HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-04-20 - Orange Coast Pilotl lf I '.()A Y AP 11 ll ;•!I I '• H . 0.-, ........... .,, Lee...,_ TAKING TIME OUT -Bart Van Housen is running the length of California on artificial right leg. While resting in Huntington Harbour, he and his wife Jacquey ex,mine a spare artificial running leg used in the journey. Ruit emotional· One-legged man determined By ROBERT BARKER or ... o.-, .... ...., Bart Van Housen is traveling from the northern tip of Califor- nia to the Mexican border -on one leg. Van Housen, 35, had his leg amputated below the right knee 13 years aao because of a conge- nital birth defect.. But that hun't stopped him from running about 20 miles a day llLhia nm1h.:_to-aouth~y on an art.ifidal leg. He say. rt la a statement of the human spirit. Hia effort also is designed to rai9e money for the Easter Seal So- ciety. An official at St. Mary's Col- lege In Gonzaga, Van House n rested Sunday and Monday at a home in Hunting1on Harbour. Having already logged 600 milea -some of them in bone- jarring pain, according to wit- ne9lel -Van Howien has four more days to go before reaching \he eouthem border. "I hos>e to raite not only funds, but the human spirit in all of us u a result of this journey for the Easter Seal Society,'' he laid. Karen L . Stolte, director of public affairs of the Callfomla F.ast.er Seal Society, ot.erves that Van Housen is achieving his goala. She says she's been reduced to tears about once a day. One of the heart-tugging mo- menta came, she aaid, when eight cllaabled Vietnam veterans jolned Van HOU8en in the two-mile trek aero. the Golden Gate'&idge. Some were on crutches and some had peg legs when they joined Van Housen on his green ardfidal leg made of titanium. "'They asked what they oould do and he told them they could joln hlm. It was very moving. 1 think he's a hero to every df.sa- bled penon." • Another emotional peak came WORLD when student• from the Mt. Lassen School District met him along the route near Red Bluff. They rang \he 9Chool bell and about 250 children lined up, cheering and applauding. Van Housen reached out and brushed all their banda • he pelle(i by. Van How.en, 11CCC>mpanied on much of the run by nl• wife, Jacquey, an airline !llght atten- dant, said be waa Inspired to fNU!e the run by Terry Fox who ran for dle Canadian Cancer So- d ty before dying last year. Reds 'seize' British ship SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - "British imperiall.Jtn" came un- der att.ack aboard an English freighter when a Mand.at group boarded the vemel, raiaed a red flag and tossed the Union Jack into San Franci9co Bay. The Revolutionary Communist Party-USA, jolned by a few local artiala and a women'• col.lectlve, organized Monday'• demonstra- tion to rally support for interna- tional May Day activities. "But tied to that ls the issue of British imperialism ln the Falk- land Islands,'' party spokeswo- man Paulette Llang said. Rubber pact OK'd OOLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) -In what union officials Ny will .er- ve as pattern for the lnduatry, the United Rubber Workers and B.F . Goodrich Co. reached a tentative three-year pact that. provides full cost of living pro- tection but no general wage in- crease. Boyco~t of Soviet cargo could cost WASHINGTON (AP) -The U .S. Supreme Court ruled u.nanlmoualy today that the lonphore· men'• union can be fatted to pay monetary damagee for ita boycott of ScMet cargo to protest the Soviet lnt.ervendon in ~- N ATION Dow Jon~ atatiaucs revealing The Dow JonM iildex of SO 1toc:b la )mt about where it WM 4,&00 worldn& ct.ya..,, lhowm. that ttadldcl cm prove~ aboui anYt.binl. P• Al. TV rlepicb oilier side of .. parole )· .A.TVfilm~apuwatal~~ IGllllDl ~ tM °"*' lide Of tbj ... lltuatlan I PlllAIO. ' -11111111 llllY l'Aftl <>HA NCtCOIJ Nf 'y \A llfllH NIA .' •J N f', lodge bars public Closed ·hearings go • on 1n child· slay·ing Media lodge p~~test By DAVID KUTZMANN Of'IMO.-, ..... laff Sealed off from public view by judges' rulln&S. preliminary hea- rings continued today in Orange County for a child murder su- spegt and three former Anaheim police officers. ln both cases, d efense attor- neys said their clienu would be denied fair trials lf media cove- rage was allowed. In Orange County Superior Court Monday, Judge James K. Turner closed the hearing for murder defendant Robert Jacks· on Thompeon, who Is accuaed of kidnapping, molesting and stran- gling a 12-year-old newfpaper delivery boy last August. Various new1 organizations, including the Daily Pilot, pro· tested cloeure of the courtroom. California'• new law on pre- liminary heari.ngll, contained in a bill authored ·by Assemblyman Terry Goggin, D-San Bernar- dino, pula the burden on defense lawyers to prove that an open hearing would be detrimental to their clients. Thompson's lawyer, Ronald Brower of Orange, cited previous newspaper and television cove- r.,e of the cue u proof th.at a pubUcly attended hearing would simply generate more publicity and damage his client's chances of gettlna a fair trial. Judie Tumer agreed, exclu- ding the pUbllc from the Santa Ana courtroom Monday after- noon immediately after hi.a ru- ling. Meanwhile, in West Orange County...,Munlcipal Court. Judge Judith-l\yan was taking similar action in the prelimi!W)' hearing for three former AnSheim police officers charged with using ex- cessive force while members of a spedal crime task f~rce. At the request of defense at- torneys, who similarly ar1ued that news coverage of the pro- ceedings could make It difficult to pick an unbWed jury during a later trial, Judge Ryan excluded the public from her Westminster courtroom. A preliminary hearing deter- mines if there ia evidence strong enough to order a de(endant to stand trial. . I Elton dileats hot item • _,,.,,, ........... "'..,~ EL TON FAITHFUL -Some of the nearly 700 Elton John fans who showed up at the Irvine Meadows Amphitheater Monday wait for the cha.nee to purchase tickets to the British ~ singer's June 19 concert. Most of the tickets~ now sold. : Snow hits Minnesota_, Wisconsin By 'he A1Soclate4 Presa Up to a foot of snow blanketed Mlnnetata and Wiaconsin today as the bitter win\er of 1982 re- turned to portions of the Mid- west and West, threatening crops and closing schools. Record low temperatures Monday caU&ed considerable da- mage to northern Utah fruit crops, an agricultural extension agent aaid. Record lows for the date of 24 at Salt Lake City and 18 at Twin Falla, Idaho,.. were reported Monday. Ranoolph, Utah, was 2 below. Frult growers from Box Elder County to Utah County re ported damage to early bud- ding trees, particularly to .weet cherries, peaches and apricots. Pean, apples and sour cherries bloom later. • .... • Elton John concert tickets sell quickly · a. JOEL DON or .... o.-, Not • ..,. Nearly. 700 Elton John fans swarmed into Irvine Meadows Amphitheater early Monday morning, hoping to get a good eeat for a June 19 concert by the British rock star The show , which is a spec1aJ addition to the 1982 amphithea- ter season, was announced Fri- day, with ads running in Sunday Auto show rolls onto OC scene The 1982 Orange County Auto Show begins Wednesday at the Anaheim C.Onvention Center and the Daily Pilot today Includes detaila about the show and some unique cars that will be featured during its five-day run. newspapers. Tickets went on sale Monday. By the end of the day, all of the amphitheater'• 5,000 reserved-seat ticket.a had been sold. More than half of the 5,000 upper-lawn seating ticket.a a.lao had been snapped up by con - certgoers. • Some who s howed up early voiced complainll about ticlteta being sold through a random- number priority system. Howe- ver, amphitheater spoketm•o Mark Kogan said the •)'•tern. which offers no advantag~ to earlybirds, was used last year during the concer;t facility's ft.. but season . He said the system helps discourage ticket ecalpeq.. _ Also there were a few grum- bles when th08e lined up Ieameicf they'd have to pay a $1.SO aut>- charge above the admi9lion pripe of the tlckeu, at $14.~0 for ..... erved and .10.50 for lawn M - 1 Last week, Orange County Superior Court Judge PhUJp E. _ Schwab upheld another judge's ruling permitting an open hea- ring for murder defendant Thomu Thompeon of Orange in Central Orange County Munici- pal Court. The northern suburbs of Min- neapolis received up to 4 inches of snow, while 14.5 Inches was reported In Price County, Wis. Schools were closed and roads were impassable in parts of Wl- ax>nain. F or in formation about the wide range of autos featured in the show, see Section C of today's Daily Pilot. ting. r , • Kogan explained that the ....,. phitheater hM a $1 facility ~ ge for licket.s 1<>ld through its boot office as well as at TickeU'OO outlets The fee covel"I paridnc. Thompson and co-defendant David Leitch of Laguna Beach are charged with first-degree murder in the stabbt.na death of Ginger FleilChll, 20, wboee bodr was found In east Irvine laat September. STATE The an ow also spread across northern Michigan and into par1a of Iowa. Showers and thunderstorms were expected to be scattered from the Gulf Cout through the Ohio Valley, the towel' Great Lake• and the Atlantic Coast states. In Vermont, officiala reported ~wo people drowned ln weekend fJoodlna In 10me apota Crooner's memorabilia _lo be sold · Thouaanda of memorabilia which once belonged to Bma ere.by go on the aUdton block next month. PapA.6. Fruit fly light cost unknown? SACRAMENTO (AP) -State ana1yRI •Y the euct c:mt of the ~mt the Med1c.ran.n fruit fly may never be beceuM of lncamplete ac-COW'ltina. The Secnmento .. riporWd ~. COUNTY Vice raid nets 55 LOS ANGELES (AP) -Vi~ offlcen from the Hollywood po- lice division arrested ~5 men, ages 19 to 60, in another attempt at curbing pro1titutlon along S unset Boulevard, Sgt. J.P. Wil- liama said. The crackdown bet-. ween La Brea and Fairfax ave- nues began at 1 p.m. Monday and continued throult\ 3 a.m. today. A 50-cent box office service charge also Is tacked onto th• admission price. Kogan no~ ticket buyers would pay a $1.!a service charge at Ticketron out- le ts. Thus people can save 7~ cents by purchasing their tlclteta at the amphitheater box of~, he said. INDEX At Your Service A4 Hocoecope B2 F.tma Bambeck .B2 Intenni..aon All L .M. Boyd A6 Ann Landen . B2 Buatneea A8-9 Movies All c.automJa A6 Mutual Fundt AB Cavalcade 82 NaUonal Newt A3 ~ JM..8 ~Notiel9 AS.JM Comb B3 Sporta Al2·14 0-0.wont B3 Stodc Mark.eta Al DN\h Notic. A14 Te1evWon AlO Editorial A6 .Thee .... All ·~l All W•thtr A2 World Newt1 · A3 SPOf-lTS f 0rMQ9 Colet DAJLY PILOT ITUeldttY. AIWI .. 1NI 1,,\ I BA TtLE-PREP AltA TIONs·-American-bull~ A-4 jet fighter lands (above) aboard Argentine aircraft carrier "25 de Mayo" off the Argentine South Atlantic cout. Meanwhile, British lan- ding craft from HMS Hermes (below) hold practice while steaming for Falkland Islands. · Bandit robs gas station Edison audit asked A man wearing a parka held up a Laguna Beach service •ta· JWn thia morning, ete:aplng with more than $300 from the cash ,pox. Candidate for governor seeks probe , : An attendant at the Jilly -1.f. service station at the comer of 'l'halla Street and South Coaat Highway said the suspect told him he had a gun and ordered him to hand over receipts. LOS ANGELES (AP) -State Sen. John Garamendl, who is .eking the Democratic nomina- tion for governor, called for a management audit of Southern California Edison before the company ii granted a $1.3 billion rate lncreale by the Public Utili- ties Commimion. "I am c:aHang for a m&Dige- ment audit of SCE priOr to that rate increase being sranted so that any management changes. any improvements that may be found from that audit may be incorporated into the (PUC) decilion," the 36-year-old majo- rity floor leader said at a preaa conference Monday. It's heating up a-tltn WV n 38 ~ Chetttt• NC ee 47 E 3"' 21 64 .., ' . 72 45 ~ n 40 , Su.nny •nd w.,m l oO•Y ena QmbleSC • ee 42 w~. COMt•. llMnd 1ow1 Colul'llbue 73 42 • tonight In mid-SO.. COUtel hlgl'9 o.FtMh 87 83 mld-70.. lfUnd mld-tO.. W•tel' Dly1on 73 39 eo. 0.-40 2t • ~. wellef1y ..... 1 IO O.Mor. 82 50 ~'"' oc.pt IOcally 3 10 5 , ... o.tToll 70 38 OU1« weW9 ,_, Poln' eoncep. OUluttl 3" 29 ,!ton. Ptnd!y too ,_ toUltl OOUI El PlllO 12 47 I ••• '" ••rly t od•Y· Olh•rwl .. CIHr Ferge> 51 3"' l!!lD , ywouafl lonlaht 1 ~-5t 2S •• 39 24 ~ lJ~S. 1ummary · E. .. 35 " 41 24 l!:m:lJ 15 70 •O•• u' o. .. ,,t <.-·-·· • Snow ... """" eoutNm Mlfw. Houeton IM 12 .Ji'• end Into Wtec:oneln tod•y lndnllplle f7 45 ' c~ ThenNI .... eo Ith th• northern 1uburb1 ot JectcM MS 12 .. .. u Torrance n 5:1 ~ 82 54 Mii w llMll all reoetmg UCI to 4 in-K-.aty 81 50 == 78 40 "MAM et1ee • wlnt« returMd to por· i..veo-73 M '° 56 .. u !lone of the ...,_. end Weet. Uttle Rodi 81 41 a.r.cow 83 M =:.:: " 76 Record loW ~•tur• Mon-Loull\lllle .. '5 8-umont 15 .. .. 72 dey ~ •• cl8INge L.ubbodl 73 41 81g&.w 93 25 E 75 .. to nortMm Utllh fruit CfQPe, en =-ea 54 9llhop 11 .. ee 41 ~-...-n:NNI· 12 78 Blythe 90 81 .. 11 Aecord !owe fol' IN e of 24 ......... 83 47 Cettlllnll .. eo Quldeltljllrl 90 M et Slit lAlle aty end 18 in Twin Mpll-St.P 49 37 Eur•• ff 38 OUedelOcipe 82 .. , .... ldlflO, were repon.d Mon-~--15 55 Fr.eno 78 .. Hawna 90 18 . dey. Allndotpfl. Ut•h. w .. 2 be-IM 70 LM1cM* 78 42 Klngleon .. 115 loW. Long..., 78 N Frutt ~· from Box Eder ..._ Yarll ea 47 Montego Bey n COUnty Ut8'I ~ reiported Nottall .. 43 ~ .. .. ......... .. .. dameee to Mfly ~ ,,..., No. ,,... 52 38 77 Mertdl 102 . 72 76 54 Montovte .. MlolloO aty IM llO 1>1rtlculat1y to '""' c .,, .. ,,, g::.. City .. • Monterey .. ;;~P.A. =· .. ~ ................. :l • Mt. Wlllo#I 70 n pM lll'ld IC!"' GNrrtel *°"' ... on.. tis .. ........ 11 •. . == ==--10 EtH•ller•. tll• •flOW wa• ::: "Cl • .. 71 II '° CMAM ·~~= k • M a-rto • ..,i Md ......... W ::.:: ON 11 tt ,_.,,..... .. CellarY ... !Owe. "'°"'9 Md ~ .. .a .....,.. .. ldlnolltolt --... ~to be ..... "'O'Mll• 70 44, fl9IO ,_.... .,. ....... __. trml .. GIMCOlll llw"'9I = .. on-. r: Olllo v...,, .. ..,.,., 0..-City • aa ::= 74 =:o II•• 111• , ... Atl•flllO Cout :::0 .. : ---Qty 11 ....... .... 43 71 VMflOIMlt ...... 11111 t.11 Ill perie of -.. IM AMoft6o 17 .......... lllllpPandT-. ..... .. = :::.,.dlflo n Wllw'llpet • r:=.,..,.., .. ,. .,., J.: 7t .. IO ti IMca.tal .. .Extended llOn ~ ::c::" 17 ~ :.--...... M 10 IMDlllO Tl Mt., . ... re; .... ~ 14 to JI In L--. T-w .. ,.,.,... .. W..,Pll. ......... 41 27 ..... 7t forecast ::..:-: • 21 ..... AM 11 Tempera1Ure1 11 11 ..... ...,. T4 T°""8 • 4t .... CM 11 IOUTHIAN OALtrORNIA' Ti.tfl " ........... IO OOAITA'lr:NO MOUNTAIN T'*9 • 72 " ........... • AMM-w ..... Clllell llATIOll ........... :· 41 f:'°"v..., u ,..,.,, ......... .. . .. == ~ ....... ..... Cly ,.,.,. , • • LONDON (AP) -Prime Mi.nllw Marpret Thatcher Mid today th• Araentine peace plan • for the Falkland Ialaridl had •· riou1 1hortcomtn11, and that Foreign Secretary Francia Pym will gQ. to Waahlnaton with count.erprol)Olala. Althouan Mra. Tha~her ef - fectively rejected the Araentine plan u presented, she Mid Bri- tain oonlidered it "a at.age in the negotiatlna proceu whfoh must now be continued. We are ex- amining the pro posal• very. cloeely." She l&ld the AramtJ.ne propo- sal, cabled to London from Bue- noe Aires by SeC:retary of State Alexander M. Haig Jr., ''fall• short in aome important respecta" of what Britain would deem an acceptable solution to the crisU., precipitated by Argentina'• invaaion of the Falklands on April 2. She did not dilcloee detailB of the Argentine plan, but said one important defect wu itl failure to give the 1,800 British- de.cended l.alanden a uy ir) their own future. "We shall aeek to put forward our own proposals, 1 hope, to Mr. Haig, and Mr. Pym with that in mind plans to ~o to Waahington on Thursday,' Mra. Thatcher said in t.M House of Commons. Mra. Thatcher was aske d whether Britain would u.e any means at lta di1poul to secure withdrawal of Argentine forces before d isc u s sing any "long-term aolution." - She replied. ''That ii still our aim." Mn. 'nlatcher said Britain waa committed to U .N . S ecurity Council Resolution 502, which calll for Argentlne withdrawal and a peaceful aetUement and ii, she aald, "clear but not 80 easy to get implemented." The sticking point apparently waa Argentine lnsiatence on rec- ognition of itl 90verelgnty over the Brit.lah colony 250 miles off ill IOUthem COUt. Argentine Foreign Minister Nicanor Costa Mendez said the proposal.a called for a "limited period" of negoliation1 that should lead to "full and complete Debut · of 911 brings calls -from curious Orange County's new 911 emeraency telephone 1yatem got oU to a auccadul IW'l Monday -despite numerous calla from people just wanting to know lf the ayitem worked. More than 100 calla were tog- aed alone at the Orange C.ounty Sheriff'• Department headquar- tera in Santa Ana, one of 24 "public safety answering points" located throulh<>ut the county. "We handled a traffic accident and a few paramedic and fire calla," said sheriff'• Lt. Dennis Rohn. Moat of the calla, however, wel'e from people "just testing, the l)'Stem. wanting to know if the ayat.em works," l\ohn Mid. . lie ur1ed county reaidenta to ''trust the system. •• "We're trying to encourage people not to test it," Rohn Mid. The 911 1y1tem went into operation at 12:01 a.m. Monday • culmlnatina a 10-year effort by county ancf dty governments to provide a slnale number for all police, fire, paramedic and ll1e- suard apndes. recognition of Argentine sove- relsoty. Haig, after four day• of lnten- alve negot.latloru In the Argen - U n e capital, flew back t o Wuhlnaton. He told reporters during a refueling 1top In Ca- raca1, Veneiuela, he would "dhlcula the lit\lation with Pre - lldent Reagan and await further developmenta ... tWtth a 68-1hip British wa r fleet expected to be withln 1tri-kina distance of the Fal.klanda by the weekend, Haig 1aid as he took off from Buenos Aires that he was "more convinct!d than ever that war in the South At- lantic would be the greatest of t.raaedies and that time u. indeed running out.'' The pe-rmanent council of the Organization of American States was meeiing in Washington to- day at Argentina's request to consider applialtion of the lnter- American Treaty of Reciprocal ~ta.nee ~.Britain. ArgenUna OOU1d count on the support of most Latin-American countries, but the Reagan admi- nistration was caught between traditional U.S. support of Bri- tain. ill clOlleSt ally, and ill desire to enli1t Argentina in its w a r a1ain1t communism In L a tin America .. .Rock star pleads • innocent Rock 1ln1er David Croaby plfade d Innocent Monday to mhdemeanor drufro...an:1 weapon charcee sternmlnc tu. arrest ln co.ta Meu lMt month afer he reportedly plowed his car into a San Dleeo Freeway center divi- der. · Crosby, a put member of the now-defunct lbck eroup Croeby, SUU. and Nuh, did not appMt at the Harbor Mun.lclpal c.oort ar- raignment. The 40-year -old Mlll Valley resident U. 1eheduled to appear at a pretrial conference June 7. Cro1by. arreated on ~imllar charges thl1 month at a Dallas night club where he wu perfor- ml ng, i1 charged locally with poeeeaalng a concealed gun, pos- aetaing a small amount of cocaine and driving under the influence of a controlled substance. • The freeway auto mishap at the Harbor Boulevard offramp occurred when Crosby reported- ly was heading to an anti-nuclear r ally at Doheny State Beach whe re he was to reunite with ex-singer partners Stephen Stills and G raham Nash. S&L files suit S AN FRANCISCO (AP) - Be1eaguered Fidelity Savings and Loan Allod.atJon filed suit in federal court Monday'to remove the receive r that the Federal Ho m e Loa" Bank Board ap- pointed over its affairs. The suit al5o seek.I to block sale or liqui- dation of its a.eta. .,.., ............. NOT QUITTING -Steel sculptor .Ali RoushAn is putting part of his property at 16th Street at Superior Avenue up for leaae in C.O.ta Mesa to help finance his continuing battle with City Hall over his creations. c:~t SOUTH COAST PLAZA ... Presents Bill BRUMLEY of I Ortnge Cout DAILY PILOT /Tue.day, Aptll 20, 1982 8 . ___ Strange.rs vi~lent ones ,. Crime statistic remains stable through '70s , . WASHINGTON (AP) -The .Juatlc• Department uy1 1tran1era commit three out of five violent crlmel, a f1aw'e that rema1ned •table durinc th. 1970. de•plte the rl1lng fear of 1uch crime. The deparunent'• Bureau of J~tice Statlltlc. reported Sun· day that 59 percent of violent crimes from 1973 through 1979 were committed by strangers, u oppoeed to relatives or acquaint· ancea of the vtctlml, Robbery wu moet f~uently perpetrated by 1trancen, ln 76 percent of the cuet, fOUowed by rape at 65 percent, agravated ... ult at 56 percent and llmpl9 ... ult at 53 percent. In a report entitled "Violent Crime by Stnncen." the bureau noted that poU. found an lncree- 1in1 fear of crime durln1 the 1970., particularly of ltreet crime by 1trangen, "even thouah the rate of violent victl.mlationl by strangers remained atable." -----.................... . WHAT A MESS -Northbound lanes of U.S. l near Florida City are jammed with moto~ halted by a roadblock .et up to check for illegal aliens believed traveling to the mainland from the Florida Keya. Motorist.a became IO angry on the hot Sun· day that BOme pelted police can with bottles. Some drivers reportedly waited up to four boul'I. "Th• rate at whJcb atrlnc•n commlttad rapee, robberies, and ... ultl w rceed~ stable, ave,..,m, 1t.e per i in th• popbl&tlon of penona 12 yean Old and man, from 1971 throuah 1978," Mid the buruu'• actln1 d1rec10r Benjunln H. Renlhaw. "On the other hand, the rate qf violent crime by non-1tran1era lncreaaed from 10.7 per 1,000 penonl to 12.0 per 1.000 jn the tevm•yeu" period,'' he added. The data wa• baaed on the bu.reeu'a Natlonal.Crime Survey, which twice a year interview• 132,000 people about crime. The IW'Ye)' ii ~ the pem; ment'• l'DOlt accurate c:rtme mea· aurement becauae l~ includea c:rtmee not reported to the police u '4ell u thme that are reported. Tbe FB1'1 Uniform Crime Re. port coven only crime reported to the police and ha1 1howed more fluctuation than the survey. The 1urvey hu found that about two-thlrda of violent crimea ln America are not reported to the police. The atudy defined •tranaen u thoee unknown to their v1ctiml or known only by at1ht. It noted that violent crlmea by relatives and acquaintancea may be un- derstated becaute of fear of em- barramnent or retaUation. The IW'Vey found a 1table ave. rage of more than 3.3 million rapes, robberlea an4 uuultl du· rt.na the aeven yeara. The 1urvey does not include murden, but the atudy aa1d that FBI reportl llinoe 1976 lhowed a stable ptoportion of murden by strangen, about 20 percenL GOING TO POT? -Two of 20 teams entered in the Cal State Lohg Beach Theta Chi Toilet race go for the top priz.e at the campus track. I ""~· The race among campus organization.a, ~hefJts the American Cancer Society. The event WWI held last Friday. City asks bankruptcy cover $3.6-million judgment faced in wounding of cop Roy Garcia, who was crippled paid fedearal withholding •• Les, when shot accidentally by a City Manager Richard K,J/;n. South Tuc1on officer during a berger aald. t joint operation in 1978. Garcia The action, rare ln re nt had been called in under a mu· years, would block at least • tual aid pact with th~~ity of porarily an attorney'• attem~ to Tuc8on to help arrest a barrk •· force the dty to levy spedal ures SOUTH TUCSON, Ariz. (AP) -Thi.I mlle-aquare enclave, fa. ced with a $3.6-mllllon judgment awarded to a policeman wounded by another offlcer'1 bullet, hu become one of the flnt cities to file for prot.ectlon under the new federal Bankruptcy Act. The City Council voted 7-0 laat week to authorize bankruptcy 1pecialllt Lowell Rothachtld to file a petition 1eeklng the ap- pointment of a trustee to work out a plan for peytna credit.on. The petition, filed Monday in U.S . Bankruptcl Court, la in reapon1e to a 3 .6·mlllion peraonal·lnjury award two yean ago to fonner 'I\aon policeman 4ed aunman. to pay the debt. ~L South Tualon says it can't pay The move "a something 'flat the Judsment, whlch wlth lnt.e· was expected ... It's what W l' l'fllt now amountl to more than thought would happen all alOIJB." "4 million. The city, which had Garcia said. only U00,000 in llablllty iruu· Rothachlld declined to dilQ.w ranee, has loat two appeala. Gar· specifics of the case. J eta, who cannot walk, hu recei· Mayor Dan Eckstrom taler.he ved no money from South Tue-expects the city will'be abl~to eon. continue providing normal r· The city a.tao has about $350,-vices. The reorganization eff rt. 000 ln other debts, Including un-he said, would allo"'! the cl~ "to Court denies prostitution ads protect ourselves from our~· tors and formulate a plan" to iaY its debts. ' But the petition will h rt S 6uth Tucson somewhatfJ.ln t e rms of credibility" w th privat.e·aector investors, Ka fn- berger said. Ruling voids free-speech showdown in Nevada WASHING TON (AP) -The U.S. Supreme Court hM avoided an unu1ual_ fr~e·apeech show- down over Jepl1fed prostitution by refwdna to let thme Nevada countlea that have It flaunt it. The jusdcel. without comment Monday, left intact a Nevada law prohibiting brothel ownen' from adverti1ing their aervices In ~ where pr..utuUon ia not allowed. The Nevada Supreme Court upheld the ad-bu.nlnf law .. applied to the ownef of the Chicken Ranch, a Nye County brothel about 85 miles from Laa Vesu. Prtnceu Sea Induatrle1, the brothel'• owner, and two Lu Ve1u publicatlona contend the law la an overbrold lnf:rtncement Murray said RothBc:hild 1till on f.ree..1peech riahtl. • There LS no constitutional pro-negotiate with the city's cred1- Notlna that a 1tat.e judge said tection for advertising prostitu-tors. Nevada 0... a "1pecial lpterest in Uon, the Nevada Supreme Court ·He said he assumed an att.eiJlpl maint.ainlng at atmo1phere of concluded. will be made to settle the Gtijcia decency and IOWld morala," the In ~ the nation's highest case "for some lesser amount or appeal aald: "la the life and aoul court to reJect the appeal. state at least it would be paid off m and moral character of a citizen and Clark County prosecutors some sort of lncrementa ov~ a of Nye County ... entitled to no argued that Princess Sea Indu-period of years ... But il)lall protection while a Nevada citizen strles had no legal right to chal-likelihood I think it will mean a living in counties where prosti· lenge the Jaw because. the payoff of the creditors in full" tution la ill~al ta entitled to full Ch l c k e n Ran c h w a• no t a South Tucson offlciala aay w ch prot.ectlon?"' "Ucensed" brothel at th~ time of a reorganization case involvi~ a Under Nevada law, =e• tht' •ult. muruapalay would be eomg Ulla with lem than 200,000 ti an "uncharted" legal area. Ri - can choa11e for themaelves whe· chard Grand. Garcia'• law,1er. ther to le1albe and reeulate Fifth floor ~redicted lt would reach the tJ.S . ~oatltutlon. Several countie1 Cou t upreme rt. , ve done 80· d • • While a total of 362 mwllCtpa-L aw ye ra for the Chicken IIllDg rOOfil llties or ... vi ... ,. districts filed'for Ranch'• owner and the two ...,..,-& "entertainment-type" newapa· bankruptcy or reorgan~·uu n ~ · st II d under the old fedenl ban the Lu Vepa M!rror -WU}~ l I to carry the bc'Otbel'a ads aald tbe WASHINGTON (AP) -At· have been few fi inp since e pen -I..M Vepa Panorama and ID a e . act between 1938 and 1972, ~c 1tate law confllcta with a 1975 torney General William French federaJ Bankruptcy Code ra · S th h ' t.alled d . ced It in 1978. Supreme Court dedslon. mi 85 ms a secon pn· In fact. the law clerk for U.S. In that ruun~. the /:'licea vate dining room on the fifth · ' floor of the J·· .... •-'r>epartment. Bankrupt.cl Judge William A. ltrUck down a V w that wtwui: Scan land said he was aw~ of Northrop denies plot try. WASHINGTON (AP) - Northrop Corp. official• deny they are trying to hurt Rockwell International by investing 200 million in advance production facilities for the Stealth bomber. But buslnesa publlcationa aa'y Northrop's actions might very well curb the govemmen\'1 inte· reat in the B-1 being built by Rockwell at aeveral U.S. loca· • Uonl. "Look, we aren't trying to hurt Rockwell." Mid an Unidentified Northrop lobbyi1t. "We're just tryinc to develop the bomber aa fast as we can. If we get there firat, and Congreaa 1crapa the B-1, that's juat a byproduct of what we are doing." The Stealth bomber la so na· med becauae Its deaJgn la auppo- aed to make lt. difficult for radar to detect. The B· l la n ot an ''invisible"· type bomber. So far, the federal gove~nt Ls asking for $-l billion more this year. The head of the Houae Repu- blican l>olicy Committee, U.S. Rep. Richard Cheney, R-Wyo., has expreued aecond thoughts about 1pendln1 more money on the S.l. Rockwell would like to have the S.1 flytna by 1985, but the Northrop fobbyilt aid that ocm- pany wanta to have the Stealth bomber In the alr a yev earlier. A.lthouah Northrop wt1l make some m oney off the B-1, the lobbyist aald, he cla1med u much as $40 billion can be made on full production of any advanced technology bomber. Currently, no one company hu a contract for the Stealth bom- ber. But Northrop ii aald to be inYeltlna $200 million in advance had prohlblted the pubUahJ.na of . Department spokesman Art only one such fl ling un~r productlon facllltles. The com-adverti.ementl for at:iorUon aer· =e:~=~.:Sh~~ Chapter 9 of the code -a nll-"g pany, however, refusel' to con-~t the Nevada Supre'me over the weekend for $4,300. in· last December upholding ~e flnn the amount of iu inveat-Court ruled laat Oct. 28 that the eluding cutting 8 •winging door right of the Shenango MuniCi~ ment. 197 5 dee hi on "la clearly to the new dining room from the Authority in Pennsylvania to Ole Northrop wu 8f8Dted the rs--distirwu1ahable." attorney general's kitchen and for bankruptcy. • earch contracta to develop the Wh1le a woman's ri1ht to an moving three iiepartment offi· Chapter 9 provides for mu~l- advanced warplane C de-abort.ion I.I one over which 1tat.e cl.al.a to new offices on the attor· dpal debt adjustments. A ~fee fenae department lut ber. power ta ~ limited, the atate ney general's floor. must be appointed, RothscMld • John R. Thorne, Northrop'• court said, ' proatltutlon la an Of the 12 other Cabinet aec~ said, who determines net "~h public relatlona mana1er in activity which Nevada may tarles who run departments, 10 and total debts. The city qJ~st Wahington, aald, "We never try choo1e either to regulate or to haveone private dining room and propose a plan for payinj Jts to aet IOm~one el1e'1 defeble ~pc:.:.rol:.;L:.;:u.::bi:.::t...:e:,:n~tire:.:..:l::..y;_." _______ tw_o_ha_ve_no_ne_. ________ d_e_b_ts_,_a_tto_m_e...;.ys_sai_d_. ---:-~ con trlie'tl." But, Thorne said, "We're a charge-ahead outfit that ceu thing• done. We don't watt ~.·· Sen. John Glenn. D-Ohio, one of the prime blicken of the 8-1, hu aaid he lln't convlnced the Stealth bomber can be built. ' Woman first . , 't 10 space WASHIN~'ION ) -S.Uy Rade, an • , will be- come America 1 int woman ln epece next year • a cnw meta· ber 1'lt the 19\'mth ru,ht of the =. abutde, NASA .announcld Ma. lttde, 10, la to fly_ with three male MtraraaUtl, all mill• tary ofticln. on the l90Glad ma. lion of the NCoDd •:::., tbe =:.?:.Tl&bott•= ...... • "Foney'' Is her name and ahe'a a-.ac mid-heel pump lnfHrftlblac* ~~white leatt'9r ~ Wfth a pert . boW ...........• ·.39,tlO P.S. a r.. lhaf ·~a "'9t b(mmlng 0.« wttt'I that l'tfl!# look fcf IJirtng and Sumnwt • I Orange OOMt DAILY ptLOT/Tueedey, Aprtl 20, 1112 . --~---·'!""" __ .... ._..__ __ ._ ___ Book gives tips prepariDg will. • OBAR PAT: Cu Y" refer me Ce a Mot daaa wW ... ., me .,aw If •Y owa wUJ? Wida all die Hlf-ltelp law MM.I.......,, · kaow .. ere mua be 1omet'1ag avaltqle. P.B.,Cot&aM ... The new, elgthth edit.Jon ot "Settllna and Sateaiuar<llnl &- taC. ln California Without an Attorney -With Forma," la what you're looking for. Author Clive Hinckley hu cowred evft'Y1hlnc in th1I 218-page volume to enable the layman to plan h1a or he!' own estate or eettle another. The book Includes inat.ructiona. ex- amples; crcm-referencea, court addte9lell and a full 1et of fonm. • J..ook for lt In a bookatore, or order for $13 from Clive Hinckley, 106 E. Sunaet Drive South, .Redlanda. Calif. 92373. . 1 Toy hazard repair under way DEAR READERS: Creative Playthi.ngl la renewing lta ef- ' forta tD replace up to 239,000 Creative Playt.hino Indoor Gym Houae ladders following a recent atrangulatton death. The pro- duct was manufactured prior to 1980. Cona~ra.are urged to remove and destroy the ladder immediately. • The replacement program is being conducted in cooperation with the U.S. Consumer Product Safety CornmilSion which ad- viaed the firm of the death of a two-year-old California boy on , Feb. 9, 1982, in an accident associated with the Gym Houae. The firm first took corrective action on the product in Fe- bruary 1980, after learning of an accidental death and an l.ncident causing brain damage which later resulted in death to a child playing with the product. Replacement ladders were of!ered at that time. The Creative Playthings Indoor Gym Houae consilta of a hollow, fiberboard-and-wood box 20 inches high which supports a two-step wooden ladder on one side and a short slide on the opposite side. The top of the box or "platform" serves aa a bridge betw~ the ladder and the slide and'is protected on two aides by wooden railings. The product is intended for U9e by children ases 18 months through 3 ltl years. It was sold for approximately $29 to $50 in toy stores and other re tail outlets nationwide In knocked-down form to be assembled by the owner. The i.dder being replaced was manufact~red from 1962 thro~h 1979. The gym houses with ladders being replaced are thoee w1th "Creative Playthings" printed on the side or with no lettering. Creative Playthings urges owners to conlAct the firm im- mediately tD request , free of charge, a new ladder that has been redesigned to reduce the likelihood of head entrapment. In- structions for easy installation are included. Owners who have received a replacement ladder since February 1980 need take no action. To request the replacement ladder, call the firm's toll-free number: (800) 847-4 359, or write to: Creative Playthinp, P .O. Box 306, Route 147, Herndon. Pa. 17830. More information can be obtained by phoning the firm's toll-free number or the CPSC at (800) 638-8326. ( . • "Got a probl6n'! Then wrl~ to Pat .Dwm Pat will cut red tllpe, getting the amwers and action you • .~'9 'l need to 110lve inequities in government and buBtneat. j M.a your questions to Pat Dunn, At Your Service, ,... • Orange Cout Dally Pilot, P.O. Box 1'60, eo.u ~ I . Mera, CA 92626 . .At many letters • pombk will ~ amweftd, but phoned inquiries or letters not lncJuding U>e IN· der'1 luJ1 name, addretla and bu6iness houl'lf' phone number can- not Pe considered. " ·No action ~ on Elvis ·appeal WASHING~ (AP) -One of the nation'• larg•t novelty-tt.em mlfthandilen hM ac a uy U.S. Supnme Q>urt flaht 1n lta att.mnpt to t.r anyone elle from ma~ a profit from Dvtt Pre· aley!1 fame. The coun refuled Monday to review a five-year le1al tf1ht over whether Rre1ley '1 11exclwdve rilht to publldty" en- ded when he died or whether lt WU lnherited by hein. A federal appeall court, lnier- pretlna Tennmaee law, aaid t.he exclu1lve rlfht died with the rock-and-ro 1 singer Aug. 16, 1977. Factors Etc., which claim• it bought that exchuive right for Sl50,000 two daya aft.er Presley died at age 42, urged the Su- preme Court to negate the low~r court's ruling. During moat of Prealey'a le- gendary entertainment career, his excluaive right tD market his fame In the form of posters. T - shirta and numerou. other com- modities waa held by hia mana- ger, Col. Tom Parker. In 1974, Parker and Presley transferred that right to Boxcar Enterprl8", a Tennessee-baaed company. Boxcar IOld that right tD Facton with the approval of Presley's father, Vernon, who is now dead. Pro Arta, a New York poster company, soon began selling a commemorative poster of Pre- sley. Factors quickly sued Pro Arts, and the 2nd U.S . Circuit Court of Appeals in 1978 barred Pro Arts from selling Presley posters. The 2nd Circuit court, inter- pretin§ New York law, said Presley 1 excha1ve right to pu- blicity had been inherited by. hia father and lega.J..ly transferred to Factors. But ln early 1980 the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals used Its interpretation of Tennessee law in a related case to rule that Presley's exclusive right died with him. Relying on the 6th Circuit ru- ling the 2nd OrcuJt cou.n decided last June 29, that Tenne.ee law should have been used in the Facton-Pro Arts controversy and that Pro Arts ahould be allowed tD tell its Presley posters. .. .. AP Wlr•photo • FAMOUS FANS -Actress Jane Fonda, her son Troy. 8, and husband Tom Hayden cheer on the Los Angeles Kings in hockey action against the Va ncouver Canucks a t the Forum in Inglewood. Ingrid denies 'dying' rumor Actress Ingrid Bergman responded to British newspa- pe r reports t-ha t s he was dying of cancer by posing !or a photographer and saying: "I am not as young as I used to be, but my health is Une. I am not dying." The Daily Mail putllshed the photograph. It showed Mias Bergman, 67, smiling Mayor Pete Wilson, a can- didate for the Republican no- mination for the U.S. Senate, says a venture tD convert cow dung Into methane gaa cost him $14,600 Lut year. It was among the writ.eoffs WU.On listed for the $3,725 he and well wrapped up against the English spring in a t ape and slacks. S he posed on the e m b a nkment along the T h a mes R iver . n e a r h e r ap artmen t i.n fashionable Chelsea. The Oscar-winrung actress underwent surgery for breast cancer in 1974 and 1979 seeks m a federal income tax refund. "We ll, Congress keeps saying people should invest in alternate sources of energy," an a ide , Otto 801, said. in disclosing Wilson 's tax f i- gures. With Britain and Ar1tn11.na poised on the brink of war, London newapepen reported Prl1ce ClaarJH hired an Ar- 1entlne to care for hl•J>Olo ponlel at the Wlndllor c.&le atablft. \Th• newa made hndllnet ln London, althou&h a Buck- tnaham Palace 1poke1man uld the prince hired Arlentine-bom Raeel Conte before Ar,entlne forcet Inva- ded the Falk.land Ialanda. ' Correo, 38, ii reaponalble for the prince'• eight ponies. Hla wife, Ll•da, wu quoted In The S un newspape r aa saying, "He ~very happy in his new job." Actor Robert Clary was among 18 Jewiah aurvivon ol Nazi concentrAUon c.ampa ho- nored at the Slmoa Wleseatbl Cent.er for Holocaust Studies on Yorn Huhoa, the Day of Remembrance . Clary, who played LeBeau on the TV series "Hogan's Heroes," wu freed from Bu- chenwald ln 1945 -the only camp survivor among 13 fa· mily members. The 600 peo· pie gathered In Los Angeles saluted survivors f9r recoun- ting their experiences to stu· dents. A forme r conservative Maryland congressman who lost his Maryland seat m 1980 after admitting to alcohol.ism and homcsexual tendenaes is getting ruvorced. Robert• E . Baaman, now runmng to regain the office he lost, announced that h e and his wife Carol reached the "very painful" decision tD divorce, following a one -year aeparauon. Singer -songwriter Paul A.nka was in a bit of a hurry at the Las Vegas airport, ac- cCJ rdrng to his lawyer, and that riled customs off1 c1als. They slapped him with mis- demeanor punishable by up tD one year in jail and $2,000 in fines. . Anka was charged with remov ing his b~gs from air- port customs without appro· val. The 1n c1d e nt occurred when Anka retrieved the 16 pieces of luggage from the cus toms area of McCarran lnt.emauonal Airport on Feb. 4. Anka "reg rets" the inci- dent. said his lawyer , Asel Klelboemer. The entertainer faces a hearing May 24. ED WETTER SHUTTERS CUSTOM QUAUTY SHU 11 ERS LET THEM HAVE A DRY BED :: ~!"'...t:.r:::.-::.::: ~-...=:= =~ .-. .• -" --c......-.. ,_....., .... ---·-"· .. ----....----~ ...... ---... ---·--.... -.--...--....... ___ ,_.,.. If" • ._. .. , ____ ... .,...._ PARENTS NAME -------- AOOAESS ---------- CITY _____ STATE--ZIP_ Pt10HE--------AGE-- 1 ...... 4 • $01 II t&++Np Wiii FREE TICKETS • Just Look for Your Name! "-Wlf.._ .. euct< EH'TVt"'ISH ~ 14th Ann11M AntlWn ,......,. See TWIGGY Skll ....... _ ... __ ,.... ..... .....-.,, ... ... .." .. ---•'911 • ........ 1 WE'RE A LOT MORE THAii A •LL Oii YOUR WALL Behind the bell. Behind the famous Seacoast sticker. Behind au the state-of-the art protection devices we make and install, is Seacoast central station. When an alarm goes off on your property, we get the signal In a nearby, 24-hour-a-day cen- tral station. If the signal indicates fire, burglary or holdup, we call the police or fire department. Since our central station ls U.l. rated, our central station customers . can qualify for a 11.zeabte dltcount on their lnsorance. And to Increase our reach, make response time even faster, and Improve efficiency, vle're computerizing our station. But Improvement• aren't new to Seacoast. We've been getting :better for 21 yeara. And today we're the leaders In the aecur1ty.businesa In the Harbot aree with over 10,000 customera lnctudlng a wide range of . big and small retell, Industrial and c<>mmefclal establishments. To find out more about our Seacout central station write or come by our new faclllty at 2488 Newport Blvd., Coeta Mesa. °"9rll ••t'INn9 In WI country~...,_ • 27 "°'99 °' d1Mi,f11119Np 00" • 21 tlntMI ..... llCIM~ • 2MIMmllagendhtdtd~ POcMI e 348 Mlae llHl)tng toome • ,... In llMultful Alncho ...... Cell. .... .. ,.. ............. .. ... IMOlll!oenl ... -.. Mouftlalnl Come ... tor your'lll""' ..WNcl-..,.._., .. .,_.. 2488 NEWPORT. BoULEVARD •COSTA MES( CALIFORNIA• 92627 • (714) 642-3490 Designed, Finished ~ Installed ~ ..... 28 Years Experience Manufacturing Quality Shutters FINEST QUALITY SHUTTERS AVAILABLE ON THE MARKET TODAY ... AT FACTORY DIR•CT PRICES! C•ll {714) 548-6841 or 548-1717 } Alt Wlt~ FOR SALE -Kathryn Crosby holds piece of memorabilia to be auctioned off next month. Those in the photo are from left, Frank Sin- atra, Rosemary Clooney, Dean Martin, Ka- ~ and Bing Crosby. ( .. Orange Coat DAILY PILOT /Tue.day, Aprll 20, 1982 memorabilia of famous singer athryn Crosby remini ces on 20-year marriage to Bing HOLL YWOOO (AP) -Nearly five 1.Hn after Bina Crolby~• deetb, hJI wi- dow. Kathryn. WU takin8 l&ock of the clutter of treuww that onoe fw.d their alx homea when a friend 1Y~e1ted: "What you need la a prap lllle. ' And, ln a moN elepnt manner, that II ju1t what Mn. Crosby wlll do next month when the puta up for auction thouaand1 of piec:ff of furniture, art work, clothlna, recorda and mUlk:&l me- morabllia ~hfch onc:e belonaed to Blng ere.by. "l had to look around and retllze that I wu storlna a great deal of furniture ln qty hallways and no·rwo pieces matched.'' ahe explained. "And It occurred to me there were many people who had a right to Blng's things -people who loved him many years before I met him." Mrs. Crosby, known as actre11 Ka- thryn Grant when she made movies in the 1950s, apoke of her life without Bing and the memories which suatain her ln an Interview at the Hollywood Brown Derby. During the course of the lun- cheon, veteran waiters rushed to greet her and celebrity caricatures on the walls reminded her of times she and her hus- band shared there with famous friends. ''I signed my first contract here under a picture of Blng Crosby, whom I hadn't met yet," ahe recalled with a amlle. That wu before her May-December marri.tge to the lepndary crooner who al.ready had children older than ahe, be- fore they had threoe children of lhelr own and a aolld marrl"ge which laated 20 years unUl tr<>1by'1 death in 1977. The 1till youthful Mra. Cto9by, who Uvet at lhe famil)l home ln Hilltborouah near San Franclaco and malntalna another home ln Mexico, hu made the adjustment to widowhood and doubts she ';:Yill ever marry again. "I had the nicest marriage and I en- joyed lt," she says. "I alJlo enjoyed pa- rent.Ing ... but I don't think I would be brave enough to start that all aver agaln aa Blng wu when. he had two familiea, two aeta of children." It is Implicit In her comme nts that marriage to a legend leaves no room for replacemenJa. "Bing was such a decent, good man," she says with feeling. "There are so many people who loved him who know what a hell of a man he was." She acepts her widowhood with good cheer. acknowledging the many bles-sinfr. left. · 'Life ill good." she says. "I will not have the great peaks of romance and ecstasy I had when I was young. But I thank God that I will not have the agony tither." She taket pride In her chUdren. N•- thaniel, 20, a 1tudent at the UnJversity of Miami, ii emulaUna hla father u a golf er and recently won the U .S . Amateur Open championship. Harry LlWJ Jr., 23, who lnherfted mu1lcal talent and alto golla, tried acting, toured with a London repertory company, but changed hl1 mind and atudiea buslnea at Fordham Univ~rsity ln New York. Mary Frances, 22, manied to aongwriter Edmund Pre· aton Lott.imer, la a 1ucceeafUJ actrell who appean regularly on TV and starred In ··oaUaa.'' Friend• auch as Rosemary Clooney have sald they will attend the auction May 2~. 26 and 27 at Butterfield and Butterfield auctioneers ln San Frandaco. A preview will be held in Loe Angeles on May 1 and 2. Asked what she wiU do with the pro- ceeds. she said, .. I haven't quite decided yet. That'a my inheritance and I hope I can put it to good use. It would pleaae me to think I could lncreale the estate for Bing's children, although they·re doing so well they'll probably be supporting me In my old age. "I'll think of something,·· she con- cludes. ''There are lots of exciting things to do." c-• .,. .. 1.4 ,..,,,t" Al Or"'Qe Coat DAILY PILOTITu.day, Aptlt 20, 1082 ·911 einergency phone . available in county Commit three numerall to your memory: 911. Thole are the only d.lgita you need to know to summon emer- 1ency aervices, regardles1 of where you reside in Orange County. The county'• 911 system went lnto operation Monday, concluding a decade of planning at both the It.ate and county levels. · It was way back in 1972 when ,the state Legislature paaed a bill. later signed into law by then Gov. Ronald Reagan, requiring cities and COW}ties to implement a 911 1yatem by 1982. It was not until 1976, four years later, that the Legislature 1et up the funding mechanism -a surcharge on telephone bills. That law extended the implementation deadline to 1984, later postponed to 1985. Orange County's 911 plan was ~proved by the state in 1979. County and city governments or- dered the 911 system and work ~on its installation. To the credit of the county's 911 \Uk force, Orange County met the ortamal 1982 deedline. What that meant l• county residenta can avail themselve. of the firtt, larf eat and molt 10- pblsticated 9 1 system in Sou- thern Caljfomia. The l)'Btem hu the ca1>9bW~ • of immediately ~a caller 1 telephone num~ll then select- ively routing the to one of 24 "public terVice answert.na points" located throughout the county. It ls fi;om thoae points that police officers, firefighters, paramedics and lifeguards are dispatched. . One only needs to look at the inside cover of a telephone direc- tory to see how con.f:u.sing it could be to find th'e right emergency agency in a time of need. There are literally scores of telephone numbers. Finding the right one wastes time in situations in which time is extremely valuable. So forget about the directory listings when you need emergency help. Think 911. Tampering with law California's Ralph M. Brown Act ia the law that requires gov- ernment bodies to conduct the public's business in public. It authorizes closed (executive) sessions only for dia- eustton of pending litigation or the appointment or dlsmi.Ssal of a pu- blic employee or charges brought against him. Beyond that, all meetings must be open. And all decisions made in so-called "pel'IOl'lllel" sessions also must be publicly announced after the meeting. The Brown Act does not ai t very well with many elected and appointed bodies. From time to ti.me an effort is made to modify its provisiom to allow more se- crecy. The latest proposed amend- ment to the act. AB 1003, would give local legislative bodies the authority to hold closed discus- sions in caaes where a license ap- plican t who had been turned down administratively because of a criminal record wanted to appeal to elected officials to demonstrate rehabilitation. There was little objection to the argument !hat f.ailure to per· mit auch an applicant to plead his cue behind closed doors could amount to an invasion of privacy. But enough is never enough. Now the measure has been further amended to pennil a closed ~ion for "evaluation of perforrrulJlCe" of any employee, regardless of whether hiring, firing or com- plaints are involved. A1J pointed out by Sen. Milton Marks, the sole member of the Senate Local Government Com- mittee voting against the addition- al change, "This could lead to executive ses&ons about all kinds of things . . . this is not a reaso- nable change." Indeed, the number of "personnel" sessions that already result in no announced peraonnel decision indicates that the exemp- tion is rather freely U8ed for eecret diaci.assioo. of policy matters in di- rect contravention of both the let- ter and spirit of the open govern- ment law. The original, and specific, in· tent of the amendmen\ was aooep- table. Expanding it to cover something as vague as routine "performance evaluation," where job security is not the issue, clearly conflicts with the basic provisions of the Brown Act. The lawmakers should reject this one. Where the tax dollars go It may be 10me mnal.l comfort. in this tax-conaclous month, to note that the biaest single item in the average w~s total federal tax obligation goes to cover so· called income RCUrtty payments. Theae include retirement, disabi- lity, Social ~rity, welfare, ve- terans' benefit& and the like. For the median-income fa- ' mlly, where a worker making $25,000 a year la the tole support of a wife and two dependent chil- dren, thia amounta to f2,291 or 33 percent of his total federal tax bill of $6,916. Next cornea hla ahare of de- feme spending, $1,712 a year, or 25 percent of the total. An addi- tional 13 centa of every federal tax dollar goes to contribute f905 to l • pay interest on the national debt. Of the almost $7,000 paid in assorted federal taxes, income tax w ill account for $2, 771, Social Security takes another $1,tl75 and the remaining $2,470 will be col- lected in various indirect taxes. After he has paid his bill lor income aecu.rity, national defense and the national debt, Mr. Ave- ~ Taxpayer al.lo contributes to such items as international affairs, $101; agriculture, $79; space tech- nology, $63; energy, $59; and ad- ministration of justice, $41 .. While tome of these may be outaide our immediate sphere of interest, lt'a at least somewhat comforting to know what we're buying with those hard-~arned dollars. Opinions expressed In the space above ere thOse of the Dally Pilot. Other views ex· JN'HHd on this paoe are U\~ of their authors and artists. Reader comment Is lnvlt· ed. Address The Dally Piiot, P.O. Box 1S60, Costa Mesa. CA 92626. Phone (714) M2.a21. L.M. Boyd/ Lethal weapons • DOftHDH word that PtOP•• eventually would use. He won h1a bet. Wbat wu the word? A. "Qula.'' Jt bad DO mean1111. orlli•llY. But people kept uttna what It meant. 10 their questlom ftaally •tabllahed the deftnltlon ol the word ltaell. Can you explain wby uplrtn NI• and bomlna pe:rmlta 10 up and down tots~ ln • fairl1.•lmllar pettwn! Q. ·What wu the adve~ alotan ot·• eld Model T l'ord1 • A. "Otta Ya TheN, and ON Ya aa..·· ' Moscow can't keep hands off WASHINGTON -High-level alarm over Soviet manipulations to exploit U.S . discomfiture in the Falkland bland• triangle sent a top-ll!Ct'et cable crackl1ng from the State Departtnent April 12 to Secretary of State ~exander Haig. A desperate Haig waa in London trying new mediation gimmick.a to keep Great Britain, this country'• cloeest ally, out of a shooting war with Argentina, a strong supporter of the Reagan admini- stration's anti-oommunist policy in Cen· tral America. THE GIST OF the cable: Moscow ia showing it cannot keep ita hands oU the U.S.-Britiah-Argentina triangle and in· tend.a to exploit it to the utmost despite its vast overcommitment from Cuba to Afghanistan. The Soviet Union cannot resist poking .into Cresh trouble when the opportunity arises. That could mean more than mere friendly Soviet words. If Argentina needs military aid and cannot get it elsewhere, it will buy, beg or borrow from the Soviet Union -and Moecow will gratefully accommodate. The Rus- si.ana have been working franUcally but fruitletaly with Buenos Aires to arrange short-term credit, imtead of cash-and- carry, for ita massive grain purchases. A Soviet-~tine aims deal could relieve Moeoow oT ~Vin& to pay gold for grain. The Soviet lme has been developing alowly since Moecow's dectS1on to abstaJn from the Unite d Nations Secunty Council demand April 3 for "immediate withdrawal" of Argentina from the Bri- tish Falklands. The Kremlin's support for Argentina's position mocks that res- r:.~#9' 11111 •••• ~!- olution. The Sovieta belittle Haig'a me- diation effort, claiming it is part of a U.S .-backed revival of long-gone Bri- tish colon1alism -enougn to justify later arms sales to Buenos Aires. Both the U S. and Britain, says the Kremlin propa· ganda line, are plotting to "plunder" underseas oil around the Falklanda. This propaganda"line, aimed at dama- ging the U.S. in Latin America, could be more 'lethal than intelligence reports to Buenos Aires by Soviet vessels shado- wing the British fleet. Still worse, if Haig'• mediation faill and a shooting war · breaks out, the Soviets could get a toe- hold in Argentina -Moecow's first ever in South America. Preliminary work looking toward Sov1et·Ar~ntJ.D• rpi~tary ~~ration was lald an late 1979. At the height of Argenuna's aggnevement over the U.S. m1htary cutoff decreed by President Jimmy Carter's human nghts policy, a senior Soviet general and three colonels visited the capital. In a report from Buen~ Aires, Tass revealed Soviet as- p 1rat1 o n s b y c alling th a t visit "transcendant " THE PERILS for the US an ttus So- viet 1ntrus1on beyond its sphere run deeper in the future. Seruor presidential · advtsers fear that if Argentina tS forced to retreat precipitously. an anti·U.S. government more nationalistic than the present rrulitary regime may take over. With the Soviet Union then in the forefront as Argentina's new best friend and the U S . cast in the villain's role , there a rises the prosp ect of Soviet- Argentme fr1endsh1p ummaginable be· fore the Falkland crisis. As a bonus. the Soviets might acquire naval ports in the South Atlantic, valuable help for their growmg fleet of submannes. More than just enforcin.g the Security CoUllCll resoluuon's simple command for "an 1mmed1ate withdrawal'' from the islands. Haig is trying to keep Argentina as an irreplaceable hemispheric ally. In the long run, the U.S . has more at stake in the ~alkland Islands than even the British. 1r l.-1 Rose Bird recall campaign renewed Alt.hough Republican party officials have backed off on a recall movement of state Chief Justice &.e Bird, state Sen. BUl Rkhard9on haa announced he will go ahead with che drive but will delay its appe~ on the ballot until after No- vember to preclude Gov. Jerry Brown from appointing her succesaor. RichanUon, whoae profetllion la ad- vert.laing, runs two or more permanent private organizationa dedicated to law and order and the defeat of gun control propoeala and their elected aupportera. DESPITE HIS being a bitter foe of Bird'• he didn't exactly tip at the~ gestion of the group promoting her that he head up the drive. Re said he though he had diacoU.raged them by tel- ling them how much money it would cmt to run a auccesaful recall campaign. But the manner in whiCh ne told them turned out to be a challenge. "You give me $400,000 and I'll deliver her head on a platter," he 1aid. Now, "Surprlalngly," Richard.on aaya, "lher, didn't waste anytime railing the money. ' From the moment Bird arrived in Saramento to become Gov. Jerry Brown'• aecretary of the Buaineu and Tramportation Agency ahe haa been a controveraial figure. A school buddy of Brown's, she came here with a limited experience in lhe practice of law gained as an aaaistant public defender and without experience aa an adrniJUstrator. Nevertheless ahe quickly established he~lf as one of Brown's closest and llll Wlllll most influential advt.en. She abo dis- played herself u an inept but 1trong- willed executive who brooked no dis· 1en1ion and struck with awesome vengeance at those who opposed her. Need.lna "'a:l both the morale of the employeee ~ work of the depart- menta under her rdp .ufftted. But deaplte her ahort and un- di1tingui1hed experience a1 a govern- ment lawyer, her complete lack of Judi· daJ experience, and her poor record as an adniinistrator, it w• predktable that Brown would appolnt her to the Su- preme Court at the first opportunity. Thia becau1e Brown waa under great GaJDhling on legal advice We tend to laugh at the prollfentioo of specialties in the medical profemlon - Uke the legendary doctor •ho treatl only the left nostril -but w~ It may ln tome cases be carried to abllurd ex- treme1, 'there i1 no doubi tbat the . IYlllY llllll · pressure to appoint a woman to the high court and because Bird had wormed herself mto Brown's confidence. A storm of protest greeted the ap· pomtment. The three member judicial approval panel. which included Attorney General Evelle J. Younger, split two to one on her confirmation. Younger's vote had much to do with his losing his bid for governor in 1978 when he wu defeated by Brown by over a million votes. In that same election Bird barely squeaked by with a narrow 200,000 margin with nearly three million votes against her. Richardson had led the campaign to defeat her .. Another group headed by Mary Nimmo aao worked against her election. Both groups were short of funds and the fact each went their separate ways didn't help. But Richardson believes this time around will be differenL The public has now had five years to observe Bird's perfonnance u a justice. What this has revealed is an ac\ivist jurist eeeking to mold aociety to her scheme of things, ignoring the laws or judldally amending or legislating them. Her zeal for chan· ging things la most pronounced in cri- lninal cases where her public defender backgound prevails. • ADDITIONALLY, the public has had the unusual opportunity to look in- alde at the court. 1 aanc\uary not even ~ by lawyen. • • result of the Judi· cl.al ~allficatiom ~n investl· gatton of charges that dedaiona of the court were delayed~ Blrd'a elec- tion. Bvldeooe of the dwpe were lack· lng but the inner woridnp of the court were held ·up to the dayu,ht te reveal the ttrident and ~ .,.._.uty of the chlet ,Jwt1ce and lnabWty to get &Jona wttfi other julUoel. Already 1rlahtened by tbe recall talk, Bird haa launched a campaian of hei: own , holdtna dinnen for &he pur- poee of rec.Mna tribuMI b'Om celebrt- tlee, moltly the Hollywood type& IO daf to the pwnor w1-o teem fNWY ...cly to rally ln auppan of ''.-" eve when they don't~ then. n ~ -Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Tuetd1y, Aprll 20, 1982 .41 •#. --~----~----------------------------------~------------------------___;- OF Tf-IE MAJ0R MANUFACTURERS b 'O'{ 9 0 98 l w o'.) Jm I ll. BJ~ i w d ti ')[) Jb te nu 11iJ tlTI 1fs.J , • 1rlJ sei qs o'.) t9b ~~ r 'lA 119 uq <9) UJ') I FORD** CHRYSLER GM . 1qc 1tld 3s t 9m 9h xi" WHOLE CAR COVERAGE OF WHOLE CAR WORKMANSHIP WARRANTY* COVERAGE SOME PARTS COVERAGE 2YEARS SYEARS 1 YEAR uq '>m l~V FREE SCHEDULED COMPLETE COMPLETE NO MAINTENANCE 2YEARS S~RS 1qh TUJ Ul :n:> COVERS EVERY WEAR ITEM YES NO NO (BLADES, BELTS, BATTERIES, ETC.) 'lm 118 us 01& dq COVERS EVERY ADJUSTMENT YES NO NO FOR TWO YEARS !Ob . :> a oJ (<)? lrlJ FREE OF CUSTOMER-PAID YES , NO t YES DEDUCTIBLES ON WARRANTY ~ -run ~D'.) fl FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE YES NO YES . ' ni Jon HUNDREDS IN CASH DIRECT TO CUS-YES NO NO TOMER FROM·THE MANUFACTURER . . 9rlJ XSJ Us:> 1rlT xm CASH PAID RIGHT NOW YES NO · NO n!tl lim au i }O I CASH WHETHER YOU PURCHASE YES NO NO OUTRIGHT OR FINANCE 91b '19q no tn9l CASH AND COVERAGE YES NO NO AVAILABLE IN ALL 50 STATES • I t~ noiJ lob . 1iqO • >9iq . -~ . CASH AND. COVERAGE YES NO NO AVAILABLE AT EVERY FORD DEALER -,_ . -. - ·tM .J 11 , . .., h i 1&0 I ni ·uq •.JIJl l1af uo, xod •l.Jmkfd wwrrtey eJKIUdlng DM. um. fluids M'ICI .aldtflts TINO 'tfMS Ot 24.000 mNes. wtllc:htwr comes llnt. ··r-~ ~on I MW 1981 Of 1982 Escott. EXP.~ F.wmont Ol Gf ~from 'jOIJf Ford De*'~ J4Jtw 6. 00 umlt onr Pff Customfl' t~ second 't'IK 1aJ1 •b• FORD OfVISION dill • nh Q . ()Of I Orange COUt DAILY PILOT/Tueeday, April 20, 1082 nz.:t! Figures can he juggled ~ P,lant capacity report tr~ po itive note . ...eA1R IRVINE TO LAX NOW. Jb JOHN CUNNIFF ..,....,........., .. •t NJW YORK -u· you work NEWS ANALYSIS ----......... over the economic 1\atJlticl. ttand Via Doily Fllghtl flrom John W•rne Airport (0t•"99 CountJ) . ~35.00 (714) 540-6911 19531 ~ WafSGuttl a...l A•tllh TemM PUBLIC NOTICE ~ICmlOUI au ..... NAMC ITATUlllNT rne 101tow1ng pereon la 0 01ng bU$ll'leSS H HOLISTIC a NUTAITIONAL COUNSELORS. 404 WHlmlt1llt1. SU<le 1 Newpo<I BMl:ll. CA 92tle3 ROXl HAMIL TON DOWNING 1~i3 Coro•nOer Co••• MH• CA !llb:.06 This bus1nesa •• Gonductf)(I by an l"OIVtdUdl DD RO•I HemlllO" Oownl"Q, This 11a1emen1 wH tiled with lhe Coun1y Cle11i or Or•noo Coonty on /\pr1I 9 1982 ...tnnoue ...... NMlln•~ .. file·~,,.,_.~..._ EN!ACALC. I IH H lroo•h11111 :;~1. lune 300, An•h•'"'· Ctllltornl1 Mlch .. l Oyer lroo~a. 1100~ W =lrO<ll, H-pOfl 9HGh, c.Mtorllle ~ -.. con4..Cleel °" """"' .....,o.erooi.a Thlt 11etemen1 we1 llltO wllh Ille ~ Oltf\ ol o.-. Coun'J °" ,.,_,. t. ,~ Pub1t1htd Or1ng1 Co111 Oallr ,Hot, F117012 Puohsned Or ar•oe COHI Oa11y Pl ------------lol Apnl 13 20 27 May • 1982 Af" I , 13, 20, 27, IM2 11~ P\&.IC NOTICE '1ClTTlOUt tuelMIU MAMISTATU•lfT 1821 112 FICTITIOUS aUtltelH NAMf STAT'EMIHT ... Ri&M now is • put timt to buy told· Al\d since Kru~errands come 1n con· 11en1ent one, V2, Y4, and Y10 ounce sizes. gold 1s easier than ever to own. Buy a few each month and hold them-f0t college tuition. a dream vacatioo, °' golden retirement years . ~~s llWNIT WDW ml ~tlMH ™ <11 Bwc11) l lWNIT IUCI (114) 14MH 1 the lollowlng person 11 doing bu11nen as ...._ __________ _ .. T ... ~ P8'""" • ~ -----PUB--ll-C_NO_T_IC_E __ _ SKYAtOEA ENTEAPAISES 317 W B.-, 511.al. No A·3 Cot1• M..., C111H0<· FICTITIOUS BUSINESS nte t2t27 NAMf, l JAT'EMENT Alcllero 0ew111 con1on 377 w B•y I The fo11ow1no persons are llo•no S11M1 No A J Co1111 Me.. Collt0<"'• busmen .u 92~~.'o O<ltlMu" conc11;e1.o by •n 1n.° MUIR MOOE LS 2020 E So OMOvlll Su?M>n Sanra Ana CA 9270.. ACtlarO OeW rt C~nton JAX H0861ES INC a Cal1l0<nia In•• •••r•m•"' ••• 111eo """ •n• corporat10" 2010 E So Su1an Couftty C ...... 01 0-at>ge Co..n•; on ""'"I Sa,.1a A.na CA 9270.. 1 tH2 P\tMM 1111$ busin•~ •• conouc1eo I>)' • Publ 1neO Oronge Co .. 1 0 111ly P1101 .:orpora11on Apoo 8 tl 20 11 1982 1~21·82 JAX HOBBIES INC Pre1101>n1 1'111UC MOllCE Tn.s 11ateme111 was hie<! w1111 the Cciunty Clflr~ or Orange C.ounty on --F-1C-T'"'"l"""T-10_U_S_ll_U __ S_IN"'"E-S""'s--Apnl 9 1982 PLAIN VANILLA. 2024 catver1. Co11a Mosa Ca 92626 Rebecca M KOUUlh 2024 Ca1ver1. Cos1a Mesa, Ca 92626 This bu9't>e$5 11 conduct.a oy •n 1nd1V1oua1 Rat>ecc1 M Konu111 fllt~ Sllle<Tlefll Wal ltlecl Wilh lhe Coonly c ier1o. or Otange County on i\prll 5 1982 F1"'2' Pubhshe<I Otll'>Q(I CoHI 011ly Pl· lol -'Piii 13. 20 27 Ma_v 4 19112 1653-82 PUIUC llltl NAME STATEMENT F117057 I rte follow ng 1-1t-rson ·~ <1oon9 PubltSOt!O OtJ "ll" CQa.ar Daily Pl NOTICE OF MAllSHAL'I IAL.e boS•nes• u lot Ap11I 13 2~ 27 May 4 1981 No. 45 DI BABOR K0SMETIK OfPOI •981 18!>8·82 OALE FAHRNEY A S I 0 6 Par~ A.i! Ba1ooa l>l•nd CA 92662 ASSOC • P1aln11tt va JOHN SOU· Ralph Glenn Balow•" 498 Par~ _,.,. MOTlC[ KARIS. Oefenc:l•nt Ave Bulooa 1s1ano CA 92662 ..._ 8¥ W1ue of .,, uecullot1 INuecl Ralpll ea1uw1n PICTTT'IOU9 llU ... H Otl ebruary 18, 1982 by in. Mvnl- l rt1' ,1a1em""1t Wil\ hleo ... 111 me NAMl ITATRMIUfT Clo-I Court, Hlllbof Judlctal Olstrk;i, Cvunly Cler~ ol Or.inqe County on r,,. lo'IOWlnO --.. ~ -Counly of Orenge. State ol Callfor· April 9 198? .. nl•. upon a judgment entered In F 117015 Pr.K ELECTAIC. ••M 1 a ...... LI\ favor or DALE FAHRNEY A S.1.0. 6 Pur ... t.00 Orano" C.01til D111ly p,. -•"'11'°" ~ Ca tM49 ASSOCIATES. Incorporated ae 1 1 A 1 13 "0 2~ M • !982 P•••• t< Kroe>llt. 1ee•1 8'••"' Ln judgmenl c1edllor e nd •ga1n11 o Ill• ' ' ay H....iing1on a..o> Ca 91641 JOHN SOUK " "IS J ----------•&_19_8_2 lh•t °""',,." '" cono..c1ec1 by..,.'" "" •• udgment Ml.IC NOTICE .,..-de btor. showing a t1e1 be lance ol p .. ., K K•OP'lt S 10 812 88 actually due on u ld lll•• •••••men• ... 111eo ••lh 1he judgmen1 on tlle dale o l tile It· fi;:::;ouSTSA~~~· ~ • .!.i:.E-' OI Olenge ~on MMc:n 8Uanc. of tMlid execu11on. I heWI .. -"'" • .. ..... vied upon ell the tight, 1111• and Tne lollow1ng person " d oing PMBtn 1nta<•I ol MIO judgmen1 debtor "' busineu as Pvt>ll•n•O Ortny• co .. \ Oally PllOI ,,,. property In t ne Counly o l KAUFT MAN & ASSOC IA l ES "9<ij 6 13 10 17 M2 ist7 12 Orange. St8te of Caltlornle , deecrl· 18336 Fllbe<'t Streel Foun1a1n VIII· bed .. fotlowl: ley CA 92708 PUil.iC llTlCE Retl Property commonly known DON P KAUFFMAN 16336 ------------at •40 Hellolrope Avenue tn the Filbert S1ree1 Foun1•1n Valley CA ,.ICTITIOU9 ~•• Clly ol Newport Beacn. •nd tilt 92708 -ITAT'£..,,., S1•t• of c.Hfomt• Thtl bus~ is conouc1ec1 by an T,,. ·~ P8'9Cl'I .. "°"'O --El!Nblt A 1001..ctual • 82-0SS946 Oon p Kauttmen (Al o(ING s ASSOCIATES IBJ Mc· OMCllptlOO T111s 1ta1emen1 was !tied •••Uh Ille MUllEN AOVEATISlffG. 22 fwo-. If· P•rce4 1 The IOUt"-lerly so Counly Clerk or O•anoe County on -c. 9771• '"' 01 Lo• 11n BlOCk O ol Tr9Cl 323, Apnl 16. 1982 121~ .ion.. n Fe1to_, _,. c. 1n the C11,y o l Newport Beech, f1174M Tl'ltt _,,_, •• conouc1ec1 by .,, In· Coun1y of Or•nv-. Stale ol CaMlor· Put>lts'1ed O•ange Coast o .. 1y Piiot. -n1a. u per map recoroed In Bo<* Apt•I 20, 27. May 4 11 1982 Odle -14 Pao• 40. M18<lelltneOVI Mao•. 1716-82 Tiiie otelement wu liloO ••Ill 1110 In tlle office of Ille County Aecotder ----111-.,n-t 'C-..,..-'""-~----~ ci.11 °' 0"'"99 Coun1y on ....,c:n or M.ld OranQe County. deacr1bed ,. U(A.I 1'11\1 '""-,. *711 .. follows FICTITIOUS IWSIHIEH NAME ITATIElllllENT P11Dll•hecl Orent• c. .. 1 Oelly PtlOI Beginning 11 the motl wt9tetfy N1lt 1, I>, 20. 27 ttt2 1~ eotner of Lot t "' 8IOCtl Q of Mid' Tt>e lotlowlng persona ere 001ng t>u11ness at 1 (el KEYBOARD MAGIC, (bl 1·2·3· 1------------ PLAY. 9•71 Mollkat Of111i1, Hunllng· nc:TITIOUI eu91ME&I Ion Beacil. CA 92646 MAMI ITA~ FRED JEWEL l THOMPSON TM~ I*-• doOf1Q - 9 4 71 Mo1t1o.a1 Drive Hunt1rigton .. AUTO IN1EAIORS Of £HGLAN0 9each. CA 92646 3071 s Ol""O" A-Set>!• Mii CA This business '' cond1tetecl by an 92107 ln01vtdu81 LYNN PLAYER Mil.ES AP4 Jot T ... Fred J TllOmpson "-llO I W MecN1-Set>te - TlllS S181emetll WH hied wllll Ille CA llVOJ County Clerk of Otange County on ~"""'''"" •• conOVClo4 by.,,'" Traer 323. thence nortlleaeterry 8IO<lQ Ille nor1h-1erty line of Mid Lot 1. a dl1tance of 50 lee1 to a Potnl, 1'*-IOU1Maltfly llOng a line parallel With and 50 1"1 nor1h· fftta<ly of 11\e IOUthwee1ttly fine of, Mid L01 1 a dltlance ol 411 JS teet 10 • potn1, Mid pOln1 ti.tng Otl the soulhea1terly fine or H id Lot 1, 111ence 1out11w11ter1y •long H id 80Vtheaatet1) Hne of Loi 1. a di.· lanc:e of 81 0 1 leaC to a point. NICI point bel"Q the fJIOtf IOUlhetty cor • ner ol ••Id Lot 1, tne nce north· 'tCTITtoUI aUllNHI NAMI ITATIMl!NT 1 The lollowlng per•on le doing t>u~•· NA V·COM OF OANA POINT. 34320 Sull• 'B' CoHI Highway. Dana Potr1t. Caltl 92629. Devey M.,1ne Electron1c1 Inc 1051 Cheyenne St Co•ta Meu . Caltt 92628 This bu!l'nMI •• conducted by a corpor•Oon Devey M8HM Elee 11ontct lr>c Slaven 0 Oevey PrHIOenl Tt111 $181ement WH hied Wllll IM County Clerk of Orenge Coonry on AP<~ 9 1982 F1'70l3 Pub111hed OrBOQe C~I OtllY Pt.-IOI. Aprll 13. '1Q, 21 M•y 4, 1982 158()..82 F1CTl110UI 8UllNEH NAMf IT A TtlffNT Tiie following pe11on •• doing bu11neseu APPLIED RESOURCE MANAGE MENT, 11533 Sl8111f A,,.. Sutte A P 0 Box 925• Fountain Valley CA 92708 John R1c'1ft1d S•ncnu. 2077 Ch•rle •30. Co8ta Mota CA 112627 T"'8 bvsl-IS conducted Dy •n lnclMOu•I JOM R Sencn.z Tiits sleltmenl wat hied ...,,h Ille County Cletl< Of OfanQB Counly oo o\Dl•I 8 1982 F1-7 Publ•sned Orange Coast ()ally Pl IOI. April 13, 20, 2'1 Mey •. 11192 .1835-32 P\&.IC NOTICE F1CTTTIOUI aU .... 11 MAllllE I T A TI'•NT The 1011ow1ng person •• do•no --a• WALKER SASH ANO DOOR 1835 WMh .. E6 Cott• Meta CA 92627 Stanley G W•lker 4211 W 111 St . Sp !IS, Santi An•, CA 92703. David S Welker. 525 13th St Hunllnglon 8"ch, CA 926'8 M•ry Lou Welk., Thia stetement wu 111ed With the County Oer1o. ol Oranv-Countt on Apr!I 9 19112 F1'10l4 PuOllttled 0t 8llQe Coall 0.ity P1- IOt Aptll 13 20. 27 Mey 4, 1992 1822-62 April 13 t982 lt"",,....,... Mllao ,117111 Thtt tlaletneftl WH llled wlll\ Ille we11erly along 111• aouthwHterly 111t1-1C NOTICE tine of H id Lot 1. a dlattnce of ,.~ t4.3' 1"1 10 tt1e point ot 11eg1nn1ng. FICTmou• aua ... H Parcel 2; 8eglMll1g ti Ifie moat NA• tTATUKNT WMlerty comet of Lot 2 In 8locll G T I d I of Trtct 323, In the City of Newpof1 ~~wlt1g perton 18 0 ng Publlahecl Orange Coast Dally Piiot. C:O....ty °""' o4 Orenge Coun•y"" Mt1tct1 April 20, 27. May 4. 11. 111112 29, lllt2 __________ 1_7_5_'-3_2 Publt•n•d Ota"ll• Coaot oa~:~:~. Merc:n 30 Aj)f1I I 13. 20. !M2 14~2 P\8.IC NOTICE Beech, County of Otat10t. Stall of PATS HALLMARK SHOP. 9114 FlCTITlOUI auatMEH Ml( •ncE 1 Celffornla. 81 '* map recorded .., Adam• Ave . Hun11ngton BNch. Ce NAME STAT£1i1NENT • Book 14, Pao• .o. Mlec.lltMOUt 92646 The lollowlng person 11 doing ---nc:-TTTIOU9---~---.. ---M•P•. In Ille olflce of the County Jut1an Stuar1 Solomon•, 11351 bu11nest at MAMI ITAT'U9MT Recorder of Orat199 County. !'*-Foeter Ro , Loe Al1ml109. C8 90720 VICTOR SPECIAL TIES. 11031 The 1-.g pwoon ie "°"'O ""*-t10r1haallerly elong lhe north· This bullMll II con<luctecl by an W•lnul Street, Tustin. CA 92680 u we•tert7 llA• of H id LOI 2. a dlt-lnOlvldual VICTOR LaVAR PETERSON, SEl.ECTIVf MAHAOEMEfotT fll!CIM· lane• 0 81.01 fwt to. point; then J s Solomon• 1103 Walnut Srreet, TuSlln, CA TEA ASSOCIATES. lOOO Q11•ll Sull• aoutlleaater)y along • Un• p•rall•I Till• 1111emen1 W81 Ille<! wllh ,,,. 92680 •290 -lleec:ft. ea n eeo with 111e north .. 1t11ly llne of tlld Coonly Cle!k OI Or•noe County on Thlt bus+ness •• condUC1ecl by •n eoi::·~~~~06 S B•v Jrun1 lot 2. a Cllet9net of 28.S& 1991 to • .-.pn1 9 1982 tnclM<lutll Thi• ...,.,,,_ .. conovc1ec1 111 ., 1n. point. lhanot touthWMl«ly along • f tl70SI lliCtOr LaVar Ptt .. son -line peralletl lo Ille nor1~l«ly NM Publtlhecl Ot'8t109 Cout Delly P1- Th1t st••-· Wit filed wt1'1 the .... s *"-" 01 aald LOI 2 •• d19tar>c• ol 4 1 04 IOI April 13 20 27 May 4. 1982 County Clerk of Otange Coonry °" ""' •••""''"' ... , 111•0 •llh lh• feet 10 a point. Niki point being °" 162342 Ai>r" t2. 1982 Coun1y Clat1' ol °'""""County on...,,.,. 2 111e 80Ut"-tel'ly llne of Mid Lot 2: i------------F1171:M 1"2 ,,.... 111ence notthw .. terly along H id Pubhthed Orange CoHI Oally PllOt. Publl1htO Ora~g• Coetl Delly Piiot M>Ulhweeterly llne Of LOI 2, 8 di• Aptll 20, 27. M1y •. 11. 11182 APlll t , 13 20, 21, 1M2 1Ml-U l8110e of 341.4" '-' lo the point of l---f-IC-TfTI--0-U_l_a_U_l-... -.-.-- 1755-62 beglMltlg -----------,. .. .,. ~ Parcel 3• A POf1IOt1 or thel Cit· NAMI I TATllllRNT · • PUBUC NOTICE -""'""' taln elley lying _,.hWM1ttly of Loll l'he following peraon le Clolt1g t and 2 In 8lodc 0 of Tract 323, In bualneu u OIUNQE COUNTY IUPEIUOfl ~n.~..?8 !ht Clty of l'ffwpOr1 Beadl, Coutlly KMK DESIGNS 1303 Avocaoo COURT 1,,.1~ P*~~ ..., .. ol Otarige. Statt ol Ct lllornla, u 1\92"!,.;.. •220 Newpo11 e .. cn. CA 700 Cl'tlc Center Ortwe W"t ,_ 11 per mac:> rec:oroed In Booll 14. Page """ lanta Ana, CA 92701 CADEAU 2300 Hart>or ""° Coe18 40, Mlecellaneoua Mapa, In the of. M.,y Key Snew Crookall. 4111 PLAINTIFF OLEN PROPERTIES -ClhtOf1111 t2t21 floe of the County Aacordtf of Mid Panorame Or Legune Buch, CA CORP . a Cllllfornla corportllon -lllWt v-. •Mt Br--· Or8t109 Otenge County, and vacat· a26S1 OEl'ENOANT CAL PHOTO PRO· A-=;,1T=j ~4~ O.I Amo, ed by th• City of ""port Beach, Thlt bustneu It c:onduclecl 'OY '" CESSING. INC . a Ctllfornla corp(>. Tut1WI. Callloml• t2MO Celtlomla, more ptrtlculerly CIMcrl-nOMClµal 1a11on. OWAN 0. SIE. YING WANO, Tlllt IN_ le conduClecl by. oen-• bed .. loltowr. Mat)' K•y Shaw CrO<MltU and DOES t tllr~ 10. lnclullve .,..,_"'411 a.ginning el the m0tt -ttfly This ataltmen1 wu llled Wltll 1he IWWOMI J-YotlYOI corner of .. rd Lot 1. thtt1ce t ou-County Clenl ol Orange County°" c-Na. -" Tiii• sllte mt ftl •H lll•d with lft• 1_h1uttrty along the nor1heella<ly "Pfl1 O. 11192 NOTICll You fltVB Mell 8Uecl. CountyCler'll olOrenot~O<I Aptl 1 llneol ulCI 8hy, a4'11-of U .22 ,,.,_1 ,..... ~ ...., ~ ..-.e rou 1t12 ,.,.,. IM1 to• point; thenOt .out~ Publl-'*' Ot'M104I Coaat oa11y Pl· wttM¥t '"' _.,,. .... ,d llfl..... Pullll.tft.O OIMlll• Coal 0.1~~ along • llne perallel to the ICX!ti.. IOI. April 13. 20. 2l. MJY 4, t9ct2. ,.. ~ ........ .,.. ..... A(lt .. t~ 20. 21. 1112 I WMt.,1y ••ten•lon of th• tlOrtll• 182042 Ille.............. ....... -1«1V line of Mid Lot 2 "' 8lodt ------------" you w1t11 10 ...-the eCSYlce of ...S -E 4 ; a ot1tance Of tM ,_. to • po1nt; P\8.IC NOTIC( tn 111orney In Ihle ma lier, you ••• thenc» norttiwetterty •lo"O 1 Mtie ----------------tl'Olli. do eo promptly 10 that yOVf l'ICTmOUe ..._.. pat1llel to tile cenler llt1• of Mid 'ICTITIOUI ., .... , wrilttn reeponae, "any, ~ay be fled ..._ naftlllNT .-y, a dlttMOe Of 43,IO fwt 10 a NAMI ITATIMaNT on tllM polt11. etld polt1I btlng ot1 tht Tht totlowlng pereon It dolt1g AYllOI UttMI tta aide 4Mfft1tt1· ,.:..,,. .. ~ ,.,_.,. clOtftt 11u11 aouthwetterly utet1tlot1 ol the buelneM .. : 4Me. II"""'" .. ~ ............ , "J '"ILIHi lNQIHHlllNO. 14 tlor1h-la<ly llne of Mid Lot 1 In TRANSPOFITATION SYSTEMS .....,_ W. .............. a -Melo,,_,.......,,. C....... "27" 8IOOIC O: thenoa nortrl ... lffy l6oflO COMPANY, $ Mtrlp()t&, IMM. C.-.-. u.. '"""4• denlr• MM llolNt1 J ~· ,. 11•1~. Ille ~lllOotd ..,.,......_,,, lfomla 1211• , .... Wttl ...................... ~~ .. .!!.-. 11270 ~ ~ of IN rlOl1tlw•ler1J Int Murtly Leroy LIHU.. 6 Marl· ...,._ .... ~ ............. ·~ of lot I •• dlttarice Of 1 76 .... to pQM. IMne, CaMIOftlla '2714 . 8l Ult.O d .... •ollcl1ar er con· "";'1119~1~1~.':.-• !ht point of betlllinlno Thia bUllMH la aonOuCteo by"' eeto de Utl tbOgado en •It 'llUfltO, ..,...,. lald latld 1• tlto 1llowt1 " 1 lndMd\111 '**1a hac«lo lnmedl•lll'l*ltt. oe ~ " Ol'Od8dl PGttlOn Of ,..,.. 1, on"~ MIO 1t1 MUN•y 1..,-oy L.aHue .... IMNJa, IMI r~ eectHI. Thi• •llllM8111 .... 111•4 wllll tllt 900ll &7 ...... 20. o1....-.....,.. Thia lttttn!etll wet llled wlttl tne 11 "tr etoi-. puec1e -regl9tfllda C-1y C•' Iii OrMOe c->ty on Allfll 2, ltl the oftlce Of the COul1Cy "'°«det County Clerk of Ofl"Ot County on I lWll!H> tMl ,__ Of Mid oounty. .,-M t , tt..2. 1 TO TH& OlHlNOANT A CMI ~·ll•llW Or .... co ... Otlllr ,..... ~nee .. Hl!l'IE8Y OIVIN INlt , ... c:omt>faAnl hM Dffn flled Dr lb• .., a. u. to. u. ,.., 11»-a 0t1 Tu9:!2• Aprll 27111, 11111, al ~ Ofl"Ot Coatlt O.itv Pl-,..., ...,_.you If rou w1111 to 2.00 o' IJ.M • c.nty COW· lol Apt1I 1S. 20.17. Mey 4, 1t12 ,_,.,Wt IMlttM. you m.1111. wttNn •-IC --lllCHftt, •IO t Ja111,oree llvd , IU~ aCI ~ .. tN8 ~II..,. ,--. ""'""-~ OI ~Olly of ..... wed on JOU, ftlt with llllt Cctvrt I f1tCmOU1 .,_.. s:.:. .. r~o~::nty of Or911fe, wntte11 f191)Gt1M IO the c:ornpWnt, ,.._ STA~ of I .. -= Ul'ltllle Yoltl do ao, Yo\# Otfalfl lllWI Tl!e ,.....__.. att ......... * _..... • .. ....,_. • .,. tntefff Oft appllcallon 01 tll• b\111,,..;M .. .,, per-......... ,. '9r -. ln~M . of 1M .,...,.,..,, llld fMt C.OWt f'IWY ll'tet I MAAINA INVUTMlNT 0 0 .... -. all ... 1 :: .. -~ ..... )'OU tor .. ,...... .• ....... .. illll In ........... fi .. ~ .. M\ldt ~:.::=~ ... cl=...... ~ ..... colftel retl.llt In gtrnlall111ent Of aouTHll•N OOUNTlll n .. : ...... ~ .., '9 I 111111 W :=.~ ;;:::.~ MINM.I. 10711 "'-C...,.-.., =a;:;•-..... • ~ _. . I ~afr IU,CA.... ·~ •..L. ... .. ,. --1 .. ~. "!fl......... . ~ ' , .... ""'--· "9 A lrtMll...... ,._..._,. ~ T~ _,,,.,,., v ...... -. ..._ a... ~ .Olllwl On-,. ....... .. '1'i"L . .!""..:-:"----. ' -~~•OfWlllOluMYlrl Mlttfl .. , .. ..... , 4 11 1111.111••• or ... o.----~:::o. . "" ...... ~ IJ :• "· .... ~ th m on their heed, IO \0 tPea)c, you Obtain a dltferent and pro- bebly no 1-ICCW'ate portrait of the economy. You wouldn•t be the only one dolna It, elther. Whenever lt IUJta their purpote, poUtlctana re1u· larly utilbe the ~hnlque. You may, for ex~mple, 1hock aome people by relitJ.na to them that 28.6 ~t of the nation'• manufactu,lng capacity lay idle ln Man:h, a atatbtk 1~ a state of economic affalr• worse than lmaiined. But the figure la correct , ac- cord ing to the Fecleral Re1erve Board, which traditionally ph- rases auch reports to 1how capa- cl ty uat!d rather than capacity ldJed. 1n thJ.s inatance it WU 71.4 perceRt. The Fed'• way of reporting. which ia traditional, tends to emphasize the positive when, in actuality, there la a.lmoet nothing positive about that 71.4 percent. It 1.5., in fact, extraordinarily low. In most years, factory utiliza- tion ls more th.an 80 percent. In 1965 it even reached 90 percent, and from 1967 through 1969 it averaged 87 percent. Even in the deep recession of 1975 it was 74 percent. Unemployment figures. on the other hand, stress the negative. Ma rc h figures showed 9.85 million people without jobs. Another 5.72 million were wor- k ing part-time because they couldn't find fulltime jobs. And 1.34 million were listed as having given up looking. Although unemployment tsn't of the same magnitude and pain MUTUAL FUND u lt wu ln the Oreat Oepr on ol the 1930s, current flgW'f't arf' the worat alnce then. There'• Uttle poaitlve to aay about them. That, however, doesn't mean you cannot tum torM of the job flauret around and r .. ad aome-thlna politive into them. You can, for example, show th•t lh\Ce 1960 the economy has created more than 35 mllllon jobs, that the percent of population with joba ha.a risen trom 60 percent t o around 64 percent, a nd that m o r e than 50 per- cent of wo- men have jobs co mpar ed with 38 per -cent in 1960. CUflNI"' An example of the pitfalls in statistical interpretation comes with the latest report on housmg start.a. In March. housing starts rose 2.5 percent , marking the fifth straight m onthly gain in that measurement. Moreover, permits for COl\lltruction rose 9.4 percent. Homebuilders, never theless. consider that news abysmally negative and, In fact, are spea- king their minds on the sub,Je<.'t lest the public begm to conclude that housing's problems are co- ming to an end. Tfie news, said Fred Napoha· no, presid ent o r the National Association of Home Buildt>rs, "should not be m1Sunderstood al the beginning of the turnaround " loci MC Ml.19 NL E-Jl a Hl Mel8I •• 21 41 -Ad Ull HI. ,..,.. 14.Pt NL GVI S.C '" HI. HllllCO 1.10 HI. HI Yi. tel NI. Nl NL Nl NI. He had h.ll reuont: -March wu th.-elahth con· aecuUve month In whlch the an- nual rate of hou.sina atarta failed to reach a million, which ltaelt la lea than one-twf the rate widely believed to be needed. -The March rate o f new ltarta wu 28. l percent lower and th ra~ for pennita 24.5 percent low4'r than the rate one year ear Iler. ' -Conatruction wu beJrun on only 1,084,000 houaing wilt.a Last year, the lowest si.nc:e 1946, when 1,056,000 unita were built for a population that was smaller by 50 m11Uon people . Whether rising or falling, all economic numbers need to be viewed ln such perspectives. And 1f you want more evidence of that reminder, you may consider the Dow Jones index of 30 blue chip industrial stocks. Each day for the past 4,500 working daya, more or less, that mdex r as risen or fallen , some- times quite sharply, attended by the wisdom and forecasts o r thou.sands of stock market ana- lysts. seers and charlatans Regardless of movements and in terpreta ttons. however, the Dow Jones Index of 30 industrial stocks at the beginning of this week was right where it was in the sprtng or 1964, about 4,500 working days ago "FAST RESULT" SERVICE DIRECTORY For Result Service Call the 11111111111 u"' u.: ~ Ue Pn,,. ,-.., • "" Up JS.I ~ ... Up D.1 ~ .... Up ... 1... • .. Up ,. • ~ • .... Up ,.,1 ''-' I U. "-J 9"" 1\o. Up IU ~ .... Up 1J.O 11 • ,..., Up M.J • • .. UI> ••.J ,... • ... Up 11.t 51oo • "' Up 1U '1 • > Up rt.J , ... • II. Up IU ~ ..... Up Ill 11'it • flit Up 11 I ·~ • ... Up I0.2 ,... • Ue .. 1'-• '"' Up -.0 ll IYt Ue " µ.. ..... Ue ti ........ Up •• J • .... Up • , •.. • ... Up 1 1 °"-Oii '°°" ... '"' Oii Z1..S ' Oii 1l• '"" Oft 17 i .... Oii .. , Mo Oii 1.U .. Oii IU Yt Oii 10 '"' Oii IU 1 °" 1J2 .. Oii u..o \o Oii fU '"" Oii uA 1 .. Oii 12.) I Off 11.t "' Of! 11.S .. ()fl II.I .. Oii ... .... Oii 11.J .... °" IO.S " ,,.. ... ..... Off ... \lo Oft IO.O 1'4 Oft u .... Oii ti Orange Coaet OAILV PILOT/Tu..Oay, Aprll 20, 1882 8 Housing meet Mesa set • ID Sebudano Sterpa, prttldent of Lhe C..Womia Auociatlon of Realtona, wlll add.reel the cballen,e. fadna houtinc May 11 dW"hla • regional meettna of reals.ors at South Cout Pia.a llotel, Calta Mesa. Sterpa la a Glendale.Burbank dtor. The lrv1.ne Boa.rd of Realtona ii holt board t<>r the mttting, which bu been arranged for realton and aaodat.ea of Oi.ttrict 32. For reeervatlona, call 957-9243. T rad e conferen ce set A conference on trade opportunities i.n the Pacific Rim will be preeented May 10 at the Registry Hotel, Irvine. Sponaora are the World Trade Center Aun. of Orange County and the International Marketing Assn of Orange County. An official from the Japanese consulate will be the luncheon speaker. For infonnation, call M0-9180. Scr eening service begins A pre-employment acreerung service has opened its West C.oast headquarters in Newport Beach. California Internal Loss Control says it utilizes voice st.real analysis rather than pencil and paper tes- ting. CILC is located at 1301 Dove St., Newport Beach. Computer open ho use set The F.ducaUonaJ Services Division of Airco, Inc., will hold an open house for a computer learning center on Friday from 2:30 p.m. to 6:30 at 1240 South State College Blvd., Anaheim. The facility specializes in IBM businea applica- tions for computer programming and operating posi- tions. The school, Airoo's sixth, has over $1 million· in computer equipment and custom-designed cla.ssroom faciUlles and is designed to a~mrnodate 1,000 gra- duates annually. officials said. Diamond turnaround seen Complete liquidity for investment diamonds w1th1n five years is the prediction of Dr. Charles Youngblood in a report entitled Crisis Management of Diamond Invesunents. It describes the options open to diamond investors and recommends cert.a.in actions an the bear market in diamonds. Youngblood. a frequent speaker on diamond in- vesting. is president of Utah Managed Diamond Ac- counts, Huntington Beach, and Provo, Utah, and a commentator on Channel 22, Los Angeles. a finanaal channel. NEW Y'OllK IA~I -.. ~I AM(-1)() ,, .,. GI -., u NEW YORK !AP! -" '-:ls '111 m 115 IJ 1 METALS .._.., Copper 76-711 cenla a pouno. U S de9tlnatlona Leed 26-32 conis e pounO Zinc 35-39 oetlte • pound, delt\lwed. Tiil 17 5215 Metela WMll oompoelto lb . .._..._._...11 cents a pound. NY lllercwy $ll86.00 par .... ,......_ S3eO 00 tror oz.. N Y SILVER ......, Hendy a Harmen, 17.520 par troy ~ GOLD QUOTATIONS LMNIJ m0fnl119 fllclng 1313.75, up to.80. LeMiM: afternoon fixing SH2.75. ofl lo.60. ,__ s.H1.eo. oft suo. ~ 13e5.00. up "101 Z11rl11t: Lato fl11lng IH 1 00 l>IO, oft 11.00: --...oo alllocl. N ... , I ,..,•a•1 only dally quot• a.2,75. oft I0.50. -:i ·---CNlly deify quote tHa.75, oft .IO. ·r· °""' ~ ~ ~ tw • oft to.U . SYMBOLS I I I "-11 \ ) -!VBMG--= .. 1··NIWI OHAN.11'1 AHCllU • WttTI IHADOW . TH! .. P'li'llOMI • HAWMI l'TVl.o I ........ MPOfn' UNOIMTANDINO HUMAN 94AYIOft mr *** "King Of Kl<lgl" (1112) Jellrey Hunter, ~ ~en The coming of ,,_,. end IN r4ntl ol hll ltM e-blrtfl to • ,,.. ~-®THI NMAN<A8l! l'OCKn De¥ld Hl¥ell '*""· !Ne enlmaled Mr'llon ol Oecllr Wiide'• llory el>OU1 I ttub- born ftfe«edler .MOVll •• "'Ruckut" ( IHOI DW1I Benedlel, Linda Blair A ~ed vi.tnam m dltt\ll'M the ~ ol • eme11 Atab1n1a town. 'PO' t:ao. AU. IN TH!FAMILY Mike hU an emergenqt ~omy. • HEWaeeAT WfTH Cl.ET! AOllE.ATI •:-.:::-~ I 8AIMY Mtl.1.11' ® MCCED NllT'I Animated Chip ·n· Oele IAIUl1 ......, fevortt• ,.,. gel. Donald Oudl, In • ..... ol lldventlK• Cl) W'f-.A-THOH A cCIMdian hoe! and lour c:omlc: cont-1enll wflO CO'!IP•I• 1galn11 one another we IMtureel In trite unolNOfed COIMdy Q8IN lhow. 7;00 I C88 NEWI N8CNEWI HAPPY DAYI AGAIH I AICNEWI KOJAK • M·~·a•H Colonel Flagg turne U9 at the 4077th wanting penlctl- lln to t>erter lor Inform .. Uon I JOl<!R'I WILD OWft!MY "After 85 -Marr1fi0e" (Rt • flOATIWT8 IN PASTE.I "The Banker" Cl) p .M. MAGAZINI! H-•lf'I trtathalon, an endurMCI r-In thrM _,, .. beMC>lll'• ptirlleN phc:tq 0 ENTERTAINMl.NT TONIGHT An Int.,..,._ with Arnold SdMen.leggel, 8TME MUPPET'8 ~· L0<1tta Swlt cm THI 10TH ~Yfl' (I) WHAT'S UP AMENCAl F•tured a lo«* et llQl- pu nc tu ra for 1nlm111, blactl American• wtto pr act lee polyOatny and voodoO, • profile ol lemale llrlppert 7:IO 9 2 OH THE TOWN Feetured. the conUngency plena L09 Ang.-1181 In the_, ol. ~ •ltaC*; • lo«* •• .,, "'-'· ment computer which matQllH buyer1 1nd .....,. of expentlve exotic Heme: • profile of fWlee Sandltrom. 1 7~-otd llf'9ll' wtlo 90lne cornpw9 to Jud)' Oartaind. I QI ,AMllY f8JO l>IOAU Calfloml• AngaN at S..t· tle"Mamars 8 fYEOHLA Faetuf'ed I tr1p to the Long 8elch Grand Prix. 1 proflle ol the Too Shon tor Prime Time ~.(Ho. OrWn'• Nglltdub -• pro-,.. of ...-o. Los Mfllll' ,,....., .... dMll. - .. DRUG HABITS EXPLORED -Edwin Newman examines the increasing use of drugs by America's middle class on "Pleasure Drugs: Tl\e Great American High" at 10 tonight on KNBC (4). • M•A•t•H AftOlred by tfle ..., cMI- ..,, doctOl'9 ........ .,. profltlflg from IN -· Hewkeye pr.-it.e the Nrny with • bill for 1111 medlcll~ I Cl) TIC TAC DOUGH MACHla I LIHMA ~ I =' A8l<!D '°"" F .. tured. "()pare Singing Beee" end "Worlcf1 LMf" ... Fem. Wheel.'' ®~DIATHOfl THI DalRT fOX Event• i.adlng to the October, 19" deMll of Aeld Mwehel EnM "°"'" "* -r9Clllld UlrouOfl n.-... tooteoe-at• prio. ..... and penanllll t-. Umony by Rommiel'• -~ and bloglllPf* o..tdlMng. (ll)Ml9W. Howton A9lroa et Los AngalelOoOgera (%)MOYIE •••"A "'Zazle" (1N0) Cetllerln• Oemonoeot, PNlppe Nolret. Ari 1 1- ~~ glrl trom tN proor inc. epellOe f!l ~ weekend In Peril wtttl '* 11...-tlte uncle. e:oo•(I) Q.LO. . "'~ OeYer1ll !n-u-gal• • myetertous ~ tlon .. ttll ~ ~ ~llolMOf '*~· • 8_,. MAVBICK M-ic.'a pi9rl to c:atdl Ille lleder of I utopen group that 1\119 fleeced 8......., twmen out of tllelr lel1d hlta a eneg. (Pwt it 0 HAPPY DAYI Roger' _, Fonzie ....,...,. tlnOI)' ~ the -glrl, _, Martotl .._. .. eea« bet*ld Howtrd'• old lo'll...,., IR)Q G MOYIE • • * * "Wiii And ,,.._ .. (Pf/11 2) 11•) ~ ~ a.vet 8ondlll· Cftlk . ....., on the ncMll by Leo T<*lo)'. The...._ ol ttvee,..... _ ~ .n.cted by the~ ..,._ • , ...... MMIAZJNE H-1111'• lrletllalon, an endurtncl ,_ In ..... ~~ ... ""° •• ie.TllnO to --;-t«MI ** "Tiie DMdty Trap" (19721 Freme ~. Feye Ounawey. A INn llndl Ille own life end "'-' of ,. femll)' endanglnd ..,.,.. lie .,... '° .,,... ... of 1111 wcclellG" _,. • l!l!Y Otgantmllon. • THE COUSTIMI om~ "TM Niii'' ~ end Ptlllppe ~ apk>fe the hotd tMt the Nie .. lied Oft "**Ind ttw~ °"' lllelory • """ COftlln. UI tNlr journ9y down IM 4,CJOO..mle lq ,...., IO tM .......... -•. (Pwt2)CR) • W/lNA "Co1mlc Fire" The eirtr11«dlnwy ~ made ti)' x-rey uttonomy of neutron 11 ...... explodlng gelulea. queHra and b4adt holll .,. eumlntd ;~ * • "Kilt And Kill Aoliln'1 (198i) J-Ryen, Anne- ·llne Kliel. A rnwtl.il artt expert batU. Ille mlniorll of • ~-med ldlntll1 In..,. on~ man- kind With • Mw miNMon- lrol dn.tg. 'PO' (l)MOVll * * ''Wiiie & 1'1111" (IMO) Mi1:M11 Ontk_,,, Mwgot Kidder. Tllret people begilll • trlengular romenoa In G~ V1llllge that continu. Uvoughout the merQ#181 IOCiel mlieu of the '70.. 'ff g MOYIE *** "'M09Mlbo" (19&4) Clark 0.... Ave Oerdnat WMn • ptentatlon --- , ... In loOll with the Wife of en ..-. oon- fticta ...... 1::10. 0 LA~AHD llHINEf A men who propoeed to l.WerM yeert lgO 1'9ilKM .. • d-'*'11 mlllonalr• ("JO • AU. IN THI ,AMIL Y Archie ,,... 10 petOll thing• UC) ~ Edith end ,,., lllllllJPW12) t:OO • Cl) MOVIE "Perote" (Premiere!~ Na.lghton. Lofi Cwdllle. A troubled young pwotee laCH problem• when lllNll bed! ll'llO IOdety with ~'· emp!Oy· merll ... and prleon- tnduced amotlonel --(Parental dlecrttlon I• llCMled) •a fllAMINQO M>M> LU1......_ tritl lo k• W .. ~.endAeld~ lfom ft~"'•_. -to divorce CM- ai.nce. 8 0 THMl'I COMPNl'f JKll i.-Ttrrl'I CPR dummy to c;orwtnce !Im .,_., IOQI ........ daugtt- -tlWt .... " • "*'*' man.(R)Q I M!RV ~ ~M!llCAN P\.AYHOUll "Wtlllend" BNb«e Htf• 111eY end Tony Mu.ante tt• In en ldeplatton ol Ann 8eettla'I lhoft· ltory •bout • men'• INltrated NlllOll tor youtl. Q • THI OOUITIAU OOY181Y "The Hite'' Jecqum end Phllppe Coulleeu exp4or• tllt Mid ....... Niie llM !led on rMnllJnd Uvougt.- out lllltory .. ~ contin- ue their JoumeY dawn the 4,~,....,totht Medhel•ll-. (Plll12)(R) (t)MCMI t. ,,, .. ~ .... .... .......,. ,.,.,ne °" the---11-of*Ufl W~'•middllOlllla. the lll'OINIM tNt *Ill UN "~ lfld,...... eo!Wonl to ttleM Ptot>-.._ e a HMTTOHAM Jerwtef Moomel • .., ... for murder Wflen eh. ~·~,-.... ~ .... I THIGMAT ~NCl..aNJT "CllitonMe'• ..... ..... , el" A poupof ..... ....... '*" ..... ..,.~ eloll of ... yw'• llWdget ~~Oflhe~ , ... ( ... ti "4erTY Heifttln, Joeapft lat1oma. Thf .. ~ovne L.A. bMl1•lor1 ~ thelt energilal to Ille IC)Of1 of dflO rldng. •pep (l)MOVll •• "lwtnalnl ~­ .... Jo Johniton, ~ C4imcl. A IOUfnallenl INllor lnllltf9tet the ,.,.. of ._ col'-o• clleerlHdtng 1q11ecf 10 lllPOM the exploltatlon of th• ~ w .,,. foot· balt...-n 'R' .HAMMiii ~"" ~ "Vltltor From The Qr..,. .. An ~ half.a wtlo -lnllOfWd In • mvtder btoomel convinced that the vlc:1tm'• OhOet ...... 1, ..... ~ .... ~ ~YHOUH ''WMkend'' 8etWt .... ~ aod Tony MUMllle 1t111 In en eoaptatlon of Ann 8Mtt1e'1 lhOl1 ltory •bout • men'• lrwtreted • Nardi fOf )'outll. 0 cm IU..O. IPUDWAOOH INCOHCMT Fltmtd 11119 In ooncert In 0.-, R E.0. perlONM many o1 their recent Ma. lnc:ludlnO . .,. •tno It On Tiie Aun" end "Kel!P On LoWigYou." (Z)MOYll • • ·~ "The Shlnlno" (19801 Jedi N~ • Shella)' Duval. ~-by Stanley Kubf1dl. A former IOllootleKher hired .. • winter car..-. for • rllNM•, end IPPfllll'ltly "-!ltd, Co6oredo llot.i. .. enowbound there with .. wife end ~ r<JUl'O IOl'I. 'R' 1, •••• (1)08 NIW8 • IATUN>AY NMIH'T H09l lkldt Henry Gueet Leon Redt>orMI. I YOU ASKED FOA IT M0 A•e•H Radw gttl • "OMr John" letter •• on• 1..c:ord -end the doc:t0t1 tr)' lo coma to .. u.letenoa with • - , .......... t41U Benny portrll)'9 • blllnOUill tow gvldt. ·~CAvm Oveet JoM r1-(e.irt lE>~ • "He Knowe YOll're A10ne.. I 1 "llOI Don Seetdl;- no. c:.lti.n O'~~ A ~mut--•talla a11tect1Ye ~~ be. tilentl)o ... ~ liaafllnO """ df-of wedcMd Olea. ... .MOW! *** "Stlf Cray'' (1980) Nc:lwd Pryor. o.ie ~ er Two "*" we rnlataken fOf Denlt robbera and -1 to jell 'R' 11:ao • Cl) AUCI ...., •• buMleM dropa on. IC>fdno Nm to ..,.,._. one of 1111 waftr ...... (RI 8 8TOMGHT Oueet lloat: 1!111 co.by. 0-ts: Marte Olmond, st-All«!.~ Rey. 80 MCNlWI NICIHT\JNI! • l(OJN( A former New Yont City delec:tlw C04llra • ~ tertetter for Kojlll. • THa .IElffMONI Uonel and Wtlf'f he"9 • MCf9t. e INiWON> NfD ION Fred, Grady end ~ beooflll ~ °" • ~pne-- • NIWl9IAT wnH a.rt "°.,."' -~MC Nl!W8 (ll)MOYll • "TUBE TOPPERS KNXT (2) 8:00 -11Q .E.D." ProfHsor Devcrill lnveetlaatea a m~rtoua appari· tJon. KCET (28) 8:00, KOCE (&0) 9:00 -''The NOe." Jacque and Phillippe Couste~ ex-= the hpld ~hat the Nlle has on man- KN X T (2) 9:00 -".Parole." James Naughton, Mark Soper atar ln drama about a dedl~ated parole officer. See story, below. KNBC (4) 10:00 -"Pleasure Drugs: The Great American High." F.dwin Newman repona on the increasing use of drugs. See photo, left. nlln*OUI Mllll ldYerl- tur.. 'jWfllte roemtno tfle ..,.. of Loa ...,.... In MWdl ol !tie "l**t lllgh."'R' -r.w>NOHT- 1Zl00 . INTIM~ TOMGHT An lnter'Mw """ Arnold 8dlwwnlieoger. • 0 ,AHTMY Ill.AHO A~ longll to !Md • "°'""' tlfe and two men leed en lnlernova r~ ••** "Citizen K_ .. 1194 t) Orion WallH, JOMPh Cotten. A Y°""ll men inherlt• or .. 1 ...itll, bui~lobe•-­ paper publleh« elter acan- dal Nine Ille polttlcal upl- rettone. • LOVI. AMINCAH ITY\.a ' I flOCUI OH IOOll!TY 1HI Cl) WKllfl IN CtNQHNATl Hert>'• lather rune .,,,ey from hit ,.t ._ and PllYI hie IOl'I en l#IWll-come 111111. (RI 1l::IO. 8 LATW MIOt4T WfTH DAVID Ll'TT!NMH Gueeta: Uv• ctlefl from lnllnllnd CNna. rneg6den IWry Aftdenon, l :S *.. "HerQAM" ( lt6t) SI-~. S)tvl Koed- nl. Tiie ton of z.ua rlrlOUnC* '* Wnmortellty tor the love ol the Pmc- ol Jdc:o. I~ L.ANGUAOe (C)MOVIE • • "Sl\emt, 8tltma On The Bixby l!loyt" ( 1979) Monte M#tll'llm. A I-· broti... t~ of cattle '111Utrl end 0. ,..,_ Challangt the IOcal deputy 10 I genuine lflOOIOUI It the old corr•. 'PO· 12:«>. Cl) MOCl.OUO Mc:Cloud ~· thet hie hat II • lnll to • mlllol'I dolar eoneplrecy. (R) 1:00• MOV1l * • • ~ '"Oodawortll" (11138) Weller HUlllofl, AIM Chettef1on • MOY!( • * "Oooill atefl'" ( 1972) ..,,.._,Judlt~ .MOYll *** "Al That Jen" (1979) Roy Scflelder. Jee. llC9 L.ange Tiie tumuftu· oua tlfe ol I proteeeional ctloreogr .... followed from -on the 11eoe to per90nal 0-. "R' (Z)MOYIE * • • "The Sin" 119791 ,_. ~. Oor\9lld Pll 111 IOI. A 19praeead Ken•H ec11001te1cher ...,.,. • trlllMMlio ,... ~with. Mdlttlc: jel1- Mor. 'ft 1:10e MOVIE * * \t "Sey Ooodb)'e, M•eo•• Cole" (19721 eue.t Hayward. o.r.n MoOevtrl. A reoently wld· owed doCtOr fOfgeta ,_ troubtll ertd grtel wMI\ IN~ tnYOMd wlttl ·~pt~tobe •dOCtOr. 1= • * "Tiie Hollywood KnlQllU" (IMO) ~ wunl. T Of'Y Oenza. On H-. loweefl -In 1115. • ,,,.,, lllOfl ectloOI gang .... llevoc In~ .... IO'-iot the dOllng of "'* l)erlCIOUt ti)' the IOc9I llOfnt --MeOCf· etton. 'R' ())MOW * * '-' "Nlghtllawkl' (IHI)~ Stallone. 1M1ty OM WllMema. A tOUOh .._ Yori! City 009 NII Ille WOf1I cut out for him -'*' one of the world'• moat danga rou1 terrorlat1 111r1Yee In 1111 dty. 'R' 1:aoGQINEW1 2:GO Ct> AU.MOM '" llll• bthlnd-~ doQumentary 1peclel. Qf•I mutlCal gt~ of Ille 80'1 er• gathefed together to ptrlOfm one IUltlme. 2:ao• MOVIE • • "F\ret>all" ( 1"81 Rlc:h- erd Herrlaon, Wendlu Ouida. An Amerlelln 1PY 11 Malgntd lO f~ I ad- antll1 who wu pert ol an lnttrnatlon•I co1t111on worlUng on en important 1)9troitum protec1 1:4C)e8 NEWI 2M(B)MOVIE • * 1-it '"NlghlhlWlll •• (19111 8yMeter StlllOne. Biiiy OM Wlllleml. A IOUf#I New Yorll Cfty cop llM hit WOt1i C1U1 out for r-.n wMrl ON of the wortcr't meet dengerou1 terrorlall wm.1n hie city. 'R' (%)MOV1f ***'A "Zazlt.. ( 1te0t Catherine Oemongeot. PNllC>Pt Nolt9! An 11 • yew-Old girt from the prOY· lncee IPll'ld• "" t11dUng weekend In Pwll with htt trene ..... tlt• unde, 2:80 (I) MOVIE * * "T*91Ye P1ua One" Sharon Tate.A young women .. arch" thrte countnea IOf I c:tlelr that conUl6nl • gr .. t lor1unt 'A' a:00e MOVIE • • "PawnM" (19571 George Montgomtrt. Lola All>rlgtlt. A white men rlllMd by P--lndlent ~ loyalty con- lllc:ia. • KMW9' HCXME OP' HOMOl'I ''VlallOf From Tiie ~· "" Arnencer1 --...., -.,,.,,...., In • murder ~ OOl'tWIOld tllet the Ylatm11 O'IOlll la .... 1:'8a ,=· • *'~ "Footl1epe" ( 1972) Rlc:hf/ld Creme. Joer>na P«Wt. A "do-or-die" 1004· t>all c.oedl II Nr9d by a llTllll colla9I to ..,..,_ up Ill t..-n. l!A8 (C) MCM! *. * "JIMI And Jlm" ( 1981) Jeanne Moteeu. O..er w-. In Pf• World WW II Frenct. I carefree young women toY.-IWO rnan wtlo ere ctoee lrlenda and ,,~ to otw up either onll. •:OO•MOYll * *"" "8111Un' Looae" (UNI 1) Rleherd Pryor, Olo.- ly T~. A IMM'nbllnO bur· 91ar, 1 concerned ~end eight Chlldren ll'lak• • trighten-"'9 Cf°'9<0Urltry tr1p In • bfoken-dOwn tChOOI bua 'R' 4: ,, CZ> MOYll * * • ''Modern Romance'' (1911) Albert Brook•. JOHN DARLING ~ f!Wttlcl A llM ~"* ........ .. ..., MOii ... ....., Of ... WOfMft lie '°""' 'lit •:M OOMOllll ** "Up 1'111 ~· (1M0) "°" ~ ..,_ btt• leeti. Tiie • ., • 0-....cl OOIMIMdaM Oi w...,. Mllll*Y AOec»- ""' II M tne4dl for the lfoubt• H me bf1t1 wOlad .,... •ft 4:.tO. VatMM TO THI IOTTOM OP' THI llA "flle lAt$.Hllnded Men" • MlllQt. ~ Tiie IMf mutt reoov. • '"' Of 1ec0fell119 wire det .. lng I Cllemleel WW• ,.,. prolecl (J)MOYll • • "8wlnglno ci-1eec1- er1" Jo Jotlnlton, Colleen C1mp. A Jovrntilllm mljOr lnftltretee Ille renkl of e cotttot ch11rleed1ng 1qu1d to HPOM th• exploltetlon o l th• ctlterlMdaf• by tilt (oot- t>all 1-"I 'R' Wrd"r•dat,.• Dat1• l•t-Mo~lr~ -MORNltG- l:OO Qi) * •'A "Hot Leed And Cold F•t'" (19781 Jim o.. Don Knotta. In Tiie Old W-1, twin bfothert - one rOYg.11 'n' IOUOfl, the other • dly·l>red mllqu.- IOMI -compelt In a gNellng cont•t to -who wlll Inherit their rather' 1 ton.une. 'G · Cl) * *"" "Tne Nude Bomb" ( lteOI Don Adama, S)'Ma Krlettl Secret egent Mllllwtll Smart lec.t hll m09t danoer-.a..rury In en wefWllteln wno plan• lo ~ mllellea "'-' wt11 dbltobt the .... tlr• human ~·PO' 0 * * "F0toa F1YI Slw· wngere" (19811 Anlmeltd All W""'f of little rOboll bend toOI(,..., to oeteno Earth l(Jllne1 • lorG41 of ......, lnvedert 'G' CZ) * •• "Oft OOdl ~ It" ( 19801 Oeoroe l!lurne, aw.-.,..._,. God return• to Earth end dlOOMe "" young deugll-ter of en .,_,.., 10 9U9- uit¥1 to eprled .. -~ to tlle WOftd. 'PO' t:OO (CJ * • * "ASl!IA.: The MOYie" 119781 A88A. A htpleM dtlC l«*"Y ,_ CIOUll)' pUrtUH the r~ S.....Slth "IP4lf QrOU9 .. theoy alng 18 of their hlla. Including "Oenclng Queen," "Wetenoo," "S 0 S."' and "Fernand<> " ·o· t:aO. #I* "New Frontier" (1~1 John Wayne, Rey Corrigan. Tiie ~· 1tep In to help • group of Mttlerl Oefand lhelt Pfop- f/11y rightl agalnt1 greedy landgr.c>ben t:M (%) * * * '.>\ "•Zazle" (IMO) Cetherlne Oemonoeot. Pllltlppe Noni. "" 1 I· ~-old ""1 "°"'the prO¥-lnclM..,,,. .. ......._ _._, In Perte with 11111 ,,.,,...,... ""*- 10:00 Cl) * • ·~ "'Mr. luddwlrlg" (\9881 JemH Gerner, Suunnt ~te An amoeelac ... rchea nl1 memor)' IOf _.. to hll IOentlty aldtd by lleetlng reciollec:tlont of hie UIOO- a 110n1 with different lernelll 11:00 Ct> ••• '"The Soft SlUn" (19841 FrenColee 000.C:, .,_, OtMllly A rnlddle- d-~'I INI· rlaOt cotlepete wlletl he ~ Involved In • lttefvl Mallon with .,, ,,,,_ lint ateww~. • * ** "1811'11 A Leiter To My Love" (1981) Sim-Slonore4, .la.I RochefOl'1 A ITMddle IOecf woman wno Ml..,.,,. ,,_. of '* ldult ... c:er- lng tor her lnYllld l>rotller deddte to writ• • letter to • '*""PIPll IOnlfy '-1• COiumn. 'PO' (%) * *"" "Tiie Harr eel Exptrlmtnl" ( 19731 J-Whltmor•. T• Htdrll'I. A college dec:l6M 10 lncOfpo. rate • eou<we on teXuel ralatlonl _, lnltmecy In lll•IO ..... IMO N OW• ,...._,.,, ......... ~ .... ,..... .. ,,..,, .... ,...,. .......... ~.,..,. . "'.,.... ............. .. ArlwWI .... do.I\ .... r 1f...,_ buf1ed -........... -~ ooall, ................... .... 'M'' llt72~MlclMll teckl, "o" l.etb1111n. .... Oii tN nowlt w IC.wt VOl\ft~loll Jr. A llllM ~ ... Wlf',,....... dMe llYlne Ind .... .., "' .. -1111 '°' ~"' tM MwrlcM dream. •• * ... "HerO't lllMd'' (1N2) "*"-Ma.on, Ne¥- *9 ltend In the 1700., e plrMe Ind • ,_ ....... ~ to kel!P en latand off ,,.. C.ClllllM from f111r1e to IN oontrol of • pallr of ~Md)' btoctlert. CID * * * * "Gigi" t tHel Maurtoe 0.-.... ~ Ceron A tom~~ grOOfWled by her ..... encl Ofencll'nolhtr •• ovt on 11111 own to CMoll • "*'-Cl) ••• "ltlr Cray'' (IMO) Rlctlerd PY)w. o.ie Wiider Two men are 119- i.ken kif boll* robtlen end _,to lal "R' 11:11 CZ> ..... "Shoeun "-- .,,,, .. 11Nll TornlNluo W•tlayama, M111hlro T omlkawa. A lonner lflo.. gun ......... who -menewerad out of ,. poeltlon w • """'-dlrl of eplM \'OM IO take btoody r-.. 'W 1:00 CC) * •• "OulWw ._ .. ( 19771 Pttw Fonda, 8ueen Selnt Jamee. When • counlry-wettern elngtr 11..i. hit IOflO. en •-con lrlH CIHp•r•l•I)' to retrieve hi• r-rdlng rlghtl wMe belftlno the poliet 'PO' 2:00 e * • * ·~ "Doctor ZNv .. go" f 19651 Orn.-8har11, Oeratdlnt Cllaplln Two lcMlrl 1tr1'9Q61 ernldet .,,. IPll'•t ano peaa1one of the fWuler\ Revolution CZ> •• "HOmt Movlee" ( 19801 Keith Gordon, IUrtl Oou(lilll A youno lllrn ~ dent eo.lller• from • badgering t..:n. end en 1ttr acUon to hie br"other' 1 ,__.PO. 2:IO Cl) • * ·~ '"H\lgo The .. po" ( 1178) Animated. VOICel ol s..r\ ....... Pu L}'flde A pink ~ ,,_._.,~°"' Vtc>. _,,.,..._ by • lt- Ul l*ldl~.·pQ· U1 • * • "Why WOUid Mt· -Wern To Kii A Hice Girl Uk• Your ( 1Me) Ew Ranzl. OeYld lkldt. w... on v-uon. •~pt .. Yic:1;mtzect w ~ ettempta on her lltt. l:IO CB) * * "NoOody't Per- i.t" (IN 1) Oeba ~. Alex Kwru. Tiit• "'*""" '*°"Mt out lo betUe .. red..,. end bur~ of cit)' llal. 'PO' CZ> •• Mfllt Gllnl Foor VIAturte" (1971) NcMr1I H11'111. Alchltld ~ A NI"'-ll'M '*• 1 wN ernugglM Anwlcen ... coptera Into AA1ce Mtno • terrortll -II pllllM llG*'9t • fierce ~ flll*r ""' 4M Cl) • * ''TM"'°"'" Ww· rlort: O•nouwd Ace'' (tM1IN*net4d. A~ nou.. meeMd -.. die> .....10~·-~ t>attlelhlp to llgfll the fllrlt • ., rnec:hlnee ol ., .... WIW1ord. ~Ct> *. * ''A88A: Tiie Movie'" ( 19711 All8A.. A ,,.,.... dlac jodcey ...... CIOUl l)' purautl th• ,_. SwedWI ....,. (Jf OUO • they 11!'9 I 8 qt their hill, lncludlno: "01nc1ng Queen," "Welerloo," "S.O.S " • "Fernando .. ·o· l:20 CZ> ••• "Oft OOdl Booet II" (1HO) 0eorve Bume, 8uz..-~God return• • to E91th end ~thtycMIO ..... .. of ., ldYf/ltlelng .-0- utM to ept.ed Ille ,,... ~ 10 .. wcw1d. 'PO' 1!10 • * * ~ '"The Frilco KW' (19791 0.. Wider. Ham- ICW\ Ford. A POllh rabbi flMI ,.,....., lnvol¥ed In wlld lronU. mlMdvoll'l- tur• wtth • dltl1rlg bel* robber wtlerl tie .,...,. to Sen Frenoleco to take oww 8 ,_ COl19'eglllto!L ~ by Armstrong & Batiuk CHANNEL LISTINGS ••• "Ju• And Jim" C1M11 Jeanne ....,,_,, OekM werrw. In pr .. WOrld War II f'rence. • caretr.. )'OUnO women IOv9I two men wtio er• doal lriendl ertd ,__ <Ir~ 9tttlar - •• MRuc:ikua'' (1N0) Oltk 8eMdtct. Linde Blelr. A .... thoGllecl Vl9lnMt -dlllwbe the p..ce of • 1 WAN*'f TO l'l1ANK vOU f:OR IHE tN\/rTE 1 0 PLAY ·01...rrz' .' _...---------~,..,.,.. ~~ANKl...Y 1T'5 HA~0 "1'0 9 KNXT ICBSI 0 Oft. TV 8 KNBC (NBCI z Z·TV e KTl.A tlnd I r1u HBO e JCABC (ABCI (Cl (Clnem.xl •KFMB ICBSI {J) IWOAI NY., NV 0 l(HJ·TV llnd I d7) IWTl!IS) • l(CST IABCI <IJ IESPNI • KTTV (Ind.) fl ) (Showtlmtl •• KCOP· TV (Ind. I • S.001119111 ,e KCETIPBSI • lc.et>tt News l'Htwork) • KOCE (PBS) • * ''IMood And Out•'' ( 11711 Wllllam Smith. Mtcllellne Lanctot. An IOlnG ---.... Ille -*"•"*'°" "'°' tor lllOOWt "' .... WOf1l -tcM. 'PG' t:aO. 0 TOO OLOll ~ .OOWOffr ~ .. c:'hldlO w "11 larn- lty fOf not (IOlne efler • , ... (Ill) -•a~ DM'8ll THIGMAT .,_.~t-. 'PO' <D>MOVll •'I' "M•aec:Nno Ctlerry'' (1178) Otonl Leoriard, _.,,,later. Atop .... Yont INldanl tlhoM '* ~--U..ropeellt ·~~. 11:11 ()) MOVll ' * * * "CflHCll And Chono'• Next Movie" (IMO) Rioflllld "Cheedl" Mwln. Thorn.. CllOnf, Two poflletd• ll•H Off ender parcoled o~ ·rv toniglJt ' Film depicts prison life and ·stacked deck on the outside I ~worw. Tfie world l1n't welcomin& Jimmy with open anb1. Ht• 1lrl frlend haa grown up and away. HiJ 1en11 of ..it II further dlmlniahed by the attJtude of proapectlve employen reluctant to risk Jlmm)I'•~ "Parole' tall .. the narrow pollUon \hat the CSllUl....,_. ex-a:in hM ).-t two IOUn* of aapport: the crimlnal ei.m.nt. wlmh-.. an hil wlnerabUl\y, or \he ~~.who can help the ex~ iide out &be hlftl *-and forae him co dlllll With ~· AadJ la &be rWat man for th• Job, ........................... t prl~ tm ..... for tM ltnllht fW• .................................. ........ .-Mmr,.1nWI,..• ......... _., . ,..,_ ... ,,..,. ,, wtdt • plNl&ftl b'-d °' h--am ....... &hat .... , w.tl .. I IDO. Af&er all, &lat TY tr •laar:l:'-11 of , .. , ... wm .. ,.. ............. ._.... , .... RUFFELL•s U,HOLSTBY I qt 11 ... s... ltll~IOIA ... COITA Mii.A -14f.:I 116o c.11. C•••••• l1c••ll•t ThlaPrl .......... . -~-c:.. . .... ....... • .l I-IN 0 PEOPLE TO P LAY W1l"H AFTE~ WHAi ~P'PENE0 1'C T HE LAC:.T ul)Y 1 PLAYED/ t -~ :: c ' • I l ,l Orange Co•t DAILY PILOT l'funday, Aprll 20, 1982 Al I Warmth, liumor enric~ 'Da' a ·\ .Soutll Coast 11 TOM TITUS ' oe-.o.., .... ...., Many play1 are, by nature, autot>lo1raA>hlcal, but Hu1h Leonard'• hlahly acclaimed "O. tran- .-nda \h1I delw'lption and bordert on exordam u the pt.ywrtjht airs 10me hlahly penonal, tamillal demona. Fortunately, Leonard didn't 1et ao far Into l:uaene O'Neill territory that he neglec1ed to add a few pinches of 1plce to hla work. and 11Da" on the South Coast Repertory 1tage 11 a well-balanced, enter1a1n1na production. ll touches the heart, but a1ao tweab the noee a bit. Under 0.vid Rm.mes' even-handed direction, "Da'' recounta lta hero's encounter with the ghoel of ••DA" A pi.y by Huot! L.onatd. eslrected by D•vt<I ~. Mlllng by Aatph Fun1ca1to. ttghUng b.y C•m•ron Harvey. preMn~ by South CoHt Repertory Tuead•)'I thtough $11turdl)'I •t 8 p"' . -Sund•Y• et 1 SO p.m end wHkend meUntH It 2:30 p.m lhrOUgh Mey 18 11 Ille Fourth Step Tl'l .. ttr, 811!1 Town Center Orr... Colt• MMe ,,.._..,lllOn• 157..t033. 0. Cllarlle Molllef . Voung Ch11ti. Olkler ... Drumm MM)' Tele Mts Prynne T .. CAST Thomu Toner o.e.ri Santoro Ketheflne MeeGregor John Qreenleal Ron Bouasom Wlllltm QIOver Palll JOOnl Mergere1 MUM his recently departed fa ther with warmth and humanity, bringing both central figures into sharp focus. Another engaging moment arrives when the hero as a boy ronfronts the man he bcame. Thomas Toner gives a bravura performance as the late "Da," a sheep of a man who nevertheless exerted a powerful influence on his adopted boy. Dean Santoro as the soul-searching son successfully conveys his character's aching frustration without becoming maudlin. A sour-faced Kathenne MacGregor is strong as the long·enduring mother, while John Greenleaf plays Santoro as a youth with conviction. Ron Boussom is ~lievable as Santoro:S boyhood pal m both youthful and middle-aged incarnations, and William Glover is brilliantly cold as the young man's first employer. ''Da" is somewhat like Robert Anderson's "l Never Sang for My Father," but with a sense of lnsh humor. It continues nightly except Mondays throush May 16 at SCR's Fourth Step Theater, 655 THESE THEATRES VIEW "FRAl"IKENSTEIN" IN 111111111111 Town Center Drive, C.O.ta Mea. * IT'S ANOTHER heavy week of openJnas with five more ah.owa joinins th halt dozen whlch bo· wed In la1t week, while three other• draw their final curtalnl. Leading off the theaplc hy,peractlvlty l• "Comini Attractlon1," openina Wedne1day on South COaat Repertorj"1 Second Stage, Paul Rudd LI dl.recUng the Ted. Talley comedy which wW fea· ture Richard Doyle, Howard Shangraw, Diane de- Priht, Don Tuche, Anni Long, John Ellinaton and Ary Kouattk. Curtain tlmea are 8:30 f'ueaday through Saturday, 8 p.m. Sunday and 3 p .m . for weekend maUneee until May 9 at the SCR theater, 655 Town Center Drive, Coeta Meaa. Reeervatlona 957-4033. The San Clemente Community Theater open.1 its aeoond "Follies a la Carte" variety show Thurs- day under the direction oC Charles Ashbauah at the Cabrlllo Playhouse, 202 Ave. Cabrlllo, San Cle- mente. The revue runs Fridays and Saturda~ at 8 p.m. through May 15 with further detaila given at 492-0465. "The Front Page" opens Friday at the West- m.in.tter Communlty Theater with J .D. Reichelder- fer In the director's chair and a cast too enormous to list here. Performances are Fridays -and Saturdays at 8:30 through May 22 at the theater, 7272 Maple St., Westminster. Reservations 995-4113. Arthur Miller's classic drama "Death of a Sa- lesman" ia the latest from Showcase Productlon.t with Don Rhoades and Jean Koba reprising the leading roles they played at the Laguna Moulton Playhouse. Alex Koba directs and the drama runs Fridays and Saturdays at 8:30 through May 15 at the Westminster Auditorium. 7571 Westminster Ave. A children's production of "Cheaper By the Doz.en" is the fare of the Fountain Valley Commu-. nity Theater at Los Amigos High School, Newhope and Hell in Fountain Valley. Four performances will be presented, Thursday through Saturday at 7 p.m. and Sunday at 2:30 p.m. Call 964-5392 or 847 -1108 for ticket mfonnation. Spring-time is Superb Yoa1l be ,iad J01I camel -~?--IJs& .Jr!!::! ...... _ .......... 11. Uc "716 7 ~ Time llem at "'°"' Door (c.tl Slofe .._..,Your A<•I COlfA MUA 641-1219 Int.....,,_. ...... _.._ YIU0 495-0401 ..,., c..e.. Cc;:khw l._ -.. r...,.. "' A.wy lllrwy.) Welc o:;it• FNn IOI 12:00 2:30 5:00 7:30 1 :65 ~1-1._.Qnfv, 1 • I B..i r icturt · CHAIUOn OF F111E (POI 12:00 2:315 15:10 7:46 10:10 I OUISr FOR FlllE (Al 70mm 1:00 3:1015:20 7:40 1:46 No P- No Economy !-cine ~ .... MCHAllD PllYOll -KIM>OFHSIO (Al 12:115 2:16 4:15 1:18 8:18 10:18 JulleAn*-YIC'l'Oll VK: IOIHA (rOl 11"6 4:30 7:3010:00 Welt Olilnen -.... (01 l'k11 Tl'lt Otvll • Mu O..lln 1ro1 aat'lw I:\ COMME~CIAL C~DIT CORrQR/\TION •·-it..,,. ...... ~ a Control CMtc\ ComP<'ny ~ ._ .... ~ ................ .,................ ~ COST A MESA • 370 £. 17th Street • 645-8700 HUNTINCTON BEACH• 16075 Colden Wtet St.• 847-7771 Ml ION VIEJO• 2.'305 Alici a Parkway, Suite 2E • 770.2651 Alicia Town Plau SANTA ANA_! 1224 F.ut 17tlt trett • 547·5871 Wlndln1 up their reapectlvt run1 alona tho CONt .,..: -0T~t Dedly Oamt" by the Mlulon Viejo Playhou1t at the torum Theater on the Laauna Beach Festival of AMI 1round1 (830·9252). Final performances are Friday and Saturday at 8:30. -"TIM Royal FaaiJly., at the Newport Harbor Actora Theater, 390 Monte Vlata S~ Costa Meta (631-6110). Clotln1 erformance1 are frlday and Saturda], at 8 and SundaY: at 2:30. -Tb lm11laary lavalld" at Saddleback Coller. In Milllon Viejo (831-4330), playlna Friday and aturday at 8 and Sunday at 3 p .m . in .the college'• main theater. The ..... in lid1t nlao&n1.~ re-reoorded in new dfdeal lb'eo. :.::-~~'::.~:=~"'~ CWJJSj . o{g) . ~ PIAl'JNG AT nDSI Sll.IC11D 11IMlUS COSTA MHA Edwards Town C«\t• 751-4184 OIAHGE ClneOOme 634-2553 *BARGAIN MATIN•ES • Mond•y thru S•turd1y llfPertormancea before 5:00 PM (bce,f l,.clll flll ........ Ind HllHltyl) I ,.. Ml ... ~[1A l.t-"11 LA MIRADA WAlK IN •YICT°" vtCTONA" tllOI -........... _ ""'°"" Y' I" ,., tt:a~ ........... - - LAKEWOOD CENTER WALi( IN •AJITMUR" '"' -.--OM.. Y WMaJf I LAUGH" (ltl .-.-- "IOIH IUHO Of' .. ll0" 1111 ••He,1. ... -.1_ LAl<EWOOO CENTER !>OUTH WAI• IH AI DelNno 211 6U-tH1 IUt.cT•-- "<* QOU)CN "*°" '"' ----- 1 IH.llN.lt SO . COAST WALl<·IN Jot110<10 ot ao1ecran1 •••·2400 "OU.IT '°" , ...... 11111 ---· ·---·--·- •fl POCTWt .._ __,., "CHANOTI Of',._. lllOl--t:a.-- loutl'I Coott Mtwoy 01 llooctwoy 494-1114 "OeATHTM~ ,,..,_..na r-. ... -"''·-·-«a, ...... ... .... ~' .... '00 '-,...,. I •S ,._, t lO IMrOIHANT •OTIC(! CMILDIU• U.IKJt 1Z fllllll MMMI ............. '"'" fu 6:JO • h i 1.. lltlo 6:00 ~· C9lf4ll IOUlll • fOllll "" CM MOO II 'IOUI Sl'fMlJI . ,. "° .. tM _..., WITll OllDI olCUSllllll' llDllTDI _...,.AM l'llllllllL t•IU c:..11 ...... D Ill•,_... ANliMf 1...- ANAHEIM DRIVE IN ,. .... ..,ti 01 l•,,.... 11 17'·91IO CM fl 10U010 -----~----~--· -··-------~'-AC-Ml' AW-"flAIOUt Of' TMI LOST AM~ """' ll'Ot °'THt nNAI.. COUNTDOWN" 1N 1 c .... SOUllO .. " , .... ~ .. .,,. LINCOLN DlllVf ·IN ltll(OWI .......... OI ·"°" 121·4070 ' ,..,, .... ,,.. FnUNTAIN VALLEY OlllVf IN Clllt " '°""" -nu,t::*-•"l ............ 1111 Ctlll ...... .. .. .. ~ .... LA f~ABRA !,• ,, " -·-·-e-, .... _ 17MM2 1ATTU TINCtc•1N I f'LU. "ttlGH NM" 11111 C"'t fl~ -l'Oln I(~~~ 1111) .Jf "1.0.a.~1•1 ___ .. """"* .... ,. ..... (Ill -·z~ h«lt~ St .. 0or .... G<O¥t ,,.._ 191·3691 Kif lllCTUM OI' Til9 -"CHMIO~ ,_..!NI . "'"""""' , ... C:..fJ-..0 ---"f'OMY'I" tNI -"W .. WOICI" 1t11 Cllll·PllOUllO --- ORANGE u~·1., ! ,., , -·--1.ft • ................. _. j ..... ,...,_ t I • NOW PLAYING .... ,... ....... c...... . ......... ll'CMtf llutn.1 P•~ 821 4070 OtlllOt 634 U53 Ht•llO« le¥h 144 0180 MANll IAU ,UZA ITADIUM •IU·I• tllfl Cl.MA •• 5H J,,. 0tM10t ut 1110 "'"'"''"'tt' ,., oue UWAMl Ulllluc. 1owaq1 MtlTOl "°'--.. ll T0t0 Ht SHO C.11 .. HI 540 7444 '°"""''__, . II 1 CLOSE WATCH -RUllian ~ Svetlana Mu- rauenko keeps a cloee watch on the uneven parallel ban during the women'• competition of the U.S. vs. ., W1'ept!oto USSR gymnutlc meet. Murzuenko'11COre of 8.9, ln ,point. Valen~fna Shkoda of Russia took the all- thia event helped the-RWlliana to win by l/lOth of a; around Utle. 'One day he's going·_ to kill himself' That's what Salazar's dad says alter Boston Marathon winner's temperature drops to 88 degrees ~TON (AP) -Jote Salazar looked at hia aon, Alberto, lying on a cot in the garage area o( the Prudential building, where the weary runners gathered follo- wing the testing Boston Mara- thon. He was worried, naturally. The younger Salazar had won the race In a brilliant duel with Dick Beardsley, but he wu de- hydrated and hla temperature had dropped to an alarmina 88 degJ"eet. "One of theee day. he'a fllng to klll hhmelf," aaJd the elder Salazar. "No quest.Jon about tt, he's goina to destroy his llle." Althou1h the 1982 Boston Marathon champion waa trem- blin1 uncontrollably and hla teeth were chattering, he was not nearly u ooncemed u hia father. "f was sure I was going to be all rl1ht," said Salazar. "My temperature was 1olng up gra- dually. It wu just a matter of time." He was exactly right. Forty three ~utes after the race -which Salazar won in 2 hours, 8 minutes, 51 seconds, a coCarae recprd and the fourth faatat ln hlatory -hJa tempe- rature had rlae n to 97, only altahtly under the normal 98.8. Interviewed today on ABC's ''Good Momlng America," Sala- zar aaid be kne\v he WU courlina physical srouble to wtn. "At about 15 to 17 mllea, I started to feel the heat a bit and I knew at that point that I atW b8d a long way to go and I probably. was ~ to have une sort of problems,. he said. Howe do Astros end streak? Ask LA LOS ANGELES (AP) -The with a two-run aingle in the lixth Houston Aatroe haven't won too inning when Houaton acored four many sames the laet several runs. yean in Los Angeles -only two Howe drove a 3-0 pit.ch from in their lut 16 trlea ln Dodier Alejandro Pena, the third of fQW' Stadium. J..ot Anadet pitchers, into left.. But noting that they wgn a center to aeore the tie-breaking one-1ame playoff for the 1980 runs. · Natlonal League West tttle, veie---0 1 waa lucky ebOUgh to fet. the- ran knuckJel>aller Joe Nlekro ~ Uaht on 3-0," Howe said, once commented, "We muat be 'and he threw It right down the dolni llOlllething right... middle .•• Neither the A1tro1 nor the Terry Forster 1-2, who relie- Dodgen were doing much at all ved starter Burt Hooton, took the right prior to Monday nl1ht'1 W.. pme. The Altro. had lost threE Don Sutton (2-1) earned the llrailht pines. the Dod1era five wln and Joe Samblto, who plt- ln a row. ched hitleaa ball the final two But Houston managed to end innlnp, ~ h1a third •ve. lta 1oliJ'8 llreak with a 6-4 vlctt> Between them, Sutton, the ry while extendlnc the Dodaen' fonmr Dodgw, and Samblto re- akJd to aix straight la.ea, ineu tired 19 of the final 20 Dodaen ln longest 1olb\8 streak since 1979, order. Pedro Guerrero brof<e the the only time they've flnJahed atrina when be n.ched bue ln below .SOO ln the lut 14 yean. the &ottom of the ninth on a "I know we've had trouble two-out error by ahortatop Dickie here, and lt'a been toueh," Thon. Houston'• Art Howe Mid, nottna Pinch hitter Steve Yeqer, like the Aatroe' 22-49 record in Loi Howe awinefJ\I on a 3-0 pitch, Aneelet alnce 1974. 0 But lt'•. then popped out to end the pme. fair perk, and lt'a been a 1ood "No, I wMn't surprt.d he wu park for me." twlnfi~ 3-0," Sambito said of It conUnuea to be a JllP()d .,.rk Y....,. ·•tie .. been'°""" OD me. for the Houston tint O.eeman. He bowl it, and I knew it. But He knocked 1n U... of the M · hew• a lltUe ahxloua on that tros• a Nnl and broke • 4'"" • i..t pitch ... Hooton pve up two runa on two bita and had walked two beU.. 1n .... ftnt thrw tnnlnil. But he WM abeed 4-2 and had reUnd lllne bau.t ln a row be-fcn Phil Oemel' and JO. Crul 1ec1 on ~ tataJ lixth with an-,._ NJ Wll *'°"1nl the aMDI .. l had the whole ••me," Hooton .... But he said he rernalned con- fident .~out the race. .. I fell. frankly, I waa the best runner l.n there, 10 no matter how bed I hun che whole way, I juat kept thinkJng well, you're better than thla person and you've just got to stay with him and you can beat him at the end. It was a long laat seven miles. It was the hardest race I ever ran." Fut work by the marathon's medical crew, which provided 11-· quid Intravenously into ~ach of Saluar'a arms, wu responsible for hla quick recovery and ena- bled the winner to attend the awarda ceremony lea than three hours later. It was the second Ume Salazar was seriously ill alt.er a race. The tint time was alt.er a road race at Falmouth, Mass., in 1978, but then his physical reaction waa the direct opposite of hla condi- tion aft.er Monday's marathon. in whlch he beat BeardaJey by only two seconds. At that time, his temperature shot up to 108 de- grees and h e became uncon - scious. George Mason, a Costa Mesa resident, finished 15th with a time of two hours, 17 minutes an9. 55 seconds. Meanwhile, Wes t German , runner Charlotte Teske predicted she would finish second to Grete Waltz of Norway among women in the marathon. and for more than 20 miles It looked u If she was right. Grich not worried about jinx · SEATTLE (AP) -Bobby Grich la ~worrytna;;Jbou the Anplll' ln plap. • 0 It hardly ue. me an What can you do about it?' Orie Mid af1er he doubled twtice IOOred twice .. the Anaela bee the Seattle Marln6n,3-l MOnda nieht. • Orlch, battllng back tro-ubl that hat foroed hlm to mi. six 0 the Anaela' lint 13 1ame1, re turned to the lineup after recef vlng a corilaone 1hot Sunday, But the Aneela loat 1hort1to Rick B\ulelon tor the rest of the aeuon becauae of a ahoulder In · ~·t'a the flnt time I've been able to play without pain," Grieb said. "rm about 90 percent now. On TV tonight Channel 5 at 7:30 · I'm movtns ln the right d.lrect.1on. ' "lf I hit the bell good to righ( field, I'm dolne the things that are technlcally correct for me.'' Grith doubled to right center in the second lnning and, one out later, ecored on Doug DeCincea' Wall Ball double. Wall Balla -in Klngdome parlance -are flies that strike the upper half of the. right field fence. In Seattle's previous five aeaaons, they would . have been home runs. Now they are in play. , . Grich hit h1a own Wall Ball in' the eighth and tall~d on Tim Foll'• alngle two outa later. Foll' has taken ovtt Burle900'a spot. The Angela broke a 1-1 tie in the fourth when Seattle ~ ahortatop Todd Cruz booted FoU's two-out. bues--loaded uounder. • The Mariners had 6roken on top in the fJ.nt when Julio Cruz scored on a wild pitch by Mike Witt, 1-0. CruS had o~ with. a. aingle and moved to third on Bruce Bochte'1 lingle one out la- ter. Witt, Luis Sanchez and Don Aase scatter ed seven hita and -• stranded 11 Seattle runners. · "I may have been too fine with., my pitches," aald Witt, who'~ I walked five in 6 ~ innlnp while giving up slx hits. He rernerllbe-l red a Bochte hpme run from a ~ • 180 ..00 W81 COl19CiOU& of thff dome'• amall size. • e .Angela' pitching staff, J crttlcit.ed u the club'• weak link before the teuon began. compil- ed a 1.41 earned-run average through Sunday's games. "We know we dldn't·haYe 1hat. bad a pf~ staff," A9@11Mid. "lt'a up to ua to go out and prove that." . • : Despite absorbing hia third straight 1011 without a win. Seattle right-hander Gene Nels- on was not totally dissatisfied. "I think my control's coming around a little bit." he said after .• walking five in 6 ~ innings. Ne190n allowed five hits. , • Seattle Manager Rene Lache- mann, atlll troubled by the Ma- riners' failure to brin1 runners home, said, "I thJnk aome of that.· has to do with the pitching we've been f aclnR." Kings like wounded bear INGLEWOOD (AP) -The Lo. Angele9 Kino are the team In trouble, but \rancouver de- fenaeman Harold Snepata says it '1 the Canucka who ahoWd be wary in the clubs' National ,· Hoca(ey Leeiue playoff series. - "The Kinp are like a wounded bear now," said Snepsta. "They'll be that much stronger, giving itt, everythlna they got in the next f g811le.'' The "next pme" la Wedn .. - day in Vancouver and the Ca-• nucb need only one~ victory ' to advance to the Stanley Cup c aemiflnala. They whipped Loa . Ancelet, &-4 Monday nigh t to r take • 3~ 1 edae in their best.-of-seven quarterfinal .n. "lt11 toueb enough .ihat we haw '° win three •traigbt. .. m14f tAe Aftaelea defememan Larry M~. ''Oolna lnto Vancouver lift't .,_l upeetUns, but our badCl,1 .. ~ apiDlt the wall now." ' IYM Bold1rw ICONd a pair of 1oe1'. tncludlna the eventual ~ 1ame·wlnner Wly ln the third r (lee l.IMGS, Pqe All) l -• I i.,, "1 II ~l I .... Marathon troubles now minor for Ruiz Prom~1petftel YORK -Rolie Ruiz, who m wu of cutting oomen to wtn the Bolton Marathon two yean -ao wu arrnted Monday and char1~ with •teallna $60,000 from a real-estate flrm where ahe wocked .. Rulx, 28, wu taken into custody juat half an hour before the marathon got under way for tta· 86tli tunning ln Bolton. , . Detective Capt. John Power aald she wu aiccu.ed ot talc.inc $15,000 ln cuh and more than $45,000 tn cheda from Steven1 Real Estate in New York, where she had worked u a book· keeper for two years. • Power uld Ruiz, who wu stripped of the title ahe •pparently had won ln the 11>80 Boston race, had not shown up for work 1lnce mld- Matth. He said ahe had handled rent money paid ln cub and "took it for her own benefit" and alao aigned the name of Steven Santaromaga, th& realty firm'• president, to check.a and caahed them. Detectives John Kelly and Michael Rooney arrested Ruiz at 11:30 a.m. She waa charged with grand larceny and forgery. · Quote of the day "Bobby (Uaser) ia a friend of Teddy (Yip) and he aareed to help me," says the second woman Clriver seeking a spot in this year'a Indy 500, Desire WUaon. "But when you've been in auto racing you realize there are 1ome things someone helping you doesn't tell you. You'ye got to learn them the hard way, through experience." Bueball today 0n th1t ctate tn blletd tn 1941: I Joe DtMaaSo and Joe Gordml ~ .to drive lnl 1 rune H the New York Y.U.. routed the PhUadelph1a A11, lt-&. On thla date ln 1939: In hll flrtt major le.,ue 1ame, Botton rookie Ted WUUam.1 went 1-fo,...4 ln the Red Sox'• 2-0 1011 to .the New York Yanbel. wtlllaml' )llt WU. 400-foot dou· ble, • portertt of th.lnp to come. Today'• Blrthdayt Anpll COKh Pa•ton Gome& LI 59. De- ttolt pitcher Milt Wilcox t. 32. Ctndnnati catcher Mike O'&rry » 28. Padres belt record 24 hits In win . Terry ~euHJ drilled four hlte, Iii three of them doublel, and drove in four r11na aa San Dle10 collected a club-record 24 hill Monday u tbe Padrea beat San ~l 13:8, !~-~ aixt.h c:omecutive victory ln Nauonu ~ bMeball play ... In another pme, Guy Maldilew1 and Bo Dias 1ln1Jed home flnt lnnin1 ruru while Larry~ ...... and Ed Parmer combined for a three-hitter u Philadelphia broke a three-1ame 101in1 1treak with a 2-0 decision over Montreal ... In tl\e American Lea1ue,•Lar'ry Bouell a1ammed a home run. hia fint of the year, high lnto the left field 8CTeeJl to ll'lap a tie in the eighth lnninl and power Toronto to a ~-+win over Boston ... 1lrtt OU..00, ..,.., · anapplng out of a 1-for-30 alump, belted a two-run homer in the bottom of the eighth to vault Detroit put KaNu City, 3-2. Fonner Orange Coast College and Co.ta Meu High star Daa Q.Ueaberry wu the losing pit- cher . . . The Mlnneaota Twins, limited to just one buerunner through eiaht innlnet. erupted for five runa ln the ninth, three on lleat Brbd'1 bales-loaded double, and halted a three-game l~ streak with a 5-2 victory over Oakl•nd. Moffet sets national prep mark Job Moffet of Newport Harbor Iii High establl1hed another national · prep record in the 100-yard breut- stroke Saturday, erasing hia previous mark of 55.24 with a S"5.06 clockina ln a meet aK,ainst Palm Springs High. l Ivy Leaguers vie in Ensenada· race From Page A 12 KINGS ... period, to pace the Canucka in game four. By ALMON LOCK.ABEY .,., ............... , " The Ensenada race 11 more than JU.tone 'blB yacht race. Among the more than 700 entries in this year'• race there will be the uaual number of races- within-the race among boats of the aame cl.ala. One of the mmt popular of the boat-for-boat races within the big race is the Ivy-&wemda Regatta featuring yachll crewed by gra- 1 duates of Ivy Leaaue colleges. The 1roup bu ill own trophy, the Ivy Cup. Lut yeer'1 winner of the Ivy ~ Cup was Columbia, with two Harvard boat.a finiahlng second t and third. AU of the Ivy yacht.a will al8o be competing for one or more of the perpetual awards ln the big race. Ten Ivy League colle1ea are entered in tbia year'1 race which pta under way Saturday at noon off the Newport Jetty. Harvard haa two entriet: Columbia, two; U.S . Cout Guard-Navy, one; Penn State, one; Princeton. two; Brown, one; U.S . Army (West Point), one; Yale, one; and Dart- mouth. one. Another spirited boat-for-boat battle ia shaping up among 8eVtn- of the new Hobie-331, the first monohull detqr>ed by Hobie Al- ter of Hobie C.t fame. record for the 125-rnile course. The elapsed time record for the coune ia held by the cata- maran Aikane, co-1k1ppered by Rudy Choy and Ken Murphy. In 1957, Aikane made the run in 14 hours. one minute, one eecond to post a mark that has never been equalled. The fastest elapeed time by a rnonohull was ln 1953 when Dick Rheem's 98-foot Morning Star finished in 14 hou.n, 20 minutes. University rips Satldlehack, moves to 2nd University High t00r~ three runs in each of the third and fourth lnninga and went on to po1t a 9-1 Sea View Lea1ue bueball victory over vlsitlns Saddleback High Monday after- noon. 'The ·win moves Univenity lnto a tie for leCOnd place in the lea- gue atandtnga with Irvine, a game behind Corona (Jel Mar. In the third lnn1ng when the Trojans broke the game open, Rich Sorenson WM hft by a pitch and WM followed by li1l8)ea from Randy Myen and MJke Frei to pt one run acrom. Jeff Frei then tripled to get two more acrou and give University a 4-1 lead. The Kings. down 4-1 at one polnt of the second period, rallied to within one goal before that atanza ended. After Boldirev's goal 1:41 into the final period, Loe Angeles pulled to within 5-4 on Doug Smith'• goal with 6:20 remaining. But,·u wu the cue ln Van- couver'• 4-3 overtime win at the Forum Sunday night. the Ki.no were unable to score on CanuclCa goalie Rlchard Brodeur when the game WU on the line. "Brodeur has been keeping UI in the games.,•• aa1d Bold.irev who tallied v anoouver'1 tint aoal. in the opening period. .. well .. the lut in the fourth game. "Brodeur 11 making the difference," aaid center Marcel Dionne of the Kinti•· "He'• playing awfully well.' · In the two Vancouver victories on the K.ino' Ice, Brodeur made a total of 7.f lllVet. The Canucka, meanwhile, goi off Just 42 ahota on goal ln the two cootelll. Loe Angeles Coech Don Perry. while.frustrated at the two clOle U-at home, aid: "l don't be- lieve it'• ayer. We've been doi.nl the thlnp we had to all along." Vancouver Coach fto8er Nlel- 10n aft:f • commentln1: "We can't it's over. It lt1ll could be a long lel'iea; we're tln!d and LA ii Wed bean.-the 8eriea hu been 10 physical. Thia hu been a .erles where each team ba won on the other team'• ice, and LA ii a sood road team." U neoerary, pme ilx will be Friday night ln Loa Antieles, with the 1eventh In Vancouver Sunday. The Canucka' other ICOring in Monday night'• victory came on a three-goal outbunt £n the first eight minute. of the eecond pe- riod, aa Curt Fruer, Dave WU- Orange Coae1 DAILY PfLOTITueedey, Aptlf 20, 1H2 All lalandera ltop Ranger1, lead ~1 .,.... a.tf«'1 ~.,.. 'Iii wUh 7:H Nmainlftl Monday nf1ht , Wied the N.w Y Olk Ialanden to a &-3 NaUonal Hockey lAq\19 quarterfinal vict«y '1Vf!r the New York~. stvtnc the two-time defendln1 Stanley Cup champloru a 3--1 1-.d ln tbelr beiit-of ..eeven ..... S.&d 0.. rtq ICOnd lnto an m\pty net with 3& MOOnda left foe' the lalanden' final aoa1 ••• lm.Mwhere ln the pJeyoffa. Ted Balley broke a U. with one o( h1I two thlrd-pMoc.t_aoaJI and Deal1 Savard econd three t1mel ., Chicqo rallied for a 7-4 win over St. Lotil1. Chlca10, which fJnlahed fourth ln the Norrta Divt.lon now bolds a 3-1 lead ln the aeries . . . The StHtay brother11 Peter, Marla &M AD&oa, each ICOl'ed a pl to pace Quebec to a 7-2 rout of Boeton to tie tMl.r leri• at 2.-2. · NBA sets attendance record A t«'Ol'd total of ~989,410 people • attended Nat.lonal Buketball Amocia- tion re,wa.r-aeuon 1amea thll put 8NIOl'1 ~ to flgutta compiled by t.he • • . The chalnnan of the Houle Bankln1 ommlttee aaid that private fund-railina efforts canlet be resW'NC'ted for the 1984 Olympic Games i Conereu acu quickly oa le- gl1la tlon to mint commemorative colna ... Steve Yoder, head basketball coach at Ball State Univenity, haa agreed to become head co.ch at the 1..Jnivenity of Wiaconain. Televlalon, radio Following are the top lpor1I evenfa on TV tonlchL Ratl.np are: vvvv excellent: vvv worth watching~ v..., fair; ..., forget lt. ~ 7:30 p.m., Cbu.Del 5 v v v v ANGEU BASEBALL: Angels M Seattle. Aaaoaacer1: Bob Starr, Joe Buttitta and Ron Fairly. The Angela go after their eighth atraJght wln tonJsht with Angel Moreno (1-0) on the mound again.at Seattle veteran Gaylord Perry (0-2).. The Angela are a half game behind Chi- cago ln the Western Division atand.ings. _ RADIO Baseball -An1eb at Seattle, 7:30 p.m., KMPC (710); Houston at Dodgers. 7:30 p.m., KABC (790). salutes the secretaries of Orange County €8rroll named uc1 · assistant Mike C.rroll, 27, hu been named uaJatant dlrect.or of athlet.lcl and executive d1rec:tor of UC Irvine Sport.a Auoclates by Athletic Director Linda Dempuy. CMroll 1pent the I.lilt two y.,.. u an..._ tant at Centenary Collea• ln Shreveport, La. where he wu the coordiriAtor ol. all fund ra1llna acttvltia, He ahlo a~t time u am61tant d1tec1oi' of the .E..t Carollna J:ducaUonal Foundation. "Mike ha.I profell.lonal tralnlna and expe- rience at a non-footbtil playtn& Oivfalon I lnatt, tuUon Uke ouraelv11,11 I>em~ aaid. "I'm con- Udent that he will provide the &eedenhip for a · irowtna and 1R.11DCm1ful athletic support pwp." Carroll la a 1976 P'aduate of NOrth Carolina Stat.e artd gained hll masters degree in 1porta adminia1J'ation from Ohio Univel"lity ln 1980. He .replaces Ray Boech on the UCI stalf. Boech rs- igned ln March. Carroll ii currently on the acene at UCI and joined the kickoff of the acbool'a fund raialna drive on Monday. , Volleyball tourney set WES'IWOOD -Paulel PavWon on the UCLA I campus will be the al te o the aixth annual Doa Equia Collegiat4' Volleyball Claalic, bellnnf.nl Fri- day night. In openki,g round matchUJll, UC Santa Barbera will face USC at 6 o'clock with the hoat Brubu aoing aoinat Penn State at 8. The Joeera play for third pfuce Saturday at 6 with the championlb.ip game Immediately following. Each of the four matches will feature a best three-of-five game format with the eXception of Saturday'• third-place match which will be two- out-of-three. Ticketa are priced at $5 for general admialion and $3 for students. Thumbless gloves for boxers? SACRAMENTO (AP) -Legislation to require thumblesa gloves in profeuionaf and amateur bo- xing and sparring matches has reached the floor of the California state Senate. The bill would alao require special pedding oo ring floors to prevent head injuries due to whipllllh. Wednesd•y, Aprll 21 NATIONAL SECRETARIES DAY Listen to KOCM FM Radio throughout this week and hear what Orange County secretaries are saying about their bosses . FM STERED tD!l.t ORANGE COUNTY MUSIC Alter himself will be 1ailing ' one of the 331 with his entire ' family aa crew. Other 1kippen are Doug Campbell and John Schuck, Lewie and John Wake (Newport Beach), Steve Curran (Marina del Rey), Lei Luby and Bob .Boyce, Robbie Haines and Bod Davia (San Die10), and Huab Curran, Dana Point. . And, of coune, there ii always the battle amona the catamaran1 and trimarans ractnc under the banner ot the Ocean Racing C.- tamaran A..>dation. Most of the multihulla will be fl1hting for first to ftnWl and a pomble new Mike Frei waa 3-for-4 inclu-dtna a double and triple, and had four RBI. Kenny EvaJ\a waa 3-for-3 while Jeff Miller was 2-for-3 with three RBI and Jeff Frei waa 1-for~3 with two RBI. l.laml and Dlrey Rota tallied to~==========;;;====~~=============~==============~==========~ give Vancouver a 4-1 edae. 'Magee's 44 is retired Greg Eberhardt went all the way to pick up the victory, allo-Winl a first innln& run and gi- vin1 up 1ix hill. He had three 1triboUta and i.ued two walb '°" tht .vm ~ The K.lnp. who h8d -tied the contest 1-1 on Marcel Dionne'• fir~t-period goal, 1ot second· period pala from Mike Murphy and Dave Taylot. l I .. ~ . . ., . . . MA.K>lt LIAOUI tTANDtNOI ~ot::.P .. ue WL"9t.Gll • 0 1.000 10 ll ,.. ... a 3 ~a s 1 4 9004 • 7 462 ." • 1 .4'2 4" 4 • ~ .... ........ ~ ••. 645 4 4 llOO ... ~ •. "5 1 4 • 400 1"41 3 5 t75 1'AI 163332 272223 ~·--­_,..3,S..nte 1' TOfonlO •..:-..: 4 OeltOll '· Cfty 2 ........_. ••• o.lllend 2 ()njygMnM~ T~eO-. _,... ,....._ 1.11 e1 a..111e1,..,ry0-n II ...,_. (F'lenagAll\ O-II •1 ao.1on l()jecl• 0-21, II T'0tonto (Leal 2..01 et ,........,.. .. (Caldwell 0-1). II ~ CU'( (Blue t· ti et Detroit (Aonme 1..0).11 ~ 1~ 1-01 ., , .... Woug11 2..0), 11• . H9w YOtk (MOtg.en 1-0) et ~(Trout t.O~ n MlnnH Oll (Wllll•m• 2·0) at O•~land (Mona. 0-2). n NeUonel LNgue ........ OtwWOn R L f"ot. Q9 lt 0 1.000 - 7 4 63e 4 5 • 456 • 5l :lt'7 4 8 333 7'At 3 • 273 • .. IWll l)ftte6eft 9 3 760 s 4 $16 2'At I 6 S4S 21At s J 417 4 3 5 375 4 3 • 213 5'At ........,. . ._... Koueton8,~4 ~ 2. Montreal 0 Siii\ OieOO t3, Sen FrtlnCitGO 8 Only ~ odleOuted ,..,..o- Houeton (Rul\le O· 11 II Dod1•r• (V~t-t).n Phll•<l•lphl• (l(rukow I· ti at MontrH I IRooerw 1·11 Chlc•go C81r-1·21 at New York cScoll l ·f). II St. Loul• (Mer tin 1· I) •t P11ttb11rgh (AllOOell 0-01. n ClndMell (Pulore 1..0) ., AllMI• CBoooll 1.0), n San Francteco 10•1• 1·0) •I SMI oi.Qo (Curtll 1-0), n ~AMLEAGW A.naetel,......_.1 C~ MATT\.E .,... . ..... ao.Mlglf 4 000 JCNJ2'» 4 110 ACWtt " 0 0 0 0 MCetll3b 5 0 1 0 LY"" cf 3 0 I 0 8oc:fM 11 4 U 1 U c... lb 3 1 0 0 l.1111 dh 3 0 0 0 AeJc:IUn rt 4 0 2 0 ....... lb 4 0 1 0 BenlQuzrt 0 0 0 0 C-Wt1 3 0 1 0 Otldl2b 3220 ~t14010 8ay!Ordh 4000 8u9r>VC 2000 o.tnc:. 3b 4 0 1 1 StrOfllr pl\ o 0 O 0 Fol .. 4 01 r fM!enc 0000 8oorl8 c 4 0 0 0 TCn.a • 3 0 t 0 ,,....... "-'.!.:. i., ~... 32 t 7 0 Callornie ~(),O" 100 01o-I S-0. 100 000 000-1 E -T CNL L08 -c.lllomla t Seer1le 11 28 -Otten 2. 0.0-. c-. S8 - J8dl_, s -c-. C...... • HRD•ee> Win (W, 1..0) 9'lo\ I I 1 S 8 Send>er I 10000 AMe(8,I) ''" 0 0 0 0 2 ...... ..._,,. (l.o-3) ..... S 2 t S 4 Ceudlll 2'At 2 ' 1 , 1 HU-Dy 5anc:MI Slfougtrter WP-W"I P&-ac-. T-2 43 A-S°,494 ... ,,.,. .......... Toronto 000 210 t 10-5 12 2 ao.ton o 10 021 ooo-10 2 Sttet>,..Mutrey Cll en<! Wl'lllt, RM>eot. Hurll (5). 0.-(I) an<! Oeomen. W -M111rey. 1· 1 l -CIHr, 0•1. HA1-Toronto, Wlllll C31. MOMOy (1~ aonn.11 (1). A-27,HS. ,..... .. ..., ... , ~ 0'1y 001 000 100-2 9 I Oetroll 000 001 02x-3 10 0 SpMtlortt. Frotl (81. Out-berry 171 llMI Wat,_; PMllnldl, 8-* (8). S-(9) an<! Wockenlue4, p.,-rien C7) W-81Uder. 2· t L-QuJMnt>erry, 0· 1 HR1-1<eneH Clly, ~In (2). 0Wol1, 0 Wlleon (I). Olbeon (I) ~I0.809 ,....... •.... , ~· 000 000 00$-S 7 1 Oelllllnd 010 001 000-2 7 0 He_,1, AlrO'(O ~ 17) an<! w.,_. ~dan<I •-0.....1~ l_, d, 14. ~OMMnd. NmM (3~ A-2:5, 15. NATIONAL LEA~ ...,.. •• Dodoef'I 4 MQWTOM LOS~ . , .. " •"". l'lifllt1 ll00CS..2tl 3110 0-2b & 1 1 C ~-al 4 1 t 1 Cruz If 4 1 2 I OMW'\' lb 4 0 0 0 Aaflby C 3211 8ell•ll 4010 Knlgtrt3b 4 1 1 1 Cey3b 4 0 0 0 A.-lb S 0 I 3 Ouer,., t1 4 1 1 0 8oond 4 0 1 0 SdoedAC 3 I 1 2 TMrl • 4 0 I 0 YM{lllf pt\ 1 0 0 0 9'1ttOllP 3110Au ..... 3000 lembllo p 1 o o o 11001on p z o o o Forti• p 0 0 0 0 AP«MIP 0000 ()rlaptl 1000 P-p 0000 Tot• 34 t t I Tot• ~ 4 5 3 Howlon ..... " ~ 004 ooo-e Loe""°""' . 121 000 ooo-f --lillMI(. Thon OP -L.oe .,,.,.... 1, LOe -ttoweon '· Loe ~ a. 29 -Kr'llllM· Ouen«o HA -8clOecle 1. 88 -Landt-JI. Aef\lly, ... .,. CNt.., -A. "-' ' ......... MWn (W.a-11 1 • 4 i 1 3 ....... , .... , 2 0 0 0 0 0 LM ...... HM!on I 44.13 ,__,IL.1·21 o a a 2 o o ,.,,.. 2 1 0001 ,,_ I 20012 HocMOn Moad 2 blltW9 In ""' tbltrl P«till' ..... ' .,.... Ill .. llllUI. W,.-HOOIOll, lullOrl. T-2 51, ,._. ...... ............ -.. P ... Olillflll' '111111 ..... BID 000 000-2 8 0 ..... 000 000 000-0 , 0 0.. .... llMJA. ,~,,.., (t} -oi.: ,_ ........ 1119 c.w. ·~-. "1. .._ .......... 1.1. ,._ tO. tOa. LA Open Tournament. . Home sought The Mlulon Viejo "tdadorea IWlm team • lookln1 for homH to HICllllCMOOL .... °'I c...... ... v ... ~ .-c...... ........ .,....l dates are changed pltct .n&ot, ou\.-Of-tiato 1.nd f orelan ewlmmera tor the comlni 1u.mmer eeuon. "'" '.. ......... ...... CoiOlla • M., •. • o -_,,, .,,., .,, 'JlolOf-~ ..... .... When the men'• POA tout OOtn9 to UMwWty --.Ao.,;:\ -0-L. ._.. - -~I ......... ~ 'a 0 I ~---· liWft::I ,, .. ·----+-"":IUloM.lll&l;D.l~LU.&ll'JJIA& ln.J,n~r.yL-NV· ~ The 1wlmm•t1 pay $22~ per month lor food and 1odat.n.1. Trantpona- tJon will be provided by the team. r.~ --; ~ l :~ "'-~' eral date chancee t..vo ~ maae t'or I~ 4 • 0 I .,......,...._...,..._. •~-... ......_.. 2: 1°83 HOWARD L. HANDY lJTOIO t I 0 4 ........ ~~-_ • .,....., .. ,, .. I, .. ' •. • HlwP«1 "811>0r , 1 0 6 -oftdl deil VlfOINI Wldt, 1.e, M : Amon& the chqet ll IWitchina of •.._..,.•O-t•1'> :=...~ ..... _._..w ... i; the Loe Anaelet Open to J1n. lS·l6 ="":'r.ranci. e.o *' ...,_. ...... .,.., along wtlh the 1wltch to Rancho Park Re1ldenu with 1pare rooma are uraed lo 1ld the provam by houttn.g 1 1wlmmer for the 1um-~r 19e>nth1. There are 25 twlmmera expected with Judy Hermann u houalng chairman. For further lnformaUon, ca1J 809-8088. ~ Hetl>Or at El Toro Hltlh ~ Golf Count from Rivi ta. eor-cM1 llf •1 Cott•,_ ......-n t.n. '" ~ u The.LA Opep will be the second aTMU~~ ~ ..... V_,.,. 5, 019e 4, (V~ IMde ..-3-1) °'**= 1, ao.1011 a i..-lllid 2-21 CNc:ejlo 7, 81. LOUii 4 COlago ._,. -net J.11 NY teian<lerw 6, NY f'leneert 3 ( ........ IMO...-3-1) ....... .,..ca-. ....... 1v--Qu9bec •I Bolton NY~atHY~ CNcaeo al St L.ooM ,,...,..o-a. VWlQOIMlf at IC ..... (ii_.,, a-al Ouabec: S!, Louie at Qlic.ao (If~ NTlelandartatNY~(lf_.,, ....... o- 1( ... at Vafle:OU¥W (If -vi QWbec 91 Botton (II _.,, NY~ II NY lelendat9 ti(~ ~ 111 St. Loulll (If ~I Cenudta 5, Klftae 4 .,_.._,~ VllnC()U\'9t 1 3 t-6 Lot AngelN 1 2 1-4 Plrtt ...... 1 Vancouver. 8ol<1lrev 2, 8·oe. 2. Lo• Angele•, [)jonne 7 (Evan•. Tlvtorl. 16·23 Penetllff -Hllnll•. Ven, 4 f2; 8nepell, VNI, 12:61; Ev-. LA, 12"-61; H.,..,d, Vel\, 13;48; Smith. LA. 15:35: Wlltlarna, Vfn, 1804 e.c..ld,..... 3 v-.-, Fr-I (Stnyl, Otaoln). 31 4 Va ncouver . Wlllltrnt 3 (lloldlrn, Delorme), e 19 5 Vencouver. Aola 2 CHllnlle Smyl). 8 02 I Lo• Angel ... M Mufphy 2 CEYen1), 8 OS 1 lo• AnoelM. T •}'tor 4 CL Mufillly, ~). 11 08 ~ t• -L Mufl>ll'Y, LA 7 21, Elcletbrlnll, Van, t-4&. w....,,., v ......... ~ • 4t M Murpfty, LA, rne1or•rnlec:o11duct. t 46; ~LA. 12::21. Molln,VNI, 1119 ~,.,... I Vancouver Colcllfev 3 (Wllllarn1 eeuendl. 1 4 1; 8 Lo• Angal ... Smith 3 CH<IC*lnl. Korabl. t:! 40 Penally -Fr- V.,., 71)0 Siio!• on goal -v~ W-6-11 LOI Angeiea 13-12· 12-37 Goellee -v~. llfoo.i< Lot An ~.~<I 1(-. A -lt,005 Loe AIMtltoe _,..,AV"I MIUl.n , ... ., ....... ...__..,.., '1RST UCL Ona mlCI pace Mlllerldl (S~) 32 20 12 40 t.20 HowdY Oir1 (T,.,.,.btay, 7 00 4.AO Mn M (V ... IOll~) UO Aleo rll08d: SllMge MaPc. 0.-o.ndy, Mdyl ac.,..,.. ~. T~ Ami Aid« Time' 21>50 II DACT A (8-61 paid I 144.20 MCC*D RA«:a. Ona ..... tr04 Deir Sir (Ac:k ....... ) 7 00 3 llO 2 80 MO(• Me4aor (Goutar1al 3 to 3 40 Eltl• Collr'9 ,.._, 4 80 AleO _,., Ollllon. llNlop\I ~. No-* Ault. SOu1tl ,,..,,,, ,..,..,, nm. 2,040 ....., RAC«. One l!lla ... Adlll.a, "* 1-.YI 4,00 2 llO 2 80 Cloudt>uaW (V .... .,.,.,, ... , 4 40 3 40 A.-ChaM (Ford) 4 80 Aleo <teed. Kentuclll.,,~:t• Prt1elou• c-. Mtt(1 Anglll. Maid. Fltwi QWloa. UlaM a-otaee T1rne 2 05 215 a RXACTA c1..e1pelCI 127 40 'OUll'TH RAC«i Ona mite pace 8colc:fl and KaNua (Mr•I $S 80 17 20 7 20' F~ ao-(Adletmen) 10.20 1.00 ~ 8anOO (Oennlll • 60 Aleo flCad: Ao•elan<I llrel, Ltve Wl<e, T"°"*11. "'*''°"'Don. 8IWIM 0.-. Tim« 2:00 4tS WTH UCL One rNlt pace 0enera1Sito.er1ero011an> 29.40 14 eo e oo AlllOml (Hllll 200 8.00 Manlal (KueOlltl 2. 40 Alto r~; Mr Orll\MI Bell. FroallllOrd, Aoyt11 Signll. My 01<9CI Knlgtlt, Bert 0 1111· ....... Tl\tin llWI Timr 2:03.0 t:l IXACTA (1-31 paid $241.80 lfXTit RACL Ona mite pace &r*anl JKtlJe CCrogllen) 10 80 3 80 3 20 Wlllt«e (lOOCIJ 2 80 2 llO Ory 8** (Gouclf..,I 2 80 .A18o r-*' Terpon llladt. Phoenix Jack. Go4d cr-nr--201.0. ICVDfTI4 RAC&. Ona ....... ~ .... AllO (Perry) 21 40 9 to 4 40 OoC W-(~ 12AO 5 40 ~· 81IPc* (,..,.•) uo Aleo ,.__,. Monl«er HM!,..,, A Helen. Andye 01n1, Fler• Oon. Hvlll.,. Sfled-. ~Rae. Time 2113 215. • IXACTA (M) paid 118 to • '9Cll ea (3-1-2-1-S-1) paid 122.0f4 eo "'411\ -WWWWIQ IJC:H l l,_ ~I ~ Pldc Six~ paid U2 80 wllll IO~ uc1<e11 (lour f\or-) 12 Pleil Sia ecretcli COlll Ol•tlon paid SH 80 wllh 13 wl11nlng tldcMI (lllr• ~. one acraldll IHNIMll (HH)~~: Pautt011, a.e. 10 event on the t6ur next year with the MaMinH , 2•1 , lo Ma r,OllH, 4•1.1. def, Tuclon Open ~t~ the leUOO Under It will pay a donation of 10 percent of the prize to a charity or 1ehool of the golfe r'• ch oosing. It also pays five percent of the prile for a runner-up award for the golfer who oomee clo- aett to the pin after a hole-In-ope. z.eni.e1-11, e.a: ""*"°' "'"'· loel 21 , '"· 6 h b H D 1.e. WOii 1-4: .i-a.1)'«1 (HH~ WOii t-2. way Jan. . e o ope eaert e.1. e-1• e-o: JoM ,,..,.,.. IHH> 1oa1 , ... WOii c1a11lc follow• the LA Of en, Jan. e.i, e.a .. e.o. o.-.. 19-23 with the remainder o the wett Conll.,.M.,. .. \HHI IN* 1111t11 °'Y'°'-· .......... -hedule u follo..,.· l·I, 1·1, d., O lv•r·t ro111n, 1·2, 1·1; ,..._.. -..... ltan .... Hll)'t (HH~ toet .. , •.. 1: "* 1... Phoenix Open, Jan. ~7-30; Bing • • • WREN THE SATCHEL CLUB be· nefit tournament le staged a l Sanl8 Ana Country Club next Monday, Ram players will be very much In eviden- ce. Included In the group who have signed to play In the shotgun 1tart tournament are J eff Rutledge, Rich Saul and Bill Bain. Don Kloetenna.n vice president of the Rama, ia ala~ 1eheduled to play and speak at the dinner i.n the evening. t-7 Crosby National Pro-am, Feb. 3-6; Hawaiian Open, Feb. l0-13; and the San Diego ()pen Feb. 11.20. .,......~ ..... l(rllQlll (I) dll. Yl t-. dal. Predo, Ml: dal Tren. ·e.o. toae to le, '"· IMw (II -W, e.1,w ,to111..e,ve1uooo1-e.1,e.1. M . IOl1 M : l't'9m (I)_. 6-0, .. 2, M . 1-1 0....... Hatper·~ (I) deil VU-~f•, t-1, 7.e, 1plll wllll Ph&m·luo119, t-:•. 0-t, Yono· ~ Cll IOll1 ...... H ; I081 , ... a.e NAIL ~:c:-••I W L CWGAW"'8 20&2&11 2041 4HI c:--TorOlllO Mon11NI ~ 1 1 2 1 2 8 0 2 1 3 1 1 ......Mm CIMeMft For1 lluderd... 2 I 8 1 7 19 Jadl.c>rwMte 1 2 7 • 7 13 flfllC)a 8ay I 2 5 8 6 II TulM I 2 2 4 2 8 ... ._DtwWaft ~OleOO 3 0 5 0 4 22 .,...,lltld 2 0 3 1 2 12 VlnCICIU¥9r 1 2 3 5 3 9 S..JoM 1 1 1 3 0 4 ...,,.. 031 4 11 Edmortlorl 0 I 0 2 0 0 SI• poln1• .,, ..,.,ded tor • regUletlon or ~ ~ """" polm;a IOr • llhootout victory 011• bonu• point lor every goal ~ wllfl 1 m&Almum ol IN• per QMl8 Ho bollut point 11 -ded for _,.,,. or --.ouc OC*I- ~ • • . . . " Softbatl c-llllltJ c.....,. ~C.-1,C~I Ortn119 Caul 200 003 1-8 7 2 C1'1"9y 04 I 000 0-S 4 1 Ch&mb•"· Culp 131 an<I Cruz, OeMareo and Henck•I W-Culp L-OaMarc:o. 38-Ptlrone (OCC). Chamber1 COCCI HR-Culp cocci o.wcia (Cl .. ~ ""'"""1 ta, •• t M 11Dad1 1 8~ 000 t00 0-t I 9 \Jnl¥wllly 408 200 x-12 10 1 Orotc:O. L-(SI llflO 1#11«, Fu en<I Wl-"-IPOOfl. OMdl W -Fu L-Oroec;o 28 -Fu (U). llfOW<I M 311 ,...,.,et CBI HR -~ (Ul Oa1c.N CUI .... Melethon MIN T8"•~ 1. Alberto S--, ~.Ore., 2:0t 51 2 Olclll• 8Hrd1ley, Auth City, Minn , 2 08 63 3 Jollll Lodwlc:tl, T-2.12: 01 4 . 8llt Ao40W•. 9heirborn, M-, 2 12.U. S l()ll-£tlll 8teN, 8-i... 2 12.4& .. oarw. E Rinde, kn LUii Ob119o. 2 15 04 7. Terry L 8ell.ar, Wlllemaclor1. MCI , 2'18 32 t Aldi L. CelllOll, lllQua, ONo, 2: 18.35 9 Aobert H W.,._, Omaha. Ne«>. 2.17 11, 10. Ben Morturi. Danlon, T-. 2 17·30 1 t £ow.ns F SMeMn. Tror. Al•, 2:17:43 12, TilorNI A Antciak, L•Crou•. Wla .• 2:17:48. 13 Louie M. Kenny, John10,. City. T•nn .. 2:17 llO 14. Haken Splll, Flnlalld, 2:17•63. , .. 0-... .. -..., c.... ...... lr17.M. 1•. 8rillft L. MM .... lletlltlw. 2:17.&t. 17. Johll H. llMlll~. T---. H.J., 2:1l:OI. 11. tell T. Rey, hllMuty W11t1, EllQIMd1 I: 11: I 1, 18 ... FW., Jedi_,..,~, ~11' 19, 20 AoUlftd M. Oevlde, C-try, A I , 2: It: 18 21 9udd L. Coat-. ~ PL. 2: 19:'i. 22 nw:i.-Q. Howerd, 8utrey, llrftlah Coloo umllla, 2 19.17. 23 Juan Zet1111, OentOll, T-2 20 00 Rldlar<I II OISebMUein Up- per Duby. Pa 2 20..02 ~5 R.ayrnono .J Hintz Mlcltl«I Wit 2 20 04 WOWM I Cherlo11e THll• Well Ge rmany 2 29 33 2 Jecquel•n• OarHu Canada 2 M 09 J E.-0 Cllugue Secr-'o. 2 31 46 4 Kiili Swe1gu1 Oar1er1 Conn . 2 31 41 S Shirley Kay Ouf'lecN, Euo-. Or• 2 40 4 7 e t<atrrv A Moe.tor ._,on 2 41 12 1 Jutta ltphor<11ng. Clnelnn111. 2 43 31 8 Zenave Scf\moell, lwNI, 2.44 00 t Slwtey J Flllllen Somartet. N J , 2 44 09 10 Nlll'CY Mielleull. !lliffalo. NY, 2 44 18 It Henr1ella F .. a. Au.Irle, 2 44 4$ 12 Se- re/\ O °"""'·New Yon. 2 4$ oe 13 Cyt1111ta W LOftnlOlll. CharlottNVllle. Va . 2 48 02 14 An<lrta M Ray, Ov .. le11<1 Park, i<.n , 2 •• 40 I& Uncle J Edgar, Feoeral Wey. Wuh .. 2 47 23 11 M11llyll A Hlllak, Hew York, 2.47 2• 17 Kirn 8urn1, FlllY9fa, Ar • 2 47 H 18 Kare A CoeuboOll-HQlrn, vie.. 10<. N Y • 2 47 &8 19 l(iUy A OontJOlo. l(en1. ONo. 2·48 14 20 t<Men O. Co90r-. Clf1.. ctnnall, 2 41 411. 21. Jackie C. lutfMY, Au. trllla. 2:49.12. 22. ~ F. luplce, Newlon Upper F• MMe., 2:49.37. 23, SlwOll A 8arbtnO, HeW1onlltlle, MUt • 2.S0.20. 24 Mecldy Hwnallno. Marrtdl. N.Y .. 2:50.34. 25. hlh Ol1llnvtr. lllecllabulg. va .. 2'.&0-40 TheMONYTournamentofChim- piona will be at.aged at La Costa, April 21 -24 following t he Sea P lnee- Herltage Claalc l.n.atead of the Maiten. DEATHS ELSEWHERE And the one golf fans here are waiting for. the PGA Ctwnpion1h1p. will be staged at Riviera Country Club. Aug. 4-7. MANY OF THE PLA YE.RS at the Tournament of Champlon1 thi.a paat weekend in La Costa felt that playing this tournament the week a ft.er the Masten wu a problem to them . With a week to real up or play In the Heritage aa they .ee fit, the T of C atan should be happier next year . • • • SUSAN O'CONNOR BEARD, a for- mer member of Mesa Verde Country Club and a touring LPGA golf star for wveral years, gave birth to her second child, a daughte r named Bridget Beard and weighing in at six pounclB. 15 o unces. O'Connor married PGA professional Frank Beard on New Yeat's eve, 1980. C INCINNATI (AP) - Betty Blah~~ l. foraier pre11d~n1 o r the Delta Quc>en Steamboat Co .. dltod Tut'Sday T om Kite had a good round on Saturday and credited hl1 Improved play to a mirror in his room. ·•1 made a change last night after watching myself In the mirror as I was swinging a club In the room," Kite said. "l waa over swinging and losing control at the top of my swing. ''I tend to go a little past parallel anyway but not as much as I was doi.ng. My caddy watches for some of my other faults like not being.lined up right or when I take the club inside on my backlwing." All of the players on the tour have problema like the weekend goUer at varloua times during their careers Kite feel.I he will be improving now that he ha.a found one of hia faults by looking in a mim>r. • • • GOLF TOURNAMENTaponaors now have an option of taking out insurance against a hole-In -one during their eventa. ~ The Santa Ana branch of Fireman's Fund Insurance Companies has a po- licy to cover the cost of a prize for such an ace. Another feature of the policy is that Three other players on the LPGA tour are expecting in the near fuxturc Including Laura Baugh Cole, Cindy Kessler and Gail Touchi.n • • • WHEN SALLY LITTLE firushed an a lie for third and won $8.000 ln the CPC International at Hilton Head Wand last weekend, she became the earliest LPGA star to reach the $100,- 000 mark. Little bas won $103,788 tn nine eventa this year Donna Caporu was the earliest winner of $100,000 prior to that time when she topped the figure in the 12th event or the 1980 season . Guthrie leads GWC With four pla')'ers 1COnng m double figures led by Jill Guthrie's 28, Gol- den West College handed VlStting Rio Hondo College a 102-68 defeat in Southern CaHfomia Conference wo- men's basket.ball action Monday. J oining Guthrie in double figures were Carol Krikorian with 21, Teresa Rea with 20 a nd Janet Ramaekcrl with 14. Area youths ·honored Harbor Boys Club lauds basketba~l teams The Boya Club of the Harbor Area recently honored the top players from its intramural wketball teams. The ,..award wlnners and All-league players from grades 3 and 4 were: Tim Leonard (offensive player of the year). Jeff Edler (deferwve player of the year), Brett Dieball (free thrower of the year), Scott Ehrllnger (most improved), BiJly Slow (best passer), Mike Haas (best rebounder), Laase Holmea (Mr. Hustle), Eric Watson (sportsmanship), Adrian Trujillo, Mike Breithaupt, J ason Farr, Jesse Lavere , Tim Pieper, Lyle Hall, J eff Williams and Dave Patti!IOn. From grede 5 were: Andy Scholes (oUenaive player of \he year), Tom Twaddell (defensive), Tim Stickler (free thrower), David Graham (most improved), Tony Mertz (beet pager). Peter rhraaher (best rebounder). Jesee Stuart (bustle), Court Bickmore (sportsmanship). Robby Powen, Sean Mooney, Zach Blair, Barry Dishon. Brandy Tratar. R.ewe Hartman, Jon Gray, Juon Achtoyd. Grade 6 honorees w e re: Terry Bryant (offense), Greg Farfan (d efense), Mi k e Hardin (f ree throw ing), Dennis Porcher (most 1J1lproved), Eric Hestin&ton (~r). Sean McMilhan (rebounder). Alex. Dorman (hus tle), Bob Felde (sportsmanship). Mike Rusick. St.eve Madigan , Mike S tudebake r , Todd Brooks, Drew Sherward, Paul Kos, R.W. Henson. Tom Sampson. Gary Linberg, Steven Wright. Seventh-grade award wmners and all-league players were: Eddie Caron (offense). John Drake (defense and free thrower). Ronnie FeUboum (m08t improved), Andy Green (best passer). J ohn Harrison (rebounder). Andy Crinella (hustle). Dean Blo wers (sportsmanship), Mark Cralf. Mason Thompson, John Shur. Bil Meeks, Danny Lindsay, Lou Ton, Mike Ri- chie, Kyle Mooney, Kenny Shelton. From grade 8: Jeff Young (of!ense), Rich Kusick (def~). Pat Feller (free thrower), Paul Rk hley (most improved), David Blackman (beat passer), Dan Burke (~der), Curt C randall (hustle), M orr is Lee (s~rt.smanahip), Freny Trejo, J ohn R1char<h, Mitch Pelichowski. Adam Wallburger. Kevin McClelland The sports director ia Kevin Vann and Harlan Andersen 11 the branch director. OCC, Uni triumph Seniors tourney Blated .for May Jan Culp did a n outstanding job in a re· lief pitching role a nd added to her own triumph with a seventh lnn1na home run to give Orange Cout College a 5-4 non-conference wo- men 'a softball victory 9ver hoot Ch1ffey CoJ - leJe Monday afternoon. A seniors tournament and the first annual Western Orange County lnv\tational will take place ln May. The Senion event !A acheduled for May 1, 2, 8 and 9 at Santa Ana College with all player& 60..and-owr eligible to en\er linglee, doubles and ml.xed doubte.. JERUSALEM (AP) - Reary Mealor, 76, a n American Jtw who plaJ'ed a leadmg role In flnandng arm1suppliesto1.arael ln ha early yean, dled. PARIS (AP) -Lotlla de Galrlllpod, 71, lorelin ml· niater ln the late 1970. '!_Jl· der President Valery yl· acard d'E1taing, died Thursday. DllTH IDTICll DELAUNE ANNA DELAUNE. ag(' 86, a l"\11denl of Chicago, Tl \ lmol.S Passed away Sunday April 18, 1982 in Huntl.tig· l.Ofl Beach. Ca Beloved ltio· th<·r of Lows F Delaune of Hu.nungwn Beach, Ca. also surv1v1ng are 3 grandcf>il· .,.. dren and 2 gre;p '!randch1ldren, 1 b rot6er CharJ~ Repp of Chicago,. II hnms Privale funeral Rr· VICU will be conducted and mtcmnent will Lake place Ln St. Casm1r's Cemetery, Ou cago, lllino1.1 Pierce Brothers Smith.t' Mortuary d1rect0rs I 536-6539 SHEAR ' DALE M S HEAR, reJt· dent of Miulon Vie,o, Oa Passed away on April 16. 1982 Survived by his w'1e Bette, dapghter Otalpe Sammell of Dllrlen. Illinch. aon Don et home, 2 gra.r;l- da u ahlen K athleen atd Karen alto of Darien, n)t· notS, brother Gene Shur of R1vel"IKie, Ca , and sister Bee Dudley of Laguna Bea~. Ca , mother F1orence Shear of HunUngton Beach, Ca. Memorial ~rv1ce1 will l>e held on Wednesday. April 21. 1982 at 2:00PM at the M11slon H il h C hrlttia n Church with bunaJ at eea. In lieu of flowers the family requnta donations be ma~e lO the American Cancer So- det v. DVKENS GEORGE A . DYKENB, re111dent of Costa Mesa, Ca Pa11ed away on April (8. 1982. Survived by his w¥e Dorothy. l son Sgt. JamH Oykens of Fort Hood, T= 3 daughten. Patrioa Oyki of Costa Mesa. Ca., Shi a Campbell o f Tacoma . Wathlngton and Marga.i'i!l C hlaey of Glendale. Ca. ln lieu o f flowers the famly requeeta donauons be macle to your favorite charlt, . Neptune Soaety ln charge 'pl arranaementa . HAllOl LAW"-MT. OUVI M orlu<1rv • ~meterv Cremalory 1625 Gisler Ave 1 Co!ila Mesa &•O 5554 "llCI llOTHIH 111.L llOADWAY MOHU .. 'f 110 Broadw1v Costa Mesa 642 91.50 IALTZllBGH°" $Mln4 I TVTHtU. In a hiah .:hool pme. Marcia l'u 81 tched a one-hitter M nlveralt)''I Trojans toppled Saddle-beclt. 12-1, ln S-Vlew i.e.,u. 8ctior\. Appllattiona are available in the New Horizona office and in aree tenlUI clube. A $10 entry fee ll r19~lred with further Information avaU.able by cam.r,. 817-8013. '!be Wettern 0nnce County btvUaUonal wW be held at Golden West Coll• May 1&, te, 22 Md 23. Dltries cloee May 3 with PJ,ayera Umlt.ed to two event.. WHTCUHC ...... 427 E 17th St Costa Mesa e.t~9371 ,_ClleOTtmJ SMl'nfl' MDITUAlY • 827 Main St ~nhnQIOI\ Beach ~ Culp took over the pltcbln1 dull.a In the third innlftl with the Pf,.. ulH tralllnl 4-2 ind aave up a home run in her flrat tnn1n1 on th• mound. Aftar tb'.lt, the aettled down to holCl ChAffey ....... fot' lha final four fiarnl9. 8h.rl P•&rone and Ronda Chamben Ht'h hlid two hlw ~ • ~~· ror UilhlliikY, •am11 Nlcboti:aad ·Marll,.r a.. ........ 9"91 ........ 1\1'• .. ..... •1 •• CompeUUon wlll be ln men'• and women'• atnp. .nd doub* fot' open. B, C and D playen. Entry t• ii $10 fot' tinllet and $18 fell' .-ch doubla team wt\h draw. limited to 32 in .ch dlvll&on . For further lnfonn1don. cell 638-5484 . • New members ~ught ' • • .Tll am Ill Ill COUNTY I TUESDAY, APRIL 20, 1982 CAVALCADE COMICS 82 83 'Chubby' ban kers draw Erm a Bomb eck 's inter t . See Page 8 2. 0 D t~I~\ t ~--~ u: I More beaches , Will ·Fairview Hospital kids get their own playground?· I I I' more police KE EPING THE PEACE: Alas, it may be a sorry com- ment upon oo.r times, but mounting evidence sugg~ you can nQ longer have the government simply go out and grab some open space and call it a park. You need some cops, too . . If you don't have the cops, the record tends to show you can have miacreants and other bad guys take over the new park area and use the place as a battleground. This practice tends to --------r.\ discourage regular folks from ln TOI MURPHINI ~I' w'tlnting to go to the open ,~ ' place and g e t their p icnic --------.-..'--I._._ baske t r ipped off and their blanket slasheQ up for use as rope. · Mile Square PMk in Fountain Valley isn't brand new. It's been around awhile. But now that the weather is getting wanner, bigger crowds can be anti~ipated at the place. J UST THIS P AST WEEKEND, a gang war broke out at the place and one young man murdered and a second sent to the hospital with multiple knife wounds. This isn't the kind of thing you expect at a place like Fountain Valley. But it happened. The warring factions were from out of town. Similarly in summers past, the state-controlled Bolsa Chica Beach off Huntington Beach became a favorite spot for certain gangs from out of town to gather and fight it out. This tends to be discouraging for families with small children. NEW PARKLANDS DOWNCOAST are now becoming increasingly popular and with bud_get restrictions as they are Good heavens! Here they come and not a poru-potty in sight! today. you are left to wonder just how much policing will be evident in places like Crystal Cove , Scotchman's Cove or El Morro Beach. There have been some suggestions that the state ranger force may be stretched pretty thin along our stretch of coastline. Boo7.e is often qujte evident on the state beaches and the fire water tends to fire up some of the rowdier elements to visit the shoreline to guzzle. They would be clapped in irons for such behavior on municipal beaches and parks of our re- gion. Most people, however, go to our beaches and parks in search of a little tranquility. They would like to enjoy some sun, sea bree7.e5 and allow their kiddies to splash around a bit. They do not go to all this trouble just to get bonked over the cranium with an empty beer bottle. They do not want to find the family beach blanket abruptly a no-man's-land be- tween two warring factions armed with knives and zip guns. SO THE SEASON is now just ahead of us. A lot of new open apace has been given considerable ink and will be much better known to the multitudes this summer than it was ir1 seasons past. There has been an all-fired rush to get these ne w areas open to the people. In some quarters, there has also been worry if we are really prepared to provide the support ser- vices necessary to properly handle the throngs that can be expected. Opening beaches and parks is one thing; a big hurdle to be sw-e. But being prepared for the users, with proper policing, llf eguards, emergency services, parking, restrooms and food concessions ii another question. _ So here comes summer. And we shall see. Money for park runs out By JODI CADENHEAD Ofttlel>llllr .......... The Christ.maa spirit was spil- ling over two years ago when a Ne wport Beach businessman took out an advertisement seek- ing community s upport for a park at Fairview State Hoepital in <Asta Mesa. Two local landscape architects, Robert B o rW.wick and Will Yocum, saw Al Douglas' ad and volunteered to design the park. A waitress sent $40 m cash saved from a night's tips. Donations of cash and supplies po ure d in at first and the n trickled down to a couple of dol- lars here and there -a bush , some cement, a couple of trees. Douglas ran a nother a d last Christmas. But now it's April, 1982, and to tell you the truth -not a lot is happening. Most of the $13,000 raised so far has come from Douglas' own pocke t. Borthwick and Yocum are still active ln the project, but say work has come to a gnnding halt until more funds can be rai- secl. "It could be done in three w eeks tf w e had the mone y," Yocum sald. About $15,000 worth of dona- ted shrubbery re mains in cans until they can pay someone to plant th em . About $17 ,000 is needed. The Enid Lathrop mini park, named after a woman who reti- red last year as d irector of Vo- lunteer Services, will serve all the mentally disabled children at the hospital. , So far the two landscape ar- chitects have transformed what was a hall acre of bare ground with a swingset into an area with ge ntly sloping sidewalks and priva t.e rucular picnic spota. They envision swaying brid- ges, tree-lined paths, a dry bed strea m and picnic areas where the youngsters can come w ith their families. • PARK STALLED -Tony Ponce (above) does some spadework on the park under construc- tion at Fairview State Hospital in Costa Mesa, "I don't think our kids should Jive i n a dr a b oa tm e al environment:• said Pamela Hea- ly, a re habilitatio n the rapist, who's been helping get the park plans off the ground. "They de- serve everything that the kids on the outside get." But a lack of st.ate funds has meant that the kim at the hos- pital have had to get by with outdated equipment and inade- quate play yards, she said. One of the problems has been that the a bility of the children has declined over the years as more and more have gone to live outsJde the hospital. Man y of the mentally disabled youngsters between 8 and 21 years old have a hard time even playing on the swinga, said Ms. Healy. "Our kids need a play area that's fun and challenging," she said. Anyone in terested in making a donation to the Lathrop park can write Ms. Healy at Fairv iew State Hospital, Program V, 2501 Harbor Blvd .• <Asta Mesa or c.all 957-5228. Dlllly Not .....,.. by ~etridl O'DonMI while leaders o f th·e project (be low) s tudy plans. From left are Robert Borthwick, Pam Healy and William Yocom. Working mothers told to share burden .,. -· .. UCJ seminar sp eak er urges Jess g uilt, better m an agement o f m om s' tim e By STEVE TRIPOLI Ot IM O.lly Nol Staff Better time managemen t, less guilt and a great.er distribution or household chores are needed i r the working mother is to perform effectively both at work and at home. Those were some of the main messages at a seminar for wor- king mothers conducted over the weekend at UC Irvine. The seminar, spoll50red by the university's Women's Opportuni- ties Center, also dealt with the increased need for child care and the movement to make b~ more responsive to the needs of working mothers. h Psycnotberapist lorla Sk- lansky, keynote apeaker at the event, sald the entry of large numbers of mothers Into the workforce has created dilemmas for them. A working mother herself, Ms. Sklansky said "we really feel we have to juggle all the balls in the air at the same tune. We sort of feel we've got to do It all." Despite the {act that working "When you're working, some- t hing has to give and choices have to be made." Ms. Sklansky said. She encouraged working mothers to drop their guilt by re-examining old values and as- "W1'n you're working, something has to give ... '' mothers often contribute sub- stantially to their family's econo- mic well-being, and the fact that their outside work helps them to grow as people, many still feel some guilt over leaving full-time motherhood, Ms. Sklansky aaid. "Most of us feel that a little of lt (guilt) ls good, that it shows you care, but that's a cop-out," 11he said. sessing the con.sequences of what they are doing. She also encouraged mothers to change their family's habits and expectations. "Those around you are no t to expect service anymore, and family jobs should be split among the family." she said. Ellen Jones, a representative of the Children'• Home Society o{ California, outlined wha t she called the con tinuing and acuie dilemma of c hild care for the workillR mother. Orange County, "which is no di fferent from the r est of the United States," h as a serious s hortage of after-school child care faci lities and facilities for children under two years old, she said. South O range County n.. an especially sen ous problem, she said. Former labor organizer Blll Fogarty told the sem inar that pressure on elected officials and business leaders is needed if child care needs are to be met. Fogarty cited statistics from companies across the United Stat.es which have instituted on- sit.e child care, showing decreued absenteeism, lncreue<l produ~ vity and le.a turnover of valuable workers in those flrma. State panel gets Bolsa • issue Thursday Companies which take child care Into their own hands alto reap public relations and tax ad- vantages. he said. Ways of effectively ualng'tlme u a workln, mother abo wee discussed. Among the suss•· Propert.les Inc., of Irvine. In addition, boat.in& advocate. have puabed for a marine and a navlpble channel to the ocean, two propoaala opposed by the environmentallat 1roup, Loa Amlp de BolM Chka. Key lnaredhmtl to the deve- lopment plan pNViowly approv- ed by the Orana-County Board of Supervllon lndude: -O.V.lopment of 5,,00 rH· lden\laJ unltl on 1,200 acm of tM lowlandl. -PrteervaUon of eoo ICnll of manhland1 (includiq th• aoo acrH alre•dl own1il b)' lht ...... ) . -0.dan of a IOC).fool Mvt• 11bl1 ocean acce11 from t h• ....... -Dnelo.....,t of 1 martu that would IMlude l ,IOO bolt llt•t·~~ ColNI C nt:hilt• _ .. -'" Dtrww M .... I L. ,._ ... , 11 urging the aiate commluton to turn down the plan. He auerta the propotal gene- rally Umlfa re1toratlon of wet- lands and tt alJeaedly holdl down acce11 to the manhland and bech. week's announcement U)at atate Sen. Paul c..rpenter, l)..Cyprem. has re-ln\tOduced lelialatlon that would remove the llolaa Chica from the ju rl1dlc:tioo of the coutal commisaion. His measure wu approved by the 1tate Senate, but wu bottled up last yee.r in the Aaembly. tlona: . • -Cut down on en~. -Develop a 1ehedule that~ Iowa you to be home after ~ hours. County sets lun(ls -Cook on weekend• and treeie the extra meal• for u.e durll\I LM week. -DMde ~ chorw. -Share your tncome wllll . . for senio~ agencies family member• aecordln1 .a.t their contrtbuuom ol Mio. -Set a1idt 1p9dal dine fw ~ and cb6ldnt\. • 0..... County tQWnU•IMlt la 1cceptTn1 1ppllcat •on1 from 1pvtn PfOYldtnf Mt"VkMll '° ""'°" ddllftl for f ... iNllklla tn f 9dera1 Older ArnHttan1 Act '~ , ... .,.. ........ ... -... ,.,-= =r=-' ~ ...... ......... Any ~ mun be wtWna to -Let relallvu and frle provide 10 perc:ent of l&a own know that ~' P1anl to w Midi .... llftJ I Ulwd bf.me ..... I nl'W .... JMni .....,.. ...,.,......L dem11N11 on yCMa. aacl lhat Appl ......... '*** Will Mw ........... b1 .lie ••"~ a.ftlOr •rv1on uc., , ... , ,....... .. ..,.,..,.. Offtee, IOl·C N. lli'iHW•f· ~· ..... .AM.""' .,,.... •. -.... ,,, ..... .... rur1her l•for••IYe .. , M ......... • ._.. .... .. '''""-•• '-1 ••l•tlto•lnl IUf If •la•r IN.'.Uy la ... &T. ~ • , • ... •I .. . I I ; . Orenge Oout DAILY PtLOT/TUMday, April 20, 1982 •ANN LANDERS •ERMA BOMBECK •HOROSCOPE ·Parents to blame for kid's public tantrums DEAR ANN LANDERS: I was i'nter· eeted l'n the comments from your readers who were fed up with kids yelling and throwing tantrums 1n reataurants. May I add my nickel's worth?' . Kida who misbehave 1n public behave that way elsewhere. The reuon -their perenta are unwilling to expend the energy to keep them In line. While the kids get the a}auy stares', it's the parents who are to 61.ame. For example: I worked all day Sunday preparing a 1ourmet di~ner with all the trimmings. When 10 of us sat down to a bea4Uful meal. the 9-jev-old daughter of friends began to pout and whine becauae ~ didn't like any- thing that was eerved: Her mother begged Iler to at least trY a few dishes. The child retu.ed and crawled under the table. The mother, a college-educated woman, crawled under ithe table with her. I heard the mother say, "It's all right, Honey -if you don't want to eat anything we will buy you a hambUrger on the way home." Our children are far from perfect, but RIDING FOR A FALL -Britain's Princess Anne wrestles with her mount Stevie B, as she heads for a fall at a water jump during the from an early age they \were taught how to behave when they ate in the homes of relatives and friends, and we have never had any trouble with them in restaurants. - IT HAPPENED IN K.C. DEAR K.C.: I feel sorry for tbat yous1ter. She 11.golng to bave real tro9ble la tclaool wltll botb teachers and cl••· 1matea. And lier ipotber will probably wonder wby tbe girl bat DO frleadt. DEAR ANN LANDERS: Please help me with a problem. It's ·my fianoe. He wore a ponytail when we started t.o date .in the '70s. It was not so unusual at the time. He told me he would. get his hair cut when his parents celebrated their 25th wedding an- niversary -as a present to them. (niey a1ao dialiked hia long hair.) wen. he changed his mind and gave them a picture he painted himself. He still hasn't cut hJs hair. Can you imagine how long it is? I have to beg him to shave-once a week when we go out. A bigger . ,., .... , .... annual three-day equestrian event at Bad- minton Saturday. Princess Anne fell headlong into the water and retired from the event. problem la that he hate. to bathe. Sometlmet weeks go by and I know he hasn't been near I08P and water. Once I yut a clothspin on my nollil! to make a joke o lt. He became very aJlO'Y and told me I had to take him the way he is or not at all. Another problem. Dirty language. I hate it, and he won't quit using it. Please tell me what to do. -TERRE HAUTE TROU~ BLE DEAR TROUBLE: Tllere'1 a lot more involved here tban looks. Yoar flaace t0andt aerloaaly maladja1ted. I bope yoa wm arge klm to get tome coaaiell.q. If h ref111ea, call off die enpgement. Ule wt~ tUt weirdo woald be a nlptmare. DEAR ANN LANDERS: I hit it off very well with a woman who moved next door several months ago. We are the same size and decided to swap clothes since we both like designer suits and dreues, and they are very expensive theee days. The problem: My neighbor never gives my clothes back until I ask. 'Several ol·my garments were returned with buttons off, spots here and there and makeup around the collar. I ' ' I I I I _ ........ -..& ----------1 I like this penon very much and don't want to loee her friendahJp. How can I uk her to take better care of my t.hingl without inaultinc her?-ST. JOE, MO. DEAR MO: If yoa waat to keep lier frladalp, step t•appJa1 clodan. If 0e la a1 carele11 wUll Joar 1armeat1 at J••r letter bMl.lcates, you reteatmnt It .,._. to pew -ud ue uy J0.11 explolle. Se bock off die letad·leate rroaram NOW. Tell lier •P froat, "No more. Ann Landers diacWltleS tee.n-age drin-1 kins -its mytha, its realities. ~am the • tacts by readins "Booze and You -For Teen-.n Only," by Ann Landers. Send 50 cents and a long, seH-addreaed, •tamped l envelope to Ann Landen, P.O. Box 11995, · Ollc8go. m 80611 . Bankers draw interest" I don't know of anyone who ls more concerned with their image than ban.ken. For years, they were paragons of con- servatism in three-piece suits and metal-. rimmed g).uaes who were tucked away in rooms behind a desk with nothing on it. You got the feeling they bad steamed creases in their underwear and were mar- ried to women who did not wear lipstick. Now, all of them want to be my friend. THEY INVITE YOU TO drop by and have coffee with them, call them by their first name, and tell them when their pens are out of ink. Somehow I never considered being a friend a criterion for letting someone hold my money. I've got friends I wouldn't trust with my home phone number." ~ a professional new checking aa:iount customer (I open a new account a ne• bank flVery time my checkbook doesn't ba- ~). I was cheered recently to aee an ad for a bank in New Jeney that shows three "portly" men in bathing suits standing ln the surf. The ad was inspired. It said, 0 lmtead of a friendly banker, penona1 banker or hungry banker, maybe you just need a 'chubby' banker." · llMA IOMIKI . ATWIT'S END watchlng my ChNtmaa savingl aO::ount. A ' chubby banker takes time for lunch and is in a happy mood to consider my penonal loan. A chub.by ~er is worrying where his next Dllniah la coming from and doesn't have time t.o worry about my monpge payment. I'm going t.o write down their slogan, "OUR FIRST CONCERN IS LUNCH!" Now, there are three men who can truly ~ at the~lves .. -~ the way t.o the ... ' By P1'41L INTE~LANDI of Laguna Beach ....... ,._ -~-- Leo: Focus on ·travel It continued, "Here at First National State, we really know bow to throw our weight around New Jersey's banking com- munity. PoW\d for pound, we've got more experience under (and over) our belta than anybody. WedHIUy, April Z1 ARJES (March 21-April 19): You over- come objection, take a more independent stance and begin project which allows greater creative freedom. Emphasis on pio- neering concepts, originality and contact with people who appreciate and encourage your talents. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): You locate what had been elusive; many fears, doubts are erued. It is correct, however, for you to . be suspicious of individual who advocates get-righ-quick scheme. Your impression are valid, you'll IOOn learn story behind story. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): WLSh comes true through contacts made at 90cial affair. Circle of acquaintances will be enlarged. You'll be more aware of body i~age and will add t.o your apparel. You'll be dealing with Vireo, Pi8Cel and another Gemini. . CANCER (June 21-July 22): Emphasia on 10lidifytng poeltion, defining goals and commulcattng with one in authority. Your view's will be aotWit on local and national political n,urea. ~ou·u ahlo be asked t.o re- view your own program, to fill 1n misl1ng llnb and to make buaine9I decialon. L31~ 23-Au11. 22): Good lunar upect ta publlahing, communlca- Uon, bJe plana for journey and a reu- nion. GM kleM m paper, aabmit fonnat and be ready for a "sudden uatgnment." Ge- mini. VtrF. s.clttuiua penom ftcure pro-~dy. . . P!01'.SIOTS 8Y ASt«.!IGH BRILLIANT HOIOSCOPI BY SIDNEY OMARA VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Budget re- view necessary in connection with home repairs, acquisition of luxury item and a program featuring remodeling and beautifi- cation of aurroundings. Taurus, Libra, Scor- pio persons play important roles. You'll lo- cate lost object. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Time is on your side -you can afford to play waiting •game. Accent on public relations, legal af- f.ain. special permissions and marital atatua. Pi8Cel, Cancer, Virgo natives play key roles. A void tendency to view others via rose- colored R)asses. ' SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21):.Acoent on emplo~nt, .dependenta, reliability of thoee who perfonn special eervices. Your position is stronger than might be anticipated. Know it, proceed with knowledge that those in authority will beck you. · SAGm ARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Em- phuia on intensified relationahip, exciting chances, speculative venture and declaration of Jove. You'll oomplet.e project, you'll gain plaudits of peen. In games of chance, lltlck with number 9. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): New oontact ~..:>tine greater feellna of aecurity. ind~ ia hiahlilht· ed, creative reeoun-are udliled and you 1atn proverbial eec:ond chance. Family member brtntll newt of employmmt oppor· tunlty. ( AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 .. Jl'eb. 18): Call or ~could Naill In lhan trip. Another . ftcun11 prmntnmtly. You cmrect pill. erron and .W. lmpl'OY9 • ..Wt. Mladate retwm faYOr, prov• validity of OaktmJule. Your~ II~ ~ (J'wb. ll-M8rc:b •>: ""*'" Of ............ wt ..,. P'fC' ride Wllh~V•=_...IMWllllD . • ~J'amll lllD • 11111 I ~ _. t1111t1l• YMl'U ...................... _.. .,. "Sure, our competitors claim to be hungry, but we prove it every day over lunch. And while some benb say they offer men of bra.cl experience, we can offer broad men of experience. "SO IF YOUR BUSINESS is out of shape, call the bankers who are out of shape: Men whoee mott.o has always been, 'Let's d1lcum that over lunch'.'' Chubby ls an image I relate to and like. -:-Z:::..-vt....k~' A chubby banker isn't out jogging, he's ·10 ·-~-----..... - GOif i ON lllDGI BY CHARLES H. GOREN ANO OMAR SHARIF Both .ulnerable. South duJa. NO&TB ..... <:>6 OIIU •ACUtl WEIT EAST •O •QH <:>QI <:> IllOIH OAltU O.lt +IHUI +K• IOUTB •AIIU <:> AtO - O QU •• n.~ ....... I • .._ 10 .... .. .... ......... ...... .... ..... ... ·-' Opnlar a.ct: r1 .. or •. hil fourth-belt c111b. [)eda,.., n..-..ct the queu. Ean won .Lhe ldnJ and eltlft.ecl to tlMI jack of '9alU. DldAnr won ti.• eee, nff9d • 1Mart la , du11111t1 ucl ~ • cbia· moDd eo the ... ef dube. Now be.led chnUIY'• remaiD· 1q cl•'-11oaor. &Mt naa..s wttll tlw .... , ud ..,., o..nfW wtUt the jadr. He nailed anoUier llleM1 ID du...,uW•......,• dlalM"4, ,,.... w • low club tt. ti.t L&Me. Eu& roee to Utt ...... '1 ...... ••t• ,... ....... 1.m., .. ............... . khll·D ka,... .... Malt ....... ..... ........ ....... 1'11119 .. ..................... .,. s.. ......... &alt ... ud ............. ... u.. .... . ,... ,., ........ ... •:llll ............ .. lealW91 .. lfttntn .................... -·· ........... ... ....... • I I • .., .. _ ......... .... ............. ...... ...., =:•.r ,--; IOIUt.e top llCON OD th• board. But Weat had not been watch· 1q wbat wu plq oa, ud he dkt DOl ,..U. that IU.I U behiDd declarer'• A.a wu a 1ure winaer. When cledanr 1941 ·a low dlamood tow.,. d•111m1, W eat ro1e wttb UM ace and, tlllalllas U1at deel&rer bad & Ill.Iii a.an nUMr tlilan atlCKliler dla· mond, Ille~ to exit witll • trump.So ....... .... ur .uJAc tM .... DU.Mr 0 UiebMe....,._. ..... 01 ,.. I I; ' • l lll l t • I I 'I ,, ,, . THE t 'A'91L'' CIRC'l;s BIG GEORGI: by Virgil Partch (VIP) • P&\NtT8 ~ by 811 Keane ~ -• ~ • ~ "' • f 3 r • • ... "Did you say 'browff '?" "KMp your shirt on. There'• only one bartender wonting today." by Brad Anderson 'i lv{l I getting all lhls attenti90 becau~ . you love me. or because the kids are in school?" J THIN~ SCI' IT DEPEND!> NO' l NE VER v N ~HAT 14.lND OF RENT THOUC.1HT l 'D ':>AM V'llLL A!>" I HAVE 5E.E THE PAY YOU AMY IOEA ? WHEN Hf'D .>iAVE ANOtHe~ l~E" 1fClMl6~1 ~ITH HIM 1 -n~oUB!..E WITH 1HE LIPS MEN~ STAND#!. 2words 57 Sid tong 58 FlaVOf 59Cer..i 81 Aslu mlltrUI 82 M4!fetwld1,. S'l"t~ '30n -- with 64 Equll 45 Awll'eneu MNot1 - 17 Potlt• ASIDf · .. 2~ 43Mlit'*0 ,,~ ... 47 8porta 48 M#tfl bltcl • ~ ~ Ll. PRO~A~LY l£LL 'l'OU TO PAY VllHATEVER YOU THINK YOU CAN AF FORD' HE'S REALLY A PAT~Y FOR A 'P~E l'1'Y FAGE ' SHOt: BRABBLE ~ 1'ootl4 IS 6E1'f1NC, fU'fN LOOSE., fAftt1cK! 11.10 •.SMOC~ Orangt Cout OAIL V PILOT /Tuesday, Aprll 20. 1982 ~AP. 1HE P~CG.IS FULL OF COWFc1LK 1lWMPINCT A80ur IN 1HEtR 5PUF15. HyPerix>le \~ AHH#f T~6a'5 MU&T /!IE cAr LOVE~/ THERE'S A NOTE FROM AUNT FRITZ I (J£U_ • CU£ I·M QJT Of ,S(J(X)l • !'U.. ErTHtft. J')IN fHE PROfE.t6IONAL PAC.· MAN CJRWti OR ~ AN 'AtRGurmR' BAND! ~'M AFRAtP "T"OPAY 00~ "CH6F'S SURPR.1Se 11 WON''T' ee .' FRf'. OJr, MAN 1 l CAN 00 \1 l OOiR S\GHl l by Jeff MacNelly by Ernie Bushm1ller oy Gus Arriola tJANa,f .SUOtJLD'VE K.}IOWN aAIT WHEN I.SAW rrr . by Tom 8at1uk I UJCU...O 1..tl(£ AT 7fi6 TIME TO HAVE lltt!:> FIR5T WITNE.ffi l~­ DOC.€0 A~ DH16tr 'A' ! by Kevin Fagan by George Lemont ... ·~ • . .; . ; I .. . 1 ·s :· . 8 A .... . . .. - ·1 ,, f Ot'ange Coat DAILY PILOT/Tu.day, April 20, 1882 II II •.t "' •I bf 1U Ill ·n (ti ll ' J , . . • I MUCIOnct Mlf1ri6= ........ "9ClmOUI ....... MM9 ..., • .,...,.,. The lolowlng S*'90M .,. doing ~-KENNCO SALES CONSOL· TANTS, INS Whltllw, Sulla c-4, eo.. .._,CA tte27. HAAllY OEN! PEACHEY, 213 S. ~. Fularjon, CA t2933. WILLI.AM KENNEDY. 400 Sun- kmt av.. Anaflelm. CA t280t Thie ~ .. oonduc;tad by • llrftlted~ Thie __._,t WM flied with IN County a.II °' Orange County on ~ fl. 1912. ,., ... PuOlalied Or-. CoMt Dell)' Piiot. Apf1120, 27, May 4, 11, IH2. 17tM2 l'ICTmOUe .,... .. U..8TA~ The lollowlog pereon 11 doing ~ . 0.. GAROENINO SEA-Ya. UM Melody l.11., Coell MaM. Cellfoml8 92C7. Wllllam Stev.n Llllleton, t54 Melody l.11., Coela M1M. C.itfomll t2927 Thie ~ .. condUc:ted by In lndMclllal. W111i81n S Llnleton Thie ....,,,.,.., -fled wfth ttw County a.11 of Orange County on Apf'llfl, 1982. ,117_ Nllltled Orange COM! ~ PIOC. Aprtl 20, 27, May 4, 11, 1 1711~ "9ChhOUI lll.lll•U NAm 8TATllmJff The lolowtng peireont we doing ~-SNAP, L TO .... Clove 8101• '°"'· lfvlnt, CA 92714. TIM OITULIO, II Clove BIOe-.am, !Mne, CA 92714. MARTIN GENIS, U Clove lloeeom. IMM, CA 92714. Thie bullf-. " c:onouctad by • QIM'el par1Mrlllle>. Tim OITullo Thia 1i.tamen1 wu flled with the Coun~ Cleftc °' Orange County on ~ 1.1912. , ... PublltMd Orange COMt Dell)' Plot, ~ 20, 27, May 4, 1 t, 1912. 1717-82 ACTITIOUI WM NAm8TATDmNT The folowlng l*'tOn8 .,. doing ~..: GTS! INTERNATIONAL, 2024 Kornll Drive, Colla MHa, CA l2e2t. , Joiw. M. Ru .... I, pnllldent. 2024 Kornat Drive, Cott• MeN. CelHotnla t2t2t. MwgwM A. RueMll. vice ~ "6ent, 2024 Kornet Drive. eo.t• MaM. ClllNom6ll '292e. Thie ~ .. ClOnduc:ted by • generel pertnwlfllp Jom M. "'-811 Thie ll8lement WM fllad wtt11 !hi County a.. of Oranoe County on Apt!! 2. 11112. ,_, "'blllhad Orenge CoMt Dell)' Piiot. ... 20, 27, May 4, tt, 1912. 1780-82 P1Ct1r10U1 wu NA1m STA.,..,.,. The lollOWiflO ~ .,. doing ~-A&F HOMES, 1171 SE Mtlll; 81rMt, IMM, ~nle 121'4. PllillP H. Mc:HefnM, 11199 Moo Dtrmolt, #I, lrvlnt, Calllornl• 92114. Thomu W. and s.nctra J. Al- lel\, 1151 Do\19 SllMC. 1100. ~ pot'! a 8-cl'I. CA t2te0. A* J. and Mery L F«9MW. 17 Oollita Point Dmle, Cotona del Mat. Cellfomlll 82825. Tilll ~ le COftduC1ad by • generel parf/Wlhlp .• f'tllllpH.~ Thia statement w• llled with the Coun~ Cllril of Orange County on Apt1I •• 11182. ,.,.,., P\lbllehed Orange Coat Dell)' Piiot, Apt11 20, 27, May 4, 11, 1"2. 1782-82 f1C'TmOU8_ .. NAM98TA'R•NT The followlng ptf90f'lt .,. doing ~-NORTHSTAR COMPANY. tte7 Port CMIMa. N-pon e..ch, CA t2te0. Norttwtw POOltl & SpM, Inc .. a Callfornl• corporation, 1H7 Port Ct1e1aM.. Newpot1 BMch, CA 92te0. Thie ~ le conducted by • COf'P«•tlon. Nofth8t.W POOlt & 5PM. Inc:. CMrte Herold Sea9IWy Thie ata~t WU flied with Iha County Clertt °' Orange County on Apf'll 19. t982. ,.,... PubWled Orange eo..t Dell)' Not. ~W 20, 27. May 4, 1J, 1912 175&-82 ACTITIOUI .,_ .. NA• ITAftWNT Tl'I lol!Owtng peir90f'll .,. doing bl*-a: FLEET FLEET, 9931 Hemlllon A_._, Hl#ltlngton BMc:h. <Allfor. Illa 92648 Dennie Frederlc:k Lullrejl, 2118 t B•ll•m• Ln .. Huntington a..cti. CellfOtnla t264e Maur .. n Alic. LullttU, 21118 I B•ll•m• Ln .. Huntington B••Cll, Callfomla 92&48 Thia ~ le conducitad by .,, ln<IMdutl. M---. A. Lunr• Der"'4s F. Luttrell This •t•t-1 -lfled wtlh the County CMrll of O.ang1 County on ""'11 18. 1982. , .. Publlahed Or1ng1 Cout Delly PYot. ~ 20. 27. May 4, 11, 1982. 1115-12 Q~ IOUTM COAST Ml OUMf!Y IWIJ"""f otlrNCT HUWQ IOAM) MOTICI °' PUmJC ~TOODllMIU llOOIPICATICMt Of A NM. ~DATINC uraeM>M °'Av~ CAMNO.-.i NOTICE IS HEAESY GIVEN lhal the South CoNt Air Ouallty Man. gemefl1 oi.ttle1 ~ lotird wll flOtd a pubic 1-'lng 81 t0:00 Ltn. on THUASOAY, M41Y 20, 19a In 1M Boerd of SupeMlo('t Ohember8 .. to CMc Centtr Or .. Santi Ana, ~ to coneldtr modlflc:a1loo1 ----------of e final com~ dele Md ell· MlJC ~ temlion of 8 VMence lot I pteolpl-------~ ......... ~~~~ llitor at PENNWALT CORPORA· NOTICE OF EATB OF TIOH. 830 N. eatllYla St .. Oranot. MARGUERITE ROWLEY Cat11orn1a, currently oper1t1no In NEWLAND AND OF PETI· v101111on Aul• 203 or tfle South TION TO ADMINISTER =~ ~:::c:":.: ESTATE NO. Al1H'11. 203 requlrM • permit to operate To all brira, benefidariel, 11114 requlrH operation 17 aecor- credltora and contingent=-~~ condtlont of credlton of Marguerite Acopyofttwpedtlonlt........_ Rowley Newland and per-tor ~Ion et the office of the IOnS who may be otherwt.e Haering lo8td Cieri!, 9t50 Eael •-•-•..,., ln .... _ will andJ "'* DrM. El Monte, Callfomle; and U~""•~OC'U UIC or at 1h9 ~ offlc8, ttt0 (.Bal estate: Aoad Anahllrn, c.lfomlL A peUUon hu ~n fUed 1n1ert1ted per10n1 mmy attend b~ Jean Newland Swailes ln end aublnlt oral ro wrltllf'I tltl•· S I C I meni. 11 the '-Ing. II • requ881ad t e u p e r o r o u r t o that wnn.n •••ternenta be tubfn11. Orange County requesting ted to 1N .-.Jng &oerd five e1ay1 that Jean Newland Swailes befor• lht '-lnQ. J be appointed .. ~ re-DATED~ ti, tM2. pre.entatJve to adrninbter ~Jh ~~~ENT the eatate o f Marguerite DISTRICT HEARING Rowley Newland (under the BOAAI>. Independent Ad.ministration By Helen Oulni-. of !'.ta~ Act). The petition p ~~ ~ Otllly Piiot 11 aet for hearing In Dept. ~ 20. 1te2. • No. 3 et 700 Civic Center t716-82 Drive, Weat, In the Chy of Sent• Ana, California on Ml.IC flOTIC( Mey 12, 1982 at 9:30 a.m . MOnCa TO ClllDfTOU 1 IF YOU OBJECT to the ~I et tM granting of the peUdon, you Ct 1t1 m .... CMI) lbould either •ppear •t the rr!J..A bulk.''.,,., II about to be hearing and 1tate you.rob-The,___, buelf'9al ~ ellona or file written ob· of th• trentleror are: CharlM H. tiona with the court be· Bldlholz and t.Wtorte E. ~ re the heartni. Your ap-and DIVld A. Buchholz. U LH .._ BrtlM, !Mnt, CA 927t6. pearence may .,., ln, penon The,__ and~.,._. or ti iQu ~~.{CREDI-:.-.:= ~~*'.t, n=. 'IOR ere con~t credit.or Serita AM. CA t2707 and P...i c. b d Munm. 4m w. McF9dcMll, Senta of t e ecea , you muat ,,,._ CA t2704. file your claim with cha AH otMt 11>1111" .. ' nt~ aftd court or preaent It to the eddf ..... llMd 11>1 the tr.,..,or --· tl ......... ,... ............ ~ ........ ~·~~~ ~ •P-llftOM'I to the tr111•f«M ate: Mr. lour ':mt>. vr:..,&r,; da~ =.r~u::.. ~~view tint l•uance of lettel'I aa (C) The IOCdOl'I _, ..,_.. ,._ provided In Section 700 of tcrlptlon ol the pro1>9rty to be ...... n.......&..-·-,.._,,_ of ,.._ .... __ .......... we: ... "'· ........ ..... .-~-'-~v.-tur .. eftd~,tfadt,,.... nla. The time for fllln1 Md fOOll .. 04 ... _....., dliilm wtll not nplre prtor atOte tcftOWf'I et "lllOtl't LIQuOr' eo four mantha ttaril tht datt 9lft " looaMCI ., 10ttA w. ••• of the,__ not1c9c1 lboY9. ~Coeea .._, CA NtM. YOU MAY l:XAMINI! ~=-..:-.::.=:.:.: ,the fUe -bf the CIOUI"\. JI OOIWlllll err. ... °' .,,.,_ yo11 .,.. brilr.W In the • HT a aA, leor•• Oe~rt"'ent, tMI ~ -.y Ole 8 """*' ..... AM .e11111 0-. , I01 H. ~he court to receive --::O-:...e.; =· mo1• "°'* of &be lnV.Os Cllertll "' ......... lillrJ of ..... _ .. and of .,. .... Ci dae ped ...... llCICOUftta and • ~ .. 11, ................. ~ ==:: ........ lfOO.I of th• Callfornla • 1-.M41t1 ~~ 0..-.A. ....... • w::;:........ :..=:,.. .. ..... n.. ......... ~~~·~4 t7t7-82 Cl~n -Two lays \ Culottes-•'*• JOU'll find the FASHION ACTION! Choose from IWb ~ •1t11 flann1 ~· lite °'"" •rtll c:oncuhn1 wit pantfs front lllCI bKl P1111ted Petttt11 927 J Mtsses Waist Sim 24, 2S, 2U, 21, 30, 32 Sin 26~ fl¥ed lee I\ Jds. 4S-1lldl. °"* 2~ rdS SIMSUSllf_.,...... ............. =.-::.. ............ tt .... ,,..,.,.. 441 ~· ... ":..= .......... ..... Hit .-SS. 111,SUllM _.. nit slllll' I ww? f"llld Ille MSWll'$ Ill 001 NEW StRI~ SUIHIU PATTERN r.ATALOC. SM. ..... SM-taM .,..,._ of frte Plltlnl Coupon. <Mr I 00 styta C.bq, I I SO. sOtt, Soft, Soft! IUllSTATE ..-iMl•TS. PUSIWS& lnT&FMI SEMES _llMTWI_ .. _ ... '"':" ..,...,. II • t The marketplace on the Orange Coast ~{!!!~!! ........... ~.~~ ...... ,~.~~ .... .-. ~.~~ ...... ~.~~ •••••• ~~~ ......... !.~~ ~~ ••.•..... J.'11 ~~ ••••••••• J.9 l!!t!!l. ••••••••• J.'11 PDllllU_. . ·-·-1"1 ltll lOUAA. MOtlllNO O,,OllTllNIT'I' •• Pallthlf'• ....... = All rMI .. tale adVettlMd -In thlt new.paper It IUb• = ~'::.~91=:~ ... mallM It lit.gal to aover· :: UN "MY prr.ereoc.. Uml· ,.., talion or o acrlmlnallon :: bued on rec•. color, rall· ,.,. glon. Nlt 0< national 0<1· :: gin, or 1ny Intention to -make any auch prefer· -en <l a, !Im i tat ion o r ''"' dllCtlmlnatlon." Thie naw1pa~r wlll not ::: llnowlngly acioept any lid· XLNT TERMS! Remodeled trt¥iitional 3 bdrm, den, 3 bath, reduced to $39~.ooo. Prize Weat Bay bayfront. Slips for 2 boats, remodeled 3 bdrm, 3 bath $1,200,000. Ocean & jetty views. Marine room, 4 bdrm, 3 bath, 3700 sq.ft. $1,385,000. Oceanfront. Liii la.I 111111 Prime Lido Nord bayf ront. 5 bdrm. ~ 'h bath. Lge L.R., 2 boat alipa $1,500,000. Remodeled 3 bdrm, 2 bath + large rec. rm. beam ceillngs. furnished, patios. $420,000. • •• vert111ng tor real Htete 1 ..... Ill.I llYflllT :: wtllctl It In vlolatlon of the .... ... ~ ilaiwi. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiJ Lagoon view from 6-bdrm, 5 bath, :: playroom, dark rm, den. Boat slip. ::: .-St Advertisers $1,3~0,000. : should check their : ads dally and rePor1 -errors Immediately. :;: The DAILY PILOT : assumes llablllty for llYSllE COYE Spectacular bayfront view 2 br, 2 ba up; 2 br, 2 ba dn. 2 boat allpe $1 ,900.000. \\ I ._ : I ·. • • TAYLOR CO. I·: J· . \ I I f '1. " ' ' ' ! ' I i I' ...... att,- 4 Br, 2'1\ Ba. View home overlooklng Pavlllon, Catalina and nlte lltea. We have an Independent appralaal for $320.000. Vacant, move Immediately. Try $20,000 down until you sell your home. ' 1111118 ......... ~ llWNIT ..,.., .... .....1. 4 BR POOl HOME with cathedral celllnga •nd. (~kitchen. 8 5% aatumable lotn •nd •n an11lou1 owner. Only St t0,000. Call 979-5370. -ElllUSI TllOll ........ Oflm•llc: nome located In th .. very pnv•t• and excluelve community • bedroom Lautremont pl•n with 1pectaeular view Privet• courtyard with flttlpond. Prof~ nally decorated and l•ndl<laped. Only $728, 500. RCTaylorCo J• -°"' - the first Incorrect Insertion only. TUI YISTll-ml• YIEJO New French Normandy 4 bdrm. 4 bath. ------•1 guest house, pool. Near lake. $795.000. lllMl r .:.. ~I( r(, Super aherp 1 year new c:ondo High uaumebl• iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii loan 2 huge bdrma. MCh ........ &We With Ill O'MI meeter beth. LOlltly Fr Normandy~ Large family ., .. , bfk:tl Bdrm 4 Bl, allp tor 10' urep6ace 2 cet ettached ~t. owe •t 10% Int.~ garage Only S 124.950. trade down Aalllng 11. -JIOI ---.... ----... ... -------.. -- --»I) ---- - --••} -----llU -----all) "" --· -~ ----------------.... ... Wllll ••• tilt ... ... --... -l6lOI ---•ii• -- What it m£tl11S fur 'Jj(YUT ad fJJ be "clnssif wd " COIOlllll CAYS Coronado Island cust. bayfront lot. 85' boat dock. Plans avail. $425,000 w/tenns. c .. 646-23 t3 400.000 BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR THE REAL ESTATERS J ·~ i-. , ., • u • ~ ' • · • • b ':> 1) b It> ...... ···-s.n .. uonally remOdeled & dacor•t•d 4 Br home fMlurlng twtmmlng pool. t>Onut room, lkytlte. lush private courtyerd, fplc & TWD .. S FOi 1231,111 Not one. bul lwo Costa --------Meta 3 Bdrm hornet tor .. &llYll thft row price! Plu•. • llll -aparkllng pool. Huge ..- • PAUi SPlmu llVUWIY --..,...,. uaumable nn.notng. Only UH,000 on FEE land. 2870 Sen Mlgual Or. NNport e.ecll 759-1501 Of 7$2-7373 82X172 lot. OWC 1•1 TD A gorg.aua VetNlllt1 on wHtl 20% down. Won't the .uo11 c:ourH with en lut call 873-8550 etpeeleHy kwely patio and Gorgeout furnished cuttom house In exclu· alve area 0 1 Palm Springs. Try 130.000 dwn Full prooe $475.000. Joyce W•ltze . agt immediate Your ad appeen in da.uJfied within hour•. "°' • ...._ end can be eaDC:llhd ju.i .. q11ickly when you pt the ...ult.a you want.. Daily Pilat cla11tf~ads 842·5878 For Ad Action Cal a Daly Pilot AD· VISOR 642-5678 What it means fur yuur ad to be "clossiiwd" low cost -Walker & Lee ' lawn. Ttllt home 11 In ••· THE REAL ESTATE RS c.1*11 condlllon, naa an u1umable Flrtt TD and the OWn« will ..... , Wllh additional financing 111.fClllSI .......... . .. RVM* Gotgeout C9tm home onliiii====iiiiii~ Yorba Linda golf c:ourM.li iiii-:::::::-iiii 3 Bdrm. guHt houH. 11111 1 a. pool. y. ac . only 1328. Extra large p.2 comer lot •Dt•I 000 Great termt/trade Seller will flnancel 1215. P•ek•ge Flft condos In ..... Joyce Weitze, •gt 0001 Cotta Mesa. onfy 3 )'WI Like new duj)leJl-3 & 2 ....... frll. Al.d. With hrepl1ce1 and .....__... .. -...... __.. Jjf:t terms. All rive ror ----e,' I ,000. ~. .. ..... ... --.;iB.lm* ~.~r,r:-b~~ ~!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!fV!llll~~l7=1:J 1750.000-bHI dHI on 11111 IClllflM '"' watet M*'I Liii• new duplax-3 & 2 ,,._. IW.n ... dm 2 ea_.... unit-on --·l• ••11 Take over loanat $107. ... _., --.. ..--OOO. 13% aflec:tlve lnte· the Hnd, will talle tml mAT Timi 3 8d 2 bath doWn °' trldlt Ind c:any -•• lllrW rest rate. rm . ltl• entire balance Cute Corona del Mar du-IE'LiW min ~ i~ 5423 t 3 1750,000·bNt deal on =9~WI~~ ~·~:= Coron• del Mar owner ir)~.iJ . -'· :·.l!i! the '!':!:i.. -aaTW to 12'.9% TD. an excenent mull Hll now! Jutt r•· 1J:~:il'E!!!:i!!!~~~i51~1:'JE~:W!i __ -~~~-~-··_•~rrw..tmen1 opportunity! duc:ed 150,000. Panora--' ll~I C7 I 4t 67J..4400 mlc oce•n and night * * * y TE llghll 111ew 4 Bdrm• & "9l ...... * HMET H I IJIJJ6Ja.1UI 11m11y room. Allllng 535-3S Superlol' SIU* HARBOR $350.000. Call now. 1Newpor1 e..cn Beaut. 2 Br. home, <lOf- 673-8550 You ere the winner ol n« lot, RV parking. 165, .. _.. (Ste 001 ooo. 20% down. 12% fl· THE REAL E9TATERl3 FM C1Mlifild Ad ACTION c.a A DAl.T N,C>T AD-wtlOI Ml·1'71 four tr .. .,....eta . nanc:lns. XltH. By OW· value to the ....... .... .... ,,... 87 ·1832 , ANAHEIM mf H•ITlllt CONVENTION 8HV11fully land1e1ped ~~~~~~~~ CENTER April 11·25 and maintained 4 Bdrm .;;: To clalm tlckett. call home. Greet c:orner U 2 • 58 7 8. u t. 2 7 2 • locatlon wt exlttlng AV Tldtett muet be claimed 8ClC*l8. OWrlef wlll ...iat by April 23, 1982. wllln•nclng Full price • * • 1142.500. 751-3t91 mii-:.,:,: .. ::,: .. ::,s, .. ~ llnocllt often when you c:: " _..,..., ·.. .. . . uM rMUll·gettlng Oally1..;;:====--"---t Piiot Claatlfled Ad• to You don't need a gun '° reaeh tn. Ora~ Cout "draw felt" when you ~--. piece .,, ed In the ~ ""°"8 tM2-5e1tl Piiot Want Mal Call now I M2-547S. L.w.S.... Only $ 1 I 8 .500 l<!f thll 2 Borm 2 Ba cutla Mclely landscaped WI \ car Qa- r1ge & •ervlc:e porch. Auun'9 $87,000 In loerlS and owner wil aide In ,._ nandng ~1-7370 TR.\DI TIO\.\l ~I \In n .. all'LDTB Channtnc C.pe 'Cod home on Peninsula Point. 3 Br, 2 Be on quiet 1tteet ~ Crom peric. StePI Lo ~ & bey. N.wly remodeled w ith French door•. hand paJnted tllee, Cft\t.r brick petJo. Enclilh wallpapen & more. Auumt •247,000 tint at lft and owner will carry larp 2nd. Only '399.~. South Of Pacific Cout Highway. Two Bedroom, One Bath Cozy Corona del Mar Cottage. R-2 Lot. Aoom To Ex- pand. $257,000. Sharon Collln1' Lit- ting. ® --... ....... 759-91• uc.,. ..... ....,...c.-.r ..... ~ 1111 ....... .., .... ........ *HID FMILT C l C T 0 0 l l A l 0 C F T A W T C 8 T It 0 k S ' S A S It G T H E W 0 It l "lltNIH I OASUHTCltAALT I W 0 I D A S Y A W T ' U N C S 0 C V IOU•OCASl'E A AA OL ltTltOOSILll YOY l'CCT•llLOltC '" U N A 0 H 0 l l It 0 T I A P l N & L "ITltCIAPSH DSOllltHlPA PSTDNL S'SOTIES O SAS D f A L I W A T £ A S 0 .1 11'1 C 0 T S l ltClTtLOltlt~AOAND•WAC MCYCASl. I FUllt:N IAAllO llOACOIOATTlOIOIPllR AROllSRNMIOllNYCPAI . .. =-c=:1 -·! er · 9 \ '(; ·"' iu li• b • I~ ,, I• • • Orano-Cout DAILY PILOT /TUMd1y, Aprll 20, 1982 .. Private Prope~ty Rights: yours to prot-ect I Private Property Week 11 the one week of the year in which partic'-llar at.tent.ion le focua.d on one of our nation'• batic rithtt-the right of every Individual t.o own and maint.aJn 1 pl«* ol UM land. YOW" local Board of R.Mltor1 l• ded.lcae.d t.o protecting this right and encourqee aJI dtlzens t.o join with us in preeerving It for future pner1tions. IRYINI COVI · .. FM • wl cnillllf ,_ .... • ._ ll'll*tJ U .. pl,... Md ClfTY I bt l.D: at 13. ' .. l Dllld • Co. Inc ••• ...., Emnt Gears• (714) &73-1600 I HARBOR RIDGE Jodeille Mdl -Thl8 hom4t otf9r9 luxury and comfort for the affluent. 3 Bdrm1, 2~ ba. fonNI dining rm Md 1 J>9"°'81'1\k: -. of 1111 Newport end the bM Pec:lftc. FINlncing at .... tMn 11% Int. Meling 1795,000. UNIVERSITY PARK Thia lmn)acu6at• 3 Bdrm 2 ba home In a pert! •• eMtJng la onty for the ruua.t Md mo9t clt8crimlnatlng. lfMglrw ftnanang at• ~% 1n ..... Atlktng s1ee.ooo. HOLSTEIN REAL TY .,_, .,, ...... Mt-7"5 Dalebout Bay&B---· Real Estate REAL ESTATE EXCELLENCE SINCE 1949 -""' ..... Tl .. TllUll Mllllon dollar view .. and lta all yours. .not ~old. Three apa- clous bedr09ms. Huge family alze bllllard room. Patio, gazebo and 1p1. You own tne land! $1,050,000. 1111...,.., a, LI. U1·l* VACANT LOT Steps to ocean in top Peninsula Point Joe. Try and top t.h1s one. Price $200, 000. "Impossible". Look at it at 923 E. Balboa Bl. in Balboa. . . C<Ml'L ltCOIE Top Newport Bl. location in Carta Mesa. lbs triple net lease. A good (X)e -and priced to sell at $325,000 Look at It: 1858 Newport Bl. C.osta Mesa O/J Corona CALL AND SEE Thia charming comfortable home which haa living room with fire- place, beam celling and hardwood floors, dining room, 3 bdrm, 3 plus baths, fireplace In master bdrm. Pool, view. and 11 close to beach. All for only $475,000. llAUAY STAUFFER SEA LION REAL TY 173-5154 Bright and cheery 2 Bdrm town- home wlmany extras lncludlrJ6 •pa & .uana. Clo9e t.o beach. communi- ty fadlitles 1ndude swimming & ~nttJ.&. A.aumable loan & owner will linMJoe 2nd. Olfettd at $167, "'°· 7$1--3191. ME YOU FUSSY? Then this neat & clean 3 Bdrm home la juat for you. Exr:ell. finan- cing with a full urumable l6t T.D. at 9U~. Full price $1 39,900. 751-3191. :p . •··. IB l'l(Al lOl'I LAGUNA BEACH Set In a pted, priva\e bmdWdt eammunl- ty, uw.Jowly 8 room floor plan lndudm a formal d1nl.na rm. a modern kUchm with a dl1hwuher & microwave, S bdmu & S balh.. Completely fumiahed with cbotce decorator l&.eml. Enhanced by community IWbnmlnl pooll and t.enn.111 COUIU and ju9t a few 1tepe to the beach. '47&,000. 12~1fl· nandnl available. OCEAN VIEW From top to bottom -qualfty Is the work on this fabuloua cul1om wtth hllt and ocean vtews. 3 Bdrm, 21~ ba. den, family rm. Contemporary Spanish. $439,900. 1:8:!:9 •7·1711 ROGIRS RIALTY ... ,. ,,. Fabuloua ocean and bay view•, •J"IC. 4 Br, gourmet kitchen and •wimming pool. Ju•t reduced to $895,()()() includ.in6 tM land. Owner arudoua and will fin.anoe. .......... ...., .. Port Royal 2 1tory 4 bedroom, 3 btttb p1U6 fonnal d.J.nJ.ng and much. much more. $398,500. . ' • ..... Pote Royal 2 6toty, 4 bdrm. 3 bttth plU6 fonml dining and much matt. .nuo<CJ<a Reel 87~2311 IOOllT IUll 3 BR. den. faro nn ... : ...... $36~.ooo ALSO 3 BR, 2 ~ ba, view .......... $215,000 CISTI IESI 2-3 BR, 2~ ba condos .... $160,000 3 B~ 21h bn home ........... $125,000 4 Unit condo package ..... $225,000 ..... 111-1111 PRIVATE PROPERTY WEEK: I ..., HARBOR VO tDIS 11w, ... _.,, .. ,... .......... uw on this beautiful moet 10Ught after 4 bdrm, 3 ba. P ortoflno model home in Harbor Vlew. Separate mother-ln-law quarters with full bath. Almost new carpet1ng. Lo- vely open plan for gracious living. Community pool and super recre- ation center. .... ...., .,,. "" .,.. 1·1 .. , .... ~ ............... ................. ..., Ml 1111 111-1114 Qiln ELEUICE Cree&• 1-tk mome•I yo• e•&er 1 .. 1• Im· _..... 3 Wrm, 2 ba. TunJe Rock Ille .. • ._.. Car4e• Ho-. Fwmal u.1 .... cl 41· •I ....... ,. Eaeepllo•al pHlor91 VIEW. 0.11a.•tll•1 laad11eapl•1 .... pa&lo an••· 0-et die ..... &oeau-a . . . 1iep. to ,_. -4 .... Coles worthy &Co. 2S4S EASTBLUFF OR. NEWPORT BEACH, CA. 640-0020 ..,,,,.,_...., 2 Br 2 &, fplc, beam ceilings. very priv•te. $275,()()(). • -..,,. ,. ..... Le•~e $1050 pr mo. 2 Br 2 B•. f.ennia, pool, formal d.J.nJ.ng UM . ..,, ......... ... D • 0 , A N c H 0 • Lipa'• ........... .,.. 3 Br, 2 ba, 1ourmet kllch. Many many Arnenldel lK-ll yn. .. ll0.000 Of i.e opt'°" $2000. Mary Jank & Vita Garm&. Bltn. (71•)111-1114 (211)ttl-lll1 APRIL 18-24 LAGUNA WliAT? LquNa Ni,uel lit an ~ w1th ocan Cid mountain-view honMe, IOlf coww bomft and condoe, rollln1 hlfl1. private aated communlun. custom homellltn, a 40 acre la.ke and the llsl .-on and on. ~ llOOfl II • aecond .,it mww with ~ fairway., and • r..ort hotel on the ocean blutf! AU thlt within a few mlnutel of a marina, eJabor•te equntrlan homn and hometltn and, of courM, lovely i..a,un.1 ,Jleech. Dollar va1ue1 are lttrtfk -<lClrne - UI! COUWELL lllllER · ,_ .. ,. Ill .... IE.~ .... ..,..., ..... Beautiful custom cabinetry by master craftsman really sets this 3 Bdrm 2 Ba home apart. Lov- ely gazebo and bearing fruit trees. Low rare, new loan avai- Ja bl e . Fu II prlc~ $159, 000. 751 -3191. HALECllCST HAD Well located 4 Bdrm family room home sporting a new roof and remodeled kitchen. Great financing available. Wen priced at $128,000. C:.'·• •'. ~t :,~ , ••• ,·.I BAYCREST $290,000 Great opportunity for bargain "hunters. One of the lowest pri- ced homes in Baycrest. 4 &Inns, 3 Baths wlfamlly rm, hot tub & firepit. This home is accented in· tasteful earthtones. Assume 11 % % loan and owner will help finance. 631 -7370 TIUDITIO\,\L Rf-_,\l.T\ CHARMING Dtl'l.EX on a beautiful street in Corona del Mar. Two bedroom owner's unit wHh beamed ceilings and fire place. Lge I BR apt w / fireplace. ALSO a bachelor. Great income. Patio around pool Assumable loan. $315.000. llliEl. BAl.IY I ASSOCIATD ll£AL ESTA 1£ "4-7111 Estate-the Complete bra~ge Coast Market Place -· 1 t Orange Oout DAILY PILOT /Tu.day. Aprll 20, 1982 . DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS Seti your no-longet-needeO neme for cuh. If It doesn't aetl, we'll run tt another 3 days FREE. One Item per ad, muat be priced. Sorry, no real estate or commerclaJ ada. Call today for full detalls . f!t, 4nAYS JINESJ · CLA881F1ED8642•5678 ........................ 11 .. , Reol Estate-the Complete Orange Coast Market Place ~¥.n.~le! ....... !~ffl'!!.!!~r.!!r.!~ ~.fP!~ .. ~.V~!!.~~ .. !-.~~.VP!~!{¥.~. ~!~'1!.f.9!.-.IJ!~ .,,.,.,, Alft1•••• 11.1.i. ,. ,..,_ "" 01t1n •••t.i "" .__,1... • 1_1 2 Pride ol owner1hlp Tri· Ct-•• ltl llM .... • I .,_, •-·-" •-l/al.,.,U1j" ll•l•t•l•i" •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ;-.·.-;r.:, I -pleJC" lot Hit by own« •• :~•••••••••••:'.~ ••I •I It• :r.1...-;r;;;.~~ •• :".~. M~I J.Hj 1111 ••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• Wiii 1hr lull :J br. 2 b• Fd a1n \/alley Furrnen.ci ••• ••••••••••••••••• 448 a 765 Hln'lllton Ava. Xlnl 2 bf. 2 I>•. $850 Jiff •••• ••••••••••••••••• l•ulm V1Un 1U4 ,,. c1 •••• ,, 3116 I.II.IC Bay1lcle •pl w/50' OIC ~ 70c per IQ II l~TI CM Ownet will help w/ (213)450-1990 wkdye ...................... ---------1 Sumtnlf only StUOlo ept, ••••••••••••••'-\•••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• BOAT SLIP A\/ All P\/T (~ yr IMI 1400 -'' Aent NISIUIH financing C•ll 790--073-4 (714)640.9763 evt/wknd IAYFIHT pool. uvna. gym, tenn11. Sludlo apt, oceen view, BEACH POOL Mature alf or patt SD Frwy 11 10% oown, paymenie ot 631·4402 ask for Jeck Near Slatllf & Sprlng<Sale, 2 atory, 4-+ oorma, 2 1500 mo. 831-7467 E'Kt ulll lnc:l'd 1376 n'IO 332 PfOI nonlmkr Aeft req war"ftf 754-136e $ 1600/mo. It 11 po11lbte or Gerl Cflll #iu 1U4 2 etory, 4 t>r. clean. l.H· batha, fireplace, gorgeoua 248 or 975-0142 Encino In San ci.mente 1 '' ' ta' t & d • P lo own IOvely 5 bdrm. 2 ••i.-g·:;;:.id;"4r;~p;j•• ae 1900 mo. 840-1188 view Pier and aug. $3000 IUOI llllTILS llff the Mgr Apl Cl S 1000/mo 790-60711 ttory. N B Back bay J21 Ill II patio a utll pd S3SO 3 BA. 2 Ba, !pie, kid• OK. Available now. 1300 Spac1ou1 7 Br duplex. Shr 2 br, 2 ba condo. \/Illa area $250,000 t ,...,. AP,..•LS ~25 mo. Atk for Keith, w e ek u"' Age 1 fr pie ocean view Balboa Ftplc. mlcto. 860-1991 Evu call Buys oet1nlronl duplell In 7'5G.33'1t' 9e2-447t 876--8170 " n $5 75/mo 830-7 146, patio pool, aecurlty 831-7215 Newpon Brt1k llYlf\ po-_________ 1----------1 $515 1130-8155 PM $360 642-9512 LIZ -----. ----11totlal. Will traoe fOf' any-Choice 3br, 3ba, pool /mat 1Z44 I I llLIOA PElll. th1n91,968-9087 home, gar. patio $550 ...................... ,,at••• I $535 Elegant country Fr OC-AENTALS W ..... 111• 1711 ••• ~~!!!~!!~.~••••••• hon')e Brand n-. aupe-4 plex Coale MeH $186, 760-3314 2 br +den. 2 b1. elc, l·J-A_S_M_I N-E--C-A_E_E_KI Ji''--· rlor quality Opn dlflly 000 Long term flnan-r-p-IC-.-3-br-horne--on-q-u-let-micro. trplc. tenced yd, 2 ,_ 2149 M1r.emar $645.000 cing $20.000 dn $250 cul·d•·••c. 18._0 Gayle car gar Nr pool, ape. CONDO · 2 Br -+ de". liaiai•ll 3101 NEW BREED APTS P I I I ~ 1-n11 (213)837 833" gulfded ~"·· pool. teo· •••••••••••••••••••••• 1 BA +LOFT & BACH. Joyce wet tt 1 . 1g1 per mo neg.. r nc P• I 631·9039/540.1449 In.., "'' • • Shr Lanuna Bch house ,.. Joh a,.7660 A 1 -.. n1s. $119 mo 640-8188 Ocean fr ont 3 Br 2 Ba from $385 Frplc. rec SEaWllD • BAYFROHT on., n g amllyHomeCOlleglP•tk WHAri111• "'631-8638 Vear• lease 11350/mo room, pool. Jacuzzi Ga• " tdownatalral 1•, br bl. £tt1ft1S./1 UOO 3Br 2 Ba.lr ....... dbl"-*· At...&...-714/337 -2414 d1y1 , &waterp11d Nopets YILUliE pat1o,wuher dryer. Pnmeotttce873-1003 ,,_ •--New Eng Charrller 3Br 67~·8""'• --& ....,nds N11~ 1&2 bdrm lu•ury \/ery pvl $380/mo I ·.,~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii •••••••••••••••••••••• rent l1undry hook V"• 2 bdrm, 2'L ... I""" nAI 2 "· I I .. ..., .. v•v• .... 393 Hamlllon. c M. ~ " OCu. VIEW! .. . . .. . ,. .,.. '""",....... ,, be. r . y u. rec 645-4411 aplS In 14 plans ' Bdrm ul•I•. 111 IHI & s 100 Wiler & gardener mo 552-7749 $1200/mo. Ail Terry 46A 2BA. yt1rly. Ftplc. trom SSlS. 2 bdrm from oep 494-3237 eva execuplan IEWNIT lllllTS ~1~~n~r1~.·~;~81w~1\= i--S.7_50_1_mo __ 64_4_·_90_7_9 __ Rancho San J06Quln con-Hanes. 642-823 bll·tnl, parklog. Close lo ......... 9nu $570 Townhouse from M/F lo lhr 3 br apt.NB. Owrlet need• cuh, clean v1s1a way, I hen call OC-AENTALS do 2 Br 2 Ba. den Nwpt Blutta, 3 Br on chol· b a Y 1 oce 8 n Br k r ~-!¥' nt.til $640 + pools. 1enn11 •, blk 10 beach $290. 111 ua ... OHi.,. antloue lype houM 2 Br. Agent S.O-e240 1-5bt'• $200 to $2000 S675/mo 645-7107 ce green bell sharp i-6_75_-_4_9_12______ TIWlllllU waterlella pond•' Gas & lall 675-58!>1 FvH MfYIC«/cuttom 1 8 5ovtlT I I L 750-3314 7-daY'I---------11125 644-5319 C .. '.1 M JI'+• New Condo for tenl 2 tor cooktng & hearing If • -'" det:chedgerago• 1~'?:. #tHl1i•, Deutl1 IRVIN[ 11 1 1-' ,.,, -Br 2•, Ba $705/n'IO Obi p11d From San Diego ""•" 111 i.a1 f1SO 0 ~ o g";.,~ 2 MN Mll ON THE WATER! s~·;~i~~;-r.;d;;;~~·;; gar. llreplace, pOOI. •pa Frwy drive Norlh on ···-'················· 000 548-6041 eves & 111111 Z400 Agt·Jtm, 731·3032 Furn luxury Woodbridge Gteat view or boats a cond Frplc gar1ga 666 W 181h 645-2739 Beach to McFadden to 1100 Double garege. ato-.. See 10 APP<tctalt' _w_1m_d_1_._6_3_1._3_s2_o_wtt_d_y:...•_.1 ;.~·ri(ciiy.ui;i,·-C~~d~ 1--x-tc....;;4_t>r_o_v_•_lom--h-ome--. -3 home. anott"' long term. bay I Brick 111eplace. W/O rtlrlg •1750/mo' s e 1 w 1 n d \/ 111 8 g e rage ooly 564 Plumer St 1~~~l~l~f.~t~t~l~I~~~ For sale by owner• Cllll Owner looking for part-frplc, -t bar Muet rent. q10111 to lake & tennll country kitchen 1 Bdrm Agt l60·9333 •---------(7 14)893·5198. near W 1 9 I h ' C M 1: H•~•n 3 BA twnh111 2 ll'lf $8000 up lront, ·~of $975 8051854-0322. S 1150/mo 7 other un-Peninsula collage AveJ· QUIET Tenan111re aouHs ..;..._:...._ ______ I 546-2277 De&1gn to suite executive Ba...powde< room. comm $483 mo 642-0671 71 4/997-8800 ask for furn to choo111 from lable now S675 mo Call • ovllf 35 Unlurn t & 2 Br IH•I 4000 S50 Easy acceu ldtal offices w1tl'I Hcr11ar1a1 pool. Assume 30 yr 1---------1 Pat"' Scott (g]S675-S1150 • 6~~-:~~Al ESTATEAS t ~:su\~;:~~gi~gprso s22;"~p;1~:;;·;;50;;;;1; 11orag1 sale 343 Ce-service pou1ble 11v1ng S 120,000 151 at 13''1-fi•I $)111/lat1rr1/ uport area, back bay ~lCfbrld-2020 Fullef1"" 63 t-0397 bdrm prvt 'bath 1100 bnllo C M 548-9516 area Godd 1ocat1on in 1159,500. Prine only Ow j ' ZfSO .,, s. c1 •• ,.,, 3Z11 " .,.. BellCh . Cannery VIiiage Broker 845-4955 or 831 ·0360 ••••• !~~'..'!.......... v21ew. lmmac. redl ec, 3br fki_lllJ ' .~. ·····.···.·•..:._•••••••• 2Br w1gar $420. Cpll. ~ ';,o 6030 & Adams Dana P1 garage. lron1 dfl· 675·4912 Ti•• Sltare CM4I ba. garaoe, pato. yard, ... lncd yrd, wtr pd. 2228 Y • voway ---------llYEITHS grdnr, wtr. reltige $925 S~l ·lOOO Dtl•r .. lriff .. A .. Placentia 636_.120 Sm furn rm w/balhroom •93.0803, 548-6446 +COM dlx 1v11e. AI C. Newport Terrace. 3Br, Pala Mesa 2 week• any 642-95'42 . 1t:ttK•rr•11n """·"''"" 2221 Vtlla Oorado l·Spm ptlv nr So Cst Plaza 01.1• I ~~oo ample ~g uUI pa 2855 1131,900 or St15.000 Mason W0<1d excnange-B-r-1-,~-B-•_gar_age,.__.-,en-~-1em0prel 556-1737 •Ii •• !!~~ .. !~!~! .... ;'."'.. .. E Cal Hwy 675-6900 C:Hh & you pay all clo· pnv1lege1 Sleeps 4 9% )/rr 3 Br 3 Ba E.w.ec Home In Newport Beach 114 ''"" •HH QUIET AOULTS o~ 35, 3PM T c sing coSls We have cM-hnanctng ced yard $630 mo + NotthwOOds. 2 llc>rf with You are the winner o f C I ., Jl'•f unlurn 2 Br upper . * * * Laguna Buch he O· pendable tenant We 55 1.2340 $400 aecur1ty Santa Ana lllr• lrg tam room No lour free 11c1>.e1s CS16001 .!!.~.!":™•••••••••~• 1395 Beaut landic:e-•t1fll #tit/I 4100 A. T.-lil'" lony next lo M oulton must sett ne111 1-days & H 11 g ht s du PI e II dogs l)leaM Gar~, & value lo .'he 2 br. I '' ba crpts. drl)t, ping No peta LEEWARD •••• • ·'··· ••• •••• • •• •• 16041 Eiben C11cle Pl•yt\Ouse on Broadway. woq,t 5 day ucr ow OtUfl Ct••IT 833·'927 water paid S950/mo bait••• ltaf Sit•• pool gar S5~/mo yrly APTS 2020 Fullerton. IEO I Pt.AOE1 Fountain valley 300•575 Sq 11 49'4 ·•503 •96-7737 11fMtl Z500 Br enclsd garage, car-S.5-2000 Agent. no tee. ANAHEIM 548-9341. 646-2848 631--0397 AeH. Weekly Aatn You are the winner ol 1.,;8,,1 ltati/ ffSO iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil•••••~••~••••••••••• pets. drapes 773 W anrrALS CON\/ENTION C 2. Kllchenelles. Phe>Ma lour free l1ckel1 (S1600J •••••••••••••••••••••• * • • w 11s0 n N 0 pt 1 S . -· CENTER Aplll 17-25 C~p· Od Twnnu Br s390 ' Br. glll. upitalra. ..z .. channel MoviM value 10 lhe STORAGE SPACE. Costa $10,101 DI --.. f.....la. $5251mo.831-4_889 1bi.1 b• $650 To claim tickets. call 1 •Ba $490.crpta,dtpa child ok no pell. drive •-....i......t-leaf.,._ MeH 24x13 enclosed 3 bf,~,_, be Exlra·lge tot ';";36~rlY1n:'.:'e 2 bf, 2 be l800 642-5678. I.Ill 272 No petl 87~ by 136 E Bay. Apt C Sendplptr. 11167 Ntw· ---=AHEIM-Elec ~~. 646-7660 W/IU~ view W1U trade Newporl Beach p~~i:. ~~~ ~r, College ~ ~: ~~: =~ Tickell musl be Cltlmed 2 bdrm, 1 b• townhOUN S.1•5331 Bl Costa= 645-9137 CON\/ENTION for OM>ylh1ngl Prtnclpals You are lhe winner of 731_,.214 & 6-3!·2'1194 3 br 2 ba s1500 furn by Apnl 23, 1982 New pain!. MW cttpell, Sharp 1 Br I Ba new CENTER April 17-25 C .... tilJ only?tt=9067 tour free tickets 1s1s.001 ~ br, 2 ba 11400 • * * Sundeck. garage, ldry crpls. drps I paint tm-SUUll llTR To claim t1cket1. call l1at1ll 4415 value to Int BR Euts1dll. $575 mo. 4 br. 2 be 11350 I J l&e Eatllld• S525 mo med avail 2459 Elden B. Wkly rent.111 now avail 642-5878 ext 272 ••oo•••••••••••••••••• uecullve condo. ocean & AialMi• leaf Slln $350 secutlty Avail naw 4 b<. 2,,., ba SI 100 •• ••• 646-3420 $425/mo 1st 1811 I IK• S IOS & up Color TV T1cke11 muat be cla1me<l Sllf t>ey "'-· Fplc cathedral ANAHEI~ 645-2971. 873-4899 .'.l br 2 be ST25 1Z11 YIW IAKU Agenl 957·0701 by appt Phones 1n room 227• by Apnl 23. 1982 Sen Juan Capistrano Clge, etc 1+ den. S 10. CONVENTION aver bftlOfl a rental LAGUNA HILLS 2°eR°2"a;·c·;~;,~;·;·,;,•1 Famihes welcome. 2 br 2 Arllmm I Newpor::~~~~M * * * 600 sq t1 ltc•ng Cimino 000 option money Dys CENTER Apt1I 17-25 Custom" decorated 3 Lt AallOI' Alty 833--&eOO trom Dana Point Harbof, be garage patio. yerd. TIWIMISU bte. lffiot S,M• C1p11tr1no w11h conve- 558-9035; evs 673·4699 Toc1a1mt1cke1s,eall Bdrm with gardener '· 111 I JZSZ S625mo1ncld1ga1& get & water p111d Avail .now Onll'llbeKh ·Hotelrms N OC Alpor'I I men1cus1omeorpark1ng 1oRECLOSUAE 642·5676• ut 272 S850/mo 5545 -0347 ~~f.':!P..! ........ waler Call Mike. wkrida S5001mo -+deposit •4~0 .,62 ~/mo Co•ta kilehen g bath. S300 mo N~ s mo;t pre':,,~:, ano access 1410 mo Oceanfr ont duplex Tickocamustt>eclalmed l'lomi!Agl Cl111nLargeCondo2Br. 7 14·962-97460r wlldya, 2324 Elden.C M •,. ~ ~ ... S300deposil 2306 W bldgs Can833·0440 O-ner 575.0 175 $450,000 w111• nood by Aprtl 23. 1982 2Ba, fem rfT\. $75:0 mo 714-752-7655 5'48-4147 Mesa & Newp<>rt. garage. Qce1nlron1. Newpor1 1_......;:._______ f,._&11 ya•• rw , • * * * ovely Brand new 2Br. frplc paoo. laundry lac•· Beich 873·4154 "•STA IW -11• ~· terms ---------t 2"~·B•. lrplc:, 2 car garage Herb 83 t -1729 Sull Aai IUO SPAClll$ TIWl•Sl 111111 Call 101 app1 1 ----------SCHOOL PROPERTY , .. ,. R.E. ""' •' c ... ,, wiopener both bdrm• , ... , P.,,.., 1•ss •••••••••••••••••••••• 3 Br 2'> B• dlfl rm. Pl· lSL MGMT V1t1ti•• ,,.,,,, 4250 Supefb 1!b';, St 'f's~ FOR LEASE .__ ZSSO ere lg mstr SUit• perfect _,, 11 •• • Neel 3Br $650 mo So C 642-1603 •• ••••••••••••••••. ••• 1 room ~ I 2 oll1c:et s1orage biogs 173-1111 r,..Mtlr '"'singles llHY term• •••••••2•B••••••••••2••B•• c Pl · "0 N o5ta Mesa S600 OCEANFRONT 2 & 4 Br mo 968-9477 da. ev. 112 500 & 2780 sq 111 i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii •••••~•·"•••••••••••• S Lovely r + deo. II st aza orea 546-7214 0'••1 1t1·a1 JIZ~ £ua11 no~ w~k1y lhru wknd E I •• .. E "ALLEY 795 mo. Oya 850-8778. home In The Woods Agl 752·6731 • • .... ~ vv 1---------11ce tent corner loca IUFFS ,._H ...-.-.. ' 531-3114 5750,mo + tsl last 1 very snarp 2 BA 1•, ba. ••••••••••••••••••••00 summer 673-7873 M 2 ollicet 345 . balh "°"parking Lease all Of ._ 1 62 acre. mountain vv,i---------w I · I JZ•I lk c""'·t 1 1 BA condo upatairs. I pan Annual lease w/ 3 BF\. 2 ba, alngle llory eperate house. eaattide secur1ty 833-6300 day• wll •1•1 IT ~· wa in """"s. enc gar """"' iacuu 1. some view! Ocean fronl Newport Bal· storage avail S2501mo level building site Utlll· only •••••••••••••••••••••• e1c S495 mo A sk for ...,.,, 548-3345 494-3603 option lo renew Foun· Bon14 on wtde grMnbelt ues $11.200 hrm. Own/ 2 Br 'Ba crpll, drpa. _ _;;_ _______ I tiOME FOR RENT Biii 631-1266 S!>OO M o/Mo OK boa Penln wkly rentall---------ta1n Valley School D•· overlool11ng pool New Agt 714/245-7304 stove. washer/dryer hk· •• • ~·.; JZfl 2 Bdrm $4 75 G1rage 1 631 -6666 &1ar11ng Apr 1 thru sum-...... Slitt s1ric1 PO Bo• 8510 carpelS, immaculate con-Other Good Investment• up. lnod yard. enclld gar •• ~'.'!!! •• ~'1! .••. • •••• ch• Id 0 K no Pe u 1 Br + E ••de 151 & last Bachelor •Pl close to I 8m3e8r-3223&2 3Bt 544 oe 14. f•r •-an F ounlain \/alley 92708 dltron 2 private patios No pets. no wt1ert>eds HOME FOR RENT 545-2000 Agent no tee + secur lly $500 Call b 1 8 ch u 11 Is , n c 1 d ,... N 1 o l'IH w 1e1 and , Good Income property O.I -'It • 1500/mo + security d•· 3 B 1675 F S.11 43811 1200 sq It Aval! May •~ ,,,,_5 L~ Ice at $215.000 ,.. ''' po 11t 5 o . 5 4 4 2 or atm enced HOMES FOR RENT -$330/rno 66 t-6 !42 l1at1l1 ff Slut fJ# 1s1 We at c; I 1 II are a -2~ '° - ' ,,_,,., '"' 770..5629 y.,d & garage. K1d1 & 3 & 4 bdrm S87W700 Deluxe 2 bf cOflOo "'"SC •••••••"•••••••••••••• 6A6--8614 Of 546-1267 •••• -.~<I'.·•••••••••• 1---------pets welcome &46-2000 Fenced yards & garegea plaza. lu•urious amen1· B•alia1t•• Non-amkr 3 br condo tfNltlt• 1n newer bld9 on Coas1 Hwy South Laguna Ap. Pf OJI 500 sq ti E.Jlc;ellenl privlle parking behind bldg $525 mo Turner 11..uoc 494-1177 BL.ACK SANDS LOT bdrm. 2bl, wettr / Agent,nolM Ktds & pelSwetcome ues,$5!>0 979-6919 •--... 1. Jl~O $200 mo + ''>utll $1~ lsleno of Hawaii. mu11 nardener Incl $7" No _... "' de 964 3654 H B sell S6000 1131-5647 " .___,, t..rt 1Zll 546-2000 Agent no lee Eas111de 4-ple11. 2 bdrm, •••••••••••••••••••••• P • pets 644-2778 •• -;;(';;; •••••••••••••• ,. ' • • garige deck. no dogs Huntington Creek Apt CM lge neat 2 BA apl iat.U BA nr S C Plza Adult • • * "•• f.U•I .. , $475 5411-7933 Oelu11• 1 & 2 Br Frpea. w/pool w Bay SI Shr •••••••••••••••••••••• condol Ovitt $565/mo llirtti 0... 0.Ju.idH J4Z5 enclsd garages . TV w/guy 26 $250 + SIOO Gas Incl 556-1626 1936 t Brookl'lurai SI •••••••••••••••••••••• we51side 2 BA 1 Ba secur1ty 648 · 1613 sec Gary 10.2 or 111 EXECUTIVE SUITE Dover Or Newport Beach A.,.11 Mey tst For more Inf o c all 714/631-3651, Mon-Fr1 170 It 1n lg llghl 11ry NB. adv an studio Oeska. & l•'•lltill •~•1114$00 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii• ••• ,, f•m1tH •26 LEASE/OPTION exec 0/W pvt patio avail 8AM-5PM only 9PM 642-2078 GEt READY ...................... House. horse OK. 2Br Huntington Beach conao. NB OC.•n & bey naw $460 mo 6-40-0997 W ~ • 1..., I FOR SUMMER IHI ldu' Jiii S600 mo 20202 Birch St Vov are the winner 01 view 1 BA-+ den. for FIREPLACE, POOi pvt P8· H•I • ,..,.. F tmmte wanted ASAP 1000 sq 11 w/olc & o/h Jltps 10 beach pOOI ten-••••••••••••••••••••• San la An• Hgt• toor free tlellett IS16 001 more lnlo call 673-4899 uo a d1sllwaaner X LG 2 pat1ous I & 2 bdrm 3b1 . 2ba hse NB. jilt llYFROIT! d00t1 toOel & basin twy ce~net&.. 5A8--7285 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ~11 & raquet bell 2uA br 2 be. w/g11 Mo to 551-8931 .,,. 558 9035 dya 11mong beaut lake deck lg patto BBO close c .M $295 mo 11000 + MC Avail •---------value to the · Br garden 1p11 on streams Pool 1ac end $ 4 2 ~ 84 o. 4 o ~o One or 2 room 1u1•e 2b11 vaulteo ceilings lg E Side 39 2Ba I , .... 0 557 2 ~ '" ' 675-6251 'T19'ler bdrm Vacant Mey 1 644-~ '· • am rm &a•elm......... ,_ llOult condo nr Eall11de "" • 1141 rec are• No pets 6-46-56-43 PM TaSlelutly furnished Open Sal l·• '---'--------wllrplc:. lncd )'Cl. gardnef. ANAHEIM SC Plaza Sec gate1. Roomy 3 Br Townl'louae 8'16-6591 $395 & $4 75 View of tnduatrial Bldg subftl 4823 A1vltf Ave C•lll #n1 JJZ4 cpt1. drps $900 mo. 111 CON\/ENTION pool Tract•• amall. apl in qu11t adult com-1-2-Br_2 _______ Fem roommale to''" hie main channel Mo/Mo good sate area H 8 •••••••••••••••••••••• I 1111 -+ $400. 277 Ao-CENTER April 17·25 friendly, rHort-ltke 1 plex Newly oecoralld, be, upsiairs epl Wtr in Woodbridge, own rm & OK Xerox 631-6866 3•!>0 SQ II 2 tum oflices 115-1111 N:~5g0~~; ~~r;.~~:~ blnhooo Ln. 558-1737 al1 To clalm ticket•. call BA dining. air. patio fireplace. eoctsd pellO a g~/so /:~~ .~~~C:oY~~ be ') ullls9552·9Z!_4 t-,.---no-1-11-ce-1-u1-1e-.-a-c-ros-s _R_e_a_s_ll4_1_-2066 ____ _ 3PM 642-58711, ext. 272. Secluded end unll No S v evn. 851·14 4 dys """'' .. ~ S 1000 unlurn Mo. to Mo. 1---------garage. orry, no Piii 45-2000 from OC Allport Avail IC IJINIT reotal 111 & latt Superb Ul11tll Tlcicete mull be claimed pets S495 + $35 ulll. $676 Mo tl45·3381 or 1---------Shr lge .1 br. ·2 be dplll. June 1,5, 349 aq It at location. ne.w.t to 1hop· 2 Br houH with den. by April 23. l982. 776"2580 675·5949 WlliftlttrM a,tl Nwpl Island Deck. lrplc. rees ratea lnctudet ut~. ;!!,0Ue~:2: 1 · 484 per p 1 n g & the• te" garage, w/4 hook-vpa. * * * bt. I•; ba •P•. 2 car SPAC 2 BA. OPEN BEAM Unlurn 1 bdrm apt All master br wtb1. $260 + A/C & cleaning service 5'46-4968 329 University or See ~ IL 2bf year encl gar crpl, nr s A clgs bar loll 01 wood v111 pd All amenlt1e1 utll•. Ill/IHI 673-2374 ca 11 5 4 6 . 2 4 4 1 0 r 3 000 fQ It warehse for llj~~~~!!!!!!~~I '' manlgef' at s. S48-0&48 rouod, aar· kid• ok $600 colle99. 857-2248 i..25 No f:"· 2258 Ma: 646-0tl19 Wented fHponalbl• le· 545-3390 rent .. or part 30 per ..: !-!!!~! ...........•.• ~~ .,,"· OC-AE1IALS A .. rl•t•I• F•t•lliH pie St 411 -7356 or Deluxe pool11<11. iura lar· mil• to share :J bdrm 1----------_IQ....:.._ 11 _6_3_1_.oa_7_1 __ _ liatiAai JOIO Superv•-2-+inTurtle-Sunny 3 Bdrm, 2V.ba 750-33 ·'•••••••••••••••••••• 673·6603 ge 2br. 2ba, bltn1. condo1nlrvlne Area llU.OUTD NB 3975Blrcl'l.56001Q •••••••••••••••••••••• rocl< R~ Comple turn E'lide with y11td, dbl gar OC·RENTALS •IHI Ill••' 110f STUNNING large 1 Br dswhr 1•,, m11ea beach. 552-3248 EWNIT II or teas MIA zone BAAOFOAO PL owner Move In with a tooth· Ava II M ay 1. $795 w/ 1·51>f'I S200 to $2000 •••••••••••••••••••••• garden apt PoOI & rec Adults, no pets S600mo Aoomm1te 10 there 3 I Agent S. l -5032 anxious. lanlHllc end b r u 1h1 $ 1 35 O Ag t gara-a31·10IM 750-3314 open 7-daya BAV \/IEW 1ur111Sl'led 2 BA, area s4251mo 710 w 53&-6362 bdrm houH an lrvlne Elegant E•ec tulles In p•1ME Off.ICE unit 4 ~r 1 '~ Ba gar. 752-5683 Newport Cr•t "8r 2V.Ba, Sl6B0110w~showlo yrlry no22pe3 tE1 1811'1 St THE WHIFFLETREE 1·2 3 Ave1I 511 551-3158 praahg1ou1 loc Incl se-n PS8a~o9.0y0ar~s'spuomoel. Ps•~k9. ,_P_l_U_S_H_2_B_r _2_B_•_·_f,_o_o_t l nBrAW. oen"t:_.Flttp ~!>'7 .. c~vao11' Bd • t G S cretarlal. recep11on111. W11rehou1e apace wtth ,.. ,.. ., "' .., " "' qulel covrtyard, ctoee to Baytronl Lillie Balboa •2 Br 1 b• Me11 verde rm ,.,p • ym. P•· PROF. non-smkr 4 br telephone ant & more carpets drps & wel 000 181 at t 1•,-Agt spa. 1ennl1, lake. S 150. now Dsvld 646-32!>5 pOOI I t111n1a. $1050/mo. ISiand 673-4328 upper New decor No Sauna. pOOI, lennlt. etc. home in Lag Nlg S267 Oles from $436 mo On-bara 700 to 3200 sq 11 857-2040 LeaseorlOmo.559-5981 l.4ESA \/EROE, 4 Bdrm Call675·5788. •·]''--· pets. Ger. $500/mo 846-06!9 495-090ll c111ofcsS166mo THE Meselnduatrl&lpark,711 • ..,, Jt1rt "'' Atpubllc hOme Large Llllll --833-8974 1 Br Crpt. drpe' reltige _$tl_r_C_O_nd_O_W_/p_r_o_t -pet-eon-. HEADQUARTERS COM· w 17th SI. Pldflc Blull Olitt IHI lltill •• '!!~••••••••••••••••• family room. country kit· 3 bdrm. 3 ba. llClra targe. 1iaiaiall 1101 2 br vntvro. upatalra No pots s285• Isl. last. d"f All PANIES A prolen•onat 1nou11r11I Park t835 ;;;.t;;;·a;;;;•••••••• ,~.c=;,~~4 ~:.~3~31100 mo Call, view $1,000permo. 8~;.fr;;1·B~h·A~1··a~i.i Rel• requtrld.352Vk:· Call980·2tl75 amenlllu 838-180. :;,v~rment.,17141 :C~'.~::ve 642-4463& .. ,,. •1l1 IJOO hr sec Garden view 844-9329. 72g.9099 Older peraon No pets tor11 845-11181 ge 2 bf. 2''1 ba. 2 lrplct. 986-8479 1-------------------,. • •· IE Ml If lam rm $600/mo & MC osta Meu. 250 1q II OCEAN VIEW •••••••••••••••••••••• S59S 754 -41 14 , ....,.,. ...... .......,1 Vrly incl utll 1400 •3br. nr S.C Piiz.i. SA Wanted Flrmmte shr 3br autte Sl75/mo UlllS In· Obie wide 2 br. 1', be. 6A2·9057. Kele Tll LICO f1W 2 Br . 1 Ba New-;;:;;,, 1st/last & dep 673..e765 Carport. pOOI, spa 1875. ~ ~~~9N::~~·;1A:~~ u3ba111 ~on•n~oy.6~.5~4S222985 + cld 779 w 19th St ~~g2~11~ '~;,~:':'4'°:n~· 11~ SPIC4! rent Adulla. l-B-a-yf-ro_n_l_Con--00--1-1-200-I Rent In Cost• Mtatf'a 11ove. water paid. Gar-eves Pit 011 752•5822 or 2131430-0794 651-8926 neers Ou1t1 1ttrac11ve small pell Ouietf1B VlllaBatt>oa2Br s1200 NEWEST g1ted 20 dener N o pale Small I Br carpets. 641-1460· Beavt11v1Newport8e1ch.1---------1ndustr111park 1001 corner 101 s27.5oo 0' Newport Creal 3Br Townhome VII.LAGE SS60/mo. 111. tul a drapes S395/mo '*2br. 2ba. nr S.C Plaza. br, 2 Ct' gar .. oov·d P•· want employ'td MIF kit. 1617 Westcllll. N.B Want We11 17th St. Coate bell Owfler.447-2954 $1500 COMMUNITY. 2 & 3 Br $150 517 '~ 8 0118 675-0473 S A Pool.191 $550 No llo, •II poolrtglltt& (IC prlY Aef.$350.648....$355 llnanctal •nst 7000sf Mesa N9'Wport Beach De Anza Wattr'lront Homes Attra 2'~ Ba 1600-1800 aq 11 548-5041 evea a wkna1. p • 11 7 12.5 6 2 2 0 r ., .. , $675/mo May 6 1 11 11 0 0 r Ag• n I ~:!dr~~1d:I·~ •. ~~;.~ 1 ___ c_a_.1_1 e_3_1_-1_400 ___ 1 ~Y~~t~·n G,:~r::; 631-3!>20 wlldye ~'!!r.!!.~~!! .. !.~!~ 641-1460 1213192s- 47 98 L~~.c~~t~ds~~:c. ~r~;: 5;;:~$ UMUS tlf.llU place. brick patio, 181, Wnl•;•lllr 1111 aulte. dining room•. Harbor \/lew Home 3 Br. 2 • • • •3br. nr SC Plaze. S.A. t~f IHtj Jiii thtf Shelley 557-389 000 Also 2 br , 2 be. •••••••••••••••••••••• wOOd burning llreplllOM. Be. for leaM, lrplc, 2 car Oar, pool, spa. $750. •8•9•5• ·2·B••••2•B••••1•••••• Anawerlng & mall ser· * • * garage. Avall. 5 · 1 Chlld ok. 762·6822 or · r. • u1tcon· vice. conference room. double w1-c11. cornet 101 micro-wave ovena. prl· 549..e155 Of 644•7220 841•1490. do w1111 amenlll••· Xtnt ROOlllTE Adl OC airport s100 $39.000 Bill Oru11dy LMt.... va t• patio• I complu n•ar beach. --mo 714/851-1342 875-8161 1645 Monrovia Ave. • 12 yarda.gerdener provl· SPYGLASS euoullv• EHt•ldt 2 BA, am yaro Harry Pa ta I fllDEllS Coate~ did Etegentllvlngonly home,4Bdr.2'h 8a.3 opttonala11achgat 213 /27tl·6400 or earSanDltgoFwy& ~,,,.,/tr la/t IZOO You ere the winner of 15 mtnutee from Faehlon cer garage, 2 frplca. po. 1495/ino 900 aq It 870-3008 °' Gleon Elna-Old111 & targett •oencY Harbor 4 officel IUit• & •••••'•••••••••••••••• fO\Jf 1r ... llelle11 (118.001 llland, 7 mlnu1H to S.C. pular Tradewlnda mdl. ........... 549.,.945 man 7!4/640.9900 All cltenll ICf .. ned with tront office & rectpl *11 Atm* value to the Pt1u or O.C.Alrpott. $1750/mo. Mike Crow ---------.---------1pN>tot & r.,.,~. eree. 2 balhs & kllche- Run"lng atreamt. 011k &al•llm hit Ultw Juat eut of Newport IOI 845-3178 1 IL 2 IL I ta. 1 BA condo, \/trHlllH, Ctedli.· CotmO,,olltan nelte, air. & furn avall treu, ucellent view ANAHEIM Blvd. & ao. of Slln Otego Newly decor Gu pd like new $550 mo. Call Oood Momlng An'\lflce, $850 mo 549-2928 Owner Wiii c:arry Full CONVENTlOH Frwy. Starting at $1100 a HarbOf \/u 3br. meny VP• encl gar. dwehr, pool. Atchard. 213·830.2323, The Tomorrow Show pt Ice $45,000. Agellt CENTER Aptff 17•2s month 831·6439. 2473 I'• d •• • ~ • r den er· bbq Adulll. no pell 213·823·78~ *'"off* to all new client• 676·5717, To clalm ticket•. call Orange Ave . Colla 1100/mo 80-045t aft .._..,.ltudlOI orw 642-5073. WISl9Uff wl'lorMCI ·~· ~!!!!f! .........• !.~!¥ Storage Bldil 20x40, HIY street access Edinger St San11 Ana $170 973-1939 STORAGE 1250 1C1 t1 ptu1 pois olc 111• Prlc11 apace n1got $300 10 S600 W. CM Avell now 845-81177 l•lillft1/&rnl/ tlu•tt . .........••.......... •It 5, 874-2l39 U2-5t178. ut 272 _Mesa ________ 5 pm :"en~~U=lm Beeut 1 br & clan, trplc:, llWNlf c .... lfil/ T!Qkets mull be ctelmed .. Uf Lllxury pool home. mar· • ...... ...,....... pool $550 M0.7814 141·1• olllc11. reception rm, 11or1ge rm, 725 aq It Forced ell heel. $275 333 E 17th St CM. 64S-2450; 875..0107 f...U.u l-'-----------1 , ~ ' •-by Apr-H 23. 1992. 3 .,. 3 ea. T~houM by ve1ov1 W11tc11n 1oea11on. and uHAJ,.NllHED. .,.;;;..., nu ,..., .,_ * * * 4 Bdr. micro. many ex-0 k...,.,... 1 11 .... _ Br 11>1. ul In knch. Encl tc. onlc:9. mt N.B-loc .. •••• -.~;. •••••••••••• i---------I bal>bllng brook, lrplc, ""· Vt1r or more IH. • """"'uo O era --•-•• patio a gar, 1535, no Oclean vie-PenthOUM ~. $225. AnUYAUIY Cfflt1l 1111 dlw,pool,dblgar,many $1495.CallLole,agt •A11Utllltlelhld Beautllullylan<laoalfi peta.642-2134 Nwpt,pr-of.M.norillTlkr. 966·1779164M215 'f•w • ..___ ........... _,.......... atru. No 1)1'11 1850/mo. 63t l2M 'I l'fl•-'"' garden~. POOi A . !-'---------$500". Jeff 77().1019 Ot r-.,-0---.--0---1 --Ofanoe Hiii. :JBt, clen, frt\'14 , ••••• 11 t • ••C. • ,.;.:__ coverao perking. 0 LIDO BAYFRONT 973.7550 • tq. II .1.0 pl( tq. Near new 4·plt•. 2 bdrm, dlr. Ii>•· view catlUna 1146-1423 4 BA 2.,. BA. 2 bltla bead\ _ ... , peta Elegant 28r. 2ba. frplc. 1---------ll., 3976 Birch .. N.J) 2 bath each unit w1t:i $2200llM ~2445 ----·-----lmmac a vac. U H . 'llMlllon ln ~ 1395 patio 11200/mo. Slape to bch MIF 19·25 Agent 541·503'2 fir~. encloMd paUO. I BR with atove. eowtld Agent 640-t208 ....,, .... , 1 Br. ~~55 494·0029 or 1 .a pm. raw~ ma!:: :::;r.,S~ 01rage, 9¥·-111. Pol """" perklno. Ctllld ' •mall N·TUR"" 1.0\/EAS And Muc:h Mott• 2 Br 1~ ea. $510 173...o770 cltlflllow.NowS168.500. a....-t-._. pet OK . 1450/m o . " ,. 2250 V.,,,,.., .. ,.d._~,...,.,..1---------a.&lh It N,l .111-tCM1 8111 Orvndy, Rltr. T ...... .u -I SM-79711 eayvlewoountr~home For1monlh.Of1lllt• -.. -• .,..,,....,~"¥ a7•et91 ••••••••••••••••••••'" rlnhf on 810 .. Bay 3 -.... u........Of""'l.~ M/P to allr lg 28r home, .. .,.. • 1 '' ldr. 1 blk to t>each, 1 Sty 3 BR 2 ea w/fl)tc. lg9 ac;,.m + den Maater b.. ...... ......,... ~II"'-1 la. au.n dfftc, 3 *ttkw •,llxn/ YMrlY. nu crpt, no peca patlO wt.,_ dbl 111 gar.. droom ~tt•. pool, apa. a.,,.ofPm NO · from bcl'I. CdM. •~•o lalfl I# i.I. llll '416 87&-2010, e..tP"4 dub& tennlal pool. A9'· encl yard . u 1s imo, ino utll Incl 875-1721 ...................... 21f. 1 ... 310 AIYat.00 Pl M 4* 76Z..2t97 t room• avall lmm•d. P~rlca reduced I ts.o1 odo. ~~-~:~ 1:7ct0ut11. Call 1 ... w. r.-•• 1114 _W_ee1_cllff __ 2_1r_ .. -.-... -... -.. -50-tummer rent• u· .,..,,_ ,., ...... 1 ••••••••••·:tt""~·••••• e..t"""" ... • •· IHlOO pt•~, St•"• to beach 4 HOM£8 ,,.... MHT .....,, " -...... 9 " ,. "'" hit'*'" Mr+ ,.,,, rm. r ~.1) !'· d1owbl n LOw· For Q-"'-d Ad !~d· 1726-1750, .......................... 11500 ntr &in 1 .,011 •. ow ACT10H ,. .. ..,.... )'9r I , O&f..... 8ay1lde Cove :J+den lo•,.if:.;'2nGoi::: ~I 0.. a ~:.•Jo8.e~•loo: ........... ... .... 1nOO ceri l · · == · · "° 8-fr't •. dOdl .. ! ~Wt?• ....,.,.. w.-m:;.~ Ntn ! •• ~ ••• --.... ~ -~Al.II "°" oon·t ne1c1 • ""' to 1...,.. aoo eo uooo •. ,,, ..... ,.. ...... 7'°41 ,.. 7 "'--~ .. -~ ..... ,... ........... ~ I ~ Mel 0.. ltlOW HW :fH41fH Jrltlt a r•· et•1•u ... ....,." wr ·-:.ru1 f r ql nc, •.t /i.1 • If I . ... . .. -v ll .,., •' . . . ••. ~!l, .. ~ 01~.·~·!lq~Oll· table Fountain ll•lley 1ooat1on Stoller 8'1.eeoo ....... , ... ~!.~!1 ... !!U LOAN 8HAN< WANTlD Need I t0.000 tor to oeye at 'i04Jt *""' Miii Potlilf, •·22'4. ......... , ar F PEiiiiF • - I Orange Co"' OAILV PILOTtT'*ctay, Apttl 20, 1982 - ~~7,..!~°!1 '°'. 30-ad ~~!!!r!ft ••••...•... ~~ ...... ,. ~.~ •..•• ~.It.I •••••••••••• ~~ •••.•.••.•••.• ~~If~ ........ t.~'111.. ............. t..•~.!!!l!!'!! ••••.•• ~ •••••••••••••••••• ,Of Ill =leecl to know wa cer. Cifpl c-.. MA9'8 I GAA9'HI. ,r... THI ~A Profell60nal ~ ... ...... * *9AYANT'I ** •*ALL TILi* * al*!t cy, eel StMl'I\ CIMn • --. i.noa Quallty WOfic. di\'-~ i.wn mMTt Heullf'lo.yard OIMn up • w~ AemoYal ~•r WOtll 10 yr• ••· (114)13 .. ,12 Truell mount Ulllt Wll taolfta OOmlftlo 142-4161 QulCIC & CIMn. 'r• !at. RHld/lndua/Comm'I· All t~ IA2·1"43 ,_ a.or-U1-&479 Ill i.xt & .0 tlo Low ratH. 'r•• •at. ,....... .,.. ,..,,, llala,..../ W0tti 04JM. 145-~1 11 Fr" •tTevtn ~toea 1~~ ~trim 1 ___ •1_3-064t ________ 1-,.._---,,,_-----1 _e_1_5-_11_e_t ____ 11-I I Ill Can ..,....., In the .. , ""' --.., ... DOil NOW! ......... YOUf' O.llV Piiot letYlce Oifact()fy ~ c..11c.,..... ........ ... L/"'"""'ITIC ":""'.=;................ DUMP JOll .......... ";';J'.......... "HEW LC>Ot<" ···::r··L·ov· .. ::.,··-.::.·.··· ,RU-!IT ....... ,~.. .......... ............... ....vv • ·-·....-II... • Smell Moving Job• ................ bt9 tetltM COii-pa1NTINO --·ic•s ~... .... ...... ....,. -2 ••• MAli'INiiiAviCi&... CONCM:Tl/APHALT 1' rr• • .,,. FUltY llo'd' ,,., .. •11mal ... CM2-4Nt Cell Mii<! 84-1391 pj;'i'~11. Jun•-••pt. " ""'"y ... IOf pN "In '/OUI hOma'" ·~-...;....;.".;...."'------ Mtc"-nto, pelnt, vwnlltl. Dfl'ltWt)'I. l*'Oe• block lneured. 4$2·5548 11Rlf• Rafi. Call Palm Oaaert lnl/e~t. Rafa, lnt'd. while ownara vacellon. TILE INST ALL!D l T •• k ' r u b & w a II • w.111. °"""' &M-04111 ~ 55e 1ull119, gradlno. cs.+'l\Oll· 1·3"40.2 tte Claudio. 5'6-117& ~t228 All KIOOI Guaranteed ·~· 17..... Te>ppadfremoYed a.an tlon. Concrefe • trH --------1 BlltloP 1 Son Palnti-••--t Ref•. Jotwl CMo.t217 .,...., • .,., THOMPSON'S ••••••••••••••••••••• • remOY·dump truck . ,_ • ""V ,. ... .,,._,, CONCRETE CONITR. ILECTAICIAN-Prlcad upe, lawn ranov. Qutcll tetv a.2.7638 ,.,_ 1U 30 yra exp. In Beach •••••••'::"~•••••••• ..__~ •~-'-hl1'•n LIO 0~383 a.2.a,a2 right, frH Htlmate on1....:.7.:&..:.:!1-44::::.:.:":_ ____ -f=---::--·-:--·---1••••••;£0£AAT£o•••••• •'"·fr" eat. 548·1029. Neat palenta l i.xtur• !.~!'!.T.:: •••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• . large Of emell Jo.,. ' • 1..-1• Income Tax s.r'<llOt LIC'D PAINTER ..... .... 111-1411 •flll)efl Tr" Pruning• "4ipraeentatlw Ml-11'11, tit. HI ~~!~ ............. . ~.Pnlnglot RapeKa. laaleoetlna as A8PM t31-41ttl1c Dan Hallberg Grading UIWlll I Ill Cemant-Maaonry-8tocll Lio. 3Ne21 87~..o3&8 "11111 ....... ., .. ~~ ...... ,......... 931-.4871 1n1.EJ1t. 10 yra up. Commercl., L.andaeape 8ullcMf'1 Sine. 1947 W1N...Ou1t. work. Llc. ' Fr• •t. Ken 939.5035 Want a REALLY OLEAN Reta. Fr" fft. 63&-t898 ED'S PLASTERINO Sarvlcel t57·83H Addltlone • ~ng R .. /coml Rob 5'7·2663 I! LE CTR I 0 I AN: LI c . K&D Land~ Malfl~ ~OU8E7 Call Gingham "8"a-'-All Typaa Int Of Elli Ooof• wlnctowl patio 233101-C· 10. 8m•ll RMlct/Comm ~ Glr1. ii, ... ,. IM6·5123 ....... ~r.......... •STEVENS iSAtNTING Call 645·1268 tor,,.. Comc>itt• Tr• Service covert. ,,.. •t'. Aaea. Cti,..,ffftt job a. Malnt & rapalra. Lt HNI"" s....2489 · _... VANOENIEAO ta back! Now apao. In ext. aai. a.n·1 ctn-up I lfflO Uc -310$42 5492·170 ••• ;;,-•••••••••••••••• 5'8-~203 • ..,. --LANDSOAPINO Free aa1 Cherlet. Latrn ranov 6-6914 . Or. Yoo ChlroprllCIOf • OardenlnO Wanted CLEANING SERVICE: Malnl, oomm'l/rtal<I. a.6·334115'e.:..5e1 PLASTERING . ll•l•I l•Hl•it AwpraNUfa. El Toro LIC D ELECTRICIAN Mowlf19, edging, raking, ReHonable rataa, lrH TrH trim, OIHn-up. lnl I u l , Rulucco, tl&YI Tiii ... Cuatom Celpetltry 770-52&1 2 .. hrt F~M~;~:~·i: IWHpln,. FrH Hri· •tllnal•. 18rlc:k I Ille. Int, bOndad. a..f UtlJ block WINI 566-4892 Com pt tarvlce Deck• & pa11oa. J .S. c .. ,, .. ,.,., ... al ma tu. 0 -•372 or 720-0742.. llo'd. Fr ...... 979-$148 PAINTING PLASTER PATCHING 640-930& Conat Co. lop qu.llty ···········'·········· RESID/COMM'l/IND a.&-5737. 1-.. -0-U_MC_lff_n""1""119-.-h-on-.-.-, -. 445.9343 RHtuccoa. Int/HI 30 "''-" work. Lie. NO. 380601. REMODELIADO-ONS '20 yta. Do my own WOftl. 11~ ·-' •~ dependabte ··--PAINTER NEEDS yra Neat PIUI &•S.2t71 •••••• ~/.••••••••••••• Fr ...... 559.5511 and C.,,_,lry Uc'd Lio. 21ao.1 ~ MCl-8128 _,,.,~HI ...... ·........ ~'·············· 'oR ••011 aubj•Cta. 1<-12' 25 '";;in Ma-27·19 •••••••••••••••••••••• -·cv.., BRICKWORK SmaN Jobi. W Kl 30 yr1 exp, Intl IJ..,jl .., FINE HOME yeen. I TOP QUALITY College 81Udan1•: wndw HouMCIMl\lng· axp'd r .. Newport, Coat• Mau. Ext Acoultlc celllnga ••••••• ~!. •.••••...••• ~:ll•g• 25 Y" up 'I I PaYtng Co. Rae/comm Uc. .t397ao.t. IM2· 1720 ~'!!~t. ......... . IMPAOVEMENTS AOD'NS/REMOOELING ELECTRICAL WOfV< clng, car waxing. odd llabla rtfl No job 100 trvtna. Refs Davia Painllng 847-5186 Oratna CINted from StO ~:" Mofnan, 54S.Sl7S Addltlonl&Remodallng Pl&M Uc'd.QeOfgePU· Reu rat ... &31-5065 Job e. tma11 "tettv.t57-33'1 675·3175 tNT/EXTPAINTING PlumblnpR~ra -· r "*' Son•. 557-6932 ·--l··uei•-IM2·5'49/a.5-7972 • . Ltc'd Ref• Fr .. "' Free .. , ~M CM2-to33 f' • S.tri ••• ... .,...., 18<M1 Elbert Clrde Founlaln Valley You are th• winner ol lour Ir• ticket• (I 18 00) value to tna ............. ANAHEIM CONVENTION ,.., •• 109 •--~ Wiii clean your nou•• or 8LOCK WALLS 64g.1067 .~9:.f •••••• !! ...... . COMM'URESID. ••••••• •••••••••••••• ......... office . Choo•• your Patloe . DflYaw•ya DAY OR NIGHT E .. _ Ralno<l·Adcf~Repalra FOrmlca counter top• & •••••'....-•••••••••••• ~ t Ref Ma.9005 Lle"d. Dannie~ .__.__ .... Ftrll Clat\ Work Typi~. Wrlt;ng. di~.., • raa. WIW Vary r .... Uc. 390250 cabinet• refaced. FrH CarJ)antry • Maaonty 1---•--•·----------------.le . .ioJ l4 g IU-'1111 My otnc. Of your• Lie. •34tm 17<>-6554 ~ ~t ~2 :1,2 eat. "2•5357 ~~St=~ ~~1:-St,~~S~I B~fl:.n!~'o:i!,~ ~ ~-L~ •. c~ •--''J T~ptnjobg •;ho:: ... ~~:, .; __ ... _!·4.1-~:.. 1Cht• 0 •11la1ll1/a1' Remodel J.8.646-ttto e1 1. 10 yra crale.Frplcl,BBQ'e,pe.-axpet1.963-0911Dk:tl ~.~~~!. ••.••••.•..... , ' l!a.-•l«t ...,......., .. __ J 1 'R d .. tloa & drlv~wa a. ouar. 00 Q Sele.ctrlc 111 Term pl( .. ::-;~................ JOHN THE HANDYMAN an c• agg• y .. nn. Top Quality. lo prtce. "'HENRY R FIN ..... para.1etc Expr. relic CUSTOM SPA DECKS Additions I remodeling, •••••••••••••••••••••• 675-251• Lie. & Int 14 prompt. Eat & lnl Spec· SHINGLES I REPAIR 9e0-4977 PatlOa,gazebot.UC"d. bonded St•t• Lie ONEQFAKIND r"'"bl~·=1----------.-m.--------l lall11 Rea&Comm'IFrM lie 415232 548·8213 John Of Rlcll 979-3218 "2J2d~tten 49' 1810 Chf~'CfL '°'~a25 r• .. t•. lllRW•I ..•. ··'··· ... ... •••.•. "" 714-139..()708 Hube< Roofing-Ill typet Cablnatt Ramod. · · • • HOME IMPROVEMENT WAl1tl ·ABC MOVING· New-recover-csaclta SkytitN • Room Add"n• c ' w-...,.u ,,,.,,,., REPAIR·PJ.UMBING Quick, C.reful Servtca. '••ti•• LIC 11'11802 548-9734 Grnl\M wndWI 754~•20 •• "!.!!'! ••••••••••••• f. ••••••••• •••••••••••• Heating, carpentry. alee, High Quallry houHWOrtl Fr• ullmatu.552-0410 ••"'0 ••"'••••••••••••• ---------CUSTOM CABINETS CLN-UPSlTREE TRIM Uta. Fr• Ht. No job too Exparlencad. depend•· Wallpapering. Painting ~~~!~!!~•.( ........ . !!~~~-~!~~ .... : *RESIDENTIAL* Avg 1 aty $30, A119 2 II)' SA5 Chlls 957-8348 "Let tho Sunshine In .. ' , CENTER Apnl 17·25 To clalm llckata. call 842-5878, U t. 272 Ticket• muat be claimed by Aprll 23. 1982. ••• BABYSITTING my home, Maaa Verde area, CM. C. I S.mn tnteflofs, bare. mantlel, MAINTENANCE tmall. 6'~811 bte, nonHI, Intelligent. *'-1 lllYm* rea/com'I. Scandlnavl•n .!.'!!................. llbrerlH, cabinet•. aky· E.llp"d. .i.... CM5·2122 Expert home and apl r• T n e b •at . Pho n • Top Ouellly. Special care qual Hltrnar 548-7675 No Steam/No Shampoo lltee, cull. molding. Aela. LAWN CARE pair. Carpentry, roof, 673-7012 at19f 8:00 PM. in handlln~ 25 yr1 ·~· Farthing tnteftOf 6"i;1n BUDGET RATES/Llc'd Low min. Sml jOba OK . FrH "'·Ina. 641·758t d~~~r!:>::~~~9!18t~2 646-0092. S34-23e6. Com'llraeld. Npt/CM. plumb, Etc. CM2-6013 EllpertlM Houeakaaplng Come•llt Vt ,..... 0 HANGING 110/ROLL Crown moulding. cedar II· Xlnt, ratlebla WOl'll. We bid all Job• • tga/amt We lurnlltl vacuum & OYeft me. 730· 1353 Oualll'f Lie/Int. Strip. s.wl , 'All II Cell Suntt11ne Window Cleaning. Ltd 548--8853 "' 20% Monthly Oiteount Reta. Sheri. 557"'461' Crpta ln1te11/rt191lred Flood damage. Steam ned ctoeeta. bookCIMI, On< opt' Bany 64S.7•12 Quality Kc'd IUPPI .... Kitty 6'1-4970 STAR\llNQ COLLEGE plf19 OilC on paper ...... .f,~ .. !!~ .. !~!. .. manllH, entertainment A\llLLES GARDENING Bl" & Dave l)(paf~t325 SCAUB·A·DUB STUOENtS MOVING \llaa·MC Seem 6'5·9325 uatom mad• CIOlhH· BABYSITTINO clng.554-8510. 973-8566 ANYTIME Rafa. C.M. EXCEL CARPET CARE cablneta. Wood toluliorll AH/comm. TrM trim & Prof, rMI, ratlabla Cln~ .. ~~· !~21~~7· WALLPAPER formal & Weddlnga & al· to wood problamal 1 1 General MalnlafUll'IQe ................... « All kinds FrM nt I• r a 11 on• A e • • 631•1528 remove · c aan-upa. Aapalrs a Oacoratlng Ref• Jean 63l-50t8 WATCH US GROWi 648 8974 979-e646 Cpl. uphol, area rug deaning Wor11 guar. Careful & lovlng mama 01 Fr" es1 a.s.1111 Dwa•• 21 mo. to care tor yaws, 1---------1 ••••••~•••••••••••••• rrry ~FIT 831-3787 Shampoo & steam Clean. RIVER ROCK • perfect Color brlghlenera. wht over P<>04 deeka. patloe., Babyalttlng In our C M. crpta • 10 min. bleach. walkway•. drlvawaya. nomee 1 jr. & up. Any-Hau. ltv/dln. rms s 15; avg e1c 661-2371 lime. room $7 50. couch SlO; ---------i 642-84821646-5759 chr S5 Guar. ellm. pat odor Crpt repair. 15 yn Claselftad Ads, your on. exp Do work myaall. llop lhoppklg center Ref• 531.010t lan~ng 5'f.le<M •Oualll"*Raw Quality Houaecleantng 111~1 L6~5•1,.309eo86 1--·-------i a..o:51'4 ' w/a pereonel touc:h, CM. 111 II '""""' .. ...,.. lhli All TIE ma 111111 Irv, HS a.th 8&0-0933 ••• ~ •• ~#. ••••••••••••• Expert wallcover,ng In· .:r •• t ............... . Lawn-tr ... thrub ln1taM 6.l•IJ•• ,. P&llTill atallauon AH• pr•~• * Skylctlh * Tr• tr1m-ramoval ••••••"'•••••••••••••• R081N'S CLEANING by Richard Sinor U c Conaultaot An1gomen1 Free •t 63 1-9255 Lawn eata-Rototllllng HAULING-•tudent hH Servlca . ~thoroughly 280644 13 yr• ol happy 681-8590 • 646-1578 or call lg• truck lowHt rate o1e.n houM. 54().-0857 local customer• 1---------f'llt An awe r Ad I 5 4 7 . Prompt. Call 759-19U "'--O Ct 111 • •• • • • a.2~300 Thank you. John HouHclaan1ng. dally. r.-.k you. 631°'41 "' •d Ad• '" 111' 0cER0AMic:LiNOLEUM 00 ---------~----=--....;... ___ , S35-S40 Call mo1nlng• anawer lo • aucce11fut Ttta PfOI inllall L•ndacepln_i·Yd Clnup .. All around nautlng. free Of ewnlngt, 642-8781 SELL Idle llama with• garage or yard aelat tt'•• Reas ratffBoo 67S.565l Tr• trim~ melnl wtlmat ... Cell Jim. Oelty Pltot Claulflad Ad. batter way to tell mOfe Jim 851.012' 5'6-39M Oualftad Me M2-5e78 M2·5e78 -~--------Sell idle llama 642-5678 For Ad Action Cal a Daly Piot AD-VISCI 642-5678 , SELL Idle llama wl1n.> Delly Pilot QUliftad Ad. , I ti ~-'r~'!!. .. ~ ~!.!!.~ .... ! ... Bulldar need• $82,500 to Lost BuMt Hound fem. complete 12 unit• In RI· Whtlbrown. Arch Ben varalda. W/aecure with Hts , Lag Reward . S100,000 1st TO clue In 1 63~4420 dy. 499-362-0 year. Call collect all 5, ri ~~! .......... I ~l..'9¥.'!!. •••• l.~!f !'!/..'9¥.'!!. •••• !.~ .. k'-11 I Auto lube man. axp. na- !-11..'9'!~ •••• !.~~-. : _4_9_2_·1M_9_7 _____ F __ o_u_n_d_B_a-se-n-Jl-.-t-a_n_&_1 $10.000 to 110,000.000 IOf gold plated TO"t . Mu 80% loan to value. Ae· turn 3.4 above prime. Call Dennlaon & Aue 673-7311 white, Ma.MaJe lab. mt. JCed. blk. female. New- por1 Beech Animal Shel· ,., 644-3656 Lcat Springer Spaniel, Mesa VefO. aree Have $300,000 equlu .. 1 540-3690 collateral. Want $10,000. Loal. F Golden Rel . rad 1 yr Of Ian etralght note. c 0 11 a r . 1 ·~ y,. o t d , Reply to Boll No 9911, "Bully .. , Eutbluff• • [)alty Pilot. PO Box 1560, e I u 11 • a r • • . N B . Colla Maaa, CA 92626 78()..96&0 ·---------..,,.,.,, fnll Loet AP< 15. t.diee' gold ~ Sl31 bracelal. twitted rope ••••••••••••••••• •• ••. dea•gn. Nwpt Bch ... S 100 284 Tl't WllTll I• w •rd 'Ellen tor lnaOr,. acct. 5AO-l 10S/~9 Low allac1 d ltcount. ~. unit•, oondOe to Sl .000 ,000. Agt 1-M 1.()693 WE BUY 2nds GREAT SOUTHWEST CAPITAL CORP llMltl WIDOW HAS SSS tor TO'a RE Loana, 10K Up No Credll Check. No Pan· ally. Denniaon Aaaoc 873-7311 Au...,....,,; lllNUl1/ ,,.,,,,,,,. ....•.........•••.•••. Au ... ,_.,, SIOO .•..•....•.•.......... *IPlllTlll IU ... 1815 SO. El camlno Reel. San Clement•. '92-7298 Full Ile ~aHAPPYAO In lhla coMnr'I fof only $3.25. C.il ... 2·5878 F<UI> ADS ARE FREE Cat .., .. 1. LOST: Small mix dog, fem raddlah brown, 13 tb•, sr.:::ata a eo1 .. .,... d.~2 lulrulia 10fl ~· Hrly rate+~ • • • ••• • ••• ••••• ••• •••• _8_3 __ 20 _____ --' SALES BLDG. MalnL 5 day wk. 40 01•11114 nra. pet wt!. s.tary open. J 875-6101 l>twn 8 I 4 Sal" Force Inc, lnvltH ---.-_ _..-.,-~-----1 you to join our IChool 10 -• be able to make up to through ganer•I edger, 11500.00 . $5000.00 per payroll. Wiii train on month! For further lnfOf· computer. Good com· matlon. cefl Mr K~• pany b«laflta. Call Linda at 5't-8242 141-1111 BOOKKEEPER Xlnt opp. ty for metura, lull chg. Jdil Wul.I 1m t*pt Raap. ror pay111>1ae. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • payrol, gen lllcSget. fin. Hakpg In each. for rm & llate~nll Great WOf· board. rellebl• young tiln~ conda. Benefit•. Frencf'I Canadian. Llbe-..,.,, ly. known Interior rat. Laguna Ch•rta1, design firm Non-tmkr 49S-6298 _64 __ 1_-<6004 _________ 1 Hol......,.,. . s-... ~. -...... 20. axp•d' w/chUdren. Nead raac>Of"lbta. upa- .. •k• llva-ln po1IUon. n.nc.d lead bl.9 per900. ~ Garmen. Franch. Good pay & nice envl- aome Engbh. ~ Cell ronrnant. 49'·"50 t.-o Anawer Ad •4 58. Bdl 642-4300 24 In. ---------1 n,_/P.T. also llghl bookkeep1119. pnonH & ahopptng for small manne co. '" eo.ta M ... 6-45-5682 For Clasllflad Ad ACTION Newspaper Carr:ies:s 1w l'oUtes in Huntiftgton Beach, Fountain :VcAty & Newport call. Deily p"°' AO.VISOR 642-5678 .. .......... C"tl• .... 1 ... .. -Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/TUMday, Aprll 20, 1982 &e!."'1 ........ l!M ~ -~.'e'!!.~.!.t. ~ ........... 1114 ................. ~ .... ~~ ....... ~ .. ~'!.ht.ft!~ ......... '.~'!.~.r.!!~ ....... ~ ... '.'!..~~ ......... .. I llf fl•IMI C~~~i::r 1i1o ~~~!~·.~~I 1111 Ford PHO ,lckup. ~~=.., ~}!!! .......... !.~~ ft~~.~ .. !~ff !'!!! ............ !.~!~ ~~ .......... ~~~ .... .-... •••••••••••••••••••••• ~~ .... , ... ~ l.. 157 .. 1" Ilk• MW 11 000 • • blta c II Low,.,. .... a .. •o•m Whit• With. 1-..... Of dolMMIC) '74 uoz. 13100 Call '71 '00 CD cou~. wire 711 2640 l gold am/Im ·~·J:r J: eutomatle On bed. 1 bO• ipttno• 675-52'1 Jim ge M3-Z202 ~~~ Ill good condltloft Laurie. t 1·60000t (21~) wheeta. 1untool, ••Ill 0111 . 10 m 1 1mm1c 64,_7578 . . .. ~~'~'' Coel1Mete 110R1lrlgetal0f1150 " ""OO·CAAT. good condl· ki ng you •• ""... a.u • .-.... 1 1113.()IM•" ~... tank . CIH•U•. 45.00t U46 0 MU ii ••• ·--------- Vicki 4116-4090 •• !!•••••••••••••••••• bbon••tMuot11r'e~ aa:>1...°'e pump1 Automatic tflftt. 1t 110 Top running ml •16,toO 4117-64114 041·91105 '"' H40 You are th• wtnner 01 tour lrM 11dlell 1111001 velUI to 1~ Sol'• • .,T llt •trth· Lovetllrdt, Ptlch·'•c• •H """"S pwr tt., AMf FM c....nt cond. Cleen, air, em/Im '82 380 SEC P1»chate0 2 •••••••••••••••••••••• ""'"' "'75 tlnglle Peltt . 8ree4ln0 -~·wv I overetied t1r11 redlo. 4 door 61,000 WHk• •go Dtlven Sen A•lfl U1H Ab1olutely Immaculate 1 10Ml417.,!1 7 25PfOf 1 .. Pair• S20.175 Ml-1411 .. ,..__,_/ CIWllOlll) "111nclng mllH 1 owner 12800 FttnCJtco to ldlhO. me-•••••"•••••••••••••••• t91 l Ford F•lrmonJ 4 ..... , ......... "' "'' .... ,.-l 'itMtble Ctll now, aek 8~3-0592 tattle: bN9 wtth blue IM l•Jrk Ill door 4 cyl • 1u1om1llc Hld•·•·bed, On u . Hl'th· ~''""" PY1h0n lf#ltn 1111 for DIYt Jon ... f~O· 1"9f, 153,300 Firm PP •••••••••••••••••••••• 1''"1 • pwr 11 · 91' 'ond ANAH!IM CONVENTION CINTIR Ap#ll 11·2& To ct1tm 1toket1. ctll 642-6811. U t 272 Ttckete mutt be atalm.O by Aprll 23, 11192 tone• $200 $128. Incl. lfO cage ...................... dote Robllll Ford 10 DATSUN 610, 4 dr, Telepl\on• belor• llPM. OllMIC 1806 '"''tllfk Rf<f ~_!'!_ llOOOb'"-"!~ 083•1871 1 14/0ll-2087 '78 Yam1h1XS11, lull &ot2.0010. , auto. VflfY nic. mtohlne 2o&-e22·3l03 Convert Mechanic 1nol _. .... ~ ,.... ....... , "" are11, beet olltr 1...;.----------1 :!Mllhul.101 llhd ltlOOllrm M&·78111 11111 compt rHtored. vectllon (ICOX381t Soll with 2 m1tchlno IJ•••I f '!!f.•u lfH 768-04611, &81-13110 '"'"'f..... r.~tll \ly~<• ~1410.UI 450 SL 1979 Whlle/11n 13500/bll ofr 552-9759 Current Kelley Blue Book Cl'l•lre, lllnl cond. b .. I e~io;l~-~~·;,;.-.··pi:~~· '78 Sutukl OS 1000 Xllll '67 Cl)1Yy, ntc• body. °'"'"• ITZI lt•th 211K ml. IKl"10ed SU06 Robin• p 11ce otl41f C110rle Ou Stolle, ' • nre11 eu•r"thln" Re•• .t I •-~ •••••••••••••••••••••• warr .. mini cond. Mtny 'll 1 .. 01 lllAL 15195 fln1~1nn 1v1ll•· .Int Cond .Imo.I new gooo oond. $895 oona. thru·out. ltH8 • • , •· • .._.. •W I " ••• • 011.. S 1•00 O B () • •• -.--. ••• •••••••••••• Ktrlt Cet ~one neoo· XLNT CONO bte Call now. 1111. for .. ' u.. •D -~ ~II O•b .. m . . HIUma. 13391> I O•v• Jon•• Theodore •.., 0 &', 1·, m Cat I &ot6-11198 080 Mutt S.. Olf-7304 ... 1_7~.9 " • ,; •• ,,-• -OI A••'l••HI 1010 764·4 28. SyMa Wurlitzer Coneota Plano. Honda CT '70 Mini Trell. •••••••••••••••••••••• • DELOREAN bit 9 % fu. C•ll Ol e aunrl, pwr hll, 1m11m., Aot>int Ford 642-0010 . • l'r.•••••••••••••••••• Outtnetze Witerbed. 2 New I 1800. 00 oond. pert1c1 condition 1400 One of • kind. 1976 Ford '80 Sappero, loteltd1 air. 97'?>· 1128 L" 1anotu PIP 846·11558 AP~tr,.~i~ ~~~ICE month• otd. Mutt Hiii 1760, 675-119411 1168· HIOI. 558-&146 ~.:~~. ~'C:y~Pt:!~:~,~ ; ~ 'e'o':; u:1 •:,~ • si4,il~ '70 Mercedet 260 Se<lan C '111 Hiii WANTED W• ffll recono .. guar s 125 complete sr..1tl•• °"'' lfff 11180 150 CB HONDA '""'. & only .,.OQO 934·f008 dye, 662-8276 complll•ly rebll eng •• ! .... ~!.............. , TO BUY appllanc•• 549.3077 842-90711 •II 6 •••••• r.............. Good condi tio n. Mutt mllH Thie truck could ..,,. IOIDI have recelpll 1520 0 CllTUlft.ATIM WavelH • Dream WHver w1nchuter 114. 30130. • e 11 n o w 117 !o 0 . not be dupik;att<I come s•-a W 9!o7.o990 GatlW01 Relrtg 1225. W11har1 King sire water ........ "Int Win 12ga pump, Colt 1163·1878, call Bruce alt ••• & m 1 k1 offer .... 1• •--H f 90f ... , _8_t_3_0_0_S_0 __ 1 ___ 1 ... -Litt IODEL ........, $125 • di l'I ..... "'"" " .i3 38 o " ti 1 1111' -1 ' "01 W W ..... • mi eage '· We sper11111e 1n I••••• v•rv• .. • w--r cono Like ne-'"'••d· pump ( 18111 I 1• upm No rue o er re u-I tA08696) Flnancln~ •••••••••••••••••••••• " ar .... r 96 ~ I 5 64• 5848 " .... -• •••• • •• 7.1•1 9 Under w111en1y tor the butinen exec;u-u•r1 c••s 12 91 v· board. htater. padded 720·0373 Md 111allabla C1ll now. H """' .-~ • •• SI R, Dlue , palamlno I I I I °" "" M1crow1ve o ven, Ken-I • no ... complete '80 Hond 650C8 I for DIYI JonH. Theo-wa ..... I r:,-,, . .. 11·•5 x5~,3~oond $32K Call IV9 I :::..0 .-:;;;... WILSON FORD more. lg c1pectty, l'llgh & Sl~. 714-6l 1-0235 (Iv ff, 11'1f, 3900 ,:, mlntc~~~· d o r I Rob In 1 F o r d · 011nne C°"nt.,.I Oldell -II .,.,-v8 .-.. • a:11• SI 1-1 ' 642 0010 • ., ••••••••••••••••••••• · ·Jee/I tf lltw 1112 oe1ro11 Liken-1100 mesuge) ••• ~~~ ••• !!!! •.... ~!. $2000 11111-7810 !----------& feeding ctt1le11hlp 74 Flit 124 Spec:tat 4dr ... ,. •r·~z 962-3429 h • I """"' 9 7 g 2 8 2 C I a & 1171 f 111 8elore you buy any-c letn, tm/lm 1 lereo .... '•··•••••• ••••••••~...... C-~ ... Couch c 111 o amp,""""' I 0 Or ·74 SUZuill TM 12.,, IHI • where, com• In a tee anr-..I "'"'" 18255 8Mch 8tVO Huntongton BeAcl'I 142-1111 Frig1oa1re weaner. Kelv1-cono S75 TVs -O·tlfl Mk lot Jim dependable Mu1t Hiil ftr4 fiok.., u• & Ille GTVI and tile $2000 Jean &«-t742 Pl'"" 1 .. I• St ... I nator G11 dryer $7S ea 1163-5397 962-5593, 675-2734 $300108 0 846-3744 s 2 5 o o o Bo d 1 ya S"""'-Vatocel 76 F111 Spyoer, lo m1te1· M IWIUI 7rea S28SO 831-8152 Kenmore waaher $125 22 """"1""'' ..-~ .. d NABER~ 548_8872 P11tow-beck couch earth 19' Sony Tr1n11ron 1375 78 KAWA.SKI eso KZ 762-84 • e....,"""'" '"'" IUCI •OllTS i:250;o~g~3 :_~,."2~ TONNEAU COVER colors, Ilk• new orig Firm With x1r11 11800/080 lll80 Dodge du•I wl'leel 848 Dove Str•t. N 8 F111 MG s ·'71-61 (~ ._. Li•tol• fl4S washll1r.75sa519ctea~Ho;;:~ s 600795 se11 I 2 s O eves 6'6-5339 556-0883 1fter 5 30PM t-tor with 1ow ml ... Thia 112..... 73 124 Spr1 Cpe Kint m1 Never used $76 .1\0I LI.,,, ~ "63 "Li~·c~~;·c~~·..,··r~·- 011. c an 645-9 RECESSION SPECIAL #oltr ••n, 6'/•I totded Spec:tal EdlllOll 1969 HerbOt Stvd . C M good cono. $1595/0BO Maria 631-7797 Iv mtg /•<llll" • 1 ,, tr1ct1ble new tore~ all ...:gooa:;._._M_8_-4_4_8_5 ___ Soll<I teik coffee a end Black acouallc spkrs. I Club Ca b with all tl'le 1•1.ltll All 5 840-5243 loride flSO o011on1 with 63 parts ~r I Ill am.IAIClS iaDles, VefY unique. 1150 Hinh Eno. nr new 1250 l11tlllfl•f:I IJIO option• 11 a truck 11'111 ----·-----Bo•'• "1.'Z1 •••••••••••••••••••••• !!!!!!!~~~!!!!ti 175119-150~7 11 k • s •II IOf HI ol 3 645-9795 760-a520 ••••• :r.~.... ......... c. n 0 ° I l'I • J 0 b I ~ 1...: ~ Les 957•8133 ---------RENT H II. motor home 1 IU79274J f inancing ·~~,"~~"m~::•;ur.~1~1 •••••••••••••••••••••• MEISTER 79 fldo blacil alt extras• --------- REFfllGERATOR Ilk• new R Y1meha CR620 RCVR & 2 Slpa 8. tully io.de<I avall1ble Call now, aek Bod I I 1 r ~.. WE'RE Beaut COf'IOI 5?.000 m1 °9 CONTINENT Al Two 0001 Fro II Free Rainbow spttrs An exoet &otS-6818 for 01111 JonH. Theo-137&. ~-;87 c., .. ., PORSCHE/AUDI I $12 500 PP 631-6666 All POWER SIOOO St55 8113-9060 P•rtflll Let Salt ;~~2~ gel price $450, '76 Etooredo 21', clHn. Oore Robin • Ford 13631 Harbor Blvd -Tllr WllST 545"2786 01• gold Ca1011c stove, Lost warehouse. nuge M · bargain-17900 P.P. Eve• 642-0010 lllW ITIZ DEAL IN' Gorden Grove ~ /lltrt•TT '9SO free 11and1ng. mint cono tee lion. many below cost IHll I lliri•• 673-7478 '73 LUV Pickup. Cu11om. •••••••••••••••••••••• l~s-Stnict-UHlllC SWCTill • ••••••••••••••••••••• $295 646-1998 11765 EOlnge<, F v p blll • • JI • I fl•O Cmpr •I'll. 1mllm cue, or tate moool. low mlh1a-1960 M111c.ury Zephyr wa· TRASH COMPAC10R • w of Herbof . 8311-7239 ••• ~~!f!'!!~! .•.••.... !!~ .. !~ . .'.~~!! ..... !'. ve'l ge1 cond 644-2064, IMMEDIATE 14 131-2333 ge Ca01Hac1 tn Southern gon • cyl stan<1aro Kitch en Aide. la rge IH II i Must Hit 16' trevet trlr _64...:·_·1_5_09 __ ....,.___ 80 Porscne 924 Turbo & Cllhlorn:~•ERS ~~~:r":o~o~or10W:,1~::~~' ca P 8 c 11 y . s 1 7 5 Musi sett all wooo dining ll, 1 •ll.,.U Gd c ond $1100/obo. '78 Oat p u . 1op cond, DELIVERY QN '80 Porsche 924 Bo1h ,... A 4180 y t or sum mer 7141841-2647 AM rm lable a 8 chra. Like s.,.,;,, HZO 848-7297 ale. am/Im Sl1190 5 spd. .. loaded lake ovei 118 o•"ILL•c 16 I 75 7 I I Kelley Blue new s1•SO 855 .. 8827, •••••••••••••••••••••• S3500 payments 714182'S:1808 .. " Book cL3.,5 Ro"in• llEFIUL $111 632-8562 ENJOY YOUR BOAT TUT ..... LU ask Ing . e v MOST 2600 HarbOI Blvd ""' c .. , Let us do the wOfkl ,_ 1_8_47_-_1_e_10______ SAUl-SDYICI 1966 912 n-engine at-COST-' MESA price $44 75 Fonanc.ing Guarantee<! 8511·0682 8 .4 cushion Ok Drown Varn1$11, paint, ,clean,,.. Hard lop, SIHPI 8 Very 76 Ford PU. 4WO, .,,, ton, WllH toys. cov11 bra •lnl available Call now ash HYl1$111 sofa goodcon0.195 p airs EKp Newport cleanwHhitikenewtent runs good , to w m i 83 1.2().40 495_49411 MODELS cono Oivorceulemake 540-1810 lor Dave Jones Tl'leo· 06 840-38159 Maintenance. 548-6581 I LOii ol Hating 1nitde & 13000 752-2020 Jotin oller 960-11 16 I -7• <Io' e A o b' l'I s For <I Guaranteed 859· 82 UllLllACI l•W • EIOO Convert•blo t.•2·0010 Top Quality girts' 8 piece 1939 Woooen Skiff $50 storage room , lots 01 M n 1 • o eim 77 26•02 ••ar,....,..tte Pk'""" '8 7 9 12 COUPE We loo~" 911>"1 $3700 ·-------WHIH •111 5 E room lo carrv 0•11 white ec an c 5 r • ~ ... .,...... ~, b nt l lu ""5Z • bedroom sel Must see 0 8 0 0 10 I l'lp vl n . tr 1191 11395 907 8679 Chev luv Need• work Mltslon VteJO SAVE oug a new arga 76Q-2867 ,..•1t1•1, 77 Guar1nteeo 659-0682 S900 673-0444 1400 08 0 675--4784 a "J · 1 8 0 0 6 7 6 • 4 3 8 6 . (Avety EJm 011 I-Sf Mull 1111 Clean ;.tn1 • ..... • • .. • .... • • .... REFRIGERATOR I 67S 2832 s meeh Final p11ce re<IUC· ,,.,,. gg 11 • RESALE SALES . Good running cono SSO 811111 IOfO ..,,, ltrrtr fHO A I S. • I I 1-----------1--__:0:..:pen:...... __ und_...:ays:__ tlon 15.900 tor quick •••••••••••••••••••••• 71 Conver11ble $3850 •.••••.•.••.•••••.•••• ·····'················ • • mt•, U'I v. fSTO & AT .... 631 -23 21 01 1979 Cl'levrolet Cam11r ol ve auto pis 8 11 673-382S Stai.es prooucong mare 40' Owens Tahl111n llve-I ~IOriH f400 •• '.~! .. t .. ••••••u•••• 546-5142 _ I 8e111ne11a Au1oma11c 0091ZH 92K °''9 moles GAS STOVE S35 Dlack type on foal to aDoard Slip av11t C1ll •••••••••••••••••••••• 73 cnevy van w/towing trans aor cono power Sears Sid sz while Acra1or111 Oel1ware Judy or H arvey LITE BODY WORK& mecl'I 1 1000/blt ol r HONDA 111111•1,tt f1S6 s1eet1no&bra~es stereo 7 1 H.tro1op $24501.o worlo.s lone 546•7983 Chief mare on toat to 642-4644 btwn 9AM & pa1n1tup 10 50% oll your 549.2221 •••••••• ••••••••••••• t dsselle 1011 wheel 30?V8 .. u10 p s aor Acralartat 2·yr Dela-5PM t>ody shop est s:Je-98321---------CREVIER BMW custom wni>el' II 111e• 9228ZU \661" 0,,4 Up11gl'l1 treeier 19 cu QI ware cnoel lllly from 73 VW Van. great cond #}DEALER JN U.S.A Low mites• 1226WOX 1 moles It Perfect cono $275 stelo.H producing mere. 33 fl IWl'1 d iesel cruiser ' ammtl Needs some work A&k T1llt llafftlll '12 SANTA S~99 Earle Ille Toyota 655-8827 632-8562 on 11a1n1ng Yearling like new many u tras •& IWIUS for JOhn 631-2855 ..... Art lwtl _ JO' CARVER Fonl' Used Car Sale• 76 Mac.II 1 $1950 HP G-E ORY ER. tok e new Acrataroat f oal from migl'lt fjnance Co~~~~ TONNEAU COVER A few rematnlng 8 1 I 1966·1970 Hdroor Blvd V6 4 .po p s .Jr $1 50 or Desi ofter Call slakes producing mare ~ ~ r.g:;ef 64 Flis MG's, 71-81 74 Ford, 1 T .. PIS. P/8, Moo.it g Oemoe are 11111 ~-~ Costa Mesa 646 9303 03 IPOJ Below wholt'· Jlnet 81 67s.:J738 Can be seen 11 Hanson's • Never used 17S 1u10 V8 cap /aeata. big avallablel we speciahre ANA 1 -.-.. .., .. • .. .,., ~40-9467 wlfl Stock Farms, 37613 Es-'ll SllP.a&CI M ana 63 1-779 7 Ive tores. AM/FM, CB. magi. In. EuropNI' Cle!twry and ··-•• • " • . ...., 19 7 9 C AM A RO z 2 8 443 W Bii) Cosla Mt<"W l•i/'i•f ptt nao e Ave Hemet Open 24 Many atras msg nu Fr 11res mufflers. 11 awteu p re-owned CtOHO\UNO"'f\ G Ph 645-2963 1025 t2f3) 597-7013 lmmac cono 130 hrs tr1n1, w pump. br1ke1. BMW'• orgeous wll•tl' woth v P Ser Ope Alt l 28 striping A 1oaoeo 66 Mustang gOO<I cono ••••••••• ••••••••••••• WtSTUI SUIU Newpon Slip A1k1ng A•lfl lfl $•11 c~n 644_9678 Where Custome< 0attss'aturo:oce n Smn f16Z T.l ooo m11e ca1 wnn ion s t800 °' bell offer can llOW 3&c/n ISiand s I SO 640-8777 s 14.750 5 5 7. 1s6 6 .•••••••••••••••••••••• ·'~12~00~~~~~~~~1 Service Cornea 111• ay y 1 •·•••••··•·•··•··•···• CIOlh ln18fl01 E' ~c.epll oef 4pm 611-2763 w 775-7058 IMPORTANT NOTICE :: Sales-Sen1oc&-LtH1ng 30l W Warner Ave Sole1-Se1vice-Leas1ng nal car 15225481 F1n11n-~-~~~~:. 2a~! ~:~~o /lliietlJ~~.'!.!!. •• !.~!~ -. 7_6_2_7-,-,,-,-B-A_Y_L_t_N_E_R_1 TOA~~~~~~i~0 A•I•, Wul#. ••• !.~~ 208,~14:~;;1;,An• I 11 btk west 01 Main> I SlllUIACI ~·~ ~~~11~o~~ecj~~~: 91!!!'!!~!!! .•.... !.~!¥ fencing Lowest p11ce ;.;e·;·;.arrll 1555 Car ·v1c1011a" Fly bridge. Tl'le price o f 11em1 ad-••••••••••• Ill Ctose<l Sunday 1 • 540 7430 I SllAll guar Jim or Ken any-Telephone with speaker VHF radio, b l ll tank. ver11seo by vehtcte OH · WE IW Y • 131·2141 415-4141 ~~;~~~ Aobons Foro lime, 646-9865 & automahc 01ale1. pvsh depthllnder outnggers, lets In the venocle Clasal· "''nu CAI! TH •"t b•ltie& 81 CIVIC 4 Speed $4200 bu 11 0 m w h 11 e. ca II Wlll'I trailer Will sell ba· IMIO adverttllng column• Anything contldered . ,.,. tf , .. , 768 9838. 4113-9423 esk I r ••• ,, 1165 C .. 1111 I 8 -·" L lance of loan ooet not include any op-1977 tl'lru 1980 101 G11ltcnen 1 ··"··••••••••••••••••• r ... i-HI 1030 975-112 _..tor es Call 846-2843 phcable 11.ees license, lft hfcb .. tr t977 TOYOTA Corona ••• ":1 •• ~0.·••••••••••• 3 moDole radios & base 3011 79 SEA RA Y w / 1r1nsler tees ltnance ....... Ct•I It 79 Accord HICl'lbk auto Wagon 5 speed trans IAll.... s1a11on UHF OK for bridge Sharp & •Quip· charges. feet '°''" pol-~ lcl1re11 llW'.'· tran1 AC beige 11.lnt I a" cono stereo tape. R C C S 1 9 9 5 I o Ir I d c o n o S 5 • 0 0 o I c po~, st-•ng and ~y StartyourOarkroomto-peo 1 s5•• u a1te1as lul•oncon1ro evice 776 •021 n ~v ·~' 631 ,,.,.,,,, ... .-. •-" • -• 0 me low miles• Musi see lo oiy•Wolht 8ese+ef 23Cll ._..,., 675•8711 ceru11ca11on101oe1te1 •-_, ........ 6 57957"''0693l I K ----Pl I 4 · .,.. • apprec111e1 t5 79TCOI enterger ent11gtng ten-Evonruoe 6 $325 New ---------• documen try prepar•· IJ hr.--H ses salellgnt & fitters. Comattt Moped ,375 . 32 '79 STAMAS FIB. t0n 11on ,nuges unl1u lt22 5333 82 Honda e1v1c1 4 or Pr•ceo to sell• Earle Ike electronic 11mer various Giii's Cruiser 1 7s Lo hrs Clean S65M 0111erw1H specolled by •I i..0r_,.c..y (114) w • $137 47 +tu per mo Toyota-Fine UHd Car easels & every type of 548•2429 Hatteras 675-87 t t 1ne lldV9'1t-80 3201• all utrH Kint c~ eno 48 mo •-Sates 1964-1970 HarbOr 0 koomacce .. or 2925 Hatbor8tvd A l l Saver• (71 41jBlvO Co111 M11a ar r Y ""-'N waYNE T"'......,IS 43 · 78 VIKING 111 cab . "--•/ "5J0 COST" Mes a cond AIC AWfM UIS 6 O 8,, &•• "'"'3 "'•().9'67 lmaQlnable All •n e~-CLUB MeMeeASHIP T JO 1 own. gooo buyt '!~:-.•.:. ••••••••••• !.. . • ,. "' " a,nrt 673-4209 34• 1 • • ., •• .,., ~ '" 1en1 cond11Jon w in Mii u s 11001080 Het18fa1 675-8711 WANTED 111-2111 package only 1500 IU.'8f Wlt'S 1s 1-8A06 -1_8*_•_54_4 ____ --1 ,..,, s.u H10 WE PAY tUUT -35_m_m_c_a_m_e-,-,-w-/-te_n_•_&_ 2 v1v1d Cucaro Oil Peon-4"1~·K~~i;~·;;;g•si~~~· TO BUY & llaSh 1150 tongs S1crtl1ce below $.42 000 TOP DOLW 848-7297 •pprllMO value 11500 Randy 64S-9723 <I"" UTE IOHL 8acl'I 120-1211 ·-FOR ISEI CMS *UICI SAUi * 1-s-0-11-, L-1-,hogl--aph--C-hf-is-it 36 Sall boat Kii. 1n1 80% USED COS WI UI• Sale.-Servic:e-Lea11ng 1980 Camaro V 8 A C PI W PIS 1111 wheel 28 000 m1lei. Kint cono 7521650 Ch,.,1l1t ff ZO ·······•······••·••··• SEE US FIRST? we nave a good H ltc· l•on of N EW & USED cnevrotet•' CON ... EU CHE VI OLET .~ftJr'• • ~~.' "l'.l\~L·1 su.1200 WANTED TO BUY New & useo Fantastic of Gata No 13 ot 120. completed 30HP Olftel WILSON FORD N""'•c1•-••1 prices Large selecuon 968--0534 att Spm. Ou1ck sale 126 000 tu• -- • Perry's Camera. 380 E 644-5769 2480 H1rbor Bfvd 1st. Tuston 832-3666 Uft l&UMIS 3_4_·_11_1_2_'_F_e_r-ro_c_e_m_e_n1 ~:;.~,::~.: COSTA MESA '78 Cehca Gl LlltDaclt. Utt IOIEL . QOIO au mags Xlnl IO' CARVER llUS fl~ l-·BM\\ ,.111 I03S Helium BOOQuets C>ellve-ocean HULL. M •Sh your-142 1111 54MHI ~~•••••••••••••••••••• red Perl1c1 for every sell $4000/bSt olr M-F ----·-----I 541-1411 Hlmllayen kitten•. O wks, Occ.sJon Great IOf Sec-8B- 33 6 1213) 556-3000 ••I .1-tit•••/ --------- 81 1 edlgre d ty week Apr 18-24 ,.. • WE •uw uepoon • P e . s1 11 Cl111it1 "5ZO .. ' CFA s200 494-1 90 , __ 73_·_••-1------1c o Lu Me 1 A 2 3 w / ••••••••••••••••• !.... CLEAi CARS n.. I040 Minolta 35mm cemera MOORING Larg1 part-Mtlll 11a"1I Ill R..,.IS :".""'-~••••••••••••••••• $45 Chest of Orewera nor SI 1,500 or best olr. Sl'llly repllCH . ple'kupi & .., Caorn Terrier, 8 wk M, $20 Frig wu her $150 673-3630 coupe• 4 to choou Sho1s a worming. 1300 1_8_40_-_9_i _8 ______ 1 HOBIE l8'. cotore<I aatts, tr om I (006768) (Slk 01 best olfet 1142-9682 Baby f urniture . g ood cat box. 11a11er 13500 A30ll3) Pr1Ce1 111r1ingat 12 week old Cocker Spa- niel poppy I 150 546~54 1 Sherry 1' Pell 'R People Too Poo<1te k 101 • sa te T-cup 1 1oy min All breed pet vac111on1 We Love You' 5•6-2848 co no 125 to 1 3 00 Eves 833-0503 •Y lt,ltll 850-1396. 840-8153 CO ... MEU CHEVROLET 'X..,. ll;'i• I I' : ''"'''\1r'' 50-1200 eond tow m11ea11e USED CMS .............. I 4'#• "wt 'l'#M .. ".._. ..... ,.....,.. $4900 844· 1642 or Liie 79 7331 tow mu... 1-728·•511 WILSON FORD new con<I thru-oul Al· --------- 5ume l ease w11n tow ,::: ,uJua f1 Vilktfllft• f110 182S~ Beacl'I Blvd interest rate Call An-__ • •••••••• ••••••••••••• Hun11ng1on Beach thony days 842-6767 • ...,.,,...io.. ·59 Classic VW Rag Top 142-1111 evet & w\n<ll 1131·6630 ""ff & Need.I work. ---------648.0178 all s CllYm" '76 BMW 2002. to ml, xtrn ,..... "' • 5 cono PP Make o ffer fACllnl 74 Super Beetle, rbll eng lllW 1112 64,, ~081 radial lies. ictnt cono L ao~ .. glass tops etc .,.... "itlllO Sl.Ctsl&llW.WUJJI $2575 0 80 ""'-2922 o ""· ' '"" Set' 474017217 197 1 VW Westph1t1a camper Ve/I good cond $2750 oflet 494·2069 OILY $11,411! llOWAll Clte"91tt Oove/Oua11 Sit NEWPORT BEACH IU-IHI 79 CheYelle a11 4 i.pa lo "" 35 mpg S3500 ma1'e offer S45-709 I 7 1 Monza 39 000 orog WANTED TO BUY Ult MODEL USED CARS WILSON FORD 18255 BeKh Blvd Hunung1on Beacn 142-,111 711 Brougham SU91 Os• loaded w/atras. pe1I cona Ste $499 5 60 -2326 79 Cullau Supreme O.e· sel loaded wl eatras lo m1 alnt cono Sacr $4995 644-2326 'll liestl 2-4r CU TL ASS SUPREME BROUGHAm S•700 Make ofle< 752-6499 67 Ootmon• 88 alnt cond clean must .ee 11200 964-5706 960-2007 79 Cutlass Supreme 8rou11hom Diesel auto air AM/FM stefeo crui ''PW. to ml. 1m m11c 8e)1 ol r over $4600 644-2326 p;,,. ns1 ............•••.•..... s1op1 Looi.• 1971 mint green I owner 35 000 m•lc Ponto Automallt trans aor cono & on e• C.f'llent cono111on Tes1 011vt' & make offer f 70 tCKEI Financing av11taDIP C1ll now as~ 101 Dave Jones Theo-o ore Robins Fo10 642-0010 mo auto .,, new lores al 74 Hl chDk 1tlnt cond wnotesele p11ce S2300 clean •-spd stereo 645~18 -$1095/0BO S45-6891 YOU "AUTO" Drive Into 76 Chev Concovrs 40r lo•lilt fffS v1nyt 1op ••r stereo. •••••••••••••••••••••• alarm lop cono 1 ow ner 122115 5411-1326 t f • • l . . THIJ AUTO SHOW llmON ll'ONIO•IO IY1 r aAU~I MOTGal -Buick, ~ar, Isuzu, Triumph MlllTR POllCHl7AUDI -Porsche, Audi ,..,_._ ' ....... ~ ,l>, ·-11.... . ....... -.. I'll ; . v 11 Win a free trip for two on AIROIL You11 likc ~ $fylc \ ~ lsUz~ l_ntroduces ·diesel pickup -CallfcmLlnl have lak.m 10 the laulu dMeel car, and now~ truck bu~ tMlw the ~ty 10 own• llulla .._.•Well with the Introduction of the 1a11u P'UP eta.la to the ......,.,,. State. The PUP jD&IW lta ,..allne eouat.erput tn the 1aazu lineup, llvtna Jami tbe nae compnMllllive line of aompld pkkup1 on the market. lncludine the only mln.l-tnick dJile1 4x4 available In C.allfor. nla. . The dMlel PUP EPA raUnat are 33 m11-per pllon ln tbe city and 44 on the hlahway. with lta 1tandard &-•DMCI manual trammllllon. The four· wheel drive as-1 P'UP ... ao milel per p1Jon ln the dty and 3e on the hfehway ln EPA t.tl, ma-· I kine It the most economkal 4.4 pkkup IOld ln the It.ate. &ndlome 1tyllna. economy of ownenhlp and operation. a 1arp mer comtortable cab, and a cllO&ce of 17 modell ~t the P'UP ltory. The ... -~ venkln. with the longest wheeU-and lara9lt payio.d (45.7 cu.bk feet) ln lta cl--. hM a .wMlard 19.l oDon fuel tank which memw more than 840 mllel fl hlahway drivtn, ln a cile9el without a fill up. All P'UP modela come ln either 1tandard or deluxe Yel'lllom. and delwce venkllw have a bucket .. t optkxl. Deluxe model equipment includes full carpetin1, 1pedal interior accents, and a unique exterior paint U.tment featurtna black lower body 8dea and a three-tcllM stripe. The 1tandard trim level on P'UP pickups ln- cludem 90IDe Items not available or optional at extra charae on othet' mak-= cbrame front bumptt, fully vinyl floor covertnc, fold forward bllck teat, and three abreeat IMti.nl· Standard equipment on all P'UP modela tncludeil a llnele-handle releue tail- 1ate, In-bed tie-down hook.I, and power aaaiated brakel. Power steerina la 0Pt¥>nally available on all P'UP modeb for 198"2. The P'UP 4.4 hM a unique 1luw feature: an independent front 1u1pen1fon with a low trim ISUZU P'UP _ The Isu zu die se l-powered heiaht fcw una&rpMled r1dlng comfort. easier exit p UP h EP 1 al long wheel base versions are available as well as four-wheel drive. ancJ entry, lncreued wheel traction, and better ' as A ra tings of 33 mi es per gailon in handJ.lna with tta lower oen,.__ter.;._of__...__vi--'"'-· _____ th_e_ci_ty_an_d_4_4_o_n_the_h_i_l;(_h_w_a_y_. _s_tan_dard __ an_d ____ r-------------___; Chrysler tells of ' Chryaler Corporation haa announced a new product protection prqe- ram that coven more components for a longer period of time than any warranty ever offered ln the induatry. The program, called the 5/50 T)lree-Way Protection Plan, war- (anta the power-train, provides free 9Cheduled maintenance, and war- rants exterior sheet me- tal apinlt perforation by rust. all for five years or 50,000 miles, whichever comes fint. All domutically- produced Imperial, Chryaler, Dodge and Plymouth automobllea bought after April 11 are covered ln the plan. Lee Iacocca, chainnan of Chryaler Corporation, aald _the protection plan "W Chryller'I re.pol• to the market demand• o( the 1980a." ''Our IW"Yeya and our mail make clear that the new car buyer today wanta r eliablllt y and lel'Vice with no hamles," he aakL "I've been Nying all alon1 that the cars Chry1ler Corporation makes are aa good. lf not bettet, than anythln1 elae coming out of Ame- rica, Eu.rope, or Japan. "Now we are proving we mean what we Ny. We are terving notice on the Japaneae and the automobile bullden of the world that Chryaler en1ineerln1 etanda for quality, durability, and out1tandln1 value, and we're prepued to blick Jt up." The 5/50 Three-Way ~Plan. which '8 a limited warranty, co- ven enflne11, trammi1- liona, tranaaxl•, drive axlea, and axle ahafta. The powertraln portion provide• aub1tltute tranaportatlon, towin1, and requlrH a $H de- ductible for each dea- lenhlp vl1lt after two ,_... or 24,000 mlllt .. THERES A LOT 0 • IN OLDS TODAY AllllUAL PERCENTAGi RATE FINAllCING Maybe yoo're like a IOt ot people who would buy a new Oldsmobile right now "~···. "~finance rates come down "oilly mon1hly payments could be IO>.NeC. W ~ftnance charges could be reduced . A lot of the "if onlys" have been eliminated with the 12.8 annual percentage financing 12 8% It applies to new Oldsmob1les ordered or bought from stock now and dehvered thtough Moy 31 You could save pn that Cutlass Supreme yoo wonted ThofOelta 88 That F1renza. Cutlass Ciera. Omega or any other Olds ANNOUNCING RREllZA! This Is what o small car con be ... when It's on Oldsmobile! This newest. smallest Oldsmobile shows lmpnmlve quality throughout. Front-Wheel drive. Macpherson strut front suspension. The f\Jn-to-drtve Firenza Is ready fOf your test drive. INTRCX)LDNG cm.ASS OEU! Cubs Clefo. It's the ftrst Cutlass with front wheel drive. Wtth otl that Cutlass style. pk.II~ troctton. A. 2.S·llter lA engine \.Ath electronlc f\Jet lnjeetlon ts stondold. ~ Qefo, o new Cubs up with the latest outomotlYe techno6ogy. model The Olds you like financed at just 12 8% No rfs. ands or ... ontys And tnors good news Offer apphes to qualified reto.11 buyers at partlc1pahng dealers. Deale< contnbUtlon may affect consumer cost Excludes units eligible for the Genefol Motors 'lers Get Moving" Cash Bonus Plan. neet soles and lease units That smart. sophisticated ES package that gave Omega sedans the grond- touring look inside and out is n<:M available on Olds Omega coupes! INTROO.JCI~ llEW DllSB V61 -' .·:1_., ... , f ' , ,, ~ . l, ·i • ':\ ... \ ~>.. . ' ~ """ A btOnd·new 4.3·11ter diesel V6 joins Amettco's best-*lng <ietel famlty. Alolk:Jbte on all Cubs Supreme and CUttosl Ciera coupes and sedans. Aprl 2 I ·21, I ' t I ..... ... , • I , •• t • n · 7 BUICK .. • I ENTRANCE •• I '· ~· . ,,. 6 u · 11' ,,. l"'..9LDS ie 4 , I H ' IU' • An Advenltlng Supplement to the D8'ty Piiot, Tueeday, Aprtl 20, 1982 \ 3 SUBARU • • ........ .. ,,. ... .. ••• 10 • --, 19 • ..... . • ' ' oe s ... DELORE AN 2 FORD ooe '" IU It' 4 ,HI llf J eo LIM 3 800 Str 1 :3°A 19Al3 MOLONEY MOTOR CA :n · COACH CLASSICS BUILDERS u~:'' 13 138 20' 20' MllAU\. T Zllllll • 11' ·15 FERRARI JAGUAR ASTONMARffi 1 ~10 $If 19 ROLLS 2e ROYCE • . , ..:t 6 eo SAAB 2 uo $/f • I 11 eo 63 9 DATSUN 'O~fi Slf l • • '<'' 16A 17A 10' tSUZU BMW 2 o•o StF t,200 .,, 5' eo· 12A UJ > 71' 10 HONDA e H O sir 12 -:I: ....... ., =>0 ,;;., VW I MAZDA u · o<-wo ~ ~o - UJ • 19 17 VOLVO l ,IM>a ,,. 18A t== < u · a: UJ "' < ~ ... ,,, ,,, .. 11 I C/P DODGE • tO,TH Sii 130· 18 TOYOTA I .Oto St~ • t ,,. ti' ., . • •0 030 StJ 1 CHEVY • r . - UJ ~ • < a: .... z I UJ 10.ou '" -'-~-~ I L ~-·----L!:J _. ______________ _..i-. __ ..._ __ .._ __ ............... ....,...,.....,.,.. ............ .....__. __ _..._. ______ ...,._.~--.-.---' EXIT e AEOUl'IED FIAt Ulla • lttUll 111£~ CLEA" ANAHEIM CONVENTION CENTER SOUTH HALL ORANGE COUNTY AUTO SHOW ~PAIL 21 -25. 1982 Wed.De.day -5 p.m. to 11 p.m . Tllanday, Friday-3 p.m. to 11 p.m. Satantay -11 a.m. to 11 p.m. Sanday -} 1 a.m . to 8 p.m . Auto Show features exhibits, events "Exciting, informative and ClOl\venient are the words that best deecribe this year's Orange County International Auto Show," a.id Show Manager Ted Weiner. "The latest 1982 model cars, trucks and other vehicles will be on display at the Anaheim Con- vention C.enter, April 21-25, and a variety of special event.a and guest speak.en will hlahllaht the show.'' The show ii aporwored by GWm Exposition Group of Bolt.on. and Motor Car Dealers A.9odation of~County. r manufacturen and e County dea- len display the lateat 198~ela of both do- mestic and Imported automobiles. The exhibitors include Chevrolet, Ford, Subaru, Oldsmobile, Buick, Lincoln/Mercury, Datsun, American Honda, Chrysler/Plymouth, Dodge, Volklwagen, Mazda, Ferrari, Jaguar, Aaton Martin, Saab, Isuzu, BMW, Volvo, Maaerati, and Toyota. In aCldition to these major manufacturers, Motor Car Classics, Moloney Coach Builders, Ex- ecutive Coach Builders, DeLorean, 'Classic Design, and Zimmer will be displaying specialty can. Among these will be the "Piper Lance." 'an all white copy of 1928 Mercedes Benz (powered by a Mustang VB, 302 engine), from Motor Car Claasica; the Concordia II, an experimental project car de- signed by automotive 1tyllat Bernard Beaujardln and atudent.a at Concordia University in Montreal; Ford Motor Company's ''Continental Concept 90," a luxury QlC featuring aerodynamic styling and fuel efficiency; and the "Korogbllan Roy ale," a chauffeur-driven limousine in late 1920. style, from Classic Coachworks, designed and built by owner Ted Koroghllan. Special events and guest speakers have also been scheduled at the 17th annual show. Friday night, ''Sports Hall of Fame" night, will include presentation of plaques to memben of the Sporta Hall of Fame. The memben w1111peak about their experiences and answer queatlona from the audience. Among guest.a will be o.n Gurney, for- mer race car driver who now buildl can. Jim Fre- goai, former California Angel player and manager, and gymnaat Cathy Rigby. Other gueat speakers are also 1eheduJed at the show. Marilyn Kina, manager of Ford's Contem- porary Marketinc Group, will ~car buyen ln general and women car buyen ln particular. Officer Bryan Duqueanel of the Callforhla Highway Patrol will be on hand to talk to viliton about the hazards of the road. Dian Caviness, State Farm Insurance agent, will ('eVlew proper procedures in the event of an automobile acddent. · Heritage Bank representatives wlll discuss "How to Buy a Car In Today's Difficult Credit Market." Visitors will al80 be able to learn from profes- sionals what color car and upholatery beat auita their personality. Owners of Image Works, of Newport Beach, a profeulonaJ color and image consulting firm, will d1acuss the psychology of color and how it relates to car purchasing. 0ranae County Raceway higblighta will also be featured. ... ~ ... ~--- WeOesday, April Z1 6 p:_m. "ffiahway Safety" praented by CalJ- '1 p.m. "Psychology of Color" ~y Image Worka fomla Hlghway l>atrol officers I p.m. "tlow lo Buy a Car In Today's-Dltticult -' J.m. •'What to do ln Cue of an Accident" by Credit Market" by Heritage Bank repre9e0tatlve. State arm lmurance 9 p.m. "What to do in Cue of an Accident" by '1 p.m. "Psychology of Color" by Imaae Wocka Dian Caviness, agent. State Farm Insurance 8 p.m. Women's Market u It is .een by an '1-1 p.m. Filmed Orange County Raceway automobile manufacturer: presented by Marilyn h11hU1hta Including jeta, dragsters, funny cars, Kina. manager Contemporary Marketing Group, mOtorcydes Ford Motor Company ---day, April n t p.m ... 'How to Buy a Car ln Today's Ditticult •~ Credit Market" by Heritage Bank repre.eotatlvee 'l&m. "What to do in C.-e of an Accident" by 1-t p.m. Filmed Orange County Raceway Olan 8 p.~a~h~~ta~ i8f:.. 1:;1; Works ~~J! Including jets, dragatera, funny can, t p.m. "How to Buy a Car in Today's Dlfficult s.May, April U Credit Market" by Heritage Bank repl'9entatlves l p.m. "Kow to Buy a Car ln Today'• Difficult 7-t p.m . Filmed Orange County Raceway Credit Market" by J:lerltage Bank repreeentaUvee highlights Including jeta, drag1ter1, funny cars, • I p.m. "PaycbOJolY of Color'' by Imap Worlca motorcycles S p.m. Women'• Market u lt is 8ee'Jl by an Friday, Aprll U automobile manu1acturer; presented by Marilyn '1-t p.m. Orange County Sports Hall of Fame Kina, manager Contemporary Marketing Group, Major sports figures appearing. Marshall Klein, Ford Motor ~~ moderator • e~~'. .. way Safety" preeented by CalJ- Sat•rday, April %4 fomla Highway t' atrol officen 1 e:m'. "Highway Safety'' preiented by Call-5 ,.m. "What to do in Cue of an Accident" by tom.la Highway Patrol officen Olan Cavinea, agent, St.ate Farm Insurance 2 p.m. Women's Market as it is aeen by an I p.m. "How to Buy a Car ln Today's Difficult automobile manufacturer; presented by Marilyn Credit Market by Heritage Bank repreeentatlves King, manager Contemporary Marketing Group, 'I p~m. "Hiahway Safety" preeented by Call- Ford Motor Company tomia ~bway l>atrol officers 3 p.m. "PsycholoSY of Color" by Image Works 1-'I p.m . Filmed Orange County Raceway -4 p.m. "How to Buy a Car ln Today' a Difficult highlight.a Including jell, dra11tera, funny can, Credit Mfrket" by Heritage Bank repre1e11t1Uve1 motorcycles Aston's new Lagonda ·luxurious, futuristi·c -----r ~ --· ~~····"' . . . . -. - C4 A" Adwnltlng Suppi.ment to the Dally Piiot, Tueeday, Aprlt 20, 1882 Cad I I lac reports sales hike CadJJlac dealen reported a 7 .3 percent daily aa.l• rate lncreue in March 1982 -the 12th con- MCUtive month Cadillac aelllng rates have 1urpueed prevlou1 year'• levels -according to Edward C. Kennard, general manager of the Cadillac Motor Car Dlvialon. Domestic deliveri~ for March totaled 19,837 new cars compared with 17,798 units for the period a yev ago. There were 17 selling day1 in the month thla r,ear compared with 26 in 1981. 'Cadillac ~es for the final 10 days of March were 7,613 units, up 23.5 percent on a daily rate basi.a from the 6,163 can eold la.at year," Kennard said. There were nine selling days in each period. For the 1982 model year -October 1981 through March 1982 -Cadillac dally aalet rat.es are 5.7 percent above those of the comparable 1981 period on sales of 116,790 units versus 110,486 In 1981. OLDS FIRENZA -The Oldsmobile Firenza is er five-passenger compact built on a 101.2-inch wheelbase. Features include front-wheel drive, transverse e ngine and rack and pinion steering. A four-cylind er, 1.8-liter engine is standard while optional power is provided by a 2.0-Ut.er engine. A phamom drawing o( the Firenza (right) shows what is underneath the body.' "Cadillac's 1982 calendar Jear sales rates also continue to top 1981," Kennar said. "Sales for the January 1 through March 31 period are 5. 7 percent above those of the compara-Firenza features · front Wheel drive Sales continue to top 1981." '' • ble 1981 period on sales of 116,790 units versus 110,486 in 1981. "Cadillac's 1982 calendar year sales rates also continue to top 1981 ," Kennard sald. "Sales for the January l through March 31 period are 53,602 against 51,536 in 1981. an increase of 4.0 percent," he sald. "We believe there are a number of reasons that help explain Cadillac's continuing sales upturn in the face of an industry-wide decline," he said. "They Include: "The preference of many consumers for the passenger room and comfort. luggage space and added features offered by a full-sized luxury car. "A fuel economy increase of 13 to 23 percent provided by Cadillac's new standa~d 4.1-liter VS engine, depending on model. Cadillac's 1982 divi- sional average fuel economy is an estimated 22 miles per gallon, a 110.5 percent improvement over 1974 figure of 10.5 miles per ~r.!!:on. "The fact that Cad covers the luxury car market better than most manufacturers -from ·Visll.ora to Oldsmobile Division's di.splay at the Orange County Auto S h ow April 21-25 at the Anaheim Convention Center will tee many of the 26 models for 1982, ranging from the compact Omega to the personal luxury Toronado. The division's fleet fuel economy average for 1982 is 25.3 miles per gallon. Helping that fuel economy a re six new front-wheel-drive Cutlass Ciera modela, a 5.7-liter VB diesel and a new V6 diesel engine. Diesel power is offered as an option on 22 of the 26 models for 1982. Here is a rundown on the 1982 lineup: • Firenza: A five-passenger compact, Oldsmo- bile's Flrenz.a features front wheel drive and a transverse engine. Four models are available in both notchback sedan and hatchback coupe styling. The standard engine on the Firenza is a 1.8- liter, four-cylinder coupled with a four-speed syn- chronized floor shift transmission. Also available is ·· an automatic transmission . Later in the year. a 2.0-liter, four cyclinder engine will be available. Firenza's standard equipment includes contour recluung front bucket seats, headlamp-on reminder signal. deluxe seat belts and power front brakes. A full instrument gauge package with tachometer is slandard on the SX coupe and available as an op· uon on other models. compact sized Cimarron to full-sized eight passenger • Omega: A new sloping front end gives the limousines. 1982 Oldsmobile Omega an updated look and lm- "A strong and stable dealer organlzallon that proved aerodynamic styling. provides excellent customer service. Cadillac's dea-New features include fluidic windshield wipers ler body held steady at 1,600 during 1981. for better coverage and cleaning action, increased "In an economic recession. consumers tend to fuel tank capacity, fTUllCh-mounted tires for better purchase high-quality products that offer long-~ nde quality, fuse block placement in the glovebox lasting value. and increased tire pressure to 35poundsper1quare "The sales momentum built by Cadmac over mch for Improved fuel economy. these la.st 12 months reflects an excellent consumer Four models, the Omega and Omega Brougham acceptance of the quality and value represented by coupes and sedans, are available for 1982. The ES our automobiles," Kennard said. 2500 and 2800 options remain available. A new F.SC Ca•aro for 1982- * * ''It is receiving the greatest public acclaim I've ever seen lor ·a single model in my thirty years with Chevrolet!'' 11 J _N-owar lcheck our big selection of these marvelous new '82 Camaros and .the new low 12.8 APR financing at ia optionaf on the Omega Brougham coupe. Styled with a continental flavor. it features lightweight flex fenders • Cutlass: The new Cutlass Ciera models fea· ture front-wheel-drive, transverse engine, integral body frame and MacPhenion strut front suspen.'lion. A new V6 diesel engine 1s optional. The new lineup in the Cutlass Ciera. LS and Brougham series in- cludes both sedans and c.'Oupes. The exterior appearance is highlighted by aerodynamic styling including a lower front end and higher rear deck lid, Adding to the aerodyna· m.ic design are soft fascia bumpeni. Dual rectangular headlamps and bumper- mount.ed park and turn lamps are common to all Cutlass Caeras. Cutlass Ciera coupe and sedan models hav{• a specific honzontal pattern grille and Cutlass Ciera LS and Brougham models share a one piec-e eggcrate gnlle Black door frames. bnght drip and wide bell moldmgs h1ghllght the side features. Rocker panels are painted black on both LS and Brougham and a rocker panel molding as standard. Brougham has wade lower body. front fender and rear quarter moldings. The 15~82 rear·whecl-dnve Cutlass senes in- cludes Cutlass Supreme coupe and sedan. Cutlass Supreme Brougham COUJ>4;? and sedan, Cu~ Cal- ais coupe and Cutlass Cruu;er wagon. The sedans and wagons share a new square eggcrat.e gnlle A specific vertical grille with body cc.Lored d1v1ders highlight the Cutlass Supreme coupe, and Cutlass S upreme Brougham and CaJa1S coupes share an eggcrate design grille with two vertical body colored bars m each side The coupes share a sloping front end with soft fascia front panel that ext.ends to the rub strip. Park and turn lamps are in the lower bumper. • Full SIZt' cars: Tht•re are five 88 models for 1982 -the Delta 88 sedan. Delta 88 Royale coupe and sedan, and Delta 88 Royale Brougham coupe and sedan A new horizontal bar gnlle prov1des front end identity for the 88s. In the 98 series there.· are three models, a 98 Regency c.-oupe and st.'Cian and the new 98 Regency Brougham st.'Cian Tht• front l.'nd of the 98 1s highlighted by a checkered lattK"e design gnllc Content for the Rcgem:y Brougham, the high- est level 98 model, includ<.'S lower body and body side moldings sail panel C'mblem, vinyl padded roof, ware whe<'I <:overs with lncks. convenience group, halogen ht•adlamps. 1'0mermg lamps and a deluxe intePmr Both 88 and 98 models have a mult1-function turn signal lt•vt•I mc()rporatang the windshield wi- pt:r. turn signal. he>ad lamp dimmer switch and optional t·rulS(' control with a resume feature. • Toronado. The 1982 Toronado as offered m one model the Brougham coupe A new chrome ' and argent grille turns the look for 1982 and a single p1e<.-e nameplate emblem replaces individual letters used last year. A new opuon, offered on only Toronado m the 1982 Oldsmobile lineup. lS the memory seat. The sax-way power seat features two memory positions. After a comfortable seat posllion 1s selected the position as stored by pressing a button on the arm rest When the seal 1s moved it can return to its stored pos1uon by the push of another button. The two memory pos1l1ons provide two dnvers with comfortable seaung with the press of a button. or 1f only one person drives the car , the second memory pos1llon can be set for fulJ rearward for ease of exit or entrance Dealers )o·ln drlv~ Some 8.000 new car, t ruck and lire dealers have Jolned the attack on drunlten driving, the leadina cauae of half of all traffic fataliUe. in the U.S. The dealers a.re taking part in a new program pre~llemma in the U.S.;'lne reeponsibWtlet of friends and familiel in preventina drunken dri- ving; the lmportanoe of proper police enforce· ment; technical terms; and other upecta of the problem. called "One Drink Too Several national orga- Many," created by the nlzatlon1 have already Dealers Safety and agreed to aak theil' local Mobility Council, an af-chapters and affiliates to t'' flUate of the Highway cooperate In the "One Uaen Federation. Drink Too Many" prog- Partlcipetlng dealers ram. They include the " will offer th e "One General Federation of .,Drink Too Many" pre-Women's Clubs, Future senta\ion to local public Farmers of America, the service clubs, church Vet~rans of foreign groups, high school clas-War!f-,,~he National As- ses or any community so.ciauon o f Women group interested in )ear-Highway Safety Lea- ning how to reduce the ders, and the American Incidence of drinking Driver and Traffic Sa- ,. and driving. f~ty Education Associa- uon. H• The program consists of a 13-minute film pre- sentation and other materials designed to trigger audience discus- 1ion, personal involve- ..,. ment and community action to deal with the drunken driving pro- blem. Work is under way to contact other national organizations about the program, said ;(rvin D. Hartwig, chairman of the Dealers Safety and Mo- bility Council. "We hope every orga- nized group and club, and high school driver education class sees the 'One Drink Too Many' presentation. "One Drink Too '· Many" explains why " alcohol-impaired drivers represent such a wides- SPRING SPECIAL -The Spring Special • Aries for 1982 includes a new trunk-mounted luggage rack. color --coordinated wheel covers, and a new "z" body side stripe. Dodge Aries has ~'spring special' A sleek new "Spring Sport Special" option PlfiCkale is available on 1982 Dodge Aries Custom . two-door models. · A sassy "Zig-Zag" bodyside tape stripe, a lug- gage rack on the deck lid, color-keyed luxury 14-inch wheel covers, and 14-incb whitewall It.eel-· belted tires enhance the car's sporty appearance. "With this option J)lkicage, the silhouette of the Ariell is even more sporty while not compromising the qualities that made it the most popular new car ln Dodge'• hlstory -roomlne9, fuel eUiclency, and front-wheel-drive technology," saJd Tom Pappert, vice president-U.S . automotive sales for Chrysler Corporation. · Aries buyers choosing the "Sprina Sport Spe- dal" can select one of three exterior and trim color combination.a: Morocco Red with tan wheel coven, tan ltripe and cashmere interior; Pearl White with red wheel covers, red stripe and red interior; or ~ Silver with red wheel covers. red ltl'ipes · and red interior. "Spring Special" tires are upgraded from the f standard 13-inch blackwall ilua-belted to wider 14-1.nch whitewall steel-belted. The trunk-mounted 1~ rack la both pnctica.l and styu.h. j · Standard equipment includes vinyl or-= .~ ~..i ~ 2.2-llter enctne. and four ' t - Jaguar ~ sales up J.,uar'• drive for a ttCOrd aalea year continued in h1lh 1ear in March with the luxury make chal-kina up a 108 perunt gain aver March, 1981. J.,uar aals have now IUtpUled year-earlier figures for 16 1tralght monthl. First quarter sales were 105 percent ahead of the ume period last year. The March, 1982 figure w9 719 compared to 34~ la1t year, a record for the month. The flrat quarter 19S2 fiRUre was 1.845 compared to 901. Jaguar's mOlt pppular model. the Series m XJ6 eedan, 10ld in all time record numbers in March and in the entire first quarter. "No other make in the industry ii 1CC>ring per- centage gains such as thoee recorded by J~ for 4the past several months," said Graham W. White- head, the head of Jaguar operation• lo North ·---------------------------.,...---------=~..,....!.I~ America. A FEW CHANGES -The 1983 Ranger pick-up truck from Ford M otor Company stands with its distant relative, a 1915 Model T ' Ford delivery van, one of 27 Ford car& and "The i.ncreaaed level of new Jaguar availability trucks owned by Ken Keesee of Anaheim. during 1982 will enable us to surpass the previous Ford introduced the compact Ranger in March. retail aales record of 7,384 set in 1976," he sald. First 1983 truck is the Ranger Ford Motor Company offers a full line of trucks, plus a new domestic compact pickup truck. The all-new 19S3 compact -called Ranger - will complement the best-selling F -Series pickup trucks, which have been truck sales leaders for five consecutive years. T he F -Series -consisting of F-100, F-150, F-250, and F-3~0 trucks -was completely rede- signed for the 19SO model year. Numerous refine-ments have been incorporated ln the 19S2 models. In the F-100 models, a new 3.S-liter V-6 engirie .. L la standard. The 4.9-liter in-Une six is standard in high altitude areas and California, and optional elllewhere. A new Select Shift automatic transmission with Locking Torque Converter designed to in- crease fuel economy is optional with ~e 3.S-Uter V.6 and 4.2-liter VS engines. The F-Senes engine li- neup also includes the 5.0-, 5.8-and 6.6-llter VS engines. A specially equipped short-wheelbaae Style- side F -100 FS offers an EPA-est.iu:uated city mileage ratln' of 22 miles per Rallon. The F-100 FS - which has a restricted option list -features the 4.9-llter six, a four-speed manual transmission, a 2.47 axle ratio, a front spoiler, and other refin e- ment&. ' Major functional improvement& to F-100 and F-150 models include lhe addition of adjustable camber to the Twin-I-Beam front axles. Trim levels on F-Series are redesignated, and now feature standard, XL, XL T Lariat, and XLS models. All F -Series pickups have a new grille highlighted by the familiar blue Ford oval in the center . • For one reason or another, you're going to be sold on our 1982 Buicks. Sedan . It's a most practical complement Take, for instance, the brand-new, front-wheel -drive Skyhawk. Good looks amount to just one factor in this advanced car's favor. Our new Century has been designed, engineered and manUfactured to provide top quality. AA<>ther DflN Buick in 1982 is the Blgfl • to our popular Regal Coupe . Making strong comebacks are the popular Skylark and personal luxury Riviera. And the LeSabre and Electra provide the means to full-size elegance and comfort. Just look at these beautiful cars. Six of the best reasons we kOOYI to bUy Buick in 1982. -~-.. ...;;. ---·-~-,,,. •'• -. . .. ~ ,. ' . C•-An Advertt1lng Supplement to ttw. Cally Piiot, Tuelday, Aprll 20, 1982 CUTLASS -Oldsmobile's popular rear-wheel three coupes, two sedans and one station drive Cutlass series includes six models -wagon. ... CRUISER WAGON -The Cutlass Cruiser engme. The standard engtrle is the 5.0-liter V8 wagon IS available with a 5.7-liter VS d.lesel gasoline version an this Oldsmobile. OLDSMOBILE OMEGA -Aerodynamic sty-fuel economy improvements on Oldsmobile ling with a lowered front end helps provide Omegas. SAVE 5100s OF DOLLARS ON ALL MODELS 4 REASOMS TO BUY A 'DATSUM ! I a • ;: • J Renault f .ue·go. sporty New wedge·shaped import Includes turbo engine option RakJah, contemporary 1tylin1. combined wtth briak performance and fuel economy, make the 1982 Renault Fuego one of the mo1t exdtlna sporty im- port can to reach the United States. · Amtttcan Moton and Renault, the giant French audomaker, recentlr, introduced the Fuego -pro- now)Ce(f "Fway·go.' Already aCcli1med ln Europe for bt'lna a car 0 u aood on the rOlld ult looks in the showroom," the ~-door Fueao hu *n caref'4lly tailored to aatiafy Amertcan motoring tuta. It offerl an unUaually wide ranp of mechanical and luxury features not found on competitive ve- tilcles, lnclud1n1 a tU.rbo-<:harged enaine option, and • 1uch standard equipment a1 bio·Iormed bucket seata, leather-wrapped adjustable aporta 1teerlng wheel and dent-reslatant urethane bumpen. Al10 standard i1 a fuel-injec\ed, 1.6-llter, 4-cyUnder engine, plua ~-•peed lra.namllaion, low profile MJchelln tirel and a cloth interior. Fue10 haa advanced front·wheel-drive engj- neerlng technology as do all Renault paaenger cars now in mua pr00Uction. F\lego's market positioning u a 1porty import -the third larsest aegment in import sales volume ~ pita it against such competitive makes u Toyota Celica, Honda Prelude, Datsun 200SX, and VQlks- wagen Scirocco. With a wheel.base of 96. l Inches, the Fuego measures 176.8 inches overall. ~nault sees the Fuego -a name derived !rom the Spanish word for tire -u the 1hape of the 1980s. Its design is a trendsetting ''open-plan" car, making maximum use of interior space within compact exterior dimensions. Basically wedge-shaped, but with sleek, rounded-off exterior lines and without significant external protrusions, the Fuego incorporates a downswept hood, comforta ble seating for four adults and substantial luggage space behind two FUEGO TURBO -The turbo-charged 1982 Renault Fuego combines brisk performance with superior fuel economy -EPA estimated 26 miles per gallon and 39 on the highway. The UTOllAKI ~ WAHlllllA'IS 11am,1n tf HTITll ... HYll '12 STITlll WllOI Beige GL 4WD (Ser. 8262) lllLY .......................... S1111 '12 SUIUI IUT Beige. DL 4WO (Ser. 0081) llLY ••••••••• i•••••••···········~~1~ Ccme i1 Today And Save ()I Ycu New. Sd>W lndlvtdually foldinc rear aeeta. Another major stylina feature of the Fueeo la an expantive, wrap-around rear window that 11 top-hinaed on IU·filled It.natl and extenda 12 ln· chet around Neb llde, thi. a1Jowtnc easy ~ to thel~earea. BUyen of the FuelO will have a choice of two transmi11lon1 -a &·1peed manual (fifth 1ear overdrive) u 1tandard and a three-speed automatic wtth cru1le control u an option. An important factor ln the flel efficiency of the Fuego~ u well u lta overall performance, ii the Boech I,, Jetronlc fuel lnjlcdon l)'ltem. An advantAap of fuel lnjecUon over conventio- nal c.rburetlon 11 the more accurate meterb>a of fuel into the engine. The 1pedfic benefita lncfude improved output per dltplacement, reduced fuel consumption and tnore preclle control of exhauat emlaioN. P'uego'1 turbocharged opUon adda lign.Wcantly to the already outatanCling perfomance capabWtia of the vehicle. The turbocharged engine will be available only in combination with the 5-apeed manual transmission The lpecial turbo peckaae Includes, in addition to the engine option, cast aluminum wheell with low profile Mlchelln TRX tires, 1port accent stri- ping, a turbo boost gauge, and a "Turbo" nameplate on the bodyaide panels and grtlle. The Fuego oflera independent front auapenaion with a one-piece box leetion rear axle ueembly and coil springs. Front and rear stabilizer bars are standard. Fuego offers an exceptional range of exterior and interior product features as standard, including an adjustable steering column, tinted glass on a11 windoWB, left hand remote mirror, swing-out rear quarter windows, electric rear wtndow defogger and unique recessed door releue handles. Fuego and Fuego Turbo models &re beiiig sOld at more th~n 1,300 Renault and American Motors dealerships. WEMVE TIE HARDmFm 1982 mDEIS! An Adv.rtl1lng Supplement to )h• Dally Piiot, TuQdey, Aprll 20, 1082 C1 . ; I HP lo buYMust&ngS The California Hlah· Chevrolet Impala In way Patrol will buy .00 1982)," he uld. Ford Mu1tang1 capable "Rapid acceleration of "1uperior acceleration and the ablltty to over- and top 1peeds above 120 take vehicle• on moun- mph," CliP Commlulo-taln aradea are alt0 lm-I ner Glen Craig aald upon ' portent con1lderatlon1. _...~ award of the contract to I One of our major con-the lowett bidder. "The pW"IUlt vehicles wlll actually coat lea• than standard patrol ve- hicles becauae of lower depreciation and better 1 gaa mlleaae," Craig said. The Highway Patrol la aubstituting the 400 speciality vehicles for a portion of lta 1982 model purch.aae to reatore the a bility to overtake a majority of the can now uaing California bi1h- way1. corna 11 the ability to over\,ake 1wlttly -to reduce the length and time of pur1ulta/' Crail laid. \ The Muatang wu of- fered wl tn a atandard four-speed transmlulon and the reaular police package -heavy duty componenta, radio inter- ference auppreaalon kit, and haloeen headlampt. Cart Wlll be IU~plled to field offices beginning In August. "KOROGHLIAN ROYALE" -The Koroghlian ·Royale from Classic Coach works was designed a nd built by Ted Koroghlian, who owns the car. Depicting the late 1920's style, the vehicle is a chauffeur-driven limousine with separate compartments and air conditioning. The Koroghlian will be on display at the Orange County International Auto Show, April 21 -25 at the Anaheim Convention Center. "We estimate that roughly half of Califor- nia's existing vehicle po- pulation potentially can exceed 110 mph - which is the top speed specifi cation for our standard patrol car (Dodge Diplomat in 1981, PURSUIT CAR -. The California Highway Patrol has announced plans to buy 400 Ford Mustangs for use as pursuv vehicles. Officers aim to overtake cars quickly to reduce length and time of pursuit. Women's market topic Marilyn King, mana- ger of Ford Motor Com- pany's Contemporary Marketing Group, will discuss the women's market as it relates to the auto industry at the Orange County Interna- tional Auto Show. She will speak Satur- day at 8 p.m. and Sun- day at 3 p.m. at the show at the Anaheim Conven- tion Cent.er. The Contemporary Marketing Group is or- ganized to assess consu- mers' needs and how Ford relates to them. Ms. King is responsi- ble for special marketing projects, including res- earch, strategy and rec- ommendations covering oontemporary automo- tive markets. She is also chairman of the Ford Product Advisory Group and the Product Evalua- tion Panel, which pro- vides information tO ma- nagement about concerns and preferences of women car buyers. King says recent stu-• dies show that "out o( every 10 car sales. four of them are made by women and eight are di- rectly influenced by women." Ford has launched a marketing thrust aimed at women car buyers. The company's three- pronged approach in- cludes prcxiuct planning, merchandising. and dealer training. "A number of product changes have been made, but we are not designing our cars to women. Some changes have been made to strengthen the pro- duct for women, but most of the m include features that would not be uncomfortable to men," Ms. King aaid. "They could be some- thing quite as simple as relocating the door handles on the vehicle or taking into account some o b vious physical differences," she said. King said that it had becom e obvious that women have different intereat• than men in tome car buyln1 areaa, but that women are very di9crimlnating buyen. To accommodate the differences, Ford .hu in- itiated an intenai ve dea· ler tnln1nl proaram. "Women car buyera Deed information, not a CODdeecendlna attitude f rona dealer• aad •&es re9reaentative•." ah• iMd. ·-n..y buy f~ MbWtJ, me«y, ltl"Vkm· btUty, .... rtUabWty Ind lhDuld be a.Md ..... ,....~ .. t:EU••ITF. THE BRIGHT NEW SHAPE OF CHEVROLET Something new hos token shape Roomy new fuel 1nJOCled' front-wheel drive sedan ond coupe models so aerodynamic they use leSs than 12 HP to cru1~ 01 50 ~ And so etticienl 1ney off et 40Esl Hwy.©,)EF¥\Es1 MPG .. llsCefebnty And 11s more lhon o brand new car 11s the bngh1 new shape of Chevrolet Z2• ~·-SO NEW. IT'LL HAVE THE COMPETfTION CHASING SHADOWS. Thors the feeling you'll get 1n this new Comaro The new Z28 Smooth sossv. uttrosleek. Forged of a foully d1SC1pl1ned design ond sf'tied with on impassioned commit menl to be for oheod of the game l:AWAl.IE .. MASTERY OF MIND OVER MATTER. Robot welders applying <:Nef 400 spot welds per body. Loser booms auditing body fit Gommo rays 1nspect1ng hidden ports Covolier One of the most preclSK)fl- built Che.fOlets ever. And see your Chevy dealer about the new. IOwel' priced C<M:llier Cadet Sedan and 'Mlgon S-J• rll#Ull! HOTTEST SELLING NEW TRUCK IN CHEVROLET HISTORY. A new-size American pickup truck Longer than foreign . ,;A ptekups, yet smaller than full-size pickups. With higher r' #to .. A gos mi6eoge ratings them o~f the best-selling .. -.. ~' ~ import trucks 40 Est Hv.y, ~ E~ Est MPG·· L' Che'vy S-10. There's never been a truck like 11 before There's only one number one and that number one Ii 11111 Chevrolet. Onoe again, Chevrolet continues to be AmerlcO's fOYOrite brond. The en¥ Che'Jrolet for 1982. Out to bring ocM:Jnced outomotiYe technology to one thofs N.JMBER ONE IN COMBINED CAR AND TRUCK SAL.Es~·· And no reality. out to make good things happen. See It all at the auto show wo~ wtth ChMolet o~ contemporary products ltke the four brand-~ ~ 2 5 Uter qw11. rtlNI products shown above. Toaettw with 49 different diesel= .. U. lltilolld MPG tor 001~ -.u !'f'llloOI lTVi on.r a1p1ocjg on IC*C'. cBtonoe. ~ Including 0 new Oiesef CheYette. Md ~ Cftaflon, wlfh its reN Actual ~ mi1qe low: Some awo1et1 en ~ With tn01* PfOCM*' btf OU. GM eieotronTc fuel-injected 2.6 Liter enainl. Plus on an-new CoNet1e Coffector dMllone. ~ "'dDlld WTW* ~ s. yw Oldlf for dltoft Edbl-o pstomw du"'1ed wtth ffie most demanding aithusla8ts if'rtrlnd. • .. ~ AIPor* w o.e..r.Jan .o.c ., t · • An Advtrtlllng Supplement to the Dally Piiot, Tuetday, Aprll 20, 1982 -- CONNI IL· CHEVROLET · AND ROLL RATES. ~ Callfomla buyers can save an average·of $1,125* on new GM cars, light-duty trucks and vans. Here's the f i n a ncin1 deal yo u 've bee n w a it in g for. Thru GMAC, w e are now o fferinr auto m o bile financinr a t only 12.8% o n a ll new 1981 and 1982 Ch evrolet cars and trucka. And aave hundreds of dollars on fina n cinr coata. Get your new Ch evro let car, li1ht-duty truck or van you 've been ~aitina' to buy. RANGER Delivery Must Be Taken By May 31, 1982. Let The Good Times Roll ••. At Connell Chevrolet! E XPERIMENT AL -The Concordia II is an experimental project car incorporating futuristic design applications. The car was designed and built by Bernard Beaujardm and a group o( students from Concordia University o( Montreal. Experi·mental car due Concordia II built by students, automotive stylist Conc."Ordi.a II, an experimental pro}Cct car, waJI be displayed at the Orange County International Aut.o Show, April it-25 at the Anaheim a.nvention Center. The car as the result of a collaborauon between T he car incl udes .a co m- puterized dashboard system. automotive stylist Bernard Beauja rdin and the mechanical engineering students at Concordia Un- iveraity 1n Montreal. under the guidance of Dr Clyde Kwok. The Concordia II is entered through an elet.·- tncally operated sliding roof by usmg smaJJ hinged stirrups found on each flank of the car. Other dlsllnctive features of the Concordia Il include· a one-piece, ultra-streamlined fiberglass body to insure rigtdity and prevent squeaking. a perimeter bumper for maximum stnktural strength and safety, an air suspension syste~that allows height adjustment for maxunum ground c1earance CONCORDIA Ill SPECIFICATION Curb weight 1650 lb (750 kg) Wheel base 94 5" (2400 mm) 1"rack front 56'' (1422 mm) Trac:k rear 62" ( 1574 mm) Len$(th 168" (4267 mm) Width 75" (1905 nun) Height mm 36" (914 nun) Height max 40" (1016 nun) Engine type honzontally opposed 4 Displacement 113 cub1l' anch (1850 CC) Carburetion 2 Weber .40DCNF Transmission 4 Speed Tues BF Goodnch Front AR60-13 Rear FR60-14 A.ccommoda uon 2 seats and a completely l"Omputcnzed dashboard system Top speed 130 mph (208 kmph) that prov1d(.>S the driver with maximum informa-Recently tested at the Montreal race track ti on FROM '53 TO 'H -Chevrolet's Corvette bu been a pioneer in U.S. sports car styling and engineering. The 1982 c.oDector Edition ia in the cent.er, Upper left is the first Corvette (1953), upper right ia the 1963 "Sting Ray," lower left is the 1957 model, and lower right la the 1968 version. · Chevrolet COrvette dates back tO 1953 auto show The popular Chevrolet Corvette spans a history of only 2S years. But during that period some of the most exciting automotive names have been associated with the vehicle. Harley Earl. Edward N. Cole, Maurice Olley, Zora Arkus-Duntov, William Mitchell a nd Lawrence Shinoda, to name a few. Robert D. Lund, Chevrolet gen- eral manager and a vice president of General Motors, has called the Cor- vette mystique a key to Chevrolet's overall product image for more than a quarter of a century, particularly among young,people and automobile enthusiasts throughout the world. Chevrolet sales executive Joe Pike were members of a team that deva. loped the next Corvette milestone car -the famous 1963 Corvette Sting Ray. The Sting Ray still stands as one of the outstanding sports car crea- tions in American history, and is one of the most sought-after collector car s in the world. The vehicle brought to sports car lovers a closed coupe with teardrop-shaped roof, and, for the first time, a split rear window. The vehicle also featured hidden headlights and an l.ngen.ious independent rear s uspension by Arkus-Duntov. R eception for both the 1956 and 1957 Corvettes. , . was outstanding. The Corvette received its first public exposure· in 1953 when it ap- peared as a dream car in General Motors' famous Motorama auto show at New York City's Waldorf Astoria Hotel. It was an irrunediate hat. The Corvette name came from the sleek, fast submarine chaser and convoy escort vessel of World War II. The or iginal open roadster was done by a design team under the direction of F.arl, then vice president m charge of G M's styling staff. He brought it to the attention of Cole, then chief engineer of Chevrolet Motor Division.and later president of GM. Cole assigned Otley, a btllliant British engineer, to design a special chassis for the vehicle. The standard Chevrolet 115 horsepower, six- cylinder engine of the time waa transformed into a 150-honepower version for the new fiberglass- bodied sports car. · Although t he public liked the original Corvette design, the car received only a lukewarm reception from sports car enthusiasts. A Belgian-born and Berlin- educated engineer, Arkus-Duntov- along With Cole and Earl -set out to remedy the situation. During the next four years they totally trans- formed the Corvette. They incorpo- rated several new features and, most importantly, dropped Cole's new Chevrolet VS under the hood. In fuel-injected form it produced 283 horsepower -nearly double the 1953 output of the original L6 en- gine. -Reception for both the 1956 a nd 1957 Corvettes by sports car enthusiasts and the general public was outstanding. Cole, Mitchell, Arkus-Duntov, and It was an instant sales suocesa with some 20,000 units built in the 1963 model year -a production record. The peak of the muscle-car era, 1965, saw four-wheel disc brakes added to Corvette a long with a 396-CID VS optional engine. Then, just five years after the debut of the '63 Sting Ray, another major revamping of the Corvette occured in 1968. Mitehell's chief stylist, Shinoda, is·generally credited with the styling concepts for. both cars. Other Shinoda creations Include the Mako Shark I and II, the Cerv I and ll, the Corvair Super Spyder, Monza GT and S&,,_ the Aa1IO 1 an4 the mid-engined A°IGV"ff. A major Corvette milestone oocu- red March 15, 1977, when the 500,000th 'Vette came off th& line at the St. Louis plant. The following year -the 25th anniversary year for Corvette -aaw it named pace car of the 62nd annual Indianapolis 500 autornobi.le race. Because of lack of adequate ex- pansion space at the St. Lou1a faci- lity, plans were drawn to transfer Corvette production to a plant in .Bowling Green, Kentucky. Twice the siz.e of the St. Louis fadlity, the Bowling Green operation was de- signed to be one of the moll modem and highly computerized automobile ueembly plants in the world. On July 311 1981, the last Coh-ette was produceo at the St. Lou.la plant. It was the 695, 124th Corvette as- sembled since the first one was completed 28 years earlier. General Motors' investment in this newer, more modem Corvette facility is clear evidence of Chevro- let's confidence that Corvette'• fu- ture remains bright. Datsun corporate name to be changed to Nissan political and bualnesa circles as well as consume r s the world over. Meanwhlle, we are studying the sharing of coeta with our dealers and distributors on a cue by cue bula. Q. Have you ever considered eel- llng Nialan Ltd. products under the dual brand names of "Dataun" and "Nillanr' , A. We have atven that some thought. However, we t.ve reeched the jud1J1>eftt th.at a unified name will turn out to be mo.t advanta- geous for the punuit of our ~ pla. Q . Do you feel customers may beconie confwed? A. We in&end to exerclte utmoet prudence in order to m1ntm1J.e ~ alble confu"9n among conawnen. w. wlll cradually lntroduc:e the ....Sname.,...."..mt1me .. tirtns out a new model In the owr-. HH .. arkell. We wlll be ut1a1 ............... ~."to-.w tl ... don. Q. How wm ....... 111.., •• In th• U .a. nd ot er o•era., ~ A.IDtbeU.8._....._. ..... Wiil be r -s eel • "'Dllmlnl" fali a .... c.-..., ~ .......... tr:~ .. ~-::1.'t: Service contract re.viewed Buyen of new vehl· cln may be presented with the option of pur· c:hMing an extended ter- vlce contract that wUl take care of major re· pain after the manufac-turer• warranty hM ex- prec:t. I 1 Jerry Farrar. preai- 1 dent of General War- ranty Corporation and experienced in the vehi- cle lel'Vice contract field, ays with repair COltl ri- 1ln1 alon1 with every- thing elae, aervlce con- tracts are an excellent hedp againlt inflation. But be advised car buyen that they should be knowledgeable about what they are buying. Vehicle service con- tracts, which are sold through new car fran- chised dealers, may be administered by the ma- nufacturer, an indepen- dent administrator, or the dealer, Farrar said. In each case, the res- pon.lbility for the pay- ment of claims rests with · the respective party. "Not all vehicle service contract s are alike," Farrar said. "They varl ln terms and length o coverage. YOU should be sure you are getting the mechani- cal coverage you need," he said. Farrar said car buyers should k..no-w who is backing the 11ervice con- tract. Except for the special 5 year/unlimited mileage program which General Warranty offers, their 3 year/50,000 mile or 5 year/50,000 mile prog- rams are fairly typical of the coverage car buyers might expect on a setvioe contract for a new vehl- cle. ---.......... .....? .... ------......... An Advertlllng Supplem«lt to the. Dally Piiot, TuMday, April 20, 1912 SALES SERVICE J • BODY SHOP LEASING CHECK OUT OUR GREAT SELECTION OF LOW MILEAGE LEISURE WORLD RESALE CARS! llcHllll Get tha great GM feelin1 w~h · cenuile GM parts! This linited warranty applies to aH 1982 BMW's, and covers them aganst defects in matenals or .workmanship. There's even a 6-year limited warranty against rust perforation.• That's many months and thousands of miles beyond the average automobile warranty. The jJstiOCation for ttls is obvious: BMW's are engfleered ~bly far beyond the average autorrobile. In factf as one automotive critic observed, they are "some of the most exquisitely engineered rn:>torcars the world has ever seen." As a result, extreme confidence isn't only defensible, it's entirely warranted. e 11192a.iwo1 Hot1ll Amtrce. '°" The BMW WilClllllWtl 11111 IQllln ,..._, • ......_.sll ..,.._MMlllDNllWll'llt, fl 0 'S...,W 8MW ... IOI ~OIUlol\ ,· An Advertlelng Suppl4NMnt to the balty Piiot, Tueeday, Aptll 20, 1982 Aerodynamic 1tyllna, which the automobile uat;ry previoualy hu ruerved for small 1porty 1. wW be lntroduc:ed by Ford Motor C.crnpany to luxury car market IOOI'\. • Ford ii teltina ltl "aero" det!an for the f1nt · on the Weet ~ at the Oranp Cout Auio ow April 21-26 at the Anaheim Convention ter. • Ford'• Continental Concept 90 la deei8ned to fer 1\.1.xury car buyen "a tute of the mld-IOt and yond and will atve ua an opportunity to reeeu'Ch reaction to such a complete departure from ~ pany'1 traditional luxury car detlgn themes," d Lawrence B. Socha, manager of Ford'• Aero- namlc1 Department for North American Car uct Development. Donald F. Kopka, Ford vice president-desian, 9pla1ned that "aerodynamic design not only la the f t contemporary look in automotive 1tyllng, it . la .tle moet fuel efficient becauae it mln1miz.es wer-robbing air resistance." ' . Continental Concept 90 has the 1tyling cues of ~ Motor Company's Continental. a car that hu ci6nalatently been a trend setter ln luxury car de-,. ltpL. The Continental Concept 90 is a five-paaenger ctr. and the rear deck lid carrlea a h int of the Qintinental "spare Ure" conformation. • In profile, the 1leek rounded pearle.cent-whlte ··two-door hardtop exh lbiu a kubtle wedge ah•pe CONCEPT to -The Continental Concept 90 has a sleek rounded body form exhibiting.a subtle wedge shape. Chat results in an estimated coefficient of drag ra-till of only 0.32. The aerodynamic design allo ia apparent when viewed from above -·alightly ta- ~red at front and rear to hold airflow tight to the y. . · "The Continental Concept 90 has important ~naumer benefits besides aerodynamics," said So- qba. "The doors are limousine-style and carry up into. ' · • roof surface. They not only provide easier entry * exit, they permit us to hide the drip rails within *door ooenings and gain further reduction in air rfSistance.1' he said. ~ Throughout, the car shows attention to aero- ~detail. It has integrated, flush headlamps and wrapa- ~ tailamps, flush-appearing glass, a lower front , Vf.)ance panel, and a concealed windshield wiper !ljStem. Airflow openings are arranged to provide not QJl}y good cooling but excellent airflow manase- rpent. The "fast" windshield and backllte angles oontribute to the smooth airflow over the top and reduce air resistance, and the free-standing side- view mirrors are designed to be highly aerodyna· rnic. Bumpers are completely flush, in~ted .into ~body shape, and an in~grat.ed moulding wraps .-ound the car, achieving a practical benefit wi- thout sacrifice in styling. Flush wheelcovers add Qirther to the car's "slipperiness." Bued on the principle that the stance of the vthlcle u It meets the onrushing air will affect *<>dynamic drag. the car would vary its dynamic Y.ehicle attitude and improve fuel economy by a 8*ther 4 percent. Another advance is the thermoetatically con-· (See CONCEPT, Page 11 ) MUSTANG GT-The 1982 Ford Mustang features a high-outpu t version of the 5.0-litre V8 engine. The engine is standard on new GT series . .. =· LeaseA•yllew 1982 Car or Truck Ancl The Finl Month ls On MacHowarcl SuperLease Our NO PAY DllVI AWAY plan 11very1lmplel YOU PUT NO MONIY UP-flONT, when you leoM your vehicle from MocHowar4 luperlecaM. Ju1t Mlect the car or truck of your cheke, --.utpped the wey you want It and we handle the.re1t. Don't forget, we accept trade-Ina. We'll even pay you ca1h for your preMnt car or truck -It may be worth more than you think. . Give u1 a call now and we'll an1wer your 419ue1tlon1 about loa1lne. You'll be amazed at the Super Savine• and Super Service we offer. I l.t's official! Volkswagen of America has just announced that Jim Marino Volkswagen -Isuzu is California's largest Volks-. wagen dealer. Because of their huge selection , genu- in~ly low prices and cus- tomer care, Jim Marino · Volkswagen -Isuzu sold more Volkswagens in California than any other dealer .last year. And Jim Marino vo1~swagen- 1su z u is out ·to do even better this year. With unbe· lievable deals on both Volks - wagen and lsuzus! With a huge inventory of cars -in the colors you want -and equipped the way you want. And with a sales and ser vice department that really cares about your driving needs. so remember, before you buy your next Volkswagen or Isuzu, come to Jim Marino Volkswagen -Isuzu where you can buy or lease for less! An Adwrtlltng 8upptment to the Dally Piiot, TUMd•y, Aprll 20, 1982 Cl I VOLANTE CONVERTIBLE -The 1982 display at the Orange County Auto Show, at Aston Martin Volante convertible will be on the Anaheim Convention Center. Volante to be shown 60 of handcrafted Aston Martin cars available in U.S. The Aston Marqn Volante convertible will be on display at the Orange c.ounty Auto Show, April 21-25 at the Anaheim Convention Center. Aston Martin builds, at the rate of four each week, the only truly handcrafted car still available ln the world. F..ach body ia ~ted by master pan- elbeeten who hammer aluminum aheeta lnto khape by hand. The completed ICulpture ia f:iniahed with 23 coats of handrubbed lacquer. F.ach interior ls trimmed with selected, hand- cut, hand-sewn Connolly hides, mirror-matched burled walnut, and fitted, leather-bound Wilton wool~. The convertible top on the Volante ii fully and ll.ned. tandard equipment on this petridan aportacar includes air oonditionJnc, power wlndowa, FM ate- reo caaeette player, full instrummtation, twin elec- tric rnirron, central lockina ayatem. twin atainle91 steel exhaust syatem, and a 2-year/24,000-mile warranty. But the quality of the Aiton Martin goes beyond Its surface featurea. 'lbe mallive chasaia ia painataklngly built by band out of steel aheet aec- tions lnto a complex platform and supent.ructure for aweaome atrength and aafety. It ia equipped with four wheel ventilated power disc brakes, and power a11isted rack and p inion ateering for masterful ride and handling. The 5.4 litre aluminum VS en,0ne is asaembled individually by one man who pull hia name on it. With four two-barrel Weber carburetora, (our overhead camahafta, and hemispherical combustion chambera, It bu the atrength and flexibility to power the car effortleealy from Fifth Avenue! traffic to the open road. Since Its beginning in 1913, Aston Martin has built juat 9,000 can, aa many as are produced in the United States each hour. Prince Charlea, King Huaeeln, and "James Bond" have all owned Aston Martina. Aston Martin is the only Britiah manu- facturer to have won the World Sporta Car Cham- pionahip with a victory at Le Mana in 19~9. Only 60 Aston Martins will be available ln the United Statea next year. CONCEPT ... (con tin_ued from page 10) trolled louvered grille. At low apeeds. aucb u when the car ia climbing a steep grade at 30 mph. a maximw:n amount of air can pue through the grille, for maximum cooling. At highway cruising condlttona, the louvers' anglea change to minimize the cooling drag, im- proving fuel economy by 6 percent. PCJASCHE •• .in the ~dition .of exce •SALES / •SERVICE .. •LEASING -... Now On Display The 1982 " . LeBARON CONVERTIBLE SEE IT TODAY AT __ _ That Is right. Nabers Codllloc con finance your new Codllloc purchase wtth GMAC at on annual percentage rate of only 12.8% on o 48 mo. purchase contract with on upward balance of $1 S.000 that translates Into monthly savings of $39.63 -or o total savings of $1 ,902. Naturally, If your unpaid balance Is higher, your 1ov1ng1 wlll be even greater. Spring Clearance And whoh more -all our new Codllloca ore discounted during our spring clearance. flt spectocutor sole on all Sevlllea. Eldorodoa. DeVlllea. Broughams and Clmorrons. Huge Selection Choose from our huge selection of hundreds of new Cadlllocs and toke odvontoge of the most substantial savings this year. TremendOus discounts on all d iesels. V-61, MN the new HT4100 power system models. -In oll the colors you wont-and with the optloN you desire. And all ready for Immediate delivery. Whether you wish to t:ruy or lease. now Is the time. But the supply Is definitely llmlted -so be sure to hurry In early for your best selection. NOW is tl1e -~eville Elegante ~ r~ Sedan de Ville· time to purchase your ne"7 Cadillac. ) ) ) Cla An Adwr11 .. ng Sup~t to the Dally Ptlot. Tu.edey, Aprll 20, 1982 "D~ivigg well · istne best revenge.' J .. • FIREBIRD S/E -A leather map pocket, Firebird models. All Firebirds feature full mounted on the instrument panel, is standard reclining bucke t seats and a new design equipment on the Firebird S/E and included as formula steering wheel as standard equipment. part of the custom trim interior option on other GM .C sal.es _gain tofd ~ The Southern California GMC Truck Dealers Association undertook a muaive advertising cam- paign utilizing all media durlna March and enjoyed a 58 percent i.ncreue in ules over March 1981, ac- cording to M.aury White, asaociation president. Los Angeles zone sales for March 1982 were 1,561 unita versus 901 for March 1981. The new S-15 pick-up was featured in the advertising and accounted for 30 percent of the totaJ wne sales The multi-media campaign continues and with the introduction of the GMAC 12.8 percent finan- cing through May 31. the association is looking forward to another excellent sales month. ----~~ ....... ~ ...... ~ ...... ~ ......... :.-: ......... ~ ........ ~ ........ ~ SOUTH COAST DODGE : O.C .'S VAN CONVERSION CENTER Buy (or lease> any new 1981 or 1982 Dodge van and we'll t hrow In the van conversion - at no additional charge. And Dodge wlll add an addltlonal ssoo rebate on top of that! • Low Payments due to extended terms • Easy credft CONVERSION PKC: • co,..sole • snack tray • rear ttre mount and cover • • llght package • custom wheels • 2 speakers • full carpet and panelling • morel t I I / An Advertla!.u. -'Vsu~ ' ............. t to the o ally Piiot T • ueeday A •. prfl 20, 1982 I N , . 2-DOOR T SENTRA'-· ., ~NDARD SEDAN : . : I : i l : : . . . . : . 1 : : . ! : I • l : . : ! . . : . ~ . " .,, ;, ) ) ) ~n AdvertlllnQ Suppi.tn9nt to t~ Daily .Piiot, Tueec!!y. April 20, 1912 MANUFACTURER'S SUGGESTED RETAIL PRICE $ v 0 .. 14 C~! ROM E NOTICE TO BUYER: The lnvolol total Includes fect0ty ho4dbedt end ~118 ueodetlon 111111m«1t1 & II not• Mt fectOty OOl1 to the deeler. lnvolol do. not lrldude...., ~ J 011 IEW I DEMO BUICKS 1982 DEMO SALE * IEUI. LTI CllFE IEllL LTI SDU IEllL LTI SOii IEllL LTI SDU IEllL CllPE ( 1003ll) ( 102753) ( 107088) . ( 108387) Retail '11,111.11 Retail 111,IJJ.11 RetaU '11,211.11 RetaH '11,IJJ.11 Invoice 'l,IU.U Invoice 'l,411.11 1nvok:e , 'l,ln.11 Invoice '1,411.11 HM H.11 HM II.II ----: '1,411.13 : •1,111.11 : '1,121.11 : '1,111.11 IEllL LTI CllFE IEllL MIPE IEllL •IFE ELRTll ... 111. ( 100807) ( 10N83) ( 112375) (420913) &:ooomal a.. luxury car Retail •11,111.11 Retail •11, 112.11 A.tall '11, 112.11 Retail •11,112.12 Invoice '1,114.11 Invoice '1,11 l. ll ln\'"lce '1,111.11 Invoice '11,Jll .II ... ..... ...• . .... ----: '1,113.13 : '1,111.71 : •1,111.11 :•11,411.11 IEllL OllFE IEUI. OllPE IEllL LTI •IPE (11014.1) (111347) (115MO) (111117) AetaH '11, 112.11 RetaH '11,tN.11 Retail '11, 111.11 Retail '12, 18.11 1nYo1ce -t,111.11 1nvok:t 'l,111AI lnwk:t '1,111.11 1nw1ce '11,111.11 ... ... ... . .. ----= '1 .. 11.11 : 'l,JTl.11 : 'l,ql.U :•11,111.11 (107380) Retail '11, 112.11 Invoice '1,111.11 II.II : '1,111.11 U111 ...... ( 421272) Economlc.i Oteelt~Cer Retail •11,112.12 Invoice '11,111.11 11.-· ~·11,411.31 , 1•1 Y• 11111111 llllY Ml !\ii '.(ll\Y J\l'Hll ·"' •·1~1. OHANC.l (OUN! Y CAL IH>HNIA /', CFNJ', f;r)rstal Cove loses round over evictiofi !: By JEFF ADLER or .. Deir P1et • ..., Part-time remdenta of Cryatfl Cove State Park's cottages have loll a bid to delay their July 31 evtctiona. The propoaed eviction delay wu rejeeted Monday by atate Parka Director Peter Danger- mond Jr., accordln~ to Rod 'l\attle, the depertment s deputy director for legislative atfain. Tuttle aaicf the department decided to pre9 ahead with the evictions becaUte under the Le- gislature's mandate "we have to 0.-,,... ........... NOT QUITTING -Steel sculptor Ali Roushan is putting part of his property at 16th Street at Superior Avenue up for lease in Carta Mesa to help finance his continuing battle with City Hall over his creations. Mesa welder vows his fight not over Scrappy welder Ali Roushan's Oght with the City of Costa Mesa over his Superior Avenue metal sculptures is taking on some of the elements of guerrilla war- fare. For a while It looked like the fiery Iranian immigrant was going to pack his ! and leave behind the four b tly painted aculptures. Costa esa officials clalm he erected three of them without the necessary permits. They've taken him to court. Rouahan is asaurinf one and aU that the "For Lease' sign on his property at 1550 Superior Ave. doesn't mean he's quitting busi- ness, or giving up his fight with the city. "No; no, no, no," said Roush.an "Ali never gives up. That would WORLD be silly for me to give up." Roushan said he already has leased 5,000 square feet of h is 14,000-square-foot industrial building apace to help pay for mounting legal costs. Last year he aold his $158,000 home in Newport Beach and ls now living in one of his industrial building• with his wife and four-month-old daughter. "rm leasing the building out to make sure that they don't win," said Roushan. ''ThiB case la golhg to go on a long time." Rou,,han has a May 5 date with the state Court of Appeal in San Bernardino after the state Su- preme Court granted him a stay and ordered the cue returned to the lower court. Boycott of Sovie t cargo could cost WASHINGTON (AP) -The U.S. Supreme Court ruled W)anlmously today that the longshore- men'• union can be forced to pay monetary damiage9 for i1a boycott of Soviet cargo to prote.t the Soviet tn~ent!on Jn Atahanlstan. NATION . Dow Jones Blatiatics revealing . Tbe DoW olonm index of 30 atoc:b 1a jult about where It wa1 t,~ wCJl'ldna dayt aao, lhowtna that Ntilda CM prove~ abOut an~. P.ee -Al. go u fMt u we can to tum it (the park) OVft' for public Wle." He aatd a meeting WU sche- duled today with the area'• letd- llat1ve repre.entative, Aleembfy- woman Marian Bergeaon, R- Newport Beach, to explain the department'• position and ex- plore pomlble alternatives. U the Leplature weie to take apeclfic action to prevent the evlcUON, the parka department would abide by the declalon. 'l\attle added. Eviction notice• either were tacked to the door or stuffed into the mailboxes of 23 of the 45 cottage. shortly b,Jfore noon April 14. A day earlier, part-time cottage residents had propoeed that atate offidala delay evictiofU until the state hu prepared a plan detai- .- Will off er counterJJroposals Una how the totcqes are to be Wied. . Tuttle said such a plan will bt developed within 30 daya of the July evictions. "We have not yet been able to get in to see what w~ ROt to work with," he explained. (See CRYSTAL, Page A%) British nix peace hid LONDON (AP) -Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher said today the Argentine peace plan for the Falkland Islands had se- rious shortcomings, and that Foteign Secretary Francis Pym will go to Washington with counterproposals. Although Mrs. Thatcher ef- fectively rejected the Argentine plan as presented, she said Bri- tain considered it "a stage in the negotiating process which must now be continued. We are ex- amln ing the proposals very closely." Judges shut court cases to public By DAVID Ktrl'ZMANN O("ttie 0.-, ...... ..,, Sealed off from public view by judges' rulings. prellminary hea- ring. continued today ln Orange County for a child murder au - apect and three fonner Anaheim police offictta. In both cases, defense attor- neys said thelr clients would be (ienied fair triala lf media cove- rage was allowed. She laid the Argentine propo- sal, cabled to London from Bue- nos A.lrea by Secretary of St.ate Alexander M . Haig Jr., "falls ahort in aome important respects" of what Britain would deem an acceptable aolution to the crisis, precipitated by Argentina's invasion of the Falklands on April 2. She did not dLSClose del.alls of the Argentine plan, but srud one important defect wail its·failure to give the 1,800 Brltlsh - deecended islanders a say in their own future. "We shall seek to put forward our own proposals, 1 hope, to Mr. Haig, and Mr. Pym with that in mind plans to go to Washington on Thursday,'· Mrs. Thatcher said in the House of Commons. Mrs. Thatc her was asked whether Britain would use any means at its disposal to secure withdrawal of Argentine forces b e f o re disc ussing any "long-tenn solution." She replied, "That is stlJI our aim." Mrs. Thatcher said Britain was romm1tted to U .N. Security Council Resolution 502, which calls for Argentine withdrawal and a peaceful settlement and at, she said, "clear but not ao easy to get implemented." The sticking point apparently was Argentine tru1i.stence on rec- ognition of its sovereignty over the Briush colony 250 miles oU its southern coast. Argentine Foreign Minister N1canor Costa Me ndez said the proposals called for a "limited period" of negotiations that should lead to "full and complete tSee FALKLAND, Page A%) 911 brings calls from • curious Orange County's new 911 emergency telephone system got off to a successful start Monday -despite numerous calls from people JUSl wanting to know ll the system worked. More than 100 calls were log- ged alone at the Orange County Shenffs Department neadquar- ters in Santa Ana, one of 24 "public safety answering points" located throughout the county. "We handled a trafftc accident and a few paramedic and fire callS'," said sher iff's Lt. Dennis Rohn. I In Orange County Superior C.ourt Monday, Jud~ James K. Turner closed the bearing for murder defendant Robert Jacks- on Thompeon, who la a«uaed of kidnapping, molesting and stran- gling a 12-year-old newspaper delivery boy last August. Most of the calls, however, • were from people "juat testing the system, wanung to know if the system works," Rohn said. Various news organizations, including the Daily Pilot, pro- tested closure of the courtroom. California's new law on pre- liminary hearings, contained in a bill authored by Assemblyman Terry Goggin, D-San Bernar- dino, puts the burden on defense lawyers to prove that an open hearing would be detrimental to their clients. He urged county residents to "trust the system.·· ''We're trying to encoU,raae people not to test 1t." Rohn said. The 911 system wt-nl int.o operation at 12:01 a.m. Monday, culminatmg a ' 10-year effort by county and city governments to provide a single number for all police, fire, paramedic and Life. guard agencies. Thompson's lawyer, Ronald Brower of Orange, clted previous newspaper and television cove- rage of the case as proof that a publicly attended hearing would simply generate more publicity •and damage his client's chances of getting a fair trial. Judge Turner agreed, exclu- ding the public from the Santa Ana courtroom Monday after- noon immediately after his ru- 09lly Not f'tMlto bJ LM ~llJM TAKING TIME OUT -Bart Van Housen is running the length of California on artificial right leg. While resting in Huntington Harbour, he and his wife Jacquey examine a spare artificial running leg used in the journey. Auto sh ow rolls onto OC scene The 1982 Orange County Auto Show begms Wednesday at the Anaheim Convention Center and the Daily Pilot today includes details about the show and some unique C&rS that will be featured during its five-day run. ling. Meanwhile, in West Orange County Municipal Court, Judge Judith Ryan was taking similar action ln the preliminary hearing for three fonner Anaheim police officers charged with using ex- ceesive force while members of a special crime task force. Run emotional For information about the wide range of autos featured in the show, see Section C of today'a Daily Pilot. One-legged man determined By ROBE RT BARKER or-. OellJ "'°' • ..,, At thQ,request of defense at- torneys, who similarly argued that news coverage of the pro- ceedings could make lt difficult (See BEARING, Pa1e AZ) Bart Van Housen is traveling from the northern tip of Califoa - nia to the Mexican border -on one leg. Van Housen, 35, had his leg amputated below the riRht knee STATE -· Crooner's memorabilia to be sold Thousands of memorabilia which once belonged to BiJ11 Crolby go on the auction block next month. Page A.5. Fruit Dy fight cost unknown? SACRAMJCN'ro (AP) -S tate analyata •Y the exact C09t of the ~ ap1mt the Mediterrane.n fruit fly may never be own becauae of incomplete ac-COUil-1'be &.cramento Bee re~ tDday • COUNTY 13 years ago because of a conge- nital birth defect. But that hasn't stopped him from running about 20 miles a day in his north-to-south journey on an artificial leg. He says lt ls a statement of the human spirit. Income inches up (See AMPUTEE, Page A%) INDEX At Your Service A4 Erma Bombeck B2 L.M. Boyd A6 eu.me. A8-9 Calif omia A5 C..vabde B2 a..i&d 84-8 Comb 83 en.word 83 Death Notkm A14 Editorial ,, A6 .~, All SPORTS WASHINGTON (AP) - Americans' personal income roee a modest 0.4 percent in March continuing a lour-month record of sluggish growth. HOC'OK!Ope B2 lntenni81ion All Ann Landers B2 Movies Alt Mutual Funds A8 National New. A3 Public NoUc:a A8.B4 Sportm A12-14 Stock Marketa A9 Televilioo AlO Thea ten All Weather-A2 Workl News A3 • J'ull·dme rwldet\ta °' the ~ M ..... whJch dot the bluffa mid· betwffn Corona del Mar Lapna Beldl. ..w be on.. two-year l .... eJCtltDl&ona, We ..ad. TM parka department ottldal WM crtUicaJ of the rDIDMl' in the~ wtft handled the It.ate Depar1ment of Gen· Servtoe., which now adml· the property. Tuttle IUI· ted the evtcUom c:ou1d have ,,,,_,handled more tad:fully. The 4&-home comrQunitY, con- •tructed a1 a movie eet ln the 19201, became part of Cry1tal Cove State Park ln 1979 when the Irvine Compen)' IOld it to ~ -• • • ltate for PJ.8 miWoft. la~ the ... pwct '" -addl ti mtWon worth of ,.rklud. The .... ....,.. .......... . tildafedlirlllhlawlwl .. . ltnce ....... the •prPll!llopw-rttvy, 1tat• oftlcl.ale aid lawmaken haw_,...... wttb tll9 ~tllm of bow to MC.-• D llatt the pu• bUc with the Jl'M• .. ., the 2,791-aicn ~ -The ... ....., ... putlld 2o..Y"J' ._ ........ to ...... denta of 2H .. wi. bom• in Moro Cove, aleo a part of the park. The ••t•n1lon1 were arantec1 --.. the COil o1 ...io- cattna the mobile bomt OWMn wouJa be problbtdw, .... ottl-dals aid. • Northern cities hit by snow •r TM AIMda ... Prtta Up to a foot ot mow blanbW M,,,,,_,ta and Wllconltn today .. the bttter win~ ~f 1982 N • lW'Md to _porttone~h• Mld· --and w-. thna c:rofl and dollna IChooll. Record low tempera~urH Monday cauaed conl&derable da· maae t9 northern Utah fruit crope, an acrtcultural ext.eNlon ... tlilld. FALKLAND ISLANDS • • • I.cord lowll for the date of 24 at Salt Lake CJty and 18 at Twin J'11l1. Idaho, were reported Monday. Randolph. Utah. WU 2 below. Fruit arowen from Box Sider County to Utah County reported damase _to early bud-dinc trees, pe.rtlcU.larly to eweet cherrle11 peacbee and apricot.a. Pean, applee and eour cherriee bloom later. reco&nlUon of Argen\lne IOVe;- relpty. • . Haig, after four days of tnten- • ave negotiation• ln the Argen- ' 1 in e capt tal, flew back to . Wuhington. He told reporten -during a refueling 1top in Ca- raca1, Venezuela, he would "dllcUM the aJtuatlon with Pre- sident Reagan and await further 'developments." With a 68-ahip Briti1h war ileet expected to be within stri-kh\i dWtance of the Fallda.nda by the weekend, HaJ1 Mld u he i.c>k off from a.a Alna that he wa1 "more convinced than ever that war in the South At· lantic would t>. the .,_test of ~ and that time • indeed runntnc out.'' The permanmt oound1 of the Orpnmtion of Am11rtmn States wu meettna In W..iun.,ton to- day at Argentina'• requeet to oonllder appljcdon of the Inter- American-Treaty of Beclprocal AmtanCle .pmt Britain. The northern 1uburba of Min- neapolis received up to 4 lnchea of mow, while 14.~ lnches wu reported in Price County, Wil. Schoola were cloeed and roads were impueable ln parts of Wi- ICOl'Win. The 1now alao 1pread across northern Michigan and into pe.r'ta. of Iowa. AMPUTEE WALKS •.. Fatal crash probed in South Laguna His effort also ia designed to-raiae moftey for the Easter Seal So- d.ety. An official at St. Mary'1 Col- lege In Gonzaga, Van ffouaen rested Sunday and Monday at a home in Huntington Harbour. Having already logged 600 01ilea -some of them in bone- J11rrlng pain, according to wit- C>eSllel -Van HOU9ell bu four more days to go before reacl:Ung t.be IOUthern 'bOrder. · · "I hope to raite not only_funds, but the numan 1pirit in a1l of ua aa a result of this ~y foe the f..aater Seal Society," ~ said. ., Karen L . Stolte, direetor of· oublic affairs of the California k.uter Seal Society, ot.m'ves that Van Hou1en i1 achieving hi• pis. She eays abe'1 been reduced to t.e-an about once a day. One of the hM.rt--tuaina mo- menta came. she said. when dght diabled Vietnam vetenm )med Van HOU8eD ln tKe ~mile trek acroa the Golden Gate Bridae· . Some were on crutcbee and 1ome had pea le1a when they joined Van ~ on ha green ar1ifidal .. !Dllde_ of ti!Mlum. '"nley 8lked what they CX>Uld do and he told them they CX>U)d 'join him. It WM very movtna. I think he'• a bero to fif1rY diaa- bled penon." The Orange County District Attorney'• office la 1till investi-aatinc an accident in South La-suna that left one woman dead and four othen injured early Sunday momine· Arrested on charps of felooy drunken drivtna wu Mark Nor- . rill. 26, of Costa "l.tma. driver of a ama1l truck that inw.Upton .... aert turned left into an ClOCOIDi.na 1heriff'1 patrol car which wu heedtna north on Cout ffiahway on an emersency call. HEARING CLOSED. • • A S--n&er in the truck, Ma- rianne Rapp, 23, of Tultin. WU killed in the collll'on. Notria and mother~. Warren Hart, were hoapltalized for cull and br\da9. Norrie WM taken to the tan ward of the UCI Medical C.ter. . .#) pick an unbi.ued jury durtna a 1-ter trial, Judge Ryan excluded ,tpe J>Ublic from her Weetmimter courtroom. A preliminary hearing deter-. 'inines 1f there ii evidence strong 'enouah to otder a defendant to IWMf trial. Laet "feek, Orange County ,iuperior-Court Judge Philip E . 'Schwab upheld another judge's ruling permitting an open hea-· ring for murder defetidant 1'wlmas Thompeon of Onnle ln .. C-entral Oranp 0..ty Munld· pel Court. • Tbompeon and co-4efendant Devld Lett.eh of 1...-S..h are charaed with fint-dearee murder ln the....._. death ot ~ r I ~ 20, 91-e bod1 waa found U. eut 1"f11e lut September. \ The dlaliict attorney'• office b9a yet to file charp9, pending die OUticJcae of the tn~tk>n. Deputy Sheriff Chrll ROie, who WM drivlnC the patrol car at the~ of the coW.lon, repor- tedly pve tint aid to the other vlctlml before help arrived. He waa treated for cuta .at South Coeat Medical Center and later ttlr F Ud. Deteme act.cJl'nil1 Ban Blvwa,' repraenting TbmDp!O'l, md M would appeal Judp Schwab'• ruling to the J'ourtb District. Court of An-J ln &an Demar· dlno thl.a week. . It's heating up ~ 10 u .07 14~ • •1 11 n • It • 12 ,04 •• •1 t7 . " .. H 11 •. 11 II .. t.07 ., .. .oe n '' • , 11 . .. n .. . .. ... •n 11•M ...... • .. .ot :: : • IO .. . ii 11 .. . .. n '' . .. ., . . ,, 10 .. •• •• I 43 24 '1 .. M M 1t ta .IO IO A IO Ill 48 79 IO 79 43 .. 67 11 ., .. II IO 7t .. , ... , . 11 II " IO n .. r. :: ,. .. IO 11 • II =· 71 : J: : . .. •1 ~= .. ... .. .. . .... : ff t: ' ., . " ,, .. " ELTON FAITHFUL-Some of the nearly 700 Elton John tam who ahowed up at the Irvine Meadowa Amphitheater Monday wait for the .................. ~...,~ chance to purch.aae Ucketa to the Britiah rock .tncer'• June 19 concert. Mort of the ticketa are now told. Mesa drops Elton John concert membership tickets sell qUickly in SCAG Co1ta Meu ba1 become the eighth city tn Orange County to drop its membenh.lp in the Sou- thern California Auoclatlon of Govern.men ta. The oou.ncil voted 5 to 0 Mon- day night to withdraw from the regional plannln1 ~ency that serves 127 cities ln orange, Loe Angeles, San Bemardino, River- side, and Imperial counties. Councilman Donn Hall, who led the drive to withdraw from the ~ asency, aaid SCAG haa accouJltabill ty and in- put from local dtia ·•u we recognhe that the pro- blema of Calexico and Costa Mesa are different, then it makes no - aeMe to have one muter aaency try to plan for them on a regional baaia •• eaJd Hall ln ~ effort to keep Cc.ta Mesa in SCAG, Councilman Ed Mc- Farland made a motion to conti- nue membenhip until an Orange County mini-cog group could 6e set up. That meaaure failed 4 to l , with McFarland votfna yes. McFarland, who eerved two yean on SCAG'1 executive oom- mlttee and favored continuing membenhip, aao cut hla vote agalnlt the planning agency. "It wa1 obvious that it wae going to go to 4 to l," said Mc- Farland after the meettns. "So what difference does it ll:'lke if it goes 5 to O! ''Come beck, a year from now," he added "and I can guarantee that Costa Mesa will not have done anything to solve regional problems." Both Hall and Councilwoman Nonna Hertf.08 spoke in favor of e1tabll1hlng another group to serve Orange C-ounty'• lnteresta. Only14oftheorfl1nal22dties in Orange County that joined SCAG·•tlll remain. Irvine, Tustin, Orange and Westmlnlter are among them. Bart Meays.. deputy executive director of SCAG, wu not aval- w~e Tuaday. By JOEL DON or .. .,...,.. .... Nearly 700 Elton John fans 1warmed lnto Irvine Meadows Amphitheater early Monday momlng, hoping to get a good le.t for a June 19 concert by the British rock star. The show. which la a ,1pecial r addition to the 1982 amphithea- ter eeuon, wu announced Fri- day, wtt.b ads runni.ni ln Sunday newepepen. Tick.eta went on sale Monday. By the end of the day, all of the amphitheater'• 5,000 rHerved-eeat ticket.a had been aold. More than half of the 5,000 upper-lawn seating ticket.a also had been snapped up by con- certgoen. Some who 1howed up early voiced complaint.a about tickets being sold through a random- number priority system. Howe- ver, amphitheater spokesman Mark Kogan uid the 1ystem, Mesa arrest which offera no advantage to earlybirda, waa used lut year during the concert facility'• de- but aeuon. He said the system helps dilcourage ticket acalpen. Also there were a few grum- bles whep those lined up learned they'd have to pay a $1.50 sur- charge above the adm.l&on price of the tickets, at $14.50 for res- erved and $10.50 for lawn sea- ting. Kogan explained that the am- phitheater has a $1 facillty char- ge for tickets aold through its box office as well as at Ticketron outlets. The fee covers parking. A 50-cent box office service charge also is tacked onto the admi11ion price. Kogan noted ticket buyers would pay a $1.25 aervice charge at Ticketron out- lets. Thu• people can 1ave 75 cents by purchasing their tickets at the amphitheater box office, he &ald. Rock singer pleads innocent to charges Rock 9fnger David Crosby pleaded innocent Monday to m~r m-u. and weapon ~stemming lrom bia arrefi in Costa Mesa 1Ut month afer be reponedly plowed bia car into a San Diego Freeway cent.er divi- der. Crosby, a past member of the now-defunct rock group Crosby. Stills and Nash. did not appear at the Harbor Municipal Court ar- ral~t. 1'he 40-year-old Mill Va tley resident la acheduled to appear at a pretrial conference June 7. Cro1by, arrealed on 1imilar chaJtges thia month at a Dallas ni8ht club where he was perfor- ming, is charged locally with OOllle99ing a concealed gun. pos· 9ess1ng a small amount of ooca1ne and drivlnl( under the in.O•amce of a oon\t01Je4 subatance. Game machines for Valley center? The Fountain Valley City C.Ouncil, which tried 1alt year to ban video game machines from local liquor stores, will conalder installing three game machines at the city'• recreation center at Mile SqUAll'e Park at Its meeting tonight. The move, which has been approved by the city'• Parka and Recreation Commialon. could bring the dty an additional $5,- 000 annually ln revenues, 8CCOI'· • ding to City Manager Howard Stephens. Coast vandals all wet A pair of suspected pranbten found themselves in hot water with the law t~_ay after alle- 1edly l1e&ling a $36,000 lkiploa- der and drLvina it lnto the ooeen off 4llt Street l3e.ch in Newport Beach. The piece of heavy machinery, which wu being ueed for con- struct:kln work op Balboa BouJe.. vaJd. WU ltl.ll submerpd in the ocean early today, about 50 feet. ottahore. Newport officen arrested Ke- vin Thompt0n, 22, and Ronald Wood•. 24, shortly after the 2 a.m. tnddent by foDowtns a trail of blood from the lhorellne to a nearby hm.-. Offlcen aald one of the men apparently cut himself while •teerina the lkiploader lnto the ocean. 'Both men were charged with felooy vandalhm and are betna held in lieu of $5,000 bail. Polkie aid the machine had been SOUTH COAST PLAZA Rresents BILL BRUMl.EY of ' U..L-. .... Court lulalk'•--· ,,,., •. ,., hot-wittd, then driven down 41.st Street, cut a path acro1~ the beach and kept going. It wu low tide at the time. Authorities said by the time they collared the au.peeled van- dala, the tide was cominl in and by W. morning was lapping over the top of the akipto.der'. An lnduitrial towina eervtce WU to be brought ln later today to pull the soggy 1kiploader a.shore. I I .· Space station 'launChed·1 B eds' Salyut 7 app aren tl y unmanned lj fte AIMda ... PnN 'lbit Soviet Union bu put a MCond 1pece ,.... MrCh nation, Salyut 7, into Ol'blt. and tu sYltenw "are ~ no.rmally,'' Tim reportAMS today. 'l'he 1pece vehicle, appArently unmanned, wM lent into orbit on Monday, the Soviet neon .,.ncy Guilty Israeli • to quit post JERUSALEM -Aharon Abu-Hatzelra, the Mi.n!1Ser Memchem Been. "in order not to lprina flrat laraell Cabinet mlniater ever convicted of a any IUrprilm on him. tliat I intend to ral&D from crime,·laid today that he int.ended to rellln-the eovemment." He taSd he wanted to devote all b1a time to hla He told reporten he had informed Prime · suprene CIOW't appeal apimt h1a coovtctlon. Assassination plot try told BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) -Iran'• fonnet fore--tan minlater, Sadegh Ghotbzadeh, bu admitted hatching a plot to UIU81nate Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomefni and overthrow hi.a regime, the official Iranian news acency laid today. Ghottn.adeh, who wu arrested two weekl ago, made the commenta i~ a TV interview broadcast throuchout Iran Ma::r. night, the lalunlc Repu- bllcan Newt ~ . ffe WM quoted by the .,ency, formerly named Pan, u uytni the plot called for 1hellln1 Kho- meini'• hoUM with JQnc-ranae arUllery and then 1eizing the headquarters of the Revolutionary Guards, the poJJce and the radio and TV broadcut center. ( Woman named to space flight SPACE CENTER, Houston -~ astronaut who will bea:me America'• first woman in IJ>llCe greeted the newa with uncharacteristi excitement, while the tint black to be choaen for a m laalon tackled a pile of paperwork to control his enthu- siasin. Dr. Sally K. Ride, 30, and Air Foree Lt. Col Gu.ion $. Bluford Jr., 39, were Uligned today u rn1-ion 1ped•liatl on the .econd and ihlrd flights of the s_pece shuttle Challenger, both ln 1983. There will be two more m1alona on the Col- . wnbia before the Challenger beglna operations. Nuclear war concerns aired Americana opening a week of teaching about nuclear war rallied by the hundred.a throughout the nation and hung bannen along the route of the Boston Marathon chal.lengi.ng the crowd to Imagine the effect if an atom bomb went off aver the flniah line. Pittsburgh's City Council urged President Reagan to start talks with the Sovieta on disman~ Ung nuclear anena1a., and ev~ Billy Graham told a group of Yale atudenta Monday he wu "taJdna the stand with tho9e who aay we must do aomethlna about the arms nee.'' The rallies, teach-ins and Doomsday demon- atratiorw that are part of "Ground Zero Week" be- gan in earneet Monday, although activities were held ln do:r.ena of dtiee Sunday. Pension compromise likely? WASHINGTON (AP) -President Reagan and Republican oongreasional leaders conferred on the budget today at the White House u negotiators ':~~t a specific spending compromise that one 1 aaid would have to touch on Socla1 Security spending. "rm very opti.rn.latic. I think it can be done," ·~ITffiU U: Sen. Paul Laxalt said of a compromise. But the Nevada RepubUcan. one of Reap.n'1 cJo.st alliea,· aald the president made no cornmltmenta ln the morning meeting. Laxalt said spending cuts and 90l'De form of tax lncreue would have to be part of a compronme and ''Social Security will have to be pert o! the overall peck.age," along with defen11e spending cuta. Diablo protesters reunite SAN LUIS OBISPO -It wasn't exactly the best place to hold a reunion. but 219 people who were arrested in 1978 for blocking ac:cea to the Dlablo Canyon nuclear powe r plant decided to make the mmt of their eentend.ng hearing. Prior to Monday'• h~ before Munidpal Court Judge Robert Carter, c:tOzena of demonatra· ton got reecquainted with fellow prote9ten they, had not seen in yean. For the most part. a festive atmosphere pre- vaOed at the courta tJl•lldtng One qn ~ out- tide the facil.lty read: "Dlablo C1all of 78, Recep- tion. &gr\ ln Here." Noguchi vows to regain off ice LOS ANGELES (AP) -Demoted Loa Ancelel County Coroner Thomu T. Noguchi vowed to re-- gain hla office ln remarks at a te1timmia1 cl1nner attended by more than 600 aupport.era, lncludlng entertalnen rup Wu.on and Nanette Fabny. "I think within a few months I will be retu.r- & ato my office to continue my work." said No- wbo w.. ~by the county Board ol pel T18or9 ln .ie ma demoted to pbysldan tp«ia1ilt )Mt Thu.nday. MAIN OPPICI! .... .., ... c:-.-...C.A. ........ : .. t•,c...--.C.A. .. ~ ,... °'= GeMI ..._ •• I c...-r. -............. _ ... 4 .............. ... --................. f llf ...... ........ ·~-. Stronger penalty eyed for pot SACRAMENTO (AP) -The pc rloa ol marljLumA cm public IChool l"JUDdt cOuJd draw bJc• her penaltlet than poeMHlon ........ under • bOl re9Chlnl the S..te ftoar. 881361 by Sen. Robert Pre- lley, D-JUv..,..., WOUid autbo- meup tolbc.....,.IDWl..Sa '800 fine b ..... and 10 daYI' confinement for juvenil9e. The WU ..,., m l-0 vote J4anday of .. s-te na-ce ~-. ) Orange COMt DAILY PILOT/Tuetday, Aprtl 20, 1982 H/F .ti I FAMILY OUTING -Diane C&ldioti (left) and Rene West had their hands full Monday when they took Miki, Mopper, Raspberry and Queen Mimou, all pure bred Shih Tzu and brothers 0.-, ............ ., Lee PllrM and sisters, for a walk along Bayside Drive in Newport Beach. Whoops! Is that Queen Mi - mosa headed the wrong direction there? , \; Park patrolling urged · Mile Square~slaying brings Valley call for action By PHJL SNEIDERMAN or .. o.-,,......,. In the wake of a w eekend slaying at Mlle Square Park, Fountain Valley Police Chief Marvin Fortin said he will ask the Orange County Sheriffs de- partment to begin i ta stepped-up summer patrofs at the popular recreation atta. Because Mile Square is a cou- nty park, law enforcement, ex- cept in emergency cases, 1s the responsibility of sheriff's depu- ties. City officials have been con- cerned, claiming park visitors sometimes create crime problems in the Fountain Valley neigh- borhoo<U surrounding..Mile UWlfepho .. WINDING ROAD? -MotorUts seem a bit confused by the cent.er white line which aeerna to have gone berserk in El Dorado Hilla east of Sacramento. Actually, squiggly line is wamlng that street ends at top of the hill. ' \ Square. .. . The most recent outbreak of violence occurred Sunday, when a fight broke out between Hi- spanic groups from Cypress end Santa Ana. Angel Lopez Serrano. 28, of Hawaiian Gardens, died after being stabbed twice in the tel< during the fight. A second rn#l, Hector Carrillo, 19, of Stan\Oih , also s uffered serious stcb wounds, but is recovering at Fountain Valley Comm\lnily Hospital.. • Sheriff's apokesman Wyll!t Hart safd today that the investi- gation of the alaying is conti- nuing, with deputies searching for eight me n and two women from the Santa Ana group and three to five people from tbe Cypress group. Hart said the cause of the fi@t is still being probed, but said )t may have been a "territorlcil" dispute between the groups. • The sherif ra apokesman added that the Investigation 11 mape more difficult by the reluctance of some Hispanic group mem~ to talk to the authorities. Hart said he doesn't foresee any major changes in the sh~­ rlfrs enforcement policies at Mile Square. ' "Altercations between HUpe- nic groups have been going on.in any park that's open to the public," he said. "We try to sQ)' on top of it, and we Ceel we do pretty well. But If a park la opeo to the public, it's pretty hard ~ say who can come in and who can't." Fountain Valley's Chief Fortin said he will ask the sheriffs de- partment to begin summertime procedures, which include add£. tlonal patrols, plus deputies ol .bor1eback when necessary. 1 He said Fountain Valley v.'1'1 assign more city police to th' at.reets surrounding the park ob weekends and holidays. M ile Square is bounded bJ F.dinger Avenue, Euclid$~ Warner Avenue and Brookh Street. \ J Orar,ge COUt DAILY PILOT/Tu.day, Aprit 20, 1812 Book giyes tips on preparing wil~ . By PAT HOROWITZ or .. .,..., .... ...,. DEAR PAT: Cu yo.a refer me to a book tllat wlll laelp me draw •P my own wUI? Wl&b all tbe seU-laelp Jaw boob a,._.d, I bow tlaere ma1t be eometltlas available. P.H., Cotta Men The new, eigthth edition of "Settling and Safeguarding F..- tata in CallfomJa Without an Attorney -With Fonna," la what. you're looklna for. Author Clive Hinckley has covered every1hinl in th1I 218-page volume to enable the layman to plan his or her own estate or aetUe another. The book includel lnatructiona, ex- amplee, cn.s-references, court addreeles and a full 1et of fonna. Look for it in a bookstore, or order for $13 from Clive Hinckley, 11 106 ~ Sunaet Drive South, Redlands, Calif. 92373. Toy hazard repair under way DEAR READERS: Creative Playthings is renewing lta ef- forts to replace up to 239,000 Creative Playthings lndoor Gym Hou.e ladders following a recent stranRU!a-tion death. The pro- duct was manufactured prior to 1980. Consumers are urged to remove and destroy the ladder immediately. The replacement program is being conducted in cooperation with the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission which ad- vised the Cirm of the death of a two-year--0ld California boy on Feb. 9, 1982, in an accident associated with the G ym House. The firm first took corrective action on the product in Fe- bruary 1980, aft.er learning of an accidental death and an incident causing brain damage which later resulted in death to a child playing with the product. Replacement ladders were offered at that time. The Creative Playthings Indoor Gym House consis ts of a hollow, fiberboard-and-wood box 20 inches high which supports a two-step wooden ladder on one side and a short slide on the opposite side. The top of the box or "platform" serves as a bridge ~ between the ladder and the slide and is protected on two sides by wooden railings. The product is intended for use by children ases 18 months through 3 ~ years. It was 90ld for approximately $29 to $50 in toy stores and othe r r etail outlets nationwide in knocked-down form to be assembled by the owner. The ladder being replaced was manufactured from 1962 through 1979. The gym houses with ladders being replaced are those with "Creative Playthings" printed on the side or with no lettering. Creative Playthings urges owners to contac-t the firm im- mediately to request, free of charge, a new ladder lb.at bas been redesigned 1o reduce the likelihood of head entrapment. In- structions for easy installallon are included Owners who have received a replacement ladder since February 1980 need take no action. To request the replacement ladder , call the firm's toll-free number: (800) 847-4359, or write to: Creative Playthings, P.O. Box 306, Route 147, Herndon, Pa. 17830. More infonnatlon can be obtained by phoning the Unn's toll-free number or the_CPSC at (800) 638-8326. -- . • · "Got a problem? Then write to Pat Horowirz. Pat will cut red cape, getring the answers and action you 'ti need to solve inequities Jn government and buai.Msa. • Mail your questions to Pat Haowitz. At Your 5er'vh>,. ,.... Orange Cout Vally Pilot, P.O. Box 15d0, Cose. ~ I . Mesa, CA 92626. A6 many letters as po.Jble will be ~. bur phoned inquiries or letters not including the rm· dB'• fuU name, address and bu.siness hours' phone number can- not pe considered. " ---------------------No action on Elvis appeal WASHINGTON (AP) -One of the nation'• lar1e1t noveJty· Item merdww:Uaen hu lost a key U.S. Supreme Court t11ht ln It.a attempt to bar anyone elle from mak1n1 a profit from Elvia Pre· tley'1 tame. The court refuted Monday to review a five-year legal fi&ht over whether Pre'1ey'lf ·•exclusive right to.publidty" en- ded when he died or whether it wu Inherited by hein. A federal appeals court. inter- preting Tennessee law, aald the exclus ive rlf:ht died with the rock-and-r o 1 singer Aug. 16, 1977. Factors ·Etc., which claims It bought that exclusive right for $150,000 two days after Presley d ied at age 42, urged the Su- preme Court to negate the lower court's ruling. During most of Presley's le - gendary entertainment career, his exclusive right to market his fame in the form of posters, T - shirt.a and numerous other com- modities was held by his mana- ger. Col. Tom Parker. In 1974, Parker and Presley transferred that right to Boxcar Enterprises, a Tennessee-based company. Boxcar sold that right to Factors with the approval of Presley's father, Vernon, who is now dead. Pro Arts, a New York poster company, soon began selling a commemorative poster of Pre- sley. Factors quickly sued Pro Arts, and the 2nd U.S. Circu it Court of Appeals in 1978 barred Pro Ar ts from selling Presley posters. The 2nd Circuit court, inter- preting Ne w York law, said Presley's exclusive right to pu- blicity had been inherited by his father and legally transferred to Factors. But in early 1980 the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals used its . interpretation of Tennessee law in a related case to rule tha t Presley's exclusive right died with him. . Relying on the 6th Circuit ru- ling the 2nd Circuit court decided last June 29, that Tenneeaee law should have been used in the Factors-Pro Arta controversy and that Pro Arts should be allowed to sell its Presley posters. A"Wlr~to FAMOUS FANS -Actr~ J ane Fonda. her son Troy, 8, and husband Tom Hayden cheer on the Los Angeles Km gs in hockey action against the Va ncouver Canucks a t t he Forum in Inglewood. Ingrid denies "dying' rumor Actress lagrld Bergman responded to Bnush newspa· pe r r epo r ts t hat s he w as dying of cancer by posmg for a photographer and sayrng: "l am not as young as I used t.o - be, but my health IS fine. I am not d ying." The Daily Mail published th e photogra ph. It showed M iss Bergman, 67 , smiling Mayor Pete Wiison, a can- didate for the Republican no- mination for the U.S. Senate, says a venture to convert cow dung Into methane gas cost him $14,600 last year. It was among the writ.eof!s Wilson listed for the $3, 725 he and well wrapped up agamst the EngLLsh spring m a cape and slacks She posed on the e mba nk me n t along the Tha mes R iver , n ear h er a p artme nt an fas h ionab le Chelsea. T he Oscar-wanning actress underwent surgery for breast cancer in.1974 and 1979. seeks in a federaJ income tax refund. "Well, Congr ess k eeps sayin g people should invest an aJt.ernate sources of energy." a n aide, Otto 801, said, in d isclosing Wilson 's tax f1 · gures. With Britain and Arpndna polled on th brtnk o~ ~a_rJ London new1papers reponeo Prlaee Claarlea h ired an Ar· aentlne to care for hl1 901o ponies at the WlndlOr C.UU• I tablet. The newa mado headlines in London. although a Buck· Ingham PaJace 1pokt1man u ld th e princ e hired Argentine-born a.o.I Correa befo re Argentine forces lnva· ded the Falkland Ialllnda. Cor reo, 38, la re1pon1lble for the princie'• eight ponies. His wife, Linda, wu quoted In The S un ne wspaper aa saying, •lHe t•very happy ln his new job." Actor Robert Clary was ahlong 18 Jewish survivors of Nazi concentration camps ho- nored at the Simon WleseatlaaJ Center for Holocaust S tudies on Yorn Hashoa, the Day of !Wmembrance Clary. who played LeBeau on the TV series "Hogan's Heroe&," was freed from Bu- chenwald In 1945 -the onJy camp survivor among 13 fa- mily merr.bers T he 500 peo- ple gathered an Los Angeles saluLed survivors for recoun· tang their experiences to stu- dents The nation's largest Army R~rve l~nt.er will be named for war l'Orrespondent Emle P yle, who died on a battle· front during World War II. tht• Army announced. P ylt•, a Pu litzer Prize· w 1n n1ng r e p o rt e r f o r Scripp!.·lfoward, was killed by Japanese m;.a<:hme gun fire whtll• c:ovNing the 77th In- fantry Division's battle for le S hima near Okmawa on April 18. 1945 Singer-songw riter Paul Anka was an a bn of a hurry at the Lai. Vegas airport. ac· cording to his lawyer . and that riled customs off1c1als T hey slapped ham with mis· demeanor punishable by up to one year an .)Sil and $2,000 in fines Anka was charged with removing his bags from air· port custom"!: without appro· val The 1n c1d e n l occu r red when Anka retrieved the 16 p11:ces of luggage from the customs area of McCarran International Airport on Feb. 4 Anka "regrets" t he inci· de nt, said his lawyer, Axel Kleiboemer. The entertainer faces a heanng May 24. ED WETTER SHUTTERS CUSTOM QUALITY SHUmRS LET THEM HAVE A DRY BED n.....-... --... ··--.... .-..... -,. -·-----...-----·-........ _ ., ___ , __ .,.,_....._ ---·-"··---....-.... -........... -.. -....... --.. -.... --.-...--IOtM ___ Te RM .,. ._..., ____ ... -.- "Equally Efft1cr1vt1 for Adults" r-;;:,7;;;.;.~7~;:.;T~~.::l~~T-;,~-~ 311 Forst Slrffl / Nekoosa. W I ~S7 PARENTS NAME -------- A00At:SS ---------- CITY _____ STAT( __ ZIP_ PHONE------- • Pecolic lnl.,n<1toonal ltd 1971 AOE-- IA0-4 ·501 •"'* • ' . 'v' t . • ~.· . ~. . . '-. •., Wiii FREE TICKETS Just Look for Your Name! Slcipp«r Non Ho~ ~~S«;· IN BOATS. EQUIPMENT ~ AND.wrER ti.-. SPORTS! • . ', •.. , : .................... ~ .. V aNTION c•NT• .. •• UWUA • '°"WO CAU.(11 .. _... <. WINI'S In TOday's Classifiedst IT'S EASYI Find you6'ame and addr .. In today'• olUllfled MOtlon, then call 842-5871 Ext. 212 to ollllm your tickets. Winners ... day, IO ot'9Ck ~ clllltfledl In ...... I WE'RE A LOT MORE THAii A BELL• YOUR •U Behind the bell. Behind the famou.s Seacoast sticker. Behind all the state-of-the art protection devices we make end Install, Is Seacoast central station. When an alarm goes o ff on your property, we get the signal In a nearby, 24-hour-e-day cen- tral station. If the signal Indicates fire, burglary or holdup, we call the police or fife department Since our central station Is U.L. rated, our central station customers can qualify 10< a sizeable discount on their Insurance. And to Increase our reach, make response time even faster, and Improve etflclenoy, we're computerizing our statloo. But Improvements aren't new to Seacoast. We've been getting !better for 21 years. And today we're the leaders In the security.business In the Harbor area with over 10,000 customers lncludlna a wide range of big and small retell, Industrial and commercial establishments. To find out more about our Seacoast central station write Of come by our new faclllty at 2488 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa. Iii\ SEACOAST \J ~RnY SY81EMS off9fl ti11erythlog In c:eMAel country dub~ • 27 ,.,... cl~ golf • 25 t*"nll OOUtta (8 lighted> • 2 twtnwntng Md hJctiutt~ poolt • 348 dtlU!l• al11p6ng roome • ~ 1n ~I Rllncho Mlf'IOI, Cefff. (In the P9tm 8Pf1noe ... at .... cl tM meontnotftt e.nte ~ Mountelne Come ... for yourMlf why wt/Ye become .,,,. Qem of the o.-1" 2488 NEWPORT BOULEVARD• COSTA MES( ,CALIFORNIA• 92627 • (714 ) 642·3490 I Designed,~•'­ Fin is hed ___,_,,.;,...;. Installed - ~ 28 Years Experience Manufacturing Quality Shutters FINEST QUALITY SHUTTERS AVAILABLE ON THE MARKET TODAY ... AT FACTORY DIRECT PRICES! Call (714) 548-6841 or 548-1717 NElllWOOI MAIUfACTOIY 19n Placentia Avenue • Costa Mesa. CA '16EI Get '°"'..., "' .. excrtl:f world of ,.,.... oarnpuWa wtth our 8flordeble Model m. Mel• ce. eette recorder encl our 124. II ••If· peoed lnetfllotton oourae (21·201 I) ................... wrltln1 your own wec ......... 1n .......... --....... 11111 I I Orange Cout OAJLV PILOT/Twed1y, Aprtt 20. 1982 Nit.IC NOTICE 111cm~1.., .... 11 NAMI ITATIMSHT rhe lollowtng person ,. doing bualne..H HOLISTIC & NUTRITIONAL COUNSELORS. •04 WHlmlnatet, Sune 1 Newport 8eech. CA 112663 ROXL HAMIL TON DOWNING 1~&3 Coriander Colla Meu. CA lllti26 • Thtl bullnest 11 Con<IUC19d by "' md1Vtduat OD Th•• statement wes hied with the County Clefk of Orange County on ------------Aprlf 9 11182 1'1'70l2 ftCtmOUll-NAmtTA~ .:,. ~ ,.._ .. -. IMlllll.- INERCALC, t tH N l roo-1111,.1 :~~· $1,1lle >OO. A11e~m Celllo<11t1 ... ., ..... o, .. •·00~1. 1100~ w =:rron1. -IMH• -.-. Oallftlt'"4! ~ -.. COfMklc1911 "' .,. in. ...,,... 0 lrOOlot Tlllt ......... ,., ... tll•d '""" ... . ~ty a.n. Of O.enge C-.ty"" """ t. ,,,.., Pullllened Orange Coat1 Oellr Piiot, """' •• t3. 20. 27. ltu taa.G Publtal\e<J Orange Coast Dally P1. oun•tc NOTICE lot, April 13 20. 27 May '4. 1982 ruut. "=':·=· I 1621·82 FICTITIOUS IUltNlll The~ I*_, le~ --------------1 NAMf ITAHMfNT ... PUBLIC NOTICE The lollowlng per1on la oolng SKYlllDEll ENTEAPlll!J[6 377 w ____________ ,bu&inn• •• Sey 81feet, Ho A 3, Cott• M ... Calll0<· FICTITIOUS IUSl~86 PLAIN VANILLA, 2024 Calvert, RllM now is•.,.... time to b&'Y ,old. And since Kruierrands come in con· venient one, Yz, 1/•, and Y10 ounce sizes, gold 1s easier than ever to own. Buy a few each month and hold them-for college tuition. a dream vacation, or golden retirement years . ~~as .. NITWlnUMI ml MKAttlM 8t~ (tt Bt<e~> llWNIT IUOI ('114) 14Mta1 I ni. t2t27 NAME STATEMENT Costa Mna C1 92626 Ridlerd 0ew111 ClintOll. 377 W 8•1 I lhe following persons are doing Rebecca M Konuth, 2024 ~-27 Ho A·3. Coet• ~ .... Ca11t0<nl• ,buatnnt aa Calvert, Co111 Meae. Ca 92826 l'ICTinOUI ..,.,..,, ••• T NAMa ITAnMllNT Tnl• bulllnff1 11 conducted by •n In·! MUIR M ODELS 2020 E So his bua•neat 1• conducted by 1n Tha fottowln" peraon la doln" C1Mc1u<o1 Susan. Santa Ana CA 92704 1nd1v1duat • • Rlchwd DeWitt c""'°" JAX HOBBIES tNC., 8 C8lllO<nt8 Re~· M Ko .. uth bUllneH .. Tlllt ll•tement '"" flleo •Hn one corporallon 2020 E So Suaan Thtl 1tatement wat hied With the NAV·COM OF DANA POINT, C-1y C1et1r OI Orenoe Counrt °" .t.p.M Santa Ana CA 92704 County Clet~ ot Oranoe County on 34320 Suite ·e· Cout Highway. 2. 19'2 ,,_ This business •• COn<IUCled b" • Aprll 5 1982 O"'• Point, Caltf 92829 -, Devey Marina Etectronlca. Inc • l'u111•1tl't•d Oron11• Coatt Oa11y Piiot, CO<po<111on 111~ 05 c s c ""' •. I) 20 27 IN2 IS11.t2 JAX HOBBIES INC Pubtlstled Or•r;r Coast Deity Pl· I I hayenne I oata Meaa. lo Calif 92828 Presi<1ent I Aprll 13 20 2 May 4 1982 Thtl bullnest II condue\ed by 8 Nil.IC •TICE Th•• 5tatement was hied with the t653-t2 corporation ------------County Cleft. of Orange County on m&llJC .~( Devey MarlNI l'tCTITIOUI I UStNEIS April 9 1982 nr 1"' Electronica Inc NAME STATfMENT FU7057 Steven D Devey The 1ottow1ng µarson 11 doing Pul>ltlilWKI Oranoe Coast Darty P•· NOTICE Of' MAJUIHAl'I I.AU Preekleflt bUIMMSS u lot Apnl 13 20 2'7 May 4 1992 No. 45 -fhtl atatemenl ..... filed with Iha BABOR KOSME TIK 0£PO T 4981 165&·82 DALE FA HR NE y A s I 0 ' County Clerit of Orange County on Park Ave Balboa Island CA 92662 ASSOC • PlatnUll 'n JOHN SOU· Apfll 9. 19112 Ralph Glenn Baldwin 498 Park -IC ~Ti( KARIS. Delenoant F1notl Ave BalbOa 1a1and CA 92662 rv~ 11119 Bi Ylrtue of an execution l8Mled Publtal\eel Orange Coeat OaAty Pt- Ralph Ba1<1w1n N:TTTIOUe ~.. on et>ruaty Ill, 11182 by the Munt-IOI Aprlf 13. 20, 27. May 4, 1982 Tn•• $111-t WH filed With the ..... ITArn.111 clpel Coun, Harbor Judkilal Olatrtct, 1580-82 County Clerk of O<ange County on ,,... 1--.g --,. doing --County of Orenge, Slate of Celffor· . ...., ....... ---'"'·-::.·-----'''-'-::......-Apr11 9 t982 ,.. nta. upon a Judgment entered In \ 1'1170U Pei< ELECTRIC. , .... 1 BtNm Ln lavor of DALE FAHRNEY AS t D & PlllJC •T1C£ PubllShed Orange Coaat Dally Pt· H<lntlnGIDfl llMc:ll. Ca 92tAt ASSOCIATES. lncorporeted u .--.----..... ------ 101 A~ll 13 20 27 Ma• 4 t98" Piie< K Kr0e>tt1 rea.i 9,...,. Ln Judgment creditor and •"•lnll · "" • , • ' HIM>ltnvtOn a.er. Ca 92 ... 9 JO 8 0 K • • 1619·82 Thia .,.. .. ,,... Ill ~led l>f .,. .,._ HN U ,..RfS u judgment _________ ...,;,,.;,.;_~ dW\duel debtor, ahowtng a net balance of MUC NOTICE P.i• i< KroP!li S 10,812 88 actuelly due on H id l'ICTITIOUI .,.1.._11 l ntt 11•••man1 "'" ltteo •ltn tne judgment on the date OI the 11· ..., ,.... Coulll)o Citlll Ol o..,. C--.!Y on Mattfl auancie of Mid execution. I ha..,. te- NAME ITATEM£NT 29, tllt2 vied upon Ill tlte right, title and The following peraon le doing f1•1n lnterett of Mid Judll"'-"t debtor In bull,_. 11 Pu1>111ned Oran~• Coat• Delly Pllol t he property In the County of KAUFFMAN & ASSOCtA TES. ""'~ •• 13• 20· 27• 982 159142 Or11199. Steta of Cellfornle. deecri· 19336 Fiibert Stteet, Fountain Val· b«I ea totlowa: fey, CA 92709 PltlJC l9TIC£ Real Prop9(ty commonly known DON p KAUFFMAN, 18339 • .. 440 Hellotrope Avenue, In the Fllt>e<t StrHt. Fountain Valley CA '1CTTnOUI llU9illaU City ol Newport Beacll, and tha 92708 MA .. ITATOaNT State of Caltlomla. Thia busineta ts conducted t>y 1n ,.,. ~ per_, ,. ~ -Exhibit A 1ndMdual .. . 92-o&~ Don p KauNman IAI ICING s ASSOCIATES. Ill I.le· OeeerlptlOn• This at•t-1 ... filed With Iha Mull.~ AOll[ATISIHG 22 "·-· Ir-Pere.I I The IOUl1-tetty 50 County Clerk ot O<ange County on .,,.. ~ ~ 22 F•-.,_ c.. teet ol lot t in 8IOc:k O of Trec1 323, Aprtl 19. 11182 t27t• In the City of Newport Beaoh, F117_. T1111 11 ... .,,.... 11 cond\lete<I llY .,, .,,. County of Orenge. S111e of Calf<w. Publ!Shed O•anoe Coast Oe•ly PllOI _.., nla. .. per "'9'> -oed In Bo<* Aprll 20. 27 Mly 4 11 1982 0.. -14 Paoe .0 Mle<lelllneOul Mape 17 t&-82 Tnt• ll•ttmenr ••• rued •11~ 1"• In tM omc. Of the Coanty Aec«ci« ------------~~ca... Of 0..... c-.., °" -ol n td OrMge County, ~llM<I Ml.IC NOTICE •11om1 "1o11ow1 'ICTTTIOUI I U._.I NAME ITATUlll!NT ,.;~~11~;~oi~ny~oatt 011~ com.~~ ln~G 7.= The loltowmg pe•tOnS ara dotng bualnMS .. (a) KEYBOARD MAGIC. {bl 1 2·3------------ PLAY. 9471 M011ka1 Ortve Hunting· ncTmOUI ~II ton Beech, Clo 926.C6 llAJIE ITAtt•WT FREO JtWELL THOMPSON ,,.. •oelowVIQ --• d"*'G ~ 9471 Motlkll Drove Huntington .. AUTO INTERIORS Of ENGLAND. Beech. CA 92646 i.>On 5 Oteno-A..,_ Santa Alla. CA This bVSI,_. II GOnductecl by 311 · 92707 tndivlduail I l YNN PLAYER lilllES Apt 31( ,,.. Fred J ThomP90n A_.. Ul01 w M~ San!JI Ana Thls statement ..... flied with the CA 91703 County Clerk Of O•ange County on Tn11 bv1•neu •• conduc•ed DY on '"· Tract 323, thence northeeller ly along Iha nor1"-19'ty tine of Mid Lot 1. 1 dletance of 50 laet to a point, lhenee aovt,_tetty along • Hne l*allel .-Ch and 50 feet ~ N119'ty ot Iha IOU1"-19't'/ line of, Mid Lot 1. a dlalanoe of 49 35 feet to a pOlnt. Mid point b9Wlg on the 1outhe11tarty llne of H id lot 1, 1henc.e •outhwHterly atong H id aoutheaaterty fine of L.ot I, a dlt- tanoe of 61 01 feet to a pol.nl, Mid l)Olnt being the moet aouth«ty cor· ner of eafd lot I , thence north· FICTITIOUS IUSINHI NAME ITAtt•NT The lollowlng peraon 11 doing buttneNN· APPLIED RESOURCE MANAGE· MENT, 11533 Stater AVe . S<Jlta A, P 0 Box 9264. Founteln Valley, CA 92708. John Richard Sanchez. 2077 Chal'le •30. Colla Mell. CA 112627 Th11 bl4tneM 11 conducted by an 1n<11V1<1ual John R Sanche Thtl atatement wu filed With thl County Clerk of Orange County on Apfll 9 1982 1'1-7 Put>llShe<I Orenge Coal Dally Pl· IOI. Apfit 13. 20. 2'7 May 4. 19e2 1635--112 P\llllC NOTICE FICTIT10UtaU ... H MAMalTAT'FMVn Tha tollow1ng peraon 11 doing ~ .. WALKER SASH AND DOOR. t835 Wll!llter E6. Co.ta ~. CA 92e27 Stantey G Walker 421 t W 111 St.. Sp 95. Santa Ana, CA 92703 Davtd S Walt.er. 525 13th St. HUntlnoton Beach. CA 92648 Mar; Lou Walller Thi• 11atament was filed with the County Ctetk 01 Orange County on April 9. 1982 1'1170M Publtahed Orange Collt Oe•ty Pl· lot, APf'll 13, 20, 27. May 4. 1982 1622-82 """terly •long the 1outhwH lerly 111_ II' NOTICE lln• of H id lot 1, a dl1tance o, ,._.,., Aofll 13. t982. -lyM f>1'lyet ....... F1'71• Thlt 11&1•"'•"' wu ltteO wltn Ille Publl6hld Orange COii! Cally Piiot, County 0..11 ot 0.ange Cow>ty °" lilercfl April 20, 27, May 4, t t, t982 29. 111112 . __________ ,_75_1_·_82_, Pulllllhed OflllG• CoH1 o.ri~:1. 14.38 fMI to Ille point of beginning ,ICTITIOUl IUllMll Pere.I 2 hglnolng et the moet N ..... IT .. -....... -1erty corner of 1.ot 2 In 8lodl o ........ ..,.,_,., of Tract 323, tn the City Of..__. The following peraon 11 doing ..... ,,., 30. Aptll •• 13. 20. 19$2 14»-82 ........... ...,., bullneea aa Beem. County of Or11199, State of PATS HALLMARK SHOP. 9114 l'ICTrTIOUI IUIMll PVIUC MOTi( California. 11 per map ,_oed In Adam• Ave • Huntington Beach. C. P\llllC NOTICE NAME ITATUilfNT • Book 14, P•ge 40, Mlac.tleneovt 926-48 The tollow1ng person 11 do1ng•---AC-mlOU9 ___ .u... ___ M ___ Mapa, In the office ol the County Julien Stuen Solomon•. 11351 bvslneas .. ..... ITAT'EmNT Recorder of Orange County. lhanOe Foeter Rd LOI AlamllOI, Ca 90720 VICTOR SPECIAL TIES, 1103 The 1~ paraon ia ~ .,....._ northeatterly elong Iha north· Thl9 ~la conducted by an Walnut Street. Tustin CA 92830 .. we1terly fine ol H id lot 2. 1 di• k>dtvtduet VICTOR L1VAA PETERSON I ULECTIV£1.1AHAOEMENT~ tanoa of 8101 leet to• point, then JS SOtornona t 103 Walnut Street Tu111n CA TEA AS SOCIATES 1000 Ouall SYll• IOUlhelltetly •long. tine parellel Thll lletemenl Wll filed With Iha 92880 •2'0 __, -c. neeo with the northeaaterty fine ot Htd County Cieri< of Orange County on Thia bu.,._ 11 con<luc* Dy an a.a::·~~~~ S Bey '•ont Lot 2. a dietanoe of 28.SS feet to e ApfH 9 1982 ln<llvtdual '"'' bll"""' "~,.., llY "'.,,. POlnt; lllenc>e aovt1-terty along e F111011 Vietor laVar Peter90n _.. line perallll to the nort'-tetty llne Publllhed Or81191 Coea1 Ody Pl- Thfl •1•t-t WU hied Wllh the a.. s ~ of aald lot 2 •• dlltance of '1 04 IOI Aprll 13. 20. 27. May 4. 1982 County Clerk of Orange County on Tiii• tttt•ment •H flied wttn tne teet lo I point, Mid point b9W'O on t623-112 Aptll 12. 1982 Coun<yClett<olO.-Coun<yDfl"""l. the IOU"'-tetty llne of llld Lot 2.1------------F11712A tff2 ,_ !hence northwHterly elong H id Publltned Orange Coaat Cally P1tot. P1,1blltll•d 0 , • .,11• CoHt Delly Piiot aouthwellerly llne of lot 2. a di .. Apr1f 20. 27. May 4. t '· 11182 -""' • 13 20 27, 1N2 1~ lane. of 3.t M fMt to the point of 1---F1C-TIT10U---,-,-U-8*UI ___ _ 17 5542 beginning -----------_.,. -( Peroel 3 A ponlon of that oer· NA.• ITATIMINT Nit.JC NOTICE ~ ..,.,., taln elley tytng aovt"-tetty of Loll The tollowlng peraon 11 doing ___ --u 1 and 2 In BIOct O Of Trect 323, In bUllneae u . ORANG• COUNTY IUf"EfllOfl r-::1:..:..--,,.o::=. Iha City of N.wpor1 llMctl, County KMK DESIGNS, 1303 Avocado COURT Tiie tOll;;::; ~;:;'~ -of Orange. State of Cllllornla, H ~2"!.;... •220. Newport Beech. CA 700 Civic Cefttet Of'IYe WMI - -per meo recorded In 8oolt 14, Page • vvv lent.""' CA '2101 CAOEAU. uoo HIW'bot .,..., • Coat• 40. Mlaoellaneou1 Mlpe. In the Of· Mary Kay Shaw Crookall. 419 PLAINTIFF; OLEN PROPERTIES ,,._, c.lllomle IUM ~of lite County R«:lofder of Mid Panorama Or • l eguna BHch, CA CORP., 1 Celllornla ciOf'poratlon ~AMYOlftlda.196t Ir.,....,,.,. Orange Orllnge County, and vecat-112651. OEn:NOANT: CAL PHOTO PAO· A-. fuellfl, c.tllomll '26'0 ed by the City of Newport B11c.h, Thi• bualnMa la conducted by en CESSINO, INC., a Calllornla corpo-r ... ,~0~."'~ 14122 Del A1no. Callfomla, more pertlcullltly d411Ct\. 1ndl111dual. ration, GWAN 0. SIE. VINO WANG, TN.'-i. _.,by a oer.etel bed ea fOllowl: Mary Kay Sllew Cr~an end DOES r ·through t 1 o. lnciUal.,. ~.,.. hglnnlno et the mott weeter!y Thi• atatement wa1 ltled with the IUMMON .,.,.,. 'l'Oel!4de corner of aafd l.o\ 1; 1111nce IOU· COunty Clefll of Orange COunty on c..,.., aAf7I Thi• 11a1amen1 •u Iliad •lfh the t"-Hle•ty along tlle nonhll1terty Apr1f 9. 1992 NOTICE! Yeti II He ite.n 111941. c-ty CMt1r Of °'MO' Ccuftty on Aotl 1. tine Of Mid alley, a dletanoe of 49.:Z.2 111f70l1 TI-._.. _, deotde ........ ,.., 1M2 •.en feet to a POlnt; ~ ~ Putllllhed Or1nge Coeal Oa!IY Pl- wff"-1 'Mt M1f1t Miid 11n1 .. a Pwbttthed Otaflll' c oeal O.t~, along a line p.,ellel to tllt toulh· tot. Apfft 13, 20. 27, May 4. 1N2- J'Oll ,......... .,.... • ..,.. llleied A.ot e. 1a. 20. rr IM2 1 •Hl•tJ)' 111t1n1ton of th• north· 182o-t2 t11e .....,,.....n -...... ...Cttfy tint of Mid Lot 2 In llodl " )'Oii wten to ..-the edVIG9 of ~ ~ 4; • dlltMIOt Of t ,41 .... 101 ooint; 1n ettorney In thl1 ma tter, you ... ,IK tttenc:. northw.terty etono a lfnt ~ dO ao promptly ao 111111 )'QI' patlllel 10 the C4lflttf 11nt of Mid wrttt.,, r~. If any. rMt; ~ lltd ~.,..:..:,.. '*'f, I «*tetlOI of .CUO .... 10 I on 1im. point, H id point bi91no on Ill• AVllOI Uaa.4 tte •* 4"1ttt-,:::_,.,.,.,..,.. ,.,_.,.-.-. t011thwteterly Ht9nelon of Ill• ..... II .......... ,... 4fec1Hllr II J PIPU,INE ~NOINHRINO. 14 n«tllwMttrly tine of Mid lot , In ....,. U& IM r P ... • -Mata,,..,,._.,......~ m,. IMoc:a O; ,,__ nor1tt11L1111'tj llOl'9 4'" U•. r••'"4• Mtttr• •• M llotlef1 J Otodadl, 14 w111,,_., lfle ~1ttooed IOUlf'I anll't) .... LAie .... 1 11• , ........ ~'2,!.!!:.._ 11210 9IC1enllOn of IM llOJ'lll ~ft ,..._........, -..-. ~ ot I.Of 1, • dllltenoe Of 1.11 .... to •• uet9d deNI toltelllr .. con. ... "*"=--~-=---· the~ of~ aalO de un llbogedo en _.. W'fto, I*••• "Y ..,.... lald land 11 1110 elloWn ee 1 ~'-to llvMdlat-'.e, de "-1 J OtMec111 portton of PWOll t, one tMO Mid In .... IMMl'I. 1U ~ telWlta, Tiiie ,1ateme111 wH Ill .. •II~ t~t il!lool 91, Plfl 20, of,.,_.~ 11 ~ elOUN. ~ .., ,..._.,. Oour11J °""' e1er.,.~enAllll2. 1n lftt oMoe of"-CouMy "9oordw • \llmCIO. tea ,.. of Mid ~. 1. TO THI OI, NDANT~ A cfvtl h......, OrM9t ~-1 DlllY l'llet NOTICI II HlMIY GIVIN !Ml oOfllptal"t hu """ fltect lly th• ,._ •· ,, ao. rr • ...a ,..,..· on Tu•:.=z· April 11'111. 1HZ, et --..... you_ " you wWI to • • 2:00 o• ...... ., COllllt) eow-~ -......... you iftwl, ""'*" __ .,.Ml\~ 1hou ... 4101 J1m1torH llwd., ao MYI .,.., • MM10nt .. ..,. ~ ""'""" (f'tont Of ~>. °"Y of...,... ved Oft ,ou, fl .. Wltll 1M1 court • NetnltJe -..11..,. por e IHCll, Oou"lt ot Or1nt•· wm\1111 ,..__.lo tM ~ Miii ITAW .._of~ I ..... .:.::. =.::.·:::•=·e:.: .. ..!::.."':.--.. -::-=:7~ -~ =:..-tflit c;:' :r..: ,.: MA .. IHA INYllTMI Hl' CO., ==--=--= IM · ·::.-: drur.11rl~ --I .......... QlM T .. AN...oef, , ... , leleto -......_ -_... -Olillle '-'·---LAne~e..d\.CAwt ~-,.....,_,,,OflO oeul4 rHull In t•rtt1111-n1 of iounttlUf COVNT'llS ~ ,,_. ...,... • .._ • 1 1 t 11 t ..,........._o1~.,,.....,.. .._. .. ,. tOT'"~~ ............. IO __ NN....,...,9"11., OfO ... roa.tr ............... --· • -....,. . .,._......__.-.: ..... .. ....... CA ~ 0... ..... 11 .._ ~Dilitl:i ............. -· 'Tlltl ................. "'. ~ --IM A. .... -.r\ .......... -·~·L DONL'~ --~........ =:~T........ ......~~ ---,.~.i.:?ic " ................ ...... ..,... n. 1 I TUA-.... --W. -o.illly '*" • Or ... c:...., -l{lijtjiij" • . =95 ---....... l .. ,_, lip I 2 hid °'9111it a.... ='I. . "· ' ... .-... ...... ,, ......... ,.., .. • Figures can be juggled Plant capacity report tre po itive not By JOHN CONNIFF A#~AMtret NEW YORK -If you work owr the economic atatlttJca, stand them on their head, 10 to 1peak, you obtain a different and pro- bably no l-accurate portraJt of the economy. You wouldn't be the only one dolna lt, either. Whenever It auita their purpoae, polltlolan1 regu- larly utWze the technique. Yo'u may, for example, 1hock tome people by relattna to them that 28.6 percent of the nation's manufacturing CApacity lay Idle in March, ' 1tatiltlc auggeatJna a 1tate of economk affairs worse than imagined. But the figure 11 correct, ac- cord ing to the Federal Reserve Board; whlch traditionally ph- ra&e11 such reports to show capa- cl t.y u14!d rather than capacity Idled. In thl9 instance It wu 71.4 percent. The Fed's way of reporting. which ls traditional, tends to emphasize the positive when, in actuality, there la almoet nothing potitive about that 71.4 percent. It is, in fact, extraordmarily low. In most years. factory utillz.a. tion is more than 80 percent. In 1965 it even reached 90 percent, and from 1967 through 1969 it averaged 87 percent. Even In the deep recession of 197~ it was 74 percent. Unemployment figures, on the other hand, stress the negative. March figures showed 9 .85 million people without jobs. Another 5.72 million were wor- king part-time because they couldn't find fulJtime .)Obs. And 1.34 million were listed as having given up lookmg. Although unemployment lSll't of the same mag:mtude and pain MUTUAL FUND NEWS ANALYSIS u it wu In the Great Depression of the 1930s, current flgur~ arc the wortt 1lnce then. 1here's little poeJtlve to say about them. That, however, doesn't mean you cannot \um eome of the job figures around and read soQ\e- thlng poeitive into them. You can, for example, 1how that since 1960 \he t.'COnomy has created more thah 35 million Jobe , that the percent of population wtth jobs hu ri8en from 60 percent to around 64 percent, and that m o r e than 50 pe r - ce nt o f wo- men have jobs com par ed with 38 per-cent in 1960. CUNNfflr' An example of the pitfalls tn statistical interpretation comes with the lat.est report on housing starts. In March, housing starts rose 2.5 percent, marking the fifth s traight monthly gain in that measurement. Moreover, pennlt8 for construction rose 9.4 percent. Homebuilders, nevertheless. consider t hat news abysmally negative and, in fas=t. are spea· king their minds on the subject lest the public begin to conclude that housing's problems are co· ming to an end. The news. said Fred Napol1a- no, president of t lii e National Assoc1at1on of Home Builders, "should not be misunderstood at the beginning of the turn.around " .,, ..• I.OJ IA .... EQ '"" telW NI. lhcll n.a N\. ~ ... ,,.., -9cl S.G N\. l'l4oal W.1' Hl ..,, Gvt SK '" ..._ Htl,..,. 7.IO ..._ Ht Yid UO Hl L.t ... 7.22 N\. ~ 11.tt N\. nwtft ..... N\. H\. Hl He had hi.I reuona: March w .. the eighth con- 1111Cutive month in whJch the an- nual rate of houaln& •tuta failed to reach a million. which ltaelf la lea th .. n one-half the rate widely believed to be need~. -The M arch rate o f new 1tarta wu 28. l percent lower and the rate for permits 24.5 perce~ low er than thf' rate one y•ar earlier. • -Conatruction was~ oo only l,084,000 housing uruta S.. year, the lowest ain<.-e 1946, whe& l ,056,000 uni~ were built for a popuJ.tuon that was smaller by 50 mJUion people. Whether rising or falling, all economic numbe rs need to be viewed in such perspectives. And 1f you want more evidence ot that rerrunder, you may consider tht Dow J ones Index of 30 blue chip anduslrtal stocks Each day for the past 4,500 workmg days, more or less, ihai index has risen or fallen, tome· times quite sharply. attended by the wisdom and forecasts of thousands of stock market ana- lysts, seers and charlatans. Regardless of movements and interpretat ions, however , the Dow Jones index of 30 industrial stocks at the beginning of thi1 week was right wheff it was in the spring of 1964, about 4,500 working days ago. 11FAST RESULT"' SERVICE DIRECTORY For Res ult Service Call the 11111 Piii -t \'ftllll • J s.-. ' J Vlr-• Vec10f<"o l -En ... • Hs..m 1 Trlmad I Patla wt t Tiii".,.., 10 CM•• 11 ,.._, ... 17 ' l<O II ,, . ~ ... .. Q, U Pt '1P I• Cn Id ,, ""' lb ,. tit .. '"' "' 10 ••• .......... ,, n ? ~ .... .... p ... .rnmo ' Oe•J"' u" ~~ Jlli. • ... Pol • "' 1-.. • "' 1-.. • "' ,.,, . ...., 1~ • ' "" . ,,.. """ . "' " ''"' . . "' •"-. "' ' . "' 11 J '"' . J"\ • .. ,,.,, .... ~."' ,... . " l\o ... " .. 1\l't ~ . ...., ~ "' ) ... •'· It') Orange CoUt OAILY PILOT/Tuetd1y, Aprll2o, 1982- OF ll-IE MAJOR MANUFACTU~RS FORD** WHOLE CAR WORKMANSHIP WARRANTY* COVERAGE 2YEARS ~ FREE SCHEDULED COMPLETE MAINTENANCE 2YEARS . COVERS EVERY WEAR ITEM YES (BLADES, BELTS, BATTERIES, ETC.) COVERS EVERY ADJUSTMENT YES FOR TWO YEARS FREE OF CUSTOMER-PAID YES . DEDUCTIBLES ON WARRANTY FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE YES . HUNDREDS IN CASH DIRECT TO CUS-YES TOMER FROM THE MANUFACTURER CASH PAID RIGHT NOW YES CASH WHETHER YOU PURCHASE YES OUTRIGHT OR FINANCE CASH AND COVERAGE YES AVAILABLE IN ALL 50 STATES . . CASH AND COVERAGE YES AVAILABLE AT EVERY FORD DEALER I . , • CHRYSLER COVERAGE OF SOME PARTS SYEARS COMPLETE SYEARS NO NO NO t NO NO NO NO NO NO GM · . WHOLE CAR COVERAGE 1 YEAR NO NO NO YES YES NO NO NO NO · NO Y( 111 '" w )";) nl 6 :J2 'N la ,;) tb re. U/ rlJ m 'lJ ri1 e1 .f6 n 'lb ~ A 1~ lq m 13 J6 >ta fq ob >B ol ~ fl !U on .rl.J <SJ 16:> rlT I Jll 191 un ~si lo nb 19q lo O!>l ~~ 101t fob rJ ta~ , .. ''° n.l H q Jan '--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---~~~~~~~~~~--~~--~~~~~· ~limited WIKfMlty txducfing atiuw. tires, fluids Mld ICCldtnU Two ~MS Of 24.000 mile1, ~ Comts llrJt. JO'' .. T.t~Ol'UntW 1981Of1982Escort.EXP.MUsung.Fllnnon<orGt"*'-11romyourFord0elletby.Mwo, 1982.Umit C>neptf CUSlomef fM.tfSfCond~· ~ <od FORD DIVISION ~ :-:: t1i\ ah TO Y' -... . . • . ~ .. ,, . . -... ;r------:"'~-------------------0-r_an..;ge;:_C,;.,;ou......:..t_o:_A,;,;,;IL~Y PILOT/Tuetday, Aprll 20, 1982 HF NYSE COMPOSITE TRAN ACTION OU Of .,IOlf, INC~llOI T••ou 0111 ,. .................. ,,.,,,,(.,IC., ••• IOtfOlf OlflOl'r 411110 (IMClllllllUI noc• t•CllAMU 411110 Hl'OtlflO I\' 11111 lllAte AllO llltYlllllf ' Schloemer new chief ·at P-H Paul G. Schloemer hu been e~ preadent. and a director of Cleveland-baaed Parker Hannlfln Cor· porat.lon, a worldwide .upplier of Ouid power produc:ta for the lnd~trlal, aerot~ and •!f<>motive lndu- 1'1ies, etlecUve July 1. Schloemer has beaded the company'• ~'*'9 opttatJon, heedQuart.ered 1n l.rvlne ~urn. He wu elected a corporate vice president ln 1978, named to the off.ice of the chief executive in 1980, and elected an executive vice president in 1981. Patrick S . Parker , chairman and chief executive officer has been fi.IJh\g the offioe of president since August, 1980 when Allen N. Alman retired. Schloemer holds a degree from the University of Cincinnati~ an M.B.A from Ohio State. He joined Parker ln 1957. Women's careers aired Ruth Urban, 1enior vice-ptelident of Abigail Ab- bott Petw>nnel Sttvices, will be the guest 1peaker for Women ln Management on Thunday. Her subject will be "Oevelopinf a Career Plan.'' The ~. will be held at the Hungry Tiger restaw-a.nt on Edinger Avenue tn Santa Ana at 6;30 p.m. For informatJon, call 556-8133. Baucorp earning~ told Eldorado Bancorp, Tustin, a one-bank holding company for Eldorado Bank, reported record first· quarter earninp. operatmg lncome and a119eta. For the three-months ended March 31, net income increased 5 percent to $377,268, or 29 centa per aha.re, {rom the $3!i9,633, or 28 oents, reported for the year- earlier period. Per share resulti for 1981 have been restated to reflect a 5-for -4 stock split distributed to shareholders of record Nov. 11. WESCO to convene The West.em Electric Service Corp., a nonprofit trade association designed to assist modest-siud elec- tronics companies, will meet Wednesday from ~ to 7 p.m. at Victoria Station re1t.aurant, 990 Dove St , Newport Beach. For inform.at.ion, call 95~-3636. ' AirCal tickets $9.80 AirOU announced that round-Uip tickets will be sold for $9.80 each way to deslU'laJ.ions served nonstop by AirCal from the Burbank-Glendale-Pasadena Air- port on Saturday at the carrier's airport ticket counter. "The $9.80 tickets to San J ose, Oakland and Sacramento wW be on sale from lO a.m. until 2 p.m., the day before we inaugurate Burbank service," taid Han-y Lehr, the airline'• vice president of marketing. and buaines planning. The $9.80 figure refers to AirC.al's DC-9 Super 80, which will be uaed on the rout.es. Merger approved The First American FtnandaJ Corp. oJ Santa Ana has announced it obtained final regu!a.t.ory approval of its agreement to acquire SL Paul 'title Insurance Corp. from t.M Si. Paul Cos. Inc. STOCKS . IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES • • NEW Y()Af( (AP) -s.IR, Mondty P'1<» HEW YoMIAl'I RMI ~ ano Ml cNinee or llM flf'leen mo.1 •~We for .......,. ,,,.,, "· 9"9L New Yorll Stodo bchanoe •-. tredlng llOCXI "'liONllY at mG'e INll ,, • ·-a.. ... .... a.. Clll ~ 1.m.• ft -~ » T';;. 111.11 ~-... ..... UI ISM I WD,410 .,.. -., M.M llD.-2 *-9 MA+ 1.a Tit-Inc '..... 19'11 = \j, IS U0 Ill.ft llUt IUA 111.tJ-... *'' OWll ...... u-. -'1¥t 6S -Jll.M ... Sil• ID.ft+ .... == ~ = -; : ~.. :.:·:.:·:.: ·:·:. ··:·. '.".' :;;,-: eu.... t61-.. -¥t ...................... , .... ==--,. ...... -Ill ¥' -...... kMlt• ~ :,;: ::-+l\6 WHAT STOC111S DID an-T&T --,u-~·-ft o.n l(fllft fl 411~ "" .... UAl Inc ..,,._ n-. -; ¥t ~MI."' GA,-,_ Ml.WOW ~ ~. ~ AMERICAN LEADERS NEW YOAK (API -S... Moncley prbl en<I net cllenge of lh• ten moll active American stoch Each•nr lttu.t. 11ad•..g NllONlly at tnO<e then S =· 111.a ~AQp ... lvWYettaoy • R ~-= ~= ·~' ~-= ,.,..n •.ao WllalMta • o ... ·~ . " • \j, -~ ".J it! ... ... ... .. , .., u " ~f <WU DIO HEW 'YtMIC <Al"I ,,., " METALS SILVER """· -;. '" --• lJ ,..,,. ~ N JU ,. " • HendJ a H.,.m111, 17. 1IS par troy --. I t 1 ....-EYB1NG-M01·· NIWI OHMUl'I MGllLI WMTllHAOOW ~··••ONt • HAWAllWM I ···-NPC>ft'T I ••• JTAllll*O HUMM 194A~ "Oelletic .=--w· I: .... N90..wl MCMI ••• "King Ot KlllO'" 41"2) Jtttrey tfYntet, "°'*' ~In. The corning of .i-11 llflcl the _..,. of 1118 Ille eew birth to • ,_ r~ . ®THI~ ..oa<IT DRUG HABITS EXPLORED -Edwin Newman examines the increasing use of drugs· by America's middle cla!is on "Pleasure Drugs: The Great American High" at 10 tonight on KNBC (4). ~ ..._, ,.,.,.,.... "' enma1ed wt.ion of Olcar Wld9'• atory about • Mut>-'°'" llrecraoker. .MOYll •• "Alall8" (1'801 Dlrtl 9anedlet, Unda 81W. A .,._811oc*ed Vl.inllm V9t . •unit the ~ of • 11m1111 AleOema town. 'PO' t:IO. AU.. IN THI 'AIM. Y Mike W an tr11411gtocy r,::::,.wmt Cl.ETIWll I ·····~ Ql)NIWI IANtlYMIUP (8) MDCID NUTI Al*nst«1 Chip 'n' Oe6e ~ "'* f"'°"'9 ..,. gal. Donald Duck. In • ..-of aownturea. (l)~THON A comedian '-1 and '°"' comic: contMtant• wtlo compete agalnet one another .,. 1'91\nd In 111111 UllCelllOl .S comedy game lhow. 1•I a.NEW8 H9CNIEW9 HNlf'Y DAVI AGAIN I MCNIWI Ko.wt "'-9 lrA•rH Colonlf A9ocl tume up at the <tOntn wanting pen1c11.- 11n to bat1tr for Inform. llon. I JOl<:!A'I WILD ()Ypf.AIY "Alltr 85 -Marri8gll" CAI i. POfmWT'8 .. ,AST'ELI "Tlw Bel)llat" (I) ft.M.MAGADe Hewalf1 trlatllalon. an endwlla r-In three ~bMIOllll'•pallrlll9 pftcHng. 0 INTIRTAlNMIEN'T TOHIGHT An lnttMew wttfl Amdd Schw.,.llOOtr. at THI MUPPETI au.t: Lor911• Swlt. CD) THI 10nt ~VIA Cl) WHATI UJJ AM!NCAI FeatYred: 1 looll at acu.- punc t ura lor 1nlm111; black American• who prac11ee polygamy and voodoo; • prollle of ..,.,... etfloperL 7:t0 • 2 OM'll4I TOWN FaatYrad: Ille COl••ioeiicy plel1I L.ol Angllea hM In the _,. of • nuoi- tttldl: 1 looll at an lfwta(. rMnt computer which matchH buyera end _ .....,. of~ ftotlc Mema; • p!'ollle-of ...,.. landtttorn. • 1.,...,-o1c1 lillOlf ~ 10tM oomoere to .Mt( o.tMd. 18,NA.YmJO IAt!M.U. Calfornla Angell at 8-1· lleMetlnen • !ftONL.A. F•lurad. • tttp 10 the Long 9eactl Grind Prtx: 1 proflle of the Too Short tor Prime Time ~ a chil- dren • • nlgfltelvt> act: • pro-,.. of Hlro, Loe Angllea' meater IUtlll c:MI. • w•A•t•H AllOlfad by IN ..Y ~ lln doctof'I ........ - prolllng "°"' "" -· Hawtle,9 PteMnle Iha Anrrt wlltl • .. . for Ille macllcal ..,..._, I (JI nc TAC DOUGH MAOm&.I.._,. NPC>ftT I =:.m, '°"IT Feetlnd! ·•Open 8lnGln8 ..... Ind ''Wortd'• Lltg- -Farria Whall." ®ITIWmOUTH ~ THl~flO>C Ettenta tMdlng to Ille October, 1M4 dedl °' Fleld Manlllat !twin ~ mal .,. racalad trwougll --loot .... ptlo-~and~ ... dmony by AofMlll'• I«! .. ...., and bloGl-- Dlwld lnllflg. (11)9118.U. Houllol'I Aatroe at Loa ,,,,..... Dodfer'I (Z)MOYll ••*'A "Zale" C1MO) Catherine Oefllongeol, ~ Nont. M ,11· ,..-Old gll1 "°"" "' PfO't-lnoel .... .. adllng ......... p_ ....... ., ....... .... l:OO. (JI OLD. ~o...11irweeu­ gatae. ~ ""*1- tloft .... .,... .. -- *!} llofne °' Ille aecn&ery. • QI) MWY MAYINC* ~·· P4M to caih ttw IMdar °' • "'°'*" 0'0!4) that Ilea -..cecs aw.-.... lar"*9 °"' of .. land ......... (Part I.a ~Dl\YI Roger Ind FOfJ* ......... ** ... ,.._girt. and .... ~ .. Merel blf*ld ~·· old io... ...... (f\) 0 eMCMt ****''W•AlldPeeca" CPan 2) (1tee) l..udmlla ~ ..,_ Botldar· d1Ull. lllaed on Clle "°""' by U.O T ollltOy. 1lla 1hiee of .,....,...._~ .,.., by Ille~· WWI. • ft.M. MAGAZINE Hawell'1 trlathalotl, an ...._ .... 1n .... ..... ldlodctlldl., wflO -....,.. to .... cam-r MCM! * * ''The o.ty Trap" (11721 Frank Langella, Faye Dllnewey. A !Nin lllldl Ille own • and tMt of .. ,..., .,.._..s -""' M tr* to._ fNa of .. _..,..... wftll • ~ orgltltr.llkltl. • THI OOUITIAU OfJ'fWY ''TM ..... Jecqum and PNlpc>a eou.e-..,.. the hold that the .... "" hed on """*Ind tllrougt.. out lllltory • u,., ooncln- ue "'* IOUrMY "-' the 4,00CMn!IMong rtwr to ttw Madlt•r~. CP"1 2)(A) • *"'"· ~--------~----------------------~ CHANNEL LISTINGS 1J l<NXT (CBS> 8 KNBC CNBC> • KTLA (Ind.I • l<ABC CABCI D KFMB CCBS) D l<HJ·TV Clnd.I • l<CST CABCI e ICTTV Clnd.) ··~COP· TV Cllld.) • l<CET C PBS> e KOCE C PBS) 'Q (Jn.TV ll Z·TV <fi1 HBO CC.i CCIMf'Nl11) (J) CWORI NY., NY. al IWTBS) Ill IESPNI (I) I Showt lme J • $potl19ht • Cc.able News ~tworkl "Coemlc Flrt" The •uaorclnatY ~ made by • .,., ..cronomy of MUllOft Ntl. ~IQ galH IM, qu ... ,. and blecll llOla8 .,. ........ . ~~ • • "1(111 Alld Kii Agtln" ( , .. 1) .)..-Aywl. IWtft. tine Kftal. A INlltl(ll 11118 ·~ batuea tM mltllon8 of • power-med ldenllat Intent on~ men- kltld wtttl • ,_ rnln6-con- l(ol ~ ''°' (l)MOYll • * ·wmi. & ,.... ""°' Mk:Nal On1keal\. Margot Kidder. TllrM people begll'I • "'*"""" romance In °'~ VJlllOe tNll OOtltlnuat ttwougttout ttw man:uNI --mllau °' tne'70.. 'A' ·~ .... "~Do" ( 1164) a.ti O*e, A'11'8 Gerdnat. WMfl. ~ OWi· -,... In io... wttll "" .... of.,,~.- . --""'· 1::111e9 LAYWE AHO ltM...IY A """ wt10 propoeed to Ullema ~ ago rel\!me .. • dMNfto mllion*e. (filO • AU. IN THI FN/M. Y Arc:Ha tttaa to petcft tNooe 119 .,.._ Edith and .. llillh. _JPart ~I t:OO e Cl) MOYIE MParofe" (Premier9) .i- Naughton. Lof'I car-.. A uoub6ad y<Jl!tlg peroeee lac" problem• when """" becl lntO IOdlfY wlUI lnaOeQuN .,..,. """' ... end prilof)-lndUoed Mdolial --. ,,.,..,,.. cMaGnaoft ts ....., • Ql)A..WNIO..aAD ~-.,. '° kJI .. 9Mo¥er. end Alld ....... "°"' "" lagill6Mur• and moll9I to dMIRe eon.. etance. u~ .I** -Tiffi'• CPR dummy to COIWlncle .. bom'• .......... deugll- -that lie II e nwTtad INl\.(AlQ I MBW°""'9f -..IB'UCM "-AYHOtMI ''Weak8fld" Bartler• Her· ~ Mid Tony ....,.,,, • ... In In ~don of Ann ..,..,, "'°" S\OtY lboUt • ,,...,. fnller ... tMfcfl '°' ~. Q • THI OOUITIAU OfJ'flllY "Tiie NiW' Jacqwa end PHllppa COl!Mat exptor• Iha llOld tNt the ....... had on mankMd ttvougt.. out lllatory • tr"Y ~ ue "'* IOUrMY dOwn tba 4,000 111119 long~ to .. ......,,.__ CPlrt 2)(A) (C)MCMI * • • "Julee Artd Jtm" (11111 JMnne Mof-.i. Olklf WatrM. In P"l- World Wat II France •• careftee youne woman '°"" two """ wttO -~ Mende and ,... ~~°"'· •• •·91eoc1 /!ltd °"'8'' ( 1111) Wlltfern llnflll1 lllllcfle!IM UlnetOI, NI ~~--bit ~ --.., -In .... wortt and tcMt. 'PO' t:IO. 9 TOO OU>ll "°" ,OOMP'Oftl HinY .. dlldad by .. ._. lly '°' "°' QOlr'I """' • r ..... (,., • 10:00. QI) l'UMUM ~THleMAT J'J191ewt .... ........... ,...,.. ... .............. by AIWIM'I INddla ...... lllt Pt ......... dr\11 IM .. ctulinl. Ind ,........ aoMlonl to .._. pro«>o r-a MMTTOHNW ~---·-... IOI l'ftUtdtt .._ IM .,_.a t!t1418'Dut rOM Rftlr-IM.MGNe /IDf ''O• ,, ..... •'98 ..... .... ~ ........... ~---·---­....... .,...~ ;:. • • "tune 04 , .. Moun-1911" c ,.. , , Harry H9mlrl, JoNptt tottoma. nw .. rOYftO 1..A, 1>80"-IO#t .,. "*' .,,.,..... to Ille tpOr1 .. dt.. taclnto •PG• Cl>MCMt •• MlwlllolnO ~ .,. .. Jo JofwllllOn. c.-... ~.A~_.., ~ ltla ,.,.. ". aoll•o• c11e1rlaad1n1 eqyad 10 ••PON the eaplohallon of 1111 ollaaftNdar• by '"' toot• bell tMITI, 'A' • HAMMll' HOUN ~ ~ "VlllllOr From The Or-·· An An*lean ,__ wflO -llWotV'td In • murder MoolMa COlwlllC9d llla1 tM vlctll!l'e gflOel II Mak· ... 1•=-·~ "-AYHOUll "w.akend" 8"tlafl Her· eliey llflcl Toor ~ llar In an adapeaUOn of Ann ~.... "'°" story about • man'• lrUllralacl IMfCll lot )'OUlll. 0 . CD) "-LO. lfl&DWAGOM IN()C)NCMT Flmad M In conoatt Jn 0.-, R.E.O. pertotma many of tllelf ,...,. lllta. lncWltlg "TlkillO " On 1lla Aun" and ''Keep On ~YOY." (%)MCMI ••'A "The Shining" C1HO) Ja ~. 8llaller Duvall. Dnetad by Stanier Kubrick. A former ld'looltellChlr hired .. • wtN• caret91• for • rerno4•. and ~ flaunted. Colcndo hotel. .. enowtlound .... wlltt ,. .... and CllelrYoyant ~ ~·A' 11••••(1)@8 NIWI • MTURDl\Y ..atfT Ho91: ludl Htnty. Guest. I.eon Aectt>oM. I YOU AIKfD "°"IT M•A•&•H Radar oei. • "O-John" tatt .... on • r .cord -and Ille dodo<• try 10 come to hie .......,_ with • ,__ , . ......,HIU. ~ portra,I • bllf9llll lOl.W 9'*'8· . • DCl<CAWT! ~ "°"" "'--· (Pw1 "(8~ • ··He Knows You're None'. c 19410j Oott ac.rdl- no, Caitlin o·~. A ~----­attract .... youno ~• be, lllwl1Jy and ~ elallllng '"'". dr'MIN of wadded blMa. 'A' .MOYll *** "Stir Crazy'' CtteO) Nctwd Pryot. °"" Wiid-•• TWo men .,. nllltllken lor ... rotltlerw and ..... tojel.•A' , t:IO. <II AUCa ..., ......... droP8 oft. lofdng Niii to ......... one ol 1111....,_(f\l 8Ql)T°'9fT GUiit ttoc: -Colbr. GuelCa: ...... Oelnorld, ... Alllfl. ~ ""· •8MCMIM .-.mM • KOMllC A ..,,,_ Nllw V otll City ~ oollr'f • oeut- ..,...., tor Kojlll. • THIJCIC.W UON1 IOd .JaMr llel'9 a ...... • IAlrON>MOeC* Fred, °'• end ""* , llaoome oonlllll8'l1a on • • ........,,. ,... llflow. e...-ATwrH CUTU9QAi18 • CN'TIOHID MIC NIWI ®MCM! • • "Audlue" (1NO) Clltll lanedlct. Linda ....,, A 1t1a1erce111d~• cM.nelle~of• ...... MlbMW town. 'PO' (ll)MCMI ...... ,...,MCHllO CMny'' ( '"~ Oloft. UO!Wd. ...,, ..... AIDP .... Yoftl IMdlm llflOll9 111r )'Ollfp ........ ~ .. ...... .,, ..... - t 1:M Cl) MCMI '* * '* ''ChHOh ,/Ind Cflont '• N••t Movie" C1tl0) fllldlltd ''Cflaaoll"' ...in. ~ CflOftt. Two POlll••d• htv• ' . TUBE TOPPERS KNXT (2) 8:00 -"Q.E.D." Profe11or Deverill tnve.U,ata a.my1t1Jrfoua appari· Uoo. . KCET j28) 8:00, KOCE (50) 8:00 -"The • Mlle.'' acque and PhWlppa Couswau ex· = the hold that the Nile • ;n ~n· KNXT (2) 8:00 --"Parole." James Nau1hton, Mark Soper star in drema about a dedicated parole officer. See ltOry, below. KNBC (4) 10:00 -"Pleaaure l>n.lp: The Great A!berican High." F.dwin Newman reports on the lncreas1ng u.se of drugs. See photo, left . -~ -;:,,r .. Mel ..... "" ..,.... of Let•""-" In ...ct! of "" "parfecl flltll ... '"' -~-1t:00• INTMT~ TqMIHT An lntaM9w with Arnold aa--,... • 9 'Nlf M't lk.AND A cornedlame '°"91 to lead • rionNI .. and two "*' lead "' ~ r..:. .... ·~ ._,. C._411 Or.on WellH, JoNptl Cotten. A ~ man '""""' .,.... "'°""'· but dlOoMI to be• ,..... .,.,., publllhll' ""' IClll- dal rub Ille polltlcal .... rMIGM. •c.ow.~ ITYLl ; I 'OOUI ON IOCETY tZ:GI (JI _,.,IN aNCINHAT1 Hltb'• father r\#18 ..,,,, from Ille reel llOrM and pe)'I .. I«! "' unwt6-oome .-. (,., 1l:t0. 8 LATI NeGHT went DAW> L.ITTMMAH ~ ttwee c:Nfl from ~ ..... ~ ITlllflClall twry""8ilifaon. 1:::- .... "Herciu ... " (11M) lwwt ~ ~ IC.oacit- N. Tiie -of z-t9"0l#loel .. llnmortalty for IM lo\le of IN~ of~. 1:...., UHGUAAI (C)MOYll *. ''&"-, Shlnla On The 8blby Bore" ( 1179) Monte MMtlllem. A fOYr• bnltller flll'!llV of cattle ruetiarl and ,,. ..... ~ "" loc:al deputy 10 • "'"""" lllootcM .. Ille old_,., 'PG' 11:40. (JI MCCI OUD McClouCI ~!Ml ..... 11m·1a ... to.~ ----~·'"' ,,_. MCMI • '* • ~ "Dodawortll" (1'31)W.,_Hu9ton.~ Ctletterton. .MCM! •• M~" l1t72J "" ai.nn.n. J4ltloJ a..on. .MOYIE ••• ".AIL."*~' (1979) ~ 8ohaldlr ..... Ilea L.ante. 1lla NmllltY. -.. of • prof 1 'c 181 ClllOi11C91Pf* .. tolowed from 8liooe. on fie Nige to...,__ crtaea. 'A" CZ>MOYll • • • ''Tiie Slrl" ( 1179) ,_. ~ OorWld ,,1111 IOL A 1ep 111~ l<anu• ICllOOltHCHr ....... ltaurnalo;.... tlortaelfp ..... NdlaClc jen-ltot, .,_. t:to41.,. •*'A "aey Goodb19, M'ffle Cole" ( 1t72) ......... d. Danwl McOitMn. A reoenlly ._ owed ---.... lier .,.... and grW .., .. llaoofnll lrWCIMd .... • ,,wno gll1 ~ to .. ·~· 1= • • "Th• Hollywood Kllltftta.. ( fteo) AoOert Wufll, Tony Danie. On...._ ' -...i .-. In 1M8. • """"" llflh ~ 0-0 .... M¥OO In~ ... '° '""" ltle doettlg of .... ""IOIJUI by the IOClal llOrM -· Me004-etlon •• ,,. (l)MOYll '* •iA "Hlgllth1wk1" pllli) ~ ltellone. lllV Doe W91ama. '-I0\'9f'i Nllw Yortt Clly oop hal Ille ... °"' °"' tor him wtlar'I OM of lie 11fO'ld'I lllOet danoeroy1 tarrorlele ""'-' In 1111 city ..... 1••• .... ~(C)N.LMOM "' -beNM-....__ doc:Ymenlary • .,.clal. great '"""°" ll'OllPI ol "" IQ'• .,. gatllarad logeidllt to perform one IMt """· t:a0• MOYll • * "FlfeOelf'' ( 1Mf) Alcfl.. ltd Hatrlaotl. WandlM 04Ada. Ari MllttcM IP)' .. .....,_ to repMcie • ICl- antllll wtlO ... pan of "' 1ntern11lonal coaJIUon -1llnt on an lmpor1ant pe&rcMllm Pfotact. l:40 .. NIWI l:Al®MCMI • •.,. "Nlththawke" c11111 a~· eta1one. Biiiy Doe Wllllaml. A tOU9lll NtW y or1( City cop "" 1111 ""' ~ out '°' """ wflerl one of Ille llfOftd'• moet dengerou• terrorlet{ arrwaa 1n Ille city. 'A' (Z)MOV'll ...... "Zuie" (1980) Catherine Demon~. ~ ... Ari f1. .....,-otct llti from Iha prO'I" ~ ....... udtlrlCI ....... In Pn wftll lier tta11a11.-... Utlde. 2:IO Cl) MCM! • * "Twetve Plue Ona" Sharon Tate.A yO\lng woman MerellM thrM countnee for • dlalt that c:ontatna 8 O'MI tortuna. 'A' "°°. MCM! * • "Pa.,.._" 111157) Oaorga Mon'OO""'Y. Lola Altwtgflt. A wfllte man ,....., by p--w.... ....,_.,aa ~con­ flola. .HMWV~OF ~ ''Vlaltor From The Gfl'4" Ari AIMrtQll ,.._ ""° "" ~ 1n 1 murder beoorW o«Mrlcad INt IN ~·1 gtlOtt II Mak· 1:11tl'::: • ...... ~ .. C1t72) AkNrf Cftrwle. JoaMa Pwttlt. A "ckMlr-dla" fOoC, bll coadl .. ,..., by • ... 0-.. to lif\IC)I llP .. !aim • Ml(C)MOYll ••• "JulM Ntd ..... (1N1) ,,_,,,.. .,__,, Oall.ar w--. "' .,,... Wol1d Wat It Freno., a carefree )'O'lllf .....,, ~ two """ WflO .,.. oloee "1lndll and ,...... ~----one. •••MOYll •• 'A ''9'Mtfft' l.ooM'' c 1111) AlctW'd Pryot, cic. ~T~A~but· glar. a concerned ~and elgllt dlldrtn ,,... • ...,..,... illO CtOIHIOUtllty trip In • ~ ldlool M. . ,_. •:11 CZ> MOYll •• * ''Modem Aomanoe'' 11tl11 Alb.O Brooke, JOHN DARLING - ~ ........ A.., ..... lrW 11,1 II .. to -Mall lie ,_, of .... WOflWI .. '°""'· "" ••CB>MOYll ** "U, TM~· (tMO) "'°" ~ ~ bare aaclt. The war• ........ ~of w..,.._,......,~ 'ffll .. flO ,,.. fOf "" \'OI .i 11 ~ bf• enrOlad ......... 4:t0. WWMITOTHI 80TTOM °"THI llA "The Ulft~ ....,, •• • 'MllON: WOii iLi 1lla ... , ~ l'eooYlt • ,.., of recotdlt!O Wirt ..... • elllt'lllcal war- , .. .,..ojact • (l)MOYll ····9w1ng1no~ .... ~ Jotvwtotl. Co4leatl C.,,.. A )OUfnalllttl major .,..... Ille ,.,.. of • college c11e1rteadln9 equad lo HPOM Ille HPIOlllllOn of Ill• ~by"" foot· bellt41111'1 .... w .. d".,•d••'• Da(flf•r Mo.,fr• -MORt•ao- e:oo <ID ..... "Hot Lad Md Cdd ,.... c 1171) """ a.. Don Knona. In The Old w-. twin brOUW8 - -rough 'n' lougfl, Illa °""' • Olly-Or9d lllllque-IOMI -~In I OMllnO c:ont• to .. who wlll Inherit lMlr ''""''• 1or111n1. ·o · ()) * • ~ "The Nude Bomb" (1M0) Don Adame, lyMa l<rl9tal. 8ecret ageni ....... 8rNrt --.. ,,_. dangmf-~ In ., arct'Mlaln wtlO plar"8 to lel#ICll ,...... tMt .. cllwoba the entire """*' "°"'llatlon. ''°' • • • "Foroa Fl¥e. Star· """"9" c 11111) Ar*Mtad. All """ of 111118 rot>ot• bend together to defend e.th agalnlt • lortle of a1an lnvaden. ·o· CZ> ••• "°" Godl look 11" 11.-o> Oaorga 8urt111, ..-.. ........... God retum• •to Eatth and c:t--. the '°""' ~ •of11t1~­ utM to epra9d Ille ,,,.. ~to tlla-'d. 'PO' .. C'1 * *. "A88A: The """9" I 1171) A.I&\. A ...... dilC jocUy ... c:toully pyrayea_ Ill• NllOWI _, 8-dlltl ..,.,., orOYP M dll¥ *10 18 of their hit•. Including: "Dancing Queen." "Wetertoo;• "8.0.S." and U,ftrr\lllAdo, ff •Q' t:ao e • • "New Frontier" 1\131) JofWI Wayne.· Ray COrrtgan. The~ st-.i In to llllp • ll'Ol.IP of ...... .,.._, their prop. ertr r1ghta ..... greedr --~ ... t:11 (%) **•" "Zmle'' CIMO! Cattletln• o.moneeot. ,,,.....,. Noh(. Ari 11· ~ llti trom IM PfO¥- ~ eptnde an PCl'"9 ~ In Parll with lllt ~lleunda. tO:OD Cl) ... 'Al "Mr. BllddwlnO" (1 tl81 Jamee Garner, avi-P*hatt•. An amnnlao -cMa 1119 memory for ..-. to Ille Identity llldad by flaetlllO rec:olectlotlll of 119 wod- 111 one with different tern.- 11:00 CC) * * • "llla loft Sl!ltl .. C1 .... I FrancoiM Dortlec, .MM Dlle9y. A ~ daM "'*'-""'• mat· rtega ~ wtltn he ~ lrMlt\l9d In • leteM llaiaoll wllfl "' air. ......... • • * * "I Sent A Let1er To Mr Love" (1tl1) llmone &or-•. JIM Aoc:llefon. A ""1d f's llged --wtlO "" "*" ""°°'of lier ........ C8'• Int tor .. lrMld bfoths daddea to Wflta 1 feltar to e IWMP8C* iOnalr '-ta oofullln. 'PO' CZ> •• 'Al Mn. Herrad ~·-,;-· ( 1t73) """"' WNtmor.. Tippf Hadrtn. A °°"" decldea to lnOOrpo. , ... • -. on -Ulll relallorl8 and. lnttmecy In • •'••o .... ""° ..... nuwm ·tt. , ...... "0.-llllon ..... maMI" (tMO) ...., z.na,. llrlf, l<eerlart ~ A ttto °' .,..... aoldlar• and "' Ml«IOM """' dOwf\ Nu.I trfftllrt l>Y#leO IOnte- wflare ..... !he NormMCfV oo..e ···~ ........ "°"" """" (1t72) YcNlal laclls, ~ ~1>1nan. ..... Ofl .. ~ "Y 1<1#1 VOflntglfl Jr A "'"' "'°°""'.,. -· ~ .. Miii and --~ In .. -di tor """*"""' of "" AIMrtoen dt9M'\. • **'A "H«O'l ftlaod" c 1NI) .,.,,.. Meaoll. ... .. lrend In ltla 1700., • plr ... end • format ..... ~to keep 1111 ~off !hi CafollMa f{Ofll t.-nt to the oontfcl of • pair of ft...~---... UV • * * • ··ow· C t151) Mauttot CN¥alllr. LAfle C.on. A tornbor belfle groomed by .. A#ll and grwldmo4fllt _. OUI Of! ,_owntocaih•- CI> • * • "Stir C<~· ( 1tl0) Ndwd Pryor.°"" Wider. Two man ar. ,.,... !Alken IOr batik robbers and _,. to Jalt. 'A' 1i:ll CZ> ..... "Shogun MMa- .,. C 1111) T°"""*"o W11tar.,•1•. MaHlllro Tomlkawa. A tormar -. """ .....-n wflO .. -ad OU! of .. poelfJon by • rutNMa den of ... YOMIO ... ~,..,..,...,.. 1:00 CC>* •• M~.,... c tin) ,,..... fonda, ._ l 1H1t J-Wiien a c0\lnlry·-•1arn tlno-t .......... ~ • .,, lll-cotl 1r1.. dHparatelr to relrleve hi• rKordlng right• wtlla bafllltlg Ille pollce. 'PO' ~••••Y,"Doctor~ go" ( 1"5) Omar 8'11tft. Ger~~ Two '°""9 8truggle ~ Ula ~llflcl~ofllle Awelan AevoluUon. CZ> * ... Home McMM" I 19'0) llelal Gordot\. l<lni ~A~Mm._ dtnt eulf•r• from • badgartng IMCl1lt and "' attraction to Ille bfocn.' • flenoea. 'PO' 2:IO Cll •.'A UHl!OO The Hip- po" ( 1t78) AnhHted. • voic. of Butl IYM. P..i L~ Aplrlk~ mue llk• en ~M­ U1p.~ by 111C· de btadl ~ 'PO' ):GO. • * '"Mir WOllld Atrt- -Want To Kil A Hloe 06t1 Uk• Your c1eea1 E\19 Bllnzl...~ 8ia... wtlla °" ~. ba9.ltlM girt .. '4cUl•la.d by ttrrllylnf attempa on "" .... a:ao <B> •• "Nobody'• Per· ....... Ctte1) Oebe l<IC>IM. Alea Kanu. Tllr• unl*ely llltoee Mt out to beltle Via rad lape Ind bur.._acy ofcltyllall 'PO' (%) • • "The ca-For VUlltut#'' C 11171) ~ Harrtl. Alcfwd ~ A Nlt"8ll INI 011• 7 wtlO ....... Anwtcetl .... ~ -Alrtca cMWlt ......... -• plHllld agalr'fC .............. ~·A' U10 Cl) • * ''The SllogYn W•· rlor1: Dangu81d Ace" ( 1981) Animlitecl. A ........ "°"'· INl8llad -.. ~ "" 10 capt.in • ,_ ~ NttlMNp to ftght IN Ollflt -.,.,._ °' an ..,. ~d l:OO CC> • * • "A88A: The M<Me" 11178) A88A. A ~ die IOdi.Y tar. clou11r pur•u•• lh• renoo=Nd 8wedlefl lltper orOl.IP .. Nir *10 18 of tllt lr hit•. lnch1dlng: "Dancing Outen," "Weter'loo,'' "S.O.I." and .. """8tldo. .. ·o· l:ao CZ> • * • "Otl Godf Bo«* H" CIMO) Oeorga 8uma, ~ ""9>etle. God retyrn1 to EMUI and dlOoMI Ille ~ ...,._ Wollltl~U.C· utl¥a to ..., .. ,,,.. to IN wortcf. 'PO' 1:ao .. * '°' "TM Frtleo Kkr'' c 11791 °"" Wider, Ham-' eon Ford A Polllll rabCll ,.,. ,.,.., lnvoMd In wild ~Otltler mlMdv4lfl.. ,...,.. """ • dlt1nO ... robber when Ila trwaet to Ian frencllco to talc• Ollar a,,.,.., 00tlll'9ll'llon. 'PG' ' Orange Cout DAILY PILOT /Tuffda , Aprll 20, 1982 1Warmth, humor· enrich 'Da' at South Coast By TOM TITUS or .. o.., ._ ..... Many 91aya ar., by tulture, autobloaraRhtcaJ, but Huah Leonard'• h.lahly acclaimed "De tran- anda th.la deecripUon and borden on exorcism u the playwriJht aJ,n tome hlahly petlOnal, familial demona. Fortunately, Leonard didn't get ao far Into Eupne O'Neill territory t.Mt be nealeded to add a few plnchet of aplce to hil work, and "0." on the South Coaat Repertory atage 11 a well-balanced, entertaining production. It touches the heart, but a1lo tweaka ihe noee a bit. Under David Emmes' even-handed cllrection, "Oa'' recounta lta hero'• encounter with the ghost of .. DA .. A pley by Hugh Leonard, dlrecJtd by 01Yld Emmea, 11tttnl:a by Ralph ,untc:elto, llgllllng by C1meron HerYey, PfMlnt1d by South Cout Repertory fu.cliY9 through Saturcw,e 11 8 p m . Sunday• at 7.30 pm and wHklfld mattnHt II 2·30 p.m through May 18 11 lhl f0Uf1h Step TMll•. 855 TO'#l'I Clnte1 Dttv1, COlta M"8 A~atlon11157-4033. THtl .CAIT DI .. . .. .. .• ThomU Tone< Chlrflit . .• . ........... . Deen SaillOfO Mother ... .. • ...... ..... .. . Kathertnl MICOragor Young Chlll'lle ...... .. John Oreen!MI Oliver .. ..... ..... ...... • .... .... ......... Ron 8ouuom Dtumm ... .. .......... •...• • .. . ....... .... ...... ... . .. Wlltlem GIOver Mary Tata .................. .. ............................ ... Patti Jonn1 Mra Prynne .. ........... ................ . . .••. Margeret M~ his recently departed father with warmth and humanity, bringing both central figures into sharp focus. Another e11$(aging moment arrives when the hero u a boy confronts the man he became. -Thomas Toner gives a bravura performance as the late "Da," a sheep of a man who nevertheless exerted a powerful influence on his adopted boy. Dean Santoro as the soul-searching son successfully conveys his character's aching frustration without becornlng maudlin. A sour-faced Katherine MacGregor is strong as the long-enduring mother , while John Greenleaf plays Santoro as a youth with conviction. Ron Boussom is believable as Santoro's boyhood pal in both youthful and middle-afed incarnations, and William Glover is brilliant y cold as the young man's first employer. '.'Da" is somewhat like Robert Anderson's ··1 Never Sang for My Father," but with a sense of lrish humor. It continues nightly except Mondays through May 16 at SCR's Fourth Step Theater. 655 THESE THEATRES VIEW "FRANKENSTEIN" IN EXTRA-DEPTH 3-0 11n111a111 . Town Center Drive, Cotta Mesa. . * IT'S ANOTHER heavy week of openi.no with five more ahow1 Joining the half dozen wh1ch bo· wed ln Jut week, while three others draw their tlnal curtains. . Leading off the the1plc hyperacuvity 11 "Comln1 Attr1ctlona," openlng Wedne1day on South CO.St Repertory'• &cond Stage. Paul Rudd ii direct1na the Ted Talley comedy which wW fea- ture Richard Doyle, Howard Shangraw, Diane de- Priest, Don Tuche, Anni Long, John El.J.lngton and Ary Kouatlk. Curt1ln times are 8:30 Tuesday through Saturday, 8 p.m. Sunday and 3 p.m. for weekend matinees until May 9 at the SCR theater, 655 Town fenter Drive, Calta Mesa. Reservations 957-4033. The San Clemente Commun!ty Theater opera lta aeoond "FoWes a la Carte" variety show Thurs- day under the direction of Charles Ashbaugh at the Cabrillo Playhouse, 202 Ave. CabrUlo, San Cle- mente. The revue runs Fridays anq Saturdays at 8 p.m. through May 15 with further details given at 492-0465. "The Front Page" opens Friday at the West- minster Community Theater with J.D. Reichelder- fer in the cllrector's chair and a cast too enonnous to list here. Performances are Fridays and Saturdays at 8:30 through May 22 at the theater, 7272 Maple St., Westminster. Reservations 995-4113. Arthur Miller's classic drama ''Death of a Sa- lesman" ls the latest from Showcase Productions with Don Rhoades and Jean Koba reprising the leading roles lhey played at lhe Laguna Moulton Playhouse. Alex Koba directs and the drama runs Fridays and Saturdays at 8:30 through May 15 at the Westminster Auditorium, 7571 Westminster Ave. A children's production of "Cheaper By the Dozen" 15 the fare of the Fountain Valley Commu- nity Theater at Los Amigos High School, Newhope and Heil In Fountain Valley. Four performances will be presented, Thursday through Saturday at 7 p.m. and Sunday at 2:30 p.m. Call 964-5392 or 847-1108 for tic'Ket information. Spring-time Is Superb ~-THI .~.P.!!l'! ...... _ ......... IL I.Jc. 217917 S.W. Time S-a& YOlll Door (Cal Store .._._ YOlll "'991 COSTA MIU 641• 1219 It:»...__ ...... MltlMIN VIVO 49~1 -.n~ ....... .. <'-............... ...., "'""'J Welt DltMv't FMfTAllA COi 12:00 2:30 6:00 7:30 t :66 ISoan.81111a1-... <Jt1'v 5 Academy A-di .IUUOElll Ofl ntE LOST Mil 0'01 1 :00 3:115 5:30 7:46 t :65 c:HAlllOTS OF FIU IPGI 12:00 2:35 I Best Pictu,.. 5: 10 7:4610:10 I OuaTFQRRM CRI 70mm 1:003:106:20 7:40 9:45 No , ... No Ecooomy S..tine MCHAM PllYOll -KJM) Ofl....., (Al 12:15 2:15 4:16 8:161:16 10:15 JulleAn•-YICTOll YICTOlllA (POI 1:415 4:30 7:3010:00 Wtndlna up thtlr reapectlve rum alon1 cout are: -"Tiie OeadlJ Oamt'' by the Mt.ion Viejo Playhoute at the Forum Theater on the Laauna .Beach Feetlval of Arta 1rounda (830-92~2). Final performancet a.re~ and Saturday at 8:80. -••ne Royal Family" at the Newport Harbor Acton Theater, 390 Monte Viata St., Co.ta Mee.t (631·~110). Closina erformancn are Friday and Satwdar, at 8 and Su~)'. at 2:30. -'Tiie lma1laary lavalld" at Saddleback College in Mialion Viejo (831-4S30), playinc Friday and Saturday at 8 and Sunday at 3 p.m. in the college'• main theater. The ultima in..,.. andSOlnf.~ re-reaxded in new ~*teo. ~~-FANIA5lA • .u.MJ••k••~--l•t'Wt,,. ...... , .... ~,,.,,., .. tl&Wlil.11...,. ...... ,"" ... 'll!lllJW' _.~ NOW PLAYING AT 1111.U SILICTID 1'lllA1'ID COSTA MESA Edwards Town Center 751-.4184 ~E Clnedome 634-2553 *BARGAIN MATINEES• Monday thru S1turd1y All Performances before 5:00 PM (Except Spedll E ......... 11t1 Ind Holidays) I,. M 1llA[1A ._.A11 LA MIRADA WALie ·IN "VICTC>f' VICTONA" 1 ... 1 '""--· ... - LAKEWOOD CENTER WAi i< IN "MrfMUR" '"' --"ONL. Y wt9:M I LAUOH" 1111 --- "Som ICIMD OI' MIAO" 1•1 --·-.-·- lA..:;.w ooo CINH11 SOUTH WAI• ... NDllMto 211.,...Hl ----"<* QOl.DO P<*D" tNl -----I I Mllooo 01 •011cror1t 994·2400 "OUll1' '°" , ...... 1111 ---· , ___ , __ ... •ocwtly ol Concr11woCH1 211/Hl·fllO "POM<Y'I" 1111 ----- '"CAT NOP\,r 1111 ., .. ___ _ - .......... ~ .... ,00 ,,. '-,.s ...... , 4 10 IMPORTANT •OTICll CMllDRE• UNDER IZ f lUll M""' .............. lll<o fn 6:» • S.I h o -6:00 ,. (M.ASIUllll•fOllll AllCM-Gl'IUIUU.0 111 NO All CM MOIO lllTll 9'191 llCXISIGI" ,,._ .............. Ml~....----- ·~A.Hf M ANAHEIM DRIVE IN ,,.. .. ..,.,01r...-ao 179-9150 c ... Ill souooo • ---------~----------.._,. -,,_AC'--··-MflAIMRI °' Tite LOil AM" "''" l~l "THe ,INAL COUNTOOWNM l~l Cllot h JOUljO eu1 "" .... , BUENA PARK or1v1 1N liftCOlll Ave •••• ol CllO" 121-4070 ,.. I .... A ~.&Pr LINCOLN 0'1tVE IN \thCOlf\ A•• •• ., Of Cf\O" 121·4070 t ,.... •A '"~ FOUNTAIN VALLEY DRIVE IN ,...._,.CNI fll.ue ·ne~"""" Cllll .. '°""° "Mm..,.::ca· '"' ......... "Oii ClW." IOllNO ~ .. " .... LA HABRA r'"'"" " .....---·-~ ... ·---171-1162 - O~ANGE (>II\,. N ·-3· ........... ,. Ml~SION f1~··~ I IN . . . ... ATT\..I TIIUCl(w 1 ... 1 "-119 ""'°" "'"'" 1111 Clllt h "OUllT '°" 'N" .. , -"CAYWMAN" 1~1 • ., .icl\1111 -Tiii ffMI "CH...OT8 Of ,_,. fNI -M"'""""" IN I C:..·fl IOUllO ---'?OMrl"INI "'"' "W '" IMOl(I" •111 Cllll·lf IOUllO .__..._, .... ••-c.-.. 111·7022 .,,.., ........ .......... w ... ·= -·--~ ~ ·-:;.-== { I .J NOW PLAYING ... , .. IMllYl-t• c•IOMI UWAlll ...,.., 8ueni Pl!\ IZI 4070 OIMOt 6U 2553 "-•pat1 S.acll UA 0160 Ma. MIA 'WA ITAllUM DIUYl·I• llA tl•MA Iii•• sn aaae Otl09t '" 1110 "'""""'"" ui o~•e llWUll tAD0UUCa llWUfl IMlllT04 "°'-ACC'_..H El TGIO HI 5HO l:oilJ Mtll ~40 14U ,.,,.,_,_....., OrMge C0Mt DAILV PILOT/TUllday, Apttl 20, 1M2 Grich not ·worried about jinx SEATTLE (AP) -Bobby Grkh la throucorryiAC about the Angela' ln plque. "It hardly me --~· What can you do about lt7' Grich aaJd after he doubled twice and ecored twice • the AnaeJ,, beat the Se.ttle Marirvn 3-1-Monday nlght. • Grich, battllne back trouble that hu forced him to rnill alx of the Angela' first 13 games, re- turned to the lineup aft.er recei- ving a cortl1one 1hot Sunday. But the Angela lost ahortatop RI.ck Burleeon for the rest of the season beoauae of a shoulder in-jury,. ' It's the first time I've been able to p_lay without pain," Grich aald. "Im about 90 percent now. On TV tonight Channel 5 at 7:30 I'm moving in the right direction. "If I hit the ball good to right fie ld, I'm doing the things that are technically correct for me." CLOSE WATCH -RUllian gymnast Svetlana Mu- rauenko keeps a cloee watch on the uneven parallel bars during the women's competition of the U.S. vs. AP Wltepholo USSR gymnastic meet. Murzuenko's ecore of 8.9~ ii\ .point. Valen ~i na Shkoda of Russia took the all- this event helped the Russians to win by l/lOth of a . aroJ,.IJld title. Grich doubled to right center in the second lnning and, one out later, 8COred on Doug DeCinoes' Wall Ball double. Wall Balla -in Kingdome parlance -are flies that strike the upper half of the right f ield fence. In Seattle'• prevaous five sea.sons, they would have been home runs. Now they are m play. 'One ~ay he's going to kill himself' Grich hit hia own Wall Ball in the eighth and tallied on Tim Foli's single two outa later. Foli has taken over Burleson'• spoL Tha t 's what Salazar 's dad~ays after Boston Marathon win ner 's temperature drops to 88 J( .. grees The Angels broke a 1-1 tie in the f o urth whe-n Seattl~ shortstop Todd Cruz booted Foli's two-out, bases--loaded grounder. BOSTON (AP) -Joee Salazar looked at his aon, Alberto, lying on a cot in the garage area of the Prudential building, where the wear'/ runners gathered follo- wing the testing Boston Mara- thon. He was worried, natut::r The younger Sa1a:.ar won the race in a brilliant d~l with Dick Beardsley, but he was de- hydrated and his temperature had dropped to an alarming 88 ~·of these days he's going to kill hlnuelf," aald the elder Salazar. "No question about it, he's going to destroy his We." Although the 1982 Boston Marathon champion wu trem- bling uncontrollably and hla teeth were chatterin&, he waa not nearly u concerned aa his father. "r was sure I was going to be all right," aald Salazar. "My temperature waa going up era- dually. It was just a matter of time." He was exactly right. Forty three minutes after the race -which Salazar won in 2 hours, 8 minutes, 51 seconds, a course record and the fourth fastest in history -his tempe- ra tu re had r isen to 97, only slightly under the normal 98.6. Interviewed today on ABC's ''Good Morning America," Sala- zar said he knew he was courting physJca.I trouble to win. "At about 15 to 17 miles, I started to feel the heat a bit and I knew at that point that I still had a long way to go and l probably was going to have some tlOrt of problems," he aald. But he aaid he remained con- fident_throughout the race. . "I felt, frinkly, I was the best runner in there, 10 no matter how bad I hurt the whole way, I juat kept ttllnking well, you're better than thi1 person and you've just got to stay with him and you can beat him at the end. It was a long last seven miles. It was the hardest race I ever ran " Fast work by the marathon's medical crew, which provided li - quid Intravenously Into each of Salazar's anna, was responsible for h~ quack recovery and ena bled the winner to attend the awards ceremony less than thn.'C hours later. It waa the second tame Salaur Wa!> M.-raousl y ill Jfter a ra<..-e. The first t1m<• ww. ufl.er a road race at F almouth. Mass . in 1978, but tht•n his phy<;1c-al reaction was th<· du<'<'t opposite of his condi- tion after Monday's marathon, in which he beat Reardsley by only two st·<.·onds At that lime, his tempc•rdLUrt.' shot up to 108 de- grt'l's and ht• became uncon - sc10UJ> Georg<' Mason. a Costa Mesa resident. fin1 shc•d 15th with a llmf' of two houri.. 17 minutes · and 55 S('('Ond-.. M1•anwhtl<·. Wl!sl German runm r Charlott~ Teske predicted she would fmash .s<.~nd to Grete Wanz of Norway among women in th<' marathon , and for more than 20 miles It looked as 1( she w~ right The Mariners had broken on top in the first when Julio Cruz scored on a wild pitch by Mike Witt, 1-0. Cruz had opened with a_ single and moved to third on Bruce Bochte's single one out la- t.er W'itt, Luis Sanchez and Don Aase scattered seven hits and stranded 11 Seattle runners. "I may have been too fine with my pitches," said Witt, who walked five an 6~ innings while giving up six hats. He remembe- red a Boehle home run from a year ago and was oonaclous of tbe K.ingdome'a small siz.e. The Angela' pitch ing staff, criticized as the club's weak link before the !leUOll began, compil- ed a 1.41 earned-run average through Sunday's games. . Howe do Astros end streak? Ask LA "We know we didn't have that bad a pitching staff," Aue said. ''It's up to us to go out and prove that." Despite absorbing hi1 third straight loss without a win. Seattle right-hander Gene Nels- on was not totally dissatisfied. "I think my control's coming around a little bit." he said aft.er walking five in 6~ innings. Nellon allowed five hits. LOS ANGELES (AP) -The · Houaton Aatro8 haven't won too many games the last several years in Los Angeles -only two in their last 16 tries in Dodger •Stadium. · But noting that they won a one-game playoff for the 1980 'National League West title, vete- ran knuckleballer Joe Nlekro once commen~. "We muat be doing something right." Neither the Astros nor the Dodgen were d~ much at all r ight prior to Monday night'1 game. The Aatros had loet thref straight ~. the Dodgers flvE in a row. But Houa1on managed to end ill bing streak with • 6-4 vie\(). ry while extending the Dodgers' akid to 1ix straight losses, their longe.t io.tng streak since 1979, the only Ume they've finlahed ~ below .soo in the~ 14 years. "[ know we've had trouble here, and it's bee n tough," Houston's Art Howe said, noting the Aatros' 22-49 record ln Los An1elea 1ince 1974. "But lt'a a fair pal'k, and lt'1 been a good park for me." It continues to be a good park for the Houston flnt oueman. He knocked in three of the Aa- trm' ax runs and broke a 4-4 tie with a two-run single in the sixth Inning when Houston acored four runa. Howe drove a 3-0 pitch from Alejandro Pena, the thlrd of four Lo. Angeles pitchers, into left. center to score the tie-breaking runa .. "I was lucky enough to get the geen light on 3-0,'' Howe said, "and he threw lt right down the middle." Terry Forster 1-2, who relie- ved starter Burt Hooton, took the U.S. Don Sutton (2-1) earned the win and Joe Samblto, who pit- ched hitless ball the final two innlnp, earned hla third aave. Between them, Sutton, the former Dodger, and Samblto re- tired 19 of the final 20 Dodgers in order. Pedro GuerTero broke the ltrina when he reached bue in the 6ottom of the ninth on a two-out error by shortstop Dickie Thon. Pinch hitter St.eve Ye.ager, like Howe swinging on a 3-0 pitch, then popped out to end the game. "No, I wun't IW'pf'iaed he waa swinging 3-0," Sambito said of Yeaaer. "He'• been tough on me. He knows it, and l knew It. But he wu a little anxiou1 on that last p&tch." Hooton 1ave up two runa on twa hit• and had walked two batters ln the tint three lnnlnp. But he wu ahead 4-2 and had retired nine batten in a row be- fore Phil Gu'ner and JON Cruz led off tM fatal 1ixth with 1ln- ~· "I waa th.rowlne the ume u I had the whole nine," Hooton laid. THE WINNERS -Alberto Salazar looks over hla lhoulds at the fin1th line ot the Bolton Maratbor) Monday (Jeft) at runner- , up Dick Beardsley. Charlotte Tdke of West ~nnany was the women's winne~. Seattle Manager Rene Lacbe- mann, still troubled by the Ma- riners' failure to bring runners home, said, "I think aome or that has to do with the pitching we've been facin~. ·~ Kings like wounded bear INGLEWOOD (AP) -The Los Angeles Kings are the team in trouble, but Vancouver de- fenseman Harold Snepsta aays Ifs the Canuck.s who should be wary in the clubs' National Hoc~ey League playoff eeriee. "The Klnga are like a wounded bear now," said Sneps1a. "1bey'U be that much stronger, giving it everythinc they got in the next game." The "next game" ia Wednes- day In Vancouver and the Ca- nucla need only one more victory to advance to the Stanley Cup aemlflnal1. They whipped Loa Angeles, 5-4 Monday night to take a 3-1 edge in their be9t-of- aeven quarterfinal aeries. "lt'a tough enough that we have to win three atralght,'' aa.ki Loa Angeles defeNlelDall Larry Murphy. ''Gome into Vancouver lm't &hat upeettJ.ng, but our badc:a are up agalnat the wall now." lvan Boldirev acored a pair of 1oal1, lncludln1 the eventual aarne-wtnner early in the thJrd (See KINGS, Pap All) Ar.tis ts chose Br}1ian to guide f oothall fortunes t, ae>OD CARL10N the -whole leepe ii very competitive. n&Mlna b8dt played under GlddJngit at then Bryan followed an old friend (er.Al Of .. ...,"" -But w.' ........ to atw tt our blll lhot. Glendale CoU.. and then 'apent Ovee Fer1ic) to ~ State, where he IPlftl Larry Bry~, wit h HVen yeare of "I unden tand ~ are eome pod yean wMier Jolin Rallton at Utah State. the next tm. yMn coecND1 the ..... oiJeChtnl •JCperma OD the coDefl.,.... atbleMI aroUDcl, lt'1 jUlt a matter of· HAI first coech.tna wtanment wu at and~ Md a,_.. OD the pnp 1ew1. hll talwrl ......, dlllD out tor \be IMID.'' a.hop A.ma\ Hlah · (1966""·88) where he Bry,.n ~t bis wife (Gayle!.-:! OWi the foodlilll ...._ at fAluna a.ch ~ .,_ haii 11 of OM OOlldMld the nmnina bac1c;s. then he apent IOnl (Dlnk anil Pete) ID New pan ffllll.••,...,.Woll a.a.n. _,........,.-:~...; 1wo,.anatanaAl•10nlwllhUSC, ·onc1.,._tlfo lMl -,_.a1-· .,... 40 wl a Newport Bw:b Nlll· ...... ~.... i.wa. ipln with NMina back.I Del Hilb· ftm •the.....,.,,....... -. •aw tbo-lh ~ -..... B!r I -11!7en't next """"hJn& Job WU M tho -:"'thin 1111 -.•mo l-b.al cmch In the lllaoot's 47· lilltGrJ. coeell. , o ooeched t-.s ooecb and at.hMtic ~ at Sale-.. I . ID nm• .... .,.......," a-. ..,_. .,._. the~~ --. ........ ~ {ill tar one yw In llan Ht1h In 1872, then he became ln· ~h~ Will'-........ ill •= w sl1*'1 a .....,.., a.. a.,_ If.._ 111 11 •,..... YOlwd with the World Football 1MIUe =.t-~ 'R\'! ).Ill ~ '-' ..... ~----tallliiaWdO--Md ~··~~llOld: wtthO.....•a1DOUt. r~1":',._.11111111..._ tlle lteU WI ea';J~1-~ 8.r Jaft. .... ....... El --~~llfRm'lQiiull.·UC ....... ''Ct:p61erw v.a.,, v..,,, .-Uy, -TM l.Ormer Bua...,._ Park Ht1h 'ftle Md lliriclll 11 Alli...,. 1. I I By JEPJI' ADLER or .. ...,,...,..., Part-t6ne residents of Crystal Cove State Park's cottages have lolt a bid to delay thelr July 31 evictiona. The propo•ed eviction delay waa re~ted Monday by atate Parka Director Peter Danfer- mond Jr., accordln~ to Rod Tuttle, the department a deputy director for leaialative affairs. Tuttle aaicf the department decided to prell ahead with the evictions because under the Le- gialatu.re'a mandate "we have to ~ ................ NOT QUITTING -Steel sculp~r .Ali Roush.9.n is putting part of his property at 16th Street at Superioc Avenue up for lease in Costa Mesa to help finance his continuing battle with City Hall over his creations. Mesa -welder vows hls fight not over Scrappy welder Ali Roushan's fight with the City of Costa Mesa over his Superior A venue metal sculptures is taking on some of the elements of guerrilla war- fare. For a while it looked like the fiery Iranian immigrant was going to pack his bags and leave behind the four brigntly painted sculptures. Costa Mesa officials claim he erected three of them without the necessary permits. They've taken him to court. Rouahan is assurin2 one and all that the "For Lease''I"' sign on his property at 1550 Superior Ave. doesn't mean he's quitting busi- ness, or giving up his fight with the dty. "No,' no, no, no.'' said Rouahan "Ali never gives up. That would WORLD be silly for me to give up." Roushan said he already has leased 5,000 square feet of his 14,000-square-foot industrial building space to help pay for mounting legal costs. Last year he sold his $158,000 home in Newport Beach and is now living in one of his industrial buildings with his wife and four-month-old daughter. "I'm leasing the building out to make sure that they don't win," said Rouaban. "Thia cue ii going to go on a long time." Rouahan baa a May 5 date with the state Court of Appeal in San Bernardino after the state Su- preme Court granted him a stay and ordered the cue returned to the lower court. Boyco~t of Soviet cargo· could cost WASHINGTON (AP) -.The U.S. Supr em. Court ruled unanimously today that the lonphore- men'a union can be forced to pay monetary damaaes for ita boycott of ScMet ~ to protelt the Soviet intervention in ~. NATION 11111111 IUal I F• lllCU () 1 U\ l"H 1 f ( ()I l N • l ( Al II ()HNI A 2 rl Cf NT ·~ . . _,_ oYer ev1ct1on . ~ IO 11 t• •we can to tum lt (the park) over for public \lie." He aaid a meeting wai 1ehe- duled today with the area'• lqt- slaUve repretentative, Atilembfy- woman Marian Ber1eaon, R- Mewport Beach, to explain the department's position and ex- plOre pomtble .alwrnaUv•. If the Leplature were to take apeciflc action to prevent the eviction1, the parks department would abide by the decision, Tuttle~. Eviction notice• either were tacked to the door or stuffed into the mailboxes of 23 of the 45 cottages shortly before noon April 14. A day earlier, part-time cottage resident. had propoeed that state offidala delay evict\ona until the state baa prepared a plan detai- Will offer counterproposals 11.na how the '°ttagea are to be Wied •. Tuttle Nid auch a plan wW be developed within 30 days of t:h4 July. evictiona. "We have not yet been able to get in to see what we ~ot to work with," he explained. (See CRYSTAL, Page AZ) .. I . British Dix pe.ace hid ' LONDON (AP) -Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher laid today the Argentine peace plan for the Falkland Island.a had se- rious shortcomings, and that Foreign Secretary Francis Pym will go to Washington with counterproposals. Although Mrs. Thatcher ef- fectively rejected the Argentine plan as presented, ah e saic;l Bri- tain considered it "a stage in the negotiating process which must now be continued. We are ex-· amining the proposals very cloeely." Judges_shut court cases to public By DAVID KUTZMANN or ... o.ie, ......... Sealed off from public view by judges' rulinp. preliminary hea- rings continued today in Orange County for a child murder su- spect and three former Anaheim police officers. In both cues, defense attor- neys said their clients would be denied fair triah if media cove- rage was allowed. In Orange County Superior Court Monday, Judge James K. Turner closed the h earing for murder defendant Robert J"acks- on Thompeon. who is aocuaed of kidnapping, molesting and stran- gling a 12-year-old newspaper delivery boy last August. Various news organizations, including the Daily ,Pilot, pro- tested closure of the courtroom. California's new law on pre- liminary hearings, contained in a bill authored by Assemblyman Tel'ry Goggin, D-San Bernar- dino, puts the burden on defen1e lawyers to prove that an open hearing would be detrimental to their clients. Sbe aaid the Argentine propo- ul, cabled to London from Bue- noa Aires by Secretary of State Alexander M. Haig J r., "falls abort in some important respects" of what Britain would deem an acceptable solution to the criaia, precipitated by Argentina's invasion of the Falklands on April 2. She did not disclose details of the Argentinf plan, but said one important defect was its failure to give th e 1 ,800 British- descended islanders a say in their own future. "We shall seek to put focward our own propoeaJa, 1 hope, tO MF. Haig, and Mr. Pym with that in mind plans to go to Washington on Thursday," Mrs. Tliatcher said in the House of Common.a. Mrs. Thatcher was asked whether Britain would use any means at its disposal to secure withdrawal of Argentine forces before discu s si ng any "long-term solution." - She replied, "That is still our aim." Mrs. Thatch~ said Britain was c:ommitted to U .N . Security .,..,, ...... f'tlMo _, LAe ,..,,.. Thompson's lawyer, Ronald Brower of Orange, dted previous newspaper and television cove- rage of the case as proof that a publicly attended hearing would simply generate more publicity and damage his client's chances of getting a fair trial. Judge Turner agreed, exclu- ding the public from the Santa Ana courtroom Monday after- noon immediately after his ru- TAKING TIME OUT -Bart Van Housen is running the length of California on artificial right leg. While resting in Huntington Harbour, he and his wife Jacquey examine a spare artificial running leg used in the journey. ling. Meanwhile, in West Orange County Municipal Court, Judge Judith Ryan was taking similar action in the preliminary hearing for three former Anaheim police officers char_ged with using ex- cessive force while members of a SpecW crime task force. Run emotional One-legged man determined At the request of defense at.. torneya, who similarly argued that newa coverage of the pro- ceedings could make it difficult (See BEARING, Pase AZ) STATE By ROBE RT BARKER or .. ...,,......, Bart V 1tn Housen is traveling from the northern tip of Calilor- nia to the Mexican border -on one leg. Van Housen, 35, had his leg amputated below the riWit knee Cr0oner1B memorabilia .to be sold Thousands of memorabilia which once belonged 'to Bini Croeby go on the auction block next month. P-aeA5. Fruit fly fipt cos~ unknown f . SACRAMEN'ro (AP) -State analysta ay Ute exact co.t of the ftaht apirwt the Mediterranean fnalt Oy may never be 1'noWn becaUM of incomplete ac-countm& 1be s.cr.mento.Bee ~ today. COUNTY 13 years ago because of·a conge- nital birth defect. But that hasn't stopped him from running about 20 miles a day in hia north-to-south journey on an artificial leg. He aays it is a statement of the liuman spirit. (See AMPUTEE, Pqe AZ) INDEX At Your Service F.rma Bombmt L.M. Boyd Buainea_ California . Cava1ade OWfled ~ Comb CrOllword De.th NoUcel lldltorlal EniertalNnent . A4 B2 A6 A8A- A5 82 .JM.8 B3 B3 A14 M All SPORTS Council Resolution 502, whicb calla for Argentine withdraw$) and a peaceful settlement and 14. she said, "clear but not so easy t.Q. get Implemented." The sticking point apparently wu Argentine insistem'e on rec- ognition of its sovereignty over the British colony 250 miles off its southern coast. Argentine Foreign Minister Nicanor Costa Mendez said tbe proposals called for a "limited period" of negotiations that should lead to "full and complete <See FALKLAND, Page AZ) 911. brings calls from • curious Orange County's n ew 91 1 emergency telephone system got off to a successful start Monday -despite numerous calls from people just wanting to know if the system worked. More than· 100 calls were log- ged alone at the Orange County Sheriff's Department headquar- ters in Santa Ana. one of 24 "public·safety answering pointa" located throughout the county. "We handled a traffic accident and a few paramedic and fire calls," said sheriff's Lt. Dennis Rohn. Most of the calls, however, were from people "just testing the system, wanting to know ii the system works.'' Rohn said. He urged county residents to "trust the system." "We're trying to en courage people not to test it," Rohn Sida. The 911 system w(>nt into operation at 12:01 a.m. M~, culminating a 10-year effort by county and city governments to provide a single number for all police, fire, paramedic and life- guard agencies. A uto show rolls onto OC scen e The 1982 Orange County Auto Show begins Wednesday at the Anaheim Convention Center and the Daily Pilot today includee details about the show and some unique cars that will be featured during its five-day run. For information about the wide range of autos featured in the show, see Section C of today's Daily Pilot. . Income inches up l WASHINGTON (AP) Americana' penonal income rote a moda.t 0.4 percent in March~ continuing a four-month rec10rd of alua'ah growth. B2 All B2 All AB A8 A8.B4 Al2-14 A.9. AlO All A.2 A8 '· ' YSTAL COVE n . Nl·Ume relldenta of the cot· which dot tM bluff:a mkl· betwffn Corona del ,..,. w,una Buch, wUl be off• two-year leaM extenllona, ..act. atate fo.. tu.a million. In .~H11 tM .... pun:h-s -Mdlacmai fl mllllGD worth oJ parkland. ,,.. _...,.haw bllln ,...,.... ted • r.deral bllliartca1 ..... BJ TM AllMIA&H Preti perkl department offidal • cridcal of the manner 1n the evktiona were handled state Department of Gen- Since 91CC1"'ttnc Uw property, atate offldala and lawmakera have ~ with the proWlm of how to torommodate the pu· blJc with the jJdvate \om of the 2,791..acre park. Up ta a fOQt of mow blanketed Mlnneeo&a and Wi8comln tbday aa the bitter w1D r of 11•2 re- turned to portlou o1 the Mid- west and W•t, th.Nateninc c:ropa and *9ina 1Choo1'. \ I Record low tem-pe raturea Monday caUled conaiderable da- mase to n.orthern Utah hut~ crops, an alJ'lcultural extenaioh Servicee, which noW admJ. the property. Tuttle auc- the evictlona could have handled more i.c:tfullv. ·The 45-home oommunltY, con- • •tructed u a movle Mt ln the · 19201, became part of Cryatal Cove State Park In 1979 when 6e Irvine Canpany aoJd It to the The ltat.e air.dy Ni, panted 20-year 1eaae exte.nllonl to l't9i- denta of 294 mobile home• tn Moro Cove, alao a part of the park. The exten1lon1 were granted beca~ the COit of ~ cattna the mobile home owners woWa be probibUive, state offi· da.11 laid. apnt said. ; FALKLAND ISLANDS • • • Record Iowa fot the date of 24 at Salt Lake City and 18 at Twin Falla, Idaho, were re-ported ~. Randolph,'Utah, was 2 below. Fruit growen from Box Elder County to Utah County reported damage to early bud-dinc trees, particularly to sweet cherries, peaches and apricot.a. Peara, apples and sour cherries bloom later. . recognition of Argentine 10ve- J teienty. : '"· .Halg, after four days of lnten- • Ne negotiatJons in the Argen- .... , .. 1 ne capital, flew back to ·Washington. He told reporters :i:JMring a refueling atop in Ca- • if'acas, Venezuela, he would "di9cuaa the situation with Pre- 11ktent Reagan and await further developmenta. '' With a 68-ship British war fleet expected to be within stri- king distance of the Fa1k1anda by the weekend, Hall said aa be took oU from Buenpa Aires that be wu "more convinced than ever thitJ war in the South At· lantic would be the great.Ht of tragedies and that time ii indeed running out." The pennanent council of the Organiz.ation of American States was meeting 1n Washington to- day at Argentina'• request to consider application of the Inter- American Treaty of Reciprocal ~ against Britain. The northern suburbt of Min- neapolis received up to 4 inches of snow, while 14.5 inches was reported in Price County, Wis. Schools were closed and roads were impauable in parts of Wi- aconsin. The snow a lso spread across northern Michigan and into parts. of Iowa. AMPUTEE WALKS ... Fatal crash probed in South Laguna His effort also is designed to. raise money for the Easter Seal So-~ c.¥tY. 'T 1~ official ai St. Mary's Col-~\f!le in Gonzaga, Van Housen •nsted Sunday and Monday at a ''home in NuntinfOOn Harbour. Having alreJldy logged 600 · "trliles -some of them in bone- ·:>!aning paJn, according to wit-···~ -Van HOU8ell hat four '-itiare days to go before reaching .,.1 e southern limier. . ~ . ~J.:.,'I hope to raise not only funds, ·-~~ tf\e human spirit in all of ws ·~a,; a result of this joum~y for the -~ter Seal Society," he said. ··~ocaren L . Stolte, director of· :./m.~Jic affairs of the California &st.er Seal Society, obeerva that Van Houten ia achlevin1 hie goals. She says she'• been reduced to tears about once a day: . One of the heart-tugging mo- ments came~ she aakt. when efaht disabled Vietnmn vetttana joined Van HOU8ell in the two-mile trek acrma the Golden Gate Bridge. . Some were on crutches and some had peg legs when they joined Van ~-on his greeri artificial leg made. of d~um. '"Ibey uked what tbey could do and he told them they could 'join him. It WM veey movtna. I think he'• a hero to every dlaa- bled person. .. The Orange County District Attorney'• office is atill invpti-Ptina an accident ln South La- guna that left one woman dead and four others injured early S\mday morning. Arrested on charges of 1elony dnmken driving was Mark Nor- . rta, 26, of c.o.ta 1tfeu., driver of a small truCk that lnvestigaton .. aert tumed left into an oooomlng 1herlff'1 patrol car which was heed.i.ng north on CoMt Highway on an emerpncy call. '.~JIEARING CLOSED. • • A pueenpr ln the truck, Ma- rianne Rapp, 23, of Tustin, WU killed in the oolllslon. Norris and another pumenger, Wam!'ll Ha.rt, were ho.pltalized for cuta and bndleL Noma wu taken to the Jall ward of tbe UCI Medical Center. 1.C>fick an unbiased jury during a . r trial, Judge Ryan excluded ' public from her Westminster ~urtroom. ,:. A preliminary hearing deter-··s lf there is evideooe strong. . ugh to order a defendant to .... trial ~ ... ••• Last week, Orange County •:'Superior Court Judge Phlllp E. "'#Sdlwab upheld another judge's '•'"'1lin.g permitting an open hea- dpg for murder defendant -~ Thompeon of Orange in ·=~!· . California I -----=--~ Central Orange Coubty Munid- pal Court. . Thompeon and co-defendant Da~d Lett.ch of Luuna Beech are charged with flnt-dearee murder in the stabbina de9th of Glnpr nNchU. 20, wbme body wu found in eut Irvine lut Sep~ \ De!eme attomey Ron Brower, ttpe9ellting Thoms-on. aid ile would appeal Judie Schwab's ruling to the Fourth District Court of Appeat ln San Bernar- dino this week. The d!atrict a(tomey'a office bM yet to file charga. pending the outcome ol the lnvwtiption. Deputy Sheriff Chris Rose, who wu drivtnc the patrol car at the time of the collision, repor- tedly gave first aid to the other victims before help arrived. He was treated for cute at South Cout Medical Cent.er and later releaaed. It's heating up J ~~, ........... \......... 10 52 .07 84 24 12 47 11 25 It 21 H 22 .04 .. st 41 17 16 71 M 74 11 &I .11 12 ... 2.07 11 39 .06 n 11 11 61 .. 61 1a 44 ti M .IM 12 71 ., 38 .07 41 ti .M II M .OI ... 74 16 41 .. IO 16 13 71 ... .... 17 • 17 44 . ... n 11 a _, 11 • • 41 10 .. : ~ '°' , 43 24 11 • 5e 31 79 t3 .IO 10 58 to 5t 45 78 50 78 43 ... 11 77 51 .. 11 80 79 M 74 lie n " '13 IO 11 .. 71 .. 74 .. 74 ... IO 71 .. 12 13 13 71 .. 71 .. 10 10 .. .. .. • .. .. 11 11 11 N • 21 .. IO N 47 II II .. ... ... :t .. .,. ., 47 I .. ELTON F AJTllFUL -Some of tbe nearly 700 Elton .Tohn fana who showed up at the Irvine Meadows Amphitheater Monday wait for the Deir .......... ..,..,~ chance to purcbue tick'ta to the British J'OCk ~r's June 19 concert. Most of the dcketa are now sold. ·Mesa drops Elton John concert f membership tickets sell quickiy in SCAG ~~~.2?r:... ' Costa 'Mesa has become the eighth city in Orange Count( to drop ita memberahip in the Sou- thern California Auoclatlon of Govemmenta. The council voted 5 to 0 Mon- day night to withdraw from the regional planning agency that · serves 127 cities in Orange, Loe Angeles, San Bernardino, River- side, and Imperial counties. Councilman Donn Hall. who led the drive to withdraw from the plannln& agency. said SCAG has lacked accountability and in- put from local cities. "If we recognize that the pro- blems of c.alexico and Costa Mesa are different, then it makes no seme to have one master agency try to plan for them on a regional basia, .. said Hall. In an effort to keep Costa Mesa j n SCAG, Councilman Ed Mc- Farland made a motion to conti- nue membership until an Orange County mini-oog group could be set up. That measure failed 4 to 1. with McFarland voting yes. McFarland, wbo served two years on SCAG'a executive com- mittee and favored continuing membership, also cut hie vote agaimt the planning agency. "It was obvious that It waa going to go to 4 to l,'' said Mc- Farland after the mee\lng. "So what difference does It make jf it goes5to0? ' • ''Come beck, a{ear from now," he added "and can guarantee that Cotta Mesa will not have done anything to solve regional problems." Both Hall and Councilwoman Nonna Hertmg spoke in favor of establishing another group to serve Orange County's interesta. Only.,14 of the ortglnal 22 cities in Orange County that joined SCAG 1Ull remain. Irvine, Tustin, Orange and Westmlnater are among them. Bart Meays, deputy executive director of SCAG, was not avai-~ Tue9day. Nearly 700 Elton John fans swarmed into Irvine Meadows Amphitheater early Monday morning, hoping to get a good seat for a June 19 concert by the British rock atar. The show, which is a special addition to the 1982 amphithea- ter aeuon, was announced Fri- day, with ads running in Sunday newspapers. Tickets went on sale Monday. By the end of the day, all of the amphitheater's 5 ,000 reserved-seat tickets had been sold. More than half of the 5,000 upper-lawn seating ticket.a also had been snapped up by con- certgoera. Some who showed up early voiced complaints about tickets being sold through a random- number priority system. Howe - ver, am_phitheater spokesman Mark K o_gan said the system, Mesa arrest which offers no advantage to earlybirds. was uaed last year during the concert facility's de- but season. He said the system helps discourage ticket acalpera. Also there were a few grum- bles when those lined up learned they'd have to pay a $1.50 sur- charge above the admiaaion price of the ticket.a, at $14.50 for res- erved and $10.50 for lawn aea- tmg. Kogan explained that the am- phttheater has a $1 Cacility char- ge for tJckets sold through its box office as well as at Ticketron outlets. The fee covens parking. A 50-cent box office service charge also is tacke d onto the admission price. Kogan noted ticket buyers would pay a $1.25 service charge at Ticketron out- lets. Thus people can save 75 cents by purchasing their tickets at the amphitheater box office, he said Rock singer pleads· innocent to charges Rock singer David Crosb y pleaded innocent Monday to Jnis4emUllOC drut:!d weapon charges atemrnfng his arrest ln c.c.ta Mesa last month afer he reportedly plowed his car in~ :i San Diego Freeway center d1Vl- der. Crosby, a past member of the now.defunct rock group Cro&by, Stills and Nash, did not appear at the Harbor Municipal Court ar- raljVUneflt. fhe 40-year-old Mill Valley resident is scheduled to appear at a preb'ial conference June 7. Crosby, arrested on similar charges this month at a Dallas night club where he was perfor- ming, is charged locally with ooaessing a concealed gun, pas- Sess;ng a small amount of coc8ine and drivin~ under the influence of a oon\rOUed substance. Game machines for Valley center? The F ountain Valley City Council, which tried last year to ban video game machines from local liquor stores, will consider installing three game machines at the city's recreation centef' at Mile Square Park at its meeting tonight. Tne move, which has been approved by the city's Parks and Recreation Commission, could bring the city an additional $5,- 000 annually in revenues, accor- ding to City Manager Howard Stephens. Coast vandals all wet A pair of suapected pranbtera found themaelves ln bot water with the law today after alle- gedly stealing a $36,000 akiploa- der and driving it into the ocean off 4ut Street~ ln Newport Beach. The piece of heavy machinery, which was being used for con- struction work on Balboa Boule- vard, wu atl.l1 submerged in the ooee.n early today, about 50 feet of:fahott. Newport officers arrested Ke- vin Thompson, 22, and Ronald WOO<b, 24, shortly alter the 2 a.m. lnddent by following a trail of blood from the shoreline to a nearby bouae. Officers said one of the men apparently cut himself while steerina the aldploader into the ocean. &th men were charged with felony vandalism and are being held ln lieu of $5,000 bail. Police laid the machine had been SOUTH COAST PLAZA Presents BILL BRUMLEY-of • • hot-wired, then driven down 4lat Street, cut a path acro11 the beach and kept going. It was low tide at the time. Authorltiea aaid by the time they collared the suspected van- dala. the tide was oominl in and by this morning WU lappina over the top of the akiploeder. An industrial lowlnc .ervice was to be brought in lat.er ~y to pull the soggy aktploader ashore. ' . Space station laun~h~d , Reds' Salyut 7 apparently unmanned ! · Mid, Jolnlns t.M Salyut e 1tatloft that hM been 1n ~-for·~ yean. 'l'ba AMOUft09!Mftt from MomJW .sci nothinC about any oomaonauw aboerd the ltation, ao It w11 ... umec1 thal it wu Mnt up unmanned to await villtlOn. Gunman holds hockey boss EDMONTON, Alberta -An unidentified sunman leized Edmonton Oilers hockey teem ow- ner Peter PocldinP>n u a oo....,_ In hla own home today and demancled a ramom. dty police report.ed. 11\ey aid the gunman Uo WM boJdinl two of Pocldlncton'• hou8ehold terVanta. Tbe Intruder, ai.o anned with a knife and de- ICribed by dty police .. ~ ct.anaerom. had releued Pock11;,~n'a wife, ha, to obtain the ramom money, pouc aald. The amount demanded coWd not be leamed immediately. Assassination plot try told mmnr.r. Lebanon (AP) -Iran'• former fore-itn min1'i.tr, Sadech Ghotbzadeh, baa admitted hatcbln8 a plot to •=e=inate Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomefni and overthrow hi.a regime, the official Iranian news agency aaJd today. Ghotbadeh. who was arrested two weeka ..,, made the comment.a in a TV interview broadcut throuchout Iran M~ nllht. the lalamic Repu-blican Newa ~ . He WM quoted by the aaency, formerly named Para, u MYinC the _plot called for ahelllnc Kho- meini'• hoUM with lOnC-ranae artillery and then MWn1 the headquarte~ of the Revolutionary Guard8, the police and the rndio and TV broedcast center. Wo~an named to space flight SPACE CENTER. Houston -The astronaut who will become America'• first woman in IJ*le greeted the newt with uncharacteristic excitement, while the first black to be chosen for a miaion tackled a pile of paperwork to control hi.a enthu- siaam. Dr. Sally K. Ride, 30, and Air FOl"Oe Lt. C.Ol Guion S. Bluford Jr., 39, were~ today u million apedaliata on the 8eCOlld and ihird fli&hta of the apice ahuttle ChaJ.len&er, both in 1983. There will be two more rm.ton.a on the Col- umbia before the ChalJeneer begins operationl. Nuclear w-ar concerns aired Americana openina a week of te8ching about nuclear war ralliid by the hundreds throughout the nation and hung bannen along the route of the Boston Marathon challengina the crowd to lmqine the effect if an atom boml> went oU avtt the finiah line. Pittsburgh'• City Council urged Pre.ldent Reagan to start talb with the Soviets on dim>ant- U.O, nuclear ar,enala, and eYanplilrt Billy Graham told a 1roup of Yale atudenta Monday he waa ''taldnc the stand with tho9e who •Y we must do ..:nethlng a.bout the anm nice." The r.u\ea, teach-inland Doom.day demon- atratiom that are .-rt of "Ground z.er.o Week" be- 1an in eemeat Monday, although activities were held in dmem of dtie9 Sunday. Reagan seeks budget OK WASHINGTON (AP) -President Reapn aaid today be 1a will1ng .. to ao the extra mile" In effol1a to reach a budpt compromiae with Congrem, ad-dina that he would corwider tax lncrunn that do not chan&e the thtte-yeer income tax cui. eDllCted 1ut year. "l know of notht.nc that would be a p-eater ~ for the economy riabt now than for the White I • Howe and c.oncre-to pt totJether,'' the llft!lklerlt aald in a brief question-and-answer eealon With ~ In the Rem Gerden. • Earlier Rea1an met with Republican Houae and Senate ie.ders ao the prolonpd budaet ~ tlationl and afterward called Speaker of tne Houle ~ P. O'Neill Jr. to •Y he hoped the net&Otia- ton can rMC.b a oomproml8e. Diablo protesters reunite SAN LUIS OBISPO -It WMD't euctly the best place to hold a reunion, but 219 people woo were arrested in 1978 for blockine acceu to the Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant decided to make the molt of their Rl'ltencing heering. Prior to Monday'• hearina before Mun.idpal Court Jucfae Robert Carter, dOZena of demomtra· ton got retlOqUAJnted with fellow protest.en they had not aeen fn years. For the most part. a feative atmosphere pre. valled at the oou.rta bulldina· One "8rl ~out­ aide the fadllty read: "Diablo Clua of 78, Recep- tion. Sien in Here ... Noguchi vows to regain off ice LOS ANGELES (AP) -Demoted Las AQaei. "I think within a few montha I will be nrtur- County Coroner Thomas T. Noeuchi vowed to re- pin hla office In remarks at a t.-tlmonlal dinner attended by mott than 800 IUpporter'I. lncludJ.na ent.er1ainen Jl'llp Wll8on and Nanette Fabny. =to my office to contibue my work." uki No- who WM -ca .!a the county Board of pel'Vieon ID late demoted to phy9dan apeci•list 1-t ThUl"lday. ...... OflPICll ...... .., ... C-. ..... CA. .......... : .. , ... c...--.CA. .. ~"9or..c...1Ptt It~ . ................. ....... -.... -·····-----·· p ...... ............ ~-. Stronger penalty eyed for pot SACRAMEN'ro (AP) -Tbe pci 111r'm of~ on public acbool pounda cOu1d draw hil- ber penaltl• than pouualon .-When, undlr • bill l'eldUDI the Senate Ooor. I 8813&1 by Sen. Jtobert J>re. aley, D-Blnnlde, would au&bo- rm "&:lb mamba ID Jiil eM a '800 fGr edultl. and 10 •11' eonflMIMftt for juYmllee. Tbe bm WGD an 8-0 wee. NmdaY al .. Sina• J'lmnce Ccimm&t91M. OrMge Coat DAILY PILOT!Tueeday, April 20, 1982 N FAMILY OUTING -Diane Candioti (left) and Rene West had their hands full Monday when they took Mild, Mopper, Raspberry and Queen Mio>osa. all pure bred Shih Tzu and brothers .,.., .......... ., .... ...,.. and sisters, for a walk aiona Bayside Drive in Newport Beach. Whoops! fa that Queen Mi- mosa headed the wrong direction there? Park patrolling urged Mile Square slaying brings Valley call for action By PHIL SNEIDERMAN or ... .,..,,......,. In the wake of a weekend slaying at Mile Square Park, Fountain Valley Police Chief Marvin Fortin aaid he will uk the Orange County Sherifrs de- partment to begin its stepped-up aummer patrofa at the popular recreation area. Because Mile Square is a cou- nty park, law enforcement, ex- cept in emergency cases, is the responsibility of sheriff's depu- ties. City officials have been con- cerned, claiming park visitors sometimes create crime problems in the Fountain Valley nelgh- borhood.s sllrrounding Mile l#WliJt••• WINDING ROAD? -Motorist.a 1eem a bit confuaed by the center white line which eeems to have gone berserk in El Dorado Hills eut of Sacramento. Actually, squiggly line is warning that street ends at top of the hill. ' ' . Square. The most recent outbreak ot violence occurred Sunday, when a fight broke out between Hi- spanic groups from Cypreu aDd Santa Ana. Angel Lopez Serrano, 28~ of Hawaiian Gardens, died after being atabbed twice in the betit during the fight. A aeoond man. Hector Carriflo, 19, of StantM, also s uffered serlous atib wounds, but Is recover ing at Fountain Valley Community Hospital. Sheriff's spokesman Wyatt Hart said today that the investi- gation of the slaying in conti- nuing, with deputies aearcbi.nJ for eight men and two wome.n from the Santa Ana group ,nd three to five people from the Cypress group. Hart said the cause of the fight ia still being probed, but aaid it may have been a "territorial" dispute between the groups. The aheriff'a apokesman added that the investi1at1on la made more difficult by the reluctance of 90IDe Hispanic group memben to talk to the authorities. Hart said he doean 't foresee any major changes in the abe- rttrs enforcement policies at MJ)e Square. "Altercations between ffla\w- nic groups have been going on In any park that's open to t.he public," he said. "We try to ~ on top of it, and we feel we dO pretty well. But if a park is open to the public, It's pretty hard 1D say who can come in and who can't." Fountain Valley's Chief Fortin said he will ask the sheriff's~ partment to begin aumme~ procedures, which include add(- tlonaJ patrols, plus deputies on honeback when neceeury. He said Fountain Valley will assign more city police to the streets aurround.ini the park on weekends and holidays. ' Mile Square is bounded by Edinger Avenae. Euclid S~t, Warner Avenue and Brookhunt Street. ----; ., .... BoOk gives tips ·on preparing will . BY PAT HOROWITZ or .. ._ ......... DEAR PAT: Cu Y" refer•• to a book &Mt wW Mlp me 4nw ., my owa wtu? WJdl all die tell·laelp a.w bMll1 aroUd, I " Ulen ma1t be 1ometl9l•t available. • P.H., Co1ta Meu '11\e new, elgthth edition of .. Settilng lUld ~ ~ tee in C..Ufomia Without an Attorney -With Forma," la what 're looking !or. Author Clive Hinckley has covered everythlni thla 216-page volume to enable the layman to plan his or her own estate or tettle another. The book includes inltnactionl, ex-r:ameles, croa.-references, court addl'ellet and a full 1et of fonns. .ILoOk for l\ ln a book.store, or order for $13 from Clive Hinckley, 106 & Slmlet Drive South, Red1anda. Calif. 92373. oy hazard repair under way DEAR READERS: Creat.lve Playthings la renewl.ng lta ef- fort.a to replace up to 239,000 Creative Playthinp Indoor Gym House ladders followlng a recent strangulation death. The pro- duct waa manufactured prior to 1980. ~nsumera are urged to k'f!tnt:rve and destroy the ladder immediately. The replacement program is being conducted ln cooperation with the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission which ad- vhled the firm of the death of a two-year-old California boy on Feb. 9, 1982, in an accident associated with the Gym House. The firm first took corrective action on the product in Fe- bruary 1980, after learning of an accidental death and an incident using brain damage which later resulted in death to a child playing with the product. Replacement ladders were offered at that time. The Creative Playthings Indoor Gym House consists of a ollow, fiberboard-and-wood box 20 inches hi&h which supporta a two-step wooden ladder on one side and a short slide on the opposite side. The top of the box or "platform" serves as a bridge "1between the ladder and the slide and is protected on two aides by wooden railings. The product is intended for use by children ages 'I. 18 months through 3 ~ years. It was sold for approximately $29 to $50 in toy stores and other retail outlets nationwide in knocked-down form to be assembled by the owner. The ladder ing replaced was manufactured from 1962 through 1979. The houses with ladders being replaced are those with ''Creative laythings" printed on the side or with no lettering. Creative Playthings urges owners to conta<'t the firm im- iately to request, Cree of charge, a new ladder that has been edesigned to reduce the likelihood of head entrapment. ln- m~nx-tions for easy installauon are included. Owners who have received a replacement ladder since February 1980 need take no ·on. To request the replacement ladder, call the firm's toll-free umber: (800) 847-4359, or write to: Creative Playthings, P .O. x 306. Route 147, Herndon. Pa. 17830. More information can be by phoning the firm's toll-free number or the CPSC at 800) 638-8326. -- "Got a problem'! Then write to Pat H<X'OWitz. Pat wi1J cut red ta~, getting the answers and action you need to aolve inequitier Jn MOWmment and bu6ineal. Mail your qUEStians to Pat Horowitz, At Your Setvioe,. Orange Cout Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1'60, Costa . Mt!a., CA 92626. A.t mMJY lettsw u pomible will be Anlll'Wll'!n!d, but phoned inquiries or letf6rl not including the tell· •full !Wne, address and busiM9s hours' phone number aan- ot Pe considered. " · No action on Elv,is appeal WASHINGTON (AP) -One of the nation'• 1ar1 .. t novelty- ltem merchandJltn hal lolt a key U.S. Supnme Court ftcht tn ltl attempt to bu an~ et.e from makJna a profit trom Zlvit Pre- aley11 fame. The court tefUled Mond.tY _to__ nvlew a five-year leaal ffaht over whether Pre11ey '1 "excluaive rt1})t to publictty" en- ded when he Cited or whether it wu inherited by hein. A federal appeal.I court, inter- preting Tenne11ee law, l&id the exclusive rif ht died with the rock-and-ro 1 singer Aug. 16, 1977. Factors Etc., which clalma it bought that exclusive right for $150,000 two days after Presley dled at age 42, urged the Su- preme Court to negate the lower court'• Nllna- Duri ng moat of Presley's le- gendary entertainment career, his excluatve right to market hi.a fame in the form of poaters, T - shirts and numerous other com- modities wu held by hia mana- ger, Col. Tom Parker. ln lg74, Parker and Presley transferred that right to Boxcar Enterprises, a Tennessee-baaed company. Boxcar sold that right to Factors with the approval of Presley's father, Vernon, who is now dead. Pro Arts, a New York poster company, soon began selling a commemorative poster of Pre- sley. Factors quickly sued Pro Arts, and the 2nd U .S . Circuit Court of Appeals in 1978 barred Pro Ar ts from selling Presley posters. The 2nd Circuit court, inter- pretin~ New York law. said Presley s exclusive right to pu- blicity had been inherited by his father and legally transferred to F~tors. • But in early 1980 the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals used its interpretation of Tennessee law in a related case to rule that Presley's exclusive right died with him. Relying on the 6th Clrcult ru- ling the 2nd Circuit court decided lut June 29, that Tennel8ee law should have been used in the Factors-Pro Arts controversy and that Pro Arts should be allowed to sell its Presley posters. AP Wlr99ftoto FAMOUS FANS -Actress Jane Fonda, her son Troy, 8, and husband Tom Hayden cheer on the Los Angeles Kings in hockey action against the Vancouver Canucks at the Forum in Inglewood. Ingrid denies "dying' rumors Actress ln1rld Bergman responded to British newspa- per reports that she was dying of cancer by posing for a photographer and saying: "I am not as young as [ used to be, but my health is fine. [ am not dying." The Daily Mail published the photograph. It showed Miss Bergman, 67, smiling Mayor Pete Wilson, a can- didate for the Republican no- mination for the U.S. Senate, says a venture to convert cow dung into methane gas cost him $14,600 last year. It was among the writeoffs Wilson Usted for the $3,725 he and well wrapped up agamst the English spring in a cape and slacks She posed on the embankment a long the Thames River. near her apartment 1n fas hio nable Chelsea. The Oscar-winning actress underwent surgery for breast cancer an 1974 and 1979 seeks m a federal income tax refund. "Well, Congress k eeps saying people should invest in ·alternate sources of energy," an aide. Otto 801, said, in , disclosing Wilson's tax fi- gures. Whh Bri\aln and AtpnUna poised on the brink of war, London TleWlplpen ntported Prlace CUrlet nlred an Ar· aendn• to car• for hl• polo ponJe. at the Wlndlor ca.tie stables. The new1 made headUn .. in London, althouth a Buck· lnaham Palace 1pok"m1n 18ld the prince hired Ar&entine-bom RaHI Correa ~Core AraentJne forcelt inva- ded the Falkland Island.I. Correo, 38. 11 respon1lble for the prince'• etaht ponJes. Hl1 wife, Llada, wu quoted In The Sun new1paper 11 1aytng, "He ~very happy in hit new job." Actor Robert Clary was among 18 Jewlih aurvivon of Nazi concentration campa ho- nored at the Slmon Wletntbl Center for Holocauat Studiee on Yorn Haahoa, the Day of Remembrance. Clary, who played LeBeau on the TV aeries "Hogan's Heroes," was freed from Bu- chenwald in 1945 -the only camp survivor among 13 fa- mily members The 500 peo- ple gathered in Los Angeles saluted survivors for recoun- ting their experiences to stu- dents. The nation's largest Army Reserve cent.er will be named for war correspondent Ernie Pyle, who died on a battle- front during World War 11, the Army announced. Pyle, a Pulitzer Prtze- w 1 nn1ng r e porter for Scripps-Howard, was killed by Japanese machine gun fire while covering the 77th In- fantry Division's battle for le Shima near Okinawa on April 18. 1945 Singer-songwriter Paul Aolla was in a bat of a hurry at the Las Vegas airport, ac- cording to hi s lawyer. and that riled customs officials. They slapped him with mis- demeanor purushable by up to one year in jail 'and •2.000 m fmes. Anka w as charged with removing his bags from air- port customs wnhout appro- val The 1nc1den t occ urred when Anka retrieved the 16 pieces of luggage from the customs area of McCarr:an lnternational Airport on Feb. 4. Anka ''regrets" the inci- dent, said his lawyer, Axel Klelboemer. The entertamer faces a hearing May 24. EDWETJER SHUTTERS CUSTOM QUALITY SHUTIERS LET THEM HAVE A DR:Y BED ,,.. ... -....... -.... --............ _,. -..... -.. --... -----·-....... w .... tt dlf'c.ww c.~-··· 0 .......... ---·-..... ------..--~..,.....--... -..... --... -----...--..-•M ___ felM If'·-·,-----....-"Equallv Effective for Adults" PAll(NTS NAME -------- ADOAESS ---------- CITY _____ SfAlE--ZIP_ • Pectloe ,,,._._..,,.., l td tt 11 luwi•*WM W WIN FREE TICKETS Just Look for Your Name/ H. Ml'INEA IUCI( EHTEAPAISH '"'-• 14th Annual Anahtl;m l--.. ~A-Hok! lrwffn \tMi 10 Sa THEIATEST ; lNBOATS. EQUIPMENT •111 AND W\TER ·~ SPORTS I , See TWIGGY Skll > WE'RE A LOT M•E THAii A •LL • YOUR WALL · Behind the bell. Behind the famous Seacoast sticker. Behind all the state-of.the art protection devloes we make and install. Is Seacoast central station. When an alarm goes off on your property, we get the slgnal In a nearby, 24-hour-a-day cen- tral station. If the signal Indicates fire, burglary or holdup, we call the police or fl1e department. Since our central station Is U.L. rated, our central station customers can qualify for a sizeable discount on their Insurance. And to Increase our reach, make response time even faster, end Improve efficiency, we're computertzlng our stittlon. But Improvements aren't new to Seacoast. We've been getting !better for 21 years. And today we're the leaders In the eecurlty.buslness In the Harbot area with over 10,000 customers lncludlng a wide range of big end small retail, Industrial and commerclal establishments. To find out more about our Seacoast central station write or come by our new facility at 2488 Newport Blvd .. Costa Mesa. ohfa ~ng In CMUel countfY Club ee.nce • 27 hotee °' cNmplonlHp golf • 26 tennll court8 (8 llgnted) • 2 IWtmmlng end ITrdr~ poolt • 348 detUx• llMPl"G room. • neetted In bMuttful Aencno MklOe. Cellf. (In the '*' __ .,. .. bMe °' the~...,.."'* Mouni.lne Come ... for~ Why -~beoonle ~ 0.,,. "' .. Dtleff' 2488 NEWPORT BOULEVARD• COSTA MES( ,CALIFORNIA • 92627 • (714) 642-3490 ' Designed, Finished - Installed - = 28 Years Experience Manufacturing Quality Shutters FINEST QUALITY SHUTTERS AVAILABLE ON THE MARKET TODAY ••. AT FACTORY DIRECT PRICES! Call (714) 548-6841or54&-1717 MBIWOOO MAllUFACTOIY 19n Placentia Avenue • Costa Mesa. CA 92ffD • l111Ctud11"9f ....... And!I ........ IMerucltlon ~ Get your ll8t1 In the excru:P world of .,....,. ........... with our ettonMble Model m. Adel • 099-•tt• recorder and our 124.91 ••If· paced lnetruotlon courae (21·2011) ....... -~··1ae wrltln1 your own U11C,,..... an -~···-­....... Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Tu.day, April 20, 1982 H ,. .. , .... .. I._ Ci9W Cllt ~ ~~ ,t .~ ~"ii: ..... ..! +i. ==-::-__.. ..... n "' ~~:;] r{~ 't~J Ji]:9 S~:~ . . .. ,, ., :·~ 1 .• ! ... 116 ,,. !='" • rn '-~ j tt J; • .~ ,, . ,. ,...__ .. .. ,. ~··· ~f: i ·~-: ...... ~"' " , .. I Uf-.... • •i: : =··~ ::: t ~ --~ til 1~ "" L:: t " ... "--"" .... 17\li+ "" .WtDID -lo't • .J6 ••• "'-····· 2A ... ,_.._.""' 2,11 .... JM-4\j, 2A • 11'1 ---1 ~ ·" ' CJ '""-'-........... ,...~ ~ " ....... -51¥..... I 1 6 tllli ... . a.-. 1• 71 ~·"" S4NOI l.J1 • 11• ....... ""' S..... 1111 1 .. M+ "" s.tn:H .1' I I lO'I\, ••.• ttrlkp .12 • • ,_ "" 569t!De I .. 12 ll57 --.. 54-.J 1.10 ••• ~ .... $ewwr t IAI II ICl1 1S"' .. 5to!LVC IA t It J1 -"" I:.~-' I .... M ... . I .... 1 1 .... '--.c • AO 6 66 1J -.... s....si. IA • M ~ "" SW'f ec •ti 16 .-.---" ,_... 12MUS•--Slr'lcllt" l..M • 2l ~ ~ ~ .. , ....... . MPrO 1.D s '61 m. .. . 5'111 .. r t .D to 15' M\... . Sulllll II 1 1 IJ 17-.... $urlOI A 1 J U14 + Wt Sunll .12 . . 12 ..... • • 5uflCo u o.' -~ .... = J.JS . 1 ~ ... IM 1 ,.... -1 2U 1 -\lo s.-... ,, " s-.. St.lpnll t A IO ,.. 1111.-lo't """'° t • II JM .,,._ lo't ~ ...... !Mio-.... ~ . 45 ,.,., ..... Sw-I IO U ta. .... ,.,.,.,, 1 M 1 1C11 II + 'A $ytlm llft.40 • • J " • "" ,.,.. ... t I llO 11 17D ~ " S,.tc.e • ~T'!T .. _ '1 -y, TECO 1a 7 IM I ...,._ "" TIU' 1 11 " ~ '-TllW t.411 I ,_ -.._ .. T-"4411 JIOt •. TllW fl' OD • ft -4\lo TecllMC ' '2 M -"" Teflllrcl '2 t t i .... Vt r .. ..., m s Talley " I . • ' 111t. • T afldY t 16 t4f t1 "° + .... Tnd\<" 12 66 ,,..._ .... TMWWI at • ,_..., Tc:llclt rJ • SJ 11-"" r..-..... t tJ tfO S5 + .. {= ' .u 11tl-1-T-IOa. 11111>-W. T-UO • '"° ~tY, T...c~ II · J5 1No + 1't T...c 740 11 ~+ W. r.. ~ S' --" T-411 4 -...__ .... T-"2.16 t2 J5'n.-l't T..-.o J JI-2N--""' T .. On 110 1 '1> JIV>--\lo T••hl Ja S t.0 '1V>-I\\ T•ET d 161 . IO U.. ... TttGT' i.fJ • '11 ...,__ .. r .. ,,.., .-• 10 ...,..__ -. Tul,.. 1 •1m --""' Tnll'lil M • ""° M •.• T-IM 7 11 I,,,._ " TllOOea M 12 1m .,.._IV. Ta,._ .a IS •in.-.... THUii! t.ol 7 a.JI ~ + V. T...,. lft II IS n-,. ..• T-ta t 4' Dl't .. T•Jdr " IM to ~ " TlwE " t a *"'-" T1lio«I I.• IO 1't ~ + \lo Tlw!lelt 2. It ,, .. JI_,,_ ~.-•a 11.._ .. TlW'llMd S '9 IJ -Y. 1'lwtfl'f .It 1 .. IM + V. T'*'1r '° • 1ID :Dllt • "' T'91rt11 • 1111 ...._ ••• Tlftwl t I U M1 M -.. Timi ••1.11 . • ~ Tlml ~ •• M 9"' .... TlnwM t II I U 4"11--1 ""*" lAI • ,. "". • . . T ... I • '6 ...,__,. T.,_ .M 1 •I~ .... Tolfllltl U. t m IM+ '-T~etl • M ISV.+ \"f T .-• 12 ~ .. ._ TMC .0 I 1 10 +" T...C. .. ZS ....... . TOKo IJ WI 1.-+ " T-M t ti..,..__" Teoy..V • '* ... -lo't T•-t .JJ 1J • zsi. + ""' Tr-. , ... "' ... "" ~~ "':~:: TWC fl I . • IM .... TWC " 1.• . SI I._+ "" TWC"l.M .. -~\"f Tr-IA t .. .._,. Tr~ t.11 •. ' I~ ••.. Tr-1• 1 115 ~l\"f T"*i: U7 . . U ~ TrG 1L11 .. dD ,..__, ••. TtO flLW .. l10 --. •..• TrGI' fl ut . . S IN+ V. Tf"IWOll • • 2 •-'-TAlllty SI 11 n.-lo\ ~~= ;: : :: Jr'~·- T'1Qfl 1.179 •• 111 '*"'·· .. TrlSolfl • 17 W..-" Tr1allld A !2 • ta-+ V. Trleflllc I U M IS + '-Trlc:e .'6 1 a ,.._ \-. 'trwy .. • 117 "''· •••• T11e:ll:I' U2 • .. .,_,._ .. TWlftCll 1.• , • " -.... T~ t .JI S .. In.-"" T't* AO S 11 15"' •..•• T,-_J!_JO_"'-"' UAL •• 41111 t~V. UOI t.ol 6 • M .••.• UMC Al • ta Ttk ••••• UMn .-.. .. ,..._ " UHC.._ II JI W ..•.. '*" J II 4 •.... UWG Utt•~­UNNV Ult S 1 ~+I .... = I 1 1M e _,. ... s -._ ... .. 11 SI 1M-" \MMflC .Bl IO • ~ " \Miiie 1• • -,, ... ,. Uft .. fl Ut .. 191 D +1'-Ullll fl ....... ...__ Uftel ,, ...... ·=··"' ~ ...... ,. .... '""•'""' 2.~ :. ''; r::: ICa9 I 1-. ..,_. Uflflllc 1a • 119 ~ " Ufti!'Wl'I t twt ,___ " ~-.... dllt4M• ... ~ .. ~I': 2-: u.,..,,,, .... a ... . uc:aw "·" .. • --. ... . ............ ,. ., _, UllMll a.• t 74 n--" Ull._ fl l" •• f It .... . Ultlll ............. ,_. UlllW" •:... • ...._ • ....... I ..... .. ........ 1 1 • ... .. """" t. • ,.. " ... M-1" u 1 ·j{!!i , ~"' : :· .. .i:: . ~Ji .. ~.~ • Ii . " .. .!!. -v. -.... ~ !'tj ... ··: OFF 5.57 CLOSING 840.58 Schloemer new chief at P-H Paul G. Schloemer has been elected president and a director of Clevelan~baaed Parker Hannifin Cor- poration, a worldwide supplier of fluJd power prodUcta for the industrial, aerospace and automotive Indu- stries, effect.Ive July 1. Schloemer haa headed the company's aer&paoe operation, headquartered in Irvine since 1977. He wu elected a corporate vice president in 1978, named to the office of the chief executive in 1980, and electro an executive vice president In 1981. Patrick S . Parker, chairman and chief executive officer has been filling the office of president since Augwl, 1980 when Allen N. Aiman retired. Schloemer holds a degree from the Unjversity of Cincinnati and an M.B.A. from Ohio State. He joined Parker in 1957 acw.~MP Women's careers aired Ruth Urban, senior vice-president of Abigail Ab- bott Personnel Services, wiU be the guest speaker for Women ln Management on Thursday. Her subject will be "Developing a Career Plan." The meeting will be held at the Hungry Tiger restaurant on Edinger Avenue m Santa Ana at 6:30 p.m. For infonnation, ca1J 556-8133. AirCal tickets $9.80 AirCa1 announced that round-trip tickets will be sold (pr $9.80 each way to destinations served nonstop by AirCaJ from the Burbank-Glendale-Pasadena Air- port on Saturday at the carr1er's airport ticket counter. "The $9.80 tic kets to San J ose. Oakland and Sacramento will be on sale from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m ., the day before we inaugurate Burbank service," said Harry Lehr, the airline's vice president of marketing and busines,, planning. The $9.80 figure refers to A.ir<:al's DC-9 Super 80, which will be used on the rout.es WESCO to convene The Western Electric Service Corp .. a nonprofit trade asaoclation designed to assist modest-siz.ed elec- tronics oompanies, will meet Wednesday from 5 to 7 p.m. at Victoria Station restaurant. 990 Dove St., Newport Beach. For information, ca.lJ 955-3636. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT AMERICAN LEADERS ~~1::1-a-_.,..,._ ... ... ----ecw.-Ycn-~-.._,.__,,, .. ..__ li=: m.-,., . ,.,,. ,,., .. HI.'-w.• .--..... 3 ::C:.""'' ...... :ra: F. .. .. • "7,11D UAI. lllC ~:: ~ ~ =:: JJPS AHO DOWNS ...... I KOT ..... 1=:= • MltflWtG ,, =1r.:I~ 1 • I II i:~ "~ ti ... I> A n : :tE te '°' " . caac0tn *" _,. .... + .. 6M --ZS'4o --°"' --..... 4-. ~ mo. -"' .... . ... ... _..., """' : .. ::" fl"" ~ _..., -..... ,..... -t .,....,...., I tloy OI • SSH 15. Off NO.OCf • ..... ._,, 1 troy 01 •• JHl.75, on l20.00 . ....... eo.,..,. 1.1 ny-. ...a1.eo. °' .. ,, ... ,....,_ 100 OtOWfl, .NOi tfoy oa., Nl7.00. °"· llt.IO. • METALS NEW YORI< CAP) -Spot nonlerroua pr1cee lodey Copper 76\00-78 C9ni. • ~nd. U S 1"'9llonl Leed 26-32 cents • pound Zinc 3~9 cents 1 pound, dellllwea. Tift le 5e02 Met911 WNk OQmf)Oelt. Ml. "-""'m 76-77 cent•• pound. H.Y ~ 1390 00 per llult ~tllwm l3eO 00 troy ot . N.Y. 'SILVER Hendy & Hum•n. S7 115 per troy ounce GOLD QUOTATIONS L_..: morn1no llklng 1345, 75 off 111.25 ° l.-deft: auemoon fl•lng ~.oo. "' 114.00 ,.,.. "'4509. off 111.U '1-*Mt 134a.OO, off 110.00. Z•rlefl: Lete ll•l1t9 SS42.00 bid, oll 113.00. ~45.00 .... H•"41r • HM•••: only delly cuote ~.00. oft 114.00. ... ,..GGnt. only dally QuOte '34&~. off. 4.00. .. .......... mo dally quote~ 13«> 16, off.... . . SYMBOLS ' I .. NIWI ~AMML.t . WHr1'1 IHAOt1W ,,.. ...... °"' • HAWAII.WW I •••••WORT UNCUlllT~ HUtiWf le4AWM l .. o.:~· ABCNIWI N9CNIW9 MCMI • • • "King Of Klnoe'' (fH21 Jallf9Y Hunter, Aobart lllyen. Thi. comlllO of ..... Ind ttla .....,, .. of Ille lie Dl¥I blntl to a ,_ ~. (B)ntl NWM.A&.I ~ D1W1 Hlllarl nerr.._ tNa anllrMled _.,, of Oac9r Wiide'. ll<WY about • •fl1b- bom llrecradler. eMOVW •• "Auollut" (1N01 Ottll 8enedlct. Un0e llM*. A ..... ltlodlad VlltWJ \I'll cMtWrbl tfle ~ ol • 11"91 Nalllrne town. 'PO' • AU .. THll 'AMll..Y ..... Ml "' -genov r.::=xrWYTH Cl.Bl AOIGCtl 1 ---~ •..we ~MIU.ER (JD MOCll> NUTI Anlmefacl ~ 'n' 0. llNUlt their favor1ta tar· get. Donald Duca. In • --of acMntur9I. ())~THON A comedWt hi* and four comic C4ntaat6nta wflO compete 1011n1t on• another -'' IMt\.WM In ttlla UflClnlOfed comedy game --· 1:00 I C8I NlW8 NeCNIW8 ~OAYIAGAIN I ABCNIWI l(C>JN( • M0 A•t •H Colonel Aaoo turne up at the 40ntll wwrtlng panlcl- lln to barter tor lnlorma- Uon. I JC)Qlfl WM.I) OYMIMY "Aller 65 -Merrtega" (R) it '°"1fWTI .. ,AITEU ''The Banker" Cl) , .... t.tAOAZINE Hawaii'• trlathelon, an endurance ,_ In thr9e .....,,11; ~· palrll.-pltdllno. a fHTDITMNMIHT' TONIGHT An lntlMew· wlttl ""'°" SdM9•iaooei ! 8 THI """'"'8 au.t: Loretta Swft. CD> THI 10TH "-AY8' CJ) WHAN lW AMINCAI F•ured: a looll at ecu- punctura lor enlmalt ; blacll Americana who practlca polygamy and VOOCSOO; a proflla of tamale ltr1ppen. 1'llO. 2 ON THI TOWN ' F .. tured: Iha c:onttngency per. Loe MgMI '-In !tie .....,,, of • nuolell ettaca; a 1oo11 •• an ""'-'· mant cOfl\putar which match•• buyara end ....,. of ppeneM lllOtlc i.ema; • proflll of ,__ lendltrom. • 7"Y9*-old ..-wnolOIM~ to .Ntty Oetland. 18 'Nl&.Y NUO .... 'oLL Celfornll Angell at Seat· ttaM#tnlrl • IY'I ON L.A. Featured: a trip to the Long a..:tl Olend Pm; • proflle of Iha Too Short for Pitme Timi Pleyer9; • c:M- chn'• nlgMclub act: • pro- ,.. of Hlro, Loe AnOllal' ,...,..., 8'llH cMI. - L DRUG HABITS EXPLORED -F.dwin Newman ex.arntnes the increasing uae of drugs by America's mlddle class on "Pleasure Drugs: The Great American High"•at 1.0 tonlght on KNBC (4). • M•A•l•H Angeted by the _,, d\11- ..... doctort .. atallcM ara profiting from the ww, Hewtcey• praeant1 the Army with • 1111 '°' "" mecllcel "'*-· I (I) TIO TAC DOUCIH MACNIL I LIHMR fllPORT I =' All<ID '°",,. FeeturM; "Opera Singing 8-" and "Wortd'a Larg- eat Fenti Wtiaal." (Jl)STMHCME DIA1" Of' n. DUIRT flOX Ewnta leading to Illa October. ..... dMltl of Fleld ...,.,,.. Etwtn ~ ""' .,. ramlad tlvough _...footage, ... phc>- tograpM and .,.,_,., .... tfrnony by Rommel'• tori Manlr9d and blOgrapfler o.lllcl lrWlg. (D)Ula-.U Houlton AtllrOI at Loe ~~Oodgan • • • ,,. "Zaz.la" (1te0) Catharina D•mongeot. Pt1llppa Nolret. An 11 • YMt-old girl from the"'°"' Inell ..,.. 1111 llldtlng ...... In ..... """ "" tr_,,,.... unda. "Coemlc Fire " Th• aldraOrdlnlll')' ~ made by 11.rey utronomy of neutrOtl '""· uplodlng OlllJllH , quHll'I and black hOlea .,. ex.amlnad ~~ * • "Kiii And Kiii Again" (1N11 ~ Aywl. ,.,.,,.._ line l(rtal. A martlll an1 Ill'*! balttaa Iha "**"" of • power-rMd lelenlllt Intent on "*'Ylno """' kind wltll • -mlnO-con-trOI dfuO. 'PO' (J)MOVte * * "Wlllla & Ptlll" ( 1HO) Mic:f\aal Ontlleen. Margot Kidder. Thra• people ~ a triangular romance In Gt 1111w4dl Vl!Wlge that conUnuea throughout '"' marcur1al IOCllaf mllleu ol ""'70... .... .MCMI ••• "Mogarnbo" ( 11154) C1ert1 GllJM, A\19 Oardner When • plantation O'Vlf· ... I ... In IOW with Ille .... ol 1111 engineer. oon- lllcta ""'. no • a LA~ AHO IHlfUY tM. Cl) Q.l.O. A man wflO ptopoeed 10 L..a¥erne ,,_.. ago retuma -• dllhlng rnllltonalr• (~Q Pf~ Dewr9I ln\lalllJ.. gelea. ~ appert. tlOn .. the .-..rel coun- t!} home of .,.. aecr-.ary. 8 QI tMT MAVIJlllCK M-1dr'I ~ to c:alclll the .... of • utopian 'JfCIUP thlt Ille lleaOld ew.acwat• """"' out ol their lend l'llta I lfllO. (Part 'Ill ~OAYI Roger and Fondt l#twtl· ~-.. tM-gltt. and Marton ._,,,. the -· ~ Howwd'• old love .... (l'l)Q .MOY9 * * * • "War And ,,_ •• (Pan 2) ( 1teel l.uclmlla ~ "'°" londar· c:IM*. Jleead on IN rlCMI by Leo T«*toy. TM._ of ""•..,,.. _.....,, afladld by the Nl!pollOnlc ..... • , ..... IMQAZJNI Hawell't lflatl111lon, an ~ race In ttwea ~ actlo06eNldlen wfM> -IMmlnO to ... -- ..... MCMI ** ''Thi Deadly Trap" ( tt72} Franll L.angalla. F• 0.-.,,. A man llnde 1111 own llte and tn.t of "" ,.,.,..,, andanglracl wtlen Ill ""' to .,,... tr.a of 1111 ~ ....., • !l!Y°'~· • TME OOUSTIAU «rt .... ''The ....... Jecqull and Ptllllppe eou.i... exptOf• the hOld ""' Iha .... Ml llld on "**Ind through- out lllelOfy .. ~ contin- ua lMlr ~ ~ Iha 4,000 Mia IOflO ~to IM ......,.,__,,(Part 21 (l'I) • ""1VA • ALL IN TMl 'AMIL Y Atohle ,,... to pllc:I\ thlnge llP betwMn Edith and her falih.jPW121 H08(1)MOVll "Parole" (Premier•) J- Naughlon, Lori Cardllle. A lroublacl >'Ol'"O parotae lao•• problem• when tlwuat bact< "'IO llOclety wltft tnaOequllll employ· ment 1111111 and ptlaon- ~ emotlonal acara. (Pttenlal dlacratlon I• lldvlled) •• fl\AMINGO N>AD Lut•MM trlee to klll her .. .,_, and l'leld rellgM trom the leglllatur• end ~ to dlY«ce Con- atanoe. •@ntME'I COfl#All'f Jedi 11M1 Tanh CPA e1ummy 10 OOflvlnca hla boet'I agorllll\'e dlugtlo- W that he It • married man..(A)Q 1 .-.v GM'PtN ~ PlAY'HOUN "W-end" Bart>ara Her· ~ Ind Tony Mueanta tter In en adlptltlon Of AN1 Beanie'• lhOf1 ttory about a man'• INll"•ed llWdl lor youth. Q • n.ooutTIAU OD't'l8IY HThe Nila" Jacquea Ind Plllllppe eou..i ~· tM hOkt INlt tM Hiie Ille hid Ori ,,,,.,.Ind tflrough- out llllllory • ~ cont~ ua their ~ doWn IN •.000-~ ,._ 10 tM Medi•••-~ l'art 2)(R) (C)MOY9 CHANNEL LISTINGS * • • .. -"-And Jim" (1H11 Jeanna Mor_,, Otlcar . Wf!M«. In P'• Wand War II Franca. • carefl-11 young women to¥ea two man wflO •• dOM frtatlda and ,_,.. to glll9 up either one. (Z}MOVll 9 l(NXT ICBSI 8 l<NBC INBCI -e KTl.A (Ind.I e .t<A8C (ABC> e KFMB ICBSI f) KHJ·TV llnd.I e l(CST CA8CI • KTTV (Ind.> •e l<COP· TV (Ind.) .e KCETIPBSI e l(OCE IPBSI (Cl) ()n.TV '%) Z·TV fff} HBO CC) CCl~lll CJ) CWOA> NY.,N.Y al IWTBSI (I) IESPNI fl) (Stlowtlmel • SClolllOht e IG.tllla N..-s N•t-rk) • • "Blood And Outl" (1171) Wlfll•m Smith, Mlchallne Lanctot. An aolno ---.... hit ~ aflOI for 9'IOOMI In .... wor1I and IOW. 'PG' HO. 9 TOOCl.oM f<>f' COWOftT Hervy le cNdacl by hie fem· lly lor not QOlr10 .,,., • rllM.(AI 10:00••~ OMICll: THI GMAT U.•DM .... ldwlrl NliWl'IWI ,....-w on "'-.......,,. 11111 of .. ~NMtoe'• ........ IN pt...,. tllle drUO 11111 ......... ,........ IOMtOnt IO INM ptob- ltMI • GI HMn' TO HMn' Jenllltllr ~ • ,.,_ for lftllfcMf wMn lfM ---·~"* oon;'i&'i ..... I THIMIAT 1A1 ANCNI N1T "Calltomla'• ..... ludo- .... A I'~ .of at• ....... letote ...,. for ..... llon Of "* ~· budOlt ;:::;.... * * "Ktno Of The MOUll-ltln" ( , .. ,, HltTy HMlllll. JOMl>h "°"°'"'· Thtee youno L.A. b eoll•lon _......,_...lllllr ......_ iO IN eport of dtlQ racing. 'PO' (J)MOY9 •• "lwtnotno ~­.,, •• Jo Joflneton, Coleen Oamo. A~ mfltOr lnMI•• the ,.,.. of • coll•t• ollHrlaadlno ICIUld to HPOH 1hl nplottatlon of th• ~· by tM loot· bell...,,.., 'A' • HAMMll' HOUR°' "°""°" "Vlellor From The Or.w" Art~,.-~ WU ln\IOIV«I In e mutdtf ~ c:onvlneed lhel the \llcllm'• ghe>el ...... ~·= PlAYMOUll "W..iienct" Barbara· Her· alley Ind Tony Mutant• atat In WI edliOlltlon of Ann Balttle'• lhOf1 ttory aboul a rnen'a fruatraled ~for youlll. Q (D) flLO. IPUDWAOON INOOHCERT Aim.a 11119 In concaf1 In o..-r. A.E.O. perlorme many of "*' r-1 htta. Including "TMltng II On The Aun" and "Keep On 0LcMng You:· (%)MOVIE * * ~ "The Shining" ( 19IOI Jac:ll Nlchoi.Gn, ~ Duvall Olractao t>y Stanley Kubr1dl A former IOllOOllMCtlef hired .. • wlr11« caretlller for • r-11. end apparently llaUntad, Colorado hOtal ... lllOWbOulld lher• with .. wfl• and cllirVOy1lnl young aon .,.. 11:00ea a (l)aa HEWS e IA TUfW:>AY NIGHT Hoel 8'd twwy. Oueet· L*>n Aadbont. I YOU AaKED fOA IT M"A"l"H "9d.-ott•. ··0aar .Joh!\" ten• -qn a record -and the OOCIO" lry 10 come to hie ~wftll•-,.llNNYHIU Benny portray11 a blllnguM tour guide. • DO<CAYITT ~· JoM C...... (Pan ~~ • "Ha Know• You're AloM" (1NOI Don ~ no. C.itlln o·.....,,. A ptydlottc: rnwoarer ..-. attTKtlw ~ bftd9.IO- ba, lllently and ltttially llMhlng .,,.,, ~ of ..odad .... 'R' ewow * * • "Stir Cruy'' (IMO) AldWd Pryw. Gerlt WM-". ""'° "*' are m1at•en for blrlll robben and aerlt to jlll. 'A' 11:ao. Cl) AA.a ....... ~ drape off. forcing him to allmlnate oneof•~IAl 88TONIGHT GuMt ~· 811 ~ ou.t.a: Marie Ownond, 8'-1 Allan, Reynaldo Aey. • lll ABC NlWI N9GKTUNI • l(OJAI( A lonnlr N9w Yortc City dMK!lve collerl • coun- ........ for l<ojM. .THI.......,.. UOMI and JeMy flew a NCt9I. .MWON>AHOION Frao. Glady and 8'lbbl baComa conte.tentl on a telavlllon pne tllow. • Nl'#MfAT wtTH CUTI Wll -~ABC NlWI ®MOYll * • "Audlua" (IMO) Ottll lenedlcl. Unda 8llllr. A ... ltloc:*ed ~ \I'll OlltlM'tll Iha ~ of • .,..,.. ~ IOl!lln. 'PO' CD>MOYll .... "MarMctlh> a-ry-· (1971) OIOfll Leonard, ~--.AtopNtw Yortc rMderTI ftMI Mr youllOer ..., tM r.,.,.. .. a lllgll-CIMI brOCMI. rn• Cl) MOYll ••• "Cheach And Chono'• Next Movie'' ( 1810) Rlchwd "~" Marki. Tholn4M Chant· Two pothHdt have TUBE TOPPERS KNXT (2) 8:00 -"Q.E.D." Profeuor DeverUl inveatigatft a my1terioua apparl~ tion. KCET j28) 8:00, KOCE (~) 9:00 -"The Nile!' acque and PhlWppe CoultHU ex- ~~ the hold that the Nile hu on man- KNXT (2) 9:00 -"Parole ." Jamet Naught.on, Mark Soper 1tar in drama about a dedicated parole officer. See 1tory, below. KNBC (4) 10~00 -"Pleasure Drugs: The Great American High." Edwin Newman -nporta~ the lncreuing UJe of drugs. See photo, left. nll!MrOlll """' adY91-tur• wtllle roemtno IN ..,..... of Loa AllOllll In --of the Hperfaci llloft." .... -Ml>NIOHT- 1l:OO. INTMTAINMINT TONICIHT An lntaMew wf1tl Arnold ~1g911. • lll 'AKrMY lllAHO A comadl•M• tonga to !Md a normal Ille and two man INd "' .lnfamoue ~~ • • • • "cnlnn Kane'' (1141) Orion WallH. Joaeph Cotten. A youog man lnhattta treat weeHll. but ChOolea 10 bl • ,_. .,.., publllher .,.., ac;an. d• Nini "" polltlcall --rattona.. • LOVI. AMINOAH ITYLI l l'OQMON~ 12:06 Cl) WKltf/I .. CIHCIHNATI Herb'• lather """ _.,, lrom Ille ,_. l'IOIM and PIYll Illa aon "' unwel-come VWt. (A) 12:a0 8 QI LATa MQH't' WITH DAVID l.ETTIMIAH au.ta. llvM CiMlfl from malfMand cnina. maglclen Harry .,.,._,, ·=-••• "Herculaa" (11161) St""* .......... l)'llla Koac:i- na. The aon of Z4MI• f~ hll lmmorUllty tor the IOW of IM PrlnrMI of Jolco. I~ LANQUAGE (C)MOVIE * * "8"-. an-On The Bixby Boyt" ( 11711 Mont. Martlham. A lour· ~oUler !amity ol cattle ru.ttar• Ind '""' lathef Cfllller'OI tha tocal deputy to I ~ lflOOtOYI at the old conar. 'PO' 1U>. Cl) MOQ ouo McCloud cllacowrl 11111 ,.,. het .. • .. to • mlllOn dollr COfllPiracy. (Al 1:00. a.tOVll * • * ~ "Oodtworth" ( 1t3e) w ..... Hl.llloll. Ruth Cllatterton. • MOVIE *. "Ooornwatdl" (1172) ..,, ..,_, Jud)' ~ .MOVIE *'** "All That Jazz" (1971) Roy SclMlcMr • .-.. alca Lange. The tumult11- --of• pr~ olloNogrllPftar .. folow9d from IUCOtll on the llage to 1191'-* cr1Ma 'A' CZ)MOVll •• * ''The Sin" ( 117111 AtwM HeywOOd. Oona6d P1111tnce. A repretlld K1n1H Rhootlaacllar de¥llope • traumatic: , ..... llOnehf9 wlttl • lldletto ,_ "°'· 'l'I' 1:10• MOVll **'A "Say Ooodbye, Magote Cola" 111121 SuMn Hayward. °"'"' MoGM\. A r9Cllltly -Md- owed doc1or IOfgttl 1111 ltoubfll and grtef wtlen "" ~ lnvol¥ecl with a l'C1#IQ gff1 ~ to be a doctor. ~= • • "Ttia Hollywood Knlgtitl" ( tHO) Aober1 WWII, Tony o.nza. On Hel- lowalrl ..,. In 1"6. • r~ llloft achoOI gang --· lle¥oC In ._,,, Hilla to ..,,.,. Iha doalnQ of "*' hanOOU1 by the '°°" "°'"' °""'*' ""°°" etton. 'A' (J)MOYll * • 14 "Nighthawk•" ( 1111) l)'lveat• 8tall0ne. 11111Y 0.. Wltllama. A tough New y Oftl City oop '* "" WOt1I "'' out fOf him when one Of tM world'• moe1 dangerou• terrorlt11 arrt¥ea In hit city 'R' 1:t0eaN1W1 2:00 CC> AU.MOM In Ulla behind~ documentary tpaclal, llf tit tnllllCal groupe ol the 80'• ar• O''""'° together to perlorm one lllttlme 2:IO • MOVll! * * "Fireball" ( 1tee) RJc:n. ard Harr1'0n. WandlU Ouida. Art American 10Y II ~ to reolace •ad- en11tt ~ wu pen ol an lntern11lonal coalltlon worlllng on an lme>Oftanl petrOllUm pro)ect. l:40 •• NIWI 2:41 CB> MOVll • * ~ "Nlghthawltl" (tH11 B~er Stallone. Biiiy 0.. Wlllaml. A lough New Yortl City cop 1111 hie wort! out out for him wMn one ol the world'• rnoe1 dangaroua terrorl1t1 arm.. In Ille dty. 'A' CZ)MOVll * * * ~ "Za.zje" (1te01 Cath•rlne D•mongeot. Ptlltip9e Nolret. 'An ,,. year-old girl from the ptO¥· Inell IP'ftd• "' •itcltlng ..-anc1 In Par1a wltJ\ her tr""""""' undl. 2:.IO (I) MOVIE • • ''Twa1¥1 Plue One" Sharon Tall.A ~oung woman -en.a thrM countrlel tor a c:tMlir that c:ontalna • greet fortune. .... a:oo• MOVIE * * "PawnM" ( 11157) OeOfge MontgOmarY. l.ole Albrlghl A wfllt• man r-.cl by p--"'°""' •xper1encli IOylfty °°"" Mete. -~~Of ~ "Vlllt« From Thi Gt-·· Art Amll1Cln hair-wf'IO wu lrwoN9d In a murder ~ con-AllOICI tllat 1M Vlc:tlm'• ghOet ...... 1:1• a':;:::· **"' "l'ootllept" (1172) Alcfllrd Cf'anna. ~ Pettet. A "do-or-die" tool· bell COldl .. hired by • lfNll oolage to ~ up ttat~ Ml(C)MOVIE • * • "Julll And Jim" (1H11 Jeanne Moraau. o.kar Warn« !ti pr• World War II Franoa. a carefrM young woman to¥ea two men ~ •• Cloaa lnandl Ind retua. to olve llP """' one 4:00.MOVll ••>A "8uttln' LooH" (1Nt) AicNrd flryof, ~ ly Tyeon. A bumbllng bur· glar. a concerned ICtloolteadler and eight Chlldren mall• a f~ Ing cr-.-try trip In a brOkan-down ldlool butl. 'A' 4(11 CJ) a.tOVll * * * "Modern Aomanca" ( 11111 Al bar I 8rooll1 • JOHN DARLING Qlf ender paroled on tv· tonight ri1m depicts pri&0n life and stacked deck on the outside RUFFEtL'·S at Jeut M much as they'll trull anybody with a btidae. ~m~~BEBG bein& WOl"le. UPHOLSTllY I qt II ..... ttU ..._IOI IUD. CORAMH.t.-1 ... ttU.: KlllfW)lll ....... A ... 1111« ttlM r ........... . Wiii .,,. .......,, of ... WOfllall lie lowl. .... .-.(H)MOYll **"Up TN~· ONOI !WI LAlllMM. ler· befe tectl TM Wet· ........ ~ .. w ..... o ..-.,y A-. 'fft .. "° mMdl IOt IM -~lilt* llWOlltd ....... dO. 'Wl'INlll TO THI IOm>M °'THI llA "The l..n~ MM" • MIMION: IWCH•LI TM IMP n1111C r-. I rMI of r.cordlnO wire ~·~Wllf• ,., . .,,~. (l)MOVll •• "lwtnotno a..IMd· we" Jo Jot!Mton, ~ 0emp A JNnlllm. ,.,,. • 1n1111r..-IN rri• Of • college clleerteedlng tqued to •11POM the .. PIPllatlon ol th• CllMrlead«t by the loot· bell IMm 'A' Wrdnr•da11'• Day•,,..., 1tlot7lr• -MORtlNG- 8:00 ® * *"' "Hol La.d Nici Cold ,,..... ( 1171) Jim Dale, Don ~ti 111 The Old Wast, twin brother• - one rougtl ·n· tough, Ille Oll\lr • clty-bracl mllqu9- toaat -compel• In • grueling c:ontaal to - wllO wlll lnllerll their father'• tortune. ·o· CJ) •*'A "Thi Hiide Bomb" ( tNOI Don AOame • Syt\11111.flllal. Sacret agent ........... ltnart ,_ hll ,,,_, danglrOUI adverMry In an arctwllaln wf'IO p&ana to launc:fl mlalllea that wll dllfooe 1111 entlf• human population 'PG' g * * "Force~ Sftr· ~ .. (1H1) Anlmatao. An .,.,,.,., ol lltua robotl band togelher to defend Earlfl against • force of a11er1~·0· CZ) * * * "Oh Gocll 8ooll 11" ( 1MOI OeOfge &utna, ~~ .. Goel ra1urn1 to Eat1h end c:noc.. Ille~~ ... of .,, advertlalng ·- utlW to apraed 1'111 -!!f9 to IN W«td 'PO' t:OO~*** "ABBA The Movie" ( 1171) A88A. A hapllM dlac jodlay tan• cloualy PUtlUH Ill• ranownacl 8wedltll ""* group .. they ting 11 of thtlr hlla. Including. "Dancing Queen, .. "Watettoo," "8 O.S " and "Fernanelo .. ·o· e:ao e * * "New Fronll•" ( 1131) Jolvl Wayne. Al)' Corrigllll Thi~ ttep In 10 """ • group of Mttlatl cMf«ld "*' prop. erty rlghll agalnlt greedy landgr.obarl t:11 CZ) * • *It "Zu.11" ( 1MO) Catherin• Oemono•ol, ~ Nc*et Art 11· yeiat-Old glff from the PfOY• Incle apanda 1111 ncjll"lg ..-.nc1 In Pana with her lranlllleallte unda. 10:00 CJ) • * 'h "Mr Buddwlng" (111181 JamH Garner. Suzanne Pl•htlla. An arnnn1ac -~ hie memory lor -. to hll ldenUty aided by flaellng racollactiof'8 of "" aaaod-1110n1 with dllleran1 ..,,,,...._ 11:00 CC *·* * "The Soft Skin" ( 1"4) Franoolae DOfteac. Jearl Oaaally A mlda. dUI bullll-'• mar· rlaga ~ wtltn ha bacomla ln"'°""9d In • lllef\11 llalaon with an air· llna .....,dell. g ***"I a.it A Letter To My Love" ( 111111 Simone Slgnortt, Jear't Rocl*Of1 1' m~lgad _.,, ~ "" apent . moet of her adull ... Cir• Ing tor her ln¥alld brother deddaa lo wrMe • letter to • ,....,.,,., IOnll)' ""'1• colurM 'PG' CZ) * * ,,. ''The Harrad Experlrnant" t1973) .i.,,,. Whitmore. Tlpclf Hadten. A college oacldll IO "1c:orpo. rate a COllfll on MXUll relattone and lntlrnecy In OW YORK -With thlt aeuon'• .. o1 crtme flabwa munc pn.on. 1n ~ ttm., CBS1r1ett1111 IOml offen- The movie makes J immy, played sym_pathet.k:allx_ b~~Mark So- per, a crlm1nal aoftle w~• sweet on a Youn1 airl She pJedae9 to remain faith-ful wlUle be•1 In jlrilon ... Parole'' II aet ln she reel t.t..chueet11 CortecUonal ln- The world isn't welcomlna Jimmy with open arm1. Hl1 1trl f r{end haa pown..up-ud aw~ of ..U •-,.----------4 further dlmln.llhed by the attitude of proepec:tlve 'emp)oyera reluctant to rWl t on perole. The aMmy llde of tory a. covered tonlpt at 9 on 1 In 'Twollt." Ulm, carryln1 the =t•l· -.... t'-"'edamllllalt edviilary, brutally pri- .. Uf• and the 1tacUd deck ... rma cal1 • TM moral ._. 11 tt.t cbG6cm -..::=.:;;::..-::: ~jMll~ Y•-M .,. .......... ,._, Meeullak. ... .. .. Iii& .... Gftlalr. i-n. ...a .......... nth." . ~:,:.t::1t :-· ir:l ~ Mb ......... 111=• .. hit -9*pallC .. .....,. Ila r O';llll.a...,..._ IRJ 111rr AllJ/Jr *'Ill Ml• IM, .Utute at W~le. But JimmY'• nalw noaom •~t prt- .., life we.lhmttend whln ht'a llJC\l8lly abwed by a plillon pna. Be won't ln· form lhe ~ ~ lt would only 1Dfwiate the w ... wbo blvw UttJe ln· -.aw to be cin FOCI beUV6or. The lm-t Im_. .. that lhe .... WOUidn't 8blltDlllllplt:= ~'11111111•for ... al· .., ua,.. ,..,._ After ooevtnctac the .... ., ........... _ ...... ..... .... ·~~ .. vhWtlhhll..,. = rie· 0.-an baavUr • al,,.._.. .............. atwf•anoe J&mrily'a NJK!tation. "Parole' takft the narrow ~\Ion that &.ht dilWUll6onid -~ hie )lit \'WO aou.rc. ol 1Upport: the crirn1naJ element, whJch pny1,on bll ~ty. or the ~ oftlDlr, whO C9ft ~ I.he a-eon ride out I.he hard tbDel md fcne him to cMalwttb~ty. Andy la the rl1b& man f« tbe Job, .... he undlnlWh .... .,_. clollD't ~the • ._ for tM ~ fU· ............................... a.adlnlie Wlao mllFMI in hll pll'al1• ..... ..... .., .. "··-,..,. ., ... , ... ~~ blend if ....... -=..,_ ...... ................... ~--.-..; Af\er 111, th• TY trl•lul el111 ef • • .... will .. -"" ....... ,..., • ,., ••• ,,.. ... !Ma -... ,..,...,.. .,_. -••••"a.. ....... IMW' (1MO) Mal ,_.. llflt.~~.A-Of ............... .. ,,,..... ......... .... tr...we INrlM ...._ wMt•*'tlN~ OOM. ........ ...,..,...,. nc.. , ...... (1'71) .... lactu, llton LalllniM. .._.on lh9 nowt by Kwt Vonn .. 111 Jr. A "'"' llllOOllMll'• -• middle-........ ., .. .. .... IOt~­IN ""-1cen ~ • **"'"Hero'• lllend" ( 1N21 JaMll rMeofl. Mw- lle •and In Iha 1700e, • plrlle and • '°"'* ...,,. ~ lO .... "'IMnd off VII CllrcMlnel ttom 11111ne 14 mt OOllllOI of a pelt Of l!_tedy broNfL CH)~·.* "Qlel'' (IMI) M-1ce a-91111, Lella 1 Caron. A IOl'l\bOy belftO 'Jf oomad by "" Nit Md ~her .... out Oii her OWft fO '*"". -· CJ) • • * "Sllr CrlllY' ( 1NO) Alc:nltd Pryor, Otfl9 Wiider Two rN11 are,.._ taken for .,_,. r0bber1 and Nnl to 191f. 'A' 12:11 CZ) * .... "lftogurl ~ llin" ( tN 1) T Ol'nllabllto Wakaye ma. M111111ro T omlllewa. A former lllOo 11'111 ......,, whO -~-~ofhll poallJon by • """'"' Olan Of aplaa -to .- bk>Ody r~ 'R' 1:00 cc * .... ~ ... "'-'' (tt n) P.w Fonda. SIMM Saini .1-. Wiien • countrw--we111rn alnger ...... "" ~. Ill -~ lrlH dHP•ral•I)' 10 re1r11v1 hi• record lnt figllll ..... bafllinO tM police ·pa· 2:00 e * * • ''> "Doctor~ oo' 111651 °"* Sharif, Geraldine ~. Two IO¥et I llruggle amldet Iha tplf tt and j)MllOflt of Ille Al..i.n AeivoMJon CD • * 'Horne Mcwlea" ( 11801 11.altll OotdOn. Klt1I OouglM A~ llm ·~ dent aullert from a badOlflng laec:fllr and .,, ettractlOn to hll brot!W"• fl8rlOle. 'PO• t=-CJ) • * ·~ "Huoo The HIO-po" (11781 Animated, V<** of Burl Ivel, Peul LYl"'9 A pink ~ mua tall• an adventlKoua lr1p. accorftC*IAed by .... tie b6act1 boy 'PO' hlO • * * "Why Would My· -Want To IOI A Nlca Olr1 Uke You?" I tteel Eva Renzi. OeWI Bud!. Whlle on ¥1Catlon, • beelltlful girl ta vtctlmlzed by terrllytn(I tt1.amPU on 1111 lie t:ao ® * * "Nobody'• p.,. ...... (11811 Gabe l<aplan, Alea 11.arraa Ttwaa l#llk.., '*'*' Mt out to battle the ''° tape and ~acy of City ti.II 'PO' CZ) * * ''The~ F« Vultut•" ( 1171) Alc:twd Hlrr1a, ~d Aolindtr•. A NtN1M mercenary wf'O ~ Anw1Cen ...... copwa lnlo Atrlce during • i.romt -.. '*''° ..,_ 1 ftarce freedom f'!i'IW 'R' 4:00 CJ) • * .. The Shoguft War· rlor1. Oanguard Ac;e" (1981) Anlmlli.d A mywt• noua, maa1tac1 -11 c:llO-aan to ceptaln a ,_ flytrie ~to fight the glent -mshlnea of an tMI W#lord ._CC • * * "ABBA The Mo'fie" (1171) A88A A ~ dlac IOC*IY ._ cloualy purauH lh• renowned 8W9diah _.,., group .. !hay """ 11 of their hit•. Including: "Dancing Ou•an." "Wat«loO, ' "S 0 S " and "Fernando " 'G' 6:20 CZ) * • * "Oh Godl 8ooll If' (19801 George Buma, &tunne PIMNtte. God return• to Earth and cnooe.. the yauno d411.!0h- ~"' ~ Cll«>-utllla to tPrMd Ille ,,_. aaiga to the wot1d. 'PO' 5:ao • * * ~ "Thi l'rieco Kief' (111791 Gane Wiider, Ham. aon Ford A POllafl rMIOI llndl hlrnMlf lllYOIWd In wftd fronll• m!Md~ Lur• wl1h • dettno bank rot>baf wllerl lie tr..,,. to San l'ranClllCO to lllk• II"* a,_ oonoregatlon. 'PO' •