql are: ..,..,..,.., acellent: ...,..,.., wor1.h wa~ ~ fair. ..., forpt IL • 1be Laken clme out their resu1ar' eeuon with Buahmen, a nearly extinct tribe In Botawana, • final tuneup before the playof.&. Phoenix eewed Africa. Alto: A chronicle of the journey of the up • playoff •pot Saturday nfaht. Double Eqle V In an at1empt to crom the P~ in S 11 a.m., Clt••M• Z V' V' V' lZ:H p.m., Claauel I V' V' • BAl&ETB.ALL: Milwaukee at Philadelphia. • WOMEN'S GOLF: CPC International. Aueaeem Frank Glleber and Hubie Brown. Auoucen: tioward Davtd, Ray Scott, Mar- Philadelphia bu cllnched the .econd-beat re-lene Floyd, John Derr and Mary B. Porter. cord in the lutem Conference enterin1 today'• · re1ula .. r-a1euoo ffnale. Meanwhile, Milwaukee la , Kathy ~tworth haa a comfortable four-ahot trytnc to call6 the Lal<en in cue the two ~ lead. lolna into the final round of play todayr meet in the NBA championahlp. 1 ~ J ll:H a.m., Clwmel 4 V' V' V' GOLF: Tournament of Champions. A.uoucers: Don Criqui, J'ohn Brodie, Bruce Devlin. Charlie Jones and Bob Goalby. Lanny Wadkins enters the final fOUnd with a two-stroke lead over Tom Watton. \Yadkirul fi- nished Saturday with a total of 9-undJ..par 207 a.t La Costa c.e>untry Club. 1%:30 p.m., Clwmel % 1.-' 1.-' V' NABERS CADILLAC 2600 HolbOl 81vd .Costa Mesol7141540-9100•12131587·&266 ......... llOCI( llfn~•,.,...... 14th Ann11al Anftirn )Ii.--. I I j &\1pper Non Ho~ ~~~iys-~ IN BOATS. EQUIPMENT ~ AND~TER ., SPORTS! See TWIGGY Sidi ..... .._ .. , ..... ~NV•NTIOH c•NT•flt •W.IUlftUA • "°"Mf'OCAU.(?14t..._ Do· Yoli lleed Help II· 1 p.m., Chaaael 11 V' V' 1.-' I • • BASEB~ Dodpn at San Diego. Aaaoucen: Vin Scully, ROIS Porter and Jerry Doggett. The Dodgers will try to ulvage one game from the four-game aet ln San Diqo. Bob Welch 1eeks his third win agaimt no lome9 against the Padres' Tim Lollar, 1-0. OTHER TELEVISION 1:30•p.m. (4) -SPORTSWORLD -Coverage of the Bruce Jenner track and field meet. taped at San Jose. Al.ao: Part Two of-the Golden Gloves A.uodation of America tournament at Kansas Oty M'Y. Pkg. T.-8oc:b ~en's 1a·· white tube work socks 1n sturdy co11on/nyl0n cushion hnmg F•t Sizes 1 O· 13 4.66 Your Choice a balloon. 2:30 p.m. (7) -U.S.A. VS. THE WORLD -A men'• and women'• team taket on a West Gennan equa~ in a meet '\aped at Gaineaville, Fla. 3 p.m . (2) -TENNI& -The flnala of the Pacific Southwest ()pen, teleatat from the Loe An· ~elea Tennis Club. (4) -OUTDOOR JJFE. · 3:30 p.m. (7) -WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS - The U.S. Amateur Boxing champlonshlps, taped at Charlotte, N.C. 10 p.m . (9) -NHL HOCKEY -Vancouver at Kings. Taped. RADIO Baseball -:-Dodgen at Sa n Diego, 1 p.m., KABC (790); Mumesota at Angela, 1 p.m .• KMPC (710). Basketball -La.ken at Phoenix, 12:30 p.m., KLAC (~70) .• Hockey L Vancouver a t Kings, 7:30 p.m .. KPRZ (1150). 12"• BAW Portabte TV OU< Reg. 3.44 2.44 Savel Mia ... • CIMtlc T ·Shirt• Of Carefr" Cotton For Summer Basic c ap sleeve r,tytps with U. V or C•PW necl<!> Wtlh hPrYHl11'0 bollom to tuc~ 1n or wear 001 ,.. ....... c.i... 2 $1 For 1omi. uo Slil1e aOJIY. ~ pcue am so.rd. ~1W'lCI ~ K>.C 12210 -c:11iitnwwwuo1uil AenuzJI s94 ·5.97 MOUND FOES -Dodaer rtgbt..twlder Bob Welch (left) la due to face S8.n Dlego'• Tim Lollar on televiaion today. . UCI loses twice The Titans of Cal State Fullerton received strong pitching perfonnancea from Tim Thompeon and Erie ~ and went on to awc:i& UC Irvtne, 9 . ...() and 5-1, Saturday ln Southern omla Bueba1l Amodation action. In the opener • .former OCC st.and out Mike Vanderburg, now playing for the Tit.an.a, went 4-for-4 with three runs aoo~ and four RBI to lead Fullerton. In fact, Vanderburg'• triple ln the tint u\ninc to acore the first run of the game wu the only one Thompeon, a junior right-hander, really needed. 2.97 Eech Hauling, Landscaping, Spring Cleaning, Carpentry and Repair Work ••• Men'• lport lhlm In Smart lpting 8tr1" Sh0r1-sleeve spo<t shlrta In crisp polyester /cotton th11t's so eesy to keep looking neat. ftll()rlte styles in sotld colors. neat pleldl or 10mmer prlnta. Savel Tri·Mod9 llereo SJtlem DJnamlc Stereo HHdphonff Men'"lporty Y·leg Orm lhorta Easy-care polyester, In colOfll. BAKER EQUIPMENT RENTAL has everything you 11eed to get the Job done. · WE RENT: Truck•' Tr•ll•ra . Gifclen Equip (U-..... ., .......... ,....,...., Hlilid Toole . lh•mpooera Plumbing Equipment •nd mUoh more •.•• 0ut"'9,Mt1 42 11 ,,..,., .. , . • 111111•1.T.t ... AM/FM recto. 8-~ i.>e player, 2-epeed ~ record dW'9W ~ twn 1P981«!rs Modal NP ~70, Mnnll• 'rnlUfU e .. ,... Ill 11, ... •Al TINI .... , ... ,. ,, ~omfortable, oversize earcups. 8' qord Wlltl '"'re-°"' OWn 8-fftoftth......., Top, Slde-termln•I styles Fits many c.1r1. It trucks. Players favor strike NFL poll conducted by New York Times MSW YORK (AP) -'1bln ii ICroal IUl)pDC't for a ltrib ...._. 768 NatfOa•l l'ootball Leapa play.n who ••ponded to a can- trovenlal poll uldnc their opl- nlona on <the un.lon'• 1tance in contract ne1ottattom with the To· telej>hone poll wu C?n· ducted by The New Yodt 'r1mm. which waa 1tven the phone numben of 1,500 pliyen by the NFL Mana1ement Council, the ownen' bup1nl.na unit. The exiltence of the poll be· came public lut Tueeday when the Players Alloclation filed an unfair labor practice complaint. with the National Labor Rela· tlom Board against the council and the MWlpaper. The union ii 1eeklng a depar- ture from previoUJ team sport contracts by demanding for aces a pen.-ent.age of the gram earned by the NFL, a philoeophy hlch the owners have so far ejected. • Aocordlnc to the union plan, all layers, regardless of position, would receive a fixed salary ba- strictly on yean of service. Additional Hlary could come from performance bonu1ea, playoff money and the like. U1in1 the 65 percent fi1ure, the union ny1 ever ftve-year veteran would receive a bue pay of tl40,000 Compared to the 1980 avera1e 1alary of t87 ,840 and 10-year playen would receive '300.000 000\pe.red to 1980'1 ave. rap of $139,290. Krolik rides to win RIVERSIDE (AP) -Michael Krolick of Coeta Meta won the 200 kilometer race for stock pro- d uctlon motorcycle. Saturday, ridana a Suzuki in the prellml- .nary event for today'• Budweiler Grand Prix at the Riverside lntemational Raceway. Sharing the riding chores with Krolick WH teammate Terry Statum, also of Co1ta Mesa. Krolick flniabed 16 seconds ahead of the Kawasaki team of Lee Fleming of El Toro and Whitney Blake of Riverside. The winning riders averaged 92.36 miles per hour over River- alde'1 eigh~tum road ooune. 6.88 Folding hech ChW L•gh1we1gh1. ponable beach chaff Good also '°' pa I IO or pool$10e Sale Price 1.33 K maft1i1 T .. Begs Few L ... 100 1ea bags 8-oz ·net·wl bo• 1.07ea Pertlcle loetd lhelf For the do-ll·yourNlfer Organize yoor work ., .. by ellminetlog need- tesa clUtter Johnnr Routti With seasoned vegetable. roh and botter. plus dish ot pud· ding 7.88 Heng UpGrtl Just In 1lme tor thoee baek yard In· !Mt-. Portable. .. Orange COMt DAILY /ILOT /Sunday, Aprtl 18, 1982 From Page 81 Kings return to 1.i' orum ANGELS • • • INGLEWOOD (AP ) -Th~ Loa aelea owna a 20-6-3 advantage over Vancouver in their lut 29 rneetlnp . • l\r.aclc. l"..llAIJ, e.ruinB a 1pllt on the home runs m one game since road ln the openln1 iwo 1ame1 of little league, added another hit to their playoff a a1ahut V ancC'uv<ir, give him 11x ln hia lut 10 •~t.ta. come home tonl1ht to a bulldtna But the Canuclu have been one ot the NHL'• hottest teams recently, with tM Kin.el' OYft1.ime v1ciory Fri- day nlaht aqappina a 13-1ame Van-"n feela good aft.er atruaJina where they've dominated t))e Ca-againat i eattle," the An1el1. nucka. leadotf man noted. * * * ANO& NOftll .............. WtUI a M-3t llMllMe NCOrd, had • oMno9 lo to -IN .aoo mwti flOlllN1 the Anoa1a htuntey nlaht. Ha allO could have dupllcal•d hie fe•f of lleallng KN ,.,...... Aedfetn w• lhe ac:n.. dullld pllll'ler bul • wue pteventlld hlrn from ~ allher of thoM gcMM. Aedfern, In flcl Md~ the Motia Ille IMt UV. lllnea he f~ them .. , '~lie, Frldey night'• allfiltd •nt•gonlet In th• bench· dMrinO br.wl -Twine atanw Derr9' ..... --MYt ht doea not ''ttunt'" pleyen .. ....., Gltdl _, other ,.,... euggeet«I. " WM Gf1ch wtlO IOOll off elW ~ In IM elxth lnnlnO. 9hottly .,.., • pltClh tied Mlled -hie hMd. Gtldl -tually hit a 1>1111 Md! 10 JllCQon wtlo, Grtdl ~.Mid aonl9ttlll1i lo him u 111 threw to 11111. Grich -n• e t•r J•c:k.on •nc:I th• rut I• hletory, lncluc:llng Jack.on"• thought• on the m•tte<. '"It'• not lrue . I c:ton"t know w h•I they me•n bl taunting. .. Jecl!llOll Mid. ··1 iu-t Olten. 1 don t m-.i 10 get playen mec:1:· Jeckeon ran for cover o~ Grich went •lter him. LlkewlM. llod c-wu In the center of the rnelM, anc:I Ille Angel• llm ~ ptlld for II .. He WM In the '1Mtlng lineup SelUf'c:lllY night, bul hie right wri.t -llM-Aty t>endaOed. TIMIS'e hie throwing wrlet, bul It c:llc:I not •Pc>eet lo hanc:llcap him S•lur<l•Y In lldc:lltlon, X-ray• were lakan anc:I ~ prowd nagatM. '"Rod le l"Y Idol. -**--'<! of c.r.w. '"In collage (al Artz.one State). I WI>'• hi. number. 1•.,. lllw9Ye loc*lld up lo him " lr'-h Spfing'• 090defent Soep For elechve double deodoranl pro1ec11on woth a nice fresh -.cent 5 0 1 • bar K mall • puce ._.., 68C eo. Saw On BruJMr'• Sandwich Bagi 170. Clear 01<1st1c boOs SOve 99e I " HuVJW9'ght Peper Plet .. 80. grei\G8•relistant dinner platH 4.91 ........ " ............. The world'• finest plattlo lawn t'IOI• with t'IHvy bra11 COU• ~-- couver unbeaten ltrina. The Na tlonal Hockey Leaaue Vancouver c.o.ch Harry Neale, who Smythe Dtvlaion flnal1, a beat-of-knows a IOOd thina when he .eee it, seven affair, re1WM9 at the Forum aakl aft.ft' ll'riday nJght'• pine that he with the eeriee tied 1-1. wtll not return behind the bench aJ. Vancouver beat la Angela 3-2 ln tbou1~d~.1°~~:"e auapenalon had tli on1 juat e already Mt to be--the aeries opener Thunday nlg t y come the team'• general mana,er next to loee by the same 1COre ln overtime aeuon, will tnatead let 811.1atant Roger Friday· Neilaon -who'll replace Neale ln the The Canucka may be ln trouble on coach'• job next eeuon -to continue the Kings' home lee, where la An-to guide the club. -----------------------------------------! Rustlers win Golden West College'• men's and women'• swim teams raced to \he Sou- t hern Cal Conference swim championship• Saturday, setting three .. .-..a.;..:. conference records ln the proce91. ;;;,:;;;;;;.:;~~~;;.;.;;;;;;;;;.;,;;;;.;;;;p..,...-:ir.a:~'!!!!!!!5!!!5~ In the men'• divlaion, freshmail Doug Birchell set a record ln the 1,650 free (16 :15.1). ~o·,!1 ·· C nrd K mat19 ADVERTllED MERCHANDISE POLICY 0-..im.-•IO_-V_ --"'-°"""'_ .... --·,.,..,, ...... lot""' ~ .,.,. lo .,.., --···-• IC_, ....... •"-'0-onr.- 1.77. ·1 ~08 Pkg 012 llw IW ·--jol'9 _. OI -... ....,.....,1 .......... -.... .. ... _,,.._....._°" .... ... ,... . ......,-~_ .. ,_ , ___ ,,,_ Kotexa•Lightde,.•1Pecf<al Comfortable ""panut~·· tor a clean. lresh feeling ah day. everyday Bo• of 30 llnef1 Duracell® "AA" aatteriee Alli.alone. tor Iona hie K mart1i poee ,._ .. c:-.NJ-o.oo 1.3a Y~c~ 8aYe On OU..8Cet "C", "D" And t-V aatteriel 2-pec11 ··e· or "0'" Or chooM one 9-voll blllery Save new -·-·-......... .,.., 2.97 ..... !' ... _ ..................... ='I= .......... 'JC) ....... "-... PIC'fmOU98U8 .... MAmlTA~ The followtno ~reon le doing w.....:- EXOEL CAAPET CAAE. ~S ~ A-.., Nawpof1 BMdl. CA t2t83. JOHN CHAALES BUFFING· TOH, 5403 ,__ A--. H9wpott 8-dl. CA 12t43. Thla~le~byen lndMc:lual. John C. Bufllnalon · Thia ..._. -ttec:t wtth the County Clertl of Ofllnoa County on April •• 1N2. ,,..,. Publlehed Of•n11• CoHt Dally Plot. Apnr11. 11. 25. May 2. 1"2 1&40-82 8TA,_, Of' wn'HD9'AWAL ....... ~ ... Of'WRA1WCI UlmD fl9Cnnou9 ., ..... MAim The lollowt119 ~--h .. will\· ._, • • oaner91 penner from ttle partnetehlp GO«etlnt u~ lhe fl4'tllloue bu•fMM name of THI NAil HOOf( .. 22782 Mpan . .,,.. 211, B Toro, CA t2e30. Tlle fldltlcll.w ~ -... ..._,. lof IN pertnwltllp -!lad on a.pt. 11, 1t11 In IN County of ~--and Add, ... Of Ille Per•on Wlthdr•wlng: Aulllenne BlllN. 33782 Paquito Ortve. o.na Point. t:,A ~ .... ,. .... '"'"' Publlelled Orange Cout Dally "°'· Aprt 11. 11. a . MIY 2. 1t1a 1841-412 f'tCTmoue WH NA.• ITATllmNT The followlng per90n• I• dolnt ~-YOUNG KYUN CHUH EXXON ·SEJWICE ST A TIONr 3003 H9wpott IOI 1......-d. eo.ta ....... CelNomla 1292t. Young Kyun Chun. 3021 Coo- ldge "--· eo.t.a M9a. CaMcw .... t2eae. Thia ~ .. conducted by .. tndMduat. Young KY\M' OIUf'I Thie ltatement -ftllld """ Ole ~ an of OMr199 County on April • 1912. ,..,. Publlehed Orane• CoHI Dally Piiot Ap(tl 11, ti. 2r>. May 2. 1N2 113M Win a ftee trip for two on AIRCAL bit .. °" dyls ~ '.• ... .· . ! .. -------·-----• Orange Cout DAIL y PILOT /8uhda)', Aprtl 18, 1882 ' - -IAllU llll IOYOTA~s' IREAI~ 1177 PE•IT WllM-"•SEL" Automatic trans .. power atMrlng, power brakes, stereo c .... tte wtth booater, dual tanks & a new metallle blue finish. (293TZV). A great famlly car for Just 94999 1•11LDW1111 ·-··• ... " air radio 5 ·~ trana., fectory air cond .• power dlac bf"ek•. ateteo CMMtte, aunrooJ, alloy whMla & gleamlng b&adt package. (1AOK878). 57999 CB.Ill W1llOI Automatic trana., air conditioning, poW8f' atMl'lng, power brak ... de- luxe trim, apot .... met.ale ~ flniatl with beige lnt•lor & low mU..1 (18WA778). 9629.9 ......... e cy1., euto. tt-.. fllctory * c:oncs .. pwr. ateemg & ....... 8W90 cue., Wtyl root, tinted ..... MlcMln tna & an exceptlOMlty clean, low ml- IMge cair. (M3WKR). ·1 3499 1111 "'"' OIEllllA Wlllll e ~I., auto trana., '9c1ory air con-ditioning, full power Inc. power "dtao brake• & power door locka, tllt, crulM & atereo CMMtte. OCHY180). '9999. , 1111 TlllTI · SIPll Full pQWer lncludlno power door lock•. air conditioning, Ult wtleel, crulM control, 1ter90 c:uaetta, alloy wheela, I.aether 1tal1 & morel (1AHM247). CWll LIFl'lm 5 speed Irena .• air conditioning. ste<eo. power ateafino, ,.., Window ahede & cu.tom two tofle red rne-tdlc finfttl. (842XSO,. .... a., .. only 111111m1 TUllL Equipment factory air dlac br (1AK SPICIAL GREEN RIBBON BUYS Thele late model, low mileage cars all carry Earle Ike's exclusive 2 year 24,- . 000 mlle warranty. You can't loeel • 1111 llTSll 21111 5 IP'Md trans .• •If cond .• pwr. brakea; stereo,. tinted glaaa & morel ~l .. mlng metalllc allvar with cuatolJ'f Interior. (283VCP). Stylish economy for only •1;_. ... I ment ln~a auto. trena:. power dlao ek•. heeler, 9tet90 ceaeette, moon roof. (129ZOK). • , .. ""'' llPll I eyt., auto. trw., factory lllr condtttolq, power Ner1ng. power dlac brek•, AM-Rt ateNO redto, • Wh.al and eltoy wMeta. (t33ZFW). - --. . 11ll 1111TI •• .. UIK & apeec1.,. fectcwy "'1 GOftdltlonlng, power cnac brekea. ..,.. etereo radio end morel (tn....,_ A rare lfld for only ~3699 53999· ~4499 ~7899 '7499 .. 399 t 1llO llT111 U10 UF1'Ull ll package. 5 •Peed, factory air condlUonlno. AM-FM redlo, tinted glue, cuttom 1nteriof & ext91'1or & under 8000 mn... (1APM<t7). - •,,. )• -·-ne .. air cond., power brakea and juat over , ( CNYUS6). 1112 TIYITI ... WIDll AulometJc trans.. radio, heet9f, ~ lntertor and more. Greet tranapor- tetton cart (14'8FVZ). '199.9 . • • • 1111 TOYOTA OELICI LtnllCI - Auto. trans., factory air conditio- ning, power dl1c br1ke1, AM-FM radio, aunrool and alloy wheels. (1AOX975), 5 7999 , .• "'"' .......... Automatlc trena., feetOJy w cond., atereo c•aette, pwr. steering & bark•. tilt wheel, crulM control, roof radt & Jim owr 11.000 mites! (011100). 58799 1111 TOYOTA ITAILET SEIU Options Include 5 •P4HKI transm1s- 1lon and power dl1c brakes. This one Is fully factory equipped & gets I great gu mlleage. (18JD283) 54999 1111 ,.. • F"l110 PICI IP 8 cy1., au1~ trans., PC>W9f steering. Power brakea, AM-FM radio, tinted glaaa, cuatom wheels & low mlles (1Y4'1087). . · '7699 ... OR, DRIVE AW AY A GR EAT DEAL ON A 1982 TOYOTA CAR OR TRUCK! BRAND NEW /1982 TOYOTA COROLLA Futtyiactory-equtpped 2 OoorSedan:Cqotpment lnclu<Jea speed transmission and bucket seats. (239327) . BRAND NEW 1982 TOYOTA STARLET ..... -.... ---_____ ..............,_...,,. ___ _ ....... __ _...,,,.._..., ....... ,,..,.... .. ~,,.~~-.~.,.-........... -... ., ' I I , .. SS coo s ¥@ ' 0 0 u • t Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Sund1y, April 18, 1982 I For Oscar, I I . you don'f want to overdress. (' BeiJ(e with a rosy cast, Rina de Mootella's alencon lace dreaa ia stunning with Molly's dark clothing. Wom with pearl and diamond drop earrings and bronzed shoes, its mid-c.alf length makes it versatile enough to wear aa formal and occasion at the New- port Harbor Art Muaeum's u Grand Casi- !L~rif~ DREAMS OP GLORY: About a week befon the 0.Car Award.a an Auoclated Preta dlapatch came acro11 my deak under the llua, "What to Wear on a Dia~ With 0.CU." Yardena Arar, who did \he piece, not only coota:ted a nwnber of~ about tMlr plana for d.re9lna for the affair, but apoke with an equal number of deslgnen who had deliped f.ot' potendal winnera in the put. Only a few acu..et were-wWJ.na to aay any. thlna about what th~ had up their 11.eevea (ahem). Aaide frorn the onea who weren't Plannina to be at the event at all, like Katharine Hepburn and Elizabeth McGovern (boy, are they blue . . . well, actually, busy, I sue->. 'the othen didn't teem to be giving It much thought. r can't believe tnat, can ye>UT' If you'd been nominated for an Oecar, don't you think a week before the party you'd have given 90fl>e ~ght to what rags you were planning to throw acra. your back? " Even if I were llttlng in the audience I'd have 1pent a moment'• thought on It, and Lord knowa no-one'• looklnc at the audience. Well, maybe they really didn't know. Maybe they'd been too busy to shop, although oertalnly they could Of'der eome\hlng up. Or maybe they were superatltloua rnd were reluctant to even face the fact that they might really have to get up and do their acceptance number.· .. • Bob Mackie, who's dressed a number of ac- ~ on and off the ecreen and has, I think, sin- glehandedlr brought the word glamour into good repute again, put the problema confronting these ladles into penpectlve. "It's a tricky thing," Arar quotes hlm as saying, "You don't want to look like you're expecting anything, ao you don't want to overdrels. ''On the other band, if you loee, you want to look ¥,aci(>ul u you're lea.Ying." 'But at the ume time it you do win. you want to look nice when you get up' there." Men:y, no wonder the9e poor folk were having IUCh problemlt making a decision. It'i hard enough to find and decide what to wear to the Viennese Ball or Le Grand Casino, much 1esa find a dre. to meet all thoee criteria. I don't know about you. but among the thinaP rd like to haw a chance to do when, .. a theatrical producer named Max Gordon put it, "I clpee here and open tomeplace eble," Is find mywelf nominated for an Olcar ... and win lt. That'• uaina up two-of-the-three wiahet the pnte givee me. fm't lt? Well, my third wlah shQU)d probably be that I wouldn't take a header aomewhere on the way to the stage. · Although my own lmage of myNU 1n thll lltUation Is one of an elegant woman moving wiJh the proper amount of apeed -but not too much you lcnow -Ba'<* the 11age, acoepttna the little 1tatue (a good doorstop, I understand), aaytng a gracious little piece and sweepmg into ~e winea- In reality I trip a lot, ao my designer doins aomething for the occasion for my dream of glory, would have to do a fairly short Skirt an(t be sure my heeb weren't too hJgh. And somewhere put a amall recording saying "take it easy." • • The dauahier of our"" hOUle could do the 11&»-nario now. "You'd probably put yow-heel in n.d'• arch climbln1 over h1m (he'• tall, eo he'd probeblL!: llttinl on the alale); alip on the w-pet aotn,i the alale, trip on tJw atepe folr'f up on the .._., and drop Olcar on the toe o the pre1enter. "Uru.e.. it WU fOC' laugha, for everyone elle'I ..tety you'd probably never be nominated .,.m." She's a very re .. urtng youn1 woman. Doet know her mother, \hough. Maytie if I pl"Ofllbed to stay home . . • Oh, I forgot about the dre8I for the occu&on. It would be white chiffon -yards and yarda of It. You eee I 11ee my.ell u three lnchee taller, 20 powlda thinner and blond. . "You'd be sure to fall in that.," my child would Mid about ~ yards of white chiUOI'), WELL, THAT'S IN THE NEXT LIPE: In UU. life, fonnality is certainly back in 1tyle. There seem to be enough parties coming up this spring to have a number of women havlnc to face a minor version ol what to wear to the Olcar party. With, as I mentioned, both the Vienne9e Bell. a fund-raiser for the Pacific Symphony Orchestra and Le Grand Casino, a fund-raiaer for the Newport Harbor Art MUleWn coming up ear(y ne.xt month the same night, in fact, May 8 and another one, celebrating Hoag's -could It be 30th Anniversary -coming on line a little later In the month and heaven knows what'• to come In early fall. I do hope the stores are gearing up for the onslaughL U all this formality does indeed take over with much more of a vengeance we're all going to need more storage space. And that'• for several reasons. One: Ball gowns take up a blt more room in a cloeet than ordinary run-of-the-day clothes and; Two: we will want to keep them. There are, really only so many evening clothes a peraon needs In a life time. no. t.OOt<ING GOOD Time to put happy fOce on a • • • By VIDA DEAN Dellr .... .....,...., "Smile and the world smiles with you," "Let a smile be your umbrella" and "Smlle tho your heart rs breaking . . . " For yeua, ~ta and aongwriten have writ.en about smiling. Bu< If your theme aong ls "I'll never smile again.'' you might need to see ano- ther srn1le advocate . . . your dentist. A smile can be one of your greatest attri- bulel, aays the California Society ol Periodon- tists. We have all known tboee pe.ople who from a distance are extremely attractive but who, when they come near and open their mouth, the charm 1-altered because of disfigured tee'th. They ruin all of the other aesthetic qualities. 'Ibe mouth la most important to ua when it comes to appearance. It can add to beaut,y, en- force our aelf .. urance and atablllze our emo- tions. Dentistry, uys the llOciety. it dedicated to the prevention of io. of the natural teeth and keeping the teeth In P>d health and functJoning 80 that one can enjoy the p1eaaures of a pJeMing appearance; nlce breath; eating; spealcfug weiI and even ldmng. "The Dally Piiot has been our most effective source Of advertising." N•ncv Orchard, Manager Lanz of California Fashion Island VD~ "underbite" or "overblte" or an overly large chin or extremely undersized one, or "buck teeth" can be helped by means of orthodontics and or- thognathlc surgery. Jaws can be mo~ed surgically into a new po8ition~ A more appealing fadal contour can - result. Surgery can bring about str1kmg changes, &ametimes LUming a shy, timid individual into a new and vivacious penonality. time, the only apparent sign of the diseale may be an unpleasant taste or odor (halitosis). Mouthwash or breath mints may give a coverup, but will not ellminate the cause o1 the problem. Sometimes the gums may bleed when the teeth are brushed or dentaHloes is used between the teeth. This bleeding is a sign of gingivitis and usually can be brought under control by proper cleaning of the teeth and following the instruc- tions of the dentist. There are many things that have changed in dentistry in recent years which enable dentists to take care of the health of the mouth and make it more appealing. New add~tch techniques can help restore chipped teeth and give them back a pleasant There'• an old sick joke about a guy who it told that his teeth are okay. but his guma have to go. Well, ft Isn't just a joke. Actually, periodontal dlaease ia no joke at all. and it can lead to the loa of Leeth and emotional disturbances. StatilUCI show tha\ nine of 10 adults have periodontal disease and that 85 percent of all teen-agers have gingivitis or the beginning stages of periodontal diaeue. Unfortunately. the disease usually progres- ses into underlying bone which support.a the teeth. At this stage, it is called periodontal dis- ease or periodontitis. This advanced stage was at one time called pyorrhea and 90 peroent of all adults past 30 years of age have it -at least to IOtTle ext.en t. contour and color. . A good penodontal examir)ation can reveal the presence of the disease. The =e exami- nation is done with a periodontal -to mea- sure the small space between the gum and the tooth. You may already have noticed that the no. works underneath the ewnUne a biL Crooked teeth can be straightened, even in The cause of the silent disease which brings no pain or discomfort until It iB too late, 1n most inatances is bacterial plaque or dental plaque - the growth of bacteria in the human mouth. adult years. . Many adults feel they're too old for ortho- dont.ics, but denU.ta have found this ls not ne-- ce.arily true. ~ Iona as the periodontJum or the gum tilSUe and bone around the tooth are heal- thy, teeth can be moved. Bacteria invade the crevices between the gum and tooth to aet up a home. They cause in- !lamation or a mild infection, so mild that it causes no pain and may go unnoticed. Most of the If your dentist does not u.e the periodontal probe when cleaning your i.eeth, the aociety sugg_ests you aak for a periodontal examination or seek an examination by a periodontist. Also, people who have an e xtreme • Piiot advertlslno ls good business for Lant of California. Classic perfumes • grecat demand By ANN CONWAY consultant at Coounon Scents, a fragrance from the lingle Oora1 family, Shallmar and Perfume. The Invisible vamp. The body bathtlque at Peter'• Landing in Huntington Opium from the Oriental, Cinnabar from acce9a0ry with the power to affect the way Harbour, today's woman often haa an the Spicy, :Eau Sauvage from the Ottua and one feels about another person, an ex-eclectic approach to buying the c0Jo1ne Chanel 19 from the Woodsy family. perience, one1elf. classics (men seem to buy the perfume). Perfume manu&ctur~ speculate they Few wearers of perfume realize that "The mature woman reliea on clus!CI can tell the permnality of a woman by the perfume ls an art which evokes the doo-like Chanel 5, Shalimar and Arpege," fragrance ahe aelecta. Guerlain of Paris pllne of akhemy -U\e lnfintte patience to Brown states, "but Instead of stJek:lns to st.ates that It Is an introepecUve and telf- distill a single ewnoe .a thouaand tlme9 to only one, she may chooee several." contained woman who chooees Mit.ou.ko, achieve the neoelllU'Y purity for tngranoe. Brown theorizes the mature woman re-the fragrance with a Chinese name slgnl-The perfumer haa an unl.lm.ited number lies on the classics because they remind her f"'...,,, te of fragrances from which to chooee and hi.I of her youth. ,, .. -e mys ry. ranie is u romantic u u Is lnf1nite _ ja-''The contemporary woman experiment.a Women who live in a dream world of smine and roee from the Mediterranean, with the claMks and the newer blends as romance chooee Guerlain's l,Heure ~. sandalwood and boje de l'OH from sou-well," Brown not.es. "The very young wo-meanjng blue hour -the timeless hour tbeast. Asia and verbena and palmarosa man is apt to aeJect only designer f.ragran-when the aky is without Its daytime sun. from Madagucar. 'Thae are the themes or ces, much the way she choose• designer For many women, perfume Is part of the top not.es, the R'eflCth and aoftnem, which labels foe her wardrobe." per•ona compoalte they preaent to the play throu1hout the harmonies of the Women tend to favor fragrances from world, their signall.ltt. But for all women . ~perfumes. within one area of the lix fragrance fami-who don !ra,:rance the handwriting it al- : And the clasaic perfume• are In 1reat lies. For instance, women who choo.e Joy ready on the wall -they look. feel and demand today. or Adolpho aelect from the floral bouquet smell lovely and the world loves them for :miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiL~~~-r-d.in~g~to~J-enni~-'e_r-,..B_ro_wn~-'-pe_rf~u-me~-f-am~l-ly_._A~J-u_ng~le~G-ar~de_n_l_a_c_h_o_ice~co~m~es~~'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- ~-Wll\'e6 .. lmS BY tlGH TIJE ---:.~ .. f II • I •• I I Orange Cout DAILY PILOT /Sunday, Aprll 18, 1982 "M.y Aunt Anne was a wonderful woman and a born matchmaker," Molly lal.lghs. "She always had IOl1leo1\e in mind for me ... the son of some family friend. You know how those thifl&' work. They usl,lally don't. "Certainly she hadn't thoo'-ht of Leon. \ Molly (rl6h0 wean the new broadened •houlder T•h•rl jacket with• red and white atrlpe ahort aleeved ootton T-Mirt. navy leaf.Mr belt aqd a whit~ l 00~ col'fon sJcirt by Clwa. This navy linen and rayon Jcnickerld suit by Tahari, with its broader shouldered jacket, is. worn with the red silk blouse. The lowered h eel shoe is piped in gold. Molly tyoA: Orange Coast lady of fash ion but simply not interested," she shakes her head. ''Str~ely, most of them seem to be those who are totally liberated themaelves. One would think they'd be willing to help others, but I guess they feel that since they've either made it on their own, or never felt any discrimination, everyone elae must be in the same boat. "I don't feel that's true.'' y -THES .LINEN TORE We've ... Plastered, painted, dnd p olished. And now we're ... Premiering, partying, and pampering. "The luxuries of life to live with" . 3701 East Coa~t Highway-Corona dcl Mar, California 9262S-7 1~7S-4994 J Todoy, Tomorrow, Forever. YOll diamond wedding set Wiii renect yow ~ve through all the Joyous ye<n. These newest deligN ore In 1• karat yellow gold. A. $750. 8. $995. C. $i65o. 0. $1100. E. $1600. Balley Banb & Biddle World R~nown«J J~~s ~ 1112 sount COM1 "Al.A. OOITA MHA Fftt l"9I, ,.. "'-COJOUl9I ~'l 711......., He was working for my cousins husband at the time and she hardly knew him. Little did she or my parents realize how signifi- cant that trip to San Francl8co would tum out to be. Or I, for that matter," she adds. COVER : Molly Lyon, in her living room, sits Jn front of Louisa Chase's "The Cave." ShP wears a deep turquoise, fuchsia and pink polyester organza dress by Diane Freis. Pretty and delicat.e looking, it's a superb travel dress. No matt.er how it's folded, it comes out of the suitcase unwrinJcled and ready to go. Cover story photos by Charles Starr. She's a member of Women's Network I ';;;;;;~~;;;;~;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;~~~;;;;;;;;;;;§~g AJert, 1.he National Women'• Political Cau-i..: cus and ERA of Orange County. Born in Vancouver, B.C., Molly Lyon grew up and went to school in Seattle. The trip she took that turned out to make major changes in her life was a h(gh school graduation present. Starting for a college career, she never made it. Instead, she and Leon were mar- ried about six weeks after her 19th birth- day. That was May 23rd, 35 years ago. Their early married years were spent jn San Mateo and the children, Bruce, Linda and Curt were born there. During thoee years Leon headed the fa- mily firm, Guardian Thrift and Loan. When the decision was made to move the offices from Northern to Southern Califor- nia. the Lyon family moved to Fullerton.. "When Leon retired 13 years ago and w e moved to the beal"h. he said he was going to spend bi.a time actively pursuing his life- long interest in the arta -not only collec- ting paintings and drawings but actually doing !IOme painting, t.ak.inR sculpting les- aons, leamin~ to play the harp -things like that ... • "I d ecid ed I'd b etter become more knowledgeable than 1 was, 90 I started with Don Lagerberg's class at the Muaeum (the Newport Harbor Art Museum). Lager- berg's a marvelous teacher and really caught my imagination. I've beOOme quite knowledgeable." Molly says, matter-of- factly. Leon would say that was the department of understatement. "She knows more than I do now, I think," he laughs. But anyone who knows Molly Lyon realizes that whatever she decides to do, she does with all her energies. And they are coruiderable. Not o nly a member of the Newport Harbor Art Museum's Muaeum Council, she has also 1erved as a d~nt, La on the Board of the Fine Arts Patrons and takes an active interest in the Acquisition Council. But interest in the arta isn't the only string to her bow. St\e's worked hard, committing titpe and money, to Orange County Fair Houain~ and is totally com- mitted to the women s movement. "I've been startled by some of th~ women who aren 't interested in the Women's Movement. They aren't actively against it. The concepf of wellness is a way of life with her, too. Having overcome a bout with cancer, she is careful aboot her diet, attends an aerot>lc dance class daily, skis during the winter, hikes during the summer. Family oriented, the Lyons try to flt at least one trip in a year that will take them through Geneva, Switzerland, where their daughter Linda, her husband. an(jl their first grandson live. Both boys, Bruce and Curt, live in Sou- them California. Bruce, and his beautiful Welsh-born wife, Christine hve sn Los Angeles with their eight-months-old son, Andrew, and Curt and his pretty young bride, Wendy. live in Corona .del Mar. "You know, I was S4 a few daya ago," Molly says in her well-placed voice -a voice deceptively deep for one 90 tiny, "fllld I have to say that this is. the best time of my life. "The children are grown and happy. The grandchildren are a treat and I have time to pursue the things I'm interested and cu - rious aboot. And that's a lot.." "I've been thinking about hang gliding this summer ... "she muses. Molly (beloilv) combines .the culottes from the Arthur Chapnik suit with the navy linen jacket by Tahari for an unmatched suit look. Again the red silk blouse. Molly'• busy life calla for practJail and int.el'cbangeable clothes. H~ a wean a blue and white Arthur Chapnilc silk and rayon culotted .Wt, with a red llillc blouse by the .same designer. : LIQUIDATK>N :SALE · YOU'RE INVITED 1"0 OUR MISS ELLIETTE . TRUNK ~ASHION SHOW on Thursday, April 22nd from 10-7 Ethel Moody gave n10re than 6,000 free blood pressure tests last year. Has yours been checked recently? + _,1 Lots of fotks call Ethel. Miss Blood Pressure. because she's one of the Red Cross volunteers who gives free blood pressure tes1s "Htoh blood pressure 1s a s~ent dlsease," warns Ethel "Generally, there are no symptoms The only way to tell If you've got it is to have your blood pressure taken." About 35 rrullton Amencahs have htQh blood pres- sure It's a lead.lnQ cause of sttoke, heart dJsease and lcldney problems Prompt treatment reduces that danoer In most people, hioh blood pre ure can be lowered and kept Under control . When.was the last tune you had your blood pres· sure checked' If you can't remember. lt's been too lono t. Call your doctor Or call us • ! \ I Two Strader ladies, Stephanie and Susan, and LJssa c.al1'ulhan want us to Imo~ 1t.bout ·a fund-raiaer c.Blled "Newport-New ur1eans Style." Scheduled for Stinday, April 25 at the Balboa Bay Club from 5 to 10:30 · p.m., it's put on by the Showboat Chapter of the Newport Harbol' Guild of the Orange County Center for the Performing Arts. If .. you'd like to join the group in yacht touring, dining, dancing to Peanuta Huclco and hla. Dixieland Band and winning prizes cal1 Dee &Jwards at 644-5846 or Barbara Mulligan at 760-1544. The Performing Arts Juniors, a young people's support group .. will be acting as hostesses for the evening. ''You don't wantspktureolme,'' Mary Lou HoplriM protested when t.hJ.s photo was shot at tbe ATSC Ball recently. But we were . riJlht Now we have an elJ/llllle.ment picture. Mary Lou anCl Harry Axene announced their marriage plan.1 at the Fuhionablea' recipe ta•rlng party at Ken and Toni Olipha.nt's last week. Here the soon to be Axenes chat with KJt Rutter. An'd th.e winner• we.re ... aecond from left: the Women'• Overall Champ Renee Lo pat o f Laguna ·Beach and Men '• Overall Winner Ruben Chsppina of Huntington Beach . This l OK Race was sponsored by the Busineu Committee of Newport Harbor Art Muaeum and was called ''Run Your Art Out." CommJCtee people, Roy FuueJI, race direcUJr; VirJl[nia Gute and Tom ~y. who co-chaired the event. And more winners: In the Women 30-to-39 class: Debbie Wilkinson, second; Gaye Sprout, first and Kay Schwtz. third Rotarians planning f und·-raising dinner By NORA LEHMAN .,.., .... IT'tU .... A GOOD CAUSE: We got a short notice from the Newport Balboa Rotary Club aaying that they have a fund-ral1ing dlnner planned for April 24 at the Newport Harbor Art Museum with the proceeds of the evening to go to. creaw an emergency reapon.e l)'ltem for elderly and disabled penona in the Newport area. The plan la to llnk the ayatem to Hoag Memorial Hospltal Tkketa for the dinner are $50 and if you've ever had anyone -elderly 8.nd/or diaabled -in th.la 'ttuadon you'll help-th.la group ~ll Glenn Hu1hea at 644-2442 for more lnlonnadon . DRA WINO F OR DIAMONDS: We'll hear thll week who won the Wyndham Lelgh pen- dant donated to South Cout Repertory Theater a1 a fund-railer. A bMutiful pece, it'll be fun to hMr the lucky wtnner'a name. 6HAND OPENING JANUARY'S the most prestigious nail ialon in Newport Beach has ex- panded to a complete beauty salon. WE IRE llOW OFFEllllll THE FOLUWllll SERVICES IY IPP.lllTl51T OILY: • No Uft Sculptured Nall• • aeter Sculpture .Artlat• • Hot 011 or Water Manicures • Jullettea and Liquid Nall Wraps • Nall Tips • Hand Painted Nall Art • Pedicures • Sculptured NaJla Taught J? I /) • Individual Lashes • Lash/Brow Tinting·• Body Wraps V-'o':"r Lare• Massage.Maaeeueae, Muaeur • Waxlng for Women and for Men, Beard, '"Back of Neck and Eye Brow Shaping • Featuring Oucette Coemetlct • lndlvlduallzed Make-up o.tgt'.' • Make-up Lesaon• by Jam.wy or Linda Duoette • • . : Jacquie Liller (from th• l•lt) turn• over iM .. vel, aftM a lour- YMI' llttnt .. pr8/dent of Ho•1 HoYJlt•l'• Aux1IW'.Y, to TranclM Anna. 1l>e Hospltll'• edmlnl•trator, Mike Stephen1, I• Jn the center.tDurln1 her term l44a, 088 w•• contributed - llOS,714 and •ome chan1• ot ~hat from th1t yNr'• lund-rala- e r• -and 301,304 hoco were put In by awdJJM'y volunteen. And another winner: Race Director Roy Fussell congratulates &Jward D. Nissen who placed first in the 60-and-over classilication...- They'll pull the winner''a name from the bat, or whatever their plan ia, al First Nighters for the play "Da." There'• always a aeminar cjbcutsion of the upcoming play on the afternoon of Fint Night- en, with a member of the Board of Trµsteea acting u moderator. ~ ~ ft'a an interesting adjunct to the play le.elf . . . an excellent learning experience and one r ou can ah.are ln:l believe, if you call the theater lD time. The next one scheduled la May 28 for "Tintypes." Call 957-2602 for more informatiOn. Y Ou might alJo add a date to your calendar ... July 10. That's the "F.nd of the Seuon Va- riety Show and Auction" ..,-ty. And that's a long name for a party. lt ~ ~wever. lengthy name oc not, always a It you're ~ what Tom and Tuya CUey are clolna IWvPn6 DWI' Joa Brown'• piano. Jn their ldmoirios, the u.wer i. tbat they're •IJ doln1 a PB number for the Newport Harbor Art Mu.um'• Le Grand Cutno. The party'• «:hedulied tor M.ty 8 •t the MUNWTJ and wtl1 lMture aJJ .uch 6f10C1 thinga u culno 1ame1 and complimentary chi,,., dJnlJJI and danclng1 valet parkJ.na and lJbatJOM. • ....,.... Janet Corbin, (from the left), Pat Stayner ~nd_ Martha Green check lists and write UJ~tations 1'!1' their upcoming Spyglaas HJ11 Phllb.armon1e Committee fund-rai6er. super do. A ji'eat way to spend a awnmer eve- ning. ' . SUMMER DAYS: They aren't dog days around here, but ~ fund-rat.en and party gi- ven 1ee1n to think they are. · . A number of yean ago, when Bullock'• Wilahitt came to Fuhfon Island, the Newport Harbor Art Muaewn did the opening aa a fund- raber. It wu August and the number« people· who came WU IO overwhelming it'• hard to re- member the number. It wu, however, a tremendous IUOCe9S for everyone ooncemed. lt'a understandable that all the. committee people want to go into the lilencea for awhile and take a few days off at the be9ch, but for getting the most bucb for the work. it'• something to consider. -it JH t - ' Close-Out 0 Off and more EVERYTHING IN OUR NEWPORT CENT~ STORE REDUCED TO CLEAR. OUR COMPLETE COLLECTION OF DAYTIME DRESSES, COCKTAIL , DRESSES, EVENING GOWNS, CLASSIC ~D CONTEMP0RARY SPORTSWEAR, LINGERIE, LOUNGEWEAR, ROBES: SHOES AND ACCESSORIES.:..=---• SHOP MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY • FROM 10:00 AM. TO :00 P.M. . '· L j ,, , I ~---- l \ Orange .CoMt O~V PILOT/Sunday. AprU 18, 1982 ... ----------.-. RYFRll 1 I ,AN AM 2 POI I I 1 COU,ONS I ~EL-HOl. YLAfl>-ROr.£ JUNE 25. 1982 TRAVEL PAR T NERS Cl u Cfll*tn; .... " ~. l40 u. I : 71 ... ll.a669 I INCLUDES $2191 •MOST MIALS ,_, ,.,... Wailea Beach, with the mountains of West Maui looming in the background, is almost vacated this time ol the year, which is considered by aome to be the best time to visit the Wands. 7llere's a lot more to Hawaii than just Honolulu and Waikiki Beach. Like the waterfall in Kauai's Waimea Canyon (left), some- times called the "Grand Canyon ol the Pacific.' Eleva~on at this point is 3,657 feet. .. _________ _ •LAND Ill O..w Or. Ste. I Nt.,,.rt Btd. CA 'ZMl (714) 631-5240 THE BEST MEXICO. Now there are more reasons than ever to make a date with a Prtncess. Getting away from tfle crowd • • • Money-UYtng lpec:illl off era. * $250 per·couple cruise· fare discount. (On April 17. 24. May I. 8. 15. 22, 29 cruises.) * Fly free, to and from the ship. from 35 gateway cities. More pcw1S, ~Acapulco, too. * 4 ports in 7 days. More than any other 7·day Mexi~o cruise. * No other cruise line visits Acapulco in 7 days. We're there for a full 24 hours. By STEVE TRIPOLI OfllteDellJ,... ..... An increasing number of people have discovered there's a lot more to Hawaii than Honolulu and the Wai- kiki Beach area. For some, Honolulu is just too crowded, too commercial and too urban. However, you can have as much or little action u you'd like, and still have a nice v~tion away from the crowds, by visiting some of the state's other islands. A recent trip to Kauai and Maui proved to be just the right mix. Kauai, known as the Garden Isle because of its lush vegetation, is a good spot for an unhurried Hawaiian interlude. • Kauai zoning laws prohibit buil- ding higher than the tallest trees, assuring no Waikiki-style high-rises cluttering your view. In fact, there's very little clutter of any kind on Kauai. Only the island's eastern coast has a concentration of hotels, but it's nothing like Honolulu and it can easily be avoided if you're seek.in~ more quit>J. , My wife and I were quiet-seekers, hasn't stopped developers from put- so we chose the Poipu Beach area on ting several resorts there, t)ut it's Kauai's south shore. It's reputed f.O probably not a place for the tourist receive the least rain on a somewhat who is unfamiliar with the rough rainy island (the world•s wettest surf, narrow roads and tempera- spot, 5,080-foot Mt. Waial~e. is in mental weather. the interior, and the beaches are What stood out most about Kauai perfect. is the take-it-as-you-plea1e pace that So was our stay at the Kiahuna is a relief for anyone who has chafed ... Plantation condominiums. It's a fai., under the peeudo-Hawailan routine rly new complex, extremely well-of Honolulu. run and well maintained. You won't find touria~trap luaus, With an excellent restaurant on wllll-to-wall hula girls or other the grounds, anyone really intent on "Hawailana" here unie. you're re- rela.xing could conceivably spend an ally looking for it, and 1f you find it entire vacation at Kiahuna without on Kauai it's more likely to be the even getting into a aµ-. . real thing and not some slick pro- Auto touring is easy to all points duction. , on the island from Poipu because of Maui is a little more forthright in its central location. its tourist orientation -probably To the eut is Hanapepe Valley, just between the extremes of Hono- the Barking Sands area and Waimea lulu and Kauai. Canyon, known as "The Grand The fast-developing west end, Canyon of the Pacific!• All can easily where we stayed, features a strip be toured by car in half a day. about 10 miles long where the coast 'To the west la the island center of ls crowded with high-and low-rise Lihue, the hotels of the Coconut resort developments. Grove area, and the wild but wet We still found it a ni~e area, * Bring aJong a third person, free. in your stateroom . All you pay is their air fare. A 7·day no.ting fleml l Spring Fiesta Specials include colorful folklorico shows. Merry Mariachis. A free bottle of champagne. Gift mementos. Captain's Cocktail Parties. Guest entertainers. Margarita parties, too -on us. * The peso has just been devalued. Your shopping dollars are worth more in Mexico. * Convenient Saturday departures. A rMgl"ilflcent no.ting rnort. * Award·winning international cuisine. Superb .service from our Italian dining room staff. And the finest entertainment afloat, including spectacular musicaJ production revues. s... treYet 8g8f1t t~. north shore. The shore's wetness · (See Getttn , Pa e Cl) -------------'-------------------------------'--------------------------------------:-==-----.,,..-..,,,.-.,,-- Have breathing problems? Learn how to $top smok- ing. Discover how exercise can help. Conference Cen· ter, 1 :30p.m:Beour1uest! cir ·' Gffelp CUs eelebrate! As Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian e~ters its 30th year. we invite you to join us in celebrating. As a commumty resource, we recognize our responsibility to area citizens. Not only to help you get better when you 're sick. But also to keep you well by providing health education. blood pres- sure checks and special events such as Health Fair '82 scheduled for April 25. Here's a calendar of happenings for the next few days. Join us, won 't you'? Your good health is Dur best birthday pre cn1. Review classe are avail- able for those who have already taken prepared childbirth instruction at Hoag Hospital. Two eve- ning sessions. Fee $10. CaJI 760-5940 for more info. HOiii HOSPITAL It 's Na1ional Library Week! Stroll through 1hc ho pi - tal 's medical Hbrary . Learn about health science librar- iaoship and medical ter- mino1ogy. J.-.5 p.m. ' Kick the habit! Attend an Americui Cancer Society Stop Smokioa Class soon. lt's held replarty during the week at the hospital. Call 752-8600 for Info .. ~ ~. The Multiple Sclerosis Suppon Group meets the second and fourth Sundays of every month. Nexl meetin1: April 25, 2-4 p.m. in the holpitaJ's so- cial 1CtVices offa. Call 760-23'° for more iaro. Irvine residents! Prepared childbinh clules ~ tauaht ftaht in your own neigh- borhood. CaU 760-'940 for times Md ptlcea. ~~. ·• i . . ) I Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Sunday, Aprlf 18, 1982 I tting avvay from the crowd • • • ~.,,..o howev , becauae there ls privacy; 1"1 near-the active (but 10mewhat touriaty) old whaling town of La- halna; and there II qu.lck eteape to qulile locat.lonl lf you're ln the mood. The low point of our four-day MMll atay came at QW" flnt atop, the Napllt Kai Beach Club on Naplli Belch. Tbouih the travel agetit who had recommended It aa~ it wu once ~a -fine reeort, what we found wu a dt11race. We checked out of the poorly maintained hotel after one night even though we risked losing a deposit for a aec~nd night of our •• planned f~·nlaht stay. With he}P from ex--Orange Cout relldenta Blackie and Sara Gadarian we eoon relocated down Maul'• weet cout on Kaan.pall Beach, and our stay there at the Maul Eldorado coodominlumt WU much nice.-. There'• lot. to do Sl" the weet coui of Maul, and there'• plenty of &= to tour on other parts of the too;~· • .-:---e ·never made it to Hana Bay on the east end, the ialand'a moet ilola- ted spot. The 75-mlle drive from where we were, much of it down a· narrow and twisting hlgtiway, often I ' IJ"Nt ecenlc views (I had traveled it In 1978) but can be tiring. Prlcea are hlgh In Hawaii. Our Kauaian condo rented for $100 a night. You can do lt for lea, however, with a little planning. There are lower-priced hotels and even cam- ping if that's your inclination. Rea- tauranta come in all ahapee and <>ff er ' a variety of cuislnlt "1\d prices. Plan carefully, u1lng H much current infonnaUon as pollible, and you'll be" OK. The beauty of Hawaii will take care of the rest. A aeriea of awnmer atudy toun la being offered by Orange Cout College, Cotta Mesa, and Col\IOr- tiwn for International Education, Irvine. Through OCC, students can study French culture in eouthem France, attend several theatrl~al performances, or tour European film and television studios. Contacts are: France, OCC Field Studies Office, 556-5693: theater tour, Jack Holland, 962-3133, and the studio trip, Peter Scarpello, 5~1-4538. A FMropean art tour, a week ln the country1lde of Ire~d and a trip to IndJa, Nepal, KUhmlr and Hong Kong are being handled by • the cxmaortlwn, a l1Ql\·Pn>1il.orU.:.. nlzatlon that arranges tours for - colleges and unlvenltles throug- hout the country. For more infor- mation call Jean Marcua at 559-5995. (BUY ONE TICKn. TAKE SOMEONE ALONG .FREE.) Now two of you can fly round-trip to any Republic city in the United States ... for the price of one . That's to an y one of the 163 cities we serve in the Continental U.S. Bring along your spouse. A business associate ~· Or just a friend (but they must be at least 17 yea rs old.) And-this is the best part- buy just one fufl-fare Cooch, Bu si ness Cooch or Night Cooch ticket for the two of you . Your fellow traveler flies fr~ on the same flight. It's Republic's two-for- one Pa ir Fare . And you can fly anytime between now and June 15, 1982 (except Mo~ 28 and June 1 ). flight, on the sa~e day, ond in the same class. Your ticket must be purchased at least 24 hours in advance. It is non-trans- ferrable, and the free porti on can't be returned for cash. And finally, your fl ight must be round trip . So if you're planning to fly, plan to take someone along . If you' re a I ready ticketed on another airline, Republic or your travel agent con tell you how you can still take advantage of t~is offer. As with any great offer, there ore a few qual ifications. Since the ticket is a group ticket, both of you must be present to use it. And you must fly on the same For information and reservations, call a travel agent or Republic LOSANGILIS (213) 7724100• M.WM< (213) 2A7.a:t3 OIANGICO.llANTAANA/WMIM(N)M0-2060 ONTAllO/llVallDI (7W) ,. ... . ' i • • ! t , 1 .l .I ,j I Daily Pilat 8UNOAY, APRIL 19, 1882 REAL ESTATE STOCKS ENTERTAINMEN:r 03 04-5 06-7 Everythins seems risht with "Cat People," · but everytbins comes out wrons. Pase D6. ,. Handmaiden beat~· shop odds By MARY JANE SCAl\CELLO « ... ....,........ . Moat handcrah 1hop1 that boomed ln the late '6o. and early '70. failed within two yean be- C&Ule CMh Oowa trickled out or fun became hard work. An exception ln the lop-sided atatiltkl la The Handmaiden on the Balboa peninlula. The gift abop will celebrate ill 10th anni- venay thia month with two fil'lta -advertising and a sale. 'l()ur rnen:lland.i8e bu been ., apedal, we've never had to 'get rid' of it," according t°o Carol , Wallace-Wienen, who owns the- store. ''I try to stock clulica t.Ntt simply never go out of style. There'• always someone who wanta it." Her only advertising has been word-of-mouth aa friends tell friends about the well-appointed shop with its unique merchan- diae. . The store's 11quare footage has grown with the business, but in l'(lany waya ita original atmos- phere baa remained. Mrs. Wallace-Wit.nera still greets old customers With a hUJ and questions about their fami- lies, and sometimes frienda bump into each other while shopping for the placemata or poroelain. "I never dreamed the ahop would be a suooesa -rve been having such a good time," she saya, looking over s uch diverse items aa potpourri, baby gifts, anti_quea, porcelain, and floral brlcfal wreaths. Often carloads of women drive from Loe Anaeiea 'or Riverside to spend hours looking through the sbop'a 1mall rooms done in "elegant country French" and buying gifts or home decorator items. "Many of them have beach houaes or rent down here in the summer," Mrs. Wallace-Wieners aaya. "They go home and tell their friends about the ahop, 10 aeveral will come down and make a day of it with lunch somewhere nearby. "It's not unusual for a cuato- TOYING WITH SUCCESS -Carol Wallace- Wieners, owner of The Handmaiden, cuddles ...., ............ _, hllrtolt 0-0-... children's toys, part of the inventory she added as her Balboa Peninsula shop expanded. mer to call from Loe Angeles and order a gift. Sometlmea they even ask for suggestions aver the phone, be.cauae they trust ua." • Like many of her cuatomera, the store owner grew 'IP ih the Loe Angeles area but spent sum- mers in Balboa. A few years at UC'Sant.a Bar- bara aa an elementary education major left her unenthu.ed -"I love children, but every girl I knew wu studying to be a tea- cher" -and she went to work in a doctor's office for lleVf!Jl years. "I liked to Pdtt, leW, knit and do 1tltchery before it was so popular," ahe re.members, "and sometimes people asked mi: to make th1n8J for them." Dress boutiques were just be- ginning, and no gift boutiques existed, but she decided to open one. "I decided I wanted to buy and 8ell the th1n8J I really loved," she says. "I wu single and owned a nice car, 10 I aold lt and had $2,000 to open the ahop." Her parents were hesitant about her big atep. Her father advilled, "Don't i.ke out loana," and "Don't get rid o f your (medical) uniforms or neglect your typing. You may need them again." She found a partially vacant building (where the ahop la still located) in a location where all previous tenants had gone out of bumne.. An antique store in the other half of the structure waa run by IChool teachen and only open in late afternoons and Sat- urdays. "The landlord let me have lt at $250 a month becawle it had been vacant ., long," she remembera. "He didn't expect me to stay long, either, but he figured a few months of income waa better than nothing.'' (She purposely avoided a shopping center location becau.e she *anted to pkk her own hours. Even now, the Hand· maiden is never open evenings and cloeee Sunday and Monday 1 during winter months.) Becau.e the block was zoned residential/commercial, she wu able to live in a back room. ope-nina only the front room (about 12 x 30 feet) as ahop apace. At first, mercllandi.ae WU dis- played on crates and boxes. Dra- wers, aanablaated for texture, were hung on the wall aa ahelves, and a friend's old picket fence became wall texture. "l aaLhere Patntinl and .knit- ting, and it was a big thrill when I 10ld $50 worth of merch.andlae in a day," she says. Early stock included aprons, blankets, pillows, placemata and met.al items her mother decorated with tole painting. Five or six people supelied the ahop. A friend a husband, a CPA. set up books she oould keep henelf for financial records, a job that had been part of her doctor's of- fice duties. FANCIFUL -Distinctive window displays and brown wrapping appeal to clientele:· where the dollars are going." All her income went back into the ahop, and aa business grew she realized It couldn't depend entirely upon local cottage indu- atry. Cf!mputer ideas taken off hold "I still do all the boob," she aay1, "although my accountant takes care of employee and quarterly atatementa. "I think it's the key to running a good busineea, becauae you al- ways have your finger on what'• going on. People who begin on a large scale with someone elae keeping records loee touch with "At first everything· waa handmade, but people couldn't produce u much aa I needed," she rememben, "IO I had to look at companies to supplement with the aame look and feel.•• Her first big shock wu dis- covering that large companies expected minimum orden and ·(See BALBOA, Pqe Di) Justice Department liberates Ma Bell; think tank welcomes competition ~~~.~~e!. MURRAY ffiLL, N.J. -Ma Bell. a very rich divorcee, is now a liberated woman. What'• more, 1he keeps cus- tody of the family genius. Thia ia Bell Telephone Labo- ratories, the Yankee Stadium of think tan.la that Ma'1 biQ.ll'.lfher, John Brooks, baa ca led "probably the great.eat invention factory ... that the world hu ever teen." Bell Laba baa averaged one patent for almost~ day of ita exiatence. And that ia 57 yean. Ita aclentlata have won aeven Nobel prizes. But Ma'a prodigy baa not been allowed to '° out and play wtth the big boya. Antitruat and all that. Its wizardry wu confined ultimately to what Bell Labs folk call POTS -Plain Old Tele- ·phone Service. No Jioaaer. At the COit of giving up her 22 operating phone com- panies Ma -more formally, American Telephone and Tele- p-apb Co. -la now free to take on the electronic world in any way her t.mily'a fertile mind can devtle. Bell Labe la very fertile. One day in 196.5 Bob Wlhon and Amo PemlM are Uat.enin1 to radio aignaJ.a bouncing off a aat- elll te. 'f'hey have a very good Uatener. too good. in tact. for all the static they are JleCeivtnC. So they start llstenina more to the static than to the alpals. ThJa la OK with manacement becaUR you never know what reeearch may tum up. WiJ8on..Pemiu decide they are hearing noi8e left ~ from the Big Banc that created the cmmoa. Thia wim them Nobela. Pem:iaa beooc1ies bead of rewrch. That'• the kind of place Bell Laba la. Smart. Innovative. Flexible. So what do you do after you've in- vented POI'S, and It wort.? Youprobably wiab that your \mcle, Sam. ~ let you make oomputen and what.-all llke mM and Silicon Valley aMtlie .Tapa- ne.e. La.at January the Ju.tlce Department tentatively .uled a far-reachh'I antitrust action on jLl8t tl:ae terms. It II truw:erdentally difticult to find a Bell Labe edesltist who la not inwardly delichted to be able finally to compete without fetten. H<rw the players ali.dy In the pme feel may be another matter. Bell Lat. la a late entry. But if, a1 It seems, the next technological giant atep 11 to connect every middle.ex, home and farm to the computer age, Ma Bell alre.dy baa a Jarae foot in the door. Just about everybody baa a phone. Moat of them AT&T'a. And they are already hooked up to oomputera. Amo Penzlaa anivee for work every mominl with a fr'elh bee of bagela. He generates tdeu, oplnion and energy ~he real of the day like an exploding aupe!'- nova. A corporate reaea.rch lab, he potnu out, ii different tnJm one run by the aovemment or a un- ivenfty. It baa to make money. "In 1overnment you might work on ultr.Jnb foe 15 yeera. But what if it'a a aood Idea for only five? "It rd been at ObJo State when I reelbed I wanted to Uaten to the Milky Way, I'd have done 15 experiments first. At Bell Labe you don't have the time. U you can't do It In three yara, what are we paylna you for? "Bell Labl la what a univenfty oucht to be. The tlane acale II aet by the lmpoc1anee of the work., not how much funding you can get. "We have teamwork here. You don't in a university where pro- fe.ora are competing for tenure. People are helping you all the time. At the same time, Bell Laba • baa the looeest pcmlble definition of what a common task ia. In Penziaa' cue, the aky was the li- mit. Thia permiaaivenesa dates to 'Thi!odore Vail, perhaps AT&T'a greatest president, whQ.. believed in the early 1900a that the Bell System'• near monopoly of the telephone carried ..n equal obli- gation of univenal service. "Do anything, he believed," saya Penriaa. "Putting bllndera on nature'• IDOl'l 1ucceaful ani- mal doan't work." Pure reteareh pro~ auch u Pemlaa' and Wil8on I are condo-• ned because, among other thino. radio carries 70 percent of tne Bell Syatem'a traffic, ao coanl~ • static could conceivably have 10rne relevance. Havtni a Nobe- Uat or two around doetn't hurt rec:ruiti1.Q41, either. And lf you do enough ba1lc reeeudl. you're more apt to have a brand new technololY on hand juat when you need lt. For 11\- stance, three Bell Labl adent!N invented the tranalltor juat ln ... '--~----~--------------------'------------------~ AILTERRAIN VEHICLE -"Dlngo," a mini-Oune bu&Y, will be manufactured next year in Irvirte by Derbi Mot.or -CO.· •. . . Will Dingo he a time to handle the tmrmme up- In telepbane traffic ln the 'IOL • T"\ b. ~ .. w1nner-at~.uer 1 ·-~---===--.~~ dY, CG4 :tadu~. u.. ....... anw u~nCTently frillD ..-.-. and the tru-n1"'on of lianala by ll&bt Wllh the cost of off-road ve- ovw ~ flben. 'l'fie Jurr people hiclea u hi1b or hi1her u for llmt ta1ldnl to the.~ ~ many automobOes, the peadent .--.. of-lrvine-baaed Derbl Motor 1'bt ti-people at B.11 Laba Corp. la bopln1 hh new .ad r' wbiN m,·10 JW'I bave ''mlnl-dune bugy'' will rwh a drrt8ld ._ • laudt a-hem walUnc market. clam ID 6e 4.GOO ~!::i.La-The new 1ndlan °Dtnao•' all· ._. ....... uu.t Tbi .._ -• ternln vebide • teWns lor ;.-t ... MW 'lV' Wswl ~ .. wi--under tl 000 with l• 8 bonepo- WillrMI todq, POI'S ••a now wer Bria• & Stratton h!I~~ whea J>hoM ca111 wW become torqu• enctne, and a1mOlt '800 ~-::.;tif'wm will bave for~~~~~ tunMd Oftl' tM OODOe9' to ltl Mii t!Ned In lndMna. iNt ""'''" w1 .a.-• w..e.rn Pl....._t c..rm. DeLeone •...... , ,,,... -...... '° blliD manU&ctu-• llilld wm .. ..._ pie rilll cm model· M'Xt J_,_, at a fll .. JOnl au•-the Irvine ~au i•ncJe>' ... 11 ow. Ave. II~ •a ,_-* J'l'am ~ to 1,000 ar tbe w-- UJ •SJ•• il1N~ ...__........-Stobeaoldd.a. ... 9 t 7 .. • ....... -..cw1a1.1n ... ••• trltwrhu ... OCl!I· = • lrtld.: =..... o.r ........ d ... -T~~ ::t:r := .. 119 ..._...::...~-= .......... , .,. ...... "'·-~ .. •' •• .. .. 11 Orange COllt DAILY PILOT/8undey, Aprtl 18, 1082 111111 ClllT lllCll Fol/owlnK are the stock market actlvltltl of publicly traded Orange County firms for the week ended Friday, April 16. Data provided by Newport Stcurltle.1 . ~ry. . 11141 • '"" UAOQUUTDI l.OC!ATIOI HOOllCfl I I '" ,,. ''"' ... t • rlotol .1 ·r-· ''" ,., I• 10001t -·--···········--··-··· ········-·-··-·· ················-···· ...... ······-··· ............. ···-·······-............. ·-···· ~1 ==~:r.:· ~' ~=Y Jn. 29 llCO, loo. )0 "' llloro. 1110 ) I .......... hlllt II.Ill J2 -1 .. '°'' 111u• lJ S.olwUOft T•lfll -• , ...... ,. •••• 111 JS ,.,. ••t ""· "'' )6 ,.,., ... ,..,. ,.,.. n ~:~:~:~~. ~~:.: u :::.::r:~,:: ~~r '' OoMrol Tore. OTCl 02 Ooldeo V. N. C:VM • •l 0r .. 1 v. 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'°" llCOHIU co•• •• ""lm<Lf t DI LnTCJ! .,.. • • ..,. roo •n ,,..,,., .,,. u• o• lll>IVIDU&L arron s 01 Tiii u ou COllPUI U Cll.L llU 9'1-•0I • IA.W p,a J•••n JIL•401 '• Pll'l~CllTI • ,., l llOICITU TH f l lllPOIT SS:OllTIU COtll'OU TIOI HU ' PJaLl~~lll u~u··· ., ... n A•ll U Lr • , • ., •;MPU Y IU.•n•h • 1ttor\1 •r• •d• LO '''"'"' Lht •oou.r••r •rMI U M llft••• or "" d•~.a o011tatn•• '" ""••• htd ••. vf\l('fi .,.. ti•••d on t Ovrot• l •ll••td to H r-ell01\•, lvt tut la eoovreof enll t.1 .. l1rlt11 .,.., f\Ot ••r•nt.••1 tf'l1 ll••O<i"t .5ecu,.l~he U'I-~ t"Jt n•••- oeper ••• ._ .. ,.. u a1uu., ro,. any •••oour•ot•• .,. ""\t .. llM•• or u. 1•h O·Jltl•"•" ,..,.. 11-D• lll'C MDIU:l1IUD PALBOA BOUTIQUE OWNER KEEPS TRACK OF WHERE DOLLARS. ARE GOING • • .he says, "I was in a real sw~t over my first buying experience.'' An early economy in gilt wrap became their itrademark and has been copied by other stores. :. "I love to gift wrap and knew I needed ao- mething 1pectal, IO I took plain, brown paper, 9dded pretty ribbons and a few straw llowera with our ahop lticker on each package," she says. "At first people would .Wp me in the middle of the wrapplJli and aay, 'I'm not mailing this..' A ~w yea.rs ago, when I conaidered changing the wrap, 1'11 my cllltomera objected. Now we're ,known foe it and it aeta us apw'l." • Although she enjoyed what she was doing, Mrs. Wallace-Wieners admits lhe ahop was her whole ll!e for the first few years she owned it. "I did everything myself," she says. "It was a total commitment, and I was exhausted each night. I had little social life, and it was a big deal for me to buy a dress -I felt guilty that I wasn't ;~the mone on merchandiJle." : After a year fu bu.lneu, she wu able to out of the shop and into a nearby rental with two friends, and a yur alter that bought a small oondomlnium in Santa Ana.. A ean lat.er, ahe bought a larger one in Costa where she and her husband now live. • She expanded the ahop within her half of ·the building after moving out, opening a room 'wtth baby and children'• gjfta and another for jtedding·relat.ed ltema. I Five years ago, when the other part of the structure became vacant, she rented, cuttlng an .opening between the sections and expanding 'storage space in back. I "That'• when I knew . I had created a real ,buaine9a," ahe says. The crates and aandblut.ed ldrawen were replaced by custom-made mantels iand antique diaplay pieces, aome of which are fot :..ie. I Handmade and homemade itema are still 1acattered through the 1bop -as many aa 50 jpeople Npply them at Chrlttmal -but much 1merchandiae lJ ordered on buY1na trip to 'gift :shows, most often in Los Angeles and Dallu. : "'The ftnt time I went to the ahow in Dallu, •I got carried away with the buying," Mrs. :Wallace-Wlenera remembera. "I started addln.g jup my purchuea on the plane while coming ,home, and I thought, •ru never be able to pey for I I • From Page 01 ABS • • • ltcblna 1y1tem was •Umated at $45 milllon ee years ago. It took 0 million and 4,000 -years to develop. r'l'he Princeaa phone u ao light It kept fal- l}lg off table•. Picture hcine never caught the ubllc'a fancy or ita tbook. But Bell Lab'• on- ftaMt record of oomtna up with breakthroughs al· on order " remu'lt· . "You can't IChedule ventiona," aaya Mel hen, bead of cry1tal d alaa retearch. But , ... -' ne aeema to be alway• R= i. _..ti 1n1-ttown the com-now ... .,_ me lo aald· And since r ju.t when lt'1 nee· Kr~nds come 1n con· venient one, Va, Va, and Y10 Sise may be one rea· ounce sizes. pd Is easier on. Bell Laba la bll than ewr to own. Buy a nouch -22,600 em-tew each month and hold loyeee, 3,100 of \hem them-for collep tuition, b .D .• -that it hu a a dram VICltion, or critical maal," HJ• ~retirement years. enky Narayanamurti, &rector of 1olld 1tate !!lle!f .:!°.!S, llMICtriClftlji:. rwrch. So Ill Ml-a 'B . .... ~..:..: •533 ...... w $) d •• lf waum Eiiii~·~birmio'ni.•li•i•ili·~=i(l~t•) .. mt all this. Who do I think I am?' ''Pd ordered almost aa much u the atott had sold in the put six months, and companies expect to be paid within 30 days aft.er delivery. "I broke out in a case of hives that luted for two weeks. Fortunately, thlno arrived a little at a time, and I wasn't hit with bills all at once.'' For her, the balance always f.al.la between Big enough to be safe ... How safe? $26 million strong · Loca!Jy owned ·Profitable in 1981 ·Administering over SI SO million for other financial institutions the reality of dollars and the beauty or mer- cha.ndiM. "The firat time we aold $1,000 wonh in a day, I was thrilled," she aayt, "because I reallz.ed that someone loved what r loved.'' "U people need to prove themselves or have t)leir names on doors, then they get hung up and miaa the creativity. Sure, I worry if we have a .-Small enough t~-be neigJlborly. How neighborly? ·'Phe simplest, safest IRA 1 S 'lo for 18 months ·Our Ready Money Account"' -the interest-bearing checking account ·A Small-Savers account, the big hitter's envy! ·A non-stop welcome San Marino Savings slow day I'd be a poor busmeswoman 1f I said money doesn't matt.er, but d ollars aren't what does 1t for inc." Realtors .mark Property Week LOS ANGELES (BW) -Callfornla~I 183 boardl of realton are expected to obeerve Prtv1t.e Property Week. April 18-24, with a variety of pu· bUc . .ervlce projectl, the CalJfomia Allodation of ~ton announced. Each year realtors nationwide .et aside a week for Americana to celebrate ,their constlt\4tlonal fr~om to owo. use and tr1nlfer real properly. Realtora also intend the week u a reminder to cl· tiiens that wid espread h omeow nersh ip 11 a Joundatlon tor democracy and d11perae• 'tledalon,.. making to each Individual household concerning the use and protectJon of the individual home. Many boards wlll be kicking off a voter regi- stration drive thla week. The goel of the drive la to establlah citizen awareness of the lmportance of the vote in guaranteeing individual and property righta and to make every real estate salea oflice a voter registration center. The boards also will parUdpate in a national essay contest for high tchool students sponsored by the National Association of Realtors. This year's topic is "How Losing Private Property Rights Would Affect My Future, and Why The.e Righta Should be Preserved." Trophies and savings bonda for $1.000, $500 and $250 will be awarded to the firsl, second and third place winners. Some boards will be establishing ''Grime Stop" programs in their neighborhoods. This is a ael!·help program designed to be implemented by realtors while tak1ng advantage of materials already avai- lable from law enforceme nt agencies. "Crime Swp" works in tandem with "Neighborhood Watch," which has been operating successfully for 10 years. Other boards will be taking part in a variety'of community revitalization projects including aid to senior cltize~ major home and property cleanup. Architect visits Stoneridge site Orange County landscaping architect Rene Romero will be on hand to greet visitors at Stone· ridge today during an open house of the Cordova Bay plan at the San Juan Capistrano custom home community. As part of the open house event at the Stone- ridge home. Romero will answer questions and of· fer suggestions regarding landscape d esign, soil preparation and plant selection. An exhibit of re- cent plans will be on display. To visit the site, take the San Diego Freeway to the Aver y off-ramp. Go unde r t he freeway at Avery to Marguerite, then tum right and go south one mile to Highland. Tum left on Highland and drive up I.he hi~ aboul a mile to ttie entry gate. DllTH llTICll HAlllOa &.4W .... MT. CX.IYI Mortuary·• Cemetery • Cremarory 1625 Gtal., Ave Costa~ia 540-5™ • Orange Cout DAil, y PILOT /Sunday. Aprtt 18, 1982 ..... NOTICS or DSATK ':r.::==:'9 J'll.A NCll ooat HB ,.,. --.. ..-•-. .,__ JONBI ak1 J"KANC&I .. AllMNOhdNT• •v con, tHO I JONa AND or PETl'n 1o ~ll .lerll•AM.CA'210ot TO ADMJNJ.ITD ICITA Co11t1••I• 'I AyooolL, UIO I •• NO-A I I IHI . ._...., tMle Ml. CA '210. - Tiiie ~ io ~t• tr .,. Ill· To &lJ helni, benef ...._ c..-io, A,,_. credttora ~nd conilnat t 1111, 1to•t1110111 ... ,. ... •"" 1110 c:redhort of Francee ~ e-.iy Qetti ot er.,.. c-y °" ...,. Jones and perwon1 who "· '* ~ be otherwlee lniereated '""'11.lllMf Of•'1t'_ c...t O•ttr '"llot, the will and/or estate: Merell t•, APf114, t. tt, 1Ma ,.,..., A petlUon h.u been 111ed ~ Na.I l9RC( Wiiliam Moteley J one1 If! the S uperior Co wrt o'J ~=" Oranie County requet\lrfl '"' lollOMlt '*'°" 11 c1o1no--that William Me>1eley J~ •,Ht aTOOl<llO<)M, •n "*'v·•11". be appolnU!d u penonal ~ ~ IMdl. CA tHa. preaentatlve to admlnl• Mttll~11;r,::::2 O••flom ""'· the estate of Francet Do • ~1>11e1ti.M 1e 0011duc1ec1~en111. the• Jones (under the~ dMcluol M ~ pendent Admlnbtratlon Tiii• ot:i:.::•111 ... lllt d •1111 tll• Eltlt.1!1 Act). The petition County o-01 0r.,. ec-iy on Mweh eet for hearinc ln Dept. No.) 24• '"2 ,_, at 700 Civic Center Driv~. .. ~1>111nt<1 Ottno• Cout D•Hy .. llot, West, In the City of San'f ~•Cf! 21 Aptt1 •. "· 11• ,.., 141M 2 Ana, California on May 12, Nit.JC NOTtcE 1982 at 9:30 a.m. • SYMBIOTIC -Cathleen Gallander, director of the Harbor Area Art 'Museum, foresees a growing relationship between the contempo· rary art museum to the right, and th~ Irvine Company's Civic Plaza office complex ·on the left FICTITIOU• _,..... lF YOU OBJECT to th. HA* aTAn.NT SranUnl of lhe petition, y~ 'Ille fOllowlng 1>9'~• .,, doing should either ap~ at ~ bu..,_• hearing and state your o ~ I l•I CANVASBACK HOME8. (bl i........uons or f il e written 0 CtiUCKEA HOMES. (c) OECEM8tA l"'-HO MES. (di oovt HOMES; (•I jectlons With the court ~ FORE HOMES. (f) M o. D HOMts, fore the hearing Your •Pt> 1111 MALLARD HOMES. (g) PHEA· pearance may be In penoi&. SANT HOME6, (I) PINTAIL HOMES, · J I 178 SE Mlln SlrHt. l•vin•. CA or by your attorney. Business, culture harmonize 112714 IF YOU ARE A CREDC PHILIP H MCNAMEE, 19 tt6 TOR or. ronungent crt!dicd McO.mon, 11. lrYIN. CA ~714 h d d J. DALE SIMBRO, t430 S enta· of l e eeeaae . you mu~ Ci¥ic Plaza d e ¥elopment includes art museum, library A conacioua effort to bring into harmony the structure of busi- ness and the creativity of culture is a major element In the Irvine Company's concept for l\s new Civic P laza garden office deve· lof)ment in Newport Center. Located at the intersection of San J oaquin Hills Road a nd Santa Crui Drive , the complex includes b o th lhe Ne w'/or\ Harbo r Art Museum a n the Newport Center library. "The N ewport H a rbor Art Museum fa one of the nation 's acclaimed contemporary art mu- seums, and from the outset of planning for Civic Plaza we made a conscious effort to interrelate our off.ice project with the mu- seum's cultural environment," explains Ronald Hendrick son , director of planning a nd design in the compa ny's Comme rcial/ Industrial Division.. "To help achieve this closeness, we have built a pedestrian way and stairs to connect Civic Plaza with the art muaeum's sculpture garden and Its greenhouse cafe.'' Nearly completed, Civic Plaza is it.self a {Qrm of architectural CREATIVITY (From Pa1e 0 %) sculpture designed by the New- port Beach firm of Ladd, Kelsey, Kel!ley and Woodward. Its five brick buildings. featuring crisply beveled rooflines, are situated to lake· advantage o f Newpor t's coastal vistas. The buildings are connected by pathways that wind through heavily landscaped pedestrian "boulevards" to small, geome tri· cally shaped courtyards which serve as gathering places for Ci - vic Plaza's office workers. "Along with dedicated ind.ivi· duals, the Newport Beach bus.1· ness community has always played &n important role aa sup- porter and benefactor of the art museum, and we look forward to establishing a close relatioruhip with Civic Plaza and the compa- nies that occupy It," says cath- leen Gallander, museum director. Ms. Gallander, who assumed directorship of the art museum a year and a half ago, believes there is a big place in corporate life for art and culture, and it sh ould be a con tinuing. highly visible relationship. "All across the country, you • • • cause "the people who work here are a reflection on me." She and store manager Glenna Mohns work full-time with three oc four part·time helpers. "Glenna has been with me for six years, and she's my right and left arm," M rs. Wallace- Wieners declares. M,a. Mohna first came to the s hop as a customer and began working there part time as a college freshman. Afte r ma rriage and a few months working in a bank. she returned to the shop just aa the owner was looking for full·time he lp. The two women be.came such good £reinds that Mra. Mohns was m atron of ho nor when Carol Wallace married Bernie Wiene rs a year ago. Her advice to would·be entrepreneurs comes directly Crom her own life. "I didn't copy anyone -w h atever I did came from me," ahe aaya thoughtfully. "Other people went IO far as to come by and take pic- tures of my dlaplay windows. "At flnt 1 waa appalled, and then I was sad. What we do comes from within, and it can't be learned in IChool or copied. "Actually, when you're doing some thing that uses your natural abilities, you never feel successful, because It doesn't feel like you're working hard enough. The only w ay I could have failed is if I hadn't tried." '*Ill Torreoe. Corona <Ml M11t, CA (tie your C'la lm .with tht see more and more ~ompanies 92825 court or present It to tht integrating original art into com-1n:;::, :"=.n~ ~oo by • penonal representative a~ i I i II · D• Slmbro pomted by the court wlthu, mere a structures, es pee a Y 10 Tiii• 11a1-1 ,. .. moo with the four months from the date of cues where a company may be County Ci.nt of Orange County on trat 111uance of letters at b u 11 d i n g I t s c o r p o r a t e April "· 11182 Ft17J provided tn Section 700 of headquarters," she notes. "It's Pvbltlhod Orange CoNt Dall)' PHot. the Probilte Code oC Callfo,.., refreshing to 111ee commerce and April 18, 25. May 2. t . 111112 n1a The ti me for filing culture coming together in the ________ 1_73_11_·8_2 clam\S wlll not expire pri(ir corporate world." Pl8.JC NOTICE t.o four months from the date But, as Ms. Gallander points FICTITIOUa ~H of the heanng noticed abo~. oul, you don't have to travel NA• •TA~ YOU MAY EXAMIN't: beyond Newport Center to !ind T~ 1o11ow1ng i-aon• .,. doing the ftle kept by the court. If art mm. f,! wt'th L..·-•--. butiMOt.. ~rested · the ng uuau~ VIA DEL RIO I. $3611 w .. trldgo you are m ln es· The acific Mutual LJfe Insu-~. An~. CA 112807 iat.e. you may Ctle a req~ ranee Company recently dedica-MICHAEL A McGUIRE 53811 with the cour t to receive ted four major original aculptures ~:~ndgo Road . Anah•lm. CA spec1alC notice of the ln~en,; at its new Pacific Mutual P laza JAMES VANDERHEIDE u D s . tory o eat.ate assets an a,. office complex In the cent.er. In-5285 Rural Ridge Circle. Anaheim the pcuuons. aITOUnta and CA 92807 reports descnbed In SectJ.oo tagUos of animals and sea life by JERRY GIMBARTI. 2077 w 1200 5 of the Ca liforn~ artist Thomas Van Sant adorn °"'~·L~°'SA~:C:t~,8 W•· Probate Code the Irvine Company's corporate •t[ldgl Road, Mehetm. CA 112807 Latkam & Watk.lu o ffices at 500 -5~0 Newport This t>usineel Is conoucted by• Attonte)' at Law Center Drive. gonorll ~~·Mc:Gu1ro SU S. Plower Street "Skydivers." a sculpture by TIMS •tat-1 ... filed wtth 1t1e Los Anlelea, CA t0t11 ArisUtles Demetrious, watches Coun~ c.tc of Otanof County on 1%13) 4 5-1%34 -. over shoppers ln Stage Court a t ~~2.KMOAH Publish ed Orange Coa.rt Newport Center's Fashion Island. AttorMJ9 et Law Daily Pilot, Apnl 17. 18, 24. And a sculpture b y Van Sant .. , ...,_ CMw °""· 1982 SYlte 10d aoars skyward from a metaJ pond trvtno, CA m1s-11se 1---------........ ...-... adjacent to t h e Union Bank ,,...,., Cell 6•2-5178. Building, helning create a restful Publlahed Orange COMt Dtilly Piiot Put • few words .-AP<ll 18, 25. May 2. II, 1982. to work tor you lace for office workers. 1140-82 · i ~ !C . '• ~ a2 J 1s-< . .. lr1; . H~1 -.. -f; '#! -~i ' :.. . .i I :10 1 .. -... !i~ ii~ ~iO ;!(I) :a .... ·~-3 ~~ ,. To j-3 ·= ··~ !2 _!{I} £>. 19 i O !~ r6l --,Wti.."" ~ .. ·_7_.,,...: ~. -u,-_nn~ .-~-n'iEi'-'11 -.,-$" #.Sn,u#s.-N6SUsl.#'lrin·r1ss'lns:i-U&:. I S I ISS&I--FIU'Sl-61SS#l'-S-suisSiU SU$.I FFHU -Ui°l llUSU-'li-#UmSU S-SI' 'l~US I~ Si:$: Js"S¥'U_U_#6' S##~,. -.ua-~ ~' u ,-.-uesi. ~'I-~ F$ff ; i,,.:;s; 'S-# J . h -~.,, .. ,,..,,m1•1t-.,11B1•1n•n1ittwrpmJtHnni-s•,••11HHJJO:.H11nnta11~1m 0 lr1ftMjftl1B1'*·· ·r•..._.., Jbu•trJIBJi-a•,,,...m E i i ;t aJn-fm:. i~ffn·~i~m.-Pie;•iUJJY~~iHH~i::j';~ff•;tti:J~~dH. ia~=7•u~i=i~Ji::Sifii•n;•~1J~~ish::;:: . ~ , ~ • , • • • • • , r , . 'fr.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .... t ........ , . . f. . • . r, , • .. •• , . . , •.• , . , r . r, .. . 1r»1 '1'1Sl6.1~ 66••~$#IE· •• :,. isi-6i'SSS'lll~l-11Slil'IS'7s~,.,,-., -.isi.:is-~. -4,. _,, • -- .:i~--... ------· AMERICAN STOCK EXCHANGE ouot A flOllt 111<1.UOI ... 011 O• , ................... ,, 1>6ClfllC, ,.., '°''°"· .... Ot, ... CllK'l••·Ul ll'OCll , UCNHOUUO l.,OllTIO l'f Tiii MAH AllO llilTtlllt -...... ~ .. Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Sunday, April 18, 1882 I 'Cat· People' more gFowl than purr ~15 MllOMlJID llT ... WDt ~lt ~IME EW>r<DrmlJRIBT .. ~ ----·-~ JEFF PAUU • . A review "Hard Core" 11 a look at the uallne.. of ,,,,,.for· *:./J.?;:;f. a. a low·fnlnded movie done wt\h profit (and contained the ultimate Schrader meta· ht1tHn1nded •riOUIMll and th• ,...uh it mind· . phor: the filming of a blueo movkln whJch the Sid ....u. .. 11 ........ nu--...._,_II .... _ 1.!-..1 t film ls mwdered at the end): "American G•-lo" w• a MU •u 1'1111 529 S339 COITA•H E0'-¥11$ 8'1SlOI slo 7444 [' .......-.. .w.u-. uu. .... AUal o you IO to airport with a haunt.eel, Interrupted look on her tat t h 1 I ,.., · full of ho~: Paul Schrader ('4Tax:l Drfy r," "Hard f~. Her nanw ls lreN and m•'• ln New Orlean. to 1 emen on ow aex 1 •ll 1 u1ly, even If It'• drftled by ArmanJ. Schrader hu openly di.cu.ed Core," " btnalon") dlnc\ed It, Nutaula KlnakJ meat. hor brother. Tht'y 1pent their chJldhoodl to. hla Calvtnlat upb~ (hi.a father wu a rnlnllter) and Malcolm McDowell star 1n It and Oloraio Mo (tthttr but haven't teen each other since then. Paul ~nd the Idea, inherent ln hia Ufe, ~t eex la dirty. roder and David Bowt. 1eamed to do the tlfle eona (Malcolm McDowell) ey .. her amoroualy and taket Cat People'' take. the Idea and adda a twbt of and mutlc. Everythlna teen rl1ht and everythl"I hor to hl1 home, whor~ he prompUy dlaappean and beaatiaUty and i.ncett: 11ex reduced to a prehistoric comet out w~. 1ht I• I ft to It th 1laht1 of New Orleans on her Ji "Cat People ' la billed u "an erotic fantuy" but own. nx. It's not much more than a amuny daydream. T!Mre 'l'ho proml .. unfolc»: Paul and Irena are part But even with thl1 blood·and.gu ta thriller are two nice thl.nas ln thta movie: Moroder'1 muak of 1n ancl• nt hybrid ot cot people who live u hu-Schrader doesn't play it 1traight. The cat people~ and the black leol)erd that IC.ftaml lrtto the camera m1n1 but cannot mat with anyone except their supposed to tum Into leoparda only after making with a feanome loathlna for everythlng around It own k1nd without. tumln6J lntQ leo~dt, And they love with regular foJg, but Paul lranlfonnt 1n one (maybe it had a look at the daily footaae). ttan't turn bock Into humarui until t k.Jll a penon acene to maul a call girl he hun't eo much u kla.ed. The material, taken frol\'l a 1tory by DeWitt after the lovcmaklns. Paul'• natura (unnatural?) And Irena, ooce she undentand1 her hl1toric .Bodeen and written for the IC'l'ffn by Alan Ormtby, luat th n tum1tohll11J1ter, with wflom he prosxwes handicap, •till inslsta on coupling with Oliver ao 1he teems like 1tranie 1tu1f to attract• "1erloua" fllrri· to Uv u their parent.I dld -brother and sister, cat can live "among my klnd." Ittna breaJu the alleged maker like ~hrader. The open.Ina aequell(le tetl tho peopl xtraordlnalre But Irena la a viraln, and her biochemistry o( her k1nd, turnln1 Into a black feo- NOW PLAYING film ln some kind of Freudian-inspired prehiatos:y: a trouble. art• c:omplkatcd by an attacnment to a pard to terrify' a young rival for Oliver. And COIT• •aa '"'.. OllUGI ban4 of "leopard men" kid.nap a young humanoid young curator, Oliver (John Heard) who falla in Schrader'• pacing la jerky and grating: there'• no £.,_•nC-i Cettit1 E.,_•01 WoodbrldQl•SIMurn °'"''"' • whoee tribe la 1era•"'"''"'d a ll~ut of the--"-' love with h r. visual hypnosit 0 o1"'n on here, no flow. The film 1794141 SSIOISS 6398770 r ~..... .,... .... ..,.. cou-e earth ln a heavy left-to.right . and bind her to You can see what attr..,.•--' Schrad ... r to thlS' loob Uke il was edited ln a blender. ll TIMIO •OAA#ll •WHT .... TUI -..u "' E"'"'cas Slocllfbj(• CAllldome u.-rw"' c-a tree. Thal night, a supple leopard alln.lu up and horror movie formula it you look at h1.1 other mo-Ki ki H ard 511 seao 634 7553 ate 1243 couples with the helple81 maiden. Her face d.lmolves vies. In "Taxi Driver," sex waa portrayed as a ns ' e and McDowell give forgettable =-·=-= .. =··=· =· ===-=====-===============--=in:.:.to.::::_.:..:N~as:.1=ass=='•:.....:Kint=:.k1:.:.:., ....:•_tandJng _ _::._1n_a_N_ew:__Or:...:..::1.:eari='8:__9CWlUT\==~y~ac=Uvity carried out by desperate people; performances at best, which might have been the II" best they could do with this material. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-=-~~~~~~~~~~~~ • t & *BARGAIN MATINEES * Monday thru S1turday All PerlormancH before 5:00 PM (Exceilt Specill Engagements 1nd Holld1ys) ~A t.AlllA[,A MAl1 Ml1000 01 lo••c:•o,.,1 LA MIRADA WALK-IN 994·2400 "VICTOfl VICTOfUA" tN I ttll.iM.lM ........ "POMY'I " 1•1 tUl,l"Je._.. __ •• LAKEWOOD CENTER WALi\ IN •ARfMUR" '"' --"OHL Y WHSN I L.Auatr 1•1 .-.-- "IOMI l(NfO Of' Hlll0" 1•1 tM He.tlt.t"A tt• LAKEWOOD CENTER SOUTH WAU IN Al Oe1 Anlo 211 6M-t211 •tT AC'TCl'I -ACflllM "ON GOU>Ot ..ote>" '"' -----. ' I "IOMa KINO CW Maf!0 .. 1•1 ,.,.u. ue Ht - - -own '°" ,.... ,.1 __ ... ._ __ ,.,.._,_ foc:11l1V 01 Co"41e wooo 21a/111 ... NO "t"OftKY'I" 1a1 IUI,_.._.,,..__ "CAT f'«°"-1"1•1 ,,., ......... •• , NCT\#11..,. ~'f ''CHANOTI Of' '1M" --1o11111 Coott Htwor J ot .,ooefwey 414-1514 "OeA~ , ... ..,... ........ _ ,.., ... , __ ._ __ rAClflC THlATllU OlllV(·lll s•r •ms ""'I(• '°"" l llCAS "'"' l"f Uf U HAlllOll l lVO OlllVf IN I OUllGl OtllVl·tll t4• II>"', .. _,,,_, , ... , ....... _,, ., _.Sf- .......... -600 , .. ,_ 60 ·-· •• IMPO"TH T NOTICl' CttllOIUN WOl" 12 f "H! MlfMI ~,_. ...... lllto IM• 111 6 lll • ... &..• Miit 6 OD,. CM-A SOUie • 'IOllll AM CM IWllO II ~ mMCll 1• llO AM t.ul MOIO Wll4 IGllfTIOll ~ "*"°" _.,... "" 'llllUIU 1•NJ. CM"' CllWWll .. Oii "" .... ... ,. ..... ,!~ ANAHEIM D~IVf ·IN ftee•Of ti Ol l•-SI 179••150 Cl'll Jt '°""° -----.-.,-.._--AC---.,.-,.-.-,.---.------~----- "llAiO«M °" nte LOIT AM" 1ATTU~w 4"l "-W JPOI "'"'°" Ml(" lllt "T)C '1".U. COUNTDOWN" 1N 1 Clllf 11 SOUtlD "IJ+ ~.A PAlif BUENA PARK DlllV( IN llflCOI~ "" We oJ OI ...... 121-.070 ~ ''• .. ; ..... LINCOLN DRIVE-IN l...COl1t A•e Weol OlC-1 121·•070 H 1 ~',A1 ... f OU N JAIN VAIL EY ORIVE·IN Cllltl•-, "OUlllT ~ .... " 1111 "CAVDIAW' , ... , The trap 11 M t ••• For a wkl.dty funny who'll-do-It. --·--.,,_ . .................... c.w-. : : ........ ..._._._, .· NOW PLAYING IUOIA , ... O..IH·.. C•OOMI lDWAAOI llfWf'ClltT 1!ueN Patlt 121 '(170 0rl'IOI 634 2SS3 Mtwpo11 Beldl 844 0760 MUI 1MA ""1A ITUtUM Hlft41 UA CllUU BIN S29 5339 Or111gt 13111770 Wts1mtnst11 8113 OS46 lDWAMIUOOlUAca EDWAltltllUITOl "°'--Et T0to Sil SHO Co\11 Mesa s•o 7444 •OOll ••- Winner of 3 Ac•demy Awllfd• Including . Best Actor -Henry Fonda Best Actress -Katha~ Hepbtn Best Screenplay (Adaption) -Erne.st • Thompson Jjiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiii~~~~~~~ ''Rit111ls '2001' llnd 'STAR WARS''' Libby Tucker hitchhiked fm m Brooklyn to lake Hollywood by smrm And her father by surpni.e ~ ""';;_; The ultir11* in ~andsound. Now, re-recorded in new digital stereo. • Whd•·•1111-. .... a t•rw.n .. 1•• .._ ....... ., .. , .......................... .. .. , P•r•••~e •Cal P ... p wlll ff •••I Y••r tlrea•8 ... A e la le." ._ ____ '9'"""" __ ·~· ·"•''"· tw ... ,, .... """ Wlrtrtr:Rl~y BEST PICTURE 8r.5T ORJOINAL ~ • VANO~US 8MT ORJOINAL ~UiPLAY COLIN wtLLAND 8CST COSTUM~ MCLIMA CANON~ • ~ I Steve Maritin pleases in .'Dead Men' · By 80! THOMAS • 'J ,,_...., NDBAJ> MEN DON'T WEAR PLAID" ahould ~ the Stew Martin fana who were puuled and CU..ppo&ne.d by the--f&r-out -and unclerratecf -·~from lfeawn." · tory hu Mn •j)OOfed befON, but Reiner-Martin and coauthor Geor1• Olpe bave apruna a new atmmSck. nu. time he'• beck in h.la wild and crazy fotn\, A review Mc11n'~ adventww are lntertpe1wd wtth 11e• tual f~ ~ vint.,e fil.rm, 10 be plays toenea with &an Ladd, Veronica Lake, Jamee Ca&ney, m,rtd &.rpw\, Vl.ncent Price, Ow1-Laua}lton, etc., etc. teamlnt with hl1 partner ftom "The Jerk," Carl Reiner. The novelty value wean thin, and attention wanden • the plot tunw grow more obecwe. But there are enou1h outra1eou1 Pl• to pleue the faithful. Martin 11 a Lo. Ant•lea private eye in the 19409, belet by the customary huarda: eeducUve women, fa1.11na bodiel.. byunUne plow. Thia tent- .MarU.n ii ably ~ by Rachel Ward aa the femme fatale, plua Carl Reiner • the arch-vlllaln. Rated PG, for~ and aexual innuendo. ' Tlvu M~ 22, 1982 Fish & Chicken Dinner Only· •2.39 Get two greet tastes In our Fish £, Chicken Dinner. Each dinner hos a crispy flsh flllet and two tender whltemeat Chicken Planks,• served with fresh cole slaw and golden fryes. IOll HAMOR M.VD. COSTA-IA .Mt South Of SM Diego F-rwy. Acroea From Fedoo DRIVE THRU SERVJ<;E AVAILABLE 0 92UI '1CTmOUI ., ..... AC 111 IOUI WU NAMI ITATUlellfT Mm ITATUm1fT The lotlowlng pereon I• doing Mm ITATllmln Tiie lollowlng pereon 11 doing ~ u: The lollowlng pereon I• doing ~-BAYWOOD CONSTRUCTION,~-COLLEGE COUNSELING 1419 Delaware, No. 4, Huntington COMPANION DOGS BY SUE ~. -~7900 Slcypettc Clrde, Ir· Beecti, c.&lomla 921148. MYLES.:. 502 a 11t St., Newport vine, Ce. n714 Danlel E. DeHutele. 1419, 8-:h, \;A. t2t83 Joen Roeeneteln, 521 Via Udo oee-v.. No. 4, Huntington 8-:11, Sue ~ ~. 502 Nord, N9wpof1 ~ 92f5413 California 92648. 311t St .. ~ 8Mdl. Ce. t2t83 Thll ~ II conduc:ted by an Thie ~ II conducted by an TIW ~ II conducted by *' lndlvldual. lndMduel. lndMduel Joen~ o....e.~ &»~ Tiii Ital-I -tied wfCtl .,_ Thie ..,_, -ll9d with the TNI 1tai.nent -llled w101 .,_ CCU'ltl eterti o1 Orenoe County on County Clertl o1 a...,. County on County Qer1I o1 a...,. County oa Aprtl •• 1982. APr1I i . 1982 .... 1982. ,,_ ,11179 ~ Publl9'19d Orange Co .. t Dally P\lbllehed Ofano• CoHt Dally Publlehed Orange Cout Dally ~ April 11. 18. 25. Mey 2. 1982 ...... Atwtl 11, " 21. ..., ; 1m Plot ,.,,,. ti, 18. 25. Mey 2, 1912 111tCM2 -.a 1811-82 .TDDAl'I ClllSllU PVllLI 130 Sl*littl 33 Isolated tummef wrep nobleman rook go Olgr9')h 1 llr9Wlng 70Sprlng; 140 Coral Island 37 New Eng. 02 Exank.n llgent bound 144 Concamlng atate 95M•t 5Qregoflan 7~ Morning 148 Choice 38 Utter cs.i .. t 070C-baMd mualc moisture group 3t SllveJ gp. 10 Fr9'ght 73 Begonel 147 CoMaoe deg. 41 ChtneM 980thenw!M 9tetlon 74 Polioe 1•8 Exhaust mile 100 Slmpte 15 Typeol netWOf1( 153 Foot le¥9f •2 Church 102~ chowder 711 Metric 15' Shoulder recall 104 A 19 Proponlon measure Comb form 43 Small 1o&Swamp 20WoOlhard 78HOOIW 156 Sult•ble amount 10 7 Vatllc:l9 for 21 Silly 1tata 157 Decimal « WMther-Judd Hl'-Ch 22 Pertoratlons 81 Bfaillan b ... COClc 108Smooth 24 a.r.1n1-COin olyore 158 Main erlery •5 Printing 110 Pratte 25 W0td1 on a 82 The Orient 159 Batlery fluid 112 Quletl menu 84 Wiid; uncut-twmlnal •6 Place for 113C.... 28 Famlnlne tlvated HIO Eliot duck• 11' Jab auffl11 88 Intended charac1er 48 Clock 115 So belll 28 Crab 89 Tidy 182 The lmpofo ,..tu.re 117 Part or to be getlUt tt MotlonteM 18' One beyond 50 Slllp'a 110 Star In 21H~ 93~ help journal Cet111 30 Potecat welgflt 1115 Third csd 51 Among 121 Fraternity 31 Thul 9' Cep9lna 1ee Rubt>len $2 Orarw!at letter 32 Tonnenll te Imitated 1117 Aaddllh "'°" 122 Fortify 34 PIUraf ta Befcn. 1111 Short jeck9t 53 Sll9'ched 124 Publlc ertdlng toe poet 55 MotlMn tr9MPor1 35~ed ttSpeciahy DOWN rUler 1241 Identify MGremlln 101 Ctled 56 Booty 127 ,.,... H~ 103 Allowt 1 FelMlace 57 Arduoua .... ute 4011blal 105 Oeltlny 2 Aleutian journey 12IMN9ufecl• prlelt 108 Frenctt holy ltland 80 HorMOf I ...., 42CounMI woman: 3 Prominent oartlln colOr 12IT..,_ ... Pnlft• Wl111 Abbr. JMl'IO" e 1 Tuncllh 111 09""' t:°'OOM tot ..... 4 Flrat regiment 133 11t.ectw ,, ..... 111 M9tal Wiit• •o-nt:SI 83~ 134 ... ointment 112 Gardener'• 5 El'n~ICI ~ 1H.Mdlor ··~ need tNlmbue M DllpetJe ~ IOM 113 Heeiltl\ 7 A1urot11 87 Maka 1MT .. .... ,.... ~ ·~ ........ 1•~ .. """"" 111 Etna °"""'1 dtMW 1t0nce.:i.. 140The ..... ... ,,. ,.,.. tCompeat .,.moon. 141~ M......-.n. """'*"· 10 "9mot• 2 WOl'dl ..... .... 120Frlndl 11 ~t •l.of'll(fior) ,.,,...... .. .. "ftouf-... ITINIUrl 71_.... ,..,,......,.. ........ 121 lfttef 12 ldoM!te city 13 Tendon on . .ll. '" 11 -upotl I 74.Curtlln 1 .. M11161ft ~ "CAT PEOPLE'' ........... 1149, .. ~~ "Mll81NQ" 0.,2::11, .... ,,._ "EVIL UNDER THE SUN" 12:11, ............... Welt Dllnrt'• FAllTiMIA (QI 12:002:IO1:00 7:30 1:11 ~,......Qrlr 15 Academy A-• ~K~~OO 3:15 5:30 7:46 1:11 I =~"-15:10 7:46 10:10 l ~PORAM IRI 70mm 1:00 3 :10 5:20 7:401:48 No,_ No l.ooftomy ... ""' . ..a& PRYGll -Kim°" HEllO uu 12:112:114:115 1:111:1110:15 • Orange Cout DAILY PILOT /Sunday, Aprtl 18, 1882 UPEASONAL BEST" Fflll. 1:35 IAT/IUN. 4:00, 1:35 (fll) S:JO. a:oo 10:a 'SHOOT THE MOON' • • "'"'· •· 15 10:50 IAT/= 1':• ::• 5:30 UT/SUN. 114i. t:15. 10--.50 ) "D~aoor · FfU. 7:00, •M IAT/IUN. 1-, 4:00 7:00, 9:45 (fll) DEATHTRAP ---:=i-~ ,.;:-.. .. UT/IUM. '=U. .,_ • ., • llQ..aeT~ ,... l:IO, ... 10:15 IAT/IUN. 1-. 1:11. HO .... 1t ) -~-----------~ • Orange COUt DAILY PILOT/Sundey. Aprll 18, 1082 in Book-of-the-Mo~th Club .Stacks after 56 years .. MICHANICSBURO, Pa. (AP) -Wld\ boob But the cen~ece of tho entire opendon. and flied from floor to 27-foot otWna. It laalll IJlj • the .. ,.., of ~ttti elubf, It etlll the book of the lbnry for Paul Bunyuw. But ther.'• no _. hel9. monlh. ln the w&Nhoule of \he nation'• oldel\ ml ...._. At. fwt.-\llllnl. lndWUoall .. etyle warehou- pneral lntereet. book club. •· eet ...._ tWd-~ the Pen.n1ylvania The dln of cranee, oon~ belt.a and ~ ~b, theN'• f IDlda1 tMCtilne exclUlively tor *'-chlnet echoee throu1h tlie cavernoua room-u the bOok of the mon~. It wrape the •lectlon trahtl)t worken dart from etack t.o •tack. aatherlni book.I in celloptww, droDt It into a box and aluea an ad-tor 1.3 rnlll1on Book-of-the-Month Club rnemben. dreM card to the front. Thll ia the nerve cent.er of the 56-year-old club Meanwhile, at edltorlal headquarters In Man- and It.I Mven afflliat.et; a literary outpoet with a hattan, a five-member botrd rumlnatea every 77~-member etaff, It.I own ZIP code and an output \hree..and-a-half weeks over the monthly 11elect.lon. of 30,000 packages a d4ay. Llt.erary expert.a all, they come from u far u Loi "We have aocount.1 ecatt.ered acrma the world.'' Angele• and Montreal to al t around a dlrecton' taya Vice Preaident Len Kelller. table and argue politely over lunch. Nine mllllon copies of •.ooo different book.a The club al.lo offers 10 to 12 alternates each lpill from Uers of at.eel shelves in nelghbori.n8 wa-month for membere who don't want to buy the rehouaes covering 240,000 aquare feet -oookbooka main 1elect.ion. Top editorial atafters choose the al- and exercbe manuals aide by aide with memol.ra, tematee, uatna reporta from more than 100 ln-houte murder myaterlea and pollt1cal tracts. and free-lance readers. "We try to a1m juat above the middle of the The club haa had lta ahare of hlta. "All Quiet on brow," aaya Al Silvennan, president of the club. the Western Front," "The Good Earth." "Gone •llfhere'a ~trash and bad trash. We try to avold Wtth the Wlnd," "Animal Farm," "Death of a bad trash. ' . Saletman," "The Catcher tn the Rye," "The Old The 4,750 firat-year membera in 1926 received Man and the Sea.'' "All the President'• Men" and nine booka. Among them were Edna Ferber's "Rqtime" are amona the main aelectJor,. members "Show Boat" and John Galsworthy's "'The Silver have recetved lhrouah they ara. Spoon." f Who belonp to a maU order book club! The club has since survived wars, social "I believe l joined th dub ln 1926," Ruaeell change rival book clubs, the spread of dlacount Beeeon of BHkell"y aaya In• promotion marklna the book.st~res and the rise of television. Combined club'• 65th anniVL'f'l&l'Y. "l wu a forest.er ancf .el- with affiliate clubs offering paperbacks, records, art dom in a town bll t-nough to hav a boolutore, just prints and specialized titles, nearly two million ac>lna from onl' wooda job to another." members are served. ~ow. IN'mberahtp la conccmtrated In metropo-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- • Excluatve Aut~agic-.net LED Indicator fOf PreclM FM Tuning STA-11 by Reell:rtlc Save •120 • Equellzed for Solid Baa from "Mini" Speakers 199!~~ Tremendous value! Only 31/4" high, yet packed with features. Phase-k>cked loc?J> multiplex for wide stereo separation, FM muting, five level AM/FM signaktrength Indicators. #31 -1999 30 watt.a per channel, mlnJmum rms Into I otwn. h'om 20-20,000 ttz, no more tNn o.~ tot.at harmonic cttstortk>n Space-Saving Stereo System Save 5 1808:0 • RMllatlc STA .. 11 Sllm-Llne AM/FM Stereo Receiver •Two MC-1201 Walnut Veneer Speak.,. Whh 8" .YJoofer, 2YI" Tweeter By RMllatlc Reg.Separate Items 579.80 • LAB-290 Belt-Drive Automatic Tumtllble Whh S2t.95 lbgnetlc c.rtndge, Oust Cover i .-. ~ i ~ ...... i;;-.:;;;;i c ~; -- Deluxe Stereo System By R••"atlc Save•25080 Reg. Separate s549 ~~ 48~ Price-Cutt 2·'Nay Hl-FI Spellkef' Nov•-10 by R111t1ttc Save •80 6995 &ch Reg. 129.H E8ch ttema 799.80 Utan New York, Loa An1elH and the Atlantic years .,o. They t.ruat their own t.aeta more," Sil· Cout, where book.atora and clitcow)l bo"*-are verman •'Ji · ramrScJ-:t· Silverman, a WtY man with an elfish 'Ibe edltorial pb.Uoeophy hu chanpd, too. twt ln hie eye, ii unperturbed: they '"fJle book "We've become muc& more modem and muc.h oonlCioulnell. he uys. mote open," eay1 the &enlal executJve, an author blmaelf. "We are much leaa_protectlve .21 ~ memben. we don't have-io worry about thetr.mo- rala. They can hand.le it.'' Surveya ahow that the 1verq:e Boolt-of-the- M on t b Club member la a well-educated, 40-year-old, middle-of-the-road Democrat with an income approachlna $30,000, allghUy more likely to be a woman than a man. "They know more about booka than ttiey did SAVE 29% ON NO-WAX SOLID VINYL FLOOR TILE! Enjoy this ahlny, HIJ-care wlnJI on noora In ldt~. baths, playroomal It st•ys bright with llttte maintenance -Meda no wHlng. And H'a flexlble tor 1lmpl• 1cl11or-trlmmlng -••Y to lnatall yourself. . In the vanguard of the eel~n pt'OCell l8 the five-member board, which SUv~rman compara to "a Supreme Court. They go on a nd on . 'Stay forever.' we tell 'em." A TRULY GORGEOUS PAITERN IN PERMANENT, GLAZED TILE! Our lovely, hlgh-taahlon dHlgn In c«•mlc Ill• wlll •dd a brtlll•nt new look to w•ll•, floor• •nd count«•! Exqulalte pattern Int verHtll• colors. M•de In our own pl•nt to enaure fine qu•llty •t grHt savings. Oven-fired glaze rntsi. at.int for Hsy deaning. Reg. 1.79 SALE 1~1 Decor•I• with our amuingty bHutltul glued quarry Wei Glvn • fashionable look to w•ll•. counter• and floora. Owen-tired glue re1l1t1 1t•ln1. Reg. 1.19 99~ SALE EA You'll love the dr•m•tlc look •nd fine qu•llty of our solld wood parqu•l Pre-finished -tongue and groove edgn for preclalon flt. Reg. 58( SALE OV!R MOTIL!, PAINT ANO WALLPAPER IUP£RMARTS COAST TO COAST SANTA ANA 2801 So. Bristol St. ~ ..... St.) WESTMINSTER 15191 Beach Bot*vard SANTA ANA 322 w. 17th Street COSTA MESA 2221 Harbor Boulevard ON-> 557-1324 898-3388 547-7781 645-1126 Dally 9-8 -Saturday 1°':8 -Sunday 10 to 5 P.M. BUY NOW, ,.AY LATER Carrier receives honorary bicycle , Daily Piiot carrl~r Tammy Jackson acc~pu blc~ from Viola Carr, pttSldMt of tM ~ Harbor Emblt!m CUJ 1394. TM dJb ptt~t«J tM blk~ on ~hlllf of GIM HattMr. 1150 Whitt~. Cosu ~u. Our tMnks to tM Eff'f/*m Club Mtd MfJ. CM'r for this gMIHOUS contrlburlon. . . Daily Pilat Families are doubling Up , \ DEAR ANN LANDERS: Until two months ago daya beeauae of job lo11ea and divorcee. Both wo- 1 wu a well-paid office rnaJlAlPr for an automobile mea ucl men a re moving In wltb Mom and Pop· company. l am a femal~ 28. My slater, two years. ''temporartly:• older, worked for a public relations firm. Sia recel-Sometimes It worka like a cbarm, otber time• v~ her pink 1Up laat Friday. We at\are a comfor -U'• a dJaaate r -dependln& on tbe temperament, table apartment in Manhaitan, but we can't atay OedbUJty, manrUy and tbreabold of tolerance of here much longer. The job market la very aoft all partie1 lavolvtd. A word of caattoe, bow~ver. and living expenR9 are out of afah t. G1ldellee1 alaoakl be drawn ap and dl1cu11ed In Our mother (divorced lU years ago) retired in detaU before anybody calla tbe van. 1979 and moved in with her mother, who is 70 and Ray Fowler, executive dlrect9r of tbe Amer- widowed. Grandma's home has five glorious be- . drooms, a three-car garage and is filled with lovely childhood memories. (It's near New Brunswick, N.J .) My s1Ster and I decided it would make a lot of sense Cor us to move in with Mom and Grammy until we find suitable employment. The four of us talked about it over dinner Sunday, and they were both very enthusiastic. How does this set-up sound to you, Ann? From an economic standpoint it would be a godsend to my sister and me. What do. you say? -TOE IN THE WATER IN N.Y. Dear Toe: Many famllles are doabUng ap tbese lcu A11oclatloa for MarrlaJe and Family Tbera- plata, came 1p wltla tbe followlaJ aauestlona. I bdleve &My cu aerve aa a good baae for anyone conalderlng W a plan. ( 1) Clarify house rules. Include everything - room and board, eating acbedulea, clean-ap res- ponalbllltlea, apace arrangements. Review rules from time to time to accommodate changing cir- camstaocea and keep tbe lines of communication open. (%) Recoplr.e tbat confllcta are aure to occur . Settle &Item qaJckly and wltla good bumor. (3) Set a target date for departqre. Even if it cbangea, It gives everyone parameters and an op- portunity to bring up tbe subject. <•> Reallr.e tlaat cblldren wbo come bome du- ring times of atress need sympathy and comfort, but IJOt lndaJgen~e. ~ (~) Act ln accord aa parents on homecoming rule• and arrangements. Expect chJldren to abide by parental values. (6) Reapect one another's privacy. Botb ·gen- erations abould have their own lives. HB retired people Ineet Tues da y HUNTINGTON BEACH CHAPTER of Amer-ican Association of Retired Persons meets Tuesday at 12.30 p.m. in Murdy Recreation Center of Huntington Beach. For more information call 963 -9 106. . FRI ENDS OF SOUTH COAST Repertory, DOCENT GUILD of Bowers Museum meets Monday at 9:30 a.m. m the lrvme Gallery of Bowers Museum. For more mformauon call 538-9434. CONGREGATION B'NAI 'Tzedek Sisterhood Annual Auction is set for 7:30 pm Saturday in the Greenbrook Clubhouse in Fountain Valley. For ClAISlfllD Taurus: Y oUr wish comes true Monday, April lt IJy SYDNEY OMARR ARIES (March 21 -April 19): Individual In pos!tlon of authority is your "secret ally." You'll be asked to participate In special meeting, conference or convention. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Wish comes true, you are free of burden, y~ have wider audience, you complete important project and you gain added recognition. Secret ls reveafed by Aries individual. _Gf:MINI (May 21-June 20): Emphasis o n communlty acuvity, prestige, promotion, new start in new direction. Individual who "pulls strings'' decides to get rid of red tape -you benefit a. re- sult. CANCER (June 21 -July 22): Emphasis on di- rection, distance, language, abWty to commurucate m meaningful manner. Focus a lso on travel, ab- stract prmciplea of law and long-range projects. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Maintain moderate pace, avoid bellicose actions, keep resolutions con- cerning medical-dental appointments. Popularity increases. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Go slow. check legal rlghta and permissions -realize that a review or rebuilding process may be necessary. You'll have rare opportunity to correct past errors. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Study Leo message RUFFELL'S UPHOLSTERY I for valuable hint. Focus on peta, employment, de. j pendenta and' re&oluUoru concerning health. Gail\ lndlcat.ed through written word, SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Peace offering made by loved one -be agreeable, ateer clear of any tendency to be truculent. Major dl>mestic ad· justment occurs. home area is beautified and family t harmony iB restored. SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22-Dec. 21): Define HiiiiiCiiiiton, -P~ and-~ u · they e xist rather than through haze of wisbful thmkmg. Emphasis on structure, design, security and proper appraiaal relating to basic values. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Sense of ti· ming surges to forefront; ideas click, you'll knw what to do and when to do 1t. Focus on trips, visits, calls and special reports. Older individual backs you. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Emphasis on values, greater demand for product, ability to loca~ needed material and ways of transfonning hobby into profitable enterpnse. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): You are contacted by verbose individual -be inquiring, skeptical and refuse to be target for ''con game." ClUB CAlltlDIR more infonnation call 775-7317. ,._----~~---.! NEWPORT BEACH CHRISTIAN Women's Ntwport •u.etc Club meets Wednesday at 11.45 a.m. in the Air-Qlonstruatorg LIDO DRUGS Costa Mesa Guild, meets Saturday at 7 p.m. For more infonnation call 545-5885. porter Lnn. For more mfonnat1on caU 544-2921. E.cc""-"'• ,,, Wv.< ~(JhOn· ART DESIGNERS a nd Designers Club of Orange County meets Thursday at 7 p.m. in the Registry Hotel in lrvine. For more information call 752-1249. BACHE LORS AND BACHELORETTES of Fountain Valley meets Tuesday al 7:30 p.m. for dance class. For more inf6rmal1on call 963-8616. SECRET ARIES DAY BREAKFAST is set for 7:30 a.m. Wednesday In the South Coast Plaza Ho- tel. For more information call 752-2891 · flinno ..... Milllic • '""" .... c-.... .,a.... volce-v1ol1n-llul~u1~ar .....,., .... l.M. *9cter Call tor Brochure DOLPHINS, Women's Division of the Newport Harbor Area Chamber of Commerce, meets at 11:30 a.m. Tuesday in the Balboa Bay Club. For more information call 644-8211. NEWPORT HARBOR Lawn Bowling Club meets daily except Sundays for play. For more in-,._•_•i_•_ ........ ______ of formation call 759-9966. 1• "Looking for something good to read? "Want to read about the world? Your own neighborhood? Sports? Movies? How about music, travel, economics-even the weather? "Well, you don't need a shelf full of boo)<s to find all those good ~hings. "They're all right here in these pages, fresh every day in your local newspaper. "I'm Ed Asner-and I think there's something 'or everyone in the newspaper. It's even got television listings-so you ·n .. never miss the best shows-like 'Lou Grant.',, 3445 via lldo • newport beach• phone 675 . .0150 ~ ~~ -.-..-~~ Anthony creates pools tor fun and fancy .•. . . . spectacular pools with spas, split level decks, tile walls, waterfalls & all ... You c1tn overcome the orclln•ry. You can choose a beautiful pool shape from Anthony's popular, classic pool designs. Or you can have a romantic Hawaiian Lagoon created and styled without extra cost- especially for you. World'a la1gest, Anthony Is your best source of exciting design Ideas and innovative building techniques. ~-C ..... tfllvelWloMt tool The beauty end ~ ~ \ craftsmanship of an Anthony pool costs no mont than = tz, an ordnery pqol. Vou deel directly with Anthony. not """styte, with a frlnchieed c"loe. ..COil. ' ·. •• OrMgl COMt DAILY PILOT/Sunday, Aprtt 18, 1982 DEAN AND FRIENDS -Dean Martin (right) and guest.a Jerry Reed and Barbi Benton relax during production break of "Dean Martin at the Wild Animal Park." to air at 9 tonight on'K.NBC (4). ~ O'Connof. leMd on IN eoflt by lobOte Oentty. A IOt'IMnl4ld ~ ........ p..c~ OOltlll c-. .. flr91 I.Ne r---.'PO' 1:.M<BOX •• • "8*11)11d" (1164) CWk Gil*. Lane Turner. Delptlell·~·· Dutall uncMreround unit .. ~to.,,. o.m-. NOi NIWI OOWINNCE YA#SNQ.UI l~n __...,.....,. (fU i~WNTTIN **"' "Hot Lad Md~ ,_.. ,1t11) .Im Oelt. Don 1C110M. 911 TM Old Wtlt. !WWI bfOll'llrl --r~ 'n' tougll, the ott. I olty- tnd mlqe•OM' --p.-In • or\lllllo contelll to_wtlo .......... ...... ..,,... .• O' .. ,. C1JOHAM.M CHAWlJH ON ntl fl'lM ec:e. HO. Cl) 'lltCe ntl NATION l .UBTTHI ...... NeWZOOMWI DAY°'~ ntlWOM.D TOMOMOW GIKBMTH OONl.NC) (I) W/!IOtCY WOM.D °' JONATHAN WIHT'EM Guell: LMlle UOgeml. (1JMOVll * * '* "Oh God! 800ll II" ( 1110) Oeoroe lurn1, lwanne ,..,_._ Ood ret11m1 to Eerth and dlOOe99 .,,. ,._.. ~ W ol M ~IO.,._ Ullll9 '° ·-.. -.... to Vie wens. 'PO' -·Cl)NM ~ Refloft•I COY9f •oe of .............. ,,... ...,. , .... • Km.DNMIAND N..coHOL Edwlrl ~ .... wftrl .. edlOOI ...,.,... ""° ..,,. becofN edcl*d to --*"" f#..,.,. I M-fll.L IUNCH HIMl.D"' TillTH MXHUWotN> • THl'-AWW~ Corrt•pondentt Linde Wlrthelmef end Colde Aoberta join ....... a.. IOr 811 .~ -N1Y of CoftoftetloMI .-... • MMIO °'Oil ,.MnM ••t1C9NTM W9Q.Y (l)MCMI • • ''TN Nude 9ofnb" ,,..,, Don Adef'llt. ~ l<tllMI. ._.. ........... . ... ..,., .... mo« ~~Inell ........ ""° .. to .................. ........ .,.....,._, '°"'1«1n. 'PG' 10;IO. 8 tea AM ~TOO 0.... u. WMldlll ... ly ~ • ..,.. .,.,ia .Ml* end ~ JtlnnL OOIMClllll Jtli/ ..... ,,., I :':~ OPllfMN) OueM: "-*llrl ThomM IP11'1 I) • .wl90"' Oil ,MnM !:'UUMu.a.A. • • • "The •Learning TtW' (1 ... ) Kyte Jotnon. A1t11 a.M. A bttdl ~ -e-i..mt '°°"' .. ... Mltln~ ...... .. r..,. **141 "ANlllMI .... ... In....., ........ (1'11) ....... ---· OM4d fllWn.TM,... .,..., ............... ..,.,..,.. .. .. """"' .. • .. Of ........ ,,...(19~ ,..._ .... ra:on. ......... ...,tDr. ............. ..,..,. .................. ...,.., ........... £::=.:=.. '·~ (1111) T ............ ~ a.... nw.. ...... ..... ,.... ..... ......... .MMTW.cl ~ TlilATIW "Low II\' A ~ °""411 .. Rlf9 Ancl ,,,.,. .. ~ a.t.t1 ltaunclll'f r-... to .. Unde merry TOtf'/ Ktoe- llg. (P•U) Q • W/l.ltMCaTON WUK INMVllW(ft> I~..,,. * * "Dirty Trldlt" ( 1N 1) Elllo\I Gould, Kate JllCll· eon. A Harnrd proleNol' ~ the quarry ol '*'°"' enxlout to gee !heir IMlndl on • '**Illy ~ lelt1er wrtt*1 by 0-ge Wlllhlngton. 'PO' 11:11C1JMCMI ••• ''Modem Aomence" (1tl1) Alber1 l•ooke. K.elhryn HerrOICI. A fllm edit« trW ,..,..edly to wtn bed! IN '-1 of IM WOIMn .. iow.. 'R' 11:IO •• TOUMAMIHT °' CHAWtOHI ANMOl#ld -eoe ol Ihle ~ leltur1ng -of the top OOlfera on IM pro ._ (ll¥e lfom IN I.I Cotta ec...ntry CluO In ~.Cellf.~ • 9 THll wm< WITH DAW>~ 0-C. Preeldent Ho1n1 MW ... ol f.gypt G TIMY 00&.&- WHfTTN<EA • CHUfOf IH THI ~ • WAU. ITNm'T WUJ( "A lkl9hel And OPEC" 0-t· Wiiiem L Alllldol, ~ preeldent of '"' Arel Boe1on Corpofeuon. IA> (J)MCMI • • '" ' 0Slnollet And ~ 8*'°" 11·· ( 1MOl lurt Aey- nold•. JllCllle OleUon. SMrlft &ulord T. .11.wta cellt In hll ""'° '-' bfocri.1 to "<IP • '9Clfed l>OO(legger. ,.... a.ncllt lfom ttentpOftlng a 1>e11y ~.·PO· -AFTERNOON-----1uol mMCH n.wmctN .... '1LL • ntlPNT c::HUll04IU.I ''The ~ Commande'' FlllMly ecc:wed of ,,_ bean treecn.ry, John ~-~In the TOW« °""" Mtty dl9I 1efttn11 w-.m to rule. • PIJlllONA!. ~ NfOWONIY W..N.ti08181T "Helltn tneurencw' 1t:IO•CI> ~ ~ l.cNI ~ LAkert at Pftoenl• kit I:"°"' "CPC WOl'Mn'I '"""'-tlOnel ,_.,_. .. FIMl- round pley In .. --LPGA golf IOIKMment i°"' Hllon Heed, l .C.). DOOGlll DUGOUT , ••ONA&. '9NAHCI ANDMOHIY ~-WNT "Home...__ .. 1=•U"IW * * * "O...tlew B!uee" ( ltT1) ,..., ,ond .. "- 8111111 JllMI WMll 1 country·w"tern 1lnger l1ellla hll ~ • .,, --.,,.. dHperetel; 10 retrieve hit recording rtghtt .,. bafftlno the pollet. 'PO' ®MOVll ·~ "lmotltt .... The Duer' (1N1) JWrtmy McHI· ctiol. Janet Jullan. A t:lgtt IOflOOI dllnquent geta lhe .._ i-on hll ., .. w!Wlllt ...... offlllfftllllt llOmeoomlllQ ~ llld Nedi ICl'oet IN...._ In 1 ..... "' ***' ..eomo.. lllea. 'PG' ·-"' .,.._ lt*"9 10 IN .... "' OOftlf)Cleer ...... .... ......,,,. 24 olflll ... "°"" ....... "In ltollll)'Vdde TllM'' --"l'lft """Wld A.bollt .... --15 .. __ ,...,... .. TvrM. OOM'nQ. ,. .,,..,., OW9 .................... I-;==::"" IMmMJ. Lal ..... ~. r:r:..':* . ~ ............ ........ .. . ..-., ........ "' ........ ......... t.==·-'"' ,. .......... .. r~. encl l(ICMWen-'*"'-· Coloredo llOltl ... ~"*9wllflhlt _...end olallw~n ~ 80ll. .... ····~ P.-t ' ol Qoldefl ._ AMO l'lt'DO of ,.,,,_.. TN"llllNllC Of~ """' ~ City, Mo.k "'* .--,,.. Md ,.... ..... ,hlin..,, Joel. 0. k Wond'• •trone-4 *" ~ . .,.,,.-2 ~°"' MoMee, H.J.). •O tM•IOAN "°"'9MAH l •11r.n H11tton, Louie l<.NXlll end IUll lltNfO iooa.. the luiltltNn lrltle In loceweN. /I.Mo« ... AbNlllO. Lar,Y *""""· "4>dly Aolll Ind "°" Cllfl attempt to oroee the Pd• lo In • nowlr llelloon. • ADAM-ta A OOUl'aotOUf ~ COii* fO!Wlrd • • .... ,.... ..... hOodMlll - onty lO be ltlduNd. • ,..,.., OHONf: A vor Ml wm4 ev..c>N JNM 0...... plenlet 8yton Jetllt jOl.lrneyt ttYOllOflOUI E11rope tor • eraater undwtt.ncllng of the Ille end wOftl ol Fredlrtc QM>- Plt'I ·~ITOfn' ''The Emerging Nellon" Cl)~ l'\JQCIN 2:00• MCMI • • • "Lucky Me" ( 1164) Dot• Dey. 8oO Cunlmingl. A young woman with llOl)el of becoming • '"" find• romence whlle ltranded In Flor1cla. • WNT1NQ f'OR A MAION .. Tl'le P8'* Of CIMtlflca· tlon" ®MOVll * * "NObody'e Per1ekf' (1181) a.be K4iplan, Alell l<•rr-... Thl'M unllk•ly heroee Mt out 10 bltt• tl'le red tape end ~ of city hall. 'PO. (J)MOVll *** "~MeOrt..ve Me'' (1H6) Oor1t Dey, J-~. A inob9l« manlel the tlnger l'le lftld• l1mo111. 1>1.11 ~ -IOed wlWI .... -·· oontrol llllr. .MOVI( * * 'A ••A Hlgl'lflngolole Seng In ~ '4Ylre'' I 1171) Atc::flard Jorden. O.vlcl NMrl Tiie nlglll ~ at • Mflttl a..111 .. tamc>t· lid 10' reltKn to • Ille of cirtmo. 2:80. 9 U.8.A. VI. THf WOM.OINOl.~ lflOflrrl The U 8. 9wll'll t-w the naltonel I*"" Of W•t Qer. meny (from 081-'Cle, Fla.) • MOVll * ft "8hertoc:k HO!rnee In WMNng1on" ( 1143) Baell RlthDone, Nigel Bruce. Hoknet r~ mlMlng lftlc:(ofllm end • Seerel s.Mce aoen1. 1::::-l'OftA MMON "The W«d" (P.-1 t) (C)titOVll * * ~ ··Ode To 8lly Joe" 111781 Robby hn•on, OlyrWI O'Connor a.aO on lhe tong by lot>ble Oen1ty A I~ ...,,_ eoer·• .,... ..,,.,._ COfl'IC)lcel• '* lr1lt we r~'PO' a.oo• T1JNI •• p1IClflc; loutrMwt Open·• I ourooo.. LR VAJll/EfY CW9 m..iTHON COONT"Dt I /lllBlllCNf tKYUNI °' IAl'T'H AND Jli&AH "China. Pec>Pe'• ~ Md,.._ Sodat(' ()) l'MI WUK IN ll'llMU. 8MICIAAMV LIOHAN>'I OOl.OIN GUJYl.I "Htgfllighlt" (Pitt 2) 1:10 I AGNCULTUM u~ 0 WIDEWOM.DCW "'°"'8 United 8tat. AmJ:t- lc11dn9 Champlonelllp1 (from~. N.C.). • ,.._,.,T:L.Oe AHM' D WllK IN MYllW • °' IAATH NfO MAH ''The IOVlet IAllon. Alddle Wreoped In A~· Cl) llWAHT f'MSTOH °' ntl Y\MON ®T~lr1"fW AoMr1 Kllln, E.lll!lo .... en. 8toellafd ChaMlno _, OINfl Menoff .... Ill 11119-*ol~ •bout temlly Ille, Mt eround dinner tlblff TllC!lld If IM 8footl¥! c.nter for Par1ormlno Ar11, Btooldyn Collage. (%)MOYll •• ··Home Movie•" ( tNO) Ketth OOfdon. l<lttl Oouglle. A young Nm ""° dent 11111111 from • '*'Ottino ......, end 811 et1fectlon to hll btotflet'I ...,_,'PO' 4l00. IUNDAY t...oc:.tton: Ive from ~ oamput 11 Mount &t. ......... u.~ .MCMI * * \t "Oe1thdre1lft" (1912) JolWI ....,.,, ..,.,.. erd t.clwe. The,.,.,,.. Of •-•wc11.,.._.111 VIMrwn ... lflolltad """' .. .....,. .... doof· .... .MCMI *** .. ~ Ubel1;" ,,.,., ...... CMn. ...,. ... Meaoft. A lllor .... Ill ............. ,,... ..... .. WOft llDr • llllM "'. --= * • "-""' A Ultlt ...,.._ wenltlllol" (1971) 1M .....,.. ..... ...,.All ......... ""'-' ... ................... ................ .WM.Ltnmf-''A .... ,_ONO°' ~---L.--. .................... ....... .., .. ... .....a.,c. •• "' ~~~~~~~~==~~ TUBE TOPPERS KHJ (9) 6:00 -"T)le New Male Sex Symbol." Interview• with Tom Selleck, Joe Namath and Dudley Moore. KABC (7) 7:00 -"lnllde America." A ~up Jook~t.lhe non~ Interests of country music 1tan. KNBC (4) 9:00 -"Dean Martin at the Wild Animal Park." Dom DeLulse, Barbl Benton gueat on mualcal special. See photo. left. KNBC (4) 10:00 -"Loretta Lynn -The Lady ... The Le1end." Cryat.al Gayle, Silly Spacek help Loretta Lynn celebrate her 20th year ln show bwilness. • • ... "The LM'd llwll Time Forgot" (1916) Doug Moelunt, "*" p--- gon. ~· trom 1111 Ailed tllbfNtlne end ttlelr Oertnari -'°" lerld on .,, ....,., r\ied by .,...,.. torte elVmele (l)MOVll * •It "The Nude Bomb" (1N0) Don Adema.·~ 1(1"'81. ~· aoen1 Mu-,.,.. Srnett leoee hit moe1 cseng..oue ad'lerMry 1n 111 wclwtlaln MIO pl-lo lellndl lnlMllet Ulel wtll dlltooa the entire ~ ~IOn."PO' • w.Mftel DltllNNI Henly Fonda ltlf1 M the controwwt681 lftlyer wno fecelit tOtN of 1119 rnor• ~ca.. In,,... -lllOW pteeented ., tt wM Pet1«med on Broadwey. ':11 a1J TAU. IH THI 9AOOll 4:aG. WAIHIHOTOflfWUJC IHMW!W(llt) 1:~ * * "Collon Ci ndy" ( 1178) Olfnt H0•"8r d, 0-... Manin SfNtl'I A group Of l\lgtl 8ChOOI mte- • fttt lorm • roc:k 11411'4:1 to c;ompete wttll the 11Choo1°1 ettab4Wl«S band 4M cm HOftH MCtNO .. San Juen C•C>11tr1no Hancllcap' ~I LAIT ~THE Wl\.D STA.ATM>< • GMATllT ll'Ofl'TI LtOeHDI • WAIHNlTOH WUK IHMV!eW(i.) -~lJNfWNE ~ ... ,., ..... ~=M<DOX * * * ••()l'I Godl" ( 1177) ~ge 8urn1. John o.n- ver. Qod 11lect1 en ~Ing young IOI>«· marft8' men~ 10 deliver • ,,,.... of hope end good Wiii 10 "" lkeptlcal people of Ille modern-day wor1d. 'PO' -1e.. "SucceM In T lie S IOCll: MMe!" ~:;:;.n.AT * * * ··TN Ordeel Of Pit· ly ......... (1179) Dlnnl4: w-. uu E.llbecMr The kldnaC>cMnCI and -Ch forl'IW .. Petty.._,.lt r~eeteid from the view· polrrt Of the F81 agent In c::flMge of lhe Sen Fr~ oobur-(11JMOYlll * * ''The Piiot" (1NO) CHtf Rol>«lton, Dian• Wer A pl6ot lumt to ClrtnlllnO lo eecepe Ille ~of .. ,,,..,. rtege end the lrwtretlon of hll CMner. 'PO' (J) WIOCY WON..D °' JONATHAN wtHTIM au.: Leelle Uggeme. .MOVll '* • 'h "The Cet And Tiie Cen.,Y' 11911) Honor ._INlll, Mldlell Otlen. Heir• betUt IOf. btunt •t the epoolcy -..ti of • ..,...,,,.. ... fll'O. -EVMG- 1:00 I ()) ea -.ura 8,ATHM~ t.f\lrphy retllOttritly acoeplt cwtOdy ol • l'lat•lllled l>lac;k '-'"aeer (A) Q l lNllOeAMINCA YOU All<EO f'OR IT 'M'ur" "The Humwi Ju.e•· end ··Tt1M1re ,.,,,,._ ion .. .THIM~ G-RaQUel Welefl •TVT~I IOV"'f • tt<NA .. NOlll 0 1 A 810logy Wetctw A Fiim Wllh "-• It Thomae" Blologllt end ewero-wtnntng ~IN>t Dr Lewi• Tl'lom11 reveal• eome of tl'le m)'9terlout wondert of Ifft (R)Q 9 OIOMI ll'UM"OH QIJAftT'Pl y MPORT • JOB. GMY IN OOHCIJllT Tl'le ...... 1111 ..,.,,,. Of lhe Tony Awtrd-wlnnt"g Wit.,..,,., Iii IMluted In Ihle one-man llflOW wftlCl'I lncl11d•• • H lu1e 10 Gecwge M C0Nin {?)MOVIE * * * "Oh Ooell 800ll II" ( 11801 Georg• Burne, 8uianne Pleehel•• God retu•n• 10 Earll\ and ~ ..... )'OUnCI deugh· ,., of en adver11eing exac- 11uw 10 eprMd l'llt - f to Irle WOt'ld 'PO' 7:JO IOU.atYE THeMUPPETS Gu.t Ellle~ • THE AWAKEHIHO· A NAMATIVI IN llROHZ! The wont ol Ille Johneon Atelier TechnlCal lnelll\M of 8cu4ptwe In Prtnceton. Hew W1irJ end Ila loundet J '-•d JoMeon J< . WI docurnenled CIJ)MOVIE • *''°' "The Mlrtor CrKI< '<I ( 1180) EJlulle1h Tey!Ot. Kim Novalt 8Ued on • •torv 11y Ag•tl'la CIW'll11e A •••enoe muroar ln11olvlng r1vlll Holtywood et.art .... ~ In .,. EnQlllti village 'PG 1:00 8 Cl) ARCHIE IUHl<UI Pt..ACf Stepl'l•nle • long.1011 '•''* .,_ up 1.1neq>eC1 edly on the -Of her bee rnltzYeh. (Pen 1)(RI De CHIN A !«"* Cttf' oftleer ..no -.,,...._:ed lot liking briOel reoelftl 1'1111 Mii• •'-.,.. llteeklnO uP • wge tNtt rtno • EHTC1'TAIHMEHT TH•W'llk ln:ervlewt wlll'I Hugi\ Heiner. AJ Jan -. Cl'll.lt>- 11)' Chedl•, Ed McMahon end Teny1 Tud<er •@ .MOVll • • • .. Y1nu· ( 1171) AlcherO Oere, William Dev-A young toldier llndt • love l'le CIMOI keep end • memory ,... CIWlnOI ION during WorlO Wwll.Q ·~MnH JMot90MI 01.1ett1 Mickey Giiiet. Joflnny L ... Conwey Twlt- ly, T errr Olb08, o..tld l'rtz. Mii end ~ W•t. SY'· ..ta, 8'-Wertner, John Conlee. • IOUDQOl..D NOYA "Co•mlo "r•·• Th• utr90fdlnliry dleoOvertll made by •-ray Mtronomy ot neutron..,,~ g1l111IH , 1111uar1 •nd bl.-"°"* ., • ....,,.,_, ;~ THIATN "Low In A COid Climete ~ Meny~" Unda ""*'"-T ""If lttOlllllg Md glvee blntl to • clalJOtlter, 'Giit ehoell• ~ wltl'I her .,..,... 10 "*"Y Boy ~(Pll'14)Q ®21 YtAM ~ .lfMY LO-A cn.aAATION Johlll'y Cell!, l(t.. l(fle- totfer ton. Chetllt Rlcfl end Mk*~ ONiey join "The Kiiier" In • pll'10Nllllll0e tlj)ed et 1111 ~ H .. of Iha ~omllnO Ml Otnter In Neltl¥lle. (J)MCMI ** • "lter11nf1 Over" (197') lut1 ~ Jll ~-· "''* montN of TV dinner• end l>lln4 ..... • dMlnled ~ 111'9 ..,..., "**' ht'• fol#ld .,,,_ IOW wfl8ll I IClftOOlllllOMI *"*' hit •·..o· .MOY91 **\t "INIMIUr'' (1M0) ~ l'tdfofd, y..,._ KGM. --uONl~YATA /Wt ............... ot uMertal11t~ oboll1 ....., •,... eo ""*"' '° eorw•'• dtci.lon to .....,,.,,,, ~ . .............. ,.,. .. ,..,.. ......... ...... 0.-.A-. .. ..... ................. ...... ...... ~MMTINAT THI WILD AHlotAl. 'Ml< Dom~.~~ ton 11141 Wf"/ "-Id 8fl o.i·· .-.111 .... ,,.,... Coll _., lront IN boon. dOO, CMI. 91*"81 l*IC • IWACT'tl '"~.How To AVOICI And 0--oome tt" Medal ptOflUIO'lM -Wetl lrOOllt, " H end '* ,_,.. INftd Or ~ •ooU. lly '° .,.. tM ~ m)'1h• eurroundlflf Ille ~ of lmpotenoe, • pt<*eltl !Nil en.cte fN"Y ArneriCttle I MCHO Ht.IHAW OUN\I Audr.y Uilldttt, Eat1 Thomae eon.v. WllMa, Caftan&~, \ ... ~ THC/I.TN •J "Love In A COIO Climate: The M•ry ~" Linde lfterrlee Tony Kroetlg Md gNtt blr1h 10 • dtugh .... POii)' ehock• everyone wttl'I her pllnl to mwry Boy Oougdllle. (Part 4) Q -~ PUYHOUll ' WOtkinQ" Peop6e of Y81• led oooupat~ dlecu .. thW wonting ...,.. In en lld~lon ol the 1977 •l.llQI """6cal blMd on Stum TerUl't tieet...-.ing t>ooll Q ®~ * * * ''The LM1 MatrleO Coupte In Amerlea' ( tllOI George Segel. H•l•ll• WOOd A happlly marrleO ~ tleglrl ID wonder "°"" I\~ ,,,.,,.., the'( rMl!y ... •hat eeelrlQ .. of their l1\en<S1' matr1ao- ln0 UC> In 11\e dlvOtce court 'Ft (Z)MOVll *. ·n111 Oatne FOt Vul· tur11.. (1978) Rlcl'ltrd Harrie. Fllollerd Roundtr• A ruthleM mercener; Wl'IO -w-AmerlGan 111111· copter• Into Afrlce during • terr0t•t Wit .. pl11ed again•• a fierce ltaedom t:IO n ·~ JflffMON8 !::.VAN~ * * * '"' 'Eyewl:neu" (19811 SIQOl.l'nty w .. .., Wllllam Hu'1 A lelevlliOn r9')0r1« llecomel lnve>l\led wtin • jMltor Wl'IO mey 11.now rnor• ~ • mur-Oer ll'lal ,... ...,,_.., 11\an hell Nylng ·R to:OO 8 (I) TAAPPEA JOHN. M.O. Wedding belle 11er1 b••• ktng up th• geng 11 Stn Fren<:ltGO Memotlll Hoept- t.i 0 8 LOAETTA L YNH· THE UOY ... THE L.EOf.HO C~1a1 Oeyi., Slqy Spe- cell. Howero ~. the 01111 Rldgl Boyt. Con· ,. ay T winy Md Ern.t Tubb hel9 Loratt• Lynn <*ee>rlla '* 20fh .,..., In et\OW bu"-(RI ••• N!WI D MAVERICf< 88'1 warn• 11111 wrong peo- Ple 11\al 1'111 l'lo.:t• ... mwdef•,. ""°end• UC> u the ne.c:1 l>OMll:lle \llcllm • ~AOUOF TE8TIMOHY Ully Jacotft 1980 reltKn to AtddlwlU wllete the WU lm9rleoned .. ln1- wtth docM'nenlery lootege from Wor\d W• II end repflnll from her ptiolo ti bum (C)MOVIE * * Oult8Q*()Ull ( 1177) Crelg ~uuell Hollie McLaren A QOOO-fttlllred l'llltO<...., whO moon- llghte M en ~IOt of l•m•I• '"•l•brltl•• INlrlMI en lllMW1,_" ano • plelonlC rt&atlonehlp wtll'I a IC)l\qopflrentc: ypung --en 'R0 ())MOVIE * * 1h "Srnolc~ And The landll 11" ''"°' 8ut1 ~­nold•. Jackie OltUOn 81wttf Buford T M!lce Galle In 1'119 two lllwman brotherl to ttop r retired lloollegger, the BMdtt. lrom u~ a ti.by elephant "PO' 10:t0 I .llMV rAlW'll.L JIMMY IWAOGAllfr LON> MOUNTMTT!N: A MAH f'OR THI CINT\MY "El.lrope 0-To Ww" Mountt>enen 11M1 lfom ~ Cec>taln of Ille SUI Deal~ Floe• 10 AOvllOr Of Comblnff Operation• when war br..U out .,.._, Oer· meny end ,_,.... (P.-1 3> ;'i.ov. * * ,_. "A Hlgl'lllngale Seng In Bertleiey Squa. .... t 11711 Rlcl\Md JOfdln. 01vtd Niven The night wetcMllln ti t lltttilh _..,.. .. ftft\Cll· lid to "'t"'" 10 • lltt or ortme 11?00eee<1><11a NIWI I ,AOUiE, liHi OOMI lOYI THI OHft..OIWf Hoell Ar1 Unlt.let1ef end C..OI ......,.,. fOoul on ... llOpee, ...,,.. end ~of .. WOtld'• cM- chn. -~~llWI Roger [beft end Gene 81111111 rellW MA Ut1le .... ......... ........, 2" lrld "Some IOnd Of ..-0 ... (lit) ®MCMI ·~ "lnloMy .... The IMC" ltN 1) '*""" McM-Cllot. Jlnet .Mien A NII' edlool ........... .. .... toMI °" .... 1ral ~ ............... .. lloiMOOI ... .,_. llld ,... ____ .... .................... ....... '°. (l)lllCMI . ..... .....,..,,.,..,, .. Cltlt)TM'I I .. ......,_ .......... , ........ A ........... ...... .......... , ... °"' "' .... ,_... .,, . ,.,,,.. ... ........ .. ... ........... ..,.. -- ltfong to ~.,,, .... . ••• "" o..d Of ....... . Ctt141......,.~ -.,y, ~ 0.. ·~ .... ~, ..... ·~· 1 lt111 04lff ~. "°'*1 ,,..._, .ntAT'ITV lwlrl Anton. Aober1 eon. rllll, ....... -.,. lltltdel· eon, Mlldl111fe ,,_., ~ ..,.,d *'° 8'\IOt Jenner p.-Ofly • ¥lttely of ~ ...... CD>MOYll •••• "Nlitwortl" ( 1t7t) f'•Y• 011n1w1y, Peter ,lndi. Alt llQlr'O ~ ,_.,.,..,,, ~ , ... ere 1leedlly ~. 11 turn-4 Into • r•.ntlflf PfOl)l..c of the ..,...,,.. by • c:t"1\' lefNINt .,..._ ming e>teOUtlve. 'A' t 1:.40 CC) MOYll * * * "O...tlew 1""9" ( 111'1) p ... 'Cindi. .,..,, 8einl JlftlM, W'*1 a c;ountry.w11tern •lr>ger ...... 1'1111 tong, 811 --trl•• dHperetely to retrieve hit rec:ordtn9 ngl'lt• ....... belftlllO .,.. pOllce 'PO' 11:4t•nt1~ ALU • ntATITV ~ Mtot:, Rober1 eon. red, ......._ 11'9 Al'*'· eon, MedlenDll ""-*• ....,.. ltnford Md 9Noe .....,,_ perOfly • vlMty Of ~programe • MOVIE * * * * . The OIHI Menaoerle'' ( 1860) Jeni Wym11t1, Kirk OouQIH. 8ued on Ille play by T- -WMllemt A 11- ptented Sol.lthern lady -• vlvee on her memortet of I mot'• gentle peat. (J)MOW! ** * ··wny Shoot Tiie Teecher7" (t .. 0 ) 81.1d ~. 8amMtha £oger In -c.m Canada dutlng the '30•, 1n Eutern-br~ IMllflllf and I negllc1ad '-"-~•dOee retltlonel'llp OU1 of !"'* tnlltllll ~. 'P0° -Ml>HIOHT- t2:00 • ~ * .... Randy RldM Alone" (I~~) JOIV1 Weyne. Altl«· la Veugtln tl:IO 8 THE IHOW MUe1' 00 ON a.-. young ~ perform tl'lelr routlnM before • 1111dio audler'°9 ®M<Ml * * .. Hol>c>Oy'I ~u (1981) Galle KaPM. A.In KltrH Tl'lr.. 1.1nllkely l'lerOM Ml out to l>ettle the red taoe end t>w-acy OI Cll)'h .. 0PO' • HAMM!A HOUM ~ HOfW)A "Tl'le Thlrteentll Reunion·' Rull\ Calrne la l>rougllt 1-IO·I-wltl'I - detenged Ind~ .... :nv•tJgallng .. ,.,. hep- peNngt If • lunertl (l)MOVll * • '" .. Tl'le Shining" ( 1180) J ldl NIC:noleon. Shelley DuVlll Derected by St.,..., IWt>tlClk A lotm« ~ .. ed ... winter caretaker f« a rernciw. end eoperentty ~.Colorado"°'*· .. enowbound !her• wnfl hll ..... end dell wo,.nt ~ eon 'A' 12-M 8 HA.-°' THI~ OM Farrel lttla to....,• Mtltlcan-~ l>O .. Wl'IO ..... ~ entMo gl«I In ... ol ... *"° c;orrvpUon. D THI IHOW MUe1' 00 OH s.... "°""" comedlant perform their routlnet Nf«• • tludlo eudlenoe. 1:00 Cl) LOUlt fU(IYMR 1:20 CC) MOYll * • • "The i..t Of The MOOit Hot lftott'' ( 1Nt) JtmH Coburn, L;nn AeclQr-The ~ member of 1111 Old LOl.llW- -flll'lll!Y ......... _, prtu on 1 TV 081M lhOw 11111 Ill «der to oolled he mu9I "*"Y .... 004trw'9t on the nut de(• ptOQnim • ·R' '*I~ •ttl+ '"The PUt1* TUI" (197") Fred ,.,....,., Qw. IOtte Aernplng. A ..... .,..,, c;ountry ~ ~ lnOf)' tall• on • ,_ end rtdl clen.... wNc:tt llDOI hll Old whl9luly ,.,,.... ~--·w .MOYll * * .. TN FINI ~ .. (1H1)1em ..... ~ 8fazzl. In the tfllrd pll'1 of ··TM Omen" lflOgy, ~ Demien. "'* *"'~ Of tht ~. 11.-. en lldu!t Ind. tNlted ~ to the.,,........,, o4N U.8. ·R' ,*./I.TONI 011 .. 1: ectre.. Yvette MlmleuJl. l:OO (JI) MCWll •• .,. .. ..._.,,..,._To Me" (1MOl ...... M AndlraOll, Olerll't Ford. Al nMder beOlllt ....... ...... ,,., ........ .,..,.. • ,,,., adlOCll IM- IOt wrn. -• INf • .. ,....._..,_.,,... llN ..... ._. 1111 ... .. t'OMA--- MI NIM .. MCMl ........ M911,_.119. .................... - (1M1) AtMtt lt..U, ~ ...... A .. ..., .... llJ ... ., .. -~-~-.. ....... ...... "" •tt<C>MCMS • ............ Mt(' (..,.. .. ~ ....... Olltlll.AIMll. .. ..._. ................... ...... _ ........ .............. ... ......... r QF.. ;.:. The marketplace on the Orange Coast ... 64 2-5678 Orange Coast r6'identa bought 42% o/ all new cars 1old ln the countJI l<ut year even through they comprise only 30% of the county'& population. · 5-dPoMt.ld Wfbtfr...t..._ °'9t HOUSES l·S Maan1f1cent custom 4 tUY 01 Bdrm. 4"" ba home In game preserve on la.Ile WSI OPTIOM! Pend Oreille. Idaho. 1 •wllfll. c..,athfy acre with 210 ft or fron· ,...dettd llo•. ) tage, and a 100 ft pri v -------•I ... 3 la & f-'ly dock. Spectacular View. r•••· • ••••• ... c~ ~~nqa111c.11lty:. S3o25'o000n . -!a~ o.w.o .. !.. .._.. fw S. U 4 t , I 0 0. I 4 3 6 McCanlies. Resort Real· J11Jt4ilff:J:. lrofii lhe ....................... Sertn1d1Ttn'9Ct ly.202SouthlatSt.Sand beach, this Is a 3 ~ 1002 • Point , Idaho 83864. bedroom home sporting •• .. •••••••••••'••••••• .,...Mew eo.dot D-263·680'2 ____ a relaxlni patio area and handy barbeque ! OCEAN VIEW T .... atytt cottdos, NO DOWN? Great almosphere ror ?i ~.ET So. of..._ ill Cof'OIMI Low down? l0% nnanc· summer entertaining. ··-r in g? Trades? We ,._ fi 1 A I ar owner ., Mar. Coffltdrol 8 u y E Rs '-""Y arep ace. ssume II J Ill & I I d represenl exlstin& financing and ml.Ill ae now! ust re-ct •9s I •• anywhere in Calif. seller will assist al duced $50 ,000 . ....._ Fr.t -'f 3 Specialist in distress below markel rale . Panoramic ocean and .._ llOW $325,000. sales. Murphy-L oeb Sll2.SOO eau979.2390 = 1~1~:~11~1er:Om~ ltor H it Z ldr• .6?~9'197 Ask.i~ $350.000. Call $275,000. 41 1·41 l'/2 -------1 MtM Woods "°"' 3-llS50 Milo HAU OF FAME Wlt~i'i'~~=lng. THE REAL ESTATERS COLI OF NftllORT tfQME this 4 bedroom, 212 bath MAI.TORS 4 Bdrm with many re· is even more attractive! HU L c-a Nwr. cent upgradings. As · Well.located near South 1 ..i sumable loan and seller c.-..., will usist with addl· Coast Plaza . w ilh l Bn'aTAIMEIS 0 7'.5·5511 tional financing. 5145.ooo landscaping that gives ' DREAM ! When you need expert Call now 979-53'10 P rl v.a c Y a r 0 u n d t he I Solar nealed pool and service or repairs. turn bricked·ln pool formal I~ laodscapin& adds to lo the Service Directory dining, ramily room and the family living. 4 : in Classified to solve firepla« in this 2 s tory I Bdrm. 2 balh. seperate roblem. floor plan. $199,000. family room, brick 919-2390 • fireplace. Near beach. "".,.., c..~ ~ j),' _ f) -c. filii.C.• - Great financing. Priced m1u1 ~ !'QIU tv~ <!t P<r v ... $154,900. Call now. Nlw4ro.,C1A,1.-...---- MWJl3 i • ._ ........ 6 t<•oioblecl tiliM1 ~=~~~7J $10,000DOWN I 1 11 I I I I MOYES YOU IN 4Bd2·sty.dbTgar,C. I UPCOME I Mesa, nu paint, crpt. On· 1• I I' ·I I ~ $110,000. Vacant. . . . . . . r .... Cappel, •il I· ti. t ls 1 · 1 - I A6Elf£T I VACANT 1 r r 1 1 .a~y a 0~:.~=~~p~: · LOT ways said kids and t'*· Eaatalde O:>sta Mesa R-1 I a R u c E H I momet.,. Md I lot In~ &al eoxw dta.r and re-I' I I I' I mon. TMy're graduated, ady to build. Only _ . _ _ _ ~ degren end all they 179,860. Call for more de· do Is - -. IKOmt Is Tllito.tco. Super reotafuniu in th15 recentlr r e modeled duslex. A 2 and 3 be room. The seller may consider a n ex change for the right pro· perty In lrvlnt or Costa Mesa -look Ing for a large 2·3 bedroom con. do. 'nlere's an assuma-ble loan at 12,.i interest loo! $185.000. P~one 919-2390 t7t-l3'0 . 37<r1 S. BlUStOL SANTAANA l~l rll<~I t I HI \I I OH" . OCEAN VIEW $299,000 4 Br. 21h Ba. View home overlooking Pa- vilion. Catalina and nite lites. We have an independent appraisal for $320,000. Vacant, move immediately. Try $20,000 down until you IN!ll_lour_ home. 1211 mRm WAY UTI• 1-1 •U1Y111111111ra• ............... .., ..... Magn.l.fleent location o'looking 8th green of golf course. Majestic Colonial C!Utom by owner/builder. 5 bdnns, lge fonnal din nn, fam rm, billiard nn. refrigerated wine rm, & 6YJ ba. Marble, finest wood paneling, air cond., + many t'UStom featu.res. $2.150.000 including land. May sell furnished. • oantl llU.HI S111,lll Beaut. 4 bdrm. Fam nn w/Cireplace, formal din rm. 2 'h ba. Newly decorated In soft pleasing colors. Beautiful new cptng & drapes. New marble entry. Pool & spa. 1• ..... TIU MU Ul/111 1·1 Ill UIYll "Yll UIUU" Golf course view! Beaut. landscaped. Park-like setting. Lovely pool. spa & gaze- bo. Gated courtyard with fountain. Marble foyer w/glitterfns chandelier. 4 bdrms. den, formal din nn, 4 'h ba, $950,000 including land. Large comer site. & WL OIL II Tll lllffl A fantastic 3 Br "Linda" model on widest greenbelt. Like new. Vacant. $270,000. New carpets & drps. See anytime 644-4910. 2111 nun UTI • 1-1 , UllllYIEW --HU Quiet, park-llke setting. Rm for paddle tennis and pool. Great for orchard. Cul de sac st. 3 bd.nns. Cam rm. $379,500 fee . WUUY L T&YUI II., IDlTllS 2111 ............ lta4 ......... -, lllTll,.... MMl11 Wlhrfl"Ollf SAND ~,~s tints' SS600DOWN IUYS . tails. *'23~· . I H U D R I I l'MiB ~111 r r·:!~;~::! recreallonal Dev. I and 2 bdrm units. Each w1lh ! View. deck. and a l.itlt. ls llQ!! I private boat slip. Spa WOODIRIDGE I Beautifu1~~9ed 3 Br condo end uml w/xtra lg patio. "A Doll house". Call Pe1 Dameron . MOvEro ~ r r r r r r r r 1 r 1 NEWPORT ·=-I I I I -I I I I I I ClassTtled Ads a1'e reallr, !Mlding has jac pool and small "people to ~ople · sauna Prices start at sales calls with big ri!· $37.950 with 12~ financ· adership and big re· ing. Contact Resort s ulls! To cf.lace your Realty 202 So 1st. Sand clusified' a . call today Poinl Idaho 83864 . 642·5678. ""'"B=---263.QIO'l~--=----- : • ~ r ' 3 8dr 2 Ba. den, wet bar ... & sparkling pool! Owner ~S Anw.rs bl Clauific.ala. SI 00 will assist w /financing at modest rate and ced at $198.500. Call a . *'AYFIO..Mt• IOATSUP Privat~~~ lite & cheery comfortable home. 3 large bedrooms •den. 2 baths. fireplate, and much more! Will trade down! INCLUDts THE LAND! Owner· A1ent 673-9187 or 81S.70llO. ~79,000! Pl&.Msnif_.s elYEAWAY Goreeous turnl1hed cu1tom house in ex- cl1.11lve area of P aim Sprla~s. Try $30,000 chm. f'Jll pl'lce f'75,000. Joyce Waltze. agl . K'VM~ -- W'ElfDV'SNNN LWID CORNEil Drt ... Uana ........ . s~ arm Salft. -~ .......... 000 tOACRIS • 11011.U CITY Prtll m. Dev . Plu =for W Ualta 5 ..................... u.••caa IWfCffO MllAOI PU1).C -·d&J '"vcl. -~•1 ·aw1 u .......... .... i..-. .......... . IAllAllA Ht:STfJl c-. ................ ....., """" ......, ... ~-... ,~ .... .................. .....,. ... -. ..... ...... .., .......... ., .......... . ...., ............ ,....,......,.... ....... , .............. ,.,.... _ ............... ,.., . Join the Daily Pilot In honoring thete area ae<retariet. Their boNet think chey're ·~ial ... and 10 do we! Paula Kubavicb of George Elkiaa Co .• ha1 been 1elected lo win our 1ecretary o f lhe year award. Paula will r~eive a special gift from the Daily Pilot for being an extra·1pecial 1ecretary. Con· gratulatlona Paula ... and all the 1ecretarie1 picture,d here ... on a job well done. PAN MeWAIN U you .. I 9*U11.NnC1 nd·i.d IOOll'I by In Mr new red Corveta., y01.1'U know It's PAM McWAJN, thpt..; monM Execull:Ye A*ent at 8A1lU1T R&ALTY. R&IM~ --- The entire penonnel of the Georgl.' Elkin• of!ke bu only auperlatlves to dl'tt'ribe our own Paula Kuhlrich. No one can oompare IO ht'r elhcient ~· tl.ol\, her lmowledptible wortmwutup. and her cheerlul moperal.ion. Add to all this hf'r lm!ldltl~ penonallty, and we ~-you will underNnd why au ol m want to glW apedal honor to Paula 110 . llKINS CiO. Z a.mAll PWA. • 751-tlM Prime LldQ Nord bayfront. 5 bdrm, 61h bath. Lge LR., 2 boat sllps $1 ,500,000. Remodeled 3 bdrm. 2 bath + large rec. rm. beam celllngs, furnished, patios. $420,000. UHA Ill.I UYJlllT Lagoon view from 6 bdrm. 5 bath, play- room, dark rm,.den, Boat sllp. $1 ,350,0001 unmam Spectacular bayfront view 2 br, 2 ba up; 2 br, 2 ba din. 2 boat sllps $1,900,000. ·· na mu ••• •• New French Normandy 4 bdrm, 4 bath, guest house, pOol. Near lal(e. $795,000. •11&11un Coronado Island cust. bayfront lot. 85' boat dock. Plans avail. $425,000 w/terma. -BILL GRUNDY . REALTOR JJ i ti •. 't ' • f1 /:.. ~ 1() LIH T 11111HT&TE1&1111 llUll Hand crafted truly a home of exoel- lence. Slate roof-brick courtyard entrance -wood floors-leaded windows.walnut carved doors, greeA house. Rms w/tree top balconies & charm. Formal din. rm. 9 BR beach & pier &. slip to accommodate 95 foot yacht. $7 .000.000 Barbara Aune 642-8235 (J35) HH IH HT&TE Elegance & craft- smanship of another era -two acr&- shc bedroom Spanish styled Hacien- da. Private tennis court -60 ft. pool. Master suite wlfplc, sauna, spa & view. Separate maid's qtrs. 5 car garage. $2,900.000 Lynne Valentine 644-6200 (J36) mwa Uff.-T • .... ,.... You own the land when you buy this spacious Mediterranean style home with docking for 75 to 85' vessel. 4 BR, 5 BA. & convertible library/den. Liv. rm din rm, kitchen and breakfast rm all overlooklng the bay. Good assumable.. loan & owner w/flnance balance w/reasonable down pay- ment. $1, 700,000 Larry Dyer 642-8235 (J37) ...... .. . 4. + un Beautifully decorated "Kensington" w/vlew of city lites. Loft Ideal for study or den. Lovely spa In entry. 3 ear gaFage, formal dining & morel $649,000 Darlene Herman 75~-1414 (J38) mn Tt OIUlllT .. , .. Lender will finance a large portion of the selllng price on thla-outs-tandlng North Laguna property South of the highway. Lg lot offers room for ex· panslon • all thlt for only $635,000 Maxine.Propp 644-6200 (J39) ,...... IWUl Fabulous financing -Excellent location near Balboa Pier. 4 BR up, 3 BR down • good Income producer, no· maintenance. Onty 10 yrs old. Good condition. $325,000 . Julie Van Wleren 752· 1414 (J40) IMl llTTil ....... Tml There's nothing llke It In Corona del M.,. 3 BR and huge lot on a Melu- ded street. V1e1nt & ready for IOYe. $228,000 Coby Ward. ~42·8235 (J41) Pllll IUllTlll fllTUTll flUll•I For this 2 BR, 2'A BA, fotmat dtnlng area & patio. Onty 1'A yeara otd lo- cated near Harbor High Schoof & within ..utlng dtttance of ahOpptng. !1~91C!!C! FM llfld. Donna Godlhlll ~(J42) ,_,, _____ Apta for the executtw *'' femlty. &Mutt-fut private pool aide home on qutet atrHt. Thi• 4 IA, 2~ BA home ltMMI bltW thM I modll. Wall to 'fC4JI 3 prtvate ........ Al ... Pf'°' ~ can atford-Good flnlndnO toot '367,000 Pat Miit 11M34S (;MS} 41DllYIME HOUSES AS LOW AS $125,000 Beautifully uparaded homes, Ir& anuma ble loana w/low dwn j>IY· ment. Great location. 1 Call Peg Dameron. act . II R&IM~ -------- . . : RVM~ $7900 Take ~~~oan a ! $10'7,000, 13% errective [nte"at rate. 3 Bdrm 2 bath, double aarage. 541.2313 THE REAL ESTATE RS OLDCclM Spectacular yard .,. deck, extra slulotJ.. ultra orivat.e3 br. 2 ba. nARE LOCATION', Ownet/agt will rm .•. 000. QAVOCADO OPEN SAT/SUN ••• a."mtfd1eG~1~.9'ge comer lot, immaculate Ready to move In ! Owner/all fin. SH.5,950. 875-4225 645-1618 MUIYll Presenting The Least Expensive Home In Newport Beach's Prestigious Big Canyon. Shows Like A -.,odel -Typi- cally Pride Of Ownership. Huge Master Suite Plus Separate Guest Quarters. ·=· Owner/Agent Wiii Finance. Priced Un- der Market Value At $425,000. John Merrill's Listing. Open Sun 1-5. .... .... lrS -... rrace 4 Bdrm Home Just Re- d 0 .... nwners MUST &ell Yu" "' nwner Wiii Carry Low 11 .. ~ l -'1-tlng .. .. .. ;' . $150.000 1st. Now,.,.,.. . D J50, 000. Submit All Offers. A \.N.. -Hill Listing, . .. ...... l&nmD Prime Bayfront View. Pier, Dock. Qual- ity 5 BR In Desirable Gated Community . Pvt Beach. Beautifully Upgraded. Even If Purchased With Land. $2,076,000 Total Price la Leu Than Equal Loca- tions With Equal Amenities. Priced At $975,000 Leatehold. Marilyn Twltchell's Listing. Open Son. 2-5. aST"9lml Custom Built 6300 Sq. Ft. Home. Mar- 1 n er s Point, San Ctemeute, WI Gorgeous Ocean View & City Ughts. Entertainers' Delight. Numerous Ame- nities, Too Many To Mention. Must See To Appreciate. $950,000. Owners Will Accept An R-1 View lot For Trade, Or Down Paymitnt. Marla Bercovltz' Ltstlng. Open Sun t-5. fllaltlMUlftEW Plus City Lights • Excluslve Newport Beach Spyglass -Beautlful Capet\orn Model W /Four Bdrms + Famlly Rm • Courtyard W/Pool & Spe -One Qf T-he- Most Terrific View$ In All Of Spyglass! $750,000. Bill Kroger's Listing. lllTlllAUIUll One BR Condo, Adult Living. ~pstalrs Unit W/Deck. Close To Pool & Spa. Walk To South Coast Plaza. Just Re- duced To $69,000. Agent-Owner. Sha.- ron Collins' Listing. ....... Big Canyon Mclain Condo. 3 BR. 2'1t BA. Dining Room. El Dorado Model. Community Pool & Tennis. Security Gated. Great Financing. Priced At Only $230,000. Marilyn Twltchefl's Listing. ...... TUii, Wll/IPNI, •SAU Onty $15,000 Down. Large Aaumable Loan With 30 Yr Fixed Rate. Owner Wiii Carry L•ge·2nd T.O. At Low lntereet. Lovely 3 BR End Unit w /Wref) Around Patio On Lush Greenbelh Immediate POIMlllon. Only $210,000. Sally Shlp- Jey't Liiting. Open Sun 1-5. .. . .. /. ... \ . . ~ . .. ~· -.. .. . ' .. .. • Orenge CoMt DAILY PILOT /Sunday, Aprtl 18, 1982 PRIVATE PROPERTY WEEK: Private Property Rights: yours to protect APRIL 18·24 Privet. Proptrt.y Week i1 the one week of the year ' In whJch pa.rt.lculat 1t.t.eotJon 11 focuNd on one of our nation'• beaic rl1hta-t.he right. of every indJvlduaJ to own and malnt.ein a pJece of ~ land. Your local Board of Realtor• It dedlcat.ed to protect.ina t.hJ1 right and encourape ell clt.izent t.o join wtt.b u• in preeervina it. for fut.ure genel'at.lons. HOMETOWN BOARD OF REA~ TORS llVINI COVI I The bmt llWU'ded <lOOlmun.lty In ?ffwpart QC r.....una. Private Sandy BMch. Oman View, &,000 aq: ft. & Bdr, 6 bath home. Hup fire. placlea. Y9ulted beam ceil.lnp. double lot and 1uperbly landtcaped rear yard whh dra· mack waterfall. Sacrifice at ll.l>&0,000. lnfH ·wl~JU .......... pnperty ..... pa,...t .. carry • 1st T.D. at 121. Wm. E. Daud & Co. me. Rulton Emnt 6eor11 (714) 67J.1600 HARBOR RIDGE Jodelle Mdl • Thll home on.-IUXU~ and comfort fOf' the affluent. 3 Bdrma. 2 ~ ba, formal dining rm and a panOf'amlo vi.w of all Newport end the blUe Pacific. F1nanclng at leaa than 11% Int. Altclng S795,000. UNIVERSITY PARK Thie lmmac:ula1• 3 Bdrm 2 M home lo a pWtc •• Mttlng i. onty for the tu-.at and moet dlacnminatlng. fmea6ne flnandng at' 9¥-% lnter-1. Altclng S16~.ooo. HOLSTEIN REAL TY 0.., -9"-9058. 640-7'65 OPEN SUfl>AY 1-4 1448 GALAXY DR. ·VIEW 11111 llllU 11 ...... Fii Ull fUTaine m 111 flllll•I A meticulously maintained custom 5 bdrm, 41~ bath. Air cond., pool, plus many extras. Racfutf/e Je0Ler6 - 21ss E. Coast HwJ., Ste. 221 C.W dll Mir US.2373 .... "" .......... -"" If •llllT .. -.............. '" ..,, ...... .,~ ..... 1- llUI I. MWI IOI.Tm.• ....... ,,. IVll TERRACE F1bulou1 ocean and bly views. 1pa- clou1 4 b~ oourmet kitchen end IWlmmlng . Jutt reduced to $895,- 000 lnctudlng the lend. Owner VflfY an. xloul and wtll ftnanc.. ...... , .. 111i ........ I llOMlm SEAVD -fl LlllllPMI a.utlful 3 bdrm view home In private conwnunlty. lnclucMI tennis court and twtmmlno pool. Owntr wlll i:arry 2nd TO or IMM/optlon 1399,000. ....... ..., ... .. .... , ........... ..... 30 \"=JR -13~1 LOAN .... _ ... w Cap• Cod 2 Bdrm In private community Mttlng with poot end I•· IUCd. W•dna dlllence to ~~99. f137,NO -f0% down. ........... .,..., u.r .... , .......... Dalebout Bay &Bea Real Estate REAL ESTATE EXCELLENCE SINCE 1949 COME Wll.H US ••• TO IRVINE TERRACE Magnlfto9ntly upgract.d. ThrM bedroom•. French wtndowa and doot9. Crown moul- dlnga. New kitchen. VC>i.1 own th• land. $396,000 1111wunun11., 1.1. 111-1111 BALBOA PENINSULA Only 2 yrs old. &autiful 4 Bdrm, 2 ~ ba. 3 lrplcs, lam nn, dining nn, 2 car gar, all builtlns, corner houae with bay view. Priced right at $449,000. Excel. financing. 600 "K" Sf., Balboa. 0/J Corona CALL AND SEE This charming comfortable home which has living room with fire- place, beam celling and hardwood floors, dining room. 3 bdrm, 3 plus .batbaJIIttPlace In maste1 ~drm. Pool, view, and Is close to beach. All for only $475,000. MAURY ITAUFFER SEA LION REAL TY 873-5354 lrMI..,,,,.,. Ab.olutely ~t lak.el6cie t-nt Ln lrvl.ne. 4 Bdnm. 3 Ba. family room. A br'Nth\akinc view. Ki\chm ._ Jmn·Aift nance w/blt-ln microwave. cenunic tll.r noon &t more' An· iUous owner will -ill In financing Full price 1395.000. 7~1-3191 ,,,.,., FEEU• If you yearn for 1\0ne frplaa, wood paneling, knotty pine cabineta & a apaclout yard, you'll love thll t-nf. 3 Bdrm, 2 Ba pJUI family rm. Owner wlU be helpful with fl · nancina. OOered at $150,000. 761-3191. HARD VIW II.LS Super ltlarp Sausalito model on huge tree covered lot. 3 Bdrm, family room. 2 fire- places, many upgrades. $369,500 . 714 / 760-9333 .. _., ..... ·•-!M.411 ·-Gorgeou• Deane T~nhomt ovtrloo- klnQ 11th flinwey and wtlklng ~ to dubhoult. <Mr 3000 eq. ft. a..uti. fully dtcorattd and cuetomlUd. Full MCUrtty 1yatttn and air COftdttlontno. Good owner flnenclng av1ll1ble. tn&.ooo. ....,_ . LAGUNA BEACH Set In a pied, privat.e ~ communl· 'Y· thll 1ow1y e ~ noor ptan 1nc1ucSta • fonnaJ dln1nc rm. a modern kitchen with I dl1hwHher & mlcro"(.ave, S bdrm• & S ~tha. Compleuily furrlflhed with chol~ decorator Items. Enhanced by community fwinunlnC poolll and t.ennil COW'1ll and Jl.-t I few 1tepa to the beach 1476,000 12,. fl· nanctna available ug~ . 1506 s. Coast HwJ. ,;r• ~u. l•C'N Beach llMf. 49'· 7220 OCEAN VIEW From top to bottom -quality It the work on this fabulous custom with hlll and ocean views. 3 Bdrm, 2'fz ba. den, family rm. Contemporary Spanish. $439,900. Lapa Ylllact .... Ethrtt I 411-1111 llOGEllS REAL TY •rm1D1U1 Fabulous ocean and bay views. spac. 4 Br. gourmet kitchen and awimming pool. Just reduced to $895,doo including the land. Owner anxious and will li.ruulce. ........ ,,,.,,_,, Port Royal 2 atory 4 bedroom, 3 bath plus formal dining and much, much more. $398,500. ...... Pon Royal 2 story, 4 bdnn, 3 bath plus fom:W dining and much more. n Re./ 675-2311 IEWNIT IEICI 3 BR, den, fam nn ... .... $365.000 . ALSO 3 BR. 21h ba. view ..... .... $215,000 COSTA IUl 2-3 BR. 2~ ba condos .... $160,000 3 BR 2~ ba home ........... $125,000 4 Unit condo package ..... $225,000 lc•lf 111·1H1 ----View of canyons, hllls. and ocean. 4 bdrm, pool. MUST SELL -NEEDS CASH. As- king $325.000 leasef'IOld. For Information call Dottle Valentine. &75-6000 or 640-0997. REALTORS.675-6000 2443 ufl Co.it Hlfhw1y. CMoet ~I Mat ~ ~: II \ H . 7:l Of TIU\ ltt~'T l,ISTINi;~ IN TUU1 PllCIDTO tow!fl~m>~~IU del Mar Larae 3 Bdrm tiomt wldl 1 dellahtrul warm livln1 room whlrh invltta r1mlly UJOY ment Allume low In J-ftY !Carr..._.., , tem1t '71 .500 loin ind OCIAM 11.U.,S Miier will help with lht ~W/S.. IJ.I ~iinfi7<:"ly 1129.000 J lJdrm~ -cJ'tn. ai., h . ~i~~~: tl(Hm SEU. ldkt Item• whh • lm-llitlii7J.ilillliiiliil __ , ~lly Pilot CluaHltd I V .A. 01 CONVINTIONAL • PEPPERTREE HEIGHTS r CO~DOMINIUMS .... bt/a.. 11 ..... .,. •·• HM""' llllfa Au a .... ......... Truly eleaant 2 Br . 2~ balha tor 1139,600 and 2 Bdrm 2 Ba honw9 for 1129,600 • 10'5 down w/piymrnll 111 low u 1889 pt"r mo VA rtnann"i tnt. at I~ •A,. Seller wtll t.tkt! blic.-k 2nd to lower pA)'Tl'W'nll Courtsy lo brokera leltller11 Oalffer•l1 lltlffJ Nl-IHl-111-t114 VIEW of oceen end Spygl .. • Hiiie. Thie exceptlon•I Plen e In JHmln• Creek hH luxury appointment• throughout the home and ground•. Enjoy the HCUrlty of • g•t•d community. Excellent fl· n1nclng -t•k• over loen1. C•ll for more lnformat Coles worthy fdCo. 2s.4S EASTBLUF-F DR . NEWPORT BEACH. CA. 640-0020 ILllFI FMErU nnt 2 Br 2 Ba, fplc, beam ceilings. very pnvat.e. $275,000. "' ,,.,. ,.,,.,,,.,, Lease $1050 pr mo. 2 Br 2 Ba, tennis, pool, formal dining area. IOO yrft. It Hal Nrf .D I 0 p A N c H 0 • Llp11'1 Fhttst ..... Area 3 Br, 2 ba, aourmet kltch Many many Amcnllles 13~-6 yn1. '460,000 or lie opt for 12000 Mary Jank & V1t.a CAl'ntt. Rltn. (114)111-1114 (211)141-1111 [trst .. t J!.Jf 644-113~ ~:·1·ul1~ ANYTIME P(N.AR SINGLE LEVD. BONITA Pl.AN Bluffs best end unit, 3 bdrm. 2 bath. like new. Ideal setting near ppol + superb greenbelt. Very orlvate. Seller may fl. nance. ,..... ...."""· ., ...... ............. Framea cuatom Coroha del Mar dream llome. Entertainment center open• to atrium with spa. Mammoth mast8f tulte. S635.000. smu • smua .. --• BA 4 Ba, pool sized putorll view. ow- ner financ:H. $615,000. •41DTM11 .. 1tul Auume 11t and 2nd. Desperation. MU11 hive offer. 4 BR 3 Ba. near ocean. $2&9, 500. l1Ml2·1l14 _, ___ ,Lim_ _, .. 11111111 "-Charmine C.pe Cod ~ on PenlnaWI Point. 3 Br, 2 Ba on quiet antt llCl'09 from'*'· SWpl &o '-"h & t.y. Newly r•rnod•led with rrencb doore. band ptlnlfd UW. c.nter bridl Jdo. ~ w11lpeper1 & tnore. Aaaume •247,000 flrtt at 12'1 owntr wm carry larll LAGUNA WHAT? 1.agU1111 N11uel la an Mlft with ocean and rno1.1nt.ain-v1ew homn, aolf courw homea and condo•, rolllna hlll1. private aat.ed c:ommunlllt'I, custom home11ltes, a 40 acre lake and UK-Ust ~ on and on Comana eoon la • llC'\.'Ond pf roww with Otanlide fairway•. and a ret0rt hotel on the ocean bluff' All th11 within a few minute• of a marina, elaborate equntrlan home• and hometillf'I and. of cout'M', lovely La1una .Beath Dollar values are ~rUic oonk''-.- COLDWELL llllER TIWIHITD 411-1444 SELECT NEWPORT Surround yourself with million I homes. Newly remodeled 3 &Jrm family rm, marble flrs, stone frplc. Fantastic terms. Elegant Harbor Island Rd location. This Select Property is priced right at $650,000. BOMJS HIDEAWAY Lrg 4 Bdrm 2 Ba family home wl huge bonus room & bath forming separate qtrs. Owner will assist with linancmg. Full price $145,000. 751 -3191 $121,100 . is the fuil pnce of this 1450 sq ft condo Has a great Huntington Beach location with 3 Bdrms & 2 lull &ths. Offers community pool & spa, A IC, 2 car garage & fire· place. Assume lst T .D. and owner will help finance. 631-7370 Tft\DI T 10\AL REALT \ ~O"b f, lt..i'lfS'"'4E~TS 180 DEGREE OCEAN VU RARE LSE/OPT. ~TlllTY In Ccrona de/ Mar. 4 bedrooms Jn. eluding 2 mast.er suites, 3 ~ ba, Jg family rm. 2 lrplcs, rustic wood beamed ceilings -all in a ''walk to private beach" loca tion. The per- fect family hom e m the perfect family neighborhood. $525,000 with perfect financing. llGl1. BAIIY I ASSOCIATES REAL ESTATE Uf-7111 ........ For Wt Ho.Mt For w. ...••.....................•.........•......... GeMfd 1002 ~ 1002 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• BEST IN BLUFFS We have a beautllul selection of hornet at this time. All floor plans. Good views, good financing. good buys. Some leue i options. Some Including land. Please let our experts show them to you. lfD 1-6 .... " ..... '""' .. ~ .. ftlfawltll llM U!lhta ..... ,...., ......... ., !tll ... 1'lml HELEN B. DOWD 1111.ml.K MM1M Fmcl what you •11nt In I WANT AC'l'JON! Otaly PUct\ ~laulftdl OW'"Udt HZ·Hll RCTaylorCo I "i \ I . I .__ Liv. In th61 hlOhlY d .. lr•blt guarded commuatty. Btautlfully upgr1d9d 3 bedroom. 1tngle 1tory 11tu1ted on prime grtenbelt location. ExOlltent ft-: ~It IVMable. $427.500 --Or1matlc homt located In thla very private and exolutlve community 4 bedroom LautrtfnOnt plan wtftt ...-0-... .,. ,,....~--. Pr deeoraled Md . HOUSl!I FOR SALE t•DROOll 214 Sloohirt, lelt>oe llMnd. NB e13-6too ... 50.000 sun 1.5 117 Merine Avt. 8albol ltltnc:S, NB 97M900 $295,000 Sun 1-6 2137 E. Ooten. e.Jboa Penln, NB 831-1400 $323,000 Sunday 1-5 4710 Ntptune, Balboe Penlnsuta, NB 673-9900 $380,000 Sunday 1-5 507 Jamlne, Corona del Mar 873-3550 $220.000 Sun 1-5 1581 Mlremar, Balboa Penln P1 64~·5200 $339,000 Sun 1-5 459 Flower (EISl<M) CM 548..3350 s 134,900 Sun 1-4 221 Via lthllca. Udo I .... H.B. 673-7300 Sat/Sun 1·5 79 Sea Island. BIQ Canyon, NB ~9080 $31l000 Sat/Sun 2-5 2305 Vitti Huerta, Bl\lffl, N.8. 644-9080 $139,900 Sun 1·5 I IR plu9 FAM M1 or DIN 51 Harbof Ridge°'· Hrbr Rdg, NB 644-6200 $675,000 sun 1-5 * * 10 Balboa Coves. Newpof1 Beach 642-8235 $525,000 Sun 1-5 18 L.uc:«ne (Hrbr Rdg) NB 760-9333 $475,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 8 Sandb11. Jasmine Creek, CdM 759-1206 $445.000 SaVSUn 12-5 702 Acacia. Corona del Mar 673-2041 $235,000 Dalty 1-5 1121 Alabama. Huntington Beach 960-9609 $159,000 Sat/Sun 12-4 480 19th St (E/Slde) CM 548-3350 $135,000 Sat 1-4 3 IEDAOOll 2147 Vltta l.Medo, The Bluftl, NB 631-1400 $205.000 Sunday 1-5 26 Whlatllng SWan (Wdbrg) Irv 644-9080 $179,500 SUn t-5 3024 Ocean Blvd, Balboa Pentn. NB 631·1400 $1.350.000 Sun 1-5 201 Via OMeto, Lido lsMt, NB 631-1400 $475,000 Sooday 1-5 1751 Plaza del Sur, Balbol Penln, NB 675-4009 $399.500 Sun 1-4 1312 Santanella. Corona del Mar 873-8550 S225.000 sun 1.5 **3810 Channel Place, Newport Island. NB 642-8235 $625,000 Sun 1 ·5 2001 Arnold (Central) CM 642-5200 $98,500 Sun 1-5 1101 Debra, Costa Mesa 546-2313 $207.000 Sun 1-4 1581 Mlnorca. Costa Mesa 546-2313 $136.900 Sun 1-4 * 228 Amherst, Coata Mesa 546-2313 $150,000 Sun 1-4 2647 W•tmlnater (E/Slde) CM 6-45-9096 s1s2.ooo sun 1-4 452 Broedwly (E/Slde) CM 646-3389 $197,500 Sun 1-4 921 So. Harmon, Santa Ana 752-8731 $67,000 S/SUn 12:~:30 408 Avocado. Corona del Mat 675-4225 $585,000 SatlSUn 1·5 4832.RMr Ave.. Newport Beedl 675-1771 $192.000 SUn 1-5 118 Via Quito, Lido Isle, NB 873-7300 Sat/Sun 1~ 1911 Coult St. Bal Penln, NB 873-7300 Sat/SUn 1-5 212 Via Eboll, Lido !tie, N.B. 673-7300 Sat/Sun 1·5 644 Danube, Costa Mesa 673--8550 $143,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 715 Patoll1a .. lrv. Terr, CdM 644-9080 $380.ooo-Fee Sun 1-5 203 ~la Ravenna, lido Ille. NB 673-1241 $435,000 Sun 1-5 5041 Pueo de Vega (Turtierdt) Irv. 760-1900 $187 ,500 SaVSUn 11-5 1 Rue Fontalnbleau, Big Cyn, NB 760-1900 $500,000 Sun 1·5 1961 San Bruno. BIUffl, H.B. 642-8235 $185,000.L.H. Sun 2-5 418 OeSolo Terr. Corona Hinda. CdM 644~200 $495,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 801 Gary Pt, Newport Beach 752-5111 $215,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 118 vi. Oulto (Lido Ille) NB 646-7171 $319.500 Sun 1-5 325 Rochteter (E/Slde) C • 645-9096 $152,000 Sat 1-4 3086 Femheath (Halecrlt) CM 540-1151 $127,000 Sa 12-4/SU 1-4 **42 Balboa Cowl (Coves) NB 642-5200 $550,000-fee Sat/Sun 1-5 818 Mar1gOld. CdM 640-4521 $335,000 DIRECTORY • .., -~ 6"t..-y .... r-"" ........... p. .... _ .......... tlilt lec ...... Wt4 ~-......... Iii~ .... ~ ..... _... ...... ..._ 111 w.(• OAILY rtlOT WAM'T AH.,..,_ ...... .,.. ..... fw ......... -.......... -· ................... , ..... "'" ~ ... ..,. 2331 Cliff Drive, Nwpt Hgta, NB 831-1400 $695,000 Sun 1-5 *2039 Commodore (Baycrest) NB 645-9181 $319.000 Sun 1.5 1223 Dolphin Terrace, Irvine Terr. CdM ' 642--8235 $895.000 Sun 1-4:30 **101 N. Bayfront, Balboa Island 642-8235 $895,000 Sun 1-4 4008 Inlet lsMt, Hatbor View Hiiis. CdM 64-4-6200 $299,500 Sun 1-5 **3711 Seaahore, Newport Beach 644~200 $820,000 sun 1.5 **3713 Seashore, Newport Beach 844--8200 $850,000 Sun 1·5 4545 Gomam. Corona def Mar 752-1414 $729,900 Sun 12-5 2345 16th St (Nwpt Hgts) NB 6-45-0303 l240,000 Sun H 1312 Oover (Westcllff) NB 642·5200 $259,000 Sun 1-5 1525 E. Ocean BIVd, BalbOa Peoln Pt 642-5200 $495,000 Sun 1·5 6892 Sowell. Westmlna1ec 963-8767 $109,000 Sun 1-5 15521 Sanduaky, Westmlnat8f 983--6787 $179,250 Sun 12:30-5 958 Cheyenne, Costa Mesa 546-2313 $132,500 Sun 1-4 2611 Clrole Or. Bayshore, NB a.4._9080 $536,000.Fee 2762 Circle Dr. Bayshofe, NB Sun 1-5 6-44-9080 $449.500-Fee Sun 1-5 *4527 Gothan1, Cameo Stvs. CdM 644-9060 $749,000..Fee Sun 1-5 2100 E. Ocean Bl, Bal. Pen'. NU s.44-9060 $759,000 Sat/Sun 1-S- 1721 Kings Ad. Cllffhaven, NB 759-1501 $650,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1000 Grove Ln (Weatcif Grove) NB 846-5092 $475.000 Sun 1·5 * 1472 Galaxy Or . Dover Shrs. NB 6-42-2510 $739,000-fee Sat/Sun 1-5 *20-4 Via EbOli. Lido Isle. N B 844.9080 Sun 1-5 1120 Rue Grand Vallee, Big Cyn, NB S44-9080 $775,000 Sal/Sun 1-5 2109 Yacht Graylino. Seav1ew. NB 675-2311 $399,000 Sal/Sun 1-5 2901 Catalpa, Eas1bluff, NB 720-1211 $260,000 515 Cumberland (WMtcllff) NB Sun 1-5 540-1151 $240,000 Sal/Sun 12--4 2501 Harbor View, CdM 552-1714 $835,000 Sa 1-5/Sun 1-4 1436 Serenade Terr, CdM 675-5511 $3.49,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 10101 Cliff Dr .. Huntington Bch 963-8767 $158.900 Sat/Sun 1-4 3 IR ptue GUEST 2211 Waterfront, Corona del Mar 642..S235 $495,000 sun 1-5 875 Coaatvlew, Laguna Beach S44-7211 $365,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 4 BEDROOM 2708 LighthoU98 (HVHls) CdM 875-8000 $495,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1840 Tradewlnda. Baycrest. N,B. 6-44-9060 $395,000 Sun 1-4 3202 Oelaw11e Pl .. Mesa Verde, CM 545-9258 $139,500 Sat 11-5 3 San Sebastian. Harbor Ridge 760-1900 · S2.3 m1111on sun 1-5 1132 Ebbtlde, Harbor View Hills 760-1900 1750,000 Sun 1-5 201-42 Vlnttge. Huntington Bch 963--8767 $146.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 315 lr11. Corona del Mar 844-9060 $347,750 sun 1·5 600 Begonia .• Corona del Mar 631-1266 $585,000 SUn 2·5 **2804 w. Oceanfront. BalbOe Penln. HB 831· 1400 S725,000 Sunday 1-5 424 Be!We. Balboa Penln, NB 631-1400 $419.000 Sun 1-5 3182 Country Club Or. CM 645-9m $22.5,000 sun 12-i * 1915 ChubaaCO. Irv Terr. CdM 944.e200 $380,000 Fee Sun 1·5 1860 l<enhdy, Cotta Mela ~2313 S1:M,OOO Son 1-i 10181 Mer11mat. Huntington a.ch 963-8767 $129,999 · Son 12"" 4 M~AM M1 or DIN 225 TuW!e, Park. CM 648-1328 $1 .ooo Open sun 12-4 11971 Antloctl, TurUerock, IMne 541.5032 •1es,ooo Sun 1.3 21M2 Dlrigo, Huntington BMctl 112.-S 1175.000 Sun 1-i 14 Nltbor11ie, Herb« Aldgt, N8 t:s1-1400 u .200.000 eun 1-e **2311 llylldt, Corona dtl Mir 142.et35 11.115,000 8Un 1·5 •1ne PINY( ..... Vtrdt) CM 146.,, . 8380,000 &#1 1-4 222 VII Koron (Udo i.) HI 14MIOO Sun 1·5 ''°' Llllt, .... v ..... Cotti ..... -.t111 .. ,000 ""' 1-6 .. 220 Waterfront Dr. Corona del Mar 673-1148 $549,000 Sat/Sun 1·6 *30892 Cant9'bu11. Lag Niguel 675-9797 $350,000 Sun 1-4 3024 Cleveland, MNa North, CM 646-7434 $134,900 Sal/Sun 12-4 *9102 Annlk, Huntington Bch 962-5585 $155,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 1844 Port Charles. Harbor View, NB 631-8194 $319,500 Sa1~un 1-4 * 17 Muir Beech Cir. Spygla. CdM 844.9080 Sat/Sun 1·5 1441 Galaxy Or. (Dover Shor•) NB 548-S647 $420,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1132 Sea I.rt .. Corona del Mar 873--8550 $350,000 Sat/Sun 1~5 *3801 Topside. HVH. Nwpt Bch 644-9060 $365,000 Sat 1-5 105 Vla San Remo. Lido lsJe, NB 673-7300 5595,000 sun 1-5 18 Cherry Hiiia, Big Cyn, N.B. 644-9060 $1 .395,000 Sun 1-5 * t4 Burning Tree Ad, Big ~yn. NB 844-4910 $750.000-Fee Set/&.ln 1-5 1251 Surfllne Way. HVH, H.B. 6-44-4910 $299,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2106 Yacht Grayling. Seavtew, NB 675-2311 $398,500 Sal/Sun 1-5 2811 L0<enzo Ave (Meu del Mar) CM 831-7370 $152,900 Sat/Sun 1-4 3600 BkJe Key, Hrbr View HI•. CdM 644-6200 $350,000-LH Sal/Sun 1-5 10 Aockwren. Wdbrdge Gables. Irv. • 644--6200 $285,000 SaVSUn 1-5 333 Poppy Ave .. C0<ona csel Mar 760-().452 $598.500 Sat/Sun 1-5 s 1£DROOM * * 708 Via Lido Nord. Lido II. NB 675-6161 Sl.500,000 Sun 1-5 121 Via Firenze. Lido Isle. NB 673-7300 $695.000 SUn 1-5 70 Hillcrest, Big Canyon 760-1900 $1.595.000 Sun 1-5 219 Via Lido Soud. Lido Isle, NB 760-1900 $2,250,000 Sun 1-5 *2938 Carob, Eutbluff. NB M2..S235 $298,000 LH Sun 1-5 5 BR ptue FAM RM or DEN **824 W. Bay. Balboa Penln. NB 631-1400 Sl,495.000 Sun 1-5 19542 lndependenoe. Hunl 8ctl 982-5585 $145,000 Sun 2-5 1321 Outrigger. Corona del Mar 644-8200 $495,000 Fee -.Sun 1·5 * 1211 Crtff Or (Ctlhvn) NB 842-5200 $425.000 1818 Tanager. COiia Meea 546-2313 $275,000 1228 Polalla, Oover Shor•. N8 Sun 1-5 Sun 1-4 780-1977 $1.395,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 *9 Muir Beach Cit. CdM 831-7600 Sat/Sun 1-5 1448 Galaxy Or, Dover Shor•, NB 876-2373 11,400,000 Sun 1-5 * 1520 HtaNand Or, Wllteff, N8 6«-906b ... 55,000 SIUSUn 1-6 ...... , ... ... *938 VII Udo 8oud, Udo ... .. 9-44-8080 SIS0.000 lltJ8un 1-5 Orlngt C01M DAIL V ptLOT /Sunday, Apttt 18, 1982 *2e00 8IOetl SanU Ana Avt, CM 631~194 •129,SQO SaVSUn H-5 * 101 Sdlof11214, Verlllllee, N8 780-8817 '270.000 Slt/SUn 1 •. 5 *25 Canyon llland. Big Cyn, NB 873-7300 •m.ooo Sun 1-4:30 20204 PMCtl. Huntington 8Mct\ 982-2893 1110,000 Sat/Sun 11-8 4111,; Dahlia. Corona del Mar 875-5511 $275,000 SatlSUn 1-5 2 IR ptue FAM llM or DIN *501 St. Andrewa. Clltthaven. NB 873-7300 $169.500 • Sun 1-4 209· 19th St, Balboa Penlnaula. NB 631-1400 $319,000 Sun 12-4 2701 Hlllalde Dr. Hrbr Vu Knolla 844-8200 $285,000 Sun 1-5 397 Ba)'\llew Terr. Costa Meaa 983-8787 $210,000 Sun 11-2 I IEDROOM * 113 Aspen. LaU<el Pt. Coate Mesa 6-48-743-4 $137.000 Sunday 12-4 #53 Seaplne, Big Canyon Townhouse. NB 831-1.fOO $340,000 Sunday 1-5 2559-F. Elden Ave .. Costa Mesa 675-1771 $159,000 Sun 1-4 462 Trucha, Bluffs. N.B. 840-5560 $225.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 904 Lombard. Mesa North. CM 646-7434 $154,500 Sat/Sun 12-4 ' 501 Avenlda Largo, BMta. NB. 6-40-5560 $272,000 Sal/Sun 1-5 2118 Felipe, Bluffa. NB. 644-4910 $270,000 SaVSun 1-5 4 11 Dahlia. Corona csel Mar 875-5511 $325,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 TOWNHOUSES FOR SALE 2 llDftOOM 1208 Laa Arenas. Colt~ Mela 546-2313 s 159.900 Fairview and AvocedO. Coata Mesa Sun 1-4 542239 $137,950 Daily 10-5 3 IEDftOOM * 15 7 Y or1ctown. Costa Mesa 6-46-8398. 540-8048 sun 1-5 * 157 Yor1ctown, eo.ta Mesa 6-46-8398, 540-8().48 Sat·Sun 1-5 MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE 1 IR plus f AM llM or DIN 300 E. Coaat Hwy tt 113, Nwpt Beach 675-3347 $80,000 881/Sun 1-4 2 l!DROOM 300 E. Cout Hwy. No. 270, Nwpt Bch 675-3347 $45,000 Sal/Sun 1-4 DUPLEXES FOR SALE 21Rplue11R 427 Orchid. Corona del ;ar 873-«00 $269,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 2 • I llDROOlll . 2001 Klnga Rd, Newport Helghta, NB 831-1400 $415,000 Sunday 1·5 llRpM11R 1510 Aba10nt Pl, Bllbol llland. NB 873-&900 '535.000 Sun 1-6 ........ 2 .. **308 S. Baytront, Bllt>oa IM, NB es 1-1400 a.1.111,000 aun 1.5 4409 Seuhort, Newpoft BtlCft 138-3232 MH.000 SltlSUn 12-4 2914 oc.ntrom. lllelbol Ptt*I.,. 838-3232 Mel,000 81t/~ 12-4 I• ... ........ ~ ......... 87s.el00 12.200.000 ""'.1..s ..... , .. ,,,,. .218 Aubv ..... llllnd .,..... 1410.000 •llllT U1Rln UTA11 ............ ,.,. .. , ..... , ... , , .. . ., ......... .,.. ............ ..... .................................. .,, ... ,.,. .............. l ·•••ry , .. ,. .............. " ....... . ......, ... ., ...................... ...... ................ ,.... . ......,) .. .......... ..., ....... ....., .• tHfttr , ..... 111 tHrtf trl Htry, n11 ............................. ,,... lltlll• Uh 1111 .. H I h•re1a1 ... I .................... , ... ,2 ........ ..... """,.... .... ,..., , ........ .... ' ..,...., ............. ....., ..... ... LMct,WlllflHt• llH.81 .... I W, .. twt tlllet MtfL A ....W WUlllrt • 11t ........ .,.. .......... Sl,111 .... ... 1-4. ·~:=~ ..... ., ............. ., ..... .. ........... ....... Us1M fl. ltl. • PUii. ""' • " llAOI hNsMfll •lff 1M ft. tr .. MMll, I h•· ,....,,.... ........................... Pr1ee4 fer la••liah .. tf SHJ,111. -Wiii oUal ............ ; ...... ~. tif ......... , .......... AHt•ll11 ... l4tr1lll1 ' ... . ...... 2 Mtti ..... 2 ,....., 2 .. 1ara1• ,... •wtt .... , ............. , ... , ... , •• , ... ...... 1111, flHHI •• , .. un •••• ,.,. uu ............ . L.91 llU OWllO , .. .., ,. .................... 2·stefJ le ...... ......,, .... """· ..... kiPt. .... , ... , ........... 2 •afft• ,., •lflr18'· 1111 11 11• 11t. St1l11I 1l11s, 111 ''" .............. trill , .......... ,.,. ............. OUST m . OlllflCl&l lrT. b ...... ..,.., """" ,,.,.,,, ...... . taMhlle4 ............ ,, ...... ' .. ... .... ,........ ... .,...s1,111,ooo ... . 1.81 ISU-WITEI I llEOEIY lrtllUJ 1•111•1 II tath tltlU 0 wat1rfre1t" Ill•• wltat ,1., I •II• fer J ...... IM&• ...... ,mat• '""' "" .., , .. , •• , ....... t1t1lly ... ,.1 ......... , ffllrteptlf tt.11 u,1111111 ,, .. 111s I llel. ..._. ........ Jriw• 11111tr lllte • ..W's ra. LlnriMI a lire• •ltwt.W.. UMc • .,_ ..... ,....,, ........ ...,.......,. ,,,,.. ..... .. maTE-TEHll OMITI .... ...... Llpu ............. ., tr .. .......................... ...., .. ,., • ., .. 11 1.11 Hrtt wltat 11••11•1•& ........ ,.. ............. "ctil lictlft. ,,,., ... .,1t.,, ,,1, .. , ... ttrlllty. Tlill• ....., " ............... ' .. , ... '"'" ... .......... ~ ...... , ..... .... i11l1illlc l ....... ft.llastefMit1,twh , ... ""' fll ... 1111 wltti lwats rel~ ,_.., ,..., .... , ... , , ... ., ... ••l&M ... ,. ..................... , ... .., th •1terl•l11t11cl her .. , re11l1tl11 llOte4 ... fMee4 ...... ·-.... _,.. ti1tn1tlt1 lflll, Ftr I 'IH lll HI .,. ........ llMMl.SJ,111,000 IOUll YI IU Cll " ..... .., ............... " ..... 11 ft • ..,......, 2 lecal lets ... ,..., .... ... et ..... aM )ltty. Eart, """" rul4eHt .......... 114...., •• ~ ... .,.. WIM ,.._.,.,, ael41qs 114 latJt r1t••· 11,JM,111. UWI WILL ASSIST WfTI Fl- llll•L *' ..._ l"4. lnmETDUCE ....... ., ................... . .......,....,,... .......... 114 .... ....._ .. , .... M4 hat Jiii. fHI .... 111·1•. llUIFlllT-UllU .IUOI ....................... 2 ... ...,2 ........... rlOt ............. ,.,, ,,....,, .... ,It, ..... 1 •• 1., , .. 1. u u ..... N1-1• an• c•• a ''"' ... , ..... .,, .... ,_.., .... ltfNflH, 18 tattrt't tl•t ft tllHH Jllf Hiers HW, lrft1 ., J 1• larl&tl•. , .)Ht .., ............................. .. 1111lll1d ...... ' ........ ,..., ,... 114 ftr•al 111111 rt••· µIll Ylnf SOHOI. ............................ OI WITD-FIOIT ROW ...., .... .w2i... ... ,1 ....... ....,. ler11111 latallaa HI t1r1l11 h1l1 ,1 ... ........ le11, Setler will ntlst II flHI· ............ 1tailalllt • ., .... Ml.Ill ISL LOT • PUIS '"" "' ............... ,., ........ Pt11t ftr 1l111t 1 .. 11, at••• .,,,.,.. 11• ret4r te MIU. 111111• te $121,lff. ew .............................. MOIUI llAll LlrpllMs .. t ....... 1• ... ..... """-............. 01MH1tv .... 114 ..... .._ • tarTY HllMO. '" L.aH. 111-1• l.9llal WlTlll•mlY ..... ,, ....................... "' .... .. ..., ......... Lwat ... •• .................. ......., ............................. .,...._. I ,.,, H•tf l•el11fq ,, ..... .......... ...,, ,.. "'-'-' ..... 11111 ''• ............ ....,,.... ........... 11.-.. .... , ....... ................................ ............................. .......... ...., ...... ... .................. ,. .... .... ........ ,,, ..... ,.,, 111,111 • . .. .-; llllU • • II• II .............................. ............. , ...... ,_ ...... ~lhtat..L••·-·· 'Ill~~· ............... iiijiLI' Wt Un I attllt .. 1, 1 at --·I I I ........................ ··~~~ .................. ... ... .. I - r I • * 11ltl ...... * when you takeover exiltina lat T.D. Popular Birch Model with frpl, cen- tral air & the largest backyard in WOODBRIDGE GLEN . Only $134,900. 2670 San Miguel, Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752· 7373. *lllMALIT* Six howlll!I on one lot in prl.rDe rental area of Colta Mesa. All but 'one have fireplaces and have recently been painted. No deferred maintenance. Aak1ng $395.000. 9032 Adams, Hunt· lngton Beach. 556-1035. * 11.K ll1llllT * ........ _ Immaculate MONACO model featu- ring 2br/den, frplc & apa!! Low inte- rest financing available. $241,500 FEE. 2670 San Miguel Dr .• Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. * 111,111 llTI ITD Ladies apparel ahop with good luae terms. Located in busy sh opping center. Inventory negotiable. 9032 Adams. Huntington Beach. 556-7035. *"'•• Co.ta Mesa. Spacious 3br detached home with large yard. Freshly paint- ed. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-5353. * Tlllnll 11.2~ LIU * Only $20.000 dn on this apacsouilour bedroom, 2 !>.th home with soaring cathedral ceilings, Earthtone decor throughout with custom wall cove- rinp. Bright and airy country kitchen plus family room and custom patio. Offered at $154,900. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach 556-7035. n.::~~:ai la all you pay when you takeover existing lat T .D . Spacious 4 br ex- ecutive detached home. Featuring frml din. fmly rm & frplc. Only $213,500 FEE. 2670 San Miguel Dr .. Newport Beach. 759-1501or752-7373. *"""* * IEU11 * On brand new toWnhome! Featuring privacy. 2 mstr suJte & den/loft over· , looking hv rm. Only $123,950 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. •111,111• * Spacious ·family home wftn soaring cathedral ceilings and bright and airy country kitchen. With 4 large bra, 2 ba'a and a family room. It's a bargain at $1M.900. 9032 Adams. Huntington Beach. 55G-7035. mtY, lll1Y I YAIAIT .. , ...... 9.K amwnable financing avallable on thia tastefully decorated 3 BR town- home. Vacant & quick possession. 2670 San Miguel, Newport Beach. 759~1501 or 752-7373: *m1·11W1* On the water. Price 1laahecH 15,000 to $199,900. Owner will finance. Profes.- alonally decorated w/gourmet kit· chen. 9032 Adami. Huntington Beach. 556-7035. * Wl'fllflln -* Plnl11 .. Sermtional 4 br home smack on the water!! Featuring trench doon, frplc, profeuionally deoor.ated & private' SANDY BEACH. Only $249,000 & teller will carry A1TD! 2670 San MJ. pl Dr., Newport Beach 759-1501 or 752-7373. ........ ~. Sj>end thOlt romanUC evenin.p bU- ldn& ln the aJow of th1a mallive fire- place. Thii 1paclou1 four bedroom homt la ideally located dole to West- minlter' Mall and Goldenwmt CoUep and prlced·to Hll $119,900. 9032 Adlml, Huntfnc:ton Be.ch "6-7035. ..... , •. .. , ..... J br houae on lee land featurln1 hardwood 6oon & ahinlle roof with 11• uaurqble lit T.15. Priced for hnmedlaie aale!!! 3870 San Mlau.l ?M.1501ot752-7373. -------------Hout on Bt1 ont a OWMll MllDS COUIGIPAll •.ooo. lot value.. prtn. CASH 4 br:zlli, lam rm. ............... g @r, (2Jll41f.@V1 I Ir. I 81. + l Br. I Ba. lm.000 ()pen Sun lz.4 "11.LOCEANVJEW 1211 105 R2 lot. Do not US Tulanf Owner 6 bdrm, 7 bath home with Ill the atMnl· t111. Indoor/outdoor pool with tlldlng gl• roof. Sauna, attam room, 3 JecuzzJa. Play & game room . SorHnlng room. Gourmet kltcMn. 6500 aq. ft. ft75,000. •JASMlNECR~IK• dl1lurb teo1nl1 1.521 Ml-J1!3 OW!},!~!!'!,1'11'!A•1~Eo U~f~~J'i'w:nod~· •2M1 TOBEACH• ... _."IJ.., · -·1111! · Aalumr S70K VA In at Two beautiful Wool' REDUCED 1100 000 l31·3S30Wkdya. IPM~. 3Rr, f/p, Sll4,000. bttdae home a Either •br 3\.tbl Bay view 3 Br. l Ba. houae on lar1e Prine onl.t 54lM023 Hkr will con1ider equity Os!t/ti:ade/T 173·1148 b°kr ~175' 3 unit lot. 436 Beaut. 3 BR 2 Ha twnhlle, trade few your amall~r Hamilton. Do not disturb So Coast Plua pool Irvine property or' It 1 IYOWMll tenants. 1129,000 Hr Auumable' loun' like 1etting 111 cub to --""" Lido Ille baytront. Pl« and lllp location. 4 702 Acacia, Cdll.-1235K. 541-*l eves ' wknd1, S9S 900 SS 11 8 KR r.our loan One Is a 5 Bdr MUilve roonw; Htgh-arved wood cetllnct. Beautiful ocean and coutllQe views from every room. Built in tbe lai.e 1920'1, wu considered the "Main Houte" of a wger estate. Four bedtooml. Five ~tha. formal bdrm, 3 bath. Owner wlll carry with aub· atantlal down payment. $1,!500,000. daJI 1·5. S73·2041 131·3S20 wkdya. 6"·il»4 u.JUl1' home The other 2 Br Townhouse ocean ' a 3 Bdr + den with J' Mllllt.•f• Cir nlabt ll&bt vie;.. Coata IY OWMfl pnvate pool & spa Call .... •.. _ ,.. __ de&. F Y Bdocn vu. Mesa Bluffl. Flexible Colle&e P"ark 31>r12 ba for deta. i,ls Great OP· U1W1try r. 5 r. ram tmm. 175 000. 545-3115 llOQt home Super clean pon1a11ty. . & informal dlnini & gymnaalum. For appointment call: Jbn Ardttty (agent) 714-494-0791. Brand new and Juat llated In Newport Beach on the Peninsula. 3 bdrm, 3 bath, 3 atoritl. Ocean '1\d bay views from muter suite decka. Steps to 11nd 1nd'ocean. Priced for fll1 IC11on at $399,000. rm, din rm , atudy, ~~ -&i•y for you ' Stained I Ba, PoOl/1pa. malr awte l Br. P4:nlrid&e Cove Con alaaa, c.ustom paper, ~I Woodbr1dft wlhla' her aillln& rms. do, nurro. frpk , 2 car llftlY landscaped 12': D-·lf 1 ()po Sat/Sun J.5. Al\. fara1e w lope ner ~·stalk 957.9344 nu I VeeStinlonl31-7IOO 112, 5 O o Te r ro a 551·3000 JAS ... CI.. 56-3115. _ _ New orteana lbtr Con •m arrHn Pk•),lr•lw Guan! sate community. NEW CONDOS ai other do, 11 3Br. ZBa. r~. _ _ lmdla crt.a, PoOI spa• homu, NO ON t o ~· clbhH. SID. PRICE clubhu. hl&hh up-qualifiers. IO'X dn ,, ~d~~n only lllT YIUI • mNl1 _.,. Large sunny condo. 2 BR, 2 b1, commu- nity pool. CloH to everything 1169,500. Potei~ leue option. araded 2 Br + den 2 ba. pymts 1 year RCA Inv --::i..; RED UC ED fOl'l'NI dinln&. 2 frplct,. Manny,121-5939 BToro I OlZ on Oua Kendall Model 1t1 Pvt pool, tf.a • aaun1. 4 •POOL HOME ••••••••••••••••••••••• VUJ1ge II 4 bdrms, and RESIOEHTIAL REAL ESTATE SERVICES IAYIUlt ..... Understated elegance, spacious • BR overlooking sparkling pool/spa. Enlar· ged & remodeted kitchen with garden eating area. Picture perfect. Assume first & owner will carry lg 2nd. OPEN 1-4~ 1340 TRADEWINOS. IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 SACllFICI Me~ Verde Country Club golf coune estate. Prime frontage. 5bdr., 4 ~bas .. Cam & rec. rooms. pool w/spa. 4100+ aq. ft. Must aell quickly' $599,000 JACKIE HANDLEMAN 631-1266 WALK TO GOLP COUISI Lg. 4 bdr. w/pooJ & spa. Excel Meu Verde area. Assume financing. $286,000 JACKlE HANDLEMAN 631-L266 MOTIVA TID SILUIS UnJque Mesa Verde Loe. 4bdr., formal dlnlng, VIEW. Best value in area. $225,000 JACKIE HANDLEMAN 631-1266 $10,000 DOWN Move to Mesa Verde with Seller providing balance of financing. Sharp 2 br condo priced low at $94,600. ANNE McCA.SLAND 631-l2e6 MISA VllDI GOLP COUISI Custom 3 br 2 be luxury home on 16th fairway. Aaune lg. loan -Full price only $299.900. Call Anne McCaaland 631-1266 OCIAN VU DUPLIX Two lrg. new 2bd. 2 t.th units. Must acrtfioe for S38$, 000! Call Pat.rick or Fred Tenore 831-1266 or 76().8702. HAllOl llDGI Gorgeous 2 bd "Dynuty" w/vJewl Below market at $399,900 W/TERMS. WW lfll, trade or lie opt. thil week. Call now. Pat.rick Tenore 631-1266 or 760-8702. CONDOl f10K DNI 3 bd 2 t.th t>e.utlel: 3 avail from S976/mo Call Now • Patrick or Fred Tenore 831-1266 or 760--8702. CATALINA VllW I Superl> OCEAN VIEW from thla tpect.acular • bedroom, POOL home CAPE COD dntp wtth every amenity. t$90,QOO with FINANCING. Open Set 1·5. RAE ROD- OERB 631-1266. IPANllH VILLA W/POOL 1n CL1FFHA VIN hM roRMAL ZLIGAHCI and ar-t cal*dty tor entmalnlnl. a bedrooml and IUl\llY 1u'81 room. '349,000 with FINANClNO. RAI IODODS &31·12e6 ' Uialh • 2 a.. Cate: C>lflce. apts Owner hn1nce ..... tty.lltr 675-21'' Rml>deled duplex. 3 bdr house, l bdrm apt, 3 car ' 1ar Open house Sun 11.J 213 Ruby. Balboa Jslahd.. ~~wdcc!~59·120S wiill ·cat.hedral reilin11 NWi~W. to.! fllD rm PorcbH hne ~hoUHSat/&,niz.5 a.nd a remodeled 8-6nlhlnew2br,2ba been enclosed to In· ~· Sandbar kitchen. t .5% aasuma ble condo ~ 1 r r u red crease the lite or the · loan and an ani11ous wardrobeal l.ip &raded bedtooma S1tung room !! ro\Ua....1,1 owner. Only $110,000. caJptlln& and reramlr an MBR. Good IO<'at1on "" eaum.s:no. tiled kitchen~ll m11ke backs to major green· 0.., , 4 + 1 r. S20K thl ... _ • I "'"It s•«> 1100 dn 11 wume 10~ AITD. s a uo:auu 1t1rter ""' · .-. · ..B,OOO.&Sl-4286 1 home. CommU11lty pool. -~vo~~~ 1r::~:sc~~7: ---· ---S98,500 by owner 858-1770, 768-4M9 BY OWNER "NEW " CdM CST M BLT %100 1q ft Wik to CUTI USTSIDE ~-leoch I 040 bch, 38r. Sl'IBa . circular 2hol.des,1a-rge lot near h••••••••••••••••••••• stalrwa)'. akylltes, Bark Bay Make otrers P ellghtful 2bdrm &ardrnwfndows Asking or trades Asking townhouse w gar ms.ooo. @7.000. Bkr Ms.6266. Brighct. belaudt1rub1 end un •573 C~MJ)a·IRV~ OPEN Daily l·S ~ • ...,ERS •-MO HERS 11 oo e > s ea 6 M Id rnan • T breetes Lr11 t.1116t1ng IS 1n10 l.Wlder:presentrood1llon1 8,.,~ VA fo\'ull pnre 64M52l 13'1·8778 pl'IWcally the only way tUl6 Vlll Aot. SSS 6516 tb1t your son o r .!::~ !IL. -• dauchter ran own Lheir lJ 25,000 VA 120/o Lil. Ow.r Mltat W own home 15 thru your ~ >too 1q (\ 4 bcfrm H.aibor9lewllllls5br.3 help HERE ·s A boril!onnal·desar ba, bonus rm. fam rm. STARTER HOME FOR R E Profwuooals form1lchnrm $400.000. 1llEM 3 Br 2 Ba, dbl •n•~.,., S:I0.000 under lenders •P· gar, pool 157 Yorktown -~ ~ ~.642·1523 Ln. off Fatrview bel l•------•I l.'NIVERSITY PARK 3 BR 2ba twohse, \ iew. ipa, o~lltr will rarl") lge 2nd Ul9,500. ftt 0- t.ilA...', I NEW MULTI-LEVEL Fatr ii Wilson. Assume MUST SBJ. FAST ...... •ecti I 041 rusto• 4 br w ituut Isl. EXTRA SHAR p need ruh1J BR I'• ba ••••••••••••••••••••••• al&tt. oce.an vu. 1598.500 M 0 N T I C E L L 0 btl! r~ )'llrd Pm~ 1-------• Open Sat /Sun I 5 TOW, NHOUSE Opn redured to S97.500 Lo-. 7~~r Sal Sun 1 5. 646·8396, intere.tloan J~fu~'l ~~OOO 1-------• ~~O~lRJ~/N FR ED scoris~~LTY Cute cottage on &tan N ... u A~~IMR tkean view!> 3 bdrm. 4 ba. kit w ronvemenres. ram rm. lge garden. patio. formal din rm, lltt! hv rm Qwet cul dl'· sac S812,000 Owner dard lot 1270.000 owe Attr1ctTv';' Corona del C.M Triplex as IS fixer Isl.TD Broker u 8 .000dn.Sl44,000pnre 1-L..... 10 .... c.t:o-llt H_. Olarm1111 4 bdrm. 31'1 ba. 2 1ty Don Peteraon home. breakfast room , fireplace, many extras mJ!l.000 222 Coral Open Sat/Sun I 5 Wk da Appl Ownert~e s-892L mar Duplex redU(ed in wlusume 21K at 7~•': .,..,,_ "'"' price by motivated out + IJK at 12'1 Will carry ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ town owner Cute 2 3rd t 1,.,., ~ a V/f:.Jtr u~-~Pnc~Tooll•"h ' bdrm . house plus BYOWN R "•~""•o """""' ..... " 11e91r1te 1 bdrm apart .,.,,, . ...,... Try a mobile home ~nt. Terri fir valul' now Ptires rrom 124.00Q 10 -------• at 12e9.500 Owner wlll 1-------• 1588. Beaut 5 Star fin1nre with just 25'r Parle"" Pinanrmi.t :I\ 1111 MOITH LAGUNA down n.....n bouSt Sit TRADE Call Mary Gr;iham. al(t $215 000 and Su;;~ to 5 Stt 427 Gciff Coww U•llHJ PACIFIC OCEAN KL.TY tY OWHfl Ort'tudAve MVCC 16tt1Grfftl S.Sl·23lillorlS9 1616 Charming 3 br. 2 ba. 2 For sml bse or condo m I Low L D sty home on lee wooded CM. NB, HB . or F'V ' OW OWft lot 3 blks to bear h 673 441l area. 4 Bdrm J 8.i. 3 l"ar ATTIACTIYE 3001 Country Club Dr 1arage Woodbndi.tt> ex Playhouse ai renred 2 STOIY Open Sun 1 •PM er u t 1 v e ho me yard Try 135.000 down + ini>clern 1pt C·%l Agenu Ottperate ~eller will Ken Manh~U. 494-5057 nr baya, 1315.000 W /bltn m-8320 or 979•8373 take h11 eq1.0ty as rent _ __ _ fabubas financlna Save rrtd1t or m1n1mum rash FORECLOSURE SA LE sa. _ to rov~ selhn11: costs l:ndef' lender's cost So . ... llALTY A Dtv1i.1onof SACRIFICE SALE · Bnng )our c.'rtall\e or Lagwia P\1 estatt l80 IJIJt4J4-ftOI llc1rbor lnvntment Co Th 1 s Cinde r e 11 a fen i\)k for John I deg orean vu Serunt) dollhouse wltll herd wood [i ~ ooo ~2013 __ --floors has a S73.619 as ~i "'*lbrldgt • --Mele I 024 swmble VA loan at IO't 1 A steal' Sparkling J bd. 2 M••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• 21.65 Ra let h ~I patio. el. ia rai.?e. ..... ,..... I 007 I UJtttest ~allV ba rondo. rrpl. bum -------COUMTIY EHG. OPEN I 30 S~i\T 551 3000 pool, rlubhou.se o .. ner lntllhrr1"u P\•).l"I"" l"81'1')' loan Sl.58 ooo Peg SIM&UJDUPUX CUSTOM I TO SB.L Allen RJtr C94-l578 15'1...._rDr. liCl~AY HOMI Dev1~~~:,L~111e ,_ =----OP94 ••-AY 1·5 ownef/ hu spared .,.,. ......., Fantastic buy ' North Thi I -I ..,~ ~ end. J bd, 2 ba. l~e hv . • • a verutl e 2 no txpeNA In this new "' de. _.,, frpl. brkfsl area + gueat Bdrm 2 bath, 2 unit \.IUQue 4 8d J Ba home . r-,e-.U/Co.torf 3 Br+ en t>tlut ul ccfn quarters Wilk to bea<'h l'llMm. Fireplace In llv· DIO'aqftol'luxury llvln« NJ: 3ifil!m 112/bath do acrou from lake Assu~ loan. Owner !n& l°°"'' i :rred cell· w/too many amenities to home 1o very good rondl· ;~~fr~~~ e b>'wn':/ ~~ ~ help rm a ore $269,000 ani. onna . n ~room, list. Good financing. tion. Larse fenced bark Pe_g All!n.Rltr _494 7Si8 ~a~araJ~ oae to Aikin& 1315,000. For pvt yard-qi.Del street. near :.b7a 'l::r ~~~b>e~I c $3311, sbowlna call Glen ~f&,lng and school COTTAGL 642-5200 Heilwartb. a&U5f·NOO full prlre with aa Lakeside lht'n r a 11 BY THE SEA Ort'an A PETE BARREn . REALTY 1WD1ble financing plus. 6'T.HSI? Own. Hkr side & close lo steps to owners help. lovely sttluded bearh. JOO I AntOld Chis would be a perfect sttond home for the r1ty 0,. S-., 1·5 Wooclwida. Htw dweller Charming 1t 64Z..S2ff 2 bdrm and· d'in, f1111hly can be with ill roiy u P I r a d e d . P r 1 r e firPOlar 2 bdrm ai low ..sA Y•DI $~.000 ll'i dn S1n•leo 1· ·r e, 3 8dfm --iiOmf, 2 6athl. " maanten1nce > 1rd with A PETE BARR En REALTY sty, rullr shulltred. entertaining patio • dbl 1ara1e, all ln A·l frpk. atnum, nr pool. BBQ Owner 11111sted con Ilion. St29,$00. tmrus Open houst' Sat r. -.. ooo 111~ down. Owner wlll and Sun I 5. 1 1 Alder iananrma -· · &111.atl.n l'illancln&. ,._ ______ 1roovve-Q 8 k LUXUllOUS- r• -~-" w_ner r r 11 the word for th11 .., McCer41e, lltr. 1-------• dnlmat1c new home w1lh 1-----------t·---·~·~·~"~'•'---pimora-mtr ~n v1ewt north to south finest quality ronstruct1on tt11•011gbout with no de· tall overlooked 4 bdrms. 31, balhs tr sepaute auest quarters plus private sp1 ind deck off I lower level Owner will help finance 16115.000. Of9t SAT/SUM nmtDGE LMEFnNT •191 HOUSE* flTUVWNZA OMTHIPOIMT ama.o. ..... ., a3/=.=lo"r~I diDiDI room, larae patio with pa BBQ. double praae. Room for boat or RV. Excellent fjnanc· lnl. CloM to t.ennll ' be9dM!i . 642-1200 J Pl H ' BAR~~ TT REAU Y SZ4,000 DOWN StOIMOMTH buya tUi.roomy 4 Bedroom famlly home w/2 fireplaces. 1 warr.q family room w /wood beamed ullln&•· Decorator arcenla. f,U0,000. pttnclpalt OD• 11. Ooe'l delay, rill Dlaa~ Olan&. ~l·Vdlpe J K-W.~~!oer. t«aU.. tn.• dn. '1111 'a'*rall. No balloom. -7 ,OIO. Joyce Wal ae, •ll .... JOl6 ......... u. JY.t;l>owft, owntr car ria. Immaculate North 0.-Meu 3 Bdrm, 2 full bat.ha tin ,000 with in. llnancina on lst TD Jiat Uatedl needs fast escrow. Cal 54CM 151 .. ' > HERITAGE HEAL TOHS --- SUNDAY APRll, 11 NOONto5P M At these Loratlona • 19 Br1d&twood •SI Lakethorf' • Sl Lakeview • rr Sorin1wood • t Laltevrew·SOLD • S.S Lalleshore·SOLD REFRESHMENTS AT ALL. LOCATIONS ~&il.tttto WIN SlOODOOR PRIZE "'irlllorlMt'°" •od directions Call .LYMMMOAH OM.llJ.llH MOMAICH 'AY Ont of iJW . area I moat ex c ltln« homes .I Proreaalo11ally deroret· ed with outsllndlng white w1ter views . CU.tom designed •ilh all wood floors. family room. pla)' roorn1 all w l\aroued o.e poo 1ftd patio Wilk to pnvaw buch 6 rlubhouu. •• 17t4t 494-1 "' .. Ot'1ng1 Coat DAILY PILOT/Sunday, AprM 18, 1082 ........ Wt .......... Wt ... Wt ...... ,.,Wt ......... Wt OllierlMl•W. ~......... ,o..r~...... ~.~~ ........... ~~~!~~~ .. .. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ....................... ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ....................... ~················ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ...... )124 ~.... ... .... '°''Ml ,....... "" ._.... '°"Ml,....... 1069 ......... ,,.,...., 2000 _,,.,...., 2000 ~ .......... ??.~~ ~ ................ . •••••··~•••••••••• .... •••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~~;,;;.~•••••••••••••• ... •••••••••••••••••••• P.. S. I I 00 •••••••••••••••• • •••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• l.owtrThrffArch Bay ••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••~•••••••••••• Or•nre 11111 3Rr, dtn, ~.RENTALS Great ot"Hn Yltw. 4 Br. .,... ......... II~ OIO D~ Newport Beach Ott An11 trm d/r, apa, View U br •12UOlOS:ZOOO lrsklt Low down. ron· ~l .. llClffDr .... 1~, 1 bayfront Park. Mint _Yl .. ,lllT.... C1 t alln1 IUOO t lu 150-3314 o n 7 d~~ liderlradt. Owner/Ast. • • RllT llW YIEW .. w . •· xtr1 &e ot cond. '78 dbl wide , G-24.S 3 br 1 ba ten yd No 714/ 1144 0..5im6w l·I w/1uperb view Wiii fireplace bnck P•tlo, ' --pets ISOU/mo 3631 --LditifM'b-rr&.wood llW IYlll 'llLE tr•de for anything ! 1&1.ooo.Ala02 br ,2 ba.. ,.......,. J207 ~rSt suzigi • a~OCEAN VIEW lkilna. apUt rail fence ... Principal.sonly. 966.9097 double wide, corner lot Fixer "p 2 Bedrm house with bach. unit. In ••••••••••••••u•••••• .,.~ ~obel~h1 fro~ r,:;:youatlhla cuatom 0 d ___ $39,000 Bill Grundy Huntington Beach. On 8 hard to find "'Bdt. I bl k to beach. 2 Br. enrllld •.•rage, BR h ·L una . Open beamed Uv· cean an bay view Veraalllea con· 87S_!l~l, • r~.?,rly, nu crpl. no J>t!lt Cli~ts. dr1pca 773 w .::emro 1 aree 11· ln1 room with hu&c domlnium. Large 2 BR 2Ba LaTour plan IUYNOW double lot. Priced at land value. $149,000. lfil..6752010.6 9PM Wilson N 0 p d, suma<>PeriSa~/~n f.~0• brick rlr:filace, huu with flttplace. Beautifully uptraded and PAY LATH Low low down. Sml 2 br houu. park1n11 J.\ZSirm 631:.~ Ill Hillcrest Dr fi~llmly a lvlt1y rdoom, ready for ln\medlate oa:u..,.""", *270,000 I •EXCIJIN" * spare. yrly ltalle Non ~,. t'OOdo newly der 3 U .... tabl ... • swim ne poo •n spa. ..--J • l.liSf O"ION · • srmker 620 Clubhouu · nu..a ut.10.000 Above l1r1e 11r1ge Is with excellentfinanclJll. LovefY upiir1 d ed & .... 5* Ave Open Sal/Sun r. 2 b<t. pauo, rrplr, BOAiEC ANY O N •p1rtme nt w i th F.astbl:Jf 3 Br 2 Ba ,With or wllhout turn, lt .. trlllthTa..._MO-.... (2 13 19311 839 7 , R!JOl.1arje50~406L 411i4~~y S{>aCious ocean 1nd b1y OPEN SAT/SUN 1-S Family room. 0 1n1na atx64 Gre.!nbner llomt' , ... , t2131934 3675 M&SA DEL MAR --__.:;:;• ----view. Fee land. 101 SCHOLZ, #224 room, trplc S26o.ooo In Lleuna Hiiis nicest s 3 BR 2 Ba. ramaly room Pouible 1260.000 fin1n 642·5200 BARBARA KASTLE, UNITED 2001 C11t1lp1 120-1211 star puk Yoong adlls 2Hr. 181. 310 Alvarado !.f!..repcl~~.: poolo 1,'.~h100n1n15e available 1t 12.t r4 effec BROKERS .,_.,.. 1tu1..a 1 ll welcome Pl ...,.,, mo. inr l ulll "''"" ......, , live rite Panoramir VI~ ~.. Olltof~ ,,,.,.,., Im rm lease C.11 8111 otean vm condo, 3 Br l ..... 17 lll-lll1 3 8t Npt Crest Condo. Bea~f1u1t.~'~weal rr,op;'fy .. f 2550 Q.lll~rm S7IO Gold 642·5200or m 4396 2~ Ba, 2 blks to beach. SU K down, OWC or llm 2ar, 28u Thill 15 • ••••••••••••••••••••••• tor-.. Mw 3222 e\15 Allumai>le loans Seller •• • • •••• • • • !.• • • • f trade for ama lier SH 11 the best buy in town APPLE VALLEY ....................... f?.:. motivated. Joe Baker: Z2 Goodwill O~n Sun ,. • .usic 1 82 aere. mountain vu. Xlnt 2 br. 2 ba . SllSCJ 2 1475 lrwft. 4IN-as&5 9 000 der duplex. Newport _...rete MOllLI HOME " ~ter.Clurman• OI I ~""~ 1-5 8t0-DllA -~ le vel bu1ld1n11 ~llt 121314SOl960wkdts Aj,'l im_,J31·3032 -===-=:.:..==-=:.::1 "-==-r • Beach, super l~atioo 4 R + fam tm. 3 Ba, ·~-,,.~_. Ulllll1es Sll,200 firm 17)4)64097~evs w nd 2 BR Ea•b1de. $.S75 mo IWll •• ......., HAllOlllDGE $625.000 Open 12·4. fpl~. 2 blka to PCH. OPIHUT/SUMl~4 SALES Own/Agt71424S 7304 2 br.1 ba.den.2 trpks.2 S350secunt> Av11lnow "'" ~ 2 8d •'bynas· Sat/Sun. 4409 Seuhore plltiol • 11111dttk. pnced 270S Hubor. Ste 206 A ltedl Ttf,..Ht ..Qll!ecGood l!.lve!!_menlb rar &er . l&e ~1110. ne~ MS 2!171, 613·4899_ lmpo~l'L l e vel ly"w/vu! Below mitt 1t Wkdys ~4 06l4. Eves toaell S14UOO wJ:IM1~,,.~000 540.5'37 S.Ci..,.t. Olltofs+ok ly 517 01nae1111 Nner bl'fore a rental •ctiltedure 1n wood & l»l.900 w/terms Will 838-3232. c-.. ... .,.... Lovely 3 Bd rm plu1 $145.000 price. 22·~ rro,.vty 2'00 SI~ rm 644 1003 Cu~lom derorated 3 &lass design. Locited aell, trade or lease op· ~IT ~iul.!.HTS Fee ·Newpor'l -swore1. 4 family room. located fn Dble wide 2 br, "' ba, down. wumable loans ••••••••••••••••••••••• • Sma 11 1 b r > 8r 11 Bdrm with aardtner high above L11un1's tioo this week. Call now. o:;..~:r, dean BR. 2 RI, owners unit pruti1lou1 We.ate Ii ff. '172 ipace rerit Adults, Own tr w ii I l'8 r r Y BLACK SANDS WT ~waey good tor slng'I; lll:.'i01mo SS&-O:W7 homt' fa.med Rlvieruo11tline Patrick or Fred Tenort. a.ntique type house. 2 Br. w/lge master IUJte and Mlnut• lO the burh anw ll pell. Qwet H e str11ght note bland of Hawa11, mus• or cozy t•pl ss25 No "O Features 3 bdrm floor -1281 60-87 l 8,a. SOXl 17 lot Luce beamed clgs 2nd unit 3 Owner anxlOUJ and ~ill oorner lot. S27 ,500 or SHI •melt ~11:...@!00· 63! !i64j ~ 752 S822 or 641 1460 Older 2 br, 1375/mo No pl111 with CK'Hn view. dehc be d cu•ce 8R 2 Ba ..... blltto PCH ~wllhl/lef1nanr11111 btst 0wner847 2954 $220,000 30'~ down . L Co I I burned ceilings & hu&e • 1179.000. 548-5041 eves & l280.000 For u appomtmt nt lo -~ Owner w1h carry 1 years lted ghlfe Coda Me'IO 3224 cragd 642 u:s; on y st.onefirepl1ce. It's • re· wtmds,631-3$20wkd s SllTRO·STEN E tee callMCJ.11$1 AnJUous to sell SS400. at 10'•. 21, blockb to &ch.gt 2100 ....................... sl11 ' . --alpriuw1nner1t: · INVEST. ' tmy lr1iler.sp1et•S12S. sand ••••••••••••••••••••••• HORSEPROPfo:RTY U:>vely ffrand new 2Br. SltS,000 VIII ..t.l~LIO• -~74or"4·10!M gas & water Stores, 2 l>nvate Party wishes to 3 Bdr 2 &, loeated in 21,ea. tr plr , 2 l'lH ~ A OOslUIC$, ocean bree1.es S. Clt..-nte ext·hange luxury San s A llgts 1800 sq ft garaf(e w opener, both MllUU PllCAl !Tv IAYrla<ri~ Wt,SLIP 2 Br· 2 a · f rp Ir· ~ults. 642·8388 l2lt.OOO pri c·e · 20'' Diego Condo & eash for home 17751 mo Ca II bdr m~ a re I & mst r ISSIONltE~L I "' washer/dryer hook·UP wu"ED down Ownerwilli·arry simllar home or t'ondoin T ra d 1t1 o nlll Rll) SUlll'S, pl'rfeet for MSS. Cat Hwy. L111un1 42 boi Co es Leasbeed1 · 0 ver looks Ml : 3 Years Old Qwet. dean 5 yrarsld111 f'!•: • nf ine Ne wport Bt>ach area 631·7370 Ask for Jim singles. easy terms S79S ft4-Glll OpenSunday l·S green t 1189,000 As· pu k Reason11ble )ears o 1250 sq t 3 17141275 6446 0r642 3944 mo D>s 850.977 8 . -----Su~r fin1ncln~. low sume 12~.'k 30 year Hart.Or View ~·7509 Bdrm 2 bath owners t.g t."astside 4rm. pet ~1 3114 --------i ~ wlll buy thtsh well loan 714f7'19.5~ "P.tott.o, So.rwt, T·M-T 5 MOBILF. HOM ~:s umt Want lo ueha nge St> pallo & u11I pd S3SO OPIHUT/SUM 1.5 ..,..,led 3 Bdrm ome. ,.,_ or MotthcJo 1312Do•erDr. $16.000 S42,500 Low CallJOllNTUCKER acresinOregonbetwun <X:RENTAL.li 7S0 3314 2 br. I ba . sgl gar ~ATH YU Qu1llfied bu)' er can $15,000 DOWN-M~I. FEE LA Mb. O... s...t.v 1 5 spare rent c M 641l l!Qa21 213·436-975' Grants P~s & Medford ZBr 1,, Biii SS25 13511 rro A\atl nov. ......... -,3 Br 2b1 .... ~T'lheterms 'Vaunt MEW,.O RT 64•'-426 Yoli,f .llnd -at·eifl'nL 714.a3•9393 trtts.stream.part Hw> 2Br t Blll uJwl 541165.JO_ c""' •w T .,,.. readg now. ~.000 I EACH ... finaneinf v. 1th th1• nl'v. Rnldtl & sunny 3 Br 2 B.i .,. fronta~f' $300.000 'alur ..,..., ~• ...... t qrlrs. Clos• to ·~1· ... -1-"' ~ -"·n rm & dtn ("ntral f B h Both un1h p.irt of a 3 Br 2 Bl rrptc. nev. ..... " ''"· IAICI ·---Wt"Strbf hsllnl! It's a w w t or ev.porl e a r . I-' I If •-I •· ~ rp l owotown L1e una 642-5200 Ow ntr m us t s e ll 1•we l of " hon1• 3 ly lor aled in Ut'L"XL' PLEX Calta Mesa. CdM pro .. pu :l\tlllrlllll'I>• pain •,a e L Problte$36S,OOO d h cair.•r1VE .. ~ L Weslnlln!tll'r Sho•n b\ • " r:.4 ,,.,........, pallos Trad1tional Rily ordener HS 6986 gorgeous con o t 15 '""' Bdrm .ind den v. llb · T"" Met.a Verde loca ~Y.o """ '""" • 631 73'70 Ask for Jim 642 ~ 175Coeshlew ~·Lease option con FfMAMC:IMG I ,.armth ilnd ro'mrOrt ~~lby o•ner only 117n • s harp & good Will t rade duph•x on ~ed. All ne:, in plus 11ilv1n \fefti Home Quality featurl.'S round -ttrm.-. Auume loi n Balboa Pl'ruruulu for J ll ONE OF 2 BR. den. f'P 2 ba condo CAU.644-7211 LI • uruq"% P•f UJ~• 1nexrlus1vt Bayrre~t I '" alum1n11 hardwood lfT"SMAKEA. DEA.l I "UWl'lt'r helps Ask S290K. Br horrr E's14r CM or THE LUCKY FEW ~w~~~J~JssA\ail M • 5 1 a w 1th b 1 )' "' 1 n d o.,. "' E W F. ST d 2 O - 1?"5p' opeo224pSn VI I ' S:J75.000 Subm1tterms Ooors. ('()Unlry k1h'ht'n Pnnooly ~ 549~1366 NJ!l HIS 6316223 Rent 1n Coslil Mt\a's l•--------1 Huert1 Call J tan 631·1476 ~amed reihnl(~ & dou Sp;.r 3Hr 2ba,h11thl> up 2Tnpl txts lrit un1ts.p\'l a..tciils •• · t .i lt •• Execull\t h\•ing ~e• I I 714mo-0168 or Cont lo ble hreplilt·e Cloi.l' 10 graded. bt lov. mkt pat105 &1:ar Pnn only ....................... ~gM~~~rTv'12Lk~~~ Orltans Condo. Large ; w~· ·~! Coast Real Es tate. I ~rk • and H hool P'!ce $139K •9411490 .._..,.,,...d 2' D -16001800 fl I t'fldurul,3Br 2Ba, frple . ...._ 213fS5S.3C*> ' '""' 1 ...._ . .sq 0 pallo, pool r lbh$e. wlk SACRIFICE. V lctor1a Lrg ' . auU u de· · ·"""642_5200 2 Br2ba supt"r f1n.m I <.~~ i1!r& ~u8~~x3 fp~ ;::_·:·1:.:;.;•0 ••3••1•0•6• purt luxu r> G11ra1tes 10 s hops 541 644 6 Beach uu lot Grut ror. ocean. bay & liles :3 Br 2 Bl. rimlly honw in ..., h .. f 1 -h)dro tubl. in muter «MJI03 cout.al view. level p1d. vu. Nu pool, spa & muc h ~ the Heighll W1rm used rnr 2ba up1tradl'd mu,t I 1e11r . 11.11 .. e roo . l' o~e ••••••••••••••••••••••• su11e. d1n1ng room'. walk to be1ch. Under • rrDre. Assume low int bnt'k anglfd frplt', shut settll'l'Slate Tovtin.in I m 6.14 Cenler SI Great 3 br, 2 ba .... ll&r Mu to .,.oodbummie f1replart>S . .,_.,.. 3226 '1'0'l'ld util Big reduc.j w1~nns. Onlf $376,500 Im. French doors lead owntr oerup1ed or 1n rro SllKKI + )l'l' "'~11 m1 r ro .,. a \'l' 0, e ns. t~~··•••••••••••••••••• ti on to 11 3 s . o o o A lr1de wil be con· ing 10 pa 110 It spa. Just Red S2000 :.!II r :!h.i . veb l Asl> u me 9 '• 'i M~ I 644 9804 ~n\'all' pall~ & y anh µuPU:X F:xtra large 3 Owner/Broker49J.9516 s1dered. Be st a rea .., ~umeloan 'Tllelmll, a~'l 1626 7357. ,._-L. Gardtner provided Brr~ 2SKIB hv rm 2 ' nlue. C1ll P1tnck or ... u .ooo. I 9111 (1711 _.. Mffo 3124 Fl I I I 15 . . a..,....,.. 1052 Fred Tenore. agt 5PREST1GIOUS VleJashin1k1,brnker Sgl ~o + cntl •w1rl'h. J • ••••••••••••••••••••••• ,;.!~~~ ;:~i::; ~~ftuon fullb:.bltm k1tch,plush ••••••••••••••••••••••• 631·'.,..orT""_,,, HOMES OPEN FOR --_752 SJll ,.. 724 a mes St . Co&ta New 3 Br 3 Ba Condo I I _ .. 7 SC cps rps, some ocean ._ _..,,.,,. $28.950 Mesa 'plcx. S260.000 StSOO mo furnis hed s a'"'· minutes to v1ewl6SO 49S··l490 Vl~~~~?~J~-6 UDO PIHIMSULA l i,'40/oilSUMAIU Call Jane Agt 551 3061 firm tli OOOdn. 673 7787 SlUOO unrurn Mo to Mo Plaza or 0 C Airport 3br .. 2'• b;twnhse. lols of Bye>Wner. 2 br. 1•. Ba Prieed befow mlit. ..t. ... -f 5_._ 1200 renia l Isl & la•t Just east of Newl?ort 1Trafal&ar.48rSBa All new inlen or. Pool. Jasmine Creek Condo.-~ or -0 Bhd &so of San 1>1e20 ameruttt'll,S750 6615824. SUPalYALUE 4 SR 2b-•. bu ms . 2 frplc's, boous rm. patio w/spa. Dbl gn, RV Pool6spa.$1,895.000 ne1r water Owner 2Br • den. gu arded ••• .. •••••••••••••••••• JI JOI.LA PTS 5;:perb l()(·a,uonh. next to FTwy Starting at S900 a 637 0706 24 Lucerne. 4Br 3 Ba fin1nre au1I SS0.000 t II t •IOA.cnt• .LA A ~ oppm.: t eaters month 631 5439 2473 BT IMMfllATI re~ooo 38 3 B C.116'7s.738lor 6!.J 3164 f~ :s ,8 0.0 ~ me0 1 W 1t5 Running strums, oak u• :io Unit Bldf(~ ~-4968 ~range A' e Cu11 1 a ••• !':!•••••••••••~?!.~ park.inc, dbhsc, Sy lV1n -------- seWni. imma r $149,SOO Hattum It Horn R.E. ~I POSSISSION ienna, r a . OwnerJ •gl 640-6188 trees. exrtllenl '1ew Slep1 In Wmd ·n Sea fniM · 3144 l.'Sa 2BR. 2BA almost nev. 10% down, payments $C'1SHAR,OOO DOR VJ PW llG CANYON luvl~TOllS Owner wiJI car I) full Rurh SI 16 m1lhon & ••••••••••••••••••••••• Seporute ho!lle ea-t"dl' rondo 10 El Toro unyon llSOO/mo. It issCssible .... PUer Uwer Calf Aient "' pnreS45000 Agent 12 • m1ll1on Stlltr L~·""'~Oll 2 Br ta.. r11>ts . d~s Community poot, spa & •Fl.H• lD own lo I rm 2 1749 Prt. Henley, 48r. for pt Cl d Newport errace. JBr. 6i6 S717 "' "-~~ j h d k E view DOme b ve y . 381 spa. S3f7 soo • p au In I.' lllJ.900 or Sll5.000 t'Hh aft 5 ill 2139 11n1nc1t1g v..·ean Vll.''111!\ LEA.SE onlOM stove. "'u t r ry~r lml\IS courts $650 mo r::;buy this aS:.~ ttory, NB. Back B1y , SEAVJ.EW. !MflS4-~--& YOl.I pa) all elosll\J .., Cllllt':9ay, Rod or Chip. 3 bdrm:-1•, bath Wood op. fncd )ard i•nrlsd 21J..493-ll51.._!!!:!!t·l170 bat1ompool•sp1 ~c:r.'S:.:,2~1991 1917 Ya<'ba Truanl. 4Br. Aff .... I CO.U We liave dependa · ...._Pr.,.rty 1400 bkrs, 3779995 bn dge C.ondo.rurn1shed. g ar No ~s n o ,,_..Yeley 3234 ~Sun. I ... 30892 C.n· ------="'"""';;.;-....;==----3Ba. '52.$,080. A DO Jr ft\ I L F. I ~tenant We must sell ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1mmarulate. SIOSO mo •aterbeds1 d mo 1+ ••••••••••••••••••••••• 67S-t79'7bkr ~MOIEC•SH JUlllootfortheL1nfo HOM E PARK , oo thl.' next rewdays ,wanl S • Pool ' tennis A\a1I serur i > e po11 Oc....... w;.. YOU Sill ~~oc.•11 '44·'1020 for Bay 1 bdrm, dtn. 1 ba j da1 esero11o 496 7'13'7 Best LICatilR! nov.' Ajent67J.7300 ~ ~or 770 5629 3 ~o:':~R ~Jso :>N"si ,£ 1tTl> ~-··UU '60.000. 2 bdrm, 2 ba s.a..• 1076 Sellttsw11l 1>l3)1nl00'. szo.op,ooru Super \ltllt 2 + 10 2BR.lba.l(lfV.Shr W,D F'en red y a rd s & 127SIC (uh-u1ies-S400K nOMES I WILL AC· 300 E. Cill Hwy Unll 113. ••••••••••••••••••••••• buytr may hl\ll' up lo I IO N~rt Break e\ en pit furn MO\f' To V. llh a 220! (' Pl1<'t'nl1a 545 7983 ;,elr°'o me 545·2000 FendMlre ~ EL C ·• S48.000 2 Bdrm S2S.OOO I leased off1rt bid it or &os Ottan ront uple~ I Tur11erork Rid111t Com Hk up no pl.'I~ S4U •araoes Kids ' pets equity. 11.075 mil. g~~ .. r~~o~•snN~ Lingo Newport Bu ch Bkr I ,,.. ........ Hh. S600 ~q fl GOOI) polt'fltl•I, Wlll lrwdr for loolhbrush' Sl3SO Agt 3 bd rm z h ll A(ent,noftt - Ownr a . l.f61--0893 TD. NOT'"' INST""AD ...... ..._ ~S-33C7 ; 2 Br 2ba. I ltvtl. IX't'lln pos1t1\'e i•ash flo.,. anytlun1t !IG&-90l'7 7525fi611 v.ater au dener inr l "" a:. --..-l y1 ew S30,000dn S911000tulo'~ Pen -.. E.tctt4Br 2storypnnll' L*...... 1055 OF CASH SO THAT ·-------1121.500 ' SM No_peu 644 2778 aru Sl200 mo Bk r " ... ~lm-laOOOn & CompJn' o-LL.......,...a... 2200 PLUSH 2 Br 2 Ba. """I. ...... ,.,,.,, ••••••••••••••••••••••• T H E S E L L E R IDIAl. "'! PlA.n ..., "8f> .,_ -I ,....,,. 2BR nr SC fllu Adult ~, ... RE C EIVES MO RE Ternilr-N.Blufffo(at1on 4ce 3Br 21, ba. (rpk, ••••••••••••••••••••••• spa, tennl!t. lakc SllSO rondos. Qwet S56S mo ~AT THE CLOSE For aa.le by owner, Clitr oo beaut greeoblt Great patio $40,000 down. C.Whryloh/ OCIEAMYIEW! Ltast>_or lomo ~5981 Gasinrl S561626 ~-·edl 3240 'Alli PLACE OF ESCROW. CALL Haven · 3 BR twnhse. 2 family home 4 BR. Sl41.000 Ctypti I SOO Wtlh pl1nJ Dnve by 48 1 ~ •och l 141 )louse horsl' OK 2Rr ••••••••••••••••••••••• ESTATES F o R o ET A I LS Ba. ~der room. eomm bonus room Wilk to ten· 2•••Pl•OlS•••••M••••••••1••••:• A1t1a Vista W1y, then !••••••••••••••••••••••• ~,;., 20202 Birrh St 5 =~~:.;~•R,:'l'o~'n2 tlt/kllj~A~ WITHOUT ANY poo . Anume 30 ,tr nllclub •nd •hopplna Pmt00c!!eV1tLot . emor1a area. r11Agent 5406240 La• lkhfrontrondo.3 SantaAn1 Hat1os516931 ""'<l\Mo Plush r rpts.2•t OBLIGATION. CRAIG Sl.20,000 lat at 13~., ;4 • Subrnll0ti1281,500L/tl Levt l. 75lll20 . Tf"rm11 . Mar Chapel. Now sell br. 3 b1, pool, tcnni!! o.· """"" G~. AGT. 758·1221 Sl511,SOO. Prine only· '4M25' lt~.000 111g for SS9S r1rh .Will t'-'I• DeMrt, 12131705.2228e\'~. E Side 3Hr. 2Ba. ram rm Ba <Adar & glass. sun· MODEL 64S-4165or631·0360 sell 1450 ear h t-:ve~ lesort 2400 --w frplt'. fn rd yd . derk. dbl e 1r en· ~EVERYTHING c/A~~·~'tJi'/ A.ABEACHRLTRS 642-8502. .. ..................... Mlwpor+•ocli 3169 aardf'ner. t·ph. drps garage. fully ma int. Cul-de-aacstreet UDOI~ "3(17No.EICamino Real PALMDESHT ••••••••••••••••••••••• "90ll rm tlll & last + yard Nopeta lnq_uireat Sun•SallllClub :t~·:~l~~i l/~uae~ UJ:l.JO.O C.:-rcial Sglestyendunit 1nSom FIHlSTllG S400 217 Rob1nhood 1,n ~18th St ~.@..31 ~n:.i1nc!:ter kitchen. lge ator1f e R EA LT Y • noperly '600 mtrset. l~e 2 lir. 2 ba. CAMYOtOIEW Wl-17J7att3PM llugt• Bdr 3 81, Stl5CI 1210,000....ltbSl&o,OOO %~~2Er,.~.:s,r.:J. areas . old wo r d 15,000llLOWAPPI •••c..;·cc:.;;~·Mt:~;.•••• huge hv ld1n rm uta. Ptl\'aey & security on Sonn) 3 Bd rm. 21,ba Near beaeh Malloy lt ~fl.xedrate6 ~r-...-.oooe ... r. craltsm1nship, French I~~~~~~~~ Luxury -3Br ~ 2'<t 8a, Jut"' ea11ni:aru.lndry 2nd 1-'alrway F.l~antly t:s1de "''Ith ya rd. dhl RJtrs960-4342 f··"y1-_,r11--"'. ..,,.,,,..., " ......._,4BR3''"8a. Fa ... 1-1~•'.t f1nanr1ng, ocn 2200 SQ.It bu1ld 1ng. rm.2rar.enrl fllr Up rurn1•h•d Ltas • • I M Si "" IUD KU omGoUler &4f."9200 """'" ~ .. , ________ v 1124,IOO su1taWe ror bulld1njt ded f i" " " " gar n \al I) I 95 Nur Siiier " Spr NopoiotsorquaUfyin& ::rd~~c~ut'~o·c:~~c,: TERRELL RLTY rontractor. uphulbter). ~~o pool &•~;~~1~r r~!~ $3600/mo 640 45111 w aardrner 631 1094 mltdalt. 2 'llory. 4 br 110-0347 lil.IOAPEMJM. wardrobe in mu ter WESTCUFF c•YE 491-lW furniture rt'pair ~. Nr llwys 74 It Ill As IOrtanfront 2 br. I ba. rltan Ltase GOO mo --Owntt--/•Ali&•en•t--1 ffeiiftt country Fr. Stile. Boal atol'l&e. 400• plumbing contra et or. sume loan & seller v. 111 garagl.' No pell A\ ail I MEW COMDOS 840-1188 home Brud new ' to clubhouu bu<'b. OPEii SllllAJ 1·5 s..-. etr. 2050 Charle St carry 2nd $1 22,900 now to June 20th $550 A.,RIL l{ENT f lt£t; ex: RENTALS superior qu1hty. Opo Ownr/agl.1'7>7211 c.,...._ 1071 Sl74..500 ~~S rrD Uolj>d 6462510 j f'rtshland Zbdrm ron 15brsS200 toS2000 Ml ,..,. •ectt I0'9 dally. Zt4I Miram1r. 133 Via Undille 1• ~-1._ ••••••••••••••••••••••• · ~rrett Rlt.) 642 5200 Parll Cit) Utah Condo t 8 R. condo . puol d o m 1n1 um s v. 1th 1SO-l3l4 o~n 7·da1s ...................... •:"'· Joyce Waltu, Open Sunday 1·5 _ ... ,. L4PIW 4 BR, 2'1 ba, 2600sq.f\ "" Ba I b o a I s I a n d Owner look 1 n g for Ja<'UZla. RYm. billiards j ftreplares '"~ 11Rhl5 \'ACANT.0.EAN l BR --------i ... MB LEASE OPTION =:!1~'::!{,, =g:~ ~ •ctt lot S'l96.000. IN . Repossession 1425,000 partner $8000 up front. saun1 2A hr 5t'C' Gtrden pal 10 ~ • n d Z e ar 17141325·2624 Thu·Sat DOYB SH091S TRADE.SALE firepllces, tarie f1m1ly CaU496-Ull8 -~~·: & hv qtrs Al!\ 11of $483 mo 642 0671 '"w SS95 754·411•. garages 121J>447 768)Su_n Wed t Br. Diil. rorii\aTl)fn. Low dwn, lrg au uma room and much more ---' 642 ~7.Kate SSlUoS5tS i!rl&l'ldnew 3br.3b1.dble ift&Room,2Fl.rtplaces, ble. Excell term1 •Secludedpool 11zed lot .. ..,.W.0.t AlfUYALUY llA.TIMA.ATIOM! Euc:ut1\'e Big Canyon 1872¥0nrov1a car ltlr . 3 frplcs 3 car aan1e + larae loc at ion Vi r a nt. withm.1n1 ocean 1nd bay 4 ffdmi. a~ba-eustom TaSlttlhr ~~~t~~'!!~;o~se:n condo.tormermdl.2 Hr Costa Me1 Guden t r i n e l ~Room.Poolsiud OCEANVU!NDUNIT 10000144-0eM view home with ma n y Near ntw 4 plu , 2 Diel)o Gated ruort fullgolf roursevu.spot j 631-5'09 SIOOOmo 8918997 or lot. 6eaut. landlcaped. Prl.me toe. 2 Br. Tri·lvl Pnced 1l sm1ooo Good ltnfnlties In excelleot bdrm. 2 bath •aeh unit mmun l n... , less thruout Avail 6 I MG-5432 Owner will ..... , at NptCrNt123S,OOO Bkr. BAL ISLE ~· IV•l able Call al'u on approx ,,., arre. ' co . 'Y ..... u n View u~ 1st' 644·7'2.4 Bkr. i--~~----- finaodfta. Only fU0,000. T"omGoUier 648·9200 _._., 'A1k ing 1299.900. ~~fi~1r1''a~•·9~n~los1s'f !'!.!e_rpuple720or12'1r1ade CONDO t bd f II MlSAYHDI 4 br. 2 '?!·ram rm . <>PenSat/Suo 1·5 OMIOf AllMD . . UNDER Market by p:.· ~11h" fiow' 'Now _,_, ' rurni•h' td sre"!!uruity'I 4 bdrm. 2 ba. rimily 1_pa<'IOUS .. ,chnl. 1custo1 m ROOmtoa:Realtor ·~-:,,igw~iiJ~5:0: Off'OITUMITY ~·\ f • ST5,000 All nffers ron· 1159,500. Bill Grundy. "-9--J(Wenal pool."sauna. '°under ' honw.QwetArH .Av111I ~:,.~:~:rpfi.w{/o~t: --•lii41iili·ii6illlli7 __ 111 Grad pymnta. 912,1227 fr ,.,. ..... I wr. / aldered. Rltr,f1$..&161. O...nNp 2450 ground parking. Much I mmecflattly M In}' let, mowed awn, H 8 at8l2. SBr. 38a, rii lc>~ •Y 6 ' I ~/ ••••••••••••••••••••••• mo re. 1650 mo. Agl, •_menlin 675 49t2 8KR rentral l oc. 1750 ~!"e~.,o::':.·~~=.·t~~~ -• , ~~m"J~!'ro'me (Wh S. 1 IO Tm,._.. CHiiio 613-~. ask for ldru!a~ 3 br, ram. rm. dlo. rm. 2 ),11·9191/1146·0.138. FOUCl.OSUll ,, 1•-f It t i i Palallesa 2 weclti any ••n I ba. new paint drps, 2 Br r ..... rd d JUST •UC• Owner wlll 1te back at w .... •m Y rm, ra t r ••••••••••••••••••••••• stuon. World exehangr OUll f rp I c , 2 r a r i: • r · enr..., ya yar GorteOUt J Br. 3 Ba. Oceanfront duplex. TWICE rat• for l n_ __ .,..,,.u,,..., acet11, pool and •P1· Prlre reduced SIS,000. pnvlleJes. Slce!t 4. 9'k ele1ant 'Y. turnTll\ed. Gardener Avi il 1785 S4'751mo Newly~orat ~ ~ ~l::ei1; =·ooo with s ood lfi&t: .~ 8/,~elot 1 f.llMYtUC/ =J:~:I. and ~~1!~ ~:S~rb;::~.aJ financlng.1.auo__ ~~~~~~bu~:~: ~-D~~-;:2 119 Hunt · Lenm. ~I.I. yourdwnpayment. You llOM"8 -..&WllUU OBr up, 3 Br down PI S i I t'I op1te .• 000/mo. PP ln"'onA\t OceH vitw. ao'tloM. 19• =t• wnn unit poulble • m pr nas n ~ 'll'I 11 tOO 175-7106 • '~-• U>w low down Owner Timr Share for sale. As vo leyba r rt. I BR will u r ry bl1t 2nd aumable loan, in . :OOren~en:J':: d=•"ror IOH SUS.GOO 145-&l!L 11 IOOl mo Call Bob ~ c:;...ey Mr) tr 58l l500 or Mr ....................... 8V OWNf:R 5Br + atW• 1Qi na. Incl RP f uest M. t fu» b9 forma din. 11111 bar, #rplc, spa, poolslze tot. S225.~ W/Pf,OOf dll•aUUntC •. &3'44. Ml-02$8 UADfOl.D PL .. oWMr laliOu!::a!•"lutlc '" unk .... 1"' Bl, • .,, Pldo,1y1rd, pool, pal't. , _ __...;:-,.,=.; ••. All ........ lit al 11 'it 'I. A at ,., .,..., l.ft'IS 5.11.JIOZ ~ '1\:'mo":-' Newport Beach Vou an the winner of row rr..e u~eu me 001 nluttot.lllt ~ .c&~P.~.a· To tlai• Ut\et.. call t41·11TI, ext. ITI. M.u _. bt tl•l•d -··· ' . IAYMOMT 2 story. 4 + bdrms. 2 bat hs . fl r eplared eoraieoua vin. Pier an slip. $.1CIOO per mo. Av a II Feb.1 associated H.. ~ "' ~ • r. • .. , . "" , ' Or1ng1 COllt DAtLY PILOT/Sunday, Aprtl 19, 1912 DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS Sell your no-longer-needed Items for cash. If It doean't Mil, we'll run It another 3 daye FREE. One Item per ad, must be priced . Sotry, no real estate or commercial ads. Call today for full details . ..... .......... ""' .... •t•> ·3 4 tAY8 INESJ . CLA881FIED8642•5678 WlSTlLIH BLD<, ,, ' >h I ' I :. ' ~ ·' ' ""' ' . \ . ~Cout DAILY PILOT/Sundty, AC)tll 18, 1982 C .... /C ... r• ... I I ~ • I' 1dl ... 1 ..... ,...... I 00 f 1 ~ 17 .., Da ••••••·•···•·••••••···· •.•......•••••••••..... ··•·•••••·•·····•······ •·•······•·•••••••••••• ·············•········· .............................................. •••••••••••••••••····•· ...................... . fi:i~ l~ l .. WICI A SOM THOMPSON'S DRYWALL/ACOUSTIC LAWN CARI OUltPJOBS liCHB.OIS S'l'ARVINCCOLLEC£ Wallpapttrl"I P1intln1 8UDOE1'1ATES/Llt'd l I ?orL.1ou P Y .£.~!'111nce dlN7 CONCRETE CONSTR. 14 ynup. f\atly tlc'd' Comm'l/ruld. 'Small Movln& Jobs CLl'!ANfN<fll:lt~fC F.. snJDP.NTS MOVING m /(l()m'I St1ndln1v11n ~nilill Sml jo=l~~~I IClda~ad ''=-_..lnde90 tlt~_I Uc 1113313 142-1412 ~-· __ ~t Nwpt/CM. I IKE8"·1Hl ~bleralet.frtt CO.Uc. tTl2H.M. ual Hllmarl48·7875 •Mt. as_ ...!!!... ........ * OWi, pat.v o•YWA' 'T•PfNG Xlnt. rtUabl• work. eeti lt'I 720 0742 lru1urrd 641 "4%'7 hll e t'OVtrt. "'°"'It RtH. Cemenl·M11it011ry·Block ,. ...._ n Ownrm...@a;;;l4Wl2 Haulin&. &radln&. de 1111~ ' • WATCH U{iOROW' ...... DAILY "c.1111*2 54'·2110 Walla.CUit. -orlr Lie. Alltextum hcouttlc -molltlon. Concrete & HOO ECLEANING -P9L T ---R / Fr Mt, ! vlnS7 ·9011 O"*nin Wanttd tree nmov-dump trurk HMtil&dependabl1i ,..... sa::Ci I !: .. ~a.ht a: co~ Bectrtw Mow\nl. edaln1. ralclna. ckstrv.14%·7~ 962·2'00 ....................... Wall<'O\'erin& Removal DlllCT Det~lo: paw:ntr~ S SfAMPED C~NCRETE ••••0 ••••••••••••••••• ~s11~f~ n /45.4~~ eo: All around haulln&. fret Houaetleanln& l'xp'd re· FINE PAl~TING ~llJJ!fi__ 642-lW -0011N8'T O>nat. Co. Top01quahty Mtnycolor1 &P1ttern1 EL_lffl'RICIAN Priced 11. · eatlmat~'.~11 Jim, liable, refs. No Job too ~~h~dy~l~~'tia~~cy &Pete.,. A.Ill,_ S... work Lie no. 380801. Drives·J>1Uot·W1lk1 rt..,\, free "tlmate on AVILLESGARDENING -s I. $6/hr. 9S7·3341 loral customerg Tht1nk ... •••••••••••••••••••• 151l'WltNI YoorD-llfl>no1 ~est ·Mll Frteetit. Uc.t37'7U1 largeoramalljobt. Ra/comm.Treetrim& tta.C.rtStr•lct Would llke 111 d o yoy631:4-410 PETLOVERSC1re .. ServictDlrectory FINEHOME -~·6751 Ut.318Ql. 473·03~ removal clean·ups ••• .. •••••••••••••••••• housework V11r11um1n11. '" foq~tJ''lnyourhome Repttsentatlve IMPROVEMENTS C 0 1o.1 C I t T t & l.JC'D ELECTRICIAN landsca~J.:_549·1604 ' dusting & moppinR tic C:.toN ,..._I wh1lrowner1 \lacatlnn Add'tl "R d " Qual work · Reas. rat ea · ---542-2914 aft 4 25 yrs exp. r.lc •113941 964 9226 642-1671, ext lJ2 1 °"1 emo tlln& MASONRY ffeeest. 831·5072 Tom GtMrtUtnlcH I '8SOMALIZED llonded lni; ReCa Color --- -liliiliiililillliiiiliiii-1 P atios·walls·decka·tlt -----••••••••••••••••••••••• CAii a..._ HOME *•GERMAN LAUY * • l'Xpert 963 0911 DJrk "-t9r/R.,.... ••••••••••••••••••••••• .&.~ ~. ,. Free est. l design. lnJ. ~~~ALIT.'b O>lle&~ Students· wodw HeaUn care'{a11ored to tlousework Exp. ner11 •••••••••••••••••••••-Re-ttuctosttnm P•\nled ......---~c #420332 Competltivr Re l AL ~31 ~ ctni. rar waxina. odd your neeth Retain in II(',() <n19/MS·2043 PAINTER NEEOS Nrat patches & text urea free Sandblast & bnck -.;;,;;;;~;~·;;;ktn•;i.~~· c::clNa J!!lC ·LEE t70-56SL _ l!:la~. 5 · . 142.5449 645·797_2 dependence & d11nlty Will rlran your house or WORK' 30 yruxp, mt f.JftttL ..JJld!lt u~nsed .!5_7-8218 Reoa1ri,Sealco1Un11. -••"-OOlomWnW a.ltoproctor ~~iil~~~~~ll J~~~ -Anva1!1.~c:'nntat~v1ereto Croanll orrm~. t'hoou-your ii"~v1sf.~~~Jl1c<:.i~·~r:S PUSJ'ERPATClllNG 8'SAlt:M t631·41119Llc •••••••••••oo••••••••• · ~ ·~ • ~rs' Refs S48 0005 Restuccos Int ext 30 ••••••••••••••••••••••• .kl~ 11349882 7 70 6SSo4 Or Yoo Chiropractor Malnt' re11airs. 5411·5203 •••••••00••••••••••• ••• F\IUcare, 983·~ Bishop & Son Pa1nt1n1t yrs Neat Paul MS 2917 CUilom Ceramic T1lr Dan ~pllbers G radina C.-..ter Acupressure. El Toro RESIO/COM M'L/IN () C.rptntry Maaoory •••••••••••••••• ••1 •• •• 30 yrs up in Bear h , Prompt ~rv Frtt est • IYtnC Co, •• ·• r-.. • 77G.5251 24 hrs 20 yrs Do my uwn work Roofin& · Plumbm& IUll"""•lble reun•<f 1·ou areu f"rtt 1>st S48 1029 ill S PLASTER I NG 642 MM Chuck 67S 1408 Rn /comm • ...... .......... --LI Dry tr St Til tt1 tdt-g ,....._ AllT)pes Int or Ext Uc. 1397804 842.:!120 Clbint't.s . Remod • Ca•octon. G...,af -t'. 278041 A 16488126 Rerrod!t J'jr~6·~ ....................... ~rs '{·~II p!r~t'c)~~~:t . NE~ LOOK: • .. 00.11258 forF'rt'et'St CERAMIC LINOLE UM a...A.. Skyllt.es · Room Add ns ••••••••••••••••••••••• FarlllicofTlle -J40. PAINTING SEil \I( f.S . C Tile prof install -•littilcJ Qmhsewndws 1S4·«20 ADD'NS/REMODELING ....................... Gtneral Ma1nlenance Want a REALL Y CLEAN I 2116 Int rxt Ref~ in~'d ~LASTE~IN Free est Bob87S·5651 ••••••••••••••••••••••• CUSTOM SPA DECKS Plans Lac 'd George Formica counter to~ & (Wpairs& Decoriting HOUSE' Call Glncham Tu <.1audio's S4S ll7S ~k w:li:;SaG :S~ucl'O ••A.LL TILE .. BabystU.illg in our C M Pa••-, oazebos L1ft'd "'''"'"'r •-Son.!, ~·7-"""32 ftab•ft .. s refaftad t't' * ht *Ra 640-514.!_ Girl ~ffe!ll 64~ 512.3 I l'''S r' l"TL'R homea 1 Yr & up Any .....,. ., .. ~"".!"-"'--~""' . ..., • '!'.,';,'•~•7 ,,.. ROBIN'SCLF.ANING ••••••••••••••••••••••• • '-. \" r. Quality work 10 yrs ex time.&U-&482/646>5759 JotvlorR1!.k979·3218 COMM'L'RESID -~-~....., HOMEIMPROVEMENT • ft:.DERAn:o Int Ext IO)rsexp ........ , _per Geor_M8315479 ----- -Re REPAIR PLUM BING St'rvlce 1 lhorou11hl> lnrome Ta~ Servtre H.efs f'"tt est s:ir. 911!18 ••••••••••••••••••••• •• CllrduUdov1n1mamao(c.p.tSer-flce rmd·Add'ns·Repairs ••••••••••••••••••••••• llut1n1. carpentry , cl~anhouse 5400857 6314871 •Plumbin11 •lleat1nl( & T1"Ser-flce 21a"Ostocare(oryours. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Veryrras Lac.390250 KltDLandacape Malnl. e.lec, tile f'"ee e•l No ·~lt:VENSPAIN'rlNG •Elettr1 r ~I 24 hr ••••••••••••••••••••••• home F tr 631·3787 We Care Crpt Cleaners ,..,.:a~A H. Btnnett. J! Restd Comm. Clean up Ji>l>l!.>O...LDlalJ. 64S·28..1! HOUSEWORK LmdlcapllteJ ls back' Now S""l' in ell¥'r.&ency Ed 1148 7112.S •Expert Tree Prunang • Steam clean & uphols. ""'' ...... ntr · 5S2· .. l42 ••••••••• • • • • •• • • • • • • •• .. ~ Co I L ds ape Y& mother will babyStl Truckmountunll &nded&lns_'!!_t'~. UHaubn&.54112489 JAO<OFALLTRADES WANTED VANOJ-:NR f':RG ext l''treest Charles Dra1ru.dearedfrornSIO mmercill an <· F'/P Uine days Mon-Fri Work ouar 64«3716 Lands Yd Cl Call day or mgbl , LANOSC'A PING 6.U 33411 546 4561 Plumbing Rt'pa1n ~tr~ 957 8388 Nr St John Baptist .: -" ~':st!t:ti~::J~f2 Tree~aJ!~f!xpert m"aufn~ •J tk67S·301.!• __ lhl(hquahly housework Miunl, i•omm I rr,111 WRY IATES Freel"!ll M&M 642 ll033 C'.ompleteTreeServ1cr Churcb.546-8420CM Shampoo &steam elun. JG All 4941810 J1m8Sl·Ql29 F.x,,..rthomeandaplre· Experienced, dependa Tree tnm, rte.in up PAJ1''1'1NG 6459383 Gen 'l1·lnup&lrrig · Celor bn&hleners , wht ---el!_ ...:___ ,... ble, honest1 1ntelbl(ent llnck&llle ln~.bonderl. 11 ~M•OC)e•..t Lawnrenov 5360914 BAB.VS liTT ING m Y crpts · 10 min bleach REMODEL ' ADD-ONS .Jmm.u Gor•Hr pair Carpenlry, roof, The best Pnone 673 7012 !Jr'd f'reeesl ~7!1 5146 INT EXT PAINTING ••••••••••••••••••••••• home, Mtsa Ve.rde area. llall. llv/din rms SIS . and Carpentry. Ltc'd f'.'r~ esf--ken 8'111·S035 Rlumb, Etc 642-6013 alters oo PM_ l.1e'cl Refi. Pree t·~t rROPEITY JAYE TlH CARE CM. Refs Shan, S57 4614 11vg room SUO: courh 25 years. Irwin S48 2719 THE GRASSllOPPER We bid all jobs lgetsml Expertise Housekel'IJtn& ~~!............... 646 1067 MAMAGEMEHT Compl service. 640-~308 BABYSITI'ING $10, rhr SS Guor. ehm. c.t..W~-_:-.:::-O>mpletr lawn ma int Quality, exper, Uc'd We rum1Sh vacuum & BRICK WURK Sma 11 Oran~e CD are11 IS yh T~ ANYTlM E pet odor Crpt repair vnl"'CJ Do ~.2 Bill&. _Dav~ 644-932S simnlle.s Kilt" 641 4970 PROF. PAIHTIMG expenence Call for info .::;:;";? ••••••••••••• •• Refs.C.M 979.6646 15 yrs up Do work •••••••••••••.•••••••••• . m1n1r .,.. 48Sl --~ .,,_ Job~ Nr-wporl . Co~u Re51d lrH.lus C:umm 'I ----mm1f Refs .531·0101 Crown moulding, rrdar GARDENINGMAINT SCRUBA·DUB Mesa. ln1nl' fiefs Low rath fret' e~t andral~ Most subJerts.K 12&rol l&Ju .. er N St N Sh --lined rlusets. bookcases. Landst·apmg Tree tnm fl.AT RATE·DAY or 12 ProC, reas. reliable ms 3175 Gi5 71111 tU-1182 lele ~r"'i exp SS hr ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ rasm' o I ampoo monttls. entertainment & removal Clean ups ALL MISC JOBS Refs Jun 631 5016 BJ,(X"K WALUi Ar • or.i:an 64S Sl76 For all you need to know tn pecia isl Fast cabinets Wood solutions f'"ee estuna tes 642 4889 INT /EXT .-PROM PT Pall°' Ori, e~ ay~ P'.-ri'"J ....._, aboutbankruplcy,call dl)' Fteeest_839JS82 _ towoodproblems' INSTALLATIONS Quality Houseclraninit IJi•d l>enni,6J604S8 ....................... bttTWMllflt~llla TypiltcJS«YiU __ ffi~~9162 EXCEL CARPET CARE ~--~31·1528 TREES CHET64S 47S7 ~ a personal touth CM 1 farthmit lnlenor lll's1i.:n •••••••••••••••••••••••1••••••••••••••••••••••• •--A-Cpt, uphol. area ru" · Toppedirrmoved Clean _ _ II\.. HB l:le!h 8S(J 0933 Bryant <"Lands11p111j.! I ~L\NGING $10 ROLL Si>tttahung in O.ik Ant11 T)pmg. Writing, Ed1t1n11 --.. M•ta ... ce/ dumng Work guar DeddiMJ ~la*n (t'nov 7s1 3476 M...&.... Caoc llskpr or Hou"" llntk ~lonr ltlm·k l'•m Quaht> Ltc ms Slnp hau:ollldll & Fatht-r rurn M) orrirr or yours 5-niu f'"ee est64$-1771 •R•1·,~·E•R•••R•0••C•K•••P•:r•r•e•c•l• -._.., tie.mer lookmit for s 1rt'll' ~·rpln. Jill(J ., ptnl! Ot~r onpaper ref111 17381 N1d1ol 1r 1 Sml,JObsolt 642_2142 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ TttEGltE~SC~E '•••••••••••••••••••••••! da):. umehou t v. 11r p.il10\ & dn\C·v.a" .'•u MC:Sl·ott645932S I HB8470008 WIRdowC'--'-MA.RJNESERVICts Crpts install rrpairt'd O\er pool decks patios Lawn tree shrub install I HAULING stud•nt ha~ flu"nt fa mt I) la 11 (;wir I.tr & '"' Slfi 1191~ L I RoofiitcJ ... .._.., Mttbaruc,Cainl, .. t'lm wa wa)s, n'e~a>s Tr~..tnm removal ~truck Lo~est r·•tM Answ"rAd 11 •011. MoYiMJ 11 ll R fttno cu ""10 973 ....... 661 237 • " ~ ~ ''a a un ea~ pn1·e:. •••••••••••••• • • • •• • ••• Let the Sunshtne In .. F1ood dama oe St I lk d . • ~ ,, " 1"..lpert Vt al C'O\ er1n.e 1n 1····················· .. 'amls ":..=. ..... "" • °""" l'tl' I La"'n rare Rototllhnic I pt Call 759 1976 6'2 axi, :M hr:. c 1 \ 11 ...... It r Ttak, rub & wax 646 IS7B or rail Thank }OU.._ John ••••••••••• •••• ••• ••••• on~u I.int ' !>~ll!n m" nt u""'r oo tnit all type Call Sllnshint Wmdo• 645-9166 Bt/Cottcrtte Drafti1MJ Ser-fices AmwerAd •M7 642 ~300 I •.A·I WOYIHG• Siil 859r ~e~ rttO\t'r deek:. Clrarune Ltd S48 8853 --••••••••••••• •••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• · • 1 Profes~1onal Suvace . HOCSEC:LEANl'IG fop Qu.illt} · Spl'l'ia 1 1 WAL.LPAPf.R l..11 •411802 ~ 97~ 2D'' ~onth!l D1stount :coNCRETE~PHALT MAPS & GRAPHS CLNLPS'fREF.TRIM llauhnl(yard clranup lSOL'RBt:SlllffSS' i urmhandhni: 2Sir' .\llkindJ Frt>eN .HE.'IJn'ROOf'l~G• •RE.51DENTIAL • St!\:111~ fast with Dail> Dnvrw1ys, p1l10S. blOl'k Freel a net Qua Ii t y ~AINTF.NANCE Qut rk & clean Pree fi:Sl Est 10 yrs Jamres e.1.p. Ulmpeltlt\f' r.ilt , Sll roll Lu.: JlJO'Jllt, SHIN<.. LES & I< F:PAI k "' i: 1st)' S30 -Avg 2 SI) pj_ ant Ml. ~Its Dmms 63S·04M_ ~Ott 960-02'7f an Sj!m Ex_p d Jesse 64S 2122 673 05-48 _ Rai&..ed..r Ann. 67S 2514 ~overtime 730 13~3 "llorm 645 0880 ur •415232 ~ 6213 $4.S Chn 957 ~ ~..._ ... , SOOS M~·· T,.. .. so15' ~.~.~ •••••• !!.~~ ~.~.~ ...... ~!.~~; ~.~~ ..... ~!.~~ He4p Wont.cf 7100 W..tecl 7100 ~ --------· ................................................................... . ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Found Youn.: mole doit ---------ASSISTANT TO Beaut) Lo.DM7 mosll) bla <'k M tx ACCOUNTANT CONTROLLER S21K Nov. act•e pltnl( apph <·a MHd C.1117 FOUND ADS breed 22nd Npl 111 C'M Expansion auted a ttoru. for hair '>Ythst~ at Real £stale money 646-tS74 lmmedlatr opemn1i for need rr,r re<·ent F'orrester Ltd Apply m H~\fftALES 7100 C-~lal ...,. 4550 ...... 4475 ••••••••••••••••••••••• CGlmllrv Store G1Tts-&' ~ntaq ues' Profitable Fountain Valley location. Broker 848-~. - Apply an peri.on . Cro~·n Hardware 3107 E Coast HW}'..CdM available 2nd or 3rd TO ARE FR££ ,,.,...... 5150 o.lft assl lant to hn1nc1al j itrnduat<' Exrel 11ro,..lh person Tue Sal 390 E Loan.~ on rts1drnllal or ••••••••••••••••••••••• director of rapidly t'" opport un1l) Bentley 17lhSl.1.C •t 645 5370 ml'Om&: properties. We I vandlnl( health l"3re llayes & Assol' IS70 COOK •••••••••••••••••••••••STORAGE SPACE , RAVEL AGENCY. 2 local.IOns, Oranl(e Coun ty A steal for Sl29,SOO O BO Terms . partoershiPll Sale dur to ht'alth reuoos No re asonablt' offer refund Owner 714 1974·S079 Eves or Wknds . .-. handle a full ranu or ,.,.11 * * * * companv lot·1&t ed 1n Brookhollo~ Or.Ste 114. IUUTICl.AMS Con,alesrent Hospital. rmrtgagr Coveragr at w : ~~ M Newport Bul'h t:x SA 927117 S4!1 262S llatrdr'55er~ with ~ome 661 ~nter. Mesa Vrrde SHOP Cost1 Mr~a 24 X 13 San Juan Capistrano eoclo&ed El•c. hook·up. 600 ~ft.faring Ca mino 646-76&0_ very l'omowolJtl\lt' rate~ "' .. 1hr·saasd~·~C)e ptmnce 1n pa·" rol I J>er11onnel sen ire~ IOtl'. folio~ mg need rd · for Cos~a Mt'Sa S48·M8S ...-642-'5671 ... U• b k I r pleuanl busy full - Capistrano w1tb con\le Storagr Bldg 20 x 40. nit'Dt customer parklnR easy street acrrss Ed and access $410 mo 1n1er St Sanla Ana Ownel-,75-4178_ • J!70 !m-1.939 Courtesy to Broke rs 7 days a wttk I an re<·onc1 1.illon & rl."' • ) er v 1 c e ~a 10 n 1 n ~D 714 760 lSSI ask for 1---------69 Gorgrous girl~ to a11•ount5 pa) able r t' N, e~1>orl In urnnce ._, flY _SteveorDuane pamper )'OU Jaluu1 q1.1red lrleul ~anrl1datel ASSIST.M.AH.AGY benefits to~p pa) .,umero no P1uen1 WIDOW H~ S$S ( TD I • • * Sal.Wla Locals as well J~ ~ 111 h 1 ' e ~" n' r a 1 to SI 9 200 St\eral 111ons ava1la ~eeds a d~y l'cx:i''s"V'~ RE Loara, IOK rrp N~ l 0 u r I 5 l 5 8 d n k knov.ltdl(e' of II rnltnltng I Yoor Hll'l> fin anl'e t'X I bit' eall°'Marc ror 1n 181;~esroo~hu nl St WA.RDtOUSE 1000 sq rt Jllr !Cl It C I Utll, park 11\g lol. 2 cars 443 •D Hamalton St Coala Mesa. 645·7184 eves 631..1278 ~. 1......Wl..tol 4SOO ••••••••••••••••••••••• N.B., 397S Birch 5600 sq ft. or less MlA zone ~l541·S032 _ 1000 sq ft W /Ofc & 01 h doors. toilet" ba11n, rwy clole C.M. . 87S 6251 Industrial Bid&, sublet. gooclsafearea. H.B. J4SO IQ n. 2 furn. offices . Reu.841· · OCAllPOH ::O~ft. Sl .484 per mo 3,000 sq rt warehse for rent. all or part 30' per ~ft. 631·001 PRIME OFFICE Wareboliie apace with carptes, drps, • wrt bars 700 to 3200 sq rt Mesa lndustnal park, 711 W 17lh St., Pacinc Bl\41 lodustriaJ Park. 1135 Wh ittier Ave 6C2-44S3 '642-76QL OCliMYllW 1620 sq 1t · ideal for de· si1ners . artists & encineen. Quiet attrar live lndustrlal park 1001 West 17th St, C'.osta Mesa W19-l$33 .... W..e.d 4600 wYntllllwf Credtt c:Mrk No Prnal I ...... dClrey Amrr1l'iird M aHrr IJlroo•h lnal balanre & ~ncnl'e l.lt required ror lt>nlt"' 642·6164 Fountam Valle.} l o A I I0,4Con11Ato. Ou1rge Amenun t:~ bt' wll1Jn11 tu aS)l\l in ... e11k.nov.nf1rmseelun11 1 ' J).73_1~nn1son uoc I f.,.,t• VII'--press". DI n er) a 11 I putlln~ to•ether an I r a"l(re5Sl\t> go i:etter BEAUTY Col.mL'hc1an. hcensrd for .... , -.elrol'IW! 71~ 64S J433 counllnl( ~)~tt'm r.o r llrntle) ll<1)t'~ l A!>~O(' FT In lop Ne~port ....................... 0,,0.twliltr 5015 DISPll.ATE •••••••••••••••••••••• Rent o-r· lease year LOANSHARK round 2 bdrm unfum WANTED WE BUY 2nds You are lht winner or 2112Harbor QI (.'M romputeroperatton f or 15711 Brookbollo'I . Ste P'USTIGIOUS ulon Cal l Denise rourrreet.ickets ($16 00) 1ntt'r\ltO l'a ll Jane 114, SA 92701. :>49262S SALOM 213274fS7S apt 'boost Brach Area Nt't'd Sl0,000 for 90 days by Motht'r and Son E• aty.ourterms Mau Pot GREAT SOUTHW F.ST CAPITAL CORP valuttolhe ~1 93.).C I Personnel srn ire 100~ l...ld.lng to add to our co t, NT ER s ALE s ..,...,.._ lo.t ~w L-.a.. & Y1'ck1''5 frtt ~air I shampoo penon Dynam1r rompan> srek cellent 18 yr rt( To $450 l.t'I'... !112-2254 mo M s Wo ods Lo. 61-5::411.0 ANAHEIM •• & 2 aH1stant Xlnl 1ng enthausltc hard PHOTO MODUS 1 ACCTG CUIK 1--------•I tra1n1n g prog ram worklllR indn• to handle 2U 6S2 6711. or 8S4 070'7 t.. 5025 at\SPM Want to rent 2 or 3 Br ap t1houn '*' gar Resp pro(, clean Bal Penin Dys 2131793·0353, I ~1&.'IOevt;!;_ Pri•ahMoMy SI 0,000 mtd Up Tom or Jeanne 642-8852 hdTD't WANTED I CONVENTION ESCORTS Tu do b1ll1n" l'akula fll<-hard Oult'lellr S1lon, t'OUllter sales al a busy Eicfi for insured arrt CENTER Apnl 17 2S BACK Ir BETI'ER llOfl.~ Ii ln\Oll"lnJo: Boa~ ATTIHTIOH: 200 Nr-.ll0r1 Center Dr , instant pnnttng shop Low effect discount To claim l1l'kels. t all THAN EVER' U llRS tnll knuv.led•t dtstril I Amb1l1ou5 boys and NB Retail exper pref Call Homu, units. condos to 642 S6 7 8 , r x t 2 7 2 bit 87S 0917 for appt 111rls 10-13 years old . lo R 1 k r St u r e n e e d 1 or t'Omt' tn lo Pl p 298 E ~.i.&1~~~· o o o Ag l II ~l!~1~':'1~ elauned 6f&;t~~R7 Ad\en111nc Coordinator ;',.~: ~ne~ :~:"';,~~,~~ mrchanic &. energetic 17thSl , C.M_642·062_!_ --------• (or wet'l<ly tal>lo1d , newspaprr subscrip person for stork & Counter clerk . dry * • • llt'W!lpaper 1Jack11rcund 1 11un11. Transportation nr1uus duties. 2146 l'leaners. 3.dys pr wk •!••••••! ..... ••••••••••••••••••••••• ...... Oppart.ity 500S ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2nd TD's S20.00()..S1SO.OOO fully .amort. to 20/yrs. Cllhtt 2nds to $1,000,000 Apyts, comm'I & non owner program. Prin on· ly . Call for a11t DOWNEY SAVINGS. Brent. 963-2611 Waftd SOJO WHOllSALH ••••••••••••••••••••••• MHDB:> Btllder needs 182.500 to '•a•c.,..tt/ PtnDHll/ Loat· lge blk & wht F rat. Lott&l'Md Turtle Rock area 10 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Irvine Ca ll 8Sl·0493. •.....c ... .tt 5100 su SS33 <ask· ror ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~Me_) •SPlltlTUAL Ullt. Basset Hound fem . IUDIMG Whl/brown Arch Bch 18USc)EJCamln~Real. Hts. Lag. Reward San Clrmenlt' 492. 7296 639~.!U'......499·3620 ev f\JJl llc. In the f11t 1rowin1 £lee· romplrte 12 units in lronic s~curll'/ BU!ll· Rivrrsade. w lt'CUrt' MIS This II a r~resa1on with $100,000 lsl TD due sc••u 'E.TS proof bus1n~ Wt are 1 in 1 year Call collect aft IUUll"1. LOSTIUCIUI & WHl,,ET MIX Mlle. bite out of I ear. Dana Pt Del Obispo & Stonerull, may be mak· Ing h11 way to C.M 1161~ Manuract\lrer looking s,«·9497 ... 'WEIS ror a wholesaler lo han· M..J die the moat soph1Jl1rat 110,000 to Sl0,000:000. for Kanaer Pounce ed electron.le ser unty gold plated TD 5 Mu Acijust Negate systtm on the market to· ~loan to va~ue Return Clwrub Inward day No experience 3-4 above pnme Call HANGAROUND n e c e • • • r Y Dennison & Assoc My great;gr1ndpappy '-t Alt A .. M S I· I N v E S T M E N T ~731-1-----was 1 pl\iloeopher He .,... · er~ ea REQUIRED SJ0 .000 Ha v e S 3 o o , o o o always uid klda and point Siamese, v1c . JOO'* SECU RED BY equllles/coll1ler1I therrrometen had 1 lot La una8ch.Ct4·1283 _ '75,000 + fl RST WantSI0,000, 1 yr or less in common. They're Loat: Bill puppy, M . 3i,., YEAR. CAl.L TOl.L st.rtigbt note. Reply to graduated! hiv e mos .. vie. Hamilton/ FREE &x No. 996. Daily Pilot, degrees a.nd al they do Placentia. 5411 .. « PO Bo 60 C Is HANG A.ROUND. -- TelephoneFa.ntuy in advertising preferred and constant adult Newport Rh•d, Costa Mature lady pref Will Conversation w Ith but not rt'quirc<I Must superv1s1on pru\llded Mesa tra1n.646·76ll_ Mirhellr MC , Viu be hi1hl) or.11a niied C.113 to S 30PM, ask for ~o___ Call Terry McCormick /\lldrra. 642-4321. ext * • * Counter person. Exper., 546-4370 Moo·Prl o s 343 .,.... Cowtte fo\tll tune Start $3 6S hr. 1 buy d111rounted nrs. 21001 Shepherd Ln 4.96·9'711 51.nil(ht notes. elt' Ask ALARM HunltnRton Beach ror Ket~ broker , INSTALLERS Auto lubt' mon. "P You are ihe winner of CltlDIT -~~ -.4471 Salan. neoo11abfe Man" ~81) Hrly ralt' i-rour frtt t1rkets 1$16 001 COOllDIMATOR AGORAPHOBIC ad "v 1 n" 1. em e n 't SO'· 673-3320 1aluelolhe Publlshtng farm IOl'ated E I Y-..... I lo Sho near J W Airport seeks HELP LIN • IJOU I bilt I IU E" rr AUTO MECHAMIC NICI Ill .. w a bnghl andl\lldual to 85· 53!-77:W t re h n 1r1 an 5 on > Own hand tools A PPL\' ('tN~:i~bN s~ in our Credtt Dept Aff~1tonate ma Ir bi!en & 1133 93111 ask for Kent N E W P 0 RT T I R E 1 crNTER A 117 2S This candidate should going desires 1 senslble A.~S SER\'. pl!tnl ofr I ~•:NTER ,~00~00n1F:a0setll To ;iaim ttt~~ts . call ha\t exper1enr~. an 1ntelli11ent together N 8 Ellper prrr but v.tll Coast llv.) " 642 s67 8 ext 272 phone rommun1cat1ons, female, any racr or tr111111·7sh1n 631 5'40 Mar I lkkeu must be rl111ned 11\Stdt> credit & coll~c creed. Mumble. happy -Babys1t1er En erKellc b\·Apnl23 1982 I llom, good typ1n1 skills working, th1n k1ng. Aubt.tto v.mnen 10 n re for 17 · & the wllhn.&neu to travetllfg. rr-eatl\e life ~ Dlndor rm baby tn m) Nt~rt 11 * • learn Ii a rcit new 642·3S32 No expened're ner . will Brach homr. fl exible looilkMINf' cha I lenicu ODU ct A1TY Sierra foothills train Newport Buch hours. lransportat1un t.:xper pfl' td pt'rform. Mrs EvesJ 549 4834 SttU (rma Jr 28 40 to aru Call 7S2 0651 ask nt<"t'SSll')' 613 6026 bllltng and payroll and Cl: STO DI AN· 1 m med share country hfe No forMr R01enberJ l-"•y~~ 1 other oHice duties ror open1n1. Nwpt Brh re Crew. Send pboto1ltr to These little ads reall) -consultan& firm ta.11 ste>tt Ii offices. t'X· ATTY P 0 Box 867 ~ 0 r k ! J 0 ' n l h t' Ruponsi e, IO\ltng S49 1083 per, rrhable. person _M~a,CA.9M38 __ thousanda o( other peo person ror 2 httlt glrl~. -w/eye for det11l . pie lhl h Mon Thurs. 1.2 4 Now ...... Perml(ull l1me pos1t1on l'wtOMI Ser-tfcH 5360 re i(~ 115r nr:: tr~ 'J~ until June 18 Corona del RAllplf w xlnt benerl•a. c-~~-• ••••••••••••••••••••••• t1a.uafitd Call our ad M 11 r PI ea 5 e r 111 Cle"" R~& or Jim 644·5070 tak..~r )l 642 S678. 7fJ0.11~.L n~ 11 OANC £ M lF mist I;;"; t.a00.321·6556 " lS • osta ----Lolt: exotic parrot. Trea S£LL idlr ilrms with 11 EXT. I • I 41 M~a,£A-'-~--1 People who are aeekin(( Marte area of Balboa Dally Pilot Classir1ed Alie for Mr. Sawyer Clusified Ads. your one· an apartment look first l1l1nd. uys "hello". Ad. _ _ ~ORlboRRin& In <.1wlfled. Wiii your veil tame. Call Dave ••1 ••eh 5100 --'9h 5100 •1 m c._.... 5100 ad be there? To place Ja onaky, 87S.782A aft. .... , ....... , Tll lillLFllENDS ............ •••••••••••• ••oo••••••••••••• •••••• •••••••••••••••• •• ••••• .J'O!i' a tall 642·5678 .~ LOST: Small 4 mos old Pormranlan poodle, mix nllle puppie. Off whltr att J11tt 1 phone ca II away. 24 hr escort. ANNOUNCING JOHNSON, SHB.TON & ASSOCIATES HAS llCOME MEIRIU l YNCH l!AL TY COMMEICIAL SERVIQS AND APPOINTMENTS OF " <Mullonty 64J.1522 wit.ll blade eyea. 1._~--146-811...._..=lO ___ ~-f ....... 1450 LoatBlk male toy Poodle, •••••oo•o••••••••••••• ~ w/Blartie. Reward. W•T• ... Aw.y f'owld~rircfi male cal, Here~~~'Nance t vie Wea cliH /Dover PM Am 2 for I lltltet. Shcnl,NB. l45-lft9 Jkcy I ticket round lri~ 'o Found: Bit Lab ml1. ~ PH Am n11 .,.. " b d u t ~ I.bl US and ltl oaldl In I . 111 I e . 2Dd tkket rree. Beat ol 14 t II / 0 r u.1 e . H B r .. ovtr m Ad Sll.t.r l7 rto. U4 CaJI M2-4* J4 hn. BANKING SECROIRY • Heavy Comm41rctal loan documentation. • 80 wpm Typtng/ShQhd o Newport Center COrporate Office • RelurM requl,-.d TElLER . na1ponsl,ble for cash, re dub, ball rm r luse conrlhalton or previous F..arn IS you learn to deys s 9les . phone 11000 mo. PT«ves Mr. 11nswerln11. somt ad· Elliss.2-4508 mlnl1 tratl\•e and - Secretarial duties. Douatwiut maker. exper, R e s t a u r a n t salary open. Clpo Beach bookkt'eptnc exper ~~411!.1-fnJ I he I p r u I. b u t n o t DltVllS CL.IMO I lleCt'ISll'Y Call 549.9322 Fl1'.i Prt. b1'\'-prlot· fonppt. -out . 1187H2lt ....... . -lhroUlll ;::Af?edaer. Dry Clean1n1 Counter paJrOlt. will train on ~San ~r.~r.':;· computer Good Com· 16'-093 ' p~ny btnefU• Call --Lindi Edtlonal Au11tant, ex Mtbt2 per, n.r trade P•~rs 111 <>rust County Good typh1a ; ~•r1t1n11•••t · i.11~1n1 Send ....... to: ~lTJ Dtl Sur Ortlt, LA Plllnl, I' ATTINTION IMPLOYIRSI And the peraon with the abllftlel you need In one of theee Ide. , .. t A PutNlo S4lrvto. of. tM Diiiy Piiot iNTIRIOR Du11ner Wl!LDlNG need Fff twiw L.IBRAJ\Y Rtatarchtr. POSITION nMdtd, ad PBOrlSSlOMAL tr\.lck 81CRITARY wlttl full HEAVY J.qulpment optr• APPRINTICI AIC refrl&, FIELD Salee Rep. with BUSINISS oriented wan1Ntork. H11 dwtl· 4·& yra up., hue L..A. e.~. In tnillah, Wtllf· worlttt u p. Offut drtvw, claM I. Current ctwirae bkpt\kW. f*(la •tor (txper.) c..nent fin. mec;!1 T.:h. tchool a:rad. e proWn ltadc. record, loo-M.tl.A. deareect adp\Jn. O'P9d ~ ltlltrior wall cert. & exp. In pipe & alty colle1•· 3 xµ exp. Prln\tr 2 yra coll•a•. tnldlc:ll ci. OMV Vllll. f\i1l tlmt, ...,_,,po& llher. dam 2 llcenle. (114) mo • .. p. PlHH call ldnt to locaw In LA or ~ yra _,., e.b polll.- reUtfa. )Cr. Roblnaon. mes weldin&. 6'~30 r.for. Sc14ntUlc ;>umale wllllna to learn. Avail. fl1t1, doublH. lruclt, Avail, tmintd. 559~071 Me-ff78 988-7841 Ilk tot Joe. O.C: eru. Joe (IOI) tlon ;:f.~1 or clinks. ttM'118 ; CONTROLLER lrt1a. & dU'mlt b Wo. al U. lmmed. rnumt, ulary ttanller low boYz lftiow ltvint, Newport & South COMMUNICATIONS LIXIAL Mrnln. tMC MC-98'7-4Cllt Can dvuffect.I· INTRY levtl BookkH· manaa.fment, IUptl"V. J2 o t Ca 11 f · II b r ar I u or"· Stew 64()..3843 lnquim only. &U.8182 arw. St&nlord __. with 3 'y 2D·30 yrs u.,er'. All COPY ldllor, accom · vety. 7l4-55l-6328 Pill Dlpkima In Aceoun· hvy EDP incl. Data Pro-405""48'74 ASSEMBLY, mHkln1. tXP!RIENCt:D offlct ADMOOSTRATOR Medi· ~':°;'ltd~ Cltlda, aetkln1 ptrm. pllahed journalltm 1tu· CREDlTCoUectJonuxper. Ufll. (714) 842-8710 cet•. Ina~ .• b\.ldJ. MBO EDlTOR Writer, public 1tenc. llilk aeen tlQlnpc. worker. Ty-" eowpm, ator wrUer.Exptdenct In journallit, Beat aelllna fulltlm• ~11tlon. Eve. den1 Htka po1l arid. Offkr worit. new flt'Cta & OIRICroB of M.arketln&· aye. 644-4768 rel1tlon1. fundfral1ln1, llor, pMie up, blll & "-'· aen. office knowledao. leaal reeearch & OOW1le-authcw with Uft Cftden· nh\&* 0'1· 943 empl. 2 yra edit Ina. loan•. coll,ctlon1, accu ()perallona w/ntenalve MPlCHANlCAL T h brochuru, m11ulnea, hHMealer, reaa. bhl•· Tralni w/IBM Syatemt llna newapapert . llal In communlratlon KAVE teach1ni. pri. eec'y, National award wtnnina rec .• rtlCClllC., TRW cndll u)rs & public relat. ex· avall for temp~ ~kiy' fonner publilhtr. edhor, prlnta. 25 yra aircraft 34. H1td worklna. con· M7-8496 1ervlcea ai related tech· n.Qlpdon. lllrf Friday, re-~~per In mldwest. computer repot11. Suaan per. fom.rticec. w/hotel mon\hly Contract labo; monthllea, journ1ll1m fld. 548·6410 adentloua. 992,3730 RETAIL Manaaer 3 yn noJoclea. 548-7113. lall uper. Mature, al· BniaeU (IU3) 749-081' _97_4_·_22_1_8 ____ _ corp. Travel reloc. OK. bub $9.60hr. E:icp. proto-~S~taft back,eround. WAREHOUSE man, fork-AOMDflSTRA'ITVE man· expu. In 1uporvlalon MANAOIMINT w / tractivt1, well/roomed. L•EClrtAL• Paecr/T M')'0enx~Th" .. der1·. MANAGEMENT trainee. 641·5880 .t~ m~h 11aem~ Ron 4 lift optrator 7~ yn tx· a......,,.nt, 15 Y"' Proje.ct b"ylna. m1rketlna. in· pronn track record In Can & woul like lo " c bll I /·'t f ... , d·-···1-" tra I 4,.. 1""" Rl'fer•nc•a. Call •vea. uatomer, pu ,c re a· lNV!STED laat 50K tn· ·2540. HI 'Lnel e!.f.~ e>1;ec. f>9r. w'" attu o ""f) eve opm•nt, •Y•· an•· vtntory control flnanc. people & aale1 dvlpmnt ve · .... _, 714..fH-3478 "' tlon1. Have Xln t com· ventelectridtygeneratlna WAITRESS reliabll'. & 1«.lwriter, ';h.1\0 '*·· reporta, art, cralt. fr•· within finandal reeowu MFG Repre Dialrlbu murucaUve •kllla, vert>.J 200 MPG auto fuel de· exp. in both food & drink. typing loo+ lh. l , leeka mfn1 card & &lfl line•. parame~n & Profit obj. tlon direct OEM ules ( CONSTRUCTION work: & written. Work well vice, need job to compl: Can work nigh ta & mi oftit'e, pref 2 Jll'f'IOl\. ~vecareerorienled Entrepreneural tblnkin& c.aui Ariz Tmit.ory 5 exper w/remodeling In· wllh people. Ci>lle1t £nc'gPhD,a.1esmanuf. wkends.497-3614 Irv .. NBarea.957·1697 642.,0738 -w/tea"l concept. yn;'xp.C~lle ,100,: aldehomn,banlu,ek. and Oraanlzed,eff promo. 494-0451 anytime. BAR Restaurant Mar 35 day/~. SHARP. allractlve Mlf· 407.2095, Club PSS ll. ~Ill relo·I Have refer . rellabte. OOlll· 5~8381. PULL time R~pt. poa yrs local exp .. top retl., SALES Manaeement. Yl'li a tarter hu extenalve OIRL Friday/Computl'r cate. l-4G9·2880 CBEATJVE lndlv.,,exp. In detired. Good fronc off. hotel, fully qualified agreu. college grad wt blc~ in Int.em. pt, Exp. New to area. See· NEED h .I.ion I.hat FORMER P\u. acent. aMit dDplay, viluaJ pun .. de- IPPffJ'. pleaant spk voi· Bu)'fl' Inv, Control full"" over 7 yn of 1uCCH1ful l'tlerl)' 1y1. W/P. mgmt, king est. co. w/a<¥>d ben-mec · poll aerv. rep. US Im.porter. lign, l"t\lil a1ft. fine arta, ce. Can do bkkpa. pay· part time. 642-4663 exper .. teeklng, challen-organ. Fone la atartlng efita. Adm ... t·Bkkper. pa ya fair waaea. Will dist., mopeds. parll. ace. art ganery. Degree in roll, l'ght typg. Od ref. glng & rewarding poal· new ~. 538.-0421 Secrearlal. Alto RE LI· work every day except colleae arad, exper. In ~.Y & Interior <Wien. 1 1 PBX oc Recept. job want tJon 1159 1384 __ """98"" Sun. Pleaae call, out of h h d 1 aO .,,. ..... 78 557·MI ed. Will do light typing: . • IOCP'DSect'ywl&dllailon ""'-·...,.,. ""· work. After 6 p .m w ae • t' rec an O· _now __ a_v_._V'I_.,_.,,., __ _ TRUCKDRIVER or Ware-filing & handle all mail. SHARP 3rd year USC ability. Adm A11lat. or PUBLIC Relation.. 642·1035 glltics. 67 2374 LOOKJNG for good A/P houseman. Clasa l. cur-Avail. now, call Lola Mrkg atudl'nt need• off. mgr. Very good per-Recept, Girl Friday. iood · TEAMSTER aalea or con-position. Light typ., 10 rl'nt medical dot semi, 631-8273 IWTll1ltl' empl. Prefer. of. aonallty, wanta to be bully w/peopll'. Friendly, ma· MALE 35, college educ. at. 14 yn drwer ull'I, 7 key c.ouch, comput.er In· bobtail. LA. oc area. fict'. Exper'd In Word wlpeop)e. Gd aldUa & ref. cure. women'• seminar Mgm exper. m landsca· yn road oonai.. ukea, bef. put, betdi & oodebig. ,,. IOyr exp. Forklift oper. RESPONSIBLE. Mature Proce11lng, Computer MS-1790 planner, can travel, ttap ~i~~-.constl'U(llon tndu-lies ek. Dir. sates, 4·yr llog, mail gd wlfi~H• al. neg. 064.9946 ~:;:~::i:!".e::ir~ ~7~ Bltkpg. Suanne: A.DMINlSTRA'l'OR Coor· 646·53~. ,U'lnl. Need work unmcd colle1e. but ad, acctng. Would love 1.o lelm J19Y· VP Sal-Mkta Mar or t ti I t dlnalOr exp. in food Ser· TWENTY Five yn exp., Have refer & resume. 856-9987 or 548·2!34 roll 1164-3013 . . ~·· • ., par me emp oymen . GAL "'"Ida bill 646-7409 exec urt. Stanford grad. 97g.9521 ,., Y exec. a ty vice, events, ~tloo.t. Includes alee mktg, dist --------1INTERJOR detln&er 6mo. SALES & Promotion MBA 14yr up. Sold own & exper. avail for admin. public rel. Wril. abll. ef. mgmt., Wnuen & verbal MAN,\GER. de&rtt. rec· exper. In the lield. d1rect Solid & 1ucceuful bi& chem bua .. 100 2yn in· ADDRESSING e'!velopes role w/opport. Reaume flclent, organized, ere•· comm Succeu oriented. ently reloc. Exper. moll· ula, merchdillna & di9-lkket exf.. Mak.e It worth vestments 64S·2487 or by hand or typina. Or upon request. 768·6661. live, B.S Home Econ., Self motivated. S52·7422. vator & communicator play experience. 673-7'11 my whi e with 111tary/ 548•2644 sewma at home. 543-8419 Box IMO, El Toro. l.aniuait' arts. 646-3432 CERAMlC Tilf' Sett.er. 20 seeks caner w. Fort11ne comm. John M ffenoud '' 500 comp. SalN aerv. & VERS!'-TILE Genera lilt. Box 7200, c.o.ta' Mela. C.: EX!X: Secretary type 80 UN EM PLO 1 ED school RETlRED after 38 yrs WRITER Editor. retelf('h yrs experience. Mud lnstruct.iooal media beck· Poaiun rea~iat w/aolid 92626 645_~28 shorthand 80. Word p,,,.'. t.eacher needs w2"'. Can Crom Communication Co" 1ntervlew1, 1urvey1 exp. work included. 894-4264. ground. M5-IHIOO communlca11on1 ex per. •---· ------ cea xlnt wnt. skills off tend bar. some clerical w/ off~ & oulllde plant w/ auoc. trade journals. RELIEF M ble Short or long term empl, LIJGAL aecr'y. IS yn eap, adman bkkp. ~yr 'exp. skill, 40 wpm, good with exper. 59 yrs old. FIP brochUtta, Mw1leu.ers. exp. houl.~pr=:i.ex.' CLERICAL Gen. office 1alary open. Pete Cbil· Gen. Law, type 75 wpm. ref. N.a resid SISOO/mo hands. 963-5208 timl' Hunt. Bch. 962·~18. speechea, copyedh, proo-club, mowl. Prefer 2 or 3 wantt'd f /\lme in C.M. dreaa, Box 7%0'0, Costa SIH 70, hard wrkr, no mm. 644-0196 ACCOUNTING Manager HONEST rdiabll' lt.Udent ~d~a m1g., new1pa· daya per wk. 640-4999 ar9 • Exper. in all types Meaa. CA 02624. 645·~28 fam. obl1g flexible Flnanw.I Analyst. 15 yrs wishes outdoor work ...-.-vi!l-0096 of office detail. start im-RESERVATIONS, ticket M9·3143 ~~~~~o:j superv\Sion FIS FIA A/P wkendt, & all aummer. MALE 28 college econ. PURCHASING Mgr w/ med. 2241 Pomori.a Ave· aamt Trainee for airline, CAREER minded ind1v rommun1cauon1 degree AIR PIR wct1 aud1t DIP N.8 . or CdM. A&e 17. exper. In ull'I, exporta. mfg & ""~"'f.x ma~ nue. Costa Mesa. m.iial' Industry I yr exp. ~lu perm. empl. 3 yrs Sam plea available . lmplementuion xlnt 640-9098 EXPER. Elect.ro-mech 11·1 port teachin" de1irH F/llme agemendt . ·bo p.d BA R.adio or Ttleviaioo: travel •ncy opmitlans. banking exp. Type 3:1 commun1c skills all fl. • printe circuit ar 1• Strong wrlttng ability bo d d 1 • CR.T M:l-4231 nancial r e porting. BKKPGf/tplt.hvya/p 1tmbleraeelu joblnSo.I HARDWorkln1M/25wl pOSltioninbuvinaorre-woodproducu&Real andexper.,aecreuirial n l' 1rave,cour1er, wpm.exp.on ·I'll POSlTION wanted by 840_3680 exp .. air collecticlw. pay· Otan1'e Co. Dtpend. 1 Larnily, needs work. Ex· latea field entry. Gary Eau te 960. 696 7 or •lolls, xlnl work rec:"Ord. computen. Call anytune. !:ti~" & other clerical Real Ett.ate brkr. ban· roll. tax rewm. bank re-knowledge or auem. 1 per. warehou1eman, 642-2078 :'>~1-5098 963_4370 64:>-66'70. . 67~93 Mike. kJrur sales or open to op-BARTENDER F'l'l'TK'h fl'· cone, typing, comp., tn· hamea, IOlder bluepnnt. ahipping. receiving. Ex· BA RT ENDER wants WRlTE&. proof ruder. New in town? Classified p;,Tf. B.A deg, public mal~ pro~ess. look.s for put. (714) 1147-5125 556.0198 per. ~idl', underwater work, any ahlft s yn OFFICE Mgr customer PASTE-UP, Photocompo-Seruor editor ol film ref. can help Y® meet many relatloos. lary 'red po11t1on 10 high cbu I boat malntalnant'e, Greg. dinnl'r ~ experience. 1erv1ce. acctg, supervl-11tiotl. Layout. Sp«-type. book.a ror 7 yrs. Prooft'Nd ohour needs. H2·W78 499-1891 sa requi ·i estabhshll'lftll. 645-1312 N~~S~~~r~~11s!:t~~i F!~TfJ~~.~:~~ 848-03~ 962-2135 aion, ~raonnel. typing, camera exp. clerical, ty· computer printouts and GEORGE of all trades monungs m~atlve, aUmulating out. al, painting, fork lift,' J~URNEYM~N Elttlrt· ASSlSTANT Manager or IOK. iJ. dependable-, ping, Med Frt off. exp 3 do expoaltory writing. ~it 1rmn8 Master of J\one. Pleu~ TANGIBLE Sale.• po11· let wlgd finanacial re· 1 at.ocking. g1s aullon at-c11n l'xper to comm & helper In_ salu, recall organi~ , stable, xlnt yrs nl'Wlpaodper exp 2 yn 968-7298. fur 1m1r ad "' call ~764 tlon. will travel, 1llvy tum. Flex hrs, days. PO. tendant 963-8029 any-Ind. worlu-d 4 )'t'I for the bUlinem oi ~ncas 2,h bu1inen background asmt. pr · '6!r, mag. AQTU (.lertt. 8 yn gen. 11""" W Capt.am avu1tor, real n · Box 2643 Newport Beach Lime. Irvine Co 548-6090 yrs exp. In clothing & 551 ·0222 exp. ~ l-04&3 accta. 10 key calculator be ",.J,..,..,.,; "I': ::,,,.J" EX.EC. uc:y seek' good·I tate broker. heavy Aero-92663 . QUALITY Allurvn pro-pharmacy. 673•5~3 EJOX:. Sales mgr (exper.), BOOKK.EEPER part ume by touch 50wpm typlll&, UUb;)f#'ft:U boas. Engr .. med., 1cad. spatt sales exper. aeelu CONSTRUCTION estima· felSlonal 17 yn Q.A H · distributor. Dir & Dist for smaJI bus. Light ty-675-4102 exp. FIT . Sal. open inte rut, challenge . SALES uperience with I.or 30 yeen exper ~-per ManagerMnt, f.nci· MATURE woman, free · mgr level. mrkg, bua ping, filing. phone. I yr -------- 960-4640 °' 962-599? 675-1483 20 yurs In Ind. Refer-mercial. indua • public nttrlng. Rerulatory 1f· lance writer. dt'sirn po-111i'"l. franm.i... prom. & exper. S6 per hr, 558.?71M HAVE-Bookkeeping ad· ence's. 499-2976 worb. tNd or conceptual fain. training c.omputtt titl90 u edltonal u.iltant penon molivallOn. Auto-R.OCENT Bua akills ad min. .ea'y &lillla. I'm the PUBLIC relltion• pbo· MGMT sales or wardrobe · neg Gd aub contact• nocording heads & nwdJA with local Publisher or motive & related flelds. ks ad · /fult~ atl.rlle. cap.11ncett penon iocrapher wl35mm aim-consulting po11t1on in ~~i:.':':';"~ '::~ ~~r~~~anli&y Medical devices. MlliwY lnhou1e Publication . 714-642-7484 !:p1. Ty~ fillna. word you're looking for. Call era, portfolio on request. womens fine apparel, Uruv lnatr. Recent Blue hard.,..att, reaume avail. 714-646-4612 p~ .. am>Unll receiv· Bobbi Bumon. 631-8491 Camera & Lab ex per. ~va'~Jesd .. ~y ef~~~-m~-. Print rMding days & ata· GENERAL Office PIT. 714-M7·3606 MANAGER or Director of SEMI Codue10t oper. ~yrs able. payable. payroll OONSTRUC'MON Super-64~·8718 ....,.. ruo.rp tu11..... ....... bill ,.,..,3432 XPER'_.,..ED ·-·•· exp. with loca:l rom. oif-u~~-t "6-2974 llCious lady. xlnt recomm.. · ty .,...,. ..; College 1tu~enl needs E u.m.. f.,.ll<Dl' 1.0 Rneart-h & llevetopment. fuaion ~-7Sl·l.35B "--~ tn~ndent 20 yn exp. In --------1 ui.~ 0 .....,, 839-276l 111-20 hr wk Ill afternoon.. crew on charter fishing prefu St'm1conductor Lff~GJ.Jf.KU txpen· all i>b-of s!naJe family MANAGEMENT empl. -I ..-·-GENERAL office 2 yn Exper. 10 PBX. typlna. boat or sad Cenlfl.t'd dJ. Electronics& ()pt.ics held MED. Allt .. certdied, 111 all encedooean & pooJ. Want dnelopment:Prder fie.Id past 6 yrs as off. managei FOOD and <AcktaH wall· exp. in AJR dealing w1tti flllne, Cllhtenng, comifu· ver Dana Pt to Long Hold Ph.D. in J>hysics & blck & front off auls-to work u lifeguard, operation. Quallfll'd lnR.E.salelrelatedfields ressmneedotjob,newto pubhcCap1bll'lnlBM t era, 10-k ey. H.B . Beach Call Bab• MaterlalJScit'nce (7 14) ting Avail 1mmed 1wlm._instructororpool packacinaorpurdmlna. rinct 1952 714-875-7045 ~. 730-~18 systeml 34. 892-3730 962·7326 960-9890 645-1~25 495-1743 man.arr· 962-3883 642-4420 . HtfpW.ted 7100 HtfpWGRttd 7100 W..-ct 7 100 W..ted 7100 W_.... 7100 HeilpW..t.d 7100 HlfpW..t.d 7100 W-.d 7100 HlfpWtllhd 7100 ......•........•..••... ....................... ..••.........•......... ,....................... . ................................................................................................................ . FINANClAL REP Hskpr:Cblhfcare. live.in, UVE-IN. care for eld~rly NANNY needed; respon. UC.-r nYP1ST .u u scny tr" SCTIY t. $1200 $70 OOC>-billion dpllar noo·smkr. Eng spiring ;::n" geo~···tut•rd !or Infant. 8-S wkly . PAIT TIME Newport ·~eath ad . S~J~~~:. Prel coosl~Uoo back· Your proress1onal ap· N. Y.S. E. company ()ref. Irv home . Pvt rm. 11913 ~!fl'· Pi~dt Boll ~iml-772-9108 ())uple to help in family vertlslng agency needs y 0 u r r harm 1 n 1 IUOWld. Need sharp re· proach is in demand n~s com~tent pro· board+ S70 wk. Cook. 1560 ·c.M .~. · Need respon. person to wholesale/retail busi· sharp, energetic person I personaUtywillbeanas. r11blt non·smoktng Good typing and a feul!!nll(S) to represent clean. care for 2 boys • drive my car lo Boston I ness. Nationally ad for froot desk. Reqwres set when dealing with person w/good typing positive attitude will ob· ftnancial serviee. Call 14"1 ref. ~eq. 552-3983. Pa 'l as. 493-9423 · verti.Hd product. Good excellenttyplng & phone exc:lmive ctien.tele in re-ability and excel. com· ta in this great op. Ed1 962-79041 8Sl~95. tl31-6340Cbruty MACHIMIST ---, pro(rta. bonUHS Tague ski.Us. AJency ex · lailposltion. munlcat1on sk1lll 1n portunity. --------•I Laser ma nuh ct u rer NURSES Assoc. 9Sl-8177 pen~nce MJpruJ, but not Bentley Hayes & Assoc person and on telephone BenUey Hayes & Assoc. AoraiDe~,,; seeks talentt'd appren· UPJOHM req11red. The Sanborn lS708roolabollowDr.Stel Salary commensurate 1570Brookhollow0r.Ste Exp necH, goodhop .,;,.Q7tt8 .~~ling Q1nlYo~rSaSt1T0n· 1 li<;'f or Joumeymarin with HUI THCAIE ·PA RT TIM E . Han Co. 851·3066. 114. SA 92707. S49·2:625 w I up r . In Irvine 114. SA. 98707., ~9·26U. W~ .8. s po....-I ,..,.,.., ""' mill at lathe.upe ence. _,. d='ca ';:d elCierly lady uc-Kr~tU>-v Penonnel services IC)(ir,;. 7141957·1168 Penonne1servaces100~ ~plv 14972 Beach. drorporate mail/stock Excellent pay/benefits SllYICIS lpwithpersonal V"• ~ • 1--fl'ft ' o l ' · For counse ng agency. ·~ --~.,.ur ... •y ..=;:=·------lt.mr rooms . e1veries. including h~alth in· ~.ClitJnlttt neataat<'OOk.ing.Livein --~ration of machines. ll&flmC(!, vacabon•holl· Nations fead1n• prlvatt 2da-everyotherwLnd.' 1\les. fr Wed. evenings. 5.a.11E5 Newport Beach, type 6S ~Yto $100i ~L"R.eJCE ' I · 1 · d 1 , ...... of bo" ,~ .. General clerical skills. ,,,_..., wpm. shorthand pre· Cog• 1 atmosp er• ,..ms • PP ng. receav nf. ay pay. App Y at: prov....,.r . me care Refs. req. Call 760-1073 eo.taMeu.645-8390 Loolung for aaare11ive ferred ~x word r.ro· n ,.na " Imme openmaa. hort Heavy lifti.nf J!!volved. Lultmann Electro· hu operuncs for uper, ,.7pm person wltb r etail • b pf 1 · +excel. bl'nents are rt· & long term auign-Exper. pre . Fashion Optics Inc., ~ Calle conaenlal NA. CltA. " -· C!e110C" e u · ma ure wards ror a brilhl aeJr. nnls. Top pay. No fee. Island inveat~t firm. Aviador, San Juan UVE INS. Call now ror Petition Clrr~lator!I , I~/.---. Of~ man 1 ge men t ex· lndivldUll, non.smoker. starttt. BenlleyHayes • Purcell Temporaries, Call640-0123,9:J0.2pm. Capistrano <San Dieeo a . 7S2-0lil92EOE Ftr. ~tr. daily pay. TO '1100, N'ever a dull f:ht1:h Call SS7·l2&4 1 Assoc. 1510 Brookhollow 851·905S.. Fwy, San J uan Cr~ek Nunlin Eaay12Job H ·SIO br. moment. Terrific op· · r= I Dr. Ste 114, SA 92707, n--.1 off ramp) EOE g 84()..al Port. tor varie>d duUe11n I WJ.,., .:1 ~L' S49·262S Personnel ~EIALOFFIC. Kron Cbocolatier or S.C . .,.,.. · · Need RN or LVN, part busy sales office. I rrr1U41 u u11CAA11w servlcal~ftff. Must how Poat·rlle Pl au. exclusive M/P/H. time for night ihif\ In •PhoneSales• Btntl4 H fr A SECRETARY '-ad I system&type.895-3843 chocolate store hu Coov. Hoap. Xlnt salary Pai~::;i:;1::sof mo~f~wo:.'~~e /UT your lo SICUTAIY "-·ralorfl.ce. Advertis· p/llme. position avail. M .. T*•ctMaw & benefits offered. moot.oMikeJ. 114 SA 92707 5492526 be"A/,.,.,.,:1':,,,A" Top ratel."ShOrt & long '"""' Aftftl Genera mechanic al PleaM apply Beverly ~lservlces .100~ WlM"f.l'WU , I term assignments. No Ing Coordinator for nwftnperaon. knowledge Exfi. in eleC· Manor, UO Victoria , 14700toMartS. y-1. fee. Coastal arua. w te k I y ta b I 0 l d LEGAL SECRETARY bl c M l3650toCarl G. rrw ... a !"fWSJ>&~r. Background W/traln, must type Ir ~~~I f' ..... f, ~mL ng · · Tbtydiditbyworklng Restaurant needa all Goocll.ooL.. Purcell Temporaries, madverttJlogpreferred t.ake sJiorthand rut & ""·"f'YY 0 arry. Nuning with qualified writ~ lo poslllonr1. ApflY in 1Sl·e5. but not required Mudsl accurate. Salery com· !1!' ~S~ EH~e~, L•I Mllltffr AIDE le* explaining our tx· penon.42817thS , CM.. be blgbty oraanlz~ . mensurate w /ex per . ...,..._,..... · · · null~ citin.1 oil pro1r1m. Restaurant -"' te.t falt , ... .._a. 1--------can Terry McCormick Contact Mr. Edward H. MB»CALASSIST. Exper all ablfta. Conv, Sound intere1~ing? Call T.a.c~ 'rut .ow. H Y°" whll P" ••SICUTAIUIS. '* S4M370.Mon-Ftt.W. StcneorDee,640-8900 Office nurae needed Hosp. Nwpt . BcL JimSilverat673-002 " MW ..,. a•1191, 'MS/Ad AacySlS,600 4 GBBAl oaacE atarUng approx. Kay l. Olttrful, dedlcatH to PLANT ii lookifta or ull. par\ ...... -.d......... 110/SllO/Beacll/SlUOO Piriii .. rlt."Req°J:es gd. N~~a~a'? firm Ca11646-81311 ad pvt. care. Xlnt Ins. MMNTENANCE . !:r~~rme0prpob~~n1~1!~ ¥tlllllty. Wt.._ y• ..... ,_ __ ... t.eiall/MO/Bnltall&.ooo phone personality le sp«:lalbing ln tax. en· proJram.Cal154Zf044. FoUa11e. plant matn· foracfvancemrnt.Apply loolled to WHttrc =:.'?:~~ i!Xp.ConsultanlOura attn. to detail. {uice tertainment. corporate ~c""..,.11*• OfflceM•.,.,/ tenance ln orrtcea, 2·3 •Coutffwy La&Bcb Dl9ltel, • tHcllct -....... ~~g~l/J8i !fee1 12lS1MonarcnSt .. le estate plannina. -"""" ~••S.C days a week . Ex· ' ~ r.__.. tltc-_, F uaraenGrove,8111·44.2.S Minimum 2 years ex· TIAIMH forexp "'&aevenal· perlence preferred. l\ETAIL CLERK,._._,,._._., ctn lffltd eds N:portfl33..llt0/ ree ... Must have car. Call Newport Beach Variety tr.lafira M2M11 GENERAL Ofc. girl for pmence. 70 wpm typ· torney Law Firm in 55'7-0185. Slon, 108 22nP St., N.B. • party rentahtore. Order uig. Word proctsaing eit· Irvine Jodu1trlal com· f1S..S6U dl'sk, Lnvoic:'e typing Ir perience prefer red. $14,400 pl ex .. Salary corn· Realf.lallte '"'""'--.....~-----• rtlina. Start at S86S mo. Benefits. Sa I a r Y , menturate wltb exper. Muuc••IA• Retail lull ' part·time Phone Mon., 4·19 or neaotiable. 833-1066 Call Mr. Slmonda N ""E-w p o I{ T CMhler, :MO Broadway, Wed. 4·21 btwn 2 "•PM (Melinda). m.aezz IN v Es T M £ N T Lyuna &h. 5497.4403 for interview. A le 0 1'1.• aak¢ t}lou cood PerYear -IHILP COUNSELORS bu a SALES Renllls1642-1181 bowebold itenu you're lM eatly level pos. avail. PC:~pen Tn-l eal limited number of ot>· GH·3GEROVITAL not uslng available to in our dlstrtbution itarr. Eall.te=. raiaal firm In Pb'• for pc>tithe, am· "°" atallable In tire n~i some oth& family by ad· :!J.lld· '*· Yn1. people Cdll, phone • tYP· bltbaa, tt1U.uaia1tlc real USA. 11 it I.be fountaln uo:oau •ertising t.htim for sale .,..,. cf. d Mt.ate llcemee1. Jf )'OU o ( yo"' l II ! Free .... -.,c... ln Clauitied. Ca 11 71"'M4·S471 ~ pay 5 Y•· .,. ~la lnvell· aemlnan hll.h Income $56711 2774 1111m ml ~nd or po t en t l 1 l , d l t . IAmc~/r:f. thru Frl.1lAK·3r M. '°*"'I for l Your lributonhipe avallable . 2"" ~ WOii .,.. bert: "'llOUH Tw,m,sus ' m icro com p u te r ,...:.::.===----•10 I• • oniy. lib rary. 1yner1ilt1c Siles ::~: t'Ji1"/o.,:·,~~ =~~::.: -=::= w • ...-I ... .... ••4 ....... . :::z:..-:.: ....... cw.ta. ........... ,. .......... d .... fw ~...:.:~=~~ ...., tih1h11 u. ftit ............. ,.. ---·---,_ ,.... .... .._ ,_ .................. __.. ................... _.. ... ..., ... cla11ltled ldl 142-5671 Wtllhd . 7100 • ••••••••••••••••••••• SICUTAIY for tu lawyer. wood proceuing. will tr11n. Newport Beach Law Of. faca. lotuvlew by appt. Call Caryn 714/644-&12 Saaet.y Slt,200 ~l'tt.f"opra. of R.E. ftnn. Excel. typing le shrthd. Call: Karen Dort ~·9971 Accompli•hed Pel'IOMel Servkes. Inc. mllrvilit Av, 1101 NB SICllTAIY Cancflaate must have =~~f~~1::~bk1'1\:. Dulles will Incl. cor respondence for the GM. Admln .. at Mttg. Mgr .. as well as ma Int. of pel"IOflnel records. To schedule an interview pis. call : Mn. Adams in Garden Grove, 191 -442$ SICUTAIT/UIC cu•~stH Your profest • al man· ner + lop 1tilla are the keys t.o llUCCUI with in· ter national leader. 8eftt.ley Kaye1 ' Assoc. LS10 Bropk.bollow Dr. Stt 114, SA rz707. 549·2162$. PfnlclMtl ae"lcea lOO'k rree. o..c:.IC ....... 'l'hun. evenlnp~ 4"PM to mlldnlpt. + u needed totOYer vacatloa1. H you are qualified ror tht above potltlona ,..... call for appoint· mut btt1r .. n IA M • IPM.a&..rrl. 7M •-,Ext. Ul lliiiiiiiii' --·-11 •. N •.• B ... ~-1 weet I y . c 1 11 p. u I ,,. r..il .Mltlel tim• --------• Franllltn or Dou1 QmtlaUoo Dept cur· AIMHA HodNtt •l Tit.JUI for ,. • Pod~ open n? ~ltecf f la te .... l• 11111. Al I flt ld eo. p/thne btlo to ~....... ,.,,..eat1tln you'll a.o. i.di•ldtaa l plale1. We"il'9 u opftio& * ... • llollr'1 ••t.: =:.•tmo1phere. :: •tll drtued, ':; &-e; ~:.:.-=-~• Por ............... , ...... ,, ....... ........... t9J ~ .......... ._., •l•H II Z::'£~L= ::::::::Cll::·;;;;;; ~·=-='1 _.. ~ caU: ... Harbor ar11 ta roll· ---_,. .. _ ... Newspgper CGrriefs tor l'out•• • NITTM mnlll ..... aad/or rt· MLB ;-:-::"f· t4P& .......... 1"tit ~altt fl Utt f'.I ~,._.-H•dt4. CMllW WHlffl COUMllL_J f irm h i t_,.fftr I ... ,.~0:• ~ ...... M loeklcl "'!II le .... ~ ...-.. fOr us • ~ ' llra,.. lllttli...._ af· I QIU•• • ..,_.. ..... .... '*""r ~ '"*! '!t ,,., .. ,. • 1i:uu •••1....,/lft to illtr•• aa '"' :r.'rt•r .. r. a.·ii1 'i °" " "'''"'' l1ur .. 1e, 1••• . :.~ .... cau::r; .....,, ,_.,ii • .. dlllr Ml••.._._...,., ~ ..._....... 1'i.l::C111T£a rr.:.:.~~:::t. :=:" ._ ;«e:P =t=;AIA .,.a ........ • In HUiltinglln Beach, FoUntciin V_., & Newport Test TECHNICIANS cellerit condition S75 714-557~ Mu.st sell! Utlna room' 1..::::==-=::.:..::.=-=~--1 fo rmal dining room 1..s::lll!l..-l!JI:~-!~~~ I furn It ure a II Drue I from Ted Von Hemerta. 2 Ma 1vo1 apukers. °""91 COlll DAIL V ptLOT/&.1dly, April 11, 1912 SUYISAYH WITHUSID PAITS · )inportJCar part• IMPORT AUTO SUPPLY 101 N Mancheater Anaheim 776-9900 'MAC WHEELS With 1S" llrts, s luc Dod e 1«.>0. Ml Mll 'Tl Pinto P1rt1.11g out ~ tot]S. CllJ Rob~ 2872 MODB. .. A"sl Shay repfiCas: pickups & coupes. 4 to choose rrom• 10067681 1Stk ~I Prices starting at OHLY $9,ttS! THEODORE ROBINS FORD 2'ir,,1 ~<j\1110• ~LwO (u~TA "'I ~A lo4J OC" -- '61 e. 1n'l:• body ~at everylhln&. Real 1olld. US007080 &'Jl-7151 •'7tCHIYY• PICICUP I fl. bed. stereo, 1Uck UJ40.1371 Sltll WILSOHFOID 112SM"BeubBlvd, Huntincton Beach 142·"11 1976 F-150 S2 so':1 ~'M a y s 752·11>22, eves 960-14S4 ••7tFOID• IAMCHHO~T v.a Aliil'Mcas1 . Wire wheels. O Pl79S81 SAYE ~c~fv~. Huntington Beach '11>Cbev Luv PU Mikado 4x4 cam r shell Xlnt cond 640-1129 •'12TOYOTA• 'ftUCI 4 cyl. Afif. auto. lraAS 12.829800) llG SAVIH~S ~ct<l~ Huntington Beach _..t~~.1.-- lB13 O>evrolet Cheyenne Swier a. Ton Pickup Lib NEW bas ONLY 55,000 m ties & Is LOADED! For sale ·at ONLY $3900 Call 78MllS44. • tS70 ••••••••••••••••••••••• WE PAY TOP DOLLAR POIU5mCAIS ALAMMA...oM ~ Orange County lntematiorial • 0 ~ April 21-25 Spring ~0 ~~ Shew W.W911M tltcW... ... 1rW ...... ..,,,... .-.._..,,,w ....._..,,,w 'jAlltet.b.,ort.d ,....O.,i.,1rW ~Uttd · W...UM4 · UM ....................... ....................... ....................... ...•••••............... .•....•..............•. •.•.....•.•..•..•....•• ....................... ••.......••.•......•... ....................... . .................•... WllUY ~ ............. !?.'.~ ~ ............ !!~~ ~ ............ !?~~ ~.!:~.·.~ .... !?.~~1 ~·'=· ......... !?.~~ !~~ ....... !??.~ :.~~~! .......... !!.'.! ~ ............. !!.~! ................ !!~! a...-.cAIS ·~.aircond,1tereo 1111 DATSUN 2006X. $ WE'RE * * * llDSTEI '7t Seville, very clean, •'II POU• •Wp,hyl,AIT,needs AMtTIUCIS l40-W =:;.11:0~'\~~ llcMN.,_... '°il~~~UDI .pg;J.ilFOI• =~'·owner, dr ISCOIT ~ '*.or'i $)50 080 ,,. Meo H blllU 15~ Dolphlii Teri' ice SPalM& z .. It.enc>, radlO, au lo. ~o~· :~ c~·~~·, r.: r~(! r~. !i~ :T\u,x~ DEAUN' You ~~:e~~~~r of Gar:n Grov:d. ~n~ ~Mt.~ ~ i:i:~nt~~: r::r tranl. (1~=) .................. !!~~ c ..... nrt.673-4209 ·.conomy. (2UVCP). mllATE fourfrMUcketa (llS.OO) S...Senlc--'. .... All tecondltloned ' .MS-tl30 WILSOMJOID w•wru C.ONNHL _c.~tv~~.LET I S4~12 00 I $42111. Earle llte Toyota· value to the 714 6J6 2131 , __ .. Wlll t d •. '79 c.cm.c tazWSeacb lllvcl Ml '13 BMW 3.0CS Coupe. F\De Used Car Sales. • +s'n .... sa..w · -guaran.-u. ra e .. TOP OF-'t'lUrl.lNE Huntlngl0et8e,cb Gorceaus. blue body, ~1'70 Harbor Blvd., IUYEIJ ON WAR~\f--finance WE BUY Xlntoood. blueext.1rey JO IUJ IMMIUYll petfec.t onCinat 11ddle Colta Mesa. '46·1303 CONVENTION ...... 9755 ~~S'1 cloth lat 32,000 m1 .7 .. Custom soo. Xlat • +'ftMODB. ·Top -ilclll.n ror Sports leathet-Interior, air. el· 540-IN8'7. IJSJ CENTER April 11·~ •••••••••••••••••••••.. .,....mp es !l!'OO· 720-0425 " ~ Can .... Campers loya. P11ter thlll • To claJm tickets call WCHST pdlll65 vw, BUGU family Cit Loolls/rUJll usa CAIS t l4's:Aucsr1' 'sl>ffdinc bullet. sans ltlZDATSUM 642·5671. ext.'212. 194.AULT o .mnt.(083 KZ> 79E100,black,11lutru! ~.ll200.~30'2Sev Aak forU/CMGR OBO. Call Kenyon ZtoZDOOI unoELS Tickeumustbe claimed S&ICTIOH $1995 Bellt. cood ! ~z.ooo ml. •'7'FOlD• II.SIN FOii JIM MAllHO 5418-TlMS. s.dan. 4 speed trans 1ftU by April 23, 1982. Ill c.lforMa ~· PP. 63l·"'6 ~D 11255 Beech &fvd JMWtfi~ l!J:!!::sc~~!:!!f:~ (*4~lM744 SAYE * * * lncliX!fn-ftheiTfnew 41pc11L61t~~:,suK'im ) lm~:.t~~~~ner v.e, 2-dr.:-radlt auto. Hunt.lnctonBeacb H\JNTJNC~N ~EACH haL Low miles, alloys, <rrer aoochliru4-lt·82 'Sl :mil., 7.ooo mi . alloys, l .. AULaT FUEGO 52295 . @!00. Lag. Bcb 4i4-7933 trans .• A/C. <643YDK> 142e661 I air, S1.5CO alarm\ystem MIWPOIT DATSUN blue/blue llhr. $31,000 ••~"' n4TUl~O '74 Eldo Convertible. Sl9U llT1 Palldac Graod Prix. Runs r1ntulic. SMU .---DOVestreet AT 6'5-0Sl,845-alOl rv..v looh &rut $3700 WILSOMFOID Low m iluce Full OBOCaJIF.d548-72C5 .•. NEWPOR~BEACH '72MBZ2:50.lmmac antr Abo Agre1tseect1on IH7 YWIUG 7S2-as7 J.mi6lle-ach1Jlvd power Air 13500 MSOO firm &45-7194, of Ren1ult 181 s~ans Opel SHAl\P llunttngton Beach IC'U7f'7 ·~:.~:~e~~c~:a~:•-,-.,,...-Da-"·1.11·un~B"'2~10 ... -2-d_oo_r HONDA ~~ :Se:~ ~~a~lf~ (S2UQ4V94S25l C-.. ttl7 14WU 1 '78.=GL:.RAN::.:.:..-P-R-JX-L-.-J -N-ic-e 400.76CHM16 .. .., .. 724SC!>Lpamn.r~o~. can•. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 71 LTD W _.. _,,,..,,, .. _loffer with an economical 4 .... d IJllO Camaro, V-6. A/C, •&on, runs .....,... -"' ~ speed trans., radio & ownr, beau. uk r . WE'RE DEALING p /W, p IS. lilt wheel. good, 1150. 080. '=~=r.M6=------ 97 IS heeler. Very clean ' SANTA 1JtSOOllSH838. Stt Us Today!!! u J ~ttl~~ ~¥~9541 28.~ mil~. xlnt rond 646-3518 74 TIAMS AM ~~!·1vou1krsTfor just 1f ~E. 37K m1. urell.. ~l/J~~ST 52695 7~1650. WHIJ(D 400, auto, a/r , ater~. -· c.oore e oyol•· ti/~~·~r~~L• ownr. -"51" '75 C1maro LT Xlnt M MW~Urn. brakes f\ne Used Car Sales. ANA ~-· ·.... llNAULT cond New r1d11l1 firm.6"-aol l:\~~~::~:.:~v3~3 ~-SEC PurchHed 2 2:SZ4 Harbor Blvd 1969 YW IUG wtmap, am Im cus TO IUJ 540-IN8'7. ../ weeks ago Driven Sin s.Ml023 645-7770 Automatic 0446S > Ill' obo. 631-5797 LA TE MO DEL -, Francisco to Idaho ...... _.--9756 $2495 ~ .._. _,.1 '61AlllalD W ~MTEDI 9721 Parts&Servlce()pen met.allfc blue with blue ......,._ 11. •""" w •ou Uon , auto, USED CA.IS X1nt bcidy, good lr1ns, Late O:e1 Toyota; and o.t.t 97ZG ....................... ~1".f1w~~;i1!e. ~.'J}~efe1:~~ ~ron:e .. ~.;~~~;;~·~~~ ... [UfflX rmu!Jfil) ~P~d!o smo 615-2~74 Ill.SOii fOID ~ ;::~:. •:!a~!fi Volvos Call us ....................... • HEW llblk.weatofMainl 9PM.~3103 ··· MOTOIS O..r•t 9920 1&25SBeacbBlvd now !4N-J151days TODAY!!! lt72DATSUH IEUllEAN 548-7430 450 SL 1'79 White/tan R:Jt' (Al{\/ER talWWitmtrSA557·2132 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Huntinllon ••rh 1200. Hu Aif/PM. in (IClllQ51) _ _ --1 tealh 29K m1. extend~ R:llS-l{Jy('E •'7' CHIYY * 142.6611 ·a fl\rebird, stereo, air eood condition I I• 1ets S24 950 11 Civtc. 4 Speed, $4200 wa.rr . mint «>11d Many MOMli 212 --abb. macs. cd paint, great cu m HJe' , a..a. 493-N23 u lt for I x l r • s C • r phon e ~~~~ 18 vw bus, sunroof. auto. 4 cyl AMffM. stick '81 Ford F.trort St Wen /080. 147-7151 _ SllOO.can63l-409tdays H-..DA Gmd>ea negotiable S33.SOO. as-newpainlS5500 ct.tsYDNl 11,000 mi. like a ew .... ....._... cr780-1312al\er&p.m. """ --swnablt 9'\ lu Ca llok i ClOStDWflO•n • • SJ211 jS!!5.Cal19'2·M59 _rn....ii..taw 9970 c .... ~ SAMr~ .. ... .. '79 A d Ht hblt l 1 975-1128 Les 646-44J~ &46-6968 ••••••••••••••••••••••• "u .. u t >•Uo.u o 191ZD ... TSU... -1w. a"'rn~r"' C(OI'' c 'iu 0 ------~ 9762 WILffft>.I FOID '7UiF$TAGHIA ~ " -"' trans, AC. beige. xlnt '70 M d 280SL --~ Bu a Au sha •71FOlD• HOD COUPE cond.$6400 ore 776-4021 . erce eJ · •••••••••••••u•••••••• l.82555Be1chBlvd. r.,un..,, rp. air, loc.";_GL_ pacia.ae. 5 540.7410 home64$.79S? 640.6931 · r lHsic. looks & runs Siles·Service-Luslng '10 UllfT DSL Huntington Buch sunroof, louvers. new T·lllD ~.~.!.a.!~ ....... speed trans. air rond .. Alt . 9715 • -ett•tl17,500 '72-~~ _ SADDLHACI 4dr,AC,lomi.S6l95. Hl-Hl I tlra .~1·39d ~!ns2tic.•:::~o~~to Al9'-9705 AM !fM c111ettt, ••••••••••••••••••••••• 'IOAct0tdLX.sperialu '78 300 CD coupe. wire SUlilU W.............. • U.C. 9945 ••••••••••~••••••••••••!' amllllir paint• more' tru. mUJl see. S8000 wheels. sunroof. extra •~• .,11, t t"t 549-1256 SHUSFilST! ••••••••••••••••••••••• Sl711 (~) ftrm.8'T.Vi107 t.ank.cassette.45,000mi .&A.CA.v..4.0 4_M_~_ Wehavu1oodselectlon '63 Linc Conl Conv WK.SOMFOID HIW&US9 OHLYSl2,tt9 •FANTASTIC• 19 AttOrd hltchbark. 5 ~49'164i4 ro,oto 97'5 o f NEW & USED ~ctable. new tires. 1!2S558it1cblJlvCJ ALIAIOMIOt! <Xfereoodllln14-lt·l2 •FIATS• spd, ftlverlblack int, '79 Mer cedes 3000 ••••••••••••••••••••••• all~ w11h '63 puts HU.alUICl-00 ••ch Oreqe County's oldtst ~ITBtATSUH HIW&US9 am/fm cus . air. xlnt SlS,450 Clu n, fully 1'77 TOYOTA Corona 7t lA~lfT r ar Sl950 takes all 141-HIJ &B .. tef1odrlnec Ydulersbhuipy. • ve reet RAT SPOIT CAIS cond. ~. equapptd Waion s spetd trans . ~~1:.!.fmat r, AC, lo 1$1·1047 '77 T· Bird, showroom .., ou. NEWPORTBEACH ManyToebooteF'rom' 79--1112or83l·IM911 770-~77 air cond . lier~ tape, -cond.Allposslblextru. ~~·~~D:~: llJ.1300 Examples: W.-Gtile 9714 Mc. 9742 ~~~:.":tu:~~;ez,1 W~~ti ~ .......... !!.~~ =elia l~~~~ew -spider VeloCe! •'79 DA TSUH * Cl 75.RAT $PIDll ••••••••••••••••••••••• appreciate' 1~79TCO 1 • 1.1170 Marquis, 1mmac -•cH~POITS i'Jf. .assac white l>uuty '•Coavertiblt new top& ••••••••••••••••••••••• Priced to sell ' E1rlt lkf WAllJED 1ntr PIS, P t B, P IW, v.,. 9'74 ~ witb 5 a-pd, air cond · · Good. To "' U _.. C '7 "-'d S 8 C .. Dove eet NB •,..,I A I 5 spd "!lip. Low mil•••• intmor. running ')otl r lDt son.i ar 4""' un ug, good A . aew tires SM5 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ' · " ·~ ·• • · j'i22Nmi "' ""' cond. 549-tllt__.152·2377 ATTIMTIOH Sales 1166·1970 llarbor <'Olld Reblt eng. 12400 9'19>5100 '74 Yep Wacon Good ·-"!rbor5l-ot0Blvo .. C M aircond. tSLRU9IOI M~ Blvd . Costa Mesa 7fJG.6833 TO BUY ------a>nd.$1400 ._ na a UH• $4295 ....... 9731 646-9:303540-946? '74 MarqUIS Brougham a.509l & 73M4lO Hl·lllO WILIOMFOaD . ....................... OWMHS --'76UlllT LATE MODEL lmmac Lom1. All pwr, 11Z5!6lle-lcb 1J1i d TONH£AlfCOV ER 1970 Mark II lSOO sedan Run s e re at. A / c, ate. reg. gu. Sl795 or · & ol a ntw bomr AlfalSOO u ..... "' .. a Bev h 71AATsrtDll F'itsMC'11,:11.·e1 • auto. 1ir rond, heater AMtFM r ass , really USED CARS beltolfer.541"2.09 for •P.rlng? Set-lht v-..eo..ffdmi? nuuuu ... on IC Ricing green, 5 1pd, Nevtrua(!d,$75 radio, like ne• ID side nice_631·~12~080 WILSON FOID 11111 nylis,linJ11n,loday's Alt P1tt1l0cooverl·101 atereo. ma1s NONE Maria831·77t'7 lvemsg tnd wt 1000 60·8001 ...... 9952 c au1 aed ro umns IMO to Veloce , exc NICER!l ~CP5771 after8orwknds 7 l S.rleett. 18Z5SBeach Blvd. •••••••••••••••••••••••l.Jll.:.lllllL----- pistona. 11400. 979·2741 $4995 '78 Mid•et Convert.able '12 Su~ra narforma nee ~ 499' 1420 MuoUngton Beach •'10 FOlD * ...... Utt4 _.,, · Whitew/blacklrim. am· plt1. t blu, all options. '67 rbrit Bad body. ex 142-6611 """ al'ler.,_-orwknda • ,.,. Sq ...... ST~ COUPE •••••••••••• .. •• .. ••••• "13 Alf• Spydtr. perfect 79 RAT SPtDH rm radio. 27.000 m1. H k· '1000 le assumP luse al eel nJMIDR 1ear UIOO 4 eyl.. 4 a . pwr st for 1ummtr, runs xlnt. Autom1t1c, s tereo. s 1 us ingl.1000 &u--0548 evs & 1325/mo Call Mike dual port eng 1st 1200 •COIYml 0 1281111 clllll 11.". 00 494.a75 ( > fllJTMAlOA • IMCH 9744 "n Toyot1 Corona hke VW <'hassis '73. Good l1 i.o.ded. glasa lOp.1. etc WILSON FOID &dy. top, Int. gd cond. ~Wt sold new! KJ11 ,001 =r-J nndi,158-55118 wk~ 714f720..0S33 _ I ~es al! 96CH 780 HIW ltlZ SUH NllLUll 1MW 9712 $5295 awn,· 1··••••••••••••••••••••• new Air. r/wind. defog, U~. no rusL Suitable for Ser.4740/7217. f8255SBeachBlvd. c• rlBltll'( ....... •••••••••••••••• tr you are loolunit for 1 4 door, new brakes & kit car. parts Exe ron OHLY $11,491! H&.lnUngton ••ch ~ 77AATXl/9 ,_... ... quahty used MGB. call l1ra S3SOO Call Ooua dJuon 4942407 -HOWAl.R_~IN•roltt 142-H.U & '781.IOZ. lhnt cond. Ong 4 spd, stereo. m• 1• fAGlml I mt. Clive Skilton. or one Tori!lJ '!'.orkJ673-1434. YalYo 9772 Oove1,ITilSLs '74 Mustang,. cyl, n~s s•• r1 owner. 21 ,000 m l. Beaut iful brow n ' im-st.ca111uu1$JD1 or my enthusl111t1r y...... 9767 ••••••••••••••••••••••• NEWPO TBEACH bodywork.1100 ftLL! Automatic, AM /FM la6MR> salesmen here at Bauer••••••••••••••••••••••• I I YOlYODEALH ' -642-2790an 5 ~.silver •lbllt int. $4295 Moc.on We are Orange If )'OU are loolung for a l'NORANGE COUNTY • '711 Slllion W " s I 'SSMustanc· Nnlln BMW S7tOO . 752-U77 da County's number one ualit usedTRa s t •.on. cy WllllUI ~lev lflOMAZDA MG dt1ler Riehl now ~ Y 11 °t.P1 --Air, auto, pwr steerin1. 6cyl.4spd.llOO. ....._ 79RATXl/t ~Ccf?Url weh1venearlya do1to ,,!.~Lon· ca me1 ive SAUS,SllYICI brakes. windows. Tilt. Clll&U-0382 •-lacttt.rl 'H '72 Datsun 240Z : Xlnt Metallic 1old , 51pd. MCBt ot varyini prices ....., •or one 01 my en· AMDLU.SIHG roof rack . • m trm • IMW'sAreJl.N! cond. New tires. •Ir, 4 AIJ11D1t oew1 (270YHV> ~ "E:le~· l!:e~~ lncludin1 • rare Ltd° th .. lullcnlesmenhere OVERS~ASl'.>~LIVl:RY cuset~."20949'·1733 86wlit.219auto. atereo. ~c!ti. rz~!:!!'f ~~! ipeed. poo, t'7M74CI $5295 &old uterior with brown edition rmdtl All have ~ r8:':; :4~°!'~ :: r: EXPERTS '76 Clevette. wht, low mi, nu 111~1~ tires. ball. itlll available! Wt "Tl 2llOZ.. MetJ blue. Xlnl velour interior. 5 speed been fully prtpped. number one Triumph xlnl rond., extremely '67 MUil.ant convert, r~. ll)t(iaJiu in· Euroi,un lo /out. AM /FM sound We Believe We Have trans .. 1 .unroof/· smogged le new tires duler Right now. we IAIL.1111 cltaa, 1lw1ya kept In creuvery ud . nawltu •Y1tem.pl95,IS7£6l Tbe Lowut Prictd moonroor. Blaupunlll added where necessary. have hr.o ol the most YOlYO ..Pr~.673-Sl'T7t11ea $~1 0tgp0 ~106 ~ood . pre-owned BMW's. '78 2IO'Z, xlnt cond, air. F1ATSinSo.CaUfornia! AM/FM cuaette • Vfe are ready to deaJ ppousTRSayoucould tll6SH11borBlvd 1973 M1llbu Lagun1 C213}86)..0018 WlwreCustomtr AM/Fii can. macs equaliur, iir condition· nittt DOW before t.he ~un pcmibly own ... lhey are COSTA MESA Very clean body ' in· -==-~~-- c-.. Co •·t• obo m Inf. rear window reallyatartstoshine. So c.'OIJeclor can. Allo. we .,._ . ~~?i'!~;'lni .8'15-8857. I r.r.m n ~ de roster, lulhtr I.be time II ri&ht lo buy b1Ve five Spitfires It 6.46-tlQJ UQ.14'7 tenor. oc.ogane not run a..... ttSS DW.Ut,SantaAn• lt762101Z+2 UJUYlJSUI armrs.ro1U&bts,bra, t:fr convertible now vuyin1 pricts. Bauer '79 3WCL, gold, am/fm In .&42-4653. • ..................... . (714)13S-31'1t pl. MS-4278 MOTOllS carcover&ONLY20,000 ore SUIOaalrlrlces Motors. 292$ Harbor CISI., lo mi, immac. '72Nov16-cyl,3·1pd,runa w•wre Sunda 7 1 • 101 ~~A5Il:1.!32 low mllea ! Mu a t ~~t!'~rrd ~rs. Blvd . Cost• Mesa. ~Mu11tlft.&C6-6905 ~St~ 720-t3Udys. Ml ,. sell ... ONLY •.•! C.11 Mes r v O ala m,2500 Open 7 days a -----ark 64f·15T6 wkndst TD lllY Air. stereo, low mlleege, '74-41111 daya or 499.2530 •. mzsoo pen 7 week _,. tv_....es"". _____ _ Dl'Wndlals. tsSOO. '74 F\at 13' c~111 4 dr, 11\er 7:00 weekda11 & daYI a week. . 'T1 Sp1tf1re ...... Used '78 M'*1le Carlo, sharp, • .+Tl MODEL f1S.U27 15T·ll91 after8 ~ ___.._.._ ~ 97 .. 6 ••••••••••••••••••••••• food ""'nd .... II ~wr, """ I clean, am/fm stereo mcnua. _,..... .. Parrot green 11500. w ru 741210. . JeanlM-1742 '78 Mw GLC: am/fm ••••••••••••••••••••••• 642>5442or'46-5247 AMC 9t05 M/FM 8lrll. AC 50 USID CAIS 1/c, good tares. c~ I OPll. GT ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~1134 ..c::=-----=8~47:.:.,:·02=12 .,, Flat convert. well cond. Must sell ! 12790. uoo:so.1.e1 ....... t770 •'76HOIHEY• ----Ml.SOI FOID S~S8YICI '72510Wap,4apd,oria. cared for,de.,end.trans. IM-3114 ••••0 •••••••••••••••• STATIONWAAOM "111 Chevette. Xlnt cond 112SSBeacbBlvd &IASI... owner, r u ns cood. 1111teotrer. EveS»-3110 r...-9750 '85 VW F 11 t b ac It . s cyf .. ilff wlleil,-luc New tires. air. 4 apd ~on Buch Dl·atO ~ f1400/080.Ma-S4112 Hllllll 9727 Miia••.._ 9740 ....................... 1100/080 Nu clutch. rldt. Um>> . .WS-7091 ~llB•CI ww ••••••••••••••••••••••• 10 Ponche 11:24 T bo It Urea. Str1l1hl body. ••-1 Tl Moote Carlo, Ute blue, t • .-......ot .. ·-••••••••••••••••••• ~ _...._ ur · Ml 1Z76 --lo ml , load•d ••••". -•_,, e •W'Y ·-u l'AJn Ci 1 CVCC •.._,.......... '80 Ponche 924 Both · WILSOMFOID "' .,_.,., 79 ..... ~ lllllion\'WJo lt7'W-510, .. ,,,n,,.. • .,A 'c , · __.Mera•• loaded. T1ke over i.e ••vw Bu&.tood engine. Jm$58eacb Blvd •143ieves CUTLMS'-S\fl>R'EME (Awry='!·5> ~automatic-. clean. ~~t'?1oJ::,~~ ... ..,. nt.a.714112S-t808 RumcoocU700. Huntln&too•ach a..,111r ttzs BROUGHAM , snoo · Priced ri1ht at only cwftLthe? PO R • 5 '7 C I 1s1 I c '1Sl·7"1 ....................... Makeolrer75:-14tt 1'1w.t ltdfllt W.,. "'-lat -· F.erle Ille T()yot•· Compare Hdblt Of Im· Soeedltu. Rtplica bit ,. Oloev. Concourse 4 dr, '67 Delmont•. xlnt cond. r.tOf y_. •I · ,,.. Vied Car IJ1le1. ports Dlrect lease ind IO '18; 30.000 ml. Mint. vinyl top.~ stereo, clean, ml.mt .... Sl200 -••i••rOr ~ll70 Herbor Blvd . ..! mos. aeo1lbte fymt1. $U00/080. M·F , alarm.top .lownr. llW70e 2007 -'"" "11 aiz lllat toad. Ona Cotta lle11. '4t-ta01 D l a I 2 l o r 8:3Cllm·5:JOpm, Susan 541-W.S "-~• oweer. u ,ooo ml. ~ 714/VERCEDES Is 21.3 m.n11 '77 Cordob1, slnt, 1 Mel I .... WU Autom1tlc. All /t ll 'IZ a.da Clries. 4 Dr. or'IW 55,000 ml. .. Or&...M ..., Silfft' w/blk hit. llJU7 + tu per mo. '73 aol!: Aatbracile 000.142·3107 lrOlr .... "-! S'ltOO. TU· lf77 di Oolldend a mc>. leue. tre}'.~ cond. 110,000. l1141 IZ1.IJJJ MMll71~ AD a..en cm> Hi.Ol•. -"'~=:iz:.-;..._, __ _ 1976 CAO•t.AC (LDOIADO COWi (1esru>0) s4995 1977 CADILLAC SlvtUI (0t1T8l) s7995 1979 CAIMUAC COWi D1Y1U1 DllSll (522XWO) sg995 19'71 CADtlLAC llYIW (47'271) '9895 ttlOCADMAC PUITWOOO llovettAM (&51110 ) '11,995 , .- • • MEY, STUPID CAT, CAN -¥OU MEAR ME? 4-18 00 YOtl LOVE ME'? IU .. AY, ANIL 11, 1tl2 • H CINfl I WONDER WMAT . ~E'P 5AY ... • l1VE BEEN THINKING ABOUT SOMETHING 00 YOU REALLY LOVE ME?. • D065 AND cAT5 REALLY AREN'T NATURAL ENEMIE5, VOU KNOW ••• WHV CAN 'T WE SE FRIENDS ? I I . I \ ' VOO'R£ LOCKV 'fH 16 FENG&. tS eETWf EN ue, c;JOG WHIL.E &AM 15 OCCUPtEO ~ITH A Ct..tENT, Ht5 &eCRE'TAAY ~ove O.&. AROUND Tl1E OFFICE WHEN &VOOENL V SHE 1!> A&K!O A POlNlEO 0Uf&T10N! -~~ ... I· DON'T THINK l UNDERSTAND YOUR QUE5TION. MS. CL.ARK! I I . I _J ,t I I ! I : 1 ! : . i ~- ... -IT!> VERY f)IMPl.E ! ON A SCAt..E OF TEN, HOW WOUl.O YOU AATE '!'OUR EMPl.OYER CHARACTER. INTEU.t(;ENCE. ij()N~TY AND ETHIC5? l YA WANT~ TO TSL.L. HIM, SWIV~L? SURE, B,ABY. .l 1RAl'b OKAQ ! I NEVER ~It! ... P~oB,ABt-Y SOME C~EEP W~o WANTS DID I . H~ARiHS" PHONE RJN~? -ro As1< You , FOR ,A DATE. .. MARMADUKE® .. - I o . BUT WHAl'.5 10 KEEP 50M€DNE F~ ~ST .51EA~N& (,)OUR CAR ? by Tom Batiuk • '(./I - by Ferd and Tom Johnson N,AW--~-u: PROB,ABLY You'~E' Rf<5HT! H~ILL. DOESN'T KNOW KlCK. HIMSELF w~eN ,ABOUT YoU ,AND He: HE,ARS H~ LOST Me, Yer .:. OUT ROMANCE-Wise, YOU-WISE! .. • \ WA-rt:H-- X'L.L. EAT 'SC)l\,1E-- MMMM !. 'L.\C\OUS! ~ 9HN BARLING. • --. / CAN TOU f9'UST YOU• l\'Hf ,..... eN It ........ tlHter· ....... * ...................................... . ......... ,.. ..... "'"'' oe. ........................ . 'lu!lllW II..,._,,. AJ. 't ..-tt .. , 't 'tuftttw tA .,....!> 't '"91'*1' •1 MMIS ·c ~ff 1111 ·c 'lut9ttw •• •••IOWAll.&. ·1 ,__,..,,a TltY YOUlt HAND ATMATH-MAGICI Numbers In the di•· or•m M>oYe are •r· ranged so that the mlddte horlzont•I row equals twice the top row. And the bot· tom row la the tum of the top twe rews. lt \spoulltltto , rearr•notfMdltlts lnuchroweotNt three new rows of figures r_,.t, with the mlddle row ... In cbJblt the to, row, •nd the IMMtom f'O# ..,., te"" turn of tM upper two rows. C.n vou ecfllew tnltnew•rrtnte-mentt tstlMlll 1.,1 .. u :"c=-~•.&. 9• ; ·'1 2· . ., SHOOTING STAltl Wl\lt Clft YoU lr•w to complete tht dN· m.ttc clrcva sane above? To find out, connect 1 to.2, J, etc. .. .a f i 1 HAIR, HAIR! "mply add ttw following coton '*"' tt en-Mnce tttts ralnv•v resew SCitM: 1-ltM. i.-u. It&•. s- Yellow. 4-Lt. browtl. S-F ...... 6-Dk. tMe. 7-Dk. "9Wn. by Lynn .Johnston for Better or For Worse DARNt 1H\S.ELEMENT IS COMPl..Ell:L'{ GONE -ANO THE OVEN lHE~TAT ....................... ~~---. IS BROKEN RaAIN. HONE'{-I NEED A NetfJ Slt>VE. we CAN PR~H UP IHAT ONE. IT'LL ·DO! . W£tlt>'#, ~·1 '40\) f(EMEM- &tl -f~E. JOt<t 1"AA1 l S1'~R1'£0 -fo 1!.U. '100 LAST MEW ~Aft'i itJE., 8Uf -ME.tl \ f0R&01' 1.te Nt&C.M LIME~ GORDO \Ale.LL, I J\)$1° Rf.Me.Mef.~t> \ W\tA1' u.>A~ f.tt C:l.tt4!>r "I 1"~\tf t\ WA~ 'lovR J'A~ <Jr.1'.tA1 JOKE AG.At~? eowu~ MLt.t" IE.Hf.JANA MAMA PVT Hore.HILi - /!l!Tf!J IN MV .sEEO Ali:7A!N/ \ \JELL, IF '100 OtPM'1" OMOfR~'f'ANt' 11' 1"£. f\R4S1' 1'tME., t'M N01' bOlNb 1'0 r---({f.Vf.A1 tf ! .----....., • • Gus Arriola \ April 18. 1962 Daily Pilot "They'19 eqlllpped with .. opllons us truck.....,... want mosf' Stbp in and ... your Dodge Truck OUMr now ~ you'll ge1 mote than ~ aavlnga on Pro9pector truck pacUge8 ... va&uet that Ford and Chevy don't offer. You'll get a chMce to win a pound of IOfld gold. A full 12 troy ounces! In a&I, 48 pounds of · gold wHI be given away by Dodge, plus a treasure cheat of gofd prtzn. Nothing to buy, void where prohibited. a.. your Qodge Truck Dealer ~ tor futf dltallt during lhe Grell Gold Ruth. But hurry, .......... end• May 31 , 1882. ,tu out ttw CIMn Form ......... to'°"' .... ''You could win a pound · of solid gold!'' Walt Garrison, Fonner Dallas Cowboy, Rodeo Star, Dodge Truck owner. ·r ~--- PROSPECTOR RAM~ 'PR0sPECTOR RAMPICKUPS PROSPECTOR RAMVNIS D e • • • • ~.&&liCi.t&Q&&&Q.l1((.\&l(\lM1(1(1l1~lll1l(.t1.Clll(1.tAd.L\t\1.\1~1\(.l_1.~~&~~&&\1.(1!~ ~ ~ c;..2j ·The Great Dodge Prospector Gold Rush Claim form ?.;--~ WIN A POUND Of GOL ~ ~ A winner at every dealership. 49 Grand Pri1e winners of ~ 23 One Pound of Solid Gold. You could be a winner in your state. ~ ~ Heres a clue to the c11y where the A correct answer makes you eh-g: ..._...: peund of gold could be hidden g1ble tor the drawing at your ~-~ on your state "'\ Dodge dealer to win a ~ .-~ h I >:::-... ~ STATE LAWS ARE PASSED HERE C ance to prospect or ~ ' f the peund ot gold in --Gold Rush' STATl PH()Nf "IQ ----- Required vahdatton by dealership salesperson crrv--S1A1f --z;p-! ~~~~~51IJJIJ)lmcJ1®1Ji~~-~ - .. • FOR SUSAN POI.JS SCHUTZ. aulhor of poe1ry book Looe. L.Joc a Share ~ .......................... _ lllaW 's .....__.ol._?-M.B .. ¥'*5bwp.Qim. e Not In my opnion. I git men than 2 ,000 lettes a month &om people a.k- i'lg how to c:onwy thft feelrlgl In ~­ i'lg to lowd ones. I tel them to C1011JpOM ..... which lft honat, open 'and &om the hemt. I ftrm1y believe that love, or the Finds wrting a labor of~. need to cxpra. It, will never go out of style. Love letters often become trea- sured examples of tell-expression and a means of communication favored by both sexes. My husband and I regard love letters as a romantlc way to revitalize and enhance our relationship. And you'd be surprised at how many other couples, of all ages and walks of life. *" with us. FOR ANDREW STEVENS, ._. of The s.cluaJoti Every ............ QllT9ll ...... twadt -....... tr. b tlC*? -D.B., .,.,.._ Ta. • I am not one to haw a fawde anything. If 1 had to name a favorte ftlm, It wouJd be The Boyt in Com· pony C, whk:h I dtd In 1977. Along with four act. young actors, I shaved my had, lived In a bungalow wkh no dretling room and worked In 112~ heat. Much of my work wu Improvisation. FOR CHARLENE Til.TON, .._ of TVs DaDas /IW lol09 look beck oa ....._. I/OU did In IChool. wt'9t .... out -.......... ? -.l.H •• w.n.. Ol*> • When I was In junior hlgh tc:hool, a girlfriend and I emptied a box of detergent Into a fountain at the oor- ner of Sunset and Vine In Hollywood. There were bubbles everywhere and the police had to rope off the sidewalk. I suppose It wasn't a very nice thing to do - but tl an was fun at the time. FOR .aM BOUTON. fomw bMeba1 .. and aulhor ot Bol Foti. PU Bol Ao. B ""8 C.-. _.. w c:111-.. ._ 1he puf · l>Nll .... ...................... be? -E.ll.. ~. w.ll. • i\s long M the ~ commAllioMr ii h~ and pa6d by the owners he w111 rcpramt thO interests. To cut down on lbika and &o.rt Wedd Seta, the oom- mllsk>ner should be a.cted. Spor1IWrlers should nomlnm candkilla and the fans lhould YOte. THB1l FROM 1HE ASK EDITOR FACT: h's not true that supersun are ~ by their own tjory. unable to ... the IJ)altde of their peen. Take ._ FoMa. for Ntance. She saw N&lf'nbe °" ~ onDge In Los Angeles and was so hnpialed wit\ Eda Rem Matn's pe:rfonnanee that she went baclc•age to meet and anbna the acsr... ..You moved me so much that you made me ay." Fonda said. Eda, beaming. rt!plied, 'Then I'm paying you back, because you always move me and make me ay." ... FICIJON: Lv-Redgrne, on the other hand. takes other performers In lbide. 'Those who earn her ardent admiration are the breed that aeate words and music for the likes of l~n to perform. Said Lynn: "I can't resist authors. I lo"'8 taldng to them and adore listening to them. Their conversations are ~. ed~. refreshing; not In the least bit telf-antered or egodltlcal," ... FRIEND: More than 20 years ago, at' a London dub. after pianist c:onhy Phlllpa hit the Last notes of .. You've Gotta Have Heart" from Damn Yanba (a naughty thing to do ~ It's considered unethical to * the score from an American mUSical before the mow ls In production ln Britain) one patron demanded, "Where d6d you get that t«tg?" ~ Conftey. "Why? Do you lka •?" The angry pab'On, who turned out to be American c:omposer Rldwd A.-.. answered. '1 wrote It." Adler Intended to give Confrey hd for pl&~ a r..adctad song, but inaad became his good friend. Now the two budd~ have taMn dlf- f.-ent mu9cal palhs -Phlmps performs at New York n~ spots, while Ad&er Is c:hanndng his talent Into dr*al mUlic .... FOE: Thole Mltlng up E8lt CJe... many'• fat wax m'*'"TI Meded help, 10 theY asked Madame T&.maud's In London and the Hollywood Wax Museum for the measurements of Robert Jted.. fanl. ,... New "· .... Sci 5 ... Lia 'f8wlor. In Hollywood, proprietor Spoony Singh VIM jla.ry ("It's c:olaborating wllh the enemy"). But on hearing Ihm Tuuaud's had complied he decided: "We In wax are above politics and mutt ay ~ed together." ... FILN: M.t fllimv, ._ al the film wrsion of Anme, shaved ha iu.ta mop to p&ey bald Dedd\l. w.. bucks, upon ordas °' producer Ray &wk. Slid An· ney: ~ I know what they mean by Std naked." PRO 4'9c:k £. Vellr111oe. cxecuttve dtrector. National Dllo1ct Auomcys Aleocilltion ' PRO AnDCOfl CON Geort-w ........ prof..or of law, Loultlana StAte Un1vert1ty Bee.au• of limited resources, all pcnons accused of crime cannot be brought to trial. Under our In· formal pie.a-bargaining system mott pcnons acxueed of atme have a choice. They can elect to go lo trial and run the rtsk of a h..sh ~ or negoUeM a tet- demcnt wllh a conMqu.nt reduc- tion 1n punilhment. Both the defendane n IOdety bendi. The defenct.nt ti purdlhed lal hlnhly In CX· c:hlngt b not demanding an apwtw Md ttme- mnM'*W atal. & Plea Bargaining an FJfectltJe Wiy to AdmlnJstel' Jc~? '°'*"-~ 111r ~ Loeillllll, AIMID. CelH I About 90 percent of Amct1can convk:donl raulr &om pla bar- gaining. Under this system, the disposal of a atmN1 ca.e II too much a produd al negotielk>n be· tween proMCutlon and defenee, 111ther than control by a judge. There II too grut a ~ dw pcnons ~ to plead gully will be dealt wih too leniently. In eddldon. penonl p&eac:ting not guilty but convlctad Mter b1al could be uated too hmhJy, and Innocent '*'°"' could be Induced to plud au*\l. ' -,,,,.y wmu.Y. All --. ! ! . I I ometown, u.s~A. Pride and ~udice in America - ~ ~HHiU. JirUHHUlt'il1'~1'11 lpiiJf Jr t;n ; l·~~1 l·:·· .. r .. 1-r1111f er r i ~ t. llJ~i -• J a.JP ~ ~ · 1 r... a. r t1 -2. ·· _.. 0 ·'l .. '~lfi ' I r ~-: dit:=ti1 1 '!i 'ii iii ~.ii 0! f•t HUui i 1{8 ~ _1HdJ:f:f (fr l.1 hH11~ i~~J1l~il!ft1;~ ·bi ~ r1:1·lJJ .. '..-r •. J ~ r· ~ '• . '"° ---•' r 1 ..__~ -' -·. u--" . 1 nnu1· ·1i{[f !1"lf di ff Jf P:J> Jll HHIIHI. ~ ~ L'JrJflr tiLJfJ•sJ1ri1 tff 1 t~ ·r··IJ:•l.!.l 11•tfft f'' rlfrta..! 1 ir!H .. fH1!: 1 .ill ~ • iPlt li.ri•J Ji~tjf•:. •§al ~fx Jl 11._i a" 1t'i i SL • f'I .t .. ~ J~-lf ir-•t~ ill i•''fH~ 11 trr•{ ~ ~. lJ ~ . it~f;rJ >t1.1 'f."':• rll1 !fi_~ ! 1·1'~ L f .-lrlrsa.1 il . • '·i... •• J.fl ·t.IJl!iJl 1 ir(1~l( !11 f~l~H~PaUlilit~l.li!~FiH i' ,LrL Lfl .'Jl.,,Jtl · &jl ih·.t~fq--U1 ~ffl1¥UltJlfh[ . ,·11 r 1 I s; • r 1 r fl . a r l f1 ft l,. g is~ f] rr f i o [ j. i-., I s ~ • Sla-1 l · · • Sl ~;1-~iig-g.f Ea ' -.i§.... i ~1J1,~1·;1l"1 J.-J! •1r~•L !I 1tJh~1~lh~h: .. lhhtiiHif~ ~ -A •·a~! ~11 »• -~:'{lt!i1j~l;1 1 i11~~f~r«Jf I ... -11lfs·;1:1ta.~li•· ·tJI -nit :1•xhari[ !•s-fh~o~it l 1 • 1 _,. ! a ' ' r i 1.1 · r. t ~:] j • J ~ ~ s-1 ~ 1 1 i ;. 1 i K .. 1 , ; 'lhhlh_ H~,~.f :~·J~" ·~l lntf n!huh~ i!h~H~HtJ8 ! . . t_ • ' . • • •. ' . ' . -• .• . - •• • r -•-~-• HOMUOWN U.S.A. <con111111Cd from,,. 1J to Prohlbltion In the 1920's. and In the 1930's John Dillinger uKd Hamilton as a hideout. During World War 0 the town was still so f amous.ly corrupt It was placed off llmtts by the U.S . Navy. The rapid pace of change already dlstwbed many Hamiltonians of the 1890's, who longed for "the gender days gone by" -Indeed, the days of their own youth. As for technology. Hamlhonlans proudly and somewhat fearfully recorded the Tadical changes" that had made the 1890's so dif- ferent &om the e.arty 19th century -the railroad. telegraph, te~. eJectric light, microphone. These made them feel they lived In a time the world had never known, and of course they were right. But so had their own grandparents been right when they declared that canals, steamboats and daguerreotypes had changed the world foJcver. ln race relations. the town's fint 6o1U mill was built before the Civil War by a black freedman , but he was not allowed to own It. In 1862 the Hamilton school board ruled against admJtting blacks to the new htgh school. which was "set apart for white scholars." In me 1970's a high-school c.oad'l con· tended that "for all pracdcal pwposes, lntegraDon has never been lmpk!rnented In Hamllton. Ohio." A munktpal worker said that Progress Avenue, a lovely and symbolically named residential atreer that had onot been the focus of a LI~ magazine ar· tide as America's most typical street, was off limits to blacks. ln 1980 the school board mandated lnte· gration by combining the town's two high schools, but In 1982 a teacher ltl1I dalmed that the only resuk has been to isolate b&ack ttudents wlhin the h~ tc:hool accpt Sor tboM who become highly vlllble u athletic ..... The Cxp1alk>i11 ol r.cism have been modified and reduced; the feelings that produce these expressions remain. also modified but hardly obUterated. What changes far less than suspected by most researchers, II Mems to me after six years of ob9ervlng this town, ls the nature of fam1)y rele- tionshlps. When the novelist WWlam Dean Howells was growing up In HarnUton In the 1840's. he noticed that "between the young and the old tha~ Is a vast gulf. seldom if ever bridged. The old can look backward over It. but they cannot ao. It. any more than the young, who can see no thither side." More than a century later, "generation gap" was c.olned and pushed as an insight Into a current phenomenon. Howells himaelf did not present his recolledJon as anything new; he was simply paying aaentSon. to his own childhood, making ~ lions as relevant to the 1980's as they were to the 1840's. Even as a boy, Howells also found Haml}- ton's class structure oppraslve, a1tic:lzlng "social auellies which an the modem expression of the savage splr1t otherwise repressed by c:Mltr.ation ... He admired Hamilton for Its friendliness and decency, which remain today; he deplored Its cJa.ss snobbery, which also remains. Many Hamiltonians wony about their communl· ty's betng spilt Into factions and c::onslde:r thJs a problem the:lr parents' -or at least their 9'1lnd· parents' -generation never faced. '"Hamilton to· day II so·deeply &agroented," a local leader saJd, ~ many of our various groups barely speak to each other. The town used to be far more united." Vet its Well and east 9da have always been economic rivals; bonowers and ~ders have mistrusted each other since the ftnt banks failed ln the earty 1800's; the uneasiness between blacks and whites stretches back well over a century; nch and poor have been estranged since Hamlhon 's ftnt Industrialist refused to give his workers a 10-cent·per-day raise In 1836. To see continuity Is not to deny our choices - on the c.ontrary, It Is to clartfy them -but only to understand that there Is a line, a kind of bloodline, between who we we-e and who we have become. The past abides. Of aJ1 the freedoms Americans cherish, none i5 more sacred than our certainty that we are fNe of the past. But to Ignore the past Is hardly to escape It. Surely this Is not to suggest sameness between past and present -that would • be boring as wall as stagnant -but It does indicate that the pec:ular bWthmarks of suocaslve genera- tions bear a strong famlly resemblance. Hamilton, Ohio and the country that SWTounds It have come of mkidle age. As in an lndMdual, our national genes dcterrnlne characterlstics we .can no more "radJcally change" than we can the many colors of Amertcan' sl<kl. A semc of contlnujy can help us unh~ ouneJva from the nodon that every decade. sometimes every month. we Americans 11re In, as we say, a whole new ball game. Our Identity Is composed of e~ts that evolve and acaue {PdualJy. Incrementally, yielding to the latest patents and annual trends only the way l'Jll the Grand Canyon does to wind. l&J -I , ; t J~.•1r il-s-··tz1 fjl .. • t1 ! i er -. '~~~{ ~ ~ '8 ~ 1;r ii tiiil!i ~ ililiilHH ttU1~ntI1f U1tJ '"JI ~ . lt ~ 1 ~ :I: m f (] ;< 0 ~~ ... ~ h .. ~•I! t: J~1 !•!~t!f r Hi11~fd if ' :i': - i f 'itlf~ f a.(; ~ (j . ~~ ': 0 t~ a 0 ,.... ~· 0 .. 11 Ji a.~ l ( ~ I ' !r i I i l Ill i l ~ i I !r ti t It r 'tr 1 ~ s .. r l r l R. J t f J J' f : t ; : . ... 'i ~f~H th!f .;ilr-~i iJ. ~~ Ii 'lt'' 111 r . ·-· il• ;• ~111 Uhl l;f' 'l ti · h,1 ~~ ·lii~ . . -------~---------------------------~---------.. , : I f ,. JI ~I Jlf tit! Ir ~i: ! -. 1111n ifa.lrl If 11.. ·· r f • •I Ji " J I I ii ·.lii!l?,U1I iJ l ~ 1 l t•ii• J; :~Jr~ ~ 1 i , i 1 ~-= 'ta.1 '1 ::f1~ I I _c:: . ! el' '~J If l ~ ~ I I, -... I ~r~ ~f~,!!.1 i ' : I 1 I ! t ! If J 11 'i i I IJfiJ{ run i i I I •. -~ • .. ---~-----~~---~---~-.... ----~---------------J=. ;:;::;;:;:.;;;====-=-=--· -=-===========:!.I I t 1 I I I ' t I I I I t I I t t One low tar cigarette continues to challenge higher tar smoking - and win. . Latest research offers new evidence confirming MERIT as the proven tast~ alternative to higher tar smoking. . HiataUra Meet 18* Mmdi. In impartial new tests where brand identity was concealed, the over- whelming majority of smokers reported MERIT taste; equal to-~ better than-leading higher tar L._ __ J_ • DrclllU:>. • Moreover, when tar levels were revealed, 2 out~ 3 chose the MERIT combination cilow tar and good taste. W1•1 Thi Surgeon Gefteral Hes Determined 1hM Ci11111• ~II ..... •Y•Hllldl. • 18* Sndrer-s 1iarniOK~MF.RlI "? In a second part of the same study, smokers confirm that MERIT taste is a major factor in OOI'(lpleting their su~ul switch from higher tar brands . Coalirmt:d: 9 out of 10 MERIT smokers who switched from higher tar report that MERIT is an eosy switch, that they didn't give· up taste in switching, and that MERIT is the best-tasting low tar they've ever tried. Year after y~, in study after study, · MERIT remains unbeaten. 1be proven taste alternative to higher tar Stroking-is MERIT . .............. IC IMp: 7 .. "ue. 0.6.. .... 100'• Ale: 10 .. ... ;'0,7 ..... I ·100'1 Mia: I .. "W:' 0.7 .. .._ w. ,_ ciflnal, FTC ""9n Olc'.11 • L • --••• --• • -~ -• ' --;.. ,..-,-~----,._....~~ ~ olo ... --¢•.-----.----...... -----.. '!""" =. ::r·e-•••••~~---. --------•i;.--•••--------•-=-•--·--------------------------------------------------, i} .• ---·-· . . • . •.. . . • • ; ~ J,i ·~1-·l~JJ!H "f . ~ J I r f 'ritif 'l·tHll't . . = I • , . ~{ .. : i 11 .r • r I 'JJ J l 1,1 ._ •• : r • I f l , f -;; .f ·f 1. .,,,,,, I . . I J ' i ! ' ' . . ---~ 1 . ~ ~ ~ [J I • d .. ' 'n. ut. t 11111!• ~ I • ;. " · t ;1 ;1 ;1 iU~ i !!HU!HUr~ ~ 1• r11 ~~·1"~1tn1~il lt.. :1 ;-'-~ o · "..; HUi UU ~ :i -f: r.f f'!.. 1f ~ t ft "9 . ~ 11 1 JtU: J l . l. · rr1 "'!!:{Id bt;i'~ ~ ~. !8 • ee. • I •1 . . . ~ ., .1 r 1 1 ' rr • ·.. r' .. • . I ·;! ut r!l ·. . . ,1 ~ . • r 'Jf l1 fU1!Ift·~i i-S. :a I ~ .. . 1!.I· lr, :?J-!J!f.![f !f!f!f.![f ~ ' Hu!i1H11..~. ~I . ~a Jt, t I l I it~['* st 1t gt er .. f. ; ;J 'Jll~~ .H~· . ;;· .. rJ:ttl .i,f~'i'li i'i'i'ir brr.rhdt?~~ "_p. !,f!!.i!iMli!tlii!iiiiH!i~~iH;H!~~iiHH:;f Jf h1 l'lfij!IJJil ilii':1 i 1 ·1 =11i;i!1 !li~~J:i~ • ..,,~ ,{ r~rr!faslr t i&Jllil lf1~J&s,l s r1Jsffia i~Jr~ ~1~1;iu i11~1 ii rt II u:•1 r •f I!J :p ~ UH'i ~!'a. i1. r, l•!l~!!'•ila~l1l~ll 1 ,[lal!!i!~:i~! lt~!~~tf!11!f _1 .1b'hrr;1~r1~(f}(1.. IL•· ~ ~-" t f1'.lri'ff(1 1l1rfla 1 1 & hh 1 tl}llr "~~r: ~ J ~~i. i~Js fJ-~r1 !. I.. "~1~t a. 11 f 1' ~ .. .f st · 'J t ir~~· i ( 1 ti "";:1: rr ··8 &f . 11[.(:ls f . 8 · 1~Ji J I. ~J~ta1 !ft~"~f l.,Js-iri •. -.J. .. a.s1lt1: t.IJ!rr !fa.i~l~ J-a1:::te r. a11t1~a.~s1r~r ~ . I oi Q 1: ' l !Ii Jff 9" l ur /ftrr I · J 1 ~11h~l· : i g: if" ~. 1 . t if (u I n 1~ · I Jf! I · i~ i f . g:r l ilff ~~ii l JrlrJtHI ~ ;i~1!t hr !f .. -tf gl§l&!fl' iZJ!~;;&Jirf · 1iurth~1 ltifthHJ the home of young fogies who never grow up. But a new breed may be upon us who. still jangling from their electronic games, want excttemef)t right n6w and to hell with the numbers. The de.signated·hitter rule. which enab&es decrepit athletes to trundle on rubber legs past better men's records, simply soups up the action for these wild· eyed newcomers. The electronic mind does not fret about things like team loyalty: h would be like getting !Ore at the figures In a video game. Whining is the only thing. Baseball ls really not designed for such peop6e. though George Stein· bmmer Is trying. &rt if the old-timers become disaffected, the game may have to be restructured like a hot rod to produce artif:ldaJ hysteria. Players might be persuaded to 6ght each other every few minutes. flalllng thetr bats like hockey stlcks. Olympic sprinters could enter the game at will, jumping up and down on home plate and flinging their hem. Chorus girls might carry signs announcing the number of the Inning. Right now. the Atari generation has to settle for exploding scoreboards. excruciating organ music , and rtdk:uJous uniforms. Is It enough? I know It's more than ~ugh to Lat lt!mOl1 the numben came out ull Ulf'OftS• A Cy Young &Dinner' i. not ~to~13-1. depress the pants off the fogies. but does lt also perform the modem miracle of making this stately sport ex· ctting? h could be that the very things that have cooled my own bwbell fever and sk>wed my reflexes to a aawl .,. the heralds of a new en sweeping me, not bateball, Into the dustbin of hlttory. It may even be necaury to purge the old-timers In order to get the~ In gear . . . . I woka from that &alt paragiaph sweating. Oh. Ghost of Bateball Pait, say It ain't IO. The JUSdc waoes of the old game must ewntualy work thctr magic on even the savage Yankee fen. The aMnlial game ls IO un· ~ thM ewn unct. • ton ol makeup It ~ good. And It II the NltUtt of the br 1 rt.I fan In lptng to be ....... wlh hope. Thr free·agsnt thing l8etnl to be calming down, • men end more gu~ wtitl long.-m c:ontrllCll pis up on the bench, ~ out talented I MMl.FW914Y, .... 11. -•ti kids. Baseball skill ls not a fixed com· modity but a continual gamble, and a scout \.Olth a good eye can still outsmart a rich myopic : i.e .. Balllmore bests out ITIOSl of the big spend en, And as for the playoffs, even the owners (whose denseness Is aho legendary -we need It) must see that a little extra boodle at the end of the season cannot mal<e up fcx the cheapening of the season. Baseball Is not a set of Isolated explosions like football. but a steady timeless plea.sure that bu1lds as ~ as k plays and can only have one climax. Do not mess with It, gentle· 1'1'11 men . l&J ·11 yOu want an inSlll'MCe value, a good price is just the,..,,,.,,. Qeck with State Fann: State Fann agent E. G. Warren, Gulfport, Mississippi. "A real insurance value is more than just a low price. It's protection that's tailored to fit your personal and fam- ily insurance needs. and service you can really count on. too. "And that's what State Farm value is all about. Good pro- tection at a good price-and personal service you really can't put a price on." For a real value on your life. health. home and car insurance, check your Yellow Pages for the State Farm agent nearest )'OU. • I .... _Ji!i!!,_Cllt --r:. ---.r:.: ... ,. ........ --··-.:..:-=:·'::':C.,"7.. ~ ...... --• ........,c .. ---.. -----1.m·-.... '""''°"•WU_ ..... _, ""1•11• C.,. -l lC<C:-..... _, __ _ = t-:··--.. -----"--'"' II 1.:..-C-:: ;';:;"(",.::.':-=."'CC. --"-"":arr-~~ .. -" =r'~av."'ru&a :.i:.":~ ... =~=J;,.--.... _;J'.;t,::= ... ,--.·-__ ,, ..... --·-... c.. '--•·--·....-..ca -i'i ... -·~-~ ---..... .. •• u _.. " ... :;c.. -· ~ ..... __ -~=·---·----;-.j1,;;.~s:c=-....:.Tar::;. -~-.. ---·-·" ~~-·,..,, ... -....... c. .. -..... ----... --""'_.,._ ··--·,=~:'-:'.:C:..1-==----~c.. -..,... .... ._ ....... .,.~.~u't.: .. :=ss -'-..,,.11i'&.o ..... _ --~=·---·-... ., __ ;;am..i=t::~=='l'llm:. .... .._~~""'-•:.:·-· ~i:'t:Jr.'1!.~· SAVE ~6 s2.ss WITH THESE COUPONS AND ENTER THE WIN A DREAM HOOSE, WORTHUPl s1so.ooo lo bmnutbe~ ltlt ti) enlliw r I I;••• by Jyne JO. ~~SwuPlfO!c• I ---~~ J ------- Ex-Ump Luciano Cries Foul By Ebot Kaplan For 11 rocky sealOOS, Ron Luciano managed ~=.: s!Apstlck antics In the American League Included takklg his eyes olf the game to toll bedt peptr airplanes ¢vown from the stands, us- ing his Index finger to "shoot" payers he called out and, once 1Jurtng an exhill- tion game, donning a rnMt and taking over as the Cleve- land Indians' third baseman. Stnce hanging up his mMk and whisk broom In 1979. Ludllno. 44. haa done lpOl'tl Bang-bong plov: Ludano guns down an unsuccas/ul base runner. His per- IOflal record was 16 shots on one out. broadcasting for NBC and co-authored (with David Asher) the amusing new book, The Umpire Strika Baclc (Bantam). In New York recently, Luciano was ? typlcaBy candid. Here's a lit· I tie of what he had to say: ' • On Commillioner Bowle Kuhn: '"He does just what • the owners, who hired him. want him to do -nothing." • On what umpires and managers discuss before a game; "People see Don Zlm- mer and me going at It around home p6ate and they think we're arguing about the foul pole or IOOMthlng. No way! He's telling me. 'I got a hone In the ftfth race at Hialeati; and if he runs again with tNt same jockey, we got hlm , babyr" • On Jim Palmer: "Who could believe that a guy who parades around In h is underwe.v could be such a crybnby. The moment he releases a pitcl\. he yells. 'Sol. how could you caD that a boll!' And the ump hasn't even said anything yet ... • On Rem;. Jadclon: "I used to get along ~ with Reg- fite becaute I would -say. 'Rep, yoll're !Jeal .... • On Frank Robinson: .. Ever wonder why a guy who was M. V.P. In both leagues ended up with ftve · diffennt teams? He ii very c:bfftcuJt to get along wtth. I can't undentand why they ever made him a manager." Then there's Earl Weaver. From the min« leagues on up, Luciano and Weawr en· Joyed a relationship not unlike that tMttwftn Groucho Marx and Margaret Dumont. The S..foot-8-lnch Weaver and 6-foot41nch LUdano were always goirlg at I, face to, er, newl. Ddnitely one to k>ok back In anger. Lu· dano NCelt: "In my mind I '" Ead weldng mound with his hmd ... his Wit. He would haw .IMde a ~ ~·· We didn't git along bec:Mm b11 lbel Is a religion to t*'1. Whm I ~ I was ~ ucrtlt· glow. N wld •Bit/ Mlrtlrt II on the Wd, he cm 1111 )M.d\. e.t can't. I he ao-.. thew's no God 11oMoirow • .. e.t ~ he'• Piii to ........ ~~-· don't btlew I. He can't. ...... P'9 to mill bolling .... eround ... wllewt lllYt 'How llbc>Ut .... . 61' And he1 tey. '5:57 .. -orellef'" laAil ,. • l'Ma't ...u ... ,., -. . :-irt=~~~~~~~~~·-~-~-.._ ________ .. , __ .,..,.., ____ __.. __ ~ ____ ......___.._ ............. --.-~ .... -........-...... ~ ..... AJ t&••t ' .. "It's ala»ost like I got thean fi>r &Ce!' Of mane. 1 m.a. _,. r•11'14•c ... -'t rmlly (rw. Bat Uy t.eDblc me tbat --rw pt • troat iD tbe Millet. ...0 I'm •JDJims ---..-i weekend ........ a..-....w,_ .... , ............. ..,c:.a..ve .._ _____________ ~ --------____ n, ___ _ ClllllW ---- ___ .... __ _ ....... ------· .............. -'---'-------------.___.._. __________ _ ... ._.. ........ __________ _ ' ............... .,..., .................. --.... ----·-------.......... .. -~--------------....... -... -• -.. • --• --• • 1 ,.... ......... c ui. o-... o ... o -· • 'a ..... ...._ • ...._..._ •• ._.._,, .................... . c -RMS ICJD'(Ttfl• ... Ull ... ......... ....... A -....... ........ 11 .... " r..-., ... -· ... ... $ I I ... ..... ... ....... ...... ....... " ...... ) ....... c:.. ..•. ) Cf!, .... .... ...... ......, , ::.• -I ,. 2 ' . -' I. .. i ' -. ' ~ .... --...... ...-.. ..... -.... -a..-1 .......... . -· ---,.,, .. _ ........ UlrMI.---.. .... ....... ___ .. -....... CIW-1 Clrlt Clrfl .. .. . '· { -· . -' . i't, , . J . , -.... ' -~ 1 -. ... --. JI' • -. . "' ... -~· • . . -~ 1 . . " ~ I .I 1~t -,1 ;~, -; -l--1.• . .. '. ' ~ ~ 1~ .::; ~ I • ' ~ --·---.::: ' .... -............................................. ,.. .. 0110 ~.. .... I ..... , ..... __ ... _..-.? .. 0110 - i, ... µ.\ .. . At. ' -~~-~...--->-=_--";·---c • --~llllllllJ.C..fllClllllllll•-M -,,,; . ' --.I . ".-'"-~1,·-1,,_• '•.}-.f' -.l':.~.t•.1,.,,., ., 1 ?1 i.:...··~·~ .• ' I lj I -"< -_ I '! ~ i .,..... ,,:;, ~ --~ " ,_~, . -· .;-~•n. -.., ' ·p-1. •l :, ,i1 .;..., •• -.. .CJ 'I -...... ~ ·------·----. ' l11••j s J __ Sa~D•poalt Boxes: . Just How Safe A1eThe9? 8y Roaalyn Abrevaya M any of us dismill the kiea of ·renting a saf~ box as an indulgence for the rich. But whether we realil.e It or not. most of us own tomethlng valuab&e enough to make a safe-de- pc)sit box worth considering. Jewelry l9n 't the only Item that might be better off stored In a safe place. Such valu· able documents as the deed to a houte. savings certlftcala. stocks and bonds. tnsuraooe pqlides for a home, car or other property or watrantSes on major purchases can alee> make the rental worthwhile. Some people might want to lock up cherished rare possessions such as a coin colectJon, military decorations or old photo- ~aphs and letters. It's also advtub&e to store an inventory lilt of your per· sonal property (ideally It should be ac· companied by ~) In the safe-deposil box to be used .In the event your house Is robbed or your property datMged or desttoyed by fire. If you do decide to oonskier rent!rlg a safe-depoelt box, be prepared to shop around. "The demand for safe· deposit boxa has ~ ln- aeased in the last few yean. and at molt banks end SIMngl and loan as- sodadons there ts a wliktng lilt," nota Jay Jona. pra6dent of the New York State Sele D8posit AllOdeltk>n . "In fact , becaUM of the maewd de· mend, Independent safe-deposit oompan'8s are lpringlng up. offering ~ to your valu.ebles 24 ~ y -buttherata .. much hW-ttan llt your local bank." ~ Mle--depollt boMS come In various mes, they average 21 to 24 lqches in length. about 2 to 10 inches In depth anq 4l/2 to 10 Inches in width . Rental costs, depending on the size of the box. range from about $12 to about $90 a year. When you pay a v\sil to the vault. the guard matches your signature against the 19iatunr on your contract flle card. After entemg the vault, the gumd opens the enclosur"e. You then take the box to a smaD private booth where you can remove or.add Items. "Although a safe-deposit box Is one of the most secure pblca to keep your wlual*s," Jones says. he cautions us to be aware of some points: Generally banks do not tak. out In· uance to protect the contents of renters' safe·de· po& boxes, so ip the event of a theft or a vault break-in. It might be wise to keep an Inventory of property left In your box ~ that Includes serial numbers of sicur· lda.salesr~ and jewelry ap· prailals. l<np the Jlst at home. You mJght . Mo think about talmg out lnopenlive lnAlf· ance on the contents. The average cost to Insure $50,000 worth of MCur· Ida or valuab&a Is S25 a year. lbere are also two Import.ant lems you thoukl not leave In the box, both of which pertain to your estate. In tome 11ata. as toon as a blink Is nod· 6ed of a cuttome''• de.mh, the de· oe•eci'1 accounts .. &men and hls or her safe-deposit box II tealed. S..oe yoi. beneftds1es need lmmedl· ate accas to the wtl1 and lde·lntur· ance polida, °"9*'cMI of thae thouJd not be ttONd. When you pay a vtslt to your bank vault, here are tome lllfety • to follow: 1. Neve" loM sight of the attendent ulln9 yowr key. I. MMe l'ft yow key 11 returned to you b8fore you tMe your ....... potlt box Into the booth. S. Avoid opcMig the box~ In the ptvac:y of the booth. 4. Don" .. the au-0 cany the box ahMd of you -don't -....... ol ll CYGt fore tnOfMl'1t. -.J / ,.,,,.,. tlllllllQ.f, ... ,, .... " .;. .... , ...... 11 ..-' .. L .. ,, f = ;,.-;; .............. ,., ,.. ...., ... --·,..:. ~;;.------. I ...._I WIM te -.r fret11-.ic11.M u.uto .-. OlllC._.is -IClltCllOJ-,orMt) I ..._ eut ti S.U.! ~ IUIM ~ (rA rMIMlltl tltd ule1 tH.) TOIMTOU (LlOlla) tJ llldlaftd MIM • I ..., .. , ,....... N lllT IWI( I 0 ~[TOMATO • ..., 15.• + .. l'Olt. ' -------- ' 0 2 Tm TOlllATOl$ e OlllJ .... + ll AO pelt. AOClllSS --------- I f o !~ TOllllATOU. -SlUI + S2AO ctn _________ _ ...... &Mic I ~ m O AMficm~s Oc.rt&aa.dle ITAlt 1'-----1 0 Oill9fs Cf• 0 Ylv 0 lllster Cb1rfe 0 CMcll ._. -.... !Of for t ,_..., Mhcfi,ci. to -hit! COtlf WMfY ~ I _, 1111. [J1.. w. __ tulfl57X). L-------------· e MJlt .. •c.. 1c.. _____________ .J DOES 60 lbs. OF TOMATOES FROM ONE YIELD SOUND INCREDIBLE? Nor IF DJ CM1N THE !a·• TREE10MA10 IQ 5 2 ..... ' CIOWS llfOOIS OI Ol1IOGl5 ••• JOI PICIMSllJ Al'lll l&Slll Of ... IASTY'1cmafOIS .•• •--marana --... Sl07W11a A JUI ... YUi Ami TUlt Plus ... WE'LL SEND YOU A FREE GIFT! tfayow~ bonus tor ma your ordw within two ..... L Mii 11X Alll-ISADOA, 711 Weet ero.ctway, Tempe, Mzona 85282 0 'YUi "-"me,.,. mMY1) __ a.ASSIC OOMPAHK>N BAGS .... ._tor only -Mdl. C2 tor 11U0 . ..3 b 121UQ. I undle-lld I can '* mr ~ tor 30 ~ """ l'9t\lm It '°' • full r9Mld If noc totally dlflgtlted...but INt mr FREE gift 11 mini to IGllC>I THI~ OlfD£R 6£TS .A F""£1t GIF"TI ... o... ..... Celar = llMf? .... Ten C2A) Tot.I lor BliDt • I Add Shipping .,., • 1.:50 Handling Bone Pit T .... _... I I ........ --.... I ~ C2lll Sony, ftO c.o 0 •• , AZ. rwldeftl• 80d ..... lb CHa:. ..-rMOO °" ~·~ rt C1MU EnclelelO 'Mo ly, 0 .... C:..-0 vtlA Ac:codnl No. f Ptlnl AU. Oiol\91 x _______________ __.2fllll...,.,..l~M . .,.,,,.. ----------------~~"°-­________________ ata .. __ ~~-------···-----···-··--------~--...~-----···--__. .. ---------·----. -. Th&Ci1eat Fabric Stick-Up· C over ·a table.. decorate the walls. make a basJ<et of flo\Alel"S or tum out yards and yards of gift-wrapping ribbon. You can do aD these things and more with In· expensive fabrics_. some homemade paste and a brush. To~ the paste. you mix flour, water and sugar (our Instructions will give you the details). Then use this mbcture to attach fabric to any surface you want to cover: walls. wtndow • shades. bottles. waste· baskets. telephone books. picture frames. The ad- vantage to using the hom• made paste Is that the fabric will stick and stay where you put It. but it can also be easily removed. One great idea: Give a smart looK to ~ur closet shelves inexpensively '>Y covering shoe boxes and accessory boxes with a decorative fabric. You can also u.e the paste to stiffen fabric (rendering tt reslstant to unravehng) . Us- ing this technique you can make a number of fabric aaft projects without having to Paste-onfabrlcliocharmtng. cheerfuloftrnotive hem the edges: doth f!Qwers. to the troditJcmoJ ~doth. ribbons. colorful napkin & I rings. holr dips and lapel pins. One of the best ways to use the stiffened fabric Is to make ribbons and bows for gift wrapping. For Instance. using this second method you can make 45 yards of one-Inch-wide rib- bon from one yard of 45-lnch fabric . a great way to save money. because rib- bon by the yard Is so expensive. With the stiffened rti>Qn you can also make wonderful bows with the aid of a stai>ler and a length of Wire. a chenille stem or-a Ps>e cleaner. to gNe any package a distinctive look. Detailed Instructions for making all these projects. along with photo- . graphs and lllu.strations. are Included In the booklet. 1'he Great Fabric You con molce a bouquet of ~ ~-· '-1.Qbdc -including flowers. · ·Oras up o dull napkin ring with o flower mode from lti/fened doth. Stick-Up" (*355). For your copy, send $1 . 25 for postage and handbng to: FAMILY WEE<l.V P.O. Box 43&-Dept. F Midtown Stadon New~ N.Y.10018 Be. sure to include booklet number and your name. address and ZIP code. (New York residents, 1111 please add sales tax.) .., Raid Roach !!:gps are covered end-to-end ijiside with roach- trapping adhesive-to kill even tough roaches. Dead. . I ~I ~I .;1 •• BY R.C. WEBn'ER postage.and bancfJing; total, $5.95). WASHINGTON-Establishment of a 'lbe Pogue Carburetor is named for new world record for fuel econooxy its inventor, Cllarles Pogue, who is 81 -an incredible 1,368 miles per gallon and ailing in a Wiooipeg, Manitoba, acl;U~ in the Shell Motor Mileage nursing home. Pogue is making no a~ Marathon by a special three-~ ve-tempt to prevent ottJer:s from produc- bicle with 90cc engine-bas touched Ing and marketing bis invention. off a stampede among car manufac-•MPG turers and tinkmn to drastically in-, The Ford Motor CA>. of Canada, in a crease the gas mileage of cars. test that is documented in "Secrets of 'Ibey are attempting to achieve this the 200 MPG Carburetor," proved that with the Pogue Carburetor, a device the Pogue Carburetor does indeed ·which the Ford Motor Company has achieve a remarkable "5.7 miles per shown can deliver ~ 200 mpg to an PINT-or D miles per gallon. . "I feel the Public bas a right to know how to produce its own bigb-mileage systems,'' be says. ':If enough people are tooling around in 106mpg cars, the auto and oil industries will have no choice but to offer fuel-efficient carburetors in all production models." ~ Wallace says that the average car bums only m percent oftbe fuel it con- sumes. The real is~ •mhurned, and ·· is emitted through the car's tailpipe as air pollution. __ ordinary sedan. Allan W. WaJlace, author of ''Se- 'Ibis gaa-miserly carburetor bas cretl of die _, MPG Carburetor," All successful high-mileage carbu-: retors eta utfcally iDcreaae the per- centage of fuel that is vaporir.ed and burned. never been mass-produced. says the Pope's gas mileage is not all The Pogue is covered by aeveral that remarkable. patents \slued by the United States He s&JI tllat others haft inwDted Patent Office here, but a recent book carburetors with exceptionally bigb asserts that the patenta are Invalid, gas mi'Mlea, too, but that the Ameri- tbat anyone can now buUd the Pogue can people have been~ ID tbe dark without Jepl restraint. about them by the oil <mptPM, AJJ a rmdt, weadon, parts man-wblcb are aeeldng to paea: ve their ufacturwl and enlreprwun are.nae-gnollne sales. · iag to ID8ll produce this peerle11 fuel To support bis assertion, Wallace C001e1 ver. docmnenta several i 0 1t11D1 of atu- "1bere'1 no reason why the average car's 20 percent can't be hiked to ., per~'' W&JJace says. '"lbe C8i bwetur ~ ...,. la little ctuarpl fnm what it WU iO ~ 810," be ..,.. "rm hoplftl that my boOk will apar a cha• to tbe ta. fit ~ tbe natl~--tbe ecoloo. md tbe CODIQl'Del"." lmWTOOBDEB OOPIES AVAllABLE pendoua gas mikapa, lnd11ID1 It 'lbe book, called "Secrets of the mo mpg achieved by RaJPb lfoodr of ou To otatn a copy, re1tlen of tbla MPG' Carburetor," contains full de-em, Fla., with a Ford~ and 1• nen ;..-need merelJ amd their bUla, lmdructions and diagrams on aw by 'l'Mmal1 w. Osle of El Pw, name alid lddnsl with ff• (pllll S1 bow to millnd tbe Pope. It states Teas, wUbaFordGeluie. PHI P ._.11'C; tGtal, '5•> to tbe that aD)'ODe can build the carburetor, Wallace says bie bu ama11ed fOllowinl liddre11: trfm ID a home wonsbop. enough cw hl.twJll ''to llll a let of Pl-rier DbllribaUnl, Pait Ollk:e Copi• of "Secreta of the 7.DO MPG vol1111111tbelileolm~." Bas7777-PW,NewYcft.N.Y.llml. C•baretor" are avallable from Pre-Be includel mlllilcdlcm cWell1 far '11lil boak II IGld will a~ of ml.er Dlltrtbgttng, P.O. Box Trn.rll, the molt~ and femllble.,. etlehdlm er 1DOD1J bilek, ad lam- New York, N. Y. 10001, at $4.96 (plm $1 tems In bis book. ......"""'lJ remnmmded.. ,.._._. Coma, Callu1H and 8'.nlona: The Agc)ny of Da Met Sy Jody Gaylln If-you wve a second thought to your feet, l 's probably to curse them for hLa'ting ao much. We al tend to abuse those ~ • the ends of our legs -ltUfftng them Into shoes that don't flt, standing on them for hours It a time, walOOg, )ogging. dmdng. And we ICJlll'CeJy ~ a ~ to the damagr we might be i1fktlng on our poor eoles. It's no wonder that_olten by the end of the day, our feet are aching. and swo8en .. And if we suffer from bunions, corns or ca1. .... they probably feel even ~. But though wear and tear on the feet CIWI ..,._ thae afllidlons, ex· perts beliew that the tendency to get corns, calU9eS and bunions Is prtnwt- Jy heredbry. Bunions Bun;>ns .... Cllltalnly aQlJ8Vated by lhoes," notes Ridwd Jacobs, M.D., had of the dMlion of or- dq>edic surgery at Ahny Medical Colege, Absty. N .Y. Bui they "tmd to be famlll." He DCUI, b lrm.a, that bunons occw In cultures whee going tMufoot II c:ullDmlry. A bl.riofl II an abranlll alignment of the bona of the big toe mid front pmt of the foot 1hat cm-. a bony poninence on 1ht mer 9cle oi the foot. Pralure from shoes (partlcularty hW! heels that thrust the foot forwerd) adds to bunion dilc:ombt, caUlklg pain and .... ~. \\Me ,.. ... ~ lo«,.-shoes can help aleWde bunion pain, the only pemanmt way to rid youl'lel of bw'l- ionl, say 1ht ..,,..., 11 turgll'Y. Some recommend an of&ce procedure cal- ecl "~ indlion ambulatory a.gay." In which • tiny lndlion Is ...... to sPld down the lrouhlaorne PfC*ul1on. Oltm OlttqJedW1 and podllllltlD bdtw that bunions are bllt NmOWd In a holplal. wt.. a lmge lndllon II made and pll1 !'f the ~bone" rwmowd . Corm -Calluw ~. CGmt Ind ·-... ,... of NCUNnl 6tdlorl or tiMuo .__ ~acr1,........,.ona.,_,w af .. feet, aolOl .. 119 to Aebeilh Rob.ti, pre f II CS .,.._ • the New Yolk Colege of Podll$y md uhor of On ~ ,_ '(Rodm. I I Press, 19EK>) . Catlusi!s tend to appear on the ball of the foot or b6g toe, corns on the toes. The pr..ure can come from poorly fitting shoes or an Im· balance In the way our body weight ls carried by our feet . The imbelmlca c.an have genetic artglns (muscle dewlopfuen1 of the feet and &egs, for lnllance) or rauk from your way <>f life (the fact that you walk a Act). The frk:tion and lrrilldcn can lead to an addlional blood supply in the wea, lnaeated cell growth and. finally, the emergence of a com or calus. It is Important. to ~ both corns and calluses eariy, says podiab1st Gery Gonion, dnc:IOf of the running and jogging~ at the Unlversly of P~arua Spans Medk:ine <Anter. If they are allowed to !JOW they wtl become more dif6cult to remove. He advtsa sUfferan to ex- cen:l9e caudon when using over·the· counter com Nmedia:, They fre- quently c:on..-n an add preparation dalgned to tun away the com. TM tmdmcy to fld come, oalll ra and bwdotll ,. prfmarfly "~ l'MtlLY WIMl.Y, All!I •I. -•I* the . 'CHAMPIONS' · s1799 Jan . A~ for al M:mOlll- the dulic "blue tabef" sneaker.~· de canvas uppers ""4th aepe-* andtmnous sbock-prooi arch a.llhion su:ppOrt. Ful & MK Illes (range varies IM:th indMdual c;olon). SATISFACTION GC.WtAN1EED UGKf BUJE or BON£ Slza · If yQU're': ~.:=red wtlll 6-10, 11 N: 5-10, 11. 12, 13 M. yow purd\w-ju nv""'4.lor•ny NAVY orWHDE:.sizes6-10, ll N; ,...,., -1...a fflVf'll 11 10 ua lor • lul. 3 W 19"rtdund 5:10, 11, l2, 13 M; 1-10. 11, 12, 1 . FOR FMT RED: sizes 5-10, ll 12, 13 M. PEJISONAl.SDrVICE~---~-~~-~---..-------------------------CA.LL (Ml) 7t7·MOO 14 .._,. • _, RMllll sin Piiia ~°' .... ~ . ,..,...... ..... . ...-----. ~ . ~lU-1--------.--- cnv _________ _ LL _ _.. STAtt · ZW ----:--CHAJIGI: TO::::J~. :::l M/"'54 .JM -attca Olt Sl.tlNH_ ..._ .... _.,_ --- llON!Y om:llEll Al•.-. ... ,,_---- ACCOONT• --------- tncludln IUl)9(b 18" S.,,,,,nt;,,e Clalift •VWffd In 141CGokl ~lO ..... UOUlllft CICTAll. C>Am0111 ~Of Jl!l«ftel!O!* ,.., ------------....------····----------------·····------------, I ...... AMl•'OOR. 711 Wiil lroldwey. T.mp9. Artmnl BIZ I ....... IN .. e f IJ/'•4'1M• _tDr _ _,J ..... 11MOJ .. tDrl11A .. : ................................. ..,....,,., ......... 9o ... ., ,_..., '..., ...... tr .................. ....... I I :r-:c ... , ..... L~ •n s ~ e ., • a .. -..-.. ' .... ..,, 0.-0..'10 ... AU. ..... c:.- 9'owntOll ...... ''"" 1121 --.. -· Total fOf ·-" . -cNMIM ~-11 I '15 "MIJllflt , .......... •Cllllwllf II ................ ......,.._ _____ ::;...., _ _:.;. _________ °"'":"'_~-·· §~._;_------,.~------ftBr'll:ili~~--..---------l~i~~~~ .... -----L.::;::: ......................................................... .-...... .... By nlot11yn Hanaen 0 n Monday. the United States and the Netherlands wUI celebrate the 200th an- niversary of continuously peaceful diplomatic relations between tht two countries. The Dutch have contributed to the American social, poliltcal and cultural scene In diverse ways. One of the very earliest. ·of ooune, was the original Dutch lettJe- ment In New Amsterdam. now New York C1ry. At a dinner ~-I had the opportunity to meet a Dutch-born eu.cutlve, Eddy J. M. Florljh. and his Dutch wife. Marianne. Eddy, an ex- cellent cook. Is general manager of the flaglhtp hotel of Hilton lntema· tional's \/mta group In the United States, Villa lntem.adonal New York. The hotel Is located on JM lite of the original Dutch settlement, New Amsterdam. Here .. a few Dutch recipes from the Florijn cooking fies. I' a MML.Y WlllU.Y ... ti. - CHEESE 1RUFFL£S · {l<Ultnlldl) '4 •. butm, deMd 3 t.O t tablelpOOftl .,...., Gowta. Edam or Pwm•lllll dMeM 114 'lellfll'M Nit '14 • 1 " a oa dty •urtscl o.lt tromd w.di ,.... 1 C11P IM .,....,...... breed cnmbe 1. ln mixer bowl or bowl of food proccs- ror. beat together butter. chHM. ult. musaard and pepper. 2. ChUI mixture slightly untU it can be shaped Into blte-stn balls, S. Ron balls In pumpernickel aumbl. Ar· range balls on a plate: cover with plutk · and refrigerate untU ftnn. Serve as an ap· pettzcr with drinks. M"a about 18 bolls DUTCH PANCAKES (Para•••> t,i .............. .. 1.-.Cllliiil 'i4~dlllr ...... t,i~ a II .. , ............. ·~.,_..,_ .... I~ ........... '1° •taratl"--1~--1°" J a_,.._. I ....... 1 ........ pork In mllllln ol VIMgllr and ol In cowred gjall, poroelaa1 °' aainlal c:out.•..-; -...1 hows or~ In ........ I. Drain padt cubes. SMwe ·pork cubes on reed or metal --.... Pleoe IMwes on broils Ing nick and brol 4 incha from IOWCC of hat, 3 mi"luta ftnt *'-· tum and broil 3 mi"lllta ..:iond ade. Or broil on bar· beaJC SJtl. turning unUl • doM • you Ice. If you UM lhe Oft· entlHypc ,. lk.ewm, ~ Nwtl' ends In water to pmiatt tuning .. ,_ M.ilr. pania ... .ace: In ... --hloes until .... ~;'"lliiiut 3 minute. "' In lrNll bowl. bleaiC! Nloa. pemwt butter, gartlc. brown aigw, Wlml waiter. soy sauce .nd lllnon juice. Pour a1CC • owr the ~ pork °' p-. llPIObtly In • bowl. Maka 2 to. 4 .,.,,,.,,. "We .. to .. pork .... wlh aUlty Frendt brad and • big Iliad," ~ Mlrtaiuie ~. "Ii• ., -. twnrMr mal. I you m the meat ino lh-lnc:h alba and had on llMI ._,.. ... ... ,,.... laity c:ocbill food.• Thia r«:fpe ol hlon Mal (l'tgn It OM of MYtraf lhlt ... now pert ol the Dudt b>4 c:uJ.. ..... . I . ArtmaOON Dm'CIHT Americans an tired, says. ooted ~ expert, .-id could stand to Ile down for the midday siesta common ln m.-.y Southern Hemisphere countries. Almost three-quarten of us have to be aw.kened by an alarm dock, for tnttance. reports Or. Wille Webb, profalOl' of psychology· at the Untvenly of Florida. If we were getting the proper amount of sleep, he says. we would wake up wllhout prompting. Evidence indkala that the need for a nap ls part of our body cyde. akhough our energy sAump seems to come doter to 3or4P .M., rather than tmmedt- ately after lunch u was thought prevt· cxmy. "The nap ii the Liit ptriod of...,~ up by young1ters,'' says Wabb. "and It Is qulddi; nlt\a'ned to In o&d age [75 percent of 50· to 60-year- olda nap} and when our tchedulllS psmll t 140 pllC81t of a>&- • students w.bb •,..s-;L'"'lllllll-..i ..... 11' surveyed are nap-pas)." rLCMllB•IG 7 UiCUSllOllS . . , Much the W-V 1dds ttuff them.Ms wllh candy even thou!ta they know I wlll bring on a ltomach ache, 80 per· cent of chldrcn rwport they Ilka -=-Y movta Ind TV shows, although over half suffer afterward from nightmares, ner- ~ or~ , ....... Wiscon sin r•- tarehcn Joanne C.... and Sandni Reilly r•ce:i UWyed 'nS and mt.~ end JOO of .... .,..,.... Flfty-ftw pll'Omllf of the kids NpOfted thw .,. ch&n19 ~ ~ lion• when th.y were age 6 or unds. althouF ,_'-we ..,.ad tMm ~ Among lhe art.II .nowt to kkil .......... lhowr1 on TV ad\ • Jowt, Ilona with TI.. ~ Ht.tit, Th• Mad o/ Or end eds for horror rnovt.. R.Nly dochMdrwi ... ,...of..,.~ ... c.... ........ dllV dan't ...r m ...-~ or Mu. lh* fuluN ·~=ldld . .. idll&ted to ltay tNdia and ·,.p. 1 bv ._.,.....,.tlme,'"CANartaldua ... lt ......... m the lllCllbki C\81ollly ... .tlOW bv _. .... .,... .. ... of. gory acddtnt.'" Don't lblp onto Kathartne Hepburn's tuJf. You 'D pay the price. Reoendy, durtng • paformance of her 8roedw.y play, The ~ &de ~ Kalle spotted a front-row viewer pk>p his fM on the lip of the stage. She turned to him and growled .. "You must take your feet off the stage'.. and wtlhout skipping a beat went on wllh her lines. But after the show, she stopped the ~. k>oked Ill the poor guy and roared, "'You must never" agmn do a~ ~ that In a theater. I was expecting that the next thing you'd want was for me to bring you a pipe and sllppen. You shouldn't be a boor. You shouldn't pick on us like that betcaa •• we are sining ducks up here." Alter a moment of si· lence. the audience broke tnto cheers. Later. the unidmtl6ed. dlalUled boor slipped off Into the night. YOU •UST •a•BmR 1H• The secret ti> audng an dfecdve ad -hire ex-jocks or ea Colby. Or 11o uys a .urwy by Video StorybOard Tats of the molt-remembered TV ads of 1981. The win· ner WM the Miiier Lite ~ wMh aD those former alhleles hoildng bee end taldng funny. Number two was the Cob ad With 811 Colby, whoee smilng face allo pushed Jel-0 pudding to number 15 and Ford to 21 . Of c:oune, whit we NtMmber about a c:ornmerdli dom'l't always do a oompmny much good. For lnDncc, 10 percent recalling the Jama Gamer/Martetle Hartley camera ads thought dMV.....,. for Kodak, not Polaroid. Here .. 1981'1 10 mQlt--fMmOC'eb&e TV ads: 1. Miller lJte. 2. Coca-Cola. 3. P..,..cola. 4. Or. Pepper. 5. McDonald's. 6. Bell System. 7. Po&arold. 8. Fnnch's Mustard. 9. Seven-Up. Nllr'~ ... : Air ••• ,,.. ,..,,~ .. twr.. 10. o.car Mayer. (Sun .·Mon .. Arla ; rest, Ta&llUI) S X -tt.Jley *536.• ··-~ MoaN47.-..,_..., O'Nml 41. 'a' +IEllC - Ar1'aany Qum 67; 0-. ~~tchr:iso1!4;~ c..n.,w 44.,...., -\W- erle a.ttnclll 22; Shtrt.y Templit 54; ..... Me;ors 42. s h•-a.msa I ad ·40: ~ MlcUN 48. ·1 I -. THESE LOVll llTIMIN PRICES! ~ rr/pu tfou 'f/,i 8ettRA ~ l.oO!t! One glance shows they brtna you big uVlngS on "pot8nt llA8T'MCMID ... VllA ~°"----SIOOO -- vttamlna •nd organic mlnenilal But pl••• .ct now while W.ll OAOEA couPON 1 theae 1ow prices are In .effect. It'• wy to order. VITAMIN , 8° llON11f8,;~ •UNI .. :?.:; c.r.._ 0 tGOb t.• e '.J 500 b 1.21 • .,..,. ~ 51nt ::J 1000 tor 15.11 :